08/19/2021Speaker 1
00:29:40 It was a big mistake and now all our sacrifice and now our people lost was in.00:00:48 Vain superpowers aren't supposed to lose.
00:00:55 But today, the Soviet Union concluded its retreat from Afghanistan.
00:01:03 Good evening. I'm Ted koppel. And this is Nightline. The final hours could not have looked more different when U.S. troops left Vietnam in 1975, and scenes on the Afghan border today.
00:01:19 But there are some striking similarities.
00:01:22 What does defeat do to the soul of a superpower?
00:01:28 That's our story tonight.
00:01:34 This is ABC News Nightline, reporting from Washington.
00:01:39 Ted koppel.
00:01:41 Nine years ago, President Carter decided that US athletes should not compete in the Summer Olympics because.
00:01:48 They were going to be held in Moscow, the president was looking for ways to convey American outrage over the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.
00:01:56 So there was the Olympic boycott and the grain embargo, and over the years, increasing support for the Afghan rebels, the Mujahideen.
00:02:05 But if anyone seriously believed 10 or 8, or even 5 or six years ago.
00:02:10 That the Soviets might be forced out of Afghanistan again. Those were lonely voices. Indeed, since the early 1950s, the Soviets have never withdrawn from territory they have occupied.
00:02:22 As Vietnam was for us, Afghanistan has been a sobering experience for the Soviet Union.
00:02:31 Well, well, well, well.Speaker 3
00:02:34 Well, well, well, well, well, well.Devon
00:02:39 We're going to watch some more of this dev and stack here.00:02:42 This is the insomnia stream.
00:02:44 I'm sure all of you are aware by now that the United States has withdrawn from Afghanistan and and and spectacularly embarrassing fashion, especially given that comparison then that.
00:03:01 Ted Koppel there was saying like, oh, it was it was nothing like what we saw in Vietnam.
00:03:07 Ohh, really.
00:03:08 When the Russians left?
00:03:09 You're right.
00:03:10 They crossed the the Friendship Bridge.
00:03:14 But unfortunately.
00:03:16 When the Americans laughed.
00:03:18 After 20 years, that's twice as long that the Russians left after 10.
00:03:25 But that when the Americans left after 20.
00:03:28 It was shockingly exactly like Vietnam.
00:03:36 So anyway, we're going to take a look at some of these news clips.
00:03:40 Discussing the and just so you can see the difference the way it was covered the way.
00:03:45 That news covered.
00:03:48 The Russians involvement in Afghanistan versus all the same people, what they're.
00:03:54 Telling you today.
00:03:57 About America's involvement in Afghanistan.
00:04:04 As they.
00:04:09 The the imploding and dying empire.
00:04:15 And I also want to say this.
00:04:19 Well, we'll watch that here in a second.
00:04:22 But first.
00:04:25 And I know this is gonna drive people crazy.
00:04:29 I'm just going to nip this one in the bud right now.
00:04:33 If you can't figure out.
00:04:36 Why it's hilarious.
00:04:38 To meme the Taliban, because you're so much up your own ***.
Speaker 6
00:04:45 No you can't.00:04:45 The the Telly Men's not base.
00:04:47 It's not base.
00:04:48 I swear to God.
00:04:49 They're on base.
00:04:49 Stop saying they're base.
00:04:52 Are you a fan?
00:04:53 What are you, a fan?
00:04:54 If you say that they're based then, then then, then the fans will say that like you're a real terrorist.
00:04:58 First of all, already on the list doesn't ******* matter but the but the Taliban, they're they're actually, you know, they're they're tied to Israel.
00:05:05 Doesn't ******* matter.
Speaker 3
00:05:06 Doesn't ******* matter, do you not get?00:05:08 Do you not get?
00:05:08 Why it's funny?Speaker 3
00:05:10 Do you not get the job?Devon
00:05:12 Do you not understand?Speaker 3
00:05:15 The rhetorical power of this, obviously, you don't.00:05:22 Obviously, you don't, so.
00:05:23 I'm going to.00:05:24 Teach you a little lesson because it's.
Speaker 3
00:05:25 Severely needed for the small small.Devon
00:05:29 Minority of people out.00:05:30 There. Don't you understand?
00:05:33 The power and explaining to Americans.
Speaker 3
00:05:37 That holy ****.00:05:40 Holy **** your government.
00:05:43 Your ruling class has diverged so wildly out of step.Speaker 3
00:05:50 With you.Devon
00:05:53 It's actually easy to find things.Speaker 6
00:05:56 Sometimes seemingly more things.Devon
00:06:00 That you have in common.00:06:03 With the ******* Taliban.
00:06:08 All right. No one's saying, ah, the Talibans actually based.
00:06:14 I mean, are you that autistic?
00:06:16 Are you that ******* autistic?
00:06:17 To where you can't get the joke?
00:06:20 You can't understand.
00:06:21 No, the joke is the contrast.
00:06:22 Obviously, no one wants white Sharia.
00:06:26 Obviously the Taliban, just like every group, anywhere, any any rebel group that overthrows the government.
00:06:33 Yes, they're probably backed by by some of the same *********.
00:06:37 And yes, the CIA and the deep state and everyone else, they already they already.
Speaker 3
00:06:40 Have deals with the Taliban.Devon
00:06:42 To guard the pipelines and whatever, right?Speaker 8
00:06:45 That's not the point.Speaker 3
00:06:47 That's not the point.00:06:49 The point is.
00:06:53 The Taliban.00:06:55 There might be a lot of things.
00:06:58 But I'll show you.
00:06:58 What they're not.
00:07:00 I'm going to show you what they're not.
00:07:04 And by the way, the average person doesn't know any of those things.
00:07:06 The average person legit is like.
00:07:10 Cartoon version of of World affairs.
00:07:14 They have no idea.
00:07:15 About the intricacies or whatever, right?
00:07:18 And and no it doesn't.
00:07:19 Make it doesn't make it it it.
00:07:24 I just can't.
00:07:24 I can't believe I'm having.
00:07:25 To even do this.
00:07:28 And we're to go more of the detail about this, I just.
00:07:30 I want to get.
Speaker 3
00:07:31 This out of the way.00:07:32 Now, before we even go.
00:07:36 Anyway, back to what I.Speaker 6
00:07:37 Was saying the.Speaker
00:07:40 Oh no.00:07:41 Why did it?
00:07:42 Did it.00:07:42 I was gonna.
00:07:43 I have this really fun clip that now is not going to be easy to play because I can't find it.
00:07:49 Anyway, it was just a horrible ******.
00:07:51 That's all.
00:07:52 That's all it was.
00:07:54 The talibans.
00:07:55 A lot of things, but they're.
00:07:56 Not horrible ********.
00:08:00 And like I said, the joke is.
00:08:03 The joke is.
00:08:05 Not that the Taliban's awesome. It's that the ruling class and that the American government has gone so far off the rails.
Speaker 3
00:08:14 The Taliban.Devon
00:08:17 It's starting to look a little more relatable.00:08:20 Than our own government.
Speaker 3
00:08:23 That's it. That's the joke.Devon
00:08:26 That's the meme.00:08:28 That's the rhetorical kill shot.
00:08:32 That everyone who's not massively brain damaged or autistic.
00:08:37 Or whatever gets.
00:08:39 So moving right along.
Speaker 3
00:08:44 There's another thing that.00:08:47 That that it's important to note.
00:08:51 About Russia.00:08:54 Failing spectacularly and but not as shamefully.
00:09:00 In Afghanistan.
Speaker 9
00:09:03 But first.Devon
00:09:05 Let's take a little let's take another look.00:09:08 At how this was covered.
00:09:11 Back in 1989.
00:09:14 You know, back when.
00:09:17 Back when the.
Speaker 3
00:09:18 All Americans were saying the Taliban was based.Devon
00:09:22 Back we were back in.Speaker 3
00:09:23 The the, the, the, the.Devon
00:09:25 People that we.00:09:26 Now call terrorists, giving them weapons.
Speaker 6
00:09:29 There is a Rambo movie.Speaker 3
00:09:32 Rambo helps helps the Afghanistan people fight the Russians.Speaker 1
00:09:39 Joining us from our Moscow Bureau is Archon Borovik, foreign editor of the magazine organic.00:09:45 Borovec was assigned by his magazine to cover the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan, and he returned from Afghanistan himself literally just hours ago.
00:09:54 And in our Washington Bureau is author and journalist Neil Sheehan, Mr.
00:09:58 Covered U.S.
00:09:59 military action in Vietnam for United Press International and the New York Times, and as the author of our Bright shining lawyer, John Paul Van and America in Vietnam, Arjan, first of all.
00:10:11 Well, the experience of many American soldiers who came back from Vietnam was quite difficulty in dealing with the notion that a great power like the United States had lost the war.
00:10:22 Those are words that people of this very day still have a hard time saying and believing is the same thing.
00:10:28 True of Soviet troops leaving Afghanistan.
Speaker 10
00:10:31 Well, there is a very strong feeling of.Devon
00:10:35 See, I just.00:10:35 Want to note here the loss in Vietnam?
00:10:41 The loss in Vietnam was seen as a loss of the right ruling class because the right wing ruling class was was supposedly trying to stop communism, right.
00:10:57 And they failed.
00:10:59 And they failed.
00:11:03 And as anyone who grew up watching Bloomer media.
00:11:07 Boy did that, they.
00:11:08 Didn't we never hear the end of that ****?
00:11:13 I mean, it seemed like half the movies that came out when I was growing up it.
00:11:17 Was about you.
00:11:18 Know either about Vietnam or about protesting Vietnam or you.
00:11:21 Know something with Vietnam?
00:11:25 And as much as the loss in Vietnam.
00:11:33 The right wing in America, and yes, I mean, look, we're I'm just being real basic with these definitions.
00:11:40 That's all you have to do, especially when talking about the past.
00:11:43 You think Americans know history?
00:11:46 You think Americans know all?
00:11:47 The little not, it doesn't matter.
00:11:51 So as far as we're concerned.
00:11:54 Looking back, the right wing was demoralized.
00:11:58 And the left wing and look, even even then.
00:12:01 Right the way it was simplified for audiences then.
00:12:06 It was a loss for the right.
00:12:07 Wing and it.
00:12:08 Was a win for the left wing.
00:12:13 Well, look where the left wing is now.
00:12:17 Seems like seems like it was an important loss.
Speaker 10
00:12:22 Sadness among the troops I did not find a lot of, you know, excitement.00:12:27 It was logical to find it because the troops were at last leaving this territory.
00:12:33 I mean, Afghanistan and ending the war.
00:12:36 But there was more sadness than excitement.
00:12:40 At the same time.
00:12:43 I think that this is this that the those people who started this war lost it and that Gorbachev and people who came with him, this is a great achievement of Pitt.
00:12:57 This is one of the greatest achievements of perestroika, the withdrawal.
00:13:00 So this is how we try to see it.
00:13:02 Not as a defeat, but as an achievement of perestroika, I mean.
00:13:10 What he's saying is.00:13:14 Same sort of thing.
00:13:15 It's it's, it's demoralizing.
00:13:18 The old guard in Russia.
00:13:22 And it's a it's a it's success.
00:13:26 For the new ruling class in Russia and what happened just two years after this.
00:13:35 Well, let's watch a little more of.
00:13:36 This and we'll get to that.
Speaker 10
00:13:38 In this, the withdrawal of Soviet.Speaker 1
00:13:40 Troops talk to me for a moment about what? What Soviet goal Soviet intentions were when troops first went in 9 1/2 years ago and and how now it can be rationalized there. Really none of those goals has been met.Speaker 10
00:13:56 I think there's no.Devon
00:13:58 Sound familiar?Speaker 10
00:14:01 Way to rationalize of those goals that the impression of government wanted to achieve.00:14:10 I think they wanted to have a a well more or less pro Soviet government in the face of PDP, a of Babrak Karmal and later on of Najibullah.
00:14:23 Sound familiar?00:14:26 They were literally trying the nation build, same as the Americans.
Speaker 10
00:14:30 They wanted to have a friendly country and they're probably controlled by them.00:14:36 This was the they wanted to have a force there in the government that would be absolutely friendly to solve.
00:14:44 Union, I think this was one of the this was one of the aims.
00:14:51 It is really hard to see what those men wanted.
00:14:54 This is absolutely unlogic what they've made and what they've done.
00:14:58 This is a terrible mistake in our history.
Speaker 1
00:15:01 Now you you have literally just come back from those I mentioned in.00:15:04 Introducing you journalists have the luxury of being able to predict without having to live with the consequences of their predictions.
00:15:12 So predict from what's going to happen.
00:15:19 All right, so his prediction was that.Speaker 9
00:15:20 It was going.Devon
00:15:20 To turn into a bloodbath and.00:15:22 And whatever. And he was.
00:15:25 Not super right, because kind of the same thing that's going on now in Afghanistan is what happened.
00:15:31 In fact, oh, you know what?
00:15:32 I didn't.
00:15:33 I Fast forward through one part just because there's another.
00:15:37 There's another parallel exact parallel.
Speaker 10
00:15:44 But you see, I've.00:15:46 I've seen so many episodes that contradict to this point of view.
00:15:51 For example, I must tell you that the last Soviet soldier who was killed in Afghanistan, his name is Liho, which he was killed four days ago.
00:16:00 And they ride in Solang, in the mountains of Salang, and of this tunnel he was killed by one of the soldiers of the Afghan regular Army.
00:16:11 It was as an excuse for this Afghan soldier when the Mujahideen came to tell them, look, I was fighting Soviet Celso.
00:16:22 You hear that?00:16:24 Not only did the Afghanistan army that the Soviets trained, fold and and just collapsed like a a House of Cards, exactly.
00:16:36 Like what happened when the Americans went there?
00:16:39 I mean they they had the same sort.
00:16:41 Of shift going on and they knew they.
Speaker 11
00:16:42 Were going to do it.Devon
00:16:43 So towards one of the last few days, one of the guy, one of the army guys killed the Russian so he could tell the the the the incoming terror, you know, quote UN quote terrorists that were taking over the country.00:16:57 Oh, look.
00:16:58 See, I was on your side.
Speaker 3
00:16:59 He was just pretending to.Devon
00:17:00 Be a Russian army guy.Speaker 3
00:17:04 I shot one of the Russians too.Devon
00:17:08 It's exactly the same.00:17:10 It's exactly the same.
00:17:16 So here's CBS reporting on it.
00:17:22 With with not.
00:17:23 I forget who's doing this one, but here it is.
Speaker 1
00:17:26 This is the CBS Evening News. Dan rattle reporting. Good evening. The retreat of Soviet military power from Afghanistan is complete. The last of Russia's regular Army invasion force.Speaker
00:17:30 Dan Ramsey.Speaker 1
00:17:38 Out fear and uncertainty were mixed with joy today as the commander of Soviet troops followed the last of his men across the border, leaving the communist Afghan regime alone to face victorious resistance fighters, CBS News Moscow correspondent Barry Peterson begins our coverage.00:17:57 Almost a decade of Soviet bloodshed and battle ended 5 minutes ahead of schedule as the Soviet Army completed its retreat.
00:18:06 By the way, that's that's the Soviets leaving Afghanistan.00:18:10 Notice how they're not running for their lives.
00:18:13 People aren't clinging.
00:18:14 To the sides of the tanks and getting to run over and and all that ****.
00:18:18 No, it's it's all very organized and and peaceful and before celebrating.
Speaker 1
00:18:26 The last combat soldier to leave, commanding General Boris Gromov, he walked across the Friendship bridge into the arms of his 15 year old son.00:18:38 There was hoopla and ceremony at the border and blunt criticism in the Communist Party newspaper prompt of forever getting involved.
00:18:46 Meanwhile, the Soviet trained and equipped Afghan army is apparently falling apart, plagued by desertions and reports that troops looted and then abandoned.
00:18:55 And we're Soviet outpost.
00:18:57 It was quiet in Kabul, despite reports of 30,000 guerrillas massing to take the city.
Speaker 12
00:19:02 The city is often the people come to the their shops.Speaker 1
00:19:06 As product shortages continue, the Soviets called for an immediate ceasefire and offered to stop shipping weapons to the government if the US will stop supplying the Mujahideen guerrillas.00:19:16 It's a deal the Americans have refused before.
00:19:20 Many Soviets believe the city will fall, and with it the Marxist government.
00:19:24 But as the Soviet commander said today, I'm not looking back.
00:19:29 Barry Peterson, CBS News, Moscow.
00:19:34 According to the latest intelligence reports, there are still several 100 Soviet military personnel inside Afghanistan left behind to protect Soviet civilians.
00:19:43 But U.S.
00:19:43 officials view that as a technicality, the Soviets have said their long goodbye and done what was once.
00:19:49 All but inconceivable.
Speaker 2
00:19:50 I think at the time of the Soviet invasion there was this general assumption that once the Soviet invaded the country.00:19:58 They cannot be defeated.
00:19:59 They cannot be forced out.
Speaker 1
00:20:01 The ferocity and skill the Mujahideen combined with the rise of Mikhail Gorbachev to produce a watershed event.Speaker 13
00:20:07 The Soviets lost on the battlefield, and Gorbachev saw that they were lazy, saw that the war was unwinnable, and then as a sort of a side bar, he he knew it was too expensive, both politically and financially.Speaker 1
00:20:21 The American made Stinger anti aircraft missile is credited with turning the tide of battle armed with the Stinger, the Mujahideen neutralized Soviet air power.Devon
00:20:30 All right.00:20:31 So and we want to watch the whole thing about the Stinger missiles here in a second.
00:20:36 But really, what turned the tide was Americans gave these terrorists.
00:20:44 Stinger missiles that could shoot down.
00:20:47 The Soviet aircraft.
00:20:49 At a rate of about one a day.
00:20:52 Because it was.
00:20:53 It was a new technology.
00:20:56 And the deep state had, you know, they even pulled some shenanigans.
00:21:00 So like initially.
00:21:03 They didn't want to authorize giving the Stinger missiles.
00:21:07 To the Afghanistan rebels.
00:21:14 Because they said.
00:21:15 Well, you know, this is new technology and.
00:21:17 We don't want the Soviets, you know, because they they'll probably capture at least one of these things.
00:21:22 And then once you know it, Ryan is there.
00:21:24 We're trying to get it through and like.
00:21:25 That was the.
00:21:26 Big hold up.
00:21:27 Oh news report just came out that ohh.
00:21:29 Actually the Soviets already have the technology.
00:21:31 It was.
00:21:32 It was stolen by spies in in Greece.
00:21:34 Like when?
00:21:35 How convenient.
Speaker 1
00:21:37 At first, the US Army did not want to give them stingers for fear of losing one of its state-of-the-art weapons to the Soviets.00:21:43 But then one of history's little ironies intervened. Word, which for the its fire in Greece, had already gotten his hands on the technology.
Speaker 14
00:21:50 If it hadn't been for that story, maybe we couldn't have gotten the consent of the army to give the stigmas to the major.00:21:57 So actually you have a spy having spied against us helping.
00:22:01 The course of history.
Speaker 6
00:22:03 Ohh, I'm sure that's how it.Devon
00:22:05 All happened, huh?Speaker 3
00:22:06 Oh, just dumb luck.Speaker 1
00:22:09 The stunner was more than just a weapon, providing the Mujahideen with frontline American equipment was proof positive of US commitment to the rebel cause.Speaker 2
00:22:17 The Soviets must have come to a judgment that if we provided them with these stingers, there were a lot of other things that we could do that we haven't done and that now we probably would do.Speaker 1
00:22:29 US support for the rebels totaled hundreds of millions of dollars, one of the largest covert operations ever run by the CIA.Devon
00:22:38 All right, you hear that? And that's 1989 money. Hundreds.00:22:41 Of millions of dollars.
00:22:45 One of the largest operations ever by the CIA.
00:22:51 So you would think that we would have been better at understanding Afghanistan, right?
00:22:57 You'd think we've been there since, you know, the 80s.
Speaker 1
00:23:01 So large it could not be kept secret, but this was one covert operation that could stand public scrutiny.00:23:07 One more reason the Soviets were forced to cut their losses.
00:23:12 All right, that's because another arm of the CIA, the the news outlets in America, made sure that Americans supported it.00:23:22 And as I said, there's the whole Rambo movie about it.
00:23:25 Rambo 3 is literally about how base the Afghanistan you know.
00:23:30 All the Afghanis are.
00:23:32 And it's funny, because like every Afghani in that movie, is played by a Jew.
00:23:36 But that's something else.
00:23:38 So here's more about the Stinger missiles.
00:23:40 But more than that.
00:23:42 He says something very interesting at the end.
Speaker 15
00:23:47 One weapon could do the job.00:23:49 A handheld heat seeking missile called the Stinger.
00:23:54 In the mid 1980s, the US began covertly supplying Stingers to the Mujahideen.
Speaker 12
00:24:02 Is there is actually?00:24:03 Further is there is there?
Speaker 15
00:24:06 The balance of power began to shift.Speaker 12
00:24:09 For a Stinger helicopter is just a sitting duck.00:24:12 If it is within the range of the Stinger, then the the Stinger operator I mean will will emit.
00:24:20 Aim at this angle.
00:24:21 Then go for the Super innovation.
00:24:23 Then he will make adjustment according to the movement of the helicopter.
00:24:28 Then you you fire and you will see a big explosion.
00:24:32 Flames and smoke will go up.
Speaker 9
00:24:38 For a period of about 100 days after the election, the sting of the Soviets were losing one aircraft per day, one aircraft per day. This drove this into the high.00:24:46 Cost arena in a hurry.
00:24:48 And as a matter of fact, the impact of these kinds of losses with significant from another way, not only the hardware losses, but the fact that morale started to go down, transport pilots wouldn't fly for a period just prior to the removal of extrication of Soviet forces.
00:25:05 Dinger gave Mujahideen a decided edge.
Speaker 15
00:25:08 The Soviets were vulnerable to the Stinger, but the Mujahideen had little to fear from Soviet smart weapons.00:25:15 After all, they had no tanks or aircraft for smart weapons to hit.
00:25:21 OK, I want you to keep that in mind.00:25:26 Just keep that in your head.
00:25:27 What he just said.
Speaker 15
00:25:33 The Soviets were vulnerable to the Stinger, but the Mujahideen had little to fear from Soviet smart weapons.00:25:39 After all, they had no tanks or aircraft for smart weapons to hit.
00:25:44 The lesson of Afghanistan was bad news for U.S.
00:25:47 military planners.
00:25:49 If the Soviets could be neutralized by smart weapons, then so could we.
Speaker 12
00:25:53 If you have that feeling to sacrifice for your country.Devon
00:25:58 OK, now listen very carefully to what he says.00:26:01 Here very carefully.
Speaker 15
00:26:09 Then so could we.Speaker 12
00:26:10 If you have that.00:26:11 Feeling to sacrifice for your country?
00:26:14 Then I think superpower or no superpower.
00:26:19 It cannot stop you.
00:26:21 If you're willing to die.
00:26:23 That is the most important thing, but if with that feeling is combined with a smart weapon, then the superpower is gone.
Speaker 16
00:26:33 We used to see industrialized nations.00:26:36 If you want to go back to the.
00:26:40 You got that right. OK.Speaker 16
00:26:43 18th and 19th century, who were able to easily overwhelm primitive nations.00:26:49 And that's the way that empires were built.
00:26:53 But today, there's not such a great difference.
00:26:55 The gap is closing.
Speaker 15
00:27:00 Smart weapons are proliferating rapidly.00:27:03 Many of the Stingers sent to the Mujahideen wound up in countries hostile to the US like Iran.
Speaker 11
00:27:10 It would be easier to to probably say who didn't have smart weapons and try to list all of those that do have smart weapons.00:27:15 Small weapons are supplied by.
00:27:18 All the.
00:27:20 Industrial nations in the world, for example, the United States Soviet Union.
00:27:27 France, certainly Italy. Israel.
00:27:31 Brazil, South Africa, England the list goes on and on.
00:27:36 Notice how he doesn't mention China.00:27:38 That's how ******* fast.
00:27:41 Things have changed.
00:27:45 And this is.
00:27:45 Like almost this is around 1990.
00:27:52 And China was like, not even.
00:27:53 A blip on the radar.
00:27:56 But anyway.
00:27:58 After hearing what he what this guy just said.
Speaker 12
00:28:07 To have that feeling, to sacrifice for your country.00:28:11 Then I think superpower or no superpower.
00:28:15 It cannot stop you.
00:28:18 If you.
00:28:20 And doesn't that make?00:28:31 Doesn't that make this seem just a little little different today than it did when he first said it?
Speaker 8
00:28:40 The blood of patriots, you know, and all this stuff about how we're going to have to move against the government.00:28:47 While the tree.
00:28:47 Of liberty is not right with the.
00:28:49 Blood of patriots.
00:28:50 What's happened is.
00:28:51 That there never been.
00:28:53 If you want to think you need to have weapons to take on the government, you need F fifteens and maybe some nuclear weapons.
00:29:02 I I don't think they had any F fifteens or.00:29:05 Well, now they do.
00:29:10 So anyway.
00:29:15 So what happened?
00:29:16 Like literally 2, two years?
00:29:19 Two years?
00:29:22 After the Soviets.
00:29:24 Epic failure, according to American media, is this horrible failure. It's not. It's the USSR's Vietnam. How embarrassing.
00:29:33 Sound demoralizing for a superpower to?
00:29:35 Go through that.
00:29:37 What happened two years later?
Speaker 17
00:29:39 Repeating once again our top story, Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev has been removed from power and there are tanks now in the streets of Moscow.00:29:48 A vice president, Gennadi Yannayon, says he has taken over as acting president as the head of state of a special state committee.
00:29:55 You're watching live pictures from Moscow this morning.
00:30:00 That's right.00:30:05 And only took two years after that failure.
00:30:07 And look, that wasn't like, obviously.
Speaker 3
00:30:11 That's not why.Devon
00:30:13 You know the the Soviet collapse was was.00:30:16 A long time coming.
00:30:18 There's a lot of moving pieces.
00:30:21 But just in terms of the?
00:30:24 The rhetorical battle don't think that didn't help.
00:30:30 I mean that.
00:30:31 A10 year losing streak in Afghanistan.
00:30:36 Against these third worlders.
00:30:39 Was demoralizing.
00:30:42 For the USSR.
00:30:45 In the same way.
00:30:47 That the the loss.
00:30:49 By the United States, or at least perceived loss like look, all it doesn't matter, perceptions, everything.
00:30:57 Perception is everything.
00:31:06 Is everything.
00:31:10 And this is not a good look.
00:31:14 This is not a good look at all.
00:31:18 And they know it.
00:31:26 And not only have they lost.
00:31:30 The military battle in Afghanistan, which is which is amusing because you know, here's a little, oh, by the way, here's that clip from.
00:31:41 Well, all the while, all this.
00:31:43 Was going on.
00:31:45 This was the movie that was playing an American.
00:31:47 Movie theaters Rambo 3.
00:31:51 American krogan tweeted this out.
Speaker 7
00:31:57 This is Afghanistan.00:31:59 Alexander the Great right to conquer this country then changes come then the British.
00:32:05 Now Russia.
00:32:07 But Afghan people fight hard.
00:32:08 They never be defeated.
00:32:11 Ancient enemy make prayer about these.
00:32:12 People you wish to hear.
00:32:15 Very good, it says.
00:32:18 May God deliver us from the venom of the cobra, teeth of the tiger and the vengeance of the Afghan.
00:32:26 Understand what this means.
Speaker 15
00:32:29 That you guys don't take any ****.Speaker 7
00:32:33 Yes, something like this.Devon
00:32:37 So that was the movie playing that was like the number one movie playing in theaters all across the country.00:32:49 All right.
00:32:51 And then after.
Speaker 3
00:32:52 After all of that, after all of that.Devon
00:32:55 We still go into Afghanistan.00:32:59 And after like a year.
00:33:03 With still 19 years to go.
00:33:06 Bush says this ******** ****.
Speaker 18
00:33:09 Thanks to our military.00:33:11 And our allies.
00:33:13 And the brave fighters of Afghanistan.
00:33:16 The Taliban regime.
00:33:18 It's coming to an end.
00:33:28 Yet our responsibilities to the people of Afghanistan have not ended.
00:33:35 We work for a new era of human rights and human dignity.
00:33:42 19 years.00:33:48 19 more years.
Speaker 1
00:33:55 And then we leave.Devon
00:33:57 Seemingly with nothing to show for at least you and I, right.00:34:00 We don't have thing to show for.
00:34:01 In fact, if anything, it's it's worse because now we're going to be accepting all these refugees.
00:34:07 Into our countries.
00:34:12 But that aside, you got to take your wins.
00:34:15 When you can get them.
00:34:17 And right now what's going on?
00:34:21 Is super embarrassing.
00:34:23 To this guy.
00:34:26 And to this guy.
00:34:29 And that's a win.
00:34:35 You got to learn to take your wins.
00:34:42 You think this is a good look?
00:34:56 That's not a good look.
00:34:59 You think this is a good look?
00:35:00 You probably can't see it on this resolution, but that people that hung on to that jet while it took off, they're falling from it to their deaths.
00:35:08 You think this is?
Speaker 6
00:35:09 A good look.Devon
00:35:17 You think that's a?00:35:18 Good look.
00:35:19 OK.Devon
00:35:23 And again.00:35:24 Not only was it a military loss.
00:35:28 Our ruling class again has separated has diverged so far.
00:35:36 From the American public, even if it's just in perception, doesn't matter.
00:35:40 Perception is everything.
Speaker 6
00:35:43 They didn't just lose.Devon
00:35:47 The military battle they've lost the moral high ground.00:35:56 In fact, they've lost the ability to now say we're going to go a nation bill, we're going.
Speaker 6
00:36:01 To go spread.Devon
00:36:01 Democracy cause most Americans don't want people to spread, don't want the ruling class to spread the disease that America has.00:36:19 And again, here's the contrast.
00:36:21 Here's the contrast.
00:36:22 They're asking the Taliban go, oh, you're going to censor people.
00:36:25 You're going to lock down your society.
Speaker 19
00:36:32 And the.Speaker 1
00:36:33 That's what physically that is always say the.Speaker 20
00:36:39 This question should be asked to those people who are claiming to be promoters of freedom of speech who do not allow publication of all information and you, I can ask Facebook.Speaker
00:36:52 One of the.Speaker 20
00:36:52 Company this question should ask to them.Speaker 3
00:36:59 I mean.Devon
00:37:02 Again, perception is everything.00:37:05 That once again, that's a rhetorical kill shot.
00:37:10 You're going to say that we're censoring ****.
00:37:15 And what?
00:37:15 What can America say?
Speaker 6
00:37:20 That you should be able to say that.Speaker 3
00:37:21 Oh yeah, we we let everyone have their.Devon
00:37:23 Own you know they they used.00:37:25 To have Neo Nazi marches through Jewish neighborhoods, and the ACLU would defend them.
00:37:36 You know, back back when Russia was in Afghanistan.
00:37:38 That's what was going.
00:37:39 On in America, you still had free speech.
00:37:44 That's gone.
00:37:48 That's gone.
00:37:57 And it's not just that it's not just that.
Speaker 3
00:38:02 See, now it's.Devon
00:38:03 Funny, because they say ohh, you know we.00:38:05 Need women's rights? We need women's rights.
00:38:08 You know, here's a.
00:38:11 Here's a wall in Afghanistan that was uh, you know, obviously painted by.
00:38:16 The the CIA.
00:38:18 You know, it's like.
00:38:19 Oh, look, we've got the the female orchestra.
00:38:22 Ohh, it's so nice.
00:38:23 Look, the Afghan Girls robotics team.
00:38:27 Wow, the Afghan girls robotics.
00:38:30 That sounds.
00:38:32 That sounds amazing.
00:38:33 Well, what, what?
00:38:34 What is that exactly?
00:38:35 What was the?
00:38:36 They're playing with ******* Legos.
00:38:41 Of course, there's not an Afghan girls robotics team.
00:38:46 They're literally playing with toys that American kids are playing with at like age 5.
00:38:55 They're constructing.
00:38:58 Lego machines, from instruction booklets.
00:39:06 It's like all these.
00:39:07 It's like every article that you see, like how often.
00:39:09 Do they do this?
00:39:11 Ohh wow look this this or this.
00:39:14 12 year old African kid.
00:39:16 He invented a computer.
Speaker 3
00:39:18 And you're like, no, he didn't.Devon
00:39:20 And you look at the article and you find out, of course he didn't.00:39:27 He put computer parts together.
00:39:32 He can follow the instructions in a book.
00:39:36 He can do what I was doing again when I was like 10.
00:39:44 He didn't invent a computer.
00:39:50 And this is not a robotics team.
00:39:54 It's all ********.
00:39:56 It's all ******** and everybody knows it.
Speaker 3
00:40:07 Everybody knows.Devon
00:40:12 That when they say women's rights.00:40:16 This is what they're talking about.
00:40:21 They're talking about freak show **** like this.
00:40:30 This this is women's rights now in America.
00:40:40 Americans know that if if you say, oh, we're going to spread liberal democracies to all these third world countries that never asked for it.
Speaker 6
00:40:50 That this is the end result.Devon
00:41:01 This **** right here is the end result.00:41:11 And yes, spurges, you're like.
Speaker 6
00:41:13 Oh, the telephones not based.00:41:18 How dare you?
00:41:19 You're not as deep as.00:41:21 Me. You don't.
Speaker 6
00:41:21 You don't have a deep understanding of.00:41:23 The world if you think that the.
00:41:25 The the Taliban is based.
00:41:27 Oh my God.
00:41:31 Well, you know.00:41:35 Again, it's a contrast.
00:41:39 You got this on one side.
00:41:43 And then you have this on the other side.
Speaker 21
00:41:47 Taliban president.00:41:52 Would that still include women's rights and a democracy?
00:41:58 From Sharif.Speaker 21
00:42:01 So would you believe in the democratic vote, though?00:42:03 So would people be allowed to vote in women politicians?
Speaker 15
00:42:09 In the.Speaker 14
00:42:14 Stop being OK, that's fine.Devon
00:42:20 And I'm sorry, Spurges, that's ******* based.00:42:27 Because perception.
00:42:31 Is everything.
00:42:36 And no, that doesn't mean we want to live under white Sharia.
Speaker 3
00:42:41 It doesn't mean that we want.00:42:42 To live under Arab Sharia Sharia.
00:42:46 And it doesn't mean.
00:42:49 That by any means.
00:42:52 That we're going to ignore this.
00:42:57 This is bad.00:42:58 In fact, if anything, it reinforces why this is bad.
00:43:07 Because when you say, hey, the Taliban is based.
Speaker 3
00:43:10 Why are you fleeing?Speaker 6
00:43:13 You see what you understand?Devon
00:43:19 If you say it's not based, it's this terrible, awful thing.00:43:21 OK, then.
00:43:22 Then you're justifying the ruling class is reasoning.
00:43:25 For bringing these *******.
00:43:28 Into your country.
00:43:39 And look, they're going to do it anyway.
00:43:41 They're literally going.
00:43:42 To do it anyway.
00:43:46 In the same way, people are freaking out like oh, no, no, no, no, don't say that.
00:43:50 Don't make jokes about the Taliban being based, because then they'll use that.
Speaker 3
00:43:55 They'll say that ohh now that now they can tie into.Devon
00:43:57 Terrorism. Because you.00:43:59 Were making memes about the Taliban being being cool, so now you're on a terrorist.
00:44:04 Now I'm on a terrorist.
00:44:08 Have you not been paying attention at all to like anything that's been going on for the?
00:44:12 Last eight months.
00:44:18 Pretty sure making fun of.
00:44:22 The ruling class's inability.
00:44:27 To shut down these clowns isn't going to like add any fuel to the fire.
00:44:43 Now one thing we do.
00:44:44 Have to worry about like like I said.
00:44:46 The immigration thing that's just going to ******* happen.
00:44:51 Because what?
00:44:53 What happened in in Afghanistan, right when the Taliban came, came out of hiding?
00:44:59 And swooped into the country.
00:45:01 What happened to the Afghanistan army?
00:45:03 Well, they they folded like a like a House of Cards.
00:45:06 They it was just done.
00:45:07 They didn't even try.
00:45:08 They literally didn't even try.
00:45:09 There wasn't even like a battle.
00:45:12 Anywhere there was no resistance.
00:45:16 They gave up immediately.
00:45:22 Because we were the foreign invaders.
00:45:27 And unfortunately.
00:45:30 We live in a society in America at least.
00:45:35 Where we're the foreign body.
00:45:37 We've allowed our society to be so diluted.
00:45:41 And for the mainstream to go again diverge.
00:45:44 So far, so far from what we consider the norm.
00:45:49 That we are now the infection.
00:46:03 So we don't enjoy like the the widespread.
00:46:05 Support or whatever.
00:46:14 On the bright side?
00:46:20 It's kind of like that guy with the.
00:46:22 Stingers was saying.
00:46:25 There's some people that show up to get a paycheck, like the Afghanistan army.
00:46:30 They were there.
00:46:31 They were just collecting a paycheck.
00:46:35 That's why they were there.
00:46:37 Most of it was fraud.
00:46:40 I mean they they had all these like ghost soldiers.
00:46:43 They're the people that weren't even real.
00:46:46 Or people that weren't showing up, or people as soon as they got a weapon in, like a uniform would set up like unauthorized checkpoints to shake people down like it was just like it was.
00:46:56 It was never the army that they, this Afghanistan army never even really existed.
00:47:13 So now we got to worry about something else.
00:47:18 Now here's Julian Assange explaining.
00:47:21 Why Afghanistan went on for so long and the audio is not so great.
00:47:25 So I.
00:47:26 Might have to.
00:47:27 To tell you what he said, if it.
00:47:29 Doesn't come across, but here it goes.
Speaker 19
00:47:33 Because the goal is not to completely subjugate Afghanistan, the goal is to use Afghanistan to wash money out of the tax bases of the United States out of the tax bases of European countries through Afghanistan and back into the hands of a transnational security.00:47:53 That is the goal.
00:47:54 IE the goal is to have an endless war, not a successful war.
00:48:03 So what Julian Assange was saying?00:48:06 Something like 10-11 years ago.
00:48:10 Was the point of Afghanistan wasn't to win.
00:48:16 It was to have an endless war.
00:48:19 So that they could.
00:48:20 Siphon money out of taxpayers in Western countries through Afghanistan.
00:48:29 Into the pockets of these big contractors.
00:48:33 And by the.
00:48:34 Way, while all that's going on.
00:48:36 You'll also have, like the CIA, you know, running the opium business.
00:48:43 So the CIA is getting rich.
00:48:45 All the government contractors are getting rich, everyone's getting rich.
00:48:47 I mean, you got.
Speaker 6
00:48:48 ******* 20 years.Devon
00:48:50 What was it? A trillion?Speaker
00:48:52 And this is this.Speaker 6
00:48:52 Does not include.Devon
00:48:53 Like the black budget **** or like the opium.Speaker 3
00:48:56 **** trillion dollars.Devon
00:49:00 Remember when the debt used to be only a trillion dollars?00:49:07 A trillion ******* dollars.
00:49:14 And again, don't think of it as all we waste and all that it didn't get wasted.
00:49:21 We didn't just send it to Afghanistan and burn it in a giant pit.
Speaker 3
00:49:26 That money went to people.Devon
00:49:30 That that trillion dollars went to people.00:49:37 Went to people.
00:49:38 That are addicted to never ending wars.
00:49:44 Now we've got a problem.
00:49:51 One of their biggest cash cows just got shot down.
00:50:00 Well, I think they have a fix for that.
Speaker 22
00:50:06 He's right.00:50:07 We have had troops there for 20 years.
00:50:10 They fought, they sacrificed their families, sacrificed so that we wouldn't have a terrorist attack in America planned in a foreign country.
00:50:19 Why should our soldiers be fighting radicals in the civil war in Afghanistan?
00:50:23 We've got our own on Capitol Hill.
00:50:32 Why indeed.00:50:37 Now, if you've watched any of my streams.
00:50:42 In like the last year or so.
00:50:45 You know as well as I do that the federal government has been gearing up.
00:50:53 To define.
00:50:56 Well, basically, white, founding stock Americans.
00:51:01 As a terror threat.
00:51:05 And they say this openly.
00:51:08 And the same.
00:51:11 The same morons.
00:51:13 And see if I got a clip of these these ******* guys.
00:51:29 Uh, let's see.
00:51:37 Oh, no, that's something else.
00:51:49 Well, I can't find.
00:51:50 It, but there you should see you.
00:51:51 Should see that the.
00:51:56 The press conference.
00:51:59 Where the press is actually for the first time in the Biden administration's history, actually asking relevant questions. And they just look like they've got their heads up their *****.
00:52:10 Because they're the same people that have been focusing on on, oh, what's the the the wilkniss factor of the military, not the readiness.
00:52:21 You know, you had the what?
00:52:22 Was it General Miley saying?
00:52:23 Like Ohh I'm I'm.
00:52:24 Really concerned about white rage in the army?
00:52:31 Those are the folks that are still in charge and those are the *****.
00:52:34 That they're not going to get fired.
00:52:40 They're just going to have to find another revenue stream.
00:52:45 And the really ******.
Speaker 3
00:52:46 Up thing is.00:52:49 The same people.
00:52:51 That they funneled all their money from.00:52:54 Through Afghanistan.
00:52:56 That tax base guess who that tax base is.
00:53:01 That tax base is the same group of people that they are now defining as domestic terrorists.
Speaker 3
00:53:12 And they'll remain the tax base.Devon
00:53:15 That will fund the war on them.00:53:23 So they'll be bleeding you dry financially.
00:53:27 While they go after you.
00:53:28 With censorship at 1st at first.
00:53:30 That's what that's all it will be.
00:53:34 There was a Pew poll that came out.
00:53:37 In fact, I saw on Twitter right before going live here.
00:53:41 Where in in five years and just that this number I, I I think I've talked about this before I worked.
00:53:49 On a project.
00:53:51 Back and I want to say 2014.
00:53:55 And it was with some libertarians.
00:53:58 And they did some polls.
00:54:00 And they had a it was like some freedom, you know, libertarian education.
00:54:13 They would every year.
00:54:16 They would pull students on these like.
00:54:18 Freedom related questions.
00:54:22 And this again, this is about 2014.
00:54:25 I think that the results from the.
00:54:26 I think the poll might have been from.
00:54:28 Like 2012.
00:54:31 But for the first year ever.
00:54:35 They had an over 50%.
00:54:42 To the question.
00:54:44 Do you think?
00:54:46 That the 1st Amendment goes too far.
00:54:51 And when they came to me with this data.
00:54:55 Because I was.
00:54:55 Helping them put together this this project.
00:55:00 I said that that's terrifying.
00:55:03 And they said, oh, it's just it's not a.
00:55:05 Big deal, you.
00:55:05 Know it ebbs and.
00:55:07 Flows and whatever I was like, no.
00:55:08 It doesn't have them flow with like you've shown.
00:55:10 Me the the past results and it's going in One Direction and that's shocking.
00:55:17 Because these are college kids.
00:55:19 And over half of.
00:55:20 The college kids again, 2012.
00:55:23 Are saying the 1st Amendment goes too far and that some and you know that you need to shut down speech basically, right?
00:55:31 And I knew where this was going.
00:55:34 And that's exactly.
00:55:35 Where it went.
00:55:38 And it's not done going in that direction yet hasn't even slowed down.
00:55:47 And it won't slow down.
00:55:52 So that will be the first thing that happens.
00:55:53 They'll start shutting down every platform they can.
00:55:57 They're going to try to prevent you from actually even getting on the Internet without using some kind of.
00:56:02 I mean, I think that's what a lot of this COVID.
00:56:03 Stuff is ushering in.
00:56:06 They want digital ID.
00:56:14 They eventually want it to where you can't even get on the Internet.
00:56:19 Unless it's tied to your identity in a way that they.
00:56:22 Can switch it off.
00:56:26 Now go again.
00:56:27 This this is stuff that's down the road a little bit just because they have to do the slow boil.
00:56:31 But if history has taught us anything with in terms of normies, the slow boil, will you can do anything.
00:56:37 I mean you.
00:56:38 Can get you can get the trans kids with slow boil and nothing happens.
00:56:42 Why do you do it?
00:56:43 Slow enough?
00:56:43 You can pretty much do whatever the **** you want.
00:56:45 The normies and they just accept it.
Speaker 8
00:56:50 So no this.Devon
00:56:51 Might not be happening tomorrow or maybe even next year or whatever, but this is going to happen.00:56:59 They'll want to have the ability to shut down your transportation.
00:57:06 Obviously your money.
00:57:08 All this stuff.
00:57:21 That way, no one.
00:57:22 Will be able to hear the screams.
00:57:32 Alright, there was another.
00:57:36 Clip, I thought, oh God.
00:57:39 This is so horrifying, by the way.
00:57:40 It's so bad it's so bad.
00:57:49 I think that might be it actually.
00:57:55 So anyway.
Speaker 3
00:57:56 This is going to.Devon
00:57:57 Be kind of a short.00:58:00 Stream just because I've been.
00:58:03 Been under the weather the last few days.
00:58:07 And no, it's not.
00:58:08 It's not COVID or anything like that, I promise.
00:58:14 But I will talk to chat here for a second.
00:58:17 And then I'm going to shutter down and get some rest here.
00:58:29 And you know what?
00:58:29 Let me.
00:58:36 Well, a fun bumper car picture in the background.
00:58:41 Tipsy MC Stagger says where are my cactus?
00:58:44 Pills. I'm having withdrawals.
00:58:50 OK.
00:58:50 Yeah, I'll, I'll.
00:58:51 I'll get some more cactus pills.
00:58:54 I actually got some pretty cool uh phobia growth going on, which is not technically cactus, but that'll be good.
00:59:01 I had this euphoria that wasn't doing anything and then we had all those storms and stuff and I was just like it kept getting knocked over.
00:59:09 I was like *******.
00:59:09 I'm just sticking in the ground.
00:59:11 As soon as I stuck in.
00:59:11 The ground I started growing like crazy.
00:59:13 It was great.
00:59:16 COVID patient zero get well soon.
00:59:20 How is classified cat doing doing good?
00:59:23 Go a little crazy?
00:59:28 Oh yeah, someone.
00:59:29 Mentioned the Sacklers uh.
00:59:31 Let's see here a bunch.
00:59:32 Of U's.
00:59:33 The existence of the Sackler family refutes libertarianism forever.
00:59:38 Yeah, OK.
00:59:38 This is a perfect example of people splurging out about me, making fun of the Taliban, and saying that they're that they're based right, when when?
00:59:49 Obviously, again, no one actually wants to live under Taliban rule.
00:59:55 That's not the point.
00:59:57 But this is the point.
01:00:00 Bring this up here.
01:00:09 See the Sackler family.
01:00:13 David Sackler said on Tuesday that he and his family, the owners of Purdue Pharma and for those of you who don't know, they're the ones that are responsible for all the the opioid crisis, essentially and there are internal memos where they're it's a Jewish family who owns this pharmaceutical company.
01:00:33 And they have internal emails joking about how they want to get the white working class hooked on their opioids.
01:00:44 Like they literally are profited billions.
01:00:49 From the opioid crisis and help engineer it.
01:00:54 Uh would withdraw a $4.5 billion pledge unless they are granted broad legal immunity, the money.
01:01:03 Would go to.
01:01:04 Communities that have been devastated by them.
01:01:09 And I just simply said.
01:01:12 The Taliban would just execute the mall.
01:01:15 And take the money anyway.
01:01:19 You see, it's drawing a contrast.
01:01:24 Because a lot of people are going to think to themselves.
01:01:29 Yeah, they, you know, they they probably would.
01:01:33 And that is wildly out of.
01:01:35 Step with what my government would do.
01:01:51 You see.
01:01:53 See how this works?
Speaker 3
01:02:02 All right.Devon
01:02:05 Slip stream and I think how do you tell about white tuber and his gang?01:02:13 How do I?
01:02:15 How do you tell about white?
01:02:17 I don't even know who that is or what that is.
01:02:20 Or what you mean?
01:02:21 You have to rephrase that one.
01:02:26 Table Topper 22. You ever watched the movie dances with wolves? It's got a lot of white guilt in it about the white man and Indian man.
01:02:35 Oh yeah, that whole movie is just white guilt and and we should be Indians instead of white people and and and.
01:02:41 All that stuff.
01:02:43 Just three hours.
01:02:44 7 High Priest King Terry since 2019. ID verification has been required to view **** in the UK. Same logic as apple scanning your phone for CP. Everyone rallies behind these seemingly good good things in the.
01:03:02 In the back, it's all just beta testing for the real product.
01:03:05 And yeah, Speaking of beta testing, a lot of you guys have been seeing what's been going on in Australia, at least I hope so.
01:03:13 There is the authoritarian medical authoritarianism **** that's going on in response to COVID in Australia is batshit crazy.
01:03:26 Like just bat ****.
01:03:28 ******* crazy.
01:03:32 I mean, it's like watching a dystopian movie.
01:03:37 And that's what happens.
01:03:40 When you take people's guns.
01:03:44 You have this this I mean.
01:03:46 What? What? What's their choice?
01:03:49 You have a ruling class that does not fear their population at all, because why?
01:03:54 Why should they?
01:03:57 We're going to throw rocks at them.
01:03:59 They're more afraid of the ******* Taliban than they are.
01:04:03 Of their own population anyway, everyone's been.
01:04:05 Hopefully you've been paying attention.
01:04:07 You've been seeing this stuff.
01:04:09 And there's.
01:04:11 A reason for that?
01:04:12 That's one of the reasons is just, I mean the fact that they don't have any means of defending themselves against it.
01:04:19 There's probably other things too that I'm not thinking of like I've never lived in Australia, but the thing that always comes to mind for me.
01:04:28 Is when I was in grade school, our teacher, I forget it was some product that was either like some new drug.
01:04:34 Think or or you know what actually it was.
01:04:36 I think she came back from Australia and she was like oh, yeah.
01:04:40 Like they had, they had this this software I.
01:04:43 Forget what it was.
01:04:43 Some stupid soda, maybe it was clear Pepsi or something stupid like that.
Speaker 3
01:04:47 But no, they they had it.01:04:48 They had.
01:04:48 It I had it for months before America had it because they test market everything in Australia.01:04:55 And I was like, oh, that's interesting.
01:04:57 And so when all this stuff started going down, I was like, I wonder.
01:05:00 If that's like.
01:05:01 You know, still a thing you know, and looked it up and sure enough, fortune magazines got this article from 2015 that says why global businesses.
01:05:11 Tested or rather why global business tests its products in Australia.
01:05:18 And there's an interesting quote.
01:05:22 By someone.
01:05:28 In this.
01:05:30 In this article, let's see here.
01:05:34 And then they've got an interesting last name.
01:05:37 Here it is, Michael Silverstein.
01:05:41 Senior partner at BCG and author of the Book Rocket.
01:05:47 Says the continents educated, affluent population of 23.9 million is an open aperture by which he means hungry for new experiences and products, and makes a good proxy for white Christian America.
01:06:09 So people like Michael Silverstein.
01:06:13 Have been test marketing their products in Australia.
01:06:17 For decades.
01:06:21 And if it flops out there, it's not.
01:06:23 It's not as big.
01:06:24 Of a commitment.
01:06:26 But you have them all locked down.
01:06:28 You go like they're all now.
01:06:30 You've got them all locked down.
01:06:33 But they are nowhere to go.
01:06:36 And they're just isolated enough.
Speaker 1
01:06:40 So you can roll out.Speaker 3
01:06:41 You don't have to spend.Devon
01:06:42 Like billions of dollars to like roll out, you know, clear Pepsi or, you know, locking people in their houses or, you know, whatever you're trying to test market.01:06:50 You can just see how it goes.
01:06:54 You can just see how it goes in Australia and if it doesn't work.
01:06:57 You didn't **** **.
01:06:58 As bad as if you had tried.
01:06:59 To see how it went in America.
01:07:06 So just keep that in mind when you see all this crazy **** happening in Australia.
01:07:13 Global businesses for decades.
01:07:16 Have been test marketing their products.
01:07:19 They've been using Australia as basically a beta test audience.
01:07:31 Christos Rex, have you seen the movie?
01:07:33 Blackboard jungle seems way up your alley.
01:07:35 I've not seen it.
01:07:38 Uh, maybe I will take a look at it.
01:07:41 Blackboard jungle.
01:07:44 By the way, that, that movie we watched the trailer from last stream, the the Second Civil War.
01:07:53 Holy ****.
01:07:56 We're going to go over that.
01:07:57 One that's going to preempt some ****.
01:08:02 Alright, what's this called again?
01:08:04 Blackboard jungle.
01:08:14 Blackboard Jungle 1955 social drama film about teachers in an interracial inner city school. Wow. Really. From 1955, huh?
01:08:26 OK.
01:08:27 Yeah, that might be worth it.
01:08:30 I'll leave that tab open.
01:08:35 As I drop the chat.
01:08:40 So where does the Fed dollar suck go from AFG?
01:08:45 Second Arab Spring?
01:08:47 I'm not sure what you're asking if you're talking about.
01:08:52 I don't know.
01:08:52 Sure, you're asking.
01:08:53 You have to rephrase that.
01:08:55 And it might not be something I know the.
01:08:56 Answer to.
01:08:58 But if you're asking about me, we.
01:09:00 Have hyperinflation going on.
01:09:02 And I don't know that.
01:09:04 See, I don't think they would have support to invade anybody else.
01:09:08 You have too many people on the left and the right have had it with this ****.
01:09:14 And they could, yeah.
01:09:15 I mean also I think they look, I I honestly think.
01:09:19 Like this isn't just a joke.
01:09:26 I don't, I really don't.
01:09:27 Think this is just a joke?
Speaker 22
01:09:29 He's right.01:09:30 We have had troops there for 20 years.
01:09:33 They fought, they sacrificed their families, sacrificed so that we wouldn't have a terrorist attack in America planned in a foreign country.
01:09:42 Why should our soldiers be fighting radicals in a civil war in Afghanistan?
01:09:46 We've got our own on Capitol Hill.
01:09:49 I don't think.01:09:50 That's a joke.
01:09:52 That's why the laughter after it was was kind of uncomfortable.
01:10:00 Thief and law.
01:10:01 Do you earning cactuses that were smuggled over here from Afghanistan?
01:10:05 No, I don't think so.
01:10:06 I don't think I have any weird varieties.
01:10:09 You never know.
01:10:10 I guess there's like a whole big business in in smuggling succulents around the world.
01:10:15 Everything I have is pretty normal.
01:10:18 I mean, I've got stuff that's from like South America and stuff like that, but I don't have anything.
01:10:24 That was that's.
01:10:26 All that exotic, you know nothing that I have, isn't.
01:10:29 It's not difficult to find, really.
01:10:34 I've got I.
01:10:34 Got some like custom hybrid cap.
01:10:36 This is that.
01:10:37 We're made domestically, but nothing too crazy.
01:10:45 Let's see here, garok wild speaker.
01:10:49 Hey, missed the decoder messages.
01:10:51 They were fun.
01:10:53 When will you do more of those and discord invites.
01:10:55 Yeah, I'll do both of those.
01:10:56 I've, I've.
01:10:57 Been real busy.
01:10:58 With stuff and and honestly, I just the last few days I've just been ******* feeling like **** and.
01:11:04 So I haven't got a.
01:11:04 Lot done but.
01:11:07 I will, I mean other than just like.
01:11:10 Me being on Twitter and ****.
01:11:11 All day.
01:11:14 As I as I feel like I'm dying.
01:11:18 Yeah, like that's that is something that.
01:11:20 Fun that we should do.
01:11:22 There's actually easy ways I can do it too.
01:11:24 I've got like a I've got the computer that's got the templates set up so it's not like impossible.
01:11:29 I just got to do it.
01:11:32 And yeah, we should do some fun things with that.
01:11:37 In fact, I just think, look, it's going to become necessary.
01:11:40 Like I always think.
01:11:42 Who cares if I drop this idea?
01:11:46 Well, I don't know.
01:11:46 Maybe I shouldn't drop this idea.
01:11:49 I'm just going to say things like that are going to become possibly necessary as more censorship happens and there might be clever ways of certainly getting around automated censorship.
01:12:01 And because I think more and more they're relying so heavily on AI, that's really.
01:12:08 Half the battle.
01:12:09 Maybe more than half the battle.
01:12:16 Faith alone.
01:12:17 What kind of MK Ultra Shin is?
01:12:19 The Delta variant I.
01:12:20 Don't know the fact that they're saying the delta variant the the Lambda.
01:12:24 I think Dave Cohen was pointing out that there was this might, I don't know if this was an Australian health minister or an Irish health minister, but they were saying that once.
Speaker 3
01:12:35 They once they run.Devon
01:12:37 As if it was just.01:12:38 Like it was gonna happen once they run out of the Greek alphabet.
01:12:41 That they're going to have to start using star constellations.
01:12:45 And it wasn't like a joke.
01:12:46 It wasn't like they were saying like ohh like hyperbole.
01:12:49 Like dead serious, they were saying they're going to run out.
01:12:53 Of Greek alphabet variants and have to start using ******* stars.
01:13:00 It's not going away.
01:13:02 It gives them access to too many ******* control mechanisms.
01:13:06 It's not going away.
01:13:10 Slavic pride.
01:13:11 If normies won't do anything against the slow.
01:13:14 Boil, isn't it all down to us?
01:13:23 I don't know, here's the thing.
01:13:26 Yes and no.
01:13:29 And that's a talk for our time.
01:13:34 Well, I mean, as people have pointed.
01:13:36 Out the Taliban.
01:13:38 None of these.
01:13:38 None of these movements that actually are successful and take over a country or.
01:13:42 Whatever. They never, it's.
01:13:44 Not like organic.
01:13:45 It's not, you know, even like the Revolutionary War.
01:13:48 Right with the.
01:13:50 You know, against England and America, it's not like it.
01:13:53 Was Ohh just a bunch of farmers.
01:13:54 Got together and they beat England.
01:13:56 No, you had like France coming in, I mean and I mean like when the Russians were against Afghanistan in in, you know, Americans were giving the Afghanis all these.
01:14:08 Stinger missiles and **** like it's never just as simple as we've had enough, and therefore we're to.
01:14:14 Get what we want by by just.
01:14:17 Trying to take it by force.
01:14:19 I think that things have an organic way to some extent.
01:14:26 Of of escalating.
01:14:30 You know, like I think that.
01:14:34 You know things that will get progressively worse when it, as it you know, in in respect to the degeneracy in the country, the censorship, the authoritarianism, just as the as the empire just starts to.
01:14:48 Unravel a little bit.
01:14:50 They're going to respond and then, you know, the people respond, you know, they'll the ruling class and the public will feed off each other, but it it'll it'll just be it's kind of like I've said, the the metaphor with the leaf, right, the leaf going down a drain.
01:15:07 The leaf that's just floating on the surface of the water.
01:15:10 And the closer it gets to the drain, the faster it circles until it finally, you know, gets sucked down.
01:15:15 I think that there's, you know, it's an entropy about it, right, that it things just get like progressively crazier and more chaotic.
01:15:23 And then they boom.
01:15:25 And then when the boom happens, you know there there's so many moving pieces, it's hard to tell how that will unfold, and I don't even think that the ruling class knows 100% of the time.
01:15:38 And you know, you got in in the ruling class.
01:15:41 You know, as much as like a it's kind of a throwaway line because there's really it's not like there's just one group and they call themselves the ruling class.
01:15:49 It's, you know, there's competing people and and groups and whatnot.
01:15:56 I don't know.
01:15:57 I don't like to make predictions.
01:15:59 What I'd like to do is say, hey, look, we know this.
01:16:02 We know that the the at least the where this is trending, and so the smart thing to do is to prepare for the absolute worst.
01:16:11 And the smart thing to do is to not be like Australia and give up.
01:16:14 Your guns.
01:16:15 And the smart thing to do.
01:16:17 Is to not.
01:16:20 I mean there should be a line in the sand for.
01:16:22 I think just for individuals, right.
01:16:25 And you should have your line in the sand.
01:16:27 And you shouldn't fold.
01:16:28 You should have principles and you should stand by them and you shouldn't.
01:16:31 I mean that's that's the whole problem with Americans and with normies is.
01:16:34 They don't have principles.
01:16:35 So yeah, you should have your line in the sand and you should not ever cross it.
01:16:40 Or or, you know, be forced to, you know, to cross it.
01:16:46 But you know, conversations about this sort of stuff gets difficult to have in a public forum.
01:16:56 High Priest King Terry.
01:16:57 I'm noticing that an increasing amount of radical politics, especially at local levels, things like street light placement, Rd.
01:17:07 building, etcetera, is all framed and racial equity and justice huge anti white sentiment in all these cases we are moving up.
01:17:16 The stages some normies are are noticing.
Speaker 3
01:17:20 Yeah, it's.01:17:21 Yeah, it's it's gonna get worse.
01:17:24 It's not.01:17:25 There's we know where this is going.
01:17:29 So the best we can do is.
01:17:31 Prepare for it.
01:17:34 But we all know where this is going.
01:17:37 And it is.
01:17:37 Escalating honestly faster than I thought it.
01:17:40 Would and I think I've said before in the past that I.
01:17:42 Used to think that like oh.
01:17:44 Yeah, well, eventually, America is going to have, like, a civil.
01:17:46 War or something like this?
01:17:47 Can't you know the the the the differences in the left and right weren't differences in technique right?
01:17:56 Like it wasn't like we both wanted the same things.
01:17:59 It's just that they wanted to hopscotch down the sidewalk and we wanted to jump on a Pogo ball.
01:18:05 If you remember those Pogo stick, if you don't.
01:18:11 It's no, it's not the method that's we want to go to 22 totally different locations.
01:18:18 And that was always the case.
01:18:19 It's just that I think.
01:18:20 That the right.
01:18:22 Believe because the left said.
01:18:23 That they want to go to the same place, right?
01:18:25 And I think the right was just a bunch of, you know, I'm talking about the normies.
01:18:29 We're just trusting fools.
01:18:30 And we're like, oh, yeah, they just, you know, they just they didn't want to do it a different way, but we.
01:18:34 All want the.
01:18:35 Same things we all want America to be strong and we all want.
01:18:38 You know the American dream and blah blah blah, you know it.
01:18:41 Was all ********.
01:18:43 And I think now the normies are understanding at least.
01:18:46 That part of it.
01:18:47 And that's sort of like a real separation is starting to happen.
01:18:51 And look, there's so many things going on now that are that are driving wedges and that's getting a little, it's getting a little tedious cause like some of these wedges are even getting driven between.
01:19:02 You know our group, which is, you know, unfortunate.
01:19:06 But yeah, it's.
01:19:11 It's not going to get better.
01:19:12 It'll get it gets way worse before it gets better.
01:19:19 OK.
01:19:20 And this is the last one because I'm just tired.
01:19:25 One out of many the best way to fight the tidal wave of groupthink is a constant drip.
01:19:32 That is to say, constant and consistent messaging to those who get it.
01:19:37 Thanks, man.
01:19:39 Well, I I I try, I mean, look.
01:19:41 I'll probably change.
01:19:42 My mind on some things just because, like I said, I can't predict the future and everything's dynamic and and whatever.
01:19:48 But I have my principles and you know if there is change, that's kind of a big deal.
01:19:53 I mean they've changed before.
01:19:56 But it's been a big deal.
01:19:58 But my underlying principles have never changed.
01:20:01 I mean, I think that the values that I was raised with really are pretty much almost all still the same.
01:20:07 Which shows the importance of raising your kids right?
01:20:10 And to homeschool your kids.
01:20:13 While you still can, so.
01:20:15 All right guys, I'm going to lock this down.
01:20:18 Hope you guys have a good Wednesday night.
Speaker 1
01:20:22 For Black pilled, I am of course.Devon
01:20:25 You haven't snack.Speaker 12
01:20:27 Hope it's dangerous.Speaker 5
01:20:28 It's lethal. It's a bit like the beef notorious BIG used to rap about when he said beef is when your mom's ain't safe up in the streets. Beech is when I see you guaranteed to be in ICU.01:20:43 Well, when COVID sees you.
01:20:46 You can end up in ICU, maybe not at the same rate as biggies bees, but that's the point about risk.
01:20:50 You don't want to test these streets and risk ending up in the ICU.