

00:00:00 Good morning.
00:01:13 Good afternoon.
00:01:14 Good evening.
00:01:15 Good night.
00:01:20 How are you doing?
00:01:22 How are you guys doing today?
00:01:26 We got a couple things to go over tonight.
00:01:30 And we might, if we've got time.
00:01:33 Take a look at some cheers episodes since.
00:01:35 Someone was telling.
00:01:37 How bass cheers was last stream.
00:01:43 Maybe not.
00:01:44 I didn't have time to, like, pick out any good ones, but I I did pick out one that the first one that came to mind.
00:01:49 The one that I mentioned.
Speaker 2
00:01:49 The last stream.
00:01:50 About there's actually multiple.
00:01:53 There's more than I thought at first the but the the episodes pushing tolerance for homosexuality in in the early 80s.
Speaker 3
00:02:02 On prime time.
00:02:03 Which would?
00:02:04 Yeah, that's pretty progressive, right?
00:02:08 And it's it's zoom out.
00:02:10 Of the graph it's you know.
00:02:11 The best thing about cheers is that it.
00:02:14 Went on for so long.
00:02:16 And so you can look at the first episode.
00:02:19 And then you.
00:02:20 Can look at the last episode 10 years later and see what changed and a lot changed in that 10 years.
00:02:28 You know the most notably the thing that I mentioned about.
00:02:30 How and maybe maybe that's what we'll.
00:02:32 Do. Maybe we'll.
00:02:32 Take a a very casual looking cheers.
00:02:37 But that's not.
00:02:38 That's not, that's not.
00:02:39 Really what I'm prepared to hop into tonight.
00:02:49 You know, I told people.
00:02:54 I told people that Tucker wasn't based.
00:02:57 And they told me I.
00:02:58 Was wrong, they said. Devon.
00:03:01 You gotta watch.
00:03:02 You gotta watch bass, Tucker.
00:03:06 Gotta watch bass.
00:03:07 Tucker, I'm telling you, he's.
00:03:09 He's going to name them.
00:03:12 He's going to name them.
00:03:15 He's going to talk about white replacement.
00:03:19 And I said that's impossible.
00:03:24 Certainly not base Tucker. No.
00:03:30 And they said no.
00:03:31 Devin, no, it's.
00:03:33 It's not just possible.
00:03:34 It's it's, it's, it's ******* happening.
00:03:36 It's it's happening.
00:03:39 And I said no.
00:03:41 It never happens.
00:03:43 Literally never happens. It's not.
00:03:47 It's not happening and they.
00:03:48 Said no, no, no.
00:03:49 Then this time it's happening.
00:03:53 And so.
00:03:56 I had to watch for myself.
00:04:00 I had to go and.
00:04:02 Watch base Tucker.
00:04:05 And see exactly what is it that I'm.
00:04:06 Missing out on.
00:04:10 Perhaps I need a TV daddy too?
00:04:14 Maybe base Tucker.
Speaker 4
00:04:17 Is finely red Pilling the normies?
00:04:25 And when I watched the clip, I realized I had to show this to my audience.
00:04:32 They had to see this.
00:04:37 The world had to be exposed.
00:04:41 To base Tucker.
00:04:45 So they could understand the perils of my people.
00:04:53 And so, without further ado.
00:04:55 I present to you.
Speaker 5
00:05:04 I'm laughing because this is one of about 10 stories.
00:05:06 That I know you've covered.
00:05:09 Where the government shows preference to people who have shown absolute contempt for our customs, our laws, our system itself, and they're being treated better than American citizens.
00:05:19 Now I know that the left, the left, the left, the left, the left.
00:05:27 And all little gatekeepers on Twitter become literally hysterical.
00:05:31 If you use the term replacement.
00:05:35 If you suggest that the Democratic Party is trying.
00:05:38 To replace the current.
00:05:40 Electorate, the voters now casting ballots with new people, more obedient voters from.
00:05:45 The third world.
00:05:46 But they become hysterical because that's.
00:05:47 That's what's happening actually, let's just say.
00:05:49 It that's true.
Speaker 6
00:05:51 If if look if this was.
Speaker 5
00:05:52 Happening in your house if you were.
Speaker 7
00:05:54 In 6th grade, for example, and.
Speaker 5
00:05:55 Without telling you your kid, your parents adopted a bunch of new siblings and gave them brand new bikes and let them stay up later and help them with their homework and gave them twice the allowance that they.
00:06:07 You. You.
00:06:08 Would say to your something should.
00:06:09 I think we're being replaced by.
00:06:11 Like kids that are parents love more and it'll.
00:06:14 Be kind of hard.
00:06:14 To argue against you, because look at the evidence.
00:06:18 So this matters on a bunch of different levels, but.
00:06:21 On the most basic.
00:06:21 Level it's the voting rights question.
00:06:23 It's a voting rights question.
00:06:25 It's a voting rights question.
Speaker 8
00:06:31 Doesn't look like it wants to do.
00:06:33 It does it.
Speaker 5
00:06:38 I mean, ever wants to make a racial issue out of it.
00:06:40 Uh, the you know.
00:06:40 White replacement.
00:06:41 No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:06:43 No, no, no.
00:06:45 It's a voting rights question.
00:06:52 Oh, the you know, white replacement.
00:06:53 No, no, no, the, you know, white replacement.
00:06:57 No, no, Boo the, you know, white replacement.
00:07:01 No, no.
00:07:02 This is a voting white, you know, white.
00:07:05 Replacement. No, no.
00:07:06 In a democracy?
00:07:08 We never want to make a racial.
00:07:10 Issue out of it, no.
00:07:12 You know white replace with it.
00:07:14 No, no.
00:07:14 The Democratic Party never wants to make a racial issue out of it.
00:07:18 Now the.
00:07:18 Left and all the.
00:07:19 Gatekeepers on Twitter and the Democratic Party.
Speaker 8
00:07:22 No, it doesn't look like it.
00:07:23 Wants to do it, does it?
00:07:30 Doesn't want to do it.
00:07:35 So there you go, there is.
00:07:38 There's bass, Tucker, everybody.
00:07:42 Base Tucker, ladies and gentlemen, naming them and telling people about white replacement.
00:07:53 Why don't you?
00:07:55 So here's the thing.
00:07:58 I, like I said I.
00:07:59 Didn't have to see.
Speaker 9
00:07:59 This ****, and yeah, there was another.
00:08:01 Clip and look, it's the same but.
00:08:02 It's the same ****, he.
Speaker 6
00:08:04 Does exactly what I said he would do.
00:08:07 He does exactly what I said he would do.
Speaker 4
00:08:10 No, no, there's no way.
Speaker 9
00:08:11 In placement, no, no, no.
00:08:15 We'll slow down there.
00:08:16 I don't.
00:08:17 I'm not antisemitic.
Speaker 6
00:08:21 Like how is it?
00:08:23 Why is it?
00:08:24 Why is it hard?
00:08:25 Why is it hard to figure this **** out?
Speaker 7
00:08:28 And I'll tell you why.
00:08:31 I'll tell you.
00:08:31 Why so last stream?
00:08:35 We talked about the office.
00:08:37 We talked about Michael Scott as as kind of like a icon of of, of white people in America.
00:08:46 You know, in that whole show.
Speaker 7
00:08:47 Sort of like.
00:08:48 If you if you strip away all the snark.
00:08:50 And the the smugness and and the.
00:08:54 The zoom INS onto the faces of the.
00:08:57 The disapproving glances of all the cool people as they stare at Michael Scott and send out social cues to deliver to the audience about how bad, how how you do?
00:09:10 You don't want to be like Michael Scott, he's he's whiteness.
00:09:13 Michael Scott is whiteness.
00:09:15 That's really what it is.
00:09:16 He's hyperbolic whiteness.
00:09:23 When it comes to.
00:09:24 The The the Tucker the Tucker question.
00:09:27 I found that there is.
00:09:29 A another episode that same season, I think.
Speaker 10
00:09:31 I think it's the same season.
00:09:33 That kind of demonstrates precisely.
00:09:37 How whites are reacting to Tucker?
00:09:41 So I'm going to use.
00:09:42 I'm going.
00:09:42 To use Michael Scott.
00:09:43 From the office, the American version.
00:09:47 To demonstrate.
00:09:50 Whiteness is.
00:09:55 Two that the Tucker question bass Tucker.
Speaker 10
00:10:00 Bass, Tucker.
00:10:01 Now I'm going to have to.
00:10:02 Set this up a little tiny bit so that you understand it.
00:10:05 You understand the context.
00:10:07 I think it'll be easy to understand the context once I explain a little bit, and you'll kind of, you know, and it's not going to be that hard to see.
00:10:13 Where I'm going with this because it is, I mean it's.
00:10:17 It just is.
00:10:18 It's just it, it's.
00:10:20 It just works, it just works.
00:10:23 I want to make sure they.
00:10:26 Let me see where that file went.
00:10:30 Oh, well, that's OK.
00:10:32 I don't.
00:10:32 Need to have I trimmed it to where.
00:10:36 I wanted it, but that's OK.
00:10:37 Well, I'll just.
Speaker 10
00:10:38 Pull up the.
Speaker 11
00:10:41 Here we go.
00:10:45 Oh, here it is alright.
Speaker 10
00:10:48 You're trustworthy and a woman.
Speaker 12
00:10:49 Thank you.
00:10:51 Back this up a little bit alright so.
00:10:54 The context of this next clip here.
00:10:57 And I'll bring up my disclaimer.
00:10:59 Here is Michael Scott, the loser character.
00:11:04 In the office, right?
00:11:06 The hyperbolic whiteness.
00:11:10 He has hooked up with his boss, who wants nothing to do with him.
00:11:14 Was drunk in a moment.
00:11:16 Of weakness.
00:11:17 She, you know, she she screwed the closest guy around.
00:11:23 After her divorce and she's been very clear.
00:11:28 That they are not in a.
00:11:30 Relationship that it was a big mistake.
00:11:33 And Michael Scott, because he desperately, desperately.
00:11:38 Wants love.
00:11:41 Reads all kinds.
00:11:42 Of things and everything she says that don't exist.
00:11:46 He's hearing what he wants to hear.
00:11:53 And I think.
00:11:54 Everyone watching this.
00:11:57 Men and women.
00:11:59 You will relate to this.
00:12:01 This uh.
00:12:02 Exchange here between Michael Scott and Pam because you've probably been one or the other character in your own personal life, talking to someone who's obsessed with another person who is out of touch with reality because they're blinded by their desire to be loved.
00:12:21 They're blinded by the irrational behavior that.
00:12:29 That that.
00:12:29 Comes as a result of desperation.
00:12:35 Because that's what this is.
00:12:37 When you see, people want to to believe that base Tucker.
00:12:43 Is their TV daddy that's going to.
00:12:45 Come help them and and.
00:12:46 You know what? Let's vote.
00:12:47 For Tucker Tucker, 2024.
00:12:50 It's the stench.
00:12:52 Of desperation.
00:12:56 That's what it is.
00:12:57 It's desperation.
00:13:01 Drowning in an ocean.
00:13:05 Thrashing about, grasping at anything.
00:13:09 That seems like it might.
00:13:12 Stop you from sinking to the bottom of the ******* ocean.
00:13:22 So I'm going to play this clip and like I said, I think you'll all be able to relate to it.
00:13:29 Let me plug my headphones in.
00:13:30 Actually, first, before we do that.
Speaker 7
00:13:35 You should have done that before.
00:13:36 I know, I know.
00:13:41 There we go.
00:13:45 I wish there was a I.
00:13:45 Wish there was a more conveniently located headphone Jack.
00:13:49 All right, here we go.
Speaker 13
00:13:52 Without further ado.
Speaker 10
00:13:55 You're trustworthy.
Speaker 12
00:13:56 Thank you.
Speaker 10
00:13:58 Is that audio working?
00:13:59 You look here.
Speaker 7
00:14:01 Woman and I want.
00:14:01 Oh no.
Speaker 10
00:14:03 You to listen to a voicemail from my boss.
Speaker 15
00:14:07 Michael, it's Jim.
00:14:09 I guess I missed you all.
00:14:10 I'll be there this afternoon for performance reviews.
00:14:14 I hope it's understood that that will be our only.
Speaker 14
00:14:16 Topic of discussion.
00:14:17 See you soon.
00:14:18 First impressions?
00:14:20 So that's.
00:14:22 That's basically that's.
00:14:23 That's the Tucker viewer watching Tucker.
00:14:26 Tucker tells you he says he.
00:14:28 Says it right out, right.
00:14:29 He spells it out, he says.
00:14:31 This is not.
00:14:32 A racial issue.
00:14:33 This is not a racial issue.
00:14:34 This is this is a voter issue.
00:14:36 He tells you.
00:14:38 About this white replacement Nazi ****.
00:14:41 He's telling you he's.
Speaker 6
00:14:42 Telling you you don't have.
00:14:43 To decipher like what?
00:14:44 Does he really mean he's he's just telling you?
00:14:48 You can just listen to what he's actually saying just like.
00:14:51 In this voicemail message.
00:14:54 What is she actually saying?
00:14:56 There's not.
00:14:57 There's not a there's not.
00:14:58 Like a hidden layer, a secret message.
00:15:01 I mean, that's quite hard ****.
00:15:04 That's Q hardship.
00:15:10 That's that's.
00:15:11 I don't like what I hear.
00:15:12 So I'm going to.
00:15:13 Invent some other weird thing that this really means, even though it obviously means what?
00:15:19 They say.
Speaker 12
00:15:23 Just off the top, I think she'll be.
00:15:26 Here this afternoon.
Speaker 10
00:15:27 My boss is coming in today.
00:15:29 The lovely Jane.
Speaker 7
00:15:30 Levinson from my.
00:15:32 All right, so again.
00:15:36 This is a Tucker viewer watching Tucker.
00:15:40 Desperately thrashing around.
00:15:44 Wanting to grab hold of something.
Speaker 15
00:15:49 Michael, it's Jim.
00:15:51 I guess I missed you.
00:15:52 I'll be there this afternoon for performance reviews.
00:15:55 I hope it's.
00:15:56 Understood that that will be our only.
Speaker 14
00:15:58 Topic of discussion.
00:15:59 See you soon.
Speaker 10
00:16:00 First impressions?
Speaker 12
00:16:04 Just off the top, I think she'll be here this afternoon.
Speaker 10
00:16:08 My boss is coming in.
Speaker 7
00:16:09 Today, the lovely Jan Levinson Gould well no Gould.
00:16:13 The Gould has been.
Speaker 10
00:16:14 Divorce the awkward part.
00:16:18 Is that this is the first time we'll.
00:16:20 Be seeing each other since.
Speaker 5
00:16:25 It was really nothing.
Speaker 10
00:16:26 We just sort of got caught up in the moment.
00:16:29 The vulnerable divorcee gives herself to the understanding with the rugged good looks office manager.
00:16:36 Just she didn't want it to.
00:16:38 Continue for some reason.
00:16:41 Hey, we both didn't.
00:16:42 I didn't want.
00:16:43 We both didn't want it to continue, was not professional.
00:16:48 When people say something's mutual, it never is.
00:16:51 But this was mutual.
Speaker 15
00:16:54 I guess I missed you.
Speaker 10
00:16:56 I guess I missed you.
00:16:59 So she misses me.
Speaker 3
00:17:01 She missed you.
00:17:04 And there you go. That's.
00:17:06 That's that's, that's the that's the Tucker viewer.
00:17:09 Well wait, but.
Speaker 8
00:17:10 What did he but?
Speaker 6
00:17:11 What he really meant was.
00:17:15 Or ignore that part that where he totally dismisses everything that.
00:17:19 I'm reading into.
00:17:19 It by saying that it has nothing.
00:17:21 To do with white replacement.
Speaker 16
00:17:23 They know that part because.
00:17:25 He has to say that, don't you know he he has to.
Speaker 17
00:17:27 Say that how do you stay?
Speaker 3
00:17:28 On Fox, if he.
00:17:34 You see what I'm saying?
00:17:35 Like, yes, yes, he does have to say that.
00:17:38 That's my ******* point, he.
00:17:39 Has to say that.
Speaker 9
00:17:42 Because that defuses the entire your entire argument.
Speaker 5
00:17:49 He's saying precisely, he's saying you're wrong.
00:17:53 He's saying no, it's not about.
00:17:55 White replacement.
00:17:57 It's about voting rights.
00:18:00 He's doing the same NEO con conservative cut stance on race, that's.
Speaker 2
00:18:07 Made them losers.
00:18:12 And has seated.
00:18:14 All the territory to your enemy for the last 50 years by not.
00:18:22 Addressing the issue head.
00:18:24 On whether it's at a cowardice, whether it's because.
00:18:28 He's controlled opposition.
00:18:30 Doesn't matter. Doesn't matter.
00:18:33 Doesn't matter.
00:18:34 The result is the same.
00:18:35 He doesn't have to be CIA.
Speaker 16
00:18:39 And even, oh, look, I'll even give.
00:18:40 You this, let's say let's say he is.
00:18:42 Secretly base Tucker.
00:18:47 And he's trying this strategy of like, well, I'll just, I'll just say the opposite.
00:18:51 Of what I mean and they'll get it.
00:18:58 It's not gonna work.
00:19:01 I'll just dog whistle enough and.
00:19:05 No, that doesn't work.
00:19:08 Because the boomers watching Fox News, the people that like I.
00:19:12 Said that they've.
00:19:13 They've played this game their whole lives.
00:19:15 That's why he has to say.
00:19:16 This they've avoided the racial issue their entire lives.
00:19:19 They've they've dodged it and and deflected.
00:19:22 And they've always looked for, well, it's gotta be something else.
00:19:25 It's gotta be economics.
00:19:26 It's gotta be culture.
00:19:27 It's gotta be this.
00:19:28 It's got to.
00:19:28 Be a voting issue.
00:19:36 You know, was it was it based?
00:19:39 Bush, when he was saying, oh, it's the lower.
00:19:42 It's it's the soft bigotry of lowered expectations.
00:19:48 Remember that.
00:19:50 Was that like, secretly?
00:19:52 Did he secretly?
00:19:52 Mean that there's lower expectations because there's lower capabilities and.
00:19:57 That's the core issue.
00:19:58 No, that's.
00:19:59 Not at all what it meant.
00:20:04 It meant we can.
00:20:06 Fix this.
00:20:07 We can fix this.
00:20:09 It's the left is the real racist.
00:20:13 They're racist because they're lowering their expectations for these people.
Speaker 2
00:20:17 And that's why.
00:20:17 They're performing at a lower rate not because of any actual difference.
00:20:25 And Tucker is basically saying he's using like the similar.
00:20:32 Evasion tactic.
00:20:34 We're just saying, look.
00:20:35 This isn't about race, no, certainly not.
00:20:39 It's about voting.
00:20:42 This affects black Americans, too.
00:20:50 This affects.
00:20:52 Asian Americans.
00:20:53 This affects Hispanic Americans.
00:20:55 It's about voting rights.
00:21:01 Well, why does it matter?
00:21:02 Like if if it's not about racial replacement, if it's not about race, why does it matter if they're replacing you?
00:21:12 Why does it matter?
00:21:14 Why would it matter if a multicultural, you know, voting population, an electorate, as he called it, an electorate?
00:21:23 Why would it matter if they got replaced by another multicultural electorate?
Speaker 4
00:21:28 Who cares?
00:21:36 Why would it matter?
00:21:36 It doesn't matter at all.
00:21:40 And that's like I said, that's the.
00:21:41 Same kind of.
00:21:42 **** and and.
00:21:44 When he goes after the ADL, same sort of thing, he he he has, he has to pat it up with all this he.
00:21:50 Has to butter it up.
00:21:52 Poor, poor.
00:21:54 He has to mash up.
00:21:59 The the sugar cube.
00:22:02 And mix it in.
00:22:06 So you can't taste the poison.
00:22:12 You know, it's funny.
00:22:13 It's not so much.
00:22:13 It's not a dog.
00:22:14 Whistle. It's a siren song.
00:22:19 He's not.
00:22:20 He's not secretly signaling to people.
00:22:22 He's he's trying to soothe you.
00:22:29 He's deflating the balloon.
00:22:31 He blows it.
00:22:31 Up a little bit.
00:22:32 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:22:34 Get let's get the.
00:22:35 Anticipation going.
00:22:36 Now he's he's tied.
00:22:37 Now he's speaking my language.
00:22:41 And then right at the end, he lets.
00:22:42 All the air out.
00:22:53 There's the old switch room.
00:22:54 Look over here.
00:22:55 Look over here.
00:22:58 It's a.
00:22:59 Voting rights issue.
00:23:06 I guess I missed you.
Speaker 17
00:23:08 I guess I missed you.
Speaker 10
00:23:11 But then she goes on to say that will be our only.
00:23:14 Lack of discussion.
00:23:15 That doesn't mean anything.
Speaker 11
00:23:16 Those are just words.
00:23:17 See that doesn't mean anything.
Speaker 7
00:23:19 What? What, what?
00:23:20 What he says that when he says that.
00:23:24 Has nothing to do with racism.
00:23:26 That's just words.
00:23:27 That doesn't mean anything that yeah, that's.
00:23:29 I'm gonna ignore that part that just.
Speaker 12
00:23:33 I have one idea of what.
00:23:34 It means.
Speaker 10
00:23:35 OK. Yeah. What what?
Speaker 12
00:23:36 Well, I don't think you're going.
00:23:37 To be very happy with this.
Speaker 7
00:23:38 All right, all right.
00:23:41 Well now.
00:23:42 See, now we're going to get into.
00:23:45 Not as many people call this **** out.
00:23:47 As I do.
00:23:50 See in this scenario that we're using as.
00:23:53 A little bit of a a metaphoric guide.
00:23:58 Pam is is is seen.
00:24:01 Michael Scott character, her boss for her performance review.
00:24:05 Right?
00:24:06 So he calls her in for the performance review, shows her the the the Tucker clip.
00:24:13 And says, well, what do you think this means?
00:24:16 And she says well.
00:24:18 I don't think it's gonna be that great.
00:24:20 I think going to like it.
00:24:21 I don't.
00:24:21 Think you're gonna like it?
00:24:24 And then she sees he's in a bad mood and he's going to maybe stop, stop the payments to Patreon.
00:24:31 You know he's going to maybe stop sending super chats and she's like, oh ****.
Speaker 10
00:24:36 I'm in a terrible mood.
00:24:39 Let's do your performance review.
Speaker 12
00:24:41 Because she's conflicted.
Speaker 4
00:24:43 There you go.
00:24:50 Oh, you're going to you're going to stop?
00:24:52 I mean, you mean you like white pills more.
00:24:54 Uh, it's, yes.
00:24:55 You're right, there is a secret meaning behind this.
Speaker 6
00:24:59 You're right, those were.
Speaker 7
00:25:00 Just words when?
00:25:01 He dismissed your argument that on on national television, in front of millions of people, that that was just words.
00:25:07 That was just words.
00:25:09 There is he is secretly saying everything that you.
Speaker 5
00:25:12 Think he's saying?
Speaker 6
00:25:18 Would you like to buy some?
00:25:21 Some pillows and some gold.
00:25:25 Send me a super chat please.
Speaker 12
00:25:27 She has to be professional, but she's fighting feelings for you.
Speaker 10
00:25:33 That's great news that that.
00:25:37 And now and now the white people are happy.
00:25:40 Like, oh, good.
00:25:41 Oh good.
00:25:42 Knew I knew it.
00:25:42 I knew we could count on TV.
00:25:44 Daddy Tucker.
00:25:47 Thank God we have him.
00:25:49 On our side, I was starting to.
00:25:52 Get a little.
00:25:53 I was.
00:25:53 I was getting a little black pilled.
Speaker 14
00:25:55 I was getting a little worried.
Speaker 10
00:25:57 But now Tucker's saying it's OK.
Speaker 13
00:26:01 We got a.
00:26:02 So you're saying there's a chance?
00:26:10 So you're saying there's?
00:26:11 A chance?
00:26:20 You know someone in chat said.
00:26:21 And then and then.
00:26:22 Tucker does his serious look face exactly.
Speaker 10
00:26:26 Why would why would I not like that?
Speaker 12
00:26:28 Just because you work together and it might be awkward.
Speaker 10
00:26:34 All right, let's listen to that again.
Speaker 15
00:26:36 Michael, it's Jan.
00:26:38 I guess I missed you.
Speaker 13
00:26:40 08.
00:26:42 So there you go.
00:26:44 There you go.
00:26:49 And by the way.
00:26:50 That's that's this, this kind of thing.
00:26:52 Like this episode is other **** going on a.
00:26:54 But like that, that thing goes on.
00:26:56 You know one.
00:26:57 By one he he calls different people into his office.
00:27:01 And they tell him.
00:27:02 What he wants to hear, because that's just easier, it's socially easier.
00:27:06 To tell people what they want to.
Speaker 10
00:27:09 Hear. Let's see.
Speaker 13
00:27:17 Sometimes women signal on their pauses, and then they.
00:27:20 Say in their words, really.
00:27:22 Oh yes, to it again.
00:27:24 And this time, really listen to the pauses.
00:27:28 Stanley, that's freaking brilliant.
00:27:29 How do you know that?
00:27:30 Did you burn that on the street?
00:27:33 Ohh it's OK, I did learn it on the streets.
00:27:36 I'm a ghetto in fact.
00:27:39 No kidding.
Speaker 11
00:27:41 It's all about my bonus.
00:27:43 It's all about the Super chats.
00:27:52 And look, you know.
00:27:55 I don't think.
00:27:56 I don't think everyone that that believes in base, Tucker, is is nefarious.
00:27:59 Or not like that?
00:28:00 I I've got I've.
00:28:00 Got friends that that believe in the the base Tucker myth.
00:28:04 That's fine.
00:28:05 I'm just trying to say like.
00:28:06 Look, you can't.
00:28:08 You just can't.
00:28:09 You can't just ignore the things that you don't like when.
00:28:12 They he's saying it.
00:28:14 He's saying it.
00:28:17 There's not like a secret.
Speaker 2
00:28:19 Like I'm not the one that's trying to.
Speaker 9
00:28:22 To interpret the.
Speaker 2
00:28:23 Pauses in his words and and trying to interpret, you know, like his his, his body language.
00:28:31 I'm not like.
Speaker 13
00:28:31 That, that, that.
00:28:32 Body language lady like Ohh well, you can tell by the shifting of his eyes and how he's looking over here and how his hand.
00:28:37 Does this that.
00:28:39 No, I'm not doing that.
00:28:41 I'm saying look what he's saying, he's saying this.
Speaker 2
00:28:49 He's saying it like with with his.
00:28:52 Own words I'm.
00:28:53 Not having to, you know, divine anything.
Speaker 5
00:28:59 I'm laughing because this is one of about 10.
00:29:01 Stories that I know you've covered.
00:29:04 Where the government shows preference to people who have shown absolute contempt for our customs, our laws, our system itself, and they're being treated better than American citizens.
00:29:14 Now I know that the left, the left, the left, the left, the left.
00:29:23 And all the little gatekeepers on Twitter become literally hysterical.
00:29:26 If you use the term replacement.
00:29:31 If you suggest that the Democratic Party is trying.
00:29:34 To replace the current.
00:29:36 Electorate, the voters now casting ballots with new people, more obedient voters from the Third World.
00:29:41 But they become hysterical because that's that's what's happening actually.
00:29:44 Let's just say it.
00:29:45 That's true if if.
00:29:47 Look, if this was happening.
00:29:48 In your house, if you were in 6th grade.
00:29:50 For example, without telling you.
00:29:52 Your kid.
00:29:52 Your parents adopted a bunch of new siblings.
00:29:55 And gave them brand new bikes and let them stay up later and help them with their homework and gave them twice the allowance that they gave you.
00:30:04 You would say to your somebody should, I think we're being replaced like like kids.
00:30:07 Their parents love more and it'd be kind of hard to argue against you because look at the evidence.
00:30:13 So this matters.
00:30:15 A bunch of different levels, but on the most basic level is some voting rights question.
00:30:19 It's a voting rights question.
00:30:20 It's a voting rights question.
Speaker 8
00:30:27 It don't look like it wants to do it, does it?
Speaker 5
00:30:33 I mean, ever wants to make a racial issue out of it.
00:30:35 Uh, the, you know, white replacement.
00:30:37 No, no, no.
00:30:38 No, no, no, no.
00:30:38 No, no, no.
Speaker 5
00:30:40 It's a voting rights question.
00:30:48 You know white replacement, no?
00:30:51 Ohh the you know white replacement.
Speaker 8
00:30:53 No, no, no.
Speaker 5
00:30:56 You know, wait for a place to break.
00:30:57 No, no.
00:30:58 This is a voting white, you know, white replacement.
00:31:01 If you're not in a democracy ever wants to make a racial issue out of it.
00:31:06 No, no.
Speaker 5
00:31:08 You know white replacement.
00:31:09 Here, no, no.
00:31:10 The Democratic Party never wants to make a racial issue out of it let out.
00:31:14 The raft and all the.
00:31:15 The keepers on Twitter, the Democratic Party.
Speaker 8
00:31:18 Don't look like it wants to do it, does it?
Speaker 5
00:31:20 No, no.
Speaker 8
00:31:26 Doesn't want to do it.
Speaker 5
00:31:28 The left.
00:31:34 So there you go.
00:31:35 I mean, you don't, you don't have to.
00:31:38 You don't have to play.
00:31:41 Reading the tea leaves or.
00:31:45 Or trying to read his mind.
00:31:47 You know psychologize him right.
00:31:48 Like he's just saying it.
00:31:53 He's just saying it.
00:31:54 He and he, and he'll always just say it.
Speaker 11
00:31:59 Well, he has to say it to.
00:32:00 Keep his job well then.
00:32:01 He's what's his job then?
00:32:05 What's his job?
00:32:09 No, don't you understand?
00:32:10 Sometimes you.
00:32:11 Have to lie to tell the truth.
00:32:14 That's so.
Speaker 9
00:32:16 That's so deep.
00:32:23 I remember that that that, that part of the Bible, right, Christian nationalist, the part.
00:32:30 Where it says.
00:32:32 And then Jesus said sometimes you have to lie.
00:32:39 Sometimes you have to trick people.
00:32:50 And look honestly pragmatically.
00:32:56 If I thought if I thought.
00:33:01 That that Tucker could engage in some kind of.
00:33:03 40 chess trickery.
00:33:06 To move the.
00:33:07 Football or something like that.
00:33:08 I mean, look.
00:33:10 I'm someone that likes honesty 100%. I think that's the best.
00:33:15 But you know whatever.
00:33:18 But that's not what he's he's he's dismissing your argument.
00:33:21 He's head on telling people no, don't, don't go down this road.
00:33:27 See this remember last stream but this before.
00:33:29 I even washing this stuff.
00:33:30 I told you guys like what he's going to do.
00:33:33 Is he's going to like the the fat comedian that goes on stage, has to acknowledge I'm.
00:33:38 A fat guy.
00:33:40 Like pretty quick, because if he doesn't, the crowd's just like, who's this fat ****? Why should I, like socially? I'm. I'm above this guy, you know? Like this guy isn't someone that I should be.
00:33:53 Listening to and taking seriously or anything like that.
00:33:57 And but by acknowledging.
00:34:00 The elephant in the room, no pun intended.
00:34:03 The fat comedian relieves that that stress.
00:34:10 And gets on the good side of the audience.
00:34:13 And then can start to deliver its his.
00:34:15 Jokes and whatever, right?
00:34:17 It's the same.
00:34:18 That's exactly what Tucker is doing.
00:34:22 It's it's, it's an.
00:34:23 It's an elephant in the room.
00:34:25 It's obvious.
00:34:26 It's not.
00:34:27 You can't.
00:34:29 You think they were just going to, like, never address it?
00:34:31 You think the mainstream white people on on television, we're never going to mention like, oh, yeah, it's kind of weird how we're not even like the majority in the country anymore.
00:34:41 Do you think that like they, they were just going to keep going and and forever and then like one day and just?
00:34:46 Like never acknowledging it.
Speaker 4
00:34:50 Of course not.
Speaker 5
00:34:51 Why? We won't know why.
00:34:54 Because then your credibility is gone, right?
00:34:58 You have to at least acknowledge the obvious.
00:34:59 The thing that everyone can see the, the the giant fat guy on the stage with the the spotlight on him, you have to.
00:35:06 Acknowledge that ****.
00:35:10 Because if you don't, the audience will.
00:35:14 And then you've lost control of them.
00:35:26 So that's what he's.
00:35:27 Doing it's like I said, it doesn't and and.
00:35:29 I'm not like having.
00:35:29 To like figure out some kind.
00:35:31 Of you know, the Davinci code **** to to know.
00:35:37 To know that like he's saying it.
00:35:40 He's telling you.
00:35:42 Don't believe this right wing theory.
00:35:46 Here is this acceptable thing.
00:36:00 Here's this acceptable way.
00:36:02 Of talking about it, you know this.
00:36:04 Acceptable way white people have been talking about this since forever, and it's been working so great, hasn't it?
00:36:10 It's been working great, like not talking about race ever.
00:36:14 Right?
00:36:14 That's been that's been a good strategy so far.
00:36:21 It's been real helpful, I don't like.
00:36:24 Every level, right?
00:36:33 So anyway I.
00:36:34 I just I.
00:36:35 Saw that and.
00:36:38 I I wanted to make a visual representation of what my mind the the the images of that.
Speaker 5
00:36:43 That that come up that appear in my mind when.
00:36:46 I watch stuff like that.
00:36:48 And hopefully the balloon video.
00:36:52 Did that for you, hopefully that.
00:36:55 That painted the picture.
00:36:56 We'll watch it one.
00:36:57 Last time and.
00:36:58 Then we'll move on.
Speaker 5
00:37:00 I'm laughing because this is one of about.
00:37:02 Ten stories that I know you've covered.
00:37:05 Where the government shows preference to people who have shown absolute contempt for our customs, our laws, our system itself, and they're being treated better than American citizens.
00:37:15 Now I know that the left, the left, the left, the left, the left.
00:37:23 And all little gatekeepers on Twitter become literally hysterical.
00:37:27 If you use the term replacement.
00:37:32 Suggest that the Democratic Party is trying.
00:37:34 To replace the current.
00:37:36 Electorate, the voters now casting ballots with new people more obedient.
00:37:41 Voters from the third world.
00:37:42 But they become hysterical because that's.
00:37:44 That's what's happening actually.
00:37:45 Let's just say it.
00:37:46 That's true if if.
00:37:48 Look, if this was happening.
00:37:49 In your house, if you were in 6th grade.
00:37:51 For example, and without telling you.
00:37:52 Your kid.
00:37:53 Your parents adopted a bunch of new siblings.
00:37:56 And gave them brand new bikes and let them stay up later and help them with their homework and gave them twice the allowance that they gave you.
00:38:04 You would say to your somebody should, I think we're being replaced like like.
00:38:08 Kids, their parents love more.
00:38:10 And it'd be kind of hard to argue against.
00:38:12 You because look at the evidence.
00:38:14 So this matters.
00:38:16 On a bunch of different levels, but on the most basic level it's a voting rights question.
00:38:20 It's a voting rights question.
00:38:21 It's a voting rights question.
Speaker 8
00:38:28 It don't look like it wants to do it, does it?
Speaker 5
00:38:34 I mean, ever wants to make a racial issue out of it.
00:38:36 Uh, the, you know, white replacement.
00:38:38 No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:38:41 It's a voting rights question.
00:38:48 You know white replacement?
00:38:50 No, no.
00:38:52 Ohh the you know white replacement this no no.
00:38:56 Oh, the you know, white replacement here.
00:38:58 No, no, this is a voting white.
Speaker 7
00:39:01 You know white.
Speaker 5
00:39:01 Replacement. No, no.
00:39:03 In a democracy?
00:39:05 They never wants to make a racial issue out of.
00:39:07 That no, no.
00:39:09 You know white replacement.
00:39:10 No, no.
00:39:12 Who wants to make a racial issue out of it?
00:39:14 Let it out the laughs.
00:39:15 Told him he prefers on.
00:39:16 Twitter to the Democratic Party.
Speaker 8
00:39:18 Don't look like it wants to do.
00:39:20 It does it.
00:39:27 Doesn't want to do it.
00:39:29 Doesn't want to do it.
00:39:32 Doesn't want to go there.
00:39:35 Doesn't want to actually address the problem.
00:39:41 Avoiding the issue is always the best policy.
00:39:47 When you have a, when you have a.
00:39:49 A society in decline.
00:39:52 Who much of their their problems come from the fact that that they're escape artists when it comes to facing tough issues?
00:40:02 You know they they escape into comic books or comic book movies or video games.
00:40:07 Or something but.
00:40:08 You know they'll they'll.
00:40:09 Never actually face the real problem.
00:40:12 They'll never say.
00:40:13 Yeah, you know what?
00:40:14 I'm going to get some **** for this, but.
00:40:18 Here's the problem.
00:40:23 And just like those employees, when they get called into the office to get their evaluations done.
00:40:30 They're not gonna.
00:40:31 They don't want to people and.
00:40:32 That's not even necessarily like I just used the example of.
00:40:36 Of you know the the the people.
00:40:39 People promoting Tucker and and their audiences, that dynamic, it's not even that it's it's even just like just day-to-day it's it's you and your friends, you know people that your friend that thinks base Tucker is base Tucker.
00:40:53 And it's like, yeah, you don't.
00:40:54 Really want to.
00:40:56 Sure. OK.
00:40:59 People would rather just you.
00:41:01 Know they're just, it's not worth it.
00:41:03 Just whatever.
00:41:05 And I get it that temptation exists.
00:41:08 That temptation exists for me.
00:41:10 Sometimes it's tough.
Speaker 2
00:41:12 I mean just so.
00:41:14 My my parents actually my parents.
00:41:18 Were cruising through town recently.
00:41:22 And they came and stopped by at the bunker.
00:41:25 They'd never seen it before.
00:41:27 They actually liked it, they thought.
Speaker 11
00:41:28 It was quite quite based.
00:41:31 And but they're, you know, look, they're they're still, I mean they're they're baby boomers.
00:41:37 And they're uncomfortable about race stuff.
00:41:42 I thought to myself, you know, this is just a it's a, it's.
00:41:45 A family visit.
00:41:47 It's a family visit.
00:41:51 I'm gonna.
00:41:52 I'm gonna just let's just talk about family stuff.
00:41:55 Let's not insert politics into it or whatever, but.
00:41:59 You know, you you can't.
00:42:01 You you.
00:42:02 You can't do that forever.
00:42:05 And so when it came up in conversation.
00:42:10 I didn't.
00:42:10 I didn't reel it in.
00:42:12 And I.
00:42:15 I said exactly.
00:42:16 The kinds of things I'm telling you guys.
00:42:18 Right now.
00:42:22 And if you want a white pill.
00:42:27 They were more receptive.
00:42:30 To the idea that there are biological differences between populations that are very real and have very real impacts, and that the these populations that are coming into our country are creating very real problems that are very easily.
00:42:53 And they were more receptive than I ever would have imagined.
00:42:56 And the biggest white pill was my dad knew about 13, does 50, and he's not that political.
Speaker 11
00:43:03 Of a guy.
00:43:11 So the 13 does fifty thing it has permeated.
00:43:17 Out there and reached a lot of.
00:43:18 People, I think.
00:43:22 But yeah it it's.
00:43:23 It's tough, it's tough to have those kinds of conversations because you want them to live in their fantasy because they're happier, they're happier in their fantasy.
Speaker 4
00:43:34 But you become the.
00:43:35 Enabler at that point.
00:43:38 Well, I just, I just want to get along.
00:43:39 I don't wanna.
00:43:40 I don't want to rock the boat.
00:43:41 I don't want to have any problems in my family.
00:43:43 Life it's not worth it.
00:43:44 It's not worth it.
00:43:50 What are you really?
00:43:51 Saying what's not worth it.
00:43:55 That's really that when it comes down to.
00:43:56 It that's the.
00:43:57 Problem it's.
00:43:59 You're losing your culture because you don't think it's worth it.
00:44:02 You're losing your country.
00:44:02 Because you don't think it's worth fighting for.
00:44:05 It's it's not.
00:44:06 Even worth like maybe an argument or losing a friend or something.
00:44:10 You are so addicted to comfort at that level.
00:44:15 That you're not.
00:44:16 It's like I was saying that the the people that I mean, it's it's bad enough that you can't get you really can't you can't get a group of people to go outside Netflix and you know protest something like the the pedo shows they've got and that's one thing but it's you can't even get people to.
00:44:34 Stop paying for it.
00:44:39 You can't even get.
00:44:40 People to just not give Netflix money.
00:44:47 Because they're addicted to it, it's kind of like you ever see those, those people that get the tricky onomy because they, they've got the, you know, the the they smoked and got throat cancer or something like that.
00:44:59 And they got the little ******* hole in their neck.
00:45:04 Because they can't.
00:45:06 That's how they have to breathe now.
00:45:08 You ever see those people and they're smoking a cigarette through that ******* hole.
00:45:20 That's what that's that's America.
00:45:23 That's white Americans, by and large.
00:45:27 It's probably not.
00:45:27 You it's not.
00:45:28 There's a lot of people listening to where that doesn't describe you, obviously you.
00:45:31 See it like I do.
00:45:33 But those that the vast majority of of white Americans out there, they're that ******* ******* smoking a cigarette through the hole in their neck.
00:45:43 With the little robot voice going.
00:45:45 I love Barbara lights.
00:45:52 Like you, it's like you still can't get.
00:45:54 Him to stop.
00:45:55 It's like they know.
00:45:55 It's they obviously know it's bad now, right?
00:45:58 They got a *******.
00:45:58 Hole in their neck.
00:46:00 And they're like, whatever, I'm still alive.
00:46:07 That's all it really matters right at this point, they're just staying alive, doesn't.
00:46:11 That's all they really care about.
00:46:12 They just don't want to die.
00:46:13 That's the only thing they really fear.
00:46:16 Which is why, like I said, you.
00:46:17 Need the persecution narrative?
00:46:19 Because that's.
00:46:20 You need the.
00:46:20 Threat of death.
00:46:22 Really, that's that's why wars work.
00:46:27 Because nothing motivates like the threat of death.
00:46:41 And so that's that's that's what it takes, that's.
00:46:44 What it takes it has.
00:46:45 To get to the point where like.
00:46:47 You will actually die and even then.
00:46:49 Some people will, just not.
00:46:50 You they still don't care like.
00:46:51 There's the, the, the, the.
00:46:54 The guy who's smoking the cigarette.
00:46:56 The hole in his neck.
00:46:58 You know, they if they if he's.
00:47:00 On life support.
00:47:04 You know, there's a machine breathing for him.
00:47:09 And they're telling them, dude.
00:47:12 Stop putting ******* cigarettes into the breathing machine.
00:47:15 You're going to literally die like any second if you keep doing that.
00:47:19 Some of them are still going to light up.
Speaker 9
00:47:21 You know.
00:47:23 That's just you can't.
00:47:24 What are you gonna do?
00:47:37 On a side note.
00:47:42 Probably more.
00:47:44 Creepier than than anything else, the.
00:47:48 Let me see here the the creepiest thing about this video is the fact that.
00:47:54 I was able to find footage of this.
00:47:59 The fact that something like this existed.
00:48:04 For me to put Tucker's ******* face on.
00:48:12 My God.
00:48:12 See, that's that's just as much as a as a a symbol of where we are in society.
00:48:20 The raw footage.
00:48:22 That I used to.
00:48:24 It's actually even creepier than you think.
00:48:26 Me see if.
00:48:26 I have it here.
00:48:32 Ohh God I when I found I was.
00:48:34 Like oh I.
00:48:36 Why does this?
00:48:37 Why does this exist?
00:48:40 But like I said it it's like.
00:48:42 This is so.
00:48:43 This is why This is why we're dying.
00:48:45 This is where we're dying off as.
00:48:47 A people, huh?
00:48:53 Where is it at?
00:48:54 Let me find it here.
00:48:56 It's it's.
00:48:56 It's a little shot.
00:48:57 It's not.
00:48:58 That, I mean, you've seen it, it's not.
00:48:59 That shocking, it's.
00:48:59 Just like just one of.
00:49:01 Those things, though, you're like, why?
00:49:06 I mean it's.
00:49:07 Not it's, I guess it's.
00:49:09 On par with this?
00:49:11 So this is the.
00:49:22 So this is the the.
00:49:23 Australian Navy the Royal Australian Navy.
00:49:28 Commissioning, commissioning a new ship.
00:49:32 This is how they decided to do.
00:49:33 It this is diversity.
00:49:35 You know now.
00:49:36 That white primacy is gone not just in America, but in Australia.
00:49:41 This is the new culture.
00:49:43 This is the new dominant culture.
Speaker 4
00:49:49 You don't make the rules anymore.
Speaker 9
00:49:54 You don't pick.
00:49:55 The rules anymore.
00:49:59 So anyway.
00:50:02 The balloon guy is still a little more disturbing that.
00:50:04 Where to go? I can't.
00:50:06 Find him.
00:50:07 You know, I know.
00:50:08 How to find it?
00:50:09 Here it is.
00:50:14 Here it is.
00:50:17 Like why? Why?
00:50:18 Is this why is there this video like?
00:50:23 Why? Why? Why?
00:50:26 And this is the whole video, it's.
00:50:27 It's a guy.
00:50:29 It's just a guide.
00:50:31 ******* and deflating big balloons with a mask on in front of an American flag.
00:50:37 And I guess it works like if this is, if this is some kind of performance art on some.
00:50:42 Level it works.
00:50:48 There you go.
00:50:51 That's that's America.
00:50:55 That's America.
00:50:58 Wish I could play some some patriotic music.
00:51:01 In the background.
00:51:07 So there you go.
00:51:08 There you go.
00:51:12 Oh, that's horrifying. All right.
Speaker 4
00:51:19 That's where we are.
00:51:20 That's where we are.
00:51:21 Welcome to the West.
00:51:25 Welcome to the West.
00:51:29 So it's been like a long, long, slow bleed.
00:51:34 Out of the culture, this stuff didn't happen overnight.
00:51:37 And it's not going to be fixed overnight.
00:51:40 The the optimism of of some people.
00:51:46 Look, I mean, I I don't know on some levels I kind of want it's it's the same.
00:51:50 It's like what we.
00:51:50 What we've been.
00:51:51 Talking about, you know, it's not worth it.
00:51:53 It's not.
00:51:53 Worth it to burst.
00:51:54 Their little bubble or their pop their balloon, I guess.
00:51:58 But it is worth it, it is worth.
00:51:59 It when I go around black Pilling.
00:52:02 People don't black pill people.
00:52:05 I'm not doing it because I want.
00:52:06 Ohh, that's bad for.
00:52:08 Morale I want.
00:52:08 People that. No, no, no.
00:52:11 You can't. You can't.
00:52:13 Face you can't fix a problem.
00:52:14 If you're not willing to admit that it exists.
Speaker 4
00:52:20 It's all it's like.
00:52:21 You know, I mean, look, that's the it's.
00:52:23 Like a cliche, right?
00:52:24 With Alcoholics and stuff like that?
00:52:26 The first step is admitting.
00:52:27 You have a problem, but it's true.
00:52:33 If you're not able to say ****.
00:52:36 We we're fought.
00:52:40 You're not going to have that threat of death.
00:52:42 I've been talking about.
00:52:43 You're not.
00:52:43 Going to feel.
00:52:44 Like, there's that gun to your head.
00:52:45 You're going.
00:52:46 No, it's fine it sounds.
00:52:46 Like tucker's? Got it taken care of.
00:52:54 We're good.
00:53:04 Now you have to understand the problem.
00:53:07 You have to understand the problem and you have to understand where Tucker is coming from, too.
00:53:11 Like I said, just just again, this is not me trying to like.
00:53:16 Read his mind or whatever you.
00:53:17 Just have to like there's.
00:53:19 Just facts.
00:53:19 He's a rich kid.
00:53:21 And by rich, I mean like really rich.
00:53:25 And his name is Tucker for.
00:53:26 ***** sake, I.
00:53:27 Mean can you think of a?
00:53:29 More rich kid name than Tucker.
00:53:37 But he's a rich kid and.
00:53:38 He's told you he.
Speaker 6
00:53:39 Said he wrote a whole book.
00:53:43 Hear about how.
00:53:44 His fear is his great fear in life.
00:53:48 Is they're going to come after the rich people because the.
00:53:50 Rich people are are are being bad stewards.
00:53:54 Being bad stewards of the country.
00:53:57 They've they've ****** things up to.
00:54:00 A degree that the natives are becoming restless.
00:54:08 And that if they don't do something, if they don't throw the natives a bone or something, they're they're there's going to be pitchforks outside their castles.
00:54:19 He says this.
00:54:20 This isn't this isn't.
00:54:21 Like me trying to figure.
00:54:23 Out what his secret strategy is?
00:54:25 He says this.
00:54:33 I'm going to have to find.
00:54:36 There's a clip of he he was on the.
00:54:42 What's that guy's name? Adam Corolla. He was on the Adam Corolla show.
00:54:47 As a guest talking about his book.
00:54:51 And he's and like he said, precisely what I'm saying.
00:54:54 Like, he said exactly that, that look, you know.
Speaker 4
00:54:57 The pitchforks going.
00:54:58 To come out pretty soon, these people are.
00:55:01 They're they're ******* off the plebs.
00:55:06 I'll have to hunt down that clip and there's, like, he did a whole book tour and and said similar things, so it's not.
00:55:11 That's just the clip.
00:55:12 I remember off the top of my head.
00:55:15 But I'll hunt it down.
00:55:17 And play it for you because and look like I said it.
00:55:20 I'm not.
00:55:22 Tucker doesn't have to be CIA.
00:55:24 Tucker doesn't even have to be like.
00:55:26 Evil or bad or something like that.
00:55:29 You just got to know he's not.
00:55:30 He's not one of he's.
00:55:31 Not one of us.
00:55:37 Just you can't be what you can't be.
00:55:42 Rich kid, Tucker and.
00:55:43 Be one of us.
00:55:44 He just can't.
00:55:46 Anymore than you can be one of him.
00:55:50 You think if.
00:55:51 You showed up to one of Tucker.
00:55:53 'S parties where Hunter Biden was hanging out there.
00:55:56 With them.
00:55:58 You know, they they were friends.
00:56:05 If you do, you think?
00:56:05 If you showed up to like one of his.
00:56:07 Dinner parties, they would think that you were one of them.
Speaker 6
00:56:11 Then why the **** do?
00:56:13 You think he's one of you?
00:56:27 I mean, come on, this isn't.
00:56:30 This isn't ******* rocket science ****.
00:56:32 It's not.
00:56:33 It's not hard to.
00:56:34 Figure out.
Speaker 9
00:56:37 All right.
00:56:42 Let's take a look at the cheers episode now.
00:56:46 This one I'm kind of.
00:56:47 I'm kind of shooting.
00:56:48 From the hip because to make my little funny Tucker video that yes, obviously I'm very proud of because I played it three times, right I am.
00:56:56 Proud of it, by the way.
00:56:59 It turned out the way I wanted it.
00:57:01 To in a way.
00:57:03 It took a little longer than I wanted to.
00:57:04 Like it took like a couple hours.
00:57:06 Not a couple hours, no, I.
00:57:07 Guess if you.
00:57:08 If you add together my slow Internet, having to try to.
00:57:10 Download the source videos and all that stuff I guess.
00:57:14 And so like, you know, it took a little bit longer than than I was expecting it to because I just kept going with it.
00:57:20 I was like, oh, this is hilarious and I.
00:57:21 Found the weird balloon guy and I had so.
00:57:24 I had to do something with that.
00:57:26 Anyway, so the the cheers that I was going to trim up and.
00:57:30 I was going to.
00:57:31 Try to like have the clips all ready.
00:57:34 To go.
00:57:35 But you know what?
00:57:36 **** it.
00:57:36 Just let's watch.
00:57:38 I know, I know the episode.
00:57:40 I watched it last night in preparation, and so I know roughly.
00:57:46 And like I said, there's more than one.
00:57:48 There's more than this episode.
00:57:49 This is like.
00:57:50 The episode of.
00:57:52 You gotta understand.
00:57:53 The weight, and maybe we'll maybe we'll maybe.
00:57:55 We'll let's let's let's let's just dive right.
00:57:57 Into it, and then I'll explain as we go.
00:58:01 So let me find that one.
00:58:16 Pretty sure this is it.
00:58:25 Pop this up here.
00:58:29 OK.
00:58:34 I need to turn the audio back on.
Speaker 2
00:58:38 And now remember what I was.
00:58:38 Talking about with the canned laughter.
00:58:41 And the applause signs.
00:58:44 In the the role that that.
00:58:47 Plays when you're watching something as as a remote audience at home.
00:58:52 There is a reason why when they had a live studio, like why would it matter, right?
00:58:57 Having a live studio audience?
00:58:59 Why does that matter?
00:58:59 Like, why would you announce that?
00:59:01 You know, here's here's that's.
00:59:02 The first thing they.
Speaker 9
00:59:03 Announce cheers this film before a live studio audience.
00:59:07 Why mention that?
00:59:08 Why does why?
00:59:09 Like really.
00:59:10 Why would that matter, really?
00:59:12 And the Cosby Show did that.
00:59:13 A bunch of shows would do that.
00:59:15 I mean, if they, if they, you know, if they shot in front of a live audience, they would tell you why.
00:59:20 Why did that?
00:59:20 Why would that matter?
00:59:22 I mean.
00:59:23 Imagine this to give you.
00:59:24 An example of what you.
00:59:25 Know why I want you.
00:59:26 To think about this, imagine that you are.
Speaker 16
00:59:31 You're reading a book.
00:59:33 And at the.
00:59:33 Top of every chapter, the author writes.
00:59:37 You know this.
00:59:38 This chapter was written in my bathtub.
00:59:42 OK, well, who cares?
00:59:44 Like that's irrelevant.
00:59:45 That doesn't really make any sense like that.
00:59:48 Doesn't doesn't alter anything about what I'm about to watch.
00:59:50 You know where where it was made.
Speaker 16
00:59:54 Right.
00:59:56 So why tell me?
00:59:57 It's because it does.
00:59:58 Psychologically, it does matter to you.
00:59:59 It matters to you that when you hear.
01:00:01 That laughter, you know.
01:00:02 Ohh this.
01:00:03 Is real people really laughing?
01:00:09 So it increases the social pressure.
01:00:13 For you to laugh.
01:00:14 Because you you feel, you feel less manipulated.
01:00:19 Because if you think it's recorded laughter, you know it's artificial.
01:00:22 And you know that that.
01:00:23 Like on some level, even if you're like a dumb person, you know on.
01:00:26 Some level it's it's engineered, right?
01:00:31 But if they tell.
01:00:32 Oh, no.
01:00:32 This is all natural.
01:00:33 This is, you know, the response that you hear to this ****.
01:00:37 This is all natural it it builds up more pressure for you to respond to that group that you're hearing cause you think, oh, it's this is genuine, this is a genuine social response.
01:00:51 To the the what I'm watching.
Speaker 11
01:00:54 That's that's.
01:00:55 So that's why.
01:00:55 They do it.
Speaker 6
01:00:58 OK, closing.
01:00:59 Alright, so this is irrelevant.
01:01:00 Let me click here.
01:01:06 That's the guy from night court.
01:01:08 I forgot about that show.
01:01:11 And that guy?
01:01:17 Alright so.
01:01:20 The thing about cheers.
01:01:24 And you know, we'll maybe.
01:01:25 We'll do a deep dive a little bit later.
01:01:29 But the thing about cheers is they in the same way that the.
01:01:34 The office has, well, I guess, every show they have different characters that represent different demographics, that different demographics are supposed to relate to in order to be fed the propaganda.
01:01:47 So in cheers, you've got Norm, you've got, you know, he's the the big fat, unemployed, lazy.
01:01:54 Funny guy, right?
01:01:57 And so you've got and because this is.
01:01:58 These are representing the.
01:01:59 Kinds of people that would be regulars at a bar because cheers in many ways is supposed to replace that actual community experience of going.
01:02:09 To a bar where the.
01:02:10 A community bar where everyone actually knows your name and not like a song is playing, telling you that.
01:02:17 That everyone knows your name.
01:02:18 You you think the guy who plays Norm knows your name.
01:02:22 You think Ted Danson knows your name?
01:02:24 You think Ken Levine and David Isaacs?
01:02:28 Knows your name.
Speaker 10
01:02:29 Of course not.
01:02:32 But that song is to set it.
01:02:33 Up now you're part of this.
01:02:34 You're part of this.
01:02:35 You're part of the gang.
01:02:38 So Norm represents like the the lazy drunks, just the lazy, funny drunks.
01:02:46 And then you've got Cliff Clavin.
01:02:49 Cliff Clavin is the postal worker.
01:02:53 He's the government worker.
01:02:54 That's kind of a going he's going nowhere with his life.
01:02:58 You know, he lives with his mom.
01:03:01 He has kind of a dead end job, he's really into stupid, pointless trivia ****.
01:03:11 So he's just.
01:03:11 Like he's the he's the underachiever, the next level.
01:03:14 Up, I guess from the full on unemployed guy, right?
01:03:20 And then you have Sam Malone.
01:03:22 Sam Malone is the alpha of the group.
01:03:27 He's the one that they all look up to and they, you know, they openly state that throughout the show.
01:03:31 Oh, Sammy.
01:03:32 Oh, Sam.
01:03:36 So it's really important when he thinks he's the alpha.
01:03:42 He's the head of the hierarchy.
01:03:45 At Cheers, he's the top dog.
01:03:48 Now it's funny because they changed him from.
01:03:50 Yeah, they they demote him as the show moves on, he loses his power in the in his place in the hierarchy and and and is replaced by a woman, a strong independent woman.
01:04:02 Who's educated?
01:04:06 And of course, if that show is made today be replaced by a black trans, you know, disabled.
01:04:19 But in the.
01:04:19 90s This was, you know, he he was.
01:04:22 He had to be transformed into.
01:04:23 A 90s man, he had to go from being this womanizer in the 80s because I think the first season was.
01:04:30 82.
01:04:33 And this is this is from the first season, just so you know this is season one, this is.
01:04:36 This is from 1982.
01:04:40 And season one, episode 16.
01:04:49 They're laying. I've noticed this.
01:04:51 With a lot of these shows too, by the way, because a.
01:04:53 Lot of these shows to get.
01:04:55 Green lately?
01:04:55 It's hard enough to get your pilot and then to get you know, your first season.
01:05:00 I've noticed that a lot of these shows will.
01:05:04 They'll basically make it clear whether where they where they stand politically the first or second season.
01:05:11 And I think it's to signal to the higher ups at the and in this case I think it was in it was an NBC I think it was at whatever does matter at the network.
01:05:23 That they're that they're ready to play ball.
01:05:25 It's a way that the the riders can say, look, we can effectively deliver leftist propaganda.
01:05:31 We've we've demonstrated it in all these different episodes, right?
01:05:36 Because, well, almost without.
01:05:37 I've noticed that when I've looked at these shows the first couple seasons seem to have very canned storylines that just like, just like this one.
01:05:49 Or it's really kind of predictable.
01:05:51 It's obvious what they're doing.
01:05:55 So let's carry on here.
Speaker 3
01:06:09 I'm sorry mate, but.
01:06:10 Where do you?
01:06:11 Hear what I've been doing this afternoon I spent.
01:06:17 Now this is also this character.
01:06:20 Here she exists for a.
01:06:22 Number of reasons.
01:06:23 This is Diane Chambers.
01:06:25 Diane Chambers is like the the I I think she's got a PhD or she was a graduate student or so.
01:06:31 But anyway she's she's the high class over educated.
01:06:37 Feminist, right?
01:06:38 She's the Super leftist woman.
Speaker 9
01:06:44 You got to.
01:06:44 Remember, if you're trying to get the average Joe in America, you know Joe 6 pack as they call him.
01:06:54 To adopt this woman's ideas.
01:06:59 Without without real without realizing it because they're already they.
01:07:03 They find her ideas abhorrent.
01:07:05 They they hate.
01:07:07 She's like the 180.
01:07:09 Degrees out of phase from.
01:07:10 Joe 6 pack, right?
01:07:13 So again, just like the fat comedian has to acknowledge.
01:07:16 I'm a fat guy on the stage with.
01:07:17 The spotlight on me.
01:07:20 They have to ridicule her for all of the things that the working class people.
01:07:26 Would do it, or would would do.
01:07:28 They they they have to.
01:07:29 Beat the audience to the joke.
01:07:33 They have to make the joke themselves before the audience does it, therefore diffusing the tension and then the audience thinking, Oh no, they're cool.
01:07:42 They're cool because they.
01:07:43 Made fun of.
01:07:44 Her the same way I would have.
01:07:46 But then invariably you end up adopting her ideas.
01:07:50 By the end of this episode, even though she's like this.
01:07:53 You know this? Uh.
01:07:56 Very condescending.
01:07:58 Difficult to be around with her progressive ideas that they're just they just, they're repulsive to you as as a, as a a blue collar average.
01:08:09 You know Joe 6 pack guy and you don't see her as your superior anyway, and yet you make.
01:08:15 One of her, and she's like, obviously.
01:08:18 Just this hoity toity *****.
01:08:22 By the end of it.
01:08:25 They still adopt her ideas.
Speaker 3
01:08:29 Five entire hours in a sensory deprivation.
01:08:33 Your rooms.
01:08:36 I'm telling you, it was incredible.
01:08:38 Never have I felt more aware and sensitive to what's going.
01:08:41 On around me.
Speaker 11
01:08:42 Excuse me.
Speaker 3
01:08:42 It's it's me, you see.
Speaker 6
01:08:44 The whole idea.
01:08:46 See look at her, she.
01:08:48 She she's so self self absorbed.
01:08:51 She doesn't understand the world around her.
01:08:53 But again, the real message of this episode will be that.
01:08:57 The people, the blue collar people and the bar are the ones that really don't understand the people around them.
Speaker 3
01:09:04 But there's a a total lack of sensory input.
01:09:09 What the Hell's going on here?
Speaker 16
01:09:11 That's the book promotion party.
Speaker 3
01:09:13 How could that be in a place?
01:09:14 Where no one can read.
Speaker 16
01:09:18 My old roommate Tom Kenderson wrote his own autobiography and I'm in it.
Speaker 8
01:09:26 So this is.
Speaker 3
01:09:26 A press conference to.
01:09:27 Announce the arrival of yet another.
01:09:29 Thick headed jock. Epic.
01:09:32 Well, there must be confetti all over the Library of Congress, huh?
Speaker 16
01:09:36 For your information.
01:09:37 This one happens to be different.
01:09:39 It's got a lot of good stuff there.
01:09:41 Well, I haven't read it.
01:09:43 Actually, no.
Speaker 3
01:09:46 Didn't want to wear out your lips?
Speaker 16
01:09:50 I was supposed to read it last night but.
01:09:52 Uh, an emergency came up.
Speaker 8
01:09:54 What was your name? Sure.
Speaker 16
01:09:56 But that's not the point.
01:09:57 That's not the point.
Speaker 4
01:09:59 The point is that that.
Speaker 5
01:10:00 Tom spoke.
Speaker 8
01:10:01 Should be really.
Speaker 16
01:10:02 Exciting due to the.
01:10:03 The times we.
Speaker 15
01:10:04 Had together see.
Speaker 16
01:10:04 It's about us and.
01:10:05 How we handle the pressures of baseball?
Speaker 4
01:10:07 Oh yes.
Speaker 16
01:10:08 I mean, a lot of guys handle it differently.
01:10:09 Some guys turn to the bottle, some guys chase chicks, and Tom and I couldn't make up.
01:10:14 Our minds so.
Speaker 3
01:10:15 You did.
Speaker 4
01:10:15 Both. OK well let.
Speaker 3
01:10:20 Me. Speed. Read this sucker.
01:10:24 And then we can talk.
Speaker 16
01:10:27 How long is that gonna take?
Speaker 3
01:10:30 I'm on chapter 4.
Speaker 6
01:10:33 I I always love that kid Tommy.
01:10:35 I mean, just a riot, he.
01:10:38 Was always pulling something there, right?
01:10:40 Like what?
01:10:41 You he put my toothbrush in.
01:10:42 A pair of.
01:10:44 He'd leave dead animals in my lock.
01:10:47 One time with a bunch of guys help me down shave.
01:10:49 My whole body? No.
01:10:51 Coach, you just let him do that to you.
01:10:53 No, no, no.
01:10:55 What I did was he was trying to cram me in one of these clothes dryers.
01:10:58 One day I pulled his socks right.
Speaker 7
01:11:00 Over his spikes.
Speaker 9
01:11:02 Good luck.
Speaker 6
01:11:04 Guys, what a loft they've got, I.
01:11:06 Could see them through that little window.
01:11:07 You know, they were laughing.
Speaker 11
01:11:10 They made it.
01:11:16 Hey, what I wanted.
Speaker 17
01:11:17 To do how?
01:11:17 About this.
Speaker 16
01:11:19 Ohh yeah, I'm sorry.
01:11:21 Carla Tortelli Tom kenderson.
Speaker 11
01:11:24 Nice to meet you.
Speaker 18
01:11:31 And a couple of quotes from.
Speaker 11
01:11:34 Thank you, Carla.
Speaker 7
01:11:43 Sale get a chance.
Speaker 11
01:11:44 To read my book last night.
Speaker 16
01:11:46 No, no, I didn't, Tommy.
01:11:48 I'm sorry.
01:11:49 I really wish you.
Speaker 11
01:11:50 Had did you?
Speaker 16
01:11:51 Put in that flight Kansas City.
01:11:53 When we jumped in the garment bag with those two stewardesses.
Speaker 11
01:11:56 Yeah, that's there, but they're.
Speaker 16
01:11:57 Then I'll die happy.
01:11:58 I'm fine.
01:11:59 Listen, no, let's get you.
01:11:59 Famous here, alright.
Speaker 6
01:12:00 I don't think so.
Speaker 11
01:12:02 Coming good to see you.
01:12:04 How you doing?
Speaker 6
01:12:05 That's great.
01:12:07 You remember the time you you put the analgesic bomb in my junk?
01:12:11 Yeah, I think of you every time I get the edge.
Speaker 4
01:12:14 Well, if you remember filter right.
Speaker 3
01:12:18 Would you mind?
01:12:19 If we begin.
01:12:25 Before we start here, Sam Malone, come up.
01:12:30 I'm sure you.
Speaker 11
01:12:31 All remember Sam Malone?
01:12:32 And if you don't Chapter 7.
Speaker 9
01:12:34 Through 9.
Speaker 16
01:12:35 No, no.
01:12:35 I'm a businessman now.
01:12:36 I keep my clothes on most of the.
01:12:38 Time so.
01:12:41 Real close.
01:12:42 Three years.
01:12:43 We did everything together.
01:12:44 Mean no one ever saw.
Speaker 3
01:12:45 Us apart.
01:12:46 Wow, Sam.
01:12:47 It must have been quite a shock to you when Tom wrote about coming out.
Speaker 5
01:12:50 Of the closet.
01:12:53 Ohh, you mean a?
Speaker 16
01:12:55 You mean a Detroit when?
01:12:57 When I.
01:12:57 Was with the waitress and he came out of.
01:12:59 The closet, and he's wearing a.
01:13:02 That's not.
01:13:02 That's not what you're talking.
01:13:03 About is it Yikes.
01:13:12 And there you go.
01:13:13 You see the the response.
01:13:16 From all of the blue collar.
01:13:22 Was negativity.
01:13:24 Oh ****.
01:13:25 He's a ***.
01:13:28 This is not good.
01:13:30 Even Sam Malone, this is like one of.
01:13:31 His best friends and he's.
Speaker 2
01:13:32 Like oh.
01:13:34 He's a fad, huh?
01:13:36 I didn't know.
01:13:36 That this is going to reflect poorly on me.
01:13:41 And the only one who seems to be.
01:13:45 Understanding and tolerant is Diane Chambers, the Progressive graduate student.
Speaker 16
01:13:56 Some kind of joke, Tom?
Speaker 11
01:13:58 Wanted you to read.
01:13:59 The book Sam.
01:14:01 It's still hard for me to tell people from.
Speaker 17
01:14:04 The old days, Sam, you were saying that you 2 used to do everything together.
Speaker 8
01:14:09 No, no, no, no, no.
Speaker 16
01:14:10 No, you you.
01:14:11 Misunderstood that, no.
01:14:13 As a matter of fact, people used to come up to me and say, hey, you.
01:14:15 Know you two are best friends, and yet you're completely different.
01:14:19 It's time.
Speaker 3
01:14:20 And there there's an emergency in the in the back room, I found holes.
01:14:27 In the pool table.
Speaker 16
01:14:29 Ohh yeah yeah you.
01:14:31 Excuse me.
01:14:32 Some chick wants to see me.
01:14:34 Can't get rid.
Speaker 5
01:14:34 Of them you guys.
01:14:35 Know how to.
01:14:39 See this the the the repulsion.
01:14:42 Was alive and well in 1982.
01:14:46 It it, it was socially acceptable, it was still easy to like these characters.
01:14:50 In fact, you're relating to these characters.
01:14:51 These characters exist specifically so that.
01:14:54 You do relate to them.
01:14:57 So they they have to meet you where you're at.
01:15:00 They have to meet you.
01:15:01 They have to.
01:15:03 Create a scenario that you could relate to, like how would you how would you respond if you were put in this?
01:15:11 Because let's face it, well, there are these little characters throughout the show that different demographics can relate to ultimately.
01:15:20 The narcissist and everyone wants to be Sam alone and in terms of men, and that's who they're really talking about or talking to on in this episode.
01:15:28 That's who they're communicating to.
01:15:30 As as straight guys who are weirded.
01:15:32 Out by gay people.
01:15:37 That's that's the problem that they're trying to solve is straight guys who are who are weirded out by gay people.
01:15:52 And so they show a situation like how would.
01:15:54 You respond if you found out.
01:15:55 That your good friend and.
01:15:57 And come out the closet.
01:15:58 In this book and and you you've you've invited.
01:16:03 Him to have his his.
01:16:04 Book party at your bar.
01:16:06 What does that say about your bar?
01:16:08 What does that say about?
01:16:09 You this is 1982.
01:16:11 There was still.
01:16:12 A little bit of a.
01:16:14 White Christian primacy going on?
01:16:17 Now of course this is supposed to be set in Massachusetts, and it wouldn't exactly be all that controversial in Massachusetts.
01:16:23 But this show wasn't just aired in Massachusetts.
Speaker 6
01:16:31 No, honey, you.
Speaker 4
01:16:32 Can't go in the backroom without me shut.
Speaker 18
01:16:34 Up saving some time saving so.
Speaker 16
01:16:41 If you've been getting.
01:16:41 Me out of.
Speaker 16
01:16:42 There, before I made a complete.
01:16:43 *** out of myself.
Speaker 3
01:16:44 I was fast but you.
Speaker 16
01:16:45 Were faster.
01:16:47 It wasn't my fault.
01:16:48 I mean, you should have.
01:16:49 Told me Sam.
Speaker 3
01:16:50 He told you to read the book?
01:16:53 Yeah, but he should have known that you'd be spending the evening with the woman who thinks Candide is a toenail Polish.
Speaker 16
01:17:01 I just can't believe it. When the guy was a hound, Diane, he had women everywhere. Well, we'd be on the road. We'd go into hotel lobbies, there'd be 3-4 women holding up kids.
Speaker 3
01:17:16 Covers that he covers that here.
01:17:18 He's here, here in this paragraph right here want.
01:17:20 Me to read it.
Speaker 16
01:17:20 No, I'll read it right there on the outside, my days in baseball seem glorious, but the greater my fear became of my true sexuality.
01:17:32 The more I compensated with typical Don Juan's promiscuity.
Speaker 3
01:17:37 Does that explain it?
Speaker 16
01:17:39 I don't know.
01:17:39 I've only read it once.
Speaker 3
01:17:45 He was denying who?
01:17:46 He was.
01:17:47 He's no longer doing that.
Speaker 16
01:17:51 I should have known.
01:17:53 Remember sitting in a piano bar with him, and he requested a show tune.
Speaker 3
01:18:04 Sam, I do understand why you're upset.
01:18:08 You're afraid that now people will think that you're.
Speaker 6
01:18:11 No, I'm not upset.
01:18:12 I'm not upset.
01:18:14 It's just that and guys should be guys, Diane.
01:18:20 And he's right.
01:18:21 Guys should be guys.
01:18:23 Is that too?
01:18:23 Much to ask.
Speaker 4
01:18:25 Because once you, once you've normalized.
01:18:28 Or or or I guess denormalized that if once.
01:18:30 You've erased that real basic standard in your.
01:18:33 Society that, yeah, guys should just be guys.
01:18:37 Look where it went. Look where it went 40 years later. Right? This is 1982. Forty years later. Look what? Look where it's gone. It's like.
01:18:48 If you just.
01:18:48 Maintain the last 40 years.
01:18:50 The simple.
01:18:51 Rule that guys should be guys.
01:18:53 How many problems would that have solved?
01:19:03 But they and like they knew that, right, they knew that they.
01:19:07 Knew they were essentially.
01:19:10 Think of it as as a lot of these things it's it's.
01:19:13 Like a car parked on a hill.
01:19:17 And if they just?
01:19:18 Released the emergency brake, which in this case was the idea that guys should be guys.
01:19:25 Then, slowly, the car will start to.
01:19:27 Roll down the hill.
01:19:29 And smash everything in its path.
01:19:32 So they had to turn off the emergency brake.
01:19:34 They had to do it.
Speaker 16
01:19:37 That's all.
Speaker 3
01:19:43 Look, your friend Tom's out there.
01:19:46 He needs your support now more than ever before.
01:19:50 He really hasn't changed.
01:19:53 He's still the same guy you used to take off balconies with.
01:19:56 See, it's all he's still the same.
01:20:02 Just wait till they have the Sitka and they will wait till they have the sitcom where.
01:20:05 They talk about how.
01:20:07 You know, I just found out my friends at Peto.
01:20:11 He's still the same guy.
01:20:13 He's still the same guy as he was yesterday.
01:20:15 He's the same guy that you used to play Fortnite with.
Speaker 6
01:20:21 He just likes.
01:20:22 To **** kids, it's not a big deal.
Speaker 16
01:20:31 The world is a lot simpler than you know.
Speaker 4
01:20:37 And notice that.
01:20:39 This is the other thing that is consistent.
01:20:43 Anytime that they would cast a character as gay in in one of these kinds of episodes where they're trying to show you like, oh, look, they're just like.
01:20:52 They never, ever, ever, ever, ever cast a guy who is whose behavior would lead you to believe that they're gay.
01:21:00 It's always like in this case, you know, very masculine, normal, conservatively dressed and behaving guy.
01:21:09 Right.
01:21:10 Look, they're just like us.
01:21:12 Nothing to fear.
01:21:15 There's no there's no gay accent, there's no physiognomy.
01:21:26 They're just like you.
01:21:27 What they do in the privacy of their own home, that's, you know, that's their business.
Speaker 17
01:21:31 They're not hurting.
01:21:32 They're the same guy that they.
01:21:34 Were before you.
01:21:34 Knew that.
Speaker 11
01:21:37 Say I'm sorry about all this.
01:21:39 So I thought you'd read the book and everything was cool.
01:21:42 Look, I don't want to cause you anymore problems.
01:21:43 I'm just going to take off, OK?
01:21:50 Damn it.
01:21:57 Thanks a lot, everybody.
01:21:58 It's nice talking to you all again.
Speaker 6
01:22:01 So long, Tommy.
Speaker 16
01:22:06 He's still a gin and tonic man.
01:22:13 I make them the way you.
01:22:14 Like them on the.
01:22:15 House coach.
01:22:18 Ohh he he sure has grown, hasn't he?
01:22:21 That's he's being the bigger man.
Speaker 11
01:22:28 Thanks a lot.
01:22:29 Sir. And listen.
Speaker 16
01:22:30 And we did a couple more shots, you guys.
01:22:32 Yeah, sure. You bet.
Speaker 11
01:22:35 I appreciate this so.
Speaker 16
01:22:36 We're just dumped me when I had a drinking problem.
01:22:40 Sure I did.
01:22:41 You would just.
Speaker 11
01:22:42 Passed up time.
Speaker 9
01:22:48 For me, pal, where?
01:22:49 Where these photos go on?
Speaker 11
01:22:51 Well, I don't know.
01:22:51 Mostly local papers.
Speaker 6
01:22:55 What's the matter?
Speaker 9
01:22:56 Same thing is.
01:22:57 Going to happen in two years, it happened.
01:22:58 At Vito's pub.
01:23:03 See and.
01:23:03 So now that they sold.
01:23:07 Now they sold you on the idea that the oh, look, the alpha, the alpha, he's cool, he's really cool and progressive and, you know, look how quickly he was able to get over the, you know, the the news and and embrace embrace.
01:23:20 Like it took.
01:23:20 Like it just, I mean, he got totally got over the whole thing in less than like a minute.
01:23:25 Like that was a very quick transformation.
Speaker 4
01:23:28 But yeah, most of.
01:23:29 The people, as much as they.
01:23:31 Might fancy themselves as Sam Malone most.
01:23:34 Of the people watching this show.
01:23:35 They're more of a norm.
01:23:36 They're more of a Cliff.
01:23:37 They're more of a what are they?
01:23:39 These other guys that I don't think?
01:23:40 You can get names are.
01:23:43 And so they're their wheels, the wheels and.
01:23:45 Their brains are still turning like law.
Speaker 16
01:23:48 So it's going to be.
01:23:48 Like a gay bar now.
01:23:51 You know, the gay community is going to see that.
01:23:55 How welcoming and accepting the owner of cheers is.
01:24:02 And look if you made that this episode now like the average person, like they wouldn't have any concerns about who.
01:24:08 Oh, it's got Turner Gay bar bar.
01:24:10 I like.
01:24:11 I like.
01:24:11 Drag Queens this.
01:24:12 Is going to be fun.
Speaker 18
01:24:24 Sam looks as terrific in black and white as he doesn't color Hannah.
01:24:29 Looking that Tom breaks my heart.
01:24:32 Hey everybody.
Speaker 9
01:24:37 Looking at your kisser.
01:24:38 In the morning right here, Sam.
Speaker 16
01:24:40 Yeah, I saw that.
Speaker 3
01:24:42 Every time I look at this, I feel.
01:24:44 So proud of you.
Speaker 4
01:24:46 And I'm kind of glad.
Speaker 16
01:24:47 I did that that.
Speaker 3
01:24:49 I think you are taking your own strides in your development as.
01:24:51 A human being.
Speaker 4
01:24:53 See little by little.
01:24:55 They are conforming to her leftist, elitist ideas.
01:25:00 Even though it makes fun of the entire time, the entire show, every episode, they're always putting her down and acting like she's crazy and all of her ideas are crazy and.
01:25:10 By the end of every.
01:25:11 Episode they've adopted her ideas.
Speaker 16
01:25:15 You know, a couple of other chicks said that to me today.
01:25:17 I think this human being image is going to give me more.
01:25:19 Action than cheap wine.
Speaker 3
01:25:23 Always the High Road.
Speaker 16
01:25:29 Norm, what was that you said yesterday when they?
01:25:32 Were taking pictures about.
01:25:34 Vito's pub.
Speaker 9
01:25:36 It's not. Don't worry, man.
Speaker 16
01:25:38 Talk to everyone.
01:25:41 I think it's best he hears it.
01:25:42 From us, go ahead and tell him the story.
Speaker 4
01:25:46 All right.
Speaker 16
01:25:48 Yeah, it's a gay bar.
Speaker 11
01:25:49 Right, good news.
Speaker 9
01:25:50 Didn't used to be.
Speaker 5
01:25:51 Used to be a great.
Speaker 9
01:25:52 Bar I hung out there myself.
Speaker 6
01:25:54 Wow, what a story.
01:25:55 You know.
Speaker 9
01:25:59 I'm not.
01:26:00 This morning, 19 veto. Let's a gay group hold a.
01:26:05 Meeting in the background.
01:26:06 Right.
01:26:07 Gays for the metric system.
01:26:11 Story got in.
01:26:12 The newspaper gets a lot of attention.
01:26:14 Next thing you know, Vito's Pub turns into Vito's pub.
01:26:21 All the regulars left Sammy out, went the oars and the moose heads in came plants and ferns.
01:26:29 Just don't want that to happen.
Speaker 16
01:26:33 Do that stuff.
01:26:34 Bars don't turn gay overnight.
Speaker 9
01:26:35 You don't have to believe me.
01:26:36 I have scientific.
01:26:38 Proof Cliff. It happened, see.
01:26:41 And think of this as also just a metaphor for the country.
01:26:44 That was a lot of concerns that people had about being accepting of, of gays just openly, right.
Speaker 14
01:26:52 Like a lot of.
01:26:53 People were OK like they it's.
01:26:54 Not like they were going.
01:26:55 Let's go hunt us some fagots like that wasn't going on.
01:26:59 And if they found out someone was gay?
01:27:01 It wasn't.
01:27:01 Like this huge thing, right?
01:27:05 They didn't want it.
01:27:06 To be accepted, though they didn't want.
01:27:07 It to be a welcoming.
01:27:10 Atmosphere for gays because just like he's discussing with this.
01:27:15 Bar they're like.
01:27:16 Oh yeah, this all this guy did, is he?
01:27:18 He was allowing them to their group to meet at the bar.
01:27:23 And next thing you know, they've they've essentially taken.
01:27:27 Over the bar.
01:27:28 Well, that's a metaphor for a society, too.
01:27:30 That's something that a lot of peer I think obviously at this point it's easy to say legitimately.
01:27:38 That if, hey, if we start becoming accepting of this lifestyle and we start allowing these groups to exist openly and it's not something that's frowned upon or whatever.
01:27:48 They're going to take over our bar.
01:27:55 They're going to replace our culture, they're going to replace the moose heads and the stuff.
01:28:00 That we like.
01:28:02 With with the ferns and and what you.
01:28:04 Know I don't get the Fern joke necessarily.
01:28:06 It must have been a, you know, an 80s thing or something, but.
01:28:10 You still get the idea.
01:28:16 Because that's what tolerance is, and he's talking about.
01:28:19 He's literally talking about.
01:28:20 The the contracting societal aids.
01:28:28 He's saying, look, what what happened at Vito's was Vito's got societal aids.
01:28:38 Ceased to have an immune system that would attack the outsider.
01:28:43 It got lazy.
01:28:45 And it allowed the infection to come in.
01:28:48 And what happens when you allow the infection to go untreated?
01:28:52 It spreads and takes over the body.
01:28:59 And so Norm is saying, you know.
01:29:02 I think what just happened with this article is the immune system of of cheers.
01:29:09 Of our community here.
01:29:13 May have been weakened.
01:29:16 By not having.
01:29:19 That active immune system attacking the outsiders.
01:29:23 That have entered into our realm.
Speaker 4
01:29:27 We have now we.
01:29:28 Have now left ourselves open to infection.
Speaker 3
01:29:40 Excuse me talking about them.
01:29:44 They're ogres.
01:29:46 The fact of the matter is, there are gay people in this bar.
01:29:48 All the time.
Speaker 9
01:29:50 No, wait, I haven't.
01:29:51 Seen a gay garden here in ages?
Speaker 3
01:29:55 So you can spot a gay person?
Speaker 13
01:29:57 Mile away.
Speaker 3
01:29:59 And there are none in here right now.
Speaker 9
01:30:03 Looks on your straight crown.
01:30:04 To me.
01:30:06 Too ugly to be gay?
Speaker 9
01:30:09 Ugly to be out.
Speaker 3
01:30:16 Well, I wasn't going to say anything, but you've gone so far improving your open minded Norman.
01:30:22 There are two homosexual gentlemen in this.
01:30:24 Bar at this moment come.
01:30:27 On get out of.
01:30:28 They told me they were gay, that they appreciated what Sam had done.
01:30:32 That's right, guys.
01:30:34 They're here right now.
01:30:35 You don't even know who they are.
01:30:38 And there it is, the white woman.
01:30:42 Begins to facilitate.
01:30:46 The infection.
Speaker 16
01:30:48 She begins to assist.
Speaker 14
01:30:51 The infection.
01:30:53 The liberal white woman.
01:30:54 The awful.
01:30:59 And like I said by the.
01:31:00 End of it.
01:31:03 They accept her all of her, all of her ideals.
01:31:10 You know, by the last, by the last season of this show, I mean, it's.
01:31:14 All these characters like I was mentioned with the office right in the same way that Michael Scott had to learn how to be a good little leftist, a good little progressive that was tolerant and understood the wokeness in order to to finally find his his wife and have children and stuff. And in the same way that, you know, Dwight's journey was very similar in the same way.
01:31:34 That all these shows?
01:31:38 Are structured where the main characters.
01:31:42 Who have these?
01:31:44 Right wing tendencies or just a lack of left wing tendencies?
01:31:49 And so therefore, are are these abhorrent people?
01:31:54 They slowly adopt the left wing ideals.
01:31:57 They slowly start to see the world through the eyes of a leftist, and that's when their dreams come true.
Speaker 2
01:32:03 That's when they.
Speaker 11
01:32:05 Get there, rosebud.
Speaker 6
01:32:09 Nah, she's kidding.
01:32:10 Everybody here checks out.
01:32:12 All right?
Speaker 9
01:32:14 I don't know it.
01:32:16 It occurs to me that Cliff.
Speaker 4
01:32:20 Had a date in quite some time, right?
Speaker 18
01:32:24 Ohh yeah, no, I'm well.
01:32:26 How come we've never seen this bill?
01:32:28 You're allegedly married to.
Speaker 7
01:32:32 Could we have a couple of beers, please?
Speaker 4
01:32:40 Hey, you just say I'm alone.
01:32:44 So your picture of the paper this morning can't wait to read that book.
Speaker 17
01:32:45 That's good.
01:32:49 I'm not much of a baseball fan, but that sounds interesting.
Speaker 16
01:32:52 Yeah, it should be pretty good.
Speaker 17
01:32:54 Oh, listen, could we have light beers, please?
Speaker 9
01:32:56 Light beer.
Speaker 11
01:33:01 Here you go. Thanks.
Speaker 6
01:33:04 Sam, those guys look OK to me.
Speaker 17
01:33:08 They are OK, coach.
Speaker 18
01:33:10 Well, maybe we are a little off base here.
Speaker 16
01:33:13 Let let's test them out.
01:33:15 I got an idea.
Speaker 4
01:33:18 Hey, look at the pecans.
Speaker 15
01:33:19 On that page.
Speaker 18
01:33:24 Oh, this is medieval.
Speaker 6
01:33:31 Hey Jack.
01:33:32 Change the channel here.
01:33:33 I think it's time for the Benito Benito.
Speaker 5
01:33:35 Should be a blood match.
Speaker 3
01:33:39 No, they're not watching it.
01:33:40 String them up.
Speaker 18
01:33:44 So what are we going to?
01:33:45 Do about these guys.
Speaker 3
01:33:49 I do not prejudice against gays, are you?
Speaker 18
01:33:52 I'm not exactly crazy about them.
01:33:55 I mean, I get enough competition from women.
01:33:59 I'm telling.
Speaker 12
01:33:59 You if guys.
Speaker 18
01:34:00 Keep coming out of.
01:34:01 The closet there isn't gonna be anybody left to date.
01:34:03 And I'm gonna have to start.
01:34:04 Going out with girls.
Speaker 3
01:34:09 Like you don't have to worry.
01:34:10 About me, I like my dates a little.
01:34:12 More masculine than you.
01:34:14 Not much, but a little.
Speaker 16
01:34:18 I can't believe you all making.
01:34:19 Such a big fuss out.
01:34:20 Of two guys walking in a bar.
Speaker 9
01:34:28 Burn Sammy. We're talking ferns.
Speaker 3
01:34:31 Come on.
01:34:33 I've seen you guys hug.
Speaker 9
01:34:34 Yeah, but we hate it.
Speaker 6
01:34:38 Say a Cliff.
Speaker 4
01:34:39 I've been to Clancy's in a long time.
01:34:41 That's still.
Speaker 6
01:34:42 As nice a place as it used to be.
01:34:43 I don't know, Jack, I haven't.
Speaker 9
01:34:44 Been in a long time myself, let's.
01:34:46 Go on over there.
Speaker 4
01:34:47 Yeah, good idea.
Speaker 16
01:34:48 Good man.
01:34:48 Give me a break, you guys.
Speaker 4
01:34:50 Are kidding, right, Sammy?
01:34:52 We check.
Speaker 9
01:34:52 In in a couple weeks and we'll just see.
Speaker 6
01:34:54 If cheers is.
Speaker 9
01:34:55 Still, the kind of bar where a single woman.
01:34:56 Be assured of being harassed and hit.
Speaker 16
01:34:58 On get back with all of you right now.
01:35:02 Right.
Speaker 6
01:35:03 You need to tell.
Speaker 16
01:35:04 Me that you guys.
01:35:05 Are bailing out.
01:35:06 On me, Sam, I'm telling you, within a month there's going to be wild music and guys dancing and exchanging phone numbers.
Speaker 3
01:35:13 You know, Sam, you've got some really great friends here.
01:35:17 You've gone out of your way to make a bar where customers can feel like they belong or the family, and now they're walking out and.
Speaker 4
01:35:25 We don't want to.
01:35:29 See that and and again.
01:35:30 This is the awful thing, right?
01:35:36 No respect for the existing community.
01:35:40 You have to be welcoming of this, this outside group that wants to come in.
01:35:44 And take over.
01:35:48 No loyalty.
Speaker 3
01:35:55 Perhaps we should step.
01:35:57 Into the back room and when having something.
01:36:00 Intelligent to say?
01:36:02 Come, follow me.
01:36:07 Fine, anyone with a 2 bit opinion?
01:36:14 Seeing they're just, they're just a robber.
01:36:16 Rob, we're.
01:36:17 Just a it's just a.
Speaker 16
01:36:17 Mob it's a mob.
01:36:20 It's it's irrational fear.
01:36:22 It's a mob.
01:36:24 It's like it's a witch hunt.
01:36:25 It's a ******* witch hunt.
Speaker 8
01:36:29 We can help.
01:36:34 She's clearly the reasonable, rational, educated 1.
Speaker 8
01:36:38 Sammy, Sammy.
01:36:40 Sammy looks.
01:36:40 I've got a simple solution to this.
Speaker 18
01:36:42 Whole problem. See you just.
Speaker 16
01:36:43 Go up to the guys and politely ask them to leave.
01:36:46 I mean everything.
Speaker 5
01:36:47 Is back to mom, right?
Speaker 9
01:36:50 Thank you.
Speaker 3
01:36:50 Sam would.
01:36:52 Never do that.
Speaker 16
01:36:58 I'm not sure.
01:36:59 I mean, these guys are my regulars.
01:37:00 If I lose my regulars.
01:37:01 I lose my.
01:37:03 If single women stop coming in.
Speaker 4
01:37:04 Here I have no reason to live.
Speaker 18
01:37:09 No emotional appeal here, Sam.
01:37:11 This is a purely intellectual argument.
01:37:15 You let this bar go gay, you're going to have to hire male waitresses, right?
01:37:21 That means that I'm not on the street and I'm not going to be able to feed little Sammy.
01:37:30 By the way.
01:37:31 As much as this is a joke, that's it's.
01:37:33 Really not like that.
01:37:34 When you start allowing.
01:37:37 These new groups in.
01:37:40 A lot of the the things that change your society, it's not just like a a a cultural shift or or whatever.
01:37:49 It really does have ripple effects.
01:37:51 That affects you.
01:37:53 You know and and and you have to start redesigning the society to cater to these new people.
01:38:00 It's not just their presence alone.
01:38:02 It's not like this reaction, this negative reaction to outsiders.
01:38:06 Isn't just this weird?
01:38:08 Irrational fear of of something different.
01:38:10 Ohh, they're different.
01:38:12 I don't like things that are different.
01:38:15 It's like it it it it's it's just a that's an oversimplified.
01:38:21 Just it's it's an ignorant.
01:38:22 View of of what's going on here.
01:38:25 What's going on here is it's there's a there's a real fear and an understanding that.
01:38:30 If you have other.
01:38:31 Groups in your society, the society that was designed specifically to promote your success, your group success.
01:38:41 It was.
01:38:42 It was built by you for you.
01:38:47 And so if there's another group.
01:38:51 Resources are going to have to go be diverted to this new group.
01:38:55 To cater to their needs.
01:38:59 Because they're certainly not going to assimilate, we know that I.
01:39:02 Mean that's that's insane.
01:39:08 In fact, any group that's allowed to enter.
01:39:12 And is not fought off.
01:39:15 By the immune system of the host.
01:39:22 By by that, by very that by definition it's dominant.
01:39:27 Right.
01:39:35 You are able to enter a group.
01:39:39 And and establish yourself and not be fought off.
01:39:42 By the immune system.
01:39:45 Definitionally, you are dominant.
01:39:56 You have displaced that group.
01:40:00 You have fought your way into that group.
01:40:08 So necessarily that means that.
01:40:11 It's not going to just stop it there, it's going.
01:40:14 To you're going to have accommodations made for you.
01:40:17 That will affect the.
01:40:19 The host.
Speaker 18
01:40:20 Ohh you can't.
01:40:24 What's that he's trying to say?
Speaker 11
01:40:26 There, I'm hungry.
Speaker 18
01:40:32 Ohh, please don't let me do this.
Speaker 16
01:40:37 Thanks for keeping emotions out of it.
Speaker 6
01:40:40 I think it's a trick son.
Speaker 9
01:40:43 We're all agreed.
01:40:44 Then Sammy tells these guys leave we.
01:40:46 Don't go to Clancy's, am I right?
Speaker 16
01:40:52 Just leave me alone.
01:40:54 I'm running a business.
Speaker 11
01:40:58 What do you think I should say?
Speaker 16
01:40:59 To them well.
Speaker 3
01:41:02 It's very simple.
01:41:03 You just walk up and say hello.
01:41:05 We're group of smuggling bigots.
01:41:08 We don't care for your kind.
Speaker 16
01:41:10 That's good. I like that.
01:41:13 Now this one's good.
Speaker 17
01:41:26 Hi, fellas.
01:41:27 Hi, Sam.
01:41:29 What's going on?
01:41:29 Well, I got a little.
Speaker 16
01:41:30 Bit of a problem maybe?
01:41:31 You can help me out.
01:41:32 See, I'm the owner of this bar and.
01:41:34 Yeah, we know.
01:41:35 We read the article in the newspaper.
Speaker 7
01:41:39 That took a lot.
Speaker 2
01:41:40 Of guts, it really did.
Speaker 7
01:41:42 Yeah. So what's your problem?
Speaker 16
01:41:47 As a matter of fact, I don't.
01:41:48 Have a problem, coach.
01:41:50 Get these guys out there on the House.
01:41:57 See, it's courageous.
01:41:58 It's courageous to to let.
01:42:00 The immune system die.
Speaker 6
01:42:05 Why would you want to fight off cancer?
01:42:07 What are you afraid of, cancer?
01:42:11 You afraid of cancer?
01:42:20 That's what.
01:42:20 That's what they've always said.
01:42:22 Like the argument I've heard over and over and.
01:42:23 Over again.
01:42:25 Oh, what are you?
01:42:25 Some kind of *****?
Speaker 2
01:42:26 If you're afraid of the infection.
Speaker 4
01:42:35 I thought you always had more.
Speaker 16
01:42:37 Listen, those guys are staying.
01:42:39 Anyone else?
01:42:39 Wants to leave. That's fine.
Speaker 9
01:42:41 OK, you know what kind of bonds?
01:42:42 Could turn into.
Speaker 16
01:42:42 It's not going to turn into the.
01:42:43 Kind of bar.
01:42:44 That I have to throw people out of.
Speaker 3
01:42:46 Now is the noblest preposition you've ever dangled.
01:42:51 And then you get the approval.
01:42:53 From the awful.
01:42:57 Thank you.
01:42:59 Because ultimately, she's the one in charge.
Speaker 4
01:43:02 Right.
01:43:06 She's the one influencing.
01:43:08 This this whole this whole scenario.
Speaker 3
01:43:11 Now let me.
01:43:12 Save this fine.
Speaker 9
01:43:17 The gentlemen, desperate times call for desperate measures.
01:43:23 Coach, last call.
Speaker 11
01:43:26 What are you?
Speaker 6
01:43:26 Talking about last call, Mom, it's 6:45.
Speaker 9
01:43:29 No time for last call.
01:43:30 These plans have to be off the table by 7 Bell, right?
01:43:35 Excuse me.
Speaker 4
01:43:37 With this bar.
01:43:38 Closes at 7:00. Well.
Speaker 16
01:43:40 You know only on the 1st Thursday.
01:43:41 Of every month you see, we call it the Beaver lot difference.
Speaker 4
01:43:45 Wives, girlfriends, workbenches, power tools.
Speaker 11
01:43:50 OK.
Speaker 7
01:43:51 This is the weirdest bar.
01:43:52 I've ever been in.
Speaker 5
01:43:57 Coach, what the hell are you?
Speaker 6
01:43:58 Doing, son, this isn't even a difference tonight.
01:44:01 What the hell did the month go?
Speaker 18
01:44:04 You regulars just tricked those three guys out of the bar.
Speaker 3
01:44:18 What's going on here?
Speaker 9
01:44:20 Where we just get to your friend today.
Speaker 4
01:44:22 Yeah, it was all dummies.
01:44:25 There we go.
Speaker 3
01:44:29 I think there's something you should.
01:44:30 Know about those guys.
01:44:32 They're not gay and like one of.
01:44:34 Them tried to hit.
01:44:35 On me tonight.
Speaker 16
01:44:37 She said they were.
Speaker 3
01:44:39 I said they.
01:44:39 Were two gay men in the bar.
01:44:40 I didn't say who they.
01:44:41 Were they?
01:44:44 Along with myself have had.
01:44:45 A wonderful time watching you.
01:44:47 Make complete idiots of yourself.
01:44:50 Yeah, the guys I was talking.
01:44:52 About are still here.
01:44:55 Right guys, right.
Speaker 9
01:45:04 That isn't Vera.
Speaker 17
01:45:07 See you guys.
Speaker 18
01:45:12 Let's all be tolerant.
01:45:17 Listen to the white liberal lady.
01:45:21 All right, let's take a look at yeah.
Speaker 6
01:45:23 You guys still think you still think cheers?
Speaker 4
01:45:25 Here is his base.
01:45:27 You still think.
Speaker 4
01:45:28 This is this is the first season and this.
01:45:30 Is just.
01:45:31 One of the episodes in the first season that's like this, there's.
01:45:34 So I mean, most of them are like this in some way.
01:45:36 Not all of them, but most of them are like this in one way or another.
01:45:40 And this isn't the only episode that's promoting acceptance of homosexuality.
01:45:46 It's not.
01:45:46 Like quite a few of them.
01:45:48 There's another one even towards the end, where the what Kirstie Alley's character. Whatever. I forget her name.
01:46:00 Finds out that her old, her high school crush, is gay and there's like a whole there's a whole.
01:46:06 Nother it's a very similar episode.
01:46:08 So they basically just rehashed the same.
01:46:10 Storyline just with a different character.
01:46:15 OK, I'll take a look here at chat.
01:46:21 As Ted Danson's girlfriend, you know who wish.
01:46:25 Uh Ted Danson's girlfriend was Whoopi Goldberg.
Speaker 4
01:46:29 I don't know if.
01:46:29 It still is, and that was a.
01:46:31 Long time.
01:46:31 Ago but Ted Danson was with Whoopi.
01:46:35 Goldberg, of all ******* people for a while.
01:46:40 UM.
01:46:42 I'm sure that that's the producer's real name. Just like Michael Douglas.
01:46:47 Is his real name.
01:46:49 Uh, the.
01:46:52 The I'd I'd have to look it up.
01:46:53 I know that that the the, I think and I I think the the show is written by or created by two Jews and a Mormon.
01:47:02 Like I'm not.
01:47:02 I'm not kidding.
01:47:03 I think there was.
01:47:03 A Mormon in there somehow.
01:47:07 But I I don't remember.
01:47:08 I'll have to look at it and do it again.
01:47:12 Is there any TV shows that isn't gay and Jewish?
01:47:14 Not really.
01:47:15 I mean, not really.
01:47:17 That's what happens when you seed an entire industry to an outside group.
01:47:25 With no moral objections.
01:47:29 The chick from the curb.
01:47:32 Uh, the chick from curb is his current girlfriend.
01:47:36 I mean, Curb Your Enthusiasm?
01:47:37 Well, that's a pretty Jewish show, so it's entirely possible.
01:47:43 I used to watch cheers every night when I was a kid.
01:47:45 They definitely got to me.
01:47:46 Yeah, it's it's a well written show.
01:47:48 It's a good show, you know.
01:47:49 It's good propaganda.
01:47:56 Everything conservative is just for venting any rules that has been for 100 years plus also law. As long as whites still believe in democracy, there will be no.
01:48:07 Change ever.
01:48:08 Well, especially, I mean we're outnumbered, so.
Speaker 4
01:48:12 How how would?
01:48:13 You think that you're let me or this disclaimer here.
01:48:16 How would you think that you're gonna vote your way out of a situation if?
01:48:19 You're the minority.
01:48:28 UM.
01:48:30 Let's see here.
01:48:32 Dante writes, aunt said on TV he was a good boy.
01:48:35 He didn't even kill nobody.
01:48:39 Would you be interested in going and surviving while America talk about your book?
01:48:44 Sounds familiar.
01:48:45 I feel like I've I've talked to those people about going on their thing at some.
01:48:49 Point I don't remember what happened.
01:48:54 Any people who have popped up that you might think could unite the right?
01:48:58 Not really.
01:48:59 I mean there there's not.
01:49:03 Like I said the the the, the.
01:49:06 The the I think the the.
01:49:08 Problem is, is there's not the.
01:49:10 Existential threat.
01:49:11 It's not real enough for people.
01:49:15 And unless you had, I mean, I guess you could have like a another Trump type figure that wasn't just bought and paid for and wasn't just like a used car.
01:49:23 Salesman, someone that was legitimately the kind of person that a lot of.
01:49:27 People thought Trump was.
Speaker 2
01:49:29 But I mean.
01:49:30 That's such a rare thing.
01:49:32 That's it's such a.
01:49:34 And and it takes so much money.
01:49:37 I I don't see it happening.
01:49:38 I don't see that being what happens.
01:49:41 I think that there has to be a lot of pain.
01:49:45 Because people are too comfortable.
01:49:47 That's what it boils down to.
01:49:48 They're too comfortable.
Speaker 15
01:49:53 It's look, it's really.
01:49:54 Not that.
01:49:54 I mean look, and that's it's really not.
01:49:56 That bad for a lot of people.
01:49:57 It's really not.
01:49:58 It's not really not that bad for me.
01:49:59 I have a good life.
01:50:00 A lot of you guys have good lives.
01:50:06 You can have a good life in this for now.
01:50:08 That's see, that's.
01:50:09 When that's when things will change when you can't.
01:50:12 Have a good life.
01:50:15 And that's coming.
01:50:16 I mean, look, I.
01:50:17 Share this on telegram.
01:50:19 They're they're racially discriminating against whites when it comes to healthcare in certain hospitals.
01:50:24 Now you don't.
01:50:26 Black people will get preferential treatment in hospitals.
01:50:32 You're going to be too white to get that that kidney too white to get that operation too white to get that shot, you know, not well.
01:50:41 Not the the shot, not the not.
01:50:44 The Fauci ouchi.
01:50:48 But like an actual shot that you might want.
01:50:50 For most whites, the tiger, that's.
01:50:52 Running at them is still.
01:50:53 A few 100 yards away.
01:50:56 So I don't.
01:50:56 I don't see anyone actually rallying people together until until some.
01:51:01 There's there's casualties.
01:51:02 Like there's going to be.
01:51:03 It's got to get worse before it gets better.
01:51:05 It has to.
01:51:09 And that's fine.
01:51:09 I mean, like I said, enjoy it while you got it.
01:51:12 Enjoy the fact that it's not like there's ways you can escape it.
01:51:16 There's ways you don't have to be around.
01:51:19 The you don't have to live.
01:51:22 In Kenosha, you don't have to live.
01:51:25 In Baltimore, you.
01:51:26 Don't have to live in these places, right?
01:51:29 You could have a perfectly happy life outside of these little hot hot spots.
01:51:35 These epicenters.
01:51:37 Now they're going to spread as an an infection always does.
01:51:42 And eventually you can't.
01:51:43 You can't run from it forever.
01:51:46 But you can still have a very healthy, happy, productive life.
01:51:51 And you can prepare your children and your family to and and reinforce them and ruggedized them for when the infection does reach the part of the world that you've, you know, reestablished as a home.
01:52:06 And you can fight it off.
01:52:14 The 60s and 70s were about sexual liberation outside of marriage, family and fidelity, 80s and 90s were about introducing homosexuality as OK but different. 2000 through 2012 was about normalizing. ***** and 20s are about.
01:52:32 Making them superior.
01:52:35 We are to some degree to some degree that's right.
01:52:41 What about women having a higher rate of miscarriages?
01:52:44 By being exposed to people that have been vaccinated.
01:52:48 I don't know.
01:52:50 I haven't read that, but I've read stuff like that and it sounds.
01:52:54 That sounds right.
01:52:56 I mean, there's the vaccine is.
01:52:58 I'm not. I would.
01:52:59 Not that's not what I'm I'm not going.
01:53:00 To go anywhere near that ****.
01:53:03 The threshold for action has been raised because everyone is afraid of the Adolf Hitler fellow.
Speaker 4
01:53:10 That's just one of many things that.
01:53:11 They do to to to.
01:53:17 Satiate or to calm down.
01:53:23 Tucker Carlson's audience? I.
01:53:25 Guess I see you guys are going to pay reparations for.
01:53:29 Yeah, that'll happen too.
01:53:31 On a national level, do you think our future will look like demolition man?
01:53:35 I don't know.
01:53:37 I don't know.
01:53:38 Maybe in some ways.
01:53:44 As long as people are fat, stupid and in debt, the people will downward spiral into oblivion.
01:53:49 Yeah, that's that's.
01:53:51 That's ultimately right is.
01:53:53 People as long as people resemble cattle, they will.
01:53:57 Behave like cattle.
01:53:58 Let's just put it that way.
01:54:01 The more you.
01:54:01 You resemble a cow.
01:54:04 You will behave like a cow.
01:54:13 Yeah, beginning of the cities removes the opportunity for many of us to have.
01:54:18 The catharsis when it goes down, many of us are ****** as frock and want vengeance.
01:54:22 Well, I mean.
01:54:23 Like you're saying, if in this fictional scenario that you describe.
Speaker 2
01:54:29 Are you saying?
01:54:30 You can't drive from.
01:54:32 One place to another.
01:54:41 OK, talk about bread and circuses.
01:54:48 Hitler predicted the Africans would be watching white French people in circuses.
01:54:52 He's almost right.
01:54:56 Living well is the best revenge.
01:55:00 Yeah, I mean, look, that's The thing is.
01:55:02 You can still have a a totally.
01:55:05 Happy, productive life and you can prepare for the worst and not have to obsess about it if that's the thing, if you're.
01:55:12 If you have.
01:55:14 You people tend to have anxiety about things, that about things that, that vulnerabilities, that they have, right.
01:55:22 Like let's say you're.
01:55:23 Putting that you're procrastinating.
01:55:25 There's something you put you're putting off that's really important.
01:55:27 And every day it takes up a little bit of your minds bandwidth.
01:55:33 It's always up there.
01:55:34 Always nagging it and but and for whatever.
01:55:36 Reason everyone out there.
01:55:38 You've done this on some level about something.
01:55:40 Everyone's procrastinated, right?
01:55:42 Everyone knows how this goes.
01:55:43 Where you put something off and for whatever reason.
01:55:47 And like for for.
01:55:48 One reason or another, you.
01:55:50 Don't want to make the decision or you don't want to face some aspect?
01:55:54 Of it, even it might even.
01:55:55 Just be like something small and simple.
01:55:56 And stupid if you would just *******.
Speaker 2
01:55:58 Do it.
01:55:58 It would be over.
01:56:00 But you don't do it then, so you put it off and every.
01:56:03 Day it's it's.
01:56:04 Just in the back of your mind, just nagging and nagging and nagging, and you keep putting it off and you you cause you're it's you're you're trying to escape it.
01:56:15 But you can't escape it.
01:56:16 It's always going to.
01:56:17 Be in there.
01:56:19 It's always going to.
01:56:20 Be creating anxiety and it's always going to add to your stress every single day until you face it and and just take care of it.
01:56:28 And a lot of times it it ends up being.
01:56:30 Like way less.
01:56:30 Of a big deal than you thought it was going to be.
01:56:33 And you're.
01:56:33 Like wow.
01:56:34 I can't believe.
01:56:34 That for, you know, six weeks.
01:56:37 Or however long you.
01:56:38 Put it off.
01:56:39 You were you were dreading.
01:56:42 Taking care of whatever this thing is, and then it just boom.
01:56:46 It was it took like 10 minutes or whatever, right?
01:56:48 It wasn't that big of a deal.
01:56:50 And then if you think back at all the time, all the anxiety that you had because you wouldn't just ******* face it and take care of it.
01:56:59 The six you know six weeks ago.
01:57:01 That's kind of like how I feel.
01:57:03 About getting out of the cities and removing yourself from a lot of the stuff prepping.
01:57:08 Having the not just like the the food supplies, the ammunition and you know that sort.
01:57:14 Of thing, just the stuff that.
01:57:15 The stuff that you know, OK, this is taken.
01:57:17 Care of now.
01:57:19 It's not, I.
01:57:21 Don't worry about stuff like I don't.
01:57:23 Worry about like the nosedive.
01:57:26 Like, I know that.
01:57:26 I know the planes going down, but I've got.
01:57:28 Like a parachute.
01:57:31 And I'm looking out.
01:57:32 The window for the right time.
01:57:33 To jump out.
01:57:34 I feel like we're good.
01:57:35 I still we're good.
Speaker 11
01:57:36 For now.
01:57:37 But if when the time comes, I'm not, I'm not frantically.
01:57:41 Yeah, I'm not, like panicking, going Oh my God, we're all going to.
Speaker 16
01:57:43 Die. No, I'm not. I'm.
01:57:44 Not going to.
01:57:45 Die. I'm like you.
01:57:46 Guys, I'm not going to die.
01:57:48 I'm I'm good to go.
01:57:51 I got my **** taken care of.
01:57:56 And everyone, everyone out there listening.
01:57:57 You can do it.
01:57:58 It's not that hard.
01:57:58 If I can do it, you can do it.
01:58:03 It's not that difficult.
01:58:05 Now everyone's going to have their.
01:58:07 Own unique sticking points and their own unique challenges and and problems and and even solutions.
01:58:19 But it's it's this.
01:58:20 Is the sort of thing that most of us can.
01:58:23 Can take care of fairly easily.
01:58:27 Most of us can alleviate a lot of the stress of the current environment because we're we're cursed with the people, you know, black pilled really what it should mean, what it should mean.
01:58:40 Is just perceptive.
Speaker 4
01:58:43 Next time someone asks me what does blackpill mean?
01:58:46 I'm just.
Speaker 14
01:58:46 Going to say.
01:58:47 It means perceptive.
01:58:50 And it's it's it can.
01:58:53 It can be anxiety inducing because it does feel like you're watching.
01:58:59 A slow motion train wreck.
Speaker 17
01:59:03 Only it hasn't quite happened yet, but you know.
Speaker 6
01:59:05 You know what's going to happen.
01:59:08 You can see it about to happen.
01:59:12 And you want to tell people it's going to happen and maybe you are telling people.
Speaker 15
01:59:15 It's going to happen.
01:59:18 And they can't see it.
01:59:22 Well at a.
01:59:22 Certain point like you.
01:59:24 Just have to say.
01:59:25 All right, **** it and just get out of the get.
01:59:27 Out of the.
01:59:27 Crash zone.
01:59:28 Get out of the way.
01:59:29 Of where the train?
01:59:30 Is going to be crashing and ****.
01:59:33 And you know, you did.
01:59:34 You did what you could.
01:59:44 Why is Trevor doing weird things?
01:59:50 Let's take a look here.
Speaker 16
01:59:54 Anxiety makes you.
01:59:56 Poor makes or anxiety makes you make poor decisions or.
02:00:00 No decision at all, right?
02:00:04 I don't have a bunker, but I have some.
02:00:06 Sort of eject.
02:00:07 Yeah, like, look, it's going.
02:00:08 To be different for everybody.
02:00:10 I'm not saying everyone has to like.
02:00:12 Move out.
02:00:14 To the desert and and and have a bunker or something like that.
02:00:18 I'm just.
02:00:18 Saying you're not going.
02:00:19 To worry about this ****, if you've got a contingency plan, like if you've.
02:00:23 Got a plan?
02:00:25 Look, you can.
02:00:26 There's even people and.
02:00:27 And I'm sure if you have the.
02:00:28 Resources and the community to do this.
02:00:32 There's you can stay in the city.
02:00:33 I guess if you know depending everyone's.
02:00:35 Got when I say get out of the cities.
02:00:39 Every city is different and dynamic, and it's always changing.
02:00:44 I'm just saying, generally speaking, like there's always exceptions, right?
02:00:47 But I speak in generalities most of the time because that's, you know, that's.
02:00:51 That's what smart people do.
02:00:54 And generally speaking, you want to get.
02:00:56 Out of the cities.
02:00:59 Because they're gonna be kill zones.
02:01:01 I think various ruling groups are wise to the white flight to rural or wider areas, hedge funds buying out homes 15 to 20% cash over asking price. Also for those leaving California, how do they deal with?
02:01:15 The aggression towards them.
02:01:20 The aggression towards Californians.
02:01:24 Look, I I've said this before.
02:01:29 Is it really a big difference between Californians fleeing to your state and other immigrants coming to your state?
02:01:37 I mean, I don't know.
02:01:40 I guess you know, we're all Americans.
02:01:41 But it does kind.
02:01:43 Of feel like.
02:01:43 Californians are like locusts in a lot.
02:01:45 Of ways.
02:01:46 Where they just kind of they suck the.
02:01:48 Resources out of California.
02:01:49 They ****.
02:01:50 It up and then.
02:01:51 Rather than fix it, they just go.
02:01:52 Somewhere else.
02:01:53 And I kind of feel like that's how like you would be the.
02:01:57 That if, as an American, you will try to relocate to another country that was that still had more time, right?
02:02:04 Like if you tried to go, you know a lot of a lot of.
02:02:07 I've heard a lot.
02:02:07 Of white people.
02:02:08 Say like, oh, we should just all move to Eastern Europe or something like that.
02:02:12 I don't know that Eastern Europeans would appreciate that.
02:02:16 I think they.
02:02:16 View you kind of the same way.
02:02:17 They'd just be like, well, I mean, you kind of ******.
02:02:19 Up your country.
02:02:20 Why would we want you here?
02:02:22 And it doesn't matter that that.
02:02:24 Yeah, it wasn't you.
02:02:26 But you're kind of proving that you're unable to face the problem when you just leave it.
02:02:32 And so I think that's why people view California as negatively.
02:02:36 Is that they kind of, even though you're not?
02:02:38 You OK?
02:02:39 You didn't.
02:02:39 You're not the one doing it, and you probably didn't vote for anyone that was doing it.
02:02:43 But you also didn't do anything to stop it.
02:02:46 Or maybe you did, but not enough.
02:02:50 So they kind of.
02:02:51 View you as like the.
02:02:54 Part of the problem in some ways.
02:03:01 And I say this as someone.
02:03:02 With like my parents were from California like.
02:03:05 In the 90s.
02:03:08 They moved to.
02:03:11 Yeah, in the 90s they moved to.
02:03:14 The southwest and.
02:03:17 For a job it wasn't to flee California, I guess.
02:03:20 But during our rise of whatever you might call it, we will need symbolism.
02:03:26 Maybe we should make those things now instead of later.
02:03:30 I don't know.
02:03:30 I think in some ways.
02:03:31 That makes you a hard target.
02:03:34 You know, makes it easier to identify.
02:03:37 It's kind of like if you get like a gang tattoo or a prison tattoo or something like that, it just makes you.
02:03:42 Easier to identify.
02:03:46 There's always going to and and also it just seems like there hasn't been a lot of success.
02:03:50 In that arena.
02:03:51 A lot of people have tried to make different symbols and they last for like a little bit and then they kind of fade away or they get demonized or.
02:04:00 You know, they or they never catch on.
02:04:02 In the first.
02:04:02 Place and so it just kind of seems like, you know, maybe in the micro you can come up with little memes here and there.
02:04:09 But I don't think that.
02:04:11 There's there's not enough.
02:04:13 Unity for people to rally underneath a a logo.
02:04:17 Right.
02:04:18 I mean in a way you could say.
02:04:20 In 2016, people were rolling under.
02:04:24 The MAGA hat logo, for lack of a better.
02:04:27 Term that that.
02:04:28 Like that was.
02:04:28 The symbol was the the MAGA hat.
02:04:33 So I think things like that will just naturally organically come up, you know, or or or or rather that requires some kind of.
02:04:43 Leader, right.
02:04:44 Because usually the people that come up with those things, that's usually not like a decentralized thing.
02:04:49 It's usually not like a.
Speaker 2
02:04:52 You know the.
02:04:53 It's not like a crowd sourced thing that the this logo just organically appears.
02:04:58 It's usually a leader like you know.
02:05:02 For example, the Nazis.
02:05:03 If you're talking about like the the Swash, the car or whatever, they, you know, they purposely design that.
02:05:08 They put a lot of thought in that.
02:05:09 And they use that as.
02:05:10 Marketing Trump that you know with the MAGA hat.
02:05:14 That was part of his marketing.
02:05:15 Campaign there was the.
02:05:18 Who is that fascist in?
02:05:21 In England, he had.
02:05:23 They were like the black my space, it doesn't matter.
02:05:27 But he had, like the lightning bolt thing and.
02:05:29 You know like.
02:05:30 So I think that.
02:05:32 You need to have the the leader before you have the logo.
02:05:40 Give an example of how it doesn't work.
02:05:43 Think about kekistan.
02:05:44 Remember that.
02:05:46 You know the cake is standing **** and you know, stuff like that happens right where you have these little logos pop up and it becomes a meme.
02:05:53 There was people that also remember the the Ashley Babbitt logo.
02:05:56 People tried to make.
Speaker 9
02:05:59 You know.
02:06:00 But it doesn't really go anywhere.
02:06:03 Because not everyone's like rallying behind Ashley Babbitt, we will make our logos or our enemy will make them for us.
02:06:11 And that's not.
02:06:11 Good. No, no, they won't.
02:06:15 And that's like I said, you have to have a movement before you can have.
02:06:20 A logo.
02:06:22 You mean, like you said, go for it.
02:06:24 Then, if you think you can make a logo.
02:06:25 To make.
02:06:25 People rally behind it.
02:06:26 Go for it.
02:06:27 It's just it it it doesn't work.
02:06:29 And tell because there's what are.
02:06:31 They rallying behind the logo.
Speaker 2
02:06:35 You know, I mean like.
02:06:37 The logo has to mean something.
02:06:38 It has to represent something.
02:06:41 And has to, and usually has to.
02:06:43 Have someone that's promoting it.
02:06:51 Yeah, Mosley, that's who.
02:06:53 I guess someone mentioned that's the the UK fascist guy.
02:07:01 UM.
02:07:09 Let's see here, Corinthians.
02:07:12 I don't know what that means. Californians tried to stop at Prop 187 cooked whites in other states with 0 diversity experience, were asleep at the wheel for decades, while California bore the brunt of immigration.
02:07:25 Now we get blamed for the rest of the country failing to help stop immigration.
02:07:32 Well, OK.
02:07:32 The operative word there is tried.
02:07:35 It didn't get stopped and it wasn't just that it was also Reagan, you know, giving amnesty to all the illegal immigrants that were already in California.
02:07:46 And just like look, the one thing that frustrates me, I keep hearing a lot of people say, oh, you know, San Francisco was actually a very conservative city.
02:07:54 At one point.
02:07:55 But then I watched this footage of like the 19.
02:07:57 60s where you know.
02:07:58 All the the hippies were congregating there and the the local authorities don't seem to have any problem with it.
02:08:05 Their immune system in San Francisco seemed.
02:08:07 To be inoperable.
02:08:09 UM.
02:08:13 Yeah, you're trying to put the horse before the car, right?
02:08:15 Right.
02:08:16 It's like if it's like those people that try to market vaporware like they're trying to market market products that don't exist.
02:08:26 And that's The thing is, we don't.
02:08:27 Have any kind of?
02:08:29 You know, we don't have anything.
02:08:32 Like I said, we won't have anything.
02:08:35 Until a a charismatic leader comes out and with the resources and the ability to for people to rally behind, you know, create like a movement that people will rally behind like like a Trump only like a Trump.
02:08:48 That's not a ******* sellout, you know.
02:08:51 Or or.
02:08:54 A and or maybe both these things, an existential threat that becomes more real.
02:09:02 And you got to think about I I think you need the existential threat that becomes more real before you get this other guy.
02:09:09 In fact, when you see these people splurging out on Twitter, these blue check marks, who are afraid that there's going to be this new fascist leader or whatever they that's, that's their fear.
02:09:20 What? What? What conditions created?
02:09:24 Some of these leaders in the past.
02:09:28 She got really bad first, didn't they?
02:09:30 Before people like **** it.
02:09:32 And by the way, things were already kind of getting bad.
02:09:34 That's why people said ****.
02:09:35 It let's throw Trump in there.
02:09:39 But there apparently.
02:09:41 He wasn't extreme enough.
02:09:48 Yeah, we have to.
02:09:49 Go for rimar.
02:09:50 We have to go worse than.
02:09:51 Full Weimar.
02:09:55 Northern California isn't bad.
02:09:57 Running it up, it's been a lot of times as I've been.
02:10:01 Through that area.
02:10:02 What do you think will happen with White Lives Matter marches?
02:10:05 Not many whites seem to show up to the first ones, but there were.
02:10:08 Some, I don't know.
02:10:10 It doesn't seem like a.
02:10:14 Effective thing it it.
02:10:17 I didn't see it as.
02:10:19 I mean, I don't see the harm in it, I guess.
02:10:24 I don't see.
02:10:24 I haven't seen it as being effective.
02:10:28 It didn't generate any positive memetic warfare.
02:10:31 I mean, which is kind of a moot point at this.
02:10:33 Like I said, we still.
02:10:36 You know, we might as well meme our way.
02:10:38 You know, all the way.
02:10:39 Down but like.
02:10:41 The there's not gonna be like some meme that turns things around, right?
02:10:44 It's it's it's kind.
02:10:44 Of irrelevant but.
02:10:50 I don't know. I don't.
02:10:51 Know how effective that was?
Speaker 4
02:10:53 I do know so this.
02:10:55 Every once in a while being in.
02:10:57 California and and and the white.
02:11:02 White lives matter stuff.
02:11:03 I don't remember what I think it was like Orange County or something like that.
02:11:06 They had one in those in California.
02:11:08 I was turning around on.
02:11:10 Not to bring ham radio into everything, but I.
02:11:12 Was turning around on on.
02:11:13 Here's another boomers on on Ham Radio story.
02:11:16 I was turning around on Ham Radio One day.
02:11:20 And I heard these guys talking about that White lives matter thing.
02:11:24 And I was thinking, yeah, OK.
02:11:25 I wonder what boomers think about this.
02:11:27 Apparently, I I came across like, either either Lefty, California Boomers.
02:11:34 That we're into ham radio.
02:11:36 Or just maybe this is just California boomers, I don't know.
02:11:40 But I'm turning around and it was some guy talking about the rally and and at first I was like, oh, this.
02:11:47 I wonder if he's going to say something.
02:11:48 Kind of like boomerang, but no he.
02:11:50 Went full on.
02:11:52 Yeah, those ******* Nazis got beat up.
02:11:55 Good thing too.
02:11:57 And and like there was four of them all talking about how happy they were, that the diversity showed up and showed the Nazis what for, and the Nazis will think twice next time about showing up because.
02:12:08 They got their ***** beat.
02:12:10 I mean, they were literally cheering.
02:12:11 The death of of.
02:12:13 White society.
02:12:16 It it was I wanted.
02:12:17 I wanted to reach through the ******* radio and just strangle these *****.
02:12:22 It was so frustrating.
02:12:24 It was so frustrating.
02:12:27 But yeah, there's an there's an entire.
02:12:31 Generation of people in California that.
02:12:34 That don't get it.
02:12:36 And they're and they're the last generation of whites that, you know that will that actually have power in that state?
02:12:46 I may not be a national socialist, but I don't think there is any other ideology that could unite, unify or.
02:12:53 Unify us.
02:12:54 That's why I paid so much attention to propertarianism.
02:12:57 But it fell through.
02:13:00 Do you think Sherman will be acquitted?
02:13:02 What's going to happen?
02:13:03 I don't know if Sherman will be acquitted.
02:13:04 We'll see.
02:13:06 Let's cover roll the dice.
02:13:07 Lefty, California boomers.
02:13:09 I'll say if he does get acquitted, it doesn't really do anything for us.
02:13:13 It doesn't.
02:13:15 Except, well, I guess in both ways or like if your acceleration as both.
02:13:20 Outcomes are kind of good.
02:13:22 Because if he gets acquitted there, you know, the Blacks will riot and burn more **** down and and it'll just increase.
02:13:29 It'll just speed things.
02:13:31 Up a little.
02:13:32 Bit right?
02:13:33 If he gets convicted.
02:13:35 They'll get overconfident.
02:13:37 They'll you know what I mean?
02:13:38 Like it either.
02:13:39 Way is bad.
02:13:41 You gotta raise.
02:13:42 The momentum behind like I keep saying, zoom out the.
02:13:47 Graph the momentum.
02:13:48 Behind the trend line?
02:13:51 The pressures.
02:13:54 Pushing that trend line down.
02:13:57 Are so astronomical that the little blips of up and down really don't matter.
02:14:06 You know, so yeah, if if he gets acquitted, are there going to be a bunch of people on Twitter saying, yeah, **** yeah.
02:14:13 Of course there will be.
02:14:17 Does it change the?
02:14:18 Trend line no.
02:14:20 No, because you got to.
02:14:22 Zoom out the graph and realize oh so.
02:14:23 This is just like a little tiny.
02:14:26 You know.
02:14:27 Little tiny pump.
02:14:30 On a huge downtrend.
02:14:36 And and and sort of.
02:14:38 You know, there's going to be people on Twitter that are happy for like a day.
02:14:45 And then like.
02:14:45 The Blacks will riot.
02:14:48 And then you know Tucker.
02:14:49 Carlson will talk about how.
02:14:52 You know, race has nothing to do with it or something, you know, I mean, like and.
02:14:57 And and by the way, so the boomer viewers.
02:14:59 Will say the same thing like Oh yeah.
02:15:02 You know this, this is about justice.
02:15:04 I'm glad that justice was served.
02:15:06 It's not about race.
02:15:06 They they're trying to divide us.
02:15:08 They keep trying to divide.
02:15:09 Us by race, you.
02:15:10 Know they'll.
02:15:10 They'll just say that same ****.
02:15:13 And if he gets?
02:15:17 You know.
02:15:19 What's what like or white people going to freak out?
02:15:21 Now no, and in fact, I think black people.
02:15:24 Might still riot.
02:15:26 You know, in the same way, they're like when you see these.
02:15:30 These cities, where their their their team wins and they they flip over cars and **** like that.
02:15:37 You might have something like that going on right where you have.
02:15:41 Because they still want the free.
02:15:42 TV and the free pair of Nikes.
02:15:44 You know, it's like, let's be honest here, why are they really writing?
02:15:46 You think they really give a **** about George Floyd?
02:15:48 Not really and so.
02:15:50 If he gets convicted, they'll just riot.
02:15:53 Happily, instead of angrily.
02:15:56 Or at least that's I think that's.
02:15:58 A likely scenario.
02:15:59 But either way doesn't matter either way.
02:16:01 Ultimately, the trend lines going in the same direction, so that's why I don't focus on this stuff because.
02:16:07 It it, it's just it's.
02:16:09 Really insignificant.
02:16:10 And when you when you think.
02:16:11 About the larger picture.
02:16:15 If you zoom into one pixel.
02:16:18 On a photo.
02:16:21 And you're like it's Gray, so therefore this is obviously a photo of an elephant.
02:16:26 You know, you really can't tell when you're when you're zoomed in that ******* close.
02:16:32 On a photo, you can't tell what the ****.
02:16:34 You're looking at.
02:16:36 You have to zoom out.
02:16:38 You always have to zoom out and take a step back and say, oh, OK, so ultimately this trial doesn't make any difference.
02:16:45 Because ultimately when you zoom out, this is a fairly.
Speaker 2
02:16:50 Like like like.
02:16:51 Think this way.
02:16:56 Right.
02:16:57 Does that ultimately matter anymore?
02:17:00 I mean it that it'll be like that.
02:17:01 It'll be like that kind of a thing.
02:17:03 Rodney King.
02:17:05 You know, no matter what the outcome, no matter what the outcome.
02:17:09 It'll be used to bludgeon white people just like.
02:17:11 Every other thing.
02:17:14 It'll be, you know, so it doesn't really matter.
02:17:16 Like if he gets off.
02:17:18 Black people will talk about how.
02:17:19 It's this great injustice.
02:17:21 Like Trayvon Martin, you know?
02:17:23 And it won't go away.
02:17:27 And if he gets convicted?
02:17:29 They'll just talk about how, you know, we haven't solved the problem and now we need to go after more, you know, like it doesn't change.
02:17:36 It does not change the trajectory of anything.
02:17:40 So that's why I don't really give it too much of a **** about it, because it's kind of like, alright, like I pay attention.
02:17:46 To it, just enough to know if.
02:17:48 You know when when the riots are going to be and stuff like that.
02:17:51 But in terms of long term?
02:17:53 ****, it doesn't really matter.
02:17:54 It doesn't really matter.
02:17:56 Doesn't affect anything.
02:17:59 When I was a kid, I couldn't wrap my head around the story of Sodom and Gomorrah.
02:18:02 I thought it made God seem cruel.
02:18:04 Now, as an adult, I think it makes God seem merciful as our society becomes more and more like China and people become more selfish and less empathetic.
02:18:16 I don't think we're becoming more like China.
02:18:18 China has the big.
02:18:22 Just yeah, that you're.
02:18:24 Right about the empathy thing.
02:18:25 That's not exactly something that I see on display in, in Chinese society very often and not certainly not in the way that we understand it, but they still have group solidarity.
02:18:38 They have racial solidarity.
02:18:42 I mean, there's still one people.
02:18:45 Their one genetic family.
02:18:48 And while it's more complex than that and there's hierarchies within this family and and and different.
02:18:56 Sub families, you know different.
02:19:00 Like you might even say like a caste system system to some degree, they're at least still they're they're still the same family.
02:19:08 They're still they have the ability to be a national, a nationalist because they're a nation.
02:19:15 We're not a nation.
02:19:20 What does it?
02:19:21 Even mean to like I can like people can.
02:19:24 I I can't cause I'm not Chinese.
02:19:25 But Chinese people can probably tell you.
02:19:27 What it means?
02:19:28 To be Chinese.
02:19:29 Americans can't tell you what it means to be American.
02:19:35 Londoners can't tell you what it means to be.
02:19:37 A Londoner.
02:19:42 Germans can't tell you what it means to be German.
02:19:44 Australians can't tell you.
02:19:45 What it means to be Australian?
02:19:48 But the Chinese can tell you what it.
02:19:50 Means to be Chinese.
02:19:53 And that's why they.
02:19:55 They are not in the same.
02:19:57 Kind of trouble that we're in.
02:20:04 When I OK, you already said that.
02:20:09 I'm like way behind on this.
02:20:13 I'll answer a few more than my.
02:20:15 Bail out of.
02:20:15 Here I remember a normal mate saying that they'd never make movies like falling down ever again.
02:20:21 And when I told them they don't need to make those movies anymore and he had the most dead eyed look I've ever seen.
02:20:26 As he understood what I meant.
02:20:31 Chuck the lemming Normans, normies.
02:20:33 Yep, Yep.
02:20:37 At this rate, we don't need a Department of Justice.
02:20:40 We need a Department of punishments, executions and floggings.
02:20:44 Well, that's and careful what you wish for.
02:20:48 That's that, that that's going to be what is turned on us.
02:20:54 Look, they're already kind of doing that, right?
02:20:56 Like the the the.
02:20:58 Federal agencies that many of us thought were there to protect us from harm are going to be inflicting harm on us.
02:21:06 Lefty California boomers have been throwing battery powered jammers up into the hills to **** with local repeaters because Qatar Maga boomers occupy most of the air time.
02:21:16 So yes, lots of nut job hams out there that's interesting.
02:21:20 I believe it.
02:21:22 I believe it.
02:21:23 There's a lot of ******* jammers in California that that weird Jewish guy that jams on 80 meters and is in California, I'm pretty sure.
02:21:36 Maple Valley has changed so much.
02:21:38 I rarely visit.
02:21:39 It makes me sad.
02:21:40 I'm not sounds familiar, but I'm not sure.
02:21:42 Where that's at.
02:21:46 Japan needs needs to can Fukushima U or Fukushima water and sell it to Africa as an energy drink?
02:21:54 Well, China is developing Africa.
02:21:56 China is doing, I guess like next generation colonization in Africa.
02:22:04 They are, and they're smart to do that.
02:22:06 If they want to be an expanding empire, that's.
02:22:08 I mean, that's like fertile land, right.
02:22:11 And if you think.
02:22:14 African IQ is any match for for Chinese it's you know.
02:22:21 In terms of that, like dynamic, it's it's.
02:22:24 Very similar to.
02:22:25 The dynamic between the Native Americans and the.
02:22:29 The Europeans that came here.
02:22:33 In terms of who who those deals are going to favor.
02:22:44 Plus, I heard China is running.
02:22:45 Out of water, they're not.
02:22:46 I don't.
02:22:46 Think they're running out of water?
02:22:48 That'd be pretty hard to do.
02:22:56 They'll be praised for it.
02:22:57 Maybe it'll keep Africans there.
02:23:00 I'm not sure you're.
Speaker 11
02:23:01 Talking about.
02:23:02 About the the Chinese colonization of Africa.
02:23:11 All right.
02:23:14 So I'm going to wrap things up here.
02:23:19 Little tired cause my.
Speaker 4
02:23:22 My parents visiting.
02:23:25 Threw off my old sleep schedule to instead of sleeping weird late to sleeping.
02:23:30 Not at all.
02:23:31 And they have left town and.
02:23:36 I mean, I look.
02:23:37 At I'm glad they visited.
02:23:39 If they're listening, I don't think they are they.
02:23:42 They don't know they're.
02:23:43 Not quite as.
02:23:45 I mean, no, I do.
02:23:46 I I.
02:23:46 Tell them I don't.
02:23:47 I don't hide anything from.
02:23:48 Them, but I don't think they're interested in interested in hearing.
02:23:53 The types of things I say here, but.
02:23:57 I'm I'm definitely glad I got to see him.
02:23:59 It was a nice visit.
02:24:01 But it warming out.
02:24:03 So I I'm going to have to go to sleep and.
02:24:09 Wake up and do it all over again.
02:24:11 In the morning.
02:24:12 So alright guys, hope you had a good stream.
02:24:18 Sorry, we're kind of a little bit.
02:24:19 Short tonight, we're still at.
02:24:21 Over, you know about 2 1/2.
02:24:22 Hours. That's not so bad.
02:24:25 Next stream will be Saturday.
02:24:27 I'm going to try to get the.
02:24:30 Or not not Saturday.
02:24:32 Oh yeah, Saturday next year will be Saturday.
02:24:35 I'm going to try to get the secret message shipped back in in rotation.
02:24:39 Now that this computer is totally legit, my my studio is nice and smooth.
02:24:45 Even my even the bunker is clean because I had to clean it up.
02:24:48 For the the.
02:24:49 Parental visit.
02:24:50 So I had to make it nice.
02:24:51 And you know.
02:24:52 Mom proof so.
Speaker 2
02:24:55 Everything's all cozy.
02:24:58 You know, Jordan Peterson says a lot of bad ****, but he's not.
02:25:01 Wrong about cleaning your room and standing up straight and.
02:25:04 All that sort of stuff, that's that's good.
02:25:08 So I need to get that back into rotation the secret message and yes, I need to get the riot server or whatever.
02:25:15 The Matrix server I.
02:25:16 Guess and I haven't been able.
02:25:17 To get through to all your emails yet.
02:25:19 I did respond to blonde and.
02:25:21 In the belly of the beast if.
02:25:22 You guys, for those of you were?
02:25:24 Asking about that.
02:25:26 I don't know.
02:25:27 I haven't, I don't think.
02:25:28 She's responded.
02:25:29 I have to look.
02:25:29 On I told.
02:25:30 Her to reach out to me on telegram.
02:25:32 And there's a couple other people that wanted to have me on, so I'll keep you guys updated with that stuff.
02:25:40 Yes, book Two is still coming.
02:25:42 It's just, man, it's it's like a *******.
02:25:45 I'm a busy guy. I'm.
02:25:46 A busy guy and I don't go strike my **** like a lot of people do.
02:25:50 So it it just takes a lot.
02:25:52 Of time.
02:25:55 And I got some fancy analog video stuff kind of.
02:25:59 Now that my my computer has been moved to the new studio area and I've got like the analog video equipment from back in from back in the day, back in the old days of my video career, I'm going to be trying to do some fancy.
02:26:16 Well, I mean, in a way, in a, in a ghetto kind of way, some.
02:26:19 Fancy standard def.
02:26:21 NTSC **** you know, using like really old analog equipment, some of which might be wireless.
02:26:28 So I was thinking it a funny thing to do because I have the.
Speaker 4
02:26:31 Ability to do this.
02:26:33 I could do the show with no computer, like no computer at all, all from like this analog switchboard type stuff, right?
02:26:45 And I could broadcast over over RF to a computer.
02:26:54 That would then upload or stream the broadcast to.
02:26:57 Travel or whatever.
02:26:58 Right.
02:26:59 And that that step is totally unnecessary, like in fact most of what I'm talking about would be completely unnecessary.
Speaker 6
02:27:08 But it might be fun to do.
02:27:09 I don't think I'll do.
02:27:09 It all the time because it would add.
02:27:11 A lot of complexity.
02:27:11 It might be fun to have.
02:27:12 Like oh, it's analog Tuesdays or I don't know, something like that, just to play around with some of this stuff.
02:27:19 That I've got that.
02:27:20 I'm I'm trying to come up with excuses like for me to not get rid of it.
02:27:24 I've got some.
02:27:25 I don't know.
02:27:26 I don't want to turn into Carl or I've just got, like, all this weird, useless ****.
02:27:30 I'm going to try to use it.
02:27:31 Ultimately, I'm going to just probably have to sell some of this stuff on eBay.
02:27:34 I don't know who to.
02:27:35 Even want it?
02:27:35 It's so useless, but might as well.
02:27:37 Make like this.
02:27:39 Overly complicated way of.
02:27:41 Of streaming just for the fun of it.
02:27:42 On the way.
02:27:43 So alright guys, for black pilled I am of course Devin Stack you guys have.
02:27:48 A wonderful evening.
Speaker 15
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Speaker 13
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Speaker 12
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Speaker 3
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Speaker 18
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