02:10:11 Come and get a.Speaker 1
00:01:01 Pancake robot is coming to town.00:01:04 He's mixing up the batter and he's.
00:01:06 Laying it down.
00:01:08 Butter, milk, blueberry chocolate chip.
00:01:11 50 million pancakes.
00:01:13 He's gonna flip.
Speaker 2
00:01:27 Human party.Speaker 1
00:01:33 The pancake robot is here at last.00:01:36 His flap jacks are flying supersonically pass with his Maple syrup cannon and his butter blaster.
00:01:43 He's gonna beat the world.
Speaker 4
00:01:49 Those cakes into the sky.Speaker 1
00:01:50 Flippity flippity.00:01:51 Down they go.
00:01:52 Grab yourself a book.
00:01:54 Flat and round, flat and round.
00:01:57 Everybody, everybody shout down cause the pancake.
00:02:00 What's in town?
00:02:02 All you can eat.Speaker 1
00:02:04 The pancake robot is coming to town.Speaker 3
00:02:25 It's a pancake.00:02:36 Yeah, I like pancakes.
00:02:46 How about you?
00:02:56 And cakes.
00:03:02 Sit, sit the flower, sift to flower, sit, sit the flowers.
00:03:07 The flower flower.
00:03:09 So we got something.
00:03:12 There we got it.
00:03:12 Cracked the eggs.
00:03:14 Crack the eggs, crack the eggs, crack, crack the eggs, crack the eggs, crack, crack the eggs.
00:03:21 So we got.
00:03:24 Yeah, I like cake.
00:03:32 Cakes. How about you?
00:03:37 I like pancakes.
00:03:40 I like pancakes.
00:03:46 How about you?
00:03:48 Now we got the milk.
00:03:58 We got something that we gotta mix, mix, mix, mix, mix the batter, mix the batter mix, mix the batter.
00:04:19 I like pancakes now we gotta heat the grill heat.
00:04:22 How about you?
00:04:27 Did you hear me?
00:04:43 The grill, the grill.
00:04:45 So we got something to eat.
00:04:48 Then we got a flip.
00:04:56 Flip, flip.
00:05:10 How about you?
00:05:12 Yeah, I like pancakes.
Speaker 6
00:05:15 Did you hear me?Speaker
00:05:20 OK.Speaker 7
00:05:32 Hey this is a.Devon
00:05:36 Bonus stream, I guess so Odyssey lost the replay of of the romance edition.00:05:42 And look, it's, you know that that's on me too.
00:05:45 I I didn't record anything locally, I'm.
Speaker 7
00:05:47 I'm doing it now.Devon
00:05:49 Because I've never had a situation like this before with Odyssey.00:05:52 They say they don't have the file.
00:05:54 They don't know what happened.
00:05:55 Whatever, it's so it's just.
00:05:56 On last stream there was an issue too where you know it wasn't the at least the file wasn't gone, but I had to get them to post it.
00:06:07 So I don't know what's going on over there if I don't know if because the library situation, if those you don't know, you know, Odyssey is on the the library blockchain.
00:06:18 And and they lost their battle, their legal battle with the SEC.
00:06:22 And they, I think they had the disband, the developer group that was working on the library.
00:06:28 I I.
00:06:28 Don't know. Honestly, I don't.
00:06:29 Know the INS and outs of it.
00:06:30 I just know.
00:06:31 Well, that that's probably not a good thing.
00:06:33 And maybe there's fewer people working at Odyssey now as a result, cause a lot.
00:06:38 There's a lot of crossover, even though Odyssey is independent of that, I don't know.
00:06:42 But I didn't like the fact I mean.
00:06:43 It was a four and a.
Speaker 7
00:06:44 Half hour long stream.Devon
00:06:46 It was a four and a half.00:06:47 Hour long stream.
00:06:49 And it was good.
00:06:51 It was good.
00:06:52 It was a good ******* stream, I and I, I I felt like solid about it.
00:06:56 I didn't get to hear it cause you know, I'll I'll especially like to get to get better.
00:07:01 At at doing.
00:07:03 I'll go back and listen to how I did so I can ohh that that sounded.
00:07:07 Weird or or?
00:07:07 I didn't really articulate that very well or.
00:07:09 You know, or oh that that.
00:07:10 Sounded good, stuff like that.
00:07:12 You know, I'd go back and just like any artist would, would go back, you know, wouldn't would.
00:07:16 It's not like they they're painting blindfolded, right.
00:07:18 You're going to want feedback on what you're.
00:07:20 Making so I I I wanted to hear it.
Speaker 7
00:07:22 No, I couldn't hear.Devon
00:07:24 So for those of you who are alive and you know, luckily, I guess a lot of people were live a lot, you know, something like we almost got up to 900 lives that night.00:07:33 So it's not as if you know, at least at least a lot of people were there for it.
00:07:37 So if you were there for that moment, unless some spergy ************ out there was was recording it.
00:07:44 As I went, it's just gone and if you know, look, and if you're a spergy ************ that was recording it while it went then.
00:07:50 Hey, you know.
00:07:51 Hit me up on on like DM me on Twitter or something.
00:07:55 And let me know that you got.
00:07:56 That and I'll you know.
00:07:58 I'll I'll post it, but it's you.
00:08:00 It's gone and I just didn't feel right about it just being gone.
00:08:05 Look, I'm not going.
00:08:06 To I'm not going to do.
00:08:06 The same thing, right?
00:08:08 Because, I mean, I.
00:08:11 No, I'm not going to do the same thing because it just it would feel stupid.
00:08:16 It would feel stupid.
00:08:17 I I get it like.
00:08:20 I mean, it would sort of makes sense because when I'm live, you know, maybe 1000 people watch it and then the replay, you know, maybe, you know, 30 + 1000 people watch it, right, so.
00:08:31 It would still be new to.
00:08:33 A lot of people I don't know though, I just kind of.
00:08:35 Feel stupid.
Speaker 7
00:08:35 Just ohh, here's the stream I just did, you know.Devon
00:08:38 Like I don't know I.00:08:39 Just kind of feel dumb about that.
00:08:42 And I don't really have any any material I wasn't.
00:08:45 I wasn't prepared to stream.
00:08:48 So instead I.
Speaker 7
00:08:51 I don't know, man.Devon
00:08:51 I I guess we could just shoot the ****.00:08:53 Or something like.
00:08:54 That, but it's just it, it's so stupid.
00:08:58 It's so stupid that that's that's what happened.
00:09:01 I mean, we could maybe we could.
00:09:03 Maybe go over.
00:09:04 Like one of the romance I I don't know.
00:09:06 I feel dumb.
00:09:07 Like I just feel dumb doing it all over again.
00:09:09 You know, it's like that's honestly like, I don't know.
00:09:13 I just.
00:09:15 Maybe is there a?
00:09:16 Way to do polls in chat.
00:09:18 I mean, there's only 180 of you guys here right now. I understand why this is like a weird time, right? I mean, maybe there's new people, people that can't normally stay up is late.
00:09:27 Who are here?
00:09:29 But uh yeah, yeah.
00:09:31 So or maybe it's better, maybe if it's maybe it's better if we've got like a smaller.
00:09:38 You know, group of people here and we can do like some some chatty interaction I maybe I can just work the crowd a little bit.
00:09:45 I mean, I don't know.
00:09:46 We could talk about what's going on, even know what's going on.
00:09:48 I've been driving around all morning.
00:09:50 And I just got back from the extreme heat that's outside.
00:09:55 And so I haven't even looked on the Internet really.
00:09:58 I've looked.
00:09:59 I posted something on Telegram, a rant on Telegram.
00:10:02 Well, I can talk about that a little bit.
00:10:03 I could just kind of paraphrase.
00:10:06 Or maybe go into more detail.
00:10:07 Who knows about what I mentioned on on a just a voice note that I left on Telegram.
00:10:13 It's just something.
00:10:14 That occurred to me.
00:10:15 While I was while I was driving around because I was going through my head like.
00:10:19 One of the things that you know.
00:10:21 Cause people will.
Speaker 7
00:10:21 Get upset.00:10:22 Like, why?
00:10:22 Why are you focused so much on Q or not?
00:10:24 There's not very many QT cards and.
Speaker 4
00:10:26 They're all ********.Speaker 7
00:10:26 And so we don't need.Devon
00:10:27 Them anyway and I.00:10:28 Disagree for the same reason that like it, it's it's kind of like saying well, we should just leave the ******** alone because they're, you know, they're not going to help us anyway and whatever.
00:10:40 And it's so it's not gonna affect me.
00:10:42 It does affect you, it affects you tremendously.
00:10:45 If a a lie is allowed to spread and people start to to think Delusionally.
00:10:50 I mean, look, if you think it doesn't affect you that everyone in in, especially when it's people on your side start to become.
00:10:58 Original, I mean that's you're incorrect.
00:11:01 You're incorrect about that.
00:11:02 It matters quite a bit if the people that are on your side in this ceaseless conversation about where you know where we need to be going in the future, if a sizable amount of people who are typically people that would would sympathize and amplify.
00:11:19 Your your point of view also believe crazy **** that's bad.
00:11:25 That's bad.
00:11:27 And just even if look, even if this wasn't some kind of political battle that we were engaged in, we were just like a society.
00:11:35 Imagine if if society, let's boil.
00:11:37 It down to a smaller example.
00:11:38 You just live in some small town.
00:11:40 And let's just say like 100 people. And then even if it's just like 10 of Em, ten of them start believing in the Easter Bunny or or or something crazy.
00:11:50 Would you just be like ohh those people?
00:11:51 They're just weird, but they're not only are they believe in the Easter Bunny.
00:11:54 They're going around evangelizing the.
00:11:57 Oh, no, he I saw him.
00:11:59 I saw him.
Speaker 4
00:11:59 Laid an egg.00:12:00 I know it.
00:12:00 Sounds crazy, but he's real.00:12:03 He ***** out candy.
00:12:04 Eggs and they they they start.
00:12:07 Not only do they start evangelizing, they start aggressively calling you a Bunny denier, right?
00:12:16 Like, why wouldn't we care?
00:12:18 Why care that the Jews believe in the Holocaust, right?
00:12:22 Why would we just, well, just let them have it?
00:12:23 Let them have the Holocaust.
00:12:25 That doesn't affect me really.
00:12:28 So big lies don't have any kind of larger effect on society or on smaller groups, really.
Speaker 4
00:12:34 That that there's.00:12:35 There's that there's no problem with that.
00:12:37 It's totally fine to let people just have bad information.00:12:41 Isn't that exactly the opposite of everything that we've said on this stream?
00:12:46 Like when it.
00:12:46 When I've talked about like the IQ.
00:12:48 Differences between blacks and whites and and the one of the huge conflict points between blacks and whites and Western civilization is you can't tell them.
00:12:58 The truth about.
00:12:58 Why those disparities and outcomes take place?
00:13:03 I mean, are you?
00:13:04 Are you insane?
00:13:05 Like, do.
00:13:06 Do you not understand the value of of having people believe things that are true?
00:13:11 And not entertaining crazy ideas.
00:13:16 So This is why I focused so much on queuing on when that **** was going on.
00:13:21 And as this stupid pancake Earth stuff is kind of started spreading like a cancer.
00:13:26 Yeah, look, eventually.
00:13:28 It had to be addressed.
00:13:29 Right.
00:13:30 Like you're right that to some extent you live in that small hypothetical town I'm talking about and, you know, 10 people believe in the Easter Bunny.
00:13:37 If it stops there, what?
00:13:38 OK.
00:13:39 Well, that's bill.
00:13:39 He's weird.
00:13:40 He thinks there's a Bunny that *****.
00:13:41 Eggs in his backyard.
00:13:43 You know, it's harmless.
00:13:46 You know that that's one thing, right?
00:13:49 But yeah, as it spreads and it and it starts, you know, it starts to.
00:13:53 Affect the the larger group, OK.
00:13:56 And so look, it's just time.
00:13:57 It's time to be like look, time to grow the **** **.
00:14:00 Stop believing in fantasies because they make you feel all warm and fuzzy and and whatever, and that's what it is.
00:14:06 That's what it is.
00:14:07 That's the conclusion that I came to while driving around today because I was trying to figure.
00:14:12 Out, you know I want.
00:14:14 To know how people's minds think.
00:14:16 Because that's how you you you can predict behavior.
00:14:20 You know, that's how you can understand.
00:14:22 I mean, one of the most valuable things you can do is try to understand human nature.
00:14:26 And and you know, it'll help you in basically every area of your life.
00:14:30 If you're able.
Speaker 9
00:14:31 To do that.Devon
00:14:32 And so I try to understand what what what causes people to start believing in something that's so, so repeatedly falsified using just the most basic, you know, easy to understand.00:14:46 Information and why do they?
00:14:48 They do these mental gymnastics.
00:14:51 To try to weasel their way out of it.
00:14:53 Like, what's the hang up like?
00:14:55 What's like?
00:14:56 Why are they hanging?
00:14:56 On to this right.
00:14:58 And that this applies to Q ***** it applies to pancakes.
00:15:02 It applies to the romance scammers that we went over in that string, you know, for those who weren't there for that just briefly, there's a.
00:15:12 A growing plague.
00:15:13 And look, I think this is related, I think as more people become detached from reality, they become more susceptible to this.
00:15:20 Kind of stuff I guaran ******* to you just based on what a lot of these people.
00:15:24 And look, if you watch the string that's now gone forever, you would have seen this a lot of the people that fell for these romance scams were the exact same people that you would see holding queue signs at a ******* magaret.
00:15:37 It's it's these old white ladies, these old white boomer ladies who were on from what you could tell, somewhat conservative, patriotic.
00:15:46 That's why the romance scammers would pretend to be 4 star generals and **** like that, and that's why they would believe it.
00:15:54 That's why they would believe it.
00:15:56 But you have the same thing across the board, the same thing where like when you confront them with information and say like look, obviously you know the this four-star.
00:16:06 General is not just messaging you on Instagram and and needs your $100,000 to help him get some paperwork out of ******* here like none of this makes any sense, right?
00:16:19 None of it makes any sense, and if you were to sit down and actually think about it, you would realize it doesn't make any sense and.
00:16:26 But they hang on to it.
00:16:27 They hang on to it and they'll they'll do these mental gymnastics to try to explain.
00:16:31 Ohh no.
00:16:31 Actually it does make sense because you know there's a war in Syria and you know his paperwork.
00:16:37 I mean, it doesn't matter if.
00:16:38 Or general his paperwork got lost, or or whatever it is right and Q cards would do the same thing you would say, oh, you know, like actually this doesn't make any sense because Trump said, you know, Q says this, and Trump's doing this.
00:16:49 And like Oh well.
00:16:50 Actually, you know it's it's because of, you know, some 40 chess garbage or or or my favorite.
00:16:56 Oh, Disinfo isn't necessary, in other words.
00:16:58 She has to lie.
00:16:59 Right.
00:17:00 And you look, you saw the romance scammers doing the exact same thing.
00:17:03 You get the, the, the the pancake or the pan cuts, same sort of a thing, right, you say, well, you don't even have a model.
00:17:11 You don't have a model like.
00:17:13 I have a model, at least that you can look at and it predicts the the time and location of of solar and lunar eclipses.
00:17:21 It accurately predicts the location of the stars in the sky.
00:17:25 The only way that I mean I use this and it's not a theoretical thing for me.
00:17:29 I use this in my personal life when I'm using ham radio.
00:17:33 I have to use maps that only work if the if the word is or.
00:17:36 The world is a sphere.
00:17:37 Here and I've demonstrated to you how that, that, that it it wouldn't work otherwise.
00:17:44 In fact, you know what?
00:17:45 How about this?
00:17:47 I'll, I'll play that.
00:17:48 I I post it on Twitter.
00:17:49 I'll probably play that that video sometime during this stream just for people who know what I'm talking about.
00:17:55 But when faced with this information.
Speaker 7
00:17:57 They're just like, ohh, it's it's garbage.Devon
00:18:01 And it's frustrating.00:18:02 Because you're like.
00:18:03 Ohh well.
00:18:04 Can't they see it?
00:18:05 Why can't this?
00:18:06 They see it.
00:18:08 And with the the the pancakes.
00:18:11 Specifically, I was like, yeah, what is what's the what's the deal here?
00:18:14 Cause I don't get it.
00:18:15 You know, like I understand kind of I understand for example, why a romance if someone getting scammed by a romance scam wouldn't want to admit it.
00:18:24 You know, because you have the the embarrassment of, like, Oh my God.
00:18:29 Right. Like I just, I can't believe I sent $100,000 to some Nigerian scammer. You know, that's kind of a big deal.
00:18:37 So I had to clear.
00:18:38 My throat there didn't.
00:18:39 I didn't think.
00:18:39 You guys wanted to hear?
00:18:40 It and then you have the, you know the so you have the embarrassment.
00:18:46 But you know, you also have the the aspect of like the you.
00:18:50 Know the whole.
00:18:52 Fantasy they were living in is now gone, right?
00:18:54 The whole reason she was sending money in the 1st place is she liked the idea that she had a a four-star general as a husband.
00:19:01 So what made perfect sense, right?
00:19:03 Like, why?
00:19:04 Why would you know you're taking that away from her if she has to admit that?
00:19:09 No, she's being scammed.
00:19:10 Yeah, it's embarrassing.
00:19:12 She's never gonna see that money again.
00:19:13 And that's also kind of a big deal, right?
00:19:16 But the whole reason she sent the money in the 1st place is she she sincerely thought she would have.
00:19:22 A future with.
00:19:23 This person, and now you're taking that away.
00:19:25 So that makes sense, right?
00:19:27 With the cue cards.
00:19:28 It's kind of the, you know, the same thing, right?
00:19:30 The cue cards, they don't want to believe it.
00:19:32 Same reasons, you know.
00:19:33 And to some extent, you've got the embarrassment they've gone.
00:19:36 And going around telling other friends like these crazy predictions that keep not happening.
00:19:40 Thing and when they keep not happening, they keep doubling down and doubling down and it just gets more and more embarrassing, right?
00:19:46 So that there's that massive embarrassment factor, that's like, OK, well, now if I go, it's like ohps like, there's not a queuing on.
00:19:54 I'm I'm a ******, you know.
00:19:56 Oh, sorry, guys.
00:19:57 Right, But there's, there's that aspect to it.
00:19:59 But they're also invested.
00:20:00 For another reason right that the other reason is they they know that the country is ******.
00:20:06 They know that the West is failing and they're in this situation now where, like they they feel like there's a a solution to it.
00:20:14 There's this magic bullet solution that's gonna fix.
00:20:18 And if you take that Yocum Anon from away from them, you're taking that away from them.
00:20:22 It's the same thing as the person getting romance.
00:20:25 You're taking away this little fantasy that they have.
00:20:28 And now what they have to cling to, right?
00:20:32 That there was a reason they were burning all these friendships down and all this other stuff and being and and.
00:20:37 Enduring all this ridicule online and from their friends and family because the the dream was more important and more comfortable, you can't take.
00:20:45 That's all they have.
00:20:46 That's all they have with a lot of people, by the way.
00:20:48 A lot of these people are very isolated and that really is all they have.
00:20:51 But it didn't make as much sense to me with the pan cut people because I was like, OK, but I mean the embarrassment.
00:20:57 Yeah, I mean that's a pretty stupid thing to to buy into and have to admit that you.
00:21:02 You know that you ****** ** on, right?
00:21:05 But I you know, ultimately I don't think anyone would really make that big of a deal out of it.
00:21:09 But I mean, yeah, it's still there, right?
00:21:10 Like you have to be.
00:21:11 Sorry guys, I know I was like.
00:21:13 This insufferable like.
00:21:14 Prick about about the the shape of the Earth and I was completely wrong and I looked like a ****** and.
00:21:20 You know.
00:21:22 I guess I got, you know, mud on my face, but hey, you know, like that's not going to be a comfortable thing to do, right?
00:21:28 I wouldn't want to have to do something like that.
00:21:30 I've had to admit.
00:21:31 To being wrong.
00:21:32 It's not a, it's not a fun thing.
00:21:33 That's a.
00:21:33 Big ******* thing to be wrong about it, but so I get it.
00:21:36 Right.
00:21:36 So you have the embarrassment factor.
Speaker 4
00:21:38 But what's the appeal?00:21:39 What's the appeal?
00:21:40 What's the?
00:21:41 Fantasy part of it?00:21:42 Right.
Speaker 4
00:21:43 Like, what's the part that's like?Devon
00:21:44 Ohh ****, I like I I I can't.00:21:47 Have this dream I have to cling on to it.
Speaker 4
00:21:49 Right, I Oh my God, if you take away the.00:21:51 Flat Earth.
00:21:51 Then I'll because that part is.
00:21:53 The part that's the missing piece to the puzzle, it's like, well, I don't understand.00:21:57 What is it that you're clinging to?
00:21:59 And the only way you can really find out, because I don't think that the people that really you know in any of those scenarios that we've gone over, I don't think.
00:22:06 They actually articulate.
00:22:07 In their head right, I really doubt.
00:22:10 Did the romance scammer. It has the the self-awareness to be like oh wow this is this has become like my my whole existence talking to this guy on chat every day who's telling me that I'm pretty and whatever.
00:22:21 Right.
00:22:22 Like I don't think they have that.
00:22:23 Self-awareness, right?
00:22:24 And I don't same thing with the the CUE cards.
00:22:27 I don't think you know when you're a fanatic, you don't realize you're a fanatic.
00:22:30 Don't think that they realize how much of their life this quitar nonsense was consuming.
Speaker 7
00:22:36 Yeah, they were just like, oh, no, I'm trusting.Devon
00:22:37 The plan really hard, right?00:22:40 With the with the globe Earth people it or the Flat Earth people.
00:22:43 You have to ask them like.
00:22:44 OK, well, so what's what?
00:22:47 What's the big deal?
00:22:48 Like, what's the big like?
00:22:50 Clearly there has to be a a rather sophisticated and and wide reaching conspiracy going on.
00:22:56 In order to maintain this, in fact it it, it dwarfs that of what went on with COVID, because even with COVID, first of all look how long that lasted.
00:23:04 They couldn't keep him.
00:23:05 That certainly didn't go on.
00:23:06 For for millennia, right?
00:23:09 But the other thing is even while COVID was in full bore, not every single country in the world was buying into it.
00:23:17 You had African countries that weren't buying into it.
00:23:19 You had Sweden that wasn't doing the lockdowns like a lot of a lot of countries weren't.
00:23:24 There was not like this universal agreement that this is we're going to ****.
00:23:27 Of people with this.
00:23:29 Yeah, M RNA ship dung.
00:23:30 I'm wrong.
00:23:31 It was.
00:23:31 That's probably one of the widest examples that I can come up with in in modern history where that something like that's happened.
00:23:38 But even that that's that pales in comparison to the kind of ******** you'd have to coordinate in order to fake everyone out all the time about the shape of the Earth.
00:23:47 It doesn't make any sense.
00:23:49 Right.
00:23:49 So what's the benefit to doing this sort of?
Speaker 4
00:23:52 The thing.Devon
00:23:54 You know, like what?00:23:55 What's the payoff?
00:23:56 Right.
00:23:57 And and.
00:23:58 And don't tell me this thing.
00:23:59 Well, not so spending money.
00:24:00 OK, they probably are.
00:24:02 NASA is probably probably is still.
00:24:04 I mean, they're a government agency.
00:24:05 They're all.
00:24:06 Stealing money, right?
00:24:07 Whatever, right?
00:24:08 It's not that.
00:24:09 It's it.
00:24:10 It's not that.
00:24:11 OK.
00:24:11 And and this has been going on this conspiracy.
00:24:14 We speak of way before an asset.
00:24:17 Right, so so what's the deal?
00:24:19 And they'll always tell you some version of this.
00:24:22 And look, I'm sure there's.
Speaker 7
00:24:23 Like, no, I don't.00:24:23 This is one I'm sure.
00:24:25 Well, I've talked enough to you of if you ******* pancakes to know that this is exactly what a lot.00:24:29 Of you say, alright.
00:24:31 And there's a lot of ******* pancakes.
00:24:33 Will they say they'll say oh?
Speaker 7
00:24:34 Well, they they want you to feel insignificant.00:24:36 They want you to feel like.
00:24:37 You're this little tiny ******* speck on a spinning.00:24:39 All you know, flying through the ******* universe and you're so insignificant and the and the sun's gonna explode and wipe you. Everything's meaningless.
00:24:47 And it's just like it's.
Speaker 7
00:24:49 It's all.00:24:50 That's how they control.
00:24:52 That's how they can. They cause they they got you in this mental paralysis because everything's hopeless and whatever. And it's just like.00:24:59 What are you talking about?
00:25:00 You think that's how I I I live every day that I think that I'm just an insignificant speck and that like I might as well just do whatever the government says because I'm on a giant planet that doesn't make any ******* sense to.
00:25:13 Me, but it doesn't have to make sense.
00:25:15 To me it it.
00:25:16 Only has to make sense to them.
00:25:19 And so then you realize, OK, so that's what it is.
00:25:22 That's what it is.
00:25:24 That's the fear.
00:25:26 That's the fear that's driving you the fear that that's driving you is you are avoiding the reality that in the big picture in the in the big scheme of things.
00:25:35 Guess what, ************? You ain't a big deal. You ain't a big deal. I'm not a big deal. No one's a big ******* deal in the big scheme.
00:25:42 Of things you're not a big deal.
00:25:45 You're just not and that's OK.
Speaker 7
00:25:48 That's OK.Devon
00:25:50 But for them it's not OK.00:25:52 They have to be a big ******* deal.
00:25:54 They have to be at the center of the *** **** universe.
Speaker 4
00:25:59 They have to be in this.00:26:00 Special little you know.
00:26:02 Dome made just for them, right?
00:26:07 So that's the big problem.00:26:09 That's the big hang up.
00:26:10 And so when you talk to flat Earthers, you talk to these pancakes and you try to explain things, and you often, you know, one of the things.
00:26:16 That you run into.
00:26:17 Over and over and over again, is they're inability to to fathom scale.
00:26:23 That's most of the things that they say.
00:26:26 I mean, some of it's just completely bat **** ********, right?
00:26:29 But some of it's just like they just don't understand scale, right.
00:26:33 That's what it is.
00:26:34 They just don't get scale.
00:26:36 You know, they'll say.
00:26:37 Well, how come water is flat?
00:26:38 Well, it's it's not, you know, like like it's it's not flat.
00:26:43 It's just you know in in a large enough space it's not flat.
00:26:48 And yeah, so it's just not, but you're having ah.
00:26:51 Time picturing the scale. I posted a video on Twitter or yesterday. It was a they captured V2 rocket that the Americans got from the Nazis.
00:27:01 They attached a 35 millimeter camera with a 50 millimeter lens and they just shot it straight.
00:27:07 Up to see what happened.
00:27:08 They got a bunch of these, you know, when they after they invaded.
00:27:11 Germany and so they shot it straight up and there's footage of it going straight up and it it gets about 65 miles.
00:27:19 Up and then it, you know, runs out of gas and just sort of tumbles around for a little bit and goes back down.
00:27:25 And and you see in that footage the.
00:27:28 Curvature of the earth.
00:27:30 Now it's very slight because it's 65 miles, you still don't see it, which is, by the way, when you're flying around in an airliner and you have a window seat and you look out the window, you don't.
Speaker 4
00:27:40 See it hardly or if at all.Devon
00:27:42 You have to have really good eyes to be able to to determine that there was a a curve to the earth of that.00:27:47 Altitude. No one. No, no.
00:27:49 Airline is flying at 65 miles. OK. Yeah, that's basically space at that point.
00:27:56 OK. And even at 65 miles up, you're just barely able to see it?
00:28:04 But they have a problem understanding scale.
00:28:06 They have a problem understanding scale and so that's their big hang ups like ohh, it's because nothing in their immediate universe is that big.
00:28:15 It's nothing that they can hold in their hand.
00:28:17 It's kind of what I've talked about with the custards.
00:28:19 It's the exact same ******* thing where you say, well, how come they having such?
00:28:22 A hard time wrapping their their.
00:28:24 Their minds around the fact that the the government doesn't work like the Super friends, you know, why is it that they can't, you know, understand that you know, powerful people don't don't think like this and don't act like this.
00:28:34 It's because of proximity.
00:28:35 They've never been around powerful people.
00:28:37 They've never been around, you know, even like federal government workers.
00:28:43 So they have no real world experience with that which they're having these grandiose ideas about.
00:28:50 So they can't grasp it, right?
00:28:52 And that look and the same thing.
00:28:55 One of the things that I noticed and you if you watch the stream that disappeared, you might have noticed too.
00:28:59 And we were going over the romance scammed people.
00:29:04 Was that they?
00:29:04 Those are these are people.
00:29:06 That are a beautiful person.
00:29:08 Had never hit on them in their life.
00:29:11 A beautiful person.
00:29:13 Had never paid attention to them.
00:29:17 And so they didn't.
00:29:18 They didn't know what that was like.
00:29:20 They didn't know what that was like.
00:29:21 So they they when?
00:29:22 When this, you know, good looking person was acting really crazy in in any other situation, right?
00:29:28 If you notice, these scammers aren't saying the pictures are just like normal looking dudes, they're there's the.
Speaker 4
00:29:33 Every, every and.Devon
00:29:34 Every single ******* case.00:29:36 And look, it's men.
00:29:37 In women, every single ******* case, the most obvious red flag to everyone watching, but not to them is that there's a huge mismatch.
00:29:46 You know, it's like it's like some 74 year old grandma who is is morbidly obese and a literal Instagram model.
00:29:57 Who's like 23?
00:29:59 And right away, anyone on the outside can look at that and be like, yeah, that doesn't make any sense.
00:30:06 That does that.
00:30:07 I mean, maybe that could happen, right?
00:30:10 Maybe that there could be like some weird like Harold and Maude type thing, right?
00:30:14 Like, maybe, maybe that could ******* happen, but that doesn't usually doesn't happen.
00:30:18 Usually doesn't ******* happen, OK?
00:30:20 OK.
00:30:21 And so that that would be like your your first ******* red flag.
00:30:24 But the reason they they don't see it, the reason why they can't wrap their head around it, the reason it's not obvious to them is they've never been in that situation in their entire ******* lives.
00:30:33 They've never been in that situation, they've never been desirable to this.
00:30:36 This kind of person that.
00:30:38 They're now they.
00:30:39 Think that they're being, you know, they think desires.
00:30:44 And so for some, when you look at the pancake Earthers, it's the same sort of a thing.
00:30:48 To some extent, you're like, OK, well, maybe it's because they never work with scale.
00:30:52 They never work with.
00:30:53 Scale, I mean I and and and I thought and I'd said this in the telegram.
00:30:57 Look, maybe the reason why this all this **** seems so much easier for me to understand is I spent decades, really.
00:31:04 Getting geometry the way that light behaved in the real world because I was doing 3D modeling and 3D animation, I was able to look at at at objects in a way that you really even.
Speaker 4
00:31:16 Can't in in.Devon
00:31:17 The real world like because I could manipulate planets, you know, I could see what it would actually look like.00:31:22 I could on the fly, move a camera.
00:31:25 Into a a universe and and change the focal length and change the the aperture size.
00:31:32 Eyes and and and move lights around and change the the way that the shadows were cast and I in fact if I was trying to light up a scene so that it looked like something realistic, right?
00:31:42 Like I was trying to match up something that looked photo realistic, I had to basically duplicate what happens in reality in the software or it wouldn't look realistic.
00:31:52 It would look fake, so you had to simulate what was happening in the real.
00:31:56 World with fake lights and you and for that to work, you had to understand. OK, so lights going to bounce off this object because this object is shinier than this object and and this kind of material reflects light this way and look the same thing if I I'm building materials a lot of you don't have any experience with 3D stuff. So like I'll try not to bore you too much with the details.
00:32:17 But when you make a 3D object in 3D software, you're also having to tell it what that object is made of.
00:32:23 It's not just the shape, right, because if you have a a, a rock, if you have a, a, A, let's just say a, you know, use the example of a sphere.
00:32:32 If I have a sphere that's made out of marble.
00:32:35 And I sit it on my table and I sit it next to another sphere that's made out of Chrome.
00:32:42 They're gonna have wildly different properties, even if they're the exact same size.
00:32:46 The and and and shape, they're going to look way different.
00:32:50 Because the Chrome is going to be more reflective, the specular is going to be different and.
00:32:55 And the.
00:32:56 Marble, by the way.
00:32:58 Is going to be reflective, but not as reflective as the Chrome.
00:33:01 The specular is going to be different.
00:33:03 You're going to have other more advanced things that I'm not gonna bore you with, but there's a lot of differences in in term, and it all boils down to it literally all boils down to how the light is interacting with with that object.
00:33:15 With that material, how translucent is it?
00:33:17 You know, like if it was jade, if it was a jade sphere, then you would have.
00:33:22 Some of the light penetrating through the surface, which is not, which is something you wouldn't have at all on the chromosphere.
00:33:28 Right. So you're having all these different kinds of of of things that when you're doing 3D, you're having this study closely because you're trying to make these things look real. And so you're starting to, you learn how light behaves and you're learning how like.
00:33:42 You know how geometric shapes appear when you make camera changes and you change elevation and you change.
00:33:49 You know, like the the perspective of of objects and the size, because that's the other thing too, is if you don't get all the camera settings right and you you scale it wrong, you get that kind of 3D that looks too small.
00:34:00 Like it looks right, like everything looks normal, but there's something that looks small, and that's because you ****** ** somewhere along the line, probably with the camera settings or something like.
00:34:08 That and that's just.
00:34:10 So I'm thinking like OK, because I've been doing this and and really deep diving on this kind of of of information.
00:34:18 I look at stuff I can look at footage and look to some extent this is going to be a little bit true obviously, right?
00:34:23 I can look at footage and be like, no, that makes more sense to me.
00:34:26 I can look at that footage cause I've literally been studying footage and and wondering like how light interacts with different objects.
00:34:32 You know, for a living.
00:34:33 So obviously there's gonna be a couple.
00:34:34 Things I would catch on.
00:34:35 To, but that that's not what it is.
00:34:38 That's not what it is.
00:34:39 I chalked it all up to that.
00:34:40 They're like, oh, well, they're having a hard time because, like I I you know, I've I've been doing all this stuff for for many years.
00:34:46 And so I can look at like the footage that they're saying is fake and go.
00:34:49 No, I.
00:34:50 I've made fake footage before.
00:34:51 And that's not fake.
00:34:53 Yeah, I know the tells.
00:34:57 And so you just don't have the experience and so.
Speaker 4
00:34:59 Maybe that's what it is.00:35:00 No, it's not that.
00:35:02 I mean, like I said, for maybe a a tiny percentage is I I think a minority of these people, that's really what it is.00:35:07 They're just.
00:35:08 Dumb. They're I.
00:35:09 Mean they believe in flatter today.
00:35:10 They'll believe in *******, you know, Santa Claus tomorrow.
00:35:13 Right, right.
00:35:13 They're just they're just dumb people that just believe in stupid.
00:35:16 ****, right. They're just those.
00:35:18 People are always going to exist.
00:35:20 But the smart people, or smarter people that believe in this ****.
Speaker 4
00:35:26 What's going on?Devon
00:35:27 Why can't they perceive scale?00:35:29 Why can't they understand?
00:35:32 It can't just be because like my 3D background, lots of people don't have a 3D background and don't struggle with this.
00:35:37 What is the hang up?
00:35:39 What's the missing piece?
00:35:41 What's the thing that's analogous to these other examples?
00:35:45 The example of the person that gets scammed by the romance scammer?
00:35:48 The example?
00:35:48 The the Coutard what's what's the thing there?
00:35:54 They're afraid of scale.
00:35:57 That's what it is.
00:35:59 The comfortable little.
00:36:00 Fantasy world they're living in is that they're not insignificant, that they're not in a in a world that's vastly larger than themselves.
00:36:09 So it's not that they don't understand scale.
00:36:14 Purposely avoiding facing the reality of scale, the whole point of the pancake earth is the not half the face, the reality of.
00:36:25 So the last thing that they're going to do is understand scale.
00:36:29 Because they're they're literally **** ******* themselves into not understanding scale.
00:36:36 Just like the cute tart is is **** ******* themselves and then not understanding how the government works and how the deep state works and all this ****.
00:36:44 And why the the person getting scammed by the romance scam is is purposely deluding themselves and and understanding how relationships normally work.
00:36:53 You know, normally people don't just DM you for like a few months and then start asking for $100,000.
00:37:04 So that's what it is.
00:37:08 Pan ***** are afraid of scale.
00:37:13 They're afraid of being insignificant.
00:37:18 They're afraid of being small and look, maybe I shouldn't be using the word insignificant, right?
Speaker 4
00:37:23 Because that's all relative.00:37:25 Right.
00:37:25 Your problems.
00:37:26 I'm sorry, but a lot of you guys listen to me right now.
00:37:28 A lot of.00:37:28 Your problems?
00:37:29 They're they're they're insignificant to me.
00:37:32 You know that the things that might have been like a big deal to you this morning, maybe you ran out of gas and got stuck at the side.
00:37:38 I don't give a ****.
00:37:39 Like I'm sad that that happened, I guess.
00:37:40 But like, I'm not gonna, you know, I'm not even thinking about it.
00:37:44 And even if.
00:37:44 I knew about it, I probably like.
00:37:45 Oh, that sucks.
00:37:46 But like that be.
00:37:46 It I got my own ******* problems, right?
Speaker 7
00:37:51 So maybe I shouldn't be using insignificance.Devon
00:38:00 But that's what it is.00:38:01 It's maybe it.
00:38:02 Maybe it's importance.
00:38:03 Maybe it's the kind of people that they they need to be universally important.
00:38:08 It's not.
00:38:08 It's not good enough that they're they're significant and important in their own personal life, in their own little sphere.
00:38:14 They have to be universally important.
00:38:16 Everyone has to think they're important.
00:38:21 There's probably more truth to that.
00:38:22 That's probably that probably that's probably more a more.
00:38:24 Accurate way of looking at it.
00:38:28 See and this.
00:38:29 This is why they get dog dogmatic about it.
00:38:32 This is why they shut down.
00:38:34 This is why they do the opposite.
00:38:37 Of the scientific method.
00:38:39 This is why instead of I ******* love science there.
00:38:42 I'm *******.
00:38:42 I ******* hate science.
00:38:44 Which is equally, if not more gay.
00:38:49 Because rather than saying you.
00:38:51 Know what the the the.
00:38:52 The Earth is a sphere.
00:38:54 And at least I I believe that it is.
00:38:57 And so because I think that the earth is a sphere, I'm going to take it a look at.
00:39:01 The locations I'm.
00:39:03 I'm gonna try to.
00:39:03 I'm going to based on my idea that the Earth is a sphere.
00:39:07 I'm going to try to calculate, for example, this is a perfect example because it works.
00:39:12 I'm going to try to calculate.
00:39:14 The time and location of the next solar eclipse or lunar eclipse.
Speaker 4
00:39:19 For that matter.Devon
00:39:23 My idea that the Earth is a sphere that it rotates at this you know this speed that it that it rotates around the sun at this speed in this orbit.00:39:32 I'm gonna use all this information that I've that I've decided this is part of my hypothesis, right?
00:39:38 I'm gonna use that to to accurately predict the time and location of the next solar eclipse.
00:39:46 And then bang, it happens and it works.
00:39:50 Oh, that's good.
00:39:52 Now, maybe that's not proof positive.
00:39:53 That's like a really.
00:39:55 Pretty impressive, right?
00:39:57 Well, the fact of the matter is.
00:40:00 That's not how pancake Earthers look at it.
00:40:02 In fact, there's lots of things they can't explain at all.
00:40:05 And rather than when they come in, you know, contact with with these problems saying ohh well, I guess that means that this is probably not a good model.
00:40:14 They instead say we don't need a model and it's just hocus pocus nonsense that's making this happen.
00:40:20 Like, why can't?
00:40:21 Why can't a A?
00:40:23 A person in the the southern hemisphere see Polaris.
00:40:27 Right.
00:40:29 I mean, it's all flat.
00:40:30 We're all looking up at the same sky.
00:40:32 You know.
00:40:32 Why can't you see it?
00:40:34 All they have to do is look up at the North Star like you're doing in the northern hemisphere.
00:40:40 Like if it's all flat, you should all be.
00:40:41 Able to see the same.
00:40:42 Stars, why are the?
00:40:44 Why are the?
00:40:45 Constellations upside down.
00:40:48 In the southern hemisphere.
00:40:51 That doesn't make any sense on a Flat Earth.
00:40:55 Why can't I use a Flat Earth?
00:40:58 Why doesn't a Flat Earth model exist?
00:41:00 Because of exactly this?
00:41:02 Because you couldn't use it to predict anything.
00:41:05 They wouldn't predict anything.
00:41:07 They can't even tell you the like.
00:41:08 How far away the sun is or.
00:41:10 What the sun is.
00:41:12 And and talking these people, many of them don't even think.
00:41:14 That the moon is a sphere.
00:41:19 Well, this is something that we've known for.
00:41:21 Eons and and and proved.
00:41:23 In 1841, of the 1st 3D images, because a lot of people don't realize that.
00:41:29 Yeah, the moon is always facing the earth, right?
00:41:31 It's always facing it, but it's on a slight wobble, obviously because of scale.
00:41:36 You're not noticing this?
00:41:38 Because the time scale that it takes.
00:41:41 You don't notice the wobble, it's.
00:41:43 Not just vibrating in the sky and for you to see.
00:41:47 But if you know.
00:41:48 When the epoch.
00:41:51 The the the extremes of these wobbles take place. You can take a photo of the moon at one extreme and then you can take a photo of the moon and the other extreme. And then what? What? What is a 3D image? What makes?
00:42:05 An image 3D.
00:42:07 What what allows you to perceive depth?
00:42:10 Well, it's the fact that you've got two eyes, right?
00:42:12 So if you go and see a movie like Avatar or something like that, when they produce that film, if it's live action, they have to literally shoot it with two different cameras.
00:42:23 Right.
00:42:23 So that when you go and you go back and watch it with your polarized lenses over your eyes?
00:42:30 One eye is only seeing one image.
00:42:32 One eye is seeing the other image because they shot two different images.
00:42:37 And now your brain perceives depth.
00:42:40 Because that's how 3D works, right?
00:42:43 So the 1st 3D images they were basically.
00:42:45 Doing the exact same thing.
00:42:48 They took one eye and gave it a a photo of 1 of.
00:42:52 The photos of the moon.
00:42:54 And then they set.
00:42:54 They blocked it off, you know.
00:42:56 But basically if you just do like the karate chop thing with your well, you know, like those those goggles you can get for your iPhone and slide it in there.
00:43:04 So you can.
00:43:05 You know, look at VR **** or whatever some because since since you flatter, those are probably jacking it ********, jacking it to the pancake, right.
00:43:15 So you should know exactly what this is.
00:43:16 Well, it's the same thing.
00:43:17 It's the same thing.
00:43:18 You have the moon on one side.
00:43:19 From one angle, the moon on the other side from the other angle, and what happens? You have the perception of depth and you can see clearly as early as 1840 that the moon is a sphere.
00:43:33 You can get a telescope.
00:43:34 You can look at every other celestial body.
00:43:37 Well, not every other, but because some of them are too far, but like.
00:43:39 The other planets and you can.
00:43:41 See that they're all spheres.
00:43:43 They're all rotating.
00:43:48 But these people will.
00:43:49 Deny it. Some of them won't. Some of them will say, well, yeah, everything's round but us.
00:43:53 Because that makes any kind of sense.
00:43:57 A lot of will just flat out deny it. Say no the moon's.
00:43:59 A hologram or the.
00:44:01 Yeah, because they can't predict anything.
00:44:03 There's there's literally.
00:44:04 Nothing scientific at all about the way that.
00:44:07 They're approaching this.
00:44:09 They're just making insane excuses, exactly like custards and exactly like romance scammed people.
00:44:17 And if nothing else, the reason why it's worth it to tell people that they're doing this is so they don't get romance scammed.
00:44:25 When they're lonely, weirdo getting a message from, you know, some hot, hot Instagram model that just has to have you.
00:44:35 Just keep sending you know the the $1000 checks because they need their military papers.
00:44:44 Critical thinking is not taught in schools.
00:44:49 I don't care if you're talking about.
00:44:50 If they look, I'd say homeschool your kids all the time.
00:44:53 I don't know if flat Earther should be doing that, but you should homeschool your kids and one of the first things that you should be teaching is exactly what I'm talking about right now.
00:45:00 The ability to have discernment.
00:45:03 The ability to to to, especially as it gets noisier out there, the information that that's being just projected out there onto you.
00:45:13 As we we.
00:45:14 Increasingly have more of these conversations online.
00:45:18 As increasingly you people, this is how you just interact, right like that, you and everyone has a platform.
00:45:25 Anyone can say, any kind of ******* crazy ******** that they want.
00:45:28 You need people that have the skills that have the ability to separate fact from fiction, because if you don't, that's when they can control you.
00:45:40 You think it's easy to control people because they think they're a speck on a spinning ball going through an infinite universe?
00:45:48 No, it's easy to control people when they can't ******* look at anything and and understand what they're looking at.
00:45:55 When they don't know who to believe.
00:45:57 Because they and and they have to believe someone, right?
00:46:01 Because they lack the skills themselves to be able to determine what's true and what's not.
00:46:06 And So what do they do?
00:46:07 They end up latching on to someone else that's gonna just tell them.
00:46:12 And then now you're controlled.
00:46:15 Now you're controlled.
00:46:17 And look, there's some people that take advantage of this exact thing.
00:46:21 There's people that take advantage of this because if you notice a lot of the behavior, whether you're talking about the cue tarts, whether you're talking about the the pancakes or pancakes.
00:46:34 They have a cult like mentality.
00:46:37 They have a cult like mentality.
00:46:40 They you'll notice that there's there's, there's a community around it, right?
00:46:44 There's a kinship they fill with each other.
00:46:47 Right where we go on we go all.
00:46:54 They know the secret.
00:46:57 They know the secret knowledge that you don't know.
00:46:59 Wait till you wait till you see what happens on January 20th.
Speaker 7
00:47:06 Wait till you see, then you'll know.00:47:10 Then you'll know that I was right.
00:47:12 This whole time.00:47:22 And The thing is, once you start believing.
00:47:24 In one if you're.
00:47:25 If you're able to get someone to believe.
00:47:27 In one super crazy.
00:47:29 Like I can't.
00:47:30 Honestly, I can't.
00:47:31 Think of a crazier lie.
00:47:34 I can't think of the shape of the ******* earth.
00:47:36 Are you kidding me?
00:47:39 Like the only thing that's that maybe is close to it is like birds aren't real.
00:47:44 That kind of a thing, right?
00:47:48 But if you.
00:47:49 Can get people to buy on, buy into something like.
Speaker 4
00:47:51 That you can get them to buy into anything.Devon
00:47:54 Once they've suspended their disbelief that much, you're good to go.00:48:00 Trust me, I know this has to do with.
00:48:02 Filmmaking, too, believe it or not.
00:48:05 Suspension of disbelief is a big deal with movies.
00:48:08 If I'm sitting there watching your movie thinking like ohh this this is unrealistic, this is.
00:48:12 Great. That could never happen.
Speaker 4
00:48:15 It's not a very good movie, right?Devon
00:48:20 It's not a very good movie.00:48:22 But if you write a movie look and that that's not to say you can't have movies.
00:48:26 We're really crazy.
00:48:27 Stupid **** isn't happening constantly.
00:48:30 Most movies are like that.
00:48:32 Most movies have all kinds of.
00:48:33 That's why you will go to pay to watch movies.
00:48:37 You know, if if real life was.
Speaker 4
00:48:38 Like that you would.Speaker 7
00:48:39 Just you'd be in a movie all the time.Devon
00:48:41 Why would you pay to watch one?Speaker 4
00:48:49 But no, they pay, they they they.Devon
00:48:51 They pay to.00:48:51 Escape they pay to watch this fanciful.
Speaker 4
00:48:53 Thing, but you still have to.Devon
00:48:55 You have to be realistic about it to some extent, or at least have the perception of realism.00:49:00 Because you can watch a movie like Star Wars and and.
00:49:05 By the way, you tell the movie.
00:49:08 Get people to think.
00:49:09 Ohh OK, so the force is a thing.
00:49:12 Where I can?
00:49:13 Like I can force choke people.
00:49:14 OK, alright.
00:49:17 You know, and if you're a good storyteller, they're not gonna sit there and question they're.
00:49:20 Gonna be like what?
00:49:21 Well, hold on.
Speaker 7
00:49:22 What I can choke people with, like my mind.00:49:24 That's dumb, you know.
00:49:27 People aren't going.00:49:28 To be thinking that if you did a good job telling the story.
00:49:34 You know, and as people get stupor, you can get away with more, you know, like, look at die hard one versus, you know, the last die hard race, like launching a ******* car into a helicopter or whatever, right?
00:49:45 As people get stupid or they're willing to, well, they're not willing, it's.
00:49:48 It's not.
00:49:49 It's not a choice, right?
00:49:50 They have less discernment.
00:49:55 If you're going to homeschool your kids, teach them ******* discernment.
00:50:00 Teach them critical thinking.
00:50:01 Teach them the ability.
00:50:03 To separate.
00:50:06 The nonsense.
00:50:08 From reality.
00:50:11 Or you're or.
00:50:11 You're raising dupes.
00:50:13 Is that what you want to do?
00:50:16 You want to raise a family of suckers.
Speaker 7
00:50:23 That's the last thing the deep state wants.00:50:26 They don't want you to.
00:50:27 Be open minded.
00:50:28 No really, they don't.
00:50:32 They they don't want to.
00:50:33 Be a a bunch of marks that are that are open minded to, like literally anything.00:50:42 That's crazy.
00:50:42 That's what I'd want.
Speaker 7
00:50:45 They must not be very good at this.Devon
00:50:49 Because that's exactly what I'd want.00:50:50 I'd want people that were open to anything.
00:50:57 Any idea?
00:50:59 It give me flexibility.
00:51:05 I could change the narrative every other day.
00:51:07 They wouldn't ******* care because there's there's nothing else governing.
00:51:11 Their reality?
00:51:12 There's there's there's no universal truths.
00:51:17 And this is affecting both sides obviously like look the the trans thing, the identifying as a *******, you know, kitten or whatever, all that that's it's it's the same problem.
00:51:28 It's just happening on the other side of the political aisle, but it's the exact same thing, and there is some crossover.
00:51:37 It's people that don't want to live in reality.
00:51:40 Since they're indulging in fantasies.
00:51:47 And you're no better.
00:51:49 You're no better.
00:51:51 If you're indulging in some fanciful, whimsical ******** that some Jew.
00:51:56 On YouTube, told you.
00:51:58 About the world being flat because in some weird way that honestly, I can't really relate to.
00:52:03 I I think I kind of understand now, but I can't relate to because it it it makes you feel a little bit better.
00:52:08 It's a security blanket and of some sort.
00:52:12 You're literally no different than than some ******* TikTok teenager sitting in a ******* litter box because.
00:52:19 You think you're a cat?
00:52:21 You're that ******* stupid.
00:52:30 So there you go.
00:52:32 There you go.
00:52:34 And I look and I'm not expecting this.
00:52:37 I'm not expecting this to like get through to a lot of people that didn't get through to the the CUE cards, ask the family members of the people that get keep falling for romance scams.
00:52:46 If it gets through to them when they're like, oh, I don't know grandma.
Speaker 4
00:52:48 I don't think this you know.Devon
00:52:50 23 year old model is is interested in you call. Call me crazy. Maybe you shouldn't send him $10,000 next month.00:52:58 I mean that doesn't get through to them.
00:53:04 There are some of you.
00:53:04 That are just too far gone.
00:53:08 And this this is.
00:53:09 Gonna make you angry, and you're gonna lash out and.
00:53:12 And post all your little ******* stupid screenshots.
00:53:15 That that make.
00:53:16 You look stupid, but you don't have any perspective, so you don't know that.
00:53:24 But I don't ******* care, you know?
00:53:26 I said on ******* Twitter that, hey, this is the time.
00:53:30 This is the big amnesty.
00:53:32 You've been believing this ******** lie and looking stupid and making everyone cringe and and and embarrassed for you.
00:53:40 And we've just let it go.
00:53:44 But now it's time we're going to give you amnesty. I'm going to grant you amnesty. No one's going to make fun of you.
Speaker 4
00:53:51 No one's gonna call you a.00:53:53 A pan **** anymore.
00:53:55 We're going to welcome you with open arms.
00:53:58 We're like, hey.00:53:59 Look, it's crazy out there.
00:54:01 So you believed in some crazy ****?
00:54:02 It happens.
Speaker 4
00:54:04 Come back, come.Devon
00:54:05 Back to reality.00:54:06 We want you back.
00:54:07 We miss you.
Speaker 4
00:54:10 Come back to Earth, the round earth.00:54:12 Come here.
00:54:18 And that offer still stands.00:54:21 We're going to have amnesty for all you people that you want to come back.
00:54:25 You want to come to reality.
00:54:27 You want to stop being? You wanna stop believing in delusions and start maybe having a little self-awareness. Start looking at yourself and going maybe I've maybe I kind of went off the deep end a little bit maybe.
Speaker 7
00:54:38 When I found out.Devon
00:54:38 That there was there was a few lies.00:54:41 And and I I kind of like I I went full tilting and then everything must be a lie.
00:54:46 And I started believing actually ironically more lies.
00:54:52 And maybe now's the time to have a little self-awareness and and come back.
Speaker 4
00:54:57 Come back to reality.Devon
00:55:00 And we're gonna welcome you with open arms.00:55:02 We're not gonna give you **** for it.
00:55:03 We're not gonna.
00:55:04 I mean, look.
00:55:05 Every like you. You.
00:55:06 Guys, you guys know?
00:55:08 Like everyone's had a friend.
00:55:09 That's done something stupid and he comes.
00:55:10 Back you got.
00:55:11 You might get a little ****.
00:55:12 OK, I'm being honest.
00:55:13 You might get a little ****, OK?
00:55:15 I can't.
00:55:16 I can't promise you won't get any ****.
00:55:18 You, you'll you'll probably get a little bit of ****, but it's because we love you.
00:55:23 Right.
00:55:24 It's not.
00:55:24 It's not because we hate you.
00:55:28 Right.
00:55:28 We wouldn't have.
00:55:29 We wouldn't be having this conversation if we hated you.
Speaker 4
00:55:36 So we might, you know, we might give you a little bit.00:55:38 Of **** we.
00:55:38 Might be like ohh remember what you thought.
00:55:41 About the Flat Earth.
00:55:41 Hey, you know, but we're.
00:55:43 Not going to be cruel about it.
00:55:49 It's gonna be very.00:55:50 It's gonna be very lightweight bullying which is.
00:55:52 Good for you, by the way.
Speaker 7
00:55:54 It's good for.00:55:54 You you need it, you need a.
00:55:56 Little bit of bullying.
00:55:58 You you kind of need it.00:55:59 You need people to be like I remember that tie I said.
00:56:01 So you you start to remember.
00:56:02 I don't want the the next time you.
00:56:04 Hear a crazy idea you like?
00:56:06 A second that didn't go.
00:56:07 That didn't go so good last time.
00:56:08 Maybe I.
00:56:08 Should maybe I should think this through a.
00:56:11 Little bit before I just you.
00:56:12 Know go diving in with both feet.
00:56:19 But I look I think it's totally fair.
00:56:23 To have an amnesty and welcome everyone.
00:56:24 Back to the fold.
00:56:29 But I also think it's maybe it's not too crazy to to to think about it.
00:56:33 Something else maybe?
00:56:34 Maybe that shouldn't be like a an endless amnesty.
00:56:37 Maybe there should be a deadline.
00:56:39 Maybe you know, like.
00:56:40 Look, we talked about how the Amish have a lot of stuff figured out.
00:56:42 You know, one thing that the Amish do.
00:56:45 Shaun, you ever hear of shunning?
00:56:49 Right.
00:56:50 Maybe at a certain point, you cut your losses.
00:56:53 And say you know what?
00:56:56 We're going to slap you with silence.
00:56:59 We're gonna slap the **** out of you with silence.
00:57:13 But at least for.
00:57:14 A little bit.
00:57:14 There should be an amnesty.
00:57:16 There should be an amnesty for all the the pan ***** out there.
Speaker 4
00:57:23 And I like again.Devon
00:57:24 I don't expect this to just be an instant.Speaker 7
00:57:27 Instant thing that happens.Devon
00:57:34 I want this.00:57:37 I'm not being condescending or cute about this.
00:57:39 I'm unironically.
00:57:41 This should be something that you you you think about.
00:57:45 And maybe even pray about.
00:57:48 If that's, if that's something that that helps you, and that's something you believe in, you should probably pray about it and say, look.
00:57:54 Yeah, am I being?
00:57:56 Am I being stupid here?
00:58:02 Am I being tricked here?
00:58:05 Am I being tricked by like some?
00:58:08 Babbling jiu with an app in the App Store.
00:58:18 The the the.
00:58:19 Hilarious thing.
00:58:20 The reference is of course a reference to.
00:58:23 There's that Jewish flat Earther guy that's got a an app in the App Store that that still doesn't predict anything, right?
00:58:30 It's just like it's just it's just like a like a animation of.
00:58:34 Of like Flat Earth nonsense flying around but it.
00:58:37 Doesn't predict anything.
00:58:40 And even hit when when when asked like.
00:58:42 OK, well, in your little app, you know what?
00:58:44 What's the what's the?
00:58:45 I don't get it.
00:58:46 What's the elevation of the?
00:58:47 He can't.
00:58:47 He won't give you a number.
00:58:50 They'll never give you a number.
00:58:51 Just like because he's scamming you like a romance scammer. Just like when you're romance scam, you say? Well, OK, well, I I say the $2000, when you gonna call me?
Speaker 7
00:59:00 Oh, you know, I'll, I'll try.Devon
00:59:03 We'll see.Speaker 4
00:59:08 Or custards.00:59:09 Well, you said that you know the deep state was going to be you.
00:59:11 Know destroyed when?
00:59:12 When is it gonna 02 more weeks.00:59:16 This info is necessary trust the plan.
00:59:23 Are you seeing?
00:59:24 It yet maybe just a little bit.
00:59:26 Maybe just a little bit.
00:59:31 Really think about it.
00:59:35 No ********.
00:59:36 Think about it and really pray about it.
00:59:37 Well, we'd be happy to have you back.
00:59:41 But maybe at a certain point.
00:59:44 You know, a shutting is appropriate.
00:59:46 I don't know.
00:59:48 I don't know, but I don't want to live in a ******* world of delusion and nonsense.
00:59:54 I don't want to indulge delusional people.
00:59:59 That's why that's why the whole trans.
01:00:01 Thing is stupid.
01:00:05 These things have ramifications beyond just your delusion.
01:00:16 Your delusion affects the people around you.
01:00:26 So there.
01:00:34 That's just that's my piece.
01:00:36 I've said my piece.
01:00:40 Doesn't mean I'm not going to keep saying more things.
01:00:44 But I feel like I I really summed up like I I was just thinking in the car as I was driving.
01:00:49 And all this stuff just started kind of kind of clicking.
01:00:54 Because I was able to.
01:00:56 Actually, maybe that's what it is.
01:00:57 You guys ever do that?
01:00:58 You ever.
01:00:58 You ever just go for a drive?
01:01:00 I remember when my mom used to, like, want to go for a drive and it never made any sense.
01:01:03 I'm like what?
01:01:04 Like why would?
01:01:05 You want to just drive to nowhere.
Speaker 4
01:01:08 Like like I'm she's like I'm.01:01:10 Just gonna go for a drive and like.
01:01:13 You're not going to go anywhere, you just going to?01:01:15 Drive around, OK.
01:01:17 But that makes sense.
01:01:19 Now you're stuck in this car quietly, especially if you have, like a low tech environment in your car like I do.
01:01:28 So you can't distract yourself with the Internet and stuff.
01:01:31 You're just sitting there, staring at the road, coming at you.
01:01:35 And justice, thinking, thinking, stuff.
01:01:38 And I just started thinking about like, the I've had a lot of encounters with with pancakes.
01:01:42 Over the last few days.
01:01:44 And I've just been doing information gathering and trying to.
01:01:47 To trying to figure it out and and I think I did.
01:01:51 I think I did.
01:01:59 So there you go.
01:02:01 This is a weird, weird, weird time to be streaming right Monday morning.
01:02:07 Well, I guess it's almost, almost lunch time.
01:02:09 It's probably lunch time in a lot of.
01:02:10 Places that you guys are at.
01:02:15 I I bet you I bet you guys can tell that I'm well rested.
01:02:18 This is.
01:02:18 This is the other difference.
01:02:20 Right.
01:02:21 Right.
01:02:21 I'm a little higher energy when I when I haven't been slaving away in the heat all day.
01:02:26 By the time I'm streaming.
Speaker 4
01:02:29 I'm a little higher.Speaker 7
01:02:30 A little more on top of my game.Devon
01:02:33 When I've had a good night's sleep and.01:02:36 And I haven't been working for.
Speaker 7
01:02:39 You know, 12 hours in the heat.Devon
01:02:47 Was the road flat?Speaker 2
01:02:49 Someone asked.Devon
01:02:51 No, nothing you know, very few things.01:02:53 Rather, you know, it's kind of funny when you talk about things that are flat.
01:02:58 Another way to I think that maybe for people who genuinely have a hard time understanding scale and thinking like, well, if it doesn't look flat with the naked eye then or if it looks flat with the naked eye, then it has to be flat.
01:03:10 Well, does it look flat under a microscope?
01:03:14 No, it doesn't, right?
01:03:15 Like nothing looks.
01:03:16 Use get whatever it is that you.
01:03:18 Think is flat.
01:03:20 Look at it under a microscope.
01:03:22 It doesn't look flat anymore.
01:03:23 Nothing looks flat.
01:03:24 In fact, if you were able to somehow create 2 flat surfaces, and I mean like actually flat like atomically.
01:03:34 And you were to press those two surfaces together?
01:03:36 You'd never be able to pull.
01:03:37 Them apart again.
01:03:39 Because there would be literally nothing in between them like the, you know, kind of in the.
01:03:44 Way that like a suction cup works right.
01:03:49 But nothing is perfectly flat.
01:03:54 It's just that the way that you're able to perceive it with the naked eye, it appears flat.
01:04:00 Then maybe that's a way to do it, maybe because you can.
01:04:02 Say look yeah, alright.
01:04:05 With your naked eye, this thing looks flat.
01:04:07 You know whether it's the your table top.
01:04:11 Whether it's, you know, anything, get a microscope.
01:04:15 Look at it.
01:04:17 Doesn't look flat.
01:04:18 Now it looks.
01:04:18 Looks like a ******* mountain range.
01:04:24 It's all perspective.
01:04:26 It's all perspective.
01:04:29 And from your perspective.
01:04:32 Things look flat.
01:04:36 Which makes.
01:04:37 Total ******* sense, by the way.
01:04:43 The the the.
01:04:44 Model that the the spherical earth is.
01:04:47 Predicts that that's what you would expect to see.
01:04:52 Right.
01:04:52 Things looking flat are not outside.
01:04:55 Of the spherical model.
01:04:58 Even at 30,000 ******* feet.
01:05:00 Looking at an airplane window.
01:05:03 And look, I I I have an advantage.
01:05:05 I have an advantage because you know the software I talked about, I can literally just model.
01:05:08 And I have I can just model this **** out and just double check and be like, well, hold on.
01:05:13 You know what?
01:05:14 What is fear?
01:05:15 The the with the the circumference of the earth look like from the altitude that they're talking about.
01:05:22 And I can just do it real quick.
01:05:23 I can just, I can model it up and and.
01:05:26 I can in fact I can.
01:05:27 I can perfectly.
01:05:30 Perfectly mimic the attributes of whatever camera that you're using.
01:05:36 I can I can change into a fish eye when I see.
01:05:39 In fact, when I did that that thing on Twitter, when someone was posted like, how do you explain this?
01:05:45 That's what I did.
01:05:46 I was like, well, I can easily explain this cause I can look at this and because of my experience, you know doing.
01:05:52 Basically making fake footage, right?
01:05:54 I I know that what I'm looking at, I'm looking at a ******* wide angle lens and that's just a distortion that happens when you do that.
01:06:00 And I can easily replicate it in my software because.
01:06:04 That's what it's designed to do.
01:06:11 OK.
01:06:16 So it's that LED's are fake and gay. They always burn the back of my retinas. LEDs are suck, and I I heard.
01:06:23 I I don't know why I didn't realize this sooner, but apparently the incandescent bulbs are are being completely taken off the market.
01:06:31 That's not good if you work on vintage electronics.
01:06:37 So I'm I'm I'm going to have to stock up on a few.
01:06:42 I already have some.
01:06:44 But I'm at.
01:06:45 The stop.
01:06:45 Not because I'm.
01:06:46 I'm using them in the electronics, but as with with test equipment, one thing that you can do what's called a a dim bulb.
01:06:58 Not test.
01:06:59 I know what the word is for, but basically.
01:07:00 It's it prevents like the the light bulb will absorb the.
01:07:09 The current that you're putting into a a vintage piece of electronics, if you have a short like you know, words, you're not going to blow up the transformer because you're just putting, you know, straight from the ******* electric company into this shortage, you know, not well, you don't short your transformer because, like a tube went out or something like.
01:07:27 That so you have to use.
01:07:29 You have to use a.
01:07:31 You put a a light bulb in line with the power that you're putting into the electronics, so that if there is a short, it absorbs all that current and and doesn't **** everything up.
01:07:42 So there's little things like that.
01:07:44 But LED's also.
01:07:45 Suck because they give off a lot of.
01:07:47 Noise like the.
01:07:49 If, if you're.
01:07:50 If you did get into ham radio at all.
01:07:52 Notice how I didn't even use ham.
01:07:53 Radio to.Devon
01:07:55 Explain this, maybe I just.01:07:57 I don't remember if I didn't, maybe I might.
01:07:59 Have mentioned it but.
01:08:03 The thing about if you've got into ham radio, one of the things you'll learn to hate is LEDs.
01:08:09 Because they create, they generate so much ******* RF noise.
01:08:13 If they're like the cheap Chinese ones that basically everybody has, like, your entire house will just come and turn into like this RF ******* generator.
01:08:21 And you'll just.Devon
01:08:22 Overcome your entire like all of your signals are.01:08:25 Just like these buzzing sounds, it's.
01:08:27 It's it's it's unfortunate.
01:08:30 So hopefully they do a better job.
01:08:33 Of shielding those.
01:08:34 Or maybe you just have to find better better LEDs.
01:08:38 Someone says you can't fix 1950s mainframe without light bulbs.
01:08:44 I I don't know.
01:08:45 I've I have no, I have no experience with that.
01:08:48 But maybe you're saying this using the doing the same thing I'm doing, or maybe mainframes.
01:08:54 Have light bulbs in them, I don't know.
01:08:58 Alrighty and Wah says.
01:09:00 Who cares if the earth is flat?
01:09:01 It's not about caring about whether or not the earth is flat.
01:09:05 It's caring about people believing in delusions.
01:09:07 Their delusion could be something else.
01:09:09 If if the same amount of people who are who are proselytized for Flat Earth, and who are very smug because you know.
01:09:17 Just like the Q tarts, right?
01:09:20 They're very smug about it.
01:09:24 They they could believe in something else stupid like they if they believed, for example, that.
01:09:28 Birds weren't real.
01:09:30 You know, if they thought birds were all like these little robots designed to spy on us, I would take equal action.
01:09:37 I would do the exact same thing.
01:09:40 The point isn't what the delusion is.
01:09:43 The point is, I mean, look, there might be some delusions that are more damaging than others.
01:09:49 But a delusion is a delusion.
01:09:53 And if you're unable to discern with all of the things around you.
01:09:58 The shape of the earth accurately imagine all the other things you're getting wrong to.
01:10:07 That's why you need these skills.
01:10:09 That's why you need the the skills of critical thinking.
01:10:15 So that if you're arriving, cause if you're arriving at the wrong conclusion with something as basic as that, you're probably arriving.
01:10:24 At the wrong conclusion on a whole lot of.
01:10:26 Other ****.
01:10:32 So that's why I care.
01:10:35 That's why it matters.
01:10:37 It matters because I don't wanna live in a in a world full of diluted people.
01:10:42 I want people on my side that that have discernment.
01:10:47 And can accurately.
01:10:50 Perceive the world around them.
01:10:52 I I don't think that's.
01:10:52 Asking too much.
01:10:56 I don't think that's asking too much, I feel.
01:10:58 Like, that's like a bare minimum.
01:11:00 Right.
01:11:02 That I want to.
01:11:02 Live in a world where people aren't crazy.
01:11:05 Is that is that too much to ask nowadays?
01:11:07 Is that really?
01:11:08 Is that a big deal?
Speaker 7
01:11:16 I don't think it should.01:11:16 It shouldn't.
01:11:17 Be a big deal.01:11:21 Now, moreover, let me close this.
01:11:27 I'm just gonna play.
01:11:28 I I meant I was gonna play this clip.
01:11:30 I'm gonna play this clip because, honestly.
01:11:33 People act.
01:11:33 It's funny, cause people.
01:11:34 Oh, if you don't like, I don't know why this.
01:11:37 Part This part doesn't make any sense to me either.
01:11:39 It's just it's.
01:11:39 A weird way of.
01:11:40 Thinking it, I've mailed to figure out like what what?
01:11:43 What makes?
01:11:44 Someone think like this?
01:11:45 But someone said, oh, you better watch out.
01:11:47 Better watch out if you.
01:11:48 Start looking at a Flat Earth, then the next next thing you know.
01:11:50 Gonna be Flat Earth and it's like, no, I'm I.
01:11:53 And and you're making the assumption that, like I, I didn't look into it, right.
01:11:58 I just didn't look into it beyond what I needed to.
01:12:01 Right, because as soon as I had a a body of evidence that was sufficient to disprove it, I didn't have to keep looking into it.
01:12:08 You know the only people that keep looking into it beyond that are are again the people that are being dogmatic.
01:12:13 The people that are trying to shove that evidence into something they already believe.
01:12:19 But if you don't have anything invested, if you don't have like you know, it's not like.
Speaker 7
01:12:23 I need to believe this.Devon
01:12:26 Then you'd end up you.01:12:26 Don't end up doing that.
01:12:29 And you don't start looking.
Speaker 7
01:12:31 For things that prove it right.Devon
01:12:35 You just look at evidence and then determine whether ohh is this which way?01:12:38 Well, what direction is this going in right?
01:12:41 And the reason I mentioned that is.
01:12:45 One of the things one.
01:12:46 Of the the a big thing for me.
01:12:48 That confirmed theoretically at 1st and then in real life after I did it.
01:12:56 Was the the great circle maps with.
01:13:00 With ham radio.
01:13:01 And a lot of people don't know what what that even is.
01:13:05 And I'm going to play just a really quick clip here.
01:13:08 That I did post to Twitter.
01:13:11 I hope I have it here.
01:13:12 I might not have it here, maybe I have it here this.
01:13:15 Is from the.
01:13:16 This is from the missing stream.
01:13:19 Right.
01:13:20 This is the strain that is.
01:13:21 That is no more.
01:13:25 Doesn't that suck?
01:13:25 I mean, I guess it's kind of fun for those of you who were along for the ride.
01:13:31 Right.
01:13:34 I mean kind of, I mean kind of.
01:13:37 You know, not not like cause for me it like it kind of sucks because.
01:13:43 It was a long stream.
01:13:44 It was like 4 it.
01:13:45 Was almost 4 1/2 hours long.
01:13:50 And it really sucks that.
01:13:52 That it's just, you know, it's just gone now.
01:13:59 Because I felt like I did.
01:14:00 A good job, I don't know.
01:14:09 All right, you guys ready?
01:14:18 You guys ready?
Speaker 3
01:14:21 I am not method defect.Speaker
01:14:25 And I don't.Speaker 10
01:14:26 See why?01:14:26 How can a doctor say?
01:14:27 That I am.Speaker 3
01:14:28 Went through this safe.Devon
01:14:32 Don't be mental defect.Speaker 11
01:14:37 When using a.01:14:38 You have to decide where to.
01:14:39 Point it if you.
01:14:40 I'll give you a little alright little content.01:14:43 This is a ham radio operator.
01:14:46 Who is explaining?
01:14:48 Beam antennas, so I'm just give you a quick little background here.
01:14:53 So what he what he's going to go into is how a ham radio operator.
01:14:57 Has to use cartography to.
01:15:02 Point there beam antenna in the right direction.
01:15:05 Because when you're talking from one station to another, a beam antenna is what it sounds like.
01:15:10 It's a directional antenna, like a laser beam.
01:15:13 That is shooting radio waves, but also listening as like a beam.
01:15:17 Like if a beam antenna.
01:15:20 Here's dramatically better, because that's the way it's designed.
01:15:26 The things in front of it, then the things behind it or to the side of it, right.
01:15:30 So it's it's like think of it like it's like a laser beam, right?
01:15:33 Or like a flashlight?
01:15:34 Maybe the Flash is a little better.
01:15:36 Because with the flashlight, you're still getting a little bit of diffusion in different directions, but mostly it's focused One Direction, right?
01:15:43 And so.
01:15:44 If you have a beam antenna and the reason why this is.
01:15:47 Useful is.
01:15:48 It really narrows it it, you know, cuts out all the noise of all these other stations.
01:15:52 You're not trying to listen to, but it also in the transmission side allows you to direct your message all at one target, right?
01:16:02 So if I'm trying to talk to someone in Japan, for example.
01:16:06 I can I can point my beam antenna.
01:16:09 At Japan.
01:16:12 And the way that I do that is using a great circle map that's based on my location.
01:16:17 If if there was a Flat Earth, right?
01:16:20 This map here.
01:16:21 I know this isn't the Flat Earth map, just but it doesn't matter like.
01:16:24 Any map at all.
01:16:26 If the earth was flat.
01:16:28 Then you would just need one map.
01:16:32 And it would work no matter where you were, right? Cause everything is in, you know, like the same like the the distance is between objects and the direction of the objects are in wouldn't change because everything's flat, right?
01:16:43 So why would it matter where you are?
01:16:44 Everyone would use the same map because it would just I.
01:16:46 Mean you would change?
01:16:47 Where you were on the map and to to point, you know.
01:16:50 To know where to point, but it would just be.
01:16:54 Well, it's not one map, so he explains then.
Speaker 11
01:16:57 When using AB, you have to decide where to point it.01:17:00 If you look at a Mercator projection, you'll probably be pointing it in the wrong place.
01:17:04 If the YouTube flat Earthers are right, then you could just rotate the Flat Earth map so the North Pole is straight up relative to your location and then aim your beam in.
01:17:13 The direction would indicate.
01:17:14 Another way would be to use something called a great circle map.
01:17:17 Centered on your location.
01:17:19 First of all, let's consider a great circle map centered on the North Pole, also known as the pole of production.
01:17:25 You'll notice that it looks a lot like a Flat Earth map used by so many YouTube.
01:17:28 First, this is not a coincidence. Now let's consider a hand named Sam in Sacramento, CA. When Sam aims as being for Barbara and Sidney, he finds her at 241 degrees, exactly where the great circle map for Sacramento says it should be, according to Flat Earth map, he should be at 200 and 485 degrees.
01:17:48 An error of 44 degrees later, Sam decides to talk to George in Cape Town, South Africa. He finds the best beam heading is at 94 degrees, so the Sacramento GCM is spot on.
01:18:02 According to the Flat Earth map, the beam heading should be 24 degrees. An error of 70 degrees if Sam used a Flat Earth map, he might not hear George at all.
01:18:12 A few hours.
01:18:13 Later, Barbara hears George and decides to have a chat. She finds him at 218 degrees, exactly where the Sydney?
01:18:20 Great circle map.
01:18:21 Says he should be.
01:18:22 If she were to use a Flat Earth map, she would be pointing at 20 degrees. That's almost 200 degrees off.
01:18:30 If she tried to use the Sacramento Great circle map, she'd be aiming at 35 degrees. We can see then that for being heading from Sydney, a great circle map centered on Sacramento as every bit as worthless as the Flat Earth map.
01:18:42 By now it should be obvious that all these great circle maps look quite different from each other and their great circle maps centered on one location gives accurate directions from that location, but is wrong for any other location.
01:18:55 If you have those flat, there would be a single map that would show the correct distance and direction between the two spots.
01:19:01 On Earth and everyone would be using it.
01:19:05 It is obviously impossible to make such a flat map.
01:19:08 Because the earth is not flat.
Speaker 3
01:19:15 I am not nothing to say.Speaker
01:19:19 And I don't.Speaker 10
01:19:19 See why?01:19:20 How can the doctor say that?
01:19:21 I am.Speaker 3
01:19:22 Went through this.Devon
01:19:25 See, that's that's the thing.01:19:28 Is you can have.
01:19:31 A globe earth.
01:19:35 And predict that all of this will happen.
01:19:37 And lo and behold, it happens.
01:19:42 If you have a flat.
01:19:43 Earth the prediction would be again, it doesn't matter what the map is.
01:19:49 The map could be the map that you see.
01:19:50 Hanging up on on, you know, in schools.
01:19:54 The map could be, you know this the the UN logo map.
01:19:59 The map could be as he as he discussed a great circle map based in a different location.
01:20:05 You know, whether it doesn't matter.
01:20:09 It would just be 1 map.
01:20:12 And it would work no matter where you were, because directions don't change.
01:20:18 So a Flat Earth or when when they encounter this?
01:20:22 Those that understand it cause there's some look some of this stuff.
01:20:25 It just flies over their head so it's easier for them to dismiss it, cause they don't really even know what it's saying.
01:20:30 And I'm sorry, but if you don't have, if you are, if you're struggle to understand what, what this explanation is.
01:20:37 You don't have the ability to determine the shape of the earth.
01:20:40 You just don't have your.
01:20:42 By default it's faith.
01:20:45 I already know you didn't come to the conclusion based on on any kind of critical thinking, because if you can't understand what what was just explained clearly.
01:20:54 You don't have the ability to determine the the the shape of the Earth, period.
01:20:58 You just don't.
01:21:00 But if you do have the ability to understand what was just said and you understand how the why, this is a huge problem, a huge problem.
01:21:08 For any Flat Earth, regardless of what the map looks like, you can't use that little you know, get out a free or get a gel free car like ohh.
01:21:15 I don't know.
01:21:15 Maybe it's a different map.
01:21:22 What do you have to do?
01:21:23 You have to do exactly what the Q tarts do.
01:21:26 You basically have to do the Flat Earth version of disinfo is necessary or just trust the plan.
01:21:33 Right, you have to start making **** up.
01:21:38 You have to just start making **** up.
01:21:42 Well, maybe there's like a magic dragon.
01:21:46 That that delivers the the radio waves.
01:21:52 And we just can't see the magic dragon.
01:22:01 Because you don't care about truth.
01:22:05 You care about dogma.
01:22:08 You care about what you've already concluded as true.
01:22:13 And so when faced with like this, which is pretty ******* close to.
01:22:17 A silver bullet.
01:22:20 Right.
01:22:22 Pretty ******* close.
01:22:27 You don't care.
01:22:29 And look, it's not just this.
01:22:30 There's a preponderance of evidence.
01:22:32 There's there's a lot of things.
01:22:33 That are equally as bad.
01:22:36 Which is why a Flat Earth model doesn't exist.
01:22:39 Because you can't make sense of it.
01:22:41 There's there's too much evidence that won't work together.
01:22:55 So there you go.
01:23:00 There you go.
01:23:04 All right.
01:23:06 Let me take a look at it.
01:23:07 It's going to be hard to like this because all those hype, the reason why the hyper chats number is so high, it's still it's still counting for.
01:23:13 Last train it's.
01:23:15 So it's like to go through and see.
01:23:20 What some of these other ones are?
01:23:25 Let me scroll through.
01:23:28 And find the ones from the.
01:23:30 Yeah, here actually.
01:23:31 Ohh thankfully it says actually that one says one day ago.
01:23:33 OK, that's good.
01:23:36 One day ago, 18 hours ago.
01:23:41 Well, that's weird.
01:23:42 18 hours ago someone posted.
01:23:44 A YouTube.Devon
01:23:44 18 hours ago.01:23:45 That's like after the stream.
01:23:48 But not recently.
01:23:51 It's a YouTube link.
01:23:52 I'm almost I'm almost afraid.
01:23:54 To click on it.
01:23:54 But you know what, Billy Bob?
01:23:58 You gave me $5 randomly after the stream was over and let's you know, maybe let's just take a look.
01:24:04 I'm gonna. I'm gonna.
01:24:05 Make sure I mean to YouTube links.
01:24:06 How bad could it be, right?
01:24:07 It's not like it's gonna be gay **** or something.
01:24:09 Let's let's see what we got here.
01:24:17 You know, it also ****** me out.
01:24:18 We got, we.Devon
01:24:19 Listen to the ******* Airwolf theme song during the stream.01:24:24 That's gone too.
01:24:25 Maybe I'll play.
01:24:25 That again.
01:24:27 Maybe I'll play this again.
01:24:28 What is this?
01:24:29 It's like, well, this is this is an ad.
01:24:31 Hang on, I.
01:24:31 Gotta go through the ad first.Devon
01:24:34 ******* stupid ads.Speaker
01:24:38 There we go.Devon
01:24:42 What is this racist show pit?01:24:44 Alright, why not? Why not?
01:24:48 Let's see what this I don't know what this is.
01:24:50 Maybe it's funny.
01:24:51 Maybe it's cringe.
01:24:54 Let's take a look at this.
01:24:56 Where's the?
01:25:05 There we are.
Speaker 6
01:25:10 He was a young well to do stock trader shopping for a gift for his fiancee until 1 fateful day when he accidentally broke a priceless Vaz.01:25:17 Now the tables have turned and this young go getter must spend his life in service to this eccentric Asian shopkeeper.
01:25:23 Check out the hilarious new show yuppie adventured.
Speaker 5
01:25:31 Well, the problem with your pitch is that.01:25:36 The show is racist. What?
Speaker 6
01:25:38 It's a fish.01:25:39 Had a water story.
Speaker 5
01:25:40 OK.01:25:40 But the fish out of water story, is that it's weird for a white man to be a slave to an Asian man, which suggests that the.
01:25:49 Norm would be the other way around.
Speaker 6
01:25:52 I guess whatever.01:25:54 So do you like it?
Speaker 7
01:25:56 No. Yeah. **** burgers.Speaker 6
01:25:57 I got another.01:25:59 OK.
01:25:59 Want to see it?
01:26:01 Well, he was.Speaker 6
01:26:02 Riding his back.01:26:03 Lightning strike.
01:26:04 And now we breathe real fast.
01:26:05 He's good at science and math.
Speaker 5
01:26:10 I'm gonna go out on.01:26:10 A limb here.
01:26:11 Where exactly did he get?
01:26:12 The bike he.
Speaker 6
01:26:13 Stole it, right?01:26:14 That's what I thought.
Speaker 5
01:26:15 You know I.01:26:15 Don't think we're gonna be going down.
01:26:16 The road with black doctor.
01:26:18 Damn it.
Speaker 6
01:26:20 OK, I got one more.01:26:21 Go ahead, it's called Newtown.
01:26:24 How about too many ******?
01:26:26 What's the deal with?
01:26:27 Mexican **** go away.
01:26:32 Yeah. Here. Here's, I mean.01:26:35 Here, here's the problem.
01:26:36 Like it's it's ah, make it stop, make it stop.
01:26:37 There's one simple hearing hack anyone can use.Devon
01:26:42 It it's like all this stuff.01:26:44 The joke isn't that, you know, black people are are actually lower IQ and need to be struck by lightning to.
01:26:51 Have superpowers.
01:26:53 The joke is he's a racist for thinking that you know what I mean.
01:26:57 Like, I don't know why people struggle with this.
01:27:00 There's never going to be actually.
01:27:02 Actual funny?
01:27:04 Well, there there there's there's, I guess, like a tiny.
01:27:07 I can't say none.
01:27:09 But it won't be very often that you find.
01:27:12 Especially anything that.
01:27:13 Aired on national television, that's going to be actually racist.
01:27:17 That's not actually racist.
01:27:18 That's the joke.
01:27:19 Is well, it's racist because it's it's saying that, like white people are just inventing these.
01:27:27 Scenarios. It's also kind of suggesting that like somehow that's what TV does that like, somehow TV TV makes it look as though minorities are are worse or something like that, or that TV's even run.
01:27:39 By white people.
01:27:41 So sorry. Sorry Billy Bob.
01:27:44 Not to pick it apart, but I mean you know.
01:27:48 Someone you know?
01:27:50 Like I said, we can't believe in delusions.
01:27:53 Are we at vague Garland?
01:27:55 Simply just says.
01:27:58 There we haven't had fagots in a while, right?
01:28:00 That's a good one.
01:28:03 Mark Twain Forever says thanks for the work you do.
01:28:05 I appreciate that.
01:28:07 You know who?
01:28:09 Says please tell us more about day of the rope.
01:28:12 Two. Well, I.
01:28:14 No, I can't.
01:28:15 I'll tell you what.
01:28:16 What I'll probably do is what I did this the when the first one came out, I'll probably read the first chapter.
01:28:21 When the second one comes out before you know that we have to buy it, you'll hear I'll read the whole first chapter.
01:28:28 And post it or something.
01:28:31 But yeah, I'm still working on that.
01:28:33 I I I have.
01:28:33 I have been a little distracted just cause like things.
01:28:36 You know, as life happens right that that are pulling me in different directions, but I have.
01:28:42 I've got.
01:28:42 I got a lot more work done on the last few weeks.
01:28:44 I haven't probably in the last few months before that.
01:28:47 Vague Garland.
01:28:49 So many people believe in Q Anon.
01:28:51 The Jan 6th election.
01:28:53 The crack in narrative showed how potent it was.
01:28:55 Right.
01:28:56 And and some people still do.
01:29:00 Some people still do.
01:29:02 We I don't.
01:29:02 I mean, I don't know why or.
01:29:05 But I mean, look, I'll let me just, I'll take a look.
01:29:06 At the bit shoot, I haven't looked in a long time.
01:29:10 I'm going to look.
01:29:10 At the bit shoot trending page.
01:29:13 And I'll be surprised hopefully, I mean ohh spelled bit shoe wrong now.
01:29:18 It's gonna go to some **** site probably.
01:29:23 OK, let's see here.
01:29:27 And it's got a bit shoot here.
01:29:29 Let's pop it up.
01:29:31 Let's go to trending.
01:29:34 Ohh, that's at least that's good.
01:29:35 At least the first place.
01:29:37 But uh yeah, here's second place.
01:29:40 X-22 report.
01:29:42 Taiwan, even as titles like try to sound like you.
01:29:46 Taiwan invasion.
01:29:47 Prepped gloves are off.
01:29:49 Morning Sun brings heat never give.
01:29:53 I mean it's it's it's quite like he's speaking in queue.
01:29:57 So you've got this guy who's, like, one of the the biggest cringe Lords.
01:30:02 I mean, I guess I'm a little.
01:30:03 I mean this this is kind of bad for bit shoot I guess and.
01:30:05 To some extent, but it's good for.
01:30:09 Not wanting to live in.
01:30:09 A delusional world. This guy would usually have, and maybe it just hasn't been up long enough. Not it's been 19 hours. This guy would usually have like 50,000 views.
01:30:19 And now he's down to like 17 or about 18,000 views. So I.
01:30:23 Guess that's a little.
01:30:24 Better, but still, that's 18,000 views. This and this. I think he posts other places too.
01:30:30 So that's 18,000 people in 19 hours.
01:30:33 I mean that's that's I think that's better numbers than I get on Odyssey.
01:30:37 So, I mean, I I'll eventually get above that number, but not like not in the 1st 19 hours usually.
01:30:43 I mean sometimes, but not usually.
01:30:45 So this that. That's how.
01:30:46 Like when you think there's not a lot of cue cards out there, there's.
01:30:49 A lot of cue cards out there.
01:30:51 They're still out there.
01:30:52 Q tarding.
01:30:53 I don't know.
01:30:54 But they're still out there.
01:30:56 Look, here's the second one.
01:30:57 Restored Republic via GCR update as well.
01:31:02 Blah blah blah. Like look, same thing. It's 41 minutes of look, look at the, the, the the thumbnail is Trump rescuing babies.
01:31:11 You know what I mean?
01:31:12 It's the same ******* stupid ****.
01:31:16 I don't wanna ******* know what that is.
01:31:18 Alright, some of these are just like random ****.
01:31:22 Oh, look, that's kind of an that's someone must have posted this in response to me. This is literally this is what I posted to Twitter and so someone must have reposted this from my Twitter 1946. It captured V2 rocket was fitted with. Yeah, they they literally just copied and pasted my my tweet.
01:31:42 So there you go.
01:31:45 That's kind of funny.
01:31:46 I I'm so indirectly.
01:31:48 I'm on the the bit shoot trending page without it, without even posting ****.
01:31:51 The the bit shoot I ended up on the the bit shoot trending page.
01:31:55 This is another piece of.
01:31:58 Of evidence basically like and.
01:32:01 And it's funny because this is the this is the amount of blindness these people have.
01:32:05 You can watch this video.
01:32:06 It's gonna look.
01:32:07 Look, the problem is it's gonna to give them to be a little.
01:32:10 Fair by the time it makes it to Twitter and on on whatever device you're watching on.
01:32:15 Yeah, the low res makes it look like there's not.
01:32:18 Like, if you're if you're not used to looking at spheres and how that deforms the the surface visually, then I can see how you could watch it and.
01:32:29 And not easily.
01:32:30 In fact, the curve by looking at the footage at in in, in the condition that it is on Twitter.
01:32:37 But if you look at the the higher res stuff that's online, it's it's easy to to see the curve and it's kind of funny that that got put here.
01:32:46 I'll play the video for you guys right now, why not?
01:32:49 Where to go?
01:32:50 I know I've got it somewhere here.
01:32:58 Oh, here we are.
01:33:04 So this is the Americans captured a a V2 rocket.
01:33:08 Let me hide this.
01:33:11 And decided to they they actually captured more than one one they they did a bunch of experiments with them.
01:33:17 This is probably part of project paper clip to be honest, and they just did different experiments. One of them was they got this 35 millimeter camera with a 50 millimeter lens.
01:33:29 And they shot it up into space.
01:33:32 And well, I mean they shot it straight up and it and it got.
01:33:38 Pretty much to space like it got 65 miles up.
01:33:42 And as it runs out of gas, it tumbles around.
01:33:45 You can see the curvature of the earth.
01:33:46 You can see the deformation of the surface of the Earth clearly spherical again, if you have, if you're if.
01:33:53 If you're used to looking at this sort of stuff, right, or even if you're not, I feel like you should be able to perceive it.
01:33:57 It's not.
01:33:57 You don't see round **** in your life.
01:33:59 I mean, you should be able to see it.
01:34:03 It's it's.
01:34:04 It's before NASA ever existed.
01:34:08 Now I'll show you as an example.
01:34:10 I'll tell you, I'll show you exactly what I do.
01:34:13 I'll tell you what.
01:34:14 Let's look at this.
01:34:16 So there's the camera. After they recovered it, it's all smashed up because it felt, you know, after going 60 files 65 miles up it, it fell back down to Earth. That terminal velocity and and you know, it's like basically getting in a car wreck, a really big car wreck.
Speaker 7
01:34:31 At that point.Devon
01:34:33 So that's the V2 rocket going up.01:34:37 And the the craziness is like so when you see it accelerating up like look how fast it's it's traveling at a speed of A at this point about 4000 feet per second or something nuts like that.
01:34:49 So there it is.
01:34:51 It gets up there.
01:34:53 You can like already before you even see the edge.
01:34:55 You can start to see the deformation in like how it's spherical and then as you see the edge you clearly are following along the line of a of a sphere.
01:35:06 It's just it's so slight, you know, and people will say, oh, well, it's it's the lens, you know, like, flatter is like to say, oh, it's, you know, it's a it's a fish eye lens.
01:35:16 It's like, no, it's not.
01:35:17 We we know what lens was on this camera.
01:35:19 We just actually saw footage of the lens.
01:35:21 It's a 50 millimeter lens and for those of you don't know and again I I sometimes forget that people.
01:35:26 Don't know this.
01:35:27 A 50 millimeter lens is designed to mimic like that it's to be like what your human eye would see.
01:35:34 So a 50 millimeter lens is going to have the same amount of distortion, more or less than a human eye is going to have, which is to say.
01:35:42 Pretty much 0.
01:35:44 So you don't get like any kind of fisheye effect on a 50 millimeter lens out 35 millimeter?
01:35:53 So that's pretty cool that like I post that on Twitter and it ends up being trending.
01:35:56 On bit shoot.
Speaker 7
01:35:57 The next day.Devon
01:36:00 But yeah, all this stuff.01:36:03 It's like, you know it's Q or Q adjacent.
01:36:07 Type stuff on here.
01:36:09 Oh, so let me show you what I would do.
01:36:10 So to give you an idea of of how the software works.
01:36:13 So you know that I'm not.
01:36:19 So I know.
01:36:20 So you know what?
01:36:20 I'm what I'm looking at.
01:36:21 I guess when I do this stuff.
01:36:23 I wonder if.
01:36:23 There's a way to easily do this?
01:36:29 Application capture maybe?
01:36:36 Window capture perhaps?
01:36:39 Let's try this.
01:36:46 No, it actually worked.
01:36:52 Alright, let me.
01:36:56 I was just screwing around with materials on this.
01:37:02 This is a Flat Earth I was trying to.
01:37:05 To put together, I was trying to.
01:37:07 I was trying to see if if you could even in fact, funny enough, this is a I I made a two scale Flat Earth map.
01:37:15 Let me show you from a different camera angle.
01:37:21 So there's the oops, I went too far up.
01:37:24 Oh, look, let me turn off the clipping.
01:37:34 Let's see.
01:37:35 It was the clipping.
01:37:36 I always forget this.
01:37:37 I hardly ever.
01:37:38 Have to use.
01:37:43 Filter display.
01:37:54 Ohh, Churro found something alive I hear him.
01:37:56 Killing something in his little room.
01:37:59 I hope he didn't bring something in there that I have to go clean up later.
01:38:03 Damn it, I I hate that I I haven't.
01:38:05 Had to turn off the.
01:38:07 Clipping in a while because I'm usually not using stuff the size of the earth.
01:38:12 *** **** it.
01:38:14 Well, it doesn't matter.
01:38:15 Let me let me do this.
01:38:16 See, it's that's a Flat Earth.
01:38:18 Under this display.
01:38:21 So it's a Flat Earth map, right?
01:38:25 And So what I did is to match it up so that it would be the right scale.
01:38:30 Is I made a sphere?
01:38:32 That was the, you know, the the the the size of the Earth.
01:38:36 And then I got a A to make pancake earth.
01:38:40 I made a.
01:38:43 Well, pancake.
01:38:44 And then I match the size of the continents.
01:38:48 The best I could so that you know the.
01:38:50 Scale will be normal.
01:38:52 And then that's when you realize how ******* gigantic the ice wall would have to be.
01:38:56 See, that's the other ******* thing, you know.
01:38:59 That's the other ******* thing.
01:39:00 Not to go off on a tangent, but I'm going to long as we have this up.
01:39:06 It's one thing to say you can't go to Antarctica.
01:39:10 Right.
01:39:11 Because let's say you know the.
01:39:12 Ohh because that's the big thing.
01:39:13 Well, I can't go to the ice wall cause they protect Antarctica.
01:39:17 Alright, well, that makes a little.
Speaker 4
01:39:18 Bit of sense.Devon
01:39:19 If what you're talking about right is.01:39:23 Let me turn off this turn off this.
01:39:26 Alright, this is a globe, right?
01:39:30 That makes a little bit of sense if what you're talking about is this, right?
01:39:34 Like I'm doing it wrong, it still doesn't make a lot of sense, right?
01:39:38 Because that's ******* huge.
01:39:40 And to think that they could guard an entire continent like that, that that, that large and there's no way you could.
01:39:47 Possibly get to it.
01:39:48 OK, that's like saying that that there's no way you could sneak into Australia.
01:39:52 OK.
01:39:53 Like that's, there's no way that like you, they they've guarded guarded every inch of that.
01:39:59 But let's say that they did OK, that's one thing.
01:40:02 It's one thing to say, well, I can't go to the ice well because Antarctica alright?
01:40:07 But but the ice wall is not Antarctica.
01:40:10 Right.
01:40:10 Because the ice walls this.
01:40:13 Alright, the ice wall is so ******* big.
01:40:16 OK, this look.
01:40:18 See this little spot right there.
01:40:20 That's the America Mexico border.
01:40:23 All right.
01:40:24 That's that's the America Mexico border.
01:40:27 So imagine that all how many times the size of the America Mexico border that that has to.
01:40:36 So the ice wall is this Jai ******* ganic feature of the earth.
Speaker 4
01:40:44 There's no ******* way you would have to.01:40:47 I I don't even know.
01:40:48 How you could guard that?
01:40:49 You could not guard that.01:40:51 There's not enough people in the world to guard that.
01:40:55 And if and look and it let's say you found enough people somehow to guard that, you would know some, you would have just based on the population of Earth, you'd have to know.
01:41:03 Some of these people.
01:41:04 Right.
01:41:05 You'd have to ******* know them.
Speaker 4
01:41:07 It's, but in addition to.Devon
01:41:10 It's not hard to find.01:41:13 Right.
Speaker 4
01:41:14 You go in any direction.Devon
01:41:16 Doesn't matter where you start, right?01:41:18 Like if I let's say.
01:41:21 You know, I start.
01:41:22 I'll make a little.
01:41:23 Little sphere here.
01:41:27 See, it's so big, it's going to take me.
01:41:28 There it is.
01:41:30 And I let's say I'm in in South Africa.
01:41:33 Even if I went the exact wrong way, right, eventually I still get to it.
01:41:38 You know, because it's it's everywhere.
01:41:41 The ice walls everywhere.
01:41:42 So if I'm in Alaska and I go here, I get to it.
01:41:46 If I go this way, I get to it.
01:41:48 If I go this way, I get to it.
01:41:49 If I go this way, I get to it.
01:41:51 You'll you'll get to it. It's not hard to find the ice wall, yet somehow no one's no one's got to it.
01:41:58 No one's no pilot. No, no, no. Captain of any ship like you don't have to. You know. Again, you don't have to be good at navigation. You just go One Direction long enough and you get there.
01:42:11 And yet no one's got to it.
01:42:13 And and look if if I was a flat Earther, if I was a pancake and I was like, oh ****, that's what would prove it, right?
01:42:20 Cause look, I don't know if it would 100% prove it, but it would prove that there was something up right.
01:42:24 If you could get to this ice wall, that was because, like, it'd be really hard to like traverse.
01:42:29 I mean, because it's so big, right?
01:42:30 You'd almost have a have a nuclear power sub or something like that.
01:42:33 Just even drive all and it would take forever.
01:42:36 It would take like a year.
01:42:37 Right to go all the way around this, but just to get to it right.
01:42:43 And I'm sure it's impressive.
01:42:45 I'm sure it doesn't just look like Antarctica, right?
01:42:48 It would look like you'd see part of.
Speaker 7
01:42:50 A Dome, right or or or the edge of?Devon
01:42:53 The Earth or something?01:42:54 Something weird, right?
01:42:56 I would be doing that I would lead an expedition to that and.
01:43:01 You, no matter where you went, if you if you start, let's say.
01:43:04 OK, let's say they're guarding it right cause.
01:43:06 Ohh, but they're guarding it.
01:43:07 OK, well, they're not guarding all of it.
01:43:09 That's impossible.
01:43:10 So if I start going here and like, oh, they're like, oh, you can't go this way.
01:43:14 I'm like, oh, I'm sorry.
01:43:15 I'm just a fishing ship then just.
01:43:16 Go over here.
01:43:18 It's, you know, or here or here or here, or really anywhere.
01:43:23 But no one does that.
01:43:24 None of none of these ************* have done it.
01:43:26 They've certainly raised enough money to do it.
01:43:28 It wouldn't be that expensive.
01:43:30 People fly over the Antarctic all the time.
01:43:33 Have you ever you ever tried to fly?
01:43:35 Here's the thing.
01:43:35 You ever tried to fly?
01:43:37 From Santiago, Chile, to they have they have nonstop flights.
01:43:43 Uh, flat earthers.
01:43:44 They have nonstop flights.
01:43:46 There's non nonstop flights from Santiago, Chile.
01:43:51 To Sydney, Australia.
01:43:53 That would be a long ****** ******* flight.
01:43:57 That would be in fact that that would be the the longest flight you could take.
01:44:01 It'd be the longest flight.
01:44:02 See, this is what I'm talking about.
01:44:04 When you make predictions.
01:44:08 And then they don't turn out.
01:44:10 That's proof your theory doesn't work.
01:44:13 So and your, your, your your response shouldn't be.
01:44:16 Ohh therefore it's magic.
01:44:20 It should be like ohh that that's concerning.
01:44:21 That means that it it it.
01:44:23 Doesn't really work.
01:44:24 Because the longest flight possible on Earth would have to be this flight right here.
01:44:32 Right.
01:44:33 And and if you start trying to think of silly reasons why, why it's not like, well, all the pilots are in on it and all the airports are on in on it and all the air traffic control is in on it.
01:44:41 And all the passengers don't know geography.
01:44:45 Like all the passengers that looked out their window like like flat Earthers are fond of talking about window seats, right?
01:44:51 All the flat Earthers that that that haven't done this flight need to go on this plane.
01:44:57 Look out the window and they'll notice.
01:44:59 Ohh, that's weird.
01:45:00 All that happens is we fly over the ocean and then the Antarctic and then we're over here.
01:45:06 We don't fly over the entire United States.
01:45:10 That doesn't happen.
01:45:12 And even if you were to like, fly like that would, that would take even longer.
01:45:15 Like if you if if the pilots were in on some secret, so they flew all the way around the United States to avoid it so you wouldn't see it cause they got to keep the secret, which by the way, you would still see it.
01:45:24 And I'll demonstrate that right.
01:45:26 Now, if you were to fly like I'll show you what you would.
01:45:28 See in an airplane if the Earth was flat, it's kind of crazy.
01:45:32 Right, so this none of this makes any sense because this flight going from here to here.
01:45:39 Right actually takes less time than a flight that goes from here to here.
01:45:49 So flights between.
01:45:53 Qatar and New York.
01:45:55 Or maybe it's Qatar because it, you know, there's different flight times.
01:45:59 Partially because of Earth rotation, but also because of you.
01:46:02 Know the the.
01:46:03 Way that the the wind the wind is blowing.
01:46:06 Basically, to oversimplify it so you might shave a couple hours here or there, right?
01:46:11 But this this, this distance right here.
01:46:15 Is easily three to four times.
01:46:21 Distance right here.
01:46:23 And yet, somehow this flight takes.
01:46:28 Less time by, you know, not not a.
01:46:30 Bunch couple hours shorter.
01:46:34 This flight that right there when presented with that evidence, flat Earther should say, oh, well, then clearly at the very least, if the earth is flat, that's that can't be the map.
01:46:45 Because that wouldn't make any sense.
01:46:47 But they won't do that.
01:46:48 They won't let go of that.
01:46:49 They they just try to think of, like insane reasons, like because they're they're getting romance, scammed by Dave Weiss, and they they, they have to.
01:46:57 They got to send him the money, you know, he he needs the papers to get out of Syria.
01:47:02 He needs his military papers.
01:47:05 I'm saving his sons in the hospital.
01:47:08 He needs this 50 grand in Bitcoin and cashier's checks and gift cards.
01:47:18 But anyway, So what you do?
01:47:19 Is you create this.
01:47:23 To scale.
01:47:24 And then it's real easy to kind of see.
01:47:26 Like, well, what would you see?
01:47:28 Now this is at 65 miles up.
01:47:31 So I put this camera at 65 miles up.
01:47:35 And when you rotate around, it's 65 miles up like that footage of the rocket we were just.
01:47:40 Looking at most of what you can see is ocean.
01:47:44 Because what you're seeing is all this ****.
01:47:48 There be tons of ******* ocean everywhere.
01:47:50 But not only that, you can literally see the ice wall.
01:47:55 Because you can see see clear to the ice wall see that that's literally the ice wall.
01:48:00 You don't have any distortion.
01:48:03 In the way that you would if the if the.
01:48:04 Surface was a sphere.
01:48:06 You don't have like it's it's cause it's not a sphere, right?
01:48:09 It's it's this little flat thing.
01:48:11 So you don't have any kind of visual distortion when it comes.
01:48:14 To the terrain.
01:48:16 In addition to that like look, you can see all the way basically to Argentina, right?
01:48:21 But not only that, we're looking N here you can see across the North Pole.
Speaker 4
01:48:28 And into Russia.01:48:32 And the ocean on the other side of that.
01:48:34 And the ice wall beyond that.
01:48:40 It it's 60 on a Flat Earth at 65 miles up. You can essentially because if you see this white line just to let you know, this white line is the ice wall.01:48:50 And from every angle.
01:48:53 And look if you can see the ice.
01:48:55 Wall, right.
01:48:56 If you can see the ice wall, you can see all of everything.
01:48:59 So from 65 miles up, if you have footage like we do it with like we just looked at from 65 miles up, you'd have to be able to see the entirety.
01:49:10 Of the earth.
01:49:12 The entirety of the earth.
01:49:15 That's just the little sphere that we were playing around with the show the flights.
01:49:26 And there you go.
01:49:27 This is the.
01:49:29 The camera set look with the set.
01:49:30 I can change the focal length.
01:49:32 I can look if you want.
01:49:34 Here's a fisheye.
01:49:35 I'm gonna put a fisheye lens.
01:49:37 Even with a fisheye lens.
01:49:39 Well, that's and that's a pretty wide.
01:49:41 I put an 18 millimeter lens on that thing.
01:49:44 Even with a fisheye lens, looks pretty ******* flat to me.
01:49:51 You see the problem with this flat Earthers?
01:49:54 Even with a fisheye lens, if the world is flat.
01:49:58 And this is at levels when you know this is 65 miles up.
01:50:03 You still don't see a curve.
01:50:06 You still don't see occur and you see, like, insane amounts of distortion, insane amounts of distortion on the terrain.
01:50:18 But no curve.
01:50:20 No curve.
01:50:23 So all the this is, This is why I'm telling you.
01:50:26 It's easy for me to spot because I can easily simulate this stuff.
Speaker 7
01:50:30 And people say, well, that's on a computer.01:50:32 Nice jobs, CGI, CGI computers are liars.
01:50:38 You just don't know what the **** you're talking about.01:50:39 Like you just you lack the ability to understand what I mean.
01:50:42 What what this tool even is and and why it's very important that it treat light as as it exists in real life for anything to look realistic.
01:50:55 You know when people are making 3D animation programs, they're like ohh well, make sure you Add all those bugs in there that hide the Flat Earth.
01:51:05 Like, is that what is that? Your answer? Is that what you think's happening?
01:51:11 Right.
01:51:12 The people that made the software they're in on.
01:51:14 It too, huh?
01:51:17 Alright, sorry I'm.
01:51:24 It's just, you know what I mean?
01:51:25 It's just like, come the **** on, dude.
01:51:31 Let's take a look here.
01:51:39 Vague Garland.
01:51:42 Says you should look into nesara nonsense from the late 90s and early 2000s. It was queuing on of that time period.
01:51:52 Yeah, I I I you know, I barely dipped my toe into that when I was researching Q and on stuff.
01:51:59 And you're right.
01:52:00 I I just think that this is this is a kind of grift.
01:52:02 It's a kind of scam that pops up every so often that in in in, especially in in times when people are feeling more isolated.
01:52:10 It's it's an easier grip or grift when people don't have strong, you know, families and and they don't have a good friend circle and they can be easily isolated and told a bunch of ******** that they can't bounce off anyone, so they.
01:52:24 Don't really hear.
01:52:25 It's like when you tell you hear people say, wow, I didn't.
01:52:27 I didn't realize how crazy that sound until I said it out loud.
01:52:29 Right.
01:52:30 Well, these are people.
01:52:31 They're never saying it out loud.
01:52:33 They're just reading on the Internet over and over and over again, so they just believe all this stupid, crazy ****.
Speaker 4
01:52:38 Right.Devon
01:52:39 So yeah, that was the same.01:52:41 It was basically the same thing.
01:52:44 You know who says?
01:52:45 Ask the pankok.
01:52:46 Where are the pics of the edge of the planet?
01:52:48 You know, that's The thing is they they always demand that which they cannot produce.
01:52:55 Because again, it's not.
01:52:56 They're not looking at this scientifically.
01:52:58 They have a they have some, they have a.
01:53:02 They have a dog in the race.
01:53:04 Right.
01:53:07 To them, this is it's a very emotionally damaging thing.
01:53:12 If you come if you disprove their religion.
01:53:15 Because that's what it's become.
01:53:22 But it's.
01:53:25 So that's gonna be lost on them.
01:53:27 Like you would say.
01:53:27 Show me a picture of the ice like.
01:53:28 No, you show me the you know, it's like, whatever.
01:53:33 Like I said, it'd be so easy to do, it would be, so it would be.
01:53:35 So easy to do, and in fact you can.
01:53:38 You can look model rocketry is not I just showed you in in that software.
01:53:45 That if you go 65 miles up with a V2 rocket.
01:53:50 On a Flat Earth where I was generous too, I erred on the size of it being maybe bigger than than maybe it would be like just slightly though, you know.
01:53:59 So it should be really ******* close to like whatever.
01:54:03 You know, if there were was a pancake, like how big the pancake would be.
01:54:08 And you can still see from a from a a elevation of 65.
01:54:15 The ice wall.
01:54:16 All the way the **** around.
01:54:20 Now I don't know.
01:54:21 Maybe model rocketry is not where I think it is.
01:54:24 I'll look it up right now.
01:54:25 Let me look up and see how high common model rockets can fly.
01:54:46 Here we go.
01:54:51 Blah blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah blah blah.
01:54:54 Blah. Let's see here.
01:54:57 Some high-powered right, OK.
01:55:01 Well, they're saying that there's some model rockets that can exceed 10,000 feet. I mean, I don't I.
01:55:06 I you know, I don't have like.
01:55:08 When I was a kid, I had model rockets, but they weren't going 10,000 ******* feet. So maybe maybe you can't really get a.
01:55:16 The GoPro that high.
01:55:18 But nothing stopping you from going in any direction and eventually reaching it literally any direction.
01:55:27 And if I was going to go out on a limb and tell everyone that the world was flat, you better be *** **** sure.
01:55:32 That's the first thing I'd raise money for.
01:55:34 I wouldn't be like, hey, you know, send me, you know, money for some merch or whatever ******** I'd be like, dude, we're going to the ******* ice wall.
01:55:41 We're going to the ******* ice wall.
01:55:43 It wouldn't cost that.
01:55:43 Much it really.
01:55:44 Wouldn't and you'd have enough ******* pan cucks out there willing to dish out.
01:55:48 The money to pay for the expedition.
01:55:51 Let's take a look here, someone says.
01:55:57 Oh, we got some *** **** money.
01:55:59 Look at that.
01:56:00 Look at that day day too.
01:56:02 It just kind of feels like just a.
01:56:03 Never ending stream.
01:56:04 And in a way I am recording it.
01:56:06 I am recording it, you know, in case something.
01:56:09 Something goes horribly, horribly wrong.
01:56:11 Uh, but it looks like we got some, got a big dono from watch it.
Speaker 2
01:56:17 Burn money is power.01:56:19 Money is the only weapon that that you have.
01:56:21 To defend himself with.
01:56:23 Look how Julie this *** is.01:56:43 All right.
01:56:43 And you have a.
01:56:45 A link to a YouTube.
01:56:47 I don't know what this is.
01:56:50 It's 3 minutes long.
01:56:52 I don't know.
01:56:53 Let's, let's take a look.
01:56:54 Looks like it might be a song.
01:56:56 So I I might have to veto it.
01:56:59 Look, I know you.
01:57:02 You're a big supporter of the channel now.
01:57:05 And well, and I recognize the name.
01:57:09 But I'm not.
01:57:10 I'm not going to inflict.
01:57:12 I'm not going to inflict anything horrible on people.
01:57:15 I'm not going to, not.
01:57:16 That's going to be horrible.
01:57:17 Let's say look.
01:57:18 Let's see if I.
01:57:19 Well, where where'd the thing go to pop it up?
01:57:24 Yeah, I have no idea what.
01:57:25 To expect. Here we go.
01:57:28 It's called them.
Speaker 2
01:57:32 As we grasp the victory, there is a cancer.Speaker 9
01:57:38 Grow stronger in our.Speaker 3
01:57:42 Shout, shout, shout out his man.Speaker 9
01:58:01 The other thing the cleaning, this is the Holy War has.01:58:11 Six ending battle war, silencing the rhythm beast.
01:58:15 But I won't be ignored.
01:58:16 Kill them all then watching fall until the life restored.
01:58:19 No more laser being inside and So what you fighting for?
01:58:23 Tempt you want my enemies in this time?
01:58:55 So there you go.01:58:56 I think I played a good amount of it.
01:58:57 Well, I don't even tell you like that's.
01:58:59 Not my genre.
01:59:01 But like for that genre, like and in fact, I actually like the chorus part.
01:59:06 But the.
01:59:08 The death Metally type stuff or whatever it's called these days isn't really my jam, but I could tell it wasn't bad.
01:59:15 You know, I I can tell even a genres that aren't my genre, whether it's good or bad, that's so good job.
01:59:21 If that's yours, I don't know if.
01:59:22 That's yours or not.
01:59:23 So there's the link you guys can find it.
01:59:25 It's the YouTube channel is revolution.
01:59:28 Studio 615 the name of this song is them.
01:59:32 I should probably stop hiding it from with the the pan *****.
01:59:36 There you go.
01:59:38 So there you go.
01:59:39 And I like I.
01:59:40 Like the the chorus part was was catchy.
01:59:44 So thank you.
01:59:45 Watch it burn.
01:59:46 Appreciate it.
01:59:47 Everyone, go check out the if that's your if that's your thing, check out that.
01:59:53 That song.
01:59:55 The night janitor.
01:59:58 Love your streams.
01:59:59 First one I've seen live well, it's.
02:00:00 Because it's it's at the middle of.
02:00:03 The day life changing perspectives.
02:00:06 Thank you 2 criticisms.
02:00:07 One is both.
02:00:09 Not both 2.
02:00:12 Come on people.
02:00:13 People criticizing my, my my accent here.
02:00:18 You think that you think that what I what I say is is?
02:00:22 Is is not caused by my my my local dialect is very important to me too.
02:00:28 After listening to today's Telegram Audio Greece here car suspension, oh that car is a nightmare.
02:00:35 There's a lot more wrong with that car.
Speaker 7
02:00:37 Than just the the the suspension.Devon
02:00:41 But yeah, there's a.02:00:42 There's a lot wrong with that car.
02:00:45 Thank you very much the JMH 0911. My best friend is a flat earther and in parentheses for the Comic Relief I went to Flat Earth or Flat Earth meetup that he did years ago. We were standing on Lookout Mountain above Chattanooga.
02:01:05 And one of the ******* there was pointing to downtown downtown area, claiming it was Alabama, which is at least 35 minutes away.
02:01:12 Yeah, like I said, a lot of these people, they just, they don't have a lot of experience with this stuff and they're willing to suspend their display.
02:01:22 If that's what it is, is they're willing to just look for things that that make it make sense.
02:01:29 You know, it's like Q Tarts when they would say when Trump would be talking.
02:01:33 It's a perfect example, Trump.
02:01:35 Trump would be doing his speech and you know, it's Trump.
02:01:37 So he's like, waving his hands.
02:01:38 Around and I.
02:01:39 Remember, one time they're like, oh, look, he drew a cue in the air with his hands.
02:01:45 And it wasn't just one psycho saying that on the Internet, it was something that got retweeted something crazy. Like like 20,000 ******* times.
02:01:55 People actually like lots of people that ran their office.
02:02:02 Believed that that, that it was that he was drawing.
02:02:05 Cues in the air as.
02:02:06 Some kind of ******* code.
02:02:09 Because they're just looking for stuff.
02:02:11 They're just looking for stuff.
02:02:13 And look, there was even a Flat Earth there.
02:02:15 She ran for well, was it governor of something that was in the news?
02:02:18 The other day.
02:02:20 And and of course that was that.
02:02:22 That's part of what destroyed her campaign.
02:02:24 And look, that's that's another reason to go against this.
02:02:28 She might have been a perfectly good.
Speaker 7
02:02:30 Governor, I don't.Devon
02:02:31 Know I don't know anything about her.02:02:33 I don't think she's that bright, cause I did watch her apology video where she tried to like backtrack the the Flat Earth, but.
02:02:39 It it was.
02:02:41 You know, like she said, she seemed pretty dumb as, as you might imagine.
02:02:45 But maybe she wasn't, you know, maybe.
02:02:47 Maybe she was a.
02:02:49 A perfectly intelligent in every other way.
02:02:54 Maybe she would have been a really based governor.
02:02:58 But how you gonna trust her if she gets something like that?
02:03:00 Look, I wouldn't trust her.
02:03:02 If she got something like that wrong.
02:03:08 Let's take a look here.
02:03:11 Night train 88.
02:03:19 Thanks for the bonus stream.
02:03:21 I have to catch replays and I was it was a bummer to hear that last night's stream is a fart in the wind.
Speaker 4
02:03:27 Yeah, it it.Devon
02:03:28 It was so like I I thought it was really good.02:03:30 I thought I nailed it and I thought like the material was really funny, like the going after the romance.
02:03:35 Damn stuff.
02:03:36 It was really funny.
02:03:37 I just, you know, again, I I feel stupid doing it again.
02:03:40 I'll tell you what.
02:03:42 Maybe maybe after I do hyper.
02:03:44 That's I'll go over that way that if you're someone that was there live, you can just tune out because you already watched that part.
02:03:53 But maybe I'll do.
02:03:54 I'll do one at the end.
02:03:55 Just because you know one of the funnier ones like the first one I did was pretty funny.
02:04:00 The last one I did was.
02:04:01 Just kind of depressing.
02:04:04 But maybe I'll do one of them just so you can get an idea of what I.
02:04:06 Was talking about.
02:04:08 We'll see.
02:04:09 I don't.
02:04:09 I don't know.
02:04:11 If you guys want to, I don't know if you guys would want.
02:04:14 But yeah, it looks like it's pretty much gone at this point that that's what the Odyssey team said.
02:04:19 They're like, it's not there.
02:04:21 And I was like, well, what it means?
02:04:22 It's not there, like, even if it's not there, is there like like is there like a corrupt file or something like that that I can?
02:04:29 You know that I can.
02:04:31 I can try to fix over here like do you have any and?
02:04:33 They're like, no, it's just nothing.
02:04:34 They're like, alright.
02:04:36 Like I said, I guess I'm recording locally.
02:04:38 From now on.
02:04:41 PXP excess something 237 thanks for mentioning Ozarka last stream. If Balkanization were to occur in North America, what regions do you imagine would come to new nations or come to be new?
02:04:57 Nations, you know, I don't know, because it's really weird.
02:05:00 That's part of the problem.
02:05:00 With, you know these kinds of trying to like game out these scenarios because it's not so much that there's regions of America that ohh that region is right wing other than this.
02:05:11 It's not like that.
02:05:11 It's like everywhere rural is right wing.
02:05:16 And everywhere that's a city is is not.
02:05:20 And so I guess, like the fewer cities you have, the, the better luck you'd have, you know, which is why I think, you know, states that are are like, you know, maybe less populated might they might be a better idea, right?
02:05:35 But it's really tough to say.
02:05:37 It's really tough to say.
02:05:38 That's why I I I kind of don't know.
02:05:40 But we ever will get into one of these kind of scenarios that I think a lot of preppers fantasize about where there there's gonna be a bunch of, you know, it's gonna be kind of like Red Dawn only.
02:05:50 Instead of the.
02:05:52 Russians or whatever.
02:05:53 It's it's like Antifa parachuting in and you know, it just.
02:05:57 I don't see it happening like that.
02:05:58 I I I almost think it's more likely that it'll it'll become so chaotic in America that someone else invades.
02:06:07 You know what I mean?
02:06:08 I don't know who that would be.
02:06:09 Maybe China?
02:06:10 I don't know.
02:06:10 It's kind of a big risk though, right now.
02:06:15 Let's take a look here.
02:06:18 Stofan stofan's with the big.
Speaker 2
02:06:21 **** Money money is power.02:06:23 Money is the only weapon that that you have to defend itself with.
Speaker 3
02:06:27 OK.Devon
02:06:27 Oh, Julie, this *** is.02:06:46 Stoffa says no link or question on the stream. I'm afraid I've been following you since 2018. I may have missed a handful of hours of content.
02:06:54 You have profoundly changed my view of media, politics and life in general.
02:06:59 Greens from Quebec will appreciate that and and hopefully more than anything else, really.
02:07:04 And I mean this.
02:07:05 More than else I my I.
02:07:06 Just hope that I've.
02:07:07 Helped you.
02:07:08 Be a better critical thinker.
02:07:11 Like, that's what I'm doing.
02:07:13 See what the to some people, this seems like unrelated.
02:07:16 Like why are you going after plotter?
02:07:18 But it's it's exactly what I do with movies.
02:07:21 I'm telling you how to take the emotion out of it.
02:07:23 When you watch a movie and actually.
02:07:25 See what's going on?
02:07:28 It's the same thing.
02:07:29 I'm I'm doing the same thing and that's really what that's because I want to live in a world of critical thinkers.
02:07:36 In fact, I think a lot of people that have a problem with diversity, that's really what they're getting at.
02:07:41 Is they're getting that that they want to be in a country full of other people that think like them, that that think critically and think logically and come to the same conclusions they view about different thing, you know, so there's not this chaotic ******* nonsense that we live in right now.
02:07:56 My fat little ******** toe.
02:07:59 Says just in case you aren't redoing old hyper chats from the lost stream, here are my Taco tolerance tokens.
02:08:06 Well, I appreciate that.
02:08:07 Well, I.
02:08:08 I don't know.
02:08:08 I didn't feel like I.
02:08:09 I feel like that was the way.
02:08:10 To do it because I feel like if you if you.
02:08:13 You know I did.
02:08:13 I did the hyper chat for last stream.
02:08:15 So you were probably live or I'm I'm assuming you were.
02:08:19 I apologize if if you weren't live and you Hyper Chad and and bailed or whatever, but I don't you know.
02:08:25 I don't wanna go through all of them.
02:08:26 I don't know.
02:08:26 You know, I don't know who was there and who wasn't, but I'm assuming that, I mean, at least I would.
02:08:30 If I sent in a hyper chat to someone, I'd hang out to see what.
02:08:33 What they had to say.
02:08:36 So there you go.
02:08:39 But I appreciate it.
02:08:39 Yeah, that's that's very awesome.
02:08:42 But but very much appreciated.
02:08:46 When you release day of the Rope 2, will you be bringing back the first book to buy in paper?
02:08:51 I really want to get a hardcover copy too.
02:08:55 I don't know about hardcover.
02:08:57 It's not a very it's not.
02:08:58 It's more.
02:08:58 Of like a.
02:09:01 It's not.
02:09:01 It's not like I don't think it's thick enough to be.
02:09:03 I mean I.
02:09:03 Guess I mean you could.
02:09:05 It's not like a pamphlet by any means, but I don't know that it's.
02:09:09 I feel like if if you're gonna do a hardcover, maybe the trilogy.
02:09:14 In hardcover, right, the trilogy and hardcover could be could be cool, but yes, the day of the rope one and two will both be available simultaneously once they're out in in paperback and the.
02:09:30 The audio version I'm gonna try to find out a way of selling that just myself I.
02:09:35 I have it obviously from the first one when it was available on audible before they they banned it without an explanation, without answering my emails.
02:09:44 But I have to I have to find a way of making that available because I I know it's illegally, I should probably shouldn't say that, but but I should get it in a place.
02:09:54 So if you want to be honest and support the cause.
02:09:57 You can you can pay for the.
02:09:59 The audio book as well.
02:10:03 Higher plateau.
02:10:05 You the man, Devin, or you?
02:10:07 The man, Devin, do you ever wonder what the Mormon Church could have been if they had stayed all white?
02:10:13 Also, if they'd kept Utah and all Mormon state and not let the gays in, yeah, I'll tell you what I feel like.
02:10:20 There was a lot of compromises.
02:10:22 I'm not saying I'd want to be a polygamist, but look, my ancestors, they just were.
02:10:26 They just were I.
02:10:26 Can't you know I can't?
02:10:28 And I can see the advantages and you know.
02:10:32 But anyway, they, they they immediately compromised to get statehood and that was one of the compromise well two the two big ones were that at the time that that happened, the federal governments deal was one you have to get rid of polygamy and two you can't.
02:10:48 Have the the head of the Mormon church also be the governor, right?
02:10:52 Because up until that point, Utah was essentially a the.
02:10:56 Crazy and and then it looked they didn't.
02:10:59 They didn't keep.
02:11:01 I feel like it was a good strategy because they didn't keep non whites from joining.
02:11:07 They just couldn't have the priesthood, so they just didn't have any authority in the church, right?
02:11:11 Like they could be there, you know.
02:11:14 And and.
02:11:15 Agree with us.
02:11:18 You know, but that was about it.
02:11:20 Like they they, you know.
02:11:21 And so it it wasn't like exclusion because why not?
02:11:24 Right, wouldn't wouldn't you want the other people to agree with you and be on the same page?
02:11:29 So it was kind of like, you know, you you could you could be on board, we just you know, you just can't be in charge.
02:11:35 And that got ****** ** by the boomers in the 70s.
02:11:39 So, yeah, I mean it.
02:11:42 There's a lot of these.
02:11:44 It's just like every other church.
02:11:45 Every other church has made these compromises.
02:11:48 Just some of them have been around longer, so they've made more of them.
02:11:51 So the Mormons just haven't been as watered down because it just hasn't been.
02:11:56 They have been around as long, but I feel I feel inevitably that'll happen.
02:12:01 But yeah, even now though it's a positive thing.
02:12:03 I I'm thankful that I was raised Mormon.
02:12:05 I I wouldn't have had it any other way.
02:12:07 Honestly, I feel like that the values it it it.
02:12:11 You know, Mormonism is a is a good.
02:12:14 Good way of creating nice white people.
02:12:19 I mean.
02:12:20 Come on, even those.
02:12:21 Of you who hate Mormons, and I know there's.
02:12:23 A lot of.
02:12:23 You guys out there, you.
02:12:25 Have to admit, Mormons are usually nice guys.
02:12:29 Now you can make the you can point out that.
02:12:31 Well, what about Romney?
02:12:32 Yeah, I know I get it.
02:12:33 But that's that's that's like anything else he comes from.
02:12:37 I'm not saying Mormons that come from money.
02:12:40 You know, anyone that comes from money is bad.
02:12:42 OK, so whether you're talking about Romney or or who is the guy, the Nevada guy.
02:12:47 That was just a complete *******.
02:12:50 But you know what I mean.
02:12:50 Like any, you know, obviously those people, regardless of religion, they're bad.
02:12:56 But the.
02:12:57 You know, regular Mormons that you meet.
02:12:59 Are usually pretty ******* nice in my family's pretty ******* nice. Like none. None of my family members. Like it's funny cause you think that out of all the my there's six kids in my family.
02:13:10 You think that out of all those, at least one of them would be like a complete dirt bag or something like that and and no, they're they're all nice people.
02:13:17 Like they're all they're.
02:13:18 Not maybe not like the most.
02:13:19 Successful in the world or whatever, but none of them are.
02:13:23 Are like bad people.
02:13:25 And you know nothing compared to some of the horror stories I've heard about, you know, other people's siblings or something like that.
02:13:29 Like none of them have have.
02:13:31 Done anything really bad or or or or?
02:13:34 Or or none.
Speaker 7
02:13:35 Of them are unpleasant to be around, you know.Devon
02:13:39 I, you know, say what you want about Mormonism, but it it seems to be a good or it seems to have been, at least in the past and hopefully for a little bit long in the future it it's it's create it's it's made a lot of of nice white people.02:13:54 Lance ********** Devon's all **** hurt because the entire ruling blasts all the.
02:14:00 All of what all of Hollywood, the.
02:14:04 Wait, I don't know what you're saying here.
02:14:06 Devil's All **** hurt because the entire ruling blast maybe not.
02:14:10 Class all of Hollywood, the fake media and the big Jews agree with him on his round Earth conspiracy theory.
02:14:19 Earth is flat in God's Kingdom, round in the demonic parallel realm.
02:14:24 Isn't that weird?
02:14:25 Isn't that weird?
02:14:26 How I said that it's a religious belief.
02:14:28 And here comes Lance ********** confirming everything I said about what pancake Earthers believe and how it's a religious belief.
02:14:36 There you go.
02:14:38 He can't.
02:14:39 He can't even.
02:14:40 Imagine it being another way, so no amount of evidence.
02:14:45 Will prove Lance ********** ********** wrong.
02:14:49 They'll just throw it out the window because you're threatening.
02:14:51 He's you're literally threatening his religion.
02:14:55 Cringe Panda says now do the moon landing.
02:14:58 Hey, let's look.
02:14:59 And that's the other thing, too is I feel like a.
02:15:01 Lot of flat Earthers, they they blur the.
02:15:03 Lines because they they're moving the goal posts.
02:15:06 They can't.
02:15:07 They can't respond to the evidence that's presented to them, so they blur the lines and they say, oh, well, then then you must love NASA.
02:15:15 And it's like that has nothing to do with NASA, the, the the shape of the Earth was determined by the Greeks 500 years BC.
02:15:25 And then the size.
02:15:26 Of the earth was calculated roughly pretty accurately, though.
02:15:30 300.
02:15:31 Years BC.
02:15:33 Well before NASA existed.
02:15:35 And and several people have been, well, lots of people have been confirming it ever since.
02:15:42 Has nothing new with NASA, has nothing new with the moon landing or any of this other stuff.
02:15:47 And look, maybe someday it it'd be good to to do like a deep dive on on.
02:15:51 Some of this stuff.
02:15:52 I'll tell you one thing I mean.
02:15:54 Space is not fake.
02:15:56 The ISS is real.
02:15:58 You can see it.
02:15:59 Tell me that.
02:16:00 Show me the balloon or anything that you can reliably fly around the earth at, like basically supersonic speed.
02:16:10 And you can and and then set up like A and so it it's so accurately orbit that you can then set up a.
02:16:17 Website that tells you that.
02:16:19 No, you know, wherever you are on the earth, you put.
02:16:20 In where you are on the earth and then you can look up.
02:16:24 Because it'll tell you, like, oh, it's gonna, you know, look in this direction at this time and.
02:16:28 You'll you'll see it.
02:16:29 You know in in your in your view your with your eyes not with like a.
02:16:32 Telescope with your eyes.
02:16:34 You'll see it streak across the sky, and in fact, if you have a ham radio, you can even try to talk to it.
02:16:39 And if you can't talk because you're not there, you can at least transmit with the repeater.
02:16:44 Right.
02:16:46 So at the very least.
02:16:48 That's up there.
02:16:50 That's provably up there.
02:16:53 And I'm sorry if that that also ruins your your flat God's Kingdom thing cause you're God so unimaginative that all he could do is draw a circle on a *******.
02:17:02 Piece of paper and like I'm God now, I made the earth.
02:17:06 I mean, sorry, my God's just a little more sophisticated than that.
02:17:09 So while your God's over there playing with ******* Legos.
02:17:22 Cringe Panda Owen Benjamin had Stanley Kubrick's daughter on his stream the other day. I was wondering if you watched that.
02:17:28 There's a lot of conspiracy theories saying that he was one of the one of the ones who faked the moon landing.
02:17:34 Also, I sent you the documentary, the people who pee on the floor.
02:17:37 All the time.
02:17:37 Yeah, I'll like I said, I'll get to that.
02:17:39 Remember, I gotta like a I gotta like a lot of stuff.
02:17:42 A lot of stuff.
02:17:44 To get to, but I will.
02:17:46 I will absolutely get to that.
02:17:47 I just haven't got to it yet in terms of the, no, I didn't see that.
02:17:53 So I don't know what I don't.
02:17:54 Know what, she?
02:17:54 Said or or whatever.
02:17:57 I've seen her.
02:17:57 I think I've seen her on like Infowars or something like that before.
02:18:02 I I cause I can picture her in my head, but I don't.
02:18:06 I don't remember what she's like or or what she says, so I'm not sure what they talked about.
02:18:11 Anonymous goy WFP brother.
02:18:15 What's WFP?
02:18:20 White ******* power.
02:18:21 Or like, I don't know.
02:18:25 But alright, anonymous go, I appreciate that.
02:18:28 Jail whisperer glad I'm able to catch you live for once.
02:18:31 It's made my work day much better.
02:18:33 Well, I appreciate that, Joe Whisperer.
02:18:37 Veruca salt.
02:18:38 Hi, Devin.
02:18:38 I've heard from people from Austria.
02:18:41 You say that the face on the moon is rotated 180 degrees when they see it from America, and that the constellation Orion is upside down from how they usually usually looks from Australia, exactly. Technically right side up since it's always upside down for them. Earth is a sphere.
02:19:01 Exactly, because once again you can say, OK, if the earth is a sphere, I would expect if I was in Australia to look up at the sky and it would look a certain.
02:19:11 Way and then sure enough, wouldn't you know you look up at the sky and it looks a certain way.
02:19:18 Well, explain to me how people.
02:19:21 Look all looking up at at at the same night sky during the same night.
02:19:27 Would be seeing moons that are that are.
02:19:30 In different directions and constellations that are backwards right, like on a Flat Earth, it doesn't happen.
02:19:37 And so if you were actually curious and actually trying to think of what reality is instead of trying to confirm some ******* bias that you have because it makes you feel all snuggly.
02:19:47 Then you'd be like, huh, that's a major problem.
02:19:51 That's a major problem that immediately makes me think that maybe it's not flat.
02:19:55 But of course.
02:19:56 Not because I'm sure there'll be some kind of made-up ********, you know, like. Oh, that's because the the magic, the magic thing, that we can't prove or or, you know that that no one understands or I'm going to start using really vague language. So that, like, you can't really pin me down to anything like Jello.
02:20:13 And or I'll start using like weasel words like oh it's it's it's this ambiguous thing called a realm that I never have to to define, you know, kind of like saying genders on a spectrum.
02:20:24 It doesn't.
02:20:25 It doesn't have to mean anything.
02:20:27 It's just so I don't have to ever have to provide any evidence for this nonsense that I'm saying.
02:20:34 Cringe panda.
02:20:35 I wasn't able to hang out in the stream because it was like 2:00 AM, so I didn't stick around, but I hope you banned the impersonator.
02:20:43 You know, that reminds me.
02:20:44 I'll do it right now.
02:20:45 I think I can do it right now.
02:20:46 And if it wasn't done already.
Speaker 3
02:20:51 Bump, bump. Bump. Bump, bump.Devon
02:20:54 Yep, there we go.02:20:59 Fake cringe panda is now blocked.
02:21:02 Yeah, I forgot.
02:21:03 I was I.
02:21:03 Was gonna do that until I forgot to do that.
02:21:07 OK.
Speaker 4
02:21:10 Bump, bump, bump.02:21:10 Bump, bump now.
02:21:11 I gotta go back all the way down and find that where I was at.02:21:16 Let's see here.
02:21:17 Crunch pan again.
02:21:18 Also, you can or.
02:21:21 You can be on board, but you can't be in charge is the right response to.
02:21:28 Vivek ramaswami.
02:21:31 Well, see, there you go.
02:21:31 That's like, I don't know, let me who is that?
02:21:34 Is that someone I should know?
02:21:35 And I'm showing that I'm ignorant of something important.
02:21:41 Who is this guy?
02:21:48 I don't know who he is.
02:21:54 Well, I don't know.
02:21:54 I don't know.
02:21:55 What his ohh.
02:21:56 Is this the guy that Ramsey Paul.
02:21:58 Keeps bringing up.
02:22:01 OK.
02:22:01 I don't know much.
02:22:02 About this guy, but yeah, I I think.
02:22:04 That we should take look.
02:22:06 I would do the same strategy that the Mormon Church did till the 70s and say, yeah, you can, you can.
02:22:11 Agree with us.
Speaker 4
02:22:13 You just can't run anything.Devon
02:22:16 So as long as you keep agreeing.02:22:17 With us, everything's cool now.
02:22:19 If you stop agreeing with us, you're out of here, but you know.
02:22:21 You're allowed to agree with us, sure.
02:22:24 Hamra, thorazine.
02:22:33 Working so I hope this wasn't mentioned RE your TG or Telegram message today.
02:22:38 The same people who fall for romance scams and Flat Earth for why you say are the same ones who will fall for these AI relationship bots.
02:22:47 Or like the movie.
02:22:48 Her do you agree and think this applies or that it's different?
02:22:53 No, I think they'll have.
02:22:54 They're they're people who are who are prone, who are to self delusion, to feel comfortable.
02:23:00 Right, that's what it is.
02:23:01 There's look, there's just more people.
02:23:03 There are people that are more susceptible to that than others in the same way.
02:23:06 There's some people that are more susceptible to being an alcoholic or or whatever, right?
02:23:11 There are just some people who are innately more susceptible to certain things, and there's absolutely going to be some crossover.
02:23:18 But you know, because if you're someone who's willing to.
02:23:21 You know, believe in nonsense so that you feel better about stuff then.
02:23:25 Yeah, there.
02:23:26 You're gonna be someone who's be more susceptible to to.
02:23:29 Lie to yourself that an AI girlfriend's good, but honestly, the the bigger thing I think, or at least the thing that will maybe not the bigger thing.
02:23:36 The thing that that's going to come first is all those romance scams will be if they're not already.
02:23:42 I mean, really, if they're not already, we'll just be AI.
02:23:45 Like, why?
02:23:46 Why does some guy in Nigeria need to sit there on a laptop?
02:23:49 On a laptop, puffing up the ego of some grandma in Georgia and and convince her to send money when an AI could very easily do that.
02:23:59 And an AI would be able to do it simultaneously with like 80 grandmas and not get them mixed up and not forget their names and and also probably do a better job because an AI is not some just random Nigerian guy.
02:24:13 You know, I mean like that's the that's gonna be the thing.
02:24:15 Like if if Nigerians with the laptop were able to pull the kind of money out of people that they were like when we watched the those things in the in the missing stream.
02:24:25 Millions of dollars, probably billions, of dollars, really yearly.
02:24:29 Then imagine what an AI program correctly will be able to pull off.
02:24:34 It's going to be a nightmare.
02:24:35 It's going to be.
02:24:36 A ******* nightmare.
02:24:37 You know, tell your grandma about romance scams.
02:24:40 You know, if you've got, if you got some kooky old aunt or something like that, man, you got to keep an eye on these *******.
02:24:47 Alright, Night Nation review.
02:24:49 Just to let you know, Dev and I probably would message you on Gab, Telegram and Twitter to work on scheduling.
02:24:54 Alright, cool.
02:24:54 Yeah, I'll get you.
02:24:55 I'll get back to you on one of those by the end of the day today.
02:24:59 Was trying to find you.
02:25:01 On Gab, but I'm glad you.
02:25:04 I'm glad you hit me up.
02:25:05 Yeah, absolutely.
02:25:06 We'll do it.
02:25:06 We'll do it.
02:25:07 Maybe this week or.
02:25:11 At the very latest next week, but we'll do it.
02:25:13 We'll get.
02:25:13 It on.
02:25:14 The calendar. So yeah, cool.
02:25:17 Alright, watch it burn.
02:25:27 Recently started making music again that I'm doing it.
02:25:29 For the cause, shout.
02:25:31 Out to Matt who is listening live to and thanks Devin for what you do long time listener.
02:25:36 First time catching lives.
02:25:37 Alright, so that was your song.
02:25:38 Alright, well cool.
02:25:38 Like I said, I could tell it wasn't bad.
02:25:41 It was, you know, the even like though.
02:25:43 That's not my jam.
02:25:44 The like the the.
02:25:46 Morris or the hook or whatever, that was pretty catchy.
02:25:49 It's just that the the death medley, whatever it's called these days, that style is not.
02:25:56 Not my thing.
02:25:56 It never was.
02:25:57 And I couldn't tell the difference.
02:25:59 I had friends that were big into that stuff, like I had a lot of rocker friends back in the day and you know, like in high school and stuff.
02:26:04 And they be like, oh, check out this new album and they just all kind of it's like people like country.
02:26:09 Yeah, it all kind.
02:26:09 Of sound the same.
02:26:10 Or I'm like I don't.
02:26:11 I mean, I guess it's.
02:26:12 Just I can't.
02:26:13 Tell I that's the thing.
02:26:14 That's when you.
02:26:15 Know you're not into it because you're like, well, I can't tell the difference between this and the other song you played.
02:26:19 And it's not like an insult, but you know.
02:26:21 But I I I like the I like the chorus and I can tell it's the production value is high, so I'm sure there's lots of people listening that do like that and I appreciate the support.
02:26:31 Watch it burn and you should keep making stuff.
02:26:33 You should make stuff and and make stuff that's very pro white.
02:26:37 That's even if, like, it's not for everybody, it's for someone.
02:26:40 You know, there's.
02:26:41 I'm sure there's people.
02:26:42 Making rap songs, I I bet there's a lot of people that hate ******* rap.
02:26:45 Well, I mean, like I said, the same thing really.
02:26:48 I'm not really.
02:26:49 I wasn't really a big fan of what's his name.
02:26:51 The guy that they put in jail, Mr.
02:26:54 And but you know, a lot of people like that.
02:26:58 A lot of people liked his music, and so that's a positive.
02:27:01 You know, it's music is very subjective.
02:27:05 But good job and also yes, shout out to Matt.
02:27:07 Thanks for.
02:27:08 The big support there.
02:27:09 Watch it burn.
02:27:11 John Skywalker, you have a link, but then you also say something.
02:27:15 So let's see what you have to say here. Finally found a link that should work for you. Skip to 1:30 again. It's Myrtle Beach shooting. You're.
02:27:22 Still on this.
02:27:24 Was this like a week ago at this point?
02:27:27 All right, uh.
02:27:28 Let's let's see.
02:27:30 Let's see what this is.
02:27:39 No, you can't.
02:27:40 That's the thing.
02:27:41 You got to try to find.
02:27:42 Do it in a private.
02:27:43 Window and if it doesn't work.
02:27:48 Yeah, you gotta do.
02:27:49 I mean, like I could.
02:27:50 I could probably know that's the problem.
02:27:52 I actually can't download these either with my downloader.
02:27:54 It freaks out if you if it's age restricted.
02:27:58 Maybe it's on bit shoot.
02:28:00 We were just on bit shoot, right?
02:28:01 Let's let's take it.
02:28:03 I'll look for you.
02:28:04 How about that?
02:28:11 I feel like you're never going to.
02:28:13 It's like like.
02:28:14 You need this to happen.
02:28:18 There's Myrtle.
02:28:18 How about Myrtle Beach?
02:28:33 I don't see any shooting.
02:28:37 Alright, how about?
02:28:39 Just Myrtle Beach shooting.
02:28:44 Yeah, see, The thing is, it could, for all we know, it's it could be on ******* bit shoot their search.
02:28:49 Is just so bad.
02:28:52 You know, should we do, like, a consolation prize?
02:28:56 Right. Should we do?
02:29:00 Something that's Myrtle Beach related.
02:29:03 That's not very long.
02:29:08 Chinese balloon.
02:29:10 I ******* hate that thing.
02:29:12 Save the Children.
02:29:13 There's not really.
02:29:14 Well, hold on.
02:29:17 41 seconds. Our shark sighting at Myrtle Beach.
02:29:22 F50 twos shoot down Chinese.
02:29:24 Weather balloon and Myrtle Beach.
02:29:28 I'm not really seeing anything.
02:29:32 Myrtle Beach must be boring as ****.
02:29:37 I I could do, I could do.
02:29:38 The the the.
02:29:40 Degenerate thing and play the video of the woman detained for wearing a thong at the beach.
02:29:44 But we're not going to do that.
02:29:46 We're not.
02:29:46 I know you can go find that.
02:29:47 On your own, you ******* pervs.
02:29:50 Alright, let's see here.
02:29:52 Oh, look at this.
02:29:54 This this is probably good.
02:29:56 This is probably good.
02:29:59 He's got he's got UFOs ready.
02:30:02 This is your consolation prize.
02:30:06 Now you really want to see this.
02:30:07 Video just for some reason.
Speaker 7
02:30:09 It's not working out.Devon
02:30:12 We're going to see UFOs in Myrtle Beach.Speaker 7
02:30:16 Just a normal occurrence.Devon
02:30:20 All right, let's see what this guy says.02:30:28 And now it won't play because sometimes videos won't play.
02:30:32 Is he going to play?
02:30:33 Come on, play we want.
02:30:34 To see the UFOs.
02:30:38 Oh, no, tell me it's not.
02:30:40 It's not doing the bit shoot thing where it just never plays.
02:30:45 Now this is this is.
02:30:47 Myrtle, I think Myrtle Beach is like a.
02:30:50 Like a curse.
02:30:54 It's a curse.
02:30:57 Myrtle Beach is I just can't play footage from Myrtle Beach ever.
02:31:02 Ohh man should I try something else that that's never gonna ******* play?
02:31:08 Oh, this looks weird.
02:31:11 Missus says Myrtle Beach.
02:31:16 I will watch this will play and the other one didn't play.
02:31:21 Maybe this won't play either because it's bit shoot.
02:31:25 Come on, bit shoot.
02:31:29 Come on, you can play.
02:31:32 I'm morbidly curious about what this freak on the screen is.
02:31:39 All right. Going once.
02:31:43 Going twice.
02:31:47 Ah, sorry, sorry.
02:31:49 You know, I'll in fact, I'll just leave it there trying to load and we'll see.
02:31:52 Maybe it'll maybe it'll.
02:31:53 Just start going.
02:31:54 I know it's not.
02:31:54 What you want, but I'm curious as to.
02:31:57 What this weirdo thing is?
02:32:00 Alright, let's take a look here.
02:32:02 Pat lifestyle individuals who feel compelled to know everything fall for in depth but or fall for in depth but illogical notions of reality, religion, numerology or ancient history.
02:32:16 They learn from YouTube.
02:32:17 It's all the same personality trait.
02:32:20 People who can't admit their wisdom and intelligence has limits.
02:32:23 No, that's what I I feel like that is a.
02:32:26 That's why you get the smugness right.
02:32:28 You got the smugness from the the the custards.
02:32:30 You get the smugness from the flat Earthers.
02:32:33 You know, I even suspect under the right conditions you might even get smugness from people that are getting romance scammed.
02:32:41 In fact, you did that.
02:32:42 The first one.
02:32:43 Wow, that's great.
02:32:44 I actually didn't know.
02:32:44 There we go.
02:32:45 Does translate across the first one we covered in the last stream that maybe I'll.
02:32:49 Do at the end here.
02:32:50 She was she kept saying how smart she was and how she understood technology and and she was super smart.
02:32:57 Like it wouldn't stop.
02:32:58 She kept saying, like, she couldn't stop saying how smart she was.
02:33:01 And so yeah, I mean, I guess it is the people that.
02:33:04 Are easily fooled.
02:33:05 Have a very high opinion of themselves, and because they're overconfident, it causes them to make mistakes.
02:33:10 I guess it makes perfect sense.
02:33:12 But yeah, there you go.
02:33:14 Bad Dirk.
02:33:15 Hey, Devin.
02:33:15 Sorry to beat this dead horse, but thanks for the addressing the Flat Earth towards.
02:33:19 Unfortunately, there are too many people on our side to subscribe to this.
02:33:22 Vision I work in an industry where the equipment for the ISS was right in front of me.
02:33:27 All that to fake it, and I get paid.
02:33:31 Yeah, there are too many people on our side.
02:33:33 Hopefully my message to them today is at least made them think.
02:33:36 And like I said, I I wasn't being condescending when I said like, really, actually go home.
02:33:41 Don't don't argue on the Internet.
Speaker 4
02:33:43 About it, don't look for little screenshots and memes and whatever.Devon
02:33:47 Just go home.02:33:48 Think about it.
02:33:49 Pray about it.
02:33:51 And think about are you doing the right thing here cause you're not.
02:33:55 But you, you, I, me telling you that's not.
02:33:57 That's not gonna change your mind.
02:33:59 You're going to have to come to that conclusion.
02:34:04 Cringe panda this guy keeps getting a lot of traction.
02:34:08 Look at what he's saying.
02:34:09 He doesn't get the.
02:34:13 America was made for a specific people.
02:34:16 He's trying to profit from us, from us being subverted.
02:34:19 Who is this guy?
02:34:20 Oh, it's the vivid guy.
02:34:23 Alright, let me see here.
02:34:34 Well, it says tweet unavailable.
02:34:35 I don't know what he's retweet or and it looks like he's retweeting someone, but he says I'm an American nationalist.
02:34:41 This country is just an economic zone, but it's not defined by ethnicity either.
02:34:46 Or it's not just an economic zone, but it's not defined by ethnicity.
02:34:49 Either actually lie it is.
02:34:51 We're not bound by blood in our veins.
02:34:54 We are.
02:34:55 We're bound by the ideals that our forefathers spilled.
02:34:57 Blood versus?
02:34:58 Yeah, not your forefathers.
02:35:00 See, that's the whole point, dude.
02:35:01 That's the that's.
02:35:02 That's a big part of it.
02:35:03 It's not your forefathers, so it doesn't mean the same thing to you, that it means to.
02:35:07 Me. It just doesn't you.
02:35:09 Can you can you know, relate to it maybe.
02:35:12 In the same way I could like think about samurai culture and how that what that might mean to a Japanese person, but I don't know what that means.
02:35:18 I I my you know, that's not my ******* ancestors.
02:35:22 We're bound by the ideals that our founders built.
02:35:25 That is, again, that my my ancestors, you know.
02:35:29 Wrote down we we fought a revolution.
02:35:32 You didn't fight a revolution, buddy.
02:35:35 A civil war.
02:35:35 You also didn't fight a civil war and the wrong side won.
02:35:39 And two world wars again, you you weren't fighting the world wars to save them.
02:35:46 I refused to let the woke left or their intellectual cousins on the right browbeat us into thinking otherwise.
02:35:51 Well, it's it's not the left telling you otherwise.
02:35:55 I'm rooted in deep in this country.
02:35:57 No, you're not.
02:35:58 Not really.
02:35:59 I mean, there's no way your family goes back centuries.
02:36:02 I'll stand by my ground and and to the end if I have to.
02:36:06 This is a good debate to have in the GOP.
02:36:09 Let's smoke it out.
02:36:10 Well, whatever that means is that some kind of ******* Hindu thing.
02:36:14 Look, dude.
02:36:15 Like like you know.
02:36:17 I'm down.
02:36:17 You're down.
02:36:18 I'm down to have you around agreeing with me.
02:36:21 If that's what, if you want to hang out and agree with me.
02:36:24 That's cool.
02:36:26 But that's it, that's about it.
02:36:29 You know, otherwise it's it's just my family.
02:36:31 That gets to argue with.
02:36:33 OK.
02:36:34 Like if you want to come in and and and play by.
02:36:36 The family rules.
02:36:39 You know you want to come over and play Nintendo at my house.
02:36:42 You know, that's fine, but you have to follow our ******* rules.
02:36:46 You know, but and and you have to go home eventually, too.
02:36:49 You're not gonna just move in and and and take my Nintendo.
02:36:52 So yeah, there you go.
02:36:54 All right.
02:36:54 And then cringe Panda again.
02:37:06 Says haha that Muppet reminded me of the time you tried to do some over the top Sesame Street kid about abortion using puppets.
02:37:14 It's is that video still.
02:37:15 Around online somewhere.
02:37:17 I would love to.
02:37:17 See it again.
02:37:19 I know it's it's got to be somewhere.
02:37:20 I forget what it's called.
02:37:23 I know I've got it stored somewhere on some drive.
02:37:27 It's probably even on this computer somewhere, I just don't remember what the name of the file would be.
02:37:34 I yeah, I don't, I don't.
02:37:35 Remember that that was a pretty funny one though.
02:37:39 Imagine the insomnia stream that had been all puppet driven.
02:37:44 That would have been an interesting reality.
02:37:45 Yeah, that thing still hasn't loaded.
02:37:47 That's what I ******* hate about.
02:37:49 It's like, yeah, I can't play it.
Speaker 4
02:37:52 Can't play it? No.Devon
02:37:56 So yeah, what are you gonna do?02:38:01 Bisky boski.
02:38:02 Hey, brother.
02:38:03 You missed my hyper chat.
02:38:04 It didn't have to be read, but I hope you can use the.
02:38:08 YouTube clip it always made me laugh.
02:38:11 Well, I don't think I missed any hyper chat.
02:38:13 Let me see.
02:38:15 Maybe you missed it.
02:38:17 Or maybe the stream dropped out or.
02:38:19 Something I didn't let me see.
Speaker 2
02:38:22 Bips skips skips king bips, skips skibski.Devon
02:38:29 Oh, I did miss it.02:38:32 OK.
02:38:34 I don't know how.
02:38:34 I missed that you said uh.
02:38:37 So this is bisky bosky.
02:38:55 Alright, Bibi Boski said this would be.
02:38:57 A good clip.
02:38:58 For small donations, I think that's what you're saying.
02:39:02 We don't smoke marijuana.Speaker 5
02:39:04 Man, what hell is everybody, man to get now?Devon
02:39:07 Is this the wrong this go to another clip.Speaker 12
02:39:12 What are you saving up?02:39:13 To be.
02:39:18 What are you saving up?
02:39:19 To be Jewish.
02:39:24 That that could be a good one that could.02:39:26 Be a good one.
02:39:26 That's pretty funny.
02:39:29 Well, is it from?
02:39:29 From platoon?
02:39:30 Man, it's been a long time.
02:39:31 So I've seen platoon.
02:39:36 Always I had.
02:39:37 I had the platoon, video game, it was like.
02:39:40 The worst *******.
02:39:42 The worst ******* game ever.
02:39:44 Like the worst game ever.
02:39:48 Now we got another one here.
02:39:50 Watch it burn.
02:39:57 Any thoughts on hammer and?
02:39:58 Blood tribe group.
02:40:00 I'm not sure what that is.
02:40:02 But you've got a link.
02:40:05 You're being very generous. Watch.
02:40:06 Your burn.
02:40:06 But I don't want.
02:40:07 I don't want to be a jukebox tonight.
02:40:09 So let me see what this is.
02:40:29 I don't know.
02:40:29 I I usually have trouble.
02:42:01 Well, I'll tell you what.Devon
02:42:04 I like this.02:42:04 This jam is more my style for sure.
02:42:08 You know, like everyone, we could, you know, you can argue about the optics of something like this.
02:42:14 I've never been.
02:42:15 I I don't know that you're really going to accomplish much.
02:42:19 Maybe you'll accomplish something within the group and and people of course will say, oh, it's a Fed group where it's infiltrated.
02:42:26 I mean, it's probably infiltrated.
02:42:28 I mean all these groups, I feel like get.
02:42:29 Infiltrated to some degree, right?
02:42:32 Is the group itself a A Fed operation?
02:42:34 I don't know.
02:42:35 I mean, I don't know these people, so I don't know and and everyone that will say that it is, they probably don't know either, right.
02:42:43 But that's the problem is because it's you're you're doing something that doesn't have.
02:42:48 Wide support.
02:42:49 Now look, I'm not saying you go around and and be an optics cook or whatever.
02:42:54 And I do think that there should be demonstrations.
02:42:56 They're intimidating, but there's other ways you can intimidate, and one of those ways is by appealing to more people so that when you go to these things and do these demonstrations, the intimidating aspect of it isn't that you're wearing.
02:43:09 You know a scary.
02:43:11 It's that you are intimidating in number.
02:43:14 You know what I mean?
02:43:16 But that's just, you know, you know that's my, that's my view of it at the same time.
02:43:24 If you're, if you're going to go there and protest ******** and stuff like that and you want to put the fear of fear of the 4th Reich in them.
Speaker 7
02:43:33 Like, hey, you know what?02:43:35 I'm I'm not going to be.
02:43:36 Mad about that necessarily either so.Speaker 7
02:43:42 Yeah. No, you.Devon
02:43:43 You scared someone?02:43:44 I mean, I don't know if maybe you didn't.
02:43:47 Maybe I don't know, but optics.
02:43:50 While I do think it's it's overly it's a a term that's thrown around way too much.
02:43:55 It's not, it's not.
02:43:57 It's not nothing, and I feel like something that's more intimidating is just numbers and the way to get more numbers is to be more palatable than more people.
02:44:08 UM.Devon
02:44:09 But yeah, it's easier said than done.02:44:11 Far, you know, what do I know?
02:44:13 I'm not like a community organizer by any means.
02:44:15 So what do I know?
02:44:17 But yeah, that song is definitely more my style.
02:44:19 So alright, cool.
02:44:20 Alright guys, let's do you know what?
02:44:23 How long have we been doing this?
02:44:28 About 2 1/2 hours.
02:44:31 Alright, if you've already.
02:44:32 If you already saw the stream last time, you're going to be familiar with this, but I feel like it's important.
02:44:38 In case.
02:44:39 For those of you who who aren't aware of this, to really key you into what I'm talking about when I say the romance scam stuff because I don't think people understand the level.
02:44:49 Excuse me? The epidemic.
02:44:51 That this has has gotten to because it is epidemic proportions, so I am going to just go through one of them anyway.
02:44:59 At least one, and we'll see how it goes. Possibly I'll breeze through the rest of them just so you can kind of get an idea of what the ****'* going on.
02:45:08 In fact, I'll probably do.
02:45:09 I'll probably just and not like actually, maybe even play the videos of them, but just to click through it.
02:45:13 And so you can see.
02:45:14 I was surprised to find the YouTube algorithm.
02:45:18 For whatever reason it was like, hey, look at look at this and I was like, what is this?
02:45:22 And it was an entire channel of people getting romance scammed.
02:45:26 And it's, you know, run by a bunch of leftists.
02:45:28 Diversity is our strength, *******.
02:45:31 But that's that's not the point.
02:45:33 The point is, I was shocked by how many.
02:45:36 Victims that there were because this isn't just victims.
02:45:40 This is victims.
02:45:41 They were able to to do videos with, which means imagine all the people that they're.
02:45:45 Not doing videos with.
02:45:46 And some of these people seem more reasonable than others.
02:45:49 But they they're all.
02:45:50 I guarantee you at least some of these people were custards and maybe some of them believed in.
02:45:54 Flat Earth what we'll do is we'll go over this one first.
02:45:59 Here is.
02:46:03 I'm going to move my.
02:46:06 Move it this out of.
02:46:06 The way here we go.
02:46:09 So this is the first one.
02:46:11 Her name was, I think her name was Helen.
02:46:14 And so Helen, is your typical boomer.
02:46:18 You know, she sounds like she's very Christian.
02:46:21 She's very, you know, probably like, you know, based Boomer, very Maga.
02:46:27 She's a nurse.
02:46:29 And she's very proud of her education.
02:46:32 And she's, you know, she's just describing at at the moment she's telling you this, by the way.
02:46:37 I mean, you already know, cause I've told you that she's involved in.
02:46:39 A romance scam while she's recording this while she's, you know, this is a Skype call with these people.
02:46:46 She's under the impression it's not a scam.
02:46:48 She maybe has some suspicions, but kind of believes that.
02:46:51 This is real.
02:46:52 So I want you to keep that in mind as she's describing this situation that she's finding herself in.
Speaker 13
02:46:59 I'm Helen Pointer and I was born and raised in Appalachia, Kentucky, and I have a a nursing degree, an associate degree, and I have a Bachelor of Psychology degree and a Masters in Health Ed.02:47:15 How how I looked at dating was an assessment.
02:47:19 You know, you've got to have common variables that could bind you into a serious relationship.
02:47:30 I don't like to say.
02:47:31 This but I.
02:47:32 Think I was probably pretty intelligent and I kind of threatened men so and I.
02:47:37 And I worked with physicians.
02:47:39 So I just kind.
02:47:40 Don't say so she.02:47:41 She's super educated and the reason why and she's a traveling nurse and which, by the way, never never get involved with those *******.
02:47:48 They're all they're they're ******* insane.
02:47:51 Every they just are.
02:47:53 They just.
02:47:54 And yeah, so anyway, she's super and, you know, smart.
02:47:59 And she's she's really educated and she's, in fact, she's so smart that the reason she's having trouble finding a man is is she's her intelligence.
02:48:08 It's intimidating to so this is someone that you already know already know is is someone who's willing to believe in fantasies.
02:48:16 That feel good.
02:48:17 So it's all this self soothing fantasy stuff like oh, I'm super smart and the reason I can't find a man is because I'm.
02:48:23 So smart, they're intimidated.
Speaker 13
02:48:24 Kind of accepted that.02:48:26 That that's who I was.
02:48:27 And I would travel by myself.
02:48:29 I'd stay in Airbnbs.
02:48:31 And I had a lot.
02:48:32 Of autonomy as a a single woman in America.
02:48:35 Strong, independent woman.Speaker 13
02:48:36 And I used it very positively.02:48:40 And I would date.
02:48:42 But mostly that it was 6 to 8 weeks and I've had a lot of male friends throughout the years and that's been very.
02:48:48 Ohh, I bet she has.02:48:50 She's been run through like you wouldn't believe.
02:48:52 Those ******* traveling nurses.
Speaker 13
02:48:54 Rewarding for me, but it just wasn't relationship marriage material, so I did not get a romantically involved.02:49:02 But I did have a lot of fun dating or I'm I'm I'm was very attractive.
02:49:05 I'm getting older, but I I did.
02:49:06 You're again.02:49:08 I'm getting older.
02:49:09 Look at her.
02:49:10 I'm getting older.
02:49:14 See, it's it's.
02:49:15 It's again.
02:49:15 It's people that would rather believe in a fantasy.
02:49:19 Then face reality.
02:49:22 I'm getting I'm I might be getting older men like me though, except for the ones that are that are intimidated by me.
02:49:31 See that it's it's.
02:49:32 It's what we talked about with.
02:49:33 The custards and the and the.
02:49:35 The the pancakes.
02:49:38 It's this overconfidence.
Speaker 7
02:49:41 Oh, I'm really.02:49:42 Oh, you just don't get it.
02:49:45 You just haven't done the research that I've done.
Speaker 13
02:49:49 I did enjoy.02:49:49 Dating men with fun.
02:49:51 They liked me and I had a lot of fun.
02:49:52 I bet they did, and maybe they look maybe.02:49:55 They did like 30 years ago.
02:49:58 And maybe, maybe.
02:49:59 Well, maybe even longer than that.
02:50:00 Maybe like 40 years ago, right?
02:50:03 Maybe they did.
02:50:04 That was 40 ******* years ago.
02:50:08 Alright, so this is a woman that's that's already self.
02:50:11 Like she's already easy.
02:50:13 This is the the kind of person that would easily fall for for pancake earth or Q Anon.
02:50:20 And just based on other things, she said.
02:50:22 I I'm I'm.
02:50:23 I'm leaning towards it could be either either or or maybe both.
Speaker 13
02:50:27 Degrees that I got only prepared me to be an efficient nurse on those units and to work with the physicians and to learn to professionally be able to tell people what they need.02:50:39 To to know but to maintain high standards because our healthcare system demands excellence and high standards.
02:50:42 See, she got high standards.02:50:47 High standards.
Speaker 13
02:50:48 And if there was something that clicked in my brain that was not right with the machine or was not right with the patient, I had the skill level to identify that.Speaker 7
02:50:58 Super smart.Speaker 13
02:50:58 So I trusted.Devon
02:51:02 See, she's all.02:51:03 She's all hip to the the technology and ****.
02:51:06 You know, she don't tell her boomer tech.
02:51:08 She's she might be a boomer, but she's high tech.
02:51:12 You know, she's got all the right degrees.
02:51:14 She works with.
02:51:15 Doctors didn't she know she works with doctors?
02:51:17 That's why men are intimidated by her because she's smart and she works with doctors.
02:51:22 Then one day and they have this really smart woman who's really smart.
02:51:26 She got a DM from.
02:51:29 Wow, a four-star General James James H Dickinson.
02:51:35 Well, well, lucky her. You know. four-star general.
02:51:41 James James H Dickinson decided that he that he wanted some of.
02:51:47 This he's like oh.
02:51:50 Holy ****, I got.
02:51:51 I gotta get me some of that.
Speaker 7
02:51:54 Oh, oh, oh, whoa, Nelly.Devon
02:51:57 That that, that is uh, that is some prime USDA choice S right there.02:52:04 So he he slides on up into her into her DM and he's like, hey baby.
Speaker 13
02:52:08 He just said hi, I'm General James H Dickerson.02:52:12 I just looked at your Facebook page and I'm interested in chatting with you and I.
02:52:17 Said I'm. I'm.
02:52:19 Certainly interested and open to get to know you.
02:52:22 I bet you are.02:52:23 You got high standard.
Speaker 13
02:52:23 He asked me if I was single and I said yes, I'm single.02:52:25 I'm divorced.
02:52:26 She's like, score.Speaker 13
02:52:29 I asked him if he was divorced.02:52:32 And he said he was.
02:52:33 And I said, well, we can certainly share some commonalities with that.
02:52:37 He told me.Speaker 13
02:52:38 That he would be retiring in six weeks, that he was on a peacekeeping mission.02:52:44 In Syria and that he was over 200 troops and that he would be returning to the United States and he really was interested in getting to know me.
02:52:59 This super smart lady is very excited because finally a man is living up to her expectations.02:53:06 There's this man who is very high up on the social hierarchy. He's in charge of 200 troops, you know, four-star general lavish retirement benefits. You know, all all your medical care stuff, lots of money. I mean that. That's that's about the.
02:53:25 As high up as you can get when it comes to you know, the the military, so very well respected, no one, no one's gonna think that you're a loser if you're dating a four-star general. So she's very flattered. You know, that finally this finally this man.
02:53:43 That lives up to her high standards has arrived.
02:53:47 And they start chatting it up and they're getting along and he's like, oh, yeah, well, I'm going to retire pretty soon.
Speaker 13
02:53:56 Which he's a four-star general and in his khakis, and in his, you know, in the the official military attire.02:54:06 You know.
02:54:07 His life that he lived for 30.
02:54:08 Four years. He's.
02:54:10 59510 kind of stocky bit.
02:54:15 And authentications.
02:54:17 I had pictures of him with his beret.
02:54:20 And then his army.
02:54:24 You know, his uniform, his fatigues.
02:54:26 He seemed to like to send me those pictures.
02:54:29 But his hair was.
02:54:32 Brown and I assumed his eyes were brown.
02:54:36 I don't know that I could get that close into this picture, so he's defining.
02:54:42 Personality wise, he was charming.
02:54:45 He was affirming.
02:54:47 He was positive he was loving.
02:54:50 He was.
02:54:52 He was considerate.
02:54:56 He would he?
02:54:56 Was he was becoming my friend and I trusted him.
02:55:00 Yeah, but let's, let's be honest, OK?02:55:01 As with every one of these romance scams, he's not just some regular guy.
02:55:09 OK. And let's face it, what are you really getting out of this? It it's text messages, right? It's DM's like how how really into the relationship.
02:55:18 Can you be over DM's? Right. How how much of A soul mate can you really feel that you have through DM's?
02:55:27 OK.
02:55:28 So let's let's get real.
02:55:30 If this guy wasn't a four-star general, if this guy wasn't like a, you know, handsome according to you.
02:55:38 Kind of a guy like you seem to be very pleased, although it's it's odd that you don't even know what color his eyes are when he gave an odd when he find out what she does for him.
02:55:46 And and yet you're falling.
02:55:48 In love with this guy?
02:55:50 Let's be real.
02:55:51 We we know we know that.
02:55:52 Like if this was just some normal schmuck, that, and let's face it, at at at your age and everything else, your status, that's what you should be looking for.
02:56:01 You should be looking for some like you know, divorced loser guy that can handle you rattling on about how ******* smart you are all the time.
02:56:11 And, you know, tolerate your ******** and you know, maybe you guys can can enjoy a little bit of companionship before you guys kick off, but that's about all you're getting.
02:56:21 Out of this, but no.
02:56:22 Now you're delusional. And so you're believing that this four-star general just had to have you just had to have you.
Speaker 13
02:56:30 I was looking for a companion.02:56:33 I said I would be interested in a companion to get to know someone to see if we are what I turned equally complimentary to each other.
02:56:44 That we could rebuild 2 lives because he had been through a divorce.
02:56:49 I had been through a divorce.
02:56:50 I had a psychology degrees.
02:56:51 I've worked in psych.
02:56:53 I have counseled through my professional experience, and in fact I have a site certification as a nurse, so I'd never.
02:56:59 See, look, look, look, look.02:57:01 Look how.
02:57:01 Full of herself, she is.
02:57:04 That's why this worked.
02:57:05 This is why it worked.
02:57:07 She knew she was too smart to be tricked.
02:57:11 Those are the people that are the easiest.
02:57:13 To ******* trick.
02:57:15 The people who think they're.
02:57:16 Too smart to be tricked.
02:57:18 Are the first ones to get tricked.
02:57:21 Because to them, being tricked isn't a possibility.
02:57:26 If you don't think you're too smart to be tricked, then you know you always know.
02:57:29 Oh, I could be like this.
02:57:30 Maybe I'm getting tricked?
02:57:32 Because I can get.
02:57:33 I've been tricked before.
02:57:35 Is it happening?
02:57:37 If you're.
02:57:37 But if you're if.
02:57:37 You're so.
02:57:39 I'm a genius.
02:57:41 I'm a ******* genius.
02:57:42 I can't be tricked.
02:57:43 Listen, all these ******* degrees I keep rattling off and everyone knows how this ***** is at work.
02:57:48 Everyone know everyone has worked with someone like this and and they're like the the least competent person in the room.
Speaker 13
02:57:55 So I knew what needed to be in place, the foundation that needed to be laid.02:58:00 So he had that consideration.
02:58:03 He had that respect and truly about 3 weeks into the relationship.
02:58:10 He told me, he said.
02:58:11 I've looked for a woman like you all my life, he said.
02:58:14 I really don't ever want to lose you, and he said, and and a prayer.
02:58:20 He said.
02:58:21 Father, God, he said.
02:58:22 Would you please show how long?
02:58:25 The kind of man that I can be.
02:58:27 That it takes a.
02:58:28 She that will commit and a he that will be in the world and I.
02:58:31 Can do that for.
02:58:32 And again, notice how it's like, obviously Nigerian scammer, bad bad English.02:58:37 And if someone actually point out that when this during the stream they got erased saying that phrasing it Father God is probably because the the scammer was Muslim.
Speaker 13
02:58:50 That changed the whole relationship.02:58:54 He had the intellect.
02:58:57 I very much valued what he had done for America.
02:59:01 I thought what an honor to be able to end my life like this and this.
02:59:05 Was my dream.
02:59:07 Plus, I knew he was going to have a substantial retirement, and when I confronted this to him, I said, you know, thank you.
Speaker 4
02:59:11 Ohh there it is there.Devon
02:59:13 It is.02:59:14 It finally comes out.
02:59:16 It finally comes out.
02:59:21 Plus, I knew he was gonna have a substantial retirement.
02:59:23 I guess he like.
02:59:24 Snuck that in at the end.
02:59:26 So there it is.
02:59:28 She thought she hit the ******* jackpot.
02:59:33 Rich high status, good looking guy.
02:59:37 Better than any better looking and higher status and richer than probably any guy that has it.
02:59:43 Certainly that's hit hit on her in the last 20 to 30 years and maybe ever.
02:59:48 They've never talked on the phone, they've never facetimed.
02:59:52 It's all been through DM's and he's he's talking about marriage. He's saying that he's gonna. I'm gonna wait till I get out of Syria.
03:00:01 And then I'll.
03:00:02 You know, I'm gonna.
03:00:03 I'm gonna.
03:00:04 I'm gonna make you my.
03:00:05 I'm gonna take care of you forever.
03:00:08 And she's just buying it all.
03:00:09 Why not?
03:00:09 Because it makes any sense.
03:00:11 None of this.
03:00:11 Makes any sense?
03:00:14 But because she wants to believe it.
03:00:17 Because it's reinforcing her delusion that she's like this really attractive, really smart, desirable woman, and she just hasn't found a man good enough.
03:00:26 And now she has.
Speaker 13
03:00:30 You will have a substantial retirement and and I'm I'm not going to be naive about that.03:00:35 And really I would never consider, I mean, I'm sorry I wasn't married for money, but I would not consider marrying again at that age with somebody that could not give me a lifestyle that.
03:00:46 I was used to.
03:00:47 See, there you go.03:00:49 She won't marry you unless you have money.
03:00:51 See, here's what's funny.
03:00:52 Well, the alternative is you just have to keep paying for.
03:00:55 Yourself anyway.
03:00:57 At your age, as you said, so if you already don't have your retirement.
03:01:01 Figured out and **** now you don't.
03:01:03 And we'll find out why.
03:01:05 What happened to your retirement here?
03:01:06 In a second.
03:01:08 Then why would it matter if if if you had some like just found some like nice old man that was, you know, maybe he didn't have like a ton of money, but he was just some old retired guy like you?
03:01:18 And sure, he's not going to be able to afford trips to.
03:01:20 Paris or whatever.
03:01:21 But who ******* cares?
03:01:23 Right, no.
03:01:24 But for her she she thinks she deserves the best.
Speaker 7
03:01:29 The ******* best.Devon
03:01:32 So he says.03:01:33 Alright, well, I'm gonna announce my retirement and it's like with the obvious scammer talk of saying honey after everything, honey.
03:01:43 Like I I'm like hearing the I'm hearing the Nigerian accent as I read that like I, you know, I can't even read that text message without it being spoken in a Nigerian accent in my head.
Speaker 13
03:01:57 I had made and I was actually had taken it here locally to a stationary shop to have them transfer our choice of wording onto this embossed announcements for.Devon
03:02:12 Like she's going out, she's making.03:02:14 See, it's.
03:02:15 This is how you know that she was so concerned about the status aspect of it.
03:02:19 She's going out and printing out announcements to.
03:02:22 Announce like Ohh look at.
03:02:24 Look at the guy that I landed.
03:02:26 General James H ******* Dickinson.
Speaker 13
03:02:32 For a wedding that announced his retirement from the US Army.03:02:38 And 34 years of service and our.
03:02:44 Oh yes, but then once you know it.03:02:47 Right after they got engaged and he was, you know, he was supposed again.
03:02:50 She's never talked to him.
Speaker 4
03:02:52 On the phone.Devon
03:02:54 She's never taught she she.03:02:56 This is what I'm saying.
03:02:57 It's just like custards.
03:02:59 It's just like Flat Earth.
03:03:00 All the evidence is pointing to this is this is fake.
03:03:04 This is fake.
03:03:05 You should at least talk on the phone.
03:03:07 You should have at least more verification of your crazy theory than you do. If you want to believe in this crazy theory, you should probably have more evidence than just some of these DM's, right?
03:03:16 I mean, and in fact, a lot of the evidence is kind of pointing in the other opposite direction.
03:03:21 Maybe you shouldn't just believe this because it feels good.
03:03:24 Are you listening, pancake?
03:03:27 Are you are you are.03:03:27 Right.
03:03:28 You listening?03:03:28 Q *****.
03:03:29 What few of you are left or I guess there's still.
03:03:31 A lot out there.
03:03:32 So he says like ohh.
03:03:33 And you know, I'd love to get there and and.
03:03:36 You know, start being.
03:03:37 Married to you?
03:03:37 But you know.
03:03:39 Bad things are happening in Syria.
03:03:41 I can't go there yet I can't.
03:03:43 I gotta wait.
Speaker 13
03:03:45 The situation that came in was ironic.03:03:48 Him being in Syria.
03:03:51 Now, now the irony is that you think that he was ever in.03:03:55 That's the irony is right now, as you tell us this, obviously your ******** story, you don't, you still don't get.
03:04:02 It and you.
03:04:03 Think that he's in Syria?
03:04:04 That's the ironic part.
Speaker 13
03:04:06 I have studied civics and I have studied world history that I had never.Devon
03:04:09 Like she's she knows everything.03:04:11 See, she's good at physics world history.
03:04:14 See, this is this is the personality type, right?
03:04:16 You gotta you gotta constantly, you know, like like, keep saying how smart you are as you're as you're getting tricked.
03:04:25 This is why she was so easy.
03:04:26 To trick because who could trick?
03:04:28 Her right.
03:04:29 She's researched everything.
03:04:31 She knows all about world politics.
03:04:33 She's she knows about technology.
03:04:36 You know, she's like the probably thinks she's like the best nurse on her floor or whatever.
03:04:40 Like I said, everyone's worked with a dumb ***** like this.
03:04:43 You guys all know who this is, or some version of this woman.
Speaker 13
03:04:47 Never been personally into a World War and throughout our relationship, if he told me of us an incident that was affecting him and the troops.03:04:58 I will go to the Syrian news and the Department of Defense the next day, and I would read about it and on one occasion there was a bus that was blown up with eight children that were killed and it was really bothering him.
03:05:13 And he said, I want to get out of here so bad.
03:05:15 He said.
03:05:15 This cage of the country.
03:05:17 It's Terry.
03:05:18 And I went to the Department of Defense and the Syrian News, and I read about it and there were eight children that were.
03:05:25 Ohh wow, so I'm sure the scammer couldn't possibly also be reading the news.03:05:31 So she, that's her confirmation?
03:05:33 Well, well, he says things are bad in Syria.
03:05:36 And then I read the news and it's bad in Syria, so.
03:05:38 Obviously it's real.
03:05:40 So she keeps believing it and he keeps obviously saying that it's like ohh, it's so bad.
03:05:45 I I wish I could be there and then, but then here it comes.
03:05:49 Here it comes.
03:05:50 I think this is the.
03:05:50 Part Yep, here it is.
03:05:53 Watch out, Helen.
03:05:55 Watch out, maybe have some self-awareness. It's not too late, Helen.
Speaker 7
03:06:00 Come back to us, Helen.Speaker 13
03:06:02 He said I want to share something with you that I've never shared with anybody and he said, Helen, I really don't know who I could talk to about it, he said.03:06:09 I don't have any family support.
03:06:12 And he said I saved a Syrian official.
03:06:17 Isis, he had given him a portfolio and he said how long they don't trust the banks here.
03:06:25 And he said I didn't know what to do with this.
03:06:28 And he said I was in charge of a warehouse where my troops and I, we could use this warehouse.
03:06:35 And he said so I.
03:06:37 Through the portfolio.
03:06:39 In there and he.
03:06:39 Said I really didn't even have time.
03:06:41 To think about it, because we're in, we're.
03:06:43 Out with combat?
03:06:46 Oh, so he's got got some magic portfolio somewhere.03:06:50 What, what, what could happen next?
Speaker 13
03:06:51 I had in that warehouse my military papers, my 34 years of military papers and he said I opened the portfolio and he said Helen it.03:07:02 Was full of money.
03:07:04 And he said I didn't know what to do with it, so I threw my military papers in there.
03:07:13 And he said I need to get this money out of Syria.
03:07:18 And I need to get those my military papers so I can come home.
Speaker 7
03:07:24 I'm the son of a Nigerian king.Speaker 13
03:07:26 And he said the UN has assigned A diplomat to us.03:07:31 To deliver this and to help us to get this out of Syria, he said.
03:07:36 I'll probably get a Medal of Honor now.
03:07:39 He's the first star general.
03:07:40 That's how he.
Speaker 4
03:07:42 So she thinks.Devon
03:07:43 She she thinks she's getting a Medal of Honor for helping him smuggle some money out of Syria.03:07:50 OK, so anyway, so that's that's the story she she's like, oh, so I'm gonna get a ****** ******* Medal of Honor and a bag of money.
03:07:59 Wow, cause he's definitely a four-star general. There's no way that I should verify this. At least maybe like by Googling him.
03:08:07 And finding out that he's actually not in Syria and he's doing press conferences and there's no way he doesn't have access to a phone as a four-star ******* general and that none of this makes any sense.
03:08:17 I'm super smart and desirable, so I'm willing to throw all that evidence away and make all these crazy excuses to make it.
03:08:22 Fit my narrative.
Speaker 13
03:08:25 So he introduced me to Graham Smith, who was our assigned you and diplomat and that he started texting me.03:08:34 And he said, ma'am, I do my job diligently.
03:08:37 Birthright as into the general and the UN.
03:08:41 Again, like who talks like that Nigerian scammers.03:08:44 Talk like that.
03:08:46 I do my job diligently as to the general 4th right to two different words.
Speaker 3
03:08:48 OK.Devon
03:08:51 As to the general and UN, OK.Speaker 13
03:08:56 And nice to meet you and I will be working with you to get the general's portfolio and military papers to you.03:09:03 They're only designated to you.
03:09:05 Only you can open.
03:09:08 From with James's giving you the code.
03:09:13 Only you can open it, he said. I'm just the delivery diplomat. I cannot open it. The first investment I made was 1050.
03:09:21 See she still?03:09:22 She still thinks this is like and she doesn't get it yet.
03:09:26 She still doesn't get it.
03:09:29 So she starts sending money to get like the the these magic papers and a bag of money from a UN diplomat out of Syria from a four-star general who somehow can't just carry an envelope with him somewhere.
Speaker 13
03:09:47 $50.03:09:50 The next time.
03:09:51 I think there's.
03:09:51 Two 9000.
03:09:53 She's just listening. There's a check for $9000. She and she sent 2.03:10:01 She sent two and it gets it gets better so.
03:10:05 She's not questioning this at all.
03:10:07 She's super smart and very tech savvy and understands psychology and geopolitics and just everything else, but now she is sent $1500 + 18,000 dollars and never again. Never talked to anyone on the phone. Nothing. She's.
03:10:28 Just This is why it could be.
03:10:30 An AI so.
03:10:30 Easily this could be an AI would do a better job.
03:10:34 A chat bot would sound more like these.
03:10:36 People aren't even passing the ******* touring test.
03:10:38 Like if I had to.
03:10:39 If I started talking to these people online, I I would.
03:10:41 I would think they were bots because.
03:10:42 They sound and ****.
03:10:43 Maybe they are.
03:10:44 Who knows?
Speaker 13
03:10:45 Dollar cashier's check that went.03:10:48 And I was to package them up and send them.
03:10:53 Through the mail.
03:10:56 Specific directions in context of the relationship was that it was to go to his secretaries.
03:11:05 And that due to the war and.
03:11:09 That he did.
03:11:11 See it right here is where you hear flat Earthers trying to explain something that doesn't make any sense about when you, when you present them with that, when you're like, well, hold on a second.03:11:21 Why would the moon be upside down on the southern hemisphere?
03:11:25 Why would the constellations look different in the southern hemisphere?
03:11:28 That this doesn't make any sense.
03:11:29 Well, you see, you know it's it's like it's the UN guy, has the secretaries, right.
03:11:38 And that.
03:11:39 And so I have to send.
03:11:41 You know, $9000 checks to these four different secretaries you see.
03:11:48 And then and then.
03:11:49 I get the bag of money.
03:11:51 And the four-star general husband.
03:11:55 See, it's just that the UN guy, he's, you know, it's the secretaries.
03:12:00 You know, secretaries.
03:12:02 And so I have to send the money with the secretaries and that's why the earth is a pancake.
Speaker 13
03:12:09 Diligently as into the general and to the UN.03:12:14 And I had to follow his specific directions.
03:12:22 So you know, of course she she keeps sending ******* money.03:12:27 Here's four different checks.
03:12:28 She sent.
03:12:30 Two checks.
03:12:31 No, I'm sorry.
03:12:32 Three checks.
03:12:33 For over $12,000 for $12,500, she sent three checks.
03:12:41 For 12 and a half, $1000.
03:12:44 And then she sent multiple 9. This is just one of them another $9000 check.
03:12:52 UN secretaries or something.
03:12:54 Again, she's never talked to anyone on the phone.
03:12:56 She's never tried to verify the the evidence.
03:13:00 She's just accepting it out of hand.
03:13:03 Because it makes her feel better about her preconceived worldview.
03:13:09 See it?
03:13:10 It's it's just it's it's all it's doing is it's making her delusion that she's living in feel more realistic by believing this stuff.
03:13:19 Because if she was critically, if she critically thought about any of this for even a second, she would realize how ******** this was.
03:13:26 But even now this is after she she's already been scammed.
03:13:28 She's as she's recording.
03:13:30 And this this isn't like her retelling it in a way like, oh wow, I was ******* stupid.
03:13:34 No, she's still living in the delusion.
03:13:36 She's still in the delusion.
Speaker 13
03:13:38 There were five states as this money went to, I was told to send it to the Secretary for the year end and per his instructions because he's a diplomat.03:13:47 He done this in six countries or in seven countries.
03:13:51 James said, honey, I'll pay you back, he said.
03:13:54 Money is no problem for me, he said.
03:13:56 Money is no problem and that's what I could trust for whatever the relationship is, you know.
03:14:03 And he said then once you get the military papers out, I'll come home and I'll clean up my mess.
03:14:09 I invested, I think, $72,000.
03:14:12 $72,000.03:14:17 And she still doesn't realize it's a scam.
03:14:22 $72,000.
03:14:28 But it gets better because just like a pancake, Earther.
03:14:32 Or a pancake.
03:14:34 Or a Q ****.
03:14:37 It doesn't matter how much evidence comes your way that wait a second.
03:14:41 This is probably dumb.
03:14:42 Maybe get out now while you still can.
03:14:46 She keeps doubling down and doubling down and any kind of information that comes her way.
03:14:50 She tries to make it work.
03:14:52 She tries.
03:14:52 To make it fit.
03:14:54 Like none of it fits, but in her delusional hat, it all fits it all, for it makes perfect sense.
03:14:59 The secretaries right?
03:15:01 It's the secretaries.
03:15:02 It's the the secretary.
03:15:06 Because secretary.
03:15:08 Right.Devon
03:15:11 But then once you know it, bad news, bad news again, honey.03:15:15 Someone stole the package.
03:15:17 Oh, no, no, no.
03:15:19 Big bag of gold. Oh, ****. She's not getting the bag of gold any more. And now you'd think this would be like the big alarm bell going off like. Oh, ****. I just lost $72,000.
03:15:33 They just show me that that the earth can't possibly be flat because of this circle map stuff like it.
03:15:39 It doesn't make any sense.
03:15:40 Oh, ****.
Speaker 7
03:15:44 But no.Devon
03:15:47 No, she's she.03:15:48 She's going to make it work.
03:15:50 It doesn't matter that, that, that this is.
Speaker 4
03:15:53 No matter what.Devon
03:15:54 This is obviously a scam at this point, still hasn't talked to him on the phone, hasn't talked to the UN person on the phone, hasn't talked to these UN secretary.03:16:02 People on the phone.
03:16:03 Hasn't talked to anyone on the phone, hasn't talked to anyone.
03:16:07 Like via FaceTime or whatever, because she's probably super obnoxious to work with, doesn't probably have any friends at work.
03:16:13 She's probably very isolated and alone.
03:16:16 She's got the kind of personality type that probably drives people away, so she doesn't have any kind of like circle of friends to bounce this off of because she's so insufferable.
03:16:30 So she's in her in, in, in a way, just like the flat Earthers have their own little community.
03:16:34 The custards have their own little community.
03:16:36 She's in a community.
03:16:38 Just with this guy.
03:16:39 This Nigerian scammer.
03:16:45 So she has to believe the narrative, because that's that's her social interaction that she's having.
03:16:52 She gets she starts thinking it's a scam, that her social interaction goes back to 0.
Speaker 13
03:17:00 And and I'm thankful for my education, because as a psych nurse, I.Speaker 7
03:17:03 Sit, sit, sit.Speaker 13
03:17:03 Could pick us up.Speaker 7
03:17:04 She keeps.03:17:05 She keeps saying how smart she is.
Speaker 6
03:17:09 Oh my God.Speaker 3
03:17:11 She just said.Speaker 7
03:17:19 So here she starts saying like.Devon
03:17:22 OK.03:17:26 Now it I I had to lean on my psychological education cause wow, he was, you know, he was really spiraling after he, after he he lost the the the bag of gold.
03:17:37 After the bag of gold went missing, he was really upset and I had to really lean on my my tools that I have, but my cause of my my wonderful education and and psychology.
03:17:48 And I had to use it to try to, you know, help him with his PTSD, you know, because that's a buzzword that I I learned in school and and we were we were gonna get through this together like still.
03:18:00 No, no, like nothing going on in her head that like, wait, you mean?
03:18:04 You still think this is real?
03:18:07 Like all this evidence is being put in front of you and you're just making it happen.
03:18:11 You're just.
03:18:11 Making it work, you're shove.
Speaker 4
03:18:12 Put it in there.03:18:13 You're just shoving it into that ******* pancake.
Speaker 13
03:18:17 On this and I could tell my pass through this, you know.03:18:20 And so we're just trying to morally and ethically do everything that we can do.
03:18:27 You know, I left in my Christian faith.
03:18:30 I'm trying to help.
03:18:33 Our country and the the last sheep that has no family and, you know, be more ethical and honorable to my American judeo-christian values.
Speaker 7
03:18:45 Ohh judeo-christian values.03:18:50 Q **** confirmed.
Speaker 13
03:18:53 I can do nothing for him.03:18:55 I I can't do anything.
03:18:57 I've followed this up.
03:18:58 I've contacted the VA for him.
03:19:00 He will not help himself.
03:19:02 I have a psych degree and I can do nothing for him, but I have not abandoned him as a human being.
03:19:08 I've done everything I could do for him.
03:19:11 I did everything I could morally and ethically and never abandoned him.
03:19:18 In Syria, but I I can't fix this problem, I can.
03:19:25 Still, still doesn't know she's being scammed.03:19:30 And the guy still saying he needs more money? Of course, cause a four-star general.
03:19:35 Is, you know.
03:19:36 The first people they that's who they abandoned in Syria. They're just like, oh, **** the four-star general guy.
03:19:42 Yes, you better send him gift cards so he can eat at the mess.
03:19:45 Hall, send him lots of Google Play gift cards.
03:19:50 So they they get her, they get her to, you know, they she meets with the the crack team, you know, cause, you know, took a lot of a lot of really high tech people to.
03:19:59 Figure this one out and they're they're about to tell her that, like, actually, this is all ********, right?
03:20:06 And they asked her, like, if she still thinks it's real.
Speaker 13
03:20:09 I'm a people person.03:20:10 I'm a high tech person.
03:20:12 I understand technology.
03:20:13 Like and again she she like, she can't shut up about how smart she is and how she's.03:20:18 Like a a high tech person and she understands everything.
03:20:21 Like even now, even now, they're about to tell her, like, like how she just got Nigerian scammed.
03:20:26 And she's still, like, saying no but like.
Speaker 7
03:20:29 I'm super smart.Speaker 13
03:20:30 I believe that I did.03:20:34 Do I am I the same person today that I was 19 months ago?
03:20:39 No, the circumstances have.
03:20:41 Well, if we were together.
03:20:43 Would I still be committed?
03:20:45 See see the the she's still like, they're they haven't.03:20:49 They haven't dropped the bomb.
03:20:50 They're just like, you know, you still like him.
03:20:52 And she's like.
03:20:52 Yeah, I mean, and now that I've given him $72,000 and he's just spiraling, when we text and doesn't wanna talk to me unless it's about money.
03:21:00 It's a little different, but like she's still not going like, this is ******* a scam.
03:21:04 It's not nothing.
Speaker 13
03:21:06 Well, I think if you see anything in me, you see my loyalty.03:21:10 I mean I, you know, I did everything I could for.
03:21:13 Four months.
03:21:15 We scared interpersonal relationship, this military man.
03:21:22 As much as he loved me, he was going to do his obligation to the country.
03:21:29 See it's.03:21:31 This is what I'm talking about.
03:21:33 This is trust the plan.
03:21:35 This is disinfo is necessary.
03:21:39 This is.
03:21:41 Well, we don't have a model, but but it's it's maybe, maybe it's not, maybe I don't know what it is, but.
Speaker 7
03:21:47 It's definitely not a ball.Devon
03:21:51 That's what this is.03:21:53 That's what this is.
03:21:56 So they finally finally break it to her that like, hey, this is all ********.
03:21:59 And of course, the attitude changes.
03:22:01 The attitude changes to like basically.
03:22:03 Of course I knew that.
Speaker 13
03:22:06 His words.03:22:09 Are basically his prayers and and and the bonding there.
03:22:14 Hold on that first.03:22:15 Wait, I I guess I got ahead of myself first.
03:22:18 They're based, like, well, you know, why did you?
03:22:20 Why do you think this is really him?
03:22:21 Like, why do you think this is real at all?
03:22:23 Because it's it's puzzling that she would still.
03:22:25 See this.
03:22:26 And so she starts, you know, dropping memes about how, you know, you can't see the curvature from an airplane.
03:22:33 And she starts talking about how you know something, something Antarctica treaty.
03:22:39 And you know that.
03:22:41 But so it all makes.
03:22:42 Sense to her.
Speaker 13
03:22:43 Are basically his prayers and and and the bonding.03:22:48 There was a strong, not only human bonding, there was a prayerful bonding.
03:22:54 There was a deep, deep, prayerful bonding.
03:22:58 I invested in our love under the Covenant of Christ, which he professed to me the bonding of God.
03:23:04 God healed me through that, I held accountability to that.
03:23:09 I will be judged for on this side of eternity.
03:23:12 I did the best I could.
03:23:13 And just just like that pancake or that.03:23:16 Hyper chatted in and said, well, you know God's earth is flat. She's doing the same thing. She's attaching a religious meaning to it.
03:23:24 No, no, this is a.
03:23:25 This is a a religious relationship before God like it's it's look.
03:23:30 It's exactly the ******* same.
03:23:32 I'm I and.
03:23:32 I know, I know, some of you won't see.
03:23:34 It I know some of you.
03:23:35 Won't see it, but you really should.
03:23:37 You really should cause.
03:23:39 Eric Dubai is a Nigerian scammer.
03:23:41 I'm just telling you.
03:23:43 I'm just telling you now.
03:23:46 Before you get in too deep.
Speaker 13
03:23:49 Good with what God handed to me, I could not have fallen in love with just anybody.03:23:56 I've been single 30 years.
03:23:58 My interesting my ex-husband was in Vietnam and he was a a Sergeant. He was an Essex Sergeant. So I knew the military and when he come into my life.
03:24:07 See she, no matter what topic comes.03:24:09 Up I I see I.
03:24:10 Was an expert in this topic.
03:24:12 I'm obviously an expert in this topic.
03:24:14 I couldn't have been fooled.
03:24:16 I couldn't have fault.
03:24:16 Look, she still doesn't get that.
03:24:18 It's a scam even now.
Speaker 13
03:24:21 Life and we decided together that we were really interested in looking at a commitment and a bonding and possibly marriage.03:24:32 And he here's.
03:24:33 The ring he.
03:24:33 Sent me a ring.
03:24:35 I don't know if I showed you that.
03:24:37 Oh, look at that.03:24:39 He sent a fake ring.
03:24:42 So that there's her $72,000 ring.
03:24:50 You can probably pick it up for about.
03:24:52 About $9 on eBay.
Speaker 13
03:24:55 He sent me.03:24:57 Shirts fitting shirts he sent me.
03:25:01 The ring.
03:25:02 He sent me a rose that was dead.
03:25:05 What woman would not respond to?
03:25:06 Oh, a rose that was dead.Speaker 13
03:25:07 A man like that.Devon
03:25:08 Oh, who else?03:25:09 See, this is what this is.
03:25:11 This is all our Flat Earth ******* meme drops.
03:25:15 What do you mean?
03:25:15 What do you mean?
03:25:16 Course, of course.
03:25:17 The world's flat.
03:25:18 He sent me a dead rose.
Speaker 4
03:25:22 He sent me a ring.Devon
03:25:25 He sent me T-shirts.03:25:29 There's no way. There's no way someone who's just scammed me out of $72,000.
03:25:36 Could have possibly have have spent maybe like $30.
03:25:41 To get the $72,000, there's just no ******* possible way.
03:25:47 So first they tell her, like, OK, well, the first document that you provided us is ********.
03:25:57 She still doesn't get it. They just told her this document is total ********. It's made-up. This is not a real document. It's been used in other scams. It's not real.
03:26:07 Her response is.
03:26:09 Ohh well, I knew that I even told him.
03:26:11 That it looked fake.
Speaker 13
03:26:13 And I told him that I showed it to him and I told him that.Devon
03:26:17 OK so.03:26:20 You know that it was fake, but somehow it's.
03:26:26 He's still what?
03:26:29 So then they they reverse image search a picture that he had sent saying that, oh, this is my son.
03:26:36 It's not his son, you know, because that's a real four-star general. That guy like, really exists. He's just not in Syria, you know.
03:26:44 With a bag of money.
03:26:46 And doesn't have a son that looks like that.
03:26:51 So they're like, yeah, this is just some random guy.
03:26:53 And we found the guy, just some random guy.
03:26:56 Oh, and this picture you sent where he's it's like his ID card.
03:27:01 That's not real either.
03:27:04 He photoshopped it onto this this stock image here.
03:27:09 And slowly but steadily, she starts to come to terms with it.
03:27:13 After you know, cause at that point you can't right like this is the equivalent of.
03:27:18 I just flew you into space.
03:27:21 And I'm showing you the globe.
03:27:25 Right.
03:27:25 And you don't like it and you're trying to pretend like, well, I knew that, you know, it's like all the cue cards that when they would stop being custard, some of them would be like I was.
03:27:36 Just pretending to be cute.
03:27:38 And it's like, really, dude?
03:27:40 Really that's almost worse, man.
03:27:42 That's almost ******* worse.
03:27:43 And no, it's not all it is worse.
03:27:47 And then tell her like how the checks went to, you know, people that don't work for the UN, obviously.
Speaker 13
03:27:54 These were his secretaries.03:27:56 This was the UN diplomats, secretaries.
03:28:01 And they're like, no, actually.03:28:02 See, even now, even after like the ID, the fake document, she's still like with with the with the, the with the secretaries.
03:28:10 But the secretaries?
03:28:13 And it's like, no, it doesn't matter.
03:28:15 That's you're just saying, secretaries.
03:28:20 That, that, that doesn't mean.
03:28:21 Anything you're just saying?
03:28:22 Secretaries over and over again.
03:28:28 And at the end you kind of like, even after all this.
03:28:31 A little bit feel bad for.
03:28:32 Her because you realize none of this would have happened.
03:28:37 Or rather, one of the reasons why she was so easily fooled, in addition to all the things we already discussed, and I think this applies, quite frankly, I think this applies to the pancakes and and the custards as.
03:28:50 Is they are designed for a high trust society that's not trying.
03:28:55 To trick them all the time.
03:28:56 They're designed for high trust society where they can trust their ruling class to not be satanic pedos and for them to be able to like, you know, for this kind of like the big picture stuff to be handled by other people and they can just stick to nursing.
03:29:11 Or whatever the ****.
03:29:12 You know what she should have been doing and and having kids for.
03:29:14 Like the last 40 years or whatever.
03:29:17 Instead of just flying around the country being a stupid ****.
03:29:20 And you, but you still kind of feel a little bit.
03:29:23 Bad because you realize.
03:29:26 She doesn't. She doesn't know.
03:29:27 That people would would trick you like this.
03:29:31 Even though she she should, because she's super smart.
Speaker 13
03:29:34 I mean, I I don't understand how how this could happen because nobody in my realm of moral personal.Devon
03:29:41 I like how she even said realm.Speaker 13
03:29:42 Life to do this, nobody could.03:29:46 But then it's happening and it it was done.
03:29:53 But no, not in my realm where people do.
03:29:56 This you just.
03:29:57 I don't know where this came from.
03:29:59 I mean, I don't.
03:30:00 I can't imagine.
03:30:01 I can't imagine how a mind.
03:30:03 Can think like this.
03:30:08 So that was it.03:30:10 That was it.
03:30:10 And and look, that's part of the problem, right?
03:30:13 That that's one of the first things we talked about how one of the reasons why the custards couldn't wrap around their head or wrap their head around the idea that it was crazy is just like her.
03:30:23 I don't understand how am.
03:30:23 I could think like.
03:30:24 This you know the.
03:30:25 Same thing.
03:30:26 It's lack of proximity, it's lack of experience, it's lack of understanding of the topic.
03:30:30 Hand right?
03:30:34 She doesn't understand why. What do you mean? You understand? You gave him 72 grand. There's 70.
03:30:38 2000 reasons why they.
03:30:40 Would do this.Devon
03:30:47 And there's endless videos like this in this channel, endless like it goes back and like, at least.03:30:53 100 of these things.
03:30:55 Not all of them are women, a lot of.
03:30:57 Them are white women.
03:30:59 There's this one.
03:31:00 We won't go.
03:31:00 This one woman was super ridiculous, but it's basically the same story she used to be a model.
03:31:07 She used to be pretty.
03:31:09 She divorced two guys that weren't good enough for her.
03:31:12 Like, that's her on the far right there.
03:31:14 But now this, that that was her probably at least 10 years ago, probably longer.
03:31:19 This is her.
03:31:21 That's her now.
03:31:23 But she still thinks she's pretty.
03:31:25 She still thinks she's desirable.
03:31:27 She says men still hit on her.
03:31:32 And in this case, it's a different four-star general that you might be familiar with. Mark Millie, the guy who's trying to understand white rage. And I'm white. You know that clip, that guy?
03:31:41 And who?
03:31:41 Who, by the way, if you just look Google, he's married and like none of the story makes any sense.
03:31:45 But she's.
03:31:46 An extra kind of stupid.
03:31:49 Same ******* thing though.
03:31:50 She sends them a bunch of money cause it's like the same story.
Speaker 4
03:31:54 Oh, I'm stuck in.Devon
03:31:55 I'm stuck in Syria owning money because like, I'm a four-star general, but for some reason like I I I need a private jet.03:32:04 To get out of Syria and and the same thing she just keeps sending money.
03:32:09 She takes out loans to send them money.
03:32:12 It it it, it never ends.
Speaker 4
03:32:15 And ohh no, I need more money.03:32:17 Ohh what happened?
03:32:19 What happened?03:32:19 What happened, darling?
03:32:21 Ohh, the money you didn't send.
03:32:23 I need more money, babe.
Speaker 4
03:32:25 Oh ****.Devon
03:32:28 Even even like other people, cause I guess like the scammer was like **** you.03:32:31 Guys gotta message this *****.
03:32:33 So other people started messaging like, oh, I work for him.
03:32:36 I work for this guy.
03:32:37 I need money too.
03:32:38 And she's like, oh, really?
03:32:39 OK.
03:32:45 This but this is what.
03:32:46 She used to look like.
03:32:49 She used to be, you know, attractive used to be a model.
03:32:53 And now she's just a ******* ******.
03:32:59 That's her.
03:32:59 That's her son.
03:33:00 That that basically had to shake her to reality.
03:33:03 But it wasn't.
03:33:04 The the the worst thing about this one?
03:33:07 It wasn't even the first time.
03:33:09 Because the people that that usually fall for this ****, they keep falling for it because they lack self-awareness, just like she does. She lacks self-awareness. She doesn't realize she's not a pretty model anymore.
03:33:23 She doesn't realize that that men are not gonna treat you like this anymore.
03:33:27 Those days are over.
03:33:29 They've been over.
03:33:42 So in addition to you know, Mark, Miley scam that she fell for, this is the funniest part about her.
03:33:49 She also thought she was sending money to Elon Musk.
03:33:58 The richest man in the world needs Google Play gift cards.
03:34:13 So there you go.
03:34:17 There you go.
03:34:20 Then there's this *****.
03:34:21 We won't.
03:34:22 We won't.
03:34:22 We won't play this through.
03:34:24 She's equally delusional.
03:34:28 She's married.
03:34:30 So this woman's married.
03:34:33 And she thinks she's really creative.
03:34:35 She thinks she's an artist.
03:34:38 She's a filmmaker.
03:34:40 You know, she's a a single mom now, but she.
03:34:44 Wasn't when she when this all started?
03:34:47 She works at some crappy, you know, local production studio thinks she's going to be a filmmaker someday.
03:34:53 She goes on Reddit, of course.
03:34:54 And she's like, oh, I'm going to be a filmmaker who wants to, who wants to be a filmmaker with me, and then she gets a message from someone claiming to be an A list actor, this guy.
03:35:08 I forget his name, but he's from Stranger Things, right?
03:35:10 And he's literally married to, like, a supermodel.
03:35:14 And this guy from stranger things.
03:35:17 Who is a millionaire and married to a supermodel?
03:35:21 Just absolutely had to have her.
03:35:26 Like this guy?
03:35:28 He just had to have her.
03:35:31 A married woman.
03:35:34 Like that, he had to have a married potato woman with a kid.
03:35:40 This guy, that's that's.
03:35:43 That's super rich.
03:35:45 And famous.
03:35:47 He could have anyone, but he wants her.
03:35:53 And again like.
03:35:54 You can go find these videos.
03:35:56 It's it's infuriating cause it it's the same ****.
03:36:00 No matter how much evidence pops up that this is obviously stupid, she keeps doubling down and doubling down and doubling down because she wants to live in the fantasy world where someone like this guy wants to be with her.
03:36:15 So she she divorces her husband.
03:36:20 She divorced while she's married, though before she divorces him, she already she starts sending this guy 10s of thousands of dollars.
03:36:28 Like basically stealing money from her family.
03:36:35 This is the guys wife, by the way.
03:36:38 Right, that's the wife.
03:36:40 But he has to have he has to have her.
03:36:44 Like this.
03:36:45 This is what this is.
03:36:46 What he's got?
03:36:46 At home.
03:36:47 But he's going out.
03:36:48 He's sneaking off to get this.
03:36:53 So she she decides that you know it makes makes perfect sense that a famous actor already married to someone.
03:37:01 Not only is he into me, but that I should divorce my husband over it and that I should send Google Play gift cards and I should send Walmart gift cards to this famous actor who makes lots of money.
03:37:13 That I've never talked to on the phone that I've never talked to in real life or FaceTime or anything like that.
03:37:19 It's all been through, like Reddit messages and Instagram messages and ****.
03:37:23 And I'm just gonna believe that it's that it's him.
03:37:27 Because that makes me feel good.
03:37:29 That's my security blanket.
03:37:31 So no matter how much evidence pops up that flies in the face of this being a real thing, I'm going to make it work.
03:37:37 I'm going to make it fit in this pancake shaped.
03:37:40 World that I live in.
03:37:42 And so that this goes on and on and on, she leaves her husband, she keeps getting scammed.
03:37:50 See, here's some of the gift cards like that she's sending.
03:37:53 So she's sending gift cards again.
03:37:55 Like she's selling Bitcoin, right? So she's going to Bitcoin ATM's like every payday and and sending them some of the money.
03:38:05 When the guy makes 150 grand an episode, that's his name, Doctor Montgomery.
03:38:11 And so he's making 150 grand an episode, but you know, has to has to have some Google Play gift cards and some Bitcoin, even though. And even though he's married to this right, he's married to this.
03:38:23 He has to have this.
03:38:25 You know like like.
03:38:27 He has this.
03:38:29 But he has to have this.
03:38:31 Because really, you haven't lived until you've had this.
03:38:36 And she believes it all like they're debunking like all these stupid photos that he has sent with the reverse image search, just like basic stuff.
03:38:44 Like they don't have to do anything obviously any, any non ****** knows that this is this is fake, that the earth is not a pancake, but it doesn't matter how much evidence she gets she.
03:38:54 Keeps saying no no.
Speaker 4
03:38:55 No, it, but this is what makes me feel nice.03:38:57 And and fuzzy.
03:39:00 Same thing with this ***** here.03:39:03 She sold her house.
03:39:05 She sold her house and gave $200,000 to this guy.
03:39:12 Totally real, this guy.
03:39:14 Who, if she, if she'd done any kind of, like, search for this guy at all?
03:39:18 He's a a famous Instagram model named like Pilot Steve or something like that.
03:39:24 Sold her ******* house and gave him $200,000.
03:39:29 And even after they, they confronted her and said, like, I mean, first of.
03:39:32 All I mean, come on.
03:39:35 Why would you think this is realistic?
03:39:37 Why, like aside from like all the other crazy things that like, are just like, all the other scams?
03:39:42 Like so I'm.
03:39:42 Not gonna.
03:39:43 I'm not gonna beat a dead horse, right?
03:39:45 I mean just this just this right here.
03:39:48 Me like this isn't real.
03:39:49 OK?
03:39:49 I can tell you right now.
03:39:51 This isn't happening.
03:39:53 OK.
03:39:57 She sold her house and and wasted all her money on this and when they were telling her that like, Oh no, we we actually.
03:40:04 We know that this guys pictures were stolen and and the utter were sending money to Nigeria.
03:40:08 She's like, well, I'm still going to talk to him one last time and confront him with what do you mean, confront him?
03:40:16 All right.
03:40:19 And then you have this ****** here.
03:40:22 She the funniest thing about this and she this one.
03:40:26 I only feel bad because she was literally seemed like.
03:40:28 She was ******** a little bit.
03:40:30 Because this is one of the photos right?
03:40:33 Ohh look.
03:40:34 I love you Jody.
03:40:37 And then when when she started showing the rest of the photos of this guy.
03:40:41 You notice.
03:40:44 It's the same photo.
03:40:47 It's the same face.
03:40:49 The the the lazy *** Nigerian scammers.
03:40:53 All they did was they copied and pasted.
03:40:57 He's wearing the same hat and everything.
03:40:59 Like they didn't even take the hat off or find other pictures of this guy.
03:41:04 They just kept like it's the same photo with different bodies on it.
03:41:10 It's the same ******* dude.
03:41:13 And it gets worse.
03:41:15 This is over a span of almost 10 years.
03:41:26 She's she's sent him so much money.
03:41:29 Over this decade.
03:41:32 And they've never talked.
03:41:34 Oh, no, I'm sorry.
03:41:35 Actually, this woman actually eventually talked to the guy, and he and you know, he's like, it sounds exactly like a Nigerian scammer.
03:41:42 Not like, not like this guy.
03:41:45 Definitely doesn't sound like a white guy.
03:41:52 She sent him so much money.
03:41:55 She had to resort to she was donating plasma.
03:41:59 She was going and selling her ******* blood.
03:42:03 To send him more money.
03:42:10 This is what?
03:42:10 I'm talking about guys.
03:42:13 She wanted to believe it so hard.
03:42:17 That didn't matter.
03:42:18 When, when she was looking right at the evidence.
03:42:21 Wait a second, how is this? How are these pictures real? It's the same ******* face. It's the same head. Someone's just pacing, pasting the ******* head on different bodies.
Speaker 4
03:42:34 And I still.Devon
03:42:35 Believe it because I want to.03:42:45 They even go to one of the addresses because one of the addresses in New York and they find the guy and it's like some African scammer guy that she's been spending money or sending money to.
03:42:56 But she refuses to believe it.
03:42:59 She acts really smug.
03:43:02 Right.
03:43:03 Just like the flat Earthers like the pancake ***** you present them with the the evidence, and they're just like, oh, really?
03:43:10 Well, you should try.
03:43:12 You should try.
03:43:13 Talking to my boyfriend.
Speaker 7
03:43:16 You're just jealous.03:43:17 You're just jealous of my boyfriend.
03:43:19 You're just trying to break us.
03:43:20 Up you just can't handle our love.
03:43:25 The world just can't handle.
03:43:26 Our love this is another one of the photos.
03:43:30 You know, like the the obviously not photoshopped photo.03:43:35 It looks like they drew the mask on in in Windows paint.
03:43:40 That, that's. That's the guy's son. He's really sick. He needs more money because the the son is sick.
03:43:51 And so she ends up saying this guy, hundreds of thousands, hundreds of thousands of dollars.
03:44:00 And refuses to believe that that, that it's even after even after all of this ****.
03:44:07 In fact, I'll play.
03:44:08 I think this is.
03:44:09 The clip of her saying well.
03:44:11 I'll have to have a talk with him and and work all this out like she it's it's still not clicking.
Speaker 14
03:44:16 He has called it a dream or a journey.Devon
03:44:20 Journey. It's a *******.03:44:23 Execute anyone who who says journey anyway.
03:44:25 I ******* hate that.
Speaker 14
03:44:26 Tried to talk to him more about video chatting and he says he's going to do it.03:44:33 He has said before that when he goes to the airport he has kind of showed me that gonna is not a very caring.
03:44:42 Helpful country.
03:44:44 You haven't video chatted your boyfriend.
Speaker 5
03:44:46 And you don't even know what he.Speaker 12
03:44:47 Looks like other.Speaker
03:44:48 Than the photo that you know is Photoshopped.Speaker 14
03:44:50 I have.Speaker 10
03:44:51 How does that make?Speaker 14
03:44:52 Yeah, I have no idea.Speaker 15
03:44:54 Jody, you've seen all this, right?03:44:56 We we've shown you the Photoshops.
03:44:57 We've shown you the money mules.
03:44:59 The Liam is taking your money every single month.
03:45:02 You haven't taken care of yourself.
03:45:04 This person's lying to you. He's verbally abusive on.
03:45:06 The phone we.
03:45:07 Have proof that this is happening.
03:45:09 This isn't a relationship that you're in.
03:45:11 You're being taken advantage of, like for the last 7 and.
03:45:14 1/2 eight years.
03:45:17 And she refuses to get it.03:45:20 She refuses to get it.
03:45:22 Even after all this ****, even after they have like the.
03:45:25 She still can't.
03:45:26 She can't do it.
03:45:29 There's this woman, she thought she was talking to.
03:45:32 Johnny Depp?
03:45:33 Yes, this woman.
03:45:37 Thought Johnny Depp just had to have her.
03:45:41 Johnny Depp just he just had to have her.
03:45:43 And so she was sending him thousands of dollars for, I don't know why and when she was, you know, told when they told her that, like, this was all ******** she would.
03:45:53 She refused to believe it.
03:45:54 And then finally, like in order to, like, deal to cope with it, I guess one of her she came up with a different conspiracy theory.
03:46:01 Maybe it was Amber Heard was trying to sabotage Johnny Depp.
03:46:05 And so it was.
03:46:05 Amber Heard that she was messaging.
03:46:07 It's just like she couldn't just believe that.
03:46:09 No, it was just.
03:46:09 Some Nigerian scammer and you're a ******?
03:46:14 There is this woman.
03:46:17 This woman sent 65,000 dollars, $65,000.
03:46:23 To this guy.
03:46:26 Like this guy?
03:46:28 20 something year old model.
03:46:32 Had to have her.
03:46:35 That's what made sense to this woman.
03:46:39 So she sent $65,000 to this, you know, well to Nigerian scammer, but you know.
03:46:45 She had a hard time wrapping her head around it as well.
03:46:49 This woman.
03:46:51 She left her husband.
03:46:54 For her fake Nigerian scammer boyfriend.
Speaker 10
03:46:59 I was married for 14 years before he fell for divorce.03:47:03 I started falling for someone online first.
03:47:06 It was just a friendship.
03:47:08 Of course.
03:47:09 And then a change.
03:47:11 Yeah, it changed into an Internet scam where you sent a Nigerian scammer $20,000 because you thought it was this successful handsome guy that was better than your husband.03:47:24 And so you ruined that.
03:47:26 Then there's this Butte.
03:47:29 And again, we're not gonna go over the whole thing.
03:47:31 I might play a little bit of this cause we.
03:47:32 Might as well.
03:47:33 At this point, right.
03:47:34 Hey, the last.
03:47:35 Stream was over 4 hours.
03:47:36 So it might as well do it again, right?
03:47:40 So then this woman here.
03:47:42 She's married.
03:47:45 She starts talking to this guy on Instagram.
03:47:49 This woman right here.
03:47:51 You know, that's exactly.
03:47:53 That's the woman that this guy was seeking out on Instagram.
03:47:57 You know, he he just had to have this woman.
03:48:02 This woman.
03:48:03 This is the woman from the thumbnail.
03:48:05 You might recognize her from the thumbnail.
03:48:08 And as you can see, she already lives in a fantasy world.
03:48:15 I don't know what game she's playing, but it's whatever the new ever quest is, right?
03:48:19 I guaran ******* to you.
03:48:20 She just sits in front of her computer.
03:48:23 Living in some in in some kind of weird ******* fantasy. 90% of the time.
03:48:29 Right.
03:48:30 And **** her husband.
03:48:34 Unbeknownst to the husband.
03:48:37 She starts sending money to that, that fake guy.
03:48:41 She sends 250,000 ******* dollars.
03:48:48 250,000 she cashed in her life insurance. She cashed, cashed in his life insurance. She cashed in her.
03:48:57 Her 401K, she got credit cards and matched them all out and sent 250 ******* $1000.
03:49:08 Because she thought that was that was her Internet boyfriend again.
03:49:11 Never talked to him on the phone.
03:49:12 Nothing like.
03:49:13 That same kind of a story.
03:49:15 I'm stuck in Syria, I'm deployed and I don't know.
03:49:18 Why they always use that?
03:49:19 Apparently it works.
03:49:21 And deployed in Syria.
03:49:27 I need money.
03:49:27 I need, I need.
03:49:28 I need Apple gift cards.
03:49:32 Because I'm in Syria.
03:49:40 Even when they're filming this right and telling, you know that that that she's got a ******* camera crew in her house like she has to know something's up.
03:49:50 She's still messaging this fake guy.
03:49:54 That she's already given 1/4 of $1,000,000 to.
03:50:08 So again, I'm not going to play all the clips, you know, we're going to wrap it up here pretty soon here.
03:50:15 But she was he was reinforcing her delusion.
03:50:20 In fact, she look she even I think she even explains it.
03:50:22 I'll play this part.
Speaker 16
03:50:24 And then his arm is tattered up as well, but to me, he's just a very attractive man.03:50:30 And it was nice to have somebody that looked like that.
03:50:36 Think that I was pretty.
03:50:39 See, that's all it took.03:50:44 She lived in a delusion.
03:50:49 She wanted she wanted proofs, proofs that supported her delusion.
03:50:56 And she must be pretty.
03:50:58 If a guy like that is saying she's pretty.
Speaker 16
03:51:08 I'm still talking to him, usually once a week.03:51:12 He would use the terms of endearment, babe, honey, love all the time.
03:51:18 Never my name.
03:51:19 Because he probably doesn't know your name.03:51:22 He's probably copying and pasting this into like 50 different windows.
03:51:30 And none of none of it.
03:51:31 This **** makes any sense either.
03:51:33 It's the same thing.
03:51:34 It's like, oh, there's.
03:51:36 For some reason I need money because I'm in Syria and that that's why I need money because Syria and money Apple gift cards.
Speaker 16
03:51:48 Shortly after I met him, he got deployed to Syria.03:51:54 Supposedly his accounts were frozen.
03:51:58 He got.
03:52:00 Injured, he got shot.
03:52:04 On a mission.
03:52:06 He needed the money that I sent him to come back from Syria.
03:52:14 He had to have the money to be able to get the flight because he needed to leave.
03:52:17 See, The funny thing is, they're this is.03:52:19 These are these are low effort.
03:52:21 This isn't like, oh, let me tell you the situation.
03:52:24 Oh, it's really it's really messed up.
03:52:25 I went.
03:52:25 I was.
03:52:25 I was over in Sector 5 and we were taking fire and that's when, you know, Charlie popped his head up and it was.
Speaker 7
03:52:30 And everything was chaos.03:52:32 And then Johnson went down and.
03:52:33 I was like, no Johnson, no.
03:52:34 It's like, no, it's just I got shot.03:52:36 Babe, give me money.
03:52:41 Please, baby, this is urgent.
03:52:43 I need your money.
03:52:45 And she's like, oh, OK.
03:52:48 Don't worry, I'll be home soon.
03:52:51 Send you the money tomorrow.
03:52:57 And just.
03:52:59 Because it it it didn't have.
03:53:00 To be good evidence.
03:53:03 She already decided she believed it.
Speaker 16
03:53:05 I probably sent him money every week to two weeks for probably a good solid 6 to 8 months.03:53:13 I cashed in my.
03:53:16 A couple life insurances.
03:53:18 And I cashed in my retirement fund.
03:53:23 And I sent to.
03:53:26 100%.
03:53:27 Of the money.
03:53:28 So she literally gave her, like her husband and her like, all of their money, all of their money.03:53:35 And then got credit cards and and got cash advances and then sent him the cash and look, even even after all this just like that first lady, even after the scam was already over the scammer got what he wanted, she was as the camera crew is in her house, she's still she's still ******* doing it.
03:53:53 She's still talking.
03:53:54 To this ******* guy.
03:53:56 Still believing in it, still trusting the plan.
03:53:59 Still where we go one we go all.
03:54:09 So anyway, like I said, obviously you know.
03:54:13 Like, here's some of the cash you sent.
03:54:15 This is like a gift card, because that makes sense.
03:54:18 And you know, she talks about how it was, you know, $250,000. But you know, that's all the this is the evidence she needed.
Speaker 16
03:54:20 OK.Devon
03:54:27 It was the thing that made her feel good.03:54:31 You're so attractive.
03:54:36 That's all she.
03:54:36 Needed was the thing that made her feel good.
03:54:43 And all it cost her was a.
03:54:44 Quarter of $1,000,000.
03:54:51 There you go.
03:54:54 Alright, let's wrap it up.
03:54:55 Let me go through any other hyper chest that popped in, right.
03:54:59 At the end here.
03:55:00 Turn off this.
03:55:03 I have this ******* watch.
Speaker 4
03:55:05 And I set the alarm.03:55:06 On it.
03:55:08 And I don't know how to turn it off.03:55:09 When I put in this drawer and.
03:55:11 Every day, every.
03:55:12 Day it goes up.Devon
03:55:14 I just need what I need to do is.03:55:15 I need to.
03:55:15 Look up the find the instructions for.
03:55:19 It just goes off every day, right?
03:55:20 Now I guess that.
03:55:22 That's like my smoke alarm, I guess.
03:55:23 Right the the beep.
03:55:29 Oh, all right.
03:55:30 Here we go.
03:55:32 Uh, let me pop this out.
Speaker 12
03:55:37 Let me see.Devon
03:55:38 What we got here at the end?03:55:39 Oops, I hit the wrong button.
03:55:43 I gotta find out where.
03:55:44 Where were we before?
03:55:48 Oh, here we go. January 1981, I noticed Trump went along with the queue. ******** 2 nonchalantly. When the press asked him about it. Right, right. Because it benefited him Trump's. Basically a Nigerian scammer.
03:56:02 I mean, Trump, realistically, how is he different?
03:56:05 Like, fundamentally, how is Trump different than a Nigerian scammer?
03:56:08 He's not.
03:56:09 Like he's just not.
03:56:12 He's just like any of these shills pushing pancake earth.
03:56:14 That's basically what it is.
03:56:17 You know and that's that's.
03:56:22 You know it, it it it.
03:56:24 He didn't.
03:56:24 He didn't care whose life it might affect negatively.
03:56:29 He was good for him.
03:56:32 Billy Joe king.
03:56:34 You should do these scanned women reviews more often.
03:56:37 It's simply too entertaining.
03:56:38 Well, it's just depressing.
03:56:40 It's just depressing.
03:56:41 I think we do, I.
03:56:42 Think we did.
03:56:43 You know, if there's some, like, really funny ones, maybe down the road.
03:56:47 But like, it's just and it's not just women.
03:56:49 Like I said last during the original stream, now there's give an example.
03:56:54 There's this guy.
03:56:55 This this guy takes the cake.
03:56:57 A little bit.
03:56:58 Because it went on for four years, this guy thought he was with this chick for four for four years.
03:57:05 For four years he doesn't.
03:57:07 He's never talked to her, never met her, and he's ruined all of his relationships with his family.
03:57:13 You know his ex-wife and and his kids and stuff like that have all been telling him that he's being a ******* nut bag.
03:57:20 But for four years, you.
03:57:21 Know he he wants to trust the.
03:57:24 You know, the earth is not a ball.
03:57:27 Because it makes him feel good.
03:57:28 Because, look, look what he.
03:57:29 Gets and it doesn't matter if they don't believe him.
03:57:32 He believes in and that's all that matters.
03:57:35 That's all that matters.
03:57:38 And of course, that was, you know, that was a giant ******* ******** mess.
03:57:41 So it wasn't.
03:57:42 It's not just, it's not just dumb ******* like this.
03:57:45 Although I would say that seemed to be a vast majority of them.
03:57:50 And a lot of.
03:57:50 The guys were black, it seemed like.
03:57:55 Mr. Charley, I never.
03:57:58 Heard a reply?
03:57:59 Oh, I don't know.
03:58:00 What what?
03:58:00 Were you asking for about?
03:58:02 Devin a reminder to please watch demoralization.
03:58:07 You're saying that again?
03:58:09 It's on the list.
03:58:10 It's on the list.
03:58:11 I'll copy it yet again.
03:58:14 Well, there's churro.
03:58:16 Let me get this in here.
03:58:18 I've been letting him more and more.
03:58:19 He's been the house he.
03:58:20 Was in the house eating.
03:58:22 Eating out of the the dish right next to.
03:58:25 Classified cat today he just the problem is he still?
03:58:28 He pees on stuff.
03:58:29 Sure, most people.
03:58:31 There we go.
03:58:31 I've got it.
03:58:32 I've got it.
03:58:32 Open another tab.
03:58:34 I'll check it out.
03:58:36 After the show here.
03:58:39 And then Mr.
03:58:39 Shelley, again, for anyone interested, there is a book translated from German.
03:58:45 That documents the brainwashing PSYOPS done to Germany after World War 2 character wash the reeducation of the Germans and its lasting effects.
03:58:58 And the address for that. If you're just listening his character watch or wash like you're washing the shirt
03:59:08 So if you guys want to check that out and then last but not least night train 88.
03:59:15 Moo, moo, moo, moo.
03:59:16 Ogan thunderstrike, thunderstrike. There you go.
03:59:21 Well, actually, like I said, the the, the women, the women were almost all white when they, or at least on the channel, the ones that I saw there was like one or two black women.
03:59:30 But most of the women were.
03:59:32 Just dumb white women and.
03:59:34 And a shocking amount of them were married.
03:59:37 A shocking amount of them were married.
03:59:41 And that's and look in this case, this woman here, crazily enough, and maybe This is why she's she's so delusional. Her husband's sticking by her.
03:59:51 Even after he found out that he that she spent 1/4 of $1,000,000 of the of their money.
03:59:56 And was flirting online with some fake Nigerian scammer.
04:00:00 He was just like, well, you know, I got, you know, she was in a dark place and, you know.
04:00:05 And that's so that's that's the enabler.
04:00:07 That's the person that's like making sure that that she stays in the delusion.
04:00:12 So, you know, you can't feel bad for the husband in that case.
04:00:16 Alright guys. Ohh and last another 1-1 more whoops. What I I had clicked something weird.
04:00:21 Trolley again says, and thanks for the good work.
04:00:24 Appreciate that.
04:00:25 Alright guys.
04:00:26 Well, I hope you have a a good rest of your week.
04:00:29 I'll get ahold of you.
04:00:31 Nature of you, and we'll we'll set that up.
04:00:36 Sorry the stream.
04:00:38 You know, got ****** **.
04:00:39 I'm recording locally now, so I I recorded this one locally, so if it ***** up again, we'll have a copy.
04:00:46 So either way, the replay will be up today.
04:00:50 I don't know how long it'll take because I don't know if it'll work this time or if I'll have to update the local copy, but either way.
04:00:56 Will be up.
04:00:57 Thanks for waiting around for so long and hopefully we don't have to deal with.
04:01:01 This again in the meantime.
04:01:05 I'm of course.
Speaker 7
04:01:07 Devon stag.