

Speaker 1
00:00:00 Are there always 3 on the cleanup committee?
Speaker 2
00:00:03 Yes, I wonder who's missing.
00:00:06 If it's that Jack McGregor again.
00:00:10 It is.
00:00:11 I've heard he always ducks out early.
Speaker 1
00:00:13 It's bad enough with three to clean out.
00:00:15 But only two.
Speaker 2
00:00:17 And he's supposed to be.
00:00:19 Business manager of the canteen.
Speaker 1
00:00:21 You know, Betty, I'm going to bring this up at the business meeting tomorrow.
00:00:25 I'll show that Jack McGregor.
Speaker 3
00:00:28 I meant to tell you I'm very honest.
Speaker 4
00:00:31 My dad insisted that I be in.
00:00:33 The house by.
Speaker 5
00:00:33 11:00 can't.
Speaker 1
00:00:34 You explain to.
00:00:36 He wouldn't want you to run out and your responsibility.
Speaker 6
00:00:38 Would he take it easy?
00:00:40 We're not getting anywhere this way.
00:00:43 Staying to clean up is a problem with a lot of us.
00:00:46 Even though I'm the chairman of the canteen, I've had to skip clean up duty to keep from being out too late.
00:00:54 Maybe weeknights we ought to close the canteen.
00:00:56 Earlier, you'll never get anyone to agree to that.
Speaker 1
00:00:59 I don't know, maybe that is the answer.
Speaker 6
00:01:03 Tell you what.
00:01:04 Let's meet again and we can have our advisors in to help us work this thing out.
Speaker 8
00:01:11 As you know, our Civic Association has been with you from the start.
00:01:15 I believe I can speak for the association and as your adviser.
00:01:20 In recommending that it would be very wise for you to close the canteen on weeknights at 10:30 instead of 11, after all, that's customary.
00:01:30 In our town.
00:01:31 The drug stores ice cream stores most of the places of business are closed by that time.
Speaker 9
00:02:06 What is my?
00:02:06 Favorite holiday, but all this year has been a busy.
00:02:09 But I don't.
00:02:10 Think I have the energy because it's since the season, the perfect gift for me would be.
00:02:23 Most interesting.
00:02:27 Along those lines, like Jack, those holes trim those trees of the Christmas here.
00:02:33 I just need to catch my breath.
00:02:35 Just by myself.
00:02:45 Hail the picture frozen land till this room for 24 days. Evergreen sparkling stone flies back to springtime. Some again would have been good to go.
00:02:56 And lunch couldn't agree and we're both.
00:02:59 We tried, we said we keep in touch and of course till summer time.
00:03:03 Out to the beach.
Speaker 1
00:03:04 To his.
Speaker 9
00:03:04 But could I join him now? This time it was me, sunburning the 33 now the count. There is just one page. Of course. I am excited. Tonight's the night.
00:04:02 Dashing through the snow cause I bundled up too tight.
00:04:05 Last minute had to do because it's no thanks.
00:04:07 The cards you called.
00:04:12 No party lights.
00:04:13 It's Christmas Eve.
00:04:15 Gotta relax.
00:04:16 Turn down all of mine like myself.
00:04:20 Same guy called.
00:04:21 Halloween party.
00:04:24 It's time for forget it.
00:04:26 It's cold, it's getting late.
00:04:28 Try time home to celebrating the quiet way unwind.
00:04:33 Right.
00:04:43 Fight in.
Speaker 10
00:04:44 Me with the.
Speaker 2
00:04:44 World's smallest?
Speaker 9
00:04:45 Turkey, already in the oven, nice and hot, back out in the snow.
00:04:55 My wondering eyes should appear in the line break this year has been crazy.
00:05:04 But why are you leaving?
00:05:05 You forgot.
00:05:10 What was happening?
Speaker 12
00:07:22 I mean, like you've seen from.
Speaker 13
00:07:53 I'm crazy.
00:08:59 Good morning, good evening, good afternoon.
00:09:02 Ah, good time for my computer to take a **** is apparently right before the stream, so I am on a my backup laptop.
00:09:11 It's I'm, you know, I'm literally like, right after the stream. I'm going to buy one of those little gaming mini PC's. And the ones that are like.
00:09:22 On our box that they have like the.
00:09:24 You know good enough.
00:09:26 Video card.
00:09:27 Good enough.
00:09:27 Processor for OBS and stuff like.
00:09:29 That, and I'm going to make that just my streaming computer.
00:09:34 I just think that's the way.
00:09:35 To go cause this is.
00:09:37 This is driving me nuts at this point.
00:09:39 And yeah, yeah, I don't even.
00:09:43 It's it's the new power supply, but the same old problem.
00:09:46 So I think the the motherboard or something is destroying power supplies.
00:09:51 I don't know how it's doing it.
00:09:54 But yeah, just turned off and won't come back on same.
00:09:58 So same exact problem.
00:10:00 We're great.
00:10:00 We're great for like a week.
00:10:03 And then I guess it destroyed.
00:10:05 The power supply.
00:10:07 So **** that.
00:10:08 I'm going to.
00:10:08 Part It out the the.
00:10:09 Thing is, it's got like this.
00:10:11 This is I'm.
00:10:12 I don't care. I'm.
00:10:13 Going to nerd talk for a second, it's.
00:10:15 Got like an integrated.
00:10:17 Raid controller on it and I have these four like like 2 terabyte drives or something like RAID 0.
00:10:26 So and so I need to.
Speaker 15
00:10:28 Get the data like.
00:10:28 That's like that's like.
00:10:30 A I mean, I don't.
00:10:31 I'm they're not completely.
Speaker 15
00:10:32 Full but it's.
00:10:33 Like at least like 8 terabytes of well, not maybe like 6 terabytes of **** on those drives that I I want.
00:10:40 And yeah, I know.
00:10:41 Raid zero.
00:10:42 I should have had a backup or something, and a lot of it's backed up but.
00:10:46 Some of it's.
00:10:46 Not so.
00:10:48 I need to get all that I need.
00:10:49 I need the computer to stay on long enough to transfer that **** off.
00:10:52 But and yeah, I'm just going to, you know, the thing that sucks.
00:10:57 And in fact that.
00:10:58 Chat let me know.
00:11:00 If you guys are aware of anything like this, if there's looks like all the mini PCs use a TI or.
00:11:09 What is it AMD I guess owns them?
00:11:10 Now use the the AMD stuff.
00:11:13 If you know.
00:11:14 Of a mini PC that uses, that's a good one that's cheap, that uses a decent NVIDIA chipset.
00:11:21 That would be fantastic, because then I could at least use.
00:11:24 There's some stuff I use that is NVIDIA only.
00:11:27 So anyway, that's why I've got nothing going on.
00:11:32 That's why I there's no visuals going because I don't.
00:11:35 I don't want to make it.
00:11:36 I don't.
00:11:36 I don't want to, like, make it, you know, everyone have a seizure.
00:11:40 Because on this laptop it cannot handle capturing another window.
00:11:44 But what we.
00:11:45 Can do and I had to throw this together like in like 15 minutes.
00:11:53 And in fact, just to get the.
00:11:54 The desktop audio.
00:11:55 To work on a because this is a Mac.
00:11:58 And laptop just to get that to work is a pain in the *** because I don't know, because the way that Apple writes their software or something makes it difficult to capture the desktop audio for some reason.
00:12:11 But I found a work around for that.
00:12:13 I got it all working before the stream and we should be able to play.
00:12:18 Some video with audio.
00:12:20 We'll try it out.
00:12:21 If it doesn't work, we'll do something.
00:12:23 But the show must go on and so.
00:12:27 Here we are.
00:12:28 People are saying after did the Oh no.
00:12:31 OK.
Speaker 15
00:12:31 I thought the stream died for.
00:12:32 A second hard for me and now is there's.
00:12:34 Nothing moving.
00:12:35 I should probably put something moving.
Speaker 15
00:12:36 Just so I can see if.
00:12:37 It's if it's.
00:12:38 Frozen or not?
00:12:40 Oh, what should I put I?
00:12:41 Don't even know I don't have like a.
Speaker 15
00:12:43 I don't have anything on here.
00:12:45 And you know what else drives me crazy about ******* Max?
00:12:48 So one of the I did have a visualization things set up here, so when I talked to at least be something moving around on the screen and it was this really cheesy, like DJ software called Disco Brick.
00:13:02 And I actually bought it.
00:13:05 I actually bought it from the App Store and now they don't have it.
00:13:09 And apparently at some point I deleted it.
00:13:11 I don't know.
00:13:12 I don't remember deleting it, but now I just don't have.
00:13:16 More or maybe Apple.
00:13:17 Maybe it's one of those things where Apple is.
00:13:18 Just like, oh, you're.
00:13:20 Not allowed to have this on your.
00:13:21 Computer anymore, you know which.
00:13:23 That's what happens, right?
00:13:25 So I don't want to buy it again and it was, it kind of flickered and didn't work that great in the first place.
00:13:32 So anyway, it shouldn't matter.
00:13:33 Like I said, I'm.
00:13:34 Gonna get a.
00:13:35 A dedicated stream machine, and so this doesn't keep ******* happening.
00:13:40 It's just driving me nuts.
00:13:41 Oh, I I kind of know.
00:13:43 What might have caused it though?
00:13:45 So I went to.
00:13:47 To ohh half my power went out.
00:13:51 And this is.
00:13:51 It's been a it's been a ******* long week.
00:13:54 Half the power of my house went out and I think I told you guys this where lightning had hit the pole outside and took out like, you know, half of my the Breakers and the half of the main breaker.
00:14:09 And I kind of got it to just work again by jiggling the main breaker to get it.
00:14:15 You know, the power to come back on.
00:14:17 And then when the I guess the when the temperature changed and the metal is expanding or contracting or whatever happens in the.
00:14:25 I guess it contracts right.
00:14:26 It contracted just enough to where it it lost connection.
00:14:31 And so I was like alright and.
00:14:34 I well, I can't tell you that part.
00:14:40 But anyway, I took the main breaker out.
00:14:43 And it was blown to bits like I don't even know how it was keeping a connection in the 1st place because as I pull it out like bits of metal and and **** like fell out of it.
00:14:53 Anyway, I I got it working with a.
00:14:59 A breaker that doesn't go.
00:15:00 To that box, I went to Carla's house thinking like, oh, these probably all got electricity at.
00:15:04 The same time.
00:15:06 You know all these houses, they probably, you know, set them.
00:15:08 All up because it's.
00:15:09 It's close by and it looked.
00:15:13 Pretty much the same it.
00:15:14 Looked a little different but I was like maybe.
00:15:16 This is my imagination.
00:15:17 And I took it back to the pillbox, and sure enough it it wasn't compatible with my.
00:15:23 OK, my box and I was like, oh ****.
00:15:26 Well, let me just say that breaker is still working all right.
00:15:28 That's how I have power right now.
00:15:30 I made it work.
00:15:31 I made that breaker.
00:15:32 My *****.
00:15:32 It's a temporary solution.
00:15:34 I will definitely not be running any tube amplifiers or I I even got nervous about running my coffee machine but.
00:15:41 It's so far nothing's on fire.
00:15:43 So that's good.
00:15:46 Yeah. So anyway.
00:15:48 We're we're this is.
00:15:50 What? Everything's breaking out here. Everything's like.
Speaker 16
00:15:53 Fall. I'm always fixing.
00:15:54 Should I feel like I'm always?
00:15:55 Having to fix like.
00:15:57 I just want stuff to work.
00:15:58 I want stuff to work for like a a period.
00:16:02 Of time, that's.
Speaker 15
00:16:04 Longer than like a.
00:16:05 A day or two that would be nice.
00:16:07 It would be nice to just have, you know, cars that worked and and a roof that worked and electricity that works all.
00:16:15 These things but.
00:16:16 I think that's just, that's just that's the nature of the beast.
00:16:18 Anytime you.
00:16:20 You know you unplug from the system you have, you become your own electric company, your your own electrician, your own roofer, your.
00:16:28 You know that's.
00:16:29 The way that.
00:16:30 It is.
00:16:30 There are some, there are some UM.
00:16:33 I don't know if it's a con so much is, you know it's.
00:16:38 But it's definitely.
00:16:38 Not a pro.
00:16:39 That you have.
00:16:39 You have to do all this stuff and you live.
Speaker 17
00:16:42 Out in the middle of.
00:16:43 Nowhere anyway.
00:16:44 All right, So what?
00:16:45 I thought we could do, and this has nothing to do with what I was going to do on the other computer with all my stuff on it.
00:16:54 I was thinking as I quickly grabbed some some music, which I'm pretty sure I didn't even watch that first one, and I think people in chat were saying like, oh, look, it's they're all Jews.
00:17:06 And I was as I was.
00:17:07 I was thinking the same thing like, as I'm watching this thing.
00:17:10 So I just.
00:17:10 I literally just looked for like, you know, cheesy 80s Christmas song and just that.
Speaker 15
00:17:16 Was what came.
00:17:17 Up and I downloaded it and and then loaded it on there and as I'm watching, I'm just like.
Speaker 18
00:17:25 I don't know.
00:17:26 I think these these.
00:17:26 Guys look like.
00:17:27 Jews and.
00:17:31 Someone said what Jews make a Christmas song.
00:17:33 Of course they they have you not seen my my still, I think to this day either my one or or or #2 most viewed video on bit shoot is Rudolph the Jewish.
00:17:46 Almost every Christmas song that you grew up listening to was was.
Speaker 15
00:17:50 Made by Jews.
00:17:52 You have no idea if you haven't seen that video, you got to watch it cause it's.
00:17:57 It's uh.
00:17:59 Yeah, it's it's that.
00:18:00 That's a black pill in and of itself because.
00:18:03 There's all these songs you grew up listening.
00:18:05 To including Rudolph and that one's obvious, right, Rudolph?
00:18:07 The Red Nose reindeer.
00:18:09 He doesn't fit in because of his nose.
00:18:10 You know it's, you know.
00:18:13 And yeah, yeah.
00:18:15 So I would say and and.
Speaker 19
00:18:16 If you notice too.
00:18:19 A lot of Christmas songs stop talking about Jesus.
00:18:22 All of a sudden, right?
00:18:23 Like some time I don't know around the the time that all this other ******** started happening in our society at the same time that.
00:18:31 The the the erosion of our culture.
00:18:33 And the hyperdrive, as the people in charge of it were all, I don't know, mostly Jewish.
00:18:40 Writing, writing.
00:18:40 Your Christmas songs.
00:18:41 2 that's right.
00:18:43 See, this is how disinterested in creating culture a lot of guys are.
00:18:48 Unfortunately, is.
00:18:49 They're just.
00:18:49 Like Oh yeah, let.
Speaker 20
00:18:50 Let let the **** the the people.
00:18:52 With the funny hats.
00:18:52 Let them do it.
00:18:53 Well, this is what?
00:18:54 You get you get a bunch of Christmas songs.
00:18:56 That have literally nothing.
00:18:57 To do with Jesus, it's about shopping.
00:19:00 It's about the snow.
00:19:02 It's about, you know.
Speaker 15
00:19:05 You know, sleigh bells and Jingle Bells and but it has.
00:19:08 Nothing to do with Christmas at all.
00:19:12 So anyway.
00:19:15 Let me see if I can get something that moves around on the screen a little bit.
00:19:19 This is this is making me well actually doesn't matter.
Speaker 21
00:19:22 Cause we're going to do.
00:19:22 The here's why this we're going to do.
00:19:25 I haven't watched these either.
00:19:29 So they might be terrible, I don't know.
00:19:32 But I found while I was looking for the cheesy 80s song for the the intro.
00:19:38 There was a like an out where I watched the whole hour but there was like an hour of 80s Christmas commercials.
00:19:47 And I was.
00:19:47 Like, oh, all right.
Speaker 20
00:19:49 It might not it we'll.
00:19:51 We'll try watching.
00:19:52 It if it's, if it's stupid, we'll just.
00:19:56 We'll do a.
00:19:57 Choose your own adventure kind of a thing.
00:19:58 I'll let chat kind of steer the ship and we'll go from there.
00:20:02 Because like I said, excuse me.
00:20:05 I'm still a little under the weather.
00:20:08 You know, the show must go on.
00:20:10 And even if the computer is is dead.
00:20:12 As a door now.
00:20:13 It's actually not dead.
00:20:15 There's like lights on the motherboard lighting up.
00:20:18 I should have.
00:20:18 I should probably unplug.
Speaker 21
00:20:19 It I don't.
00:20:20 Well, I don't.
00:20:20 Who cares?
00:20:21 Who ******* cares, alright?
00:20:24 So let me load up that.
00:20:27 That file and.
00:20:27 You guys have to tell.
00:20:28 Me if you can hear the audio.
00:20:31 Because I'm not 100% sure.
00:20:35 That it works, but I'm pretty sure it works.
Speaker 15
00:20:40 I'm also using.
00:20:42 To make it even better, this is it's it's a.
00:20:45 It's a ******* mess over here to make it even better right before.
00:20:49 I was like, **** and I like, you know, I'm.
00:20:50 I'm like moving.
00:20:51 My I you know I.
00:20:52 Hate touch pads and I hate.
00:20:55 The you know, the little laptop keyboard and stuff like that and just the way I've got my microphone doesn't work.
00:21:00 So I'm like plugging in like all my my computer is you know mouse and keyboard into the laptop and I knocked my ******* coffee into my keyboard and I'm like ****.
00:21:12 So I ran into hopefully I don't need.
00:21:14 I never need the escape key because I I went through my my computer junk.
00:21:20 Hub and all I could find I.
00:21:23 Think there's another one in there, but.
00:21:24 Just the one I grabbed.
00:21:25 Was this whole?
00:21:26 90s looking Dell keyboard that is missing the escape key.
00:21:30 I just discovered.
00:21:31 So anyway, it's very loud and clanky.
00:21:35 I don't even know where I got this because I've.
Speaker 15
00:21:36 Never had a Dell computer.
Speaker 21
00:21:37 Peter before anyway.
00:21:40 Alright, let's let's uh, let's take a look at.
00:21:42 These commercials here.
Speaker 17
00:21:43 I got them.
00:21:44 Load them up here.
00:21:47 And like I said.
Speaker 17
00:21:47 We should be able to hear them.
Speaker 15
00:21:49 Everything should be fine.
Speaker 23
00:21:53 Here we are.
00:22:02 Alright, now I think I'm hoping.
00:22:10 Oh no, we have to do it a different way, I think.
00:22:16 Yeah, because I don't have.
00:22:17 Like the video controls I.
00:22:19 Wonder if the.
00:22:21 Crappy Mac OS doesn't have that apparently.
Speaker 15
00:22:29 Well, that's ******* bad.
00:22:30 Alright, well hmm.
00:22:34 It usually wigs out when I try to capture a window, but maybe maybe VLC.
00:22:41 We'll work a little bit better than say, premiere or something.
00:22:46 Let me try this out.
00:22:55 Otherwise, I'll just play triumph for the will for.
00:22:57 You guys now actually that's the first file.
00:23:00 That popped up here for some reason.
00:23:03 I've actually found one that's it's not like it's like in.
Speaker 15
00:23:06 English I think.
00:23:08 UM.
00:23:10 That's not the right one.
Speaker 24
00:23:13 Here we are.
00:23:18 Alright, let's see if this will.
00:23:20 Will actually work.
00:23:31 OK, where is VLC?
Speaker 17
00:23:35 There we are.
00:23:40 There we go.
00:23:40 This might work.
Speaker 15
00:23:50 Well, it should be working.
00:23:54 There we are.
00:24:00 Whatever this will work.
00:24:12 Yeah, I mean, I'm.
00:24:13 I'm even trimming the.
00:24:14 Fat for you guys.
00:24:15 Make it fancy.
00:24:16 Make it nice.
00:24:18 Like I said, I have not.
00:24:21 I have not heard these or watched these.
00:24:24 So let's see.
00:24:27 Let's see what we got here.
00:24:33 Good thing they have that nice title card that.
Speaker 25
00:24:36 OK, everybody, dinner break.
Speaker 26
00:24:39 Warm up all your holiday activities with something new.
00:24:43 McDonald's Holiday Chicken Mcnuggets infested 9 and 20 piece packs, tasty chunks of chicken and two new sauces.
00:24:52 10 cranberry with A twist of orange and sweet apple, spiced with cinnamon.
00:24:59 Chime in.
00:25:02 For holiday.
00:25:04 And that's why America has an obesity problem.
00:25:10 Feed your kids these Nuggets.
00:25:12 It's the same *******.
00:25:13 We're going to call them holiday Nuggets, you know, can't even say Christmas Nuggets.
00:25:17 And again, there's there's no, at least not not.
00:25:21 Not that I saw no nativity scene anything like that.
00:25:23 It's just.
00:25:23 It's a winter festival.
00:25:25 It's a winter festival.
00:25:27 And you know, but.
00:25:28 But to make them holiday Nuggets.
00:25:31 We're going to make some sugary sauces.
00:25:34 We'll just dip them in.
00:25:34 You have your.
00:25:35 Kid, dip it in sugary sauces.
00:25:37 How do I?
00:25:38 Turn these captions off anyway.
00:25:40 That's everything.
Speaker 15
00:25:41 I don't think.
00:25:42 We need captions.
Speaker 27
00:25:46 There we go.
Speaker 28
00:25:51 Are gone.
Speaker 22
00:25:55 Love what you were wondering. Eyes now appear only at Burger King. It's cuddly reindeer. There's Rodney, Ramona, Rhonda and Randy at 199 each. The price is just dandy.
00:26:09 Come in and buy any large sandwich here.
00:26:12 You know it's going to be weird, honestly.
00:26:16 More than anything else, it's going to be the prices.
00:26:18 You are expensive.
00:26:19 Even fast food has gotten.
00:26:22 Like I haven't eaten fast food in.
00:26:23 Like a really.
00:26:24 Long time and I.
00:26:25 Don't know how recent of the change this is.
00:26:28 But I actually I think it was.
00:26:30 I went to McDonald's.
00:26:32 Because I was on the road.
00:26:33 I was like, oh **** it.
00:26:34 And it was like almost.
00:26:35 It was just like a normal meal and it cost like what?
00:26:38 I remember buying normal meals like in the at at a restaurant like at a nice restaurant in downtown DC like it was almost like, you know, for lunch and like, it was almost 20 bucks for, like, a normal meal.
00:26:51 So this is going to blow our minds just seeing like, you know, like how much?
00:26:55 Do you think that is?
00:26:56 Chad, how much do you guys think this is?
00:26:59 This this burger thing.
00:27:03 People say I do not eat fat.
00:27:05 Yeah, don't eat fast food.
00:27:06 I'm not telling to.
00:27:06 Eat fast food.
00:27:07 I'm just saying everything.
00:27:08 Got ******* expensive, including fast food.
00:27:13 Some nine $0.99 dollar 99. Well, I don't know. The stuffed reindeer was a.
00:27:18 Dollar 99.
00:27:19 $14.00 was not going to be.
00:27:21 $14.00 eight.
00:27:22 5290 nine 199 yeah, let's let's find out, I think.
Speaker 15
00:27:26 They hopefully they tell us.
Speaker 24
00:27:28 And keep just one.
Speaker 22
00:27:29 99 for your reindeer collect.
00:27:32 All four at.
00:27:33 A Burger King sign.
00:27:34 Get your reindeer right now.
00:27:36 And the best food for fast time.
00:27:39 I guess they don't tell us that's that.
00:27:40 Was that was a waste.
00:27:42 There's their ****** ******* reindeer is.
00:27:46 Because, you know reindeers.
00:27:49 Are very important in Christmas.
Speaker 24
00:27:51 While GE lights come on at the size of the shapes and colors, none shine quite so brightly as those that light your holidays.
00:27:59 The holiday lights from GE.
Speaker 1
00:28:05 Come on, teddy.
00:28:06 Enough Christmas for one day.
00:28:08 You're the other thing that I've noticed about this.
00:28:12 Already. And and it's obvious.
00:28:14 We're going to notice this.
00:28:16 Is everyone's white like everyone's white?
00:28:20 I guarantee you they'll throw in like a token black guy here and there, you know, cause that's what they would do now it's like a token white guy.
Speaker 15
00:28:27 Here and.
00:28:28 But yeah, if you it's, it's crazy like.
00:28:31 If you were to watch American.
00:28:34 Commercials today, at least the commercials online I.
00:28:38 Haven't I haven't.
Speaker 15
00:28:39 Seen a TV commercial in?
00:28:41 My God, I don't even remember how long.
00:28:42 It's been since I've watched TV.
00:28:44 But you would imagine you would think that America was like maybe maybe 20% white maybe and like 80% mixed race and black.
00:28:59 I don't know.
00:29:00 Maybe it's just a window into.
00:29:01 The future?
00:29:11 That's it's terrifying.
00:29:12 What the ****?
00:29:13 What the ****?
00:29:18 Look at that.
00:29:19 That's like the scariest Bunny in the world.
00:29:22 That's like that.
00:29:23 That's like that puppet that I saw on Etsy that I.
Speaker 15
00:29:26 Was playing with the GIF of.
00:29:28 Look that ******* thing.
Speaker 28
00:29:32 I can talk.
00:29:33 What can you do?
00:29:37 Looking all over for you.
00:29:39 Come on.
00:29:40 Let's go to bed.
Speaker 30
00:29:42 So I can kill you.
Speaker 12
00:29:43 Seasons greetings from your Pepsi bottler.
Speaker 31
00:29:48 Ronald McDonald in.
00:29:51 You know the the other observation.
00:29:53 I'm going to make.
00:29:54 Here is.
00:29:55 That's the commercial that that Pepsi made.
00:29:58 And I don't know what year the IT just says 80S, but you know in that decade.
00:30:03 There was no there were no ****, there were no ********.
00:30:10 It was just, you know, obviously no Jesus either, but at least, you know, I think there's a Christmas tree.
00:30:17 And the kid was white.
00:30:20 OK, so there's a possessed Bunny.
00:30:23 All right, that's a little weird.
00:30:26 I would trade.
00:30:27 I would trade ******** for possessed bunnies any day.
Speaker 30
00:30:39 Sit back, friends together.
Speaker 28
00:30:40 And build-a-bear.
00:30:48 Yeah, that's the other thing I've noticed too.
00:30:51 When you watch these.
00:30:53 Commercials with the.
00:30:54 Token black guy.
00:30:57 And maybe this is market research.
00:31:00 It's the fast food companies.
00:31:03 And the cereal companies like, that's who put black kids in first.
00:31:09 And I know that's because black kids eat more fast food and breakfast cereal.
00:31:14 But I mean, it would.
00:31:15 Make sense, right?
00:31:24 And ******* grimace.
00:31:27 They killed grimace.
00:31:29 I missed that morbidly obese.
00:31:32 ******* purple ******.
Speaker 7
00:31:38 You don't get it.
Speaker 33
00:31:42 Come with me to a place.
00:31:43 You'll be glad that you did.
Speaker 16
00:31:44 That freak.
Speaker 33
00:31:49 Guess what we want, Jeffrey.
Speaker 32
00:31:50 You want cabbage patch kid?
00:31:53 Is Toys R Us even a company anymore?
Speaker 20
00:31:57 Did they go under?
00:32:00 I can't imagine that that I mean I.
00:32:02 Haven't seen a Toys-R-Us.
00:32:03 Commercial since the 90s, I don't think.
00:32:06 Look and see if they're still around.
00:32:11 Are they even accompanying?
00:32:14 I guess that they're still a company.
00:32:16 They got a website at least.
00:32:20 I mean, I don't know if it's just uh.
00:32:23 Ah, that's weird.
00:32:28 We got all.
00:32:28 Those white.
00:32:31 Those white cabbage patch kids.
Speaker 32
00:32:36 Then everything cabbage patches at Toys-R-Us. We've got the most cabbage patch kids. Cabbage patch kids. World travelers. Collect them all.
00:32:46 The show pony and kid, the whole world of calicos cabbage patch kids are out of this world prices.
Speaker 10
00:32:57 Little her, she's kisses, have big, big chocolate.
00:33:01 Little her.
00:33:02 She's getting this.
00:33:02 Have big, big chocolate.
00:33:05 Little kisses, have big chocolate.
00:33:07 You're gonna love.
00:33:15 Alright, this one's just making me want to kill myself.
Speaker 25
00:33:27 Merry Christmas, Charlie.
00:33:28 Ohh boy.
00:33:29 What is it?
00:33:30 It's a bird house.
00:33:32 Take a picture.
00:33:33 Just point it and press the button.
00:33:35 That's gonna be over his head.
00:33:40 Now what?
00:33:40 It is over his head.
00:33:47 You see one.
00:33:47 Step pictures along with the present, and there's no simpler camera.
00:33:51 No simpler bear.
00:33:55 Polaroid doesn't exist anymore.
00:33:58 Right.
00:34:00 That used to be a huge company.
00:34:03 Isn't that crazy in just a?
00:34:04 Short period of time.
00:34:07 We went from having.
00:34:09 Like it was.
00:34:10 Like a big deal.
00:34:11 That you you could take a photo that would develop within a few seconds in your hand, and it was ****** and it was.
00:34:19 Just you know, this little ****** square photo.
00:34:22 You didn't have cool lenses or or.
00:34:24 Whatever, but at.
00:34:25 Least you got it.
00:34:26 You didn't have to, like, drop it off in some kiosk.
00:34:29 And then wait.
00:34:31 However long it took and then get it and find out they did.
00:34:34 A ****** job developing it.
00:34:38 That was like a whole business.
00:34:39 That was a whole industry.
00:34:41 Those kiosks used to be everywhere.
00:34:44 You have, you know, film development in like, every supermarket.
00:34:49 Pretty sure Walmart did it.
00:34:51 Then have these little places and parking lots.
00:34:56 And yeah, all that stuff's gone. All that stuff's.
00:34:59 Gone and and and.
Speaker 3
00:35:17 Milk Bone dog biscuits, dog treats and flavor snacks.
00:35:20 Merry Christmas, pal.
Speaker 34
00:35:24 The night before Christmas.
00:35:24 Damn it.
00:35:25 Dinner that was stupid.
00:35:26 I mean, they're just.
00:35:27 They're trying to sell dog treats.
00:35:29 They said Merry Christmas.
00:35:33 They said Merry Christmas.
00:35:35 They didn't say happy holidays.
00:35:36 They said Merry Christmas.
Speaker 34
00:35:39 And all through the shop, a creature was stirring and he just wouldn't stop on chocolate, on strawberry and vanilla.
00:35:47 Frosted, too.
00:35:48 Go the colors of Christmas made fresh just for you, red sprinkles.
00:35:52 Green sprinkles.
00:35:53 Wait, so far this is like all it's all.
00:35:55 Junk food, and it's all crap.
00:36:00 And you notice that it's.
00:36:01 It's literally all crap.
00:36:05 It's it's like crap that it's candy junk food, fast food.
00:36:16 I think the old Polaroid.
00:36:17 I guess you know there was that.
00:36:20 But so far it's mostly just garbage.
Speaker 21
00:36:25 And again.
00:36:26 People wonder why America has an obesity problem.
Speaker 12
00:36:29 A face we all know.
Speaker 34
00:36:31 King's made of candy men made of snow.
00:36:34 So fill up your sack with your favorite delight and to all a Merry Christmas in each painting.
00:36:44 The they said Merry Christmas and that.
00:36:47 None of this happy holidays ********.
Speaker 24
00:36:50 Boy fell asleep in the Toys-R-Us store.
Speaker 19
00:36:53 And he woke up.
Speaker 17
00:36:54 With toys from the ceiling to the floor, we.
Speaker 23
00:36:58 Got the Nintendo action set, including the control deck with double game Pack and zapper light gun for just 9999 at Toys-R-Us and we have all the hottest game cartridges at great everyday low prices.
00:37:13 Yeah, I wish my parents got me that.
00:37:16 No, no, we we were stuck on Atari for like.
00:37:20 Endlessly, like they wouldn't.
00:37:22 They would not buy us a a new and just despite them, we played those ******* ****** Atari games just as much as.
00:37:28 We would have played these games.
Speaker 24
00:37:31 Growing up with my Toys-R-Us kid Toys-R-Us, you'll never outgrow us.
Speaker 2
00:37:37 Twas a bit before Christmas and.
Speaker 3
00:37:38 All through the house, nothing was.
Speaker 28
00:37:40 Stirring, not even a.
Speaker 2
00:37:41 And ran to the kitchen.
00:37:42 What could it be?
00:37:43 Christmas Crunch from the cabin to me.
Speaker 35
00:37:46 This crunch is special to make breakfast, marry.
00:37:50 See, that's actually kind of significant.
00:37:52 They they're calling the they actually made the product called.
00:37:56 They do like the the McDonald's thing like oh, it's our holiday Nuggets.
00:38:03 They called it Christmas crunch.
00:38:06 It wasn't.
00:38:07 Holiday crunch.
00:38:10 I guarantee you they don't make Christmas crunch now.
00:38:13 Yeah, look, this is stupid.
00:38:14 It's it's it's still poison.
00:38:16 Like here.
00:38:17 Have some.
00:38:18 Have some sugar coated carbs.
00:38:25 But still you know it's.
00:38:28 The fact they they, they they called it Christmas Crunch.
Speaker 23
00:38:32 I don't know.
Speaker 11
00:38:35 With yummy running green crunch berries, berries.
Speaker 16
00:38:39 Very sweet.
00:38:40 I wonder why?
00:38:42 It's basically candy that you pour milk on.
Speaker 11
00:38:45 Part of this breakfast.
Speaker 17
00:38:48 Lunch, as every kid on his Christmas List, 1 secret present on each box.
Speaker 36
00:38:53 Of Christmas crunch.
Speaker 7
00:38:54 And the captain to you.
00:38:55 Merry Christmas.
00:39:02 How many Polaroid commercials are there?
Speaker 15
00:39:04 Don't really care.
00:39:07 You know, true story.
00:39:10 I actually when I was a kid, I wanted to catch.
00:39:13 Catch Santa Claus.
00:39:15 I wanted to have documented evidence that he existed.
00:39:19 And so I, I I rigged up a.
00:39:24 An ornament?
00:39:26 They had a a microphone in it.
00:39:29 And ran, ran a wire up to my room.
00:39:32 And yeah, I I bugged the Christmas tree.
00:39:38 Didn't get the evidence I was looking for.
00:39:59 So they got they got sugar, water.
00:40:03 To go with your uh.
00:40:06 With your sugar cereal.
00:40:10 Yeah, it's just sugar. That's literally like I'd say, 90% of these commercials are just commercials for sugar, alright?
00:40:21 There's the black guy.
Speaker 23
00:40:22 Peace on earth.
Speaker 32
00:40:25 Together together.
00:40:32 Alright, this is just for like some gay shows back.
00:40:35 Ohh they said.
00:40:36 Happy holidays faggs.
00:40:39 Let's cause Jews made that 10 blockbuster. This has got to be good.
Speaker 30
00:40:43 My Aunt Esther is always.
Speaker 36
00:40:45 On this train.
Speaker 30
00:40:46 Uncle Charlie, shopping for him is an adventure now.
00:40:49 My nephew Timmy.
00:40:50 Was easy.
00:40:51 All he wanted was this from Blockbuster Video.
00:40:55 Then it hit me.
00:40:56 I can make everyone happy at Blockbuster and with blockbuster gift certificates on, Esther can rent all kinds of mysteries.
00:41:02 Uncle Charlie can choose his own adventures.
00:41:05 And I.
00:41:06 And have a wonderful life.
00:41:09 Give the gift of entertainment.
00:41:12 So that's another thing that the the smartphone destroyed.
00:41:17 You used to have Polaroids and and.
00:41:18 Film getting developed.
00:41:20 And you had to go.
00:41:23 Rent a black piece of plastic.
00:41:27 With magnetic tape inside to watch a movie, I actually worked at a blockbuster.
00:41:33 One of my first jobs.
00:41:35 You got to watch.
00:41:36 You're allowed.
00:41:37 You were allowed to take home.
00:41:39 They actually take home as long as they weren't the new releases you could take home like two or three movies and I forget.
00:41:45 But I watched as many movies as I could that way.
Speaker 22
00:41:51 Something for Santa?
Speaker 28
00:41:53 'S mom brought him home from family birthday.
00:42:02 The bad for you.
Speaker 5
00:42:04 Chocolates, delicious milk chocolate and red and green shells.
Speaker 28
00:42:08 Now about my list.
00:42:13 More commercials for sugar.
Speaker 12
00:42:16 Holidays from the morning.
00:42:18 Yeah, I'm just going to.
00:42:18 I'm going.
00:42:19 To speed through here.
00:42:22 You got more Muppets.
00:42:23 Muppets must have been real big back then.
00:42:28 More sugar, more sugar, more sugar.
00:42:35 Let's see what the Christmas GI Joe commercial is.
Speaker 37
00:42:38 Imagine the land where all the great toys come together to dazzle the hearts of every boy and girl at prices that delight every Santa.
00:42:46 No, it was.
00:42:46 Just like Toy Story.
Speaker 11
00:42:52 And I leave.
00:42:53 Toy Story totally ripped off that commercial.
00:42:58 Now this is looking gay.
00:42:59 See, this is the other.
00:43:00 Thing now too, is the rainbows ruined.
Speaker 20
00:43:06 You see this?
00:43:07 Without knowing what this is yet you're thinking, oh, it's it's a ******* gay pride toy.
00:43:14 Because that's what it would be.
00:43:17 But it was just a rainbow back in the 80s.
00:43:20 That's all it was.
Speaker 38
00:43:25 What do you want for Christian?
Speaker 3
00:43:26 Ohh, don't worry daddy.
00:43:28 I already told Papa.
Speaker 35
00:43:29 How little it costs to make someone happy.
Speaker 24
00:43:40 The first day of Christmas I left the hallmark.
00:43:43 Store in the store.
00:43:46 Isn't that the same ********?
00:43:47 They were selling it at.
Speaker 15
00:43:50 At Burger King, like if I was buying these things.
00:43:56 Oh, look, there's a there's nothing you don't see anymore is.
00:43:58 A ******* payphone.
Speaker 35
00:44:00 Look at that.
00:44:02 So far, like almost all the technology featured.
00:44:07 Like pretty much all the technology featured, including.
00:44:09 The video games.
00:44:10 Have been replaced by by phones.
Speaker 17
00:44:14 They're only at heart.
Speaker 34
00:44:19 Eat your Hut pizza to go.
Speaker 35
00:44:24 Pizza Hut Pizza take go.
Speaker 7
00:44:30 Black people like pizza.
Speaker 35
00:44:32 Pizza Hut Pan Pizza is a special way to warm the busy holiday season, so call ahead and we'll have it hot.
00:44:39 We got, we got.
00:44:40 We got dangerously close to a nativity scene there.
Speaker 35
00:44:42 And ready to go.
Speaker 19
00:44:46 Too hot?
Speaker 33
00:44:47 Teachers ago.
Speaker 28
00:44:54 Look at this.
00:45:03 You still look sad.
Speaker 22
00:45:09 The only one with the unexpected twist of Lyman.
00:45:15 Sugar water will make him happy.
Speaker 24
00:45:16 The holiday has a little unexpected smile.
00:45:22 One cold winter season.
00:45:24 Oh God, I can't handle another McDonald's.
Speaker 28
00:45:44 Merry Christmas everyone.
Speaker 30
00:45:49 Come on.
00:46:10 All right, I'm already getting bored of all this.
00:46:15 Well, there's nothing.
00:46:15 It doesn't exist.
00:46:16 The Internet has ruined like ruined, but like it's destroyed pretty much everything featured in this you don't have catalogs anymore.
00:46:25 Remember when you were a kid, when we were kids like you would have the Sears catalog.
00:46:29 Sears is even around anymore.
00:46:31 Sears doesn't even exist anymore.
00:46:34 But you get these big *** ******* catalogs.
00:46:37 They had every single toy in it.
00:46:39 And you would.
00:46:41 Circle all the ones that you wanted.
00:46:43 And your parents would.
00:46:45 Get none of them.
00:46:46 If they were my parents.
00:46:48 And uh, yeah, but you could dream it was like it was like **** for, for kids, all the different toys.
00:46:57 Yeah, but that doesn't exist anymore.
00:46:59 There's no ******* catalogs.
00:47:02 More McDonald's man McDonald's makes a lot of commercials.
00:47:05 A lot of commercials.
00:47:07 It's toys.
00:47:08 R Us at McDonald's.
00:47:10 And breakfast cereal.
00:47:13 I know how that is, but I don't really care.
00:47:18 I'm just going to zip through here to see if there's anything.
00:47:22 Ohh what is this?
00:47:23 What the **** is?
Speaker 20
00:47:24 This call candy claws.
00:47:27 Alright, we gotta we.
00:47:28 Gotta see what the **** that is.
00:47:32 It's a 900 number.
Speaker 3
00:47:33 So easy and so good.
Speaker 31
00:47:38 Ohh Sanders here with a very special prison.
00:47:42 Dial this number now and meet candy claws.
00:47:45 The Christmas seal child.
Speaker 28
00:47:47 I'm Candy Crush coming now and travel on an exciting trip all around the world.
00:47:52 Traveling toys for Santa.
Speaker 31
00:47:54 And there's a different story each day till Christmas.
Speaker 28
00:47:58 And behalf of you.
00:48:02 Wow, I wonder how much they scammed out.
00:48:05 Of people with that thing.
00:48:07 So again, that's another thing we I don't.
00:48:09 Think that maybe there's still 900 numbers, but I I don't think they exist anymore.
00:48:14 Yet another thing.
00:48:15 Right, that doesn't exist like almost nothing.
00:48:17 In here exists.
00:48:18 So for those of you who are.
00:48:19 Too young.
00:48:19 To know 9.
00:48:21 100 numbers were they would they charge you?
00:48:24 Well, whatever they they want to charge, right?
00:48:27 So it would be like sex hotlines.
00:48:30 And so late at night, there'd be all these commercials for, you know.
Speaker 35
00:48:34 Call 19.
00:48:35 100 hot babes and you'll talk to a sexy woman.
00:48:40 You know, have phone sex with you basically.
00:48:43 And then it'd be like 599 a minute.
00:48:46 And they make sure.
00:48:47 To have like a A, you know, like all these menus, you'd have to go through and stuff.
00:48:52 Like that.
00:48:54 So you, you.
00:48:55 You'd end up having it like if I had a friend that actually would.
00:48:58 Call these and he ************.
00:49:02 He actually called from my house and.
00:49:05 I had no idea.
00:49:06 And then.
00:49:07 He called the *******.
00:49:08 Psychic line too.
00:49:09 So I get my phone bill, it's like 80.
00:49:11 $5 in.
00:49:12 These ******* calls and then I called him up.
00:49:15 And I'm like, what the **** is?
00:49:16 This and this only found out he did it like I didn't make any of these phone calls.
00:49:21 Well, yes you did.
00:49:22 In fact, we we store on file a recording of you confirming that the that that you're going.
00:49:29 To pay for it.
00:49:30 And I was.
00:49:30 Like what? We'll.
00:49:31 Play the recording and they play their it's like my it's my friends, obviously my friend's voice.
00:49:36 And I'm like, Oh my God.
00:49:38 And I was.
00:49:39 Well, that's that.
00:49:39 That's obviously not me.
Speaker 21
00:49:41 Oh yes, it is.
00:49:43 No, it's obviously not.
00:49:43 Made doesn't sound.
00:49:44 Like I you know, I don't want to rat him out.
00:49:46 I don't know what they could have done anyway, but.
00:49:49 ****** ******* 900 numbers for kids and look wonder how much they'll say it costs.
Speaker 28
00:49:54 The American Lung Association they dial now.
Speaker 39
00:49:59 45.
00:50:01 $2.00 for the first minutes, that's automatic. 2 bucks.
00:50:04 And that's in 1980s money.
00:50:06 And then $0.45.
00:50:09 Every minute they can keep your stupid kid on the phone.
Speaker 36
00:50:12 And ensuring that your parents permission before you dial.
00:50:15 Yeah, I'm.
00:50:15 I'm sure every kid got.
00:50:17 Their parents permission before dialing.
Speaker 17
00:50:21 KPDX Fox 49, an award video give you the chance to bring Freddie home for the holidays on Mike Manning St. 4 the Dream Master from Media Home Entertainment will be available in December and 50 lucky winners.
00:50:33 All right, I'm bored again.
00:50:35 Let's see what else they got.
00:50:37 More garbage, more garbage. Food.
Speaker 15
00:50:40 More Muppets ******* there's.
00:50:42 A whole lot of ******* Muppets.
Speaker 21
00:50:46 Frost this snowman.
Speaker 15
00:50:50 Ohh the hell this is.
00:50:54 How was that?
00:50:57 I don't have.
00:50:57 It's hard like because of how I'm doing this.
00:51:00 It's not easy to scrub this video very easily.
00:51:05 Oh, look at that.
00:51:05 Look at that.
00:51:06 Technology that also doesn't exist.
00:51:08 All the technology in this does not exist anymore.
Speaker 39
00:51:12 Short waivers space savers, stereo mains, playmates, radios that are wettable, petable and simply unforgettable.
Speaker 26
00:51:14 Feel me.
Speaker 17
00:51:19 Tune into hundreds of Christmas gift ideas.
Speaker 7
00:51:22 From the leader in.
00:51:22 Well, is this RadioShack? Yeah. And RadioShack doesn't exist anymore.
Speaker 17
00:51:23 Technology since 1921 a.
Speaker 21
00:51:32 Ohh man.
Speaker 17
00:51:33 For every purpose, at every price at RadioShack, the technology store.
Speaker 7
00:51:40 Parents, grandparents, anybody who loves children this year give the most thrilling gift ever.
00:51:45 Now, personalized video from Santa Claus, where he actually speaks to your child by name.
00:51:56 I bet they dump it in.
00:51:58 It's like.
Speaker 20
00:52:00 Hello there, Billy.
00:52:02 I think that you're gonna be a good boy, your parents.
Speaker 21
00:52:06 Robert and Sandy.
Speaker 28
00:52:08 Said that you.
Speaker 7
00:52:12 Out on an unforgettable, magical adventure with Santa and his elves ready kids Jennifer.
Speaker 3
00:52:22 'S talking to me.
Speaker 7
00:52:25 Each personalized video with one child's name is only 1995 + 250 proposal. Additional videos are postage.
00:52:32 Free. What's more, your child must be absolutely delighted or your money back. Each video comes with an enchanted key, which your child uses to make magic happen on screen. Call this toll free number now or send 1995 and $2.00 and.
Speaker 15
00:52:48 Ohh yeah, I'll be I'll be doing that.
00:52:52 More garbage KFC back when it was still Kentucky Fried Chicken before they changed it to KFC.
00:53:01 Oh, 80s robot, we're going to see the 80s robot.
Speaker 13
00:53:05 I want to grow up.
00:53:06 I will tell you I can't.
Speaker 40
00:53:09 You just said the magic words that look what you did. Then look at the low prices everyone's talking about at Toys-R-Us.
00:53:15 My friend talking, Toby from Philly plays eight learning games in terms of the game board boys and a great Toys-R-Us price and calico talking feature with five word and number game.
00:53:23 Wow, that's high tech.
00:53:25 I can't handle ladies.
00:53:26 Robot voice though.
00:53:28 Look at that.
00:53:30 Or the speaking spell.
00:53:34 More McDonald's?
00:53:37 Black people, this is a whole black people commercial.
00:53:40 Let's watch the black people commercial.
Speaker 5
00:53:43 Every year at this time, people look forward to very special phone calls.
Speaker 25
00:53:48 Die, die, die.
Speaker 5
00:53:51 And every year the Bell system has been there to bring.
00:53:54 Them to you.
Speaker 31
00:53:55 La La La La.
Speaker 5
00:53:57 Now that the bell system is breaking up, you might wonder what.
Speaker 17
00:54:00 Will happen.
00:54:01 And I guess it was just token black people.
00:54:03 That's kind of funny that it's referencing the bell system breaking up.
00:54:09 Because that was.
00:54:09 Ma Bell AT&T used to essentially.
00:54:14 Own all the all the phone lines and all.
00:54:17 The phone companies.
00:54:19 And back when they cared about breaking up monopolies.
00:54:24 They used.
00:54:26 I guess antitrust laws or I don't know how, how that process goes down exactly, but they broke up, that was in fact then that's the like the last time they did that.
00:54:34 Don't see them doing that with Apple.
00:54:38 Don't see them doing that with uh.
00:54:44 How big was AT and?
00:54:46 T When they broke it up.
00:54:49 You know, I I really doubt that.
00:54:53 AT&T was was even if you adjusted for inflation, everything like that, I guarantee you AT&T wasn't as big as.
00:55:01 Google is Alphabet or meta.
00:55:04 Or apple. Certainly not Apple apples got something like $4 trillion in cash and like, like, well, probably not just one account, but they have cash on hand at, like a ridiculous amount, like 4 trillion, something like that.
00:55:18 That's how you know that they're paying their workers a fair wage because they have $4 trillion. You know, in an account.
00:55:25 You know, God forbid they they actually have those jobs in America.
00:55:30 You know, the the slave.
00:55:31 It's amazing how cheaply you can produce an iPhone when you have slave labor in China doing.
Speaker 22
00:55:37 It for you.
00:55:39 Oh God anyway.
00:55:42 Yeah, I can't believe they.
00:55:44 Well, I can, I can.
00:55:46 That's that's another huge difference.
00:55:48 That you still had the political will in the 80s to break up a phone company because you thought, well, there should be other phone companies.
00:55:57 And then, of course, Worldcom went belly up.
00:56:00 In fact I.
00:56:01 The phone company thing is starting to happen again.
00:56:03 You got like Verizon.
00:56:06 And isn't Comcast, I think has like a big piece of that pie now too.
00:56:11 In fact, they might even own Verizon.
00:56:13 For all I know, but you used to have a bunch of phone.
00:56:16 Companies that are all getting gobbled up.
Speaker 5
00:56:20 I've been to all those special calls. Nothing. Your local bell company and AT&T will still serve you, but separately.
Speaker 24
00:56:20 And don't close your tooth.
Speaker 22
00:56:30 Thanks for calling.
Speaker 35
00:56:34 Good morning.
00:56:35 White tender, white loving.
Speaker 15
00:56:43 Who cares? **** you, Billy.
00:56:50 OK, whoever captured this only captured like the left channel on about half days.
00:56:58 All right, I'm done with that.
00:56:59 A black Santa.
00:57:01 That's this is this is pretty classy. It's another 900 number to hear Black Santa rapping.
00:57:10 We got to see, we got to see.
00:57:11 This how do they?
00:57:13 How are they going to?
Speaker 35
00:57:15 They be the best there is.
Speaker 29
00:57:15 Now that hurts.
Speaker 37
00:57:19 We are, Beatrice.
Speaker 16
00:57:22 The Christmas season was finished here.
00:57:29 19 hundred 9/09.
00:57:38 19 hundred 9/09.
00:57:48 $2.45 each additional minute.
00:57:53 So that that was to scam all the black kids.
00:58:00 Wonder how many black kids got the **** beat out of them for calling 19 hundred 909 raps to hear Black Santa rapping.
Speaker 13
00:58:11 I don't wanna grow up.
00:58:13 I'm ********.
00:58:13 Gross kid.
00:58:14 All right, we got it.
00:58:17 Is this just repeating?
00:58:19 It's just repeating.
00:58:21 What was that?
Speaker 29
00:58:30 Remember that crazy bunch you grew up with?
Speaker 36
00:58:33 Those kids were terrific.
Speaker 29
00:58:34 Now you can see them again when the whole gang gets together for a very greedy Christmas Friday.
Speaker 15
00:58:44 Very Brady Christmas.
Speaker 21
00:58:49 What is this?
00:58:53 Now look, Hollywood.
00:58:54 Hollywood puts Santa, Santa Claus.
00:58:57 On the Walk of Fame, huh?
Speaker 11
00:59:03 Everyone's catching the holiday spirit.
00:59:06 It's the.
00:59:07 88 Hollywood Christmas parade turned Greg Marshall, Tony Danzer, Kirk Cameron, Scott Baio, silly moon cry, Richard mall stars from your favorite shows and so much more. The Hollywood Christmas.
00:59:21 Three live to 96 on Channel 5.
Speaker 19
00:59:25 Christmas is near and I am delighted that so many good boys and girls are calling my special love.
00:59:32 How are you ******* Christmas 9?
00:59:34 100 numbers were there.
Speaker 11
00:59:37 Holy crap that that.
00:59:39 Was a ******* racket right there.
00:59:42 I guarantee you look, you look, you do some research, find out who's behind these numbers.
00:59:48 I have a suspicion.
Speaker 34
00:59:53 To hear my exciting Christmas stories.
Speaker 16
00:59:55 There's a new story every day, and you'll receive a free gift from Sally calling.
Speaker 34
01:00:00 Christmas is a magic time for us all.
01:00:02 Call me and we'll share the magic together.
Speaker 19
01:00:05 Or 1-900-909-8888 each call costs $2.00 for the first minute and $0.45 for each extra minute. Ensure that your parents give you permission.
01:00:15 You know the ****** ** thing about that?
01:00:17 Too is, you know that you know.
01:00:19 It's like some call center.
01:00:22 At least it wasn't in in India back then.
01:00:24 Now you.
01:00:25 Call a number like that.
Speaker 20
01:00:26 Big thank you very much.
01:00:28 Yes, I'm I'm Santa Claus.
01:00:30 Yes, little boy.
01:00:32 Oh, yes.
01:00:33 Make sure.
01:00:34 Get the iPad or you will get the iPad.
01:00:37 You will get the iPad stay on the line.
Speaker 18
01:00:44 But nobody, that's.
01:00:45 ****** ** to think that they were like call centers.
01:00:47 Full of weird old guys.
01:00:50 Because that's who?
01:00:51 That's who's going to be.
01:00:52 Answering the phone.
01:00:54 It's it's going to be a call center full.
01:00:55 Of people trying to sound like Santa Claus.
01:00:57 Talking to little kids.
01:00:59 I don't know that just really ******* creeps me out and and.
01:01:02 And the plus, they're they're all incentivized to keep them on the phone as long as humanly possible because that's that's how much that's.
01:01:10 How they get paid?
01:01:12 So man ******* hey.
Speaker 33
01:01:16 Christmas is near, and so am I.
Speaker 24
01:01:16 This it.
Speaker 27
01:01:19 Wednesday on CBS.
01:01:20 OK, that was a little terrifying.
01:01:23 Plus, he kind of looked like a black Santa.
01:01:25 A little bit anyway.
Speaker 27
01:01:27 Yes, the Bangles sting.
01:01:29 Run DMC John Cooper Mellencamp, Stevie Nicks, Michael McDonald, you two and more.
01:01:36 In an all new holiday special, Santa Claus is working the town with top of the pop, a very special Christmas Wednesday.
Speaker 36
01:01:47 Kids love to.
01:01:47 Dream about flying through the sky with routine.
01:01:50 You like how they how they were starting this sneak in the holiday thing.
01:01:54 Like even though that that, that whole festival or.
01:01:57 Whatever was called like the Christmas.
01:01:58 Something or whatever.
01:02:00 In the in.
01:02:01 His pitch for you to watch this, he kept saying the holiday season, the holiday season.
01:02:06 But they still had Christmas in the name.
01:02:11 HM This was this was the beginning.
01:02:14 They had to start.
01:02:15 They had to start getting.
01:02:16 You used to hearing the holiday season, the holiday season, the holiday season.
Speaker 36
01:02:23 So come to scenes between now and Christmas, we'll take a snapshot of your child with ET for just 250. It's fun, and proceeds go to the Special Olympics and the Children's Action Network.
Speaker 7
01:02:38 Make your tree trimming.
01:02:39 A party with craft TV special recipes.
Speaker 25
01:02:44 This gala dip could become a holiday tradition.
01:02:47 You make it with Velveeta Prock.
01:02:49 How good fake cheese?
01:02:52 So we're not selling sugar, sugar, water.
01:02:56 And deep fried everything.
01:02:59 Have a big block of fat of just byproduct fat.
01:03:06 That's right, classified cat.
01:03:08 I know.
01:03:09 You want some Velveeta, don't you?
Speaker 32
01:03:12 I want Velveeta.
01:03:14 No velveeta.
Speaker 7
01:03:15 You Parmesan cheese and chew paper.
Speaker 13
01:03:24 Right. The extraordinary boy.
Speaker 38
01:03:29 Laboratory test probe in most devices, Energizer lasts longer than any other battery.
Speaker 5
01:03:34 For energy, Remember Me.
01:03:37 Why don't we have this guy still?
01:03:40 I'd have that guy advertise batteries for me better than that.
01:03:44 ******* pink Bunny.
Speaker 26
01:03:49 Gus shack.
Speaker 22
01:03:51 What's up, Cinderella surprise?
Speaker 15
01:03:55 The McDonald's and.
01:03:57 And Disney the.
01:03:59 The match made in hell.
01:04:05 More chicken.
01:04:05 More, more holiday Nuggets.
Speaker 15
01:04:11 More technology that doesn't exist.
Speaker 38
01:04:13 3496 this heavy duty jogging trampoline just 5997 or Milton Bradley. Zany Operation Game only 697.
Speaker 8
01:04:21 Come on into gemco at Gemco I am is to give.
Speaker 1
01:04:24 Our Members the lowest prices.
Speaker 6
01:04:27 Now, would you get me for?
Speaker 17
01:04:28 Christmas. Yep.
Speaker 2
01:04:29 Got a motor? Yep, bucket.
Speaker 12
01:04:31 Seats. No seats.
Speaker 6
01:04:33 You stand.
Speaker 17
01:04:33 Up. Nobody ever has.
Speaker 41
01:04:35 Give me.
Speaker 36
01:04:36 A hint.
Speaker 34
01:04:37 When you press a button and it gives.
Speaker 30
01:04:38 You a prize.
01:04:39 You got me.
Speaker 22
01:04:39 A gumball machine.
Speaker 19
01:04:40 It's a lot of fun.
Speaker 17
01:04:41 For everybody, it's the simplest 1.
Speaker 26
01:04:42 In the world, it's kind of motor you're pressing.
01:04:46 How many commercials did they make for Polaroids?
Speaker 21
01:04:50 So we got.
01:04:52 Oh, we got video games, I think.
Speaker 32
01:04:56 Got the best of so much less still.
Speaker 42
01:04:58 Really likes to trains to video games.
01:05:02 It's the biggest Toy Story there is.
Speaker 35
01:05:05 I don't wanna grow.
01:05:06 Up because baby, if I did, I couldn't be a Toys-R-Us kid.
Speaker 3
01:05:11 More games, more toys.
01:05:14 Yeah, I'm bored of that.
01:05:15 Already let's more more candy, more chocolate.
01:05:21 All right, this this is pretty, I don't know, I think I'm.
01:05:23 Done with this.
01:05:24 You guys done with this?
01:05:30 It just looks very.
01:05:32 Repetitive, I'm just scrolling through here.
01:05:34 It's like the same kind of ****.
01:05:36 I mean, it's kind of funny seeing some of this technology.
01:05:39 You'll warm up.
Speaker 8
01:05:39 A beautiful Christmas because.
Speaker 4
01:05:46 Merry Christmas.
01:05:47 Merry Christmas from you.
01:05:51 Yeah, back to.
01:05:52 Back stores that don't exist, Kmart and Sears.
01:05:55 Which I think is owned by like they're.
01:05:57 They're still technically.
01:05:58 I think a like a Sears store.
01:06:01 And they're still technically like one or two Kmarts or something like that.
01:06:06 But one of these big companies, like Mitt Romney works for.
01:06:11 You know the the the big liquidation companies, they just buy out these dying companies and then just liquidate all their assets.
01:06:19 The same company, I forget the.
01:06:20 Name of it they.
01:06:21 Own both Sears and Kmart now and they're just slowly dismantling whatever you know the the rotting corpse of what?
01:06:29 What of what used to be a giant?
01:06:32 In fact, you know, it's crazy.
01:06:34 I think at one point Sears was the biggest company.
01:06:36 In the world.
01:06:38 I I'm I'm almost certain it was the and maybe like the biggest American employer.
01:06:45 But yeah, now there's now there's like, I think two or three stores and they're just liquidating them.
Speaker 26
01:06:54 And not have bowling balls.
Speaker 22
01:06:57 Cameras, TV spikes and planks, goldfish fat boy, slippers, pants.
01:07:20 They said Christmas a lot, though, you know.
Speaker 15
01:07:26 Let's see here.
01:07:28 Oh, Chuck E cheese.
01:07:32 Let's see what Chuck E cheese has to say.
01:07:36 Ah, ******* chicken the chicken tendies.
01:07:40 It's the chicken tendies commercial.
01:07:41 What's the chicken tendies commercial?
Speaker 12
01:07:44 Serve delicious chicken tenders from Burger King.
01:07:49 Chicken tenders are all white meat breast filets, not formed bits, and pieces of chicken like Mcnuggets. Plus, they're cooked in 100% vegetable oil, so pick up chicken tenders from Memphis.
01:07:58 Oh, that makes it good vegetable oil.
01:08:01 You know that.
01:08:01 Was the only the boomers fell for.
01:08:04 I don't remember my mom.
Speaker 17
01:08:06 She she.
Speaker 4
01:08:07 She was uh.
01:08:09 She just she was so bad at nutrition.
01:08:14 And she'd buy margarine instead of butter.
01:08:18 And I remember once saying like, why, why do we?
01:08:20 Get this margarine stuff instead of butter.
01:08:23 And she said Ohh no, it's better for.
01:08:24 You because it's made out of vegetables.
01:08:27 Like somehow like that, and boomers believe that.
Speaker 20
01:08:32 I don't know.
01:08:33 What campaign put that in the heads of?
01:08:36 Boomers. But it worked.
Speaker 20
01:08:38 No, it's vegetable oil.
01:08:39 It's it's.
01:08:40 It's cool.
01:08:42 It's totally good, don't worry.
01:08:44 It doesn't come from animals, so it's fine.
Speaker 4
01:08:53 Chuck E cheese here.
01:08:54 With Christmas presents now till Christmas at Chuck E cheeses.
01:08:59 Everybody ordering a large pizza without this gets 20 game tokens free.
01:09:06 He had a Sally to that piece and you got my new calendar with over 100 bucks worth of coupons.
01:09:11 23 tokens just like this. This big cheese is all hot.
01:09:19 Why does Chucky sound like he's some kind of Brooklyn Jew trying?
01:09:23 To sell you a used car.
01:09:26 He's like, yeah, kids.
01:09:27 And if you get the, you get the salad, get the ******* salad.
01:09:31 I'll give you a ******* my calendar.
Speaker 32
01:09:33 Cheese, Chris.
Speaker 4
01:09:33 Here, with Christmas presents now till Christmas at Chucky cheeses, everybody ordering a lot.
Speaker 28
01:09:39 And hot.
Speaker 20
01:09:40 Yeah, over here.
01:09:41 Chucky cheeses, yeah.
Speaker 34
01:09:44 Time expectation where.
Speaker 12
01:09:46 Peace and love are felt throughout the land.
Speaker 34
01:09:50 It's an eminence chocolate candy season.
01:09:54 More candy?
01:10:01 Yeah, I don't see anything else that's.
Speaker 21
01:10:03 The **** is this?
01:10:05 And that's a little frightening.
Speaker 3
01:10:15 Junk food.
01:10:16 You're losing your grip.
01:10:17 Sorry, kids.
01:10:19 I guess I'm whipped.
01:10:20 That's because you don't eat the right thing.
01:10:23 If you want to feel good, you.
01:10:24 Got food?
01:10:26 Yeah, like delicious Campbell soup.
01:10:28 It's great that way you won't be.
01:10:30 Skating on.
01:10:32 Yeah, processed soups, mass produced, Campbell soup, actually Campbell.
01:10:38 Soup is probably.
Speaker 15
01:10:39 Not that bad compared to everything else.
01:10:40 ******* pushing on the kids.
Speaker 31
01:10:43 Oh man.
01:10:47 All right, that's about it.
01:10:49 I think I don't see anything else, yeah.
01:10:54 Holy **** though, huh?
01:10:59 Where's the Santa wrap?
01:11:00 I want to have the Santa wrapper guy.
01:11:02 Is that Orville Redenbacher?
01:11:03 Forget about that ******.
01:11:04 I had him.
01:11:05 There we go.
01:11:11 All right.
01:11:16 Let's take a look at.
01:11:17 Chat here.
01:11:20 It's like a little.
01:11:21 Low key, it's just uh.
01:11:23 This is the part we'll let you you.
01:11:24 Guys decide let you steer the ship.
01:11:27 Had like a whole stream right ago.
01:11:29 That's now possibly unrecoverable on a on a raid, but hopefully I can get working if if not on that motherboard I'll have to find out if there's a.
Speaker 15
01:11:40 I don't know, I I.
01:11:41 Don't know if there's like a standard I've never had.
01:11:43 I've never tried to take drives out of 1 raid using, you know, one chip set and.
01:11:48 Tried to load in another one but.
01:11:49 I don't think that works.
Speaker 15
01:11:54 Uh, let's take a look here.
01:12:00 Mine. Comfy chair $5. Forgot to mention this back when we were talking about Gavin McGinnis, his marketing correspondent decided he had had enough and went out in a blaze of glory. Gavin had a sponsor that was a Jew, owned precious metal exchange.
01:12:18 Side the marketing guy made a fake sponsor link that had a URL almost identical to the real in one and replaced it in the scripts sponsorship segment.
01:12:28 So on multiple streams.
01:12:31 Gavin directed his viewers to a prank site that I'll link below.
01:12:35 Gavin issued an apology after the ruse was discovered, but the site.
01:12:41 Still terminated their sponsorship. Gavin likes gold.com, huh?
01:12:47 Let me see what this pops up is.
01:12:49 Is this going to be one of those links?
01:12:50 I click and.
01:12:51 Then the stream goes down.
01:12:56 Let's see here.
01:13:05 Oh, that's kind of funny.
01:13:07 Let me see if I can.
01:13:10 Screenshot this.
01:13:13 Ohh how how do I do this on a ******* Mac?
01:13:16 There we go.
01:13:19 Well, I can't here.
01:13:20 I'll just do this.
01:13:23 This is the image that comes up.
01:13:37 Where is it at?
01:13:49 So yeah, that's that's kind of fun.
01:13:54 Go to Defcon 3:00 on.
01:13:55 Poverty this year invest in.
Speaker 15
01:13:57 Gold is what it says.
01:14:03 Is there anything else or is that it?
01:14:05 Just I love gold.
01:14:08 Yeah, all these guys, you got to remember all of these guys.
01:14:13 Especially if they're like pushing kind of some kind.
01:14:16 Of like gold.
01:14:19 Once you have Jewish sponsors.
01:14:22 You have people that control.
01:14:26 What you say?
01:14:30 And I'll keep him in the.
01:14:31 Corner over here.
01:14:33 I still want.
01:14:33 I still want the kids to.
01:14:34 Be able to read that 9.
01:14:36 100 number though.
01:14:43 Also, here's a mega folder with all my super chat bumpers.
01:14:47 If you haven't got.
01:14:47 Everything backed up.
01:14:50 Yeah, I'll, I'll copy this and I will download those.
01:14:56 Once again, I'm I'm really right after the show I'm going to.
01:15:00 I'm going to order some computer that's just for the streams.
01:15:08 So let me paste that.
Speaker 17
01:15:10 OK.
01:15:16 Alright, Postmaster Raid 0, get a $300.00 HP with 12 bays and fill it with.
01:15:26 4 sixteens then run your back up.
01:15:30 I have multiple TB storage issues I deal with canceling.
01:15:33 Yeah, I especially because hard drives got are so much cheaper now.
01:15:38 But when I when I was. Yeah, I remember when I was configuring this computer, which was probably around 2015.
01:15:47 I just wanted.
01:15:47 A A I didn't really care about the backup.
01:15:50 So much as I wanted a a **** ton of storage, they would write relatively fast because I was rendering out 3D animations that were that it's frame by frame when you render it out, and then you have to render the frames in the video and but in the meantime you're dealing with image sequences.
01:16:11 So when you load them up into, I mean it's going to be huge right then, because every frame is like a.
01:16:17 Test image file and regular video is 30 frames per second.
01:16:22 So you load that up into after effects and it just sits there and chugs and chugs and chugs and at the time.
01:16:29 SSD's were.
01:16:31 That were big.
01:16:32 We're still pretty ******* expensive, so that was just my solution to that.
01:16:37 I didn't really care if it went down, but it it.
01:16:39 Was so reliable, I thought.
01:16:42 I started storing **** on there and.
01:16:44 It's mostly just.
01:16:45 Stock footage and things like that for the.
01:16:47 Same reason I.
01:16:47 Wanted it to be able to load fast and and have tons of storage but.
01:16:51 Yeah, yeah.
01:16:52 I'm just going to make one.
01:16:53 Just for the stream and not worry about it.
01:16:57 Dan, Bigfoot. Whatever you do, don't rig something by cutting the ground off the cable or use extension cords for everything. Now you remember this House had no ground actually. Still doesn't have grounds in a lot of valets. I ran my own, especially for like my my radios and and stuff like that. I ran all my.
01:17:16 Own lines direct from the box I I and I also ground my own, pounded my own grounding rod into the ground because it was grounded to like.
01:17:29 I think like the gas line.
01:17:33 And so I I put a ground rod into the ground next to the box.
01:17:37 I also ground out all of my my tube radio.
01:17:43 Those you know stations separately on their own grounding Rod.
01:17:49 I will say this though for the last couple of days until you know before I fixed that breaker, there was definitely extension cords.
01:17:55 All over the place.
01:17:59 My my my refrigerator was one of the rooms that lost power, so I had like this long *** extension cord.
01:18:06 Well, and and Charles, this sounds stupid.
01:18:08 But you know, I've told you.
01:18:09 His churros got his little heating pad underneath his little tub, and I put a light out there.
01:18:15 I also put, like, a radio out there for him to.
01:18:18 So there's just like, some sound out.
01:18:20 There anyway, so his he lost power in his shack, so I had to run another extension cord going out to there because the I still have to run the new power up to.
01:18:31 The shack that that the.
01:18:32 Wiring in this place was.
01:18:34 So insanely dangerous I had to disconnect like most of it when I came.
Speaker 15
01:18:39 In here.
01:18:40 But the box is still kind of a mess.
Speaker 15
01:18:43 UM.
01:18:45 But yeah, it's.
01:18:47 It's safe. It's safe. Ish.
01:18:50 I just the contact going to.
01:18:53 The the the new Breakers the the 100 amp double throw breaker the main breaker.
01:19:00 Is not as contact as it.
01:19:02 Should be for having the 100 amps going.
Speaker 15
01:19:04 Through it so.
01:19:06 So I'm just not.
01:19:06 Putting 100 amps through.
01:19:07 It right now I'm being very careful with how.
01:19:10 Much power I use.
Speaker 20
01:19:12 But you know it, it'll last it just last the last.
01:19:15 A couple of days until the new one shows.
01:19:21 Does a.
01:19:23 Rumble link.
01:19:25 Talking about looks like Ashley Babbitt was not the only all right.
01:19:31 I'll copy this.
01:19:32 Look at.
01:19:32 Look at this later.
Speaker 15
01:19:34 UM, let me see my notes.
01:19:41 Why'd that do that?
01:19:51 Why can't I just have a text?
01:19:52 Editing program that works.
Speaker 9
01:19:59 There we go.
Speaker 15
01:20:03 My big clanky *** keyboard.
01:20:12 Lucid nebula.
01:20:14 Highly unlikely.
01:20:16 Hypothetical America is reclaimed.
01:20:19 Every Jay is shipped over to Israel.
01:20:21 All funding and.
01:20:22 Support is cut off.
01:20:24 How long do you think they survive?
01:20:27 Would they go nuclear right before being wiped out?
01:20:30 Might not be worth mowing over.
01:20:32 I thought it could be interesting to.
01:20:33 Think about thanks.
01:20:37 Well, yeah, it'll never.
01:20:38 It'll never ******* happen.
01:20:40 In if in.
01:20:40 Some bizarre world you were able to expel.
01:20:45 All Jews from we'll just say America.
01:20:51 They wouldn't all go to Israel.
01:20:52 You'd have to expel them from everywhere.
01:20:55 Because they wouldn't all just go to Israel.
01:20:57 If they went to Israel, it'd be Israel would still.
01:21:03 I think would be OK because.
01:21:04 They they would bring with them so much money.
01:21:07 And so many assets, I mean, unless you did some kind of weird thing where you seized all their assets.
01:21:11 And just you know it.
01:21:13 Froze all their assets and then kicked them out then.
Speaker 7
01:21:16 You have a.
01:21:16 Problem because you have a bunch of people who have been living off of generational wealth for, well, generations who now are put in a position where they they'd have to work for.
Speaker 17
01:21:27 For money.
01:21:29 And I think they'd be maybe OK for a while because in a situation like that, Israel would would probably be as accommodating this as as possible and make it into.
01:21:40 This big, you know.
01:21:44 It would be like an end times religious thing for them, right?
01:21:48 So you would have to worry about Samson, option type **** going down.
01:21:52 But yeah, it that's that would never in a million years happen.
Speaker 15
01:21:56 UM.
01:22:00 But that I mean they have that already.
01:22:02 That's thing you.
01:22:03 Don't have to expel the Jews to get the the Samson option on the table.
01:22:06 It's on the table, right?
01:22:08 That's why everyone's too afraid to mention the fact that Israel has nuclear weapons because.
01:22:15 Who knows? They might.
01:22:17 They might use them just for.
01:22:18 Look how much they spring out when you just point out that they.
01:22:20 Have power. You, you.
01:22:22 Point out they have nuclear weapons.
Speaker 21
01:22:24 Know who knows what will happen?
01:22:27 Connecticut or Canuck Canuck tut.
01:22:31 I remember the 90s, my dad's company Christmas parties were free and in the reception halls. Now mine is called the holiday party and it's 30 bucks cheap CEO's.
01:22:42 I ain't going.
01:22:43 Why the **** would I pay to spend more time with my normal coworkers?
01:22:47 That's crazy.
01:22:48 I never.
01:22:48 Had to let me think.
01:22:52 No, I don't think I've ever had to pay to go to a Christmas party.
01:22:57 There was one I had to pay.
01:22:58 For a hotel room.
01:23:00 Because I got a little drunk at the Christmas party and it was at a hotel.
01:23:06 So I just stayed the night there.
01:23:09 But I don't think you have to.
01:23:11 Yeah, that is crazy.
01:23:12 They used to have really big, lavish.
01:23:15 Like if you work for a big company and I I'd say my employment history like a lot of people.
01:23:23 These days, I mean, in order to get a raise.
01:23:27 If you can't get a raise in the company that you work at, you just go work for another company and and the Internet made that real easy to to find other places to work for.
01:23:34 If you're willing to move, especially.
01:23:37 And so I I ping ponged.
01:23:38 Around a a lot.
01:23:40 Of different companies, I'd say about 1/2.
01:23:42 Of them were were huge.
01:23:44 You know, we're talking like big, big, big, big, big companies and.
01:23:49 Anytime I worked for.
01:23:50 A huge company.
01:23:52 They would.
01:23:53 They would have a pretty lavish Christmas party, they'd call it a holiday party, but everyone knew it was a Christmas party, you know, had a Christmas tree and people wearing Santa hats and stuff like that.
01:24:04 When you see these Christmas parties in 80s movies and stuff like that, I've never seen anything like that.
01:24:12 But yeah, there used to be free food free.
01:24:14 Alcohol. They'd have a band or something, or or whatever, but yeah, CEO's, CEO's, they want that bonus.
01:24:26 So I would not be surprised I haven't worked for.
01:24:28 I've been working for myself now.
01:24:32 About 10 years or so.
01:24:34 So it's been a while since I've been to a Christmas party.
01:24:38 Emma. Thorazine as a kid in the 90s, inclusion meant a token crippled kid. You can see this in kids books from those times. Now you just get and ********. We almost never see the token cripple anymore.
01:24:55 Wait, what was?
01:24:55 I watching when they had the cripple kid.
01:25:00 I forget.
01:25:01 They still have crippled kids, not just, not as.
01:25:03 Many, because that's not a.
01:25:06 It's not a racket.
01:25:07 They already got their their disabled vote and they I almost wonder if the companies that made like wheelchair ramps and door knobs because they they that became a thing.
01:25:19 They mandated door knobs like, you know, those door knobs that that look like a, like, almost like a metallic hook.
01:25:26 That you have, especially in these big companies.
01:25:29 They that's by law, they can't just have a round doorknob because apparently.
01:25:35 People with hooks for hands or?
01:25:36 Can't open a open a doorknob.
01:25:40 I wonder how much of that those those companies are the produce that lobbied for that Americans with Disabilities Act.
01:25:48 Graham playing games this is a good analysis of the obnoxious leftist art recreating that normal.
01:25:57 Rockwell painting.
Speaker 5
01:25:59 Let me see.
Speaker 15
01:26:07 Let's see here.
01:26:22 I don't. Let's see here.
01:26:26 Great example of art being honest, even if the artist didn't intend to be.
01:26:29 Look at the differences in facial expression between the man and woman.
01:26:33 Uh, the man has a look of someone possess to speak, not entitled to.
Speaker 15
01:26:41 Let me see.
01:26:43 Well, as someone recreated I guess.
Speaker 15
01:26:46 All right, I'll let.
01:26:47 I'll pop these up.
01:26:58 So apparently.
01:27:02 People are reinterpreting.
01:27:06 Norman rockwells.
01:27:09 Americana photos.
01:27:12 Ah, I hit the wrong button.
01:27:15 Hang on.
Speaker 15
01:27:23 Let's see here.
01:27:27 So this is the original.
01:27:28 While that's big, hang on.
01:27:46 Now here is.
01:28:00 The strong, powerful woman.
01:28:03 I find it fascinating that.
01:28:06 So often they can't produce their own art.
01:28:12 It's always got to be some shoddy copy.
01:28:16 Of something that's already been done.
01:28:23 Anyway, so the tweet says.
01:28:28 Uh, look at the difference in facial expressions between the man and woman.
01:28:34 The man has the look of someone possessed to speak, not entitled to whoever paid the woman doesn't understand the difference.
01:28:47 There's not a single ****** in that.
01:28:50 In that second one.
01:28:52 That's what America is going to look like eventually.
01:28:57 All right.
01:28:58 I'm going to make you listen to Santas, hot wraps for a second.
01:29:03 So I can grab another coffee.
Speaker 35
01:29:04 I'll be right back.
01:29:06 A little bit of Orville Redenbacher, maybe?
Speaker 33
01:29:09 May your holiday be the best there is.
Speaker 23
01:29:09 Thank you.
Speaker 37
01:29:14 We are, Beatrice.
Speaker 16
01:29:17 The Christmas season must finish here.
01:29:24 One 909.
01:29:38 Support the dog with the call. Right now, policy. Two hours of both $0.45 each addition.
Speaker 13
01:29:47 I don't want to grow up.
Speaker 40
01:29:51 You just said the magic words that look like Junius and look what Toys-R-Us is featuring for last this season. But Dennis Centurions, evil action figures, Doctor Tara and Hacker, 1297 each scraper 879.
01:30:06 Actually the camera Centurion 0 reduction figures are priced right at 1297, each with their sky bolt plane 1997.
Speaker 13
01:30:18 It's the closest everybody has a chicken Mcnugget.
01:30:24 Sorry, I made you guys.
01:30:26 I I had I.
01:30:26 Had to do more than get new coffee.
01:30:28 I had to get rid of old coffee.
01:30:29 If you catch my meaning.
01:30:31 I was starting to do the potty dance over here.
01:30:34 Alright, let's go back to Black Santa so those kids can call that number.
01:30:46 Postmaster notice the Cabbage patch kids have their eyes close together and they look.
01:30:53 I don't know if they who.
01:30:54 Made cabbage patch kids.
01:31:03 I think that might we'll be reading.
01:31:05 Too much into it, but let's see who made those things.
01:31:15 They are.
01:31:15 They are made by calico, like the company that made Calico vision.
01:31:24 Well, who who ran calico?
01:31:35 Oh my God, Kaliko.
01:31:38 You guys are like this.
01:31:40 Clico was founded in 1932 by Maurice Greenberg.
01:31:49 Oh man.
01:31:53 Yeah, I guess, I guess they were Jewish, huh?
01:31:56 Who designed it, though?
01:31:57 Let me see if it says.
Speaker 15
01:32:00 Creation development.
01:32:10 Oh, that's kind of funny.
01:32:12 They literally they they.
01:32:14 They ripped off so there was some.
01:32:17 According to this, I guess there's a big lawsuit.
01:32:19 About it so.
Speaker 15
01:32:21 UM.
01:32:25 There was a let's see here in North Georgia.
01:32:30 There was a a woman named Martha Nelson.
01:32:34 Who made uh?
Speaker 15
01:32:37 Made well basically.
01:32:38 Made cabbage patch dolls like sold them my.
01:32:41 My mom was she wasn't just cheap with.
01:32:44 With the boys giving us Atari and making us use Atari for eons, she also made my sisters cause cabbage patch kid dolls were expensive.
01:32:54 I mean, they were like 100 ******* bucks or something like that. And so my mom made cabbage patch dolls. I mean, and actually, to be honest, they weren't that. I mean, cabbage patch kids aren't that complicated.
01:33:04 So it wasn't it wasn't.
01:33:06 That bad of a knock off what she ended.
Speaker 15
01:33:07 Up with I was a little surprised.
01:33:10 But this woman apparently made the original ones.
01:33:14 Uh, I'm just kind of breezing through this here.
01:33:20 Uh looks like.
Speaker 15
01:33:27 Let's see here.
01:33:30 And then, yeah, and then the the Jewish company ripped off the lady.
01:33:35 They made millions and millions and millions.
01:33:39 And got sued over it.
01:33:42 I'm not sure how what the?
01:33:45 Well, here we go.
01:33:47 The legal battle.
01:33:49 OK, a collection of hillbilly bears.
01:33:52 What the ****?
01:33:57 Holy ****.
01:33:59 So in 1986.
01:34:04 And probably not just cause cabbage patch kids, but they were a huge part of it made 800. This is 1986 money, $800 million.
01:34:14 Just selling calico vision garbage and cabbage patch dolls? That's crazy. And then by 1988, they went out.
Speaker 15
01:34:22 Of business.
01:34:24 Can you imagine that?
01:34:25 It's almost like FTX.
Speaker 15
01:34:27 You know.
01:34:28 In 1986, they're making $800 million and two years.
Speaker 15
01:34:32 Later, they're out of business.
01:34:34 That's insane.
01:34:42 Yeah, they weren't, but they weren't.
01:34:43 Designed by a Jew, they were just a.
01:34:45 Jew made all the money off of them.
01:34:51 Hammer authorizing about film development, high trust society.
01:34:56 I remember going to Costco with my mom and everyone's packets of pictures would be on a big rack.
01:35:03 No one ****** with anyones pictures but easily could have today.
01:35:08 Ruining these would be a prank, yeah?
01:35:10 Well, today people would do all kinds of.
01:35:14 ****. And you know.
01:35:17 Put **** and stuff like that on them.
01:35:18 You'd be terrible.
01:35:22 I mean, you can't even trust the ice cream that's in the freezer anymore.
01:35:26 ******* black kids licking it as a joke.
01:35:31 Postmaster Massad are US white is Toys R Us Jewish too?
01:35:36 Mean I I guess it probably is right?
01:35:39 I don't know if it's still.
01:35:41 Let's see.
01:35:43 Let's see.
01:35:44 Let's see if if they're Jewish owned.
01:35:54 Founder was Charles Lazarus.
01:36:01 See Charles Lazarus.
01:36:03 Yep, he's a Jew.
01:36:09 Jiu from Washington, DC.
01:36:12 And you know, surprise surprise as parents immigrated to America around the.
01:36:18 Turn of the century.
01:36:20 There you go. Yeah.
01:36:23 Toys R Us was uh.
01:36:26 Was a A Jewish operation as well.
01:36:31 And then cause for $2.00 this ad reel makes me glad I didn't have a TV in the in the 80s, these commercials cause brain damage.
01:36:41 Oh, well, yeah, I had I.
01:36:44 I got a lot of that brain damage done because I absolutely saw a lot of these commercials in the 80s.
Speaker 15
01:36:49 When I was a wee one.
01:36:51 Guitar dude 1356.
01:36:55 I was thinking that since the Jews created modern media and have been brainwashing us with it, how about we just create a culture of 0 media consumption?
01:37:04 Do what the Amish do, create our own media and culture, even if it's local.
01:37:09 Create a completely new economic ecosystem.
01:37:15 Easier said than done.
01:37:17 You can't even get people to stop watching Cape **** movies or professional sports and stuff like that.
01:37:25 Look, I recommend.
01:37:27 Not having, obviously you don't want to support Netflix.
01:37:32 I mean, if you've got a Netflix account, you're literally.
01:37:35 Funding child ****.
01:37:38 So there's that.
01:37:39 But guess what?
01:37:40 I know a lot of you ******* listening, right?
01:37:42 Now have Netflix.
01:37:45 Some of you guys probably have Hulu.
01:37:48 You have Amazon Prime.
01:37:51 So you know.
01:37:53 And I've just been.
01:37:54 Trying to get.
01:37:54 People to not pay the, you know, keep paying for them to produce more anti white propaganda and a lot of people can't even handle that.
01:38:02 So expecting people to just stop consuming altogether?
01:38:07 Yeah, not going to happen and look.
01:38:10 I don't think that.
01:38:14 The media.
01:38:16 Or the medium.
01:38:18 You know of movies is inherently bad.
01:38:21 I like movies.
01:38:22 And it takes a lot to make movies.
01:38:26 And so if you want to watch movies, you have to watch movies that were that took a lot of money to make.
01:38:34 But you can also go back to the classics.
01:38:37 You got to remember, even though Jews were controlling Hollywood.
01:38:41 And suddenly?
01:38:43 Putting degenerate **** in the movies that didn't really.
01:38:49 Go into hyperdrive and tell the the haze code was kind of dropped in the 60s.
01:38:56 And there is still a little bit of that stuff in there, but if you go back to movies made in the 50s, forties and yet still to be selective.
01:39:12 I think.
01:39:12 Some of those.
01:39:13 Wouldn't be too bad for kids, especially because.
01:39:19 It would show.
01:39:21 It would show them a world they'll never see, and not just because of like with these 80s commercials.
01:39:26 It's all this technology that doesn't exist anymore.
Speaker 15
01:39:29 It's because everyone's white in those movies.
01:39:32 And I think it's important that they see that.
Speaker 15
01:39:34 That's how it was in America.
01:39:37 Because they're not going to, they're not going.
01:39:39 To see that anywhere else.
01:39:42 It's in in.
01:39:43 In a weird way.
01:39:44 A lot of these older movies have become.
01:39:47 Even if you don't want to see them as, as American culture, look, they are whether whether you like it or not, movies were have always been a big part of American culture to our detriment.
01:39:59 You know, because of who is making them.
01:40:02 But not every.
01:40:03 Movie is degenerate.
01:40:05 And movies from that era are like artifacts.
01:40:08 It it's in a way.
01:40:10 It's like a record of what America used to, if not be.
01:40:19 What America in many ways aspired to be like.
01:40:23 And I I think it's perfectly OK.
01:40:27 To expose kids to stuff like that.
01:40:32 But definitely not the.
01:40:33 Internet. Keep your kids.
01:40:35 Away from it.
01:40:36 Man, I was trying to think of how to do that.
01:40:39 I was talking to someone there today.
01:40:45 They were saying that their their brother.
01:40:49 Actually gave their little girl.
01:40:52 AUM.
01:40:54 A cassette tape.
01:40:56 With or like.
01:40:58 An old Walkman.
01:41:00 And that he would he would.
01:41:02 Record cassette tapes of of kid.
01:41:04 Music and stuff like that, that.
01:41:06 That she would want to hear.
01:41:08 And she has a Walkman like like.
01:41:10 She's like this little girl, you know, that has a.
01:41:13 Like a Walkman from the well.
01:41:15 Maybe they still make him.
01:41:17 You could probably actually still get one.
01:41:19 I've noticed that there's a, I mean, you can still get new record players, you can still get new cassette tape boom boxes.
01:41:27 UM, so maybe they still make the little you know, some ****** Chinese one.
Speaker 21
01:41:34 But yeah that.
01:41:35 I I've thought about doing that myself having.
01:41:42 Pre, you know, screened.
01:41:44 Obviously movies on there would be VHS, maybe like DVD or something like that and have physical media that that.
01:41:53 I've already pre screened that they can select from because it was so much easier to police.
01:41:59 You know, we laughed at the blockbuster commercials.
01:42:02 And stuff like that but.
Speaker 15
01:42:05 Think of.
01:42:06 What else changed as a?
01:42:07 Result of everything going online.
01:42:10 You know, like I would still see as a little kid my, you know, my parents weren't letting me see rated R movies.
01:42:16 Right.
01:42:17 And so I would still see the ads for the the new rated R movie.
01:42:22 You know that that maybe I wanted to go see, but I couldn't get into the theater.
01:42:27 You know, and so I just wouldn't see it.
01:42:32 And if I went the same thing, Blockbuster would would check ID's like if you were a kid trying to rent or rate our.
01:42:38 They wouldn't let you do it.
01:42:42 And now you can get now.
01:42:44 Parents are giving their their kids tablets with.
01:42:48 Like unlimited **** on it.
01:42:51 Or at least access to unlimited ****.
01:42:57 I mean, I think that that using.
01:43:03 I just think it's Smarties physical media anyway.
01:43:06 Just because another thing that, that, that.
01:43:09 They will change.
01:43:10 Is and we've already seen things like this happening where they'll they'll retroactively.
01:43:18 They'll go and they'll find a scene.
01:43:21 What didn't they do that with?
01:43:23 The home alone, they edited Trump.
01:43:24 Out of the out of home alone.
01:43:27 Stuff like that.
01:43:29 Like, they'll make these little edits.
01:43:31 And you know, who knows?
01:43:33 Maybe as as AI gets better, they'll start making the people in, in these old movies even more diverse.
01:43:41 You know, everyone kind of saw that meme that was going around there was that guy that got the Black Little Mermaid and turned her white in a couple of scenes or whatever as a joke.
01:43:56 That's just one guy.
01:44:00 Imagine if you're a big company, and especially like I said, the AI gets good enough and the facial recognition software is good enough, you could just, you know, essentially show it 1 frame like turn this guy into a Mexican or you know, and they would do it.
01:44:15 That's not that far off.
01:44:18 And so they could go back and change the races of people.
01:44:23 They could add, they could put ******** in.
01:44:25 In the movies.
01:44:25 I mean, they could do.
01:44:26 Whatever the **** they wanted.
01:44:28 And so or just, you know, they'll make things unavailable.
01:44:34 Or delete it off your hard drive.
01:44:36 Directly, you know Amazon's done that with books and you know Kindle and stuff like that.
01:44:43 So I just think it's better to have physical media anyway because you that way you don't have to worry about what your kids going to find online because they won't have online.
Speaker 15
01:44:57 Uh. Let's see here.
01:45:04 Somewhat long time or this is from no some somewhat longtime listener since the Jew tube Las Vegas shooter room tour, I hope you're well.
01:45:14 And thank you for the great content.
01:45:15 Well, thank you, Mr.
01:45:18 Tennis nuts.
01:45:19 It must have been sweeps week for Tim Poole.
01:45:23 First Adam, then yay, controversy.
01:45:27 What's Adam?
01:45:28 I don't know what the Adam thing is.
01:45:30 I don't really pay attention to Tim Poole.
01:45:32 I did watch the.
01:45:36 The Kanye thing.
01:45:39 My thoughts on that were it's just that you can't have.
01:45:43 He should.
01:45:43 Have known better.
01:45:45 Tim Poole is too much of a ******* **** and someone that can never understand the identity politics as he likes to call it because he doesn't have an identity.
Speaker 21
01:45:55 And that's what happens.
01:45:56 When you have mixed race kids.
01:45:58 He doesn't understand it.
01:46:01 Well, no, it's not that he doesn't understand it.
01:46:03 It's just he can't relate to it.
01:46:07 Because he's not part of a group.
01:46:10 You know he's not.
01:46:12 He's not Asian.
01:46:15 He's not white.
01:46:19 So he.
01:46:21 He has no he has no group.
01:46:24 I mean, his group is what happas?
01:46:28 Do hoppers have like a rich history?
01:46:32 They're hopper traditions.
01:46:36 Are there other hoppa holidays and?
01:46:40 Hoppa languages.
01:46:43 Hoppa countries? No, none of that shit's real.
01:46:48 So he has he he.
01:46:50 That's why he hates it.
01:46:52 That's why he acts.
01:46:53 Like he doesn't understand it, he understands it.
01:46:57 But Kanye is so much of a *******.
01:46:59 Mess you know he.
01:47:00 Couldn't I mean it's just it's.
01:47:03 It's exhausting, even listening to him sometimes.
01:47:09 Especially because of all the missed opportunities, all the things he just, he just doesn't address in any kind of.
01:47:15 Coherent way.
01:47:17 So even when you're able to decode the the mess coming out of his mouth.
01:47:21 You know that like.
01:47:23 If it was difficult for you to decipher a lot of normies, it's just like sounds like the ramblings of a crazy person.
01:47:30 And it kind of is, it kind of is the ramblings of a crazy person at this point.
01:47:36 And it's yeah, I mean, look.
01:47:40 Tim was a massive ****** and that's why.
01:47:44 Kanye walked off the show because Tim was acting like a adversarial fagot the entire time.
01:47:50 You know, to protect his his Tim Poole Bucks.
01:47:54 You know you must to stay.
01:47:56 The poor boy.
01:47:58 You can't be the poor boy with your.
01:48:02 6 figure a month.
01:48:05 You know, those boomer bucks will dry up real quick.
01:48:07 You start.
01:48:13 Well, just say anything about Jews as a group.
01:48:18 And it's so it's so insane because.
01:48:22 It's so like he's look, he's not smart, he's not smart, but he's not so stupid that he can't understand this, you know, like.
01:48:31 But Kanye couldn't put it any way that that made it obvious to Tim's ****** audience that Tim was was full of ****, acting like he can't understand, you know, like it'd be like, like how hard.
01:48:42 Would it have been?
01:48:44 For Kanye to just say something like, OK, yeah, it's not all Jews, but.
01:48:52 Obviously, no one's saying that literally. No one saying that every Jew is connected by some kind of like a telepathy, and they they they act as like one super Organism, you know, like it's that's not. No one's saying that you know. But but you can also make generalizations.
01:49:13 To make generalizations all the time like he did.
01:49:15 Kind of do.
01:49:16 A good job by saying like to Tim Poole.
01:49:18 Like, well, you said I'd be.
01:49:19 Good for the black vote.
01:49:20 Does that even?
01:49:21 How come there can be a?
01:49:22 Black vote, but there can't be Jewish media.
01:49:26 You know, but he didn't.
01:49:27 Know he didn't put it that plainly, but.
01:49:31 Anyway, yeah, it was a train wreck.
01:49:32 It was.
01:49:35 It was hard to watch.
01:49:37 I just Tim Poole just in general is hard to.
01:49:40 Watch. I just can't.
01:49:41 The amount.
01:49:43 You know, it's what was horrifying is I I.
01:49:46 Wasn't sure if Connor was coming.
01:49:49 So I listened.
01:49:50 I I watched for like, I don't know, maybe like 10 minutes after he walked.
01:49:55 And that was like the most mine.
01:49:57 It was mental torture.
01:50:00 Those 10 minutes.
01:50:01 Just listen to them.
01:50:02 Like, so we just want to have conversations.
Speaker 21
01:50:04 We'll have a conversation.
01:50:05 You know, like, you know, like, just have a conversation, have a conversation, you know, and just have just have a.
01:50:12 It's like, no.
01:50:15 I I just.
01:50:17 Everyone. I I it's it's.
01:50:18 So frustrating to watch that ****, but it's a good thermometer for how ******* ******** Americans are.
01:50:26 Because he's he's a.
01:50:27 Fairly, you know, he's way bigger.
01:50:28 Than I am and he's got a huge audio.
Speaker 15
01:50:33 UM.
01:50:37 Bugging the Christmas tree, you rocked, Devin.
01:50:40 I appreciate.
01:50:40 That yeah, I.
01:50:42 I I totally did that.
01:50:44 I hid.
01:50:44 The wire because.
01:50:45 This is they have wireless mics back then.
01:50:49 On well, at least not the A.
01:50:50 Kid would have access to.
01:50:52 So I ran a wire all the way up into my bedroom and and hit it well enough under.
01:50:56 Like I pulled up carpet and ran wire under carpet.
01:51:03 My parents never found.
01:51:06 Graham playing games.
01:51:09 Stats arrive showing dire state of ethnic Brits in England. Disingenuous ******** celebrate and pretend England was always diverse, despite England being about 90% ethnically British.
01:51:23 In 1950, Tolkien was 1/8 German, so I guess this justifies mass Pakistani immigration well and it just.
01:51:32 It also came out what, two days ago, the census data that said that it is now, for the first time less than 50% Christian.
01:51:42 So I guess in England it makes sense for them.
01:51:44 To say happy holidays because.
01:51:47 Most people are not Christians there now.
01:51:52 UM.
01:51:55 Dude 12.
01:51:57 I have little cousins and all they are all they really want are mobile game specific gift cards for Christmas.
01:52:04 Yeah, that's insane.
01:52:05 That's insane.
01:52:06 That that, that you have little that you have little cousins that they want you to buy them fake money, that they can spend in a fake fantasy world.
01:52:16 Like that's just.
01:52:18 Yeah, that's.
01:52:21 I would talk. I'm I.
01:52:22 Look, if they're your cousins.
01:52:24 I would talk to your your.
01:52:27 Your aunt and uncle or their parents, whoever they are.
01:52:32 And say, look, you're raising, you're raising the consumers.
01:52:39 Damn, Bigfoot.
01:52:41 Do you think this is a targeted advertising, right target advertising AKA get the Christmas celebrating Gentile kids to go?
01:52:50 Gory feed **** that was made in a lab.
01:52:53 Look, I just think that they were trying to maximize profits.
01:52:58 And sugar is and it's it's one of the most addictive drugs, and it's one of the.
01:53:10 Easiest to sell like in America, because there's no regulations on selling sugar.
01:53:16 I mean you can, I mean, I buy.
01:53:18 Bags and bags.
01:53:19 Of sugar to to feed the bees.
01:53:25 You know Sugar's cheap.
01:53:28 And it'll it'll get your kids going back for more every time.
01:53:31 Like, that's that's every every children's cereal is basically just.
01:53:38 Grain product.
01:53:40 Sprayed with sugar.
01:53:42 With food coloring in it.
01:53:44 You know, in the shape of a cookie or something, you know, I mean it's it's like the worst possible food you could ever feed children and they make.
01:53:53 Billions of dollars every year doing it.
01:53:57 And so I think that's the motivation behind it is they can just make.
Speaker 15
01:54:03 Billions and billions of dollars.
01:54:07 This garbage food.
01:54:10 And they don't care.
01:54:11 They really don't care.
01:54:14 They don't care what effect.
01:54:15 It's having on.
01:54:16 You know, it's like when you find out.
01:54:20 Who sponsors a lot of these?
01:54:24 Maybe that's a documentary I I have even seen it, but I've seen parts of it and I and I've I've already.
01:54:30 I'm familiar with some of the content.
01:54:32 There's a documentary that someone put together that's about the sugar industry that's really.
01:54:38 Revealing it talks a lot about how you know companies like Coca-Cola and you know all these companies that that sell sugar.
01:54:47 Fund a lot of the the so-called research that a lot of the even government entities use to when they made stuff like the food pyramid, right?
01:55:01 Where they're like, yeah, eat tons of bread and sugar.
01:55:04 Tons of it.
01:55:04 Not very much meat, though.
01:55:08 And you know, they they fund all these studies that they they end up getting used when when authorities are making choices about nutrition and look.
01:55:19 Brewer parents.
01:55:23 They just, they just.
01:55:24 I don't know what.
01:55:24 The deal was but they just.
01:55:27 They just believe the machine.
Speaker 15
01:55:29 Way more than we do.
01:55:34 Hammer authorizing AT&T was broken up to 9 companies in 1984, now consolidated into three in 2022. Verizon, AT&T and Lumen CenturyLink. T-Mobile absorbs Sprint not long ago, so it's just these and Comcast that are the big players.
01:55:55 This consolidation will undoubtedly continue until the monopoly is reformed, right?
01:56:01 Right.
01:56:02 Yeah, it's, it's and there's no.
01:56:05 There's no interest.
01:56:06 Just or political will anywhere to break up a big company anymore, because all these big companies have very expensive lobbyists that make lots of donations to lots of campaigns.
01:56:19 In fact, as we found out, I think today Marjorie Taylor Green accepted something like $150,000.
Speaker 21
01:56:28 From from.
01:56:30 FTX or Sam Bankman bankman fried.
01:56:35 He gave.
01:56:37 It wasn't just Democrats that he was funneling money.
01:56:40 To he gave.
01:56:41 A lot of money to Republicans, too.
Speaker 34
01:56:46 UM.
01:56:49 The Ministry of Truth.
01:56:51 There's been a push for Kazarian theory lately, but this overwrites the fact that the Jewish.
01:56:59 Pixos subverted and destroyed ancient Egypt, then Greece and Rome.
01:57:06 Our ancestors.
01:57:06 History is important because what happened then is happening now and you got a link I'll take.
01:57:12 A look at that link later.
01:57:14 I don't want to push it on.
01:57:16 On a crappy laptop night.
01:57:25 D12 Communications Incorporated, which was responsible for one 900 numbers in the 1980s. He once owned 18 of the 20 available.
01:57:40 900 pay per call phone numbers in the country when AT&T debuted the concept.
01:57:46 In the late 1980s, from some forum Jim Feist, Tom, that sounds like a Jewish name. Let me look him up.
01:58:01 Now there's a Jim Feist.
01:58:03 Sports and investments.
01:58:06 Oh, that's the same one.
01:58:09 A lot of sports stuff.
01:58:14 So it might not be the easiest.
01:58:17 Thing to track down.
01:58:20 I wonder if anyone's ever done any.
01:58:22 Kind of study on that.
01:58:22 I just wouldn't be surprised because.
01:58:25 I mean, come on.
01:58:26 It's like the perfect scam.
01:58:29 Why wouldn't jeers be running 900 numbers?
01:58:35 Damn Bigfoot White Santa breaks into your house to leave presents.
01:58:38 Black Santa breaks into your house to steal presents.
01:58:41 And rape your wife.
01:58:45 Did you wanna hide me?
01:58:47 Kill kite.
01:58:48 So, so then it keeps going.
01:58:50 I can't read the rest.
01:58:50 Of it, because it's off the screen.
01:58:53 I just wanted to drop in so.
01:58:55 You read my username well.
01:58:57 I didn't get to see all of.
Speaker 15
01:58:58 It it's too.
01:58:58 It's so long that it doesn't show up on the thing.
01:59:02 Inspired by your shared knowledge, you help me see the light and the gigantic slimy noses from did you wanna himy kill kites like they zid in furs rike.
01:59:18 There you go.
01:59:18 That's very long.
01:59:19 I actually got to see the whole one this time because you put it in your.
01:59:23 And your message is there.
01:59:25 It's a very long name.
01:59:28 That's like a password.
01:59:30 That's what people should use for like their.
01:59:32 And they're uncrackable passwords.
01:59:36 What chipper?
01:59:37 What software do you use to do your animations?
01:59:40 Well I used.
01:59:41 To do well, I'm not right now lately.
01:59:44 But Cinema 40 and.
01:59:46 After effects, that's pretty much what I would use.
01:59:51 I've used other packages, but that's that was my go to.
Speaker 21
01:59:54 Because it was cheap.
01:59:55 And easy to learn.
01:59:58 And ran on most hardware.
02:00:01 UM.
02:00:03 And then for renderer, because cinema 40 has got like a not that great renderer, although I haven't used the new one, my copy is.
02:00:14 Quite a few versions behind, I think.
02:00:18 But I know they introduced some new material systems, so I don't know I I haven't used that, but I I used octane render anyway because just way faster and better than anything maxons ever put out.
02:00:31 Postmaster, again pausing for an hour on a black face.
02:00:34 I'm just, I'm just.
02:00:36 I'm just trying to get you, uh.
02:00:39 I'm I'm trying to.
02:00:40 Get you to call that number.
02:00:42 Come on, postmaster. You know you want to call 19 hundred 909 ramps 19 hundred 909 wraps.
Speaker 16
02:00:54 Hip hop.
02:01:02 Salty nuts.
02:01:04 $5 you say? Thanks. Well thanks.
02:01:06 Right back at you.
02:01:08 Wood chipper, a reminder of how Edward Bernays introduced hijacking our minds.
02:01:13 We're all victims of this ship.
02:01:15 Really ruined our culture.
02:01:18 Yeah, I mean, it was and it ruined our.
02:01:24 Our physical bodies too.
02:01:27 You know, like we were feeding kids.
Speaker 25
02:01:30 Like a lot.
02:01:31 Of people keep thinking like, oh, how come testosterone has plummeted?
02:01:36 I think I think honestly the sugar might have something to do with that too.
02:01:41 I mean that food pyramid certainly did put meat as this tiny little sliver at the very top.
02:01:49 Tell people to.
02:01:50 Just feast on grain.
02:01:54 Like like a ******* prey animal.
02:01:59 I think that that has a lot to do with why.
02:02:04 Why a testosterone levels have dropped off?
02:02:10 Amos Burton what are your thoughts on yay walking off Tim cast after Tim pulled out the six pointed star Shield Tim can put yay in a box about the black vote, but then refuses to acknowledge Jews canceling.
02:02:27 Yay, stealing.
02:02:29 Half his net worth overnight trying to get him arrested and forced to be medicated right now, that's The thing is.
02:02:36 Tim knows, knows that it's a business for him.
02:02:40 He's making a business decision.
02:02:42 And I don't know because I've been doing work around here and being kind of sick, so I wasn't on the Internet much.
02:02:52 I did watch that, but I didn't look on Twitter or anything else to see what the response was.
02:02:59 But I'm I'm I'm guessing.
02:03:02 That Tim got a lot of Atta boys, a lot of Atta boys from the MAGA crowd.
02:03:08 That's right.
02:03:14 That that's what you do to anti Semites?
Speaker 15
02:03:17 You hold their feet to the fire and.
02:03:19 Look how they just they.
02:03:20 Just can't handle the pressure.
02:03:23 So they got they can't handle the heat, so they got the **** out of the kitchen.
02:03:27 And that's how it.
02:03:28 Looks to these *******.
Speaker 34
02:03:31 UM.
02:03:33 I would say for most people.
02:03:36 It looked bad for Kanye and that crew.
02:03:43 I think to most people.
02:03:47 Most people are ******* ********.
02:03:48 But I think that's just.
02:03:50 You know, I think most.
02:03:51 People watched that and thought that.
02:03:53 It just further what I.
02:03:54 What I already said like.
02:03:56 In the very beginning of this, before this.
02:03:58 Went to like next levels of crazy when people were first mentioning Kanye is oh, you know he's going to get the normies to, like, know about Jewish power and whatever.
Speaker 25
02:04:07 Look, he.
Speaker 20
02:04:09 He is going to be.
02:04:12 Framed as this.
02:04:15 This troubled artist, this crazy guy and and you know, I hope he gets the help that he needs and that kind of a thing.
02:04:22 Right and.
02:04:23 That's that's not.
02:04:24 Helping when he goes on a a podcast like that sounds a little crazy.
02:04:30 Sounds a little crazy.
02:04:32 And then walks off.
02:04:35 And I get why he walked off.
02:04:37 I don't even think it was bad that he walked off.
02:04:39 I just wish he'd gotten at least.
02:04:41 A few coherent.
02:04:44 Lines him before he did.
02:04:46 Or or.
02:04:46 You know what?
02:04:47 **** it.
02:04:47 Let if he wasn't able to do that, let Milo and and.
Speaker 43
02:04:52 I'm nick.
02:04:53 Who are both way more coherent?
02:04:58 Let them talk for you at least a little bit.
02:05:01 I don't think Nick said anything.
02:05:03 He just.
02:05:05 You just said like I'm Nick.
02:05:06 And then that was it.
02:05:09 So yeah.
02:05:14 Lord Jane Cobb, $50. Oh, that's.
02:05:19 I don't have any kind of animation I.
02:05:21 Can play.
02:05:25 What do I have?
02:05:25 Do I have anything in here?
02:05:27 Oh, this is kind of base.
02:05:28 This shows you how long ago this was.
02:05:31 Yeah, it's a.
02:05:33 It's a picture.
02:05:33 That's how old timey.
02:05:34 We're doing it today.
02:05:36 It's that George.
02:05:38 It's that George Floyd mural that got.
02:05:40 Struck by lightning.
02:05:45 Remember that that's what you get in place of a *** **** money animation.
02:05:53 Based ****** him.
02:05:55 ****** him.
02:05:56 I think I don't.
02:05:57 Have I don't have my.
Speaker 15
02:06:00 My my time's awful song.
02:06:03 Uh, video any of those matter?
02:06:07 But thank you very much.
02:06:08 I really appreciate that.
02:06:09 That's very, very Christmassy of you.
02:06:14 And I'm sure I can get lots of.
02:06:16 Velveeta for classified cat with that 50 bucks.
02:06:22 Mighty Mouse thoughts on the little drummer boy, even though the directors are Jews, at least it had the nativity saying.
02:06:32 Here's a 50 or here's 3 fitting.
02:06:35 The little drummer boy is that a is there a movie?
02:06:38 I know the song.
02:06:41 I don't know.
02:06:41 That's a movie.
02:06:42 Let me see.
Speaker 31
02:06:51 Mildred boy.
02:06:56 Oh, it's one.
02:06:57 Of those ******* claymation ones, I remember that, OK?
Speaker 15
02:07:03 Who made it?
Speaker 21
02:07:13 OK.
02:07:21 Well, the song was put together by Catherine.
02:07:25 Kennicott Davis.
02:07:31 She was not Jewish.
Speaker 21
02:07:35 I don't think.
02:07:45 No, she was not Jewish.
Speaker 28
02:07:49 UM.
Speaker 15
02:07:51 And then the.
02:07:56 Let's see here that animation.
02:08:01 IMDb I guess because.
02:08:04 Wikipedia is not helping out here 1968.
Speaker 21
02:08:16 And I was directed by.
02:08:20 Joules. Bass.
02:08:24 I don't know who that is.
02:08:25 Jules bass.
02:08:34 Jules bass.
02:08:40 Early life doesn't mention that he's Jewish.
02:08:45 But he is from New York.
02:08:48 And then Arthur Rankin, which?
Speaker 21
02:08:50 I'm almost positive as a Jew.
02:08:53 And then some Japanese name Tikai Nakamura.
02:09:02 Yeah, I don't.
02:09:02 I haven't seen the actual thing since.
02:09:04 Maybe maybe when I was a kid, I saw it, maybe.
Speaker 15
02:09:08 UM.
02:09:11 But it wasn't directed by a Jew.
02:09:14 Who were the writers?
02:09:15 The writer was Romeo Mueller, so.
02:09:21 Romeo Mueller.
02:09:28 Is probably Irish.
02:09:34 And he's also from the Bronx.
Speaker 21
02:09:41 Yeah, I don't.
02:09:42 I don't think he.
02:09:43 Was just a.
02:09:45 An Irish kid from the Bronx.
Speaker 20
02:09:52 Yeah. So I.
02:09:53 Don't know, it might not be that bad.
02:09:55 But I I don't think I've.
02:09:56 I don't.
02:09:57 I don't.
02:09:57 I may have never have seen it.
02:09:59 And if I have seen, it's been a really long time.
02:10:02 Dan Bigfoot Tim Poole literally said we have some.
02:10:05 We have many Jewish employees.
02:10:07 Who go to.
02:10:08 Israel but Kanye has low impulse control because Nick was about to debate.
02:10:13 Yeah, yeah.
02:10:15 Nick was about to.
02:10:17 To I think lay down the the JQ and probably a meaningful way.
02:10:23 And then Kanye walked out like, right as he was doing about to.
02:10:26 Do it and then that was that.
02:10:31 That was that.
02:10:35 D12 I did not buy them any gift cards I got.
02:10:37 Them real gifts. Good job.
02:10:39 Talking about the the cousins that want the.
02:10:43 The In app purchase money.
02:10:46 Tennis nuts.
02:10:47 Tim called in Michael Malice the next night to double down on his stance.
02:10:53 I think that whole format is to talk any truth into total confusion.
02:10:57 Ye states a simple truth.
02:10:59 And Tim says there is no truth that proceeds.
02:11:03 And then proceeds to say, let's just throw a bunch of nonsense at it.
02:11:08 Well, he's look.
02:11:09 No, he's he's.
02:11:11 He's this.
02:11:12 He's the eternal libertarian centrist.
02:11:15 He's the the the. Let's make boomers feel totally OK with the way things are. Nothing's as bad as you think.
02:11:24 All sometimes talk a big game and act like, you know, civil war is coming and and Oh yeah, the trans kids are bad and you know all this other ****.
02:11:34 It's it's. It's basically meaningless. It's 2016, you know, anti woke talking points that got stale after even, you know, a couple months in 2016 and he just found a way to make a lot of ******* money doing that somehow.
02:11:54 And I think we all know how, because he stays away from real issues.
02:12:03 Look, that's how you make the real money.
02:12:06 I'm telling you as someone that, that.
02:12:10 That could have.
02:12:11 Sold out like that's how you make the.
02:12:12 Real money is you just.
Speaker 11
02:12:14 You know what?
Speaker 20
02:12:15 Not to talk about.
02:12:17 And so you don't talk about it.
02:12:18 You know what, not to talk about?
02:12:21 And you know how to steer, steer people away from actually finding any kind of you.
02:12:26 You, you cloud the waters.
02:12:28 You know, like that clip of Alex Jones and and Gavin McGinnis.
02:12:33 They both understand that Jew is not just a religion.
02:12:37 They both understand that Jew is an ethnicity.
02:12:41 They understand that.
02:12:42 But their job is to act like they don't.
02:12:47 And so they lie.
02:12:50 And same thing with Tim.
02:12:52 Tim understands that there's a lot of powerful Jews that run the media and that there's a lot of powerful Jews that run Hollywood, and there's a lot of powerful Jews that run many of the social media companies.
02:13:08 There's a lot of powerful Jews that advertise with them and and.
02:13:13 And fund him.
02:13:15 He knows all this.
02:13:17 Like I said.
02:13:18 He's stupid, but he's not that stupid.
02:13:21 So yeah, he's lying.
02:13:22 He's lying because.
02:13:24 He doesn't want.
02:13:27 The gold to dry him.
02:13:31 Mine comfort chair.
02:13:35 Speaking of Sam Bankman Fried or freed or whatever his wiki page has been a battlefield.
02:13:40 Look at the edit history.
02:13:42 His Jewish background has been deleted and re added.
02:13:44 Multiple times. That's pretty funny.
02:13:50 I believe it, though I had heard.
02:13:52 That they had, they had removed it.
02:13:56 What does it take to be?
02:13:57 A Wikipedia I I saw.
02:14:00 They they did some kind of video on a Wikipedia editor like he was like the top editor and he looked exactly like.
02:14:07 You'd expect him to look.
Speaker 21
02:14:08 Back I'm going.
02:14:09 To see if I can get that video.
02:14:13 Let me see it for I'm looking.
02:14:15 For just so you can see the kind of person.
02:14:24 Yeah, yeah, this is it.
02:14:37 Alright, I'm. I'm downloading it.
02:14:40 It's just, it's just everything you expect it to be.
02:14:43 It's just, you know.
02:14:46 Yeah, it's bad.
02:14:53 Oh, holy ****, I do have the how do?
02:14:55 I have the temp song on here.
Speaker 18
02:14:56 Oh ya ya ya.
02:14:58 I don't know.
02:14:59 Oh, it's because.
02:14:59 I had.
02:15:00 I had to use my laptop that day.
Speaker 18
02:15:04 Yo-yo, yo-yo, yo. I'll never be. I'll never be royalty ya, but that'd be nice, cause that'd be nice. Fantasy women's bathroom smells so nice. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
02:15:24 How about that?
02:15:26 Alright, so now I'm going to let's get this file downloaded.
02:15:41 OK, where is this at?
02:15:46 Here we go.
02:15:48 So this is the guy.
02:15:53 He's behind a.
02:15:54 3rd 1/3.
Speaker 15
02:15:57 Of what's?
02:15:58 On Wikipedia.
Speaker 41
02:16:01 This month, Wikipedia celebrated its 18th anniversary. The online encyclopedia now boasts more than 5.7 million articles in English.
02:16:11 And millions more translated onto into other languages, all written by online volunteers. One editor was named among Time Magazine's most influential people on the Internet, and Errol Barnett met up with him and joins us now to share what he found. Errol, good morning.
Speaker 44
02:16:30 Good morning.
02:16:31 Look, I came into this thinking who does this kind of thing? Right. Well, Stephen Pruett does. The Virginia native has made nearly 3 million edits on Wikipedia, written 35,000 original.
02:16:42 Articles this is.
02:16:43 Truly a mind boggling.
02:16:45 Feet. So it's earned him accolades and almost legendary status on the Internet as well. So I ventured out to find out what it takes to be #1.
Speaker 20
02:17:07 That guy.
Speaker 44
02:17:07 On the grounds that once believed.
02:17:09 Historic churches in Virginia. You're hearing a rendition of an ancient Georgian solo. It's a cherished song in Steven Pruitt's favorite place.
Speaker 43
02:17:18 Very simple.
02:17:19 It's only one word, which means many.
Speaker 44
02:17:21 His love of music and singing even inspired his Wikipedia user name.
02:17:26 Sir Monteiro de Nicolao is his favorite opera character.
02:17:30 It's under this pseudonym that Stephen helped reveal the untold story of poetic church.
Speaker 43
02:17:35 And two of the Vestrymen who worked to develop this location were George Mason and George Washington, 1st President of the country, great friend of the Fairfaxes.
02:17:38 Look, look how little he is.
02:17:47 Yeah, so it's, it's.
02:17:48 A little goombas like that.
02:17:55 1/3 of Wikipedia edits are.
02:17:56 Made by that ******* guy.
Speaker 20
02:18:00 It's not important that he's Jewish.
02:18:07 Alright, let's see here.
02:18:10 Damn Bigfoot World Cup and other sports ball games have been so faggotty civic nationalism, rooting for blacks on European teams.
02:18:19 Yeah, it's it's tough.
02:18:21 Look, sports balls already gay.
02:18:23 It's just gay.
02:18:24 If if you are.
02:18:32 By watching black millionaires throw a ball around and pat each other on the ***, you're fat.
02:18:39 You're a ****** with a with a black fetish.
02:18:44 You just simply are.
02:18:46 And and look these teams.
02:18:50 I like what I I could somewhat understand before.
02:18:54 Everything got all diverse.
02:18:56 Stuff like the Olympics.
Speaker 21
02:18:59 Even like world.
02:19:00 Cup type stuff like I don't.
02:19:01 I don't.
02:19:02 Again, I don't watch sports at all and I'm not.
02:19:06 Interested in it?
02:19:06 It's just it's boring to me.
02:19:09 It's like watching, like watching Rd.
02:19:11 workers, you know, repave a road like why would I why?
02:19:17 You know, like it might be interesting for like.
02:19:19 A little bit like.
02:19:20 Oh, that's so.
02:19:20 That's how they do that.
02:19:22 And then once you figure out how they did that, it would just be.
02:19:26 You're just watching Rd.
02:19:27 workers pave a Rd.
02:19:29 And that's just what sports seemed like like it's OK the first game you ever see is like, oh, that's like it's different.
02:19:35 And now you know.
02:19:36 Now I know how it's played.
02:19:37 It's not.
02:19:37 You know, there's no mystery to it.
02:19:40 And but at least it.
02:19:41 Made a little bit of sense.
02:19:43 In the context of the Olympics.
02:19:46 Because there really is like.
02:19:47 Oh, our citizens versus your citizens.
Speaker 20
02:19:50 Well, then, citizenship doesn't became meaningless.
02:19:54 Not just in America.
02:19:55 Throughout the entire W, citizenship is meaningless.
02:19:58 So now it's just.
02:20:01 You know, it's just random random people from.
02:20:05 In fact, there's probably a lot of instances where there's there's Africans, like, straight up Africans playing for like a.
02:20:13 European team or?
Speaker 15
02:20:14 Whatever against.
02:20:16 Another European team.
02:20:18 With full of Africans from the same country.
02:20:21 You know, and you look at the the American Olympians there, remember that that Black shot Potter woman.
02:20:31 Well, I use the term loosely with the woman.
02:20:36 Yeah, like.
02:20:38 Let me see if I can get actually.
02:20:39 Get a video of her.
Speaker 15
02:20:42 Let's see here.
Speaker 21
02:20:46 Shot put.
02:20:54 I can't find a good video anyway, there's just like this big, enormous black woman who was like twerking and ****.
02:21:01 And it's just like, come on.
02:21:02 Like, that's our representative for our, our our country.
Speaker 15
02:21:06 Yeah, it's totally meaningless.
02:21:10 ******** ****** for $1.00. Thank you for another awesome show, Dev.
02:21:14 Well, you know, I I was.
02:21:15 I know this.
02:21:16 Is a little little.
02:21:19 Little light on the content this time.
02:21:21 Just I can't.
02:21:23 You know, I was going to cancel and then I was like, no, don't cancel.
02:21:27 Don't cancel.
02:21:30 You got to keep.
02:21:30 It going I got.
02:21:32 I got to.
02:21:33 Keep it going through the holiday season.
02:21:36 But thanks for being there.
02:21:38 ******** ******.
02:21:39 I appreciate that.
02:21:41 Thin red line and.
02:21:42 $10 appreciate that. Thank you for all you do or thank you. Thank you for all you.
02:21:48 I think you left the duo.
02:21:49 Out, Devin.
02:21:51 Well, I appreciate that.
02:21:53 Unless you're just thanking, thanking me.
Speaker 15
02:21:54 For all of me.
02:21:57 Which yes, you can admire every bit of Maine.
02:22:04 No, I appreciate that.
02:22:07 Hadrian was right.
02:22:11 Are you doing?
02:22:13 Wait, are you doing?
02:22:14 I think you meant going to stream.
02:22:16 It's a wonderful life for Christmas again.
02:22:18 It's not a bad idea.
02:22:21 It's not a bad idea.
02:22:23 We could maybe do that.
02:22:27 Or maybe you find another one.
02:22:30 I actually thought about doing that tonight, not that.
Speaker 15
02:22:33 Movie but like.
02:22:33 Just. Hey, let's.
02:22:34 Watch a movie together just because I had nothing and it was.
02:22:37 I was.
Speaker 15
02:22:38 Going to be live in.
02:22:40 You know, a matter of minutes, so.
02:22:45 But yeah, maybe maybe I can think of a.
02:22:46 Different Christmas movie.
02:22:48 It's a wonderful life.
02:22:49 Could be good too though.
02:22:49 That could be a good tradition.
02:22:52 And he said Geo producer named Jerry Gross totally kicked the original Italian narration on Africa audio.
02:22:59 The Italians were ****** under different versions header.
02:23:03 What's that?
02:23:05 I'll take a look.
02:23:11 Uh, different versions?
02:23:17 Various cuts of the film have appeared over the years. The Italian and French versions were edited and were provided with narration by, you know, I guess the director, the American version with the explicitly shocking title Africa blood and Guts was released in 1970 by Jerry.
02:23:37 Grosses company Cinemation Industries and had 40 minutes cut out.
02:23:43 Oh, that's crazy.
02:23:45 Mainly traces of political context and was edited and translated without the approval of the director.
02:23:53 Indeed, the differences are such that the director had called the film A A betrayal of the original idea.
02:24:00 Notable differences are thus present between the Italian and English language versions in terms of the text and the film.
02:24:09 Many advocates of the film feel that it was unfairly maligned and the original intentions of the film makers, for example.
02:24:17 The subtitle translation of the opening crawl in the Italian, Italian version reads.
02:24:25 Uh, this is long.
02:24:25 I don't know if I want to read the whole thing.
02:24:34 Let's see here.
02:24:37 So in the Italian version it said.
02:24:40 The Africa of the Great Explorers, the huge land of hunting and adventure adored by entire generations of children, has disappeared forever to that age.
02:24:50 Old Africa swept away and destroyed by the tremendous speed of progress we have said farewell.
02:24:56 The devastation, the slaughter, the massacre.
02:24:58 Others which we assisted belong to a new Africa, one which, if it emerges from its ruins to be more modern, more rational, more functional, more conscious, will be unrecognizable.
02:25:11 What obviously never happened, on the other hand, the world is racing towards better times the new Africa.
02:25:21 Oh wait.
02:25:22 The New America rose from the ashes of a.
02:25:25 Few white men.
02:25:27 All the Redskins and bones of millions of Buffalo.
02:25:30 The new carved up Africa will rise again upon the tombs of a few white men.
02:25:37 Millions of black men, and upon the immense graveyards that were.
02:25:42 Once its game preserves the endeavor is so modern and recent that there is no room to discuss it at a moral level.
02:25:52 The purpose of this film is only to bid farewell to the old Africa that is dying and entrust to the history.
02:26:00 The documentation of its agony alright.
02:26:04 And then I guess then the American one, it says.
02:26:08 The old Africa has disappeared.
02:26:09 Untouched jungles, huge herds of game, high adventure, the happy hunting ground.
02:26:14 Those are the dreams of the past.
02:26:16 Today, there's a new Africa modern and ambitious the old Africa died amidst the massacres and devastation we filmed.
02:26:24 But revolutions, even for the better, are seldom pretty.
02:26:27 America was built over the bones of thousands.
Speaker 1
02:26:29 Of old blah.
02:26:31 The new Africa is that that part is the same with the.
02:26:37 Camera sees at films pitilessly without sympathy, without taking sides.
02:26:43 Judging is for you to do later.
02:26:45 This film only says well, I don't know why it's that.
02:26:47 I mean, it's not crazy different.
02:26:51 I'd be interested to know more about what the narration throughout the film, how that was different.
02:26:56 Especially the girls on trampolines part.
02:26:59 I wonder what how that was different in the Italian version.
Speaker 15
02:27:03 UM.
02:27:06 Retired ****** for one dollar thoughts on storm clouds.
02:27:09 Gathering coming out of hiatus.
02:27:12 Specifically to denounce.
02:27:15 And stir the ship, I think, and steer the ship away from Jewish power.
02:27:21 I find it funny how the dude has gone for months and shows up now with this topic.
02:27:27 He's done vids on NWO but won't acknowledge the Jew thing and denounces right wingers.
02:27:36 Storm clouds gathering.
02:27:38 I don't know.
02:27:39 I don't know what that is.
02:27:41 Let's storm clouds gathering.
Speaker 17
02:27:50 UM.
Speaker 21
02:28:01 I mean I.
Speaker 15
02:28:03 I don't. I I'm, I'm.
02:28:05 I don't even see it when I'm searching, I find a bunch of stuff, but I don't know which one you're talking about.
02:28:10 There's a YouTube channel.
02:28:13 Yeah, I don't know who this is.
Speaker 17
02:28:16 I don't know who that is.
02:28:20 OK. And we got Scipio.
02:28:24 Thank you for streaming the night, even when you had a good reason not to.
02:28:29 I really look forward to my Wednesday and Saturday evenings watching this dream.
02:28:33 Well, I look forward to it too, honestly.
02:28:38 And you know, like I said, the show must go on.
02:28:42 My only fear was my Internet went out today too for like an hour and I was like **** is, it is not coming back and I and I don't have.
02:28:50 A backup Internet right now.
02:28:52 So I was like, I wouldn't.
02:28:52 I won't even be able to tell you if it's still got, like, I'll have to drive way out of town.
02:28:57 Go use like, some free Wi-Fi somewhere and.
02:29:03 Just to post that I'm I'm not doing the the stream.
02:29:06 Yeah, everything just keeps ******* breaking.
Speaker 15
02:29:08 Out here it's it's.
02:29:09 Making me crazy.
Speaker 15
02:29:11 UM.
02:29:14 Yeah, thanks for being here.
02:29:16 Thin red line.
02:29:17 David, could you do a deep dive into Black Rock and Vanguard?
02:29:21 They seem to be our main enemies.
02:29:23 Or is it too much economic stuff?
02:29:27 I don't know.
02:29:27 I don't.
02:29:27 Know that it's not a bad idea.
02:29:30 But a lot of that stuff might be pretty complicated.
02:29:34 It wouldn't be just like a.
Speaker 15
02:29:35 Real quick thing to.
02:29:37 You know, I mean, like, it'd be something that would take a long time to unravel unless someone's already kind of.
02:29:42 Done a lot of the leg work and I can take a look at what they've done and.
02:29:49 Present it maybe in a in a more digestible way.
02:29:54 All right.
02:29:57 Well, that is all the Super chats.
02:29:59 Get a normal normal chat here.
02:30:04 Sorry guys, I'm starting to lose my.
02:30:06 Voice a little bit.
02:30:06 I'm probably going.
02:30:08 Going to duck on out.
02:30:13 I have this.
02:30:14 I you know it is.
02:30:15 I've just had this constant feeling like I'm going to be sick.
02:30:18 But you know what I mean.
02:30:20 You know the day before you wake up feeling really crappy.
02:30:24 I I felt like.
02:30:24 That for several days I like I.
02:30:28 Said that's what.
02:30:28 I think it's allergies, but like, I don't know why I would.
02:30:30 Have allergies that there's it's winter.
Speaker 5
02:30:34 So anyway.
02:30:40 Someone just said Elon is a ******.
02:30:42 Yeah, he he bent the knee to.
Speaker 15
02:30:45 Apple, I think, didn't he today.
02:30:51 UM.
02:30:54 Someone said FTN.
02:30:55 Did a deep dive of Black Rock.
02:30:57 Last year?
02:30:58 So there you go.
02:31:01 Who is behind the Supreme Court case on the election certification?
02:31:06 It depends on what I don't know which.
02:31:09 Which case you're talking about?
02:31:11 I know Arizona.
02:31:13 There's a royal county in Arizona that is refusing to certify the election results.
02:31:22 And so I'm.
02:31:26 I saw some headline saying that that might actually jeopardize a Republican seat in the house.
02:31:33 I don't know how, but that's.
02:31:37 That's what.
02:31:40 Uhm, the headline was saying, I just barely.
02:31:43 Breeze through it.
02:31:46 Did I see the Jordan Peterson stuff now?
02:31:48 I I, I mean, I know that he's been Captain Zionist for a while, but he's been really pushing, you know, Jews are awesome lately.
02:31:58 The memo went out.
02:31:59 The memo went out.
02:32:05 Alright anyway.
02:32:07 I'm gonna go and.
02:32:08 Duck on out of here, guys.
02:32:10 But before I do.
02:32:12 I think we have to listen to Black Santa rap one more time.
Speaker 16
02:32:24 The season was finished here.
02:32:30 909.
02:32:39 909 zero.
02:32:40 9-2 hours for both minutes $0.45 each additional minute.
02:32:55 Alright guys.
02:32:57 And with that.
02:32:59 For black pill, I am of course.
Speaker 5
02:33:03 Dear Evan stack.
Speaker 39
02:33:05 Kind of like.
Speaker 45
02:33:05 Fairview Polo Park is apologizing tonight for what it's calling a misguided and unfortunate prank involving its mall Santa Claus video and photos shared on social media today show Santa Claus being handcuffed by a pair of security guards.
02:33:21 In front of his display inside the mall.
02:33:24 In a statement, the mall is apologizing to guests, the community and families for the quote error in judgment.
02:33:31 It adds the arrest was made in jest by the center staff.
02:33:35 Winnipeg police are also taking to Twitter to calm concerns, saying officers did not attend Polo Park and Santa was not arrested.
02:33:44 City News has reached out for comment from the security company and we are waiting to hear back.