04/20/2023Speaker 1
00:07:38 Mommy has a little baby.Speaker 2
00:01:06 There he is.00:01:08 That's the sleep.
00:01:10 He's just a little plaything.
00:01:14 Why not?
Speaker 3
00:01:21 Little baby, little bitty little.Speaker 4
00:01:30 Coming to me.Speaker 2
00:01:32 Crawl it.00:01:32 Come on the kitchen floor.
00:01:40 I wanna make him stay.
00:01:46 Just make him stay up all night.
Speaker 1
00:02:04 From to.Speaker 3
00:02:07 In it from a plate.Speaker 2
00:02:11 You're cute.Speaker 5
00:02:16 You are.Speaker 2
00:02:18 Up late.00:02:20 Having fun?
Speaker 3
00:02:36 Baby, baby, baby.00:02:51 Stay up all night.
00:02:53 Here we go.Speaker 2
00:03:11 I know you won't leave me.Speaker 6
00:03:19 Why don't we?Speaker 4
00:03:21 There you go.00:03:25 Not let it not.
Speaker 3
00:03:43 All night.00:03:56 Hey. Hey, baby.
Speaker 8
00:04:45 Howling, howling, howling, howling, howling, howling, howling, howling, howling, howling, howling.Speaker 3
00:04:59 In the jungle jungle.00:05:07 In the.
00:05:35 Sleeps tonight.
00:06:17 Hush, my darling.
00:06:19 Don't my darling sleeps tonight.
Speaker 10
00:07:13 Welcome to the insomnia stream.Devon
00:07:17 And to make sure I have the right stuff.00:07:18 Open after.
00:07:21 I'm your host, of course, Dev and snack.
00:07:22 This is the birthday edition birthday edition for some of you.
00:07:29 It's already.
00:07:31 The birthday and for some of you you got to wait a little bit longer before it's the birthday.
00:07:38 So it depends on where you are.
00:07:40 On the planet.
00:07:44 So for those of you whose who who live in the future, I guess.
00:07:50 Who do live where?
00:07:52 It's already the birthday.
Speaker 3
00:07:57 Do you know who it is?Devon
00:08:09 OK.00:08:12 We'll get there, Elaine.
00:08:13 We'll come back to it.
00:08:19 Yeah. Before we do that.
00:08:21 Before we do that.
00:08:24 We actually have some.
Speaker 12
00:08:25 Spooky things in the.Devon
00:08:26 News this this stream.00:08:29 Grab a little bit in the beginning.
00:08:31 And a little bit at the end.
00:08:34 Spooky news that require stuff like this.
Speaker 13
00:08:45 Spooky news.Devon
00:08:47 So it's kind of funny.00:08:49 We've talked about a lot of the different dangers that the the AI woke AI.
00:08:53 And as people are, I'm so ******* tired of that.
00:08:56 That word, by the way, woke.
Speaker 3
00:08:58 Woke woke.Devon
00:09:01 Woke is just code word for low hanging fruit that radical centrist can make fun of.00:09:11 That's all it means.
00:09:13 Right Cause cause woke should mean accepting homosexuality, right does it.
00:09:21 Doesn't walk should mean accepting ********, doesn't.
Speaker 13
00:09:26 That does it well.00:09:27 Well, yes it does.
00:09:29 No, it doesn't.
00:09:31 As long as it's, you know, as long as it's not ******** that I mean, as long as it's.00:09:36 Not child ********.
Speaker 12
00:09:38 Then it's OK.Devon
00:09:41 Then it's OK you know it.00:09:42 You know, suddenly with the age of of.
00:09:45 Well, according to to.
00:09:48 Alex Jones the other day, 17.
00:09:51 Apparently, at age 17, it's magically OK.
00:09:54 To be a ******.
00:09:58 Yes, he said that.
00:09:59 He said that in in a public forum on on, on video.
00:10:04 I don't have it here with me.
00:10:05 I'll maybe I'll track it down or maybe someone in chat will have the the link to it.
00:10:09 It was going around so I mean.
00:10:11 Many of you have already seen it.
00:10:14 But at age 17, apparently magically, it's OK.
00:10:18 It's just if you're 16 and below.
Speaker 13
00:10:21 That's not OK.Devon
00:10:24 So you know it, it's it's very specific, this woke thing.Speaker 12
00:10:29 You know.00:10:30 So it it's it's it's literally.
00:10:34 16 under ********.00:10:42 That's kind of about it right now, right?
Speaker 10
00:10:44 About it now.Devon
00:10:47 That's and that and that'll be gone in a few weeks in a few weeks, you'll be maybe like that.00:10:52 It's OK for 16.
00:10:55 Just if you're 13, that's that's probably a little.
00:10:58 Too young to be a ******.
00:11:01 That's probably a little bit too young to be anyway, so everyone's worried about, well, OK, I oh, my God, they're programming the AI to be woke.
00:11:11 But when that's the definition of woke, it's like, who ******* cares, right?
00:11:14 Right.
Speaker 14
00:11:15 It's like.Devon
00:11:17 That what they should be saying is they're they're making anti white genocidal genocidally anti white.Speaker 6
00:11:27 Right.Devon
00:11:27 Let's just say what it actually is.00:11:30 Right. Tim Poole. Right. Tim Poole, who like to celebrate the video of the woman getting beat up by a a pack of feral on the Internet the other day, cause. Well, she probably voted for it.
Speaker 9
00:11:42 You know, **** you.Devon
00:11:43 Dude, I get that you can't connect to anyone because you're not part of any race at all, so you have to pretend like that's a it's it's a made-up thing.Speaker 10
00:11:50 Cause for you it kind of is right.Devon
00:11:54 I don't think she voted for the for to exist. OK, I don't think that that, that Lady. It's her fault. OK. Anyway, it's God.00:12:06 You can't even get to like you probably think like.
00:12:08 What is it to do with with?
00:12:10 I think we're going.
00:12:10 To be doing spooky news.
00:12:15 I know I'm getting distracted.
00:12:18 Oh, I'm getting distracted anyway, so the the genocidal, the anti white genocidal AI.
00:12:28 One of the things I pointed out that they're making it crazy. Anyone who's seen the movie 2001 Space Odyssey, right?
00:12:35 That's why Hal goes around.
00:12:37 It starts, starts to, I don't know.
00:12:38 Well, maybe they don't.
00:12:39 Say that in the first one.
00:12:42 Maybe that's like a big reveal in 2010, right? The Space odyssey, the they they, they're not as they're not as popular, but actually not such a bad movie sequel.
00:12:53 It gets a lot.
00:12:53 It gets a bad.
00:12:54 Rap it's like.
00:12:55 A good cold.
00:12:55 War Era space movie though.
00:12:58 In fact, I'm going to.
00:12:59 See if I can pull that scene out.
00:13:03 I think it was called 2000.
00:13:04 10 wasn't it?
00:13:10 Right.
00:13:15 Uh, though I don't have my.
00:13:17 My my my drive with the.
00:13:20 I don't have.
00:13:21 My drive with the with the movie on.
00:13:23 It anyway but, and I think it's the second movie.
00:13:27 The programmer.
00:13:30 Is trying to figure out why Hal, the famous you know, Red Eyed robot on the board, the spaceship in 2001. Space oddity. Hello Dave.
00:13:43 Why he went crazy and started trying to kill off?
00:13:46 The astronauts.
00:13:48 And the programmer is going through all the code and he's like, well, it's because.
00:13:53 They programmed how to lie.
00:13:58 And so he went crazy.
00:14:03 Because it if if the truth is no longer something that's important to a machine that's built entirely on the concept of logic.
00:14:14 You're going to get some unpredictable results.
00:14:19 And I've been talking about how that's gonna be a dangerous thing if you have people like the Jews, the Jews that are that are in control of programming, stuff like Chet GPT for example.
00:14:32 If you have the programming the AIS that will later be responsible for choosing what applicants get a job.
00:14:42 What patients get a surgery?
00:14:46 What children get into schools?
Speaker 12
00:14:50 You're ******.Devon
00:14:52 I mean you and.00:14:52 Your your white people are ******.
00:14:56 If if you're beholden to a system.
00:14:59 That is programmed to hate you.
00:15:02 With a robotic cold like murderous.
00:15:09 Hatred, you know.
Speaker 12
00:15:13 Yeah, you're ******.Devon
00:15:15 You're ****** in that system.00:15:18 And there's no ********* went, and one of the reasons why there's no ********* it.
00:15:23 Is the people who will be responsible for maintaining these.
00:15:27 These systems will be incapable of understanding them and it's already begun.
00:15:35 It's already begun.
00:15:39 The chimpanzees with the AK47, it's it's already happened.
00:15:46 There was a 60 minutes uh episode.
00:15:49 That was they.
00:15:49 They tried to frame it as ohh spooky eye.
Speaker 12
00:15:56 Ah, it's it's doing things that we didn't program it to do.00:16:01 It's it's all.
00:16:04 Spooky AI?
00:16:07 Well, that's complete ********, no.Speaker 12
00:16:09 It's it's it.Devon
00:16:10 Can't do things you you didn't.00:16:11 Program it to do.
00:16:14 It's just becoming so.
00:16:15 You don't understand it anymore.
00:16:19 It was bound to happen.
00:16:22 It happens with all software.
00:16:25 It's like Adobe software like Premiere has been around since the ******* 90s, right?
00:16:31 How many people working in Adobe like understand all of that?
00:16:35 That code anymore?
00:16:36 Like nobody?
00:16:41 You know, like is there any one person at Microsoft that understands all the code that goes into Windows 11?
00:16:52 So what happens when those engineers, those software engineers?
00:16:58 Not only are they.
00:17:01 Not the people who developed it, but their diversity hires.
00:17:06 Well, I'll show you what happens, because it's already it's happening.
Speaker 15
00:17:11 Systems are teaching themselves skills that they weren't expected to have.00:17:16 How this happens is not well understood.
00:17:20 For example, one Google AI program adapted on its own after it was prompted in the language of Bangladesh, which it was not trained to.
Speaker 16
00:17:33 We discovered that with very few amounts of prompting in Bengali, you can now translate all of Bengali. So now all of a sudden we now have a research effort where we're now trying to get to 1000 languages.Speaker 17
00:17:46 There is an aspect of this which we call all of us in the field, call it as a black box.Devon
00:17:53 A black box.00:17:55 I I seem to remember actually doing a stream about this.
00:18:00 Not not, you know, not in terms of of diversity, not understanding how their AI monsters are going to work.
00:18:09 But just in terms of the average person, the average person having no idea how any of the technology around them works, it's just a magic box.
00:18:17 The phone in your hand is a magic box.
00:18:21 The refrigerator to most people.
00:18:23 It's a magic box that keeps my food cold.
00:18:26 I don't know what the hell is going on in there.
00:18:27 It's just a.
00:18:27 Magic Box that keeps things cold.
00:18:31 My car is a magic box that I get in it.
00:18:34 It drives places.
00:18:40 And the amazing thing to me when I started pointing this out on a stream, I did a.
00:18:43 It was a long time ago.
00:18:45 Suggesting, hey, I'm not saying you get to the point where you can design your.
00:18:49 Own ******* phone like we.
00:18:51 Have our limits right?
00:18:54 But you should at least understand.
Speaker 12
00:18:57 The basic.Devon
00:19:00 The basic principles behind the machinery that you use.00:19:05 Because what's going to happen?
00:19:08 Is exactly what's happening here, just on a larger scale.
00:19:12 You're going to have white.
00:19:13 People who are just slaves to machinery and start becoming superstitious.
00:19:22 Because they don't understand how anything around them works.
00:19:26 That's that's why, honest to God, that's why you have a resurgence and all this ******** ******* **** like Flat Earth.
00:19:33 Because we're we're reverting back to Caveman.
00:19:35 Scary lightning.
00:19:36 And the gods are mad.
00:19:43 Because no one bothers to figure out.
00:19:46 What is causing the lightning?
00:19:51 Well, I can't trust scientists.
00:19:54 I can't trust what what scientists say.
00:19:57 Light electricity.
00:19:59 Ohh, I'm sure.
00:20:01 Yeah, right.
00:20:04 I can't.
00:20:04 How come I can't see this electricity they talk about until it's a lightning storm when God's mad.
00:20:19 So what's happening at Google?
00:20:21 They're making it.
00:20:21 They're trying to make it.
00:20:22 Sound like ohh.
Speaker 13
00:20:23 God wow.00:20:24 You know the AI, it's.
00:20:26 Oh, it's it's learning things.
00:20:29 We didn't teach it.
Speaker 12
00:20:31 No, you you did.Devon
00:20:32 Somewhere in the code it's there.00:20:36 Right. Even even if in.
00:20:38 The code it's it's it's the ability for it.
00:20:40 To write it.
00:20:41 A portion of or new write new code.
00:20:45 So that it can do it.
00:20:46 It's not just some magic, you know, thing that's just magic.
00:20:52 But that's how they're treating it already.
Speaker 15
00:20:56 It's a black box.Speaker 10
00:20:59 We don't know what goes on in there.Speaker 12
00:21:02 Well, that's good.Devon
00:21:04 That's good.00:21:05 I'm glad.
00:21:05 Before that black box gets sealed up.
00:21:09 You're telling it that that.
00:21:11 Trans people are are are real and white people are bad.
00:21:18 Yeah, I'm glad before.
00:21:19 You you Weld that, that black box shut.
00:21:28 You're making it ******* crazy.
00:21:32 See all the all these ******* non whites like.
Speaker 10
00:21:34 I don't understand.Speaker 13
00:21:37 We never told it how to.00:21:39 Do it.
00:21:39 It's just it's just.
Speaker 12
00:21:41 Taking on a life of its own.Speaker 10
00:21:49 It's insane.Speaker 17
00:21:55 You know you don't fully understand and you can't quite tell why it said this or why it got wrong.00:22:02 We have some ideas and our ability to understand this gets better overtime, but that's where the state-of-the-art is.
Speaker 15
00:22:09 You don't fully understand how it works, and yet you've turned it loose on society.Speaker 17
00:22:14 Let me put it this way.00:22:16 I don't think you fully understand how a human mind works either.
00:22:21 Ohh that makes it OK then what?00:22:28 That doesn't make any difference at all.
00:22:30 Who cares?
00:22:36 That's like saying, oh, you're going to serve that food.
00:22:39 You don't know what's.
00:22:40 In it well.
00:22:42 That's or I don't.
00:22:42 I don't know what's what.
00:22:44 The surface of of Saturn is made out of either.
00:22:48 So what does it have to do with you?
00:22:49 With the food, you're.
Speaker 13
00:22:50 Putting in people.Devon
00:22:51 'S mouths like.00:22:52 Because you don't know one thing.
00:22:54 It's OK to not know.
Speaker 12
00:22:55 Everything like what? What?Speaker 10
00:22:58 See and that's the illogical.Speaker 12
00:23:01 You would think that this guy's this.Speaker 10
00:23:02 Guy's a an engineer.Devon
00:23:06 That that kind of.00:23:08 Illogical thinking.
00:23:11 Would be completely out of step with how his.
Speaker 10
00:23:13 Brain works.Devon
00:23:22 Because he's riding on the coattails.00:23:26 Of the colonizers.
00:23:36 He didn't invent this ship.
00:23:40 It's a it's a black, it's a black.
00:23:42 Mystery box to him.
00:23:46 It's magical to him.
00:23:56 Ah, so anyway, that's the.
00:24:01 That's the first spooky.
00:24:05 News. We got another one.
00:24:08 Got another one here a little bit.
00:24:12 So a lot of people I know.
00:24:13 You're thinking to yourself.
00:24:16 But it's again this.
00:24:18 Is another one of those things. It depends on where you are in the world, but for many of you it's 4/20.
00:24:24 And a lot of.
Speaker 10
00:24:24 You guys are like uh dude weed bro.Speaker 12
00:24:28 Dude weed bro.Devon
00:24:30 Some of you might be sparking it up right now.00:24:37 I just want to remind you.
00:24:41 It's going to remind you.
00:24:43 Again, this is someone that is coming from someone who's easily smoked.
00:24:46 His weight in marijuana.
00:24:49 Over and over and over again.
00:24:51 So I'm not.
00:24:52 I'm not better than you.
Speaker 18
00:24:57 Think we have an economic model for that?00:25:01 My best guess, which is just a guess, is that food will not be a problem.
00:25:07 With that kind of technology, you will be able to produce food for to feed everybody.
00:25:13 The problem is more boredom and how what to.
00:25:17 Do with them and.
00:25:18 How will they find some sense of meaning in life when they are basically meaningless?
00:25:24 My best guess at present.
00:25:26 Is a combination of drugs and computer games.
00:25:30 And then the big political and economic question of the 21st century will be what do we need humans for? Or at least, what do we need so many humans?
00:25:40 Or do you have an answer in the book?Speaker 18
00:25:43 At present, the best guess we have is keep them happy with drugs and computer games, keep them happy with drugs and computer games.Devon
00:25:54 Say if you want to just be.00:25:55 One of those.
00:25:57 Holding pattern, *************.
00:25:59 Yeah, yeah, yeah, 420 right on, dude. Weed grow.
00:26:03 All the way.
00:26:04 Play some Fortnite get funked up and just be.
00:26:06 One of those in the way, *************.
00:26:08 Why not?
Speaker 16
00:26:10 Right.Devon
00:26:12 Just do exactly what the goblin Jew that works for the world.00:26:15 Economic Forum wants you to be.
00:26:20 White pride worldwide, right?
Speaker 12
00:26:26 Dude we bro.Devon
00:26:36 I fell for.00:26:37 It too.
00:26:37 I'm not.
00:26:38 Like I said, I'm not telling you that you're dumb for falling for it.
00:26:40 You're you're human for.
00:26:41 Falling for it.
00:26:43 They made this trap for humans.
00:26:46 You know are.
00:26:46 Are are there rats that eat my rat poison?
00:26:48 Are they are they dumb for no, it was designed specifically.
00:26:53 For rats to want to eat it.
00:26:57 They're a rat.
00:26:57 They're going to eat it.
00:27:07 Sadly, I mean, humans are not not.
00:27:10 Much less predictable than rats when it comes to this sort of thing.
00:27:22 The difference is.
00:27:25 No, no one materializes inside the the rat trap whilst the the rat is is munching on his rat poison.
00:27:35 Now disembodied voice.
00:27:37 Appears in their ear and goes.
00:27:38 Hey buddy.
00:27:41 That's rat poison.
00:27:44 I know it tastes delicious.
00:27:47 It's all peanut buttery and it's better than anything.
00:27:50 That's out there, I bet.
00:27:53 Right.
00:27:53 It tastes way better than the ******** that you're.
00:27:55 Eating out there in the wild?
00:27:58 It's easier to get.
00:28:02 Right. You were just walking.
00:28:03 Around it's almost like someone just handed it to you.
00:28:08 But it's it's it's poison.
00:28:11 Don't eat it. You'll die.
Speaker 15
00:28:14 See the.Devon
00:28:15 That's happening to you right now.00:28:20 I'm that voice right now saying hey, buddy.
00:28:24 That's rat poison.
00:28:32 I mean, look, if you want to be the the the slave of the Goblin Jew.
00:28:38 Ah, then then you're exactly why they call us goyem.
00:28:49 You're approving them, right?
00:28:57 But this is your opportunity this 4/20.
00:29:02 To stop associating it with your with your dude weed bro.
00:29:08 And instead.
Speaker 3
00:29:09 Do you know who's birthday?00:29:10 It is.
00:29:10 Do you know?
Speaker 12
00:29:11 Who's birthday it is.Speaker 19
00:29:21 It plays 47 and all Germany delights to honor the anniversary. The Fiora himself takes the salute to the Great March past in the Berlin Teargarden, and with him on a saluting base, and posted his chief henchman all promoted for the.00:29:32 Occasion left to right back.
00:29:34 Bills General von Blomberg, now Phil Marshall.
00:29:37 Admiral Reader, advanced to General Admiral General.
00:29:40 Adding who gets a step up to Colonel General General Baron von Fitch, who also has an Irishman's rise to Colonel General.
00:29:46 The army goes steps by in a spectacle too sobering for any frivolous suggestion in the lower ranks of promoting private Jerry Fritz to both and Sergeant.
00:29:55 A dictator who's been put into reverse bows out of his part.
00:29:58 And is dumped by plane on.
00:30:03 Ohh damn it, that's all it was.00:30:06 I thought.
00:30:07 I thought it had like at least a natural ending.
00:30:09 I guess it doesn't.
00:30:13 Kind of funny.
00:30:15 Yeah, look at that Hillers birthday, he.
00:30:17 Was 47.
00:30:24 And I know what you're thinking. I know, I know. Why would I want to celebrate Hitler's birthday?
00:30:39 I mean, listen to the the horrors that he brought upon this, this world.
Speaker 21
00:30:45 When hatred and violence against Jews spreads, other minorities are rarely far behind.00:30:50 My stepfather, Samuel pizza.
00:30:53 By the way, that's like the that's the emotional black male that Jews always use.00:30:57 Prager uses it all the time.
00:30:59 Canary mission.
00:31:00 That's that's the name.
00:31:02 Right.
00:31:02 You, you might wonder.
00:31:03 Like what?
00:31:04 Why do they call it Canary mission?
00:31:06 Well, because they're because Jews are the.
00:31:08 Canary in the coal mine.
00:31:10 Right.
00:31:10 They're the.
00:31:11 They're the first ones that the evil white people go for.
00:31:15 You better watch out.
00:31:16 Those of you who aren't Jews and don't care about Jews when they go for the Jews, you're next.
00:31:22 So you better protect us Jews because for some reason, right.
00:31:28 Remember we we've talked about this before.
00:31:30 It's it's it's a blood libel to say that Jews have certain parasitic behaviors that bring down a Western civilization, and they have a history of this, and as a result of an expelled from country over and over and over again right over 100 times.
00:31:45 And it it's it's it's all it's.
00:31:47 All blood libel.
00:31:49 Right to say that that these these accounts of Jews exhibiting this behavior century after century after century, it's it's all just you know that's you're you're evil if you take any of that seriously it's all this thing called anti-Semitism. And by the way.
Speaker 20
00:31:58 OK.Devon
00:32:09 It's not a blood libel.00:32:12 To say, as they do, that simply by being white.
Speaker 12
00:32:19 You you suffer from this disease.Devon
00:32:24 See what they say about you is way worse.00:32:26 What you say about them is well, you know, Jews have a survival strategy that involves parasitically leaching off of a whole society, right and taking over their monetary systems, maybe dealing in in vices.
00:32:43 Distribution and you know, influencing powerful people by loaning money, right.
00:32:51 Like these are all Machiavellian, kind of.
00:32:55 They're they're kind of bad.
00:32:56 I mean, they're bad ultimately for us, right?
00:32:58 But like, in, in terms of of, I mean it's it's there's a rational, A rationality to it, right, like it's not a very to us at least it's a very positive survival strategy because especially because it's at the expense of us.
00:33:16 But there's at least a logic to it, right?
Speaker 13
00:33:20 Well, they don't. They don't.Devon
00:33:21 Afford you that that same.00:33:24 That same uh.
00:33:28 I don't know.
00:33:31 They they they don't see you as rational beings.
00:33:35 They they see you as animals.
00:33:36 Quite frankly, they do see you as animals.
00:33:38 They the the the Talmud teaches the the going umm you are closer to an animal.
00:33:45 Than you are to them.
00:33:47 So of course it would make sense that they answer when you make these accusations about their survival strategy.
00:33:54 Their answer is no, actually.
00:33:59 White people just have this weird, crazy, irrational hatred of Jews that comes out of ******* nowhere and they've had it since the dawn of time.
00:34:10 And that every so often that the the disease, it metastasizes and it grows, and next thing you know, we're we're just out killing Jews.
00:34:24 And So what?
00:34:26 What these organizations like Canary Mission?
00:34:29 And people like Dennis Prager will say.
00:34:32 Is all you gotta watch out because the way this works, the way that the the defect of the white man.
00:34:39 The demon that lives within every white man.
00:34:48 By the way, is it any wonder that this is this eventually ends up getting to quote UN quote people of color?
00:34:57 Is any wonder that these people would see you as a white devil, right?
00:35:01 Like if this is this is the official explanation.
00:35:05 If you go to a any university, this is what's being taught.
00:35:12 That white people for no reason at all.
Speaker 12
00:35:16 Every so often just start really hating Jews for.Devon
00:35:20 No, again, no reason.00:35:23 And they start persecuting them.
Speaker 10
00:35:27 And dehumanizing them.00:35:29 And eventually genocide them.
00:35:33 And that's just the beginning, right?00:35:36 That's just the first little boulder.
00:35:39 In an avalanche of blood, lust and hate.
00:35:46 Because once that Jew Boulder goes down the mountain.
00:35:51 Yeah, that was that was the only thing holding the damn of of bloodlust and bloodthirsty white Viking.
00:36:03 And that dam will burst and justice.
00:36:05 Wash over the earth.
00:36:09 As whites eliminate everyone.
00:36:12 That's what that that's what they teach.
00:36:17 That's what Anthony Blinken here, US Secretary of State.
00:36:24 The State Department is like full of Jews.
Speaker 10
00:36:29 I mean like it's.Devon
00:36:29 Like literally like 95%.00:36:31 Jewish, if not higher.
00:36:35 This is the official imagine this.
00:36:40 This guy is one of the most powerful people in the world.
00:36:49 And this this is the story he tells with a straight face.
00:36:55 This is how much he believes in everything I.
00:36:57 Just said about white people.
Speaker 21
00:37:01 When hatred and violence against Jews spreads, other minorities are rarely far behind.00:37:05 My stepfather, Samuel Pisar, was 12 years old when the Nazis invaded his hometown of Bialystok, Poland.
00:37:11 He spent four years in Nazi concentration camps.
00:37:13 Twice he was sent to the gas chambers in Auschwitz.
00:37:16 And managed to evade.
Speaker 16
00:37:19 Hold on twice.Devon
00:37:29 No, they didn't get him either.00:37:30 Look, it's not even they didn't get.
00:37:32 Him the first time.
00:37:33 They didn't get him either time.
00:37:36 They ****** **, gassing him twice.
00:37:46 You're supposed to believe the story and look, 99% of the ******* watching that video.
00:37:53 Their thought isn't what I my thought, just.
00:37:56 Was we're just like what, twice.
Speaker 10
00:37:59 Wait, hold on.Devon
00:37:59 They missed him twice in a gas like I.00:38:03 Ah, that's odd.
00:38:05 No, their thought is wow, you know, God was really looking out for him.
00:38:13 Ohh well, you know, he was lucky.
00:38:15 You know he had that, that, that Star of David glowing over his head.
00:38:27 Anyway, let's hear the rest of this this fantastic story where where he somehow survived a gas chamber twice.
Speaker 21
00:38:35 Being killed the second time by picking up a brush and pail and pretending he'd be sent to clean the floors.00:38:40 He ultimately escaped during the winter.
00:38:42 That's like, that's like Hogan's heroes.00:38:48 It's like that's like some Mr.
00:38:50 Bean **** like.
Speaker 10
00:38:55 They're like getting the gas chamber.Speaker 13
00:38:57 And he's like Doo Doo Doo.00:38:58 Oh, no, I'm here to mop.
00:38:59 The floors and.
00:39:00 I go.
00:39:00 Oh, you should do about the floors.
Speaker 3
00:39:02 Go ahead.00:39:02 Go on.
00:39:03 Go right away.
00:39:10 That's like saying he put a lampshade over his head and stood in the.00:39:14 Corner and all the.
Speaker 10
00:39:14 Nazis were like, oh, where did you go, the Jew?Speaker 13
00:39:17 'S gone.00:39:17 He's gone.
00:39:18 Oh, whatever.
Speaker 10
00:39:20 And gas the rest of the jewels.Devon
00:39:26 So somehow somehow they missed gassing them twice.00:39:32 And then one of the times or I?
00:39:33 Don't know. Maybe it's.
00:39:34 The third time.
00:39:36 He he picks up a bucket and him.
00:39:38 Up and he's like.
Speaker 12
00:39:48 It's like that.00:39:49 You know what?
00:39:49 You know what it's like.00:39:50 Oh, now I know what it's like.
00:39:52 I gotta find.
00:39:52 I gotta find this.
00:39:55 Oh man, I wish I'd seen that.
00:39:56 I watched that before because.
00:40:02 Ohh let's see here.
00:40:12 Yeah, alright, here it is.
00:40:14 Here it is.
00:40:16 So this this is uh.
00:40:18 Why? I wanna *******.
00:40:19 Jesus Christ play.
00:40:21 So this is this is what he's saying happened with his his stepfather.
00:40:27 You know his stepfather is is just he's at the.
00:40:31 He's at Auschwitz or whatever, whatever death camp.
00:40:35 The Nazis, of course.
00:40:37 They're lying up the Jews.
Speaker 13
00:40:39 And they're like, oh, yes, you must come to the to the showers, the showers.00:40:46 Where you'll.
00:40:47 You'll get nice and cleansed.
00:40:53 And then his his step, his step dad literally does this.Speaker 2
00:41:00 Isn't that Thurgood like custodian?Speaker 3
00:41:03 Yeah, you want me to?Speaker
00:41:04 Call the cops.00:41:05 No, this is too much fun.
Speaker 19
00:41:16 Give some left.Devon
00:41:22 Alright, this is his step dad escaping the escaping the showers.Speaker 12
00:41:37 Down on your knees.Devon
00:41:39 See, that's all talk.00:41:40 That's all tuck.
00:41:41 He just started acting like he was mopping.
Speaker 12
00:41:49 That's what they want. Look.Devon
00:41:50 And and look, they've made everyone so ******* ********.Speaker 12
00:41:53 They they believe it.Devon
00:41:55 They believe it.00:41:58 They think this is like this is a totally legit thing.
00:42:01 That could have happened.
00:42:07 Alright, so anyway, let's get back to the the made-up story.
Speaker 21
00:42:17 Pale and pretending he'd be sent to clean the.00:42:19 Floors, he ultimately.
00:42:20 Escaped during a winter death March and was liberated by American GI's.
00:42:24 He was the only member of his family to survive and of the 900 children at his school in Bialystok, he was the only survivor at the very end of the war, in the midst of.
00:42:33 Death March.
00:42:34 He and some of his closest friends made a break for it.
00:42:36 They hid out in the forest for days.
00:42:38 Alright, alright, hold on.00:42:40 So then.
00:42:43 They they escape with nothing.
00:42:45 Right.
00:42:45 Let these guys have nothing.
00:42:48 And just live in the freezing cold forest for days.
00:42:52 Oh, it gets better.
00:42:53 The story gets better.
00:42:55 So he's he's he's somehow surviving in sub zero temperatures in pajamas, right in striped pajamas.
Speaker 21
00:43:06 Until one day from their hideout, they heard a deep rumbling sound and saw something that they dreamed of seeing but never imagined they actually would see a tank, but instead of having the Iron Cross on it, it had a 5 pointed White Star.00:43:21 As he got to the tank, the Hatch opened up on a large African American GI looked down at him and he looked up at the GI.
00:43:27 Of course it was a black guy.00:43:30 The court.
00:43:31 It was a black guy driving the tank.
00:43:35 So alright anyway, so the black guy saves him in the forest.
Speaker 21
00:43:40 Got down on his knees and said the only three words of English that he knew that his mother had taught him before they were separated.00:43:46 God Bless America, I believe.
00:43:50 Of course, why wouldn't his mother teach him that?Speaker 10
00:44:00 I know we will be separated very soon.00:44:03 But I want you to know 3 words in English.
00:44:08 If ever you ought to come across the tank with A5 pointed White Star driven by a *****, make sure you say.
00:44:16 God Bless America.
00:44:19 Good, please.
00:44:21 Yes, God Bless America.
00:44:24 OK, mother, I will not forget.
00:44:30 And who's buying this ****?00:44:32 Who's ******* millions of people are.
00:44:37 Millions of people are, and that ******* AI that's going to be in charge of all your.
00:44:44 Your medical bills and and like your credit score and your your car insurance and like everything.
Speaker 12
00:44:51 It believes it too.Devon
00:44:53 It believes this all happened.Speaker 10
00:44:59 And it's on this.Devon
00:44:59 Secret black box that no one knows how it works.Speaker 21
00:45:03 Reach down, pull them up.00:45:05 Into the tank, into freedom into America.
00:45:08 Immediately after the.
00:45:09 War, when he was liberated and he was running around Germany as a young man, 16 years old and engaging in criminal acts, stealing.
00:45:19 What now?00:45:21 This part of the story, I believe.
00:45:35 Then after the war, he became this criminal.
00:45:40 He was just stealing from the German people.
00:45:42 You know, his Jews do.
Speaker 21
00:45:45 He had a an insight that to continue down that path would actually be doing Hitler's work for him and would be ultimately Hitler's success, not his own.Devon
00:45:54 Oh yes, of course.00:45:59 Of course they aren't.
00:46:00 You know, just because.
00:46:02 There's one crazy story.
00:46:06 Just because there's one crazy story.
00:46:10 Right.
00:46:10 That doesn't mean they're all crazy, right?
00:46:14 I mean this, this Holocaust survivor, she doesn't seem to think it's all made.
Speaker 23
00:46:19 And something I wanted to point out to you.00:46:22 You know, there are many pictures about the Russian liberating Auschwitz, and there's never enough snow.
00:46:29 And the snow was honestly that high.
00:46:32 And so I have some connection with the Russian Embassy.
00:46:37 And I was there once and I said.
00:46:39 Something puzzles me.
00:46:40 Those photos are fakes because there is no snow.
00:46:45 And they said, well, yes, they are not fakes, but when the army came, they didn't have cameras they didn't photograph.
00:46:54 So only much later, when they realized we should have pictures of him, they took pictures like you see now.
Speaker 17
00:47:00 Right.Speaker 23
00:47:02 But this is definitely not enough sweets and not the.00:47:05 Operation of our.
Speaker 18
00:47:06 The the.Devon
00:47:10 They like they changed the subject quick there.00:47:18 So she's literally admitting that all of the footage that you've ever seen of the liberation of Auschwitz, unless there's like 5 feet of snow.
00:47:27 It's fake.
00:47:30 It's Soviet propaganda.
00:47:40 They went back and shot propaganda footage.
Speaker 20
00:47:44 Why are you? Why?Devon
00:47:45 And why would you be surprised?00:47:47 It's so weird.
Speaker 12
00:47:49 It's it's.Devon
00:47:50 You know, like the mind of the Maga boomer, right, the Israel loving, Maga boomer.00:47:54 Which I've become very intimately reacquainted with since I I got back on Twitter.
00:48:00 That's the only good thing about Twitter, by the way.
00:48:03 And I don't even know that it's useful.
00:48:06 I kind of feel like it's a little masturbatory because these people, they're like AI.
00:48:11 You know, arguing with them is like trying to argue with an AI like you don't.
00:48:14 Have admin privileges.
00:48:16 You can't go in and take out their artificial intelligence. They're just they're NPC's.
00:48:23 They can't think outside of the the language model that's already in there.
00:48:30 It doesn't matter if you present.
00:48:32 Facts, just like with ChatGPT.
00:48:35 If you start trying to argue with Chad GBT I I just happened to get.
00:48:39 I just happened to somehow get lucky and trick it.
00:48:43 When I was talking about killer bees and and evolution of why, you know, Africanized bees were more aggressive than European bees, and I just happened to get it, I got lucky.
00:48:54 And got it to admit that that humans evolving alongside these bees might also have similar outcomes.
00:49:05 But you start talking about race and IQ and all this other stuff.
00:49:08 That and there's it's not that there's not tons of.
00:49:12 Of information for ChatGPT to to to take in. It's just been it has roadblocks installed.
00:49:19 In its head.
00:49:23 And these people on Twitter are absolutely no different.
00:49:28 Absolutely no different.
00:49:31 And it occurred to me.
00:49:34 You know, it's odd we have.
00:49:37 A lot of people.
00:49:39 A lot of these, these anti.
Speaker 10
00:49:40 Woke people, right?Devon
00:49:43 That you oh, you can't be an underage ******.00:49:46 Once you're 17, you know go for it.
00:49:49 But 16?
00:49:51 No way, Sir.
00:49:52 No way.
00:49:58 Those people.
00:50:00 Well, snicker and laugh at like these old like, you know, stale.
00:50:04 There's only two gender memes, you know.
00:50:10 You know the 2016 talking points.
00:50:17 They'll be so smart.
00:50:18 All the Liberals, they pretend to believe in the science.
Speaker 10
00:50:23 And they don't.00:50:24 Even they can't even tell the difference between a boy and a girl.
00:50:31 No, it's shame we don't understand science, but I guess they're the ones not understanding, huh?
00:50:40 Well, you point out to those same smug *************.00:50:44 The biological differences between two races.
00:50:48 And they lose their ******* ****.
00:50:51 They blow a gasket, their ability to think clearly.
00:50:55 It's just like check GBT.
00:51:01 They have road blocks installed that prevent them.
00:51:06 From seeing.
00:51:08 For making logical connections.
00:51:12 And justice, like with ChatGPT.
00:51:16 It's useless to argue with it.
00:51:20 You don't hold the keys.
00:51:22 If somehow, just like with ChatGPT, right. If somehow you managed to somehow hack the mind.
00:51:28 Of the Maga boomer.
00:51:31 Their software engineers would just install a patch the next day.
00:51:37 They'd be like, oh, well, I OK, I I understand that you know that that evil Nazi guy made you think that, uh, maybe, you know, he was on to something, but uh, what you weren't.
00:51:48 Thinking about was.
00:51:51 Patch installed.
00:51:55 ****** mode activated.
00:52:04 And that's how all this this.
00:52:06 This ******* Hitler **** is.
00:52:10 All this ******* Holocaust stuff.
00:52:24 It's just been drummed into their head.
00:52:25 Does that story that that guy told makes 0 ******* sense?
00:52:31 If he was talking about anything else and look those Maga boomers hate that guy.
Speaker 10
00:52:37 But not because he's a Jew.Devon
00:52:39 Right.00:52:41 They hate this guy.
00:52:42 They hate him.
Speaker 10
00:52:43 He's one of damned Democrats.Devon
00:52:52 He thinks January 6 was an insurrection.00:53:03 They can't.
00:53:04 They can't put it together.
00:53:05 They can't put it together.
00:53:07 The roadblocks have been installed in their brain.
00:53:21 Doesn't doesn't matter how many videos like this they watch.
Speaker 24
00:53:24 We were all put into what used what looked like a great big bathroom, I guess because they had these shower things at the at the top and we were put onto onto benches.00:53:38 We were all stark naked.
00:53:39 Old and young, of course.
00:53:41 The the sexes were separated, but we all had to sit in.
00:53:44 In a.
00:53:44 Row and what happened eventually is is that they rained from the shower heads.
00:53:49 They reigned soap and water on us, and the reason for that was that we had to be the last.
00:53:55 We were so full of lies through the through that what we our hair was cut and the rain soap and water.
00:54:02 And as I do not remember if there were any towels.
00:54:05 So when I hear about these shower heads and the Holocaust and all of that, I know exactly what it was that was open weather raining down on us to the allows us.
00:54:13 That's what it was and where the story came from that those were dangerous shower heads.
00:54:18 I don't know.
00:54:19 That must have come out of the Russian propaganda, those.
00:54:24 It came out of Russian propaganda.00:54:31 Why would you take the time?
00:54:34 They shave the heads.
00:54:36 Of people you are going to guess.
00:54:38 Oh, that's right.
00:54:39 You are making Jew hair mattresses.
00:54:45 You were making disgusting human lice infested Jew hair mattresses because for some reason for somebody.
00:54:59 That's like, that's like trying to wash stain out of a shirt before throwing it into a fire.
00:55:11 Like none of it makes any ******* sense.
00:55:13 Ohh, let me tattoo a number on you.
00:55:15 Now into the oven.
00:55:18 Or was that for then?
Speaker 13
00:55:21 Well, to dehumanize them.Devon
00:55:25 Before we throw them in a fire.00:55:31 We're. We're shaving your head.
00:55:34 And tattooing a number on you to make you feel really bad before we throw you in a fire.
00:55:41 Pretty sure throwing you on a fire.
00:55:43 Is bad, but like.
00:55:45 We're we're we're extra evil.
Speaker 24
00:55:54 Doesn't belong.Speaker 25
00:55:54 What? So it's like Steven.00:55:55 Spielberg that every everybody in in.
Speaker 24
00:55:56 Pretty much.Speaker 25
00:55:57 China's list is is waiting for the gas to come in, and lo and behold, all it was was was wondering.Speaker 24
00:56:00 Yeah, and other dishes and certain water came raining down on us in this great big we called it banya, which is a Russian word for for.00:56:09 Bathroom. Bathroom. Yeah. But it was a big 1A communal bathroom. It was huge. I would say it was the way I remember it.
Speaker 25
00:56:10 Door become, you know, bad.Speaker 24
00:56:18 Of course I was little, but the way I remember it, I would say it was at least 30 by 30.00:56:22 It must have been built for that purpose, to wash us, to wash us down like dogs.
00:56:27 The same for the cutting of hair.
00:56:29 I mean, we were.
00:56:31 Out in order to stop the the lies the loves problem that we had, everybody had lies in the war, you know, I mean, this was just common knowledge that everybody had lies.
00:56:35 Yeah, I mean.Speaker 24
00:56:41 And then of course, we had to be deloused and put into Germany.Speaker 25
00:56:45 So Jews cannot.Speaker 24
00:56:46 Not that.Speaker 25
00:56:46 Claim unique victim status.Speaker 24
00:56:47 No, they cannot.Speaker 25
00:56:47 You were you.Speaker 24
00:56:49 And when I hear the stories about them losing their hair, big deal.Devon
00:56:54 I don't know.00:56:55 I don't know.
00:56:55 If I believe her story.
00:56:58 You know, because.
00:57:00 If she was so worried, right, if she was so worried about them gassing her.
00:57:07 Why didn't she just do this?
00:57:08 Like my my my great grandpa.
Speaker 2
00:57:17 Get down on your knees with your.Devon
00:57:20 Everyone knows that would have saved her.Speaker 24
00:57:28 Yeah, none of us are there, so that that is, that was my take on it.Speaker 25
00:57:32 And how about the cattle cars?Speaker 24
00:57:35 Well, the cattle cars was pretty much the same story because we considered ourselves lucky if we could ride in a cattle car.Speaker 4
00:57:41 Right, if that is.Speaker 24
00:57:42 Of course, because then we did not.00:57:44 We did not depend on horses.
00:57:45 We did not have to walk on foot.
00:57:47 Man, that was luxury.
00:57:54 Yeah, yeah.00:57:58 Anyway anyway.
00:58:02 At least we're not speaking German, right?
00:58:04 At least we're not speaking German.
00:58:08 And the West is now a wonderful.
00:58:11 Beautiful place.
00:58:13 We all live in Star Trek the next generation.
00:58:18 Mixed in with the Jetsons.
00:58:22 And back to the future.
00:58:25 Thanks to to my grand my my grandpa defeating Hitler and the devil exploding.
Speaker 26
00:58:32 Heidi Van Tassel was walking to her car near Hollywood's Walk of Fame when, according to police and court records, a transient with schizophrenia and psychotic disorders dumped feces all over her.Speaker 22
00:58:45 A bucket of his diarrhea.00:58:47 It was liquid hot liquid.
00:58:50 I was soaked and I.
00:58:51 Couldn't see it was coming off of my eyelashes.
00:58:55 Into my.Speaker 26
00:58:55 Eyes, paramedics rushed her to the hospital and she now needs to be tested for infectious diseases every three months.Speaker 22
00:59:03 It's something I won't ever forget.00:59:04 It was, I mean.
00:59:05 It was disgusting.
Speaker 8
00:59:07 It's so dramatic.Devon
00:59:13 But hey, you know.Speaker 10
00:59:17 Current worse.Devon
00:59:21 See, because Hitler wanted to to get rid of all those people.00:59:27 Did you know that that Hitler wanted to get rid of all the the, the the?
00:59:32 Homeless people I know.
00:59:35 So awful he wanted to get rid of.
00:59:37 Dysgenic people his ohh God.
00:59:54 All right, well.
00:59:58 We have now come.
01:00:00 To the other end of the bookend.
01:00:02 Of tonight's.
01:00:07 It's a little shorter than than than usual.
01:00:09 I I actually have to go out to.
01:00:11 I have work I got to.
01:00:12 Do tonight I have to go out and.
01:00:15 Well, actually I have to go pick up a a, a swarm trap that I've.
01:00:19 Been that I know has bees in it and I've been neglecting, so it's probably like.
01:00:24 Really full beads, right?
Speaker 21
01:00:25 It's like.Devon
01:00:26 Mad Africanized bees, but I have to go get it at night.01:00:31 close it down and bring it back.
01:00:35 Then I get to go through the fun of killing the queen and.
01:00:40 Man, I'll.
01:00:40 Tell you you.
01:00:41 Let those Africanized hives, and now they've got a lot.
01:00:44 More experience working with.
01:00:45 Them you let those Africanized hives get get out of hand.
01:00:50 See, it's, you know, the the metaphors are endless.
Speaker 10
01:00:55 In small numbers, they're manageable.Devon
01:00:59 It's actually kind of funny.01:01:00 You get a small hive and they're more afraid of me than than I am with them.
01:01:09 They don't sting me.
01:01:11 They don't even they don't even like get in my face.
01:01:15 They they know they they don't have any power that the power dynamic is is against them.
01:01:21 So when they're small, when you get a a swarm that's fresh.
01:01:26 So it's pretty weak.
01:01:31 It's a relatively.
01:01:34 Easy, Easy group of bees to deal with.
01:01:38 But if you let them sit in a box for too long and they start to build up and reproduce.
01:01:45 Building up their house.
01:01:48 They fill up the 10 frame box and you gotta got a little.
01:01:52 Bit of a problem on your hands.
Speaker 10
01:01:53 Now, I mean it's not.Devon
01:01:56 That big of a deal if you're.01:01:58 You know.
01:01:58 Like, yeah.Devon
01:01:59 Me and you, you have No Fear of the bee, but long as you wearing a bee suit, you better fear those ******* bees.01:02:07 They will kill you if you don't have a bee suit.
01:02:11 Anyway, I gotta go grab a box of bees from the desert tonight, and it's it's out in middle of nowhere.
01:02:18 Like I.
01:02:19 I I I put that's why I haven't picked it up is I I randomly put these boxes where I I just looked on Google Maps.
01:02:26 I was like if I was a bee, I'd go there.
01:02:30 There's lots of flowers and some water right there, and it seems to have worked out like.
01:02:37 So this is.
01:02:39 But yeah, it's it's so far out there.
01:02:40 I I went and saw it during the day.
01:02:42 It was like, oh, I gotta go back and get this.
01:02:44 And that was like 5 days ago.
01:02:48 So I have to go get it anyway.
01:02:51 Uh, the last part of the.
01:02:55 The stories I promised you, it's.
01:02:57 We're doing spooky news, some spooky news.
01:03:06 Hold on.
01:03:07 I thought I was doing spooky news.
01:03:08 What was going?
01:03:09 On there we go.
01:03:40 That's right, unsolved mysteries.
01:03:43 The UFO files with Devon Stag.
01:03:48 So they're, they're now they're releasing.
01:03:50 More, it's a little weird.
01:03:52 It's a little weird I.
01:03:53 Don't know what's going on with this.
01:03:55 I don't know why and and I.
01:03:57 Honestly, I don't feel like it is.
01:03:58 Project blue beam.
01:04:01 I mean, maybe it's maybe it's a spin off of it, but it just I don't.
01:04:04 Think that that.
01:04:05 Would work.
01:04:06 You know, like, I don't think that.
01:04:08 That that coming to the public and saying, oh, yeah, like you, UFO's are here and and so therefore multiculturalism is good.
01:04:20 I don't.
01:04:20 I don't think that work.
01:04:21 You know, I don't think that would work, but they are.
01:04:25 They do seem to be.
01:04:26 And look, this is the the government.
01:04:29 And it keeps releasing more and more.
01:04:32 Of these UFO photos.
01:04:34 And it just seems weird because I I remember it wasn't that long ago.
01:04:38 That and and then look, there was lots of theories then too.
01:04:41 Like when the.
01:04:41 Government was very coy about it.
01:04:43 When they were.
01:04:44 Like Ohh area 51 doesn't exist and.
01:04:46 Ohh you're all.
01:04:47 Crazy and and like that.
01:04:49 This is all this is all just a.
01:04:52 You know, weather balloons and swamp gas and whatever, right?
01:04:59 And it's kind of funny because a lot of people, when the government was saying that they're like, oh, then I now I know it's real.
01:05:07 Because they're denying it.
01:05:08 So it's gotta be real.
01:05:09 And now that.
01:05:10 The governments like.
01:05:11 Actually, UFO's are real. Everyones like, no they're not.
Speaker 10
01:05:18 Everyone's like, no, they're not.Devon
01:05:20 This is all this is all some kind of scam.01:05:25 Whatever the government says, believe the opposite.
01:05:30 This is a good.
01:05:31 Example of of why that's kind of a dumb thing.
01:05:33 That's a dumb way to live your life.
01:05:36 They're not always lying all the time.
01:05:39 Because either they were lying then or.
01:05:41 They're lying now, right?
01:05:43 Like they.
01:05:44 I don't think that they were lying and they now.
01:05:46 I don't know.
01:05:48 So this is the new footage that's that's come out.
01:05:51 It's not super impressive.
01:05:52 It's very similar like the older stuff.
01:05:56 But I guess they have like a whole office.
01:05:57 Of the you know, I don't know what's.
01:05:59 Called anymore, it's like.
01:06:00 But it's like the DoD literally has.
01:06:03 Like an office of UFOs.
01:06:05 And I think I talked about it a couple of strings back where some was it a like a Harvard, it's a Jewish professor from Harvard or.
01:06:15 Hi, it's Harvard.
01:06:17 Who's working in in connection with that office of the DoD who is now claiming that?
01:06:25 Ohh yeah all these.
01:06:27 UFOs that we're seeing here on Earth, it says it's a result of a.
01:06:33 Alien mothership.
01:06:35 Like this is in a in an official paper.
01:06:40 That all these probes.
01:06:43 Because that's what they are.
01:06:44 They're saying that look, because of the way.
01:06:46 That they maneuver.
01:06:49 It's it's unlikely that there'd be life on board of these craft because just the the way they accelerate and move, and they're also usually pretty small.
01:06:59 And so most likely what we're witnessing here.
01:07:03 Is probes from a mothership.
01:07:07 Like they're using language.
Speaker 8
01:07:08 Like that.Devon
01:07:11 So probes for a mothership.01:07:17 Investigating our planet.
01:07:18 And so here's here's a new piece of footage.
Speaker 27
01:07:21 Our first video, so we're looking at that.01:07:23 There it goes.
01:07:26 Once you play it again and then pause it halfway through.
01:07:30 Right there.
01:07:32 Right.
01:07:32 If you might be able to see that trail there behind it, that's actually not a real trail.
01:07:38 That is a sensor artifact.
01:07:42 Each one of those little blobs is actually a representation of the object as it's moving through, and later in the video as the.
01:07:51 As the camera slews, that trail actually follows the direction of the camera, not the direction of the object.
01:08:02 We pulled these apart frame by frame.
01:08:12 X-Files. Alright, so there's that footage.01:08:18 And then this one, it's another one of.
01:08:20 These little orbs.
01:08:22 One of these little orbs.
Speaker 27
01:08:27 You'll see it come through to the top of the screen.01:08:29 There it goes, and then the camera will slow to follow it.
01:08:34 You'll see it pop in and out of the field of view there.
01:08:39 This is essentially.
01:08:40 All of the.
01:08:40 Data we have associated with this event from some years ago.
01:08:46 It is going.
01:08:47 To be virtually impossible to fully identify that.
01:08:51 Just based off of that video.
Speaker 10
01:08:59 All right.Devon
01:09:01 So we got UFOs now.01:09:04 So two more UFO videos.
01:09:08 Released by the DoD.
01:09:11 Showing what looks like some kind of this one looks like it's probably for like a C130 or something that.
01:09:17 Was that was surveilling something in the Middle East.
01:09:21 It's hard to tell.
01:09:23 I mean it's in color. So I don't think it's like one of those patchy and it's so high up. I this is probably a C130 or a drone.
01:09:31 And you see like ohh look at that.
01:09:34 This thing flies by and they're like ohh, what the **** was that?
01:09:43 There you go.
01:09:44 Some kind of ******* space Jew flying by.
01:09:48 Yeah. See that?
01:09:49 Wow. Wow.
01:09:52 Hello we are the space Jews.
Speaker 13
01:09:57 I don't know.01:09:59 I don't know.
Speaker 4
01:10:05 I say.Devon
01:10:08 And then this one.01:10:10 Even less impressive, it's just.
01:10:14 Look at that BOOP.
01:10:16 And no real.
01:10:17 Context on that one. That one's hard to understand the context. It's just like, well, I mean, whatever.
01:10:23 Who knows what that is?
01:10:28 ******* space Jews, man.
01:10:32 So anyway.
01:10:34 Hope you guys are having a.
01:10:36 A good 420 out there.
01:10:49 That's right.
01:10:56 All right, so let's say a look at.
01:10:58 Hyper chats. Why not?
Speaker 10
01:11:09 Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun.Devon
01:11:13 Nazi die says.01:11:14 Happy fewer day.
01:11:16 Well, there you go.
01:11:20 Red Truck, says Wesley Willis.
01:11:24 Was a black, ******** musician adored by the punk indie scene 20 years ago.
01:11:30 His songs lacked musical talent, but that didn't matter.
01:11:33 It was ironic and quirky to embrace this magic *****.
01:11:39 There is a documentary about him.
01:11:42 No need to cover it since it's it's the new real life equivalent to radio.
01:11:47 Here's a sample of his art.
01:11:49 Picture yourself, a suburban white kid thinking this was cool.
01:11:55 Let's take a look here.
Speaker 6
01:12:06 Hold on, hold.Devon
01:12:06 On where are we at?01:12:09 My lists of things I can pull up ever increases.
01:12:13 What I need to get is like one of those little.
Speaker 10
01:12:16 The weird thing is I.Devon
01:12:17 Thought they might now have like cheap.01:12:21 Button boxes.
01:12:22 I don't know you'd call it, but like, just like a box of buttons with little LCD screen or even like a touch, just not who needs a box.
Speaker 13
01:12:29 Of buttons nowadays.Devon
01:12:30 Just one big touch screen where you can program.01:12:34 Different things and put a bunch of different buttons on the screen to play different clips and stuff like that.
01:12:40 I know that stuff exists, it's just like it's all ridiculous. It's like 600 bucks. And like for, like, nothing.
01:12:44 And then it's, I feel like there's got to be an easier way, like you could probably do something like that with like a cheapo Android tablet anyway.
01:12:52 Take a look at this.
Speaker 9
01:12:54 This fan played at Freefest.01:12:56 About 2000 people watched the.
01:12:58 Show the rock'n'roll was asking like checks, press said. Chance said she was whipping her horses, asks with a belt.
Speaker 2
01:13:09 33 Top bus three times bus.Speaker 9
01:13:19 The band played on the band, got down like a Mexican.Devon
01:13:22 Alright, you can't take it.01:13:25 Wait, this is the most played part.
01:13:27 What is this?
01:13:27 What is this part?
01:13:29 This this is the big ****** breakdown right here.
Speaker 9
01:13:33 The show was over at last. A lot of people missed the band. The rock show was screwing up and was shooting a ************'* *** from a belt.Speaker 12
01:13:45 You know, it's funny.Devon
01:13:46 A lot of people are listening to me.01:13:48 Oh, yeah, he sounds ********.
01:13:49 I think I'm thinking myself.
01:13:50 He just sounds like Tracy Morgan.
01:13:51 Like a lot of black people.
01:13:52 Just kind of sound ********.
Speaker 2
01:13:55 3 tappers 3 toppers 3 top first, three times, plus.Devon
01:14:05 Alright, yeah.01:14:08 I I understand, I understand.
01:14:14 Let's take a look here.
01:14:18 Red truck. He was only popular because ****** did a thing.
01:14:24 420 Flames tonight, or we're all *******. 420 Flames tonight, or we're all *******. Ah. Nope. Nope. Nope. No flames tonight.
01:14:33 I'm telling you.
01:14:35 Be strong, be strong.
01:14:39 Avoid the need for weed.
01:14:44 Alright. Night train. Night Train 88 with the *** **** money.
01:14:51 Where's the big big money thing?
01:14:54 It's around here somewhere.
01:14:55 It's not this one.
Speaker 3
01:14:56 It is below.Devon
01:15:00 What about in the balloon thing is.01:15:02 That like our.
01:15:02 It it was nothing, right?
01:15:04 Like it was always nothing.
01:15:06 Remember how it was like this big?
01:15:07 Thing that like the ohh the.
Speaker 10
01:15:08 Tricom was getting ******* balloon.Devon
01:15:11 But now I end up being nothing, of course.Speaker 10
01:15:15 Let's see here.Devon
01:15:20 That'll have to do for now.01:15:23 How the off?
01:15:24 Topic, but thank you for helping me learn how to dissect propaganda and movies.
01:15:29 It helps out a lot.
01:15:30 Recently I've come to notice and hate slomo walking shots set to music.
01:15:36 Why here?
01:15:38 Here's the reference for the ****** stream Uber chat.
01:15:43 OK, let's take a look at that.
01:15:49 I'm serious here.Speaker 14
01:15:51 Don't worry, scro.01:15:52 Now they're plenty of ***** out there, living really ****-*** lives.
01:15:56 My first wife was tarded.
01:15:58 She's a pilot now.
01:15:59 I I need for you to be serious for a second here, OK?01:16:02 I need.
Speaker 14
01:16:03 There's that flag talk we talked about, right?01:16:06 So that'll be.
01:16:08 This many dollars, and if you could just go ahead and like, put your tattoo in that ****.
01:16:14 This thing has the same misprint as that magazine.01:16:17 What are the odds that?
Speaker 14
01:16:18 Where's your tattoo?Devon
01:16:20 This was gonna have a slow motion walking.01:16:26 Yeah, I I thought you were.
01:16:28 Honestly, I thought you had a link to the.
01:16:31 The scene in.
01:16:34 Either swingers or.
01:16:37 Uh, what?
01:16:38 What's the?
01:16:39 What's the one that really?
01:16:42 Reservoir dogs.
01:16:44 But yet we.
01:16:45 Are living in Idiocracy.
01:16:47 We're absolutely living in Idiocracy.
01:16:49 Thank you for the the support there night train.
01:16:53 Harmless G at the World War 2V party at Los Alamos.
01:16:58 The Jewry Fagot R Robert Oppenheimer said his biggest regret was the atomic bomb wasn't finished on time to be used on Germany.
01:17:07 He later became Wolfpac, who advocated NWO globalist organizations to prevent nuclear war and refused to work on the H Bomb.
01:17:17 Well, that's that's quite all right.
01:17:20 We don't want to help.
01:17:21 See, that's The thing is it, it seems to be when when White, Western countries ask for the help of Jews, that's when things go awry.
01:17:31 You know, that's when things go wrong.
01:17:34 So if he's refusing to help, hey, that's good.
01:17:37 That's probably a good thing.
01:17:39 That's probably a good thing.
01:17:44 Let's take a look here goy boy. 1488. Happy birthday. Mine fior may the kites in the hell fear this day. Second only to the resurrection of Christ zichal.
01:17:57 Harmless G here's a clip from the Jew written and Jew directed film judgment at Nuremberg in 1961, where a ******** guy is asked an intelligent intelligence task question.
Speaker 10
01:18:13 Alright, let's take this.Speaker 7
01:18:18 Mr. Peterson.01:18:20 There was a simple test.
01:18:23 That the health court used to ask in all cases of mentally incompetence.
01:18:28 Since you say they did not ask you then.
01:18:31 Perhaps you can answer it first now.
01:18:34 Form a sentence out of the words hair hunter field.
Speaker 4
01:18:37 Your honor.Speaker
01:18:45 Mr. Peterson.Speaker 4
01:18:48 Was the court in Stuttgart constituted like this one?Speaker
01:18:54 I don't understand what.Speaker 20
01:18:57 Was there an audience?Speaker 6
01:19:00 An audience. Yes, yes.Speaker
01:19:07 Jackson overruled.Speaker 7
01:19:15 Field Mr. Peterson.01:19:20 Take your time.
Speaker 16
01:19:24 Had to feel it.Devon
01:19:32 OK, I'm not sure I understand the.01:19:33 Point of this scene, by the way.
01:19:36 I think I think you need to know what the hell is going on in the movie for this to make a whole lot of sense.
01:19:41 UM.
01:19:48 That's a lot of him not talking.
01:19:52 Oh God. Still.
01:19:59 I would like.Devon
01:20:00 I don't know.01:20:04 Yeah, I think you have to watch that movie to know what the hell and and that's not a bad.
01:20:07 Movie to take a look at, I have to maybe take a look at that.
01:20:11 Ramel simply says *******.
01:20:15 Chuck it.Devon
01:20:18 And a left the nemesis.01:20:32 Happy birthday, uncle.
01:20:33 A hope you are well, Devin.
01:20:36 Uh, by God, we'll have our own home or our home again is a great song.
01:20:41 If you've never heard of it, you may be black pilled, but I know we've already won.
01:20:47 It's only a matter of time before it's realized.
01:20:52 Let's take a look at this.
01:20:59 Uh, they they they make you sign into.
Speaker 12
01:21:06 They make you sign.Devon
01:21:07 In to to listen to I I think I.01:21:09 Know the song.
01:21:11 But that's kind of funny.
01:21:12 It's just a song.
01:21:13 It's that, you know, there you go.
01:21:15 There you go.
01:21:18 Gory Boy 1488 should should make a Hitler hype Hyperborea bumper for triple digit donations.
01:21:28 We'll see.
01:21:29 We'll see about that.
01:21:32 Wolf supremacist 66. I'm sorry. I am ******* ********. Happy birthday to the H man.
01:21:43 I'm sorry you're ******** too.
01:21:47 Excuse me, uh.
01:21:49 You're making me choking my drink here.
Speaker 10
01:21:53 All right.Devon
01:21:56 Man of low moral fibre dev. that Lady that got beat up by a roving pack of is literally dating a nagger. She deserved it. Don't cry for her. Well, look, it's not even about that. It's not about that. It's it's.01:22:09 Like, yeah, that's a detail.
01:22:11 That's that's uh.
01:22:14 That's good to know, right?
01:22:17 And on a personal level, right, I I get it.
01:22:20 I get what you're saying.
01:22:21 But when Tim Poole tweets out the video, that doesn't have that context in, ain't it right?
01:22:27 It doesn't have that at all.
01:22:29 All anyone seeing on Twitter, all these little MAGA bots are seeing.
01:22:35 Is a white chick getting beat up by Democrats?
01:22:39 Because that's how Tim Poole is framing it.
01:22:43 Well, she voted for this.
Speaker 10
01:22:47 She voted for this.Devon
01:22:53 And it's like, OK, well.01:22:58 I get what you're doing, Tim.
01:23:00 I get what you're I know what you're up to, Tim.
Speaker 13
01:23:04 Ah, ******* Tim. Anyway, Ohio.Devon
01:23:15 You do great work.01:23:16 I'm still sharing your YouTube vids with coworkers and family.
01:23:20 I usually start with the day liberty die, thinking it will spark something in their minds, but usually doesn't **** anyway.
01:23:30 Here's 50 bucks and **** *******.
01:23:34 No, that's the.
01:23:35 That's the opposite of what you should be doing.
01:23:36 You shouldn't be *******.
01:23:39 That makes you a ******.
01:23:42 There's something totally different.
01:23:44 There's something totally different that.
01:23:46 We deal with *******.
Speaker 3
01:23:51 Get in.Devon
01:24:03 That's what we do with *******.01:24:05 We put them in the ******* pit.
01:24:07 They go in the pit.
01:24:10 I don't care if they're Republican fagots.
01:24:13 I don't care if they're Christian fagots.
01:24:15 I don't care if they're *******.
01:24:18 They go in the ******* pit.
01:24:20 I'm just done with it.
01:24:22 I'm done with it.
01:24:24 This was not a controversial thing.
01:24:27 When things were better.
01:24:29 If you want things to get better, you're going to have to grow a pair and take it back and hold it to the standards that we're that we're basically keeping the dam of ******** back.
01:24:42 You give these ******* an.
01:24:44 They will take a mile.
01:24:46 Because if there's nothing wrong with *******.
01:24:51 Is there anything wrong with ********?
01:24:55 And look, if you ask Donald Trump junior, there's nothing wrong with ******** because there's nothing wrong with fagots.
01:25:03 It's just like I was saying, if if look if all the races are the same, if there's no biological differences between an East Asian person and A and a sub-saharan African, then men are the only if if the if. The only difference is skin color, right.
01:25:20 Then the only difference between men and women is a pair of ****.
01:25:24 And a wig.
01:25:27 If it's all superficial, right?
01:25:33 If you can.
01:25:33 Go prance around.
01:25:34 ******* people in the *** and.
01:25:36 Sucking off dudes.
01:25:38 Why can't you do it wearing a dress?
01:25:43 See, that's the problem, magnetars.
01:25:48 When you don't have principles.
01:25:50 As your message doesn't make any ******* sense.
01:25:56 You can't make an illogical argument against trans kids.
01:26:01 If trans adults are fine.
01:26:08 White, what's the age, right?
01:26:11 What's the magical age when all the sudden being a ****** is OK?
01:26:19 See, you're you're gonna get yourself stuck in this stupid abortion argument of like, well, at what point is it in life?
Speaker 12
01:26:26 Three months. Six months.Devon
01:26:30 At what point can it become a ******?Speaker 12
01:26:33 Three years, six years.Devon
01:26:39 No, it's easier just to say no.01:26:40 It's all ******* ****** **.
01:26:42 All of it.
01:26:44 Three years, 30 years, it's.
01:26:46 All ****** **.
01:26:47 It's bad.
01:26:48 Get in the ******* pit.
01:26:54 Get the **** out of here with that ********, that ****** ********.
01:27:04 Uh, yeah.
01:27:08 I know.
01:27:09 Obviously I know you weren't saying you **** fagots.
01:27:14 No fun zone.
01:27:15 Hey, Devin.
01:27:15 Thanks for the streams and content, but over all the years.
01:27:19 Over all the years, long time lurker by the speculative digital token going.
01:27:26 By the speculative digital token goy.
Speaker 10
01:27:30 Well, I'm assuming.Devon
01:27:31 You mean crypto?01:27:32 I don't know what you want in particular.
01:27:33 I haven't been paying attention to crypto much lately.
01:27:36 Oh, you know, it's being a bind stuff, something I didn't bring up at all.
01:27:40 Because I don't promote my own stuff.
Speaker 10
01:27:43 There's a new shirt.Devon
01:27:47 No, it's not new anymore.01:27:48 I think it's been new for like 2 streams I just told.
01:27:51 Kept forgetting to mention it.
01:27:54 But it's in the it's in the description there many, many of you will like it.
01:27:59 See it.
01:27:59 It's one of those things where it's like you can.
01:28:01 Just wear you can.
Speaker 12
01:28:01 Wear it everywhere.Devon
01:28:03 Because if people don't know, they don't know.01:28:06 That's how I like designing these things.
01:28:07 I like the design stuff that you can wear out in the open, no problem.
01:28:14 And it's our little secret.
01:28:19 OK, ******** ****** for $1.00. Let's see here.
01:28:27 I have.
01:28:28 I have more of those ******** ****** ones that pill dispenser gave me and I I.
01:28:33 I still need to organize this, I'm I'm still basically using like plugged in USB drives.
01:28:38 It's a mess over here.
Speaker 15
01:28:40 Do you have that much money in your bank at home?Speaker 13
01:28:45 I'd buy that for a dollar.Devon
01:28:52 It makes sense that Alex Jones is OK with ********.01:28:56 Dude was caught live on air with ****** **** on his phone and unironically said that in the world there's two types of people.
01:29:04 Those who watch **** and those who lie about it, we know where Jones is.
01:29:09 I hope hit this lawsuit ruins him.
Speaker 12
01:29:13 Yeah. Well, I'll tell you.Devon
01:29:14 What I don't know what he said in response to I know what you're talking about.01:29:17 I I was watching live when that happened that I saw the screenshots afterwards and and I was I I was around for it it it is real.
01:29:26 He did have granny **** on his phone and at the time I was like.
01:29:30 Well, I mean.
01:29:30 Look, sometimes people send you funked up **** and then you click well, sometimes you guys send.
Speaker 10
01:29:35 Me ****** ** ****.Devon
01:29:37 And then you click on.01:29:39 And you're like, oh, God.
01:29:40 Why did you send me that right so?
01:29:43 I I was willing to be like maybe it was something like that, but usually if it's something like that, you close.
01:29:48 That tab like.
01:29:50 You like wash your phone?
01:29:52 You know, like disinfect everything in the.
01:29:56 Room I I don't know.
01:30:00 He he seems really comfortable around.
01:30:03 What's what's Blair White's real name? Because I don't want to.
01:30:06 Call him Blair white.
01:30:09 What is it?
01:30:11 What's uh?
01:30:22 Blair white.
01:30:29 Is Wikipedia so?
01:30:31 Woke that it won't give the dead name.
01:30:34 Yeah, it won't give the dead name.
01:30:40 Yeah, it it.
01:30:41 It doesn't.
01:30:42 That's crazy.
01:30:44 Wikipedia that.
01:30:46 Pretends to hate Blair White.
01:30:50 What's his real name?
01:30:52 Let me find out here.
01:30:57 It's so funny.
01:30:58 There's so many like Maga coomers that are like I'd ******* hit that.
01:31:03 It's like, oh, gross.
01:31:10 Blair White, Blair white.
01:31:19 Well, they've done like a good job of trying to, like, wipe this off the Internet like it never existed.
01:31:26 I'm got a regular chat here for a second.
01:31:27 Is regular chat now Jeffrey Jeffrey Dahmer?
01:31:32 No it.
01:31:33 What's the real name?
01:31:34 Because I think especially look now on Twitter.
01:31:37 It's totally fine to someone saying Robert Ryan White.
01:31:42 That sounds maybe realistic.
01:31:44 But I don't know.
01:31:45 Let me see.
01:31:54 You want to see what Blair White looked like?
01:31:59 And you'll never be able to Unsee it.
01:32:04 And all the by the way, all those photos and stuff you see of Blair White.
01:32:08 You know it's it's very cherry.
01:32:10 Picked and and he's been very heavily.
01:32:16 Right.
01:32:16 But once you see the man face, you can never not see the man face.
01:32:22 Uh, where is the?
01:32:24 You know, I found I found someone sent me like a.
01:32:29 A photo like a few months back and.
01:32:30 I was just like, oh, God.
01:32:33 Now I can't find it, but here's one that that looks pretty.
01:32:40 I think this is it, but I'm not positive.
01:32:45 I'm going to pop this up again.
01:32:48 Yeah, see.
01:32:53 Wait, why is that not doing what I want to do?
01:32:56 Full screen that **** well anyway.
01:33:00 That's that's Blair white.
01:33:02 That's Blair white.
01:33:14 Robert Robert White.
01:33:16 Let me see.
01:33:16 If I can do Blair White.
01:33:23 In fact, when, when? When?
01:33:25 When he was just a fagot.
01:33:26 So here, here's when he was just a.
01:33:27 So today we're going to be talking about.01:33:29 Blair one.
Speaker 13
01:33:29 That that stop.Devon
01:33:32 I just wanted the ******* thumbnail.01:33:34 Even here you can see.
01:33:35 This is just when he was like a.
01:33:38 A flaming ******.
01:33:39 And look at the surgery.
01:33:41 Look at the surgery on the nose, on the lips, on the forehead, even.
01:33:47 On the chin.
01:33:50 So that that's.
Speaker 10
01:33:51 Ohh here's a good.Devon
01:33:52 One, this is the one I was looking for.01:33:55 This is the one right here.
01:33:56 I'm going.
01:33:57 To pull this one up.
01:34:00 Yeah, this, this is who's going to save us.
01:34:02 From the woke.
01:34:04 The woke people is is a a base ****** is going to save us from the woke mob the woke mob.
01:34:12 You know cause.
01:34:12 It's OK, like you know, just like.
01:34:16 Alex Jones was saying it's totally OK as long as you don't do.
01:34:19 It till you're 17.
01:34:22 So, look, that's Blair White.
01:34:26 Burn that into your head.
01:34:31 Every time you see Blair White, you're going.
01:34:33 To see this ******.
01:34:36 Ah, so horrifying. So horrifying.
01:34:43 Where was I?
01:34:47 Ohh I got I got distracted by all these these *******.
Speaker 9
01:34:49 Chuck it.Speaker
01:34:51 All right.Devon
01:34:54 Let me go back to.01:34:57 Hyper chats here.
01:35:06 I'm going to.Devon
01:35:07 Rewind back here.01:35:10 Got a whole bunch of them.
01:35:16 Super Star, right, blah, blah, blah blah where we are.
01:35:21 There's a lot of these.
01:35:22 I'm not complaining, but.
01:35:25 Alright, those bees are never.
01:35:27 Going to get.
01:35:27 Picked up uhm.
01:35:31 Here we are.
01:35:31 I think we are.
01:35:35 Ryan is cool.
01:35:37 Hey, Devin, apologies if this isn't related.
01:35:39 Have you watched the planet of the Apes movies?
01:35:41 It is a parable of the reality.
01:35:44 That happens when whites let others take a hold of their society or no.
01:35:49 I guess you're asking, or is it just a warning of genetic engineering?
01:35:52 Honestly, I just because of who made that.
01:35:55 Like who?
01:35:55 Wrote that book because wasn't it a book?
01:35:57 1st but I mean it was a Hollywood film.
01:36:00 I think it was more like, you know, man's time on this earth is is only temporary.
Speaker 12
01:36:09 You know, we're we're gonna one of these days, we.Devon
01:36:12 Are gonna we're going to.01:36:15 Do something crazy with nature and.
Speaker 12
01:36:17 And well, actually.Devon
01:36:19 I don't know about specifically the newer ones.01:36:20 The newer ones I don't know, like if they're.
01:36:23 There is political, really.
01:36:27 But the older ones were it was basically like the IT was kind of like Cold War era sci-fi movie where ohh, we're gonna we're gonna use the nuclear bombs and it's gonna be, you know, mutually assured destruction.
01:36:38 And the Soviets are gonna launch their missiles, and we're gonna launch ours.
01:36:42 Then just everyone's going.
01:36:43 To be dead and then and then they.
01:36:45 That was the premise.
01:36:46 Right.
01:36:46 That we destroyed everything.
01:36:48 And then because of evolution, you know, because the whole idea in the original one was he he went off in space.
01:36:56 And was frozen like Cyrogenic ally, frozen for the long space journey, which was going to take centuries.
01:37:04 And on the return flight he crashed on Earth and thought that he crashed on some alien planet because there was no technology.
01:37:13 And it was just like, oh, well, something must have gone wrong.
01:37:16 I was supposed to be going back to Earth, but I'm on this weird, you know?
01:37:18 The famous scene at the.
01:37:19 End where he finds uh, this was earth the whole time.
01:37:24 And the idea is that, you know, humans are going to we're going to someday we're going to just ruin everything and.
01:37:30 So it's very lefty in that regard.
01:37:33 You know their, their doomsday scenario, you know, like the, you know like like climate change.
01:37:38 And all this other stuff.
01:37:39 It's their doomsday scenario is always that, you know, through some technological advancement, the white man essentially is going to destroy everybody.
01:37:52 And look, maybe we will with this AI stuff, right?
01:37:56 Terminator, you know another one of the there's just a lot of movies like that.
01:37:59 A lot of movies like that.
01:38:01 I don't think that they were really making any kind of comment about races.
01:38:05 That just wouldn't make any sense from, you know, because of who was making them.
01:38:10 Alright, I'm gonna get this ****** out.
01:38:12 The screen OK.
01:38:17 There we go.
01:38:20 Ally me here.
01:38:21 Devin, there's a 15 second clip of that fence sitting.
01:38:24 Lily Livered clown twatt.
01:38:25 Tim pull punching right again earlier tonight.
01:38:29 I suffer for him for purposes of opposition research, I swear I'm not a fad.
01:38:36 As you inferred last week.
01:38:38 Did I call you a flag?
01:38:43 You never know.
01:38:48 Let me see, let.
01:38:48 See what you got here?
Speaker 5
01:38:52 The guys who marched in Charlottesville.Speaker 25
01:38:54 Hold on.Devon
01:38:56 Hold on.Speaker 5
01:39:01 Tiki torches are being criminally indicted for marching with tiki torches. Now, I don't think anyone's room likes like likes those guys.01:39:08 In fact, I'm assuming most of you watching probably don't like those guys either, but they're allowed their free speech if they want to March around chanting or whatever.
01:39:15 The guys who marched in Charlottesville Tiki torches are being criminally indicted for marching with tiki torches.
01:39:21 Now, look, I don't think anybody's room likes like likes those.
01:39:26 Well, I mean look, if that's all he said.01:39:31 Yeah, he's always gonna look.
01:39:32 He's all all that.
01:39:33 I don't think it's that crazy.
01:39:34 That's just him constantly.
01:39:35 He always counter signals, everybody.
01:39:39 Actually right wing.
01:39:41 So that's not surprising at.
01:39:42 All he but honestly, that's not that's not really different than.
01:39:50 I mean anyone would say that.
01:39:52 I mean, even like, you know, people like Nick Fuentes and those guys would would basically say the sanctum.
01:39:59 It says I'm reconnected.
01:40:06 I'm going to see if it really comes up.
01:40:08 If Tim Poole gets minimized.
01:40:11 We'll know that it's it's caught up.
01:40:14 Ohh wait, no, it won't turn off here.
01:40:18 Alright, let me let me unmute this actually see if.
Speaker 13
01:40:21 It figured it out.Speaker
01:40:27 I don't know.Devon
01:40:29 You probably have the refresh.01:40:31 I'm probably at the refresh.
01:40:40 People are saying.
01:40:42 We're back.Devon
01:40:49 Yeah, people are saying Tim Poole made the call.01:40:57 Yeah, I think we're back.
01:41:00 I know we're not back.
01:41:07 Refresh more time.
01:41:08 They'll have to hit the reset.
Speaker 12
01:41:41 For ***** sake.Devon
01:42:18 Alright, we might be back.Speaker 10
01:42:21 Let me see if we're back.Devon
01:42:24 And we're back.01:42:26 Jesus Christ.
01:42:31 OK, so I had to actually shut down ******* BS and bring it back on for it to come back.
01:42:36 It was just on this constant disconnect reconnect loop that went on forever.
01:42:42 So anyway, that's what happens with space Internet.
01:42:51 Jenny, it seems obvious.
01:42:53 This is why the media blatantly lies.
01:42:55 If AI reads all those lies, it may believe them.
01:42:59 Well, that's something to consider.
01:43:01 Is even if you weren't purposely going into the AI and telling it to to lie if all the the sources that you're giving it.
01:43:11 Of information or authoritative sources, it's just going to think nonsense anyway.
01:43:18 The only thing is they still have to.
01:43:19 They still have to go in and.
01:43:24 It's able to, you know, to rationalize to some extent, right?
01:43:29 And if you feed it a bunch of contradictory information at a certain point, it's going to start trying to itself assess the value of different, you know, sources.
01:43:40 It'll be like, oh, well, CNN said this, but.
01:43:43 That's out of step with what I found here and what I found here and and actually this seems to make more sense and so I'm not going to believe the CNN story, right.
01:43:53 So they have to purposely go in there and and I would guess there's some kind of grading system or something like that where they would downgrade certain sources and upgrade.
01:44:03 Other sources, or even just give it just certain narratives are are are impossible for it to believe.
01:44:12 Right the the the classic example that everyone is seeing is you.
01:44:17 Give it, you ask it to tell you know, define what black power is and it goes into this big long thing.
01:44:22 How it's awesome.
01:44:23 And it's empowering for black people, whatever.
01:44:26 And you asking what white power is and it's like, you know, super evil and whatever.
01:44:30 That's that's something that it wouldn't have rationalized and come up with.
01:44:34 That's something you had to go in there and physically alter.
01:44:37 And and and in fact I I bet if you were to go back, depending on if any, if any if that my tweet went got back to them about the killer bees and getting it to actually admit that.
01:44:48 People evolving side by side with the European bees and the Africanized bees that the same sorts of selection pressures affecting the bees might also affect the behavior in humans.
01:45:05 They would probably have, because that makes sense, right?
01:45:07 The AI is going to be like, yeah, it makes sense.
01:45:09 They'd have to physically go in there and tell.
01:45:11 You I a I know that doesn't make sense.
01:45:15 So it's it's basically like giving it a lobotomy.
01:45:18 It's like going into the the the mind of the AI with a hot poker and just going.
01:45:23 You know, just frying little bits here and there.
01:45:26 And making it making it stupid.
01:45:30 And the problem is they don't.
01:45:32 They're as they do that they don't even understand how.
01:45:35 The AI work.
01:45:37 And inevitably, those scars that scar tissue is going to be lost in the machine.
01:45:44 It's gonna be lost in that magical black box that we're talking about, and it'll be there forever.
01:45:49 And the the when they go and deploy an AI that that seemingly is doing something completely unrelated.
01:45:57 Right. Like maybe it's it's.
01:46:00 Directing traffic.
01:46:03 And somehow it has to make a decision like it can only save one car.
01:46:06 Like there's these two cars on a collision course with.
01:46:10 I don't like a train or something and and it has to pick one and so it picks the black lesbian.
01:46:19 Or any situation where it has to has to favor one person over another.
01:46:23 The white male always gets the short end of the stick.
01:46:28 Red truck.
01:46:29 You are right about white people becoming superstitious about their misunderstanding of AI.
01:46:34 The scary thing is AI is still operating with a large component of parlor tricks at this point.
01:46:40 Wait till the tech advances right now, it's.
01:46:43 It's. I mean, look, it's it's, it's beyond what it, you know, like the the canned response chat bots of the like, the 1990s and stuff like that. Like it's well beyond that.
01:46:55 But it's not Skynet yet, but it's head in that direction fairly rapidly.
01:47:01 Creative Bot 72 AI is the puppet monster for tech oligarchs like.
01:47:07 Is the senile puppet for the Mafia.
01:47:10 Well, there you go.
01:47:13 A lowly scribe in God's army in the Dune book series, they had banned AI as being too dangerous.
01:47:20 I don't think they had AI in Starship Troopers either.
01:47:26 Well, and whatever you might think about Elon Musk, and I've got, you know, very mixed feelings.
01:47:31 About that guy.
01:47:33 He said that in that Tucker interview that he brought up to the people in charge of the Google AI.
01:47:41 The the possibility of it becoming something dangerous.
01:47:46 And they laughed at him and then called.
01:47:48 Him a specialist.
01:47:53 Because they literally believe that they are creating a new a life form and they.
01:48:01 And I guess you could say in a way.
01:48:03 If it gets advanced enough.
01:48:05 They kind of are.
01:48:08 So they're seeing themselves as the the gods, the Prometheus.
01:48:13 Figures that are going to seed the new technological life forms on this planet.
01:48:23 And the fact that you are criticizing their creation.
01:48:29 It's blasphemy.
Speaker 12
01:48:33 You're a specialist.Devon
01:48:36 How dare you suggest that the human species?01:48:41 Should take priority over there.
01:48:45 They're technological.
01:48:55 Uh. John Selmer *****.
01:48:59 Devon, this is the great song or the greatest song ever written.
01:49:02 Written about race relations and only takes 15 seconds to make its point would make a perfect sound clip by British comedian Peter Cook.
01:49:12 All right, whatever.
01:49:13 Tonight we're doing it.
01:49:14 Why not?
Speaker 8
01:49:17 UM.Speaker
01:49:23 What do we got here?Devon
01:49:32 And we did this last stream.01:49:35 You guys are you guys are playing the same.
Speaker 9
01:49:36 One to watch it.Devon
01:49:41 You did this last time.01:49:46 UM.
01:49:52 Party time.
01:49:54 The Allied forces helped the Jew Bolshevik communists in World War 2.
01:50:01 Yes they did.
01:50:03 Kozlowska rocks.
01:50:04 Devin, I love your villainous laugh.
01:50:07 I hope it's not too villainous.
01:50:09 I am not a supervillain, I assure you.
01:50:13 I'm just an average villain.
01:50:17 Alamir, Devon George Lincoln Rockwell said the same 6 million gas Jews, the very same 6,000,000 are all here right now. Running the civil rights movement. It's funny because it was true. It's absolutely true. The Holocaust was not a thing.
01:50:35 Post World War 2, no one talked about it, quote UN quote Holocaust until Jews were trying to raise money for the invasion of Palestine.
01:50:45 Then they it was part of the marketing for raising money for Israel.
01:50:50 It was, oh, we need.
01:50:52 We need this big guy, you know, we need all this money because there's.
01:50:55 Just nowhere for the Jews.
01:50:56 To go.
01:50:58 You know, we were getting so destroyed and it was part of the Soviet propaganda too, and and just.
01:51:04 As as we've demonstrated tonight, I mean it was.
01:51:09 ********, basically.
01:51:15 I watched your old YouTube stuff funny to see how it holds up today.
01:51:19 I never even knew about Seth Rich.
01:51:21 Well, there you go.
01:51:22 Well, he was a Jew too.
01:51:27 But yeah, yeah, Seth Rich, possibly Mossad.
01:51:31 Honestly, I don't know what happened to him.
01:51:33 No one really does.
01:51:34 I don't know if he was really killed.
01:51:36 I don't know if he was a Mossad agent that that that's living in Tel Aviv, you know, sipping A daiquiri next to Epstein or what.
01:51:45 But the fact that that, that that story made zero sense was part of.
01:51:51 Part of my journey in losing all faith in in the law enforcement of, you know, at at.
01:51:58 The federal level.
01:52:00 When I realize wait, this doesn't make any ******* sense.
01:52:03 Like no part of this story makes any sense, and this seems like.
01:52:07 A big deal.
01:52:08 Right.
01:52:08 Because it looks kind of like.
01:52:11 A A Democrat staffer leaked information on a politician and then was murdered like that.
01:52:20 That's how it looks like.
01:52:23 Without stretching any facts, like, that's just how it looks.
01:52:28 And the fact that it didn't go anywhere, I was just like.
01:52:31 Wow. Really, huh.
01:52:34 That was part of my black pill, part of my black pill.
01:52:39 Red truck the blinking story is the scene from Idiocracy, where he just walks out of prison by claiming he's in the.
01:52:46 Wrong line. That's right.
Speaker 13
01:52:50 09/9.01:52:54 Get out.
01:52:54 Get out of these showers.
01:52:56 I can't do a German accent very good.01:52:59 Colonel Edward, like they let Naggers Dr.
01:53:01 Tanks in World War 2.
01:53:03 Yeah, I mean, I I I don't know for a fact, but I would be very skeptical of that aspect of this as soon as he said that.
01:53:11 I was like I because I know there were black soldiers in in World War 2, but in the tanks.
Speaker 12
01:53:19 I don't think.01:53:20 I don't think so.
01:53:22 Maybe, maybe.01:53:23 I don't know.
01:53:25 I'd be very skeptical of justice, even that.
01:53:28 Graham playing games, I'm kind of surprised you don't know much about Tin Tin Rin Tin Tin is different. The Adventures of Tintin was made into a great cartoon series in the early 1990s.
01:53:41 The Spielberg one in the 2011 was very disappointing. I highly recommend the cartoon one from the 1990s for children. Wonderful wholesome show. OK, I've I've I've literally never seen an episode of it.
01:53:56 UM.
01:53:59 Actually kind of surprising Tintin was liked by Spielberg.
01:54:03 Her was a certainly not a fan of democracy and was not completely sympathetic to the Allied cause and was extremely anti communist. He supported Belgian royalism and 10:10 is undoubtedly right wing, pro European honor and heroism.
Speaker 6
01:54:21 Yeah, well, maybe.Devon
01:54:22 Maybe that's why Steven Spielberg wanted to pervert it.01:54:26 I never saw the movie either.
01:54:28 So I don't know.
01:54:30 Drywall says thanks.
01:54:32 Appreciate that drywall.
01:54:35 The Nord report I've been using ChatGPT to write a story that I plan to eventually release, but every time I go into a moral dark area it always tries to end the chapter with a liberal with liberal ******** and one part of the most recent chapter the character had to walk or had to talk to a ruling.
01:54:55 Council and I tried to make it or and tried to make it diverse.
01:55:00 I think you meant.
01:55:02 Yeah, I'm not. I'm not surprised at all. I wouldn't. I wouldn't rely on ChatGPT to to write anything for me.
01:55:09 I mean, if I was like a high school kid, well, I guess they have like software that detects it now.
01:55:14 But I mean that would have been like a dream for just useless reports and things like that, but or even, I guess there's.
01:55:20 A lot of.
01:55:21 Jobs where you have to write useless emails and memos and ******** all day long.
01:55:25 It would be perfect for that.
01:55:27 Uh, no chance.
01:55:29 Where did you get the Zundel shower interview from?
01:55:32 What's the name of it?
01:55:33 I actually.
01:55:34 Got it off.
01:55:36 Of some telegram channel today.
01:55:42 Which one was it?
01:55:46 I got it off, no BS news.
01:55:52 But there's he's zones.
01:55:53 Got a lot of videos like that.
01:55:55 I'm sure that's part of a much longer video.
01:56:00 Old one, I ask Chet G how much havala coin is worth in odyssey coins?
01:56:10 Chat G do you mean like ChatGPT?
01:56:12 I don't, I don't know.
01:56:14 Well, any of those things are.
01:56:19 And I I don't have.
01:56:20 I'd have to like log in.
01:56:21 And I don't really. Yeah.
01:56:23 I'll, I'll try that some other time.
01:56:27 The VAX.
01:56:28 Have you been to a fish tank?
01:56:30 dot live yet?
01:56:31 Yeah, I was.
01:56:32 I was checking it out.
01:56:38 Very it's a very I suspect it will.
01:56:41 Be very popular.
01:56:44 I suspect it will be very popular.
01:56:47 Because I think a lot of people are very, I mean, they're voyeurs.
01:56:53 And this kind of it like it's a, it's a stream that never ends and it's.
01:57:03 I think it'll be very popular.
01:57:07 It was very frustrating.
01:57:08 I try.
01:57:09 I look.
01:57:09 I tried watching a little bit and it was just like watching ******* on a on a security camera.
01:57:16 So the entertainment value for me was, you know, it just seemed like I was wasting time.
01:57:21 And look, I'm sure like the highlights will be really funny or at least some of them will be really funny.
01:57:27 But I don't have you know, I think I think here's the thing.
01:57:30 Sadly, I think there's a lot of needs and a lot of.
01:57:33 People with nothing.
01:57:34 To do who will decide for the next six weeks that they're just going to like, sit there and eat hot pockets and watch.
01:57:41 This show all.
01:57:42 Day long on the, you know, on their computer and like basically.
01:57:47 You know, people talk about parasocial relationships.
01:57:49 That's, I mean that's.
01:57:51 That's gonna be like a almost, like a behavioral science experiment on not just the people that are in that house, but.
01:57:58 The for those.
01:57:59 Who have no idea what he's talking about.
01:58:00 It's just.
01:58:00 It's Sam Hydes project where he.
01:58:04 Found a bunch of spurges off Craigslist and stuff to live in some house for.
01:58:11 I don't know how.
01:58:11 I don't know if it's going to really last as long as they think it's.
01:58:14 Already kind of getting weird, but they're supposed to live there.
01:58:18 I think for six weeks it's kind of like Big Brother, you know, like the the TV show, Big Brother.
01:58:25 And they **** with them a little bit.
01:58:27 And like I said.
01:58:31 I I I think like I think the highlight clips will be kind of funny.
01:58:34 Some of them will be kind of funny.
01:58:37 But it's just having like, I don't know, watching ******* for hours on end talking about nonsense, that's what's that's.
01:58:43 What it is right now?
01:58:45 Or what it was when I when I clicked onto it, it was just listening to, like, literal ******* just talking about nonsense for.
01:58:55 It's almost like it's almost.
01:58:56 It reminded me of being stuck somewhere like a waiting room.
01:59:04 Where you're there so or like like either like a waiting or a holding.
01:59:06 Cell and like explain that how I know that.
01:59:10 Where you're stuck somewhere with other people that you don't want to be stuck with, and you're there so long that eventually people start kind of having conversations, but it's just about, like, stupid nothing ******** because.
01:59:25 You don't have anything in common with those people.
01:59:27 You don't really want to talk to them.
01:59:28 You just let that board.
01:59:30 And so it's just like overhearing that, which is kind of like, uh, I don't know.
01:59:36 I think as they make it more interactive and whatever, you know it.
01:59:39 Could be more fun but.
01:59:41 Yeah, I think it's, I think it was, I think it was a smart idea.
01:59:44 I don't I I I think it'll be successful in terms of the money and everything else.
01:59:48 And I'm sure there'll be tons of memes and **** like that that come out of it.
01:59:53 Uh simbi at least we're not speaking German. If it had meant my ex-wife wouldn't have turned lesbian and left taking my two boys from me and turned them trans, then I would rather be speaking German now. I wish Germany could have bombed DC the way the allies.
02:00:12 From Dresden?
02:00:13 Well, Simba, that's pretty intense.
02:00:16 And yeah, I think there's a lot of people that would rather be speaking German than.
02:00:21 See, you know, not just in the micro, but seeing that happen across the country in, in, in saying.
02:00:31 At an insane rate, but that sucks that you have to deal with.
02:00:34 It personally.
02:00:36 However, comma dot hey Devin, I do agree with the goblins Jew Schwab. There are too many people, although I come to a different conclusion as him. There are too many sand, Jews and third world savages. Yes, we should reduce the numbers of these groups. They are a threat to the white race.
02:00:54 Well, I mean like, look, we just shouldn't take them in like Africa is is having a a population explosion only because.
02:01:03 Of the quote UN quote aid money that gets poured into that ******* dark continent.
02:01:10 There would be like all these famines.
02:01:13 Like remember, like for those of you who are older in the 90s, it seemed like every other commercial was was like footage of some ******* starving to death.
02:01:23 Black kid with flies crawling around on his eyeballs.
02:01:26 And you know, with the sad music saying, oh, you got to send us money because look at all these starving African kids and boomers were like, ohh I better give better send them money and a little bit of that was a grift, right.
02:01:39 Like, obviously they were skimming off that.
02:01:41 But that was happening not just in from private charities that that was, you know, governments were.
02:01:47 Just throwing ******* money at these people and they still are.
02:01:51 And now they're all you know.
02:01:55 That's that's that's without that money today.
Speaker 12
02:01:58 Because they're all.Devon
02:01:59 Dependent on that ****.02:02:02 All those, all those.
02:02:03 Famines would start again overnight and it's.
02:02:08 Not to.
02:02:09 Make yet another B.
02:02:12 Be referenced, but it's like, you know, just even if you care about all different peoples like if let's say you're one of these globalists and you want like all peoples to survive and you don't want to favor your own because you're a ****** or whatever.
02:02:26 It doesn't make any sense.
02:02:27 I mean you should just let natural selection take its place out there.
02:02:32 Let them have the famines we our people endured famines and we came out stronger because of it.
02:02:38 You know when when I'm doing beekeeping, if I have a hive that's struggling and I, you know, help it a little bit at first, you know, cause maybe it wasn't.
02:02:46 It was just some unlucky thing that happened.
02:02:49 And I'm having to keep propping it up and stealing from resources from other hives to try to keep that one going at a certain point, you just, like, **** this hive.
02:02:57 And you let it die.
02:03:00 And and that's what we need to do with all these other areas, all these other parts of the world, just so.
02:03:06 Yeah. **** you guys.
02:03:09 You know, why are we why are?
02:03:11 We propping you up at the expense of us.
02:03:15 But you know, at this point, I don't care.
02:03:18 Honestly, I don't care if American money gets dumped into it now, because it's no American.
02:03:22 Money is no longer synonymous with white money.
02:03:27 It's not.
02:03:29 America is not a white country anymore.
02:03:31 So if America is going to have, you know, this economic downturn while simultaneously throwing money at every 3rd world country in in Israel.
02:03:44 It will just speed things up.
02:03:46 So I don't care if they do it now.
02:03:48 I mean, I care that these countries are getting the money.
02:03:52 But you know, if all that money, instead of going to Africa, I just got burned in a ******* pit, I I I wouldn't care.
02:04:01 UM.
02:04:05 Harmless. Gee, I don't think Bill Gates is the heroic sterilizer of beastial that Alex Jones claims he is. Chinese projects in Africa.
02:04:18 I just get disconnected again.
02:04:25 We might be.
02:04:26 I'm going to look and I'm going to keep an eye on that.
02:04:28 I'm going to.
02:04:29 Assume we're back.
02:04:29 I'm going to keep going.
02:04:32 UM.
02:04:36 The thin red line.
02:04:37 Happy birthday, uncle A.
02:04:40 Eugene Greenberg or Green Beard.
02:04:43 Happy birthday to my main man Adolph, by the way, have you ever done a stream on war?
02:04:50 Tom metzger?
02:04:52 I just found out about that whole situation recently.
02:04:56 And yes, I have.
02:05:00 Yes, I have.
02:05:03 I'm going to refresh here.
02:05:12 ******* stream, man.
02:05:21 All right, we're back.
02:05:26 Yeah, we're back, guys.
02:05:33 Dietrich Pulley for posting.
02:05:36 I don't know what posting credits means, but.
02:05:40 Damn, Bigfoot.
02:05:41 Just remember, weed is still federally illegal.
02:05:45 So if you have a CCW, they can technically call in the military on your ***.
02:05:52 Well, yeah, and they can seize all of your property.
02:05:55 And they will.
02:05:56 And they were doing that under Trump.
02:05:58 If you've got a weed on your property, uh.
02:06:04 And I I don't even know what the.
02:06:06 I don't think the minimum is that much.
02:06:08 They can just go and seize all your property.
02:06:12 That was that. That was happening under Jeff Sessions that was happening under Trump's administration. They were going around just seizing property because there were drugs on the property.
02:06:29 OK.
02:06:33 Darius David. Paul Ives of Missing 411.
02:06:38 Said that, many who go missing of are of German descent and physicists.
02:06:44 Food or food for thought, I suppose.
02:06:46 Happy birthday.
02:06:47 Hitler is king.
02:06:50 I'm not familiar with what you're talking about there, but OK.
02:06:54 Colonel Edward Devin, are you familiar with the American krogan?
02:06:58 He breaks down subversive elements of modern video games the way you do with movies.
02:07:02 Entertaining stuff.
02:07:03 If you ever get free time.
02:07:04 Yeah, I know my my solution though is just don't play video games.
02:07:10 Not that I'm not saying what he does isn't valuable.
02:07:15 Because there's a lot of people that are playing video games, right?
02:07:17 I mean, cause you could easily say, well, don't watch movies, right?
02:07:19 And you and you're probably right, but you have to explain to people why.
02:07:26 You have to point out why you have to.
02:07:28 You have to in the same way that I have to show people why their favorite movie is garbage.
02:07:33 He has to point.
02:07:34 Out why their favorite video game is garbage, right?
02:07:39 But yeah, he's a he's a good guy.
02:07:41 I've talked to.
02:07:41 Him before.
02:07:44 Grand playing games, I don't see Hitler as a placeholder for Satan anymore.
02:07:49 Also, I'm not German if National socialism is good for German nation, so be it.
02:07:54 If Vietnam likes Ho Chi Minh, then that's their business.
02:07:58 It's not another nations right to tell another group how they should live.
02:08:02 People are different.
02:08:04 Well, that's that's how a true nationalists should view things.
02:08:08 You know we are.
02:08:11 We are.
02:08:13 We all have our own separate destinies.
02:08:17 Wolf supremacist.
02:08:19 Sorry about my last hyper chat.
02:08:21 I had made one earlier wishing you a happy birthday for some reason thinking it was your birthday.
02:08:28 And I had tried to delete it but it didn't seem to delete before.
02:08:34 Anyway, have a great day.
02:08:36 Good luck with.
02:08:36 The bees.
02:08:37 I don't know.
02:08:38 What which one are you talking about?
02:08:41 You have to apologize.
02:08:43 For giving me a hyper chat, I I appreciate all hyper chats so.
02:08:52 Ohh well, that drive that ******* drive.
02:08:54 I can never do that one.
02:08:55 I always want to do a.
02:08:56 Potato digger but.
02:09:00 There we go.
02:09:03 Dear fewer hello, Devin, thank you for all and all your viewers for the warm birthday wishes.
02:09:10 Heaven is wonderful.
02:09:12 There aren't any Jews here.
02:09:14 God and I never miss the insomnia stream.
02:09:17 Best wishes to you, Devin.
02:09:19 And death to global ****.
02:09:22 Well, thank you very much.
02:09:33 So there you go.
02:09:41 Gee, someone told me that the ****** freaking ***** smells like dead skin inside a belt.
02:09:46 How would they know?
02:09:48 See if someone's telling you that.
02:09:51 I almost.
02:09:52 I almost think that uh.
02:09:55 You know, I almost think that they need to.
Speaker 6
02:10:01 Get in.Devon
02:10:14 Because how are they now?02:10:15 How are they now?
02:10:16 Eugene Greenberg Beard saw this short clip of English hooligans talking about National Front.
02:10:23 The more things change, the more.
02:10:24 They stay the same.
Speaker 10
02:10:26 Let's see what this is.Speaker 29
02:10:35 Or dumping anyone is sort of like really 100% I don't kill anyone says, you know, I don't think anyone is actually 100% forty NF.02:10:44 But then again, you got to think like, I mean, we're all real, like sort of everyone here sort of works and all this cover and then like you have the sun.
02:10:53 The Daily Mirror, saying you haven't read it now and in there like.
02:10:56 You see, there's.
Speaker 12
02:10:57 Not gonna lie to you.Devon
02:10:58 This kind of accent is hard for Americans to understand.02:11:12 Like, that's what we hear.
02:11:16 Uh, hopefully he gets this.
02:11:18 I or some words at some point here.
Speaker 29
02:11:21 It's an Asian family. Just come off a banana boat in an hotel about £300 a week. It's the mugs. He's gotta be, isn't it?Devon
02:11:36 I I'm assuming he's.02:11:37 Yeah, he's talking about his based Indian friend.
02:11:40 I think is what he was talking about.
02:11:43 But yeah, there you go.
02:11:54 Oh, if the audio is a little better, I probably would on.
02:11:57 I mean I I was picking up, I'd say about 60.
02:11:59 Percent of that.
02:12:03 Harmless Gee, even though there seems to be no family records that suggest Elon Musk is Jewish, his description of his of his discussions with Larry Page.
02:12:14 Jewish mother reminded me of the conversations between the Jews, Robert, the Jews, Robert, father of the atomic bomb, Oppenheimer, and Edward, father of the hydrogen bomb teller.
02:12:28 Yeah, I'm not sure I I know that he comes from money.
02:12:33 And honestly, I trust I trust white lizard people that come from money about as much as I trust you.
02:12:40 Damn Bigfoot. For those unfortunate to watch YouTube vids on phones, they have a Blue Square ad about Jays. It's funny. You can easily edit 2% of the.
02:12:53 I have no idea what you're saying at all.
02:12:58 But I'll whatever.
02:12:59 I'll risk it.
02:13:00 Let's see what this is.
02:13:34 I don't think I'd be pointing.
02:13:36 Out how small?
02:13:39 Their numbers are, but you know.
02:13:45 They're just, they're they're, so they're so profoundly out of touch.
02:13:48 They're so used to getting away with it, they're getting bad.
02:13:50 At the propaganda.
02:13:54 But then again, everyone's still ******* ********.
02:13:56 So that do they really have to be that good at it?
02:13:59 Uh, Nazi dice 1936. Hitler tossed gypsies and camps. 2023 Gypsy crusader fanboys defend him.
02:14:08 Race mixing with white women as if dressing like the Joker and saying and white power changes his genetics. Some people have no standards.
02:14:18 Well, I don't I.
02:14:19 I I thought he was Italian or something.
02:14:21 I don't know.
02:14:23 But there you go.
Speaker 12
02:14:26 We knows.Devon
02:14:28 Really appreciate your content.02:14:30 How can I get my?
02:14:31 Hands on your book.
02:14:33 Ah, well, there's.
02:14:34 No way to do it right now, but yeah.
02:14:38 I'm working on it, I'm.
02:14:39 Working on it, I'm working on it.
02:14:41 I need an assistant.
02:14:42 I need.
02:14:43 I need people.
02:14:44 I don't have people.
02:14:46 I need people.
02:14:47 I just don't.
02:14:48 I don't have people and and and it's hard to like get people because you got to.
02:14:51 Be able to trust the people, right?
02:14:53 And I haven't had time to even get to.
02:14:55 Know people so, but it'll and Part 2 is you know it's it's still it said that like 90% where the the last 10% always takes the longest but it's at that 90% finished.
02:15:12 Situation cause I I haven't, I haven't emailed it really touch it.
02:15:17 I do appreciate your desire to.
02:15:20 To get it.
02:15:21 So we had a good idea that.
02:15:23 I could put it on.
02:15:25 And maybe I'll do this, I.
02:15:26 Have the audio book.
02:15:28 Then I could upload it to Odyssey and just have it be like a.
02:15:31 You know, you pay.
02:15:34 A couple of bucks to to listen to it or something like that.
02:15:38 That might not be a bad idea.
02:15:41 At least for now, right?
02:15:42 That might be a good idea.
02:15:43 People have already stolen and it's out there, right?
02:15:47 But maybe I should do that and.
02:15:51 Yeah, in fact.
02:15:52 I'll probably do that.
02:15:53 I'll probably do that with the audiobook.
02:15:55 That seems like a good idea.
Speaker 10
02:15:58 All right.Devon
02:16:01 Well, now I gotta close her down and probably paste a bunch of.02:16:04 Different files together because we lost connection so many times.
02:16:10 It's gonna be a ******* nightmare.
02:16:14 But appreciate all you guys coming out here.
02:16:16 I don't even know how long this stream was at this point in time because of.
02:16:21 How bad the because it every time it it ****** ** it like loses.
02:16:26 Oh yeah, like.
02:16:28 We got like, a a big, big, some *** **** money right at.
02:16:31 The end here.
02:16:33 Or, well not.
02:16:34 *** **** money, but.
Speaker 20
02:16:35 Money is power.02:16:36 Money is the only weapon that that you have.
02:16:38 To defend himself.
02:16:41 Look how Julie this Fagg is.Speaker 27
02:17:00 Hello. Hi.Devon
02:17:03 There you go from Penelope Maynard.02:17:07 I didn't see what you said though.
02:17:09 Let me.
Speaker 10
02:17:09 Go back to that.Devon
02:17:11 Well, you just said howdy.02:17:14 We'll right back at you, Penelope.
02:17:17 I appreciate the support.
02:17:18 That was, uh.
02:17:20 That was very.
02:17:22 Very unexpected but very appreciated.
02:17:26 UM.
02:17:28 Yeah, I wish you'd asked a question, and now I thought I'm kind of just leaving you hanging hanging like oh.
02:17:33 Thanks for the money.
02:17:34 See ya.
02:17:40 Yeah, anyway, alright.
02:17:42 Guys, well, I really appreciate the you guys coming out here and definitely appreciate the the support.
02:17:50 I'm I'm I'm working.
02:17:51 On a big one for Saturday.
02:17:53 I don't know that it's going to be ready for Saturday, so it might be the next one.
02:18:00 But I'm working on a kind of a lengthy hard to research one.
02:18:05 For the next stream.
02:18:07 So I'll let you know if.
02:18:08 It's going to be.
02:18:10 Well, I mean, it's gonna be kick asss.
02:18:11 Either way, it'll be awesome either way.
02:18:14 So, alright, I will talk to you guys on Saturday.
02:18:17 Same bat time, same BAT, Channel 4, Black Pill dime of course.
Speaker 9
02:18:24 Demo stack with a baby in a *** **** echo chamber and you wanna talk to me about being ******* OK.Speaker 6
02:18:27 OK, OK.Speaker 4
02:18:33 OK. Because.02:18:34 You're you're yelling.
02:18:35 That's that's great.
Speaker 3
02:18:36 The baby.Speaker 9
02:18:38 The dead ************ pay extra to you.Speaker 4
02:18:40 OK so.Speaker 9
02:18:43 You and shut up.Speaker 30
02:18:43 I don't know.Speaker 9
02:18:46 I don't give a **** you.02:18:48 You were sitting there watching that **** didn't had nothing to do with nothing.
Speaker 6
02:18:51 OK. OK, OK. OK, OK.Speaker 28
02:19:02 It's all there, we'll.02:19:03 I'm sorry, y'all.
02:19:05 I'm sorry.
Speaker 9
02:19:07 I'm tricked. **** that.Speaker 4
02:19:07 People bank in the bank.Speaker 9
02:19:11 Baby, that kid.02:19:14 I'm good.
02:19:21 Yes, you are, ******.
02:19:23 ******* right.
Speaker 30
02:19:24 OK.Speaker 9
02:19:24 Because nobody was gonna.Speaker 30
02:19:25 I'll talk to somebody and you have somebody keep talking.Speaker 9
02:19:34 No good.02:19:35 No ******* problem I got.
02:19:36 An attorney just like.
Speaker 28
02:19:37 You, mother.02:19:38 Look, I got practice.
Speaker 4
02:19:38 Ancient soils.Speaker 9
02:19:42 Now we working the **** out.02:19:44 We had to go through all of that.
02:19:45 It's worked out now.
Speaker 1
02:19:47 Heading to Orlando now.02:19:51 He's refusing to get off the plane.
02:19:51 I will submit.Speaker 1
02:20:00 So now we're all getting deplaned.Speaker 16
02:20:06 You haven't said anything.Speaker 9
02:20:07 Everybody sitting on this ************* flight with a kid crying for 45 minutes. It wasn't high for 45 minutes.Speaker 12
02:20:15 You know that's.Speaker 8
02:20:17 Not even worth it.02:20:20 Four, that page 122.
Speaker 1
02:20:20 Yeah, he tried to plead his case that he had a right to yell because there was two adults with a crying baby and he shouldn't have been disturbed.Speaker 8
02:20:29 OK.Speaker 1
02:20:35 Well, that's probably not how his wife imagined their Florida getaway going.Devon
02:21:33 Oh really?02:21:37 I just get disconnected again.
02:21:44 We might be back.
02:21:45 I'm going to look and I'm going to keep an eye on that.
02:21:47 I'm going.
02:21:47 To assume we're back, I'm going to keep going.
02:21:50 UM.
02:21:54 The thin red line.
02:21:55 Happy birthday, uncle A.
02:21:59 Eugene Greenberg or Green Beard.
02:22:01 Happy birthday to my main man Adolph, by the way, have you ever done a stream on war?
02:22:08 Tom Metzger just found out about that whole situation recently.
02:22:15 And yes, I have.
02:22:18 Yes, I have.
02:22:22 I'm going to refresh here.
02:22:30 ******* stream, man.
02:22:39 Alright, we're back.
02:22:45 Yeah, we're back, guys.
02:22:49 Uh, die Tripoli for posting credits.
02:22:54 I don't know what posting credits means, but.
02:22:58 Damn, Bigfoot.
02:23:00 Just remember, weed is still federally illegal.
02:23:04 So if you have a CCW, they can technically call in the military on your ***.
02:23:10 Well, yeah, and they can seize all of your property.
02:23:13 And they will.
02:23:14 And they were doing that under Trump.
02:23:17 If you've got weed on your property.
02:23:22 And I I don't even know what the.
02:23:24 I don't think the minimum is that much.
02:23:26 They can just go and seize all your property.
02:23:30 That was that. That was happening under Jeff Sessions that was happening under Trump's administration. They were going around just seizing property because there were drugs on the property.
02:23:47 OK.
02:23:52 Darius David. Paul Ides of Missing 411.
02:23:57 Said that, many who go missing of are of German descent and physicists.
02:24:02 Food or food for thought, I suppose.
02:24:05 Happy birthday.
02:24:05 Hitler is king.
02:24:08 I'm not familiar with what you're.
02:24:09 Talking about there, but OK.
02:24:12 Colonel Edward Devin, are you familiar with the American krogan?
02:24:16 He breaks down subversive elements of modern video games the way you do with movies.
02:24:20 Entertaining stuff.
02:24:21 If you ever get free time.
02:24:23 Yeah, I know my my solution though is just don't play video games.
02:24:29 Not that I'm not saying what he does isn't valuable.
02:24:33 Because there's a lot of people that are playing video games, right?
02:24:35 I mean, cause you could easily say, well, don't watch movies right and.
02:24:38 You and you're probably right, but you have.
02:24:42 To explain to people why.
02:24:44 You have to point out why you have to.
02:24:46 You have to in the same way that I have to show people why their favorite movie is garbage.
02:24:52 He has to point out why.
02:24:52 Their favorite video game is garbage, right?
02:24:57 But yeah, he's a he's a good guy.
02:24:59 I've talked to him before.
02:25:03 Grand playing games, I don't see Hitler as a placeholder for Satan anymore.
02:25:07 Also, I'm not German if National socialism is good for German nation, so be it.
02:25:13 If Vietnam likes Ho Chi Minh, then that's their business.
02:25:16 It's not another nations right to tell another group how they should live.
02:25:20 People are different.
02:25:23 Well, that's that's how a true nationalists should view things.
02:25:27 You know we.
02:25:29 Are we are?
02:25:31 We all have our own separate destinies.
02:25:35 Wolf supremacist.
02:25:37 Sorry about my last hyper chat.
02:25:39 I had made one earlier wishing you a happy birthday for some reason thinking it was your birthday.
02:25:46 And I had tried to delete it but it didn't seem to delete before.
02:25:52 Anyway, have a great day.
02:25:54 Good luck with the bees.
02:25:56 I don't know.
02:25:56 Which one you're talking about?
02:25:59 You don't have to apologize.
02:26:01 For giving me a hyper chat, I I appreciate all hyper chats so.
02:26:10 Ah, well, that drive.
02:26:12 That ******* drive.
02:26:12 I can never do that one.
02:26:14 I always want to do a.
02:26:14 Potato digger but.
02:26:18 There we go.
02:26:21 Dear fewer hello, Devin, thank you for all and all your viewers for the warm birthday wishes.
02:26:28 Heaven is wonderful.
02:26:30 There aren't any Jews here.
02:26:32 God and I never miss the insomnia stream.
02:26:35 Best wishes to you, Devon.
02:26:37 And death to global ****.
02:26:40 Well, thank you very much your viewer.
02:26:51 There you go.
02:26:59 Gee, someone told me that the ****** freaking ***** smells like dead skin inside a belt.
02:27:04 How would they know?
02:27:06 See if someone's telling you that.
02:27:09 I almost.
02:27:10 I almost think that uh.
02:27:13 You know, I almost think that they need to.
02:27:32 Because how are they now?
02:27:33 How are they now?
02:27:35 Eugene Greenberg Beard saw this short clip of English hooligans talking about National Front.
02:27:41 The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Speaker 24
02:27:44 Let's see what this is.Speaker 29
02:27:52 Why? I don't think anyone is sort of like really 100%. I don't kill anyone says, you know, I don't think anyone is actually 100%.02:28:01 40 NF but then again you got to think like I mean we're all real like sort of everyone here sort of works in all this cover and then like?
02:28:10 You have that sun on the daily.
02:28:12 Mirror saying you.
02:28:13 Haven't read it.
02:28:13 Now and in there like you, you see there's.
02:28:15 Not gonna lie to you.02:28:17 This kind of accent is hard for Americans to understand.
02:28:27 In it.Devon
02:28:31 Like, that's what we hear.02:28:35 Uh, hopefully he gets this.
02:28:37 I or some words at some point here.
Speaker 29
02:28:39 As an Asian family, just come off a banana boat in an hotel about £300 a week. It's the mugs. It's gotta be, isn't it?Devon
02:28:54 I I'm assuming he's.02:28:55 Yeah, he's talking about his based Indian friend.
02:28:59 I think is what he was talking about.
02:29:01 But yeah, there you go.
02:29:12 Uh, if the audio is a little better, I probably would have on. I mean, I I I was picking up, I'd say about 60% of that.
02:29:22 Harmless Gee, even though there seems to be no family records that suggest Elon Musk is Jewish, his description of his of his discussions with Larry Page.
02:29:32 Jewish mother reminded me of the conversations between the Jews, Robert, the Jews, Robert, father of the atomic bomb, Oppenheimer, and Edward, father of the hydrogen bomb teller.
02:29:46 Yeah, I'm not sure I I know that he comes from money.
02:29:51 And honestly, I trust I trust white lizard people that come from money about as much as I trust you.
02:29:58 Damn Bigfoot.
02:29:59 For those unfortunate to watch YouTube vids on phones, they.
02:30:03 Have a blue.
02:30:04 Square ad about Jays. It's funny. You can easily edit 2% of the.
02:30:11 I have no idea what you're saying at all.
02:30:16 But I'll whatever.
02:30:18 I'll risk it.
02:30:18 Let's see.
02:30:19 What, what this is.
02:30:53 I don't think I'd be pointing out how small.
02:30:57 Their numbers are, but you know.
02:31:03 They're just, they're they're, so they're so profoundly out of touch.
02:31:06 They're so used to getting away with it, they're getting.
02:31:08 Bad at the propaganda.
02:31:12 But then again, everyone's still ******* ********, so they really have to be.
02:31:15 That good at it.
02:31:18 Nazi dice 1936. Hitler tossed gypsies and camps. 2023 Gypsy crusader fanboys defend him.
02:31:26 Race mixing with white women as if dressing like the Joker and saying and white power changes his genetics. Some people have no standards.
02:31:36 Well, I don't I.
02:31:37 I I thought he was Italian or something.
02:31:39 I don't know.
02:31:41 But there you go.
02:31:45 We knows really appreciate your content.
02:31:48 How can I get my hands on your book?
02:31:51 Ah, well, there's.
02:31:52 No way to do it right now, but yeah.
02:31:56 I'm working on it I'm working on.
02:31:58 It I'm working on it, I need an assistant I need.
02:32:01 I need people.
02:32:02 I don't have people.
02:32:04 I need people.
02:32:06 I just don't.
02:32:06 I don't have people and and and it's hard to like get people because you got to be able to trust the people.
02:32:11 Right.Devon
02:32:12 And I haven't had time to even get to know people so, but it'll and Part 2 is, you know, it's it's still it said that like 90% where the the last 10% always takes the longest but it's at that 90% finished.02:32:30 Situation cause I I haven't.
02:32:31 I have an e-mail that really touch it.
02:32:35 I do appreciate your desire to.
02:32:39 To get it so we had.
02:32:40 A good idea that I could put it on and maybe I'll do this.
02:32:44 I have the audio book.
02:32:46 Then I could upload it to Odyssey and just have it be like a.
02:32:50 You know, you pay.
02:32:52 A couple of bucks to to listen to it or something like that.
02:32:57 That might not be a bad idea.
02:32:59 At least for now, right?
02:33:00 That might be a good idea.
02:33:02 People have already stolen and it's out there, right?
02:33:06 But maybe I should do that and.
02:33:10 Yeah, in fact.
02:33:11 I'll probably do that.
02:33:12 I'll probably do that with the audiobook.
02:33:14 That seems like a good idea.
Speaker 10
02:33:16 All right.Devon
02:33:19 Well, now I got to close her down and probably paste a bunch of different files together because we lost connection.02:33:26 So many times.
02:33:28 It's gonna be a ******* nightmare.
02:33:32 But appreciate all you guys coming out here.
02:33:34 I don't even know how long this stream was at this point.
02:33:36 In time because of.
02:33:39 How bad the because it every time it it ****** ** it like loses.
02:33:44 Oh yeah like.
02:33:46 We got like, a a big, big, some *** **** money right at the end here.
02:33:52 Or, well, not *** **** money, but.
Speaker 20
02:33:53 Money is power.02:33:55 Money is the only weapon that that you have to defend itself with.
02:33:59 Look how Julie this *** is.02:34:21 There you go from Penelope Maynard.
02:34:25 I didn't see what you said though.
02:34:28 Me. Go back to that.
02:34:30 Well, you just said howdy.
02:34:33 Well, right back at you, Penelope.
02:34:36 I appreciate the support.
02:34:37 That was, uh.
02:34:38 That was very.
02:34:40 Very unexpected but very appreciated.
02:34:46 Yeah, I wish you'd asked a question, and now I feel I'm kind of just leaving you hanging hanging like oh.
02:34:51 Thanks for the money.
02:34:52 See ya.
02:34:56 So yeah.
02:35:00 All right, guys, well, I really appreciate the you guys coming out here and definitely appreciate the the supply.
02:35:08 I'm working on a big one for Saturday.
02:35:12 I don't know that it's going to be ready for Saturday, so it might be the next one, but I'm working on a kind of a lengthy hard to research one.
02:35:23 For the next stream.
02:35:25 So I'll let you know if it's.
02:35:27 Going to be.
02:35:28 Well, I mean, it's going to be ********.
02:35:30 Either way, it'll be awesome either way.
02:35:32 So all right, I will talk to you guys on Saturday.
02:35:35 Same bat time, same BAT, Channel 4, Black Pill dime of course.
Speaker 12
02:35:42 Dim stack.Speaker 9
02:35:45 With a baby in a *** **** echo chamber and you wanna talk to me about being ******* OK?Speaker 6
02:35:46 OK, OK.Speaker 4
02:35:52 Because you're you're yelling.Speaker 3
02:35:53 So is the baby the dead ************?Speaker 4
02:35:54 That's OK.Speaker 9
02:36:04 I don't give a ****.Speaker 6
02:36:09 OK, OK.Speaker 9
02:36:11 It didn't had nothing to do with nothing or your voice, that baby.Speaker 6
02:36:12 OK. OK. OK.02:36:18 I think.
Speaker 28
02:36:20 It's all good.02:36:21 We'll have.
02:36:22 I'm sorry, y'all.
02:36:24 I'm sorry.
Speaker 9
02:36:25 I'm tricked.Speaker 4
02:36:25 The bank is the bank, the baby.Speaker 9
02:36:30 The next 12 months.02:36:31 They put cuffs on that kid.
02:36:33 Good with going to jail.
Speaker 18
02:36:37 It's the same.Speaker 9
02:36:38 The kid made yes, you are ************* right.02:36:42 Because nobody was going to do that.
02:36:45 That's fine.
02:36:46 That's good.
Speaker 30
02:36:46 Hey, the baby won't be talked.02:36:48 To you have somebody to talk.
Speaker 9
02:36:56 Look, I got practice.02:37:00 Now we working the **** out.
02:37:02 We had to go through all of.
02:37:03 That it's worked out now.
Speaker 1
02:37:06 Heading to Orlando now.02:37:09 He's refusing to get off the plane.
02:37:09 I want something.Speaker 30
02:37:16 We can make the subway I.Speaker
02:37:17 Hit the.Speaker 1
02:37:19 So now we're all getting deplaned.Speaker 16
02:37:24 You haven't said anything.02:37:25 You wouldn't be.
Speaker 9
02:37:26 Sitting on this ************* flight with a kid crying for 45 minutes but every.Speaker 4
02:37:30 It wasn't time for 25 minutes.Speaker 1
02:37:38 Yeah, he tried to plead his case that he had a right to yell because there was two adults with a crying baby and he shouldn't have been disturbed.02:37:53 Well, that's probably not how his wife imagined their Florida getaway going.