

Speaker 1
00:13:24 You better believe it.
00:01:48 OK.
00:02:02 You better believe it.
Speaker 2
00:05:18 When I was young, I had a.
00:05:21 Smack your bank card looked quite us back, black guy said 95. They said.
00:05:34 Ended up in a hospital bed.
00:05:37 They said he'd be better off.
00:05:40 But then they found some special part bionic man.
00:06:15 System of Blazers beams in one night fall back colors green.
00:06:21 I got a battery muscle and I got a mini computer with a silicon.
00:06:38 License key.
00:06:40 I guess I guess something made free.
00:08:00 Feels like leather.
00:08:02 I got another system made out of steel.
00:08:06 All right, actually steel.
00:08:11 Guessing from here to Kingdom.
00:08:18 Flex action meteorite.
00:08:38 I'm gonna buy your naked man, man.
00:08:48 Is that?
Speaker 3
00:09:27 I I start running towards the car source lot #3 to put out the fires, pausing occasionally to catch my breath and walk.
Speaker 4
00:09:39 The way.
00:09:40 To car source.
00:09:43 Did you have any interaction with?
00:09:48 Rosenbaum, did you speak to Mr.
Speaker 3
00:09:49 I did not.
Speaker 4
00:09:52 Did you notice Mr.
00:09:53 Rosenbaum doing anything as you went down to car source 3?
Speaker 3
00:09:57 I did it, I didn't notice.
00:09:59 Rosenbaum, until until he came out from behind the car and ambushed me.
Speaker 4
00:10:07 Did you run the whole way?
Speaker 3
00:10:08 No, I did it.
Speaker 4
00:10:11 You had your gun, correct?
00:10:15 And you had a fire extinguisher?
00:10:17 And you had.
00:10:17 Your medic.
Speaker 3
00:10:18 My medical bag, yes.
Speaker 4
00:10:19 And were you asking people about medic, medic.
00:10:22 At that point.
Speaker 5
00:10:22 Fine, I was asking.
Speaker 3
00:10:24 People, if they needed medical help as I was getting.
00:10:26 Down there.
Speaker 4
00:10:27 Did you receive any responses?
Speaker 3
00:10:28 No, I didn't.
Speaker 4
00:10:30 Describe your approach to car source #3.
Speaker 3
00:10:36 As I'm walking down Sheridan Rd.
00:10:40 I I hear somebody scream, burn in hell and I replied with friendly, friendly friendly to let them know.
00:10:49 Hey, I'm just here to help.
00:10:50 I'm just.
00:10:51 I don't want any problems.
00:10:52 I just want to put out the fires.
00:10:53 If there are any.
00:10:55 I continued walking and then I noticed the dirt Max.
00:10:59 I notice a flame in the back seat of the Duramax and I stepped.
00:11:05 I stepped towards the Duramax and.
00:11:08 As I'm stepping forward, I believe his name is now Joshua Ziminski.
00:11:13 He steps towards me with a pistol.
00:11:15 In his hand and.
00:11:21 As I'm walking as I as I'm walking towards to put out the fire, I dropped the fire extinguisher and I I take a step back.
Speaker 6
00:11:28 OK.
Speaker 4
00:11:29 When you step back from Mr.
00:11:31 Ziminski, what's your plan?
Speaker 3
00:11:35 My plan is to get out of that situation and go back N down Sheridan.
00:11:40 Road to where?
00:11:43 The car shores lot #2 was.
Speaker 4
00:11:47 Did you get back or were you able to go, you know, northerly direction?
Speaker 3
00:11:52 I I wasn't.
Speaker 4
00:11:53 Describe what happens.
Speaker 3
00:11:56 I once I take.
00:11:57 That step back, I look over my shoulder and.
00:12:02 Rosenbaum Mr.
00:12:04 Rosenbaum was now running from my right side.
00:12:11 And I was.
00:12:13 Cornered from in front of me with Mr.
Speaker 7
00:12:20 And there were.
Speaker 1
00:12:29 There were people there.
Speaker 4
00:12:37 Thank you. Deep web panel.
Speaker 8
00:12:58 We're going to just take.
00:13:00 Time for our break anyway.
00:13:01 You you can just relax for a minute.
00:13:04 We're going to take a break about 10 minutes.
00:13:07 And please don't talk about the case during the break.
00:13:09 Read, watch or listen to any kind of.
00:13:16 Welcome to insomnia.
00:13:18 Stream. I'm Devin stack.
00:13:21 A little bit.
00:13:21 Early, but also not going to be going.
00:13:23 Super late.
00:13:26 I'm going to be so sore tomorrow.
00:13:30 Oh man, I've been hammering nails all day long and my my hammering arm.
Speaker 1
00:13:36 It's just just.
00:13:38 It's nice and swollen.
00:13:40 It feels fine right now, but it's, you know, it's the.
00:13:42 Kind of kind of swollen where you're.
00:13:44 Like, oh, that's going to suck tomorrow.
00:13:54 So that was the Kyle Rittenhouse trial.
00:13:56 Listened that all day.
00:13:59 And uh.
00:14:02 That skeevy prosecutor?
00:14:05 I don't know if.
00:14:06 You guys have been watching this?
00:14:08 Holy ****.
00:14:11 Holy ****.
00:14:13 That prosecutor?
00:14:19 Holy **** is all I can.
00:14:21 Say it is a he is a skeevy S.
00:14:25 ******* prosecutor, to the extent or not, I'm not just saying that.
00:14:28 Because obviously, you know, like we all want.
00:14:30 Kyle to get off and you know all that fun stuff.
00:14:33 I'm not just.
00:14:34 Saying that, just objectively, he's just a skeevy ************.
00:14:38 Even the the judge at one point.
00:14:41 The judge got in, got got in, got.
00:14:44 In it with him several times and this is just the day I understand this kind of a thing's been.
00:14:48 Going on a little bit.
00:14:50 But he shouted at at the prosecutor.
00:14:53 Times and during the I listen to like I.
00:14:55 Think 6 hours of stuff while I was.
Speaker 10
00:14:58 Hammering nails and.
00:15:01 And at 1:00.
00:15:02 Point, the prosecutor says something like he was trying to defend trying.
00:15:08 He was trying to.
00:15:09 He was trying to sneak in evidence in front of the jury that they that the judge had already.
00:15:13 Ruled that he couldn't use right?
00:15:16 And after the the the judge had told the jury to leave the room so he could basically yell at the prosecutor and the prosecutor was trying to defend what he did, which literally could lead to a mistrial, which literally could be his.
00:15:36 What he's trying to do, he might be intentionally.
00:15:40 Trying to create a situation where there's a mistrial so they can retry the case because.
00:15:46 They don't like how it's going.
00:15:49 And he he's talking to the judge.
00:15:52 And he says something along the lines of like.
00:15:55 You know in.
00:15:56 Good faith, Sir.
00:15:56 This is this is.
00:15:57 This is why I'm doing.
00:15:58 It and the judge not.
00:16:00 What I said I don't.
00:16:00 Believe you like. He's basically telling the the prosecutor and and unfortunately the jury's not in.
00:16:07 The room to see it.
00:16:09 That you're a.
00:16:09 ******* liar.
00:16:11 And I know what you're doing.
00:16:13 Anyway, it's interesting to watch this ship, mostly because, I mean, I don't know about this judge.
00:16:19 I don't know.
00:16:19 Anything about this judge?
00:16:20 But he seems to get.
00:16:23 What's going on?
00:16:25 And unfortunately, it's one of those things where, well, it doesn't matter if the judge gets it, if the judge gets it and the jury is a bunch of *******.
00:16:36 Kyle will still go to jail.
00:16:39 And uh.
00:16:41 It's it's one of these things that this is one of these trials.
00:16:47 Where it's really important to see how it goes, simply because not because it's an earth shattering, but because it will tell you.
Speaker 10
00:16:58 Where we're at in the the decline.
00:17:04 Another case that did this.
00:17:07 Was the OJ trial.
00:17:11 You know people.
00:17:13 Have said Wow, it's crazy just for like the.
Speaker 10
00:17:15 Last few years.
00:17:19 It seems like black people think they can get away with anything.
00:17:24 And they can.
00:17:25 You know, I was listening to.
00:17:29 Laura Towers speech from the the Patriotic Alternative Conference that they mark Mark Collette does.
00:17:39 And she said something along.
00:17:42 I don't remember the exact phrasing I should.
00:17:44 Have written it down.
00:17:44 But she basically said that, you know, white people are starting to notice that if anything ever goes, you know, if a black person doesn't ever does anything wrong, you know, or or right, it's it's.
00:17:56 Oh, good, good job.
00:17:58 But if they do anything wrong.
00:17:59 Oh, it's white people's fault.
00:18:01 And if white people have a doing right, oh, it's because you know the diversity helps you do it.
00:18:06 And if white people ever do wrong, you know you're you're.
Speaker 10
00:18:09 ****** and that's.
00:18:12 Again, I'm.
00:18:12 I'm not saying it nearly as well as she said it.
00:18:15 But that's that's essentially.
00:18:19 That's where we're at.
00:18:20 And that really I mean start there, but one of the indicators.
00:18:27 That that's where we were headed was the OJ trial.
00:18:32 The OJ trial.
00:18:36 And isn't it ******?
00:18:40 Think of the people that got rich off that the Kardashians.
00:18:45 Yeah, yeah.
00:18:48 Or or jumps.
00:18:50 Uh ******* lawyer Dershowitz.
00:18:54 And Epstein's lawyer Epstein's lawyer.
00:18:58 The I was wearing a.
00:19:00 Towel while.
00:19:02 While yeah sexually engaged with a 14 year old, so it's OK, Dershowitz.
00:19:08 The let's get rid of age of consent, Dershowitz.
00:19:13 Yeah, all these, all these ******* awful ******* lawyers got rich off that anyway.
00:19:20 That's it's that kind of a case.
00:19:25 Because just like in the OJ case.
00:19:28 Where White America was just like, oh ****.
00:19:33 Oh, you want to see?
00:19:34 You want to see the 1st?
00:19:37 The first look of oh ****.
Speaker 10
00:19:40 Let's take a look.
00:19:43 This is this is the first taste.
00:19:49 Of white people thinking oh.
00:19:51 **** to themselves like oh, this isn't good.
Speaker 11
00:19:56 All right, ladies and gentlemen and the jury, I'm going to ask that you carefully listen to the verdicts as they are being read by the.
00:20:06 Clerk Mrs. Robertson.
00:20:10 And for those of you too young to.
00:20:12 Not remember this.
00:20:14 Literally everyone in the on the planet.
00:20:18 Not just in America.
00:20:19 Like everyone on the planet was watching this being like everyone.
00:20:26 This is before the Internet everyone had.
00:20:28 Their TV on.
00:20:29 All around the world.
Speaker 11
00:20:31 As after the verdicts have been read.
00:20:34 You will be asked.
00:20:35 If these are your verdicts.
00:20:40 And I would caution.
00:20:41 The audience during the course of the reading.
00:20:42 Of these verdicts.
00:20:44 To remain calm.
00:20:47 And then any disruption if there is any disruption during the reading of the verdicts, the bailiffs will have the obligation to remove any persons disrupting.
00:20:57 These proceedings.
00:21:02 Just want to point out.
00:21:03 Notice how he said, and if there's disruptions during the readings of the because they already knew.
00:21:13 Black people chimp out sometimes, so just you know, you guys chimp out.
00:21:17 The bailiffs going to do something.
Speaker 11
00:21:25 Would you please stand and face the jury?
00:21:35 Give me.
Speaker 12
00:21:36 Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles and matter of the people of State of California versus orenthal James Simpson case number BA 097211.
00:21:48 We, the jury.
00:21:49 In the above entitled action, find the defendant, ortho James Simpson, 1985.
00:21:55 Pinnacle section 987.
00:21:59 Black people celebrated.
00:22:04 Because you know.
00:22:07 He was only there because of racism.
00:22:16 Like universally.
00:22:19 You know, when I say that.
00:22:21 Blacks have in Group preference and white people don't.
00:22:26 It's because you won't see.
00:22:29 Anything resembling this?
00:22:32 If Kyle Rittenhouse gets off.
00:22:35 You won't.
00:22:38 You won't see auditoriums.
00:22:40 In fact, it's not even being covered that much.
00:22:45 I mean, it's being covered, but not like to the extent that.
00:22:47 The OJ trial was.
00:22:51 Because there's too many facts that that would get into the the public eye if they were to make this into the kind of spectacle that the OJ trial.
00:23:01 You'd have way too many eyeballs on.
00:23:04 I mean, people were watching every second at trial.
00:23:06 They were watching, like the every witness.
00:23:08 You know, there was all these crazy witnesses that would come and go and you know, the the Johnny Cochran and his, you know, the glove don't fit.
00:23:16 You got to quit and like it was like.
00:23:18 It was like a TV show.
00:23:19 Everyone was watching it every day.
00:23:22 And yeah, there's certainly people in our circles that are watching this.
00:23:26 I haven't had time to watch a lot of it.
00:23:28 Today was the first time I put it in my ear while I was doing stuff.
00:23:32 Uh, but this isn't something that's being covered or focused on.
00:23:38 In the any way, even close.
00:23:41 To how the OJ trial was.
00:23:44 Because if it was people again, they would be listening to the witnesses, they'd be going out, you know they would, you know, look.
00:23:50 At the evidence.
00:23:52 They would look at the that scumbag prosecutor.
Speaker 13
00:23:55 I was talking.
00:23:56 About today they would see that.
00:23:59 And then let's say.
00:24:01 Kyle does.
00:24:01 Let's say Kyle gets off.
00:24:04 Well, that we already know, right?
00:24:05 There's going to be a bunch of headlines that say, oh, look, you know, white supremacists allowed to murder blacks.
00:24:11 And if he doesn't get off, they'll be like, oh, sweet white supremacist, you know, thrown in jail like he deserves.
00:24:18 And because the trial hasn't been a spectacle, the trial hasn't been the focus of anything.
00:24:25 Everyone will just be.
00:24:26 Like oh, OK.
00:24:28 OK.
00:24:29 Thanks Media for telling me what to think.
00:24:33 Now the interesting thing is, as much as black people were watching this same Trump ******* trial.
00:24:40 That all the white people were.
00:24:41 Watching and like I said, you know.
00:24:43 Everyone was looking.
00:24:44 At the evidence.
00:24:45 Everyone's listening to all the different witnesses and.
00:24:50 Look at the difference.
00:24:51 Look at the difference in.
00:24:52 Reaction between the black people and the white.
Speaker 10
00:24:55 People they were.
00:24:56 Both watching the same trial.
00:25:15 There's the oh **** face.
00:25:20 There's the uh.
00:25:23 This isn't good.
00:25:26 This is not good.
00:25:30 This is not the start of something beautiful.
00:25:40 There's another old shitface.
00:25:45 You mean a black eye can literally come and justice?
00:25:50 Stabbed me to death.
00:25:53 In my driveway and.
Speaker 10
00:25:57 And that's it, huh?
00:25:58 Cause he's black.
Speaker 12
00:26:00 Have one position verdict.
Speaker 10
00:26:03 Look at that.
00:26:06 This is a little unsettling.
00:26:23 Where and just five feet away.
00:26:27 Ohh girlfriend.
00:26:30 The juice is loose.
Speaker 12
00:26:35 During the 12:00, as the counselor reverted.
00:26:42 That's my point.
00:26:47 You think there's going to be anyone like that?
00:26:49 If if Rittenhouse gets off?
00:26:52 Jumping up and down screaming.
00:27:00 And the and the quiet.
00:27:02 The quiet see The funny thing.
00:27:04 The ****** ** thing is.
00:27:06 I mean this.
00:27:07 Was a long time ago, right?
00:27:08 How long?
00:27:09 Ago was this.
00:27:09 Like 30 ish years.
00:27:11 Ago, this is a long time ago.
00:27:13 So those chicks.
00:27:14 Are in their 50s and 60s, you know.
00:27:18 How much you want to bet?
00:27:19 Because I.
00:27:20 Think this is New York?
00:27:22 They all support Black Lives Matter now.
00:27:28 They probably do.
00:27:32 They sure as **** don't support.
00:27:36 Kyle Rittenhouse.
00:27:37 I'd be very shocked.
00:27:41 But in this moment, they're just like ah.
00:27:46 Why? Primacy. What?
00:27:58 There you go.
Speaker 11
00:28:23 The defendant, having been acquitted of both charges, he is ordered transported to an appropriate shares facility and released forthwith, or it will standard recess.
Speaker 1
00:28:52 From just for the black building from just to the black community for the black to you.
00:28:58 Are you going to have people in the streets yelling?
00:29:01 This is this is a victory for the white community.
Speaker 10
00:29:06 This is a victory for the whites.
00:29:10 Of course not.
Speaker 1
00:29:14 Expose corrections in the Police Department.
00:29:28 One base black.
00:29:33 What did?
Speaker 12
00:29:33 Ohh, they changed the whole tone of the trial from a murder trial to a racial trial.
00:29:33 What did you ladies think?
Speaker 15
00:29:40 We don't know anybody, any woman who hasn't suffered some sort of abuse, physical abuse from.
00:29:46 Their from a man.
00:29:47 From a man, whether it's a husband or whatever, and.
00:29:50 It's just saying that still.
00:29:51 Not important.
00:29:52 I mean, it was so off.
00:29:53 Oh, and then the women.
00:29:54 Let's make.
00:29:55 It about me.
Speaker 7
00:29:58 God biggest miscarriage of justice and I am ashamed to be an American right now because the guy is so guilty.
00:30:05 It's disgusting.
00:30:07 That guy gets it, at least in this.
00:30:09 Who knows what he's like now?
00:30:12 But that's the uh, yeah, that was.
00:30:14 That was the oh **** moment that was.
00:30:16 The uh, there was this belief.
00:30:19 That, yeah, you'd get called racist, and yeah, people were always playing the race card and yeah, you know, this, that and the other.
00:30:28 But ultimately at the.
00:30:29 End of the day.
00:30:31 The society that our ancestors had built.
00:30:36 It seemed kind of everlasting.
00:30:41 You know the system of of justice.
00:30:45 That we were very proud of, we boasted.
00:30:48 Oh, this is.
00:30:49 The we have the the most freedoms and we have the the fairest justice system and and and the whole world.
00:30:57 We are the envy.
00:31:00 Of everyone else.
00:31:04 And this was the moment that, that first real big crack.
00:31:15 You mean someone can be super guilty?
00:31:19 But they pull the race.
00:31:20 Card and they uh, and that's it.
00:31:22 That's good.
00:31:25 That's it, huh? That's uh.
00:31:28 Oh, this can't lead to anything good.
Speaker 7
00:31:31 The jury should be ashamed of themselves for that verdict that they brought.
00:31:34 In that's all I have to say.
Speaker 16
00:31:37 I thought they were going to find him guilty because that took over a year for this outcome that to happen, so you can't just deliberate for three hours or even a day and come out with this conclusion.
00:31:46 So I think it's I think this.
Speaker 13
00:31:48 Soften the couple base blacks.
Speaker 16
00:31:48 Needs to be reviewed because this makes the whole legal system look like a joke to me because I'm really.
00:31:52 Just going in way.
Speaker 13
00:31:55 There are some.
00:31:56 Black people that that get it.
Speaker 16
00:31:58 This all came out.
Speaker 17
00:31:59 I think this jury sent a message.
00:32:02 The time has come here in Los Angeles and in America that indeed there must be a level playing field for everybody.
00:32:10 I am hurting so bad for those families.
00:32:14 I mean, what is it?
00:32:15 Going to do.
Speaker 15
00:32:17 How's he going to live with this knowing?
00:32:19 We all know he's guilty.
Speaker 1
00:32:21 How will you how will you?
Speaker 17
00:32:22 Have he would let you.
00:32:26 You racist, right, Karen?
Speaker 10
00:32:31 Yeah, and that was probably.
00:32:33 That was the that was the.
00:32:36 The primordial Stew of the Caron.
00:32:40 That scene that we just watched.
00:32:43 The white woman in public.
00:32:46 Saying wait a second.
00:32:48 This isn't right.
00:32:50 And the black man in the background saying you racist.
00:32:58 It was just starting to brew up.
00:33:01 All that hatred.
00:33:04 They've always had from being rejected by white women.
00:33:14 Into this campaign, called the Caron.
Speaker 10
00:33:18 Oh boy.
00:33:21 Yeah, that's.
00:33:24 It's pretty stark.
Speaker 12
00:33:34 I think it's great.
Speaker 15
00:33:36 He deserves to go free.
00:33:37 They have no evidence on him.
Speaker 4
00:33:40 So much evidence to deliberate for as short as.
00:33:43 They did and come back.
00:33:44 With a not guilty verdict, I think it.
00:33:45 Shows that.
Speaker 12
00:33:47 The jury was pretty.
Speaker 17
00:33:47 Questioning by his death.
00:33:48 Irresponsible and money can buy justice.
00:33:53 Yeah, the beginning of the end, you might say.
Speaker 17
00:34:12 I think this jury sent a message that.
Speaker 15
00:34:18 Thank justice was.
00:34:19 Served. I don't.
00:34:19 Think the jury did their job?
00:34:21 I think they knew what they were gonna do.
00:34:23 From the gate.
00:34:23 I think.
00:34:24 It was.
Speaker 14
00:34:25 Racist based and.
00:34:26 It was racist from the Black Point.
00:34:30 The inspirational closing argument, the inspirational presence of Mr.
00:34:33 If this was enough given.
Speaker 15
00:34:34 I just feel that I mean, in my mind he was he was guilty and I really feel sorry for the families.
00:34:40 I think with a cry I just.
00:34:42 You know, this is our system and if they?
00:34:43 Found him not guilty.
00:34:44 There's nothing we can do.
00:34:46 That's right.
00:34:47 That was your system.
00:34:55 So that's the problem is that's one of the reasons why I kind of not want to watch the the trial or cover it because it it it's one of these things where.
00:35:08 If you watch it.
00:35:10 It's trying to it's like trying.
00:35:12 To predict the mind of.
00:35:14 A crazy person.
Speaker 10
00:35:17 Like what's a?
00:35:17 Crazy person going to think like you don't know.
00:35:21 It's impossible to know what a crazy.
00:35:23 Person's going to think.
00:35:26 And unfortunately, our public is pretty ******.
00:35:30 Up so a lot of it's going to.
00:35:32 I mean, really.
00:35:33 It it all comes down to the jury selection.
00:35:36 It all comes down to where they able to.
00:35:38 Weed out all the.
00:35:40 The Antifa psychos, the ****** psycho, and there's just so many ******* psychos now.
00:35:46 And there's just so many stupid people.
00:35:50 And it's it's and look.
00:35:51 This is just the beginning.
00:35:52 The end like the.
00:35:54 The judge in this case, like I said, I don't know this guy's politics if.
00:35:57 I had.
00:35:57 To guess, you know, statistically speaking, he's probably not right wing.
00:36:01 It's, you know, certainly not in Wisconsin, right?
00:36:04 But he's an old white guy, old white guy.
00:36:09 You know, possibly Jewish.
00:36:10 I mean, I don't know that for sure, just statistically speaking, right?
00:36:15 But you know he he's he's.
00:36:17 A boomer and he's got like this.
00:36:20 Boomer sense of justice.
00:36:23 And uh.
00:36:25 That's that's that comes across when he's.
00:36:30 Presiding over this courtroom.
00:36:34 That's not going to continue.
00:36:36 When those guys die off.
00:36:39 Who do you think's going to?
00:36:40 Start being the judges.
00:36:46 Who do you think's going to start being the judges in these cases moving forward?
00:36:53 And not only that, it's it's.
00:36:55 Who's going to be the judges who's going to?
00:36:57 Be the appeals court.
00:36:59 It's already bad, right?
00:37:09 But we haven't.
00:37:09 Seen anything yet?
00:37:15 It it it's it's going to be the judges, it's gonna and it's.
00:37:19 Going to be.
00:37:20 The the lawyers, it might be like, let's say something.
00:37:23 Let's say something happens to you and you know Kyle was able to raise some money and.
00:37:28 Get some real lawyers.
00:37:31 That seem to know what they're.
00:37:32 Doing that.
00:37:33 Was the other side of that.
00:37:34 That his lawyers seemed to be pretty competent people.
00:37:39 But let's say something happens to you.
00:37:41 You don't have the notoriety or the ability to raise the money that he did.
00:37:47 So you get stuck with the public defender like a lot of these January 6 people, right?
00:37:53 One of these January 6 people like have.
00:37:58 Public defenders.
00:38:00 They're not rich people.
00:38:00 That was partially why they were there.
00:38:06 So you get.
00:38:07 Stuck with the public defender like in the January, people that with the January 6 stuff.
00:38:12 In their case, some of their public defenders have even said.
00:38:18 Ohh yeah, hate Trump.
00:38:23 You're probably not going to get a fair fair.
00:38:29 If you have some Trump hating liberal as your attorney.
00:38:34 And not only that, who do you think?
00:38:35 Who do you?
00:38:36 Think ends up.
00:38:36 Being public defenders.
00:38:39 Not a whole lot of right wing extremists.
00:38:41 End up being public defenders.
00:38:48 So you you get stuck with this.
00:38:51 Probably low IQ because also not many lawyers.
00:38:56 And up as public defenders either.
00:38:59 So you'll have this low IQ public defender that hates you.
00:39:04 You'll have a judge that hates you.
00:39:07 You'll have the police involved in whatever capacity they were involved in.
00:39:12 Whatever incident we're talking about this hypothetical.
00:39:15 They'll probably hate you.
00:39:20 See, This is why diversity isn't your strength.
00:39:27 If the jury.
00:39:31 In the OJ case.
00:39:35 Had been 100% white.
00:39:39 Do you think?
00:39:42 Do you think they?
00:39:45 They would have come back with a.
00:39:46 Not guilty verdict.
00:39:49 Now I don't know anything about, you know, Kyle's jury.
00:39:54 I don't know how good they were at at at jury selection.
00:40:00 I know that they changed lawyers.
00:40:02 I don't know if to be honest.
00:40:03 I'm not sure if that.
00:40:04 He was able to get the good lawyers.
00:40:07 Before jury selection began.
00:40:10 UM and with how sleazebag this ******* prosecutor is?
00:40:17 You know, we know what kind of jurors he was looking for.
00:40:21 And he's a local.
00:40:26 So we'll see what happens.
00:40:28 I have no idea.
00:40:29 I just think that.
00:40:30 It's it will, it will.
00:40:35 Absolutely inform us as to how far gone we are.
00:40:42 You know the OJ I would say.
00:40:43 That the OJ.
00:40:45 Verdict was the beginning.
00:40:48 And the Kyle verdict if?
00:40:50 It if he gets a guilty.
00:40:52 It's not going to be.
00:40:53 The end.
00:40:55 But it's going to be just it's like.
00:41:00 You know, it's like a measuring stick.
00:41:02 It's a thermometer for the water we're boiling in.
00:41:07 So anyway, like I said, I don't have much tonight.
00:41:10 I'm going to be so sore.
00:41:12 I'm already kind of sore backs, all kind of ****** **.
00:41:16 Climbing around, I'm trying to.
00:41:17 We're going to hang out.
00:41:18 The door.
00:41:21 And The thing is, because building materials are.
00:41:23 So expensive, right?
00:41:26 I use it like I.
00:41:27 I luckily have.
00:41:28 I have a **** ton.
00:41:29 Of scrap wood on my.
00:41:30 Property and that just came with.
Speaker 7
00:41:33 The place.
00:41:35 And somebody just using I'm.
00:41:37 I'm literally like like a let's take guys like a wall got ripped.
00:41:40 Off of 1 of.
00:41:41 My buildings.
00:41:42 I was like patch it up.
00:41:43 With just like wood.
00:41:48 And actually it turned out.
00:41:49 Way better than I make.
00:41:50 It sound but and and then I'm trying to like put this door on it because.
00:41:55 This door blown in and.
00:41:59 Again, they're just using odds and ends, and I don't know.
00:42:03 I have to be having to be.
00:42:04 Very creative.
00:42:06 About how I do this.
00:42:07 For it to still be structurally sound.
00:42:09 Thank God no building codes here.
00:42:11 All right.
00:42:12 Let me take a look at chat and I'll hang out and chat for a little bit and then I'm going to head on out here.
00:42:17 I was going to cancel.
00:42:18 I was going to cancel this.
00:42:20 Just because I was so tired, but.
00:42:23 I knew I had to pop in and say hello.
00:42:27 All right, let me look at the tipped ones chem bleth.
00:42:32 Hey, Devin, have you ever considered watching some advertisement commercials?
00:42:36 They're really pretty interesting.
00:42:38 You talk about the new ones or old?
00:42:40 Ones we've done a few streams.
00:42:41 On commercials I could look at some new ones maybe.
00:42:45 The pill dispenser, happy Rhodesia.
00:42:48 Unilateral Declaration of Independence.
00:42:53 Rhodesia never die.
00:42:56 And there's a lot of people in Rhodesia that wish they had.
00:42:59 Well, I guess they can't now because.
00:43:00 They did die.
00:43:03 Let's take a look at normal chat here.
00:43:12 And my.
00:43:14 I'm not going to be able to lift my arm my right arm.
00:43:16 Over my head tomorrow.
00:43:21 Bruchsal the good friend of mine.
00:43:23 Was on the.
00:43:25 Queen Kilpatrick jury.
00:43:29 Not sure who that is?
Speaker 10
00:43:30 I'll look that up.
00:43:42 Is an American former politician who served as Democrat Michigan State representative from 97 to 2002 Mayor of Detroit.
00:43:53 And resigned as mayor of 2008 had been convicted of perjury and obstruction of justice.
00:43:59 Uh, surprising, of course he's black.
00:44:01 But uh anyway, six months of his life and.
00:44:07 He didn't even do half of his 28 years. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I'm surprised.
00:44:12 You know, because I mean he.
00:44:13 Was he?
00:44:15 Was the mayor of Detroit, so it's not like he was ruling class, you know, but still shocking that he did anytime.
00:44:23 Have you ever heard of Glenn Rogers, the serial killer who confessed to the OJ murders?
00:44:28 No, but I don't. You know, OJ did it. OJ's pretty much hinted that.
00:44:33 He's done it.
00:44:34 You know, it's not even like.
00:44:38 Yeah, because he.
00:44:39 Can't be tried again.
00:44:43 UM.
00:44:46 Being here, the prosecutor is an Ashkenazi, Ashkenazi Jewish last name.
00:44:51 This guy is so slimy and I think the defense could have objected more.
00:44:56 I don't know.
00:44:57 It's frustrating to.
00:44:58 Watch. Yeah, the that.
00:45:00 Prosecutor Guy is just some he's just like a slimy swarmy ****.
00:45:08 But I'm not surprised.
00:45:11 True men.
00:45:12 Belarus is practically and state of hybrid war with Poland.
00:45:16 Now they keep bringing rape, rape, Fugees from all over the world by planes and then try to push them through the.
00:45:26 Through I'm I think you mean border.
00:45:30 The Polish border.
00:45:32 Guard to try to stop them.
00:45:35 You're saying that Belarus is importing refugees and trying to ram them into Poland?
00:45:44 That's an interesting tactic, I guess. Maybe that's what Mexico's doing to us, but I, you know.
00:45:51 Christos Rex, have you heard the Muslims trying to cross the Polish border right now?
00:45:57 Apparently it's like a thing.
00:45:59 I had no idea.
00:46:00 No, I was listening to that trial.
00:46:02 I mean it's.
00:46:02 It was.
00:46:03 ******* 7 hours of trial.
00:46:06 I was listening to all hammering nails all day I did.
00:46:09 Not seeing this Polish border stuff.
00:46:12 What's going on?
00:46:12 Let's let's see what?
00:46:13 This is Polish border.
00:46:21 Recent news.
00:46:24 Oh yeah, should I believe what's happening based on what the BBC?
00:46:27 Says probably not.
00:46:31 Let's see.
00:46:37 Should I do the The Associated Press explainer?
00:46:43 Yeah, I'm sure it's.
00:46:46 Yeah, they make it look very holocaustic.
00:46:52 Alright, so here's the quick rundown.
00:46:58 A bunch of alright.
00:47:00 Belarus was rocked by months of massive protests following the August 2020 election. Blah blah blah. Everyone hates Plushenko Belarusian authorities responded to the demonstrations, but yes, we get it. European Union and the US reacted by imposing sanctions.
00:47:18 Bah, Bah Bah.
00:47:21 Bah, Bah Bah.
00:47:23 All right, he said.
00:47:24 He'll no longer abide to the agreement to stem illegal.
00:47:28 Or illegal immigration, arguing the EU sanctions deprive is OK.
00:47:33 So based what's going on is lisenko is saying **** the EU.
00:47:39 He's basically pulling a Gaddafi and just letting all the migrants.
00:47:43 4 N.
00:47:45 Well, you know, until the EU senator was never until the EU was willing to do what the Americans aren't willing to do.
00:47:55 And that is open fire on invaders invading in your in your land.
00:48:01 Until you're willing to do that.
00:48:04 They're going to keep coming.
00:48:07 If you don't.
00:48:08 Impose any threats you know, as as Kyle Rittenhouse has taught us.
00:48:16 They're going to keep grabbing for your gun until you let.
00:48:18 Off a couple rounds, that's just.
00:48:20 That's what's going to happen.
00:48:22 And it's never gonna they're never going to do that.
00:48:24 And so, you know.
00:48:28 Plushenko doesn't give a ****.
00:48:29 It's not like they're going to stop in Belarus, right?
00:48:31 They're just.
00:48:31 Going to use it as a as a freeway.
00:48:34 All right, well, I haven't been paying attention to that.
00:48:35 I'll maybe.
00:48:36 Look into that a little further.
Speaker 7
00:48:43 Let's see.
00:48:47 Tipsy Mike stagger have you covered the movie Mississippi burning yet?
00:48:51 No, I mean I have it.
00:48:56 I haven't even watched it yet.
00:48:58 It was one of those movies that.
00:49:00 The cover didn't even look.
00:49:02 Interesting enough to watch it so I never watched it.
00:49:07 Maybe I'll look into.
00:49:07 It I know it's.
00:49:09 Guessing it's about the South and racism and you know, I mean, just because of the name.
Speaker 11
00:49:13 OK.
00:49:14 But alright, I'll keep that in mind. Hi, priest. King Terry, Kyle's best friend, has a future trial over his head from the prosecution. He threw car into the bus. Moral is never trust the guy trying to bang your sister.
00:49:32 Also, OJ's murder was proven in civil court. Now. That's right. I forgot about. Forgot about the civil case. That's why OJ got blood dry from the the Goldman family do Harrow.
00:49:49 1400 There is an election coming up in Chile. The leftist candidate is the son of a Croatian, and a Spaniard is childless and the physiognomy.
00:50:02 Of a redditor.
00:50:04 The right wing candidate is the son of Germans and has nine children.
00:50:09 Very interesting.
00:50:14 Sheen Lantern.
00:50:20 If I did it, OJ's book was literally tiled. Then yeah, OJ wrote a book about.
00:50:28 How he did it?
00:50:31 I mean.
00:50:32 Think of the sick **** that would think of this way.
00:50:35 Let's say he.
00:50:35 Didn't really do it.
00:50:39 And so he writes a book.
00:50:42 About murdering the mother of his children.
00:50:51 You know like.
00:50:52 No, he he did it.
00:50:53 He ******* did it.
00:50:57 Everyone knows he did it.
00:51:00 Horse from the waist.
00:51:01 Down. Oh, you must be $1.65 fan.
00:51:08 For your own credibility, I would listen to the OC County County police interview with OJ before they told them the news and check about the manhunt.
00:51:18 Matter now, OJ did it.
00:51:21 I I don't know why you guys.
00:51:23 I had no idea that there were so many people that I guess it makes sense.
00:51:27 People don't believe anything.
00:51:29 Hammer thorazine.
00:51:30 Another case is the Michael Strickland one in Portland.
00:51:35 He's a right wing YouTuber, was filming BLM.
00:51:38 The mob charged him, he drew a gun, mob stopped, he ran away.
00:51:43 He's a felon for this.
00:51:44 There is a video.
00:51:45 He had a judge trial because they couldn't find a suitable jury, right?
00:51:51 Right.
00:51:53 You're you're going to be at the mercy of the ruling class and the ruling class is who installs judges.
00:52:04 You know, especially at the at the federal level.
00:52:12 Yeah, you're totally ******. But at every end, there's not even. There's not a single institution that's on rittenhouse's side.
00:52:21 I will not be.
00:52:22 Surprised if they find him guilty.
00:52:27 Walker, 77, everything. Belarus or Ukraine, reported in Western media is Neo con ********. Yeah, probably, but I have.
00:52:36 I have not looked any of.
Speaker 10
00:52:37 That stuff at all, do you?
00:52:41 Or neo pioneer.
00:52:42 Do you think America first candidate see Neil Kumar for?
00:52:47 Congress and Arkansas have had it or have a chance at winning at all, or.
00:52:53 Will the ruling class not allow anymore of them?
00:52:57 No more?
00:52:58 Paul Gosar.
00:53:01 I don't know.
00:53:02 I don't know.
00:53:03 To me it's irrelevant because like I said, it's.
00:53:07 We're not pulling out of this nosedive.
00:53:09 It's kind of like.
00:53:10 Saying, let's say you're you're in a plane that like both engines are gone.
00:53:17 So inevitably, it's going to hit the ground, right?
00:53:20 You don't know when.
00:53:21 I mean, you've got a lot of momentum.
00:53:24 Let's say the pilot's pretty good at keeping her up. There's some good wins.
00:53:28 So you can.
00:53:29 You know, stay up for a long time.
00:53:32 But you're gonna hit the ground.
00:53:35 And so I don't really focus on like the.
00:53:37 Oh, did you see did.
00:53:38 You feel that like it?
00:53:39 Felt like we went up like 20 feet.
00:53:42 For like a minute, you know.
00:53:45 No, I'm looking for a parachute.
00:53:48 I'm looking for a parachute because I know where this.
00:53:50 Plane is going eventually.
00:53:52 I don't get excited about, like, oh, you see that, you know, based Paul Gosar based, you know, whoever.
00:53:59 No, it doesn't ******* matter.
00:54:01 It really doesn't ******* matter.
00:54:04 The demographic shift.
00:54:05 Alone makes it so it doesn't ******* matter.
00:54:09 It really doesn't matter now.
00:54:11 This is not necessarily the case in other countries.
00:54:14 I'm talking specifically America.
00:54:17 Doesn't ******* matter.
00:54:19 There are countries where you still have stand chance.
00:54:23 Of resisting or reversing some of the diversity stuff, but not America.
00:54:29 Not possible.
00:54:32 Not going to do it.
00:54:34 And there's just not the time.
00:54:37 There's not the time to to pull this or the people.
00:54:43 And I think if anything is taught, I mean look at the last two years about in terms of complacency and.
00:54:47 Just obedience.
00:54:50 How would you look at that evidence and think that getting some America first candidates see.
00:54:55 This is why I've never been like.
00:54:58 Someone that would, that that's down for political rallies and **** like that, cause it's pointless.
00:55:02 It's it's just.
00:55:04 It's literally pointless.
00:55:08 Who's the Black Prairie police?
00:55:11 Not everything's pointless, but that's ******* pointless, dude.
00:55:15 It's ******* pointless.
00:55:16 Prove me wrong.
00:55:17 Me wrong, big shot.
00:55:20 They won't.
00:55:26 Chad the famous.
00:55:28 The Tucker show tonight is getting memes already.
00:55:32 He called Rosenbaum A Peto who just got out of the mental hospital and got in trouble for touching a minor.
00:55:39 Yeah, that's true, right?
00:55:39 He's literally a pedophile Jew that had just got out of a mental institution.
00:55:45 Who had a restraining order against him?
00:55:49 To see you know, because he was.
00:55:51 He was endangering his girlfriend.
00:55:56 And he was yelling shoot me.
00:56:00 Like he was yelling that.
Speaker 16
00:56:03 All night.
00:56:05 On video.
00:56:08 And so he got what he wanted.
00:56:16 I don't know why they.
00:56:20 But that doesn't matter.
00:56:20 Though it doesn't matter that that yeah, he should be.
00:56:24 Up, excuse me.
00:56:25 And I've watched all the videos.
00:56:27 I get it.
00:56:28 Everyone knows he should.
00:56:29 He's innocent, he.
00:56:31 Shouldn't even been.
00:56:32 Like the DA.
00:56:34 That in and of itself, the fact that the DA brought charges.
00:56:39 Is a a thermometer.
00:56:44 Because 50 years ago.
00:56:48 Probably would be no court case.
00:56:51 20 years ago, I probably know a court case.
00:56:54 In fact, I would.
00:56:55 Say, unless you know even like the 90s.
00:57:00 Unless the people he had shot had, like all.
00:57:01 Been black.
00:57:04 Probably a court case.
00:57:06 Right.
00:57:07 But at the same time, it's hard to gauge this stuff because quite frankly, that scenario that he was in in the 1st place couldn't have taken place in the 90s because we weren't that ****** ** yet.
00:57:19 We weren't having ******* riots.
00:57:21 I mean, there was, like, the race riot type ****.
00:57:25 But uh, it that's it's, you know, it's it's been getting worse.
Speaker 1
00:57:29 You know.
00:57:32 But OK, just let's just say the the.
00:57:36 The riots.
00:57:37 Oh, by the way, and if OJ had been found guilty there.
00:57:40 Would have been riots.
00:57:42 There would have been riots.
00:57:45 If if Rittenhouse is found guilty.
00:57:48 There won't be any riots.
00:57:50 There won't be anything.
Speaker 10
00:57:52 At all.
00:57:57 And and look, that's part of why there's no.
00:58:00 Political pressure to to.
00:58:04 Bow down to your racial interests because.
00:58:08 You're not going to do anything.
00:58:10 Uh. Let's see here.
00:58:16 It's it's it's frustrating hearing people making these moral flag arguments on human rights to condition people against doing what needs to be done.
00:58:29 I got like way far back.
00:58:31 Like I'm not sure what you mean by that.
00:58:34 I don't know what you're referring to on.
00:58:36 Either part of that.
00:58:40 Here we go.
00:58:44 Pacific Front people forget that the first senator elected on a tea party platform in 2010 was Marco Rubio in Florida. Exactly.
00:59:02 And and people forget that in 2016.
00:59:08 Trump was elected on lock her up and drain the swamp.
00:59:15 You see what I'm saying?
00:59:15 Like it's.
00:59:18 You can't name.
00:59:20 Any right?
00:59:21 Wing wins.
Speaker 13
00:59:23 In the last 50 years.
00:59:26 Maybe longer.
00:59:29 There have been no.
00:59:30 I don't know how.
00:59:32 People on the right stay so optimistic.
00:59:35 It it's almost like.
00:59:38 They're like the puppy, like you ever hear those stories?
00:59:41 Like ohh.
00:59:42 Like they always have like that sad story.
00:59:45 Well, this Chinese guy, he was getting taken to the hospital.
00:59:51 And his dog followed the ambulance and waited outside.
00:59:57 And then the Chinese guy died.
01:00:00 But the dog stayed waiting for him for the.
01:00:02 Rest of his.
01:00:03 Life and it's like.
01:00:04 It's supposed to.
01:00:05 Be this big, sad story that's Republicans, that's that's conservatives.
01:00:12 They're just waiting outside the hospital for their dead Chinese master.
01:00:24 He's never going to come.
01:00:27 You know, but.
Speaker 13
01:00:28 Yeah, it is what it is.
01:00:34 Let's see here.
01:00:36 Glock 23, I was a police officer for 10 years in a large city in Ohio, Blacks committed most of the crime.
01:00:43 They resisted arrest 4 out of five times, then accused officers of racism and excessive use of force.
01:00:50 I told fellow officers the day will come when we cannot arrest blacks.
01:00:54 That day is here.
01:00:55 That day is here.
01:00:58 And man, I can only imagine the.
01:01:01 I mean, I've looked at.
01:01:03 I was looking at, you know, when I was first looking.
01:01:05 At really cheap houses.
01:01:07 Ohio was was one of the states that had a really cheap houses.
01:01:11 And I mean, like Detroit cheap.
01:01:13 Uh, Cleveland Jesus Christ.
01:01:15 You could get like a.
01:01:16 House because it was in the black neighborhood, like a whole house for like $5000.
01:01:21 And it would have been like a.
01:01:22 Really sweet house.
01:01:24 If it wasn't for a being in a black neighborhood.
01:01:27 I mean, it would have been like a easily if that exact same house was in a white neighborhood, it would have been worth like $100,000.
01:01:37 But it was $5000.
01:01:40 And uh, yeah, it's it's uh.
01:01:44 Yeah, that's rough man.
01:01:46 And it but.
01:01:47 We are there, we're there.
01:01:48 We're definitely there.
01:01:52 How do you choke someone by kneeling on the back of their neck?
01:01:56 If the windpipe is in the front or you have a George Floyd, no, George Floyd had a heart attack and died of a drug overdose and everyone knows that too.
01:02:08 And that cop?
01:02:09 Still, that was another.
01:02:11 That's what I'm saying.
01:02:12 That that's why I I would not be surprised if they convict Kyle.
01:02:19 Just wouldn't be surprised.
01:02:20 They they they convicted Derek Chauvin.
01:02:25 And I honestly don't think they that anyone believes that.
01:02:29 I mean, no one that's.
01:02:31 Not a ******.
01:02:34 Believes that he actually killed him.
01:02:37 Based gringo.
01:02:38 The Guardian reports that Israel is holding the world's first war games tomorrow to prepare for the next coronavirus outbreak.
01:02:47 The operation is dubbed Omega Exercise.
01:02:51 Oh well, that's good.
01:02:54 That should be fun.
01:02:59 Let's see here.
01:03:00 Oh, should I look for Omega exercise?
Speaker 10
01:03:03 Oh, sorry, I'm really that tired.
01:03:08 My back's killing me already.
01:03:12 All that came up was a bunch of *******.
01:03:15 Gym places called Omega Fitness and stuff like that.
01:03:20 Ohh boy, let me see if there's.
01:03:22 Any of the news?
01:03:25 There we go.
01:03:35 Israel is to conduct the world's first national COVID drill to test the country's readiness for an outbreak.
01:03:43 Of a new lethal.
01:03:45 Variant of the virus.
01:03:46 The drill scheduled for Thursday.
01:03:49 Will take the format of.
01:03:50 War games exercise that will be led by the Prime Minister.
01:03:56 Naftali Bennett.
01:03:58 It will test the capabilities of Government Department.
01:04:00 Right, blah blah blah.
01:04:01 Blah, yeah, we'll.
01:04:02 See, I mean, I don't know.
01:04:04 It's just Israel.
01:04:09 That doesn't really mean much, I mean.
01:04:11 Like I said, we we don't.
01:04:12 Know we don't know is.
01:04:13 That is this the.
01:04:13 Dark winter.
01:04:16 I mean, even though Christmas.
01:04:17 Is literally right around the corner now.
01:04:19 It still doesn't feel like winter yet so.
01:04:23 We'll see.
01:04:24 We'll see.
01:04:24 I mean, it's it's not cold yet here.
01:04:27 I mean, I I know.
01:04:28 It doesn't get as cold here as it does most places, but winter has not really begun here, and it usually would have.
01:04:36 Brooke assault. You should review denial about Biden's anti-Semitism envoy, Deborah Lipstadt. She was sued for libel by Brett.
01:04:47 Author David Irving.
01:04:52 David Irving was based.
Speaker 2
01:04:56 I'll look that up.
01:05:06 I'll just leave that on my on my side here.
01:05:14 Double AZ.
01:05:16 There might be riots if Kyle is acquitted.
01:05:19 Yeah, there might be.
01:05:21 There might be.
01:05:25 Christo's Rex, don't you understand?
01:05:28 A mediocre governor got.
01:05:31 Elected in Virginia.
01:05:33 So it's all turning around, right?
01:05:38 Horse from the waist down, how do you get a signed?
01:05:40 Copy of your book.
01:05:42 I don't know.
01:05:43 I might do.
01:05:43 Something like that.
01:05:46 I gotta get it back available in the 1st place and I gotta still.
01:05:49 Gotta finish book.
01:05:50 Too, yeah, I got.
01:05:51 A lot of things I I'm trying to get done.
01:05:56 All at the same time, and it's not, it's.
01:05:59 That's a little much.
01:06:00 Gradually begin to hate them.
01:06:02 I don't know, man, but.
01:06:03 At this point.
01:06:04 I'm almost fuming.
01:06:05 Every time I read news.
01:06:08 News article with this.
01:06:09 But at the same time, I relish in the fact that normies will suffer more than I will as long as you're prepared.
01:06:15 That's what I'm saying.
01:06:16 Just, you know, prepare for the worst.
01:06:19 Hope for the best, prepare for the worst trim and Belarus is scamming migrants, too.
01:06:24 Migrants pay them tons of cash.
01:06:27 But yeah, yeah, I'm not looking all this.
01:06:29 I I.
01:06:32 I would not be surprised.
01:06:34 There's a lot of corruption out that way.
Speaker 13
01:06:38 All right.
01:06:42 I know how to solve the refugee crisis 10.
01:06:47 Vaccine them before letting them in and problems are.
01:06:50 Gone in about two years.
01:06:53 It wouldn't be hard to do.
01:06:54 You can even.
01:06:55 Get people to support that.
01:06:59 Tipsy mix stigger when to expect Mic too.
01:07:02 I don't know.
01:07:02 Like three months.
01:07:05 That's what.
01:07:05 That's what I expected.
01:07:06 At this point I'm like way overdue.
01:07:09 Or a year ago really.
01:07:13 It's it's, it's it's further, it's further gone.
01:07:17 I I have had.
Speaker 10
01:07:17 A little bit of time like a.
01:07:19 Little bit of time to work on it.
01:07:22 So it's not been completely neglected as of late, but it's just I got a lot of stuff going on right now.
01:07:29 Just just, you know, you know, trying to keep the building structurally sound, to be honest.
01:07:35 Trying to repair a lot of damage from the storms.
01:07:37 I had this this summer.
01:07:40 And UM, making things waterproof before it starts raining and things like.
01:07:46 And eventually trying to prepare to have.
01:07:48 Animals out here.
01:07:50 High Priest King Terry.
01:07:51 Maybe it's just me.
01:07:52 But it feels like 20/20/20.
01:07:56 2020.
01:07:58 2021 just went by extremely quick, I think crisis after crisis is partially meant to screw with our sense of time and rhythm. Calmer years certainly feel longer. Or maybe you're just getting older.
01:08:12 As you get older, time seems to be going by faster and the reason for that I think when I've thought about this because I I do agree that that's how my perception has been.
01:08:25 Is when you're 2A year is like half your life.
01:08:31 So it seems like it.
01:08:31 Takes forever because that's like half your life.
01:08:36 When you're 10.
01:08:37 A year is still is 10% of your life.
01:08:43 You know that's that's still a long time, but the older you.
01:08:45 Get like the less.
01:08:49 A year?
01:08:51 Is a percentage of your life like it's a smaller.
01:08:57 And smaller and smaller unit of time.
01:09:02 When you compare it to.
01:09:05 All of the time.
01:09:07 That's my at least that's that's the way.
01:09:09 That's what I come up.
01:09:10 I don't know if that's real or not.
01:09:12 I feel like that's probably real.
01:09:15 Christos Rex affected people who fight the system are always killed. Lincoln Rockwell's assassin got eight years, and then it worked for some newspaper, and I'm not surprised.
01:09:26 AA, Z. Do you watch Robert, Zephyr now. That name sounds familiar, but I don't watch.
01:09:32 A lot of stuff these days.
01:09:36 I'll I'll bookmark it.
01:09:39 I'll look at it later.
01:09:42 But I don't know who that is.
01:09:44 High High precinct, Terry, I think Angela Pill Publishing will publish your book.
01:09:48 They publish stuff for TRS, specialize in banned books.
01:09:52 Yeah, I I was starting.
01:09:54 I was going to talk to him on Twitter, and then my Twitter account got banned or, you know.
01:09:58 Yeah, here's The funny thing, if.
01:10:00 I sign into Twitter right now even now.
01:10:03 It's been over a month.
01:10:05 And it says it.
01:10:07 They're still.
01:10:08 Reviewing my my my appeal.
01:10:12 So it's been over a month and.
01:10:13 They have, they they.
01:10:15 They can't decide.
01:10:16 I mean, look, we all know they're not, they're.
01:10:18 Just never going to appeal it.
01:10:20 They're just always going to have that temptation because what happens is you sign in and you have this button that says.
01:10:27 You know, if you're tired of waiting for the appeal, you can always just delete the tweet that we got mad at you about.
01:10:34 Come on.
01:10:35 Come on, boy.
01:10:36 Delete the tweet.
01:10:39 Bend to our will.
01:10:41 It's just a little thing.
01:10:42 No, we'll know.
01:10:43 No one will know.
01:10:44 Especially not now.
01:10:45 It's been.
01:10:45 A long time.
01:10:47 Just click delete tweet.
01:10:50 And it'll be fine.
01:10:51 It'll just go away.
01:10:53 And you'll be back.
Speaker 10
01:10:55 On Twitter, no.
01:10:56 **** that.
01:10:57 **** that.
01:11:00 But yeah, I just can't believe they.
01:11:02 Have the.
01:11:03 The the balls that just like.
Speaker 17
01:11:05 Leave that up.
01:11:07 For for what will probably be eternity.
01:11:09 It'll always be like that.
01:11:16 Did you know from 1984 David Mamet.
01:11:21 Wrote a play.
01:11:22 Later turned into a movie, Edmund 2005 thought of you as I watched it. He has some free spicy moments including Joe Montanas's monologue where he says he envies the the *******.
01:11:40 Alright, on it, I'll bookmark that too.
01:11:49 Sheen lanterns now Putin had a ultra nationalist groups organization shot down in prison for years.
01:11:56 For and decrying them as anti-Semitic pigs. Not surprised.
01:12:02 Not surprised at all.
01:12:04 There's there's no.
01:12:05 That's what I'm saying.
01:12:05 There's no like based.
01:12:08 Country that doesn't exist.
01:12:12 This is why you know there's no.
01:12:15 Well, I mean, there's not even.
01:12:17 Like a based.
01:12:19 There's no base country.
01:12:22 There's no even based.
01:12:33 There's there's there's some senators.
01:12:36 And and maybe some mayors, I don't know of, like smaller areas.
01:12:40 That are that are less bad than the rest, you know, but there's no actual based anything.
01:12:48 We are, we are, we are not even participants.
01:12:52 In this system that people think is going to save them.
01:12:58 We have zero influence.
01:13:01 And that's just, that's just, that's just facts.
01:13:05 It's correct, yes, definitely.
01:13:07 Look into Antelope Hill publishing.
01:13:09 They have been very, yeah, I'll reach out to them.
01:13:15 I just, I haven't had time.
01:13:16 I haven't had a moment to think honestly.
01:13:20 Thoughts on using old Ladies House as an outpost of supply cash?
01:13:26 Using the Old Lady's house. Who? Which old lady? I don't know.
01:13:30 I mean I I think it's always smart to have.
01:13:35 A Plan B.
01:13:37 Well, I mean, I don't know.
01:13:37 It depends on how like what your situation is.
01:13:40 For some people, it makes a lot of sense to have a stash house or, you know, some kind of supply place.
01:13:52 That's not where your house is.
01:13:57 But for some people, that's that's overkill.
01:14:02 Then enough of 1984, what's your strategy for time management? I know you're married lots on your plate and I feel like we get a front row seat to how things.
01:14:14 Fault of the cracks.
01:14:15 Do you keep a constant wake meal and wind down time?
01:14:22 No, nothing. Nothing's coming. I just. I'm shooting by the hip constantly. I've never been good at. Well, I've always been self-employed and I'm always good at making deadlines. Right and and.
01:14:35 But you know, at a certain point I just have so much stuff going on that it's it is tough to.
01:14:41 To get it all.
01:14:42 I've never been an organized guy.
01:14:46 So yeah, I'm just always shooting from the hip.
01:14:50 And I don't have like a.
01:14:51 No, I don't have like a a morning wake up time or meal time or anything time I have.
01:14:57 I mean these things right, which weirdly enough put some kind of regularity into my.
01:15:03 My schedule, but then I usually especially like right now when the weather does get nicer, I go do my night hikes after the streams or late at night.
01:15:13 On the nights that I don't stream and but then honestly like I was just to.
01:15:18 Get an idea?
01:15:20 I've been up for about 18 hours and I was doing physical labor for at least twelve of those hours.
01:15:27 And before that, I was up for a solid 20 hours doing physical labor for about.
01:15:33 18 of those.
01:15:35 So I'm pretty ****** ** right now.
01:15:36 I need this.
01:15:37 I need to crash out.
01:15:41 Really soon.
01:15:41 So I'm just going to Fast forward.
01:15:42 Sorry if I missed your guys things.
01:15:46 Base Stringer.
01:15:47 Did you catch the kill string debate between Fontes and sticks?
01:15:50 If so, thoughts.
01:15:52 My thoughts is sticks is a a smug little fagot.
01:15:57 That's not as smart as he thinks he is.
01:15:59 And it's easy to see it and just.
01:16:02 I don't know.
01:16:02 I mean, it's just like, especially in that debate, it's it's like again.
01:16:08 It was.
01:16:12 It was just frustrating to watch just because, I mean, they never really got into the debate because sticks.
01:16:18 Was arguing against nothing.
01:16:20 He was, he was arguing.
01:16:22 Points that no one was making.
01:16:24 For the entire time.
01:16:27 And either too stupid to understand.
01:16:31 The points that were being made or pretending to be too stupid so that he wouldn't have to address them either way.
01:16:38 It's it's a ***** move.
01:16:40 So I just.
01:16:40 I can't.
Speaker 4
01:16:41 Tolerate that guy.
01:16:43 I really can't.
01:16:43 I don't.
01:16:44 I just can't.
01:16:47 He's just a he's just a *******.
01:16:53 Anyway, all right guys, I'm going to wrap it up and I'm going to go crash you out, hopefully.
01:16:59 For at least eight hours.
01:17:02 I'm gonna be hauling the.
01:17:06 Well, I gotta do a lot of stuff.
01:17:07 I gotta hang.
01:17:07 I gotta hang another door.
01:17:10 And I have to get, uh, there's a building that I need to.
01:17:15 Basically, try to wrap proof it.
01:17:18 So I can store some stuff there and not.
01:17:20 Have it.
01:17:21 Chewed up by rats.
01:17:24 But anyway, hope you guys have a good Thursday.
Speaker 10
01:17:29 And I'll have a.
01:17:32 ****-*** stream for you guys.
Speaker 10
01:17:36 On Saturday.
01:17:38 So as always for black build, I am of course.
01:17:44 Devon stack.
Speaker 1
01:21:42 Have eaten up young.
Speaker 5
01:21:55 In the morning, laughing, happy fish heads in the evening, floating in the soup.
Speaker 6
01:22:14 Ask a fish had anything you want to then won't answer.
01:22:20 They can't talk.
Speaker 14
01:22:33 I took a fish head out of sea movie, didn't have to pay to get it in.
01:22:51 They can't play baseball.
01:22:53 They don't wear sweaters.
01:22:56 They're not good dancers.
Speaker 5
01:22:58 They don't play drums.
Speaker 14
01:23:10 Bully bully fish heads are never seen drinking cappuccino Italian restaurants with oriental women.
Speaker 1
01:23:47 Fish Head fish head, fish, fish heads.
01:23:53 Fish heads.