

Speaker 1
00:08:27 Best things in life are free.
00:02:09 But you can give them to their beds and bees.
00:02:15 That's what I want.
00:02:19 What I want?
00:02:23 That's what I want.
00:02:27 Your love gives me such a thrill, but your love won't pay my bills.
00:02:33 I want money.
00:02:38 What I want?
00:02:41 That's what I want.
00:03:12 Don't get everything, it's true.
00:03:15 What it doesn't get I can't use.
00:03:17 I want money.
00:03:25 That's what I want.
00:03:29 Let's go ahead one.
Speaker 2
00:03:34 I want money.
00:03:36 I want money, money.
Speaker 1
00:03:45 Give me your money.
Speaker 3
00:03:48 Just give me.
00:08:02 Here's my mic muted.
00:08:03 Don't stop.
00:08:05 All right.
00:08:07 Good morning.
00:08:08 Good evening.
00:08:08 Good afternoon.
00:08:09 Good night.
00:08:10 How are you guys doing this is the insomnia stream.
00:08:13 I am your host, Devin Stack.
00:08:16 You got a lot to talk about.
00:08:17 Tonight, some stuff I didn't finish editing because it was.
00:08:22 Well, we'll get into in a minute, but it was like 8 hour videos I was having the eight hour videos I was having to download.
00:08:28 And as you can imagine, that took longer than 8 hours actually, so not a big deal.
00:08:34 We'll we'll get to that here in a moment.
00:08:36 I hope everyone's having a good time.
00:08:39 It's a late Wednesday night or Thursday morning.
00:08:43 Depending on where you reside on planet Earth.
00:08:48 We're going to talk about a.
Speaker 5
00:08:49 Few things including why is this not working now?
00:08:56 Oh, good.
00:08:56 Is this not going to work?
00:08:57 OK, it's going to work alright.
00:08:59 That's good.
00:09:01 Including inflation, runaway inflation in the economy, I was just doing some research.
00:09:07 I was looking at just some economic news trying to get a handle on what was going on and I ran across this kind of funny.
00:09:16 Yep, it was Yahoo News, Yahoo business news or whatever, talking to a billionaire by the name of let's see what was his name?
00:09:28 Here it is, Charlie Munger, Charlie Munger.
00:09:32 That's like, that's a that's a good billionaire name, isn't it, Charlie?
00:09:37 He's Charlie Munger is, is, believe it or not.
00:09:41 At least I don't think he's Jewish.
00:09:43 He's more one of the the the old school Warren Buffett types.
00:09:49 In fact, his family, his friends with Warren Buffett, I think he worked under Warren Buffett for a long.
00:09:54 Time he worked for Berkshire Hathaway.
00:09:59 He was.
00:10:00 Let's see here he was.
00:10:06 At the Wesco Financial Corporation and just, you know, he's just, he's a billionaire investor.
00:10:13 Think of it that way.
00:10:13 And he's old as ****, like he's really old as ****.
00:10:18 And it's in fact, he's so old he he fought in World War 2.
00:10:23 He's got to be.
00:10:23 How old is this ************?
00:10:24 He was born. Holy ****, he's 98.
00:10:28 He's 98.
00:10:34 He's ******* 98. But anyway, Yahoo News had this guy on to talk about inflation and I think they were just kind of expecting the the same kind of, you know, inflation's not so bad.
00:10:51 It's we've we've been expecting it.
00:10:53 It's it's, you know, every that's just the way that you know the capitalism works and it's nothing to be worried about.
00:11:00 All the all these articles that you've seen, inflation's actually really good. Well, I mean, first, there was inflation's not happening.
00:11:06 And it's like, alright, well, maybe it is happening, but it's a good thing.
00:11:10 And so they have this guy on and the host is stunned at what he what this guy says in response to his question about inflation.
00:11:21 So I thought this would just be kind of funny to to take a look at.
00:11:24 So let me pop this guy up here.
00:11:26 And hopefully have audio.
00:11:30 There we go.
Speaker 6
00:11:33 Mentioned inflation, Charlie and the stock market is is down a bit this year, maybe because of inflation.
00:11:41 Also the tensions in Russia and Ukraine, maybe we'll get to that in a second, but I want to ask you specifically about inflation.
00:11:48 Are we looking at a prolonged decline in the markets?
00:11:53 Because of inflation, is inflation on the rise, and should we be concerned about it?
00:11:59 Should we?
Speaker 7
00:12:02 Well, let me take that in the reverse order.
00:12:05 Inflation is a very serious subject.
00:12:09 You can argue it's the way democracies die when democracy dies in Latin America and inflation is a big part of it.
00:12:19 It's the way democracies die.
00:12:23 And when there's inflation, when there's democracies that die in South America, inflation is a big part of it.
00:12:29 All the sudden inflation doesn't sound too.
Speaker 5
00:12:31 Bad does it.
00:12:33 Let's have some more, more.
00:12:35 Let's hear some more of his thoughts here.
Speaker 7
00:12:38 So it's a huge danger.
00:12:40 Once you got a populist that learns, it can vote itself, money it.
00:12:47 If you overdo it too much, you ruin your your civilization a lot.
00:12:54 And so, of course it's a big long range danger.
00:12:59 If you look at the.
00:13:01 Roman Republic.
00:13:04 Even after they went to a.
00:13:07 Empire with an absolute ruler, they inflated the currency steadily for hundreds of years and eventually the whole damn Roman Empire collapsed.
00:13:17 So it's the biggest long run danger we have probably, apart from nuclear war.
Speaker 6
00:13:25 Is it something investors?
00:13:28 And and here's the thing.
00:13:30 The reason why it's going to keep happening is listen to this ****.
00:13:34 Listen to this.
00:13:35 This boomer ***** like.
00:13:37 Oh, wow, that's fascinating.
00:13:38 But is it something investors need to worry about?
00:13:40 Like, like he just he acts as if what what he just said.
00:13:43 Is like no big.
00:13:44 Deal. You know this guy? This almost 100 year old Guy, 100 year old billionaires like. Yeah, inflation's pretty bad. Uh, it'll pretty much destroy your civilization.
00:13:57 I pretty much, you know, every time you see a democracy die in South America, inflation is a big part.
00:14:04 Of it the Romans.
00:14:06 You know, even after they switched to an absolute ruler.
00:14:11 You know it's they've slowly kept.
00:14:13 They just kept inflating their their currency until eventually their civilization died.
00:14:21 And that's so it's it's kind of a big deal and the guys like, yeah, but what about is there anything that investors can?
Speaker 8
00:14:28 It's just.
00:14:28 Like what?
Speaker 7
00:14:31 Just need to be.
Speaker 6
00:14:31 Worried about specifically when it comes to growth stocks right now?
Speaker 7
00:14:37 Well, I think the safe assumption for an investor is that or the next.
00:14:42 100 years the currency is going to 0.
00:14:48 My advice to investors long term investors is to keep in mind that within the next 100 years, the currency is going to go to 0.
Speaker 9
00:14:59 It's going to go to 0.
Speaker 7
00:15:03 That's my working hypothesis.
Speaker 6
00:15:08 Wow, well, that will.
00:15:09 Be a different type of environment.
Speaker 7
00:15:12 In currencies going to 0.
00:15:15 That's my working hypothesis.
Speaker 6
00:15:22 Well, that'll be a different type of environment, won't it?
Speaker 9
00:15:28 Ha ha ha ha, this is awkward haha.
00:15:31 Ha ha ha ha ha.
00:15:39 So I I I just saw this.
00:15:41 It was like, wow, this is, this is pretty awkward.
00:15:43 This is, you know, you finally got one of these, these billionaire ghouls, these 100 year old he's put on like his fifth or heart transplant and he's getting like baby blood transfusions to stay alive and.
00:15:55 You know, whatever.
00:15:59 But he's just saying like, yeah.
00:16:01 Yeah, that's uh.
00:16:03 You got about 100 years tops, and I should know I'm a.
00:16:06 100 years old.
00:16:09 I have a good grasp on on on what a century looks like.
00:16:16 Anyway, thought that was kind of fun.
00:16:19 Project Veritas.
00:16:20 I know there's a lot of people talking about how, oh, you know, a lot of these mandates are going away.
00:16:25 And look.
00:16:26 On its face, it kind of looks like that might be the case.
00:16:30 I don't know it it how fast that's going to.
00:16:35 I don't know if it's going to happen.
00:16:37 It's really hard to know.
00:16:38 I don't think that if it stops, it's going to because truckers went to Canada or went to Ottawa.
00:16:43 You know what I mean?
00:16:44 Like, but it does seem as if it's run its course.
00:16:48 People are getting tired of it.
00:16:50 You're hearing people like Bill Maher and whatnot.
00:16:53 The approved voices on the pressure valves on the left really like the Charlie Kirks of the left.
00:17:02 Are basically kind of backtracking now trying to reel in their most rabid.
00:17:09 Believers, they're they're their most dedicated religious followers.
00:17:16 But at the same time, Project Veritas, who I know you know, they, they, they sometimes pump things up out of proportion.
00:17:24 So that's why on this particular video, what I've done is I've I've just kind of clipped out all the commentary, you know, not trying to take credit away from Project Veritas.
00:17:34 I think they do.
00:17:35 Some good work.
00:17:37 But they did it did one of those things where they basically what it sounds like, it seems like they just honeypot people.
00:17:45 It seems like they've got some.
00:17:49 Sexy ladies working for them.
00:17:51 You know, like that that somehow track.
00:17:55 I don't know how they find these guys, whether it's through dating apps or something like that.
00:17:58 I mean, I figure like, it wouldn't be that hard to do.
00:18:02 It wouldn't be that hard to do using dating apps.
00:18:05 I mean, it might take a while to finally catch a fish, but they but they put on their profiles where they work and stuff like that.
00:18:12 So if you're in DC, you just have to have some *** ***** look, you know, keep swiping left until they find someone that works.
00:18:19 In this case, the FDA.
00:18:21 And then swipe right and the guy will.
00:18:23 Be so excited that he'll.
00:18:25 Go take her out and then apparently spill the beans on some stuff.
00:18:29 So this video showed some interesting.
00:18:33 And by the way, these recordings are fairly recent.
00:18:37 They put the date in the top right hand corner, but the recordings are fairly recent as in the end of January early this month.
00:18:47 So it's it's not as if this is someone from the FDA talking a year ago.
00:18:53 These are all fairly recent comments from a A guy at the FDA who at least claims to be part.
00:18:59 Of the vaccine approval process.
Speaker 11
00:19:03 So you can have to get an annual shot.
00:19:05 I mean hasn't been formally announced yet because they don't want to like, yeah.
Speaker 10
00:19:11 Is it going to be formally announced?
Speaker 11
00:19:13 At some point, I mean.
00:19:15 So it the audio is not that great, but he's saying there's going to be an annual shot.
00:19:20 We haven't formally announced it yet, but it will be formally announced that we're going to have an annual shot.
Speaker 11
00:19:26 It's going to be and some of it's been talked about publicly, but it has been talked about on like CNN or Fox or MSNBC or anything.
00:19:37 Yeah, it'll it'll it'll annual.
00:19:39 Have to get, I think what's going to happen is it's going to be a gradual thing.
00:19:44 Schools going to mandate it.
Speaker 3
00:19:46 Why do they?
Speaker 10
00:19:46 Need the third one.
Speaker 11
00:19:48 For the same reason that you or.
00:19:50 I would be the third one because.
00:19:51 The the vaccine means.
00:19:56 So again, because the audio is kind of crap, he's saying that they're going to ease it in at first.
00:20:02 They'll have schools that will require it and and I don't think that in the same way that people are thinking where it's like, you know, vaccine passport necessarily, but there's lots of vaccines that schools already require.
00:20:16 So it might just be a matter of adding.
00:20:20 This vaccine to the list.
Speaker 11
00:20:23 Your ability to fight wave so the.
00:20:26 Three will bolster your your.
00:20:27 System and then there will be.
00:20:29 An annual, eventually an annual just like the flu shot.
Speaker 10
00:20:32 For the toddlers, well, for everyone.
00:20:36 OK, so.
00:20:37 Annual flu shots, or COVID naots, rather for toddlers.
Speaker 10
00:20:41 For the toddlers.
00:20:42 Then we'll have to get it really.
00:20:44 OK, yeah.
Speaker 11
00:20:44 I mean, that's in the future.
00:20:46 We're not sure that might involve more more studies.
00:20:49 Guys have been in the news A.
00:20:51 Lot the last couple.
Speaker 10
00:20:52 Of days.
Speaker 11
00:20:53 Yeah, we're looking at trying to approve.
00:20:57 I don't completely agree with their.
00:21:00 The process they're looking at trying to Immaculate kids.
00:21:05 Under five years.
00:21:06 Old between six months and five years old.
Speaker 10
00:21:10 What do?
00:21:10 You mean you don't?
00:21:11 Agree with the process.
Speaker 11
00:21:12 Well, I mean they they don't have all the all the.
00:21:14 Tests aren't there.
00:21:16 So I agree with the thing.
00:21:17 That it is important to inoculate them.
00:21:20 But you can't provide the paper as much assurity as you normally want to.
00:21:23 I mean, I saw there were.
Speaker 11
00:21:27 It's the.
00:21:27 ETA for all.
00:21:29 All all these troops.
00:21:30 All designations and then you have to get approved by specific age groups based on the study.
Speaker 10
00:21:36 Do you think it's really an emergency?
00:21:38 For the toddlers.
Speaker 11
00:21:40 Well, they're all approved under an emergency just because it it's not as as impactful as some of the other approvals.
00:21:43 Your first letter.
00:21:46 Or is it?
Speaker 11
00:21:49 Emergency approvals, but they're all being approved under that standard.
00:21:53 The efficacy data doesn't have to be as high.
00:21:58 The data that we're not going to see for 75 years, So what he's saying is because this is all being approved on an emergency basis.
00:22:06 You know.
00:22:07 Operation warp speed.
00:22:09 You know you can thank Captain Trump for that.
00:22:13 That they're they don't have to.
00:22:14 Actually the, the, the the threshold for the efficacy is is actually rather small and we don't know what it we won't know.
00:22:21 For 75 years.
00:22:23 The data will for 75 years.
00:22:27 Is not going to be revealed.
00:22:30 The Pfizer data is under lock and key for seven because that makes total sense, right?
00:22:36 They don't want the data available until everyone that has taken the.
00:22:39 Shot is dead.
00:22:41 That's what they're saying.
00:22:44 Ohh, we'll let you know.
00:22:45 We'll let you know how we tested this once everyone's dead.
00:22:49 Maybe from the shot, who knows.
00:22:53 But you'll have to be dead before we tell you about.
00:22:57 What's in the shot?
00:22:58 You know, we we can't tell you how we how we approved this until everyone that could get mad about it is dead.
Speaker 11
00:23:05 Standard is on emergency use authorizations is that it does more benefit than harm.
00:23:11 That's that's the standard, is it?
00:23:14 Just has to do.
00:23:15 More benefit than harm.
00:23:18 Like that's it.
00:23:21 That's it.
00:23:23 So that means.
00:23:26 That means.
00:23:27 Think of it this way.
00:23:28 Imagine that I created a cancer pill.
00:23:33 And I said.
00:23:35 51% of the people that take this cancer pill.
00:23:40 It will cure their cancer 49%. It will kill them dead.
00:23:46 Well, under that standard, the FDA, it would be.
00:23:48 Like approved.
Speaker 10
00:23:51 So how do you know it's?
00:23:52 Already getting approved.
Speaker 11
00:23:56 Well, they're not going to.
00:23:59 I mean, just from everything I've heard, they're not going to.
00:24:01 Not approve it.
Speaker 10
00:24:02 I thought their cases weren't that high for six months.
Speaker 3
00:24:04 To 4 year olds.
Speaker 11
00:24:05 They're not, but it's because it's related to COVID.
00:24:09 It's under that approval process.
Speaker 10
00:24:11 So how many babies?
00:24:14 Did they have to jab basically for the trial?
Speaker 11
00:24:18 I I don't know.
00:24:19 I haven't looked at the trial.
00:24:20 How many people have?
00:24:21 Did you?
00:24:22 There's always a chance of long long term effects, especially with someone younger.
00:24:26 Hard to find like pregnant women.
00:24:30 For these studies and a significant number in order to be statistically.
00:24:38 I haven't tested enough on.
00:24:40 Well, it's not hard to find pregnant women if you mandate it.
00:24:47 It's actually pretty easy if you mandate it.
00:24:49 If you make it required.
00:24:54 So what?
00:24:55 What what he's saying is, is there's not any data.
00:25:00 That he's aware of, at least.
00:25:02 In terms of anything that would be statistically significant.
00:25:07 For any of the trials.
00:25:10 When it comes to pregnant women.
00:25:12 When it comes to children, probably when it comes to.
00:25:16 Anyone but I.
00:25:17 Guess we'll find out in 75 years, right?
00:25:20 I plan on living forever.
Speaker 11
00:25:22 Like you see on, you know, vaccines and everything and and women because they have different, you know, systems than men and they whether they have but they they haven't done enough prior now they also have been very good at promoting that.
Speaker 10
00:25:29 Haven't tested it.
Speaker 2
00:25:32 Blocked her.
00:25:35 That are crime.
Speaker 11
00:25:37 But that was an issue.
00:25:38 For a period.
00:25:39 Of time.
00:25:40 Well, I feel like that's still.
Speaker 10
00:25:41 An issue when I I read.
Speaker 11
00:25:41 It is still an issue.
00:25:42 It's still.
00:25:42 It's still, I still haven't gotten there.
Speaker 10
00:25:44 Like a couple of articles about it and everything I saw was that the first two shots weren't.
Speaker 11
00:25:49 Effective there, there has been, yes.
00:25:54 Is has not been as effective as they're expecting.
00:25:57 I agree there's almost.
00:25:58 A billion dollars a year going into FDA's budget from the people we regulate.
Speaker 2
00:26:02 This is it, OK.
00:26:07 There's almost a billion dollars a year.
00:26:12 Going into FDA's budget.
00:26:15 From the people we regulate.
00:26:22 And not just that.
00:26:23 I mean, anyone that's paid attention, it's not just this vaccine that's had problems or even just this medication.
00:26:30 There's a revolving door between pharmaceutical companies and the FDA.
00:26:36 The FDA is is rotten with ex pharmaceutical executives.
00:26:42 And it's it's.
00:26:45 You know, these are people approving the drugs of their friends and in many cases approving the drugs of the companies that they hold a lot of stock in.
00:26:56 And then on top of?
00:26:57 That, I mean the budget thing that's that's getting the billions billion dollars or more from the companies that you are regulating them that's that's obviously a problem too.
00:27:10 But it's it's worse than that.
Speaker 11
00:27:12 If they can get every person required at an annual vaccine, that is a recurring return of money going into their their company.
00:27:23 If they can get.
00:27:26 Everyone to have to take an annual shot.
00:27:30 Your stock just went up, Golden Boy.
00:27:38 And it's not just the FDA. Even Trudeau. I think Trudeau's family is heavily invested in a pharmaceutical company that makes money on every vaccine.
00:27:48 I didn't have time to finish researching that. I forget the name of the company, but there's a a Canadian pharmaceutical company that Trudeau's family is invested in that.
00:27:59 That makes money, like literally off of every single vaccination.
00:28:07 So anyway, so that's.
00:28:10 What's going on in the news?
00:28:12 What's going on in the news?
00:28:14 Is infinite inflation.
00:28:18 And possibly infinite.
00:28:21 COVID shots because this of course, is the insomnia stream infinite.
00:28:28 That's not the only reason why.
00:28:29 It's called that.
00:28:31 We'll get in, get into a little more of why that is here in a second.
00:28:38 People have mentioned video games.
00:28:42 That they wanted me to look at and that's that's not just to be clear, that's not something I'm going to really do.
00:28:48 I might deal.
00:28:52 It's just I I don't have the I don't have the time or patience.
00:28:57 Excuse me to play video games anymore and I think it's bad.
00:29:01 It's almost like people ask me to review heroin.
00:29:04 It's like, no, I don't do that.
00:29:07 That's bad for me.
00:29:09 And you know, like I'm just not gonna do it.
00:29:13 So just just don't do heroin.
00:29:16 There's my review.
00:29:17 Don't do heroin.
00:29:19 And I feel.
00:29:20 The same way about video games I truly.
00:29:22 Do and this is this is coming from a guy who has wasted a lot of time playing video games.
00:29:29 I spent some of my most productive years.
00:29:34 Getting really good at pointless video games.
00:29:38 And I was super proud of myself.
00:29:42 I thought I was so ******* cool.
00:29:46 Oh, I just made everyone on the server quit again.
00:29:50 I just owned them so bad.
00:29:52 I'm I'm I'm a ******* master.
00:29:54 At this game.
00:29:58 And meanwhile, my life was passing me by.
00:30:01 Meanwhile, all that energy, like the the hours and hours and it's it's so it's not just hours, it's months and months.
00:30:09 Possibly years.
00:30:12 Certainly years.
00:30:13 If you add up all the time I play it as a kid like Nintendo and all this other stuff, right?
00:30:21 That's time I could have been spending working on myself doing self improvement.
00:30:28 This time I could have spent making money.
00:30:31 That's time I could have spent trying to figure out what's going on in the world.
00:30:35 So I'd be more prepared for it.
00:30:37 Instead of living in this ******* fantasy world.
00:30:43 Video games are pure ******* cancer.
00:30:45 They're equally as bad as ****.
00:30:48 They just, they really are.
00:30:51 And I was trying to like someone had mentioned, I think BioShock Infinite, another infinite and I never played that game.
00:31:00 But I did play the first Bioshock.
00:31:04 And I was like.
00:31:05 You know what?
00:31:07 I wouldn't mind highlighting some aspects of Bioshock because it was definitely a subversive video game, and in some ways, video games are more influential on, especially on the minds of young men.
00:31:22 Then movies are.
00:31:24 I mean, you don't sit there and watch a movie for 8 hours or 20 hours or 1000 hours.
00:31:33 Right.
00:31:37 In fact, especially with all the lockdowns and stuff, it's become kind of a way that people socialize it. When when I wasn't locked down, when I was basically self-imposed, locked down.
00:31:48 That's how my friends and I socialized.
00:31:53 We all put on headsets and joined, you know, because I'm an old man, team speak servers.
00:31:59 This is before Discord was a thing.
00:32:04 And got drunk and high and played uh played video games with each other.
00:32:14 So I decided to take a look at some of the I wasn't going to, you know, play the games, but luckily YouTube, because zoomer's really like watching other people play video games.
00:32:26 For some reason.
00:32:27 YouTube is full.
00:32:29 Of video game footage.
00:32:32 I mean, it's just rotten with video game footage.
00:32:36 And while looking.
00:32:37 For some of the cut scenes and stuff like that in Bioshock.
00:32:43 I came across a game I totally forgot about that I had played.
00:32:49 Years ago, it came out in 2006.
00:32:52 Many of you probably haven't heard of it.
00:32:54 I don't know.
00:32:55 Just because there's a lot of.
00:32:59 What would be considered now cultural appropriation and all this other stuff in it?
00:33:04 I I don't know that it's. I know that the the franchise is still around, but I don't even think you can get this on like Steam or something like I think that's just like they've quietly let this 2006 game kind of, you know die.
00:33:19 But I found that it was like, oh ****.
00:33:21 I forgot about that game.
00:33:23 And I remember that it was.
00:33:25 It was based on an Indian guy.
00:33:30 And I was like, oh, you know what, I'm just going to watch like the first couple of minutes here.
00:33:35 And I totally forgot I had totally forgotten how subversive this ******* game was.
Speaker 9
00:33:41 We're not going.
00:33:42 To we're not going to deep dive on this or any of these games.
00:33:44 That's again.
00:33:45 That's not what I do.
00:33:47 In fact, the Bioshock stuff, I think American crow.
00:33:51 Did a deep dive.
00:33:54 Into all the Bioshock games, I'm sure he's got an Odyssey channel.
00:34:02 He used to have a YouTube channel.
00:34:04 I'm not sure if.
00:34:04 That's still around.
00:34:05 Or not.
00:34:06 But he's he did a deep.
00:34:08 Dive into a lot.
00:34:08 Of video games.
00:34:11 So if you want to do a deep dive or or see a deep dive.
00:34:14 I haven't seen it to be honest, I haven't had time, but like I I I I clicked through it once and it's long and you know it looks thorough.
00:34:22 But we're just going to take a look at just some, some real obvious things here.
00:34:28 So this game in 2006.
00:34:31 Was called prey and it's, you know, not I'm praying to God, but pray as in like a prey animal.
00:34:40 And it's about this Indian guy on an Indian Reservation and it starts off, you're on the Indian Reservation.
00:34:48 And at first it's like uh.
00:34:50 Oh, it's kind of accurate.
00:34:51 Like the reservations, like all ******.
00:34:56 It's actually got like a.
00:34:59 Video poker and ****.
00:35:02 And this is this is all like everything we want to do here.
00:35:04 This is all like the first.
00:35:06 This is before the game actually starts.
00:35:08 This is like the intro of the game, you know, like the little prologue before the action starts, right where the you have to you.
00:35:17 It's the story getting set up so you're, like, walking around.
00:35:20 You're like this.
00:35:21 Bar and and it's all ****** and and you're on the reservation.
00:35:25 Which is weird because I don't think there's bars.
00:35:29 Maybe there's some tribes that have bars on the reservations, but most reservations.
00:35:33 Don't have bars.
00:35:34 I'm sure there maybe there's.
00:35:35 There's got to be at least one.
00:35:37 And then he goes out and he talks to his, you know, of course the grandfather.
00:35:43 The grandfather, because obviously the trope of the the.
Speaker 9
00:35:48 The mystical. Magical.
00:35:49 Indians and like like this whole game is that we're not gonna.
00:35:52 We're not even get into that.
00:35:53 Like I said, we're not. We're not going to deep dive on this. It's not worth it. It's it's a game from 2006 that I think used the new Doom engine or something.
00:36:03 So I don't even think you know, but it's just funny to watch this now.
00:36:07 Listen to what what his grandfather says.
Speaker 14
00:36:10 Listen, Tommy, you cannot turn your back on your heritage any longer.
00:36:16 It will give you strength.
00:36:19 You cannot turn your back on your heritage any longer.
00:36:23 It will give you strength.
00:36:28 So then he goes and there's there's even like, working video poker games and slot machines you can play, which I thought was kind of funny.
00:36:37 And then he talks to his grandfather again.
Speaker 14
00:36:41 Jim loves you, you know.
00:36:43 She's a hell of.
Speaker 15
00:36:44 A way of showing it.
00:36:45 His his his grandfather, who's a drunk Indian, which he's he's like swaying and holding a beer.
00:36:58 But anyway.
Speaker 14
00:36:59 She is Cherokee.
00:37:01 She is bound to this land.
00:37:04 Asking her to.
00:37:05 Leave is asking her to give up a part of her.
00:37:09 But doesn't she want something better than this?
00:37:11 Be among one's own people to truly know where you belong.
00:37:17 If there is something better in this life.
00:37:20 I have not seen it.
00:37:23 How about that?
00:37:26 How about that?
00:37:31 And we're not going to play the game.
Speaker 11
00:37:33 Of well, why?
00:37:34 Don't they do that for white people?
00:37:35 I'll tell you exactly why they won't do that for white people here in a second.
00:37:39 So you think that this is like already?
00:37:41 Like wow, this is pretty racial.
00:37:43 It's like saying like, you know, you got to stay here.
00:37:45 With your people.
00:37:46 You don't forget your heritage and you know stuff that that obviously that's all we say, right?
00:37:52 That's the stuff that you get cancelled in the platform for saying if you're if you're why?
00:37:57 Right.
00:37:58 But it gets it gets better.
00:37:59 So the the whole time again, this is a bar on an Indian Reservation that his girlfriend owns, I guess.
00:38:09 And again, I maybe there's reservations that where there's bars, I'm just not aware of it.
00:38:13 But I'll tell you what, if there are reservations with dive bars, you're not going to have white guys.
00:38:19 Hanging out at the reservation dive bar.
00:38:24 It's not going to happen that it wouldn't even make any sense.
00:38:28 You know, because you can't live on the reservation if you're white, so why would you drive to BF ******* E and then go to like a ****** Indian bar in the middle of nowhere and then have to drive home like, like white people?
00:38:43 Avoid reservations.
00:38:44 The only people that avoid reservations almost as much as white.
00:38:48 People are are, are Indians that have figured out that how ****** the reservations are.
00:38:53 But I digress.
00:38:55 So there's a couple white guys at the bar.
00:38:58 And the white guys start immediately being super racist. I think that's 2006 and they're being super racist towards the the his, his girlfriend, Indian girlfriend, bartender.
Speaker 2
00:39:13 Hey, you sell any of that Red engine ****?
Speaker 9
00:39:16 You sell any of that Red engine ****.
Speaker 13
00:39:21 My wife loves that turquoise crap.
00:39:23 My wife loves that turquoise crap and it gets it gets way better.
00:39:28 This is a bar.
00:39:29 We don't sell jewelry.
Speaker 14
00:39:32 Hey, maybe she's got something else for sale.
Speaker 1
00:39:36 Nothing either of you could afford.
00:39:38 Drink up, boys.
Speaker 9
00:39:39 Maybe she's got something else for sale, huh?
00:39:44 By the way, this right here this chick is.
00:39:47 That's the Indian.
00:39:49 I have never met in my entire life a Native American with that body type.
00:39:55 I will leave it at that.
00:39:58 Like, not even close to that body type.
00:40:00 Like, not even like.
00:40:01 And look, I was just saying that cause like she's got the video game girl body type.
00:40:06 There's plenty of other.
00:40:08 People I've met that have that body type.
00:40:12 None of them were Indian.
00:40:15 Or engines I should say anyway.
00:40:19 Carrying on.
Speaker 13
00:40:24 Hey, cleans with rag.
00:40:26 How about a couple more beers over here?
Speaker 7
00:40:27 Keep them coming, girl.
Speaker 9
00:40:29 Hey, cleans with rag. Which?
00:40:31 I admit, that's kind of funny.
Speaker 9
00:40:33 Having a couple more beers over here.
00:40:36 And she's super nice about it, of course, doesn't flip out, is very submissive.
00:40:42 You know, might be might might make a little noise of disgust, but keeps going with it.
00:40:49 In 2006.
00:40:51 Who's playing video games?
00:40:55 White kids.
00:40:58 White kids, that's pretty much it.
00:41:00 If if this I.
00:41:01 Mean that this might have been out on.
00:41:03 Consoles I don't.
00:41:03 Know I mean when when you're in the console world, you have, it's a little more diverse, but.
00:41:08 In terms of video games.
00:41:10 On computers, white kids in 2006.
Speaker 13
00:41:16 Hey Pocahontas, let's have two more cold over here.
00:41:19 Bonjour, last Cowboys.
Speaker 6
00:41:21 Already a hell, no, that ain't right.
00:41:24 It's time for you boys.
Speaker 12
00:41:25 To leave.
Speaker 14
00:41:26 After you've been wagging that Pretty Little asset us, I don't think so.
00:41:32 Tammy, I'll move.
00:41:34 One little kiss.
00:41:35 Where's the harm in that?
00:41:36 **** ***.
Speaker 14
00:41:37 Oh, where's that famous engine hospitality?
00:41:41 There's such a thing as famous engine hospitality.
00:41:44 I now I'm lost.
Speaker 2
00:41:47 Don't touch her.
Speaker 14
00:41:49 All right then, chief.
00:41:51 You want it?
00:41:52 Come get it.
Speaker 15
00:41:53 It's on now.
Speaker 9
00:42:04 So literally the first thing you.
00:42:06 Do in this game is to kill.
00:42:08 2 white guys.
00:42:12 That's the first thing you do.
00:42:14 That's the first time you're allowed to use your weapon and actually kind of start playing the game.
00:42:19 You killed 2 white guys.
00:42:26 And I started thinking about it's not that uncommon.
00:42:31 So many games are like that.
00:42:36 And and and it's amazing to me that as a white guy.
00:42:40 That totally flew.
00:42:41 Over my ******* head.
00:42:47 Like I might have rolled my eyes at some of the, you know, stuff because I in 2006 I had.
00:42:52 I had lived in close proximity.
00:42:53 With Indians long enough to know that a lot of this was kind of stupid.
00:43:02 But I wasn't upset by it.
00:43:05 I would still like kind of, oh, sweet, this new doom engine is pretty cool.
00:43:09 I got all the settings cranked.
00:43:10 Up to ultra.
00:43:13 Wow, look at the anastrophe.
00:43:15 Whatever you know, look at the the ray tracings.
00:43:18 Whatever garbage, right?
00:43:26 But I played this game longer than any movie I ever watched.
00:43:31 This game, I think the average playthrough is something like 8 hours.
00:43:44 And I remember thinking it was a fun game.
00:43:47 That was my memory of it.
00:43:52 I was like, Oh yeah, it was cool because they had, like portals, kind of like.
00:43:55 That game portal.
00:44:05 And I started thinking about this and what I what I decided is.
00:44:09 This is how.
00:44:12 This is how you know as a people.
00:44:16 You've been you've been eradicated.
00:44:20 Not not, not.
00:44:21 Not the white.
00:44:21 I'm not talking white people.
00:44:23 I'm talking about the Indians.
00:44:28 When they start making games.
00:44:32 Showing you as like this total ******* ****** that can do nothing wrong.
00:44:39 And you can kill other races with impunity.
00:44:45 You don't pose a threat to anyone powerful.
00:44:51 When they start making the video games, when white people have been so decimated.
00:44:57 And put on reservations, maybe I.
00:44:59 I mean, I wish.
00:45:04 But when they've been so decimated.
00:45:09 That it's almost like a it's a novelty that you're white.
00:45:15 Oh, it's cute.
00:45:17 We'll have that.
00:45:20 Movie like in like, well, so many movies, right?
00:45:23 Where there's the the wise Indian character.
00:45:28 I can remember one in particular, natural born killers.
00:45:33 That entire movie is trying to get you to relate to murderers psychopathic murderers.
00:45:43 And no one in the movie is good.
00:45:45 Like no one.
00:45:48 Because in part of their effort to get you to to relate to psychopathic killers.
00:45:55 They they spent a lot of time making anyone and everyone in the film look just like garbage.
00:46:04 So it doesn't matter that the garbage is getting taken out.
00:46:11 Literally everyone in the film is garbage.
00:46:16 So why does it matter that a couple of the pieces of garbage?
00:46:22 Decide to start killing some of the other garbage.
00:46:25 It's not a big deal, right?
00:46:27 With one exception.
00:46:30 With one exception.
00:46:35 About halfway through the movie.
00:46:39 They do a bunch of mushrooms and they're wandering around in the desert.
00:46:45 And the wise Indian, like the the Hollywood trope, the wise Indian character finds them.
00:46:52 And brings them into his wigwam or whatever.
00:47:00 And they have this spiritual experience.
00:47:05 And Woody Harrelson's character flips out.
00:47:10 And murders the Indian for no reason.
00:47:14 And it's the only time they have regret.
00:47:18 The whole movie, they've been gunning down mothers and daughters and sons and husbands and fathers, children, doesn't matter.
00:47:27 They're murdering everyone in their path.
00:47:35 There's zero remorse. Ever.
00:47:38 But they kill 1 old Indian guy and suddenly.
00:47:42 Woody Harrelson's freaked out that he did it.
00:47:46 The Jew that played his wife, I think she's Jewish.
00:47:49 At least I always forget her name.
00:47:52 She's freaking out.
00:47:54 Is the only time she actually has any kind of remorse or or and is angry at him for killing someone.
00:48:02 In fact, I think I can.
00:48:04 Might be able to pull that up.
00:48:05 Ohh no, I can't because I'm.
00:48:06 On the ship computer, never mind.
00:48:10 Alright, but the.
00:48:14 The only time.
00:48:18 The only time.
00:48:21 Someone in the movie is not garbage.
00:48:23 It's an Indian.
00:48:28 And that's just because they've been, they've been so decimated, they've been so conquered, so thoroughly conquered.
00:48:41 You can allow them to have racial pride.
00:48:45 And it poses no threat.
00:48:51 So when they start making movies.
00:48:56 Where the wise white woman.
00:49:02 You know when that becomes a trope.
00:49:07 The wise straight white guy.
00:49:12 Starts giving the black people advice.
Speaker 5
00:49:18 That's when you'll know.
00:49:18 You've been conquered.
00:49:23 That's when you know that you'll know that they don't see you as a threat at all.
00:49:33 So anyway, real quickly the so like I said, I just finished downloading these.
00:49:38 So I'm going to, I'm going to have to kind of cheat this a.
00:49:41 Little bit here.
00:49:44 Let me find these files.
00:49:47 I did play the first two Bioshock games.
00:49:54 And one of the annoying things about.
00:49:58 Bioshock and again, we're not going to.
00:50:00 We're not going to deep dive into this stuff at all at all.
00:50:03 You don't need to is a good thing.
00:50:05 But the.
00:50:08 The annoying thing that stuck out, especially because at the time I was pretty libertarian.
00:50:14 And they're obviously mocking libertarians in favor for communism.
00:50:23 Like the whole game is kind of like it's it's like Atlas shrug, only it's underwater.
00:50:28 Right, a bunch of productive billionaires.
00:50:34 Decided to build their their.
00:50:38 Their city, away from the parasites.
00:50:41 Under the ocean, but because.
00:50:46 As is often the case.
00:50:50 These people.
00:50:53 Because they didn't actually have any care at all.
00:50:57 And look, some of this, The funny thing is, in retrospect, some of this is actually, I would say.
00:51:04 Not super inaccurate.
00:51:07 But the point was they were going off to the right side because at the time the right was very libertarian and saying that, like all they cared about was money.
00:51:15 And like I said, to some extent, you know, maybe, maybe now we're not going to play any of those clips.
00:51:22 What stuck out to me?
00:51:26 When I was getting the BioShock Infinite.
00:51:30 Game footage I decided to grab kind of the endings.
00:51:34 For the first or the first two Bioshock, because the way that game worked was based on how you behaved in the game.
00:51:44 You got a different ending.
00:51:47 If you and I'm going to go into details, it doesn't really matter, but based on your karma in the game, basically we'll just say you get a different movie at the end.
00:51:59 And if you do everything right.
00:52:02 And you're like the Super nice guy.
00:52:06 What happens to you in Bioshock one?
00:52:09 And here's here's the good ending.
00:52:10 Like I said, I think there's three different endings, but this is the good ending.
00:52:16 Let me scale this up.
00:52:21 This is the good ending of Bioshock one.
00:52:26 So basically you save for those of you who haven't played this game, there's these creepy little girls in the game, and you can either harvest them and take their energy and it gets you further in the game.
00:52:37 Or you can decide to let them go and and whatever.
Speaker 5
00:52:40 And and you know whatever.
00:52:42 And so if you if you do that right, you save all the little girls and you make it through this, this dystopian hellscape.
00:52:50 You know, this libertarian nightmare of an underwater city.
00:52:54 When you get out, this is your happy ending.
Speaker 12
00:52:58 You saved them.
00:53:00 Let me turn the audio on.
Speaker 12
00:53:03 You saved them.
00:53:05 Who gave them the one thing that was stolen from them?
00:53:10 A chance?
00:53:13 A chance to learn.
Speaker 9
00:53:17 A chance to.
Speaker 3
00:53:17 Marry a black guy.
00:53:26 They just had to do it.
00:53:27 They just had to ******* do it.
00:53:31 So if you saved the little girls, they grow up to marry black guys.
Speaker 9
00:53:37 That's that's your.
00:53:38 That's your reward.
00:53:39 Good job.
00:53:45 You rescued the little girls.
00:53:46 Now they can grow.
Speaker 8
00:53:47 Up to marry black guys.
Speaker 12
00:53:51 To find love.
00:53:51 And The funny thing is, this is supposed to be like if you go on the timeline of this game, it wouldn't make any sense at all like this would be like in the 19 ******* 40s.
00:54:01 Or whatever.
00:54:02 So it's like what?
Speaker 12
00:54:06 To live.
00:54:10 And since the end that was your reward.
00:54:15 You never said.
00:54:17 But I think I know.
00:54:19 So the the end of the story.
00:54:21 Is your reward is.
00:54:23 You, you die.
00:54:26 And you, you gave gave these.
00:54:30 Women, this this happy life, right?
00:54:33 And so they can marry black guys.
00:54:40 All right, that's that's Bioshock 1.
00:54:42 Lisa, we're not going to.
00:54:43 You know, we're not going to sit here and there's lots of other **** you could go into.
00:54:46 And if you want to, I think American krogan did, like I said, I think he did a whole thing on on I don't.
00:54:51 Remember, if he did all of Bioshock games or what?
00:54:55 We're just going to focus on the endings on.
00:54:57 The first two here.
00:54:59 So the Bioshock 2.
00:55:04 It's they're all very female centered.
00:55:07 They're all very female centered, so on the first one, you're trying to help save little girls and there's like this female scientist that wants you to help her.
00:55:18 And then in the second one it it's again it's very female driven you have like this girl you're trying to help.
00:55:27 And you're also trying to save the same little creepy little girls that are in the first one, and they decided to mix it up and they gave more endings.
00:55:37 For the second one.
00:55:40 And the endings differ in subtle ways.
00:55:44 They're actually not dramatically different.
00:55:47 But the one thing that stays the same.
00:55:50 Let me bring this one up.
00:55:52 You know, I I had just downloaded it.
00:55:56 So I'm going to have to pull.
Speaker 5
00:55:57 This into here.
00:56:05 Alright, so the.
00:56:08 We're not going to sit here and watch.
00:56:11 It's really long because the endings are also very long.
00:56:14 It's like 12 minutes.
Speaker 5
00:56:15 Of endings.
00:56:16 So we're not going to do that.
00:56:17 I'm going to cruise through here and find.
00:56:32 So whether you're a good guy in Bioshock two, whether you serve the interests of the women in Bioshock 2.
00:56:41 No matter what happens whether you get the good ending or the bad ending.
00:56:47 You die.
Speaker 12
00:56:52 I left behind and you choose to die rather than to have them follow you.
00:56:59 But every time you die, no matter what.
Speaker 12
00:57:05 And no matter the cost and I am not.
00:57:08 Like this is the bad one.
00:57:10 If you were extra mean in the game.
Speaker 12
00:57:11 Your instincts go to waste.
00:57:15 And that one she actually kills you.
Speaker 12
00:57:46 You will always.
00:57:47 Be with me, Father.
00:57:49 Your memories enjoy my need.
00:57:54 You will be there whispering from my shoulder.
Speaker 17
00:58:02 Dun Dun Dun Dun.
00:58:04 Girl Power, super evil.
00:58:06 And then like the creepy little girls I think coming.
00:58:10 So that's, that's Bioshock 2.
Speaker 9
00:58:14 Now I never.
00:58:15 Played Bioshock three or BioShock Infinite and I was a little surprised I was a little Bioshock.
Speaker 16
00:58:21 Because I already know they're.
Speaker 9
00:58:22 Like, oh, you know, Bioshock.
00:58:23 One kind of gay.
00:58:25 It's very anti libertarian and very anti freedom.
00:58:29 Very pro communism and it's, you know, very feminine and at the end you know your your kid marries a black guy and.
00:58:40 And then Bioshock two, same thing.
00:58:43 It's really feminine.
00:58:44 It does the same kind of **** talking about.
00:58:48 And I wouldn't say it's.
00:58:50 It's The funny thing is, it's not Even so much anti libertarian.
00:58:55 It's pro parasitism.
00:58:57 Because that's what they talk **** about when you're going through the game, you come across like all these recordings of people and whatever.
00:59:06 So you it kind of gives you like this idea as to like what this world was like before it all went to ****.
00:59:12 And the complaint of all the people who live in this fictional world is the parasitism.
00:59:18 That's why they went to the city at the bottom of the ocean to avoid the parasites.
00:59:24 And so, in a way, it's not Even so much pro libertarian or I'm sorry, anti libertarian.
00:59:29 It's so much as.
00:59:29 It's pro parasitism.
00:59:32 Because the implication is like, oh, look at all these people, they ran away from the parasites and they're all bad.
00:59:38 And they went crazy and killed each other and.
00:59:41 Now there's like all this ghoulish **** going on.
00:59:46 So I was kind of expecting something similar.
00:59:49 When I again I've.
00:59:50 I've never played the the third one, but I I watched some of the videos that I found on YouTube.
00:59:56 And holy ****.
00:59:58 Holy ****, it is so much worse.
01:00:01 It is so much worse than than I would have expected.
01:00:04 It to be.
01:00:06 And again, I didn't have time to uh.
01:00:10 Get all this prepped because this was.
01:00:15 This was the video that was because the game is like 8 hours long.
01:00:19 This was the game that was, or the video that was 8 hours and I just barely had finished downloading it before the show started.
01:00:26 I was able to clip out a couple of things though.
01:00:28 A couple of noteworthy things.
01:00:30 So much in the same way.
01:00:34 That that Indian game.
01:00:37 Much in the same way that the literally the first thing you do.
01:00:41 Is kill white racists.
01:00:43 And if you think about it, this goes all the way back to the what was the first popular first person shooter?
01:00:49 Wolfenstein shooting Nazis.
01:00:54 Right.
01:00:55 You could say that there's probably. I would almost I would almost guess that over 50% of first person shooters or maybe not shooters necessarily, but first person games has some kind of element like this in it.
01:01:12 And once again, for at least until very recently, well, I'd say, but now the vast majority of of young men playing computer games, not so much on consoles, but computer games.
01:01:25 Are white guys.
01:01:27 And this is the kind of game they've been making for them.
01:01:30 So in this one it goes a totally different route.
01:01:33 They don't do the.
01:01:34 It's no longer an underground city.
01:01:39 That the evil libertarians.
01:01:43 You know, went to to avoid the parasites.
01:01:46 Now it's a floating city in the sky.
01:01:51 That the evil white racist Christians built.
01:01:55 To get away from the black people.
01:02:01 I'm not.
01:02:01 I'm not exaggerating.
01:02:03 I was a little surprised that they went that hard at it.
01:02:06 And I know this is probably old news to a lot of people watching.
01:02:10 Because it was a really popular game, so.
01:02:12 Probably many of you played it.
01:02:15 I don't know how you could stomach playing it, but that's a testament to how much it's easy.
01:02:21 To get people to swallow this ****.
01:02:24 If this was a.
01:02:25 Movie you would have walked out.
01:02:26 Let me put it that way.
01:02:26 Right?
01:02:27 But you didn't walk out.
01:02:29 You played the game for eight hours.
01:02:32 Be honest.
01:02:34 I guarantee you a lot of people.
01:02:35 Listening right now.
01:02:39 Played the game all at.
01:02:40 Least for a few hours.
01:02:42 And if it had been a movie, you would have walked out.
01:02:47 And you didn't mind the the the **** that I'm going to show you.
01:02:52 Because you're.
Speaker 9
01:02:52 Like, oh, whatever.
01:02:54 Now I don't remember what year this one came out.
01:02:58 It wasn't super.
Speaker 5
01:02:58 Long ago, though.
01:03:00 Like I said, it came out after I.
01:03:01 Had stopped playing video games.
01:03:05 If I had to guess well, like at the earliest maybe.
01:03:09 Well, let me just look.
01:03:12 I'm guessing like 2013 at the earliest or something.
01:03:21 Alright, so I'm Bioshock series.
01:03:24 Let's see here.
01:03:28 Yeah, that's right. Bioshock 2013.
01:03:31 So the first one was 2007, #2 was 2010.
01:03:37 2013 they give us this little tree. So in this one again.
01:03:44 It's about a man.
01:03:46 In service.
01:03:48 To the will of a woman.
01:03:52 Just like all of them, it's very feminine in that way.
01:03:57 And he's going to this, this magical city in the sky, built by the white people, to stay away from blacks.
01:04:07 And other people that they view as as parasites.
01:04:11 And this is this is how the game starts.
01:04:33 So the first thing you see is, like this idyllic.
01:04:39 Peaceful baptismal font.
01:04:43 And again, we're not going to deep dive.
01:04:44 I'm just going to show you like the first little bit here.
01:04:50 So fast for a little bit.
01:04:54 So he walks through, it's all candle lit.
01:04:56 It's all very white looking, all very aesthetic.
01:05:02 And then he goes, you know, like everyone's like blonde hair, blue eyed kind of has, honestly, it kind of has a Mormon vibe to it.
01:05:11 And they go to, you know, he goes to the, you know, all, oh, look at all the creepy Christians.
01:05:17 This is again, it does kind of.
01:05:19 Have like a Mormon vibe to it.
01:05:22 And then.
01:05:24 They're like, oh, hey, what's up, brother?
01:05:27 And he has to get baptized by the the Super creepy.
01:05:31 You know white guy.
01:05:33 In order to get into the city, that's the only way you're allowed to to play the game.
01:05:38 So they baptize them.
01:05:40 And it knocks him out.
01:05:43 And he wakes up.
01:05:45 Again, in this very pro America.
01:05:49 Very pro white.
01:05:50 You know, Father Washington on that statue and and the whole he's in this beautiful garden.
01:05:57 And everyone is dressed all in white and you have the founding fathers being worshipped.
01:06:05 And everyone's happy.
01:06:08 And peaceful.
01:06:12 So and here's the.
01:06:14 Let me rewind that a little bit.
01:06:16 So here's the big reveal.
01:06:19 Like, Oh my God, it's this amazing floating city.
01:06:24 Something that only whites could build.
01:06:28 So he's he's walking around and he's like, holy ****.
01:06:33 This is like this is an amazing city.
01:06:36 And again, it's all white people, all white people. And if you listen to the dialogue between the MPC's, it's they're all very Christian and conservative.
01:06:48 And anyway, it doesn't take long for him to do like in the Indian game and have to just start murdering.
01:06:55 The white people.
01:06:57 So he goes to this, this this like again, you know, allowed to use a weapon.
01:07:01 Yet this is just like that Indian game.
01:07:04 It's the exact same thing right now.
01:07:06 You're you're not allowed to actually participate in any meaningful way.
01:07:09 It's basically like a movie that you're able to walk around in, like you're not able able to make any choices or shoot people or or anything.
01:07:18 So you're just like there for the the show.
01:07:21 And you get to this scene here.
01:07:26 Where you really find out, this is where you see the evil like right now.
Speaker 9
01:07:30 It's. Oh, it's this.
01:07:31 Beautiful white ethno state in the sky.
01:07:33 How can I dislike this?
01:07:36 And then you go to this drawing at the fair and the guys like, oh, look, we're drawing a name.
Speaker 16
01:07:41 And you're the winner. The winner #17 seven.
01:07:49 What do you know?
Speaker 16
01:07:52 Number 77 come and.
01:07:54 Claim your pride.
Speaker 10
01:08:05 There's some.
Speaker 2
01:08:06 It was me.
01:08:07 It was all me.
01:08:07 Please, please.
01:08:13 That's right.
01:08:14 So your first, your your prize.
01:08:18 Is you get to throw the first rock at the race mixer.
Speaker 5
01:08:24 Maybe, maybe, maybe he was Mormon, right?
01:08:29 But like, that's, that's the game.
01:08:31 That's the but, but check it out.
01:08:33 It's exactly like that Indian game.
01:08:38 If this if it will play.
Speaker 13
01:08:40 Please what are you doing?
Speaker 18
01:08:42 Come on.
01:08:43 Are you gonna call us or are you taking?
Speaker 6
01:08:45 Your coffee black these days.
Speaker 3
01:08:50 What you want?
Speaker 17
01:08:52 Ohh, looks like we've got a shy one here.
Speaker 18
01:08:57 We've got to do something about that.
Speaker 17
01:09:00 Times awaiting my boy.
01:09:02 Wait, it's him.
Speaker 15
01:09:07 Now, where'd you get that brand?
01:09:09 Don't you know that makes you the backstabbing snake in the grass fall, shepherd.
Speaker 17
01:09:15 And we ain't letting no false shepherd into our flock.
01:09:19 Show him what we got planned, boys.
01:09:33 Stop him. Stop him.
01:09:38 So once again, the first thing you're able to do.
01:09:41 Is kill white people.
01:09:47 That's the first thing.
01:09:49 After sitting through lots of game like that this.
01:09:51 Is like.
01:09:52 The intro for this one.
01:09:53 Is way longer than the Indian one.
01:10:01 And then it just gets progressively worse.
01:10:04 Like you, you, you essentially murder this entire civilization.
01:10:07 Like that's the game.
01:10:09 Like you go through and kill.
01:10:12 Everyone in the floating.
01:10:13 City, pretty much everybody, all the white people.
01:10:20 Like, that's the game.
01:10:22 Like BioShock Infinite should just be.
01:10:23 Called kill ******, because that's that's the game.
01:10:30 Now, because they obviously couldn't call it kill ******.
Speaker 5
01:10:40 Let me pop this on here.
01:10:45 They did have another storyline where you save a girl.
01:10:50 And just like the other Bioshock, right, you're.
01:10:53 What is this teaching young men?
01:10:55 What is this teaching young men?
01:10:57 You're a slave to this.
01:10:59 Girls needs.
01:11:00 You don't have any choices.
01:11:01 You really don't you anything she wants you.
01:11:05 That's that's your.
01:11:06 That's your job.
01:11:07 That's your mission, right?
01:11:10 And at the end of the they have similar.
01:11:12 There's a similar kind of a thing where there's, I think, different endings.
01:11:18 And same thing though, only way worse.
01:11:24 So this one gets.
Speaker 11
01:11:25 A little weird.
01:11:27 And I'm going to at the Fast forward.
01:11:33 I think this is the end.
01:11:36 I'm on it.
01:11:36 I have like, this is like an 8 hour long video file.
01:11:39 So I have to make sure this is the end.
01:11:40 All right, let me Fast forward.
01:11:43 Alright, here we go.
01:11:44 So no matter what happens.
01:11:48 This is the end of the new Bioshock.
01:11:53 This is how you get rewarded for playing for eight hours.
01:11:58 Being a slave to this girl trying to save her and killing every white person you can find in order to save her.
Speaker 18
01:12:14 Booker DeWitt, Are you ready to be born again?
01:12:19 Why we back here?
Speaker 18
01:12:19 Are you ready?
Speaker 10
01:12:20 This isn't the same place.
Speaker 11
01:12:21 OK, of course it is.
01:12:22 I remember.
Speaker 18
01:12:24 Are you ready to leave behind all that has gone before?
01:12:27 Wipe the slate clean and start in the length of the lamb.
01:12:29 Who are you?
Speaker 12
01:12:30 You chose to walk away, but in other oceans you didn't.
01:12:34 You took the baptism.
Speaker 18
01:12:34 Do you hate your sin?
01:12:35 And you were born again as a.
Speaker 12
01:12:37 Different men, it all has to end.
Speaker 18
01:12:38 No, you hate your wicked.
Speaker 12
01:12:41 We've never started, not just in this world but in.
01:12:44 All of ours.
Speaker 15
01:12:45 Smoother around that.
Speaker 12
01:12:46 Corner smoother, smoother, smoother, smoother for the choices made.
Speaker 2
01:12:49 Listen again.
01:12:52 Before you are reborn.
Speaker 13
01:12:53 And what name you take myself?
Speaker 12
01:12:56 She's Zachary Comstock.
01:12:59 He's Booker to win.
Speaker 2
01:13:01 You know.
01:13:03 Little boss.
01:13:11 So it wasn't enough that you killed all the white people in the cities.
01:13:18 You have because you're a white male.
01:13:20 You have to die too.
01:13:23 That's the ending.
01:13:25 So you play this game as a white guy.
01:13:30 As a young white man.
01:13:32 You play this game.
01:13:36 Where you're at, you're basically a slave.
01:13:38 To this woman.
01:13:41 And you're killing all the white racists.
01:13:45 And at the end your reward is.
01:13:48 They drown you.
Speaker 9
01:13:54 Which isn't that much different than the.
Speaker 5
01:13:56 Other Bioshock games.
01:14:02 That's just how ******* bad these games are.
01:14:05 This is why I say don't don't ******* waste your life playing these things.
01:14:19 All right.
01:14:20 So let me.
01:14:26 Take a look at chat here.
01:14:30 I gotta fix chat cause of course like always.
01:14:34 I've kind of got my ghetto configuration going here.
01:14:37 Let me get rid of this here.
01:14:45 But first.
01:14:48 I'll tell you what I'll get the chat after these messages.
Speaker 19
01:14:51 Got the vaccine?
01:14:52 You got the vaccine?
01:14:54 They got the vaccine.
01:14:55 We got the vaccine.
01:14:57 We could get back to normal.
01:14:58 Let me your.
Speaker 2
01:14:59 Phone let's all get the vaccine.
Speaker 19
01:15:07 If Tom says it's good, trust me, it's good.
01:15:10 Now let's all Get the facts.
01:15:12 There is none higher DMC.
01:15:15 I will inspire time for us to trust and not debate the vaccine.
01:15:19 Believe it's safe.
01:15:20 Take nine out of 10 people won't get sick. That's 90% effective and legit discovered thing is real and it will find you.
01:15:29 It's killing our people.
01:15:30 Let me remind you, back in the days, back in the days they were polio small part back in the days.
01:15:37 And months man back.
01:15:38 In the days, but because of the vaccines, none of those.
01:15:42 To trigger shots, we got security.
01:15:46 We got no need to wait for real.
01:15:54 All right, now that we've had that that nice little.
01:15:58 Public service announcement.
01:16:02 Let's have a look at chat I got I'm.
01:16:03 In the uh.
01:16:08 Reload this chat.
01:16:09 It's not updating at all.
01:16:16 I hate to have to use Chrome for.
01:16:18 It to work.
01:16:23 I'm going to send an e-mail to the Odyssey guys and just be like, come on, guys.
01:16:28 Get your **** together.
01:16:36 Alright, so I'm going to tipped.
01:16:42 Oh, this looks like it's actually in chronological order.
01:16:45 Maybe they fixed it.
01:16:47 How about that?
01:16:50 All right, so tip Tipsy Mcstay Egger.
01:16:53 I agree, Devin.
01:16:54 I wasted 10 to 15 years playing and watching, playing games and watching movies.
01:17:01 Well, that's The thing is, is.
01:17:05 Video games are like.
01:17:07 I think 1000 times worse.
01:17:10 Because you're again, you're not.
01:17:12 There's not a movie you're going to watch for three months straight.
01:17:18 That just doesn't exist.
01:17:20 Like, unless you're like a psycho.
01:17:22 There's there's no movie you're going to watch for three months straight.
01:17:27 And that's that's the danger of video games.
01:17:34 And look, a lot of movies are bad too.
01:17:37 Most movies are bad.
01:17:40 But I just think video games in general.
01:17:44 And I know that you can say that makes me hypocrite or whatever, but.
01:17:50 Who gonna listen to when it comes to? Like, if someone's telling you about heroin, you gotta talk to the guy that was addicted to heroin. Like, that's, that's the guy who's going to know.
01:17:59 And I don't want.
01:18:00 I don't like the vernacular of saying, like, oh, I was addicted to video games.
01:18:05 Maybe you could you could make that argument and say that like, oh, yeah, well, your dopamine was getting hit and whatever and that you made whatever ultimately it was my choice.
01:18:15 And I chose to.
01:18:16 Play video games.
01:18:16 All the ****** ******* time, all the all the ******* time.
01:18:21 And I wasted years of my life because of that.
01:18:26 Polar they live would be a perfect movie to review.
01:18:28 Analogy fits for everything happening today.
01:18:31 Movie made nineteen yeah.
01:18:32 I think most people know what they live is about, though.
01:18:36 I mean maybe, maybe, maybe it would be worth doing a deep dive or whatever, but I think most people.
01:18:44 Are hip to that.
01:18:46 And by the way, the the creator of that film I'm spacing on his name.
01:18:53 But when we found out that people were using that as a metaphor for the tribe, he got very upset and was saying that it was actually about.
01:19:02 It was about conservatives.
01:19:05 So you know.
01:19:08 Make of that what you will hammer of Thorazine, $10 preciate it. Games are like drinking here and there to chill out.
01:19:15 No problem. Every night, every day. Bad. The Battle Royale games like PUBG, war Zone, Fortnite, all feed the gamblers high of being the last alive and winning.
01:19:29 It's thrilling, and that's why I stopped years ago.
01:19:32 These are the 100.
01:19:34 These are the 100 start and I and one win hundred hundred.
01:19:39 These are the 100 start and one wins type.
01:19:41 I don't.
01:19:41 I'm not sure what.
01:19:44 But when I was playing first person shooters, I won about.
01:19:48 90% of at least 90%.
01:19:50 Of the games.
01:19:50 I play.
01:19:51 I was like I said.
01:19:53 Like what?
01:19:54 What could I have done with that talent?
01:19:59 And I would tell myself, oh, it's good, because when you're doing 3D animation stuff, when you navigate in the viewport, it's very similar to a first person shooter and it and it is.
01:20:12 So what did?
01:20:13 That make me like maybe 510% faster.
01:20:17 At modeling, you know, wouldn't have been better for me to be researching, you know, my craft instead of playing video games and just shooting at people.
01:20:27 No, I I play getting games all the time because I I thought.
01:20:32 It was fun.
01:20:33 It was an easy way to feel as if I was competing against people and winning.
01:20:43 It didn't matter that I was competing at something stupid that had zero reward other than the feeling of winning.
01:20:50 And it should have clued me in when they started adding the ohh you get an achievement.
01:20:55 You get a little ******* metal.
01:20:56 Oh, you get it like an imaginary digital metal that no one thinks is cool but you.
01:21:05 Now, I was never gay enough to where I started buying like outfits and and stuff like the DLC stuff.
01:21:10 I thought that was gay in the very beginning.
01:21:12 I was like that.
01:21:12 That's just gay.
01:21:14 And I and I also didn't think that, like, oh, look at my achievements.
01:21:17 I wasn't.
01:21:18 Not like I was.
01:21:20 I was super proud of it or whatever, but just like a slot machine, right?
01:21:24 Even though you know what it's doing when it makes that sound, your brain likes it.
01:21:30 When he goes Ding Ding.
01:21:31 Ding, Ding, Ding.
01:21:32 You like it?
01:21:34 Even though on an intellectual level, you know, it's why it's doing that like the new ones that don't actually give you coins, right?
01:21:41 It plays the coin dropping sound.
01:21:48 Because it tickles your brain.
01:21:50 And so even if you know that, oh, that that's kind of funny that they're doing that.
01:21:56 It doesn't change the fact that some dopamine just got released in your brain.
01:22:01 A hammer? Thorazine, $10. Have you seen the series? The string?
01:22:06 Some similar themes to prey.
01:22:09 Lots of foreshadowing of COVID times and whites falling on their swords for illegals still full of Jews.
01:22:16 And I watched it many years ago, but you'd pick out the good and bad out of it, much better than my early 20s self of the time.
01:22:25 I feel like I read the book.
01:22:29 Isn't that like a?
01:22:30 It's like a Stephen King book or.
01:22:32 Because I got into zombie books for a while, I don't know why and.
01:22:38 I'm almost positive I read the book.
01:22:41 But I never I knew that they had turned it into a like a mini series or something, and I just never watched it.
01:22:49 UM, but all zombie stuff is like that. I mean The Walking Dead.
01:22:56 By the by the end of.
01:22:58 What season was it by, like, season three?
01:23:01 Everyone was either in a gay or interracial or gay and interracial relationship.
01:23:09 Like every single character.
01:23:12 And it was just it.
01:23:13 It's that's just what happens.
01:23:17 And people would, you know, conservatives would still watch it because.
Speaker 9
01:23:20 They Oh well, at least it's got Gore.
01:23:24 I get to watch, you know, vile ultraviolence.
01:23:29 Soy pill $5. Ever wonder why Edward Longshanks was portrayed worse than Hitler in the movie Braveheart, he was a pious Christian, and when it was discovered that a group of Jews were performing satanic crucifixions on young Christian boys, he kicked out all the Jews out of England.
01:23:49 The ban lasted 350 years.
01:23:52 UM.
01:23:54 I am not right up on that topic, but if that's the case, I am not surprised at all.
01:24:02 Although you have to say, you know, based uh.
01:24:06 What's his face?
01:24:08 Was the guy who who directed it, wasn't it?
01:24:11 Didn't Mel Gibson direct write and did he write and direct Braveheart or did he just directed?
01:24:18 Let me see here.
01:24:27 And he directed it.
01:24:28 Produced it.
01:24:32 He didn't write it, though.
01:24:37 But yeah, I'm not.
01:24:38 I'm not surprised by that.
01:24:42 The writer was.
01:24:46 Well, that's kind of funny, Randall Wallace.
Speaker 5
01:24:54 UM.
01:24:57 Yeah, early life.
01:24:58 No, he's not Jewish.
01:25:03 So yeah, I don't know that that was necessarily Jewish influence.
01:25:08 For that movie in particular.
01:25:11 But I could understand what Jews being really ****** *** about that.
01:25:14 I mean, they.
01:25:14 Still, they still.
01:25:15 Haven't forgiven Rome.
01:25:17 They're still mad about Rome.
01:25:21 Uh. ********. ******. $4.00 appreciate it, but Devin, Fallout, New Vegas. Caesar's Legion is so based, though it's not.
01:25:28 It's just a it's a game.
01:25:30 They have no tolerance for degenerates, and if they smell any whiff of homosexuality or feminism or democracy, then they'll have you executed.
01:25:37 It's still.
01:25:38 A video game.
01:25:40 You're going to start with the anime guys.
01:25:43 This is how you know that people are addicted.
01:25:46 This is how you know, because this happens every time.
01:25:50 Every time I I I I show the propaganda that's in a movie.
01:25:54 And then people like.
Speaker 9
01:25:56 But I like the movie.
01:25:58 Yeah, of course.
01:25:59 You like it?
01:26:00 It'd be ******.
01:26:02 If you didn't like it.
01:26:04 That's why the right doesn't have propaganda that people are lining up to the ******* theaters.
01:26:11 And paying $20.00 for a bag of popcorn to go watch.
01:26:16 You say the left can't meme.
01:26:18 They absolutely can.
01:26:19 Meme, they're meming you.
01:26:26 And you don't even know it.
01:26:28 Which makes it so much more powerful.
01:26:38 All right, let's take a look here.
01:26:44 First, last $10, I've seen more of Judas poisoning games than most movies. Yeah, I was like I said, I was surprised.
01:26:52 Like I was just used to.
01:26:53 I think it was desensitized cause I remember when the Bioshock games first came out thinking like, OK, Lefties.
01:26:59 All right.
01:27:00 And I kind of knew that Silicon Valley and and all these game companies were were very lefty.
01:27:05 And kind of, you know, flagging and ****.
01:27:08 But it it it's at some at some point that **** went like it.
01:27:12 It just took off.
01:27:15 Like it just went off the rails.
01:27:17 Like it did everywhere else in our society.
01:27:20 Like at some point somehow the ******** got hired to run.
01:27:23 All the game companies.
01:27:28 And that's, you know, that's that it's another one of those things where just like a lot of conservatives always assume that people in the military are are, are right wing.
01:27:40 As someone who grew up in tech.
01:27:43 Working at.
01:27:44 And as early when I was 14 years old, I was building computers at a a mentorship program at a computer store.
01:27:53 And in my experience, part of this was just.
01:27:56 Because of the part.
01:27:56 Of the country that I was in.
01:27:59 In my experience, all of the people that.
01:28:01 I worked with were very.
01:28:03 Or at least pretty conservative.
01:28:06 And I always just thought, well, that makes sense, right, because they're logical thinkers, anyone that's going to be like an engineer or anyone who's who's job is going to rely less on theory, right.
01:28:20 And more on practice.
01:28:22 Right.
01:28:23 Like, if you write a line of code.
01:28:26 It's wrong.
01:28:27 You're going to, you know you.
01:28:28 You have to start thinking.
01:28:29 In logical steps.
01:28:32 And especially if you're like a computer technician and you have to learn how to troubleshoot.
01:28:38 I just assume.
01:28:39 Well, that's that just makes sense that a lot of these.
01:28:41 People are going to be conservative.
01:28:45 But the problem is, is something I've been talking about often the further away we get from being those people that actually are writing software from the ground up, like literally nobody does anymore.
01:28:58 And the more that has just become like a user friendly tool.
01:29:04 You know anyone can download unity and make a game like you can make a a mobile game in an afternoon.
01:29:12 You can get.
01:29:13 The Unreal Engine and and do the same sort of stuff.
01:29:15 It's slightly more complicated, but you know it's still very easy.
01:29:21 And on top of that, even if the people who are who are writing the.
01:29:27 The game logic and designing the levels and stuff like that, and the people who are actually the the network administrators for the game company, the people, all the support people, the people that keep all the hardware running and the networks going and the servers going and everything.
01:29:42 Like, even if all those guys are conservative and.
01:29:45 Those people usually.
01:29:46 Are more conservative.
01:29:49 Right.
01:29:49 Because that's a lot.
01:29:50 That's that's more again, that's the mind of a troubleshooter.
01:29:53 That's not so much this theoretical nonsense.
01:29:57 It's not so much that, you know, like the project management.
01:29:59 And that's the problem.
01:30:01 Is the more that you are in a position where if you're a lefty, you kind of have to be because you're usually not, they're usually.
01:30:08 Not that technical.
01:30:12 But if you get in this role of a computer or I'm sorry of a project manager.
01:30:18 It doesn't matter if all the people who are actually making the game are ******* Nazis.
01:30:27 They don't have any choice.
01:30:29 And increasingly, not only they're not Nazis, they're not even Americans.
01:30:37 They're not even Americans.
01:30:44 So they have a vested interest.
01:30:48 In making an anti white game.
01:30:51 They compete with whites for their job.
01:30:53 They they got right now.
01:30:57 You don't think that figures into their thinking?
01:31:05 I'm an Indian guy and I moved to America.
01:31:10 And I'm going to be making propaganda that ***** on the people.
01:31:13 I'm most that I'm competing most with.
01:31:25 Yeah, the all the gaming companies.
01:31:30 Are pure ******* cancer at this point?
01:31:33 And the rights got nothing like the right gets excited because they make some little platformer or, you know, like some game or you run over Black Lives Matter protesters or whatever.
01:31:44 And it's it's like, yeah, it's kind of funny, right?
01:31:49 Good job.
01:31:50 You know that that's a very complex meme you've created.
01:31:55 But that's never going to be like a top seller.
01:32:01 See, that's what the right needs to figure out is the left absolutely can mean and they out mean you all day every day.
01:32:16 And many of you unknowingly consume their memes and fund them.
01:32:25 And video games is just one aspect of that.
01:32:30 Red Calix well, I had no idea.
01:32:32 Games were so paused.
01:32:33 Now the last one I played Deus Ex.
01:32:35 You were just against global ****.
01:32:38 Yeah, I never.
01:32:41 I mean I I know the game, but I never really.
01:32:43 Got into do sex.
01:32:45 I was playing a real tournament like a crack famed when that was out.
01:32:51 Volks gas mask.
01:32:53 Sometimes I get.
01:32:55 The impression that Jews are not even motivated by greed and hubris as much as they are driven by undying nihilism.
01:33:03 Sure, they want Jewish supremacy, but if they can't get that, maybe they will seek a way to end it all, to wipe out every last trace of civilization.
01:33:13 It's it's again it.
01:33:15 I think what it is, it's the the culture of critique and you do have this, this tendency that is.
01:33:26 Again, like in in one way like you're saying, one way they're a competing group.
01:33:32 Right, they're a competing.
01:33:33 Group you have to view them as a competing group.
01:33:38 And know that they're and and currently they're out competing you, they just are.
01:33:44 But you have to also take into account that, yeah, there is some every ethnicity kind of has its things that they tend to do good and bad.
01:33:55 And Jews do seem to thrive on.
01:34:01 Criticizing and dismantling civilizations.
01:34:11 Yeah, it is what it is historically, you know.
01:34:16 That's just that seems to be a repeating pattern.
01:34:20 Ebt didn't $1.00 John Connor asked. You're going to hate me.
01:34:27 Hose hose is watching the entire series.
01:34:31 Hose is watching the entire series of the office, or The Simpsons any better, not just for it's not better.
01:34:40 I mean, you probably spend less time though even doing that if you watch like if you're if when people binge watch, like if you have a Netflix account.
01:34:51 And you binge watch a show for like 30 hours or whatever.
01:34:55 That's not good either.
01:34:57 But honestly, The funny thing is, that's probably still a lot less than anyone's ever played that anyone that plays Minecraft has ever played Minecraft.
01:35:08 I doubt that there's anyone that's played Minecraft that you know. I mean, I've played Minecraft for like maybe 1/2 hour I'd I'd started to play it because everyone was saying like, oh, it's great.
01:35:19 And realized that it was just like.
01:35:20 Oh, this is like work.
01:35:22 Like this is just reminds me it's like it's like having to do 3 modeling only.
01:35:26 It's ****** and more annoying and yet the like it just it.
01:35:31 I I couldn't understand it was like.
01:35:34 I'd rather like if this is what I'm going to.
01:35:36 Do I'll just play Legos or something?
01:35:38 I didn't get it.
01:35:39 I just didn't get it.
01:35:41 But I the people that do get it, the people who do connect with that game.
01:35:47 They're playing it a lot more than ******* all of The Simpsons and all of the office combined.
01:35:55 Let's see here.
01:36:02 Z Moe I never read it's TikTok and rap videos for me.
01:36:09 OK, well reading is good too.
01:36:15 Warsteiner 890 one $25. Appreciate that.
01:36:21 As someone who believes 100% that Satan is real, I'm struggling to believe that the other half of the equation, IE God or wait.
01:36:31 I think that you said something similar in the past.
01:36:36 Wait, do you mean believe in as someone who believes 100% that Satan is real, I'm struggling to believe the other half of the equation I guess.
01:36:45 Oh, IE God, I think you said something somewhere in the past.
01:36:48 Do you have any thoughts as to why it's difficult for some to believe in good when they believe in evil?
01:36:54 Well, it's.
01:36:56 I I don't know.
01:36:57 Like I don't think it's it's any harder to personify good than it is to personify evil.
01:37:06 Meaning that from what you're saying, you're saying that you're attaching, you know, Satan, as like a a being that is evil.
01:37:17 And then for whatever reason, you can't do the same thing with good.
01:37:23 I think that if if there's a being that is evil, then there would have to be a being that is good, or at least that would make sense to me.
01:37:32 I would hope that that would be the case.
01:37:35 That's not, that's not something I I would say I relate to.
01:37:39 I would say more.
01:37:40 It's just.
01:37:43 I don't know.
01:37:44 I don't have the strongest faith in the world.
01:37:46 Part of it is I'm a very.
01:37:50 Very hands on kind of a person and.
01:37:54 I have to see it to believe it kind of thing and.
01:37:59 I don't know.
01:38:01 You know I'm.
01:38:03 I was raised religiously and I do still pray and I do.
01:38:09 Want to believe like Moulder wants to believe?
01:38:13 But it's it's not the same as.
01:38:17 Is I don't have.
01:38:18 I don't have, like a strong faith like some people just there's no doubt in their minds.
01:38:24 And maybe someday I'll be there.
01:38:26 I'm not there right now.
01:38:31 Lucky Bucky.
01:38:33 Dev and I have a thought that Feds actually promote and are happy with the idea that every right wing movement that seems well organized.
01:38:42 Potential for results is secretly promoted by feds.
01:38:46 Seems like every mainstream conservative yells fed.
01:38:50 And scares away anyone from actually supporting anything serious.
01:38:55 Well, there is that problem that I talked about this a little bit last string where the problem is on the right is there are too many conspirators.
01:39:06 They start on.
01:39:07 They start.
01:39:08 Here's the thing.
01:39:09 I think that if you want to really simplify, it is conservatives and right wing people are typically the people that haven't been like, at least in the current time that we live in now are the people that have been so asleep with the will and so disconnected and and non participating in, in, in.
01:39:28 Politics that they've let let the country go to.
01:39:31 All right.
01:39:32 It hasn't been part of their tradition to fight the leftists.
01:39:37 And if it has been, God help us because it hasn't ******* worked out, OK?
01:39:43 But I think really the the the former is what's true.
01:39:47 I think a lot of conservatives, a lot of people on the right, just simply haven't been.
01:39:51 They've been politically asleep. They just assumed that the country was gonna, you know, the the 1950s was going to go on forever or some version.
01:40:00 And and and they thought.
01:40:02 That the white majority was going to.
01:40:03 Go on forever.
01:40:04 And they thought that the immigration, you know, like that they they had a based black friend or or whatever.
01:40:09 And I just think that that a lot of especially the the upper middle class conservatives, they're they're too busy with work.
01:40:16 They're too busy being wage slaves.
01:40:18 They're too busy trying to be the alpha slave.
01:40:21 And they don't actually have any experience in politics, or even how the government works, because by design, the education system has has kind of left that out.
01:40:34 So a lot of people just, they just don't have any ******* clue how the world works because education's got into the ******* ******* and everyone's getting really specialized, right?
01:40:45 Like everyone gets really super hyper specialized and like whatever stupid cog they're supposed to be in the machine.
01:40:51 And when you're when you're hyper specialized.
01:40:54 And you only focus on your one little ******* task because you want to be the alpha slave.
01:40:59 You want to be the.
01:40:59 Best cog?
01:41:00 You want to be the best cog that that gets paid.
01:41:03 The more more the.
01:41:04 More than all the other COGS, right?
01:41:06 And so you try as hard as you can to be the most efficient ******* cog.
01:41:11 And what happens is you don't understand the way the rest of the world works.
01:41:16 And I'm not.
01:41:16 I'm not saying you, but like, you know, a lot of people on the right.
01:41:19 And so once you start having realizations that, oh, **** like me not paying attention.
01:41:29 The collective me, the right wing has is starting to look like.
01:41:34 I mean, there's riots in the streets.
01:41:37 There's riots in the streets, there's demographic problems, there's mass immigration.
01:41:41 There's all this trans stuff like it had to get to like it had to get really out of control.
01:41:48 Before they were like, whoa, what the ****?
01:41:50 A lot of these people, right?
01:41:55 Well, they're starting from zero.
01:41:58 A lot of these people that voted for Trump, it was.
01:42:00 The first time they ever voted.
01:42:06 And they have no background whatsoever in politics.
01:42:10 And, you know, even just the basics.
01:42:13 And like, that's not just the right.
01:42:14 That's just Americans, right?
01:42:16 Or just, maybe just the West Western man has just, they've been so hyper focused on their hobbies and their.
01:42:23 Their their job.
01:42:25 And their their Tinder account or whatever.
01:42:30 That they.
01:42:32 They kind of just have outsourced.
01:42:35 Everything to the ruling class, unquestionably unquestioningly.
01:42:43 And because of that, that's why the tyranny happened, right?
01:42:47 Well, you, you.
01:42:48 You have a bunch of people that are because they have no idea how this stuff works.
01:42:53 They're just filling in the gaps with what they do know, which is movies and video games and ******* superstition.
01:43:08 So I just think that's that's really what the problem is.
01:43:15 I'm so glad this is actually updating, I think in.
01:43:20 In order this time they must have.
01:43:23 Maybe they fixed it, maybe they fixed it, or maybe maybe they.
01:43:28 I do.
01:43:29 I do know some of the Odyssey people watch this stream, so maybe they heard me complaining about.
01:43:33 It if, if, if.
01:43:34 That's the case.
01:43:35 Good job odyssey, guys.
01:43:38 I appreciate it.
01:43:42 Here we go.
01:43:43 But Oh yeah, so the Fed thing.
01:43:45 So that's really, I think that's what a lot of it is and.
01:43:48 And some of it is just also it comes.
01:43:50 From a fear.
01:43:54 Like a lot of.
01:43:55 People are afraid on the right.
01:43:57 Are afraid of conflict.
01:44:03 Straight up.
01:44:05 They're afraid of. Of what?
01:44:10 It's it.
01:44:11 It's it's.
01:44:12 I'm not afraid of conflict.
01:44:13 I'm afraid of, of, of being, my freedom, being taken away for saying things maybe the wrong way.
01:44:25 There are people out there.
01:44:27 That think that because, well, perfect example, you want to know what it is you want to.
01:44:34 Know what it is.
01:44:38 Last stream we watched a video of that like I said, got shared around the right wing.
01:44:44 But it's not just specific to that video.
01:44:47 That video in particular was talking about how, oh, look, the the Chicago World's Fair in 1890, whatever the ****, that wasn't really just a bunch of temporary buildings that looked bad.
01:44:57 Test that our people created for the world's fair. No, it was 1000 year Old City that was made by space aliens or something, and the evil white people, the ruling class, they, they they tricked everyone and they tore it down or whatever. Excuse me.
01:45:16 The reason why?
01:45:18 You have that kind of insanity.
01:45:21 On the right is what that is.
01:45:24 It's an excuse to not fight the ruling class.
01:45:27 It's an excuse because you can now say, look, it's you could never beat these people.
01:45:33 Look what they're able to do.
01:45:35 They're able to hide the fact that they had these thousand year old cities that they tore down or.
01:45:40 Maybe had special magic that they could use to create them that they're able to lie to us about the shape of the ear.
01:45:48 They lied to us about all this stuff and everyone just believes it because they're that ******* powerful.
01:45:53 They're so powerful.
01:45:54 You could never defeat them.
01:45:56 They don't breathe or bleed.
01:45:58 They're not actual regular humans like you and me.
01:46:01 So all we can do, all we can do is just stay at home and try to work on our families.
01:46:07 Which, by the way.
01:46:08 Yeah, people need to do that, too.
01:46:10 But what you're doing is you're giving yourself an excuse to put, you know, to put everything basically be a boomer.
01:46:17 You're just recreating the new age boomer movement.
01:46:22 The people that are doing that.
01:46:23 ****, that's all it is.
01:46:25 It's ******* boomers all over again.
01:46:30 And it's funny because a lot of these people, the ones that hate the boomers or the boomers, were asleep at the wheel.
01:46:34 They were asleep.
01:46:35 At the wheel and a lot of the shift to happen, by the way, we can't fight them because we couldn't possibly fight people that can create these giant marble cities in a couple of days using alien space magic trick the entire world into thinking that that we're on a spinning.
Speaker 9
01:46:51 Ohh lol.
01:46:53 Yeah, you ******* ball ****.
01:46:55 And you know, they're also lying about the existence of dinosaurs, and like everything like, imagine how powerful you would have to actually believe these people were in order, that they could orchestrate all this **** and what that does.
01:47:10 It excuses you from ever having to try to challenge them because at that point, you're basically.
01:47:15 Challenging gods.
01:47:19 And yeah, up against gods.
01:47:21 You would lose.
01:47:27 And so those people that are screaming, fad, fad, fad, fad, that's just their excuse.
01:47:32 It's the same ******* thinking though.
01:47:34 It's the same ****** like I'm afraid of conflict.
01:47:38 Anything that looks like it could be intimidating, or maybe require me to not just sit here and tweeting my dissatisfaction with the world.
01:47:46 And that's like the end of the road.
01:47:47 Right.
01:47:48 That's that's the that's the most I'll ever have to do is just sit there tweeting how much I don't like, you know, being marched to the slaughterhouse, but I'm not going to get out of line.
01:47:57 I'm going.
Speaker 9
01:47:57 To stay in line.
01:47:59 I'm gonna stay in line.
01:48:04 But I'm going to tell you how mad I am.
01:48:05 I'm very dissatisfied with this.
01:48:11 That's what it is.
01:48:12 It's it's basically it's just we're the we're the right is full of ******* and soft people that don't want to sack.
01:48:20 They don't want it.
01:48:22 We're losing because our side doesn't want.
01:48:24 It as bad.
01:48:27 And you can say, oh, well, you know what, what about the, you know, it it it's so it is lopsided though.
01:48:33 Devin, it's not.
01:48:34 Maybe they're not gods, but they have all these extra resources.
01:48:38 Yes, they do.
01:48:40 Tell that to the ******* Taliban.
01:48:42 They wanted it more.
01:48:50 Not just with us, with the Russians too.
01:48:54 That's what it looks like when.
01:48:55 Someone wants it more.
01:49:05 But the cold, hard truth is these people that pretend to be on your side, they're perfectly happy with how things are.
01:49:12 They're fine.
01:49:18 They're fine just sitting around and and and doing exactly what they blame the boomers for doing.
01:49:26 And justice, focusing on their own little bubble.
01:49:32 And they think they're being noble because that bubble doesn't just stop at them.
01:49:37 They've they've managed to to make it include maybe their immediate family.
01:49:43 Well, congratulations.
01:49:45 You're slightly less of a sociopath than the ******* boomers.
01:49:58 It's it's.
01:49:58 It's just ******* cowardice.
01:50:00 It's ******* it's ******** and cowardice is what it is.
01:50:03 It's the people that get nervous the second you start talking about having to sacrifice anything they're like, oh, no, no.
01:50:12 And look that this this.
01:50:13 Applies to the ******* trucker fagots too.
01:50:19 There was a a tweet that got or a gab that got deleted.
01:50:22 I don't know who's running that account.
01:50:23 I kind of, even though it's got like the the verified blue check mark that Torba gave them on on gab, I don't think that's I really don't think that they're they're tied to the organizers but there is this gap account in fact I think.
01:50:39 And someone sent me this because they deleted it.
01:50:43 Let me see if I have it on.
01:50:45 I think I saved it on my phone.
Speaker 5
01:50:48 I did.
01:50:51 All right, here's a perfect example of what I'm talking about.
01:50:58 Yeah, get this.
Speaker 5
01:51:04 Sent to my computer.
01:51:13 Stop doing that.
01:51:19 So like I said, I don't I maybe they are.
01:51:22 It seems the stuff they send out seems like wildly out of character for them.
01:51:28 But the there is an account on GAB that it's it's trucker Convoy 2022 and they had the blue check mark thing or whatever. And I started following them because I was like ohh maybe this. This is like the you know the the official thing it'll be updates or or whatever, right.
01:51:48 And then they started sending like they were.
01:51:50 They were saying stuff like they were calling people pedophiles and **** like that, like, you know, like I I was like, wow, based.
01:51:59 On this, before I knew who the organizers were.
01:52:02 And then I was like, scratching my head like there's this is not possible.
01:52:06 Well, here's here's another one of these.
01:52:07 Not possible kind of messages, so this got sent out.
01:52:14 They said are you prepared?
01:52:18 To retake the capital of Ottawa if police start killing civilians.
01:52:23 And I was like, holy ****, you know, I'm like.
01:52:26 And so I look at the replies like I like again.
01:52:28 This is after I kind of figured that these guys are not.
01:52:32 These are not tied to the organizer.
01:52:34 But I saw that I was like *** ****, but I wanted to see like, because there's probably a lot of people that don't realize that this account is.
01:52:43 Gone rogue or or whatever.
01:52:45 Whatever the story is, right?
01:52:46 But I really doubt that, you know, BJ ********** or whatever the guys name is has anything to do with this, this ******* account and the replies were.
01:52:57 Like Oh my.
Speaker 9
01:52:59 Holy ****.
01:53:02 We're just here to have fun.
01:53:03 We're not.
01:53:04 We're not here to tell you this is.
01:53:06 You're a fad fad fan.
01:53:08 You're a fan.
01:53:09 And it just.
01:53:13 For those of you who are just listening, I I re gabbed it or I I still hate that we don't have like there's no standard term maybe.
01:53:22 There is, I just don't know it.
01:53:24 I said the mortified replies really shine a light on the gay disco aspect of the trucker convoy, and it's true.
01:53:33 It's they.
01:53:33 They are not there to the fighter resistance.
01:53:38 They're not there to sacrifice anything.
01:53:43 I mean, maybe on some level you got, like, a handful of people that are maybe willing to spend a night in jail or something like that, but ultimately, you're not talking about people like they're they're not like.
01:53:53 Back they're not like Taliban sacrificing.
01:53:55 You know what I mean?
01:53:56 They're not like, you know, balls to the wall, you know, let's do this ****.
01:54:05 And no one on the right is.
01:54:11 That some rhetoric or some video or some group or some protest or some whatever, starts to look as if it's it's leaning in that direction.
01:54:23 Leaning in the direction of like, oh, wait, hold on.
01:54:26 Hold on.
01:54:26 If this gets out of control, I won't be able.
Speaker 9
01:54:28 To just sit here and complain about everything.
01:54:34 And so they undermine it.
01:54:37 They undermine it, I guess 1 positive thing out of all this is the fact that the the federal government is now so distrusted and despised that a insult.
01:54:52 An insult.
01:54:54 Is your fed.
01:54:59 So I guess that's a positive, right?
01:55:05 But that's what it is.
01:55:08 That's what it is.
01:55:09 I don't.
01:55:10 I don't think that.
01:55:11 I mean, are there, I mean there probably are feds, I mean.
01:55:14 There always are, right?
01:55:17 That's why, if if you haven't that that's one of the things that makes it difficult.
01:55:21 If you were to actually want to be like, I mean, I'm not saying I'm doing that.
01:55:24 I'm just saying, like, if if someone were to try to be like the Taliban.
01:55:28 You'd be you would probably be infiltrated with Feds or it would be really difficult.
01:55:33 To not be.
01:55:35 Because they're they're, I mean, they're they're causing, they're creating, I mean, false flag level terrorism. Like that whole kidnapping or the the the not even attempted kidnapping but the you know I mean the the thing where they're going to kidnap wasn't Michigan's governor or whatever and and like seven of the nine people.
01:55:56 Involved or we're all feds.
01:55:59 And that and that goes this goes all the way back to like 911.
01:56:02 And **** like that.
01:56:04 So look, that's just the way it is.
01:56:07 That's the way it is.
01:56:08 They'll play dirty.
01:56:09 Of course they'll play dirty.
01:56:11 They've been playing dirty for centuries.
01:56:15 And they've been winning.
01:56:18 And there's a lot of people that see that.
01:56:20 And it freaks.
01:56:21 Come out because they feel like that that they could never ever win and to to feel better about their cowardice, to feel better about their inadequacies, what they do is they start making up.
01:56:34 They start attributing all these magical characteristics.
01:56:37 To the ruling class.
Speaker 16
01:56:39 Ohh yeah well.
01:56:40 Of course I'm afraid of them or.
01:56:41 Of course, I couldn't possibly challenge them because they've managed to fool the entire planet that that the world's a spinning ball and they've they've tricked him into thinking that that that, that, that that 911 wasn't caused by.
01:56:56 By directed energy weapons and that they faked dinosaurs and and they fake like they just they.
Speaker 9
01:57:05 They have so much ********.
01:57:09 That they they.
01:57:11 Stuff into.
01:57:14 This scarecrow.
01:57:19 Of the ruling class.
01:57:24 They inflate it so much.
01:57:27 That it it it alleviates any guilt or or feelings of being a *****.
01:57:35 That they might have if they if they were honest about the world.
01:57:45 Anyway, I hope that answers I kind of forgot the question, but I got like the Fed thing.
01:57:54 OK, cringe.
01:57:55 I'm sorry I missed the stream check.
01:57:58 DM sent you a great 80s movie and a clip.
01:58:01 That's pretty much TikTok from 1991. Much love. Alright, tick tock from 1991. I don't know what that would be. There's not. There wasn't a whole lot of video in 1991.
01:58:13 But yeah, I I haven't been on the Internet other than just downloading really long videos.
01:58:21 Oh oh it updated.
01:58:22 Again, I think it's it's actually working guys.
01:58:25 Super chances are actually working.
01:58:26 It gets a.
01:58:27 Little weird when a new one comes in, but I thought I was going to crash, but then it picked up again. I'll check that out. Jack Booth $5. Appreciate it. Leftist activist. Infiltrate local press.
01:58:39 Conferences posing as journalists and Yale questions about, for example, charging an old white drunk driver with a hate crime.
01:58:48 We're failing at the art of war.
01:58:50 And that's why I said at the beginning of the.
01:58:52 String that I.
01:58:54 Know Project Veritas gets some **** or whatever, but they've got the right idea.
01:58:58 At least, I mean, they're at least kind of they're kind of doing stuff that no one else is doing.
01:59:05 You can question.
01:59:08 The you know the veracity of some of their claims and.
01:59:12 Or even like.
01:59:14 The impact that it has.
01:59:16 But at least you know that that, that's that's something unique.
01:59:21 That is being tricky.
01:59:22 The right isn't tricky.
01:59:24 The people on the right didn't get to where they are in life because they were being tricky.
01:59:31 Because you typically it's you are.
01:59:34 You know you did spend all that time, all these people on the right.
01:59:36 They did spend all that time trying to be the good cog.
01:59:40 They did try to be a good cog that would help the whole machine run better and everyone's happier and they get paid more and they will you.
01:59:46 Know yadda yadda yadda.
01:59:48 And that's not what your opposition.
01:59:50 That's not how they got to where they got, that's not at all how they got to where they got.
01:59:59 They look they were like cog.
02:00:02 **** that ****.
02:00:03 **** that high trust ****.
02:00:05 I'll just trick my way to the top.
02:00:09 And it's not.
02:00:10 No, it's not just Jews, although you know.
02:00:15 But it's, yeah, it's people that exploit high trust hardworking people and you are the high, not you know, maybe not.
02:00:21 You listening specifically, but you know what I mean when I say this, the people on the right are high trust, hard working people, and you suck at trickery.
02:00:34 Which is another reason why.
02:00:37 So many of the people on.
02:00:38 The right get a little bit nervous.
02:00:41 Because they know what they don't suck at.
02:00:44 They get a little nervous when they see things, kind of maybe trending in the more kinetic direction.
02:00:50 Because I hate to tell you this, guys.
02:00:52 Usually when the right takes power, it's.
02:00:54 Not through trickery.
02:01:04 OK, $5 from the ***** Nation sub stack article details the January 6th deaths and how they actually happened.
02:01:16 No, I I, I mean, I'll, I'll.
02:01:20 I'll copy this and put in my notes in case I need that for something, but.
02:01:30 Yeah, no, the, the January 6 deaths.
02:01:34 We're all kind of.
02:01:40 Like there was like a grandma that got beat up by a like beat to death by a cop, basically.
02:01:45 I mean, that's not.
02:01:47 Well, there's like video of a grandma getting beat up by ******* cops, though.
02:01:52 Contained some video that I hadn't seen Odyssey video by Warren below, reporting on the same.
Speaker 7
02:02:00 Alright, I'll.
02:02:03 I'll check those out later.
02:02:08 $5 that didn't I alerted Odyssey devs a couple days ago about the ******* up the hyper chat only sorting.
02:02:14 They're very responsive.
02:02:16 The reporting feature is under help, Odyssey, whatever, but I'm sure they listen to the stream as well.
02:02:22 Don't worry, I told them Devin Stack was really.
02:02:24 ****** about it.
02:02:28 Well, good job either way.
02:02:30 Good job for reporting that and good job to the the Odyssey.
02:02:35 It's working.
02:02:36 So far so good.
02:02:37 This is what I needed.
02:02:39 This is exactly how I needed it to work.
02:02:40 This is way less frustrating.
02:02:43 Like way less frustrating.
02:02:47 $5 tipping tip seam's stagger we will win in what is coming and then in time.
02:02:52 We will lose.
02:02:54 What we are going through is cyclical and has happened through all of history.
02:03:00 What we are experiencing is nothing new to the world and will repeat for eternity.
02:03:06 Understanding where you are in the circle of life is the true black pill.
02:03:10 Yeah, well, it's like that guy that I played the clip from in the very beginning.
02:03:13 What did he say?
02:03:14 He said that that the inflation, you know that the dollar would go to 0 not tomorrow.
02:03:21 But like in 100 years.
02:03:26 And and that's probably true.
02:03:28 We are probably on the shift end of the of the suck right now.
02:03:31 You know, we are probably on the, the the part of you know where we are.
02:03:38 If you think of the resources and the decadence of this country as a milkshake.
02:03:47 And what we are is the the boomers were sucking on that milkshake until they heard that, that, that milkshake empty straw sound.
02:03:58 And then they handed it the empty cup to you and said.
02:04:00 Here you go.
02:04:03 And and there's just nothing.
02:04:04 You can do about it.
02:04:06 And that, or at least not you're not getting that milkshake.
02:04:09 Now you can try to make another milkshake so that when it's your turn to pass out of the next generation, they actually have.
02:04:14 Something but a lot of.
02:04:16 People aren't willing to do that.
02:04:17 Because you're not gonna.
02:04:18 It's like planting a tree.
02:04:20 You know you're not going to see.
02:04:21 You're not planting the tree for you, that you're never going to see that tree.
02:04:26 This is an Acacia tree.
02:04:28 Those things grow crazy.
02:04:30 Fast out here.
02:04:32 But generally speaking.
02:04:34 You're not going to see the rewards from that, so a lot of people don't do it.
02:04:41 And that's just, that's just the.
02:04:43 Unfortunately, that's just the way.
02:04:44 It is and.
02:04:47 You know, like I said, we you just have to understand where you are that.
02:04:52 In fact, no one will do that.
02:04:54 No one will go through the effort and and do that extra work to help out the next general.
02:05:01 As long as they're because right now using that same milkshake, think of it as a McDonald's milkshake with the little plastic lid and the ******* straw.
02:05:08 The boomer sucked it all out, handed you the ******* empty cup.
02:05:12 Well, rather than trying to go make another milkshake.
02:05:15 Unfortunately, a lot of the the generations afterwards.
02:05:20 Are sitting there ripping the plastic lid off and trying to like lick the whatever's clung to the sides of the cup and going so far is like shredding the cup open and trying to lick the, you know, the bottom of it and stuff the whole time complaining about how the boomers didn't leave them anything.
02:05:40 And it's like well.
02:05:42 And so, but you at least have something, right?
02:05:45 Like you have just enough of that, that sugary taste.
02:05:48 To where it's it's the decadence has made everyone lazy, so everyone's just lazy and just satisfied enough to where they're not going to get up off their *** and go make another milkshake.
02:05:59 For the next people.
02:06:01 And it won't be until there's no more milkshake.
02:06:06 That anyone goes up and does something.
02:06:09 Or as.
02:06:11 Daniel Day Lewis.
02:06:13 Says and there will be blood.
Speaker 8
02:06:15 I drink your milkshake.
02:06:18 I drink it up.
02:06:20 That's my Daniel Day Lewis impression.
02:06:24 Uh. Let's see here.
Speaker 5
02:06:29 Let's see here the.
02:06:33 Where where am I?
02:06:33 At now I lost my place.
02:06:38 Magic tech.
02:06:40 You ever going to do a meet up Dev?
02:06:43 Maybe at some point I've had.
02:06:46 I've had life things happen that have taken up more time than I had expected.
02:06:52 It's complicated.
02:06:54 When things when the dust settles on some stuff, then yeah, it's just I'm trying to.
02:06:59 I'm just trying to.
02:07:00 I'm just trying to survive, man.
02:07:03 There's there's other things that are, you know, it just it is what it is.
02:07:08 But yeah, I would in a.
02:07:10 In a perfect world, absolutely.
02:07:12 But probably not in the not in the immediate future.
02:07:17 Not in the immediate future.
02:07:20 Maybe this year, maybe.
02:07:23 But probably not in the immediate future.
02:07:25 Something like that has to happen.
02:07:28 And I'm serious about, you know, a community.
02:07:31 But that's the kind of thing I don't think it's going to be like a hey, guys, send me money so I can make a, you know, it's not going to be like that.
02:07:38 It's going to be more behind the scenes.
02:07:43 And just.
02:07:44 But that has to get done that those sort of things have to.
02:07:49 The pill dispenser, as much as I like you, BP. This is where I differ from you. I agree 100%.
02:07:54 The video games is an efficient poison that drain your time and energy, but you can say that about the zombie books you read.
02:08:04 If you throw all fantasy books away, not not see.
02:08:09 I listen to audiobooks while I do stuff.
02:08:12 Do you play video games while you do stuff?
02:08:17 I mean, I'd be right if I just sat there again.
02:08:19 This is the same thing.
02:08:20 Like if you just sat on a couch.
02:08:22 And you just read fantasy books all day, that would be just as useless.
02:08:26 And there's people.
02:08:27 That do that.
02:08:28 My older brother did that for a good part of his early 20s.
02:08:34 So you know, people do that.
02:08:38 But I don't do that.
02:08:41 I listen, I listen to audiobooks while I do stuff.
02:08:45 And in fact, I haven't like.
02:08:47 When I do read a book, a physical book, just because reference books in audio format or garbage like you need to be able to flip.
02:08:56 To a page you know, so the only physical books really that I get are like electronics books and stuff like that.
02:09:05 But yeah, no, it's.
02:09:06 I know you're addicted to gaming.
02:09:08 I know it.
02:09:09 It's fine.
02:09:09 I was.
02:09:11 Just like any addict I would have, I would have defended it and cause that was that was a lot of my how a lot of my satisfaction in life was.
02:09:21 From video games.
02:09:24 I get it.
02:09:26 And I'm not saying that that if if you stick 1/4 in a ******* arcade machine and play like a couple rounds of of Miss Pac-Man or something that that you need to go repent or something.
02:09:37 That's not.
02:09:38 That's not who I'm talking to.
02:09:41 I I suspect I'm talking to people like you, though if you're.
02:09:43 Getting if you're getting defensive about it.
02:09:47 Because there's people that spend.
02:09:51 Almost, if not more, there's probably people to spend.
02:09:54 More time playing video games.
02:09:56 Than they do working.
02:09:59 There are people that spend 40 hours a week playing video games.
02:10:03 I know I did at one point.
02:10:08 There were times I probably like that would have been like a light week if I was only playing 40 hours of video games that week.
02:10:18 I'm not saying video games in and of.
02:10:19 Themselves are the devil.
Speaker 2
02:10:21 It's the devil.
02:10:21 I'm not saying.
Speaker 8
02:10:23 It's the. It's the devil.
02:10:28 Just like I'm not saying movies are the devil.
02:10:31 Can't watch movies?
02:10:32 That's that's the devil.
02:10:38 Probably paying for video games that they pay on the studio, but these days probably not.
02:10:44 That's probably the devil you know.
02:10:47 Funding this stuff, that's probably the devil.
02:10:51 Supporting the games like the games we talked about tonight, yeah.
02:10:54 That's the devil.
02:10:58 I'm not saying games in and of in of themselves are evil.
02:11:03 I'm I'm talking to the people that.
02:11:04 Know they know who they are.
02:11:07 They know who they are, the people that spend more time or even just a significant amount of time in a virtual world.
02:11:15 And that's a lot.
02:11:15 It's a.
02:11:16 Growing number of people and I get it.
02:11:17 Look, I get it from childhood.
02:11:22 There, there was a time like there was a time when.
02:11:24 I used to play outside all the time.
02:11:26 And then Nintendo came out.
02:11:30 And it was all downhill from there.
02:11:32 I was hooked.
02:11:34 I get it.
02:11:36 I I get it more than you probably know.
02:11:40 And I'm not.
02:11:41 I'm not saying I'm better than you, cause I don't play games cause it's I I can never say that now.
02:11:46 Because I played more video games that I hope than any normal person, any healthy person should ever play.
02:11:55 So I get it.
02:11:59 But especially the problem is the video games are most attractive during it coincides exactly when you are the when your mind.
02:12:13 Is the best.
02:12:15 And most motivated and most capable and most.
02:12:20 Like a sponge able to suck up new information and data and skills.
02:12:26 And unfortunately.
02:12:28 Men use that.
02:12:30 That's why it's so rewarding.
02:12:32 Is you use that.
02:12:36 Ability you use the fact that your brain is like fresh and.
02:12:41 And sharp and quick.
02:12:45 To compete against other brains that are fresh and sharp and quick.
02:12:51 You know when you're playing in my case, that's what it was, right?
02:12:54 Playing, you know, first person shooters against other people that were really smart and good at it.
02:12:59 Right.
02:13:00 And that was where that was the.
02:13:01 Payoff, you know you.
02:13:02 You'd you'd see them.
02:13:04 You'd see these other players do amazing ****.
02:13:08 And so if you could beat them.
02:13:09 It made you feel really good.
02:13:11 Or whatever or like, you know, whatever, right?
02:13:16 Different people play different games.
02:13:18 For me, that's what it was.
02:13:19 It was a competitive thing because in real life.
02:13:23 I wasn't putting myself in any situations where I was actually having to be competitive.
02:13:30 This was kind of like.
02:13:35 You know, it was basically, it was like my mind's pocket *****.
02:13:40 That's what it was.
02:13:43 It's really not a whole lot different than just ******* ************ to ****.
02:13:50 It really isn't.
02:13:56 So that's all I'm saying.
02:14:01 Uh. Let's see here. Blood and soil $5. Devon for the next stream. Let us get national anthem of Greater America as an intro outro. Thank you, Massa.
02:14:14 Yes, Massa Sir.
02:14:17 What is this national anthem of Great America?
02:14:19 I don't know.
02:14:19 I'll I'll look it up.
Speaker 12
02:14:23 OK.
02:14:25 Drainage boy.
02:14:26 I drink your milkshake.
Speaker 8
02:14:28 I drink your milkshake.
02:14:30 I drink it up.
02:14:34 Classified cat just got scared.
Speaker 16
02:14:40 What did I do, daddy?
02:14:43 Oh, you're fine.
02:14:44 I'm not going to drink your milkshake.
02:14:50 Uh, cringe panda.
02:14:51 I ended up getting in a conversation with the Gage, who director of the clip of.
02:14:57 Trinny Jews doing the random crap from the last stream and I gave him a chance to disavow pedophilia.
02:15:03 You know what he did?
02:15:04 He blocked me.
02:15:06 These people would rather block you than disavow pedophilia.
02:15:10 Well, it's.
02:15:11 He's probably pro pedophilia.
02:15:14 I can't imagine anyone that was involved with that video not being pro pedophilia.
02:15:18 I mean, they literally had a neon sign that said grooming and don't act like they didn't know that.
02:15:23 What that was all about.
02:15:26 Does niche niche jet?
02:15:30 And probably said that wrong. Have you searched for the lost Dutchman's gold mine or enjoyed the majesty of the superstitions?
02:15:39 The Lost Dutchman's gold mine.
02:15:43 Or the majesty of the superstitions.
02:15:48 The do you mean the Superstition Mountains?
02:15:52 I think I remember something about that.
02:15:55 No, I've never been there.
02:15:56 I think I I've heard something about.
02:16:03 There was like some mercury.
02:16:04 What am I thinking of?
02:16:06 Because there was a lot of mining, I remember someone telling me something about there's some gold treasure out by.
02:16:16 Like Scottsdale or?
02:16:17 Something, I mean, I don't know though.
02:16:22 But negative.
02:16:25 UM, let's see here.
02:16:29 I think we're all good.
02:16:30 On Super Jets, if this worked.
02:16:33 I think this worked.
02:16:36 I can't believe it.
02:16:37 This actually worked in order.
02:16:41 All right, so I'm going to go to regular chat here for a minute.
02:16:46 And then we will.
02:16:49 Close things down.
02:16:54 Someone saying gold tell me more going.
02:16:57 I, you know, like I said.
02:16:58 I remember someone telling me something about that.
02:17:01 If that's what you're talking about, and somehow Mercury was involved, like minors drinking mercury poisoned, maybe I'm thinking about something else.
02:17:11 I thought that's something about the Superstition Mountains and mercury poisoned water.
02:17:18 And a treasure.
02:17:20 But that's about all I know.
Speaker 5
02:17:23 Let's see here.
02:17:26 Did you see Book of Mormon?
02:17:27 You mean the play?
02:17:29 I never saw the play.
02:17:30 I was never interested in seeing the play.
02:17:33 Just because there does come a point where it just it just it gets old like there's so many criticisms, mainstream jokes and you know, just and most of it's inaccurate.
02:17:46 Now there was a South Park episode where they went after Mormonism, and it was at least somewhat fair.
02:17:56 To some extent, I mean, at least at least it was as fair as as they are to other people.
02:18:03 And so that wasn't as annoying.
02:18:06 And they're, you know, they're the ones that, you know, Matt Stone.
02:18:09 Trey Parker wrote the Book of Mormon play.
02:18:12 But at the same time, it's like I did watch.
02:18:15 And I watched orgasmo.
02:18:16 It's like they seem to have a hard on for Mormons and and, you know, they're from Colorado, right.
02:18:22 So there's probably a lot of Mormons in that in that area.
02:18:26 Where they're from, you know, if it's a small town in Colorado, back when they were growing up, that's, you know, I would imagine there's at least some.
02:18:37 But it just you know, after a while it just you get.
02:18:40 Tired of it, you?
02:18:41 Know it's just like, yeah, I get it.
02:18:43 I get it.
02:18:44 Magic underwear?
02:18:45 Yeah, I get it.
02:18:46 You know I.
02:18:47 Mean it's like.
02:18:48 I've heard everything I've heard it all.
02:18:55 Supposedly it's a really good play, right? It's an award-winning play. The the Mormons actually, in a stroke of marketing.
02:19:04 Genius, maybe?
02:19:06 Advertised in the Playbill.
02:19:09 On Broadway.
02:19:10 So if you if you go to see the play of the Book of Mormon.
02:19:14 The big sponsor of in the play bill, like the biggest ad in the play bill, is the Mormon Church.
02:19:22 They thought they were clever doing that.
02:19:23 I don't know if that.
02:19:24 Who knows, right, if that actually worked it at the very least it makes them look.
02:19:31 Not like whiny little Jews like, you know.
02:19:34 Can you imagine that?
02:19:35 Can you imagine, like, if you made a a play making fun of Jews?
02:19:41 For you know what, how long are those things?
02:19:43 Broadway plays.
02:19:44 If you had, like, a three and a half hour long Broadway play making fun of Jews, I don't think that their their course of action would be to try to persuade people to be.
02:19:56 You wish.
02:19:57 You know, by putting an ad in the play bill, I'm pretty sure you would be shut down so.
02:20:03 Look, here's the thing.
02:20:05 That's another thing to think about.
02:20:07 People have been complaining about Trudeau and saying like, Oh my God, it's so crazy that Trudeau, you know, he, he shut down, they they they're taking the money from the truckers.
02:20:17 And it's so it's so crazy and I look at it in a totally different way.
02:20:24 It's just you're being outcompeted.
02:20:26 Isn't that exactly?
02:20:27 What you would have wanted Trump to do to BLM?
02:20:32 Isn't it?
Speaker 9
02:20:35 Wouldn't you have wanted Trump?
02:20:37 To go hard at the funding going to BLM.
02:20:42 Confiscate the hundreds, hundreds of millions of dollars because that's what that's the number.
02:20:46 Probably more than that.
02:20:48 But at least hundreds of millions of dollars.
02:20:52 Going to BLM.
02:20:56 And not just be, you know, the Antifa stuff.
02:20:58 Once you have loved that, once you have loved it.
02:21:01 If if Trump had done like, right what, no, like they they just he he just enacted that you know the Canadian version of the of martial law essentially allowing him to.
02:21:12 Make arrests and confiscate property and all this other **** and people are freaking out, wouldn't.
02:21:18 You have wanted.
02:21:19 Trump to have done that with Antifa.
02:21:23 Once you have.
Speaker 2
02:21:24 Wanted to like.
02:21:25 All they're doing, they're just.
02:21:26 You're just mad that they're out competing you.
Speaker 9
02:21:32 They're literally just proving that they're more.
02:21:34 Competent at this.
02:21:39 They're better at wielding power.
02:21:45 And the people on the right are better at, like I said, they want it.
02:21:49 They don't mind if they're getting marched off of the slaughterhouse as long as they can ***** about it on Twitter.
02:21:53 On the way there.
02:22:04 So that's.
02:22:10 That's that.
02:22:13 Uh. Let's see here.
02:22:19 Are you still planning a debunk Black History Month type stream?
02:22:23 Oh yeah, yeah, I forgot about that.
02:22:25 I don't know how I forgot about that.
Speaker 9
02:22:28 What did I do though?
02:22:29 I did something for this.
02:22:30 I was going to play some black history thing today.
02:22:34 Maybe I should do that?
02:22:35 I don't think it's in.
02:22:36 I think this is just from, I think Western show and I had put this on the telegram where if I have it here.
Speaker 5
02:22:42 Let me see if I got it.
02:22:45 Did I save it? Yeah.
02:22:47 So I'm I'm kind of stealing their jokes, so this isn't.
02:22:51 This isn't my joke, but this was this was uh, I think they post this today to celebrate black history.
02:23:01 Let's see if this will pop up here.
02:23:14 So you could.
Speaker 2
02:23:27 Sing that song.
02:23:37 It's one of these guys invented peanut butter.
Speaker 2
02:23:51 That's all I have.
Speaker 19
02:23:58 They feel like that.
02:24:02 See. The weird thing is.
Speaker 9
02:24:06 That is so.
02:24:07 Foreign to me, and I've been to some ****** **.
02:24:11 I've been to some ****** ** social gatherings.
02:24:15 A lot of social gatherings where violence did break out.
02:24:20 But never between women.
02:24:24 Like maybe there was like a girl fight, like a little bit of a girl fight, right?
02:24:28 Maybe if it got really hectic, like one of the girls ends up with a handful of hair, you know what I mean?
02:24:36 Because you know.
02:24:38 It's usually over a guy or something stupid like that.
02:24:46 It's just it's we're not the same.
02:24:50 We're we're just not the same.
Speaker 5
02:24:56 Let me take a look.
02:25:05 OK.
02:25:15 UM.
02:25:17 I'm going to read.
Speaker 5
02:25:19 I'm going to read.
02:25:21 There we go.
02:25:23 Either I did have to refresh.
02:25:29 For the last super chat here.
02:25:33 Uh. The four nation, $5 sharing our link article on National Justice Party site, referencing January 6, political prisoners and the five killed by the government.
02:25:46 I'll copy those over here.
02:25:53 Yeah, I I haven't.
02:25:54 I haven't looked at it too hard.
02:25:55 I just, I know there's video of some horrific.
02:25:57 ****, though, that went down.
02:26:00 Where, like grandmas, were getting beat up and stuff like they were.
02:26:02 Remember that because remember the first reports were like, oh, some old people out of heart attack.
02:26:07 I think one of at least one of those old people that had the heart attack was literally like beat severely by law enforcement.
02:26:16 But I'll have to double check, but that's my.
02:26:19 Understanding right now.
02:26:21 Hi pricing, Terry, since you were talking about video games tonight, you should play this short clip.
02:26:25 It's a real gem strong and.
02:26:29 Let me see what this is.
02:26:37 I'm going to see if it will.
02:26:39 It'll download all my stuff.
02:26:41 Is so weird right now.
02:26:42 I'm going to have to just.
02:26:43 I'm going to have to get the two broken computers and and put together one working computer.
02:26:48 I think what really what a lot of what my problems are are coming from is even.
02:26:53 Though I rewired.
02:26:55 A power line on its own circuit straight to this computer because I didn't want to have problems.
02:27:03 Like I'm having.
02:27:05 I think the ground is bad at the box.
02:27:08 I I have such dry dirt, I don't think.
02:27:11 That they used.
02:27:12 There is a ground rod that's going the ground.
02:27:15 I just don't think it's deep enough for how ****** the dirt is here, and it's old too, you know, so it's probably corroded and all that fun stuff.
02:27:27 Alright, let me bring up this this file here.
Speaker 7
02:27:36 What is this? This is.
02:27:40 The new Wolfenstein, huh?
02:27:44 Or is this?
02:27:44 Is this the?
02:27:46 The old new one because there's one they made a while back.
02:27:51 Pop this up here.
02:28:09 Watch out.
02:28:47 The incentive to be computer *******.
02:28:57 OK.
02:29:05 OK.
Speaker 1
02:29:11 For me.
02:29:12 You got your ship fish.
02:29:15 Still, shoot your ship TV.
Speaker 2
02:29:17 This was your dress.
02:29:19 It was a trash bag.
Speaker 18
02:29:32 We'll be right back with more from general angle and decapper afternoon.
02:29:42 I just can't be a part of atmas PETA.
02:29:44 Yeah, it's not, it's.
02:29:45 Another kill ****** game.
02:29:49 I actually made a I made a spoof of this game where was Antifa.
02:29:55 A long time ago, long time ago.
02:29:58 It's probably still on my YouTube channel.
02:30:02 But I don't have it on this computer or I'd play it.
02:30:06 Uh. Let's see here.
02:30:13 Alright, I'm going to make sure there's no more super chats.
02:30:17 $20 from bsat. Thank you for all you do.
02:30:20 Brother, appreciate it.
02:30:22 And we got one more or not super chat but.
02:30:27 I am a game developer and I agree that games are a waste of time.
02:30:30 They are a big part of today's culture though, and they can be used as propaganda.
02:30:34 It's also important to create games that do not encourage spending lots of time on them.
02:30:39 Well, that's the opposite of what they've done.
02:30:41 They've specifically engineered games to.
02:30:46 In the same way that Facebook would, Facebook would actually, they did experiments trying to make sure that people would play or to be on the timeline and be titillated just enough that they would stay on the platform.
02:30:59 And a lot of these freemium games are designed exactly like in fact.
02:31:05 Sometimes by the same companies.
02:31:08 That design slot machines.
02:31:11 And it's the same exact concept.
02:31:13 It's literally the same exact concept.
02:31:15 They design it specifically to get you to play it and play it and play it and and they'll make it impossible on purpose that you have to.
02:31:22 Well, I guess I have to buy the do the in app purchase and and all this other ********.
02:31:28 So all right guys.
02:31:30 Well, I'm going to go and shut it down.
02:31:36 Someone says imagine you'll never get those hours in Halo 2 teabag.
02:31:40 Adults on the.
02:31:41 Internet. Well, here's the thing.
02:31:43 Or no, I never played Halo.
02:31:45 I actually never played Halo because Halo was Xbox and I never liked consoles too much.
02:31:51 I always liked computer games.
02:31:53 I know they made some Halo on computer or whatever I thought you.
02:31:55 Were saying half life though.
02:31:58 Half life is a good example of how a.
02:32:00 Game started out, not super.
02:32:06 You know the first half life, you're a white guy.
02:32:09 Beaten up mutants with a curl bar.
02:32:12 And then this half life too, that everyone waited a million years for comes out.
02:32:17 And now you've got a a black girlfriend.
02:32:19 All of a sudden and now half life 3, which is the the the VR half life or, you know, whatever half life, Alex or whatever it's called.
02:32:30 And now you are the black girlfriend.
02:32:34 So it's yeah.
02:32:36 That's just the way it is.
02:32:37 That's the way it is.
02:32:39 They want more, they want it more.
02:32:41 They want it more and so and until you want it more than they do, they're going to win.
02:32:47 All right guys, I hope you.
02:32:48 Guys all have a good night.
02:32:51 I'm going to take off and actually I'll be up for a few more hours doing some work.
02:32:56 Hope you guys have.
02:32:56 A good Thursday for Black pill line, of course.
Speaker 16
02:33:12 Like like like.
02:33:30 We're gonna take a short break right now.
Speaker 3
02:33:32 So in the meantime, enjoy yourselves and watch CCTV.
02:33:41 Here, here he comes.
Speaker 3
02:33:54 Right, everybody get on your feet and clap.
Speaker 12
02:33:57 Your hand. It's time for.
Speaker 18
02:33:59 Time to celebrate a.
Speaker 3
02:34:00 Birthday with Chuck E cheese style.
02:34:03 I say happy you say birthday happy birthday.
02:34:07 Look up your hands.
02:34:10 Stop your feet.
02:34:12 Birthday star with Chuck E cheese.
02:34:14 Oversold guests.
02:34:15 We are happy.
02:34:22 I say.
02:34:24 Happy, happy birthday.
Speaker 1
02:34:29 And stop.
Speaker 3
02:34:29 Your feet.
02:34:39 Are the best.
02:34:50 I say happy you say birthday happy birthday, happy.
02:34:55 Clap your hands.
02:34:57 And stop your feet.
02:35:00 Alright everybody you.
02:35:01 All know this part.
02:35:24 Those eyes.
Speaker 3
02:35:59 One last time I say happy birthday. Happy, happy, happy. This is Chuck e cheese.
02:36:07 Pushing it out very best.
02:36:09 Happy birthday to you.
Speaker 2
02:36:58 That's all my heart.
Speaker 19
02:37:06 I did feel like that.