

Speaker 1
00:08:13 Started living.
00:01:59 My market birth and we were checking it out. It was a baby boy, so we bought it. It was a fake and it was 1984. We named him.
00:02:12 He had a he started crying.
00:02:15 It sounded like it didn't last long because I started.
00:02:22 Stuck some little pennies in it now.
00:02:30 And if there's.
00:02:30 A place.
00:02:31 To fight now.
00:02:33 You know, we know you got something.
00:03:17 Now it's put it in a short, just be hottest little.
00:03:18 C When you don't.
00:03:20 Know better. You think it's.
00:03:37 That's the outside that I got a backyard with nothing.
00:03:48 The hottest button to button.
00:03:52 The hottest buckets of that hot is the hottest.
00:03:56 The hardest?
00:04:07 The hottest?
Speaker 2
00:04:59 Where does the sun gonna shine?
00:05:05 Why does the sea rush to shore?
00:05:16 Of the world cause you love me anymore.
00:05:25 Why did?
00:05:27 The birds go on singing to the stars.
00:05:46 It ended when I lost your love.
00:05:52 I wake up in the morning and I wonder.
00:05:59 But everything's the same as it was. I can't understand. No, I understand how it goes all the way.
00:06:20 Why does my heart go on?
00:06:27 Why do these eyes are Minecraft?
00:06:34 Don't let.
00:06:37 Did she never ended when you say?
00:06:49 Does not hurt.
00:06:51 Go on beating.
00:06:56 Do these eyes of you cry?
00:07:10 When you said.
00:07:30 Good morning, good evening, good afternoon.
00:07:33 Good night.
00:07:35 Good Lord, I am sore.
00:07:38 I am so sore.
Speaker 4
00:07:39 Ohh man, I've been doing so much work.
00:07:42 Hammering away, hammering away.
00:07:45 You know, it reminds.
00:07:46 Me of a story.
00:07:49 A story from my childhood.
00:07:52 I remember I was hammering on a fence in the backyard and.
00:07:55 My dad approached.
00:07:57 And he was carrying a letter or something in his hand and.
00:08:01 He looked worried.
00:08:03 I continued to hammer as he came.
00:08:06 Forward towards me.
00:08:08 Son, he said.
00:08:11 Why are you hammering on that fence?
00:08:15 It already has plenty of nails in it.
00:08:19 Oh, I'm not using nails, I said.
00:08:23 I'm just hammering.
00:08:26 And with that, I returned to my hammering.
00:08:30 My dad asked me to stop hammering as he had some news.
00:08:35 I did stop hammering, but first I got a.
00:08:37 Couple more hammers in, you know.
00:08:40 And this seemed to **** him off, I said.
Speaker 4
00:08:44 Stop hammering, he yelled.
00:08:47 And I think he felt bad for yelling at me, especially since it looked like.
00:08:52 He had some bad news.
00:08:53 Look, he said.
00:08:55 You can hammer later, but.
00:08:57 First, well, I I didn't even.
00:08:58 Wait to hear the rest.
00:08:59 As soon as I heard you.
00:09:01 Can hammer.
00:09:02 That's what I started doing.
Speaker 5
00:09:03 Just hammering away happy as an old hammer dog.
00:09:09 My dad tried to physically stop me from hammering.
00:09:13 By inserting a small log of some sort between my hammer and the fence.
Speaker 6
00:09:18 But I just kept hammering.
Speaker 4
00:09:21 Because that's the way I get when I get hammer the hammer go and I just keep hammering.
00:09:27 Then he just grabbed my arm and made me stop.
Speaker 6
00:09:31 I'm afraid I have some bad news for you, he said.
Speaker 4
00:09:36 I swear.
00:09:36 What I did next was not hammering.
00:09:39 I was just, you know, letting the hammer swing.
00:09:42 Lazily at arm's length. You know, maybe it tapped the fence once or twice, but that's all.
00:09:50 But then apparently did not make any difference whatsoever to dead.
00:09:54 Because he he.
Speaker 4
00:09:55 Just grabbed the hammer out of my hand and flung it across the field.
00:10:01 And when I saw my hammer flying helplessly through the air like that, I just couldn't take it.
00:10:07 I burst out crying.
00:10:09 I'll admit it.
00:10:11 And I ran into.
00:10:11 The House as fast as my.
00:10:13 Legs could take me.
Speaker 6
00:10:14 Son, come back, he yelled.
00:10:17 What about your hammer?
00:10:20 But I couldn't have cared less about.
Speaker 4
00:10:22 Hammering at that point.
00:10:24 I ran into the house and flung myself onto the bed and pounded.
00:10:28 The bed with my fists.
Speaker 4
00:10:31 And as I pounded and pounded it.
00:10:34 He came into my room and behind me I heard his voice.
00:10:38 Say, as long as you're pounding.
00:10:41 Why not use this?
Speaker 4
00:10:44 I turned and it was dead.
00:10:47 Holding a brand new solid gold hammer.
Speaker 4
00:10:52 I quickly wiped my tears from my eyes and I ran to my dad.
00:10:57 But suddenly he jumped out of the way.
00:10:59 I went sailing through the.
00:11:00 Second story window behind him.
00:11:03 And whenever I hear about a kid getting into trouble with drugs.
Speaker 4
00:11:08 I like to tell him this story.
00:11:13 That, of course, is not a real story.
00:11:14 That's an old fuzzy memory from Jack Candy.
00:11:19 You might remember the old deep.
Speaker 4
00:11:21 Thoughts by Jack Handy.
00:11:25 So just thought we could use a little lemony.
00:11:30 To start the show off because.
Speaker 4
00:11:32 What comes next?
00:11:35 But no, it really was hammering.
Speaker 4
00:11:36 A lot today.
00:11:37 In fact, here's some nails.
00:11:40 Uh, framing nails my favorite.
00:11:43 They don't bend at all, ever.
00:11:44 They're they never bend when you hammer them.
00:11:48 ******* cheap nails.
Speaker 4
00:11:51 Ah, the hammering and axing away.
00:11:55 Not as in you better axe somebody.
00:11:57 But as in like axing.
00:12:00 Hard drive, you know, it's it's a different thing using an X on a on a on a on a live tree.
00:12:09 It just the axe just cuts right through like butter.
00:12:13 But try try axing that the tree that's been baking in the sun for like 20 years.
00:12:19 How long?
00:12:21 Like just long enough to turn almost to stone, but not long enough to start rotting.
00:12:26 Good Lord stuffs like concrete.
00:12:32 I got some other pillbox news.
00:12:34 We'll get into later mini mini cactus pill.
00:12:40 That's actually kind of fun.
00:12:42 So anyway, so let's get started.
00:12:45 Let's get started.
Speaker 4
00:12:48 Hope you guys are all doing good tonight.
00:12:52 So the the conserva sphere sphere.
Speaker 4
00:12:55 I don't know what to.
00:12:56 Call it both.
Speaker 4
00:12:58 Sides are exactly the same as we're.
00:13:01 About to see.
00:13:03 They're they're all freaking out.
00:13:04 Oh my God.
00:13:07 I don't like the gay cookies.
00:13:10 Conservatives vowed to boycott Oreo.
Speaker 7
00:13:14 Over new ad.
00:13:16 Yeah, they're all gonna boycott it.
00:13:18 They they, they watch this new ad that came out that was promoting homosexuality.
00:13:22 And they're like.
00:13:22 You know we're.
00:13:23 Going to, we're going to teach this *******.
00:13:26 Cookie Company whose boss and we're going to boycott, we're going to boycott them.
Speaker 9
00:13:31 Well, this is this is the ad.
Speaker 4
00:13:33 If you haven't seen it yet.
00:13:37 It's not even in English.
00:13:39 But here we go.
00:13:41 Well, I should probably turn the audio for it on, huh?
00:13:44 Here we go.
Speaker 8
00:13:45 A mental shirt.
00:13:52 Teacher like.
00:13:53 I'm wondering if I because I know people just listen to this.
00:13:55 Sometimes I wonder if I.
00:13:56 Should read.
00:13:56 The subtitles I don't know.
00:13:59 Yeah, whatever.
00:13:59 **** it.
00:14:00 I'll do it.
00:14:03 Amend those.
00:14:04 We are all one family.
Speaker 1
00:14:08 In Route 159.
00:14:09 I know you came halfway around the world.
00:14:13 So we can have a better life.
Speaker 10
00:14:21 But I am.
00:14:42 Love you.
00:15:02 I love you.
00:15:08 I think you're reading.
00:15:09 I think OK.
00:15:20 And you? Are you ready?
Speaker 4
00:15:42 There's some Oreo commercial, a lot of Oreos.
00:15:47 On the note, if you're just listening, he's he's he's coming out as gay.
00:15:50 There's this note that they were reading, it's says I am gay, that they haven't said it, but it's on the note.
00:16:01 So far only like 1 appearance appearance of Oreos.
00:16:04 There's like quick, quick shot of a kid eating an Oreo with nothing else having to do.
Speaker 4
00:16:10 With oreos.
00:16:26 ******* ***.
Speaker 16
00:16:29 Why don't you eat?
00:16:29 Some Oreos, you ***.
00:16:39 Coming out doesn't just happen once.
00:16:45 Oreos Faggs love them because they're full of cream.
00:16:51 Be a lifelong ally.
00:16:53 So anyway, conservatives are like, Oh my God, it's so ******* gay.
00:16:57 I'll never eat another Oreo again.
00:16:59 Oh, that's weird, because that's literally what you said last year when they had this.
00:17:05 Had last year a year ago, this isn't new. I bet you've been stuffing your ******* face with Oreos for the last 365 days.
00:17:15 Maybe you'll wait two weeks before you start doing it again, because this is from last year's little gay month or whatever the **** it was.
00:17:26 You OK?
00:17:28 I'm good.
Speaker 2
00:17:51 Like it's.
00:17:52 I'm all night baby.
00:17:55 Mom, this is Amy.
Speaker 2
00:17:57 Hi, Amy.
00:17:59 Hey, dad.
00:18:01 Hey, I'm Amy.
00:18:05 Are you hungry?
00:18:06 Yes, please.
Speaker 1
00:18:06 I love you.
Speaker 8
00:18:26 Wow, nice to see.
00:18:41 I wonder if if he's more disappointed that she's half black or that she's.
Speaker 4
00:18:45 A lesbian? I don't know.
00:18:58 That was that was literally the stone toss meme right there.
00:19:05 You just wanted my help right now.
Speaker 18
00:19:14 Oh, look, look.
00:19:15 At it it's.
00:19:15 Even anti white that that the white ****** she's like, oh, she's a.
Speaker 4
00:19:21 I can't believe they got ******* lesbians.
00:19:24 And then, of course, the the based mixed race couple dad is like.
00:19:30 How dare you?
00:19:31 That's my ******* daughter.
00:19:34 ******* Karen.
Speaker 5
00:19:35 Hey this is enough.
Speaker 17
00:19:41 Hey, Don.
Speaker 2
00:19:44 Night. Night.
Speaker 20
00:19:46 Goodnight.
Speaker 2
00:20:04 John, is that your dad?
00:20:08 What is he doing?
00:20:20 Did I do it right?
Speaker 16
00:20:25 I love you.
Speaker 5
00:20:35 Do you like it?
00:20:46 Yeah, that was last year.
00:20:48 So you know I.
00:20:50 Get conservatives.
00:20:53 Have the memory of a goldfish.
00:20:55 Which is why the stream is called.
00:20:57 Goldfish edition.
Speaker 21
00:21:00 No, don't forget.
00:21:02 They'll forget the next year when the the the.
00:21:04 Exact same ad comes out again.
Speaker 11
00:21:06 They're like God, no, I can't believe it.
Speaker 1
00:21:09 I'm never eating another Oreo again.
00:21:12 This is ******* terrible.
00:21:14 But it's, you know, it's just the Democrats, right, you know?
00:21:16 Like cause the.
00:21:17 Republicans, they're they're passing that don't say gay bill and the and the ******* Democrats like.
Speaker 17
00:21:24 Welcome back, Mayor Eric Adams, sending a clear message to the LGBTQ plus community in Florida come to New York City, and he's launching a new ad campaign to show it.
00:21:35 News 12 Kurt Semmler is in the alert center now, with more on this, Kurt.
Speaker 20
00:21:38 Yes, Kirk.
00:21:39 Yeah, that's right.
00:21:40 Christy and Mayor Adams, unveiling one of the six digital billboards.
00:21:43 In fact, six of them that will run for eight weeks in Florida beginning today, you could take a look at one of them right here.
00:21:47 This saying come to the city where you can say whatever you want.
00:21:51 Now that's just one of the billboards.
00:21:52 All in response to Florida Governor Ron de Santis's controversial don't say gay law, which bans instruction on gender.
00:21:59 Identity and sexual orientation in school.
00:22:02 From kindergarten through third grade in the state of Florida, now the mayor making that announcement today at City Hall, joined by LGBTQ plus advocates and leaders and encouraging members of that community in Florida to relocate to New York City.
00:22:15 He unveiled the billboards that will be shown in five markets, Fort Lauderdale, Jacksonville, Orlando, Tampa and West Palm Beach.
00:22:22 Through May 29th, all to combat a law that the mayor today called, quote, unacceptable.
Speaker 22
00:22:29 We are going to loudly show our support and say.
00:22:33 Look at that ******* Democrat.
Speaker 22
00:22:33 To those who.
Speaker 11
00:22:34 Are living in.
Speaker 22
00:22:34 Florida, listen, we want you here in New York.
00:22:37 You know, we want you right here in New York City, and it's more than just saying that it's also standing up and aligning ourselves with the men and women of the LGBTQ plus community.
Speaker 12
00:22:49 You know, I was a young, you know, queer person before, so I'm I'm I'm hopeful that I'm a young queer person in Florida will see that and know that there is hope and solidarity here in here in New York City.
00:23:05 See, it's just.
00:23:06 The ******* Democrats.
00:23:08 It's the Democrats, you know?
00:23:10 Luckily in Florida, you know, we're we got the don't say gay bill that's going to it's going to fix everything and it's the ******* Democrats.
Speaker 7
00:23:18 So I'm a fourth grade.
00:23:20 Speed teacher and I'm also a part of the LGBTQ community and I am married to a woman.
00:23:26 That's my wife and all my students know it, and today we were talking about having kids.
00:23:30 I don't know why it came up.
00:23:31 And one of.
00:23:31 My students goes, oh, miss cute.
00:23:33 Do you have kids?
00:23:33 And I said no.
00:23:34 I don't have kids.
00:23:35 And one of.
00:23:35 My other students said, well, it's because you're gay, miss cute.
00:23:37 And I said no gay people.
00:23:38 I don't have kids, but I don't have kids and.
00:23:40 You want to know why I don't have kids because of y'all?
00:23:42 Because I have.
00:23:43 To deal with you all every single day.
00:23:44 And why would I?
00:23:44 Want another one when I have to deal with you all.
Speaker 11
00:23:49 One camp indivisible.
Speaker 20
00:23:55 Affirmation and equal.
Speaker 23
00:23:56 Rights for all.
Speaker 1
00:23:59 Equal rights for all.
Speaker 13
00:24:04 We do have a flag in the class.
00:24:06 That you can.
00:24:07 Pledge your allegiance to and he like, looks around.
00:24:10 He goes.
00:24:11 Oh that one.
Speaker 10
00:24:14 Like, you know, like the LGBT promotional like, this is a safe community kind of stuff, the rainbow stuff all up in my room.
00:24:25 And I told them I'm like, if you look.
00:24:26 Out on the.
00:24:27 That should give you an answer to.
00:24:29 Your question so.
00:24:31 I did officially tell them.
00:24:33 All these Democrats.
Speaker 10
00:24:33 They approach went berserk.
00:24:35 So instead of teaching social studies today, they just asked me a whole bunch of questions about being.
00:24:40 So I think it was pretty well.
Speaker 24
00:24:42 The goal of the transition closet is for our students to be able to wear the clothes that their parents approve of, come to school, and then swap out into the clothes that fit who they truly are.
Speaker 25
00:24:56 Young people in my class are teaching us about pride months, so we.
Speaker 26
00:25:02 We've got a lot of art up here dedicated to Pride Month starting here in June.
00:25:21 Completely positive, I think this.
Speaker 2
00:25:24 Time around I am gonna do it like.
Speaker 7
00:25:38 So overall, how do you feel about calling?
00:25:41 Your teacher. Teacher. Ruby.
00:25:44 Alright, so it's all you know, it's just it's just the Democrats, right?
00:25:49 Like as soon as we get some Republicans, we can get, we can get rid of all this ****, right?
00:25:59 No, I guess not.
00:26:01 This is from the.
Speaker 4
00:26:02 The National Review NEO Con central.
00:26:06 The groomer accusation.
00:26:09 Is counterproductive.
00:26:12 Oh, it's counterproductive, guys.
00:26:17 Groomer has become the fashionable charge to level against anyone who opposes Florida. Florida's parental rights bill. It's counterproductive.
00:26:26 Not because it's it isn't super creepy to see so many liberals invested in ensuring pre prepubescent kids trapped in the state-run schools are forced. Fred post modern.
00:26:37 Pseudo scientific ideas about sexuality and transgenderism and direct contradiction of the wishes of their parents.
00:26:45 And it's not because.
Speaker 6
00:26:46 Blah blah blah blah.
00:26:46 Blah blah and and it's not because blah blah.
00:26:49 Alright, what is it then?
00:26:50 What is it rather than accusation is wrong because it isn't really true.
Speaker 27
00:26:56 It's not true.
00:27:00 Oh, most parts of the bill are not grooming kids.
00:27:04 Ah, they're not.
00:27:06 Can I get an?
00:27:07 Early life check on the author of of this.
Speaker 2
00:27:12 Of this.
00:27:12 Article here.
00:27:14 Hmm, let's take a look here.
00:27:17 David Harsanyi, personal life Harsanyi was born in New York City in about 19. In about, that's interesting. In about 1970, his parents were Jews, who? Oh, there we.
Speaker 6
00:27:30 Go. We immigrated from.
Speaker 4
00:27:33 Hungary to Rome in 1969 and then New York.
00:27:40 It's an.
00:27:40 It's an argument against so many different things, right?
00:27:43 Just in one little guy right there.
Speaker 6
00:27:48 Oh, but that's just the National Review, they.
00:27:51 They don't, they they.
00:27:52 Know who reads that anymore?
00:27:53 That's it's not the ******* Bush administration.
Speaker 6
00:28:00 Prager you Congrats, Dave Rubin.
00:28:03 Our gay friend Dave Rubin.
00:28:05 What's prank are you congratulating?
00:28:10 Dave Rubin, non.
Speaker 4
00:28:13 What, what?
00:28:14 What did he do?
00:28:15 Did what?
00:28:15 Did that ******?
00:28:20 They uh, yeah.
00:28:23 So him and his **** buddy.
00:28:25 They they impregnated 2 surrogates so they can have gabbies.
00:28:32 So, you know Prager, you.
00:28:35 Torch carrier of the Conservatives are congratulating, you know, a gay couple for having gay bees.
00:28:47 And it's it's not just Prager, you.
Speaker 4
00:28:49 You know, here's here's Glenn Beck.
00:28:51 Purported Mormon uh talking to Dave Rubin about it trying to understand.
00:28:57 Trying to understand.
Speaker 23
00:29:00 I think and This is why I wanted to have you on because I don't have an answer.
Speaker 5
00:29:05 I get.
00:29:07 I have an answer.
00:29:09 It's ******* wrong.
00:29:11 You have an answer too.
00:29:12 I happen to know a.
00:29:13 Little bit about your religion there, Beck, and if you don't have an.
Speaker 4
00:29:17 Answer then yeah.
00:29:20 What the **** are you doing?
00:29:21 What the **** you doing on Sundays there, buddy?
00:29:24 It's not paying.
Speaker 5
00:29:25 Attention I get why the right has these.
00:29:28 What I would argue are.
00:29:29 Often legitimate fears, because the left does not stop eating civilization and.
00:29:36 Yeah, having babies is a part of that.
00:29:40 It's a part of that.
Speaker 5
00:29:42 Think about what an unfortunate position that puts us in, because then someone like me.
00:29:47 Ohh, it's unfortunate cause now I can't have gabbies.
00:29:51 See, it's the ******* Democrats fault that I can't have gabbies ******* Democrats.
00:29:57 If we could just get some Republicans, it would be totally fine that I I had gay bees.
00:30:02 Just ask Bruce Jenner, who's now the first Trans Fox News contributor.
Speaker 4
00:30:09 ******* Democrats.
Speaker 5
00:30:11 Me can make an announcement like this, then good, decent, thoughtful conservatives.
00:30:17 Some of faith, maybe some of some not of faith, whatever it is.
00:30:21 Maybe some gay, maybe some trans.
00:30:23 You know, the real red meat heart of America, kind of conservatives.
Speaker 5
00:30:29 Could reach out and say, boy, this this is what an interesting opportunity and sure it's a little different and.
00:30:35 It's just a little different, guys.
00:30:37 It's just a little bit different.
Speaker 16
00:30:40 You, you old Fuddy.
00:30:41 Duddy's and your in your.
00:30:44 It's just a little bit different.
Speaker 5
00:30:46 And whatever.
00:30:46 All all the love that, that you and the blaze guys and everyone.
00:30:49 Else are giving me and then.
00:30:51 Oh yeah, all the love that all the.
00:30:55 The Sharks are giving him.
00:30:58 And it it's not just look, it's not just.
00:31:02 The blaze.
00:31:03 It's not just Prager, you.
00:31:05 It's it's not.
00:31:06 It's all of them.
Speaker 5
00:31:07 And then there's this other part that's legit, which is ohh if we move the line, they're.
00:31:12 Going to keep going.
00:31:13 And I don't know.
00:31:14 No, it's not about it.
00:31:16 See the line?
Speaker 6
00:31:17 Was you being a ******?
00:31:20 That was you crossed that already.
00:31:23 That's why you should not have been promoted in the 1st place.
00:31:27 Then conservatives wouldn't be in this ******* awkward position, which actually isn't that awkward.
00:31:32 It's just awkward in terms of how they have to.
00:31:35 Interface with their.
00:31:36 Audience who has a problem with this?
00:31:38 These unpack doesn't.
Speaker 18
00:31:39 Give a ****.
00:31:41 Matt Walsh doesn't give a ****.
00:31:43 Ben Shapiro doesn't give a ****.
00:31:45 Dennis Prager doesn't give a ****.
Speaker 6
00:31:51 If they gave a ****, they wouldn't.
00:31:54 They wouldn't be interacting.
00:31:56 They wouldn't.
Speaker 6
00:31:56 Be giving a platform.
00:32:00 To gay.
Speaker 6
00:32:01 Dave Rubin.
00:32:04 That was the line.
00:32:06 You already crossed it.
00:32:08 You're now.
00:32:09 You've now moved on to Gabbies.
Speaker 6
00:32:15 You got gay married?
00:32:18 You already crossed it.
Speaker 4
00:32:21 You have been moving it.
Speaker 5
00:32:29 With the answer to that is, I honestly don't, because that has nothing to do with me, and now I'm going to live my life.
00:32:35 Has everything to do with you.
Speaker 4
00:32:39 Has everything to do with you.
00:32:43 But it's all the ******* Democrats, the ******* Democrats.
00:32:48 You know, it's funny, the Democrats did admit.
00:32:54 That ******** and **** are.
00:32:57 Or mental.
Speaker 26
00:32:59 Peter, if we look at this broadly, is that we celebrated International Transgender Day of Visibility last week with the slate of new actions to ensure we are continuing can do we continue to protect the dignity and identity of all Americans.
00:33:12 And at a moment where we're looking at and we're seeing increased mental health issues related to young people.
00:33:18 Especially LGBTQ plus young people, we're providing additional funding and resources to address this issue and we hope all leaders can focus on those important issues and the impact on many of these young people who are are impacted across the country.
00:33:36 Yes, yes, all those mentally ill gay people, you mean?
Speaker 2
00:33:39 OK.
00:33:42 100% of them.
Speaker 19
00:33:46 But don't worry guys.
00:33:48 ******* Democrats.
00:33:50 Transgender flag flies outside of a U.S.
00:33:53 Federal building for the first time at Health and Human services.
00:34:00 That's right.
00:34:01 You know, things times they are changing, right?
00:34:06 The announcement was met with derision by conservatives.
00:34:09 Oh the derision.
00:34:11 With daily wire commenter Matt Matt Walsh declaring that the body administration is the most disgraceful and deranged in American history, that'll show him.
00:34:21 That will show them.
00:34:24 But you won't talk about uh, the.
00:34:26 Gabbies, will you?
00:34:30 The US Department of Health and Human Services last week flew the transgender flag outside its headquarters in Washington, DC.
00:34:38 Marking the first time the radical banner was flown in front of.
00:34:41 The federal building.
Speaker 4
00:34:45 Oh, yeah?
00:34:46 Well, you know, times they are changing, right?
00:34:51 But don't worry.
Speaker 8
00:34:54 If if you don't think.
00:34:56 That's enough government support.
00:34:59 Palm Springs is is going to take it.
00:35:01 To the next.
00:35:01 Level that it's not enough.
00:35:03 It's not enough to just wave a flag anymore.
00:35:07 If you want to be a.
00:35:08 Real ally.
00:35:10 In Palm Springs guaranteed income program for transgender residents.
00:35:17 They're not going to just pay for your surgery.
00:35:19 They're going to pay you to be.
00:35:21 A ******? They're gonna.
Speaker 4
00:35:22 Gonna get paid to be a ******.
00:35:25 The City of Palm Springs will allocate $200,000 to develop a guaranteed income pilot program for transgender and non binary residents.
00:35:35 City Council members voted unanimously unanimously.
00:35:40 Thursday to pay DAP health and queer works to design the program and apply for state funding.
00:35:49 The first of three.
00:35:50 Phases outlined in a city report to bring the proposed project to fruition.
00:35:57 The decision arrives amid a flurry of nationwide legislation aimed at restricting the rights of transgender youth.
00:36:07 Council Member Christy Holstege, who brought the matter to the meeting, said Monday that she felt incredibly proud of the city for coming down on the.
00:36:16 Right side of history.
00:36:17 In supporting our trans and non binary gender non conforming community.
00:36:25 Like other guaranteed income programs, the pilot will provide direct cash payments to individuals to spend as they see fit.
00:36:33 Here's free money ****.
Speaker 11
00:36:36 Here you go.
00:36:39 That sets it apart from the financial assistance programs that come with work requirements or specify how the money can be spent.
00:36:47 Literally just free money.
00:36:52 Proponents say these types of programs promote physical and psychological well-being by giving some of society's most marginalized groups.
00:37:03 A financial life vest.
00:37:07 At the meeting, Queer Works chief executive Jacob.
00:37:11 Rostova owski.
00:37:15 A rostova ski.
00:37:18 Ski skis, skis, skis.
00:37:21 Said the program would provide monthly payments.
00:37:26 Of 600.
00:37:27 Why not 6 million to 900?
00:37:31 To 20 participants who identify as transgender or non binary, another 20 participants would serve as a control group and receive social services that are built into.
00:37:42 The program, but not the monthly.
Speaker 4
00:37:45 Payments, so they're.
00:37:45 Still getting free Gibbs.
00:37:47 According to those behind the project, the transgender and non binary community is particularly vulnerable to unemployment, homelessness and discrimination and assault.
00:38:01 See, that's that's what we call the society's immune system trying to work out the infection.
Speaker 11
00:38:09 They're they're they, they've.
00:38:11 What this City Council is literally trying to do?
00:38:15 It's it's trying to.
00:38:18 Well, it's it's it's societal aids.
00:38:21 They're literally get they're they're trying to counteract the societies immune system that's reacting against this infection.
00:38:28 Like ****.
Speaker 6
00:38:28 We can't have that.
00:38:33 Here's some money.
00:38:35 Here's some ******* money.
00:38:41 And you know, but why?
00:38:42 Why, when darlings be like this?
Speaker 6
00:38:46 Don't call them groomers, guys.
00:38:50 You know this.
00:38:50 This is a story from a.
00:38:51 Couple of weeks ago, keep keep forgetting the ad and we all know about the Clintons and and the shenanigans that were going on with with child trafficking that was going on in Haiti.
00:39:04 You know, but don't worry guys, queuing on Q and on is hot on the case, right?
00:39:09 So I'm sure it's just a matter of time.
00:39:12 Before they get, they get theirs.
00:39:16 Corrigan, Clay, a US pastor who moved to Haiti and adopted 2 orphans.
00:39:21 Yeah, has been arrested on child sex abuse charges against one of his children.
00:39:27 Corrigan is the co-founder of the Apparent Project, a nonprofit charity organization established by his ex partner, Shelly Jean.
00:39:36 The group has been visited and supported by former U.S.
00:39:38 President Bill Clinton, who is also believed to.
00:39:41 Have helped fund.
00:39:42 Another of the pairs entities Papillion Enterprise through the Clinton Foundation grants.
Speaker 4
00:39:52 Oh boy.
00:39:55 But nothing will happen to the Clintons, obviously.
Speaker 4
00:39:57 I'm sorry in two weeks.
00:40:00 In two weeks, the hammer is dropping.
00:40:04 The hammer is dropping.
00:40:16 Across the pond.
00:40:19 The government is is doing the admirable work.
00:40:25 Of warning the people.
00:40:28 Against the dangers.
Speaker 4
00:40:32 Of the whites.
00:40:34 That still remain.
Speaker 28
00:40:36 I'm not eating anything all day, bro.
Speaker 6
00:40:37 Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 28
00:40:38 You know what I leave taking?
Speaker 13
00:40:47 Text me when you get home OK?
Speaker 28
00:40:56 I'm paying.
00:40:57 I'm paying.
Speaker 16
00:40:58 Are we?
Speaker 28
00:40:58 Come on.
00:40:59 Come on.
00:40:59 How much?
00:41:00 How much?
Speaker 2
00:41:05 She's dropping flipper. You what?
Speaker 28
00:41:07 Hi, sweetheart.
Speaker 16
00:41:10 You are, yeah.
Speaker 28
00:41:11 She listen, Chris, don't have a crisp.
00:41:15 Go on, have a crisp.
00:41:18 The mode one inchy.
00:41:19 Little bit rude, to be honest.
00:41:21 God, geez, am I really that bad?
00:41:24 Taxi. Taxi.
Speaker 20
00:41:28 Jacob, you're not gonna say anything.
Speaker 2
00:41:31 Slimming home, bro.
00:41:33 Look at her.
Speaker 16
00:41:34 Oh well, well.
Speaker 28
00:41:35 Where are you going in?
00:41:36 Such a hurry all I've.
Speaker 28
00:41:37 Done has been nice.
00:41:39 That's it.
00:41:40 I'm trying to be nice, alright?
00:41:41 And all I'm getting is this.
00:41:44 What are you doing?
Speaker 2
00:41:46 You need to say something.
00:41:47 See a joke anymore?
Speaker 9
00:41:51 You know, said one.
00:41:53 What any bro?
Speaker 28
00:41:56 You know, so pretty with.
00:41:57 That face on, you know.
00:42:00 What are you doing?
Speaker 14
00:42:02 That's enough.
00:42:04 Male violence against women and girls can start with words.
Speaker 16
00:42:07 Only joking, right?
00:42:10 It usually doesn't start with white people, though.
Speaker 11
00:42:15 Well, whatever school.
00:42:16 Doesn't stop there.
00:42:23 If you see it happening.
Speaker 20
00:42:25 Have a word with yourself.
00:42:28 Well, that white girl sure was lucky.
00:42:30 There was a black man around.
00:42:35 Ohh yeah, I mean I get.
00:42:37 Maybe it's just different in the UK cause you.
00:42:39 Know meanwhile in America this.
00:42:40 Is what it's like.
Speaker 1
00:42:46 Ohh ship some ****.
00:42:48 Ohh ship.
Speaker 2
00:42:53 No, I'm not.
00:42:54 I'm not.
00:42:54 No, no, no, no.
Speaker 17
00:43:19 Yeah. Wow.
00:43:22 Diversity is our strength.
00:43:23 The best part about that is some of the people fighting with the actual parents.
00:43:29 But that's OK because you know, they're they're they're good at at rap music and sports ball.
00:43:45 Unless they don't like the refs call.
00:43:50 My God.
00:44:18 You know if if only those.
00:44:19 Kids had had a magic mirror at home.
00:44:22 Like this guy?
00:44:24 Why don't you do something?
00:44:28 Why don't you do something?
00:44:29 It's time.
00:44:32 Come on guys.
00:44:39 That's all right.
00:44:39 Scott Adams is going to fix racism.
00:44:44 Scott Adams tweeted out.
00:44:47 Challenge for Black American cartoonists.
Speaker 4
00:44:50 Well, my wife is getting ****** raw.
00:44:54 My every actually ex-wife now or or actually I don't know. Well, they even married.
00:44:58 I don't even know.
00:44:58 All I know is he's he's taking care of her kids while she runs.
00:45:01 Around ******* half the world.
00:45:03 Challenge for Black American cartoons.
00:45:06 Design a black character to include in the Dilbert.
00:45:10 Cast and paste into comments must be similar to my existing style and easy for me to reproduce, and you must specify the humorous character flaw that every comic character displays.
00:45:27 Is it mean if I say the character flaw might be that?
00:45:29 He's black.
00:45:32 I mean, I don't know.
00:45:33 Feel free to go post.
00:45:34 Your designs under his tweet.
00:45:39 You know, I guess.
00:45:40 I guess we have better a better chance, right?
00:45:42 Because you.
00:45:42 Know Elon Musk?
00:45:44 Owns Twitter now, right?
00:45:46 I guess we'll get it.
00:45:47 We're going to get more into that in here.
00:45:48 In a second, I might be jumping the gun on that.
00:45:55 Anyway, it's all it's it's.
00:45:57 It's it always comes down to the ******* Democrats, though.
00:46:00 You know, the ******* Democrats, they're they're still, they're they they're trying to vaccinate them.
00:46:05 They're they're they're insane now.
00:46:07 They want to vaccinate the entire.
00:46:09 World these ******* Democrats.
Speaker 8
00:46:11 And it is a real disappointment that there's no global funding in this bill.
00:46:18 This virus knows no borders and it's in our national interest to vaccinate the world and protect against possible new variants.
00:46:26 Without additional funding for our global response, we won't have resources to help get more shots in arms in countries in need.
00:46:34 We will lack funding to provide oxygen and other life saving supplies.
00:46:39 And our global genomic sequencing capabilities will fall off and undermine our ability to detect any emerging variants around the world.
00:46:49 ******* Democrats trying to try to vaccinate the entire world.
00:46:53 It's those ******* debt.
00:46:54 Wait, who's this?
Speaker 6
00:46:57 But you look at our economy and then what did we do?
00:46:59 We went to work and we built the economy again.
00:47:03 We built it a.
00:47:03 Second time and I left and the.
00:47:06 Dow and everything else was much higher than it was before.
00:47:09 And I think very importantly, there are some people that say my greatest achievement was getting the vaccine because the vaccine.
00:47:16 It was said to take three to five years and most people said it wasn't going to happen.
00:47:22 And whether it's doctor, Fauci or anybody else, they all thought it was going to take a long time and we had a possibility of having a 1917 Spanish flu result where perhaps 100 million people would die and the vaccine saved them. And I also, and you probably heard me say this at least a little bit.
00:47:42 Don't say too much, but we made maybe one of the bets.
00:47:46 Best bets in history because we bought billions and billions of dollars worth of the vaccine by saving time loan prior to knowing whether or not it was going to work.
00:47:58 Now I had an idea it was going to work.
00:48:00 I'd meet with the drug companies.
00:48:02 I put tremendous pressure on the FDA.
00:48:04 If you interview them, they will tell you we don't like him.
00:48:06 But if they liked.
00:48:07 Me. It would have.
00:48:08 Been three years, five years and probably you wouldn't have a vaccine.
00:48:12 They were very bureaucratic, they were very slow.
00:48:15 They have their likes and their dislikes and drug companies, certain companies.
00:48:19 You saw that with Johnson and Johnson when they did a pause.
00:48:22 Which was a very bad thing that they did in terms of getting the vaccine out.
00:48:26 But the pause for Johnson and Johnson was not good.
00:48:29 And you see the way they deal with.
00:48:31 Pfizer and others.
00:48:33 Much differently, but I put a lot.
00:48:36 Of pressure on them.
00:48:39 Those damn Democrats trying to trying to vaccinate the world.
00:48:44 It's all it's ******* Democrats.
00:48:49 But yeah, they're they're definitely trying to.
00:48:55 Go, go on or move on with the the vaccine, passports and stuff like that.
00:49:01 And you might wonder.
00:49:02 Well, how are they?
00:49:02 How are they going to administer that well.
00:49:04 There's already states.
00:49:06 Like Arizona.
00:49:08 That are making this well in, in, in hand in hand with app.
00:49:13 And you know, a company that you can trust, you know Apple, the, the.
00:49:16 Company that decided that if they detect bad.
00:49:20 Things on your phone they can, they can.
00:49:22 That'll tell you to the police.
00:49:25 They can say we detect it now.
00:49:26 Of course they they started out with, oh, we detect child **** cause you know who's going to argue against that, like, who's gonna be like, wait, I don't want you telling the FBI if someone has child **** like you sound.
00:49:36 Like like ohh.
00:49:37 So who's the groomer now, right.
00:49:41 So that's how.
00:49:41 They get it.
00:49:42 In like, alright, it's it's it's if we find child **** on your on your phone then we'll tell.
00:49:48 The FBI.
00:49:49 Well, that's how it.
00:49:49 Starts but Apple that company.
Speaker 30
00:49:52 Trending tonight, Arizona is set to be among the first states to add digital copies of drivers licenses and state issued ID's through the wallet app on Apple iPhones or watches.
00:50:04 But will that personal information remain safe? Team 12's Josh Sanders asked a cyber security expert about the new upgrade.
Speaker 19
00:50:14 Apple is just implementing a standard put out by the International Standards Organization or ISO.
Speaker 31
00:50:22 Apple users in Arizona and Georgia are getting a new update in their wallet apps aimed to replace, which sometimes can be a wallet full of plastic.
Speaker 19
00:50:30 Now you have your driver's license and your passport right on your phone.
Speaker 31
00:50:35 Arizona is one of eight states the company is launching their new version of the app, allowing users to scan in their drivers license, adding to the app's ability to store credit cards and flight boarding passes.
Speaker 32
00:50:47 I've lost my ID quite a few times.
00:50:49 Would be nice to have it.
00:50:50 In my phone, just like my credit card, I usually use Apple Pay for.
00:50:54 So I'll lose my wallet every once in a while.
Speaker 30
00:50:56 So that way I don't have to worry about, you know, losing track of my ID all the time.
Speaker 31
00:50:59 Apple is currently working with the Transportation Security Administration to make the digital copy an acceptable form of identification at airport security checkpoints.
Speaker 19
00:51:08 Anytime you have something like this, it has to be widely adopted otherwise.
00:51:12 It's not useful.
Speaker 31
00:51:13 Doctor John Hass is an expert in cyber intelligence and security at Embry Riddle Aeronautical University and says just like the electronic readers TSA officials used to scan ticket.
00:51:23 A device will be needed to authenticate a license or state ID.
00:51:27 The same if you're pulled over by law enforcement.
Speaker 19
00:51:29 When you hand them a driver.
00:51:31 'S license. What do they?
00:51:32 Do with it.
00:51:32 They look and make sure.
00:51:33 It has the hologram.
Speaker 31
00:51:34 As for security, Apple says the wallet app is safe and linked to the user's Apple ID and for added security, they say iCloud data is encrypted.
00:51:42 Bucker has says while this type of technology should make life more convenient for travelers, it will take time for people to get used to it.
00:51:51 It'll take time for you guys to.
00:51:53 Get used to it.
00:51:57 But you'll get used to it.
00:51:59 You know what?
00:52:00 They have already law enforcement, even local law enforcement.
00:52:04 They have tools, hardware, tools where, yeah, it's like they started out with doing proof of insurance.
00:52:13 On your phone, right, so if you.
00:52:14 Get pulled over.
00:52:17 You can load up the.
00:52:19 The app for your, you know the GEICO app or whatever the **** your insurance is.
00:52:23 Right.
00:52:24 And show them proof of insurance on the app.
00:52:28 And if they take it back to their squad car, they can plug it into a device and then not every jurisdiction has these, but these are available and it basically just rapes your phone.
00:52:41 Takes all the photos off of it.
00:52:43 You know, just takes all the data that they want off your phone.
00:52:50 You know.
00:52:52 Is isn't it great having this little device but not that that is even required these days with everyone storing everything?
00:52:58 On the cloud.
00:53:00 Where they can just access.
00:53:01 It without without needing to.
00:53:03 Access your phone.
00:53:06 ******* ******* Democrats, though, right?
00:53:09 But at least, you know, look, at least we're not China and China.
00:53:13 I guess they've got some more lockdowns going on, more COVID lockdowns.
00:53:17 And because they're trying to and they like to push the distopian aesthetic sometimes further than.
00:53:24 Anyone else?
00:53:25 There's a drone that's flying around.
00:53:28 The high rise is where people are locked in telling them to.
00:53:31 Hey, be cool, man.
00:53:32 It's cool.
00:53:32 Just you're having fun.
00:53:34 You enjoy this.
00:53:50 I can't wait till we get those.
Speaker 4
00:53:56 Oh boy.
00:54:00 Oh, in other news, the the Texas governor.
00:54:06 He's going to show those Democrats that are leaving the border wide open.
00:54:11 He's going to show them exactly what he thinks of their policies that are allowing millions of of illegal immigrants to cross the border in the Texas.
00:54:21 He's going to start chartering buses.
00:54:24 And taking the immigrants back to Mexico.
00:54:29 Wait, no.
00:54:31 That's not what he's going to do.
00:54:34 But conservatives still think this is a massive own.
Speaker 14
00:54:39 To help local officials whose communities are being overwhelmed by hordes of illegal immigrants who are being dropped off by the by the administration, Texas is providing charter buses to send.
00:54:54 Them to Mexico, right, Mexico.
Speaker 14
00:54:57 These illegal immigrants, who have been dropped off by the battery administration to Washington, DC.
00:55:07 That's still America.
00:55:11 I mean, I get it haha right?
Speaker 14
00:55:18 We are sending them to the United States Capitol where the Biden ministration will be able to more immediately address the needs of the people that they are allowing to come.
00:55:25 Across our border.
Speaker 4
00:55:37 Oh, owned. Owned.
00:55:40 We'll have our little.
00:55:41 Funnel up, but they'll still be in America.
00:55:47 So it really it's just, you know, it's just.
00:55:49 A photo op.
00:55:52 Uh anyway.
00:55:58 But not to worry, because apparently World War Three might might happen.
00:56:02 Still, I don't know.
00:56:03 I don't know.
00:56:04 With with Biden is.
00:56:06 I mean, you know.
Speaker 16
00:56:07 States will continue to stand with Ukraine.
00:56:09 Ukrainian people in the fight for freedom, and I just want you to.
00:56:12 Know that and.
00:56:13 By the way.
00:56:14 If I got to go to war, I'm.
00:56:15 Going with you guys.
00:56:18 Oh, OK, well alright.
00:56:24 You know, like, well, OK.
00:56:30 Well, yeah, it's.
00:56:32 It's possible it's possible.
Speaker 16
00:56:36 How do I start today?
00:56:39 You may remember I.
00:56:40 Got criticized for calling the war criminal.
00:56:43 Well, the truth.
00:56:44 The matter to show what happened to Buffet.
00:56:47 This warrants him he is a war criminal.
00:56:50 But we have to gather the information we have to continue to provide Ukraine with the weapons they need to continue the fight, and we have to get all the detail.
00:57:00 So this could be.
00:57:01 An actual have a war crime trial.
00:57:06 All right. Well, anyway.
00:57:08 I wonder if anything to do with this I'll tell.
00:57:10 You what though this now this this is.
00:57:12 Put out by CBS today and you.
00:57:14 Have to wonder why they're doing this right?
00:57:19 But at the same time it's like.
00:57:23 It's, you know, it's another one of those two more weeks like nothing will happen.
Speaker 27
00:57:28 CBS News has learned that more than 150 transactions involving either Hunter or James Biden's global business affairs were flagged as concerning by U.S. banks. For further review. Some of those concerns included large wire transfers.
Speaker 11
00:57:42 This is the way it is.
Speaker 27
00:57:44 After a nearly three-year investigation, Republican Senator Chuck Grassley told CBS News he believes the president's younger brother James was instrumental in Hunter Biden's Chinese business ventures.
Speaker 11
00:57:56 I think James Biden was very much a part of this.
Speaker 27
00:57:59 James Biden has worked as an entrepreneur and recently in the healthcare industry.
Speaker 11
00:58:04 We will focus on James.
00:58:06 The president's brother.
Speaker 27
00:58:07 This week, Grassley released bank records indicating James Biden's company, The Lion Hall Group, was paid directly by a Chinese financed consulting firm.
Speaker 5
00:58:08 This is like the best.
Speaker 27
00:58:17 These records come directly from the banks.
00:58:19 No third party.
00:58:20 You're absolutely right.
00:58:22 In our interview, Grantley did not allege the Bidens broke the law, but he said it's concern.
00:58:28 See, because they're *******.
00:58:31 Grassley did not did not allege that they broke the law.
00:58:35 Grassley talks a big game, too.
00:58:38 Grassley was talking a big game about the remember the Allon brothers have have conservatives with their goldfish memory already, forgot about The Allman Brothers?
00:58:49 Remember, we want to get to.
Speaker 20
00:58:50 The bottom of that.
00:58:52 Most people listen probably know who the **** I'm talking about anymore.
00:58:55 It's just ******* gone now.
00:59:02 So Grassley is always the.
00:59:03 Guy that like, you know, he's like oh.
Speaker 6
00:59:06 We got to do something about this.
00:59:08 And you know.
00:59:08 They get they, we get some press time and they talk about it for like.
00:59:11 A couple days.
00:59:12 And then it's just gone.
00:59:13 Nothing happens.
Speaker 27
00:59:15 Learning that both Hunter and James Biden were promised retainers for their China work totaling $165,000 a month in 2017 after Joe Biden left the vice presidency.
Speaker 11
00:59:26 We have people with the.
00:59:28 Name dealing with Chinese business people that have a relationship through the Communist Party.
00:59:34 I think it's very concerning.
Speaker 27
00:59:36 This 2019 subpoena, verified by CBS News, shows federal investigators also sought Hunter and James Biden's business records from a major U.S. bank dating back to 2014.
00:59:48 As part of a separate probe by the US Attorney in Delaware into possible violations of tax and foreign lobbying laws.
Speaker 21
00:59:55 I think Hunter and James Biden should not have entered into those relationships in the best case, those things look really bad in the worst case, the conflicts can be quite serious.
Speaker 27
01:00:05 The White House chief of staff.
01:00:07 Yeah, the conflicts have been quite serious and that's code for nothing will ******* happen.
01:00:13 So anyway.
01:00:15 I mentioned Twitter.
01:00:17 People getting excited. Ohh Elon Musk bought over 9% of Twitter. He now owns over 9% of the shares of.
01:00:26 Twitter first, he tweeted out a a poll, a Twitter poll and said do you think that free speech?
01:00:34 Is has is gone.
01:00:36 From Twitter and I forget the results, but basically every once you know it was like 75% or whatever said yes.
01:00:43 And he's like, ohh, and then so he bought 9 point something percent of the shares making him the majority shareholder and and now wants to bring free speech back to the platform.
01:00:56 We'll, you know, we'll see.
01:00:57 We'll see if anything actually changes there.
01:01:00 This is the, the, the Paget.
01:01:04 Twitter CEO now that Jack, Jack.
01:01:06 I regret.
01:01:07 I regret how I ruined the Internet, Dorsey, now that he's gone.
Speaker 9
01:01:12 Our role is not to be bound by the 1st amendment, but our role is to serve as the public conversation, and our moves are reflective of things that we believe lead to a healthier public conversation.
01:01:27 This is why you don't want people that aren't born in your nation in charge of anything, like at all in your nation.
01:01:40 I don't even think they.
01:01:40 Should be able to own property.
01:01:43 And they sure, sure **** shouldn't be, you know, politicians or CEO's or anything like this.
01:01:50 Because you get this ****.
01:01:55 You know, import the third world, become the third world.
Speaker 9
01:01:59 The kinds of.
01:01:59 Things that we.
01:02:01 We do do.
01:02:02 What about this is?
01:02:04 To focus less on thinking about free speech but thinking about how the times have changed.
01:02:09 One of the changes today that we see is speech is easy on the Internet.
01:02:14 Most people can speak where our role is particularly emphasized is.
01:02:19 Who can be heard?
01:02:22 And we can stop.
01:02:23 You from being heard here at Twitter?
01:02:26 But don't worry, don't worry guys.
01:02:33 Elon Musk is going to fix Twitter.
01:02:34 Right.
01:02:35 Uh oh, don't da da Dun, Dun.
01:02:38 Early life Jonathan Greenblatt.
01:02:42 He's on the case. He's.
01:02:44 He's worried that Elon Musk might?
01:02:47 Do something with Twitter.
Speaker 33
01:02:49 Jonathan, you've been quite outspoken about the responsibility that you think social media companies should have to some degree.
01:02:57 You would argue or I would argue, I think that Elon Musk thinks they've gone too far and wants to roll them back.
Speaker 18
01:03:04 It's hard for, I think any of us to really ascertain what's going on in Elonis brain.
01:03:09 I admire him as a businessman tremendously what he's done as an entrepreneur, as an innovator, is almost, you know, without parallel.
01:03:17 He's an extraordinary person in so many ways.
01:03:20 And look, I am a capitalist.
01:03:22 This is how capitalism.
01:03:24 He has the right to buy a share of the.
01:03:26 Company and what?
01:03:27 You were saying just a few minutes ago maybe this is a standstill agreement where they've reached some kind of Dayton, I don't know.
01:03:33 But I really disagree with what Joe said earlier.
01:03:36 I don't think it's about censorship.
01:03:38 I believe in freedom of speech, the ideals of civil rights organization, but I.
01:03:42 Don't believe in.
01:03:43 The ADL believes in free speech.
01:03:48 Video you hear that guys, the ADL believes, but.
01:03:52 Again, let let's.
01:03:53 He's going to use the same kind of non ******* American thinking.
01:03:59 Once again, This is why you don't give people who are not part of your nation control of any anything powerful within your nation because they will inevitably work to undermine the people in that nation.
01:04:16 I wonder when.
01:04:16 Greenblatt's family came.
01:04:18 Here it's I. I really doubt Jonathan Greenblatt's ancestors were on the ******* Oregon Trail.
01:04:25 I really doubt Jonathan Greenblatt's ancestors were settling the West and fighting the ******* Indians and **** like that.
01:04:32 I really doubt Jonathan Greenblatt's family fought in the Civil War, the Revolutionary War. I really doubt that. I really doubt that. I really think that if I if I were to look, I would find that.
01:04:45 Jonathan Greenblatt's family probably came here around the same time that that Seinfeld's family came here. Spielberg's family came here.
01:04:54 The same time to Epstein's family came here. Weinstein's family came here once, once America was already a ******* strip mall, and they didn't have to dirty their ******* hands.
01:05:07 And now he's here to ******* blow.
Speaker 6
01:05:09 It all up.
Speaker 18
01:05:11 Freedom of REACH and the same way you get.
01:05:13 See, you don't have freedom of reach.
01:05:15 You have freedom of speech.
01:05:16 You can scream in your bathroom at the wall for now.
01:05:20 For now.
Speaker 18
01:05:23 To choose your guests the same way National Review gets to choose its contributors, I think Twitter has to gets to choose who it privileges and who.
01:05:32 It doesn't privilege.
01:05:34 I think there should be a lunatic fringe.
01:05:36 We should just keep it on the fringe and not algorithmically amplify it.
01:05:40 Whether it's Russian propagandists, Alt right, crazy people, you know, violent anti Zionists, all of them deserve a place.
Speaker 33
01:05:48 And Jonathan, you wanna do that? You wanna do that through a sort of free a quote UN quote free marketplace, which is companies decide or do you want to do that by way of law in Washington?
Speaker 18
01:06:00 Well, I think the company is like the social media platforms should simply obey the same rules of business that other publishers do.
01:06:07 They should be liable if they.
01:06:10 Oh, so now they're publishers, huh?
01:06:13 Now they're publishers.
01:06:14 They should be like, really the the ADL?
01:06:17 The ADL.
01:06:19 Wants people to be liable for what they say.
01:06:21 Are you sure?
01:06:22 You sure about that, ADL.
Speaker 18
01:06:24 They publish libel.
01:06:26 It's pretty simple.
01:06:27 That's like the bottom line I would.
01:06:30 Yeah, well, you know.
01:06:34 Which leads us to the cactus pill.
01:06:38 Terrible Segway.
01:06:39 I don't care.
01:06:40 I don't care.
01:06:41 I accidentally went to the next picture.
01:06:43 What it is?
01:06:45 All right, so here's here's the.
01:06:48 As we as we let our.
01:06:50 Let the boiling blood.
01:06:51 Let it, let it simmer back down.
01:06:53 Let's let's all relax.
01:06:55 Look at this.
01:06:56 Odd looking cactus.
01:06:58 Wow, that's a that's an unusual looking cactus.
01:07:01 I don't think I've seen a cactus like that.
01:07:03 Unless, of course, you've been to the Galapagos Islands.
01:07:08 That's right. That's right.
01:07:10 This is a variety of Opuntia only found on the Galapagos Islands with a really cool name.
01:07:20 It's called Opuntia megasphaera.
Speaker 6
01:07:26 And there will be one growing at the.
01:07:28 Pillbox I have.
Speaker 4
01:07:29 Acquired a pad.
01:07:32 Of the very rare Opuntia mega sperma.
01:07:35 Now I'm not sure if it will survive the winters out here.
01:07:40 I'm pretty confident I'll survive the summer.
01:07:42 We're we're going to find out.
01:07:44 Now it won't look like that big *** tree.
01:07:47 Uh for many years, but it will start growing vertically.
01:07:52 It's a very unusual cactus and I and I received it today.
01:07:58 And I've begun the routing process.
01:08:01 So maybe someday.
01:08:04 The the pillbox will have some Opuntia mega sperma.
01:08:10 And something else arrived today.
01:08:13 Now I know.
01:08:14 I told you guys.
01:08:16 That I was going to film.
01:08:19 I you know, I I used to hate it when people would say that because there's a difference between film and video.
01:08:23 But now just everyone says ******* film.
01:08:25 So whatever I I give in, I give in.
01:08:30 I was going to I was going to shoot video of.
01:08:32 No, I can't.
01:08:33 I'm not going to give in.
01:08:34 That still bothers me.
01:08:36 I was going to get video of when the bees arrived and sticking them in their hive, but unfortunately I I had to scram.
01:08:47 Because they they gave me a tracking number and they shipped it with USPS.
01:08:54 First mistake.
01:08:56 And the tracking number just said awaiting item.
01:08:59 On Monday and then set a waiting item on Tuesday and it said a waiting item this morning.
01:09:06 And then just for no.
01:09:07 Reason I around noon or so refreshed.
01:09:11 And it and it said.
Speaker 6
01:09:12 And I was like, what the ****?
Speaker 5
01:09:13 Yeah. How was?
Speaker 1
01:09:14 It delivered already so.
Speaker 16
01:09:16 I had to like run.
01:09:17 To the run to the.
01:09:18 Post office, grab my box of bees.
01:09:21 And I wasn't.
01:09:23 I thought I had, like, at least an extra day.
01:09:25 So I was like, still preparing where it where they were going to go and trying to shade it so they wouldn't be in, like, direct sunlight.
01:09:32 You know during like the Super hot months and all this other stuff.
01:09:35 And I'm sitting there, you know, and plus it's a little nerve wracking.
01:09:38 I've never *******.
01:09:40 Received a box of ******* bees in the mail, so I'm a play in the background.
01:09:45 This is this is a a YouTube video of a guy that's basically what I got is a box like that in the mail.
01:09:52 And so you basically you get this ******* wooden box with a live bees inside.
01:09:57 And so I go to the post office.
01:09:59 They're they're all giving me like, the the side eye and the stink eye.
01:10:03 Like, why the **** did you get this?
01:10:06 Who gets a ******* box of?
01:10:07 Bees in the mail like.
Speaker 1
01:10:08 I ******* get a box of.
Speaker 4
01:10:10 Bees in the mail, that's who it's like I.
01:10:12 Got I got the box of.
01:10:15 And I I took it home.
01:10:17 And it was just like, oh ****.
01:10:20 I've never done this like.
01:10:22 I I knew what to do.
Speaker 4
01:10:23 I knew what to do, but basically.
01:10:24 You so you get that wooden box.
01:10:26 Like the guys got there.
01:10:28 Oh, and by the way, I did this without a bee suit.
01:10:30 Now I did have a B mat.
01:10:31 Put the bee hat on, but I thought like uh, some of these guys don't wear bee suits, and these are supposed to be the the friendly European bees, right?
01:10:39 They I don't have not.
01:10:39 The Africanized bees that are in the neighborhood.
01:10:42 Which I got a funny story.
01:10:43 About that here in a second.
01:10:45 And so I I.
01:10:46 I I didn't.
01:10:46 Even wear like the gloves or.
01:10:48 Like that but.
01:10:49 I did have the mask and I.
01:10:50 You know, didn't want to be like trying to like with one hand, holding my phone and then dumping the bees with, you know, I just was like, **** it.
01:10:58 I'm just going to do.
01:10:58 It and then I'll I'll.
01:10:59 Get video later.
01:11:00 Of the bees, but so that that, that box of bees, it pretty much looked exactly like that shows up and you probably open that wooden thing at the.
Speaker 4
01:11:09 Top and then.
01:11:10 Fast forward here because he's just explaining.
01:11:13 So basically prime.
01:11:15 Let's see here.
01:11:16 Where does he get to it?
01:11:17 Let me zoom it out so.
01:11:20 Boom, boom, boom.
01:11:21 So first you get your oh, look at that ***** he's putting on the gloves.
01:11:26 So you probably opened that wooden thing at the top and that one thing at the top is holding in a a metal can.
01:11:35 Uh, let me get to it.
01:11:36 Does he?
01:11:37 Show it.
01:11:37 There it is, and it's the metal.
01:11:39 Cane is full.
01:11:39 Of sugar water and it's got holes poked.
01:11:42 In the bottom of it.
01:11:44 And that's what keeps the bees alive on their trip to the well, to the pillbox or to the post office.
01:11:52 And so you probably open the top.
01:11:55 You take that metal can.
01:11:56 Out and then you see that spray bottle he's got there.
01:12:00 That's a spray bottle, which I had.
01:12:03 I had that as well with a half sugar, half water.
01:12:09 So if you did like a cup of.
01:12:10 Sugar you'd have.
01:12:11 A cup of water that's like the the dilution, right?
01:12:14 And same thing.
01:12:15 Well, that's what's inside.
01:12:16 That can too.
01:12:17 And so when you first get the box of bees, you pry that wooden thing off the top.
01:12:22 You pull that can out.
01:12:24 That's been in there, feeding them the whole time.
01:12:26 You spray the sides, the mesh sides with your sugar water spray ****.
01:12:31 And that makes the bees they start cleaning each other because they start eating the sugar off of each other and they they kind of chill out because.
01:12:38 They're not.
01:12:38 They're kind of ******.
01:12:39 Off, you know, they've been in a funk, you know, they've been.
01:12:42 Getting manhandled by low IQ ******* postal workers for the last three days, right?
01:12:47 So they're they're not having a good time.
01:12:49 And so you take that out and then also in there.
01:12:54 There is dangling.
01:12:55 Let's see if we can Fast forward here.
01:12:58 There you go.
01:12:59 Dangling inside, there is a little queen cage, so the way that they prepare these before they ship them off to you is they're just taking random bees from random hives.
01:13:10 So they're giving you bees from maybe like 10 different hives.
01:13:14 You you never.
01:13:15 Now and then they just get a queen from.
01:13:18 Another random hive.
01:13:19 Now the bees don't like that, you know.
01:13:22 And and if you didn't put her in this cage, they would immediately kill the queen because they would they their their.
01:13:30 I don't know what the word would be, but they're basically bonded to their queen from whatever hive they came from.
01:13:37 So they would smell this queen and be like, oh **** this ***** and they would they would want to kill the queen.
01:13:41 So along the ride, though, out to, you know, to the pillbox, they kind of get to know the queen because they've been like they've been through this ordeal together.
01:13:53 And so they get a little less ****** *** that she's there.
01:13:56 And if you notice on the left side there, there's that white stuff that's that's candy.
01:14:01 So what's preventing her from getting out of that cage is is candy, and so the.
01:14:09 The bees will slowly eat the candy, and by the time they eat all the way through the candy so that she can get out, they're they're used to her smell.
01:14:19 They kind of like her at this point and they and they start serving her.
01:14:23 Or at least that's the idea.
01:14:25 I'll find out.
01:14:25 In a few.
01:14:26 Days if.
01:14:27 If that's happened right?
01:14:29 But it should.
01:14:30 It might take a few days for them to do it, so I'll probably check like in a week or or two if they've if they got her out of that thing.
01:14:39 So anyway, you take her out.
01:14:42 And you rubber banter to an empty frame.
01:14:48 And then you stick that into the B box.
01:14:51 So that she's already in there.
01:14:56 And then.
01:14:58 This is the fun part this was.
01:15:01 This is probably the weirdest I've ever felt, or at least the weirdest I've.
01:15:05 Felt in a long.
01:15:06 So now you're like, well, I got this.
01:15:08 Box of ******* bees.
01:15:10 How do I get the bees?
Speaker 4
01:15:11 To go in the box.
01:15:12 Well, it's not.
01:15:13 It's not as complicated as you might think.
01:15:16 It's a little weird, but it's not.
01:15:18 It's certainly not complicated.
01:15:20 Now he's that again.
01:15:21 That's the ***** way.
01:15:22 You could just like, oh, I'll just stick the box in here.
01:15:25 That's dumb.
01:15:26 You don't do that.
01:15:27 That's that's for losers.
01:15:28 Now, the real way the real deal is you get the.
01:15:33 You Fast forward this a little more here.
01:15:39 Come on.
01:15:40 Come on.
01:15:42 It's lagging.
01:15:42 There it goes.
01:15:44 Say you spray the sides again.
01:15:47 And that kind of gets them like to chill out, they start eating the sugar off each other again.
01:15:52 And then you lift the box.
01:15:55 Come on, guy.
01:15:57 How am I explaining this faster than you?
01:16:02 Blah, blah blah.
01:16:03 Let's do it.
01:16:04 Let's do it.
01:16:04 I'm going to do this.
01:16:05 There we go.
01:16:06 And then you lift it up and justice bang it.
01:16:10 Come on, slam it.
01:16:12 Slam, bam, slam those bees.
01:16:15 He sprang again.
01:16:19 And then you.
01:16:21 You take the wooden top off.
01:16:24 Come on, dude. Come on.
01:16:30 And you literally just pour them in.
Speaker 4
01:16:37 If that's what I did.
01:16:40 That's what I did.
01:16:41 I just ******* dumped the the box of bees in there.
01:16:44 And then you carefully stick the the frames back in there, trying not to crush the bees.
01:16:50 They were remarkably unfazed, like I thought for sure that I would.
01:16:53 At least get stung once.
01:16:56 Not really.
01:16:57 Not really.
01:16:58 They kind of didn't.
Speaker 24
01:16:59 **** with me.
01:17:00 So then after that I mean they have nothing to eat.
01:17:04 So you just got your box of bees into the the hive, but they will literally starve to death because there's zero honey for them to get going.
01:17:14 There's nothing for them to start building.
01:17:16 Honeycomb, there's nothing for them to even like feed the queen so that she can start laying eggs and **** like that and so.
01:17:25 What you need to do is you get that it's the same solution, it's 1 to 1 sugar to water and you put it in a.
01:17:33 There's lots of different ways I think what he this guy does in this video is he's got Mason jars full of that solution that you turn upside down.
01:17:42 And again, you poke holes and.
01:17:45 Let it kind of dribble out up in an empty box.
01:17:51 Up at the.
01:17:53 Up at the the top level like he's.
Speaker 4
01:17:55 Going to do.
01:17:57 And so that's what I did basically.
01:17:59 And then.
01:18:00 I closed it up.
01:18:01 Now The funny thing is.
01:18:02 I kind of had a little bit of a mishap.
01:18:05 When I was trying to feed him.
01:18:07 And the I apparently.
01:18:10 I guess I poke too many holes in the in the container that I I put at the top cause it started dribbling ******* sugar water all over the place and I was like ****.
01:18:18 And I'm sitting like bees are all over like cause.
01:18:20 They're all flying around there because there's nothing to stop them now they're they're low.
01:18:23 So it's just like ******* bees circling all over the place, trying to figure out what the ****'* going on.
01:18:28 And meanwhile, sugar water is like pouring into the into.
01:18:31 The Hive and I'm like.
01:18:32 *** **** it.
01:18:33 And so I'm sitting there fumbling around but but well, because I did that and it at least that I'm assuming that that contributed to it the.
01:18:43 The nearby killer beehive got caught wind of the sugar water smell, and they were like, oh, ******* sugar water.
01:18:51 And they started stealing the sugar water.
01:18:54 The Africanized bees that came to the the European Bee neighborhood and started stealing their their ******* sugar.
01:19:00 So you know, I guess I'll have to check on that, make sure that they still have sugar water in a couple days and they Africanized bees didn't steal at all from them or something like that.
01:19:10 But they're officially, they're officially in the in the hive and yeah.
01:19:18 So we'll see.
01:19:19 We'll see.
01:19:20 If how well this works out, I've never done anything like this before, so the my my beekeeping career has begun.
01:19:28 So alright anyway, so you got you got a little cactus pill we got.
01:19:32 The mega sperma.
01:19:34 And we got the the European bees.
01:19:39 You know, I could have got a Russian bees than that.
01:19:43 European bees, Russian bees.
01:19:45 Was the other one like.
01:19:48 I forget what the other one is.
01:19:50 But some other bee.
01:19:52 But I went with the European bees.
01:19:54 They're supposed to be like the most docile and they're ******* like I was surprised even afterwards.
01:19:59 Like so, after they were all in, you know the hive and you know trying to.
01:20:02 Figure it out because right.
01:20:04 And and and even.
01:20:05 When you dump the bees, not all of them come out of that box, so you kind of just like set it next to the hive and they figure out oh.
01:20:11 I'm supposed to be over.
01:20:12 Here and so while that madness is going on, I even took off the, you know.
01:20:17 Like the B.
01:20:17 Hat thing, because they they weren't even trying to sting me like they were.
01:20:22 Just like what the ****'* going on like?
01:20:24 I don't know and and I just hung out with him for a little bit.
01:20:26 It was fascinating to watch.
01:20:28 But no, you know, there's no guarantees they can still swarm.
01:20:31 They can decide they don't like the place and move out.
01:20:35 They can die, they can be taken over by killer bees.
01:20:40 So I don't.
01:20:41 Know, but it has begun.
01:20:42 The bees have begun.
01:20:47 B is for begin OK.
01:20:50 Alright, let's take a look at.
01:20:53 The wow.
01:20:54 Very generous super chats there apparently.
01:20:58 So let's take a look here.
01:21:03 Uh, scrolling on up.
01:21:06 $5 from well manual.
01:21:10 When and if you have time, you may be interested on this or I think you mean in this discussion.
01:21:16 Thank you for your analysis.
01:21:18 OK, I'm going to I'm not going to download any YouTube videos this stream just because.
01:21:25 That seems to be causing.
01:21:28 Issues, but I will copy that link.
Speaker 4
01:21:34 And I will paste it.
01:21:36 Over here and look at that letter.
01:21:40 Appreciate that trash pan the $25. Thank you very much. I just wanted to let everyone know that 5G can make you.
01:21:48 **** your pants.
01:21:50 Well, I mean, I don't know about that, but 5G look, the people that have that, that are weird out by 5G, it's not, it's not totally ******.
01:22:03 There is some concerns.
01:22:04 I mean, look, The funny thing is.
01:22:06 They don't research any of this stuff.
01:22:08 They really don't.
01:22:09 They literally do zero safety analysis when they put out some new kind of RF emission.
01:22:16 And one of the concerns are, I guess the the same in the same way like a microwave uses RF energy to heat up water molecules.
01:22:26 5G. Now that's a couple different frequencies, so it's not just all of them are like this, but there is one frequency that's in use that excites oxygen molecules and it penetrates your body.
01:22:38 So like that, that could be a bad thing, right?
01:22:41 But I guess we'll find out, because just like, you know, cause capitalism.
01:22:45 Right.
01:22:45 Yeah, it makes money.
01:22:47 That's the only safety check we.
01:22:50 But thank you. There. Water rates $5 appreciate that love your streams. Devin, I was wondering if you could do a deep dive on movies directed specifically towards women that promote a lot of toxic qualities we're experiencing both in the dating market and larger society. I know you've touched on these themes.
01:23:10 Four with turning red and friends with benefits.
01:23:13 Yeah, friends with benefits.
01:23:15 That's a good video if you guys haven't checked that out, I think it's.
01:23:17 Even still on YouTube.
01:23:20 But yeah, there's a lot of, I guess, romantic, maybe a romantic comedies episode would be good.
01:23:26 Look at the worst ones.
01:23:27 The ones that are because you look some romantic comedies, they designed them with the intention of, you know, men being dragged to it.
01:23:34 So that's not like a total estrogen fest.
01:23:37 But there are certainly movies that are directed specifically at, you know, just women.
01:23:45 So maybe I could take a look at some of the I just, I'd have to really suffer through some.
01:23:50 Horrific **** that I I hate those movies, but yeah, that's not a bad idea.
01:23:58 Let's take a look here.
01:24:00 Nate travels $25. Appreciate that I have been researching homestead setups. Can you tell us about your experience living in an Earthship?
01:24:09 So the the problem with the Earthship I I I look, I did a lot of things wrong when I was doing that, I had never done anything like that and so that I made a lot of mistakes.
01:24:21 I think the biggest thing that really for no matter what you, whether it's an Earthship or you're just homesteading or something like that.
01:24:29 Water availability is huge.
01:24:32 I had to haul water.
01:24:34 I would never do it again.
01:24:37 Water availability is that look, I would do rank collection.
01:24:41 If you know push, that's not what I'd prefer.
01:24:43 I'd rather have a well, but if you know, if that's not available and for whatever reason you want to say that that's the place you want.
01:24:51 If there's, if you can do rent collection or or something like that, but you want it, that's like the first thing you should focus on is making sure you have water because it's.
01:25:01 Whether you're doing construction now, look, if you pour concrete, you need water.
01:25:05 That was the ********* thing.
01:25:06 Is like having to having to haul water like 50 ******* miles just to make concrete, you know, let alone the water.
01:25:14 I had the drink and everything else and just.
01:25:16 So water is a big one.
01:25:20 I also miscalculate.
01:25:21 I didn't realize like the the data that I got for the climate of the area was just wrong and I should have checked multiple sources because it was wildly wrong and.
01:25:34 I didn't even know it.
01:25:35 I didn't even know it snowed there and it snowed.
01:25:38 And and like I was living out of an RV as I built it.
01:25:42 And like all the pipes burst in the ******* RV, like, because it went down to like something like 16 degrees.
01:25:50 And so it's just **** like that.
01:25:51 It's just really research the area.
01:25:54 Like crazy.
01:25:57 Maybe go there if you can during I mean depending on how much time you have the research this or maybe talk to the people that live there about the different seasons, what the weather's like because that's the biggest thing.
01:26:10 No matter where.
01:26:11 You go.
01:26:11 You're basically the whole point of a house is to separate.
01:26:15 You from the weather?
01:26:17 And so it's whether understanding the weather of that area is probably the most important thing.
01:26:23 And you know, and you need water to survive.
01:26:26 The other thing is too is local municipalities.
01:26:31 So there was an article just the other day of this guy who bought a bunch of land, got an RV, moved his family into the RV, and they went to go live on his land.
01:26:41 And the county said you can't live in an RV.
01:26:43 In your own land.
01:26:46 So I mean, you don't want to get in a position like that?
01:26:48 And there there's there's lots of land where that's not an issue, but there's.
01:26:52 Lots of land where that is an issue.
01:26:57 And the and. You'd be surprised. A lot of counties have weird laws about living in RV's, and then they also have building codes.
01:27:05 If, if now some counties, I think the county I was in, if you limited the building to a certain amount of square feet, then there was no building code, but once you exceeded.
01:27:16 Like a I don't know if it's like 1000 square feet or whatever.
01:27:19 The threshold was then all of.
01:27:21 A sudden there's building code.
01:27:23 And then you have to get building permits.
01:27:26 The other thing that sucks is if you want to get on the grid, you know most places you can get by.
01:27:36 If you're not like.
01:27:37 Here's one thing you either have to choose.
01:27:39 You're either.
01:27:40 Going to be on.
01:27:40 The grid you're going to spend.
01:27:42 A lot of money.
01:27:44 On power generation, whether it's solar, wind or whatever, or you're not.
01:27:49 Going to use appliances.
01:27:51 Like you're not going to have a toaster.
01:27:53 Oven you're not.
01:27:54 Going to have a washing machine, you know like.
01:27:57 And that's that's, I mean, look for me that was a good enough trade off.
01:28:00 I didn't mind just having.
01:28:02 I wanted enough electricity to run lights.
01:28:05 And like my laptop and like Internet.
01:28:09 And you know.
01:28:11 If if I had been in the ham radio at the time back then, you know ham radio.
01:28:15 But you know, as an emergency kind of a thing.
01:28:20 That was it.
01:28:21 You know, that was it.
01:28:22 So I didn't need, like, a whole huge solar setup.
01:28:24 And I got by.
01:28:25 I think I I I had.
01:28:27 No problem at all.
01:28:29 And I think I only had like a.
01:28:32 I think I only had like like.
01:28:35 600 watts and panels.
01:28:39 And like 2.
01:28:40 I mean, *** **** expensive batteries, but I think amp hour wise, what were they? It might have just been 600 amp hour batteries like it was 2-3 hundreds or something like that. But it wasn't like a lot.
01:28:52 And in fact, it only sucked.
01:28:55 There was in the winter when it got cloudy after about like a a week of cloudy of consistent cloudy.
01:29:02 Then it started to be like, OK, you know, I I I had to like really start to manage my my electrical use. But other than that, if you're running lights like LED's.
01:29:12 Especially if you're not having to go through an inverter, you just do.
01:29:15 Like 12 Volt LEDs.
01:29:19 Anything that you can do, whether if your system is 12 Volt or if it's 24 Volt or whatever, anything you can do to avoid going through the inverter because you're to get some loss that way.
01:29:29 But yeah, that's that's that.
01:29:31 That's some of the biggest stuff that I I would say that I learned was and and also if you're going to build something.
01:29:39 It might not hurt if you can.
01:29:43 Find a because a lot of guys and some of.
01:29:46 This is organized.
01:29:48 A lot of these guys, they do it to get free labor, but it's still not.
01:29:52 It's not even a bad deal for you.
01:29:54 A lot of these guys that designed these earth ships and stuff like that will do quote UN quote seminars. But again, it's like basically, oh, you're going to build my house for me, kind of a thing, but you at least kind of see it done if you're not familiar with.
01:30:08 Structure at all.
01:30:09 Like if you've never built anything, you probably want.
01:30:12 At least you know, volunteer or or or something, right?
01:30:18 You don't want to.
01:30:18 Just like I've never built anything and I'm going to just run in there and build a bunch of stuff.
01:30:24 The other thing to think about with power is power tools.
01:30:27 If you're going to, I mean, if you're in the middle of nowhere and you want to use power tools that what I ended up doing is just using battery powered tools.
01:30:36 That way, when you're charging your solar a lot of times, you know your solar is topped out, right?
01:30:41 So you would just charge your batteries.
01:30:44 On your solar system and then that you're good to.
01:30:46 Go had to have it and then I had a gas generator for stuff like I had a cement mixer and some other stuff that ran off the gas generator for just those times that you you know that you would need more amp.
01:31:03 So just there's a lot to consider, but the biggest you know, like I said, just the biggest stuff is access to water, access to power and.
01:31:13 Know what the **** you're doing, so I hope hopefully that wasn't too long of a of a response.
01:31:22 Let's take a.
01:31:22 Look here, hammer authorizing $10. Appreciate that in middle school there was this creepy lispy teacher and Mr.
01:31:29 Peachy. I shot you.
01:31:31 But I always avoided him.
01:31:33 10 years later, he was arrested, working at another local school for having teen boys over to his house and ****** them.
01:31:40 Pedo **** don't reproduce.
01:31:41 They infect.
01:31:42 Trust your gut.
01:31:46 And like I said before, in the same way that boomers don't realize.
01:31:51 How diversity is affecting their children?
01:31:55 A lot of millennials don't realize how these ******* psycho teacher.
01:31:58 Are affecting their children because that's the worst that we ever had, right?
01:32:02 Everyone had, like, a Mr.
01:32:03 Peachy, right?
01:32:04 Like they were creepy.
01:32:05 You kind of thought they were.
01:32:07 A fad but.
01:32:07 Like they didn't have a ******* flag on the wall saying that they were and they weren't making ******* TikTok.
01:32:13 Videos about it.
01:32:15 And so it's real easy for millennials to think that, like, oh, it's like, you know, it's not that big of a deal.
01:32:20 Like when I was growing up, there was maybe like 1 fad teacher and we don't even.
01:32:24 That was like a possible we.
01:32:25 Don't even know.
01:32:26 You know Mr.
01:32:27 Peachy was kind of.
01:32:29 Or, you know, whatever.
01:32:30 But no, it's it's ******* bad.
01:32:33 It's bad and it's open and it's acceptable.
01:32:37 And and it's celebrated.
01:32:38 It's not just acceptable.
01:32:39 It's ******* celebrated.
01:32:41 And that goes.
01:32:42 That's not just like some rogue teachers that goes all the way to the administration and everything.
01:32:46 So yeah, homeschool.
Speaker 6
01:32:52 Purge all pedophiles at all costs.
01:32:54 Every single time I think you probably talked well, there could have been a lot of times you were talking about that.
01:32:59 You got a pizza police archive going around the PNW and NV visiting any Carnegie libraries to read in, because why not?
01:33:12 Any state parks to recommend?
01:33:15 Going around the P&W and Nevada, what's P&W?
Speaker 2
01:33:22 UM.
01:33:24 Any state parks to recommend?
01:33:26 Yeah, I don't know.
01:33:28 Not super familiar with the state parks.
01:33:30 I would say if I mean, it's not Nevada.
01:33:34 If you can go to Bryce Canyon, it's ******* awesome.
01:33:40 And that's in Utah, southern Utah.
Speaker 2
01:33:43 UM.
01:33:45 Well, I mean like there's always like, I'm just trying to think of things close.
Speaker 4
01:33:49 To Nevada? Uh.
01:33:53 Yeah, I don't know.
01:33:53 I don't know.
01:33:54 I don't know.
01:33:55 State parks.
01:33:56 The better the vantage, just like flat and salty.
01:34:02 Uh, well, Tahoe you can.
01:34:04 Go to Tahoe.
01:34:06 But that's, I mean, you're basically like on the you know base that's California basically, right?
01:34:13 Yeah, but I don't know what P.
01:34:15 And W is.
01:34:17 Very generous magitech.
01:34:21 $200 I think that's the record. Is it the record? It's? If not, it's pretty close.
01:34:27 Thoughts on a pride colored swastika?
01:34:32 Well, you mean like as a as a propaganda tool, like putting that up.
01:34:37 That'd be an interesting.
01:34:40 That would be an interesting social experiment if you had a pride color swastika and just put it up everywhere just to see what people would do.
01:34:49 I mean, they'd pull it down, but I wonder if you'd get some weird reactions.
01:34:54 But I mean, you know, beyond that trying to use it as as propaganda power.
01:35:00 I don't know.
01:35:00 I think I think you it would just get, it would just get taken down digital in digital spaces in real life spaces you might get weird reactions.
01:35:10 Like if you made stickers and stuff.
01:35:11 I don't know what, but because it's it's a confusing message, right?
01:35:16 It's kind of like having a.
01:35:18 A BLM KKK guy.
Speaker 4
01:35:20 You know, so it's kind of.
01:35:21 Like I don't know.
01:35:25 Yeah, $5 or but. But thanks, thanks for the the very generous donation there. That's that's really appreciated keeping the lights on. Speaking of lights and keeping the bees happy.
01:35:40 Keeping the bees happy.
01:35:42 The Ministry of Truth, $5 appreciate that. Are there any updates about the movie? I have some music I want to send for that you could even use it for your channel if you wanted.
01:35:52 I've just like I said, I've been because the weather's been nice. I've been *******. I stopped the building from collapsing is where I was hammering away on and it's all the way put together except for this one ******* part.
01:36:05 It was that wasn't easy.
01:36:06 To do the.
01:36:07 It has like these huge barn doors on it that were, I don't know, the guy made him himself.
01:36:12 You like welded a bunch of ******* metal together and they weigh like ******* three at least.
01:36:16 At least three.
01:36:17 Like I'm legit.
01:36:18 Probably like well, maybe not 300, but like.
01:36:20 Probably like 200 pounds.
01:36:22 Beats like unnecessarily heavy and they the wood had rotted that they were hammered into and so they pulled out some of the entire, you know, beams holding the structure up and rotted out.
01:36:35 So I've been like signing out like 4 by fours and and putting, you know, new ones in and just doing all kinds of.
01:36:42 Annoying **** like that.
01:36:44 And with no power out there.
01:36:45 So like I'm just using hacksaws and stuff like that for most of this.
01:36:50 And the these ******* birds.
01:36:53 Like there's this beam holding the roof.
01:36:56 Up that the.
01:36:57 Roof leaked and it started to rot away the wood so the roof start collapse.
01:37:02 And the birds made nests like on the beam.
01:37:08 I need to cut out and ******* replace so that the roof doesn't collapse.
01:37:13 And I don't know part of me just wants to ******* kill him, because that's what you'd have to do.
01:37:21 You'd have to because.
Speaker 4
01:37:21 There's baby birds.
01:37:22 In the nest, you'd have to just ******* squish the, you know, the birds or you know, something.
01:37:27 You just have to.
01:37:29 Uh, and but I don't know.
01:37:31 Like I decided not to.
01:37:33 And so I just propped up up.
01:37:35 I mean, the rest of the buildings all put together finally, and then I propped up that part of the building with two by fours and ****.
01:37:40 So it'll be.
01:37:41 It's fine.
01:37:41 It's not going to collapse.
01:37:43 It just ******* sucks that I don't have that done.
01:37:46 But I've just been doing that, getting getting the bees.
01:37:49 Because I was going to just have them on the back porch of the pill box.
01:37:52 But I start thinking like **** if they if it gets taken over by.
01:37:55 Killer bees.
01:37:55 That's probably a bad idea and.
01:37:58 And even not like I don't want to be walking by ******* bees.
Speaker 4
01:38:00 All day long.
01:38:01 Because it it was in traffic, so I had to like move that to this other and then you have to like.
01:38:06 Build and paint the.
01:38:07 Boxes and like there's a it.
01:38:09 Was like a whole thing I've been doing, so I've been.
01:38:12 I'm very sunburned right now.
01:38:13 Let me put it that way.
01:38:14 When I'm not preparing for the stream or doing the stream I while we're sleeping, I've been outside.
01:38:20 Just working power tools and and stuff like that.
01:38:24 So but it is getting hot.
01:38:26 Very soon, as soon as it gets too hot for him to be out there, which is probably a few weeks, honestly, it's getting hot early.
01:38:34 And a lot of the stuff's just done. I've, I've actually finished a lot of stuff. I've been really productive the last few weeks. Then we can work on.
01:38:41 The movie stuff and.
01:38:44 And what?
01:38:46 So probably this summer is when I'm thinking that.
01:38:48 That we we'll dive into that.
01:38:52 All right, but yeah, yeah, definitely.
01:38:55 The music sounds interesting.
01:38:56 That would be good.
01:38:57 We always.
01:38:58 You always need music for stuff like that.
01:39:02 Ministry Ministry of Truth, Ministry of Truth, $5 appreciate that also look up year 6000 Hebrew on Wikipedia also right look at the quote it lists from the Talmud. Really creepy.
01:39:17 Year 6000 on Wikipedia.
01:39:31 The term of the Messianic Age.
01:39:36 What's the quote?
01:39:59 I don't see any.
01:40:03 I don't see any. Nothing's jumping out at me is.
01:40:07 Being a quote.
01:40:17 Sorry, you know, I don't, I don't see.
01:40:21 I don't see what, what?
01:40:22 The quote, what?
01:40:24 What quote I'm supposed to be looking at here.
01:40:27 At Polar $5, appreciate that where are the non global homa women? The West seems lost at this point.
01:40:35 Have to go overseas.
01:40:36 Not worth the risk of raising kids here.
01:40:39 Even if you did find one.
01:40:40 Well, if you're if you're in America.
01:40:43 I get that.
01:40:44 I understand that it is tough to find a Western woman.
01:40:47 They're out there, they're out there.
01:40:49 Uh, if you decide you don't want to raise your children in America, I understand that too. I, like I said, I my family's been here for centuries, plural, and I just. I don't want to just leave.
01:41:04 And in terms of there's look, there's some things that are advantageous in America, believe it or not, at least for right now, just the gun laws alone give us a huge advantage over a lot of our European friends that don't have access to the kinds of weapons that.
01:41:21 Might be necessary at some point and you know or home schooling like there's countries that will throw you in jail if you try to homeschool your kids.
01:41:31 Yeah, I think, like Germany, I don't think you can.
01:41:33 Homeschool your kids.
01:41:36 Whether or not you can do that in Eastern European countries, I don't know.
01:41:40 I don't know.
01:41:41 Maybe maybe you can.
01:41:42 Maybe you can't gun laws.
01:41:45 I'm not familiar.
01:41:45 It really depends on the country, but those are things you need to keep in mind is.
01:41:50 Yeah, America is super global **** and it and it sucks in many ways.
01:41:55 But you don't want to necessarily put yourself in a position where you're defenseless and you are at the mercy of the state somewhere else where global **** very likely will spread.
01:42:10 So I mean it.
01:42:12 Just stuff to keep in mind.
01:42:14 And those women are out there.
01:42:15 They're just not, they're not on Tinder.
Speaker 9
01:42:18 They're not on bumble.
01:42:24 But good luck.
01:42:25 Good luck all the same.
01:42:26 Lucky Bucky Devin.
01:42:28 I had the displeasure of watching the new Texas Chainsaw Massacre movie.
01:42:32 It's full of degeneracy, but what end it updated?
01:42:42 But what stood out to me was how similar the plot is to what you've said about starting communities.
01:42:49 But in the complete opposite way.
01:42:52 It was a quick it's a quick movie and something I think you'd like reviewing.
01:42:59 I don't know.
01:43:00 Maybe I I did watch the most recent one.
01:43:04 I'm sorry.
01:43:04 The original one recently because I was doing that.
01:43:09 I did that stream about the ******** in horror films.
01:43:12 The one about the the.
01:43:14 What is it?
01:43:15 Silence of the trans addition.
01:43:18 So I did go through it because I I I was led to believe that there was a lot more training.
01:43:22 **** in there than it actually was.
01:43:25 It was pretty, I mean, it was more honestly, it was more just anti Southerner than it was ******.
01:43:32 The new one I feel like I did see it at some point, but I I don't remember it.
01:43:39 ******** ****** $1.00. Can Russia and other rogue states? No.
01:43:47 Can finally dump the dollar.
01:43:51 Russia and other drug states can finally dump, dump the dollar and cause turmoil in the US.
01:43:56 So at the very least, it slows this gay ****** ****.
01:44:00 Sure, it'll be hell on earth, but at least it'll give an opportunity for those wanting to stop the general.
01:44:06 See a window to pull their.
01:44:08 Foot down?
01:44:09 No, I I don't know, I think.
01:44:11 I mean, there's.
01:44:11 Lots of people predicting like an, you know, depression or recession, all this kind of stuff in the West.
01:44:20 I the whole system, so fake and gay, I.
01:44:22 Don't know that it matters.
01:44:25 It didn't matter when we had the the belt like 2008 that that should have happened, right 2008, the whole faking gay system should have failed.
01:44:34 But no, they everyone was too big to fail and so they just printed fake money and look nothing.
Speaker 5
01:44:40 None of that.
01:44:41 Wound from 2008 ever healed.
01:44:45 You know what I mean?
01:44:46 It's not like, oh, well, we finally, you know, the banks are back.
01:44:49 They're they're sturdy again.
01:44:50 So now we can, you know, pay it all back and and and make our money worth something.
01:44:54 Now that that never happened.
01:44:57 So it's it's, it's the faking gay game just seems to be infinite like our ******* debt is like 20 something trillion dollars, Jesus.
01:45:07 And how?
01:45:08 How is that real?
01:45:09 How is that real?
01:45:10 It's not.
01:45:11 It's not real.
01:45:12 So I kind of feel like they can just keep it going forever.
01:45:15 And if the dollar does cease to be the world currency.
01:45:20 Maybe we'll get into a war.
01:45:22 That's usually what what America does when the economy sucks.
01:45:24 We'll just get into a ******* war.
01:45:27 So, I mean, you know.
01:45:30 I don't.
01:45:30 I don't.
01:45:31 I don't see global **** slowing down.
01:45:35 And if it?
01:45:36 Does slow down like it's like I've said, when you look at a graph that's plotting something like the value of something or you know, whatever or anything, it's almost never just a linear straight line, right?
01:45:49 Anything where where humans are all and are.
01:45:51 Involved it goes.
01:45:52 Up and down, up and down.
01:45:53 Up and.
01:45:53 Down, up and down and so.
01:45:55 So would it?
01:45:56 Would it maybe be a little blip on the the overall trend?
01:46:00 Possibly, but I just I like we've said in previous streams, this doesn't stop until we have like normalized pet out until we have the first petal president.
01:46:10 You know what, I.
01:46:10 Mean like that's and even that it keeps kind of going like look at look at look at these.
01:46:16 Empires that have fallen, you know, the human sacrifice type ****, you know like.
01:46:19 Sure, a lot of lot of it.
01:46:21 We're dealing with the modern incarnations, and you could say stuff like Planned Parenthood selling baby parts is just like the modern version of that.
01:46:27 And maybe it is.
01:46:30 Uh, but.
01:46:32 I don't know that it.
01:46:33 I don't think that it'll slow down because of problems with the dollar and I just don't think there's going to be a lot of problems with the dollar.
01:46:40 I think that the people predicting that are just, you know.
01:46:44 They're they're they're right.
01:46:48 In some ways.
01:46:49 I mean, the dollar is not going to be worth what it was.
01:46:52 And that that era is over, right?
01:46:56 But it was already kind of on the way out.
01:46:59 And so Russia, having a RuPaul and and these other, these access, so-called countries that are forming their own economic partnerships and stuff like that.
01:47:09 It, yeah, it's that's going to hurt the dollar.
01:47:11 It's going to weaken the dollar.
01:47:12 It's going to cause.
01:47:12 Problems for the American empire.
01:47:15 It'll probably it'll probably.
01:47:18 You know, like effect that the average American, but I don't think it's going to affect ruling class Americans because they're smart.
01:47:25 They know that this how this stuff works and they're citizens of the world.
01:47:29 They're not nationalists.
01:47:31 They're not nationalists.
01:47:32 They'll just they'll just simply invest their money in these these more economically viable economic zones, right?
01:47:42 Like the Bidens are, you know, already, they'll just start investing in China.
01:47:47 And you know, while they're on TV, they'll be.
01:47:49 Like, oh *******.
01:47:50 China, but meanwhile they'll own like huge shares in Chinese companies or in in, you know, whoever they the bad guy is, they don't care.
01:48:01 It won't affect those guys.
01:48:05 But we'll see.
01:48:07 I mean it might affect the the other countries not having to be a slave to the dollar.
01:48:13 In a positive way, because now they they won't have to have both sex in Botswana, you know, in order to to get their Gibbs from America.
01:48:21 You know, Gibbs from America won't have as much meaning, so it might slow the the international spread.
01:48:27 I could see that.
01:48:29 But domestically, when we're it's already the cakes.
01:48:33 The cake batter has already been mixed together and we're just in the.
01:48:36 Oven at this point.
01:48:40 Let's see here.
01:48:44 RV I can never say this name right.
01:48:48 Revertigo guyan.
01:48:52 Hey, Devin, great stream tonight.
01:48:54 Thank you and check this out on April 4th, MMA fighter manager Kyle stole, still still has been arrested following a child sex sting in Las Vegas.
01:49:07 And who did he manage?
01:49:09 Liz Carmouche.
01:49:10 Adike groomers are going to groom.
01:49:14 Not not super surprised by that, articulates you recently mentioned Jon Stewart.
01:49:19 Did you see this clip?
01:49:23 UM.
Speaker 4
01:49:26 Let me see, maybe.
01:49:28 It's a Twitter link, so I have to.
01:49:31 I have to open it in a private window because it's still I have.
01:49:34 I need to get rid of my cookie.
01:49:35 Because it still thinks it's all your bad.
01:49:38 And you can't look at stuff.
01:49:44 No, I haven't seen this.
Speaker 29
01:49:45 Very few black farmers are existing.
01:49:48 Wonder if there's a way from it.
01:49:49 Play this without having to **** ** the whole stream.
01:50:04 Alright, hopefully this ***** up.
01:50:06 The whole stream will blame you.
01:50:20 Alright, let's let's give this a shot.
Speaker 29
01:50:37 And so he came in.
01:50:38 I said, hey, look, we got a crisis.
01:50:40 Very few black farmers are existing.
01:50:41 Do something about it.
01:50:42 He did something about it.
01:50:43 It was my legislation.
Speaker 15
01:50:44 And my point is, what happened to that legislation?
Speaker 29
01:50:47 It got stopped because we have a Supreme Court and that we knew it was it.
Speaker 15
01:50:48 That's my point.
01:50:53 It's got stopped because white.
Speaker 29
01:50:54 It took.
01:50:55 Of legal challenges, yes.
Speaker 15
01:50:58 White farmers felt like.
Speaker 29
01:51:00 No, no if their.
Speaker 15
01:51:01 Sources were being taken away from them and given to people.
Speaker 29
01:51:06 Because who?
01:51:07 Some people?
01:51:08 Not again.
01:51:10 When you say white farmers.
01:51:11 If I'm a white farmer, listen to this.
01:51:12 In Iowa.
01:51:13 Alright, sorry, John. Sports call. What's the John Powers? Is blaming me for stopping Booker's legislation? That's not true, but some people stop that legislation.
Speaker 15
01:51:22 Right.
Speaker 29
01:51:23 And my job?
01:51:24 Who wants to help?
01:51:25 Black farmers who've been built off of their land is to go back to work with the Biden administration, write new legislation that could withstand a.
Speaker 15
01:51:27 Right.
01:51:35 Yeah, I mean basically.
01:51:36 Jon Stewart hates white people.
01:51:38 As do many of his.
01:51:41 Shall we say relatives and and distant relatives?
01:51:47 Yeah, he really ******* hates white people.
01:51:51 Really ******* hates white people.
01:51:54 Grace dead of mine.
01:51:55 There are no dreams.
01:51:57 No honour remains.
01:51:58 The arrow has left the bow of of the goddess.
01:52:01 My soul corrupted by vengeance, hath endures.
01:52:05 Torment to find the end of the journey in my own salvation and your eternal slumber.
01:52:13 I like that poem.
01:52:14 When I was lost in darkness.
01:52:16 Stay strong, fam.
01:52:19 Great beer, $25. Appreciate that it was such a nice hive until the African bees started showing up and Manning with the fattest European bees.
01:52:29 Well, they haven't done that yet.
01:52:30 That's that is 1 danger with having the the killer bees so near.
01:52:36 Buy is when they do make a new queen because you know Queens don't live forever. Eventually your hives going to make a new queen cause the old one's going to get old, and when she's a virgin queen, she flies up into the air just like leaves. The hive flies up in the air, gives off a pheromone and all the.
01:52:56 The the male bees, all the drones that do literally do nothing all day, they do nothing all day and tell this moment.
01:53:05 They smell that that pheromone.
01:53:07 And they all fly up and try to mate with her.
01:53:10 And you never know what genetics you're going to get and and if it happens to be Africanized bees and she comes back, then your hive turns what they like to call.
01:53:21 In the biz.
01:53:22 It turns hot.
01:53:25 You could also say it goes dark.
01:53:27 But like and then all the and and you and you won't know, because like you don't know.
01:53:31 Like like you're not checking like, oh, is this the same queen?
01:53:35 And then you know, the new queen comes in, she starts laying and slowly and slowly.
01:53:39 But one day you'll come out there and your bees will be very angry and violent and.
01:53:45 You can requeen them like you can go in there with your bee suit.
01:53:49 And open it up and kill the queen and then do like when I was showing you the the the B package that that you you get the queen in that little box with the the candy to eat her.
01:54:00 You know either way out of it you get a new queen and just stick that in there.
01:54:05 Something just like that with the new queen in there and the killer bees will will get your store and start serving her and she'll start laying eggs and it'll go.
01:54:13 Back to being.
01:54:15 European again, but you know.
01:54:19 So hopefully that doesn't happen.
01:54:24 The vexed.
01:54:25 Hi Dev and X gamer here.
01:54:27 You frequently chastise gamer, but isn't disavowing gaming the same thing conservatives did last century with TV and film?
01:54:37 Isn't disavowing gaming the same thing conservatives did with last century?
01:54:43 With TV and film?
01:54:46 Are you so are you saying that?
01:54:50 You're gonna start your.
01:54:51 Own gaming company your own based gaming company.
01:54:56 I mean, come on, dude, let's be serious here.
01:55:00 The uh, no.
01:55:03 No, like like.
01:55:05 Well, first of all, I think video games are are just cancerous.
01:55:09 Because with like.
01:55:11 OK, so the difference here is you watch a movie.
01:55:15 You've raised it.
01:55:16 Worst case scenario, you've wasted two, maybe 3 hours of your life done.
01:55:24 Do you know anyone that plays a game for two, maybe 3 hours and like never again plays it?
01:55:31 Doesn't exist, doesn't have.
01:55:34 Trust me, it does not happen.
01:55:38 It it's the the the time suck.
01:55:42 And the reward or the the faking your your reward system into thinking that you're accomplishing things.
01:55:48 That's nothing.
01:55:48 A movie doesn't do that movie does other bad things.
01:55:51 A movie will will make you feel like you had an experience you didn't have.
Speaker 23
01:55:56 But the video game.
01:55:57 Does that plus like all these other ******* things?
01:56:00 And it's basically the gateway drug to the ******* metaverse which is coming.
01:56:05 Uh, that's something.
01:56:05 I'm like the World Economic Forum.
01:56:08 That was one thing I was going to talk about tonight, but I just.
01:56:10 I I want.
01:56:11 To read up more of it, the World Economic forums all about the metaverse.
01:56:14 They love the ******* metaverse.
01:56:17 And there's a good reason for this, the.
01:56:19 Same reason they like video games.
01:56:22 So yeah, I mean I get it.
01:56:24 Video games are fun.
01:56:25 I've played countless hours.
01:56:27 I don't even want to know how many hours of my life I've wasted playing video games.
01:56:30 My point is.
01:56:31 You're wasting your life playing video games.
01:56:34 I would say the same thing if you watched.
01:56:37 If you just binged watch Netflix all day.
01:56:40 Because some people do that.
01:56:42 That's just as bad.
01:56:43 It's the wasting your life.
01:56:45 It's the tricking your reward system into thinking.
01:56:47 Oh, look, I got an achievement.
01:56:49 I got a little digital metal.
01:56:51 Oh, look, there's a little Gold Star.
01:56:53 I did something.
01:56:54 No, you didn't.
01:56:56 No you didn't.
01:56:57 No, I'm gonna pay money for like this new outfit for my my fake representation in this digital world.
01:57:04 It it it's.
01:57:06 That's that's what I have a problem with.
01:57:08 I get it.
01:57:09 I'm not saying video games aren't fun.
01:57:11 I'm not saying that like.
01:57:15 That they're not, they're not enjoyable, or that you're a ****** if you like.
01:57:20 Them you know.
01:57:22 I'm saying that you'll be a ******.
01:57:24 Because you like them.
01:57:25 If you keep, if you keep ******* playing them endlessly.
01:57:30 UM.
01:57:32 Alright, here we go.
01:57:33 Where'd it go?
01:57:38 Shuts staffels Scott Skur alright.
01:57:44 Then you sent me a link to a TikTok video $5. Appreciate that. Well, let me see if my fancy downloader will.
01:57:54 We'll download TikTok videos effectively.
01:57:58 Without crashing the stream.
01:58:19 Maybe let's go.
Speaker 9
01:58:26 You're really not helping out our case here, man.
Speaker 5
01:58:30 Womp womp.
01:58:40 $1.00, is there any practical reasons for the cacti?
01:58:45 Well, yeah, they produce fruit with almost 0 water.
01:58:51 If in other words, I live in a place where most things will die if you stop watering.
01:58:57 And so if you're in a situation where you can't water them.
01:59:02 Which could happen out here.
01:59:04 Then you're just ******.
01:59:06 Like everything will just die immediately.
01:59:08 The cactus grow fruit that are usable.
01:59:12 You can eat the pads, although not my favorite thing in the world, but you can still.
01:59:18 There's also a monetary thing like I'd like to probably get into selling pads for other people to root.
01:59:27 And grow their own cactuses, but it's mostly there's not a whole lot that grows out here.
01:59:33 I've got other I don't have.
01:59:34 Just cactus.
01:59:35 Out here, but the cactus is is something that.
01:59:41 It's it's not.
01:59:43 It's probably not something I would grow if I lived somewhere that had better soil and better weather.
01:59:49 Let me just put that way, I'd I would I'd maybe grow on for fun, because there's there's some cactuses they can grow, they can, you can, they can have snow on the cactus and they'll still live.
01:59:59 But I'm just.
02:00:00 I'm in an area where there's.
02:00:01 Not a whole lot of.
02:00:02 You don't have a lot of choices.
02:00:03 There's stuff that I could brute force and keep alive, and it just it would suck up a lot of my.
02:00:08 Water resources.
02:00:09 And look, there's certain things that I'm growing like I have like figs.
02:00:12 I've like fig tree.
02:00:15 I've got a guava tree I've got.
02:00:20 Pomegranate grows out here actually weirdly just fine.
02:00:24 Like you don't have to really water that once it gets established.
02:00:27 That also produces fruit, so I've got other things too.
02:00:31 It's not just cactuses, but the the cactuses are low, maintenance is what it boils down to.
02:00:40 Christianity, this is Jack Russell.
02:00:43 Christianity fails to.
02:00:44 Then the Odyssey fails to let you get new super chats and still read these things.
02:00:52 Christianity fails to prevent degeneracies that are written in on the in the Bible.
02:00:57 But how could Pagan wait?
02:01:00 Christianity fails to prevent degeneracies that are written on the Bible.
02:01:04 But how could Pagan could do any better to prevent OK, well, I'm going to reword that for you.
02:01:15 The problem is Christianity.
02:01:18 Has used to have the advantage of having institutions.
02:01:23 It also has some advantage still.
02:01:27 Because of the uniform nature of of having.
02:01:31 The Bible, right.
02:01:33 And so you have a starting point with paganism, you have no institutions.
02:01:40 That's to corrupt.
02:01:41 That's why they're not corrupted and you don't really have any uniform.
02:01:45 You know, I mean, like, there's not, like, I don't think there's a whole lot of consensus.
02:01:51 Among pagans, you know, there's probably.
02:01:53 A little bit.
02:01:54 But but not really.
02:01:56 It just seems to be like a all you can eat buffet, just pick and choose what you want and there's look.
02:02:02 There's Christians that choose that treat Christianity like that.
02:02:07 But yeah, I I I think paganism, the weakness with paganism is first of all, no one actually believes it.
02:02:14 OK.
02:02:15 I mean, I really doubt there's a whole lot of people that believe in ******* Thor and **** like that.
02:02:21 Like maybe a handful of people.
02:02:23 But most people that are pagans.
02:02:26 I mean, do they really think that Thor is listening to their prayers or or whatever, you know, I mean, I I don't think.
02:02:32 So and see that there's that problem.
02:02:37 But the bigger problem is the consensus.
02:02:39 There's no consensus, so it's impossible to build any kind of community or institution.
02:02:45 That is something where no one agrees on it.
02:02:47 You know, like, at least with Christian institutions.
02:02:52 Or or or group.
02:02:55 You have like a starting point.
02:02:56 You know that everyone kind of agrees on at least the the core points.
02:02:59 And yeah, they argue about stupid ****.
02:03:02 But you know this the stuff that doesn't actually matter in terms of the, you know, the value system.
02:03:06 Like, here's some that's not related to the value system at all, but it's some.
02:03:10 It's this little specific detail that that's different between these two sects, and I'm going to, you know, we're going to squabble.
02:03:15 For forever and that's annoying.
02:03:17 But just imagine that times a billion with Pagans, so you know.
02:03:23 Retired Fagot $1.00 what advice would you give to those who are tired of the dating scene in the West and who are considering possibly getting a Ukrainian wife? What pitfalls and other stuff should people look out for? Not me.
02:03:41 Like I said, it's just there's just a lot of scams that come from that part of the the world.
02:03:46 There's a lot of.
02:03:49 I mean mail.
02:03:49 Order brides have a bad reputation for a reason.
02:03:52 You know what?
02:03:53 I mean, I think that if you went there, if you moved out there and just dated locally, that'd be fine.
02:04:02 But you don't want to be doing the mail order bride thing.
02:04:06 That sounds horrific.
02:04:08 You ever see there was?
02:04:10 This awful.
02:04:10 Oh, my God.
02:04:11 Maybe I'll do that extra because I'll have to find this video.
02:04:14 There was a story of this.
02:04:15 Guy that did.
02:04:17 A. He went.
02:04:17 On it was Ukrainian too.
02:04:18 Actually, he went on his Ukrainian mail order bride.
02:04:21 The site and they matched him up with some fake like the whole thing is a scam.
02:04:26 Is The funny thing.
02:04:27 It was some fake chick and he quote UN quote dated her through this site for like like 8 years. Like some crazy amount of ******* time and was sending her money like all the *******.
02:04:41 But it was like it was different.
02:04:43 It wasn't even the same girl.
02:04:45 She wasn't even like sending videos.
02:04:47 I don't think they were even talking on the phone.
02:04:48 It was like through chat.
02:04:49 It might not even been a girl some of the times.
02:04:53 And then some whoever was doing the video, I don't remember if it was a documentary or if it was like I just saw, like a clip from it from something, but they ended up flying him out there to go meet this girl.
02:05:07 And she's not like the girl in the photos.
02:05:09 And then the agency.
02:05:12 I'm sure like they got paid to deal it or something.
02:05:14 They went and tracked down the girl that was actually like in the photos and she, like, didn't know who he was.
02:05:20 And the whole.
02:05:20 Thing it was just like insanity.
02:05:22 But anyway, there's a lot of those things.
02:05:24 I mean, look, there's a lot of scams to take advantage of, of desperate men.
02:05:29 And so just there's a lot of that **** out.
02:05:32 And look that I'm.
02:05:33 I'm sure there's stuff with.
02:05:34 Like the Asian.
02:05:35 I think the the I think that was a documentary that I saw clips from cause I think they had like some.
02:05:40 Southeast Asian Agency that was doing something similar, I'll have to look.
02:05:45 I'll find that that might be a good stream.
02:05:49 But yeah, if you're going to do.
02:05:50 That just ******* move out there and date locals.
02:05:52 That's it.
02:05:54 You're going to be limited because I think that people overestimate.
02:05:59 Or over.
02:06:02 And then I guess that's right.
02:06:03 They overestimate how many people out there in those areas are going to speak English.
02:06:07 Some of them do.
02:06:09 But you're going to show up to like where, like like because you can't go to Ukraine now, right?
02:06:15 You got you got to go to, like, ******* Lithuania or something like that and just hope that you can find enough English speaking women that, I mean, I don't know, man.
02:06:23 I don't know.
02:06:23 I think that's I think that's like.
02:06:27 I don't think that's that's a necessary thing to do.
02:06:30 I think there are women out in the West.
02:06:32 You just got to look, look around a little for them and I get it.
02:06:36 I understand.
02:06:37 Look, I trust me.
02:06:38 I have test drived a lot of models and so far they've all broken down on.
02:06:44 Me. So I get it.
02:06:47 UM.
Speaker 4
02:06:50 Let's see here.
02:06:52 I ******* hate.
02:06:53 I wish I could just.
02:06:56 Stop it here, OK?
02:07:03 Dieter Poley $5 your stream on the office is a great opener into the bad Romance, pollution, good, good critiques, plenty of material along similar lines, and then it updated.
02:07:27 Plenty of material along similar lines, showing perfectly what modern women expect from men.
Speaker 15
02:07:35 Right.
Speaker 4
02:07:36 Right.
02:07:40 Fascist Freddie relating to your post on homosexuality in TV, did you ever see the comedy TV Show Brothers in 1984 as a kid? That was the first time I ever saw homosexuality being normalized in mainstream TV.
02:07:57 I've never heard of that.
02:07:59 But I'll.
02:08:01 Copy and paste them in my notes here.
02:08:04 Brothers in 1984, huh?
02:08:11 The VAX $2.00 hi. Again. Devin, have you ever seen the show called Jericho about a small town in Kansas during the Civil War after nuclear war?
02:08:22 Could be worth checking out one of my favorite shows, even though it's part partially by Jews, it's not really decent.
02:08:28 For it, well, it, but it does.
02:08:30 I did see part of it back when it was.
02:08:33 On long time ago.
02:08:34 Didn't they cancel it like right away?
02:08:36 But like, isn't like the good guy.
02:08:38 Like the smart, the smart CIA guy?
02:08:40 Like the the black guy or whatever.
02:08:42 I I I know.
02:08:43 I saw some episodes of that way back when it was on and then they got cancelled.
02:08:49 UM and I feel like there was little jabs and jabs here and there, but I don't know. I don't know. It's been a long time because I forget when that show was on.
02:08:58 But yeah, it might be worth it.
02:09:00 I think they cancelled after two seasons.
02:09:02 I don't even know if, like, you get to I think they cancelled it without even like throwing together some.
02:09:06 Kind of finale that to to end it.
02:09:09 You just never get to know what happens or something, but I don't know, hammer Thorsen, $10 in college, I posted a rainbow swastika with pentagrams.
02:09:18 Stars and bars and stars of David on social media and resulted in three Jews and a Jew professor conspiring to get me kicked out.
02:09:27 They failed.
02:09:28 This is what red pilled me on the JQ.
02:09:30 This was the most well known school in the DC area.
02:09:35 Yeah, that that would.
02:09:36 That would trigger a lot of Jews, for sure.
02:09:40 UM, Randall shirker. Nothing changes until you clean the house, complaining about **** in schools don't matter if you don't fix the damn church hierarchy or if you don't fix the faggs in your own house.
02:09:55 Land of the fake home of the gay $10. Appreciate that here are some B experts with some useful scientific advice. All right, I will check that out later.
02:10:11 Leave that.
02:10:13 Polar $1.00 talking about or, you know, talking about the birds made me think of the movie, the Vivarium. I don't know what that is.
Speaker 11
02:10:24 But I will.
02:10:27 Put that in my notes.
02:10:30 Reject degeneracy.
02:10:32 Hey, Devin.
02:10:32 What do you think of the of Lake Havasu City, AZ?
02:10:36 It seems like a nice place to live.
02:10:38 Lots of white people, very few blacks.
02:10:41 I've driven through it before.
02:10:44 Uh, I thought it was like a I've never, like, been there.
02:10:49 Been there?
02:10:50 I thought it was like a retirement community.
02:10:54 So I don't know.
02:10:58 I don't know.
02:10:59 I went there when I when I went.
02:11:00 And I also went there as a real little kid.
02:11:03 Cause the London the actual London Bridge is in is in Arizona.
02:11:06 People don't know that.
02:11:08 When I was a little kid, we went to go see the Grand Canyon.
02:11:11 I was like 12 or something and my parents like, oh, we're going to see the London Bridge.
02:11:15 It's in ******* Arizona.
02:11:17 And it's in Arizona.
02:11:19 They at some point I guess they replaced the the London Bridge.
02:11:24 So some rich guy bought the London Bridge like the original London Bridge.
02:11:28 They took it apart brick by brick and reassembled it in Arizona.
02:11:34 So it's the the London Bridge is in Arizona, like the original 1.
02:11:40 Like the London Bridge is falling down the well now.
02:11:43 It's now it's in Arizona.
02:11:45 But yeah, I thought that.
02:11:46 I mean, I don't know.
02:11:47 I've never really spent anytime there.
02:11:49 I thought it was a.
02:11:51 Like if there if there is lots of white people there, they're probably all boomers, or at least that's what I that was my.
02:11:57 Impression of it, I don't know.
02:11:59 People who think or blood stained $5 appreciate that people who think that a large scale operation of child sexual abuse by elites is unbelievable. I've never seen a circumcision debating Jews on Internet articles sections.
02:12:16 Is what them on my.
02:12:19 I think you can put them on my radar.
02:12:21 Before I knew about the JQ, we have all been groomed to be Americans.
02:12:26 Yes, most Americans have been circumcised.
02:12:31 And there's absolutely no reason to do that other than to mutilate your kid.
02:12:35 Amos Burton Tucker has a clip of Joe Biden at a gathering at the White House being completely ignored.
02:12:43 I don't even like Joe Biden, but I couldn't help but feel sad for him because it perfectly illustrates how he's a tool and nobody gave a **** about him.
02:12:53 It's borderline.
02:12:54 Elder abuse.
02:12:55 Yeah, I've.
02:12:55 I've seen the clip.
02:12:58 You know, I'd, I'd play it, but, like, I don't want to buck up the connection.
02:13:00 We'll be wrapping up pretty quick here. So far, no disconnects, which is, you know, knock on wood. But I think most people have seen that just when Obama's there he is like literally just wandering around the background, everyone's ignoring him.
02:13:16 Poor $1.00. You see, the Marjorie Taylor Green called Democrats the party of Pedos most effective counter against the left.
02:13:23 OK, groomer straight calling them pedos just like they called conservatives racist right now.
02:13:29 That's I I would never, ever, ever stop.
02:13:33 It's true.
02:13:35 It's true.
02:13:35 And honestly, that's why calling the the right racist work too, because it was true.
02:13:44 It's just that they should that they should have owned it.
02:13:47 Because that would have taken all the energy out.
02:13:50 Of it.
02:13:51 They should have said, yeah.
02:13:53 Oh my God, I prefer my own kind.
02:13:56 I look out for the interest of my own kind, but.
02:13:58 No it.
02:13:59 Would work perfectly because instead of that they went 180 degrees or like.
Speaker 11
02:14:04 No, no, no.
02:14:04 And and they spent the rest of their life trying to show how they weren't racist.
02:14:09 Completely undermining their own people.
02:14:13 At every opportunity.
02:14:15 Just to not be racist, they should have just ******* owned it.
02:14:18 And who knows, maybe calling the Democrats will make the Democrats own being pedos like, honestly, I don't see why it wouldn't.
02:14:25 Uh. Let's see here.
02:14:36 Amos Burton alright, I did that one.
02:14:40 Dinapoli $1.00. I think it's possible they take loans out on immigrants, fresh loans, flooding in can offset the loans defaulted on or depreciated on severity inflated. Sure more people equals inflation, but at much lower rate than DEFI.
02:15:00 You mean like the some of the government basically using people as collateral with the banks?
02:15:05 I mean, I don't know, it's possible.
02:15:08 I just think they want to get rid of white people, though I think that's that's probably the number one motivating factor.
02:15:15 Fascist Freddie.
02:15:16 Who do you think the big guy?
02:15:18 Gets 10% is. Well, obviously that's that's big.
02:15:22 Talk about the Hunter laptop there.
02:15:25 Exeriences prime.
02:15:26 I used to be addicted to video games too, and it took me over 10 years to admit it.
02:15:31 I totally agree on your stance.
02:15:33 People stop wasting your time with with sedatives, right?
02:15:36 Look, I'll just admit it.
02:15:37 Like I said, like I at the time I would have defended it and I made-up all kinds of crazy justifications for playing them for sometimes up to like.
02:15:45 Well, probably at some moments in my life, more than 40 hours a week, it's it was a ******* it's it's.
02:15:52 And I, like I said, I probably would have thought of all kinds of crazy reasons why that that's totally it was good because like, I'm a 3D modeler and it helps me, you know, it doesn't.
02:16:04 Everyone has or ohh it's it's, but I'm it's it is social cause I have a headset on.
02:16:09 I'm talking to all my friends.
02:16:10 Come on.
02:16:14 Gray State of mind $1.00 many games have been created to be addictive, right? Well, they design them specifically to be addicted.
02:16:20 You know, the freemium games are like the extreme version of that where they they make the game basically impossible unless you buy some stupid, you know, in app purchase over and over and over again and.
02:16:33 They they, they obviously they monitor that ****.
02:16:36 They see well what?
02:16:37 What produces the most in app purchases?
02:16:39 Let's do more of that.
02:16:42 You know, Candy Crush is a perfect example that those ******* are rolling in the dough for some stupid game that you pretty much have to pay money, that there was a story years ago about there was.
02:16:53 It was one of these sports ball guys. It wasn't Shaq. Maybe it was Shaq. I don't know. Some ******* sports ball guy who said that he had spent like $100,000 or some ridiculous **** like that on on Candy Crush.
02:17:08 Gram on games, $3 appreciate that someone whose speech you should look into is.
02:17:16 John Amory, supposed trader to England that did not support the second War, wanted peace for the British and German people and hated communism, also fought for Spain against the commies in its civil war.
02:17:31 OK, I will add that to the notes there.
02:17:39 Nate Gray homesteads are great and all, but don't you think it's important for us to have our own real towns 100% gaming as gay as ****?
Speaker 15
02:17:47 Yeah, I mean.
02:17:48 Ideally, yeah.
02:17:49 Homesteads are a good starting point, but you want to have communities like one of the the the drawbacks.
02:17:54 If you're too remote and you want to start a family, is like it's always good to have other families to hang out with and.
02:18:01 Have some kind of community, but someone had this every small town in existence had its first family.
02:18:07 You know, my family were settlers.
02:18:10 I don't think there's anything wrong with being the initial or my ancestors were settlers.
02:18:13 I don't know.
02:18:14 They want being the initial settler to an area and establishing that small town having other families come out there and that's easier said than done.
02:18:24 But if you want to be part of a rural community that that.
02:18:27 Then you can get some of the same benefits there too.
02:18:30 There are plenty of even in in surprising places.
02:18:33 There are states that you wouldn't expect to have rural communities that are mostly white and mostly, you know, the founding stock Americans.
02:18:42 That aside from like the the this ********, you have to get, you know, like the the taxes or whatever ******** you have to to work with with the state and sometimes like the building code **** and all that.
02:18:57 But a lot of that's county level, so who knows, maybe some of these are in good counties.
02:19:01 I was when I was first.
02:19:02 Looking for the pill box?
02:19:04 There was a place.
02:19:05 There was a couple of places in like Illinois, for example.
02:19:08 And yeah, you think Illinois, you think Chicago, right?
02:19:12 So you're like, oh, gross, I wouldn't want to ******* live there.
02:19:15 And it's true.
02:19:16 The you you have like because of Chicago, you've got ****** laws and.
02:19:21 And taxes and stuff like that that you need to research, certainly before moving out there, but I almost bought a church in ******* Illinois in rural Illinois.
02:19:29 That was one of my.
02:19:32 But there was just there was building coach.
02:19:34 There was all kinds of nonsense you had to deal with, so I didn't.
02:19:37 I just ******* didn't do it.
02:19:42 Where was I?
02:19:43 Where Gray beard, $5 appreciate that Christianity was the steward of European civilization and the guardian of it against Ottoman expansion.
02:19:53 Cut it some slack right now, people.
02:19:56 People, because of the institutions are so rotten and ineffective right now.
02:20:01 And actually, in some cases actively against us it's, you know.
02:20:06 It's it gets a bad rap right now, the thin red line $5. Appreciate that in the Middle East, they build walls around the house around 3 meters made of mud bricks to form an enclosure. This keeps the moisture inside. I've seen abandoned farms in dry deserts that are still more.
02:20:27 Green and have more trees than surround.
02:20:30 Well, a lot of it's just soil improvement too.
02:20:34 That's something I've been working on and there's parts of my property already where I get stuff growing without having to water it.
02:20:44 The fig tree area is one of those areas where I mean I still water it cause.
02:20:49 It's not.
02:20:50 It's not fully established yet, but.
02:20:54 A lot of it's the soil.
02:20:55 There's lots of.
02:20:56 There's lots of ways you can grow stuff in the desert.
02:21:00 It just takes time though.
02:21:01 You can't just show up at a place that's like a wasteland, like the pillbox was and be like, alright, I'm going to grow, you know anything.
02:21:10 I mean, you can grow citrus.
02:21:11 Weirdly enough.
02:21:12 I got a lemon tree.
02:21:14 And it put out lemons for the first time last year.
02:21:17 Like 3 of them.
02:21:18 We'll see what it does this year.
02:21:19 It's got a.
02:21:20 Lot of flowers on it right now, so maybe.
02:21:23 But yeah, citrus.
02:21:24 Does OK in the desert and usually handles cold OK.
02:21:28 Uh, the all the.
02:21:29 Pending like, sometimes you like oranges and stuff like that don't like.
02:21:32 Their cold.
02:21:36 Verruca salt, $5 appreciate that. Hi, Devin. I read this quote today and in The MGM or E Michael Jones book.
02:21:46 He wrote the Joe Breen.
02:21:49 He wrote that Joe Brain, the head of the motion Picture production code in 1933, said to American bishops these people are Eastern European Jews.
02:22:00 They are scum of the earth.
02:22:02 The entire film production of the US should be should not be left in their hands.
02:22:08 Well, I mean, he was right.
02:22:12 Like I said, around the turn of the.
02:22:13 Century we had a.
02:22:14 Lot of Jews come in from Eastern Europe.
02:22:17 That's the Spielberg and Weinsteins. That's all those guys. They all showed up and that's that's who ran Hollywood and still largely does. You know, it's funny. I was clean up Carl's house or his, you know, that property.
02:22:32 Last couple of days, not everything in there was ****.
02:22:36 They had, like random books.
02:22:37 He had a book that I might actually flip through a little bit, but I just saw the title.
02:22:42 It was called.
02:22:43 It was something like the open.
02:22:44 Secret how how Hollywood is run by gay or has been run by gays.
02:22:50 You know, since its inception or I forget what the the subtitle was.
02:22:53 But I was like, oh, that's it.
02:22:58 That's an interesting book.
02:23:01 So I might I might flip through that a little bit because it was. It was the years on the on the cover was like 1933 through whatever. I forget what.
02:23:11 Or use of 1933 so I forget what?
02:23:15 Year it was.
02:23:16 But it was something like that that time period.
02:23:19 So it wasn't just Eastern European Jews, it was gay, Eastern European Jews.
02:23:26 But yeah, that.
02:23:27 Yeah, that's true.
02:23:29 It it's crazy how they defined American culture.
02:23:34 They defined American culture.
02:23:38 Fred or Freda Feltcher $25 appreciate that. Oy vey. I haven't been on a live stream since. I think you meant trovo. Good times. A review of The Sopranos someday.
02:23:54 Uh, I don't know.
02:23:56 That's a lot of episodes.
02:23:57 I mean, I've seen a lot of them, but that's.
02:24:00 I don't know.
02:24:02 I mean, the thing with Sopranos I.
02:24:04 Mean there's a lot going on there.
02:24:07 I'd have to say.
02:24:10 I mean, how many years?
02:24:10 I mean, cause they're long too.
02:24:12 It's not just like.
02:24:13 Reagan, it was HBO.
02:24:15 They're like hour long episodes.
02:24:17 And so you're talking probably in the neighborhood of, like, at least like 40-50 hours, right? I'm guessing like, cause I forget how many seasons there were, but there was like.
02:24:26 A lot of *******.
02:24:28 Shows that that would be a lot to to do.
02:24:32 Umm, I'll think about it.
02:24:34 I'll think about that.
02:24:36 All right, guys, well, we.
02:24:38 Are over the two hour mark.
02:24:44 Let's see here.
02:24:47 I thought there was something else I was going to pop up here, but I don't think so.
02:24:56 Let me just make sure this didn't.
02:24:59 Because this doesn't always show every super chat until you refresh it, so I'm going to reload it and then scroll through here.
02:25:07 Because that number looks higher than the numbers I've read.
02:25:17 I don't see anyone that I missed maybe.
02:25:29 I might have had all of them.
02:25:31 All right.
02:25:31 Well, if I missed yours, I I apologize.
02:25:33 That it sometimes doesn't show everyone, but I pretty sure I got to everybody.
02:25:39 All right, guys.
02:25:40 Well, I'm exhausted and sunburned and.
02:25:45 Yeah, all that good stuff.
02:25:47 And I need to get some sleep so I can wake up tomorrow and do it all over again.
02:25:53 But appreciate you hanging out with me this Wednesday.
02:25:56 See you all on Saturday night.
02:25:59 For black pill time, of course.
Speaker 25
02:26:05 And refugees with open arms.
02:26:07 But there's some mixed reaction from students just ahead.
02:26:13 We're not live.
Speaker 31
02:26:18 One more time.
Speaker 34
02:27:14 A lot of people seem to be mad about my TikTok regarding Zionist and Israel, so I encourage all of you.
02:27:23 To do your own research.
02:27:26 Prove me wrong was Jeffrey Epstein, A Massad agent.
02:27:31 Did he provide funding to carbine, a limited partnership that was set up by the former Israeli Prime Minister?
02:27:39 Did the Leslie Wexner Foundation really donate millions of dollars to Israel?
02:27:45 Did Israel participate in years worth of illegal organ doning even though organ doning was prohibited under Judaism?
02:27:52 Does the ADL constantly promote tech censorship, especially against conservatives?
02:27:57 Who runs the media?
02:27:58 Did the former Israeli vice consul Ari sure run a child pedophile ring?
02:28:03 House, who promotes *********** the most and doesn't want men to participate in no nut November US liberty dancing Israelis.
02:28:22 And a lot of people seem to be mad about my.