

Speaker 1
00:00:00 Feeling tired on Saturday night?
00:01:26 The Clock Radio's only live in my song and it pulls me through.
00:01:49 Everybody's gonna leader, see.
00:01:54 Just can't wait.
Speaker 3
00:01:57 Stand up.
00:02:07 We'll try to make the midnight.
Speaker 1
00:02:08 Show we got to.
Speaker 4
00:02:13 Everybody's gonna move their free.
Speaker 1
00:02:20 Everybody, everybody, everybody.
00:02:34 Go dance. Go.
Speaker 5
00:02:38 It's 12:00 and it just can't stop.
Speaker 1
00:02:44 Light shining in my eyes.
Speaker 6
00:02:48 Time and Chucky, we gotta laugh.
Speaker 7
00:02:53 Gonna fly.
Speaker 8
00:04:04 Calling my name.
00:04:13 Such a long time.
00:04:28 Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 8
00:04:33 Working class people got a factory so so where walking boots gotta get back.
Speaker 10
00:05:33 Such a long time that.
00:05:34 I've been gone.
Speaker 8
00:05:48 Ohh yeah yeah yeah.
Speaker 6
00:06:02 Back to.
00:06:21 Yeah, come on now.
00:06:23 Oh oh.
00:06:37 Come on now.
Speaker 11
00:06:50 Welcome.
00:06:51 To the insomnia stream I am your host, Devin Stack.
00:06:54 This is the insomnia stream bar riot edition.
00:06:59 All these songs about Detroit in the intro, what is that about, I wonder?
Speaker 14
00:07:05 What is that about?
00:07:07 You know, it's funny, people will refer back to old riots that were before our time.
00:07:15 Those of us who are.
00:07:17 Not weren't alive in the in the 60s.
00:07:21 Or 70s.
00:07:23 And they'll talk about these riots and we don't really have any point of reference.
00:07:28 Some of us were old enough maybe to remember the LA riot.
00:07:32 In the 90s.
00:07:34 But even then, many of us were very young, so you know.
00:07:39 Riots that might be brewing again now in New York.
00:07:44 Because a homeless, a psychotic, homeless person who would impersonate Michael Jackson occasionally.
00:07:51 A character straight out of my book.
00:07:56 A subway performer that would pressure people into giving him money for his terrible performance.
00:08:03 Who slowly went off the rails, according to a Reddit post the a few months back was attacking people at random was there's video of him attacking punching a white chick.
00:08:14 Just punching her for no reason.
00:08:18 He was restrained when one in one of his freak outs choked out by a white marine.
00:08:26 And apparently choked out too hard because, like many people like him, he he couldn't breathe.
00:08:33 Couldn't breathe.
00:08:33 It's probably hard to breathe, and you're on a lot of drugs.
00:08:38 Succumbed to his injuries, died and now people aren't thanking this guy saying oh, thank God, one less of these people.
00:08:47 Now I can.
00:08:48 The the subway is slightly safer now.
00:08:52 No, they're they're protesting.
00:08:55 Blocking off subway cars, blocking off streets.
00:09:01 The riots haven't haven't begun yet, and they might not, because Biden's president, right?
00:09:07 And I think oftentimes, these riots are allowed to happen.
00:09:13 They're allowed to happen.
00:09:14 They're engineered from behind.
00:09:22 Just like I believe this right that we're going to go over tonight.
00:09:27 Had some of the same elements of the the riots we've experienced over the.
00:09:31 Last few years.
00:09:32 Well, many of them.
00:09:36 The story starts in a beautiful city, a beautiful American city.
00:09:42 Called Detroit.
00:09:47 The city so full of crime that RoboCop.
Speaker 14
00:09:51 I was was.
00:09:52 Tested out there.
00:09:55 And a lot of people don't know why.
00:09:56 Like, why?
00:09:57 You know, why is a Detroit so bad?
00:10:01 How is it so bad?
00:10:06 Well, it's easy.
00:10:08 It's the same reason why a lot.
00:10:09 Of cities got really bad.
00:10:12 You know, these are cities.
00:10:17 That 100 years ago, you wouldn't recognize them.
00:10:24 Many of you have have seen the the footage of San Francisco.
00:10:31 Market Street in like 1906 or whatever it is, it's like one of.
00:10:35 The first films right.
00:10:39 And the only black people you see are are like, clearly like the servants.
00:10:42 So the rest of it's all white people wearing suits.
00:10:46 And well, it looks a little chaotic because you can tell automobiles were just recently released.
00:10:51 And so there's kind of a lot of driving all over the ******* place.
00:10:55 And trolleys kind of going all over the place.
00:11:01 It looks a lot safer.
00:11:02 It looks a lot safer than it does today, right?
00:11:08 Detroit used to be a very beautiful city.
00:11:15 Had some of the richest neighborhoods in the world.
00:11:20 Henry Ford.
00:11:23 Decided to build this Ford plant there along with all the other.
00:11:29 Motor or automobile manufacturers?
00:11:37 We're going to watch this quick clip real.
00:11:39 Before we get into.
00:11:45 The real rioting stuff.
00:11:50 Pop this up here.
00:11:54 That kind of explains.
00:11:56 Maybe that there there is a demographic element to to.
00:12:02 Detroit has changed so much and this just goes into more into like what we talked about last string.
00:12:08 You can have multicultural societies, you just have to be willing to pay the price.
00:12:15 Because there is a giant ******* price tag attached to it.
00:12:22 And the unfortunate thing is the people that get to decide whether or not you live in a multicultural society, they're not paying that price you.
00:12:34 So there's, there's never any incentive.
00:12:40 For them to not have the multicultural society.
00:12:47 They're far removed from all the costs that are incurred.
00:12:52 With the multicultural society.
00:12:57 But let's have.
00:12:58 Let's have a little look here.
Speaker 15
00:13:01 Many would argue, as I have, that Detroit is the quintessential city of the 20th century.
00:13:07 It was born really out of.
00:13:11 Small scale manufacturing businesses that evolved here in the late 19th century and then they were brought together by these emerging new companies, particularly through Ford.
00:13:23 And by 1910, by the beginning and the in fact the end of the First World War, this was an automotive manufacturing centre with all the businesses that go with it.
Speaker 16
00:13:35 The adventure began in 1900. This pensive looking man on his far fetched contraption is Henry Ford. He's preparing the first industrial revolution of the 20th century.
00:13:46 Ford will change the world market with the invention of the assembly line and the first example of mass production. The famous model T4.
00:13:59 The Rouge Industrial Site of Esteems of the short lived French colonisation was the biggest in the country. It could hold up to 90,000 workers.
Speaker 6
00:14:00 Right.
Speaker 16
00:14:09 It was.
00:14:11 It was called the Paris.
00:14:14 Of the United States, look at this.
00:14:17 Tons of people.
00:14:20 Almost entirely white working class.
00:14:24 Working for Henry Ford, a man that had a vision of only having employees or paying employees.
00:14:30 Rather enough.
00:14:34 So they could afford the products that they that.
00:14:36 They worked on.
00:14:38 I'm going.
00:14:39 I'm going to bump my.
00:14:41 What ******* Windows did this again?
00:14:43 I ******* hate how it does this.
00:14:45 It's like, oh, you want the volume down?
00:14:48 On your mic again for no reason.
00:14:51 Probably because I was in a.
00:14:53 Because I was in.
00:14:54 A because I was in a ******* live stream again.
00:14:59 Ohh you, you you you did something other than the thing you do all the time with your mic.
00:15:02 Oh, I'm going to auto adjust the volume then.
00:15:05 There you go.
00:15:07 There you go.
00:15:07 You don't have.
00:15:08 You don't.
00:15:08 Don't worry about it.
00:15:09 We we got it covered.
Speaker 17
00:15:12 Alright, let me see here.
00:15:17 I'm just.
00:15:17 I'm going to do it the cheap way.
00:15:20 I mean, with the cheap way I do it in in OBS, so I can just.
00:15:27 Hey, look, it's not working.
00:15:28 Why is that not working?
00:15:31 Alright, I guess I can't do it the cheap way.
00:15:34 I know it's not that bad, but I have I have a lot of audio stuff that I've been playing.
00:15:41 I have them the levels set to match.
00:15:44 There we go.
Speaker 11
00:15:45 Hello. Hello. Hello, hello.
00:15:47 Alright, that's maybe a little bit too much.
00:15:50 Alright, test, test, test, test, test, test, test.
00:15:53 Alright, that's better.
00:15:55 Alright, that's better. OK.
00:15:59 So this was the this was the.
00:16:04 Paris of America, the Paris of the West.
00:16:09 Beautiful city.
00:16:11 Henry Ford wanted to pay people enough to to purchase the cars they were manufacturing, so cost of living.
00:16:19 While it started to climb a little bit as more people had money, most people could afford a good living working a blue collar job.
00:16:29 Other manufacturers came in the Big Three.
00:16:33 There was a a little bit of a a downturn during the the Depression obviously like there was with everything.
00:16:41 But it picked back.
00:16:42 Up in the 50s and 60s.
00:16:47 But then something happened.
Speaker 16
00:16:50 It was a golden era of full employment for a triumphant America.
Speaker 18
00:16:55 In the 50s and 60s.
00:16:57 Detroit was a place to be.
00:16:58 My dad talked about coming in here and walking down Woodward Ave.
00:17:02 and outside every bar.
00:17:04 There was a job recruiter with on it with a folding table taking applications for the factories.
00:17:09 That's how competitive it was.
00:17:10 He hopped from job to job.
00:17:12 It was so.
Speaker 16
00:17:12 Competitive during that Golden Age, Detroit was Rebaptized Motor City. The population expanded as 200,000 more citizens, mostly African Americans, arrived fleeing the destitution of the agricultural South.
Speaker 19
00:17:31 So tons of.
00:17:34 Poor black people.
00:17:37 Heard that?
00:17:37 Ohh, there's gibs up in Detroit.
00:17:41 They got tons of money up there.
00:17:45 We're going to go and live in Detroit.
00:17:50 So they started moving in, and as they moved in, white people didn't like living near them.
00:17:57 Not again.
00:17:58 Not as as many would have you think, because white people are crazy and they just hate people that have darker skin than them for, like, it's just an aesthetic reason, right.
00:18:08 Like, oh.
00:18:10 I don't like the way they.
Speaker 19
00:18:11 Look, so I'm moving.
00:18:12 No, it was.
00:18:12 It was the same kinds of problems that have that well.
00:18:15 I mean, look the the base, if you get anything out of this stream tonight, I want you to understand.
00:18:21 It's not any better today.
00:18:25 Any better?
00:18:28 Than it was 50 years ago.
00:18:31 When people think.
Speaker 4
00:18:31 Ohh wow. Wow. Why?
00:18:32 Are racial relations getting so bad it's the same?
00:18:37 It's exactly the same.
00:18:40 It ebbs and flows a little bit, but it's exactly the same.
00:18:45 It follows the same ******* pattern.
00:18:48 And if that's one of the costs.
00:18:50 If you want to live.
00:18:53 In a multicultural society.
00:18:55 One of the costs is and you got to ask yourself, is it worth it?
Speaker 19
00:18:59 Is it worth it?
00:19:00 To have black people in my country.
00:19:02 If this is what?
00:19:03 If this is some of the costs.
00:19:05 That you incur and again.
00:19:06 The people that make these decisions, that it doesn't affect them.
00:19:09 If anything, they make money off the destruction in the same way that on a larger scale you, you know, the United States makes money off of toppling governments in the Middle East.
Speaker 11
00:19:21 Why do they make money?
00:19:22 There's always billions of dollars in.
00:19:24 Guess who gets the money to?
00:19:25 Rebuild that stuff.
Speaker 20
00:19:31 They're not the ones.
00:19:32 That are out of work at their minimum wage job at the supermarket that got burned down.
00:19:38 They're the ones that own the the the contracts to rebuild it.
00:19:42 They're the ones that start siphoning taxpayer money into aid packages.
00:19:48 To the companies they own that rebuild the ****.
00:19:53 That these people burned down.
00:20:00 So that's part of the cost.
00:20:05 Maybe to some people out there that's worth it.
00:20:07 Maybe they're like, yeah, but I really like rap music, OK?
Speaker 5
00:20:12 When I arrived here in the mid 50s, the population was 2 million, but they are already building freeways to go to the suppers for that created depopulation, disinvestment and all that sort of thing.
00:20:26 They helped to destroy the city.
00:20:30 Now that person, I can't tell if.
Speaker 17
00:20:32 It's a man or woman.
00:20:34 Is upset because they they started building freeways out of the city when the blacks started moving in.
00:20:43 So that you could live, you could work in the city still, cause all those jobs were still there, but you could live in this.
00:20:49 Live in the suburbs.
00:20:52 It was white flight.
00:20:54 Oh, it's so evil.
00:20:56 You know that's the real reason why black people are upset because of divestment.
00:21:02 What that means is I'll translate for.
00:21:04 You, the Gibbs. Go away.
00:21:06 The people who used to live in the city and keep the place up and and run the businesses and or or frequent the businesses enough to keep them around, pay the taxes.
00:21:19 They leave because they don't want to live there anymore because on a micro scale they're answering that question.
00:21:26 I'm asking.
00:21:27 They're answering, answering the question do I want to live in a multicultural society?
00:21:32 They're saying no.
00:21:37 So they're moving to the suburbs, to a white neighborhood.
00:21:41 By the way, that's what these people making these decisions are doing.
00:21:45 They're moving to neighborhoods that are all white because they.
00:21:48 Don't want to.
00:21:49 Live in a multicultural society.
00:21:50 It's for you.
00:21:58 So all the people that have that are stuck in the city because they can't afford to go buy a house in the suburbs or whatever.
00:22:05 They're the ones paying the price.
00:22:09 And somehow it's it's the white people who live to the suburbs.
00:22:12 It's their fault.
00:22:15 Because it nothing changes.
00:22:17 It will always be Whitey's fault.
00:22:27 Imagine you throw a party.
00:22:30 And you've got a keg.
00:22:32 All your friends are hanging out.
00:22:34 You got a DJ.
00:22:36 Bunch of hot chicks, whatever.
00:22:38 And then a bunch of ghetto people crash your party.
00:22:43 And you're like **** this.
00:22:45 They're drinking our beer.
00:22:47 They're harassing the DJ and the women.
00:22:49 And so you leave.
00:22:52 And you take your keg with you.
00:22:56 And they're like, oh, ****, man.
00:22:59 Why he don't ruin this party?
00:23:02 And then they start shooting each other and the cops show up.
00:23:06 That's, that's basically Detroit.
Speaker 16
00:23:16 It was also a time of difficult race relations in America. Many white people dreaded the so-called black invasion, as some refer to it.
00:23:24 Subsequently, the whites began to move further out, taking with them their tax contributions and their businesses. The town soon spread over 300 square kilometers.
Speaker 21
00:23:28 Every time.
Speaker 7
00:23:28 I come home nice.
00:23:29 Dinner is always.
Speaker 22
00:23:30 Ready. And I get it.
Speaker 5
00:23:35 Detroit, we came in the mid 50s.
00:23:40 I used to be where the population was overwhelmingly becoming overwhelming.
00:23:44 What and the city was at that time still run by whites, the city government, the schools.
00:23:55 And that led to a black power movement.
00:24:01 And was that the idea?
00:24:03 I think that blacks had at the time.
00:24:06 Was that if we would have blacks in charge in accordance with the democratic procedures, that something gets better.
00:24:17 If they had blacks in charge, things would get better.
00:24:19 Well, let's just see how much better they got.
00:24:25 First, let's talk about the riot of 1967. A lot of people talk about this, right? I've talked.
00:24:30 About a little bit.
00:24:30 We're we're we'll watch some of the same footage I've played on other streams before.
00:24:34 We're just.
00:24:34 Going to go a lot more in depth.
00:24:37 The the right of 1967.
00:24:42 It's kind of funny.
00:24:44 Even if you look in Wikipedia.
00:24:47 I want you to think about this.
00:24:50 It says the 1967 Detroit riot, also known as the 12th St. Riot or Detroit Rebellion, was the bloodiest.
00:24:59 Of urban riots in the United States.
00:25:10 I won't you think about that.
00:25:12 1967, right.
00:25:18 So after desegregation.
00:25:21 Oh, such a great gift gift to us desegregation.
00:25:28 There was a great migration of southern blacks.
00:25:34 Two cities like Detroit.
00:25:43 And a few years later, we have the deadliest riot.
00:25:48 Urban riot in American history.
00:25:55 That's all it took. Desegregate.
00:25:58 Blacks move to your city's bloodiest riot.
00:26:03 In American history, a few years later.
00:26:08 Ohh but, but it's not the the bloodiest one now, no.
00:26:15 No, because the bloodiest riot after that.
00:26:21 Let's see here.
00:26:27 Oh, there was another one.
00:26:28 I I forgot to write down.
00:26:29 It was there was another.
00:26:32 There was another black.
00:26:33 I'll find, uh, you know, it was.
00:26:34 It's the the bloodiest, the next bloodiest right.
00:26:37 And we're actually going over this.
00:26:38 One I forgot about was the Miami.
00:26:40 The Miami Riot, which was also.
00:26:43 Black people freaking out.
00:26:45 Burning down a city, killing a bunch of people, and then that was the bloodiest riot.
00:26:50 And that was like in 1984, I think, right, so we have 1967 bloodiest riot black people freaking out, burning down the city's 1984 bloodiest riot.
00:27:02 Miami Black people freaking out. Burning down the city, 1992.
00:27:07 You know if.
00:27:08 You see, it's a cycle.
00:27:09 It's a cycle.
00:27:12 Basically, every 20 years or so, black people freak out and burn down cities.
00:27:22 But that's just part of the cost.
00:27:24 That's just one of the costs.
00:27:26 Of living in a multicultural society again.
00:27:29 It's a cost you have to pay.
00:27:32 And not the people that make these these decisions.
00:27:35 So anyway, this bloodiest riot in American Society or American history, you would think like, wow.
00:27:42 Surely they had a good reason for it, right?
00:27:46 Like with George Floyd, surely there was a good reason.
00:27:53 Now there must have been some black guy who had who had kidnapped a pregnant woman and and was high on fentanyl and trying to spend counterfeit money that died of a a chokehold or something, right?
00:28:06 Like there's always a good reason when they riot.
00:28:15 There was a bar, there was an illegal bar.
00:28:18 Run by black people.
00:28:22 In the the Cities vice squad.
00:28:25 Shut it down at 3:00.
00:28:26 In the morning one night.
00:28:30 And black people chipped out, started throwing bricks.
00:28:34 At the cops.
00:28:36 Next thing you know, it's a ******* war zone and they're burning down the city.
00:28:41 That's that's literally they don't tell you that.
00:28:43 They don't tell you that in school.
00:28:46 If they even mentioned this at all.
00:28:48 It wasn't some like racial tensions or raising high.
00:28:51 Oh my God.
00:28:52 And there was a George.
00:28:53 No, it was they shut down an illegal bar at 3:00 AM.
00:29:02 So obviously there wasn't a good reason, but let's take a look at this.
Speaker 22
00:29:09 In 100 places, Detroit is a fire. The destroyers, striking from as far as 3 miles away from this West side ghetto where it all began early this morning with a police raid on an after hours drinking partner. There have been some reports of gunfire. Police are under orders not to fire.
00:29:28 Well, that's the same police are under orders not to fire.
00:29:31 I mean, there's gonna be a lot of similarities.
00:29:32 You're going to.
00:29:33 See a lot of.
00:29:33 Like I said that nothing's changed.
00:29:37 Race relations relations aren't getting worse.
00:29:41 They're just always bad, no matter how far back you go.
00:29:46 It's just that everyone kicks the can down the road and everyone blames on on everything but the obvious reason.
Speaker 22
00:29:54 Rock and bottle throwing took some casualties among firemen, police and three newsmen.
00:29:59 A white man was stabbed this morning as he got off the.
00:30:02 Bus in the area.
00:30:03 No serious injuries are known. More than 200 looters have been arrested so far. Police officials say they do not have enough men to worry much about the looters. They are there.
Speaker 24
00:30:13 Protect the fire.
Speaker 22
00:30:17 100 square blocks are now under siege.
00:30:20 Governor Romney rushed to Detroit today to meet with mayor.
00:30:24 And yes, that Governor Romney is Mitt Romney's dad.
00:30:29 He was the Republican governor of Michigan, and he was going to try to run for president.
00:30:36 Now I'm not, like, trust me, I do not like Mitt Romney at all.
00:30:39 And my guess is is if he's ******, his dad probably wasn't that great either.
00:30:45 But when I say there's usually a political motive to keep these things going, like I'm not saying, look, they don't need any help to chimp out.
00:30:52 But as you'll see, it turns into like an actual war zone, in the same way that the George Floyd riot started up on that, you know, I guess you could say somewhat.
00:31:01 Somewhat organically and then Antifa shows up and joins in the fun and keeps the ball.
00:31:08 Not that they're their job is that hard.
00:31:12 But the same kind of thing that was, you know, in fact, instead of it was, it was basically Antifa.
00:31:18 It was just the Weather Underground types like the basically no exaggeration here.
00:31:23 It's the people who are now currently behind the the Democratic Party.
00:31:29 Only they were like a little more ******** about it.
00:31:31 They they brought snipers and were shooting firemen and shooting cops.
00:31:37 Instead of just shooting fireworks while running around in in ninja outfits.
00:31:43 They turn it into it.
00:31:43 Like an actual war zone.
00:31:47 But those are the people who are behind the democratic.
00:31:50 Party right now.
00:31:51 They're the ones that are prosecuting the January 6 people.
Speaker 22
00:31:56 Mayor Jerome Cavanaugh, who placed a.
00:31:58 Curfew on the city at nightclub.
00:32:05 Many ***** shop owners put up signs reading soul brother to avoid damage.
00:32:12 You saw that exact same thing happened with the George Floyd riots.
00:32:16 Black-owned business.
00:32:20 So, acting as if there's no racial component here, which they do try to do often in the reporting from this era.
00:32:27 Is ********.
00:32:29 It's complete ********. You're putting a sign that says, oh, black-owned business. Don't don't, don't burn the place down. But which of course.
00:32:36 They still do.
Speaker 22
00:32:38 But the fire bombers and looters are indiscriminate.
Speaker 24
00:32:50 And many of these stores are being looted, especially the white ones.
00:32:55 Because there's some bitterness, they feel that the prices are too high.
00:32:58 They feel that they're being gouged.
00:33:01 But of course some of them in this crowd or just getting what they can get from.
Speaker 25
00:33:06 No, you are a ***** shop owner.
Speaker 23
00:33:09 Why were you looted?
Speaker 24
00:33:11 With any any group, any mobs you're going to find people who are.
00:33:15 They don't care about race.
00:33:16 They don't care about color.
00:33:17 They don't care about religion or anything.
00:33:18 Just want to get something from nothing.
Speaker 22
00:33:22 Who do you think is doing?
Speaker 26
00:33:23 This I don't know.
00:33:24 I don't have no.
00:33:25 Idea I don't.
Speaker 11
00:33:26 Have any daughter doesn't doing it.
00:33:29 I think you doing.
Speaker 22
00:33:33 1100 National Guardsmen have been rushed into as many areas as they can cover, protecting police. Looters carry off thousands of dollars of worth of goods with a gay sort of leisure.
00:33:44 Gun shops have been raided and as you walk through the area, people shot from their homes.
00:33:49 Watch out for the snipers.
Speaker 11
00:33:54 Everybody's returning home.
00:33:58 Turn your home.
00:34:02 Perfume for 9:00 perfume, 9:00 signed by the mayor.
00:34:06 The 30 day.
Speaker 24
00:34:13 Now one.
00:34:14 One thing that's gotten worse, and this might seem like a subtle difference.
00:34:18 That guy in the bullhorn, he said everyone go home and protect your own property.
00:34:23 Well, now, if you protect your own property.
00:34:26 You go to jail.
Speaker 22
00:34:28 Blocks are now burning at dusk.
00:34:29 The National Guard has moved in.
00:34:32 The state police are cordoning off.
00:34:35 Dozens of blocks of this West side at this moment, there are at least 10 areas in town where looters have broken in and where fire bombs have set fires.
00:34:46 It looks like.
Speaker 24
00:34:47 A B52 raid in Detroit.
Speaker 22
00:34:50 John Hart, CBS News Detroit.
00:34:53 This is one of dozens of fires which raised.
00:34:56 Through the night in Detroit.
00:34:57 These firemen have been here half an hour and the flames are still licking toward this gasoline station.
00:35:04 Same same how many?
00:35:05 How many shots of of burning gas stations did you see?
00:35:10 During the George Floyd riots.
00:35:12 It's it's the exactly the same.
00:35:13 Thing or if you.
00:35:14 You watch footage of the Miami riots, or if you look at footage of the LA riots.
00:35:20 I mean it's it's just every 20 years or so, every generation, I guess every generation of blacks has to have their own like, riot time.
Speaker 22
00:35:28 That was once a linoleum store next door, a store nobody knows.
Speaker 27
00:35:32 What it was.
Speaker 22
00:35:33 It is now gone.
00:35:35 We can see from where we are standing.
00:35:37 Three other fires.
00:35:43 As night paged to light, 260 fires have been reported. Some of them have blocked longer or more, Fire Chief Charles Quinlan made a first estimate of $100 million damage ignited by fire bombs or just matches and paper flames and smoke swallowed the sky, holding back the dawn.
00:36:02 Fireman left some areas burning when snipers opened up the roof tops and windows. Some ******* took arms to protect the firemen. Well over 100 are injured, 3 confirmed dead. 1 White woman by sniper fire. One looter shot.
00:36:17 So they're they, they, they literally had snipers come in, they sniped a white chick, they're sniping firefighters.
00:36:25 You like how the guy.
00:36:26 That he tries to like make it.
00:36:28 Sound naughty? Well.
00:36:29 You know, some some ******* with with guns kind.
00:36:32 Of protected the firefighters and it it's the I have a black friend of like ohh ignore the racial component of this.
00:36:39 And they do that throughout.
00:36:41 They keep trying to, like highlight the exception.
00:36:44 And that's the problem.
00:36:45 Every time this **** happens.
00:36:48 But focus on the exception.
00:36:51 Don't let pattern recognition get in your way.
Speaker 11
00:36:56 Black people don't.
00:36:57 Riot cause look, here's one black.
00:36:59 Guy not rioting.
00:37:00 Therefore black people don't riot.
Speaker 19
00:37:06 You see how that works?
00:37:12 That's how they want you to think.
Speaker 22
00:37:16 By a store owner and a sniper killed by a National Guardsmen.
00:37:20 Police say the vandals and arsonists are working over 8 different areas.
00:37:24 139 square miles and all the destroyers leapfrog from the center of the city into the suburbs out to the cities limits. Looting went mostly unchallenged in the early night.
00:37:36 As undermanned police squads tried to avoid triggering mass violence, one commander said property can be replaced.
00:37:43 Lives cannot.
00:37:46 Ah, we heard that line a lot too.
00:37:50 Property can be replaced.
00:37:51 Lives cannot.
00:37:53 Only it was in the context of.
00:37:54 You're not allowed to protect your property.
00:37:57 It was in the context of of Kyle Rittenhouse was was an evil ****** for trying to protect property.
00:38:10 Look, property rights is is whether you want to believe it or not is a very white ideal.
00:38:17 It just is.
00:38:20 The idea of personal property of ownership.
00:38:24 I mean, look, they tell you that in school, right?
00:38:27 You know, when, when, when they try to make you feel bad for the way that we stole the land from the Native Americans, they don't understand ownership.
00:38:37 They didn't understand what they were agreeing to because they don't understand ownership.
00:38:43 Maybe that's true.
00:38:52 I think a lot of people don't understand ownership, certainly don't respect.
00:38:58 Things you own.
00:39:00 How many videos have you seen of of black people just gathering up whatever they want inside of a store and casually walking out with it?
00:39:09 An entire shopping cart full to the top.
00:39:13 Does that seem like people that understand ownership?
00:39:20 The respect personal property.
Speaker 22
00:39:23 But with the arrival of 1100 National Guardsmen and more, promised arrests came faster. More than 1000 of them now.
Speaker 1
00:39:32 That powers you well, God dammit.
Speaker 22
00:39:38 This man was arrested for shooting up the street outside his store. Public schools are closed today, including Wayne State University with a student body of 28,000 and dark to dawn. Curfew was extended indefinitely at downtown businesses requested closes.
Speaker 11
00:39:39 Thank you.
Speaker 1
00:39:51 When I.
00:40:02 And there's so many people that want to take responsibility for this, but a few of them just didn't care.
00:40:07 They were just open and honest about it.
Speaker 22
00:40:10 Who do you think is doing this?
Speaker 26
00:40:11 I really don't know.
00:40:12 I don't have no idea.
00:40:14 I don't have any other daughter.
Speaker 11
00:40:17 Doesn't daughter, I tell you daughter?
Speaker 28
00:40:19 We all are doing it.
Speaker 22
00:40:20 It is the worst civil rupture in 24 years here, but the atmosphere of racial hatred seems to be thin. Looters Rob pleasant.
00:40:29 Leaders robbed pleasantly.
00:40:30 It was a most, mostly peaceful protest.
00:40:34 A lot of people think that this is very racial, but the looters just look.
00:40:37 I'll be the first to tell you.
00:40:39 That the looters.
00:40:40 During the George Floyd riots didn't give, they didn't have any kind of social message.
00:40:45 They were trying to send.
00:40:46 They just wanted free sneakers.
00:40:48 But that's the problem.
00:40:49 These people always want free sneakers.
00:40:53 It's just they don't always have the opportunity.
00:40:55 The second there's an opportunity for.
00:40:56 It you know that.
00:40:58 Coke machines, you know, like, like buying a a bottle of coke.
00:41:04 You didn't. You actually would put 1/4 in or an actually wasn't 1/4. It was like a nickel, and when they first start, maybe it was a penny, I don't know.
00:41:12 You open up a refrigerator and it was like all of the Cokes were just there.
00:41:16 It wasn't like some machine that divvied out one at a time, they.
00:41:19 Didn't have that technology available.
00:41:23 And it didn't just disappear.
00:41:27 You didn't have them just dropping a penny in and cleaning it out.
00:41:32 Until the demographics change, these are the kinds.
00:41:34 These are the the societal changes that happen in a multicultural society.
00:41:38 That's just the way that it is.
00:41:40 Every once in a while, you're sitting gets burned down and people steal everything.
Speaker 22
00:41:44 Detroit, Smoulders and eight separate enclaves as far apart as 7 miles reaching from the city center to the city.
00:41:50 Limit it is as if a flight of bombers struck the fire. Raiders worked through the day. Destruction covers 100 square blocks at a cost of $100 million by the Fire Chiefs estimate.
00:42:02 It is a strange and unreal place, crushed buildings and endless line of sightseers, untiring looters, methodical as Saturday.
00:42:10 Shoppers with no visible concern for arrest the surrealist.
00:42:14 Is that the same? How much footage did you see? It looks exactly like that. This is 196767.
00:42:26 That's almost 7070.
00:42:30 Think about that.
00:42:38 The problem didn't start 70 years ago, but the fact that it's not any *** **** better.
00:42:44 And in many ways, it's worse.
00:42:50 How much longer do we need to participate in this experiment?
00:42:53 How much longer do we need to be?
00:42:54 The rats in the maze.
00:43:00 For some lab coat wearing ****** that doesn't have to take the poison.
Speaker 22
00:43:12 Family Day on the warm streets and the looters are integrated.
00:43:18 More than 1000 have been arrested now for looting and vandalism. The usual bail is $10,000. Each recorders court will stay open all night for arraignment of the arrested.
00:43:29 No one has had time to count the stores looted or burned. One estimate nears 1000.
00:43:39 So they start burning down the city the first day.
00:43:43 Again, this is this is because police.
Speaker 19
00:43:46 Raided a bar.
00:43:49 Police raided an illegal bar.
Speaker 25
00:43:52 Shut down a bar.
00:43:56 And so they they.
00:43:58 Basically dressed in their own city.
Speaker 22
00:44:02 Broken glass, flying debris, shootings and stabbings have injured more than 800 people. One elderly man was found dead behind.
00:44:10 The building both of them.
00:44:12 During the night, firemen.
00:44:15 Of flame, but left the areas.
00:44:16 Where snipers started shooting.
00:44:19 Set by firebombs or matches and paper the fires traveled.
00:44:23 Mayor Jerome Cavanaugh toured the destruction.
Speaker 27
00:44:28 Very disturbing thing to me with a number of people still on the some of those streets.
00:44:34 12th Street, Lynn.
00:44:37 Naturally, a fair amount of curiosity seekers, but at the same time a number of people seem to.
Speaker 11
00:44:43 Be filled with the.
Speaker 27
00:44:45 You know, for lack of a better term.
00:44:49 Carnival spirit, in which this thing.
00:44:52 Was a great alarm.
00:44:55 Gee, where?
00:44:55 Where have we seen that before?
Speaker 29
00:44:58 Hey guys, there are some questions about how police responded or handled this incident, police Chief James White says.
00:45:03 The officer in question did not have a.
00:45:04 By the way.
00:45:06 This is Detroit last year.
Speaker 29
00:45:09 Have a lot of options.
00:45:13 Video of a woman using the top of a police vehicle as a dance floor is making waves on social media.
00:45:21 Some questioning why DPD did not arrest her.
Speaker 30
00:45:24 What's frustrating for me is to to read that the officers didn't do a.
00:45:29 OK, well, they did exactly what we're asking them to do.
00:45:37 It's a festive spirit.
00:45:39 It's a festive spirit out there.
00:45:42 Look, remember this?
Speaker 31
00:45:43 And they're trying to like real people into this ambulance, and there's a there's a young woman of multiple young women.
00:45:50 Yeah, they're twerking on men on the ambulance.
00:45:55 Be everyone filming it.
00:45:57 Filming laughing and some guy just jumps up, climbs on top of the ambulance.
00:46:04 Yeah, he's he's playing football.
00:46:06 That looks fun.
00:46:08 They're trying to, like, be nice.
00:46:10 You know, when I see an ambulance behind me in traffic, I usually pull to the shoulder of the road because I want to make sure that I don't want to impede the ambulances journey.
00:46:18 Yes, because you're white.
00:46:23 But this is part of the role.
00:46:25 This is the.
00:46:25 The the rolled in cost.
00:46:29 The hidden costs.
00:46:35 Hidden by who, I wonder.
00:46:41 See, it's exactly the same.
00:46:47 Nothing has changed.
00:46:49 Riots going on.
00:46:51 Firemen trying to to put out fires in 1967.
00:46:56 And it's a festive environment.
00:47:00 This here is from, I believe, the George Floyd riots 2 years ago.
00:47:07 Ambulance shows up trying to get people who have been injured, you know, to to the hospital.
00:47:13 It's a festive environment.
00:47:17 70 years.
Speaker 31
00:47:21 But these guys didn't didn't want the ambulance to impede their ability to grind on one another and and dance on a car.
00:47:32 There you go.
00:47:33 That is the cost of living in a multicultural society.
Speaker 22
00:47:41 Nearly 7000 National Guardsmen moved into the troubled areas with M ones and carbines protecting police patrolling the tougher corners, returning sniper fire. At least one sniper was killed.
00:47:53 Looters were indiscriminate among ***** and white business.
00:47:57 Dozens of streets there is no commerce today as goods freely change.
00:48:02 Many residents watch.
00:48:05 Mayor Kavanaugh and Governor Romney agreed the state troops and officers here cannot cope with the coming night unless federal troops come to.
00:48:13 They came today. Elements of the 82nd and 101st Airborne to Southbridge Air Force Base, 30 miles from the city, were late orders from the president as Detroit enters its third night of.
00:48:26 You like how?
00:48:26 Like the cameraman is so obviously fixated on the one black guy trying to make it.
00:48:31 Look like no. See like.
00:48:34 Here's one of the good ones.
00:48:40 See, they're they're helping too.
00:48:42 They've always done this.
00:48:45 They've always done this.
00:48:48 They looked for the exception, so you don't understand the rule.
00:48:55 So it gets so bad that the President, President Johnson, orders in the military.
00:49:00 Those were just the National Guard before and the National Guard.
00:49:03 Of course, they're not trained to, you know, they they many of them haven't seen.
00:49:09 A battlefield before they just.
00:49:10 Go one week and a month and whatever right.
00:49:13 So they actually called in, you know, basically soldiers who.
00:49:18 Had been to Vietnam.
Speaker 21
00:49:20 To come in.
00:49:21 And because it was like Vietnam and Detroit.
00:49:25 So Johnson calls in the troops.
Speaker 22
00:49:29 The army came to Detroit by night jeeps and buses rolling smartly toward the plundered, burning city, carrying the first wave of 1500 paratroopers in the 82nd and 101st Airborne to the Michigan State Fairground, the staging area.
Speaker 25
00:49:43 At the edge of the.
Speaker 22
00:49:44 They stayed there, making one brief patrol on unobtrusive weapon after their presidentially announced arrival this long night had begun much earlier.
00:49:55 It's just 10 minutes at 8:00 here in Detroit, the Sun is still shining, but the troubled night has already started.
00:50:04 Maybe it never really stops. Probably nobody has covered all the fires farm and can't get to all of them. But the official estimate is over 800. Some cover a city.
00:50:15 Police used riot guns to gesture the crowd back.
00:50:18 But this was.
00:50:18 An easy fire.
00:50:20 Not much hope for.
00:50:20 The building, but no one shooting at the man.
00:50:25 Their businesses didn't burn and their owners came to guard them carrying guns ready, but not.
00:50:29 So look, there's the Kyle Rittenhouse.
00:50:35 It's the same.
00:50:37 It never gets better.
00:50:39 It only gets worse.
00:50:41 And there's only fewer white people.
00:50:44 Every single year.
00:50:49 If you weren't able to fight this **** back in 1965, that's just two years after the Immigration Act of of I'm sorry, 1967. Just two years after the Immigration Act of 1965.
00:51:04 So yeah, Detroit was was demographically ****** because of the the Blacks in the South, flooding in for the decade previous.
00:51:16 But America didn't fix this problem.
00:51:21 America didn't say, ohh hold on, hold on.
00:51:25 This isn't good, no?
00:51:30 It was your fault.
00:51:31 In fact, we're going to see it the 1st, the 1st result.
00:51:35 In YouTube, when you look up this, riot is pretty funny.
Speaker 22
00:51:39 Not anxious to use them.
Speaker 9
00:51:41 You cannot prepare to use the shotguns no, don't want to use them, no.
Speaker 22
00:51:47 But you would if you had to.
Speaker 27
00:51:50 Let's just say we don't.
Speaker 22
00:51:51 Want to use it all right?
00:51:53 But there was less looting tonight and more burning.
00:51:56 Some firemen haven't slept for two days.
00:51:58 They swept and the smell of smoke.
00:52:00 The whole city smells of smoke.
00:52:09 The snipers were out tonight and so was the National Guard.
00:52:12 They haven't slept much either.
00:52:14 Quick to challenge sometimes.
00:52:15 Quick to shoot.
00:52:16 We've had two men wounded, one officer said, and a fireman.
00:52:19 'S been killed the night was hot and ugly.
00:52:24 No one is sure how the shooting starts.
00:52:26 See the big difference is.
00:52:30 The same **** happens.
00:52:33 But Trump was too afraid to call in the troops.
00:52:43 That might hurt his numbers with the the the black vote.
00:52:48 He didn't want to look like a white supremacist.
00:52:53 Back in 67, they didn't have to worry about that just yet.
Speaker 22
00:52:59 Started here, no one was sure afterward that anyone had shot at the.
00:53:03 Police and guardsmen.
00:53:04 But they answered, shattering St.
00:53:06 lights, adding.
00:53:07 To the darkness.
00:53:08 Finally, singling out one apartment building ordering.
00:53:11 Everyone out and ends up.
00:53:17 Police searched them, found no guns, no one ever searched the apartments.
00:53:21 Sniping flickered across the.
00:53:23 No, that's useful.
00:53:24 I'm sure the sniper was going to walk out holding the ******* sniper rifle.
00:53:28 ******* idiots.
Speaker 22
00:53:29 The city firemen were pinned down here.
00:53:32 Police and Guardsmen firing back and an enemy who never seemed to stay in the same place.
00:53:37 No one was sure of which building which shadow was the target.
00:53:40 The daytime looting seemed almost carefree.
Speaker 26
00:53:42 The night move.
Speaker 22
00:53:43 Is different. The wounded poured into the city's hospitals along with the dead and dying. It wasn't any burglars.
00:53:49 Bargain day. It was more like war and the casualties keep going up. The city confirms 21 dead. That check shows at least 25 estimates of the wounded started 1000 and.
00:54:01 So this this goes on for a while.
Speaker 22
00:54:05 Many still feel this is not racial violence, that its roots are in the revolutionary extremism not typically or wholly, *****.
00:54:14 They keep trying to hammer that in.
00:54:16 Ohh this is not racially motivated.
00:54:19 And The thing is, look.
00:54:21 I guarantee you, just like with the George Floyd riots.
00:54:23 Yeah, you had the hidden hand, right?
00:54:25 You had Antifa coming in there and keeping it going and and and.
00:54:29 You know, fanning the flames.
00:54:35 But a manner of speaking.
00:54:36 That's diversity too.
00:54:40 It's not white Antifa, it's Jewish antifa.
00:54:45 Just like the Weather Underground.
00:54:48 Was was Jewish Weather Underground?
00:54:52 So it was the same dynamic.
00:54:55 You had Jewish operatives.
00:54:59 Communist operatives.
00:55:02 Fanning the flames.
00:55:06 Black Low impulse control.
00:55:10 It's 70 years later, same thing.
00:55:15 Same exact thing.
00:55:19 Nothing has changed again this.
00:55:21 Was over closing the bar.
Speaker 22
00:55:29 The troops came, but they were not instant peacemakers.
00:55:32 Today has been uneasy.
00:55:34 Last night was bad.
00:55:40 Our troopers came last night disappointed by this.
00:55:43 This deep some buses rolling toward the burning angry city.
00:55:46 But they were at almost 40.
00:55:48 Weapon most staying in their staging area, deploying only well after midnight.
00:55:53 By then, snipers rolled.
00:55:54 The city gunfire flickered from neighborhood to neighborhood.
00:55:58 The battle cost.
00:55:58 Lives someone shot and killed a fireman.
00:56:01 A policeman wounded last night died.
00:56:03 Today, injured poured in what started as a kind of carefree Lucian had become a war. The city confirms 25 dead. There are probably more among the wounded, over 40 police 7 guardsmen, 17 firemen.
00:56:17 And the city kept burning. Riots spawned 1000 fire as the sky Rised with spiralling smoke. Whole blocks smoldered. The smell was everywhere. Detroit breathed uneasily, covered by a layer of fine grey soot.
00:56:32 The first fire engines arrived on Harrison St. after almost an hour too late to save the block of two-story wood houses.
00:56:40 The firemen were called, but there was mere panic among many of their guards.
00:56:44 The fear of snipers was as intense as the fire.
00:56:53 That's the price.
00:56:56 Of multiculturalism.
00:56:58 And here's where you see some more similarities.
00:57:00 So the next day.
00:57:02 People are out cleaning up.
00:57:03 What do you notice about the people out cleaning up?
Speaker 22
00:57:06 Right, didn't look normal today, but it looked as if it wanted to pair work was popular.
00:57:11 Some businesses opened today more planned to tomorrow.
00:57:14 Oh, look, it's all white people.
00:57:19 That's that looks oddly familiar also.
00:57:22 Kind of like this.
Speaker 5
00:57:25 Most of these people, I don't know, there's some people I know, but most of these people I don't.
Speaker 24
00:57:29 Know and they're just here.
Speaker 32
00:57:31 Because they want to help.
00:57:34 Same exact thing 70 years ago.
00:57:38 Blacks riot burned down a city.
00:57:42 You pay the price.
00:57:44 White people go and clean it up.
00:57:50 Nothing has changed.
00:57:51 It's not getting better.
00:57:53 It's getting worse.
00:57:59 Why are we paying this price?
00:58:01 Why is this worth it?
00:58:04 Well, we have to.
00:58:06 Give me one *** **** reason why.
00:58:13 Why is it so crucial?
00:58:16 That we are not allowed to have our own communities free of.
00:58:19 These people. Why?
00:58:22 What is so?
00:58:23 Terrible about that.
00:58:31 Give me a convincing argument.
00:58:37 That their presence is worth the price that you have to pay.
00:58:41 You can't.
00:58:44 You can't.
00:58:45 In fact.
00:58:48 With all of this with with.
00:58:50 With this being the reality, they still have the ******* balls to ask for reparations.
00:59:02 And get them in San Francisco. They're talking 1.2 million 1.2 ******* million. With what? With everything that's going on in San Francisco.
Speaker 22
00:59:12 Some of the prisoners were released in court today under their own recognizes.
00:59:16 They discussed their days and nights in jail.
Speaker 4
00:59:18 You couldn't eat, you couldn't smoke.
00:59:20 They wouldn't bring the coffee, cigarettes and slapped you.
00:59:24 Called you all different kind of name.
00:59:27 See, it's all it's so bad.
00:59:30 The looters.
00:59:31 They had to go to jail.
00:59:32 They they didn't get fed for a while and they got called bad names.
00:59:38 See the media was reporting it the same way.
00:59:40 Oh, look at.
00:59:40 These poor black people.
00:59:46 What were you in there for?
00:59:53 Jail's not supposed to be nice.
Speaker 22
01:00:00 They went back in and Jack McCarthy of WJBK TV went in too.
Speaker 23
01:00:06 This is the.
Speaker 17
01:00:06 Big push.
01:00:06 They've been talking about all night.
Speaker 4
01:00:09 See, I want you.
01:00:10 To watch this, set this part of it.
01:00:13 And and contrast it to remember the the during Operation Enduring Freedom, or whatever the ****. When they went into Iraq with all the embedded Fox News reporters that were hanging out inside of a PC's and **** like wearing the the body armor vests and the helmets.
01:00:34 All the all the.
01:00:36 The night vision footage and stuff.
01:00:41 This is Detroit.
01:00:42 This is in.
01:00:42 America and look at it.
Speaker 23
01:00:47 At first I.
Speaker 17
01:00:48 Gave up and they gave this area over to the snipers more or less said it's sniper territory and let them have it.
01:00:54 And now just about 10 minutes ago.
01:00:57 Behind two tanks and at least 200 guardsmen, maybe more.
Speaker 20
01:01:01 Right about now I know.
Speaker 17
01:01:02 The convoy is moving N on wait a minute.
01:01:02 Where I am.
Speaker 17
01:01:06 We're just.
01:01:06 We're pulling up now at 14th and Davis.
Speaker 9
01:01:08 Thought medicine.
Speaker 17
01:01:09 And they've got us Searchlight up on the third floor of a brick building on the South.
Speaker 9
01:01:12 This would take much time for dinner after dinner.
Speaker 17
01:01:16 Side of Davis and the tanks of both pulled up and stopped, and they got their machine guns pointed at what?
01:01:33 We were in accompaniment of two.
01:01:36 Armored personnel carriers loaded with troops as we approach, we noticed a lot of troops.
01:01:43 Out of their jeeps.
Speaker 17
01:01:45 And now they're shooting coming out.
01:01:46 From our front, again 100 yards.
Speaker 22
01:01:48 Or so like the front.
01:01:57 The Grand River.
Speaker 7
01:02:02 What's the intersection now?
Speaker 22
01:02:04 It's an actual war zone.
Speaker 17
01:02:10 700 rounds squeeze off now all of a sudden it's silent.
01:02:14 Kids, quiet.
01:02:15 Everybody looking around, searching their rooftops.
01:02:20 Trying to live in all directions at once.
Speaker 11
01:02:26 The white shirt.
Speaker 17
01:02:27 One of the officers just said there's.
01:02:29 Somebody running down the street limping.
01:02:33 Officers jumped into two police cars.
01:02:35 They think it must be someone who was hit.
Speaker 18
01:02:38 What's the what is the?
01:02:39 So it's an actual ******* war zone on American soil.
01:02:47 Now I want.
01:02:48 You to contrast that with the effort that the.
01:02:50 FBI is putting into.
01:02:51 Hunting down every ************ that just walked the capital.
01:03:01 Why the difference?
01:03:06 Why is it that when white people?
01:03:08 Quote UN quote, riot.
01:03:10 It's an insurrection.
01:03:16 Even though they're, they're.
01:03:18 For the most part, politely walking.
01:03:20 Through the capital.
01:03:22 And not doing anything.
01:03:24 A handful of people get into some fist fights with capital police *******.
01:03:39 They cry because they they they get an opportunity to actually test out their riot.
01:03:43 Gear for once.
01:03:50 But that's an insurrection.
01:03:52 And they're not going to rest until they hunt every last grandma.
01:04:00 And put them in ******* gulags.
01:04:06 **** like this happens.
01:04:09 I mean, they arrest the people, they can, they can, they can, that are physically burning down stuff in 1967.
Speaker 11
01:04:14 They weren't even doing that.
01:04:18 During the George Floyd riots, it's gotten worse.
01:04:24 That's a product of us losing a share.
01:04:29 Of the power.
01:04:39 White people's stock is tanking right now.
Speaker 7
01:04:43 A long time ago someone thought of designing Detroit after Paris.
01:04:50 So this is.
01:04:52 So this is after the riots. This is 1975.
01:04:59 So at the riots have been over for almost 10 years at this point.
01:05:04 The riots drove even more of the white people out.
01:05:06 All those evil ******* white people, right?
01:05:08 They don't want to live around that.
01:05:10 They they don't want to live.
01:05:11 In a ******* war zone.
01:05:13 Right, But it's all it's all because they hate the color of people's skin.
01:05:19 So obviously those riots that turned the city into a ******* war zone and burned down half of it.
01:05:25 Drove what?
01:05:26 Remaining whites were there, many of them out of the city because?
01:05:29 They were like this is.
01:05:32 **** this.
01:05:34 And they left.
01:05:39 And this is a news report from 1975 talking about what, what it's like now.
Speaker 7
01:05:44 A long time ago someone thought of designing Detroit after Paris.
01:05:50 Tried once was called the city beautiful.
01:05:57 It is now.
01:05:57 Called the murder capital of the United States, of the 10 biggest cities, Detroit has the highest per capita homicide rate.
01:06:09 So by 1975, it's the murder capital of the United States and.
01:06:13 Probably the world.
01:06:18 Now this headline, if you're just listening bloody April, how 89 Detroiters were slain in the city's deadliest month ever.
01:06:31 I'm sure it's white people's fault somehow.
Speaker 7
01:06:33 Last month was the worst for killings in the history of Detroit. There were 89 homicides, one for every dot on the map.
01:06:42 One of the killings took place here near a high school on April 25th. At this bus stop, one boy, 15 years old.
01:06:51 Shot and killed a 17 year old boy with a revolver.
01:06:55 Now it's just boys, boys and youths and teens.
Speaker 7
01:07:01 On April 23rd, two brothers playing cards began to fight. Their mother tried to intervene and in the scuffle she was shot dead. On April 19th, a man and his wife had words. She stabbed him. He died two hours later.
01:07:23 Now the crimes of violence.
01:07:24 Also Detroit is among the statistical leaders and robbery, assault and rape.
Speaker 18
01:07:30 Step back away from the truck.
Speaker 7
01:07:34 New Yorkers are sometimes called blase this shooting in downtown Detroit was dramatic, but would attracted a small audience.
01:07:46 We see that today.
01:07:49 These crimes are so common, it's not that much of A spectacle anymore.
01:07:57 We've all seen the footage of black people open it, like opening fire on each other at close range cars speeding around while like some old black guy on a porch.
01:08:05 Is like.
01:08:06 Ohh, calm down boys.
01:08:08 Like it's not a big deal drinking his 40 like he's seen this 100 times before.
01:08:24 This is the this is the cost.
01:08:27 Tell me why it's worth it.
Speaker 7
01:08:33 As in many other cities, the central business district is not what it used to be.
01:08:38 Some people describe it harshly as the zone of decay.
01:08:43 At any rate, business has declined with much of the commerce fleeing through the suburbs.
01:08:49 The old major hotels are said to be attracting fewer clients.
01:08:54 One department store cut back its downtown selling space.
01:08:58 Another announced it will close its downtown branch first run movie houses Holded one after another and now there is none down.
01:09:10 Ohh, that sounds familiar too.
01:09:11 You mean like this?
01:09:13 Exact thing that's happening in San Francisco right now cause in 70 years it just gets worse.
Speaker 33
01:09:19 I try to avoid the area as much as I can.
Speaker 34
01:09:25 Westfield Center in San Francisco, calling it quits and a lack of foot.
01:09:28 Traffic is a.
01:09:29 Big part of the problem, Nordstrom is pulling out of two downtown locations.
01:09:33 Good evening, everyone.
01:09:34 I'm Mike liebeck.
Speaker 35
01:09:35 And I'm Julie hayner. It is the second time in as many days that a major retailer announces it is closing in a popular tourist spot on Market Street. KTV's Tom Baker joins us now from the Westfield Center with the details of the departures. Tom.
Speaker 14
01:09:49 A little bit of a gut punch for the city, but as the city tries to recover from the pandemic and now the slowdown in the economy.
Speaker 21
01:09:56 And the lack.
Speaker 14
01:09:57 Of people down here with all of that going.
01:10:00 On these retailers have decided Market Street is just too much to handle.
01:10:07 On Tuesday, Seattle based Nordstrom announced it's closing at San Francisco Westfield Center store near Union Square, and it's Nordstrom Rack just across Market Street.
01:10:17 close by an earlier day.
01:10:20 Nearby Saks, off 5th, announced its permanent.
01:10:23 There are other Bay Area locations though will continue but not here due to the poor Market Street environment.
01:10:29 You've been through tough.
Speaker 36
01:10:30 Issue #1 for businesses downtown, I think is quality of life and if we want to keep businesses, especially these retail stores in San Francisco, we need to really focus on cleaning up the quality of life issues. That's public safety, that's St.
Speaker 14
01:10:44 There's no way to sugarcoat.
01:10:45 That's black people.
01:10:48 You are sugar coating it.
01:10:54 It's diversity.
01:10:58 Again, it's exactly the same ****.
01:11:02 It's just spreading from city to city.
Speaker 7
01:11:06 At dusk, outside in downtown Detroit, the streets already are almost empty.
01:11:26 Looks like a ******* zombie movie.
01:11:45 77 and 6:50.
Speaker 7
01:11:47 It is no exaggeration to say that many people are afraid to be out on.
01:11:51 The streets at night.
01:11:53 Detroiters know about their own city's reputation.
01:11:59 The homicide rate has gone up during good times and bad when there was racial tension and when there was not.
01:12:05 When other crimes increased or decreased.
01:12:09 Homicide is a growth industry.
01:12:12 In 10 years, the homicide toll increased 5 1/2 times last year. The number of victims was 751.
Speaker 9
01:12:22 In recent years.
01:12:24 Homicides have been rising in the city of Detroit for 197172 and 73. Almost every category of crime in the city of Detroit declined for three straight straight years, with the exception of homicide, and that has continued decline year after year.
01:12:42 But that's not a problem that's unique to.
01:12:45 It's a problem that I am personally convinced that the entire state of Michigan has, as do most of the other major urban areas in the United States.
01:12:59 I wonder what all those urban areas in the United States have in common.
01:13:09 Get out of the cities, guys.
01:13:10 This is just what this is.
01:13:11 What city life is.
Speaker 7
01:13:16 The fear of physical harm is evident in many ways.
01:13:19 For example, this stores bulletproof shield runs from counter to ceiling.
01:13:28 You see that was that was a.
01:13:31 A unique thing back then.
01:13:32 That's when they first had to start installing these.
01:13:36 They haven't gone away.
01:13:37 This is Detroit like last year.
Speaker 11
01:13:41 OK.
01:13:46 That's it.
Speaker 7
01:14:22 A lot of those.
Speaker 6
01:14:26 OK.
Speaker 11
01:14:29 I'm being his man.
01:14:30 I'm beating your *****.
01:14:31 No, wait.
01:14:32 I'm being I'm being your your words.
01:14:41 See look at the festive attitude of the other blacks in the in the store.
01:14:48 There's a black guy pounding on.
01:14:51 The bulletproof glass, saying he's going to beat him up.
01:14:54 And later says he's going to shoot him and kill him.
01:14:57 And the other blacks in the.
01:14:58 Store think it's funny?
01:15:06 We're not the same.
Speaker 11
01:15:20 Right.
Speaker 5
01:15:22 No problem.
Speaker 24
01:15:28 I don't know dog.
01:15:30 Ohh, it's so funny.
01:15:32 It's so funny.
01:15:33 Ha ha ha.
01:15:33 He's he's saying he's.
01:15:35 Gonna come back and murder you.
01:15:43 So that bulletproof glass stuff that they rolled out in 1975 is still in effect today.
01:15:54 Same thing in New York.
01:15:55 Go to New York and every store is like that.
01:15:58 At least all the all the bodegas I went.
01:16:00 To or the.
01:16:04 The you know, convenience stores like that.
01:16:08 Everything was behind bulletproof glass.
Speaker 7
01:16:11 These police photographs illustrate the most common stories of homicide, friendship of marriage and blood relationship, ending in a short burst of rage.
01:16:25 And now we get to the low impulse control.
01:16:31 Not only.
01:16:34 As I said, last stream that you you lose freedoms when you have these people.
01:16:39 I mean obviously if we've highlighted a lot of what, how it gets unsafe and everything else.
01:16:45 But now they're they're going to start saying, well, now we need, we need more gun regulation.
01:16:50 They've been beating that drum since the since desegregation also.
01:16:58 They'll even try to psychologize it here.
01:17:00 In a second.
01:17:02 Really what they're talking about is blacks don't have the impulse control to not murder if they have a gun.
01:17:10 Therefore, no one can have guns anymore.
01:17:16 That's another price you pay.
Speaker 7
01:17:28 There were two men in the life of a.
01:17:30 Woman who lived here.
01:17:33 On April 28th, one of them, a friend, came to visit while she was out. Shortly afterward, her husband arrived with a gun. There was a fight upstairs, and the friend.
01:17:44 Was killed.
01:17:50 The husband was arrested, but it was for her.
01:17:52 Friend that the woman grieve.
01:17:58 Typical case.
01:18:03 So it must be the guns fault, right?
01:18:06 It must be the guns.
Speaker 7
01:18:11 Each year, the Detroit Police Department confiscates about 30,000 firearms used in crimes.
01:18:22 They include handguns of every description.
01:18:27 30,000 guns used in crimes in a year in a year.
01:18:34 And then this this night that this little treat I'm.
01:18:36 Surprised is in there.
01:18:39 So this is a Jewish pawn shop owner.
01:18:43 Listen, listen to what he says.
01:18:46 About guns, he he wants.
01:18:48 He wants to get rid of guns too.
Speaker 28
01:18:50 I don't own a gun.
01:18:51 I don't have a gun in the house.
01:18:53 I don't carry a gun.
01:18:54 And the reason I don't is because it means I would.
01:18:57 Intend to use.
01:18:58 It if I carried it or have it, or felt that that insecure in my life that I felt.
01:19:04 That that one.
01:19:04 I don't want my kids to learn how to use a gun.
01:19:06 I don't care if they never learn how to use a gun.
01:19:08 I don't want to go into service as a matter of fact, I'd much rather have my kids go watch a good pornographic click than to learn how to shoot a gun.
01:19:16 I'd rather my kids learn to watch a ******** pornographic movie than learn how.
01:19:20 To shoot a gun.
01:19:28 You see how this symbiotic relationship works.
01:19:36 Is it starting?
01:19:36 To materialize a little bit to you.
01:19:42 You know, don't point out the obvious problem.
01:19:44 The people using the guns.
01:19:47 It's the gun.
01:19:48 You know, I've heard this argument from leftists before.
01:19:54 Ohh, I don't carry a gun because I can't.
01:19:55 I can't be trusted with a gun.
01:19:57 We should ban them because, like you know, I I I if I had a gun, I'd, I'd, I'd probably use it and hurt someone.
01:20:03 It's like.
01:20:05 Wow, that says way more about you than it does about guns.
01:20:11 I've been around guns my entire life.
01:20:12 I've never shot anyone.
01:20:16 Maybe we need to get rid of people like you.
01:20:19 Not guns.
Speaker 9
01:20:25 This is the emotional conflict motivated homicide.
01:20:30 Is it almost impossible for us to police?
01:20:34 I cannot put a policeman in every bedroom or every kitchen throughout the.
01:20:38 City of Detroit.
01:20:41 No you can't.
01:20:44 So maybe the solution that we've been trying for 70 years.
01:20:49 Is the wrong solution.
01:20:54 Desegregation was a mistake.
01:20:59 We just need to get the **** away from them.
01:21:01 As Scott Adams said.
01:21:09 It's not the guns.
Speaker 9
01:21:12 I am told by psychiatrists that if the.
01:21:15 Ohh this this is good.
01:21:17 This is where he literally says.
01:21:18 It's low impulse control.
Speaker 9
01:21:22 The pistol were not available the time span in which the emotion is that high is very, very short and that if there had not been that readily available, extremely deadly weapon.
01:21:37 They'd have passed over that moment of extreme anger, and there probably never would have been a homicide.
01:21:43 Maybe a black eye.
01:21:47 Like Kelly says, they'd they'd still be violent.
01:21:51 They just wouldn't shoot someone.
01:21:54 He's literally describing low impulse control.
Speaker 19
01:22:01 I was told by a psychiatrist.
01:22:04 That, that moment of irrational rage.
01:22:08 Is so momentary.
01:22:10 That they wouldn't, they wouldn't, they wouldn't.
01:22:13 They wouldn't have the.
01:22:15 The foresight to go in and and buy guns and and commit the crime.
01:22:19 And so we just get the guns out of their hands.
01:22:21 All the worst that'll happen is you'll get a black eye.
01:22:24 Might just get a hospitalized.
01:22:33 So Detroit continued to spiral.
01:22:37 And in 1983, they were putting out this this is hilarious. This is a a video that to try to get people to move to Detroit.
01:22:46 And I want you to pay close attention to the kinds of people.
01:22:49 They're showing in.
01:22:50 The video here.
Speaker 13
01:22:55 From any angle.
01:22:56 The face of a city is in part, its sky.
01:23:00 Line so it is with the unmistakable silhouette of the towering Renaissance Center, the hallmark profile of Greater Detroit, Super City USA.
01:23:11 Well, well.
Speaker 1
01:23:12 Well, welcome home.
01:23:14 Welcome home.
01:23:16 Welcome to Super City.
Speaker 11
01:23:21 The weather.
Speaker 1
01:23:21 It's OK.
01:23:23 Super CSA.
01:23:26 Welcome home.
01:23:27 Welcome home.
01:23:30 Welcome to the Super City.
01:23:33 Welcome to the Super City.
Speaker 13
01:23:40 The river that gave the city its name brings the ships of the world to its doorstep and marks a fenceless border with neighboring Windsor, Canada.
01:23:52 Create a Detroit is truly an exciting place with your resources, with a variety of special qualities, and a.
01:23:56 No black people.
01:23:57 If you look at.
01:23:57 This footage.
Speaker 13
01:24:02 Air chemistry that creates this one-of-a-kind metropolitan area that is by any measure one of the world's great communities.
01:24:12 More white people.
Speaker 13
01:24:14 Of course, there is much more than the eye.
01:24:16 Can readily see.
01:24:18 More than the world of its government.
01:24:21 More than the complexity of its commerce, more than the vast and sprawling landscape which stretches beyond Lake Saint Clair.
01:24:36 But it's it's just like they throw in the the the the same amount of black people they throw in.
01:24:41 If this was like for Canada.
01:24:43 Or something like.
01:24:44 Yeah, but it's mostly like, hey, look, look at all these.
01:24:46 Look at.
01:24:46 Beach full of white people.
01:24:49 Ohh like white people talking to robots.
01:24:52 Ohh look, classical music, you know fine dining with all white kids through.
01:24:57 They had the token black guy.
01:25:00 White people watching sports or I guess race car stuff.
01:25:04 More like more white people.
01:25:10 Ohh look.
01:25:13 So nice, I almost want to move there.
01:25:15 Look at this place.
01:25:17 They got well, we got belly dancers.
01:25:21 Oh, we got a Symphony.
01:25:24 Oh, that's nice.
01:25:24 Look at that.
01:25:27 You got white kids, you know.
01:25:30 Culturally appropriating Mexican culture or something.
01:25:36 Ohh, we got golf.
01:25:37 We got golf.
Speaker 11
01:25:39 And murder.
01:25:43 They keep forgetting the murder part.
01:25:46 So this this this thing goes on you would you would have no idea.
01:25:50 That what we're looking at here, all these images have anything to do with what we were just watching.
01:26:01 We got dinosaurs.
01:26:02 Oh, look at that.
01:26:05 They occasionally throw in a black guy like every every few minutes.
01:26:11 But it's like a Cosby black, like this guy.
01:26:13 Oh, look, it's a father that's still around.
01:26:18 Not very representative.
01:26:21 Ohh yeah.
01:26:22 So anyway, what's the reality?
01:26:26 Well, here's the reality.
01:26:30 Here's the reality of.
01:26:33 Of what has changed in Detroit.
01:26:40 So this is 1941 before the the Great ***** invasion, I guess is what they.
01:26:45 Called it or something like that.
01:26:49 Right.
01:26:51 1941 look fancy, Harper theatre.
01:26:56 Uh, not just like this rundown out of business.
01:27:03 Now, what else we got let.
01:27:04 Me. Fast forward here.
01:27:06 Oh, look at that, 1881.
01:27:10 Brush Park, once home to Detroit's wealthy elite, a neighborhood of the Gilded Age, and Victorian homes that covered 20 blocks.
01:27:20 That looks really cool. I'd, I'd I'd love to live in that neighborhood in 1881.
01:27:26 Because that's what it looks like now.
01:27:32 I wonder what changed.
01:27:36 Look at that.
01:27:49 Look at that look.
01:27:50 Look at that.
01:27:51 Nice. Uh, Victorian home.
01:27:55 Here's the 1967 riots.
01:27:58 Look at that.
01:27:59 At least there were.
01:28:00 Buildings there before.
01:28:03 This is a neighborhood where one of the some of the riots took place.
01:28:08 That's what's left of it still today.
01:28:11 That's what's left of it.
01:28:21 Here's another area where the riots were taking place.
01:28:29 See, I like I like how and I like how they blame.
01:28:31 They're blaming the police.
01:28:33 A botched raid by the Detroit Police Department on a bar touched off rioting.
01:28:38 It was, it was the botched raid.
01:28:40 It wasn't the fact that the blacks started attacking the cops.
01:28:43 It was a botched raid.
01:28:47 Now look at all those buildings.
01:28:49 Look at that.
01:28:52 Everything burned to the ground.
01:29:02 Look at that.
01:29:04 This is 1967 right before the riots.
01:29:10 Furniture store.
01:29:11 Probably not the best part of town because it looks very diverse.
01:29:16 What does it?
01:29:16 Look like now after the riots.
01:29:17 Ohh that that.
01:29:18 Looks great.
01:29:19 Still pretty diverse though.
01:29:23 Why do we owe reparations again?
01:29:26 I'm trying to figure that out.
01:29:28 Has anyone actually done the math on?
01:29:31 On who should be paying who?
01:29:35 This is during the looting.
01:29:36 You can tell because you have black people just casually walking out of a.
01:29:41 Store with like that guy's got like a wagon full of stuff that guys.
01:29:44 Roll on a ******* tire.
01:29:49 What does it look like now?
01:29:50 Oh, look.
01:29:52 Look at that.
01:29:58 Looks pretty nice, huh?
01:30:02 Damn white people did this.
01:30:05 They did it by moving away because they knew it was going to look like this pretty soon.
01:30:18 This is the inside of a library.
01:30:24 This is what that library looked like in 1933, before any black people moved there.
01:30:39 Alright, do you need any more evidence?
01:30:44 This is Detroit without black people.
01:30:47 This is Detroit with black people.
01:30:50 Why is it worth the price again?
01:30:56 Why are you meant to pay this this price?
01:31:01 What makes it so worth it?
01:31:04 I don't know.
01:31:04 We're not, we're.
01:31:04 We're we're never told.
01:31:09 And if anyone looks it up on YouTube.
01:31:12 They hear.
01:31:13 I heard something about the the riots.
01:31:16 In in 1967 in Detroit, this is the 1st result. Of course, it's from an approved source, right?
01:31:28 History channel.
01:31:28 This is what this is what they hear about.
Speaker 33
01:31:31 The Detroit riots in 1967, a riot broke out during a long, hot summer night in the Virginia Park neighborhood of Detroit, MI, lasting more than two days.
01:31:43 It was one of the most destructive riots.
01:31:45 In American history, we're going to take a look at what's at the riots off.
01:31:50 The riots themselves.
01:31:51 And the consequences in the late 1960s.
01:31:54 We already did.
01:31:55 That, but let's let's let's hear the official version.
Speaker 33
01:31:59 60s the civil rights movement in the United States was growing stronger, but racial inequality was still a big problem.
01:32:06 Deindustrialization of the cities and the desegregation of schools was causing a reshuffling of neighborhoods as part of integration efforts, people of color moved into urban areas that were once predominantly white.
01:32:20 Well, you know, so far she's on the money.
01:32:24 So it was it was.
01:32:24 People of color moving to neighborhoods that were that were predominantly.
01:32:27 White that caused it, huh?
01:32:30 I'm surprised you're admitting that.
Speaker 33
01:32:32 But in response, many white people fled to the suburbs.
01:32:35 Some scared of integration and some having lost their factory job.
01:32:39 Evil white people left.
01:32:41 That's what caused it.
01:32:43 So wait, what? What?
01:32:45 You're basically saying is.
01:32:47 Then it's just people of color in this city, so why would there be a problem, right?
01:32:51 All the evil white people left you alone.
Speaker 33
01:32:53 Cops this phenomenon is called white flight and contributed to segregation, with many whites having fled urban centers.
01:33:02 Business owners and politicians.
01:33:04 Neglected these new, mostly black neighborhoods, leading to overcrowding.
01:33:07 Ohh it was it was the best.
01:33:09 The white businessmen and and politicians that neglected the neighborhoods.
01:33:17 Didn't you guys know that the the responsibility for the condition of your neighborhood is the politicians and businessmen?
01:33:29 It's not your responsibility.
Speaker 33
01:33:36 In deterioration while Detroit spent money on developing and racially integrating the inner city, black residents of neighborhoods like Virginia Park were still dealing with housing and employment discrimination.
01:33:48 Poor access to medical services and underfunded public education system and racism from law enforcement.
01:33:56 Ohh you see it it's it's it's the same.
01:33:58 You're you're always gonna.
01:33:59 Have to deal with this.
01:34:02 For eternity.
01:34:04 Your children and your children's children and your children's children's children.
01:34:11 So long as you are within proximity to black people.
01:34:15 All the problems caused by black people are going to be blamed on you, even if you leave.
01:34:21 In fact, that'll be the reason it got bad as you left.
01:34:31 This is why, by the way, people get very upset.
01:34:34 I remember a couple of years ago when people were first floating around the idea of the white ethno state, which is never going to happen, at least not on a large scale, right?
01:34:43 When they were acting as if somehow we still had the political power to deport all non whites from America, which you know, maybe some European countries could still pull that off.
01:34:53 But America it's baked in, OK.
01:34:58 The frantic.
01:35:08 And the voices of the POC's was was obvious.
01:35:11 You can't.
01:35:12 No, you can't do that.
01:35:14 We can't leave.
01:35:14 We can't go somewhere else.
01:35:17 And I and I always pointed out the.
01:35:21 The Indian reservations.
01:35:25 Indian reservations are Indian ethno states, quite literally.
01:35:40 See and when it's an Indian ethno state, somehow that's everything's going to.
01:35:44 Be your fault.
01:35:47 If you allow, if you grant Indians, ethno states.
01:35:52 Something that's not cruel at all, because that's sounds like a great thing, like white people be like sweet.
01:35:58 That's actually what I'd want.
01:36:00 If I had an invading culture come into my land.
01:36:05 And they were wildly incompatible with my people and my culture.
01:36:11 And they gave me an ethno state so that I wouldn't have to live amongst them.
01:36:15 And and they didn't force me to live there either.
01:36:18 It was optional.
01:36:21 And if I did live there?
01:36:23 The the The the people running the government that I fled.
01:36:27 Would fund like my healthcare system.
01:36:31 And give me payments every month.
01:36:34 To live there.
01:36:36 And that's supposed to be this great evil that we did to the Native Americans.
01:36:43 Well, then, why aren't you allowing us to inflict that same great evil on ourselves?
01:36:48 Well, if we did it, then it's white.
01:36:50 Flight then it's bad all of a sudden.
01:36:53 Right.
01:36:53 If they were to carve out like a piece in Nevada, like the worst part, like where they where they were testing.
01:36:58 Nukes or something like just some?
01:37:00 You know salt flat with nothing on it.
01:37:03 And they just said here you go white people, this is your your ethno state.
01:37:06 Like, just like the Navajo.
01:37:07 Nation or whatever, right?
01:37:14 And white people moved there.
01:37:15 Be like, stop.
01:37:16 Why are you?
01:37:16 Why are you going there?
01:37:20 Because the United States.
01:37:21 Would turn into a giant Detroit.
01:37:34 And they know that of course they.
01:37:35 Know that they won't admit.
01:37:37 It, but neither will many of.
01:37:38 You you won't admit it?
01:37:40 I mean, probably the guys listening.
01:37:42 Live, which, by the way hit.
01:37:43 That fire button, if you haven't yet already.
01:37:47 But the uh.
01:37:49 Vast majority of even like Trump voting white people.
01:37:55 Would be very offended by this conversation.
01:37:58 And not for the right reasons.
Speaker 33
01:38:06 On July 23rd, 1967, at 3:15 AM, the vice squad of the Detroit Police Department conducted a raid on an unlicensed bar on 12th St. in Virginia Park. Although it was late, the street was full of people.
01:38:21 I like.
01:38:22 I like courts unlicensed.
01:38:23 Bar like an undocumented immigrant.
01:38:28 Yeah, it was like.
01:38:29 An illegal bar where there was.
01:38:30 Some shady **** going down.
01:38:32 It was it was a.
01:38:33 It was 3 ******* o'clock in the morning.
01:38:35 There's still people hanging outside.
01:38:36 I I guarantee you it wasn't like a very savory place.
Speaker 33
01:38:39 Trying to keep cool.
01:38:40 Because of the heat wave, while the police.
01:38:42 Were making arrests.
01:38:43 A brick flew through a police car window, prompting the riots, looting and fires that were.
01:38:49 Raged for days on July.
01:38:50 She I like.
01:38:51 How remember it was.
01:38:52 Remember it was a botched police raid.
01:38:56 But somehow it was black people throwing bricks at the cups.
01:39:05 That botched the raid.
01:39:06 I guess you know.
01:39:12 See, it's it's it's it's it's always your fault.
Speaker 33
01:39:15 By 25th, Governor George Romney called in the Michigan National Guard and the riots finally ended on July 27th.
01:39:24 But the damage and human loss was unprecedented. 43 people died over 1000 were injured over 7200, were arrested. More than 2000 buildings and structures were damaged, and hundreds of families were left homeless.
01:39:42 And that's all the white man's fault.
Speaker 33
01:39:46 The riots accelerated the exodus of white people from the city, making segregation even worse.
01:39:57 If you leave if.
01:39:59 You if you do it as I say, and get out of the cities.
01:40:03 It's your fault when the cities get worse.
01:40:10 You might not have this choice.
01:40:11 This is why I'm saying get out of the cities if they hate your whiteness so much, deprive them of your whiteness.
01:40:18 While you still legally can.
01:40:31 Because right now you leaving is is violence.
01:40:36 That's right.
01:40:36 Now that's the perception.
01:40:38 You leaving is violence.
Speaker 33
01:40:43 But it also drew attention to the problem President Lyndon B Johnson appointed Commission.
01:40:48 Ohh that's good.
01:40:52 And then Lyndon B Johnson used this as an opportunity to expand the welfare state. And as he said, quote, get those voting for us for.
01:41:01 100 years.
01:41:04 That's that's a, that's a president Johnson quote.
01:41:08 Or thereabouts.
01:41:11 He wanted to use this opportunity to vastly expand the welfare state.
01:41:16 So in other words, it doesn't matter if white people leave, we're going to still we're going to force you to pay for these people.
01:41:24 We're going to take from you.
01:41:25 And give to them.
01:41:31 That will calm them down.
01:41:35 And they'll vote for us.
01:41:36 For 100 years.
Speaker 33
01:41:39 To figure out why the riots happened, the report found that white racism, discrimination and poverty were.
01:41:47 See, it was white racism, white racism and discrimination.
01:41:50 Did all this.
01:41:53 White racism threw that brick at the cops.
01:41:58 White racism ran that illegal bar.
01:42:03 White racism burned down all those businesses.
01:42:08 White racism shot and stabbed all those people.
01:42:13 White racism was the snipers in the building, shooting at firemen and white women.
01:42:26 Just asked the report that Johnson put out.
Speaker 33
01:42:33 To blame for the riots, it warned, quote, our nation is moving toward 2 societies, 1 black and one white, separate and unequal.
01:42:44 That's because invariably that would be the result.
01:42:50 In fact, if you want to know why so much aid goes to Africa, that's just a bigger version of this nonsense.
01:42:58 Right, cause the African continent is separate from us and on equal.
01:43:04 So it must be because of something you're doing.
01:43:08 Because we can't talk about the reality of the situation.
01:43:12 Right, we can't use the actual explanation to explain the difference.
01:43:17 Therefore, we have to make one up.
01:43:20 And since white people don't seem to have it in them to.
01:43:23 To fight back.
01:43:29 It's your fault.
01:43:33 It's your fault.
01:43:37 If you get a group of people whose average IQ is in the 80s.
01:43:43 And you separate them from a group that is average IQ is around 100.
01:43:49 They're going to be separate and unequal.
01:43:54 And nothing about that result is going to have anything to do with racism.
01:44:00 Nothing that that in that result doesn't have anything to do about the group with the 100 IQ somehow oppressing.
01:44:07 The group with the adiq.
01:44:17 Why are these people your responsibility?
01:44:25 They're not.
01:44:33 But that's what you're being told.
01:44:34 That's what everyone's being told.
01:44:37 And to some degree, that's what boomers believe.
01:44:42 They all watched.
01:44:43 Roots and felt bad for slavery, that they had nothing to do with.
01:44:48 And because Kunta Kinte got whipped a bunch of Times Now.
01:44:51 That for that forever.
01:44:54 Willing to take whatever punishment to atone for that sin is is is necessary.
01:45:05 Even if that atonement never comes, and it won't.
01:45:11 Well, it hasn't in 70 years.
01:45:14 The situation hasn't even improved.
01:45:16 It's worse in 70 years.
01:45:18 What makes you think it's going to get better?
01:45:20 And 20 or 30.
01:45:26 Ohh if we if we vote for Obama at least, then they'll see that you can be president and black at the same time.
01:45:31 And race relations will get better.
01:45:32 No they won't.
01:45:42 If Trump just gives them the platinum plan.
01:45:47 And drones on about black unemployment and diamond silk enough times.
01:45:51 Then eventually it'll be, you know, racism will will go away.
01:45:54 No, won't.
01:46:08 You can't get rid of it because you can't be honest about what what's causing the problem.
01:46:16 And look if if you're one of the black people that that are.
01:46:21 Part of this experiencing this this side of things.
01:46:28 First of all, the last thing you're going to want to admit.
01:46:32 Is that oh, that's because that's because we're not.
01:46:34 As capable as.
01:46:35 They are.
01:46:37 Quite the opposite.
01:46:38 There's a lot of racial narcissism from black people.
01:46:41 You know, we was kings.
01:46:42 You know, the the we built the pyramids and.
01:46:48 There's a lot of delusional.
01:46:50 You know black people when when it comes to what they feel like, they've they've accomplished and it's been. Look, I can't, you can't really blame them because no one's no one's disputing them.
01:47:02 If anything, they're blowing smoke up their skirt.
01:47:04 Any chance they get?
01:47:05 Oh, yeah, you invented the.
Speaker 11
01:47:07 Light bulb.
01:47:08 You made the computer that landed us.
01:47:10 On the moon.
01:47:15 You're just filling their head full of ******* nonsense.
01:47:21 Initially, white people went along with it because they thought ohh well, if you tell a lie long enough, it'll become true, right?
01:47:26 It's it's really it's.
01:47:28 It's all because they.
01:47:29 Don't have any role models.
01:47:30 They didn't ask themselves.
01:47:31 Why don't they have any role models?
01:47:36 Why don't they have people in their in their group that they can look at and be like, wow, that guy was amazing.
01:47:41 I want to model my life after that guy.
01:47:47 No, they just they just assumed, oh, well, they don't.
01:47:50 So if we just lot we just make one up.
01:47:54 If we just tell them that.
01:47:55 They invented peanut butter.
01:47:58 Then they'll all become engineers and scientists.
01:48:01 Because that's the only problem.
01:48:02 The problem is that that there's white Barbies.
01:48:13 The problem is.
01:48:17 Cleopatra in the movie is played by an Egyptian.
01:48:21 Or a Greek.
01:48:23 And not a black lady.
01:48:27 It's it's just it's representation of movies, which by the way.
01:48:32 At the very least, that's an admission of of what they think about the power of their their propaganda.
01:48:39 I think I genuinely think there are some people that that think that that that's going to work in a very.
01:48:45 Oh well, I was gonna say very previous.
01:48:47 That's not right.
01:48:47 But, like, you know, in a previous stream from a while back when I was talking about the the twilight zone, Rod sterling, in an interview, he admitted as much.
01:48:58 I think Jews are so impressed with their meme magic they they some of them really think that this.
01:49:03 **** will work.
01:49:04 That it will overcome biology.
01:49:08 You know, Rod Sterling said that, you know we.
01:49:11 We we had to start.
01:49:13 Putting black doctors in in TV shows.
01:49:21 Even if it didn't reflect reality, we started putting black scientists and doctors and whatever in these movies.
01:49:36 Like Abby Hoffman said, you know another Jew that said.
01:49:40 A propagandist doesn't show you what reality is, but what they want it to be.
01:49:47 In the hopes that the meme magic will will make it come to pass.
01:49:58 We put enough black doctors and engineers in movies, then magically, they'll just happen.
01:50:04 You know, like I, as I've often complained, cause it just it just it just really irritated me as a nerdy kid in the 90s.
01:50:10 Every ******* 90s movie, the computer hackers, some black guy and that just ****** me off because like I I knew those people didn't exist.
01:50:21 And I was like, it's so regular that this is intentional.
01:50:38 But here's the.
01:50:38 Flip side to that.
01:50:40 If it's so important, right?
01:50:43 It's so important for this representation, it's going to have this impact.
01:50:48 On populations, isn't the inverse true?
01:50:53 It's a 0 sum game.
01:50:56 Right.
01:50:56 For example, let's use the example of my, my, the nerdy black computer hacker in 90S movies, which prime sure persist today.
01:51:06 That trope, if you will.
01:51:09 If it's so important to the outcomes that you're going to get out of black kids by featuring them as computer hackers and movies.
01:51:18 Aren't you causing the inverse effect in white kids by not having any positive white nerdy kids?
01:51:24 In movies that they can relate to.
01:51:30 In fact, you might even ask yourself, maybe it really doesn't have anything to deal with a positive.
01:51:36 Role model for black people.
01:51:39 In these films in these stories.
01:51:42 But rather.
01:51:43 It's about not having.
01:51:46 A positive white character.
Speaker 16
01:51:49 In these movies and stories.
01:51:55 In fact, it's pretty easy to make that assumption when.
01:51:58 You see the.
01:51:58 Characters white people are allowed to play.
01:52:03 There was that black actor, black actor, a couple of months ago.
01:52:05 I forget his name, but he was he would complained to variety.
01:52:08 I believe it was.
01:52:10 That he wanted to play villains and movies.
01:52:14 But they wouldn't allow black people black actors to play villains and movies that you had.
01:52:18 To be a white person.
01:52:26 Of course, he didn't make that observation.
01:52:31 Through the same lens that you and I would, he doesn't understand how that sounds to us.
01:52:36 Wait a second.
01:52:37 White people have to only be villains.
01:52:51 We need to get the **** away from him.
01:52:58 Your choice is clear.
01:52:59 Your choice is your culture, your traditions, your society, and just many of your.
01:53:04 People will die, will die.
01:53:10 Or it'll become a hybrid.
01:53:18 It's already becoming a hybrid.
01:53:25 The term Wigger didn't come out of nowhere.
Speaker 33
01:53:48 Two years later, the Stonewall riots would occur at the Stonewall Inn in New York City, which was targeted at a rate very similar to the bar on 12th St.
01:53:57 Like in Detroit, the spontaneous violence at the Stonewall Inn also resulted from discrimination, but this time against the LGBT community. The stone wall was a popular safe haven for New York's gay.
01:54:09 Say you know what?
Speaker 33
01:54:10 Community Detroit.
01:54:11 And Stonewall, but be the most destructive rights in U.S. history until the 1990s.
Speaker 6
01:54:20 Get in.
01:54:38 This is why you need leaders that are just.
01:54:40 Willing to say it.
01:54:44 Need to have leaders that are just willing.
01:54:46 To be like Nah.
01:54:49 No, we're done.
01:54:50 We've, we've been playing this game for.
01:54:53 For long enough.
01:55:00 We're not going to keep doing the same stupid.
01:55:04 You know, falling for the same stupid tricks and rhetoric over and over and over again.
01:55:09 Expecting things to change.
01:55:13 Keep shoveling trillions and trillions of dollars of our money.
01:55:17 At these problems.
01:55:19 Expecting things to change.
01:55:38 So until you have that leader, really all, it's all your only choice is.
01:55:42 You're going to get replaced.
01:55:45 You're going to get replaced and bastardized.
01:56:04 So anyway.
01:56:07 I hope that that clears up a little bit for you guys what the.
01:56:13 What the Detroit riots were about.
01:56:16 You know, it was about.
01:56:18 That white people leaving because they knew.
01:56:21 Where things were headed.
01:56:26 And they didn't want to be.
01:56:27 Around for it, and I don't blame them.
01:56:41 The irony is, of course.
01:56:43 Americas, Paris.
01:56:47 In in pretty spectacular.
01:56:52 Show the world exactly what would happen.
01:56:56 If you demographically replaced a city.
01:57:02 And the real Paris in France responded.
01:57:07 By importing the same kinds of people.
01:57:21 If you're not going to admit what the problem is.
01:57:26 You can't argue against it.
01:57:41 Ignoring the reality of racial differences.
01:57:46 I mean, I I just.
01:57:48 I'm done.
01:57:48 I'm done with white people that can't *******.
01:57:51 Say the truth.
01:58:14 Now I understand.
01:58:19 From what I from what I've heard.
01:58:23 Elon Musk has been commenting on.
01:58:27 Some Twitter posts that are pointing out some of these differences look at the positive thing.
01:58:33 I'll I'll give credit where credits due doesn't mean I trust the guy.
01:58:40 Doesn't mean I trust the guy.
01:58:50 But hey, if if it's a baby step in the direction of getting more normally ********.
01:58:55 White people to.
01:58:57 Take the ******* Jew blinders off for a second.
01:59:05 I am all for it.
01:59:09 I'm all for it.
01:59:13 I think at a certain point it's just going to get it's like that.
01:59:16 When I was on.
01:59:17 I hypocrite channel doing that live stream last week.
01:59:23 And he played.
01:59:25 That clip from that, that show trigonometry or whatever the **** it's called.
01:59:29 That super gay cringe show.
01:59:32 And they and they had that guy on that was talking about race realism and how it was going to be.
01:59:36 At a certain point it.
01:59:38 Would have to be acknowledged that there's differences in groups because the technology.
01:59:43 In that field of genetics is just too obvious now.
01:59:46 It's just so clear, like there's it has been for a long time.
01:59:51 By the way, it's not like this is something new, but it's getting to the point where come the **** on.
02:00:06 So even the people now that have convinced themselves they they can, they they can't believe they're lying eyes.
02:00:13 This is why This is why I'm not super.
02:00:14 Optimistic though.
02:00:16 What do you think should be more convincing?
02:00:20 To annoy me.
02:00:22 Your city burning down and turning into this ******* hellscape.
02:00:25 That's that's going by on the screen right now.
02:00:30 Or a graph.
02:00:32 Like an infographic?
02:00:36 Right.
02:00:36 What should be more convincing?
02:00:38 You're people being murdered at an alarming rate.
02:00:42 Entire years like 2018.
02:00:45 Where there's zero white on black rapes, but something like, you know, thousands.
02:00:49 I don't remember the exact number, but it doesn't matter.
02:00:51 It's it's in the thousands.
02:00:53 I think it's in the 10s of thousands black on white.
02:01:03 I mean those people getting raped, that's real white.
02:01:05 People out there.
02:01:07 That's people's friends and family members.
02:01:13 You'd think that would be convincing.
02:01:25 You think that George Floyd riots for the younger people?
02:01:29 That would be convincing.
02:01:34 You think the response to it's?
02:01:35 OK, to be white.
02:01:37 Would be convincing.
02:01:52 You'd think that the response to all lives matter.
02:01:58 Would be convincing.
02:02:15 So pardon me.
02:02:18 If I'm not all that enthusiastic about Elon responding.
02:02:24 To an infographic.
02:02:27 Then again.
02:02:29 White people are.
02:02:30 This is why you need the leader that just says it.
02:02:33 All right, this is what leaders don't understand because so far we haven't had any courageous leaders, and that includes Trump.
02:02:44 A real leader understands.
02:02:50 Your followers.
02:02:52 Aren't following you.
02:02:56 Because they agree with what you say every time you say it.
02:03:04 Right.
02:03:04 If that was how leadership worked, you wouldn't need managers at A at.
02:03:07 A pizza joint.
02:03:09 Because everyone would just already be doing their job.
02:03:22 A leader leads a leader says this is you were used to this norm that all the content of our character and all this ****.
02:03:30 That's what your previous leaders have been.
02:03:32 Telling you.
02:03:33 And because white people believe in hierarchy.
02:03:37 They looked to the leader to set the tone.
02:03:40 To draw the line.
02:03:47 And when you get a.
02:03:48 Leader that says the line is.
Speaker 6
02:03:55 Get in.
02:04:08 That's the new line.
02:04:16 If you wanna, if you want an example of this, I mean just, you know, people made fun of the Christians.
02:04:21 That were making all kinds of excuses when Trump would would say very non Christian things and behave in very non Christian ways.
02:04:28 They're always making excuses for them, right?
02:04:34 That's because they believe in hierarchy.
02:04:37 He's the leader.
02:04:38 He sets the tone.
02:04:46 If they're willing to to have their their religion come second.
02:04:55 And what else is there?
02:04:59 If their leader in that situation is going to supersede their value system.
02:05:05 Then all it takes is the leader.
02:05:09 Drop kicking the ******* Overton window.
02:05:12 And saying this is the new ******* line and.
02:05:15 People will fall in line.
02:05:29 We just can't.
02:05:30 We can't afford.
02:05:31 To have all these limp wristed ******* in charge of stuff.
02:05:49 Calm down, Devin.
02:05:51 Alright, let's relax.
02:05:55 Alright, stretch a little bit.
02:05:56 The Churro is back.
02:05:59 He's going to start whining and complaining.
02:06:01 I can hear him.
02:06:01 Eating in the other room.
02:06:05 This is about the time of night.
02:06:06 He comes back and wants, wants attention.
02:06:11 All right, let's take a look at some of these hyper chats here.
02:06:17 Hope you guys are all having a good Saturday night or I guess Sunday morning for some of you.
02:06:24 It's been a been a crazy week for me.
Speaker 14
02:06:35 Alright, let's see here.
02:06:42 We're going to try this.
02:06:43 We're going.
02:06:44 To try this.
02:06:47 I don't know this is going to work.
02:06:51 I'm trying to make this work.
02:06:59 Is going to work.
Speaker 20
02:07:02 Playing games two hours ago.
02:07:05 Ever see Anthony Bourdain parts unknown?
02:07:09 It's such a deep, insightful show, great intellectual food journalism.
02:07:14 If you missed an episode or the entire series, this tweet sums it up.
02:07:20 Wasn't he wrapped up in some kind of?
02:07:25 Weird pedo stuff or something.
02:07:28 I actually I never saw the show.
02:07:30 I I.
02:07:31 Maybe kind of know who you're talking about.
02:07:35 I don't know why we'd be.
02:07:37 Well, let me let me bring it up here.
02:07:39 Why not?
02:07:40 Why not? Why not?
02:07:45 Let me see what this is that you've sent me.
02:07:50 OK.
02:08:02 OK, so we've got here pad Thai, something coconut, blah, blah, blah.
02:08:06 I've gotta say, man, this food is delicious.
02:08:08 Yeah, this is my favorite.
02:08:11 Very local. I hate white.
02:08:13 People I've never seen the show, but I.
02:08:16 So I don't know.
02:08:17 I don't get the.
02:08:17 Joke, but all right.
02:08:20 I I I I don't have a hard time believing that even a cooking show or.
02:08:24 Whatever would be.
02:08:25 Would be anti white.
02:08:28 Well, there's churro.
02:08:29 That's right, buddy.
02:08:30 I hear you.
02:08:33 Charro said.
Speaker 20
02:08:39 Proud to be white 2 hours ago.
02:08:42 Can you do a show on the movie unhinged?
02:08:45 With Russell Crowe.
02:08:47 I think it covers the modern women really well.
02:08:50 It also says a lot about divorce.
02:08:54 This or the movie flight, they really show their hate for whites in flight.
02:09:02 2020.
02:09:04 I have not seen this movie.
02:09:09 I don't think I'm really familiar with.
Speaker 26
02:09:14 Oh man.
02:09:15 It's like a a modern day falling down.
02:09:17 That's that's how they're.
02:09:19 They're kind of setting it.
Speaker 6
02:09:20 Up go.
Speaker 17
02:09:36 You know what a courtesy tap is, young man?
02:09:38 Sounds like this.
02:09:39 It's light.
02:09:40 It's friendly.
02:09:41 That's what your mom meant.
Speaker 1
02:09:42 To do not mom.
02:09:42 No, it's.
Speaker 17
02:09:48 Having a kind of a hard time lately, I'm sorry.
02:09:53 Accept my apology.
02:09:55 Just ignore it.
Speaker 2
02:09:55 If you could just do the same, we could press reset.
02:09:57 You don't have anything to apologize for.
02:10:03 Can you go please?
02:10:09 So it's like falling down the the feminist version.
02:10:14 I don't know.
02:10:14 I might check that out.
02:10:18 Uh. Let's see here.
02:10:29 I gotta find new one.
02:10:31 Damn it.
02:10:31 Hang on.
02:10:33 I'll just read it, whatever this thing is not working the way I wanted it to.
02:10:36 Gram playing games.
02:10:37 Remember when Bourdain was?
02:10:39 No, that's the same one again.
02:10:40 Why is it it sent me?
02:10:41 Sent it twice.
02:10:43 Or I guess no, that's a different one.
02:10:45 Bourdain was talking with the the absolute cook, German and Germany, about how white people need to be mixed out of existence now what?
02:10:53 What's with the Bourdain stuff?
02:10:58 Whatever I I really don't care about Bourdain, but whatever.
02:11:01 Let's just see.
02:11:02 What it is? Maybe it's?
Speaker 2
02:11:05 Renee is hitting the Schnitzel hard and I see he has opted for the egg on top.
02:11:10 So Cologne, proud of its attitude towards art artists, different cultures, Germany is accepted somewhere in the neighborhood of 1,000,000 refugees. How do you realistically say welcome to Germany and we're all going to learn to live together?
02:11:25 Can it?
02:11:25 Be done.
Speaker 37
02:11:26 It could be done of course, but I hope that all the right wing people will not develop, and this is, for example, a job for an artist.
02:11:34 Maybe we we should go out 100 peoples with Nazi uniforms and walk through the city. Maybe this kind of actions will just make the people.
Speaker 11
02:11:38 OK.
Speaker 37
02:11:44 Remind on the time and.
02:11:46 But our grandfathers did wrong.
02:11:49 We really have to take care.
02:11:50 That we don't fall back in.
02:11:51 This structures we are on the way we.
Speaker 2
02:11:54 But we kind of.
02:11:55 Have to thoroughly.
02:11:56 We're well on our way.
02:11:58 Well, I don't know.
02:11:59 Like, yeah, I.
02:12:01 I'll tell you one thing, every German I've met IRL is like that guy.
02:12:06 That's why I don't have high hopes for German.
02:12:08 Well, with one exception, actually.
02:12:10 And there was an old woman I've met that is not like that at all.
02:12:15 But any any other rephrase that any German I've met IRL under 40 is just like.
02:12:21 That I'm I know there's probably Germans out there, maybe even listening to this right now that are that are cool but.
02:12:27 All the ones I've met in America have been like that, that guy.
02:12:32 Let's take a look here.
02:12:35 Johannes Brahms.
02:12:36 This is a couple of months old, but this is a strange food supply story.
02:12:40 Like all the farms burning down dairy farmer in Ontario leaked a video of farmers being forced to dump perfectly good milk, apparently due to government regulation.
02:12:48 Yeah, and I I've seen that.
02:12:49 That's that is old.
02:12:51 That's old news.
02:12:52 Ofen old *******.
02:12:54 But we've all seen that.
02:12:55 In fact, I think I played on a stream like a year ago.
02:13:00 But yeah, that, that's, I don't know.
02:13:03 I you know, we haven't heard these stories for a while.
02:13:05 I don't know what's going on it it's just good to live your life as if that, that, that, the supply chain very well could crumble at some point.
02:13:14 You shouldn't rely on these people.
02:13:17 Joannes Brams also laughed at the Canadians they interviewed in that news clip.
02:13:24 Alright, fine, I'll ******* play it.
02:13:26 Ah, you guys.
02:13:28 You guys just sending clips?
Speaker 1
02:13:32 I've got 30.
Speaker 11
02:13:32 1000 liters of milk and it breaks my heart.
Speaker 23
02:13:35 An Ontario dairy farmer pouring raw milk down the drain.
Speaker 11
02:13:38 Look at this milk running away.
Speaker 23
02:13:40 Jerry Wegan making a point in this controversial video.
Speaker 25
02:13:43 They make us dump it.
02:13:46 And no matter how we stand up for this.
Speaker 11
02:13:48 Time I'm going public.
Speaker 15
02:13:49 He has a lot of courage to do what he did.
Speaker 23
02:13:52 Wigan says he reached his.
02:13:53 I don't know.
02:13:53 I would ask.
02:13:54 I would ask like first of all, why does?
02:13:56 He have to do it, I mean.
02:13:58 If you if you're running your business in such a way that the government can tell you that that you can, you have to destroy the products you're producing, that's already ******.
Speaker 23
02:14:07 Gary Farmer put out a video criticizing Wigan.
Speaker 32
02:14:10 By doing what you did, you're going against your own.
02:14:13 Not good, not cool.
02:14:15 The regime that we have in Canada wants.
02:14:18 Yeah, they all sound very Canadian.
02:14:21 Let's take a look here Knight of the noose.
02:14:23 Devin, have you seen the movie betrayed 1988? Tom Berringer and Deborah winger? It looks like it was produced by the ADL Pro Jew and Anti White FBI infiltrates.
02:14:36 Pearl America fighting Zog.
02:14:39 Yeah, I think I covered that too.
02:14:41 At some point when we were doing the.
02:14:48 I think that was part of the PAT.
02:14:49 Con stuff, right?
02:14:54 Yeah, I mean, I briefly covered part of that.
02:14:57 That was that was part of the Pacon series.
02:15:01 John Skywalker.
02:15:04 Hey, have you seen this link on Q farms form which you guys are just sending me ******* links?
02:15:10 Which this guy who talks poorly of you while others try to offend you.
02:15:15 What do you make of this?
02:15:16 I don't care if people talk **** about me.
02:15:18 I'm not even going to.
02:15:19 Click that you mean?
02:15:21 I guarantee you there's all kinds of threads in different places on on 4 Chan, Kiwi farmers, whatever.
02:15:27 People talking **** about me, I don't ******* care.
02:15:29 Why would I care?
02:15:30 That's like, that's like, oh, did you hear that homeless guy at this at the street corner that just started screaming at you and calling you a a ****** that eats poop?
02:15:39 It's like I don't care who ******* cares.
02:15:43 Graham playing games it literally is genocide to push mass immigration and inter ethnic mixing and a homeland take wait.
02:15:52 And wait.
02:15:54 It's literally genocide to push mass immigration and inter ethnic mixing in a homeland like Germany, the source of a particular gene pool ethnic group.
02:16:04 Say what you want about ethnic race mixing in a territory, creating a new nation that's different.
02:16:10 But at the source, that's genocidal.
02:16:12 Yeah, I mean you will.
02:16:14 You will lose.
02:16:16 Germany has the same choice that every white country in the West has.
02:16:22 Either you separate from it or you will get mixed out.
02:16:28 They're an invasive species that interbreeds with you.
02:16:34 With the numbers that we have right now, inevitably.
02:16:38 Your genome will cease to exist.
02:16:42 Your only choice.
02:16:44 Is to take it away.
02:16:47 From that environment.
02:16:49 And try to create a place.
02:16:51 Where your genetics can thrive separate from these other genes, it's just going to be difficult because seemingly all of the world's powers are trying to prevent you from doing that.
02:17:06 But yes, it is genocidal, absolutely.
02:17:10 Night train.
Speaker 21
02:17:13 88 Money is power. Money is the only weapon that the Jew has to defend himself with.
Speaker 19
02:17:19 Look how Julie this *** is.
02:17:37 All right, some people around me have been playing an awful show called The Orville.
02:17:44 On our downtime, it was explained to me as Star Trek with real world problems and solutions and everyday life scenarios.
02:17:52 It's just or it's terrible.
02:17:54 But just another example of firmware update.
02:17:57 A lot of veiled ****** priming.
02:18:00 I've never heard of the Orville.
02:18:02 I haven't heard of a lot of this new stuff.
02:18:10 It looks like a Doctor Who thing.
02:18:18 Well, it's made by Seth MacFarlane, so I'm not not super surprised by that.
02:18:27 Yeah, well, maybe I'll.
02:18:28 Check that out at some point.
02:18:30 Their logo looks suspiciously like the Oracle logo.
02:18:38 It's supposed to be the 25th century. Yeah. Anything that Seth MacFarlane created? I mean, he might as well be a Jew. He's he's a.
02:18:48 Pretty much one of the most degenerate content creators of the last 50 years.
02:18:57 But thank you for your support, Knight Train 88 Gory Boy 1488. When is the stream with more goth coming? Biggest stream of the decade?
02:19:06 I don't know.
02:19:06 I haven't had a chance this week.
02:19:09 We'll just to let you guys know this week probably know stream Wednesday, but I will be on possibly two different streams and I'll let you know as soon as I get all.
02:19:17 The details hammered out.
02:19:20 It might be I I again I gotta.
02:19:22 Well, I I can't.
02:19:23 I won't say that cause I don't know.
02:19:24 I have to.
02:19:26 I'm I'm trying to get out there.
02:19:28 A bunch of people flooded me with a request when I got back on Twitter and I'm trying to get to everyone, even like the smaller people.
02:19:34 So if you're one of the smaller people that have messaged me and I haven't responded to that, I'm just.
02:19:37 I'm trying.
02:19:38 I'm trying to get.
02:19:39 Through all this, all these requests so, but yeah, most likely no stream Wednesday.
02:19:46 But probably two different streams on other channels and I'll I'll let you know on Twitter, Gab and Telegram when that happens.
02:19:57 And and look.
02:19:58 Yeah, and and probably more goth at some point.
02:20:00 I just haven't.
02:20:01 We don't have anything on the books.
02:20:04 Jay Ray, 1981. How about that cartel member who was all CIA geared up shooting and killing nine people, children at the Texas Mall today? ******* gruesome pics. I wish I could Unsee. Yeah, I, you know, I just barely caught.
02:20:21 Some of those that footage and stuff, as I was right in the middle of of getting the stream ready.
02:20:27 So I couldn't just be like, oh, let me just throw this giant stream.
02:20:30 I've been preparing out the window and talk about something I don't know all the details on yet, you know.
02:20:35 So I I after the stream will most likely look more into that.
02:20:39 I didn't know he was a cartel member.
02:20:41 People were saying he was black, but like in the photo it was like he looked kind of racially ambiguous because the quality was so bad.
02:20:48 It was hard to tell, you know, he was dressed up, you know, in SWAT gear.
02:20:54 But that's about all I know.
02:20:56 And he did just kill.
02:20:58 Look at me.
02:20:59 It could have just been a hit.
02:21:01 If he just I I don't know.
02:21:03 I I'll have to.
02:21:04 I'll have to look into it.
02:21:05 But from what I saw it, he just got out and just shot one family all the way dead.
02:21:12 And so it might have been targeted.
02:21:15 I don't know if you're saying it's a card.
02:21:17 I mean, I don't.
02:21:17 I didn't hear about the.
02:21:18 Cartel stuff.
02:21:19 But that would make sense.
02:21:22 Zazzy Mac Taskbot thanks for the show as always. Good to see your interview with Blonde. What do you call this group? Do we have a name? Are we ******* ******* goy. Or pit diggers?
02:21:34 I don't know.
02:21:35 You guys are just people.
02:21:39 I don't.
02:21:40 I don't make little silly names for the people that that like the show.
02:21:45 So I I don't really.
02:21:47 I don't know.
02:21:48 Maybe I should.
02:21:49 I remember people talking about saying pill poppers or something like that.
02:21:52 I just.
02:21:54 I don't know.
02:21:54 I kind of feel like you start creating like, like a weirdness with your audience.
02:22:01 You know, like it's it's, it starts going more into like cult territory when you do that.
02:22:06 And so I, you know, I just, I don't know.
02:22:10 I don't know.
02:22:13 Again, I'm not like some kind of.
02:22:17 I'm just.
02:22:18 I'm just a ******* broadcaster, man.
02:22:20 I'm not like a I'm not running for office or or or anything like that, so yeah.
02:22:28 You guys come up if you want.
02:22:29 If you want to call yourself something, I I'd probably caution against calling yourself fagots ******* and naggers or.
02:22:38 That wouldn't be high on my list, but.
02:22:40 You know Mark ESPY, apparently the new Waco series had critics not happy because it makes the Branch Davidians sympathetic and makes the FBI look bad.
02:22:51 Also, people have missed your thoughts on Tucker and on an older stream here.
02:22:59 I guess that's a link to one of my streams.
02:23:03 So everyone can check that out.
02:23:05 Yeah, that I did. I went extensively on Tucker's background a long time ago.
02:23:12 Talked about how his dad was CIA.
02:23:14 What you want.
02:23:15 Look, this is none of this is like theory.
02:23:18 This isn't conspiracy theory or like that.
02:23:19 This is just out in the open, easy to acquire facts.
02:23:23 His dad was CIA.
02:23:24 He comes from big, big, big money.
02:23:27 Uh, he shut people down that tried.
02:23:29 Which is funny because right.
02:23:31 Uh, you can find a clip from him.
02:23:33 I believe it's when he was on MSNBC in 2005. He's shutting down a guest that brings up building 7 kind of falling down suspiciously and refuses to play.
02:23:47 The footage that he he provided them so that they could play it and and show everyone because at that point not a lot of people had seen, you know, the the collapse.
02:23:55 This is before a lot of people were on the.
02:23:56 That so he wanted to, you know, get that that video played of it looking like a building being imploded professionally and he didn't play the footage and kind of dismissed the guy.
02:24:10 He was also very critical of Ron Paul when Ron Paul started to kind of rub elbows a little bit.
02:24:17 And, you know, just barely kind of tip dip his.
02:24:19 Toe in the 9/11 pool the.
02:24:21 9/11 conspiracy stuff.
02:24:24 It said it was unamerican to suggest that you know, that the official story was ********, but now I you know, here he is on stream saying that there's something weird about building 7 or whatever and it's like.
02:24:36 I don't know, man, and this is.
02:24:37 Why I can't trust you?
02:24:39 Now look, people can change. I've changed dramatically in the last, you know, from 2005.
02:24:45 Right.
02:24:46 I would have.
02:24:47 I would have been all about the content of their character and and and whatnot when it came to.
02:24:53 I mean, don't get it wrong.
02:24:54 I was always.
02:24:55 I always kind of got it because I lived in proximity to diversity from an early age.
02:24:58 So I always kind of got it, but I wouldn't be as I wouldn't.
02:25:02 I would.
02:25:03 I would feel like I'd still feel slightly guilty.
02:25:06 I'd still feel like maybe I was being a bigot.
02:25:08 Maybe I had it wrong, maybe maybe I'm missing something right.
02:25:11 Back in 2005, so everyone kind of grows and changes their viewpoints on things and and so. But that said, I just can't trust people that come from that kind of background for the.
02:25:21 Same reason I can't trust Elon.
02:25:23 I just can't.
02:25:24 I've known too many people that rich and I know they're all ******* scumbags.
02:25:28 Like all of them.
02:25:29 I've never met anyone with access to that kind of money who's just chill, never, never my life.
02:25:36 And I've met a lot.
02:25:38 A shocking amount of people like that.
Speaker 6
02:25:40 UM.
02:25:42 And then my fat little ******** toe says don't read.
02:25:44 This out loud.
02:25:50 OK.
02:25:52 So I will copy that.
02:25:55 And put it in my notes here.
02:26:00 And check that out Zazie Mac Taz bought when I asked when the storybook scenario of a dindu actually not doing nothing ever happen in our lifetime.
02:26:10 Can anyone name one that didn't turn out to be an ******* doing ****** ** **** their whole life?
02:26:18 I look, I'm sure it happens, right?
02:26:20 I'm sure it happens.
02:26:22 I'm I'm still, in fact, it might have even.
02:26:26 Happened sort of.
02:26:28 Although well, no, not really.
02:26:30 Never mind.
02:26:31 I think I'm sure it's happened, right?
02:26:35 I'm sure that's it's happened because think about it this way.
Speaker 19
02:26:39 If you're a cop.
02:26:41 And you're having to deal with Diversity Day in, day out.
02:26:45 You're going to start being, I think, and because it's, you're intelligent and you have pattern recognition, you're going to start treating certain groups certain ways, and every once in a while, some cops going to get it wrong, right.
02:27:00 Some cops going to misinterpret the situation and and it makes.
02:27:05 That's look, it's no reflection on that cop.
02:27:07 It's a reflection on that group that they they've so traumatized the cop to act in that way.
02:27:15 I'm sure there's there's gotta be cases of.
02:27:19 Of a black guy that gets.
02:27:21 You know wrongfully.
02:27:25 Accused or something like that.
02:27:27 I'm sure it's it's it's, it's the exception that.
02:27:31 Proves the rule.
02:27:33 But you know, nothing's 100%.
02:27:39 Speaking of cities that were beautiful and went to ****, I just wanted to share my favorite picture of Portland.
02:27:46 1936 Yes, it's real. And the ship picture is the cruiser Emden. Alright, let me take a look at that.
02:28:01 1936 This is Portland. There you go.
02:28:07 All right, we got Penelope, Maine.
02:28:10 The big big money.
Speaker 21
02:28:12 Money is power.
02:28:13 Money is the only weapon that that you have to defend itself.
Speaker 19
02:28:18 Go, Julie, this *** is.
02:28:40 Hi Devin.
02:28:41 Hope you churro at all are well.
02:28:44 I can relax now that I've left my birthplace.
02:28:46 The hellscape.
02:28:47 Manhattan, as always, great stream is best.
02:28:51 Well, I'm glad you got out of the city.
02:28:53 That's very good news.
02:28:57 I couldn't handle it in that city.
02:28:58 Well, I wasn't in Manhattan.
02:28:59 I was.
02:29:00 I remember what part of the city I was in.
02:29:01 I was in, like I said, I was.
02:29:02 I was where the cheap hotel was, where I could at.
02:29:05 Least easily I got into Manhattan cause that's actually where I was.
02:29:09 For the the project I was working on, but I could not afford the hotels there at the time I was not getting paid good enough for that.
02:29:18 But yeah, it was.
02:29:19 I was.
02:29:20 My head was always on a swivel.
02:29:22 I was always.
02:29:22 I was never relaxed in that area, even in Manhattan.
02:29:26 Right.
02:29:26 It was kind of like it was like when I lived in DC, right.
02:29:29 There was parts of the town where it was weird because it would be like one block is like murderville and then one block over.
02:29:37 It's a bunch of rich white kids getting drunk, you know, like, like
02:29:43 In a whole street full of like rich people bars, right, and New Yorkers kind of like that, too, where it was.
02:29:49 Maybe the ghetto was possibly harder to see because it was contained in these.
02:29:53 Big buildings, but.
02:29:56 But yeah, there was definitely like you'd.
02:29:58 You'd be like, wow, this looks really unsafe.
02:30:00 And then all of a.
02:30:00 Sudden, wow. Millionaires live here.
02:30:04 Yeah, good, good, good on you getting out of there and definitely appreciate the the support there.
02:30:11 Iron Pilled after many years of putting it off, I finally finished.
02:30:17 Finished Hunter education courses required to legally hunt in my state.
02:30:21 Next is concealed carrying and I applied at an open interview today for a second part time job at a gun store.
02:30:29 Have faith.
02:30:30 Some of us are working towards preparing and networking.
02:30:35 There you go.
02:30:38 That's what state do you have to.
02:30:41 Maybe that's.
02:30:42 I don't.
02:30:42 I don't hunt, so maybe that's common that you have to take a class to.
02:30:46 Go hunting.
02:30:47 I've just never heard of that before.
02:30:51 Yeah, it's not cool that you have to take classes to conceal carry.
02:30:55 There's a handful of states that allow you just to pack heat like a well, like an American should be able to.
02:31:02 Before diversity came and ruined it for everybody.
02:31:08 The 1967 riot drove my family out of Dearborn. I believe my grandparent or my grandpa's van got shot up in a intersection full of raging blacks as he drove through it.
02:31:19 He had seven kids to support at home, so set them South and started prepping to sell his business.
02:31:27 And his home and then leave.
02:31:29 Well, you you know what your grandpa then was part of the problem.
02:31:33 Your grandpas.
02:31:34 One of the people that caused all this violence in Detroit.
02:31:39 He should have stayed around and and just let them shoot out his van.
02:31:42 Your grandpa should have known he was a pinata.
02:31:44 Just full of candy waiting to be beat on so candy could erupt all over the.
02:31:49 The the the.
02:31:50 Throngs of people swinging bats at him.
02:31:56 But no, in all seriousness, everyone should.
02:31:59 Should look at your grandpa and.
02:32:02 And learn a lesson. Black Sun and in other news three days ago, Canada's women and fire training exchange program lit what was supposed to be a routine controlled burn in Banff National Park. Predictably, it got away from them. They were unable to contain it. Over 3 hectacres of protected old.
02:32:22 Both force was lost.
02:32:25 Before this horror show, there was a conference in Banff.
02:32:31 Yeah, women.
02:32:33 Women shouldn't be in charge of any of these kinds of things, especially certainly not fire.
02:32:38 What is this?
02:32:42 Women's fire conference like why does?
02:32:43 That even have to be a thing.
02:32:46 It aims to breakdown barriers in male dominated industry and then, of course, they burn down a forest.
02:32:54 Yep, not not surprised.
02:32:55 Not surprised in the least.
02:33:00 And then I guess this is the after.
02:33:08 How a fire went oh gone.
02:33:11 How a fire went from a prescribed burn to out of control in an instant.
02:33:14 There you go.
02:33:16 Thanks ladies.
02:33:20 No chance.
02:33:21 I was a Rodney King riots baby.
02:33:23 My dad taught me the importance of being armed and prepared from the eventual chimp out.
02:33:28 The cops will not come to help.
02:33:31 My greatest epiphany was realizing different races do not think the same and you can't rationalize with the uncivilized national divorce.
02:33:40 Yeah, I mean, I I I look.
02:33:43 The choice is.
02:33:45 This just happens every 20 years or so.
02:33:48 And it gets increasingly worse as you have less political power and not, you know, and and and just there ceases to be 1.
02:33:57 You got to realize the plan is to breed you out and to just like this brown.
02:34:02 Mud person that's low IQ enough to be easily.
02:34:07 Disposed of once they are content with how good AI is.
02:34:12 That's what it is.
02:34:13 That's the plan.
Speaker 11
02:34:16 That look, look.
02:34:19 You guys ready for another beekeeping metaphor?
02:34:21 I'll tell.
02:34:21 You they never end.
02:34:27 They they just don't like I I I totally understand.
02:34:30 They're they're thinking because it's it's they're treating us like livestock.
02:34:36 So beekeeping, right?
02:34:38 I have Africanized hives that are not good.
02:34:41 They're they're they're swarming.
02:34:44 So that means they send out swarms.
02:34:46 They're not.
02:34:47 They're not super productive.
02:34:48 I mean, it's hit or miss, but a lot.
02:34:49 Of times they're.
02:34:50 Kind of ****** bees but.
02:34:53 They're free.
02:34:55 They're free and they'll lay down the groundwork for good genetics, right?
02:35:00 So if you have a high full of Africanized bees.
02:35:04 They'll draw out the the comb.
02:35:07 They'll create the hive like you know, because when you start off with bees.
02:35:11 You don't have any, any honeycomb.
02:35:13 All that stuff.
02:35:14 All that wax is produced by the bees.
02:35:16 So you just put bees in a box.
02:35:18 They're not going to make honey the first year, most likely because they're going to be busy just making that into a beehive because it's just a box until you put the bees in there and feed them tons of of food to turn it into a beehive.
02:35:28 Right.
02:35:30 So I don't mind just being careful around those hives and and just wearing extra protection and and suffering the the annoyances associated with having those people around.
02:35:43 And then once they've drawn it all out and they've created the hive that's that's on its way to being productive.
02:35:52 Wiping out their queen, you know, therefore killing their genetics and then putting a a queen that that I want in there.
02:36:00 Transforming the hive into the genetics that I actually want.
02:36:04 And I don't feel bad that I used quote UN quote that other demographic and and put up with them being annoying until I was ready to do that.
02:36:12 And that's essentially what they're doing.
02:36:15 Right.
02:36:15 They want to turn you into a productive slave class.
02:36:19 That's just productive enough and just controllable enough to where you'll lay down the groundwork.
02:36:25 You'll do all the the menial tasks that that need to get done for the wheels to keep on turning until they are able to replace you with robots and AI.
02:36:34 That's simple as that.
02:36:36 Every look, every for generations.
02:36:38 It's not.
02:36:39 This isn't like a secret either.
02:36:40 This is like conspiracy theory.
02:36:42 It's been it's been the.
02:36:49 Of the upper class, that population control is a top priority going back generations.
02:36:57 And they're not talking about their.
02:36:59 Their family, right?
02:37:01 They're they don't want to limit their genetics.
02:37:03 They're talking about you.
02:37:05 And I think that they that's why they want this diversity ****.
02:37:10 In large part at least, because they want a more compliant public that isn't going to be able to, especially because diversity makes it impossible to band together and look how much.
02:37:21 Infighting there is just on on the right wing.
02:37:25 Right.
02:37:26 Look how much infighting there is on the pro white right wing.
02:37:32 Now imagine having to.
02:37:36 You know, make make alliances with other groups.
02:37:41 They've made it impossible for the for there to be any kind of public uprising even now.
02:37:50 Because they've diversified every single urban area in the United States.
02:37:56 And and they're moving on to.
02:37:59 Rural areas.
02:38:02 So that.
Speaker 21
02:38:04 You know.
02:38:06 It is what it is.
02:38:07 Let's see here.
02:38:12 Dave, 762, I'm from Oklahoma and I would like to see a deep dive on the Tulsa race riot.
02:38:19 Sometime they lie about it and it's called the Tulsa Race Massacre.
02:38:25 They keep digging and trying to find mass graves.
02:38:30 All right, I'll add that.
02:38:33 To something to look into.
02:38:38 Jay Ray in 1981.
02:38:50 We had a decent union here in Nevada until it was taken over by California.
02:38:54 Now we pay twice the dues and get text messages to go to gay pride parades.
02:39:01 Point is, learn a trade, we make good money.
02:39:04 But ****, bro, still don't get a scam.
02:39:07 College degree probably won't see Social Security save up.
02:39:12 Yeah, I guess.
02:39:13 When you learn a trade, you do have to deal with unions to some degree, but you could also do freelance work.
02:39:18 I don't know.
02:39:19 I guess different states probably have different laws governing what you're allowed to do and what you have to get license for.
02:39:24 And you know, in some cases, depending what your trade is, you might like legally have to join a union or something like that.
02:39:32 But yeah, that's something that's one of the last things robots will be good at.
02:39:38 Doing stuff with your hands is is probably.
02:39:42 A good idea?
02:39:43 And thanks for the support there.
02:39:45 Not ******** ****** Dev and I've used the same choke hold on drunk sives.
02:39:50 That saffo.
02:39:53 It's one of the most basic moves we learned in the Marines. Funny though, it makes an end. I also don't forget the June 17th through 19th Defiant Flyer night. Please get involved with everyone. W www.watchdefiant.com. Thanks, Devin. Well, I appreciate that.
02:40:15 Where's the well, let me.
02:40:18 Let me copy and paste that.
02:40:21 The June 17th to 19th.
02:40:27 All right.
02:40:28 I'll look at that.
02:40:32 Ah man of Low man of low moral fiber.
02:40:38 At risk of Fed posting, white should simply leave the cities to the naggers let them burn them down and die. The cost savings of having fewer would rebuild America several times over.
02:40:51 Look, it's, it's.
02:40:53 Like I said, you don't really have.
02:40:57 If they hate your whiteness so much, your choice is deprive them of it, or let them extinguish it.
02:41:05 Those are your two choices.
02:41:07 Deprive them of it, or let them extinguish it.
02:41:12 And I'm choosing to deprive them of it.
02:41:17 And yeah, without obviously.
02:41:21 White people in cities, all the cities would fall apart.
02:41:24 That's I mean in in a sense, that's what happened to Detroit.
02:41:27 That's what happened to a lot of these cities.
02:41:29 That's what happened to New Orleans.
02:41:31 That's what happened to, you know, to to some degree, Chicago, a lot of the, the bigger cities on the East Coast, especially when they're not the cities.
02:41:41 That that the Europeans came here and built.
02:41:46 They're just mockeries of those cities now.
02:41:52 Entertaining us, Devin, you black Pilled Kate Awakening and John Harold of Badlands media.
02:42:00 They stopped following Q and now say it's up to us and we need to start locally.
02:42:06 Well, there you go.
02:42:06 I don't know those people are, but I'm I'm glad anyone that that.
02:42:10 That wakes up from the.
02:42:12 The cute illusion that's that's a bonus.
02:42:15 Actually, I had a I had someone on Twitter.
02:42:18 I **** you not message me and say, hey Devin, I just started watching your stuff.
02:42:24 You're right about everything.
02:42:24 Except for Q.
02:42:26 And then I just stopped reading at that point.
02:42:30 I was like, no, how could you possibly?
02:42:34 How could you possibly pay attention to this?
02:42:37 This stream and and still believe in Q still still even now?
02:42:45 Uh, let's see here.
02:42:47 Zazzy Mattas bought.
02:42:49 This would be good to play at the end as an outro.
02:42:52 It's a combat footage Africa with Motown backing, the track.
02:42:58 Well I'll maybe check that out for something later, but I got something loaded up.
02:43:02 I'll put that in.
02:43:06 Uh, the Ester theist or I don't know what that means. Have you come across Thomas Soul's historical argument about black black cracker culture?
02:43:16 These southern blacks brought the cracker culture of the.
02:43:19 South with them.
02:43:21 To Detroit cracker whites would treat cracker whites.
02:43:25 Much better early.
02:43:27 Cracker whites would treat cracker whites much like we see blacks treat each other these days.
02:43:34 I don't know what what that means, but if he's implying I haven't seen it, I'll, I'll, I'll check.
02:43:39 It out later.
02:43:39 But if you know Thomas Soul is wrong about a lot of stuff, he's a he was a smart guy, obviously, and had some good ideas to some extent, but he would he was in the same obviously, you know, he was biased.
02:43:52 He was in the same denial about differences in IQ and abilities between groups too.
02:43:59 He was trying to say oh, no, blacks were doing great until, you know, like the conservative talking point for 40-50 years.
02:44:07 I don't even think they're still trying.
02:44:08 Well, maybe some of them are still hanging on to this weird delusion that it was the breakdown of the black family.
02:44:14 You know, like somehow, that's what did it, right?
02:44:17 I mean, look, obviously it didn't help.
02:44:20 But the the breakdown of the Black family didn't didn't happen as a result of, you know, the white liberals did it to him because that's what that's what he says.
02:44:29 Basically, his white liberals did it to him.
02:44:31 It's like, well, I mean, no, not really.
02:44:34 I mean, even if I'm sure that has a negative effect, but even if you account for that, there's an entire continent that tells you everything else you need to know about that problem.
02:44:43 But I'll check that out later.
02:44:45 Vague Garland just simply says *******.
02:44:54 And then we have.
Speaker 21
02:44:59 Cabbage Bandit money is power.
02:45:03 Money is the only weapon that that you have to defend himself with.
Speaker 11
02:45:07 Look out.
Speaker 19
02:45:07 Julie, this fager is.
Speaker 6
02:45:24 Tell ******.
02:45:29 All right.
02:45:32 Cabbage ban it just says thanks for the stream, Devin.
02:45:34 Well, I appreciate that.
02:45:35 And thanks for the support there.
02:45:40 Jay Ray, 1981. One thousand arrested during that riot. Wow. Yeah. Well, that's back. When they arrested people. So.
02:45:48 That's what I'm saying.
02:45:48 It's worse now.
02:45:50 We don't even.
02:45:51 Arrest them now.
02:45:53 Well, we arrest the the January 6 people.
02:45:59 Because that was an attack on democracy.
02:46:03 That's what I'm saying. That's another reason to just separate yourself from that, because you will go if you are getting a a self-defense situation and act accordingly. You will be the one that goes to jail.
02:46:15 So it it it's better to leave jurisdictions like that.
02:46:19 Harmless. Gee, the Detroit riots of 1967 were depicted in a 2017 film Detroit, directed by James Cameron's childless girl boss ex-wife Catherine Bigelow. You can imagine how they spent it. Here's the trailer.
02:46:35 Alright, let's take a look at that.
02:46:38 I think I I found mentions of that when I.
02:46:40 Was looking into this.
Speaker 25
02:46:42 Here in Detroit, a city of war on the city's West side, A-150 Block area is off limits to everybody.
02:46:51 Army Paratroopers, National Guardsmen, state and local police.
02:46:56 Are continuing the fight against a handful of snipers.
Speaker 38
02:47:03 Oh, everything is fine.
02:47:04 No trouble here.
02:47:06 I'll sleep when they stop riding.
02:47:07 So we we we.
Speaker 11
02:47:07 OK.
02:47:08 Already have a black hero, huh?
02:47:12 2020 seconds into the the trailer black hero, I bet these army guys are racist.
Speaker 38
02:47:18 Fellas, I'm going that grocery store across the street come bearing gifts.
02:47:22 Thank you.
Speaker 38
02:47:23 Yeah, sugar.
02:47:26 Don't push your man.
02:47:28 I knew it.
02:47:29 I knew it.
02:47:32 ******* racist army guys came in.
Speaker 9
02:47:35 It's a war zone.
Speaker 6
02:47:36 Out there, they're destroying the city.
02:47:43 Whoa, hey, y'all seeing this.
Speaker 10
02:47:45 Hey, look, we're not too far from the Algiers.
02:47:46 Let's just go there.
02:47:47 So all this blows over alright?
02:47:48 It's it's a whole bus.
02:47:50 Lot of nice young black people that are probably college students and they're in a band.
02:47:55 It's kind of like when we we watched that documentary on freak.
02:48:00 What is it, freak, Nick or whatever the **** it was called?
02:48:02 It was like, oh, look at these.
02:48:03 Look at.
02:48:04 This slam dancers or whatever the **** nice boys.
Speaker 10
02:48:08 Jeez, let's just go dance to all this blows over.
Speaker 3
02:48:15 When you're black, it's almost like having a gun pointing at you.
02:48:18 You see, it's it's, it's the nice.
02:48:20 This is the bar they break up, huh?
02:48:22 Look, it's nice.
02:48:23 There's white chicks there.
02:48:24 Of course.
02:48:25 Banging the black guys.
02:48:26 Obviously, there always is, right?
02:48:28 That's that.
02:48:29 That's a that's a must when it comes to movies, you have to have white chicks.
02:48:33 Black guys in.
02:48:34 Movies Now, boy. What you.
Speaker 4
02:48:36 Doing on my street.
02:48:37 Get that gun off me.
Speaker 4
02:48:37 Ohh what?
02:48:41 You shooting.
Speaker 4
02:48:43 It's just, it's just it, it just starts racing.
02:48:47 It's just a joke.
02:48:48 It was just a joke, guys.
02:48:49 It wasn't a real gun.
02:48:51 This is like ******* ********.
02:48:53 Like, we're not even.
02:48:54 I can't even believe how ******* ******** this is.
02:48:56 So it wasn't a real gun.
02:48:59 And then the evil white racists come and kill them.
02:49:01 Is that what?
02:49:02 This is going to be.
02:49:03 You put these outside right here.
02:49:14 Now what?
02:49:16 That's ******* amazing.
02:49:18 So in reality, it was a sniper shooting them and shooting the lights out and.
02:49:23 And they that's that's amazing.
02:49:28 Oh no, it was just a it was.
02:49:29 Just a fake fake gun.
02:49:31 And they were having a party with this white chick.
02:49:39 There's that.
02:49:39 There's that Hollywood line.
02:49:41 Of based on true story.
02:49:44 You know which, of course.
02:49:46 Harry Potter is basically based on true story with how loosely they use that term.
02:49:59 See this is the problem.
Speaker 29
02:50:00 You see where?
02:50:00 Guys, This is why I.
02:50:01 Have to do these strings.
02:50:04 Because this is the version of history.
02:50:07 Most people look they're.
02:50:08 Not going to teach this in school.
02:50:12 You should be homeschooling your kids and teaching them this **** because they're not going to teach this in school.
02:50:17 They're not going to pick it up from The History Channel or some ******** like that, and they're certainly not going to get the the the real interpretation from Hollywood.
02:50:27 It's going to be the exact opposite of reality.
02:50:29 It's going to be a satanic conversion, a bunch of white people overreacted and start killing black people for no reason.
02:50:34 Let's let's that's what I'm getting from this.
02:50:40 I mean, it's pretty insane considering what the reality.
02:50:42 Was but look.
02:50:44 I don't even think this is new. I don't think this is like a a new thing Hollywood's doing.
02:50:48 This is just every time, everything, every any time.
02:50:51 Something's based on a.
02:50:52 True story.
02:50:52 This is exactly what they do.
02:50:56 So there you go.
02:50:58 Marada Jays are a problem, but they are not the root of the problem.
02:51:02 Satan is.
02:51:03 People need to realize this is is a spiritual war.
02:51:07 Between good and evil.
02:51:09 Yeah, I'd say it's always been a war between good and evil.
02:51:15 But there are certain groups that that tend to gravitate towards.
02:51:18 Evil more than others.
02:51:22 Vague Garland. Ah, capital police.
02:51:27 I don't know if.
02:51:27 I have that working right now.
02:51:30 Is this it?
02:51:32 There you go.
02:51:32 It actually worked.
02:51:34 That's kind of funny.
02:51:35 It almost never worked.
02:51:36 It's still on that slow, hard drive, but.
02:51:38 They must have been spun up.
02:51:41 Lich Lord.
02:51:41 Godfrey, there's no good reason for us.
02:51:46 Wait, there is no good reason for us besides Jewish maliciousness diluting ethnic racial blocs by directly injecting the dross of humanity.
02:51:56 Blacks, Mestizos, Indians, et cetera into the.
02:52:00 Or into them reduces their political power.
02:52:02 They are doing this across the West and Japan.
02:52:05 Rome did this in antiquity with ethnicity.
02:52:09 No, exactly it it prevents you from being able to.
02:52:14 Collectivize and have any?
02:52:16 Kind of power.
02:52:19 Harmless G What I realized from learning about the Ghana and doctors outside Ghana is just how privileged blacks are.
02:52:28 Even if you are in the ********* corner of Africa, if you are one of the few blacks with an IQ above 115, you will have. That's very few people, by the way, like very few. That's almost like the same amount of.
02:52:41 Of like white people with an IQ above like 150 or something like that, you will have every opportunity in the world handed to you.
02:52:49 I suspect the reason they are scrambling to find and import every black that is smart by white standards is they are priming the West to accept the eventual massive apocalyptic wave of black migration that will come later this century, caused by population growth in Africa.
02:53:08 Yet that that's not a thing to keep in mind.
02:53:10 When I when I say that you're planting a tree that you're never going to be able to enjoy the shade of, those are the things you gotta think of.
02:53:17 You have to think of long term, where as white people lose their power or their political power, their ability to push back on immigration, what little pushback happens now.
02:53:27 I mean, just imagine now this is as good as think of it this way, and almost every metric as white numbers drop.
02:53:36 You have to.
02:53:37 You have to look at it and say this is the best it's going to be.
02:53:41 Because tomorrow there's less of us and there's less of us the next day and the next, and that's going to take place for.
02:53:47 A while.
02:53:48 And as that, at least in America, right in the context of America.
02:53:52 And as that continues to go.
02:53:55 You're going to have less and less say in who's allowed into the country.
02:53:58 I mean, you almost already.
02:53:59 You already have, like, pretty much no say.
02:54:01 But they feel like they have to, at least.
02:54:02 Be kind of sneaky about it, right?
02:54:06 They'll they'll absolutely flood this country with this, with whoever they can get.
02:54:12 They don't want any founding stock people to remain and they're they're trying to accomplish that as quickly as possible.
02:54:19 So building these little communities, these small enclaves.
02:54:23 Of of people to preserve your culture and ethnicity is.
02:54:28 That's that's why you do it.
02:54:30 You start laying down the groundwork now.
02:54:32 Because it's.
02:54:33 If you don't, it's going to be.
02:54:35 Too late.
02:54:37 Uh postmaster.
02:54:39 Economic collapse is always covered up with racial tension.
02:54:45 Well, racial tension is just inevitability.
02:54:48 Racial tension is just a reality of of.
02:54:55 Sometimes you separate two groups of people to avoid tension.
02:54:58 For example, there's a reason why prisons aren't Coed.
02:55:02 Because there would be sexual tension, right?
02:55:06 There be sexual tension and sexual violence.
02:55:10 Well, same thing with and Speaking of prisons.
02:55:14 Prisons racially self segregate immediately.
02:55:21 And that's for a reason too.
02:55:24 Mighty Mouse band diggers from menthol cigarettes.
02:55:27 Yeah, they they're.
02:55:28 I think they're the only.
02:55:28 Ones buying that stuff.
02:55:31 It's like smoking a candy cane.
02:55:34 Damn Bigfoot.
02:55:35 This uncle Tom gets it.
02:55:36 Don't ban guns, ban.
02:55:38 Let's see here.
Speaker 3
02:55:46 These young boys are acting just like the black women that bore them.
02:55:50 See if you talk to a black woman right now, no matter what she does it.
02:55:53 Well, this is this is like.
02:55:56 9 minutes long, so we're not going to watch it, but.
02:56:01 Sotomayor is didn't wait.
02:56:03 Did he die, or am I think another black guy?
02:56:07 I forget, but yeah, this guy.
02:56:10 Lots of he.
02:56:11 He gets it for a black guy, he gets it.
02:56:17 A lowly scribe in God's Army, I went to a majority black grade school in the 80s.
02:56:22 It was hell.
02:56:23 All the school buses or school bus seats were covered in Jerry Curl slime.
02:56:29 Ah, well, I I can't relate to that.
02:56:31 I luckily didn't have to worry about that.
02:56:32 I was in a very.
02:56:34 There was lots of diversity where the schools I went to growing up, but there weren't very many black people because I was on the West Coast and.
02:56:42 Or the western half, the United States, I guess.
02:56:44 And it seems like most of the black cities are concentrated on the east.
02:56:49 Eastern Porch United States.
02:56:54 Harmless G, even though a lot of the blacks in the UK come from the intellectual elite of Africa, causing the average black IQ there being in the 90s, blacks still commit 50% of the murders in London while making up 13% of the population there.
02:57:11 Well, look, they're least they're consistent, right?
02:57:14 Because that's that's the.
02:57:17 The same thing that that happens here.
02:57:19 You got to understand too, even if they're high IQ.
02:57:23 That's usually an anomaly, right?
02:57:27 And so a lot of their children probably don't have that same IQ because there there's a return to the mean.
02:57:35 And then man of low moral fiber says the exact same thing, maybe or no, despite making up 13% of London's total population, black Londoners account for 45% of London's knife murder victims. Banning guns won't stop Niger violence. It just makes their victims bleed more.
02:57:54 Well, there you go.
02:57:55 Yeah, it's not guns.
02:57:56 It's low impulse control.
02:57:57 That's the problem.
02:58:00 Murata, did you see that tweet by Elon?
02:58:04 He said he grew up poor and the Emerald mine story is a myth.
02:58:07 Yeah, right, he said.
02:58:09 His dad as he is degenerate and poor and he has to pay for him to this day.
02:58:15 Look, he did not grow up poor.
02:58:17 We went over, we went over his background.
02:58:19 Now he grew up kind of like a hippie.
02:58:22 OK.
02:58:23 Because they man, I wish I remember all the details now, but they they literally they lived out of like a van like kind of for a little while and they have but they had like a they had he had an airplane when he was a kid.
02:58:35 Or at least his daddy or I.
02:58:37 I forget.
02:58:37 I I have to look back at it.
02:58:39 He didn't grow up poor.
02:58:40 He did not grow up poor you can't.
02:58:43 You can't grow up poor and then start PayPal.
02:58:47 OK, no one.
02:58:48 No one that that grew up poor started PayPal.
02:58:54 This is the problem.
02:58:56 Compared to how much money he has now.
02:58:59 He grew up.
02:59:00 Poor compared to maybe the other rich people he knows.
02:59:04 He grew up poor.
02:59:05 ************ doesn't know what poverty is.
02:59:09 He has never worked like a real job in his life.
02:59:13 Like he's never worked at like a, you know, a ****** fast food job or nothing like that ever.
02:59:19 Never ever, ever.
02:59:21 Rich people like to pomp.
02:59:23 They like to.
02:59:24 They like to make it sound like they had this, you know, this big struggle like Trump, like Trump said, people trying to make it sound like a, you know, I didn't make all this myself.
02:59:34 I got a small loan of 100.
02:59:36 $1,000,000 from my dad.
02:59:38 Like it, they just don't have any concept of what poor means.
02:59:44 But I didn't.
02:59:44 I didn't see the tweet, so I don't know exactly.
02:59:46 How he worded it.
02:59:50 Man of low moral fibre and a whopping 65% of stabbers in London are black, so they definitely over overrepresented in the stabbing of other races.
03:00:01 Probably mostly whites.
03:00:02 These English publications on violent stats are cocked.
03:00:05 They won't outright say it.
03:00:08 Well, there you go.
03:00:08 I wonder who owns those publications.
03:00:10 Probably the same people.
03:00:11 Literally the same people who are importing these blacks in the first place.
03:00:16 Damn Bigfoot in USA 70 year old Granny can take down a £300 Africanized silver back with a CCW 380. In Europe it's physical strength and numbers game. Yeah, that's why giving up your guns is a bad idea.
03:00:34 Bad idea.
03:00:36 It is the great equalizer.
03:00:38 Just ask Bernard Getz, Abra commandant.
03:00:43 Hey Devin.
03:00:43 The reason we are living in this dystopian multicultural nightmare is because of it.
03:00:47 Because of Jews putting a mind virus on the web.
03:00:51 Jews indoctrinated whites with this multicultural ******** first step to at least slow these parasites. Getting inside is to expel the Jews from our land.
03:01:02 Easier said than done, and probably not realistic.
03:01:06 Honestly, it's it's one of these things where.
03:01:11 You just don't have the power to do that anymore. That's something you should have been talking about, and maybe some people were talking about back in 1920 or something like that.
03:01:19 But at this point it's.
03:01:20 Like your choice is.
03:01:24 Stick around for what they have planned for you or or leave.
03:01:29 That's that's those are the choices that don't mean necessarily if you're in America, that means leave America.
03:01:34 But America is big.
03:01:35 There's lots of rural areas, little islands.
03:01:40 Little hard to reach places.
03:01:43 That you can travel to and maybe eventually it.
03:01:47 The answer is leave America.
03:01:50 I wouldn't.
03:01:50 I would not.
03:01:52 I would totally.
03:01:52 I would totally understand if if some people did.
03:01:55 I just don't know where you go.
03:01:57 Right.
03:01:57 I just don't know where.
03:01:58 What's the destination then?
03:02:04 Second step is confidence.
03:02:06 Get all portion our properties of the expelled juice.
03:02:08 Third step is violent.
03:02:10 Push back methods rounds up.
03:02:13 I I can't.
03:02:14 I can't say that.
03:02:21 Again, that's, it's just not going to happen.
03:02:23 Like that's just it's just.
03:02:26 There's that's never going to like, that's The thing is, you can't.
03:02:30 You can't think of like you, I mean.
03:02:32 Beyond fiction and, you know, entertaining fiction, you can't think of it as like, oh, this is.
03:02:40 You know, this is like your the solution is to do this thing that will never happen.
03:02:44 You know that's the problem is.
03:02:46 Yeah, that that would be a solution, but it's it's not a a.
03:02:51 I would even say I was going to say it's not a probable.
03:02:53 I would even say possible at.
03:02:55 This point it's not even possible.
03:03:01 Ryan G Blacks in the USA had the longest lifespan, highest income, best access to medical care and education.
03:03:10 Wait, they're the highest income.
03:03:12 Only their highest income.
03:03:13 So this is them at their bet.
03:03:15 Oh, you mean like in.
03:03:17 Compared to other blacks in the past, OK, so this is them at their best.
03:03:21 As good as it gets for them.
03:03:23 No black population in the world has has it.
03:03:25 That's good.
03:03:27 And that's true.
03:03:28 And some black people get that.
03:03:29 Most of them don't.
03:03:31 You know, I remember Eddie Murphy used to make fun of or.
03:03:34 Maybe think about Richard Pryor used to make fun of the blacks that would that would fantasize about Africa being being this wonderful place.
03:03:44 And then he went to Africa and was like, everyone stinks.
03:03:46 And it's ****** out here.
03:03:49 Alright then we have.
Speaker 21
03:03:51 Humble, bragger humble bragger money is pie.
03:03:56 Money is the only weapon that that you.
03:03:57 Has to defend himself with.
Speaker 19
03:04:00 Go, Julie, this flag is.
03:04:20 All right.
03:04:24 Humble braggart, peace be upon you.
03:04:26 I hope you get these shekels faster, shekels faster.
03:04:30 Oh, I don't have that loaded up anywhere, I don't think.
03:04:33 Not on this computer right now.
03:04:35 Ah yeah, sorry.
03:04:38 Can't do that tonight.
03:04:40 I'll get you another time there.
03:04:41 Humble bracket.
03:04:42 Appreciate the support though.
03:04:44 Harmless G in a recent mark robber video where he travels to Rwanda.
03:04:51 He mate, he meets a black Tootsie engineer whose family was machete to death in the Rwandan genocide, and who has a machete scar himself.
03:05:01 Who later went to Stanford?
03:05:02 Like I said, any black anywhere that isn't ******** will have everybody have every opportunity.
03:05:09 And on the Rwandan genocide in 2004 Film Hotel Rwanda, where the Rwanda genocide is depicted, they have scenes where they blame the Belgium colonizers for creating the ethnic hatred between the Tutsis and the Hutus that led the yeah, they can't. Obviously, it's white people's fault.
03:05:30 It will always be your fault.
03:05:33 It will always be your fault everything.
03:05:38 That's another reason why you want to get the **** out because they're raising an entire generation that wholeheartedly believes that all this black and white violence is not existing in a vacuum.
03:05:47 I mean if if the low impulse control wasn't enough, they're literally being brainwashed to to believe that anything going wrong in their life right now is your fault.
03:05:57 100%.
03:06:00 Vague Garland. Uh, I am.
03:06:05 I am with you on the being tired of white people just ignoring racial differences.
03:06:09 I have people in my family that just think it's BS and it is because of culture.
03:06:16 One person used the argument of Tiger mom to prove it's only a cultural problem.
03:06:22 It's so tiresome.
03:06:23 I don't know what you mean with that.
03:06:24 Why would why would tiger?
03:06:25 Nothing to do with black people.
03:06:28 I mean, look, and Asians are are are are case selected, you know.
03:06:33 You know, they.
03:06:34 They they're they're.
03:06:35 That's totally different.
03:06:38 Story when it comes to Asians, you know.
03:06:41 So that's kind of a stupid idea.
03:06:42 I would just, I mean well, I.
Speaker 13
03:06:44 Mean. I don't know.
03:06:45 With with lies, people just not even worth it.
03:06:47 It's at a certain point.
03:06:50 I I I.
03:06:52 I I'm finding it less and less fruitful to try to convince these people.
03:06:57 There I think there's going to have to be the ones that.
03:07:00 That if not, maybe they can be the cannon fodder, right? Maybe they can be the human Shields as we they can cover our retreat. ******** ****** for $1.00.
Speaker 17
03:07:10 Do you have that much money in your bank at home?
Speaker 7
03:07:15 I'd buy that for a dollar.
03:07:23 I think I still have footage of when I had blacks constantly stocking my apartment and slashing my family car tires when I lived literally from a a 5 minute walking distance from an NYC Police Department.
03:07:36 And refusing to do anything, should I share them for next stream?
03:07:40 I yeah.
03:07:41 I mean if you want, I.
03:07:44 I just think, I mean everyone, it's not going to be anything shocking, sadly.
03:07:50 You know, it's not.
03:07:51 It's going to be, you know, black people slashing tires.
03:07:54 That's like pretty tame.
03:07:58 So there you go.
03:08:00 Wannabe cult leader.
03:08:10 Well, come on, man.
03:08:11 We gotta class it up a little bit.
03:08:13 We got to class it up a little bit.
03:08:16 We do have to class it up a little bit.
03:08:19 I have no problem saying I also don't have any problem saying white power.
03:08:23 But when we put it together, put it like that.
03:08:27 It just makes it sound kind of.
03:08:30 You know, come on.
03:08:35 And that goes for everybody. We. Like I said, I I'm not afraid to say. In fact, I get mad when people tell me I can't say a word. It makes me want to say it more, but.
03:08:43 We should try to class it up a little bit.
03:08:45 I think you you need to differentiate.
03:08:47 We need to realize that look as much as we cover.
03:08:52 Some of the the worst kinds of black people that we can't just assume we can't just act as if every last one of them is like this like.
03:09:01 Like the guy on the screen, right?
03:09:05 He's a he's he's he's a black.
03:09:06 Guy, I wouldn't call him.
03:09:07 A. He's a black guy.
03:09:10 So anyway.
03:09:13 You're getting soft, Evan.
03:09:17 I knew.
03:09:17 I knew they would get to you.
03:09:18 No, they didn't get to me.
03:09:22 OK.
03:09:24 John Skywalker. Hi. I tried to bring up the JQ to my boomer father-in-law.
03:09:30 About how corrupt and evil Israel is sent him the link on capturing the American mind documentary.
03:09:39 He said that if you go against Israel, you go against God.
03:09:43 How would you try to convince him?
03:09:44 Oh, you can't.
03:09:45 Those are there's a certain flavor of Protestant that.
03:09:50 And maybe there's some Catholics.
03:09:51 I don't.
03:09:52 Know enough about Catholicism to know?
03:09:54 But there's certainly a certain kind of Protestant that, quite literally.
03:10:00 Thinks that it's Christians duty to defend Israel, even if it means sacrifice their life for it.
03:10:09 And I don't know.
03:10:10 I don't think you can get through those through to those people.
03:10:14 They they they think that God has commanded them to do that for some reason and.
03:10:22 I, on the bright side, I think it's a shrinking number of people.
03:10:25 I really do.
03:10:26 So I don't think it's, you know, it's getting worse.
03:10:29 But I think there was a period there where I mean.
03:10:35 There's a reason why, like no one thought it was that weird.
03:10:39 I remember when I back when I remember I told you I've changed my mind about a lot of stuff.
03:10:43 Give you a good example of this.
03:10:45 I used to listen to Dennis Prager all the time.
03:10:48 I don't know that he still has his radio show.
03:10:49 But when when he had a radio?
03:10:50 Show I'd listen to it.
03:10:52 All the time for hours.
03:10:54 Because I I just listen to talk radio and he was one of my.
03:10:56 Favorites and and I remember thinking it was kind of weird that he was always talking as if support for Israel was just a given.
03:11:05 I just kind of like I don't I I guess I was stupid.
03:11:09 I fell for the whole.
03:11:10 Well, they're they're the only democracy in the Middle East.
03:11:13 Like you've heard that line of 1000 times, right?
03:11:15 Like, oh, they're the only democracy in the Middle East.
03:11:18 And so therefore we have to support them because the alternative is, like all these goat ******* psychos and, you know.
03:11:25 And so I just that's the way I looked at it was like, well, you know, I mean they and also I I didn't know what the Talmud was.
03:11:32 I didn't know what.
03:11:33 The time it was, I just thought Jews were.
03:11:36 Like Christians, they just didn't believe in the New Testament, so I thought they're.
03:11:39 Oh, well, they're basically, they're just half Christians.
03:11:43 And they have a different language or whatever, and they have funny shows like Seinfeld on TV and.
03:11:48 You know, I I think that's.
03:11:51 I think that's still a perception.
03:11:52 A lot of people have a lot of well meaning right leaning people have that perception.
03:11:57 And then on top of that, a lot of these Protestants have this weird religious thing and just, you know.
03:12:03 You can't get, you can't get around it.
03:12:05 I think it's.
03:12:05 I do think it's changing.
03:12:08 I do think it's changing, but your father's probably from that group where it's just it's too late.
03:12:17 I mean, it's your dad.
03:12:18 You you'd know better than I do if there's a way around that.
03:12:22 I just think when I hear stuff like that, it's just a religious thing.
03:12:25 At that point, it's trying to.
03:12:26 It's like asking me how do I convince my dad to stop believing in the Bible because he probably sees it as.
03:12:31 Like it's something in the Bible, you know.
03:12:35 Glock 23, when I was a police officer, I was assigned to the blackest areas of the city, most or most of the time I live outside of the city in the country.
03:12:43 I can't describe how much it felt like I was driving into a war zone when I went to work and how it felt like I was escaping a war zone when I drove home.
03:12:53 I bet you can't describe, but I think we.
03:12:56 All kind of get the idea.
03:12:58 And you know, you said when you were.
03:13:00 A cop. So it's.
03:13:02 It's probably not.
03:13:03 It's probably you're probably happy you're not a cop anymore, given the way that you you would.
03:13:06 Have to behave in those neighborhoods now, and you'd probably get shot.
03:13:13 Ha Andromeda.
03:13:16 Devin, where did you find the bizarro clown freak?
03:13:18 Trans in the the get the pit video.
03:13:22 I it was a YouTube video.
03:13:24 I don't remember what I looked for to find it.
03:13:27 I think I literally.
03:13:28 I think I might have just looked up satanic ******.
03:13:30 Or something like that.
03:13:33 And yeah, and it was just it was a ****** performance that I was just.
03:13:37 Like I was like, oh God, this is.
03:13:39 This is really ****** **, Sammy and.
03:13:44 It was a training.
03:13:44 It was a ****** show.
03:13:46 It was video of a ****** show.
03:13:48 And or or drag queen or I don't know.
03:13:50 They're pretty much the same.
03:13:51 Thing at this point.
03:13:53 And it was the winner of whatever perform whatever horrific performance I was watching, they won by acting like a demon, well dressed like a ******.
03:14:05 Let's see here. Guitar dude 1356. Just FYI, all of the blacks in my Med school class 5 to 6% were kids of rich African immigrants.
03:14:18 And even then, all of the non black students knew they were very subpar. 33% of the black and Hispanic students failed out, compared to less than 5% of white and Asian students. Yeah, look, I can tell you I work working in a field.
03:14:35 That was highly technical.
03:14:39 I only worked with one black guy.
03:14:44 He was nice and clean.
03:14:45 Cotton, whatever.
03:14:46 Right.
03:14:47 But you, he was always in awe of what I did.
03:14:51 Like, I'd be like, oh, yeah, we're I I made this.
03:14:53 Last night and he's like.
03:14:54 Whoa. How'd you do that?
03:14:56 Can you teach me?
03:14:57 I remember thinking like, no, actually, I can.
03:15:00 I can try, but I I can.
03:15:02 I can tell already.
03:15:03 Like, you're a nice guy and all, but you're not.
03:15:04 You know.
03:15:06 This is too complex.
03:15:07 This is above your pay grid, and that's just the reality.
03:15:10 And and I could.
03:15:12 I could definitely see that being and this look, there was only one black guy because.
03:15:17 At a certain point.
03:15:19 Come well back then, I don't know.
03:15:21 It's probably different now, but back.
03:15:22 Then they wanted the token black guy.
03:15:25 But you know, they also needed to make money, right?
03:15:27 So they were.
03:15:28 They were.
03:15:28 They're only going to take so many for the team.
03:15:30 So we only had one black guy that was very subpar, his at his job, nice guy.
03:15:35 And he tried like he tried, but he just never.
03:15:39 You know, he could just never really.
03:15:42 He didn't have the ability to do it.
03:15:46 And then you go on to say, no matter what the media tells you, blacks are far inferior intellectually for all the Neil degrasse Tysons and Ben Carsons.
03:15:56 There are thousands upon thousands of white and Asian students who are far superior who don't get the same recognition due to their race.
03:16:05 Yes, of course, of course.
03:16:08 I mean, there's anytime there's a black that is.
03:16:13 You know somewhat above average.
03:16:15 They have it easiest, probably out of anyone in American Society.
03:16:20 You just have to be base.
03:16:21 You just have.
03:16:21 To be like slightly above the wide average.
03:16:25 And you're a Unicorn.
03:16:29 My fat little ******** toe.
03:16:31 The instructions were unclear on my previous hyper chat.
03:16:34 I meant for you to play the audio of the video link on a stream Ron Stream.
03:16:40 It's an AI voice clone reading my actual hyper chat for you.
03:16:48 Why are we?
03:16:49 Why is this so complicated?
03:16:57 My fat little ******** toe for 1488.
03:17:02 I watched the replay of the last stream you did and felt bad for those AI voices you tried to.
03:17:08 It sounds like Down syndrome me.
03:17:12 Used to automate super chats, I feel like if you had a good one it could also make the process of voicing your upcoming book a lot.
03:17:21 You know, that sounds like a great idea, especially if the voice is consistently that convincing.
03:17:27 Next up, ******** ****** for $1.00, but no animation for you because at some point Devon stopped talking and the my fat little ******** toe AI took over. Anyways, all I want for my troubles is a grocery store.
03:17:43 There you go. Yeah, the the AI stuff's creepy. Although it's. I don't know that probably fool some people.
03:17:49 If it was over the phone, it would definitely.
03:17:54 Fool people.
03:17:56 Like if I if I wanted to buy some.
03:17:59 Buy some eggs and I wanted to call up the.
03:18:07 To see if they had any eggs.
03:18:13 Yeah, there's a limit to how many eggs you're allowed to buy at the grocery store still.
03:18:17 Out here, I don't know what the deal is with that.
03:18:21 I got my I get my eggs for free though from someone, so I don't care, but it's weird that they limit how many eggs you can buy.
03:18:31 Yeah, this AI stuff.
03:18:33 It's creepy.
03:18:34 It's creepy stuff.
03:18:35 And look, that's what it's at now.
03:18:37 That means, like, in a few years.
03:18:40 You won't know.
03:18:42 You won't know if it's really me.
03:18:45 And in fact, if you're very autistic and have a hard time differentiating between the two.
03:18:50 You don't know.
03:18:50 Now I could be AI already.
03:18:55 Glock 23, after the bars and nightclubs closed, ******* always have what is called after hours at small vacant buildings where they can serve alcohol.
03:19:08 These are illegal in my state.
03:19:10 When I was an officer, we had to shut down many of them and were and.
03:19:15 There were.
03:19:16 There were often shootings at these places.
03:19:20 Yep, Yep.
03:19:21 The the party never stops.
03:19:26 No, that's a that is a a normal thing.
03:19:31 And the shootings, also a normal thing.
03:19:34 That's the price you pay, though, to have those people in your society.
03:19:39 Cat, huh?
03:19:41 Hey, Devin.
03:19:42 Ever thought about making a poll on your telegram to find out who your fan base is?
03:19:47 Straight family, man versus lonely, etcetera.
03:19:51 I bet you have faggs watching, but below average.
03:19:53 Yeah, probably not a lot of.
03:19:54 Faggs probably not a lot.
03:19:56 Of women.
03:19:56 Oh, actually, no, I'm surprised there's always.
03:20:00 There is like a there is definitely a I mean well, well, when I was on blonde in the belly of the beast the other day, which if you guys missed that, I'm sure it's still on her channel on YouTube.
03:20:11 She said her mom.
03:20:13 Hi blondes mom she she likes the show and well and blonde herself likes.
03:20:19 So yeah there, I mean, and I hear that a lot.
03:20:22 Actually, I hear there's a lot of women I've talked to you that I'm some, I don't know why I'm surprised, but I'm surprised that ohh really.
03:20:28 Because I always thought it would be like I'm sure it's mostly guys.
03:20:32 I'm sure it's it's almost.
03:20:34 I don't know.
03:20:35 I'm sure it's mostly guys, but there's there's a lot of right wing.
03:20:38 Women out there too.
03:20:40 I don't know if I I don't want to be doing data collection on you guys though, right?
03:20:45 Right.
03:20:46 I I respect your guys's privacy. I don't need to be doing polls trying to.
03:20:51 Figure out who's out there.
03:20:53 Plus that.
03:20:53 Who knows?
03:20:53 Maybe that.
03:20:54 Would I don't want that to influence the way I do my show.
03:20:57 I don't like.
03:20:57 Oh, ladies won't like.
03:20:58 This the the faggs out there they're, you know.
03:21:04 They're certainly not going to like this.
03:21:07 But yeah.
03:21:09 I I suspect it's mostly it's a mix of family guys and and and single guys and look, it's even some family moms.
03:21:17 I I know that for a fact there is a contingent of based moms out there that listen to this.
03:21:24 Man of low moral fiber dev.
03:21:26 Since you referenced the freak Nick Stream, please grab one quote from the black guy who said how come they never show brothers stepping.
03:21:34 Together so you can use it as a bumper for violence. I think about it and laugh all the time. You tell me when the beginning he's getting arrested.
03:21:46 Or the part where it's one or you talking about pot when pot was like.
03:21:51 Yo man. Well, the.
03:21:53 I forget what he said.
03:21:54 I'll maybe I'll have to go back and look at that.
03:21:57 List Lord Godfrey, American Krogan has an excellent sub stack article on the 1918 race riots in the United Kingdom.
03:22:05 There were only 10,000 blacks from the Commonwealth in the UK, yet they were committing A disproportionate amount of crime. Imagine that.
03:22:13 I'm shocked.
03:22:15 I'm very, very shocked.
Speaker 11
03:22:18 It is balloon.
03:22:21 I don't know why I played that.
03:22:25 Here we go.
03:22:28 Colonel Edward.
03:22:28 Hey, any update on Part 2?
03:22:31 I need some fiction that isn't gay.
03:22:33 Yeah, I'll tell you.
03:22:33 Like, if, if, if.
03:22:36 If you guys want that done, I'm probably going to have to.
03:22:40 At least during.
03:22:41 Season and I don't think I can do 2 streams.
03:22:43 A week and write the book.
03:22:46 And do all the other stuff I'm trying to pull off.
03:22:50 When B season winds down, but I I know I keep pushing it.
03:22:56 I don't know.
03:22:56 Maybe I should just take like I might.
03:22:59 I might.
03:23:00 I've been thinking about this.
03:23:01 I just don't want to.
03:23:02 Like I I like being.
03:23:04 I like that part of part of what's good about this show is that it's.
03:23:09 It's on all the time, right?
03:23:11 Like that?
03:23:11 I I'm not.
03:23:12 I don't sit there and go on hiatus.
03:23:14 All that like, a lot of people that make content or whatever they they're always on hiatus or, you know, they're like, all over the place about when they do.
03:23:21 I like the fact that it's this is like a radio show that, you know, if you tune in on Saturdays and Wednesdays, it's always on.
03:23:27 Like I always.
03:23:28 I even feel guilty like this week when I'm gonna probably cancel.
03:23:30 One day Wednesday, because I'm doing the different streams and stuff.
03:23:37 But I maybe I should take like a week or two off and just, you know, lock myself.
03:23:42 In a room and not come out until it's done and and published somewhere.
03:23:47 It's just it's it's one of those that's the problem is if you've ever written something like that, you you every time you go back to it, if you've spent some time away from it, you have to go back.
03:23:58 You have to read it through the whole thing all over again.
03:24:00 Or at least the relevant part.
03:24:02 And remember, like where your headspace is, you know?
03:24:05 And remember, like, you know, get back into, like, the mindset of thinking for the characters.
03:24:10 And that takes some time that that takes, like, honestly, more than a day for me at least to kind of.
03:24:16 You know, get back into the shoes of the of the characters you're writing, and then once you're there, you have to.
03:24:23 I mean, look, it's it doesn't just flow out of me effortlessly.
03:24:27 I wish it did.
03:24:29 It's it's difficult to to write stuff that's.
03:24:34 Not ****.
03:24:38 You know and and so.
03:24:40 And then, like, I'm terrible.
03:24:42 Like, I'm terrible with the grammar and all that stuff.
03:24:45 So the proofreading process is almost takes longer than writing the book, but luckily, I guess I can use AI for that now, right?
03:24:54 And maybe I'll maybe I'll use AI to proofread it this time.
03:24:56 That would actually cut down the time significantly.
03:25:00 All I can say is TBD.
03:25:05 Harmless G for those of you who don't know how bad things are, here are demographics by age group in Los Angeles.
03:25:14 Alright, let's see what this is.
03:25:24 What is this? What am?
03:25:25 I looking at here.
03:25:31 OK, well a.
03:25:32 Good way to read this just I guess this this part by itself, right?
03:25:37 Because it's gonna be hard to see on your screen, most likely, but a good way to read this is.
03:25:43 This is.
03:25:44 This top bar is age like old age 85 plus.
03:25:48 And this bottom bar is zero to four years old, so as and this blue is white people.
03:25:54 So as you can see, the only white or the vast majority of the white people.
03:26:02 51% and well, not vast majority of them, just the majority which is still pretty scary. The majority of white people over 50% of white people that live in Los Angeles County are over 85.
03:26:15 By the way, I'm sure that statistic counts Jews.
03:26:18 OK, if you're talking about Los Angeles County.
03:26:21 Over 85.
03:26:24 So that's.
03:26:26 That's a big problem.
03:26:29 And the majority, I'm sure this is Mexicans, right?
03:26:32 Yeah, it is.
03:26:33 So the majority of young people.
03:26:38 Is Hispanic and what is this?
03:26:41 Other is pretty pretty high also.
03:26:44 So yeah, but.
03:26:45 That's Los Angeles.
03:26:46 Los Angeles is a.
03:26:48 Has fallen a long time ago.
03:26:50 I wouldn't want to live there at all.
03:26:54 Here's the Elon tweet.
03:26:55 Alright, let's take a look at this.
03:27:01 Is this the one where he says he he grew up poor?
03:27:11 Here we go.
03:27:13 I grew up in a lower transitioning to upper middle income situation, but did not have a happy childhood.
03:27:20 Haven't inherited anything ever from anyone, nor has anyone given me a large financial gift.
03:27:26 My father created a small electrical mechanical engineering company, see, it's it's sentences like that.
03:27:33 My father created a small electrical mechanical engineering company.
03:27:39 His idea of of like.
03:27:42 Upper middle class is so off the rails.
03:27:48 He doesn't understand that just that just that.
03:27:52 Is beyond what most people.
03:27:54 Ever experience that was successful to 20 to 30 years, but it fell on hard times. He has been essentially bankrupt for about 25 years, requiring financial support for my brother.
Speaker 6
03:28:05 And me?
03:28:06 That said, and he also doesn't talk about.
03:28:08 His mother was.
03:28:09 A ******* model and that her family was.
03:28:11 A was a jewellery family.
03:28:15 That said, he does deserve credit for teaching me.
03:28:17 Blah blah blah blah.
03:28:20 Our conditioning of providing him financial support was that he did not engage in bad behavior.
03:28:26 Unfortunately, he nonetheless did.
03:28:28 There are young children involved, so we continue to provide financial support for their well-being regarding the so-called emerald mine, there is no objective evidence whatsoever that this mine.
03:28:39 Never existed.
03:28:40 He told me that he owned a share in a mine in Zambia and I believed him for a while.
03:28:47 But nobody has ever seen the mine, nor are there any records of its existence.
03:28:51 It is mine.
03:28:53 If this mine was real, he would not require financial support from my brother and.
03:29:04 And there's some of the community notes.
03:29:08 Yeah. I'd like to see.
03:29:15 See, people are see, that's The thing is, people put a community notes on this and he took it down.
03:29:23 I don't know.
03:29:24 I'm going to look into this.
03:29:26 Because everything I've ever read from multiple sources and look, maybe they're all ********.
03:29:32 It's always possible.
03:29:33 But from multiple sources says he comes from.
03:29:38 Money. Big money.
03:29:40 Every account of this of his growing up and everything was big money.
03:29:45 And I don't know how you start PayPal with no money.
03:29:49 I just think his idea of what a lot of money is is total.
03:29:52 I mean, he's the richest person on Earth.
03:29:54 His idea of what a lot of money is is wildly different than yours.
03:29:59 So I think this is just a rich guy.
03:30:01 Poem out thing.
03:30:02 I don't know.
03:30:02 Who knows?
03:30:04 I I will.
03:30:05 I will.
03:30:06 It will renew my.
03:30:07 Let's see what the replies are.
03:30:08 Is there anyone that's actually replying that can?
03:30:13 That actually has like some information that is.
03:30:16 Different here.
03:30:29 I would.
03:30:29 I would expect he's probably.
03:30:31 What's this?
Speaker 16
03:30:33 Why not?
03:30:34 I don't ever give up.
03:30:37 It's just sucking Elon's ****. A lot of this is going.
03:30:39 To be Elon **** *******.
03:30:44 Yeah. Hey, you know what?
03:30:46 Everything I've ever read says the exact opposite of.
03:30:49 That but I.
03:30:49 Don't know if in fact he doesn't come from money.
03:30:54 See, this is the difference.
03:30:55 Between me and a lot of people out there.
03:30:58 If I end up being wrong about his background.
03:31:02 I will not double down and say it's all lies and made-up if if all the sources I've ever read are wrong.
03:31:10 And he has some back story that isn't doesn't exist in any written form that I've.
03:31:18 And that he really didn't come from money and still somehow started PayPal with Peter Thiel.
03:31:22 I don't know, I.
03:31:23 Don't know how that works.
03:31:25 Uh, yeah, I'll.
03:31:27 I'll actually trust him more.
03:31:30 I'll actually trust him more because the big thing I don't trust.
03:31:33 About this guy is.
03:31:35 Is his origin story.
03:31:39 It just doesn't check out, but I'll look.
03:31:41 I'll be the first to admit that.
03:31:44 That this story checks out, if indeed it checks out.
03:31:47 I just don't think it checks out.
03:31:49 I'll look into.
03:31:50 It I'll look, I'll tell you what.
03:31:52 I'll try.
03:31:52 I'll look into this and talk about this on a stream in the future because I have talked about his background and if he's, if he's, I don't think he's responding to me.
03:32:01 Obviously that's another thing.
03:32:03 A lot of other creators do.
03:32:04 They're like they're like, oh, look.
03:32:08 You know this famous this way more famous person than I am, said the thing that was about something I was talking about.
03:32:14 So he's clearly responding directly to me.
03:32:16 No, I don't do that.
03:32:17 But because he is.
03:32:23 Things I've said about him.
03:32:26 Pretty in a pretty big way.
03:32:28 I'll look into it and I'll see.
03:32:31 I'll see.
03:32:32 Maybe there's a way to find out?
Speaker 11
03:32:35 Maybe I'll tell you what.
03:32:36 Elon, since I know Elon totally watches my show and that's why he said this.
03:32:43 If indeed this is your background.
03:32:46 Show me the receipts.
03:32:50 Show me a time you were ever making less or you were.
03:32:53 You had a net worth of less than.
03:32:56 $30,000 or or even $100,000.
03:32:59 I'd like to see them.
03:33:02 All right.
03:33:04 Lich Lord. Godfrey. Sorry. It was the 1919 race, right? It's.
03:33:07 In the UK.
03:33:08 Alright, well, I'll check it out.
03:33:11 No problem there.
03:33:13 Glock 23, when Trump became president, he made the liberal loving Jew Jared Kushner the commander in chief. Jared even lived in the White House with Trump. Jared ordered Trump not to call the National Guard during the George Floyd riots. Well, I mean, I don't know how that exonerates.
03:33:31 Trump, that means Trump's even weaker if he's letting Jared Kushner boss him around. Imagine, like, imagine the kind of ****** would would let his would let the guy who's ******* his daughter order him around.
03:33:43 Like, imagine how weak of a ******* slimeball.
03:33:46 You'd have to.
03:33:46 Be if the guy who's ******* your daughter is ordering you around.
03:33:51 I mean, ugh.
03:33:52 I mean, the guy who converted your, your your favorite daughter to, to, to, to Judaism and is ******* her.
03:34:02 Is ordering you around?
03:34:03 I mean, just just imagine what kind of disgusting slathering you'd have to be for that to be, uh.
03:34:12 So there you go.
03:34:14 Opera comma Don. Hey, Devin. Yes. What I said earlier is impossible. What angers me is 99.9% of whites don't seem to mind being genocide. It sometimes feels like we are fighting a losing battle. When the white race.
03:34:31 Wake up and their replacement or I think you mean we're going to wake.
03:34:35 Up to their replacement, a lot of them won't.
03:34:38 Oh, we've talked about this before.
03:34:39 It's just.
03:34:40 Going to be.
03:34:41 It's a selection pressure.
03:34:43 You're going to be losing the kinds of people that don't think racially and that's.
03:34:46 It's a painful process, but it's better in the long run.
03:34:51 That means all these people who are wishy washy about race and don't feel this way.
03:34:57 The result will be remaining whites will necessarily be ethnocentric.
03:35:05 That's the only.
03:35:09 They can come.
03:35:10 From whites being forced into a multicultural society.
03:35:15 Is that the only people who remain white?
03:35:19 Are whites that are ethnocentric, so it's a good thing ultimately long run.
03:35:26 And As for?
03:35:27 Yeah, but that'll make us a much smaller group.
03:35:29 That's true.
03:35:30 But hey, even smaller groups have proven to be quite effective at influencing larger groups.
03:35:39 Last but not least.
03:35:41 What do you think is the richest.
03:35:43 Ohh wait, what do you think is the richest a person of?
03:35:49 What do you think is the richest a person of middle class background can realistically get without selling their soul to Satan?
03:35:57 I don't know what you mean, like how much money can they?
03:36:03 I I think you can make a.
03:36:04 Lot of money.
03:36:06 If you're born in a.
03:36:07 Middle class family and you have access to at least some resources.
03:36:11 That's the problem.
03:36:12 Is a lot of this is nepotism and a lot of it is you have to be learning from an early age.
03:36:18 To focus on money.
03:36:21 A lot of middle middle class people are just.
03:36:26 Carrying on the tradition of being middle class and they're they're transmitting the values that made them middle class to their children and their children will be middle class.
03:36:37 And it's only very occasionally, do you have?
03:36:41 Maybe it it it could even just be a genetic anomaly, right?
03:36:44 Where you have substantially higher IQ than your parents or just, you know, different attributes that make you.
03:36:52 An outlier in your family.
03:36:55 But then you're at a disadvantage because unlike the, say, the rich kid, right, the rich kid that has generational wealth.
03:37:02 He's going to be raised by someone who was also raised by someone who was also raised by someone who had money, right?
03:37:08 It's going to be part of their their education, you know, maybe not necessarily from the school they go to, but probably that too, right, because they'll probably go to a private school that's going to be infinitely.
03:37:20 Better than any public school, you'll be going to.
03:37:24 And then their parents will teach them how to use money at an early age, middle class.
03:37:27 People almost never teach their kids about money, cause they're embarrassed about how much money they don't have.
03:37:33 You know, they're they're so wrapped up in in having the bigger Mick mansion and and whatever, you know, among their friend group.
03:37:42 That they're very self-conscious about money and they don't want to bring it up and and that. And so in a way it kind of self perpetuates their poverty.
03:37:50 That's how my parents were.
03:37:51 My parents never talked about money, were always embarrassed about it, would only tell they would only talk about it in terms of, like, we just don't have enough, right like.
Speaker 4
03:38:00 Oh, well.
03:38:01 Hey, I want you.
03:38:02 Know my friend Billy got a car when he turned 16.
03:38:05 How come I don't get a car?
03:38:06 Well, we.
03:38:06 Just don't have the money for that.
03:38:09 And that's really the only time I would hear about money is when we didn't have.
03:38:13 The money for something, right?
03:38:15 And so I'd be like, alright, and then I'd go get it.
03:38:17 You know, I went and worked the fast food and.
03:38:19 Got a job and bought my first car and whatever, right.
03:38:24 But had I had the same capabilities that I had?
03:38:29 In a different family in a different environment of a family that could afford, for example, to give me access to because it's not just, it's not just a.
03:38:40 Biology in terms of your your end result, some of it is environment.
03:38:44 They're not totally insane to say that environment plays a role, it does.
03:38:50 So but you will you will top out right because at a certain point and let's look in to some degree this sort of happened to me.
03:38:59 I did reach a point in my career where it wasn't my abilities holding me back, and it wasn't my drive holding me back and it wasn't anything that really I had to say in that was holding me back.
03:39:10 It was.
03:39:11 I didn't know the right people.
03:39:13 I wasn't a member of the right club.
03:39:15 I, you know, and I and I saw it.
03:39:17 In fact, I kind of felt like.
03:39:19 I I I kind of went well beyond what maybe I should have been able to do in the 1st place given the people I was working with and their background.
03:39:30 But you can you can definitely step up.
03:39:33 My dad did it.
03:39:33 My dad.
03:39:35 I'd say my parents were middle to upper middle class.
03:39:40 And my dad's family was.
03:39:43 Lower to middle class, absolutely.
03:39:46 And all of his brothers and sisters, same thing, very blue collar.
03:39:51 Nothing wrong with that, you know.
03:39:53 But you know, just in terms of, we're just talking strictly about class and and financial accomplishment.
03:39:59 My dad stepped it up a notch.
03:40:04 And I, you know, until I decided to be a weirdo in the desert, I I I was out earning my dad for a really long time, so I kind.
03:40:12 Of stepped it up a notch too.
03:40:14 And then I became.
03:40:18 Then I took my vow of poverty.
03:40:19 So I could do this.
03:40:22 OK.
03:40:23 Oh, we got one last one here.
03:40:26 I don't think that that answer your question my my my answer is.
03:40:30 You know, you'll never it'd be very unrealistic to expect to be able.
03:40:35 To achieve Elon money for as an example.
03:40:38 And it would be very unrealistic to achieve Trump money.
03:40:42 That's if you want to have that kind of money, you have to come from money.
03:40:45 I will research this because this just reeks of ******** to me.
03:40:50 Or at least of exaggeration, or if I want to be really charitable of just someone who's really out of touch and doesn't realize what they.
03:40:58 You know what they're saying in terms of of, oh, I.
03:41:01 Grew up poor, you know.
03:41:02 I mean, but hey, I'll look into it.
03:41:05 I'll look into it.
03:41:07 But you can absolutely at least go one step up.
03:41:10 Jack Handy ChatGPT says Muss family was wealthy and middle class and money was tight and they did not own an emerald mine. What they might might have changed his tune.
Speaker 19
03:41:26 Let's see here.
03:41:28 It also says he's Jewish.
03:41:45 Oh, it says yes.
03:41:46 He was born and well, in was Elon Musk born into a wealthy family?
03:41:50 Elon Musk was born to a wealthy family in South Africa.
03:41:52 His father was an electrical electromechanical engineer.
03:41:55 His mother was a model and a nutritionist.
03:41:57 They had the family of Elon Musk on an emerald mine.
03:42:00 No, the family of Elon Musk.
03:42:02 The not on Emerald mine.
03:42:03 How wealthy was the family of Elon Musk when he was a child?
03:42:08 Elon Musk's family was considered middle class when he was a child. His father was electromechanical engineer. His mother was a model and dietician.
03:42:17 Musk has spoken out, you know, this might be one of those ChatGPT things, though, where it just it's regurgitating the phrase middle class. Maybe this is something he often says.
03:42:27 Or maybe I'm wrong, I'll.
03:42:28 Check a longer note.
03:42:29 It sounds like the Emerald mine might be in question if he's claiming there's not even like a.
03:42:33 Paper trail about that but.
03:42:34 That his dad.
03:42:36 It's it's also kind of.
03:42:37 Weird that his dad claimed to have shares in the Emerald mine.
03:42:39 But now he apparently they don't.
03:42:42 Maybe his dad.
03:42:42 'S a big liar.
03:42:43 I don't know.
03:42:44 But according to what I read.
03:42:47 That was what his family was.
03:42:48 From I'll look into it.
03:42:49 Look, I'm totally willing to.
03:42:52 To say that he's that he maybe he was middle class, that would make me.
03:42:56 Trust him a whole lot more, a whole lot more.
03:43:00 And look, I'm not hell bent on not trusting him.
03:43:03 I'm I would prefer trusting him.
03:43:07 So yeah, we'll take, I'll take a look at that.
03:43:10 And get back to you guys.
03:43:12 All right.
03:43:14 Finally, we went through all these.
03:43:16 Now that we are almost at the four hour marker.
03:43:20 OK.
03:43:22 Yeah. And by the way, for people in regular chat that are calling out ChatGPT is being full of ****.
03:43:28 Yeah, I I will not rely on ChatGPT as as a source just because it seems kind of unreliable on on multiple occasions.
03:43:37 I have found it to be unreliable with stuff, especially when you ask it to provide you with links it seems to.
03:43:42 Choke on that.
03:43:43 It's weird because it'll give you a link, but it's always a dead link and I'm always like, well, where the **** did you know that that didn't just happen when I was asking about Peter Thiel and and Elon Musk being Jewish, where it would it, it claimed they.
03:43:56 Sir, I asked for a.
03:43:58 A link of you know a source.
03:44:00 It gave me a link and then it's a dead link every.
03:44:03 Time now that could be multiple things, but I've had that happen in other ways or have it link me to a page that has nothing to do with.
03:44:11 I asked it something about it was some kind of beekeeping thing, and I think it was and it was like, Oh yes, it's, you know, in this manual on page 37, I was like, well, can you link me to this manual on page 37 it.
03:44:23 Linked me to a PDF and I looked at page 37. I had nothing at all about what.
03:44:27 I was talking to it about and I was just like, what the ****, dude.
03:44:31 And you're basically.
03:44:32 So it's, it's proven to.
03:44:34 Be somewhat unreliable on a lot of topics that I've questioned it on.
03:44:39 So I won't rely on that when I, when I look into his background, I'll try to find some sources that will that would, it would be tough for him to dismiss.
03:44:48 So all right guys, I will see you all.
03:44:52 Probably, yeah, probably know stream Wednesday for those you guys regular chat talking about that, but I will be on some one probably 2 streams during the week and I will give you guys links to that on Telegram.
03:45:07 Gab, Twitter, et cetera.
03:45:10 In the mean time, have a good rest of your weekend.
03:45:13 I am.
03:45:14 Of course.
Speaker 18
03:45:17 Demon stack.
Speaker 11
03:45:22 Where'd she go?
03:45:38 Shut the ****.
Speaker 2
03:45:39 Shut up. You shut up.
Speaker 11
03:45:44 You know what?
03:45:46 Hold my phone.
Speaker 21
03:46:07 I'm still waiting.