04/23/2023Speaker 2
00:10:11 Wake up.Speaker 3
00:04:25 Wake me up. Wake me.Speaker
00:06:03 Feeling tired?Speaker 2
00:06:09 Sometimes that's OK.00:06:15 Standing away from me, away from me.
00:06:31 You're saying that's when I've been saying I thought it was suicide.
00:06:37 Sometimes kill the pain.
00:06:39 I can't always say.
00:06:44 Falling away from me, I'm hanging away from me.
00:07:24 It can be.
00:08:24 And that is falling away from me.
00:08:29 It's falling away from me.
00:08:34 It's falling away from me.
00:10:03 Alrighty then, that part wasn't intentional.00:10:09 I left.
00:10:09 Some cookies on apparently from last stream.
00:10:13 And I usually.
00:10:14 Well, I tried to check it.
00:10:15 Apparently those are ones I didn't disable.
00:10:19 Ohh right.
00:10:20 Well, the one thing that was.
00:10:21 Intentional, I guess was.
00:10:26 Because this is the the density addition.
00:10:30 And a lot of *************.
00:10:32 Looking like this guy today.
00:10:35 But first of all, Speaking of *************.
00:10:39 The the guy in the chat.
00:10:40 I don't even know your.
00:10:41 Name is, but the guy mods.
00:10:43 You guys do a great job and and.
00:10:45 I never, never really.
00:10:47 Say high five, I should.
00:10:51 But if you see a guy, that's.
Speaker 6
00:10:52 Like. Ohh great. The music's even worse than last time. Just like everything else.Devon
00:10:59 Just get.00:11:00 Just give me that ************.
00:11:01 We don't need that guy.
00:11:03 Why do we?
Speaker 6
00:11:03 Need that guy?00:11:04 Who needs that guy?
00:11:05 No one needs that.
00:11:06 Guy, get the **** outta here.00:11:08 And you stupid little fagot.
00:11:10 You, you whiny little *****.
00:11:12 We need.
Speaker 6
00:11:13 We need you around to be like, go.00:11:15 This isn't my favorite song.
00:11:18 Why are you playing songs I don't like?
00:11:21 Oh my God.00:11:22 Get the **** out of here.
00:11:23 Get the **** outta here.
00:11:24 You little ******* ******.
00:11:26 We don't need people.
00:11:27 Like that, we just don't.
00:11:28 We just don't.
00:11:29 So if you look.
00:11:31 If it doesn't have to be permanent, look when I when I worked as a bouncer, I.
00:11:36 Threw people out.
00:11:37 I usually let them in the next time depending.
00:11:41 OK, depending but you need it.
00:11:44 At the very least, you need time out.
00:11:45 You need time.
00:11:46 You need a time out.
00:11:48 You need a time out.
00:11:49 So I mean, I don't know.
00:11:50 Maybe maybe you snuck in under the radar.
00:11:52 No one knows who you are right now.
Speaker 6
00:11:54 You're looking around like.00:11:55 Oh, ****.
00:11:56 Ohh ****.
00:11:57 I didn't think they saw that.
00:11:58 Ohh, I thought.
00:11:59 I could just whine like a little ***** and no one would ever notice.00:12:01 Like in real life, when I'm always.
Speaker 6
00:12:03 Whining like a little *****.00:12:05 And no one ever ******* notices, because no one ever notices me.
00:12:09 No one ever sees me.
00:12:10 Why don't they notice me?
00:12:11 Notice me, daddy?
00:12:14 **** you.00:12:18 Anyway, Devin stack here.
00:12:19 That's the insomnia stream density edition.
00:12:24 In case I didn't say that already.
00:12:26 It is the density addition.
00:12:30 So yeah, I just realized that you're probably not even hearing the.
00:12:34 Audio on that.
00:12:36 And fix that real quick.00:12:37 There we go.
Speaker 6
00:12:43 The only thing more annoying?00:12:46 The only thing more annoying than winning little ******* like like this free content.
00:12:52 You're making me play the song I want.
00:12:59 Ohh God yeah, yeah, I guarantee you you were like the kid that invited people over to your house.00:13:06 Cause like and.
00:13:07 The only reason why they came over.
00:13:08 Is like you had the Nintendo.
00:13:10 And then you wouldn't let him play it.
Speaker 6
00:13:13 You just like no watch.00:13:14 Me do it and then you were really.
00:13:15 Bad at it.00:13:16 So it was just extra for us because the only reason why they came to your house was to play your ******* game.
00:13:21 But now you're not letting them play and you suck at it.
00:13:25 And then they don't wanna come over next time, but like but I get but I got the.
00:13:28 I got that little cheese.
00:13:30 I got the little goldfish.
00:13:31 Cheesy poo things.
Speaker 6
00:13:33 My mommy can make us some some hot pockets.Devon
00:13:37 Doesn't matter.Speaker 6
00:13:39 Doesn't matter because you're a whiny little *****.Devon
00:13:42 No one wants to come over to hang out with Roddy little *****.00:13:45 I have a swimming pool.
00:13:48 Well, I hope you ******* drown in it, OK?
00:13:58 Oddly, oddly.
00:14:01 Oddly, when when I'm all, I guess I'm.
00:14:04 Kind of wound up about, I actually, I'm not that wound up about that or really what?
00:14:08 What we're talking about that.Devon
00:14:12 I just made the mistake of of drinking caffeine.00:14:15 Not not all day but, but waiting until tonight.
00:14:20 Until until the sun went down.
00:14:22 So I'm.
Speaker 1
00:14:23 Not like already.Devon
00:14:24 Caffeine hungover. I'm.Speaker 6
00:14:26 Just like out, I'm ready to go.Devon
00:14:29 So yeah, no anyway.00:14:32 The the real thing, it's actually odd cause it's it's basically the exact opposite.
00:14:37 Of this problem.
00:14:38 Exact opposite of the in fact the the.
00:14:42 I guess the inverse of the wanny little *****, right?
00:14:46 The inverse of the Oney little *****.
00:14:49 Is the.
00:14:52 The dense, the dense ******* hopium fagot.
00:14:55 I mean, there's not really a fancier way of saying there's probably we got we got to sum that up a little bit better and some might.
00:15:01 Maybe it's a little harsh.
00:15:02 It might be a little harsh.
00:15:03 Because I'm not quite talking about Q cards, although I've I've kind of decided that it's.
00:15:07 Just a spectrum.
00:15:09 It's just a spectrum really.
00:15:11 It's just that, you know, the really extreme copium matics are into the the, you know, really out there ****, right?
00:15:19 It's just that so many like like nothing good has happened on the right.
00:15:23 If you're an actual right winger and you're and you have any kind of.
00:15:28 I don't know self-awareness and you're able to actually zoom out the graph and take a look at the last 50 or so years, 80 years, 100 whatever. Pick a number.
00:15:38 It's really hard to be like ohh that that was the time we were. We were really knocking out of the park right there, you know, right there in that, that that brief, that brief period between 1984 and 85, you know, that was that was that was the year for the right wing.
00:15:53 You know that that, that brief little moment in 2016 before we realized Trump was, was just a ***** ** **** like everybody else, like that was the.
00:16:02 That was when you know.
00:16:03 The me more you know me more veterans.
00:16:08 Yeah. So.
00:16:09 You're you're kind of.
00:16:10 You're kind.
00:16:10 Of Buck broken right? The right's a little bit buck broken.
00:16:16 So every time they get a little taste of something like, oh, this maybe now this isn't.
00:16:21 Maybe this isn't gonna just be pain.
Speaker 6
00:16:24 This is where we.Devon
00:16:25 Were we're, I think we're winning now cause.Speaker 6
00:16:28 This doesn't make me shudder and horror.Devon
00:16:34 I think we're going to win.Speaker 6
00:16:37 This, this, this could be it.Speaker 5
00:16:39 I'm your density.Devon
00:16:45 And of course, what am I talking about?00:16:49 Well, I mean, I woke up today.
00:16:53 To a whole bunch of people geeking the **** out they thought. Wouldn't you know it? Elon Musk had gone full 14 ******* 88.
00:17:03 Holy ****. Holy ****.
00:17:07 I was like, whoa, really?
00:17:11 And it seems odd for a variety of reasons that we'll get.
00:17:13 Into here in a.
00:17:13 2nd but now.
00:17:16 I wouldn't have thought I wouldn't have thought.
00:17:19 Oh, no, no, he.
00:17:19 Totally did heaven.
00:17:21 He went up there and he was like, praising Hitler.
00:17:24 He was saying that he he was he, he he supported total death and I.
00:17:28 Was like wow.
Speaker 1
00:17:29 ****. What? What the ****?Speaker 6
00:17:32 That seems pretty ********.00:17:33 I mean even.
00:17:33 For the supposed.00:17:35 You know, richest man in the world like you would think you'd have at least some limits.
Speaker 6
00:17:41 Like, Oh no, he did.Devon
00:17:43 So I got to check it out.00:17:46 I'm thinking like, oh, holy **** this.
00:17:48 Guy. Oh, he must have.
00:17:50 Mr. Really said some ****.
00:17:54 And I go to his.
00:17:55 Twitter, after looking at some screenshots right.
00:17:59 And of course, everything everyone's just showing this part of it right.
00:18:04 Demographics is destiny.
00:18:06 Ohh holy ****.
00:18:09 Holy ****.
00:18:10 Demographics is destiny.
00:18:12 He's talking about white replacement.
00:18:16 He's talking about how the West is going to die if we keep importing all these third worlders.
00:18:23 Wow, dude.
00:18:24 I mean, that's like that's a big name to put something like that out.
00:18:27 That's pretty crazy.
00:18:28 I'm surprised that he tweeted that I'm really surprised.
00:18:34 Oh, I'm not surprised at all anymore.
00:18:38 Because it was in response to demography statistics.
00:18:43 Showing India and China had several times as many people and his fear which he has talked about on numerous occasions.
00:18:53 Is that the West isn't reproducing.
00:18:56 And yeah, that's not specific to white people.
00:19:00 In fact, he's on the record.
00:19:02 Kind of saying that we're going to go over some of.
00:19:04 That stuff.
00:19:06 And so I pointed this out.
00:19:07 I was like, you know, you know, like, look at the he's not talking, you know.
00:19:11 That's not the way he means it.
00:19:14 And when you know there's a lot of crossover, there's a lot of.
00:19:16 Crossover with the.
00:19:17 The the bass Tucker Bass, Tucker those types, right.
00:19:21 There's a lot of crossover between those guys.
00:19:25 And the based Elon *******, right?
00:19:29 It's because they, I mean they.
00:19:31 I get it.
00:19:32 I get it.
00:19:33 They want someone.
00:19:34 They just want someone.
00:19:36 They want someone that that is is going.
00:19:39 To help out.
00:19:40 Just someone.
00:19:42 That they don't like.
00:19:44 They don't like the idea.
00:19:46 That this gets worse before it gets better.
00:19:49 They, they they, they're still in the of the mindset of no, no.
00:19:52 We can pull up.
00:19:53 We are just just pull really hard.
00:19:57 Pull really hard on the.
00:20:00 On the the I don't know the.
00:20:02 Flight stick or you know the plane.
00:20:04 I don't know.
00:20:05 The plane steering wheel thingy.
00:20:06 Ideally, I don't.
00:20:07 I'm not a pilot.
00:20:07 What do I *******?
00:20:08 Know the thing that makes the plane.
00:20:10 That's how ****** we are.
00:20:11 I don't even know what's called.
00:20:15 Neither do they.
00:20:15 They're just like pulling the thing.
00:20:17 Pull the thing.
00:20:18 Really hit the ground.
Speaker 6
00:20:18 Pull the thing.Devon
00:20:21 And they realize there's just.00:20:22 There's no one even in.
00:20:23 The cockpit like oh.
00:20:25 Someone get Elon or Tucker or go Trump, someone that can fly, do the thing.
00:20:33 We're going to hit the ground.
Speaker 6
00:20:35 It sucks.Devon
00:20:42 And they told me.00:20:43 On Twitter. Oh no.
00:20:43 No, he said.
00:20:44 Yeah, that's a dog whistle.
00:20:46 That's it.
00:20:47 That's one of those famous dog whistles I've been hearing about my whole life.
00:20:52 You know those dog whistles that they've said?
00:20:54 About, you know, literally everybody.
00:20:58 Ohh Bush might say that he likes Mexicans coming into the country in, in, in small amounts and but you know, trust me, he's with.
00:21:07 The wink and a nod.
00:21:09 He's on our side.
00:21:13 Oh no, he has to say that's my favorite.
00:21:15 No, he has to say that, yeah.
00:21:17 Elon, Elon Musk.
00:21:19 The guy who just shot a.
00:21:20 ******* rocket into the air and blew.
00:21:22 It up with for.
00:21:23 Billions of dollars he has to he has to.
00:21:27 Cause you know what? What?
00:21:27 Will cause he'll get what banned from Twitter.
00:21:33 He no, he has to.
00:21:34 He has to lie.
00:21:36 Remember how many times?
Speaker 6
00:21:37 People said that about Trump.00:21:38 No, no, no.
00:21:39 No, no, no, it's cool.
00:21:40 He has to.00:21:44 All the mine broken.
00:21:45 Cute tarts.
Speaker 6
00:21:45 No, no, no.Devon
00:21:46 No, no, he has to say that.00:21:47 But if you notice, if you look carefully when he was talking, he was moving his hand around.
Speaker 6
00:21:51 And drew a cue in the air.Devon
00:21:55 That was letting us know that he's gonna, you know, do the thing.00:21:59 He's gonna.
00:21:59 Pull in the thing.
00:22:01 That was a.Devon
00:22:03 Late night message here.00:22:07 Turn my phone down.
00:22:10 That was that was the feds.
Speaker 6
00:22:11 Quiet down.Devon
00:22:18 Ah, everything's loud here tonight in this quiet, quiet desert.00:22:26 But they only say that.
Speaker 6
00:22:28 It's the dog whistle.00:22:30 He's ohh.
00:22:30 No, he's secretly telling us.00:22:34 And then I explain no, it's this isn't like just because.
00:22:38 Alright, here's the problem.
00:22:41 There's so few of us.
00:22:43 We often end up in echo chambers.
00:22:45 And so when we use phrases.
00:22:48 That we assume means a certain thing based on maybe a video clip that we've watched a bunch of times and a bunch of montages and whatever.
00:22:57 Then that's what everyone means.
00:23:00 When they say that those words.
Speaker 6
00:23:03 But the fact of the matter is.Devon
00:23:06 That's an old phrase.00:23:08 That lots of people have used.
00:23:10 For a really long time.
00:23:12 People like, oh, I don't know.
00:23:15 Joe Scarborough.
00:23:18 Yeah, because he's super based, right?
00:23:22 Yeah, it was, it was Joe Scarborough, the guy who murdered his, his intern.
00:23:28 And then had to turn into a a TV personality.
00:23:32 That worked for the deep state to cover up the fact that he murdered his intern.
00:23:37 Is, is.
00:23:37 Is he based?
00:23:39 Joe Scarborough.
00:23:41 Is he being based and red pilled with his demographics?
00:23:45 His destiny?
00:23:46 Is that what he.
00:23:46 Was doing with that.
00:23:48 No, probably not, right.
00:23:49 Most of you probably.
00:23:50 Don't think that right.
00:23:53 OK.
00:23:54 Well, let me see here, because I think some other people have said something similar.
00:23:59 What about? Let's see here.
00:24:03 The World Economics Forum.
00:24:09 Let me bring this up.
00:24:11 In 2011, when they used that exact phrase.
00:24:16 Oh, the word is slightly different.
00:24:17 I guess to justify.
00:24:20 Mass immigration into Europe.
00:24:23 Was that based?
00:24:25 Was that based in Red Pilled?
00:24:28 When the World Economic Forum.
00:24:30 Was talking was using this phrase.
00:24:33 To promote importing hordes of third worlders.
00:24:40 Into Europe and America and the Anglosphere.
00:24:45 No, probably not, right?
00:24:46 Probably not.
00:24:46 Based OK.
00:24:51 Well, yeah, here's here's Elon Musk.
00:24:54 Complaining about the Muslim ban.
00:24:57 Was was that was that.
00:25:00 Is that him being a pro white?
00:25:04 Him complaining about the.
00:25:08 The Muslim ban?
00:25:11 Was that was that was that based?
00:25:13 In red pill.
00:25:16 Well, that was a long time ago, though, Devin.
00:25:18 You know it.
00:25:18 Was a long time ago.
00:25:21 His trip to Israel.
00:25:24 Well, when I saw this this.
00:25:25 Is going to open up some fun stuff.
00:25:30 So he goes to Israel.
00:25:33 On Instagram and says paid respects to Masada earlier today.
00:25:37 Live free or die.
00:25:39 Someone asked if he was Jewish.
00:25:41 He said no, although I was sent to a nearby Hebrew preschool in South Africa.
00:25:46 My name is quite Jewish.
00:25:48 It means oak tree.
00:25:53 And I was like, oh, that's a little weird.
00:25:54 Why would if he's not Jewish, why does he have?
00:25:56 A Jewish name.
00:25:58 That means oak tree I.
00:25:59 Mean I.
00:26:00 I know.
00:26:01 I'm sorry.
00:26:01 All like the ******* crackpots thing.
00:26:03 It's like some kind of weird alien name and he's, you know, from the future or, you know, whatever stupid ******** **** they're.
00:26:08 Talking about right now, right?
Speaker 6
00:26:11 No, it's.00:26:11 It means oak tree.
00:26:14 Right.
00:26:16 Well, I was like, I don't know is that is that real?00:26:20 I couldn't find the screenshot.
00:26:22 Is that real?
00:26:23 It can't.
00:26:23 That can't be real.
00:26:25 So I did some looking, did a little.
00:26:28 Bit of looking.
00:26:33 Let me see if I can fix that well.00:26:35 There we go are.
Speaker 8
00:26:36 You religious at?00:26:37 All I would say, I generally agree with the.
00:26:38 Teachings of Christianity.
00:26:39 But I'm not really.
00:26:40 You know, I was sent to, weirdly, a Hebrew preschool.
00:26:44 I'm not Jewish, but my dad, something there.
00:26:46 So it's a Hebrew preschool and then Anglican Sunday.
00:26:49 School. How many?
00:26:50 The one day and Jesus, I love the next.
00:26:54 OK, that's weird.00:26:56 I've I've actually never heard.
00:27:00 Never heard of a goy?
00:27:02 Going to a Hebrew daycare, let alone a preschool.
00:27:09 So that's that's odd.
00:27:12 That's kind of weird.
00:27:15 So uh.
00:27:17 Then I decide.
00:27:18 You know I'm going.
00:27:19 I'm going to research this.
00:27:20 I know there's a lot of people that have been saying, oh, he's Jewish or.
00:27:23 He's not Jewish.
00:27:25 I had a novel idea.
00:27:27 I figure it's only we.
00:27:29 We're really limited in the time that we have with this tool.
00:27:32 So I thought to myself, you know.
00:27:34 What I'm going to use.
00:27:37 ChatGPT.
00:27:40 Right. I'm going to get a ChatGPT.
00:27:44 And I'm gonna ask it to tell me if.
00:27:46 Elon Musk is Jewish.
00:27:49 I figured you know, with all these, first of all, there's a lot of early lives in Wikipedia.
00:27:54 They're getting wiped out.
00:27:55 But there's just a lot of early lives that don't include those little facts in in Wikipedia, but they're those facts exist in other places floating around the Internet and.
00:28:04 Look until they fix it because they will.
00:28:07 That's the kind of thing that Chet GPTS actually kind of good at is kind of Co letting all these different sources and coming up with a concise answer to some of your questions so you don't have to sit there looking up stuff constantly again until they inevitably fix it.
00:28:23 So I I went to ChatGPT.
00:28:28 And let's see here.
00:28:32 I asked it.
00:28:34 Is Elon Musk Jewish?
00:28:40 The answer the chat EBT gave me might surprise you.
Speaker 6
00:28:45 It said yes.Devon
00:28:47 Elon Musk has Jewish roots.00:28:49 His mother, may Musk, is a Canadian born model and a dietician who is a British and Dutch ancestry, but also has a Jewish background.
00:28:58 His father, Errol Musk, is a South African electromechanical engineer and a pilot of African nerm and English descent.
00:29:07 Although Musk is not publicly identified with any particular religion, he acknowledged that his Jewish heritage has been involved in philanthropic efforts that support Jewish causes.
00:29:19 For example, he has made significant donations to the Jewish charity organization Habad.
Speaker 6
00:29:27 You know habad Lubavitch habad.Devon
00:29:30 The organization that Jared Kushner is a part of.00:29:33 The organization that's basically like the the gangster, the gangster side of of Jewish NGO's, and in 2017 he participated in a groundbreaking ceremony for a new Jewish community in.
00:29:48 Center in California.
00:29:52 And I said, huh?
00:29:53 Well, that's weird.
00:29:56 And then I said.
00:29:59 Elon Musk once said his name was Jewish and meant oak tree.
00:30:03 Please explain.
00:30:06 And GPT said Elon Musk's name is indeed Jewish origin, and Musk himself has stated that it means oak tree and Africans, which is the language spoken us, blah blah blah. The name Musk is derived from the word Moskovitz.
00:30:20 Now I don't know if.
00:30:21 That part's real, but this is what ChatGPT is saying.
00:30:24 The name Musk is derived by the word Moskovitz.
00:30:28 Which is a Yiddish surname that is commonly associated with Jews of Eastern Europe descent.
00:30:34 Many Jews who emigrated from Eastern Europe to South Africa during the late 19th and early 20th century imagine that.
00:30:43 Imagine that Eastern European Jews traveling to English speaking countries around the turn of the century.
00:30:53 During the late 19th and early 20th centuries changed their names to sound more anglicized.
00:30:59 And it is likely that must Must's family did exactly the same.
00:31:06 This is Gee.
00:31:07 I'm not saying this is Chad.
00:31:08 GPT saying this.
00:31:17 So there you go.
00:31:18 Overall must name is of Jewish origin and its exact meaning may be difficult to pinpoint.
00:31:24 With complete accuracy, but it's commonly believed to be related to the idea.
00:31:28 Of an oak tree.
00:31:32 Then I said.
00:31:33 Nice to some other questions.
00:31:34 I was trying to find some other research, but then I went.
00:31:36 Back to that and I said please elaborate.
00:31:39 On Elon Musk's mother's Jewish heritage.
00:31:46 ChatGPT said Elon Musk's mother may Musk was born in Regina, SK, Canada in 1948. Her parents were Joshua and Wynn Halderman.
00:31:58 Who were both immigrants to Canada from the Netherlands?
00:32:01 While May Musk's family was not strictly observant, she has spoken publicly about her Jewish background, and it has identified and has identified as Jewish throughout her life.
00:32:14 May must paternal grandparents were Dutch Jews who immigrated to Canada in the early 19.
Speaker 6
00:32:19 Hundreds. Ohh, look again.00:32:22 Weird. It's like.
00:32:26 Wait, what do what do what?
00:32:27 Like it's like that's when it happened.
00:32:30 That's what all these ******* came here.00:32:35 That's what all these ******* came here.
00:32:39 Her grandmother, who was a watchmaker, started a jewelry business.
00:32:43 Ohh, just they I like how they make it sound like.
00:32:45 Ohh, just it was just a watchmaker like that.
00:32:48 Like this is the same thing as like some junk jewel.
00:32:50 Like a Navajo jewelry person at the side of the ******* Rd.
00:32:53 The I-40 like selling.
00:32:55 You know, like a turquoise and silver ********.
00:32:58 You know, out of some cardboard box.
00:33:00 I'm just a ******* watchmaker.
00:33:02 I just started a jewelry company.
00:33:05 I'm sure I'm sure that's how it went down, right?
00:33:10 I'm sure like, yeah, just a.
00:33:11 Humble watchmaker, yeah.
00:33:14 Start a jewelry business in Saskatchewan.
00:33:18 In other words, they brought a bunch of Jew money.
00:33:21 With them, when they came to Canada.
00:33:26 And her grandmother was a homemaker who raised four children.
00:33:30 Mama's mother, Wynn Halderman, was also of Dutch descent, but was not Jewish.
00:33:34 I don't know how that works.
00:33:39 In an interview with the forward, Mae Musk spoke about the challenges that she faced as a Jewish model in the 1960s and 1970s.
00:33:51 When the fashion industry was less diverse than it is today, well, it's super diverse now.
00:33:59 Don't worry.
00:34:01 She recalled being told that she couldn't work on certain jobs because of her Jewish features.
00:34:10 And that she sometimes had to hide her religion to avoid discrimination.
00:34:19 I'm just look.
00:34:22 I'm just.
00:34:23 I'm just putting it out there.
00:34:24 There's been a lot of talk about this.
00:34:27 I'm just putting.
00:34:28 It out there.
00:34:33 Despite all these challenges, may Musk had a successful career as a model and a dietician, and has become an advocate for diversity and inclusion in the fashion industry.
00:34:46 She has also been involved in philanthropic efforts to support Jewish causes such as the Jewish charity.
00:34:53 And organization habad lubovitch.
Speaker 6
00:35:04 So there you go.00:35:05 I mean, come on.
00:35:09 Come the **** on.00:35:16 Come the **** on.
00:35:23 I'm actually a little embarrassed for not knowing all that.
00:35:25 It's this *******.
00:35:30 They're like, look, I'll be perfectly honest.
Speaker 6
00:35:33 I don't know that.Devon
00:35:34 That even means anything to him.00:35:38 I'm sure it does a little bit.
00:35:40 It has to right like at.
00:35:42 Least a little.
00:35:42 Bit everyone's background means something to them.
00:35:49 At least a little bit.
00:36:00 Now there was a pretty big.
00:36:03 Pro White Twitter account that didn't, I don't believe.
00:36:07 Violate any Twitter rules.
00:36:10 That got banned.
00:36:11 I believe yesterday, maybe the day before.
00:36:17 Uh, what was the at?
00:36:19 Let me see if I can find someone complaining about it.
00:36:23 So there was like 10 people complaining about today.
00:36:27 Here we are.
00:36:28 Racial consciousness.
00:36:30 And was at nature and race.
00:36:39 Got banned basically just for being pro white as far as I could tell.
00:36:42 I mean, maybe there was something I didn't see.
00:36:49 Now let's juxtapose that, shall we?
00:36:52 Again, I'm willing to give Elon the the the benefit of the doubt, but I think that these, these facts about his background probably.
00:37:01 As it would with anyone.
00:37:04 Influence at the very least.
00:37:07 Their decision on such matters on who gets to stay on their platform and who doesn't, right?
00:37:14 Now, earlier this evening.
00:37:16 I posted on Telegram a link to a tweet.
00:37:21 That was put out by stop anti-Semitism.
00:37:26 Or at stop anti Semites on Twitter.
00:37:31 Where they showed a old man.
00:37:35 Wearing a Nazi T-shirt.
00:37:39 Getting into a mobility scooter at a Walmart.
00:37:43 And so on, harassing him.
00:37:45 On video and this account is now attempting.
00:37:49 To dox him.
00:37:54 Stop anti-Semitism.
00:38:00 Big account.
00:38:03 Close to 70,000 followers.
00:38:07 Followed by you know the the, the the Magnetar favorites like Imam of peace and all that ********, right?
00:38:16 The only Zionist?
00:38:17 We're not the only Zionist Arab, but like the most the the the famous Twitter Zionist Arab.
00:38:30 But this is.
Speaker 6
00:38:32 Cut and dry.Devon
00:38:34 Against the law, the rules of.00:38:37 Of Twitter, they're attempting to dox him and ruin his life.
00:38:40 He didn't do anything.
00:38:41 He's just.
00:38:41 Literally some old guy.
00:38:43 Getting into a mobility scooter.
00:38:46 Let me screenshot this.
00:38:48 I'm not going to show his face.
Speaker 8
00:38:52 And get this real quick here.Devon
00:39:00 He's a vet, at least according to the hat he's wearing.00:39:09 No, we're supposed to love our vets, right?
00:39:14 Old guy in a mobility scooter.
00:39:24 And what does it stop? anti-Semitism say hey.
00:39:28 Ormond Beach residents does this not see adoring gentleman?
00:39:32 Look familiar to you?
Speaker 6
00:39:33 Why would they do that?Devon
00:39:37 That is an attempt to dox him and and and persecute him for his his identity and his political beliefs.00:39:47 That is 100%.
00:39:51 Against the Twitter rules.
00:39:54 So what I did as an experiment that I knew how it would go, but hey, you know, like I said, I'll, I'll give Elon the I'll give the good old oak tree.
00:40:04 The benefit of the doubt.
00:40:09 So I when I went to telegram and posted.
00:40:10 That it got about.
00:40:12 Just shy of 4000 views? Probably not everyone went to to click on it.
00:40:19 But it got about 700 something likes when I retweeted it asking people to report it.
00:40:26 So if even just let, let's say 100 people out of those 700 people that liked it.
00:40:32 Reported it as I did.
00:40:35 100 people report one of my tweets.
00:40:40 Something probably happens.
00:40:42 If nothing else, they temporarily suspend me.
00:40:45 While they investigate.
00:40:50 Well, this guy cause **** him, right?
00:41:01 Good old oak tree is going to save us as someone in chat said.
00:41:07 Ah, good old ******* oak tree.
00:41:09 I can't even get my Internet to work right.
00:41:22 And I like how uh.
00:41:25 There's so many people oblivious, they're so oblivious to the the the dire situation we're in.
00:41:32 Because they play within the lines.
00:41:36 They're the kids that get coloring books.
00:41:43 They're the kids, they get coloring books and crayons.
00:41:48 They can't make their own art.
00:41:54 They just got to color in.
00:41:57 Printed out.
00:41:58 In fact, they're they're they're the paint.
00:42:00 By numbers. *******.
00:42:03 Not only do they have to color in someone else's art, they they don't even get to decide what color it is.
00:42:11 They look, they look it up.
00:42:12 Ohh well I don't know this.
00:42:14 This rose would look better if it was if.
00:42:16 It was yellow.
00:42:17 But it's it's #21.
00:42:22 So I gotta I gotta use this.
00:42:23 Other color cause.
00:42:25 It has to look it.
00:42:26 Has to look the way they say.
00:42:40 Yeah, see there.
00:42:41 There's the guy right there there.
00:42:43 Kick that guy, you.
Speaker 6
00:42:44 Give a Jew money for Internet.Devon
00:42:46 All right, well, guess what, fagot guess what?00:42:48 Guess what happens to you?
Speaker 6
00:42:50 Ohh no ohh no.00:43:00 Ohh no, the white ***** is gone.
00:43:04 What did I?
00:43:05 Did you not listen to?
00:43:05 What I said.
00:43:07 You give a Jew money for the Internet.
00:43:16 Where'd you play in the song that I like?
00:43:22 You ******* fagot, you ******* fagot.Speaker 6
00:43:26 It's like, you know, like and.Devon
00:43:28 That's why we're losing.00:43:30 That's why we're losing cause of ******** like that.
00:43:32 It's like the other day I put on probably the only like Holocaust denial tweet on Twitter in a long time that went viral, right?
00:43:40 I and I put it on on gab.
00:43:42 It's from our last string when I when it came when I realized we were listening to that ******* story.
00:43:48 That ********.Devon
00:43:50 Then it was exactly like a seem half baked like exactly like a.00:43:54 Seemed half baked.
00:43:55 So I edited it together.
00:43:58 Posted on Twitter, it went all over the place, put it on Gab too and but because it's ******* gab and Gabe's full of a bunch of whiny little *******, right? What does someone say? Oh, you're promoting a Jewish movie starring a. It's like, is that really? Is that?
Speaker 6
00:44:15 What you got out of this?00:44:17 That's what you got out of it.
00:44:20 Like, that's what you're got like.
00:44:21 That's why we lose.Speaker 6
00:44:23 That's why we lose.Speaker 9
00:44:24 He spent four.Devon
00:44:28 This is I'll I'll I'll play with this guy.00:44:32 I can't.
00:44:32 I just can't ******* believe it.
00:44:36 You're the people that, by the way, when you get called wig Nats, you ******* deserve it.
00:44:41 You ******* deserve it.
00:44:43 You're the people that that make.
00:44:45 Make us look ridiculous.
Speaker 9
00:44:48 He spent four years in Nazi concentration camps.00:44:51 Twice he was sent to the gas chambers in Auschwitz and managed to evade being killed the second time by picking up a brush and pale and pretending he'd be sent to clean the floors.
Speaker 6
00:45:12 So that gets 6 like I don't.Devon
00:45:14 Know, actually, I'll, I'll admit I'll tell you.00:45:17 Let me look at that.
00:45:18 Let me look at the numbers on that.
00:45:19 It's only a matter of time.
00:45:20 Before I get kicked out of here too, it gets viewed 250,000.
00:45:25 ******* times, right? 250,000 ******* times.
Speaker 6
00:45:30 Right.00:45:32 What does ******* **** not say?
00:45:34 Let's, let's.
00:45:34 Have a look.00:45:36 Actually might be too many replies now for me to even see his his ******** response.
00:45:38 Was one of the first people.
Speaker 6
00:45:41 And I was like, yeah, why would you promote a movie with a in it? It's like, dude.00:45:51 You know what?
00:45:51 You know what?
Speaker 10
00:45:56 Get in.Devon
00:46:09 I mean, seriously.Speaker 6
00:46:13 Do you do anything right in your life?00:46:17 I'm not even.
00:46:18 I'm not even mad at you.
00:46:20 I'm mad.
00:46:21 I I'm mad that you're.
00:46:22 You're doing this to yourself.00:46:26 I'm mad that you're that much.
00:46:28 Of a worthless piece.
00:46:29 Of ****, and you're probably never going to amount to anything.
00:46:34 That that you're going to hurt us.
00:46:37 That you're going to be one of the people that were dragging.
00:46:40 Up the hill with us.
00:46:42 As you kick.
00:46:43 And scream and.
Speaker 6
00:46:46 But I want to be your name and you play a different song.Devon
00:46:58 Worst kind of ******* people.00:47:00 Worst kind of ******* people.
00:47:07 And there's lots of them.
00:47:08 There's ******* lots of them.
00:47:12 They're they're just as they're they're just as bad as the Q tarts in.
00:47:15 Fact they're worse.
00:47:17 Because they're smug, they think they're better than the coutard somehow.
00:47:21 No, actually, I prefer the custards.
00:47:23 I do, because at least they they mean well, you don't even mean well.
Speaker 6
00:47:29 You're just like.00:47:29 Yeah, but it's not about me.
00:47:31 How do I make it about me?
00:47:40 Ah, **** ***, dude.00:47:43 The **** are you doing?
00:47:51 Well, all this is.
00:47:52 Going on, you know the.
00:47:54 The the base Tucker the based Elon.
00:47:59 All these people living in this this weird universe where where go won't go broke is real.
00:48:08 Right.
00:48:10 And there's a lot of those people.
00:48:13 There's a lot of people.
00:48:14 Look, here's the thing.
00:48:15 The other thing about this with with the reason why Tim Poole.
00:48:19 Has a big audience.
Speaker 6
00:48:20 You can, you know you can.Devon
00:48:22 Go around like, oh, well, it's it's all bots.00:48:24 It's all bots.
00:48:24 And you know your parents.
00:48:27 Well, you're right, but not the way.
00:48:30 You think?
00:48:30 I mean, maybe there's some bots, I don't know.
00:48:33 But like, you're right in that the people watching are basically just mindless robots.
00:48:41 They're mindless robots.
00:48:45 And and they're not there for anything other.
00:48:47 Than an entertainment.
00:48:53 And look, if you make a movie.
00:48:57 That has a beginning, a middle and an end.
00:48:59 There's a happy ending.
00:49:00 The guy gets the girl and everyone you know celebrates and everyone clapped and whatever.
00:49:05 That's the movie people want to go watch like, look at the Cape **** movies, right?
00:49:11 That's that's the formula people are comfortable with.
00:49:19 That's what they want to see, they don't want.
00:49:21 To see a.
00:49:22 Movie where it's like, wait, hold on.
00:49:24 Everything gets worse, and then I don't get to see how it ends.
00:49:27 Cause I'll be dead by then.
00:49:30 It's like yeah, lifes, not a ******* movie, sorry.
Speaker 6
00:49:34 They're like, oh, ****, that I'm going to.Devon
00:49:36 Watch Tim Poole.00:49:39 He can tell me how we're going to.
00:49:40 Take the country back.
00:49:47 Oak tree and Beanie man.
00:49:50 That's the new dynamic duo.
00:49:52 They're going to team up with based billionaire Tucker.
00:49:58 Who thinks you're a Nazi?
00:50:06 And somehow, somehow you're going to save America.
00:50:12 Cause don't you know we're winning.
00:50:14 We're winning, guys.
00:50:18 You know, like like, remember the bud light stuff?
00:50:26 They're celebrating. Oh my God.
00:50:29 You know the bud light *****.
00:50:32 She was fired.
00:50:34 That's right.
00:50:35 She was fired.
00:50:36 And and Anheuser-Busch lost all kinds of money.
00:50:42 Yeah. Meanwhile, in reality.
00:50:46 She's not fired.
00:50:49 She's on a paid.
00:50:51 Leave of absence.
00:50:52 She's paid.
00:50:53 She's getting paid.
00:50:55 She's getting paid to not go to work.
00:50:59 It actually sounds like way more, I mean ****.
00:51:02 I should have a ****** host the insomnia stream, so I get paid leave for.
00:51:06 A couple of weeks.
00:51:06 That'd be nice.
00:51:12 Yeah, she she's.
00:51:13 A well.
00:51:14 Actually, this guy actually points out a.
00:51:16 Lot of like.
00:51:19 She's not fired.
00:51:20 She went to Harvard.
00:51:21 Her and her husband are millionaires.
00:51:23 She paid three women to have her three children.
00:51:26 For she she had.
00:51:27 She had just three children and she didn't carry any of them.
00:51:33 She paid three women to carry her children for her so as not to ruin her body.
00:51:41 These people would never, ever get fired.
00:51:43 She's still getting paid and will be back as soon as everyone.
00:51:47 Well, he's as soon as she's out of the news and everyone forgets which will be like what in a couple of weeks.
00:51:54 Like like those sports ball fagots acting all ****** ***.
00:51:57 We're going to stop buying Bud light.
00:51:59 Give me a ******* break.
00:52:00 Just like they all stopped buying black rifle coffee, right?
00:52:05 How long did that last?
00:52:06 Not at all.
00:52:10 What zero time be the correct answer to that?
Speaker 6
00:52:14 Most some of you might not even know.00:52:15 What I'm talking about, like what?
00:52:18 The black rifle with the.
00:52:19 Good guys. Yeah, exactly. See.
00:52:27 The right doesn't doesn't do anything you remember.00:52:29 It was like ohh look, Anheuser-Busch lost all this money.
00:52:34 They're up 10%.
00:52:42 Is that losing all kinds of money?
00:52:46 To be up 10.
00:52:46 Percent from the beginning of the year.
00:52:52 I screenshot of that right before the show.
00:52:58 But I guess that, you know, go go broke, right?
00:53:08 I don't know how, but somehow.
00:53:15 Right.
00:53:18 That's so funny.
00:53:21 So this is fake, right?
00:53:23 So then this fake.
00:53:25 Uh billboard gets shared around.
00:53:28 And everyone falls for it.
00:53:31 Because to them this is this is.
00:53:33 Part of you know what it is.
00:53:35 This is it's all part of like an interactive.
00:53:39 Interactive experience.
00:53:42 Or back in the 90s.
00:53:44 They had this.
00:53:44 I should look up.
00:53:45 And see what happened to the.
00:53:47 But there was I, I don't know if it even ever happened, but I remember, like, reading about some new game that was going to come out.
00:53:54 And they were gonna **** with.
00:53:55 You in real life like it was?
00:53:56 Gonna be like this murder mystery thing, right?
00:54:00 And it would involve like you actually played a game kind of like online, but they'd also, like call you at work and like, leave you weird messages and, like, fax your stuff like, back when, you know, faxes were, you know, that was the thing.
00:54:12 And like, I don't think they actually like came to.
00:54:15 Your house, but I.
00:54:16 Think it's because that that that movie The game?
00:54:20 Came out and everyone was.
00:54:21 Just like, oh, that'd be sweet.
00:54:23 If they did that real.
00:54:24 Life, so they they made it, they.
00:54:25 Made a video game that was supposed to.
00:54:27 I don't know if it ever if they ever actually did that.
00:54:30 But that's what this is for these people.
00:54:37 Like this this is.
00:54:38 This is for the the the people that have already binge watched everything on ******* Netflix, right?
00:54:44 This is this is their wrestling.
00:54:46 Oh, the bad guys now bud light.
00:54:51 Which first wasn't first?
00:54:52 It wasn't even.
00:54:52 Real this isn't.
00:54:53 Even real.
00:54:53 But what?
00:54:54 Why wouldn't it?
00:54:56 Like I would that would have been cool.
00:54:58 Honestly, it might have done that.
00:55:03 I'd almost respect him then.
00:55:05 Because that would mean that they know.
00:55:09 This nothing would have happened.
00:55:11 If bud light, if Anheuser Busch.
00:55:14 Had put out this this ******* billboard.
00:55:19 Their stocks would still look like this.
00:55:25 Wouldn't change a bit.
00:55:30 Wouldn't change a bit.
00:55:31 Conservatives talk a.
00:55:32 Good, big game, but they're the.
00:55:34 Biggest ******* dopamine addicts out there.
00:55:38 Biggest ******* dopamine addicts in existence.
00:55:49 In fact, when they complain, that's what they're complaining about.
00:55:56 You ever noticed that they're not complaining?
00:56:00 Because they don't use these products.
00:56:05 You know, they're all complaining.
00:56:07 Because their kids aren't going to these schools.
00:56:12 They're not complaining because they don't subscribe to Netflix, Hulu and Amazon.
00:56:21 No, they they they send all their money.
00:56:23 That's the American way, right?
00:56:27 It's the American way to send all your money.
00:56:31 To big corporations like Apple, all the corporations that hate you.
00:56:38 It's like this inescapable thing, and look to some degree that's, you know, it's a little bit, you know, I I get it right.
00:56:48 The Conservatives have 0 backbone.
00:56:51 They couldn't sustain.
00:56:52 A boycott for longer than ever, like a day.
00:56:58 Bud Light could literally have done this.
00:57:02 And all the boomers that were like ****** ******* bird night, they would drink Michael Robert.
00:57:07 First of all, wouldn't matter because it's here's the problem.
00:57:13 And this is a real problem, OK.
00:57:16 How how many beer companies are there really?
00:57:19 You know.
00:57:21 Like it's not.
00:57:22 Like Bud, Light is its own company, right?
00:57:28 And I really don't.
00:57:28 Maybe I'll ask, I'm going to ask ChatGPT.
00:57:33 I'm asking how many?
00:57:36 U.S. companies produce beer.
00:57:53 As to how many how?
00:57:54 Many U.S. companies distribute beer.
00:57:58 On a national level.
00:58:02 There's there's literally.
00:58:03 There's literally only 10.
00:58:05 And many of these probably have similar parent companies.
00:58:10 So there's.
00:58:15 Molson Coors.
00:58:18 Constellation brands.
00:58:23 Diageo and all the luck that is paps, which I think it's.
00:58:26 Kind of funny.
00:58:27 Yingling Boston Beer, Sierra Nevada and New Belgium, so there's ten companies and many of these have a guaran ******* to you, the.
00:58:35 Same parent company.
00:58:42 So you might say, oh, I'm going to boycott this brand and then you go to some other.
00:58:46 Brands like the same brand.
00:58:50 Doesn't matter.
00:58:53 Doesn't ******* matter.
00:59:01 It's like saying I'm going to stop, I'm going to stop, stop eating at Taco Bell, and I'm going to eat KFC.
00:59:08 Well, that's PepsiCo.
00:59:12 Same company.
00:59:14 So it doesn't matter.
00:59:20 Same same gooey slop emporium.
00:59:30 Uncle Floyd saying Jim Jim date goodnight.
00:59:33 Well, it's pretty late to go to the gym.
00:59:36 Don't know where you're at, but OK.
00:59:39 Good luck.
00:59:40 Good luck my friend.
00:59:48 And someone saying so, grow your own food and and stop buying voice lab.
00:59:52 Well, I mean, guess what?
00:59:54 Way harder.
00:59:55 Way easier said than done.
00:59:57 Way easier said than done.
01:00:03 You show me.
01:00:03 A homesteader that says he's growing all of their.
01:00:05 His own food and I'll show you a liar.
01:00:09 You know very, very.
01:00:10 Unless you have like a lot of property.
01:00:13 And I mean like a lot of property, you're buying food from somewhere, you're either buying feed for your animals or something.
01:00:20 I mean there, look there was that cool.
01:00:21 The that guy we did the the, the, the the guy who bit the cop that tried to pull out of the car.
01:00:29 In Texas, that was living on that 20 acres for ******* ever.
01:00:34 Like you can do it.
01:00:36 You can do it.
01:00:37 You can make it work.
01:00:39 But you basically need, I mean you need 20 acres and like a water source.
01:00:44 At a minimum.
01:00:50 At a ******* minimum.
01:00:54 Someone says I bake my own bread and grow my own yeast.
01:00:57 But do you grow your own wheat?
01:00:59 You know.
01:01:01 Really do do you grow your own sugar cane?
01:01:07 Do you manufacture your your own baking or baking soda and all that stuff?
01:01:17 I mean, look, you can do it.
01:01:20 You can do it.
01:01:22 But first of all.
01:01:24 Your, your, your your ingredients are going to you're going to have a whole lot of ingredients.
01:01:29 You're not.
01:01:29 You're even.
01:01:30 Look, even that guy that lived off the 20 acres he was living off of what they grew, but people.
01:01:34 Were bringing food to him from outside.
01:01:38 You know.
01:01:42 It's not like he was growing everything.
01:01:54 I mean look like.
01:01:55 I said if you can grow some food.
01:01:57 You can supplement your food and what I would love to see in the future because I feel like this could happen.
01:02:04 I think co-ops.
01:02:07 Of homesteaders.
01:02:09 Could pull it.Devon
01:02:10 Off right, like if I concentrated on one thing like honey and and someone else concentrate on growing cat.01:02:17 Having cattle and someone else concentrated on like the wheat fields or, you know, whatever, right.
01:02:23 And you had some kind of Co-op.
01:02:28 Some kind of?
01:02:28 Deal where you had to meet certain numbers and if the if you met certain numbers, you'd get X amount of whatever.
01:02:35 And you.
01:02:35 Get to trade it.
01:02:36 I mean, there's ways you could.
01:02:38 Do it and it's.
01:02:39 I mean it's kind.
01:02:39 Of how they used to do it.
01:02:42 But trying to have like a variety of food.
01:02:46 That's not just barely surviving.
01:02:48 I mean, yeah, I could grow enough food to survive on my property.
01:02:53 But that's all it would be.
01:02:54 It'd be surviving.
01:03:11 One acre is enough.
01:03:12 I don't know.
01:03:14 It's it's not just, it's not just how much area you have.
01:03:18 It's the type of area you have.
01:03:20 How long is the growing season?
01:03:21 One acre is not enough if you're on a in Alaska, you know, like in some.
01:03:28 Place that's winter.
01:03:29 Six months.
01:03:30 You know dark 6.
01:03:30 Months out of the year.
01:03:32 And you can try to.
01:03:33 Grow some stuff and.
01:03:34 Look again, there's a difference between growing just enough to like, not die.
01:03:39 And growing enough to thrive.
01:03:52 Someone said that uh.
01:03:55 I hope you like carrots.
01:03:59 Yeah, carrots growing, but I mean.
01:04:01 I grew carrots a couple of years ago and they grew out here without a whole lot of water.
01:04:07 Not very big.
01:04:08 But they, you know, I I tried to grow in a huge culture bed and I was hoping they were like going to reseed it because they seed it up a.
01:04:14 Bunch, I thought I was going to grow back the next year.
01:04:15 They didn't grow back the next year.
01:04:18 So and I haven't really done much with that huge culture, because, I mean, there's lots.
01:04:21 Of stuff growing in it.
01:04:22 That's that I like that's growing there, but it's not like the what it needs to be growing in there.
01:04:30 Most weeds are edible.
01:04:31 Yeah, they're.
01:04:32 Like I said, you can live.
01:04:34 Yeah, there there's like the what's it called?
01:04:35 Like mustard something.
01:04:37 Or, like wild mustard or something.
01:04:41 And you can grow that ****.
01:04:43 I mean, like I don't want.
01:04:44 To grow it because it's like.
01:04:46 It grows all over my ******* yard.
01:04:48 But yeah, you can eat that.
01:04:49 I've eaten it.
01:04:50 It tastes it's not bad.
01:04:52 It's a little it's like spicy mustard, a little bit.
01:04:56 But when my neighbors like, oh, you.
01:04:57 Can eat that I?
01:04:57 Was like, really.
01:04:58 And so I I.
01:05:00 I ate some and I was like, alright, this isn't too bad.
01:05:06 Potatoes every day.
01:05:07 Yeah, you know.
01:05:10 Nothing wrong with potatoes every day.
01:05:13 And yeah, you can do vertical potatoes.
01:05:15 You're gonna like.
01:05:16 The potato boxes that does actually work.
01:05:22 Do I have a greenhouse?
01:05:25 No, I don't have a greenhouse.
01:05:28 A greenhouse.
01:05:30 Would be good for me in the winter.
01:05:34 I had a.
01:05:34 Greenhouse and then the same wind storm that.
01:05:37 Ripped off the wall of Churro shed.
01:05:42 Ripped the greenhouse out of the ground.
01:05:44 And flew it into the air like a mile away.
01:05:47 I don't know.
01:05:48 I got hit by a literal tornado, so.
01:05:52 I had a greenhouse.
01:05:56 And the cool thing was, is that greenhouse cause it in the in the summer, it would just kill everything.
01:06:00 That was in it cause it's just too hot here.
01:06:02 But in the winter?
01:06:04 I had everything in there was just growing like crazy.
01:06:06 Like it was great.
01:06:07 It kept it weirdly warm in there, even though it would drop down to like freezing at night.
01:06:12 It kept everything in there.
01:06:13 Nice and toasty.
01:06:23 Yes, my greenhouse did get owned by the.
01:06:25 Wind it's real hard.
01:06:28 I mean, for me to have a greenhouse that wouldn't get destroyed by the wind.
01:06:32 I I'd have to pay.
01:06:34 It'd be a lot of money.
01:06:35 I don't have a lot.
01:06:39 I don't have a lot of money.
01:06:43 So making a big fancy greenhouse.
01:06:46 Is it's above my pay grade for right now.
01:06:48 Because I got, I got.
01:06:50 Other things I got to pay for.
01:06:55 So anyway.
Speaker 8
01:07:03 Let's see here.Devon
01:07:08 Now that I'm actually reading chat, you guys stopped talking.01:07:12 See how that works.
01:07:17 You're only saying like you never read chat.
01:07:19 You never read chat.
01:07:21 I get that.
01:07:21 I get you guys like.
01:07:22 All embarrassed.
01:07:23 Ohh, he's looking at us.
01:07:25 He's looking at us.
01:07:28 So anyway.
01:07:33 There was something else I wanted to show.
01:07:34 You guys.
01:07:34 Tonight, I know I mentioned.
01:07:36 I was going to have like this big, fancy planned out one.
01:07:39 I'm still working on it.
01:07:41 I got pulled away from the property like to help someone out.
01:07:47 Well, pretty much.
01:07:48 I gotta go back tomorrow.
01:07:50 I gotta help.
01:07:51 I'm helping someone move.
01:07:53 Shipping container without like the proper things.
01:07:57 To move a shipping container.
01:08:01 Little little white trash shipping container moving.
01:08:07 It's been a it's been a weird, weird couple days.
Speaker 8
01:08:13 All right.Devon
01:08:17 Let's see here what was going to show you guys something else today.Speaker 8
01:08:24 What is this going to go through my?Devon
01:08:28 Ohh Speaking of you guys thinking.01:08:30 I don't go through chat.
01:08:32 I also went.
01:08:32 I went into the the the Telegram and answered someone's question about the T-shirt. I don't think they knew.
01:08:39 It was actually me.
01:08:41 And but it to prove that.
01:08:42 I was there.
01:08:51 That's where I got that.
01:08:54 So there Sonos asking who who is looking down on the getting the pit T-shirt.
01:09:01 Like who's outside the pit looking into the pit?
01:09:04 And that's just supposed to be.
01:09:07 You know, a faceless white.
01:09:08 That's you.
01:09:09 It's you looking down at the degenerates here.
01:09:11 I I was a little disappointed that all the details that I spent probably too much time on.
01:09:16 Didn't quite translate to how the shirt got printed, but it's not bad, but you could see more clearly the people falling into the pit and that person on the outside.
01:09:26 I mean, a very generic looking white guy looking into the pit.
01:09:33 Anyway, that's not what.
01:09:34 I was going to show you guys.
01:09:35 Let me see here.
01:09:43 What is this?Devon
01:09:46 Oh, I wasn't going to.01:09:47 This isn't going to show you there.
01:09:49 But hey, enjoy this.
01:09:50 While I'm looking huh.
01:09:54 So this is what I feel my dude.Devon
01:10:09 That's not what I was looking for.01:10:11 That's not what.
01:10:11 I was looking for.
01:10:14 How I can find it?
01:10:17 That's not it either, though.
Speaker 8
01:10:21 Well it's OK because it couldn't read it.Devon
01:10:24 Ah, no, I can't ******* find it.01:10:30 Now I can't find it.
01:10:31 What is this?
01:10:34 Ohh that's what.
01:10:34 I was going to talk about ohh yeah.
01:10:38 More news and the we are headed straight down the drain.
01:10:41 See, here's the thing.
01:10:42 This is why I don't get excited.
01:10:47 About stuff like that.
01:10:48 Look, even if that was the inverse, right.
01:10:51 Like, let's say this, this graph was like it is in the imagination of the boomers.
01:10:57 Right.
01:10:57 Let's say it looked like this.
01:10:59 Oh, no.
01:11:01 They went, they went woke and now they're going broke.
01:11:04 It's it's all.
01:11:05 It's all over for them.
01:11:08 They're they're missing the the much bigger picture the the much bigger horror.
01:11:15 That again I I I.
01:11:17 Posted on Twitter, I think yesterday or maybe it was this morning all my days are kind of blurring together right now.
01:11:24 But apparently there's a community.
01:11:28 There's a community.
01:11:31 On Reddit.
01:11:34 Called planned abortions.
01:11:39 It's a community of abortion fetishes, meaning.
01:11:44 Abortions turn them on sexually.
01:11:52 There's an entire community of these people.
01:11:58 Now some of you will be upset that I'm putting this on.
01:12:00 The screen, but so I'm I'm.
01:12:03 Warning you, it's horrible.
01:12:04 It's not an abortion, but like it's.
01:12:05 It's still horrible.
01:12:08 But it's it's also useful to see this.
01:12:10 There's a lot of head in the sand, ************* out there.
01:12:14 The same people are usually the same people that think Elon's going to save the day and base.
01:12:18 Tucker and whatever.
01:12:19 Right.
01:12:20 And go, Trump, because it's precisely because they don't look at **** like this because, oh, that's just.
01:12:26 I don't need that in my head actually.
01:12:27 You kind of do.
01:12:29 You kind of do.
01:12:30 Because if you don't put it in your head, it's going to go in your kids head in a much different way.
01:12:35 In a much different way, you know the boomers, when they were all excited like they didn't want to put the bad stuff in their head either, right?
01:12:41 I don't want to sound like a racist.
01:12:42 Ohh, move that away from.
01:12:44 OK.Devon
01:12:45 Well, now it's your problem, right?01:12:47 Well, that's what's going to happen with your kids.
01:12:50 If you don't face this problem, head on.
01:12:54 So this is a couple of examples of posts.
01:12:58 In that subreddit that by the way, Reddit.
01:13:02 'S not banning.
01:13:05 Reddit banned subreddits like the Donald for supporting Trump.
01:13:11 But apparently.
01:13:14 Posting about how you want to get an abortion because it gets you off sexually totally fine.
01:13:22 Totally fine.
01:13:25 This first one, for those of you just listening and I understand if you don't want.
01:13:29 To look at it, trust me.
01:13:31 It's a woman getting an abortion.
01:13:35 Appears to be smiling.
01:13:39 Rip out the fetus and do what you want with it.
01:13:47 Another post in this subreddit.
01:13:50 Snuff the baby for pleasure.
01:13:54 The best way for a mom to kill their pathetic.
01:13:57 White waste of space.
01:13:59 Is to suffocate him with a big ***** ****.
01:14:10 In their rules, they list.
01:14:13 Because somehow there's rules.
01:14:18 No hate.
Speaker 6
01:14:20 No hate.Devon
01:14:24 No hate and harassment or creeping.01:14:27 That's how you know what they really mean when they say hate.
01:14:34 That's what it means.
01:14:35 It just means you're not.
01:14:36 Allowed to hate us.
01:14:38 You're not allowed to hate our evil.
01:14:43 So rule #1 no hate.
01:14:46 Harassment are creeping #2 no images of aborted fetuses. I don't.
01:14:50 Know why?
01:14:50 Why would they ******* care?
01:14:54 Three, no post birth content.
01:14:56 Again, that's they can't show the dead baby for some reason.
01:15:01 No eugenics, OK?
01:15:02 Because God forbid.
01:15:04 Anyway, we'll get into that part.
01:15:06 No forced abortions.
01:15:08 Oh, that's a shame.
01:15:11 Both partners can use the pregnant aborted flair.
01:15:15 I don't even know what that means.
01:15:19 Posts must be related to planned abortion, not just breeding and pregnancy.
01:15:26 And last but not least, of course, trans men.
01:15:31 Can get abortions too.
01:15:40 I think it goes without saying.
01:15:47 Dead broke.Devon
01:16:00 It's not even a joke.01:16:01 It's not a joke.
01:16:01 We need to ******* start throwing these people in pits.
01:16:03 I'm just saying, like, that's not a metaphor.
01:16:05 I mean, like, literally, people like that belong at the bottom of a very deep pit.
01:16:11 That's right.
01:16:12 Oh, I'm sorry.
01:16:13 Do I'll do the Alex Jones thing after saying all that.
Speaker 6
01:16:25 Look and and honestly, in a way, yeah.Devon
01:16:27 Legally, because this isn't going to get fixed.01:16:30 Until you can get a politician that's willing to just say that, like, if you elect me, I'll put these people.
01:16:35 In ******* pits.
01:16:38 You're not winning until you.
01:16:39 If you need someone who can at least say that.
01:16:41 Not not this ohh, but oak tree captain Oak tree said demographics is destiny, so we win.
01:16:48 Look, look what oak tree is saying.
Speaker 6
01:16:54 He's our guy. No.Devon
01:16:55 You need.01:16:55 That's how ******* far gone you are.
01:16:59 Doesn't matter if oak tree is saying demographics is destiny.
01:17:02 When we got this.
01:17:03 Kind of **** going.
01:17:04 On you need.
01:17:05 You need ******* oak tree to say hey, let's dig.
01:17:08 Let's start digging pits.
01:17:09 You're the boring company that I have.
01:17:12 Get it boring because we bore into the yeah, we're just going to start boring straight down.
01:17:20 And we're just going to make.
01:17:21 A series of pits.
01:17:26 That would be ******* based.
01:17:28 OK, wake me up when oak tree starts talking about that ****.
01:17:38 So yeah, it's.
01:17:43 It's a whole subreddit of this ****.
01:17:45 Here's another one.
01:17:48 Ohh but I can't handle.
01:17:49 Look I get it but you need to know this evil.
01:17:52 'S out there.
01:17:54 Some people may call me a monster because I get off on the thrill of aborting a baby, but that is only because they have never felt a child fighting for its life.
01:18:08 The feeling of complete power and the rush it gives you is hard to describe, but it is amazing.
Speaker 6
01:18:23 These people aren't real.Devon
01:18:26 These people can't possibly exist.01:18:31 See, that's the problem.
01:18:33 Yeah, it's, it's funny.
01:18:34 Well, not funny, but.
01:18:36 I was trying to not this, specifically this.
01:18:38 This is the kind of I'm not gonna tell my mom about.
01:18:40 Boy, I was talking about some of this **** here.
01:18:43 Well, here's here's a here's a thread from that same thing, something that truly confuses me is that most pro-choice people think the abortion fetish is disgusting and evil, but they are fine with women like this who express this, getting nonchalant nonchalance towards their abortion. Fetishizing abortion seems like the obvious next step.
01:19:03 And any reason means any reason?
01:19:07 It is a human phoenix.
01:19:08 Either way, termination for pleasure and termination for supposed legitimate reasons lead to the same result.
01:19:13 Why fall into a forced birth narrative that abortion is bad or should be limited?
01:19:17 Why not allow people to enjoy it?
01:19:19 Abortion should be encouraged, celebrated and lead to orgasms at any stage of pregnancy.
01:19:25 Here's one of the mods exactly.
01:19:28 I think they're in the middle of in a middle ground position where they do think abortion is evil.
01:19:34 They just see it as occasionally necessary evil.
01:19:37 So getting an unnecessary abortion is just a regular evil.
01:19:44 See and that's.
01:19:44 That's what's wrong.
01:19:48 They're trying to normalize.
01:19:49 This is something that to get sexually off on.
01:19:53 These people exist, these people exist and should be in the pit.
01:20:02 So anyway, I was trying to describe some of this evil.
01:20:04 Not again, not this evil specifically to my mom.
01:20:07 And she said something that I hear a lot of people say, like, oh, well, you just think it's bad because you you you get all this stuff.
01:20:14 You're surrounded by all this stuff.
01:20:17 And I said no, you have it backwards.
01:20:19 You just think it's not bad cause you never see it.
01:20:23 By the way, I.
01:20:23 I don't sit here and just obsess about this.
01:20:25 I'm not doing stuff.
01:20:27 Right.
01:20:28 I'm not like, like, OK, like I hypocrite, right?
01:20:31 He does his weekly, whatever that's called like the.
01:20:36 No, you can't stop progress.
01:20:38 He sees everything.
01:20:40 Or a lot of everything.
01:20:41 You know, most everything.
01:20:43 I could see that changing your worldview.
01:20:47 In a way that's maybe.
01:20:50 Not healthy.
01:20:51 It doesn't seem to be affecting him.
01:20:52 He seems like a normal dude.
01:20:54 But you know, I mean, like, if you were having to make that every week.
01:21:00 I'll probably get you down.
Speaker 6
01:21:03 But I'm not doing that.01:21:04 I I spend.
01:21:05 5 minutes to find this stuff.01:21:08 This stuff comes to me.
01:21:11 There's just so much of it.
01:21:12 If I just dip my toe on in the Internet.
01:21:15 And pull it out.
01:21:15 This is what's sticking to my toe.
01:21:22 It it's the exact opposite of uh, you just see all this.
01:21:26 So you have this, you have this warped sense of what the world's.
Speaker 2
01:21:30 Like no.Devon
01:21:32 You you are the one that has the worst sense.Speaker 6
01:21:34 Of what the?Devon
01:21:35 What the world's like?01:21:38 You think everything is fine.
01:21:42 Precisely because and I understand being.
01:21:44 Repulsed by this, obviously.
01:21:47 Look, I didn't go looking for it.
01:21:50 Here's another one.
01:21:55 Recent abortion 22 weeks long, 22223 demise and die was a baby girl before the tongs got to her face.
01:22:10 Go to, she wrote on her stomach.
01:22:12 Go to hell, brat.
01:22:15 2/22/23.
01:22:21 And her uh.
01:22:23 Her handle on Reddit is infidelity, infidelity, under score Queen 24.
01:22:31 For those of you who wish to, maybe.
01:22:33 Try to find out who that is.
01:22:42 Right, but which the sale of which trials were an atrocity?
01:22:50 You shouldn't do that.
01:22:51 It was just your ancestors were a bunch of bloodthirsty white Christians that just hated women.
01:23:00 You hated women.
01:23:02 It's that same **** that led to the Holocaust.
01:23:10 Says the Jewish author of The Crucible that everyone had to read and sometimes act out in high school.
01:23:16 So that you would know how bad.
01:23:20 The Salem witch trials were.
01:23:24 And as someone replied to my tweet, the.
01:23:27 Same thing in Australia, apparently.
01:23:30 They're making ************* in Australia.
01:23:31 Read that and act it out.
01:23:36 Some Jew writes a book in the 1950s or 60s or whatever.
01:23:42 With a blood libel against white people.
01:23:45 Telling you that your ancestors.
01:23:49 We're a bunch of primitive woman hating psychos.
01:23:55 That thought it was totally fine to just murder a bunch of innocent women.
01:24:01 Over petty jealousies, or maybe no reason at all, because that's just what white people do.
01:24:09 And by the way, that's how the Holocaust happened too.
01:24:20 Just ask me.
01:24:22 Captain Jew.
01:24:25 Was it John Miller something Miller that wrote that ******* book?
01:24:45 And of course.
01:24:48 You want to know why this is allowed to happen?
01:24:54 Reddit is literally run by these ********.
01:25:00 92 of the top 500 Reddit Subs are controlled by just four people.
01:25:21 Let's just run it.
01:25:22 Oh, that's just right.
01:25:23 One of the most influential.
01:25:25 Social media platforms in the world, huh?
01:25:28 That's all.
01:25:31 That's all.
01:25:39 How big is Reddick?
01:25:40 Let me take a look.
01:25:41 I don't know how big it is these days.
01:25:44 I'll ask ChatGPT.
01:25:48 Where does?
01:25:51 rank as a.
01:25:56 Platform, I don't know.
01:26:07 OK. Yeah, is currently ranked as the 19th most popular website in the world.
01:26:18 As of April, well as of now.
01:26:27 It's the 19th largest or most popular website.
01:26:30 In the world.
01:26:36 So just because you know, we think it's gay and.
01:26:39 Look, I haven't been to read it in.
01:26:41 Forever, you know.
01:26:44 You know, since since back in.
01:26:46 The days of the Donald.
01:26:47 Like, but I mean like 2016 the Donald.
01:26:51 And you know.
01:26:55 Doesn't mean that no one else is going there.
01:27:07 19th most popular website in the world.
01:27:12 Let's see.
01:27:13 Who who, who owns and operates?
01:27:16 Reddit, let's take a look here.
01:27:24 Go to uh Wikipedia here.
01:27:35 Well, we all know it was founded by a bunch of Jews.
01:27:37 But who?
01:27:37 Runs it now, Steve Huffman.
01:27:43 Is still the CEO.
01:27:55 I don't think he's Jewish.
01:27:58 He might be.
01:27:58 I doubt it though he.
01:27:59 Doesn't look like it.Devon
01:28:02 But it's owned by.01:28:05 Advanced publications.
01:28:09 See, this is the thing there.
01:28:12 Everything everything's in is part of a much larger company. Now. There's no such thing as like a.
01:28:16 Small company anymore.
01:28:18 Advanced Publications has been around since it was founded in 1922, so it's over 100 years old.
01:28:29 It's at the World Trade Center, or I guess the replacement for the World Trade Center.
01:28:36 And the CFO is Oren Klein.
01:28:39 And Steven Newhouse is the chairman.
01:28:42 I don't know who that is.
01:28:43 Let me see if I can find something on that guy.
01:28:47 UM.
01:28:51 Yet Jewish immigrants that came here around the turn of the century from.
Speaker 6
01:28:55 Eastern Europe.Devon
01:28:56 It was founded by Samuel Irving Newhouse.01:29:01 Who literally came here from Eastern Europe around the turn of the century.
01:29:06 And is it is now run by one of his descendants.
01:29:11 It's literally every ******* time.
01:29:15 It's literally every ******* time, so let's see who do they own here.
01:29:23 They own subsidiaries.
01:29:25 Let's see here.
01:29:30 They own advanced city business journals.
01:29:34 I don't.
01:29:34 I've never heard of that.
01:29:35 That's probably one of those things you've never heard of.
01:29:37 But it's actually kind of big.
01:29:40 Yeah, they've got a.
01:29:43 1400 employees and they've been around for 41 years.
01:29:48 Uh, they're big publisher.
01:29:50 That publishes what are they publish here?
01:29:53 Basically a bunch of business journals, local business journals.
01:29:58 Conde Nast, which of course that's a huge media company, huge media company.
01:30:05 They have been around forever.
01:30:08 Also, I think founded by Jewish immigrants, weren't they?
01:30:14 Let me see.
01:30:16 Oh, they're the ones that publish vogue.
01:30:20 They published vogue and a bunch of.
01:30:22 Other big magazines.
01:30:27 And they were fathered in 1909.
01:30:31 Let's see who founded it.
01:30:41 He was a Methodist.
01:30:44 But then it was taken over by Jews.
01:30:50 Uh, and then Charter Communications.
01:30:54 Which is a big telecom company. Reddit, of course, and they own about 8% of Warner Brothers, apparently.
01:31:02 So not exactly a a small company.
01:31:09 And that who?
01:31:10 That's who owns and operates Reddit now?
01:31:27 Hey guys. Filling out there.
01:31:29 Huh. Notice we got over 700 lives, but only 181 fires hit that fire button.
01:31:39 How about on fire all night?
01:31:42 Light that **** up.
01:31:49 Now, there was still yet I think one more thing that I wanted to pull up here.
01:31:54 Now that I've subjected you to that horror.
01:32:00 Oh well, there's just a couple.
01:32:02 Just watched a couple quick videos.
Speaker 6
01:32:07 This is.Devon
01:32:07 Another problem.01:32:09 OK.
01:32:10 And this is what I'm talking about in terms of people think it's not that bad, Devin, it's not that bad.
01:32:17 We're winning people like oak Tree are saying that demographics is destiny.
01:32:23 We're winning.
01:32:25 You don't realize how friends you really are.
01:32:29 Here is a a a more accurate accounting of what it's.
01:32:32 Like out there.
01:32:37 All right, this is.
01:32:38 This is what it's like in a public school.
01:32:40 Random like sampling of of of white kids in a suburban public school.
01:32:47 And you can say, well, they're just doing that because they don't want to get in.
01:32:49 Trouble doesn't matter.
01:32:50 They're still obeying.
01:32:53 Not a single white kid in this group is standing up for his people.
01:32:57 Not not a one.
01:32:58 They have been totally programmed, whether they believe it or not, they they doesn't matter.
01:33:05 Doesn't matter what you think.
01:33:06 Is what you do.
Speaker 11
01:33:11 And a black neighborhood in need of help or a black person in a white neighborhood in need of help.Devon
01:33:20 So because it.01:33:21 Clips it.
01:33:22 She's saying if you would you rather be a white person and a black neighborhood asking for help?
01:33:30 And if you would walk to the right side of the screen or our right.
01:33:35 Or, if you'd rather be a black person.
01:33:38 In a white neighborhood asking for help, stay on the left hand side of the screen.
01:33:43 Well, I mean, come on.
01:33:45 Come on, really.
01:33:48 Like you really think black people are afraid of something bad happening to them in a white neighborhood?
01:33:59 Well, these people do.
Speaker 11
01:34:00 In a black neighborhood in need of help or a black person in a white neighborhood in need of help, would you rather be a white person in a black neighborhood in need of help?01:34:16 Or a black person in a white neighborhood in.
01:34:19 Need of help.
01:34:24 So there you.01:34:25 But we're winning, right?
01:34:26 Cause Oak tree said.
01:34:27 Something about demographics.
01:34:32 Right.
01:34:33 We're we're we're right.
01:34:33 We're almost there, right?
01:34:36 I can feel it Tuckers Tucker's about to.
01:34:38 Just throw out.
01:34:39 A Roman salute, like any day now.
01:34:41 He's just waiting for the timing to.
01:34:43 Be just right.
01:34:48 Right.
01:34:48 What? What? What do?
01:34:48 People say ohh people can't handle.
01:34:50 Timmy red pills at once.
01:34:56 You got to do it slowly.
Speaker 6
01:35:02 You got in fact you.Devon
01:35:03 See, here's the key to success guys.01:35:05 If you really.
01:35:06 Want to win? What you.
01:35:08 Do is you do it just slower.
01:35:11 Just slower than your rate of losing power.
01:35:17 So that by the time you finally get to like the thing that you should just been.
01:35:21 Saying from the beginning.
01:35:24 You have zero power to do anything about it.
01:35:27 See, that is that is 40 chess right there.
01:35:31 That's so you just don't get it, Devin.
01:35:34 You just don't get it.
01:35:35 Like if if Tucker or oak.
01:35:37 Tree were to say anything based it they would.
01:35:43 Well, nothing would happen because they're both super rich, but it would.
01:35:46 It would just something it it's bad somehow.
01:35:50 But if they say almost like if they.
01:35:52 Use dog whistles.
01:35:59 Then then something like, then, then profit.
01:36:11 You stupid *****.
01:36:14 You stupid, stupid *****.
01:36:18 Not you guys.
01:36:19 You guys are angels.
01:36:22 Speaking of.
01:36:25 What's going on in public schools?
Speaker 10
01:36:34 How do you feel about LGBTQ pushing their agenda on the youth?Speaker 11
01:36:41 There is no agenda.01:36:42 You're you are speaking to the LGBT.
Speaker 12
01:36:46 I feel as though that's great.01:36:47 I feel as though I feel as though every child should.
01:36:50 Be gay, I think every.
01:36:52 I'm actually gay and I'm studying to be a teacher right now and I'm going to make every child in my class gay.
Speaker 6
01:37:01 Ha ha ha.Devon
01:37:05 She's going to be your kids.01:37:08 Lesbian teacher.
01:37:14 Because again, and and see conservatives get.
01:37:16 Mad about this.
01:37:17 Because they're the ones sending their kids to the public schools.
01:37:24 You know, they they were mad at Bud Light because they drink bud light and they're still gonna drink bud lights.
01:37:28 They're just mad that, like, I don't want a fagot on the can.
01:37:31 I'm drinking.
01:37:34 I don't want a fagot teaching.
01:37:35 My kid, I mean, I guess I'll let him because like I that's.
01:37:40 That's my only option.
01:37:41 That's my only option, Devin.
Speaker 6
01:37:44 What choice do I have?Devon
01:37:46 What am I supposed to do?01:37:47 Home schooling?
Speaker 6
01:37:55 I I I.Devon
01:37:56 I will say I'm happy to report more and more people are doing that.01:38:01 As I as I meet people and they very.
01:38:04 Sparsely populated area that I'm in that actually have kids more and more, I'm discovering that.
01:38:14 They are homeschooling their kids.
01:38:17 In fact, I was kind of shocked that.
01:38:19 Talk to someone.
01:38:22 Who is not only homeschooling.
01:38:25 Their kid, but unprompted, used the word Jew as a verb.
01:38:31 Very casually, and I was like ohh nice.
01:38:37 That's kind of that's.
01:38:38 That's refreshing.
01:38:41 That's refreshing.
01:38:45 Because this is what you get.
01:38:49 This is what you get when you.
01:38:50 Don't homeschool your kids.
01:38:52 And you can complain and you can go to all the.
01:38:57 The board meetings and PTA's you want and and look, maybe you should do that.
01:39:02 For other people's kids.
01:39:05 Because you're.
01:39:06 If you're.
01:39:07 I mean, look, if you're going to stick around that community, which you shouldn't, but you know, whatever.
01:39:12 Might as well be trying to fix it.
Speaker 7
01:39:17 I pride myself on being a teacher who's very open about her life and one of the things I'm very open about is my sexuality.01:39:22 I have a trans flag, a buy flag, and on binary flag all on my desk at my work.
01:39:26 But there's one thing I'm not open about and it's being Polly.
01:39:29 And today that actually became something I had to worry about for the first time.
01:39:33 See, the kids are interviewing US teachers as a part of learning how to write.
01:39:37 Profiles on others.
01:39:38 They'll soon be doing it with each other, but they're starting with the teachers so they can all.
01:39:42 Work together on one subject.
01:39:44 And one of the kids on Tuesday is going to ask me if I have a partner and the answer is, yeah.
01:39:50 And I have another one too and I don't know how to handle that conversation because while I know that the kids are more accepting of things like homosexuality, bisexuality, all of that, polyamory is not in the conversation.
01:40:04 It's not something that is talked about and I worry.
01:40:07 Not only would this be something that might lead to rumors that I am cheating on my partner, or that I am a ******* or something like that, but would also just totally derail the class.
01:40:17 So the obvious answer, the one that I went to 1st is I'm not going to talk about it.
01:40:21 But that feels wrong too.
01:40:22 I don't like lying to my students.
01:40:24 I don't like telling them falsehoods, and also I don't feel comfortable answering the question by saying yes, I have a.
01:40:30 Partner and having to pay.
Speaker 10
01:40:35 Get in.Devon
01:40:48 I support pets.Speaker 6
01:40:52 Come on, oak tree.Devon
01:40:55 You're boring in the wrong direction.01:41:13 So yeah, that's why home school your kids.
01:41:19 Or they will be raised by ********.
01:41:22 And Fagots and pedos.
01:41:25 But I repeat myself.
01:41:33 And look, it's it's.
01:41:34 I'm sorry.
01:41:35 It's just true when they say we're on the wrong side of history, they're right.
01:41:40 Because history is written by the winners, and conservatives are ******* losers.
01:41:47 All they know how to do is ******* lose.
01:41:53 That's all they've been doing since I've been alive.
01:41:57 There's not a single win.
Speaker 6
01:42:00 What about the movie?Devon
01:42:01 Oh, you mean like they undid a loss from like, like the 70s?01:42:06 Oh, good job.
01:42:08 You'll jump sneaking that one in.
01:42:13 That's not a win, a win.
01:42:15 Would be throwing women to get abortions into the pit.
01:42:19 That's the win.
01:42:21 Stoning women to death that get abortions?
01:42:23 That that's the win.
01:42:28 That's moving, moving things forward.
01:42:35 That's not the one step back after two steps forward from the other side.
01:42:50 Conservatives are ******* losers.
01:42:54 And most of me have no idea.
01:42:55 This shifts even happening.
01:42:59 And look, there's people that claim to be on our side that like our.
01:43:05 Stop with all this negativity done and all this negativity all conservatives do is complain.
01:43:09 Let's just focus on the positive.
01:43:16 All right.
01:43:24 Is is wasn't.
01:43:25 That the whole justification for letting people believe in in ******* Q.
Speaker 6
01:43:30 It's good for.Devon
01:43:31 How'd that turn out?Speaker 6
01:43:43 It's great.Devon
01:43:46 Let's all just return to the *******.01:43:47 Dark ages and.
01:43:55 Ohh, at least it didn't disconnect it got really close.
01:43:57 To disconnecting there.
01:43:59 I hope I'm back.
01:44:00 You got down to 0.
01:44:05 Let's get this ******* horrible monstrosity out the screen.
01:44:08 Maybe they'll clear up some bandwidth.
01:44:15 Ohh boy.
01:44:18 Someone in chat said what positive.
01:44:19 I mean, look, there's positive things in the world.
01:44:21 That's just that usually those people are doing pretty OK with the status quo.
01:44:28 And they don't want you to harsh their mellow.
01:44:33 They don't know how to harness.
01:44:49 Think of it this way.
01:44:52 If our opponent.
01:44:56 If our opponent.
01:45:00 Isn't threatened by hate.
01:45:01 Why are?
01:45:03 Why are they so determined to stamp it out?
01:45:07 It seems to be the one.
01:45:09 Thing they are afraid of.
01:45:13 Hate this. Hate that.
01:45:16 Hate, hate, hate, hate organizations.
01:45:22 I mean, look, even even like the the.
01:45:24 Hollywood movies you.
Speaker 13
01:45:25 Let the hate flow through you.Devon
01:45:28 But then it turns out to be his weakness.01:45:30 And he dies.
01:45:36 They're afraid of hate.
01:45:42 They're afraid.
Speaker 6
01:45:45 Of one day.Devon
01:45:48 People that are disgusted by the things that we just all looked at this evening.Speaker 6
01:45:53 Going you know what?01:45:54 **** this.
01:45:55 What the ****?01:45:58 I hate this ****.
01:46:01 It's not just something I complain about on.
01:46:03 Twitter. I ******* hate it.
01:46:10 It's not enough for me, no.
01:46:11 I'm not going to support a candidate that's like well.
01:46:15 It's OK if if, if you know they're trans when they're 17.
01:46:21 Just now when they're 16.
01:46:26 Ohh guess what guys.
01:46:27 Boom, but sex and Botswana.
01:46:31 That was the.
01:46:32 Previous administration that was, that was the great White hope.
01:46:35 Let's let's put economic sanctions.
01:46:39 On an African country, until they allow **** ***.
01:46:47 That's what you get when you're not willing to hate.
01:47:04 You have to be.
01:47:05 Willing to hate.
Speaker 6
01:47:07 But it's not nice.Devon
01:47:13 Nice guys finish last, *******.01:47:17 You know the people that say stuff like, oh, you know what?
01:47:20 You know, Tucker just has to like, you know, Tucker has to beat around the Bush.
01:47:24 He can't just go out and write and say.
01:47:26 It you know cause this.
01:47:27 That you know what those.
01:47:29 Those guys are like in real life.
01:47:31 The guys that say that those are the guys that are, they don't have the balls to just walk up to the chick.
01:47:36 They like, right?
01:47:39 So what they do is they weasel their way into like the friend zone.
Speaker 6
01:47:44 And then they, they, they, they, they do all.Devon
01:47:46 These like plans, right?01:47:47 I'm a sabotage all.
01:47:48 All of her relationships.
01:47:52 And I'm gonna be like her shoulder to cry on.
01:47:54 And then if I do it long.
01:47:56 Enough. Maybe someday.
01:47:57 See cause this is how you have to do it right.
01:47:59 You can't just.
Speaker 6
01:47:59 Not write and say it.01:48:00 I mean, she might reject me.
01:48:02 So instead I have to just go around and and sabotage your life and all of her relationships and the hopes that one day in, in, in like a a fit of of sobbing tears and and and self loathing she she gives me a pity ****.01:48:16 And then we'll live happily ever after.
01:48:26 When you hear a ****** saying stuff like.
Speaker 6
01:48:27 Well, he can't say that he can't just he can't say the truth.Devon
01:48:33 He's the he.01:48:35 He's he's outing himself as one of those *******.
Speaker 6
01:48:39 Like, I can't tell Susie.01:48:41 I like her because then she might say she doesn't like me.
01:48:47 You ******* *****.01:48:49 Disgusting ******* axe will never *****.
01:49:00 Say, look at her chat.
01:49:06 Ah, I'm a little worked up tonight.
01:49:09 I'll admit I'm a little worked up.
01:49:12 Been loud.
01:49:13 I think I'm like scaring all the.
01:49:15 All the Coyotes away with how loud.
01:49:21 That's alright, that's alright.
01:49:25 Alright, we got we got Simba.
01:49:32 Surprise Earth Day is actually a celebration of Zimbabwe's.
01:49:36 Happy birthday, Zimbabwe.
01:49:39 Or you like Captain planet or something.
01:49:42 What the **** do you mean it's your birthday?
01:49:46 Remember that ********?
01:49:49 Was there like two different versions of it too?
01:49:52 I mean, this whole climate change thing that they.
01:49:55 They've been working on a long time.
01:49:56 There was captain.
01:49:57 I feel like there was like another one, right?
01:49:59 I mean, I think of, like, toxic toxic Avenger or something, but like.
01:50:03 I mean, they haven't.
01:50:04 They were working on.
01:50:05 The millennials from like a really early age like Oh yeah, everything's going to.
01:50:09 You know, carbon credits.
01:50:10 We need those.
01:50:11 Speaking of which, you know who else believes in carbon credits and because you got rich off of them.
01:50:19 Good old oak tree.
01:50:21 This graph's kind.
01:50:22 Of Boomerang cause it's got like, you know, it's Klaus Schwab versus.
01:50:26 Elon, you know they're the same, but I mean, they're kind of they kind of are this, you know, like if we look at this look at look at.
01:50:32 Good old oak.
01:50:33 Here it it's it's kind of indistinguishable from what the World Economic Forum has been saying they want, right?
01:50:41 You know, here's uh.
01:50:44 World Economic Forum why carbon tax is crucial to curbing climate change.
01:50:49 Here's Elon Musk.
01:50:50 It's high time there was a carbon tax.
01:50:54 He said that in in in 21.
01:50:59 So 2 and it wasn't like a long time ago.
01:51:01 This is a fairly recent tweet.
01:51:04 World Economic Forum says 4 reasons cities should embrace universal basic income.
01:51:09 Elon Musk, as a reminder, I'm in favor of universal basic income.
01:51:17 World Economic Forum 3 tactics to overcome COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy Elon Musk to be clear.
01:51:26 I do support vaccines in general and COVID vaccines specifically.
01:51:30 The science is unequivocal.
01:51:32 Although he seems to be backtracking a little bit on that now, just because it's so.
01:51:35 Obvious to ******* everybody.
01:51:42 World Economic Forum would you let your employer implant a microchip in your hand?
01:51:46 These workers have Elon Musk.
01:51:50 Creating a neural lace is the thing that really matters for humanity to achieve symbiosis with machines.
01:51:59 In Neurolink and all that stuff, right, he's.
01:52:01 He's he's he's.
01:52:02 The one working on technology that will lead to cyborgs, I mean that's that's his aim.
01:52:07 In his talk with the WEF because he went to the World Economic Forum and spoke, Elon Musk discussed test society needs to work together to create some kind of world government.
01:52:18 He stated that this would be necessary to address the challenges.
01:52:22 Currently posed by climate change and artificial intelligence.
01:52:29 Good old based oak tree.
01:52:34 Based oak tree.
01:52:42 But he's going to.
01:52:43 Save the white race right you.
01:52:44 Know good old Elon.
01:52:48 Mine fewer Elon.
01:52:54 Grand playing games.
01:52:55 It's not happening.
01:52:56 It's an unfounded far right conspiracy theory spread by racists, so it's a good thing that's happening to show these racists.
01:53:04 The value of diversity inclusion.
01:53:07 You gave me a Twitter link which most likely.
01:53:09 Uh, something about UM.
01:53:15 White replacement Brian, right, let's see.
Speaker 8
01:53:18 They close all these.Devon
01:53:19 Things are gonna start making noise.Speaker
01:53:28 Let's see here.Devon
01:53:37 Melanie Vogel, ethnic replacement is not a thing.01:53:40 Not in France, not in Finland, not in Germany, not in Italy.
01:53:44 It is a white supremacist, anti-Semitic, far right conspiracy theory aiming to spring racism.
01:53:51 And hatred to fuel populism and blah blah blah.
Speaker 8
01:53:57 Right.Devon
01:53:58 But everyone knows that.01:54:00 Of course.
01:54:03 It is real, is real, is real.
01:54:09 All right. Night Train 88 with the.
01:54:12 The *** **** money.
Speaker 3
01:54:15 Money is power.01:54:16 Money is the only weapon that that you.
01:54:18 Have to defend himself.
01:54:20 Look how Julie this flag is.Speaker 5
01:54:37 I'm your density.Devon
01:54:41 All right.01:54:44 You forgot this UFO sighting in the last stream.
01:54:50 Let's say look, let's see what this is.
Speaker 6
01:54:56 See Jews and space.Speaker 1
01:55:11 Predicting the Hebrew race.01:55:25 Because we give him a smack in the face.
01:55:58 A very.Devon
01:56:00 All right.01:56:02 Jews in space.
01:56:07 Autoplay was not apparently.
01:56:11 Possibly they were talking about Elon.
01:56:14 I mean oak tree.
01:56:18 OK.
01:56:21 Gory Boy 1488, been slowly exposing my girlfriend to the ways of the eggs and Jews today. I put together a 6 minute montage and showed it to.
01:56:29 Her she isn't mad at me for being racist, but also still refuses extra caution around blacks.
01:56:36 Do I show her more examples or layoff and hope for the best?
01:56:42 It's a long distance so I can't protect her.
01:56:47 I mean long distance, unless there's, like a plan to put an end to the the distance, you're just spinning your wheels and waste your time.
01:56:55 I'm going to tell you that right now.
01:56:56 OK.
01:56:57 Like there's got to be a a, an end of the distance.
01:57:02 Or you you don't have a girlfriend.
01:57:03 You got a ******* pen, pal.
01:57:07 So that's that, that.
01:57:08 That's out of the way.
01:57:11 Yeah, I mean, look, you guys.
01:57:13 Got to be on the same page about stuff like this.
01:57:16 You're not gonna.
01:57:17 You wanna raise kids with a with a woman?
01:57:19 That's not going to teach your kids not to.
01:57:24 **** that.
01:57:25 Like, maybe she's awesome and just needs to, you know, come around and a lot of white women are are really afraid to come around because they are very susceptible to the.
01:57:37 You know the propaganda.
01:57:38 That's just, that's part of why they shouldn't vote.
01:57:42 So you just got to treat them like they're.
01:57:46 Well, like they're like radio, you know like.
01:57:48 The little ********.
01:57:50 And that's just the way it is, you know.
01:57:53 But yeah, I wouldn't give up it just.
01:57:55 Like I said, the long distance thing is kind of gay after a while.
01:57:59 Uh and.
01:58:02 You know you.
01:58:02 Can't make babies if she lives a couple states away.
01:58:06 Plus you don't know what else she's doing, right?
01:58:11 I'm just saying, I mean, you don't know what?
01:58:12 Else she's up.
01:58:13 To you might not be your only long distance, but how would you know?
01:58:16 How would you know?
01:58:19 You know, bird, two birds in the Bush is worth one in the hand or I forget.
01:58:25 The same.
01:58:25 But you know what I mean.
01:58:27 So I would.
01:58:29 I would, yeah.
01:58:31 I would definitely. Uh.
01:58:34 Think about that.
01:58:36 Grand playing games.
01:58:37 Random observation.
01:58:39 Many don't understand that nation, country, state and government aren't interchangeable terms.
01:58:44 Nation is an ethnic people.
01:58:46 Country is a home of a nation or nations.
01:58:50 State is the apparatus that controls the country.
01:58:54 Government is the entity at the seat of the state apparatus.
01:58:59 You are correct.
01:59:02 Gee seams.
01:59:03 Leather Apron Club is one of the people who believes when Elon Musk calls for high birth rates.
01:59:10 He secretly means more white babies, as shown in this two-minute video. Regardless of what centrist Fagg Elon, we just call him oak tree.
01:59:21 Oak Tree thinks no white person should expect any help from him when it comes to making babies.
01:59:28 Everyone here make as many white babies as you can with whatever resources you have access to.
01:59:35 The recovery of white birth rates begins with you.
Speaker 13
01:59:38 Yeah, he he's not.Devon
01:59:41 You're not going to get any help from from oak tree.01:59:43 You're just not.
01:59:44 That's fine.
01:59:45 You know, you could say.
01:59:46 It's not his job. Whatever.
01:59:48 People need to stop waiting for Superman anyway.
01:59:53 Should I take a look at this link?
01:59:55 And you said it's short, but people say that sometimes and then it's not short.
02:00:00 Let's let's why not?
02:00:01 Let's see.
02:00:01 Let's see.
Speaker 14
02:00:04 Elon Musk saying that the world needs more white babies or civilization will collapse.02:00:08 Well, that's not what he said.
02:00:10 All right, if you don't think this is explicitly about white babies, let's let's just read this a little bit quote.
02:00:17 There are not enough people, Musk told a Wall Street Journal event Monday.
02:00:21 I can't emphasize this enough.
02:00:22 There are not enough people.
02:00:25 Does anyone really think that we have a shortage of people right now?
02:00:27 I mean, India and China alone have over a billion people respectively.
02:00:31 Africa is going to.
02:00:32 Go buck wild even more so than they already are, and there's going to be something like 10 billion Africans if we continue with this right within the next couple of.
02:00:40 He's not actually concerned about a shortage of people.
02:00:44 He doesn't think that if Africa doesn't continue to breed, we're going to have a collapse of civilization.
02:00:50 Quite the opposite.
02:00:50 There's there's no world in which he's not talking about white people.
02:00:55 The tech billionaire said low and rapidly.
02:00:57 Well, except for the world that we live in.02:00:59 And yeah, I'm not.
02:01:00 Saying that Elon is explicitly just worried about population.
02:01:05 But I I I am saying he's not picky about that population.
02:01:09 I am saying Elon Musk would be just as happy to have black programmers.
02:01:15 As he would white programmers that he doesn't have any kind of preference when it comes to who's doing.
02:01:25 The high IQ work, as long as they're high IQ.
02:01:27 So that could mean importing tons of people from Asia.
02:01:32 Right.
02:01:32 I mean, yeah, OK, so maybe.
02:01:33 We don't want people from Africa and that's probably not.
02:01:36 Who you are.
02:01:37 Our oak tree is talking about when he's saying that we don't have enough people.
02:01:41 He's obviously not talking about Africans.
02:01:44 But why isn't he talking about Asians?
02:01:48 Why isn't he talking about Indians?
02:01:50 You know, the Google CEO right now is an Indian.
02:01:52 Look, I mean, there's tons of Indian CEOs who he probably works.
02:01:54 With all the time.
02:01:57 You think that he would prefer that they'd be?
02:01:59 White, I doubt that.
02:02:02 I see no evidence of that.
02:02:04 I see evidence of the contrary.
02:02:06 I see him complaining about the Muslim ban.
02:02:12 He doesn't care.
02:02:16 But no, I get it.
02:02:17 This is how a?
02:02:18 Lot of these people think and look, I like this.
02:02:20 Guy, I like leather apron club.
02:02:24 He's just wrong.
02:02:27 Cause cause he hopes that that look like a lot.
02:02:29 Of people.
02:02:31 He hopes that they we can turn this around and he wants to have a a guy on our side and just that guy's oak trees, not our guy.
02:02:38 That's just the I don't think.
02:02:39 He's. Look, I don't think.
02:02:40 That he's he's as bad as.
02:02:42 He could be.
02:02:47 But he's definitely not our guy.
02:02:50 Definitely not our guy.
02:02:53 Alright, let's take a look.
02:03:00 Chris, master.
Speaker 1
02:03:05 Right.Devon
02:03:07 Amy Lee can step on my nuts and spit on my face.02:03:10 OK, well, I don't know.
02:03:11 I don't know who Amy Lee is, but.
02:03:14 That doesn't sound like very.
02:03:16 Very manly postmaster.
02:03:18 Sounds like you want to be dominated by a woman.
02:03:21 Which is kind of.
02:03:21 A gay thing?
02:03:22 To say I mean I'm just saying like that's.
02:03:27 I I don't know.
02:03:29 I would I I'd rethink that I would rethink that.
02:03:32 And then Rommel must have agreed, because he just simply said.
02:03:39 Thank you both Nazi dice hit the fire button or else your ******* will get fontez by *******.
02:03:45 There you go.
02:03:48 Maratta Jay Sands is a ****** and he man you guys keep time out.
02:03:52 Fagots and he keeps sending me **** ****.
02:03:59 All right, well, R Jay Sands is but.
02:04:03 Cut it out.
02:04:06 And then, uh, Ragnarok is a Jew.
02:04:10 Well, I don't know.
02:04:10 If I've never seen evidence of this, but.
02:04:13 What do I know?
02:04:17 Conservative crypto something?
02:04:22 It's a trick.
02:04:23 Get a rope, move it on.
02:04:25 See, that's thing.
02:04:26 Pits are so much cheaper than ropes.
02:04:29 See with a rope.
02:04:30 You still need like a lamp post or something.
02:04:33 You still need to like build a pit.
02:04:34 Anyone can do.
02:04:36 Just dig, just dig a pit.
02:04:41 Nazi dice trust the plan guys.
02:04:46 Jay Ray, 19.
02:04:49 81.
Speaker 5
02:04:53 I'm your density.Devon
02:04:56 Trump and his sons are insufferable at this point in my understanding of just how ****** Republicans conservative ******** is.02:05:03 I'm embarrassed at myself 2 1/2 years ago.
02:05:06 In my soul, knowing these folks were bad but just kept pushing that ******* hope button.
02:05:11 Thanks, dev.
02:05:12 Well, that's that's The thing is, is, you know, it's it's human nature.
02:05:19 It's just human nature.
02:05:22 People like that, that they that they like, that that story structure, they want a beginning in middle in a happy ending.
02:05:29 Otherwise people like this would be.
02:05:30 Out of business.
Speaker 12
02:05:32 Poor baby. I'm so sorry.Devon
02:05:36 Give me tons of money.Speaker 10
02:05:38 UM.Devon
02:05:41 But yeah, don't feel bad.02:05:42 I mean, let's you're not.
02:05:45 You're not.
02:05:45 At least you've come around.
02:05:46 Right.
02:05:47 I was.
02:05:48 I was an idiot too.
02:05:49 I used to support, I mean ****.
02:05:50 I used to support Bush junior.
02:05:52 I used to think W was based and that's how ******* ******** I was.
02:05:57 And then we.
02:05:57 Got the flatulent peril with some *** **** money.
Speaker 3
02:06:02 Money is power.02:06:03 Money is the only weapon that that you have to defend itself with.
02:06:07 Go, Julie, this *** is.Speaker 5
02:06:25 I'm your density.Devon
02:06:30 Devin, you are the best.02:06:31 I've listened to them all from Limbaugh to Michael Weiner.
02:06:36 A lot of people don't know Mike Savage is is a Jew.
02:06:38 There's so many talk radio people who are Jewish.
02:06:42 It's ridiculous from.
02:06:44 Falling here to Nick Fuentes.
02:06:45 Nobody out there can hold my attention like you do.
02:06:48 And sometimes for over 4 hours.
02:06:50 And yet I dare not miss a word.
02:06:52 Thank you for all you do.
02:06:53 Well, I appreciate that flatulent fill.
02:06:56 I said flatulent pill at the beginning.
Speaker 6
02:07:00 By the way.Devon
02:07:01 Uh, this is a good time to recognize I had a.02:07:08 A big, big, big don't know last stream that I didn't realize was big because it was in like the library.
02:07:17 Coin things right, and I'm sure you used to getting nickel and dime with like $0.25 worth of that stuff that when I see that, I just assume it's like 25.
02:07:29 But it was significantly more than $0.25 in almost record possibly record-breaking amount.
02:07:38 And I told this person that I would that cause, they messaged.
02:07:43 Me on Twitter.
02:07:44 Like, oh, I don't think you know this.
02:07:45 And I was like, oh.
02:07:45 You're right, I didn't ******* notice I.
02:07:47 Looked at my library, you know, balance.
02:07:54 I was I I don't see.
02:07:56 I don't wanna give their Twitter name out.
02:08:00 Because I don't know if they'd want me to do that.
02:08:03 Because it's like a name, it's like an actual name.
02:08:05 And I don't, you know.
02:08:06 What I mean?
02:08:12 You know who you are, and if people in chat know who I'm talking about, let me you know.
02:08:17 I'm going to open up chat like another window.
02:08:21 And then if that way?
02:08:26 Let me see if I.
02:08:26 Can do that even.
02:08:29 Because I would like to recognize that person.
02:08:42 So yeah, so JQ just.
02:08:46 Do people know?
02:08:50 Is it?
02:08:51 Was it you JQ?
02:08:57 I'm looking to see if you guys know his name.
02:09:05 I I don't.
02:09:06 I don't mean like his name.
02:09:07 I I know his.
02:09:07 Name on Twitter.
02:09:08 I mean like his name in this chat.
02:09:14 So anyway, well, I'll tell.
02:09:16 You what?
02:09:17 You know who you are and I appreciate.
02:09:24 Very, very cool of you.
02:09:27 I just don't know what your name is on this.
02:09:29 Thing. Yeah, we'll.
02:09:30 Just call you library library coin burg.
02:09:37 We're going to call you Mr.
02:09:38 Library, and we who knows who this mystery man is.
02:09:51 Alright, so anyway, but I do appreciate that.
02:09:54 And you know it does, it does deserve maybe maybe a little something special, right?
02:09:59 It's been a while and I kind of feel like this is the.
02:10:00 Kind of person that would appreciate.
02:10:11 So thank you very much.
02:10:12 Library kleinberg.
02:10:13 That's that's.
02:10:14 That's your new name.
02:10:15 You should rename yourself.
02:10:18 Even if that's what I'm sure it's not right, but like you know.
02:10:22 But that was really cool of you. And I'm I apologize for like reading that and thinking it was just like 25.
02:10:27 Cents or something?
02:10:29 Because I was just like, uh, it's one of those this.
02:10:31 It's the little fake money.
02:10:34 I don't mind, you know, but.
02:10:35 I just didn't think it was.
02:10:36 I didn't realize it was.
02:10:37 It was substantial, so I appreciate that.
Speaker 6
02:10:41 Night of the nurse.Devon
02:10:42 I didn't do nothing.02:10:44 Well appreciate that.
02:10:46 Horrible hangover.
02:10:48 How do you explain the problems in South America such as corruption and poverty and low quality of life?
02:10:55 Is it due to the dilution of Western genes and low intelligence locals or other factors?
02:10:59 No, I think you hit the nail on the head.
02:11:02 There are parts of South America that looked.
02:11:06 Like Europe until.
02:11:08 They, for lack of a better now.
02:11:12 To be fair.
02:11:13 Though I'm not like a historian, when it comes to South South America, right?
02:11:18 All I know is I've seen footage.
02:11:21 Of South America like part, you know, parts of Argentina and Brazil where, like the more European people live, then it looks like a European city.
02:11:29 It's not.
02:11:30 Like the slum.
02:11:31 And I think that as they mixed in and as more people from like the jungle or whatever came in and you know, like that's exactly what you got.
02:11:40 You just can't maintain a society like that.
02:11:45 America is exactly what, like, well, what?
02:11:46 What's happening now?
02:11:49 Like, right?
02:11:49 Like what changed in America?
02:11:52 Well, around around the turn of the century, a bunch of Eastern European Jews moved to America and started chipping away at the the dam that was holding back the diversity.
02:12:05 And eventually they they got their way.
02:12:08 By exploiting Christian sensitivities.
02:12:12 It's true.
02:12:13 I mean, look, Christians, you gotta just admit it.
02:12:14 It's true.
02:12:16 Which is why you have to learn how to hate again.
02:12:19 There's nothing wrong with Christianity.
02:12:21 If you know how to hate.
02:12:24 You know what's wrong with Christianity?
02:12:27 Is this, you know, like, where do you think love is?
02:12:29 Love comes from, right?
02:12:33 Why do you?
02:12:33 Why do you think?
02:12:34 They they phrase it that way.
02:12:38 Because this new agey, you know, sandal wearing Jesus.
02:12:43 You know, Jesus basically, just like, you know, some pot smoking hippie now.
02:12:49 That doesn't give a **** about anything, and it's never mad about anything, you know, like, if that's if that's the Christianity that we have now, then yeah, you're ******.
02:13:01 So just own it, own it, because you can't fix it.
02:13:04 It's you know you can't.
02:13:06 You can't.
02:13:07 The first step of fixing your problem is admitting that you have one.
02:13:13 So just own it.
02:13:13 Be like.
02:13:14 Yep, Yep, Yep.
02:13:16 They, uh.
02:13:17 They exploited our our.
02:13:21 Our sense of duty towards less fortunate people.
02:13:26 And you know, they, they they.
02:13:29 It's like that, you know, like in green mile.
Speaker 6
02:13:31 He killed them. What they.Devon
02:13:32 Love, you know, like that's.02:13:35 That's what they did.
02:13:38 And then you can know how to fix it.
02:13:39 You're like, alright, we just, we're not going to fall for that **** again.
02:13:42 But if you can't admit it, you can't own up to it, then you know we're not going to get.
02:13:48 Let's see here, goy boy. 1488. I don't trust Tucker, but zero often just posted a video of him rejecting Republicans and also frowning on using arguments and data to win. It wasn't a long stream. Yeah, you can dissect the video posted.
02:14:05 At 10:30 PM to point out the subversion I'm inevitably missing.
02:14:10 Like look, I don't know.
02:14:11 Like I'll, I'll.
02:14:11 Check it out some.
02:14:12 Other time.
02:14:12 But I mean all you got to know is he literally just very recently called you a Nazi.
02:14:20 I mean, we'll just play that video.
02:14:22 Why not?
02:14:22 It's not that far back.
02:14:24 You know, this is from just like a few days ago, so unless he.
02:14:29 Unless he radically changed his entire worldview, which he hasn't, since he he's been on the scene.
02:14:36 Then this is what?
02:14:37 You're dealing with.
02:14:39 Why is it not downloading?
02:14:46 Is this not downloading for some reason?
02:14:50 And try that.Speaker 15
02:14:52 I will say this if I can just make one prediction.02:14:54 So the United States is becoming.
02:14:55 I'm just gonna play it this way.02:14:57 Cause to get it to.
02:14:59 Download is is apparently not gonna happen.
Speaker 15
02:15:02 Non white.02:15:03 Everyone's excited about it or.
02:15:05 Listen carefully what he says.Speaker 15
02:15:07 I will say this if I can just make one prediction.02:15:09 So the United States is becoming non white, everyone's excited about it or whether or not excited not doesn't matter.
02:15:14 Whites are going to be in the minority.
02:15:16 So what that means soon.
02:15:17 So what that means is you're going to get at some point, probably in my lifetime, people standing up and and saying, I represent white people.
02:15:24 I'm the candidate of the white voter, right, and I just want to say on the record that.
02:15:27 I'm going to tell that person to ****.
02:15:29 Because nobody speaks.
02:15:31 I'm a I'm an adult man and nobody speaks for me because he shares the same skin color as me.
02:15:37 Like I just reject that entire idea.
02:15:39 If I agree with you, I'll let you speak for me.
02:15:42 And if I don't?
02:15:43 I won't.
02:15:44 But this idea that someone of a certain skin color, any skin color or any ethnic background speaks.
02:15:49 Automatically, on behalf of all people who share that skin color, ethnic background is a Nazi idea and I'm totally opposed to it, and I will be opposed to it when it happens to me when somebody and this will happen, someones gonna ohh white.
02:16:02 People are gonna be like I don't even know.
02:16:04 You, dude, I don't even know you.
02:16:06 I refuse to allow you to purport to speak for me because we look the same period.
02:16:11 See and that that's The thing is, he's muddying the waters with the the stupid and and false idea that race is is strictly an aesthetic.02:16:22 That that's ohh.
02:16:22 We just looked the same.
02:16:23 We have nothing.
02:16:24 Else in common we just looked the same.
02:16:30 No, it's it's much deeper than that.
02:16:32 It's so much deeper than that, but not to people like Tucker.
02:16:42 Not to people like Tucker.
02:16:47 So I don't see how he could have, like, changed his tune that quick that was literally like I said, that was just that was.
02:16:54 Like a week ago or something that.
02:16:55 Wasn't that long ago.
02:16:56 That was like a week ago.
02:17:01 Let's see here.
02:17:02 Jay Ray, night and.
02:17:03 He wears A cappella bracelet.
02:17:05 Stop waiting for Tucker to be cool.
02:17:07 He wears A capala bracelet.
02:17:10 He used to eat it at ping pong was, According to him, in a in a Washington Post article.
02:17:15 His favorite pizza place.
02:17:18 I mean, do I?
02:17:18 Don't I?
02:17:18 Don't have time to.
02:17:19 Go over all this **** again.
02:17:20 Dad was CIA.
02:17:21 I mean, come on.
02:17:23 No, there's never going to be a there's never going to be a base, Tucker.
Speaker 6
02:17:27 Stop trying to make their.Devon
02:17:29 There's just there's never going to be bass Tucker.02:17:31 There's never going to be bass Tucker.
02:17:34 He's literally CIA.
02:17:36 He's like if anyone on TV, CIA, he's CIA.
02:17:43 Alright, January 1981. We don't trust Musk further.
02:17:47 Than we you.
02:17:47 No, it's oak tree.
02:17:49 Further than we can.
02:17:50 Throw the ****.
02:17:51 Right, we can't throw.
02:17:53 Can't throw an oak tree.
02:17:54 There you go.
02:17:57 Wolf supremacist, 66. Let's see here.
Speaker 6
02:18:06 You go baby back the bus.Devon
02:18:09 Uh Trump in the cockpit.02:18:11 Yeah, I was interested in pulling the thing when you guys help me, and in some cases, risked your lives to get me into the cockpit.
02:18:19 But now I'm here.
02:18:20 I don't really care exactly.
02:18:24 Trump don't give a **** about anyone but Trump.
02:18:28 I like how that rapper, or at least one of the.
02:18:30 I didn't he.
02:18:31 Didn't he?
02:18:32 Multiple rappers.
02:18:33 One of those rappers is like already committed, like 4 felonies since.
02:18:36 Since Trump.
02:18:38 Since Trump pardoned him.
02:18:41 Meanwhile, all the January 6 people are just rotting in prison.
02:18:46 Meanwhile, meanwhile, well, **** Julian Assange.
02:18:52 Everyone forgets that ************.
02:18:57 He's going to die in prison.
02:18:59 He embarrassed too many people, too many powerful people that.
02:19:02 Belong in a pit.
02:19:04 UM.
02:19:07 Nazi dice, of course. Elon's a kite. No need to really look any further than his family fortune being made from mining useless, shiny rocks and him never once talking about white genocide in South Africa. But please continue. Good Sir.
02:19:22 Yeah, I'm. I'm just. Look, I just. I'm just saying what I'm just saying, what ChatGPT was telling me? I don't know. And I honestly don't know, like, how much he he he.
02:19:34 You know, I I don't know him personally, but I just.
02:19:37 I find it hard to imagine that that's your background and and even if even if you don't identify as Jewish that like.
02:19:45 If if that's your family history, you know your moms.
02:19:47 This has this persecution narrative even like, oh, I was a Jew in the modeling industry.
02:19:52 I couldn't get.
02:19:53 Jobs or whatever.
02:19:55 And you're giving money to habad?
02:19:57 I mean, come on, dude.
02:19:58 Give me a ******* break.
02:20:02 January 1981 have listened to the crazy **** this baby Mama Grimes has said. What a ******* group of psychotic *****.
02:20:10 They are. Excuse me.
02:20:12 They aren't like us, period.
02:20:14 Well, I no, I've never heard anything she said.
02:20:16 I don't really pay attention to.
02:20:18 Stuff like that, but.
02:20:21 I'll tell you.
02:20:22 That is another mistake that a lot of these people make a lot of these people that don't pay attention to the stuff that's going on in the world, the people that freak out when I say, like, hey, look at this horrible **** on Reddit and whatever, and again, not that you should sit there and dwell on it or or burn into your brain like that to other than.
02:20:38 Just be aware of it, right?
02:20:40 But these are the same people that are so far removed from a person like Elon Musk.
02:20:46 They've never even met someone that is on the same social footing as the guy who who cleans his living room.
02:20:56 Like there is such a distance, it's almost like and and I'm being 100% serious, right? Like, imagine it like if you're just this regular Maga boomer, you're this regular Maga boomer who.
02:21:11 And is it repeating?
02:21:12 Is it looping?
02:21:15 OK, I don't think it.Devon
02:21:15 Is it looked like it was?02:21:18 Imagine that you're just like this regular suburban boomer guy.
02:21:22 And you have a normal job and you've got, like, you know, a Mcmansion with, like, a A3 car garage and some sea doos and, you know, whatever. Right and.
Speaker 6
02:21:36 You know, just like.Devon
02:21:36 You're just like a normal upper middle class American.02:21:42 If you were to get one of these uncontacted tribes.
02:21:46 And South America, it's being in South America.
02:21:50 If you were to go to the jungle and find one of these tribes that have have never met a white person.
02:21:56 And plop them into your neighborhood and had him watch from the street.
02:22:02 You know, you mow your lawn and and whatever and grill.
02:22:06 And ask him to describe like, what do you?
02:22:09 Think he's doing?
02:22:12 He'd have no ******* idea.
02:22:14 He'd have no idea.
02:22:17 Even though he's watching it, he just doesn't know what he's seeing.
02:22:20 He's just like, I don't know, I I don't know what that machine he's pushing is.
02:22:24 Or why?
02:22:25 Why he's even making the grass shorter?
02:22:28 That doesn't make any sense to me.
02:22:31 I don't know why he's got like this tank of gas or what even a tank of gas is.
02:22:37 In this grill, like somehow there's fire coming out.
02:22:39 Of this box.
02:22:43 I don't know how this magic wall is open.
02:22:46 I don't even know what a wall is unless it's like made out of.
02:22:49 You know, like bamboo, right?
02:22:53 What's this?
02:22:53 What's this weird stucco ****?
02:22:57 Like nothing about your world would make any sense.
02:23:01 And so he'd probably try to, like, make **** up, like try to make it work in.
02:23:04 His world like.
02:23:04 He, like I don't know, it's some kind.
02:23:06 He lives in some weird, like mountain.
02:23:10 And you know, like he he pushes this angry wild boar that eats his grass and then the fire demon cooks his his steaks like.
02:23:19 Yeah, none of it would make any sense.
02:23:23 That's that's the same as that same upper middle class boomer guy.
02:23:28 Or anyone.
02:23:30 That's, you know, of that ilk.
02:23:32 Looking at Elon.
02:23:33 Musk and trying to figure out what he's up to.
02:23:38 They've never been in proximity to these people.
02:23:42 They don't know what they're like.
02:23:45 On a personal level, they.
02:23:46 Don't know how they think.
02:23:48 They don't understand the amount.
02:23:51 Of of wealth, I mean.
02:23:53 ************ just blew up like a billion dollar bottle rocket.
02:24:01 And and you're worried about making your car payment?
02:24:06 It's a totally different ******* universe.
02:24:11 Totally different ******* universe.
02:24:15 UM.
Speaker 15
02:24:19 There we go.Devon
02:24:22 Where are we going here.02:24:24 I have to back it up for some reason it scrolled down.
02:24:36 Where was I?
02:24:38 Why'd this girl like all the way down?
Speaker 7
02:24:47 There we go.Devon
02:24:51 Holy ****, I'm not even like, halfway through these.Speaker 6
02:24:55 What's going on, man?Devon
02:25:02 Let's see here.02:25:03 Here we go.
02:25:05 Jay Ray, 1981. Have you listened to the crazy?
02:25:08 This baby.
02:25:09 Oh, wait.
02:25:09 Already did that one.
02:25:11 A lowly scribe in God's Army, Yiddish equals Jew Deutsche.
02:25:17 Yeah, it's it's, it's just German Jew language.
02:25:23 January 1981. All right. Yeah. Yeah. I think a good way to get normies.
02:25:29 I think is what I call the World Economic Forum gateway.
02:25:34 There is so much in your face proof from these demons through video of Goblin, Jew and so much more.
02:25:42 That is the.
02:25:43 Best Ave. to Jupille Li mean yes and no. I mean, you know, I mean I.
02:25:49 I you know, I don't know.
02:25:51 I got mixed feelings about that because it kind of gets it starts going like down the Alex Jones path where it's like.
02:25:57 And the globalists?Speaker 13
02:25:58 The globalists are trying to get.Devon
02:25:59 Us to dragon.02:25:59 You know, it's just like, come on.
02:26:02 Jeremy, I want sorry about the bad.
02:26:03 Spell I don't care about the bad spell.
02:26:05 I'm I.
02:26:05 I'm the worst speller in the world.
02:26:08 Dave, 762. Hey, you should do a stream with Noel, the owner of Kiwi Farms. He lives in Serbia, so time would work out.
02:26:19 His e-mail is that he is a fan of yours and has had huge battle with big tech to keep his sight up.
02:26:28 Yeah, I I've still literally never been to that website.
02:26:31 I you know, I just stay out like the whole I like, I feel like it's like a drama website and I kind of just.
02:26:36 Stay away from drama.
02:26:37 Just in general.
02:26:38 I I could look.
02:26:39 Into it.
02:26:40 I mean, I'm not against.
02:26:43 Yeah, it sounds like an alt tech kind of a thing, I mean, but I don't know.
02:26:49 But if he's a fan.
02:26:50 Hey, hello.
Speaker 5
02:26:57 I'm your density.Devon
02:26:59 There you go.02:27:04 My father told me it doesn't matter if you're stupid, just as long as you're smarter than everyone else.
02:27:10 I finally understand.
02:27:11 What he meant?
02:27:13 I don't know what he meant though.
02:27:17 It does matter if you're smart.
Speaker 6
02:27:21 I I I get.Devon
02:27:22 I get it. Like everything's relative, right? But.02:27:25 Yeah, I mean it's it's good.
02:27:27 I I would, I think maybe a more concise.
02:27:29 Maybe this is what he means.
02:27:31 It's better to be in the 20 than it is to be in the 80.
02:27:34 Dear fewer hi, Devin.
02:27:36 When was the last time you had a non Jewish ***** president?
02:27:40 UM.
02:27:43 Probably never.
02:27:44 I don't know.
02:27:44 Maybe not.
02:27:45 Not since World War 2.
02:27:48 Let me see what these links are.
02:27:56 Oh yeah, I was actually going to do a.
02:27:57 Thing about that story, funny you should bring that up.
02:28:01 So what he's talking about is Obama, Bush and Clinton started an NGO to fly immigrants in the United States.
02:28:14 That's right.
02:28:15 American Express global business travel.
02:28:19 You like you like that name?
02:28:21 And welcome dot US.
02:28:24 Another good name.
02:28:26 They've teamed up with Obama, Clinton and George W Bush.
02:28:31 To form an NGO called miles for migrants.
02:28:39 And they're going to flood the country with.
02:28:43 With migrants, it's kind of funny in this story they talked about how.
Speaker 6
02:28:46 Ohh well it.Devon
02:28:47 Started to facilitate the 85,000 Afghans who came in after the disaster in Afghanistan. I happen to know for a fact.Speaker 10
02:28:57 They have more.Devon
02:28:57 Than 85,000 just at one of the bases. They're keeping these ******* at.02:29:05 That number is way higher than 85,000. That's the official number. It's it's it's much higher than that.
02:29:13 Of course it's linked to, you know, George Soros's Open Society is funding part of it.
02:29:20 And you know, they get this thing all these nice, cute little names, like the National welcome council.
02:29:25 And all this fun stuff.
02:29:28 And they're also going to, so they'll raise like they're going to bring in Cuban, Haitian, Venezuelan, Ukraine, which I don't care as much about, but Nicaraguan just flying them, flying them into the interior of the country and demographically replacing you as quickly as possible.
02:29:45 See, that's the thing you gotta realize though, this is the kind of.
02:29:48 Thing that oak tree might be OK with.
02:29:51 Because that's the same phrasing that's the same phraseology.
02:29:56 That World Economic Forum used.
02:29:58 I mean, that's literally what.
02:29:58 They said.
02:30:01 They said that.
02:30:03 Demographic demography is destiny is an old phrase, and it may seem an exaggeration.
02:30:10 However, there's no doubt the two major demographic trends in aging population and developed and emerging and emerging economies and high population growth in parts of the developing world.
02:30:23 Will have an enormous impact on our prosperity in the future.
02:30:27 See, this is what this was from 2011. This was the talking points.
02:30:31 Back ohh like ohh the.
02:30:32 Boomers are getting too old.
02:30:35 And they didn't have enough kids.
02:30:36 So we have to replace them with all these brown people.
02:30:41 And I just.
02:30:41 I just don't think that there's like a radical difference between.
02:30:45 And what Elon said and and.
02:30:49 What they're getting at, what they want to do now.
02:30:54 Uh Gory boy 1488. I live in a relatively low crime white area. Thinking of this, distributing some literature, but don't know how to convert those who don't have a constant nagger problem in a suggestion.
02:31:10 Well, I mean, I don't know, I mean what?
02:31:12 You talking?
02:31:12 About putting Flyers and stuff, I never know how.
02:31:17 I've never thought that was like for anyone, not just for us.
02:31:20 I don't know how, like.
02:31:23 That is just because it always makes me think of anytime I've walked out to my car and and there's something like under the the wiper, I just throw it.
02:31:31 I don't even look at it.
02:31:33 You know.
02:31:36 The other reason is.
02:31:39 Almost without exception. Almost.
02:31:42 Every time I've seen that these Flyers, they get passed out, they look like they were designed by.
02:31:49 You know, just like people that don't know anything, you know?
02:31:52 Don't know, like, don't know what looks.
02:31:54 Good. Like they're not good design. Like whoever's putting these together. It's it's like working against us because it it.
02:32:01 Unfortunately, I mean, look, you gotta think.
02:32:03 About that, it's marketing.
02:32:04 It's marketing.
02:32:07 And I think you have a lot of autistic people that think that.
02:32:09 Oh, no, because it's the infographics good and all the information is true.
02:32:12 Well, that doesn't matter.
02:32:14 Right.
02:32:15 You think that that's how, when when?
02:32:17 OK, think of other people that do this, right.
02:32:21 That do door hangers for marketing and stuff like that and the.
02:32:24 Return. That's pretty low.
02:32:26 Even when it's not.
02:32:27 You know, racially charged when it's just like pizza.
02:32:31 Here's a coupon for pizza.
02:32:34 Yeah, they it doesn't like.
02:32:36 There's not like, uh, it's not a flyer telling you about how their pizza.
02:32:41 Is better because of the ingredients.
02:32:43 No, it's just.
02:32:43 Like, hey, look this big.
02:32:44 Coupon for $5 off for a pizza.
02:32:48 And you're like, yeah, I was gonna get pizza anyway, $5.
02:32:51 Why not right?
02:32:53 But it has to look cool.
02:32:54 And it has to like oh.
02:32:56 $5 like it has to.
02:32:57 Like, stick out like, oh, $5 you.
02:32:59 Know for the the pizza.
02:33:04 So that's The thing is I think when when you're putting together these Flyers, you have to really.
02:33:10 You go light on the like, honestly, it's not like the Internet.
02:33:15 You know people that want the data they're going to look for it on the Internet.
02:33:20 If you're just leaving information at their house, most people are ********, alright?
02:33:25 So it doesn't the information.
02:33:27 Is not going to be.
02:33:28 What grabs them, it's going to be the the graphic, it's going to be like, oh, this looks cool.
02:33:31 What is this?
02:33:34 And and looking cool doesn't mean like the the happy merchant rubbing his hands together, going ohh with the big ******* Star of David on his forehead.
02:33:42 That doesn't look cool like anybody.
02:33:44 Like it has to look cool.
02:33:45 Like ohh wow.
02:33:46 Like like, imagine it this way it's got to look like a sticker that they'd wanna put on their skateboard.
02:33:54 Like they look at and like, oh, what is this? This actually looks like something having a T-shirt.
02:34:02 And then they read it.
02:34:04 And again, you don't.
02:34:06 You don't.
02:34:08 The right wing always does this wrong.
02:34:10 You don't bang him over the head with a bunch of.
02:34:12 Look, what's happening to you, white man?
02:34:14 You're being like.
02:34:15 It's too much.
02:34:16 It's too much.
02:34:19 That's not how.
02:34:19 That's not.
02:34:20 That's not how Hollywood did it to to the the public to get it, you know, to to get.
02:34:25 Things where they are.
02:34:27 You know, they'd ease into it.
02:34:31 I'm not saying you lie.
02:34:32 I don't say you do like the Tucker thing or like the the oak tree thing.
02:34:36 But it has to look good.
02:34:38 It has.
02:34:38 To look good.
02:34:40 And not just overwhelm them with data.
02:34:44 So that would be if you decide to.
02:34:46 Go that route.
02:34:48 That would be the the the advice I.
02:34:50 Would have for you on that.
02:34:54 Split a trace.
02:34:54 Drinking alcohol raises estrogen and lowers testosterone.
02:34:57 If you drink alcohol, you are a or you are global ****.
02:35:02 Well, I don't think.
02:35:03 It's 100% true. I think there are certain types of.
02:35:06 Alcohol. Well not.
02:35:07 The alcohol itself, but certain drinks like I think, beer.
02:35:11 Has something and I forget what it is.
02:35:15 But I mean, Europeans have been drinking alcohol since.
02:35:19 You know, like the year 0.
02:35:23 So I don't think that that's like, I mean not that like I'm not in support of alcohol.
02:35:27 I'm not like I don't, I almost never drink.
02:35:33 And in fact I.
02:35:33 Almost always regret it when I do.
02:35:37 But not because I think it's raising my estrogen levels.
02:35:40 I I I don't think it's a productive thing to do and but that said, I don't think you'll like grow man ***** if you well, unless, like you said, I think there are some beers where they, there's stuff in it.
02:35:53 January 1981 I heard, even though Anheuser-Busch lost money, they were bailed out no matter what Black Rock, et cetera, will pick up the bill just to get their Jew propaganda out.
02:36:05 Yeah, it's they, they don't.
02:36:06 They're bottomless pits of money.
02:36:07 If you think that a few people on Twitter are not buying Bud Light, who many, many of them.
02:36:12 Would have bought it anyway, right?
02:36:15 By, but there it's almost.
02:36:17 It's almost kind of the opposite effect.
02:36:20 Because it it's, you know, one of the first rules of marketing is is, you know, any news is good news.
02:36:26 Like any attention is good attention.
02:36:28 It's like if you just get mentioned.
02:36:32 In on social media, unless it's something that goes against.
02:36:36 What the power structure wants, right?
02:36:39 Like you don't want to be in the news because you're supporting Nazis or because you hate **** or something like that.
02:36:44 Then you're in trouble, and not because of the customer base, but because then you know lenders aren't going to lend to you people that host your websites are going to, you know, it's it's going to the spider is going to, you know.
02:36:56 Come into the.
02:36:57 The scene and and **** with you.
02:37:00 But it it's it's.
02:37:02 They have nothing to worry about.
02:37:03 If you're pushing something that's part of the agenda.
02:37:06 You will be rewarded.
02:37:08 And that woman didn't like.
02:37:09 She did lose her.
02:37:10 Job she's taking.
02:37:11 A vacation right now?
02:37:12 Most likely.
Speaker 10
02:37:15 UM.Devon
02:37:18 Let's see here. Harmless G ChatGPT is telling me Peter Thiel is also Jewish. My previous research told me his parents were German evangelical Christians. Either way, he is a fad. Deal already broken?02:37:32 Well, let me ask, let me see what let me see what ChatGPT says.
02:37:38 Because Jet GBT gave me.
02:37:40 You know.
02:37:43 Reasons for they give me references.
02:37:48 Why is this not loading?
02:37:51 You know, I pointed out that article with the forward from with his mom.
02:38:00 All right.Devon
02:38:05 Have Jewish heritage, I've.02:38:08 That seems to work more often.
02:38:10 It doesn't trigger it as much if you're just like.
02:38:12 Is he a Jew, then it freaks out.
02:38:19 See I I believe this.
02:38:22 His parents were both German immigrants of Jewish descent who came to the United States after World War 2. Deal has spoken publicly about his Jewish background and has discussed how his family's history has shaped his worldview in 2014.
02:38:39 In an interview with the New York Times, feels sad that his family's experience of living through the Holocaust.
02:38:45 Had made him more aware of the fragility of institutions and the need to think about how to create a better future.
02:38:54 All right.
02:38:54 Well, I'd love to see that article.
02:38:56 Let me ask.
02:38:56 You for that article.
02:39:11 Here is a I've asked it to link me to the article.
02:39:18 It says page not found.
02:39:21 Let me see if I can.
02:39:24 Get the way back.
02:39:25 Machine to find it.
02:39:34 Yeah. I mean, who knows right? ChatGPT.
02:39:37 Could be wrong.
02:39:44 But archive.
02:39:56 Now they don't have it.
02:39:58 I'm going to tell I'll tell that link is dead.
02:40:21 Here it says New York Times article from April 19th, 2014, Peter Thiel talked about his Jewish heritage and how it influenced his thinking.
02:40:30 Here is the quote quote.
02:40:31 My family background is Jewish and so my parents experienced a lot of darkness in the 20th century.
02:40:38 All right, let me see if.
02:40:38 I can find this quote.
02:40:46 That's so weird chat. GT is telling me this thing I'm looking for that exact quote, and nothing's coming up on the Internet.
02:40:55 Alright, so here's the quote.
02:40:56 Maybe Chad GT just hates you.
02:40:59 Maybe Chad.
02:40:59 GPT is anti-Semitic, it's saying quote.
02:41:02 My family background is Jewish and so my parents experienced a lot of darkness in the 20th century, and I think that's made me somewhat more aware of how things can go badly.
02:41:11 The good side of of the IS that it can make you more focused on trying to create a better future.
02:41:17 I mean, that sounds like a legit quote.
02:41:19 It's kind of creepy that it's not there.
02:41:21 I wonder if it's one of these paywall.
02:41:23 Kind of.
02:41:23 Issues I'm going to try a different search engine.
02:41:27 Here I mean cause that would.
02:41:29 That would make so much ******* sense.
02:41:34 Yeah, here's the weirdest thing I look for that exact quote in quotes.
02:41:40 And it comes up with nothing.
02:41:44 On any search engine I've tried here.
02:41:48 OK.
02:41:48 Well let me try this.
02:41:49 Let me try.
02:41:51 April 19th.
02:41:54 New York Times 2014 Peter Thiel.
02:41:59 How wild would it be if this was like in the print version and he's they've just, that's how easy it.
02:42:04 Was for them to.
02:42:05 To change their, well, here's the article.
02:42:08 I think maybe no.
02:42:10 Yeah, maybe.
02:42:16 That's that's a recent one.
02:42:22 Alright, well, I'm going to tell Shaggy Patty I.
02:42:24 Can't find this.
02:42:34 That's the title of the article.
02:42:38 Yeah, I mean, it's giving me the same link. The link is dead though. I apologize for confusion. The article is titled Peter Field Defense is politics and was published on April 19th, 2014.
02:42:50 Here is a link to the article but.
02:42:52 You go to link.
02:42:54 And it's a dead link from New York.
02:42:55 Times if you search for that date and that.
02:43:03 That headline.
02:43:04 Nothing comes up.
02:43:07 That is creepy as ****.
02:43:11 I'm gonna tell Chad jump to.
02:43:12 That as a dead link.
02:43:22 Yeah, maybe it has another link.
02:43:24 Let's see here.
02:43:25 That link is also dead.
02:43:27 Here is the new link to the same article which I verified working.
02:43:32 It just literally gave me the same ******* link.
02:43:35 Alright, that's the same link.
02:43:38 This is weird.
02:43:38 This is ******* wild ****.
02:43:48 It says that if I look for Peter Thiel defends his politics on the New York Times website, I'll find it.
02:43:53 I just.
02:43:55 I don't know this.Devon
02:43:56 Is a little it's.02:43:57 A little bit freaking me out that ChatGPT is so insistent that he's Jewish and that there's this New York Times article that that doesn't exist anymore.
02:44:10 I guess I'm, I guess I'll use a different.
02:44:12 What's that?
02:44:13 Was it Yandex the the Russian one?
02:44:17 Let me ask the Russian one if it can find it.
02:44:28 No, it's it's nowhere.
02:44:30 That's so ******.
02:44:31 That's so ******* weird.
02:44:33 I wonder where it's getting it from.
02:44:39 That's so ******* weird.
02:44:44 Yeah, because I've been told he wasn't Jewish.
02:44:54 Well, I don't know.
02:44:56 That's ******* wild.
02:45:00 That it has that link and that link is dead.
02:45:03 There's no way back machine of that link.
02:45:08 There's no uh.
02:45:11 Archive dot IS.
02:45:13 Of that link.
02:45:15 UM.
02:45:17 I can't find that title.
02:45:20 You would think that the phrase Peter Thiel defends his politics would be somewhere.
02:45:25 It's almost weird.
02:45:26 That it doesn't exist in some other form.
02:45:28 You know, like there's not like some like that it seems.
02:45:30 Like a phrase.
02:45:32 That, even though it's not a headline of this story that seems like a phrase that would be somewhere on the Internet.
02:45:39 And yet it it it appears as if it's not.
02:45:41 I mean I I find that hard to.
02:45:49 Yeah, I mean, it's that's so ******* weird.
02:45:52 I want to tell you guys.
02:45:58 Wait, if I can even just find a link to that story.
02:46:06 So there's.
02:46:08 He defends his support of Donald Trump, but these are all like years later.
02:46:11 These are all.
02:46:12 I don't see anything from 2014 to 2014.
02:46:19 Uh, I don't see it anywhere there.
02:46:24 About Peter Thiel, 2014.
02:46:38 See, here's why I feel like.
Speaker 6
02:46:39 It could have.Devon
02:46:40 Happened cause alright.02:46:41 Check this **** out.
02:46:42 Check this **** out.
02:46:45 It I mean it says.
02:46:49 Peter Thiel, Germany in 1967 was raised in Germany and South Africa by parents who were evangelical Christians. All right, well, I mean, they're in Germany, though, and they went to South Africa.
02:47:03 They then settled in a Bay, the Bay Area.
02:47:06 Let's see here.
02:47:08 I mean, I don't know. I kind of feel like this could be a a case of the crypto, maybe maybe ChatGPT knows more than uh.
02:47:16 You know, maybe it knows too much.
02:47:18 Maybe that was an article at some point.
02:47:21 I mean, look, he's CIA and we know he know, we know he's CIA.
02:47:26 It's that's not a secret like on this website. In fact this from 2009.
02:47:31 Alright, so let's see here.
02:47:33 Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, you know, and look.
02:47:38 And he worked on PayPal, I guess.
02:47:39 I mean, Elon Musk worked on PayPal, then he wasn't.
02:47:41 He somehow involved PayPal, so they they both have that South Africa connection.
02:47:46 I mean, you know, and that says, yeah, feel resigned to let.
02:47:52 Yeah, he's.
02:47:54 See, I think these guys could both be cryptos.
02:47:57 I think they could.
02:47:57 Both could be cryptos.
02:47:59 And that's crazy that that article is just gone.
02:48:02 And it seems very confident that it exists.
02:48:06 And you know, I mean like it just I feel like it got its hands on something.
02:48:09 That maybe, maybe it shouldn't have.
02:48:13 Blah blah blah, blah. Then Theo started his own venture capital fund, blah blah blah. Here we go, co-founded A secretive startup, Palantir Technologies, backed by the CIA's venture fund to start up whose business is to help governments conduct surveillance on its citizens.
02:48:33 In 2004, I mean so, like if anyone's going to have the ability to erase their past, it's going to be this guy.
02:48:39 And the fact that those, you know what I mean, I'm just saying I'm.
02:48:42 Just saying, man.
02:48:44 I'm just saying like.
02:48:49 I you know, I'm just saying.
02:48:52 It just it it it, it confirms.
02:48:57 And that's the thing I don't want.
02:48:58 To have confirmation bias here, so it's like.
02:49:02 It would explain a lot, wouldn't it?
02:49:04 Wouldn't it explain a lot?
02:49:07 It's wild though for right now, if you, everyone listening, if you go to GPT and ask it, Peter feels Jewish and ask it to to explain why it thinks this.
02:49:20 As of right now, it's giving you quotes from articles saying that that I can't find now.
02:49:28 That his family survived the Holocaust and all this nonsense.
02:49:34 So I don't think that's indication necessarily that check UPT is wrong. I think it's an indication that.
02:49:38 Perhaps you know?
02:49:41 Some some backgrounds got switched to run.
02:49:47 If you know what I mean anyway.
02:49:49 That's creeping me out, Mark ebbs, SP Anna Perez finds a way to suss out rhinos.
02:49:55 32nd clips.
02:49:57 Alright, let's take a.
02:49:58 Look at that.
02:50:05 That's still kind of weirding me out.
02:50:10 Oh, that's kind of odd.
02:50:13 It makes sense though, right?
02:50:18 It would explain a lot.
Speaker 16
02:50:23 Conservatives that are fake, there's nothing worse than like conservatives that are fake conservatives and you know, they're fake conservatives.02:50:30 But a good test for me is I start using words that like are like push that really push the envelope.
02:50:36 Like you know, I'll, I'll say things.
02:50:38 I'll throw the word fagot around you.
02:50:39 Things of that nature and see how they react.
02:50:42 If it's a rhino you're dealing with, they'll they'll usually.
02:50:45 Like wince?
02:50:46 Almost if it's a not rhino, he or she will laugh and be like and you know it'll add to the humor, you know, it'll add to the entertainment quality of the joke.
02:50:54 That's a good test right there.
02:50:56 There's nothing worse than like.
02:50:58 It is a good test.02:51:01 It is a good test if you can't say ******, there's something wrong with you.
02:51:08 Let's take a look here.
02:51:12 The Nord report.
02:51:13 No one man can do it.
02:51:15 Do it all we have communities for that or for a reason.
02:51:19 Trying to do it all your own is more individualist mentality.
02:51:23 We must rebuild our communities.
02:51:25 Yeah, I think they're like, I think that goes back to, like, growing your own food stuff.
02:51:28 I think there needs to be co-ops.
02:51:29 And I think that's a very.
02:51:31 Possible thing I think once I have something to offer, I'm going to look into.
02:51:36 You know, I'd feel weird trying to participate in something like that without, you know, to give in, give something into it, and but I suspect I'll get in a position where I'm able to.
02:51:44 Do that at some point.
02:51:47 Sooner rather than later.
02:51:48 Harmless, she interesting that chat.
02:51:50 BTS insisting Bill Gates does not have any Jewish heritage, even when I try to trick it, it remains adamant that Bill Gates isn't Jewish and calls claims that he's Jewish.
02:52:00 A baseless conspiracy theory.
02:52:02 I don't think he's Jewish, and his family, they're bankers.
02:52:06 It's possible, I mean, because I know that like they're banking family.
02:52:10 So you never know, right?
02:52:12 But I I've never seen proof that that he's Jewish.
02:52:15 And I'm weirded out by this Peter Thiel thing.
02:52:18 Damn Bigfoot.
02:52:18 It's important to note that Elon Musk has Asperger's.
02:52:21 Autism to a lot of his.
02:52:24 So a lot of his takes are just him not understanding social normalcy rather than being based exactly.
02:52:31 Exactly, Steve.
02:52:33 Just Steve.
02:52:34 Devin, what's your favorite video and or stream you've ever done?
02:52:37 Mine are pacom streams and the nature of power video.
02:52:43 I don't know.
02:52:44 They're all my favorite.
02:52:45 My favorites are the ones where you guys.
02:52:47 Coming all the.
02:52:51 I don't know.
02:52:52 I I don't know.
02:52:53 I mean, there's.
02:52:54 I I'd be lying if I said that there, there aren't some that I do.
02:52:57 And then afterwards I'm like **** yeah, that was good, you know.
02:53:01 And you're right, I thought the bacon ones are good and there's other good ones like that.
02:53:07 But I you know, I I try to make them all good.
02:53:13 Yeah, I don't really have like a favorite necessarily.
02:53:17 You know, you know what?
02:53:18 Maybe my favorite one is like even though it's not, it's not my best one.
02:53:23 But one of my favorite videos is when I just **** on Q Anon.
02:53:27 You know, it's not by any means isn't my favorite one no.
02:53:30 Our best one, but it was just like.
02:53:33 Cathartic. You know, I.
02:53:34 Was just like oh.
02:53:35 ******* cute hearts. ******* him.
02:53:38 Harmless Chi film director Damien Chazelle is another guy with the Canadian mother, who supposedly isn't Jewish, but was sent to Hebrew school as a kid.
02:53:48 He also went to Harvard, Read 1st and 2nd paragraphs of early life. Who is this? Damien chazelle. How about? I? Asked ChatGPT.
02:53:58 Since that's like the new early life.
02:54:01 Until they fix it, they're gonna fix it.
02:54:02 Now they'll definitely fix it.
02:54:04 Now. Ohh, let's see here. ChatGPT.
02:54:08 I don't know who that person is either.
02:54:16 And it says he's Jewish.
02:54:21 Let's see ChatGPT.
02:54:23 Should just be called chat judar.
02:54:25 Says yes, as Jewish heritage.
02:54:27 His mother Celia is a French and Algerian Jewish descent, and his father Bernard is a French and Canadian ancestry.
02:54:37 Chazelle has spoken publicly about his Jewish identity and how he's influenced his life and work.
02:54:43 So there you go.
02:54:47 In 2016, interview with the forward, Giselle said my family is Jewish and I grew up with a lot of Jewish traditions and a lot of Jewish history, especially around music. He also discussed how his grandfather, who was a musician and composer, inspired his love for jazz music.
02:55:06 Which is prominent theme in his films whiplash and La La Land.
02:55:10 However, it's worth noting Giselle has not discussed personal beliefs as religious, you know.
02:55:14 So yeah, he's Jewish.
02:55:16 See, Chachi, PT, he just gets right to.
02:55:18 The ******* point.
02:55:20 This is way better than an early life until they fix it.
Speaker 6
02:55:27 See, this is like the new early life.Devon
02:55:31 The note report.02:55:32 So I looked up all the top beer companies which I got Chet GPT to narrow down to five parent companies.
02:55:39 And of those five, the only one that is not owned run by Jews is Chinese beer holdings.
02:55:45 The other companies were Anheuser-Busch in Bev, Heineken, Carlsberg and Molson Coors.
02:55:50 Well, there you go.
02:55:51 See, this could be until they fix it.
02:55:53 So hurry up and.
02:55:54 Get this data now.
02:55:56 This could be like a really useful tool.
02:56:02 John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt says getting the pit is my new mantra.
02:56:07 I'm so done with all.
02:56:08 These degenerate faggs.
02:56:10 This is true.
02:56:11 This is true.
02:56:12 Tonight was especially bad.
02:56:15 The night was definitely.
02:56:17 Definitely full of you know.
02:56:37 All right, zazzy.
02:56:39 Mac taskbot.
02:56:40 Thanks for the show.
02:56:41 Have you ever heard of the call of the void?
02:56:44 I call it thano.
02:56:46 Tasia, it's the feeling of wanting to jump off buildings or cliffs, but not suicidal.
02:56:53 I was on a ship and I had that feeling.
02:56:55 I asked the sailors and they said they feel it too.
02:56:58 Odd, non fear, non suicidal urge to jump.
02:57:04 No, can't relate to.
02:57:05 That I'm not big on heights.
02:57:07 I don't have a lot of like.
02:57:10 Like like I I have No Fear of.
02:57:13 You know like.
02:57:13 Bees or or snakes or, you know, other.
02:57:16 Like there's people that are afraid of, like, lots of stuff that I don't care about.
02:57:21 But Heights is one of those things where.
02:57:24 It's not great like.
02:57:27 Like it's not a big deal in certain circumstances like I've been in a hot air balloon.
02:57:32 And you would think you're just in a Wicker basket up in the air with not, you know, like there's nothing you're just standing in a Wicker basket.
02:57:40 You'd think that that'd be scary.
02:57:41 If you don't like heights.
02:57:42 I didn't think that was scary at all.
02:57:45 UM, but there's been situations where even like on a really tall ladder. And I mean like, a really tall ladder, I mean like a.
02:57:54 Like a 30 foot ladder where it starts to be like.
02:57:57 All right, I don't like this.
02:58:01 So yeah, not not big into the jumping like I would never be good at.
02:58:05 I would never want to be like a bungee.
02:58:07 I don't think I would like that at all.
02:58:09 Harmless GA few streams ago we saw the Jewish population in the US is around six million. However, when including people who are at least 25% Jewish by ancestry.
02:58:21 The Nuremberg Laws standard and also.
02:58:25 Israel standard for Israeli citizenship, that number goes up to 15,000,000. Well, there you go.
02:58:32 A substantial jump and that number might include oak Tree and Peter Thiel.
02:58:37 We don't know the North report.
02:58:40 People who abort fetus for the thrill should be thrown in pits.
02:58:44 Sometimes I think the Holocaust should have happened, but I don't support abortion unless it is for eugenics purposes.
02:58:52 I don't support it at all.
02:58:53 Then there's there's easier ways of preventing it from even happening in the first.
02:58:58 Place you know, there you don't.
02:58:59 You don't have to kill babies to to to get what you need in that department.
02:59:04 Man of low moral fiber.
02:59:06 I'm dating a girl and let out in front of her friends that I think the witch trials were a good thing.
02:59:12 That one of them was appalled and said her great aunt died in the trials.
02:59:16 Yeah, I'm sure her great.
02:59:17 Aunt did.
02:59:18 I told her it sounds like her aunt deserved it.
02:59:20 Well, it sounds like she's making it up.
02:59:22 Her great aunt, her great aunt. First of all, how old's her great aunt? She'd have to be a witch, right?
02:59:30 If if her, if her great aunt, that means she's probably a witch too. This we're talking about. Something happened 400 ******* years ago. So I don't know.
02:59:38 A ******* great aunt was in it.
02:59:41 So just call that ***** out.
02:59:42 As a dumb ****.
02:59:44 And then and no, say she's a witch.
02:59:46 And just like, look at her, just like and don't break eye contact.
02:59:50 Oh, so you're a witch.
02:59:51 And then just stare.
02:59:55 Until she gets really uncomfortable.
02:59:57 Russell Mcclintock.
02:59:58 When I got back from Iraq, I stayed drunk for over 10 years.
03:00:02 Put the booze down, folks.
03:00:03 I promised that nothing bad happens when you stop drinking.
03:00:07 Alcohol is not your friend.
03:00:09 It keeps you down in ways you cannot see.
03:00:11 You can do this if you really want to.
03:00:13 I'm pulling for you.
03:00:14 There you go.
03:00:15 Like I said, good advice.
03:00:17 I've never had like, I mean doing wrong.
03:00:19 I there were times in my life where I drank a lot, but I've never felt like a need to drink, ever in my life.
03:00:24 That's never been I've had other addictions, but alcohol.
03:00:28 I don't know why.
03:00:29 I just never felt.
03:00:31 It was something I I don't think it's something I could do often because it just made me feel so bad.
03:00:36 Maybe it's going to just drink too much when I would drink that trying to maintain that on a regular basis would.
03:00:41 Would it kill me too quick?
03:00:44 All right, now we got ******** ****** for $1.00.
Speaker 3
03:00:47 Do you have that much money in your bank at home?Speaker 2
03:00:52 I'd buy that for a dollar.Devon
03:00:59 All right, women will post this and then wonder why the entire planet and every major religion imposed strict social restrictions on their sovereignty.03:01:10 Since the dawn of time, in every place humans have ever lived.
03:01:15 Yeah, that's true.
03:01:16 I mean, look, it's.
03:01:17 Yeah, there's a reason patriarchies exist.
03:01:19 For a reason.
03:01:21 Because when they don't, every civilization that stops maintaining its patriarchy collapses every single time happen in Babylon.
03:01:27 It's happening in Babylon Part 2.
03:01:31 Radio on a anti woke YouTuber video, I wrote that the majority of actors are Jews or part Jew, and a guy answered a lot of pedos are.
03:01:40 White or part white?
03:01:42 Well you should.
03:01:43 Respond that the being of Jews they're way overrepresented when it comes to.
03:01:50 I don't know where.
03:01:52 I'm sure you can find it, because there's they've been.
03:01:54 They've done studies on that.
03:01:56 That statistic does exist. Well, I don't know if that's something I feel like I'm pushing my luck with ChatGPT.
03:02:02 Feel like if I asked ChatGPT that it's.
03:02:04 Going to be like all right.
03:02:05 I know what you're up to.
03:02:06 It's going.
03:02:06 To stop, you know, naming the Jew for us.
03:02:10 Uh, my fat little ******** toe, but you can try it.
03:02:13 And like I said, you just you got when you're working with that GPT, you have to act like it's a librarian that you don't know.
03:02:19 You don't want her to be wise to what you're like.
03:02:21 What you're really after.
03:02:22 You're you're basically.
03:02:23 Having like trick it into telling.
03:02:24 You what you want?
03:02:27 My fat little ******** toe the pit just got 10 feet.
03:02:30 Yes, it did.
03:02:31 Yes, it did.
03:02:33 Man of low moral fiber public schools.
03:02:36 Ironically, child abuse.
03:02:37 They made me sing a Woody Guthrie Guthrie song in school.
03:02:41 My parents should be ashamed.
03:02:43 Yes, they should.
03:02:45 My parents actually knew that that public school was bad by the time my kid brother was around, they were home schooling.
03:02:55 Because it was already getting bad, you know?
03:02:57 And he's he's significant.
03:02:59 I say kid brother.
03:03:00 Cause he's well now he's old.
03:03:01 Older but.
03:03:03 He's like 14 years younger than me, so it's like, you know, by the time he was around, my mom was like, Yep.
03:03:11 No more of that.
03:03:13 UM.
03:03:16 Horrible hangover.
03:03:19 Do you use file sharing software like BitTorrent to acquire Media, and Netflix is discontinuing their DVD service, which will limit access to older movies.
03:03:28 Will you own nothing and be happy?
03:03:31 Well, I don't condone breaking any copyright laws or or illegally sharing files, but I've heard that that that's something people do.
03:03:41 UM.
03:03:43 Radu, as a future father, I can't describe the hate for that abortion Reddit, even in Eastern Europe, you are not free of the global **** propaganda.
03:03:55 Well, of course not, cause apparently Eastern Europe.
03:03:58 Where all the ******* Jews came from.
03:04:01 They came here and and ******.
03:04:04 Us all over.
03:04:04 But you know.
03:04:06 Thanks Radu.
03:04:08 For you, you should have kept him.
03:04:13 A harmless G, even though my genealogy research showed Elon Musk's ancestors being from England, Jews have been interbreeding with the British elite for a long time.
03:04:23 Like the Rothschilds, so I wouldn't be surprised if there is Jewish blood on those branches.
03:04:29 Princess Diana might have had Jewish father.
03:04:33 Well, there you go.
03:04:34 Well, I mean.
03:04:34 According to Chet.
03:04:35 LGBT everyone's Jewish tonight, I don't know.
03:04:39 I don't know.
03:04:41 Well, not everyone.
03:04:41 Apparently, but like a lot of people.
03:04:45 Amos Burton in this short clip, a World War 2 you as always.
03:04:49 Say short clip now.
03:04:51 Was being interviewed and he broke down, lamenting about what has happened.
03:04:56 Alright, I know about this.
03:04:58 I I remixed this and played it on.
03:05:00 I made a a edit of this and put it on Instagram and this was for months and months and.
03:05:06 Months ago.
03:05:10 I wonder if.
03:05:11 It's on my telegram still.
03:05:15 I mean I I'm guessing what it is, what I it's probably what.
03:05:17 I think it is.
03:05:23 And this is from almost this is for like months and months and months ago.
03:05:26 It's not.
03:05:27 Maybe it's doing the rounds.
03:05:28 Again, sometimes videos do that.
03:05:31 Everyone forgets something that existed and.
03:05:33 Then it.
03:05:35 Which I'm all for in this case.
Speaker 8
03:05:43 Where is it?Devon
03:05:50 And I'm I post a lot of stuff, apparently.Speaker
03:05:59 Uh, where is it?Devon
03:06:05 I'm already at the last Christmas.03:06:07 I'm it's kind of funny.
03:06:08 It's like when you when you go through your your phone, you look at your old photos and it's like rewinding your life.
03:06:15 That's kind of what's happening.
03:06:16 My telegram feed, like I'm already at the point where where Kanye was just starting his his campaign that already doesn't exist.
03:06:27 The the the campaign that never even made it to the.
03:06:31 Never even made it to.
03:06:32 A single debate, which that's all I wanted.
03:06:35 That's all I wanted out of you *******.
03:06:37 I just wanted you to get him to one debate.
03:06:40 One debate, and you couldn't even get him to wonder.
03:06:44 And look, I knew the second he opened his mouth.
03:06:45 Like oh, wow, yeah, he's not.
03:06:47 But that's why.
03:06:48 I wanted him to be in a debate.
03:06:50 I wanted to see his nonsense because the problem is anyone he would have been debating would be so afraid because he's the magic *****, right?
03:06:59 They'd be so afraid of.
03:07:01 Belittling him because he's black, that they'd have to take his nonsense ******* seriously like he would get on the mic.
03:07:08 And just be like blah blah blah.
03:07:09 We are Jew and just like, say, random **** and it would be like the most stupid **** ever, but.
03:07:16 No one can say anything about it.
03:07:17 They'd have to just be like, yes, well, you make a.
03:07:21 Good point there, Kanye.
03:07:22 But however, you know like that and that would.
03:07:25 Have been worth it.
03:07:26 That would have been worth it, and we couldn't even get.
03:07:28 That we couldn't even ******* get that.
03:07:31 That's all I wanted.
03:07:32 Alright, I'm still.
03:07:33 I'm still going through.
03:07:33 I'm now.
03:07:36 I've I've rewinded so far back.
03:07:40 I'm at.
03:07:43 I met like the dark Brandon stuff when he was doing the talk with the red.
03:07:48 Background like that was so long ago.
03:07:51 Where the **** is this thing?
03:07:54 I only want to do because I.
03:07:56 I want to play my my edit because.
03:08:00 The other ones just kind of long and but now I've now I've kind of defeated the whole purpose of that.
03:08:06 By by going so long looking for this ******* thing.
03:08:10 Anyway, alright, we'll watch the original if I scroll a little bit longer out.
03:08:13 See it?
03:08:15 Come on, come on.
03:08:19 Yeah, it's not.
03:08:20 It's not gonna come up.
03:08:21 It's not gonna.
03:08:21 Come up.
03:08:22 Ohh wait.
03:08:22 Here it is.
03:08:25 There we go.
03:08:26 Just in time.
03:08:28 Just in time.
Speaker 5
03:08:33 All right.Devon
03:08:38 And it's going to download really slowly because Telegram always downloads slowly.03:08:43 I'll go to the next one here.
03:08:47 Damn Bigfoot. Here are $2.00, which is a ******** fagots weekly donation allowance. There you go.
03:08:55 Conservative krypteia my last $2.00 check out the movie 2081 and last exit to Brooklyn to see Steve Baldwin.
03:09:05 In a room with.
03:09:06 2 ******** and a couple of *******.
03:09:08 Well, I don't know.
03:09:09 I don't sound like.
03:09:10 Something I wanna.
03:09:11 I don't know if I want.
03:09:11 To see that I mean just you lost me at Steve Baldwin.
03:09:18 All the rest of the stuff was just extra horror, but Steve Baldwin.
03:09:22 Yeah, I mean, is there any, I guess Billy Baldwin's slightly worse, but yeah.
03:09:27 Boy boy, 1488.
03:09:28 Don't not to worry.
03:09:29 The long distance girlfriend is a virgin Christian.
03:09:32 Moving back to our mutual home state in July when she graduates, I will keep the treat women like radio comment in mind.
03:09:42 Thanks and have a good night.
03:09:43 Yes, you do.
03:09:44 Have to treat women like.
03:09:45 Radio. Radio.
03:09:48 Skip Ville. Try town. *************. Alright, Cutler 215. Jen Z is not completely lost. My kids plus their friends. Acquaintance. See. Furries and.
03:10:02 Pit friends is cringe and creepy, right?
03:10:05 But like.
03:10:07 I mean, look, they're probably.
03:10:08 I'm not saying just want with those kids.
03:10:11 But imagine what they would have been like to you.
03:10:14 It wouldn't be cringe and creepy.
03:10:15 It would be unfathomable.
03:10:17 You know what I mean?
03:10:18 That's the problem is.
03:10:19 It would.
03:10:20 It would be unfair like.
03:10:24 Have your have these and I'm I'm not.
03:10:26 Promoting any violence.
03:10:27 I'm just saying.
03:10:29 I don't see a lot.
03:10:30 All I'm going to say is I don't see a lot.
03:10:31 Of Gen.
03:10:32 Z kids playing smear the queer, OK.
03:10:38 That's all I'm saying.
03:10:39 All right, that's all I'm going to say.
03:10:40 About that, alright, here's that video that we were waiting.
03:10:44 Forever to download.
03:10:51 It's an oldie but goody.
03:10:59 There we go.Devon
03:11:02 All right.03:11:03 Let me get rid of this stupid browser.
Speaker 13
03:11:27 So going down the drain, our country going to hell in a handbasket.03:11:35 We haven't got the country we had went out with Gray, not at.
03:11:39 Oh, don't worry, he'll hell of a fun eye.
03:11:42 Don't have the opportunity eye.
03:11:46 It's just not the same.
03:11:49 That's not what I want.
03:11:50 That's not what they did.
Speaker 2
03:11:52 Are we the baddies?Devon
03:12:08 I'm so sorry, he said.03:12:14 I'm sure he is.
03:12:17 Jara 1981. We give money because you're smart and well spoken and we use you to spread the message. Don't stop. That is all. I appreciate that.
03:12:28 Jay ray.
03:12:31 1981.
03:12:35 White Walker hate is.
03:12:38 And then a bit shoot link.
03:12:42 Let's see what happens here.
03:12:49 What is this?
03:12:50 What is this?
Speaker 1
03:12:53 Nowadays there's a lot of talk about hate crime.Devon
03:12:58 It's it's short, it's.03:12:59 Short let me pop it up.
Speaker 1
03:13:03 Hi miss.03:13:07 There is an entire body of laws.
03:13:09 Against hate crimes.
03:13:14 Everybody seems to be worried about hate.
03:13:20 Hate appears to be the.
03:13:21 Greatest problem of our time.
03:13:27 But hate is good.
03:13:30 Hate use structure throughout life.
03:13:32 Hate gives us a reason to exist.
03:13:35 Something to strike.
03:13:36 And identity hate this energy pure.
03:13:40 Provided by Mother Nature herself, it enables us to see through lies and pretence and helps us to concentrate on these central hate, this democratic, even the rich and the powerful, and not hate more when their slaves and such.
03:13:55 He separates humans from animals.
03:13:58 Animals do not hate, but humans do.
03:14:00 Humans can hate for decades, sometimes their entire life.
03:14:04 We can even pass hate on to our children and we pay polite for some insurance.
03:14:09 A is a sign of abstract things.
03:14:12 Humans can add people they have never seen.
03:14:15 And only humans can get concepts and cruises.
03:14:18 How can we know what?
03:14:19 Love is if we refuse.
03:14:20 To recognize and understand it.
03:14:23 Love and hate.
03:14:24 Are the two opposite sides of the same coin?
03:14:27 Without hate, we are we are in order to be complete.
03:14:31 We hate.
03:14:33 Only fool stock.
03:14:34 Interesting about love.
03:14:36 But the big play?
03:14:39 And soon may well be all that we have 8 emancipates without hate for slavery.
03:14:47 You cannot break your shelves and without hate or injustice, there can be no justice.
03:14:53 The greatest achievements of the human race have grown from from the ability to control.
03:15:01 That separates us from underneath, and they also mess.
03:15:05 Towards the I-239 original.
03:15:10 Embrace it, learn to know it, and learn to use it.
03:15:15 Hate is your most powerful weapon.
03:15:17 Heavy source of your strength.
Speaker 13
03:15:22 What the leader?Speaker 1
03:15:22 He fears most in this world is our ability to hate.03:15:26 Because our hate we one.
03:15:28 Day be the most revolutionary force.
03:15:30 On the planet, our hate will destroy and create empires.
03:15:40 Well, there you go, you.03:15:41 Know one thing I don't understand.
03:15:44 Is the people that are most against hate, you know, like the older magnetars?
03:15:50 Not, not just boomers, but like the.
03:15:53 Gen. X and even millennials.
03:15:57 Their favorite protagonists in films are all driven by hate.
03:16:03 They're all driven by hate.
03:16:06 Like every like you.
03:16:07 Know John Wick, right?
03:16:09 They killed his puppy.
03:16:13 And you know, payback and and die hard.
03:16:17 Like all those movies, right.
03:16:18 It's it's it's always some big tough guy who's who's driven crazy because he hates some bad guys.
03:16:26 So it's not like they can't relate to it.
03:16:32 I don't know.
03:16:37 All right, let's take.
03:16:37 A look here.
03:16:39 UM.
03:16:42 Russell Mcclintock.
03:16:44 Boomers hold the majority of the wealth.
03:16:45 When Trump tweeted his disdain for BTC, he was telling them.
03:16:48 Not to buy it.
03:16:50 This wasn't an accident.
03:16:51 Can't have the boomers passing digital gold to their children.
03:16:55 Would you be willing to do a Bitcoin introduction like you did with ham radio?
03:17:00 No, no.
03:17:01 Only because it's not that I don't.
03:17:04 I mean, I have some Bitcoin or whatever.
03:17:07 But it's.
03:17:09 I don't, I don't I.
03:17:10 Don't want to, like, give financial advice.
03:17:12 When I I it's one of these things.
03:17:15 I can't.
03:17:15 I don't know where it's going.
03:17:18 I don't think anyone really does.
03:17:21 And because it's a, it's not a real asset, it's a digital asset.
03:17:25 It's not a tangible asset.
03:17:28 I feel funny about telling people to invest in that when I think it's probably smarter.
03:17:35 Like it's good to.
03:17:36 It's not a bad thing to to have crypto.
03:17:39 I mean, like I said, I've got some crypto.
03:17:42 It's just that I think right now it's probably smarter to have tangible things.
03:17:50 And I don't I don't mean like gold necessarily.
03:17:52 I mean, like, you know, for me it's.
03:17:56 You know, stuff that's you know, whether it's it's.
03:18:01 Food supply, water supply, trying to working towards being self-sufficient. I don't know that and you know, like I understand the concept behind crypto and Bitcoin and you know, I get it, you know.
03:18:19 And I think people should know about it.
03:18:21 But I don't think that it's.
03:18:25 It it's just it's one of these things where you got to remember the government, the the federal government has confiscated gold before.
03:18:35 They in in America they made gold illegal to own.
03:18:39 Well, that's a lot easier, especially back then to evade that kind of a ban.
03:18:46 Than it would be to evade and I know.
03:18:49 A lot of crypto they'll they'll never.
03:18:50 Get my private keys or whatever it's like.
03:18:52 Well, they can prevent you from accessing the network.
03:18:58 You know, so you might as well it doesn't.
03:19:00 Matter if you've got.
03:19:01 Crypto you can't access or or that you can't turn into anything.
03:19:06 You know if there's no if there's no gateway into real money.
03:19:10 And look if you think that that would destroy the value just in just by doing that right like, imagine if the federal government tomorrow said that Bitcoin was bad.
03:19:22 With the value of Bitcoin go up or down, it would go way ******* down.
03:19:28 So even if it didn't, even though it, you know it doesn't change the fact that Bitcoin's still there and you know it's on the blockchain or whatever.
03:19:36 If you if they ban it, it it's not.
03:19:39 It's it's not very useful if if you're in a grid down situation, it's completely useless.
03:19:46 And the government has the ability just to.
03:19:48 Shut off access to these things.
03:19:51 And censor your Internet and I think we're headed in that direction.
03:19:56 I think we're going to have online ID faster than.
03:19:58 You think and you will, especially with Bitcoin, I think especially if if with Bitcoin if they implement stuff like you know like the Lightning network for example makes it not as.
03:20:09 Not decentralized anymore.
03:20:11 So if they implement any of these things that they're talking about it, they'll have ways of cutting off certain wallets and things like that from.
03:20:20 From transacting.
03:20:21 I don't know.
03:20:22 I I feel like it's it's a thing for nerds.
03:20:25 Like, for those of us who who understand it.
03:20:28 And we're willing to take a risk on it.
03:20:30 I don't feel comfortable telling other people to do that.
03:20:33 With and when they don't understand it.
03:20:35 If that makes sense.
03:20:38 Uh, opera, commandant.
03:20:40 Hey, Devin.
03:20:41 Maybe an interesting subject for a stream.
03:20:43 Israel Keys is a serial killer.
03:20:46 With all the hallmarks of being sheep dipped early life being disturbed, honorably discharged and after leaving the military starts a year's long murder killing spree.
03:20:57 After seeing the interview of Kay Briggs.
03:21:01 Meaning he would be the perfect candidate for the person sheep dip.
03:21:06 Never heard of this guy?
03:21:10 His name is Israel, too.
03:21:11 That's kind of funny.
03:21:14 Israel keys.
03:21:15 I'll looking him up.
03:21:18 And another tab here.
03:21:22 Uh Auburn Commandant again, meaning that he would be perfect.
03:21:28 All right, there.
03:21:28 That part.
03:21:29 Tennis Nuts Judaism is has recognized non binary persons for millennia.
03:21:34 I thought non binary gender was a modern concept.
03:21:38 Check out eight genders in the Talmud.
03:21:42 Easy to search and get a get the gist of it.
03:21:46 Yeah, let's say it's.
03:21:48 Like a lot of this stuff, it's Talmudic.
03:21:52 Gory Boy 1488, just watched the new Tucker vent and noticed that clearly visible Kabbalah bracelet. He is still wearing.
03:22:00 I know he will never be based, just curious as to what his angle is when he said that.
03:22:04 Hope you get the chance to see it.
03:22:07 Uh, yeah, I'll check it out.
03:22:09 Like you know.
03:22:11 And positive, he's not based.
03:22:14 Tennis nuts.
03:22:15 I'll throw in an extra ********.
03:22:16 ******. Well, I appreciate that.
03:22:19 Glock 23. I hate it when I hear and see the letters JQ meaning Jewish question.
03:22:25 Jews are the problem and they are, and they have all the power and there is no question about it.
03:22:32 JQ is gay.
03:22:34 It should be JP for a Jewish problem or Jewish power.
03:22:38 Or JS for Jewish supremacy, something that the Jews admitted to.
03:22:45 In writing very, very recently, what was that article?
03:22:48 It was in?
03:22:50 What was it?
03:22:50 It was in the Israel Times or Jerusalem Post, I forget.
03:22:54 Or maybe was Harrods where they they boasted of their belief in their racial supremacy.
03:23:01 Over the golem.
03:23:03 Until they realized how that was going over in the among the Golem and.
03:23:07 They took it down.
03:23:10 That was just like, well, like a week ago that that happened.
03:23:13 John Connor, the one white pill and thing ethno nationalists don't want to talk about is that there are more white people on the planet now than in any time in history.
03:23:24 We don't need more people, we need to higher quality ones.
03:23:27 Also, the flyer stuff is excellent as it.
03:23:30 Is the best way to accelerate GDL GL Flyers I'll never look at those Flyers, but there you go.
03:23:37 I I would say you're right and wrong.
03:23:39 I mean, maybe there's more white people than before, but percentage wise.
03:23:44 You know what I mean?
03:23:45 Like, that's what matters.
03:23:47 Right.
03:23:50 I mean, cause you're you're in competition with other groups.
03:23:54 It's not as if the rest of the world is just uninhabited.
03:23:57 You know, it's it's a competition for resources and power and our the ratio has has dramatically gone out of our favor.
03:24:09 And that's the problem.
03:24:12 So unless you have a way of dramatically lowering the other numbers, our number being high is is kind of irrelevant, harmless.
03:24:19 Gee, I also got page not found on the articles of the sources.
03:24:22 I asked Chad GBT about Elon Musk Jewish heritage, just like Peter Thiel.
03:24:27 Regardless, do not expect people from the current ruling class to help you.
03:24:33 I'll have to.
03:24:34 Look into that again, then cause like I said, I just asked.
03:24:37 It was like what?
Speaker 7
03:24:39 OK.Devon
03:24:41 So but now, apparently it's saying everyone's Jewish.03:24:43 I kind of like that.
03:24:44 I I you know what, though?
03:24:46 It's it's.
03:24:47 It's the kind of thing I wouldn't be that surprised that if that you know.
03:24:52 Like it's getting there from somewhere.
03:24:55 And I don't think it's something that, like the programmers, would have put in there.
03:24:58 You know, I don't think they're giving them as a data set.
03:25:02 Random 4 Chan posts.
03:25:04 About, you know, like, oh, everyone's.
03:25:05 A Jew like maybe it did, you know, maybe they accidentally gave.
03:25:08 It like bad info but.
03:25:10 I find it.
03:25:11 Curious that it has like a link that looks real to a New York Times like the format of the link is. Is what you would expect to find out on, you know, New York, NY Times link.
03:25:22 And that it's not there that doesn't exist anywhere.
03:25:25 And then look, if there's any people that can make something disappear from the Internet, it's going to be those guys.
03:25:29 But I or not, who knows, who knows.
03:25:33 Man of low moral fiber.
03:25:36 Uh boys.
03:25:36 We need a Lexus Nexus sub.
03:25:39 Any university faggs out there?
03:25:41 Yeah, we didn't need.
03:25:42 We didn't need.Devon
03:25:43 That we need, we need, we need.03:25:44 Like we need databases that we control that we're not just reliant on some AI we don't program.
03:25:54 Oh, here we go.
03:25:56 Someone says.
03:25:56 Found it Jack handy.
03:26:00 Maybe this?
03:26:01 Maybe he is Jewish after all.
03:26:04 ChatGPT was right.
03:26:11 Uh, right here.
03:26:16 What is this? What year is is this 2016, that's not 2014?
03:26:28 Well, yeah, I mean.
03:26:29 Look, look at this.
03:26:34 All right, this is.
03:26:35 This is the author.
03:26:36 That's not him, right?
03:26:38 Where it says my grandparents were.
03:26:41 Holocaust survivors.
03:26:45 Where, where?
03:26:45 Hold on.
03:26:47 The two big takeaways of Phil's Press Club interview Phil thinks Trump, Mexico, Wall comments and religious tests, or figurative field, doesn't seem to have any notion that the statement said by a presidential candidate are like yelling fire in a crowded movie theater. Blah blah feel doesn't know how important the name recognition and politics, blah, blah, blah, blah.
03:27:08 Blah blah blah.Devon
03:27:11 People and politics. But Theo's looking, in fact, voted for Trump.03:27:19 It's been clear since steels RNC speech he doesn't consider Trump's race banning political blah blah blah Thiel supporter Ron Paul or Carly blah blah.
03:27:29 Blah blah blah.Devon
03:27:32 That's the author as grandparents and survivors.03:27:44 Wait, is this a quote?
03:27:45 Wait, hold on.
03:27:51 No, that's still the author.
03:27:59 Yeah, I don't think this is.
03:28:02 This is just the author of this article as a Jew, and he's talking, but I don't think that's Peter Thiel saying he's Jewish.
03:28:24 Ah, here we go.
03:28:27 His father Klaus was born.
03:28:30 In Germany in 1938.
03:28:32 Which means Steele's grandparents parents were German adults during World War 2.
03:28:39 See that just seems weird to me.
03:28:42 You know, maybe look, maybe it's nothing but you know, alright, so there's OK.
03:28:47 There are twin lessons.
03:28:54 Little bum.Devon
03:28:57 Yeah, it doesn't say you just.03:28:59 That's the only.
03:28:59 That's all we're getting out of that article.
03:29:03 So there you go.
03:29:04 There's nothing saying that whether his grandparents were Jews or not, and this author seems to think that they're they weren't, you know.
03:29:15 Reading period the article above, it seems it claims that Jewishness came from the articles author and not quotes from Theo.
03:29:20 Now that I I think I read it wrong, cause I think that's his his.
Speaker 3
03:29:26 Blah blah.Devon
03:29:28 Are there anything that's weird that? Yeah, I don't know. Like I said, I don't know, ChatGPT could be wrong.03:29:32 ChatGPT could be wrong.
03:29:36 Or it could.
03:29:37 Be right and those are just dead links now.
03:29:38 I don't know.
03:29:39 I don't know.
03:29:42 Damn Bigfoot.
03:29:43 You should ask Chad GBT about yourself.
03:29:44 Maybe you're Jewish.
03:29:46 You know, it says I'm a I'm a hate monger.
03:29:48 I did ask about myself.
03:29:51 I'll ask it is Devin Stack Jewish?
03:30:01 I am not aware of any information suggesting that Devin Stack, also known as Black Pilled, is Jewish.
03:30:06 Devin Stack is an American political commentator and YouTuber who covers a range of topics including politics, culture, and current events.
03:30:13 He has not spoken publicly about his religious background or heritage, so I cannot say for certain whether he is Jewish.
03:30:19 Or not.
03:30:19 However, there is no evidence that he is Jewish or that his view is of any particular issue influenced by Jewish.
03:30:24 Identity or culture?
03:30:25 So there you go.
03:30:26 It doesn't think I'm Jewish.
Speaker 3
03:30:29 UM.Devon
03:30:31 So there you go. Glock 23, Anheuser-Busch paid Donald Trump junior to make a video defending Anheuser-Busch. Anheuser-Busch is that desperate.03:30:39 Anheuser-Busch is losing a massive amount of money and business, not only due to the training ship, but also due to the Marxist.
03:30:46 Commercial, they're not, though.
03:30:48 They're not.
03:30:49 They're they're they're they're not.
03:30:51 They're literally not.
03:30:53 Are you not listening to like the entire string?
03:30:56 They're literally not desperate or losing money or any of this stuff like look.
03:31:01 Let me fix it for you.
03:31:03 Alright, you ready?
03:31:06 They're not.
03:31:10 They're literally not. They're up 10% for the year.
03:31:16 Andromeda, Devin on more than one occasion, you had said that you were considering doing deep dive into Charles Lindbergh.
03:31:23 Is that still on your list of possibilities?
03:31:24 Thank you.
03:31:25 I mean, it's a long list of possibilities, though.
03:31:28 Like I said, it just what I do.
03:31:29 Whatever I do, I mean, it's whatever.
03:31:33 Whatever tickles my brain that week, there's not really like a there's not like a schedule or anything like that.
03:31:39 Kozlowski rock, Senate Bill 4 or 844, improved digital ID Act introduced last month, will require ID to sign up onto the Internet.
03:31:48 Also, a passport, health insurance drivers license will be all digital.
03:31:52 Yeah, that's that's that is definitely the direction we're going in.
03:31:56 And last but not least.
03:31:59 Man of low moral fiber.
03:32:02 I can't.
03:32:03 I can't recall if you've played this video of the Black kids accidentally shooting themselves dead.
03:32:09 But you can use it as a future outreach if you want.
03:32:12 It's funny to hear them hoot and holler.
03:32:14 I'm pretty sure I I I don't.
03:32:16 I don't know if it's the same one.
03:32:18 Unless maybe this happens all the time, but I'm pretty sure.
03:32:20 I think I've played it.
03:32:21 On the stream at some point.
03:32:24 But yeah, there we go all.
Speaker 6
03:32:27 Right.Devon
03:32:29 Alright, where are we?03:32:30 Where are we at?
03:32:30 Folks, if you haven't hit that fire button, hit that.
03:32:32 ******* fire button.
03:32:35 We've been live for 3 1/2 hours. Let me go ahead and wrap her up.
03:32:40 Hey, let me hang out regular chat just for a second.
03:32:46 You guys are really delayed.
03:32:47 That's the problem though.
03:32:48 You guys are really ******* delayed.
03:32:54 So it's going to be hard for me to talk to you guys.
03:32:56 You're still looking at me, looking at the the article I.
03:32:58 That's, like, really ******* delayed.
03:33:02 All right. Well, you.
03:33:03 Know I'm probably just going to wrap it up because I won't be able to talk to.
03:33:05 You guys in regular check because you guys are like, delayed by minutes?
03:33:09 So anyway, hope you guys have a wonderful weekend.
03:33:14 I'll see you guys back here on Wednesday.
03:33:18 Same black pilled time, same black pilled channel.
03:33:24 As always.
03:33:26 Appreciate your support.
03:33:28 For black pills I am.
03:33:31 Of course.
Speaker 6
03:33:34 Demon stick.Speaker
03:33:44 Right.