

Speaker 1
00:00:13 Couple years.
Speaker 2
00:00:07 Ago I went to see comedian Kamau Bell perform and as a part of his act he did something like a racial.
00:00:12 Roll call to get the crowd warmed up.
Speaker 3
00:00:14 So sorry about me.
Speaker 2
00:00:15 Saying black people in the.
00:00:16 House tonight there was.
00:00:17 Claps and cheers and he said.
00:00:19 If you're black in here tonight and you're.
00:00:21 Proud. I want you to.
00:00:22 Put your fist in the air and your black power.
00:00:25 And all the.
00:00:25 Black people in attendance with unison and.
00:00:27 With pride, they.
Speaker 4
00:00:27 Put their fist.
Speaker 2
00:00:28 In the air, they yelled.
00:00:29 Black power.
Speaker 5
00:00:31 And then he says, what about Latinos and the?
Speaker 2
00:00:33 Latinos in the house, and it was claps.
00:00:35 And cheers.
00:00:36 And he said, if you're Latino on.
Speaker 6
00:00:37 Here tonight and you're.
Speaker 2
00:00:38 Proud. Put your fist.
00:00:39 In the air and yell Latino prime.
00:00:41 Same thing.
00:00:42 All the Latinos and unison were.
00:00:44 Private with the fist in.
00:00:45 The air and yelled Latino power.
Speaker 1
00:00:48 And they come out said.
Speaker 2
00:00:49 Any white people in the house.
Speaker 1
00:00:50 Tonight and there was a few claps and he.
Speaker 7
00:00:54 Said if you're working here tonight and.
Speaker 2
00:00:56 You're proud.
00:00:56 I want you to.
00:00:57 Put your fist in the air.
00:00:58 You'll want pal.
00:01:01 And there was silence.
Speaker 4
00:01:06 Be with us as we offer up a prayer for the end of white supremacy.
Speaker 8
00:01:11 I want people to come into our country.
Speaker 6
00:01:15 In the largest numbers ever.
Speaker 8
00:01:18 An unrelenting stream of immigration non-stop, non-stop.
Speaker 9
00:01:24 We will come here.
00:01:25 We have been coming here and we will continue to come here in hundreds of 1,000,000 until indeed, Gaddafi said Europe will turn black.
Speaker 10
00:01:34 The theory of the great replacement is about demographic change.
00:01:38 It's about this idea that, I mean, they also use the language of white genocide, the language that, that, that white populations are shrinking ethnically due to demographic change and that through birth rate replacement there will be a shrinking and ever shrinking.
00:01:56 Population of whites.
Speaker 3
00:01:57 Some more news. The results of the 2020 census just came out, and for the first time in American history, the number of white people went down.
Speaker 12
00:02:07 As you see in some of these groups, especially the the, the, the, the extreme right wing, there's this conspiracy theory about the the the great replacement conspiracy essentially which which says is that the there's this great plot to replace white people with immigrants.
00:02:25 From other parts of the.
00:02:26 From other parts of the world.
Speaker 11
00:02:27 You know, the great replacement theory which says that white people are being systematically replaced by brown and black people.
00:02:33 Who are, you know, allegedly according to this, this false conspiracy theory being.
Speaker 10
00:02:38 Brought in one of the the challenges that that governments and communities across the world have to face right now is understanding that even if that's true, we have to find ways to to, to frame demographic change in other ways.
Speaker 8
00:02:53 Folks like me, who were Caucasian of European descent for the first time in 2017, will be in an absolute minority in the United States of America. Replacement conspiracy theory? Absolutely.
00:03:08 Fewer than 50% of the people in America from then and on will be white European stock. That's not a bad thing.
00:03:16 Had great replacement conspiracy theory.
Speaker 8
00:03:20 That's a that's a source of our strength.
Speaker 15
00:03:21 I think that for so long, the dominant culture has been white culture.
00:03:25 That, honestly, I think it's good that.
Speaker 16
00:03:28 There's other voices getting the chance to.
Speaker 5
00:03:30 Be the dominant culture.
Speaker 14
00:03:32 Great replacement conspiracy theory.
Speaker 17
00:03:34 Part of this greater America that we see on the horizon and that is arriving daily is just simply waiting for.
00:03:43 Old white guys.
00:03:43 Like me to die off, and we're gonna have a new.
Speaker 18
00:03:46 America. And you're OK, sane.
Speaker 17
00:03:48 Oh, absolutely.
Speaker 6
00:03:49 With a smile.
00:03:50 Ohh yeah, sure.
Speaker 19
00:03:52 They have they put forth conspiracy theories with respect to white genocide and the great replacement.
Speaker 21
00:03:59 This idea that this, this conspiracy theory really of white genocide, that there is going to be this great replacement as it's called of migrants from other countries replacing American citizens and here here in in Europe as well.
Speaker 20
00:04:14 I saw a thing that said a lot of men, white men were committing suicide.
00:04:20 And almost yeah. Great.
Speaker 22
00:04:26 Think there's a resurgence of anti-Semitism because at this point in time, Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural.
00:04:33 And I think we're going to be part of.
00:04:35 The thrills of.
00:04:35 That of that transformation, which must take place, Europe is not going to be.
00:04:40 Don't want to lift?
00:04:41 Like societies that they once were in the last century, Jews, I couldn't be at the.
00:04:47 Center of that.
00:04:48 It's a huge transformation for Europe to make.
00:04:51 They are now going into a multicultural mode and Jews will be resented because of our leading role, but without that leading role and without that transformation, Europe.
00:05:00 Will not survive.
Speaker 23
00:05:01 They have a shared fear.
00:05:02 And conspiracy theory, something called the white genocide or the great replacement, which says that Jews are the head of.
Speaker 24
00:05:08 This cabal ensure that we can get this kind of material before it comes on to the the the Internet.
Speaker 9
00:05:16 A conspiracy theory, that of the great replacement.
Speaker 7
00:05:23 Our country is changing.
00:05:24 It's a demographically changing nation with white people will no longer be the majority.
Speaker 6
00:05:28 Of the country, the end of white Christian America.
Speaker 25
00:05:32 Because the demographic change between 1980 and 2000 in California going from about 2/3 white to majority people of color.
00:05:41 Is the demographic change the United States is going through. Between 2000 and 2050.
Speaker 11
00:05:46 This false conspiracy theory.
Speaker 27
00:05:47 There is a major demographic change going on in this country. Whites are projected to lose their majority in the next 30 years or so by 2043, according to the Census Bureau.
Speaker 5
00:05:58 Where the demographics are changing, it's becoming.
Speaker 26
00:06:00 Less white.
00:06:01 They're correct.
00:06:02 It's changing.
00:06:05 White men are set to become or white people are set to become majority minority in the next decade or two, whatever it is.
00:06:15 And so, by necessity, that those power structures will change.
Speaker 28
00:06:19 I've witnessed massive demographic change in this country.
00:06:23 Whites are on the verge of losing their majority status.
Speaker 7
00:06:26 America has changed demographically.
00:06:29 White political clout is not what it used to be.
Speaker 29
00:06:33 Whites will will not be the major.
00:06:36 I mean that's it's an exciting transformation of the country.
00:06:40 It's an exciting evolution and you know, progress of our country in many different ways.
00:06:45 Clearly, there's, you know, among white supremacist white nationalists that is viewed as a a horrific event.
Speaker 28
00:06:53 This is not going to be the country of white people.
Speaker 30
00:06:56 White British.
00:06:57 Population has decreased.
Speaker 5
00:06:59 By 600,000, while the minority population has increased by one point.
Speaker 6
00:07:04 A million.
00:07:05 So yes, lads, we're winning, we want.
Speaker 31
00:07:07 You know, people say demographics are not destiny, where we're trying to.
Speaker 11
00:07:10 Make it destiny, which is, that's.
Speaker 1
00:07:11 The work that.
Speaker 26
00:07:12 We're doing and then.
Speaker 22
00:07:14 The fact of the matter is the UK is never going to be white again.
00:07:18 It's just not going to happen.
00:07:19 People can wish it, but it's.
00:07:20 Not realistic.
Speaker 27
00:07:21 White Americans will soon be a minority, and that's great.
Speaker 23
00:07:27 A lot of the the real craziness comes if you like, from rural white Americans who feel that they're losing their country, they're losing ownership of of the country, and they're right.
00:07:37 Meaning we are becoming more diverse, more multicultural, and they are, in the end they are.
00:07:42 They are, they become, they're they're they are not the future.
00:07:45 In the end the the power they still have.
00:07:47 Will go away.
Speaker 15
00:07:48 We actually there's a number of sites that suggest we shouldn't.
00:07:51 Be worrying too much about making white kids feel bad.
00:07:54 Because they get so much false messages about their goodness that it's actually kind of critically important for them, white guilt has to happen.
00:08:03 It's a developmental need.
00:08:05 If you believe in equity and you live in this kind of system and you're white, you're going to hit white guilt.
Speaker 32
00:08:10 So this morning the baby woke up and had some sort of violence in her heart.
00:08:15 I don't know what it was, but.
00:08:17 She has.
00:08:17 Been losing her mind all day.
00:08:21 And it's interesting because I'm watching her lose her mind.
00:08:26 And then I'm watching the preteen respond to that by.
00:08:29 Trying to make her.
00:08:32 And I have had to like actively tell him.
00:08:36 Stop trying to make her feel better.
00:08:38 Stop responding to her tears.
00:08:40 It's so interesting to see the conditioning of people responding to white girl tears happening so early.
Speaker 33
00:08:47 This little cutie is my son, Bennett.
00:08:50 As you can see, my son is a white male, so here are some books that I bought to help prevent him from growing up to be.
Speaker 34
00:08:58 Michaela is 1/7 grader at a majority white middle school. Her responses, according to our expert doctor Melanie Killen, could indicate A subconscious racial bias.
Speaker 7
00:09:07 Doctor Donald Moss is an author and faculty member at both the New York Psychoanalytical Institute and the San Francisco Center for Psychoanalysis, where he tells his students that whiteness is contagious, can be passed on.
00:09:19 By other infected people and that you are more prone to contract whiteness.
00:09:23 If you are.
00:09:25 So now Doctor Moss has published a report that calls whiteness a quote malignant, parasitic, like condition that enables the host to have quote power without limit, force without restriction, violence without mercy.
Speaker 35
00:09:37 I am, as a white person, a racist.
00:09:39 It doesn't mean that I'm purposely that my beliefs are purposeful and I'm doing things on purpose, and yet I can't be a white person living in this society and not be benefiting from racism.
Speaker 16
00:09:48 America has a problem and its name is whiteness.
Speaker 18
00:09:55 White people, how does it feel to be a?
00:09:58 I realize that I'm white and that I have all the advantages of being part of that.
00:10:05 Group privileges that I didn't.
00:10:09 Don't really think I fully understood until yesterday.
00:10:12 I was reading white fragility and like.
00:10:15 Oh, OK, I think I'm taking that next step in my journey to understanding.
00:10:24 What's happening?
00:10:25 What equity is about?
00:10:27 What racial equity is about?
00:10:29 What anti racism is about, and what racism?
00:10:33 Obviously I'm white and I check the box that I'm White and grew up.
00:10:37 I did. I grew.
00:10:38 Up in a all white school, all white community, I was raised to be such an individual and I think of myself as.
00:10:43 Such an individual.
00:10:45 That really in thinking about this video, I realized.
00:10:49 That I'm white as part of a white.
Speaker 36
00:10:51 Supremacy culture and I I want to understand white.
Speaker 37
00:10:54 Rage and I'm White and I wanna understand it.
Speaker 17
00:10:57 Well, I must say it's a close point.
00:10:59 I'm an increasingly embarrassed to be a white.
Speaker 14
00:11:01 Male these days and what a.
Speaker 16
00:11:03 All white people are racist.
00:11:05 So I put this up because I really want any white person in the room to know up front that this is what we're dealing with, that it's not going to be this coddling of white tears and what that looks like.
00:11:17 We're not going to discuss home.
00:11:18 Maybe some of us will work it out.
00:11:20 No, you're always going to be racist, actually.
00:11:22 So even when you're on your path to trying to figure out how to be a better human being, because I believe that white people are born into not being human.
00:11:31 Like that actually, instead of people of color and black folks being dehumanized, that actually everyone is dehumanized off with with their white supremacy.
00:11:40 That y'all are.
00:11:40 Born into a life to not be human.
00:11:42 And that's what y'all are taught to do to be demons.
00:11:45 So in this particular way, white people are all racist.
Speaker 38
00:11:49 Excuse me, I work for black lives.
00:11:52 I'm sorry.
00:11:53 I I work for Black Lives Matter.
00:11:55 I'm sorry that I scared you, but.
00:11:58 Since I work for that company, my CEO has told me to come out today and to bring you on your knees because you have white privilege.
00:12:05 So if they see that a white person.
00:12:07 Is getting on their.
00:12:07 Knees that shows solidarity for the situation, the situation and could you just please apologize?
00:12:15 For you know.
00:12:16 For your white privilege.
00:12:19 Just apologize.
00:12:20 Yeah, I'm trying to.
Speaker 16
00:12:21 Think of the right words to.
Speaker 22
00:12:22 Say because I've said that's a big thing.
00:12:24 To say that comes from.
Speaker 38
00:12:24 It's it's big.
00:12:26 It's so it's large in this country.
Speaker 22
00:12:28 I'm incredibly, incredibly sorry.
Speaker 4
00:12:30 I mean, first there were white settlers and they often used terror and violence to take land from indigenous peoples, but then the very first real terrorist cell in America, first terrorist organization in America, was made-up of white supremacist forces of the defeated Confederacy in the aftermath of the Civil War.
00:12:49 And their roles because.
00:12:51 They didn't like the demographic changes that was happening.
Speaker 37
00:12:53 Would it be fair to say, based on your expertise, that white people are psychopathic?
Speaker 10
00:12:59 I think I I.
Speaker 26
00:13:00 Think so? Yeah.
Speaker 39
00:13:00 And white people make other people think that black people are bad.
00:13:06 So that's why black people don't have power.
Speaker 40
00:13:09 It will white.
00:13:10 Person kills a black person is they call it self-defense. But if a black person kills a white person who says murder?
Speaker 37
00:13:19 So even the most liberal, well-intentioned white person.
00:13:23 Has a a virus in his or her brain.
00:13:28 White people are always innocent and their innocent constitutes their crime.
00:13:33 It is too late to be innocent.
Speaker 30
00:13:36 Realize the biggest terror threat in this country is white men.
00:13:41 Most of them radicalized right up to the right.
00:13:45 And we have to start doing something about them.
00:13:47 There is no travel ban on them.
00:13:50 There is no ban on, you know, they have the Muslim ban.
00:13:52 There is no white.
00:13:53 By ban, So what do we do?
00:13:55 About that.
Speaker 1
00:13:55 You know all of these groups of people.
Speaker 5
00:13:57 All the issues they face.
Speaker 15
00:14:00 It all comes from the same.
Speaker 6
00:14:02 People, white men.
00:14:03 So we need to get rid.
Speaker 25
00:14:04 Of them.
Speaker 28
00:14:05 Our our country should be more fearful of of of white men across our country because they are actually causing most of the deaths within this.
Speaker 6
00:14:18 Black power, black power, white lives do not matter.
Speaker 36
00:14:19 In one.
Speaker 6
00:14:22 White lives don't matter.
Speaker 35
00:14:23 When we say we wanna kill ******, we don't really mean we wanna kill.
Speaker 10
00:14:26 ******, we do.
Speaker 41
00:14:27 White supremacy is on track to destroy the entire.
00:14:30 The planet and black power is the only thing that can stand in its way and.
Speaker 31
00:14:35 Stop it.
00:14:36 And there's a whole generation, I say this, you know, I said this, you know, for apartheid South Africa.
00:14:43 I said this for my own, you know, community in the South.
00:14:46 There's still generations of people, older people who were born and bred.
00:14:50 And marinated in it in that prejudice and racism, and they just have to die.
Speaker 13
00:14:57 Ossie Frank Pong, who calls himself the funky academic online, recently commented on Facebook.
00:15:03 Some white people may have to die for black communities to be.
00:15:05 Made whole.
00:15:06 Some white people may have.
Speaker 7
00:15:07 To die, you stick with.
Speaker 16
00:15:08 Them and confused on why that's so controversial.
00:15:11 And I kill all the white people in the movie.
Speaker 41
00:15:16 How great is that?
Speaker 6
00:15:19 One idea is how we are going to exterminate white people because that in my estimation is the only conclusion I have.
00:15:28 Come to we have to exterminate white people off of the face of the planet to solve this problem.
Speaker 1
00:15:35 They're right.
00:15:36 They're trying to hold on to power because Rice has been getting.
Speaker 42
00:15:41 Random assaults in Manhattan, including a possible hate crime.
00:15:45 Police had released surveillance video of the suspect walking on the street shirtless.
00:15:49 Investigators say he attacked at least four people this month, three of them on August 4.
00:15:54 Teeth, a 58 year old man in Chelsea was hit in the face while the suspect allegedly shouted anti white comments.
Speaker 43
00:16:00 The chief said Mohammed also told officers he hates white people.
00:16:04 All three victims were white men.
Speaker 17
00:16:06 He always has got the right devils and will continue to bring destruction and wrath upon America.
Speaker 43
00:16:12 Postings on his Facebook page contain racially charged images and.
Speaker 27
00:16:16 Videos during the standoff, who said he wanted to kill white.
00:16:18 People, he was upset.
Speaker 30
00:16:21 About Black Lives Matter, the suspect stated he wanted to kill white people, especially white officers.
00:16:28 Bailey says at one point in the rant, the strange man threatens to kill every white person.
00:16:33 In the restaurant.
Speaker 14
00:16:33 Vandals who spray painted Black Lives matter and kill white people on walls, businesses and homes, according.
00:16:40 Witnesses, a large group of black teenagers rampaged through the midway late Wednesday, with several fights breaking.
00:16:47 Out and there.
00:16:47 Were several attacks that may have been racially motivated.
Speaker 6
00:16:51 A group of four African American men and.
Speaker 36
00:16:53 Women laugh as they strike the mentally challenged white victim.
00:16:57 He's bound and gagged.
00:16:59 They slice off his clothing and cut his hair until his scalp bleeds.
Speaker 1
00:17:25 Right.
00:17:44 When no white person come down, he white.
Speaker 5
00:17:56 If the goal is to dismantle white supremacy and white supremacy culture, then the goal has to be to dismantle white culture and ultimately white people themselves.
Speaker 1
00:18:34 Don't hurt, hurt, hurt.
Speaker 26
00:18:55 On their squad cars from North Hollywood division.
Speaker 4
00:18:59 She can't get.
Speaker 6
00:19:01 Whoa, what?
00:19:21 It's burning right now.
00:19:35 52nd.
Speaker 28
00:19:53 Dollar General.
Speaker 10
00:19:54 Looks like they.
Speaker 5
00:19:55 Know what you got, bro.
00:19:56 Let me see what you got.
Speaker 26
00:20:10 Right.
Speaker 44
00:20:10 It's broken.
00:20:11 We saw something similar happened earlier.
Speaker 1
00:20:28 Oh, oh oh.
00:20:52 Oh gosh damn.
00:20:55 Oh, sure.
Speaker 44
00:21:40 Our experience on the ground confirms this.
00:21:43 The number of open FBI domestic terrorism investigations this year has increased significantly.
00:21:51 According to an unclassified summary of the March Intelligence assessment, the two most lethal elements of the domestic violence extremist threat are racially or ethnically motivated.
00:22:01 Violent extremists and militia violent extremists in the FBI's view, the top domestic violent extremist threat comes from.
00:22:10 Racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists, specifically those who advocated for the superiority of the white race.
00:22:19 The March assessment concluded that the that the militia violent extremist threat, which is describes as those who quote take over steps to violently resist or facilitate the overthrow of the United States government in support of their belief that the United States government is purportedly exceeding its constitutional authority.
00:22:39 Also increased last year and will almost certainly continue to be elevated throughout 2021.
Speaker 1
00:22:52 Well, they got. Oh oh.
00:23:13 Others we have for forgiveness from our Black brothers and sisters for years and years of racisms.
00:23:22 Thank you.
00:24:38 Right.