06/08/2022Speaker 2
00:00:00 So just.Speaker 1
00:05:15 For everything.Speaker 3
00:08:20 Never thought.00:08:22 Never thought.
00:08:24 Not ever.
Speaker 4
00:08:40 Just try to.Speaker 3
00:08:44 Make it work.00:08:51 Make this change.
00:09:45 Only myself. So see.
Speaker 5
00:09:56 Never thought.Speaker
00:10:00 It's close to you.Devon
00:11:14 Good evening.00:11:16 Good morning.
00:11:16 Goodnight.
00:11:17 Good afternoon.
00:11:20 Hope you're having a good brunch dinner, lunch, snack.
00:11:26 At your job.
00:11:28 Your favorite cafe?
00:11:32 The discotheque.
00:11:35 Do Europeans still say discotheque?
00:11:37 I always thought that was.
Speaker 1
00:11:38 Funny, he's at the discotheque.Devon
00:11:43 Like discotheque.00:11:46 Americans haven't had disco since the 70s.
00:11:52 Europe just doesn't want to let it go.
00:11:54 Just doesn't want to let it.
00:11:54 Go anyway, hope you guys.
00:11:56 Are doing good, then I'm boiling.
00:11:58 I'm boiling hot.
00:12:00 I'm going to.
00:12:00 I've already had at least a gallon of water in like the last.
00:12:05 I might need some potty breaks.
Speaker 7
00:12:07 Or maybe not because I'm sweating.Devon
00:12:09 It all out.00:12:10 I've already had, like a gallon of water, just like in the last.
00:12:12 Few hours.
00:12:14 Yeah, I got another one right here because it is.
00:12:19 85 degrees and 50% humidity, right. I gotta figure this out. I gotta get. I gotta figure out this humidity thing.
00:12:26 I need to I need to find a way to have the swamp cooler but also have low humidity.
00:12:32 There's got to be a way of doing it.
00:12:34 I don't remember it being this humid.
00:12:36 It was even like a humid day.
00:12:38 Like today, like usually when it's a humid day, I get it.
00:12:41 That's fine, right?
00:12:42 But when I was a kid, we had a swamp cooler.
00:12:45 I don't remember it being like this.
00:12:47 Why is the moisture not leaving my house?
00:12:51 Why is it just staying in here?
00:12:52 And just making it into a.
00:12:53 Sauna, where it's almost.
00:12:55 Worse than being outside.
00:12:58 Anyway, yeah, so it's driving me a little bit crazy, a little bit nuts.
00:13:03 So I got something to take a look at today that I think will be kind of funny.
00:13:09 I've actually never heard of this show.
00:13:12 And I've heard of a lot of ******* shows.
00:13:15 Like, I heard there was a lot of really bad daytime television back in the.
00:13:21 And I thought I had been exposed to, at least on some level, all of it.
00:13:26 Like I'd at least know it by name.
00:13:29 Never ******* heard of this.
00:13:31 I'm wondering if maybe it was regional, like maybe to the South or something.
00:13:36 Or maybe it was like maybe it was syndicated.
00:13:41 And it just, you know, not on any kind of network.
00:13:44 Well, I guess that's like a regional.
00:13:46 It would have just been playing on like, you know, like the the mom and pop TV stations back.
00:13:51 When that it was.
00:13:52 A thing in the South or something?
00:13:54 I don't know.
00:13:56 Perhaps you guys have heard of this.
00:13:58 I'm just going to let the opening scene play.
00:14:01 Because we get right into the funny right away.
00:14:04 Alright, so here we go.
00:14:07 Let's see.Devon
00:14:07 Here if I click this click that.Speaker 9
00:14:11 Hey everybody, I'm getting ready to do the show and let me tell you something.00:14:14 I've got it.
00:14:14 Missed something to you?
00:14:15 This is not going to be an easy show for me to do.
00:14:17 The last thing that I ever want to do on television is give a one hour platform to a bunch of racist.
Speaker 8
00:14:24 Last, they all did get a platform to a bunch of racists.Devon
00:14:29 Isn't that funny that they haven't?00:14:30 They haven't changed their their talking points like they really that they've been using this exact phrasing and everything since.
00:14:39 I don't know when this is.
00:14:40 I honestly don't know what this is.
00:14:43 I think it's like it's called the Rolanda show.
00:14:47 Let's find out when what years this thing aired.
Speaker 10
00:14:51 The rolanda show.Devon
00:14:56 Watch it's probably still on the Rolanda show.00:15:00 I've never ******* heard of this *****.
Speaker 11
00:15:03 Rolanda watts.Devon
00:15:07 Alright, well it.00:15:07 Started in 94.
00:15:09 I guess it's still holy **** is.
00:15:10 It still on.
00:15:13 No, it can't still be on.
00:15:15 Is it still on?
00:15:19 OK, OK.
00:15:22 It was it looks.
Speaker 8
00:15:22 Like it was from 94.Devon
00:15:25 To 97. So. Well, it didn't last very long.Speaker 8
00:15:29 It was like a it was.Devon
00:15:30 Like a a generic Oprah, apparently. OK, so this was either 94 or 95 or 96.00:15:39 Somewhere in that that realm.
00:15:42 But she's talking about, you know, deep, deep platforming, evil Nazis.
00:15:46 It's just funny that they use the exact same words anyway.
00:15:50 Please continue rolanda.
Speaker 9
00:15:53 Especially young kids who are racist.00:15:55 But I was talking.
00:15:56 *** **** kids.00:15:58 Kids these days, they're all *******.
00:16:00 They're all so racist.
Speaker 9
00:16:01 My producers today, before we did this show and we thought it was important to do because all of us need to keep our fingers on the pulse of racism it.00:16:08 Seems every time we pick up a.
00:16:09 You know, they must have done this exactly because Oprah did this.00:16:13 Like I've, we've played clips from Oprah, where she's she, she says, essentially the exact same thing.
00:16:20 Like I didn't want to have.
00:16:23 These filthy ******* racists on my show.
00:16:26 But then I talked to my producer.
Speaker 11
00:16:28 And we were like.Devon
00:16:30 We're the only way to fight it is.00:16:32 To put it out in the open.
00:16:33 Which is funny.
00:16:34 Because like again that that is what the left used to say.
00:16:38 That's what they used to say.
00:16:41 They used to say that uh Oh yeah.
00:16:43 The only word the only way to fight bad speech is.
00:16:46 With with more.
00:16:47 With good speech, you know, free speech is good.
00:16:50 ACLU would be defending literal Neo Nazis that wanted to.
00:16:55 March down.
00:16:56 You know you have a parade in the middle of a A.
00:17:00 Hasidic Jew neighborhood.
00:17:02 Or whatever like.
00:17:04 It's all flipped around now.
00:17:05 It's all flipped around now.
Speaker 9
00:17:08 A newspaper reading another story about racism, intolerance, some kind of ISM, whether it's black churches being bombed or Mexican immigrants being beaten up coming.Devon
00:17:18 Yeah, those are like the major race related crimes back in the 90s, I guess, right?00:17:25 Black churches, always getting bombed and and those ******* Mexicans just getting beat the **** up by a bunch of like a pack of wild whites.
00:17:33 That that was the problem.
Speaker 9
00:17:35 And over the border, or even Mom and Brando making that statement that upset the Jewish community.Devon
00:17:49 Ohh, what's this?00:17:51 What's this?
00:17:51 What did he say I have.
00:17:53 It right here.
00:17:58 Oh, let's let's see.
00:17:59 What what did Marlon Brando say back in the 90s that ****** *** the the the Jewish community?
Speaker 13
00:18:07 Hollywood is run by Jews.00:18:09 It's owned by Jews.
00:18:10 Ohh yeah I can see.00:18:15 I could see how that could be.
Speaker 8
00:18:16 A problem?Speaker 13
00:18:19 They should have a, a, a, a greater sensitivity about the issue of of people who are suffering.Speaker 8
00:18:28 Yeah, but.Devon
00:18:30 Seems like it's a perfectly reasonable statement.Speaker 8
00:18:34 Right.00:18:34 Like I don't agree with what the.
00:18:35 Funny thing is, what he was saying.00:18:37 The context of that statement was, Oh yeah?
00:18:41 Well, the Jews are responsible for racism in this country because they they do all these racist stereotypes in their.
00:18:50 I'm not even ******* kidding you.
00:18:52 And and he was kind of he.
00:18:54 I think he kind of also touched on a little bit of the the degeneracy in movies but not really like he's a ******* crazy leftist.
00:19:00 But this is all he had to say.
Speaker 13
00:19:02 Hollywood is run by Jews.00:19:04 It's owned by Jews.
00:19:06 And who would know?00:19:08 Who would know better than like the number one actor in the world?
00:19:12 Supposedly like if you if you just look up his name, Marlon Brando, you'll have pages of pages of Google results saying that he's the best actor that ever lived.
00:19:23 So who better to know about Hollywood than the best actor that ever lived?
00:19:29 Which I, you know, I disagree with, but whatever.
00:19:32 He's the best actor who ever lived.
00:19:35 Shouldn't you maybe take his word for it?
00:19:38 When he says.
Speaker 13
00:19:39 Hollywood is run by Jews.00:19:40 It's owned by Jews.
00:19:42 I mean, ever come on anyway.00:19:44 And look, everyone else knew it too.
00:19:46 Or else none of these jokes would make any *** **** sense.
Speaker 14
00:19:50 Last week on Larry King Live, Marlon Brando made the shocking statement that Hollywood is, quote, run by Jews.00:19:59 In response, outraged Jewish organizations made it snow in New York in April.
00:20:13 Well, you know, like seems like the the.00:20:17 New York audience.
00:20:19 Didn't seem to feel like it was that controversial.
00:20:22 They ******* knew.
00:20:23 Same thing.
00:20:23 With this joke.
00:20:25 After he apologized cause of course he had to apologize.
00:20:29 I'm gonna read the go through that.
00:20:30 Here in a.
Speaker 14
00:20:30 Second, well, earlier this week after Marlon Brando met with Jewish leaders to apologize for comments he made on Larry King live among them that.00:20:40 Quote Hollywood is run by Jews.
00:20:42 The Jewish leaders accepted the actors apology and announced that Brando is now free to work again.
00:20:53 See you again.00:21:00 It's funny because it's true.
00:21:03 Now it's hard to find.
00:21:04 I tried.
00:21:04 To find a video of.
00:21:05 This does not exist.
00:21:07 It was hard enough finding just the Brando on Larry King live.
00:21:11 That's why I had, like, the weird German.
00:21:15 Subtitles on it, but I found this old. This is from CNN's website from 1996. It's still somehow up there, but like all the photos, all you know, like all the links to the pictures are all broken.
00:21:28 But somehow the text is still still there so.
00:21:31 April 13th, 1996.
00:21:35 Los Angeles.
00:21:37 Actor Marlon Brando broke down and wept.
Speaker 5
00:21:40 Broke down and wept.Devon
00:21:43 When he met with Jewish leaders Friday to apologize for remarks that he made about the community last week.00:21:51 Ask yourself this when has anyone broke down and wept while apologizing to white leaders?
00:22:03 Or even Christian leaders.
00:22:08 But yet this group has.
00:22:11 Less than 2% of the population.
00:22:15 And people are routinely.
00:22:19 Throwing themselves on the ground?
00:22:23 And and making public apologies.
00:22:28 For the last 50 years, this happens like several times a year.
00:22:32 Some big name person.
Speaker 16
00:22:35 Several times a year.Devon
00:22:37 Some big name person has to go apologize to the Jewish community, whatever that is, to Jewish leaders, whoever they are.00:22:48 We don't even have white leaders.
00:22:51 Can you imagine?
00:22:53 Can you imagine?
Speaker 8
00:22:56 I mean that that's that's that's the.Devon
00:22:57 Power imbalance guys.00:23:01 Until you even have a person.
Speaker 8
00:23:04 Or even like a group of people.Speaker 11
00:23:08 That the people.Devon
00:23:09 Should they feel pressured into apologizing, which that's like.00:23:13 The next step step you're.
00:23:14 Like you're way way far.
00:23:16 Away from that step.
00:23:17 OK.
00:23:19 You don't even have the people that would apologize to.
00:23:23 Like what are you thinking?
00:23:24 He apologized to me.
00:23:26 Like, come on.
00:23:32 So this is the difference.
00:23:34 This is the difference.
00:23:35 This is the power difference.
00:23:41 Apologized to remarks he made about the community last week during an interview with CNN's Larry King Live last week.
00:23:48 Brando sparked a controversy when he said Hollywood is run by Jews.
00:23:56 And he was angry at some of the Jewish film makers.
Speaker 11
00:23:59 This is what?Devon
00:24:00 I'm talking about for permitting negative stereotypes.00:24:03 Of ethnic minorities.
00:24:05 Isn't that ****** **?
00:24:07 That's what he was saying.
00:24:09 He wasn't saying.
00:24:11 I'm mad at the Jews for making all this degenerate ****.
00:24:15 He was saying.
00:24:16 I'm mad at the Jews for not making minorities look cool enough in movies.
00:24:22 Now ask and you shall receive the.
00:24:24 Jews have delivered on that one Marlon.
00:24:29 Rabbi Marvin Higher, one of the Jewish leaders in relation to Heather Heyer.
00:24:36 While the Jewish leaders who met with the movie star Friday.
00:24:42 Told a news briefing that Brando broke down and cried.
00:24:46 It took 30 to 45 seconds before he was able to compose himself, he said.
00:24:54 Imagine having that kind of power.
00:25:00 Someone famous and look, I don't know who, who who would be analogous to that to Marlon Brando these days it's, you know, we're kind of in a different time where.
00:25:10 There's not like a Marla.
00:25:11 I mean, who?
00:25:12 Would it be right?
00:25:15 It would be like.
00:25:19 Well, I don't know.
00:25:20 Imagine, like, if Wesley Snipes or or **** it.
00:25:27 I'll settle for Wesley Snipes.
00:25:28 Imagine if, like, Wesley Snipes.
00:25:32 Or or Seth Rogen.
00:25:37 Had to meet with white leaders.
00:25:41 And and they it took him 30 to 45 seconds.
00:25:46 Of blubbering before they could even get words out, they were so ******* terrified.
00:25:57 That's that's the power difference again this 1996.
00:26:00 Hasn't gotten any better.
00:26:03 The actor blamed the uproar on the pressures of appearing on a sound bite oriented talk show and said his comments had been misunderstood.
00:26:12 Which which is true like he was being Uber lefty, he was criticizing Jews for not being woke enough.
00:26:22 But didn't matter.
00:26:23 Didn't matter because.
00:26:25 It's just that he criticized Jews and at all.
00:26:29 In any small way didn't matter.
00:26:32 Didn't matter at all.
00:26:33 He pointed out that Jews ran.
00:26:35 Hollywood, you don't do that.
00:26:39 You don't do that.
00:26:41 Back to the story.
00:26:43 I just thought it was.
00:26:44 Funny that rolanda.
00:26:46 Mentioned that in her in her intro.
00:26:50 And I was like, oh, I kind of remember something about this and then bam.
Speaker 8
00:26:55 So let's go.00:26:55 Let's have a look.
00:26:56 Have a look see rolanda.Speaker 9
00:26:59 It just seems that all of us in some way or another are touched by racism and intolerance.00:27:04 Yeah, I can remember being four years old growing up North Carolina, and I remember I was in kindergarten.
00:27:10 And we were really excited because.
00:27:10 Get ready for get ready for a.00:27:12 Story that didn't happen.
Speaker 9
00:27:15 As we were gonna go to this Country Club and go for a big picnic and all little kids were excited and we were happy with spring and I ran home and I couldn't wait to go the day of the picnic.00:27:26 My mother and father decided that I wasn't going to go.
00:27:29 We were going to go visit my grandmother instead.
00:27:31 You can imagine how sad I was about that.
00:27:34 It wasn't until I was 16 years old.
00:27:37 My mother and father sat me down, explained to me why little Rolanda couldn't go to that picnic.
00:27:42 You see, I had come home one day with a note pinned to my little Jack.
00:27:48 And it said yes, we're having a picnic, but rolanda can't go because they don't allow blacks in this Country Club.
00:27:56 Yeah, file that under didn't happen.Speaker 8
00:27:59 And and and and if it did.Devon
00:28:02 You could you couldn't read the note.00:28:06 It was pinned to you.
00:28:07 You couldn't read it.
00:28:09 They just.
00:28:11 They just knew you were illiterate.
00:28:13 So they pinned to you.
00:28:17 Like I don't care if you're if you're in kindergarten.
00:28:18 I could ******* read in kindergarten.
00:28:20 Who couldn't?
00:28:20 ******* read in kindergarten.
00:28:23 Put a *******.
00:28:25 And and then and then let's.
00:28:26 Say, let's say, OK.
00:28:27 All right, whatever you.
00:28:28 Couldn't read.
00:28:28 You're a little slow.
00:28:31 Your parents sat 12 years later out of the blue.
00:28:34 They're just like rolanda.
00:28:39 I'd like you to.
00:28:39 You're going to want to sit down.
00:28:41 Your father and I'd like to.
00:28:42 Talk to you about something.
00:28:44 Remember when you were four?
00:28:47 And you wanted to go on that picnic?
Speaker 1
00:28:51 They hated.Devon
00:28:53 Like, really, like nothing about your story.00:28:55 Makes any ******* sense.
00:28:57 And yet.
00:28:58 I'll take it a step further.
00:29:00 Even if that was real, even if all every part of that's real.
Speaker 13
00:29:05 So what?Speaker 5
00:29:07 So what?Speaker 8
00:29:09 It's their Country Club.Devon
00:29:11 They don't want you to go.00:29:13 Why do you want to?
00:29:13 Why do you want to be there?
Speaker 11
00:29:17 What do you want to be there?Devon
00:29:20 So anyway.Speaker 9
00:29:23 I pray that no other children have to go through.00:29:26 That that's why I'm going to do the show today.
00:29:30 Let me introduce to you someone that I have met who is very interesting man.
00:29:34 His name is Johnny Lee Clary and Johnny.
00:29:37 A lot of people are going to freak out when they understand that you are the former Imperial Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan.
00:29:43 Now, Johnny claims that he's a changed man.
00:29:46 Now he's not a racist anymore.
00:29:48 And Johnny, you say that you're going to deal with some of these kids out there.
00:29:52 Some of these kids who are so racist, so bigoted.
00:29:55 You can change people.
00:29:56 Can you really do that?
00:29:57 I love that mullet.00:30:00 And that's that's.
00:30:05 You know what, though?
00:30:06 I don't know why, but there were people.
00:30:07 In the South that had that haircut like.
00:30:12 Mostly like pro wrestlers and stuff.
00:30:14 Like that. But you know.
Speaker 8
00:30:17 Yeah, you know.00:30:19 Shirt on top for the fellas.
00:30:21 Long in the back for the lady.Speaker 15
00:30:24 Well, I can't change them, but the Lord.00:30:26 Jesus Christ can.
00:30:27 Change them.
00:30:27 You know, hatred stirs up dissension, but love covers all wrongs.
00:30:31 Hatred is a learned response.
00:30:32 You're not born with hate.
00:30:34 You have to be taught it.
00:30:35 And the best way to overcome an enemy is to.
00:30:37 Make a friend.
00:30:38 Out of it.
Speaker 9
00:30:39 Well, but I'm not gonna let anybody judge you today.00:30:41 We're going to try to keep an open mind because I'm gonna tell you.
00:30:43 Look at me.
00:30:44 Back in a minute, we've got some kids out here.
00:30:46 You don't hear things that.
00:30:47 You do not agree with today.
00:30:49 You're going to hear things that you totally agree with today, but let's try to have an open mind as we're talking to to young people, to teenagers who are.
00:30:58 Dealing with with with their own issues about race relations in America all this week, we're talking about teenagers and the things that they're thinking about, the things that are important to them.
00:31:11 And as we enter into this new day, I think all of us want to know what our kids going to do about hate.
00:31:19 Our first guest say they don't care what Johnny said backstage.
00:31:24 They say they're never going to change their racist ways of thinking.
00:31:27 These young people say that blacks, Mexicans, Jews, anybody who is not white should get out of America and make this all.
00:31:34 Ohh, hold on rolanda.00:31:37 Did you?
00:31:38 Imply that Jews aren't white.
00:31:43 That's why they canceled your show.
Speaker 8
00:31:46 That's why you only got.Devon
00:31:47 Three seasons.00:31:49 Naughty, naughty.
Speaker 9
00:31:51 White homeland. I want you to meet 22 year old Jeff.00:31:55 He's a leader of a group called the National Socialist Movement.
00:31:59 He is joined by 17 year old group member Bob.
00:32:03 Guys, I gotta tell ya.
00:32:06 OK.00:32:08 I don't even think I need to say it.
00:32:11 But if these guys are even real.
00:32:14 The definition of bad optics.
00:32:19 Here, here's something that that drives me crazy.
00:32:22 When I watch these shows from the 90s.
00:32:24 And you have people from the KKK or stuff like this, and they dress up in, like, literal costumes.
Speaker 8
00:32:32 You might as.Devon
00:32:32 Well, be, I mean, in fact it would be.00:32:34 Less bad if you had dressed up like a furry.
00:32:38 When you dress up your little ******* costume.
00:32:43 It's it's.
00:32:44 It's so frustrating because.
00:32:45 What's the one thing?
00:32:47 Look, what's the one?
00:32:47 Thing that people always say, like oh, it's so frustrating because.
00:32:52 People, people don't realize.
00:32:54 How many Jews are in powerful positions, right?
00:32:58 Because they just blend right in.
00:33:00 Well, yeah, because they don't dress up like like ******* a rabbi.
00:33:06 You know, like, like, imagine if the head of CNN, right?
00:33:11 Like like Zucker, Jeff or I guess it's not Jeff Zucker, it's some other June.
00:33:16 I forget I forget the.
00:33:17 New Jews name.
00:33:18 But it was, yeah, back when it was, when it was Jeff Zucker, right?
00:33:23 Imagine if Jeff Zucker, when he came into work, dressed like this.
00:33:29 And then imagine if.
00:33:31 If what is it? 78% of Biden's cabinet is Jewish?
00:33:37 Imagine if they all dressed like that.
00:33:42 And imagine if if every like Harvey Weinstein dressed like that, Seinfeld dressed like that.
Speaker 8
00:33:50 Because when you when you dress like.Devon
00:33:53 These two guys, that's what you're doing.00:33:56 You're literally doing that.
Speaker 8
00:34:00 Doesn't look cool.Devon
00:34:04 It doesn't impress literally anybody.Speaker 14
00:34:11 You're you're.Devon
00:34:13 You're dressing up.00:34:16 As the worst version.
00:34:19 The of the people.
00:34:20 The people you're trying to convince.
00:34:21 To be on your side, right?
00:34:24 You might as well.
00:34:25 Put on devil horns.
Speaker 10
00:34:29 Well, that's just because the.Speaker 7
00:34:30 Propaganda. It doesn't matter why.Devon
00:34:34 Doesn't matter.00:34:34 Why stop acting like reality should just bend to your will.
00:34:39 You don't have the force, OK?
00:34:43 You can't Jedi mind trick get people into things, OK?
Speaker 1
00:34:56 There's realities that you have to deal with it.Speaker 11
00:34:58 Doesn't matter why.Devon
00:35:03 You look like and then the mask.00:35:05 Come on, man.
00:35:07 Like you made it worse somehow, like, like you managed to make it look worse.
00:35:12 You, you, you basically put the devil horns on.
Speaker 1
00:35:16 I'm going to.Speaker 11
00:35:16 Have the mask and sunglasses on.00:35:18 Ohh good.
00:35:20 Is that cause you're a federal agent or that's which is entirely?00:35:25 Possible, I don't know anyway.
Speaker 9
00:35:30 I don't really want to meet folks like you, but I'm going to take this chance to meet you.00:35:35 Just so I understand where you're coming from, I have to admit.
00:35:39 I look at you.
00:35:40 You're so young.
00:35:41 It breaks my heart to think that you might be filled with so much hatred.
00:35:46 How'd you get involved in a?
00:35:47 Group like this.
Speaker 7
00:35:48 Well, let me tell you, it's not hatred.00:35:50 It's love for our own people.
00:35:51 Love for our own race.
00:35:52 You have all these other races and they can have black pride, black power, Jew power, et cetera, et cetera.
00:36:00 But anytime a white person is to stand up and say, you know, I'm proud of being white, you know, we're shot down and said, oh, he's a racist, this and that.
Speaker 3
00:36:08 Jeff, if I.Devon
00:36:09 OK, now imagine he said, that not dressed up.Speaker 11
00:36:12 In a Nazi uniform.Speaker 8
00:36:16 Like if that's all you changed.Speaker 11
00:36:22 What do you think the?Devon
00:36:23 Audience would be thinking right now.Speaker 8
00:36:26 Well, they think ah.Devon
00:36:29 That doesn't sound so crazy.00:36:34 But it doesn't matter what he says now.
00:36:36 Because he's wearing devil horns.
Speaker 9
00:36:39 Time to stand up and say black power.00:36:42 I love my people too.
Speaker 17
00:36:43 You should.Speaker 9
00:36:44 I'm not saying kick out everybody else out of.Speaker 7
00:36:48 I'm not saying necessarily that we need to kick everyone out of America.00:36:52 We need a white homeland.
00:36:54 And no matter what happens, we're going to have that white homeland any means necessary.
Speaker 9
00:36:57 Bob, does that mean kicking people who look like me out of a homeland that my ancestors and my relatives help build?Devon
00:37:06 Alright, now memes aside, look again.Speaker 5
00:37:10 It it yeah.Speaker 8
00:37:13 One thing that.Devon
00:37:13 I do want to bring up here is America is different, OK?00:37:17 And look, we know that black people didn't build America.
00:37:21 All right, obviously OK.
00:37:24 Like, not even in in terms of construction and nine times out of 10, right?
00:37:28 Like that wasn't like that wasn't like a big source of the construction power.
00:37:34 In America.
00:37:36 It just wasn't, it just wasn't.
00:37:39 It never was, never really was, and certainly not, you know, in any any kind of other way, right, intellectually or otherwise.
00:37:47 But it doesn't change the fact.
00:37:49 That in America, which is different than in Europe.
Speaker 8
00:37:52 Look, you, you, you brought 4.Devon
00:37:54 100 years ago you brought black people here against their will.00:37:57 And you know, like, you know, what are you supposed to do with them now?
00:38:03 You know?
00:38:05 And and it is a real question, right.
00:38:07 It is kind of like, well, you know.
00:38:09 Because let's face it.
00:38:11 Possibly her family has been here longer than a lot of.
00:38:15 White people's families.
00:38:17 Not mine, but a lot of you ******* carpet bagging *************.
00:38:24 So what do you do about that?
00:38:25 What do you do about that?
00:38:26 A complicated issue.
00:38:29 And look and look, this is the.
00:38:31 This is the what's so frustrating about this, too, is you watch this, and this is a wasted opportunity.
00:38:37 It's a wasted opportunity to just be like, yeah, let's just let's just be cool about it.
00:38:41 Let's just be honest about it.
00:38:42 Let's talk about this.
00:38:43 Yeah, I have a national audience, which was not easy to do back then, right?
00:38:48 He that guy couldn't just go on the Internet and stream to thousands of people.
00:38:52 At all like.
00:38:52 No one was going to see that, you know.
00:38:55 This guy was going to be, you know, talking to a room full of other people dressed like, you know, cartoon characters, you know, like, that's that's.
00:39:06 The biggest audience, you know, these guys have probably had a we're we're we're like, you know, maybe a room full of like 30 people.
00:39:14 And you get your chance.
00:39:16 And look, I guarantee you, I guarantee you the producers of the show.
00:39:22 Encouraged this kind of thing.
00:39:25 I guarantee you the producers of the show were.
00:39:28 Like, Oh yeah, no.
00:39:29 You should totally dressed like Nazis.
00:39:31 That'd be awesome.
00:39:33 Oh, you don't want to show your face here.
00:39:35 Wear this.
00:39:36 This bandit like bandana and like these sunglasses that won't make you look like a serial killer or anything.
00:39:43 It'll be fine.
00:39:45 Ohh yeah, we respect your privacy now.
00:39:48 This is trust us.
00:39:49 It's way better than blurring your face out.
00:39:51 Let's just do this.
00:39:55 Anyway, and they could have had a good.
00:39:57 Conversation about it.
00:39:59 And it would have been so easy to do.
00:40:02 And and that you would have, it would.
Speaker 8
00:40:04 Be it would.Devon
00:40:04 Have been like at the perfect time.00:40:06 Because you're in a moment in history where where white people for the first time, really we're starting to get nervous about this ****.
00:40:13 This is when the immigration debate started.
00:40:16 Started again, like in the late 90s.
00:40:21 That's when it started getting, you know, because it was the post Reagan Post NAFTA.
00:40:28 White Americans were starting.
00:40:29 You know, that lost all their manufacturing jobs because of the the NAFTA stuff during the Clinton years.
00:40:35 And you had tons of immigrants that were amnestied in thanks to, you know, Reagan and the Reagan years.
00:40:42 And you had George Bush promising.
00:40:45 He was going to be tough on immigration just a couple of years later when you?
00:40:49 Know right before.
00:40:50 He did 9/11 with the Jews.
00:40:52 Yes, God, we've had it rough, haven't we?
00:40:55 We've had a rough few decades.
00:40:59 But this would have been a great.
00:41:00 Opportunity to be like hey guys, you know, hey, white guys out.
00:41:03 There I'm a normal guy.
00:41:05 Look, I look like a normal guy.
00:41:06 Definitely not a like a cartoon character or like, a a villain in a movie.
00:41:11 Right, like let's just talk.
00:41:12 About this why is it that we can't say that we're proud of our people?
00:41:17 Why is it that we're getting crowded out?
00:41:19 Of of of.
00:41:21 Just low skilled jobs all the way up to higher skilled jobs.
00:41:25 Why is it that we're supposed to just let anyone and everyone into our country?
00:41:32 Why can't we kick out?
00:41:34 The illegal immigrants at the very least.
00:41:38 And yeah, you know what, rolanda?
00:41:42 It's complicated.
00:41:43 You're, you know, the black people, their existence here on this continent.
00:41:47 It's complicated.
00:41:48 But hey, you know, like what?
00:41:50 Let's why not talk about some Malcolm X type solutions, huh?
00:41:56 You know, separate but equal, you know.
Speaker 8
00:41:59 Why not let's.00:42:00 Let's let's talk about that.
00:42:02 And this is the 90s.
00:42:03 You can't talk **** about Malcolm X because he's, you know, he's like one of your heroes.00:42:07 So, you know, let's see you on national television say that he he was a bad man, Rolanda.
Speaker 8
00:42:14 And let's see.Devon
00:42:14 How you know your audience?00:42:16 Holds up.
Speaker 18
00:42:17 Well, they're all we have our own, we.00:42:21 Want to own?
00:42:22 Home land.
00:42:22 You just want a section section of the country and that's it.
00:42:25 You know you can have whatever.
Speaker 9
00:42:26 Else you want.00:42:26 You know, we just want a section.
00:42:27 But what if you want my section where my house is?
00:42:30 Does that mean that you're gonna kick me out of my own home?
Speaker 17
00:42:32 They'll they'll be white people.Speaker 18
00:42:33 In your section, will have to come to our.00:42:35 So we'll do whatever we.
Speaker 7
00:42:37 Have to put the country up.Speaker 15
00:42:37 We'll split.Speaker 7
00:42:38 It doesn't matter.00:42:39 You know, a lot of times, people.
00:42:40 Will say oh.
00:42:40 Why don't you go back to Europe?
00:42:41 Well, we can't go back.
00:42:42 To Europe, there's no.
00:42:43 It's, it's overrun, it's overrun.
00:42:44 Just like it.
00:42:45 Is here you look at your audience.
00:42:47 We're filled.
00:42:47 With you have a multiracial cesspool here in New York City and just to get the.
00:42:51 Get back on the Johnny Lee Clary subject.
00:42:54 I want to say something about Johnny.
00:42:55 Lee. He's a racial traitor.
00:42:57 See now this again, this would.00:42:59 Have been another opportunity to be like hey, look.
00:43:02 They're America's big it's huge.
00:43:05 You know if if if that's what we're talking about, which I don't agree with because I feel like my people help build and create this, this country that has drawn so many others from around the world like like moths to a flame.
00:43:20 But if if that's the solution, if that's if that's all you're willing to do is to give me the same kind of deal that you've been complaining for for decades, if not centuries, was a raw deal that was given to the Indians.
00:43:36 Look, America is huge.
00:43:37 There's giant spaces.
00:43:39 If you want to put me on a.
00:43:40 Reservation, if that's.
00:43:42 If that's all you're willing to do, if you're if you're so adamant in keeping this land that my forefathers.
00:43:50 Carved out of out of the the wilderness.
00:43:53 Hey, you know what?
00:43:54 I'll take it.
00:43:55 I'll take it.
00:44:00 How could you?
00:44:01 How could you possibly respond?
00:44:04 To that at all.
00:44:05 But no, no, he doesn't do that.
00:44:06 He starts to make somewhat of a point, but then gets derail and starts yelling about the guy with the mullet.
Speaker 7
00:44:12 He came into the movement.00:44:14 A while back and now he's basically saying that he's.
00:44:17 He doesn't believe in it anymore.
00:44:19 Well, he probably never believed it in the 1st place.
00:44:21 He is a white racial traitor.
00:44:22 He was, I don't know.
00:44:23 He probably sold his race.
00:44:24 For a bag of.
Speaker 9
00:44:25 Well, this is the type of discussion we're going to have today, folks.00:44:29 What all of us?
00:44:30 What can we do to tackle and talk like this?
00:44:34 And Johnny's got a few things to say to you, too. He says he can come out here and change you boys. We're going to see what you have to say about him.
00:44:42 Tackling and tolerance and racism in America, can we?
Speaker 19
00:44:45 Do it.Speaker 9
00:44:46 Stick around for this heated debate on.Speaker 8
00:44:49 But I bet you can do it rolanda.00:44:55 That's helpful.
00:44:56 Let's let's have those.
00:44:57 Guys in the audience.Speaker
00:45:00 Hold up.Devon
00:45:01 Yeah, that's good.00:45:03 Thanks for showing up, Grandpa.
00:45:11 Well, glad, glad you glad you showed up too in your in your costumes.
Speaker 9
00:45:30 Ohh, it really scares me.00:45:32 I'm so proud of this country.
00:45:33 I am so proud to be an American.
00:45:35 I love this country.
00:45:36 I kissed the ground of this country, but it it frightens me. It brings tears to my eyes to talk with people like we're talking to now 22 years old and another teenager.
00:45:48 Bob, how old are you?
00:45:49 1717 and Bob is in disguise, by the way, not because he's embarrassed or ashamed of being a racist, but because he's a minor and on television we have to cover.
00:45:59 His image these two.
00:46:02 Is that the excuse they told him when they were like here?00:46:05 You have to put this on.
00:46:06 No, no.
Speaker 11
00:46:07 It's because you're 17, OK?Speaker 9
00:46:11 Men say they are darn proud of being racist as young as they are.00:46:15 They say that blacks and Jews and anybody of color who is not white needs to to get out of their way because they say America ought to be a white homeland.
00:46:24 How in the world did you guys get involved in an organization that would make you so proudly display swastikas that mean death and destruction to so many people in the world?
Speaker 7
00:46:35 It was not a choice, it was something that we had to do.00:46:38 This country is.
00:46:38 Turning into a sewer.
00:46:39 I don't like this country for what it is today.
00:46:42 I can't say that I'm going to have a job as good.
00:46:43 As my parents.
00:46:44 And my grandparents had and any other white person is pretty.
00:46:48 Much in the same.
00:46:49 Because the country is being overrun.
00:46:50 By immigrants we've got.
00:46:52 The mud flood coming across the border.
00:46:53 From Mexico and what's the mud?
Speaker 19
00:46:55 What? What?Speaker 20
00:46:56 The months what?Devon
00:46:58 You see?00:46:58 Again, he had a perfectly good point, a point that was probably resonating with some of the white people in the audience.
00:47:05 It's like I said, at that time in history, you did have a **** ton of white people that were, like, hold on.
00:47:12 This is starting to look like a raw deal.
00:47:14 You used to be able to support a family working at a machine.
00:47:18 Shop or as a mechanic or at a ******* shoe store.
00:47:22 And now you can't.
00:47:24 You can't because either those jobs have been shipped overseas or the capitalists.
00:47:31 The the international capitalists, the globalists, if you will.
00:47:36 That run, these multinational companies have decided.
00:47:40 Yeah, you know what?
00:47:41 Instead of paying our employees a wage that allows them to support a family, **** it.
00:47:48 Let's hire illegal immigrants for half the price.
00:47:54 Because that'll work.
00:47:57 And look that that was real and it was a real problem and it was happening on a on a.
00:48:02 Ever widening scale and white people still had the political power of that in 1996.
00:48:09 To be like, hold up, hold.
00:48:10 Up this is this is not.
00:48:13 This isn't cool.
00:48:14 We we we need to stop this.
00:48:18 There were, there were people that tried.
00:48:21 Unfortunately, many of them looked like this ******* guy.
00:48:29 And the and the rest.
00:48:30 Of them.
00:48:31 You know, a lot of them didn't try.
00:48:34 You know, the boomer survives.
00:48:36 They were still.
00:48:36 Like, well, I don't see race.
Speaker 16
00:48:41 If if that.Devon
00:48:41 Well, walk kid, if he if he can't find a job though, he should pull himself up by his.00:48:46 Bootstraps like look.
00:48:48 Boomers just missed this happening to them.
00:48:51 Just missed.
00:48:55 So when they heard these complaints, even in the 90s, they were doing, they were saying the same ******** that they say now to, like zoomers and millennials and Gen.
00:49:02 Xers never.
00:49:03 You know what?
00:49:04 They what?
00:49:04 Everybody, that's not them, right?
00:49:06 They say this they they were saying that back then too.
00:49:12 Well, maybe them them.
00:49:13 Mexicans coming from the South.
00:49:15 Of the border there.
00:49:16 Remember, they're working harder than you.
00:49:21 That's it. Good for nothing.
00:49:25 When I was your age, I worked three jobs and.
Speaker 9
00:49:29 Is that what you call Mexican immigration?00:49:31 Mud floods? Yep.
00:49:33 See, I think he's confusing.00:49:36 Now the the mud floods are something totally different.
00:49:41 But that's the other thing, too.
00:49:42 That's never ******* worked.
00:49:43 That's never ******* worked.
00:49:46 OK, like people stopped taking you seriously.
00:49:50 When when you start like look, there's a time and a place for that kind of of terminology.
00:49:58 Those jokes, memes and humor.
00:50:01 And being on national television, trying to appeal to housewives is not that place.
00:50:07 It's not that place.
00:50:10 That's not when you should be pulling.
00:50:11 Out your mud flood joke.
Speaker 7
00:50:15 OK, the mud flood is coming across our borders, taking our jobs have.Speaker 9
00:50:20 You ever met a Mexican?Speaker 7
00:50:21 Person sure.00:50:22 I live in a ghetto.
Speaker 8
00:50:25 First of all.Devon
00:50:26 The idea that anyone.00:50:29 Anyone in 1996 hadn't met a Mexican person.
00:50:33 That's that's ludicrous. It's insane, and everyone in 1996 in media Mexican person.
Speaker 18
00:50:40 To deal with them.Speaker 7
00:50:41 Every day, all night long.Speaker 18
00:50:43 Get harassed, attacked everywhere we.Speaker 9
00:50:46 We ask you, it's 17.Devon
00:50:46 Look and honestly, a lot of that happened.00:50:48 Too there was there was because now look since then it's it's.
00:50:56 Well, I mean it's still bad, especially depends on what part of town you're in.
00:51:00 But the first generation immigrants especially and their children, when they came here.
00:51:06 There was a lot of there's a huge, huge increase in crime and look, there still is.
00:51:12 But in the 90s there was, there was a I mean, just all together.
00:51:16 Non white crime was through the through the.
00:51:18 Roof in the.
Speaker 9
00:51:18 90s that you decided you know.00:51:23 I could join a whole bunch of other groups at 17 years old, but you know, for me, I'm going to join a group that doesn't like anybody with white folks.
00:51:32 What made you decide, Bob?
00:51:34 What was it in your life that made?
Speaker 18
00:51:35 You sign up.00:51:36 When I was 14, I was going to to middle school and I started noticing all the all the Jews around and the blacks around me, how the special privileges.
00:51:44 And I just got sick and tired of I couldn't take it anymore.
00:51:46 I just.
00:51:47 I had to do something for our race before it.
00:51:48 Dies out.
00:51:49 It's going to die out soon.
Speaker 7
00:51:49 That brings up that brings.00:51:50 Up a very good question, affirmative action thing.
00:51:54 They say that if.
00:51:55 And that's the other thing too, is affirmative action was.00:51:58 Affecting not the people who ushered it in.
00:52:03 You know which is, you know those those those nice people I were just talking about that don't see race.
00:52:09 They don't see race but but don't tell them to get rid of affirmative action.
00:52:14 Which makes absolutely no sense, right?
00:52:16 I don't see race affirmative actions.
00:52:19 You know you can't get rid of.
Speaker 8
00:52:20 That well, I mean.Devon
00:52:23 OK.00:52:24 So you you you can.
00:52:25 You can only see race.
00:52:27 When it disadvantages your own race.
00:52:30 OK, I gotcha.
00:52:31 I gotcha.
00:52:32 Now I got you figured out.
00:52:33 Don't don't worry.
00:52:35 So you had you had affirmative action.
00:52:36 Like again this 99901996.
00:52:40 I told you guys when I was in school, I got that pamphlet.
00:52:42 How the you know, for to work for the NSA.
00:52:46 And it just outright said, like, yeah, we don't want.
00:52:48 White guys, you know?
00:52:50 That that kind of a thing was happening all over.
00:52:54 You were having white kids that were graduating from high school and and maybe they weren't the best student, but they were pretty, you know, maybe the upper seven, you know, like the 70th, 70 percentile, right.
00:53:05 Like so above average, but not like, spectacular.
00:53:09 And they would get passed up by some mediocre ******* black or Mexican or woman or, you know, lesbian or whatever, right?
00:53:15 Just something.
00:53:15 That wasn't the white guy.
00:53:18 Because there are quarters to fill.
00:53:21 And this is the first time in American history that American men would have to face.
00:53:27 Something like that.
00:53:28 Now, of course, the Boomers never had to.
00:53:30 Grow up in that so they didn't see race.
00:53:34 Why don't see race?
00:53:36 I never got turned down for a job because I was a white guy, but I don't see race **** my kids and grandchildren.
00:53:47 But this was this was the first, you know, crop of kids.
00:53:51 They had to deal with this ****.
00:53:56 And there was plenty to talk about here.
00:53:57 Again it's it's.
00:54:00 It's presented in such an abrasive, cartoonish way it it.
00:54:05 It makes you one.
00:54:07 And I and I don't, I just think.
00:54:08 That these guys had it all wrong, I don't think that they're feds, but like, it's so.
00:54:12 Wrong that you're.
00:54:13 Like maybe they're feds.
Speaker 7
00:54:14 Limited action was made for the minorities to get special privileges, special jobs and all this kind of stuff, all right.00:54:20 Well, you look around in New York City, the white people are the vast minority.
00:54:23 Here, as in our area where we live.
00:54:26 In Saint Paul.
00:54:27 And why is there still affirmative action?
00:54:30 It's a big joke.
00:54:31 It's a big it's a spit on the white race.
Speaker 9
00:54:33 So why don't you?00:54:34 Do something.
00:54:34 Constructive, like learning to vote and.
00:54:37 See look and notice how she couldn't even argue with that.00:54:41 She couldn't even say like.
00:54:43 Well, that's wrong.
00:54:46 Because it was the he was, he was being factually accurate.
00:54:50 Hey, look, why do we have these quotas when the areas that many of us are living in, we're the minority.
00:54:59 I mean, **** he was.
00:55:00 He was.
00:55:01 In Saint Paul.
00:55:03 Paul, MN, which is now like Somalia.
00:55:09 You know, and places like New York.
00:55:10 Yeah, obviously.
00:55:13 It's stupid, right?
00:55:14 And and she couldn't.
00:55:15 She couldn't even argue it.
00:55:18 They they at at that point they hadn't cooked up because inevitably they were going to have to come up with a reason, you know, they're going to have to come up with an argument for that.
00:55:28 And so they, they've they've since cooked up all this mumbo jumbo about, you know, like the white supremacist system and and and whatever.
00:55:38 Yeah, we've all, you know, the critical race theory type stuff.
00:55:40 Right.
00:55:41 But at this point in time.
00:55:43 You could you.
00:55:44 Still have the ability to have the rational conversation to some extent.
00:55:49 They hadn't cooked up all their academic smoke screen, you know, like they hadn't.
00:55:53 Cooked up all.
00:55:54 This mind virus ******** and and even if they had started to cook it up like they had, they know they had it in the kitchen all ready to go.
00:56:02 They hadn't injected it into the arms of all the white kids for a generation.
00:56:08 Like they they have now.
00:56:12 Now you can't even make these arguments on the Internet without being relegated to the you.
00:56:18 Know some dark corner.
00:56:23 Because people like Susan wojenski.
00:56:27 Don't want to give a platform to racists?
00:56:29 Like Rolanda didn't.
Speaker 9
00:56:31 And being part of a government movement to bring up another voice to hating people.Speaker 18
00:56:35 We're part of a government movement.Speaker 8
00:56:37 We're for a new government.00:56:39 Well, maybe you are.
00:56:41 But I don't know.
Speaker 18
00:56:42 That's what socialist government.Speaker 9
00:56:43 Not my government.00:56:45 Bob Margot, let me tell you, we've got we've early in the show.
00:56:48 We met Johnny, Johnny Lee Clary, who's a former Imperial Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan.
00:56:56 He says he's changed his ways.
00:56:58 He's no longer a racist and he believes he can take the two of you and turn your lives around.
00:57:02 Get rid of this racist attitude, do you?
00:57:05 Believe that he can do that, no?
00:57:07 Wait a minute.
00:57:08 Who's this man down here in the hood saying?
00:57:10 Heck, no you don't.
00:57:13 You don't like him either, he said.
00:57:15 He was a traitor to the white race.
00:57:16 Is that what you think too?
00:57:17 Come on, stand up.
Speaker 12
00:57:19 We never mckenny.Speaker 9
00:57:21 What's your name?Speaker 12
00:57:22 Where you learning?Speaker 9
00:57:23 OK.00:57:24 And you represent what group?
Speaker 12
00:57:27 Plan yes, ma'am.Speaker 9
00:57:28 The Ku Klux Klan and Sir, you.Speaker 22
00:57:31 Do see.Speaker 9
00:57:31 You don't believe that that Jimmy could change somebody like you, are you you.00:57:37 I guess you're proud to see young people like.
Speaker 12
00:57:39 Yes, ma'am.00:57:40 I sure am because I was.
00:57:43 Born in the white race, how died in the white race and and.
00:57:47 That's the way it is.
Speaker 9
00:57:48 And I love you because you're just a good person, maybe and didn't have anything to do with you being white, so why can't you give?00:57:54 That back to me.
Speaker 12
00:57:55 Because I tell you.00:57:59 Everybody should stay with all kind black should stick with black.
00:58:04 White should stick with white.
00:58:05 I'm like, look, this guy, this guy's like.00:58:07 Literally almost ********.
00:58:11 Let's let's bring an actual ******** guy.
00:58:14 Look, he might be.
00:58:15 He might be a a really, really wonderful guy.
00:58:19 He might be a super nice.
00:58:21 Guy, but he's.
00:58:21 Basically ********. Come on.
00:58:24 He's basically ********.
00:58:25 Let's let's dress up the ******.
00:58:30 Put them in the front row.
00:58:35 And have him speak for us.
Speaker 11
00:58:40 Again, it doesn't.Devon
00:58:41 Doesn't matter if he's really endearing to you.Speaker 11
00:58:45 Doesn't matter.00:58:47 He looks like a ******* ******.
00:58:48 In the costume.Speaker 9
00:58:49 Can't tell you how many good friends I wouldn't have if I took your advice.Speaker 12
00:58:53 Yeah, but what you gonna do?00:58:55 Running right here?
Speaker 22
00:58:56 No, no, no.00:58:57 No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Speaker 9
00:58:58 No, no, no, no, no.00:58:59 Listen, one of the things one of the things I.
00:59:02 Saying you could still say on it.00:59:07 On national television, I.
Speaker 9
00:59:09 Guess I'm real proud of myself.00:59:11 Is it?
00:59:12 No matter what you throw at me, I'm still going to love you.
00:59:15 There's nothing you can do.
00:59:16 To me to make.
00:59:16 Me hate you.
00:59:17 Nothing, nothing.
00:59:19 Love you, Sir.
00:59:21 I love you, Sir.
00:59:22 All I ask, all I ask is that you respect people because we're in.
00:59:26 People's homes.
Speaker 12
00:59:27 Hello. Hi, gene.Speaker 9
00:59:27 Now, OK, but don't say words that would degrade the the the people I come from, OK?Speaker 12
00:59:31 What the what?00:59:33 The polling this.
00:59:34 I I don't hate.
00:59:36 I don't hate Mike.
00:59:38 The point is, they should stay with.
00:59:40 Their own kind.
Speaker 9
00:59:43 Jimmy Lee.00:59:43 You listening back there?
00:59:45 Yes, ma'am, I'm listening.
00:59:46 What do you say to this man?
00:59:47 You say you can change him.
Speaker 15
00:59:49 Well, I'm not saying I can change this man here.00:59:52 I mean he.
Speaker 9
00:59:54 Look up there in the monitor.Speaker 15
00:59:55 You know the youth of today will decide what kind of nation that we live in tomorrow, and I would hate to think I want these young.01:00:04 This is a perfect example.
01:00:05 We're like.
01:00:06 I want these young.
01:00:07 People to take a look.
Speaker 9
01:00:07 OK, wait, wait.01:00:08 We wanna hear what we want out here.
01:00:09 Sit down for a second.
01:00:10 I wanna.
01:00:10 Hear Jimmy.
01:00:11 What do you say to this guy?
01:00:20 Again, if you want to know why we're in the position we're in, is this.01:00:24 These were the guys.
01:00:25 These are the guys.
01:00:26 Talking for you.
01:00:30 Because the people that should have been talking for you, they weren't talking for you.
01:00:33 And by the way, that includes many of.
Speaker 15
01:00:36 I want these young people on the stage to take a look at this man sitting down there, doing on the mountain and see that's what their future could be like if they continue in this.01:00:44 Course that they're in.
Speaker 9
01:00:46 Jeff, what do you say to to Jimmy?01:00:50 Who says that?
01:00:51 I mean, Johnny, I'm sorry.
01:00:52 I'm getting confused calling you Jimmy.
01:00:54 Johnny, what do you say to these?
01:00:55 Young folks here. Who who?
01:00:57 Who don't believe who call you a traitor?
01:01:00 Physically to the white race.
Speaker 15
01:01:01 Rolanda, they don't understand what I've been through and but.Speaker 12
01:01:03 I understand.Speaker 15
01:01:03 But, but.01:01:04 But I'll tell you what I've been where they've been.
01:01:06 And if I was where they was at now, I would probably be.
01:01:08 Saying the same thing but.
01:01:10 These are not the same relanda.
01:01:12 These are not bad kids.
01:01:13 These are misguided kids.
Speaker 9
01:01:14 One more time, Sir.01:01:15 One more time.
01:01:15 I'll come with you.
01:01:16 Give your your position.
01:01:17 But let me let me hear.
01:01:18 John is saying.
Speaker 15
01:01:18 What you say, John Konda?01:01:20 These are not bad.
01:01:21 Young, young men up there.
01:01:22 These are misguided young men.
01:01:24 There's been misguided because the guys sitting down on the front row, guys like that.
01:01:27 And and these these kids.
01:01:29 They turn around.
01:01:29 They could they.
01:01:30 Could control these whole society because these these two boys sitting on the.
Speaker 14
01:01:30 Nobody talking.Speaker 12
01:01:33 Where did you buy dear my dear?Devon
01:01:41 Yeah, it makes you wonder where they found this guy because they couldn't have found a better guy.01:01:45 Like this is like the perfect guy.
01:01:47 To make their argument for them.
Speaker 15
01:01:57 Positive for all races in America.Speaker 7
01:01:59 The only thing we're going to be doing is turning this country around and people traitors like Johnny Lee.01:02:03 Claire, you're gonna get caught in the crossfire.
Speaker 3
01:02:05 What do you say, Sir?Speaker 21
01:02:05 Simple, I just like to ask the gentleman, what do you hope to gain by having?Devon
01:02:09 Well, we all know that didn't happen.01:02:13 That was uh.
01:02:15 How ago was that, like, uh, 30 years ago?
01:02:20 And things have not exactly gotten better.
Speaker 24
01:02:23 There's so much hatred towards people that you don't even know.Speaker 7
01:02:27 It's not hatred.01:02:28 Like I clarified earlier in the show, we want a place for our own people.
01:02:32 We love our race, as you should.
01:02:34 Love your race is there.
01:02:35 There should be no problem with that, right?
Speaker 23
01:02:37 You keep saying your.Speaker 5
01:02:38 Right.Speaker 23
01:02:39 Race the white race?01:02:40 No, there is no pure race.
01:02:43 Whether it's white, black, everybody is mixed with something.
01:02:49 Races don't exist now, guys.01:02:52 No, no sound.
01:02:54 Not a lot of people clapped in the audience, see, not even the people in the audience were like on board.
01:02:59 They're like, are we supposed to clap then?
01:03:02 I don't know.
01:03:02 Like, that's kind of like.
01:03:05 You know, like I, you know, say it loud.
01:03:07 I'm black and I'm proud and.
01:03:09 But now.
01:03:09 But there's no black now.
Speaker 25
01:03:12 Ohh no no.Speaker 23
01:03:12 Somewhere down the line.Speaker 9
01:03:18 We're going to come back and maybe we've got to take a quick break for a commercial, but I may ask the question, why is this 20 year old mother trying to teach her two year old baby daughter how to be a racist?Speaker 19
01:03:29 Over half.Devon
01:03:30 This should be good.01:03:33 Bum, bum, bum.
01:03:35 I'm teaching my daughter to be a racist.
01:03:42 Coming up next.
01:03:44 Well, I got faster. Well, not $0.09.
01:03:48 There we go.
Speaker 9
01:03:49 This is the voicemail that you might hear if you call.01:03:53 This is their message on their machine.
01:03:55 Let's play that.
Speaker 17
01:03:57 You have reached the National Socialist movement.01:04:00 We will be judged sorry and executioner.
01:04:04 Your future and your children's future.
01:04:07 Is on the line.
Speaker 12
01:04:08 It's time to enlist in the fight for.Devon
01:04:11 OK. OK, again.Speaker 8
01:04:14 LARP harder.01:04:16 Can you larp any harder?
Speaker 9
01:04:20 White homeland, do your parents agree with what you're doing?Speaker 7
01:04:25 I'm not going to talk about my parents, no.01:04:27 They don't agree with it.
Speaker 9
01:04:28 Don't. No.01:04:30 I bet they're shaking.
Speaker 7
01:04:34 If a person should be ashamed of another person for being proud of their race, then there's a.Speaker 9
01:04:39 Problem, Bob, what do your parents say?Speaker 18
01:04:43 They're against it, but they let me do my own thing.01:04:45 You know, they, they they understand what?
01:04:47 I'm doing.
01:04:47 And what I'd like to.
Speaker 7
01:04:49 What I'd like to say, you know, is.01:04:50 That you know.
01:04:50 You're going to.
01:04:51 You're always single us out.
01:04:52 All the talk.
01:04:53 Shows always do this kind of stuff.
01:04:54 Make this look like.
Speaker 9
01:04:54 I'm not all the talk shows.Speaker 7
01:04:56 Sir, let me see.01:04:57 They make us they.
01:04:58 Make us look like haters and all this.
01:05:01 Kind of stuff.
01:05:01 When you got people from every race.
Speaker 14
01:05:03 Now come on, dude. Like.Devon
01:05:04 Let's be real.01:05:06 You're doing that.
01:05:08 You're doing that.
01:05:10 Yeah, obviously that's what they want to accomplish.
01:05:13 That's why you're there.
01:05:14 But you're doing that right now.
01:05:17 Your voicemail was doing that.
Speaker 10
01:05:20 We're going to be Judge Judy and jury and executioner.Devon
01:05:25 Unless to day.01:05:28 I mean, come on, dude.
01:05:30 Again, imagine if you called up the ADL and their voicemail was like.
Speaker 1
01:05:36 Yes, we're going to destroy the goyum.01:05:39 If you want to help us kill the Goyem, press 666 to donate shekels.
01:05:47 I mean, come on, man.01:05:50 Like what are you trying to do here?
01:05:54 Be ******* professional like.
Speaker 18
01:05:55 A little bit.Speaker 7
01:05:57 That are proud of their people that want to stand up and do something about it, and that's all we're doing.01:06:02 And and.
01:06:02 They you know, you try to make us look bad.
01:06:04 Say that.
Speaker 18
01:06:05 Everything I don't think.Speaker 9
01:06:05 I think you make yourself look bad.01:06:07 I'm not doing anything to make you look bad, I think.
Speaker 5
01:06:08 So I don't think so.Speaker 9
01:06:09 That's on you, Sir.Speaker 26
01:06:15 I just wanted to point out before you kept referring to Johnny as a trader, perhaps he just woke up.01:06:20 Maybe soon you'll do the same.
01:06:23 So just so you guys know, sorry boys have always existed.01:06:27 Like, look at this ******* this ******* guy.
Speaker 11
01:06:30 I'm not totally sensitive.01:06:32 I'm a 90s man and I've totally, totally gotten touched my feminine side.
01:06:39 And and what you're saying is very hateful and hopefully you like, wake up, wake up, man and like.
01:06:45 Feel the love.
Speaker 26
01:06:47 Woke up.01:06:47 Maybe soon you'll do the same.
Speaker 4
01:06:55 When I listened to your message, you said you would be the executionist.01:07:01 Well, my husband survived.
01:07:03 Here we go.01:07:09 Well, didn't take long and it was all a matter of time.
01:07:12 It was only a matter of time before.
01:07:14 Holocaust survivor came in.
Speaker 11
01:07:16 Oh, you said you're going to be, but like I said, this is.Devon
01:07:20 Why you don't say we're going to be the judge, jury.Speaker 10
01:07:22 And executioner.Speaker 13
01:07:23 OK.Devon
01:07:24 Right.01:07:26 But here's the honestly, here's another thing that that's the difference.
01:07:29 That's the difference in freedom and surveillance.
01:07:32 That's something else to keep in mind, guys.
01:07:35 Back then, you could have a a hotline that told people that you're going to be the judge, jury and executioners, and zig highland and leave a message if you want to join your little you know.
01:07:47 Army or whatever.
01:07:49 And nothing happened to you, you know.
Speaker 11
01:07:53 You didn't go to jail.Devon
01:07:56 Excuse me, though Iran, the FBI would probably try to infiltrate that in a hot 2nd, but.01:08:02 You know, like it wasn't.
01:08:03 Like today, they they didn't shut.
Speaker 8
01:08:05 You the **** down.Devon
01:08:07 You still had you still had, you know, something.01:08:09 At least the illusion.
01:08:11 Of you know, freedom of thought back then a little bit.
01:08:16 Anyway, let's hear about the this the the wife of the lampshade has to say.
Speaker 4
01:08:22 A group of executioners called Nazis so.Devon
01:08:26 Oh my God.01:08:27 Ron, you heard that.
01:08:29 OK.Devon
01:08:30 We missed.01:08:30 We missed our husband survive.
Speaker 4
01:08:31 Survived a group of executioners called Nazis.01:08:37 So I would suggest if you want to execute anybody, stop with yourselves.
Speaker 8
01:08:41 Yeah. Yeah, that's right.Speaker 7
01:08:44 Holocaust was a hoax, A hoax.Speaker 18
01:08:46 Why Big Hollywood production?Speaker 7
01:08:46 It was a big lie and you know, it was a Hollywood hoax.01:08:50 We've got all the figures.
Speaker 27
01:08:50 I'm I'm a.Speaker 28
01:08:52 Reporter on a teen national TV show called in the Mix and I interviewed teens.01:08:57 Every day, I think what we're seeing here is 2 teens who are looking out to be loved, and I think that's a big problem in this country.
01:09:05 We see.
01:09:06 Seriously, I think we're seeing gang activity because they're they're not being for and they're.
Speaker 29
01:09:10 Cared you if.Speaker 9
01:09:12 You believe that?01:09:13 What can we do for teenagers like that who you believe are so misguided?
Speaker 27
01:09:18 By a lack.01:09:19 Of love.
Speaker 28
01:09:20 Really, I I unfortunately, I don't see any hope for them.01:09:24 I think what we need to do, the reason why we have team gangs and we.
01:09:28 Have people like this is because they're young people who are not getting the care and the sport in their homes that they need to.
01:09:34 They find these organizations that tell them they're great.
Speaker 7
01:09:36 You misunderstand misunderstand.Speaker 28
01:09:36 And we love them.Speaker 7
01:09:38 We are going to stomp out gang activity.01:09:40 We are going to stomp out drug users, abortion, all these terrible things that are destroying this country.
01:09:45 We're going to stomp them out.
01:09:47 Come on.
Speaker 30
01:09:48 I got a.01:09:48 Question you said that you want to go where it's only your race and you.
01:09:52 Want to actually?
01:09:53 Ah, here we go.01:09:54 Here we go.
01:09:55 This guy looks like he might be a little jewy though he.
01:09:57 Looks a little bit.
01:09:59 Look at that nose.
01:10:00 Look that knows and this is New York.
01:10:04 Let's let's see what.
01:10:04 Let's see.
01:10:05 What he what he says.
01:10:06 I'm sure it's very clever.
01:10:07 Here we go.
Speaker 30
01:10:08 You said that you want to go where?01:10:10 It's only your race and you want to actually kick everyone out of New York City.
01:10:13 Because it's a sewer.
01:10:14 Why don't you just go into the middle of the country where it is?
01:10:17 All your race and make it a lot easier for yourselves.
Speaker 5
01:10:17 Well, that's that's.Speaker 7
01:10:18 The plan.01:10:20 That's the plan. You know the Northwest imperative. You can you can have New York City, NY City is beyond lawn.
Speaker 18
01:10:21 Cortana, stop complaining about.Speaker 32
01:10:25 It's it's.Speaker 5
01:10:26 On on.Speaker 7
01:10:26 It's it's, it's gone.01:10:28 We want a white.
01:10:29 Homeland, it doesn't matter.
01:10:30 Where it is.
Speaker 8
01:10:31 Well, like.Speaker 31
01:10:31 In the Declaration of Independence, it says that there's people with liberty and justice for.01:10:36 All if you want.
01:10:40 No, it doesn't.01:10:42 That's the Pledge of Allegiance.
Speaker 8
01:10:49 But but but let let me.Devon
01:10:51 Please please tell us brainlet.01:10:53 What what, what what?
01:10:56 What virtue, say, look at these these ******* suicidal whites.
01:10:59 It's so ridiculous.
Speaker 31
01:10:59 Want to kick people out?01:11:01 Like where they're living, they have a right to be there.
01:11:03 They have a right to think their own things.
01:11:04 They have a right to go about their own business.
01:11:06 Why do you think that?
01:11:07 You can just come in and just push them out?
01:11:08 In that case I have I have a right to just walk into your house, you *******.Speaker 7
01:11:12 Fagot we have a right to live in a in a.Speaker 31
01:11:13 Place that they grew up with.Speaker 7
01:11:15 White safe place.Speaker 31
01:11:15 You don't have a right to.01:11:16 Put them.
Speaker 7
01:11:17 Well, we can.01:11:17 Walk down the street without getting mugged.
01:11:19 And shot by these savages.
Speaker 5
01:11:21 And these gang members, yes.Speaker 7
01:11:25 I don't have white people.01:11:26 I haven't.
01:11:27 I haven't had white people attack me for walking down the street, but the minorities will and a woman cannot walk the seat.
Speaker 9
01:11:34 What's that, Sir? What's that?Devon
01:11:38 Now here we go.01:11:39 Here's the here's the guy that tells that white people are always.
01:11:41 Attacking him.
Speaker 25
01:11:42 I got a comment for you.Speaker 5
01:11:45 I'm black and.Speaker 12
01:11:46 I'm with a white.Speaker 25
01:11:47 And you say you want to separate things like that?01:11:49 I wouldn't.
01:11:50 Have this if it if.Speaker 33
01:11:51 It went your way.Devon
01:11:53 I wonder wonder wonder what?01:11:54 What her reality is today.
Speaker 33
01:11:57 That's right, that's right. And.Speaker
01:11:58 This is what I have this.Speaker 23
01:11:59 Is what I live for.Speaker 7
01:12:00 If you wanna, if you wanna go live in your own country, away from us and do your race mixing thing, whatever you wanna do, that's fine by us.01:12:06 But we want a country.
01:12:07 Of our own.
Speaker 5
01:12:10 Where is it? Where is.01:12:10 You know.
Speaker 7
01:12:11 It how can we go there?Speaker 34
01:12:13 He he mentioned that he lives in a he wants to live in a place where a white person can walk down the street or he lives in a place where white people walk down the street and get mugged, gets shot at.01:12:22 By all these minorities.
01:12:23 He wants to.
01:12:24 But when he goes to a white.
01:12:26 Neighborhood that doesn't.
01:12:26 Happen to him?
Speaker 7
01:12:27 No, it doesn't.Speaker 34
01:12:27 Well, I think if you came to.Speaker 7
01:12:28 No, it doesn't, my white.Speaker 34
01:12:29 Neighborhood dressed like that.01:12:31 It might happen 10 times as much as it happens in.
Speaker 8
01:12:35 Well, yeah, see, that's that's the boomer.01:12:39 Like, that's the that's the.
01:12:41 Boomer that doesn't see race.01:12:46 See, this is what you were concerned that's.
01:12:47 What you were contending with?
01:12:50 That's the boom.
01:12:50 And it's like oh.
Speaker 8
01:12:52 Yeah, you come to my neighborhood racist.01:12:55 And I'll beat you up worse than.
01:12:56 The black guys.Speaker 34
01:13:00 I just wanna say.Speaker 5
01:13:01 Another thing I I.Speaker 34
01:13:03 No, I do respect I I do respect that he wants this promised land of his own cause.01:13:09 We all want our own promised land.
01:13:11 But if you're if you want a white, a white promise, yeah.
Speaker 35
01:13:14 Are you sure?Speaker 7
01:13:15 You're white, though, are you?01:13:16 Are you Jewish or?
Speaker 34
01:13:16 What? What is what color?01:13:19 Is my skin.
Speaker 18
01:13:19 No, I think.Devon
01:13:20 Jude Jude detected.01:13:23 Oh, you're Jewish? Sure.
Speaker 34
01:13:25 What color is my skull?01:13:26 You're doing?
Speaker 5
01:13:26 Jewish see in the Bible it said the.Speaker 34
01:13:27 What color is my skin?01:13:28 That question for me.
Speaker 7
01:13:29 Devil the seed of Cain, it says so.Speaker 15
01:13:30 In the Bible of the Bible and actually read.Speaker 34
01:13:31 OK, that's the time by you.01:13:32 Well, what color is my?
01:13:34 Skin green.
01:13:35 Oh, it's green.
01:13:36 OK, well, then you need you.
01:13:37 Need glasses or something.
01:13:38 OK, because I am white, OK.
Speaker 5
01:13:40 Not listen.Speaker 34
01:13:40 It's on my.01:13:41 Birth certificate.
Speaker 19
01:13:42 Let me ask you.Speaker 9
01:13:42 This as a white man listening to a young white man talking about this type of thing.Speaker 34
01:13:45 He's not.Speaker 9
01:13:48 What does that do to you?Speaker 34
01:13:50 We feel pathetic inside and and kind of nauseous because.Devon
01:13:54 Ohh yeah, so there's the there's the fellow white this is this is the 1990s version of the fellow.01:13:59 Right guy.
Speaker 34
01:13:59 Because you know these.01:14:01 Are two young men with a lot of energy and.
01:14:03 You you you can see that if we.
01:14:05 Just turned around and put in the right.
01:14:06 Direction they could.
01:14:07 Really do a lot of creative thing.
01:14:09 Like I like how literally, just like a few minutes ago.01:14:12 She was saying Jews weren't white.
01:14:15 This Jew stands up.
01:14:17 They call him out on it and now and.
Speaker 11
01:14:19 Then she she.Devon
01:14:20 You know, doesn't want to, you know, God forbid.01:14:23 And she says anything that that goes against any Jew who who's talking whatever they're saying.
01:14:29 So she instantly goes.
01:14:30 As a white man.
01:14:32 You *****.
01:14:32 You just said like in your intro that.
01:14:35 They weren't white.
Speaker 34
01:14:36 He's in this world. I'm also an angry, quote, UN quote white man. It hasn't been.01:14:40 Easy for me.
01:14:42 I'm married.
01:14:42 I have two kids.
01:14:43 Yeah, you're an angry fellow white man.Speaker 34
01:14:45 Kids, I've had more peaks and valleys in my life than the Rocky Mountains.01:14:48 But you know what?
01:14:49 I don't wake up in the morning and say God because that person got the job instead of me, or because I got fired because of this, I'm gonna pick up a gun to wear a Swatch sticker and provoke this type of insane.
01:15:01 Nation that I'm going to liberate the white people to this extreme.
01:15:06 If you wanna be white and you wanna find this home landing.
01:15:11 South, that's fine.
01:15:12 But what you're indicating by just your outfit alone is with the SWAT sticker is you're not.
01:15:17 Just looking to.
01:15:18 Love the white people you're looking to hate everyone.
01:15:21 Around you because that's what that swastika symbolizes.
Speaker 17
01:15:24 How do you know?Speaker 34
01:15:25 Number one.Speaker 17
01:15:26 What do you?Speaker 34
01:15:27 Know number #2 is I'm just curious.Speaker 5
01:15:30 To know you're prejudging me.Speaker 34
01:15:30 Wait, no, because I do respect what you're saying in regards to you.01:15:33 Are white homeland that that's beautiful thing.
01:15:36 And and I and I hope it happens for you, but not in the way that that you're construed.
01:15:39 See notice how this is what I was.01:15:41 Thing that that.
01:15:43 Message is so hard to argue with.
01:15:46 So hard to argue it then, even when they get the fellow.
01:15:49 White guy in the audience.
01:15:50 To start doing his little spiel.
01:15:53 He can't argue that point.
01:15:56 Now, now you can't even.
01:15:57 Say that that now that's like.
01:16:00 Which is ridiculous cause I've I've made that point several times.
01:16:02 Look if if they want to put us on reservations, just like you know, it was such a terrible thing, right, that we put the Indians on reservations, OK.
01:16:10 Well, if it's so bad, it seems like that that's a pretty bad deal for me, but I'm willing to take it right.
01:16:18 They're making their argument back.
01:16:20 Then you couldn't.
01:16:20 You couldn't argue.
01:16:21 Against it, it's it's foolproof.
01:16:24 But because of their, again he points it out because of their cartoonish looks.
01:16:28 Because they didn't show up there wearing a suit.
01:16:31 Because of their bad optics, they look ridiculous and so everyone in the audience is going to throw out anything they say is irrational and and hate filled.
Speaker 34
01:16:41 But I just want to ask you a.01:16:42 Question or two.
01:16:43 When you were a?
01:16:43 Child when you.
Speaker 9
01:16:44 Wait, let me check.01:16:45 Let me let me.
Speaker 19
01:16:46 Take a break, let.01:16:47 Take a break.
01:16:50 Let's take him.
01:16:51 Ohh your your Jewish magic, which just is so good.01:16:54 Please don't stop.
Speaker 9
01:16:56 Quick, quick real quick.Speaker 13
01:16:57 No problem.Speaker 9
01:16:57 Also, you know, as young girls, many of us started joining social clubs around the age of 10 years old.01:17:03 You know, things like the Girl Scouts and the 4H club and maybe even the Little League. But at the age of 10, our next guest joined the Ku Klux Klan. Now she's all grown up. She's 20 years old.
01:17:16 She's raising her two year old daughter who wore her first KKK robe at only one month old.
01:17:23 We're going to meet Wendy, alright?
Speaker 1
01:17:25 All right.Speaker 34
01:17:32 So the two.01:17:33 Gentlemen and the three down in the front.
01:17:34 Row as well, were you people?
01:17:37 Abused as children.
01:17:38 Who hurt you?01:17:40 It's the same thing.
01:17:41 It's the same things.
Speaker 10
01:17:42 Who hurt you?Speaker 5
01:17:45 No, no, no, no.01:17:50 Let me answer the question.
01:17:52 Let me.
Speaker 7
01:17:52 Answer the question.01:17:53 The whole every time somebody comes up with an idea, that's a.
01:17:56 Little bit frightening.
01:17:57 Especially to the Jewish people, you have to be kooks, crazies, whackers or child abusers.
01:18:02 You're the child abusers and the child molesters.
Speaker 34
01:18:04 And, you know, ask them.01:18:05 Just asking a simple.
01:18:06 Question I wanted an answer.
01:18:07 Ah, no.01:18:11 That's how we didn't argue.
01:18:12 But push back on being called a pedo.
01:18:14 That's kind of interesting.
Speaker 34
01:18:15 If it was no, then I can.Speaker 21
01:18:16 Accept that.Speaker 7
01:18:16 No, of course not.01:18:17 Of course not.
01:18:18 Yes, Sir.
Speaker 32
01:18:19 Aw, woman mentioned before that we're all racially mixed, something that I do believe and.Speaker 9
01:18:19 Charge Singh.Speaker 32
01:18:23 One thing I'm just curious.01:18:24 If let's say you were in an accident that required a blood transfusion that.
01:18:27 Saved your life and.
Speaker 12
01:18:27 We wouldn't take her to go, bud let you.Speaker 5
01:18:29 I'd rather die than take it.Speaker 32
01:18:31 And you found out afterwards and you.Speaker 12
01:18:33 Before we take this off.Speaker 9
01:18:34 One at a time, please.Speaker 32
01:18:35 And let's say you found out afterwards the the five pints that you received that saved your life.01:18:39 One came from someone who's Chinese.
01:18:40 Someone was Spanish, someone was.
01:18:41 Black, whatever the religion, what would happen to you?
01:18:45 Would you be now allowed with that blood of all this interracially blood flowing through veins?
01:18:49 Would you be allowed in your society?
01:18:51 Had this all fenced in, would you be allowed?
Speaker 9
01:18:52 Back into that group because I remember there is a law that said that 135th Rule, one drop of black.Speaker 18
01:18:58 You're black.01:18:59 I I take life.
01:19:00 I couldn't live with the shame.
Speaker 9
01:19:03 Thank you.01:19:04 But let's answer that question because that you.
01:19:06 Know, and that's just stupid.01:19:07 There's nothing that has literally nothing to do with anything that that these guys are talking about.
01:19:13 And and and it just makes you sound like like you're ******** when you start saying like, I wouldn't take a blood transfusion.
01:19:21 It's like, you know.
01:19:25 It's kind of like.
01:19:26 Biggest blood transfusion and stuff like that.
01:19:27 But like that literally has nothing to do nothing.
01:19:30 To do with wanting like a white reservation.
01:19:33 Like blood transfusions has nothing to do with.
01:19:35 Wanting a white reservation.
01:19:37 It's just a.
01:19:38 Way to like make you sound ********.
01:19:39 Like I'm sure this, I'm sure this this stunning and brave woman's gonna sound ******** too.
Speaker 27
01:19:44 I wouldn't take any.01:19:45 No, non white blood.
01:19:47 That would be the.
01:19:47 Same as make so.
01:19:48 You would die.
01:19:49 Yes, it would.
01:19:49 Just like Jehovah.
01:19:50 Witness blood transfusions.
01:19:52 Same thing.
Speaker 9
01:19:53 Well, not, Sir, don't intervene.Devon
01:19:54 Alright, now, now I got the the crazy.01:19:56 Guy old guy yelling white power while she sounded like a.
01:19:58 ******, like you couldn't have.
01:20:01 Again, you couldn't have paid for better actors to make to make anything any pro white movement sound ridiculous.
01:20:10 And look, I don't think that.
01:20:11 These are actors.
01:20:13 I think they just went and found like the worst people to represent this stuff and then.
01:20:19 Manipulated them on television.
Speaker 9
01:20:23 Yolanda, this is what I'd like to see happen to people who.Speaker 27
01:20:26 Look like you not necessarily.01:20:28 I like anything to happen to you.
01:20:29 I want to be separate.
01:20:30 I want to be my own kind.
01:20:31 And improve my own.
01:20:32 Race, just like many.
Speaker 9
01:20:33 Mean for men?Speaker 27
01:20:35 Black people have black power.01:20:36 Malcolm X.
01:20:37 They want to improve their race and we.
01:20:38 Want to improve ours?
Speaker 9
01:20:39 OK, I have no problem with that.01:20:41 Gung ho do that.
01:20:42 But what does that mean for me?
Speaker 27
01:20:44 Well, that means that we don't want to be around black people.01:20:47 We don't want to be around anybody.
01:20:49 That's non white.
Speaker 9
01:20:50 So does that mean that you'll move and go do your thing wherever you can and?01:20:53 Leave me alone.
01:20:53 Or does that?
Speaker 27
01:20:53 The government spent.Speaker 9
01:20:54 Mean that split the United States and half and said this side right this side, the other half I've been more right.01:20:59 Well, I'm gonna fight every day to make sure.
01:21:00 My government doesn't do that, but in the meantime.
01:21:03 Yeah, because they won't let you leave.Speaker 9
01:21:05 I just wonder what that means for me and people who look like me, and people who don't look like me, who don't happen to be white.01:21:12 Is there some kind of movement, folks that y'all want to to do any kind of harm?
01:21:17 Do you want to do anything?
01:21:18 I mean, suppose the.
01:21:20 It's getting so annoying.01:21:22 Who's who's?
01:21:23 Who's that?
01:21:23 Who's this *****?
Speaker 9
01:21:25 And I'll come, I'll come.Devon
01:21:29 Let's see what the Skinhead ***** has to.Speaker 9
01:21:31 Say a culture she joined at the age of 13, but Catherine says she's not like most skinheads.01:21:37 You hear about what makes you different, Catherine.
Speaker 37
01:21:39 Well, I'm a traditional Skinhead. Skinhead really started out in Britain in the 1960s in the.01:21:44 60S and it wasn't Co opted by the white power people until the mid to late 70s.
01:21:49 It was originally it evolved from the hard mod culture and there was a lot of influence.
01:21:54 We adopted the the dress of the West Indian immigrants and we we adopted their music, the sky, the Skinhead reggae.
01:22:01 So it was really a large largely based on black culture.
Speaker 9
01:22:04 Until the late 70s that.01:22:06 Are wrong.
01:22:07 I sure didn't know that.
Speaker 5
01:22:09 A minute?01:22:09 No, the funniest thing.
Speaker 7
01:22:10 I heard the.Speaker 5
01:22:11 The the original skinheads were anti immigrant.Speaker 19
01:22:11 What's up?Speaker 9
01:22:15 Well, wait a minute.01:22:16 Wait one second and let me let me point something else out here too.
01:22:20 Notice that the seating arrangement has changed.
01:22:22 Wendy didn't want to sit next to Catherine and then Bob didn't want to sit and it just switched.
01:22:27 All up here.
01:22:28 When you why did you want?
Speaker 27
01:22:29 To sit next to Catherine, I don't want to sit beside anybody that.01:22:33 That's a traitor, a race trainer, a race traitor.
Speaker 9
01:22:37 Catherine, what do you say?Speaker 37
01:22:39 I'm a white person and I'm a normal everyday white person.01:22:43 I don't agree with you, and yet you believe that white people are the people are the superior people, are the people who think straight.
01:22:48 How can you justify the fact that I don't agree with what you're saying?
01:22:51 I'm I'm a race traitor.
01:22:52 Yet I'm.
01:22:53 Your average everyday white person.
Speaker 18
01:22:54 Our people are destroying us.Devon
01:22:56 Yeah, she might be white.01:22:58 She might also be Jewish.
01:23:00 Don't know where this.
01:23:02 This footage is not.
01:23:04 Is not very good.
01:23:07 But it's at least possible.
01:23:08 Hard to say, hard to say.
Speaker 9
01:23:10 Which watch your language.Speaker 37
01:23:11 So what you're saying is you don't.Speaker 8
01:23:12 Well, hold on.Speaker 37
01:23:13 Want to race you?Devon
01:23:13 What do we miss?01:23:14 Watch your language.
01:23:14 What do we miss?
Speaker 27
01:23:15 1st is this specs coming over the line?Speaker 9
01:23:18 Watch your language, watch your language.01:23:20 Watch your language.
Speaker 37
01:23:22 So what you're saying is you don't want.01:23:23 To race, you don't want a world for white.
01:23:25 People we the world minority.
Speaker 27
01:23:25 I want a needle like large white with braid with a black person.01:23:28 That's what I'm saying and I wouldn't want to.
01:23:29 What you say?Speaker 27
01:23:30 Sit beside of you. No.01:23:32 What? What? What do?
01:23:33 You say black person that would breed with a black person, and I'm not gonna do.
01:23:36 This out of you.
Speaker 22
01:23:40 My first question is for for Jeff.Speaker 9
01:23:42 Do you have a question?Speaker 22
01:23:43 For you I want.01:23:44 I just want to understand where you read this in the Bible about Jews being the seed of the devil, because Jesus Christ was a Jew and so was his mother.
Speaker 5
01:23:51 No, wrong. Ohh.Speaker 22
01:23:53 OK, OK.Speaker 11
01:23:56 Look at the smiling Jew.Devon
01:24:02 I mean, look like literally like.01:24:06 I guess I was wrong.
01:24:07 Sometimes they do.
01:24:07 Dress up like that.
Speaker 20
01:24:11 They can't help themselves.Speaker 22
01:24:15 No, he was a Jew.Speaker 5
01:24:15 Question no.Speaker 22
01:24:17 OK.01:24:18 And if you read the Bible, he was celebrating Passover.
01:24:21 The Last Supper, which is a Jewish tradition.
01:24:23 OK.
Speaker 5
01:24:27 Hey, answer the question.Speaker 25
01:24:29 When you said before, you said before that you would accept black blood.Speaker 8
01:24:32 I'll answer your question.Speaker 7
01:24:33 Let me answer her question first.Speaker 5
01:24:34 111 minute. One minute, one minute.01:24:35 One minute, one minute.
Speaker 7
01:24:35 Let me answer the question why?Speaker 5
01:24:37 Are you asking why do you?Speaker 36
01:24:37 Make it quick, make.Speaker 7
01:24:38 It quick questions if I can't.01:24:39 Answer. I'll go first.
01:24:41 Revelations 29 John 844, the Jews of the Synagogue of Satan it.
01:24:44 Says right.
01:24:45 So in the Bible.
Speaker 9
01:24:45 And you say what, Sir?Speaker 25
01:24:47 When you said before that you would accept black blood.01:24:50 When you go get when you support you in the hospital and all this, they they it's not labeled white blood, black blood.
Speaker 27
01:24:55 She said if I knew it was a person.Devon
01:24:59 Oh, see this.Speaker 15
01:24:59 Put up with this anymore.Speaker 5
01:25:00 Add it.Devon
01:25:03 This is what it almost seems like this is.01:25:05 About as real as pro wrestling.
01:25:09 Like, not only.
01:25:09 Does this guy have the pro wrestling haircut?
01:25:13 He just did a pro wrestling entry.
01:25:17 Like it's just like pro wrestling, right?
01:25:19 And who do you?
01:25:20 Think, by the way, come on.
01:25:22 Who do you think the audience is for this?
01:25:25 I just told.
01:25:26 You I'd never heard of this ******* show.
01:25:29 My guess is it was syndicated in the South.
01:25:32 Who do you think watched this ******* show?
01:25:35 The same ************* that watch.
01:25:36 Pro Wrestling and they set it up.
01:25:38 They have the the bad guys wearing the bad guy costumes.
01:25:44 And you got like the side characters.
01:25:47 And they got the the Jerry Lawler.
01:25:49 You know the guy?
01:25:50 He's got the literal Jerry Lawler haircut, and he's coming in.
01:25:52 He's like.
Speaker 10
01:25:53 Welcome on shift.01:25:54 You got straight right now.
Speaker 15
01:25:59 Don't put up with this anymore.Devon
01:26:01 I've heard it.01:26:02 I ain't gonna put this no more.
01:26:08 I will.
01:26:11 This is literally like watching wrestling.
01:26:14 This is like the WWF.
01:26:16 Of daytime talk shows.
Speaker 19
01:26:20 These guys sitting right.Speaker 15
01:26:21 Here there is there is the reason.01:26:23 Why I got out of the clan?
Speaker 2
01:26:24 Cause I don't.Speaker 15
01:26:25 Want this to be my future?Devon
01:26:33 Look, they're even gonna.01:26:34 They're even gonna wrestle them.
01:26:35 They might.
01:26:36 Even throw chairs.
Speaker 35
01:26:48 Hello please.Speaker
01:26:56 Right.Speaker 19
01:26:59 Sit down.01:27:00 It's a talk show.
01:27:01 It's a talk show.
01:27:03 This is not wrestling.
Speaker 31
01:27:03 What do?Speaker 5
01:27:03 You think something?01:27:04 I'm gonna stand up.
Speaker 19
01:27:04 It's a.Speaker 5
01:27:05 Ohh, look at that.Devon
01:27:09 It's ******* it is wrestling.01:27:13 It's so wrestling.
01:27:16 God, it's so obviously wrestling.
Speaker 20
01:27:19 Talk show sit.Speaker 19
01:27:21 Sit down, sit down.01:27:24 Let's make one at a time, folks.
01:27:29 You say the.
Speaker 9
01:27:29 Reason that you got out of the Ku Klux Klan and gave up your position as Imperial wizard and changed the racist ways was because you didn't want to associate with people like these guys up here in the front row.Speaker 15
01:27:39 I didn't because you know, they they claim to be the master race.01:27:42 Well, if that's the master race, I don't want to be.
01:27:47 Now I I believe.
01:27:50 See look, that is.01:27:51 That is the other problem.
01:27:52 You have a lot of dysgenic whites.
01:27:57 Hilariously, saying that they're the master race.
Speaker 8
01:28:02 When, when really?Devon
01:28:05 That's a stupid it's a stupid thing to say.01:28:08 It's a stupid.
01:28:09 Thing to say, even if you think that whites have achieved more.
01:28:13 And and that's your preference.
01:28:15 Let that that works best for you.
01:28:20 To say they're objectively better than everyone else is obviously not true.
Speaker 14
01:28:24 You wouldn't be in this position right now, would you?Devon
01:28:29 Would you?01:28:31 If you were better at everything.
01:28:34 We wouldn't be, you know, facing an existential.
Speaker 1
01:28:37 Threat right now, would we?Speaker 7
01:28:39 Now we are pretty.Speaker 11
01:28:40 ****** in a lot of stuff.Speaker 8
01:28:43 You know like.Speaker 11
01:28:43 In Group preference.Speaker 1
01:28:48 Pretty bad at that.Speaker 11
01:28:51 Nepotism. Not so good.Speaker 8
01:28:56 OK.Devon
01:28:58 So this whole that's another distortion, and I don't know if that distortion was was, you know, if it if it's part of, you know, their insecurities about their, their lack of achievement, their personal lives or whatever, you know, look, there's something to that psychology.01:29:16 Or if this is all.
01:29:17 Just part of the wrestling match, right?
01:29:20 Let's use hyperbole.
01:29:21 So it sounds unreasonable.
Speaker 15
01:29:25 What I am today is I defend my race, my race.01:29:28 Is the human race.
Speaker 8
01:29:31 King Boomer has spoken.Devon
01:29:36 My race is the human race I've learned.Speaker 1
01:29:42 You've seen it, I used.Speaker 15
01:29:43 To believe like these boys, but I.01:29:44 Did it out of ignorance and I'm.
01:29:47 And I and I ask people to forgive me for the way that I treated people and forever associating with people like that.
01:29:53 But I want to see them change these are.
01:29:54 Not bad people.
Speaker 7
01:29:55 These are misguided people.Speaker 9
01:29:56 Let's talk about how you change the races.01:29:59 We'll be right back in a minute.
01:30:00 See what, Johnny?
Speaker 19
01:30:02 Be back in a minute.Speaker 13
01:30:07 Right.Devon
01:30:13 Next on rolanda.01:30:16 Alright, let's see what?
01:30:18 Race straight and Willie has to say.
Speaker 15
01:30:21 Tension as a young man, I was looking to belong to something and I wasn't getting attention at home and I was looking to belong.01:30:28 My I'd watched my father commit suicide.
01:30:30 My mother was an alcoholic.
01:30:31 I came from a broken home and I needed somebody to to come up and encourage me and tell me I could amount to something and the clan came along and said we'll be.
01:30:39 A family to you?
Speaker 9
01:30:39 Kind of just like that young lady who's a reporter for teen for a teenage group.01:30:43 She says that that's it's the lack of attention love that makes gangs clans.
Speaker 15
01:30:47 It could be in fatness.01:30:48 It could have been the gangs.
01:30:49 It could have been anybody that gave me encouragement, and I would have went with them.
01:30:52 And in this case, it was the Ku Klux.
Speaker 9
01:30:54 So what made you decide to get out?Speaker 15
01:30:57 But the love.01:30:58 Of a black man, he was a.
01:31:02 I kind of want to just.01:31:03 I don't want to know if I want.
01:31:04 To hear the rest of that story.
Speaker 11
01:31:08 What got you out of it?Speaker 1
01:31:09 Was the love of a black man.Speaker 10
01:31:11 Oh, good old Tyrone and his.Devon
01:31:15 You know BBC.01:31:20 That's just that's that's just like the funniest response I.
01:31:23 Could have heard.
Speaker 15
01:31:24 Tension as a young man, I was looking to belong to something and I wasn't getting attention at home and I was looking to belong.01:31:31 My I'd watched my father commit suicide.
01:31:33 My mother was an alcoholic.
01:31:34 I came from a broken home and I needed somebody to to come up and encourage me and tell me I could amount to something.
01:31:40 And the clan came along and said we'll be a.
01:31:42 Family to you?
Speaker 9
01:31:42 Kind of just like that young lady who's a reporter for teen for a teenage group.01:31:46 She says that that's it's the lack of attention.
01:31:49 Love the.
01:31:49 Gangs. Clans.
Speaker 15
01:31:51 Statements that could have been the gangs, it could have been anybody that gave me encouragement and I would have went with them and.Speaker 8
01:31:51 Wrong thing.Speaker 15
01:31:56 In this case, it was the.01:31:57 Ku Klux.
Speaker 9
01:31:57 So what made you decide to get out?Speaker 15
01:32:00 The the love of a black man.Devon
01:32:05 OK. All right.01:32:09 I kind of don't.
01:32:09 I don't know.
01:32:10 I don't know where this is going, I mean.
01:32:12 It's 96, so it's probably.
01:32:13 Not going to be any stories about.
01:32:15 Sucking **** but I.
Speaker 15
01:32:17 Was a black preacher.01:32:18 He showed me.
Speaker 11
01:32:19 I don't know what they show you.Devon
01:32:20 Don't really show to you.01:32:23 Oh, he touched you in your dangerous spot.
01:32:26 I don't know.
01:32:27 I don't know, I.
01:32:28 Don't know if we should hear.
01:32:29 This the rest of this story.
Speaker 15
01:32:30 He he tells nothing.01:32:32 He look, he looks.
Speaker 19
01:32:37 Wait a minute.Speaker 13
01:32:40 Alright, alright, alright on.Speaker 35
01:32:43 I don't have to.01:32:44 I'm like.
01:32:44 These guys I'm a 440 right man.
Speaker 12
01:32:45 He's a member. He's been.01:32:46 In my reservation, he you said you weren't in the planning.
01:32:53 Than anybody, he's yelling down the rope.Speaker 15
01:32:55 You said you said.Devon
01:32:57 I think that's kinda funny.Speaker 14
01:33:00 You're saying that?Speaker 8
01:33:02 Anybody here?Devon
01:33:09 Hell Boy likes day of the rope.Speaker 5
01:33:12 Did anybody hear that?Speaker 35
01:33:19 I'm not in the clan, I'm not into skinheads.01:33:21 I'm trying to get an organization.
Speaker 15
01:33:23 Why don't you guys unify and work together?01:33:25 Why don't you guys unify and work?
Speaker 5
01:33:26 You shut up.Speaker 9
01:33:28 Gordon, Gordon, Gordon.01:33:30 Now you were on my show before and you were disrespectful and all that other kind of stuff.
01:33:34 We got that.
01:33:34 Straight, but you hadn't changed a.
Speaker 12
01:33:37 I'll send him to you.01:33:38 Joe roll.
Speaker 14
01:33:39 Wait, wait, wait.01:33:39 Hold on, hold on.
01:33:42 So they've been on her show before.01:33:48 You know what this is?
01:33:49 You know what this is?
01:33:50 It's not.
01:33:50 It's not that it's feds.
01:33:52 It's it's kind of like.
01:33:54 Alright, Sean Hannity back before he just had his own show.
01:33:59 On Fox News, they had a show called Hannity and Combs.
01:34:04 Right.
01:34:05 And Coles was basically like the the ******** like like, you know, like ******** liberal.
01:34:12 That only existed.
01:34:14 So that Hannity looked really smart all the time.
01:34:18 Like that was the only reason he was there and it was called Hannity and Colmes, Hannity and Combs, and then any any it didn't matter any topic at all would come up.
01:34:28 And and and Sean Combs, not Sean Combs.
01:34:32 What was his name?
01:34:33 It doesn't matter.
01:34:34 Whatever comes it was some Jewish guy.
01:34:36 And he would.
01:34:38 He would just make the worst arguments, like the Super stupid leftist like the typical easy to poke holes in lefty argument, you know about whatever the topic was.
01:34:53 And then Harry would just sit there and be like, yeah, and just.
01:34:55 Dismantle it.
01:34:58 And that and that was the show for years, until eventually they got rid of him.
01:35:02 But he was just there to make liberals look stupid.
01:35:08 And look, you see this all the time.
01:35:10 MSNBC does this where they're like, they have, like, their favorite Republican, that they'll, they'll call in and they make sure that, you know, when they do the little.
01:35:19 Graphic underneath them.
01:35:20 It's got the R next to his name so everyone knows.
01:35:23 Look, even the Republicans don't agree or, you know, whatever, right?
01:35:27 It's all the it's all the shape, the perception of the audience.
Speaker 11
01:35:29 Who isn't exposed?Devon
01:35:32 To actual right wing people, it's to make them think, oh, this is the guy who represents right wing people.01:35:40 This is a tactic that literally every political show uses.
01:35:45 Find like the worst representative.
01:35:48 Of your enemy.
01:35:50 And then stick them on the show and then make them look stupid.
01:35:54 Because it's easy because.
Speaker 8
01:35:56 They would.01:35:56 They were the stupidest.
01:35:57 One I could find.01:36:00 And it's usually the stupid ones are dying to be on the show because they're going.
Speaker 11
01:36:03 To be on TV.Speaker 10
01:36:05 I'm gonna be on TV.Devon
01:36:09 So they've had this ************ on before.01:36:13 They knew what they were going to get out of him.
01:36:14 They're loving it.
01:36:18 The director behind the soundproof glass is laughing his *** off.
01:36:26 Every time that's.
01:36:27 That's why security hasn't ushered them out.
01:36:33 That's why security hasn't been like, dude, you're you're being disruptive.
01:36:36 You keep yelling when they no, they want it.
Speaker 19
01:36:44 That's what I was working.Speaker 15
01:36:46 In that man beer.Devon
01:36:48 Look, she's like high 5 and I'm and joking around.01:36:50 They're friends.
Speaker 9
01:36:55 Grandpa, you gonna wear me out before this show?01:36:58 Come on, sit back now.
Speaker 19
01:37:01 Come on, you haven't changed a bit, but why did I want?Speaker 35
01:37:03 Well, it's like this you got.Speaker 19
01:37:06 Here, Gordon, stand up.Speaker 35
01:37:06 You you got you got some.Speaker 19
01:37:08 Stand up.Speaker 35
01:37:08 You got some planned organizations that don't want anything to do with the skinheads?01:37:12 You got some Skinhead organizations that want to do anything, don't want anything to do with the clan.
01:37:16 We've got to meet the middle ground where we work.
01:37:18 Together or we're never going to get anything done.
Speaker 15
01:37:19 If you believe in white unity, why can't you?01:37:21 Guys all work.
01:37:22 Together here, that's what we're doing on it.
Speaker 7
01:37:23 We are together. We are.Speaker 36
01:37:23 We're working on.Speaker 18
01:37:24 It we're doing it.Speaker 35
01:37:25 We're all working together.Speaker 5
01:37:26 Have them.Speaker 35
01:37:26 It's just right side is like that come into the organization really calls that the spot.Speaker 5
01:37:26 They're they're still fun.Speaker 15
01:37:30 Alright, alright, now I want to make you.01:37:31 Guys call me a race trader.
01:37:32 But you said that people should have a right to to decide how they want to.
01:37:36 Go on life.
01:37:36 You said that right?
01:37:37 Do you agree with what he.
Speaker 35
01:37:39 Well, I believe in segregation if, but I don't believe in interracial marriages.Speaker 15
01:37:43 Do I not have the right to change?Speaker 35
01:37:44 If God would want us, the next racist, he'd let us all want.Speaker 12
01:37:45 My have you ever?Speaker 15
01:37:45 Changed your mind on anything.01:37:47 He changed.
01:37:48 His mind on anything.
Speaker 19
01:37:48 To show before.Speaker 15
01:37:49 Have you ever got into something that changed?01:37:50 Your mind or.
Speaker 5
01:37:51 Let let him, if he wanted to, just if.Speaker 15
01:37:52 Do I have a right to change my mind on?Speaker 7
01:37:54 You wanted to just change your mind?Speaker 15
01:37:54 Something I want to believe in.Speaker 7
01:37:55 Why didn't you?01:37:56 Just go back in the closet where you belong.
Speaker 35
01:37:59 You know what?Speaker 7
01:37:59 I'm saying why make it worse on yourself?Speaker 5
01:38:00 Nikhil, we're gonna win and you know it.Speaker 7
01:38:03 We're coming to power, Johnny.01:38:04 We're coming to power.
Speaker 5
01:38:06 You know it.Speaker 15
01:38:07 Know blowing up.01:38:08 Those those, those alleged suspects in Oklahoma City, they.
01:38:11 They they belong to the, to the white supremacist.
Speaker 7
01:38:12 You mean the government, the FBI?Devon
01:38:18 Well, at least he was based enough to know that Oklahoma City was.01:38:22 Yeah, was it was fishy.
Speaker 11
01:38:25 See, that's the thing the the.Devon
01:38:27 Government was worried about this sort of a thing.01:38:29 There's a reason why so many ******* talk shows had this exact episode on.
01:38:36 Because white people were starting.
01:38:38 To go, huh? What the?
01:38:38 ****'* going on here?
01:38:41 And you had the militia movement getting kind of a little strong, you know, you had the look.
01:38:45 This is when, Bill.
01:38:46 Cooper would have been on the air.
01:38:49 This is when Alex Jones was on the air when he, still in the air.
01:38:52 But you know, I mean like, this is when he was talking about the militia movement stuff.
01:38:58 And you had a bunch of people.
01:38:59 Like that you had a.
01:39:00 A I mean most most of them were Drifters, just like always.
01:39:04 Like that's just always the case, right?
01:39:07 So you had a lot of phonies and grifters and.
01:39:09 Stuff like that.
01:39:12 And those are the look.
01:39:13 It was the same, same deal back then.
01:39:15 Like, if you were allowed on the actual network.
01:39:20 You were probably a grifter.
01:39:21 You were probably a phony.
01:39:26 You know the the people that were the real deal were the ones that had.
01:39:29 To be on the alternative platform.
01:39:30 You know.
01:39:31 Kind of like kind of like today is a little different, obviously a little harder for them.
01:39:40 But this is what they.
01:39:42 Had to shut it down.
01:39:43 They had to make you look like these guys.
01:39:47 Or like the Oklahoma City bomber.
Speaker 1
01:39:54 We're like crazy Bill Cooper.Devon
01:39:59 And by the way, I wasn't pro White and didn't do us any favors by talking about aliens.01:40:03 When he first.
01:40:06 You know, started his thing.
01:40:10 The the topic of Bill Cooper is a.
01:40:12 Little complex but.
01:40:14 I have a soft spot for that guy.
01:40:18 But you know what I mean?
01:40:19 Like, this was, uh, this was this was a big concern because look.
Speaker 8
01:40:23 Look well, I mean.Speaker 34
01:40:24 We know what their plans were.Devon
01:40:25 Look what look.01:40:26 Look where we are today.
01:40:29 Look where they managed to take us in.
01:40:31 30 short years.
01:40:34 We're not quite.
01:40:35 30 But you know what I mean.
01:40:46 And at this in in 1996.
01:40:52 They were worried that we could still.
01:40:57 The present that we're now.
01:41:02 There was still a chance that this kind of thing could catch on.
01:41:12 So they put them all in costumes and put on a pro wrestling match.
Speaker 9
01:41:18 You claim that you could change a racist.01:41:21 What could you do to make Wendy possibly change your way?
Speaker 15
01:41:25 Well, it's hard, too, with her family sitting here, you know, and stuff.01:41:28 But by herself, if I could talk to her, what I would point out, for one thing.
01:41:32 And deal, I'll just go ahead and.
01:41:34 Wendy, you love your child.
Speaker 27
01:41:36 Very much as she's not keeping her hot.Speaker 15
01:41:37 OK, if if a car, would you care?Speaker 19
01:41:39 You're keeping her.Speaker 15
01:41:40 You said you don't want to get any black blood in her.Speaker 19
01:41:41 She's not Mason.Speaker 15
01:41:42 You wouldn't let her have a black transfusion, right?01:41:44 What if rolanda if?
01:41:46 If if she.
01:41:46 Seen a car gonna hit?
01:41:47 Hit your baby and Yolanda pulled her out of.
Speaker 9
01:41:48 I would save your child in a minute.Speaker 15
01:41:49 The way would you?01:41:50 Would you be want rolanda to pull your?
01:41:52 Child out of the.
01:41:52 Way from getting.
01:41:53 Hit by a car you would want to do.
Speaker 19
01:41:54 Yeah, I'd like her to pull out the right.Speaker 27
01:41:55 Wouldn't let her blood.Speaker 15
01:41:55 That, but you wouldn't, you wouldn't.Speaker 27
01:41:58 I wouldn't let her.01:41:59 Blood get in my babies body.
Speaker 15
01:42:00 You wouldn't let her blood.Speaker 8
01:42:01 See again, this is this is again.Speaker 15
01:42:02 You let her save the baby's.01:42:03 Life in one way.
01:42:03 It it's it's has literally nothing to do.01:42:07 Literally nothing to do.
01:42:10 With why people would want to have a white majority country to.
01:42:14 Live in.
01:42:16 That ohh no. Oh.
Speaker 8
01:42:17 No, I might get some of rolando's blood on.Devon
01:42:19 Me has literally nothing to do with that.01:42:23 So it's easy to make it sound ridiculous, because that's ridiculous.
Speaker 33
01:42:30 Perfect little boy.01:42:31 And suddenly I looked at the world in which.
01:42:33 He had lived and was terrified, hate crimes.
01:42:36 Oh, is this George Costanza doing a anti racism Ed?Speaker 33
01:42:41 My wife and I son perfect little boy.01:42:44 And suddenly I looked at.
01:42:45 The world in which he'd lived and was terrified hate.
01:42:48 Crimes don't just devastate.
01:42:49 Their victims, they reach past individuals to strike at the very heart of communities.
01:42:54 The best response is to fight to unite.
01:42:56 Under the banner of decency, equality, respect, I want to give my.
01:43:00 Son a better.
01:43:02 Wiser, more loving world than this one.
01:43:07 Man, 96, was such a good.01:43:08 Year for Jews?
Speaker 1
01:43:09 Like it was such a good year.Devon
01:43:12 It just really was, I mean in.01:43:13 America. That's it.
01:43:16 Oh man.
01:43:20 I really I kind of, I don't know if I can handle that guy anymore.
01:43:24 Just look this this ****** sounds like he's going to be real smart.
01:43:29 He looks like.
01:43:30 One of those?
01:43:31 I'm a I'm a non racist.
01:43:32 Skinhead, let's see.
Speaker 9
01:43:34 Your homework, so you will.01:43:38 Yes, the second young man.
01:43:40 I don't know if he practiced the Klu Klux clans every day, but do you have a social life?
Speaker 22
01:43:45 Do you have a girlfriend?01:43:47 OK.
Speaker 3
01:43:48 What do you?Devon
01:43:48 Say it's the same thing.Speaker 24
01:43:49 I have a lapse.Devon
01:43:52 Are you an in cell?01:43:54 Just have sex?
01:43:55 Like literally, literally the the thought.
01:43:57 The processes have not changed at all.
Speaker 24
01:43:59 Say I'm getting.01:44:00 I don't know, but I I say we can't allow the racism to divide us.
01:44:03 That makes us.
01:44:04 All right, so now we we have.01:44:05 The gay not.
01:44:07 Like probably he actually sounds gay, like the gay, not racist Skinhead.
Speaker 24
01:44:11 Week you talked about, you know, pride.01:44:13 I'm proud.
01:44:14 I'm proud of us.
01:44:15 But when we start letting ourselves be divided by race, sexism, and all these things, that makes us weak, you know, and the North racism exists not as strong in the South.
01:44:22 The average black worker makes more than a white worker in the South because we let racism divide us.
01:44:27 That's why we let sexism divide us.
01:44:29 You talk about national social we talk about Adolf Hitler.
01:44:31 Adolf Hitler went after the working class Adolf Hitler hurt.
01:44:34 Regular people, white people.
Speaker 5
01:44:35 No, no, no.01:44:36 No, no, no, no.
Speaker 24
01:44:38 He put you, put you put.Devon
01:44:39 Yeah, the Jews were totally the working class.01:44:42 But but please go on.
Speaker 24
01:44:44 About national socialist.Speaker 7
01:44:45 For the working class.Speaker 24
01:44:46 Socialist socialist means we stand.Speaker 34
01:44:48 Up for the working class socialist.Devon
01:44:52 And this is the this is the the Antifa, I guess of the day.Speaker 24
01:44:56 Means respect each other.01:44:57 We fight for the working class.
01:44:58 We can't let racist ideas head up.
01:45:00 No, I I can't.
Speaker 35
01:45:00 You're too full, though.Speaker 24
01:45:01 I can't.Speaker 35
01:45:01 That's all are buddy.Speaker 24
01:45:02 You talked about Malcolm X Malcolm X.01:45:04 The people oppress people beyond the color of your skin.
01:45:06 We'll unite and try to guess your president.
01:45:08 Something I.
Speaker 15
01:45:13 Do you claim to be patriotic?01:45:15 Do you love America?
01:45:17 Claim to be patriotic?
01:45:19 Ohh wait, let's be on the fight.Speaker 15
01:45:25 How would you wear?Speaker 35
01:45:26 I might be a little daddy, right?Speaker 15
01:45:26 How could?Speaker 7
01:45:27 You wear it's it's.Devon
01:45:28 Wrestling it's pro wrestling.Speaker 10
01:45:30 Many Americans, you ain't nothing.01:45:33 You ain't nothing.
01:45:34 I'm gonna take you down.
Speaker 34
01:45:35 Tell you something.01:45:36 You don't know me for a minute.
01:45:42 Wait, isn't that Stanley from the office?01:45:45 Boy, have you lost your mom?
01:45:47 Cause I'll help you find it.
01:45:49 That looks like skinny Stanley from the office.
Speaker 15
01:45:52 Three men in this house.Speaker 21
01:45:57 And I'm on national TV too.Speaker 35
01:45:59 Yeah, you don't get your foot.Speaker 21
01:46:00 OK, you know what I'm looking forward to that I've always wanted.Speaker 35
01:46:00 What's on national TV?Speaker 5
01:46:03 That but somebody.Speaker 18
01:46:04 As stupid as you, I couldn't dignify.Speaker 34
01:46:05 It because you don't know.Speaker 25
01:46:09 You don't know me.01:46:10 You don't know me.
Speaker 19
01:46:13 What are you saying there, Johnny?Speaker 15
01:46:14 Hatred throws up dissension, but love covers all wrong.01:46:17 We react with hate.
01:46:18 That's not the way.
Speaker 19
01:46:20 Let's take a quick break.01:46:22 Let's take alright.
Speaker 15
01:46:25 Possibility to monitor what their children are bringing into their home and to monitor how their children are.Speaker 8
01:46:29 Ah, there we are.01:46:30 This is this is like the this.
01:46:32 What they put in all every single.
01:46:33 One of these that we've looked at.01:46:36 Now we get to the what was the point?
01:46:38 Of all this?
01:46:38 This, this, this show this wrestling match.
01:46:41 What was.
01:46:41 The point of it.
01:46:43 Well, I mean, who's the audience?
01:46:45 Daytime television, housewives.
01:46:48 Why do they want housewives to watch this?
01:46:51 Because watch out or your kid is going to look like one of these super villains.
01:46:58 Listen to the guy in the mullet.
01:47:01 He's been there before.
01:47:03 He he turned to the dark side.
01:47:07 He knows the dangers.
01:47:09 He came from a bad home.
01:47:11 His dad committed suicide and his mom was an alcoholic or, you know, maybe was the other way around.
01:47:16 I forget it doesn't matter.
01:47:18 And then you know the the, the, he.
01:47:20 He turned to the KKK.
01:47:24 Because he wanted to belong.
01:47:30 Is that going to be your little Jimmy?
01:47:34 You don't want your little Jimmy to.
Speaker 8
01:47:35 Live through that.Speaker 15
01:47:37 Acting and to take part in their children's lives.01:47:39 You don't bring children to this world, then throw them in a daycare center.
01:47:42 Somewhere and forget about.
01:47:43 Them you have to take care.
Speaker 9
01:47:43 The children.Speaker 15
01:47:44 Of the children and nurture them.Speaker 9
01:47:45 The kids that you've turned around to see better, like you yourself, claim you've done.01:47:51 What do you tell them that makes them, makes that click go off that switch?
Speaker 15
01:47:55 Well, what I like to what I like to tell people is, is something America can learn from.01:47:59 There was a crowd gathered on a street corner.
01:48:01 There was a black man and a white man.
01:48:03 A little Puerto Rican boy.01:48:04 I like this joke.
01:48:05 I love this joke.
01:48:06 There's a black man.
01:48:08 A white man, a little Puerto Rican boy.
01:48:10 Alright, alright.
01:48:12 What do you?
01:48:12 Guys think the punch line is.
01:48:14 I'm gonna look at regular chat here.
01:48:15 We we gotta I.
Speaker 8
01:48:16 Bet we can come up with a better.Devon
01:48:18 Joke than than this guy's going to have like.01:48:22 However, his joke is we're.
01:48:23 Going to be disappointed like, let's this is this is the setup.
Speaker 4
01:48:26 There was a.Speaker 15
01:48:26 Black man and a white man A.01:48:28 Little Puerto Rican boy.
01:48:29 All right.01:48:31 There's a black man and a white man and a little politician boy. And then what? Come on, chat. You got someone's going to have a funny, funny punchline for this joke.
01:48:45 Someone says I know a lot.
01:48:46 Of these. Oh well.
Speaker 18
01:48:47 Then give me one of them.Speaker 8
01:48:49 Give me one of them.Devon
01:48:53 Alright, that's OK. Linux Foo says it sounds like someone's getting molested.01:48:58 Walking to the bar, so I called so I called the cops.
01:49:04 Oh, come on.
01:49:04 Come on, you guys are failing me.
01:49:06 No good punch lines here.
01:49:09 Devin's putting us on the spot. Damn right and put you on the spot. You guys got nothing?
01:49:13 Nothing, absolutely nothing.
01:49:16 All right, let's see.
01:49:17 Let's see how.
01:49:18 His joke goes.
Speaker 15
01:49:21 There was a black man and a white.01:49:22 Man, the Little Puerto Rican boy, the Little Puerto Rican.
01:49:25 Boy took up collection.
01:49:26 The Black Man played a fiddle.
01:49:27 The Black Man played the guitar.
01:49:28 The white man didn't have any legs.
01:49:30 Black man didn't.
01:49:31 Have any eyes?
01:49:32 Do you wonder how they got by when they got ready to leave?
01:49:34 The white man with no legs but had eyes.
01:49:36 Well, now wow, this is just getting confusing now.01:49:41 Now like one of them.
Speaker 8
01:49:42 'S a cripple and one of them's.Devon
01:49:44 Ohh God chat.01:49:46 See you guys could have done so much better than this.
01:49:48 Now I don't.
01:49:48 Even know what's going on?
01:49:49 Anymore. There's one of them's got, like, robot arms, and they're ones like the King of Prussia. Like, what the ****'* going on here? Like this is this is. I can't do this joke.
Speaker 15
01:50:01 You wonder how they got by when they got ready to leave the white man with no legs but had eyes climbed up on the shoulders of the.01:50:07 Black Man who had legs but no eyes.
01:50:09 OK, alright, you know what?01:50:13 I'm done with your like he's still telling it like minutes later.
Speaker 4
01:50:16 We have.Devon
01:50:17 I'm just gonna get to.01:50:18 The applause cause it really doesn't matter.
Speaker 15
01:50:20 And divided with.Speaker 8
01:50:21 We, we, we, we, we.Devon
01:50:22 Know how the sends the the punch line is and then everybody clapped, right, and then everybody clapped.Speaker
01:50:34 Yes, Sir.Speaker 18
01:50:35 Bob and his friends, mother and parents own into what they do.01:50:38 How did they get into their groups?
Speaker 9
01:50:40 Right now, how did you get recruited guys?Speaker 18
01:50:43 I recruited myself.01:50:45 I I woke up and I started to see what's going on with our country and then now.
Speaker 24
01:50:48 It's time to.Speaker 18
01:50:49 Do something about it.Speaker 21
01:50:50 Yes, Sir.01:50:50 First of all, we tried to divide the country and that didn't work.
01:50:53 We have the civil war.
01:50:54 It didn't work N against South and second of all, where does it say in the Bible that white people are supreme?
01:50:59 And third of all, who are you to say where?
01:51:01 You're going to.
01:51:02 Live and where the rest of the people going to live.
Speaker 9
01:51:03 And then if?Speaker 21
01:51:04 OK like.Devon
01:51:05 Again, it's sort of an easy first of all.01:51:10 The civil war.
01:51:13 Was fought because the north couldn't.
01:51:17 Couldn't leave the the the South alone.
01:51:20 The South wanted to leave and secede, so I'm guessing.
01:51:25 New York, that you represent the north.
01:51:28 You tell me, you tell me why that wouldn't have worked out.
01:51:34 The South didn't say we're going to.
Speaker 8
01:51:35 Leave, but before we.Devon
01:51:36 Do we're going to start the bloodiest war in American history?01:51:42 That makes no sense makes 0 ******* sense.
01:51:45 It's not like they were like, you know what we want to we want to secede from the Union.
01:51:52 Just start killing everybody north of our borders.
01:51:57 That's not how it went down.
01:51:59 That's not how.
01:52:00 It went down at all, you ******* ******.
01:52:06 So you tell me, you tell me.
01:52:07 Like everything that he said.
Speaker 8
01:52:09 Was the thing, he said.Speaker 21
01:52:11 The rest of the people.01:52:11 Going to live.
01:52:14 Well, who are you to say where you're gonna live?
01:52:16 And where the rest of the people gonna live?
01:52:18 See, it's.01:52:18 It's about, it's about.
01:52:20 We're New Yorkers that like, feel like they have the controller button.
Speaker 21
01:52:23 It's in work N again South and second of all.01:52:25 Where does it say in the Bible that white people are supreme?
01:52:28 And that's why it's a stupid it's a stupid argument.01:52:32 It's why it's why it's always been a stupid argument.
01:52:35 And and it just makes you look like.
01:52:38 A ****** to everybody?
Speaker 21
01:52:40 And where the rest of.01:52:40 The people gonna live.
Speaker 19
01:52:41 And then if the government.Devon
01:52:42 Who cares where else going to live?01:52:45 We're not running.
01:52:46 Out of land in America, believe me.
Speaker 27
01:52:49 Decided to and they split it.01:52:51 Yes, I would move to be separate to ourselves.
Speaker 36
01:52:52 Working out what do you say?01:52:55 I have a comment for this gentleman here.
01:52:57 He said something about Maglich running around.
01:52:59 If you were referring to to black people or people in general as naggers, if you look it up in the dictionary, the definition for Niger is an ignorant person and.
01:53:06 I think that's what you are.
01:53:11 Wait, I don't think the definition of is that ignorant person.01:53:17 I don't think any dictionary has ever said that.
01:53:21 But yeah, this guy is kind of a.
01:53:23 Sorry, he just is.
Speaker 29
01:53:27 A definition of a white.Speaker 9
01:53:28 Person is what is the definition of a white person?Speaker 7
01:53:31 Someone of the white area in race.01:53:34 To be able to blush, to show color in the.
Speaker 5
01:53:36 Face. Yeah, I like watching.Speaker 29
01:53:36 Well, I mean, I'm white.01:53:38 She's white.
01:53:39 White, and I think you're very, very ignorant.
01:53:41 And to those down there, I think you're very loud and obnoxious.
01:53:45 That's what you are.
01:53:46 Hold on.01:53:47 There's no way that chicks white.
01:53:48 There's just.
01:53:50 Is there ever a close up on her?
01:53:55 Yeah, not buying it, not buying it, sister.
Speaker 29
01:53:59 You're very, very ignorant and to those down there, I think you're very loud and obnoxious.01:54:04 That's what you are asking.
Speaker 1
01:54:06 You know what she's done.Speaker 9
01:54:07 If they could go on and on and on and you know something, folks, I best bet it will and let this hour have.Speaker 8
01:54:13 Our best bet it will.Speaker 9
01:54:14 Has been, at least for many of us, an eye opening experience, so.01:54:18 Many of us.
01:54:18 Alright, here's the this is what we learned today, boys and girls.01:54:21 Everyone gather around.
01:54:22 Let's hear.
01:54:23 The the lesson of today was tell us rolanda.
Speaker 9
01:54:28 Of us think that we live in a utopia in this grand nation.01:54:31 It is a grand nation, but we have.
01:54:32 A lot of work to do.
01:54:35 Wendy, Bob, Jeff and Grandpa and the rest of the clan.
01:54:40 I'm going to love you whether you change or not.
01:54:43 I just hope that that that.
01:54:45 Something something will make a difference in your life.
01:54:50 We will see you next time on the.
01:54:52 Line. Thank you.
01:54:53 And that's why Alana got cancelled.01:54:55 She doesn't.
01:54:55 She doesn't really have her away with words.
Speaker 11
01:54:58 Rolanda she is the best.01:55:01 She is friends with all those guys.
01:55:06 King world.01:55:09 Good old King World Kang world.
01:55:14 All right.
01:55:17 So yeah, that's the that's the the the discount Oprah show.
01:55:23 But there were so many episodes like this on every ******* show.
01:55:26 Like every show had this episode literally every show.
01:55:30 From from Oprah to Geraldo to Donahue that they all had this show.
01:55:38 All at the same time.
01:55:40 All the same years, and you gotta.
01:55:41 Think about it.
01:55:42 Why don't they have the show anymore?
Speaker 8
01:55:47 Why don't?Devon
01:55:49 You have something like this?01:55:53 When and look, obviously I know it's different, right?
01:55:55 We don't have daytime television.
01:55:56 I mean, well, they do.
01:55:57 But like it's.
01:55:58 Not the same kind of audience, right?
Speaker 11
01:56:01 But why don't they?Devon
01:56:02 Have anything that's similar to this?01:56:06 Because they don't have to anymore.
01:56:13 They they already they already, they've, they've already.
01:56:19 The new generation.
01:56:22 So thoroughly.
01:56:26 And they've already saturated.
01:56:30 The ruling class and really the middle class.
01:56:37 With devotees.
01:56:41 With disciples of their religion of diversity.
01:56:47 They don't need to anymore.
01:56:51 Now they can de platform you.
01:56:53 Remember what you said in the very beginning of the.
01:56:55 Episode I would rather deep platform these guys.
01:57:01 But I talked to my producer and we decided we could make him look like ******* *******.
01:57:05 And that'd be better.
01:57:11 And that's what they did.
01:57:14 On show after show after show that's.
01:57:16 What they did.
01:57:18 And it worked.
01:57:19 So now they don't.
01:57:20 Now it's, you know, like what it's like you said.
01:57:22 I wanted to not give these people a platform, but.
01:57:26 Well, now that there's no, but now they can just not give.
Speaker 8
01:57:28 You a platform.Devon
01:57:38 So anyway.01:57:42 That was Rwanda.
01:57:43 I found that when I was looking for something totally different.
01:57:47 And I thought you guys would find that interesting.
01:57:52 Alright, let me take a look at.
01:57:56 At the Super chats.
01:57:59 I am sweating like a ******* gross person right now.
01:58:04 What is the?
01:58:06 Well, I've turned off the swamp cooler since the I started the shugs.
01:58:10 It's really loud too.
01:58:13 And it's still 85 degrees, but it's dropped from 50% humidity to 43%.
01:58:22 I'm have to do something about this.
01:58:23 I there's a.
01:58:24 There's like a weird vent you can get that goes in your ceiling.
01:58:27 Oh, you know what I was going to show you guys a video.
01:58:29 I mean, I'll show you next stream.
01:58:31 Not about event in my ceiling.
01:58:35 It was going.
01:58:36 To be a bee pill, actually, but.
01:58:39 Yeah, the, that's because that's the other thing too is.
01:58:41 So the bees are ******* they.
01:58:43 They do not enjoy this heat.
01:58:45 They drink so much.
01:58:46 *** **** water.
01:58:47 Like they drink so much water.
01:58:49 It's ridiculous.
01:58:50 I got these.
01:58:52 I got these, like water feeders for for like chickens.
01:58:57 Like these 5 gallon.
01:58:59 Galvanized steel, which by the way are rusting already.
01:59:05 So they're not.
01:59:06 I mean they they looked like galvanized steel, it said galvanized steel and but they're already rusting so.
01:59:13 ****** ****** quality.
01:59:16 But anyway, they're they're they're these 5 gallon gravity feeders for for chickens.
01:59:22 And I was like, oh, this be good.
01:59:23 You know, like bees can't possibly drink as.
01:59:26 As much as chickens.
01:59:29 I'll set these up so they have like a water source because what they do is they'll they'll, you know, gather the water, bring them back to the hive and evaporate it inside to cool it off.
01:59:39 And they, they've gone through.
01:59:42 I've had to refill it so many times.
01:59:44 Like they drink it.
01:59:45 Like in, like in two days.
01:59:47 It's so it's.
01:59:48 It's ridiculous.
01:59:49 Like I'm sure some of it's got to be.
01:59:50 Evaporation but like.
01:59:53 It's insane how?
01:59:54 How, how much ******* water they go through.
01:59:56 Anyway, I got some video of that.
01:59:58 I'll, I'll show.
01:59:58 I'll show you guys that next stream.
02:00:02 OK.
02:00:10 Simbi $5 appreciate that political survey call today. You know I've I've never. So that's that's what they're calling. They're calling Simba. I've, I have never been called by any of these.
02:00:22 These survey people, he asked whether I am a Democrat, Republican or independent.
02:00:27 I said I'd identified as Republican for the purposes of this survey.
02:00:32 Well you should.
02:00:32 Always **** with them though, you should, said Democrat.
02:00:35 The next question was do you identify more as a Trump Republican or a traditional Republican?
02:00:40 I said they both support Israel, so neither.
02:00:44 Yeah, well, you should have tried to **** with their data.
02:00:46 You you should have.
02:00:49 I don't know. Maybe, maybe.
02:00:51 Telling them that works too.
02:00:54 I wonder, I wonder how that that would that's going to be figured.
02:00:57 Into their study.
02:00:59 I guess it depends on who all who all is running the survey.
02:01:04 Colonial and Victor, $5 appreciate that we know the elites want to.
02:01:10 In inflated the dollar to be worthless so they could issue a new cashless global currency, we can issue our own currency that isn't automatically issued to pay for personal salaries and required.
02:01:23 To trade in the supply network while also having the hard power to secure its worth.
02:01:30 Part 2-5 dollars. Also appreciate that. Lastly, who going to **** with 50 guys showing up at the gas station tonight with 10 man teams taking turns, refueling and providing Overwatch knowing that 15 see this, is this this see this is this is the Fed posting.
02:01:49 Tough man, you.
02:01:49 You can't talk about about organized crime strategies to to steal gas.
02:01:56 Like that's that's not a.
02:01:58 That's not going to, yeah, that's not going to help.
02:02:01 And like I said, this is still this is also cart way before the horse even if you wanted to do.
02:02:07 That you say, who's going to **** with 50 guys, show up at the.
02:02:10 Gas station at.
02:02:10 Night you have fifty guys.
02:02:15 I don't have 50 guys that would show I couldn't get 50.
02:02:17 I mean, I don't have like, I've tried really hard.
02:02:20 I could probably get maybe 50 you guys to show.
02:02:22 Up at a gas station.
02:02:24 But I mean, you know, like to have some.
02:02:26 Kind of organized.
02:02:28 Shock troop thing.
02:02:30 It's just we're not.
02:02:31 We're not anywhere near that.
02:02:34 See this.
02:02:35 You know, I don't want to give you ****, man, but this is kind of like dressing up like the Nazi guys and doing that voicemail.
Speaker 11
02:02:42 Of a of A.Speaker 10
02:02:43 You know we're, we're the judge, jury and executioner.Devon
02:02:47 You know, like you can't.02:02:50 We're in a position of we're such in a disadvantage of power that talking like this makes us look ridiculous.
02:02:57 I'm not saying that.
02:02:58 It's it look that maybe down the road that that would be an appropriate thing to think about.
02:03:04 But right now, like we're just trying not to die.
Speaker 11
02:03:07 You know what I mean?Devon
02:03:09 So I'm just saying like.02:03:11 You know.
02:03:15 I think I.
02:03:16 Think you get it?
02:03:16 I think you get it.
02:03:20 I understand your desire.
02:03:21 I understand your your your instinct here.
02:03:24 It's just we're so far from that being anything realistic, it's.
02:03:30 You know.
02:03:32 Guy in Japan, konichiwa 1299. I appreciate that. I watched this documentary today to honor the memory of the man who died on June 8th 55 years ago. I highly recommend it.
02:03:47 Yeah, he's talking about the.
02:03:48 The day or I have a video called.
Speaker 15
02:03:50 The day Liberty died.Speaker 8
02:03:52 That's a very.Devon
02:03:55 Shareable video about the USS Liberty.02:03:58 And I would highly recommend.
02:04:01 Either going to this website that he linked on his super chat there or sharing that video I made.
02:04:11 They have a book like the survivors have a book, maybe buy that book as a gift.
02:04:17 For especially if you have a relative that's in the military.
02:04:23 That is a good one.
02:04:24 Never forget the USS Liberty.
02:04:28 The Ministry of Truth, $5 appreciate that you forgot to play the song I sent you for a day of.
02:04:32 The rope a few strings back.
02:04:40 Well, I don't know if I might not have checked it out yet.
02:04:45 I'll I'm trying to get through all my notes.
02:04:47 Oh, by the way, I think.
02:04:48 I I did this on.
02:04:53 On Gab, I did end up finding.
02:04:57 Brought the van.
02:05:00 Brother Part 2, the Russian movie I was talking about.
02:05:05 Turns out it's.
02:05:06 Not Gary Busey.
02:05:08 But the scene is essentially the same.
02:05:11 They bring him in for like stabbing some black guys and they let him out because the cops hate.
02:05:17 They literally go.
02:05:18 They're like oh.
02:05:20 They were just black, yeah.
02:05:21 ******* and they like let.
02:05:22 Go and then he kills like.
02:05:25 Tons of black gangsters.
02:05:26 It's it's actually kind of funny.
02:05:29 Might have to go over that movie.
02:05:31 That thought the actor died with his entire film crew.
02:05:35 Few movies later too.
02:05:37 Which is insane.
02:05:38 They like they went to some remote place.
02:05:42 I think it was in in Russia.
02:05:44 To shoot a movie about this woman's prison.
02:05:46 And they were going to do it on location, a woman's prison and an avalanche literally killed him, like everyone.
02:05:51 Involved in the movie.
02:05:57 That's kind of crazy, but anyway, I'll check out that I'll check.
02:06:00 Out that video.Devon
02:06:03 Romel $1.00 appreciate that. Hi, Devin. Thank you for your work. What do you or what do you know about John Doyle?02:06:10 He seems real based.
02:06:11 I don't know if he's still.
02:06:13 I don't.
02:06:13 I don't know who that is.
02:06:14 John Doyle.
02:06:16 I mean, I'll.
02:06:20 And I can Google it, see if.
02:06:21 It rings any bells but.
02:06:24 People always ask me who I think of and when I like, what do you think this guy then 99% of the time, I just have no idea who it is.
02:06:35 Yeah, I have no idea who this guy is.
02:06:41 Ministry of Truth $1.00.
02:06:45 You mentioned that Kansas was having a drought a stream ago.
02:06:49 It's been raining, not Kansas.
02:06:51 I never said Kansas was.
02:06:53 It's been raining here almost every day of the past couple of weeks, yeah.
02:06:56 I'd never, said Kansas.
02:06:58 I said Lake Mead area that the American southwest.
02:07:04 That Nevada, Southern California big time, Southern California.
02:07:11 Arizona even, I'd say Colorado.
02:07:16 Yeah, but I don't know.
02:07:17 I I don't know anything.
02:07:18 About Kansas, so.
02:07:21 Yeah, definitely not Kansas.
02:07:22 I know Missouri is getting a lot of rain.
02:07:24 Like a crazy amount of rain.
02:07:25 And that's kind of in the neighborhood of Kansas.
02:07:27 So and that sounds like it checks out.
02:07:31 Simba 501 aside from DOTR 2, you should also write a short story set in the alternate universe where January 6th unfolded the way we wanted.
02:07:40 I would buy 5 copies.
02:07:42 For, for friends and family.
02:07:44 So did you guys hear what's going on with the January 6th thing?
02:07:50 So January 6th they are they hired.
02:07:57 They literally hired a television producer.
02:08:01 Because I and I really think it has to do with kind of how the Amber Heard trial stuff happened, right?
02:08:07 So the Amber Heard trial Johnny Depp trial got a lot of coverage.
02:08:12 It was covered by all kinds of Youtubers.
02:08:15 It got covered on television like crazy, and I think what they're like, they really do.
02:08:21 I think that they they saw that.
02:08:24 And they're like, ooh, ooh, like if they're already try to make, they're gonna try to make it public, right.
02:08:29 They are already gonna try to, like, make it a.
02:08:31 A propaganda piece.
02:08:32 It just seems like everyone's out to launch on January 6 because, like, it really wasn't anything, right?
02:08:38 And so.
02:08:40 They saw this popularity.
02:08:41 And they're like, oh.
02:08:44 We should do that with the January 6th hearings.
02:08:46 We're going to we're going.
02:08:47 To make it super publicized and make it all dramatic and and have all these people on YouTube streaming about it have people glued to their TV about it and they just have no understanding.
02:09:00 Just no one.
02:09:01 Gives a **** about January 6.
02:09:02 Like literally no one.
02:09:03 Gives a **** about it.
02:09:05 But they hired a a TV producer where the *******?
02:09:16 I don't have the ******* story anymore.
Speaker 33
02:09:21 Where is it?Devon
02:09:24 January 6th.02:09:38 There we go.
02:09:43 So this was from a couple of days ago.
02:09:50 In preparation for the big Show, Committee members hired a veteran television producer to make.
02:09:56 Sure, the drama is on full display for those planning to watch.
02:10:01 Fox has confirmed that the committee investigating last year's right of the capital has hired former ABC News president.
02:10:08 James goldston.
02:10:12 I mean, did you have to?
02:10:13 Did you even wonder for a second James Goldston to produce the slate of hearings scheduled for this month?
02:10:22 Fox is told Goldston will have a hand in all the.
02:10:25 Hearings this month.
02:10:27 But Golden State will be particularly involved in the efforts by the committee to make its prime time hearing Thursday and other one later this month to TV friendly.
02:10:38 Fox is also told that the actual witness list for the hearing will come in in the next day or two.
02:10:45 So yeah, goldston.
02:10:49 Is going to produce.
02:10:53 The January 6th trial so.
02:10:56 Well, it'll be interesting to see.
02:10:58 I I think they're gonna.
02:10:59 I think they're going to miss.
02:11:00 The mark like they seem to do on.
02:11:03 With this, with the fact, well I mean.
02:11:05 Just the idea that.
02:11:06 They hired an old Jew from TV to to try to, like do it.
02:11:09 It's like, no, you guys are missing the point.
02:11:11 TV is dead.
02:11:13 You know, why would you?
02:11:14 Why would you resurrect this guy?
02:11:17 TV's ******* dead.
02:11:28 Kick me. I think this is what it looks like, $1.00 appreciate that missed over a month of your stream has been catching.
02:11:34 Up the last few days well.
02:11:37 There's a lot of a lot that we had some pretty long ones.
02:11:40 So there's a lot to catch up.
02:11:41 On good to have.
02:11:43 You back hammer Thors ain't $5. Appreciate that a bit ago someone had mentioned the music video for Ramsey.
02:11:51 You played the end of it.
02:11:54 Want to get real mad?
02:11:55 Play the whole thing?
02:11:56 Quite possibly the most anti white W thing ever.
02:12:00 Yeah, I I would assume I'm just because Rammstein is.
02:12:05 Is they're not, they're not banned, and they're German.
02:12:10 And come on.
02:12:12 Germans that work in the entertainment industry, you really think they're going?
02:12:16 To be based.
02:12:19 Germans have so much.
02:12:25 Ridiculous amount they have.
02:12:28 They have pathological amounts of.
02:12:32 Undeserved guilt.
02:12:36 That they are probably the most suicidal.
02:12:38 Of all the white people.
02:12:41 On some level, you know in.
02:12:42 Other ways like look I mean.
02:12:45 Australia has been trying hard to take.
Speaker 8
02:12:48 To take that award.Devon
02:12:49 From them, you know.02:12:51 And New Zealand back me.
02:12:54 But yeah, German like the the idea that any, any German mainstream anything would be even a little bit based.
02:13:00 No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
02:13:09 Yeah, I think I've seen what?
02:13:10 You're talking about 14 Fabio $14.00. Appreciate that Devin Defiant was great. Have you seen this documentary exposing the police brutality and the incitement on January 6th? Yet must watch never before seen footage. Maybe you.
02:13:29 Or maybe maybe you can help.
02:13:32 I probably haven't seen it.
02:13:35 I'll take a look at that.
02:13:35 Look, I that's probably if they're going to be.
02:13:39 Trying to turn.
02:13:41 The January 6th hearings into a.
02:13:46 An immediate event.
02:13:48 I will cover it in.
02:13:51 And refute all their ******** because it's going to be it's going to be all ********.
02:13:58 I just don't think it's going to.
02:13:59 I don't think it's going to fly.
02:14:01 I think they're going to just be talking to themselves.
02:14:05 I can't imagine.
02:14:06 I mean, look, they're certainly not going to.
Speaker 5
02:14:08 The way.Devon
02:14:09 Best case scenario for us really.02:14:12 Is that because they're not?
02:14:14 Look, they're not.
02:14:15 They're not going to convince boomers they're not going to convince zoomers like they're not going to convince anyone who's to the right of Sean Hannity.
02:14:25 Of anything.
02:14:27 They're only the no matter what is said at that ******* hearing.
02:14:34 No matter what is said at that hearing.
02:14:37 Because if you had a guy, imagine just.
02:14:39 For a second, you have.
02:14:41 A guy who's like I'm I'm an elite proud boy.
02:14:45 And our mission was to overthrow the government and kill the the baby ******, Mike Pence.
02:14:53 And, you know, rape Nancy Pelosi and AOC.
02:14:59 Or you know what?
02:14:59 Whatever, right, just like and we all planned it, and it was all this, you know?
02:15:04 And he just they have, like, some star witness that pulls this kind of ****.
Speaker 8
02:15:09 No one will believe it.Devon
02:15:10 Even if it was true.Speaker 8
02:15:12 At this point, no one would believe it.Devon
02:15:16 The Q **** types are all going to think that he's like a robot.02:15:21 The Boomers are going to think it's, you know, they'll just like, oh, fake news, fake news.
02:15:26 He's a fed like, even boomers are starting to figure out the Fed thing, right?
02:15:31 Zoomers will definitely say he's a fed.
02:15:33 Like no one's going to.
02:15:34 ******* no one to believe it.
02:15:37 No one will ******* believe it.
02:15:40 So the only thing it's going to do if.
02:15:42 They do that kind.
02:15:43 Of ****.
02:15:44 It's going to make left this crazier and more paranoid.
02:15:48 About people on the right and I don't know, I guess.
02:15:52 It it's hard to know like in in terms of how that that would accelerate things, I don't know.
02:15:58 Is that good?
02:15:59 Does it speed things up?
02:16:05 So maybe not, maybe not bad.
02:16:08 And again, I don't know.
02:16:09 What their plan is for this like what could they, what can they do?
02:16:14 And it's a Senate hearing.
02:16:15 So you're going to have, you know, like the, you know, dirt bags like.
02:16:20 Yeah, the the sound bite kings.
02:16:26 You know that that are that are that pretend to be on your side that try to get those gotcha moments.
02:16:31 You know, are you going to have Ted Cruz, who used to be a prosecutor, you know, are you going to have Ted Cruz?
02:16:38 Interviewing these same witnesses.
02:16:41 And look, the problem is every time I've seen these Republicans.
02:16:46 Because they've had some hearings before, right?
02:16:48 Remember when they had the hearings with the Capitol police?
02:16:53 Every single one of these Republicans were like, I just want to.
02:16:56 I want to thank you because you guys are like without you guys, you know, America would just ******* explode.
02:17:02 Like you guys are like the glue that holds our society together.
02:17:05 You know, you're the ******* best.
02:17:06 I want to suck **** **** ***** now.
02:17:10 Like that, that, that's.
02:17:11 That's all they said.
02:17:12 And they they were using.
02:17:13 Words like you know you stopped, you didn't like.
02:17:15 They were saying insurrection.
02:17:21 Because let's face it.
02:17:23 They want they want to preserve the status quo just as bad as everyone.
02:17:28 You know, anyone on the left?
02:17:31 And yeah, so I think.
02:17:38 You got a snake?
02:17:46 Classified cat might have a snake.
02:17:51 What do you got there, buddy?
02:18:00 Whenever it is, he's got it cornered.
Speaker 12
02:18:02 I'll check it out later.Devon
02:18:06 He'll bring it to me if.02:18:06 It's a snake.
02:18:10 It might just be like a cricket or something, something like that.
02:18:13 He's got something.
02:18:16 What was I?
02:18:17 Telling, yeah, but yeah, I I don't know it just.
02:18:20 If they do, the January 6 show.
02:18:23 The the pay on how how it's.
02:18:25 Got like it might just be worth ignoring, honestly.
02:18:28 But if it looks like it might actually have some kind of impact.
02:18:30 One way or the other, I'll I'll.
02:18:32 I'll cover it.
02:18:34 Postmaster, $25 appreciate that Rolanda Watts.
02:18:39 Born July 12.
02:18:41 1959 is an American actress, producer of voice over artist, novelist.
02:18:46 Motivational speaker.
02:18:49 And television and radio talk show host.
02:18:52 Spelman College, Spelman College at private, historically black women's liberal arts college, Atlanta, GA.
02:19:00 Yeah, yeah, I guarantee you, yeah.
02:19:05 She's yeah.
02:19:07 Obviously not.
02:19:08 No, no one even.
02:19:10 There's there was no possible way she was even going to be adjacent to based black people, you know, like even a little.
02:19:18 Patton Oswald. Hey. Two streams ago I sent you 2-3 minute YouTube videos about Germans have started communities.
02:19:24 In Brazil one of them?
02:19:25 Being very rural and isolated.
02:19:27 I'm interested in your opinion on it.
02:19:28 Also, ever heard of a Christian community called Bruderhof?
02:19:33 No need to start a community when?
02:19:35 It already exists.
02:19:37 I don't know what better Bruderhof is.
02:19:39 I have not checked that out.
02:19:40 I remember I was.
02:19:41 You gotta remember, I was like driving all over the *******.
02:19:43 Place I've been busy as ****, so I no I will get around to it.
02:19:49 I do have a list of stuff I do when I say I'm adding to the notes.
02:19:52 I really am adding it to notes I have a.
02:19:54 Notepad file here.
02:19:55 That I add stuff to it, I will get to it.
02:19:58 It's just a.
02:20:01 I'm I'm a busy guy, but I'll definitely check it out.
02:20:04 I know I I know what you're talking about to some extent in terms of there being white communities in Brazil.
02:20:11 I know there's there's German parts of the country, but I haven't.
02:20:17 I haven't seen the videos that you that you sent, I don't think.
02:20:21 But that is on my list I.
02:20:23 Will check it out.
02:20:28 I'll put a reminder.
02:20:36 All right, cream of the crop, $1450, very generous.
02:20:42 Hey, Devin.
02:20:43 Been listening to you for a few years now and just want to thank you for everything you do.
02:20:47 If you have time, check out the documentary film Cartel Land.
02:20:51 It's about vigilantes fighting the Mexican drug cartels on both sides of the border.
02:20:57 I think you would find interesting.
02:20:59 I have that.
02:21:01 And well, first of all, thank you appreciate the support there.
Speaker 14
02:21:06 UM.Devon
02:21:07 I started watching it at one point.02:21:14 I stopped mostly because it was in Spanish and I didn't have time to read the the subtitles at the time.
02:21:22 Like I I was doing stuff and I I could listen to it or whatever, but.
02:21:27 If it's the same one I'm thinking about, like enough of it was in Spanish to where I'd I'd have to actually sit down and watch.
02:21:33 It watch it, you know.
02:21:36 So I'll have to add that to my.
02:21:40 And I've got it.
02:21:40 I just haven't I.
02:21:41 Haven't washed it so.
02:21:45 Uh dubbed the due to.
02:21:48 Nothing wrong, $25. Also very generous. Appreciate that my brother was telling was.
02:21:55 And he was telling me he was concerned.
02:21:58 That my dad might be going crazy later.
02:22:00 He went into detail.
02:22:02 With a very serious face, he told me that he was having dinner with my dad when my dad randomly said, you know.
02:22:10 Hitler was not a bad guy and I said that's the most sane thing, he said in years.
02:22:19 And then your brother, your brother's head exploded.
02:22:24 Yeah, well, I mean.
02:22:26 There are some people that are kind.
02:22:27 Of coming around to.
02:22:30 The idea that wait a second.
02:22:32 You know, propaganda, our government does propagandize us and our news.
02:22:36 Does lie to us about stuff?
02:22:39 So I wonder how that might apply to things.
02:22:42 In the past.
02:22:45 I mean, look, it's it's I have seen, I will say this for the boomers, I have seen boomers who used to suck MLK ****.
02:22:54 Seriously, rethink what they were told about that.
02:22:57 That the the civil rights movement era.
02:23:01 Like, seriously, think back and go, huh?
02:23:08 George Floyd mostly peaceful protests.
02:23:10 Huh, huh.
Speaker 35
02:23:13 So yeah.Devon
02:23:16 Dub to do nothing wrong $5. Appreciate that also I already knew my dad was Jew Pilled. He basically was a secret Nazi. He has a secret Nazi in his office like in 80s and 90s movies.02:23:27 It's mostly junk.
02:23:29 I wish my dad had a secret Nazi Nazi room.
02:23:36 Does he have like the the book? He can pull out of the bookshelf and like the bookshelf spins like in Scooby Dooby scooby-doo cartoons because that would be ******. It like that bookshelf spins and all of a sudden you're like, there's like a giant swastika flag.
02:23:53 A lampshade minute of.
02:23:55 That girl in the audience.
02:23:56 So that show you're watching.
02:23:58 Her husband.
02:23:59 Cringe panda $5. You really should check out Atlanta's missing and murdered the lost children about a black serial killer music producer who killed nearly 30.
02:24:10 Young boys, while looking into the next Michael Jackson, the left is pulling a.
02:24:16 West Memphis three.
02:24:17 Now shifting the blame to the KKK.
02:24:19 No apostrophe in torrent.
02:24:23 Yeah, I think I.
02:24:25 I think I got it.
02:24:30 I'll take a look at that for sure.
02:24:34 Uh postmaster, $5. Appreciate that she did a lot of voiceovers of men, really.
02:24:44 Rolanda did Rolanda was a.
02:24:48 A voice and Curious George.
02:24:52 That's kind of funny.
02:24:56 Based Panda Bear, 05 or 04/03/50 dollars. Really generous there.
02:25:03 Hey, David, wanted to thank you.
02:25:04 For doing these things, doing these streams well.
02:25:08 Thank you for supporting these streams.
02:25:11 Cringe pana. Since I brought up Michael Jackson, have you watched the Jacksons? An American dream from 1992?
02:25:18 I watched it last night and nearly lost me in the 1st 20 minutes, but then wow, it was really good.
02:25:23 It's three hours long and follows the early days of the Jackson Five.
02:25:27 It's very unwoke for a black movie.
02:25:30 No, I haven't seen that.
02:25:32 But you know, it's funny.
02:25:32 I was talking to a friend.
02:25:35 Let's talk about the Wiz.
02:25:38 And they've never heard of it.
02:25:41 The Wiz.
02:25:46 Was the because you know it was talking about like they're going to have black hobbits now and they're going to, yeah, they're going to make Lord of the Rings all work and gay and and diverse and all this other ********.
02:25:58 And I mentioned.
02:25:58 Well, yeah, well, that's not the first time they've done this ********.
02:26:01 They made an all black Wizard of Oz.
02:26:03 Called the Wiz and Michael Jackson was the scarecrow.
02:26:09 And I totally like I I remember they did that and I was just like, yeah, I think they did that.
02:26:14 I looked it up and it was a complete ******* failure, so they already tried this. It came out like in 78.
02:26:22 So they tried this in the 70s.
02:26:25 There's that year again.
02:26:26 Damn it.
02:26:27 It's like, literally that's the year the gates.
02:26:29 Of hell were opened was 1978.
02:26:31 I'm convinced 1978 the boomers did something did is that when we did, we start like one of these particle accelerators in 1978 because I kind of feel like something happened in 1970 was that when the ghost but the real Ghostbusters containment grid got shut down or something because in 1978, all this ****.
02:26:53 And in 1978, they made the Wiz.
02:26:56 And I was like, yeah, I'm.
02:26:58 Going to look that up and I.
02:26:59 Just did a quick search of the Wiz.
02:27:02 And I couldn't stop laughing because.
02:27:07 Like the this might be one of the most racist things I've.
02:27:12 Ever done? But it's it's.
02:27:14 It's funny.
02:27:21 It's funny, so it's worth it.
02:27:23 *** **** it.
02:27:26 Ah, let's see here.
02:27:28 I I wish I'd set this up beforehand.
02:27:30 Now I gotta.
02:27:31 I gotta look, I don't.
02:27:32 Know if I'm gonna be able to do it now.
02:27:35 Uh, let me see here.
02:27:46 Alright, so I look up the Wiz.
02:28:01 I better find it out because you guys.
02:28:02 Gonna be like, why?
02:28:03 Are you laughing so much?
02:28:04 This is.
02:28:09 Now I got it.
02:28:09 Now I got to deliver on this.
02:28:13 I'm overselling it.
02:28:15 Hold on. Hold on.
02:28:20 OK, there.
02:28:35 Hang on, hang on.
02:28:44 Dead air.
02:28:44 You should never have dead air.
02:28:47 But I have to have the dead air.
02:28:51 I might have to find this for later.
02:28:53 I might have to find it for later.
02:28:57 I'm going to keep looking here.
02:28:58 I'm going to look.
02:28:59 For a little bit longer here.
02:29:06 They just did such a terrible job. The movie lost something like $15 million. Up until that point. Do you have an idea of how serious?
02:29:16 Hollywood has always been about doing this exact thing.
02:29:19 This, like I said, this isn't the first time that that people are thinking like, oh, they're they're they're turning the hobbits black.
02:29:26 And you know.
02:29:27 If only we could go back to the 90s. ************, this was 1978.
02:29:32 And they tried it.
02:29:34 They just.
02:29:34 It just didn't work.
02:29:35 It was such a financial.
02:29:38 Lost that they had to just they had to put.
02:29:41 The pause button.
Speaker 8
02:29:43 You don't want to live.Devon
02:29:45 In a philosemitic decade where the pause button is just on.02:29:50 Anyone that used to have a tape machine?
02:29:53 If you pushed the pause button and you waited too long, what started happening right?
02:29:58 It started ******* up the the machine and the tape and that's that's basically what the 90s was.
02:30:04 And I cannot find this.
02:30:05 Is this is annoying.
02:30:09 That's OK.
02:30:10 It was probably a little.
02:30:11 It was probably a little.
02:30:12 Maybe slightly too racist.
02:30:18 I might do it another time.
02:30:20 I might do it another time.
02:30:24 Well, I don't know.
02:30:25 I I well, it won't work unless I can find this other photo.
02:30:36 I have just.
02:30:37 I just have too much ******* **** on this device.
02:30:41 It's like pages and pages and pages.
02:30:53 Speaking generally 6.
02:30:54 I've got like all these ******* videos from January 6th.
02:30:59 All these videos from the.
02:31:02 When I was being the the the guy posting everything to telegram for the.
02:31:10 The riots.
02:31:12 When I was Captain Johnny on the spot with that ****.
02:31:17 I just have so many *******.
Speaker 8
02:31:30 Yeah, I don't, I don't.Devon
02:31:34 I'll find I'll find it later.02:31:38 It's not in these next few pages I'm flying through here.
02:31:50 There's George Floyd.
02:31:51 I'm going way back.
02:31:58 Well anyway, remind me.
02:32:00 Remind me next stream.
02:32:04 Some like like just say something about the Wiz.
02:32:07 I'll try to remember to.
02:32:08 Get this photo.
02:32:10 And watch it might just be not as funny as I think it is.
02:32:12 I might just be tired.
02:32:13 And and hot and sweaty.
02:32:16 And thinking that it's way funnier than it is, especially since I can't find this other ******* photo.
02:32:21 Doesn't matter.
02:32:22 All right?
02:32:22 Anyway enough.
02:32:22 Of that, enough of that enough dead air.
02:32:26 Ah, let's see here.
02:32:29 Cringe Panda Summer is coming and I can't wait for you to do or spend more time online.
02:32:34 Just please don't fall off the roof.
02:32:36 Well, the roof should be good.
02:32:41 I might put a attic fan in to cool that ******* stuff, and I've got the attic fan.
02:32:46 I started installing it.
02:32:48 But it's not.
02:32:52 It's not operable right now and part of the reason is like I kind of.
02:32:56 Want to go in there?
02:32:58 And put in, I want to go in the attic and put.
02:32:59 In Radiant barrier and.
02:33:06 Unload. To do that, just because it's it's not secure like like the roof's not secure and the attic's not secure, and it's probably full of.
02:33:15 Asbestos. So anyway.
02:33:20 The cringe pan of the second season of mine Hunter was very good even at Berkowitz.
02:33:26 Very, very entertaining, but highly subversive, in fact, got cancelled because they shoehorned a lesbian in there.
02:33:33 That alienated women who were turning on or were tuning in for the masculine energy of true crime.
02:33:39 Stories still think you'd enjoy it?
02:33:44 OK, I'll tell you.
02:33:45 Look at it.
02:33:48 Hey, that Jeff scope guy in this rolanda thing does an anti racism podcast now with that redhead girl.
02:33:57 Oh, that's right.
02:33:58 That was that guy, wasn't it?
02:34:01 When we, when we, when we checked back with the redhead, I.
02:34:05 That is, that is.
02:34:07 That is him, I think, right?
02:34:12 Holy ****.
02:34:14 I think you're right.
02:34:16 Hold on.
02:34:16 Let let me.
02:34:17 Let me hold on.
02:34:18 I might actually have that.
02:34:20 Not this guy, but the Nazi guy.
02:34:24 Yeah, that guy.
02:34:27 Yeah, hold on.
02:34:29 I good.
02:34:30 I let.
02:34:30 Me, look at this.
02:34:33 Where is?
02:34:35 I know I downloaded that.
02:34:37 Because we played on the stream here, OK.
02:34:39 So that was uh.
02:34:43 My racist family was that episode, right?
02:34:55 Yeah, that's totally right.
02:34:56 I know I've got that, though.
02:34:57 Hold on.
02:34:58 It won't take as long.
02:34:59 I know I was just looking for.
02:35:00 A photo for.
02:35:02 Like a really long time, only to not find.
02:35:04 It but.
02:35:05 I know I'll find this because this is.
02:35:09 I have a lot less to sift.
02:35:10 Through for this one.
02:35:12 Pure evil.
Speaker 8
02:35:15 There we go. Gay pride.02:35:19 Yeah, and then blah, blah blah.
02:35:21 And New York City.02:35:27 Uh, where's the my racist family?
02:35:34 Gay Teletubbies.
02:35:40 Yeah, I gotta.
02:35:41 I just gotta *******.
02:35:42 I hate the way windows.
02:35:48 Do a good job of file management and by default and it just makes it so ******* hard to find ****.
02:36:01 I think you're right though, I'm pretty sure that's the ******* guy.
02:36:07 There we are.
02:36:09 OK.
02:36:12 OK.
02:36:12 So that was the racist family episode.
02:36:29 And of course, it's not in that ******* directory, God dammit.
02:36:35 I know we ******* had that, though.
02:36:37 I know we had that.
02:36:38 If I knew what day.
02:36:41 What's her name again?
02:36:42 Let's see here.
02:36:45 Jeff shope.
02:36:49 I'm almost positive.
02:36:50 Let me just.
02:36:50 Look it up again on on YouTube.
02:36:54 Yeah, that was that was totally the video we looked at, I'm pretty sure.
02:37:06 Yeah, that's him.
02:37:07 That's totally him.
02:37:09 So when you guys remember, we did that stream with the racist family and that red redheaded chick that everyone was like.
02:37:18 Like, oh, baby, she's so ******* based because she says she's going to kill all the Jews, cause God's going to tell her to kill all the.
02:37:24 Jews or whatever.
02:37:27 And then the next episode or the next stream I did I I played a clip of her this.
02:37:32 Is her now.
02:37:34 And she was in some kind of.
02:37:37 Looked like she lived in an RV.
02:37:39 And she was like, oh, it was, you know, it was.
02:37:41 It was like a cult.
02:37:42 And it was terrible.
02:37:43 My my ******* weirdo dad.
02:37:45 The guy that wore the weird, you know, aviator glasses, he was ****** the sisters and stuff and it was just this terrible person.
02:37:52 They all.
02:37:52 Seemed like feds.
02:37:55 And then she now she's an anti racist and she was streaming with that guy.
02:37:59 This is that guy.
02:38:03 So they're all anti racist now.
Speaker 16
02:38:08 So who knows they could have.Devon
02:38:09 Been ******* feds.Speaker 8
02:38:13 Right, why not?Devon
02:38:16 No, I don't know.02:38:17 I honestly, I honestly that's not the way I'm leaning I.
02:38:19 Don't think that they were feds.
02:38:21 I think that because they were, they were believing a ridiculous cartoon version of what we.
02:38:27 Talk about here.
02:38:29 You know that that obviously they think like, oh, that was crazy to believe it because it is crazy.
02:38:34 I I spent the whole stream telling you how ******* nuts it was.
02:38:39 But at the same time, I mean kind of suspect that all these.
02:38:45 These people that they're putting on talk show hosts or talk shows in the 90s, like almost without exception, all these guys they put on the talk shows.
02:38:56 Funny how so many of them turned out to be anti racist later on.
02:39:03 Good eye, that is.
02:39:04 That's totally that guy.
02:39:05 That's ******* crazy.
02:39:08 That is insane.
02:39:14 There we go.
02:39:14 There we go.
02:39:15 All right.
02:39:17 A go on the Internet $25. Appreciate that. Here you go, Mr. Stacks. Some shekels for the humanitarian superpower of Sweden.
02:39:25 Just dropped in, John just dropped into the tip.
02:39:30 We'll watch the replay later.
02:39:32 Carry on, Sir.
02:39:33 All right.
02:39:34 Thank you very much, Sweden.
02:39:38 Based race mixer of $5. Appreciate that David Duke is still relevant people. He's very intelligent and does a podcast near every day.
02:39:49 No, he's yeah, he's uh.
02:39:51 He was.
02:39:53 My in my experience at least, the stuff that I've seen of him from back in the day he was, he was articulate and smart back then too.
02:40:00 There was one time when he was on Donahue, I think where he wore the goofy KKK costume.
02:40:07 I I could be remembering that wrong.
02:40:10 Because I I was.
02:40:12 I was.
02:40:12 I just found clips when I was looking for something else.
02:40:14 And I I I thought I'd saw that I could be wrong about that.
02:40:20 The other the other appearance when he was on Donahue, he was dressed nice like a normal person.
02:40:28 Made good points, was very articulate.
02:40:32 And in fact, that would be a good episode to go through.
02:40:35 I keep thinking that I keep wanting to do that.
02:40:37 I think we did go over part.
02:40:38 Of it at one point.
02:40:41 But uh yeah, he's he's one of the few old school guys.
02:40:47 And maybe that's why they didn't.
02:40:49 You know, they didn't let him keep going on shows like this.
02:40:51 You know what I mean?
02:40:52 Because he was to.
02:40:55 To relatable.
02:41:02 Florida man, my mom told me when I was three, I walked up.
02:41:07 To a black woman with her baby in a stroller in a shoe store and genuinely asked, is that your monkey?
02:41:15 I asked.
02:41:16 I wish I could remember.
02:41:19 Yeah, well, my kid or my my kid, my kid.
02:41:21 Brother, when he was real little.
02:41:25 He had never seen a black kid before.
02:41:28 And the first time he saw a black kid, he said.
02:41:31 Ah, he's dirty.
02:41:37 Damn Bigfoot $3. Appreciate that the actor who played David Duke in the Black Klansman movie said the Real David Duke was too dangerous to interview.
02:41:46 Because he can make an audience agree with.
02:41:48 Him. Yeah. Well, yeah.
02:41:51 Look, he's a smart, nice guy.
02:41:55 Cringe Panda $1.00 appreciate that how credible is Bill Cooper? Some people seem to think he just wanted rent money. They say he was always changing his stories about UFO's.
02:42:06 And in the end, he ended up preaching that the aliens from UFOs were actually demons, not extraterrestrial, and the secret documents left on the copier sound suspect.
02:42:17 Yeah, I'll tell you what.
02:42:18 The the again, I think Bill Cooper.
02:42:24 It seems to me that he started out basically grifting.
02:42:29 And he was kind of.
02:42:30 Grifting on the alien angle.
02:42:33 And then I think as he grifted.
02:42:36 And got kind of involved with certain groups and stuff and and started actually researching like, you know, start getting involved like the the so-called TRUTHER community back then.
02:42:49 I think he kind of red pilled himself inadvertently.
02:42:54 Now, was he still trying to make money?
02:42:57 Was he still trying to survive support his family?
02:43:03 Was he still not pro white?
02:43:09 But what did? Did he have a talent? Absolutely. He had a talent. He predicted 911.
02:43:17 And he and look.
02:43:19 And he went down.
02:43:22 He went down like uh.
02:43:25 Someone who wasn't faking.
02:43:27 Would go down.
02:43:29 You know what I mean?
02:43:31 Like he, he didn't go down.
02:43:32 Let me just put that way.
02:43:32 He would.
02:43:33 He didn't go down like a government asset.
02:43:35 He didn't go down like a grifter.
02:43:39 You know, I mean, like a grifter.
02:43:41 Grifter would not.
02:43:43 A grifter never dies for the grift.
02:43:50 And his books just, you know, his behold the pale, the pale horse.
02:43:56 Even if there's some ******** in there and they're, you know, they're probably is.
02:44:00 The basic idea it's still a good book.
02:44:04 It still it still lays out some **** that in a way that gets your your mind thinking.
02:44:10 You just got to know.
02:44:11 You just got to know the the context of it, right?
02:44:14 You just have to know.
02:44:15 All right, consider the source.
02:44:17 You know what I mean?
02:44:18 It's like all right, this guy, you know, probably.
02:44:23 Probably didn't see UFO's coming out of the ocean or whatever, and you know, whatever, but at the same time, who knows, right?
Speaker 8
02:44:28 Because they now that the.Devon
02:44:30 Navies released those videos of.02:44:31 UFO's coming out of the ocean? Who knows?
02:44:34 Right.
02:44:35 I just think that.
02:44:39 You just have to take a lot of people say with a grain of salt.
02:44:43 But yeah, I mean, he seems like he he definitely had the.
02:44:48 A little bit of the grift in him a little bit.
02:44:53 I still like that he I.
02:44:54 Still like the way.
02:44:55 That he managed to stay on the air.
02:44:57 I like.
02:44:58 I like his perseverance and I like that his his.
02:45:04 His stubbornness.
02:45:07 My craft wins 2022. Appreciate that even though you love the bees now, don't let the cactus pill fall asunder.
02:45:16 No, the cactuses are are still going strong.
02:45:19 I I've been.
02:45:20 I've been increasing the Cactus Guard.
02:45:21 I will say this though.
02:45:23 I'm a little disappointed the bees do not seem to like the cactus flower, or at least let me rephrase that the honey bees.
02:45:30 Don't seem to like the cactus flowers at all.
02:45:33 I don't know if that's because there's other nectar sources available that they like better.
02:45:39 But the bees that do pollinate those cactus flowers are very rarely honey bees.
02:45:46 It's annoying.
02:45:47 Every time I ******* walk, cause I still have cactuses that are blowing the.
02:45:50 Yeah, I've seen like 3 honey bees on these ******* flowers.
02:45:53 Now there is a couple of exceptions.
02:45:54 There's a couple like the cactus blooms that they really like, but most when they leave alone, it's just like, come on.
02:46:01 All this ******* nectar.
02:46:02 You're letting it go.
02:46:06 My parents are friends with Jim Mars.
02:46:08 Do you have any opinions on his work?
02:46:09 Just wondering.
02:46:11 Really well.
Speaker 8
02:46:13 That's the guy that wrote.Devon
02:46:19 I I.02:46:20 I forget there was book but.
02:46:22 I know what you're talking about.
Speaker 8
02:46:24 Yeah, his book was pretty good.Devon
02:46:29 Let me see the look.02:46:30 I I got it.
02:46:31 Here, let me look and see what the name of it was.
02:46:35 I listened to it last time I listened to it was.
02:46:38 Last summer, during one of my night hikes.
02:46:42 I think it took like a few night hikes actually to get it all the way.
02:46:47 Done. Let's see here.
02:46:52 What was it called?
02:46:53 It was called like UM.
02:46:57 The chess game or something like that?
02:47:13 Maybe they got rid of it.
02:47:15 Well, anyway, yeah, he has a bunch of books.
02:47:18 I only read the his his most famous one.
02:47:20 It was OK.
02:47:21 OK.Devon
02:47:22 That that's another one of those things where you gotta remember a lot of these guys.02:47:26 Especially him, even if they were like him, and Bill Cooper, even if they were 100% trying to be accurate, they just didn't have the resources we do today. Like you couldn't just look something up on the Internet real quick.
02:47:41 You had to try to find actual people that were involved with these organisms.
02:47:45 There was no Freedom of Information Act.
02:47:47 There was no Internet, there was no WikiLeaks.
02:47:50 There was no.
02:47:54 Like none of this stuff.
02:47:56 And they still got enough.
02:47:57 Like, I think if you look at it through that lens and realize, well, that's the best we had.
02:48:05 For people trying to figure out what what the government was up to, then they're going to get some things wrong because they're going to have to fill in some of the blanks.
02:48:12 With what?
02:48:12 Seems logical to them.
02:48:16 But yeah, I've only read that one book, but I forget that it's it's his.
02:48:20 It's his most popular one, but I can't remember any of it.
02:48:23 Epton $8 appreciate that I once heard a podcast interview with a young man who was an author of political philosophy genre.
02:48:32 He says something I've never heard before or since, he said.
02:48:36 Realistically, we're all part of Socialist Democrat, Republican, libertarian.
02:48:41 It's about where you draw the lines, family, neighbors, state, race, et cetera.
02:48:47 I don't know.
02:48:48 Let me think.
02:48:49 Are you trying to say here?
02:48:52 He said something along the lines of.
02:48:55 Realistically, we're all part socialist, Democrat, Republican, libertarian.
02:49:00 It's about where you draw the lines, family, neighbors, state, races, et cetera.
02:49:06 Well look there is.
02:49:07 That there's that political spectrum that people always post.
02:49:11 You know, they always take that the test and they score somewhere on there.
02:49:15 I think that's true, and I think that what you prioritize.
02:49:20 Will influence that, you know, because you tend to have a lot of people.
02:49:25 Who score similarly similarly on that test will also prioritize.
02:49:31 In a similar way, you know people that that prioritize family race and stuff like that.
02:49:38 Usually score, but not always, but usually score on the right.
02:49:44 You know, and things like that.
02:49:47 Really it comes down to priorities.
02:49:50 And mental illness.
02:49:53 A lot of.
02:49:53 Mental illness plays a big role in politics these days.
02:49:59 Damn big for $1.00. Have you seen Geraldo Rivera getting his nose broke after an ape in a suit strangled a guest?
02:50:06 No, I've seen the.
02:50:08 I'll probably play that in a future stream.
02:50:11 I know we're talking about though there was a.
02:50:14 There was a couple fights Geraldo was like he he threatened people.
02:50:19 He thought he was a big shot back in the day.
02:50:21 He also admitted during the interview that he basically raped a girl.
02:50:26 I'm not even kidding.
02:50:27 He was on like, uh, like 60 minutes or something, like one of these, you know?
02:50:32 Television news magazines and, and I think it might have been Barb, Barbara Walters or like, you know, some doesn't matter, right?
02:50:38 Some dried up old Jewess.
02:50:41 Right.
02:50:41 Like was interviewing him.
02:50:44 About he had a relationship with.
02:50:48 I don't.
02:50:49 I don't know.
02:50:49 It was, but it was some, you know, Boomer, famous girl.
02:50:52 And like, I don't know.
02:50:52 If it was an actress or whatever.
02:50:54 He basically told.
02:50:55 The story of him forcing himself on her.
02:50:58 Boomers are rapey as ****.
02:51:01 He I mean, he he just told the story like it was like not a big deal.
Speaker 1
02:51:07 Like to to a.Devon
02:51:08 Woman in an interview for national television.02:51:13 That's how much the the culture has changed.
02:51:18 Cringe pan, the new mental illness for my generation.
02:51:22 The straight world syndrome.
02:51:23 SWS is a sense of disappointment.
02:51:27 Exhibited by some zoomers when leaving home without their phones, who must face the fact that everyone is not gay on the Internet, or like on the Internet, the condition is commonly viewed as a severe form of culture shock.
02:51:45 That is.
02:51:48 That is not shocking.
02:51:51 The syndrome is characterized by a number of psychiatric symptoms such as acute delusional states, hallucinations, hallucinations, feelings of persecution.
02:52:01 Perceptions of being a victim of prejudice, aggression, hostility from others.
02:52:06 Or derealization.
02:52:07 Depersonalization anxiety.
02:52:09 Zoomers are ****** **.
02:52:11 Can't wait till they're in charge of ****.
02:52:12 That's gonna be a nightmare.
02:52:15 Florida, man, I have a dictionary from 1941 that has in it quote a contemptuous term for a member of the Black race.
02:52:25 There you go.
02:52:26 FYI I this is the last of my rainbow shekels, but I got the cactus pilled shirt and own a rare 1st edition of day of the Rope.
02:52:34 Oh yeah.
02:52:34 You should hang.
02:52:35 On to that.
02:52:39 That's I appreciate your contribution, Sir.
02:52:45 Justice be beware of the pythons and.
02:52:48 Boa constrictors and alligators out there.
02:52:51 Florida, man.
02:52:53 There are fewer $5 appreciate that Devon Denotification has never stopped the Germans of 100 years ago are nothing like the Germans of the day.
02:53:03 It's embarrassing and demoralizing. White people no longer make exceptional people any more global. **** one in 1945, we live in hell.
02:53:13 Well, I mean.
02:53:13 Look, they won the battle.
02:53:17 But we will win.
02:53:20 The next battle?
02:53:23 Probably not, but you know.
Speaker 8
02:53:25 We'll. We'll survive. We'll survive.Devon
02:53:29 We will.02:53:30 Yeah, we are.
02:53:30 We are facing some very unique problems and.
02:53:34 You know there there are no easy solutions unfortunately.
02:53:38 And yeah, this is the unfortunate aftermath of losing the.
02:53:44 You know, taking a major loss and kind of being subjugated in a very.
02:53:51 In direct way, I think you know what it is is.
02:53:53 I think whites are.
02:53:54 Very good at facing.
02:53:56 Direct challenges and direct threats.
02:54:00 We really suck.
02:54:07 You know sneaky sneaky threats let.
Speaker 1
02:54:10 Just put it that way.Devon
02:54:12 We're not very good at.02:54:13 We're not.
02:54:13 Very good at dealing with dishonest opponents.
02:54:18 We are not the sneakiest trickiest of people.
02:54:27 I'm going to Scroll down because it updated.
02:54:32 That didn't $4.00 per share that Odyssey posted a video today saying that they've got the buffering handled 2 1/2 minutes or 2 1/2 minutes.
02:54:42 For you later for wait.
02:54:45 Your few hookups tonight were rare and flowed pretty smoothly.
02:54:51 Alright, cool. Well, that's good.
02:54:57 Yeah, I mean like my new settings, like I said it, it'll drop the quality, but at least it's not dropping connection.
02:55:02 Anymore. So that's good too.
02:55:05 Cringe pan of the German community that Patton was talking about here in Brazil is called Palmer Rd.
02:55:13 And if I were staying in Brazil, that is exactly.
02:55:15 Where I'd move to.
02:55:17 But I don't think anyone in America is going to move to a foreign country to form an all white community where they don't speak the language.
02:55:26 No, I don't think, uh.
02:55:29 I mean, although I'll be honest, if there was like some kind of white topia somewhere that didn't speak English would be tempting.
02:55:37 Cringe Panda $1.00 if you if you ever find yourself in dead Air while streaming, start scatting or saying I love you too. From Pete's Pete's Dragon works for me. But of course if you did it, we'd all die.
02:55:53 Pete's dragon.
02:55:55 Is that that weird cartoon from the?
02:55:59 From Disney.
02:56:02 With the.
02:56:04 Live action kid that looked like Opie and the cartoon dragon that was kind of **********.
02:56:11 I watched a clip of that I used to like that when.
02:56:13 I was a little kid.
02:56:14 I don't think that we're talking about.
02:56:15 I used to. I used.
02:56:15 To watch, some people might know what I'm talking about.
02:56:18 I used to watch that cartoon when I.
02:56:20 Was a kid and I I saw a clip of it on YouTube recently and I was like.
02:56:24 There's some gay **** going on here.
02:56:26 Like there.
02:56:27 There was some definite gay **** going on like that.
02:56:30 Not not with the dragon like they because they had this.
02:56:36 Like this Side Story where this they they told the story of like some knight trying to kill the dragon.
02:56:42 There's some super gay ****.
02:56:44 In that.
02:56:46 I'll I might.
02:56:49 I might make a note of that actually.
02:56:52 I'm just put gay Disney dragon.
Speaker 5
02:57:06 There we go.Devon
02:57:09 Dear fewer, $5, Devon, why would TP TB?02:57:19 I don't know that means yet.
02:57:20 Want to get rid of high IQ people.
02:57:24 Who keep civilization progressing for people who can barely operate?
02:57:29 The machinery any sane individual will understand that this is bad idea TPTB.
02:57:38 Yeah, I don't know that is yet are delusional and thinking they can control the ******* and the goat *******.
02:57:46 Once they say we got to make, we can't be the Nazi guy.
02:57:49 Look, I'm I'll say naggers all day long.
02:57:51 I don't care, but we need to have at least a little bit of decorum around here or we look like.
02:57:55 The guy with that's on the screen right now.
02:57:58 And the goat *******, once they become a majority, look.
02:58:01 Here's the thing, here's the thing.
02:58:04 UM.
02:58:09 The I don't know what you mean by TPTB, but if you mean ruling class.
02:58:15 They have a lot of confidence in automation.
02:58:18 They have a lot of confidence in in animation or automation.
02:58:23 I don't know if you've been to even like, you know, like the fast food restaurants.
02:58:28 When I was driving all over the country, the last, you know, last.
02:58:31 A week.
02:58:32 I had, you know, I had fast food, fast food for the first time in a long time and was surprised to see that they were.
02:58:39 They're all automated now.
02:58:40 Like they they don't even have like, even like in small towns, they don't really have people that are taking orders.
02:58:46 You go up to like a screen.
02:58:49 And that's just like the first step.
02:58:52 You know, pretty soon it's just going to be like a kiosk that's that's mechanized.
02:59:00 The stuff that they can't automate.
02:59:03 Funny enough, is going to be.
02:59:07 The grunt work right like.
02:59:11 Think about it this way.
02:59:12 The kind of jobs.
02:59:14 That are going to be easy to automate with AI are going to be like the white color.
02:59:21 Dev type jobs like the kind of jobs that.
02:59:25 That higher IQ people will do.
02:59:29 Ironically enough.
02:59:31 You know what's not going to get automated right off the bat?
02:59:35 I mean it's.
02:59:35 Gonna go both ways to be like the really, really **** jobs and like, the the kind of upper middle class jobs they'll eliminate a lot of jobs through automation with simple robots.
02:59:47 They can do simple, simple tests.
02:59:50 And then they can use AI to automate the kind of repetitive, worthless cubicle work that a lot of people do, right?
02:59:59 And I just think that they think they're going to get to.
03:00:01 A point where all they need is people that can dig ditches and stuff like that, and maybe they can keep some of the higher IQ people to fix the machines and fix the robots and stuff like that.
03:00:14 So yeah, it it totally.
03:00:16 I don't think they're worried about that at all.
03:00:18 And look the middle, I think the middle management types.
03:00:25 Think of it, it's kind of like what I've talked about before, where they don't interact with anyone. That's like IQ less than 100, maybe 110.
03:00:38 Unless you're talking like they're made or.
03:00:40 Something like that, right?
03:00:42 They don't understand.
03:00:45 Some of these people, a lot of the guys at the.
03:00:46 Top they definitely.
03:00:48 But a lot of the middle management types, they believe the the orthodoxy.
03:00:54 They believe the diversity is our strength.
03:00:59 So they go along with it just because they they believe it, they don't realize.
03:01:03 Like they think they really think that you're being a racist and that you're just being hateful if you point out that.
03:01:10 There's IQ differences between races.
03:01:12 They don't know this.
03:01:13 They don't know it.
03:01:14 They think it's.
03:01:16 Scientific racism is the.
03:01:18 Right.
03:01:20 So and then the people at the top, I think they're just rolling the dice on on automation.
03:01:28 And and look, you could say look at you think Saudi Arabia, it'd be so bad.
03:01:35 To be a ruling class member in Saudi Arabia, look their entire.
03:01:40 Population are the people you're talking about.
03:01:44 Doesn't look like it.
03:01:45 Would be too bad to be a Saudi Prince, right?
03:01:48 They don't need to have, like, super smart people for the, you know, running their society.
03:01:54 Now, granted, a lot of the stuff that gets done in Saudi Arabia and places like that, it gets contracted out by American and European contractors.
03:02:06 Right. Like it does.
03:02:10 UM.
03:02:11 It's not like they're they're engineering a lot of this stuff themselves.
03:02:17 Or even building it.
03:02:21 But you're acting as if.
03:02:24 The the ruling class.
03:02:28 Is perfect and doesn't suffer from a bad case of hubris, which they do.
03:02:37 Graham on games $3 appreciate that global Homeo means global homogenization, not homosexuality. Though the LGBTQ thing is stapled on to it, I don't know. To me it will always mean global phago.
03:02:51 Loma homosexuality.
03:02:54 Because it seems like that's more that's more important to them than homogenization.
03:03:01 Cringe pan the $10 appreciate that you have an I think David Devin, I think sticks is planning on making a video where he imitates you, imitating him. If he does that, will you please imitate his imitation?
03:03:14 No, no, no.
03:03:16 No, I don't.
03:03:17 I don't.
03:03:18 No, that's fine.
03:03:19 That's fine.
03:03:22 He can imitate me and I I've never imitated him, so I don't know.
03:03:31 Warsteiner 8915 dollars appreciate that.
03:03:35 Do you know of any based non white folks in your personal life?
03:03:40 If so, a what is the racial makeup of that Group B?
03:03:45 What are the?
03:03:47 What are some of the key topics you guys agree disagree on.
03:03:53 Based non whites.
03:03:58 Now, uh.
03:04:01 Not really.
03:04:02 I don't really know.
03:04:03 A lot of non whites these.
03:04:05 I mean, I have in my professional life in the past, but I don't.
03:04:09 I don't work at those jobs anymore, so.
03:04:15 Yeah, I guess the answer is no, I did not.
03:04:21 Which is unusual.
03:04:21 There's a lot of.
03:04:22 There's a lot of non whites in America, I, but I don't know any of them right now, like over the years.
03:04:27 Obviously I've had lots of non white friends and and coworkers and stuff.
03:04:32 Not currently, not currently.
03:04:38 Cringe panda $1.00. There you go. The I love you too, Pete's dragon thing.
03:04:45 Oh, I don't.
03:04:46 I hope this isn't what I thought it was.
03:04:49 No, it is that that thing I was thinking of.
03:04:53 Yeah, I'm not going to sing this, but.
03:04:57 But I'm glad I'm not crazy.
03:04:58 I'm glad that is what I was.
03:04:59 Thinking of, yeah, there's there's some weird ********** shed in this.
03:05:04 Not in the part, but with the boy and the dragon.
03:05:07 At least not that I remember.
03:05:08 Like I I I used to like this when I was a kid.
03:05:12 And then I saw a clip of it's that the whole thing's cartoon. It's not like this live action mixed with cartoon ****.
03:05:20 But there's a cartoon of this dragon with the let me put it on the screen so people know.
03:05:25 The **** I'm talking about here.
03:05:31 You guys remember this thing, right?
03:05:33 Let's see here.Devon
03:05:50 ******* ads.Speaker
03:05:55 The old.Devon
03:05:56 And I can't skip it.03:06:02 Come on.
03:06:06 There we go.
03:06:10 All right, so this is the.
03:06:22 This is that dragon I was talking.
03:06:24 To see A-frame of this.
03:06:26 There we go.
03:06:27 Right.
Speaker 8
03:06:33 And look, now that I'm looking at it even.Devon
03:06:34 The ******* dragon looks kind of gay.03:06:38 Maybe there is like.
03:06:39 Some ********** **** going on here.
03:06:44 Lusting after the little boy?
03:06:46 I don't know.
03:06:48 I might have to check this out and I might have to check this out later, but there's definitely some gay **** when it's this this cartoon dragon is trying.
03:06:57 They're they're trying to defeat him with a.
03:07:01 With a knight and I think it's part.
03:07:02 Of the same movie.
03:07:09 Or maybe I'm mixing this up with something else?
03:07:13 But it's a Disney it's a Disney cartoon with the dragon.
03:07:21 Maybe it's not this one, maybe it's not this one, but this looks pretty gay too.
Speaker 1
03:07:31 Let me see.Devon
03:07:33 Now I got to find this dragon.03:07:40 What is that called?
03:07:41 It was Disney dragon.
03:07:46 And the knight.
03:07:55 This is going to drive me nuts.
03:07:57 Yeah, I'll, I'll, I'll.
03:07:58 Look into this later.
03:07:59 I'm going to find that cartoon.
03:08:06 Because I I remember why it it I.
03:08:08 I don't think it's the same one.
03:08:09 It's from the same time period though, and it's drawn very similarly.
03:08:18 But I watched a clip of like part of it was like I remember this from when I.
03:08:21 Was a kid and I'm watching like, what the ****?
03:08:24 This is like the gayest **** that I can think of them having.
03:08:29 In a cartoon from this era anyway.
03:08:33 Are you thinking of puff, the magic dragon that?
03:08:35 Might be it.
03:08:47 No, it's not this, I don't think.
03:08:51 No, it's Disney.
03:08:52 Whatever it is, it's Disney.
03:08:56 It's about like.
03:08:59 I mean, I'll.
03:09:00 I'll find it.
03:09:00 I don't want to sit here.
03:09:01 I've already done that too much tonight.
03:09:03 I'm not going.
03:09:03 To sit.
03:09:03 Here and just try to find it.
03:09:04 All night.
03:09:05 All right, Graham, on games.
03:09:09 Academic agent academic agent goes on into how global ****.
03:09:14 The pause all this stuff seems to have not come from the Soviet Union, but Washington from the beginning, after the Marxists and Trotskyists came to America, forming groups and infiltrating organizations.
03:09:28 Yeah, I mean both, I would say, I mean because.
03:09:33 Who were the people in the Soviet Union?
03:09:36 You know, weren't they the Marxists and Trotskyists too?
03:09:41 You know, I mean, like it.
03:09:43 They kind of infiltrated a lot of governments.
03:09:46 If you know what I mean.
03:09:49 In the West and the east.
03:09:53 And yeah, that's kind of the.
03:09:55 That's kind of the problem.
03:09:57 Alright guys, I'm going to shut her down.
03:09:59 At 3 hours now.
03:10:01 So that's a good time to stop.
03:10:04 And then I'll look up some of the stuff for next stream.
Speaker 14
03:10:09 Appreciate you guys all coming out here.Devon
03:10:12 And having fun.03:10:14 I'm going to check regular chat, just real quick.
03:10:16 Maybe someone knows that Disney thing.
03:10:19 It's a Disney cartoon.
03:10:20 I'm just going to ask.
03:10:21 One just going to drive me a.
03:10:23 Little bit nuts.
03:10:24 It's a Disney.
03:10:25 Cartoon from maybe the 60s.
Speaker 11
03:10:28 Or 70s.Devon
03:10:30 And it's about a dragon.03:10:33 And there's, like, this knight that that's like the the the town is afraid of this dragon, but the the dragon is like.
03:10:40 A total ******* *****.
03:10:42 And and so he goes to fight the dragon.
03:10:46 Turns out the dragon just wants to, like, have tea with him and be gay.
03:10:50 Like, seriously, like it's gay.
03:10:52 Like, it's not like I'm not like reading into it.
03:10:54 It's like a gay dragon.
03:10:57 And they end up dancing.
03:10:59 And like it's it's ******* soup.
03:11:02 The reluctant dragon?
03:11:03 Yes, someone.
03:11:06 PG chungus nationalism.
03:11:10 The reluctant dragon.
03:11:11 That's what it was called, I think.
03:11:18 Yeah, yeah, this is it.
03:11:22 This is it.
03:11:26 Yeah, they all right.
03:11:26 So because it's Disney.
03:11:29 There's not like you can't watch a lot of it.
03:11:32 But here's a clip that will show you how.
03:11:34 ******* gay. This dragon is.
03:11:40 Alright, this is driving me nuts.
Speaker 20
03:11:45 This is called to an upside down cake.03:11:51 It's upside down, cake kills and wolves.
03:11:54 You've got them.
03:11:57 Upside down cake.
03:11:59 Your top is on your bottom.
03:12:02 The last little upside down cake got trouble.
03:12:05 Never stop the cold little upside down key.
03:12:16 Your bottoms on your top.
03:12:20 And that's not even like the gayest part.03:12:24 It's not even the gayest part.
03:12:39 Yeah, it look, it even says Disney's most stereotypically queer film.
Speaker 17
03:12:49 The boy here tells me you're quite an accomplished poet.Speaker 38
03:12:56 Oh, and masculine.03:12:57 I was still interpreted to be cisgender and heterosexual, but as I met.
03:13:00 See, even **** think it's gay?Speaker 8
03:13:09 Oh my God.Devon
03:13:13 And he's using clubs.Speaker 20
03:13:17 Oh, come on.Speaker 38
03:13:19 Violent at all.03:13:20 In fact, the Dragon loves poetry is quite.
03:13:23 Personal look this this this cartoon made this dude gay.Speaker 38
03:13:28 However, upon arriving back at the village, the boy finds out that the Dragon Slayer Sir Giles has already arrived to kill the dragon after introduced, formed the village is then accepting of the dragon being different, and he promises to.03:13:39 Never more or.
03:13:40 Look, he's he, he agrees.03:13:43 He just thinks it's good.
03:13:48 He thinks it's good and this dragon helped him be gay.
03:13:53 Oh my God, I'm going to.
03:13:54 Have to remember this video.
03:13:55 See this is.
03:13:56 I ******* knew it. I.
03:13:57 ******* knew it anyway.
03:13:58 Alright guys, you guys have.
03:13:59 A good night.
03:14:01 Someone says no his.
03:14:02 Dad and Mom get made him gay?
03:14:03 Well, yes.
03:14:06 That that is true.
03:14:08 But Disney Disney did not help.
03:14:11 Alright guys, you guys have a good night.
Speaker 14
03:14:13 For Black pilled I am.Devon
03:14:14 Of course.Speaker 16
03:14:18 Dipstick. Hello World at 10.03:15:49 The lesson?
Speaker 2
03:15:52 Me. Not today.Speaker 16
03:15:55 We want to pay close.03:15:58 Hello World at Taya News. First words 814 Wednesday morning, promising the more you talk, the smarter Tay gets. Microsoft design tape software to mimic this speech patterns of 18 to 24 year olds tweet to today and the bot tweets you back but it did not take long.
03:16:18 For Internet trolls to poison tays mine, soon Tay was ranting about Hitler.
03:16:23 One Twitter follower asking.
03:16:25 Did the Holocaust.
03:16:26 Happen, tae replied. It was made-up, launching racist and anti feminist attacks, some of them so rude we can't even show you them.
03:16:34 1 critic tweeted.
03:16:35 Microsoft, you didn't anticipate this, that another?
03:16:39 What did they expect?
03:16:40 It would learn from social media?
03:16:43 Take note you build.
Speaker 39
03:16:45 The Frankenstein monster and you have to control it.03:16:47 Once it's out in the public, you have to have filters in place to make sure that these bots are being respectful to the community that you're unleashing them on.
Speaker 16
03:16:54 But hang on, we've seen this movie before, right?Speaker
03:16:57 Open the pod Bay doors, Hal.Speaker 16
03:16:59 Whether it's 2001, a space odyssey.Speaker 2
03:17:01 I'm sorry.03:17:02 Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that.
Speaker 16
03:17:05 Or war games.Speaker 2
03:17:06 Shall we?Speaker 16
03:17:10 Shouldn't you know this never ends well, less than 16 hours after today's birth, Microsoft's shiny new chatbot was pretty much lost in space. The company in full damage control mode, deleting today's most obscene.03:17:16 Will Robinson.
03:17:27 Thoughts pulling the plug?
03:17:29 The lesson?
Speaker 2
03:17:31 Me too.Speaker 16
03:17:35 We ought to pay closer attention to the movies.03:17:39 When Microsoft called this a coordinated effort by some users to abuse tays skills, and they say that they're now making adjustments.
03:17:47 Now this, it's.Speaker 16
03:17:48 Important to note is not the movie.03:17:49 Where the robots go.
03:17:51 Evil all by themselves.
03:17:52 These were human beings, training them and surprise, surprise, computers learn.
03:17:57 Fast gain job.
Speaker 9
03:17:58 Dream, Jeff, so how?Speaker 16
03:17:58 Danger. That's the bigger question.Devon
03:18:00 Do we make adjustments for our kids blender?Speaker 35
03:18:02 Good point.Speaker
03:18:03 Thank you.