

Speaker 1
00:00:00 In 1965, Vietnam seemed like that's another foreign.
00:01:52 War, but it wasn't.
00:01:54 It is different in many ways.
00:01:55 And so were those who did the fighting World War 2, the average age of the Combat Soldier was 26. In Vietnam, he was 19.
Speaker 2
00:02:04 In in, in.
Speaker 1
00:02:04 In Vietnam, he was 19. In Vietnam, he was 19, Vietnam, it was 1919.
Speaker 3
00:02:15 The heavy acquitting of the past two weeks continued today, 25 miles northwest of Saigon.
00:02:20 I wasn't really sure what was going on.
Speaker 1
00:02:31 In Vietnam, the combat soldier typically serves a 12 month old duty exposed to every day.
00:02:36 But was.
Speaker 3
00:03:00 In Saigon, a U.S. military spokesman said today more than 700 enemy troops were killed last week in that sensitive border area.
00:03:07 Throughout all of South Vietnam, the enemy lost a total of 2689 soldiers.
Speaker 1
00:03:44 According to the Veterans Administration study, half of the Vietnam combat veterans suffer from what psychiatrists call post Traumatic stress disorder.
00:03:52 Many vets complain.
00:03:54 Be a nation, rage or guilt. Some become suicidal thoughts 8 to 10 years after coming home. Almost 800 thousand men are still fighting the Vietnam War.
00:04:21 Jonathan received the hero's welcome.
Speaker 6
00:05:07 Purple Heart.
00:05:09 I wasn't.
Speaker 5
00:05:10 Sure what was going on?
00:05:12 What's going on?
Speaker 7
00:05:23 This is ponderous, mine, really ponderous.
00:05:45 The other night I'm going to work one day and nobody remembered.
00:05:49 Who I was.
00:05:51 So I decided to take the day off.
00:06:00 Yeah, running to my boss.
00:06:03 He says.
00:06:05 You look familiar.
00:06:07 He said thanks.
00:06:08 It will say that a lot in these dreams and the hearts kicked in.
00:06:14 My shoes started to squeak.
00:06:21 Then all of a sudden you're standing on.
00:06:23 A beach in some.
00:06:24 Tropical part of the world, and there's a sign that says, aren't you supposed to be a worry?
00:06:31 Screamed out at.
00:06:32 Me, I've been hearing all their dreams.
00:06:41 Usually there was a water polo game and a girl who would talk with her eyes.
00:06:46 And she'd say.
Speaker 4
00:06:48 See what I'm saying?
Speaker 7
00:06:51 And the horns kicked in.
00:06:58 Before I knew it, I was walking.
Speaker 8
00:07:00 You a word ohh Blake.
Speaker 7
00:07:01 'S phone rings.
00:07:03 And the operator speaks to me in.
00:07:05 A language I don't understand.
00:07:20 Then the horn is kicking.
00:07:22 My shoes starting to squeak.
00:07:28 Before long, I was coming up on this really weird.
00:07:31 Part of my dream.
00:07:33 You know part where I know how to tap.
00:07:35 Pants, but I can only do it while.
00:07:37 Wearing golf shoes.
00:07:43 Going back on the beach, walking with his girl with thoughts, with her eyes.
00:07:47 This time, she says.
Speaker 4
00:07:48 I think you see what I'm saying just before.
Speaker 7
00:07:58 It started to rain and suddenly.
00:08:17 The girl looked off with her eyes.
Speaker 4
00:08:21 Can you see?
Speaker 7
00:08:25 Aren't you supposed to be at?
00:08:27 Bored. This is ponderous, man.
00:08:56 Hello out there in TV Land.
00:09:03 I I got out of Devin Stack here.
00:09:06 This is the insomnia stream Wednesday edition, or rather copycat edition, because it makes you name things.
00:09:15 I don't like how you have to name these things before you do them.
Speaker 10
00:09:19 It it it it?
00:09:20 It pigeon holes you it makes.
00:09:21 You feel like, well, now I have now.
00:09:23 Now the stream has to reflect.
Speaker 11
00:09:25 The the, the, the.
00:09:26 The the name.
00:09:27 I don't like it that way.
00:09:28 I like the stream.
00:09:29 Happen and then you name it.
00:09:32 It's like it's like people that name their babies.
00:09:35 Before they're even born.
00:09:37 That's that's no fun.
00:09:39 How you going to do that?
00:09:41 You gotta let the baby come out and you get a good look at it.
00:09:44 They're like, alright, you look like.
Speaker 11
00:09:47 You like, uh, you look like.
00:09:49 A A Hubert cumberdale.
00:09:51 I'm going to call you Hubert Cumberdale.
00:09:55 Little salad fingers reference there that.
00:09:58 Will sail over most of your heads, which is.
00:10:00 Probably a good thing.
00:10:03 So all right.
00:10:05 It is Wednesday.
00:10:07 Good evening.
00:10:07 Good afternoon.
00:10:08 Good night.
00:10:09 Good morning.
00:10:12 Lord, there's a lot going on.
00:10:13 In the in the world today and the last few days.
00:10:18 Lots of things and we I guess we will get into why it's called the copycat edition.
00:10:25 Because of all the all the happenings, right, the media I have discovered.
00:10:31 They they don't like being left out.
00:10:34 They don't like being left out.
00:10:36 They realize that they're their old ways are no longer effective.
00:10:40 People are starting to become they're they're wise.
00:10:44 They're wise to their antics.
00:10:48 And so it seems that recently they got together.
00:10:52 Like you know, people seem to like like it when there's this, this whistleblower stuff, right?
00:10:59 What we need is a good old fashioned whistleblower.
00:11:05 So they got themselves, they got themselves a fancy *** whistleblower.
00:11:12 I'm sure you guys have heard this, the Facebook whistleblower.
00:11:16 That is, uh, that's.
00:11:18 That's clearly, you know, it's a whistleblower because all of the mainstream media is talking about the whistleblower.
00:11:25 Which is often the case, right when there's a whistleblower that comes out and usually mainstream media is talking about it and all the the tech companies are promoting the stories, right?
00:11:36 That's how it works usually, right?
00:11:38 When there's a when there's.
00:11:39 A whistleblower and then and then usually what happens is Congress.
00:11:44 They have a hearing, they have a hearing.
Speaker 11
00:11:48 To hear what the whistleblower has to say, they need to make sure people know.
00:11:56 Yeah. Clearly another whistleblower.
00:12:00 You you know what's a whistleblower?
00:12:02 When the whistleblower comes out.
Speaker 11
00:12:05 It says I used to work for Facebook.
00:12:10 And people are, oh, this this.
Speaker 12
00:12:12 This could be good.
00:12:14 This could be good.
00:12:15 Oh, it's going to be good.
00:12:16 Facebook whistleblowers, all kinds of crazy **** going on at Facebook.
00:12:22 I used to work at at Facebook and I had to leave because damn it.
Speaker 11
00:12:30 They don't care about people.
00:12:31 Oh, it's going to.
00:12:32 Be good, they.
00:12:33 Don't care well.
Speaker 11
00:12:34 We don't know that.
00:12:36 We're all just.
00:12:36 Uh numbers, and they're in their information ******.
00:12:41 Right.
00:12:42 What's what's this?
00:12:43 Going to be.
Speaker 11
00:12:44 Oh, this is going to be good.
00:12:45 It's going to be good.
00:12:47 They don't care about anybody.
00:12:49 They just.
00:12:50 Care about making money?
00:12:53 And in fact, Facebook is so evil they're making money off of hate.
00:13:00 Ohh boy, we know where this is going now.
00:13:03 Ohh boy.
00:13:04 They're making money off of hate and they need more censorship, possibly government oversight.
00:13:18 That's the there's your Facebook whistleblower.
00:13:23 Here's a little clip I haven't even watched this yet.
00:13:25 I bet it's good.
00:13:27 Let's watch a little clip of the the Facebook whistleblower.
00:13:32 Let me move to this little this screen, so we.
Speaker 7
00:13:35 Can there we go?
00:13:39 There we go.
00:13:45 Let's go to here.
00:13:46 Where's the?
00:13:48 Here we are.
00:14:00 She looks a little Manish.
00:14:01 I was going.
00:14:02 I was about to say say, well, she doesn't look so bad, but now she's.
00:14:05 Got like a.
00:14:09 Masculine features not a not a fan.
00:14:11 Alright, so let's.
00:14:12 See what the Facebook whistleblower has to say.
Speaker 13
00:14:15 During my time working with the threat intelligence.
00:14:18 Org so I.
00:14:18 Was a product manager supporting the threat, the counter espionage team?
00:14:24 My team directly worked on.
00:14:27 On I'm going to fix this volume.
00:14:30 I like how she's like, she's part of the.
00:14:33 The Threat assessment team, there we go.
00:14:37 This is going to make.
00:14:37 It really loud actually, so turn.
Speaker 11
00:14:39 It down again.
Speaker 13
00:14:44 During my time.
00:14:45 Working with the threat intelligence org, so I was a product manager supporting the threat, the counter espionage team.
00:14:45 That's left.
Speaker 13
00:14:53 My team directly worked on tracking Chinese participation on the platform, surveilling, say, weaker populations in places around the world that you could actually.
00:15:03 Find the Chinese based on them doing these kinds of things.
Speaker 15
00:15:06 So Facebook go, I'm sorry.
Speaker 13
00:15:08 We also saw active perturbation of, say, the Iran government doing espionage on other state actors.
00:15:17 So this is definitely thing that is happening and I believe Facebook's consistent understaffing of the counter espionage information operations and counter.
Speaker 11
00:15:25 Wow, she does.
00:15:26 She doesn't sound like CIA at.
00:15:28 All at all.
Speaker 13
00:15:31 Terrorism teams is a national security issue and I'm speaking to other parts of Congress.
Speaker 15
00:15:35 About that.
00:15:35 So you are saying in essence that the the that the platform, whether Facebook knows it or not is being utilized by some of our adversaries in a way that helps push and.
00:15:45 Vote their interest at the expense of Americas.
Speaker 13
00:15:48 Yes, Facebook's so very aware that this is happening on the platform, and I believe the fact that Congress doesn't get a report of exactly how many people are working on these things internally is is unacceptable because you have a right to keep the American people safe.
Speaker 15
00:16:02 Great. Thank you very much.
00:16:04 Well, I guess there's only one solution.
00:16:08 If it if.
00:16:09 We got all.
00:16:09 These Russian spies and these Chinese spies, these Iranian spies, and they're spreading disinfo on their platforms.
00:16:17 I mean, we're going to need.
00:16:18 We're it's in the interest of national security, we're going to who even uses Facebook though anyway, like, honestly, I kind of don't care like about this **** because it's just like.
00:16:28 Who the **** still on Facebook?
00:16:30 No one that matters.
00:16:31 I mean it just it just that's just the way it is.
00:16:33 I mean it's it's normally booked to a degree like, I mean even normies.
00:16:38 Well, well, I mean some of them.
00:16:40 Don't even use Facebook anymore.
00:16:42 Anyone that's still using Facebook.
00:16:47 They you're you're just in a relevant person.
00:16:50 You just are.
Speaker 6
00:16:51 Thanks, Senator Sullivan.
00:16:53 You may have just opened an area for another year.
Speaker 16
00:16:58 Yeah, I've, I've I.
Speaker 13
00:16:58 Have strong national security concerns about how Facebook?
00:17:01 Yeah, I bet you do.
Speaker 15
00:17:03 Well, Mr.
00:17:03 Chairman, maybe we should, right.
00:17:05 I mean it's a issue.
Speaker 6
00:17:05 I'm I'm not being at all facetious.
00:17:09 Thank you for your questions on this topic.
00:17:11 And I know you have a busy schedule, but we may want to.
00:17:15 Discuss this issue with you members of our committee, at least informally, and if you'd be willing to come back for another hearing, that certainly is within the realm of possibility.
00:17:25 I haven't consulted the ranking member but or the chair woman, but.
00:17:32 Thank you for your honesty.
00:17:34 Yes, thank you for your honesty, so.
00:17:39 Clearly she's she's a whistleblower, right?
00:17:42 She's a whistleblower.
00:17:45 Because Congress has taken her seriously.
00:17:49 And they're going to take action immediately.
00:17:52 They're very concerned about what she has found.
00:17:57 So basically the.
00:17:57 Reason I called the the stream the copycat edition is that it really does seem like that the the mass media is like, oh ****.
00:18:05 Like no, no one cares, unless it's like a leak or a whistleblower or something like that.
00:18:09 So we're going to just completely make up.
00:18:13 Completely make up a whistleblower.
00:18:14 It's not the.
00:18:15 First time they've done this, right?
00:18:18 In order to to promote our.
00:18:22 Or agenda of an Internet that is completely lacking in options for being anonymous online.
00:18:33 That's that.
00:18:34 That's the long game.
00:18:35 And in fact, I don't even think it's going to take that long.
00:18:38 But ultimately what they want to do is make it so that the Internet is, is not anonymous, and they'll use things like this to justify stripping away any capability that that Americans or anyone really in the world will have.
00:18:52 Any any ability that they'll have to to communicate online anonymously.
00:18:57 And you know, just in in the fact even to access the Internet without it being tied directly to you personally in a in a very real way and and will there be ways around it probably at first, right.
00:19:15 I mean there's already kind of ways.
00:19:17 Around it, right?
00:19:17 Now there are shady ways that you can access the Internet without it being directly tied to you.
00:19:25 You know, there's like the Internet version of like, the burner phone, kind of a thing, right?
00:19:29 There's stuff you can do, right?
00:19:33 But ultimately, I think that that's going.
00:19:35 To go away.
00:19:37 That's going to go away and and and and and it is something that they'll be able to just legislate away.
00:19:46 The same way they legislated away, being able to walk up to a airplane terminal with your, you know, your mom that you're putting on an airplane or something.
00:19:55 That we've gone from that.
00:19:57 Too, because of national security, you're not allowed past the gate, and even the people that have the plane ticket has to they have to take off their shoes and get, you know, anally probed by morbidly obese black woman with an IQ of 60 who's, you know, screaming at at at your.
00:20:16 Your elderly grandma because you know clearly she's got a bum up her vagina, you know?
00:20:24 So it it's.
00:20:25 And that's so that's basically what's going to happen is they will, they will legislate your ability to be anonymous online away.
00:20:32 And the reason they're going to do that.
00:20:35 Is, you know well of.
Speaker 11
00:20:36 Course it's for.
00:20:37 It's for national security, right?
00:20:39 But they'll do it.
00:20:40 So that they can be platform people.
00:20:42 Just from the Internet.
00:20:45 Just entirely, they'll be able to the platform you from an ISP standpoint, right?
00:20:52 They'll make, they'll be able to deny you access and you're seeing this more and more like even uh, so I'm I just got an e-mail like my YouTube account is still technically.
00:21:04 Like it's just there.
00:21:05 I mean, I don't, you know, I don't use it, but it's it's just.
00:21:07 There and I got an e-mail from YouTube a little while ago saying well, you know, you know, in order for you to to keep your account here, you're you're going to have to activate two step or two factor authentication.
00:21:24 What that's for is to get your phone number.
00:21:28 They say it's for security.
00:21:29 Same thing, right?
00:21:30 They say it's for security like.
00:21:31 Oh well, you.
00:21:32 Know we we need your phone number so that we can protect.
00:21:34 You know, there's all these hacks where people are getting.
00:21:37 Your passwords and.
00:21:38 And passwords are getting leaked out and so the only way to to really protect your account is if you give us some identify.
00:21:47 Thing like your your telephone number.
00:21:53 That's why they're doing.
00:21:54 It they don't give a **** if someone hacks your YouTube.
00:21:56 Account you know they.
00:22:00 They don't give a ****.
00:22:01 Why would they give a **** about that?
00:22:05 Oh, no, you're it's not like your ******* bank account, you know, like.
00:22:10 So what?
00:22:12 So the the?
00:22:13 Yeah, they're they're.
00:22:15 They're just going to do.
00:22:16 They're they're going to go more and more.
00:22:18 In that direction.
00:22:20 And yeah, they're they they realize now that if they want to frame something as something, you know, frame things as something serious, it has to be framed as a.
00:22:32 It's a whistleblower.
00:22:33 It's a leak.
00:22:34 It's a, you know, whatever.
00:22:36 And it's pretty fake and gay.
00:22:38 I mean, I knew immediately.
00:22:39 I knew immediately.
00:22:41 When they were, I mean, you don't even have to know what she I.
00:22:44 I literally that's.
00:22:44 The first I've heard her talk.
00:22:46 As soon as I heard that she was going to be talking to Congress and that she was, you know, being promoted by every online news outlet and everything.
00:22:54 You already knew what she was.
00:22:55 Going to say you already knew she was going to say we.
00:22:57 Need more censorship?
00:22:59 It's so ******* predictable anyway.
00:23:06 Now another thing that they're kind of copying, they're not really copying.
00:23:11 If I if I had him, if I was a little more delusional.
00:23:13 I would say that they were copying.
00:23:16 So I'm just going to say they're copying, though so that it matches up with the name of the stream.
00:23:27 CNN is copying the the insomnia stream.
00:23:32 That's right.
Speaker 11
00:23:34 CNN is.
00:23:37 I know it's shocking.
00:23:39 I know it's shocking.
00:23:41 But it's true I have proof.
00:23:46 I have proof you see CNN.
00:23:48 They're they're they're starting to, you know, because they they realize that that people are interested in in how propaganda works.
00:23:57 And in having to look at examples of propaganda and and and wondering what kind of effects that will have on society.
00:24:08 So CNN, they've decided they're they've dipped their toe in analyzing propaganda for their.
Speaker 14
00:24:14 Audiences so Elizabeth H.
00:24:16 All right.
00:24:17 So they shrink that down South, you can actually see it.
00:24:21 Where is the video player thingy.
Speaker 2
00:24:24 There we go.
Speaker 7
00:24:28 There we go.
00:24:32 The CNN they've decided to.
00:24:36 Analyze some HHS advertisements.
Speaker 14
00:24:39 So Elizabeths we're seeing now is releasing this new set of advertisements today takes a little bit of a different approach to convince Americans to get vaccinated.
00:24:48 What are they doing?
Speaker 16
00:24:51 That's right, John. This is a CNN exclusive at 9:00 this morning, HHS, the Department of Health and Human Services will be releasing ads.
00:24:59 Elizabeth Cohen.
00:25:01 Ladies and gentlemen, this is Elizabeth Cohen.
00:25:03 She's a senior medical correspondent at.
Speaker 16
00:25:06 That are very different from anything that they've done before.
00:25:09 The agency has been trying to get people vaccinated and they've been doing it up until this point by saying get vaccinated and hug your friends again, you get vaccinated and get back to normal.
00:25:19 See the the HHS.
00:25:20 They've they've been trying to get people to get vaccinated through emotional blackmail.
00:25:25 They've been trying to, you know, manipulate people and get getting vaccinated by saying you'll have freedom again.
00:25:30 We took your freedom.
00:25:32 And you'll be able to have freedom again, you'll be.
00:25:33 Able to hug your loved.
00:25:35 Ones again we.
00:25:36 That's right.
00:25:37 We've made we've created a scenario where.
00:25:39 You're you can't hug your.
00:25:40 Loved ones so.
00:25:42 But if you get this shot, you you we will grant you the privilege of hugging.
00:25:49 Your loved ones again.
00:25:51 But that's not working, says CNN.
00:25:53 That's ohh no.
Speaker 11
00:25:54 That well to.
Speaker 16
00:25:55 Some extent, but you know really one out.
00:25:57 Of four Americans has not.
00:25:58 Been vaccinated, no.
Speaker 11
00:25:59 Ah, what?
Speaker 16
00:26:04 So we decided to try a different tactic.
00:26:07 And really, it involves fear.
00:26:15 Well, that's good.
00:26:23 Yeah, it's it's the.
Speaker 11
00:26:24 You know the carrot stopped working.
00:26:27 It's time for the stick, *************.
Speaker 16
00:26:30 Let's take a listen.
Speaker 2
00:26:33 Been in the hospital for 76 days now, and by the grace of God, I'm still here. It was a lot.
00:26:39 Of dark times then.
00:26:41 I died three times. They gave me 5% chance of living. Ohh.
Speaker 17
00:26:46 I got COVID.
00:26:51 There's a whole lot of Amanda.
00:26:58 Oh boy, I she did say they were.
00:27:01 Gonna use fear.
00:27:02 I got a little alarmed.
00:27:03 There for a minute.
Speaker 17
00:27:03 But I was intubated for 11 days.
Speaker 8
00:27:08 Two months ago I contracted the Delta variant of COVID-19. I haven't been the same man since.
00:27:14 You're a man.
00:27:18 Oh, good Lord, these aren't so these aren't so scary.
00:27:21 I I have, like, the full length ones.
00:27:22 We'll take a look at them.
00:27:23 I actually haven't watched the full length ones, we'll.
00:27:25 We'll see what the.
00:27:26 If they're, if they're frightening and terrifying?
Speaker 8
00:27:28 I went from being a man who loved to play outside with his children and exercise too many.
00:27:34 Barely has enough energy to make it through the day.
Speaker 16
00:27:39 So those are real people.
00:27:41 Those are not actors, and HHS is hoping that when people who have not been vaccinated see this, it will encourage them to go get vaccinated so that they don't end up in this situation.
00:27:53 All three of those people, none of them were vaccinated at the time that they got sick.
00:27:58 Again, this is an effort to convince the one out of four Americans who still despite 700,000 deaths in this country, still has not gotten even a single shot.
00:28:07 Despite the millions dropping dead in the streets.
Speaker 11
00:28:12 You *******, you *************.
00:28:15 You haven't even gotten one shot.
00:28:17 I've got ******* five.
00:28:19 You haven't even got one.
00:28:24 You ********.
00:28:26 All right, so let's take a look at some of these ads, I.
00:28:29 Actually download the ads separately.
00:28:32 So we'll see.
00:28:33 We'll have a little look, see.
00:28:38 Eventually, when it lets me do it.
00:28:42 Why won't you let me load it?
00:28:43 Up you ***** ** ****.
00:28:48 Let's be moving the mouse quite a bit.
00:28:50 Should we watch fatty boom?
00:28:51 Or should we watch?
00:28:53 We'll watch the black guy first.
00:28:55 Let's see what he has to say.
00:28:57 I don't.
00:28:58 I don't think I'm ready for fatty.
00:28:59 Boom. Batty yet?
Speaker 2
00:29:01 Been in the hospital for 76 days now, and by the grace of God, I'm still here. It was a lot of.
00:29:07 Dark times, then.
00:29:09 I died three times. They gave me a 5% chance of living. We take advantage of, like, simple things in life, like going to the bathroom and brushing your teeth.
00:29:21 I have trouble doing all that now after testing COVID, so I highly recommend everybody to get the vaccines and really protect themselves.
00:29:30 Because this is no joke.
00:29:34 I wasn't too terrified.
00:29:35 Alright, hopefully Amanda is scarier.
Speaker 17
00:29:39 I got COVID.
00:29:40 I was intubated in, in a coma for 11 days.
00:29:46 Just look there.
00:29:48 Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on.
00:29:57 Oh, that's that's that's not a that's not a.
00:29:59 Happy story.
00:30:00 You like to see how I want it.
00:30:01 It's not letting.
00:30:03 There's there's her wedding photo.
00:30:04 It's not letting me.
00:30:06 Scroll through that.
00:30:07 Alright, hold on.
00:30:07 We're going to.
00:30:08 Do the play part.
Speaker 17
00:30:09 I am a.
Speaker 11
00:30:11 How did you?
00:30:16 Imagine marrying that.
00:30:22 And you get that.
00:30:30 Well, that's, that's just not fair.
00:30:36 Alright, sorry.
00:30:37 Let's, sorry, Amanda, let's, let's hear your story.
Speaker 17
00:30:40 I got COVID.
00:30:41 I was intubated in, in a coma for 11 days.
00:30:45 I am a typical mom of two.
00:30:48 I work full time.
00:30:49 I did not.
Speaker 11
00:30:56 I'm sorry, dude.
00:31:04 Oh God, I hope you're not a typical mom.
00:31:06 Mean. Look at this, she.
00:31:13 OK, we're going to try it again.
Speaker 17
00:31:15 I got COVID.
00:31:16 I was intubated in, in a coma for 11 days.
00:31:20 I am a typical mom of two.
00:31:22 I work full time.
00:31:24 I did not get the.
Speaker 11
00:31:26 You work full time.
00:31:36 Ohh man alright.
00:31:43 And the Chocolate Factory, I mean, come on.
Speaker 17
00:31:46 Move that vaccine.
00:31:47 I was concerned about some of the side effects.
00:31:51 However, if I had it to do over.
00:31:53 I would definitely.
00:31:54 Go get the.
00:31:55 COVID maccini One I know that I.
00:31:57 Was very close to death.
00:31:59 The fact that I.
00:32:00 Almost did not come home.
00:32:01 My husband and to my children is terrifying.
00:32:06 Oh alright.
Speaker 11
00:32:13 Hmm man, I don't know why I.
00:32:16 Thought that was so funny.
00:32:20 OK.
00:32:25 I don't think.
00:32:26 I don't think the HS is very good at fear like it's I.
00:32:32 I don't know.
00:32:33 I think they got to try a little bit harder if they want me to be afraid.
00:32:37 Anyway, couple of news things.
00:32:42 We're just going to a.
00:32:42 Couple more news things.
00:32:44 That are that aren't as hilarious.
00:32:49 OK.
Speaker 7
00:32:51 Alright, let's bring this up here.
00:32:56 So one thing that does suck.
00:32:59 Is they are with this vaccine and look, this is what they should turn into an ad.
00:33:05 Honestly, like none of that **** is scary at all because first of all, you look at these people that they had and well, he had one guy maybe.
00:33:13 Look, maybe he wasn't, like sickly, ill thin man before he got sick.
00:33:19 I don't know.
00:33:19 Maybe he looked normal.
00:33:20 Maybe before and after would have been helpful, but these other two are just morbidly obese people.
00:33:26 That, of course, right.
00:33:27 Like, that's that's everyone knows this, that that's who.
00:33:30 That risk.
00:33:31 So it's not really scary.
00:33:33 Now what?
00:33:35 What is a little frightening.
00:33:36 And this is the kind of thing that well, I guess maybe in a way this qualifies as an ad and they're just, they don't feel like they can be bold enough.
00:33:43 To actually.
00:33:45 Use this as an ad, but this this is the kind of thing that that is fear mongering.
00:33:51 And let me bring this up here.
00:33:55 This is the news that's all over, you know.
00:34:01 Last couple of days.
00:34:04 Let me.
Speaker 4
00:34:04 Bring up this.
00:34:07 Is that they're not going.
00:34:08 To give you hospital care.
00:34:14 If you don't have the vaccination, they're not going to give you organ transplants.
00:34:18 They might withhold cancer treatments.
00:34:22 It's not just the workers.
00:34:23 They're going to keep out of hospitals, it's going to be the patients.
00:34:27 And so this is 1 store in particular.
Speaker 11
00:34:31 Well, that's muted or.
00:34:32 Something let me try that again.
Speaker 12
00:34:33 Hospital says.
Speaker 16
00:34:35 And facing severe consequences after refusing to get vaccinated for COVID.
Speaker 12
00:34:39 A woman needing a kidney transplant says she has been removed from the recipient list at UC Health.
00:34:44 The hospital says all transplant patients have to be vaccinated, CBS4's Tory Mason, following the story, Tory you had a chance to talk with the woman and her friend who's willing to donate a kidney.
Speaker 18
00:34:58 Yes, Jim and UC Health says in almost all situations, both parties of an organ transplant must be vaccinated.
00:35:05 The woman I spoke with today says she was on track to get her kidney by the end of the year.
00:35:10 Then this policy took place.
Speaker 19
00:35:13 My kidneys took a dive and I end up in stage 5.
Speaker 18
00:35:17 The average weight.
00:35:17 For a kidney is time Leilani Lutali doesn't.
00:35:21 A friend she met just 10.
00:35:22 Months ago is willing to save her life.
Speaker 20
00:35:25 She's essentially packed her suitcase with my kidney and showing up at the.
Speaker 18
00:35:28 Hospital Jamie Feldner didn't get the vaccine for religious reasons.
00:35:32 Leilani hasn't either because she's already had the virus and isn't sure how the shot would affect her health, but neither woman thought they needed it.
Speaker 19
00:35:41 But at the end of August, basically they confirmed that there was nothing in place, there was no COVID shot that was needed at that time.
Speaker 18
00:35:48 They were shocked to receive this letter from UC Health saying they are non compliant by not receiving the COVID-19 vaccine.
00:35:56 Now it's get the vaccine or don't get the transplant.
Speaker 20
00:36:00 Who life has now been held hostage because of this this mandate?
Speaker 18
00:36:03 UC Health recently made the policy for enhanced safety the COVID mortality rate and transplant patients ranges from 20% to more than 30%.
Speaker 19
00:36:13 And then I said, well, I'll sign a medical waiver.
00:36:16 I have to sign a medical waiver anyways for over the whole transplant itself.
Speaker 18
00:36:20 Now they're looking at other.
00:36:21 Hospitals UC health won't budget.
Speaker 20
00:36:24 Can I sit here and allow them to murder my friend when I've got a perfectly good kidney and can save her life?
Speaker 18
00:36:34 The women tell me they have not been able to find a hospital in Colorado that will perform the transplant while they're unvaccinated.
00:36:41 Now they're looking into other states.
00:36:43 We're live in Aurora.
00:36:44 So that's.
Speaker 18
00:36:44 Tori Mason covering Colorado first.
00:36:47 That's going to be the kind of thing that you're going.
00:36:49 To see more of, you're going to have entire hospital systems that that that's going to be their policy.
00:36:57 You know right here this is talking, I believe the same.
00:37:01 This is just an article on MSN about the same hospital system that's in Colorado.
00:37:08 But it's not just that Lady, it's it's all organ transplants.
00:37:13 So it says that Colorado based health system says it's the nine organ transplants to patients not vaccinated against the coronavirus in almost all situations.
00:37:23 So even if it's life threatening, which you know for her the kidney, the thing that's.
00:37:27 You know, obviously she's alive and whatever.
00:37:28 And and it's she's got some time, but there there are situations where you need that transplant, you know, like yesterday and they will let you die.
00:37:38 They will let you die.
00:37:41 Citing studies that show these patients are much more likely to die if they get COVID-19 yeah, studies, I'm sure right.
00:37:48 You know studies that show that, like anyone who dies in the hospital, dies at COVID.
00:37:52 UC Health's rules for transplants enter the spotlight Tuesday, when Colorado State Rep Tim Geithner said it denied a kidney transplant to.
00:38:02 Blah blah blah blah.
00:38:06 But yeah, like so you're not getting, you're you have politicians saying, well, this is, this is disgusting, this is.
00:38:11 Disgrace. But nothing will happen.
00:38:14 Nothing will happen.
00:38:17 And and you know the this the whole article just goes on and on and on and and and talks about like, well, Geithner, you know, he wants to, he wants to, he's talking tough and at the end it shows that like there's.
00:38:29 Nothing will happen.
00:38:31 Nothing will happen.
00:38:32 The politicians aren't aren't going to do anything, they're not going.
00:38:34 To budge, they privately think you're *******.
00:38:38 They have the vaccine.
00:38:39 They all got the vaccine.
00:38:42 And so there's a couple of politicians where they know that it's politically unpopular for them to support it.
00:38:49 Even people I think like Trump, are starting to figure it out a little bit that people don't like that.
00:38:55 And so, I mean, I don't think Trump's got changes too, but he's not sitting there being captain vaccine all day long anymore like he was when he when he first.
Speaker 11
00:39:04 You know, operation warp speed.
00:39:06 It should be called the Trump vaccine.
00:39:08 And and you know, they're they're they're still promoting it, but they're not making such a big deal out of it because they know that.
00:39:15 A lot of his supporters are not.
00:39:19 Down with the sickness so.
00:39:22 Yeah, but nothing's going to change. Nothing will change. This will just increase. And this is going to increase the need, of course the need.
00:39:32 For some kind of vaccine passport type system, they'll call it something else.
00:39:37 Now I think that it's it's the name has been tarnished, so it'll just become.
00:39:44 It'll be part.
00:39:45 In fact, they might not even want to save it.
00:39:48 They might just say, well, you know, in the same way that we need to know who you are on the Internet for national security, we're also going to maybe when they issue that new ID, right, like in order for you to access the Internet.
00:40:04 As a U.S.
00:40:05 citizen within the United States, you have to use this ID that ties back to your name.
00:40:11 Maybe it's your Social Security number.
00:40:12 Maybe it's something new and different, but it's an identifier and then that just like your Social Security number that is used.
00:40:20 As a.
00:40:21 Identifier for many things you know it's not just something that's used for Social Security, it's something that's used.
00:40:28 And I've talked about how when this, when Social Security numbers first came out, we used to live in a country where even normies were like, Nah, **** that.
00:40:37 I don't want to have a number.
00:40:39 That that is, that's like a a national identifier for me.
00:40:44 Like, I don't want to be in a data.
00:40:46 Yeah, and there.
00:40:46 Wasn't even.
00:40:47 You didn't have like a database in the sense that you didn't have anything computerized.
00:40:52 But they didn't want to be.
00:40:53 In the books.
00:40:54 They didn't want some number.
00:40:56 That means, you know, here they they wanted the federal government to have a A have a.
00:41:04 A weaker understanding of of of who they were dealing with within their borders and and I guess you could say in terms of in terms of the citizen.
00:41:13 They didn't want them to have such a they didn't want the federal government to be able to identify people with such specificity, and people got upset about it and they protested.
00:41:25 It went nowhere, like everything, right.
00:41:27 And so we're just going to get more and more into these identifying.
00:41:34 No, not especially with the, you know, the the technology that's changed.
00:41:37 So we'll have databases that have your, you know, your Internet ID that will be tied to your medical record.
00:41:44 It's tied to your drivers license tied to your digital currency.
00:41:51 I mean that's that's the way it's going eventually.
00:41:54 How long?
00:41:54 Who knows?
00:41:55 Like I feel like it's going to go a little bit slower than they want it to, but it'll go probably a lot faster than we want it to.
00:42:05 All right, coming up next.
00:42:09 Every time there's a white pill.
00:42:11 You don't have to wait too long before that white.
00:42:15 Pill turns into a black pill.
00:42:16 Judge orders Texas to suspend new law banning most abortions.
00:42:23 Ah, OK, who is this judge?
00:42:29 Who is this ******?
00:42:32 He's an actual fagot by though I'm not just calling him a ******, he's an actual.
00:42:36 Fagot probably molest children, so why does he care if they're killed?
00:42:41 I mean, I guess in a way.
00:42:48 But yes, he's an actual fagot.
00:42:49 Let me let me bring a picture of this.
00:42:52 Fagot bring him up here.
00:42:57 There, let's see here images.
00:43:05 Why is this not ******* loading I?
Speaker 5
00:43:10 There we are.
00:43:15 Alright, there's this Fagot actual ******.
00:43:25 Robert L Pittman is his name, Robert L Pittman.
00:43:31 Let's put that up on the screen.
00:43:32 Why not?
00:43:35 Why not let me do?
00:43:36 This and do a little.
00:43:37 Text dealy.
00:43:38 I never do this.
00:43:39 We have fun with text.
00:43:41 There we are text.
00:43:49 Let's do that.
00:43:53 This ******* ****** right here.
00:43:57 There we go. OK.
00:44:00 This ******.
00:44:07 All right, the order by U.S.
00:44:09 District Fagot Robert Pittman is the first legal blow to the Texas law known as Senate Bill 8, which until now had withstood a wave of early challenges.
00:44:21 In the weeks since the restrictions took effect, Texas abortion providers say the impact has been.
00:44:27 Exactly what we feared until this ****** stepped in.
00:44:32 And went against the will of the people in 113 page opinion. This ****** took Texas to task over the law, saying Republican lawmakers had contrived an unprecedented and transparent statutory scheme.
00:44:48 By leaving enforcement solely in the hands of private citizens.
00:44:53 Who had entitled, who are entitled to collect 10,000 damages if they bring successful lawsuits against the abortion blah blah.
00:44:59 Blah, the law signed by Republican Governor Greg Abbott in May, prohibits abortions once cardiac activity is detected, which is usually around six weeks.
00:45:11 But this fagot?
00:45:12 Right here wants you to be able to kill any baby that's got a heartbeat because he's a massive child molesting ******.
00:45:22 So let's take a look at this.
00:45:25 This is the thing.
00:45:26 When Republicans start to when the right starts.
00:45:29 To bend on the whole ****** is.
00:45:32 When they start to say, Oh no, you know the the, the, the Democrats, they're the real homophobes.
00:45:38 You can't call ******* like this a ******* ******.
00:45:41 That should not be in charge of anything.
00:45:47 Because we're we're more inclusive than the Democrats, they're the real no.
00:45:59 You don't want mentally ill people on your side.
00:46:04 You don't want people that stick their ***** into ********.
00:46:09 On your side.
00:46:12 You don't want people who molest children.
00:46:17 At a substantially higher rate.
00:46:20 On your side.
00:46:21 So I guess that means you don't want Jews on.
00:46:23 Your side either, but I'm just saying.
00:46:32 If you can't call a ****** a ******.
00:46:36 You get stuck with ******* like this.
00:46:40 And you can't just say look.
00:46:43 He should not be a judge.
00:46:45 He sticks *** **** ** ******** and probably diddles kids.
Speaker 11
00:46:50 He gargles come.
00:46:53 I don't.
00:46:53 He should not be.
00:46:55 He should not be a juror over any any kind of serious thing.
00:47:07 Obama, of course, appointed him.
00:47:13 He was the first openly gay United States Attorney in Texas.
00:47:20 See that and it should have ended there.
00:47:23 The second he let everyone know that he was mentally ill.
00:47:27 And he stuck *** **** into ********.
00:47:30 Probably diddled kids.
00:47:33 That should have been the end of his career in terms of allowing him to have important decisions.
00:47:41 Placed in front of him.
00:47:44 Because he doesn't even know where *** ****.
00:47:46 Is supposed to go.
00:47:51 And because the the right.
00:47:54 Wanted to be progressive.
00:47:57 That's what it is.
00:47:58 It boils.
00:47:58 Down to the they they secretly not even not.
00:48:01 Not even that.
00:48:01 Secretly they want to be progressive.
00:48:08 They just want lower taxes.
00:48:11 They're just ******* that want lower taxes these days.
00:48:16 You don't even get lower taxes with these fagots anymore anyway.
00:48:19 So anyway, this ****** right here wants to murder babies.
00:48:31 For more than a month now, Texans have been deprived of abortion access because of an unconstitutional law that never should have gone into effect.
00:48:42 The relief granted by the court today is overdue.
Speaker 11
00:48:45 And we are.
00:48:46 Grateful that the Department of Justice moved quickly to seek it.
00:49:00 Abortion providers say their fears have become reality.
00:49:08 In the short time the law has been in effect.
00:49:11 Planned Parenthood says the number of patients from Texas at its clinics in the state decreased nearly 80%.
00:49:19 In the two weeks after the law.
00:49:22 Took effect.
00:49:30 Until this ****** came along.
00:49:37 This but ******* come guzzling.
00:49:41 Fudge packing, ****** right here.
00:49:54 All right anyway.
00:50:01 And let's get this ****** off the screen.
00:50:10 Next up and tied to kind of what we've.
00:50:12 Already been talking about tonight.
00:50:15 Exclusive is from Forbes.
00:50:19 Government secretly orders Google to identify anyone who searched a sexual assault victim's name, address and telephone number, and again, this is one of those things, kind of like with Apple when they're like, oh, we're going to, we're going to spy on your photos and see if there's Kitty ****, then rat you out. If there is and people like, well, that's good because I don't like Kitty ****.
00:50:40 And then you know, but I mean anyone that's not ******** thinks about that for less than a second.
00:50:47 And you're like, oh, so basically, you're going to have a mechanism now for looking for naughty things.
00:50:54 Know that any anything really, that the government doesn't want me to have and then routing me out to the authorities.
00:51:01 If it's on my device, you're just going to reach into my device and look for things that the government doesn't want me to have, and then tell the government tattle on me if I.
00:51:12 Have them.
00:51:13 You know, and this is the same sort of a thing, it's like.
00:51:17 It might be reported, at least in the headline, we're going to dive in a little bit here that, oh, yeah, well, you know, Google, Google's helping to find rapists, because if if someone is searching for a sexual assault victims name and address and and they they search for them right before the rape then.
00:51:36 Of course we.
00:51:37 Need to we need to have that information.
00:51:39 So we can find this ******.
00:51:42 Right.
00:51:44 And so people like oh, that's good because it's stopping rape, you know, in the same way that this other thing is stopping Kitty ****.
00:51:51 Of course, if you're not ********, you realize.
00:51:55 Oh ****.
00:51:56 So basically, and it's not just Google, it's not just Google.
00:52:00 In fact, I would be shocked if companies even like DuckDuckGo.
00:52:05 Aren't complying with this kind of a thing.
00:52:09 This isn't.
00:52:09 I mean, any company that's that's even remotely that has any kind of traffic going to it is going to comply.
00:52:17 By if they get, if they get contacted by federal authorities and say, hey, you know, you need to give us this, you know, any IP address that's searched for this particular search term, they're going to comply.
00:52:34 They just, I mean, look.
00:52:36 There's not a.
00:52:37 There's just not a track record of companies not complying under these circumstances, and they might be under gag orders, which is often the case a lot of times the federal government, when they go to places like Verizon.
00:52:51 When they went to Verizon and told Verizon you are going to give us.
00:52:56 All of your data.
00:53:00 And you can't talk about it or we can put.
00:53:02 You in jail.
00:53:05 Of course it happened.
00:53:06 They just did it.
00:53:09 And there's a lot of companies that just do it willingly because they want to be on the good side of the intelligence community.
00:53:15 They might have contracts with some of these intelligence agencies.
00:53:24 In 2019, federal investigators in Wisconsin were hunting men they believed had participated in the trafficking and sexual abuse of a minor.
00:53:34 She had gone missing that.
00:53:36 Isn't that weird?
00:53:37 Oh, look, it's it's once again.
00:53:39 It's in the name of stopping.
00:53:42 Child sex abuse.
00:53:44 Remember Remember like a couple of years ago.
00:53:48 When we were fighting like, like every kind of child sex abuse.
00:53:55 Case possible left and right coming out of the the the ruling class and they were so concerned right with, with ending ending that that child sex abuse that nobody's in jail like.
00:54:11 Well, I guess just Lee Maxwell is maybe and we don't know for sure, but it's supposedly in jail.
00:54:17 Right. And they killed Epstein.
00:54:22 But yeah, they're they're really worried about stopping.
00:54:25 Child sex abuse.
00:54:27 She had gone missing that year but had emerged claiming to have been kidnapped and sexually assaulted, according to a search warrant reviewed by Forbes in an attempt to chase down the perpetrators, investigators turned to Google, asking the tech giant to provide information on anyone any one.
00:54:48 Which you know, obviously.
00:54:51 It's also just it's you should already know this, but it should give you pause that Google even just it stores all this information.
00:55:01 Google knows everything you've ever searched for your entire life.
00:55:07 Or at least you know on Google.
00:55:09 Just think of all.
00:55:10 The **** you've ever, I mean, ever, ever, ever, ever searched for.
00:55:17 It's all in a.
00:55:17 File tied to you just.
00:55:19 So you know.
Speaker 7
00:55:22 Let's see.
00:55:25 Asking the tech giant to provide information on anyone who had searched for the victims name 2 spellings of her mother's name and her address over 16 days across the year after being asked to provide all relevant all relevant Google accounts and IP addresses of those who made the searches, Google responded with.
00:55:46 Data in mid 2020.
00:55:50 So yeah, they.
00:55:51 Google cooperated, of course.
00:55:53 Of course they would.
00:55:56 Probably I don't know if you guys have noticed this privacy is not exactly been anything that anyone seems to have valued for many years now, though, the court documents do not reveal how many users had their data sent.
00:56:09 To the government.
00:56:11 It's a rare example of the so-called keyword warrant.
00:56:17 Keyword warrant.
00:56:21 And with the number of search terms included, the broadest on record.
00:56:31 Before this latest case, only two keyword warrants had been made public.
00:56:36 See, that's the thing this this kind of thing could happen.
00:56:38 All of the ******* time.
00:56:40 And you would never know.
00:56:43 Google doesn't send you a notification letting you know that.
00:56:46 Hey, by the way.
00:56:49 We've included your data in response to a request from the FBI.
00:56:55 Federal authorities wanted to know who was searching, you know, looking for banana splits on this Thursday of 1999, and for some reason, and it showed up that you did that.
00:57:17 They have your data now.
00:57:18 No, you just never know.
00:57:19 You just don't.
00:57:20 Know it's like when you get on the no fly list or when you get in, you know.
00:57:24 Any of the.
00:57:24 Naughty list.
00:57:26 You just don't know.
Speaker 16
00:57:28 You don't know.
00:57:30 One revealed in 2020 As for anyone who had searched for the address of an arson victim.
00:57:37 Who was a witness in the government's racketeering case against singer R Kelly?
00:57:44 Another detail in 2017 revealed that a Minnesota judge signed off on a warrant asking Google to provide information on anyone who searched a fraud victim's name.
00:58:02 Well, I've been thinking it this way if that.
00:58:06 That was a new story.
Speaker 11
00:58:08 You know, people might search the name.
00:58:12 I searched names all the time.
00:58:15 While Google deals with thousands of such orders every year, thousands.
00:58:23 That we know about.
00:58:26 And that's just Google.
00:58:29 The keyword warrant is one of the more contentious.
00:58:33 In many ways, the government will already have a specific Google account that they want information on and have proof it's linked to a crime.
00:58:43 But the search term orders are effectively phishing expeditions hoping to ensnare possible suspects whose identities the government does not know.
00:58:55 It's not dissimilar to the so-called geofence warrants.
00:58:59 Where investigators ask Google to provide information on anyone within the location.
00:59:06 Of a crime scene.
00:59:07 That would see that that's something they're doing that most.
00:59:10 People don't know.
00:59:14 Your location data.
00:59:17 And this is this is not just if you have a Android.
00:59:20 This is any phone.
00:59:23 You know Android or iPhone?
00:59:25 Your phone is always reporting its location.
00:59:31 To the mother ship.
00:59:33 If you will.
00:59:35 And it's getting stored in a giant database since they're mapping where you.
00:59:39 Go all the time.
00:59:41 People were freaked out by this not that long ago.
00:59:44 I would say about 10 years ago, or maybe it wasn't even quite 10 years ago.
00:59:49 It came out that iPhones were doing that and there was some security guy that found a way that you can even you could plug in your iPhone and hook it up to like this thing and it would.
01:00:01 It would map out everywhere you'd been.
01:00:04 And it was using cell tower data, right?
01:00:09 And so and people were horrified.
01:00:10 I remember I I hooked it up.
01:00:12 This is so long of this.
01:00:13 One is like I think.
01:00:14 There's like the iPhone 1.
01:00:16 So this is a long time ago.
01:00:19 And people are like, Oh my God.
01:00:22 They're tracking us.
01:00:24 This is unacceptable.
01:00:25 Now, people unacceptable that it's expected.
01:00:32 That's how quickly.
01:00:33 It's changed, I mean.
01:00:36 Boil the frog slowly.
01:00:38 Not really.
01:00:40 Not when it comes to privacy.
01:00:42 People, people do not do not understand the the.
01:00:49 The power.
01:00:52 That having privacy, the power that that deprives.
01:00:58 The government of.
01:01:04 And the fact that they can do these and they've been doing these warrants where, like, you know, let's say just someone gets shot outside your apartment building or whatever, you know, obviously you're going to be in the low, you're.
01:01:14 In the area.
01:01:18 So now you're included in the warrant.
01:01:21 And look, they could reverse engineer **** too.
01:01:29 They can make up a crime.
01:01:33 Knowing that you're in the area.
01:01:36 Use this geofence warrant to get you know the.
01:01:39 Ohh look see.
01:01:40 Well, came back.
01:01:43 Judge Cohen.
01:01:44 Hey, Judge Cohen.
01:01:46 Remember how we had you sign that that geofence warrant so we could find all that information on that that suspect we had that we knew he we knew he was up to.
01:01:56 No good.
01:01:58 Well, it turns out turns out he was in the area.
01:02:04 Now, now we need to get, you know, the more warrants and you just need to sign here.
01:02:10 Judge Cohen.
01:02:16 You can make it look there's look.
01:02:17 The only times everybody.
01:02:19 Everyone's breaking the law all the time.
01:02:21 I mean, companies are breaking the law all the time.
01:02:24 They have to have entire departments dedicated to trying to be in compliance with all the ******* laws that are everywhere.
01:02:31 You're breaking.
01:02:32 I mean, how many?
01:02:33 I mean, if you're listening me, you've broken the law.
01:02:35 Probably at least 10 times this week.
01:02:40 And so if the government wants to, to.
01:02:42 Put you away.
01:02:44 Having all this ******* data.
01:02:47 Makes that really ******* easy. Oh, look, your location. Location, data says here that you you were going 75 and a 45.
01:02:59 If you don't, it will get that petty.
01:03:05 Ohh yeah, like in fact in this one.
01:03:07 Looks like here according your location data you were exceeding the speed limit so much that it now goes beyond just a a misdemeanor or something that you would be ticketed for.
01:03:19 This is something that we can actually go and arrest you for.
01:03:23 You know this this qualifies as.
01:03:26 Reckless driving.
01:03:30 And we can also confiscate your vehicle.
01:03:36 Take your license away.
01:03:41 If you don't think they're going to if you think they're going to **** with people.
01:03:44 Like that, you just don't, I mean.
01:03:46 You just don't ******* know cops.
01:03:50 As with all law enforcement requests, we have a rigorous process that is designed to protect the privacy of our users.
01:03:58 Sure, while supporting the important work of law enforcement, a Google spokesperson said.
01:04:06 The latest case shows Google is continuing to comply with such controversial requests, despite concerns over their their legality.
01:04:14 And the potential to implicate innocent people who happen to search for relevant terms.
01:04:22 Excuse me.
01:04:24 From the government's perspective in Wisconsin, the scope of the warrant should have been limited enough to avoid the latter.
01:04:32 The number of people searching for the specific names, address and phone number in the given time frame was.
01:04:38 Likely to be low.
01:04:40 But privacy experts are concerned about the precedent set by such warrants.
01:04:44 See, that's again the slippery slope fallacy is not a fallacy.
01:04:49 If if the last 30 years have taught us anything, it's that.
01:04:54 It's that anytime you give up on a principle, even a little bit, anytime you give an inch, they take.
01:05:02 A mile and then some.
01:05:04 That's why they're called principles.
01:05:06 That's why you have to stand on principle.
01:05:08 That's why it doesn't matter if, well, if I stand on principle then.
01:05:14 Then we won't be.
01:05:14 Able to get all these child sex traffickers or whatever that the government's.
01:05:18 Now suddenly, you know really concerned about it doesn't ******* matter.
01:05:22 Doesn't ******* matter.
01:05:23 Find a different way to do it.
01:05:24 If you're so ******* concerned.
01:05:26 With with arresting these child sex traffickers, find another way to ******* do it.
01:05:31 You can't do it this way.
01:05:33 Because if you give up your privacy.
01:05:35 Look, we've already given up.
01:05:36 Our privacy so much.
01:05:38 That, as I've said, it's it's it's crippled our ability to even be a be a what's a, what's a good way of putting this?
01:05:51 Be an unruly.
01:05:58 That's not, it's not.
01:05:58 That's a terrible way to put it it it it, it hobbles our ability to pose any kind of significant or real opposition to a.
01:06:16 Authoritarian government that has no authority, no, no moral authority to rule over its people.
01:06:25 It's created a situation where the example I've used in the past where it's no longer that we can go meet behind farmer bills barn and discuss what we're going to do about the problem.
01:06:38 People in high places, you can't do that anymore.
01:06:42 They've made sure of that, and that's a that's precisely.
01:06:45 Why they wanted to get?
01:06:46 Rid of privacy on the Internet and that's why they started as early as as the Patriot Act over 20 years ago.
01:06:55 And now we're I.
01:06:56 Mean that's that's we're just so far beyond.
01:07:00 The Patriot Act at this point, it's like, you know, and and no one cares.
01:07:04 Literally no one cares.
01:07:07 Because they've they've created a a, a environment where.
01:07:13 The opposite is true not only not only do people not value privacy online, they celebrate sharing as much information as humanly possible online.
01:07:27 Like that's now the culture.
01:07:29 They've engineered a culture.
Speaker 11
01:07:32 Where people are rewarded.
01:07:36 With dopamine.
01:07:38 For sharing every waking moment of their lives.
01:07:42 On the Internet.
01:07:46 And they've they've been trained through, you know, these convenient little devices.
01:07:53 To want to have you know.
01:07:54 Oh, well, of course I want the Apple Watch that that tracks my health and stuff and all this useless data.
01:08:01 That really doesn't, you know, it doesn't really do anything for me, but it does train.
01:08:05 Me to want a.
01:08:06 Device attached to me, that's just feeding my my vital signs in real time to the ******* cloud.
Speaker 11
01:08:17 Oh, I got the upper watch so.
Speaker 14
01:08:19 I can lose weight.
01:08:20 I'm going to.
01:08:20 I'm going to lose so much weight because I got this ******* Apple Watch ********.
01:08:27 Oh, I got I.
01:08:28 Got the Garmin.
01:08:29 Whatever the ****.
01:08:32 And I bet you're going to be.
01:08:33 A marathon runner now.
01:08:34 Because you bought that $200.00 ******* wristband.
01:08:44 There is more that the government can get with such requests than simple Google accounts, identities and IP addresses. In Wisconsin, the government was hopeful Google could also provide Cookie ID's belonging to any users who made the searches. These cookie ID's are identifiers.
01:09:03 That are used to group together all searches conducted from a given machine for a certain time period.
01:09:11 Such information allows investigators to ascertain.
01:09:15 Name even when the user is not logged into a Google account, whether the same individual may have conducted multiple pertinent searches.
01:09:25 I mean, so essentially you're getting to, I mean this is one step away from just having full access.
01:09:32 To your computer.
01:09:33 You know at this point.
01:09:35 There was another disturbing aspect of the search warrant the government had published the kidnapping victim's name, her Facebook profile.
01:09:42 File now no longer accessible her phone number and address a potential breach of a minority's privacy. The government has now sealed the document, though has only alerted, or was only alerted to the leak after Forbes emailed the Justice Department for comment that really, I don't give.
01:10:00 A **** about.
01:10:03 Update after publication, Jennifer Lynch, surveillance litigation director of the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
01:10:13 Highlighted three other Google Keyword warrants that were used in the investigation into serial Austin bombings in 2018, which resulted in the deaths of two people not widely discussed at the time. The orders appeared even broader than the one above asking for IP addresses and Google account information of individuals.
01:10:34 Who searched for various addresses and some terms associated with bomb making, such as low explosives, pipe bomb.
01:10:43 Similar orders were served on Microsoft and Yahoo for their respective search engine.
01:10:48 As for what data the tech companies gave to investigators, the information remains under seal.
01:10:57 So there you go.
01:11:00 This is this is just it's going to get more and more like this.
01:11:06 And you shouldn't be.
01:11:07 I mean, obviously you shouldn't be using Google anyway, you shouldn't be using any of these major search engines.
01:11:13 You should find clever ways that I'm not going to discuss here to search for data that does not involve these search engines, while at the same time.
01:11:26 Employing tactics that muddy the waters by using search engines to search for **** that has that is meaningless.
01:11:40 I think there's even a.
01:11:43 There might even be like a browser add-on for stuff like that.
01:11:46 I know they used to have ad nauseum.
01:11:48 I wonder if there's like.
01:11:49 A A search muddy the water search thing that they would have.
01:11:55 That would be interesting.
01:12:00 So there's only one more story.
01:12:01 And then we'll go to chat.
01:12:04 Actually, before that though, I'm going to take a real quick break, yes.
01:12:07 It is a potty break.
01:12:09 Those those coffees are going right through me.
01:12:13 So I'm going to find a fun little some infotainment to play for you.
01:12:19 Well, I I take a quick break here.
Speaker 7
01:12:24 Let's see here.
01:12:27 Oh, I know.
01:12:27 What I can play?
01:12:31 This will be.
01:12:31 Fun little fun video.
Speaker 2
01:12:36 Where to go?
01:12:47 Here we go.
Speaker 16
01:13:04 Fires kill more children.
Speaker 10
01:13:06 Than any other home.
01:13:07 Accident and many are seriously burned.
Speaker 3
01:13:12 I'll be alright. Thank you.
Speaker 10
01:13:14 Don't let this happen to your children.
01:13:16 Listen to the easy E and set a good example for fire safety.
01:13:20 Take special precautions to get inspired.
01:13:22 Dangerous for children.
01:13:24 Teach your children household fire rules and urge other parents to practice fire safety in their homes.
01:13:30 Toys could be replaced, your kids can't.
01:14:04 Pueblo Mata de Casa muchos mas.
Speaker 11
01:14:22 And squinter talker.
01:14:25 My name is Toker essay.
01:14:28 I don't remember Toker.
01:14:30 Apparently Toker was like some.
01:14:33 Mexican that worked for Eazy E.
01:14:38 Don't burn your ******* house down essay.
Speaker 16
01:14:41 All right.
01:14:46 So we got one more story.
01:14:52 Apparently the the CIA, they're so they're so worried about the rise in in white supremacy, they're kind of dropping the ball with their their normal day-to-day tests.
01:15:06 Which I guess.
01:15:08 Their normal day-to-day tasks are.
01:15:10 Betting white supremacy now.
01:15:13 CIA admits to many informants are being killed in top secret memo to I like how they're like.
01:15:21 Yeah, our security is so **** that all these informants are dying and our top secret menu.
01:15:27 That our memo.
01:15:28 That got leaked.
Speaker 11
01:15:31 Like like you can't even keep the.
01:15:33 Memo about it happening secret.
01:15:36 To spies around the world, as former staff reveal.
01:15:39 Iran and China, oh, Iran and China.
01:15:43 No, I I keep thinking we're not going to go to war with, I mean, Iran.
01:15:46 I I could.
01:15:47 I could see it.
Speaker 11
01:15:49 But they, I mean, there's.
01:15:50 Are there's an awful lot of ************* that seemed like that would really make their day.
01:15:56 I ran and trying to executed networks of US spies after agencies classify communication system was breached.
01:16:04 The CIA has admitted, barely I hate how the the Daily Mail repeats itself in their articles.
01:16:11 The memo gave an exact number of informants killed, classified information not usually shared in such cables, according to the New York Times.
01:16:19 Former officials have also disclosed that China and Iran cracked the agencies.
01:16:24 Classify communication system or COVIN or Cocom I guess and executed informants in those networks while others had to be extracted and resettled.
01:16:39 The memo reprimand spies for poor tradecraft, being overly trusting of sources, underestimating foreign intelligence agencies, and putting mission.
01:16:49 See here's another part of it, honestly, that this is this is kind of this is third world ****.
01:16:57 This is just third world ****.
01:16:59 This is just, I mean, this is just the IQ over at CIA dropping.
01:17:08 That's a big part of this.
01:17:13 This is the woke the.
01:17:15 Woke CIA.
01:17:16 Let me see if I can.
01:17:17 Find that video.
01:17:22 I need to have some of these videos.
01:17:23 I just need to have ready to go.
01:17:25 I just have such a ******* mess on here.
01:17:31 And here we are.
Speaker 7
01:17:35 Let me play this.
01:17:41 I mean this this is part of why this is happening right here.
Speaker 21
01:17:51 When I was 17, I quoted Zora Neale hurston's how it feels to be colored. Me and my college application essay.
01:17:58 The line that spoke to me stated simply I am not tragically colored.
01:18:02 There is no sorrow damned up in my soul, nor lurking behind my eyes.
01:18:07 I do not mind at all.
01:18:08 At 17, I had no idea what life would bring.
01:18:11 With Sora sentiment articulated so beautifully, how I felt as a daughter of immigrants, then and now, nothing about me was or is tragic, I am perfectly.
Speaker 11
01:18:18 That's your CIA.
Speaker 21
01:18:22 I can wax eloquent on complex legal issues in English while also belting Guayaquil, Denison modes in Spanish.
01:18:30 Well, you can't keep your your assets safe from from foreign intelligence agencies.
01:18:38 You can't keep the people you're supposed to to have in other countries as spies alive.
Speaker 21
01:18:46 I can change a diaper with one hand and console a crying toddler with the other.
01:18:51 I'm a woman of color.
01:18:52 I am a mom.
01:18:53 I am a cisgender millennial who's been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder.
Speaker 11
01:18:58 Ohh good.
01:18:59 So you know, I mean like we don't have to keep going with this.
01:19:03 That's why it's happening.
Speaker 11
01:19:05 This is just and this is.
01:19:07 Going to happen on every institution.
01:19:11 It's already happening in the military.
01:19:13 It's already happening at FBI.
01:19:16 It's happening at CIA.
01:19:18 We're going to crumble.
01:19:20 We are going to ******* crumble.
01:19:23 And and that is why, honestly, I feel like there's that one of the reasons why there might be this motivation like this.
01:19:31 Oh ****, we should probably.
01:19:33 We should probably do something about about China, you know, like.
01:19:37 And there's like a a sense of urgency to it because it's it's one of these things where, like, it's already kind of ridiculous thinking that we that that would be a successful, I mean that that, that would do anything other than destroy.
01:19:50 Both our countries, right, but it's kind of a now or?
01:19:54 Never kind of a thing.
01:19:57 They wait much longer.
01:19:58 I mean, **** their combat readiness is is is dropping like a ******* brick.
01:20:04 It's dropping off a a ******* it's dropping off, it's dropping like.
01:20:10 Where is that guy?
01:20:14 Where's that ******* guy?
01:20:16 Where's that ******?
01:20:17 We were not that Fagot.
01:20:19 Where's that fagot?
01:20:22 Uh, not that ******.
01:20:25 Where is the fagot that we?
01:20:26 Were damn it running ruining, ruining the tie into my joke.
01:20:31 I can't find them now anyway.
01:20:36 It's dropping like that fagot uh uh Texas judge coming off a building.
01:20:41 If he goes to Afghanistan, see wasn't even that funny.
01:20:44 Wasn't even that it wasn't even worth it all.
01:20:46 That waiting?
01:20:47 See if I had been able.
01:20:48 To spell ah, it would have been.
01:20:49 Fun anyway, who cares?
01:20:54 Yeah, it's it's we're we're living.
01:20:56 In a in a ******* joke country.
01:20:59 And the jokes getting like less and less funny every year because of ******* like that are, are in charge.
01:21:05 That's that's who's. That's who's left, you know? And the ****** thing like, remember I told you last stream I was like, I don't think Gen. X's ever gonna like.
01:21:13 They're never going to even have, like, a shot at this. They're not. They're not. What's going to happen is by the time the ******* boomers finally, like, let go, you know, once, once, once somebody's finally able to claw, you know, any any kind of any kind of power out of their their cold, dead hands, it's going to be *******.
01:21:34 Like this, it's going to be what did she call herself?
01:21:37 I'm a blah, blah blah ******* millennial **** bag.
01:21:40 Like, what was it?
Speaker 21
01:21:41 Post with generalized anxiety disorder.
01:21:43 This gender millennial who's been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder.
01:21:48 It's going to be.
01:21:50 Millennials that have been diagnosed with with social anxiety disorder and and they're on like 8 different, that's who's going.
01:21:58 To be in charge.
01:22:02 That's who's going to be in charge.
01:22:06 And not too much time like.
01:22:08 The boomers are already getting pretty old.
01:22:12 You guys have seen Biden.
01:22:16 I mean the the the ****** ** thing is.
01:22:18 Is after Biden will will.
01:22:19 Probably we.
01:22:20 Might even get.
01:22:21 Like a a Trump for four more years.
01:22:24 God, I hope not, but maybe.
01:22:28 So we got like we still got.
01:22:30 Shockingly, almost like 6 more years of Boomer.
01:22:34 Rule, but I mean.
01:22:36 They're they're just not going unless they can start reanimating ******* zombie boomers.
01:22:46 It's going to go to these *****.
01:22:52 Well, and this isn't happening in in in countries like Russia and in China and in in you know, even even when you **** even like countries really non Western countries.
01:23:07 It's not.
01:23:08 It's only happening in Western countries.
01:23:13 It's happening all the same ******* time.
01:23:21 Ah, in Iran and China, some intelligence officials believe that Americans provided information to the adversarial agencies that could have helped expose informants.
01:23:32 The rival counterintelligence agencies are utilizing biometric scans, facial recognition, AI and hacking tools that track CIA officers.
01:23:41 To discover their sources.
01:23:45 The CIA has been.
01:23:47 That's something too is.
01:23:49 For a really long time, and this isn't even just since the this genic you know effect that the the the West, I mean the the West has been just in like a genetic death spiral right.
01:24:00 It just has been and part of that's immigration.
01:24:03 But part of that's just not, it's part of.
01:24:04 It's just people are getting ******* stupid or because smart people aren't having babies and stupid.
01:24:09 People are having a bunch of babies and so it's kind of like the the.
01:24:12 Worst of both worlds.
01:24:14 And for a really long time, really long time America has been able to rely on its technological prowess.
01:24:24 That it's been able to rely on the very real fact that are, you know, say what you want about the military industrial complex.
01:24:36 I guess one of the good things about it is it has kept us head and shoulders above, you know, above anyone else that would ever want to ****.
01:24:44 With America in terms of knocking us off of our our high horse, you know, trying to be king of the mountain.
01:24:52 Right. We we.
01:24:54 At the very least, we've had this technological gap that is now.
01:25:00 That is now.
01:25:02 Not quite.
01:25:03 The gap that it used to be.
01:25:05 It used to.
01:25:06 Be a gap like the grand ******* Canyon, right?
01:25:10 Well, now it's a gap.
01:25:11 That countries can leap across.
01:25:17 And a lot of that is because.
01:25:20 Fat, lazy, ******* capitalist boomers.
01:25:25 Said, you know what?
01:25:26 Let's let's make everything in ******* China.
01:25:31 Let's just make nothing here.
01:25:34 And because you know China and well, and Korea and Japan and Mexico to some extent, you know, because they're all going to be create, they're going to be manufacturing everything.
01:25:48 They have to have, I mean the plans on on what to make right.
01:25:54 I mean they.
01:25:55 They're everyone's. Always complain.
01:25:56 About trying to steal so much, we ******* give it to them.
01:26:01 Do you think they're sneaking some like Chinese guy through the ventilation ducts over at Intel?
01:26:07 He's just dropping out of the ******* like ceiling like it's like it's Mission Impossible.
01:26:13 Going down like through some, you know, doing some ninja moves through some ******* lasers and and and getting like the secret plans.
01:26:22 We're ******* giving this **** to him.
01:26:30 This is just what happens.
01:26:36 We closed that gap ourselves.
01:26:39 We could have kept.
01:26:40 These ************* in the Stone Age, you know, even now.
01:26:51 But now instead, and The funny thing is this, this same this same ******** like a.
01:26:57 Problem with the the African population explosion and then all.
01:27:00 The the people that are moving into Europe from Africa, especially now that Libya we ****** that up.
01:27:08 Hey, you can thank all the Western medicine we've been pumping into that ******* continent for the last 100 and something years.
01:27:18 I remember growing up like it seemed like you couldn't watch like any TV shows without at least half the commercials showing you some starving, pot bellied black kid with flies crawling around all over his eyeballs.
01:27:32 Send money so they stop ******* dying.
01:27:41 Man anyway.
01:27:49 officials suspect China shared the Information League gave.
01:27:52 The oops I went too far.
01:27:55 The CIA has been preoccupied over the last two decades with terrorist threats in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria.
01:28:03 And now white.
01:28:06 But old-fashioned intelligence collection is now once again central to the CIA's mission. As tensions grow with China and Russia, Monica Elfriede wit and ex Air Force.
01:28:19 Well, that's another problem.
01:28:22 There's another problem.
01:28:24 A lot of these are women now.
01:28:28 You know almost.
01:28:30 A shocking number of the amount of the officer class at places like the Air Force and and just, you know, everywhere at DoD.
01:28:38 And at the State Department and at CIA, and all of them, like this **** on the ******* screen here at at at CIA, but also at FBI.
01:28:51 I mean, it's not that they're just they're ******* stupid.
01:28:53 They're also ******* women.
01:28:57 And justice, like we don't want ******* ****** judges making decisions for us.
01:29:01 We don't want ******* ******** ******* like this.
01:29:04 In charge of our national security.
Speaker 8
01:29:14 Blah blah blah.
01:29:15 Was indicted on a charge of giving up information to Tehran in 2019. The Iranians leveraged her knowledge only once they determined that she could be trusted in 2019. And that's that's The funny thing. It's literally an immigrant woman.
01:29:33 Oh, let let's I I'm sure they're they're.
01:29:35 All of their superior officers were like.
01:29:37 So happy. Oh God, yeah.
01:29:38 We land there, not.
01:29:40 She's a ******* she's brown and a chick.
01:29:43 Ohh, give her the promotion while she's just ******* selling all the secrets.
01:29:51 Alright, providing secrets to the Chinese government, which they then used to arrest and execute at least twenty of his fellow agents. That's that's in 2000.
01:30:00 19 former CIA Jerry Chung Shing Lee see.
01:30:05 That's another guy.
01:30:06 Oh, well, you got ourselves an Asian guy.
01:30:12 And look again in intelligence agencies. You need to have some foreign people, right? I mean, you just need to if you want to be able to understand the the culture and the language and and what the ****'* going on in these other countries, you have to have someone from that country. They can give you a little bit of context. Right. I get that I'm OK with that.
01:30:35 But it also I mean if that's your entire department, if if everyone that's that's tasked with with spying on China is Chinese.
01:30:46 That's probably going to.
01:30:46 Be a problem.
01:30:49 Uh, so there they, they and and and and this guy, he didn't just sell secrets to the Chinese.
01:30:57 He sold information that led to the execution of of 20 CIA agents.
01:31:03 You know, cry me a river.
01:31:05 I'm not that upset about that necessarily.
01:31:07 But you know.
01:31:08 officials suspect China shared the Information League gave them to Russia, who used it to expose arrest and kill American spies.
01:31:16 Those findings led the CIA to temporarily shut down human spying in China and reevaluate how it communicates with intelligence.
01:31:24 Assets worldwide.
01:31:27 Lee was charged with.
01:31:28 Blah blah blah.
01:31:29 Blah blah. In 2020, Iran Iranian forces executed Mahmoud. I don't know some guy and.
01:31:38 A man accused of reporting on the movements of the nations forces in Syria on behalf of the United States and Israel.
01:31:46 Well, I mean and isn't.
01:31:48 Aren't we the same country at this?
01:31:49 Point he was also accused.
01:31:51 Of spying, a Revolutionary Guard commander Qassim Soleimani and Iranian national hero who was killed in a drone strike by the US.
01:31:59 Earlier in 2020.
Speaker 1
01:32:01 Blah blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah blah blah.
01:32:06 This is the oh, this is the the ***** that defected to Iran.
01:32:13 If you want to see what she looks like.
01:32:16 And our crumbling.
01:32:20 Are crumbling.
01:32:26 That are super focused on why.
01:32:28 Isn't that not saving?
01:32:31 Wants to save it as some weird.
01:32:33 Never heard of that before.
01:32:38 All right.
01:32:38 Well, I guess I'm just going to.
01:32:42 The screenshot it.
Speaker 3
01:32:52 There we go.
01:33:05 Look at all those.
01:33:05 Look at all those metals on her.
01:33:09 On our jacket.
01:33:14 And here's the here's the Chinese guy.
01:33:24 All this diversity that should be our strength.
01:33:30 And look, The funny thing is.
01:33:33 This is just this is just an acute.
01:33:36 This is an acute symptom of the diversity problem in a very obvious like it should have been totally expected that you would have this kind of thing happen in a society like this.
01:33:49 Of course you're going to have people that aren't loyal to your country when when that's.
01:33:56 Just being loyal, your country is demonized in in, in the culture of these agencies, being patriotic is frowned upon at agencies like this.
01:34:08 Right.
01:34:08 This this right here this is.
01:34:10 This is your CIA.
01:34:22 And the weird the weird thing that's gonna happen that's happening, I guess, like right now is now you've got.
01:34:28 This is why it's just going to be a **** show.
01:34:30 So now you've got these agencies.
01:34:34 That are supposed to give a **** about the national security of.
01:34:37 The United States and.
01:34:38 Don't they don't.
01:34:40 Some of some of them are actively working against it, right?
01:34:44 And they're going to be the ones that the the ruling class turns on the the, you know, the original, the founding stock Americans, people like you and me.
01:34:56 And and while at the same time, we also kind of don't give a **** anymore about national security.
01:35:03 Because it's not our country anymore.
01:35:05 It's literally just like a ******* hotel that we're all staying at.
01:35:09 And so if something happens to it.
01:35:11 That's management's problem.
01:35:14 I don't give a ****.
01:35:15 I don't own the place.
01:35:17 I'm just renting A room.
01:35:19 Renting a room next to ******* like.
01:35:21 These people on the screen here.
01:35:25 In no way does that make us on.
01:35:27 The same team.
01:35:29 We're all we're all.
01:35:30 Just guests at the same ******* hotel.
01:35:35 And so you you.
01:35:36 Literally just have a bunch of of ******* random people.
01:35:41 In the ****** hotel.
01:35:45 That have been unleashed against each other.
01:35:49 While the hotel's collapsing.
01:35:52 And that's that's basically that's basically what to.
01:35:55 Expect for the next few years.
01:36:03 And with that, let's go to chat.
01:36:04 For a little bit.
01:36:06 And then we'll close up shop.
01:36:10 I'm working on a much longer.
01:36:13 A very.
01:36:15 A very it's going to take, it's going to be a several part kind of a thing.
01:36:19 Because I'm tackling a TV show that went on for.
01:36:24 Not quite a decade.
01:36:26 It's a TV show, a lot of.
01:36:27 You guys like?
01:36:29 A lot of you guys like.
01:36:32 And because it's so, it's it's it went on for so long, and because the character arch or arc, rather for even the the more.
01:36:44 Or relevant characters.
01:36:47 It takes so long for it to happen, it might be the kind of a thing where I I do a stream.
01:36:54 I'll have to decide how.
01:36:56 How timely I can do each character.
01:36:59 Because it could be a thing where I don't do every character in the in the whole show, but maybe just focus on like three of them and then we do an episode for each one of those characters just because.
01:37:13 Again, this is a very, very especially for millennials.
01:37:16 This is a very, very, very, very, very relevant show.
01:37:20 But because it's so long, I've been just, like I said, focusing on one character at a time.
01:37:28 So I haven't.
01:37:28 I didn't have a whole bunch in respect to that.
01:37:32 I wanted to have.
01:37:33 And I wanted to be able to get it one of those characters done by the night.
01:37:36 I just didn't.
01:37:36 Get it?
01:37:37 I didn't get get there, so hopefully Saturday.
01:37:41 We'll we'll launch into that.
01:37:44 And like I said, there's going to be a lot of.
01:37:46 Unhappy people.
01:37:49 People keep telling me, Devin, you're.
Speaker 11
01:37:51 You ruined all my favorite things, and I'm like.
01:37:53 Nah, you know.
01:37:56 Now you know how I feel.
01:37:59 Alright, so let's take a look at chat.
01:38:03 People are trying to guess it.
01:38:04 You probably won't guess it.
01:38:07 There, and there's a bunch of things.
01:38:11 You're guessing that would be good to take a look at, but yeah, you're probably not going to guess it.
01:38:20 OK.
01:38:20 Hi, pricing Terry, Discord Server got shut down.
01:38:23 I just want to let you know people are working on another community options and are still relatively connected.
01:38:28 That's good.
01:38:29 Yeah, I know people have been talking about doing a matrix server or something.
01:38:34 They can't be shut down.
01:38:36 So that might be.
01:38:39 That might be the way to go.
01:38:41 Did you ever get your money from Trovo?
01:38:43 They probably owe you thousands of dollars.
01:38:45 Well, they definitely didn't give me thousands of dollars.
01:38:49 I trovo I did not get by no means I get $1000 I got maybe like 100 bucks a month from trouble.
01:39:00 Like I'm being serious. I don't know how they. I never understood how it monetized because it would say like, oh, this person has a subscription of $5 and they would say like a bunch of these.
01:39:11 And so I was thinking ohh I am I getting. I guess I'm getting like $5. I don't even know you know.
01:39:16 Whatever. But no. It was like I got, like, maybe 150 bucks a month. The way that that was set up. I mean, let me cash out. I got the 150 bucks, but.
01:39:28 It was not, but it was.
01:39:29 Not at all. Thousands of.
01:39:32 That's also probably why I'm going to set up entropy.
01:39:35 Or something like that.
01:39:37 Because even with Odyssey, I don't even know how to use Odyssey money.
01:39:39 Honestly, it's.
Speaker 11
01:39:41 It eludes me.
01:39:44 I know there's a way you can give cash and it says here it's got like a dollar sign.
01:39:49 I I think I have to set something up for that to work.
01:39:53 But I think they're they're doing kind of like a a super chat kind of a.
01:39:56 Thing, but I don't know.
01:39:59 But I know entropy works.
01:40:05 You know, people saying trovo sucks.
01:40:06 Yeah, trovo sucks because.
01:40:09 They they, I mean they they did.
01:40:12 What did life did?
01:40:13 Everyone knew that everyone knew that was.
01:40:15 Going to happen.
01:40:16 I have more faith in an odyssey just simply because I know people who have talked to the people that work there and.
01:40:27 They seem legit.
01:40:29 They seem legit.
01:40:31 But we'll see.
Speaker 7
01:40:37 Let's see here.
01:40:41 My Patreon page is.
01:40:43 Is down and under review, people are saying that I was not aware of.
01:40:50 But I wouldn't be surprised.
01:40:55 That's that's why you have to go to.
01:40:58 Subscribe star.
01:41:00 You know, look, this is just the ******* game.
01:41:02 I got to play, you know?
01:41:03 And it sucks because look, I'm not rolling in the dough.
01:41:05 I'm just not.
01:41:07 And it means that it'll probably light a fire under my *** to get, you know, booked two out the door.
01:41:12 Or that I've been trying to to get done anyway and it'll, you know, look, we're just gonna.
01:41:18 I'm gonna have to figure it out that this is just.
01:41:21 They do it because it's effective and they do it because it does suck to have to do that, you know, to have to sit there and and constantly.
01:41:29 You know it cause it takes some, you know, anytime you change anything dramatically like that or even like the platform here, right.
01:41:36 I'm surprised that we've got 400 plus people watching, right?
01:41:39 Now and which is good?
01:41:43 I mean that's not that's that's a little bit less than what we had at trobo.
01:41:47 But that's the kind of thing that sucks, because every time you build up on one platform and then you get kicked off, you have to build up the next one.
01:41:53 The same thing.
01:41:53 With the money stuff, it's like you do.
01:41:55 Fundraising, you know, on one platform, people get used to it.
01:41:59 You know, they set up a Patreon just.
01:42:01 As an example, right?
01:42:03 And then they just, you know, set it and forget it.
01:42:06 And then they don't know that it.
01:42:07 If it goes down, they.
01:42:08 Have no idea.
01:42:10 And excuse me, half the time, I don't even know because they don't tell me they don't send that.
01:42:16 I didn't get, like, a message saying that I was under review.
01:42:20 I mean, this is the first time I'm hearing about it.
01:42:22 Is, is.
01:42:27 You guys tell me about it, so.
01:42:30 Yeah, it is what it is.
01:42:32 It is.
01:42:32 What it is anyway?
01:42:35 Yeah, you guys can send crypto crypto is the way to go because that's, at least for now.
01:42:40 You know that they're they're going after the crypto too.
01:42:45 I mean, there's always going that'll make it to where there's always ways to kind of get around it.
01:42:49 But like they're they're going to go after ways.
01:42:53 That you can exit crypto into dollars.
01:42:58 They'll just go after ways that you know, like they'll ban you from, you know, coin base is like the big one.
01:43:02 That's easy to do.
01:43:04 But they'll just, you know, they'll make it to where?
01:43:06 I mean, you'll end up having to do, like, local bitcoins.
01:43:09 Or I guess if that's still a thing right where you're having to, like literally meet people in in dark alleys and send them ******* Bitcoin and then get cash for it, it's going to, that's that's what they're doing.
01:43:21 But that's OK.
01:43:24 I'm prepared for it.
01:43:25 I you know, I know that's what they're doing.
01:43:28 I'm I'm totally OK with that.
01:43:32 On my setup with entropy sort of, I mean I know I I think I made an account once.
01:43:41 I I those people are legit too, I don't think subscribe star will ban me.
01:43:47 I think they're.
01:43:50 They're legit too, but I don't know.
01:43:56 Alright, let's see here.
01:44:00 Where is the crypto donation for?
01:44:02 It's on it's.
01:44:03 It's literally on every video.
01:44:06 It's on every video.
01:44:12 In reference to data tracking, have you ever seen the?
01:44:15 Oops, that.
01:44:15 Went Strava heat map.
01:44:18 It's not or if not it's worth a I don't know if I've seen the Strava hit heat map, but I've.
01:44:23 Seen lots of heat maps.
01:44:30 You're the best.
01:44:30 Keep up the good work.
01:44:31 You do you think that all the assassinations and attempted assassination in the 60s was the ruling class, making sure that the revolution is not?
01:44:41 Taken into the direction that they don't want it.
01:44:47 What you mean like the like MLK and stuff like that.
01:44:52 I mean, I don't know.
01:44:54 I don't know.
01:44:58 I've never.
01:44:58 I've never done a deep dive on all the different assassinations that took place in the 60s.
01:45:03 I know there were quite a few.
01:45:05 And even more attempts.
01:45:10 I mean, obviously there's the big ones, like the Kennedys and stuff like that, but there was a lot more.
01:45:14 Than that, right?
01:45:15 Wasn't that?
01:45:16 Remember there was that governor in the South that got shot.
01:45:18 I don't forget if he died.
01:45:20 But that kind of **** was going on. non-stop. I mean that it it didn't stop with that. I mean they they even ******* shot Reagan.
01:45:26 Most people.
01:45:27 Don't even know that a lot of younger people have no idea that that Reagan got like shot almost immediately after.
01:45:33 Getting in and the the gut.
01:45:35 Not only did he.
01:45:36 Get shot.
01:45:37 The guy who shot him was friends with the bushes.
01:45:42 And that Bush senior, his vice president, was not Reagan's first pick.
01:45:47 But they told him during the convention that that's who he was picking.
01:45:51 They made it under no uncertain terms.
01:45:55 You know, like like that he knew.
01:45:58 That Bush was his guy.
01:46:01 So they picked Bush, and then once you.
01:46:03 Know it right?
01:46:04 If they swear men when one of Bush's friends shoots him, it's it's ******* crazy that.
01:46:11 People don't.
01:46:12 There's boomers that don't know that.
01:46:15 And they were like, around when it when?
Speaker 11
01:46:17 It happened.
01:46:20 So yeah, I mean it's, it's it's been ****** for a while.
01:46:29 High Priest King Terry doesn't even matter if Google has a file and what you've searched for if they've come out and say you search for bad stuff, you're ******.
01:46:37 Who is to say what the truth is, he said.
01:46:40 She said, well, yeah, they could also plant stuff on your computer or whatever.
01:46:44 It's just.
01:46:46 You know it is what it is.
01:46:47 If they want you, they'll they'll get you.
01:46:51 But in terms of using the legal process, lot of the FBI, in fact Mueller, right?
01:46:58 The he used to be the director of the FBI.
01:47:00 He, he said in interviews that they would try to reverse engineer evidence to get people so they would.
01:47:07 They would illegally acquire evidence.
01:47:10 And they would have to find legal means.
01:47:14 In which that they would have had that information because they illegally acquired.
01:47:19 It so they're they're already.
01:47:20 Look, they're already spying on all of us all the time.
01:47:23 And if they find anything juicy, my my point is, if they find something juicy, something they can haul your *** in for and they can't just go before a judge and say, yeah, we've been illegally.
01:47:35 Spying on this guy and we heard him say this.
01:47:38 What they do instead is they know that like they know that they can go to Google and say, hey, during this time frame, did he ever say anything like this?
01:47:50 You know, and so they're just reverse engineering the evidence that they're acquiring illegally.
01:47:55 They're just trying to find another sketchy, but at least legally approved of way that they can.
01:48:02 They can backtrack now and get that data, and then they can nail you to the.
01:48:06 Wall with it.
01:48:08 And like I said, there's people.
01:48:09 Everyone's breaking.
01:48:10 The law all the time.
01:48:12 It's it's really hard to be in.
01:48:13 Compliance with everything all the time.
01:48:18 So I mean look, you can just.
01:48:21 If you just lie to you like General Flynn.
01:48:25 You know if if the.
01:48:26 FBI just comes to your house.
01:48:29 And just start.
01:48:30 That's why you shouldn't talk to them.
01:48:31 They come to your house.
01:48:33 Because if they just come to your house and justice ask you questions that seem innocent, right?
01:48:39 And maybe you say you don't remember something or whatever.
01:48:45 And they think you're lying.
01:48:46 That that's literally enough.
01:48:49 And now you're lying to a federal agent.
01:48:51 So now you've broke the law and this.
01:48:52 That's how they got General Flynn.
01:48:55 Was they said that?
01:48:56 Oh, he you know, because he thought it was just like some meet and greet with, you know, he thought he.
01:49:00 Was going to be the the guy in charge.
01:49:03 And he's going to be the national security advisor.
01:49:07 So the FBI is coming to his office.
01:49:08 He didn't think it was going to be.
01:49:10 In some kind of adversarial role.
01:49:15 But yeah, they were trying to entrap him.
01:49:16 If they're able to entrap him.
01:49:20 You know the the incoming national security adviser.
01:49:24 It's it's not a big deal to try.
01:49:26 To entrap you.
01:49:30 We're we're living in a time where.
Speaker 11
01:49:32 The the the.
01:49:33 Federal agencies that we have are remember when?
01:49:37 Well for those of.
01:49:38 You, who are like millennials.
01:49:40 And you maybe you grew up with the tail end of the Cold War, right?
01:49:45 Where you just remember like some movies when you were a kid having, you know, like the East and West Germany.
01:49:52 And and you had like the, you know, the the Iron Curtain and all this other stuff that picked it in, in movies and stuff like that.
01:50:00 You got the sense right that everyone of these communist countries, their, their, their law enforcement.
01:50:11 Agencies within these countries were 100% only there to oppress their citizens, right? Like that's the way they would.
01:50:20 Yeah, the KGB.
01:50:23 The KGB, and like the Stassi and, you know, like that you had this, this view of these, these, you know, these angry communists in in, in trench coats with machine guns.
01:50:40 With with no empathy, just gunning anyone down.
01:50:43 The had any kind of like like one of the taste.
01:50:47 Freedom you.
01:50:48 Know that kind of.
01:50:49 Like it was.
01:50:50 It was super over the top and and and and caricature of reality.
01:50:55 But like the ****** ** thing is.
01:50:58 That the tables have turned.
01:51:02 That is now our law enforcement agencies.
01:51:07 They exist solely, I mean.
01:51:11 It should be obvious.
01:51:12 Look at how they reacted to the to January 6th.
01:51:18 Versus how they reacted to BLM riots.
01:51:25 They exist specifically.
01:51:29 To try to keep people like us.
01:51:33 At the very least, in check and if possible, in prison.
01:51:40 That's just.
01:51:41 That's where we're at right now.
01:51:49 And it's people like.
01:51:51 Like I said, on the bright side.
01:51:54 On the double edged sword I mean the the ***** on the screen.
01:51:58 Those are the people running the show, so it's not like I mean it's kind of amateur hour so.
01:52:04 Anyway, I'm going to read a couple more and then we'll I'll bail out of here.
Speaker 7
01:52:08 Uh, let's see.
01:52:12 Have you seen the state of Biden's signature on COVID injection mandate? What do I think?
01:52:19 What? Let me see.
01:52:22 Biden's signature. What am I looking at?
01:52:29 Uh, I don't know.
01:52:30 It just looks like a signature, I don't know.
01:52:32 It's his signature supposed to look like.
01:52:35 I mean, you got to remember that he a lot of times they they don't actually sign this stuff.
01:52:40 They have like a a signing machine.
01:52:43 That'll that'll sign this.
01:52:45 They don't even sign the letters they write.
01:52:47 Well, they don't even write the letters that they send out to widows and and mothers of dead soldiers and stuff.
01:52:54 There's a machine that does it.
01:52:56 So like, it looks real because it really is like a pen.
01:52:59 That's writing it, but it's a machine.
01:53:04 So I wouldn't be too surprised.
01:53:12 Alright guys.
01:53:16 Well, we'll wrap things up here like.
01:53:17 I said Saturday night.
01:53:20 It will be a big show.
01:53:23 And I'm going to ruin a a favorite show of probably a lot.
01:53:26 Of people, one character, one favorite character at a time.
01:53:31 So lookout for that.
01:53:33 In the mean time, I hope you guys enjoy your week.
01:53:37 We'll figure out the the community stuff I've had my hands full just today, just as an example.
01:53:43 Today I I I change the day.
01:53:46 What did I do today?
01:53:47 I changed a Serpentine belt tensioner, not just the the pulley, but like the whole mechanism on one car.
01:53:57 I changed a intake manifold gasket which I don't even know if that's going to fix anything, but so that was that was like a whole thing, another car.
01:54:09 And change their solenoid.
01:54:11 Which was easy.
01:54:12 That was easy on another car.
01:54:15 But I'm covered in blood grease and.
01:54:26 And sweat.
01:54:27 Because that's what I was doing for.
01:54:30 Most of the day it's been a busy.
01:54:32 Busy week trying to get my now that the weather has gotten a lot better.
01:54:35 I'm trying to get all my.
01:54:37 Outside stuff done, including vehicle maintenance that has been pushed to the side because it was a billion degrees outside and I.
01:54:44 Don't have a garage.
01:54:46 All right guys, hope you enjoy the next few days.
01:54:50 I'll see you on Saturday for Black Pilled.
01:54:52 I am, of course.
Speaker 11
01:54:56 Devons deck.
Speaker 5
01:55:11 This is crack.
01:55:13 Rock cocaine.
01:55:15 It isn't glamorous or cool or kid stuff.
01:55:19 It's the most addictive kind of cocaine, and it can kill you.
01:55:24 What's really bad is nobody knows how much it takes.
01:55:28 So every time you use it, you risk dying.
01:55:32 It isn't worth it.
01:55:35 Everybody wants to be cool, but doing it with crack isn't just wrong.
01:55:41 It could be dead wrong.