

Speaker 1
00:17:03 And when the sun comes.
00:00:09 Up I'll be on top to be right down there.
Speaker 2
00:00:14 Looking up and not my.
Speaker 1
00:00:17 Wish come up here, but I don't see you now.
00:00:24 I'm waiting down.
Speaker 3
00:00:25 Here wondering how I'm going to get to you.
00:00:30 But I know now.
Speaker 1
00:00:34 I'll just try.
00:00:37 Cry. I'll just cry.
00:00:42 2 minutes here.
Speaker 4
00:00:44 For one hunt.
Speaker 1
00:00:46 To be quiet, 2 minute tears.
00:00:50 With one heart to carry on.
Speaker 1
00:00:57 96 tears, 96 Total Crack Crack, crack, crack, crack, crack, crack crack 96 tears.
00:01:13 Come on, let me hear you try now.
00:01:17 I wanna hear you sad, yeah.
00:01:21 All night long.
00:01:24 Crack, crack, crack.
00:01:25 Come on, baby.
00:01:26 Let me hear you cry.
00:01:27 Now all night long.
00:01:31 Yeah, come on now.
Speaker 5
00:01:44 Good morning, good evening, good afternoon, good.
00:01:49 It's working as in good it's working.
00:01:54 I'm I'm doing.
00:01:56 I'm trying to have this stream open.
00:01:59 And one as soon as I said that, I think I jinxed it.
00:02:03 So I'm trying to have this the stream streaming to me.
00:02:06 As I yeah, because last last time last stream we had it die and I had no idea because it doesn't tell you.
00:02:14 It doesn't tell you that it died.
00:02:15 In fact, it just tells you the the bit rate that it's.
Speaker 7
00:02:18 The streaming and in fact just to **** with.
00:02:20 You it goes up and down, up and down like it always does.
00:02:23 Like oh, maybe? Oh, it's lagging a little bit here. Ohh now it's going really good when in fact nothing's happening. Nothing's streaming anywhere.
Speaker 5
00:02:34 So, because Odyssey's lying to me.
00:02:40 I have to have this other window open.
00:02:42 But hopefully it works.
00:02:44 Hopefully it works.
00:02:45 I think it's going to work.
00:02:47 I don't know it's working right now.
00:02:48 Knock on.
00:02:49 Copious amounts of wood.
Speaker 5
00:02:52 Oh, good Lord.
00:02:54 It is hot, hot, hot.
00:02:56 It's supposed to start cooling down, though I think this is.
00:03:00 I mean, it's like the the beginning of the end of the hot, which would be really nice.
00:03:05 That would be really ******* nice.
00:03:08 But yeah, yeah.
00:03:11 Got a big robot arm on the screen for some reason.
00:03:15 I don't even think we're going to talk about that tonight.
00:03:18 I was going to do Pat con.
00:03:20 I guess we're up to like part 5 now.
00:03:23 And or maybe no, I think it's part five of the right or four or I don't.
00:03:27 Know four or five I.
00:03:28 Think it might be.
00:03:29 Fine. And we're.
00:03:30 Going to go over kind of a big part of it.
00:03:34 The reason why.
00:03:36 Where we're going to take a little bit of.
00:03:38 A detour tonight.
00:03:40 Is in preparation for that.
00:03:43 Well, what was going to be tonight's dream?
00:03:46 About 3 hours before live I found this.
00:03:52 I found this hour and a half video that I have.
00:03:55 I have like it.
00:03:56 I have to watch it.
00:03:58 It's going to change everything.
00:04:01 I was going to do it.
00:04:03 I was not expecting to find this.
00:04:06 And I found that and I was.
00:04:07 Like, oh, I got.
00:04:08 I have to watch.
00:04:09 I have to watch this.
00:04:12 So we're going to push that to Saturday.
00:04:16 And get back which which is fine by me.
00:04:20 Now the pack kind stuff, like every single stream.
00:04:23 It gets a little.
00:04:25 Exhausting it gets really.
00:04:26 Look, it's a good history lesson.
00:04:28 It's a good history lesson and and they're.
00:04:30 They're I.
00:04:32 I can't think the the the SPLC and the FBI.
00:04:41 For Wheeling out the, you know it's funny also in doing the research for this next episode of Pat Con, I found this other documentary that was almost identical.
00:04:56 In fact, it's so identical.
00:04:59 This newest one, this healing hate.
00:05:02 The the portion that we're going.
00:05:04 To be going over next.
Speaker 7
00:05:07 Most of it they just lifted clips.
00:05:10 From this other documentary they did.
00:05:13 Because they literally did the exact same thing back after after the Oklahoma City bombing, of course.
00:05:20 After the Oklahoma City bombing, they wheeled out this hour long special about the domestic terrorism.
Speaker 5
00:05:29 That's raging in this country, and it's all coming from angry white men.
00:05:35 And they they did.
00:05:35 This full on hour on it and it had had.
00:05:39 The AH, excuse me.
Speaker 7
00:05:41 No more.
00:05:41 Almost died saying the guys name had ******* Mr.
00:05:46 Deeds himself.
00:05:47 At it again.
00:05:48 The co-founder of the SPLC.
00:05:52 He's in it and it's just like it's the same ******* every time.
00:05:56 Every time they they they do this little puppet show for the public.
00:06:00 The difference is when that came out, I think it was 90 or I don't know, like 9596 or something like.
00:06:06 That not, I mean there was Internet, but not really.
00:06:12 There was like the.
00:06:15 Really nerdy people.
00:06:18 We're barely online.
00:06:21 And they didn't have.
00:06:21 They didn't have streaming video or even really audio at that point.
00:06:25 And when you were on ******* dial up, good luck with that.
00:06:29 Even trying to download MP threes with dial up man, you had to wait an hour to get that ******* song. And that's if it was encoded at like 96 kilobits or less. So anyway.
00:06:42 That's going to be a fun one, so lookout for that one Saturday.
00:06:46 It's going to be probably, maybe, I don't know, I want to say for sure, but probably a longer.
00:06:51 One and yeah, it'll be worth it, definitely.
00:06:55 Worth it? All right.
00:06:57 So let's take a look at some stuff for tonight.
00:07:00 What we're going to do instead tonight.
00:07:04 Well, I thought, why not?
00:07:05 I haven't done any cactus pills or or B pills like that.
00:07:08 And this.
00:07:09 This is not going to be there.
00:07:10 One of those things, this, this, this.
00:07:12 Me some snake pills?
00:07:13 Why not open up with some snake pills?
00:07:19 So I was doing one of my night hikes, which I'm I've gotten back into the habit of doing that, that that guy that's super chatted the other night was like, oh, thanks to your inspiration, I lost 100 pounds, 100 ******* pounds.
00:07:32 He was like, oh, I'm I'm.
00:07:33 I'm doing great.
00:07:34 I was like God.
00:07:35 I I've.
00:07:36 I haven't. Well, I haven't gained 100.
00:07:37 Pounds, but.
00:07:39 Like like this summer.
00:07:40 I've just been like, like getting fatter.
00:07:43 Like *** **** it.
00:07:45 Well, I got to get back into doing that.
00:07:47 So you you've inspired me right back.
00:07:49 So I've been doing the.
00:07:50 Night hikes again, which is they're they're they're they're very sweaty right now.
00:07:56 And last night.
00:07:58 This is from last night.
00:08:00 I encountered 2 snakes.
00:08:03 One snake that was nice and cozy, nice little friendly snake.
00:08:09 You know, this this guy right here.
00:08:12 Let's see if I.
Speaker 8
00:08:15 I think I got audio on this.
00:08:18 Those things, I think the California king snake, yeah.
00:08:26 That's what it is.
Speaker 8
00:08:30 Hey, sneaky.
00:08:31 I'll leave you alone.
00:08:35 Now if you want to know why everything looks red.
00:08:38 I wear a.
00:08:40 A red headlamp this time of year.
00:08:43 So I don't.
00:08:43 Just get pelted in the face by constant bugs, I mean, you still kind of do.
00:08:48 But I have found I tried.
00:08:50 I've experimented.
00:08:52 I've tried doing like the.
00:08:53 In fact, I even made my own.
00:08:55 I got this normal head.
00:08:57 And then I got one of those Amber.
00:08:59 Bug lights and broke the because it was an L it was just basically just like a white LED inside of an amber lens.
00:09:07 Right, so I broke the lens off, glued.
00:09:10 It onto my.
00:09:10 Headlamp like it actually fit perfectly.
00:09:13 I was I was so proud of myself.
00:09:14 I turned it on, went frolicking in the desert.
00:09:17 And there was, like, you know, mild improvement.
00:09:21 The red light is really good, really good, but it's it's too good.
00:09:27 Because, well, and it hurts your eyes like, well, you get used to it.
00:09:30 But at first your eyes are.
00:09:31 Just like why am.
00:09:32 I only seeing one color like this is weird, but because animals it's not just like moths.
00:09:42 They'll be hitting you in the face.
00:09:43 A lot of bugs and I'm starting it well and, you know, see in a second, I'm starting to think maybe snakes.
00:09:48 Can't see it and so if you flip on your other flashlight that you know, because it's not that bright either it it freaks things out as as I I just learned with this other snake.
Speaker 8
00:10:19 So that is a bull snake.
00:10:24 Looks very similar to a rattlesnake.
00:10:29 So I can get this I can make.
Speaker 8
00:10:38 He just reacted.
00:10:43 Think the light freaked him out?
00:10:47 But yeah, there's no rattle.
00:10:48 As you can see.
00:10:51 Oh, look at that.
00:11:01 It is not like the light.
00:11:22 He's hissing at me.
00:11:31 Did you hear that?
Speaker 8
00:11:34 That's crazy.
00:11:39 OK.
00:11:51 I wonder if it does that to try to sound like a rattlesnake.
Speaker 8
00:11:56 Because rattlesnakes sound very similar.
00:12:04 I'm not going to ****.
00:12:05 With you, I'll let you do your.
00:12:07 Thing that was pretty nice though.
00:12:13 Oh wow.
00:12:17 He's like snapping that ****.
00:12:19 Now there's a light speckling him.
00:12:28 We're going to put the light on and he freaks out.
00:12:37 Anyway, I'll leave him alone.
00:12:42 And for those of.
00:12:42 You think I'm being mean to the snake?
00:12:44 No, I was.
00:12:44 Doing science to the snake.
00:12:48 So anyway, yeah, I've never.
00:12:51 Had one of those, usually.
Speaker 5
00:12:52 You kind of those snakes, they.
00:12:53 Just keep going.
00:12:54 I've never had one.
00:12:55 Get all ******* antsy like that.
00:12:57 That was that was kind of interesting.
00:13:00 So anyway, that was fun.
00:13:03 That was last night.
00:13:04 It's basically.
00:13:07 Snake, snake, Tober right now.
00:13:09 Or I don't know snake o'clock lots of snakes out this time of year.
00:13:14 I was actually surprised I didn't see a rattlesnake, but that's that's another reason why I wear the red headlamp, because even when the the when there's a full moon and I'll in the winter, I'll.
00:13:26 Do this when there's a full moon.
00:13:28 You can pretty much see everything.
00:13:30 You know, even when it's not like full full, you can pretty much see what you're doing.
00:13:35 And I like actually just not having any headlamp on.
00:13:38 I like just going through the the trails and and whatever with just, you know in in the dark.
00:13:44 As long as I can see what I'm doing.
00:13:45 Like I don't.
00:13:46 Want to be tripping over stuff but?
00:13:48 When it's this time of year and there's like snakes and chill.
00:13:51 Like everywhere you got it, like if nothing else, you need that headlamp just so you can, like, make sure you don't step on anything like that, because while you can see.
00:14:00 The trail and.
00:14:00 Everything by the moonlight.
00:14:02 You probably wouldn't have seen him so anyway.
00:14:08 Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun.
00:14:15 All right.
00:14:18 I don't, I think.
00:14:19 This is pretty much old news.
00:14:20 I was going to talk about this guy.
00:14:23 Talking **** about the Trump supporters not doing anything, it's almost like they're like they're they're trying to create a domestic terror event.
00:14:33 I keep seeing all these news reports.
Speaker 5
00:14:36 That, yeah, that are Trump's threatening terror. Oh, Trump's doing this. Oh, he'd cryptic message to the AG and blood.
00:14:46 It's like now, if if Trump was gonna cross.
00:14:48 The Rubicon he would have done it before January 6th.
00:14:53 If Trump had had any balls, he would have locked up Hillary.
00:14:58 He would have locked up Biden.
00:15:01 Hell if.
00:15:01 He had big.
00:15:02 Balls, he would.
00:15:03 Have locked up Obama.
00:15:06 But we know he.
00:15:07 Doesn't have any balls.
00:15:10 We know he wants to maintain the status quo.
00:15:17 That's his entire.
00:15:19 Goal right now, maintain his position.
00:15:25 With any luck, in 10 years they treat him like they treat Bush now.
00:15:33 For those of you who are younger that don't remember, they hate, they hate the media, made fun of Bush and hated Bush like it wasn't quite as full of rage and and not quite as insane.
00:15:46 But they hated Cheney.
00:15:47 Look what?
00:15:48 How that much they love Cheney now.
00:15:52 And her heart broken because Liz Cheney lost her election.
00:15:56 So really what Trump wants.
00:15:59 Trump wants that, like everything, everything just settles down.
00:16:03 They stop hating him for a while.
00:16:06 Everything goes back to normal.
00:16:09 I mean, in fact, in some ways I think he likes it.
00:16:12 You know that they started fundraising immediately after the the raid on Mara Lago.
00:16:23 And just like with stop the steel you realize.
00:16:27 The stopped the steel.
00:16:29 Stuff was ******** from the beginning.
00:16:32 Trump's lawyers?
00:16:35 When they met after the election.
00:16:38 They, they decided.
00:16:40 I don't know why.
00:16:41 Maybe because again, they they don't want to cross the Rubicon.
00:16:43 They they don't want to upset.
00:16:45 Upset the apple cart.
00:16:48 But they they decided from the outset.
00:16:52 That there would be no.
00:16:57 Legal Ave.
00:16:58 that they would take or pursue.
00:17:02 It was 100% all fundraising.
00:17:06 Put on the show.
00:17:09 Put Giuliani out there.
00:17:17 Entertain the guests.
00:17:24 But there was no intention of staying in the White House or trying to to challenge it, legally or otherwise.
00:17:32 Trump's just he's just simply not a fighter.
00:17:46 But anyway, like this ********* here, gloating over the fact that you're not going to, you're not going to go storm the.
Speaker 9
00:17:54 White House once again, Donald Trump makes American political history presidential history with that e-mail an e-mail about.
00:18:03 My house.
00:18:03 Got raided by the FBI.
00:18:05 So please.
00:18:07 Give me a political contribution. No one's.
00:18:09 Ever done that before, that is.
00:18:12 That is pure Donald Trump.
00:18:16 Nothing happened today.
00:18:19 Donald Trump broke the news last night.
00:18:22 About the FBI raid.
00:18:23 On his Florida home in the desperate hope that it would provoke coast to coast outrage by Trump supporters and national uprising by Trump supporters.
00:18:35 But nothing happened.
00:18:38 There there was no uprights front rising.
00:18:46 And nothing did happen.
00:18:48 In fact I.
00:18:49 Saw a headline before the show that even like.
00:18:53 Infowars is basically ditching.
00:18:56 Ditching Trump for DeSantis.
00:19:00 Even even if Trump wanted to cause an uprising, his only two means of communicating that to people and right now is truth, social that no one uses.
00:19:12 And what, like queuing on like like have Q post, which oddly enough would would actually probably start like a mini uprising, but by the the the least stable.
00:19:28 You know humans that support him.
00:19:31 But yeah.
00:19:34 Yeah, anyway.
00:19:37 Now, one of the reasons why I.
00:19:38 Think, look, we've been watching.
00:19:41 We were watching an entire series now.
00:19:44 Explaining why they would want people to freak out and there's been a couple of incidents, right, like there was a guy there not, which weirdly this did not get.
00:19:54 Almost any coverage there was a guy who set his car on fire and rammed into a barricade.
00:20:01 In front of the OR?
00:20:02 Yeah, in front of the Capitol building.
00:20:05 Opened fire and then shot himself.
00:20:10 And there was almost there, like there was almost no news coverage.
Speaker 5
00:20:12 Of that at.
00:20:12 All it just got swept under the carpet like and like is it.
00:20:16 Happened at night.
00:20:18 And there was like a couple of stories about.
00:20:19 It kind of the next morning, but not really.
00:20:24 And there was that guy.
00:20:26 That supposedly went to the FBI with a nail gun or something like that.
00:20:30 That that story doesn't make any sense.
00:20:31 And there's no like details like and he went he went to the FBI office with a nail gun, but then also an AR15.
00:20:40 You know that just what was the nail gun?
00:20:43 Like his his sidearm?
00:20:45 Or was that like his backup?
00:20:47 Weapon I you know.
Speaker 7
00:20:48 I don't know.
00:20:51 But I'll tell you one thing.
00:20:56 As much as Trump will not, you know, lead us into a civil war or in the same way, you know, he didn't.
00:21:05 Lead us in, you know, into a civil war a couple of years ago.
00:21:09 You know, he's not doing.
00:21:09 He's not doing it now.
00:21:12 For the same reason.
00:21:15 But even even though that's the case.
00:21:19 One thing that Trump is really good at.
00:21:23 Is destroying people's faith and institutions on both sides of the aisle for completely different reasons.
00:21:34 And now that he is, he is destroyed.
00:21:39 Everyone's faith in media, who who you know?
00:21:43 I mean, not everyone thought that the media was.
00:21:45 Biased before Trump, right?
00:21:46 Like almost no one thought that the media was fair and balanced, you know, in fact, that's why Fox made that their their motto fair and balanced cause, like everyone knew that the the media was.
00:21:59 Was left-leaning.
00:22:02 But no one thought that it was.
00:22:03 Just 100% ******** most of the time.
00:22:08 Very few people.
00:22:08 Thought that it was just.
00:22:10 Lies and fiction.
00:22:15 And then Trump came along.
00:22:19 And destroyed their credibility.
00:22:21 Well, now the same thing.
00:22:24 That Trump did to the media.
00:22:27 Trump's doing to the FBI, and I don't even I don't even know if it's on purpose.
00:22:33 You know, I really don't.
00:22:34 I don't know if it's if either one of those things.
00:22:37 Was on purpose.
Speaker 7
00:22:39 I don't know if he went in.
00:22:40 There and was like.
00:22:41 Yeah, people got to know how ******* fake the media.
00:22:44 Let's you know I'm gonna.
00:22:46 I'm gonna strategize and and constantly undermine their authority and their legitimate.
00:22:52 No, I think that they just reported bad stories about him, and it hurt his feelings, and it hurt his ego.
00:22:58 And so he.
00:22:59 Went nuts on them.
00:23:02 And I.
00:23:03 But The funny thing is, I think that's the same reason why he's doing it to the FBI.
00:23:10 And I say that because when he was president, he could have at least tried.
Speaker 7
00:23:16 To work on that problem.
00:23:18 You would think that he would have a a vested interest in it since the FBI with comedy and everything else was involved in trying to sabotage his presidency, you would think that he.
00:23:29 Would have a.
00:23:30 A sufficient reasoning to want to clean house and reform the FBI.
00:23:38 You would think that after hiring Christopher Wray and Christopher Wray, basically saying, Oh well, you know.
00:23:46 In order to.
00:23:46 You know, let's let's tamp down on the trees.
00:23:49 And it's the the rampant trees and that's going on inside the FBI in those Senate hearings, his big his big fix was, oh, we just need more.
00:24:03 We just need more training.
00:24:04 You think that you know someone in the administration would say, hey, boss.
00:24:11 Remember how you wanted to reform the FBI?
00:24:15 Maybe we should go after it now.
00:24:17 And there's no forwarding chess.
00:24:19 There's no oh this.
00:24:20 Is the you know the.
Speaker 5
00:24:21 The the Q and on thing and like well, this is the way it has to be.
00:24:23 People had to.
00:24:24 See it.
00:24:24 It would play out really.
00:24:30 Oh, I get it.
00:24:31 The Trump's Trump has a.
00:24:32 Crystal ball theory.
00:24:36 I'll tell you one thing.
00:24:37 Those people, those ************* will still be trusting the plan.
00:24:40 If Trump does get wind up behind bars, I find that highly unlikely, by the way.
00:24:48 Highly unlikely.
00:24:52 They don't want.
00:24:52 Him to run again, but they also don't want him in prison.
00:25:02 God, do they wish they had Mike Pence?
Speaker 5
00:25:06 They they wish they had Mike Pence.
00:25:11 As badly as they wished they had Liz Cheney.
00:25:15 Earlier today and elsewhere.
00:25:19 Now let me try.
00:25:20 To turn that out, that audio is terrible.
00:25:24 Mike Pence trying to stick up for the FBI.
00:25:28 Oh man, are they?
00:25:29 They're they're getting a bad rap.
00:25:31 Those FBI guys.
00:25:32 Earlier today and elsewhere, I.
00:25:37 I also want to remind my fellow Republicans we can hold the Attorney general accountable for the decision that he made.
00:25:50 Without attacking the.
00:25:52 Rank and file law enforcement personnel at the FBI.
00:26:01 Republicans are supporting along with.
00:26:06 Our party stands with the men and women who serve on the thin blue line at the federal and state and local level, and these attacks on the FBI must stop.
Speaker 9
00:26:17 Calls to defund the.
00:26:18 FBI are just as wrong as calls to defund the police.
00:26:23 Yeah, not really ******.
00:26:27 FBI didn't exist for like a really long time.
00:26:30 It's not like it's some kind of agency that was laid out in the Constitution or something like that.
00:26:43 We've always had police.
00:26:47 We don't need an FBI.
00:26:54 America was doing just fine without an FBI.
00:27:05 We also don't need a CIA.
00:27:12 I mean, how how many how?
00:27:14 Many intelligence agencies do.
00:27:15 We need exactly in a surveillance state where most of this ship's automated now.
00:27:33 How many 10s of thousands of government employees?
00:27:36 Do we need?
00:27:37 Hundreds of thousands, if you count just all the multiple agencies.
00:27:42 I, Gary, I mean, I don't know that the number of of employees for the FBI is is declassified, right?
00:27:52 I'm sure it has.
00:27:53 It's it's protected because.
00:27:54 It's it's national security guys.
00:27:59 But I guarantee you it's in the.
00:28:00 10s of thousands.
00:28:12 But they were obviously they won't defund them.
00:28:15 They will not defund the FBI.
00:28:20 The FBI works for people like Mike Pence.
00:28:24 So I don't know if you guys saw this, but Project Veritas.
00:28:31 Where is that thing here?
Speaker 3
00:28:32 We are.
00:28:34 Project Veritas was leaked some documents that came out of the Department of Homeland Security.
00:28:42 And I'm going to go over and read these documents.
00:28:47 For you guys.
00:28:51 So this is Mark.
00:28:55 Joint Intelligence bulletin.
00:28:57 August 12th.
00:29:00 So just a couple days ago, 20/22.
00:29:04 Violent threats against federal law enforcement, courts and government personnel and facilities following court authorized search.
00:29:12 They're talking about the the raid on Mar a Lago.
00:29:17 This joint Intelligence Bulletin is intended to provide information on the potential for domestic violent extremists.
00:29:25 To carry out attacks on federal, state and local law enforcement and government personnel or facilities, this bulletin is being shared in light of an increase in threats and acts of violence, including armed encounters against law enforcement, judiciary and government.
00:29:45 Personnel in reaction to the Fbis's recent execution of a court authorized search warrant in Palm Beach, FL.
00:29:54 It is intended to support the activities of the FBI and DHS and assist federal, state, local, tribal and territorial trial.
00:30:03 I like Kevin.
00:30:07 Tribal and territorial government, counterterrorism, law enforcement and court officials, first responders and private sector security partners and effectively deterring preventing preempting or responding to terrorist attacks against the United States, coordinated with the national counterterror.
00:30:28 Counterterrorism center.
00:30:31 Overview The FBI and the DHS have observed an increase in threats to federal law enforcement and to a lesser extent, other law enforcement and government officials. Following the FBI's recent execution of a search warrant in Palm Beach, FL. These threats are occurring.
00:30:50 Primarily online and across multiple platforms, including social media sites, web forums.
00:30:59 Video sharing platforms and image boards just say just say 4 Chan, the FBI and DHS would like to ensure the law enforcement court government personnel are aware of the range of threats and criminal and violent incidents.
00:31:20 Increase in observed violence and calls for attacks against federal law enforcement, judicial and government personnel.
00:31:30 The FBI and DHS.
00:31:31 Are aware of an increase in recent threats and calls for violence against federal law enforcement U.S.
00:31:38 Blah blah blah.
00:31:39 And reaction.
00:31:40 Yes, yes, yes, we get.
00:31:41 It all right.
00:31:45 Motivated by a range of ideologies who have grievances against a variety of targets, including law enforcement.
00:31:53 Since the search, the FBI and the DHS has have observed an increase that they're just saying the same thing over and over again, Jesus.
00:32:02 We've observed an increase in threats we've, by the way we've observed an increase in threats in response.
00:32:07 We are observing more increases in threat.
00:32:10 And also the threats to the government, judiciary and the threats to the government, law enforcement threats, threats, threats.
00:32:17 Like they're not.
00:32:17 They're not like this is like paragraphs and paragraphs of basically just reiterating over and over and over again.
00:32:24 There's threats we keep hearing about threat, but with no specificity whatsoever.
Speaker 7
00:32:29 It's just like threats, threats, threats, threats.
00:32:31 The threat threats here we're getting now we're getting to some.
00:32:35 Including a threat to place a so-called dirty bomb.
00:32:44 The the custards and they get their hands on some radioactive material.
00:32:49 Our Q ***** like going to they're going.
00:32:50 To do a dirty bomb.
00:32:57 Oh no.
00:32:58 The cutouts are going to get.
00:32:59 A dirty bomb.
00:33:00 That's kind of funny so.
00:33:07 Let's see here where?
00:33:08 Where was it?
00:33:13 Oh ****.
00:33:14 I lost my place because I had to take.
00:33:16 That tab out.
00:33:18 Where to go?
00:33:18 Where dirty bomb go.
Speaker 5
00:33:23 Ohh man.
00:33:31 Oh, here we go.
00:33:33 In front of The Dirty bomb in front of the FBI headquarters and issuing general calls for civil war and armed rebellion, many of these threats include references to the perception that the 2020 presidential election was fraudulent. Gee, really?
00:33:51 It's just a perception guys.
00:33:54 It's just a perception.
00:33:57 And other claims of government overreach, which are narratives that have mobilized DVD's in the past to commit acts of violence, including against law enforcement, federal, state and local governments.
00:34:10 Like, why don't they?
00:34:11 They should just come up with like, a an acronym.
00:34:13 I mean, the government loves acronyms.
00:34:14 Why don't they have an acronym for that?
00:34:16 Like, I'm tired of saying like.
00:34:18 Like one of the I'll just you know, I'm I have an acronym.
00:34:21 It's deep state.
00:34:22 I'm just going to.
00:34:23 I'm just going to sum it up next time they try to.
00:34:27 Trot all those names that I'm just going to say deep state. Some of these threats are specific in identifying proposed targets, tactics or weaponry since August 8th, 2022.
00:34:40 The FBI and DHS have identified multiple articulated threats and calls for the targeted killing of the deep state.
00:34:49 Officials and with the Palm Beach search or associated with the Palm Beach search, including the federal judge who approved the, you know, Reinhardt or whatever his name was the the the Jew.
00:35:02 That was literally Epstein's lawyer, who, who is like this is. See, this is what's wrong with America.
00:35:10 This is why you're not fixing it.
00:35:12 OK, This is why it's going to take generations to get rid of the the the rut that's in this country.
00:35:21 The fact that there's a guy.
00:35:25 There was a Jewish guy that was working in the prosecutors office to prosecute.
00:35:33 Jeffrey Epstein, another Jew.
00:35:36 Who was using sexual blackmail and human trafficking underage girls to do it?
00:35:46 And that he quit the prosecution.
Speaker 7
00:35:50 And joined.
00:35:52 Epstein's defense team.
00:35:56 Helped him get the sweetheart deal where he basically wasn't serving any kind of prison term whatsoever.
Speaker 5
00:36:04 And now he's a federal judge.
00:36:08 Oh, but by the way.
00:36:10 It wouldn't have mattered if he'd stayed the prosecutor.
00:36:14 Because the with the prosecution.
00:36:17 Because the prosecutor that worked out the sweetheart deal with Epstein, guess what?
Speaker 7
00:36:24 Trump gave him a job in his cabinet.
00:36:27 He was like ******* labor secretary or something.
00:36:30 I forget.
00:36:30 Like his name was Acosta.
00:36:34 Like Jim.
00:36:34 In fact, I think it was, actually.
00:36:35 The funny thing is, it's not Jim Acosta of CNN, obviously, but I think his name was Jim Acosta.
Speaker 5
00:36:42 Trump hired him into his cabinet.
00:36:46 The literal prosecutor.
00:36:48 They gave Epstein the sweet deal and the and one of the lawyers that was working for the prosecution that flipped over.
00:36:57 To Epstein's defense team.
00:37:00 Is now a federal judge.
00:37:04 Who signed the warrant?
00:37:07 To Ray marlago.
00:37:14 Ah, the DHS have also observed the personal identifying information of possible targets of violence, such as home addresses, identification of family members disseminated online as additional targets.
00:37:29 On August 11, 2022, Ricky Schiffler junior, wearing a technical vest and armed with an AR. This is the this is the FBI, you know, nail gun guy.
00:37:45 And armed with an AR style rifle.
00:37:47 All right.
00:37:48 So now we don't.
00:37:48 Even know it's not even an.
00:37:49 AR15 now.
00:37:52 AR style rifle that could that could be an airsoft rifle.
00:37:57 They're airsoft rifles that are AR style rifles.
00:38:04 Armed with an AR style rifle and a nail gun, so maybe an airsoft gun and a nail gun.
00:38:11 Attempted to forcibly enter the FBI Cincinnati Field office.
00:38:16 When uniformed officers responded to Schiffler's attempt to break a glass barrier, he fled the scene.
00:38:24 A pursuit ensued and Schiffler entered a standoff with the FBI and law enforcement officers.
00:38:31 After firing multiple shots at responding officers.
00:38:34 What shots?
00:38:35 What nails?
00:38:44 After a prolonged standoff with the FBI, SWAT support attempted to arrest Schiffler, resulting in his death.
00:38:50 All right.
00:38:51 Well, that's that's.
00:38:54 That's law enforcement dealing what they're good.
00:38:56 At and that's just killing all the suspects.
00:39:01 Killing anyone who even remotely makes them nervous.
00:39:07 A subsequent review of Schiffler's device as an online postings identified his likely ideology driven personal anti FBI beliefs.
00:39:17 In the days preceding the attack, Schiffler called on others to acquire weapons and kill federal law enforcement, claiming that he felt he was he was fighting in a civil war.
00:39:31 Some suspected DVS.
00:39:34 Which ones? What's DVD's now?
00:39:37 Are right wing people DVD's?
00:39:41 Domestic violence, something I I don't even see.
00:39:45 Why use an acronym there and not explain the acronym there?
00:39:49 Have praised the attack. Yes, I guess. I guess you guys might be DVD's now or something. Maybe that might might be the official term DVD's.
00:40:00 Have praised the attack and called for more incidents, while others have labeled it a false flag.
00:40:14 In recent years, DVD.
00:40:16 'S You guys are DVD's.
Speaker 7
00:40:19 TV ease.
00:40:24 Davies, we're Davies.
00:40:28 I got a new shirt idea now.
00:40:34 In recent years, DVD's adhering to different violent extremist ideologies have coalesced around perceptions of government overreach and election fraud to threaten and conduct violence as a result of recent activities, we assess the potential targets of DVD violence.
00:40:55 Moving forward could include law enforcement, judicial officials, individuals implicated in conspiracy theories and perceived ideological opponents who challenge their world.
00:41:08 View drivers that could escalate the threat environment include possible future law enforcement or legal actions against individuals associated with the Palm Beach search.
00:41:22 Yeah, no ****.
00:41:25 Which is why that's look even if let's just pretend for a minute.
00:41:30 Let's just pretend for a minute.
00:41:33 That that, we've got it all wrong.
00:41:35 Trump really was, you know, trying to sell the nuclear secrets to.
00:41:41 Israel, or who someone right?
00:41:45 Let's just let's just.
00:41:46 Play the The the Rachel Maddow's reality game, right?
00:41:51 Even if that was the case.
Speaker 7
00:41:54 I don't think they'd do ****.
00:41:57 I don't think they'd do ****.
00:41:59 They're that afraid of custards.
00:42:02 They are that afraid of custards.
00:42:06 Or I guess as they call.
00:42:07 Them DVD's.
00:42:12 Let's see here.
00:42:16 Statements by public officials which incite violence, a high profile successful DVD attack that inspires copycats, or the emergence of a of additional conspiracy theories.
00:42:30 The threats we have observed, the date under score that DVR's may view the 2022 midterm election as an additional flashpoint around which to escalate threats against perceived ideological opponents, including federal law enforcement personnel.
00:42:50 Although observed threats have predominantly been against federal law enforcement agencies and their facilities, we have historically observed violent actors, including DVES are.
00:43:05 Wait, I gotta fight.
00:43:06 What the?
00:43:06 **** is DVD.
00:43:07 Mean do they define it somewhere early on that I didn't notice here?
00:43:13 DVD cuz the the ****** thing is is Project Veritas didn't give you a searchable PDF.
00:43:20 It's just screencaps, so it's I'm looking at a ******* JPEG that I've blown up.
00:43:27 OK, domestic violent extremists.
00:43:30 OK, that's what it is.
00:43:31 Domestic violence or domestic?
00:43:36 That's odd.
00:43:37 Sounds awkward.
00:43:39 Domestic violent extremists.
00:43:42 All right.
00:43:43 That's a DBE, DBE.
Speaker 5
00:43:48 Let's see here.
00:43:54 There we go.
00:43:58 Oh, wow.
00:43:59 OK.
00:43:59 You're going like this.
00:44:03 Threats, we observe blah blah.
00:44:07 Although those are threats have predominantly been against federal law enforcement in their facilities, blah blah DVD's are frequently unable or unwilling to differentiate between federal, state, and local law enforcement.
00:44:19 Separate government agencies or Co located private businesses. The 1995 Oklahoma City bombing.
00:44:30 Remains the highest casualty DVD attack.
00:44:34 In U.S. history.
00:44:38 And its plotters did not draw a distinction between the multiple government agencies, including a daycare facility occupying the building.
00:44:50 More recently, July 2021, a local task force officer was killed during an attack on an FBI.
00:44:58 Facility in Indianapolis? IN what?
00:45:01 The **** was that?
00:45:04 I feel like I missed that one.
00:45:07 July of 2021.
00:45:11 Look up that one July of 2021.
00:45:18 Let's see here, July 2021.
00:45:26 Where was it at?
00:45:35 Shane Meehan.
00:45:39 OK, Meehan allegedly drove his pickup truck to the FBI, Indianapolis resident agency and threw a moltov cocktail at the building, according to an affidavit from the FBI.
00:45:51 Special edge of the law shortly after he walked out of the OR the FBI agent walked out of the building.
00:45:59 He and Meehan exchanged gunfire, and Pharisee later died of his injuries, according to the court document.
00:46:05 Hearing the gunshots FBI special agent.
00:46:08 Ryan Lindgren ran to the building and engaged me hand in a gun battle me and was shot 2 times.
00:46:16 He fled in his truck.
00:46:22 Let's see here.
00:46:29 They don't say like why he did it.
00:46:30 Who the **** is Shane Meehan?
00:46:34 I mean, here's a DVD, obviously.
00:46:37 Obviously it's a DVD.
00:46:53 You know, they don't say.
00:46:56 They just say he's a father of three.
00:47:00 He retired a front.
00:47:02 He was a.
00:47:05 He was a federal prison guard.
00:47:07 And then he started working for UPS.
00:47:14 Well, whatever.
00:47:18 Even if it's real, like that's reaching like other just like that one time this weirdo and Indianapolis through a moltov cocktail at a building and shot one guy.
00:47:29 Oh wow, you guys have it so rough.
00:47:32 Out of out of the 10s of thousands of agents, one of them had gotten a gun battle.
00:47:37 Ooh, scary.
00:47:39 Anyway, past behavior is this back to the document past behaviors associated with the radicalization and mobilization of violence.
00:47:49 A body of court documents and press reporting reveals several observable behaviors that may indicate radicalization and mobilization of violence by DVD.
00:48:01 It is important I'm actually called this DVD edition.
00:48:05 They love this term.
00:48:07 It is.
00:48:09 We need to do like the DVD.
00:48:12 Like old DVD logo, we just need to.
00:48:13 Do it with DVD.
00:48:15 Let's see here.
00:48:17 Is that possible?
00:48:19 Let me look at the logo here.
00:48:22 All right.
00:48:22 Yeah, we definitely need to do the DVD logo.
00:48:25 But what would we do for the let me save this here.
00:48:31 Put this up.
00:48:37 We're going to.
00:48:40 Make this a funny logo here.
00:48:44 Where is this at?
Speaker 4
00:48:49 Here we are.
Speaker 8
00:49:06 Why is it not working?
00:49:09 Alright, here's the DVD logo.
00:49:14 Or what should be hey chat, what should be the little thing in the bottom there?
00:49:19 Because it's about domestic violent extremists, right?
00:49:23 It should be that little circle.
00:49:29 Make it like a landmine and it looks like it could be.
00:49:33 A landline now, I guess.
00:49:37 Let's see here.
00:49:38 Why won't it let me change it white?
00:49:42 Making a change a different color.
00:49:45 Change it green.
00:49:47 Let me do it green for some reason, all right.
00:49:52 We're going to turn that into DVD somehow.
00:49:57 OK, going back to this, it is important to emphasize that many of the mobilization indicators may also relate to constitutionally protected activities.
00:50:07 Oh damn.
Speaker 5
00:50:10 Darn it, God.
00:50:13 You mean DVD's still have constitutional?
00:50:16 Rights. That's that's not good.
00:50:19 That's not good.
00:50:20 Well, that's unacceptable.
00:50:25 That's unacceptable.
00:50:30 It is important to look critically and contextually at the specific actions of the individual and their intent.
00:50:37 Law enforcement action should never be taken solely based on constitutionally protected activities.
00:50:44 On the apparent or actual race.
00:50:46 Ohh yeah.
00:50:50 We know that's not true age, ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity.
00:50:59 Oh my God.
00:50:59 So ******* gay of the subject.
00:51:02 Or any combination of these factors.
00:51:04 Yeah, unless it's white.
00:51:05 Christian, male.
00:51:06 Right.
00:51:08 Because that checks off all the boxes.
00:51:10 Individuals are encouraged to contact law enforcement if based on these indicators and the situational context, they suspect an individual is mobilizing to violence or engaging in violent extremist activities.
00:51:28 So you guys ready?
00:51:29 Ready to find?
00:51:30 Out what the?
00:51:31 With the DVD's.
00:51:36 This is the DVD's nuts.
00:51:40 Identifying in person or online.
00:51:44 Specific details of an intended violent activity, including targets, time frames and participant roles.
00:51:55 Well, obviously, OK.
00:51:56 In other words, if they say they're going to commit terrorism and tell you exactly what they're doing, that might be an indicator that they're going to.
00:52:05 Yeah, OK.
00:52:07 Did that really have to be said?
00:52:10 Seeking or claiming religious, political, or ideological justification.
00:52:15 For validation for a planned violent attack.
00:52:18 Again, if you're talking about a planned violent attack.
00:52:24 Is that really an indicator or is it are they just telling?
00:52:27 You that they're going to do it.
00:52:31 Unusual purchase of military style tactical equipment.
00:52:37 For example, body armor or personal protective equipment in a manner that raises suspicion of planning violence.
00:52:47 Now you know that that's just going to they're going to expand that to anything.
00:52:51 Right.
00:52:52 Like I've got a bunch of.
00:52:58 Army surplus stuff like a lot of my camping.
00:53:01 Gear is army surplus stuff.
00:53:04 When I when I did my my hike last night, I was wearing military gear, you could say.
00:53:14 And the answer is yes, yes they will use that.
00:53:17 Obviously they'll use that.
00:53:18 Oh, Billy.
00:53:19 Billy bought a lot of ammo.
00:53:21 There was that video going around just a couple of days ago.
00:53:25 Or I guess a couple of weeks ago now where the ATF showed up at a guys door.
00:53:31 And said we have records here that indicate that you have purchased multiple firearms recently.
00:53:37 We'd like to see them.
00:53:41 Like showed up at his door.
00:53:46 In fact, I think I.
00:53:47 Have that video. Let me.
00:53:48 See if I've got it here.
00:53:55 So this is already going on.
00:53:57 This was just the other day.
Speaker 8
00:53:59 And then we'll go into.
Speaker 10
00:54:02 Three different purchases.
00:54:04 If you have them, I'm out of.
00:54:05 Here, that's how quick it is.
00:54:08 Do you have them with you by any?
00:54:08 Chance are they?
00:54:09 If they if you can unload them and.
Speaker 11
00:54:09 Tell my face.
Speaker 10
00:54:11 Bring them out.
00:54:11 Or you can.
00:54:12 Go out to your for you're here.
00:54:14 Check them out.
00:54:14 By numbers here.
00:54:15 Number and we're out.
00:54:15 Of here take 5 seconds.
Speaker 11
00:54:20 The reason we're out here.
00:54:21 Is we're obviously gun violence.
00:54:22 Has been an uptick.
00:54:23 So we want to make sure we have.
00:54:25 The straw purchases, one of the things we indicators that we get is somebody makes it a large gun purchase and then a lot.
00:54:32 Have you been there like, oh, those guns got tooken.
Speaker 8
00:54:37 Yeah, take that message.
Speaker 10
00:54:38 Should the idea?
00:54:39 Is when you purchase more than two guns at a time, it generates a multiple sales report.
00:54:44 When it comes to us and we have to check them out.
Speaker 12
00:54:46 OK.
Speaker 10
00:54:46 That's that's all that is.
00:54:47 He did nothing wrong.
00:54:49 Absolutely zero.
00:54:50 I noticed that you were stopped in.
00:54:52 Philly, though right?
00:54:52 With one of your guns.
Speaker 13
00:54:54 So it's clear that the office.
00:54:58 So yeah.
00:55:01 They're already doing this ****.
00:55:03 They're already doing this.
00:55:06 This was, as I said, this was like a couple weeks ago.
00:55:11 Anyway, let's see here.
00:55:14 Back to the document here, communicating directly with or seeking to develop a relationship with violent extremists.
00:55:23 Or being contacted directly by them for a suspected criminal purposes.
00:55:30 Well, I wonder, I wonder if that means just messaging your friend that says edgy things on the Internet.
00:55:38 Right.
00:55:40 Is your friend a DVD?
00:55:45 You never know.
00:55:49 Unusual efforts to obtain explosives.
00:55:53 What would be the usual effort to obtain explosives?
00:55:57 Unusual efforts to obtain explosives?
00:55:59 Precursors especially illegally?
00:56:02 Well, no ****, Sherlock.
00:56:09 Unusual acquisition of weapons or ammunition for suspected criminal purposes.
00:56:14 Again, all that means is you got guns.
00:56:17 This the guys, the guy that the ATF is visiting in this video right here, that qualifies.
00:56:27 Ohh you had an unusual acquisition of weapons.
00:56:30 You bought enough guns to trigger our little.
00:56:34 Oh, no.
00:56:35 You might have too many guns.
00:56:36 Alert that goes on the computer.
00:56:39 And so we've.
00:56:39 Come to your house.
00:56:42 We're scoping it out.
00:56:43 We've got 3 armed ATF agents.
00:56:48 Scoping out your property.
00:56:52 Telling you to unload your guns and bring.
00:56:54 Them to the door or.
00:56:55 You know, if you want to invite.
00:56:56 Them in they're OK with that too.
00:57:08 But Mike Pence would tell you how how dare you?
00:57:13 How dare you?
00:57:16 10th grade that you know the the the most annoying thing and this is all the only reason I didn't break it up.
00:57:23 It's like this happened like.
00:57:25 Over a week ago I.
00:57:26 Think now when they first.
00:57:27 Raided Trump's thing in in Hannity. Who? I ******* oh God, he's so.
00:57:31 Annoying, which ******.
00:57:33 Me off back in the day.
00:57:33 I I.
Speaker 7
00:57:34 Read two of.
00:57:34 His two. Yeah, I.
00:57:35 Know two of his books.
00:57:38 I mean, this was like in 2000, like *******. I don't know, like 2006 or something like it was a long time ago, but still. Ohh man. But yeah, the the fact that that Hannity.
00:57:54 Who wears the CIN CIA pin on air?
00:57:58 CIA pin on.
00:58:00 And it's always saying, look, I don't have a problem like his favorite phrase is.
00:58:06 I don't mean the rake and rake the rank and file.
00:58:09 The rank and file officers, they're good no matter what agency he's talking about, whether it's NSA, CIA, FBI, you know, it doesn't matter.
00:58:18 He's always saying, oh, yeah, they're making fun.
00:58:20 They're all.
00:58:20 They're all, almost all good.
00:58:22 And then after the raid, he was like, you know, usually I.
00:58:25 Say that that 99% of them are all all good, but now after this I think it's.
Speaker 5
00:58:32 Only 95%.
Speaker 2
00:58:34 Let me address recent unfounded attacks on the professionalism of the FBI and Justice Department agents and prosecutors.
00:58:42 I will not stand by silently when their integrity is unfairly attack.
00:58:48 The men and women of the FBI and the Justice Department are dedicated, patriotic public servants.
00:58:56 Every day they protect the American people from violent crime, terrorism and other threats to their safety while safeguarding our civil rights.
00:59:07 They do so at great personal sacrifice and risk to themselves.
00:59:13 I am honored to work alongside them.
Speaker 14
00:59:16 I agree 95% of FBI agents, they are good, honest, hard working members of the law enforcement community.
00:59:23 I agree that all officers deserve to be safe and protected.
00:59:27 Bad apples need to be fired and or indicted.
00:59:31 There is never any reason for any violence against any law enforcement officer ever under any circumstances.
00:59:37 It can never be tolerated.
00:59:39 Oh ****, uh.
00:59:40 Anyway, the boomerang.
00:59:43 Let's see here.
00:59:47 Unusual change in or initiation of physical or weapons training for suspected criminal purposes.
00:59:57 That could literally mean you.
00:59:58 Start going to the gym.
01:00:04 That could mean you start going to the gym.
01:00:08 Oh it it.
01:00:09 My my night hike as I started on my nights again.
01:00:12 Clearly I'm I'm training for something.
01:00:18 Producing, promoting or extensively consuming violent extremist content online or in person, including violent extremist videos narratives.
01:00:33 And messaging for suspected criminal purposes.
01:00:35 Look, that doesn't just mean, by the way, stuff like like, well, like this stream, which it does, it does include that.
01:00:45 They're talking about fiction.
01:00:49 They're talking about fiction.
01:00:55 If you're one of these guys that you know that listens to prepper **** audio books.
Speaker 5
01:01:02 There you go.
01:01:16 Expressing acceptance of violence as a necessary means to achieve ideological goals.
01:01:22 For example, communicating a desire for revenge against ideological opponents and saying that nonviolent means are ineffective or unavailable.
01:01:32 That literally means anyone who has ever said, including myself.
01:01:37 There is no political solution.
01:01:39 That's what they're saying.
01:01:43 If you express.
01:01:45 That you don't think.
01:01:48 That the the conventional political.
01:01:55 Are effective.
01:01:58 They just checked, they just made a little check mark on their list here.
01:02:07 Here's another good one.
01:02:08 Increase or extreme adherence to conspiracy theories as justification of violence against ideological targets.
01:02:22 Conspiracy theories.
01:02:28 They love that term.
01:02:28 They've used it quite often, a lot in this list here and then here at the end.
01:02:35 Attempting to radicalize others.
01:02:38 Especially family members and peers.
01:02:44 Dash Dash to violence.
01:02:53 There you go.
01:02:54 Red Pilling your family.
01:02:56 Stop it.
01:03:01 Next page, right?
01:03:03 This is the last page that they give you.
01:03:09 Report suspicious activity.
01:03:11 We encourage the use of the unclassified information sharing system, E Guardian.
01:03:18 The **** is E guardian?
01:03:21 The **** is he guardian?
01:03:27 Can I use the guardian?
01:03:29 Should I make an account?
01:03:33 Well, look, it's on their website.
01:03:34 Maybe I can make an account on E Guardian.
01:03:40 I'm on the fbi.gov guardian.
01:03:44 Yeah, I thought I'd be old with a name.
01:03:46 Like E guardian.
01:03:49 It's been around since 2013.
01:03:53 E Guardian Federal Bureau of Investigation Privacy impact assessment for the.
01:03:59 Oh my God.
01:04:01 For the E guardian system, yeah, they're really worried about privacy.
01:04:05 They're real, so I just found I searched for a guardian.
01:04:08 What I found was on FBI Gov.
01:04:11 A FOIA document, basically that is a FBI privacy assessment of their E Guardian system.
01:04:23 So I guess it's.
01:04:23 Been around longer.
01:04:24 Because this is just when they did the privacy.
01:04:26 Thing and so the.
01:04:33 Endnotes. Let's see here.
01:04:36 And the Guardian partner agency can remove information that was shared or reportable. Yeah. What the ****'* guardian, though?
01:04:44 I'm very interested in what this ******* egart is.
01:04:53 Here we are, the FBI.
01:04:54 There's dni, Gov.
01:04:58 Here we go to date, 53 federal agencies have active E Guardian accounts and used the FBI's ex Guardian system to share terrorism related information.
01:05:09 The FBI has made the following.
01:05:11 Oh, great.
01:05:12 Here we are.
01:05:15 They still don't, really.
01:05:15 They don't?
01:05:16 Well, OK.
01:05:17 Well, I mean, they don't really say what it is, but I think it's pretty obvious.
01:05:19 It's basically the.
01:05:20 Database that all of us DVD's are listed in.
01:05:26 And there's 53 federal just imagine that 50 ******* three agencies.
01:05:36 That use this database.
01:05:41 53.
01:05:44 And you know, one of those agencies is going.
01:05:47 To be the IRS.
01:05:50 Right.
01:05:52 I'm sure you guys have seen the IRS is hiring people and in their job.
01:05:58 I talked about this last string in their job listing.
01:06:01 They're saying that you need to be willing to use deadly force.
01:06:09 Here's the dysgenic trainees that are going to be using deadly force.
Speaker 3
01:06:31 Right.
01:06:34 All right.
01:06:35 So we'll take it along the wall and.
Speaker 2
01:06:36 Line up on the wall.
01:06:38 Hope the the wheelchair IRS.
01:06:42 Thug is the one I get.
Speaker 11
01:06:47 Alright, you guys got everybody here alright, you're all.
01:06:49 Ready. Come down.
01:06:54 Alright, whenever you guys are ready.
Speaker 5
01:07:00 You're good. Yeah, you're good.
01:07:07 Remember that this federal agent.
Speaker 5
01:07:14 What's your?
Speaker 1
01:07:18 Because you got clothing.
Speaker 15
01:07:23 Are you looking? Are you?
01:07:24 Do you?
Speaker 1
01:07:24 Have any weapons after said the wrong thing?
Speaker 15
01:07:26 Looking for?
01:07:28 No, Sir, that is not.
Speaker 4
01:07:37 I'm not saying nothing.
01:07:39 I don't even know if you guys.
01:07:40 Are I'm not saying anything.
01:07:41 I'm not saying.
Speaker 9
01:07:44 I'm not saying anything.
01:07:46 All right. Please get on.
01:07:50 I I have a gun.
Speaker 3
01:07:51 I have a permit.
01:07:52 It's legal.
01:07:53 Behind your back, can we take your weapons, please?
01:07:55 Well, everybody asked me.
Speaker 12
01:07:56 I don't know.
01:07:57 Say no, I'm getting.
01:07:58 Spread your legs.
01:08:01 Do you have any other weapons on your back?
01:08:05 Can you please?
Speaker 1
01:08:05 Put your hands on your back.
01:08:07 Do you mean forward?
01:08:11 We have these first.
Speaker 15
01:08:19 You're under arrest for conspiracy?
01:08:26 So yeah, that's the.
01:08:28 That's the new IRS.
01:08:36 Bunch of.
01:08:38 Anti whites with guns.
01:08:43 Some of whom are in wheelchairs, apparently.
01:08:49 I hope they should at least mount the gun.
01:08:52 To his wheelchair.
01:08:54 Make him into like a little like a make him into like a.
01:08:58 A robot.
01:09:01 Like they should turn, they should literally turn them into RoboCop.
01:09:05 Anyway, we we encourage the use of the unclassified, you know, guardian for reporting suspicious activities.
01:09:14 To the FBI ex guardian is accessible via the law enforcement enterprise porthole, or leap.
01:09:21 God, you know what's embarrassing?
01:09:25 I did.
01:09:25 I did.
01:09:26 I've talked about I've done contract work for the feds back in the day, you know, doing video work and animation stuff and things like that, and it's disgusting.
01:09:38 How many of these ******* little things they have and and how and how much they pay for them like.
01:09:45 They have so many ******* little.
01:09:47 Web like cloud like as soon as cloud became like a buzzword, the federal government just started shooting money all over government contractors to build them these databases.
01:10:00 But now they're using them.
01:10:03 Let's see here leap.
01:10:04 If the information is urgent in nature, then please contact your local FBI Field office directly and follow up with an ex Guardian report.
01:10:13 If you need a leap account, please.
01:10:16 Please navigate to the Leap home page at www.cjcjis.gov and click on. Should I apply for?
01:10:25 An account.
Speaker 8
01:10:29 Let me see, I might let me see here.
01:10:35 What is it cjis.gov?
01:10:46 It's not coming up.
01:10:50 Am I still online?
01:10:51 Yeah, I'm still online, OK.
01:10:53 Their websites down there maybe there are so many people accessing leap right now.
01:10:59 There's so many people using their leap accounts so that that they can also use E guardian.
01:11:05 They're accessing E guardian through leap.
01:11:09 That the the the page.
01:11:11 Apparently is down, right?
01:11:12 It's not loading for me.
Speaker 5
01:11:16 All right.
Speaker 15
01:11:20 Blah blah blah blah.
01:11:24 Information containing this intelligence Bolton is for official.
01:11:27 Use and blah blah blah.
Speaker 15
01:11:28 Blah blah, blah blah blah.
01:11:30 So there you go.
01:11:35 There you go.
01:11:38 I mean, it's no surprise this is we've been saying exactly this now for as long as I've been streaming.
01:11:46 It's just getting more official.
01:11:53 That is the only difference.
01:11:56 It's just getting more official.
01:12:01 All right.
01:12:05 Or is my obs screen?
Speaker 4
01:12:07 There we are.
01:12:09 Another fun story.
01:12:10 I just wanted to share with you guys.
01:12:12 As long as we're.
01:12:15 Long as we're here.
01:12:17 If you follow me on gab, you've already seen this or on telegram for that matter.
01:12:23 So I saw this headline today.
01:12:26 And at first I was like, oh, that's kind of based.
01:12:30 That's kind of based that they did that.
01:12:32 I'm a little surprised I'm a little and then I go to read the article knowing that.
01:12:36 There's no possible way that that's really what's going on and what I'm talking about is this right here.
01:12:42 So the headline was.
01:12:45 This is a Texas.
01:12:48 School system I guess.
01:12:52 Texas School district orders removal of Anne Frank's diary from shelves.
01:12:58 And I was like, no way, no ******* way.
01:13:01 Especially not Texas, because Texas is like Zionism.
01:13:04 Central Texas has that governor.
01:13:06 That said, that like AB, is a Nazi app or gab is a Nazi app and I hate gab.
01:13:12 Everyone should ignore gab and go to Twitter, and then went to Israel immediately and started kissing the wall.
01:13:20 So I saw this and was like well.
01:13:22 That's a little weird.
01:13:24 So then I start reading the article.
01:13:28 And notice.
01:13:31 It says a school district in suburban Fort Worth, TX, has ordered its librarians to remove an illustrated adaptation of the diary of Anne Frank from their shelves and digital libraries, along with the Bible.
01:13:48 And dozens of other books.
01:13:50 So the.
01:13:52 The Bible is removed from the library.
01:13:58 But the headline is.
01:14:00 And Frank's fake diary, which is it's totally fake.
01:14:05 I'm sorry if this comes as a shock to you.
01:14:08 But it's totally ******* fake.
01:14:11 It's easy to see how fake it is just with with two simple images, you don't have to be that much of AA. You don't have to be a handwriting specialist or anything.
01:14:21 OK.
01:14:22 And then I'll then the clinch show will be at the end.
01:14:24 So the first thing, this is real, this is real.
01:14:28 The top image.
01:14:32 And this is kind of, you know, it's pixelated and crappy or whatever, but whatever you can find this online.
01:14:37 Too. This is her handwriting.
01:14:43 When she was alive, writing to a pen pal in America.
01:14:52 This is her diary.
01:14:55 Totally different.
01:14:58 Totally ******* different.
01:15:01 It gets better than that, but let's see here.
01:15:03 I'm going to I'll do a side by side here, right.
01:15:18 I mean again, even though like, it's blocky and ******.
01:15:21 The first thing you can notice.
01:15:24 No, I got disconnected.
01:15:26 I got disconnected.
01:15:27 It's gonna come back.
01:15:28 I'm alright.
01:15:28 It's it is back already.
01:15:30 So that's good.
01:15:32 Anyway, you can look at these two handwritings is as ****** as the image is and easily tell it's not the same person.
01:15:44 Even if they looked similar, the the fact.
01:15:46 That they're leaning different directions is a big ******* giveaway, you know.
01:15:50 But then on top of that you find out that portions of the the diary are written with a ballpoint pen, and ballpoint pens didn't exist.
01:16:02 When the diary was supposed.
01:16:04 To have been written.
01:16:08 So yeah, the entire the entire diary is ******* fake.
01:16:12 Anne Frank was like an actual person.
01:16:14 I saw someone in chat, asked that she was actually a real yeah, she.
01:16:19 That little girl's not a I, you know. But she died of probably typhus, you know, and not like Nazi rape or whatever the.
01:16:29 Look, you know.
01:16:31 I don't think she was hiding in some ******* attic.
01:16:35 And she definitely wasn't hiding in somatic writing this.
01:16:39 Diary that's on the left because it's.
01:16:40 Fake. It's made-up.
01:16:43 100% fake.
01:16:46 And everyone knows.
01:16:48 Like everyone knows, it's fake.
01:16:57 Or at least everyone should know it's fake.
01:17:01 So that's fun.
01:17:06 Alright, let's take a look at chat here.
01:17:08 We got a bunch.
01:17:09 Of chat stuff here.
01:17:16 Question everything.
01:17:20 Red Ice TV chat brought up your PAT Con series to the host Henrick.
01:17:26 Maybe you should reach out.
01:17:28 Thank you for your hard work, brother.
01:17:30 Yeah, I've I've been on.
01:17:31 I've been on there.
01:17:33 They're string before.
01:17:36 The problem is, I used to have everyone's not.
01:17:39 Well, not everyone, but.
01:17:40 A lot of people's contact.
01:17:43 On different accounts that I.
01:17:45 Don't have access to anymore.
01:17:50 And in fact, oh, and then it's disconnected again now it's reconnected.
01:17:53 That's good.
01:17:55 That's good. Am I?
01:17:57 Do I have to reset again?
01:17:59 Let me see.
01:18:02 I I mailed the contact.
01:18:03 A lot of people because I don't.
01:18:04 I've been banned from so many different accounts and stuff like that and other reasons I don't have access to some other accounts and.
01:18:12 And so I actually haven't talked to like quote UN quote movement people or whatever like almost at all in months and and unfortunately some of them might think that's me ignoring them because they're maybe they're messaging these other accounts that don't have access to anymore. And so if you're listening.
01:18:31 Through all that, the Internet, you know, problems I just had there, which I, you know, probably not.
01:18:37 But if somehow you are still listening, you're one of those people.
01:18:40 That's what's going.
01:18:40 On with them.
01:18:45 Mine campy chair, $10. Appreciate that you mentioned that the early Life wiki section won't last. I've been keeping tabs on this for two years.
01:18:56 There's been times where someone was in the news for something subversive.
01:19:00 When I checked their wiki page, I did find that it had been very recently.
01:19:04 Edited to remove their Jewish background.
01:19:06 Not surprised at all, and in fact I will be very surprised if they don't systematically go through and erase that from everyone's page.
01:19:17 I mean the paranoia.
01:19:20 Is already there.
01:19:21 The paranoia of people like Merrick Garland is reaching fever pitch levels.
01:19:29 And and I suspect that that's.
01:19:32 That's what they're going to do.
01:19:35 I mean, honestly.
01:19:38 I think one of the reasons why.
01:19:41 They convinced Americans to clip their *****.
01:19:46 Is so they would blend in easier.
01:19:51 I mean, think about it.
01:19:53 It used to be real easy.
01:19:56 To figure out who was Jewish because they were the only ones that *** ** * *****.
01:20:05 I'm going to just keep going.
01:20:06 They're the only ones.
01:20:10 That used to chop off part of their *****.
01:20:16 Well, not in in America.
01:20:17 They've they've convinced so many people now like it's it's not that unusual here anyway.
01:20:24 I'm just.
01:20:24 I'm just going to keep going, guys.
01:20:28 Not much I can do about it.
01:20:33 Jay Ray 19815 dollars. Hope all is well, Devin some food for declassified. Well, it's not declassified. It's classified, Ken.
01:20:44 If I declassify well, he's he's been declassified and he.
01:20:49 Was in the.
01:20:49 Old Cactus Pill intro briefly.
01:20:55 Chief, $5 appreciate that. I just want to remind people the day of the rope is an awesome.
01:21:02 Yeah, and it's and it's.
01:21:04 And if you read it, you'll.
01:21:05 Be on that list too.
01:21:07 But that's OK, because Part 2 is coming out before the end.
01:21:10 Of the year.
01:21:13 Jay Ray 19815 dollars appreciate that. Oh, and one thing David Duke and Patrick Slattery are killing it on Dave's podcast. They are very balanced boomers just saying thanks.
01:21:30 On Dave's, you talking about David Dukes podcast or is Dave's podcast something else?
01:21:36 Yeah, David Duke, I just watched an interview with him and Edward Dutton on Mark Collett's channel.
01:21:47 On Odyssey, just very recently.
01:21:52 Night train, $8800. Appreciate that. Can we get a song like the greatest thing or you know, I'm right by Byron de la Vandal on the way out. These shows are some highlights to my week. Thanks I.
01:22:10 Don't know those songs, but I will.
01:22:15 Check them out.
01:22:18 Let me see here.
01:22:28 My cute little my cute little friend $25 appreciate that I almost got expelled from school when in fifth grade, I asked a black girl. Do you ever blush?
01:22:41 That's that's that's uh.
01:22:44 That's a reasonable question.
01:22:47 And I think I've said the the story about my my kid brother the first time he ever saw a.
01:22:51 Black guy.
01:22:53 He was in the in the back seat of our our car and he looked out the window and saw a black.
01:22:59 Guy at the.
01:23:00 Side of the road and he just said he's dirty.
01:23:09 Pebble in the pond to $5 appreciate.
01:23:11 That, by the way, isn't that isn't that weird that.
01:23:16 And that was, I mean like, say, my kid brother, he's not a kid anymore.
01:23:19 He's like, growing up and married and everything, you know, but like.
01:23:23 Isn't that crazy that there was a time, not super long ago where he he made it through like something like 7 or I don't know how old he was, maybe like six or seven years of life.
01:23:36 And without encountering a black guy.
01:23:40 And I guess what?
01:23:41 And what's weird about that is I guess that would.
01:23:43 Mean he didn't see.
01:23:44 Any on like TV or or movies or like that either.
01:23:49 Maybe he was younger, he must have been like younger than I'm thinking that.
01:23:53 He's old enough to.
Speaker 7
01:23:54 Talk right? So.
01:23:57 Anyway, Pebble in the pond $5 appreciate that, interestingly enough.
01:24:04 Some of the detours can still be relevant to the history lesson.
01:24:09 Devin is my favorite history teacher.
01:24:11 Thanks for all your hard work putting it together well, I appreciate that, and I wish my Internet worked as hard.
01:24:18 As I do.
01:24:20 So I'm just going to, I'm just going to keep going.
01:24:23 You guys will have to listen to the recordings probably for this part.
01:24:26 Just going to keep going through it.
01:24:36 Thank you for your work. Devin Ramel, $50. Wow, that's very generous.
01:24:43 And I haven't loaded my money things in yet.
01:24:47 I haven't loaded my money things in.
01:24:52 Let's see if I can.
01:24:54 Give you a.
01:25:01 There you go.
01:25:03 Thank you, ramel.
01:25:06 John Dirt Hall, $5.
01:25:10 Back in the 90s, a family member subscribed to far right publication.
01:25:16 The spotlight and criminal politics learned about a lot of the pacon stuff through them was.
01:25:24 Excuse me, was wondering.
01:25:26 If you are familiar with them and whether you think it would be worth scanning, uploading them somewhere for posterity, well, it always be worth doing.
01:25:34 I've never heard of them, but like.
01:25:35 It would always be worth.
01:25:36 Doing that, you'd be surprised at what you can find and in like a lot of a lot of what's left over, a lot of what you can find because of the way that.
01:25:46 Information had to be passed around.
01:25:48 It wasn't digitally right, so a lot of what gets passed around is maybe someone captured a VHS tape and uploaded it to like bit shoot or something.
01:25:57 Like that or.
01:26:00 Maybe you know the same thing like a speech, like a tape of a speech or something like that.
01:26:08 I'm going to I'm.
01:26:10 Mute that little alarm thing that keeps going up.
01:26:13 So the in the recording it won't really ******* matter, so you're going to have very unique information probably and maybe it's not all accurate, but it's still going to be good if you have access to that stuff.
01:26:24 I would definitely scan it.
01:26:25 In Long story short.
01:26:28 Alright, sorry guys, it's just it's distracting obviously when it keeps going disconnected, reconnected and I'm sure you're just as tired of hearing about it as I am.
01:26:39 UM.
01:26:43 Yeah, I'll actually, in fact, I'll actually.
01:26:47 I'm going to write that down.
01:26:49 Spotlight and criminal politics.
01:26:59 OK. Colonel Edward $1.00. Hey, Devin. Last string you were asked about the Amanda Knox and you said that you think the real killer was never caught.
01:27:11 I don't.
01:27:12 I didn't say that.
01:27:13 Luckily, he left tons of evidence at the scene.
01:27:16 His name is Rudy, I said I didn't.
01:27:19 I just.
01:27:19 Said I didn't.
01:27:20 Know I said.
01:27:21 I didn't really pay attention to it.
01:27:25 His name is Rudy.
01:27:26 Whatever guide, and if you find a picture of him, you'll see that he's exactly the type of person to commit rape and murder.
01:27:37 OK.
01:27:37 I no, I've never.
01:27:38 I've literally never looked into that is what I was saying.
01:27:41 If I mean, I'm pretty sure that's what I said because I've never looked into it.
01:27:46 Winter child, $5 appreciate that. Hi, Devin. Much love and some shekels from Austria. Have you ever seen what the **** happened in 1970? One.com. It's a meme page. I have not seen it.
01:28:02 Let me take a look here.
01:28:05 Just showing like all the all the economic.
01:28:10 Bad news that started in that.
01:28:13 Well, then we go off the gold standard in 1971.
01:28:18 What year was that?
01:28:28 Anyway, so many people still don't know that a surprising number of boomers that I've talked to in the past.
01:28:36 Had no idea.
01:28:38 That we were off the gold standard.
01:28:44 I've talked to boomers that literally thought that.
01:28:48 That we were still that like, like there was gold in Fort Knox to back up all the.
01:28:53 Dollars that they were using.
01:29:00 My Internet is straight up dead now.
01:29:05 You know what's probably going on and you know no one, no one's hearing this but me. But I'm talking.
01:29:11 To those of you listening to the recording.
01:29:14 What's going on is, I think there might be a storm coming in.
01:29:22 And I have no way of looking, but my Internet is completely dead, so this isn't all odyssey.
01:29:28 This is just space Internet with clouds in the way I think.
01:29:33 ****. What do?
Speaker 8
01:29:34 I do.
01:29:35 You know, I guess what I do is I'm going to keep going through super chats.
01:29:41 Just because you know what am I supposed?
01:29:43 To ******* do.
01:29:45 I mean it is recording still.
01:29:48 So I'm going to.
01:29:51 I'm going to do that.
01:29:57 OK, so you said it's a meme page collecting economical stats that went crazy around the time the US, OK.
01:30:03 Yeah, got off the gold standard. Maybe that plays into your theory about the gates of hell opening sometime in the 1970s.
01:30:09 Right. Well, yeah, you remember.
01:30:11 Who was influencing that move, too?
01:30:14 Nixon didn't just one day decide and then now we'll go off the gold standard.
01:30:18 You know, like there was a whole lot of Jewish influence when it came to how that went down.
01:30:23 That might be something worth taking a look at more closely.
01:30:28 Microsoft H $100.
01:30:32 I'm going to play this just to to myself for now, but you know.
Speaker 15
01:30:36 So you better help me solve my problem.
01:30:39 Mama, get this money in.
01:30:47 Donation towards the black Pill honey fund.
01:30:50 Looking forward to it in the merch store.
01:30:53 Yeah, that will happen, provided my bees survive the winter and.
01:31:01 Start producing hunting next year, which is that's.
01:31:04 They should.
01:31:06 I only have like I have one hive.
01:31:08 I'm not so sure about that in terms of its survival.
01:31:11 It's been shaky since I got it.
01:31:14 And trying to build it up it.
01:31:16 I just think the queen sucks and I've been.
01:31:19 I've been trying to to give it resources and and make it help it get through it.
01:31:24 I just think I got to replace the queen.
01:31:26 I mean, there's running out of time before winter hits, so if I'm going to do it, I.
01:31:30 Got to.
01:31:30 Do it probably like now.
01:31:35 But yeah.
01:31:37 But thank you very much for the *** **** donation.
01:31:42 Guitar dude 1356.
01:31:47 Do you think JFK was killed because he wanted to get rid of the Fed and the FBI, CIA.
01:31:55 That's number your first question.
01:31:56 Two, would you happen to?
01:32:00 What would happen to all the minorities in the US if you had it your way?
01:32:05 The illegals have to go, but what about the ones that have been here for generations and or are for the cause?
01:32:14 Look, practically speaking, like if I'm not like magic.
01:32:20 And just if I just happen to have the ear of of the whoever was in control of things well.
01:32:28 First of all.
01:32:28 That's the JFK thing.
01:32:30 I don't know.
01:32:32 I don't know, but I I suspect that had a lot to do with it.
01:32:36 And I suspect.
01:32:37 That that had a lot to do with.
01:32:40 His brother's assassination after his assassination.
01:32:45 And I suspect Israel was involved with that as well because if you look at the State Department intelligence agencies, there's a lot of crossover with the tribe.
01:32:58 Especially the State Department.
01:33:02 Anyway, in terms of what would happen to all the minorities, look, illegals would obviously have to go.
01:33:08 As you said.
01:33:11 I would also create incentives.
01:33:18 Well, I'll tell you what.
01:33:19 For blacks, we've talked about this already.
01:33:21 Setting for blacks if the average is in net loss somewhere in the neighborhood of 1/4 of $1,000,000, financially, that's what it that's what it costs.
01:33:31 That's the the net loss financially for the country on average, per black person is 1/4 of $1,000,000 or somewhere in that neighborhood.
01:33:43 And the reason why I mean, it's easy to to imagine, right?
01:33:46 Like all the all the blacks that are incarcerated, the, the, the they don't pay into the system hardly at.
01:33:54 All but they use not.
01:33:57 You know, it's not just the welfare, it's the incarcerations.
01:34:00 It's the the added.
01:34:03 Police presence.
01:34:03 You need the, you know, all the all.
01:34:07 Just every single social program you can think of that goes into trying to.
01:34:14 Raised blacks up to parity with whites like you know, something that will literally never happen.
01:34:19 And I disconnected again, so whatever.
01:34:25 It comes out to about 250 grand per.
01:34:28 So what you could do is you could say look.
01:34:33 We'll pay you 150 grand to go back to Africa.
01:34:39 And there's African governments that.
01:34:41 Would want them.
01:34:43 Because compared to their populations.
01:34:47 A lot of African Americans are going to be more educated.
01:34:53 And might be able to perform really well in those societies.
01:34:58 And would actually be a benefit to those societies especially, and they're not even Africa necessarily.
01:35:06 You could even work out deals with countries like Haiti.
01:35:09 I mean, ****, imagine going from.
01:35:12 If you have an IQ of like say.
01:35:14 880.
01:35:16 In America, and you're trying to compete with whites and stuff, you're going to have.
01:35:22 A hard time.
01:35:24 But if you were to go to a country like Haiti and there's African countries where the IQ is similar, but in Haiti, I think the IQ is like the average.
01:35:31 Is like 60.
01:35:33 It might be in the 50s.
01:35:34 I mean it's.
01:35:34 Low. You're you're basically.
01:35:38 Black Einstein at that point.
01:35:42 And so.
01:35:44 It would be insane.
01:35:47 For you do not want to go there with 150 grand in your pocket.
01:35:53 So I would do things like that.
01:35:55 I would find incentives to get people to leave voluntarily.
01:36:02 I would and justice make it.
01:36:08 I would reward.
01:36:10 Founding stock Americans in some way for reproducing.
01:36:16 I don't know that's a tough problem because it it is kind of the kind of the thing we've talked about many times in the past where you can't unbaked the cake.
01:36:25 And you can't easily.
01:36:28 Without massive amounts of bloodshed, you can't just purge, you know, all the non whites out of America and they're so ******* many of them.
01:36:39 It would be.
01:36:40 It would be a problem that would.
01:36:41 I don't think it's.
01:36:43 It took generations to get this bad.
01:36:45 It'll take generations to fix it.
01:36:48 If you can ever even fix it.
01:36:51 Mine kempy chair.
01:36:54 $5.
01:36:56 Have you seen the clip where a Columbus man called the police on an ATF agent at his door?
Speaker 3
01:37:03 OK, let me see your hands.
Speaker 12
01:37:05 Need to see some ID get on the ground.
01:37:07 Get on the ground now.
01:37:09 Get on the ground.
01:37:13 Get on the ground now.
Speaker 3
01:37:15 Federal agent 917110.
Speaker 15
01:37:17 Three, I'm a federal.
Speaker 12
01:37:18 Agent get on.
Speaker 15
01:37:19 The ground on the ground.
01:37:20 And three.
Speaker 15
01:37:21 I'm a federal agent.
Speaker 3
01:37:23 Why wouldn't you show me your ID when?
01:37:24 I got here.
Speaker 15
01:37:25 Don't move forward.
01:37:26 OK.
Speaker 15
01:37:26 You didn't ask for it.
Speaker 4
01:37:28 He is at 33590.
Speaker 3
01:37:30 Get on the ground.
01:37:31 We'll figure it out.
Speaker 1
01:37:31 Drive on that 10/8.
Speaker 15
01:37:34 Not getting on the ground.
Speaker 3
01:37:35 Well, the state where you're at well, stay where?
01:37:37 I'm man fine.
01:37:39 Why do you gotta make?
01:37:39 This harder than it is.
Speaker 15
01:37:41 I'm not getting.
Speaker 12
01:37:41 I have no, I have no problem making this.
Speaker 11
01:37:46 To respond as well.
Speaker 15
01:37:48 You're the one who.
01:37:49 Reacted. I'm not.
Speaker 3
01:37:50 Overreacting. We gotta call the someone's impersonating a.
01:37:53 Police officer out here doesn't have ID.
Speaker 15
01:37:55 No kidding because she doesn't.
Speaker 3
01:37:56 Want to open?
01:37:56 OK.
01:37:57 Get on the ground so I can find out who you are.
01:37:59 It ain't happening.
01:38:00 OK, fine happening.
01:38:02 Do you find?
01:38:03 I think I'm a police officer.
01:38:04 What's the matter with you?
01:38:06 Who do?
01:38:06 You think you are.
Speaker 12
01:38:07 Get on the ground.
Speaker 15
01:38:08 Not get.
Speaker 9
01:38:09 Chopper thinks.
Speaker 4
01:38:11 I'm not to 9170 and pulling up.
Speaker 15
01:38:13 I got my I.
01:38:13 Do not reach for your waist.
Speaker 12
01:38:15 Keep your hands up.
Speaker 15
01:38:23 You gonna stay still?
01:38:24 No, stay.
Speaker 14
01:38:26 You guys are making a big.
Speaker 15
01:38:27 You're still that second settlement face down now all the way down, all the way.
01:38:33 All the way you.
01:38:34 My ID's right here left pocket.
01:38:36 And we're going to put your.
Speaker 9
01:38:37 Arm on your.
Speaker 15
01:38:37 Back, Sir, do not resist.
01:38:37 Wait a SEC.
Speaker 15
01:38:39 I'm not.
01:38:40 You're acting like a no moron.
01:38:42 Wait a?
01:38:44 Wait a second.
01:38:45 Wait, don't.
01:38:46 Don't do this.
01:38:47 Wait a second.
01:38:48 I got a medical condition.
01:38:49 Get my license out of my pocket.
01:38:51 We're getting you.
01:38:52 Please, Please wait.
01:38:53 Don't go.
01:38:54 Hold on.
01:38:54 Hold on.
01:38:55 I'm hyperventilating.
01:38:56 Please, please, please, Sir.
01:38:59 I'm not.
01:39:00 Would you please get my ID out of my left pocket?
01:39:03 I'm begging you, my my wife.
01:39:06 Just right here, please.
01:39:08 Get it.
Speaker 12
01:39:08 I got one.
Speaker 15
01:39:08 Wait, Sir, help me up.
01:39:10 Just hold me up.
01:39:11 Sir, I can't do it.
01:39:13 Wait, Sir, stop resisting now.
01:39:15 Your tape around.
01:39:17 Sir, please get my my federal credit.
01:39:21 No, don't do that.
01:39:21 Please, Sir.
01:39:23 Better get, take put.
01:39:24 You don't like your back, put your right on both your ****.
01:39:26 No, no, don't you understand the ground?
01:39:28 Put your right hand.
01:39:29 Behind your back.
01:39:30 Let me breathe.
01:39:30 Let me breathe.
01:39:31 I'm gonna.
01:39:31 I'm gonna.
01:39:32 I'll. I'll don't do that.
01:39:33 OK, here my God, it is tough.
01:39:37 Please stop.
01:39:38 Please stop, Sir.
01:39:40 Wait a second.
01:39:42 Sir, please help me up, please.
01:39:46 I'm a federal agent.
01:39:47 My God.
01:39:48 My God, my ****.
01:39:49 No idea what you are.
01:39:50 That's the way you are.
01:39:52 Who the heck do you?
Speaker 3
01:39:53 Think you are acting like?
Speaker 15
01:39:54 Nobody. I wanted you to see my *** **** crackheads. The lady was freaking out, for Christ's sake, Sir. Please. Please.
Speaker 3
01:40:00 The chamber worked.
Speaker 15
01:40:07 With the items here.
01:40:09 Sure, sure.
01:40:11 Roll over sit.
Speaker 15
01:40:12 Up. Let him sit up.
01:40:12 It's in my God, it's owner.
01:40:14 It's my shoulder.
01:40:16 My *** **** trench, for Christ sake.
01:40:18 Right there.
01:40:19 Left pocket.
01:40:20 Left pocket cargo pocket.
01:40:21 Please take it out.
01:40:23 I did it.
01:40:24 I ******* get it.
01:40:25 You shouldn't.
01:40:26 You act the way you did.
01:40:29 You see my crimes for Christ sake.
01:40:30 OK.
Speaker 15
01:40:32 My God, I'm here.
Speaker 12
01:40:33 No, you're the one that's in the wrong.
Speaker 15
01:40:37 You know, if you have interaction with the police, you obey command.
01:40:40 Sir, I was trying to get you into band.
01:40:42 Command, Sir. I'm.
01:40:43 With you guys, for Christ's sake. You're ******* federal agent.
Speaker 12
01:40:47 Who's your supervisor?
01:40:50 What's your name?
01:40:50 What's your supervisor name?
Speaker 15
01:40:52 Hang on a second.
01:40:53 The sack is currently John MacPherson, who's on his way out to retire, who will soon be rolling.
Speaker 10
01:41:00 I took the mag.
Speaker 15
01:41:00 Out, thank God.
01:41:03 This is.
Speaker 15
01:41:04 You ought to be ashamed of.
Speaker 12
01:41:05 Yourself. Stand up.
Speaker 15
01:41:06 I'm not trying to be ashamed of myself, Sir.
01:41:09 Let me see.
01:41:12 Yeah, I've seen the back.
Speaker 12
01:41:13 Of the cruiser.
01:41:13 My God, Sir.
Speaker 15
01:41:15 I'm just trying to do my *** ****.
Speaker 3
01:41:19 Why would you make us do?
Speaker 15
01:41:20 This I didn't want to.
01:41:23 I'm home.
01:41:23 I'm knocking the door.
01:41:23 Hey guys please.
01:41:24 Relax, hold.
01:41:25 Him talk to me for.
01:41:27 One second please get.
Speaker 3
01:41:28 In the car, we'll talk later.
Speaker 15
01:41:28 No, wait. Sure. Wait, wait.
01:41:30 You had your.
01:41:32 I was trying to give you my credit.
01:41:33 You didn't let.
01:41:34 Me talk to.
01:41:34 You. I did. Wait.
Speaker 8
01:41:36 He didn't have a.
Speaker 15
01:41:38 Have a seat, please.
01:41:39 I gotta breathe.
01:41:40 Please don't.
01:41:40 Let me break down.
01:41:41 And breathe. Let me break.
01:41:42 I gotta have a medical.
01:41:43 Condition gonna get airtight.
Speaker 3
01:41:44 Get your legs in.
Speaker 15
01:41:46 We're closing.
Speaker 12
01:41:47 This door, Sir, get your leg I need.
01:41:48 9170 we have.
01:41:49 A squad rolling this, guys claiming having breathing problem.
Speaker 15
01:41:49 Air, Sir, please.
01:41:51 Call an ambulance. I'm.
01:41:52 I just did.
Speaker 9
01:41:52 For an ambulance 2 seconds ago.
Speaker 15
01:41:55 I don't need you just said.
01:41:58 Call the ambulance, you.
01:41:59 Don't need. I can't breathe.
01:42:00 All the way in the car get all.
01:42:07 Wait, wait, wait.
01:42:09 How did this happen?
01:42:10 OK. OK. OK.
01:42:13 For crying out like real cop you had.
01:42:14 An act like you're ******* my head up the seat belts in place.
01:42:21 What the ****?
01:42:25 There are fewer $5 appreciate that. Good evening, Devin. The recall gas competition fell short. Nearly 200,000 signatures rejected over 20% of the signatures found invalid, yet less than 1% found invalid for 2020 presidential election.
01:42:43 Accounting. Imagine the odds involved if that was legitimate. Yeah, they would be astronomical, but they're not legitimate. We all know that. We all know that the 2020 election was ******* ********. Everyone that's that's even remotely.
01:43:00 You know.
01:43:02 Not not getting high on their own supply.
01:43:05 Anyone that actually has like a good grasp on reality realizes how ********.
01:43:10 That it is.
01:43:15 Microc H $5 have you considered reviewing the Nuremberg trials? No, that would be that would take.
01:43:21 A long time.
01:43:23 But I mean, I'd be open to it, but like it's not.
01:43:26 Something I could just do real quick.
01:43:28 I'd have to pour over a lot of a lot of documents and a lot.
01:43:33 A lot of.
01:43:35 I mean, there's footage of some of it, right.
01:43:37 So I'd want to go.
01:43:38 Through all that footage.
01:43:40 Maybe there's an expert out there that I could interview that has already research that that could speak to that.
01:43:46 That would be good, but I guess for that to happen, I'd.
01:43:48 Have to have Internet that worked right.
01:43:51 Colonel N word $1.00. It is really disgusting that the Frank family using a family member dying of natural causes for profit.
01:44:00 But as they say, never let a good tragedy.
01:44:02 Go to waste.
01:44:03 When life gives Jews lemons, they seem to turn it into piles of money.
01:44:09 That is true.
01:44:11 Generational wealth is what they turn into.
01:44:14 Lost Angel $1.00. Hey, Devin. I've been wanting to get back into content creation.
01:44:21 Have you and have taken an inspiration from you?
01:44:25 Any advice?
01:44:27 I have a background in TV post production and have created content in the past.
01:44:32 Here's an example using a clip.
01:44:34 From you.
01:44:35 Well, I will check that out when my Internet is working, because right now I'm offline 100%.
01:44:41 And I'm just.
01:44:42 I'm just talking to.
01:44:44 The recording and to the people listening later on.
01:44:47 But I will check that.
01:44:48 Out, you know, it's.
01:44:50 I'm going to have to wrap this up though, even though I'm trying to go through all the the Super chats.
01:44:55 I don't think I can do it because I'm disconnected and I think I've I've reached the end of it.
01:45:01 Dan, the Oracle Black Pilled made a DVD logo for you.
01:45:07 There we go.
01:45:09 I'm trying to copy that.
01:45:10 I mean, I'll look at it later, but let me try.
01:45:13 To copy the.
01:45:15 And last, well, I mean last I can see because again, I'm still off the Internet.
01:45:20 New recommendation Frank and Robot 2012 is about an old man with worsening memory and his robot Butler.
01:45:32 Alright, well, I'll add that to my list too.
01:45:38 Alright, so even though I'm technically working, I think it's connected now.
01:45:45 I'm going to shut it down because my Internet is.
01:45:49 Broken. It's not just odyssey.
01:45:52 It is my Internet just completely because I can't even use the web at.
01:45:57 All, it just get my Internet, I can see my connection icon just going off and on so.
01:46:04 Well, it seems to be.
01:46:05 Working now, it's probably only a matter of time before it shuts off.
01:46:08 I apologize guys.
01:46:09 I kept going with the Super chats and I've been recording so it will take some time because I'll have to upload the recording and replace the and look well.
01:46:19 Now you can't hear me now because I think it already dropped connection or maybe not.
01:46:24 So it'll it'll just.
01:46:26 It'll have to be the.
01:46:29 Recording in a couple hours, that's about how long.
01:46:31 It takes if I can even get.
01:46:32 It uploaded so it might be as.
01:46:34 Late as tomorrow.
01:46:36 If this is going to be the way it works, so sorry guys.
01:46:40 Hopefully the Internet works a lot better.
01:46:42 I mean, this is usually this is way worse than.
01:46:44 It's been a long time.
01:46:46 Saturday, we're gonna have the next episode of Pat Con and that, like I said, that's going to be a long one.
01:46:51 So hopefully we don't have these kind of problems because this is a relatively.
01:46:54 Short stream at two hours.
01:46:55 And I'm expecting it to be.
01:46:57 At least three next Saturday.
01:47:01 Hope to see you guys there.
01:47:03 For black belt, I am of course talking to myself.
Speaker 5
01:47:09 Devon's deck.
Speaker 16
01:47:11 On clear days, you can often see long white lines being traced high in the sky.
01:47:15 They are contrails of jet aircraft, actually long, slender clouds.
01:47:20 Weather men are finding them especially fascinating because the theory is being developed that those long white lines may be changing our weather for the better.
01:47:28 Details from Roger.
Speaker 13
01:47:32 The exhaust from jet engines, usually seen as long, thin trails of white clouds behind high flying jet airplanes, may be a big reason why there are 30 fewer days of sunshine a year in the Midwest now than there were in 1900. The daily range between high and low temperatures has also narrowed weather researchers studying.
01:47:51 Cloud cover in 10 Midwestern states found a sharp increase in cloudiness, with the increase in commercial jet travel, particularly in the main E WestJet corridor.
01:48:01 There were even more clouds.
01:48:03 A jet produces A contrail or a cloud because its exhaust consists primarily of water vapor.
Speaker 4
01:48:09 In the absence of natural clouds, given the correct atmospheric conditions, jet aircraft in high frequency can almost completely cover the atmosphere.
01:48:21 Visible atmosphere with clouds.
Speaker 13
01:48:23 Simon Says, unlike most changes in the atmosphere caused by man, this one is beneficial. Clouds help farmers in the Midwest by blocking the sun's temperature.
01:48:33 Extremes can damage plants and speed up the evaporation of soil moisture.
01:48:37 In the winter City people benefit because.
01:48:39 Clouds act as a blanket, preventing warm air from escaping into the.
01:48:42 The sphere.
01:48:43 No one is trying to make clouds now using jet engines, but this study suggests that jet travel is inadvertently making our days more cloudy and someday.
01:48:52 Weather researchers may be.
01:48:53 Able to use jets on purpose to change our weather.
01:48:57 Roger O'Neill, NBC News, Champaign, IL.