Don't Look Away.mp3
09/06/2020Speaker 1
00:00:08 What did happen to you?Speaker 2
00:00:02 Becoming a person who just hates.00:00:10 That's about it.
00:00:11 That's really all I do is hate.
Speaker 3
00:00:13 Often when I'm talking.00:00:14 About the reality of the widespread child abuse and human trafficking that takes place in America every day.
00:00:21 I encounter weak people who don't have the stomach to acknowledge this evil, much less confronted their denial and the cowardice of their unwillingness to face the reality that we live in dark times and sometimes the monsters are indeed real.
00:00:37 Is precisely what has allowed these monsters to thrive and to prey on our children in the 1st place, and I think it's only fair.
00:00:47 That we hold these cowards.
00:00:48 Responsible for looking the other way and allowing.
00:00:52 It to continue.
Speaker 4
00:00:54 Epstein was hiding in plain sight.00:00:55 We all knew about him.
00:00:56 We all knew what he was doing, but we had no one.
00:00:59 That was no.
Speaker 3
00:01:02 They shut down and they tell you that rampant child abuse and sex trafficking.00:01:07 It's all a deranged.
00:01:08 Fantasy of the right wing, and if something like that was was really happening.
00:01:13 They would know about.
00:01:15 Certainly, law enforcement would stop it.
00:01:19 You see, it makes them feel unsafe.
00:01:22 To think that they might live in a society.
00:01:25 Where these kinds of things happen, and they certainly don't want to believe that.
00:01:32 They don't want to believe that these things might actually be facilitated.
00:01:36 By the same people that are supposed to be protecting them from evil.
00:01:44 That's an extreme and consistency in the official narrative.
00:01:49 Something like that might force them to question other aspects of the narrative.
00:01:54 Weak people like that need to maintain their suspension of disbelief.
00:01:58 They need to hold on to it for dear life because life might be a stage.
00:02:04 But for these people?
00:02:07 They're just the audience.
00:02:10 Audience members that squirm at the thought of having to actually participate in the play.
00:02:19 They'd rather just sit back and watch.
00:02:22 And look away during the scary parts.
00:02:25 But as I said, looking away makes you complicit.
00:02:29 Looking away is what people have done year after year, as children have been abused.
00:02:34 Tortured and murdered.
00:02:36 And the monsters allowed to run amok.
00:02:39 Looking away is what people have been doing.
00:02:41 All over the country.
00:02:43 For decades, including in the case of Leo.
00:02:47 And Ella Stein.
00:02:49 And their circle S ranch.
00:02:53 In the early 1950s, Leo Stein, a Jewish student of Freudian psychology, and his wife Ella Stein found that a boys ranch in the Arizona desert outside of Phoenix.
00:03:06 Stein had previously been fired from the local.
00:03:08 School board and even investigated by the FBI.
00:03:12 For attempting to teach atheism, communism and sex Ed with a weird focus on what he perceived every boys desire was having sex with their mother, but for some reason, and somehow this man with no psychiatric training whatsoever.
00:03:27 Was the man that for some reason the system in both Arizona and Southern California?
00:03:34 Decided to send their troubled teens to.
00:03:38 They sent boys from ages 12 to 18 to his secluded compound in the middle of the desert. His compound called Circle S Ranch for nearly 25 years.
00:03:50 And for nearly 25 years, Leo and his wife Ella abused and molested young boys repeatedly.
00:04:00 And despite several complaints with matching stories from boys who didn't know each other that spanned decades, who had been at the ranch decades apart, it was allowed to continue because nobody wanted to believe it was happening.
00:04:15 Even after a boy.
00:04:16 Larry Middleton, who was staying at the ranch, was found dead in the desert in.
00:04:20 1958.
00:04:22 And nobody was annoyed by the Stein's uncooperative nature.
00:04:26 And for some reason nobody investigated further.
00:04:29 You see that the boy had simply wandered off into the desert.
00:04:32 He'd simply wandered off in the desert and died.
00:04:36 Of heat stroke.
00:04:38 And nobody bothered to investigate further when witnesses told investigators that Larry Middleton.
00:04:44 Had been beaten.
00:04:45 Severely by Leo the day before his disappearance, nobody investigated further when another boy was told by Elastine run away if you want.
00:04:55 You'll end up.
00:04:55 Like the last guy who tried to escape.
00:05:03 In fact, this abuse was allowed to.
00:05:05 Go on for 20.
00:05:06 More years at Circle S Ranch.
00:05:09 Until Arizona finally revoked Leo Stein's license in 1978 after a boy did manage to escape and finally found a social worker who would listen.
Speaker 1
00:05:21 What sort of allegations did the boy make?Speaker 5
00:05:24 About questionable treatment practices.00:05:28 The children being asked to simulate intercourse with pillow.
00:05:31 The boys were asked to expose their genitals and and describe the workings of each part.
00:05:39 Each child in the room was asked in turn to strike.
00:05:44 Now, who was being punished? My boy was asked since he felt very strongly about his father, that he was to simulate eating his father's genitals at one point.
Speaker 6
00:05:55 I got there and everybody was playing basketball and such, and I was still looking for this guy named Leo Stein and I had asked the staff there, who's this guy named Leo, and he said he's right behind you.00:06:07 And I turned around and his first words to me was do you ever masturbate?
00:06:12 That's when I sort of got the hints.
00:06:13 Of this place is a little.
00:06:15 Weird, you know.
Speaker 1
00:06:16 Kids have told me that Leo Stein used to spit in boys faces.00:06:19 Did he ever do that?
00:06:20 To you.
Speaker 7
00:06:24 About 100 times that way. When I first went there, he used to spit on me all.Speaker 6
00:06:29 The time they more or less.00:06:34 Scared the hell out of.
00:06:35 All of us in order for.
00:06:36 Us to conform to society.
Speaker 2
00:06:38 You don't say anything wrong about Papa Stan or you get your face.Speaker 7
00:06:40 Kicked in sometimes there was maybe 1020 kids beating up on just one kid.Speaker 2
00:06:46 He used Floyd, turned around into a into the way he wanted.00:06:51 To use it.
00:06:52 You couldn't even call it 40.
00:06:54 It's Stalinism, is all it is, is is just something Stein took and turned around.
Speaker 1
00:07:01 Donald was 15 years old when a homemade explosive device was found in his school locker.00:07:06 The juvenile court sent him to Circle S his mother made a visit there.
Speaker 8
00:07:10 And as Christmas visit to the ranch, we left the office and went out to the car, and one of the staff members walked up towards us and my husband kept him busy talking some distance from the car and Donald and I went over to the car.00:07:28 And I gave him his letter from his sister.
00:07:30 And he read it and he says I'm not allowed to have mail here.
00:07:33 And so I said, oh, Donnie, you know, and started to put my arms around him.
00:07:40 And he jumped back and he says, Oh my God, mother, he says don't touch me, he says.
00:07:47 Because because I came out of the car and hugged you when you came in.
00:07:51 June, he said.
00:07:53 I had to pretend to have intercourse with you in Group and I had to do it every day.
00:07:59 Until I had an *********** and it took me 27 days and I was just stunned, I was just stunned. I didn't know what to do. I.
00:08:08 Just backed off and.
00:08:11 I didn't even cry.
Speaker 3
00:08:12 Even the parents.00:08:15 Like this mother did nothing.
00:08:18 They were too cowardly to face the evil that was being inflicted on their own children.
00:08:22 All they wanted to do.
00:08:25 Was believe it was normal that everything was OK because the authorities knew.
00:08:31 What was best?
00:08:33 We see this same compliant behavior from people today.
00:08:38 Nobody wants to call the evil that's happening right now in front of them to their children.
00:08:44 By its name.
Speaker 9
00:08:46 And so the monsters.Speaker 3
00:08:49 Are allowed to continue to feed and grow.Speaker 7
00:08:54 Stein would say to a kid when he first came to the ranch, what does every boy want to do?00:09:00 The kid didn't know Mr.
00:09:01 Stein would say heaven recourse with your mother.
Speaker 8
00:09:03 Right.Speaker 6
00:09:04 From that it went to screwing pillows.00:09:06 They, you know, the duffel bags, they and he'd lay those out on the floor and he'd tell us, OK, lay on the pillows.
00:09:13 And not we enact sex like that's your mother.
Speaker 8
00:09:17 Donald came home very frightened.00:09:23 He would not interact with the family at all.
00:09:29 It took me about four months to the point where, you know, if we were in the kitchen together, my kitchen's about four foot wide.
00:09:37 You know that Donald did not back off away from me when I walked into the.
00:09:42 Kitchen, what did happen to you?
Speaker 2
00:09:46 Becoming a person who just hates.00:09:54 That's about it.
00:09:54 That's really all I do is hate.
00:10:01 Diet courts.
00:10:02 I hate styling, it's just a mess.
00:10:06 You just put a kid away and forget about him.
00:10:09 Don't give a damn what happens to him.
Speaker 3
00:10:13 So what happened to Leo and Ella Stein?00:10:18 Pretty much nothing.
00:10:19 The Steins were ordered.
00:10:20 To have no.
00:10:21 Contact with children under 18, but there was no jail time.
00:10:26 Leo ended up dying.
00:10:27 Of prostate cancer in 1994 and his wife died almost 20 years later.
00:10:32 Quietly in the same town where she and her husband had been abusing children for decades.
00:10:38 In fact, to this day, despite the Steins admitting to much of the sexual abuse, of course, disguised as unorthodox therapy methods.
00:10:48 While researching this case, I came across several posts on the Internet from acquaintances of the Steins still in denial of what is now a matter of public record because they didn't want to believe that they had lived next door to monsters and done nothing.
00:11:06 And make no mistake.
00:11:08 They don't want to refuse to believe this because what it would mean for the children, they refuse to believe it because what?
00:11:14 It would mean for them.
Speaker 1
00:11:17 The Circle S is closed now, but that does not lessen the emotional harm that Donald and others say was done to them.00:11:24 For all we know, there are worse places than circle US operating today.
00:11:28 It is important to remember that the truth about Circle S came out almost by accident, and that right up to the last minute.
00:11:35 Government agencies in several states were using.
00:11:37 Public money to subject youngsters to what Leo Stein called therapy.
Speaker 3
00:11:42 Black Pilled I'm Devin stack.Speaker 9
00:11:46 If you like my videos, make sure you like and subscribe. Make sure you share if you want to support my work and go to pill or forward slash.00:11:55 Blackpill or donate.
Speaker 3
00:11:56 Crypto to one of the addresses below.00:11:58 Or get a copy of my book.
00:11:59 The link is in the description and again make sure you are subscribed over at D live and bit shoot because we all know you'll have.
00:12:05 To do that sooner or later anyway.