

00:00:00 OK, good morning, good evening, good afternoon.
00:00:56 Good night.
00:00:59 We are going to have a laid back, MacGyver white supremacy stream.
00:01:08 Uh, just you know, because why not?
00:01:11 Because why not?
00:01:12 Because when I was going through and checking and doing some research, looking for, you know, some of these, the origins.
Speaker 2
00:01:20 The origins behind the myth.
Speaker 3
00:01:22 Of of sneaky evil.
00:01:24 White supremacy organizations these hate groups hiding behind.
Speaker 3
00:01:29 You know rock and and.
00:01:33 Trying to exterminate all other.
00:01:35 Right.
00:01:35 You know this.
00:01:36 This whole stupid thing that's going on with the big administration which look.
00:01:42 It's not really a laughing matter and I'm not.
00:01:45 I don't mean to, like, make light of it, but it's just one of those things where it's like we.
00:01:49 You know we.
00:01:50 Got I got.
00:01:50 I don't know.
00:01:51 We have to at least have.
00:01:53 A little little bit of fun with it, a little bit of.
00:01:55 Fun with.
00:01:57 But seriously though, it's it's kind of like this is the kind of fantasy world, just like in the video that I just released.
00:02:03 If you haven't watched yet, it's called the most Jewish film ever made, and it's just a movie breakdown of the movie.
00:02:11 Well, it's.
00:02:11 The most Jewish.
00:02:12 Movie ever made the believer from 2001 and I kind of, you know, cover a lot of of what?
00:02:20 What we'll see in this episode of MacGyver, this idea that there's, you know, these evil white supremacists always, you know, lurking in the shadows and just waiting to exterminate all the minorities specifically.
Speaker 4
00:02:31 Hey joes.
Speaker 5
00:02:32 Well, I'm black people.
00:02:34 And this is this is a narrative that's been going on forever.
00:02:40 This isn't like a new narrative.
00:02:42 This episode of MacGyver.
00:02:44 You know, I forgot to.
00:02:45 Look up what?
00:02:46 What year this came out.
Speaker 5
00:02:47 But I mean it's.
00:02:47 Got to be 80s.
00:02:49 It's got a.
00:02:51 What's his face in it?
00:02:52 The guy that.
00:02:54 Cuba Gooding Junior in it 1985 is what it what year this episode came out. So it's before Cuba Gooding junior actually was anyone that anyone anybody had heard of before but it it's got him in it and.
Speaker 6
00:03:08 Who later went on to make more like.
00:03:10 Movies about this exact same stupid topic that there's all these evil white.
00:03:15 Supremacist lurking lurking in the shadows, just getting ready to oppress black people.
00:03:21 The the.
00:03:23 Unsurprising thing is, of course, that many of these, if not all, of these movies, and certainly this television show produced by.
Speaker 2
00:03:34 The Jews, the Jews.
00:03:37 But like by Jews, and in fact that you know specifically, well, we'll see.
00:03:42 We'll see at the end.
Speaker 5
00:03:43 Credits there's it's.
00:03:44 It's a nice it's a, it's a.
00:03:45 Nice little surprise at the end.
Speaker 2
00:03:48 So we're just going to be.
00:03:49 Just kind of chill and and like I said, I'm not taking this stream too seriously.
00:03:53 I'm I'm pretty exhausted still for.
00:03:56 I didn't sleep for like 2 days straight trying to get that.
00:03:59 That video done and and out the door.
00:04:03 And I'm still kind of tired.
00:04:05 And part of it's just.
Speaker 5
00:04:06 I'm exhausted because of the heat.
00:04:08 It has been.
00:04:10 Unbelievably hot and and it hasn't been cooling off at night, so it's just like I don't know if you can hear it or not.
00:04:15 The AC just it.
Speaker 3
00:04:16 Just runs it, doesn't it it?
00:04:18 Never turns off it.
00:04:20 It it just.
Speaker 3
00:04:21 Keeps going and going.
00:04:23 And uh it's it's uh because of the swamp cooler.
00:04:27 You know, people like to say oh.
00:04:28 The desert.
00:04:29 You know it's a.
Speaker 5
00:04:29 Dry heat.
00:04:31 No, it's not.
00:04:31 It's not when.
00:04:32 You're when, when you're when you have a.
00:04:34 Swamp cooler.
00:04:35 And it's it's it's.
00:04:37 About a I think it's about 55%.
00:04:40 Or 55.
00:04:41 Yeah, I guess that's.
00:04:42 What they how they do it right?
00:04:43 Percent 55% humidity.
00:04:46 Yeah, yeah. Not exactly a dry heat when it's 55% humidity. So yeah. Anyway, I'm sure it's great for my electronics too. The He's just been exhausting though. And and. And it's just like.
Speaker 3
00:05:03 I might have to.
00:05:04 I might have to do.
00:05:04 Something about this humidity thing, it really wouldn't.
00:05:07 Be that bad if I could, if I.
00:05:08 Could figure that out the.
00:05:09 Problem is the.
00:05:12 This place doesn't have any insulation.
00:05:15 You know, it's just it's.
00:05:17 Because of when.
00:05:18 They built this and because they built, I don't.
00:05:20 Think they plan on this?
00:05:22 Hell, I don't know if they they plan on this building even still.
00:05:24 Being standing right.
00:05:25 Now, but it's it's there's no insulation in the walls.
00:05:29 It's part of the the bunker.
00:05:31 Is it made a rock?
00:05:33 Like just rock?
00:05:34 Like when I say it's a bunker it.
00:05:36 I mean, it's built.
00:05:37 There's a huge portion of it.
00:05:38 That that's legit bulletproof.
00:05:40 Because it's just rock.
00:05:42 Just ******* rock and mortar.
00:05:43 But there's no insulation, so it's just, you know, these rocks that that bake all day long in the sun.
00:05:51 And then because of the thermal mass, you know, they just.
00:05:54 Stay warm, you know?
00:05:58 And yeah, so.
00:06:00 And then.
00:06:01 The even.
00:06:02 The new part, because it's it's kind of like the.
00:06:04 Winchester Mystery House in a way like this.
00:06:07 They just kept adding to it and like there's, you know, with with no building codes.
00:06:11 Of course. So it's just.
00:06:12 Like this, all these makeshift additions to the building, and it's just like ******* cinder block and concrete.
00:06:21 Like so it is.
00:06:23 It's, you know, it's really, it's like a bunker, but it's a.
00:06:27 It's yeah, an uninsulated bunker.
00:06:30 It's hot in the summers and cold in the winters.
00:06:34 Now I could fix that.
00:06:35 I could always add walls to, you know, and I could basically line the inside of the walls with insulation and put drywall.
00:06:44 You know, I I know I could do all that.
00:06:46 But that's just, you know, it's a lot of especially now, you know, construction cost, not the construction you know itself.
00:06:54 I I do all the work, but the materials have skyrocketed.
00:06:59 As many people know.
00:07:01 So yeah, that would be a very expensive proposition these days.
00:07:05 2 by fours right, two by fours of like quadrupled in price, if not more.
00:07:11 And I think they call.
00:07:13 It I don't know. Hyperinflation, hyper, everything's getting more.
00:07:17 Expensive like everything.
00:07:20 Some things wildly more expensive.
00:07:23 You know, one of the things that I do is I keep an eye on the price of because I buy like old radio parts, you know, to fix things that's I've told you guys.
00:07:34 Like, I fix up old radios and stuff, and so I'll buy these parts.
00:07:39 And in in looking for the parts I I you know there's certain keywords I'm searching for and so I'm only seeing the price of of like certain things.
00:07:53 And in the last year especially.
00:07:56 A lot of this.
00:07:57 Stuff has doubled and tripled in price.
00:08:01 So things on the used market you.
00:08:02 Know they're talking about.
00:08:03 The you know, used cars.
00:08:06 Same thing, you know, doubled and tripled in the property, of course.
00:08:10 Now they're really pushing the, you know, the the whole idea that you should just rent.
Speaker 5
00:08:15 Everything now a lot.
00:08:16 Of people like.
00:08:18 Have been saying, oh, why don't you talk about now?
00:08:20 Don't talk about that.
00:08:21 Because it doesn't really affect me, I don't not to be * ****, but like I told people to get the **** out of the cities and buy a piece.
00:08:27 Ship. You know that you could just pay $10,000 or whatever cash which existed when I was saying that.
00:08:35 ******* three years ago.
00:08:37 And so, I mean not to be * ****, but if you I talked about it 3.
00:08:41 ******* years ago.
00:08:42 You, you ******* **** *****.
00:08:44 And so if you had.
00:08:45 Just done it then.
Speaker 2
00:08:47 Wouldn't be a problem, would it wouldn't be a problem.
00:08:51 So it's just, I mean, look, I just, I haven't, I haven't dug deep into it.
00:08:56 I know the basic idea behind that.
00:08:57 I know that Black Rock and not just them, and there lots of people.
00:09:01 It's smart, you know, if you're a big Jewish investment firm and you want to enslave the financially, the the the wages, then you.
00:09:12 You know, that's what you do.
00:09:13 I've talked about this at length for years.
00:09:15 I've said that, you know, landlord, it's medieval.
00:09:18 It's in their ******* name.
00:09:20 They're your ******* Lord.
00:09:22 I told you about how when I lived in San Francisco and and that my landlord, who is an old Jewish guy who.
Speaker 6
00:09:27 Drove a *******.
00:09:28 Maserati when he kicked the bucket and his daughter took.
00:09:31 Over that's when.
00:09:32 I realized this is ****** **.
00:09:35 This is ****** ** because to get.
00:09:37 Her wealth? What?
00:09:38 Did she do? She was.
00:09:40 That's what she ******* did.
00:09:42 That's what she ******* did.
00:09:43 And when.
00:09:44 Her kids? When?
00:09:44 She kicks the ******* bucket and her kids take over the empire.
00:09:49 Which is what it will be.
00:09:51 It's not.
00:09:52 She doesn't have to do anything.
00:09:53 It's not like she's doing work to the ******* properties.
00:09:56 She's not.
00:09:57 She's collecting the ******* checks.
00:09:58 She pays some guy like a tiny Porsche.
00:10:01 Like tiny portion of that to manage the ******* properties.
00:10:05 And that's it.
00:10:06 So she's born.
00:10:07 She collects a *******.
00:10:08 OK. And that's it.
00:10:10 That's it.
00:10:12 So I I have talked about this.
00:10:14 I've been talking about this for ******* years.
00:10:17 Just because there's, like.
Speaker 3
00:10:18 A and it's gotten worse.
00:10:21 I mean why?
00:10:22 Would you be surprised that it's gotten like, of course it got worse and it'll it's going to keep getting worse.
Speaker 2
00:10:27 They they're telling they they've been telling.
00:10:29 You're going to.
00:10:29 Own nothing.
00:10:30 You think they were just *******?
00:10:31 Around when they.
00:10:32 Said that, you think they were just.
00:10:33 Like like you know, let's see how people.
00:10:37 Let's see.
00:10:37 Let's just **** with.
00:10:38 People's heads.
Speaker 2
00:10:39 And tell them no.
00:10:40 They're telling you what they're going to do.
00:10:43 They're telling you.
00:10:45 So don't, don't whine and cry because they actually start doing it.
00:10:49 They're we know what's going to happen.
00:10:52 I've been telling people exactly what to do to.
00:10:54 Prepare for what's coming.
Speaker 7
00:10:56 For years, for years.
00:10:59 So anyway, that's just it.
00:11:01 It is just annoys me.
00:11:02 It's like go.
00:11:03 You clearly know about it.
00:11:05 Why do you want me to talk about it?
Speaker 2
00:11:07 Talk about this thing.
00:11:11 I'll talk about the ****.
00:11:12 I want to.
00:11:12 Talk about.
00:11:14 Alright, so anyway.
00:11:16 We're gonna watch MacGyver.
Speaker 2
00:11:19 Now I've edited down.
00:11:21 This episode significantly cause MacGyver episodes, I mean.
00:11:25 That was an.
00:11:26 Hour long show with commercials.
00:11:29 It's, but it's still 45 minutes with commercials, so I cut it.
00:11:33 Down significantly and plus you.
00:11:35 Know for fair use and everything.
00:11:39 I have to add commentary.
00:11:41 For, you know, because it.
00:11:42 It look it's.
00:11:43 It's not.
00:11:43 I'm not being coy here.
00:11:45 It really is.
00:11:46 For educational purposes and and commentary, so I've cut it down significantly.
00:11:53 And this what?
00:11:55 We're going to see in this episode of MacGyver.
00:11:59 Really isn't that much different.
Speaker 5
00:12:03 From any other show around this time.
00:12:06 Like this is 1985, I said.
00:12:08 Probably every TV show had.
00:12:11 An episode like this?
00:12:13 Had at least eight episode like this.
00:12:16 Probably more episodes like this and this is again this was a Jewish run, Hollywood, that was for whatever reason I can't read their minds.
00:12:27 But look the look the facts, the fact remains that several Jews in Hollywood thought it was necessary.
Speaker 5
00:12:33 For whatever reason.
00:12:34 Is in.
00:12:35 You can decide that on your own to constantly tell the American public that white supremacists were out to get you, and that really they were framing black people for crimes and the black people didn't do nothing.
00:12:53 And so when you start to see.
00:12:56 Jewish administration, like the by administrations like 75% or higher, maybe like 78 or something like. I mean it's very Jewish.
00:13:07 When you see them behave in this way where they say that the number one problem is you know, these white supremacists lurking in the shadows and.
00:13:14 That the black people didn't.
Speaker 6
00:13:15 Do nothing.
00:13:16 Why are you?
00:13:17 Why again with the?
00:13:18 Why are you surprised?
00:13:21 Why are you surprised, conservatives?
00:13:25 What they've been telling you this that for years, for this show came out 19.
Speaker 6
00:13:29 85.
Speaker 2
00:13:31 They were telling you in 1985 this is how they.
00:13:33 Saw the world.
Speaker 2
00:13:36 What did you think would happen when you?
Speaker 6
00:13:37 Put them in charge.
Speaker 2
00:13:43 Why are you ******* surprised?
00:13:48 This has been a long time coming.
00:14:04 MacGyver solves racism and kills the white supremacists.
Speaker 2
00:14:12 OK so.
00:14:15 You actually saw this episode, kind of.
00:14:18 It's it's not just.
00:14:19 Like I said, there's there's tons of episodes like this and other shows there's.
00:14:23 And there's actually a lot of.
00:14:24 Movies like this.
00:14:26 So I'm going to set the episode up a little bit so we can cut.
00:14:28 Pass through all the cheesy *******.
00:14:30 Dialogue and and you know, I cut out as much as the the really bad **** as I could.
00:14:37 And so I'll just set this up.
00:14:38 This is MacGyver works at an inner city.
00:14:43 You know, youth program, a youth program.
00:14:46 To keep gangs off the streets.
00:14:49 And we're going to listen to this, this big speech that the guy on the left gives when he's asking for more Gibbs from the community.
00:14:58 And well, he'll.
00:14:59 He'll kind of like lay that out.
00:15:01 But the so the episode opens with MacGyver working at this youth center.
00:15:07 Where? He says he's volunteered.
00:15:09 For years, but this was this was like a another theme that you saw in movies like that Michelle Pfeiffer movie, where you had this, you know, the white savior.
Speaker 5
00:15:20 You know.
00:15:20 The the white.
Speaker 8
00:15:21 Shape because that that.
Speaker 2
00:15:22 Was like the that was this.
00:15:24 The the the narrative that the boomers like to hear, you know the boomers like to hear that there was all these, you know, these disadvantaged, poor black people that were there through no fault of their own.
00:15:35 They all just had these, you know, these horrific circumstances.
00:15:40 And you know, you could.
00:15:41 Swoop in as as the.
Speaker 8
00:15:44 Save your white guy.
00:15:47 And save them from poverty.
00:15:49 And like there there was that that entire show where that was the premise where the guy, you know, well, was it different, not different strokes.
00:15:59 Yeah, it was different strokes.
Speaker 5
00:16:00 Wasn't it?
00:16:02 Yeah, different strokes.
00:16:03 Where the the old white guy goes and adopts the two black kids and and and has them live with his white daughter to, you know, to show that racism is over and and and help these disadvantaged black kids.
00:16:16 So, like, entire shows about this, this sort of boomer fantasy.
00:16:21 And so this was this was like, Boomer crack.
00:16:24 It made them feel like they were, you know, racism was over and the white man was was saving the black man.
00:16:32 So that that's kind of like what this.
00:16:33 There's like, a whole 10 minutes devoted to.
00:16:37 MacGyver going around and and relating to minority kids and all this stupid ****.
00:16:45 Bump. Bump.
Speaker 5
00:16:47 Why is that not moving there we?
00:16:49 Go and then and then of course.
00:16:53 That's when the trouble begins.
00:16:55 That's when the.
00:16:56 Trouble begins.
00:16:57 So the this is Cuba Gooding.
00:17:01 Or is it Cuba?
00:17:03 Is it Gooding, junior?
00:17:04 Why does?
Speaker 5
00:17:05 That sound weird to me now.
00:17:07 I think that is.
Speaker 5
00:17:07 Right anyway.
00:17:09 So this is when he's really young.
00:17:10 He's a.
Speaker 5
00:17:10 Teenager, I guess.
00:17:12 Or playing a teenager.
00:17:14 And this is this is how the.
00:17:16 The mystery begins, so here we go.
Speaker 10
00:17:26 Hey, get the hell out of there.
Speaker 11
00:17:31 It's still in the truck.
00:17:35 Come on.
00:17:40 The like the the not so subtle flight jacket guy.
Speaker 11
00:17:43 Another truck boy.
00:17:48 That guy right there, the the not the almost a Skinhead like he's he's basically the Skinhead but still has hair, you know, like how the other the other white guy was.
Speaker 2
00:17:57 Like boy, get out of that truck, boy.
Speaker 11
00:18:23 Ohh this goes over there.
00:18:30 All right, so he gets into the cop car, you know, really long, cheesy car chase takes place.
00:18:40 He goes back to the Community Center.
Speaker 12
00:18:46 How many?
00:18:46 More anniversary.
Speaker 13
00:18:47 Good question.
00:18:48 How many beans in the word dictionary?
Speaker 8
00:18:58 Alright, boy, slow it down.
00:19:01 Out of the way.
Speaker 13
00:19:02 This isn't your fight.
00:19:03 Well, there isn't.
Speaker 8
00:19:04 Gonna be any kind of a fight at all?
Speaker 7
00:19:08 You tell him, MacGyver.
Speaker 11
00:19:10 That's the kid.
Speaker 13
00:19:11 Arrest him.
00:19:13 What other charges?
00:19:14 Larson is saying that this kid stole.
Speaker 9
00:19:16 His truck.
00:19:16 Ohh man, he's lying.
Speaker 11
00:19:19 Are you going to believe him?
Speaker 2
00:19:20 You gotta believe that black Guy 3.
Speaker 6
00:19:26 We're afraid you have to.
Speaker 13
00:19:27 Come with me, son.
Speaker 3
00:19:30 All right, so.
00:19:31 The cops take him away and.
00:19:37 While at the police station.
Speaker 8
00:19:43 So what's going to happen to?
Speaker 14
00:19:44 Him. He'll be detained under 602 of the welfare and Institution code until he gets a date to appear in court.
Speaker 2
00:19:52 And again, like it's, it's a subtle.
00:19:53 Thing, but it still drives me crazy as as a MacGyver here is about to.
Speaker 5
00:19:59 Compliment her on, you know.
00:20:02 She she's the.
00:20:04 Again, it's a subtle.
00:20:05 Thing, but it's just it's so.
00:20:07 Universal in terms of systemic racism, right.
00:20:14 If you look at the the, the media that was coming out of the 19, you know really the.
Speaker 5
00:20:18 1980s on.
00:20:19 That that if you want systemic racism, just look at that how every black character, every black character, is like this genius like.
00:20:26 She just.
00:20:26 She's like, oh, yeah.
00:20:27 I know exactly what will happen.
00:20:28 And you'll find out.
00:20:29 Why? You know, they're all super educated and and brilliant and smart and all the white people are just ******* evil like this been going on since 1985. What did you think was going to happen?
Speaker 14
00:20:40 He'll be detained under six or two of the welfare and institution code until he gets a date to appear in.
Speaker 8
00:20:46 Well, it sounds like all those years helping Booker study for his law exams didn't go to waste.
Speaker 2
00:20:52 I know us ******* are always going.
00:20:55 To law school.
Speaker 14
00:20:57 Sometimes I wish he had gone on to practice law.
00:21:01 But you know what he says?
00:21:03 By the time a kid needs a lawyer.
Speaker 15
00:21:06 It's already too late.
Speaker 16
00:21:08 Razor repeater Booker he's been running with the gang since he was.
00:21:11 10 years old.
Speaker 13
00:21:12 Used to run, he's been doing great at the Challengers Club.
Speaker 16
00:21:15 His mother's in the hospital. I can't release him if there's no one to.
00:21:18 Release him too. What about?
00:21:19 What you're going to say, but you and Cynthia already got half a dozen kids in your custody.
00:21:24 Unless you find somebody else, Ray is going to jail.
Speaker 13
00:21:27 Where can I possibly find somebody who could?
00:21:30 Wait, isn't that?
00:21:31 I just realized this.
00:21:32 I I think that's the black guy from Ghostbusters, isn't it?
00:21:37 Is it?
00:21:38 I don't.
00:21:38 Know maybe.
00:21:42 Miss MacGyver.
00:21:48 No, it's not.
00:21:49 I don't know.
00:21:50 Maybe I might to look them up now.
Speaker 8
00:21:52 I'm told kids like me.
Speaker 3
00:21:54 Alright so.
00:21:56 Now the the kid has been put in Macgyver's custody because the the black couple apparently is already they already have custody of half a dozen **** *******.
00:22:15 The black kids, he doesn't.
00:22:16 He, he's he's too.
00:22:17 Cool for you know, he's too.
Speaker 3
00:22:19 Cool for the white guy.
Speaker 8
00:22:20 Once they get to know.
Speaker 9
00:22:21 Yeah, well, I'm no kid, and I don't like you.
00:22:24 And I sure as hell don't want to get to know you.
Speaker 8
00:22:27 OK.
00:22:27 Well, I guess we're off on the wrong foot.
00:22:29 I hate when that happens.
00:22:31 Why don't we start over?
00:22:33 Hi names MacGyver.
00:22:35 And I'm going to be on you like green on grass till Booker gets out.
00:22:38 Of that Council meeting.
00:22:40 Put on your seat belt.
Speaker 11
00:22:54 We got temporary custody.
Speaker 7
00:22:57 But if the kid runs, Booker is going to look worse than if.
00:23:00 The kid was in jail.
Speaker 11
00:23:04 So you just make sure the kid runs and keeps on running.
00:23:09 Let's go.
Speaker 3
00:23:10 Don, Don.
00:23:11 So of course, really, what this is about is.
00:23:16 The evil white.
00:23:17 People are trying to shut down the Community Center that the good smart black people have put in the community to help the poor.
00:23:27 Disadvantaged black kids because they hate black people.
Speaker 2
00:23:34 Again, what did you think was?
00:23:35 Going to happen. This is 1985.
00:23:38 And it's only gotten the way worse.
00:23:41 So later, MacGyver, of course, has been hanging out and trying to relate to the Black Kid and trying to find out what really happened, what really happened, man, why did you steal that van?
Speaker 11
00:23:58 Ray, instead of busting this bag open, why don't you just tell me what happened?
Speaker 9
00:24:02 You wouldn't understand.
Speaker 7
00:24:04 Why wouldn't I understand black?
Speaker 8
00:24:09 So what you're telling me is I can't understand because we're not the same color.
Speaker 9
00:24:14 No, I'm saying the white.
00:24:15 That means you play by a whole.
00:24:16 Different set of.
Speaker 7
00:24:18 All right, I'll bite.
00:24:19 What rules?
Speaker 9
00:24:20 White rules, like when a white man says something.
00:24:23 People believe him.
00:24:24 White rules say when a white man walks down the street after dark, the police wave hello.
00:24:29 They don't Jack them up and shake them down.
00:24:32 Follow it up.
00:24:32 Really. Believe it.
Speaker 9
00:24:36 I live it.
00:24:38 See now again that.
Speaker 2
00:24:39 This isn't new.
00:24:41 This isn't new this idea.
00:24:43 That that, you know it's it's.
Speaker 3
00:24:45 Cause I'm black.
00:24:47 This has been around for a really.
00:24:48 ******* long time.
00:24:50 Now the difference is the difference is.
00:24:53 Just in the same way that.
00:24:54 You know, here's The funny thing, black.
00:24:56 People have been saying this.
00:24:57 ******** for a really long time.
00:24:59 And the reason?
00:25:00 Why it hasn't annoyed the boomers as much as it annoys you is when they were watching this kind of media like in 1985, you'll see.
00:25:10 I mean they, they this.
00:25:11 What they end up resolving.
00:25:12 They're like, oh, I guess, I guess we all we all.
00:25:14 Should be colorblind.
00:25:15 You know, like that's.
00:25:16 That's like the boomer.
00:25:17 Thing like I don't.
00:25:18 See race and that's.
00:25:19 The kind of resolution you would see in TV shows.
Speaker 5
00:25:22 Like this right?
Speaker 6
00:25:23 But in the beginning.
00:25:24 Yeah, they, they, they present the the the reality I guess in terms of like how the the the black perception was and maybe I don't know maybe this was because they were trying to get black.
00:25:35 People to.
Speaker 3
00:25:37 To not see race or whatever.
00:25:38 Too, but at the same it doesn't really matter, right?
00:25:45 You know, people aren't color blind.
00:25:47 That's a it's a boomer ******* fantasy.
00:25:50 But this is part of why they have that fantasy, because they had.
00:25:53 Limitless amount of media reinforcing that fantasy.
Speaker 5
00:25:57 All the time, all around them.
Speaker 2
00:26:01 Where you going?
00:26:02 Well, you ain't in my face.
Speaker 8
00:26:04 I can't let you.
Speaker 9
00:26:05 Do that well, this is more your rules.
Speaker 8
00:26:07 Not my rules bookers.
Speaker 9
00:26:13 Ain't going no way just to shoot some hoops.
00:26:17 And maybe you don't trust me either.
Speaker 2
00:26:35 Dun Dun Dun.
00:26:39 And again, we have the Satanic inverted reality, where it's the black ghetto kids who are in fear of the.
00:26:48 White kids in the neighborhood.
Speaker 9
00:26:58 I don't want any trouble.
00:27:02 Is it doesn't that reflect what you've seen and all the footage from the summer?
00:27:06 Of love with BLM over.
00:27:07 The last year or so.
00:27:11 You know it.
00:27:12 It's just there's just black people minding their own business, you know, playing, playing some basketball.
00:27:18 And just some white guy in a ******* flight jacket shows up with a switchblade and ruins all their fun again.
Speaker 2
00:27:28 You should have seen this **** coming.
00:27:31 This reality, this ridiculous scenario was just as ridiculous in.
00:27:36 1985 as it is now.
00:27:41 And yet.
00:27:43 No one said anything.
00:27:45 They watched it.
00:27:48 They they had.
Speaker 2
00:27:49 That they thought no, this is good.
00:27:50 This is.
00:27:51 A good show for my kids, it's.
00:27:53 Teaching them not to hate.
Speaker 11
00:27:55 We don't like your kind around here.
00:27:57 They're all around.
00:27:58 If you just disappear.
00:27:59 Your nappy head is going to look like this.
Speaker 2
00:28:09 I mean, you should have seen it coming.
00:28:20 What's up, boy? Wrong.
Speaker 11
00:28:22 Boy, you can stop when you're in Africa.
Speaker 2
00:28:27 It's like.
00:28:34 You should have seen it coming.
00:28:54 Alright, so I cut out a little bit.
00:28:56 There I'll look at.
Speaker 2
00:28:57 32 mad dogs.
00:29:00 So MacGyver figures.
00:29:02 Out that the the kid is Ron and some other.
00:29:08 Disadvantaged youths at the youth center tell him he's he's at.
Speaker 3
00:29:12 The mad dogs.
00:29:15 It's the gang he used to.
00:29:16 Be a part of.
Speaker 9
00:29:27 Good, that's real good.
Speaker 7
00:29:33 Don't understand.
Speaker 9
00:29:44 Long time rain.
00:29:47 But you were on Booker's college program.
Speaker 13
00:30:04 I need to shoot it.
Speaker 4
00:30:05 You need a gun to get into.
Speaker 16
00:30:07 Now you got a pizza nut.
00:30:09 You move some crack for.
Speaker 9
00:30:10 Me and you got it.
00:30:12 I don't deal crack.
Speaker 7
00:30:17 Take the piece.
00:30:20 We'll deal later.
00:30:24 Right.
00:30:26 You would man.
Speaker 10
00:30:28 You are a know.
Speaker 16
00:30:41 Man, what are you doing?
Speaker 7
00:30:42 Here when you need a gun for revenge.
Speaker 9
00:30:45 I didn't come here with.
00:30:46 No gun just came to.
00:30:47 Shoot some ball.
00:30:48 You ain't cool here.
Speaker 7
00:30:50 Why? Because I'm white.
00:30:51 Yes, yes, **** *** because you're.
Speaker 7
00:30:56 Segregation is over, ray.
Speaker 2
00:30:58 No, no, it's not.
00:31:00 It will.
00:31:00 Never be over you dumb *************, you dumb boomer ************.
Speaker 9
00:31:04 Believe it when I see it.
00:31:07 Listen to him.
00:31:07 It's please.
Speaker 9
00:31:11 What's going to take to get?
00:31:12 You off my case.
00:31:17 How about?
Speaker 7
00:31:18 A game of 8 ball.
00:31:20 I win.
00:31:21 You tell me what happened with Larson.
00:31:23 I lose.
00:31:25 Leave you alone.
00:31:27 Alright, so I actually cut out that stupid game.
00:31:29 It's very.
00:31:32 It's cringe again, not in like a way that's it's.
00:31:34 It's not even like, oh, that's so cringe.
00:31:36 It's funny.
00:31:36 It's it's just ******* awful.
00:31:39 But he plays pool and tries to teach all, not just him all the all.
00:31:46 The other black gangsters about physics while he's playing the game, he's like.
Speaker 6
00:31:52 You know, you just use inertia.
00:31:53 And brother.
00:31:54 Yeah, and and and all these really terrible metaphors that.
Speaker 5
00:31:58 And it is just bad.
00:31:59 So meanwhile.
00:32:03 Either black guy from the Ghostbusters or his his cousin goes to the city to ask for more money for his.
00:32:14 His youth center.
00:32:17 And wouldn't you know?
00:32:17 It the guy whose whose van?
00:32:20 Was stolen is there to try to stop him.
Speaker 13
00:32:24 Council members.
00:32:27 You all have copies of my report.
00:32:31 So I'm sure you're familiar with the numbers, the statistics, the amount of money we're asking for.
00:32:40 I came prepared to talk about that today.
00:32:45 But I won't.
00:32:47 I'm going to talk about kids.
Speaker 3
00:32:51 That was the that was the evil white guy.
Speaker 13
00:32:51 Is that for Chuck?
00:32:53 That wants to stop it.
Speaker 13
00:32:55 Challengers Club is all about.
Speaker 6
00:33:03 There are people.
Speaker 13
00:33:04 Here today, who are going to tell you we.
00:33:05 Have some bad kids at the club.
00:33:08 Well, I'm going to tell you how bad.
00:33:12 Kids who come from bad homes.
00:33:15 Broken homes.
Speaker 11
00:33:17 No homes at all.
Speaker 13
00:33:20 Hungry kids.
00:33:22 Cold, beaten and broken kids, kids who fix and use drugs for kicks.
00:33:30 They're married.
00:33:33 You mad at me?
Speaker 6
00:33:35 Mad at the.
Speaker 13
00:33:36 World they see.
00:33:38 A world without opportunity.
00:33:42 See and that was the big line, right?
Speaker 2
00:33:46 The funny thing is not not that nothing has changed.
00:33:51 In 40 years, nothing has changed.
00:33:55 No matter how many trillions of *******.
00:33:56 Dollars you throw at the at.
00:33:57 The problem nothing has changed.
00:34:01 And they try to blame this.
00:34:02 And you know, people always they take the.
00:34:04 Thomas soul line.
00:34:05 Like oh, it's cause they don't have fathers or oh, it's cause of this.
00:34:08 Or that ohh it's cause of.
00:34:09 The drugs or it's oh, it's cause of this.
00:34:12 You have to understand all of that stuff is tied to biology now.
00:34:16 Let me let me explain what I.
00:34:17 Mean by that.
00:34:18 If you say well.
00:34:19 If they had fathers, right?
00:34:21 If they had fathers.
00:34:23 Then they would they would.
00:34:25 Grow up and be more successful the statistics.
Speaker 5
00:34:27 Show that, Devin.
00:34:29 'S guess what, you're.
Speaker 2
00:34:30 Right.
00:34:31 But why do you think who's making them?
00:34:34 Not their fathers.
00:34:41 Their behavior is genetic.
00:34:44 The the the fast life strategy, the behavior of just pollinating lots of flowers and then moving on to.
Speaker 5
00:34:51 The next one.
00:34:53 That's that's genetic. That's biology. No one's making them.
00:35:00 Have lots of children with different women or abandoning, you know, women after they they get them pregnant. No one's no one's doing that.
Speaker 11
00:35:12 That behavior.
Speaker 6
00:35:14 Comes from biology.
00:35:15 Where else?
00:35:16 Where else does it come from?
00:35:19 Is that also the white man's fault?
00:35:21 Is that also like, you know, secret white men?
00:35:23 Or or manipulating black people into abandoning their families?
00:35:29 Ohh it's cause they're going to jail.
00:35:31 Oh so secret.
00:35:34 Mystery white guys or like in this show that we're watching here, right?
00:35:38 They're they're just framing black kids and and and putting them in jail.
00:35:45 You know it's.
00:35:46 It's when people make the argument about nature versus nurture.
00:35:52 And look, just anyone who's ever grown a plant.
00:35:54 You know that that there is a difference, right?
00:35:56 Like that.
00:35:56 You know, that obviously nurture.
00:36:01 Like can make.
00:36:02 A huge difference, but you will never escape genetics.
00:36:08 You'll never escape genetics.
00:36:11 And the nurture.
00:36:12 That takes place unlike a plant, right?
00:36:15 If I get a seed that has really good genetics and I get a seed.
00:36:19 That's got **** genetics.
00:36:21 And I put them in the ground and I treat them equally.
00:36:27 Give them the same amount of water.
00:36:28 Sunlight and everything else.
00:36:30 The plant with the better genetics is going to do better than the plant with.
00:36:36 With ******** genetics, right? And.
00:36:38 I'm treating them exactly the same, but the one with ****** genetics.
00:36:42 Is going to do worse.
00:36:44 Well, the problem is.
00:36:47 That we have a.
00:36:50 We're not plants, you know we're not.
Speaker 2
00:36:51 Seeds, we're not.
00:36:52 Farmers, I mean that's that's kind of I.
00:36:55 Think what the the the Communists want, right?
00:36:58 The communists want the farmer to then say, oh, you know, OK and then, you know, if we're using the same metaphor, they want to be the farmer.
00:37:07 They want to be.
00:37:08 The farmer and they want to come in.
00:37:10 And give the the seed with the the.
00:37:13 ******** genetics, more attention.
00:37:16 And help it.
00:37:18 Produce as much as the seed with better genetics.
00:37:22 Right. So they'll.
00:37:23 They'll they'll give the seed with with better genetics, fewer resources and change it to the seed with better genetics, whereas if you.
Speaker 5
00:37:34 Are maybe on the right.
00:37:36 The way you look at the world is is significantly different.
00:37:39 You don't want there to.
00:37:40 Be a farmer.
00:37:42 You want the seeds to kind of just be.
00:37:45 Like like what happens in nature?
00:37:48 You want the seeds.
00:37:49 To fall on the ground and they.
00:37:50 They either grow or they don't.
00:37:54 They don't want some ******* farmer coming in there.
00:37:57 And one of the reasons.
00:37:58 If you're on the right that?
00:37:59 You might have this worldview is you?
00:38:02 Understand that if yeah, that that.
00:38:04 The seed with the ****** genetics.
00:38:07 Doesn't survive in nature.
00:38:09 We won't have as many seeds with ****** genetics.
00:38:13 That's the way nature is supposed to work, right?
00:38:15 The the seeds with.
00:38:16 The better genetics are going to produce more seeds.
00:38:21 And then they'll produce.
00:38:21 More seeds and you know if.
00:38:23 Then if there's.
00:38:24 Mutations, you know, like then all those seeds will die off.
00:38:26 Or maybe it's a good mutation and those seeds will do better, you know, and so forth and humanity.
00:38:32 As a result is uplifted.
00:38:37 And there doesn't.
00:38:37 Need to be a farmer.
00:38:40 You don't have to feel bad for the the strains that.
Speaker 5
00:38:43 That didn't do as well and died off.
00:38:47 Because ultimately for the species.
00:38:51 You're going to have better results.
00:38:54 And in fact, if you and you know.
00:38:56 You think on a long enough timeline, right?
00:38:59 If that's your strategy.
00:39:02 The chance of survival is is much higher than if you have some farmer coming in there and ******* up the genetics by dysgenic really supporting.
00:39:12 The the seeds that have bad genetics.
00:39:16 And then if something.
00:39:17 Happens, God forbid to the farmer.
Speaker 12
00:39:21 Or anything else.
00:39:23 Well, I mean now you've got.
00:39:26 All these bad genetics that have been helped along the way.
00:39:30 That would have died.
Speaker 6
00:39:31 Off long ago.
00:39:33 You have all these crazy ******* mutations going on and the the plants with the good genetics because you've been depriving them.
00:39:43 Of of the plant food and water, or you know, whatever.
00:39:48 They haven't been producing as many seeds.
00:39:53 Because all those resources have been going into.
00:39:57 The ****** genetics.
00:40:00 Like this is just a reality.
00:40:01 It's just it's just.
00:40:02 A reality.
00:40:03 And so when you hear this argument, this boomer argument that, you know, these kids, they're ultimately they're good kids.
00:40:10 They're just bad because you know, they're they're they're mad of the world because they were born here with no opportunities.
00:40:17 Look, that's the way I.
00:40:19 Are you telling me then?
00:40:20 The the the seeds, that's the you know in the scenario where we're just in nature and there's no farmer and you just get a handful of.
00:40:28 Seeds and you throw the the seeds into a.
00:40:31 Field or whatever, right?
00:40:33 And some of them are are not going.
00:40:35 To grow.
00:40:36 As well as as others.
00:40:39 And you're trying to tell me?
00:40:42 That, that, that, that they.
00:40:44 I mean.
00:40:45 That that the the.
00:40:46 Only reason why?
00:40:48 The the seeds that don't do as well is because of of some kind of outside force stopping them.
00:40:55 Keeping them down are are the seeds that are that did do well and are they the reason why the other seeds?
Speaker 5
00:41:00 No, of course not.
00:41:04 And justice, because it makes it even worse when the fathers leave, or or whatever, all these outside forces.
00:41:10 Again, where are these outside forces coming from?
Speaker 5
00:41:12 You know like.
00:41:13 The the the two are, you know, nature versus nurture the.
00:41:18 Two are are.
00:41:21 Together in a way that you can't, you cannot separate them.
00:41:26 It's not a, it's not a valid question to say is it nature versus nurture?
00:41:31 Because in in the in.
00:41:34 When it comes to humans.
00:41:37 The nurture comes from nature.
00:41:40 I mean, you would say this about any other species, like, let's say that there was a species of squirrel, right?
00:41:48 And for whatever reason, the you had two different types of squirrel.
00:41:54 And one type of squirrel would always make sure that it's young became really healthy.
00:42:03 Before you know, they went on their own or.
00:42:07 And then one breed of squirrel, just.
00:42:09 For whatever reason, you know it.
00:42:11 Was just their strategy.
00:42:12 They just had.
00:42:12 Like a million babies and didn't.
00:42:15 Take care of any of them.
00:42:18 And that's just how.
00:42:18 They get evolved.
00:42:20 Would you say then?
00:42:21 Oh well, it's it's because of an environment.
00:42:23 Or would you say no?
00:42:24 That's part of the.
00:42:25 I mean, that's that's their genetic.
00:42:27 That that's their survival strategy, right?
00:42:32 It's the same I mean.
00:42:33 It's the same thing with with humans.
00:42:35 There's just different different types of people have different reproductive and survival strategies.
00:42:45 Some of those survival strategies or reproductive strategies don't work very well in civilizations that were designed.
00:42:52 For the people with.
00:42:53 The other kinds of reproductive and survival strategies.
00:42:57 And that's what we're seeing.
00:42:59 We're just witnessing an incompatibility.
00:43:02 The system, when they when they say that it's not living the left says stuff like ohh the this system was built by white supremacy.
00:43:09 Again, they're using.
00:43:11 Incorrect terminology, but they're not wrong.
00:43:14 Fundamentally, what they mean is that, look, this civilization, this system that was created for, you know, by white people for white people.
00:43:23 And it doesn't work for.
Speaker 2
00:43:24 Us they're right.
00:43:27 They're right.
00:43:32 You know, and if if a lot of these populations have been left alone and left to evolve in their own way on their own continent.
00:43:42 You know for who knows what have happened.
Speaker 12
00:43:44 Right.
00:43:47 But yeah, the how would you?
00:43:49 How would you ever expect them to?
00:43:53 To succeed in the same ways that.
Speaker 2
00:43:55 The people who the society.
00:43:57 Was designed around succeed.
Speaker 13
00:44:04 All kinds of kids come.
00:44:05 To our door.
00:44:06 But when they do that door.
00:44:08 Better be open.
00:44:09 Because if it's not, if that door is locked.
00:44:12 And we've not just turned them away from a hot meal or a training program.
Speaker 6
00:44:17 We've locked them out of our hearts.
Speaker 13
00:44:20 Out of our society and slammed the door.
00:44:22 In their faces.
00:44:25 That is the door.
00:44:25 You can leave open today.
00:44:28 All right.
00:44:29 He's not the black ghostbuster, but I know him from somewhere.
00:44:32 I don't know.
00:44:33 Where do I ******* know this guy?
Speaker 13
00:44:35 The door of opportunity.
00:44:38 For kids who have no other.
00:44:42 That is your choice.
Speaker 11
00:44:52 What my friend Mr.
00:44:53 Wilson says.
00:44:55 It's not what I see.
00:44:57 He sees kids who are troubled.
00:45:00 I see kids who cause trouble.
00:45:02 He sees an abused kid.
00:45:04 I see a kid who abuses.
00:45:07 He sees a neglected, hungry kid.
00:45:10 What I see?
00:45:11 Is a kid who?
00:45:12 Would rather buy drugs than breakfast.
00:45:15 He goes to the shelter.
00:45:17 I call it a hangout.
00:45:18 He calls it the answer.
00:45:20 I call it the cause.
00:45:22 Mr. Wilson represents a minority.
00:45:25 I represent the majority.
00:45:27 And and you're evil.
00:45:31 Because the white majority is evil.
Speaker 11
00:45:33 The honest working man, who is sick and tired of these people coming in and destroying our neighborhoods, our businesses, our properties, these people don't pay taxes.
00:45:46 What do you mean these people?
00:45:48 The neighborhood is made.
00:45:49 Up of all races.
00:45:50 Then why is it no white children go to your?
00:45:52 Club gentlemen, please.
00:45:55 Well, I I I just explained why.
Speaker 13
00:45:59 Call me racist.
Speaker 11
00:46:01 The people in my neighborhood are afraid.
00:46:03 They're afraid of the drugs, the junkies and the gangs who murder on our doorsteps, who steal from me and hide in his.
00:46:12 Club he's making.
Speaker 13
00:46:13 Blanket statements on the basis of color you got.
Speaker 11
00:46:15 To talk or walk.
00:46:17 Alright, so MacGyver wins the pool game, of course.
00:46:23 In a very super gay way and.
00:46:29 Then talks to Cuba Gooding junior and says come on.
Speaker 3
00:46:34 Tell me what.
00:46:34 Tell me what really happened.
Speaker 2
00:46:38 Talking ain't going to change nothing.
Speaker 9
00:46:40 People like Lawson are always going to hate people like me just because we're.
Speaker 7
00:46:45 Black. So you hate.
Speaker 2
00:46:46 Him just.
00:46:47 Because I'm black, I didn't do nothing.
00:46:49 Him back.
Speaker 7
00:46:52 Ray, the hate has got to stop somewhere.
00:46:54 It has got to.
Speaker 2
00:46:55 That ain't gonna change nothing.
Speaker 7
00:47:00 Every action has a reaction.
00:47:04 You've got to believe that.
Speaker 11
00:47:08 This community is sick and tired of the drugs and violence, drugs and violence upon a society everywhere.
00:47:15 The challenge.
00:47:17 They're they're part and parcel.
00:47:22 Of living in a city, as they say.
Speaker 11
00:47:24 This club works with ex plug addicts and ex gang members to offer an alternative.
00:47:30 There are other alternatives like jail or reform school.
00:47:35 Or closing the club.
00:47:37 I like that.
00:47:37 One this club has been a.
00:47:39 Cancer in this community for too long.
00:47:41 And I have a petition here.
00:47:44 Signed by concerned members of the.
00:47:45 Community who want that place shut down.
00:47:54 There's one of his innocent kids in the club.
00:47:57 A boy stole the truck from me and.
00:47:59 Tried to run me down.
00:48:01 Then he tried to find somebody who would cover for him and have them hook up the story.
Speaker 10
00:48:03 I think should lightweight.
Speaker 13
00:48:04 It's not a good idea, MacGyver.
Speaker 11
00:48:05 His **** red handed.
Speaker 13
00:48:06 Not now.
Speaker 11
00:48:06 And where did he run?
00:48:07 To where did?
00:48:08 He go for sanctuary the challengers club.
00:48:12 Wilson doesn't offer opportunity.
00:48:14 He offers protection.
00:48:16 Who else is he covering for?
00:48:18 Drug dealers, killers.
Speaker 15
00:48:20 Mr. Larson, thank you.
00:48:22 We'll take your petition into consideration as there are no other speakers.
00:48:27 I'll ask Council to.
Speaker 9
00:48:27 Mr. chairman.
Speaker 15
00:48:29 Excuse me.
Speaker 8
00:48:32 This boy is in the Challengers club program.
Speaker 7
00:48:36 I think we.
Speaker 15
00:48:36 Should hear what he has to say.
00:48:39 We'll allow a few brief remarks.
00:48:44 So this is the part where we find out.
00:48:46 Of course, he didn't actually do nothing.
00:48:49 The white man set him up and.
00:48:53 Yeah, that's pretty much it.
Speaker 9
00:48:59 I used to run.
00:49:00 With a gang.
Speaker 15
00:49:02 Would you state your name please?
Speaker 9
00:49:05 Raymond Collins junior and I used to run with.
00:49:07 The gang until Booker caught me breaking into the challengers club.
00:49:14 Instead of turning me into the cops, he made me work at the club and put me on a job training program.
00:49:21 And it's a good thing too, because when my Mama was sick.
00:49:28 I need to look for work.
00:49:32 This morning I went to Mr. Larson's print shop looking for a job.
Speaker 13
00:49:35 This boy is.
Speaker 2
00:49:36 You're just looking for a job that's all to help his sick Mama.
Speaker 11
00:49:40 Lying through his teeth, he came looking to.
00:49:43 Steal my truck.
Speaker 15
00:49:45 It's to larceny as equal time.
Speaker 9
00:49:50 It was a sign in the window said help wanted.
00:49:54 So I went in and asked for a job application form.
00:49:58 He said he didn't have any, so I asked if I could leave my name.
00:50:03 One thing Booker taught us was never to give up easy, not to be.
00:50:09 Not to be intimidated.
00:50:13 So I told him I knew Booker and I was on his program.
00:50:19 That's when he said he might be interested in the after all, he asked me if I could drive.
00:50:25 I said yes.
00:50:26 So he gave me some keys and told me there was a van out front.
00:50:31 So I went to drive it.
00:50:32 You see, it was all a setup.
00:50:34 He was the white man, tricking him into crime.
Speaker 9
00:50:37 But on the back, just like he asked.
Speaker 11
00:50:39 I turned my.
00:50:39 Back and he stole the keys as soon.
Speaker 9
00:50:43 As I got in the van, Mr.
00:50:45 Lawson and his friends came out to the street waving baseball bats and yelling that I'm.
00:50:52 See that? That's all that's.
00:50:53 That's always what happens, isn't it?
00:50:57 Isn't that always the way?
00:50:59 Just just some young black kid looking for a job to help his sick Mama.
00:51:04 And then some evil white guy tricks him into stealing a van.
Speaker 9
00:51:08 Stealing his truck? I don't.
Speaker 11
00:51:10 Believe this, this is nothing but a boy lying to save his skin.
Speaker 9
00:51:15 That's what happened.
00:51:18 I took his truck.
00:51:21 But I was afraid they were going to kill.
00:51:23 Me if I didn't get out of there quick.
00:51:28 I'm sorry this messes up the club.
00:51:34 I'm proud of you, son.
Speaker 6
00:51:37 Thanks for telling the truth.
Speaker 9
00:51:42 You may not believe me, but that's the truth.
Speaker 11
00:51:52 This is garbage.
00:51:53 That's not what happened.
00:51:55 It is garbage, so again.
00:51:58 There were lots and lots and lots of not just TV episodes, but movies.
00:52:03 With this kind of a storyline.
00:52:06 You know, just just that some young black kid trying to make it, trying to make it when the in the white man's world.
Speaker 2
00:52:15 You got a sick Mama.
00:52:18 Trying to find a job.
00:52:20 And the white man tricks him into stealing the van.
Speaker 11
00:52:25 Are you people going to vote?
00:52:25 For that, didn't any of you hear what I said?
00:52:28 He fabricated that whole story.
Speaker 15
00:52:30 Has there no other representations on this matter?
00:52:32 I'll ask Council now to vote on the appropriation of funds.
00:52:38 All right.
00:52:38 So they vote for it.
00:52:41 And of course, they get the money, they get the goods.
Speaker 7
00:52:43 But that for action they believe you.
Speaker 11
00:52:49 And what happened, Smiley?
00:52:51 They brought that punk.
00:52:52 All right, so now the the evil white guy who tricked the black kid into stealing the van.
00:52:59 Is super ****** *** because he.
00:53:03 Really wants to get rid of.
00:53:04 That that youth center.
00:53:11 So yeah.
Speaker 11
00:53:12 Kid and you were supposed to run off and had him up in front of the.
00:53:14 Council calling me a liar to my face.
Speaker 10
00:53:18 And that bunch of trash.
00:53:20 Brought every word that little spade said.
00:53:22 That little spade.
00:53:27 Is that like an old?
00:53:28 Is that like a thing?
00:53:29 Was that like a thing?
00:53:30 At some .0 those ******* spades.
00:53:34 Like it was that like a black thing like this thing that white like, was there a thing that white people really ever said about black people?
00:53:42 Or is it because I've heard a couple of times?
00:53:44 In movies and but.
00:53:45 I've never heard in real life.
Speaker 11
00:53:47 I'll take care of the kid.
Speaker 10
00:53:48 The kid ain't the problem, Booker.
00:53:52 He looks good and he talks good and he's got everybody thinking.
00:53:55 He and that club are clean well.
00:54:00 It's time we took care of Mr.
00:54:08 All right, so.
00:54:11 The way they get.
00:54:11 Rid of Booker.
00:54:13 The one who?
Speaker 3
00:54:14 Talks good and looks good.
00:54:17 Is they reran them with their car.
00:54:20 And when he comes out, and of course, he's very calm and as black men usually are and is very concerned, like, oh, is everyone OK?
Speaker 6
00:54:27 It's not a big deal, does.
00:54:28 Look like a lot of damage and then this.
Speaker 11
00:54:31 It's not too bad.
00:54:32 Anybody hurt?
00:54:32 Not you.
00:54:34 What's going on here?
00:54:36 Obvious, obvious imagery, I.
00:54:38 Mean come.
00:54:38 On got the obvious.
00:54:41 Hey, imagery going on here.
Speaker 11
00:55:00 On the floor.
00:55:02 Once again, nothing more dangerous.
00:55:04 For a black man in a.
00:55:05 Black neighborhood than evil white racist.
00:55:16 They plant crack in his car.
Speaker 7
00:55:31 You find something?
00:55:33 Yeah, it's pretty interesting.
00:55:35 Elementary physics.
00:55:37 Good stuff.
Speaker 9
00:55:52 And I realized there was.
00:55:53 A manual for shooting pool.
00:55:58 That's all that stuff I said about you not understanding because you're white.
00:56:02 I'm sorry.
Speaker 8
00:56:04 Just goes to show you.
00:56:05 Ohh yeah, MacGyver solved racism.
Speaker 7
00:56:08 You can't judge a book by its color.
Speaker 6
00:56:11 Alright, nothing more boomer than that, right?
Speaker 11
00:56:27 There's no need for that.
Speaker 10
00:56:31 Well, let's hear one of your slick speeches now.
Speaker 13
00:56:37 Killing me won't close.
00:56:38 The challenge is.
Speaker 4
00:56:40 You can't murder at that idea, miss mine.
00:56:45 And you got a slick tongue.
00:56:47 But you're not going to make anymore pretty speeches.
00:56:53 Alright, so I skipped through a bunch of stuff.
00:56:59 So they torture that guy, right?
00:57:02 And then the cops show up and say, ohh, we found his car and he's missing.
00:57:07 And we found this crack.
00:57:09 In his car with this the sticker on it because it's it's rocket brand crack and the guy was.
Speaker 3
00:57:17 Like huh? Rocket brand, huh?
00:57:19 And he asks around, and he finds out that the rocket brand crack is buy some gang.
00:57:27 I forget what stoop hooking name they chose for the gang.
00:57:29 Like the demons or some, you know, something stupid?
Speaker 3
00:57:31 Like that, the demon dogs.
00:57:33 It was the Demon Dog game.
00:57:35 They're selling the rocket brand crack.
00:57:37 You know something?
Speaker 5
00:57:38 Stupid like that.
00:57:39 So he finds out where like the Demon Dog gang hangs out and goes to the Demon Dog hideout, which somehow, like everyone knows where.
Speaker 3
00:57:48 It's at or, you know.
00:57:50 And so that's where he's going to find out.
Speaker 6
00:57:52 The the demon dogs they.
Speaker 2
00:57:53 Do they have him with their rocket crack?
Speaker 3
00:58:46 Ohh no, he's too late.
Speaker 10
00:58:46 OK.
Speaker 4
00:59:22 Over the show.
00:59:39 So we know he's gonna get revenge.
00:59:40 So anyway, there's the rocket brand crack.
00:59:42 So MacGyver, surprisingly, in this episode, he doesn't actually doing MacGyver.
00:59:47 Things like he made like a in in the very beginning when he was working, volunteering at the the Challenger Club or whatever it's called.
00:59:56 He made like a.
00:59:58 In order to track, you know that exercise machine like the weirdo ski machine he may have like a MacGyver version of the Nordic track, you know, and they try to make some kind of.
01:00:09 Joke out of that, but.
01:00:11 He doesn't like, save the day with.
01:00:12 It's really until like this part, which is kind of gay.
01:00:18 He so they the the.
01:00:22 The investigator says, oh, yeah, well, it has to.
Speaker 3
01:00:24 Be the demon dog.
01:00:25 Gang cause the Demon dog gang.
01:00:27 They used the rocket crack and we found all this rocket crack in his pockets.
01:00:32 And they gave him a Colombian necktie.
Speaker 3
01:00:34 That's why they.
01:00:35 Couldn't show it, you know, because it's so horrifying.
01:00:37 And and so macgyver's like, well, give me one of those labels. I'm gonna I'm gonna use.
01:00:42 Science to crack this case.
01:00:44 And so he does this.
01:00:46 This is his little science test to find out.
01:00:50 Because because he has, he has Cuba Gooding junior, go to the the Demon dogs and buy some rocket crack.
01:00:56 And so he can compare labels like with the the Demon Dog rocket crack and the ones the labels found in the pocket.
01:01:03 So he's like oh.
Speaker 8
01:01:08 Printed on a copy machine, nothing comes off.
Speaker 7
01:01:13 This one they took out broker science.
Speaker 9
01:01:19 OK.
Speaker 8
01:01:21 Print printing methods.
01:01:23 This one uses ink, probably from an offset press.
Speaker 2
01:01:27 Oh, that's right.
01:01:29 That either white.
01:01:29 Guy has a print shop I.
01:01:31 Should have known all right?
01:01:32 So now MacGyver knows that.
01:01:36 The the evil print guy that tricked Cuba Gooding junior into stealing his van because he just hates black people.
01:01:47 He's going to go. You.
01:01:48 Know find you know he's going to go confront.
01:01:50 Him and he shows up.
01:01:54 And oops.
01:01:57 Boy, that skipped so far anyway.
01:02:00 And he sees.
01:02:01 One of the Hench men.
01:02:03 About to burn some white sheets covered in blood because you know that was the.
01:02:08 White sheets they wore when they were giving a.
01:02:11 Booker, whatever the **** that guy's name was.
01:02:14 The Colombian necktie.
01:02:17 They have a super gay fight and he throws them in like the dumpster.
01:02:22 And then he beats up the the Skinhead with hair.
Speaker 6
01:02:28 Ah, but then the the plot thickens.
01:02:31 The Skinhead with hair had been carrying a bunch of paper.
01:02:37 And someone better tell FBI or FBI the AG Garland, unlike our Garland Garland, because it echoes all about.
Speaker 2
01:02:48 This guy because.
Speaker 6
01:02:50 Bump, bump bum.
01:02:52 What does it say?
Speaker 2
01:02:54 I knew it.
01:02:55 I ******* knew it.
Speaker 3
01:02:57 The white warrior.
01:03:00 Journal of the White resistance.
Speaker 3
01:03:04 Black welfare robbers picking our pockets.
Speaker 2
01:03:09 Communists whip up blacks.
01:03:14 There you go.
Speaker 2
01:03:17 They've been.
01:03:19 You should have seen it coming in 1985.
01:03:24 1985 again, this isn't this.
Speaker 3
01:03:27 Isn't like a an anomaly.
01:03:29 This ******* episode existed in almost every popular TV show.
01:03:33 And this movie existed.
01:03:35 It's it.
01:03:36 There's several versions of.
01:03:37 This movie, right?
01:03:40 Bunch of disadvantaged.
01:03:43 Inner City black kids, they're just trying to make it the world, the.
01:03:47 Whole world's against them.
01:03:50 You know, they're just trying to overcome their environment.
01:03:53 And you know, one smart, strong black guy starts a Community Center or you.
01:03:59 Know something like that.
01:04:01 And he's teaching them all the to how to be, you know, human beings and and stop being feral humans.
01:04:09 And the some white guy who just ******* hates, he just hates black people.
01:04:15 He just hates them.
01:04:16 He goes in and and, you know, burns it down or you know something, right.
01:04:21 Or in this.
01:04:21 Case you know, because it's super realistic tricks.
01:04:26 Tricks one of them into.
01:04:27 Stealing the van and you know whatever.
01:04:31 And then, sure enough, wouldn't you know it?
01:04:34 They're ******* Nazis.
01:04:38 ******* I knew it.
01:04:40 I ******* knew it.
01:04:41 ******* Nazis.
01:04:44 So now we're going to watch the Super cringe conclusion.
01:04:49 Of this.
01:04:52 MacGyver episode or MacGyver?
01:04:55 He confronts the ******* Nazis.
01:04:58 Or the Nazi because he.
Speaker 5
01:05:00 Already beat up the other two Nazis.
01:05:13 Is that what?
Speaker 8
01:05:13 It's all about.
Speaker 7
01:05:15 Spreading hate.
Speaker 10
01:05:20 Just stopping a vein, you might say.
Speaker 7
01:05:25 You should read it.
01:05:27 I'd flush it.
Speaker 8
01:05:29 But this will tell the truth.
01:05:33 I got a feeling you'll find the ink that matches.
Speaker 7
01:05:34 This label somewhere in here you murdered.
Speaker 10
01:05:40 But the police are going to think the demons.
Speaker 8
01:05:42 Did it.
01:05:43 Same as they'll believe I shot you.
01:05:45 Protecting my.
Speaker 11
01:05:46 When you broke in here.
01:06:30 Why did you kill him?
01:06:33 Because he's black.
Speaker 2
01:06:41 You should have seen it coming.
Speaker 10
01:06:43 Because he talked too much. I hate who talk too much.
Speaker 3
01:06:49 You know you should do.
Speaker 11
01:06:50 With colored people.
Speaker 10
01:06:51 Drown them when they're first born.
Speaker 11
01:06:53 Save everybody a lot of trouble.
Speaker 7
01:07:13 Get out of my sight.
01:07:15 He's lucky that cool headed black.
01:07:17 Kid came and showed mercy.
Speaker 9
01:07:22 We'll look into the garden.
01:07:30 And racism has been solved.
01:07:35 Oh, I forgot.
01:07:36 We had this one last part here ready.
Speaker 2
01:07:41 Ah, would you look at that?
01:07:45 Executive producers Henry Henry Winkler.
01:07:50 A Jew who allegedly, of course, allegedly.
01:07:55 Sodomized a young.
Speaker 6
01:07:56 White girl to death.
Speaker 5
01:08:02 And John Rich, another Jew.
01:08:06 Would you would?
01:08:07 Would you just look?
01:08:08 At that coincidence.
01:08:12 Isn't that funny?
01:08:17 Isn't that funny?
01:08:22 So yeah, it's uh.
01:08:25 I'm telling you that.
Speaker 2
01:08:27 Why are you surprised?
01:08:28 Why are you surprised?
01:08:31 Jews have been telling everyone.
01:08:34 With using every method they can.
01:08:37 This is this is just how.
01:08:38 The world is.
01:08:40 The world is it is just filled with these secret pockets of white supremacists sabotaging minorities and trying to and and just killing them.
01:08:53 Every chance they get.
01:08:54 So why are you surprised that when?
01:08:56 They get in positions of power.
01:08:59 That's what they say.
01:09:02 It didn't change.
01:09:03 They've been saying that for decades they've been saying that.
01:09:14 Why are you surprised?
01:09:18 Boomers, why are you surprised?
Speaker 2
01:09:22 When boomers watch fox.
01:09:24 News and they freak out about critical race theory.
01:09:26 And all this other ******** ****.
01:09:28 You boomer, because what do you think this is?
01:09:34 How is this episode any ******* different than critical race theory, really.
01:09:41 How is it any ******* different?
01:09:43 It's not.
Speaker 2
01:09:47 And you didn't say anything in 1985?
01:09:51 You didn't say why is.
01:09:52 Why are there all these Jews making TV shows and movies?
01:09:59 About all these secret evil white people sabotaging everything.
01:10:06 No, you didn't say anything because you like.
01:10:08 This little image right here on the screen.
01:10:12 At the end, racism will.
Speaker 6
01:10:14 Be over and then we'll.
01:10:15 Hug because we're going to defeat the evil white racist ourselves.
01:10:19 You know together.
01:10:20 You never thought that that.
01:10:22 Evil white racist would end up being you.
Speaker 2
01:10:31 Critical race.
01:10:32 Theory. All this ********.
Speaker 3
01:10:33 It's not new.
01:10:38 It's not new.
01:10:39 They've been talking.
01:10:40 They've been talking openly about this for ******* decades.
01:10:45 And it was only a matter of time before.
01:10:47 Enough white people lost power.
01:10:52 And enough people who who?
01:10:53 Believe all this kind of nonsense gained power.
01:10:57 That something would be done about.
Speaker 3
01:10:59 This problem.
Speaker 5
01:11:15 So anyway.
01:11:17 Like I said, it's not nothing too earth shattering.
01:11:20 I just thought it would be fun to.
01:11:21 Watch this episode together.
01:11:23 It I mean it wasn't.
01:11:25 It wasn't.
01:11:26 It was very formulaic.
01:11:27 It wasn't really worth doing like.
01:11:29 A whole dissection.
01:11:30 It's just like I said.
01:11:32 How is this?
01:11:34 I mean, this is nothing new.
01:11:35 This is nothing new.
01:11:38 I don't know why I really don't know why anyone surprised.
01:11:40 By this ****, this is you gotta again this.
01:11:43 Is this is zooming out the graph so that?
01:11:45 1985 is included in the graph.
01:11:48 And it's easy to see.
01:11:58 You shouldn't be surprised.
01:12:00 No one should be *******.
Speaker 5
01:12:05 Let me get rid of that.
Speaker 2
01:12:16 Keep hitting the wrong buttons.
Speaker 3
01:12:17 All right, so anyway.
01:12:20 Ah, OK.
01:12:24 Let me take a look here at chat, so a few updates.
Speaker 9
01:12:30 Just so you guys know when I'm.
01:12:31 Working on a video like the.
01:12:34 The last video I I put out I I pretty much I felt I'm like dead to the world.
01:12:38 I focus like a laser beam and that's.
Speaker 5
01:12:40 Literally all I do.
01:12:43 And so I haven't been.
01:12:45 Participating a whole lot on the this quarter or anything.
01:12:48 Like that, and I honestly, ultimately, I probably won't.
01:12:50 I'll never be like super active on it, just cause like I I have a lot of **** going on, but I'll at least.
01:12:55 Try to like Pop in there and stuff.
01:12:58 And so I'm going to I'm going.
01:13:00 To try to.
01:13:02 Take some time this next week and help that get going.
01:13:06 Some you know a little better, a little smoother.
01:13:10 And I I still I know there's some people that still there, their invites haven't been working and and so I'm going to try to make.
01:13:19 Sure, all that.
01:13:19 That goes a little.
Speaker 5
01:13:20 Smoother the next couple of days.
Speaker 11
01:13:23 But that.
01:13:24 Said I have a lot of.
01:13:28 Stuff I need to get done.
01:13:30 This next we got I have some deadlines on a contract, so I might not do any streams until next Saturday and then I'll have like a good it won't be like a casual stream like this.
01:13:42 I'll have like an actual good stream with.
01:13:45 More well thought out stuff.
01:13:47 Maybe next Saturday, so that's probably the plan.
01:13:50 I'll let you know if anything changes, but that's probably going.
01:13:53 To have to be the case.
01:13:54 For next week, just because I have so much stuff I gotta, I gotta take care of and I don't want to ignore the discord server stuff.
01:14:04 And again, especially now that we've we've seen with the January 6th thing that the FBI.
01:14:12 It looks as.
01:14:13 Though they have, they engineered a lot.
01:14:16 Of what happened on the 6th?
01:14:18 And you know what, little again I.
01:14:20 Still don't think.
01:14:21 The funny thing is, I still don't think.
01:14:23 It was a riot.
01:14:25 I don't, I still don't.
01:14:26 Think it was that crazy?
01:14:28 It was still like it was.
01:14:29 Like a rowdy protest, but apparently.
01:14:32 If you take away the FBI agents.
01:14:35 It wouldn't even have been.
01:14:36 A rowdy protest it would have just been a protest.
01:14:39 So at least that seems to be, uh, we don't have the final word on that, but just by looking at the evidence I I posted the article.
Speaker 5
01:14:46 On my telegram.
01:14:48 But revolver News did a good I don't want to say an expose, but I guess.
01:14:54 Maybe with an?
01:14:55 Examination of the court documents surrounding the.
Speaker 6
01:14:58 The attack, the attack, the insurrection.
01:15:01 Right on the 6th.
01:15:03 And discovered a lot of weird things, like for example that a lot of the people responsible for the more violent actions, if you will, aren't charged or named, which suggests that they are at the very least FBI informants.
01:15:22 And so and and very possibly more than that.
01:15:27 And so it looks as though the FBI was engineering all of that, which.
01:15:36 Again, dude, this was under.
01:15:38 Trump was still president when.
01:15:40 That took place.
01:15:41 A lot of.
Speaker 6
01:15:41 People keep forgetting.
Speaker 5
01:15:42 This ****.
01:15:43 Which means that if that all these investigations.
Speaker 6
01:15:48 That happened under under Trump.
01:15:51 OK, it's not like the 6th.
01:15:54 Magically, the FBI had all these agents implanted in all these different groups.
01:16:00 That takes a lot of time.
01:16:01 To take place.
01:16:03 And that happened all under Trump and.
01:16:06 You can say he didn't know.
01:16:06 About it. So OK.
01:16:08 So he's he's incompetent.
01:16:10 This is what I've been.
01:16:11 Trying to say over explain.
Speaker 6
01:16:13 To people over and over and over.
Speaker 2
01:16:15 It doesn't matter if.
01:16:17 It's because he's in on it, or if it's because he just.
01:16:22 He's ******* really ****** at his job.
01:16:24 He's at the end of the day that results the exact ******* same.
01:16:31 This all happened under his watch under his FB he hired Christopher Wray.
01:16:40 He hired.
01:16:43 The current look you know.
01:16:45 He he picked a good guy, right, because.
01:16:49 Biden didn't seem to Biden agreed that he was a good enough guy.
01:16:52 To not change out.
01:16:59 You know, so it's a.
01:17:01 Trump picked a a ****** *******.
01:17:05 Guide to direct the FBI.
01:17:08 Might as well like might as.
01:17:09 Well, have kept coming in, really.
01:17:11 I mean, nothing happened to.
01:17:13 Call me.
01:17:15 Kobe never got charged with anything, so why not?
01:17:17 Just leave him in there.
01:17:18 Like would he?
01:17:20 Would have been any different.
01:17:23 It really would have been any different.
01:17:25 Probably not.
Speaker 5
01:17:30 Probably not.
01:17:35 So all this stuff happened under Trump's watch and then on top of that.
01:17:41 Trump is either so in on it, or so incompetent again, doesn't really matter which.
01:17:47 Remember after the 6th.
01:17:49 When he went on TV and said that, oh, all those people that broke the law, you do not represent us and you're going.
01:17:55 To be going to jail.
01:18:02 I wish I had.
01:18:02 That clip.
01:18:04 I don't know what I would search for.
01:18:05 To find that, but he he.
01:18:08 Maybe I'll find that for the next stream.
01:18:11 But he talked a big game.
Speaker 3
01:18:15 You will be prosecuted to the fullest extent.
01:18:17 Of the law.
01:18:20 So again, whether he was in on it.
01:18:23 Or he was that he's.
01:18:25 That ******* in over his head.
01:18:28 Doesn't ******* matter, does it?
01:18:30 Because those those Maga moms are still going to jail.
01:18:36 Those people that he's never mentioned, those people that Putin.
01:18:41 Has mentioned more than Trump ever will.
01:18:45 Putin mentioned Ashley Babbitt.
01:18:49 And Trump won't Trump has never even said her name.
01:18:56 So you essentially.
01:18:58 Had the FBI.
01:19:00 Stir up.
01:19:02 A protest to get slightly rowdy and then shot one of the protesters to death.
Speaker 2
01:19:14 And nothing.
01:19:15 'S going to happen.
01:19:16 Doesn't matter if based Tucker is talking about it on Fox News.
01:19:21 No one's.
Speaker 2
01:19:22 Going to get.
01:19:22 In trouble for this?
01:19:25 That ship has sailed.
01:19:26 We are post.
01:19:27 Rule of law.
01:19:27 Get that through your ******* heads.
Speaker 5
01:19:30 No one's.
01:19:30 Going to pay a price for this.
01:19:33 How do I know?
01:19:34 Because it's never happened before.
01:19:37 When things were better, it didn't happen.
Speaker 2
01:19:42 Do you think this is the first time?
01:19:43 The FBI has done **** like this.
01:19:48 Anyway, my point is.
01:19:51 We absolutely know.
01:19:55 That the FBI engineers crimes.
01:19:58 That it can then prosecute.
01:20:03 And so if you go to the discord server.
01:20:07 And it doesn't matter.
01:20:10 If you're kidding.
01:20:13 Or if you know what actually doesn't matter, what if you say anything?
01:20:20 That sounds like.
Speaker 2
01:20:22 Something that an.
01:20:24 FBI agent trying to start trouble might say.
01:20:27 You're just ******* gone.
01:20:28 Doesn't matter.
01:20:30 Doesn't matter if you were just joking.
01:20:32 It's all jokes, bro.
01:20:33 Doesn't matter.
01:20:35 I don't need that shape.
01:20:39 I just don't need it.
01:20:43 They're actively trying.
01:20:45 Now look and I could just be I could.
01:20:47 Just take the.
01:20:48 Easy route and just.
01:20:48 Say **** it, we're shut it down.
01:20:49 We're not going to make a movie.
01:20:50 We're not going to do this stuff and just be intimidated by it, but no, I'm not going to do that.
01:20:56 That'd be the easy thing to do.
01:20:57 Make my life a lot ******* easier.
01:21:03 But I ended my life a little bit easier by just, you know.
01:21:06 It's going to be Captain Banhammer over there, OK?
01:21:10 So just just just know and just understand that's.
01:21:13 Why that's happening?
01:21:16 When it, when it invariably will happen cause look.
01:21:18 It just will.
01:21:18 There's enough.
Speaker 2
01:21:19 Not just because.
01:21:21 Yeah, there will probably be provocateurs.
01:21:25 Absolutely there will be.
01:21:29 But there's also just spurges.
01:21:33 They can't control themselves. Whatever.
01:21:36 So we'll be banning both.
01:21:42 That's just the way it is.
01:21:45 And also just because like I think it'll make it.
01:21:50 Better to have a focus.
01:21:51 Well, I do want.
01:21:52 To have all these different things that we can talk about on the server.
01:21:54 Like homesteading and and all this other stuff.
01:21:57 I think the main focus just in case people are joining this server are kind of like are like.
01:22:03 Here the main focus should be working on the film which is another thing that I want to spend time doing next week is getting a little focus on that so that I can get organized with that put out like an outline.
01:22:19 You know, just like a rough outline.
01:22:21 Of what it is we're looking for, what it is, the people that want to participate in that.
01:22:26 What they should be doing?
01:22:29 And give people just a little direction.
01:22:32 You know, if I'm going to be the director, I have to give you guys some direction.
01:22:36 And that's that's gonna take some time.
01:22:38 I'm gonna have to sit down and just kind of outline out a a movie.
01:22:45 I mean, I've already in my it's.
01:22:46 Already in my head.
01:22:47 I kind of.
01:22:47 Have a rough idea, but I just need to put it on paper or put it rather digitally make.
01:22:52 Like a web.
01:22:53 Page that explains everything.
01:22:57 So that people just there's like a.
01:22:59 Place to go where they.
01:23:00 Can OK we need to do this.
01:23:02 This this.
Speaker 7
01:23:05 Excuse me.
01:23:07 And then we.
01:23:08 Can talk about.
01:23:09 I mean, I know there's some people.
01:23:10 That want to make music.
01:23:11 For it, there's people that maybe want to contribute in some other way.
01:23:18 So that's that's.
01:23:20 That's what I think we'll do.
01:23:22 And then in terms of distribution people wondering about that.
01:23:28 I I was thinking this might be.
01:23:31 Cool. What I.
Speaker 6
01:23:32 What I we should do?
01:23:33 Is obviously I want people to watch it, so I don't want.
01:23:36 To put it.
Speaker 5
01:23:36 Behind a paywall.
01:23:39 I want to just make it as easily.
Speaker 5
01:23:41 Accessible as possible.
01:23:44 And then to maybe make a little to raise a little cash.
01:23:50 What I'll do is so that you can get something physical.
01:23:52 Maybe I was thinking and this.
01:23:54 Is just one idea.
01:23:55 I don't know if this.
01:23:56 What I'll actually do, but I was.
01:23:57 Thinking maybe something?
01:23:58 Cool would be you.
01:23:59 Can buy even though it's free online.
01:24:03 You could buy like.
01:24:04 A copy of.
01:24:04 It like a VHS copy of it or something like that.
01:24:07 Know something? Just.
01:24:08 Weird, like obviously you're not going to.
01:24:10 I don't know.
01:24:11 Maybe some of you guys have.
01:24:11 VCRS, but it'll just.
01:24:13 Be like a physical thing, like it'll.
01:24:14 Have like a real.
01:24:16 You know, like a.
01:24:17 Real cover like it'll actually be a.
01:24:19 You know, like a an actual like a VHS tape you would have bought in the in the 80s or 90s or something like that, right?
Speaker 2
01:24:28 That's that's just.
01:24:29 An idea I was having it would be kind of funny to do that and I've got the equipment.
Speaker 5
01:24:32 To do.
01:24:32 That and then you'll have a, you know, and in fact, I'll probably.
01:24:37 I'll probably use tapes that.
01:24:38 Used to have ****.
Speaker 5
01:24:39 On it from Carl's house.
01:24:44 So you can have.
01:24:45 A **** tape that's been taped over with a copy of the movie on it.
Speaker 5
01:24:51 With a cool jacket.
01:24:56 You know a cool cover and label and stuff.
01:24:59 I don't know.
01:24:59 Just one.
01:25:00 That's one idea I had.
01:25:01 But we'll get it out.
01:25:02 There to as many people.
Speaker 5
01:25:03 As possible.
01:25:06 And yeah, I also want to do some deadlines.
01:25:09 So that just put a fire under.
01:25:11 People's *****, including my own.
01:25:13 So that it's not just like this nebulous, like, oh, eventually we'll have enough submissions now.
01:25:17 I want to say like, OK, you need to have your submission in to me by like October or August.
01:25:23 I don't except who knows, right?
01:25:25 Something like around then I'm thinking.
01:25:28 And and then we'll have a release date so that I have a deadline to finish editing it and everything like that.
01:25:36 And they'll have that out so.
01:25:39 That's what I'm going to be.
01:25:40 There's a lot of.
01:25:41 Stuff I just got to non stream stuff I.
01:25:43 Got to be doing this week.
01:25:46 So yeah.
01:25:47 All right, take a look at that.
01:25:56 Oh, you know, you guys don't.
01:25:56 Want the come tapes?
01:26:05 So, Fonzie, as a child molester, I grew up watching happy days.
01:26:08 I guess that show was subversive too.
01:26:11 Well, I mean, look, Henry Rank Winkler is a.
01:26:13 Jew. So Fonzie's a Jew.
01:26:16 And it's been alleged, so I.
Speaker 6
01:26:20 Guess a lot of people don't know about this.
01:26:23 Because that's alright.
01:26:24 So the guy.
01:26:25 Who we're talking about is.
01:26:28 Henry Winkler, Fonzie, one of the executive producers.
Speaker 5
01:26:34 He's a Jew.
01:26:37 And he's one of the Jews that it's alleged, it's it's alleged.
01:26:44 That the little girl from.
01:26:48 Poltergeist, who died by being *** raped to death, allegedly allegedly the official.
Speaker 2
01:26:55 Story is that.
01:26:56 She had this rare thing where like her.
01:26:59 Intestines just, you know, and are her *** just exploded like she got raped to death.
Speaker 3
01:27:05 In the *** is what happened.
01:27:07 She died of injuries from being ****** in the *** by Jews, including Steven Spielberg.
01:27:15 And let me look at, I forget her name.
01:27:22 I'm surprised.
01:27:23 I thought more people knew this.
01:27:26 Yeah, Heather O'Rourke.
01:27:29 Let me bring her up here.
01:27:39 Yeah, I thought this was more like common knowledge.
01:27:42 This isn't like a.
01:27:45 This is a more.
01:27:50 So this girl right here.
01:27:57 Was allegedly again, allegedly.
01:28:03 Raped gang rate by Steven Spielberg, Henry Winkler and and a couple other Jewish.
01:28:14 Movie people.
01:28:15 I forget the names of.
01:28:16 Those, those are the two big names.
01:28:21 On a set and then she.
01:28:23 Died like a week later of.
01:28:26 Being raped to do.
Speaker 5
01:28:29 Uh, let's see here.
01:28:30 In fact, let's.
01:28:43 Let me see here.
01:28:47 Yeah, this is the.
01:29:03 This is the photo of them together.
01:29:26 So yeah, and he's the same one that.
01:29:30 Produced this episode.
01:29:31 Executive producer of this episode.
01:29:37 Yeah, I thought.
01:29:37 I thought, I thought.
01:29:38 More people knew about that.
01:29:43 There's a picture of them.
Speaker 5
01:29:52 Uh. Let's see here.
01:30:04 There's the there's a picture of her at the UM.
01:30:06 I mean her casket like.
01:30:09 He was a.
01:30:09 Pallbearer and so was Steven Spielberg.
01:30:12 And and.
01:30:14 The story goes, in fact.
01:30:15 OK, so here's.
01:30:21 Yeah, Steven Spielberg, who also.
01:30:24 Of course, had a relationship with.
01:30:30 That the girl from ET.
01:30:32 What's her name?
01:30:32 I'm blanking her name.
01:30:33 The little.
01:30:34 Blonde girl who's?
01:30:36 Grew up to be kind of slutting.
01:30:43 This chat now what I'm talking about.
Speaker 5
01:30:47 Drew Barrymore? Yeah.
01:30:54 So, yeah.
01:30:57 And here's here's the.
01:31:00 You're Steven Spielberg with her.
01:31:06 Again, allegedly.
01:31:24 And if you hear the story of how they quote, UN quote, discovered her.
01:31:30 It's kind of ******.
01:31:31 Up. I mean, it's just.
01:31:33 Steven Spielberg just went and got her up like he saw a cute.
01:31:37 Little girl, he wanted to ******* the *** to death at.
01:31:40 The mall.
01:31:44 You know, pay their parents enough money.
01:31:49 And now?
01:31:50 She's dead.
01:31:54 A bunch of Hollywood Jews fractured to.
01:31:56 Death in the ***.
Speaker 5
01:32:09 Yeah, I thought you guys knew that anyway.
01:32:16 It all makes sense.
01:32:17 I don't know why I'm surprised by it.
01:32:19 Yeah, there's like, look, all you have to do is look on the Internet for there's there are credible accounts and it's a rabbit hole.
01:32:27 I went down.
01:32:28 This rabbit hole like three years ago, so it's.
01:32:30 Been a long time since I've I looked up all the details and stuff.
01:32:37 I'd have to, you know, maybe.
01:32:39 I'll do a stream on that at some point, but it's like it's been done to death.
01:32:42 Like a lot of people have done streams on this and videos on this and some of them are stupid like.
01:32:49 You know like.
01:32:49 Any with any conspiracy, right?
01:32:51 There's always like the the, the, the, the ******* that.
01:32:55 They make stupid videos that make it sound unrealistic, but if you actually look into the the first hand accounts and just some of the stuff it it just.
01:33:07 You know, like it looks, it doesn't look good.
Speaker 5
01:33:12 Doesn't look good.
01:33:16 And knowing what we know.
01:33:19 About these guys, you know, it shouldn't be surprising at all.
01:33:27 Is this the?
01:33:27 I think I found.
01:33:28 The photo of.
01:33:30 The casket being carried.
01:33:34 It's too ****** of a picture.
01:33:37 And it, like I said, it wasn't just her.
01:33:39 It was Drew Barrymore.
01:33:40 There was a bunch of little girls.
01:33:43 Little blonde little girls.
01:33:46 That these scumbags would.
01:33:50 Find and put in their movies.
01:33:55 And abuse.
01:34:00 At the time of World War 2, the USA and the UK were more Jew than the Soviet Union, as Stalin had purged most of the Soviet Union's elite Jews.
01:34:11 I believe it.
01:34:13 Thoughts on divisions within the Jewish community, such as the high fertility.
01:34:18 Her hair ready.
01:34:21 Jews opposing the State of Israel.
01:34:23 Existence as it contradicts their interpretation of prophecy.
01:34:27 Richard Spencer Dutton talked about this.
01:34:29 I haven't seen that.
01:34:30 I'll take a look at it.
01:34:31 I know that there is like, some there's like the anti Zionist Jews and.
01:34:37 But I don't you.
Speaker 5
01:34:38 Know I don't know what their story.
01:34:41 I am at the point where I have to make a decision about what career to follow, either a teacher or get into programming.
01:34:47 Obviously, teaching is easy money, but the schools are super pause that I'm *******.
01:34:52 I'm a ******* white male.
01:34:53 What should I do?
01:34:54 Note I'm in my 40s, so productive years are short, huh?
01:35:00 Yeah, if you're in your 40s.
01:35:03 Uh, I mean.
01:35:07 If you well here.
01:35:08 On the bright side, if you're in your 40s and you go to.
01:35:11 Be a teacher.
01:35:13 You're not going to.
01:35:14 I mean, I.
Speaker 5
01:35:14 Don't know that's a tough.
01:35:16 One, because the teacher thing would give you more security, right?
01:35:20 Like that's.
01:35:22 The programming thing.
01:35:23 Here's here's the thing that the programming thing.
01:35:25 I guess it all depends on how good you are programming, because if.
01:35:29 You're in your 40s.
01:35:31 You're just, you're just not going to be as good as a lot of guys in their 20s.
01:35:36 You're just not.
01:35:37 Unless, I mean, unless you've been programming this whole time, right?
01:35:41 And even if that's the case, even if even if this whole time you're you're not going to have the stamina right to me even I don't have the stamina as I used to like.
01:35:51 I've I've been kind of bashing a little bit.
01:35:53 About being exhausted.
01:35:55 From it being boiling hot and working around the clock.
01:35:57 I can still do all nighters and I do it all the time, but it sucks now like it used to be.
Speaker 3
01:36:01 Not a big.
01:36:02 I used to do like 3 days in a row all nighters you know.
01:36:05 Like, well, I'm not.
01:36:06 I'm just ******* throwing back red.
01:36:08 Goals and you know animating for for three or four days straight without sleeping or you.
01:36:15 Know maybe a?
01:36:16 Tiny bit of sleep or something like that.
01:36:18 I can't ******* do that ****.
01:36:20 I mean, I guess I.
01:36:20 Could physically do it it it wrecks me.
01:36:24 And that's just going to start happening, right?
01:36:27 And if you're coding depending the kind?
01:36:29 Of job it is.
01:36:31 You know that you're going to be up against people that I.
01:36:33 Mean it's, I guess.
01:36:34 Like I said it.
01:36:35 All depends on on the job security aspect of it.
01:36:39 If you're in a very competitive coating.
01:36:43 Then you're going to maybe not.
01:36:49 Perform as well as some of the.
01:36:51 Depending how hungry these other younger guys are.
01:36:54 That's just.
01:36:54 That's just a reality, you know.
01:36:56 And like I said, unless you've been proven.
01:36:58 For 40 years, you're just like Captain Awesome at it.
01:37:01 You're no better than I do the.
Speaker 6
01:37:04 The teaching, another part of it has.
01:37:06 To do with like where in the country you are like if you're in like, say, California somewhere that's ****** like that and you're, you know, the teaching position as a white male is probably not.
01:37:16 I mean, as much as the teaching thing.
01:37:17 Sounds like better job security.
01:37:19 Maybe not as a.
Speaker 5
01:37:20 White male. You know what?
01:37:21 I mean, so I don't know, that's a tough one.
01:37:26 I I guess like I.
01:37:27 Said depends on your background.
01:37:29 Depends on on what you've done in the past and what you're confident you can do in.
Speaker 5
01:37:35 The future?
01:37:38 So I think those are things I would just consider is that if you're talking about the coding job, you're not only are you going to be up against younger people, you'll be up against.
01:37:48 Younger people and like these outsourced people, you know any ******* times and look, this is this is in fact that every part of America when I've done work for people that do work for conservatives.
01:38:01 Like their whole focus, like they'll do entire videos about, like, not doing H1B1, you know, these and stuff like that. And they're literally outsourcing all the video work to people overseas.
01:38:15 And when they make websites, it's all being outsourced to.
01:38:18 People like all of it.
01:38:20 Like all these all these.
01:38:22 Republicans that run for, you know.
01:38:27 Different things.
Speaker 3
01:38:27 I'm going to say necessarily, but like.
01:38:29 Lots of just for this way.
01:38:30 Lots of Republican candidates.
01:38:33 Lots of Republican candidates try to save as much money as humanly possible by using foreign work for everything, like on their social media and all.
Speaker 5
01:38:46 That stuff.
01:38:47 And just that's just the way it is.
01:38:50 And they're not.
01:38:51 And so if those people are doing, that's pretty much ******* everybody's doing.
01:38:54 So you're going to be up against young Americans, but you're also up against, like, the the undercutting *******.
01:38:59 Foreigners who don't.
01:39:00 Do as good of a job, maybe, but that no one.
01:39:03 Cares because.
Speaker 5
01:39:03 It's, you know, most people just don't care.
01:39:08 And then with.
01:39:09 The teaching thing, yeah.
01:39:10 Like how comfortable you going to be?
01:39:12 Like if let's say you get.
01:39:13 Into the teaching.
01:39:14 Thing and they start telling you to start.
01:39:17 Like as a requirement in your class, you have to start teaching critical race theory which could very easily happen.
Speaker 5
01:39:26 So that's a tough one.
01:39:30 I'm. I'm so white pill. Devin. I bumped into some old high school friends on the bus at least eight and they are all based. Talk about the JQ and our hatred for faggs. What?
01:39:44 A great day.
01:39:48 Someone found the.
01:39:51 The video about Trump disavowing the January 6th people.
01:39:54 Yeah, I'm I can't bring that up on my I don't.
01:39:56 Have this on my.
01:39:58 The the chat is not on.
01:39:59 My computer I'm streaming on, unfortunately.
01:40:04 But thanks for finding that that's what people should check.
01:40:07 Check that out if you want to.
Speaker 5
01:40:08 Watch that.
01:40:10 How would someone who isn't a donor but wants to help make clips for the movie get into the discord?
01:40:16 We'll make that available eventually.
01:40:18 I'm just trying to manage this as easily as possible.
01:40:23 And there's, you know, it's.
01:40:25 I just don't want to have to deal with, like, a flood of ******* people.
01:40:28 And then.
01:40:28 You know, I mean like it's already.
01:40:31 Not like it's going to be it's going.
01:40:34 To be a bumpy Rd.
01:40:34 mistakes will get made.
01:40:36 And you know it's not.
01:40:38 I'm just trying to make.
01:40:39 It as smooth as.
01:40:40 Possible, but I'll make sure to get there will be a link made public eventually, or you know.
01:40:47 Maybe through like like I said, a secret message or something.
01:40:50 Put some kind of barrier.
Speaker 5
01:40:54 Let's take a look here.
01:40:57 Thanks for continually ruining my childhood.
01:40:59 My mom told me poltergeist Girl died of asthma and used her death as a fear tactic to make me keep my inhaler close at all times.
Speaker 2
01:41:08 Are you ******* kidding?
01:41:10 No, she did not die of asthma.
01:41:13 She died of being raped in the ***.
01:41:15 Or, allegedly.
01:41:18 What, again?
01:41:19 What it really was?
01:41:21 I mean she.
01:41:22 Would look she was raped.
Speaker 5
01:41:23 To death in the ***, that's what happened.
Speaker 2
01:41:28 I mean, but even like I.
01:41:29 Said even if you look at like the official.
01:41:31 Thing that she died of.
01:41:33 She was raped to death in the ***.
01:41:36 If you are a teacher, you'll be forced to lie to people.
01:41:38 About history.
01:41:40 And that also has to do with.
01:41:43 It has to do with.
01:41:48 Like what you're teaching?
01:41:49 Like maybe you're teaching coding?
01:41:51 I don't know.
01:41:51 Then it.
01:41:51 Wouldn't be probably wouldn't.
Speaker 3
01:41:52 Be so bad.
01:41:55 You know that that's.
01:41:55 The other big I guess thing to keep in mind if you're teaching something like coding then you know that could be OK, and if you're 40 and it's A and it's like a decision.
01:42:06 Do I become a?
01:42:06 Coder or or do I teach coding I would.
Speaker 2
01:42:10 Teach coding like just.
01:42:12 You know what I mean.
01:42:13 Like I look.
Speaker 6
01:42:14 40 is not old, but old's coming up.
01:42:21 All's right around the corner.
01:42:26 Uh male white male should become a teacher right now, especially selling 40 plus and well again.
01:42:32 It depends on where you're at.
01:42:33 It depends where you're.
01:42:34 At he might live somewhere where it's he's got some more time.
01:42:38 If if you're in some place like California.
01:42:41 Or something like that.
01:42:41 You're pretty much ******.
01:42:43 Because even if, like.
01:42:44 Like if you get in a place where again you're teaching coding something that's not history, not something they can, they can even necessary.
01:42:52 I mean, they'll do it anyway, right?
01:42:53 They'll still make you, like, somehow include critical race theory and coding.
01:42:58 But it won't.
01:42:58 Be as ******* horrific.
01:43:01 And you'll.
Speaker 5
01:43:01 Have a little more time.
01:43:04 And you have a union and all that like the.
01:43:06 Teachers have unions and all that stuff.
01:43:11 I looked at the country level demographic data of our county level demographic data of California and non Hispanic whites and most Silicon Valley counties have higher fertility than Hispanics.
01:43:23 Blacks and Asians.
01:43:27 OK. I mean the.
01:43:30 I mean.
01:43:31 I I guess that's good, but again I.
01:43:35 I think you're.
01:43:36 Looking at a really tiny data point, that's not, it's not really the the big picture.
01:43:42 I found that video you mentioned about.
01:43:43 Trump this about OK, that's the same link.
Speaker 2
01:43:50 Yeah, you could do a secret message, but that.
01:43:52 Would fail throughout the ******* like me.
01:43:55 Alright. Well, we'll, we'll figure.
01:43:57 I'll like I said, I'll figure something out.
01:44:00 Probably a good thing that I could.
01:44:02 Do is because I can set like a limit to how many people can use a particular link and since?
01:44:09 You know, like, right now we've got like 340 people watching. I could just do a link that only lets in like 100 people or whatever, right? Or or even less than that.
01:44:21 And then that way we know for sure it's only the people from that were watching the stream they got in watching the stream live, right?
01:44:29 So we could do stuff like that.
Speaker 5
01:44:32 So maybe that's the way to do it.
01:44:37 UM.
01:44:42 OK.
01:44:47 Ohh yeah, in fact I should probably.
Speaker 5
01:44:48 Mod I'm a mod, the pill dispenser guy.
01:44:54 Or I guess you already are a mod.
Speaker 2
01:44:57 Aren't you?
Speaker 5
01:45:01 Yeah, you're already muted.
01:45:07 OK.
01:45:13 I saw your video, the film the Believer, very eye opening.
01:45:17 Thank you very much.
01:45:18 No it was.
01:45:20 That was pretty intense.
01:45:23 I didn't. I did not.
01:45:24 Know that movie existed, or that any movie that could be that Jewish, but apparently.
Speaker 5
01:45:30 Apparently it does exist.
Speaker 2
01:45:33 How about a simple crypto?
01:45:34 Fee like $5 worth of.
01:45:38 Ether well.
01:45:40 Or a theorem.
01:45:41 Yeah, I I.
01:45:43 You know, maybe.
01:45:46 Maybe something like that could be cool, but a?
Speaker 6
01:45:48 Lot of people.
01:45:48 Don't use crypto either.
01:45:52 On a scale of 1 to 10, with one being ******, Pastor, Drag Queen.
01:46:00 Bible study and 10 being.
01:46:02 Deuce Volt Christianity, where is Mormonism?
01:46:05 Mormonism actually would be pretty good if it wasn't so ******* boomer.
01:46:10 Like, that's really a lot of the the I guess you could say that really about every.
01:46:15 I mean is there really any any Christianity or otherwise, is there any religion that that has a racial component to it?
01:46:26 I don't think so.
01:46:27 I mean, except for Jews, right?
01:46:30 Which is why it's. That's why they're out competing other groups. Jews are less than 2% of the population and look at how well they're doing in this country just in this country, let alone the rest of the world.
01:46:44 And if you don't think that having an ethnic component to the religion has if you.
01:46:49 Think that has nothing to do with it?
01:46:50 You're crazy.
01:46:53 And Mormons used to have an ethnic ethnic component.
01:46:56 To it.
01:46:58 You had to be.
01:46:58 White to have the the priesthood.
01:47:03 Until I believe like 1978.
Speaker 2
01:47:06 When the boomers, when the boomers were in charge of the Mormon Church.
01:47:11 You had you had to be white to to.
01:47:14 Fully participate essentially.
01:47:16 Right, which in in a way kept out.
01:47:19 You know, because most.
01:47:20 People were like, you know, if you weren't white and you heard that you're like, oh, ****, that I don't.
Speaker 5
01:47:23 Want to?
01:47:24 I don't want to do that.
01:47:25 I mean, weirdly enough, not all non.
Speaker 5
01:47:27 Whites, I mean.
01:47:28 It the there's.
01:47:30 A lot of Mormon Samoans, for example, right which people find puzzling.
01:47:34 But it's because Mormons sent missionaries to the Samoan islands like.
01:47:40 Like 100 years ago or something like they've been there for like a really ******* long time and they were converting those guys even though they weren't allowed to have the priesthood, they were still joining the church.
01:47:51 And then in 1978, you know?
01:47:54 The ******* boomers were like.
Speaker 6
01:47:56 Oh, God said, God said.
01:47:57 It's it's time.
01:48:00 God said it's time you know that the the non whites.
01:48:02 Can finally have the priesthood.
01:48:04 And so they.
01:48:07 You know, they changed it.
01:48:15 So that that's that's really the that's really the.
01:48:19 It's the.
01:48:19 It's the bonification of Mormonism that.
01:48:23 Kind of ****** it over a little bit.
01:48:27 But there absolutely was in fact.
01:48:29 If you look at the.
01:48:30 The book of Moment itself, it's very racial.
01:48:33 And so is the Bible.
01:48:36 It's not anymore or less racial than the Bible.
01:48:40 In the same way that you got like the Cain and Abel story.
Speaker 8
01:48:43 Right.
01:48:44 So in the book of.
01:48:45 Mormon just real, you know, quickly here.
01:48:49 The Book of Mormon what it is because a.
01:48:51 Lot of people don't even.
01:48:52 Know what?
01:48:53 It is the Book of Mormon is supposedly a book that records the history of.
01:49:00 The American continent.
01:49:02 During the time of Jesus.
01:49:04 OK.
01:49:05 Like the the, the whole story is Joseph Smith.
01:49:10 Who lived in?
01:49:10 New York in like the early 1800s.
01:49:14 There's a bunch of these new evangelical churches popping up, and he he he wants to know, like which one?
01:49:23 Should I join?
01:49:24 And so he praised to God, and some angels come and say like, oh, they're all fake, you know.
01:49:30 And so we're going.
01:49:32 To you're going to fix that though.
01:49:34 And you know, if you're a Mormon or ex Mormon listening, it's not that I don't.
01:49:40 Know the whole story.
01:49:40 I'm just going to speed it up here.
01:49:43 So Long story short, he prays and some angels tell him.
Speaker 2
01:49:47 Where to dig?
01:49:48 Up the Book of Mormon, which he does.
01:49:51 He, which is like buried on on this in this hill in New York, and he digs up this again.
01:49:57 This is this the.
01:49:58 The official Mormon story.
01:49:59 I'm not saying I believe this.
01:50:01 I'm just saying this.
01:50:01 Is what they.
01:50:02 Believe he digs.
01:50:03 Up this box and it's got.
01:50:04 Like some golden plate.
01:50:08 And on the golden plates are the stories of the the American peoples, like the Indians, really.
01:50:16 And their origin and the short version is is one of the many times that Jerusalem is getting taken over before the time of Jesus.
01:50:29 There's a family that's like the only family in Jerusalem that's not ****** and God.
01:50:36 Tells them to leave because.
01:50:39 Jerusalem is going to get.
01:50:40 Void and to build a boat and go on the boat and they do and they end up in America.
01:50:48 And so, in a way, the Mormons are kind of implying that the Native Americans are descended from Jews, which of course doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
01:50:56 But that's that's kind of like the deal and.
01:51:00 So it also.
01:51:01 That's what Mormons think, like the the Aztec temples and all that stuff in South America, like that's kind of.
Speaker 5
01:51:07 Like you know.
01:51:09 And in fact, that's why they would say there's so many.
01:51:14 There's some similarities between, like, the Aztec cultures and, like the Egyptian cultures and, you know.
01:51:19 I mean stuff you.
01:51:19 Know like the hieroglyphics and stuff like that, right, so.
01:51:27 In the in.
01:51:28 The Book of Mormon, the The good guys.
01:51:33 Are called the neophytes, and they have white skin.
01:51:39 And the bad guys are called the Lamanites, and they have dark skin and God gives them dark skin so that the light skin people know to stay away from the dark skinned ones.
Speaker 2
01:51:51 Oh, that's in there.
01:51:52 That's in there.
01:51:54 And you know, and it's and there's.
01:51:58 Like a whole.
01:51:58 Lot of stuff like that where God is making very different deals with different races.
01:52:06 You know, and not just not.
Speaker 6
01:52:07 Just in the book of.
01:52:08 Mormon but in the Bible, it's all over the.
Speaker 5
01:52:10 Place right? I.
Speaker 2
01:52:11 Mean we'll just ask the Jews, right?
01:52:15 God, God seems to have a totally different deal with the Jews than he does with everybody else.
01:52:22 So it's it's all very racial that that's why I understand why you have all these churches that now act as if that doesn't exist in the Bible like that.
01:52:34 That race is just irrelevant now.
01:52:37 But you do and I don't know how long that's been going on for.
01:52:40 You know, I don't know if.
01:52:41 It really literally was the boomers that did that.
01:52:45 That kind of erased that part of like, I don't know, was there like.
01:52:48 A racial component.
01:52:49 Did did people have like a racial awareness within Catholicism? You know, say, like, 100 years ago? I don't know, maybe, I don't know.
01:52:58 I'm not familiar enough I.
01:52:59 Can just, but the Mormons for sure.
01:53:01 Like I said, you couldn't have the.
01:53:02 Priesthood and if you were.
Speaker 6
01:53:05 If you were non.
01:53:06 White until like 1970.
01:53:09 And then they changed that and they've been getting slowly more paws.
01:53:12 They used to.
01:53:13 Also, if you're what, they just, they just recently changed something else.
01:53:19 If you were, if your parents I think were gay, you couldn't join the church.
01:53:26 And they just lifted that ban like a year ago.
01:53:29 And look, you could say that.
01:53:31 Well, I mean, that's not really that big, but it's a step in the wrong direction though.
01:53:34 You know what I mean?
01:53:35 It's making me a little bit nervous.
01:53:37 If if the Mormons start accepting the gay ****, then where that's.
01:53:43 You know it's.
Speaker 5
01:53:44 Only a matter of time.
01:53:45 At that point, you know, like that's.
01:53:48 The thing that concerns me too about Mormonism or the the as an institution.
01:53:54 Is they have.
01:53:57 We don't know like.
01:53:59 Like they're used.
01:53:59 To keep their financial records open, you used to be able.
01:54:03 To go down to Utah.
01:54:04 And ask to see the books and you could like look at them and that's another thing that the the actually the boomers didn't change that their parents changed that like I think in like 1960 or somewhere around there.
Speaker 7
01:54:04 It has this.
01:54:17 They started hiding the books.
01:54:20 And there have been whistleblowers that say that the the Mormons have billions and billions of dollars like billion, which makes sense.
01:54:31 I mean they.
01:54:32 You gotta remember, every every member of the church.
01:54:35 Is supposed to.
01:54:36 And they don't all do this, but a.
01:54:38 Lot of them do supposed to give 10%.
01:54:41 Of their income.
01:54:42 Before taxes.
Speaker 5
01:54:43 You know, so and.
01:54:44 There's a lot of rare various that includes people like Romney, right?
01:54:48 Like so, there's a lot of very successful.
01:54:51 I mean, even if you're just making 100 grand.
01:54:53 That's 10 grand A.
01:54:54 Year that you're giving to the church and there's lots of people doing that.
01:54:59 And they have, you know, they.
01:55:00 It doesn't just.
01:55:01 Go in some bank account and just sit.
01:55:03 There you know, they they invest all this money and they've got like, huge and they got their own hedge fund, you know, like they've and they've been investing in stuff and and just have ****.
Speaker 5
01:55:15 Tons of ******* money.
01:55:16 And you, you.
01:55:17 You just can't have that kind of money without having corruption.
01:55:20 And when it when there's no transparency.
Speaker 5
01:55:24 It just makes me wonder, like, what the ****'* going?
01:55:26 On with that and the other thing too is I guarantee you I guarantee.
01:55:30 You cause it'll.
Speaker 6
01:55:31 Almost be impossible to not do this.
01:55:33 They're probably investing in a lot of the stuff they tell you not to do.
01:55:36 Right.
01:55:36 Like they probably have investments.
01:55:38 In companies that produce, you know, like caffeinated drinks and, you know, like one of one of the things that that made me kind of feel like.
01:55:48 They weren't very serious was when I was younger, the state president, which is like kind of like a.
01:55:58 I don't know like a regional manager.
Speaker 2
01:56:01 I guess like I guess if you.
01:56:02 Want to put it that way?
01:56:06 The state president.
01:56:07 Where I lived, he owned a a hotel.
Speaker 5
01:56:11 He actually owned a couple of hotels.
01:56:12 He had a lot of.
01:56:14 But there was a there.
01:56:15 Was a bar.
01:56:15 In the hotel and the guy was.
01:56:17 Selling alcohol.
01:56:20 And I I thought like that.
01:56:22 Seems a little bit, uh.
01:56:25 Like that would be a problem.
01:56:26 You know?
01:56:26 Like shouldn't I mean, should you really be a state president if if some of your income comes from alcohol sales?
01:56:34 Like, that sounds like.
01:56:37 Call me I I'm like, at the time I was like, 14 or 15.
01:56:40 Right.
01:56:40 And I'm just like, this seems like pretty easy to figure.
01:56:44 Out like that, yeah.
Speaker 2
01:56:45 This isn't.
01:56:45 This should not be happening.
01:56:48 And and so there's a lot of.
01:56:49 That kind of stuff, I think going on and.
01:56:52 And look, there's just some ******* Mormons too.
01:56:54 There was Harry Reid was a ******* Mormon, a lot of.
01:56:57 People don't know that there's Harry Reid.
01:56:59 Was a Mormon.
01:57:00 And for those you don't.
01:57:01 Have to remember who that is.
01:57:03 He was the Senate Minority.
01:57:04 Leader that he's a Democrat from.
Speaker 5
01:57:07 From I think Las Vegas, but he's from Nevada.
01:57:13 And there and look, there's nothing too.
01:57:15 There's, like, an actual.
01:57:16 There's an organized crime element that's Mormon.
Speaker 5
01:57:19 In in in Nevada.
01:57:22 Tied to the casinos and all that stuff because when the mob came out there to to create Las Vegas.
01:57:31 Mormons that were already there.
01:57:33 Right.
01:57:34 Like a lot of these Mormon land owners were already there, ranchers and stuff like that.
01:57:39 And so when when Vegas was created, you know, some Mormons.
Speaker 5
01:57:44 Got kind of.
01:57:45 Into that.
01:57:48 So I suspect Harry Reid's family is included in all that, but Harry Reid was pro-choice.
01:57:56 And in the same way that I keep saying that I.
01:57:58 Don't understand why the Catholics.
01:58:01 Would keep you know.
01:58:03 I mean, you had the Pope, the previous Pope.
01:58:06 Saying explicitly, I thought at one point that you know the the politicians that support abortion and stuff like that should be excommunicated or or he said something.
01:58:17 Like that and I just.
01:58:18 Thought that would just be a no brainer, right?
01:58:22 Or, you know, or else why have the affiliation?
01:58:27 And I kind of feel like the same.
01:58:29 Thing should be true.
01:58:30 Of Mormons and.
01:58:32 But yeah, Harry Reid was pro-choice and he did the same weasely ******** to justify it, right?
01:58:38 Like he did the same thing.
Speaker 6
01:58:39 Where he's like.
01:58:39 Oh, well, our well personally.
01:58:42 I don't believe in abortion, but I'm not going to impose my personal view.
01:58:46 What's like the what?
01:58:47 Why are you there?
01:58:49 You know, it's like that same.
01:58:50 Remember that clip that I play of John Edwards where John Edwards was saying like, oh, I'm not going to impose my personal morality on my children.
01:58:59 It's like.
01:59:00 You come again? Like really?
Speaker 2
01:59:04 Then what's what good are you?
01:59:08 Like that's.
01:59:11 You know.
01:59:14 So it it's it's, yeah, it's it's just a.
01:59:17 It's a ******** excuse that.
01:59:19 They use to avoid.
01:59:20 Responsibility and and and and act as though.
01:59:24 Like, oh, no, trust me, I don't personally.
01:59:26 Believe in baby killing.
01:59:28 But I'll just make it very possible for it to happen.
01:59:32 So I guess that's a.
01:59:33 Really long version of saying they seem like.
01:59:38 One to 10.
01:59:40 I don't know, I mean.
01:59:42 If you took away the race part of it.
01:59:44 I'd say like 8.
01:59:48 With the race thing, I think it's more like a 7-6 maybe.
Speaker 5
01:59:55 Alright, let's take a look here.
01:59:58 The protagonist and the believer is what most Jews think of.
02:00:01 People like Bobby Fischer and Ron Unz.
02:00:05 They think even worse of.
02:00:09 Of Jesus.
02:00:13 Well, yeah. I mean, uh.
02:00:17 Yeah, but I, but I think that.
02:00:19 There's a lot of.
02:00:19 I mean, that's.
02:00:20 Like a thing though, too.
02:00:21 Like those are maybe some of the more prominent so-called anti-Semitic Jews, but that's like a thing. Like the whole the self hating Jew, you know, like it's they they try to make it sound like that's the thing and.
02:00:34 It's more of it's just a a self.
02:00:36 Awared you.
02:00:38 Like just because I mean, look, it's we're we're rational people.
02:00:41 The criticisms we have.
02:00:43 Of Jews are not irrational criticisms.
02:00:46 And so if.
02:00:47 You are a rational Jew.
02:00:49 You're going to realize that and you're going to have the same, you know, Bobby Fischer is.
02:00:53 A perfect example.
02:00:54 World class chess.
02:00:57 I mean this guy like his brain is like just full on, you know.
02:01:01 ******** logic, right?
02:01:04 And he pointed out all the same.
02:01:06 Stuff that we point out.
02:01:08 And he was Jewish.
02:01:10 And but they see that as, oh, it's just a sickness.
02:01:12 It's a sickness.
02:01:15 And because they have to, and they have to address it because it's common enough.
Speaker 6
02:01:19 There are a.
02:01:20 Lot of intelligent.
02:01:21 Jews and there are a lot of rational Jews.
02:01:24 And so it's only.
02:01:27 It's just a matter of time before the rational, intelligent Jews.
Speaker 2
02:01:32 Come to some of these same conclusions.
02:01:37 Have you watched a video called 100 proofs? The Israelite the Israelites were white whether they were are right or not? I think it might be useful in creating high fertility religious communities. For what?
02:01:49 Uh, I mean, no, I haven't seen it.
02:01:55 I I don't.
02:01:56 I don't know.
02:01:56 I don't think it's important that the Israelites, Israelites, be white.
02:02:01 Didn't morons used to say that blacks were black because they were sinners in another life or something?
02:02:06 No, I think it was.
02:02:07 It was.
02:02:08 Like the mark?
02:02:08 Of Cain, right.
02:02:10 That same thing that their descendants.
02:02:12 Look, the Bible is very racial.
02:02:14 It says that, you know, God marked him so that you would know that you were descended from, like, the from someone like cause genetics matter, right?
02:02:23 Right.
02:02:24 If you're descended from, look, if you're descended from murderers or crazy people, you know, like, that's that's going to matter.
02:02:34 Didn't Mormons used to say that blacks were black because they were, or I met a huge group of Mormon Hawaiians and.
Speaker 5
02:02:42 Oh, or ooh, I can't say that.
02:02:45 Barbecuing by China Man's Hat there was.
02:02:51 Like over 100 of them, they were cool. Yeah, there's a lot of Mormon Hawaiians.
Speaker 5
02:02:54 Too, there's.
02:02:55 A BYU in in Hawaii.
02:02:58 I think that for the same reason, there's a lot of Mormon Samoans.
02:03:01 I think they send people to Hawaii.
Speaker 5
02:03:04 A lot back then.
02:03:09 Let's see here what was the best worst day?
02:03:13 Of your life.
Speaker 5
02:03:17 I don't know.
02:03:18 I don't really.
02:03:18 I can't.
02:03:19 Think there's nothing that sticks out?
02:03:22 At this point I don't have like a.
02:03:25 This is the best day ever.
02:03:28 It all kind of just.
02:03:29 Blends together after a while.
Speaker 2
02:03:33 And I wish I had a better.
02:03:34 Answer for you I but I just.
02:03:37 Nothing I can't think of anything that was like.
02:03:41 Exceptionally bad or exceptionally good.
Speaker 5
02:03:48 Yeah, I mean there there's.
02:03:51 I'm always at.
02:03:52 A pretty even keel, you know, like, I don't really have like a.
02:03:58 And nothing all that momentous.
Speaker 5
02:03:59 I feel like has really happened to me.
02:04:03 And if it has like it, it just gets.
Speaker 5
02:04:04 Lost in the noise after a while.
02:04:08 UM.
02:04:10 Ron Evans has one of the most impressive academic resumes I've seen.
02:04:16 Study physics at Harvard, Stanford and Cambridge.
02:04:20 I'm going to look him.
02:04:21 Up that that name is escaping me at the moment.
02:04:24 Ron Owens.
02:04:43 Editor in chief and publisher of the Oons Review website that promotes anti-Semitism, Holocaust denial, conspiracy theories and white supremacist material.
02:04:54 And he's a Jew.
02:04:56 He's a Ukrainian Jew born in California, like so many of the ******* Jews in California.
Speaker 2
02:05:06 Well, I'd have.
02:05:07 To look into him.
02:05:07 I don't know him.
02:05:12 I thought it sounded familiar, but I I.
Speaker 5
02:05:14 Just don't know.
02:05:16 Political career.
02:05:19 He tried to run for governor.
Speaker 5
02:05:24 Against Pete Wilson.
02:05:34 Yeah, I don't.
02:05:34 Know I have to look more into this guy. They're saying he has an IQ of 200 and.
02:05:38 14 which is?
02:05:40 That'd be insane.
02:05:41 I don't know if that how accurate that is, but maybe who knows?
02:05:44 That would be insane, though.
02:05:47 If your IQ.
02:05:48 Is 215, you probably feel.
02:05:50 Like an insane person all the time.
02:05:52 Because mine's not even that high, and I feel like an insane person sometimes.
Speaker 8
02:06:00 Let's see here.
02:06:06 Someone says he's a self aware Jew.
02:06:09 Yeah, yeah, it's possible.
02:06:11 I just don't know anything about him.
02:06:13 I mean.
02:06:14 Sounds like he's been around a long time.
Speaker 5
02:06:16 And whatever.
02:06:18 But I I just don't.
02:06:19 I don't know anything about.
02:06:24 All right guys.
02:06:26 Well, I think that's like I said, this is pretty easygoing stream.
02:06:29 Just wanted to watch.
02:06:31 Watch some MacGyver with you.
02:06:41 Escape the heat a little bit and.
Speaker 5
02:06:43 I'm sweating my balls off.
02:06:45 And it's so ******* hot here.
02:06:47 It's hot everywhere.
02:06:48 I guess there's.
02:06:48 Like a heat wave like I was talking to someone today.
02:06:53 That was in North Carolina, and it was like 100 degrees there and.
Speaker 5
02:06:56 I'm like ****.
02:06:58 I mean it's it's like a.
02:07:01 It's like 100. Well, I mean it's like 115 here. In fact, it's like right now 100 degrees like even though it's like middle of the night.
Speaker 5
02:07:11 Let me see.
02:07:14 I'm going to tell you the exact number.
02:07:16 Alright, it's really.
02:07:17 Close to 100 and that's all I'm gonna say. It's really close to a.
Speaker 5
02:07:20 100 right now.
02:07:22 So it just.
Speaker 5
02:07:23 Never ******* cools off it.
02:07:24 Never ******* cools off.
02:07:28 But yeah, it's just going to be a.
Speaker 5
02:07:30 Nice hot 1:00 tonight.
02:07:33 So yeah, like, I'll probably what?
02:07:34 I'll do this week is.
02:07:36 I'll try to get like a page put together for the the movie and I'll get some invites.
02:07:43 In fact, I might.
02:07:44 Even do like a random stream where all I do is I give out invites to the people.
Speaker 5
02:07:47 That show up to the.
02:07:48 Stream, so we might do something like.
02:07:51 That I don't know.
02:07:52 I'll find a way of doing it and I I also I got some notifications that from that Patreon and subscribe star people were commenting on the post that I left the link on and I have not taken a look to see what that is.
Speaker 5
02:08:04 UM, I've just been.
02:08:05 Inundated by all this stuff.
Speaker 5
02:08:07 I'll go and check out and respond to that stuff and yeah, other than.
Speaker 6
02:08:13 That make sure you share that.
02:08:15 Video The the most Jewish movie ever made, as much as humanly possible.
02:08:20 It's frustrating because if that movie had been on.
02:08:23 YouTube or the video?
02:08:24 Been on YouTube which well if.
Speaker 3
02:08:26 It could be on YouTube, it'd be banned immediately.
Speaker 5
02:08:29 But if it was on YouTube.
02:08:31 And YouTube didn't ban stuff.
02:08:33 You would already have like.
02:08:34 100,000.
02:08:35 Views I mean.
02:08:36 It's still done OK, it's probably close to.
02:08:37 Like 20,000, which for you know the alternative platforms is pretty good.
Speaker 5
02:08:42 You know, if you mix the, I don't know, maybe not 20 quite well maybe.
Speaker 6
02:08:46 I don't know.
02:08:46 Maybe if you mix bit shoot with Odyssey and everything else so.
02:08:50 But try to share that link as much as.
02:08:51 Possible and yeah.
02:08:56 Hope you guys have a good Saturday night for black pill.
02:08:58 Valium, of course.
02:09:04 Dennis, dag.
Speaker 12
02:09:05 Using our new Barbies Creatable World doll to talk a little bit about pronouns with my 4 year old son.
02:09:12 OK, so let's get the wiggle.
Speaker 12
02:09:14 And what pronoun is this, Dolly?
02:09:16 Going to use.
02:09:17 Is this going to be he?
02:09:20 Is she?
02:09:21 Or are they?
02:09:23 Day they're gonna go by day, alright?
Speaker 4
02:09:26 Let's find some clothes for them.
Speaker 7
02:09:27 I gave.
Speaker 9
02:09:28 What are we going to wear?
02:09:31 They want them.
Speaker 12
02:09:32 All right, let's put that open.
Speaker 14
02:09:33 On them, get the house out.
02:09:36 And are they going to have long hair?
Speaker 12
02:09:37 Or short hair.
02:09:39 Because that they can have long hair.
02:09:41 Or they could have short hair, long hair.
02:09:50 The outfit I picked for them.
Speaker 12
02:09:52 Wow, let me see.
02:09:55 That's a great outfit.
Speaker 12
02:09:57 I love it.
02:09:58 They look great.