

Speaker 1
00:12:01 We prayed day.
00:06:32 May you come home for now.
00:06:41 Way for you to come home.
00:07:05 Of sound a pack of cigarettes and some chocolates.
00:07:11 Hope you get.
00:07:30 My love, my hope.
00:07:38 Close to you.
00:07:55 Mine is always on your side.
00:08:03 Good luck for you.
Speaker 3
00:09:01 It all began one bright and sunny spring time right here in April.
00:09:07 Not really, because that's from an Easter stream because that's the last time I used this computer.
00:09:14 I'm on my backup backup backup.
00:09:17 The backup computer predictably or predictably broke.
00:09:21 I knew it would.
00:09:22 I just hope they would hang out a.
00:09:23 Little bit.
00:09:23 Longer, I'm not sure.
00:09:25 What the deal is with it doesn't matter.
00:09:27 I'm on my laptop that the last time I streamed on this was, I think Easter of 2020. So that's what I'm dealing with, but that's OK. We got even. So I've got a huge.
00:09:42 Huge stream tonight.
00:09:44 This is Devin stack.
00:09:45 Of course you're watching the insomnia stream Bean Bag edition.
00:09:50 And really, minus some of the animations, it's going to be just kind of.
00:09:58 Little plain Jane.
00:09:59 Just because, uh, you know, for the purposes of it working, hopefully it works.
00:10:05 And yeah, so this is hopefully going to keep working.
00:10:09 I'm going to keep an eye on stuff that sucks because I've got like.
00:10:14 I've got like a.
00:10:15 One tiny little screen to work off of.
00:10:19 And so I'm going to be tabbing around from.
00:10:21 Usually you have to have like.
Speaker 5
00:10:22 I have to.
00:10:23 Keep an eye on whether or not I'm still.
00:10:25 In the air.
00:10:27 And then I get to have OBS in one screen and then what I'm doing on another screen and now it's all just kind of crammed together.
00:10:34 So hopefully this all works.
00:10:37 Hopefully the Internet keeps working.
00:10:38 I'll have to keep popping in.
00:10:39 And making sure that.
00:10:41 That I'm still live.
00:10:42 Hopefully the mic sounds OK.
00:10:43 I didn't really have a, you know, someone in chat says working well, so that's good.
00:10:48 So let's dive right in.
00:10:50 Let's hopefully everything keeps working.
00:10:54 So one thing I noticed before we really get.
00:10:57 To the meat potatoes of today.
00:11:00 And this is I guess, kind of tied to what I noticed now first and foremost.
00:11:08 I notice that.
Speaker 5
00:11:11 Out of nowhere.
00:11:13 And maybe some of you guys have noticed.
00:11:14 This too and just see.
00:11:16 I gotta tab around and see if it is up.
00:11:18 OK, good.
00:11:20 Some of you might have noticed this too.
00:11:25 All of a sudden.
00:11:27 And maybe not all of a sudden, but pretty much all of a sudden.
00:11:30 A lot of people.
00:11:32 And I don't you know.
00:11:33 I don't follow like a ton.
Speaker 6
00:11:34 Of people but.
00:11:36 A lot of the people that I do follow.
Speaker 5
00:11:39 I'm not going.
00:11:40 To go through and and name a bunch of.
Speaker 7
00:11:41 The names but.
00:11:43 Some I'm going to play some clips.
00:11:44 I'm going to have to play some clips.
00:11:47 There seems to be a a a concerted effort to.
00:11:51 It's almost like people.
00:11:53 You know what it is.
00:11:55 I feel like there's a noticing underway.
00:12:00 You know, people talked about, you know, the the queue people.
00:12:02 Talked about the Great awakening.
00:12:04 But I think I.
00:12:06 Think the great noticing is maybe starting to to maybe a little bit little bit probably not really penetrating the mainstream yet, although the stuff with the FTX which we.
00:12:18 Are we are going to get into?
00:12:21 Isn't, isn't isn't helping these guys out a?
00:12:24 Lot of people are starting to notice.
Speaker 5
00:12:26 Notice something?
00:12:28 And you know, it doesn't help that people in charge of preventing people from noticing, like Jonathan Greenblatt at the ADL is saying **** like this, saying it's time for the Jewish community to take a seat at the table to use our power as institutional investors.
00:12:48 To ensure corporations are aligned with our values and don't fall for anti-Semitic and anti Israel pressures.
00:12:56 That's why we're bringing in.
00:12:57 Blah blah blah blah.
00:12:59 So they're they're basically just saying it's funny because his job is to hide Jewish power.
00:13:05 That's Jonathan Jonathan Greenblood at the ADL.
00:13:08 His entire job is the excuse me, high Jewish power.
00:13:12 And here he is.
00:13:14 Maybe because of the panic mode that I'm I'm sensing in these people.
00:13:18 He's talking openly.
00:13:21 About Jewish power.
00:13:23 So yeah, yeah.
00:13:26 But meanwhile, I'm sorry I'm having only alt tab around so much that I'm like losing.
00:13:32 I figure out like which one I'm looking at, OK.
Speaker 6
00:13:35 We're still good, all right.
00:13:38 Move the timeline over here.
00:13:43 You know, even people like this, Linus tech tips, you know, that guy on on YouTube, just out of nowhere tweets this out.
00:13:53 The Jews are not responsible for the world's problems.
00:13:56 Thought this was obvious, but.
00:13:57 Here we are.
00:13:59 Why is this? What? What is this? This guy's not even political. This guy does YouTube videos about motherboards.
00:14:05 And video cards.
00:14:07 And out of left field decides to tweet out something about Jews not controlling the world.
00:14:13 That OK, well, no one really asked.
00:14:18 I don't know what the what?
00:14:19 Why are you?
00:14:22 That's interesting.
00:14:24 And then of course, we get to this clip here.
00:14:26 Now I got to make sure my audio is going.
00:14:28 To work for.
Speaker 6
00:14:30 I think it will.
00:14:31 It might not though.
Speaker 8
00:14:34 Let's see.
Speaker 5
00:14:37 This might be.
00:14:37 Weird for a second while while trying to see.
Speaker 8
00:14:39 If the audio works.
Speaker 7
00:14:41 Secular Jews versus Orthodox Jews and acidic Jews.
00:14:45 No, it's not working.
00:14:47 Damn it.
00:14:48 Hang on.
Speaker 6
00:14:50 Ohh this could be bad.
00:14:51 I might have to.
00:14:54 Ah, because it's so annoying with.
00:14:58 Yeah, I'm on a MacBook like an old Mac.
00:15:04 And it doesn't like it doesn't like doing audio.
00:15:07 Hang on, let's see if we.
00:15:08 Can make this work.
Speaker 8
00:15:11 UM.
00:15:15 This might work.
00:15:16 Let me see here.
00:15:20 Audio output capture.
Speaker 6
00:15:24 Alright, we're going to see if.
00:15:26 This works.
Speaker 7
00:15:31 To him tend to be right wing.
00:15:33 Only the Orthodox and that his.
00:15:34 And it's not working.
00:15:36 No, no.
00:15:37 This is gonna be really.
00:15:38 Bad I got.
00:15:38 Too many video clips, worse to not work.
Speaker 6
00:15:40 Hang on a SEC.
Speaker 8
00:15:42 I can fix this, it's just going to take some.
00:15:46 Finagling, I think.
00:15:50 Here we go.
00:15:51 Let's see if this works now.
Speaker 7
00:15:53 It's the secular, I call them Gino's Jews in name.
00:15:56 Only they're not.
00:15:56 OK, it is working.
Speaker 7
00:15:57 Having kids this and that little, that little microcosm is true of the entire country.
00:15:57 I just.
Speaker 9
00:15:58 Can't hear it now.
Speaker 8
00:16:04 Alright, let me see if I can.
Speaker 6
00:16:05 Make this so I can hear it.
00:16:18 Alright, you're going to have to tell me.
00:16:21 This sounds weird.
Speaker 7
00:16:23 You look.
00:16:24 Secular Jews. Ohh ******* ****.
00:16:30 We might have to I.
00:16:31 Don't know if I can do that I.
00:16:32 Might have to re.
00:16:37 Let me try something real quick.
00:16:38 I know you guys can hear it, I just can't ******* hear it and that's.
Speaker 8
00:16:41 Going to drive me nuts.
00:16:45 Monitor off.
00:16:46 OK, hang on.
00:16:50 That's going to drive me ******* nuts.
00:16:57 Sorry guys, I thought I had this figured out.
00:17:15 Alright, if I can get this part.
00:17:17 To work.
Speaker 6
00:17:23 I think this might what I just did.
Speaker 8
00:17:24 Might make it work.
Speaker 7
00:17:25 So Dox, Jews and acidic Jews.
Speaker 8
00:17:26 OK, hang on.
Speaker 7
00:17:29 The secular Jews are mostly liberal, the Orthodox, and they said.
Speaker 2
00:17:31 What about?
00:17:33 I'm going to play this clip.
00:17:34 Tell me.
00:17:34 If it sounds like.
00:17:35 Look, I'm going to look at chat.
00:17:37 Tell me if you guys if it sounds like it's got like reverb on it.
00:17:41 And stuff like that.
00:17:44 All right, so here we go.
00:17:45 We're going to play it.
00:17:46 I'm going.
00:17:47 To play the whole clip, it shouldn't sound too reverby.
Speaker 7
00:17:51 Secular Jews versus Orthodox Jews and acidic Jews.
00:17:55 The secular Jews are mostly liberal.
00:17:57 The Orthodox and the Saddam tend to be right wing.
00:18:00 Only the Orthodox and the Hasidim are having kids, and they're having.
Speaker 10
00:18:02 There's a lot of good.
Speaker 7
00:18:02 A of kids.
00:18:03 The secular, I call them Gino's Jews in name only.
00:18:06 They're not having kids.
00:18:07 This and that little.
00:18:08 That little microcosm is true of the entire country.
00:18:11 The The Pro family.
00:18:12 People are having families, the anti family people are self committing ethnic.
Speaker 11
00:18:17 Side they are.
Speaker 12
00:18:19 That is, in fact, I'm glad you raised that because I see Kanye West and I see Kyrie Irving and they all have their right to free speech and and and then and then and then make some points.
Speaker 9
00:18:19 Murdering their trunks.
Speaker 12
00:18:30 If you pull back the idea that the Liberals push that the Jews are one unified grid or or or any semantics push or whatever, anybody that's actually study history knows.
00:18:40 Knows the leftist Jews, especially in Israel, are literally persecuting the Ultra Orthodox as they're called. Whether the Hispanic or just Ultra Orthodox and the Ultra Orthodox are actually voting like 95% Populist Conservative Pro Gun Pro.
Speaker 13
00:18:54 See this is this is you.
00:18:56 Guys are saying that.
00:18:57 The audio sounds fine.
00:18:58 All right, it's.
00:18:59 You know, I'm sure it.
00:19:00 Could be better.
Speaker 8
00:19:00 But it's good enough.
Speaker 6
00:19:04 I'm going to pump up the level a little bit.
00:19:07 This is the argument that Stefan Molyneux tried using before he fell into obscurity, and that is, you know, Jews are an ethnicity when it's convenient, but they're just a religion.
00:19:18 When it's convenient.
Speaker 13
00:19:19 You see Jews, Jews are these aren't real Jews.
00:19:24 It's it's the atheist Jews.
00:19:26 And those aren't real Jews.
00:19:28 Well, then why are?
00:19:28 They atheist Jews.
00:19:31 Why would you have to make the distinction?
00:19:33 Why wouldn't you just say they're just atheists?
00:19:36 See, they're lying.
00:19:39 There's they know there is an ethnicity.
00:19:42 They know that that that Jew as an ethnicity and as identity means something, or they wouldn't say ohh those aren't those aren't real Jews, they're atheist Jews.
Speaker 13
00:19:55 You would just say oh.
00:19:56 Those are atheists.
Speaker 5
00:20:01 Jonathan Greenblatt, who works at the ADL, is he?
Speaker 13
00:20:05 A real Jew.
00:20:07 He works at the biggest, most powerful well, one of the most powerful American Jewish.
00:20:14 Groups is he not a real Jew?
Speaker 13
00:20:20 And then they do the whole well, yeah.
00:20:21 Well, Soros, Soros, you know, he, you know, he worked for the Nazis.
00:20:24 He's not a he's he can't be a real.
00:20:26 Jew. They're lying.
00:20:30 They're lying.
Speaker 12
00:20:35 So this, this, this Jew bashing doesn't make sense cause actually study politics and ethnic groups and subgroups.
00:20:41 I mean, the Jews are a religious ethnic consortium, but but they're actually at in a bigger, bigger fight than Americans are over left versus right.
00:20:50 I mean, Israel is giving the Jews all the poison shots too, if they're supposedly the grand masters, everything.
00:20:55 Why are they not getting AA out on lockdowns and brutal injections?
00:21:00 No, they're being targeted by other Jews.
Speaker 7
00:21:03 And I also say to these.
00:21:04 People I go.
00:21:04 Hey, hey, wait.
00:21:06 Wait, so see you again?
00:21:08 Are there Jews?
Speaker 15
00:21:10 It's. It's this goblet meaningless.
00:21:18 They're trying to differentiate something that that you can't differentiate.
Speaker 13
00:21:26 Jew is an ethnicity.
00:21:29 Otherwise, when you went Speaking of Israel, Alex.
00:21:33 They couldn't give you a DNA test.
Speaker 13
00:21:37 You can't get a DNA.
00:21:38 Test to find out what religion you are.
Speaker 5
00:21:42 And you know this, Alex, you just finished telling us that you you've studied.
Speaker 2
00:21:45 Ethnic groups.
Speaker 5
00:21:48 You know all about it.
00:21:51 Gavin, you understand too.
00:21:54 You're lying.
00:21:58 And the reason why Molyneux fell into obscurity.
Speaker 13
00:22:04 His audiences don't.
00:22:05 Care if you're wrong, they care if you're lying.
00:22:12 I mean, they probably care if.
00:22:13 You're wrong all the time.
Speaker 5
00:22:17 But they care more if you're lying.
00:22:21 And you're lying.
00:22:28 Maybe that's why you you're finding yourselves having this.
00:22:31 Collab here.
00:22:34 Maybe there's not enough people going to Gavin's paywall website.
00:22:40 Now that Infowars has been banned off the face of the.
00:22:44 Earth. No one's watching that either.
Speaker 5
00:22:51 But maybe if we join?
00:22:52 Forces and and and suck a lot of circumcised ****.
Speaker 5
00:22:57 Some money will come in.
Speaker 7
00:22:59 Don't be so stingy with your hate spread that hate around.
00:23:02 That's wonderful.
00:23:03 Your hate.
00:23:03 I love your hate.
00:23:04 Spread it to Jeff Bezos, who owns the Washington Post.
Speaker 16
00:23:06 Wash your clothes.
Speaker 7
00:23:08 It's not the Jew, York Times.
00:23:09 Arthur Sulzberger is an atheist.
00:23:12 Ohh Arthur salzburger.
Speaker 13
00:23:15 Is an atheist.
00:23:18 Didn't you know the atheist is a an ethnicity?
Speaker 5
00:23:23 How come there's not an anti atheist?
00:23:28 Defamation league.
00:23:33 How come there aren't anti atheist laws?
00:23:37 If I deny atheism, will I go to jail in some countries?
00:23:43 You guys are better than this.
00:23:46 You're smarter than this, and your audience is smarter than this.
00:23:51 And they know you're lying.
Speaker 5
00:23:55 And this straw man of.
00:23:56 Oh, I like your hate.
00:23:57 I like your hate.
Speaker 15
00:23:58 Spread. **** you, dude.
00:24:00 This isn't about hate.
00:24:02 You're using their language.
00:24:08 You're using their language.
00:24:15 See these guys are talking specifically about about Kanye and stuff.
00:24:20 Kanye isn't even saying like he hates Jews.
00:24:26 Very few people are are just saying I I hate all Jews, you know indiscriminately.
00:24:34 It's Jews with their neurotic paranoia that say that that's what you mean when you notice that they run.
00:24:42 Banking systems, or I don't know, massive crypto exchanges that turn out to be Ponzi schemes.
Speaker 7
00:24:53 Stop ******* lying.
00:24:55 You're not Jewish.
00:24:56 If you don't believe in God, George.
Speaker 5
00:24:58 Ohh, you know what?
00:25:00 You're just stop being Jewish.
Speaker 17
00:25:04 Let's put a fine.
Speaker 5
00:25:05 Point on it.
00:25:06 I mean, there's different kinds of Jews.
00:25:08 There's reformed Jews.
00:25:09 There's a civic Jew.
00:25:10 Which ones are the real Jews?
00:25:13 They can't all be the real Jews.
Speaker 13
00:25:17 How specific of a Jew do you?
Speaker 5
00:25:19 Have to be.
00:25:24 Are you a Jew?
00:25:26 Do you believe in God?
00:25:27 I don't know.
00:25:28 Maybe you're an atheist, too.
00:25:29 You're part of that ethnicity.
00:25:32 Maybe you're right.
00:25:33 Maybe we should be anti atheist.
Speaker 7
00:25:34 George Soros not only is he an atheist, his father was an atheist.
Speaker 10
00:25:36 Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 7
00:25:38 Soros worked with the Nazis.
Speaker 5
00:25:40 Ohh there we go.
00:25:41 So let's work with the Nazis.
00:25:49 So he can't possibly be Jewish.
Speaker 7
00:25:53 This is not the Jews are not your enemy.
00:25:55 Elites are your enemy and elites, especially white liberal elites, have this bizarre genetic.
00:26:01 Especially white liberal elites.
00:26:08 Well, they're not the real whites, Gavin.
00:26:13 You can't say stop.
00:26:14 Stop it with all this anti white rhetoric, Gavin.
Speaker 15
00:26:20 They're atheists.
00:26:22 They're not real whites.
00:26:25 They're atheists.
00:26:32 Weird how all of a sudden there's an ethnicity?
00:26:40 It's ******* insane.
Speaker 7
00:26:42 Where they want to destroy themselves and that's.
00:26:46 Yeah, well, I'm starting to see that, that same trait being exhibited in in you.
00:26:52 So maybe maybe you are one of these atheists.
00:26:54 That you keep going on and on about.
00:26:57 And look, people are noticing and I understand why this that there is this frantic.
00:27:03 This frantic energy.
00:27:08 In these denials.
00:27:10 When you have someone as milk toast as Candace Owens.
00:27:15 Kind of.
00:27:16 You know, letting people know how things are behind the curtain.
Speaker 19
00:27:21 Prager, when I called him and he wanted to discuss the situation with yay.
Speaker 10
00:27:22 I saw.
Speaker 19
00:27:28 I didn't even let him get a word in.
00:27:29 I just yelled him.
00:27:31 Honestly, I.
00:27:31 Was I was very harsh.
00:27:33 I'll tell you what I.
00:27:33 Said to him, I said I'm.
00:27:35 Not playing this game with the Jewish community again.
00:27:38 Because people were starting to.
00:27:39 Say, well, this doesn't condemn.
00:27:41 Then she, too, is anti-Semitic. It means that she's also anti-Semitic by association. I said I'm not playing this game with you guys.
00:27:48 That's what I said to him.
00:27:50 I said you've wrongly smeared me and libeled me as anti-Semitic in the past you were.
00:27:54 There for that, Dennis.
00:27:55 You were one of the lone voices that stood up for me when they BuzzFeed intentionally pulled out a clip of me to make it sound like I was defending Adolf Hitler.
00:28:04 And I said Despite that, I was.
00:28:06 Gracious, and I was understanding.
00:28:07 And I made a mental people to help them understand.
00:28:10 What that conversation was actually about, I said, with the second time, the second time you guys are.
00:28:14 Gonna come at me with.
00:28:15 Smears at any time.
00:28:17 No, I'm not doing it.
00:28:18 I'm not.
00:28:19 Playing the game with you guys.
00:28:23 You know Alex.
Speaker 5
00:28:24 When, when, when, when?
00:28:26 Candace Owens is being more edgy than you are.
00:28:33 Maybe there's a problem?
Speaker 13
00:28:37 Maybe there's?
00:28:38 A problem?
Speaker 5
00:28:38 And look, this is the.
00:28:40 Same story we hear over and over.
00:28:42 And over again.
Speaker 13
00:28:44 It goes back.
00:28:45 Really, for, you know, ever since the formation.
Speaker 6
00:28:48 Of the ADL.
00:28:49 You know everyone remembers the same sort of thing happened when you had.
00:28:56 This was what, what year would this been?
00:28:57 This would have been like sometime in the 90s.
00:29:00 Right sometime in the 90s.
00:29:05 You had, uh.
00:29:07 Oh, what's this?
00:29:07 Fake God.
00:29:09 I can't believe.
00:29:09 I'm lethal weapon guy.
00:29:14 What's his name?
00:29:15 I told you.
Speaker 5
00:29:16 I'm terrible with names, especially when.
00:29:17 I'm on the spot here.
00:29:20 Just tell me that I'm not gonna.
00:29:21 I can't.
00:29:21 I'm not.
00:29:22 I'm not going to risk I I.
Speaker 13
00:29:24 Know I should know.
00:29:27 Tell me the name Chad.
00:29:29 Mel Gibson.
00:29:30 OK.
00:29:30 Mel Gibson.
00:29:31 Sorry, I've been.
00:29:33 I've been doing so much ******* research on FTX tonight.
00:29:36 My brain fried on on on crypto Jews.
00:29:41 So Mel Gibson got drunk and arrested.
00:29:46 And California, Southern California somewhere and some rich neighborhood got pulled over and and ranted about about Jews controlling Hollywood because they literally do.
00:29:57 They literally do.
00:29:59 And So what did Jews do?
00:30:01 Jews do what they always have done since the dawn of time.
00:30:04 Well, at least.
00:30:04 Since the dawn of the ADL.
00:30:07 They flex their muscles, the, the, the same Jews that don't have any power, right?
00:30:12 They don't have any power.
00:30:14 Somehow make it so you can't.
00:30:16 Make a living anymore.
00:30:18 And they kicked him out of Hollywood.
00:30:20 And when he came back, he did this interview.
00:30:24 And again it's it's it's.
00:30:27 This could have been last week.
Speaker 20
00:30:30 You tell me this has been your first.
00:30:32 Film for how long?
Speaker 16
00:30:32 What's 7 years?
00:30:33 Eight years, seven or eight years to start to be in front of the camera.
00:30:38 I chose to sort of walk away about eight years ago because I felt I was getting a bit stale and I came back with this because I just felt it was time to get back in the saddle.
00:30:45 Enough time had gone by and honestly, it was the best piece of writing I've seen.
Speaker 20
00:30:49 Some people, like people, are going to welcome you back.
00:30:51 And other people are gonna be like you should never come back.
00:30:55 Because of what happened before the remarks.
Speaker 16
00:30:57 What happened before that were attributed to me that I didn't necessarily make, OK, but.
Speaker 20
00:30:58 That were attributed to you.
Speaker 16
00:31:05 And and I I gather you have a a dog in this fight.
Speaker 20
00:31:08 Pardon me, I'm trying you tell me.
Speaker 16
00:31:08 Do you have a dog in this fight, or are you being impartial?
Speaker 20
00:31:12 I'm trying to.
00:31:12 Be impartial, I guess.
Speaker 16
00:31:13 OK.
Speaker 9
00:31:14 Well, I'm back.
Speaker 16
00:31:15 And I hope it works out and.
00:31:17 I hope people will graciously accept them back.
Speaker 20
00:31:20 You know, when I.
00:31:20 When I left that interview, I was mad at myself first to be honest, because I simply didn't initially understand what he meant when he.
00:31:26 Said do you have?
00:31:26 A dog in this fight.
00:31:27 And and?
Speaker 21
00:31:27 Interest in.
Speaker 10
00:31:28 This right?
Speaker 20
00:31:28 Then a few seconds later.
00:31:29 When I ohh you know what he meant, *****.
00:31:33 You knew exactly what he meant.
00:31:36 You're just a *****.
00:31:37 You're not used to anyone, actually.
00:31:38 Standing up to you.
00:31:41 And you didn't know what to.
Speaker 20
00:31:42 Say and and then a few seconds later when I did understand I didn't speak up and say that as as both a Jew and as a human being was really offended by what he said in 2006.
Speaker 10
00:31:44 What's your interest in this, right.
Speaker 20
00:31:53 And while there have been plenty of reports of private apologies and making amends, it never really seemed to me that he apologized.
00:32:00 As he did when we spoke, did it seem that Gibson contested the remarks like he didn't actually say them?
00:32:06 So frankly, I'm still conflicted, and I should have.
00:32:09 Audiences, of course, will vote with their wallets and their feet when the movie opens at the end.
00:32:14 Of the month.
Speaker 22
00:32:15 Yeah, being defensive is not the best way to handle.
00:32:16 Things sometimes, huh?
Speaker 20
00:32:17 I guess not.
00:32:18 I mean I.
Speaker 22
00:32:18 Know you know what, though in your when you sat in front of him in your but you didn't say, said more.
00:32:24 I think you you know what it.
Speaker 13
00:32:25 Yeah. Ohh yeah.
00:32:26 Well, yeah, by by being a total puss.
00:32:29 You actually were very brave.
00:32:32 By by by being a complete ******* *****.
00:32:36 When when the spotlight was on you.
Speaker 9
00:32:39 You were the big boy.
00:32:42 And look, you know this is this clip I recommend.
00:32:46 You know all the criticisms I have of Kanye when he talks about Jewish power about him.
00:32:51 Sounding like a madman.
00:32:53 I have 0.
00:32:54 Zero of those those comments to make when it comes to Minister Farrakhan here.
Speaker 13
00:33:03 He is the he's I wish Kanye.
00:33:05 Sounded like this.
00:33:07 If I'd be way more excited about Kanye if he sounded like this and I don't.
00:33:12 I rarely do this.
00:33:13 I rarely recommend that you.
00:33:14 Watch a an hour long video from a a black.
00:33:20 A Nation of Islam.
00:33:25 But in this case I'm going to do it.
00:33:27 I'm going to do it because uh, he's he just he, he.
00:33:32 He's exactly what I wish Kanye sounded like, and I pulled a few clips from this.
00:33:37 It's like.
00:33:38 An hour long.
00:33:38 Video that it's up on Odyssey if you look.
00:33:40 Up Nation of Islam, you'll find it.
00:33:43 But he he tells the same story.
00:33:46 This happened to him back.
00:33:47 In the 60s.
Speaker 2
00:33:48 So many of you, my brothers, who are former players.
00:33:55 And you've been so good at it.
00:33:59 And you've.
00:34:01 Know who your managers have been.
00:34:04 You know who your accountants have been and are.
00:34:08 You know who your agents have been and are.
00:34:12 You know who the owners.
Speaker 1
00:34:14 Of the teams.
Speaker 2
00:34:16 That you play on where this basketball football.
00:34:21 Yeah, I don't know.
00:34:22 Whatever it is.
00:34:24 You know who they are.
00:34:29 I'm saying to the ADL.
00:34:33 Sir, we we know you.
00:34:37 And we know that we know you and you know that we know you.
00:34:43 Don't talk to Carrie by himself.
00:34:48 He can go and.
00:34:49 Look at the horror of the Holocaust.
00:34:55 Why don't you come and look at the horror of what your parents have done to black people in America and throughout the world?
00:35:03 Why don't you come and study and repent of your evil to us?
00:35:10 Then maybe we can sit down and have a talk like civilized human beings.
00:35:19 And the media keeps.
00:35:20 Running at him?
00:35:22 Why don't why don't you say?
00:35:25 You apologize for.
00:35:27 This anti-Semitism.
00:35:31 You did the same thing to me.
00:35:35 I've tried to have meetings with you.
00:35:39 Let's dialogue about this.
00:35:43 You don't want a dialogue with me.
00:35:46 You want a dialogue with somebody that you know you can put down because of the power you have over them by giving them a contract and money that you can take from them.
00:35:59 If they say or do anything that you don't like.
00:36:05 Yeah. Lost $2 billion in a few days, you might wonder. Did he really have it?
00:36:18 And that is a good question.
Speaker 13
00:36:21 A lot of.
00:36:21 People haven't focused on this part of the interview, but I think this is one of the most.
00:36:25 Important aspects of it.
00:36:28 Kanye lost 2 billion.
00:36:30 Dollars in a couple of days.
00:36:34 Was it ever really his?
00:36:44 All these people.
Speaker 13
00:36:46 And look, this this isn't just.
00:36:48 For like Kanye, these are the people.
00:36:51 That are afraid to speak up at work.
Speaker 5
00:36:57 Well, I don't want to lose.
00:36:59 Like I I've I've talked about.
00:37:00 Yeah, I've got a relative.
00:37:02 Who complains that she has to go to work.
00:37:05 And they fly the the rainbow flag outside.
Speaker 8
00:37:08 Of our office.
00:37:10 And she finds it detestable and hates it.
00:37:16 But when I asked, well, how come you don't just quit?
00:37:20 Well, I don't.
00:37:21 I I I I.
00:37:22 Or or just why don't?
00:37:24 You say something at least.
00:37:27 Well, they'll, they'll take away my health care.
00:37:29 They'll take away my, my salary.
00:37:31 They'll take away my vacation days.
00:37:36 Well, do you really even own them?
00:37:43 If they can just take it away like.
00:37:45 That is it, yours.
00:37:53 How is your situation?
00:37:57 And I mean, I mean this I'm.
00:37:59 Not using hyperbole here.
00:38:01 How is your situation any different than?
00:38:04 That of a slave.
00:38:08 If you can't.
Speaker 5
00:38:11 Open your mouth.
00:38:14 And say.
00:38:15 What you're thinking?
00:38:17 Without them just taking it all away.
00:38:22 Is it even yours?
00:38:30 I don't think so.
Speaker 2
00:38:36 And you told me.
00:38:38 When we sat down.
00:38:45 We had dinner together.
00:38:49 In the home of the Jewish rabbi.
00:38:54 I went.
00:38:57 Others went.
00:38:58 I brought some of my people and there were two rabbis.
00:39:02 There was irve cups in it.
00:39:05 Great reporter for the Chicago.
00:39:16 And after we had a beautiful dinner together, we we looked like we were going to be on a page together where the controversy could stop.
00:39:27 But the rabbi said to me, this is this love fest.
00:39:35 That is near the end of the dinner.
00:39:39 But then he reached in his pocket and pulled out an envelope and said.
00:39:43 But this is tough love.
00:39:48 How ******* ominous is that ****?
Speaker 5
00:39:53 Yeah. Come down. Come have.
00:39:55 Dinner. Let's talk this out.
00:39:59 Everyone's nice and friends and getting along at the end of the dinner like a ******* mob bus.
00:40:09 Some rabbi takes an envelope out of his pocket and says.
00:40:13 Yeah, this is about love.
00:40:16 But this is about tough love.
00:40:25 The conversation that they all have.
00:40:28 Hasn't changed.
00:40:32 Weird how all these different Jews, some of them are atheists.
00:40:35 I guess they're not real Jews.
Speaker 5
00:40:38 Some of them.
00:40:38 Are rabbis.
00:40:41 Was that rabbi that was at that table that took out the envelope out of his pocket.
00:40:45 Gavin and Alex, where were they?
00:40:47 Were they?
00:40:48 Was he a real Jew?
00:40:50 He was a rabbi.
00:41:00 Was he one of these fake Jews?
00:41:08 And if he is a real Jew?
Speaker 5
00:41:13 How can he?
00:41:14 Why does he have all these connections with all?
00:41:17 These fake Jews.
Speaker 5
00:41:19 How can he make?
00:41:20 Good on his threats.
Speaker 2
00:41:23 We want something from you.
00:41:31 And they said, minister.
00:41:33 We have to watch you over a protracted time.
00:41:40 To make sure that you've changed.
00:41:49 We had just put out the first volume.
00:41:52 Of the secret relationship between blacks and Jews.
00:42:01 That's part of his book, where he wrote and documented.
00:42:06 It wasn't just.
00:42:07 Made-up, in fact, he later. I don't have this clip, but in the same interview.
00:42:10 He talks about how his book was.
00:42:13 Basically just quotations from Jews.
00:42:19 And that if he was going to be condemned and and be asked to condemn everything in his book as these, this anti-Semitic stuff.
00:42:30 In effect, they were telling him to condemn Jews.
00:42:38 Or maybe those weren't real Jews either, right?
00:42:40 Maybe those were just the fake Jews.
Speaker 2
00:42:47 And you all told me.
00:42:49 We want you.
00:42:53 To renounce this book.
00:42:59 Because it's a great calumny against the Jewish people, you said that to me.
00:43:08 You said.
00:43:10 To me, nobody that is deemed an enemy to the Jewish people is ever written up well in history.
00:43:26 You know you can troll much of the publishing industry.
00:43:31 So if you write the books.
00:43:33 Your people are heavily placed in the media, so when you all get ready to dog us out.
00:43:41 You call those in.
00:43:44 That you pay.
00:43:51 Then you told me.
00:43:57 That if I did all the things that you all asked me to do.
00:44:02 You would clean up my image.
00:44:14 You knew you dirtied it.
00:44:19 But I'm not going to beg and bow to you to clean up my image.
00:44:24 God is sufficient for me.
00:44:27 And God is sufficient for Kyrie and yay.
00:44:34 They don't want to be shown up.
00:44:39 They want to put fear into you.
00:44:43 And they do have power.
00:44:46 To hurt us.
00:44:52 And God has plenty of power.
00:44:57 To hurt them.
00:45:04 Wouldn't it be nice to hear at least?
00:45:08 Some religious.
00:45:13 Of our people talking like this.
Speaker 6
00:45:18 And why don't we?
00:45:21 Why don't we?
00:45:28 So anyway, like I said, this hasn't changed.
00:45:30 This is just something they've done.
00:45:32 For a really long time.
00:45:34 And uh, you know.
00:45:39 It won't change as long as people keep making excuses.
00:45:46 Keep saying that.
00:45:46 Oh, well, of course.
00:45:48 They're in positions of power.
00:45:51 They have high IQ's.
Speaker 5
00:45:54 They punch above their weight.
00:45:58 Now there was a video I shared on Telegram.
00:46:03 Less than a week ago.
00:46:07 That I feel does a fairly good job of debunking the the Jewish high IQ myth.
00:46:16 Even if you're only talking specifically about Ashkenazi Jews.
00:46:25 But you know, what do I know what do?
Speaker 6
00:46:27 I know.
00:46:30 So meanwhile, while that's all going on.
00:46:35 I wonder if this guy's.
00:46:36 A real Jew.
00:46:40 The guy with the man.
00:46:40 ***** on the left here.
00:46:47 Holy God, if that's not gynecomastia out of.
00:46:49 That that's a level I've never seen before.
00:46:54 Oh, you know, that guy's sucking down soil like.
00:46:56 No one's business.
00:46:59 So Sam bankman fried.
Speaker 5
00:47:03 His ******* name.
00:47:06 He's got a hyphenated name.
00:47:08 Both his parents are Jewish.
00:47:11 Sam's bank man like bank, it's spelled bank man.
00:47:19 And now that names got all kinds of irony.
00:47:24 But you know, he he was.
00:47:26 I've talked about him on the string too.
Speaker 5
00:47:29 New York Times.
00:47:31 Writing these glowing articles about.
00:47:33 Him how he had he's giving.
00:47:36 Hundreds of millions of dollars to the Democrats.
00:47:42 He's donating billions of dollars to causes.
00:47:46 Like global warming?
00:47:48 And COVID vaccines.
00:47:56 And I remember when I talked about, I was.
00:47:57 Like you know, this is this.
00:47:59 Is insanity.
00:48:02 This is the kind of **** we're up against when we complain that we don't have any power.
00:48:06 It's because we don't have any money.
00:48:08 And money equals power.
00:48:10 That's just the that's the way that that's the way it is.
00:48:12 And so it's.
00:48:14 Difficult to compete with a group that can literally print the money.
00:48:20 And that's precisely what Sam Bankman for I did.
Speaker 5
00:48:25 He printed billions of dollars.
00:48:30 And he gave it to our enemies.
00:48:37 And this is.
00:48:38 How they portrayed him in the in the media?
Speaker 15
00:48:43 But Sam is not a traditional billionaire.
00:48:46 Because he believes in the concept of.
00:48:48 Earn to give, which means his goal as a human is to make as much money as possible, just to give it away, earn to give.
00:48:59 And that's exactly what he's doing.
Speaker 21
00:49:02 So let's say that you have $100 and you want to figure out what you can do with it to help the world's earning to give is thinking about.
00:49:08 Which causes which charity saves the most lives per dollar? This $100 can go as far as they possibly can to help the.
Speaker 15
00:49:15 Last year, this 29 year old Guy donated $50 million. Next year he is planning to donate $500 million a year and next decade.
Speaker 17
00:49:29 He will probably.
Speaker 15
00:49:30 Give away more than $10 billion.
Speaker 21
00:49:36 The amount of good that you can do for the future of the world is is really large and it's way more than you can do to actually make yourself happy with anything.
00:49:45 Like that amount?
00:49:46 Of money.
Speaker 15
00:49:46 And he is funding everything you can think of global warming.
Speaker 21
00:49:52 To have the biggest problems that we have to.
00:49:53 Tackle together as.
00:49:54 A world.
Speaker 15
00:49:55 COVID-19 preparedness.
Speaker 21
00:49:57 We have to be ready for the next pandemic.
Speaker 15
00:50:00 Neglected tropical.
Speaker 21
00:50:01 Diseases more.
00:50:02 And a billion people suffer from.
00:50:04 Them we have to eliminate these diseases.
Speaker 15
00:50:07 And of course, animal welfare.
Speaker 21
00:50:10 Animals deserve to live just like we do.
00:50:12 It's also why.
Speaker 15
00:50:13 Sam doesn't need the money to buy a Lamborghini or to buy a Rolex or to impress his friends.
00:50:20 In fact, his car is a Toyota Corolla.
Speaker 14
00:50:24 Hold on. Where where's your?
Speaker 21
00:50:25 Car. It's that one there.
Speaker 15
00:50:28 That's not quite a Toyota.
00:50:30 Yeah, it's a Corolla.
00:50:32 Once you buy a Lamborghini.
Speaker 21
00:50:33 Then it didn't have any particular need for one.
Speaker 15
00:50:36 He wants to get rich in order to impact the world.
00:50:41 And change it.
00:50:49 So there you go.
00:50:50 He's just this great guy.
Speaker 5
00:50:52 He has billions.
00:50:53 Of dollars and he wants to solve all the world's problems.
00:50:57 And these are his parents.
00:50:59 Joseph Bankman and Barbara Fried.
00:51:03 They are both law professors.
00:51:08 And they're big into cashless societies.
00:51:13 They want to to get.
00:51:17 The funny thing is, the reason they want cashless societies is to reduce tax evasion.
00:51:24 They want to make sure they get.
00:51:25 Those gory bucks from you?
00:51:28 See distributive justice in the areas of tax policy, property theory, and political theory.
00:51:36 So they're proponents of crypto, so they can try to fleece the goyum.
00:51:43 Cash gets around that.
00:51:47 What could be?
00:51:48 What could be so bad?
00:51:49 I mean, look at this interview.
00:51:56 After my interview with SBF, that's Sam Bankman fraud.
00:52:01 I was convinced I was talking to a future trillionaire.
00:52:05 Whatever mojo he worked on, the partners at Sequoia who fell for him after one zoom call had worked on me too.
00:52:13 For me it was simply a gut feeling.
00:52:16 I've been talking to founders and doing deep dives in the technology companies.
00:52:21 For decade.
00:52:23 It's been my entire professional life as a writer.
00:52:27 And because of that experience, there must be a pattern matching algorithm.
00:52:32 Turning away somewhere in my subconscious.
00:52:35 I don't know how.
00:52:36 I know.
00:52:37 I just do.
00:52:38 Sam Bankman Fried is a winner.
00:52:40 He's a winner, guys.
00:52:43 But that wasn't even the main thing.
00:52:44 Thing, there was something else.
00:52:46 I felt something in my heart, not just my gut.
00:52:51 After sitting 10 feet from him for most of the week, studying him in the human Musk of the startup growing, I was in the smelly *******.
Speaker 6
00:52:59 Room that he that he was in with his bean bag.
Speaker 5
00:53:02 And shouting in between bean bag naps.
00:53:06 I couldn't shake the feeling that this guy is actually as selfless as he claims to be.
00:53:13 Oh my God, look at this.
00:53:14 Guy, look, he's he's just this normal guy.
00:53:19 Right.
00:53:20 He just wants to solve the world's problems.
00:53:23 He drives a Toyota Corolla.
00:53:27 Everyone's just saying how awesome he is.
00:53:31 Well, here's this guy from Shark Tank.
Speaker 11
00:53:35 In in managing the decisions on which projects to invest in, because I'm very fortunate my deal flow is insane, I see everything and I have to disclose I'm a paid spokesperson to to FTX and a shareholder there too, because we mentioned them and big advocate for Sam because he has two parents.
00:53:54 That are compliance lawyers.
00:53:56 If there's ever a place I could be that I'm not going to get in trouble, it's going to be at FTX.
00:54:03 See his parents.
00:54:05 Are these totally trustworthy?
00:54:07 I mean atheists.
00:54:12 They're compliance lawyers.
00:54:13 He'll he'll never get in trouble being a a spokesperson for FTX.
00:54:18 It's this great company.
Speaker 5
00:54:23 I mean, look at these investment offerings.
00:54:25 They've got we offer one investment product.
00:54:30 15% annualized fixed rate loans.
00:54:35 By the way this.
00:54:36 Is this is like classic ******* Ponzi scheme stuff.
Speaker 13
00:54:41 Like this, isn't this is exactly?
00:54:43 The kind of.
00:54:44 ****. Well that.
00:54:46 That most Jews, when they do punt Ponzi schemes, do.
00:54:50 They say there's no risk, just.
00:54:51 Give me all your money.
00:54:54 And you'll get this guaranteed return.
00:54:58 We can accept both Fiat crypto and can pay interest denominated in either.
00:55:04 We can take on another 200 million in capital and still achieve returns that beat traditional crypto markets for investors with specific risk profiles.
00:55:14 We are happy to discuss custom packages for investments of 50 million or more.
00:55:21 We're willing to discuss higher rates even higher.
00:55:24 15%.
00:55:28 High returns with no risk.
00:55:32 These loans have no downside.
00:55:35 We guarantee guarantee full payment, the principal and interest in forcible under U.S.
00:55:43 And established by all parties legal counsel, we are extremely confident we will pay this amount in the unlikely case where we lose more than 2% / a month, we'll give all investors the opportunity to recall their funds and we will guarantee full repayment.
00:56:05 This this sounds pretty pretty foolproof.
00:56:09 Well, like Jim Cramer, you know Jim Cramer.
00:56:13 Sam Bankman, fried doles out credit lines to save crypto institutions.
00:56:17 We'll get.
Speaker 8
00:56:18 Into that in.
00:56:18 A second.
00:56:20 He's the new JP Morgan.
00:56:23 You know Jim Cramer.
00:56:25 The guy that said, you know, people that weren't getting vaccinated were basically evil.
00:56:31 And and the government should force you to get vaccinated.
Speaker 3
00:56:35 Vaccinated people are not a protected class.
00:56:37 Unvaccinated people are the problem.
00:56:39 You know, if I take a flu shot every year, why?
00:56:42 Cause I don't wanna get sick.
00:56:43 Well, I mean I why not take this shot and.
00:56:46 Well, then the answer is the FDA hasn't approved it.
00:56:48 Well, what is with the FDA?
00:56:49 What are they doing?
00:56:50 Why is there just this kind of like, hey, you know what?
00:56:53 Let's just wait and see and let it burn out like.
00:56:55 You know in 1919 if they had this vaccine, it would have been mandated, like the polio vaccine, where it was mandated.
00:57:01 But no, it's this optional stuff that's causing the problem and I think the optional stuff is about cowardice.
00:57:11 Answer about calories.
00:57:12 They need to start for you know, good old Jim Cramer.
00:57:18 Kramer, I want to kind of.
00:57:19 Last name.
00:57:19 That is Kramer.
00:57:24 He's probably an atheist.
00:57:26 You know, here he is.
00:57:27 He's on stage with with Bill Clinton.
00:57:31 And Tony Blair?
00:57:35 You know, he's got to be.
00:57:36 He's got to be a good guy.
00:57:40 There's no way that this guy is.
Speaker 5
00:57:42 A scammer, right?
00:57:47 You know, Bloomberg interviewed him a bunch of times.
Speaker 21
00:57:51 We have, you know, a few billion on our balance sheet right now.
00:57:54 We are profitable.
00:57:55 We're in a relatively strong place from a financial perspective.
00:57:58 Want to be doing something that positive, like with the the making money part like like I I want to be good actors there.
00:58:04 Raised a few billion dollars over the course of the last last couple of years and we're profitable business.
00:58:10 Future, I think you know there's $70 million there at that that that we put in that I think I'm not sure ever seeing that 70 million. Again we have not used the majority of the cash that we have on our our balance sheet. We want to be flexible. We want to be in a position where we are you know looking forward at you know what we can be doing where we can be most helpful.
00:58:30 And where we can grow the most, I'm excited about a pathway forward.
00:58:34 I'm really excited about our leadership.
Speaker 5
00:58:39 So no problems, no problems, guys.
00:58:45 You know, FTX is a cryptocurrency exchange built by traders for traders.
00:58:50 FTX offers innovative products including industry first derivatives options, volatility products and leveraged tokens.
00:58:58 It strives to develop a platform of both robust enough for professional training firms and two, and enough for first time users.
Speaker 5
00:59:08 So if you're just somewhat getting.
00:59:09 Into crypto, this is probably the this is.
00:59:11 The place to be.
00:59:18 The the firm that that presides over FTX's financials has ******* Metaverse nightclub.
00:59:29 And they're in the metaverse.
00:59:30 What could go wrong?
00:59:39 He was the second largest donor to Joe Biden's.
00:59:45 Presidential campaign, which is weird.
00:59:50 Because here's the timeline of FTX.
00:59:55 FTX kind of just came out of ******* nowhere.
01:00:00 April 25th, 2019, Biden announced his presidential campaign 13 days later.
01:00:09 Called Sammy here.
01:00:14 He launched his FTX exchange.
01:00:19 Everyone backed it.
01:00:22 Anyone who is anyone said it was this?
01:00:25 Is the way to go, in fact.
01:00:27 Uh, that that?
01:00:28 Football guy, the sports ball guy who recently got divorced from Giselle.
01:00:34 What does that doesn't matter?
01:00:35 Sports ball guy.
01:00:38 Had something like 600 million or some crazy amount invested with it all. All the celebrities were backing this.
01:00:45 All of Media was backing it.
01:00:48 All of the atheists.
01:00:51 We're backing it.
01:00:56 And look, there are commercials to appeal to millennials.
01:01:07 You know, they have curb Curb Your Enthusiasm, themed their commercials.
01:01:12 Which again the.
01:01:13 Irony is kind of nice these days, huh?
Speaker 20
01:01:16 Like I was saying, it's FTX, it's.
01:01:18 A safe and easy way.
01:01:19 To get in the crypto.
Speaker 16
01:01:22 I don't think so, and I'm never wrong about this stuff.
01:01:27 Well, and he wasn't wrong.
Speaker 5
01:01:31 The one time.
01:01:33 In terms of FTX, a Jew is actually right.
01:01:43 Because what just happened a couple days ago?
Speaker 24
01:01:50 FTT ex boss Sam Bankman freed is begging for billions of dollars or a white knight to stave off bankruptcy of his cryptocurrency exchange, while tweeting that he quote effed up and should have done better.
01:02:03 The tweet comes after rival exchange Binance pulled out of purchasing FTX's non-us unit yesterday after signing a letter of intent.
01:02:13 Well, now reports our bankman freed is hunting around and in talks with a number of suitors, including Tron founder Justin Sun, rival crypto exchange OK Ex and Dan.
01:02:23 Lowe's Third Point as he looks to salvage what is left, at least at the moment of FTX the exchange suffered the equivalent of a run on the bank.
01:02:31 As customers race to withdraw funds amid speculation that FTX faced trouble from losses at its related trading firm, Alameda linked to the collapse of an FTX issued token called FTT.
01:02:46 Now this was in double digits just a few days ago. It is now at just $3.58.
01:02:52 Events, despite all the FTX chaos cryptos, are actually charging higher. Bitcoin is now up 1637 to a.
01:03:02 By the way, that's what I mean by printing money.
01:03:10 That's how they got a.
01:03:11 Lot of people's money.
01:03:14 They just made-up a currency and said, yeah, you use this currency on our platform, a lot of these exchanges do the same scheme.
01:03:23 Like Binance has their own little coin.
01:03:30 So he just printed money.
01:03:33 And people bought it.
01:03:34 They weren't just investing all their their.
Speaker 5
01:03:39 They're like they're.
01:03:40 Bitcoin and stuff. They were just buying his fake made-up money.
Speaker 8
01:03:47 And then all of a.
Speaker 6
01:03:47 Sudden it was worthless.
01:03:57 And then.
01:03:59 When he steps down as CEO.
01:04:02 They hire the guy from Enron.
01:04:11 Oh my God.
01:04:14 And they decide I want to go into bankruptcy because none of that we're trying to get bailed out from all these other exchanges.
01:04:23 Oh, there's supposed to be 0 risk.
01:04:25 That he had billions of dollars in liquidity.
01:04:28 In fact, I I didn't get this in here in time, but there's even a leaked e-mail exchange between his people and Elon Musk people where he's telling Elon that he's got 3 billion at least and.
01:04:44 More like 5 in liquidity.
01:04:47 In other words, cash on hand.
01:04:50 Not tied up into.
01:04:52 Some crypto scheme?
01:04:57 And Elon was like, this smells like ********.
01:04:59 I don't like this guy.
01:05:00 I don't want to do any business with him.
01:05:08 Then we find out.
01:05:10 He spent $40 million.
Speaker 5
01:05:15 On the midterms.
01:05:18 Well, where did that money come from?
01:05:20 He doesn't have any money now, but that 40 million existed.
01:05:28 Things start to get.
01:05:29 Even weirder, when you find out.
01:05:34 The Ukraine military aid, you know the the billions of dollars that that Congress decided to give to Ukraine.
01:05:44 No, a lot of.
01:05:45 That money ended up at FTX to prop up.
01:05:49 The Ponzi scheme that was funneling money.
01:05:54 To Democrats.
01:05:57 Here's a little graphic.
01:06:01 That kind of explains it.
01:06:03 So your taxpayer dollars.
01:06:07 So they go to the United States.
01:06:10 The United States gives it to Ukraine or more.
01:06:15 More than likely, some kind of a fiduciary, you know, third party that's controlled by all the same atheists.
01:06:27 They put the money in FTX.
01:06:31 FTX gives the money to Democrats.
01:06:35 And they spend that money on the midterms.
01:06:41 And this is.
01:06:42 This is a comment I've talked about this too.
01:06:44 This is a common setup.
01:06:47 During the Obama administration, you'd have when you had all the the big, too big to fail banks and institutions that were force Fed money.
01:06:56 I remember there was a a news report about Ford was like, no, we're fine.
01:07:01 We actually don't need the money that you're giving.
01:07:04 You know that like, remember, Cash for clunkers?
01:07:07 Oh well, we got it.
01:07:08 We have to prop up all these American car manufacturers.
01:07:13 We're create all these programs and we're going to literally just force these companies to take.
01:07:17 The money.
01:07:20 And Ford said we don't need it.
01:07:21 We're actually good.
01:07:23 And the DOJ said no, you're ******* taking.
01:07:25 It and they.
01:07:26 So they they took it.
01:07:30 But the DOJ would would would fine.
01:07:34 Some of these these banks like HSBC.
01:07:39 Instead of putting anyone in jail, instead of putting the atheists in jail.
01:07:47 They would just find them hundreds of.
01:07:49 Millions of dollars.
01:07:52 Well, the DOJ, they're not going to just spend that on.
01:07:57 On themselves.
01:08:00 Or lower your taxes because oh.
01:08:01 Look, we can fund the.
01:08:02 The department, now with all these hundreds now.
01:08:05 They said, well, now we.
01:08:06 Have all this extra money.
01:08:09 We're going to award this money.
Speaker 6
01:08:13 To nonprofits.
01:08:16 Nonprofits, anti white nonprofits, essentially.
01:08:28 FTX spent something like at least $70 million on property.
01:08:34 In the Bahamas.
01:08:39 And it's basically come to light that the entire exchange was literally just like.
01:08:46 A group of this.
01:08:47 Guy, this guy's like 20.
01:08:48 8A Group of his friends.
01:08:51 Living in mansions.
01:08:53 In the Bahamas.
01:09:00 Now their lobbyists has since deleted his Twitter.
01:09:06 Lots of people have.
01:09:09 You know kind.
01:09:09 Of slunk away from this as it becomes more.
01:09:12 And more obvious.
01:09:14 That this is a pyramid scheme for those of you don't know what a pyramid scheme is, here's a.
01:09:19 A good explanation.
Speaker 25
01:09:23 So Phil recruited me to sell these cards and now I am recruiting.
Speaker 22
01:09:27 You who is this?
Speaker 25
01:09:28 Guy again, don't worry about Phil.
01:09:29 He drives a.
01:09:29 Corvette he's doing just fine, OK?
01:09:32 Calling cards are the wave of the future.
01:09:36 These things sell themselves.
Speaker 9
01:09:37 Who uses calling cards anyway?
Speaker 25
01:09:38 You know what?
01:09:39 That's a nice attitude, Ryan.
01:09:40 I'm just helping you invest in your future, my friend.
Speaker 22
01:09:43 It sounds like a get rich.
Speaker 20
01:09:44 Quick scheme.
Speaker 25
01:09:44 Yes, thank you.
01:09:46 You will get rich quick, we all will.
Speaker 8
01:09:48 Do you lose a lot of money on that other investment?
01:09:50 The one.
01:09:51 From the e-mail.
Speaker 25
01:09:51 You know what, Toby?
01:09:52 When the son of the deposed king of Nigeria emails you directly asking for help, you help his father ran the freaking country.
01:10:00 OK.
01:10:02 All right, so.
01:10:03 Raise your hand if you want to get rich all right.
Speaker 26
01:10:06 No, how is this not a pyramid scheme?
Speaker 25
01:10:09 All right, let me explain again.
01:10:15 Has recruited me and another guy.
01:10:17 Now we are getting three people each.
01:10:21 The more people that get involved, the more people who are investing.
01:10:24 More money.
01:10:24 We're all going to make.
01:10:25 It's not a pyramid scheme.
01:10:27 It is a.
01:10:27 It's not even a scheme.
01:10:28 Per say, it's.
Speaker 2
01:10:39 I have to go make a call.
01:10:45 So the way a pyramid scheme works and it's kind of funny actually, the reason why I played that.
01:10:50 Clip way back in the day when calling cards were a thing, there were a lot of calling card pyramid schemes and I had a.
01:10:58 Friend that tried to get me into a.
Speaker 15
01:11:00 He was.
Speaker 13
01:11:01 He had.
01:11:02 Calling cards the what they were is there was this weird time before cell phones were really affordable.
01:11:11 So you if you made it like.
01:11:13 A lot of people have pagers.
01:11:15 But you'd have to.
01:11:15 Make calls on on pay phones all the time.
01:11:21 And also long distance was really expensive.
01:11:24 So if you wanted to call.
01:11:26 Someone in a state over or even a an area code over it was it was.
01:11:31 Kind of expensive.
01:11:33 So calling cards are like these little cards.
01:11:36 Look like credit cards that you would.
01:11:39 You would dial an 800 number.
01:11:42 And then that would forward your call to wherever you're calling and then you could pay a lower rate sometimes.
01:11:50 And So what they the the way these these pyramid schemes work.
01:11:56 Is the way like my friend was trying to get me into it.
01:11:59 I was going to.
01:11:59 Pay him $300.
01:12:02 To be part of his team, right? And then that would get me nothing. I would just pay $300.
01:12:09 So already the pyramid.
01:12:11 Is getting $300.
01:12:12 Because that money goes not to him, it goes to the top of the pyramid, the guy who started this company.
01:12:18 It filters all the way up to the.
01:12:21 But then if I sold calling cards, he would get.
01:12:25 A small cut of that.
01:12:27 And then the guy above him would get a cut of that and it and every went all the way up to the top of the pyramid would get a.
01:12:33 But the guy at the top would get the biggest cut.
01:12:36 So in order to make any kind of money, if you're in this pyramid, you had to have lots of people underneath you.
01:12:44 Selling these ******* calling cards.
01:12:48 And that's the only way you could make money.
01:12:49 So selling calling cards.
01:12:51 Wasn't this the way to to make money in this scam?
01:12:54 It was selling your friends the $300.00 package and making them also have to sell $300.00 packages to try to make money and and so forth and so.
01:13:02 Forth and so forth, right.
01:13:05 And at the time I.
01:13:06 I was young.
01:13:07 I was like, I was like.
01:13:08 A teenager and.
01:13:08 I was like, this is stupid.
01:13:11 But, but apparently lots of people.
01:13:14 Fall for this stuff.
01:13:18 And that's how Ponzi schemes work too.
01:13:21 Ponzi scheme is well, you have to, you have to. You have to give us money in order for us to make money and then use your money to pay the other guys that want their money. So like in other words, I tell you, you're going to get 10%.
01:13:38 On your on your $1,000,000.
01:13:42 And my system, my investment system doesn't actually generate any cash flow.
01:13:47 The only way for me to generate cash flow is to get more people to give me money and then I get their money. And then I give it to the people that I promised 10% to.
01:14:00 And the only way for it to.
01:14:01 Work the only.
01:14:02 Way for you to keep making money is to keep.
01:14:05 Getting more and more suckers giving you their initial investment.
Speaker 6
01:14:10 So that you.
01:14:10 Can use that money to pay the people.
01:14:12 That you've already promised some kind of return.
01:14:15 So if if you get into a Ponzi scheme, the key is get in really early and then get the **** out as soon as possible, because then you'll actually get the return.
01:14:26 Because they're still bringing in more and more people.
01:14:30 But the second they can't get more suckers.
01:14:33 To buy into the Ponzi.
01:14:34 Scheme. They can't make good on all these promises of 10% to all their clients.
01:14:40 And meanwhile, all these *******, and it doesn't matter if they're this guy like.
01:14:44 Sale I drive.
01:14:45 A Corolla, so obviously I'm not some High Roller. He he's buying $74 million.
01:14:51 Worth of property.
01:14:53 In the Bahamas, he has a private jet.
01:14:56 OK.
01:14:57 Like that whole propaganda film about him.
Speaker 5
01:14:59 Look, he, he.
01:15:00 Just looks like a normal nerd.
01:15:03 That was all that was all part.
01:15:05 Of an act.
01:15:07 That was all to hide the fact that, yeah, OK, he he might dress like a loser and drive a ****** car, but he has a private jet and a $74 million property in the Bahamas.
01:15:29 Now the funniest part about this.
Speaker 5
01:15:34 Is his girlfriend.
01:15:38 His girlfriend was supposed to be the one managing.
01:15:43 This this amazing product.
01:15:46 They would guarantee you these returns.
01:15:51 And this is his girlfriend.
01:15:53 This is.
01:15:54 This is a billionaires girlfriend.
Speaker 27
01:15:58 Yeah, absolutely.
01:15:59 Could pull it off without my math degree.
01:16:01 Use very little math.
01:16:03 Use a lot of like elementary school math.
01:16:05 Being comfortable with risk is very important.
01:16:10 We tend not to have things like stock losses.
01:16:13 I think those aren't necessarily great risk management tool trying to think.
01:16:17 Of a good.
01:16:18 Example of a trade where I've lost a ton of.
01:16:25 Well, I don't know.
01:16:25 I probably don't want to go into specifics too much with that.
01:16:39 So this is kind of funny.
01:16:41 All well and good tweeted.
01:16:42 This out.
01:16:49 I mean, Jesus Christ, that ******* chick.
01:16:53 This is uh.
01:16:56 We'll get that in a second.
01:16:58 Like imagine.
Speaker 5
01:17:06 I mean, I already don't believe.
01:17:08 He's a billionaire right there.
01:17:10 That's how I know he's not a billionaire.
01:17:13 That's his ******* girlfriend.
01:17:16 Maybe we'll get into.
01:17:17 That we'll get into the culture of the place here in a second.
01:17:20 You might ask yourself well if it.
Speaker 5
01:17:22 Was so obvious. How come?
01:17:24 People didn't see it coming.
01:17:27 Well, lots of people actually saw it coming.
01:17:31 There was this guy at coin base that saw it.
01:17:33 Coming and just didn't say anything.
Speaker 26
01:17:35 Scratch my head a bunch of times and I was like, where is this guy getting all this liquidity? Because he was like buying 9% of Robin Hood?
01:17:41 He was putting, like, a billion dollars into this.
01:17:43 He was donating to all these politicians and I was like, I it did not make sense to me where he was getting all this cash.
01:17:49 People just kept telling me, oh, his market maker, Alameda is just printing.
01:17:52 Cash like it's like, OK, I guess.
01:17:55 You know, it seems like a conflict of interest to own and exchange to market maker.
01:17:58 Why we haven't done it, but.
01:17:59 More power to him, I guess.
Speaker 7
01:18:00 You know back.
Speaker 5
01:18:04 So people, people.
01:18:06 Kind of knew what was going on.
01:18:10 But not they're not the people that the.
01:18:12 Atheists want to put on the air.
Speaker 5
01:18:16 You know all the the atheists.
01:18:21 Said it was fine.
01:18:22 It's good boy.
01:18:24 Put all your ******* money into this thing.
Speaker 26
01:18:26 More power to him, I guess.
01:18:28 Freed FTX.
01:18:29 I've been teeing Chhota is up on this a little.
01:18:31 Bit how does this guy?
01:18:33 How does he keep?
01:18:34 Doing what he's doing.
Speaker 9
01:18:36 When anyone tries to pin SBF down on where he made his money, you can't get a cogent answer and and in his trade you needed real money up front in the place on this country crypto arbitrage.
01:18:51 To make big money, right and.
01:18:53 Simple things as who financed you because you clearly didn't have the money and his partner is a guy named Gary Wang.
01:19:03 And no one can find **** on Gary Wang and he's on the board of Advisors of Sequoia and I **** you not.
01:19:10 You look up Sequoia stuff, there's a picture of Gary Wang of his back facing a computer.
01:19:16 There's no picture of Gary Wang.
Speaker 22
01:19:19 So Gary Wang is the same CTO or the chief technology officer of FTX.
Speaker 11
01:19:26 OK.
Speaker 9
01:19:28 And and, but there's a chief regulatory officer of FTX and his name is Dan Friedberg.
01:19:35 If you Google Dan Freeberg poker scandal, he was the general counsel of, I don't know if it was ultimate bets or.
01:19:42 One of those ME2 sites.
01:19:44 Where they basically cheated against players.
01:19:47 Then you take into account.
01:19:49 That SBF.
01:19:52 Is bailing out known ponzis and frauds in the crypto space?
01:19:59 Everyone who's gone bankrupt or is a proven fraud, and somehow through that Cartoon Network has painted him as the JP Morgan of Crypto which makes?
01:20:12 Absolutely no sense.
01:20:13 He's not the JP Morgan of Crypto because he can't sit there, look at you straight in the face and explain anything.
01:20:21 Nothing of this story fits, and normally in stories I can get five or six things.
01:20:29 That fit and.
01:20:30 Move on, but nothing here fits everyone.
01:20:34 Everything reads like this thing is a complete scam, and I think this thing is dirty and rotten to the core.
01:20:46 So there were, there were people that understood this, by the way.
01:20:49 So this is that Gary Wang here was talking about.
01:20:52 This was the photo of the the Co founder on their site on their site.
Speaker 5
01:20:58 Here's this guy who might not even exist.
01:21:02 Who literally might not exist.
01:21:06 It's like they needed a.
01:21:07 Non Jewish name somewhere in there.
01:21:09 So here's the back of some Asian guys head.
01:21:18 Now I don't, I don't.
01:21:19 I can't guarantee you there's 100% real.
01:21:21 But it reads like it is.
01:21:25 So this is what a someone claiming to be close to the situation there is, and it it sounds like what you'd expect.
01:21:35 I'm a source close to the FDX situation.
01:21:38 Sam warned the lives of his of many of his current and former employees.
01:21:45 Everyone FTX is shocked and disappointed.
01:21:48 They were all fighting for Sam until they found out what happened on Twitter.
01:21:52 Sam's inner circle.
01:21:54 Are the only people who knew what?
01:21:56 Was going on.
01:21:58 Many employees had their life savings on FTX.
01:22:02 Sam promoted FTX as a trusted bank, internally and externally. Bonuses to the FT x.com employees usually consisted of ftx.com stock and FTT.
01:22:14 That's their fake made-up money that he printed, so his bonuses would be like here. Oh yeah, this this fake ****.
01:22:22 Never forget.
01:22:22 So instead of real money.
01:22:25 Most of the employees kept their funds on the platform. They either direct deposited their salary or transferred it on to ftx.com the moment they received it.
01:22:35 Employees actively worked on products that made it easier to automatically.
01:22:39 Send money to FTX.
01:22:41 This was promoted both internally and externally.
01:22:45 In October of 2021, FTX bought out finance or bought out finance shares, which was promoted as a big win internally by Sam and others.
01:22:55 Sam and Ramnik gave employees the opportunity to invest in ftx.com for the first time at a 50% discount.
01:23:05 The limit to this was.
01:23:06 $250,000.
01:23:09 Which would be quote UN quote math.
01:23:12 With up to $250,000 investment from FTX.
01:23:17 This would bring the total to 500,000.
01:23:20 They heavily marketed this deal to all employees, so they're ******* their employees over not just, you know, all the randos.
01:23:26 They're getting money every anywhere they they possibly can.
01:23:30 And again, we know.
01:23:30 Where this money ended up?
01:23:33 Most saw this as an amazing opportunity.
01:23:36 Everyone from top leadership down to customer support shares had to be earned at FT X and No employees received equity when they were hired, employees were given two weeks to send money to FTX before Thanksgiving and FTX was relentless on following up about it.
01:23:53 See that means.
01:23:54 That they were in a they were in.
01:23:55 A squeeze.
01:23:56 They needed that ******* money.
01:23:59 Sam and others marketed this as an opportunity to make 100% of your money overnight and four to 5X over the next few years.
01:24:08 The majority of people invested more than they should.
01:24:11 Everyone believed in Sam.
01:24:13 Many have now lost their entire life savings because they saw Sam and FTX as a safe bet.
01:24:19 And they.
01:24:19 Believed in him.
01:24:20 Employees now fear their money has all been.
01:24:22 Sent to Alameda, now, Alameda.
01:24:26 Is his little foundation where he, he's.
01:24:30 He snaked a lot of the money.
Speaker 6
01:24:31 Away too.
01:24:33 On June 6th, 2022, Sam claimed he was hiring more people while others cut jobs on Twitter.
01:24:40 He went on CNBC to talk about this.
01:24:43 Sam cut 20 plus people.
01:24:45 The next day, employees found out that they were being fired when they couldn't speak in the slack chat anymore, they were removed individually.
01:24:54 1 by 1, Sam did not.
01:24:56 Fire employees directly because he's a giant *****.
01:24:59 As most of these atheists?
01:25:02 He only posted a message in the internal slack hours after the firing and more or less blamed the employees for quote not being culture fits.
01:25:15 Not a culture fit was a very common phrase.
01:25:19 Employees that disagree with Sam on things were very quickly removed.
01:25:25 Finally, one last thing that is not widely known is the power dynamics of FTX.
01:25:31 Nashad's longtime girlfriend Claire, was hired in January after living with Sam for months in a shared apartment in Albany.
01:25:39 She was immediately promoted to an executive and head of HR.
01:25:43 She had the power to fire anyone she deemed to be, quote, not a culture fit, and who disagree with Sam.
01:25:50 Claire ran the.
01:25:51 The show, day-to-day alongside Constance.
01:25:53 See, now you have got these.
01:25:55 ******* ******* in there that are just firing everyone for not being culture fits after.
01:26:00 They they steal.
01:26:02 Sam's inner circle consisted of himself, Constance, Nashad, Claire and Gary.
01:26:08 A few XL unit traders that joined FTX Venture team also.
01:26:11 Knew what was going on and that.
01:26:13 Was it?
01:26:16 So then what happens?
01:26:19 When we find out all these, so one of the things FDX was doing.
01:26:24 Is it was bailing out failing crypto and in some of these **** coins as they're known because they don't actually provide a service?
01:26:32 They're especially during like the the big Bitcoin boom a couple of years ago, like around 2017 when you know, everyone was buying all these random you know.
01:26:44 **** coins that did nothing.
01:26:47 People got real.
01:26:48 I at least I hope they got real familiar with cryptocurrencies that had zero purpose other than to take a lot of money from people and then exit, you know, in some cases.
01:27:01 The Dev team just vanished because they it was all anonymous and people just I don't know how they got listed on on exchanges, but they did.
01:27:09 They get listed on exchanges.
01:27:11 People were buying this fake coin cause every coin was.
01:27:14 What was you know?
01:27:15 Doubling in price, tripling in price.
01:27:18 Or more, you know 100.
Speaker 5
01:27:20 Times, you know X.
01:27:23 And so people were just buying anything they got listed it was.
01:27:26 Likethe.com.
01:27:28 Oh, it's got it's got tech in the name.
Speaker 5
01:27:30 It's got info in the name.
01:27:31 It's got, you know.
01:27:33 Any kind of technology sounding name on the stock market beforethe.com bubble pop.
01:27:40 Went to the ******* moon.
01:27:43 So this was the same **** any kind of coin that that got listed went to the moon and and then usually crashed down and burned because it was.
01:27:52 Pointless and worthless.
01:27:55 Well, what was weird was FTX was bailing out.
01:28:01 Known scams.
01:28:03 Like, not just.
01:28:05 Ohh, it's it's not a very popular coin.
01:28:08 It's not very useful.
Speaker 5
01:28:09 I mean like.
01:28:10 It was known in the community that.
01:28:13 It was a scam.
01:28:16 And he was still bailing out these companies.
01:28:20 Now, here's again, this is from a block Fri employee.
01:28:24 This is, I don't know if they were a scam or not.
01:28:26 I'm not familiar with them.
01:28:27 But you know, it's one of these companies that got bailed out.
01:28:31 The only reason FTX bailed us out was to get our user funds from their platform to use in their shell game.
01:28:39 They applied immense pressure to get block 5 funds migrated to FTX custody.
01:28:45 Employees were told by executives not to ask any questions about the move.
01:28:49 And again, this is the Ponzi scheme.
01:28:52 They would, quote, UN quote, bail them out with fake money, right? It was just imaginary money.
01:28:58 And then they would acquire all their customers funds and shove it into their their big draining money pit.
01:29:13 Then just the other day, or actually I think this was early this morning or about about 20.
01:29:18 4 hours ago I'd say.
01:29:22 FTX had a back door built into its accounting software by Sam Bateman Freud, which he used to move billions out without triggering alerts to other staff and auditors.
01:29:36 This coincided.
01:29:39 With a lot of headlines after in the FTX Telegram chat, one of the administrator says FTX has been hacked.
Speaker 5
01:29:49 All funds are gone.
01:29:51 And then the FTX apps, they have malware.
01:29:54 You better delete them.
01:29:56 So they were telling any customers that were still, I don't know, like I saw a lot of these delusions in in Telegram chats during the 2017 bubble when all these **** coins were going to zero. And you'd be surprised at how many people were like, were, like, still refusing to believe that they.
01:30:17 Just had been had.
01:30:21 What few people which are still hanging on to this delusion that their money is not gone, that FTX is going to come back somehow, right?
01:30:33 They're being told that their app, the only means they would have to to have a record of their transactions or or in in some way.
01:30:42 I mean, at this point I guess.
01:30:43 It's too late, but I guess you know.
01:30:45 Any way that you could try to get your funds back or anything like that, they're telling you to wipe it out to delete it off your.
01:30:50 Computer because it's got.
01:30:52 It's got malware.
01:30:53 You better delete it.
01:31:04 And then this tweet from Ben Armstrong FTX Almeida had a fail safe in case authorities were ever on to them.
01:31:11 The hack last night was an internal system meant to delete data and evidence.
01:31:16 Fortunately, even without specifics, I alone have enough to send Caroline Gary Wang, who might not even exist.
01:31:24 Dan Friedberg, and SBF to prison for life.
01:31:27 Yeah, we'll see if that actually happens.
01:31:29 We'll see.
Speaker 5
01:31:33 And then there were rumors.
01:31:35 This is just a couple of hours ago.
01:31:38 That people were training, you know, you know, these all autistic people that track airplanes using those websites that track air traffic and they stock Elon Musk playing and stuff like that.
01:31:52 So they were. They were.
01:31:53 Everyone was checking out the his private jet, which appeared to be.
01:31:57 Flying to Argentina?
01:32:00 So people thought that he left the Bahamas and went to Argentina, but it's again as of like literally like, right before I went live.
01:32:09 Who knows?
01:32:10 Because there's also news that Sam Bankman Fried and two of his associates are currently being detained by authorities in the Bahamas.
01:32:20 So we don't really know.
Speaker 6
01:32:24 We don't really know what the ****.
Speaker 8
01:32:25 'S going on.
01:32:30 That, my friends.
01:32:33 Is why Jews get mad.
01:32:36 When you say.
01:32:37 They're good at money.
01:32:39 Because they're not.
01:32:40 They're clearly not.
01:32:45 And they're so humble.
01:32:47 They're so they don't want to take credit for something that they're that.
Speaker 5
01:32:51 They're not.
01:32:51 No, obviously this was the whole this was.
Speaker 5
01:32:53 The whole game.
01:32:54 From the get go.
01:32:57 This was the gang from the get go.
01:33:01 They just didn't.
01:33:01 I don't think they expected it to ******* self destruct us this quickly.
01:33:06 My guess is the writing was on the wall, not just from these guys that I played clips from, but generally speaking, the Jew.
01:33:14 I'm sorry.
01:33:15 Atheist Media was well aware of all these problems.
01:33:21 And there's a reason why none of these problems came to light.
01:33:25 Until immediately after the election.
01:33:28 The election, where $40 million.
01:33:32 Went to the Democrats from this scam.
01:33:39 And and look, that's what we know about.
01:33:43 That's the stuff with a paper trail.
01:33:46 There's a hell of a lot more than 40 million.
01:33:48 Dollars that's missing.
01:33:51 There's billions of dollars.
01:33:55 That are missing.
01:33:58 And most of that money will not be recovered.
01:34:03 It's pretty easy to get rid of crypto.
01:34:07 Especially if you have a back door, the way that they're describing it.
01:34:12 That that evades any kind of auditing system if you're just directly interacting with the wallets.
01:34:20 It's not that hard.
01:34:21 To launder digital money, if done correctly.
01:34:27 And that money will.
01:34:28 Never be recovered.
01:34:31 Never be ******* recovered.
01:34:34 So the 40 million that's that's.
01:34:37 That's a drop in the.
01:34:38 Bucket in terms of what's missing?
01:34:42 And I promise you.
01:34:44 A lot more than that went to our enemies.
01:34:48 Whether you're talking about atheists.
01:34:52 Or their NGOs.
01:34:56 That money.
01:34:58 Made a lot of our enemies rich.
01:35:01 Or richer.
Speaker 5
01:35:04 And a lot of that money.
01:35:06 Was, you know?
01:35:08 Quite literally, and maybe billions.
01:35:10 I don't know how much of the Ukraine money.
01:35:11 Went into the FTX but.
01:35:13 I guarantee it wasn't a small amount.
01:35:18 And it wasn't just, you know, the Ukraine money.
01:35:24 And it wasn't even just the the end user consumers.
01:35:29 You know the the the you know the employees that put their life savings in there were a lot of of people and there's there's some people that.
01:35:38 That it's kind of funny that their money got taken away.
01:35:42 You know, there's a bunch of Reddit ******* that that I'm sure supported all these candidates that got their money so.
Speaker 6
01:35:49 You know, they deserve it, right?
01:35:51 But there's just a lot of ******* stupid.
01:35:53 People that didn't know what they were doing.
01:35:57 I'll tell you one thing.
01:35:58 Never, ever, ever, ever.
01:36:01 Leave crypto on an exchange.
01:36:03 I don't care what exchange it is.
01:36:06 If you're going to have crypto.
01:36:10 You control that wallet.
01:36:14 It doesn't matter.
01:36:15 It does not ******* matter.
01:36:19 How established do you think these exchanges are?
01:36:22 Look, even if they don't, they don't cut and run.
01:36:26 You don't. You're not in charge of their security over there. Look at all the times that these big Fortune 500 companies have hacks that lead to all their customer data being linked well in in situations like this, the customer data is your money.
01:36:43 And if there's billions of dollars on the table, don't act as if there aren't going to be like every hacker in the world isn't going to.
01:36:49 Be trying to get that.
01:36:52 And you're you're.
01:36:53 You're leaving it to some *******.
Speaker 5
01:36:55 Vegan with with.
01:36:56 ***** **** that drives a Corolla to keep.
01:36:59 Your money safe.
01:37:04 So if you're going to play the.
01:37:05 Crypto game do not do not.
01:37:10 Leave funds and doesn't matter if it's in tether or anything.
01:37:14 Do not leave fund.
01:37:16 On an exchange period.
01:37:19 And do not invest in these stupid little things.
01:37:22 It's like oh.
01:37:23 Yeah, you know, send us your Bitcoin.
01:37:26 We'll run it to poor people, you know, we'll do.
Speaker 5
01:37:28 Micro loans or?
01:37:29 All that **** is is fake and gay.
01:37:35 So do not do that ****.
Speaker 8
01:37:43 All right.
01:37:47 One more story before.
01:37:53 Before I get to chat here.
01:37:56 I put this on on telegram me and you guys might have seen this.
01:38:02 This makes, uh, it's OK to be white.
01:38:06 Look like not that big of a.
01:38:07 When we were seeing the reports in.
01:38:09 Response to that.
01:38:11 Look at this ****.
Speaker 28
01:38:13 A racist sign was founder Bellingham High School and frustrated parents want to know what's happening inside the school. WBZ's Christina Hager is live in Bellingham tonight. Christina, the school says hate has no place on its campus.
Speaker 29
01:38:28 Elisa, the Superintendent, sent out an e-mail this week saying he's deeply saddened and that the school staff works hard to create an environment where all students can feel like they belong.
01:38:38 But some parents here say more needs to be done.
01:38:44 Stop white Hate said the sign near the entrance of Bellingham High School.
01:38:49 Police say 2 residents removed it when they saw it Saturday and brought it here to the Police Department.
01:38:59 It said stop white hate.
01:39:03 And they took it down and brought it to the police.
01:39:17 Oh, it gets better.
Speaker 29
01:39:20 Concerned about the tone?
Speaker 22
01:39:22 I don't know what.
Speaker 5
01:39:25 The town. The town.
01:39:28 Of stop point.
01:39:30 What's the?
01:39:30 What tone precisely is there.
01:39:34 What was the font you didn't like the font?
01:39:37 Look like Comic Sans, you dumb *****.
01:39:42 ******* stupid ******* ******* in this.
Speaker 6
01:39:45 Society, I swear to God.
Speaker 23
01:39:48 Led to it.
01:39:49 I don't know why they they put it.
01:39:50 Up there, I don't.
01:39:51 Know if.
01:39:51 It was a a parent that's upset because of the way things.
Speaker 29
01:39:55 Are going.
01:39:55 Since the spot is removed from the high school building, police say there are no security cameras where someone had propped the sign up along the main Rd.
Speaker 18
01:40:05 There are hate crimes, right?
01:40:07 And they have hate crime rules in the schools.
Speaker 28
01:40:09 Who enforce them?
Speaker 29
01:40:10 It has.
01:40:13 And look at these two ******* *******.
01:40:18 First of all, if whites trying to be black are wiggers, these two ******* ******* right here, these are naked billies right here.
01:40:28 Look at.
01:40:28 Look at that ******* hair.
01:40:30 Look at that.
01:40:30 Nip. Billy hair right there.
01:40:32 ******* big neck over there with the ******* blonde highlights.
01:40:36 Give me a ******* break, you ***** ** ****.
01:40:40 This, this, this right here. This is classic. You hate us because you ain't us right here. This is 100% hate crimes. **** you. You ******* dumb *****.
01:40:52 **** you and your.
01:40:53 White face ******* weaves you *******.
Speaker 6
01:40:56 Nick Billies, I swear to God.
Speaker 29
01:40:58 Enforcement. It has some parents concerned, Tiara Baucus's daughter told her about it after the Superintendent sent this e-mail, calling it deplorable.
Speaker 18
01:41:09 She's like, kind of said it, like nonchalant, like.
01:41:11 It's OK.
01:41:12 OK.
01:41:14 And we just we just kind of looked like how is this OK and how are you going to just send out an e-mail and expect everything to be fine like it it's heartbreaking.
Speaker 29
01:41:25 She says it's not the first time her kids have experienced racial tension at.
Speaker 18
01:41:31 These boys had a rope.
01:41:34 And they kept on saying the N word.
01:41:40 Yeah, file that under **** that never happened.
01:41:42 You dumb ****.
01:41:44 Jesus Christ.
01:41:47 I this is.
01:41:48 This is the ****.
01:41:49 This is what happens.
01:41:51 Gavin and Alex when?
01:41:53 All you.
01:41:53 Can talk about is atheists?
01:41:56 This is what the atheists get away with.
Speaker 18
01:42:00 And my daughter, she got up and she went to the guidance counselor.
Speaker 29
01:42:04 Police say school resource officers never heard about that.
Speaker 23
01:42:08 The Nice part we're having.
01:42:12 Yeah, because it didn't happen.
01:42:14 They never heard about that because it literally.
01:42:16 Did not happen.
Speaker 23
01:42:21 The SRO's up there is we we want the kids to go to them. They're visible, they're there all the time and they're visible.
01:42:27 So if they had a concern or have a concern, by all means they should go talk to him.
Speaker 29
01:42:34 And one of those parents tells us she's so upset she's now considering moving her students to a different school.
01:42:41 Police are telling us there is no danger to students or the general public.
01:42:51 ******* ah.
Speaker 5
01:42:59 Yes, please.
01:43:00 Please move your kids to different school.
01:43:04 I'm sure whoever made that sign and and good job.
01:43:07 Good job on that sign.
01:43:11 Everyone should pull up those signs now.
01:43:14 I'm serious.
01:43:16 Every school in America should have that sign put out in front.
01:43:19 If this is the way they're going to react.
01:43:26 I went to the the YouTube page of of WBZ.
01:43:32 And uh, all the comments were.
01:43:36 Well, that, that they they reflected many.
01:43:38 Of my feelings.
01:43:41 You're you're you're basically you're driving people into the arms of white.
01:43:47 Supremacists, that's what you're doing.
01:43:51 Christina Hager.
01:43:54 Imagine thinking this is even a ******* story.
01:43:57 My God.
01:44:03 All right, hopefully.
01:44:04 Hopefully the the ghetto technology wasn't too annoying.
01:44:08 I know.
01:44:08 Like the screens like flipping out.
01:44:10 And I know the audio has been kind of janky and whatever, but.
01:44:14 The show must go on.
01:44:15 You know, I did what I could with the amount of.
01:44:17 Time I had left.
01:44:20 And I'll get before next stream.
01:44:22 I'll have the at a desktop working where I actually have.
01:44:26 You know, video cards that aren't sharing memory with the CPU and and able to actually do stuff.
Speaker 8
01:44:35 But anyway.
01:44:37 Let me take a look at Hyper chats here.
01:44:44 ******* so frustrating here.
01:44:50 And I don't have any of the hyper chat animations.
01:44:52 I have no animations.
01:44:53 This is.
01:44:55 This is the ghetto laptop.
01:44:56 Like I said, I had to change it from they were set up to.
01:44:59 This is how old it is.
01:45:01 It was set up to stream to Trovo so.
01:45:05 I had to change.
01:45:06 That ****.
01:45:08 Uh send you $5 to expand on your Washington state. Comment from last stream. If you pull up the if only X voted chart, you'll see that California is red for two combinations, but Washington is always blue. The national environment here is great, and the climate is perfect for me, but the people.
01:45:28 Western Washington, at least, are truly awful.
01:45:31 Yeah, it's awful.
01:45:32 They're basically Canadians.
01:45:34 They're basically Canadian.
01:45:37 And I don't understand why.
01:45:39 Because like you said, the environment it like it's.
01:45:43 It's nice.
01:45:46 It's very white friendly like the.
01:45:49 The physical environment, not the social environment.
01:45:53 You know, like the.
01:45:53 Trees and the cloudiness and everything, you know, that's.
01:45:57 Perfect compatibility with white people.
01:46:00 But yeah, awful ******* people.
01:46:04 I I would never be able to even spend.
Speaker 8
01:46:06 A lot of time there, let alone live there.
01:46:09 Uh Uncle Ted's cabin, $25. Appreciate that I listen too much and never donate. Have a shekel, Devin. Well, I appreciate that. There's no such thing as listening too much.
Speaker 6
01:46:20 Not at all.
01:46:22 But I appreciate that Uncle Ted's cabin.
Speaker 8
01:46:26 I think I'm going to try to turn.
01:46:28 I'm going to.
01:46:28 Turn off the this is like getting.
Speaker 6
01:46:30 Me a.
Speaker 8
01:46:32 Let's see if I can turn that *******.
01:46:34 Where's it at?
01:46:35 Here we are.
01:46:37 Hopefully I won't be glitching up.
01:46:38 I wish.
Speaker 8
01:46:39 We had something up though.
01:46:42 What can I put up?
Speaker 6
01:46:45 How's this?
Speaker 8
01:46:47 I don't know.
01:46:48 What that is?
01:46:48 I don't bring it up.
Speaker 6
01:46:53 What is this?
Speaker 8
01:46:56 Why, you know, this was on.
01:46:59 I probably should turn this off.
Speaker 8
01:47:03 It's like a noise filter where there's a.
01:47:06 You can't even see it.
01:47:06 It's so subtle.
01:47:10 That was probably slowing us down this whole time.
01:47:12 This little noise filter.
Speaker 5
01:47:14 I'll turn on.
01:47:14 Now just so I can see if you know.
Speaker 8
01:47:16 It's still streaming.
01:47:18 And not frozen.
01:47:28 G sand big and fried FTX rabbit hole keeps getting deeper.
01:47:32 I did some research and watched JFK stream on the matter.
01:47:37 I'm interested to see what information you share when I watch the replay.
01:47:40 Take care.
01:47:42 Yeah, I saw it.
01:47:43 I saw that he was.
01:47:44 I'd like he. He's big.
01:47:45 The crypto I'd like to see what he had to say about.
01:47:49 I I've been.
Speaker 6
01:47:51 Pretty much 100% out of crypto. Well not 100%, mostly out of.
Speaker 8
01:47:55 Crypto for a while.
01:47:56 Aside from the.
01:47:58 Using using out of necessity at times but.
01:48:01 I haven't been like trading crypto in in forever.
01:48:08 My or paying attention to like all the new coins or exchanges or any of that **** because.
01:48:12 Like I said, I avoid exchange.
01:48:15 I avoid exchanges because.
01:48:20 This isn't the 1st.
01:48:21 Exchange to go belly up and it won't be the last.
01:48:25 And every time one of these ******* things happens, it just adds to more and more regulation.
01:48:30 And if you're going to have crypto, it's best to have it in, like I said, in your own wallets not being.
01:48:40 Or at least any kind of official capacity.
01:48:43 To your name and keeping.
01:48:45 It just out of the loop as much.
01:48:47 As you possibly can.
01:48:50 My comfy chair, $10. Appreciate that I was disappointed that no one during the Kanye Irving saga mentioned how ironic it is.
01:48:57 That the ADL.
01:48:59 Who is spearheading the campaign to make them apologize?
01:49:03 Was founded by a bunch of rich Jews to defend a Peter ****** murderer.
01:49:08 Who tried to frame 2 black guys and said the murder is a crime?
01:49:12 Yeah, well, that's that's the problem with, you know, like I said, having Kanye.
01:49:17 In charge of of talking about this stuff, I I I think Farrakhan is well aware of that.
01:49:24 That's why he made that comment about we know about you.
01:49:29 And you know, we know about you. That's what he was talking about. I'm almost positive because I'm pretty sure that's included in his in his books, my fat little ******** toe. 1488. Appreciate that. Hello. My shekels. And and keep saying.
01:49:48 Take my shekels and keep saying the funny words.
01:49:51 Magic man.
01:49:52 I don't know what funny words.
01:49:54 That you're talking about, but I'll try to find humorous words to say.
01:50:00 Ryan is cool $5. Appreciate that. Hey, Devin, only able to hop in for a second. Just wanted to say I started training at an insurance brokerage firm. We help people actually get control of their finances and save for the future. That's one of two.
Speaker 8
01:50:18 Where's two of two?
01:50:22 There we go.
01:50:24 When I become fully licensed, I can think of nothing better to use this ability than to help the fine people in our circles to get our usery or get out of Usery and be financially independent.
01:50:34 One small way to fight back against the this monstrous, monstrous machine.
01:50:41 Well, that's a good goal.
01:50:41 I have because, quite frankly.
01:50:46 Starting with millennials.
01:50:49 Most people don't know how to use money.
01:50:53 Because they they've never had it partially.
01:50:57 But the whole point of the the Federal Reserve System, honestly, it's a debt based system and you know a lot of people, their head goes somewhere else when you talk about the debt, they think like national debt and this sort of a thing.
Speaker 15
01:51:12 But what they?
01:51:12 Don't realize is in the.
01:51:13 Same way that I I.
01:51:14 I I mentioned after playing that clip of Farrakhan saying hey, look if.
01:51:19 Kanye lost 2 billion in like 2 days.
01:51:21 Was it ever really his?
01:51:24 And the obvious answer is no.
01:51:26 In the same way that you know Sam Beckman Fried if he never had those billions either in a way, right.
01:51:37 No one, especially post boomer.
01:51:42 Really has a.
01:51:45 The ability to even generate wealth.
01:51:48 That's why a lot of these get rich quick schemes.
01:51:52 These crypto schemes are so attractive to millennials and zoomers and stuff, and there's not really a lot of.
01:51:57 Opportunities to get.
01:51:58 Money otherwise.
01:52:02 It the the the system is.
01:52:03 Designed so that you.
01:52:05 Work paycheck to paycheck. When you see those those headlines that say 68% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck and you think, Oh my God, the system is broken. No.
01:52:18 The system is working perfectly, that's what it's designed to do.
01:52:24 You see, because if.
01:52:26 You are living paycheck to paycheck.
01:52:30 You can't quit a job when you disagree with their policies.
01:52:37 You have to do what the.
01:52:38 Machine wants you to do.
01:52:42 You have to do what Massa says.
01:52:49 To your living paycheck to paycheck.
01:52:53 When you walk.
01:52:54 Into the office, you might as well just start going.
Speaker 10
01:52:56 Yes, master.
01:52:58 Yes, master, Sir.
01:53:01 Anytime they ask you to do something.
Speaker 6
01:53:03 Because you know.
01:53:07 That's how.
01:53:07 That's how you feel.
01:53:08 If you've got the the reason why it's based on debt is you always owe.
01:53:19 You know, if you always have.
01:53:20 A mortgage that you're having to pay.
01:53:24 If you have a car payment or a lease.
01:53:29 If you have a credit card bill.
01:53:31 I mean, ****, they're they're making micro loans.
01:53:34 For pizzas now.
01:53:38 Uh, sure.
01:53:38 Wish I could afford a pizza.
01:53:39 I'll just take out a micro loan for a ******* pizza.
01:53:45 So that your money's gone by the time you get it or before you get it.
01:53:51 That's the way the system is supposed to work.
01:54:01 You won't get uppity.
Speaker 5
01:54:06 You don't get uppity.
01:54:08 If you need that check.
01:54:13 If at the end of the week.
01:54:15 You know, you get paid Friday and Thursday rolls around.
01:54:20 And you're putting gas in that gas tank and you're keeping an eagle eye on that.
01:54:26 On that, that number that's climbing up.
01:54:31 So that you can.
01:54:31 Stop it because you know you've only got.
01:54:33 $20 in your account.
01:54:37 And even though your tank to fill it up is going to cost 40, you can.
01:54:40 Only afford to put 15 in there.
01:54:45 Until midnight on Friday.
01:54:51 That's the way the system is supposed to work.
01:55:00 So yeah, if if you're.
01:55:02 Able to use your talents to.
01:55:04 Help people get out of that.
01:55:07 That's advice.
01:55:08 ****, that's advice a.
01:55:09 Lot of us could have used a.
01:55:11 Long time ago.
01:55:16 01 dollar. Hello, Debbie. My birthday is tomorrow. The election is crazy. It honestly just makes me wish the.
01:55:23 System would burn.
01:55:25 So they're still counting votes in what, like Arizona and?
01:55:31 Well, like Nevada.
01:55:36 I feel like there's another state, not that it matters, right?
01:55:39 Like it not.
01:55:40 That ******* matters.
01:55:44 The fact that it look you people want proof that it's rigged, why is it taking this long?
01:55:54 There's no reasonable answer to that question.
01:55:59 Unless their shenanigans involved.
01:56:02 It should not take.
01:56:04 Longer than a few hours.
01:56:08 Especially if computers are involved.
Speaker 5
01:56:12 To count a few numbers.
01:56:16 Now quickly a an old processor can count numbers.
01:56:24 You get a.
01:56:24 You can get a.
01:56:25 Calculator from the 1980s.
01:56:27 They could count all.
Speaker 6
01:56:27 The votes in a matter of seconds.
Speaker 5
01:56:33 This isn't like complicated math.
01:56:42 So the only reason why it would.
01:56:43 Take this long and look there's.
01:56:45 There's all these shenanigans happening in in Arizona.
01:56:48 I saw some headline I wasn't able to read the whole article before I went.
01:56:52 Live, but there was an article in the Gateway Pundit talking about how they had just discovered a huge batch of America counting.
01:57:02 Uncounted votes.
01:57:05 They have been discarded in a a a bin for counted votes.
01:57:11 And it's like.
01:57:12 Again this.
01:57:14 Here's here's The funny thing.
01:57:15 It's like.
Speaker 5
01:57:17 Some of.
01:57:18 This it it'll.
01:57:20 Be incompetence.
01:57:21 Some of it might be.
01:57:23 It's going to get to a point where it's going.
01:57:25 To be impossible to tell the difference.
01:57:31 Because the demographic shift has.
01:57:34 I think at this point it it, sadly it has.
01:57:37 We've we're we're in the process right now.
01:57:42 Of crossing that threshold.
01:57:44 Yeah, I was talking to.
01:57:45 Someone today about when I worked in DC I.
01:57:51 Was friendly.
01:57:53 In some you know, I went.
01:57:55 I went to parties I met with.
01:57:58 People that you know made my skin crawl and some people that were seem OK.
01:58:07 That worked it with Democrats and Republicans and libertarians.
01:58:12 A lot of these guys were, you know, old money rich kids that.
01:58:18 You know, they they went to, they went, you know, their parents paid for their their their Ivy League college and now their job.
01:58:26 Was to just be.
01:58:27 Consultants, which meant they did nothing right.
01:58:32 And a lot of these political consultants that I would talk to that were Republicans.
01:58:36 The thing that shocked me about them.
Speaker 13
01:58:40 You see, well, first the.
01:58:41 The libertarians, it was actually kind of funny.
01:58:45 They would look at this demographic data and I knew this living having lived in the southwest as.
01:58:50 Long as I had.
01:58:53 I thought maybe these guys just don't know what Mexicans.
Speaker 6
01:58:56 Are like.
01:59:00 You know, like like maybe all these fantasies they have of Mexicans all suddenly becoming right wing extremists, you know, like, like, overnight.
01:59:09 Somehow, maybe they just have never been around these people and they don't understand.
01:59:15 You know that every every country South of the border is, is.
01:59:21 Very socialist like the this free market thing that they love so.
01:59:24 Much is not.
01:59:26 Not a part of their culture at all.
01:59:29 And so I would talk to the libertarians, and their delusion was, you know, the libertarian delusion that we're all just the same.
01:59:38 We're all exactly the same, and so really it wasn't a problem having all this mass immigration.
01:59:45 Because we're all just the same.
01:59:47 And so it wasn't a matter of.
01:59:50 It was just it was a matter of their tradition.
01:59:53 Just didn't include libertarianism.
01:59:57 And so all they had to do was was find a way to communicate to these new people in in.
02:00:04 A way that.
02:00:05 Would would work on them because we're all the same, yet we're still we're kind of different.
02:00:10 We're different.
02:00:11 Maybe in the way we receive and retain information, but ultimately we're all the same, paradoxically, right?
02:00:20 So that was their delusion.
02:00:25 The Republicans.
02:00:28 You had talked them about the demographic shift.
02:00:33 And their attitude wasn't.
02:00:36 We need to find a way.
02:00:39 Of getting you know whether it's blacks or Mexicans or whoever, right?
02:00:44 It wasn't a matter of we need to.
02:00:46 Get these people.
02:00:48 To understand our message, we need to communicate.
02:00:51 You know, we need to meet them where they're at and communicate.
02:00:55 That was not even on the list of.
02:00:58 Things to do.
02:01:02 Their strategy was we need to.
02:01:04 Change who we are.
02:01:09 To appeal to them.
02:01:14 I had.
02:01:16 A white consultant and I don't.
02:01:18 I don't even think.
02:01:19 He was a fellow white.
02:01:20 I wasn't very.
02:01:22 You know, keyed into that at the time, but I can picture his face and and and and I know he was from.
02:01:30 Old money.
02:01:30 I think he was just.
02:01:31 Old money wasp, right?
02:01:34 And I remember talking to him about this and justice being really surprised that, like, well, what, what does?
Speaker 5
02:01:43 What are you?
02:01:43 Conserving at that point.
02:01:44 Like what?
02:01:45 What exactly are you?
Speaker 5
02:01:48 Here for like.
02:01:49 What exactly?
02:01:50 What is it?
02:01:51 What is it?
02:01:51 Would you say you do exactly?
02:01:54 You know if.
02:01:55 If you're just trying to make any message.
02:02:00 That will just appeal to people like this doesn't make any sense.
Speaker 8
02:02:03 And he.
02:02:05 With no no. Uh.
Speaker 6
02:02:08 I don't know, it was it.
02:02:09 Like, just ******* sociopathic bully, just.
02:02:12 Looked at me and said.
02:02:13 Well, why?
02:02:15 It's not the future.
02:02:21 White people are not not going to.
02:02:22 Be who who win elections for us.
02:02:28 And I I didn't even know what to say.
02:02:32 I didn't even know what to say, but that's what you're getting.
02:02:35 That's what you're getting and what Trump Trump was just as guilty as that as any.
02:02:40 Of them, any of these guys?
02:02:42 You know trying.
02:02:42 To do his Brexit ******** with black people.
02:02:45 Congratulations, you got 10%.
02:02:49 Of a population that makes up 13% of the population.
02:02:53 Good job.
02:02:55 Instead of 8% right, you got 10%. Ooh.
Speaker 6
02:03:05 And it's just it's it's disgusting, but.
02:03:07 That's that's what it is.
02:03:10 And I think that we finally, at least in parts of the country.
02:03:16 Like, well, like Arizona.
02:03:19 I think Arizona is like right on because.
Speaker 5
02:03:22 There's a lot of white people, a lot.
02:03:24 Of white bloomers in that state.
Speaker 6
02:03:26 But they're dying.
02:03:27 They are dying.
02:03:29 Uh, New Mexico's already well New Mexico.
Speaker 8
02:03:31 Is always kind of.
02:03:32 Blue because New Mexico was basically.
Speaker 6
02:03:35 Part of old.
Speaker 8
02:03:35 Mexico you got.
Speaker 5
02:03:37 You got a.
02:03:37 New Mexico.
02:03:39 And it's been it's been run by.
02:03:44 Well, Spanish speaking people for a really long time.
02:03:47 But Texas, Texas is turning blue.
02:03:52 California, obviously, you know a long that happened a long.
Speaker 8
02:03:55 Time ago there.
02:03:56 Nevada. Nevada has kind of.
02:04:00 Made the transition already.
02:04:04 And uh, it's just going to slowly creep up the the fly over states.
02:04:11 You know those maps that they show you where it's?
02:04:14 All the you.
02:04:15 Know it's all super red.
02:04:16 It's all.
02:04:17 These little blue spots?
02:04:18 Well, I mean.
02:04:19 That's cute and all, but.
02:04:20 When all those blue spots are the.
02:04:22 Ones the spots that matter.
02:04:25 It doesn't matter if it doesn't matter if you're your county with 100 white people in in, in.
02:04:32 It and no one else.
02:04:33 Votes a certain way your vote doesn't matter.
02:04:36 It doesn't matter how big your county is, it could be.
02:04:39 You know, hundreds of square miles, and who cares?
02:04:46 I think that's where.
02:04:46 We're at.
02:04:49 We'll see and and I and I.
02:04:51 And I don't think there's enough people left over.
02:04:54 To where even if I mean.
02:04:56 Look what happened with 2020.
02:05:00 I think that there.
02:05:01 Was obvious fraud in 2020.
02:05:04 I think that there's there's.
02:05:07 Possible fraud this year in certain instances.
02:05:13 But even if there was like a, you know?
02:05:15 Full on proof, 100% proof.
02:05:19 In, say, the governor race in Arizona, right?
02:05:24 Would anything happen?
02:05:25 Nothing would happen.
02:05:27 Nothing would happen.
02:05:31 I think a bunch of old boomers going to come out in their mobility scooters and overthrow the state government.
Speaker 8
02:05:37 It's not going to happen.
02:05:40 Uh. Let's see here.
02:05:45 Oh, but also happy birthday 0.
02:05:48 Happy birthday.
02:05:51 And then you say Goys deserve better.
Speaker 8
02:05:53 Yes, they do.
02:05:54 Or do they?
02:05:56 You know, I kind of feel like.
02:05:58 In some ways you get.
02:05:59 What you deserve, right?
Speaker 5
02:06:07 Right.
02:06:10 Look, if we want to think of ourselves as part of a group.
02:06:16 Part of an ethnic family, we have to take on all the.
02:06:20 The responsibility for the the horrible decisions that our ethnic family has made.
02:06:27 We can't pick and choose.
02:06:31 And I think in many ways we're getting.
02:06:35 What our ethnic family deserves.
02:06:45 I think that's what everyone gets at at the end of the day, you get what you.
02:06:48 ******* deserve, right?
Speaker 8
02:06:52 All right, let's take a look here.
02:06:56 Uh, my fat little ******** toe. It's my mom's birthday. Like all these birthdays. She loves the string black pill family is best family. Thank you for making Mom approved content.
02:07:10 Well, happy birthday to the mother.
02:07:12 Of my fat little ******** toe, that's.
Speaker 8
02:07:16 I don't, I don't think.
02:07:17 Those words have been uttered by anyone, maybe ever.
02:07:23 But happy birthday, uh $5, Ryan is cool.
02:07:29 When I came, when I become fully licensed, I can think of nothing better.
02:07:34 Oh wait, that's that was Part 2.
Speaker 8
02:07:35 Of the other one we already did that one alright.
02:07:39 $5 from social observer.
02:07:43 My take on the FTX thing is a little different. I think the Federal Reserve and the SEC are 100% behind.
02:07:50 It they can have a Jew idiot to take the fall and just like they are going to do Zuckerberg, they are different levels of jewelry going on here.
02:08:03 The 13th tribe fake Jews are really behind this.
02:08:09 Well, there's there's one possibility.
02:08:12 Look, I think I do think that it look.
Speaker 5
02:08:16 You got to think.
02:08:17 Of it this way, there's not.
02:08:18 Usually when they when you're.
02:08:19 Going to do something like this, a scam like this.
02:08:23 You it's like the Indians.
02:08:25 Right.
02:08:25 They use all of the animal.
02:08:27 Remember how many times they would tell?
02:08:29 You that when the Indians would kill a Buffalo.
02:08:32 Or when the white man.
Speaker 6
02:08:33 Killed a Buffalo.
02:08:35 He was only the skin.
Speaker 8
02:08:38 When they Navajo killed Buffalo.
02:08:42 He used the whole animal.
02:08:46 Well, that's what they do, I.
02:08:47 Think that they're using.
Speaker 8
02:08:48 The whole animal.
02:08:50 I think if they're going to kill this Buffalo.
02:08:53 They're not just going to fleece it.
02:08:56 They're going to, you know, they're going to.
02:08:58 Take every little.
02:09:00 Squeeze every little opportunity out of it as as much.
02:09:02 As possible.
02:09:03 And one of the huge, huge things that people like international bankers would want is oversight.
02:09:14 Well, that's what they'll call it, right.
02:09:18 Which means control.
02:09:19 They want control over crypto.
02:09:22 Which is?
02:09:23 It's funny because like the whole, the whole selling point of crypto for you know, the last 20 years was was oh, it's not controlled by the banks.
02:09:34 Well, I knew then like we know now if it's ever going to actually mean anything, it will be controlled.
Speaker 6
02:09:43 By the banks.
02:09:46 It just will. It's inevitable.
02:09:51 You know, because the the banks don't just control.
02:09:56 Their monetary system?
02:09:58 Who do you think?
02:09:58 Everyone's mortgages not just for their for their houses, but for their businesses.
02:10:05 All their business loans.
Speaker 5
02:10:09 They're not borrowing money from.
02:10:12 Well, they're not borrowing money from FTX, are they?
02:10:17 They're not taking out crypto loans.
02:10:20 Everyone already owes look the the United States government owes $30 trillion.
Speaker 7
02:10:28 To banks.
02:10:30 30 and pays interest.
02:10:34 On a 30.
02:10:35 Trillion dollar debt.
Speaker 13
02:10:43 To private people whose names.
02:10:46 You are not allowed to know.
02:10:55 They're not going to let you just.
02:10:57 Take over the.
02:10:59 The monetary system they've created.
02:11:03 They're going to just lose $30 trillion because a bunch of nerds.
02:11:09 Wrote some software.
02:11:16 And look, they've been manipulating currency since currency existed.
02:11:24 So just because it's digital that doesn't, that's not going to change anything.
02:11:31 A harmless tube.
02:11:32 Before I leave.
02:11:32 I hope you had standards and the Jewish girls you dated were closer to Eva Green and Jennifer Connelly.
02:11:39 Than to say, yeah.
02:11:40 Holy ****, man, I never did anyone that looked as subhuman as that.
02:11:46 Sure. Bring up that picture.
02:11:48 Again, I know you guys love to see her.
Speaker 8
02:11:52 Let's see.
Speaker 6
02:11:59 I mean, holy ****.
02:12:02 Or do I even have a photo?
Speaker 8
02:12:03 I don't think I have a photo over.
02:12:04 I think I just have that video.
02:12:15 Yeah, I just have the video I think.
02:12:21 Well, whatever.
02:12:25 I don't know what we were talking about.
02:12:31 On this is this is the photo that was.
02:12:34 Loaded up.
Speaker 5
02:12:40 I have no.
02:12:41 What the **** we were talking about to have that.
02:12:45 That's the image that was in there though.
02:12:48 But no, not none of the Jewish.
02:12:50 Girls like they had looked anything.
Speaker 8
02:12:51 Like that, that monstrosity.
02:12:59 Yeah, they're all the.
02:13:00 The white passing Jewish girls.
02:13:05 Fashion BBQ $5 in our movement, it's sad to say there are spikes, faggs and Kanye Jagger followers. There are few men like yourself that have the balls to say the truth. Shout out to as mador and or from TKR. The Mod Waffen Bros.
02:13:25 And TRK, fam, well, there you go.
02:13:29 I'm not.
Speaker 6
02:13:29 Sure. Who the?
02:13:32 TKR or TRK?
02:13:35 Or if that's supposed to be the same thing.
Speaker 8
02:13:38 But uh there.
02:13:39 You go.
02:13:43 Social observer, $5 appreciate that thoughts on the Khazars and their fake adoption of Judaism to escape persecution from the Russian Czar of the time.
02:13:53 They literally invented Yiddish.
02:13:55 They worshipped the ancient Egyptian Babylonian money system to enslave.
02:14:01 The original tribe of Shem, Israelites do not promote this shed.
02:14:06 Well, I don't know.
02:14:06 This sounds like you're getting to like the real Jew of fake Jew argument, and I just.
02:14:10 I don't know if if they're if they really are.
02:14:13 If there really are this group, that's not the real Jews.
02:14:16 And then like the real Jews.
02:14:19 Still, accept them and they still act as one group.
02:14:23 They're real Jews as far as I'm concerned, and I know there's different subgroups within Jews.
02:14:28 And you can.
02:14:29 Make the argument that nausea can Nazi Jews are not actually Semitic and you know you know all that stuff, but.
02:14:37 It doesn't matter.
02:14:38 For all intents and purposes, everyone knows who you're talking about when you say Jews, you know, we're talking about mostly Ashkenazi Jews in America, but the Ashkenazi Jews and and other Jewish groups work together as one group often.
02:14:56 UM, but I would say typically the ones that you read about in the paper, the one or don't for that matter are, you know, the people like Sam Bankman Fried is, is Ashkenazi Jew and.
02:15:12 So it doesn't really matter like what where they you know what? What? What happened 1000 years ago?
02:15:19 What what matters is what's been happening in European countries for the.
02:15:24 Last, like nonstop for the last.
02:15:27 Several centuries, and it's that it's the same group whether whether they they're really Caesars or whatever, I don't know.
02:15:34 And I've heard people say that.
02:15:36 Genetic testing has has shown that to not be the case, and then I've heard the argument well, guess who does the genetic testing?
02:15:44 And it's just like you know.
02:15:46 To me, it doesn't matter.
02:15:47 People know who I'm talking about and everyone knows.
02:15:52 Look, everyone knows we're not talking about like, some Hasidic Jew.
02:15:57 With no money.
Speaker 13
02:16:00 On the but I don't know culturally.
02:16:02 Though it just seems like.
02:16:04 You you still have some of the similar problems?
02:16:07 The city of Jew in New York.
02:16:09 Is it the one that's like ruining your, you know, is it promoting trans kids or whatever like that?
02:16:15 But they're still scamming the system.
02:16:17 You know, they're still parasitically scamming the system.
02:16:21 You know anyone?
02:16:22 That's lived in, in, in proximity as.
02:16:23 Communities will tell.
02:16:24 You that and that said, of course, it's not every single Jew that is a problem, and no one's saying that. I don't think. I mean, no one that I I.
02:16:35 Know is saying that.
02:16:37 It's just that many of the people who are a problem, not even all.
02:16:43 But many of them.
02:16:46 Happened to be part of this group.
02:16:51 Sharp wing, $5. Hey, Devin, just had to say it's been bothering me since a couple streams ago. Shrooms are actually one of the only substances that facilitate.
02:17:03 Oh, you're you're you're trying to.
02:17:04 Like justify shrooms on neuron growth and have shown incredible proof for being better than traditional antidepressants.
Speaker 8
02:17:12 Which are evil.
02:17:13 Uh, you know, it's even better than that, though.
02:17:18 The guys in sunlight and eating a good diet.
02:17:23 You shouldn't have to take medication to not be sad.
02:17:29 If you're sad.
02:17:33 Or just generally unhappy and I've.
02:17:36 I'm I'm not exactly Captain Sunshine over here, so I know.
02:17:40 I know what I'm talking about, OK?
Speaker 5
02:17:43 If if you're feeling down in the dumps.
02:17:47 I there is, I I.
02:17:49 I agree, SSRI's are not a good idea at all, but I would also say.
02:17:57 Neither is is some other chemical just because.
Speaker 6
02:18:00 You know it, it comes from nature.
02:18:05 Yeah, I would say that.
02:18:07 If you're unhappy, that's because either.
02:18:10 You're not doing something you should be doing.
02:18:14 Or you're doing something you shouldn't be doing.
02:18:17 Or a combination of the two.
02:18:18 It really is that simple.
02:18:23 Thinking about just thinking about that tonight, I would be shocked if you sat down and thought to yourself like, oh, I'm unhappy, right?
02:18:31 And then ask yourself, is there something?
02:18:33 That I that I.
02:18:34 Know I should be doing that I'm not doing.
02:18:37 And you couldn't come up with anything.
02:18:41 And then if you ask yourself, is.
02:18:42 There something I'm doing that I shouldn't be?
02:18:44 I know I shouldn't be doing.
Speaker 8
02:18:46 And you couldn't come up with anything.
02:18:49 And I would tackle those things first.
02:18:53 And try to get trying to get.
02:18:55 Some exercise and some sunshine.
02:18:59 And getting the nature somehow.
02:19:03 I found the most depressing places I was ever at.
02:19:08 Were urban areas where.
02:19:11 It was uncomfortable to be outside because you.
02:19:13 Were just around people, you.
02:19:15 Didn't ******* trust or like.
02:19:17 And there wasn't really any nature to speak of.
02:19:22 Like nature was was maybe seen like a stray cat.
02:19:26 Nibbling on on a carcass of a rat or something like that.
02:19:30 You know, it's like, oh, nature.
Speaker 8
02:19:34 You know like.
02:19:35 So I would try to find a place you can actually.
02:19:39 Experience being in a natural environment and.
02:19:44 I don't know.
02:19:45 I just don't recommend.
02:19:48 Mind altering drugs?
02:19:50 I think that it can, you know, create connections in your brains and or in your brain and and and whatnot, and make you feel different.
02:19:59 But it's artificial at best.
02:20:02 And sometimes those connections that it's making are not connecting.
02:20:08 You to reality.
Speaker 8
02:20:12 That's all I would.
Speaker 5
02:20:13 Say Jay Ray, 19.
02:20:15 81 I have stopped paying my subscription to ***** up your ask Gavin for a while back.
02:20:21 Well, there you go, appreciate that.
02:20:24 I hope a lot of people.
02:20:26 Vote with their.
Speaker 8
02:20:26 Dollars when it comes to.
02:20:28 That it's just look.
02:20:29 It's lying. I I.
02:20:32 I don't like calling people out.
02:20:34 But it's.
02:20:35 It's lying.
02:20:37 It's he knows it's lying.
02:20:40 It it when you act like you?
02:20:42 You can't tell the difference.
02:20:45 Between religious.
02:20:48 Observance and ethnicity, and when you you pretend that you can't understand.
02:20:55 How Jews are tribal.
02:21:02 To the detriment of your own people.
Speaker 5
02:21:05 You know what kind of **** you?
02:21:08 You know.
02:21:09 It's one thing if you're.
02:21:10 Too Boomer to get it.
02:21:15 Kind of **** you.
02:21:18 Because they're they're they're not.
02:21:20 Neither one of those guys is too.
02:21:21 Boomer to get it.
02:21:28 Dino Lego Ovich 1964 Devin please say sugar ****.
02:21:35 In Mel and a Mel accent.
02:21:40 What's a male accent?
Speaker 6
02:21:42 I don't know what a.
02:21:43 Male accent is.
02:21:47 I don't know what a male accent is.
02:21:50 What would me LL be short for?
02:21:55 Like a Jewish.
02:21:56 Guy named Mel like, hey, shoot a ****.
Speaker 8
02:21:59 Like I don't.
02:21:59 I don't know.
02:22:01 I don't know what that would be.
02:22:04 All right, then we.
02:22:04 Got Greg the uh the grim Reaper?
Speaker 5
02:22:09 With the *** **** money.
02:22:12 $100 from Greg the Grim Reaper. Hopefully you're not here to bring my soul to the afterlife just yet.
Speaker 13
02:22:20 The Jews don't.
Speaker 5
02:22:20 Want you to.
02:22:21 Know this, but the ducks at the park.
02:22:23 Are free and you can.
02:22:25 Take them home.
Speaker 9
02:22:28 It's true.
02:22:31 It is true.
02:22:34 Do not fall for the anti duck Jew.
02:22:40 You know, it's funny about the Ducks.
02:22:42 Ducks are like the most they're the most rapey animals.
02:22:46 They're the most violent ******* animals ever.
02:22:50 If you ever want to be.
02:22:53 Simultaneously fascinated and disgusted.
02:22:59 Well, I don't want to give you the exact search terms here.
02:23:02 All I will say the reproductive process.
Speaker 6
02:23:04 Of the duck is.
02:23:06 Insanity. Insanity.
02:23:10 But they're very violent, very violent, and ****** I always at a park.
02:23:13 Not that long ago and.
Speaker 6
02:23:16 All you know.
02:23:17 All these people you know?
02:23:19 Just enjoying themselves at this park.
02:23:21 And they have little duck pond.
02:23:22 It was like this very picturesque kind of a place.
02:23:27 And, you know, all these families, lots of kids running around.
02:23:31 And then there was this, this violent screech of a duck, like it sounded like it was just.
02:23:36 Being beat to death and all these people were like gasping and staring into this duck pond as this big duck looked like he was trying to drown another duck while biting its neck like it was horrifying for.
02:23:51 For those of you know, the uninitiated, let me put.
Speaker 6
02:23:54 It that way, if you haven't.
02:23:55 Been around ducks.
02:23:56 If you've been around.
02:23:57 You know, that's just ducks.
02:23:59 Ducks are not like the cute.
02:24:01 Little ducks you see on.
02:24:02 TV they're they're very angry and vicious.
02:24:06 And and you can take them home.
02:24:11 Social observer $5. Oh, and venture and Blues are the best way to play the game with the Jews is to.
02:24:16 Pay Caesar and weather out the storm.
02:24:19 Well, if we are forced to play the game, why can't we flip the board game like Jesus did and?
02:24:25 Boycott taxes. Just oh there.
02:24:27 It goes we have no fair elections, so that means no taxation without representation.
02:24:35 Well, look.
02:24:40 I think the reason.
02:24:43 Well, I don't know.
02:24:44 I don't know why he says that.
02:24:45 I can't.
02:24:45 I don't know what the reason would.
02:24:46 Be, but I would say this.
02:24:53 If you if you.
02:24:57 I can't recommend that you do that, because then I'd be recommending that you commit a crime.
02:25:01 All right, so I can't.
02:25:03 I can't recommend you to do that and I will say this, you will cast the attention you want.
02:25:10 You want to find a way of catching attention.
02:25:12 Of the authorities, that's.
02:25:14 You know you **** with their money, you.
02:25:16 Know that that'll catch their attention real.
02:25:18 Quick but that said I 100%.
02:25:23 100%.
02:25:24 Get where you're coming from.
02:25:29 That's all I.
02:25:30 Can say that's that's all I can say.
02:25:36 Uncle Ted's cabin.
02:25:39 $5 preciate that money is fake. Here is 5 bucks.
Speaker 8
02:25:42 Well, thank you for the fake money.
02:25:45 And if it disappears, was it ever?
Speaker 8
02:25:47 Really mine was it ever really mine?
02:25:51 So social observer, what the **** is white anyway?
02:25:55 I'm English, Scott, German and Choctaw Indian.
02:26:00 Is that white?
02:26:01 They are trying to put us in categories so that we can fight each other and not the the puppet masters.
02:26:08 I don't really.
02:26:09 I don't really go for that, I would say.
02:26:11 No one. No one asked themselves what is black, right? It's not like all black people are 100% the same genetics.
02:26:20 You're white, if if.
02:26:23 People think you're white.
02:26:26 You know, like that's that's in America.
02:26:28 That's the bottom line.
02:26:30 I mean, everyone in America is a mixture of a bunch of different white people.
02:26:34 In your case, you've got some Indian in you 2.
02:26:38 That's just the way it is in.
Speaker 8
02:26:40 America, there's a.
02:26:41 Lot of of mixed people but.
02:26:44 You're white if you look.
02:26:45 White, you know?
02:26:48 That's because that's how you'll.
02:26:49 Be treated?
02:26:50 So that's, that's your your skin is your uniform.
02:26:54 And it doesn't mean that we have every single thing in common culturally or anything else.
02:27:00 But it means that if we want to survive as a group.
02:27:06 Then then we have to start behaving like a group.
02:27:11 And again, like I don't go for this like what is white anyway?
02:27:15 I think that's dividing us.
02:27:17 Because if if there's no white, then what is there?
Speaker 6
02:27:20 Oh that well.
02:27:20 Now there's now there's Scottish, there's Italian.
02:27:25 There's potato.
02:27:27 You know, there's English, you know, it's just it's just it's just atomizing us even further.
02:27:33 If anything, white.
02:27:36 Is a group we.
02:27:38 Can get behind.
02:27:40 You know, it's like.
02:27:40 Jews, right.
02:27:41 We've been talking about that tonight.
02:27:43 There's different kinds of Jews.
02:27:45 There's Ashkenazi Jews, there's Sephardic Jews.
02:27:50 But no one says well.
02:27:51 What is Jew anyway?
02:27:52 Unless you're Gavin McGinnis, I guess, right.
02:27:55 You know everyone, everyone seems to understand that.
02:27:58 And they work together as a group.
02:28:00 They they don't all go to church or I guess, synagogue.
02:28:03 They don't all go to the same synagogue.
02:28:05 They don't all listen to the same rabbis and and whatever, but when it, when it, when it comes to.
02:28:13 Working together for shared interests.
02:28:16 There they seem to be pretty cohesive.
02:28:21 And I think that that's that's really what white people need.
Speaker 8
02:28:25 Because there is none of that, there is no community.
02:28:29 And and this whole uh, well, we're just.
02:28:32 You know we're.
02:28:32 Just the where will we be?
02:28:39 You know when people say I've said this before, when people, oh, they're just trying to divide us.
02:28:43 No, they're not.
02:28:44 Trying to smash.
02:28:45 Us all together.
02:28:49 That's what the.
02:28:51 Diversity is our strength.
02:28:53 ******** is anyway.
02:28:56 So working together as a group gives you power like like look the whole all night long.
02:29:02 We've been talking about how working together as a group.
02:29:07 Despite their minority status.
02:29:11 Has given Jews a lot of power.
02:29:15 You know, they're only, what, 2% of the population? Imagine if whites were to behave with the same tenacious tribalism.
02:29:27 There's nothing we couldn't accomplish.
02:29:31 ******** ****** $1.00.
02:29:33 I don't have any of the your your little animations.
02:29:36 We have so many.
Speaker 7
02:29:37 Of them.
02:29:38 You know what?
02:29:38 I'll do this.
Speaker 8
02:29:44 Here's your animation.
02:29:51 Thoughts on FTX bankruptcy fiasco?
02:29:54 Have you just you've been gone all night?
02:29:57 Serious **** seems like the owner just took people's money and gave it to his pals.
02:30:02 He wanted to be the next George Soros saying God.
02:30:05 Or read that wrong, but I think it's it's still right and God.
02:30:09 God knows how many people are going to suffer.
02:30:12 And yes, the owner is.
02:30:13 A Jew as or is as.
02:30:15 Jewish, as you would expect.
02:30:17 Even his last name is Bankman.
02:30:18 No joke.
02:30:19 Well, you must have put that in before the stream, because that's what the entire stream was about.
Speaker 8
02:30:26 At least I hope.
02:30:26 So or you really are a ******** ******?
02:30:30 My I unironically, I think the best solution to the black problem is to.
02:30:36 Help them set up.
02:30:36 Wakanda in Georgia or Africa?
02:30:38 Why is it going?
02:30:39 To be Georgia or Africa.
Speaker 5
02:30:43 Well, Georgia could be nice.
02:30:44 We can save George.
02:30:48 Give them the foreign aid instead of our allies.
02:30:51 The sad part is, though, white boomers would.
02:30:53 Probably be the biggest opponents of this.
02:30:58 Yeah, I mean.
02:31:01 I don't know if they'd be the big, big.
02:31:04 Let's see here, I would say.
02:31:10 I don't know.
02:31:10 Maybe we should be supporting movies like like, you know, maybe we should be trying to fund a kind of three I haven't seen.
02:31:18 The you know the new.
Speaker 8
02:31:19 Wakanda is out.
02:31:21 Apparently they they took a they took notes from the woman king and added a bunch of girl power.
02:31:28 To it, because the the the first one was too toxic masculinity, even if it was, you know, black enough, it was 2 male centric.
Speaker 13
02:31:40 But yeah.
02:31:40 We should be.
02:31:42 We should be promoting this.
02:31:43 Idea of them having their own homeland.
02:31:48 It's never worked out.
02:31:50 Every black that's actually Malcolm X.
02:31:53 That's what he was all about.
02:31:54 And they shot him.
Speaker 6
02:31:58 You know.
02:32:01 I don't I I think it's too late now.
02:32:04 I just I I I think it's fun to have these utopian dreams, but.
Speaker 8
02:32:07 I think ultimately.
02:32:09 You know you can't.
02:32:10 You can't unbaked the cake.
02:32:15 January 1981. There is one pastor. His name is Steven Anderson. He is in Arizona. He is based. God bless the man well.
02:32:27 He's based ish.
02:32:33 I don't know how you know.
02:32:35 He's he's I.
02:32:37 Disagree with him on I think racial issues.
02:32:42 But I you know, I do like his style.
02:32:47 January 1981.
02:32:50 Oh, yeah, I got that.
02:32:56 Mine. Comfy chair $5.
02:32:59 It's funny how the same people who proudly used or used alleged Jewish IQ to explain away Jewish wealth and influence disparities will shriek if you do the same for black IQ.
02:33:13 When those IQ figures are from the exact same studies.
02:33:17 Right.
02:33:18 But there's even some that are even more infuriating, like.
02:33:25 So there was one of I I mentioned that there seems to be like this rash of of Jew Jewish justification.
02:33:33 Or I don't know what.
02:33:34 You would call it adjudication maybe.
Speaker 5
02:33:38 And look.
02:33:38 It includes Edward Dutton had a guest on what last night or the night before.
02:33:44 Who was a Jewish professor and he was like, oh, here's my guest and she.
02:33:52 Is obviously Jewish just.
Speaker 6
02:33:53 You can, you know, you can just tell.
02:33:57 The first words out of her mouth, really.
02:34:01 Was this long?
Speaker 5
02:34:04 On on.
02:34:08 Like no one asked for it, like she just opened with this long explanation of of Jewish IQ and how Jewish.
02:34:17 You know the phrase she kept saying is and.
02:34:19 And Jews have always punched.
02:34:20 Above their weight.
02:34:22 You know, they're they're just so ******* brilliant and they've just always outperformed everyone else because they're just these ******* geniuses.
02:34:29 And I'm paraphrasing here, but I'm not.
02:34:30 Really using a whole lot of hyperbole, it was.
02:34:33 That level and.
02:34:34 Then she'd flip the script and say almost.
02:34:38 As if to try to to.
02:34:42 To get everyone who would be leaping out of their chairs, hearing that to like.
02:34:45 Maybe sit back down.
02:34:47 She would then change gears too, and blacks, are they?
02:34:50 They've got low IQ's. See, I'm being fair, but really, I don't think the data reliably shows. First of all, that Jews have this crazy high IQ.
02:35:02 The number she was using.
02:35:03 Was 112 as an average. Find that hard to believe, I just do.
02:35:09 I find that hard to believe, and even if it's a, it's an average of.
02:35:15 112.
02:35:16 And look I.
02:35:17 There's a whole video on this.
02:35:18 I shared it on my my telegram.
02:35:20 It's the.
02:35:20 Same guy that.
02:35:22 Did a video talking about Joe Rogan's guests.
02:35:24 All being Jewish, does a really good.
02:35:27 Job of of.
02:35:28 Of, you know, being very YouTube friendly, really fact, I'm pretty sure it's still on YouTube.
02:35:37 I highly recommend everyone watch it does a good job of of really kind of dispelling a lot of.
02:35:43 These myths of this.
02:35:44 This oh Jews only.
02:35:46 You know, they're they're only in positions of power because they're these brilliant *************.
Speaker 6
02:35:51 And I just don't.
02:35:52 Buy it.
02:35:52 I don't buy it.
02:35:54 I think that doesn't account for the fact that they print the ******* money.
02:36:01 They print the ******* money.
02:36:04 If you control the ******* money.
02:36:07 You know you don't.
02:36:08 Yeah, you need a couple of your guys need to be smart, right to keep.
Speaker 8
02:36:12 The the scam going.
02:36:14 But if you print the ******* money and you're hyper tribal.
02:36:20 You know, you don't need to be that much smarter.
02:36:22 And even if you.
02:36:23 Are just.
02:36:24 You're there's such a small.
02:36:26 And it's funny because this in this same this same interview.
02:36:31 She starts talking about how, oh, and I.
02:36:34 The irony of.
02:36:34 This and the ******* hotspot.
02:36:37 She starts talking to.
02:36:38 Oh, and Asians, they have high IQ.
02:36:40 'S but you know, and she keeps saying us when she's.
02:36:43 Talking about the.
02:36:44 West. And I'm like you're.
02:36:46 You're not us.
02:36:48 But she keeps saying like.
02:36:49 Oh yeah, Asians have high IQ's, but we.
02:36:51 Don't want them.
02:36:53 Coming into the West because they're not like us, they're very alien to us.
02:36:57 They're traditions are not like ours.
02:37:01 And all I could think of.
02:37:02 Is like *****.
02:37:05 You guys weren't even here.
02:37:09 Prior to the the late 1800s, late night or early 1900s.
02:37:17 What's this, US and we ****.
02:37:20 And everything that you're saying about Asians?
Speaker 5
02:37:23 Could be applied to you.
02:37:30 Like the exact same logic that you are and.
02:37:33 In one of the Super chatters.
02:37:36 Said as much said. Well, look, wait a second. Everything you just said about Asians about just because they have high IQ's doesn't mean we want them in places of influence in the West because.
02:37:47 Their culture and their.
02:37:50 Their group objectives and everything, it's it's foreign to the Westerners, couldn't that?
02:37:54 Be applied to your people.
02:37:57 And her answer was, well, no, because we're only 2% of the population.
Speaker 13
02:38:09 I mean the the.
02:38:11 The circular.
02:38:14 Double like the the madness that was on display there and and I was very disappointed.
02:38:21 In in Edward Dutton and his inability or or I guess his.
02:38:28 Lack of desire to.
02:38:32 To challenge her on any of.
02:38:34 That stuff, and it just seemed like another another. You know, maybe not as heavy-handed, but kind of another. Like, look, guys, there's no such thing.
02:38:43 As Jewish power she just said.
02:38:46 They're only 2% of the population, guys, they just punch.
Speaker 5
02:38:48 Above their weight.
02:38:50 Of course they're in.
02:38:51 Positions of power.
02:38:52 They got high IQ.
Speaker 5
02:38:58 We don't want the Asians.
02:38:59 Here, they're not like us.
02:39:03 They don't share our values.
02:39:08 And it's like **** *** with that ****.
02:39:24 Ministry of truth.
02:39:25 I finally am caught up with your streams.
02:39:27 I saw that you replayed the Betty Boop episode.
02:39:31 Uh, the first time you showed that clip, I followed the comment section rabbit hole and found out about Jews and Saturn worship. Very interesting since the Sabbath is on Saturn's day, which is Saturday, that you are correct.
02:39:47 And if you really want to blow your mind.
02:39:48 Check out the.
02:39:51 The Black Cube logo and then look at the top of the planet.
Speaker 8
02:39:56 Of Saturn.
02:40:00 Weaver, $5. Hey, you ever want to?
02:40:02 See someone, even.
02:40:03 Uglier than Sam stink.
02:40:05 Min ****.
02:40:06 Look up his girlfriend.
02:40:09 Ohh you know that.
02:40:10 Caroline Ellison, who also involved in the fraud and these must be earlier, even more embarrassing than having your money stolen the stolen money.
02:40:20 Went to ****** with these two and they're ugly, nerdy roommates, yeah.
02:40:25 That well, now that I've I've forgot her name.
02:40:27 But now that I have it, I can look it up, hopefully quickly and without crashing the computer.
Speaker 5
02:40:33 We got to put.
02:40:34 This beauty up on the screen.
Speaker 8
02:40:41 Let's see here.
Speaker 6
02:40:55 Caroline Ellison, why is it not?
Speaker 8
02:40:57 Looking it up.
02:41:02 I guess I can't look things up right?
Speaker 8
02:41:03 Now for some reason.
02:41:07 My ohh that's why.
Speaker 16
02:41:10 No, it's doing it wrong.
02:41:12 Forgot that keyboard wasn't plugged in.
02:41:17 Yeah, there we go.
Speaker 8
02:41:21 Oh God.
Speaker 6
02:41:23 Maybe I won't put it up.
02:41:28 Now that I'm looking this at this, I don't know if I want to.
02:41:30 Do this to you guys or me.
Speaker 8
02:41:34 Oh man.
02:41:36 Well, good, luckily.
02:41:37 It's not letting me.
02:41:37 It's it's doing the stupid web thing and.
Speaker 8
02:41:39 I'm I'm not.
02:41:41 I don't think I have the ability.
02:41:42 To stop it with this computer.
Speaker 6
02:41:45 I'll try.
02:41:45 I'll try one of these.
02:41:48 It is kind of fascinating.
02:41:51 That a billion dollars.
02:41:54 For this guy.
Speaker 6
02:41:58 Get some this.
02:42:01 Alright, let's see if it will open up.
02:42:03 I don't think it's.
Speaker 8
02:42:04 Going to open up.
02:42:08 Let's see.
02:42:14 Yeah, it's it's not wanting to save with a an extension for some reason.
Speaker 8
02:42:17 It's all ******.
02:42:18 Up when I try to save images.
02:42:21 Let me try.
02:42:21 It this way.
02:42:25 There we go. Now it's.
02:42:26 Going to work.
Speaker 6
02:42:36 There we go.
02:42:36 Look at this beauty.
02:42:37 Look at this beauty queen.
02:42:55 Oh, that's horrifying.
02:42:56 OK, I can't.
02:42:57 I can't.
02:42:58 I just can't.
02:43:00 January 1981 didn't Mark Zuckerberg give 400 million to drop box election fraud during the 2020 election as well.
02:43:10 Uh, I don't know, but.
02:43:11 I wouldn't be surprised.
02:43:13 Would not be surprised.
02:43:14 I mean, he's definitely, you know, he's not giving money to.
02:43:19 To the Republicans social observer, the whole system is gay.
02:43:23 the Fed will try and save us with the Central bank digital currency.
02:43:28 CBC currency is not money, it's Jewish.
02:43:31 It's a Jewish scam.
02:43:33 Money is money backed by something.
02:43:35 Yeah, it'll they'll have the their their digital Fiat will be.
02:43:39 Will it will come into?
02:43:42 I mean, just because of the the reason.
02:43:44 Why the bank?
02:43:44 You know, bankman and fraud.
02:43:46 Wanted it because it it just makes everything traceable.
02:43:49 If they can instantaneously, it's like, OK, we, we've talked about the AI, why they want you to have an electric car with that's basically managed by.
02:43:59 Like a self driving car that's managed by like an AI that's like the traffic AI for your city.
02:44:06 They not only can they, they micromanage everyone's location, they can track it in real time and they can stop it.
02:44:16 They can deplete form you from your car and so if they can do platform you from money, I mean it's bad enough you get kicked off PayPal or you know all this other stuff like MasterCard and whoever else is doing that ****.
02:44:31 But just imagine you.
02:44:33 All your money is just frozen.
02:44:35 Because you said the wrong thing, and that's what.
02:44:38 That's what they want.
Speaker 8
02:44:39 That's what they want.
02:44:42 January 1981 look at the BLM money laundering makes people's blood boil, yeah.
02:44:49 That same kind of ****, right?
02:44:51 Same kind of ****.
02:44:55 Alif the nemesis $5 got to take a look at Celsius, Alex Machinsky for a compendium episode with another example of Kiki's playing the.
02:45:07 Same odd old.
02:45:09 Shell games with other people's money, so much available content out there to show off the ******* scheme, which led to another leg down for the markets in summer.
02:45:20 Well, there was a few there was in 2000.
02:45:22 17 There were quite a few Jew run cryptocurrencies that were just straight up exit scams.
02:45:28 Now I don't know what the percentage is to because there was some guy run ones too.
02:45:34 It wasn't exclusively Jewish.
Speaker 13
02:45:36 But hey, they're.
02:45:37 Only 2% of the population, right. So it'd be interesting to know what what kind of ratio they'd be with the.
02:45:44 Crypto I wonder if there's like a master list, there's got to be a master list of **** coins that were just exit scams and who ran them.
02:45:53 If, like I said, that we don't even know who ran all of.
Speaker 8
02:45:56 Them because some of them.
02:45:56 Were anonymous and people were.
Speaker 8
02:45:59 Still buying it for some reason.
02:46:01 Go on the Internet, $10. Appreciate that. Good morning. I'm off to work. Looking forward to see the replay on this one. Carry on noticing. Thanks for the brilliant work you do, Devin. Well, I appreciate that.
02:46:14 Tipsy MCC stagger rambot just brought this to my attention.
02:46:19 Many ducks have been returned.
02:46:24 I have no. I'll, I'll.
02:46:27 I can't click that right now, but I'll take a.
Speaker 8
02:46:29 Look at that.
02:46:32 Tennis nuts $1.00. Thanks for the great stream. I have soft spot for fairy con.
Speaker 6
02:46:39 Ferry con?
02:46:42 I don't know what Farrakhan is.
02:46:43 Uh, because as a leader.
02:46:45 Oh, far.
02:46:46 Work on because as a leader, he makes no bones about putting his people first.
02:46:52 He don't like me, but he's honest about it.
02:46:55 Imagine if all the people boldly declared their right to self determination.
02:46:59 No, it's a great I highly recommend watching.
02:47:02 The full hour.
02:47:03 It is.
02:47:06 It's it's really good.
02:47:07 He has.
02:47:10 He's gotten better, too.
02:47:12 You look at some of his earlier speaking.
02:47:16 Engagements and they're not as good, he has.
02:47:20 I think it's the old age.
02:47:24 But it's really tempered him.
02:47:26 And it's really made him.
Speaker 8
02:47:30 More likeable.
02:47:32 Like can you do like you say, you can tell he really loves his people.
02:47:37 And I can't really say that about any white politician or leader.
02:47:42 There's no there's no white leader that I can even think of that when he's speaking.
02:47:50 I can tell he really likes us.
02:47:55 Just doesn't exist. Doesn't exist.
02:47:59 You know, it doesn't matter how many ******* flags Trump hugs.
Speaker 8
02:48:02 Not white people, you know.
02:48:06 Uh, social observer. I'm kind.
02:48:09 Of a redneck.
02:48:11 This is mockery.
02:48:12 Like I I can't check.
02:48:14 I wish I could click the.
02:48:16 The link I can't click any my.
02:48:18 My computer is just barely.
02:48:20 Struggling with this.
02:48:23 But I'll check it out later once I'm not streaming here.
02:48:27 Cringe Panda Dev and I'm sleepy, so catching the replay today.
02:48:31 My dad helped me or no.
02:48:33 Today my dad helped me pour concrete for.
02:48:36 My cabin footings.
02:48:37 What I'm afraid of is the ground freezing, but the real question is, what do you think of the technique where you insulate under the subfloor with A roll of reflectix?
02:48:48 As top by.
02:48:49 Boss of the swamp.
02:48:51 I'm not sure who.
02:48:51 Boss the swamp is.
02:48:53 I don't know.
02:48:56 I'm not familiar with with that billing technique.
02:49:01 I'd have to look into that.
02:49:05 But I mean, I thought you said you're I don't.
02:49:07 I guess it depends what.
Speaker 8
02:49:07 Part Arizona.
02:49:08 You're in.
02:49:09 There's cold parts of Arizona.
Speaker 6
02:49:14 Yeah, it all.
02:49:14 It depends on where you're. I don't know what environment you're in, cause Arizona's got like forests and.
02:49:20 And high altitude low altitude and all kinds of different environments.
02:49:24 So I'd have to know what you're dealing with there.
02:49:28 Weaver uh Dan, you already saw the dude's girlfriend. I don't think that his girlfriend looking like that disqualifies him from billionaire.
02:49:38 Look at Melinda Gates before she hit the wall.
02:49:41 She was mid at best.
02:49:43 Yeah, but this.
02:49:44 Come on, dude.
02:49:46 That's not mid, that's that's well below Melinda Gates.
02:49:51 OK, Melinda Gates just looks a little Manish.
02:49:58 I don't know what the **** this is like, this is.
02:50:00 This is like an accident in a lab that's escaped.
02:50:05 You know, like, this isn't this isn't like people face.
02:50:08 This is, I don't know.
Speaker 6
02:50:08 What this is?
02:50:12 Let's see on a good day. And with the with a ton of makeup. Same with Bezos's wife.
02:50:20 Well, Bezos and he's with some like, weird, like Mexican chick, right?
02:50:25 Like now I don't.
02:50:27 I don't know what his first wife.
02:50:28 No, his.
02:50:28 First wife looked OK like she looked normal.
02:50:32 His his current wife looks like a an older Mexican lady with too much.
02:50:38 Plastic surgery.
02:50:41 I mean, that's not what she is, but that's what she that's when I saw that that was this new woman.
02:50:45 That's what came to mind.
02:50:48 Uh, damn Bigfoot.
02:50:50 Back when I was in middle school, this ****** *** went to the schools.
02:50:56 Wait, back when I was in middle school, this ****** *** went to the schools.
02:51:00 The scheme was to write down Peoples info and number and we would get tears of prices.
02:51:06 I fell for it and got this Tootsie Roll barrel.
02:51:11 Are you talking about?
02:51:14 Wait, I don't know your timeline.
Speaker 6
02:51:15 You talk about the.
02:51:16 Sam Bankman Fried went to.
Speaker 7
02:51:18 Your middle school.
02:51:20 Or just some guy did like a pyramid scheme guy?
02:51:23 Well, I.
Speaker 8
02:51:23 Don't I don't.
02:51:24 Know but.
02:51:26 But you got some Tootsie rolls, at least, right?
02:51:30 You got some Tootsie rolls out.
02:51:32 Of it.
02:51:33 Social observer, if so-called whites don't believe in something because it smells like a Jew trick might close.
02:51:41 Might close many doors in the future parallel economy, by the way, I think White.
02:51:48 Means Christian, not skin color.
02:51:50 Well, see, I I'm gonna disagree with.
Speaker 8
02:51:51 You again.
02:51:52 Uh, it doesn't matter if if if, like in Asian, Christian and look, there's lots of Asian Christians.
Speaker 13
02:52:01 That Vote Blue.
02:52:03 If you look at the.
02:52:04 If you look at the.
02:52:07 The way that the different.
02:52:09 Races vote.
02:52:12 There is a clear.
02:52:15 And predictable difference.
02:52:18 And among those races, you're going to have tons of crossover with religion.
02:52:23 Look, Blacks just as a perfect example, almost All Blacks are Christian.
02:52:30 You know, I'd say what, like 80%, I mean.
Speaker 6
02:52:32 A lot of them.
02:52:34 And they pretty much 80% vote for Democrats, if not more.
02:52:42 There you go.
Speaker 6
02:52:45 There you go.
02:52:47 Uh, tipsy MCC stagger re stop white hate uh for all we know, some Niger put it up as legitimate protest.
02:52:56 It's all about the context and with the Jewish media coveting so hard about it, I wouldn't be surprised if it was some nog that.
02:53:04 Put it up.
02:53:06 Well, I mean like.
02:53:08 Why would it?
02:53:08 You know, like that's not the the way that they were reporting it was.
02:53:14 It's talking about anti white hate.
02:53:17 Right.
02:53:18 It's talking about stop hatred of whites.
02:53:21 It's not saying stop whites hating us.
02:53:27 You know that's not what those those two black women that wanted to be white were complaining about the way that they took.
Speaker 6
02:53:33 It was.
02:53:35 It's white people that.
02:53:36 That are are are claiming that they.
02:53:39 Are because why would the black women want to take?
02:53:42 Their black students out.
Speaker 13
02:53:43 Of the class if.
02:53:44 They thought a black kid put it out and they were talking about.
Speaker 8
02:53:47 White kids.
02:53:48 That doesn't make any sense.
02:53:53 Yeah, I don't think it's too much effort.
02:53:54 I don't think it's some 40.
Speaker 8
02:53:57 Chess from a black kid.
02:54:00 Let's see here.
02:54:01 Damn Bigfoot.
02:54:02 Blacks are competing with Jews for hate hoaxes.
02:54:05 They said N word is just like Jews vandalizing their own.
02:54:10 Stuff all for what?
02:54:12 Wait, hold on.
02:54:14 Blacks are competing with Jews for hate hoaxes.
02:54:18 They said N word is just like Jews vandalizing their own stuff.
02:54:23 All for white sympathy.
02:54:27 There's there's, there's definite hate hoaxes from black people.
Speaker 8
02:54:31 And and it.
02:54:32 Doesn't end with that.
02:54:33 There's, you know, the whole.
02:54:34 Oh, there's a noose.
02:54:36 Like, wasn't that in the news a couple days ago? They said that they found a noose at the the site where they're building Obama's.
02:54:44 Library and they're giving it $100,000 reward.
02:54:49 If you can find the white supremacist that put the the noose at Obama's library.
02:54:56 Colonel N word there is no danger to the Birmingham school students unless they.
Speaker 8
02:55:00 Are white exactly.
02:55:03 Teha here have some funny money. There you go. Some made-up money. That's.
02:55:07 Worth even less now that.
02:55:09 Sam Beckman Fried has funked up the crypto market right?
02:55:15 Jack Russell, what do you think of the Czar theory?
02:55:18 Uh, yeah, like I.
02:55:19 Said I've heard both that genetic testing has proven that it's not accurate, and I've heard that it's been discarded by even many of the people that thought that that was a good theory, say like in the 90s.
02:55:37 But I've never studied hard because at a certain point a lot of that stuff doesn't.
Speaker 8
02:55:43 Matter to me.
02:55:45 Like I said, what these groups did 1000 years ago doesn't matter to me. It doesn't. It's what they're doing now.
02:55:55 And I don't think it's that relevant, you know.
Speaker 5
02:55:58 Like how much?
02:55:59 Does it affect your behavior day-to-day? What your ancestors did 1000 years ago or 2000 years ago? Not a whole lot.
Speaker 5
02:56:09 And maybe a?
02:56:10 100 years, maybe even 203 hundred. I'd even say maybe 400.
02:56:17 You know, and you're going to get.
02:56:18 Look, you're going to inherit the traditions and the genetics and all that you.
02:56:21 Know of those people, right?
02:56:23 So there's gonna be like a little influence from.
02:56:25 1000 years ago, but I'm worried about now.
02:56:28 I'm not worried about what ******* happened 1000 years ago.
02:56:31 And who's a secret Jew and who's?
02:56:33 You know what?
02:56:33 I don't care.
02:56:34 I know this group that I can point to that everyone knows what, who I'm who.
02:56:39 Mean when I.
02:56:39 Point to them.
02:56:41 Is doing this.
02:56:44 And so I don't, I don't think it it it's just it's it doesn't matter what you know what their origin story is going that far back.
02:56:53 Winter child Nick billies lol.
02:56:57 Nip billies.
02:57:00 Nick next and Nick Billies telling you, man.
02:57:06 Volkish hypno.
02:57:08 Thoughts on JT?
02:57:10 He never names them.
02:57:12 Who's who's JT.
02:57:13 Oh, you mean Jared Taylor?
02:57:16 He never names them, but his.
02:57:18 He is the funniest exchange.
02:57:19 I've seen him forever.
Speaker 8
02:57:23 Sorry, I had to cuff there.
02:57:25 Who built the pyramids?
02:57:27 Give it a watch.
02:57:30 What you want.
02:57:30 To love I.
02:57:31 I haven't seen it, but I think I know.
02:57:33 You're talking about.
02:57:33 I saw getting linked around today.
Speaker 13
02:57:36 He is getting.
02:57:37 Interviewed by someone, a black guy tied to the.
02:57:41 The Young Turks and I, I I.
Speaker 5
02:57:44 Put it on.
02:57:44 My mental list of things to check out.
02:57:48 Yeah, and yeah, he doesn't name them.
02:57:50 And I think it's because he has associations.
Speaker 8
02:57:52 With Jews that that? Uh.
Speaker 6
02:57:57 You know, it is what it is.
02:57:59 He's never made it a secret.
02:58:04 I think that he's he's yet again.
02:58:07 It's someone I would disagree with in terms of.
02:58:12 Saying that they're not an issue in in our struggle.
02:58:17 Dan Bigfoot, the Waise juice talked about Kyrie Irving was basically a slave master saying.
02:58:23 Get back on that plantation. Yeah. No. Exactly. And Farrakhan essentially says that he's just way.
02:58:33 Like he's, he's like I said, way more, more empathetic and patient and.
02:58:40 I think just does a classy job honestly way better than I thought it like when I watched it. I I you know, it's farrakhan's.
02:58:47 I was expecting a couple funny lines, but it no, he doesn't.
02:58:51 That's a good it's a good video.
02:58:56 Other countries that put ballot in a box and manually count them do it.
Speaker 8
02:59:01 Faster than Arizona?
02:59:03 Yeah, that's true.
02:59:06 That is true.
Speaker 8
02:59:10 Let's see here I thought.
02:59:12 Am I still streaming?
02:59:13 OK, good.
02:59:14 Thought it stopped there for a second.
02:59:21 I'm surprised they didn't.
02:59:22 Stop when I brought.
Speaker 8
02:59:22 This up.
Speaker 6
02:59:27 OK.
02:59:30 Like I said.
02:59:30 There's two reasons for that incompetence or fraud.
02:59:34 And want to get more of both in the future that as the demographics change.
02:59:39 Splitter trace white people are good at being agents of the New World order.
02:59:44 If there is a reason to hate white people, it's for that.
02:59:49 White people are good at being aidens the yeah, yeah.
02:59:53 There are a lot of white people involved with.
02:59:55 The whole globalist project.
02:59:59 It's hard to argue that.
03:00:05 Lot of our.
03:00:06 Uncle Tom's. Where we going to come? Uncle. Uncle Todd. Lot of Uncle Todd's.
03:00:12 Maybe that should be our.
03:00:13 Term, they got Nick Billies and Uncle Todd's.
03:00:19 Volkish hypno you hinted at all the all this noticing going on lately seems a bit ignorant or inorganic and I have to agree.
03:00:29 I don't know what the **** is going on.
03:00:31 Dave Chappelle just did his special and holy ****.
03:00:35 It's amazing how only blacks can get away with it.
03:00:38 There's a lot of noticing going on.
03:00:40 YouTube comment sections look like Gabs, natsok page.
03:00:44 Yeah, there's a lot of noticing going on.
03:00:47 There is a lot of noticing going on.
03:00:52 I don't think that it's quite penetrating the normal sphere.
03:00:58 But it's getting really.
03:00:59 Close and I think that's making them nervous.
03:01:03 I mean, I think it's on the verge.
03:01:05 But I think it's it's really young people are noticing and partially.
03:01:11 And This is why they want the required Holocaust education.
03:01:14 The younger people don't feel.
03:01:17 I mean, if you're, if you're.
03:01:19 17 years old.
03:01:22 1939 sounds like ancient ******* history.
03:01:28 So you don't care at all about the Holocaust?
03:01:31 Well, I mean.
03:01:32 Beyond what you've been programmed to care about, right?
03:01:36 And uh, so there's that.
03:01:39 Young people just don't give a ****.
03:01:42 Other races don't give a.
03:01:43 **** right?
03:01:45 Like blacks, blacks have never really cared about the Holocaust, you know.
03:01:51 And and I don't think most of the races do either.
03:01:55 It's really just whites that were shamed into thinking that that just like with that, uh, the documentary that we that we covered with the.
03:02:04 All those streams where it's just.
03:02:06 Over and over and over, banging you over the.
Speaker 13
03:02:08 Head with it like you did this.
03:02:11 You did this.
03:02:14 White supremacy did this.
03:02:17 Billy Joe King Micro transaction snack money for sea cat.
03:02:25 Ohh appreciate that classified cat's.
Speaker 8
03:02:27 Been wandering around.
03:02:29 Being a weirdo all.
03:02:30 Night because Churro has returned and.
03:02:35 Is frolicking around the house making him crazy.
03:02:39 Guy in Japan overheard from a white guy, I firmly believe all people are exactly the same.
03:02:45 If you had my experiences, you would be me.
03:02:48 If I had your experiences, I would be you, and here's how I feel about transgender people.
03:02:54 I don't understand it, but I'd rather be tolerant and wrong than intolerant than right.
03:03:02 That sounds like a that.
03:03:03 That's spoken like a true libertarian.
03:03:07 Oh yeah, I forgot to play for you guys.
03:03:11 Speaking of libertarians.
03:03:15 Did you guys see?
03:03:17 By the way, I mean this like you some of.
03:03:19 You guys have saw on on telegram?
03:03:22 But did you guys see Tim Pools?
Speaker 5
03:03:28 He made a song.
03:03:30 Now, apparently he's it's not the first one.
03:03:33 Apparently he makes he he's he makes.
03:03:35 These self indulgent.
03:03:37 Like, really bad.
03:03:39 Like it sounds like 90s.
03:03:43 Like it sounds like.
03:03:43 Nickelback like it?
03:03:45 It it, like, legit?
03:03:47 Sounds like bad.
03:03:49 Ah, well, it's funny.
03:03:52 It's centrist music.
Speaker 5
03:03:55 That's what it is.
03:03:57 He tries to make centrist rock.
03:04:00 It's centrist pop punk.
03:04:02 It's like it's it's like the worst possible kind of music you can imagine.
03:04:10 I couldn't believe it. I couldn't get through 15 seconds of it like I was just like, oh, my. And the video's bad. Every part of it's bad.
03:04:19 Like it's so bad it's not even like a little bit bad.
03:04:21 It's so bad.
03:04:24 And I and I I just pictured in my head.
03:04:29 I pictured this.
03:04:31 South Park episode, which works because you know Tim Poole never takes off his ******* hat.
03:04:40 He might as well be Stan.
03:04:43 But it reminds me of that episode where it stands dad.
03:04:46 Ends up being like Lord.
03:04:49 And so I.
03:04:49 This this is when in fact this is one of the last things my my backup backup computer made before it broke.
03:04:55 Maybe this what broke it?
03:05:03 Oh, I forgot.
03:05:04 To there's too many.
03:05:06 Filters and **** on this thing.
03:05:07 What is this?
Speaker 8
03:05:10 Let me see what this is.
03:05:13 I'll make a new one.
03:05:14 How about I'll just do that?
03:05:20 So this is my impression.
03:05:23 Of Tim Poole.
03:05:25 In his new song, and you know, if you.
03:05:27 Doubt me, go to his, go to his YouTube page.
03:05:32 Or just go to YouTube and look up filter by like.
03:05:35 A week because it's new.
03:05:37 Tim Poole song and this is better.
Speaker 17
03:05:38 Yo-yo, yo. I'll never be. I'll never be royal ya. But that'd be nice, cause that'd be nice. Fantasy women's bathroom smells so nice. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
03:06:00 I I promise you what you just watched is.
03:06:02 Better than Tim Poole song.
Speaker 6
03:06:06 Like it's so bad it's *******.
03:06:13 I just had to.
03:06:13 I don't know why I was.
03:06:14 Reminded of.
03:06:15 That, but there you go.
Speaker 8
03:06:17 Welcome.
03:06:20 OK, let's see here.
03:06:22 I lost my my.
03:06:24 My spot here.
03:06:31 Where are we at?
03:06:35 Where are we at?
03:06:36 OK, here we are.
03:06:40 Lich Lord. Godfrey, there's always fraud in 2020. Had some of the worst. However, both 2020 and 2022, it was hard to vote for most Republican candidates because they were seemingly not trying to win Trump's failures.
03:06:56 And the first Step Act talks of cutting Social Security and Medicare.
03:07:00 No talks of combating crime.
03:07:02 Yeah, there was no one get excited about at all.
03:07:06 And uh.
03:07:08 You know you can.
03:07:09 Only get burned so many times before you don't care.
03:07:12 And the demographic change?
03:07:16 Isn't helping and like I said, I felt like.
03:07:20 The fraud that's going on.
03:07:23 In a in a in a couple of states, you know in particular Arizona, which was really bad in 2020 was it's probably happened again this time, but really we're we're right at the edge of of it flipping anyway demographically, so you know.
03:07:39 And part of it's because Trump is was awful.
03:07:42 He was just he was bad.
03:07:43 He just was a bad president.
03:07:46 He was. He was.
03:07:47 Fun and and and interesting and and entertaining and and was good in terms of.
03:07:55 What he did to the media, faith and institutions and all these other things, but in terms of like governing as a president.
03:08:02 He was terrible.
03:08:04 And in fact, didn't really govern as a president.
03:08:08 He left a.
03:08:08 Lot of that up.
03:08:09 To Jared, his his son-in-law like a, I mean like a like a boomer wood, right?
03:08:18 It is what it is and the fact that he was backing candidates like like Doctor Oz who promoted trans kids before it was cool.
03:08:27 It's just you.
03:08:27 Know out of touch, rich guy, boomer.
03:08:31 The way I see.
03:08:31 It and that's.
03:08:33 All these guys.
03:08:35 And tell you and you know, like some people have been saying, until we can get a candidate that sounds like white Farrakhan, you know, that's it's.
03:08:43 Not worth going to the.
03:08:44 Polls for went to trial.
03:08:46 Would you agree that people who only make their money from crypto training or leeches and need to?
Speaker 6
03:08:51 Get a real job.
03:08:53 I think anyone it's akin to.
03:08:56 Yeah, I think any, if you make money.
03:09:01 By not producing something by in fact.
03:09:05 Yeah, yeah, you're you're quite literally leeching from other people because those gains are from other people's losses.
03:09:13 You're not actually doing that, you're just speculating and that I mean that not just for crypto people that make their money stock trading, people that make their money trading, you know, like pork bellies and and you know, all that stuff you.
03:09:25 Know commodities and and and people that all that stuff is in on some level Usery.
03:09:32 You should be.
03:09:33 You should be producing something.
03:09:36 And trading anything you know, buying something and then selling it for a higher price.
Speaker 6
03:09:44 Is is a detriment? That's.
03:09:47 That's bad for society because you're not adding value.
03:09:51 At no point are you adding value, but you're taking value.
03:09:57 So and so.
03:09:58 So you could say, well, I'm smart enough to do it.
03:10:01 OK, so you're using your intelligence to be a Leech.
03:10:05 Instead of do something good for your people.
03:10:09 I don't know.
03:10:10 Doesn't sound good to me.
03:10:11 Maybe if you're funneling all that money to your people somehow, you know, I guess you can.
03:10:19 Make an argument for that.
03:10:21 But if you're just one of these autistic people that's trying to get the biggest pile of money to sit on like smog the dragon.
03:10:29 I don't see how that's helpful to anybody.
03:10:32 Let's Lord Godfrey $5 for clarity because of limited super chat text link, I don't mean voting for the other side.
03:10:40 I don't.
03:10:41 I didn't vote this time and may not vote ever again.
03:10:43 I only mean Republicans seem more ******** than usual.
03:10:46 Usually they don't want the two party system to be so unstable, but it's pretty destabilized.
03:10:52 Yeah, most people are pretty black pilled on the whole process, to be honest.
03:10:58 And it really, and it was Trump to black pilled me.
03:11:01 I was already kind of thinking.
Speaker 6
03:11:03 What that **** was?
03:11:04 The fact that America might elect Hillary Clinton.
03:11:09 Black pilled me.
03:11:11 And then when Trump got elected instead and and made all these.
03:11:15 Grandiose claims and whatever, you know, I got caught up in the.
03:11:20 The afterglow, like many of you.
Speaker 6
03:11:23 And then I was just black.
03:11:24 Pilled again.
03:11:25 When when he didn't deliver.
03:11:30 I came back.
03:11:31 I watched the high IQ, uh, high Jewish IQ, debunked video and thought it was great.
03:11:36 While Jews taking over institutions might lead one to believe in high Jewish IQ, those institutions not improving when taking over should make one skeptical of the claim.
03:11:47 I'm still impressed by their networking.
03:11:48 No, they're they're.
03:11:49 Their nepotism and networking and all that stuff is fantastic.
03:11:53 And look, their IQ is higher.
03:11:54 Than a lot of other groups, certainly.
Speaker 6
03:11:58 But the the the.
03:12:00 112 is sounds just like 6 million.
Speaker 8
03:12:04 Sounds a little high.
03:12:07 Hey, Jews have been known to exaggerate when it comes.
Speaker 8
03:12:09 To numbers, I don't know, I've just.
03:12:11 I've thought that I've noticed.
03:12:15 Right. Tangle. Hey, Devin. What do you think of John Carpenter's work? The thing is, one of my favorite movies of all time. Keep up the good work, and I'll catch 3. Play later.
03:12:26 UM.
03:12:28 I know that he did all of his own stuff and that impresses me and the thing was OK it.
03:12:35 By the time.
03:12:36 I'd I'd seen that movie, though.
03:12:38 These special effects look pretty cheesy to me because, you know, I'm sure at the time.
Speaker 6
03:12:42 They were like.
Speaker 8
03:12:43 Oh, pretty cool.
Speaker 6
03:12:47 And I think that.
03:12:48 I like the concept.
03:12:49 The concept is pretty cool.
Speaker 6
03:12:52 But he did a lot of movies that.
03:12:53 Were kind of.
03:12:55 Kind of iffy on the quality department, but I get it too because he, you know, he was like a one man band.
Speaker 8
03:13:03 Let's see here.
03:13:06 Returned Fagot, yet Alex Jay.
03:13:10 Won't say pee a peep about the people who are doing this and do everything to tiptoe around the subject.
03:13:17 Forgive me for saying this, but I feel like the lawsuit should be a reminder to him that appealing to Zionists won't help him never understand how he still identify as libertarian after everything.
03:13:31 You can't teach.
03:13:32 An old dog.
03:13:32 New tricks, simple as that and I think he just has too many relationships with Jews to.
03:13:40 See past his emotional.
Speaker 6
03:13:45 Thinking on the subject.
03:13:48 And just like a lot of people, Americans.
03:13:52 That come from a conservative background.
03:13:55 He has this, he has this.
Speaker 5
03:14:00 World War 2.
03:14:00 Fiction in his head.
03:14:04 Damn Bigfoot. There's English, Italian. There's Scottish, there's potato. I love you, Devin. You're hilarious. Oh.
Speaker 8
03:14:16 Thank you.
03:14:18 Trash panda. Hey, Devin. Missed the entire stream. There's $5 is alcohol degenerate. Thanks for unbanning me for complaining about your Internet.
03:14:30 Is alcohol degenerate?
03:14:32 I don't think it.
03:14:33 I mean like anything.
03:14:34 It can be.
03:14:37 I think it can be.
03:14:39 I'm not a Puritan on the subject.
03:14:42 UM.
03:14:43 I rarely drink.
03:14:46 I don't enjoy I.
03:14:49 Well, it's mostly because I'm not in social situations very often, and I think that that's when drinking should happen.
03:14:56 If you're going to drink drinking alone, I think is degenerate almost under any circumstances, unless it's medical reasons.
03:15:07 In social social situations, it should be.
03:15:12 Regulated, but it's, you know, Europeans have been drinking for centuries.
03:15:16 I mean, Jesus turned water into wine.
03:15:18 How bad can it be?
03:15:19 You know in in.
03:15:21 Even Mormons, they they the rules against it.
03:15:25 But when they they first enacted that rule, they had like a a clause like a.
03:15:30 Like a little.
03:15:32 Loophole sort of where this must have been because of who they must have been someone that was a big person in the church that this applied to because there is like a a.
Speaker 13
03:15:43 Clause that says something.
03:15:44 Along the lines.
03:15:45 Of it's you can't drink unless it's wine that you made from your your own orchards.
Speaker 8
03:15:53 Right.
03:15:54 And Sir, that sounds like that's not bad.
03:15:57 Like, as long as you make it.
03:15:58 Yourself, you know.
03:16:00 That makes you.
03:16:01 You have to put some.
03:16:01 Effort into it.
03:16:03 You're not going to, you know that that eliminates you from just becoming this total alcoholic because then you're not going to be functional enough to actually produce it on your own.
03:16:14 It'll make you keep track of it better if you're having to make it all the time.
Speaker 17
03:16:17 Yeah, that.
03:16:18 That could be.
03:16:18 A good rule like you can drink as long as you you know, you make it yourself.
Speaker 6
03:16:25 I don't know.
03:16:25 And then the money's not going to.
03:16:26 Jews cause.
03:16:29 I like I haven't looked, but I I'm.
03:16:31 Guessing just based on on the sin industry in general, that who's getting a lot of that, that alcohol money.
03:16:45 Harmless Gee, one of the ways these high fertility ultra Orthodox Jewish communities make money is by drop shipping and being e-commerce middle men on Amazon. Another reason to not shop on Amazon.
03:17:02 Right, right.
03:17:04 Well, the only thing that's really annoying, I try to get stuff on eBay from people used and stuff like that and a couple times.
03:17:12 I've ordered something on eBay thinking that like I'm not, you know, that I'm avoiding Amazon, right?
03:17:17 And it shows up in a ******* Amazon box.
03:17:19 And I realized the seller is just basically buying it off Amazon, shipping it to my house, and then keeping the extra dollar or whatever it was they charged, you know, and they're probably just doing that on such a massive.
03:17:32 Well, they're they're making making money and I'm still buying from Amazon, so it's.
Speaker 8
03:17:38 Yeah, ******* ******* hate it.
03:17:41 Andromeda, $5 sugar **** is what Mel Gibson allegedly called the female cop.
03:17:49 Oh, I got Mel Gibson is the oh OK.
03:17:52 I can't do a Mel Gibson.
03:17:54 I mean, he's isn't he Australian?
03:17:56 Anyway, I wonder if he sounds Australian.
03:17:59 When he's not doing acting or interviewing, like if he's just.
03:18:03 Or if he's totally.
03:18:04 Lost his accent now that he's lived in America for.
Speaker 8
03:18:06 So long.
03:18:10 Let's Lord God for you that was not the first time Dutton has been a **** about Jews.
03:18:15 He has stated he does not believe that there is a conspiracy system.
03:18:18 Of Jewish LED power.
03:18:20 Well, I don't know necessarily there's a conspiracy system so much as I just think they're all acting in their own interests.
03:18:27 And they they.
03:18:28 You know, overlap their interests, overlap and and.
Speaker 8
03:18:33 And you know it's.
Speaker 6
03:18:34 Just the way it works out, right?
03:18:36 The way all nepotism works out, you know, large or small, you know, if there's if there's long term plans.
03:18:45 Yeah, I think there's probably some long term plans on top of that.
03:18:49 But Dutton also thought that you should get.
Speaker 6
03:18:52 Vaccinated and he doesn't.
03:18:55 It is what it is.
03:19:02 But yeah, that, that said, Even so that guest was, ah, man.
03:19:09 No, I was.
03:19:10 Yeah, it was not a, it was, it was.
03:19:14 It was not a.
03:19:15 It was hard to get through it.
03:19:18 I was doing a lot of shouting.
Speaker 6
03:19:21 In the air.
03:19:23 Greg the grim Reaper. $5.00 do you happen to remember the name of the string? You.
03:19:28 Did about King of the hill.
03:19:31 I don't.
03:19:32 I don't remember.
03:19:33 It was earlier.
03:19:34 I think this year.
Speaker 6
03:19:36 I don't.
03:19:37 I should categorize these.
Speaker 8
03:19:38 At some point but.
03:19:40 I don't know.
03:19:41 I don't remember.
03:19:43 I would have.
03:19:44 Yeah, I don't.
03:19:45 Even think it would be maybe.
03:19:46 It would.
03:19:46 Be in the name.
03:19:47 So best thing is I get kind of like weird with my name sometimes.
Speaker 6
03:19:50 I don't know why I do it, but I just.
03:19:52 Picked like whatever.
03:19:53 Name like and it's not.
03:19:54 Like, I'm even trying to be.
Speaker 6
03:19:56 It's just like it.
03:19:56 It's in.
03:19:58 My head it makes.
03:19:58 Sense when I'm making the thumbnails when I.
Speaker 2
03:20:01 Decide the name.
03:20:03 And and it sometimes ends up being kind of a weird Riddle or something, but.
03:20:09 I would think there'd be something about King of the Hill, maybe in the name.
03:20:12 I don't know, maybe.
Speaker 8
03:20:13 Someone in chat knows.
03:20:15 Taa, this ugly woman must.
03:20:17 Be a violinist.
03:20:19 Well, she's a vegan.
03:20:20 They're both vegans.
03:20:21 That's why they.
03:20:22 That's why he's got man ****.
03:20:24 Loams $20 appreciate that very generous. Hey, man, I'm in the process of watching your pet CONT series of streams.
03:20:31 And I just wanted to let you know that it it's great work also this FTX juice straight up, ripped out, ripped off, billions to funnel into democratic political fund.
03:20:43 There has to be a bigger.
03:20:44 Group involved that he was working with that helped.
03:20:46 Him. Well, yeah.
03:20:48 And that's The thing is, there's no way that he just 13 days after after Biden announces he magically creates a exchange and all of a sudden has billions of dollars.
03:21:02 That he's able to start funneling money to Biden's campaign with.
03:21:06 And as that guy said in the interview, though I played during the earlier part of the stream where he said this guy has been an interview after interview and he's never given a straight answer as to where his original money came from.
03:21:20 Look, his parents were rich Jews, but they weren't.
Speaker 6
03:21:22 Like billionaire rich.
03:21:24 So that money came from somewhere.
03:21:27 Harmless Jew.
03:21:30 Ed Dutton and Jared Taylor are both too soft on the Jews overall.
03:21:35 I still think they do a lot of good work.
03:21:36 I think part of it is.
03:21:37 A class thing I think they're still they.
03:21:40 Still realize that.
03:21:41 You can't simultaneously be accepted by the upper class and be critical of of Jews and I think.
03:21:51 That that's not the only reason, but I think that's a reason.
03:21:56 That both of them steer away from it.
03:22:04 Well, I'm $10. Very generous. Appreciate that.
03:22:08 Have you ever talked about how Mr.
03:22:09 Bond was sent to prison for 10 years for his music?
03:22:12 Over in Europe.
03:22:13 Yeah, I mean, not like a ton, but I did play one of his songs and and mentioned that when that when he first got sentenced.
03:22:19 And that's, you know, that's one of those things where when people say well.
03:22:25 You know if.
03:22:26 America is going to fall.
03:22:28 You should move somewhere else and I and I say.
Speaker 6
03:22:30 Well, where would I go cause?
03:22:32 You could.
03:22:33 I would.
03:22:33 I would, I'd.
03:22:34 Be in jail.
03:22:35 There's lots of countries in.
Speaker 8
03:22:36 Europe that would have locked me up.
03:22:38 Not just Europe.
03:22:39 There's there's lots of countries around the world that would lock me up and at least as of right now, and this is changing rapidly.
Speaker 6
03:22:48 I'm I'm not.
03:22:49 Getting locked up here for what I say.
03:22:52 And that's to me, it's insane.
03:22:54 It's insane.
03:22:56 That you would.
03:22:56 Make parody songs and go to jail for it.
03:23:00 But you know, Jews don't have any power.
Speaker 6
03:23:02 Right.
03:23:06 It must have been the atheists, the atheists.
Speaker 6
03:23:08 Locked up, Mr. Bond.
03:23:12 And tickled thus I lost my job for standing up to feminism.
03:23:16 The one in six company hiring practice of no white men you posted as accurate, so I can only give a dollar tonight.
03:23:24 Hope it all helps with your computer problems.
03:23:27 Thanks as always.
03:23:28 Well, you know that's greatly appreciated and that sucks.
03:23:32 And yes, that is.
03:23:33 Right.
03:23:34 And like I said, it's.
03:23:38 You know, there have been people that have said that, you know that there's, let's say.
03:23:45 8 Indians and two white guys apply for the same job and they're in a conference room with a bunch of ******* fellow whites and non whites and Karens and their asked their opinion of well, which candidate do you think we?
03:24:01 Should hire and even.
03:24:02 Even if the best candidates, the white guy, they don't.
03:24:05 They won't express that because they're afraid of being called a white supremacist. And so that's that's just look, that's another reason why I'd rather rip off the Band-Aid sooner rather than later.
03:24:21 Like it's bad.
03:24:22 It's already bad that we've already lost enough.
03:24:25 Political power to wear.
Speaker 6
03:24:27 UM.
03:24:30 That, that, that.
03:24:31 Let me put it this way, that thinking that I was describing that the the Republican political consultant was telling me was not unique to him.
03:24:40 It was pretty much.
03:24:43 Well in my.
03:24:45 Exposure to to establishment Republicans in DC that.
03:24:50 Was the orthodoxy.
03:24:52 That was the the vision for the future.
Speaker 8
03:24:55 Of Republicans was not white.
03:24:59 So you're not going to have a party in the very near future, which?
03:25:06 In a way, means maybe there'll.
03:25:08 Be a new party that that is born.
Speaker 6
03:25:10 Out of this, that'd.
Speaker 8
03:25:11 Be that'd be phenomenal.
03:25:14 But yeah, that's that sucks, man.
03:25:19 Casla kosla.
03:25:24 Castle Ivaska rocks.
03:25:27 I'm a Mayflower and Mormon pioneer descendant.
03:25:31 They want reparations.
03:25:32 I want royalties.
03:25:35 And kiss my *** in Macy's window.
03:25:38 Yeah, no.
03:25:39 That's the way I see it, too.
03:25:40 **** him.
03:25:42 **** em.
03:25:44 The the the ******* balls on these people.
03:25:48 Yeah, like that.
03:25:49 Like like I said.
03:25:50 Even that Jewish woman that was like us and we.
03:25:53 You know her family, just like all the rest of them came probably like around 1912.
03:25:58 You know, and you know, she probably her family probably comes from Belarus or Ukraine or, you know, one of these ******* Eastern European countries that they all ******* came in from and she's part of what ****** it all up.
Speaker 6
03:26:10 And uh, yeah, it's.
Speaker 8
03:26:14 I I feel you, man and and that's.
03:26:16 The thing too is none of us.
03:26:17 Had ******* slaves either.
Speaker 6
03:26:19 You know, none of us did.
03:26:22 The the pioneer stock did not have ******* slaves.
03:26:27 We had nothing to do with ******* slavery.
03:26:29 We came here.
03:26:30 With literally nothing thought the Revolutionary War, you know, went went W to get some land.
03:26:40 Maybe killed some Indians.
03:26:41 I don't know.
03:26:44 Like, if anyone's going to have beef, maybe it's Indians. But look, the Indians weren't exactly all welcoming.
03:26:48 And nice either.
Speaker 6
03:26:50 You know and.
03:26:51 And and there was wars between different tribes when.
03:26:53 We showed up so you know.
03:26:55 That that's complicated, but if anyone's going to.
03:26:57 Be mad at us.
03:26:58 It'd be the Indians.
03:27:00 But we didn't.
03:27:01 We didn't have.
03:27:01 Anything with slavery we have and and and.
03:27:05 The Western states wouldn't exist without us.
Speaker 6
03:27:08 And it ******* yeah, I I feel you.
03:27:12 Reaver to clarify, I'm not saying that Bankman's girlfriend is mid. Quite the opposite. That ***** fell out of the ugly tree and landed in a wood chipper.
03:27:21 All I'm saying is Melinda did did, too.
03:27:23 Yeah, but I'm saying Melinda is bad as she is.
Speaker 6
03:27:27 I mean.
03:27:29 She's not that, you know, like that's.
03:27:34 That's a whole new kind.
03:27:35 That's a.
Speaker 6
03:27:35 Whole new level of of.
03:27:43 Keselowski Rocks boomer here. I was taught about the bankers who funded the Bolshevik overthrow of Russia. They had the same goal for US, but our military was too strong, so they had to hit the US culturally, they have had 100 year plan and Americans have been.
03:28:02 Trying to fight them for decades too.
Speaker 6
03:28:04 Little avail obviously.
03:28:08 Well look those same.
03:28:11 The same Bolsheviks that came here from Eastern Europe around the turn of the century were the same agents that helped usher in the the Federal Reserve in the early 1900s. But you also had agents of Rothschilds, you know like.
03:28:32 Well, I mean, they mentioned JP Morgan talking about Sam Bankman fried.
03:28:39 I think it was JP Morgan that when he died.
03:28:42 Or no?
03:28:43 Am I thinking of?
03:28:46 It was one of these, you know, robber barons that you always heard about in school, but it might have been JP Morgan, where when he died, they expected him to have, like, just billions and billions of dollars.
03:29:00 And they found out he literally he didn't have any money.
03:29:04 That all of his money was.
03:29:05 Was uh.
03:29:08 He was basically just dealing with he.
03:29:10 Was an agent.
Speaker 6
03:29:10 Of of the Rothschild.
03:29:12 I think it was JP Morgan.
03:29:14 I might be I might have.
03:29:15 It doesn't matter though.
03:29:16 It was one of these big American robber barons that at the end of the day, was just.
Speaker 8
03:29:20 An agent of the Rothschilds.
Speaker 6
03:29:24 UM.
03:29:27 Castle Ivaska rocks koslovsky.
03:29:33 I don't know.
Speaker 8
03:29:33 Saying that wrong.
03:29:35 Funny, not funny. That as a child in the 1960s, even while being taught about anti communism and Bolsheviks, the adults would not name the culprit bankers and the Communist Jews as Jews. Yeah, that, that. That's because the the.
03:29:51 The anti-Semitism rhetoric had went full blast prior to World War 2 and by the Time World War Two was.
03:29:58 They were.
03:29:59 Everyone was scared to even say the word Jew without sounding like you worked for Hitler.
03:30:07 Guitar Dude 1356 my Chinese father does not understand how the Jays have brainwashed US whites to take.
03:30:16 Responsibility for the Holocaust, which occurred on another continent by different people.
03:30:22 He also knows that the USSR and China lost the the most people during World War 2, but people are fixated on the 6 million Jays.
03:30:34 I don't think whites will fight back unless they somehow got rid of this guilt complex.
03:30:40 The main reason whites allow blacks and Jays to run rampant is the guilt complex.
03:30:46 How best do we do away with it?
03:30:48 Also, even if Americans wake up to Jay Power.
03:30:52 What can be done about it?
03:30:57 UM.
03:30:59 Alright, so the guilt complex thing.
03:31:02 The guilt complex thing I don't understand either because I don't.
Speaker 8
03:31:06 Suffer from it?
03:31:07 I have never suffered from it.
03:31:10 I don't know that maybe it's a a cultural residue from the propaganda that, you know, the combined forces of World War 2 post world.
03:31:22 Well, World War 2 and post World War 2 propaganda combined with the civil rights movement.
03:31:31 But you know, part of me wants to say that.
03:31:33 Played a big.
03:31:33 Role, but this goes back even further than that.
03:31:36 You go back and read presidential addresses from and I've done this on. On this string you look at a presidential address from the early 1900s and there it's like all this apologetic.
Speaker 8
03:31:50 Nonsense like all.
03:31:53 All this, we're sorry, everyone, that we're evil white guys like there's some.
03:31:57 Element of that.
03:31:59 In the white ruling class going really way back way far back.
03:32:05 And and it's.
03:32:07 I don't know what it.
03:32:08 Is other than.
03:32:09 All I can think of is I've noticed that.
03:32:13 Like one of the.
03:32:14 I remember trying to figure out why why every celebrity was a leftist, and I've since revised my theory.
03:32:21 But part of that I think is with what I was thinking.
Speaker 8
03:32:24 Is still somewhat.
03:32:26 True, and that is if you.
03:32:29 Are a an ultra rich celebrity and you all your money is like it's ridiculously out of step with what you provide, right?
03:32:41 If you have hundreds of millions of dollars and your job is to show up on.
Speaker 6
03:32:46 A set.
03:32:48 You know, a couple of months.
03:32:49 Out of the year and play pretend.
Speaker 8
03:32:51 For a while.
03:32:53 And then everyone's always telling you how great you are and interviewing you and promoting you and just and losing their **** when they see you.
03:33:02 They're so excited and they just want you to, you know, to to notice them and.
Speaker 6
03:33:07 You know you.
03:33:07 If you live the life of a celebrity, you you're going to have this really ******.
03:33:13 View of the world and you're going to have some guilt.
03:33:17 You're going to feel guilty for your success because deep down, you know you don't.
Speaker 8
03:33:21 Deserve that ****.
03:33:22 And especially celebrities, right?
03:33:24 These people are usually ****** people, so if you're a ****** person and the world is.
03:33:30 Rewarding you like this?
03:33:32 You know you're going to feel a little bit like you don't deserve it, and so you want to try to make up for that imbalance.
03:33:38 And because they they're not particularly deep thinkers, and because your bosses are these leftist Jews, you're going to try to, you're going to basically suck up to these these causes.
03:33:52 And I think that.
03:33:54 There's an element to that in the white ruling class where you have these generational wealth families and I think some of them do believe their own ********.
03:34:05 I think that some of them do feel guilty for their generational wealth and they see it.
03:34:11 They justify.
03:34:14 Having it by playing along with these grandiose plans.
03:34:20 That are going.
03:34:20 To somehow produce equity right, like they're going to they're.
03:34:24 Going to bring.
03:34:25 Balance to the all the inequality in the world that they benefit so deeply from.
03:34:33 And I think that's, that's the whites that participate in this suicidal ****.
03:34:42 I think that's a part of the psychology.
Speaker 6
03:34:45 UM.
03:34:49 And then in terms of what to do about it?
03:34:53 Uh, I mean.
03:34:57 It would just.
Speaker 5
03:34:58 It would be a huge it would.
03:35:00 Be a giant.
Speaker 23
03:35:01 You know one small.
03:35:02 Step for man, a white man and one giant leap for white man kind I.
03:35:06 Don't know if if white.
03:35:08 Whites were just aware of it, right?
03:35:11 You could avoid the tricks.
03:35:15 That alone be a huge step in the right direction, but I mean, look, if you're going to talk utopian.
03:35:21 If there was suddenly.
03:35:23 This massive uh.
03:35:28 Change in the way that white people understood the role of of Jewish power in western societies.
03:35:38 They have their own country now.
03:35:42 That's that was kind of why I think a lot of whites were OK with the formation of Israel is because for the last 1000 years, all they had to listen to were these Jews ******** about how they're they're they're wandering the earth without a homeland.
03:35:56 You know well, now you got one.
03:36:00 So go live there.
03:36:03 I don't think.
03:36:03 That how is that?
03:36:04 A cruel punishment.
03:36:06 We gave you an ethno state.
Speaker 6
03:36:08 So ******* move there already.
03:36:12 You know, it's not exactly super ****** over there.
03:36:15 You ain't got, like, tons of ******* industry and money and all your Jew.
03:36:19 Gold so.
03:36:20 They go ******* hang out there.
03:36:22 You know why you got to stay?
03:36:23 Here, after all this ******* ******** and moaning about how you want a homeland and now you you don't ******* go there.
03:36:30 I think honestly it was.
03:36:31 It was kind of understood probably by at least some people involved with all that that, that that's what would happen, right?
03:36:41 Nothing that's necessarily what motivated them wanting to support, you know, a Zionist kind of plan, but I I refuse to believe that.
03:36:50 I mean that there's not at.
03:36:51 Least some people that were like, yeah, sure, you can have this real long as you *******.
03:36:56 Go there, you know.
03:36:59 I think that's a perfect solution.
03:37:01 Look, they can be, you know, it can be a Jewish state for, you know, until the moshiach returns and whatever.
Speaker 8
03:37:09 But that will never happen.
03:37:11 Colorado word.
03:37:11 Hey, Devin, have you been able to find any, any anymore?
03:37:16 Pictures of black Nazis.
03:37:17 I really want to show people that stuff and they are extremely difficult to find these days.
03:37:22 I think I've only seen like 2.
03:37:24 I know they exist.
03:37:28 Yeah, I don't know.
03:37:29 I don't know.
03:37:29 Where the best place to look for?
03:37:31 That it would be you, could you?
03:37:32 Know if you start a thread on pole.
03:37:36 Just post one of them that you've got the 1:00 you got and say I want more photos of Black Nazis and maybe some spergy Nazi will start doing an image dump.
03:37:45 Might be that might be the way to do it.
Speaker 6
03:37:48 UM.
03:37:51 My awesome channel, $5 Mel Gibson owns a very large island in Fiji, one of the few freehold land islands he's built in an an airstrip and runs herds of cattle.
03:38:03 Sounds to me like a bit of a proper getaway.
03:38:07 We sailed past it a few years ago when travel didn't have.
03:38:11 Clot shot requirements love your work, Devin.
03:38:14 He sounds like the kind of guy that would have, like, a prepper.
03:38:19 That's what you know, like mentality.
03:38:22 Yeah, the thing.
03:38:23 Here's the thing, too.
03:38:24 A lot of people keep asking, like, well, how do we solve how?
03:38:26 We solve it.
Speaker 5
03:38:30 I would say.
03:38:32 There are a lot of preppers that prep.
03:38:34 For different reasons.
03:38:37 And some of them prep out of some kind of compulsion more than actually preparation for anything.
03:38:44 But I would say the majority of preppers.
03:38:49 Aren't prepping necessarily because they think something's going to happen, but because they want something to happen and they know deep down inside if that they are?
03:39:03 It's better.
03:39:06 To have all excuses off the table.
03:39:11 That you are going to be more willing.
03:39:15 Two, I don't want to say, participate or or maybe bring about this.
03:39:21 This something that could happen, but you know, like you're going to be.
03:39:31 It's going to be it's going to sound you're not.
03:39:33 Going to be so, uh.
03:39:35 Worried about the system collapsing?
03:39:37 If you're good to go.
Speaker 6
03:39:41 So I I think that is almost a.
03:39:45 A better reason to Prep is to get you in the mindset.
03:39:49 Of get you out of this fear.
03:39:51 Like, well **** like Farrakhan was talking about, right?
03:39:54 They give you the money and then you know you have to say what they wanted.
03:39:57 They take it away, get yourself in a position where it's like it's alright, they took it away.
03:40:01 Big deal.
Speaker 6
03:40:04 You know, I don't need your ******* system.
03:40:07 I can be independent.
03:40:08 Of it.
Speaker 6
03:40:09 And it'll it will change.
03:40:11 It will alter your behavior.
03:40:14 UM.
03:40:21 I'm never going to say that.
03:40:24 Cast laviska rocks cause love, cause love, ska alright, cause love ski rocks.
03:40:35 I'm not going to.
Speaker 8
03:40:36 Always remember that just seeing now.
03:40:38 Cause loves go rocks.
03:40:39 My screen name is to honor Czechoslovakian gymnast.
03:40:44 Vera Kozlowska, who at the 1968 Olympics silently protested the Soviet tanks rolling into Prague. There you go.
03:40:57 And then Kozlowski rocks, the Romanov czars were correct.
03:41:01 When they told the Rothschilds to **** *** when he tried to get Russia into debt to his family bank.
03:41:09 They were also correct by containing Jews in the pale, lest they cheat golem and businesses and sleep with our women.
03:41:18 The archive clip you played with Deborah Norville was precious, honest discussion of Jays making deal with Adolph and moving into Palestine.
03:41:31 You won't hear that kind of admission today.
Speaker 8
03:41:32 OK, right, right.
03:41:35 That's I found that in on archive.
03:41:37 Dot org I was.
03:41:38 Like oh this.
03:41:38 Is it's crazy that this was on the news.
Speaker 8
03:41:43 Uh, but there it was.
03:41:46 Epigenetic force $1.00 Dave Chappelle just did a monologue on SNL last night talking about Kanye and the Jews.
03:41:54 Well, there you go.
03:41:55 The noticing the noticing continues.
03:41:59 I haven't seen it.
03:42:01 But yeah, it might be interesting to check it out.
03:42:06 I don't think Dave Chappelle is.
Speaker 6
03:42:09 Extraordinarily, based by any means, by the way.
03:42:12 I know there's a lot of.
03:42:13 Conservatives that like to think that he is and.
03:42:16 There's also a lot of, you know, zoomers that want to think that Kanye is somehow, you know, the shape of the white race and.
03:42:25 You know, not even not even Farrakhan, as much as I've put some praise on him tonight.
03:42:30 Not even Farrakhan is.
03:42:34 Is, is, is gonna help us.
03:42:36 You know what I mean?
03:42:37 I, I.
03:42:37 Think I think he's.
03:42:39 He's someone you can learn from though.
03:42:41 Or at least that speech in particular is and you know, look, maybe I'll I'll learn something about influencing by watching that clip, but I'll.
03:42:50 I'll watch that as soon.
03:42:51 As soon as we close the stream down, I can't play it just because it'll crash.
Speaker 8
03:42:55 This computer this computer is.
03:42:57 Nice and ghetto.
03:42:59 All right.
03:43:00 Well, I am going to shut this stream down.
03:43:03 It's being a witch.
03:43:05 Because we are at the, we're almost at.
03:43:08 The four hour mark.
03:43:11 And I am exhausted.
03:43:15 And I'm surprised my computer and Internet worked this whole time, so I'll tell you one thing.
03:43:22 One thing I learned from this is that the computer settings.
03:43:27 For when I get my desktop working that I've been using to slow down the bit rate, I don't think it's necessary.
03:43:35 I think it actually creates problems cause this it's been solid with that I didn't put that on on this one.
03:43:41 And unless it's been dropping out constantly.
03:43:45 It has lost a.
03:43:45 Few frames I guess so maybe it is dropping out.
03:43:48 I don't know.
03:43:49 Maybe I'll do some experiments.
03:43:53 But thanks for joining me tonight on this ghetto version.
03:43:58 Of the insomnia stream, I'll get a real computer.
03:44:00 Up up soon.
03:44:03 And I'll get these animations working.
03:44:06 Uh, you guys, I'll see you again on Wednesday for Black pill.
03:44:10 Bam, of course.
Speaker 14
03:44:15 Dem stack. You try out the California play built around Pollard. It is, in effect a double block for Jim's favorite 1 hander in this play, the two guards, Martin and Harrison, sat up the block with an assist from Michael. You rehearse it again and again.
03:44:36 The arrow points to Harrison, whose blocking powers man, springing kangaroo gym clear to make his patented shot.
03:44:44 Then they use it in a game just like this.
03:44:55 It worked hard perfecting the Texas play, a running crisscross built around your fastest man, Dougie Martin.
03:45:00 The classy little Texan.
03:45:04 You do it over and over again to get it right.
03:45:06 Your forwards pulling out to open up the middle, the first cutter Harrison throws to Miken, who gives it to the second cutter.
03:45:12 Martin, who has a nice alley to the basket.
03:45:18 And so you tried the game Harrison to Miken.
03:45:22 He's in the high pivot and Slater Martin cutting in.
03:45:24 The only thing that stops him.
03:45:25 Is a foul.
03:45:29 You put all these things together, you shift them every game to cross up the opposition and you try to stay just a half a step ahead of the league.
03:45:37 You travel east and West and you drop a couple of tough ones on the road.
03:45:41 You come home and win a couple.
03:45:44 And you practice in between times.
03:45:46 You plan some new plays and perfect.
03:45:48 Some old ones.
03:45:49 And meanwhile you take them as they come.
03:45:51 Sometimes you play five games and five nights and travel in between.
03:45:56 But always you try to keep that half step ahead of the.
03:45:58 Rest of the league.
03:46:01 Planning, working, practicing and playing.
03:46:10 Once in a while you get.
03:46:11 Home for a rest.
Speaker 10
03:46:41 No, you get out now this.
03:46:58 No, this place is closed.
03:47:00 No, I.
03:47:00 Didn't see this.
Speaker 17
03:47:03 I still got.
03:47:03 The song OK.
Speaker 24
03:47:19 Yeah, they have.
03:47:20 There they have.