01/26/2022Speaker 1
00:09:48 He's already in me.00:03:41 He's already he's already.
00:05:00 I want.
00:05:01 I wanna I wanna.
Speaker 2
00:06:40 Makes me want me.00:07:26 Black on my.
00:08:13 Most faithful men. Fearless.
00:08:23 She dropped them on my.
00:09:27 Hello everyone out.Speaker 3
00:09:28 There in TV Land.Devon
00:09:31 This is Devin Stack for the insomnia strain abdicate addition.00:09:37 I actually have a special surprise for you this evening.
00:09:41 Ah yes, a special surprise.
00:09:44 I don't know.
00:09:45 I'm kind of like I'm, I'm on the fence.
00:09:48 If I should open big with the surprise or if I should close big with the surprise.
00:09:56 I'm rather proud of this surprise.
00:09:59 See, but now I'm talking the surprise up too much.
00:10:01 Now you're going to expect some giant surprise.
00:10:05 I don't even.
Speaker 3
00:10:06 Know if you're going to like it.Devon
00:10:12 Under promise and over deliver.00:10:16 But maybe I am.
00:10:17 Maybe it's that.
Speaker 3
00:10:18 Good of a surprise.Devon
00:10:20 Anyway, hope you guys are all having a good evening.00:10:24 Good morning, good afternoon, good evening.
00:10:25 Good night, that sort of thing.
00:10:30 Hmm. The surprise.
00:10:36 I see people using big fonts on Chad that almost never happens.
00:10:39 I don't even know you do that.
00:10:40 Someone says close big.
00:10:41 Make us wait and suffer.
00:10:43 Yeah, you know what?
00:10:44 I think I'm going to do that.
00:10:45 I think I'm going to do that someone saying trust the plan.
00:10:48 Let's OK.
00:10:49 I'll save the surprise.
00:10:52 For afterwards and then yeah, that.
00:10:54 Way more people can roll in.
00:10:56 More people can enjoy the surprise with us.
Speaker 5
00:11:00 Altogether live.Devon
00:11:02 And for those people who are watching the replay.00:11:06 You better not Fast forward to the surprise.
00:11:09 That's that's cheating. That's cheating.
00:11:12 You have to sit through all of this.
00:11:16 All of this right here, that I'm just saying all this, nothing that I keep saying over.
00:11:25 Alright, well, let's, let's I'll tell you what so that we can get to.
Speaker 5
00:11:28 The surprise quicker.Devon
00:11:31 Let's jump into what we're going to talk about tonight.00:11:37 It's called the abdicate edition, the abdicate edition.
00:11:41 Now, what the abdicate addition?
00:11:44 Means the word abdicate.
00:11:46 It's kind of a weird word.
00:11:49 I mean, you often hear it.
00:11:51 In the context of some kind of royalty abdicating the throne.
00:11:58 Abdicating the throne.
00:12:00 In other words, vacating a position of power and handing it over to someone else.
00:12:07 Not not unlike what Trump did.
00:12:09 What did the the thing that led?
Speaker 5
00:12:11 To us having having Biden.00:12:17 But also not unlike.
00:12:18 Just what the West has done in general.00:12:22 You know, we do a lot of time talking or we spend a lot of time talking about the the you know how our the West is being conquered and and all these influences that that have weaseled their way in their society and subverted it and and the those those things are all true.
00:12:40 Those things are all true.
00:12:43 But in many ways.
00:12:45 The West.
00:12:47 Abdicated the throne.
00:12:50 And in many ways.
00:12:52 We were so wrapped up.
00:12:55 In our own decadence.
00:12:58 That we let it happen.
00:13:02 There's lots of people out there that you know, just like, you know, had the hashtag, not all boomers, kind of a thing, right?
00:13:10 Where I'm not saying.
00:13:11 Every everyone listening here, you're personally responsible.
00:13:14 You were.
Speaker 5
00:13:14 Asleep at the wheel and that's.Devon
00:13:15 Why we're crashing?00:13:20 But these are the things you have to think about, especially if you think to yourself, you know what this is.
00:13:24 This is the kind of.
00:13:25 Society that's worth saving.
00:13:30 We want to preserve our culture.
00:13:31 OK, well, what are?
00:13:32 What are some of the things?
00:13:33 Maybe we shouldn't preserve?
00:13:37 What led to this mess?
00:13:39 What weakness do we have?
00:13:44 Because let's say somehow we managed to pull off the impossible and we do survive.
00:13:51 What's coming and we do manage to preserve.
00:13:57 Our culture.
00:14:01 What are some things we can leave behind so it doesn't happen again?
00:14:09 Now I've got an old.
00:14:14 TV show.
00:14:14 We're going to take a look at.
00:14:15 I had actually.
00:14:16 Never heard of this one?
00:14:19 This one comes.
00:14:23 Of the ever controversial member of the audience, cringe Panda, who sent this video to me a couple of weeks ago.
00:14:32 I'd actually never heard of this.
00:14:34 This TV show, mostly because it was on HBO.
00:14:39 So it was like a paid for.
00:14:41 Kind of like HBO does their own TV shows, kind of like Game of Thrones.
00:14:47 They didn't start with Game of Thrones. They started with some really low budget, crappy stuff, including this show, which was let me let me look it up here. I think it was 1980, HBO.
Speaker 3
00:14:57 Has been around a long time.Devon
00:15:03 In fact, this is the kind of show that the reason my parents cancelled HBO.00:15:06 They, like, got HBO for like.
00:15:08 A second.
00:15:10 And then they saw that, oh, there's *******, can't have this 1989. So we're going to watch this from 1989.
00:15:18 Now for in terms of 1989.
00:15:22 The things that that are that are morally acceptable.
00:15:26 The the moral norm.
00:15:28 That's portrayed in this TV show is wildly out of step from what you would see in mainstream.
00:15:36 And the reason for that?
00:15:43 Well, it's HBO.
00:15:44 They could get away with more, right?
00:15:45 They didn't have to worry about the FCC.
00:15:48 They could just let it all hang out.
00:15:50 But it's actually even more progressive.
00:15:53 Than what you would have seen in movie theaters.
00:15:56 And I have a theory about this.
00:16:02 HBO, If you can believe it in 1989, having something like HBO having cable but mostly having HBO.
00:16:11 Was almost like a status symbol.
00:16:15 If you had HBO, that was like saying that you had a 4K TV when everyone else was on standard def.
00:16:25 It was really expensive.
00:16:27 It wasn't even available in all markets.
00:16:32 It showed *******, which was unheard of on television.
00:16:37 And it was pretty much unheard of in in in, you know, movie rentals and stuff like that.
00:16:42 If you wanted to rent a movie with ******* in it, you had to walk behind the the creepy black curtain at the video store.
00:16:53 That all the shady video stores had.
00:16:58 There was also, you know, Cinemax or as people like to call it skinemax because late at night it turned into softcore ****.
00:17:10 But the reason I think this kind of stuff was promoted on these.
00:17:17 Luxury channels.
00:17:22 Is it was a way to promote to the upper class it was.
00:17:26 Think of it this way, it was a firmware update.
Speaker 5
00:17:30 To the upper class people.Devon
00:17:36 Oh, you've got HBO?00:17:40 You're you're a member of the club, huh?
00:17:43 Our morality is a little bit different than those ******* normies watching ABC and NBC and CBS.
00:17:52 I'm sure you can relate being part of.
00:17:54 The upper class.
00:17:59 And so this showed us something very shocking in terms of how it normalizes something that's well, it's now that.
Speaker 3
00:18:06 It is on ABC and BBC and CBS.Devon
00:18:11 Because it always filters down, everyone wants to be see, that's The thing is, it doesn't take.00:18:17 It doesn't. You don't.
00:18:18 Need to have some complicated subversion plan.
00:18:25 The people at the bottom.
00:18:27 Who want to be the people at the top will adopt any morality.
00:18:34 Any literally this is how the pedo stuff is going to be normalized.
00:18:36 It really is.
00:18:38 They'll adopt any morality.
00:18:41 That they see people in in a higher class than they are have.
00:18:46 That's how it works.
00:18:50 All these think about it's no different than when you have a a black rapper.
00:18:58 Or just a black person that runs and gets, you know, some kind of money they immediately want to start signaling.
00:19:05 That they have the money they want to immediately.
00:19:08 You know, they they get the, you know, the gold chains, they get the, you know, look at any rap video, any rap videos just, you know, money.
00:19:16 And I mean maybe not quite as much as it used to be like in the 90s, it was just like that's all it was, just like money and strippers.
00:19:24 And gold chains.
00:19:26 To some extent, it's still.
Speaker 5
00:19:27 Kind of like that.Devon
00:19:33 Because most people.00:19:40 Most wage slaves.
00:19:43 Their concept of the American Dream and you know, however, that translates to other countries.
00:19:50 Is I can start out.
00:19:53 You know, cooking French fries and McDonald's or, you know, being an Instagram model, if you're lazy and I can end up like the Kardashians.
00:20:04 I can end up like Bezos.
00:20:06 You know?
00:20:06 It's it's.
00:20:07 A lie.
00:20:08 But that's that's the that's the they all think they have a chance.
00:20:13 In fact, it almost seems as if the stupider the people are that the more they think they have a chance.
00:20:22 And once you you've removed God from the lower classes, which has pretty.
00:20:26 Much been done.
00:20:28 And and had already.
00:20:29 Had already been done by 1989 it was.
00:20:30 Pretty much, you know.
00:20:31 God was on the way out.
00:20:34 It's a much easier transition.
00:20:37 It's a lot easier to just.
00:20:38 Give up.
00:20:39 Your form morality, because it's already weakened, it's already on.
00:20:43 On a weak footing and justice, adopt whatever morality that the upper class seems to like.
00:20:52 So I kind of feel like this was a firmware update that was targeted at the, I mean not the top 1%. It's not like the only the top 1%. HBO had HBO, but maybe the top 10%.
00:21:08 And start normalizing that in their heads.
00:21:11 So anyway, we'll take a.
00:21:11 Look at this.
00:21:13 Let me go here.
00:21:22 Here we are.
00:21:25 So the.
00:21:28 First thing you'll notice about the hitchhiker which.
00:21:32 It's kind of like like so many shows were at this time.
00:21:35 It was kind of like a twilight zone rip off there.
00:21:38 A bunch of these.
00:21:39 I don't know why there were so many, but there were a lot during the 80s and 90s.
00:21:44 And this is what this is.
00:21:46 So the hitchhiker, I mean, he's not even.
00:21:48 I didn't watch the.
00:21:49 I haven't seen any of the other episodes.
00:21:51 So I don't know if he's just the host and he hitchhikes from town to town and does his like Rod Sterling speech to intro and outro.
00:22:00 The weird story that happens, or if in some episodes he actually plays a character.
00:22:04 In this one, he doesn't play character, he just hitchhikes into a town and then intros a scenario kind of like Rod Sterling Wood in the in the twilight zone, and then does a little speech at the end like Rod Sterling would at at you know, for the toilet zone.
00:22:20 But the first thing you'll notice.
00:22:23 Oh, look at those names.
00:22:25 Created by Riff Markowitz. Surprise.
00:22:29 Lewis Chesler and Richard Rothstein.
00:22:32 Oh, OK, well, all right.
00:22:35 I think we know where this is going already.
00:22:37 Oh, produced by Riff Markowitz and Lewis Chesler.
00:22:41 OK. All right.
00:22:44 So the name of this episode is face to face.
00:22:50 Face to face.
00:22:54 Now it opens up.
00:22:58 With a.
00:23:00 Plastic surgeon.
00:23:03 And he does this really long.
00:23:05 We're not going to.
00:23:05 I don't think we're going to.
00:23:06 Did I put it in here?
00:23:07 I don't think I I.
00:23:08 Put it there.
00:23:08 No, I didn't put.
00:23:09 It there, thank God he does this really.
Speaker 3
00:23:11 Long speech about how we are the creators of beauty and I can carve up anyone like a like a statue and, you know, make.Devon
00:23:21 Them in the image of God and like you know, it's it's this very over the top.00:23:26 You know, you can tell he's got kind of a God complex and he thinks that, you know he is the he's the replacement for God.
00:23:35 He's the center of the universe.
00:23:38 All good things come from him.
00:23:39 They emanate from him.
00:23:41 He is the most important thing in the world.
00:23:49 I don't think at all.
00:23:51 I don't think at all the creators had any other intention.
00:23:56 With this piece, then the normalized some insanity that we're going to see here.
00:24:02 In a moment.
00:24:03 But in hindsight, when you look back at this episode, there is a completely different interpretation.
00:24:12 You can walk away with simply knowing what now, what we, or knowing if we had known them what we knew or.
00:24:21 It's it's Wednesday, man.
00:24:23 It's well, I guess it's Thursday.
00:24:25 Morning now ah.
00:24:27 Need to get on top like I need to drink more caffeine is what?
00:24:29 I need anyway the.
00:24:34 Hindsight being 2020, you can look back at this TV show and you can see.
00:24:42 That you can interpret this as a warning.
00:24:47 They didn't intend this.
00:24:47 At all.
00:24:49 But you can see and I'll walk.
Speaker 7
00:24:51 You through it.Devon
00:24:53 So basically we have this character.00:24:56 And look, if I was one of these guys that thought, oh, the ruling class they it's pre programming and they're or they're they're telling us what they're going to do and stuff like I I look, I just don't believe that ****.
00:25:06 I think the world's way more chaotic than that.
00:25:08 I don't think it's all following some master, you know, ultra complicated plan.
00:25:11 Yeah, there's things that are planned, but I think some of it's just chaotic and it works out this way.
00:25:18 But this is like a harbinger of things to come.
00:25:21 It is a warning.
00:25:23 It's showing you.
00:25:25 The White American, the founding stock American who thinks that he has mastered technology.
00:25:33 He is replaced God, he is the center of the universe.
00:25:38 He is where all beauty emanates from.
00:25:41 It's all because of his expertise and his education that this is.
00:25:46 What makes the world beautiful?
00:25:51 All right.Devon
00:25:56 We see a woman.00:25:58 Walking into his clinic and you can tell there must be something terribly wrong with this woman walking to the plastic surgeon clinic because everyone is looking at her weirdly.
00:26:12 You got to love these sound effects too.
00:26:14 Like these, like these low budget like.
00:26:16 Like tales from the crypt and stuff like they.
Speaker 3
00:26:19 All had the.00:26:26 Richard Rothstein.
00:26:40 Look at that lady's face.Devon
00:26:45 See even that even that and I am going to nitpick and you'll see why in a second.00:26:50 The child is the only one that points.
00:26:52 Out the obvious.
00:26:55 All the adults, they might look.
00:26:58 But they keep going.
00:26:59 They don't do anything.
00:27:01 They don't say anything.
00:27:02 It's only the child.
00:27:05 With his honesty.
00:27:07 This says mom, what the **** is that?
00:27:11 What the ****?Devon
00:27:13 You'll see why in a moment.Speaker 6
00:27:19 It's a pleasure, miss.00:27:24 Oh, is he?
00:27:25 Doctor Russo at UCLA did the.
00:27:33 For gender change?Devon
00:27:35 Full gender gender change.Speaker
00:27:42 Bum, bum, bum.00:27:43 It's a ******.
00:27:47 So ****** was walking and again this is 1989. This would have been ******* insane, you know, like you gotta think of the silence of the lambs when that come out like 90.00:27:59 Back when you could still have ******** as like the here's the insane serial killer person.
00:28:04 Of course they're a ******.
00:28:09 And now that's that's considered a transphobic movie.
00:28:14 But to most audiences.
00:28:17 Having a sex change was was pure ******* insanity.
00:28:21 Pure insanity.
00:28:25 And there maybe is perhaps an element of that displayed in this show.
00:28:31 Well, you'll see.
00:28:33 So this ****** has come in to the office.
00:28:36 The only one that was willing to point out.
00:28:38 Hey, what?
00:28:39 The ****?
Speaker 5
00:28:40 Look at that thing.Devon
00:28:42 That's definitely not a.00:28:43 Chick was the little kid.
00:28:45 All the adults.
00:28:47 Or acting as if this is perfect.
00:28:49 This is fine, this is fine.
Speaker 7
00:28:54 Doctor, there's a Pretty Woman inside me.00:28:57 She's always been.
00:29:01 I want you to help her come out.
00:29:05 She's always been there.00:29:09 And so she explains.
00:29:11 Or he explains this weirdo freak.
00:29:15 Explains that.
00:29:17 Well, now that I've got my gender reassignment surgery or.
00:29:22 Complete gender change.
00:29:23 Or whatever the **** they called it.
00:29:26 I want you to do my face.
00:29:28 You are the number one plastic surgeon in the realm and you operate on on famous people and actresses.
00:29:38 And you're the hot ****.
00:29:39 And I'm a makeup artist.
00:29:42 And so I I understand the the the subtleties of.
00:29:46 You know what you need to.
00:29:47 Do to make me look.
00:29:48 Like a woman.
00:29:50 So please, please, plastic surgeon.
00:29:54 Make me look.
00:29:55 Like a woman.
Speaker 9
00:29:56 What did you have in mind?Speaker 7
00:29:59 South in the jail line.00:30:02 Raise the cheekbone.
00:30:03 Chevy Adams apple.
00:30:05 Richard Newcomb.
00:30:09 So he agrees to help her out him out and stop doing that.00:30:14 See like the poisons getting it.
00:30:16 It's so it's so pervasive.
00:30:21 The doctor says.
00:30:22 All right, dude.
00:30:24 I'll mangle your face and try to make you look more like a woman.
Speaker 6
00:30:29 Absolutely no problem, Miss Russell, I.Speaker 9
00:30:32 Know exactly what to do with your face.Speaker 2
00:30:33 It was.Devon
00:30:36 And punch it repeatedly.00:30:38 And after he has the consultation with the insanity person.
00:30:46 You have the one of the interns.
00:30:49 One of the females that are, that are funny.
00:30:52 The weird thing about this and this is also kind of like an 80s, nineties thing.
00:30:56 Like this guy?
00:30:58 Where's he at that guy?
00:31:01 That guy is not he's not a he's not an attractive man, but for some reason in the 80s and 90s they would cast these just like normal looking and sometimes not even like a like like a like maybe below par 40 year old men that were somehow pulling.
00:31:21 The hottest chicks.
00:31:22 That you could find, and I don't know if this was just Jews trying to, like cast them like this guy's not Jewish, but like a lot of the we'll get to that in a second too.
00:31:32 But I don't know if this was like just because in many cases they were Jewish.
00:31:37 I don't know if it was just Jews that wanted to like what's his face the the comedian guy.
00:31:41 I always forget his name.
00:31:43 I always forget his name.
00:31:43 I always know that he.
00:31:44 Made he did.
00:31:45 Ants like the worst.
00:31:46 Movie ever the rip off of bugs.
00:31:49 Uh, Woody Allen, Woody Allen, like Woody Allen, would always cast himself opposite of, like, some 14 year old blonde as a love interest like.
00:31:55 No ****, he would really do that ****.
00:31:58 Sort of it something like that.
00:31:59 It was just like, you know, trying to get it was almost like a casting couch kind of a thing.
00:32:04 Or if this was like a cultural thing where people thought, Oh yeah, just normal, normal 40 year old guy can can pull these chicks anyway.
00:32:11 So they make him out to be some kind of sex symbol somehow.
00:32:14 And you know, you have this.
00:32:18 She almost looks like a ******.
00:32:19 Honestly, I don't know if it's just that the makeup or her face is kind of weird, but.
00:32:25 They they picked a.
00:32:26 A girl like, that's a real, actual woman.
00:32:29 That looks kind of like a ****** for the.
00:32:31 The little romp in his office.
00:32:35 That was feeding nurse Miller.Speaker 2
00:32:38 Tell me, what do you?Speaker 1
00:32:41 Not much out here.Speaker 3
00:32:50 But step into my office and let's ****.Devon
00:32:55 So they go in his office, there's actually *******.00:32:57 I had to edit out a lot of *******.
00:32:58 Sorry guys, but they're there's like a there was a lot of ******* in this episode because it's HBO and you could have *******.
00:33:05 So they ****.
00:33:06 And again it shows like.
00:33:09 So his wife calls right after he foxed this young kind of ****** looking chick and he's like.
Speaker 3
00:33:14 Would I ever lie to you?Devon
00:33:16 I'll be there on time.00:33:17 Ha ha ha.
00:33:18 Like the whole time there's, like, this naked chick, you know, basically sucking him off like right next.
00:33:22 Not right.
00:33:23 Like right there as he's talking to his wife.
Speaker 6
00:33:24 On the phone.Devon
00:33:26 But again, while this is trying to make him look like a scumbag like oh, look at the the doctors, the real scumbag, the ****** is just this normal person.00:33:36 She just she's just beautiful and she's a real woman.
00:33:41 Right, like that, that's. That's what this show is kind of trying to tell you and trying to tell the audience of 1989, the upper class audience that that can actually afford HBO.
00:33:51 That this is normal.
00:33:53 Oh the the ****** is the one that you.
00:33:55 Should be sympathizing with.
00:33:57 But if you if you peel that away and look at it from, you know, our point of view here in 2022.
00:34:05 It tells a different story.
00:34:08 What you have is this insane guy walks into a doctor's office and asks for this insane procedure to soothe their insanity.
00:34:24 And this man here.
00:34:27 Rather than, say, look, you're just insane.
00:34:30 We should probably lock you up somewhere or, you know, let Mike Pence electrocute you for a while.
00:34:35 Or, you know something.
00:34:38 Instead of that, he's so busy banging the end turn and trying to make money off this procedure, he thinks of himself as as basically like a God that all beauty comes from and he no longer has to follow the rules of the old God, that God is dead.
00:34:58 So of course, of course, that that he's going to be able to use his his God like powers to create beauty and turn a a crazy guy into a woman.
Speaker 8
00:35:15 Well, I think you ought to run along the doctor.Devon
00:35:21 He doesn't even know her name.00:35:22 You know, he's just like this complete scumbag.
00:35:24 But again, think of this guy as as kind of a a stand in for the West and in general.
00:35:34 Near the hubris of the West thinking not everybody but the ruling class, certainly, and the people that would be watching this back in 1989.
00:35:44 So meanwhile and again, it is 1989 and you know.
00:35:49 No one's comfortable with with ******** back then.
00:35:53 So they do make the ****** look kind of creepy, but in a very sympathetic light.
Speaker 7
00:36:00 Brought US worship and pain.Speaker 9
00:36:04 Remember the 1st.Speaker 7
00:36:04 Time you kissed me.00:36:07 You don't.
00:36:16 Whenever I drink champagne.
00:36:17 There is a.Speaker 7
00:36:19 Little spot on.00:36:19 My lip and always goes no.
00:36:25 And then I can't feel.
00:36:26 That when you kiss me.
Speaker 1
00:36:32 Come on.Speaker 3
00:36:36 No, but he's in the chair.00:36:38 The crazy ********.
00:36:39 Talking to himself.
00:36:42 Cue the weird 80s wow sound.
Speaker 1
00:36:49 Kiss me please.Devon
00:37:01 So again, obviously they're saying, yeah, of course, trainings are crazy, but.00:37:04 Isn't it?
00:37:05 Isn't it so sad?
00:37:08 Isn't it so sad?
00:37:10 Relate to the ****** again 1989. The shocking thing about this isn't this like this seems totally like you can have this on.
00:37:18 Children's television today.
00:37:20 But in 1989 this is. This is a very shocking concept that you should relate to a person like this.
00:37:31 Now again, this isn't what the show intended this seeing, but I want you to just think and think of the writers we already know the last.
00:37:38 Names of everyone involved with this with.
00:37:40 This television show.
00:37:42 And you know that they cast the doctor, which is funny, actually.
00:37:45 Oh man, I.
00:37:45 Wish I'd maybe I'll pull that up.
00:37:47 Let me.
00:37:47 See if I can pull it up.
00:37:51 Let me see if I can pull that up.
00:37:52 I forgot to include that clip.
00:37:55 Uh, well there.
00:37:56 There's a risk of.
00:37:56 Showing ******* if I.
00:37:57 Do that so I'm not going to.
00:37:58 I'll tell you what.
00:37:59 In the very.
00:38:00 Beginning I I cut out the hitchhiker guy.
00:38:03 His little intro because it was just it was kind of quick and and and and useless.
00:38:08 But he he walks in front of this, the the Doctor's office and does his little rod sterling thing.
00:38:15 And even on the pillar next to him, it has all the doctor's names and it's all Jewish last names.
00:38:24 Sorry, I had to cough there for.
00:38:25 A second.
00:38:25 So it was, I don't know if that was.
00:38:28 I don't think that was a sign they made given the budget of this TV show.
00:38:32 I think they really went to a clinic and shot, you know, in front of a a doctor's office.
00:38:36 And it just happened to be, you know, the Jewish last names.
00:38:40 But they cast a white guy as the.
00:38:43 The plastic surgeon, now the other intern.
00:38:48 You know that there's the female intern that he just banged, but there's also the male intern is obviously Jewish.
00:38:54 His last names like gold or gold men or something like that.
00:38:57 He looks super jewy, you know, it's he's obviously Jewish.
00:39:00 And he's always trying while the it's it's, it's an inversion.
00:39:05 It's a satanic conversion.
00:39:07 So while the the white doctor is is out banging his interns and you're it's it's about to go a little bit off the rails here in a second the the Jewish interns always like.
00:39:18 Hey, stop.
00:39:19 Well, hold on.
00:39:20 What about your patience?
00:39:21 What about your patients?
00:39:22 Like earlier, I cut this part out, but earlier he's even saying, like, well, how come, you know, we have this great technology of plastic.
00:39:29 Surgery and you're using it.
00:39:32 To do this kind of elective surgery, we should be using this to, you know, help burn victims and, you know, really help the.
00:39:39 The people that need it.
00:39:41 And it's like, you know, again, satanic inversion.
00:39:44 Everyone knows that all the the hormone therapies and crap that they're giving kids to turn them in.
00:39:50 The ******** all emanate from Israeli pharmaceutical companies and you know whatever.
00:39:55 Everyone knows this stuff, but it's it's amusing nonetheless.
00:39:59 What is it gold?Speaker 8
00:40:00 I'm trying to reach you all day.Speaker 6
00:40:03 Roy, this is doctor gold.Speaker 8
00:40:05 Hi I saw all your movies, even the early ones.00:40:11 I didn't mean that the way it sounded old.
00:40:14 What is it?
00:40:15 It's Lena Russell, Sir.
00:40:17 She'd like to speak with you before.
Speaker 9
00:40:19 You handle it, give you some practical experience.Speaker 8
00:40:22 Yes, but.Speaker 1
00:40:24 I'll be right.Speaker 6
00:40:25 Back, Sir.Devon
00:40:28 So the you know the the, the Jew of course is saying, Sir, Sir, you should pay attention to your, your your patience.00:40:34 You shouldn't be wrapped up in all this degeneracy and decadence, and clearly what what was actually going on, but he, you know, he can't have.
00:40:43 He doesn't.
00:40:43 He's not going to have any of it.
00:40:46 And he goes off with this blonde actress or whatever and and starts literally starts doing.
00:40:52 He starts snorting coke off her **** like, no.
Speaker 5
00:40:56 Like swear to God well.Devon
00:40:57 Here we go.00:40:59 This is the PG13. You're not going to see *******?
00:41:29 Weird that they match that guy up with.
00:41:31 That chick, I mean, not that.
00:41:32 She's super hot either.
00:41:32 But you know what I mean.
00:41:35 So he starts literally doing coke off her ****.
00:41:38 And again it it's.
00:41:41 When you look back at this like the show's trying to be like, look.
Speaker 3
00:41:44 At this scumbag right?Devon
00:41:48 But looking back at this.00:41:50 The ruling class was so busy.
00:41:53 Metaphorically doing coke.
00:41:57 Off of hookers. ****.
00:41:59 To pay attention to the problem.
00:42:01 There was bloom.
00:42:02 There was, there was growing.
00:42:04 The the the ****** problem, one of many.
00:42:08 But the training plot problem that was sneaking up.
00:42:11 And in fact.
00:42:13 Not only did they ignore the problem.
00:42:16 They were like, hey, if I can make a buck off this.
00:42:19 I will.
00:42:24 So meanwhile, the the Nice Jewish intern.
00:42:28 Goes to talk to the the ignored problem, the ignored training.
Speaker 9
00:42:33 Doctor Mark, doctor.Speaker 8
00:42:35 Hi Lena, how are you today?Speaker 2
00:42:42 Who's this?Speaker 8
00:42:42 Oh, a surgical release.00:42:44 It's just detailing the procedures and your acceptance of the risks involved.
Speaker 7
00:42:50 Where's doctor Hamilton?00:42:51 He said he'd be here tonight to talk to.
Speaker 8
00:42:53 He's out on an emergency.Devon
00:42:59 That crazy boy, he's out snorting coke off of.00:43:04 Some actresses, ****.
Speaker 7
00:43:08 I've been moving towards it.Devon
00:43:10 Oh, so then the the Jewish intern is like.Speaker 5
00:43:13 Maybe you should postpone.Speaker 2
00:43:14 This because again the.Devon
00:43:16 The voice of Reason, right, coming from the.00:43:18 The Jewish intern.
Speaker 7
00:43:20 I've been moving towards this since I was six years old.00:43:24 I was knowing that God made a mistake put.
00:43:26 Me in a man's body.
00:43:29 That's Paul.
00:43:31 That's funny.
00:43:33 You know what I've gone through.
00:43:36 In childhood is difficult for anyone, but mine was.
Speaker 9
00:43:45 Finally, I understood who I was.Speaker 7
00:43:50 I wasn't.00:43:52 I told my parents.
00:43:54 See again, this is.00:43:54 This is right here is the firmware.
00:43:57 Everything else is just window dressing.
00:44:00 This speech right here.
00:44:02 That really has nothing to do with the.
00:44:04 Story at all.
00:44:06 This is the firmware update.
00:44:08 This is the poison pill.
00:44:10 That's in the center.
00:44:11 That's in the the chocolate.
00:44:13 It's the chocolate coated.
00:44:18 Of the poison pill.
Speaker 5
00:44:21 You're you're the the.Devon
00:44:22 Average Person 1889 is watching this.00:44:25 They've already been, you know, sucked into it by seeing several **** and sex scenes that, you know, even if it's soft core in 1989, that was pretty good.
00:44:37 If you were, you know, degenerate.
00:44:39 Upper class person with HBO.
00:44:42 And so you're you're in for the long haul now.
00:44:44 You know the if you thought before, even while they were trying to humanize the ******.
00:44:51 If you thought, man, this is this some this crazy ******?
00:44:55 This is the speech that's supposed to sell you on.
00:44:57 Having sympathy for the the crazy ******.
Speaker 7
00:45:04 I've been moving towards this since I.00:45:05 Was six years old.
00:45:08 Always know that God made a mistake.
00:45:10 Put me.
00:45:10 In a man's body.
00:45:11 God made a mistake.00:45:18 God made made a mistake, said very casually.
Speaker 7
00:45:24 That's Paul.00:45:26 That's funny.
00:45:28 You know what?
00:45:28 I've gone through.
00:45:30 My childhood is difficult for anyone, but mine was.
Speaker 9
00:45:39 Finally, I understood who I was.00:45:44 It was it.
Speaker 7
00:45:46 I told my parents.00:45:50 They haven't spoken to me since.
00:45:53 How how terrible?00:45:57 His parents disowned him.
00:46:00 You'd heard like a there was a lot of gay characters that would be in shows around this time.
00:46:05 And in fact those shows would be on.
00:46:08 On mainstream.
00:46:08 Stream TV shows like on the.
00:46:10 Air and you'd hear basically this exact same speech that was that was a huge thing.
00:46:16 Nowadays, that's not such a big deal, right?
00:46:18 Because everyone hates their parents.
00:46:22 I'm exaggerating.
00:46:23 But you know what I mean.
00:46:23 Like this.
00:46:24 This was like oh, wow.
00:46:27 To be disowned from your family.
00:46:28 Such a big deal.
Speaker 9
00:46:32 But I got through it.Devon
00:46:36 Cue cue the the cheesy, sympathetic music.Speaker 7
00:46:44 I often.Devon
00:46:46 Love the the the very empathetic Jew he's like.00:46:50 Oh wow, yeah.
Speaker 7
00:46:54 During the ridicule.00:46:57 Lost most of my friends.
00:47:03 Sickos always trying to make me.
00:47:05 You have no idea what kind of people there are out there.
00:47:10 But it can be operations, skin grafts, rebuilding my flesh inside and out.
00:47:23 I never knew there could be such pain.
Speaker 1
00:47:30 Of pain.00:47:35 Maybe that I had to.
00:47:36 Be a woman.
00:47:39 I am a woman.
00:47:46 All that I have gone through.
Speaker 7
00:47:49 Now close this close.Devon
00:47:53 Alright, so meanwhile it's the day of the operation, and the Doctor, of course, is.00:48:01 Well, he's all hungover and ****** ** because he's been snorting coke off of some actresses, ****, all night.
00:48:27 How it is?Speaker 6
00:48:30 Of course I know what time it is.Devon
00:48:33 And again this.00:48:36 And that, while not intended by the writers.
00:48:39 This is very much a metaphor for the West.
00:48:44 Ignoring the problem.
00:48:46 Trying to profit from the problem thinking it's never going to blossom into anything bigger.
00:48:53 Because they're too busy ******* and sucking and snorting.
00:49:01 And then when the problem?
00:49:03 Rises to the surface a little bit.
00:49:06 You're so hungover and and burned out from doing coke on.
00:49:12 On ****.
00:49:13 All night long.
00:49:16 That you can't face the problem.
00:49:50 So he's all **** blasted and.
00:49:53 Going in to do the.
00:49:55 The operation on the training.
00:50:02 Still drunk from the night before.
Speaker 6
00:50:17 Are you all right?Devon
00:50:51 While the Jew winces.00:50:53 No, no Western man, no.
00:51:00 The virtuous Jew character.
00:51:03 So obviously you know, we all know.
00:51:06 How that surgery went?
00:51:08 Doctor Hamilton.Speaker 8
00:51:09 I'm sorry.00:51:10 You know, Doctor Hamilton isn't here.
00:51:12 He's preparing to leave tomorrow.
Speaker 9
00:51:16 The time, yeah.Speaker 8
00:51:24 Just turn your.00:51:26 Just take it easy.
00:51:28 This will just take a little while.
00:51:33 Don't move.
00:51:37 Just a little bit longer almost.
Speaker 1
00:51:42 OK.Speaker 7
00:51:50 Lead up.00:51:52 The healing isn't completely finished yet.
00:51:57 I want to say.
Speaker 8
00:51:58 Well, you know, listen to me now.00:52:00 There's still more.
Speaker 2
00:52:02 Let me see face.Speaker 5
00:52:22 So yeah, yeah.Devon
00:52:25 But meanwhile, the doctor, he's still, you know, he's ignoring the problem.00:52:29 He's going to go out to Paris and do some more coke.
00:52:33 And while he's at the airport and he sees yet another.
00:52:37 Beautiful woman, that.
00:52:39 That is, for some reason super attracted to this to that guy.
00:52:49 So they they talk for a little bit and he's like, yeah, you know, we should hook.
00:52:52 Up some time.
00:52:53 And and she just has to have him.
00:52:55 She just has to have him right now.
00:52:59 And he's like, but I got a flight.
00:53:00 I don't want to miss my.
Speaker 3
00:53:01 Flight. I'm going to Paris.Devon
00:53:03 So she she takes his ticket while he's not looking, and when he goes to try to get on the plane.Speaker
00:53:09 Thank you.00:53:11 May I have your boarding pass please?
00:53:34 There, there are other flights.
00:53:37 So she basically says we need.00:53:39 To **** now.
00:53:40 And because it's pre 911, they're able to just walk on some plane that's on the tarmac to go have sex and.
Speaker 3
00:53:52 And then this happens.Speaker 6
00:53:56 Your face.Speaker 3
00:54:00 You're beautiful.Speaker
00:54:02 It's the makeup.00:54:04 You know what they say in all.
00:54:05 Those women's magazines.
00:54:08 The best makeup looks like.
00:54:11 No maker.
Speaker 1
00:54:12 At all.00:54:13 Dun Dun.
00:54:14 Dun Dun.
00:54:33 And so now the problem that he ignored.00:54:36 Because he was so focused on getting *** **** *** and his nose full of candy.
00:54:43 Has finally come.
Speaker 3
00:54:46 To collect.Devon
00:54:51 And of course he is permanently disfigured.00:54:55 And kind of insane now.
00:54:58 After the attack.
00:55:01 But I have to say I don't know why I don't know.
00:55:02 Why he's so mad.
00:55:04 That's about as good as most ******** end up.
00:55:06 Looking so I don't know what all the complaining is about.
00:55:09 That's actually, you know.
00:55:11 Compared to like some of the ******** I've seen, that's pretty good.
00:55:14 I mean, that's not bad at all.
00:55:20 And then the the hitchhiker guy that.
00:55:23 You know, it's like the rod Sterling does his little spiel.
Speaker 6
00:55:27 Doctor Hamilton took an oath to heal and to care.00:55:31 When all you care about is feeling good, there's some things you're going to miss, like vengeance, working out its own kind of justice.
00:55:45 Again, not what they intended.00:55:48 But hindsight being what it is, looking back.
00:55:53 There's a totally different way you can.
00:55:54 Take that.
00:55:56 So anyway.
00:56:00 That was the the hitchhiker that was probably maybe one of the first attempts to normalize ******** in.
00:56:07 You know, even though it was paid for television on television at all.
00:56:14 So yeah, it's yeah, the writing was terrible. Obviously the acting was was cheesy the the even like the lighting, the set, HBO's come a long way.
00:56:26 When HBO first got into the business, it was like, well, like when Netflix first got into the business, they don't know what they're doing.
00:56:32 They just handed a.
00:56:33 Bunch of money.
00:56:34 And they hire some Jews to make some stuff, and that's that's what they came up with.
00:56:39 There was.
00:56:40 I know they did some other shows.
00:56:43 But you know again like.
00:56:44 I said my parents, they got HBO.
00:56:47 And then found out there was ******* and then they got rid of HBO.
00:56:51 All right.
00:56:51 So are you guys ready?
00:56:54 Are you guys ready for the surprise?
00:56:57 Now chat stopped updating.
00:56:59 I may have to.
00:57:01 I'm going to do a little trick here.
00:57:03 I'm going to do.
00:57:03 The pop out like I did.
00:57:05 Before that seemed to help out.
00:57:06 Last time.
00:57:09 Let me pop it.
00:57:09 Out there, all right.
00:57:12 It's finally.
00:57:12 I think it's updating looks like.
00:57:16 People saying yeah, that was ridiculous.
00:57:20 Is it still updating?
00:57:21 I don't think it's updating again.
00:57:25 What's wrong with what?
00:57:25 Why is?
00:57:26 Why is Odyssey doing this to us?
00:57:29 Because I really need to have, I really need to have your the chat working for the surprise to work out, let me try this again.
00:57:37 I'm going to refresh the page.
00:57:40 There you go.Devon
00:57:47 OK, chat.00:57:48 Are you guys there or see it's not updating?
00:57:50 It updates when I refresh and then it just stops.
00:57:54 Let me open.
00:57:55 Let me try to pop out chat again.
00:57:57 One more time.
00:58:04 Yeah, not updating.
00:58:05 Well, that sucks.
00:58:07 That's too bad.
00:58:10 All right, you guys ready for the surprise?
00:58:13 I don't know if you're saying yes or no, unless I just keep hitting refresh.
00:58:19 All right, let's get the let's get this surprise ready to go, you guys.
00:58:24 I'm going to assume you're saying yes.
00:58:26 I'm going to assume you're.
00:58:27 Saying yes, here we go.
Speaker 2
00:58:30 I'm ready for a cactus pill.00:58:31 Let's do.
Speaker 3
00:58:32 This ****, let's do this.Devon
00:58:52 Alright, the the surprise was the the new Cactus pill intro and fancy background.00:59:01 And not just that I have a fancy cactus pill episode for you.
00:59:05 Oh, yes.
00:59:06 I kind of went all out with this one.
00:59:08 I didn't do.
00:59:09 I was gonna do like the remix of the ****** episode thing that we want.
00:59:13 I just didn't have the time, mostly because I was doing all.
00:59:16 This cactus pill.
00:59:17 Stuff because people kept asking for cactus pills and I know not everyone likes it, so I was like, if if we're going to do cactus pills, I have to do it in such a way.
00:59:27 That everyone will like it.
00:59:29 I got to.
00:59:29 I got to have it.
00:59:30 So it's a little interesting.
00:59:31 So even if you think.
00:59:33 Gardening is boring.
00:59:35 Even if you think, which you shouldn't, you should know how.
00:59:37 To grow your own food.
00:59:39 But even if you think that cactuses are are, are gay, which basically makes you gay.
00:59:44 You'll still enjoy it.
00:59:47 So here is tonight's.
00:59:50 Cactus pill.
Speaker 5
00:59:53 This used to be a nice big tall cactus.00:59:57 Then we had a.
00:59:58 Windstorm and knocked off some pretty gigantic pieces, but that's OK because cactus propagates like amazingly well.
01:00:08 It's the winter, so you don't have to worry too.
01:00:11 Much about.01:00:13 Propagating a giant piece like this and and having it dry out in the summer, you'd probably want to cut these down into smaller bits because it might not root in time to provide moisture for the.
Speaker 5
01:00:28 Rest of this.01:00:30 But these are two big, big chunks and they.
01:00:33 Might fall apart.
01:00:35 When we're moving them around, if they deal with this.
01:00:37 Make even more cactuses.
01:00:38 First off, we just need.Speaker 5
01:00:39 To go dig some holes.01:00:44 They usually when you plant.
01:00:45 The cactus pad that you're going to try.
01:00:47 To propagate into a whole new plant.
01:00:50 You want to make it so the pad is basically only a third of the way showing above the ground.Speaker 5
01:00:59 Because of the, the top is so big.01:01:03 Probably gonna go.
01:01:05 More like 80.Speaker 5
01:01:06 Percent of that bottom pad being underground.Devon
01:01:10 And people will always advise against that.01:01:12 They say, oh, the that paddle rot.
01:01:15 But as you can see, this soil is so dry I don't have to worry about that here.
01:01:20 I don't, in fact.
01:01:21 I'm not going to.Devon
01:01:22 Not adding fertilizer.01:01:24 I'm not.
01:01:24 I'm not doing anything.
01:01:25 Just dropping it into the *******.
Speaker 9
01:01:30 And then buried alive under 7 tons of dirt.Devon
01:01:33 And I'm just gonna let I'm going to water it.01:01:35 I'm just gonna let it sit there.
01:01:37 I might water it once so the clay solidifies again.
01:01:40 You know, like cement and holds it better.
01:01:41 And for meth?Devon
01:01:44 But that's it.01:01:46 All right, so.
01:01:48 I just dropped it in and.
01:01:51 I'll, I'll.Speaker 5
01:01:52 Try to stand.Devon
01:01:53 It up and level it as I put dirt inside, but I can't do that while holding the camera so.01:02:01 All right.
01:02:01 So that's it.
01:02:02 As you can see, the bottom Patty just barely poking up.
01:02:04 One thing I didn't talk about because this piece, as you can see, it's kind of looking.
Speaker 5
01:02:08 Droopy and sad one of.Devon
01:02:10 The reasons is he started trying to reach back up towards the sun.01:02:13 He'd been on the ground for about a week or so, but the bottom of that bottom pad was scabbed over already.
01:02:20 You do want to wait until it scabs over.
01:02:24 Which it'll do in like a day or two, so it's not a big deal, but if you just drop it in while it's wet, there isn't much, especially if your soil is wet.
01:02:31 There's a much higher chance that it will just rot away.
01:02:36 I'm going to let that soil around the bottom pad there just so it gets cemented in there a little bit better.
01:02:42 And cement.Speaker 5
01:02:43 And then we're good in spring this thing.Devon
01:02:45 Will start growing.01:02:46 For the second piece.
01:02:47 I don't have a place for it, so I decided I'm just going to dig a hole right next to it, mom and.
01:02:52 Let them grow here.
01:02:53 Here you can see the difference.
01:02:55 Look how much water that soil is.
01:02:58 This is where I've been improving the soil.
01:03:01 Lots of lots and lots of mulch.
01:03:03 And I haven't watered this area in.
01:03:13 And it's still nice and moist, which is a big change from the the other spot.
01:03:18 We were looking at.
01:03:19 So yeah, I'm just kind of dropping in.
Speaker 5
01:03:21 In here until.Devon
01:03:22 North put them up to about right here.Speaker
01:03:27 It should be fine.01:03:30 The dirt.
01:03:34 And voila.
Speaker 5
01:03:36 Your cactus here and we're good.01:03:41 Now there was also a couple pads that had come off the main pieces.
01:03:47 You could plant this and it would turn into its own cactus.
01:03:51 You would just bury it till about up to here and it would start a new cactus.
01:03:57 Again, I don't have space for that.
01:03:59 So what I do with these guys instead is I throw in the healing culture bed, and if they turn the cactuses, they turn the cactuses.
01:04:07 If they don't, they turn into compost.
01:04:18 Alright, so that was.
01:04:21 The that was the surprise.01:04:24 It was just a fancy cactus pill.
01:04:27 So don't expect them all to be that fancy.
01:04:29 I just, you know, I had some extra time and I had to actually do some I I mean I had that that cat, this those cat, this chunks just laying there after the storm and I had to address.
Speaker 3
01:04:41 It and was like, oh, I'll turn this into Cactus Pill.Devon
01:04:43 And then one thing led to another and next thing you.01:04:45 Know we had a full on Cactus Pill segment.
01:04:49 So that was the surprise.
01:04:51 Sorry if you.
01:04:52 If you're disappointed that that's that that's that's on you.
01:04:56 That's not on me.
01:04:57 I I I I did a good job, by the way.
01:05:00 Chats started updating, kind of.
01:05:02 I don't know if.
01:05:04 I don't know if.
01:05:05 Like it's really behind or what?
01:05:07 But it's going really slow and and kind of working but it did update a little.
01:05:12 Bit and then stopped.
01:05:13 Now it stopped as soon as I said that it's working.
01:05:16 It stopped.
01:05:18 So the last thing I see is someone saying what song is this, what song are you talking about?
01:05:23 The background song is actually called Cactus.
01:05:25 That I don't even know what I just.
01:05:28 Picked like A or talk about the intro song.
01:05:31 The intro song was it was some 90s techno song.
01:05:37 What was it called?
01:05:38 It was called a.
01:05:40 I can find out for you.
01:05:41 Well, you can always use the the app we'll pick up on it.
01:05:45 You know those those?
01:05:47 Apps that listen to songs and come up with the names.
01:05:52 But yeah, it was some 90s ******** techno song that I thought would be fun and and possibly give people seizures during that intro.
01:06:01 I'm going to try to pop out the chat one more time.
01:06:04 People are saying that it might be because it's brave.
01:06:08 I'm going to try maybe another.
01:06:10 Well, I don't know because I don't think I'm logged into those let.
01:06:13 See if I have other.Devon
01:06:15 I'm popping out chat.01:06:16 Brave doesn't always have this problem though.
01:06:18 This is like a new problem.
01:06:19 It used to work fine.
01:06:22 So I don't think it's because it's brave.
01:06:27 Yeah, it's not updating at all.
01:06:29 Maybe if I type something here?
01:06:33 Yeah, it's not even popping up my comment.
01:06:35 That I'm putting in there.
01:06:40 Alright, let me.
01:06:43 Because this isn't going.
01:06:44 To work, let me try to.
01:06:47 Let me try to bring.
01:06:48 It up in another browser here.
01:06:54 Should I try Microsoft Edge?
01:06:58 The browser that.
01:06:59 No one asked for and nobody wants.
01:07:06 Let me see here.Devon
01:07:31 OK.01:07:33 I think it might be working.
01:07:39 And here we go.
01:07:43 It looks like it's updating.
01:07:47 I mean, brave does have weird problems with weird websites occasionally.
01:07:51 It just like has problems.
01:07:53 Alright, so this is working alright, good.
01:07:57 I think it's working at least, can I?
01:07:59 Still, look at the tipped.
01:08:00 Ones I can't look at the tipped ones.
01:08:02 Alright, that's good too.
01:08:05 All right.
01:08:06 Well, I'm going to go to the Super chats real quick and then I'll hang out in regular chat that there's not a whole lot.
01:08:12 Apparently not. Not enough people were impressed with the the cactus pill. FW190. Hey, Devin. Dude, there is some 80s punk that may help.
01:08:26 TPP washed that mind turd of a show you had to review. I busted out some $100 last shows for your cactus pads. **** rabbits.
01:08:39 Only open this.
01:08:41 Link up that you sent me here.
01:08:47 OK, I'll check that out.
01:08:50 Yeah, I'm always looking for cool music for the intro and outro thing.
01:08:55 Oh wait.
01:08:57 Looks like there's.
01:08:59 Even even Chrome screwing up because now it's bringing.
01:09:02 Up new stuff.
01:09:06 Alright, here's someone sent me a.
01:09:11 Armold cuis our mole.
01:09:15 I can't say her name right now.
01:09:17 It's an off night for me.
01:09:19 I'll be honest with you.
01:09:20 I'm feeling a little.
01:09:21 Tired tonight?
01:09:23 Sent me.
01:09:23 Ethan routh?
01:09:24 Yeah, I saw that he got beat up in Portugal.
01:09:27 He got jumped by four guys in Portugal.
01:09:31 I don't know the story behind it.
01:09:32 I haven't talked to him or anyone that knows the story I just saw.
01:09:37 I did see the photo for those of you who haven't seen it, I guess I'll pop it up here.
01:09:41 Why not?
01:09:42 I'll leave it, I'll.
01:09:43 Put it on the cactus pill.
01:09:46 Background because he looks like he's battled with some cactuses.
01:09:57 Yeah, I don't.
01:09:58 Know the story behind this at all.
01:10:11 So apparently that's that's Ethan.
01:10:12 Ralph, 7 hours ago, something happened to him and in Portugal.
01:10:19 But yeah, you know, I.
01:10:20 Do not know the story behind.
01:10:21 That no.Devon
01:10:24 Alright, next one up.01:10:27 Purge all pedophiles. Keep.
01:10:28 Up the great work, thank you anti Podian net.
01:10:34 First time check into a stream in a while.
01:10:35 How's it going?
01:10:36 It's going good.
01:10:38 Thanks for being here FW 190.
01:10:40 I'm here.
01:10:41 Thanks for being here.
01:10:43 Cringe panda.
01:10:44 You know what the subversion really is back in those days, the shows apparently did something which would never fly.
01:10:50 Today the ********, who had a sex change were always played by actual women, making people be like does sex change really work?
01:11:01 Yeah, that's that's.
01:11:04 I suspected that I didn't look in the credits, but I suspected that was just like a really managed looking woman.
01:11:10 Just because of the voice, you know the voice was deep, but it wasn't like ****** man voice.
01:11:17 And so I wasn't.
01:11:18 And then plus the the face like I couldn't tell.
01:11:21 Are they just putting like a lot of are they doing like the the because the whole show was kind of lit with that 80s soft, you know, Gaussian blur kind of look to it and then on top of that it was a low res download of the the episode.
01:11:37 So everyone just kind of looks blurry anyway.
01:11:39 But I did suspect that it was a female actress.
01:11:44 I'm not not surprised by that.
01:11:48 But yeah, they they would do that.
01:11:49 They would do that in the same way that they would do they.
01:11:53 Had straight guys play all the gay guys.
01:11:58 Like the most famous show, in fact, this might even be worth looking into sometime, but the main character you know will and Grace right like that was like the big everyone should think gay people are normal show.
01:12:10 In fact, I still remember I used to.
01:12:12 There was this guy who was really Christian and had, you know, like, I think like four or five kids.
01:12:20 And he worked with me at a TV station.
01:12:22 He was a salesman.
01:12:24 He sold ad space.
01:12:26 And we, you know, we would have because we were both like the the only Conservatives basically are not the only ones but one.
01:12:33 Some of the only ones.
01:12:34 That worked in.
01:12:34 That building when we go out to lunch, we talk about politics and stuff like that.
01:12:39 And one day he was like, yeah, you know, I.
01:12:41 I feel a little weird, but I started letting my kids watch will and grace because you know, it's not that bad.
01:12:49 And I just was like, dude, what the ****?
01:12:52 Like, I've, I've never thought that was OK.
01:12:56 And but it it was surprising that even a guy like that, a conservative Trump supporter, you know, like I haven't talked to this guy in years.
01:13:03 I think I saw last time I I saw anything from this guy.
01:13:06 It was a Facebook update, you know, during the Trump election he was like Captain Trump and and, you know, considers himself a conservative.
01:13:15 And he's older than me.
01:13:16 He's probably about 10 years, 10 at least.
01:13:17 10 years older than me.
01:13:20 And he was he was taken in.
01:13:22 He was taken in by the normalization.
01:13:25 But the reason why that worked so well.
01:13:26 The reason why he would watch that show and think to himself, well, I don't know, this gay guy doesn't.
01:13:30 Seem all.
01:13:31 That bad is.
01:13:32 That he was played by a straight character or a straight actor.
01:13:36 And they did that on purpose.
01:13:39 And they did that.
01:13:39 Multiple times.
01:13:40 There's lots of movies and TV shows where they cast straight actors to play gay characters.
01:13:48 So that that I'm not surprised by that at all.
01:13:50 And you're right.
01:13:50 It's because they know that we people have a sixth sense about this.
01:13:56 If they had had a man play that character in the in that show.
01:14:03 They would have added an extra layer of.
01:14:05 Horror to the audience.
01:14:07 They'd have a hard time getting around.
01:14:12 Let's take a look here.Devon
01:14:15 ******** fagot Torbett decided to sponsor AF Pak using Gab ad money and white nationalists are losing their **** and are going as far as to take a page from Adam Green's book to bash Christians and call Gab, Torbet etc.01:14:31 Jews and Torch Gab instead of complaining, why don't they try to build infrastructure like, Gab and Patriot front?
01:14:41 Well, this all goes back to what I've been saying.
01:14:44 There is a power vacuum on the right.
01:14:47 And all this infighting is because as soon as someone sees that someone else seems to be wielding more power than they are.
01:14:56 They they kind of spurge out about it.
01:14:59 But at the end of the day, and look, we shouldn't.
01:15:03 We're in no position to be punching, right?
01:15:05 This is why I hate drama.
01:15:06 This is why.
01:15:06 I hate, you know, attacking even people.
01:15:10 I mean, if they explicitly go after me, I guess maybe I'd have to say something, but even then, it's not even that big of.
01:15:16 A deal to me, right?
01:15:21 That's why they're reacting that way.
01:15:24 Is they feel like that they're somehow losing power, but at the end of the day.
01:15:30 Because Trump, look, Trump wasn't a white nationalist.
01:15:33 Trump was.
01:15:34 Was not anything that that we expected or hoped or wanted him to be.
01:15:40 But in 2016, the one thing all these people that you're talking about had in common is they all backed Trump.
01:15:49 And I think that the same thing will happen.
01:15:50 You know, maybe not quite as you know, if it's like DeSantis or something like that, you're not going to have that.
01:15:57 But if there ever comes a time when there is a clear leader on the right, and even if you have ideological problems with them that are with that, there's a threshold, right?
01:16:08 You know, that's why I don't think DeSantis.
01:16:09 Would would apply here, but there's a threshold of error that everyone's going to allow, and they'll everyone get along again, and they'll all fall behind him in the same way that like lefties, right, they all got behind Biden.
01:16:25 They all got behind Obama and if you think about it, aside from the social victories which are significant.
01:16:33 They didn't really get a whole lot out of Obama, like none of those.
01:16:35 All those Occupy Wall Street idiots and all the people that wanted to.
01:16:40 Well, I guess Obama's the the the different case because not only did he do the the social changes he did get the Obamacare stuff and the what was the DREAM Act and all, you know, all that stuff or he or he did the I guess.
01:16:52 That was by executive order.
01:16:53 He may you.
01:16:54 So he did get a lot done.
01:16:56 But it wasn't the pie in the sky.
01:16:58 **** that they were imagining, right?
01:17:01 And you still have the the lefties, like Jimmy Dore ******** about Obama because of the surveillance, and he didn't.
01:17:07 And the wars are closed, you know, Guantanamo and all this other stuff that they all thought he was.
01:17:12 Going to do right.
01:17:16 It is what it is, I think it's.
01:17:18 Foolish to try to burn down gab.
01:17:21 Where are you going to go?
01:17:25 You're right, you're running out of places.
01:17:26 To go.
01:17:30 You know, hang out on telegram.
01:17:31 I mean, Telegram is great, but.
01:17:34 It's not a Twitter replacement.
01:17:38 You know that it just isn't.
01:17:39 It doesn't behave the same way.
01:17:41 It kind of serves a totally different purpose.
01:17:45 So I I just think that's a mistake.
01:17:50 And how many of these guys like think about it this way too?
01:17:52 How many of these?
01:17:53 Guys complaining are either A and.
01:17:56 Look, I don't know who these.
01:17:57 I don't know who's complaining.
01:17:58 I I have not kept up with this.
01:18:00 I was doing outdoorsy things last few days.
01:18:03 You know, like the cactus pills type stuff.
01:18:07 So I don't know who who all is complaining and I don't know the whole story.
01:18:09 I I just saw I I briefly looked at my gab timeline, saw Torba responding to stuff and I, you know, I just breeze through it.
01:18:17 So I.
Speaker 3
01:18:18 I just.Devon
01:18:19 No, I only know what you're talking about.01:18:21 But the thing.
01:18:22 Is all these guys that are complaining are either if they're not banned from Twitter, would still like to be on Twitter, or they're, you know, or they're on Twitter, or they've got, like, a fake account and just think of all the the.
01:18:35 Horrible things Twitter sponsors.
01:18:41 Right.
01:18:43 You're never going to have 100% ideological conformity. I mean, the the purity spiraling again. It's a product of the.
01:18:51 Of the power vacuum.
01:18:55 And it's also a response to a lot of white people realizing that the problem.
01:19:02 Or one of the one of the main problems.
01:19:06 A lot of the stuff stems from the fact that there's diversity, and so they go 180 degrees and think there should be 0 diversity.
01:19:15 And that's not the solution.
01:19:18 And there should be maybe 0 diversity in in some respects, right?
01:19:22 But like there, there was diversity of thought.
01:19:25 In Western nations.
01:19:27 They got along and we're productive and we're good to live, you know, good places to.
01:19:31 Live in.
01:19:32 It just wasn't the level of diversity that.
Speaker 3
01:19:34 We're at right now.Devon
01:19:37 And so I I don't know.01:19:38 I don't think it's.
01:19:39 It's again, it's just.
01:19:40 It's E drama.
01:19:42 But we'll see.
01:19:47 Cat hugger.
01:19:49 We grew up.
01:19:50 On all the same paws.
01:19:51 Any idea why we escaped the and the Normy didn't?
01:19:55 If we find out, maybe we can help.
01:19:58 I would suspect.
01:20:01 See in high school I was a I was a I've talked about this a lot.
01:20:04 I was degenerate.
01:20:05 I went to parties and I went to.
01:20:08 Raves and all kinds of crazy ****, but the people that.
01:20:12 I connected with the people who I was actually friends with, and I remained friends with.
01:20:17 We all had very similar backgrounds.
01:20:19 You know, they weren't all like Mormon kids.
01:20:21 A couple of them were, but they were all raised in religious families, like there was a bunch of them.
01:20:28 Were Catholics.
01:20:29 A few of them were Protestants.
01:20:31 And a few of them are Mormons.
01:20:34 And so.
01:20:36 We viewed it more like.
01:20:38 Our degeneracy had it like an expiration date to it, like we were sowing our wild oats.
01:20:44 We were like when the Amish go and I forget what they call that, but but when they, the young Amish, when they turn 18 or whenever, you know, I forget what when they when they become adults.
01:20:56 They do this thing where they go out into the world and and.
01:21:01 Party it up and see if they want to live out in the real world or if they want to go.
01:21:04 Back to Amish land.
01:21:05 Or you know what I mean?
01:21:06 And a lot of them end up going.
01:21:08 Back to Amish land, they're like, well, this is.
01:21:10 Sucked up a lot of the my friends.
01:21:14 That I was being a complete degenerate with.
01:21:17 We even I think you even.
01:21:19 Probably talked about it.
01:21:20 In terms of like, well you.
01:21:21 Know uh, you know?
01:21:22 It's it's fine for.
01:21:23 Me to to smoke pot now.
01:21:25 It's fine for me to get drunk all the time now, but once I have like a family or whatever, I'll I'll clean up my act and you know, whatever.
01:21:31 And a lot of them did, not all of them.
01:21:35 But a lot of them did.
01:21:36 So if I had to guess, probably a lot of the people listening have a very similar background where you were raised in a conservative household or I've.
01:21:47 I've noticed there's the the polar opposite right.
01:21:49 There's the people that were raised by extremely degenerate progressive parents.
01:21:57 And it was so bad that it they they their form of rebelling because you know their dad was drunk all the time and their mom was a ***** or, you know, whatever it was right.
01:22:07 They were just they their parents were such awful people.
01:22:10 Did they completely did A1?
01:22:14 And because they knew that the dangers, they didn't.
01:22:16 Want to be like that?
01:22:19 So I would imagine in the audience you probably have those two types very represented in the audience.
01:22:27 And because you need to.
01:22:29 Because my parents.
01:22:29 They didn't explain propaganda to me.
01:22:31 They didn't explain this stuff.
01:22:33 But they they did explain.
01:22:35 Basic moral concepts and you know, so do the church that I went to.
01:22:40 And so when I would see things that were contrary to those moral concepts reflected in.
01:22:47 Movies and television.
01:22:50 You know, I, you know, I didn't.
01:22:52 I didn't have to.
01:22:53 It wasn't like I had some magical ability to see it.
01:22:57 I learned in Sunday school that that that was bad and the other thing I noticed I I noticed that a very, very, very young age.
01:23:05 Because it was always.
01:23:06 It was always OK to **** on Mormons and Catholics.
01:23:10 You would hear Mormon jokes all the time.
01:23:12 You would hear like the, you know, the the Catholic jokes all the time.
01:23:16 You would hear.
01:23:17 Well, just Christian jokes all the time.
01:23:19 And little by little, I realized you never hear jokes about Jews.
01:23:24 You never hear jokes about Jews.
01:23:27 And I got that when I was like, I think I was a teenager when I realized that.
01:23:32 And you know at the time I.
01:23:33 Didn't realize.
01:23:35 The why?
01:23:37 But as as you know, because my family was a member of a church that was targeted relentlessly.
01:23:44 In movies and and television shows like I noticed, I was like, why is it OK?
01:23:49 Why is it why?
01:23:50 Is this OK?
01:23:51 Why are you know?
01:23:52 Why are Mormons so targeted?
01:23:55 And nothing, nothing happens.
01:23:56 There's no protests.
01:23:59 You know, there's no, like missionaries.
01:24:01 Holding signs and protesting.
01:24:04 These movie studios or.
01:24:07 Or television networks.
01:24:12 Let's see here.Devon
01:24:14 First, last five dollars.01:24:15 Appreciate it.
01:24:16 Out of curiosity, I downloaded Bioshock remastered today from G only played 10 minutes, but looks interesting.
01:24:25 Could be a time killer.
01:24:27 Uh, well it's it's very anti libertarian.
01:24:31 It's very anti libertarian and it is a time waster, which is why I'm against video games.
01:24:38 Video games will will suck you in and it'll trick your mind into thinking that you're accomplishing something.
01:24:44 In fact, that's why video games are structured the way that they are, and they give you achievements.
01:24:49 Ohh you got an achievement.
01:24:51 You know, you spent six hours doing this.
01:24:54 Pointless thing sitting at your desk doing literally nothing.
01:24:57 Here's an achievement.
01:25:00 We'll even make we'll.
01:25:01 Put an icon next to it, it looks.
01:25:02 Like a metal.
01:25:03 You want a metal?
01:25:04 Here's your.
01:25:05 Here's your little ribbon, Jimmy.
01:25:09 Here's your your your red badge of gayness.
01:25:13 You can wear it with pride.
01:25:15 Yeah, video games are a waste of time if you have time to waste.
01:25:20 You should waste it on learning a skill.
01:25:24 Now I get it.
01:25:24 Everyone's got to be able to unwind.
01:25:25 And stuff like.
01:25:26 That, but you know beyond.
01:25:30 Beyond playing like a quick round of Pac-Man or something like that, you know, like, you know, mindlessly or, you know, playing like a pinball machine or that's why I like shooters, actually, even though I didn't really follow my advice back when I was playing shooters, I was playing.
01:25:44 Them all the time.
01:25:45 But the thing that I liked about them was I didn't have to like learn.
01:25:48 How to play it?
01:25:48 I'd have to like get a degree.
01:25:51 In the game.
01:25:53 In order to play the game, I could sit down and I didn't have to like in my character, nothing happened to it.
01:25:59 Like if I wasn't playing, I didn't have to like level up my character.
01:26:04 And I mean, I guess they probably do.
01:26:05 That now I don't know.
01:26:06 But back then, it was like no, if you got on a server and started playing against people, you were the same.
01:26:12 You started out the same as everybody else.
01:26:13 Every time the game restarted, which was like, you know, every.
01:26:16 10 minutes or whatever.
01:26:19 And then you could just walk away.
01:26:21 Of course I didn't, because that's that's the that's the danger of video games.
01:26:26 But yeah, Bioshock in particular is very very anti.
01:26:31 Libertarian anti free market they they demonize that whole ideology and it's very pro communist.
01:26:38 And very pro diversity like at.
01:26:40 The end.
01:26:41 For those of you who played Bioshock at the end, after you, there's these characters there are.
01:26:46 These little white girls.
01:26:49 That you you rescue like they've been.
Speaker 5
01:26:52 If you've if.Devon
01:26:53 You've played it, you know I'm talking about if you haven't, just think of it.01:26:56 Just little white.
01:26:56 Girls that you rescue, right?
01:26:58 And at the end, they're like, oh, they treat you like like that plays like the the.
01:27:01 End movie The cinematic scene at the end.
01:27:05 The the little the the reward.
01:27:06 At the end for playing the.
01:27:08 Game for 12 hours or however long it took you.
01:27:11 It plays this little mini movie and it's like, oh, all the little girls that you rescue, they treat you like a father.
01:27:17 They look at you as a dad.
01:27:19 And they they grow up and they raise families.
01:27:22 And like the the picture that it shows is a wedding, a black hand putting, putting the wedding ring on on on the white lady hand.
01:27:32 So they it's basically saying and they grew up and married black people.
01:27:36 I was like, damn it, it's everywhere.Devon
01:27:41 So anyway anyway.01:27:46 Hugh Gettysburg wrecked and then it cut off your name cause it's so long, $5. Appreciate it. Hey, Devin. My full name is. Ohh. There we go, Hugh. Gettysburg reaction or or erection?
01:27:59 Gettysburg erection.
01:28:01 Sorry it doesn't show unfold.
01:28:02 Love your strings.
01:28:03 Well, that's kind of ironic that you you said that Hugh Gettysburg erection.
01:28:08 I'm not sure I get it though.
01:28:09 I'm not sure I get the name.
01:28:12 Let's Lord God free $5 appreciate.
01:28:14 It I did.
01:28:15 Not like the.
01:28:15 Remixes you did for the previous streams TV show and Alice says, though I was listening to it while at work, so that probably detracted from not being able to watch.
01:28:26 Yeah, it probably doesn't translate so well if you're just listening.
01:28:31 And yeah, I was. I was playing around with something, having some fun with it, but good to know. Tipsy make stagger, $5, save the surprise for.
01:28:40 Two more weeks.
01:28:41 I'm not queuing on so I will not do that.
01:28:43 And it's obviously you said that before I.
01:28:47 Silver Rook $5. Have you seen Mr. Medicare's video on how the sausage is made? No, I know what you're talking about. Mr. Medicare did a video detailing.
01:28:58 The awful, awful, awful world of trans surgery.
01:29:04 Now I'm the kind of guy I don't like looking at.
01:29:07 Surgery that's not satanic.
01:29:11 Like I don't get.
01:29:12 I'm not.
01:29:13 I don't get queasy when.
01:29:14 I see blood or stuff like that.
01:29:15 I just don't like Gore.
01:29:16 I just don't like Gore.
01:29:18 I don't like looking at video of someone ripping, you know, cutting their chest open and and organs being handled.
01:29:26 And I just don't like it.
01:29:27 I don't like it and I knew kind of what.
01:29:30 What would be in that video?
01:29:32 My imagination is good enough to wear.
01:29:35 I don't need to see it.
01:29:37 I don't want to put that in.
01:29:38 There's some things, believe it or not, there are some things I do not want to.
01:29:42 Put in my head and seeing video of a sex change operation is one of those things.
01:29:49 So no, I have not.
01:29:50 Seen it.
01:29:51 I don't know that and because I haven't seen it, I can't recommend it.
01:29:55 But uh, I appreciate the work that he put into it.
01:29:58 I appreciate the the sentiment behind making that video.
01:30:02 And and I would imagine it's probably helpful to some people.
01:30:09 You know and look.
01:30:11 It's like when you see those abortion protesters.
01:30:16 And they got the big signs that show aborted fetuses and stuff like that.
01:30:22 I'm OK with that.
01:30:24 I think you should have to face.
01:30:26 The real the the reality behind the the marketing campaign.
01:30:33 I think you should have to know what what that what it really means when they say.
01:30:39 I got top surgery.
01:30:42 Or I got bottom surgery.
01:30:45 You should have to really know what that actually means, and I've seen diagrams.
01:30:50 I know what it means.
01:30:52 It's horrifying.
01:30:54 It's horrifying, and the fact that, you know.
01:30:59 We're not going.
01:31:00 To get into.
01:31:00 The details.
01:31:02 But the dilation thing.
01:31:05 Horrifying. Everything about it. Horrifying.
01:31:10 But I know that so that video is.
01:31:12 Not going to.
01:31:12 Help me that video is.
01:31:13 Just going to.
01:31:14 Put more horror in my head and I've got plenty of horror up there already, so I don't need anymore.
01:31:20 But yes, I I have heard of it.
01:31:21 I and I've seen it.
01:31:22 It's it's popped up recommended to me and people have sent it to me and I've I just.
01:31:28 I've never watched it because I just don't need to.
01:31:30 See it.
01:31:30 I know.
01:31:31 I know what it's about.
01:31:32 I know, I know how horrifying it is.
01:31:36 The thin Red line, $5 per share. I'm sorry to be late to the show, Devin. Thank you for all.
01:31:41 You do.
01:31:42 I appreciate it.
01:31:44 It's OK that you were late.
01:31:48 Gray beard, $25. I've had one day since January 3rd. These streams wait. I've had one day of and then you didn't say what one day of what?
01:32:01 Since January 3rd, these streams have been enjoyable on the job.
01:32:05 Here's something for adding value to my ships.
01:32:07 Well, I appreciate that.
01:32:09 And I think there's a lot of.
01:32:10 People that do just listen to these.
01:32:13 To these streams.
01:32:16 So I mean that's what I do when I'm doing work around the.
01:32:20 The compound I'm just listening to the streams.
01:32:23 I rarely have time to actually look.
01:32:26 OK, now we got.
01:32:26 See this this thing.
01:32:29 This thing like mixes it all up.
01:32:31 Now I got more super chats, but they're.
01:32:33 Putting them at the top.
01:32:34 Alright, so let me.Devon
01:32:36 Scroll back up here.01:32:38 Cringe panda.
01:32:38 Speaking of rodents, I was watching desert homesteading videos earlier, and I kept seeing people talking about trying to keep little critters from chewing on the wiring of their vehicles and equipment.
01:32:49 How do you deal?
01:32:49 With them?
01:32:51 That is a major problem.
01:32:53 I have a car that does not have headlights.
01:32:55 Now because rats got in there and chewed the wires off of the headlights.
01:33:02 The only I mean.
01:33:03 It's the only way to really deal with it is it's it's a pain in the ***.
01:33:09 Well, first of all, you have to keep down the road and just in general, you have to try to cut down their population.
01:33:15 You have to try to use your vehicles often enough to where they.
01:33:20 Don't want to be.
01:33:21 In there.
01:33:22 You have to put in what I've been doing that that kind of works is they hate.
01:33:29 Peppermint oil, so I'll get peppermint essential oil and pour it under my hood.
01:33:35 And they hate that smell.
01:33:39 It didn't work enough and I like I said, I have a car right now that's got a bunch.
01:33:43 Of chewed up wiring and.
01:33:46 It sucks because like, I mean, luckily they haven't.
01:33:50 They didn't really attack the the wiring harness as bad as they could have, but they love it.
01:33:54 Part of that is it's more modern cars you have.
01:33:56 To worry about, part of that is they start using a soy based.
01:34:01 I'm not even ******* with you because of the environmentalists.
01:34:03 The insulation around the wiring.
01:34:06 Is actually soy based.
01:34:08 So it tastes good to the rodents.
01:34:11 The older cars.
01:34:12 I don't think they chewed up as much.
01:34:14 Because it's actually like it's like silicon and stuff and they don't like that as much.
01:34:21 Crunch pan again.
01:34:21 I love the cactus pill for today.
01:34:23 This should be a standard and yes, the actress was wearing a foam latex appliance on her face.
01:34:30 Nowadays, they'd have to use actual troons. Did you see Ellens Ellen pages transition? She's now a 545 foot four fake manlet.
01:34:43 That must be the end of her career.
01:34:45 Right there.
01:34:46 I I don't think it'll be.
01:34:47 The end of her career.
01:34:52 Well, she's rich enough to wear, it wouldn't matter.
01:34:56 But I think they'll put her in stuff.
01:34:58 They'll probably write stuff just for her to be in.
01:35:04 Huge Gettysburg erection. $1.00, I appreciate that. I'm currently getting.
01:35:12 6,000,001 tattooed on my ***.
01:35:18 6,000,001.
01:35:21 Cringe panda $1.00. Appreciate it. The subversion of the gripper versus wig Nets drama was that it got a number of gabbers to start actually calling themselves wig Nets, which is a pejorative.
01:35:31 I'm glad you're saying and don't waste your.
01:35:33 Time with the drama.
01:35:35 I mean, there's some that whole term.
01:35:39 I don't even care about it.
01:35:40 I I don't even think about it.
01:35:42 There's lots of people that would call me a wig, Nat or whatever.
01:35:46 You know, just whatever I I just don't even care.
01:35:49 If if you if.
01:35:50 You want what's best.
01:35:51 For white people, you're on my side.
01:35:53 If you want to get rid of the forces of.
01:35:56 Evil that have.
01:35:57 Overtaken our societies. You're on my side and trying to find someone that's going to be 100%, almost nobody.
01:36:06 Agrees with me 100%.
01:36:09 They just don't.
01:36:11 I mean, no one agrees with anyone 100.
01:36:13 Percent on everything.
01:36:15 And that's OK.
01:36:16 Again, I think this is just a it's people splurging out.
01:36:19 It's like the people that when they find.
01:36:21 Out that a few conspiracy conspiracies are real.
01:36:24 They start thinking that every conspiracy is real.
01:36:28 It's the same thing.
01:36:29 It's the they they find out.
01:36:30 The diversity is bad.
01:36:31 So now they think that like any kind of diversity of thought is bad.
01:36:37 It's just an overreaction.
01:36:40 Arminius thoughts on Ukraine situation.
01:36:44 Also, Devin Stacks surprise speaker at AF Pack 3.
01:36:48 No, I.
01:36:50 You know, I haven't done any speaking.
01:36:51 I've been asked to speak at some places and maybe sometime in the future.
01:36:56 But not not right now the Ukraine situation.
01:37:01 I mean, I don't know.
01:37:03 I like I said last stream.
01:37:05 I know people in the Ukraine.
01:37:06 I know people in the in Russia and no one seems to have, like no one seems to really know what's actually going to go down.
01:37:14 I would be shocked if we got boots on the ground out there.
01:37:18 If we do get boots, if we actually send like.
01:37:21 An aircraft carrier and and actual soldiers to fight like if if it's ever gets to a point where it's American soldiers.
01:37:33 One-on-one, like toe to toe with Russian forces.
01:37:39 Get ready for some **** to go down.
01:37:41 There's a reason why America has always.
01:37:44 Confronted Russia indirectly.
01:37:48 And that is because it would be devastating.
01:37:52 To do anything other than that.
01:37:55 And I I I still think that that.
01:37:59 That's where the the conventional thinking is in Washington.
01:38:04 Where they might, they might give arms, they might.
01:38:08 Train people.
01:38:09 They might even have, you know, maybe some special forces type stuff like we did in Afghanistan and things.
01:38:15 Like that but.
01:38:17 It's not, it's I.
01:38:18 I would be really surprised.
01:38:22 Again, you should probably that's a giant red red.
01:38:26 That's a big red flag.
01:38:27 If if that happens, strap in, boys, because it's we might get our Black Swan event that.
01:38:33 We've been, we've been waiting for.
01:38:35 And just especially in the context of the day.
01:38:40 In the context of the day where the Americans seem so.
01:38:46 Focused inward when it comes to identifying enemies, where the DOJ is creating a new agency essentially specifically for hunting white supremacists.
01:38:59 I mean they.
01:39:00 They they don't have.
01:39:03 They don't have any kind of solid support for any foreign wars now.
01:39:07 It used to be very easy for the ruling class to at least get Republicans on board with almost any war and Democrats to just go along with it.
01:39:17 Now it's the Democrats that that want the war and it's kind of flipped.
01:39:26 You need the Republic.
01:39:27 You need like the the boomer cons that to be supportive of your war efforts in order to to make them successful, or at least, I mean, I don't know we.
01:39:36 Haven't had a successful war in.
01:39:39 Like really when?
01:39:40 When was the last time that you could say America had a successful war?
01:39:46 I mean, it wasn't just Afghanistan.
01:39:47 There was an epic failure.
01:39:48 You know, Vietnam was a failure.
01:39:50 I guess you could say Korea.
01:39:53 Everyone forgets about Korea for some reason.
01:39:57 But I mean, it's not like we've all really been all that successful anyway and now they have to worry about this, you know, domestic unrest.
01:40:07 That's not just in America.
01:40:09 It's not just limited to America.
01:40:10 The whole West has a.
01:40:13 A solidarity problem on their hands, the Western elites do not have the support of their public.
01:40:22 In the way that they used to.
01:40:25 And the people that are that are in opposition to them aren't the typical the, I mean, these days increasingly it's not, it's no longer the the Occupy Wall Street types that, you know, the the extent of their or even just like the Antifa types.
01:40:40 You know the black bloc crap, or like the extent of the the civil unrest is going to be a bunch of.
01:40:47 People wearing black pajamas and breaking windows and, you know, starting some fires and justice doing damage to multinational storefronts.
01:40:59 Because they can absorb that kind of damage.
01:41:02 The kind of damage they can't absorb is.
01:41:07 People that are actually competent.
01:41:10 And people that actually have, well, I'll just leave it at that, I think I.
01:41:14 Think you guys all?
01:41:15 Know what I'm saying?
01:41:16 They would much rather face a bunch of spoiled children that are just getting it out of their system.
01:41:25 Than they would anyone.
01:41:27 That's actually hell bent on on actually, really in a real way, opposing opposing their power.
01:41:37 Lich Lord Godfrey Gab is not the future for social media.
01:41:41 The fediverse is people should check it out.
01:41:45 One of the instances is POA dot St.
01:41:51 which is one of the fastest growing fediverse instances.
01:41:54 Also, Nick Fuentes has a 16 minute.
01:41:57 Rant over a female super chatter asking him out.
01:42:04 OK, that seems that seems like a non sequitur.
01:42:11 But yeah, I I you know.
01:42:13 I keep hearing about the.
01:42:14 Federer stuff.
01:42:15 I can't say that I'm.
01:42:18 I'm familiar enough with it and I think that it's probably so it's, you know, you got to think of it this way.
01:42:26 It's it's not the best technology that wins.
01:42:30 It's never the best technology of the way.
01:42:32 It never has been the best technology that wins.
01:42:34 That was very frustrating for me when I was growing up as.
01:42:37 A as a nerd.
01:42:39 Is you would you'd see this new product that would come out like and I mean not just like platforms, but I mean you know hardware like you'd have a a company, I mean just if you want to go way back in in I remember the what was it the the turbo graphics 16 that's going to date me a little bit that came out when everything was still 8.
01:43:01 And the the game cartridges were like these credit cards like the technology was just like way better.
01:43:07 I remember thinking like, oh, wow, this is gonna, this is gonna overtake Nintendo and people ******* failed.
01:43:14 It's not about the technology.
01:43:16 And people there were more games for Nintendo.
01:43:20 You know, Atari, right?
01:43:22 When they would try to compete with Nintendo after they were getting blown out of the water with the NES.
01:43:28 They came out with like the the Jaguar and that was like, I think it was like a 32 bit system or something.
01:43:36 Back when everything was 8 bit.
01:43:38 And no one wanted that because that's not where the games were.
01:43:43 So it didn't matter, the technology was better and you can name a bunch of systems were like that, the Sega Saturn, the Sega Dreamcast?
01:43:51 Never made a dent.
01:43:53 That it was all superior technology.
01:43:56 But that's not where the games were, and that's how these platforms work.
01:44:01 On the Internet.
01:44:04 It's not about who has the best technology.
01:44:06 It might be way better technology.
01:44:09 But that's not where the people are.
01:44:14 And so you're kind of rolling the dice when you when you're an early adopter in the same way that you'd be rolling it when you, you know, if you bought a Dreamcast, which I think was like 128 bit.
01:44:24 Back when everything was only 64 bit right, like Nintendo 64.
01:44:28 Was the competitor.
01:44:30 And so you you you make that investment, you're like, alright, well, I'm going to.
01:44:33 I'm going to buy the better technology.
01:44:36 And then none of the games get made for your system.
01:44:38 Well, it's the same thing with this stuff.
01:44:40 It's like, you know, you you you go with the oh, I'm going to go with this platform because it's this is the better technology and then no one.
01:44:46 Moves to the platform you're talking to yourself.
01:44:50 Now I don't know what the numbers are for gab or for this site that you're listing, but it could end up, you know, who knows?
01:44:58 This is one of those things where it's it's hard to tell where it's going to go.
01:45:02 The thing with Twitter is and and YouTube.
01:45:06 Is they had the backing of the of the billionaires.
01:45:09 And so in an environment where where you're not, you don't have that.
01:45:15 Aspect of things right, because the whole problem is the billionaires, so they're never going to back an alternative platform that is going to be friendly to us.
01:45:29 So whatever platform ends up winning these platform wars isn't going to win because of billionaire backing.
01:45:39 And so it's it's it's harder to determine.
01:45:41 I mean, Twitter, you knew was going to make it because Twitter had.
01:45:45 I I remember thinking this was years and years and years ago, almost overnight.
01:45:52 You had at the end of TV shows.
01:45:55 They were like, oh, and follow us on Twitter.
01:45:59 And at the end of news broadcast, they'd be like, oh, and you can follow us on Twitter.
01:46:03 Like everyone just overnight.
01:46:04 It's like everyone got a memo, and they probably did.
01:46:09 Saying that you have to be on Twitter and this is the thing.
01:46:13 And once it was decided from some one that this was the platform we're going to go with.
01:46:20 You already knew that.
01:46:21 That's it was.
01:46:21 That was the platform they were going to go with.
01:46:25 Same thing with YouTube.
01:46:27 You know Google bought it.
01:46:30 And so that was now the video platform.
01:46:33 They tried to compete with it.
01:46:36 They made Google video, which was like a joke.
01:46:40 Funny enough, that was actually run by rajski.
01:46:45 Her video platform was a complete failure.
01:46:49 And so they just bought the competitor they bought YouTube.
01:46:54 But once it was backed by the billionaires, it was, you know, that was it.
01:47:00 That it was synergy is what they call it.
01:47:05 More and more you you see that that all these corporations, all these companies?
01:47:09 Well, I think it was either last stream of the stream before that I I guess it was last stream when I was talking about the Mars family.
01:47:17 You know, that's just one family and it's not just M&M's of their own they own all these different candies.
01:47:22 And they own all these different processed food companies and dog food companies and veterinary stuff and.
01:47:29 What you do is you you cross promote.
01:47:34 Your products.
01:47:35 Through all of your other companies and so as more as things get more and more.
01:47:40 That's what decides what platform is going.
01:47:42 To win.
01:47:43 Formerly chucks.
01:47:45 The remixes were great.
01:47:47 Would love to see more.
01:47:49 See, people going to be split on this.
01:47:52 People are going to be split on this.
01:47:55 I'll provide you.
01:47:56 Some more I was having fun with the Nazi one.
01:47:59 But yeah, well, I'll probably do some more.
01:48:02 It does take a lot of time.
01:48:03 Not like a ton of time, but like it, it does take time to to hunt down clips and out of it and.
01:48:09 Do all that stuff.
01:48:11 $1.00 cringe Panda what's the best kind of dog for a desert homestead? I like German shepherds, but I hear Westies can get inside anything to kill rodents. Does classified cats still do a good job keeping the rodent population down?
Speaker 5
01:48:27 UM.Devon
01:48:30 I don't have a dog, so I don't know.01:48:33 I would say that in the desert the dogs that you see most are just mutts.
01:48:38 Like my neighbors have a couple of.
01:48:40 They're like rez dogs, anyone that's lived in in proximity to an Indian Reservation knows what I'm talking about.
01:48:47 It's a rez dog.
01:48:48 It's like one step away from a wild dog.
01:48:51 Which is kind of what you want because you want a dog that can square off with coyotes.
01:48:58 And the dog that.
01:49:00 Because they're not going to.
01:49:01 And by the way.
01:49:02 So my neighbors dogs.
01:49:03 They don't.
01:49:04 They don't kill rodents.
01:49:06 They really don't do anything other than they keep coyotes away from the livestock.
01:49:11 And that's about it.
01:49:13 Their cat is what kills all the things, like they've got a three legged cat which is kind of hilarious.
01:49:19 I don't know what happened.
01:49:20 To the to the fourth leg, but it's.
01:49:23 It doesn't seem to mind so much, and it still kills things all the time.
01:49:27 It kills snakes.
01:49:29 It kills birds, it kills rodents and it kills rabbits.
01:49:36 But in my experience, dogs don't, at least not out here.
01:49:40 They're not really the the, you know, they're good for, for they're like a nice alarm.
01:49:49 Because I always know when people are near the property because I hear the neighbors dogs start barking.
01:49:55 And the same thing with coyotes.
01:49:58 I always know there's a coyote around when middle of the night, the dogs start barking.
01:50:01 I know there's coyotes out.
01:50:04 But they don't kill anything, ever.
01:50:07 I mean they they killed a coyote once, actually.
01:50:12 But that's about it.
01:50:12 They're not going to go after rodents and stuff.
01:50:14 Like that.
01:50:16 All right, I'm going to hang out in.
01:50:17 Regular chat here.
01:50:19 If I can, let's see.
01:50:20 If I.
01:50:24 All right, napalm says cats are the feds of the farm.
01:50:28 Well, cats are, you know.
01:50:32 You don't have to even like cats.
01:50:35 In fact, it's almost better if you.
01:50:37 If you have like an outdoor cat, it's.
01:50:40 And there's coyotes around.
01:50:42 It's better if you don't like, you know if.
Speaker 3
01:50:43 You're not that.Devon
01:50:45 That emotionally bonded with those cats because.01:50:47 That's the other thing is.
01:50:48 You know, most of the cats you know they'll.
01:50:50 End up as coyote food.
01:50:52 If they're not careful now, you'll get some rugged and raw cats like eventually, and they breed like rabbits.
01:50:58 So if you don't, if you don't spay and neuter them, they'll reproduce enough to where you know you can keep a couple of them around, but they also drop like flies, you know, like, there's enough things they can eat and kill cats out.
01:51:09 In the desert that.
01:51:10 You know.
01:51:11 Again, the three legged cat.
01:51:13 Survived something?
01:51:14 Something almost got that one.
01:51:18 Uh. Let's see here.Devon
01:51:24 Someone says try another day in Base, Texas.Speaker
01:51:29 Look at this.01:51:38 What is this?
Speaker 5
01:51:45 And this.Devon
01:51:47 Is this the fellas?01:51:50 Alright, I'll download this.
01:51:53 And we'll watch that.
01:51:58 Let me get it downloaded.
01:52:04 OK, this and this is current.
01:52:05 This is from the other day this.
01:52:06 Is from the 24th.
01:52:13 Let me make it so it's low enough quality that where I can actually download it while streaming.
01:52:21 While I patiently await my space Internet.
01:52:29 Someone says donkeys are mean as hell.
01:52:32 We'll chase down and **** ** coyotes.
01:52:33 Yeah, my.
01:52:36 My parents, who don't live in the desert but they live on a farm.
01:52:40 I have a guard donkey.
01:52:42 That specifically, that's why they got it.
01:52:46 It's it's to **** ** coyotes and they will.
01:52:50 All right, so let's see what that.
01:52:53 Let's see what that we'll watch this together.
01:53:01 Where'd it go?Devon
01:53:07 Where is it?01:53:14 I saw it.
01:53:25 I have to clean.
01:53:25 Up these folders.
Speaker 3
01:53:26 I have.Devon
01:53:28 Just a complete mess of downloaded YouTube videos.01:53:32 It's like thousands and thousands of videos in this folder here.
01:53:38 Where's that security guard?
01:53:40 Security guard?
01:53:41 Security guard?
Speaker 6
01:53:43 Here we are.Speaker
01:53:46 OK.Devon
01:53:52 I have not seen this.01:53:53 We'll watch it together.
01:54:01 Oh wait, it's not playing here.
01:54:04 There we go.Speaker 1
01:54:43 Hey, hey, hey.Speaker
01:54:47 Hey bro, go get somebody.Devon
01:54:53 So I'm guessing that that that's not footage of Ethan, Ralph, but probably a reenactment of what happened there.01:55:01 All right.
01:55:03 Yeah, just another day in Texas.
01:55:09 Alright, let's see here another.
01:55:12 Tipped one. Let's see.
01:55:18 $1.00 cringe panda. What is the what about those rodent repellent machines that you're supposed to hang inside of your engine compartment?
01:55:26 Legit or scam?
01:55:29 Falling asleep, love you and good night.
01:55:32 Well, it the the time of the noise machines, those are all scam.
01:55:35 Do not use those.
01:55:37 Those never work.
01:55:38 They make them for bugs.
01:55:39 They make them for none of those things.
01:55:41 I've tried them years ago.
01:55:42 I tried them.
01:55:43 They've never done anything.
01:55:45 They're all a scam.
01:55:47 Another $1.00 from French Panda. If US attacks Russia, China invades Taiwan. I hope a lot of training troops go to the frontline.
01:55:55 I think we all we all hope for that.
01:55:59 Alright, hang out and chat for a little bit longer and.
01:56:00 We'll close this out.
01:56:04 High Priest King Terry says to cringe.
01:56:07 Panda majority of frontline troops will be right leaning white men from South Midwest.
01:56:11 That is, who comprises most of the US military fighting men, and that is the truth.
01:56:16 A lot of these guys that you see that are the ********.
01:56:20 And the people that you know, the woke soldiers, they're either in the guard.
01:56:27 The National Guard, or they're like they play some kind of support.
01:56:31 Role. So they're.
01:56:31 They're like the mechanics, the people that are actually.
01:56:33 I mean, think about this way.
01:56:35 Think of all the footage.
01:56:37 That you've watched from Afghanistan all the war footage that you've seen, it's all white guys.
01:56:43 It's like 100% white guys.
01:56:47 I mean, in fact, I'll just do that.
01:56:49 I will just, I'll.
01:56:50 Go to YouTube.
01:56:52 All I'll do is I'll look up Afghanistan war footage.
01:57:05 You will see that they're almost all white.
01:57:23 Let me bring this up here.
Speaker 5
01:57:38 OK, Pop this up.Devon
01:57:43 So all I did is I looked for I guess I spelled it wrong.01:57:48 But who cares?
01:57:49 Afghanistan war footage.
01:57:56 White Guy, white guy.
01:58:01 And change the quality here.
01:58:04 So it actually plays.
01:58:08 White guy.
01:58:10 Another white guy.
01:58:13 White guy, whole bunch of white guys.
01:58:18 That's the locals.
01:58:24 Another white guy.
01:58:28 Click on this one.
01:58:33 White guys, white guy, white guy, all those guys are white.
01:58:39 White guys.
01:58:44 Those guys are all white.
01:58:51 More white guys.
01:58:56 More white guys see and honestly, This is why This is why I tell you that maybe join the army is not the best thing.
01:59:08 Make them have ******** on the frontline.
Speaker 5
01:59:16 OK.01:59:16 And we go through here.
01:59:19 Yeah, high Priest King Terry says majority of it is meat and potato eating white guys.01:59:24 Misguided white guys too.
Speaker 5
01:59:28 Let me scroll through here.Devon
01:59:34 All right, guys, well, I'm going to go ahead and let's.01:59:36 Shut her down.
01:59:38 Before I go, I'm going to give you guys all a seizure real.
01:59:42 Quick and then we'll.
01:59:45 We'll call it a night.
01:59:46 So for Black pilled, I am of course.
01:59:50 Devon Stack this used.
Speaker 5
01:59:52 To be a nice big tall cactus.Speaker 1
01:59:53 Let's do this.Speaker 2
02:03:18 She makes me.Speaker 1
02:03:29 The fire.Speaker 2
02:04:05 Yeah, the.