

Speaker 1
00:13:14 Need to be.
Speaker 2
00:03:52 543.
Speaker 3
00:05:18 Now, ladies and gentlemen.
00:05:21 In cooperation with the United States Army recruiting service.
00:11:01 All right, super ghetto time.
00:11:03 Super fun.
00:11:03 Ghetto time.
00:11:05 Super ghetto.
00:11:06 No, my things working the right way.
00:11:09 Get a time.
00:11:11 And the coal burner intro thing playing for.
00:11:14 No reason, alright.
Speaker 5
00:11:17 Think I'm online at least.
00:11:22 I'm not using space Internet by the way.
00:11:25 I've decided that unless something radically changes.
00:11:29 In England's life.
00:11:31 Unless Grimes stops ******* with that man's head, giving him **** for thee.
00:11:40 The degenerate times he had with Amber Heard for a period of God knows how long.
00:11:48 God only knows what happened to that guy.
00:11:52 ******* with his head.
00:11:53 Convincing him to buy Twitter just so he can.
Speaker 5
00:11:57 Pretend as if he's not going to censor it.
00:12:01 And then the moment he gets.
00:12:03 Twitter, he'll delete all the hashtag amber turds.
00:12:08 Everyone knows that's exactly what's happening right now.
Speaker 6
00:12:11 You have to be.
Speaker 5
00:12:12 A fool not to be able to see it.
00:12:16 All right.
00:12:19 I've been trying to get this to work.
00:12:22 Turns out the big trouble.
00:12:25 Is the device I'm tethered to apparently.
00:12:31 Has a very loosey Goosey USB port.
Speaker 5
00:12:36 And I feel like if I.
00:12:37 Even breathe wrong on this thing.
00:12:40 It's right next to me.
00:12:43 It'll just stop working immediately.
00:12:45 So if it just stops working immediately, either it just stopped working immediately cause.
Speaker 5
00:12:49 Why not, right?
00:12:50 It's the insomnia strain.
00:12:51 We're we're known for, for having great connection, right?
Speaker 7
00:12:58 Or I breathed.
Speaker 5
00:12:59 On it wrong or something?
00:13:02 So a little.
00:13:03 Little behind here.
00:13:06 Bear with me.
00:13:07 Yeah, I'm going to get to the Super chats from last last stream.
00:13:11 I didn't get to.
00:13:13 I just boomer screenshot.
00:13:16 It all of.
Speaker 5
00:13:16 Them before I shut it down, I was like, this is this.
00:13:21 Is one way to do it.
00:13:23 UM.
00:13:25 And I'm going to go over a lot.
00:13:26 Of the stuff that I didn't have.
Speaker 6
00:13:28 The chance to go over.
00:13:31 Last time, if I can ******* find.
00:13:34 The project file.
00:13:35 Where's the ******* project file?
00:13:39 Let me hide that that Grey square of mystery.
00:13:43 No Grey square of mystery.
00:13:45 What did I call that thing?
00:13:47 Hope you guys are doing good.
00:13:48 I didn't advertise this stream either, so it's only the ******** people right now.
00:13:53 It's only the real.
00:13:55 That are here right now.
00:13:56 I haven't.
00:13:56 I didn't.
Speaker 5
00:13:58 I think I I I don't know.
00:14:00 I don't know if.
00:14:00 I'm going to advertise it cause.
00:14:01 Like I kind of feel like a an *******.
00:14:05 If I advertise it.
00:14:07 And then it's like it just goes all.
00:14:09 The **** you know, so.
00:14:12 Let's see.
00:14:13 Let's see.
00:14:14 Let's let's just see what's let's see what's going on.
00:14:18 So far it's kind of working.
00:14:19 Right.
00:14:19 I guess.
00:14:20 Oh, that's OK.
00:14:20 That's not what.
00:14:21 I was looking for.
00:14:24 Alright, let's. Let's see here.
00:14:30 I think I might accidentally called something.
00:14:32 Else also I've just been.
00:14:34 There's a lot of robbing I had.
00:14:36 No idea. Bees did this.
Speaker 6
00:14:39 Bees are vicious little *******.
00:14:41 I had no idea.
00:14:44 That bees just savagely.
00:14:48 Tormented the week, I mean it's.
00:14:50 Kind of ****** if you think.
00:14:51 About it.
00:14:52 But it's also kind of infuriating.
00:14:56 They they what they do is they.
00:14:58 Uh, as I've told you guys, I have.
00:15:01 I've extensively extensively expanded my operation out here.
00:15:05 And uh.
Speaker 7
00:15:07 There's one hive.
00:15:09 One eye that that that did not do did not fare so well when it came to the shipping.
00:15:16 You know the way that they ship bees.
00:15:19 It's just, it's kind of fascinating to even do this.
00:15:22 Shut up.
00:15:23 You're you're not part of this.
00:15:24 OK.
00:15:26 You're not part of this.
00:15:27 You're not.
00:15:27 You're you're go do go do something else.
00:15:29 I'm talking about bees.
00:15:32 See what I have to put up?
00:15:33 With around here.
00:15:35 So the way they ship bees, it's.
00:15:39 In these like.
00:15:40 Wooden crates very shoddily put together wooden crates.
00:15:45 What if I can find a picture of?
00:15:46 One of these things.
00:15:48 Sure, I can find a picture of 1.
Speaker 6
00:15:49 Of these things, what?
00:15:50 If my Internet can handle me.
00:15:52 Running a picture of 1.
Speaker 5
00:15:52 Of these things I'm using.
00:15:56 Internet they will most likely be throttled, but after tonight?
00:16:00 But that's it's an emergency situation.
00:16:02 I haven't quite worked.
Speaker 5
00:16:03 Out what I'm going to do yet.
00:16:05 So I'm using kind of a ghetto solution right now for the mean time.
00:16:09 So we're going, we're trying to milk it.
00:16:10 For what it's worth.
00:16:13 I'm sure I'll get.
00:16:14 The Nice part about this Internet is they e-mail you to.
00:16:17 Let you know.
00:16:19 Oh, you're you're being a naughty boy.
Speaker 5
00:16:23 You're being a naughty boy.
00:16:25 You're using too much Internet.
Speaker 6
00:16:27 You're in the top 5% of Internet users, just so you know that's that's that's unacceptable. We will be throttling you soon.
00:16:37 You usually get that The funny thing is, they usually actually they.
00:16:39 Usually throttle you first and then you get.
00:16:41 That e-mail the next morning and.
00:16:42 You're like, yeah, OK.
Speaker 6
00:16:44 OK, alright.
00:16:47 So let's see.
00:16:48 Hope you guys watched the replay.
00:16:51 It was.
00:16:51 It's kind of a bummer.
00:16:52 I had so.
00:16:52 Much like.
00:16:53 Well, I mean, we'll we'll kind of try to pick up where we left off last stream.
00:16:57 But I had.
00:16:58 I had a lot.
00:16:58 Of cool **** all ready to go, all ready to go.
00:17:03 Yeah, yeah, that's right already.
00:17:06 You know what?
00:17:06 I'm talking about.
00:17:08 We should shut up about it, but you know.
Speaker 3
00:17:12 Yeah, yeah.
00:17:15 I don't know where is it?
00:17:15 Where, where, where, where.
00:17:16 This ******* file go.
00:17:18 You know where did.
00:17:18 This file go.
00:17:21 I hate this.
00:17:22 When do they start doing this?
00:17:25 Web web P web.
00:17:27 P is an image format you know like if you try to save anything now from a browser, it's like oh it's not JPEG or ping anymore now.
00:17:36 It's a web P.
00:17:38 Web P the nothing's compatible with web P.
00:17:43 Alright, here's the web P.
Speaker 6
00:17:46 I think.
00:17:48 No, no, that's not going to work.
00:17:51 It's not going to work.
00:17:51 At all.
00:17:53 See if this will load a.
00:17:54 Web P.
00:17:56 Let's load a web.
00:17:57 Oh, there we go.
00:17:58 A webp.
00:17:59 Here's our web P.
00:18:03 All right, so there's.
00:18:06 This is package BS it.
00:18:07 Shows up in something like this.
00:18:10 People the mail that the mail or the post office.
00:18:15 Usually not too excited when this goes.
00:18:17 This shows up either.
00:18:19 There's always some kind of.
00:18:21 Yeah, you know, you know what you can.
00:18:23 Go lay down now.
00:18:25 I think quite enough of you is if this could be all night long, I'm going to stuff you in that T-shirt cannon and just launch you into the ******* desert.
00:18:32 Alright, so I'll put you in a beehive.
00:18:34 I'll put you.
00:18:35 Yeah, I'll mail you.
00:18:36 I'll mail you.
00:18:38 And you're not going.
00:18:39 To like.
00:18:39 It all right so.
00:18:43 Yeah. So anyway.
00:18:45 This is.
00:18:45 What they look like?
00:18:47 If it worked out well, this is what it looks like.
00:18:50 If everything went smoothly.
00:18:52 Well, everything did not go smoothly in one.
00:18:54 Of the package bees that I got.
00:18:56 They uh, hold on.
00:18:58 Hold on.
00:18:58 I got I got.
00:19:03 Do that.
00:19:03 Go do something.
00:19:06 For the love of God.
00:19:09 All right.
Speaker 5
00:19:14 Ah, you know what?
00:19:26 I I had to.
00:19:26 I just had.
00:19:27 To do it I it was I.
00:19:29 Had to do at least some of it.
00:19:33 OK so.
00:19:36 They show up, they show up like this, except for in this.
00:19:39 Case it showed.
00:19:40 Up like all of those.
00:19:42 Dead on the ground like.
00:19:44 And this picture is like maybe a couple, maybe dead.
00:19:47 It's hard to tell if they're dead or just chilling.
00:19:48 At the bottom.
00:19:49 It was not hard to.
00:19:50 Tell when when this showed up, they.
00:19:52 Were pretty much all dead and the.
00:19:54 Like there was the the Queen and.
00:19:56 Like maybe like a.
00:19:57 A fistful of bees and I had to argue with the bee guy forever about like he didn't want to replace him, even though it was.
00:20:05 It was his **** ** or it wasn't his **** **.
00:20:08 It was the the the Postal Service that took 10 days.
00:20:11 They're supposed to take like 3 days.
00:20:13 To get.
00:20:13 Here it took ten days, so they were just hanging out and some ******* post office somewhere.
Speaker 5
00:20:19 And and and I know.
00:20:21 I know I could picture exactly what happened, especially because the.
00:20:27 The post office, where it got stuck.
00:20:29 Happened to me.
00:20:30 In a in a in a very diverse part.
00:20:31 Of the country and I and I could picture it happening.
00:20:34 I could picture it.
00:20:35 Happening I could.
00:20:36 Picture Jamal walking into the back room, looking at the this this box of bees.
00:20:42 Ohh hell no, I I'm I am putting that in my ******* truck.
00:20:46 Ohh hell no.
Speaker 5
00:20:49 There ain't going to be no ******* bees.
00:20:51 In my truck.
00:20:53 And I knew exactly.
00:20:54 I knew exactly, exactly, that, that was what was going on.
00:20:58 And I called up and I talked to the post.
00:21:01 I was like, why is?
00:21:01 It just ******* sitting here.
00:21:03 Why is he just ******* sitting?
00:21:04 There, it's been there for four ******* days.
Speaker 5
00:21:06 This I this is this.
00:21:07 Is like a.
00:21:08 It's they're alive.
00:21:09 Well, they were.
Speaker 5
00:21:11 You know, living things, been sitting in this *******.
00:21:13 Post office.
00:21:15 Where probably everyone that works there is black.
00:21:18 It's been sitting there for four ******* days.
00:21:20 It's stay there.
Speaker 6
00:21:21 For like 6 days.
00:21:24 And eventually it showed up with like a fistful of it was a fistful of bees.
00:21:29 It was not a pet, it was a fist full of bees and a box of sticky dead bees.
00:21:36 And I.
Speaker 5
00:21:36 Was like oh.
00:21:38 You know, the queen was still alive.
00:21:39 So I stuck him into.
00:21:40 An A.
00:21:40 Hive and you know it was just like it was just barely.
00:21:44 They were just barely enough bees to wear.
00:21:46 Like you could say you had bees instead of bee.
00:21:51 Because because it was really close to just being.
00:21:54 Like oh I.
Speaker 9
00:21:54 Got packaged B.
Speaker 5
00:21:57 I got a big box of B.
00:22:01 But now there was just there was just enough where I could still say bees.
00:22:05 And I stuck them in that hive and I decided to nurse them back to health.
00:22:12 I struggled with it for for weeks.
00:22:15 I stole frames of brood and and other bees from other hives.
00:22:20 And managed to get them kind of going again kind of going.
00:22:26 And I I I kind of was I was kind of impressed with myself I.
Speaker 5
00:22:30 Was like oh.
00:22:32 You're a.
00:22:32 You're a ******* beekeeper.
00:22:36 You're one of those ******* beekeepers.
Speaker 6
00:22:38 Now look at you.
00:22:39 You, you.
00:22:40 Managed to turn this into.
00:22:43 You know you went from a fistful.
Speaker 5
00:22:44 Of of bees.
00:22:45 Almost bee to a full-fledged ******* colony.
00:22:51 And uh, yeah, they're actually, they're they're standing around, I'm sitting there feeding them sugar syrup and throwing ******* pollen patties and stuff and they're like.
00:23:00 But then the death came.
00:23:02 Then came the dearth.
Speaker 6
00:23:05 The dearth.
00:23:07 Death is the fancy word.
Speaker 5
00:23:10 The use for no more food for bees.
00:23:15 There's no more nectar, no more pollen.
00:23:18 And well, mostly because of no rain, no rain in this area and and hot as ******* balls.
00:23:26 And when that happens?
00:23:30 What bees do?
00:23:32 Is they? They they.
00:23:34 They don't like just taking a couple days off.
00:23:36 They're not.
00:23:36 Like oh this.
Speaker 5
00:23:37 Is great.
00:23:39 I have to ******* fly all over the place.
00:23:40 Filling up my pollen ******* sacks with.
00:23:44 Pollen and ****.
00:23:46 Don't have to be driving around all over the.
00:23:47 ******* place. Look at.
00:23:48 This you know.
Speaker 5
00:23:50 It's a death.
00:23:51 We can take a month off we.
00:23:53 Got all this honey saved?
00:23:55 We can just kick back, relax and justice.
00:23:57 Eat this ******* honey we got.
00:23:59 Hey, looking even if we don't eat this, honey, Devon's been a nice guy. He loaded all the sugar water in.
00:24:05 Here for us.
00:24:06 So we can we can just eat this.
00:24:08 We can just, you know, eat this and and just not worry about it.
00:24:12 No, no.
00:24:14 Bees aren't like that.
00:24:15 They are not lazy.
00:24:17 These are a lot of things, but they're not lazy *******.
00:24:20 So apparently what they do is.
00:24:22 They start looking over at the other hives and they're like, ah, you know that?
00:24:26 Remember that hive over there that the new guys that they rolled in they.
00:24:31 They were almost dead when.
00:24:32 They showed up and uh.
00:24:35 They're not looking so hot, you know.
00:24:36 They're not as powerful as we are.
00:24:40 There, there, there are populations.
00:24:41 Not quite.
00:24:42 What ours are I?
00:24:43 Bet we could ******* take them.
00:24:45 I barely go in there and.
00:24:47 Justice. Take their ******* honey.
00:24:50 That's what they do, they.
00:24:51 Just they they.
00:24:52 Just storm in there and they just start murdering all the the bees.
00:24:56 And so I came out one day.
00:24:59 To check on.
00:25:00 Them because of the we we had like record heat.
00:25:02 It was super ******* hot and as it was, it was for most.
00:25:06 Of the country.
00:25:07 The last you know, couple of days ago.
00:25:09 And I got up to like, you know, it was well, well, well into triple digits.
00:25:13 And I've done stuff and, you know, keep the high school and stuff like that.
00:25:17 But I walk out there and and it was like World War B going on out there and not not with all the hives, just that one hive that I tried so hard to keep alive.
00:25:26 That I thought was actually doing good.
00:25:28 And there was a pile of dead ******* bees.
00:25:32 You know, like the casualties of of war, I guess.
00:25:36 Underneath the hive and they were just getting ******* *** raped.
Speaker 5
00:25:41 So I have some tricks.
00:25:43 To try to to mitigate it, I had to.
00:25:45 Go through this.
00:25:47 When I first established them, that all the other hives realized right away that, oh, these ******* are are weak and on on their last legs they they tried to rob them.
00:25:56 When I first put them in and they was happening again and it was.
00:26:02 Pretty much a nightmare today.
00:26:03 Trying to just keep that colony alive, but I think I've done it.
00:26:06 I think I've managed to pull.
00:26:09 Anyway, that was a long, long, pointless story about.
00:26:14 Why I'm all?
Speaker 5
00:26:15 Dehydrated and irritable right now.
00:26:20 So yeah, dealing with the with the B thing.
00:26:25 I just refused to.
00:26:26 I refuse to give up on this ******* hive.
00:26:28 I you know, I should probably just let them, you know, let let the week die.
00:26:32 I just and I would normally, right, because I I my strategy, my strategy, long term.
00:26:40 Is to let the weaker hives die and to try to not reward weakness with the you know, by not like splitting and breeding the bees that are underperformers.
00:26:56 Just let them ******* die.
00:26:58 They can't hang, they can ******* die.
00:27:01 And actually use the process of natural selection of my operation.
00:27:05 Here, something that's sorely lacking, you know.
Speaker 5
00:27:08 People always talk about I gotta save the bees.
00:27:12 We're going to save the.
00:27:13 Bees, everyone's always saying like they know what they're.
00:27:15 Talking about and, we're going to save the bees.
00:27:17 All the all these.
00:27:18 Hives are are collapsing first of all.
Speaker 5
00:27:21 The honey bees are not even.
00:27:22 Native at all to North America.
00:27:24 So like.
00:27:25 If they all get died, yeah, I'd be.
00:27:28 Sad thing, but it would.
00:27:29 Mostly just be sad for the ******* almond farmers.
00:27:32 In in California like it would.
00:27:34 It's not going to affect Oh my.
Speaker 5
00:27:36 God, yeah, we we don't have.
00:27:39 Nothing's reporting all the plants are dying in North America.
00:27:42 Now there's lots of.
00:27:43 Bees like they're just not honey bees.
00:27:45 There's tons of they're not collapsing.
00:27:47 The reason why all the honey bees are collapsing in America is we're raising it's just genics it's dysgenics because just like everything that capitalism touches, you know, it's just they're, they're, they're they're rewarding the hives that are are that have other characteristics that have nothing to do with surviving.
00:28:09 The environment, right.
00:28:11 And so they're just keeping alive these sickly bees that are limping along and just barely surviving thanks to human intervention.
00:28:20 All these, you know, treatments and all these chemicals and **** like that.
00:28:24 Just to keep these ******* bees.
00:28:26 Alive so that they don't lose it.
00:28:28 It's also they don't lose.
Speaker 5
00:28:29 A little bit of money now, right?
00:28:33 Yeah, because it's capitalism.
00:28:34 Like if they just decide.
Speaker 5
00:28:35 You know what?
00:28:35 **** it.
00:28:36 Let's let these verola.
00:28:37 Mites and and you know all these these diseases and and.
00:28:42 Maybe even like the pesticides?
00:28:43 Or whatever it is that's ******* killing the bees.
00:28:46 Let's just let it kill the bees.
00:28:47 That's going.
Speaker 5
00:28:48 To kill and we'll lose a little bit.
00:28:51 Of money for like a year or two until.
00:28:53 The the weak genetics are.
00:28:54 Out of the gene pool.
00:28:56 And that's which is kind of what happened to the wild, right?
00:28:58 Like all the feral bees that are out there, their populations ******* plummeted when they had some of these, you know, thanks to globalism, you had all these parasites and and diseases and stuff that that, that spread into the population.
00:29:11 North America, you had the feral bee population go to go to ****.
00:29:17 But because natural selection exists, the the feral population after a couple of years or so, recovered.
00:29:26 And now the feral bees.
00:29:28 And I'm not even talking about like the Africanized bees, but, like, just the feral bees.
00:29:32 Are now fine.
00:29:34 They get by just fine.
00:29:35 You're not having to like ******* steam.
00:29:37 You're not having to like, vaporize ******* like exalt like acid, like clouds of you're not having to gas the the bee mites.
00:29:46 Which is actually kind of.
00:29:47 Funny the way that you keep.
00:29:48 Bees alive the way that you keep.
00:29:50 The European bees alive.
00:29:53 Is see.
00:29:53 What? What kills?
00:29:54 European bees and Caucasian bees.
00:29:57 I'm not.
00:29:57 I'm not being funny.
00:29:58 These are all real terms.
00:30:02 The the most common B is is the European B, but the the B that's.
00:30:06 Even gentler is called the Caucasian B.
00:30:08 That's not a lie.
00:30:09 It's a real thing.
00:30:11 But the way the way you keep these ******* alive is, you know, they get these mites, they get these parasites.
00:30:18 The the Caucasian European bees, they get these parasites.
00:30:23 That feed on them and they give them diseases.
00:30:29 Right.
00:30:30 And the way you know, the way that industrial farmers have decided that they can keep these ******* alive.
00:30:36 Is they lock them up in their hives and they gasp the ******* hives.
00:30:42 They gas them with auxiliary acid and some other.
00:30:47 And the gassing, just enough to where like it's.
00:30:50 Just it doesn't kill.
00:30:51 The bees, while it kills some of the bees.
Speaker 10
00:30:54 But it doesn't.
Speaker 9
00:30:55 Kill all the bees.
00:30:56 And it doesn't.
00:30:57 Even kill all the parasites.
00:30:58 But it kills more of the parasites than it does the bees.
00:31:02 And so the parasites fall off of them, and then they're, you know, they do that a couple times a year and.
00:31:10 If they had just not done that, right, if they had just said OK.
00:31:15 These parasites.
Speaker 5
00:31:17 Are going to kill.
00:31:19 A lot of the bees.
00:31:22 But the bees in the wild.
00:31:24 Right, the feral bees.
00:31:27 Aren't getting ******* gassed and they have the same ******* parasites because those parasites.
00:31:33 Made it into the bee population pretty much 100% in North America.
00:31:38 And if they just left it alone.
00:31:40 You would just have bees that didn't get.
00:31:43 Killed by the ******* parasites by.
00:31:45 Now you'd like, it'd be fine.
Speaker 5
00:31:48 Everything would be fine.
00:31:50 You wouldn't have all these ******* chemicals.
00:31:51 All these colonies collapsing and.
00:31:54 Stuff like that, no?
00:31:56 And so instead.
00:31:56 We have these genetics that are weak and dependent on getting.
00:32:01 Their hives gassed twice a.
00:32:03 Year to kill off all.
00:32:05 The parasites and stuff like that.
00:32:07 And I don't.
00:32:08 Want to ******* play that game I don't want.
00:32:09 To play that game.
00:32:12 I don't want to be ******* gassing.
00:32:13 My hives all the time like that.
00:32:17 That just doesn't sound cool to me.
00:32:18 So I rolled the dice with a bunch of different genetics, knowing that many of them will die.
00:32:26 That's just the way it is, or many will.
00:32:29 I don't know.
00:32:29 Who knows?
00:32:30 Maybe maybe they've just been unnecessarily.
00:32:32 Asking all the.
00:32:33 Bees I'm probably not.
00:32:34 I'm sure some of.
00:32:34 Them will die.
00:32:36 And whoever, you know, whatever bees don't die, those will be the ones that are immune to the effects of these parasites.
00:32:44 And you know, you do that long enough.
00:32:46 Eventually you've got genetics that are.
00:32:48 Just stronger.
00:32:50 So that's that's.
00:32:53 That's the strategy I'm going to be using here.
00:32:57 The thing is that we hive hive I'm trying to keep alive.
00:33:00 I want them to at least have a fighting chance.
00:33:02 It's not their fault that Tyrone kept them in the back.
00:33:04 Room and and at the post office for five days straight cause he.
Speaker 6
00:33:08 Was scared of bees.
Speaker 5
00:33:10 Ohh hell no.
00:33:18 Anyway, enough about be enough.
Speaker 5
00:33:19 About the bees.
00:33:22 You're always talking about the bees.
Speaker 6
00:33:26 No more bees.
00:33:35 My audio is going to be a little ******* stupid tonight.
00:33:37 I accidentally did something.
00:33:38 It was too late.
00:33:39 It was too late to change the audio source.
00:33:42 So I'm hoping the audio works right, it might not work right?
00:33:46 We're about to find out.
00:33:48 I'm going to.
00:33:50 Try playing something here and see.
00:33:52 If it ******* actually plays.
Speaker 11
00:33:54 Life lecture groups I do lecture on various occult.
Speaker 6
00:33:58 OK, it's not working right.
00:34:01 Let me see if I can fix that.
00:34:06 Let me see if I can fix that.
00:34:12 Yeah, unfortunately.
00:34:14 You use a different audio source.
00:34:20 It totally ***** with.
00:34:23 Obs. And.
Speaker 11
00:34:27 All subjects, it isn't all.
00:34:28 There we go.
00:34:29 That's going to work, OK.
00:34:33 So if you watch the.
00:34:37 If you watch the stream, the replay of the stream, because I don't think there was any real way to watch the ******* stream.
00:34:46 Unless you had, like an unbelievable amount of patience and.
00:34:49 I like to hit refresh a lot.
00:34:52 If you watched the last stream you saw, you saw that I was playing clips from Anton Levay.
00:35:00 Which is an alias for a Jewish man by the name of Howard Levy.
00:35:06 Who founded the Church of Satan?
Speaker 6
00:35:10 Whose family came here from Eastern Europe.
00:35:15 Or Jewish or Ukrainian Jews from.
00:35:20 Like so many other of our.
00:35:23 Of our favorite.
00:35:26 They came here at the turn of the century, becoming his family, becoming.
00:35:35 In the year 1900, in fact, he's first generation.
00:35:40 1st generation.
00:35:42 I was going to pull this **** up here.
00:35:45 Bump, bump, bump bum.
00:35:50 Is this going to work OK?
00:35:51 Going to work OK.
00:35:54 So he's first generation.
00:36:00 They even like they even bother to like, try to acclimate right there.
00:36:04 There is no assimilation happening here at.
00:36:06 All they went straight from let's have a.
00:36:09 Kid who who?
00:36:10 Founds the Church of Satan in in America.
00:36:13 That's our American dream.
00:36:16 You know it.
00:36:16 It was it.
00:36:17 It was, it was like Feifel goes West.
00:36:21 Now it was Feifel goes West.
00:36:23 Let's we're only going to load into the the ship and and come to America.
00:36:28 And where there's no.
00:36:29 There are no cats, which, by the way, if you wanted to watch the the review I did with guide to culture, it's now available without having to go through a pay wall on bit shoot and I think Odyssey.
00:36:41 I put the link out on telegram.
00:36:44 Speaking, which I wonder if I should it.
00:36:45 Seems like it's working.
00:36:48 I wonder if I should put out the.
00:36:50 I don't know how many people we got here.
00:36:52 Should I just say **** it and we'll just, uh, I'll advertise later.
00:36:57 How many people?
00:36:58 I don't even know how many people we got.
00:36:59 I I'm afraid to look.
00:37:01 I'm afraid to load anything up.
Speaker 6
00:37:05 Let me let me see here.
00:37:08 Let me see here.
00:37:12 I'll always put on Telegram.
00:37:16 I feel like it's gonna jinx it.
00:37:17 I'm like.
00:37:17 Afraid I'm gonna like, hey everybody.
Speaker 5
00:37:20 Come on in.
00:37:22 The the stream is working fine and then they're just going to ******* crash all over the place.
00:37:27 The second idea that.
00:37:30 Whatever. I'm going to try.
00:37:33 I'm going to try.
00:37:34 I'll at least put it on gab and telegram.
00:37:36 I'm not going to put it on on the YouTube community page, which I've been doing, which I think actually reaches a weird amount of people that are just.
00:37:44 Too lazy to actually get off of YouTube and.
00:37:51 Get out of seeing in Gab or something.
00:37:56 Let me get load up.
00:37:57 Yeah, here.
00:38:01 Let's see, we should do a fancy.
00:38:05 Kind of don't want to do the Samuel Samuel, maybe.
00:38:07 I'll just do the.
00:38:07 Samuel Samuel.
00:38:10 Just just in the interest of moving things along here.
Speaker 6
00:38:17 Live now.
00:38:27 I even made a thumbnail.
00:38:28 Well, I kind.
00:38:28 Of made a thumbnail for tonight.
00:38:45 Alright, there, there we go.
00:38:47 It's on gab.
00:38:48 It's on gab.
00:38:50 We'll put it out to telegram here.
00:38:58 We're going to get it straightened out like I.
00:39:00 Said that's, you know, **** **** Starling.
00:39:04 I might do this.
00:39:04 I might hang.
00:39:05 What I might do is hang on to star link for so I can download videos and **** like that during the day and just deal with having.
00:39:11 We might have to shift the time later just to deal with it.
00:39:16 You know, I was looking at Starlink to give you guys an idea of why I'm worried about throttling.
00:39:23 I know people.
00:39:23 Who don't quite understand the throttling issue.
00:39:28 When I look at.
00:39:29 My Starlink connection and that's just for one device.
00:39:34 And I asked it how much data that I've used in the last 30 days.
00:39:39 And again, there's just one device.
00:39:42 In the last 30 days.
00:39:44 I've used about 300 gigs.
00:39:49 And I haven't even been going hard at my connection, so that's like average use.
00:39:53 So average use for me.
00:39:55 Is about 10 gigs a day.
00:39:58 And there's not a hot spot in the.
00:40:00 World that likes that.
00:40:02 And if you get the business plans from these *******, they they make you pay for it.
00:40:08 It's it. It's so.
00:40:09 Much money I'd be I'd be losing money.
00:40:11 As generous as.
00:40:11 You guys are, I would be.
00:40:13 Losing money, it's it's not exactly.
00:40:16 They don't have an affordable business plan, really.
00:40:19 But anyway.
Speaker 6
00:40:22 Yeah, here we go.
00:40:24 Bump, Bump, bump, bump.
00:40:27 So yeah, or Howard levy.
00:40:31 Howard Levy's family.
00:40:34 They came to America to to chase the American dream of.
00:40:39 Establishing the Church of Satan here on Earth.
00:40:44 And so Howard levy.
00:40:47 Dressed as an actual devil.
00:40:51 Went to.
00:40:54 Went to church or went I.
00:40:55 Went on TV.
00:40:57 To promote his his satanic.
00:41:01 His satanic worldview, which if you listen carefully.
00:41:07 Is indistinguishable.
00:41:10 From libertarian philosophy, when it comes to social issues.
00:41:18 In fact, as I've pointed out before.
00:41:22 The 80s, the 80s. Sadness.
00:41:26 Which is to say, his daughter, and then that one weird 11 eared freak that was running the show with her.
00:41:34 When we went over that interview a.
00:41:35 Few few months back.
00:41:38 They were actually to the right.
00:41:41 To the right of libertarians.
00:41:45 Now the reason I bring that up.
Speaker 5
00:41:50 That's what Maga is.
00:41:53 On social issues, it's libertarianism.
00:41:57 That's what conservatives have become.
00:42:03 At least on social issues, I mean, **** if we're gonna have libertarians running the.
00:42:09 I would appreciate at least having.
00:42:13 The economic policies, you know something?
00:42:17 No, no.
00:42:19 We've got the worst of both worlds.
00:42:23 We get the economically they're they're neocons.
00:42:28 Where they love giving money to Israel and and setting.
00:42:31 Us up, you know.
00:42:31 To die for Israel and pass anti-Semitism laws.
Speaker 5
00:42:36 And if you want to be gay, **** it.
00:42:39 And by it I mean men's *****.
00:42:43 All day long, it doesn't matter.
00:42:45 **** men in the *** it whatever you do, the privacy of your own home, it does not affect me.
Speaker 5
00:42:53 They it's literally 1960 Satanism.
00:42:58 It's everything this guy and the devil costume says.
00:43:02 And he articulates.
00:43:03 It as such.
00:43:05 Which is why it's it's no *******.
00:43:09 Not it. It's not crazy.
00:43:12 That when you look into the the.
00:43:13 Current version of this man's church, which still exists today when you have the the what is it like in Chicago, where they had the religious displays at at at the town hall or where, you know, whatever the **** that was.
00:43:27 Or they had.
Speaker 5
00:43:28 The the Menorah and they.
00:43:29 Had the the Christmas tree and the ******* Satan.
00:43:32 We're like, well, God dammit.
00:43:36 We're going to have a giant Baphomet statue statue and they just.
00:43:41 They just had to go with it.
00:43:45 They just had to go with it because they were.
00:43:47 They were libertarians.
00:43:52 Because they agreed with the sadness.
00:43:56 Because they had no argument.
00:44:00 If you're going to represent Jews and you're going to represent Christians, and you're going to pretend as if there is no religious identity to the nation.
00:44:11 You can't exclude sadness.
Speaker 5
00:44:14 On what grounds could you exclude sadness?
00:44:20 You have no argument.
00:44:24 You can't even say there's anything wrong with trans kids.
00:44:28 As long as they're doing the privacy.
00:44:30 Of their own home, right?
00:44:36 So that's why.
00:44:38 And The funny thing is, these ******* know it, right?
00:44:40 They they kind of know it deep down.
00:44:42 But they're stuck.
00:44:43 They're stuck with that privacy of their own home.
00:44:46 So, like the best they.
00:44:47 Can ever do?
00:44:48 The best they can.
00:44:49 Ever do, which is limp wristed the best.
00:44:51 The best that they can, they can.
00:44:53 Kind of pull off.
00:44:54 Is is the **** like DeSantis?
00:44:55 Well, well, you.
00:44:56 Know do it in the schools.
00:44:58 That's not the privacy of your own home.
00:45:02 We only allow pedophilia if it's happening in your living room.
00:45:06 You can.
00:45:06 It cannot be happening in the classroom.
00:45:11 You got to keep that **** behind closed doors.
00:45:18 But of course, there's no argument for that, right?
00:45:23 That's why they're taking it to court.
00:45:28 That's why it there's a good chance.
00:45:29 The court will overturn it.
00:45:34 Because you you have no moral argument, your argument is that it's happening at a.
Speaker 5
00:45:38 At a school instead of.
00:45:40 In a bedroom.
Speaker 5
00:45:44 Well, if it's fine.
00:45:46 In this building.
00:45:48 Why isn't it fine?
00:45:49 In this building.
Speaker 5
00:45:54 Is it the building?
00:45:57 What is it about this building?
00:46:00 That makes being a ****** wrong.
Speaker 5
00:46:03 There's kids in both of the buildings.
00:46:11 You know, like so you.
00:46:13 Have no ******* argument.
00:46:17 You have no ******* argument.
00:46:20 You allow you you allow because of you.
00:46:24 You're afraid of being called.
Speaker 6
00:46:26 Oh yeah, Puritan wet blanket.
00:46:31 Oh, you don't want to be 1.
00:46:32 Of those judgy Christians?
Speaker 5
00:46:38 We can't have you.
00:46:39 Being one of those judgy Christians.
00:46:43 Haven't you seen all all movies for the last 50 years?
00:46:47 That's the worst thing.
00:46:48 You can be.
00:46:52 You want to be a *******.
00:46:53 Church, lady. Oh my God.
00:46:56 That's like the least cool person ever.
00:47:09 And they gave up their moral high ground.
00:47:13 And they did it when?
00:47:14 They gave up God.
00:47:19 They gave it up when they started giving excuses.
00:47:22 To all of their.
00:47:24 The sad thing is, it's like they they.
00:47:26 Had such a.
00:47:27 ******* lack of leadership on the right.
00:47:31 That they were like, hey, maybe this.
00:47:32 ******* game show host will fix things.
00:47:38 Maybe this game show host who's famous for being a complete degenerate.
00:47:47 And just like a spoiled ******* monster.
00:47:50 Maybe he'll fix things because he says he says the stuff that we're too ***** to say sometimes.
00:48:06 In a way.
00:48:06 That still won't, you know that still.
00:48:08 Fits within this our Satanic.
Speaker 5
00:48:11 Worldview of of hell as.
00:48:13 Long as it's happening, the.
00:48:14 Privacy of their own home.
00:48:27 He tells he tells Funny Hahas.
Speaker 5
00:48:30 He said little Marco.
00:48:38 So when people bring up the fact that he's just this degenerate ****** himself, that's fine.
00:48:43 We're all *******.
00:48:48 He makes me feel safe.
00:48:52 Because he's not a *****.
00:48:53 We're so used to like leadership that's just full on.
00:48:57 Sweaty hairy vagina.
00:49:00 That when this guy says he grabs women by the ******* and does the funny haha.
Speaker 6
00:49:06 We're like, yeah, he wasn't.
00:49:07 He's he's.
Speaker 5
00:49:07 Not even ******* apologizing.
00:49:11 Because he's not blubbering and apologizing every time the the mainstream media calls him out.
00:49:20 Like like all of our our, our complete Fagot leadership has the the for the last century.
Speaker 5
00:49:29 He's our guy.
00:49:39 Doesn't matter that he has no character.
00:49:41 It doesn't matter that.
00:49:42 He's probably an atheist.
00:49:44 It doesn't know it.
Speaker 5
00:49:45 Doesn't you know, it doesn't matter at all?
00:49:49 That's that's just how ****** things.
00:49:50 That's how ****** things got.
00:49:53 This ******* used car salesman.
00:49:55 He's he's our guy.
00:50:06 This is fine, right?
00:50:10 This is all just fun.
Speaker 5
00:50:14 This is normal.
00:50:16 As long as it's not happening in.
Speaker 10
00:50:17 Front of kids.
00:50:19 This is not like a warning about anything, this is.
00:50:22 This is.
00:50:23 Not the universe.
00:50:24 Trying to tell us that maybe, maybe things have gone awry.
00:50:30 Maybe we should.
00:50:31 We should stop for.
00:50:32 A moment and go.
00:50:33 I don't know this is starting to just.
00:50:34 Seem like blatant evil.
00:50:42 Like it's it's starting to feel like.
Speaker 6
00:50:45 I'm in hell.
00:50:48 Like somehow we're just celebrating the hell.
00:50:52 We have like a.
00:50:52 Whole month.
00:50:53 Right now we're in.
00:50:54 We're in the.
00:50:54 Month that that's proud of.
00:50:58 Being in hell.
00:51:03 Sure, I'll grumble about it and complain.
00:51:05 But that's about it.
00:51:08 Starting my mom today and tomorrow's Father's Day guys. Or maybe right now, if you're listening to this tomorrow.
00:51:19 And she was talking to me and saying, oh, yeah, your sister, she's real upset.
00:51:25 She's really upset because uh.
00:51:28 They're flying.
00:51:31 A rainbow flag at her office.
00:51:34 She doesn't like having to go in.
00:51:37 Because when she goes in, she has to work in the building.
00:51:41 Whether they're flying, they're rainbow flag outside.
00:51:48 And I just said, yeah, but she still goes in, right?
00:51:54 Well, she has to.
00:52:02 What if that rainbow flag was?
00:52:05 A pentagram.
00:52:06 What if it was?
00:52:08 What if there was a satanic flag?
00:52:11 What if there was a flag depicting?
00:52:14 A boy getting sodomized.
00:52:20 Because that's kind of what it is, right?
00:52:21 Now, right.
00:52:22 That's what it is.
00:52:24 It's a flag depicting ******.
00:52:31 Well, she has to.
00:52:34 Are they going to they're going to.
00:52:36 Go to my sister's house and murder her family.
00:52:39 If she doesn't go into the office with the ****** flag.
00:52:46 No, but she has to.
00:52:51 She has to.
00:52:55 And I just told him.
00:52:56 Well, that's why that's why.
00:52:58 Because she asked.
00:52:58 Like, I don't know how it's happening so fast.
00:53:00 I was like, well, you just told me why.
00:53:03 Because it has to.
00:53:09 It has to.
00:53:16 And looking away, it does kind of have to.
00:53:20 People complain to me and.
Speaker 5
00:53:21 They say Ah, Devon uh, you're just being this.
00:53:25 You're just black Pilling people.
00:53:26 Why don't you try to change it?
00:53:32 And it's like telling me like, let's.
00:53:33 Say I live in Southern California.
00:53:38 In Southern California, for those of you don't know, there's.
00:53:40 A A cycle.
00:53:44 About every hundred years or so.
00:53:47 The fault line.
00:53:51 The one that caused the big earthquake in the 90s and before that, you know about 100 years before that there was another big earthquake.
00:53:59 The San Andreas Fault every every hundred years or so, it's almost like not quite like old faithful.
00:54:04 But every hundred years or so.
00:54:07 The tectonic plates shift.
00:54:11 There's a massive earthquake and it levels a bunch of ****, kills a bunch of people.
00:54:20 No one knows exactly when or how.
Speaker 5
00:54:22 Or what? But it's.
00:54:23 About 100 years.
00:54:30 And it would be like kind of up to me and I'm, I'm.
00:54:32 Living in Southern California.
00:54:35 And people say Devon.
00:54:38 How about instead of preparing for when that shift is going to happen?
00:54:43 You you try to stop it.
00:54:48 Why don't you try to stop the tectonic plates?
Speaker 5
00:54:50 From moving Devin.
00:54:54 What kind of defeatist?
00:54:55 Are you?
00:54:58 It's just the tectonic plates.
00:55:03 Why are you?
00:55:04 Wasting all your time trying to make sure that your House will not fall down when.
00:55:08 They shift.
00:55:08 We should be trying to stop.
00:55:10 It from shifting.
00:55:19 I have to.
00:55:22 They have the shift.
00:55:26 Tell me wrong, I I'm not even saying that humans wouldn't be capable of stopping the the the fault lines from moving.
00:55:35 I'm just saying that given the resources that that just one man has living in Southern California.
00:55:43 When when it's been almost 100 years since the last time.
00:55:48 That it would be insanity.
00:55:52 If the the goal was to, I'm going to.
00:55:54 Stop the earthquake from happening.
00:55:58 No, you're not.
00:55:59 No, you're not.
00:56:02 But you can try to get your house to not fall ******* down when it.
00:56:06 When it does.
00:56:10 And then and then.
00:56:13 You'll have another 100 years.
00:56:17 Right.
00:56:17 And then maybe you could talk about.
00:56:19 Well, hey, maybe we shouldn't be living.
00:56:22 On this ******* fault line.
00:56:23 If, if.
00:56:24 If we know that every hundred years it's going to ******* level the place.
Speaker 5
00:56:32 Or maybe you.
00:56:32 Know it was 100 years. That's a long time. Maybe we'll develop some kind of technology.
00:56:36 That can prevent it from happening, right?
00:56:39 But only if we keep our eye on the ******* ball and we.
00:56:42 We prioritize that.
00:56:46 If we just recover from it and.
00:56:47 Oh, that was ******* terrible.
00:56:49 Well, we're good for 100 years.
00:56:53 And then just ignore it until it happens again.
Speaker 6
00:56:58 That'd be stupid.
00:56:58 That's probably what will happen, but you know.
00:57:03 She has to.
00:57:04 She has to show.
00:57:04 Up to work.
00:57:06 With the Satan flag on the building.
00:57:15 It was just funny because you could tell it.
00:57:17 Just like it baffled her that like that.
00:57:19 That, that, that what do?
00:57:20 You mean?
00:57:21 It's like as if like she?
00:57:22 Had another option, you know.
Speaker 5
00:57:25 What she still shows up, she.
00:57:27 She has to.
00:57:33 No, she doesn't.
00:57:38 It's like that 80s movie war games.
00:57:42 The only way to win is not to play.
00:57:56 OK, so initially what I was going to go over last.
00:58:02 Last stream.
00:58:08 Everything went to **** and I and.
00:58:10 I rage quit.
00:58:16 Was I was going to play some clips from the Satanic panic.
00:58:23 Only because I was surprised by how mainstream this stuff was.
00:58:27 You know, like how.
00:58:30 Like like.
00:58:33 Big, reputable news organizations.
00:58:39 We're covering a lot of this stuff.
00:58:46 And it's funny watching these libertarians slash satanists.
00:58:50 I mean, is there really any difference?
00:58:54 Get mad about the satanic panic.
00:58:59 Because you got a river for the.
00:59:00 For the the libertarian sickness.
00:59:03 That's like the closest thing to having a Holocaust there.
00:59:06 That that they have.
00:59:08 That's their.
00:59:08 That's their victim narrative.
00:59:13 They have to complain about the satanic panic because that's that's their Holocaust story.
00:59:17 That's when the Christians those evil Christians were like.
Speaker 5
00:59:21 Throw him in jail and.
00:59:25 It was all it was all just.
00:59:26 In their head.
Speaker 6
00:59:27 Just one day for no.
00:59:28 Reason at all?
00:59:30 All the Christians went crazy.
00:59:33 And thought that Satan was everywhere.
Speaker 5
00:59:40 He's just he's.
00:59:41 Just ******* everywhere.
00:59:44 What's that stupid made-up term that they that, that, that COVID?
00:59:48 Guy came up with though.
00:59:50 Is that mass something?
00:59:51 Psychosis, whatever the ****.
01:00:04 Yeah, I was surprised to see.
01:00:10 A lot of mainstream outlets covering this.
01:00:16 Now some look, I'll be honest.
01:00:18 Some of it was silly.
01:00:21 Some of it why is?
01:00:22 That a paranoia, I mean, ****.
01:00:23 You'd be paranoid too, right?
01:00:25 If there were Satanist ******* ritualistically murdering children.
01:00:29 On a fairly somewhat regular basis.
01:00:32 If you had serial killers.
01:00:37 Openly admitting they were talking to demons and Satan and that's why they murdered a.
01:00:41 Bunch of people.
01:00:45 If you had mainstream music.
01:00:49 It's just ironic, bro.
01:00:50 They're just they were just doing it to to antagonize the Christians.
01:00:54 It doesn't matter why.
01:00:57 I'm not.
01:00:57 I'm not agreeing with your premise.
01:00:58 But I'm just saying it.
Speaker 5
01:00:59 Doesn't matter.
01:01:00 Why all of?
01:01:01 A sudden in a Christian nation, it's suddenly cool.
01:01:06 To be satanic.
01:01:12 All of a.
Speaker 5
01:01:13 Sudden popular music.
01:01:15 Is openly satanic.
01:01:23 All these boomers asleep at the wheel, they're kids looking for anything that's going to make them feel like they belong to something.
01:01:32 And many of them start feeling like they belong.
01:01:37 To the devil.
01:01:38 It's just irony, bro.
01:01:41 They were just trying to to **** *** their spergy Christian parents by putting Satan rules.
01:01:48 In their notebook at school.
01:01:59 There was being edgy, bro.
01:02:07 Says the libertarian satanist.
01:02:13 So yeah, you're going to have a couple of.
01:02:15 People freaking out a.
01:02:15 Little bit, they're going.
Speaker 5
01:02:17 To be a little sensitive.
01:02:20 They're going to start because look, they weren't looking, that's how.
Speaker 5
01:02:23 It popped up right.
01:02:24 They weren't paying attention.
01:02:26 That's how it.
01:02:26 Got as bad as it got, right?
01:02:30 So let's start paying attention.
01:02:38 Now we're going to start being intolerant.
01:02:43 Because, look, we're.
01:02:44 Tolerance got them.
01:02:48 And yeah, some of them are going to.
01:02:49 Be wrong and some of.
01:02:50 Them are going to be goofy.
01:02:56 And the other side of that, yeah.
01:02:59 Because of the the reaction.
01:03:03 You are going to have.
01:03:04 Kids that don't really pray to Satan and are just doing it to be edgy.
01:03:13 Because their boomer parents ignored them their entire lives and this will get some attention.
01:03:20 Any attention is good attention, right?
Speaker 6
01:03:31 But anyway.
01:03:33 Some of this stuff is I'm going to turn down my problem with the audio thing I have.
01:03:39 Basically I had this doesn't matter, it's just trust me.
01:03:44 It's weird now.
01:03:45 It's gonna be kind of.
Speaker 2
01:03:46 Loud over here.
01:03:49 So we're not going to, I've got like hours of this stuff.
01:03:52 We're not going to watch hours of it, but I do want to kind of highlight.
01:03:59 Some basic reporting that went on and, you know, show you some examples of what we talk.
01:04:04 What? What?
01:04:05 People mean when they say satanic panic.
01:04:10 You know.
01:04:12 The most famous one of the most famous cases, the West Memphis three.
01:04:15 I did a whole.
01:04:15 Stream on that ****.
01:04:17 Didn't sound so panicky, did it?
01:04:21 When you get past the Jewish produced MTV.
01:04:26 Documentary that that told everyone.
01:04:28 Oh, it's.
01:04:29 Just it was just these these.
01:04:32 Kids that like Metallica.
01:04:36 They just pin.
01:04:38 You know, watch that stream if you want to think that if you think if you still think that's that's real.
01:04:44 But we're not going to go into all that, but that's the environment, right?
01:04:52 Now this from 1989 I don't. This isn't. I don't think this is like.
01:04:55 The mainstream thing, but.
01:04:56 They they do a good.
01:04:58 Opening montage to their video covering a lot of the this.
Speaker 5
01:05:03 The sacrificial murders.
01:05:04 That were going.
01:05:05 On all over the place in the 80s.
01:05:09 They highlight just some of the headlines just so you can kind of understand the environment.
Speaker 6
01:05:12 That we were in.
01:05:20 And yeah, it's goofy.
Speaker 12
01:05:20 Teenagers across America are playing with an.
01:05:23 That's the only thing, too, is.
01:05:24 It's like, oh, it's so funny.
01:05:26 Isn't that those the goofy, scary music?
01:05:29 Yeah, that's that's just.
01:05:30 That was the 80s.
01:05:32 If you had a.
01:05:33 Horror film, they were like, you know, the.
01:05:35 The the highest paid.
01:05:38 Hollywood sound designers, that's what they were.
01:05:41 I mean, this is this obviously was not the.
01:05:43 Highest paid Hollywood sound designers.
01:05:47 But everything just fine sounded.
01:05:48 ******* cheese in the 80s.
Speaker 12
01:05:51 A new and frightening game.
01:05:57 Their school books are marked up with satanic symbols, upside down, crosses, pentagrams, the number 666, their fashions, glamorise the demonic.
01:06:08 They are seduced by heavy metal heroes, many of whom feature satanic imagery in their songs and album covers.
01:06:16 For some of these young people, the fixation on violence, evil and death, leads them to commit abominable crimes, including suicide and human sacrifice.
01:06:27 Joseph Beeson, 18, and Edward Bennett, 19, both raised in Mormon homes, drew blood from their own veins and mutilated.
01:06:36 Animals in satanic rituals, but that wasn't enough, so they eventually killed 18 year old Michelle Moore.
01:06:44 Sean Sellers, 17, the youngest death row inmate in Oklahoma, brutally murdered his mother and stepfather because they tried to prevent his satanic rituals.
01:06:59 By the way, these these cases are real.
01:07:01 Geraldo will later.
01:07:03 I don't know if I don't know if we'll watch it, we'll see Geraldo later interviews this kid.
01:07:07 And I think the other kid that they mentioned.
01:07:10 And he's on death row, and he openly admits, yeah, I was doing uh, I got seduced by Satanism.
01:07:16 I was doing satanic ****.
01:07:19 That's why I did this.
01:07:23 But it's, it's just, it's just like it was all just a delusion, right?
01:07:26 It was just the Christians being paranoid.
01:07:27 Certainly not.
01:07:30 Not what these guys.
01:07:31 That the perpetrators themselves were admitting.
Speaker 12
01:07:33 To rituals Scott Waterhouse, 17, tortured and killed a 12 year old girl in Brisley satanic slaughter.
01:07:45 Pete Rowland, 17, formed a Satanic cult with three other boys after sacrificing a cat.
01:07:52 They turned on Steve Newberry, the 4th member of their group, and beat him to death with baseball bats while chanting A sacrifice for Satan.
01:08:01 Richard Ramirez, the night stalker.
01:08:06 And by the way, that that, that Geraldo.
01:08:08 That kid is.
01:08:09 Out this guy here also on that same.
01:08:11 Geraldo, look, it's Geraldo, right?
01:08:14 And some of the goofiness is because it was.
01:08:17 In that arena of Geraldo.
01:08:21 But this guy, same thing, openly admits it.
01:08:24 They have them live via satellite.
01:08:26 At the prison saying Yep.
01:08:29 I I got wrapped up in Satanism, that's why.
01:08:32 I did it.
01:08:36 He's already convicted.
01:08:38 He's not going to get unconvicted.
Speaker 12
01:08:41 Formed a satanic cult with three other boys after sacrificing a cat.
01:08:46 They turned on Steve Newbury, the 4th member of their group, and beat him to death with baseball bets while chanting A sacrifice for Satan.
01:08:56 Richard Ramirez, the night Stalker, was convicted of 13 murders and 30 other felonies during the summer of 1985. He beat, strangles, raped, sodomized, shot, and slashed his victims in a rampage of sadistic satanic.
01:09:12 Planes in the spring of 89, the dead bodies of 13 victims, one of whom was only 16 years old, were found mutilated and buried in a common grave near the American Mexican border in Matamoras.
01:09:27 This satanic.
01:09:30 By the way.
01:09:32 There's an entire town in Mexico.
01:09:35 We might watch some of that.
01:09:36 There's an entire town in Mexico that practices a form of Satanism openly.
01:09:44 Like, it's like a meme.
01:09:45 It's like a tourist attraction.
01:09:47 Like you go to this town in Mexico.
Speaker 5
01:09:49 It's like.
01:09:50 Pentagrams everywhere and you can go to like a ritual and.
Speaker 5
01:09:57 But it's all just, you know, it's all just made.
01:09:58 Up right.
01:09:59 It's just all in your imagination.
Speaker 12
01:10:01 Drug smuggling cult.
01:10:03 Believed that sacrificing humans in bizarre rituals would give them magical protection.
01:10:10 The victims had been dealt blows with a hammer, and some suffered horrible mutilations, including the removal of brains, hearts and other organs that were.
01:10:18 Then boiled in blood.
01:10:22 And again, anyone who's familiar with the cartels violent stuff.
01:10:27 Those guys aren't Satanists.
01:10:35 I mean, come on.
01:10:37 It's not.
Speaker 5
01:10:38 Of course they're saying this.
01:10:40 They they had that they had that case.
01:10:43 What I think it was like in 2017, it was the Ms. 13 or whatever the **** those those teenagers that, that they, they.
01:10:53 They were like killing and and dissecting their victims and had like this big altered of Satan in their house where they were doing.
01:11:04 This. That's I. I guess that's just made-up. That was a couple of years ago.
01:11:11 Well, it's just that's just, uh, well.
01:11:13 It's just a bunch of, you know.
01:11:14 Apparently Christians, really.
01:11:19 Paranoid Christians broke into that Mexican gangsters house and.
01:11:23 Made a altered as Satan and decorated it with human skulls and.
01:11:29 That's just all.
01:11:31 That was all.
01:11:31 Just fanatical Christians, huh?
Speaker 12
01:11:36 For those of us who have been involved in cult and occult research over the years, these atrocious reports are unfortunately nothing new.
01:11:44 They are only the tip of the iceberg.
01:11:48 Because Satanism is by nature clandestine, it's hard to estimate the numbers of people involved.
01:11:54 Not all satanic groups are involved in criminal behaviour, but with increasing frequency, law enforcement agencies across North America and Western Europe are receiving similar reports of illegal activity.
01:12:09 Satanically inspired child *********** and ritual abuse.
Speaker 6
01:12:16 So that's anything.
01:12:19 Yeah, I was talking about when I in that.
01:12:21 I have my mom today.
01:12:24 She made another comment.
01:12:25 She said.
01:12:25 Well, I I just don't know how it happened so fast.
01:12:31 And I was like, well, what happened so fast?
01:12:33 She's like, why you just, you know, we went from from, you know, we didn't.
01:12:38 No one, no.
01:12:39 One accepted gays to like all of a.
01:12:40 Sudden they're getting married.
01:12:41 And now like you.
01:12:42 Have to be gay.
01:12:47 And I was like, well, I I don't know.
01:12:51 I mean, these people that you think that that changed their mind about this stuff so fast, they were, but ******* each other in Napa Valley.
01:13:00 For like 100 years.
Speaker 6
01:13:03 I was like, oh, well, what what are?
Speaker 5
01:13:05 You talking about and I was like, yeah.
01:13:07 Bohemian Grove.
01:13:09 You know like that.
01:13:10 Nixon, Nixon on the on the official Nixon tapes.
01:13:14 Call it the most.
01:13:15 ******* ***** thing he's ever seen.
01:13:22 It's literally a club.
01:13:24 Where Republican ruling class and others.
01:13:30 Met in the forest for like, 100 years, they were meeting in the forest and ******* each other in.
01:13:34 The *** and doing mock human well mock.
01:13:39 And it says all fake guys.
01:13:41 Mock human sacrifices in front of a giant owl.
Speaker 6
01:13:47 Burning torches.
01:13:51 You ever you.
01:13:52 Ever heard of us like?
Speaker 5
01:13:54 Don't you know why? Why?
01:13:55 Alex Jones is even a person.
01:13:59 He snuck into it with a camera one year.
01:14:06 That's why people know who he is.
01:14:11 This was all this was all happening at.
01:14:13 The same time.
01:14:16 You had all these headlines that was going on.
01:14:24 You never heard of?
Speaker 5
01:14:24 The Franklin scandal, mom.
01:14:30 You know, in was in 1989.
Speaker 5
01:14:32 Around the same time, around the same ******* time.
01:14:38 The same year this video came out.
01:14:41 You know that there was a a story.
01:14:44 He was 89. He was around that.
Speaker 5
01:14:45 Time there was a story in the Washington Post.
01:14:51 Talking about male underage male prostitutes.
Speaker 5
01:14:59 At the White House.
01:15:02 This isn't new.
01:15:03 This didn't happen overnight.
01:15:17 These guys, these guys have been.
01:15:19 Literally ******* each other in the *** in the forest.
01:15:23 For 100 years, they belong to groups where they're jacking each other off and ****, I.
01:15:27 Mean these?
01:15:28 This isn't this isn't new.
01:15:32 You really think?
01:15:34 That these Republican leaders.
01:15:39 We're we're just, we're these very devout Christians.
01:15:46 And then just one year the **** won somehow like out of left field, it just was like Bam.
01:15:56 Ah, this is this.
Speaker 6
01:15:57 Is a slow boil.
01:16:05 This is a very slow boil.
01:16:10 This ship's been bubbling up for.
01:16:11 A really long ******* time.
Speaker 12
01:16:15 Frequency law enforcement agencies across North America and Western Europe are receiving similar reports of illegal activity.
01:16:24 Satanically inspired child *********** and ritual abuse, animal mutilations, human sacrificial murder, cannibalism, rape, ******, desecration of graves and Christian churches are just some of the findings.
01:16:39 Victims are from all walks of life.
01:16:42 Their stories are grotesque and beyond.
01:16:44 Human belief.
01:16:46 The purpose of this video is not to over sensationalize A hideous subject, but rather to inform you of a very real problem that is sweeping across our nation.
01:16:56 What used to be hidden or secret is now arrogantly brandished in public by Satanists who recruit openly and display mccard graffiti and gruesome mutilations in public places.
01:17:08 In this video, we wish to educate you and your family on how to protect yourselves from the effects of Satanism.
01:17:22 See this is where.
01:17:23 It gets cringe, right?
01:17:24 Oh, we gotta we.
01:17:24 Got to make it so the kids like it.
01:17:26 Let's put some ******* terrible metal.
01:17:28 In there anyway, this is the kind.
01:17:31 Of stuff that.
01:17:32 Like these videos were.
01:17:33 Did come out where they tried to highlight some of this stuff and yeah, they had, like really hokey reenactment.
01:17:38 And bad production value because Christians with or.
01:17:43 Oh yeah, Christians with money have never seen it.
01:17:46 It fit to bankroll anything with high production value.
01:17:51 They've just seen it as it's a waste of money.
01:17:53 It's a waste of ******* money and that's why the left.
01:17:56 Has always been able to monopolize.
01:17:58 This kind of stuff.
01:18:00 But anyway, let's.
01:18:04 Just so you know, it's not just some like random Christian homemade for, you know.
01:18:09 Home video kind of stuff.
01:18:13 This is 2020.
01:18:16 2020.
01:18:20 What year was this?
01:18:21 This was.
01:18:24 I don't have an exact year on this one.
01:18:25 This was most likely around right around the same time.
Speaker 7
01:18:34 Is the apparent practice of Satanism that's worship of the Devil now police have been skeptical when investigating these acts, just as we are in reporting them.
01:18:43 But there is no question that something is going on out there and that's sufficient reason for 2020 to look into it.
01:18:50 One caution, we believe that some of the pictures and descriptions in Tom Gelles report.
01:18:54 To be disturbing and even frightening, particularly to younger viewers, here is Tom's report.
Speaker 9
01:19:01 Dateline Northport, Long Island, a quiet community rocked by reports of teenager, was dragged through these woods toward a late night ritual of death, and eyewitness said the victim, Gary lowers, was forced to pray to Satan as he was repeatedly stabbed to death.
01:19:17 Two young men were arrested.
01:19:19 James Troiano was found innocent last month.
01:19:21 But his alleged accomplice mother made it to trial.
Speaker 5
01:19:26 Gee, I wonder why Christians might have been.
01:19:28 A little paranoid.
01:19:32 Is 2020 a good enough source for you? Libertarian. Satanist.
01:19:41 One of white.
01:19:42 Christians might have been starting to think that like there was a lot, lot to worry about.
Speaker 9
01:19:47 Ricky Castle committed suicide in jail the day after his arrest, despite numerous signs that Castle was into Satanism and rock music associated with devil worship, police steadfastly refused to label this case satanic.
01:20:00 The official explanation of drug related crime.
01:20:06 See the?
01:20:06 It wasn't the police.
01:20:08 The police weren't hyping it up.
01:20:09 Were they didn't want to call it satanic.
01:20:12 Oh, it's just drugs, guys.
01:20:15 It's just it's just goofy teens.
01:20:18 Ohh whacked out.
01:20:18 On the on the, on the dope.
01:20:22 They were hopped up on dope.
01:20:25 These wacky teens that get all hopped up on dope.
01:20:29 And then force their friend to, you know, as one does, when ones hopped up on the on the dope, forced their friend to pray to Satan while they stabbed to death.
01:20:39 Remember in high school.
01:20:41 When you go to a party and get all ****** **, get all high and then force your friend to pray to Satan.
01:20:46 While stabbing him to death.
01:20:48 But yeah it.
01:20:49 Was cool because you're on the dope.
01:20:54 You smoked some of the devil's tobacky.
Speaker 5
01:20:58 You had the wacky tobacky.
01:21:01 And next thing you know, you're you're telling your friend you better pray to Satan as you stab him to death.
01:21:07 I remember when I was doing that in high school, when I was, when I was getting high, we were getting all stoned and watching Cheech and Chong and half baked and then stabbing our friend to death while he was forced to pray to.
01:21:20 Satan. Uh, you know.
01:21:21 Now everyone's got a story like that.
Speaker 9
01:21:24 And Phoenix, AZ, 140 dogs found slaughtered across the country. Police tell us there have been more than.
Speaker 5
01:21:31 140 dogs.
01:21:38 By the way, there was lots of stories like this when we, when we were looking at the son of Sam stuff.
01:21:44 There was that mention of.
01:21:46 It was something like 200.
01:21:47 And 40 dogs slaughtered in uh.
01:21:51 It was some on the East Coast, I.
01:21:52 I think I think it was New Jersey.
01:21:55 This kind of stuff.
01:21:56 Was happening over.
01:21:57 Look, I remember I.
01:21:57 Was like a little.
01:21:58 Kid, I remember that on on the news.
01:22:01 On a fairly regular basis, they were finding mutilated animal corpses.
01:22:05 It seemed like all the time.
01:22:07 I thought that was just like a normal thing.
01:22:11 Well, I guess people just.
01:22:14 Find mutilated.
01:22:16 You know animal mass graves every once.
01:22:17 In a while, I guess that's.
Speaker 5
01:22:18 Just a thing.
Speaker 9
01:22:21 And 15,000 animal mutilations and often they were clearly used in some kind of bizarre ritual, but there's no official explanation.
01:22:29 Dateline Walnut Grove, AL police are called in to investigate the sight of what appears to have been a ritual.
01:22:36 They find various satanic paraphernalia, including pictures of.
01:22:42 Ohh, that's just not that right there, that's just.
Speaker 5
01:22:45 That's just edgy teenagers.
01:22:49 Remember when you and.
01:22:49 Your friends would get all high.
01:22:52 And you know, play Mario Kart or whatever.
01:22:54 And then.
01:22:55 Make a giant beezle Bob thing and then go mutilate 140 dogs.
01:23:05 To death.
01:23:07 I remember when I was doing that in high school.
01:23:09 Just being edgy.
Speaker 9
01:23:13 The devil. There was a routine inquiry which didn't discover what was going on here across this country, and Canada's satanic graffiti is turning up on public buildings and abandoned buildings where police suspect secret meetings are being held by people calling themselves Satanist people who worship the devil.
01:23:32 Most often found the inverted 5 pointed satanic pentagram. The upside down cross the evil eye references to Babylon and the Devil's number 666. Vandals often target churches here in southern Maine after a dozen churches were painted with satanic symbols.
01:23:52 If only they'd been synagogues then then something might have happened.
01:24:00 Yeah, this, this, this would have been hate crimes.
01:24:04 Oh my God.
01:24:10 It was just all their imaginations, right?
01:24:14 This was just, you know what it was, it probably, you know, it probably was.
01:24:17 It was probably preachers.
01:24:18 They were just doing it to their own churches.
Speaker 9
01:24:26 Police arrested the suspect.
Speaker 11
01:24:27 Worrying about the message.
Speaker 13
01:24:29 That's one comment.
Speaker 9
01:24:31 Although vandalism charges were later dropped, he offered an explanation for the church graffiti from behind a locked door.
Speaker 11
01:24:37 Anyone that receives the mark?
Speaker 9
01:24:39 Of the beast which is.
Speaker 14
01:24:40 666 This his.
Speaker 13
01:24:41 Number is going to burn in hell forever and ever.
01:24:43 That's it.
Speaker 9
01:24:46 It's the way some.
Speaker 5
01:24:50 Was it me or?
01:24:50 Did you guys detect and a particular accent there?
01:24:57 Did you guys detect that accent that I heard?
01:25:00 Let me see if.
01:25:01 I'm gonna play it back here.
Speaker 13
01:25:04 Is going to burn in hell forever and.
Speaker 9
01:25:07 It's the waste forever.
01:25:08 And ever.
01:25:10 Ohh God if.
Speaker 5
01:25:11 You do a 666, you're.
01:25:13 Gonna burn in hell forever and ever.
01:25:17 I'm just saying.
01:25:21 He sounds sounds like a character on Seinfeld.
Speaker 9
01:25:26 Some people interpret the Bible the Book of Revelations where it's written.
01:25:30 Satan can be identified by the number 666, calling him the Beast, which deceived the whole world. The goat's head is a key.
01:25:40 Tumble of the beast.
01:25:41 Yet throughout history, Satan has taken on many different shapes and disguises.
01:25:46 He's widely considered by conventional religions as the embodiment of evil, on a mission to tempt man to send and destroy God's Kingdom.
Speaker 8
01:25:54 I am.
Speaker 9
01:25:56 Today we have found Satan is alive and thriving, or at least plenty of people believe he is.
Speaker 13
01:25:58 Right.
Speaker 9
01:26:01 His followers are extremely secretive, but found in all walks of life.
01:26:09 Modern Satanism was shockingly dramatized on the screen in the mid 60s, with the release of Rosemary's Baby.
Speaker 15
01:26:16 What have you done to it?
01:26:20 Which, by the way, was written by a Jew.
01:26:24 And a movie that I I've.
01:26:25 Thought about doing before just.
01:26:26 Because it's, it's not just a.
01:26:30 Well, according to 2020, they say it's basically a Pro Satan movie. They say it it actually helped.
01:26:36 Give Satanism kind of a a cool vibe among the the Youngins, but really the other take on that is just.
01:26:44 The the, the, the demonization.
01:26:50 With the emphasis on the demon, the demonization of white women having children.
01:26:59 Making it seem like this terrifying thing.
01:27:02 Oh, my God, if you if you have this husband, that seems like he's a nice guy.
01:27:08 And he gets this nice apartment and he has.
01:27:10 This good job and.
01:27:11 He wants to raise a family.
01:27:14 You better watch out.
01:27:15 He might just be trying to raise the the the Antichrist.
01:27:21 They they made the entire or, you know, process of getting pregnant and having a child to seem like the the scariest ******* thing in the world.
01:27:33 And again, written, written by a Jew.
01:27:36 But if you don't give it.
Speaker 11
01:27:38 He has his father's eyes.
Speaker 9
01:27:40 It's a movie that's been described as the best advertisement that devil worship has ever had.
01:27:46 Talking about guys, what have you done?
Speaker 13
01:27:52 They didn't miss his father, not guy.
01:27:55 He came up from Hell and begat the son of modern woman.
01:28:01 His father and his name is Adrian.
01:28:04 He shall overthrow the mighty in the temples he shall redeemed by it and Revengeance.
Speaker 9
01:28:11 The zeal of these fictional devil worshippers is strikingly similar to that of real life Satanist.
Speaker 15
01:28:20 See these guys.
01:28:21 They would leave.
Speaker 14
01:28:21 Him alone.
Speaker 9
01:28:22 Mike Wonky is a former satanist.
01:28:25 Today he's a successful comedian preaching Christianity in the form of humor.
01:28:29 He's back in the.
01:28:32 In the form of cringe humor, I'm sure.
01:28:37 Well, let's see.
01:28:37 I actually haven't watched this, so let's let's just see.
Speaker 9
01:28:41 60s He was one of Satanism's high priests.
Speaker 14
01:28:44 The things that you would see in.
01:28:45 The satanic culture.
Speaker 9
01:28:46 He showed us what a Satanic temple might resemble and typical implements used to worship the devil's divines usually are used in a ceremony that calls for telling the future with the bones are a part of the deceased person. He also explained what attracted him to.
01:29:00 Anism it was basically drawn into it when I was young, just wanting to be somebody special.
01:29:06 I just wanted to to be different than everybody and have something that was special, that everybody, you know, looked up to this is a 15 year old boy who also wanted to be special before hanging himself.
01:29:18 He wrote on his body.
01:29:19 I'm coming home, master.
01:29:20 And Satan loves and 666.
01:29:25 Oh, but that was just the paranoid delusions of his Christian parents.
01:29:28 I'm sure because he listened to Metallica.
Speaker 9
01:29:31 It was a case with such clear satanic symbols.
01:29:33 It brought two police officers together.
01:29:37 Sandy Gallant is one of them.
01:29:39 She's a San Francisco police woman and now a leading authority on satanic crime, a specialty other cops often scoff.
Speaker 15
01:29:45 But as time goes on, maybe my work gets a little more credibility.
01:29:51 There's one guy that still walks around, and when he sees me.
01:29:54 He goes like this wherever he.
01:29:56 Goes, but I've gotten pretty much used to that.
Speaker 9
01:29:59 Why don't you, the other officer is Dale Griffiths, chief of the small Police Department.
01:30:03 Halfway across the country, in Tiffin.
Speaker 2
01:30:06 We have kids being killed. We have people missing in America, we have our own MRI's right here.
01:30:16 You know what's crazy?
Speaker 5
01:30:19 I was trying to find.
01:30:21 The the Reagan speech there might.
01:30:23 They might play a clip from it in one of these videos because I I skimmed through some of these videos and I came across to they were talking about how and I remember this look.
01:30:34 I remember this being a reality too.
01:30:36 Everyone that was alive.
01:30:38 In the late 80s, early 90s, who drank milk?
01:30:42 Knew that this was a reality, that there was the on all the milk cartoons, there was, there was kids and all these things, right?
01:30:49 Like every day, imagine the psychological terror that.
Speaker 5
01:30:52 That, that, that.
01:30:53 Introduced, but it was still like you'd go to.
01:30:56 You'd get your little ******* cube of milk.
01:30:59 And there would be some picture.
01:31:00 Of some kid on it that.
01:31:01 Was that was missing and.
01:31:05 There was a speech by Reagan where he talks about.
01:31:09 That there were.
01:31:12 Something like a million kids a year missing, like a million.
Speaker 5
01:31:16 A ******* million.
01:31:19 So even if they found like half.
01:31:21 Of those ******* kids.
Speaker 5
01:31:25 Where where all these ******* kids going?
01:31:32 ****. I mean, either there's 100,000 kids.
Speaker 5
01:31:35 Even it was.
01:31:35 10,000 kids.
Speaker 5
01:31:39 That's a lot of *******.
01:31:40 Kids that just.
01:31:43 Just be missing.
01:31:51 I mean, you think it's?
01:31:52 Crazy that that they were finding piles of like 120.
01:31:55 ******* mutilated dogs or whatever.
01:32:00 We're all these ******* kids.
01:32:06 I guess I guess the finders cult, right?
01:32:08 That was all satanic panic, too, right.
01:32:10 Speaking of where?
01:32:11 Where all these kids going?
01:32:14 We'd have that the federal government swooped in and stopped that investigation as tracks.
01:32:21 But that's all just the satanic panic, right?
01:32:23 That was just paranoid Christians.
Speaker 2
01:32:27 We have cattle being killed.
01:32:29 We have all types of perversion going on and it's affecting America.
Speaker 9
01:32:35 America is being affected nationwide.
01:32:38 We found that minor cases of satanic activity light up the map.
01:32:41 Not a single state is unaffected, but even more frightening is the number of reported murders and suicides.
01:32:47 With satanic clues.
01:32:49 All of them were investigated by police, but usually without much result.
01:32:55 I want you to look at that concentration.
01:32:58 Of dots in.
01:33:01 You've got the San Francisco area, the Los Angeles area.
01:33:06 And then the East Coast has that giant ******* black spot, like, right around Washington DC.
Speaker 11
01:33:14 In New York.
01:33:16 And like New York and DC is just like this big.
01:33:20 BLOB of Satanism.
Speaker 9
01:33:23 We found that Satanism falls into 3 categories, 1 self style satanist, a growing number of young people who dabble in devil worship, two religious satanist people who publicly worship the devil, a right that's protected by law, and three satanic cults.
01:33:44 Right.
01:33:44 That's protected by law.
01:33:45 I like see again, that's that's the libertarian satanic view that it's protected.
01:33:51 By law, somehow, right?
Speaker 5
01:33:53 Hey if you.
01:33:53 Want to worship?
01:33:54 Satan in your own home.
01:33:55 That's totally fine.
01:33:56 Says the satanist.
01:34:00 You know, it's like all these all these.
01:34:02 ******** who think they're being clever when they're well, the Second Amendment that was written when, when there was when there was.
01:34:16 Now they didn't expect you to have AR fifteens and yeah.
01:34:22 Which, by the way, that the their argument it's is is ******** because.
01:34:27 They don't.
01:34:28 They they fundamentally either they're well, they're probably willfully misunderstanding it.
01:34:33 Because the answer.
01:34:34 Yeah, you're right.
01:34:35 The government only had muskets.
01:34:38 And now they have predator drones, so I should be allowed to have a predator drone.
01:34:45 Because those muskets guess.
01:34:47 Guess who they were for?
01:34:50 Guess why you were supposed to have them guess what they were necessary for.
01:34:54 You to have.
01:34:56 So you could fight off.
01:34:57 The government, who also had muskets.
01:35:02 You were allowed to own a cannon back then.
Speaker 5
01:35:06 You could owe everything the government owned.
01:35:10 So you're right.
01:35:15 They only had muskets and.
01:35:16 And so you should be able to have.
01:35:18 A tank.
01:35:21 You should be able to have a Stinger missile.
01:35:26 With that aside, the you know the the whole fake argument aside.
01:35:32 How come no one saying when they wrote the the 1st amendment?
01:35:36 You didn't have ******* Satanists.
01:35:44 Well, I mean, not open saying this, the idea.
01:35:49 I don't think the founding fathers, I don't think it occurred to them.
01:35:54 That you would have statues.
01:35:58 Biesel, Bob.
01:36:02 Patting the head of children.
01:36:06 In in at public buildings.
Speaker 5
01:36:10 I don't think that was.
01:36:11 In the spirit of the 1st amendment.
01:36:20 And it wasn't.
01:36:21 It really wasn't.
01:36:26 That's the judeo-christian interpretation.
Speaker 9
01:36:30 What appear to be highly secretive groups committing criminal acts, including murder?
01:36:36 First, let's examine self styled satanists like Ricky Castle, all from their teenagers, who learned that the message of Satanism is for sale right.
01:36:43 In the neighborhood.
01:36:45 This shopping mall in affluent Westchester County, New York exemplifies how easy it is for children or adults for that matter, to get their hands on satanic material.
01:36:55 We stress it's perfectly legal and these are typical commercial outlets.
01:36:58 You'll find just about anywhere.
01:37:00 Three stores side by side, a bookstore, a music store, a videotape center, each offering seemingly harmless types of entertainment like movies.
01:37:10 Here at the neighborhood videotape store.
01:37:12 Take a look at the number of movies that involve.
01:37:16 Those were popular films in their day, but even today, if one is inclined to believe in Satanism, it's a way to actually see the devil and perhaps be inspired.
01:37:27 And the exorcist? It is the tremendous power of the devil himself, controlling a little girl's body against the will of a priest and makes them living still one of the most popular examples of evil versus good.
01:37:39 Like this?
Speaker 13
01:37:42 Of our Lord Jesus Christ, whose lips and rings with the power.
Speaker 9
01:37:50 It wasn't.
01:37:51 The demon jumped out of the TV and grabbed me by the face and dragged me down the road and forced me to join the Church of Satan.
01:37:56 It was just that there were certain things in this program that piqued my interest and then I decided to study more on my own and and if devil, if the devil has Pi, then it is, you know, cinema.
01:38:10 It is cinema, you say.
01:38:14 I wonder who was in charge.
01:38:15 Of cinema.
01:38:22 I wonder wonder what group was behind the production of.
01:38:26 All these movies.
01:38:31 Perhaps it was the same group.
01:38:35 Quite specifically, and I don't just mean by ethnic and religious affiliation, but quite specifically in terms of where they part of the world they came from and when they came here to America, that's going to be next stream.
01:38:49 We're gonna go heavy into some of the founding of Hollywood and stuff, but.
01:38:54 Let's just say that.
01:38:56 They didn't just have the fact they were Jewish in common.
01:39:01 With with Howard Levy.
01:39:08 You know, it wasn't just a.
01:39:11 It wasn't just an ethnic.
01:39:16 They they were all coming like, you know, Spielberg's family, all those guys, families, they, they were Ukrainian Jews that came here around the turn of the century.
01:39:23 And that's where they.
01:39:24 Founded Hollywood.
01:39:26 The you know the the Warner Brothers.
01:39:30 And I think they're from Ukraine, but they were European Jews that immigrated here, stole technology from Edison, who was worried about the Jewish desire to use his technology to make these kinds of films.
01:39:47 And who got embroiled in in?
01:39:49 Lawsuits with them when they tried to steal his technology.
01:39:51 So what did they?
01:39:52 Do they went to California?
01:39:55 Where there was no one.
01:39:56 It was, it was.
01:39:56 It wasn't easy.
01:39:57 To it wasn't like today, right?
01:39:59 You can't just hop on a plane back then and and just be in LA.
01:40:03 In a few hours.
01:40:05 They were fleeing prosecution.
01:40:08 LA was a desert.
01:40:10 On the.
01:40:11 Furthest end of the country that you could, it was, it was as far away from New York that you could be.
01:40:20 They went they.
01:40:21 Went like to the complete opposite side of the continent.
01:40:26 And bought up a bunch of land and established Hollywood way the **** out there.
01:40:30 For a reason.
01:40:40 From the get go.
01:40:43 People were worried.
01:40:44 About what was happening with this movie industry, that's why it existed.
01:40:48 Where the **** over there.
Speaker 9
01:40:50 Is also the Satanic literature, which includes many books that are sold in many bookstores.
01:40:56 Yeah, and who was writing those books?
01:40:59 Who wrote the The Who wrote the Satanic Bible?
01:41:08 Ukrainian Jew immigrant or the son of a Ukrainian Jew.
01:41:19 All right, so we're two.
01:41:20 For two.
Speaker 9
01:41:21 Librarians point out that they're among the most popular books on their shelves.
01:41:25 Here is in almost any bookstore, you'll find both the Satanic Bible and its companion The Satanic rituals, a step by step guide to performing evil rights.
01:41:37 And the one thing that you'll never hear in this entire and look, I haven't even watched it.
01:41:41 I breezed through some of these things to see what it was in it.
01:41:44 But I I haven't sat down and watched like we're doing right now.
01:41:46 But I can promise you that there's going to be 0 mention of Jews.
01:41:51 Zero mention.
01:41:54 Hard to fight something.
01:41:56 Or the influence of something.
01:41:59 If you if you can't name.
01:42:00 What it is?
Speaker 9
01:42:02 Kids get their ideas, especially their psychological pumping up, so to speak, from the literature and the books play an extremely important part.
01:42:12 And finally, music, which is found here in the neighborhood record store under the category of heavy metal music.
01:42:19 The Satanic message is clear both in the album covers and.
01:42:25 Ohh, you're just being you're just being a cringe Christian.
01:42:28 You can't handle little heavy metal.
01:42:36 And once again, who do you think ran those record labels?
01:42:38 Who do you think was was?
01:42:39 Green lighting these these albums.
01:42:42 And you.
01:42:42 He was promoting their tours.
01:42:46 I don't give a **** if you were one.
01:42:47 Of the ones buying the albums.
Speaker 9
01:42:50 And the lyrics, which are reaching impressionable young minds.
01:42:58 And the musical message comes across loud and clear at concerts and now through rock videos.
01:43:03 The symbolism is all there.
01:43:07 The Satanic pentagram, the upside down cross.
01:43:15 Ohh, they're just being edgy.
01:43:17 They're just being edgy.
01:43:20 Notice how it's all anti Christian things.
01:43:25 Why wouldn't you?
01:43:26 Would think that with all of these edgy boys making their music and and having their anti Christian things, you'd think there'd be at least one heavy metal group that had like an upside down menorah.
01:43:42 Right.
01:43:43 I mean some of these guys were.
01:43:44 Jewish the the performers.
01:43:48 If they're trying to reject the old ways, right?
01:43:50 If that's like the excuse that, oh, it was just they were just trying to be edgy and reject the old ways.
01:43:56 OK.
01:43:56 Well then why, why is there not a single one of these album covers?
01:44:00 It's not a single one of these.
01:44:03 Not a single one of these.
01:44:07 Books or anything?
01:44:08 How come it's all anti Christian?
01:44:18 You'd think it, you know, given the demographic of the people producing all this stuff, if they were just trying to reject religion in general.
01:44:27 They'd be focused.
Speaker 5
01:44:28 At least a.
01:44:29 Little bit on their own.
Speaker 9
01:44:37 Blank eyes of the beast, the rebellion against Christianity, and again and again the obsession with death.
01:44:47 According to most groups, it's all done in fun, but according to police, it's having an effect on many children, a growing subculture that mixes heavy metal music with drugs and the occult.
01:45:02 Alright, let me.
01:45:04 Fix the scale on this.
01:45:18 So they go through some.
01:45:19 Some of this was cringe like this guy he's saying, oh, yeah, if you play this Led Zeppelin song backwards, they say Hail Satan and it's like alright dude, you know, like so this this is where this is where they lose the the they they lose the plot a little bit and this is where they get ridiculed.
01:45:35 This is the stuff that the people that are saying that oh the Christians were just being *******.
01:45:39 Paranoid we we just watched a whole bunch of why?
01:45:42 They might be paranoid.
01:45:45 We just watched like, why they, why they might be like.
01:45:47 Well, there's hidden messages in this Led Zeppelin song.
Speaker 9
01:45:58 Playing music popular with kids and reverse a technique they've learned to use.
01:46:06 Let me get to the.
01:46:08 Let me get Tory play this backwards.
Speaker 9
01:46:19 My sweet.
01:46:20 Ohh yeah, that was totally.
01:46:22 That's totally real.
01:46:23 So OK so.
01:46:24 That, but that's the stuff that.
01:46:25 The people will focus.
01:46:26 On like.
01:46:27 Oh yeah.
01:46:27 Oh, just Christians now seeing stuff that doesn't exist.
Speaker 5
01:46:31 Well, I don't know.
01:46:32 Man, I'd be a little *******.
01:46:33 Look weirded out too.
01:46:36 I'd be like, I don't know, man.
01:46:37 There's some funked up **** going.
Speaker 5
01:46:38 On here like what you play that song.
01:46:41 It's backwards, it says sweet.
01:46:43 Say no.
01:46:43 I I could buy it it possibly.
Speaker 9
01:46:50 When do you find heavy metal music indicators at the scene of the crime involving satanic worship?
Speaker 2
01:46:59 Prior bring about 3540% of calls.
Speaker 13
01:47:02 Regularly though.
Speaker 9
01:47:02 Yes, this artwork is from a homicide case that combined heavy metal music with self style Satanism.
01:47:09 It's the work of 18 year old Scott Waterhouse, A so-called Satanist whose drawings clearly show he had murder.
01:47:17 Wait, hold on.
01:47:24 I kind of want to.
01:47:25 Look up this guy.
01:47:26 I want I.
01:47:26 Want I want an early?
01:47:27 Life check Waterhouse doesn't sound like.
01:47:29 A Jewish name, but.
Speaker 6
01:47:32 Let's take a look here.
01:47:35 Scott Waterhouse?
01:47:37 That sounds like a.
01:47:38 Like a Dutch name or something?
Speaker 6
01:47:39 Right. I don't know.
01:47:43 Scott Waterhouse.
01:47:50 Apparently he wasn't a famous enough case to.
01:47:55 For there's not really any.
01:47:56 There's like 0 relevant results on that one, let's just see.
Speaker 9
01:48:00 Witnessed, whose drawings clearly showed he had murder on his mind.
01:48:04 He's now serving a life prison term for the slaying of 12 year old Giselle Cody.
01:48:09 Before this case, officers here at the local police station in Sanford, ME, had never even heard about satanic crimes.
01:48:16 But that's all changed.
01:48:18 The officer broke the case with state Detective MO or left when you reached the crime scene.
01:48:22 Where did you find?
Speaker 14
01:48:23 That reached the crime scene.
01:48:25 The local police had called the area off.
01:48:28 Showed me the bank and where the young lady was found.
01:48:32 She was probably killed right there at that particular area.
01:48:35 She was strangled.
Speaker 9
01:48:37 Waterhouse was seen leaving the crime scene and in a deposition when he was later questioned by Officer Olaf, he seemed almost proud to boast.
01:48:47 I'm going to say.
01:48:48 Least possible.
01:48:52 He might just be Dutch, though I don't know which is almost worse.
Speaker 9
01:48:57 I'm a Satanist Waterhouse also described how he first became involved in it in a bookstore.
01:49:03 My friend hit the shelf and a book fell out and I caught it and it had a pretty weird looking guy on the back.
01:49:11 Who was Jewish?
01:49:13 Possibly like me.
01:49:14 I don't know.
01:49:20 Yeah, but it was just paranoid.
01:49:21 Christian parents, right?
01:49:22 That didn't like heavy metal.
01:49:27 He's literally saying he's a satanist.
Speaker 9
01:49:33 The book was the Satanic Bible by Anton Levay after Scott Waterhouse's trial. Both the prosecution and the victim's father claimed that although the Satanic Bible did not condone violence, Waterhouse had interpreted it that way. The book made you feel do what you.
Speaker 2
01:49:49 Want to do?
01:49:53 You mean do it?
01:49:53 Thou wilt?
01:49:55 The libertarian credo.
01:50:01 I'm telling you, there's literally no.
01:50:02 There really is not a difference.
01:50:05 There's not a difference.
01:50:06 There's not a fundamental difference.
01:50:08 Between sadness.
01:50:11 Self-described saying that's not like weird spooky, you know, shadowy Satanist, actual Satanists that openly say their satanist.
01:50:22 Not not a difference between sadness.
01:50:25 And Maga boomers, in terms of the morality that they they espouse.
01:50:33 There's zero difference.
01:50:39 And what we're watching a lot of.
01:50:40 This this is the the the children of the MAGA Boomers.
01:50:44 So why is anyone surprised that this is?
01:50:46 How their kids turned out.
01:50:53 Literally no difference.
Speaker 2
01:50:56 And the heck what?
01:50:57 Everybody else more or less.
01:50:59 And I believe that that had a lot.
01:51:00 To do with it so it.
Speaker 7
01:51:01 Tries to make itself innocuous.
Speaker 9
01:51:05 But if you actually read it and believe it to the letter, it's a very dangerous manifesto. The author of The Satanic Bible, Anton Levay, is a former lion tamer and palm reader who in 1966 founded the first Church of Satan. It quickly became the country's most prominent.
01:51:24 Botanic organization fully protected as a religion under the law.
01:51:30 But was it really?
Speaker 6
01:51:34 How much of this?
01:51:37 This religion protect under the law stuff.
01:51:41 The interpretation that allowed Satanism to become, quote UN quote a religion protected under the law, how much of that was a direct result?
01:51:51 Of the Christian country that was America having to be conditioned to accept large amounts of of immigrants that were that did not at all align with their religious beliefs.
01:52:10 There was a.
01:52:11 Lot of work.
01:52:11 Put into that especially.
01:52:12 Post World War 2, you had a bunch of Jewish immigrants.
01:52:15 Coming from Europe.
01:52:17 We've covered that in past streams where we've shown the government films that including films featuring Frank Sinatra.
01:52:28 Government funded films telling people, oh, don't, don't be mean to the Jew, they just because they have a different religion.
01:52:37 And there would be no need to put in all this kind of ******* money.
01:52:41 Into telling the the Americans to accept all these.
01:52:46 Different cultures and religions, if everyone.
01:52:49 If it was just like this protected accepted idea under the Constitution prior to that.
01:52:55 If part of that if everyone's just like, fine, well, that's totally fine.
01:52:59 I mean, people forget that.
01:53:01 The the Christians in America, the Protestants in America that founded the country, they weren't even like, super stoked that Catholics showed up.
01:53:11 And yet, somehow, they they designed a country that was accepting of Satanists.
01:53:21 That that was like somehow, like they were suspicious of Catholics.
01:53:27 But like when you know when they when they.
01:53:29 Designed their country, they were like.
Speaker 5
01:53:31 And and if Satan is show.
01:53:32 Up. That's fine too.
01:53:36 OK.
Speaker 11
01:53:37 They're very selfish.
01:53:38 You mentioned we're going to read selfishness.
01:53:41 We believe that all of the.
01:53:45 What did he just say?
01:53:46 We believe in greed.
Speaker 11
01:53:48 We believe in.
01:53:48 Selfishness, one of the libertarian great works by Anne Ryan.
01:53:54 What is it?
01:53:56 Virtue of selfishness.
01:54:02 That's that's libertarianism.
01:54:05 That's boomer conservatism.
01:54:08 It's a system that that's based on greed and selfishness, right?
01:54:15 And they and they promote it like it's a good thing.
01:54:17 Like, no, no, it's fine.
01:54:18 Everyone's greedy and selfish.
01:54:19 But that's why it will.
Speaker 5
01:54:20 Everything will work out good.
01:54:24 Because ultimately everything is about profit, right? And so because everything's driven by.
01:54:28 Profit, which we now know is not true.
01:54:30 You know, go go broke is a ******* complete lie.
01:54:32 Don't believe me?
01:54:36 Watch the new watch the new Toy Story movie coming out.
01:54:40 I guess that just maybe it just.
01:54:41 Came out.
01:54:46 You know, just just like my sister, though, that shows up to work with the gay flag.
01:54:49 There's going to be tons of Christians that take their kids to see that.
01:54:52 And yeah, they'll be, they'll be upset and.
01:54:54 They'll complain that there's a lesbian couple in in in Toy Story, a literal kids movie.
01:55:00 They'll be.
01:55:00 They'll complain about it, but they're not.
01:55:01 Going to just not see.
01:55:02 It they have to see it, they have to.
01:55:13 This is what I mean the way.
01:55:16 The way he describes his philosophy, the way he describes Satanism.
01:55:22 Is indistinguishable.
01:55:25 From the libertarian leaning Maga boomers.
01:55:29 It's indistinguishable.
01:55:34 There is zero difference.
Speaker 11
01:55:37 Delightful thoughts that motivate man, because this is man's natural feeling.
01:55:43 This is based on what man naturally would do.
01:55:48 By the way.
01:55:50 And Rand.
Speaker 5
01:55:52 Also, a Jew from Eastern Europe.
01:55:56 It's like all of them.
01:55:58 It's literally all of them.
01:56:01 Who showed up when right around the turn of the century?
01:56:05 What the **** all of them.
01:56:09 Every character in this story somehow.
Speaker 5
01:56:14 Isn't that bizarre?
01:56:17 Must be a crazy coincidence.
Speaker 9
01:56:21 Breach of Satan and other organized devil worship groups represent our second category, religious satanist. Although Abbey would not talk to us, we can get a glimpse of his theories and his rituals in this 1970 documentary on his church.
Speaker 11
01:56:35 That person should be free to indulge in all of the so-called fetishes that they will desire and how they don't hurt anyone that doesn't preserve.
01:56:43 Orders to be hurt.
01:56:46 We perform human sacrifices by pasteurize, say, the destruction of human beings who would say, create an antagonistic situation.
01:56:58 See, this is not just so you know, this is not cringe Christian reenactment part.
01:57:02 This is the actual Church of Satan.
01:57:06 That's him.
01:57:07 That's the the Jewish head of the Church of Satan right there.
01:57:10 The guy who literally dresses up like a devil.
01:57:14 This isn't.
01:57:16 This isn't like the Christians dressing up actors, you know.
01:57:20 Weird, goofy thing to be like.
01:57:21 Oh, look at this scary Satanist.
01:57:23 This is the actual Satanist.
01:57:27 Or should I say libertarians?
Speaker 11
01:57:28 Being an antagonistic situation towards us in the form of curses and hexes, not in actual blood rituals, because certainly the distress of the human being physically is illegal.
Speaker 9
01:57:40 Police we spoke to say they have never made a link between this Satanic Church and the satanic crimes being committed, however some.
01:57:48 They've never made a link except for literally all the people they're arresting saying that they.
01:57:55 Got the book?
01:57:56 The Satanic Bible, and they believed in the the message.
01:58:00 And that it influenced them.
01:58:03 But there's.
01:58:04 No link.
Speaker 9
01:58:05 Incidents described to us by witnesses from around the country are strikingly similar to these ritualistic scenes.
01:58:12 For example, the ritualistic embracing of death.
01:58:16 Actually being placed inside a coffin containing a body.
01:58:24 Twice using a voodoo type doll to place a curse on an unsuspecting victim.
01:58:32 It's nothing that can be called physically harmful or illegal.
Speaker 1
01:58:35 Ohh my sentence, destroy those who love God.
Speaker 9
01:58:40 Although not connected to the Church of.
01:58:41 Satan these 12 year.
01:58:43 Old boys with their parents consent.
01:58:45 Demonstrated how they were taught to inflict.
01:58:47 Pain on them.
01:58:48 They also claimed they witnessed sacrificial murder by members of our third category of Satanism.
01:58:54 Satanic cults.
01:58:56 Wait for somebody.
Speaker 9
01:58:56 Police have found no proof made no arrest, but that's no surprise for nationwide police are hearing strikingly similar horror stories, and not one has ever been proved.
01:59:07 Take, for example.
01:59:08 In this case, the mother of a young victim, who asked not to be identified, usually.
Speaker 16
01:59:12 They have the children, kill the infants or the other.
Speaker 9
01:59:15 Kids, the children who were there actually.
Speaker 16
01:59:17 Right.
Speaker 9
01:59:17 What were given knives.
Speaker 16
01:59:18 Yes, they were. And if they refused to do it, an adult, usually the child's father or mother, would actually take the child's hand and make them kill the.
Speaker 9
01:59:27 There's also this similar case that links child sex abuse with murder.
Speaker 8
01:59:32 The children were given were given knives.
01:59:39 See, there's no.
01:59:40 There's nothing before everyone that before anyone goes like, oh, yeah, those kids are just making it up.
01:59:50 These cases existed in the 80s.
01:59:52 Stuff like this was happening.
01:59:53 It look what it is.
01:59:54 You have to be these cases.
01:59:55 I did the whole stream on.
01:59:56 The West Memphis three, what was that about?
02:00:01 There was a shocking number of cases where the people themselves involved were self-proclaimed Satanists.
Speaker 6
02:00:09 You don't have to.
02:00:09 Believe it, but they seem to.
Speaker 8
02:00:11 Order the children were given.
02:00:16 We're giving knives and told to go instead.
02:00:21 Those bodies and.
02:00:26 My grandchildren told me that they couldn't do that, that it wasn't, that it wasn't possible, that they could only get the knives to go in about that far, and then the adults put their hands over the children's hands and shove the knives in.
Speaker 9
02:00:44 Was there any reference to the devil?
02:00:47 Yes, and this case now under police investigation involving young boys describing.
02:00:52 Tell me what you were asked to do and this was in front of.
Speaker 11
02:00:59 The other people who were there.
Speaker 9
02:01:03 Will you give him a knife?
Speaker 2
02:01:06 And were you told what would happen to you if you didn't?
Speaker 9
02:01:13 Do you remember what they said?
02:01:17 So you either stab him or you'll be stabbed with.
Speaker 2
02:01:21 Now what it came down to.
Speaker 9
02:01:23 When the oldest boy described stabbing with a knife, what's his reaction?
Speaker 16
02:01:29 It's a hard, hard thing for him to say.
02:01:32 He's been more apt to act it.
Speaker 9
02:01:35 Out you remember his.
02:01:37 With their guardians consent, the boys used a doll to illustrate what they did.
Speaker 2
02:01:41 You say?
Speaker 7
02:01:42 You were given.
Speaker 9
02:01:42 The knife.
02:01:43 And then what did you do?
02:01:46 This did you push the knife all the way in deep, or did you just touch the skin and deep?
02:01:55 Were you in the room while this was going on?
02:01:57 Did you see what happened to the child that was stuck with?
02:02:00 By the way, the the executives over at Crush.
02:02:03 Right now are like, no, stop it.
02:02:04 No, we.
02:02:05 Can't this is the worst kind of product placement?
Speaker 9
02:02:09 What do you remember?
Speaker 10
02:02:10 Or broad.
Speaker 9
02:02:12 Ritualistic murder has become a specialty for San Francisco's chief medical examiner. Our local investigators really prepared, equipped to do they know what to look for when investigating these cases.
Speaker 17
02:02:23 No, I don't think they do, even though where many different people are trying to get out the message about ritualistic or funny types of killings, first of all.
02:02:33 Just on their face value, they sound so unusual or bizarre that most people hearing that message really don't think that.
Speaker 9
02:02:40 It's bizarre.
02:02:44 There's several parts to this.
02:02:46 I don't know if.
02:02:46 We go through the whole damn thing.
02:02:49 Let me just skip to this.
02:02:50 Let's let's take a look here.
02:02:52 There's another video I wanted to get to, but and I also got the Super chats from last stream that I didn't do and and super chats from this stream.
02:03:00 So that's going.
02:03:01 To eat up some time.
02:03:06 I don't really care about that.
02:03:10 Again, this and this is this is mainstream media, this is 2020. It's not some weird Christian network or something like.
02:03:16 That that was that was.
02:03:17 Like Ohh Spooky Satan is.
02:03:22 Isn't that Barbara Walters?
02:03:24 What does Barbara Walters have to say?
02:03:25 I wonder.
02:03:26 That's Barbara Walters.
Speaker 6
02:03:28 Speaking of Jews.
Speaker 9
02:03:29 Scars and experts say they were lucky to escape.
02:03:34 When you get into one of these groups, there's only a couple ways you can get out.
02:03:37 One is deaf.
Speaker 2
02:03:40 The other is mental institutions or third.
02:03:44 You can't get out.
Speaker 1
02:03:47 That's terrifying, and that's no choice.
Speaker 9
02:03:48 I'm serious business.
Speaker 14
02:03:50 If the police were aware.
Speaker 1
02:03:52 Of this and might be that they could get to the instigators to the.
02:03:54 Top people.
02:03:56 Why isn't there more awareness in the?
02:03:57 Part of the police.
Speaker 9
02:03:58 Police are very reluctant to investigate these crimes, as satanic crimes, probably because communities quite naturally don't want their reputation stigmatized.
02:04:06 Being the home of the devil, they prefer to try to categorize them as drug related crimes, sex related crimes or or robbery or something.
02:04:14 They're more familiar.
Speaker 1
02:04:14 With individual rather than finding out who's behind it.
02:04:18 Look if this happens to your kid, or if if you look at this, if your children you say, could this happen to my child out of?
02:04:24 Some kind of rebellion?
02:04:27 Blah blah blah all.
02:04:28 Right.
02:04:30 Instead, you know one thing I do.
02:04:31 Want to show you?
02:04:34 There were a bunch.
02:04:36 Of Mexican cult satanic cults.
02:04:38 We're not going to the the there was like a.
02:04:43 I might just show like the very beginning of it, just so you can.
02:04:46 See what I'm talking?
02:04:46 About here but.
02:04:48 There was also Mexican satanic cults that were ritualistically murdering a a bunch of people.
02:04:54 This was a a white guy that went to Mexico to party.
02:04:59 Got kidnapped by Mexican cartels.
02:05:03 And they uncovered him in a mass grave a few months later.
02:05:10 And a lot of the.
02:05:13 A lot of the cartel stuff is is Satanist.
02:05:16 Like like, like practicing?
02:05:18 They're practicing satanists.
02:05:21 And openly so the same.
02:05:23 The same brutal murder type **** that you were having that had in America going on in the 80s.
02:05:28 A lot of that stuff that's happened, like anyone that's been that's seen any of the gore videos or like the horrific **** that you see coming out of Mexico, it's like, what the ****?
02:05:37 How do they?
02:05:38 Do that well, it's it's.
02:05:41 Satanism, it's literally Satanism.
02:05:43 Let me let me try to find.
02:05:46 There was a.
02:05:49 I thought I had it loaded up here.
02:05:53 But they had a like I said, there was an entire Mexican town.
02:05:59 That's satanic.
02:06:01 Let's see if I have it here.
02:06:04 I thought for sure I downloaded it.
02:06:08 Yeah, see how the stream is working just fine.
02:06:10 Like, I'm sure it looks a little ghetto.
02:06:12 Like it's probably not.
02:06:15 At perfect quality all the time, but it hasn't.
02:06:18 It hasn't been disconnecting, so I don't I and I purposely kept all of the settings exactly the same on OS.
02:06:26 Because I wanted it to be.
02:06:27 Like, OK, you know if if it.
02:06:30 If it ***** up.
02:06:31 When I'm using this ghetto Internet that I'm.
02:06:33 Using right now.
02:06:35 Then we'll know.
02:06:37 That uh.
02:06:39 It's not space Internet, but it's it's ******* space Internet, unfortunately.
Speaker 14
02:06:45 Ohh let's see here.
Speaker 6
02:06:49 Here it is.
02:06:50 Yeah, and this is now, this is current day.
02:06:59 This isn't like.
02:07:01 In the 80s or in the 90s, this is right now.
02:07:05 There's a town where there are tourist attraction.
02:07:09 Is Satanism.
Speaker 3
02:07:11 Right now I'm in Catemaco and.
02:07:13 Veracruz in Mexico.
02:07:15 And Catemaco might be one of the.
02:07:16 Most interesting little towns in all.
02:07:18 Of Mexico.
02:07:19 Here, despite there being like a giant church behind.
02:07:22 This town is what they.
02:07:25 Call the town of Brujos and in Spanish.
02:07:28 A Bruno is kind.
02:07:29 Of like a like a like a witch.
02:07:34 See, that's.
02:07:35 That's right now.
02:07:40 That's right now.
Speaker 3
02:07:42 Like a like a warlock.
02:07:45 And this town is actually.
02:07:46 Filled with with people that worship.
02:07:49 Satan and they actually have like.
02:07:51 A satanic church here.
02:07:54 That's right, now you've got.
02:07:56 A big devil statue upside down cross.
02:08:00 Oh, but it's.
02:08:01 Just cutesy, it's fine.
02:08:02 It's fine, says the libertarian.
Speaker 3
02:08:05 It's culture and they do animal sacrifices and during the spring equinox they hold a huge ceremony where they sacrifice a goat to a giant burning.
02:08:18 All fine.
02:08:19 This is all fine.
02:08:20 Nothing wrong Instagram so.
Speaker 3
02:08:26 You know I.
02:08:26 Came here about two years ago, just as I was exploring through Mexico.
02:08:30 Just, you know, traveling through, I came across this town and.
02:08:37 Well, I'm back.
Speaker 5
02:08:48 So yeah this.
02:08:49 Stuff is real.
02:08:50 Like again, I'm not.
02:08:52 I'm not even commenting on on whether the supernatural aspect of it is real.
02:08:56 That's immaterial.
02:08:59 There's there's a a population of people that practice this stuff.
02:09:06 And it often leads to horrific, horrific ****.
02:09:13 Ah, anyway.
02:09:19 Yeah, like all the cartel like Gore videos and stuff like that, it's because this is where they go.
02:09:24 To church.
Speaker 5
02:09:25 You know what I mean?
02:09:31 Anyway, let's take a look at.
02:09:34 At last week's Super chats real quick here.
02:09:50 All right. First we have Colonia and Victor with $5 pre stream contribution. Well, the joke was on you.
02:09:59 There was not exactly a a stream.
02:10:01 The to speak of with all that all that nonsense went on.
02:10:05 But I appreciate that.
02:10:06 Simba $5 in case you haven't already, please show the potato.
02:10:10 Of the month, the Ohh the photo it's.
02:10:12 Like the potato.
02:10:14 The photo of the monster that decapitated 22 year old pregnant Liaz Dodd. I swear, if you have any. If your white daughter. Oh yeah, we did a whole segment on that. That was the.
02:10:26 The toll paid.
02:10:28 Story. Yep. So.
02:10:32 There we go. Harambe did nothing wrong, $5 they are trying to hold out on Roe V Wade decision for just right the right moment to cause chaos and distraction.
02:10:41 Or is you that you're asking are?
02:10:42 They what hypothetical time could that be?
02:10:45 Assuming the election as maximum fake and gay and red versus Blue team results don't matter to them anyway.
02:10:52 Think with or without front I you know, I don't know.
02:10:55 They're obviously milking it because they're trying to get people that that.
02:11:02 The leftists aren't exactly super excited about Biden.
02:11:05 Not that that matters.
02:11:07 You know, they weren't excited about Biden last time, and they still made him win, you know, so.
02:11:13 I don't know that it matters.
02:11:15 You're starting to see.
02:11:16 I mean, there's been.
02:11:17 A couple.
02:11:18 Leftist terrorist attacks.
02:11:21 Or attempted attacks, or some of them have an attacks related to that where you had like the fire bombing or attempted fire bombing.
02:11:29 You had that.
02:11:30 Left this guy that that went to Kavanaugh's house or whatever. I mean, I don't know. I just think look, it's it's one of these things where it's.
02:11:39 We're just seeing, you know, things are just slowly spinning out of control.
02:11:44 I don't even know that all this is necessarily planned.
02:11:47 I mean the this The Who does whoever it's up.
Speaker 6
02:11:51 To the court.
02:11:52 When they release their decision on this.
02:11:57 See, we have to ask them if the court has a political motive, which they might.
02:12:03 We don't even know we.
02:12:04 Don't even know if that's the final decision.
02:12:08 We don't even know who voted which way.
02:12:11 Roberts, I think has some say in into when you know as to when these things get.
02:12:17 Release, but I don't know.
02:12:19 I don't know.
02:12:21 Mark asked me $1.00 last year. You talked briefly about how fake and gay survival reality TV shows are.
02:12:27 Have you seen the show alone on The History Channel?
02:12:29 I'm sure someone in chat can back me up that it's a step above the rest.
02:12:33 It's a reality show for people who don't like reality shows.
02:12:36 I have not seen it, but I don't watch TV, so I don't know.
02:12:41 I I still think all reality TV is garbage and.
02:12:46 In my experience at least, and who knows, I'm not familiar with this one.
02:12:52 You don't spend a bunch of money.
02:12:55 Making a in a television show without a without scripting it.
02:13:03 You know, without producers scripting it.
02:13:07 To some extent.
02:13:11 Let's see here.
02:13:14 Soy peeled $50. Very generous.
02:13:17 Don't sweat it, man. The replays are always fine. And one reason I TuneIn live.
02:13:23 Is to give you money.
02:13:24 Last stream was awesome in spite of the issues and I laughed my asss off at your angry sarcasm when it went **** ** well.
02:13:32 It's no laughing matter, but I appreciate the support.
02:13:36 That that's that's not scripted, by the way, that's.
02:13:38 Genuine anger that you're.
02:13:43 Dude, the dude did nothing wrong $10. Appreciate that only after the switch to Star Link that I realized I like the later stream for Saturday.
02:13:52 It started at 2:00 AM for my time zone, so I don't go out with friends, and then we'd come home and catch the start of the stream.
02:14:00 Yeah, I mean.
02:14:00 It might have to.
02:14:02 We might have to start doing it the old time again.
02:14:04 I don't know.
02:14:05 I've been looking at Internet solutions and that just might.
02:14:08 Be the way.
02:14:09 That it goes and it's not.
02:14:12 Because of the heat situation.
02:14:14 For the next three months where I'm at.
02:14:17 It might not be the worst thing.
02:14:18 If I shuffle my my awake hours to the night time and.
02:14:24 And cause getting getting things.
02:14:26 Done at dawn and like really, really early in the morning is when you have to get things done.
02:14:31 When it gets this hot.
02:14:33 So maybe not the worst thing.
02:14:34 I don't know.
02:14:35 I I just, I don't.
02:14:36 I I liked having.
02:14:38 I liked having normal ish days and if you string till.
02:14:44 After I do this.
02:14:47 I can't just go right to bed.
02:14:48 You can't just get all worked up and and talk to thousands of people and just be like oh.
02:14:53 That was fun.
02:14:53 And then you know, you're out like a light.
02:14:55 I mean, unless you're really exhausted.
02:14:56 I've had that happen maybe once or twice.
02:14:58 But, you know, you're kind of wound up and you.
02:15:01 Can't just shut.
02:15:02 Off and so it's.
02:15:06 You know, if your stream goes till 3.
02:15:08 Or four in the.
02:15:09 Morning. I mean.
02:15:09 You're you're up and you're.
02:15:11 Up past dawn and then the sun's up.
02:15:13 So you're like.
02:15:14 Wow, I mean.
02:15:15 I'm already up and it's light outside now, you know.
02:15:17 I mean, so.
02:15:17 It just it.
02:15:18 Totally changes your your whole rhythm and.
02:15:23 Like even now, like right now it's pretty late, but it's it's not so late that I couldn't go to sleep before the sun came up.
02:15:31 Like, that's the thing. Like, if you're up when the sun's up, it's like it's.
02:15:34 Real hard to go to sleep at that point.
02:15:37 Cringe Panda $5 in the last week I've watched a dozen movies about lives of real music stars. Every movie showed the father as an aggressive, violent, as aggressive, violent, hostile.
02:15:48 Either his agenda to show fathers is awful or unnecessary, or there's a correlation between your dad beating the **** out of you and a desire to be.
02:15:57 The name is uh.
02:16:00 It's probably a little bit of this, a little bit of that.
02:16:03 It's it's like that TikTok, famous TikTok video that went viral where you had all those mentally ill gender confused people that had that one after another.
02:16:15 Admit that they have a terrible relationship with their father, and those are the kinds of people that.
02:16:20 Go into media.
02:16:21 Those are the kinds of people that end.
02:16:23 Up being writers.
02:16:26 Jews, because, you know, there's still it's not as honestly, it's not really enough. It's not as 100% saturation as it used.
02:16:33 To be but Jews that are in Hollywood and stuff like that there there's it's more matriarchical.
02:16:41 If that's the right word or a word even it's but it's it's.
02:16:46 It's way more feminine, right?
02:16:48 There's not very rarely do you.
02:16:50 Have you even hear mention of a strong masculine Jewish dad?
02:16:54 I don't think I've ever heard.
02:16:56 Even Jews, I don't.
02:16:57 Think that Jews would say that like oh.
02:16:59 Yeah, my dad was he was.
02:17:01 He was, you know, he was a real masculine.
02:17:03 Guy, he was.
02:17:03 Always taking me hunting and.
02:17:05 You know, like, you know, there's.
02:17:06 That story doesn't exist, and so you have that playing into.
02:17:10 It as well, obviously.
02:17:13 Colonel N word $1.00. Holy **** you monies to invest in improving Starlink instead of getting all these murders, black people out of poverty.
02:17:20 Yeah, we're buying Twitter.
02:17:21 Let's let's try to get Starley working first.
02:17:23 I yeah, it worked at first, I honestly think.
02:17:28 Because if you remember it stopped working the day.
02:17:34 They had that news report about Russia hacking Starlink because of them using it in Ukraine.
02:17:40 I think that has a big.
02:17:43 That that plays a role.
02:17:45 I don't know if it has plays a big role actually, but I think that plays a role in what's going on with my connection, cause it worked fine until the day that was a new story.
02:17:56 But I've also heard they're expanding it.
02:17:58 So I think that they might have added in addition to giving it to a bunch of people in.
02:18:02 Ukraine, I think the network might be getting a little congested because their excuse would be well, you know when it dropped drops connection, the majority of people aren't like the users, they're not going to notice and you don't notice, right?
02:18:15 Like if you're watching a YouTube video, YouTube videos buffer.
02:18:19 And so if it drops connection for like a a couple of.
02:18:22 Seconds or whatever.
02:18:23 You won't know because it the video is buffered, so it'll reconnect before the buffer runs out, and so most people aren't even going to notice that.
02:18:30 It's doing that.
02:18:33 And just because it's satellite, the reason why it.
02:18:35 Would be doing.
02:18:36 That is, the satellites are moving so fast.
02:18:42 That it's having to switch satellites in.
02:18:44 The same way like if you were.
02:18:45 Flying in an airplane at low altitude and you had like your, you know cell.
02:18:50 Phone out, you'd.
02:18:51 Be switching towers constantly.
02:18:53 And every time it would switch towers.
02:18:55 There would be a good chance that you would drop connection.
02:18:57 For like a, a second or whatever.
02:18:59 Right and.
02:19:02 Same concept, it's just that the towers are the ones moving and they're moving fast, so you're going to have the occasional disconnect that's going to **** **.
02:19:15 A harmless Gee, a normal YouTube channel called Economics, explained posting or explained posted a video going over the 1972 MIT study predicting societal collapse by 2040 and a 2020.
02:19:29 One follow-up study that we are on track to the worst case scenario, they modeled.
02:19:34 Any thoughts so I'll.
02:19:35 I'll check that out.
02:19:36 That's very interesting.
02:19:38 That sounds about right.
Speaker 11
02:19:41 You know, I don't think I.
02:19:43 Don't think recent events would, would.
02:19:45 Cast any doubt on that conclusion.
02:19:47 I'll, I'll.
02:19:48 I'll take a look at it.
02:19:49 It it's really hard though, NIT or not, it's real hard to trust computer models.
02:19:54 There's a lot of data guys that get really autistic and spergy and think they can model anything and they just you can't, you can't.
02:20:02 But human behavior is predictable to a point.
02:20:05 And you know it's.
02:20:08 There are people that are really good at predicting that behavior, but computer models are.
02:20:14 Or, you know, they they've.
02:20:16 They're famously.
02:20:19 Inaccurate at times.
02:20:22 Patton Oswald $2.00 Odyssey app on the iPhone doesn't allow for hyper chat, something you might want to.
02:20:27 Talk about with them.
02:20:31 It doesn't really.
02:20:32 I wonder if that has.
02:20:33 Something to do with?
02:20:36 You know the App Store or something like that.
02:20:38 It probably does, I would guess.
02:20:41 That you're not allowed to spend money with an app.
02:20:46 Unless Apple gets a cut.
02:20:49 So I think that's probably what's happening there is you can't make purchases using an app from the Apple Store without Apple getting their ******* money.
02:21:01 $1.00 crunch. Panda. Devin, I think it's Honestly's fault this is happening to Owen Benjamin. I, hypocrite. Stick streams.
02:21:07 Have you considered doing a simple test stream on YouTube?
02:21:10 Just to rule out the satellite Internet, you can just talk gibberish for a few minutes and test it out.
02:21:14 I did try connecting to another server.
02:21:19 And streaming stuff to it.
02:21:21 And I had issues.
02:21:23 And the other thing is.
02:21:25 Remember I loaded up the VPN.
02:21:28 To see if that would fix it and it didn't fix it.
02:21:30 Weirdly for a while, and then it started doing the same thing, and when it started doing the same thing, I wasn't just getting disconnected from the Odyssey server, I was getting disconnected from the VPN, so it was a connection issue with Starlink.
02:21:44 Warsteiner, or at least for some.
02:21:46 Of it could have been odyssey, I don't know.
02:21:47 But tonight's working fine and I'm using Geto Internet, so if it's working really good that you know it's.
02:21:54 I don't think it was honestly, because I.
02:21:56 Didn't change all my.
02:21:57 Settings in OBS are exactly the same.
02:22:00 And this Internet should not be working this good.
02:22:04 Because it's like a like a 10 year old phone.
02:22:06 Basically that's been hacked that to be a hotspot it's it's kind of ghetto.
02:22:12 The worst diner, 891 five dollars. Appreciate that. I'm sorry about your Internet situation, Devin. I can relate to how frustrating it must feel, and I'm sure you'll figure out a solution. Yeah, I'm working.
Speaker 6
02:22:23 On it I'm working on it.
02:22:29 Patton Oswalt $3 I had to use my PC to send hyper chat. It's about 2:00 AM here in the East Coast.
02:22:35 I hate to be up this late, but I like your streams except for the constant disconnections.
02:22:38 Any chance you can get a landline Internet?
02:22:41 Also, do you live in a hot desert?
02:22:43 the US has many more fertile lands to homestead, yet the the problem is you can't.
02:22:48 There's literally no Internet options out here.
02:22:50 There's none, there's no Internet company here.
02:22:53 There's no landline anything here.
02:22:55 I'm lucky and I mean this.
02:22:56 I'm lucky to have electricity.
02:23:00 I don't even you know.
02:23:00 I'm that's all I've got.
02:23:02 That's the only.
02:23:03 Way I'm hooked up to the grid and I'm.
02:23:04 Trying to get off that.
02:23:05 I'm trying to, I've I've I've got like.
02:23:09 Well, one of my buildings.
02:23:10 Is is all solar.
02:23:12 Now, it's not like I mean it wouldn't be able to handle my ham radios and stuff like.
02:23:16 That but it it can.
02:23:18 Well, I mean it can handle like the QRP stuff, but.
02:23:22 And like a couple lights, it's.
02:23:24 Pretty low key, I don't.
02:23:24 Have a ton of money, so it's it's like ghetto.
02:23:27 It's basically the amount of solar power you would have in an RV.
02:23:31 It's just in a building, you know, I mean, so it's it's like just enough to kind of, you know, keep some lights on and stuff like that.
02:23:38 And the Battery bank is pretty pretty low key because batteries are that's the expensive.
02:23:42 When you do that stuff.
02:23:44 And yeah, I'm in. I'm.
02:23:45 In a very hot desert.
02:23:49 And it's not about, it's not about fertile lands.
02:23:51 It's about money.
02:23:52 Because again, I'm poor and fertile.
02:23:55 Lands are much more expensive than desert land, and so that that was what I've lived the desert a long time.
02:24:02 So I knew what to.
02:24:02 Expect, but if I'm being honest, the big the big decider was money.
02:24:08 Simbi $5.00. Do you ever listen to undead chronic? I've never heard of undead chronic. He released a monologue 11 minutes recently called Roe V Wade, and Feminism ruined America.
02:24:19 It was one of his best, I think his message would resonate with most of.
02:24:22 Your audience never heard of him.
02:24:24 Maybe I'll take a look at it.
02:24:27 Based race Mixer $5 just catching the stream. Do you still have Wi-Fi? Yes, I do, obviously. Yeah. Well, I mean, not right now.
02:24:36 Well, actually no. I do actually. Ironically, this is the wife.
02:24:42 That's working better.
02:24:45 Then the this Elon Musk, you know, based Elon Internet cringe, panda $1.00 for my movie watching project, I watched the idol maker from 1980 on YouTube, easily the best movie about the pre prefabricated musical idols. The climax was awesome.
02:25:05 Amazing acting, but if you read up on the main character, you'll find out in.
02:25:08 Real life he developed.
02:25:09 A $4000 a day heroin habit and murdered nearly 100 women.
02:25:16 OK.
02:25:16 That's interesting.
02:25:17 I might have.
02:25:17 To might have to look into that.
02:25:21 Pull one was did he also? Was he also a a satanic libertarian, possibly pole or $1.00? Sounds like this is.
02:25:30 It is a problem a lot of users and.
02:25:32 Starlink is rolling out firmware update you may want.
02:25:35 To request it.
02:25:37 OK.
02:25:37 Yeah, I'll check it out.
02:25:38 Like look if they.
02:25:40 If they can patch the firmware, it just I can't.
02:25:44 I can't be a professional streamer and have that kind of unprofessionalism with the string, you know, like I can't call myself a ******* streamer if I can't even ******* stream.
02:25:54 You know what I mean?
02:25:55 So I I'll, I'll.
02:25:57 Do what it takes to actually have it stream.
02:26:00 You know that.
02:26:00 That's going to be what, what the?
02:26:03 You know, even if it means I have to change time and pay extra for some stupid phone Internet crap or whatever.
02:26:09 Like you know, that's what matters to me, is that it gets out there, and if Starlink isn't up for the task, I can't use it.
02:26:17 You know, I I.
02:26:19 Yeah, we'll see.
02:26:20 We'll see.
02:26:20 I'll check out that.
02:26:21 Link though.
02:26:23 Based race mixer $1.00. What are your thoughts on sudden adult death syndrome?
02:26:30 ******* unreal.
02:26:31 Thanks, Devin.
02:26:31 I'd heard it mention.
02:26:36 I don't know, I haven't.
02:26:38 I I haven't read about it, though.
02:26:39 I'm I'm guessing it has something to do with.
02:26:41 Is it like the vaccine type deaths?
02:26:44 I I'm.
02:26:45 I'd have to look into that.
02:26:50 Base Race Mixer again $1.00 not that well, but better.
02:26:54 I think your time about the connection was probably when it was ******* up.
Speaker 5
02:26:58 Can't be a blacker.
02:27:00 $1.00, remember, we watched the other Satanist interview a while back where they were dressed normally and bragged that they were interested in recruiting high IQ, successful people. They've got all the bases covered. The enemy isn't dumb. This guy has deep Masonic connections too.
02:27:16 Yeah, you talk about the the guy wearing an actual devil costume, right?
02:27:20 Right.
02:27:21 Well, even the saying this in that interview from the 80s, though they, I mean, they weren't like wearing double costumes, but they were looking.
02:27:27 They're wearing very they were wearing all black and, you know, for the time as much as it looked kind of normal ish, probably in the context of the day, given what's considered weird these days, that would have looked at least a little bit weird and slightly off putting, I think, to to Americans at the time.
02:27:45 But yeah, they certainly learned to not, you know, it's they're they're going to, they're going to catch more flies.
02:27:50 Not dressed as the.
02:27:52 Based race Mixer $5 Devon is the Jewish supremacy establishment. Telling China to pause, sit back and wait until the West collapses. As Harry Vock speaks.
02:28:01 About, well, I'll tell you.
02:28:03 There was. Who was it?
02:28:07 Who was it that put this out today?
02:28:13 Or not today, Keith Woods.
02:28:16 Oh, I guess.
02:28:17 He forwarded it from the end Times Telegram, so this was.
02:28:28 This was from the onion.
02:28:31 In 2014.
02:28:35 In 2014, the Onion put out a tweet.
02:28:41 Or I guess a story, not a tweet.
02:28:46 And those you don't know the onion, obviously everyone should know, but the.
02:28:48 Onion is a satire.
02:28:50 Fake newspaper that does funny headlines cause it's it's so ridiculous that it, you know.
02:28:57 But their story was.
02:29:00 CIA uncovers plot or uncovers Chinese plot to just sit back and enjoy the collapse of the United States.
02:29:08 OK, now here's a real tweet from.
02:29:14 The Financial Times.
02:29:17 Or no, I'm.
02:29:17 Sorry, foreign policy.
02:29:19 China wants to.
02:29:20 Avoid doing anything that would interrupt the process of US decline.
02:29:31 Perhaps that answers your question there.
02:29:35 UM.
02:29:41 Where was I at?
02:29:49 Cringe Panda $1.00, I beg you to watch this 32nd video of a famous YouTuber referencing you and giving you.
02:29:56 A shout out.
02:29:59 Well, that's just.
02:30:02 You should tell me who it is.
02:30:05 Cause this I feel like what if this?
02:30:08 Famous YouTuber you speak of is someone cringe.
02:30:11 I don't let me.
02:30:12 Let me see.
02:30:12 I can't.
02:30:13 This is a screenshot.
02:30:14 So you're making me literally type in a YouTube URL which is.
Speaker 6
02:30:20 Let's see.
02:30:22 I'll look, I'll peek at it.
02:30:29 Let's do the wacky YouTube random letters code here now.
02:30:36 That's case sensitive.
02:30:37 To make it even more fun.
02:30:47 Da da da da da.
Speaker 6
02:30:50 OK.
02:31:03 It is cringe.
02:31:04 I'll watch it later with audio.
02:31:13 Well, I'll take a look at it later.
02:31:18 Jack Russell, $1.00.
02:31:20 Devin, the idea of degeneracy in anime.
02:31:24 Is somewhat similar to what inspires image prohibition in Islam.
02:31:30 Do you think that we should ban images too, or do you think it's because Japanese influences that image animations turn to should be banned if you want to simplify it, should we ban anime?
02:31:45 I don't know.
02:31:46 I don't know.
02:31:47 This is one of those things that it's one of those discussions that.
02:31:53 It it's one of those things where we we're not in a position of power to even have a a response to that.
02:32:00 It's like, OK, in a perfect world.
02:32:02 What I want.
02:32:03 What a world without anime be a better world than a world with anime.
02:32:08 In my opinion, yes.
02:32:11 So if I had a magic.
02:32:12 Wand where I'm creating a white utopia for my descendants and I can wave this wand and there's no anime.
02:32:23 Yeah, alright, I'll do.
02:32:24 I'll wave the wand.
02:32:27 But when it comes to.
02:32:30 What to censor, how to how much dissent?
02:32:33 Because there's always going to be some censorship.
02:32:38 And but a lot of it.
02:32:40 I think if if you have a healthy society.
02:32:44 A lot of it's self censoring, right?
02:32:46 In the same way.
02:32:50 So like, OK, so there's like a.
02:32:51 Lot of youtubers.
02:32:52 Right, that they're not going to go to jail unless they live in the UK.
02:32:56 They're not going to go to jail if they say certain things, but they'll lose their monetization and that's just enough social pressure to keep them from talking about certain things.
02:33:07 Right.
02:33:13 You know, if you had a healthy society where?
02:33:17 There's no law necessarily banning you from saying or doing certain things, but if you did it like there'd be because the society was helpful or was healthy and had a healthy immune system and it would make you, it would essentially socially shun you in such a way that you wouldn't want to do or say those things or produce those images.
02:33:42 Is that the better way?
02:33:43 To go about it, I don't know.
02:33:46 I don't know, but magic wand.
02:33:48 Yeah, no anime.
02:33:50 Based race mixer $5.00, so Max Egan on his last video swearing it's not just Jews, but something else.
02:33:58 Proclaim this.
02:33:59 My question is above Jewish supremacy?
02:34:01 Is it satanic panic?
02:34:03 You tell me.
02:34:03 Like is our is like a they're a hierarchy of Satan above the Jews.
02:34:07 Look, I'm not even saying.
02:34:09 Don't get me wrong.
02:34:10 I'm not saying that there's, like, some Church of Satan.
02:34:15 Cabal that's running.
02:34:17 Things it's the ideology.
02:34:19 It's the idea of do what thou wilt.
02:34:21 It's the idea that you are the end of the universe.
02:34:24 The universe does not extend beyond you that unless the actions of others do not extend beyond them, the idea that this hyper individualism.
02:34:36 Invariably, is going to lead.
02:34:38 To the destruction of your society.
02:34:41 Because it ignores the idea that you.
02:34:44 Even have a society?
02:34:46 It never even takes into account.
02:34:49 The Society the Society is you.
02:34:54 You are.
02:34:54 You are the alpha and the Omega.
02:34:59 That's that's that is.
02:35:02 Whether you know that aside, like take away the goofy Satan costume, take away the you know, the the stupid rituals and all this other stuff.
02:35:15 None of that's even is like take away even if you want to be an atheist.
02:35:20 And and and look at this just as you know all the all the rituals and stuff is hocus pocus nonsense. And there's there's no entity called the Devil's Fine. It doesn't change.
02:35:35 The fact that if you were in this hyper individualistic mindset, where the universe does not extend beyond you.
02:35:43 Anything goes.
02:35:45 And I don't want to live in a society where that's how everyone thinks.
02:35:52 And I well I.
Speaker 5
02:35:53 And I do listen, that's the society I live.
02:35:55 In right now, that's.
02:35:57 We all live in that society.
02:36:01 That's what gave birth to the all this stuff, all the trans kid stuff, all the the pride stuff, all this stuff.
02:36:08 You can trace it back.
02:36:09 To the idea.
Speaker 5
02:36:10 That that I'm gonna.
02:36:12 I'm gonna be me.
02:36:16 Or, as libertarians love saying, look man, I'm not going to tell you what to do.
02:36:20 You do you man.
02:36:21 I ******* hate that **** and I hear it.
02:36:23 All the time.
02:36:24 Hey bro, if that's what you want.
Speaker 7
02:36:25 To do you do you.
02:36:28 That's that's, that's cowardice.
Speaker 6
02:36:32 That's Satanism.
02:36:34 According to satanist.
02:36:37 Now, obviously, not everyone who believes that is going to end.
02:36:41 Up, going and murdering and ****** kids and all this other stuff.
02:36:45 But guess what?
02:36:48 If you're murdering and ****** kids, you.
02:36:49 Probably think like that.
Speaker 5
02:36:57 Right.
02:37:05 It's like not everyone that watches anime is a ******, but every ****** likes anime.
Speaker 5
02:37:11 It's the same.
02:37:12 It's the same thing.
02:37:15 You know, not every libertarian is going to be a child.
02:37:17 ****** murderer.
02:37:19 But every child ****** murderer is based libertarian.
02:37:30 So it's the ideology itself.
02:37:35 That's a problem.
02:37:37 And the people at the top?
02:37:38 Of course they, that's.
02:37:39 How they view the world.
02:37:44 Of course they view it like that because that.
02:37:48 I mean, it's so much.
02:37:49 Easier to sleep at night.
02:37:52 You're ordering people to their deaths.
02:38:02 That's fine, it doesn't affect you.
02:38:05 You're all that matters.
02:38:15 You know their empathy is.
02:38:18 I think that might have been all the Super chats.
02:38:20 Let me look and see.
02:38:20 I thought there was another one.
02:38:21 But the way.
02:38:22 I did this was weird, but that's the thing.
02:38:25 Is it it just that that ideology basically turns everyone into a ******* psychopath?
02:38:32 And some some.
02:38:33 Well, I mean and some handle it better than others, but.
02:38:39 And look, this is this is really.
02:38:43 The the results.
02:38:44 That we're seeing right now, like the trans kid, stuff like that.
02:38:47 If you really think about it, this is after just one generation.
02:38:50 Of that ideology.
02:38:54 We're just one generation in from people throwing away.
02:38:59 You know the old ways.
02:39:04 Throwing away the oh, that the stuffy puritanical Christian ****.
02:39:09 This is just one generation in.
02:39:11 And we were at trans kids already.
02:39:18 What happens when the trans kids grow up and?
02:39:20 They have kids.
02:39:25 You know, I mean that's that's we're only one generation in and we went from zero to trans kids.
02:39:32 With that ideology?
02:39:34 And there's no argument against it.
02:39:36 What argument can you make against it?
02:39:41 You cannot make a libertarian argument.
02:39:45 Against ******.
02:39:52 There isn't one.
02:40:00 All right, say, look at tonight's super chats.
02:40:11 If it loads up, no, it's going to not.
02:40:14 Is it not going to work?
02:40:15 Now we got all this time.
02:40:16 And then it stops working.
02:40:19 I'll refresh it.
02:40:22 Hopefully the stream's still working. I thought the chat was chat was still updating, so I think.
02:40:26 It's working, there we go.
02:40:34 OK, cringe panda $1.00. I think the CIA doesn't give out sugar cubes laced with acid anymore. That didn't work too well. So instead, they're adding estrogen to.
02:40:44 The drinking water well.
02:40:46 Possible I you know, I got a bunch of. I have a bunch of videos from the 1970s and 80s. This guy that used to be a CIA agent. I'm going to be doing a thing on the CIA somewhat soon.
02:41:03 UM.
02:41:05 Base Race Mixer $25 appreciate that fitting how fitting how Juneteenth is on Father's Day in the ******* middle of sodomite month.
02:41:15 By the way, I have been watching your pre Trump videos before the stolen election.
02:41:20 Dude, you were spot on and at the time I didn't want to.
02:41:22 Believe it, I.
02:41:23 Hope the boomers got an awakening.
02:41:26 Well, you know.
02:41:28 Yeah, I mean, I.
02:41:29 I hate that I was.
02:41:31 Exactly right with that stuff.
02:41:33 And it was frustrating because.
02:41:36 A lot.
02:41:37 You weren't the only one that didn't want to believe it.
02:41:39 Let me just put it that way.
02:41:40 And there was a lot of people really ******.
02:41:42 Off at me for saying that stuff and telling people like, no, this isn't, you know.
02:41:47 That you're not going.
02:41:48 To stop.
02:41:48 The steel Speaking of which.
02:41:51 One of the only good things about this January 6 stuff is you're getting like a full accounting of what happened to all that stopped the steel money.
02:41:59 You know what I mean?
02:42:01 The the hundreds of millions and it was hundreds of millions of dollars that boomers donated to stop the steel.
02:42:09 Right thinking that?
02:42:10 Ohh well, I'm going to put all this money.
02:42:12 It's all going to go into legal fees and cause didn't remember wondering like why is.
Speaker 5
02:42:16 It that it's?
02:42:17 Like Giuliani, and like a a room full of, you know, lawyers that don't seem very good at this.
02:42:23 Like, why are they the only ones trying to stop this?
02:42:26 Shouldn't you know someone like Donald Trump?
02:42:28 Have way more resources than this.
02:42:31 You know, why aren't they they doing more?
02:42:33 To like if this is there.
02:42:34 If that's this is legitimately what?
02:42:35 They're trying to do.
02:42:38 And you know, here's here's.
02:42:42 And here's a quote money.
02:42:43 Ostensibly raised to stop the.
02:42:45 Steel instead went to Mr. Trump and his allies, including the investigation or including the investigation, found $1,000,000 for a charitable foundation run by Mark Meadows.
02:42:58 His chief of staff, $1 million to a a political group run by several of his former staff members, including Stephen Miller, the architect of Trump's immigration agenda, more than $200,000 to Trump hotels $5,000,000 to event strategies incorporated.
02:43:19 Which ran the January 6 rally, aides said. Kimberly Guilfoil, the girlfriend of Mr. Trump's son, was paid $60,000 to speak at an event in a speech that lasted less than 3 minutes.
02:43:37 It was all a grift.
02:43:40 I was saying it then and people are just I don't think I don't.
02:43:45 Again, I don't think people gonna like wake up.
02:43:47 They weren't going to wake up.
02:43:48 They're not going to wake up now.
02:43:49 To this day, I do sometimes when I'm feeling optimistic.
02:43:54 I guess with the about the world I do sometimes wonder if the.
02:43:59 Bit shoot.
02:44:03 At the bit shoot trending page is manipulated just because it does seem a little.
02:44:08 Weird at this point that it's still this way, but like I'm I'm loading up right now, so the first.
02:44:15 The number one, I'll tell you what, though.
02:44:18 These have way.
02:44:18 Less views. That's encouraging. No one's going to bit shoot anymore.
02:44:22 It used to be like the the number one trending video.
02:44:24 On bit shoot it.
02:44:25 Would have like 50,000 views.
02:44:27 Well, now it's got 15,000 views, that's.
02:44:29 A dramatic drop.
02:44:31 And that's a dramatic ******* drop of viewers.
02:44:35 But the.
02:44:35 It doesn't matter the the first. The first video is X-22 report. You know, Captain queuing on himself.
02:44:45 Patriots setting everything in motion.
02:44:49 It's all part of the plan, guys.
02:44:50 Even now, even today.
02:44:53 That's the number one video. That's the number of. Again, it's encouraging that it's only 15,000 views. I mean that doesn't bode well for bit shoot as a platform.
02:45:01 I mean, that's a massive drop that your number one trending video went from like just just just think about that if your number one trending video for the day only has 15,000 views.
Speaker 6
02:45:13 Yeesh, that's.
02:45:15 That's bad. I mean, my streams often get 15,000 views and this is their number one.
Speaker 5
02:45:22 Their number one video.
02:45:25 That's not good.
02:45:26 That's not good at all.
02:45:30 UM.
02:45:33 Harmless Gee.
02:45:35 Hi Devin.
02:45:36 Where do you see the future of the Jews going?
02:45:38 Most Jews are liberal and secular and consequently have low fertility and high out marriage rate.
02:45:43 Meanwhile, there is rapidly growing minority of very religious ultra Orthodox Jews with their fertility rates of eight plus kids per.
02:45:51 I mean, I don't know they.
02:45:55 It's mostly.
02:45:58 You know? Well, here's.
02:45:59 You don't need a lot.
02:46:00 Of kids for those fortunes to stay around, right.
02:46:04 And even if, like, look, think of all the the Wasps like the Ford Foundation, look what happened to that.
02:46:09 It just got hijacked by Jews.
02:46:11 So it's it's.
02:46:15 I I don't know that that's really super important.
02:46:18 That and look, most Jews, even the insufferable ones, on Twitter.
02:46:24 Well, yeah, certainly the ones on Twitter that are part of the problem.
02:46:27 They hate whites and whatever, and if and they if they have a voice if.
02:46:30 They're a journalist or something like that.
02:46:33 You know, they're they're certainly.
02:46:34 Part of the.
02:46:34 Problem, but most Jews.
02:46:40 Or it's inconsequential, right?
02:46:42 It's not like they all gather together in some big, you know, auditorium somewhere and and and release the plans on how to, you know, destroy the Golem or.
02:46:52 What? You know, whatever.
02:46:53 It it's it's, it's very specific families and very specific power structures within.
02:47:02 Within that ethnic, ethnic or ethnicity.
02:47:06 And the right wing.
02:47:08 You know Israel Jews, the ones that the Trump Jews, I guess right the.
02:47:13 The the Likud Party Jews, they, they have very high, very high.
02:47:19 The Ultra Zionist Jews have very high birth rates.
02:47:23 And that that, you know, that has just as much of an impact on Americans as the, I guess, the ******.
02:47:30 Jews, if you will.
02:47:33 Romel $1.00. Hey, Devin. Thanks for.
02:47:34 Your work.
02:47:35 Do you go on 4 Chan, what do you?
Speaker 6
02:47:37 Think of it.
02:47:38 Yeah, go on.
02:47:38 Every once in a while, it's not as high quality as it used to be.
02:47:42 You have to filter through a lot of garbage before you find anything good.
02:47:47 But I'm out.
02:47:48 I'm pretty adept at at filtering out through a lot of garbage.
02:47:53 UM.
02:47:57 Not, I mean, nothing's anonymous on the Internet, so just I would keep that in mind if you go to anything, never think that anything's anonymous on the Internet. It's nothing's anonymous.
02:48:09 JL Phillips $20 appreciate that.
02:48:12 Thank you for all you do to Evans, subscribe.
02:48:14 Star is ******* me about at the moment.
02:48:17 So here's a super chat instead.
02:48:19 I'd be interested to know if you ever saw you Bulls Rampage trilogy, Rampage, Capital Punishment, and president down.
02:48:27 And his film assault on Wall Street.
02:48:30 What do you think of them?
02:48:31 If it's the one I'm thinking about, the one where it's like about a mass shooter guy, I I saw.
02:48:38 One of them.
02:48:40 Like a long time ago.
02:48:42 And it just seemed like kind of, you know, pointless.
02:48:47 Murder ****.
02:48:48 If I'm being honest.
02:48:50 That's just what it seemed like it.
02:48:52 Seemed like it because it's there's not really a story.
02:48:57 It's more just watch this mass shooter kill a bunch of people.
02:49:02 And there's not, but there doesn't.
02:49:04 There's not like.
02:49:05 There's no.
02:49:09 I don't know that like I maybe I have to watch it again, but I watched it.
02:49:12 It was years ago, probably closer when it was new, because it's been out for some time and the only reason I watched it is a a film student buddy of mine was saying like oh, it was like the most ultra violent movie or.
02:49:23 Whatever and and sent to me, and I watched it was just kind of.
02:49:26 Like this seems a little.
02:49:28 Like I'm OK with ultraviolence if there's a point to it, it just it seemed like there was no real point to it.
02:49:34 So I yeah, I didn't know it was a.
02:49:36 Part of a trilogy in in fact I.
02:49:38 Don't even.
02:49:38 Know positively that I've that I saw the first one, but I think.
02:49:42 It was the first one.
02:49:45 Harmless G and Ron Unz's famous myth of American meritocracy essay. He talks about how Jewish intellectual achievement has greatly declined over the last few decades.
02:49:57 Jews went from over 30% of the top American students and winners of Top science and math awards in the 1950s to less than 10% in the 2010.
02:50:07 Well, I would say that.
Speaker 5
02:50:08 Was that might even be.
02:50:11 You know, ironically, that might even be a product of all the diversity restrictions and regulations that these institutions were forced into by the 2000 Tens, right? Certainly Jews do.
02:50:31 Benefit from some of those things to a certain extent, but there's going to be instances where they are considered white.
02:50:38 You know, in the Oppression Olympics.
02:50:42 You know, often it looks as if Jews always win, right the narrative, but in practice, you know, like, if you have a lesbian black guy that's up for the same opportunity, who's going to get it, the Jew or the lesbian black trans person, you know, you mean like?
02:51:00 What's going to?
02:51:02 So I think some of this diversity stuff might have shot him in the foot, but there's also dysgenics going on with Jews, just like every other group.
02:51:08 It's not just look why it's everybody.
02:51:11 It's we're just in the West is Dysgenic right now.
02:51:16 Partially because of medical advancements, you know, keeping people alive that would have died in childbirth or or whatever and or would have died young and before they were able to reproduce.
02:51:26 And so you have met, that's just a.
02:51:28 That's just a fact.
02:51:29 You have medical treatments and and the options keeping people alive that would not have.
02:51:36 Survive long enough to reproduce, and so you have dysgenics going on for the last few generations and.
02:51:45 So the dysgenic stuff and that's not the only.
02:51:48 Issue you're also not rewarding.
02:51:55 The the Our Society does not reward the same traits that it used to.
02:52:03 And it keeps poor.
02:52:04 You know, that's the thing too, is it?
02:52:05 Also it used to be if you were lazy and poor, you just you died, you know, medical medical advancements are not, you know, you you couldn't pay for it to keep you keep yourself alive.
02:52:18 Because the way our society is has been structured to favor parasitism, those people don't die anymore.
02:52:26 In fact, they have lots of.
02:52:27 Kids and that that includes.
02:52:31 I've known lots of of deadbeat Jews where they.
02:52:34 Just live off the.
02:52:35 Well, I mean, look, ****, go.
02:52:36 To New York, there's entire neighborhoods of these.
02:52:38 Of of Jews that live entirely out the system and don't produce anything.
02:52:43 They didn't used to be able to do that.
02:52:45 And so in in those scenarios it in fact it it.
02:52:49 Not only do they they get subsidized by the government.
02:52:53 They get in the same way welfare Queens.
02:52:58 Rewarded for having children, they get rewarded for having children, so that's going to cause them dysgenics too.
02:53:03 The people that are going to be most parasitic.
02:53:06 Will be the ones that have the.
02:53:07 Most kids.
02:53:10 So you know.
02:53:11 I can have a lot of achievement.
02:53:13 Going on there.
02:53:22 Harmless Gee, despite this decline in Jewish merit, their percentage of the student body and Ivy League universities like Harvard, Yale, Princeton has remained constant and increased enrollment of non whites and top university has come entirely at the expense of non Jewish white people.
02:53:38 Well, that's, that's those institutions are.
02:53:42 I mean, who do you think's teaching teaching the classes and running the administration at those institutions? That's why. That's why those Asian people had to start suing them. I don't know. Whatever happened with.
02:53:54 Polar $1.00 Starlink subreddit is filled the people with the same issue. Sounds like Sterling pushed out.
02:53:59 Of bed firmware.
02:54:00 Update a few weeks ago and a fix is coming.
02:54:03 Well, I'll believe it when.
02:54:04 I see it.
02:54:06 Cringe pan the $20 appreciate that here is the trailer for meet the Applegates from 1991. In the late 1980s.
02:54:14 There were these movies that dealt with evil hidden in sweet suburbia like parents, the burbs, blue velvet, mermaids completely.
02:54:27 This one has even even had lesbianism.
02:54:30 Meet the applegates.
02:54:31 I feel like I've SNM.
02:54:36 I don't know if I can play it because my Internet it might kill it.
02:54:39 But I'll let.
Speaker 14
02:54:40 See if I can download it.
02:54:46 I remember the verbs.
02:54:50 I feel like I saw blue velvet.
02:54:53 But I can't picture it in.
02:54:54 My head.
02:54:56 These are all movies I would have seen a really long time ago.
02:55:00 I used to work at.
02:55:00 A video store back when those were a thing.
02:55:02 That was one.
02:55:03 Of my first jobs, and when you worked at the video store, you were allowed to take home as many movies as you wanted.
02:55:08 Which was great cuz that's back before you could download movies.
02:55:12 So I was like a kid in a ******* candy store I took.
02:55:16 I took home like 3 movies.
02:55:17 Every ******* night.
02:55:20 Uh. Let's see here.
02:55:24 We'll see.
02:55:25 Let's see if the connection dies.
02:55:29 I'm attempting to download it.
02:55:33 Like, I feel like it's like that scene in Star Wars when they're in the trench and.
02:55:36 On the death star. Almost.
02:55:38 There I can't hold them.
02:55:40 I can't.
02:55:40 Almost there.
02:55:44 Yeah, it looks like it.
02:55:46 Might work.
02:55:47 Alright, we'll let that download.
02:55:51 Not happier. 69. Hey, Devin. What comes after the USA USB help?
Speaker 5
02:56:02 Happy Father's Day.
02:56:03 To all my fellow real.
Speaker 5
02:56:06 There you go that.
02:56:07 That was a dad joke.
02:56:08 That's a that's a good dad joke for.
02:56:10 Father's Day.
02:56:11 Or fewer $5. I didn't remember the ***** that fell off the amusement ride and hit the ground near terminal velocity.
02:56:18 He was £385, still a good boy, and didn't do. Yeah, I did. I did actually.
02:56:26 I don't like watching like the gore stuff, and I don't know how I ended.
02:56:29 Up seeing that video, but I.
Speaker 6
02:56:33 I saw that video.
02:56:36 Base race mixer.
02:56:38 $1.00, no matter how far away we.
02:56:41 There will always be a Tyrone around.
02:56:44 And that is true.
02:56:45 That is true.
02:56:47 Yeah, it's funny.
02:56:50 Well, I'll have to watch that before I.
02:56:52 Can comment on it.
02:56:56 Equinix, equanimity, equanimity.
02:57:00 That's not an easy word for me to say for some.
02:57:02 Reason perturbed. Equanimity.
02:57:04 $5 just popping in to say hi from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for.
02:57:08 Your service, Devin.
02:57:09 Well, I appreciate that.
02:57:11 And your complicated name there fewer $5 Devin. How are you celebrating Juneteenth? Can I recommend fried chicken and watermelon?
02:57:18 A quick B&E in the evening. Oh, I'm not going to obviously celebrate it. I I'll tell you what you wanna.
02:57:26 You wanna celebrate it?
02:57:27 I hypocrite did a pretty good video on Emmett Till like the the real story.
02:57:34 That might be a fun one to to show someone it's.
02:57:37 I think it's on YouTube in.
02:57:40 So if you want to, if you want to celebrate Juneteenth with people, share share his video on.
02:57:47 I'm at till it's.
02:57:50 I mean, I knew.
02:57:51 Basically, a lot of that stuff, but.
02:57:53 He did a really good job of.
02:57:56 Of getting all the specifics.
02:57:58 And then packaging it in a digestible little thing.
02:58:04 Uh cringe. Pan of $5 appreciate that. I'd love your help coming up with some.
02:58:08 Arguments I have a friend who is hard to debate because she's agnostic.
02:58:12 So us debating about why trans is wrong, why pride flags are for grooming, et cetera, always fails because my arguments are biblical.
02:58:20 How do I argue with these points on a secular level?
02:58:22 Butterfly effect?
02:58:26 It's it.
02:58:27 Like I said, it's it's the exact.
02:58:29 It's the same thing, right?
02:58:30 She's arguing from a.
02:58:32 It's not that she's agnostic.
02:58:33 She's arguing from the satanic point of view that it's not hurting me directly.
02:58:39 And you have to tell her.
02:58:42 Look, you know, whether there's a God or not.
02:58:44 We are not.
02:58:45 Each little ******* islands of our, you know, our universes don't end at our fingertips.
02:58:55 You you mentioned Butterfly effect.
02:58:57 I guess that's one way of describing it, but.
02:59:02 Ask ask her if well no, because they would just see a lot of these people.
02:59:07 That's not worth arguing with.
02:59:08 A lot of these.
02:59:08 People because a lot.
02:59:09 Of these people, they're they're able to rationalize a viewpoint that is acceptable in in, in polite society, and it's acceptable in the in in in their comfort zone.
02:59:24 And that's enough for them.
02:59:26 And so.
02:59:28 They're able to reduce it to a rationalization like whatever people do in their own, you know, produce their.
02:59:34 Own homes kind of thing, right?
02:59:35 It's just a mantra.
02:59:36 It becomes a religious mantra.
02:59:39 You know, like it's almost it's just as cringe as like a Christian saying we'll turn.
02:59:42 The other cheek.
02:59:44 As if like, that's it.
02:59:45 That's the beginning and the end of the argument, right?
02:59:48 We'll turn the other cheek, turn the other cheek.
Speaker 9
02:59:52 He with with.
02:59:53 No sin can cast the first stone.
02:59:55 You know, stuff like that.
02:59:56 It's like it's just these little mantras that you say that that relieve you from having to have any kind of complex opinion about anything.
03:00:06 And so I suspect the person you're talking to probably has similar bumper sticker.
03:00:15 And it's usually a waste of time, but I would just say like, look, it's literally satanic.
03:00:19 Whether whether there's an actual devil or not doesn't matter.
03:00:23 It's satanic definitionally.
03:00:25 In fact, if you ask the Satanist, they'll say there isn't, like, an actual den.
03:00:30 So it doesn't.
03:00:32 You know, there doesn't have to be a devil for your atheist friend or whatever her to believe in Satanist and her viewpoints are in line with Satanists.
03:00:41 And if she's OK with that, then you've got a satanic friend.
03:00:46 Cringe Panda $1.00 my friend always brings up what two grown adults do in their bedroom doesn't affect anyone else argument. How do I counter these arguments in?
03:00:53 A secular manner.
03:00:54 Well, they do.
03:00:56 They do affect everyone else.
03:00:59 Because those actions have consequences.
03:01:04 Those behaviors have consequences.
03:01:08 They go beyond their bedroom.
03:01:13 And additionally.
03:01:16 Let's let's look at it the other way around.
03:01:21 Having a person.
03:01:24 So sick.
03:01:26 That they're ******* another dude in the *** in their own in the privacy of their own home.
03:01:37 Impacts your society negatively.
03:01:39 You've got people in your society so sick.
03:01:45 That they're ******* dudes in the ***.
03:01:50 They are so sick.
03:01:53 Their enjoyment comes from behaviors.
03:01:58 That are unnatural and I don't mean like that from a religious thing.
03:02:03 I mean that from like their psychosis is overwriting instinct.
03:02:12 Having people with that kind of neuroticism.
03:02:16 And psychopathy.
03:02:20 In your society is bad just because that's one way it manifests doesn't mean that that's the only way it's going to manifest.
03:02:32 They're so psychotic.
03:02:33 They're putting their their sex organs into an ****.
03:02:45 You don't think that that that manifests in other parts of their their behavior day-to-day?
03:02:53 You don't think that someone who derives pleasure in a lifestyle, if you will, that is non reproductive.
03:03:03 In fact it it's it's, you know definitionally non reproductive you don't think that's going to affect how they view the.
03:03:16 What what should be done like where where society should be headed?
03:03:20 Like if you don't have if if you what I'm getting at is if you're not.
03:03:23 Going to have.
03:03:23 Kids ever and you're and.
03:03:25 And not only does the universe end at your fingertips, it ends when you die.
03:03:31 Right.
03:03:32 So ****, **** the future.
Speaker 5
03:03:36 Right.
03:03:37 That's what you want and you want members of your society.
03:03:40 Who have whose vote?
03:03:41 Counts just as much as yours does.
03:03:46 You want members of your society that are participating in a way that that is just as valid as your participation.
03:03:56 To in addition to not caring about anything that goes beyond them personally.
03:04:04 But that that the the.
03:04:06 Timeline of the society ends when they die.
03:04:18 That they they literally don't care about anything that happens after they die.
03:04:22 Why would they?
03:04:26 They have zero investment.
03:04:30 Well, gay people.
03:04:31 Could have kids because like the the the Satanist.
03:04:34 You know Ruben?
03:04:37 What's his name?
03:04:40 ******* root.
03:04:40 Yeah, you guys know about.
03:04:42 He had gaybies with his gay lover.
03:04:52 OK, well, now we're talking about the, the, the psychopaths.
03:04:58 And the narcissism?
03:05:01 Required to to for them to create gabbies for their own amusement.
03:05:08 I'd almost rather them not.
03:05:09 Caring about what happens after they.
03:05:10 Die than to like.
03:05:11 Put that kind of ******* poison into the world.
03:05:20 Plant that seed.
03:05:26 So that's how I'd argue it it's it's not.
03:05:29 You don't have to.
03:05:31 You know.
03:05:32 Jesus doesn't even have to come.
03:05:34 Into the equation here.
03:05:41 And then you can look at it and just you can point out there's endless example, endless examples.
03:05:47 Every Great Society that embraced this kind of behavior.
03:05:55 Everyone, every last one of them.
03:05:59 So if that's what you want for.
03:06:00 Your society then hey?
03:06:02 Go for it.
03:06:05 Arminius's revenge, $5. Devin, I was wondering if you had any other incidents of three little three letter agencies going through your mail?
03:06:17 Yes, I can't be more specific about it, but I can tell you absolutely yes.
03:06:25 Not like, oh, I think so. But as in, I can't get too specific about it. I'll just say that 100%, yes.
03:06:36 Fairly recently.
03:06:40 And yeah.
03:06:44 Arminius's revenge $25. Appreciate that first time I've caught a live stream live. Unfortunately, I can't listen as I've got an early morning flight, but I'll catch the replay.
03:06:54 I just wanted to say thanks for the all the quality content over the years.
03:06:57 Hope all is well for you and your family.
03:06:59 Well, I appreciate that.
03:07:00 And all is mostly well I guess.
03:07:04 That's the best you can ever ask for, right?
03:07:07 Based race mixer $1.00 to what or to what you were saying about the just quit. Check out Lauren from Ohio on the Republic broadcasting network.org.
03:07:18 She is a firecracker.
03:07:20 Check out or check this network out.
03:07:22 Go to the archives.
03:07:23 Good people run this station off.
03:07:25 Donations and their listeners.
03:07:27 I feel like I've heard something from that.
03:07:33 Like out of Idaho.
03:07:34 Or or or I don't know.
03:07:37 I might check that out.
03:07:38 ******** ****** $1.00. Would you ever get a dog if you had a choice?
03:07:44 What dog would you get?
03:07:45 Maybe a guard dog or something?
03:07:48 I'd have to get a.
03:07:49 Dog that could handle itself.
03:07:52 You know, against coyotes.
03:07:54 Would be the thing if.
03:07:58 I don't know.
03:07:58 I'd be open to getting.
03:07:59 I don't hate dogs or anything like that.
03:08:01 It's just that's.
03:08:01 One more ******* thing.
03:08:02 You know that that depends on.
03:08:06 You the good thing about the cat thing?
03:08:08 Is not that you?
03:08:10 Not that they don't.
03:08:11 Miss you or or or, you know, get lonely but.
03:08:15 It's much easier.
03:08:16 To leave a cat for a couple.
03:08:18 Of days than it is.
03:08:19 To leave a dog for a couple of days.
03:08:21 You know, you pretty much can't just leave a dog for a couple of days.
03:08:26 And I've got.
03:08:27 There's people that live close in close proximity to me that have dogs that just roam our whole area here, that act as guard dogs.
03:08:38 In fact, you know, they're they they patrol not just their land, but my land.
03:08:44 I've they've.
03:08:45 I've woken up because they've been barking at coyotes and.
03:08:48 Stuff like that.
03:08:48 My property.
03:08:52 Based race mixer $1.00 sorry Lauren from Ohio's RBN show archive is called Rep Revelation Revolution OK.
03:09:01 Damn big for it, $3. Do you think Satanism exists only because people's only because people being counter Christian like a form of hipsters?
03:09:11 Well, I think that was a lot.
03:09:13 Of like the children of boomers.
03:09:14 Who rejected all of the tradition from before them?
03:09:17 They didn't raise their kids religiously.
03:09:19 In fact, they probably raised their kids in like an atheist household, and they probably had a little bit of disdain for Christianity.
03:09:27 For what, you know, their parents did for whatever reason.
03:09:29 And that kind of.
03:09:31 You know, filtered down to their kids and you couple that with pop culture, essentially mocking Christianity constantly and you're going to have kids that are going to be edge Lords and draw, you know, devil creatures.
03:09:50 On their notebooks and like some of it was just kids trying.
03:09:54 To be noticed.
03:09:57 Kids trying to get attention.
03:09:59 And that's why they did it.
03:10:01 They were, they were.
03:10:02 Little little lonely ******* that wanted someone to notice them.
03:10:06 And that was one way to get it.
03:10:08 But that's not the only reason it exists.
03:10:11 It exists because it's a selfish ideology.
03:10:14 It's an easy ideology to believe in.
03:10:18 You know, it relieves you of any kind of responsibility for anything around you.
03:10:23 Like I said it, your, your, your universe ends at your fingertips.
03:10:29 So you're not responsible for anything else.
03:10:33 And that's a really attractive worldview.
03:10:37 That's why all the Maga boomers believe it.
03:10:39 That's why the majority of Republicans believe it.
03:10:43 I mean, they're they're.
03:10:45 And I'm not.
03:10:46 This is not hyperbole.
03:10:47 I'm not trying to be funny or make a point.
03:10:50 The current.
03:10:54 Republican leadership and I would even say the rank and file, at least the vast majority.
03:11:01 Have 100% in common.
03:11:05 When it comes to just basic worldview basic ideology, they have everything in common with the original Satanists.
03:11:15 You do you bro?
03:11:18 I'm not going to tell you what.
03:11:19 To do in your.
03:11:19 Own home, like that's Satanism.
03:11:23 Again, not being funny, that's what the Satan is.
03:11:25 We're just saying what?
03:11:30 Can it be le blocked or $1.00? Don't know if you saw this one of our guys got arrested for offending sodomites Tyler Dinsmore, $1 million bail coordinated between Antifa, local PD and Fed.
03:11:45 Details covered tomorrow night on JJR hope someone can spare a buck for him and his family.
03:11:53 I'll check it out.
03:11:53 I've never heard of.
03:11:54 Never heard of this case you're talking about.
03:11:59 Cringe panda. Good.
03:12:00 Night, Devin.
03:12:00 I'm too sleepy.
03:12:01 Here's a stream about the insane hypocrisy and the music industry of the kind that you can listen to while going or while doing stuff around the house.
03:12:12 OK, I'll check that out.
03:12:15 Campylobacter $1.00, linked to the show tomorrow.
03:12:20 There you go.
03:12:22 Polar $1.00 this rant would be would make a good standalone video that could be shared how we got here.
03:12:30 Well, I'm not sure which rant, but you guys are all welcome to cut clips and do whatever you want and do that.
03:12:38 Damn Bigfoot $1.00. I showed my mother the satanic panic stream. She said you.
03:12:42 Knew or yeah that you.
03:12:43 Knew about the case and that back then she wanted to kill Tamien.
03:12:47 Yeah, there's still people that live in that area that are really pisssed off.
03:12:52 They let let those kids go.
03:12:56 Now, while in the the documentary, they show that some of the parents have been duped.
03:13:03 By the documentary or the documentaries they made so many a lot of the public there still are like, what the ****?
03:13:12 Can't be black to $1.00 on the topic of satanic human sacrifice. Look into the 1955 ritual murder of five white children in Chicago.
03:13:23 I will take a.
03:13:23 Look at that and add that to.
03:13:25 My notes.
03:13:28 OK.
03:13:31 Zipper one $1.00. Hello, Devin. Maybe it's just me, but have you noticed that in a lot of paranormal movies where demonic stuff is featured, the plot usually takes place in Christian families?
03:13:43 Or communities, and particularly shows how feudal Christianity is against the evil force.
03:13:48 It's not just you.
03:13:50 And it's not just those movies, it's also notice how many serial killers they, they they make sure to let you know they came from Christian families like, you know, that's why he he he turned out to be a serial killer.
03:14:03 His mom was, like, really religious.
03:14:07 You know how many times has that trope?
03:14:10 Been dragged out in a Hollywood film like Oh.
03:14:12 Of course, he's a serial killer.
03:14:14 His mom was very religious.
03:14:20 That's always that.
03:14:21 You know that that's always how it goes down, right?
03:14:27 Base Race mixer $5. You know one thing that bond Robin, an ex prison chaplain, Orthodox Christian, said one time. There is not an Antichrist coming.
03:14:37 It's just that we have had many Antichrist throughout the years.
03:14:42 Makes sense to me.
03:14:44 Well, yeah.
03:14:45 I mean, I don't know.
03:14:46 I'm not a theologian, but, but there's lots of people you could describe as as Antichrist.
03:14:55 And and I think that term used to be used more generally like that.
03:15:00 You know in the.
03:15:02 That's my understanding, I've because I've watched older recordings of people and and them it's it's it's less.
03:15:11 I've heard like the context that it was used, it was more.
03:15:14 It was less.
03:15:15 You know he's the Antichrist, which is that how?
03:15:18 A lot.
03:15:18 Of it's phrased these.
03:15:19 Days and it was more oh, he's.
03:15:21 An Antichrist, you know?
03:15:25 Base Race mixer $1.00 oh, by the way, the stream is perfect.
03:15:28 Has been.
03:15:30 And it was Starlink.
03:15:32 Who knows, maybe this firmware thing will save me some ******* money.
03:15:35 I was not.
03:15:36 Really not looking forward to like.
03:15:38 Having two Internets, you know, but we'll see.
03:15:43 I'll look, I have not.
03:15:45 I have not.
03:15:45 I hate.
03:15:46 Reddit, I haven't gone to the I haven't gone to the Starlink Reddit, I guess I'll suck it up and go check out see.
03:15:52 What people are talking about?
03:15:56 I'm OK with getting a new firmware.
03:15:58 I feel like it's probably.
03:16:00 Gonna be one of those things.
03:16:01 They'll just roll out, right?
03:16:02 I won't even know what happened.
03:16:03 That's the way that they've designed the the software that it's, there's not a whole lot of user interface to it.
03:16:13 You know, I mean it's all very.
03:16:15 Apple ish.
03:16:15 You know where it's just.
03:16:16 Like you just things are happening behind the scenes and you.
03:16:20 Don't really have.
03:16:21 A lot of you know, say, and what that is.
03:16:25 And I feel like that's kind of Elon style and that's kind of how they do the they do the updates with the Tesla cars, right, they.
03:16:34 You know against your will.
03:16:39 Auguries of influence. $1.00. Hi, Devin, I want to recommend you this movie called The Mad Adventures of Rabbi Jacob.
03:16:47 It's a French movie about his racist, bigoted Frenchman who changes his ways because he spent some time with his Jew friends.
03:16:55 I saw it several times as a kid, and the message went over my head.
03:17:00 The Mad adventures of Rabbi Jacob huh.
03:17:05 It's a French.
03:17:05 Movie. I don't know.
03:17:07 I don't know. French movies don't know. We'll see the problem with foreign movies is it requires me to read subtitles and which means I can't watch it while doing something else. So I got to be focused on 100.
03:17:22 Percent so.
03:17:24 I don't know.
03:17:24 There's been French movies that I thought had value.
03:17:29 You know there.
03:17:30 There's a lot.
03:17:31 Oh, I'll tell you what, there's a lot of French movies that have a lot.
03:17:33 Of artistic and aesthetic value.
03:17:36 But almost all of them are degenerative.
03:17:38 **** like.
03:17:38 Almost all of them.
03:17:40 Epigenetic force, $10. How would you describe your political philosophy? Do you adopt any particular one or lean towards one of the other? No, I'm honestly, I'm I'm.
03:17:50 I've I've got some biases from being raised in America and and you know, like I have some.
03:17:58 Tendencies that I have some affection for the Constitution cause it's, you know, that's my ancestors made that.
03:18:06 I also understand that it's an unrealistic form of government, especially the second you get multicultural, you know.
03:18:14 But I also feel like a lot of solutions people come up with and that.
03:18:18 Have in their head.
03:18:19 Most of those are unrealistic if you're multicultural too.
03:18:23 And and and especially.
03:18:26 They're unrealistic, given that you'd have to.
03:18:32 Install them.
03:18:34 You know, I mean, which means you have to uninstall the old operating system first and then install the new.
03:18:38 One, and you know that is a very difficult task.
03:18:43 You know, like that is not going to be an easy thing to accomplish.
03:18:47 Especially given our user access privileges, let me put that way.
Speaker 6
03:18:51 Right.
03:18:51 So some of this is just you got to work with what you've got kind of stuff, but the.
03:19:00 Yeah, I mean, I'm open to ideas.
03:19:01 I'm not.
03:19:02 I've always said I'm not like, I'm not the kind of guy that designs the new building.
03:19:06 I'm the guy.
03:19:06 I'm part of the.
03:19:07 Wrecking crew. I'm I'm.
03:19:08 The guy who tells you that this.
03:19:10 The the the old building is not safe anymore.
03:19:12 It's coming down, you know?
03:19:14 And I'm.
03:19:15 I'm not the the architect of the new one that's going to be built in its place.
03:19:19 I can tell you what.
03:19:21 You know, like I can tell you what's wrong with the.
03:19:24 Yeah, if you give me the plans to your new building, I can.
03:19:26 Look at it and be like, oh, it's a good.
03:19:28 Idea or not, you know?
03:19:29 Or this looks cool or or it doesn't look cool, or you know this foundation looks shaky or it doesn't look shaky for a lot of people come up with solutions and none of them have really spoke to me.
03:19:41 And maybe that's because there is no perfect solution to the problems that we are facing right now.
03:19:48 And I don't think that there's going to be.
03:19:53 Especially because, again because of multiculturalism.
03:19:56 I think it would be way easier way easier to implement some kind of revolutionary new.
03:20:11 Algorithm into our society, right?
03:20:14 If we were homogeneous.
03:20:16 But we're not.
03:20:17 That that in and of itself, which is probably why they they tried so hard for it to to accomplish.
03:20:23 That makes it so difficult.
03:20:25 So difficult to make even just minor changes in your society.
Speaker 6
03:20:30 You know.
03:20:31 Let alone revolutionary changes.
03:20:34 So I think that right now.
03:20:38 It's like, well, it's kind of like this too.
03:20:41 It's kind of like, you know, I was talking.
03:20:42 About earlier, how it's like the tectonic shifts the, you know the the the.
03:20:49 San Andreas Fault.
03:20:50 You know it's going to move and it's going to knock a bunch.
03:20:52 Of **** down or whatever and.
03:20:54 You can't stop it from happening.
03:20:55 You can just prepare for when it happens.
03:20:58 I kind of feel like in a way, it's like trying to, well, you know, I'm going to design all these buildings that we're going to build after the the earthquake.
Speaker 10
03:21:08 Well, we don't know what.
03:21:09 What it's going to look like after the earthquake, you know, it's hard to to start it.
03:21:14 It kind of feels like you're.
03:21:16 You're putting the cart before the horse, like it's not.
03:21:19 It's not a bad idea to make me make some plans or whatever, but it you can't start building until you see what falls down and where.
03:21:26 You know you don't know where you can build even.
03:21:28 Or what?
03:21:29 What withstands the earthquake so maybe that's why you want to keep it.
03:21:35 Yeah, and and it's not and.
03:21:36 It's not even going to be all your say anyway, there's.
03:21:38 You're not the.
03:21:38 Only one in the community, there's going.
03:21:39 To be lots of compromises that will have.
03:21:43 To be made, there's, you know.
03:21:46 Like I said that.
03:21:46 That's that's why my focus.
03:21:49 Because I I'm I'm I'm a mortal.
03:21:51 Man, I'm only going to live so long.
03:21:53 And I think that the the.
03:21:56 The obstacles that I'm going to face and that my children are going to face.
03:22:01 The immediate problems that we're going to face need tending to more than you know the this pie and this guy's ideology stuff.
03:22:14 And and I'm not a philosopher, right?
03:22:15 So if there's other people that want to work on that and they they they sell me on something cool.
03:22:21 Right on, but yeah.
03:22:26 I guess that's a long winded way.
03:22:27 Of saying, huh.
03:22:32 I mean, look, I I, I.
03:22:34 I understand the seduction of the libertarian mindset.
03:22:37 I understand not wanting like the the desire to just want to be left alone and just like, you know, not have to worry about what other people are doing and just so long as they don't ******* worry about what you're doing.
03:22:49 Right.
03:22:50 I get it.
03:22:50 I understand the temptation to want to embrace that way.
03:22:54 Of thinking because it gets you off the hook.
03:22:56 But that's also why none of us have communities.
03:22:59 And and I don't know how you fix that.
03:23:01 I and I also understand this desire to want some kind of central authoritarian solution to this problem, because if you start having to do all these compromises and and and trying to get everyone on board with your idea, it never gets done.
03:23:18 But it's also like.
03:23:19 You know, what are your tools?
03:23:23 For implementing this, you know like what institutions are backing you, what avenues are you going to take to make this happen?
03:23:30 And and just.
03:23:30 No one has an answer for that.
03:23:32 So a lot of this stuff just seems.
03:23:34 You know, it's good to have those discussions, but it just seems so much in the abstract when I can be focused on things that are real right now, like preparing for an economic collapse like the the West has never seen before, like preparing for maybe another period of war that rivals World War One and World War 2, preparing my my children for.
03:23:55 You know, paving a way for them to weather through that.
03:24:01 And that's what I'm focused on and I think that that's what I can do now and again, if there's people smarter than me that can come up with.
03:24:10 You know, fancy philosophy, philosophy, political philosophies.
03:24:14 I'm all ears.
03:24:16 I'm certainly not one of the people coming up.
03:24:17 With that stuff.
03:24:19 Based race Mixer, $5 Ozzie Metallica wrote lyrics about war, Satanism and death as we played it loud, literally killing the sandbaggers for Israel.
03:24:31 Well, yeah, there.
03:24:31 And there's the famous clip from.
03:24:35 I forget what documentary it was.
03:24:36 It was, I think it was like a Michael Moore documentary where they're they're in those.
03:24:44 What were those called?
03:24:45 Not they're not the tanks, but like the little APC kind of tanks.
03:24:50 Oh God, I used to.
03:24:54 Anyway, you guys, I'm sorry.
03:24:55 The little, the little.
03:24:58 They're like Apcs with big.
03:24:59 *** ******* like 50 cals and **** on them.
03:25:02 Little cannons on.
03:25:03 Them and they were running through.
03:25:07 The Iraqi.
03:25:09 Military like they were nothing because, you know, they were nothing.
03:25:11 And just listen to, like, let the bodies.
03:25:13 Hit the floor. Let the.
03:25:15 You know.
03:25:17 Camp Le Black to $1.00 American tradition is to accept other faiths like Satanism. That's why Mormons had to walk to Utah. Exactly. That's not the the that's The thing is the the intolerance that the founding Protestants had was.
03:25:36 They were very suspicious of of Mormons.
03:25:38 They were suspicious of Catholics.
03:25:40 They were suspicious of all kinds of people there, there, there.
03:25:43 Was at no point.
03:25:45 Was it it understood that Satanism, it was totally protected and it would?
03:25:51 Be great, you know.
03:25:53 Because as you said, that's why otherwise the Mormons wouldn't have had to to walk to Utah while getting murdered.
03:26:01 The whole way there.
03:26:02 JQ on a bridge $5 most satanists is gay, just like is gay. Well said, pour $1.00 federal reserves. Powell says digital U.S. dollar could help maintain international primacy.
03:26:17 CDC and surveillance state is months away.
03:26:21 Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if.
03:26:24 Well, I mean, there's.
03:26:25 Yeah, digital currency is obviously going to happen.
03:26:32 Yeah, it's it's going to happen.
03:26:34 But you know, in meantime Bitcoin's in the ******* toilet, right?
03:26:40 Lunatic fringe $10. We are lucky to have you on our side. Thanks again for all you do. I appreciate that.
03:26:47 And thanks for supporting the stream. The thin Red line $5 some shekels. Well, thank you as well. And then you follow up with thin thin red line $1.00. Hi, Devin. You might like this Morgoth.
03:27:00 View Satan is a liberal.
03:27:02 Well, that sounds interesting.
03:27:05 I will take a look at that.
03:27:07 I like Morgoth stuff.
03:27:09 Trustee repeater $1.00. Hey, Devin. I'm sure you've looked into it or into this, but what about the Mint mobiles 35 G?
03:27:20 35 G uh.
03:27:22 GA month. What's a G?
03:27:24 $35,000 a month.
Speaker 5
03:27:28 I'm not paying 35,000 a month.
03:27:31 No, that so I don't know about Mint mobile specifically, but they're they're a reseller.
03:27:35 I I'm pretty sure they probably resell like T-Mobile and those guys get, they get deprioritized right out the gate, right? So meaning that if there's no traffic on your.
03:27:47 On your tower, then you're OK but.
03:27:52 There's only one tower for everyone who lives around here, so there's always track and there's no Internet, so everyone's doing what I'm doing in terms of trying to.
03:28:00 This is how everyone's accessing the Internet, you know, so.
03:28:04 The second there's.
03:28:06 There's any kind of traffic at?
Speaker 6
03:28:08 All you just got ******.
03:28:10 Auguries of influence. You should check out or $1.00. You should check out the two movies called Mildred Pierce and Double Indemnity.
03:28:18 I think film Noirs are kind of based, was watching this subversive movie Lady bird and the mother is so familiar what happened to parents.
03:28:29 Do they want their kids to hate and despise them?
03:28:32 Deep down, do they want their kids to hate this?
03:28:36 Well, I'd have to watch.
03:28:38 I I don't think I've seen any of those movies, so I'd have to watch.
03:28:41 But isn't lady bird?
03:28:44 An 80s movie with like a horrible synth soundtrack?
03:28:47 Oh, that's lady Hawke.
03:28:49 God, you want a movie with the worst soundtrack and I'm the worst soundtrack of all time.
03:28:56 The the soundtrack that makes that movie unwatchable.
03:28:59 And it might.
03:29:00 Otherwise, be a watchable movie because it's got like castles and **** that people like.
03:29:07 Well, it's got Ferris Bueller and people like that guy, right?
03:29:10 But the reason why no one you never hear about it cause the the soundtrack is just so terrible.
03:29:17 Trustee repeater $10 also, I've been uploading your streams to telegram for about.
03:29:24 A year hope that it's cool.
03:29:25 I have **** connection at work, so I would download and listen and figure others would like that as well.
03:29:31 Thanks for your hard work.
03:29:32 Yeah, that's fine.
03:29:33 Let's spread it out.
03:29:35 Iceberg 1235 dollars appreciate that I don't know if you.
03:29:39 Knew this, but two of the.
03:29:41 3 Israeli pilots that strafe the USS Liberty were American born Jews.
03:29:47 Well, I did not.
03:29:48 Know that but.
03:29:50 I am not surprised either.
03:29:53 Because everyone knows what dual loyalty really means.
03:29:58 A man cannot serve 2 masters, right?
03:30:02 Lonzo W $5 appreciate that the secular argument against **** and other degeneracy drugs, et cetera, is to have order.
03:30:11 Animal impulses must be channeled into activities that produce something heterosexual marriage, producing a family, accepting faggs normalizes the most powerful stimulus as creating disorder.
03:30:23 Instead of order.
03:30:24 Yeah, I mean to an extent you're right, but.
03:30:25 I don't know that that would work, especially on a woman.
Speaker 11
03:30:30 That, that, that.
03:30:31 Argument might appeal to like a man, but if she's talking to a woman, I don't think that's going to.
03:30:37 That's going to sell it.
03:30:38 All right.
03:30:39 Well, that's it.
03:30:41 We are at.
03:30:43 About 3 1/2 hours I'm going to play that video I downloaded. I'm going to.
03:30:48 Play that.
03:30:50 Real quick if it's short.
03:30:56 I don't know if it's going to be.
03:30:57 Any good? Let's see here.
03:31:06 Is it going?
03:31:06 Oh, good.
03:31:07 It popped up somehow.
03:31:08 How did it pop up already?
03:31:11 That I have that.
03:31:15 Oh yeah, I guess I do have it.
Speaker 13
03:31:16 Open OK.
03:31:18 Well, let's see.
03:31:18 Let's see what this is.
03:31:20 It's not super long.
03:31:21 It's 2 minutes.
Speaker 17
03:31:23 Every year, Family Bazaar consults the US census.
03:31:25 Update you.
03:31:26 And your family have been chosen by our publication is the most normal family in America.
Speaker 1
03:31:31 Johnny more sugar, you're still.
Speaker 7
03:31:33 Growing the people who brought you, Heathers would like you to meet the applegates.
Speaker 1
03:31:43 Cake apple cake chain he's 38 occupation.
Speaker 5
03:31:45 Homemaker I met my husband, Maryland University, where major home.
Speaker 1
03:31:48 I happen to find a pile of.
Speaker 15
03:31:50 Brands and trash.
03:31:54 Hunting for bargains.
Speaker 16
03:31:55 Jane Sally born.
03:31:57 1971 Scorpio I enjoy swimming chicken visits and gymnastics kiss on the second date.
Speaker 10
03:32:01 Oh, time out.
03:32:02 Such a tasty new neighbor baseball.
Speaker 11
03:32:08 And jeopardizing the mission by bringing the children along.
Speaker 13
03:32:08 Heavy metal music.
Speaker 7
03:32:15 They're the typical American family Census Bureau record.
Speaker 11
03:32:19 Hitting every statistical norm right on the nose.
Speaker 7
03:32:21 With the typical family problems.
Speaker 17
03:32:23 What do you think about putting down that brochure and doing a?
03:32:25 Little mating.
03:32:26 You know what? I'm Susan.
Speaker 7
03:32:27 At home.
03:32:28 What happened to your?
Speaker 8
03:32:30 I've got a bun in the oven.
Speaker 13
03:32:31 Meet the Applegate kids.
03:32:32 A couple of losers at the.
Speaker 17
03:32:34 Parents with pigs.
03:32:39 So it looks like you know, it's just one of those Indies movies, like, well, there, there's aliens trying to be.
03:32:45 Or they're they're.
03:32:46 Monsters or something?
03:32:47 Trying to dress up as the average Americans.
03:32:49 And so it's just really an excuse to make fun of the average Americans, and it's just going to be it's a critique.
03:32:55 It's a you.
03:32:56 Might say it's a culture, a critique of the culture.
03:33:00 For a culture of critique.
03:33:02 I wonder who's behind this.
03:33:07 This looks like it might have been straight to video though.
03:33:10 Media home entertainment.
03:33:14 I don't think this was like I don't remember this.
03:33:18 Let me look and see you, maiden.
Speaker 11
03:33:30 Ah, let's see.
03:33:36 Ohh weird they released it was.
03:33:38 In theaters in the Philippines, that's odd.
03:33:42 Yeah, well, of course it was made by Michael Lehman.
03:33:46 Like the Lehman Brothers and written by Michael Lehman and Red Beard Simmons.
03:33:54 Yeah. So.
03:34:00 That's weird that it was released in the Philippines.
03:34:04 In 1990.
03:34:07 It was not released in the United States.
03:34:10 Due to financial difficulties surrounding new World Pictures, the film production company.
03:34:23 Yeah, maybe I'll check it out.
03:34:25 I don't know.
03:34:26 Alright guys.
03:34:29 Hope you guys all.
03:34:30 Have a great, great.
03:34:34 Saturday night.
03:34:35 And isn't it amazing?
03:34:36 Look, how much better the streams are when they actually ******* work, right?
03:34:40 This is so much smoother, I don't feel like I'm all knocked.
03:34:43 Off my ******* game.
03:34:45 I don't feel like all, you know, discombobulated, disconnected from you guys.
03:34:49 I'm just like, oh, I'm talking to nobody now.
03:34:52 What's going on?
03:34:55 Regular chat talk about coneheads.
03:34:57 That's my God.
03:34:58 That's one movie I never ******* saw.
03:34:59 Thank God.
03:35:01 All right.
03:35:02 I don't know what NVIDIA I have on this because like I was.
03:35:06 So hopefully it's something interesting or something.
03:35:09 You guys have a.
Speaker 6
03:35:10 Good night for black pill time, of course.
Speaker 7
03:39:09 The other thing.
Speaker 1
03:39:16 I'm not thinking this.