

00:00:00 Get your ******* vaccine.
00:00:42 You're dealing with a pandemic.
00:00:44 Of the unvaccinated, it is a pandemic of the UN vaccinated.
00:00:50 OK, you're listening to these dummies.
00:00:53 You're not a ******* scientist.
00:00:54 Get your ******* vaccine.
00:00:56 We have a pandemic of the UN.
Speaker 1
00:01:00 5 minutes later.
Speaker 2
00:01:04 I I just watched.
00:01:09 Tony Fauci and CNN and Fox.
00:01:16 Tell me that.
Speaker 2
00:01:18 People with the vaccine, vaccinated people.
00:01:24 Are now.
00:01:29 The coronavirus I went from being a hero because I'm vaccinated and now you ************* are calling me.
Speaker 3
00:01:36 A super spreader.
00:01:41 Good evening.
00:01:43 I'll use super spreaders out there.
00:01:45 That's actually a good intro to something we'll talk about tonight.
00:01:51 In regards to, it's funny because a lot of people have been talking about, by the way, Devin Stack here, the insomnia stream, the Internet is we're on the emergency, we're on, we're on option.
00:02:02 Three of Internet.
00:02:04 So if it drops, I think option one's working again, because that's what I'm watching the stream on, and now it's magically working.
00:02:13 So if it drops, which it could because this is not the most reliable Internet.
00:02:19 If you're watching the recording, no big deal, it'll just keep going.
00:02:23 But if you're watching.
00:02:25 Just you'll have to refresh because I'll just swap Internet send.
00:02:29 It should be OK because it looks like it's OK now, but anyway, hopefully it'll just keep going anyway.
00:02:36 That's a nice little intro.
00:02:39 Into something we're to talk about.
00:02:40 We've talked about a couple of times.
00:02:42 People keep saying like well.
00:02:43 I don't get it.
Speaker 5
00:02:44 If it's some.
Speaker 6
00:02:44 Evil plant which?
00:02:45 I've never said I don't know.
00:02:47 Maybe it's not an evil.
00:02:48 Plan it might not.
00:02:50 Doesn't have to be an evil plan for me to not want to stick rushed.
00:02:53 Therapeutics made by people who hate me and to my body to protect me from a disease.
00:02:59 That I see no signs as.
00:03:02 That indicate that it's a imminent.
00:03:05 Danger to me.
00:03:07 But all that aside, let's put on our tinfoil hats for a moment.
00:03:11 And let's say, well, let's say they are up to something, right?
00:03:15 Let's say they're up to something.
00:03:18 And but it doesn't make any sense cause it seems like they really want me to.
00:03:22 Get it?
00:03:23 But they're also giving it to like everyone that's on.
00:03:26 You know they're giving it to all the compliant people.
00:03:30 I mean, as of tomorrow or whenever you watch this, maybe today or I guess technically today.
00:03:36 It's at least it's been reported that Biden is going to announce that all federal employees have to.
00:03:42 Take the vaccine or the jab.
00:03:46 It's not really a vaccine.
00:03:47 Everyone knows that and there's, like five of them.
00:03:49 None of them are.
00:03:51 But he he's gonna mandate.
00:03:53 It for federal employees, that's a lot of *******.
00:03:56 People, that's millions of people.
00:03:59 And that's everything from like male men.
00:04:00 I mean, those are federal employees, right?
00:04:03 All the way up to the FBI agent who is watching this right now and taking notes.
00:04:09 So it's it's it's weird because people like alright well.
00:04:14 If this is supposed to.
00:04:15 Hurt me.
00:04:16 Why would they be giving it to?
00:04:17 So many ******* people.
00:04:19 All these people, they would think they.
00:04:21 Wouldn't want to hurt.
00:04:24 Wow, you guys got your tinfoil hats ready.
00:04:27 Now again, I'm not saying I'm not.
00:04:29 Saying this is what's happening.
00:04:32 But we have a possibility we'll be.
00:04:34 Talking about that here in a moment.
00:04:37 But first.
00:04:39 Let's ignore all that for a second.
00:04:43 Let's pretend that it's it's like saline solution, that there's nothing in the vaccine.
00:04:49 Because in in, for all intents and purposes, what the things that people are worried about mostly.
00:04:55 I mean, yeah, you're lots of people worried about the health ramifications of this, but there's another huge thing that people should be worried about that this is so just fact, this is not.
00:05:06 This is the thing that's that's regardless of what's in the vaccine.
00:05:11 Regardless of what COVID is, it doesn't.
00:05:13 If it's all real.
00:05:14 If it's all fake, if it's nanobots, if it's whatever, right, it doesn't matter.
00:05:18 What matters is they are using this.
00:05:22 As an excuse to usher in more control.
00:05:27 And they are using authoritarian language never seen before in this country.
00:05:36 On national television.
00:05:39 And there's no one that is effectively opposing the left.
00:05:48 For like 40-50 years.
00:05:51 So it's not going to start now.
00:05:55 And it's in.
00:05:56 In fact, it's getting increasingly easier.
00:05:59 For the left to get things done, a lot of people talked about Trump being kind of like the the death rattle.
00:06:05 You know, the last the last gasp.
00:06:10 Of the white patriarchy trying to cling to power.
00:06:14 And there's a.
00:06:15 Lot of truth in that.
00:06:17 And even then, like look, it was.
00:06:19 It went nowhere, right?
00:06:22 So let's have a little look.
00:06:27 At some of these, some of this language that's being used.
00:06:32 In mass media.
00:06:36 It's a little troubling.
00:06:39 It's a little troubling.
00:06:41 We're going to watch a few clips from CNN.
00:06:43 These are just the last couple of or it might just be the last really 20.
00:06:46 32 hours or so.
00:06:49 They've really escalated the rhetoric being used.
00:06:56 Even though as.
00:06:59 That that awesome Jewish comedian, Mike Rappaport.
00:07:06 Having the vaccine.
00:07:09 Or any of these therapeutics, whatever.
00:07:10 You want to call it.
00:07:12 Even according to them.
00:07:15 Doesn't prevent the spread.
00:07:19 In fact, like I said, we'll get into this in a little bit.
00:07:21 At the moment, it's actually worse than that.
00:07:25 In fact, there's there's there's information that.
00:07:29 Kind of makes you think that maybe it's more dangerous.
00:07:31 You you become more of a danger.
00:07:33 To the public.
00:07:34 If you take one of.
00:07:35 These therapeutics, but we'll talk about.
00:07:36 That in a second first.
00:07:40 Let's see what CNN has to has been saying the last 24 hours or so.
00:07:47 About people, not people refusing, refusing their wishes.
Speaker 7
00:07:52 It's going to take getting very aggressive about particularly younger people, people under 25. I think we we as they return to school, presumably we have full FDA approval.
Speaker 3
00:08:02 We should be. We should.
Speaker 7
00:08:04 Be really seriously considering whether schools, workplaces, government agencies, ought to be talking about saying, hey, if you're coming here.
00:08:11 You need to be vaccinated, and if you're not, you need to show you've got a.
00:08:14 Negative test every single day.
Speaker 5
00:08:16 Breakfast stands.
00:08:17 So if you're going to the grocery store and the grocery store doesn't have the capacity to enforce some kind of proof of vaccination, then they have to say that indoor masking needs to apply because we don't know who's vaccinated and who's not.
00:08:30 The same thing for schools.
00:08:31 You can't expect the teacher in.
00:08:33 Every school to be asking.
00:08:34 Well, you're.
00:08:35 Not wearing a mask.
00:08:36 So are you vaccine or not?
00:08:37 And so that's the case everybody should be wearing masks.
00:08:40 But I could imagine.
00:08:40 And there are already concert.
00:08:42 News or workplaces that are saying right?
00:08:44 If you are not vaccinated, you're you can't.
00:08:47 Come or you?
00:08:47 Have to get a negative test and that's what's needed in order to really incentivize vaccines at.
00:08:52 This point.
Speaker 7
00:08:53 And and look, if people say they don't want to be vaccinated.
00:08:56 Which some people might say, I think it's perfectly reasonable to say that's fine, but we'd like you.
00:09:00 To show up every.
00:09:00 Morning, an hour before work and get a.
00:09:03 The test, maybe even at your own expense until the point where people will say, you know what, it makes more sense to actually get vaccinated.
00:09:11 So if you give people that option, I think you're going to see more and more people take the option to get vaccinated.
Speaker 5
00:09:18 And the window to do that.
00:09:19 Is really narrowing I.
00:09:20 Mean you were mentioning Chris about how all these.
00:09:22 States are reopening.
00:09:23 They're reopening at 100% and we have a very narrow window to tie reopening policy to vaccination status.
00:09:30 Because otherwise, if everything is reopened, then what's the carrot going to be?
00:09:34 How are we going to incentivize people to actually get the vaccine?
00:09:37 So that's why I think the CDC and the bad administration needs to come out a lot bolder and say if you are vaccinated, you can do all these things, hear all these freedoms that you have, because otherwise people are going to go out and enjoy these freedoms.
00:09:50 Anyway, and I fear a situation of coming into the fall where we never reach herd immunity and then we get hit by the next surge of of of COVID-19 in the fall, something that we could have prevented if we just got.
00:10:03 People vaccinated now.
Speaker 1
00:10:05 So absolutely.
00:10:06 So what's happening in Nebraska mirrors half of the United States, and we have states that such as Arkansas and Missouri that have cases that are two to three times higher than the national average, they've they've got pressure on their hospitals and they've got more deaths.
00:10:20 And the solution is straightforward.
00:10:22 It's get vaccinated.
00:10:24 And there's no doubt that in certain settings.
00:10:26 We should be mandating vaccination.
00:10:28 Healthcare settings, long term care settings, prisons, other large settings with lots of people we should be mandating vaccination and I'd like to see that extended to other settings, obviously and hopefully the FDA is going to help us by by fully approving this vaccine.
Speaker 5
00:10:45 It needs to.
00:10:45 Be hard for people to remain unvaccinated, right?
00:10:49 Now it's kind of the.
00:10:49 Opposite, it's fine.
00:10:50 I mean, it's easy.
00:10:51 If you're unvaccinated, you can do everything you want to do.
00:10:53 Any win.
00:10:54 But at some point, these mandates by workplaces, by schools, I think it will be important to say, hey, you can opt out.
00:11:00 But if you want.
00:11:00 Opt out.
00:11:01 You have to sign these forms.
00:11:02 You have to get twice weekly testing.
00:11:04 Basically we need to make getting vaccinated the easy choice.
00:11:07 That is what it's going to take for us to actually end the pandemic.
00:11:13 So they're going to make it as.
00:11:14 Difficult as possible.
00:11:17 That was the language first.
00:11:21 We're just going.
00:11:21 To make it really hard for you to.
Speaker 6
00:11:23 Live your life.
00:11:26 Without a vaccine.
00:11:29 Because we don't want to play the game of going door to door and shoving a needle in people's arms because we.
00:11:35 Know how that will end up?
00:11:38 You you want something that will.
00:11:40 Will actually, you know, start the fire, so to speak.
00:11:45 That would start the fire.
00:11:48 That would start the fire.
00:11:51 So they're trying to avoid that, but I at the same time, it's like every single they can't help themselves.
00:11:58 They can't help themselves.
00:12:01 You know, I said.
00:12:02 On Twitter, the.
00:12:02 Other day that the the problem with.
00:12:06 Western Society and and mostly what I'm talking about is these people and the people that take them seriously.
00:12:12 The problem with those people being godless.
00:12:16 Isn't that there is no God?
00:12:19 It's that God, because the position of God always exists in human societies always.
00:12:27 I don't care if you're an atheist, there's still something.
00:12:31 That fills in that that role.
00:12:34 So when you take away God, whether it's the Christian God, Muslim, it doesn't matter.
00:12:39 When you take away a supernatural omnipotent, you know, benevolent being from a society.
00:12:47 You create a power vacuum.
00:12:49 And someone has to fill that role.
00:12:53 And what ends up happening is it's whoever has the most power.
00:12:59 And all the.
00:13:00 Rules that used.
00:13:01 To apply to the old God, now apply to these people with power.
00:13:08 So just like with a God, the Christian God, as an example.
00:13:15 If you don't, if you don't obey him.
00:13:18 In the same way that people who don't want to take the vaccine aren't obeying the power structure.
00:13:26 That's not, that's not like.
00:13:27 A choice you're making, you're sinning.
00:13:30 You're a Sinner.
00:13:33 They're defying God.
00:13:40 You can't refuse the sacrament.
00:13:46 Of this God.
00:13:49 You can't criticize God.
00:13:51 You can't question God.
00:13:53 You certainly cannot.
00:13:54 Bless fiend God.
00:13:57 And we'll be getting into something about that as well.
00:14:01 All the same rules.
00:14:04 That apply to a Christian God or a Muslim God, a Pagan God.
00:14:12 All those rules now apply to whoever has the most power.
00:14:18 Or the the ruling class, I guess.
00:14:20 Because who's who says it has to be monotheistic, right?
00:14:24 There's lots of gods.
00:14:27 Jeff Bezos.
00:14:29 Is a God.
00:14:31 Biden is a God.
00:14:34 All the talking heads.
00:14:38 I don't know.
00:14:39 I have a hard time saying they're.
00:14:40 Gods, but maybe messengers of God.
00:14:47 And all these people that are.
00:14:48 Getting like personally offended.
00:14:52 And upset.
00:14:54 And scared and angry and emotional.
00:14:59 About people who do not want.
00:15:00 To get the vaccine.
00:15:03 It's because you are defying the will of God.
00:15:08 That's why if you, if you actually try to talk to them, they don't really have anything to say.
00:15:12 In fact, if you look at the the subreddits where they talk about some of the adverse reactions, some of.
00:15:17 Them have.
00:15:17 Had I'm sure you guys have seen.
00:15:19 The screenshots right?
00:15:21 People that are saying ohh you know and they, they always talk about it the same way.
00:15:27 Right.
00:15:28 They never say.
00:15:29 Oh my God, I shouldn't have got the vaccine now, like, my legs are rotting off or, you know, whatever it is, right?
00:15:34 I mean, a little hyperbolic, but not really.
00:15:36 In some of these cases.
00:15:39 No, they don't say that.
00:15:40 They say, you know, I'm.
00:15:41 I'm still glad.
00:15:43 I'm still glad I got the vaccine.
00:15:47 But it does suck that.
00:15:51 That I have all these really bad life threatening.
00:15:54 Side effects.
00:15:57 And it kind of sucks, but I still want, you know, I wouldn't want to discourage anyone from getting the vaccine.
00:16:02 I'm still.
00:16:05 And people are scratching their heads like.
00:16:06 What's wrong with these ******* people?
00:16:10 Well, when you talking about Christians do the same thing.
00:16:13 When something bad happens in a Christian's life, what does a Christian say?
00:16:19 Well, it's all part of God's plan.
00:16:23 Who am I to?
00:16:24 Question the wisdom.
00:16:25 Of God.
00:16:28 I'm sure that you know I.
00:16:30 Will learn something from this.
00:16:35 It's the exact same thinking.
00:16:45 You know, there's a lot of people that think ohh, you know.
00:16:47 A lot of you know all these religions.
00:16:51 All these religions were deployed on populations for population control.
00:17:02 Well, it seems to me.
00:17:05 That this new religion.
00:17:08 This lack of a God.
00:17:12 Is way more effective.
00:17:15 Add control.
00:17:19 Let me explain why.
00:17:23 When you live in a society, let's say.
00:17:26 We'll just say.
00:17:27 It's a monarchy, right where God chose the king.
00:17:35 The king still has to follow.
00:17:38 The Rules of God.
00:17:44 Because while he's been chosen by God.
00:17:48 To rule over the people.
00:17:51 He's no God.
00:17:54 These same standards, these people that say, Oh yeah, it's it's a control mechanism maybe.
00:17:58 It is. Who knows?
00:18:00 But if it is.
00:18:02 That control mechanism also puts boundaries and controls on.
00:18:06 The ruling class.
00:18:09 Because there is this thing in the minds of the people.
00:18:13 That have authority over the ruling class.
00:18:18 And so when the ruling class starts.
00:18:20 Acting in contradiction to these laws and these rules.
00:18:27 The people know that there's a problem.
00:18:32 The people start to doubt.
00:18:35 That these are people that God would have chosen to.
00:18:38 Rule over them.
00:18:41 Because they're breaking all of God's laws.
00:18:46 Well, when you take this supernatural, benevolent, omnipotent being out of the picture.
00:18:53 God's laws are whatever the ruling class say because they're God.
00:19:04 God can't sin against himself.
00:19:08 God can't break his own rules.
00:19:19 So if it was a control mechanism that deploy these religions onto the people to you know.
00:19:25 Get them to.
00:19:27 To stand and be in line, right?
00:19:32 There is a huge benefit that people have overlooked while making that criticism and we are now living the consequences of taking out.
00:19:44 That control mechanism, if that's what it is.
00:19:52 So people like this guy on the screen, Mayor Bill de Blasio.
00:19:56 He's a God.
00:20:01 And what is what is?
00:20:04 His his all powerful Ness have to say.
00:20:11 What are what are the?
00:20:13 The commandments.
00:20:16 From this God.
Speaker 8
00:20:21 We're going to be a major vaccination drive for kids 12 years old and up.
00:20:25 And look, I'm a parent.
00:20:26 My kids went to new.
00:20:27 York City public schools.
00:20:28 If my kids were going to school in September, I would be running to get them vaccinated right now and and like was said a moment ago.
00:20:35 Yeah, we used to do this as parents all the time for a variety of vaccinations.
00:20:41 We've got to shake people at this point and say, come on now.
00:20:45 We tried voluntary, you know, we could not have been more kind and compassionate as a country free testing everywhere you turn incentives friendly, warm embrace.
00:20:57 The voluntary phase is over.
00:21:00 We can keep doing those things.
00:21:01 I'm not saying.
00:21:02 Shut it down.
00:21:03 I'm saying voluntary alone doesn't work.
00:21:06 It's time for mandates because it's the only way to protect our people.
00:21:13 You see God's just trying to protect you from yourself.
00:21:22 It's the the time for choices is over.
00:21:26 It's now time for these people.
00:21:32 Who hate you?
00:21:33 Who want you dead?
00:21:35 Want your families dead?
00:21:38 Want to replace you with a compliant.
00:21:42 Population where none of this.
00:21:44 This nonsense would even be necessary.
00:21:49 Because you would have already got the vaccine, you disobedient heretic.
00:21:56 You Sinner.
00:22:03 And they wonder why you don't want to put a chemical or.
00:22:07 Mystery potion.
00:22:11 That they had developed into Iran.
00:22:15 People that have this kind of hubris.
00:22:20 And like I said.
00:22:23 You know, part of me was like there's.
00:22:24 No way you know.
00:22:25 That the the slow boil is working so good.
00:22:28 It's working so well.
00:22:30 Why would they?
00:22:31 **** it up, they just have to be patient and they.
00:22:33 Know that's that's what it is.
00:22:35 It's it's a mixture of impatience and disdain.
00:22:46 They really this is not hyperbole.
00:22:48 When I say **** like they hate.
00:22:50 You and they.
00:22:50 Want you dead?
00:22:51 It's not like.
00:22:53 I'm not just throwing that out there like that's.
00:22:59 That's very accurate.
00:23:03 And let's not act like the love does not go both ways.
00:23:14 We are not on the same team.
00:23:16 We are competing groups.
00:23:21 But they don't even see.
00:23:22 You as people.
00:23:29 They don't even see you as people.
00:23:38 So let's see what's.
00:23:39 Speaking of people that you have no genetic connection to, let's see what what Don Lemon said today.
00:23:47 What? What does he have?
00:23:48 To say about.
00:23:49 All this.
Speaker 3
00:23:55 I don't know, I'm sure a.
00:23:56 Lot of people are not going.
00:23:56 To agree with this, but don't get the vaccine.
00:24:00 You can't go to the supermarket, don't have the vaccine.
00:24:02 You should can't go to the ball game, don't have the vaccine, can't go to work.
00:24:07 You don't have the vaccine.
00:24:09 Can't come here.
00:24:10 No shirt, no shoes, no service.
00:24:12 That's why I.
00:24:12 Think we should.
00:24:13 Be right now because we continue to waste our breath and people who are just not going to change their, you know, the circular logic.
00:24:20 They just keep going back and saying, well, it's my freedom.
00:24:23 It's whatever.
00:24:24 I'm free.
00:24:25 Well, your kids not free to give other kids meningitis.
00:24:29 In scrolls.
00:24:31 Let's take a vaccine.
00:24:31 To do that.
00:24:32 You take vaccines, you can only get to be employed.
00:24:35 So what is?
00:24:37 The big deal?
00:24:38 And all these people are saying I want to put this stuff in my body.
00:24:40 They're out drinking on the weekend and putting other substances.
00:24:44 In their bodies.
00:24:45 That's way worse for them than a.
00:24:46 Vaccine. So come.
00:24:47 On let's be.
Speaker 9
00:24:48 Real you look, they're all people.
00:24:50 Who have health exception?
00:24:52 I think they're the.
Speaker 10
00:24:53 Very pronounced minority.
00:24:58 All right.
00:25:00 That's weird.
00:25:01 They they don't want you to.
00:25:02 Be able to buy or sell.
00:25:04 What is this starting to sound like like not to.
00:25:06 Get too biblical here.
00:25:09 Everyone must get it.
00:25:14 Everyone must get it.
00:25:18 If you want to participate in our society, you must inject yourself with this.
00:25:23 Otherwise you will not be able to participate in our economy.
00:25:26 I keep you know what I told you.
00:25:29 Guys this years ago.
00:25:33 If you don't get out of the cities.
00:25:36 If you don't disconnect from the society, the society is going to.
00:25:40 Disconnect from you.
00:25:48 Or make it.
00:25:48 So it's impossible for you to disconnect from the society.
00:25:57 I've seen a lot of people that that.
00:25:59 Criticize this way of thinking, saying like.
00:26:02 Oh, that's not.
00:26:03 How does that give you power?
00:26:04 You know you're you're going out.
00:26:06 You're giving up.
00:26:10 I don't have to ******* shove a needle in my arm every time, Don Lemon tells me to.
00:26:16 And you do.
00:26:19 So who's the one with?
00:26:20 More power here.
00:26:25 Yes, but I get to participate in the.
00:26:27 In the global homoiconic any oh.
00:26:33 Is that what you call power?
00:26:38 How are you?
00:26:38 Any different than them?
00:26:43 You should be happy.
00:26:44 About all this.
Speaker 3
00:26:51 So I teased.
00:26:53 A little bit about.
00:26:56 What could possibly be?
00:26:58 Again, this is this is all very speculative and all this stuff, but it's something to know.
00:27:05 It's something to think about.
00:27:06 It's something I hadn't thought.
00:27:07 About something I saw while I was.
00:27:10 Preparing for the show.
00:27:14 And pull this up here.
00:27:22 This is an article.
00:27:26 Or if I can.
00:27:26 Pop this up.
00:27:30 On the screen.
00:27:39 OK, this will work.
00:27:45 This is from sciencemag.org.
00:27:48 Could some vaccines?
00:27:52 Make diseases more.
00:27:53 Deadly. This is an article from 2015.
00:27:59 But it makes a really good point, especially knowing what we know now, right, that getting the so-called vaccines.
00:28:08 Doesn't stop you from spreading the disease.
00:28:11 Doesn't stop you from carrying according to them, right?
00:28:15 Who knows what's really going on?
00:28:17 As Rapaport said.
00:28:18 I'm not a scientist.
00:28:22 I'll be the first to admit, no, I'm not.
00:28:23 A scientist I'm.
00:28:24 I'm I'm limited.
00:28:26 By whatever frame that, that whatever whatever frame of reference I can, you know, just by gathering the information I have available to me.
00:28:37 So one possibility is that it is a real disease that really is spreading and there is real therapeutics that limit thee.
00:28:48 The symptoms of the disease.
00:28:52 But do not stop you from spreading it.
00:28:55 Or from mutations happening.
00:28:58 So this article says vaccines save millions of lives every year by teaching our immune systems how to combat certain viruses or bacteria.
00:29:05 But a new study suggests.
00:29:08 That, paradoxically, they could sometimes teach pathogens to become more dangerous as well.
00:29:16 The study is controversial.
00:29:18 It was done in chickens, and some scientists say it has little relevance for human vaccination.
00:29:23 They worry it will reinforce doubts about the merits or safety of vaccines.
00:29:30 It shouldn't, says lead author Andrew Reed, a biologist at Penn State.
00:29:35 The study provides no support whatsoever for the anti VAX movement, but it does suggest that some vaccines.
00:29:44 May have to.
Speaker 11
00:29:45 Be monitored more.
00:29:45 Closely, he argues, or supported with extra measures to prevent unintended consequences.
00:29:53 Evolutionary science suggests that many pathogens aren't.
00:29:56 Deadly or even virulent?
00:30:01 Because if they kill their host too quickly, they can't spread to other victims.
00:30:08 Now this is this is the key part here, right?
00:30:11 In other words, if you catch a disease like a disease that's going to kill you within 12 hours.
00:30:17 I mean, how many people can you give it to before they're all dead?
00:30:20 And like, you know, it's only going to spread so far before everyone, every host is already dead, right?
00:30:27 Now enter the vaccine.
00:30:30 Some vaccines don't prevent infection.
00:30:34 Well, that sounds familiar.
00:30:36 But they do reduce how sick patients become.
00:30:39 OK, so it's kind of like the therapeutics we have available.
00:30:44 As read first.
00:30:47 There's another they referenced another article that was in nature by keeping their hosts alive.
00:30:55 Such imperfect or leaky.
00:30:58 Leaky vaccines?
00:31:01 Could give deadlier pathogens an edge.
00:31:05 Allowing them to spread when they would normally burnout quickly.
00:31:12 Now I'm going to sum up the rest of this.
00:31:14 Basically what they're getting at.
00:31:17 Is it's, it's.
00:31:19 Kind of like, well, it's it's two things.
00:31:23 What they're saying is if you had a more deadly variant that, like I said, would kill someone in 12 hours.
00:31:30 Well, it's not really going to spread anywhere.
00:31:32 Because it would kill everyone in 12 hours and they would eventually burnout, right?
00:31:37 Because it would be able to get anywhere.
00:31:40 Well, if you're on these therapeutics that annihilate a lot.
00:31:43 Of the symptoms.
00:31:46 You don't die.
00:31:47 You become, as Rapaport was saying, a super spreader.
Speaker 11
00:31:53 And you don't even know.
00:31:56 So you have this super deadly mutation that you are not not immune to.
00:32:01 But very resistant to.
00:32:03 And you're going around spreading not just to.
00:32:06 Other people that not to just to unvaccinated people, although those are those people would be the most.
00:32:11 It would be the pose the most danger to.
00:32:13 Right.
00:32:15 But even if you have these therapeutics, you're going.
00:32:18 To catch it as well.
00:32:21 In the same way that.
00:32:22 You need to get a prescription.
00:32:24 To get antibiotics right, that's the other aspect of it.
00:32:28 Think about what do they always tell you?
00:32:30 Oh, you can't just go to the grocery store and pick up a bottle of penicillin.
00:32:37 Because if we did that.
00:32:39 It would create all these.
00:32:40 Super bugs.
00:32:43 Right.
00:32:43 Because if people were always dosing themselves with antibiotics.
00:32:48 You would create all these drug resistant strains and they would become these super bugs and it would, it would be.
00:32:53 You know, be madness.
00:32:57 And so they.
00:32:57 Make you go to a doctor and get a prescription.
00:32:59 And and add that.
00:33:01 That extra hurdle in the hopes that.
00:33:04 It'll prevent some of this super bug stuff.
00:33:10 Well, if you're vaccinating an entire population.
00:33:19 What kind of mutations are you going to get?
00:33:21 What kind of mutations are?
00:33:22 Going to survive.
00:33:25 So that's what the study goes into.
00:33:27 The study talks about how.
00:33:30 At factory farms, just as an example.
00:33:34 Factory Farms will inoculate their chickens.
00:33:38 Or their cows, or just livestock.
00:33:42 And what will happen is.
00:33:45 The same diseases.
00:33:47 Will spread throughout the whole population like.
00:33:50 If you've you've you've.
00:33:51 All seen the pictures of these factory farms with chickens and these giant warehouses with, you know, chicken cages and **** like that.
00:33:59 Well, they're all infected.
00:34:01 But because they've got this therapeutic.
00:34:05 They don't feel any of the effects and it doesn't disrupt the factory farms production of meat.
00:34:14 But in order for this strain of the virus.
00:34:20 To reproduce itself and to stay alive.
00:34:25 It has to be.
00:34:26 It mutates so that it becomes like a super.
00:34:29 Bug in a way.
00:34:31 It mutates and mutates and so that the only strains.
00:34:37 That survive are these hyper contagious strains?
00:34:42 Because it's only the strains and you're basically ******* with natural selection.
00:34:48 Right.
00:34:49 If you didn't, if you had not inoculated.
00:34:51 All the different birds.
00:34:53 The very deadly.
00:34:55 Strains would kill off the birds and.
00:34:58 That would be that.
00:34:59 But because you're inoculating all the birds.
00:35:03 The only strains that survive are the strains that can overcome the inoculation and still spread.
00:35:12 So essentially what you'd be creating is a population of it, but there's the irony of it, but I guess it makes sense right in the in the in this time of satanic inversion.
00:35:26 Everything they've been saying about the unvaccinated.
00:35:29 Like, oh, if you go, if you don't get vaccinated, you're going to.
00:35:32 Become these variant factories, right?
00:35:34 That's the term.
00:35:35 You're going to become.
00:35:36 These variant factories you're going to have all these mutations going on, you're going to just be.
00:35:40 Spreading it all over the place, no.
00:35:43 No, because if you had some, if you had some crazy.
00:35:47 Fatal variant.
00:35:49 It would just kill you and maybe a couple of other people.
00:35:51 That would be that.
00:35:53 The exact opposite is true.
00:35:57 All the vaccinated people will become variant factories.
00:36:04 But it gets worse than that.
00:36:06 Now I haven't done enough research to to really speak on this.
00:36:11 There was a guest.
00:36:12 It was the the inventor of the M RNA technology.
00:36:18 He, in fact, it's funny because he's the he's.
00:36:20 The guy who?
00:36:21 Invented the technology that made the M RNA vaccine possible, and he has now been banned from different social media platforms.
00:36:31 Wikipedia took it out of his page that he invented the M RNA vaccine.
00:36:38 That's not shady.
00:36:42 But he was on.
00:36:45 What was that?
00:36:46 Well, he's on a bunch of different podcasts the last few days.
00:36:51 And he was making the point that some of the data that's come out.
00:36:55 And he said I I can't verify this data because they're not making it.
00:36:59 You know, they're not letting me see the raw data, but just looking at the data that the CDC has released.
00:37:06 We are seeing.
00:37:07 Some of the things that I originally theorized could possibly happen.
00:37:12 And that is.
00:37:13 You'll have a bunch of people become dependent.
00:37:18 On the vaccines?
00:37:21 Stay alive.
00:37:27 That there is a possibility.
00:37:29 And again I I I'd have to.
00:37:30 I have to dive into this.
00:37:31 This is something I saw just before the show.
00:37:34 But if I understand it correctly, what he was saying was that the antibodies that are created by these therapeutics.
00:37:42 Your body becomes dependent on them.
00:37:48 And instead of creating your own natural immunities to.
00:37:53 This virus.
00:37:55 You actually become immune deficient.
00:38:01 Without the injections.
00:38:07 So in addition to becoming these mutation variant factories.
00:38:14 They might become dependent.
00:38:17 On getting booster shots.
00:38:20 Because as soon as they stop getting.
00:38:21 The booster shots.
00:38:24 These deadly variants.
00:38:26 That their immune system is artificially suppressing the symptoms of.
00:38:33 Once it runs out of the artificial antibodies.
00:38:39 They will succumb to the symptoms.
00:38:43 Now again, this is all speculative.
00:38:45 This is all a little, you know, tinfoil hat.
00:38:48 I guess you could say.
00:38:50 But I think we're starting to see at least.
00:38:52 Some way that this could make sense?
00:38:57 Imagine a population.
00:39:00 That needs injections, regular injections.
00:39:05 Just to stay alive.
00:39:11 But the trick is if you don't.
00:39:13 Take the first injection.
00:39:16 You don't need them.
00:39:18 Now all of a sudden it makes sense why they need so many people to take those ******* injections.
00:39:31 Now again, like I said, I don't know.
00:39:35 Totally speculative.
00:39:38 Might be complete ********.
Speaker 9
00:39:42 But when the.
00:39:43 Inventor of the technology behind the vaccine.
00:39:47 Is saying essentially what I just said?
00:39:50 I mean not.
00:39:50 He's not saying that they're going to use it as a form of control.
00:39:54 He's not saying that that they're going to, you know, ohh I guess you have to get.
00:39:58 Your every six months.
00:40:03 Every six.
00:40:03 Ohh, sorry, Devin.
00:40:05 Looks like you might not qualify for your shot this time around.
00:40:12 You know, gone are the days of deep platforming.
00:40:15 You from from PayPal, we're the platform you.
00:40:20 From getting your booster shot that keeps you alive.
00:40:28 Now again I.
00:40:31 I have no idea if that's what's going on.
00:40:36 I don't even know.
00:40:36 Look, it could even be like I've said before, it could be an unintentional consequence of hubris.
00:40:42 They rushed this thing out the door and you can you can thank Trump for that.
00:40:45 Right.
00:40:46 Operation warp speed.
00:40:47 Base Trump.
00:40:51 They rushed it to the market.
00:40:54 To make a bunch of ******* money.
00:40:57 On a disease that was not.
00:40:59 Anymore dangerous than?
00:41:02 You know, millions and millions and millions of other respiratory viruses that have affected humans since the dawn of time.
00:41:13 No more deadly than than influenza, really.
00:41:22 But they rushed it to market so they could cash in.
00:41:27 They delivered these.
00:41:30 These vaccines that.
00:41:33 I wonder if I have this clip.
00:41:34 This is a ******* scary clip, but they they were talking to one of the vaccine manufacturers.
00:41:40 And so how did you develop it so fast?
00:41:44 Let me see if I got it here.
00:41:52 And she was, she said.
00:41:53 Something along the lines of.
00:41:59 Where is it at?
00:42:00 Oh, I don't think I downloaded it.
00:42:08 I didn't download it.
00:42:10 Oh wait, maybe this is it, no?
00:42:17 Anyway, she said something along the lines of yeah, we analyzed the the data that we got out of China and we had our M RNA vaccine within three hours.
00:42:27 We went straight to manufacturing it within three hours.
00:42:34 So you know, old vaccines took.
00:42:38 You know, decades to develop, but thanks to.
00:42:42 The marvels of computer.
00:42:44 Models that we all know we can trust.
00:42:47 They created this one in three hours, the one that the one that's being used right now, the total development time according to her, was 3 hours.
00:42:55 They went straight to manufacturing after three hours.
00:43:04 So they rushed out the door.
00:43:07 They don't have time to test it.
00:43:10 I mean, I'm sure they tested on monkeys just to make sure monkeys went immediately drop dead and **** like that, right?
00:43:17 But no possible way to.
00:43:18 Look for long term effects.
00:43:21 Because there's.
00:43:22 One way to look for long term effects and that's weight.
00:43:29 They didn't do that.
00:43:31 They rush it out.
00:43:34 The inventor of the technology before you know, before they were deploying it.
00:43:38 Was saying, you know, his story hasn't changed, he said.
00:43:41 Like, look, there is a good possibility.
00:43:45 If you do it this way.
00:43:47 You're going to create a dependent.
00:43:55 And According to him today.
00:44:00 He says he's seen evidence that that is quite possibly exactly what's happened.
00:44:12 But who knows, right?
00:44:13 Who knows?
00:44:17 Who knows?
00:44:20 I guess we'll find out.
00:44:24 Because like you know, like I said, there's only one way to one way to find out the long term effects and that's wait.
00:44:31 And we live in a world that does not enjoy waiting.
00:44:35 Everyone wants something now.
00:44:37 Well, maybe you're going to learn a lesson about waiting.
00:44:46 So let's lighten things up a little bit.
00:44:49 We'll lighten things up just a tad.
00:44:54 We're going to talk about humor.
00:45:02 And you may have seen this.
00:45:06 And bring this up.
00:45:15 This is the European Union put together a report.
00:45:22 How better way?
00:45:23 I mean do they not?
00:45:24 See the eye running.
00:45:27 That they they are so bad at humor that they're having to do a report to analyze.
00:45:34 Right wing humor.
00:45:36 Did they not get why this is hilarious?
00:45:42 And another thing that and because.
00:45:44 They don't understand humor.
00:45:46 They don't understand.
00:45:47 There's even a joke in the title of the paper.
00:45:51 And that is, it's not funny anymore.
00:45:54 Far right?
00:45:54 Extremist use of humor.
00:45:56 Well, that means they're admitting that it it was funny.
00:46:00 They used to laugh at the the the happy merchant memes.
00:46:03 Not anymore.
00:46:06 Now it's getting dangerous.
00:46:13 So I'm going to take.
00:46:13 A look at this report here.
00:46:17 After I.
00:46:19 Get this back on the screen.
00:46:25 Humor has become a central weapon of extremist movements to subvert.
00:46:31 Open societies.
00:46:33 And to lower the threshold.
00:46:35 Towards violence.
00:46:36 You know, it's funny.
00:46:39 They shouldn't have to write a paper on this.
00:46:41 They should have the least do any research on it.
00:46:46 I remember thinking exactly these sorts of things in the 90s.
00:46:52 When you had The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, when you had pretty much everything on Comedy Central pushing a very, very left wing agenda all the time, everything was left wing.
00:47:03 There was not just in the same way, there's no.
00:47:05 Right.
00:47:05 Wing anything?
00:47:06 There's certainly no right wing comedy.
00:47:11 It was always OK to make Christian jokes.
00:47:13 There was.
00:47:14 I mean, you can make entire.
00:47:15 Movies making fun of Christians.
00:47:18 You could never make a movie making fun of Jews, obviously.
00:47:24 You can make entire movies.
00:47:26 In fact, almost every movie.
00:47:28 This is the case.
00:47:29 Or right wing people are the evil devils.
00:47:34 But there's I can't think of any movies where left wing.
00:47:37 People are the devil.
00:47:40 There's lots of movies with Christian bad guys, not a whole lot of movies.
00:47:44 With Jewish bad guys.
00:47:49 So they they shouldn't have to study.
00:47:51 This too hard, they've, they've.
00:47:55 These methods, which is why they're afraid of it.
00:47:57 The reason why they want to censor people is they know the power of media because that's what they use to get in their position that they're in right now.
00:48:07 But they can't admit to that.
00:48:12 Anyway, here it goes.
00:48:13 Especially within the context of the recent wave of far right terrorist attacks, did you know that?
Speaker 10
00:48:18 There was a wave.
00:48:21 The far right terrorist attacks.
00:48:25 There's a there's a wave.
00:48:29 Total crime wave of.
00:48:31 Of of far right terrorist attacks.
00:48:34 Maybe, maybe they're better at humor.
00:48:36 Than than than we thought.
00:48:39 We witness quote UN quote, playful ways in communicating racist ideologies as far right extremists strategically merge with online cultures. Their approach changes fundamentally.
00:48:55 This trend has been especially facilitated by the so-called Alt right and has spread globally.
00:49:03 This predominantly online movement set new standards to rebrand extremist positions in an ironic guise by blurring the lines between mischief and potentially radicalizing messaging.
00:49:20 The result is a nihilistic form of humor.
00:49:24 That is directed against ethnic and sexual minorities and deemed to inspire.
00:49:32 Violent fantasies.
00:49:35 And eventually action.
00:49:38 This paper scrutinizes how humor functions as a potential factor in terms of influencing far right extremist violence.
00:49:46 In doing so, we trace the strategic dissemination of far right.
00:49:51 Operatives and discuss how extremists conceal their misanthropic messages in order to deny ill intention or purposeful harm.
00:50:02 In Minecraft.
00:50:05 These recent developments pose major challenges for practitioners.
00:50:10 As a new generation of violent extremists.
00:50:13 Emerges from the digital subcultures.
00:50:17 Without a clear organizational center now.
00:50:20 You know what? That's.
00:50:22 That is one of the strengths of the there's a lot of weaknesses, but one of the strengths of the decentralized kind of dynamic.
00:50:33 At many times, chaotic nature of the right.
00:50:37 Is that it is kind of like.
00:50:39 Trying to nail jello to a wall.
00:50:43 There is no real clear leader.
00:50:46 And every time anything that resembles that.
00:50:51 Comes into the the national.
00:50:55 They go at it with everything they've got.
00:50:58 I mean that's, you know, obvious with.
00:51:00 Trump, but even.
00:51:01 Stuff like you could say like the way they went after Nick Fuentes.
00:51:05 Anything that resembles a central like a a hub.
00:51:11 Any kind of of centralization?
00:51:14 Of a community.
00:51:17 Which is why we ought to watch our *****.
00:51:20 They go after it.
00:51:22 Like it's the most dangerous thing that they've ever seen.
00:51:27 Because they know as soon as it takes hold, they know.
00:51:29 This because they did this to our societies.
00:51:34 As soon as it takes hold and.
00:51:35 It's allowed to.
00:51:36 I keep talking.
00:51:37 We have no establishments.
00:51:38 You know, we have no institutional power.
00:51:41 That's what they have to prevent.
00:51:44 Is the second you do have leaders.
00:51:46 The second you have community leaders, you have communities and next thing you know, you've got establishments.
00:51:52 You have an institution.
00:51:57 See these people that told you throughout all of your high.
00:52:00 School days in college.
00:52:01 That the slippery slope is a fallacy.
00:52:05 They believed in it the whole ******* time.
00:52:11 They knew exactly.
00:52:14 How dangerous it was to step on that slippery slope?
00:52:22 Why do you think they're?
00:52:23 Going so ******* hard at Ben.
00:52:24 And Jerry's. Doesn't that sound ridiculous? Isn't that weird?
00:52:28 Isn't that weird sound weird?
00:52:29 To people like ohh, what?
00:52:30 I don't get it.
00:52:31 Like it's do Jews like really like ******* ice cream or something.
00:52:35 Like I don't understand like.
00:52:36 Why is it that?
00:52:37 Because clearly.
00:52:37 There was a coordinated thing going on, right?
00:52:42 When every of these make Israel great again.
00:52:47 Republicans all at once, all on the same day.
00:52:51 We're all tweeting about oh, this is anti-Semitism. You're ignoring the fact that Ben and Jerry are Jews.
00:52:58 This is terrible. We must stand against the anti-Semitism of that Jabet and Jerries this cannot stand. We demand that they sell ice cream in Israel.
00:53:11 It just seems like it doesn't make any sense, right?
00:53:13 You're just like what?
00:53:14 This seems like a really weird priority to have.
00:53:18 No matter what the context is like, this is. Why would you be so concerned and we get it. You suck Israel's **** all day long.
00:53:25 We get it but.
00:53:27 This is ice cream we're talking about.
00:53:33 Slippery slope.
00:53:36 No major company.
00:53:38 Has participated.
00:53:41 In any kind of boycotts of Israel.
00:53:47 And if they allow even one.
00:53:52 Well, the sort of thing that they did to apartheid South Africa.
00:53:58 Might happen to them and they know it.
00:54:02 They can't allow even one.
00:54:11 Because once that crack forms in the dam, it's only a matter of time before it bursts.
00:54:20 So it doesn't matter.
00:54:21 That's some silly ******* ice cream.
00:54:28 They can't let.
00:54:30 Businesses think.
00:54:33 That you can have a business in America and not be Pro Israel.
00:54:46 Speaking of not having a sense of humor, they certainly do not have a.
00:54:49 Sense of humor about this ****.
00:54:55 They're hypersensitive to all these things because.
00:54:59 They just used all these tools.
00:55:02 They just finished using all of these methods to get to where they are now, and they'll be *** ****** if they.
00:55:08 See you do it to them.
00:55:22 Humor in the context of preventing and countering violent extremism.
00:55:27 Has largely been discussed as a means to combat extremist ideologies.
00:55:31 Various counter narrative campaigns have deployed humor to question the authority.
00:55:37 Of extremist groups and ridicule their ambitions.
00:55:41 Even though it is difficult to measure the effectiveness of such campaigns in words, what they're saying is they're deploying their counter humor campaigns.
00:55:48 But they're not funny.
00:55:52 They're not funny.
00:55:54 Research has shown that such endeavors are appropriate to spend democratic alternatives for effective youths.
00:56:02 Thus, the potential of humor as a means of persuasion and disengagement is acknowledged by a variety of actors.
00:56:09 Yet much less attention has been paid to how humor is utilized by extremist groups.
00:56:15 And subcultures are the means of recruitment, recruitment.
00:56:21 We're recruiting you.
00:56:24 They always have to use language that.
00:56:29 Like even when they're writing papers, the.
00:56:30 Propaganda never stops.
00:56:33 Because what we're reading here, this is propaganda.
00:56:36 It's not like, oh, here's some internal memo of the ruling class.
00:56:41 All the middle management, a lot of the people that work for the ruling class, they're true believers.
00:56:46 A lot of these people you see splurging out.
00:56:49 About the the vaccine stuff, right.
00:56:51 They really believe what they're saying?
00:56:54 Right.
00:56:55 They're not the ones getting rich off of.
00:56:57 Of Pfizer.
00:56:59 Or Johnson and Johnson.
00:57:02 They're true believers.
00:57:05 In fact, if anything, the the middle management, the, the, the public facing people, the people that you're familiar with, the people that you associate with leftist.
00:57:17 They're probably the most propagandized people.
00:57:20 Out of all of them.
00:57:22 I'm sure a few of them get it on some level.
00:57:27 Sure, a lot of them are just sociopaths and they're just like, whatever.
00:57:29 I'll dance this ******* monkey dance.
00:57:31 As long as the the checks keep rolling in, right?
00:57:36 But a lot of these people, they believe it.
00:57:40 After all, it's their religion.
00:57:46 So these are just this is just a scripture.
00:57:52 That's literally what it is.
00:57:54 This is new revelation.
00:57:56 It's revelation, being passed down to the the flock.
00:58:02 From the prophets.
00:58:07 Or this particular piece of scripture is made out for the clergy.
00:58:25 Addressing this gap in research and practice has become an urgent issue, especially in light of the digitally mediated wave of far right terrorism.
00:58:38 That has struck Christchurch, El Paso and Haley, among others.
00:58:47 The perpetrators of these attacks did not have a criminal record and were neither members of extremist organizations, nor did they have any links to local scenes.
00:58:57 See, this is the decentralized.
00:59:00 Aspect that unnerves them.
00:59:04 Whether they emerge from digital subcultures.
00:59:08 Which share besides their receptiveness to extremist ideas, a cynical style of humor?
00:59:14 Intended to numb and desensitize its consumers to the use of violence.
00:59:24 See, they have that backwards.
00:59:31 They have that backwards.
00:59:36 The dark humor.
00:59:40 Is not what produces people that are.
00:59:48 It doesn't produce people that that feel like.
00:59:50 They're running out of options.
00:59:54 It's the other way around.
00:59:58 It's the people that.
00:59:59 Feel like they're running out of options?
01:00:03 That feel like they don't have representation.
01:00:07 The humor is a release valve.
01:00:11 The humor is an alternative.
01:00:16 To something else.
01:00:19 The humor is a product of the oppression.
01:00:25 Now I hate to use this example, but.
01:00:29 You'll have to forgive me because it's a Holocaust example.
01:00:34 Victor, was it Victor Frankel?
01:00:37 Man search for meaning.
01:00:40 Say and written by a Holocaust survivor, I read it years ago because.
01:00:46 As I've mentioned before, I used to be a big fan of Dennis Prager back in the day I used.
01:00:49 To listen to his radio show all the time.
01:00:52 And and and and for some reason just never put it together that why is he always talking about Israel?
01:00:58 I guess there are like our greatest.
01:00:59 Ally, you know.
01:01:00 I was young.
01:01:01 You can't blame.
01:01:04 And he recommended this book.
01:01:05 And I read the book.
01:01:08 Wasn't as impressed with it as.
01:01:11 Many people seem to be.
01:01:13 But there is a vivid.
01:01:16 Seen in the book.
01:01:19 That, in retrospect, it's probably 100% fictional, but it still illustrates.
01:01:26 How dark humor emerges from a people.
01:01:31 He's talking about how he's on this train and again.
01:01:34 Just pretend I'm telling you.
01:01:35 A story that I saw.
01:01:36 In a movie I've not.
01:01:38 The the veracity of this story is.
01:01:40 More than questionable.
01:01:45 He goes, he's on his train going.
01:01:47 To a death camp.
01:01:50 And they split them up in two different lines.
01:01:55 And one line goes into this.
01:01:59 Big building that has a smokestacks and I could probably kind of guess where that's going.
01:02:05 And the other lines going to like.
01:02:06 This work camp.
01:02:10 And he talks to one of the the people that are already at the.
01:02:13 Work camp where?
01:02:14 Where's my friend?
01:02:15 I came here with my friend but he.
01:02:16 Went to this other line.
01:02:20 And the guy said, oh, your friend's right there.
01:02:24 And he pointed to the smoke.
01:02:26 Coming out of the smokestack.
01:02:29 Now of course.
01:02:31 Pretty sure that never happened, but.
01:02:37 It's a good illustration.
01:02:38 The reason why that was a vivid scene.
01:02:40 The reason why that scene and out of every other scene of the book, that's actually one of the only things I remember from that book.
01:02:46 Because it it it was, it did paint.
01:02:49 And accurate depiction.
01:02:54 Humans put in a high stress environment.
01:02:58 And dealing with it with humor.
01:03:02 Because that's what humans do.
01:03:06 I'm sure you you've all heard the you know the the the saying, you know, you gotta laugh so so that.
01:03:12 You don't cry.
01:03:18 They think it's the humor.
01:03:21 Pushing people to the edge.
01:03:22 They've got it all wrong.
01:03:25 So they humor are keeping them away from the edge.
01:03:31 By all means.
01:03:33 Try to take it away.
01:03:34 Let's see.
01:03:34 What happens?
01:03:36 Again, the hubris it's never ending.
01:03:43 Rather, they emerge from.
01:03:44 Digital subcultures which share, besides their receptive to extreme ideas.
01:03:53 A cynical style of humor intended to numb and desensitize its consumers to the use of violence in their manifestos.
01:04:00 The terrorists consequently adopt expressions from meme cultures and online milieus, in particular, image based forums such as 4 Chan and eight Koon previously.
01:04:13 Hey, Chan.
01:04:15 Developed as places where extremist messages with humors and ironic underpinnings spread into the mainstream.
01:04:23 Thereby making it increasingly difficult to distinguish between organized action.
01:04:29 And individual acts of provocation.
01:04:33 Users of these forums rebrand far right extremist ideas.
01:04:38 And make them attractive for new target groups.
01:04:41 That are not on the radar of practitioners and law enforcement.
01:04:49 That's why we need to fix the Internet.
01:04:51 Jonathan Greenblatt will tell you.
Speaker 6
01:04:54 The Internet is sick.
01:04:56 We need to give it a vaccine.
01:05:01 And then we need to give it a.
01:05:02 Booster shot every.
01:05:03 Six months or it'll die.
01:05:09 In fact, they have learned that the lesson.
01:05:13 In our digitalized societies.
01:05:16 Right, in fact.
01:05:20 As forward extremists strategically merge with online cultures, their approach changes drastically.
01:05:25 In fact, they have learned that if in our digitalized societies and movement wants to be successful and needs to entertain.
01:05:35 Wow, isn't that what my entire channel is about?
01:05:40 The leftist using entertainment.
01:05:44 For a century.
01:05:46 To get to where they're at today.
01:05:50 This document is essentially.
01:05:55 It's an admission.
01:05:59 That all of the accusations I have made with my movie reviews when I talk about the different television shows.
01:06:08 They're they're admitting that.
01:06:10 Everything I have said is right.
01:06:12 And they're scared that we're going to use that same technology, those same techniques.
01:06:18 Against them, they're afraid that now that we see how successful.
01:06:27 Psyops or whatever you want to call them are.
01:06:32 That we're going to be the ones using that technology.
01:06:38 To achieve what we want.
01:06:43 God forbid, right?
01:06:46 Don't the go him.
01:06:47 No, this is this.
01:06:47 Is our game.
01:06:51 This is why they have to censor us.
01:06:52 This is why they have to remove us from the Internet before it was easy, it was easy to keep someone off of TV or out of the newspaper.
01:06:59 Or off the radio.
01:06:59 That's easy.
01:07:01 It's not easy for them to stop.
01:07:03 Me from talking to.
01:07:03 You right now.
01:07:06 Or is it?
01:07:09 It will be.
01:07:11 That's what they're working on.
01:07:14 In fact, a shared sense of humor has become an effective tool in terms of immersing individuals into extremist ideologies and as a consequence, contributed to some of the worst acts of violence in the 21st century. Really.
01:07:32 The worst acts of violence in the 21st century are because of 4 Chan jokes is that is that what? That's what. That's.
01:07:38 Literally what they're saying.
01:07:46 Analyzing the strategic use of humor might thus provide some clues regarding what makes far right extremist ideas attractive to a generation of digital natives, and how digital cultures have become a potential factor in terms of evoking and influencing racist.
01:08:03 Mass violence, really.
01:08:06 I didn't know.
01:08:07 That all the Black Lives Matter rioters and all these people that you see every ****** ******* day.
01:08:14 All these videos of black on white violence, new videos, every *** **** ******* day.
01:08:20 I didn't know those ************* were on 4 Chan.
01:08:25 What are the?
01:08:25 What are the ******* jokes making?
01:08:27 Those guys get violent.
01:08:29 Again, this is this is a ******* confession.
Speaker 3
01:08:36 If they're this worried.
01:08:39 About how effective something like ******* 4 Chan is.
01:08:43 That means they are 100% aware of how effective it is owning every news station, every movie studio, every record label.
01:08:58 They know what causes violence because.
01:09:00 That's what it's for.
01:09:09 This is a ******* signed confession.
01:09:29 It continues.
01:09:30 I mean, there's some funny parts we can make fun of, you know, like they have.
01:09:35 They have Pepe, of course.
01:09:38 Oh no, I don't know.
01:09:39 I don't know, dodge.
01:09:42 Is dose like a a far right?
01:09:45 Meme somehow.
01:09:47 Not even wojack is.
01:09:51 Let's see what?
01:09:51 Let's just see what they say about.
01:09:53 It the original iteration of the Rojack meme expressed emotion such as melancholy, regret, or loneliness.
01:10:01 It has gradually been adapted and advanced by far right meme.
01:10:04 Culture to portray liberals with blank expression.
01:10:07 They're not about the MP.
01:10:08 See me.
01:10:09 Ohh God the aim.
01:10:11 Here is to show that normies do not question the information that comes from mainstream press or politics.
01:10:17 Oh my God, the horror.
01:10:24 How is the Dodge meme far right?
01:10:28 The dodge?
01:10:29 The Dodge meme is one of the most famous Internet memes which has been adapted in various ways to tease a kind of outdated humor and style of individuals and politicians in far right circles.
Speaker 10
01:10:42 It has often been.
01:10:43 Combined with Nazi memorabilia to trivialize violence and the s s.
01:10:51 Well, I don't I.
01:10:52 I I haven't seen a whole lot of Nazi dodges, but OK.
01:10:57 The pepper, the.
01:10:58 Frog meme has been appropriated by far right online activists that symbolizes a kind of superior, nonchalant or nonchalance towards others.
01:11:09 Helping to normalize hostile attitudes toward minorities and political opponents, as well as a kind of anti elite arrogance and condescension, it has become the icon of the alt right wow.
01:11:25 I don't know if that's.
01:11:28 That's still true, but it is what it is.
01:11:35 Yeah, it goes on and on.
01:11:37 Oh, let's see here.
01:11:37 They got a definition for red pill.
01:11:39 Let's see what their.
01:11:43 Red Pill is a term used by the Alt right movement to describe that someone is fully, politically and racially aware of what is happening around them.
01:11:53 The red pill refers to the 19.
01:11:55 99 film blah blah blah.
01:11:56 Well, that's kind of funny, I.
01:11:57 Mean they're just.
01:11:59 What's wrong with that?
01:12:01 Is there something wrong with being fully politically and racially aware of what's going on around you?
01:12:11 Well, I guess I mean, if you're the ruling class, that's a dangerous thing.
01:12:20 They want to get rid of Messenger apps.
01:12:25 Along with a general shift of communication towards private messenger apps.
01:12:29 I don't know.
01:12:30 Why me?
01:12:31 Because we're we're banned from everything else.
01:12:35 Far right extremists are increasingly making use of messenger apps to spread hateful content and crude humor.
01:12:41 The horror.
01:12:44 Deep platforming from social media platforms, as well as the privacy and security features such messenger apps afford to extremists, are some of the reasons for this shift.
01:12:55 You mean you created this monster?
01:12:58 Well, they share a lot of content and internal groups, which is in the intent to be distributed in other contexts.
01:13:04 Harmful content strategically spreads and broader, more public chat communities.
01:13:09 I mean like my telegram channel.
01:13:11 Sounds like that's what you're getting.
01:13:13 At for example.
01:13:13 On messenger, groups of sports clubs really Sports Club sports ball.
01:13:20 I think I barked up the wrong tree on that one. The NFL's gain.
01:13:23 Out didn't.
01:13:23 You know, working groups and school classes.
01:13:26 Teachers especially, are often stunned when they discover what type of content is being spread in disguised as humor.
01:13:33 In fact, it is not necessarily Internet savvy political activists who use the platform.
01:13:40 To share edgy images.
01:13:42 Trying to present themselves as taboo Breakers instead, it is often regular youngsters.
01:13:48 Trying to attract attention with offensive material.
01:13:52 That many might not immediately characterize.
01:13:56 See, here's the other thing.
01:13:57 What they're getting at.
01:13:59 And this is real.
01:14:02 This is like a silver lining to them, creating their own religion.
01:14:11 By them becoming.
01:14:14 These weird.
01:14:15 Godless Puritans.
01:14:18 Very regimented.
01:14:23 I mean, one of the reasons why they're humorous is they can't.
01:14:26 I mean, humor is.
01:14:29 You can't make fun of anything, right?
01:14:32 How can you be funny if all criticism, unless it's directed at just one group?
01:14:38 You know you can make fun of, I guess, white males all day long, right?
01:14:41 White Christian males.
01:14:42 I mean that's that's that's it.
01:14:46 I can't.
01:14:47 You know, there there's no.
01:14:48 When ridicule is no longer allowed.
01:14:53 You kind of don't have the.
01:14:54 Ability to be funny.
01:14:57 It's just gone.
01:14:59 And so by becoming the the new.
01:15:04 Religious leaders.
01:15:07 In these oppressive nations.
01:15:11 Yeah, absolutely.
01:15:12 If you have personality types.
01:15:15 That want to rebel.
01:15:18 As I did.
01:15:19 When I was younger and I was, you know, I.
01:15:21 Lived in a household with a very strict Mormon family.
01:15:25 There were some rules that I think even now in retrospect, you know, some of it was because I was a kid.
01:15:30 I didn't get it, but some of it really was.
01:15:31 Just oppressive and ridiculous and stupid.
01:15:39 And if you have a personality type that doesn't like the contrarian, which many you know, here's The funny thing.
01:15:46 Who, who, who?
01:15:47 Who usually has that personality type, right?
01:15:50 Well, it's the it's precise to the people that are trying to genocide.
01:15:55 Once again, it's the it's the white Christian males.
01:15:59 Like, what's the demographic you think on these these edgy websites?
01:16:02 They're so afraid of?
01:16:05 Oh ****. What?
01:16:06 What do you think the the overwhelming demographic is of?
01:16:09 The people listening to my voice right now.
01:16:19 It's contrarian, sarcastic.
01:16:22 White men.
01:16:27 We are a phenotype and of our of ourselves and that's that's exactly what they want to get rid of.
01:16:34 So of course that phenotype.
01:16:36 Is going to react.
01:16:39 To the environment they've created.
01:16:43 In this way.
01:16:44 They're going to latch on to.
01:16:46 A community that that allows them.
01:16:50 They're what the the mainstream.
01:16:52 Does not allow them.
01:16:59 Oh, let's see what their big challenges are, they've.
01:17:01 Got challenges? Oh boy.
01:17:06 In order to to defeat the Goyem, let's see what we got.
01:17:10 As we know from everyday interactions, humor and irony are sometimes difficult.
01:17:15 To decode really. OK.
01:17:18 Speak for yourself.
01:17:19 They're tough guy.
01:17:20 This becomes even more problematic when trying to analyze humor on online space.
01:17:24 Oh, you mean your your algorithms?
01:17:27 Your AI is having a little trouble with humor that I can understand, and most of you guys are basically again, you're proving the NPC name correct.
01:17:36 You're basically saying.
01:17:37 Hi. You know when?
01:17:38 You're an NPC like like most of us, humor can be difficult to decode.
01:17:45 You know when you're these humorous, humorous less.
01:17:49 Leftist **** bags.
01:17:51 We can't.
01:17:52 We have a hard time with this whole irony thing.
01:17:58 Playing with exaggeration, irony and the reactions from the various audiences are an essential part of the provocative playbook.
01:18:07 Thus, it is very difficult to regulate and counter and counter digital hate cultures, digital hate cultures.
01:18:15 There are no clear cut boundaries of what exactly should be countered, as many of the memes circulating on the mainstream platforms appear harmless.
01:18:24 To the AI.
01:18:25 And often lie within the boundaries of law.
01:18:28 Ohh see, that's the problem too we.
01:18:30 Got to change.
01:18:30 These laws.
01:18:32 Our laws are not powerful enough to suppress.
01:18:42 Thus, we are often dealing or often dealing not with the obvious illegal content.
01:18:49 Illegal content.
01:18:50 You ******* European *******.
01:18:53 The illegal content Jesus Christ, but rather potentially potentially radicalizing in quotes.
01:19:01 So I guess.
01:19:01 There's going to be a new law in the European.
01:19:03 Union about. Oh, I'm sorry.
01:19:05 You're going to jail for posting potentially radicalizing content.
01:19:15 And even harder to takedown, the popular idea of attempting to counter extremist humor with a form of alternative humor has has proven very difficult.
01:19:33 Well, I mean when your only joke is.
01:19:35 Orange Man bad for four ******* years, I mean.
01:19:41 Again, it's.
01:19:45 You guys know?
01:19:48 Anyway, far right, digital subcultures tend to be immune against democratic intervention, as they are skeptical of any outsider intervention.
Speaker 9
01:19:56 Wonder why that is.
01:19:57 Wonder why a society that's been completely subverted and destroyed by outsiders?
01:20:01 What might be suspicious of outsiders?
01:20:05 Without speaking the harmful language of these insular communities, it is difficult to make argument counter arguments heard.
01:20:11 So in order to.
01:20:12 Be trusted, you.
01:20:13 You you if you don't say ******, then they won't trust you and we're not. We're above.
01:20:18 All that.
01:20:19 Moreover, given that many of the those within the far right extremist spectrum claim that they are victims of an elitist conspiracy.
01:20:27 Why would they think that with papers like this?
01:20:30 Being written about them.
01:20:31 That aims to weaken and erase Western culture and or white people.
01:20:35 Democratic intervention from the very people who they see as enemies is met with resistance.
01:20:41 I wonder again why?
01:20:43 Why would why would that be?
01:20:46 Those who call.
01:20:47 Out far right, and those who call out the far right are often vilified, really.
01:20:52 Really it's it's the people.
01:20:54 Calling out the far right that are vilified, huh?
Speaker 6
01:20:59 Trolled. Oh my God.
01:21:01 Accused of being oversensitive.
01:21:04 Really, I think is that what you?
01:21:08 See is that where white fragility came from?
01:21:11 Was this like a focus group?
01:21:14 Term you came up with to to counter the the.
01:21:19 What was it? The snowflake insult of 2014 and 15?
01:21:25 And confronted with the claim that memes are designed just for laughs, on the other hand, shutting people down and the platforming can also lead to reinforcing narratives.
01:21:37 Let's see again.
01:21:38 Listen, these folks.
01:21:39 You know, we we figured out that.
01:21:42 You know by the.
01:21:42 Platforming them, it actually reinforces this idea that there's a conspiracy against them.
Speaker 6
01:21:48 Like I understand.
01:21:51 When we use our our endless amounts of money and and limitless power to crush any opposition and dissenting voices, all it seems to do is reinforce the the ideas that these voices are speaking about this this conspiracy against them.
01:22:10 I understand.
01:22:14 Normalizing and trivializing.
01:22:17 In a way, this is bad though this.
01:22:18 Means they know.
01:22:20 Their hubris hasn't 100% at least. I mean, I don't know, maybe. Who knows what this.
01:22:24 Will sink in, but they're at least self.
01:22:26 Aware that's never a good thing.
01:22:30 And that's never a good thing.
01:22:31 You want their hubris to be so ingrained that they can't, like, they can't even.
01:22:36 They can't even like fathom that that's what's happening.
01:22:41 And we're not there yet.
01:22:42 We're not there yet.
01:22:43 The the see again the the religion is there.
01:22:47 The religion has been established.
01:22:49 We've seen the rituals, you know, the kneeling and all this other stuff.
01:22:52 The It's it's for all intents and purposes, you know, the leftism has become a global holo is a religion, right?
01:23:02 And there, while there are a lot of fanatics.
01:23:06 Among the membership it hasn't reached.
01:23:10 The genocidal fur fervor that it needs to.
01:23:16 But it will, I mean that's where we're headed.
01:23:19 But this shows that, at least on the ruling class level, there is still some self-awareness.
01:23:24 Recommendations for action?
01:23:26 I mean, we'll just brief these real quick improving literacy.
01:23:30 Yeah, OK.
01:23:32 Yeah, we're just a bunch of illiterate bumpkins.
01:23:37 Oh, isn't that what Trump wanted to do?
01:23:40 Monitor the situation monitoring exchange.
01:23:45 Dealing with extremist humor, mind the trap.
01:23:49 Do no harm.
01:23:49 What the hell does that mean?
01:23:50 See what it says.
01:23:51 Every kind of intervention against racist and far right forms of humor needs to eliminate unintended consequences as far as.
01:23:59 Possible. See this is this.
01:24:00 Is the self-awareness. That's not a good sign.
01:24:04 Few things play more into far right activist hands like a scandalized and outraged reaction that misses the point entirely.
01:24:11 Humorous campaigns are tailored to trigger overreactions and to make them a meme instantly.
01:24:17 Hence through sharing provocative, humorous content, extremists actors calculate their real.
01:24:22 Action and outrage of broader mainstream audiences, especially media, sensational.
01:24:29 They're basically they're talking is the reaction to like the OK, it's OK to be white campaign.
01:24:34 So what they're saying is, you know, we're we're going to have to figure out how to address these campaigns without showing our hand.
01:24:44 You know, when people put up these signs where all it says is it's OK to be white.
01:24:49 And there's ******* news reports about this awful hate speech being put up all over the town and people like regular white people are like, well, wait a second.
01:24:58 It just says it's OK to be white, like, why is this such a big deal it seems.
01:25:03 Like this is.
01:25:03 A little unnerving. So there. There again that there's some self-awareness here. They realize they're getting baited.
01:25:10 Into some of these things.
01:25:13 So let's see what they recommend instead strategically ignore exaggerated misleading statements and visual material.
01:25:20 Do not take the bait.
01:25:22 Well, I mean that that's that should be easy.
01:25:23 I mean, that's something I've understood since I was, like, 12 years old.
01:25:26 Don't feed the trolls.
01:25:28 I mean, I was a troll when I was like 10.
01:25:30 I got it.
01:25:31 I understand.
01:25:31 Anyone who had little sisters understands this.
01:25:33 It's like you.
01:25:34 You know how this works.
01:25:37 But it's it's yeah, teasing is no fun if if you're not making someone freak the **** out.
01:25:46 Like so, these are lessons they should have learned when they were like.
01:25:49 You know, teens quarantine extremist humor.
01:25:52 Alright, that's this is.
01:25:54 This is where it's really at.
01:25:57 Quarantine extremist humor and therefore extremist ideas.
01:26:01 The first priority is to not amplify messages that might harm broader communities or even directly benefit far right campaigning.
Speaker 3
01:26:09 Well, but they.
01:26:10 Don't say how they're going to do that.
01:26:11 Well, I think we know how.
01:26:14 There's the current debunk.
01:26:15 Oh, the debunking debunk the harmful content of extremist humour, but only once a certain tipping point has been crossed.
01:26:25 Oh, so they're going to they're going to not take the bait.
01:26:29 And tell like, yeah, I don't know, the debunking thing is is not very effective either because they debunk so much ****, you know, in such a ridiculous manner that it's it's almost it's it's just as meaningless now as being called.
01:26:43 Saying something's been debunked.
01:26:46 Understand the motivations behind why people are sharing certain toxic content in order to determine points of intervention.
01:26:53 Woof, woof.
01:26:55 That could go some that could go to some dark places, because I I wonder how like what data they're going to require to understand those motivations.
01:27:03 What kind of access they're going to need and what kind of, well, what kind of access they're going to need in order to implement their their intervention, what, what precisely is this intervention?
01:27:15 Maybe it's maybe it's.
01:27:17 Keep your your six month COVID keep you alive.
01:27:20 Booster shot, huh?
01:27:22 Point out the sources of harmful ideological content.
01:27:27 Knowing the actual sources and meaning of content.
01:27:30 Blah blah, blah, blah blah, that's all stupid.
01:27:33 All right.
01:27:34 So they just talk about supporting resilient communities and building alliances.
01:27:38 In other words, we need to throw more money at leftist organizations.
01:27:43 Staying up to speed with developments in the online space of throwing more money at algorithms and censorship machines.
01:27:52 And so yeah, that's that's the.
01:27:56 That's the paper.
01:27:57 That's the whole thing.
01:27:58 They're just a bunch of sources there.
01:28:01 But again, it the fact that that they had to write a paper on on jokes.
01:28:09 You know that that and they don't see the joke in that in and of itself.
01:28:15 Is why we do have an advantage.
01:28:16 I mean, look, there is an advantage and there look, there's a certain kind of true.
01:28:21 To the left can't meme, but it's it's not accurate to say that because.
01:28:29 You need a lot more specificity.
01:28:31 They can't meme on our turf.
01:28:37 And that's it.
01:28:40 We own any space.
01:28:43 Where there that that cannot be easily and artificially manipulated.
01:28:51 It's like the the rule.
01:28:52 Of like any place that's anonymous, any form, it's not just Fortran any any anonymous form like that invariably turns right wing.
01:29:05 And tribalistic and all these things got this.
01:29:07 Is just how people are.
01:29:09 In the absence of a ruling class.
01:29:16 People revert to their natural state.
01:29:22 When people feel safe, when they feel like they're not under the watchful eye of.
01:29:26 You know the the lunch lady.
01:29:31 Certainly they act a little juvenile at times, but the real personality comes out.
01:29:38 You know the the fake facade.
01:29:42 Is gone.
01:29:47 You know, like I've talked about with.
01:29:50 You know with with.
01:29:51 You see the.
01:29:53 The North Koreans crying at the funeral.
01:29:58 And they they don't want to be the guy in the audience who's not crying.
01:30:00 Or not crying hard enough.
01:30:04 That's an extreme version of what these people want.
01:30:09 And that's that's a exactly what the surveillance state the the credit, the social credit system will give them.
01:30:25 They have to get rid of.
01:30:28 Freedom of speech, the second look, that battle when conservatives did, did not conserve.
01:30:36 You know, like they because they never conserve anything when they did not conserve free speech.
01:30:45 Free thought.
01:30:48 When hate speech.
01:30:54 Went through that was.
01:30:55 That was the beginning of.
01:30:56 The end.
01:31:00 When when conservatives lost that battle that they barely fought?
01:31:05 When they didn't even fight the hate crime legislation, same thing.
01:31:11 That is giving the ruling class.
01:31:14 Access and jurisdiction over your mind.
01:31:21 We don't have hate speech laws in America in the same way.
01:31:25 That a lot of the the rest of the West does.
01:31:28 But we do have hate crime.
01:31:32 And it's essentially the same thing.
01:31:36 You are giving the ruling class jurisdiction over your mind.
01:31:41 Because they can now punish you for thoughts.
01:31:47 If you run someone over with your car.
01:31:51 Just because you wanted to kill someone randomly that day.
01:31:57 Or versus.
01:32:00 You run them over with your car.
01:32:02 Because they're black and you hate black people.
01:32:06 The punishment changes the.
01:32:08 Law makes a distinction between those two things.
01:32:13 And the second that was allowed, and lots of Republicans.
01:32:18 Signed on for then.
01:32:21 The moment that was allowed.
01:32:23 You gave the ruling class jurisdiction over your mind.
01:32:31 Because the jurisdiction over your actions in the real world, they already had that.
01:32:40 And if that if that's where it stopped, the punishment for both those crimes would be exactly the same.
01:32:50 But because you gave them.
01:32:52 Like you know, maybe not.
01:32:54 You but your representatives.
01:32:57 Gave them jurisdiction over your mind.
01:33:01 You know slippery slope.
01:33:04 The second you gave up as soon as there's hate anything.
01:33:08 You know.
01:33:10 As soon as you're as soon as you're you're legislating thought in any way at all.
01:33:16 That slippery slope.
01:33:28 And they'll get worse. It'll.
01:33:30 Get a lot worse because what they're going to start doing now is with a lot of.
01:33:34 These AI's.
01:33:36 Even if you don't express.
01:33:39 A hateful thought.
01:33:42 Right.
01:33:44 We're talking down, going down.
01:33:46 The road a few years, probably.
01:33:48 But they will have a IIS.
01:33:49 That will analyze your data and determine that.
01:33:53 Well, your your actions correlate significantly with with others that have that have expressed hateful thoughts.
01:34:03 And so you're just.
01:34:04 You're just better at hiding it.
01:34:11 I mean this like we've seen with everything else.
01:34:14 The slippery slope does not end.
01:34:19 It literally does not end.
01:34:22 Just like the LGBTQ XYZ ********, it will not stop.
01:34:31 Unless it's stopped, it has to be stopped, right?
01:34:34 Like it has to some some outside force has to proactively stop it.
01:34:48 Because it's it's a, it's a.
01:34:50 It's a.
01:34:56 Swelling up of power and nothing, nothing voluntarily wants to give up power.
01:35:01 That's the whole point of existence.
01:35:03 The whole point of existence for really any animal is to control as much of its environment as as possible.
01:35:11 To have as much power and and therefore choices and and and resources as possible.
01:35:21 It's every.
01:35:22 It's in everything, everything, every living thing.
01:35:27 It's part of their survival instincts.
01:35:30 So they're never going.
01:35:30 To give it up.
Speaker 7
01:35:39 All right.
01:35:43 Get rid of this.
01:35:46 Get rid of this here.
01:35:51 Now I had another video here.
01:35:55 That, I think is it's very important.
01:35:56 That we that we.
01:36:00 Take a look.
01:36:01 At this.
01:36:07 If I can find it.
01:36:16 Ah, here we are, I think.
01:36:30 OK.
Speaker 9
01:36:36 One woman in a pink mega shirt yelled. You hear that, guys? This voted for Joe Biden, then the crowd, perhaps around 20 people joined in screaming. Boom. *******.
01:36:53 No one had ever ever called me a while wearing the uniform of a capital police officer.
01:37:02 In the days following the attempted insurrection, other black officers shared with me their own stories of racial abuse on January 6th.
01:37:12 One officer told me he had never, and in his entire 40 years of life, been called A to his face, and that streak ended on January 6.
01:37:24 Yet another black officer later told me he had been confronted by insurrections in the capital, who told him.
01:37:33 Put your gun.
01:37:34 Down and we'll show you what kind of.
01:37:36 You really are.
01:37:39 So that didn't happen.
01:37:41 You know the.
01:37:47 The the hearing.
01:37:49 I don't know if you guys saw it.
01:37:50 That's a clip from the hearing they did earlier this.
01:37:52 Week interviewing various.
01:37:59 ******* that work for the Capitol police.
01:38:03 Really, what everyone knows that's not real.
01:38:07 Everyone knows that some Maga grandma, I didn't run up to him and and start going.
Speaker 6
01:38:11 You're a.
01:38:13 Wouldn't ******* happen.
01:38:16 Wouldn't ******* happen.
01:38:19 And if it did happen?
01:38:22 My guess is that woman in the pink shirt works for the FBI.
01:38:28 My guess is also that if it did happen, there'd be video of that incident from his body Cam from the thousands and there are thousands of hours.
01:38:41 That the DOJ is refusing to release thousands of hours of video to the defense of, you know, the teams of these people.
01:38:53 Or have been requesting.
01:38:56 Thousands of hours that have been held.
01:38:59 Withheld from their defence teams.
01:39:03 And certainly from.
01:39:04 Our view, we're not allowed to look at this video.
01:39:07 I guarantee you if that video existed.
01:39:11 It would have been played on a repeat for the last ******* six months.
01:39:18 All of the leftist meme channels.
01:39:29 But that's the narrative.
01:39:30 That's the narrative that, you know you want to see how the left, you know, left memes.
01:39:34 That's a leftist meme right there.
01:39:43 They suck at humor.
01:39:44 They don't suck at memes.
Speaker 10
01:39:59 Thank you, Mr.
01:40:00 Chairman, and thank you my colleagues on the committee.
01:40:04 Thank you to our witnesses.
01:40:06 I never expected today to be quite as emotional for me as it has been.
01:40:11 I've talked to a number of you and gotten to know you.
01:40:16 He's a Republican.
01:40:21 He's crying.
01:40:26 And he's a Republican.
Speaker 10
01:40:30 I think it's important to.
01:40:31 Tell you right now though.
01:40:34 You guys may like individually feel a little broken.
01:40:38 You guys all talk.
01:40:39 About the effects you have to deal.
01:40:41 With and you know.
01:40:42 You talk about the impact of that day.
01:40:46 Small enough.
Speaker 10
01:40:49 You guys out?
01:40:53 The democracies are not defined by our bad days.
01:41:00 That's the guy.
01:41:01 That's your representation.
01:41:06 When I say.
01:41:09 You have no representation in government.
01:41:11 It's because.
Speaker 11
01:41:13 That's your guy.
01:41:17 That's your ******* guy.
01:41:18 That's your guy.
01:41:26 That's how he reacts.
01:41:29 To the obvious lie from that that capital police guy.
01:41:36 And you want to know why?
01:41:37 Because look, even if this guy isn't in on some, like, ******* evil plan, doesn't.
01:41:42 Have to be.
01:41:45 All that has to it just means that his favorite show is king of the Hill, or Roseanne.
01:41:49 He got programmed by that same **** that told you the worst ******* possible thing in the world.
01:41:54 Would was, is to be viewed as a racist.
01:41:56 By our society.
01:41:58 And you've got it all next to.
01:41:59 Your name and you just listen to some testimony.
01:42:02 From these, you know based black guys.
01:42:07 And someone?
01:42:08 From you know your team.
01:42:12 Did something horrendous and in the same way Hank Hill was horrified when his dog bit the black repairman.
01:42:19 He is horrified.
01:42:22 That his voters.
01:42:25 Bit the black.
01:42:28 I don't know mall cop.
01:42:33 First thing is they're they're.
01:42:33 Literally are mall cops, is that?
01:42:36 That whole area of the capital is.
01:42:37 Called the mall.
01:42:39 So they're all cops.
01:42:41 In more ways than one.
01:42:43 And he's *******.
01:42:43 Crying, he's crying.
Speaker 10
01:42:53 We're defined by how we can back some bad, bad days, how we take accountability for that.
01:43:01 For all the overheated rhetoric surrounding this committee, our mission is very simple.
01:43:08 It's to find the truth and it's to ensure accountability.
01:43:14 What do you think that's going to mean?
01:43:19 Ensure accountability.
01:43:24 Who do you think he's talking about there?
01:43:31 You see this is.
01:43:32 This is how, conservatives.
01:43:38 Make the it's either it's, it's how they regardless if it's, if it's for themselves personally or or to their constituents.
01:43:46 This is how they make the excuse to fold.
01:43:52 This happens every ******* time.
01:43:54 You know what?
01:43:55 Well, just as an example, we I was talking about the.
01:43:57 Hate crime stuff.
01:43:58 You don't think they didn't have hearing after hearing just like this?
01:44:03 And they had some black guy going up on front, you know, to speak before Congress and say, oh.
01:44:09 It was horrendous, you know, I was totally I was beat up because I'm black or my dad was killed.
01:44:14 As he was black or, you know, someone saw was dragged behind a truck because.
01:44:18 He was gay or you know.
01:44:19 You know just.
01:44:20 Hours and hours of that and then some ****** like this guy was.
01:44:24 Like, oh, this is horrendous.
01:44:26 I can't in good conscience not sign this bill.
01:44:29 Blah, that's what they do every ******* time.
01:44:32 What happens is they put on their little ******* emotional show.
01:44:36 And because they have no principles.
01:44:39 That's it.
01:44:42 In the end, the act exactly as emotional.
01:44:46 As the people that aren't voting for them.
01:44:52 It's all a ******* show.
01:44:53 It's really obnoxious, but yeah, this is that's.
01:44:57 That's a Republican.
01:45:07 That's a Republican.
01:45:13 That's the guy on your side, supposedly.
01:45:17 But I'm sure voting harder is going to fix it, right?
01:45:23 Of course, of course.
01:45:26 I thought I had another video here.
01:45:27 But I'm having trouble.
01:45:30 Finding that, Oh well, this.
01:45:33 One was just.
01:45:33 You know what?
01:45:35 Speaking of extremist humor, right?
01:45:38 Extremist nihilist humor.
01:45:43 I'm going to play this quick video.
01:45:45 I didn't make it.
01:45:48 I did make the.
01:45:51 The the video we started with the vaccine one but did not make this one.
01:45:57 But it was pretty good.
01:45:59 It's a little.
01:46:00 It's a little boomerang.
01:46:01 Whatever, especially cause it's.
01:46:03 We have bigger, fatter fish to fry, but this will lighten up the mood a little bit and then we'll.
01:46:08 I'll go to chat here.
01:46:09 Here we go.
Speaker 11
01:46:12 If you have a piece of crack cocaine.
01:46:19 No bigger than this quarter that I'm holding in my hand 1/4 of $1.00 we passed the law through the leadership of Senator Thurman and myself and others. A law that says you're caught with that you go to jail for five years, you get no probation.
01:46:39 You get.
01:46:41 Nothing other than five years in jail, judge doesn't have a choice.
01:46:47 Under our forfeiture statutes, you can the government can take everything you own, everything from your car to.
01:46:56 Your house, your.
01:46:57 Bank account not merely what they confiscate in terms of the dollars from the transaction.
01:47:04 That you just got caught engaging in.
01:47:06 We'll take everything.
01:47:08 I don't care why they've become a sociopath.
01:47:11 We have an obligation to cordon them off from the rest of society.
01:47:16 They are in jail.
01:47:19 Away from my mother, your husband, our families.
01:47:23 So I don't want to ask.
01:47:26 What made them do this?
01:47:28 They must be taken.
01:47:29 Off the street.
01:47:33 Rules for thee and not for me.
01:47:36 See the reason why this is?
01:47:37 Another aspect of.
01:47:38 That document that it missed irony only works.
Speaker 6
01:47:44 When the opportunity exists.
01:47:49 That video would not have been possible.
01:47:53 Have they not given us the opportunity?
01:47:57 To point out the hypocrisy.
01:48:01 Without hypocrisy.
01:48:04 It's kind of hard.
01:48:08 To do these kinds of of.
01:48:10 Of nihilistic humor.
01:48:18 In fact, it's getting so bad like the.
01:48:22 Hypocrisy and just the the Cringey Ness.
Speaker 6
01:48:26 We're turning on our.
01:48:27 Own like it's it cause it's like the the guys like that sobbing.
01:48:31 Fagot that was.
01:48:32 In the last video, right?
01:48:35 Our side is now just so out of touch and and full of.
01:48:40 ******** that it's it's becoming easy.
01:48:42 They're becoming targets of this exact same kind of humor.
01:48:49 You give them the opportunity, then they're going to people.
01:48:51 Are going to take it.
01:48:55 See, that's something else that you learn as a you should learn.
01:48:57 As a kid, you know, in the same way, like all these, these are all lessons I.
01:49:01 Learned when I was a kid, right?
01:49:04 The whole don't feed the trolls thing.
01:49:05 Yeah, because because I had little sisters that I teased mercilessly.
01:49:09 And if they didn't react, I.
01:49:11 Wouldn't, wouldn't.
01:49:12 It wouldn't be fun.
01:49:14 Real simple equation, right?
01:49:17 That's something you should learn.
01:49:19 But at the same time, I also had like an older brother.
01:49:25 And and you don't you?
01:49:26 Need to know how to like not leave.
01:49:27 Yourself wide open.
01:49:30 To ridicule.
01:49:31 It's pretty easy to do.
01:49:36 But not if you don't have any principles.
01:49:41 Not if you don't have any principles.
01:49:48 Let me take a look here.
01:49:49 At Chet.
01:49:52 Oh, so I think I already.
01:49:55 I didn't play it on the stream, but I played it.
01:49:57 I think.
01:49:58 I don't think I played on the stream.
01:50:00 That doesn't matter.
01:50:00 I'm not gonna play it.
01:50:02 Put a video up on.
01:50:05 Telegram and Twitter showing that some of the the cacti on in the pillbox area, they are they're healing themselves.
Speaker 6
01:50:15 Which is good.
01:50:17 It would have been nicer if they had.
01:50:19 Not been shredded first.
01:50:22 But you know, I'll take it, I guess not.
01:50:25 All of them were.
01:50:25 There were some that survived unscathed and now now they're doing really.
01:50:29 But this is like the time of year.
01:50:32 Where we get basically there's like multiple growing seasons.
01:50:37 In the desert, you get to usually at least two and sometimes three, and the only time that you don't have the ability to grow stuff is like at the peak of just super dry like dry *** ******* summer and cold *** ******* winter.
01:50:57 But every other time, things are growing.
01:50:59 In fact, when I grew artichokes.
01:51:03 I planted them.
01:51:06 I don't remember when I planted them actually, but I first noticed them sprouting like in November and I was like, oh, those are going to be ******* dead right now.
01:51:14 They grew all winter long.
01:51:16 I think we're fine.
01:51:19 So you can grow stuff.
01:51:22 It depends on what it is, but you can grow stuff all winter long too.
01:51:24 You have 4 if you have a greenhouse, **** you can grow, you know all year round.
01:51:28 But even without a greenhouse you can grow certain things.
Speaker 6
01:51:33 Around all year round.
01:51:39 Let's take a look here.
01:51:40 So it's the the wind weeds out the weakness.
01:51:42 Yeah, I don't know there was.
01:51:44 There was some pretty hefty cacti that got beat the **** **.
01:51:48 It was just like it was a tornado, like it was legit.
01:51:50 A tornado like I.
01:51:52 I I didn't see it, but my neighbor said that that she saw like a column and I I kind of believe it.
01:51:57 I don't know if it's if it's if there's.
01:52:00 Like I don't know if it's actually called.
01:52:02 I mean every place gets tornadoes.
01:52:03 Technically, I don't know if there's like a different word for like, a smaller one.
01:52:07 It wasn't like a dust devil.
01:52:08 I mean this this ripped a wall off one of my buildings, you know, so.
01:52:12 It could have also been a a phenomenon called a microburst, where like it just it's almost like a shotgun of air in one pretty localized area, which this seems to have been a pretty localized event.
01:52:26 So maybe it was that.
01:52:29 But I mean it was.
01:52:30 I mean, it ripped a wall off a building.
01:52:32 Don't expect the cactus to.
01:52:33 Stand up to that, no matter how tough it is.
01:52:37 Do I get frost burn in the desert?
01:52:40 Yeah, it gets down to like, I mean it's it's, it's snowed here before.
01:52:46 I mean, not doesn't like stay.
01:52:48 But it gets cold, it gets cold.
01:52:52 Not for very.
01:52:53 Long because it's it's weird, the temperature swings.
01:52:55 That's one of the ****** things that swings dramatically.
01:52:58 So like during the day, it's like 60 something and then at night it'll be like.
01:53:02 20 something so you have this huge temperature which no plant likes that so it's or very few plants like that.
01:53:14 But it's but yeah, so if the normies are less here, Celtic mutt.
01:53:20 So if the normies and the jabs get medically enslaved, what do you think the elites will do to those of us who don't take the potion?
01:53:28 Well, look in.
01:53:29 That in that.
01:53:31 You know, totally fictional as of right now.
01:53:35 It would actually be dangerous for us.
01:53:37 To go around them.
01:53:39 Because the they would be very they really would be variant factories, they just would be kept alive by the.
01:53:48 In the same way.
01:53:49 See, this is what makes what creeps me out like why I feel like it's.
01:53:53 At least possible.
01:53:55 Is this is kind of what happens with the factory farming?
01:53:58 Like this is really what happens with factory farming, where you have all these chickens and they have they have the diseases.
01:54:07 But they have these shots that they keep them from actually succumbing.
01:54:11 To any of the.
01:54:12 In the symptoms.
01:54:13 But if you were to get just these, you know, like free range chickens and, like, let them loose.
01:54:18 Into the warehouse.
01:54:20 I mean, some of them would probably be fine it it's.
01:54:23 But it's kind of roll the dice.
01:54:24 It probably killed a lot of them.
01:54:26 And so it would be.
01:54:27 That's what's so ****** ** is like, see, that's the thing.
01:54:30 That's almost why I feel like it's probably not what's going on because it's too much like a movie.
01:54:34 Like, it's too much like exact.
01:54:36 Really an evil plan?
01:54:37 You know what I mean?
01:54:38 Like it's too perfect.
01:54:39 Like nothing.
01:54:40 Nothing that evil ever happens.
01:54:42 I mean, I don't know.
01:54:42 Maybe, maybe, maybe.
01:54:44 Knock on wood.
01:54:44 Right.
01:54:45 So but like, that's basically what would happen is you'd have, they would be, they'd be dangerous to be around.
01:54:55 Because they would just be the host to like this.
01:54:59 You know, soup of variants and you wouldn't have any of the the things keeping you alive so you'd get around them.
01:55:04 And just.
01:55:06 I mean, maybe you'd be fine if you had a natural immunity.
01:55:08 Some people would, but a lot of people would probably die.
01:55:14 Again, I don't know.
01:55:16 Hey, have you seen the video that makes Ashley Babbitt killing?
01:55:19 Look very fake and gay?
01:55:20 It's called everything wrong with the?
01:55:22 I don't know.
01:55:22 I saw it.
01:55:23 It looks pretty real to me.
01:55:24 I saw.
01:55:25 It when it.
01:55:25 Was all unfolding. When people think everything's.
01:55:28 I don't.
01:55:29 It doesn't serve any purpose.
01:55:32 You know, like there's there's nothing.
01:55:36 There's nothing.
01:55:37 There's that.
01:55:37 I don't see what objective that would achieve by having a a fake.
01:55:45 Shooting like that, I think she's legitimately dead.
01:55:49 And I think it was.
01:55:50 She was shot by a black guy we already we know his name.
01:55:54 There's uh people that have.
01:55:57 Matched up his he had a bracelet on.
01:56:00 Or maybe it's a watch, but it's it's pretty clearly him.
01:56:05 And so there was just this low impulse control black guy who who chipped out and shot, shot a ***** in the neck.
01:56:12 And are you that surprised?
01:56:14 That's why they're not telling you who it is.
01:56:16 It's no different than.
01:56:17 That Somali cop, that was.
01:56:19 What was that in?
01:56:20 Minnesota, where that white lady called the.
01:56:22 Cops and they were all like said oh.
01:56:24 It's our first Somali cop.
01:56:26 Yeah, he's like a look.
01:56:27 See, diversity is our strength and he shows up and she runs out to tell him.
01:56:32 Like, hey, thanks for coming.
01:56:33 And he shoots her in.
01:56:34 The ******* face.
01:56:37 I think that's just what happened.
01:56:40 I think that when you have low impulse control, I mean, look, the the statistics show that this to be true.
01:56:46 You get low impulse control populations and guns in the same place, and people die and I think.
01:56:51 That's what happened.
01:56:53 And look, not not.
01:56:55 To bring this up too, but.
01:56:58 There's also new evidence that suggests that this same population doesn't handle stressful situations Olympics bills.
01:57:08 Uh, crystal.
01:57:11 Rex, do you think the whole vaccine thing is an easy way for them to make lists of non compliant people?
01:57:17 I just think that's going to be a part of it.
01:57:19 I think the they're going to do a social credit score of some something and that might be the excuse they used to create the.
01:57:26 You don't remember how much we've changed.
01:57:29 When they were first coming out with Social Security, there were people at the time that were very nervous about that idea because they said that, you know, they didn't want the federal government to have an an identification of everybody.
Speaker 2
01:57:46 That was.
01:57:47 Numbered like that, they didn't want the federal government to have essentially a database where you're a number in a database.
01:57:56 There was actual pushback, and now no one thinks twice about that's not it.
01:58:01 No one even cares about that.
01:58:03 That's how much the American.
01:58:07 Attitude has changed.
01:58:11 In just a relatively short period of time.
01:58:14 Now people are like, you know, they're they want the chip in the head like they want it.
01:58:19 And they they do.
01:58:20 They want it.
01:58:20 They'll they'll take it.
01:58:22 The 2nd that you have.
01:58:23 I mean, look at we kind of we all do it right now.
01:58:26 Like the phone.
01:58:27 What do?
01:58:27 You think that is?
01:58:28 That's chipping your hand.
01:58:30 That's not in your head.
01:58:31 That's one step away.
01:58:33 And it's the trade off is well, I get all this entertainment from it and you know it does.
01:58:37 All these good things, but.
01:58:39 You also know, I mean you're you should.
01:58:42 You're also being tracked everywhere you go.
01:58:45 You know you're you're giving up a lot of.
01:58:47 Data and so it's going to be the same kind.
01:58:50 Of a thing they'll say.
01:58:51 Well, it's a.
01:58:51 Trade off.
01:58:52 You know, we all have to make sacrifices.
01:58:55 It's a necessary evil.
01:58:56 Like right.
01:58:57 See, that's isn't that.
01:58:59 ****** ** how they just like with the whole well is the lesser of two evils.
01:59:04 Well, you're still voting for evil.
01:59:06 Well, it's a necessary evil, really.
01:59:08 I don't think any evil was necessary.
01:59:11 But I'm glad you're admitting that it's evil.
Speaker 6
01:59:13 You know, I guess.
01:59:18 Rise vim.
01:59:19 I wouldn't be killed because I have Asperger's, right?
01:59:25 I don't know.
01:59:25 I don't know if there's a correlation between Asperger's and and COVID immunity.
01:59:30 COVID patient zero.
01:59:31 This is literally sick.
01:59:33 Nobody is dying.
01:59:34 Most don't even know they had it.
01:59:37 If they weren't tested.
01:59:38 But reasoning with those people is pointless.
01:59:41 Just one critical comment and bots and shills.
Speaker 6
01:59:45 Feel good on.
01:59:46 Your throat? Well, yeah and.
01:59:47 My family's the same way my my boomer parents. They're terrified of death.
01:59:52 And so they they got it immediately and it's impossible to talk to them about it.
01:59:56 My I've got a sister who?
01:59:58 Her whole family got vaccinated because she's convinced she had it when, as far as I can tell, she had a flu, or at least.
02:00:05 You know, whatever she had.
02:00:07 But the symptoms were the same as the flu.
02:00:09 And I don't know why you'd get the vaccination after getting.
02:00:13 You know, there's just everyone.
02:00:15 Most people are not going to do.
Speaker 2
02:00:17 The work to.
02:00:19 To research it, they're going to be.
02:00:20 Just like Rappaport, where he's like.
02:00:22 Oh yeah, I'm gonna regurgitate whatever the **** Fouche says on TV, and when it changes 180 degrees, I'm going to lash out angrily like a like a ******. Who who's who, whose popsicle has been taken away.
02:00:35 But I'm not going to be able to actually wrap my mind around the situation and be able to reason my way through it right like.
02:00:41 That's just what it is.
02:00:44 Coffee shock.
02:00:45 The fear of death is beginning of slavery.
02:00:48 Well, that's another thing that happens when you remove God from the equation.
02:00:53 One of the things that empowered the people I talked about how having a God in your society you know as much as people criticize that and say, oh, that's just a control.
02:01:05 Well, I mean it controlled like I said that controlled the ruling class because it held them up.
02:01:09 To a standard.
02:01:10 Well it also.
02:01:12 Like, look at the.
02:01:14 I'm not saying obviously I'm not supporting suicide bombing, but.
02:01:18 Like if you look at that's.
02:01:19 An extreme example of what the sacrifice someone's willing to do for A cause when they firmly believe in the supernatural like they believe in a in a afterlife that's that's going to be happy, right? Like if you.
02:01:34 Really think like is a lot of these suicide bomber types, these Muslim guys that.
02:01:39 Go blow themselves up at at Israeli pizzerias or whatever.
02:01:43 When they do that ****, they firmly believe, or at least unless they're ********, like they think that they're gonna go to heaven and get a bunch of virgins to have sex with that.
02:01:55 Having that kind of.
02:02:00 Or rather, that absence of fear.
02:02:06 Having that kind of certainty.
02:02:10 That when you, when you die, if you die.
02:02:12 In service of your God.
02:02:15 Because presumably, whatever cause you believe in is going to coincide with your God, right?
02:02:20 So if if you are dying righteously in support of your cause, if you have a a level of certainty that those guys apparently do, that you're going to be fine.
02:02:34 You're going to live in heaven forever and and.
02:02:38 You know, eat.
02:02:39 ******* chimichangas, with Jesus or whatever.
02:02:44 That's very good.
02:02:46 That's very.
02:02:46 That's a very useful.
02:02:49 Attribute to have an A for a free society for it to maintain its freedom.
02:02:55 Because you are going to have people like when we watch the uh.
02:02:59 The patriot, right. A lot of those guys that that uh in that movie, that fight, I mean they they 100% believe they're going to go to heaven and that they're fighting for.
02:03:10 Something righteous and good.
02:03:13 I mean even.
02:03:14 Even a lot of these soldiers that go to die for Israel in the Middle East, a lot of them think that they're.
02:03:20 You know, going to be.
02:03:21 Eating couscous with.
02:03:24 With uh.
02:03:25 With uh Moses by.
02:03:28 You know, 7:00 PM that evening.
02:03:30 If they die, they they these guys are you have to have that.
02:03:35 And the less you have that, the less likely it's going to be that you actually get anywhere because sacrifice is when you have a power and balance that's as extreme as the power imbalance between the ruling class.
02:03:48 On the slave class, I mean that would.
02:03:51 That's really one of the only things that has the ability to even the playing field.
02:03:58 I mean, there's a reason why when Japan started losing, they started going kamikaze.
02:04:03 It's it's kind of a last ditch effort kind of a thing.
02:04:06 Right.
02:04:07 And again, like it's obviously, I'm not advocating suicide bombing like that, or even necessarily even talking about suicide bombing, but making a sacrifice.
02:04:17 That would either.
02:04:20 Endanger your, your health or or your well-being financially? I mean, so many people that it wouldn't even do.
02:04:26 Anything that would.
02:04:27 I mean.
02:04:28 There's so many people that on the right that say, well, I understand you not wanting to say this, could you cause you could?
02:04:33 Lose your job.
02:04:34 People are even willing to, like, lose their job.
02:04:36 To stand up for what they believe in.
02:04:38 And so you're going to lose.
02:04:40 Going to lose?
02:04:43 You believe it enough?
02:04:45 To where you're willing to, you know, take on any sacrifice because I don't think that's going to happen.
02:04:52 I don't like if there was some big religious.
02:04:56 Revival of some sort, but I mean it's.
02:04:59 I don't that's going to happen.
02:05:01 The alternative is, you know something we've talked about several times and that is that things get so bad that.
02:05:09 You know, you're still afraid of death, but like life so ******, it doesn't matter, right?
02:05:15 So like, that's that's the only.
02:05:16 There's the only two ways.
02:05:18 I think populations that are.
02:05:25 That are outmatched.
02:05:27 And oppressed.
02:05:29 Actually get their **** together and and still do it is if they have a religious motivation that makes them not fear death, or if they have a life that's so bad that they don't fear death.
02:05:43 But that's at the end of the day, fearing death is makes you weak as a people and.
02:05:50 Lots of people fear death.
02:05:53 Lots of people fear death.
02:05:55 I guess on the bright side, sort of sort of our enemies, you know, like look at all the, the the research and and money that goes into extending life.
02:06:07 You know the the literal baby blood stuff, right?
02:06:09 They laughed at people for saying that, like the elites are drinking baby.
02:06:12 Blood. They literally they have.
02:06:15 Well, they give you young blood transfusions.
02:06:18 Now that's what they're doing in the open.
02:06:19 You don't you don't think for a second that some Rockefeller ************ wasn't like draining of baby.
02:06:26 Like a newborn baby.
02:06:27 You don't think that they?
02:06:29 Come on.
02:06:30 See, here's the thing about understanding.
02:06:32 Evil one of the.
02:06:35 I don't want you to get the wrong.
02:06:36 Idea about me?
02:06:40 But there's some truth about that.
02:06:41 It takes 1 to know one.
02:06:42 There's a little bit of evil in.
02:06:43 Me, I'm just going to.
Speaker 6
02:06:44 Tell you and.
02:06:47 If I didn't have any principles and if I was just slightly more psychopathic like.
02:06:53 I'd do that to stay alive, right?
02:06:56 And so it's easy for.
02:06:57 Me to imagine someone who's a a ******** person than me.
02:07:03 Which I think is pretty easy to do.
02:07:05 I think I'm a reasonably OK person, but it doesn't mean I haven't had.
02:07:08 That thought, right?
02:07:09 See if you're a ****** person and you have the means and you have that thought.
02:07:13 You just do it.
02:07:16 I guarantee you they're ******* doing it.
02:07:18 Because they're afraid to death.
02:07:19 I mean, look that Rockefeller ************ that guy had had.
02:07:22 And how does this happen?
02:07:23 Here's another question.
02:07:24 How does this even happen?
02:07:25 I think he had something like 8 heart transplants.
02:07:29 By the time he died.
02:07:31 I think it was like it was a lot.
02:07:32 It was more than you should be allowed to have access to, so I.
02:07:35 I don't know how he got so many.
02:07:38 But he did and it.
02:07:39 Is a lot.
02:07:40 In fact, let's.
02:07:41 Look that up.
02:07:43 Let's let's look this up.
02:07:48 Let's see here.
02:07:53 How many heart?
Speaker 6
02:07:58 Or was it David Rockefeller?
02:08:00 Or is that his dad?
02:08:02 It's David, the younger one.
02:08:04 There was seven.
02:08:06 Yeah, he had seven.
02:08:09 John D Rockefeller.
02:08:13 Had seven.
02:08:15 Heart transplants.
02:08:21 Let's see here.
02:08:32 So I mean.
Speaker 6
02:08:36 There you go.
02:08:38 I thought there was supposed to be some.
02:08:39 Kind of organ waiting list but.
02:08:42 Not if you're a Rockefeller.
02:08:45 See, that's another.
02:08:46 That's why I'm saying like.
02:08:48 That's why generational wealth sucks.
Speaker 6
02:08:51 That guy didn't.
02:08:52 Earn his billions of dollars.
02:08:54 He would have been dead like ******* the first heart transplant if he was.
02:08:58 If his he didn't have his parents or grandparents.
02:09:02 Rather big ball of money.
02:09:08 But that money is going to keep going.
02:09:09 You're you're going to have to deal with that.
02:09:11 Your kids are going.
02:09:12 To deal with it, your grandkids are going to deal with it.
02:09:15 Never stops.
02:09:20 The 1770 Sixer you hear Mel Gibson might be doing a movie about Rothschild. I heard it was. Well, here's the thing I heard. It was a comedy.
02:09:32 And I heard it's with.
02:09:36 That guy from Transformers.
02:09:37 What's his name?
02:09:39 Shia LaBeouf, so I doubt it's going to be.
02:09:43 Some JQ movie I really don't think it's going to.
02:09:48 And plus it's taking.
02:09:49 Forever like I thought he was making this movie like ******* 2-3 years ago, but that's about how long it takes some to make some movies, but.
02:09:58 I haven't heard knew about it lately.
02:10:01 So I'm not exactly.
Speaker 6
02:10:05 Positive here.
02:10:09 Uh. Let's see here.
02:10:16 Donald Tron, I think it was 5 notice 7.
02:10:29 Mitch C2, did you know that matrix chat service protocols itself connected to Mossad? I did not know that. I, you know, here's The thing is, it's really at this point.
02:10:43 Like I said, you just have to.
02:10:44 Assume that everything's everything's compromised.
02:10:50 If you had a.
02:10:53 A need to communicate in a way that would not be observable by your enemies.
02:11:00 You would have to be very.
02:11:02 Unconventional about it.
02:11:05 There are obvious ways you could do that.
02:11:08 That I won't talk about for obvious reasons.
02:11:13 There's ways you can do it.
02:11:15 But the the problem with it is it requires.
02:11:19 It requires having that initial.
02:11:22 Like people.
02:11:23 OK, so everyone's always worried about, like, you know, having the Fed and the group, you know, that's one of the reasons why organized crime families, our families.
02:11:37 It's it's really just another illustration as to why you should have the homogeneous society right?
02:11:43 Because blood is thicker than water.
02:11:46 You are going to be safer trusting a family, especially if you raise that family in this organization to not rat you out to authorities.
02:11:58 And because if you don't have that genetic connection, you know you're having to just trust rando sometimes.
02:12:06 And that's usually what brings these organizations down.
02:12:09 In fact, I mean, it's like Donnie Brasco, you know, I mean, it's based on your story.
02:12:13 That's essentially how the feds were taking down organized crime.
02:12:18 Because they, you know, they would send in guys that would walk the walk, talk the talk sometimes, you know, participate in a lot of illegal ****.
02:12:26 I mean, look at that, that thing that they did up in where they literally planned the kidnapping and something like 12 people now were FBI.
02:12:35 In that in that plot that maybe involved like.
02:12:38 14 people, it's like 12 feds and and two ********.
02:12:43 Like really?
02:12:44 That's basically what it's starting to look like.
02:12:48 So they'll go to great lengths.
02:12:51 To to **** you over.
02:12:54 That's why like I.
02:12:55 Said really realistically, what you should be thinking about.
02:13:01 He's more of A at John Connor, kind of a thing.
02:13:09 In other words, you're you're not going to be the one that takes out Skynet.
02:13:16 La costra Nostra.
02:13:21 Dryer sheet blacks will hide literal murderers from police.
02:13:25 Because they're black, exactly.
02:13:28 It's you have that genetic connection.
02:13:31 You have that in Group preference.
02:13:35 And you don't have a community like that.
02:13:39 That that is a level of.
02:13:41 That would be, I think, beneficial to.
02:13:46 Any community that's kind of a.
02:13:51 Marginalized community living within a hostile country.
02:13:59 She Lantern, there was a local journalist recommending getting the jab into **** **** to increase your chances of producing vaccinated sperm.
02:14:10 I don't know what.
02:14:10 To say to that.
02:14:13 Yeah, that's pretty.
02:14:15 I don't know if that's real.
02:14:17 I haven't seen that clip.
02:14:19 But at this point, I would believe it.
02:14:25 UM, there they are saying that the.
02:14:30 I I forget the science.
02:14:32 It was it something?
02:14:33 What is it that collects in the ovaries?
02:14:36 Like what?
02:14:36 I don't know if it was the spike proteins or something collects in the ovaries.
02:14:40 And there's there is evidence that suggests that that this.
02:14:43 Vaccine has something to do with fertility.
02:14:46 Escalated entropy based Tucker, accosted by the CIA frontman at the fishing store.
02:14:53 Ohh yeah.
02:14:57 I don't see what the point of that is.
02:14:59 I mean, I saw the clip, it wasn't all that.
02:15:01 I don't get it.
02:15:02 Mean it's.
02:15:03 So what you know?
02:15:06 I mean, because just because Tucker had to endure a tiny version of something that happened to like all Trump supporters, you know, like I I I'm.
02:15:19 I don't feel bad for him.
02:15:22 I don't think it was.
02:15:24 Really, that great of propaganda one way or the other, I.
02:15:28 I don't know.
02:15:30 I I saw that Jack, Jack, disobey.
02:15:34 Who is?
02:15:35 I don't know how reliable he is.
02:15:37 Said something along the lines of the the White House had had full knowledge of that happening like they knew that that was going to somehow take place.
02:15:45 I don't know if that's real or not.
02:15:47 I I like I said it.
02:15:49 It wasn't.
02:15:49 I didn't see why it became such a big deal other than it was.
02:15:53 Because it was Tucker, right?
02:15:55 Like if that exact video existed with a someone in a MAGA hat or something like that, it wouldn't have gone viral.
02:16:02 It wasn't that.
02:16:02 Exciting to me.
02:16:04 The pill dispenser. I found it yesterday about DAO's decentralized autonomous organization. I didn't check it out, but Aragon.
02:16:13 Seem like the best system you found. You can Aragon .1 or. I'm not sure what all that is, but maybe I'll have to take.
Speaker 6
02:16:23 A look at that.
02:16:25 UM.
02:16:27 High Priest King Terry.
02:16:29 It's depressing to me how many people around me do not understand when I tell them that this COVID **** will never end because we tolerate so much abuse by the government.
02:16:39 Can't get into some bars without a vaccine?
02:16:43 Here a few other places.
02:16:45 Well, that's going to increase.
02:16:46 They're going to make it so you can't go in the grocery stores.
02:16:48 You're not going to be able to get.
02:16:50 You know your kids into school.
02:16:53 Like I said.
02:16:55 Leave the get out of the cities.
02:16:56 Or I mean.
02:16:57 They're going to if you don't separate from them, they're going to separate from you.
02:17:01 Conrad Kingston.
02:17:02 It's strange how few studies came out saying natural antibodies are equivalent better than the VAX.
02:17:08 That whole topic is completely forbidden.
02:17:11 Some or same with herd immunity.
02:17:14 They seem to be pushing for every single person.
02:17:16 Do you think they'll mandate it?
02:17:18 Well, that seems to be exactly where they're going with it.
02:17:21 They are gonna mandate it for I think they they'll have to do if they do decide to mandate, they're gonna have to do baby steps.
02:17:28 It's just cause logistically, it'd be a nightmare, but also.
02:17:32 It'll you're going to get a lot of people.
02:17:35 Like, let's say, right, let's say tomorrow.
02:17:39 Which is the plan is.
02:17:41 At least that's what how it's being reported.
02:17:42 Who knows if it'll.
02:17:43 Really happen?
02:17:44 It's being reported that tomorrow and really just a.
02:17:47 Handful of hours.
02:17:48 Joe Biden is going to mandate that all federal workers have to get vaccinated, and if that is the case, then think of how many anti VAX people.
02:17:57 It's not like the government only employs.
02:18:01 Leftists that are that are that go that just go along with everything, right.
02:18:06 There's a lot of right wing mailman.
02:18:09 You remember the the government employees million millions of people out of those millions of people.
02:18:14 They're going to get some of these.
02:18:17 Other people and a lot of these other people, these people that would have.
02:18:22 Stood as part of a united front against being.
02:18:25 You know, if they weren't going door to door, well, some of these guys are going to be bled off because some of these guys are like, well, you know, I don't wanna lose my pension.
02:18:33 You know I've.
02:18:33 Been with the, you know, the Nic HD or the whatever for ******* 10 years and I don't want to lose my.
02:18:42 You know my, my job and stuff, so they'll go along with it.
02:18:48 Very few people I think, like I just talked about now, a lot of people aren't willing to sacrifice a whole lot for their principles.
02:18:54 And so you're going to get a lot of people that just kind of go along with it.
02:18:57 They go along with it so they don't lose their job, so they don't lose whatever, right?
02:19:02 And so that's going to dilute.
02:19:05 The the numbers you have resisting it and then.
02:19:09 Little by little.
02:19:09 You do other things right, like and you.
02:19:11 I mean, it's like I see endless threads on.
02:19:15 On different social media platform.
02:19:19 Forms about even guys that don't want to do it that end up doing it because their girlfriend makes them, which is like the luckiest thing ever to say.
02:19:27 But that's my girlfriend made me.
02:19:29 My wife made me or whatever my.
02:19:31 Husband made me.
02:19:33 And so you get all these people that they end up doing it.
02:19:36 You make it so you have to do it for travel.
02:19:38 People that have to travel.
02:19:39 The work we'll end up having to do you.
02:19:40 Know the thing.
02:19:41 Is no one's willing to make any sacrifices.
02:19:45 Or at least very few.
02:19:46 That's a shrinking number of Americans.
02:19:48 People will talk a big game, but at the end of the day, all those carrots and sticks that they were talking on CNN and all those clips that I played at the beginning of this stream there, that that will work.
02:19:59 The carrots and sticks will work.
02:20:01 And so little by little they'll get it to where it's right now.
02:20:06 It's like something like half the country is not.
02:20:08 They'll get it down by just doing carrot and stick type ****, social engineering type ****.
02:20:12 They'll get it down to like maybe.
02:20:15 20 percent, 15% and then they might if it's still something that.
02:20:19 They don't.
02:20:20 I mean, who knows, right?
02:20:22 Maybe that they'll.
02:20:24 They'll let it go.
02:20:25 Maybe there's, like, an A percentage they want to get to, and then they'll be.
02:20:28 They'll calm the **** down.
02:20:30 But if they wanted to get 100% participation once you're only dealing with 10 to 15%, it's a lot easier and then you can. There's ways of whittling that number down.
02:20:43 Little by little there's a there's a way they can slow boil that individual frog, and maybe they will.
02:20:49 Or like I said, they seem pretty ****** *** and and arrogant, so maybe they'll **** it up, which would be amazing.
02:20:56 I would love for that because that will that will freak people out.
02:21:00 If you're, if you even get a couple videos of law enforcement like force, like forcing someone into the ground and injecting them with **** or anything like that.
02:21:11 Anything that resembles that.
02:21:13 I think that's that would that would maybe, I mean I don't know wouldn't start like a like a huge uprising, but that would that would certainly.
02:21:23 Light some fires.
02:21:25 The 1770 SIXER I've seen videos of people saying some industries, airlines, oil rigs, etcetera are canning long term pilots and workers because they are VAXXED and they expect issues with them in the next three years and are looking for unvaccinated especially. Yeah, I don't know. I've never heard of that.
02:21:47 Donald Tron, did you hear about the American postal Workers Union pushing back against the?
02:21:54 Biden's vaccine mandate, possible white pillar? Maybe not. Well, I mean, that's good. They're they're pushing back. But I don't know. The federal employees, they have unionized, which is?
02:22:06 A thorn in the ******* side of the American people, but.
02:22:09 For other reasons, but if you are in a lot of these unions are just they're, you know, in fact, a lot of these unions donated probably.
02:22:17 To Biden.
02:22:18 So a lot of them will go along with it, but there might be a few of that don't and that could.
02:22:22 Be somewhat.
02:22:22 Helpful legally, you know, cause there's these unions have big money so they can afford big lawyers that people like you and me.
02:22:28 Can't afford.
02:22:30 But I think a lot of them are going to just kind of bend over and take it.
02:22:33 I've got a friend who's dealing with there.
02:22:37 It's not a.
02:22:38 A government job, but.
02:22:39 There's a.
02:22:40 A job that's.
02:22:43 That her husband has and they're they're mandating that he gets the backs to keep his job and they're his.
02:22:54 His union is.
02:22:55 Not being cooperative they they basically are siding with.
02:23:00 No, you just got it.
02:23:02 So it's you don't know what you're going.
02:23:04 To get out of that.
02:23:09 Liche, Lord Godfrey, are you still unable to get money from Trobo?
02:23:15 I haven't.
02:23:16 I haven't tried in a while.
02:23:17 It worked last time.
02:23:19 But I haven't.
02:23:19 I haven't tried a while.
02:23:20 I'll try tonight or something.
Speaker 6
02:23:24 Uh lint, lichter.
02:23:25 Or will you?
02:23:27 Get a robot wife or.
02:23:30 If will you get a robot wife of you.
02:23:34 If I'm assuming you mean can't find a mate?
02:23:38 I can find a mate.
02:23:40 It's not about that.
02:23:41 It's just, uh.
02:23:44 Finding a non crazy one that wants to.
02:23:46 Well, that's that's the rub, right.
02:23:49 I was going to say you gotta find a non crazy one that wants to live in the by themselves in the middle of the.
02:23:54 ******* desert.
02:23:54 And it's like, oh, well, whoops.
02:23:57 So I guess finding the right amount of crazy.
02:23:59 One, you know the funny.
02:24:01 Which is doable, I don't know.
02:24:04 Right now, it hasn't been, it just hasn't been a priority just because I've had my plate full of so many other things.
02:24:10 But it's not like that part of my life has just been.
02:24:13 It's not like there hasn't been any goings on with that part of my life, but it's.
02:24:22 As of yet hasn't been a fruitful endeavor.
02:24:27 To the degree that it would have to be.
02:24:32 That's the other thing.
02:24:33 Right wing girls are just kind of.
02:24:36 A lot of them are nuts, not the right wing guys though.
02:24:38 A lot of us are nuts because, you know, you got to think of it this way.
02:24:41 Just I.
02:24:42 Look, if we're being honest, in order to.
02:24:46 Like look and it's in the name, right?
02:24:48 We call them normies.
02:24:50 So by definition, we're not normal.
02:24:55 So it's kind of like you gotta think about, like to have the kind of personality type that is at peace with the social stigmas that come along with our worldview.
02:25:08 You're not especially with women.
02:25:10 You're not talking about.
02:25:12 Normal people.
02:25:17 Oftentimes that that correlates with with.
02:25:26 And so it's, yeah, it is what it is.
Speaker 6
02:25:35 Just go to women's prison.
02:25:38 Yeah, that would be.
02:25:41 Yeah, that would be interesting.
02:25:48 We're exceptional.
02:25:49 Yes, we're we're special.
02:25:54 My mommy said I was special.
02:26:00 So it must be true.
Speaker 6
02:26:06 Bing Bon did Devin just call me weird and neurotic?
02:26:11 I don't know.
02:26:12 If I called you weird and neurotic.
02:26:16 But a lot, you know, look like I said.
02:26:19 To to to have the world.
02:26:21 We're outside the norm.
02:26:23 So we are definitely and look in a lot of ways.
02:26:27 Neuroticism is becoming the norm.
02:26:30 Or certain types of neuroticism?
02:26:32 Right.
02:26:33 So you do you do?
02:26:34 End up filtering out some of the the.
02:26:39 The cringier neuroticism I guess.
Speaker 6
02:26:42 But you got a different kind.
02:26:45 You know, like it.
02:26:46 Wasn't like that the.
02:26:47 Normal cool thing.
02:26:48 Now to like like look at at Biles, right?
02:26:50 Oh, it's so powerful of her to have mental illness.
02:26:53 And that's like the normal thing to like, announce or to wear your your enumerated mental illnesses on your on on your sleeve, you know, put them in your Twitter bio and.
02:27:05 Wear them like a badge.
02:27:08 Actual beater about crazy people.
02:27:10 My brother spurred out earlier this year and was diagnosed with schizophrenia.
02:27:15 I guess I have some of that in me and.
02:27:17 We agree on.
02:27:17 The JQ yeah. Schizophrenia can be kind of.
02:27:21 Scary. I mean.
02:27:23 I had.
02:27:24 I had a friend that.
02:27:25 Man, it there was a.
Speaker 6
02:27:28 Looked him up.
02:27:29 He was totally he was always kind of weird, but then cause it happens.
02:27:32 Later in life, right?
02:27:33 Like I didn't see him for a few years.
02:27:35 And then next thing I know like he went from being kind of weird to, like, screaming at cars, like standing in the meeting and this busy intersection screaming at cars and thinking like, there was a the dog planet.
02:27:47 And like it like it was.
02:27:50 It was he was, you know, full on like a like a movie character like a crazy person and movie, crazy.
02:27:56 A high priest, King Terry, would you consider a nice girl who was attractive to you?
02:28:01 Has decent conversation, agrees with most of your points and has.
02:28:07 And worked as a botanist for a leading cacti company.
02:28:12 The catch is she still believes in.
02:28:17 I think Q is a big disqualifier.
02:28:20 I don't think you can date the custards unless you can wean them.
02:28:24 I guess you know you could probably get a cute, tart and unbrainwashed them, but it is like a cult, like you'd have to be willing to do the work in the same way that like it would you date a girl that was like a like a really nice girl.
02:28:36 The only promise she's in this cult?
02:28:38 That's that's what Q is.
02:28:40 I mean, functionally, that's what it.
02:28:41 Is, so you have to be willing to.
02:28:45 And then plus it kind of shows like that what she's susceptible to.
02:28:49 You know what?
02:28:49 I mean.
02:28:50 So it's kind of like.
02:28:53 It's not exactly a good sign.
02:28:56 But I'm sure there could be custards.
02:28:58 That would be lovely people if you could just.
02:29:02 You know, **** the queue out of.
02:29:03 Them or something?
02:29:08 All right, we're going to be.
02:29:10 How much time are?
02:29:10 What are how, what?
02:29:11 How long are we at here?
02:29:19 About 2 1/2 hours I'll do a few more and then we'll close up.
02:29:24 Don't Tron.
02:29:25 Do you think using a religious exemption will be a successful way to avoid the vaccine?
02:29:31 For those of us with jobs that require it, I don't.
02:29:35 I don't know, I think.
02:29:37 See, here's the thing.
02:29:37 The religious exemption should never seems to matter to.
02:29:43 It's only when it's convenient, just like free speech, right?
02:29:46 Was there?
02:29:47 What about the religious exemption of the guy that had the that's supposed to bake the gay cake?
02:29:51 That didn't ******* matter.
02:29:52 And yet at the same time, I remember distinctly in Minnesota, especially when they got overrun by all these Muslims.
02:30:00 They had Muslim only.
02:30:02 Like checkout lines at Target so because they have like these targets that were also grocery stores but Muslims can't handle pork or whatever it was.
02:30:12 So if you you the target wasn't allowed to deny them employment and and and on top of that would had had to provide them with these special checkout lanes that you couldn't go to if you had pork or whatever or alcohol or whatever.
02:30:27 The list of things they can't touch it.
02:30:29 So like that's that's it's never, it's never in the favor of white Christian males.
02:30:35 So if your religious exemption has anything to do with being white, Christian or male or you know what I mean, like you're you're pretty much ******.
02:30:42 You could maybe, I don't know.
02:30:43 Maybe you can lie and say you're Muslim or something, but I think even that's kind of losing its.
02:30:48 Losing its power, you know, I feel like they feel they they already.
02:30:53 They're to normalize that in the West.
02:30:55 And so I don't think it's that big of a ***** one.
02:31:00 But who knows?
02:31:00 Maybe you could.
02:31:04 Ah, lich Lord.
02:31:05 Godfrey, some people have had success winning younger Q Anon.
02:31:08 Colt this off of it using anti COVID stuff.
02:31:11 Yeah, that'd be like an easy way to get them to hate Trump.
02:31:17 Is Operation warp speed that's that's got to be like a huge conflict in the minds of a.
02:31:21 Lot of cute.
02:31:22 People, golden doughnut and cough it is.
02:31:27 Or is it crazy to think that we could get better at health care outside America than inside America at this point?
02:31:33 The politicization of medicine has.
02:31:37 **** the system permanently.
02:31:38 Drugs will be withheld for political reasons and you risk some BLM doctor not giving you a giving a damn to a white patient.
02:31:46 Yeah, it's it's all it.
02:31:48 It's ****** because of diversity.
02:31:49 It's ******.
02:31:50 Because not only has the science been politicized, but, you know, just so has the education.
02:31:55 So you're just going to.
02:31:56 Have these.
02:31:57 Little ******* that are that are in.
02:32:00 You know, charge of your health and they're they're going to buy into whatever narrative they don't.
02:32:07 They're not going to research themselves.
02:32:08 It's well, this is the decline.
02:32:10 It's it is declining.
02:32:12 So would you be able to find better healthcare elsewhere?
02:32:14 I guess if they're not declining at the same rate, you know, maybe you'd find it.
02:32:19 I don't know where you'd go.
02:32:22 Arnie 123-4567 as a young person, do you think I still have time to get a homestead?
02:32:30 I'm just leaving high school.
02:32:31 Yeah, you got plenty of time.
02:32:32 I don't think.
02:32:33 I don't think it's gonna happen.
02:32:34 Tomorrow and you're 18.
02:32:39 Yeah, just don't blow your the one thing I hate is when.
02:32:44 I sit down.
02:32:46 And I contemplate how much money, especially when I was that age that I spent on beer, cigarettes, pot, video games, just like I blew all of my money the second I got it on stupid consumable.
02:33:00 So just don't do that.
02:33:01 It's shocking, especially because you're probably still living at home when you don't have any bills and you have any kind of income at all.
02:33:08 It's shocking how much money you can save up because and and try to milk that.
02:33:13 I know people give people **** for staying at home forever and I do think it's damaging.
02:33:18 I was out of the house at 17.
02:33:19 I didn't even wait till I was 18.
02:33:20 I got the **** out.
02:33:22 And it's it's uh.
02:33:25 I do see a big difference in how I am able to navigate the world and how people that stayed at home until they were like ******* 30 or whatever.
02:33:32 Right.
02:33:34 And so it makes it, it does make a big difference.
02:33:36 But if you have a plan.
02:33:40 And you're executing a plan like you're you're like, OK, I'm going to stay at home until I'm.
02:33:45 You know 22 that gives you four years to save money even if you get like a ****** job that's four years of saving money.
02:33:55 That's a lot of ******* money like you, if you work just like a couple of, like, the kinds of jobs I.
02:34:00 Worked when I was that age, like I was working as a bouncer or not at 18.
02:34:07 What was I doing?
02:34:07 I was like a pizza delivery driver.
02:34:12 Worked at a KFC like, you know, just like ****** fast food jobs.
02:34:18 And I worked at a computer store.
02:34:21 And so you could, you know, and I worked like several jobs at a time.
02:34:24 But again, I still just it's just ******* blew it on worthless **** all the time in my rent.
02:34:29 But if I would just, that's my big recommendation.
02:34:32 It's just so much, especially these days.
02:34:35 So much entertainment is for.
02:34:37 So much entertainment is free and you can get all of your if your parents are willing to keep supporting you, and many parents are, then I would just milk that for like a few years and start looking now start pricing it out.
02:34:51 Maybe if look if you want to get out sooner, which might not be a bad idea.
02:34:56 Find other friends that want to go in on it.
02:34:58 With you.
02:34:59 I mean, I had roommates for.
02:35:04 I mean, at least like probably about 10 years.
02:35:07 You know, that's a normal thing.
02:35:10 I mean my first I I was by myself the first apt I got, but I lived.
02:35:15 I mean, I would say about 10 years of my life was spent with roommates, you know, to varying degrees.
02:35:22 So it's not too bad of a thing.
02:35:24 And so that's that would be my advice.
02:35:30 COVID patients here, to be honest, the best type of girl is a girl that is capable of critical thinking, even if she is a little left-leaning.
02:35:38 Subverting her is a matter of your persuasion skills, and Dick's eyes.
02:35:43 You're right.
02:35:44 Rise them, you.
02:35:46 Like metal music.
02:35:47 At all National socialist, black metal and black metal in general is the true white.
02:35:51 Man's music.
02:35:52 Not a big metal guy, but there's some that I like.
02:35:56 High Priest King Terry requiring the vaccine for federal workers and big corporations, which are basically fed, is a purity test to purge out these organizations.
02:36:05 Imagine if Trump did something like that.
02:36:06 Now last thing too is it will accomplish that is anyone?
02:36:10 That's that.
02:36:11 That's exactly right.
02:36:12 Is anyone that does have principles?
02:36:17 And does say no, I'm not going to do this.
02:36:19 I would rather quit.
02:36:21 They want that guy out.
02:36:23 They have.
02:36:24 I mean, that's that's not someone that's going to be compliant as things get worse.
02:36:32 Ever looked at BioShock Infinite?
02:36:34 It's supposed to be to be showing the bad parts of right wing Christian ideologue, but it looks great to me.
02:36:41 I have not.
02:36:43 I played Bioshock in many years.
02:36:46 In fact, I think I only played like the first one.
02:36:49 I don't know how long that was a long time.
02:36:51 Ago I.
02:36:51 Feel like COVID patient zero, to be honest.
Speaker 6
02:36:55 That one.
02:36:58 Co patient zero.
02:36:59 Again, my biggest regret is buying Fortnite skins.
02:37:03 Yeah, it's pretty gay.
02:37:04 Not as much as some of my former friends, but a few.
02:37:07 Yeah, that's.
02:37:07 Kind of gay.
02:37:10 I I never understood that stuff and that's because a lot of that stuff.
02:37:15 Was pioneered by people just modding games, and so it was all free, you know, and especially like in the Unreal Tournament days, right?
02:37:21 It was just like.
02:37:22 You have to buy anything.
02:37:23 You would just, even if you didn't have that stuff download, you would join a server and it would automatically when you joined it start downloading the map.
02:37:31 If you didn't have the map, it downloaded all the weird mods and skins and ****, and it was not a big deal.
02:37:36 Everything was just free and because people it was community based and that it was the golden era of games, that air was dead.
02:37:43 I never ******* paid for DLC, ever.
02:37:48 High Priest King Terry White pill me or white pill time, a criminal named Arty Escapes.
02:37:54 Jail goes to rob people.
02:37:56 Chokes one person. No money choke a second. No money chokes. 1/3 gets a single dollar already, then gets arrested by the police newspaper. The next day, publishes the headline, already chokes 3 for a dollar.
02:38:11 I I'm I'm I.
02:38:13 I feel like I should get that.
02:38:17 Oh, artichokes.
02:38:19 Three for a dollar, ha ha ha.
02:38:22 Ah, the dad joke.
02:38:24 The the dad joke.
02:38:26 Like to her at 18, the legal age which you can rent a car will be. I think it's at actually it's 21.
02:38:33 You can rent a car, at least.
02:38:34 It used to be.
02:38:35 Maybe they did at 18 will be a time when they are removing cars, owning them and forcing EV's.
02:38:46 Well, that's going to be a slow thing.
Speaker 6
02:38:49 Unreal Tournament 2003.
02:38:50 For the win, says Red Cox.
02:38:52 Yep, I don't.
02:38:53 I don't remember what year it was.
02:38:58 All right, so let's go ahead and close on that awful joke.
Speaker 6
02:39:04 Well, just the one this one real.
02:39:06 Quick, Arnie 123-4567, thanks for the advice.
02:39:10 Yeah, I have a couple thousand saved.
02:39:11 I'm planning on leaving soon in my early 20s.
02:39:14 Also, I bought your book.
02:39:15 It's pretty good so far.
02:39:16 I'm on chapter three.
02:39:17 You will enjoy it.
02:39:18 At least I hope so.
02:39:24 Yeah, the I would just save money.
02:39:26 Just save money.
02:39:27 Most entertainment is free and you can go out and go.
02:39:31 There's lots like camping, like there's cheap fun.
02:39:34 Don't spend your money on alcohol and cigarettes and and drugs and stupid **** and video games.
02:39:40 And start looking start even way before you get into the the position where you.
02:39:47 Start looking around now because it will start giving you an idea as to how much things cost and you can watch the market change.
02:39:55 I think right now it's probably not even a good time because right now property values are kind of ****** now.
02:40:02 Maybe it'll get worse because of hyperinflation or whatever that can suck.
02:40:06 I don't know.
02:40:07 I've never been like a a financial.
02:40:09 Wiz, I've always kind of just been right at the seat of my pants and a lot of this stuff, you know, I'm just like everybody else, you know?
02:40:16 But I can tell you where I ****** ** and where I funked up was just drinking and smoking and ******* my money away for like.
02:40:24 You know way too long.
02:40:27 And just and just buying some other unnecessary stuff every time I would get a raise.
02:40:32 I mean there I used to make a lot, a lot of money and every time you get a raise, you would.
02:40:36 I kept feeling like, wow, I'm.
02:40:38 Just as poor as I was before and.
02:40:40 Because I just increased the the frivolous spending, you know, like, oh, well now instead of eating out at at Subway, I'm gonna eat out at, like this ******* lobster baked place where that sells like a lobster baked for, like, ******* $20 instead of a subway sandwich for five, you know?
02:40:54 And that **** adds up, you know, just and.
02:40:57 And I think a lot of people do that, their lifestyle just gets more expensive when their bank account.
02:41:01 Looks exactly the ******* same.
02:41:02 And then just just don't fall.
02:41:03 For that anyway, you guys have a good evening.
02:41:08 We'll do this again on Saturday night.
02:41:15 For black pills, I am of course.
02:41:19 Devon stag.
02:41:28 OK.
02:41:48 I I.
02:41:50 I want all of you for booking going guy.
02:41:54 You are the.
02:41:54 Worst people I've ever been across in this entire life.
02:41:59 Don't ******* talk to me.
02:42:01 No, I hate all of you.
02:42:04 I hate all of.
02:42:05 I hate all of you.
02:42:13 I hate.