12/14/2022Speaker 1
00:11:07 Sharon N mall.Speaker 2
00:00:48 Really. And Spencer and.Speaker 3
00:00:58 I want really and.Speaker
00:01:01 Fingernail Polish.Speaker 1
00:01:18 Three years old.00:01:18 But you're getting so big.
Speaker 2
00:01:22 Would you like for Christmas?Speaker
00:01:25 New cars.Speaker 1
00:01:30 You've got a great voice.Speaker 4
00:01:33 Thank you.Speaker
00:01:47 How are you?Speaker 5
00:01:50 I would like a new drone.Speaker 3
00:01:59 Coming your way.Speaker 5
00:02:26 Ho, ho ho. Merry Christmas.Devon
00:02:39 All right.00:02:40 I thought we'd start with something wholesome.
00:02:43 This is the insomnia stream.
00:02:44 I'm your.
00:02:45 Host Devin stack.
00:02:48 This is the Fun Times edition fun times because we're all having a fun.
00:02:52 Time right now, aren't we?
Speaker 7
00:02:54 Uh, yeah, I'm.00:02:56 I'm not being.
00:02:56 Facetious really, I'm not.00:02:58 I'm not.
00:02:59 It's we.
00:03:00 It is fun times.
00:03:01 Lately, things are getting weirder.
00:03:05 And that's all I asked.
00:03:07 That's all.
00:03:07 That. I asked.
00:03:09 When when the Kanye stuff started happening, I said.
00:03:13 You know.
00:03:15 As long as they make it funny.
00:03:17 As long as things get funnier.
Speaker 7
00:03:19 That's that's all I want.00:03:21 That's all I want.
00:03:22 And things are getting funnier.00:03:25 You see Trump, apparently.
00:03:28 He he got the he got the.
00:03:29 Memo that no one thinks he's cool.
00:03:31 More you know that that that everyone thinks that 2016 is over, you know, the me more that he doesn't have, he doesn't have the the the mean brigades that he used to have the other they're they're supporting other people now no one likes him anymore. So he made this this super based.
00:03:50 Memetic announcement or pre announcement which is even that's I know people that just if you're announcing they announce something.
00:03:59 Uh, I guess just a few hours ago.
Speaker 8
00:04:02 America needs a superhero.Devon
00:04:18 Wow, that's super bass.00:04:19 Look, he's got he's got the lasers coming out of his eyes.
00:04:23 Look at that. Wow, I've.
00:04:25 I've got all the cute cards are going crazy with that since they're literally waiting for Superman to come save them.
00:04:33 So I don't know.
00:04:34 Didn't he already announce?
00:04:36 So what's he announcing?
00:04:37 He's announcing that he already announced that he's going to announce even harder.
00:04:41 The only thing I can think of.
00:04:43 That would be even funnier is apparently his lawyers.
00:04:49 Have told the press in recent days that the the lawsuit stuff that's going on in Arizona because in Arizona, apparently, apparently elections still going on in Arizona.
00:04:59 It hasn't finished and there's lawsuits and all this.
00:05:02 Other stuff going on.
00:05:05 And look, there was the absolute.
00:05:07 Shenanigans going on in Arizona, just like there was, you know, in 2020.
00:05:12 So it's it's not a big surprise that there were shenanigans again, but let me see.
00:05:16 I thought I.
Speaker 7
00:05:17 Had that clip, where did I put that ******* clip?Devon
00:05:19 I have so many clips that I.00:05:21 I might have.
00:05:22 I might have put it somewhere weird.
00:05:24 I put it at the end.
00:05:26 I might to pull it up again anyway.
Speaker 7
00:05:29 Ah, where is it?Devon
00:05:34 Oh, that's right.00:05:34 I couldn't play it because it was some weird format.
Speaker 7
00:05:38 I know, I know.00:05:38 I have it, though I'll find it.
00:05:44 So oh, there it is.00:05:45 There it is, alright.
00:05:48 I'll play it.
00:05:49 But anyway, so this is so Carrie Lake.
00:05:52 Is suing, saying that the Maricopa County, which is the county where a lot of the that's like the big county in Arizona where Phoenix is.
00:06:03 And that's she's suing because there were shenanigans in Maricopa County, and there most likely were.
00:06:09 And even though she is kind of a cute card, they most likely were.
00:06:12 And one of the reasons why they say that is after the election was over, the total number of votes, not votes left to count, but the total total number of ballots kept climbing.
00:06:23 And climbing and climbing just enough.
00:06:24 To where she lost.
00:06:26 And the judge that which?
00:06:30 Really didn't doesn't seem to like her and and and it's again, we're we're beyond.
00:06:34 There is no political solution.
00:06:36 So I'm not really thinking that we're going to be headed to any kind of political solution.
00:06:41 And this is kind of in two more weeks territory in terms of, yeah, that nothing's going to happen, but the judge did rule that they'll have access to examine these mystery ballots. And as Carrie Lake tweeted out to the, I think it was today.
00:06:55 The faces on the Council for the other other side.
00:07:01 Their body language seemed to change dramatically when the judge announced that they would have access to those ballots.
00:07:07 So if you look at the the screen here, the the the faces on either side of of Kerry Lake, who's the woman with the lesbian haircut there, that's the council for the other side.
Speaker 9
00:07:20 If you intend to file a Rs 16677 motion two days for access to the ballot for some of the ballots.00:07:30 And so we will.
00:07:31 We will courtesy copy that on all of the on capital for all parties.
Speaker 1
00:07:40 OK.Devon
00:07:50 So yeah, it's not much in the frame.00:07:52 Rate ****, that's not.
00:07:53 That's not my crappy Internet.
00:07:54 That or computer.
00:07:56 That's just that's that was the stream.
00:07:57 I guess they were streaming on a potato.
00:07:59 But they look they look suddenly.
00:08:02 That's not so good.
00:08:04 That's not so good, but no.
00:08:06 I don't know that again.
00:08:07 This is Q and on ****** territory, but the reason I played this is Trump's lawyer and it would be funny if his announcement has something to do with this. We're saying that if that that that.
00:08:19 Trump, who has already mentioned who has already mentioned publicly that that they should reinstate him as President, his lawyer, is saying that they're looking closely at this lawsuit and thinking about having the same kind of a lawsuit 2 years later.
00:08:35 2 ******* years later.
Speaker 10
00:08:37 Which will go.Speaker 7
00:08:38 Nowhere but it'll.Devon
00:08:38 Just add to the.00:08:39 Fun and could also just be Trump trying to stay out of jail as more and more they have, you know, these kinds of prosecutions hanging over his head.
00:08:51 Let me close telegram.
00:08:53 So something I need to figure out I.
00:08:54 Need to turn off.
00:08:54 All my I had to reinstall all my.
00:08:57 All my software so oh, by the way, I know I hate this, but all the Super chat animations are not back cause I think I erased them.
00:09:07 I I think I erased the drive that they were on because I was looking everywhere and I.
00:09:11 Was like how?
Speaker 7
00:09:12 Where the **** did they go?00:09:13 How am I still getting?
00:09:14 Notifications, by the way, I just shut down.00:09:17 I just shut down telegram.
00:09:19 Is it hiding somewhere?
Speaker 7
00:09:20 Yeah, there it is.Devon
00:09:22 OK.00:09:23 Anyway, what was I talking about?
00:09:27 It's been one of those ******* days.
00:09:28 One of those ******* days.
00:09:29 Hope you guys are doing great.
00:09:31 Hope you're enjoying the holiday season.
00:09:34 And you know Trump's.
00:09:35 Right.
00:09:36 We do need a superhero, but at.
Speaker 7
00:09:38 The same time.Devon
00:09:41 You know I.Speaker 11
00:09:41 Don't know if we do because we.Speaker 7
00:09:43 Have plenty of superheroes already.Devon
00:09:47 On the screen for those you guys just listening, U.S.00:09:49 Army Pacific is investigating reports that soldiers posted images to social media showing them in uniform, wearing dog masks and ******* gear.
00:10:01 Oh, that's right.
00:10:02 That's our military today.
00:10:04 And you might.
00:10:05 Say, well, that's not so bad.
00:10:06 Like what's?
00:10:07 So bad about this.
00:10:09 You know, like that's it's, it's cringe, but it's it's not really.
00:10:13 I mean why would they have to investigate?
00:10:16 Oh my God.
00:10:23 Ah, that's the that's the that's the military.
00:10:28 This this is the big, bad, scary military.
00:10:31 This is the military that when you hear people say stuff like ohh you.
00:10:36 Know Biden included.
Speaker 7
00:10:37 Ohh yeah you.Devon
00:10:39 Guys might think you're tough out there with your AR fifteens, but we got we got F sixteens and and and bombers.00:10:47 You know you.
Speaker 7
00:10:48 You couldn't fight us? I.Devon
00:10:49 Don't know if.Speaker 7
00:10:53 If uh, you know, these are the these are the guys.00:10:57 And charge over there running the show.
00:10:59 I'm not too worried about it, not too worried.
00:11:01 About it.00:11:02 So anyway, yeah, we who?
00:11:04 Needs. Who needs a superhero?
00:11:05 And we got guys like that.
00:11:07 Speaking of Biden.
00:11:09 We'll get to actually get to that in a second.
00:11:13 No, **** it.
00:11:13 We'll do it right now.
00:11:15 Speaking of Biden.
00:11:17 We're going, we're going to take it old school.
00:11:19 We're going to do.
00:11:19 Some old school Biden.
00:11:22 Now a lot of people don't realize this.
Speaker 7
00:11:25 Can you fix the audio on this one?Speaker 2
00:11:29 There we go.Devon
00:11:31 Biden was once more based.00:11:35 Then Trump is now.
00:11:38 Now my base, I mean, he was slave to to white interests instead of instead of Jewish interests.
00:11:45 Back when they started to introduce busing, and for those of you who don't.
00:11:48 Know what busing is?
00:11:50 Busing is why your white children are having to go to school with black kids from the ghetto.
00:11:55 Busing is, they decided.
00:11:59 Mostly Jews, I would imagine.
00:12:01 They decided that you know what?
00:12:04 It's not enough that we we legally force you to integrate and and allow black children into white schools.
00:12:13 We're going to actually go to black neighborhoods, pick up black kids, and then bust them to your schools.
00:12:21 Primarily, they were doing this in the South.
00:12:24 Because after segregation, there were still white neighborhoods in the South, and so naturally, the kids in the white neighborhoods went to white schools.
00:12:35 And the kids in black neighborhoods went to black schools, and there was number log law stopping the the black kids from going to the white schools or vice versa.
00:12:45 But it's in the.
00:12:46 Same way you know, school districts are set up today.
00:12:49 Now obviously the people in the South who want to protect their children.
00:12:54 I wouldn't say they gerrymandered, but to some extent they probably did.
00:12:59 They probably drew the they probably very carefully.
00:13:02 Drew the lines of the school districts to include the neighborhoods they thought would be, you know, good, good peers for their children.
00:13:10 And this was going along great as you can.
00:13:13 Imagine at the at the end of a gun, at the end of a gun.
00:13:17 And then that same practice was being introduced into.
Speaker 7
00:13:24 Urban areas.Devon
00:13:26 Where rich kids went to school.00:13:29 Places like New York.
00:13:32 Places like Baltimore.
00:13:34 Places that people that vote for Biden live.
00:13:41 And so now all of a sudden.
00:13:43 It was a problem.
00:13:45 Now all of a sudden, no, no, no, no.
00:13:47 You know, business.
00:13:48 OK for the South.
00:13:51 But busing is not OK for the north. And look, he said that he said as much on camera. This is Biden in 1977. Look at that. ******* come over, by the way.
Speaker 11
00:14:00 Things being north versus South, that's not the issue.00:14:03 It is rural versus urban and most of the busing is taking place today.
00:14:07 It is taking place in rural areas, whether it's be administratively ordered or court ordered.
00:14:11 Now we're moving into applying the same standards to urban areas and it is a standard that doesn't make sense.
00:14:18 It doesn't apply, it doesn't hold.
00:14:20 We're moving from trying to in this, in, in, in urban areas we've had integrated facilities but segregated neighborhoods.
00:14:29 Yeah, it it doesn't make sense in urban areas.00:14:33 Does it it?
00:14:34 It's not going to work.
00:14:35 It doesn't.
00:14:35 Apply this is only for the those dumb.
00:14:38 Hicks in the South.
00:14:42 Honestly, what this is too, this is I mean, a lot of people will look at this and be like, wow, you know, Biden's.
00:14:47 Really changed his tune.
00:14:48 No, he hasn't.
00:14:50 No, he hasn't.
00:14:53 This is just a another illustration of whites not having political power.
00:15:03 Biden, Biden goes wherever the wind blows.
00:15:07 Biden goes where he's told.
00:15:09 And in 1977.
00:15:12 There were still enough whites with political power telling him no, you're not doing this to us.
00:15:18 You can do that.
00:15:19 To the dumb poor Hicks in the South.
00:15:21 That have no no political power.
00:15:23 But you're not going to.
00:15:24 Do it to us.
00:15:26 And he stepped in and stopped it.
Speaker 11
00:15:29 And in rural areas, we've traditionally had integrated neighborhoods, but segregated facilities, and they've applied the same standard and the same test.00:15:37 So this NS thing is not really the issue, as Professor Nathan Glazer at Harvard is indicated as doctor armor of the Rand Corporation as James Coleman. As I just tell 3 days of hearing 2.
00:15:49 Two days of hearings.
00:15:49 Judiciary Committee on another bill I have beyond this that deals with busing.
00:15:53 And there is uniform opinion of those who testified that it is not a north-south, it's an urban rural question, the distinction.
00:16:01 Totally not annoyance.00:16:03 Look at my come over.
00:16:04 That ******* combo.
00:16:06 You know it's weird because like he looks like he has a.
00:16:08 Full head of hair.
00:16:09 Now I don't know how.
Speaker 1
00:16:11 And what's your?Speaker 3
00:16:12 Intent there are going to be those who say it's a it's a segregated thing.00:16:17 It's a, it's a question of of race and that you have set back the movement of desegregation of schools.
00:16:23 How would you answer that?
Speaker 11
00:16:24 When I answer that is, I predict that the young black leadership of America will overwhelmingly decide with me. I predict that in 1980 and 84 in my position will be totally vindicated by the sociologist and by the Civil Rights Act. And I come from that side of the track. That's where I'm from.Devon
00:16:45 Didn't you know Biden's?00:16:46 From the ghetto.
00:16:48 Like, look at the he's looking to the camera.
00:16:50 He's looking.
00:16:50 The camera, like you, you.
00:16:52 You buy that right?
00:16:54 That that I'm from the I'm from the.
00:16:56 I'm from the hood.
Speaker 11
00:16:58 I was a defense lawyer.00:16:59 I handled civil rights cases.
00:17:01 I sat in on Route 40.
00:17:02 I mean, I, you know, I'm not.
00:17:03 Not from the other side of this.
00:17:06 And I happen to think that the one way to ensure that you set the civil rights movement in America further back is to continue to push busing.
00:17:15 So there you go.00:17:17 There you go.
00:17:19 And what what was?
00:17:19 The result?
00:17:20 You know, he kept saying.
00:17:21 I'll be vindicated.
00:17:22 You know the sociologist, they'll they'll say.
00:17:24 That I was vindicated.
Speaker 12
00:17:32 No, no, no.00:17:37 Oh my God.
00:17:40 You know.
00:17:41 How are you doing?Speaker 12
00:17:51 What's up?Speaker
00:17:53 Oh, why are you?Speaker 13
00:17:53 Trying to hit.Speaker 12
00:17:54 Him touch my brother bloody mouth.Speaker 4
00:17:58 You're good. Come on.Devon
00:18:02 Looks like that busing is working out great.00:18:05 I'm sure glad that we had forced integration.
Speaker 9
00:18:08 By the federal government.Devon
00:18:10 Speaking of threats to your children from the federal government.00:18:17 They they had this psycho.
00:18:20 At the House Oversight.
00:18:22 And Reform Committee on anti LGBTQ violence.
Speaker 7
00:18:29 And an expert on.Devon
00:18:33 And they were asked a pretty simple question.00:18:35 You might be a little amazed at the.
Speaker 14
00:18:38 Thank you, Miss Pocock, for staying online.00:18:40 I know you're in the room.
00:18:41 We haven't forgotten you're there.
00:18:42 Appreciate you being here.
00:18:43 I was curious to get your thoughts just really on in, in the context of this conversation we're having today.
00:18:50 What the role of the traditional nuclear family is in in society today and what your take is on that.
Speaker 15
00:18:58 Thank you for having me.00:19:00 I recently had a surgery and so I'm not able to fly so just I really appreciate.
00:19:05 I wonder, I wonder what surgery that was.00:19:09 Anyway, go on.
Speaker 15
00:19:10 Gave the opportunity to testify virtually so you know what I can tell you is that research shows that young people who are connected with trusted adults, whether it be parents, in fact, just one trusted adult, reduces the risk of suicide by five times.00:19:28 So the reality.
00:19:29 Is, you know.
00:19:30 Family structure is important and you know those of us in this community know that we have family structures in which our children are very taken care of, have great health outcomes, similar to to others who might be in different structured households.
00:19:48 But the truth is, anyone can be a trusted adult.
00:19:51 And impact the outcomes for young people.
00:19:53 And so that's why we're constantly educated, educating the community.
00:19:57 Be the trusted adult.
00:19:58 For the young person, no matter.
00:20:00 See, parents don't matter just any random adult.00:20:04 Well, they're just as good of a job.
00:20:07 Just they just need need a trusted adult, you know, the research shows that just any trusted adult is is better, better than a parent.
Speaker 16
00:20:17 Or where you.Speaker 15
00:20:17 Are you could be a teacher.00:20:19 You could be a neighbor, if that.
Speaker 1
00:20:19 You could be.Devon
00:20:20 You could be.Speaker 7
00:20:20 A homeless person.00:20:22 You could be a Jewish pedophile.
00:20:25 You know, whoever doesn't matter.
00:20:27 It'll be great.
Speaker 15
00:20:28 Young person trusts you.00:20:30 They can come to you with a difficult.
Speaker 7
00:20:32 Yeah, you slipped.00:20:34 Up there a little bit.
00:20:35 Didn't Johnny.00:20:37 They can just they can come to you.
00:20:39 With * ****, a difficult problem.
00:20:45 Yeah. Yeah, just.
00:20:46 This, this this sounds exactly like what.
00:20:48 A pedophile would say no.
00:20:50 He's long as the kid trusts the adult, it's fine.
Speaker 7
00:20:54 Anything that transpires afterwards is totally fine.Speaker 15
00:20:57 Problem they're facing and now will reduce their risks.Speaker 14
00:21:01 Do you believe that parents have a right to be involved in these sort of discussions with their with their children?Devon
00:21:10 The the discussions he's talking about specifically is is transitioning kids.00:21:19 He's saying he's asking it.
00:21:21 Do you think parents have a right to be in on a conversation around sexually mutilating their children?
Speaker 14
00:21:28 In in school.Speaker 15
00:21:30 So we have we have I think about 100 parents who participate in our programs to support their young people.Devon
00:21:40 By the way, that creepy.00:21:41 *** ******* smile she has on.
00:21:44 That, that, that demonic it's and.
00:21:46 It's demonic, is what it is.
00:21:49 The demonic ******* smile she has on her face as she says this evil **** that is to me the most unsettling thing about this this thing.
Speaker 15
00:22:01 And so inside out, we believe that if parents want to show up as a partner in the success of your their young people, they're going to have healthier outcomes.00:22:12 So for.
00:22:12 Simple young people who?
Speaker 14
00:22:14 But do parents have do do parents have a right to know?00:22:16 Is is my question?
Speaker 15
00:22:18 Do parents have a right to?Speaker 14
00:22:21 What their child is dealing with.Speaker 15
00:22:21 I don't know what you're asking.Speaker 14
00:22:23 For example, if if there's a a child or a teenager in school who's questioning their identity or those sorts of things, do parents have a a right to know and and be involved in that discussion?Speaker 15
00:22:36 You know, it depends.00:22:37 Again, we have young people who show up at our space.
00:22:40 Being unsafe, abusive homes, and in that case, you know, we have to do everything we can to make sure that young person is safe and protected.
00:22:50 Ah yes.00:22:52 Let's protect the children from their parents, says the groomer.
00:22:58 That's not.
00:22:59 That's not a satanic inversion at all.
00:23:04 ******* demon.
Speaker 15
00:23:06 We have.00:23:07 We are constantly filing reports of abuse and neglect because of parents not getting young people who they are.
Speaker 14
00:23:12 I understand the cases of of.00:23:14 It sounds like you're deflecting the question a little bit.
00:23:17 I understand cases that abuse there's laws to protect the abuse.
00:23:21 I mean, schools actually are legally obligated to report cases of abuse.
00:23:24 Same for churches and and and the like.
00:23:26 Anyone who deals.
00:23:27 Young people, but you know, do parents have a right?
00:23:31 Should they be informed about what's going on?
00:23:35 Do they have a right to know?
00:23:36 What's going on in their kids lives?
Speaker 15
00:23:39 So I think again.00:23:41 Those of us who are protecting and supporting young.
Speaker 7
00:23:43 Wow, pretty, pretty simple.00:23:45 Pretty simple.
00:23:46 Question to answer there but.
00:23:48 Look at the smiling demon.00:23:50 Look at the smiling demon.
00:23:55 She look she on her little call, her call into Congress.
00:23:58 She's got her ******* you guys can't see it.
00:24:00 It's cut off.
00:24:01 She has her pronouns.
00:24:06 At the bottom of the screen, I wish it says Doctor Jesse Peacock.
00:24:10 She her.
00:24:15 Ohh ******* demon.
Speaker 15
00:24:18 People are there and trusted with the information of the things that they are dealing with in terms of parents rights to know at schools and here in Colorado, parents don't have the right if a young person is questioning their gender or their sexuality, their laws in place that say that they have the right to process that.00:24:37 That their trusted counselor and so forth.
Speaker 14
00:24:38 So so you do.00:24:40 You do a significant amount of your work with kids, even starting at age 13.
00:24:45 What what would be the age of consent then in your in your mind?
Speaker 15
00:24:49 In our community, the age of consent to mental health.00:24:53 Therapy is 12 years old, so.
00:25:03 So in her jurisdiction, which is, I think she just said Colorado.00:25:08 If a kid is 12.
00:25:11 They can start transiting your kid without your knowledge.
00:25:18 And look, they're, they're.
00:25:18 Doing it that's that's just the law.
00:25:21 Doing it earlier than that.
00:25:24 But they're legally protected after 12.
Speaker 15
00:25:30 We have laws that enable young people to connect with trusted adults who can support them.Devon
00:25:36 Oh, I bet they're connecting with these.00:25:39 Trust that adult.
00:25:42 These ******* pedophiles.
Speaker 15
00:25:44 That is just so important.00:25:45 It prevents suicide, and so we serve young people at 13 because we know they come to us and we can prevent negative health outcomes for them.
00:25:56 See the ****** ** thing is.00:25:59 They that and that's that's the scare tactic.
00:26:00 They they use on ****** parents.
00:26:03 ****** ****** parents.
00:26:05 Oh no, you have to cut your your son's balls.
00:26:08 Off or he'll kill himself.
00:26:10 And these ****** parents?
00:26:14 Don't want their kid to kill themselves?
00:26:20 Well, I don't want little Johnny to kill himself.
00:26:22 Let's let's chop his balls off.
00:26:24 If because they think that that's the choice, I mean, they don't really.
00:26:27 They're being lazy parents.
00:26:29 And and probably you're being a **** parent if your kid wants to chop his balls off.
00:26:33 In in the first place.
00:26:40 But that's the choice they present these these single moms, these woke moms, these, these fatherless homes or or, you know, either they're physically gone or they're they might as well be.
00:26:52 Every time we watch these videos of the.
00:26:54 Ohh, look at.
00:26:55 Look at little little.
00:26:57 Samantha, she used to be Sammy, but now, now she's Samantha.
00:27:01 Look at this happy house.
00:27:02 Ohh, she's so much happier now that she's a girl.
00:27:06 And you always have that that the either dead inside quiet Dad, who's just sitting there on the couch saying ******* nothing.
00:27:19 Or he's or.
00:27:20 He's the one.
00:27:20 He's the reason.
00:27:21 Why little Sammy wanted to cut *** **** off because because he's been molesting little Sammy.
Speaker 14
00:27:27 Lately we've seen a lot of.00:27:30 A lot of people in the news coming out detransitioning, could you speak to that phenomenon in in?
00:27:41 What's that person going through?
00:27:44 What did they get wrong?
00:27:45 Were they going through a period?
00:27:46 Is it just a fluid thing?
00:27:48 I mean, could you speak to that?
Speaker 15
00:27:49 Well, you know, I I can't really.00:27:51 Speak to an individual's personal experience. I mean, you know, somebody is gender is just a really personal experience, but I can speak to you.
00:28:00 I've been in this work for a long time.
00:28:02 I know a lot of trans folks, close friends, family members, and I've just never.
Speaker 14
00:28:07 The the concern is the.Speaker 15
00:28:09 Heard that?00:28:09 8th of anyone detransitioning so.
00:28:14 She's never. She's the expert.00:28:17 And she's never heard of a case of someone detransitioning I've.
00:28:22 Heard of a case?
00:28:24 I've heard of lots of cases.
00:28:26 In fact they featured cases I think on like 60 minutes, you know, not exactly.
00:28:31 Small outfits.
00:28:33 There's been mainstream cases of people detransitioning.
00:28:39 But she's the expert testifying before Congress, and she's never.
Speaker 7
00:28:42 Heard of 1?Speaker 15
00:28:44 I honestly don't think it's a real.Speaker 14
00:28:45 There's there's a there's a number of cases in the news.00:28:48 Right now, where this this is happening and the and the concern for parents have is, you know, we've all had awkward teen years where we've.
00:28:58 Question things in existence and a lot of things, and the question is, is, is kids who are maybe making a permanent decision even without the input of their parents?
00:29:08 And and making irreversible decisions.
00:29:10 You know, there's some who've talked about they can't have kids anymore and they wish they could and the like.
00:29:14 And so I'm I'm curious how we would work to protect kids.
00:29:19 I I wish we had more time because.
Speaker 4
00:29:20 Gentlemen's time has expired.Speaker 14
00:29:22 Because I I think this is an important issue to get into, but thank you for being here.Devon
00:29:29 Well, since his time expired, you.00:29:31 Guys might have seen this.
00:29:33 I put it out on.
00:29:34 You know, Speaking of famous cases of D transitioning.
00:29:39 You know, it's crazy.
00:29:42 So, well, obviously the the person on the screen is crazy.
00:29:46 But this isn't the only Navy SEAL.
00:29:50 That went trans.
00:29:53 There was also that Navy SEAL, remember the Navy SEAL that that threatened?
00:30:00 What's his face?
00:30:01 I always forget his name.
00:30:02 Ben Shapiro.
00:30:05 Let's see.
00:30:05 I think I have that.
00:30:06 Actually, go ahead.
Speaker 17
00:30:07 Almost don't necessarily mean you're male or female with gender, of course.Speaker 18
00:30:11 Identity. Go ahead. No. So.Speaker 17
00:30:13 Especially but, but Even so, you have things like clean filters syndrome, so you don't know what you're talking about.00:30:19 You're not educated on genetics.
Speaker 4
00:30:20 Would you like to discuss the genetics or?Speaker 18
00:30:22 Well, no, no.Speaker 14
00:30:22 What are your genetics, Sir?Speaker 18
00:30:23 I so I'd stay away from the genetics and back to the.Speaker 17
00:30:26 Brain scans cut that out now, or you'll go home and.Speaker 2
00:30:30 Yeah, that seems mildly inappropriate for a political discussion.Speaker 8
00:30:34 No, I know well, but wait to be fair.Speaker 17
00:30:34 Yeah, you you want.Speaker 8
00:30:35 But but to be fair, wait.00:30:36 But to be fair, but but to be.
00:30:38 Fair, you're actually.Speaker 18
00:30:39 Being rude and that and that.Devon
00:30:41 But it's crazy because, you know, people would think to themselves wait, Navy seals are going trans.00:30:47 What's up with that?
00:30:47 It makes total.
00:30:48 Sense we did a whole stream on Keg Griggs.
00:30:51 Keg Riggs specifically said when they pick Navy seals, they pick degenerate psychos.
00:31:00 That's that's how they picked them.
00:31:02 They in fact, she, she described it.
00:31:05 As grooming.
00:31:08 She said that they pick them the same way pedophiles.
00:31:11 Decide what kid to pick.
00:31:14 When they're going to molest a kid.
00:31:17 They find the kid that's like by himself with no friends.
00:31:22 And they groom him.
00:31:23 They they say ohh you're special.
00:31:26 This is just our little secret.
00:31:30 So it should come as no surprise.
00:31:33 That this is exactly the kind of of thing that happens with Navy seals.
00:31:39 Navy seals are these big, tough guys?
00:31:45 This is yet another Navy SEAL.
00:31:49 That, that, that.
00:31:50 That transed over.
Speaker 10
00:31:54 President Trump tweeted that transgender people will not have any place in the military service, and so it.00:32:00 Get back that I wanted to meet him.
00:32:03 Face to face.
Speaker 16
00:32:05 Speak about PTSD and they're gonna be people that I'm sure you've had your share of critics.00:32:09 And I know you've shared about the fact that you've had your share of hate mail, et cetera, et cetera, that are gonna just say, oh, this is this is some sort of PTSD reaction, but.
00:32:16 This isn't.
00:32:16 This has been a journey for you for many years.
Speaker 10
00:32:19 For my entire life.Speaker
00:32:21 5 minutes later.Speaker 10
00:32:22 I look back in my life and I see how I destroyed everything in my life.00:32:26 As soon as they go in and say I'm a tomboy, I like to do this.
00:32:29 It makes me feel comfortable.
00:32:31 The thing that strikes me about this this video.00:32:36 Like first of all, there's well that.
00:32:38 Oh my God.
00:32:39 She looks so ******* dead inside.
00:32:42 Look at her.
00:32:43 As her as her ******.
00:32:44 I'm assuming that's her husband or boyfriend or something.
00:32:48 As her as her ****** husband, you know, she thought she was marrying a big tough, you know, Navy SEAL.
00:32:56 Who then chemically castrated himself and and sewed.
00:32:59 **** to his chest.
00:33:01 And she couldn't say anything.
00:33:05 Look, look how dead inside she is.
00:33:08 As he's describing this, but the other irritating thing about this in the full interview, and we might watch more of it than what I was posting on Gavin on on telegram.
00:33:20 In the full interview.
00:33:23 He complains that, oh, it's so bad that it's so bad that we have all these celebrities.
00:33:31 Pushing this on children.
00:33:34 That was you, bro.
00:33:38 That was you.
00:33:44 You went on all kinds of news outlets.
Speaker 7
00:33:48 You wrote a book.Devon
00:33:50 Well, you probably didn't write it.00:33:51 But you had it ghost written.
00:33:52 You published a.
00:33:53 Book called Warrior Princess.
00:34:02 And even now you're ******* wearing purple.
00:34:04 Like it's very.
00:34:07 You know what it reminds me of?
00:34:08 It's like Milo saying I'm not gay anymore.
00:34:10 But it's like really I you because you look like a gay guy.
00:34:13 That's that doesn't know how, like straight guys dress.
00:34:20 Ah, and then.
00:34:23 Look, they're all funked up.
00:34:25 So here's The funny thing.
00:34:26 You know, I'm to.
00:34:26 Get the full version.
00:34:27 Is in the full version.
00:34:29 He also lets another bomb drop.
00:34:32 He's he starts talking about how.
00:34:35 Ohh yeah, well you know.
00:34:37 Well, yeah, I'll let me pull it.
00:34:38 Up here and again, there's people saying, oh, he's such a hero now because he's he detransition.
Speaker 7
00:34:39 There any?Devon
00:34:44 And he's speaking out against this stuff.00:34:47 He he was part of the problem and he's destroyed how many lives, how many children thought.
00:34:52 Ohh well, he's a tough Navy SEAL, let alone look at that woman next to him.
00:34:56 That ******* that dead inside woman next to him.
Speaker 10
00:35:00 It was not easy.00:35:01 It was like difficult.
00:35:02 You had to go through a lot.
00:35:03 You also saw like, what was?
00:35:06 And his voice, his voice is like that because he's chemically castrated, so his voice is just ******.00:35:11 Like, look at, look at and look at her face.
00:35:13 Just look at her.
00:35:14 It's almost hard to listen to what this monster saying because I I just keep looking at that, that I I feel like I'm watching a woman dying in front of me.
00:35:24 It's just like.
Speaker 10
00:35:26 Thing in society, you're like, I don't want to do that. Nobody want to do that. It wasn't something that you lose your job, you lose your friends. I was making $200,000 a year before.Devon
00:35:35 No, you you lose your job and lose your friends if you speak out against this ****.00:35:39 Not if you go trans.
00:35:41 People lose their jobs if they point out that you're a ******.
Speaker 10
00:35:45 Before I came out, I had a great job. I had all my friend. I I had a life right now it's like about 1%.00:35:52 In those days, it was a real low number and now it's upwards of what, 20%? I mean, nobody knows, you know.
00:35:59 But but that kind of a job, it was like this, that this really long line and boom, it just jumps up what happened and that's what I'm asking.
00:36:07 And now there's like, what, thousands of.
00:36:10 Another thing I noticed, and which would fit the profile of these Navy seals.00:36:14 Look, look how she when she is, when he moves his hand, she like looks.
00:36:18 Over at him like, huh?
Speaker 10
00:36:19 With that kind of a jump, it was like this that is really long line and boom, it just jumps.00:36:24 Up what half?
00:36:25 She's like, oh, is she gonna hit me again?Speaker 10
00:36:28 And and that's what I'm asking.00:36:30 And now there's like, what, thousands of gender?
00:36:32 Clinics being put up all over America, I think if you had one gender clinic in first date, that would be a lot, you know because there's so few amount of people now what's happening is somehow this became popular or something happened.
00:36:46 I don't know.
00:36:47 There's kids right now, there's teenagers.
00:36:49 Jews happen.Speaker 10
00:36:50 There's 13 year olds right now.00:36:52 These girls who.
00:36:53 Possibly being bullied, possibly anxiety, depression adjustment disorder, eating just. There's a whole bunch of things that could be happening in these young people's lives.
00:37:03 But as soon as they go in and see it, see a psychologist.
00:37:06 And this happened to me too.
00:37:08 So it's it's personal knowledge they going to see a psychologist and they start talking about their past.
00:37:13 They start talking about and I talked about it.
00:37:17 So so here's where it all makes sense while.00:37:19 He's a Navy.
00:37:19 Seal, he explains why he went to the psychologist in the 1st place and and and decided that he was trans.
00:37:26 You guys ready for this one because again, it fits right into the Kay Griggs.
Speaker 7
00:37:31 This is exactly the kind of person.Devon
00:37:33 They'd be looking for.Speaker 10
00:37:34 About some sexuality stuff I talked about.00:37:36 Hey, I put on, you know, my sister's clothes when I was a kid.
00:37:39 I do some of it now and it makes me feel better I.
00:37:42 Just can relax, I just go.
00:37:46 He puts on women's clothing.00:37:49 So he can relax.
00:37:53 That's, but that's not a mental disorder.
00:38:00 What would you say to someone?
00:38:04 Let's say you had a friend.
00:38:06 And you guys, you, you, you, you work or you know, you work at the same office and uh, you know, you're like, oh, after work, let's go to happy hour and he's.
00:38:15 Like, alright well.
00:38:17 Why don't we come home or go to my house first?
00:38:19 And I got to put my my clown suit on for like, you know, just so I can unwind.
00:38:28 You'd be like you're you're a ******* psycho.
00:38:31 Yeah, like, no, I just gotta put the.
00:38:33 I have to put these clown shoes on.
Speaker 7
00:38:35 Or I can't relax.00:38:38 If I don't have that Red Nose or I can't honk it.
00:38:41 I'm not going.
00:38:42 To be able to relax tonight just, you know, give me like.00:38:44 20 minutes, I'll.
00:38:45 Just go in my room and I'll put these oversized clown pants on.
00:38:51 And I'll squirt water out of the the flower on my shirt.
00:38:57 I just need 20.Devon
00:38:57 Minutes and then.00:38:59 I'll be good.
00:39:00 I'll be relaxed and then go out and do happy hour.
00:39:01 I I.
00:39:02 Promise I won't wear the clown suit out there.
Speaker 7
00:39:05 This is something.Devon
00:39:06 I need.00:39:06 I need it, I need it.
00:39:10 You'd be like you're you're *******.
00:39:11 You're a ******* psycho.
00:39:14 But for some reason, when it's a dress.
Speaker 7
00:39:20 Not that big of a deal.Devon
00:39:22 And you're a bigot if you think that it is.00:39:26 Like, look, he's saying it like it's not a big deal.
00:39:28 Of course they picked him for the for the ******* seals.
Speaker 10
00:39:31 And I talked about it about some sexuality stuff I talked about.00:39:34 Hey, I put on, you know, my sister's clothes when I was a kid.
00:39:37 I do some of it now and it makes me feel better.
00:39:40 I just can relax.
00:39:41 I just go.
00:39:41 Oh, I just it like.
00:39:42 Takes a weight.
00:39:43 Off my shoulders.
00:39:44 What does it take off like the?
00:39:45 Mask on wait.
00:39:46 Or something.
00:39:46 It's really heavy, but there's so many things we have to unpack here.
00:39:50 Now imagine you're 13 years old.
00:39:51 And going through all this, that's the problem.
00:39:54 There's too many other things we have to go through to get there as soon as they go in and say I'm a tomboy, I like to do this and it makes me feel, boy, I like to do this and it makes me feel comfortable.
00:40:03 They give all their reasons why and then psychologist Kadra says.
00:40:06 Oh, you're.
00:40:08 And then the next day, you're on hormones.
00:40:10 And the hormones they're using are the same hormones they used to use for medical.
00:40:15 Castration was like a chemical castration for pedophiles.
00:40:19 Now they're giving us.
Speaker 1
00:40:20 Well, you know.Devon
00:40:24 Now I've got mixed feelings about all this.00:40:28 So you're saying that, yeah, because I might be OK.
00:40:30 Honestly, with that with that just.
00:40:33 That part of.
00:40:33 It if a groomer.
00:40:35 Comes into a psychologist.
00:40:36 It's like, hey, I'm a I'm a ******* weirdo.
00:40:39 Oh, maybe we should chemically castrate you.
00:40:45 Yeah, like like they used to.
00:40:47 That's the **** thing.
00:40:49 That, that's that's what we used to do.
00:40:53 We would chemically castrate.
00:40:57 And and and degenerates.
00:41:02 That was a normal thing.
00:41:04 The court would order chemical castration.
00:41:12 I you know, why don't why?
00:41:14 Did that go away?
00:41:18 Why did they stop doing that, I wonder?
Speaker 10
00:41:21 To healthy 13 year olds, does this seem right and this is what I'm trying to tell America to wake up if you have children right now.00:41:29 They're in schools right now, and whatever's happening, a lot of people are on board with it. There's there's actors, there's athletes. There's everybody's saying being transgender is is great.
00:41:39 There's you.00:41:42 Again, he did entire I look, I got one.
00:41:45 Of these interviews.
00:41:48 He did entire videos he did entire like tons.
00:41:52 He was a superstar.
00:41:55 He was a superstar because.
00:41:56 He stood up to the big mean Trump.
00:42:00 The big, mean Trump that that.
00:42:03 Tweeted out that we don't want ********.
00:42:05 In our military.
00:42:06 So he tweeted back.
00:42:08 Ohh yeah, Trump.
00:42:10 I'd like to see you meet me.
00:42:11 I bet tough guy.
Speaker 7
00:42:14 I bet you.Devon
00:42:15 Couldn't hang cause I'm I'm a tough guy in Navy SEAL, they said I was special.00:42:21 They said I was special.
00:42:24 Yeah, here's here's the video.
00:42:25 Look, these and these weren't.
00:42:26 When I was looking for videos of him because I saw this and I was like, wow.
00:42:30 Seems like only yesterday he was promoting this ****.
00:42:33 It literally was almost yesterday.
00:42:35 A lot of the files that are I.
00:42:37 Was finding on.
00:42:37 On like YouTube of stuff like this, it was a few months ago.
00:42:41 A few months ago he was doing.
00:42:43 **** like this.
Speaker 10
00:42:48 Hey, this is Kristen Beck, Navy SEAL, retired.00:42:51 Let me give you.
00:42:51 A few tips if you ever get into a bar fight.
00:42:53 Tip #1 is you want to get some tip.
00:42:55 Tips here don't do this.
00:42:57 Do crowdy chopping kicks.
00:42:59 You don't want to do that because the kids don't really work.
00:43:01 Here's another very important tip.
00:43:03 Don't hit anybody.
00:43:04 And have the beer bottle.
00:43:05 Is he gonna end up in jail?
00:43:06 His deadly weapon?
00:43:07 Not cool.
00:43:08 You're in a bar and it's super crowded, and we're bumping in everybody and it starts getting getting really bad with the tough guys are gonna clench up and look how big and they do like this, right, where they have to go throw a punch.
00:43:18 You gotta be loose.
00:43:19 You gonna be limber.
00:43:20 So for me, what I want to do is do like this is gonna be a little bit higher.
00:43:23 Like this open hands.
00:43:24 I'm going to give him a slap.
00:43:27 You can go wet real fast, so real tight like that slow big guy.
00:43:31 But for me, wack wack.
Speaker 19
00:43:32 Wack, right?Devon
00:43:34 I mean this.00:43:35 This ******* psycho is all over the place doing videos like this, you know?
00:43:40 Here's his interview on CNN, Lady.
Speaker 16
00:43:42 Lady Vallard airs tonight.Devon
00:43:43 Lady Valor, lady valor.Speaker 16
00:43:46 Seal Team 6 member with the quite a shocking secret after retiring after 20 years of active duty service and 13 count of 13 deployments as a Navy SEAL, Christopher Beck made the brave decision to transition.Speaker 1
00:43:55 Alright, on based on that, so brave.Speaker 16
00:43:59 A woman. The film looks at Beck's journey and his new start as.Devon
00:44:03 They they they made a whole movie.00:44:06 They made a movie.
Speaker 7
00:44:10 Called Lady valor.00:44:15 And he's he's like, oh, there's all these celebrities and musicians, there's you, dude.
00:44:24 I'm not going to feel.00:44:25 Bad for you?
00:44:26 You did this.
Speaker 16
00:44:30 Kristen Beck joins me now from Atlanta.00:44:32 Kristen, how was it?
00:44:34 First of all to see your life in film, especially your story.
Speaker 10
00:44:38 Good morning, Michaela.00:44:39 It was.
00:44:40 It was difficult.
00:44:41 It was quite a journey and we're still working on that journey.
00:44:45 Well, that, that's.00:44:45 The that's the.
00:44:46 Most woman like thinking said.
00:44:49 Journey. It's ******* journey.
00:44:53 I'm going to fix the.
00:44:57 Audio so it's not like.
00:44:59 I'm just going to mono all desktop audio from here on out.
00:45:02 I hate it when it just goes out on one channel, especially if you've got headphones on.
00:45:06 It's probably super annoying.
Speaker 10
00:45:07 I think everyone in life, you know, continue the journey and just work as hard as you can and do the best you can.Devon
00:45:12 It's a journey like everything's a ******* journey with these people.Speaker 10
00:45:13 I've always been trying.Devon
00:45:17 Oh my God I'm I'm on my my journey.00:45:19 My stamp collecting journey.
00:45:27 We we need.
00:45:30 I can't say it.
Speaker 10
00:45:33 Do my best.Speaker 16
00:45:34 Brave of you to tell about this journey because I know it has been very difficult.00:45:38 I wanna go back to the fact that seal teams.
00:45:39 So stunning and brave, so stunning and ******* anyway.00:45:44 So this scumbag was on ******* everything, everywhere.
00:45:48 Like there's there's countless like, there's endless videos of this guy going like.
00:45:54 Oh my God.
00:45:57 I'm on this journey.
00:45:59 I'm so brave.
00:46:01 Here's here's the and now this video where it's like I stood up to Trump.
Speaker 10
00:46:07 I was transgender as a Navy SEAL, I'm transgender right now.00:46:09 I'll be you know.
00:46:11 I'm a human being.
00:46:20 Seal Team 6.Speaker 10
00:46:21 President Trump tweeted that transgender people will not have any place in the military service.Devon
00:46:32 Literally one of the only.00:46:34 Here's the thing.
00:46:34 It's sad because I was about to say one of the only base things Trump did.
00:46:38 That's not base.
00:46:39 That's just like ******* normal.
00:46:43 Base would have been putting the ******** in ******* institutions.
Speaker 10
00:46:50 And so I tweeted back that I wanted to meet him.Devon
00:46:55 So there's the tweet.00:46:57 Donald Trump, you just opened a can.
00:46:59 Of war pass.
00:47:01 Navy SEAL pipe hitter transgender meet me and tell me I'm not.
00:47:06 Worthy to my face.
00:47:11 So brave. So ******* brave.
Speaker 10
00:47:14 To face and have them tell me that I'm not worthy or that.00:47:17 I can't say.
00:47:18 Being a transgender American veteran, I feel.
00:47:21 That I'm pretty.
00:47:21 Qualified to to speak about this subject.
00:47:24 There's a challenge to debate.
00:47:25 It was a challenge for him to open his mind.
00:47:27 Hopefully a few people saw it and then it pays a little attention and hopefully in the.
00:47:31 End education, but.
00:47:34 Meanwhile, his wife is like on some in in some shed on the property, just like.00:47:38 Just crying hysterically.
Speaker 10
00:47:41 It was just tweeting A directive like that.00:47:44 It's just it's just the wrong way to do it.
00:47:46 It's disrespectful to all the veterans and the people who are serving right now in the military who are transgender and who are not even transgender and.
00:47:54 Are aware and and the the.00:47:55 People in the military wearing dog masks.
00:47:58 And and putting themselves in stirrups and letting other people in dog masks.
00:48:03 **** them in the *******.
00:48:04 It's it's just so disrespectful to those people.
00:48:12 Oh my God, how dare he?
00:48:14 It it's it's disrespectful to these guys right here.
00:48:18 You know, and these.
00:48:19 Are people who who should command respect?
00:48:23 Right. Support the troops.
00:48:31 So anyway, let's get back to his horror show.
00:48:36 That this I I do feel for the woman.
00:48:41 The the battered.
00:48:42 The better dead inside woman.
Speaker 10
00:48:46 Does this seem right and this is what I'm trying to tell America to wake up if you have children right now.00:48:51 They're in schools right now, and whatever's happening, a lot of people are on board with it. There's there's actors, there's athletes.
00:48:58 There's everybody saying being transgender is is great because you have a better life and you're not going to commit suicide.
00:49:05 Because of these surgeries.
00:49:07 Now the fact is if you check out a country that's been doing this for a long time, Sweden has some data and now these children that did this really young, they're getting older now.
00:49:18 And what's happening to them now?
00:49:20 What's the suicide rate?
00:49:22 What's happening to them now and what are they looking at in their life?
00:49:25 I look back on my life and I see.
00:49:26 How I destroyed everything in?
00:49:28 My life that was holy.
00:49:31 The Temple of God.
00:49:32 Our body is what we have here.
00:49:34 I mean, I'm there's so many things I.
00:49:35 Want to go into?
00:49:36 How does the 13 year old do this?
00:49:38 How does the 13 year old speaking to an adult, a psychologist, a PhD and you can they're gonna have a fair break?
00:49:43 Maybe because he watched your movie.Speaker 10
00:49:46 They're gonna have a chance at even saying.00:49:48 Well, it was actually depression.
00:49:49 I was super depressed cause I was getting bullied.
00:49:51 Every day because of cause, my haircut is, if whatever reason, there's so many reasons.
00:49:57 And this is what we have to really look at.
00:49:59 And nobody's talking about this now.
00:50:01 I appreciate Robbie.
00:50:04 Now lots of us are talking about this.00:50:05 We're just getting banned.
00:50:06 From every platform.
00:50:12 We're we're getting banned from every platform because this is part of the replacement program.
00:50:22 They're specifically targeting white kids.
00:50:27 And attacking their ability to reproduce.
00:50:32 Subtly, and not so subtly.
00:50:39 And you played your part in that.
00:50:40 I mean you, you you participated in that fully and I don't hear a whole lot of whoops, sorry.
00:50:46 Hear a lot of other blaming other people.
00:50:52 Speaking of being replaced.
Speaker 13
00:50:55 And Brett, a congressional aide, tells Fox News that the Biden administration is planning to ask Congress for $4 billion to help deal with the dropping of Title 42 next week. That would be 2 billion to CBP.00:51:06 Another 2 billion to ICE.
00:51:08 We're told that money would go towards migrant care, transport and processing.
00:51:13 That source also tells Fox News that right.
00:51:16 By the way, what that means?00:51:17 Is allowing thousands and thousands of more.
00:51:23 People in from South or or or more Central America.
00:51:29 Like these aren't even like Mexicans.
00:51:30 These are like Honduran.
00:51:31 These are like, these are the people Mexico doesn't want.
00:51:39 Central America is right on par with with Haiti when it.
00:51:43 Comes to IQ.
00:51:50 Right now you had a a caravan of 1500 people.
00:52:02 And what they're talking about is upping that number and one day, by the way, that was one day.
00:52:13 And what they're talking about is upping that number.
00:52:18 To 5 to 7000 every day.
00:52:25 Ohh, by the way, that was one day at 1 border crossing.
00:52:28 At one part of the border.
00:52:33 And so that the money that the binding administration is asking for isn't for more.
00:52:39 You know, means of stopping these people.
00:52:45 It's not for a more border enforcement.
00:52:49 It's for busing.
00:52:54 A different kind of busing.
00:53:01 Now, instead of bussing black kids from the poor black neighborhoods into the white neighborhoods so they can.
00:53:09 Go to school with your kids.
00:53:13 They're permanently busing.
00:53:15 Entire families by the thousands.
00:53:20 Into states like Maine.
00:53:23 States like Idaho.
00:53:27 Not Martha's Vineyard, of course.
00:53:35 But anywhere where there might be too many God.
00:53:38 Damn white people.
00:53:49 And of course, they'll keep doing it, because who's?
00:53:52 Going to stop them.
Speaker 13
00:53:54 Now if Title 42 drops, DHS is projecting there will be between 9015 thousand illegal crossings every single day.00:54:03 Right now, we're averaging about 7000 per day, not including the getaways we'll send.
00:54:08 It back to you.
00:54:11 Not including the God always, which means not including.00:54:14 The the millions.
00:54:16 That have crossed the border and crossed.
00:54:19 The border successfully.
00:54:21 It's a lucrative business.
00:54:22 It wouldn't be a lucrative business if.
00:54:24 They got caught all the time.
00:54:42 And this is what it looks like now.
00:54:53 Get all those doctors and engineers.
00:55:07 Right.Devon
00:55:17 Remember when Trump would say?00:55:19 That he already built the wall.
00:55:25 Oh yes, forgot about that you.
Speaker 7
00:55:26 Used to say, Oh no, the walls done.Devon
00:55:32 I remember getting into arguments with with.00:55:36 People trusting the plan.
Speaker 8
00:55:40 The pool's already done.Devon
00:55:45 The parts really don't have the wall, that's just, you know, middle of the desert.00:55:49 No one goes there anyway.
00:55:50 They'll they'll finish it.
00:55:55 Yeah. Look, even look, remember, remember Trump's campaign slogan? Change from make America great again. To to keep America great.
00:56:04 He finished. Mission accomplished.
00:56:12 Didn't deliver on anything but mission accomplished.
00:56:19 And like I said, who's going to stop him?
00:56:21 Like, literally.
00:56:22 Who's going to stop him?
00:56:30 You know, it's funny because, like, you know, when we watched like the the hearing here with this guy.
00:56:36 And there's a lot of people saying, like, oh, yeah, that's pretty cool.
00:56:39 You know, based Michael Cloud from from Texas.
00:56:44 You know, asking all the right questions.
00:56:53 He was being polite.
00:56:54 To a demon.
00:57:04 He's talking to a demon.
00:57:05 This is his demeanor.
Speaker 14
00:57:10 What's that person going through?00:57:14 What did they get wrong?
00:57:15 Were they?
00:57:17 People like that are not going to save you.00:57:28 You can't be polite to demons.
00:57:54 Now in vaccine news, Speaking of.
00:57:58 Of wiping people out.
00:58:02 Because that isn't that funny.
00:58:04 All these people that.
00:58:06 All those people right here.
00:58:08 They're not vaccinated.
00:58:11 Right, they're not vaccinated.
00:58:20 You have to be vaccinated, but they're.
00:58:23 And they're not, they're.
00:58:24 Not worried about that?
00:58:30 The same people.
00:58:32 Who are supporting this ****?
00:58:34 Are the same people are hysterical, hysterical.
00:58:39 If you're not wearing a mask.
00:58:42 If you're not vaccinated, you're going to kill their grandma.
00:58:49 But they don't care if millions of people across the border who are unvaccinated because.
00:58:55 That's not what the vaccinations are for.
00:59:04 Now it's funny because a lot of people are so how come there wasn't a lot of there was as many deaths?
00:59:09 I mean, look, people dropped dead.
00:59:11 It seems like every single day of these blood clots there was that that, that journal.
00:59:17 They went to the World Cup wearing wearing the *** shirt, trying to play cute.
00:59:22 Like Oh yeah.
00:59:23 **** these Muslims that don't like faggs.
00:59:25 I'm going to.
00:59:26 Wear a rainbow shirt.
00:59:28 And they died of a of.
00:59:30 A clot like 2 days later.
00:59:36 You know they they.
00:59:37 They people are dying of the clot shot.
00:59:41 But I found this interesting.
00:59:48 Here's a pathologist talking about.
00:59:52 Why it wasn't as damaging as it could be, or could have been.
Speaker 20
00:59:58 Bullet and a potential harm is when people lined up in stadiums or outside and have these vaccination clinics.01:00:04 These vials weren't kept cold, and those fats turned into a glob of motion.
01:00:09 The RNA broke down into nothing, so you got a shot of mush.
01:00:17 Which you're lucky.
01:00:19 Very lucky, because it wasn't kept cold.
01:00:22 And so the other thing, too, is each vial from different lots is not the same concentration.
01:00:29 When you stir.
01:00:30 Lipid nanoparticles, polyethylene glycol and mRNA sequences.
01:00:33 You can't agitate it quickly, but when that happens.
01:00:36 The lipids, kind of.
01:00:37 Float to the top now you.
01:00:38 Have thousands of vials going across an assembly line.
01:00:42 You know, you know, spitting out the content.
01:00:45 And the first couple 1000 vials get a very dilute solution.
01:00:49 You're not getting a lot of dose of M RNA or or living.
01:00:53 But then at the end of the batch, now you have some very concentrated lipid and M RNA.
01:00:58 So in each manufacturing run of this very poor manufacturing process, which has lots of debris and lots of vials.
01:01:06 And all these DBS and creepy.
01:01:07 Things are mostly manufacturing debris, and that's again what some of the mass spec we've looked at has shown, you know, it's from stainless steel vats, it's from aluminum seals, it's from gaskets, etcetera.
01:01:18 It's from crushed glass, a good manufacturing process in.
01:01:22 A drug developed.
01:01:23 Event process takes years like 56789 years until you have a product pure enough that you can repeat every single time that it comes off the line that it's the same thing.
01:01:36 You saw on.
01:01:37 That early European Medicine agency last year 50% pure. That's supposed to be a 99 plus percent pure product. That tells you everything you need to know right there.
01:01:46 As a pathologist, having looked at a lot of these, the more we look at, it's bad manufacturing.
01:01:52 But a lot of people are lucky.
01:01:54 Because of that.
01:01:56 And this is this is where all the Q ***** say C.01:02:00 Operation Warp speed was 4D chess.
01:02:05 Trump purposely rushed it so the manufacturing process would be bad, and not everyone would get an actual clot shot.
01:02:13 A lot of people would just get, you know, goo.
01:02:17 It would just be spoiled goo because the M RNA, while being mixed at the facility and that's why he was saying he tested all these different.
01:02:26 Samples they'd be like.
01:02:27 Wildly different concentrations.
01:02:31 And not only that, if they didn't keep it cold the entire time, so if you went to one of these vaccination sites where it's literally just a bunch of government work like, you know, government worker diversity workers in a parking lot wearing a mask with a big tub of these, these vials, well, that **** goes bad, like almost immediately.
01:02:58 So a lot of people.
01:02:59 Lucked out because they did such a.
01:03:01 ****** job producing it.
01:03:05 That was all that was all part.
01:03:06 Of Trump's plan, though, I'm sure.
01:03:09 All part of Trump's plan.
01:03:12 He saved us.
01:03:19 I thought this was fine, just as we literally talked about this last stream like right after I was talking about like, oh, yeah, like, you know, they're working on the technology to to make babies in pods and.
01:03:30 And I'm sure they're doing the research somewhere.
01:03:33 They're probably killing lots of babies doing it, you know, to to, to perfect the technology because.
01:03:37 Just like with the mRNA stuff, you know it takes years to perfect that stuff.
01:03:42 And you know when you're when you're, when you're trying to perfect this technology and it's the tech, it's you're in the business of making human babies, you're going to have manufacturing flaws.
01:03:53 You know you're not going to get it right.
01:03:54 Exactly the first time or the second time.
01:03:56 Or maybe the maybe the 1st 1000 times.
01:03:59 And the, you know the the.
01:04:02 Result is going to.
01:04:03 Be a lot of dead babies.
01:04:05 A lot of synthetic abortions.
01:04:09 But that's fine, right?
01:04:10 Because we've devalued it like, look, women.
01:04:12 Women can give birth to a breathing, crying baby now, and doctors are allowed to kill it.
01:04:18 So, I mean, legally, I don't think they're in that much jeopardy when it comes to this kind of research at this point.
01:04:23 But right after.
01:04:25 We did that stream.
01:04:25 This came out.
Speaker 19
01:04:29 Introducing Ecto Life, the world's first artificial womb facility powered entirely by renewable energy, Ecto life allows infertile couple to conceive a baby and become the true biological parents of their own offspring. It's a perfect.Devon
01:04:46 See, The funny thing is, just like with Elon Musk and his chip in the head, notice how the the the way they try to market this.01:04:55 Is ohh no, we're no, this isn't for anything weird.
01:04:59 This is to fix a problem.
01:05:02 You know, Elon Musk is saying, Oh no, we need the chip in the head because we want to help people that.
01:05:06 Have spinal injuries.
01:05:08 We want to help people that are blind.
01:05:10 You know we.
01:05:11 We all we have to do is put this chip in their head and they'll reroute the the visual data, you know, bypass the broken parts.
01:05:20 That are causing the blindness and then pipe it into the brain and and you're good to go.
01:05:24 Or or, you know, with the spinal injury.
01:05:26 Same kind of thing.
01:05:27 We'll just bypass the the spinal injury and and plug it back in and your, you know, past where the injury is and and you can move your arms and legs again, it's fine, it's not.
01:05:38 For anything weird.
01:05:39 It's to fix a problem, and that's how they're trying to sell this ****, too.
01:05:44 Oh no, this is for.
01:05:46 This is for people who can't have babies.
01:05:47 And The funny thing is.
01:05:50 You know, part of what they're talking about, and part of why a lot of people will support this.
01:05:57 Is this is the?
01:05:58 I mean, think of the think of the the customer base that they have now all these women that that put off having a baby because they wanted to make spreadsheets in an office.
01:06:08 And now they're 45 and they're like ****.
01:06:12 You know, women like Jennifer Aniston.
01:06:15 Who? Who waited too long.
01:06:19 Well, that that market is already, you know, ripe for the picking.
01:06:25 Wait, wait.
01:06:26 Five or ten years and and that that, that's just going to, it's going to keep doubling the amount of women.
01:06:31 Right.Devon
01:06:34 That don't have babies in their 40s.01:06:37 That are kind of like, oh, maybe I did this all wrong.
01:06:40 This is going to sound great.
01:06:41 Now, of course, the technology is not there yet, but they're they're going to be supportive of any kind of research that goes into this.
01:06:49 And this company is making big promises like I know the basic technology exists because they have made artificial wombs and they have raised pigs.
01:06:57 And I think it was pigs.
01:07:04 So they can.
01:07:05 Do it.
01:07:07 Whether or not this this company can actually deliver, this is quite another thing.
Speaker 19
01:07:11 Solution for women who had their uterus surgically removed due to cancer or other complications.Speaker 7
01:07:16 Ohh yeah, it's it's for cancer and and.Devon
01:07:19 Now of course.Speaker 19
01:07:20 With Ecto life, premature births and C sections will be a thing of the past.01:07:25 Ecto Life is designed to help countries that are suffering from severe population decline, including Japan, Bulgaria, South Korea and many others.
01:07:36 How come the United States is?01:07:38 Oh, that's right.
01:07:39 We don't have population decline because we're letting in millions and millions of.
01:07:43 Central Americans.
Speaker 19
01:07:48 The facility features 75 highly equipped labs. Each state-of-the-art lab can accommodate up to 400 growth pods or artificial wounds. Every pod is designed to replicate the exact conditions that exist inside the mother's uterus.01:08:07 A single building can incubate up to 30,000 lab grown babies per year. Ecto life allows your baby to develop in an infection free environment. The pods are made of materials that prevent germs from sticking to their surfaces.
01:08:25 Every growth pod features sensors that can monitor your baby's vital size, including heartbeat, temperature, blood pressure.
01:08:34 So you get the idea.01:08:42 Ohh, so yeah, the technology is there.
01:08:45 They'll be making pod babies. It's going to be. It's kind of funny because people have all often gotten to this argument about, well, is it going to be like 1984 or brave new world? And it's like a little bit of this, a little bit of that.
Speaker 7
01:08:58 We'll have the.Devon
01:08:59 Pod babies and and the censorship.01:09:02 It'll be both.
01:09:03 It'll just be pod babies being censored on the Internet.
01:09:09 Oh man.
01:09:11 So anyway, I was going to do a movie review and then after watching after wasting two hours of my life watching it, I decided against it because it's it just was.
01:09:22 It was just.
01:09:23 It was just.
01:09:23 It was just a bad movie.
01:09:25 There wasn't, like there.
01:09:26 There was some Nuggets.
01:09:27 We'll watch some of.
01:09:27 These Nuggets but.
01:09:31 I was.
01:09:31 I was searching for.
01:09:32 Something on the Internet.
01:09:34 And I came across a headline that said that from 2000, I think 15 from the Jewish forward.
01:09:42 Saying Seth Rogen in his new movie is billed as the most Jewish Christmas movie ever.
01:09:51 And I was like ohh.
01:09:54 The most Jewish I I haven't heard.
01:09:55 Of this 2015.
01:09:57 I I don't.
01:09:58 I don't know.
01:10:00 And I so I I get the movie it's called.
01:10:03 The night before.
01:10:06 And yeah, it was super Jewish.
01:10:09 Christmas was reduced to a day that you get really ****** ** with your friends and it it was basically like the hangover like that was basically it was like the Christmas version of the hangover.
01:10:24 But one of the things that.
01:10:26 That stuck out.
01:10:29 Were how?
01:10:31 Because I and I knew I knew this scene would be in there.
01:10:33 I knew it would be in there.
01:10:35 It was just a map, that's why.
01:10:36 I had to watch the whole.
01:10:36 ******* thing.
01:10:37 It was just a matter of when it was it was going to happen.
01:10:41 Because if it's the most Jewish Christmas.
01:10:43 Movie of all time.
01:10:45 They have to make fun of of Jesus at some point, right?
01:10:49 Like they have to because they can't help themselves.
01:10:53 So, well, I just wanted to play that, Clay said.
01:10:55 It's not worth like a whole stream, really.
01:10:57 It's just they they just want to play some real quick scenes from there.
01:11:00 Was this scene in the very beginning where they set up like, oh, look, look at the creepy Christian kids, the creepy Christian kids.
Speaker 4
01:11:10 If you're not Christian, what are you?Speaker 2
01:11:13 I'm Jewish.Speaker
01:11:14 Is that why you look different?Speaker 1
01:11:17 What was that? Come again?Speaker 2
01:11:18 You just look funny.Speaker 8
01:11:20 I look funny.01:11:22 You see the shining.
01:11:26 Ah yes, the the the creepy Christian girls, the creepy white Christian girls.01:11:32 And then, of course, he goes to midnight mass because he's married to a Catholic chick and he's he's high on mushrooms and.
01:11:42 You know haha.
Speaker 1
01:11:44 Daily brand.Speaker
01:11:51 That's a I think that's a nurse thing.01:11:52 I can't do that here, thank God.
01:11:57 So don't do anything.
Speaker 1
01:11:59 Sit, sit, sit down.Speaker
01:12:04 This is so cool.01:12:06 Are we supposed to participate?
Speaker 8
01:12:08 No. Hallelujah.Speaker 10
01:12:11 Not that kind.Speaker 2
01:12:11 Of church.Speaker
01:12:20 Oh, Jesus Christ.01:12:21 Is that what they think we did to him?
01:12:22 Can you tell them Jewish?
Speaker 15
01:12:23 Yes, you ******* sweater.Speaker 5
01:12:26 I'm sorry, I said.01:12:28 Stop talking.
01:12:32 I see what you doing.Speaker 5
01:12:33 Oh, don't do your throw up.Speaker 14
01:12:36 In here, swallow it like a girl would swallow it.Speaker
01:12:40 Do you do?Speaker 10
01:12:41 It with your mouth.Speaker 18
01:12:44 Perfect.Devon
01:12:51 So yeah, he throws up in church and, you know, they make fun of Jesus.01:12:55 And that's always good.
01:12:57 And then, you know, there's.
01:13:06 Oh Jesus. **** me. Ohh.Speaker 19
01:13:11 Is it still?Speaker 20
01:13:11 Happening, it's still happening.Speaker 19
01:13:12 A little. Yeah, I just.Speaker 5
01:13:16 Oh, we did not kill Jesus.Speaker
01:13:20 We did not do that.Speaker 1
01:13:24 Hi, yeah.Speaker 2
01:13:24 You told me.Devon
01:13:25 So that's real funny.01:13:27 And then there's this funny part at the end where, you know.
01:13:31 That he the Jew.
01:13:34 Just it's let me just put this way.
01:13:36 It's a.
01:13:37 Very Ethan Klein moment.
Speaker 5
01:13:40 You're the Messiah.Speaker 8
01:13:42 You really you are the Messiah.01:13:43 You say my fantasy team last year, bro.
01:13:45 I'm a huge fan horse.
Speaker 2
01:13:45 That's good to know.Speaker 8
01:13:46 Wow, you're pretty good man wife.Speaker 2
01:13:46 And you have a good night.01:13:47 Your pleasure.
Speaker 5
01:13:48 Look, can you help me out?01:13:50 You actually, you have a friend in common.
01:13:52 Chris and I need.
01:13:54 I'm looking for my buddy.
Speaker 2
01:13:54 Oh, hey, I'm sorry. What?Speaker 3
01:13:58 Sorry, I'm sorry, got it.Speaker 1
01:14:04 I'm sorry, sorry.01:14:12 Ohh, I'm sorry.
01:14:18 The Jewish guy too survived the massacre.Devon
01:14:25 So anyway, the the.01:14:26 Movie is just it's like I said, it's just degenerate, like the hangover, and then they throw in this.
01:14:31 You know the handful of anti Christian stuff and it just wasn't worth doing like old stream over it because it was just like.
01:14:38 Oh, and here's the part where they're doing more drugs.
01:14:40 Oh, look, they're still doing drugs.
01:14:41 Oh, look, they're still doing drugs.
01:14:43 Oh, look, they're still doing drugs, you know, though, now they're doing drugs again.
01:14:47 So I was like you.
01:14:47 Know what are going to do with that?
01:14:50 UM.
01:14:53 So that is.
01:14:57 That is the night before.
01:15:00 Next, next stream.
01:15:02 I think there's another.
01:15:03 There's another Christmas movie I wanted to go over.
01:15:07 That it is actually worth the whole string.
01:15:10 I feel like, you know.
01:15:11 Let's let's go over some Christmas movies this this December.
01:15:14 We got 10 days, 10 days till Christmas Eve.
01:15:17 And yeah, I'm still feeling good about the Christmas Eve string, so we're going to do that.
01:15:21 Going to say we're going to do.
01:15:22 That on the 21st.
01:15:25 Almost positive.
01:15:26 Let me get positive.
01:15:27 Let me look just not HIV positive.
01:15:31 Let me let me check my my e-mail so I can tell you the exact time I'm going to be on millennial.
01:15:38 Alright, so for.
01:15:40 Our time.
01:15:43 It will be.
01:15:45 I believe.
01:15:48 It'll be it'll be uh.
01:15:50 6:00 PM.
01:15:53 On Tuesday, December 20th.
01:15:58 At least I'm pretty sure that's what it's going to be.
01:16:00 Pacific Time Pacific Time.
01:16:03 So that is.
01:16:05 And I'll and I'll put that.
01:16:06 I'll put like a link to it on, on GAB and on Telegram.
01:16:10 And and all that stuff.
01:16:11 But that's what we're looking at for millennial.
01:16:14 So it'll be Tuesday, so that won't affect the stream at all.
01:16:19 And then Wednesday.
01:16:20 We'll do a strain.
01:16:21 Let me look at my calendar here.
Speaker 7
01:16:26 Here we go.Devon
01:16:27 Yes, that is Tuesday.01:16:29 So Tuesday we'll have a we'll have the millennial Wednesday, we'll have a normal stream and then Saturday we'll have the we'll we'll bring in the, we'll bring in Christmas, we'll stream into Christmas from Christmas even at Christmas.
01:16:45 And then I'm probably going to take the next Wednesday off, which would be the the 28th.
01:16:53 And then that next Saturday is New Year's Eve and I got to think about that one.
01:17:00 If I stream on New Year's Eve, it's going to be a festive stream.
01:17:04 It's not.
01:17:06 It's not a stream.
01:17:07 I want to have to do homework for.
01:17:09 It might just be a hanging out kind.
01:17:11 Of a stream or I might go maybe?
Speaker 7
01:17:12 Maybe I'll go on someone else's.Devon
01:17:14 Stream. There's gonna be a.01:17:15 Lot of New Year's Eve streams.
01:17:17 Going on that night.
01:17:18 I'm sure so.
01:17:19 I don't know well.
01:17:20 I'll. I'll get back to you on that one, but I most definitely taking the 28th.
01:17:25 So we'll have.
01:17:27 The 20th, the 21st and the 24th into the 20.
01:17:30 5th so anyway, all right.
01:17:34 Let me.
01:17:36 Get this guy, this Jew off the screen here.
01:17:40 What can we put up, though?
01:17:41 There's nothing.
01:17:42 There's nothing good to put up.
01:17:44 Because we got we.
01:17:45 Got Biden?
01:17:45 We can put up.
01:17:48 Biden, in his in his in his come over.
01:17:57 Look at that.
01:17:58 He just looks like someone that's having a press conference after being.
01:18:03 I mean, he looks.
01:18:03 Like a grower.
01:18:05 At I I wonder at this point at this point in time, had he already showered with his daughter?
01:18:14 How how many kids do you think he'd molested?
01:18:18 At this point in his career.
01:18:21 Definitely double digits.
01:18:24 Definitely double digits.
01:18:28 Let's take a look at Hyper chats here.
01:18:41 Goji, $5 here. I'm living in the middle of Idaho and you can't seem to escape the Jewish influence.
01:18:48 My younger brothers, both in middle school and elementary school, have told me that they have to do a massive project on the Holocaust and Jews and have been doing so for weeks.
01:18:58 It's unreal.
01:18:59 Yeah, the problem is.
01:19:02 There is no there is no based state.
01:19:05 There isn't.
01:19:08 There really isn't.
01:19:10 Because you have ******* representing you or you have satanic pedophiles representing you.
01:19:17 You don't have representation.
01:19:19 You just simply don't, and quite frankly, none of the people like you have for generations.
01:19:29 Since World War Two? Really.
01:19:33 That's just a fact.
01:19:36 Prior to World War 2, as we saw in the Holocaust documentary.
01:19:41 You had representation in government, not it was.
01:19:43 It was on its way out.
01:19:46 It was quickly being overcome by the powers of the World Jewish Congress.
01:19:53 By Roosevelt and company.
01:19:57 But you still had it, you still.
01:19:59 Had a little bit.
01:20:02 But you you have not had any representation in government.
01:20:08 Your entire lives if you're alive.
01:20:09 Today, and that's just the way that it is.
01:20:17 So yeah, I'm not surprised at all.
01:20:18 That's just the way that is.
01:20:19 That's why there's no political solution at this point.
01:20:21 Ministry of truth.
01:20:22 I made this song about the Jews and multiculturalism.
01:20:26 OK, I I don't know if I risk it.
01:20:29 But let's see here.
Speaker 7
01:20:42 Why is it not playing?Devon
01:20:46 It won't let me download it.01:20:47 It'll let me download it, OK.
01:20:50 I will download it and we'll take a look.
01:20:54 Why not?
01:20:55 Let's have a look.
01:20:59 Let's see what you've.
01:21:00 Come up with here.
01:21:02 We might do something like the gong shot.
01:21:04 I have no idea what to expect.
01:21:09 I'm sure it's awesome, but just in case that's not.
01:21:15 I reserve the right to gong it out of.
01:21:18 Out of existence.
01:21:19 Why is it not downloading all the way?
01:21:20 It's going really slow.
01:21:22 Come on, odyssey.
01:21:24 It's not that big of a file.
01:21:28 Got about 10 more seconds.
01:21:29 There we go.
01:21:39 Where did it go?
01:21:50 Where'd it go?
01:21:51 Like it was.
01:21:52 Hold on.
01:21:55 Did it rename it?
01:21:55 Something weird?
01:21:56 OK, there it is.
01:21:58 Let's see what this is.
01:21:59 Let's see what you did here.
01:22:01 Let's see what we've come up with.
Speaker 4
01:22:10 I think there's a resurgence of anti-Semitism because at this point in time, Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural.01:22:22 They are not going into a multicultural model.
01:22:27 I just realized it's not playing the video.01:22:31 I'm I'm digging.
01:22:32 It so far, though, so you know, let's see.
Speaker 4
01:22:42 Not multicultural, not multicultural, not multicult multicultural.Speaker 1
01:22:57 I challenged fine today and you turn on the station, sit on one station for two hours.01:23:05 You know how.
01:23:06 Many commercials to see play 8 to 5.
01:23:10 Three out of five have mixed race couples.
01:23:15 That's not by action.
01:23:17 You wonder what's happening in American culture.
01:23:19 Watch advertising, watch advertising, watch advertise.
Speaker 4
01:23:28 They are now going into a multicultural mode.01:23:33 Multicultural. Multicultural.
01:23:36 Multicultural mode.
01:23:39 Not multicultural, not multicultural.
01:23:43 I want to come.
Speaker 1
01:23:44 You need the base to drop when's the base going to drop.Speaker 2
01:23:59 What is the in a sense of racial apocalypse where everybody becomes brown?01:24:11 What is the Innocence racial apocalypse where everybody?
01:24:18 Brown out.
01:24:24 I'm very curious about that.01:24:26 That Biden clip?
01:24:27 I've actually never heard that before.
Speaker 2
01:24:28 What the that's racial apocalypse.01:24:33 Everybody becomes brown and maybe.
01:24:40 That they support.
01:24:41 The yeah, I didn't need to see that.01:24:42 I didn't need to see.
Speaker 2
01:24:52 OK.01:24:54 It's the rock.
01:24:56 All right.01:24:57 I don't think the base is.
01:24:58 Going to drop.
01:25:00 It requires a base, the base dropping man like you.
01:25:03 You got a good.
01:25:04 Start this is a good start.
01:25:07 I and I get.
01:25:08 It tell you what?
01:25:10 Not bad, not bad.
01:25:12 But if you want it to be better.
01:25:14 Drop that bass.
01:25:15 That's all I'm saying.
01:25:17 So there we go.
01:25:21 My coffee chair.
01:25:22 Here's the link to my bumpers folder.
01:25:24 All right.
01:25:25 Yeah, because all those are gone.
01:25:27 And the ones I made, I didn't.
01:25:28 I don't even have.
01:25:29 I have to.
01:25:30 I have to make them all or make different ones.
01:25:32 Probably I don't even know have those clips.
01:25:34 I made it out of like the the dock one and stuff.
01:25:36 So that's kind of a bummer, but appreciate that.
01:25:41 Back then, let me open that in another tab.
01:25:43 So I've got that ready.
01:25:45 And I'll get those downloaded.
01:25:55 Uh, lack of creativity, longtime listener finally getting around to cough up some some money.
01:26:00 Merry Christmas.
01:26:00 Well, I appreciate that.
Speaker 7
01:26:03 Returned ****** for.Devon
01:26:04 $1.00 and oh, we have no ******** fagot.01:26:09 Thoughts on Alex Jones versus Nick Fuentes debate, debate say what you want about Nick, but it was based.
01:26:17 It was based.
01:26:18 See him him.
01:26:21 Say all right, well, ******** ****** you got.
01:26:24 To you got to work on your string and the words.
01:26:26 Together there he has a lot of respect for Hitler.
01:26:30 And are you drunk tonight?
01:26:32 ******** fact.
01:26:33 Usually not this bad you've been drinking.
01:26:38 Nat sog.
01:26:39 Much to Alex becoming collaborate.
01:26:41 Yeah, well, I, I, I I get the basic gist of what you're asking there, but yeah, I did watch it.
01:26:46 I did watch it, and yeah, I'll tell you what, it was good to see.
01:26:51 It was good to see Nick not backing down.
01:26:55 And it was predictable to see Alex Towing.
01:26:59 The line.
01:27:00 And people, in fact, I think Vince put out a clip.
01:27:06 Of what they open up.
01:27:08 Telegram again to get it.
01:27:10 Vince put out a clip while that debate was on, so it's going to he posts so much **** it's going to take me a long time to.
01:27:17 Find it here, but he posted a clip.
01:27:19 Or maybe he forwarded a clip that someone else had posted.
01:27:22 Oh, wait, good.
01:27:23 It's right here.
01:27:24 That was quick.
01:27:25 A lot quicker than I.
01:27:25 Thought it would be.
01:27:27 Of what Alex Jones used to sound like.
01:27:31 Prior to and, well, that's how the they titled the video like.
01:27:35 This is what Alex Jones used to sound like.
01:27:38 A more accurate way of putting it is.
01:27:39 This is what Alex Jones sounded like one time.
01:27:42 It's not what he used to sound like, it's just he broke character once and this is the video of it.
Speaker 8
01:27:51 Working with Israel.01:27:53 To oppress.
01:27:55 The people of the planet.
01:27:59 Israel loves it. That Nazi Sharon has invaded the West Bank. They're slaughtering innocent people and I'm sick of worshipping Israel. Did you know back in the 1960s, they bombed?
01:28:12 He's he's always as you just noticed.01:28:14 He just called the Jews Nazis.
01:28:16 He's he's always called everyone Nazis.
01:28:20 He's always been just as bad as the ADL when it comes to calling everyone Nazis.
01:28:25 He's always called everyone Nazis.
Speaker 8
01:28:27 Invaded the West Bank. They're slaughtering innocent people and I'm sick of worshipping Israel. Did you know back in the 1960s they bombed the USS Liberty, knowing it was one of our ships because it caught the radio chatter of them killing thousands of Palestinian children?01:28:41 During that invasion and they torpedoed it as they begged for hours on the radio and LBJ sat there in 63 and let them do it.
01:28:48 That's in this Baltimore Sun story.
01:28:52 I don't support the Palestinians either.
01:28:54 They're all hyped up and psychotic.
01:28:56 But Israel is going to get us nuked, always backing them up like this.
01:29:02 Israel called.
01:29:07 Cattle or dogs or subhuman. They keep them on concentration camps. I got video of them taking Palestinian women's tomatoes. They grow and breaking their water containers and stealing that. That's why you have this crap.
01:29:22 And our children are gonna die. We're gonna get nuked because of this, Iran's got the nukes. Now, Syria.
01:29:30 We're going to have nuclear war because Israel likes to go around bombing everybody.
01:29:37 I'm sorry, it's just the facts.
01:29:41 And Israel absolutely is beside itself with joy right now.
01:29:44 They are talking about how they're going to blow everything up, how they're going to attack everybody, and guess who's going to get bombed because of it.
01:29:56 I have been supportive of Israel for many years.
01:29:59 When I find out what they do, shooting little Palestinian children in the genitalia and laughing, it's on video.
01:30:05 Little Palestine Little 10 year olds walk around throwing rocks at tanks.
01:30:08 The guy sets off a half mile away and blows their.
01:30:10 Testicles off.
01:30:13 They call them goyan.
01:30:14 They call them dogs, they call them Arabs, cattle.
01:30:19 And then the Arab corrupt Arab governments that are in league with this government, it's really a sick, Hegelian dialectic order out of chaos, bringing the world crises, bringing him terrorism.
01:30:30 So we'll accept a highly dictatorial police state regime.
01:30:34 It's happening the world.
01:30:38 So that's, that's again, that's not what it used to sound like. That's when he broke character one time because he was worried about getting nuked because of what Israel was doing because he knew that the Zionists were in charge. This is what, 2001? I think it says.01:30:52 This is the day after 911.
01:30:59 So you know.
01:31:02 But this this was not like he said he.
01:31:03 I'm tired of.
01:31:04 Worshipping Israel so he was he was worshipping Israel.
01:31:12 So he knows.
01:31:12 He obviously knows.
01:31:15 So when I say that he's lying when I say people like Gavin are lying when I.
01:31:18 You know I'm.
01:31:19 I'm not being an *******.
01:31:21 They're lying.
01:31:27 They've they've made a career out of line.
01:31:34 And justice like, you know, it's kind of funny.
01:31:36 Last stream there was that person that that sent in the Super chat or hyper chat that said, you know, oh, I saw like the internal emails of the Twitter people and I was expecting it to be more evil.
01:31:47 They they sound like, you know, they were just more justified and, you know, they thought they were justified.
01:31:51 In stopping, you know, fascism or whatever.
01:31:54 It wasn't like evil cackling.
01:31:55 And I said at the time, like every evil person.
01:32:00 Justifies what they're doing.
01:32:08 Well, they wouldn't do it.
01:32:11 That's why they do it.
01:32:11 They they everyone thinks they're right.
01:32:17 And look, I'm not calling Alex Jones evil.
01:32:21 But I I when he lies, which he does.
01:32:26 I think he's he feels as.
01:32:27 Though he's doing it for some greater good.
01:32:37 But yeah, he's he was obviously not being honest there.
01:32:42 Let's take a look here.
01:32:49 Oh, and as far as the.
01:32:50 Debate goes, yeah, no.
01:32:51 I think Nick did a good job.
01:32:55 I I I like I said.
01:32:57 I just wonder how long is this going?
01:32:59 To go for I.
01:33:02 I'll tell you one thing that's weird.
01:33:07 A couple weeks ago.
01:33:11 If you were to, you know, like.
01:33:13 It would be unimaginable.
01:33:16 Just a few weeks ago.
01:33:18 It would be unimaginable.
01:33:20 That Kanye West would wear a mask.
01:33:24 And talking to cartoon voice with a with a net and and a Yahoo.
01:33:28 And say he loved Hitler.
01:33:30 That would just be even for like what we're what we we're used to unusual things happening these days, right?
01:33:36 But not even that was like outside of the imagination that's now the norm.
01:33:42 That's not shocking anymore.
01:33:46 You know, remember, trans kids was shocking.
01:33:48 At some point, right?
01:33:51 So on both sides.
01:33:53 The ridiculous level is going higher and higher and higher.
01:34:01 Well, eventually gets too high and the ship falls over.
01:34:05 That's just what happens.
01:34:08 You know, I saw my first ****** in the in this area.
01:34:13 I it I almost dropped my my **** like I was.
01:34:16 I was.
01:34:18 Is that the grocery store?
01:34:19 No, I I don't even.
01:34:20 I don't even have my grocery store sample anymore.
01:34:22 I can't even play the grocery store thing.
01:34:26 And I turned the corner.
01:34:29 Down this aisle and this literal demon was just standing there.
01:34:34 And I I was.
01:34:37 So shocked.
01:34:39 To see a demon in my grocery store that I almost dropped the **** I was carrying, I was.
01:34:44 Just like, oh, what the **** is this?
01:34:49 You know, luckily not.
01:34:50 Not a local, just some Californian passing through.
01:34:54 But I was just like God.
01:34:56 Like there's there.
01:34:58 There's so many of them that there was.
01:34:59 One out here.
01:35:02 In the middle of ******* nowhere, there's a ******* ****** in my grocery store.
01:35:08 In the good old days.
01:35:14 Well, remember when we did that stream?
01:35:18 Where they they depicted the South.
01:35:21 It was an Easy Rider.
01:35:25 And they depicted the South as just a bunch of like.
01:35:29 Meat headed ******** that that would literally murder outsiders that were, you know, were passing through town or whatever.
01:35:36 Like, ohh, he's got long hair.
01:35:37 Let's kill him.
01:35:39 There was that that that was obvious an exaggeration, but there was an element of truth to that. It's like in Rambo, first blood rambo's.
Speaker 7
01:35:48 The bad guy.Devon
01:35:51 He's the bad guy.01:35:54 Neighborhood cop, small town cop.
Speaker 7
01:35:58 Literally all he does is.Devon
01:35:59 Say you should leave town.01:36:01 This is my town.
01:36:02 This is our.
01:36:03 This is our community.
01:36:03 I don't like the way you look.
Speaker 7
01:36:08 Get the **** out of town.Devon
01:36:10 I want cops.01:36:11 Like that in my community.
01:36:14 I want cops to where if they saw that ****** in the grocery store.
01:36:21 Maybe there's one less demon in the world.
01:36:27 Maybe there's one less demon.
01:36:36 Ah, let's see here.
01:36:38 Rob H dev dog.
01:36:40 Since it all falls on Saturday, will we get a Christmas Eve string this year?
01:36:44 Yeah, that's that's the idea.
01:36:47 Saying Christmas Eve.
01:36:49 And then, you know, into Christmas and we'll probably watch.
01:36:53 It's a wonderful life or something like that.
01:36:54 You know, nothing too intense.
01:36:57 We'll just watch. It's a wonderful life. Or, you know, I started. I was looking into other movies to to check out. I started watching a movie from 1985.
01:37:09 Called Santa Claus, or maybe the I don't know if it's the Santa Claus.
01:37:14 And I didn't get all the way through.
01:37:15 I just watched like the first part of it because I.
01:37:17 Remember, it was a movie that I'd watched when I was real little.
01:37:20 And my parents thought it was fine, so I was like, yeah, I think it was.
01:37:25 Even rated G.
01:37:27 And it starts off like pretty OK.
01:37:32 The story is it's like the origin story of Santa Claus, right?
01:37:37 So it's this old man and his wife, and they can't have children or whatever.
01:37:42 So he makes toys to give to kids because he loves kids and he's going through this snowy.
01:37:52 You know.
01:37:54 You're, you know, they don't say where it is, but presumably some, you know, European city or town and it's like in the.
01:38:03 I don't know. It's supposed to be like in the 1300s or.
01:38:06 And he's giving these wooden toys to these kids and they get.
01:38:10 Caught in a Blizzard.
01:38:12 And just before they freeze to death, some elves come out.
01:38:17 And they say, oh, you, you fulfilled the prophecy, which is.
01:38:21 Already got a little weird.
01:38:22 I was like all.
01:38:22 Right.
01:38:23 Well, let's see where this goes.
01:38:26 And they take him to the.
01:38:28 North Pole, I guess.
01:38:29 And they're like, oh, the prophecy said that there'd be some man that loved toys and and he would, he would come and then he would be able to deliver all of these toys that we make all around the world to all the boys and girls.
01:38:44 And I'm like, alright, alright.
01:38:47 Well, OK.
01:38:48 Well, let's see where this goes.
01:38:50 Still the.
01:38:52 At the end of the OR at the end of the tour, Santa Claus looks at the elf.
01:38:56 And says, you know, you guys, you guys.
01:38:58 Look really busy here making all these these toys.
01:39:01 And the elf says, oh, well, you should see us on seasons greetings.
01:39:08 And this like like an.
01:39:09 It's a noun, not like you know.
01:39:12 And and and.
01:39:13 Santa Claus goes well.
01:39:15 What seasons greetings.
01:39:17 And the alpha is like.
01:39:18 Oh well, you'll like seasons.
01:39:21 I'm like, what the ****?
01:39:22 Like it just sounded.
01:39:22 Like it, it was worded wrong.
01:39:24 Like what?
01:39:25 And then Christmas comes along.
01:39:28 And all the elves start celebrating.
01:39:31 They go, oh, it's seasons.
01:39:34 So I'm halfway in the movie.
01:39:36 They haven't said the word Christmas yet.
01:39:39 They're calling Christmas seasons greetings.
01:39:42 Which isn't it?
01:39:43 Like no one even does that.
01:39:45 You know, people will say, you know, seasons greetings if they don't want to say Merry Christmas, you know, it's like saying happy holidays.
01:39:52 But it's like no one uses that as a noun.
01:39:55 They're like, oh, guess what?
01:39:56 Tomorrow is happy holidays.
01:39:59 Tomorrow the seasons great, but that's how they were saying the movie was the weirdest ******* **** I've ever seen.
01:40:04 So anyway, I I haven't watched the whole thing, but I just thought that was I was like, OK, so this is this is this is this is where it started, huh?
01:40:13 Like they made a literal movie about Santa Claus, and they can't.
01:40:16 Even they can't even ******* say Christmas.
01:40:19 Sorry, let me let me.
01:40:20 Keep going. Let's see here.
01:40:23 The Vaxxed well, hopefully you got one of the the mosh vaxes Devin, be honest.
01:40:28 How high are you for Avatar 2?
01:40:31 The way of the water if you want to be really grossed out by trans stuff, look up a movie with the same actor from Avatar called the Titan.
01:40:38 He literally turns into an alien.
01:40:41 I've never heard of.
01:40:42 The Titan.
01:40:43 UM.Devon
01:40:45 But maybe I'll take a look.01:40:46 At that look, it's.
01:40:48 I'm sure it's going to be a garbage movie.
01:40:50 It's going to be a garbage.
01:40:51 It's going to be like all the it's going to be a Cape **** movie.
01:40:55 It's going to be the only kind of movie that Hollywood knows how to make, and that's a movie without a story, but lots of visual effects.
01:41:00 So that they can sell it in a worldwide market.
01:41:04 Because if there's any kind of story at all, it'll alienate one of their markets.
01:41:08 If there's any kind of actual meaning to it, it ceases to become a product that they can sell in.
01:41:15 You know China just as easily as they can sell in in America because then it becomes an American movie.
01:41:22 So it's it's whatever the storyline it's going to be, of course.
01:41:27 Climate change or or something like that?
01:41:29 White people, bad white people destroying everything.
01:41:33 You know, calling this ohh.
01:41:35 You're they're trying to call because I think that's the basic storyline, right?
01:41:38 The the white people have ruined Earth, and so now they're not going to Pandora to take unobtanium.
01:41:48 Now they're going there to colonize, and so it's going to be an anti colonist.
01:41:53 It's going, it's an anti white movie.
01:41:55 It's going to be a movie about, you know, the white people are coming.
01:41:58 As they ruined their home countries, they're going to come and take.
01:42:00 It you know it's.
01:42:03 You know, it's just more of the same.
01:42:04 We all know what what it's going to be like.
01:42:07 Tennis nuts we grew up watching bosom buddies with Tom Hanks and three his company.
01:42:13 Don't forget the movie, Tootsie.
01:42:15 This was on every TV in America.
01:42:18 I don't remember any outrage, was all fun and games till the Zoomers came along and were ultra sensitive.
01:42:24 No, it's not about fun and games.
01:42:26 It was.
01:42:26 It was a joke.
01:42:28 Now I I I've never seen.
01:42:32 These shows are before my time.
01:42:34 I know what you're talking about with bosom buddies only because I was thinking about doing a thing on it, because I I'd never heard of it before.
01:42:41 I I you know, because.
01:42:43 It was before my time, but I saw like a clip of it.
01:42:46 I was.
01:42:46 What the **** is this?
01:42:47 Tom Hanks?
01:42:47 Looks like he's like 16.
01:42:49 And I've only watched like a few clips, but my understanding is he dresses up like a woman to get a job or something like that.
01:42:57 And then I can just get.
01:42:59 It disconnected again.
01:43:00 OK, good.
01:43:01 Uh, but that.
01:43:03 But it was the joke.
01:43:06 I mean, it wasn't.
01:43:08 People weren't chopping their ***** off and actually doing it.
01:43:13 You know, it was a joke.
01:43:14 Ohh haha.
01:43:14 It's funny because he's dressed like a woman.
01:43:16 In fact, if anything it was a.
01:43:18 Lot of jokes about women.
01:43:23 You know, like, what's another example of this?
01:43:26 I mean, they were wrong.
01:43:27 It was, it was.
01:43:28 It was paving the way.
01:43:29 To where we're at today.
01:43:31 But, but like Mrs.
01:43:33 Doubtfire, right, like Mrs.
01:43:35 Doubtfire wasn't about a guy that was really trying to be a ******.
01:43:40 He was he was dressing up like a woman and that that was the joke.
01:43:44 Now of course, it was a little more nefarious in in that movie, because who helped him do it right?
01:43:50 Oh, look his.
01:43:50 Gay brother and his gay brothers lover.
01:43:56 In San Francisco.
01:43:58 You know, so with Mrs.
01:44:00 Doubtfire there was, it was, it was creeping closer to to what they wanted.
01:44:05 But no, it's not about sensitive zoomers.
01:44:08 It's just that.
01:44:09 They just they they.
01:44:10 It's kind of like it was like the will and.
01:44:12 Grace of the gay movement.
01:44:16 You know. Oh, yeah, just.
01:44:17 Don't worry, it's just or or look.
01:44:19 In in terms of three as company.
01:44:23 If that, that's three is company is the one with.
01:44:27 Suzanne Somers in it right.
01:44:28 And they had the the gay landlord.
01:44:31 Or some gay character I don't know.
01:44:33 Like I said, these are before my time, but.
01:44:35 I've seen reruns.
01:44:36 Of it.Devon
01:44:37 So they excuse me, they'd have the gay characters.01:44:40 They would be very harmless, and it would just be, in fact, the jokes would be about them being gay.
01:44:44 It wouldn't be complementary.
01:44:47 It would be they would be making fun of the character because he was gay and so that's.
01:44:51 How they ease it in?
01:44:53 So they make fun of it like ohh, it's silly.
01:44:55 It's funny.
01:44:56 And the next thing in other grooming kids.
01:44:59 Uh, Dan.
01:45:01 It's truly why America, with every single leftist being, the trendy degenerate Jew like Ming Jew, like Magnus Hershfield.
01:45:12 Magnus hershfield.
01:45:16 I don't know who that is.
01:45:18 And look up Magnus Hershfield.
01:45:28 No, this might be this might be a rabbit hole.
01:45:33 Magnus Burchfield was a German physician and sexologist.
01:45:40 Burchfield was educated.
01:45:41 Oh, is this the guy that had the the trans clinic in in the Weimar Republic?
01:45:49 I was educated, philosophy, philosophy, Philo or philology and medicine.
01:45:57 An outspoken advocate for the sexual minorities, Hershfield founded the Scientific Humanitarian Committee in the World League of Sexual Reform.
01:46:04 He based his practice in Berlin.
01:46:06 Yeah, I think this is.
01:46:07 Yeah, this.
01:46:07 Is the guy right?
01:46:09 And then, of course, early life.
01:46:11 You know.
01:46:11 Ashkenazi Jew.
01:46:12 No, no, no surprise there.
01:46:16 Yeah, that, that that's probably a good topic.
01:46:20 I always forget to to talk about that guy.
01:46:22 I researched him briefly once and it was just horrified that everything.
01:46:28 Dan, before, do you ever, or do you believe Europe with Muslim migrants is worse than America with Hispanic migrants?
01:46:35 It doesn't seem to matter if spikes are Catholic.
01:46:37 If they aren't white.
Speaker 7
01:46:40 Well, I'll tell.Devon
01:46:40 You what I think Europe is way better off I the the level of mixing that has gone on in America is not what's going on in Europe.01:46:52 Europe is is that's where they're headed.
01:46:57 But the ethnic divide is still largely segregated.
01:47:03 There are still white parts of town and stuff like that, that not.
01:47:06 That's not really the case anymore, I mean.
01:47:09 Excuse me, especially with all this buzzing going on.
01:47:13 Right.
01:47:14 Like Maine is one of the last, last white frontiers.
01:47:17 And they're they're bussing these these people from Honduras into.
01:47:23 The main by the thousands.
01:47:27 So it's.
01:47:29 America is way worse off when it comes to the diversity problem and the other thing is I think Europeans have a better sense that.
01:47:39 That they're they don't have like that the baggage of, well, we stole this land from the Indians, you know, like.
01:47:47 And trust me, everyone younger than than a boomer that, that that trick doesn't work as easily as it did on the boomers.
01:47:54 No one cares about the crying Indians anymore, right?
01:48:00 They're still at residue.
01:48:02 There's still that, that lie that so many people believe about America being a melting pot, and they're trying to push that stuff in European countries too, like they're using the same language.
01:48:12 Like there's people in in England saying we're a nation of immigrants.
01:48:17 That that said.
01:48:18 I I don't live in Europe, so I don't know.
01:48:21 Maybe people on the ground, I know that the the situation is more dire in different places.
01:48:27 Speaking of millennial, I think there was a there was a guest on tonight.
01:48:30 It might have been tonight I had.
01:48:31 I was playing in the background, I was doing some stuff and he was from Ireland and one thing that stuck out to me is I think he said something like that.
01:48:41 The population of Ireland is only like 5 million.
01:48:46 So that's.
01:48:48 Let me look that up because that sounds like really low, but that's what he said.
01:48:58 I mean, that's like one city in America.
01:49:01 OK, it's it's actually 7 million but still.
01:49:05 That's that's like one big city in America.
01:49:07 One big city in America is.
01:49:10 Has more people in it than all of Ireland.
01:49:14 So just think of how easy it is to demographically **** over a a population.
01:49:19 Of only 7 million.
01:49:22 I mean, with the America levels of of immigration, you'd **** that over in a day.
01:49:31 So it's, I mean we have more illegal immigrants.
01:49:36 Coming into the country, I'd say in the last say 5-10 years, then Ireland has people.
01:49:46 So there are more.
01:49:47 There are places that are more.
01:49:49 ****** over than others, and I would say Ireland is probably one of those places.
01:49:56 And you know what?
01:49:57 I think another problem is because they've been listening this entire time, they've been, you know, largely homogeneous societies.
01:50:06 They've still been watching our our Jewish movies.
01:50:10 So all the Jewish movies that have been trying to white guilt Americans into accepting diversity, those movies were being exported to Europe and watched in Europe.
01:50:21 And guilt tripping Europeans.
01:50:24 But, but well, you know who didn't even have.
01:50:27 You know, any experience with diversity?
01:50:30 So they were already primed and ready to go by the time diversity was knocking at their doorstep.
01:50:34 They'd been, you know, listening to.
01:50:36 They didn't want to be like those racist Americans, like those KKK people.
01:50:40 You know what I mean?
01:50:42 And then of course, you've had you have countries like Germany with the, you know, with what what happened to them after World War 2?
01:50:48 You know, the psychological damage that's been done to those people and and and just so it's.
01:50:55 They don't know.
01:50:56 They don't know.
01:50:56 What they're in for a lot of these guys.
01:50:59 They're they're they're.
01:51:00 I mean, I talked about how the boomers experience with diversity was just like the cosbys.
01:51:06 And, you know, they didn't really know a lot of black people.
01:51:07 A lot of these, these middle class whites.
01:51:12 Well, you know, middle class whites.
01:51:14 In Europe they have 0.
01:51:16 Zero contact with diversity until now.
01:51:20 So we'll see.
01:51:21 We'll see what happens there if you are.
01:51:25 Hi, Devin.
01:51:25 Imagine never believing that a New York limousine, liberal billionaire reality game show host backed by billionaire Jews was our guy.
01:51:33 I know.
01:51:35 Hey, look, it's a lie.
01:51:35 I believe for a little bit very briefly, like about a maybe about a year.
01:51:41 Less than a year actually.
01:51:42 But you know, I'd say the large part of it actually about a year, about a year.
01:51:50 Until he got elected and immediately praised the Clintons and.
01:51:54 You know, went back on all this promises, like within a a like a.
01:51:58 24 hour period.
01:52:04 Gee, check out Elon Musk.
01:52:05 Baby Mamas, don't be surprised if more of his kids turn out.
01:52:09 Also, have you seen the video of the Antifa guy who was stalking him and his son?
01:52:15 I yeah, I saw like a screenshot of the video he shared on Twitter.
01:52:19 I don't go on Twitter because I, you know, I'm.
01:52:22 I'm not going to delete a tweet.
01:52:25 From a year ago and so they can **** *** and I would be banned immediately anyway, so it doesn't really matter. Twitter's ******* gay. And so is Elon Musk.
01:52:39 Steve, just Steve, $10 appreciate that. What do you think about having a guest or two on your stream New Year's or some other time? Well, as you've seen from the Internet problems tonight.
01:52:51 People always ask that just not very feasible.
01:52:54 If I had Internet that wasn't ****** and there's just not, I don't have that ability where I'm at.
01:53:00 It's just it's, you know, it's just not worth the.
01:53:04 I mean, I'd love to, honestly, if I had solid Internet, I'd love to do it.
01:53:07 It takes the load off me, you know.
01:53:12 It's just not, it's not feasible.
01:53:14 I might try it sometime.
01:53:16 Maybe if space Internet gets a little bit better.
01:53:18 Tonight's been a little rough though, so.
01:53:20 I don't know.
01:53:22 Andromeda, Devin, do you say or did?
01:53:25 Did you say that?
01:53:27 It'll be a show on Tuesday the 20th?
01:53:30 Well, not a show.
01:53:30 I'll be on millennial and I'll show that's going to be on millennial woes is on Disney Channel most likely and I'll share a link to it and all that stuff prior to going on.
01:53:43 Damn Bigfoot.
01:53:44 Alex openly admitted that he met with someone in the US media who was a Mossad agent and never, never been added and won't be.
01:53:52 Well, that's the thing.
01:53:53 If I if I knew about Mossad agents in the media, I would doubt them unless either I was afraid that they were going to kill me and my family or something like that, or I was.
01:54:03 In on it so you know, pick your.
01:54:07 Before forever.
01:54:08 Hey, Devin.
01:54:09 You you mentioned Navy seals being psychos.
01:54:12 There was a case of an ex Navy SEAL, Ben Sifrit and his wife Erica befriending a couple at a club and inviting them back to their condo and murdering them, dismembering their bodies and disposing them in dumpsters.
01:54:26 I am not.
01:54:28 At all.
01:54:29 There was also that case of the the two Navy seals that that raped and killed that that like they were in training, they were at their training camp in like what?
01:54:40 Around Virginia Beach somewhere, and there was a college girl that was on the beach and they raped.
01:54:45 And killed her.
01:54:47 I mean, these people are like they they they pick.
01:54:51 Disgusting monsters for that job.
01:54:57 OK, all I got to.
01:54:58 Say is Kay Griggs was right.
01:55:00 Kay Griggs confirmed absolutely correct.
01:55:05 And and everywhere.
01:55:06 And it's not hard to see examples of this.
01:55:09 Damn, Bigfoot.
01:55:10 Did you see Trump talking about some announcement?
01:55:12 I guess technically today this ****** is probably just going to announce some mediocre VP.
01:55:18 I don't think he.
01:55:18 Do he would do that this early.
01:55:21 I think it's just going to be some more gay ******** to try to stay relevant.
01:55:26 His, his his numbers are no one.
01:55:28 No one ******* cares about.
01:55:29 Company more except for Q cards.
01:55:31 You can't.
01:55:32 You can't even pretend to win an election.
01:55:34 Like I said, elections are meaningless at this point.
01:55:38 I mean, look, and Trump would be the first one to.
01:55:40 Tell you that.
01:55:41 That's the the most the the funniest thing about all this is Trump will be the first one to tell you that the elections are meaningless and.
01:55:48 Then he'll tell.
01:55:48 You to vote for him.
01:55:49 So it's it's like what?
01:55:50 The ****.
01:55:51 But anyway, even if elections weren't meaningless.
01:55:55 Who's who's really going to vote for?
01:55:58 You know, he's he doesn't have the support of the the, the Never Trumpers that turned into to to Trumpers when Trump was popular because they're, you know, they're all going to go for DeSantis now.
01:56:14 He's not going to get the the the knickers, you know, the gropers or whatever because they're all going for ye.
01:56:20 I don't know.
01:56:21 It's it's a meme campaign.
01:56:22 Let's see how far that actually goes.
01:56:26 He then he's not gonna.
01:56:27 He's gonna get cute tarts.
01:56:28 That's all he's got.
01:56:29 And there's only so many of those people now.
01:56:31 Even if I've I I actually went to the bit shoot trending page and even on the bit shoot trending page that she's gone down.
01:56:40 So that's kind of funny.
01:56:44 All right, let's take a look here.
01:56:47 Ohh but what I think the announcement is, I think I said that earlier, though I think the announcement might be some kind of legal action to try to overturn the election two years later, which is ********.
01:56:55 I I don't.
01:56:56 Know if that's what it is.
01:56:56 That's one thing it could be.
01:57:00 Which would be funny, and that's all it would be. It's just funny. It would just it would. The only thing it would accomplish is it would just, it would continue to erode people's faith in the in the system, which is already pretty ******* eroded.
Speaker 7
01:57:14 At this point.Devon
01:57:17 Harmless G James Cameron may be an Anglo Canadian from a small town, Ontario, Ontario, but almost all his collaborators Co writers of his films and cofounders of his film production companies, handlers are Jews.01:57:31 That is correct.
01:57:31 That is correct.
01:57:35 There's a lot of, yeah.
01:57:36 There's a lot of Shabbat guys out there.
01:57:39 Jack Russell, currently listening to Soul. I I hate this ******* name. Souls in each and 200 years together, man.
01:57:49 They were rotten from the start.
01:57:51 They want to live as upper class through corrupting Russian Christians through alcohol, but refused to refuse.
01:57:59 Wait, but refuse nor nor able to live.
01:58:05 OK.
01:58:07 When do we learn?
01:58:09 That's The thing is.
01:58:11 Apparently never.
01:58:13 Jewish behavior has has followed the same algorithm for centuries, it would seem.
01:58:21 And that's just, that's always, that's always been the case.
01:58:26 That's literally always been the case.
01:58:29 Every time Jews get expelled from a country, it's for the same reasons.
01:58:34 It's not.
01:58:35 It's not different reasons every time.
01:58:38 And every time you read quote UN quote anti-Semitic literature, whether it's from 20 years ago, 50 years ago, 100 years ago, 500 years ago, it reads like something that could have been written yesterday.
01:58:50 Every ******* time.
01:58:55 That's just the way that it is.
01:58:56 That's the way that it is.
01:58:59 UM.
01:59:01 Zenith. Oh, you, me 666. What's up with that?
01:59:06 Hey, Devin, thanks for another great stream.
01:59:08 I've heard you had a chance to talk with Vincent James before.
01:59:12 Why do you think he shills so hard for the Republican Party and Trump every time I catch one of these videos, he's always making excuses for them.
01:59:20 Do you think he honestly doesn't get it or get it or I get it or?
01:59:25 I I don't know what you mean by the.
01:59:26 The eye part.
01:59:29 I just think he's more optimistic.
01:59:33 I think that that he believe.
01:59:36 I think he really is a true believer, that you can win this through political activism.
01:59:47 Look, I mean.
01:59:50 I mean, we can't.
01:59:53 But I you know that that's what everyone used to believe for a long time.
01:59:57 What most people believe really today.
02:00:00 So I you know, it is what it is.
02:00:04 UM.Devon
02:00:06 I haven't talked to him recently, but when I've talked to him, I I don't.02:00:12 I don't get the sense that he's.
02:00:14 You know, he's not being disingenuous or anything.
02:00:16 I think he really believes that we can turn this around and he gets he.
02:00:21 He gets more.
02:00:21 He's more white pilled.
02:00:22 He just gets more excited about these small wins that you end up amounting to nothing.
02:00:29 And I think there's a process I think, look, I think a lot of it is, is.
02:00:38 It's hard to let go.
02:00:40 It's hard to let go of of a system.
02:00:47 It's hard, especially if you have a family and he's got a family.
02:00:51 It's hard to let go of the idea that that there's political solutions.
02:00:57 Do it.
02:00:58 And I'll just leave it at that.
02:01:00 Uh Scipio, handsome truth.
02:01:02 Talked to a marine recruit on Amigo recently.
02:01:06 The Marine had no loyalty to his people or his country.
02:01:09 His primary reason for joining the Marines was for popping skulls.
02:01:13 He didn't care about whose skulls he was, just a bloodthirsty mercenary.
02:01:18 Yeah, there's a lot of those people too.
02:01:19 A lot of those people do.
02:01:21 And look.
02:01:23 Though when people think that, oh, they would never fire on their own people, they absolutely would, because like you say, it's not their own.
02:01:32 That might have been a problem 20-30 years ago, or maybe more 30-40 years ago.
02:01:37 I don't know.
02:01:39 But in the end it usually at the end of day they'll, they'll they've always, I think, largely chosen people that.
02:01:48 Will follow orders.
02:01:52 You know, so.
02:01:56 Anyway, it is what it is.
02:01:58 All right, we're.
02:01:59 We're going to stop it, even though we've got kind of a satanic amount.
02:02:05 Of hyper chats, I'll hang out here in a.
02:02:06 Regular chat here just for a second.
02:02:09 Man, sorry it kept disconnecting.
02:02:10 That's going to be a ******* mess when I try to show all these together.
02:02:16 After the stream here.
02:02:19 I don't know.
02:02:20 Yeah, I don't.
02:02:20 Even know hit that hit that fire button.
02:02:25 I guess.
02:02:28 Why not?
02:02:29 Why not hit that fire button?
02:02:36 I wanted to be the first kid on my block to get a confirmed kill.
02:02:39 Someone said.
02:02:40 Is that like a quote?
02:02:41 From what that guy was saying?
02:02:51 Why is this not updating?
02:02:53 The extra dimensional just read an article and they said that the melting pot has to be changed to a tossed salad.
02:02:59 To be more PC.
02:03:01 Don't don't look up.
02:03:02 Toss salad.
02:03:06 And you'll find some horrible things.
02:03:07 So they're admitting melting pot sounds bad.
02:03:10 However, toss salad has always meant butts.
02:03:12 Yeah, well, OK.
02:03:13 There you go.
02:03:13 Yeah, you, you get it.
02:03:17 MV Reagan yo, Devin.
02:03:18 Yo Reagan.
02:03:23 What's up?
02:03:26 I'm just saying, what's up?
02:03:27 There does everyone just want to say hi?
02:03:32 Devin, what was that thing you wouldn't say?
02:03:36 Well, I wouldn't.
02:03:37 I don't know what you talking about specifically, but I wouldn't say it if I then I'm not.
02:03:40 Going to say it now.
02:03:46 Is there a stream Saturday?
02:03:47 Yes, there's a stream Saturday.
02:03:55 Is there a fight there?
02:03:56 Looks like.
02:03:56 There's a fight going on in, in.
02:03:58 Chat between a.
02:03:59 Bunch of people.
02:04:00 John Connor, please ask menial woes of his position on Jews.
02:04:03 He's had some degenerates on his millennial this year.
Speaker 7
02:04:07 I've noticed these had some.Devon
02:04:08 Jewish guests.02:04:09 But like, I don't think that that's.
02:04:12 A bad thing?
02:04:14 I don't think it's.
02:04:15 I don't think it is.
02:04:16 If you're looking at having a form of discussion and fact finding and trying to figure out what's going on in the world, and it's not bad to have perspectives of Jews, you just don't want Jews leading your movements.
02:04:30 You know you just, that's The thing is, you don't want Jews in charge of things now it.
02:04:37 Jews might have something to offer in the discussion, and you know, certain Jews obviously not all.
02:04:44 There's a lot of Jews.
02:04:45 I I've I've had quite enough of hearing what they have to offer and thank you very much, but yeah, it's not a bad thing to.
02:04:55 To have a Jewish guest.
02:05:01 You know, people are people are, they're always fighting. I guess Chad's always a big guy.
02:05:06 People talking about Flat Earth.
02:05:08 Is that what it is?
02:05:10 Some ****** is is talking about Flat Earth.
02:05:14 That I miss a a hyper chat because it has I have different numbers and different totals.
02:05:21 On the one I popped out.
02:05:26 Did I not read someones?
02:05:29 I don't know if I didn't read yours.
02:05:33 And scrolled there here to see if I missed one.
02:05:39 I think I read all these.
02:05:40 If I missed your sorry about that.
02:05:46 Do you think white? I think you're asked. White nationalists can take over the bees. WN's. Is that what you mean? White nationalist can take over the bees and wax market. It can be our thing.
02:05:58 It could be.
02:05:59 Look, I mean pretty much.
02:06:03 Beekeepers are almost all white.
02:06:05 Look up beekeeping videos and and I'll tell you.
02:06:08 What in both?
02:06:09 If you go on YouTube, both Ham radio and beekeeping seems to be exclusively white.
02:06:15 I think that's not why I had that interest, but I just think that white people are drawn to.
02:06:22 Things like that.
02:06:24 You know, I don't know why, but apparently both those things are very white things.
02:06:28 A lot of hillbillies, a lot of hillbillies, into beekeeping.
02:06:37 Are you planning to cover the other three episodes of the century of Self documentary?
02:06:45 The century of self documentary what are the three?
Speaker 7
02:06:47 Episodes were there.Devon
02:06:48 Which one was that one?02:06:50 Is that the one that was talking about the propaganda?
02:06:53 Going to look that up.Devon
02:06:58 Oh, it was.02:06:58 I didn't know there was another three episodes.
02:07:02 Well then I guess I will.
02:07:07 I guess I will.
02:07:08 I I wasn't aware that there was other.
02:07:09 There was three other episodes of that.
02:07:11 OK, well, that's good to know.
02:07:15 Ohh look we got some *** ****.
02:07:16 Money right at the end.
02:07:19 And it says Sphere Chuck.
02:07:22 There we go. Is it a flat earther that a flat earther just give me $100 to?
02:07:26 Call me that.
02:07:32 Well, there you go.
02:07:40 You know the the fighting continues.
02:07:44 Whites are going to be the corner of homemade soap and candle markets.
02:07:48 Well, what is that soap?
02:07:49 Made out of, I wonder.
02:07:53 I'm not a flat Earther was slashing for the $100.
02:08:01 OK.Devon
02:08:05 Any thoughts on Trump potentially tapping the magic ***** Kanye?02:08:08 For, that'll never happen.
02:08:10 That'll never happen.
02:08:11 That'll literally never happen.
02:08:15 No Kanye.
02:08:19 Here's the thing.
02:08:20 People are mistaking people are vastly overestimating how popular Kanye is.
02:08:26 He's very popular.
02:08:27 In in the dark circles of the Internet, where we reside, and that's pretty much it.
02:08:33 Like, that's pretty much.
02:08:35 You know, obviously in the rap world and stuff like that, right?
02:08:41 He was a headline for a couple of days.
02:08:44 But I guarantee you the people that watch like Sean Hannity and they don't they beyond like the the couple of brief mentions that he's got on on Fox News and stuff for being.
02:08:56 Oh, look, he's gone crazy.
02:08:58 He likes Hitler and that's it.
02:09:01 It's not.
02:09:02 He's not beyond like Zoomers, right?
02:09:07 He's not penetrating, you know.
02:09:09 He's not becoming the new zeitgeist or whatever.
02:09:13 The reach is very limited.
02:09:16 And he's he's still a social pariah 100%.
02:09:27 Someone is pertaining to being you in Telegram chat.
02:09:30 Unless it is you.
02:09:31 I haven't said anything in the chat, but I have joined it so it's not.
02:09:35 If they're saying something, it's it's not me.
02:09:39 But I did join the Telegram chat, I just haven't popped in there yet.
02:09:42 I popped in there and scrolled through it a little bit.
02:09:45 But I haven't actually.
02:09:49 Talked or said anything because I've been doing stuff.
02:10:01 All right.
02:10:02 Well, I'm going to wrap this up here.
02:10:04 Oh, wait, there's another one here.
02:10:09 Rob Robbie, P2. Have you seen the crunchy 2 Alt right pipeline article in the Atlantic?
02:10:17 Crunchy to all right?
02:10:20 The **** does that even mean?
02:10:21 What's a crunchy?
02:10:23 Is that like a word for hippie?
02:10:24 Or something like that.
02:10:25 What did they say?
02:10:27 Crunchy to Alt right pipeline.
02:10:32 I don't see anything about crunchy doll, right?
02:10:37 I see. Uh.
02:10:40 Post on I I looked it up and there's a post in our politics which is always like unbelieve that well, there's a link to it.
02:10:48 I guess there it is.
02:10:51 What the **** is crunchy mean on these guys?
02:10:55 On Twitter and TikTok over the past few weeks, scores of users have become alarmed about the uncomfortable coziness between the natural food and body community. I guess that's what it is.
02:11:05 And white power militant right on online space.
02:11:08 Is that crunchy to all light or Alt right pipeline?
02:11:12 That's kind of funny.
02:11:13 I'll maybe take a look at this article.
02:11:16 They're they're upset because people who care about their health.
02:11:21 Are white supremacists?
02:11:25 And then we got one last one, Dan. Big Troy. Devin, can you pay all your audiobook on Odyssey like $5 or 100 BC or something?
Speaker 7
02:11:33 Oh yeah, I I.Devon
02:11:33 Guess I could do that.02:11:36 I guess I I keep forgetting that that that feature.
02:11:38 Exists on odyssey.
02:11:41 That's not a bad idea.
02:11:43 And people are stealing it already.
02:11:45 But like, maybe at least I can make it so you can listen to it honestly.
02:11:51 That's not a bad idea.
02:11:53 That's not a bad idea.
02:11:54 That's that's actually a really good idea.
02:11:56 I just feel funny about putting paid content, but I guess I wouldn't feel funny about that.
02:11:59 That makes sense.
02:12:01 That'd be a good way to do it.
02:12:02 Yeah, just.
02:12:02 Put make it a couple of bucks or something.
02:12:04 That's not bad.
02:12:06 All right, good idea.
02:12:07 Good idea.
02:12:08 Damn Bigfoot.
02:12:10 And with that, I'm going to go ahead and take off.
02:12:13 And see if I have to sew a bunch of video files together.
02:12:16 And make this one coherent stream.
02:12:18 So thanks for joining me again.
02:12:21 I'll like I said, I'll be here on Saturday and then on Tuesday I'll be on millennial and then Wednesday will be a normal stream and then the next Saturday will be Christmas Eve to Christmas and then I'm taking at least Wednesday off.
02:12:39 Possibly Chris or New Year's Eve off so.
02:12:43 In the meantime, for Black Pill Lyme, of course.
Speaker 8
02:12:47 Lives day.Speaker 5
02:13:04 By our country.02:13:12 54.
02:13:30 Every breeze from dawn to.
02:13:35 We have fallen every good day, God in the soul.
02:13:50 You will find us always.
02:13:55 United States.
02:13:58 Help you to.
02:14:01 Work for?
02:14:09 For life.
02:14:21 They will.