
Figure it out Yourself Collegeboy.mp3

00:00:00 Well hello, this was going to be a stream, but apparently my Internet is throttled down to 2G, so I'm going to record this and then I don't.
00:00:18 Know upload it for.
00:00:20 Three days.
Speaker 2
00:00:21 And then maybe, maybe.
00:00:23 It'll get uploaded.
00:00:24 You know?
00:00:25 I'm halfway kidding.
00:00:27 It it really will take a really long time.
00:00:29 Hours for me to upload this.
00:00:32 But I'm I'm looking at getting some different Internet I've I've been experimenting 3 different ways and I'm hoping the 3rd way three times the charm and getting me reliable Internet access that you know allows me to stream reliably.
00:00:50 So anyway this.
00:00:51 Is a recorded stream, which is why I'm not going to edit this.
00:00:54 It's kind of just me free balling a little bit with this college loan reimbursement thing that people keep talking about and you know, I got to say.
00:01:07 I'm hearing some some kind of screwy ideas and hearing a lot of people I I wouldn't expect to hear supporting this idea and.
00:01:21 Let me just say first and foremost, yet no ******* way.
00:01:25 No ******* way.
00:01:27 And not because of some stupid, you know, libertarian RNC, neo con view of, you know, you know, get yourself up by the bootstraps.
00:01:38 No, it's just because.
00:01:39 You listen to what you're saying when you're saying that we should forgive debt.
00:01:44 You think what you're saying is well, you.
Speaker 2
00:01:47 Know we've bailed out the banks.
Speaker 3
00:01:49 Let's bail out the people.
00:01:50 Let's bail out the.
Speaker 4
00:01:51 People for once.
00:01:53 Ohh, you know, we're just stealing from the banks.
00:01:55 We're just stealing from the schools.
00:01:57 No, you're stealing from people.
00:01:59 Like me.
00:02:02 You're stealing from people like me.
00:02:05 That saw the scam or thought maybe I wouldn't be able to afford to pay that off.
00:02:10 Maybe because I was going into a field.
00:02:13 Where it wasn't guaranteed I'd be getting tons of money and I didn't have rich parents.
00:02:20 That it was probably a better idea that I was just I I was self-taught.
00:02:25 And then I tried tried doing things that way, I didn't.
00:02:28 Want to go?
00:02:29 100 two $100,000 in the debt.
00:02:32 Because I was already.
00:02:33 Worried about how I was ever going to pay?
00:02:35 That kind of money off for a house.
00:02:37 And we'll get into that in a second too.
00:02:40 So I didn't do it.
00:02:43 So let me explain how that's stealing from me.
00:02:48 It's not just if you get your your student.
00:02:51 Loan debt forgiven.
00:02:54 It's not just.
00:02:55 A kick in the balls to me.
00:02:58 That you got a free $100,000 free $200,000.
00:03:03 OK.
00:03:05 If that's where it stopped, I mean, that would still hurt, but if that wouldn't be as bad.
00:03:10 It's not just that it's you get all you think.
00:03:13 First of all, most big.
00:03:15 The biggest thing about school.
00:03:17 Is the networking you think I didn't.
00:03:18 Want to go to film school?
00:03:21 You think I didn't want to go to animation school?
00:03:23 You think I didn't want to have mentors and peers?
00:03:28 You think I wanted to stay up like 4 days at a time watching YouTube videos and trying to find the the right software?
00:03:37 Just bumbling through it myself like for for days on end.
00:03:42 Trying to figure out how to how to do any kind of.
00:03:45 Animation and then you think I.
00:03:46 Wanted to after I started getting somewhat good at it, make free projects myself.
00:03:53 Try to build a portfolio, make fake commercials and **** that I could show.
00:03:58 Some some place that would that would maybe hopefully hire me even though I had no background in education and I didn't know anybody.
00:04:07 You think that's how I wanted to do things?
Speaker 4
00:04:10 Do you think?
00:04:11 That didn't set me back a little bit.
00:04:17 You're benefiting?
00:04:19 If you get that degree, you're benefiting from the networking aspect of it.
00:04:24 You're benefiting from the education aspect of it.
00:04:30 And you're benefiting not just then. You think I wanted to get paid 20% less than the people that had some piece of paper showing that they were a genius.
Speaker 3
00:04:40 I got the.
00:04:41 I got the genius paper.
00:04:42 I got this paper that says I'm smart.
00:04:46 So I automatically get paid 2020% more.
00:04:51 Devin doesn't have the piece of paper I have the.
00:04:53 Piece of paper.
00:05:00 You're not just benefiting if, if, if.
00:05:02 If we bail you out now.
00:05:05 You're kicking me?
00:05:06 In the balls, because I don't I I specifically.
00:05:11 Made decisions.
00:05:13 To avoid being in debt, and now you're telling me?
00:05:16 Doesn't ******* matter.
00:05:19 And not only did I not get the networking experience, not only did I not get the the mentoring experience.
00:05:27 Not only did I not get the education itself.
00:05:30 Not the job placement.
00:05:32 Everything that goes.
00:05:32 With that.
00:05:37 But on top of that?
Speaker 3
00:05:39 We're just writing.
00:05:40 A check, you know and.
Speaker 2
00:05:41 Guess who's paying for that?
Speaker 4
00:05:44 If if you think by the way, you think by the way that that in the end it's going to be.
Speaker 2
00:05:51 Like the banks.
00:05:52 And and **** that are they're going to pay for.
00:05:54 This here I mean that's that's just completely ********.
00:05:57 Alright, it's it's they'll just like always.
00:06:02 They'll find a way for the middle class.
00:06:04 To be paying this bill, OK.
00:06:07 Even if it sounds good, the way they sell.
Speaker 3
00:06:09 It at the.
Speaker 4
00:06:09 End it's not going to be good.
Speaker 3
00:06:11 So so now I'm I'm paying for it.
00:06:17 And you're also still benefiting in through like the rest of your life, you still have that, that edge that, that 20%?
00:06:26 Income boost.
00:06:29 You still get favored if you know we have the exact same portfolio.
00:06:35 Or even if yours is slightly worse.
00:06:38 And we apply for the.
Speaker 3
00:06:39 Same job well.
00:06:41 I don't know this.
00:06:42 Guy, he's got the piece of paper saying he's a genius.
00:06:47 A genius that couldn't.
00:06:48 Figure out the whole college loan scam.
00:06:54 So no.
00:06:58 You're you're.
00:06:59 You're such a genius.
00:07:01 You went to school and you.
Speaker 3
00:07:02 Can say oh, but they tricked me.
00:07:04 They tricked me it.
00:07:05 Was they?
00:07:06 It was manufactured.
00:07:09 They tricked me.
00:07:12 Ohh, not so smart.
00:07:13 Are you college boy?
00:07:14 Getting so tricked, are you?
Speaker 4
00:07:19 See if if that's if that's.
00:07:20 The way you want.
00:07:21 To go ohh they tricked you.
00:07:23 So I guess I guess you're not responsible, huh?
00:07:26 I guess personal responsibility doesn't matter anymore then, huh?
00:07:31 Is that right?
00:07:33 Well, I got news for you, I guess.
00:07:34 I guess McDonald's and every sugar company.
00:07:39 Needs to start paying for all of the insulin.
Speaker 2
00:07:44 All of it.
00:07:47 Where does this end?
00:07:48 Where do you draw the line?
00:07:49 Where do you draw the line?
00:07:51 What do you say?
00:07:52 OK, well, well, they.
00:07:54 Manufacture my concern.
00:07:55 How come they didn't manufacture my consent?
00:07:59 How? How is I?
Speaker 2
00:08:03 I don't know.
00:08:04 Like psychic.
00:08:05 How did I read the mind of the evil bankers that were tricking you?
Speaker 4
00:08:10 And figure out it was a bad idea.
Speaker 3
00:08:14 What was it that?
00:08:15 What were they doing to you that they weren't doing to me?
Speaker 3
00:08:21 So you can ****.
00:08:22 Right off with that.
00:08:26 You went to school because you.
00:08:27 Wanted to be fancy.
00:08:29 You want to.
Speaker 2
00:08:30 Be the genius boy with the fancy car.
00:08:35 You want to make the big money you want to.
00:08:37 Be a programmer.
00:08:41 Want to get a cool tech job in Silicon Valley?
00:08:47 Or worse, you want to get one.
00:08:48 Of those stupid.
00:08:51 Worthless feminism degrees or something like that.
00:08:54 That's completely meaningless.
00:08:55 And you guys all deserve that ****.
00:08:57 You deserve to be wage slaves the rest of your life.
00:09:02 So basically what I'm saying is only way I'm I'm ******* OK with this at all.
00:09:08 Only way I'm OK with this at all and I'm still.
00:09:11 I'm still losing out is if you cut me a check for $100,000, cut me and everyone else that didn't get tricked. Who? Who's consent magically wasn't.
00:09:23 You cut us all a check.
00:09:26 For $100,000, all right.
00:09:29 And it's a deal still sucks because like I said, you still benefit for the rest of your life.
00:09:35 For having that college experience, having that that little fancy boy piece of paper saying how you're a genius.
00:09:42 So you still benefit the rest of your life, the 100.
00:09:45 $1000 is not.
00:09:48 It doesn't it.
00:09:49 Doesn't even the playing field, but it takes the sting out.
00:09:55 Now another option.
00:09:57 And I'm not.
00:09:58 I'm not as big of a fan about it.
00:10:00 There's there's a funny aspect to this one little there's a little more.
00:10:04 There's a I like justice.
00:10:08 I'm very, very, very concerned with personal responsibility and justice.
00:10:14 And in fact, if you want to.
00:10:15 Figure out where I am on an issue like this issue.
00:10:20 It will almost.
00:10:22 Well, and I hope always come down to justice and personal responsibility every time.
00:10:32 That's how.
00:10:32 That's just how I think.
00:10:33 That's how.
00:10:33 That's my ethics.
00:10:40 The other option.
00:10:42 That, like I said, I'm not even going to say.
00:10:46 That this would make me too happy, but.
00:10:48 It is a little funny.
00:10:51 Instead of wiping out college debt.
00:10:56 Let's let's do it this way.
00:11:00 If you were, if you were so gullible that your consent was manufactured.
Speaker 3
00:11:06 That that you didn't know.
00:11:08 I didn't know.
00:11:09 Everyone was telling me I had to have a degree.
00:11:11 How was I supposed to know?
00:11:12 Just this NPC that that just goes along with what everyone says and so I didn't think for myself and I just got this stupid piece of paper and now I've.
00:11:22 Got all this debt, OK.
00:11:24 Then return it.
Speaker 4
00:11:27 We'll pay you you.
00:11:28 Can basically return it like you'd return any product.
00:11:31 We take away a little genius boy piece of paper telling everyone how smart you are.
00:11:38 And we, you know, we refund your money.
00:11:42 Now again, like I said, it's kind of funny because it would.
00:11:47 I don't know.
00:11:47 I would think it was funny.
00:11:50 To watch some of these people have to give back their their little fancy fancy award, the little Gold Star.
Speaker 2
00:11:58 I'm smart.
00:11:58 Look, it says right here.
00:12:01 I would think that was kind of funny.
00:12:05 But again, it wouldn't really.
00:12:06 I mean it's it's still sting because obviously hopefully they learned at least something.
Speaker 2
00:12:12 From the experience.
00:12:14 They got the networking, the mentoring and all that stuff, right?
00:12:19 And if nothing else, worst case scenario, I mean, they partied for like 3 or 4 years for free.
00:12:28 If we're paying for it.
00:12:32 So yeah, you guys can **** right off.
Speaker 3
00:12:35 With your.
00:12:35 Oh, let's let's get rid of college debt.
00:12:38 I didn't know how was this pattern know.
00:12:42 How did I know?
Speaker 3
00:12:46 I'm not a prophet.
00:12:53 How did how did you not know?
00:12:56 Is a better question.
00:12:58 It's like the bailouts.
00:13:00 The bank bailouts were.
00:13:01 ****** ** shouldn't have happened.
00:13:04 But that's not the only kind of bailouts that happened.
00:13:07 They were bailing.
00:13:08 They did mortgage bailouts, too, and that infuriated me.
00:13:13 Back in 2008.
00:13:15 I had no business.
00:13:18 I was making like, I think like maybe $30,000 a year.
00:13:24 I had no business.
00:13:26 Being approved.
00:13:29 For a home, I actually just probably make a little more than that, but I wasn't making much.
00:13:34 And at the time, I had friends that were making about the same that had three houses.
Speaker 3
00:13:40 Three houses.
00:13:41 And they were.
00:13:42 Like oh.
00:13:44 You got to get.
00:13:46 A house like this market's just gonna keep going on and on and on to Infinity. Like I just doubled my money on this House and and and and.
00:13:55 And now I got another house and and now I got this adjustable rate mortgage and like, wait, hold on.
00:14:00 What adjustable what?
Speaker 3
00:14:01 And no, no, no, don't don't.
00:14:02 Don't worry about that and and.
00:14:05 And and I knew I was like, this sounds this is crazy.
00:14:08 This is bad this.
00:14:10 I went in just to check it out, like I went to a bank just to see like what my options were and they were approving me for houses that.
00:14:20 It made no sense because the paperwork I.
00:14:22 Was giving them.
00:14:25 I could only.
00:14:26 I couldn't afford.
00:14:27 Like, there's no way I'd be able to make the payments and they didn't seem to care.
00:14:32 Like they were, they were.
00:14:33 They were approving me still.
00:14:36 And it just it just.
00:14:38 I didn't.
00:14:39 I I was.
00:14:40 I'm not an idiot.
00:14:42 So you could have said that in that situation.
00:14:45 Hey man.
Speaker 3
00:14:45 They manufactured your consent, no?
00:14:50 Manufacturing your consent is.
00:14:54 If I if I waive.
00:14:58 If I wave a hamburger in your face, you don't have to eat it.
00:15:03 OK.
00:15:04 You just, I mean, I don't, I don't understand how this is.
00:15:07 So hard to understand.
00:15:10 So Long story short, I didn't get a house and then when the housing bubble popped.
00:15:16 And I had friends like freaking out because they had three houses that were now all underwater, and they were going bankrupt and foreclosed on.
00:15:24 And all this other nonsense was going on.
00:15:26 And it was.
00:15:26 It was a bloodbath.
00:15:29 I you know, I.
00:15:31 I avoided that.
00:15:35 I avoided that because.
00:15:37 Of personal responsibility.
00:15:40 The bank said we'll give you a $300,000 house. I knew.
00:15:46 There was no way in hell.
00:15:48 I'd be able to make the payments.
00:15:51 So I didn't get it.
00:15:59 So if that's where we're at now, if that's where we're.
00:16:02 At like well if.
00:16:04 You know, like the the we're.
Speaker 2
00:16:06 We're bailing out the banks.
Speaker 4
00:16:07 You know, we might as.
00:16:08 Well, we might as well get ours before before the ship goes down.
00:16:11 All right.
00:16:12 I kind of get that right.
Speaker 3
00:16:14 But you're.
00:16:15 Again, like I'm saying, you're not stealing from the banks.
00:16:20 You're you're not stealing from the schools.
00:16:23 You're stealing from me.
00:16:25 And the millions of people like me that would have loved to have gone to school.
00:16:31 Would have loved it.
00:16:32 I would have had a great time.
00:16:35 You think you think I liked instead of going to film school?
00:16:42 Or studying animation.
00:16:43 You think I liked.
00:16:46 Getting up at 4:00 AM.
00:16:49 And and going to some ****** TV station.
00:16:54 Where I had like the worst ******* job, but at least somehow it was tangentially related to to video and and film and and so like I at least got to.
00:17:04 Be kind of around it.
00:17:06 But it paid almost like literally there.
00:17:08 There was a a Taco Bell across the street.
00:17:14 The starting wage.
00:17:17 A level of like.
00:17:19 Several dollars more an hour than what I was making at this TV station.
00:17:26 And then because I had to pay rent.
00:17:30 Because I wasn't living rent free in a dorm.
00:17:35 I had to work as a bouncer.
00:17:41 My day consisted of.
00:17:43 Getting up at like 4:00 AM.
00:17:46 Working at the TV station all day.
00:17:51 Sleeping for a couple of hours.
00:17:54 Going to a bar all night dealing with with drunks like you guys.
00:17:59 With your college loans.
00:18:04 And then.
00:18:06 While without going to sleep because you know bars closed at two had to be at work at at 4:30.
00:18:13 Maybe going home for a little bit after mopping up your puke.
00:18:19 You think I like that you think that was that was.
00:18:21 What I wanted?
00:18:24 You think I liked because I had to claw my way?
00:18:28 To where I was.
00:18:29 Working for people who were like five years younger than me, fresh out of out of college, didn't know what the **** they were doing.
00:18:37 But they had the fancy paper telling everyone that.
Speaker 2
00:18:39 They were a genius.
00:18:42 So they got higher.
00:18:43 They were my boss.
00:18:45 You think I like that?
00:18:52 All I can say is.
00:18:55 You're the one that wanted to go to college.
00:18:57 You wanted to be the genius.
00:19:00 So now that you're in debt.
00:19:03 Figure that **** out, genius.
00:19:08 For Blackpill dime Devon stack.