

00:00:00 I'm talking to.
Speaker 1
00:01:53 Come on.
00:01:56 I'm talking to you.
Speaker 3
00:02:50 Things happening.
00:07:17 Good morning to even get after all.
00:07:19 This might be too hot of.
Speaker 4
00:07:20 A microphone.
00:07:20 Let's try it.
00:07:21 We're we're.
00:07:22 Using different equipment tonight.
00:07:24 So this is we're going.
00:07:25 To be playing around with some.
00:07:26 Settings here as you this is I'm using.
00:07:29 A computer that didn't have ABS on it until about an hour ago.
00:07:32 And obviously on my animations and so.
00:07:35 I kind of winged it.
00:07:36 In the Ms. paint hope.
00:07:38 You like this is Devin Stack.
00:07:39 You're listening.
00:07:40 To the insomnia stream.
Speaker 6
00:07:42 Coming to you live and direct from.
00:07:44 The Earth's core.
Speaker 4
00:07:46 The signal going through the channels of hot, molten lava up to.
00:07:51 The surface like.
00:07:52 A freaking volcano.
00:07:53 I don't know why I said that, but that's OK.
Speaker 6
00:07:55 Hopefully you guys.
Speaker 4
00:07:56 Had it clipping, is it?
00:07:57 I thought it was clipping.
00:07:58 Let me.
00:07:59 Try it.
00:07:59 Let me hello.
00:08:01 Hello. You know it?
00:08:03 Is it's this freaking MIC has its own volume.
00:08:05 We'll try this.
00:08:06 123-4567.
Speaker 4
00:08:09 8 doesn't seem to do anything.
Speaker 3
00:08:12 Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello.
00:08:15 You know, this mic is just crazy bad.
00:08:17 Let me let.
00:08:17 Me try to play with some settings real quick.
Speaker 4
00:08:21 Sound settings.
00:08:27 Hang on, guys.
00:08:28 We're fixing this.
00:08:29 We're fixing this.
00:08:32 Very slowly on a laptop.
00:08:36 Alright, let's see here sound.
Speaker 4
00:08:40 Microphone device properties.
00:08:46 Uh. Additional device properties.
00:08:52 I might be able to switch microphones to.
00:08:56 A crappier microphone that might.
00:08:57 Just work better though.
00:08:58 Hang on a SEC.
00:09:02 Additional device properties.
00:09:04 Why is this not loading?
Speaker 4
00:09:07 Oh, you.
00:09:07 Got to love this.
00:09:08 You got to love this.
Speaker 6
00:09:13 OK.
00:09:18 Here we go.
00:09:19 All right levels.
00:09:21 Audio check 1-2. How's this? How's this? Is this working?
00:09:27 Hello. Hello.
00:09:28 Hello. Hello. Hello, hello.
00:09:32 123456 sounds terrible.
00:09:38 Is this is this?
00:09:42 Yeah, this is bad too, huh?
00:09:46 I need to go back up now.
00:09:47 You guys are crazy.
00:09:48 How about this?
00:09:50 Is this better?
00:09:58 Alright, well this is good enough, right?
00:10:01 I'll play with it in Odyssey as long as it's not blowing out.
00:10:03 It's fine.
00:10:04 All right, let's go ahead.
00:10:05 And close this out.
00:10:09 OK, audio check audio.
00:10:11 This is better.
00:10:12 All right, I think this is good now.
00:10:14 Is this good?
00:10:18 OK, we got it all figured out.
00:10:20 All right.
00:10:20 Sorry about that, guys.
00:10:22 So yeah, as I said, using a computer that hasn't been used for streaming maybe ever.
00:10:31 With my Ms.
00:10:32 paint animations and comic sans.
00:10:36 But I couldn't let you guys down I.
00:10:38 Hadn't streamed it a couple streams.
00:10:40 You know, I told you guys going to take a couple streams off because I had to do family stuff and that stuff is sort of still in motion.
00:10:49 So I didn't want to cancel a third time, so I kind of cooked this together and I figured, you know, the show must go.
Speaker 4
00:10:55 On the show must go on.
00:10:58 So you know this is this is.
Speaker 4
00:11:00 Going to have to work.
00:11:05 Anyway, so I saw a lot of people talking in chat.
00:11:09 Apparently the talk of the town is is Kanye West and I don't see I don't have this as when it it's going to be frustrating.
00:11:15 So I don't have my little button I can push, they can play the magic *****.
00:11:18 Animation I'm just going to have to.
00:11:22 To do it myself, I guess.
00:11:24 But it is kind of look I'll.
00:11:25 Be honest, I watched the Lex Friedman interview.
00:11:31 And I I will.
00:11:32 I will tell you this.
00:11:33 I will tell you this.
00:11:36 Despite what clips are, I was a little surprised by.
00:11:38 This the clips that are floating around.
00:11:40 On telegram.
00:11:41 Are not, are not even really the best parts.
Speaker 4
00:11:44 Of that interview.
00:11:45 The best parts of the of the interview, in fact, aren't even really what Kanye is saying.
00:11:51 It's what that that **** Lex Friedman is saying.
00:11:55 I watched that interview.
00:11:57 I never liked this guy, right?
00:11:58 I know he's big and he interviews a.
00:12:00 Lot of people.
00:12:01 I never understood why he was big.
00:12:04 I mean, I I know that his ethnicity probably.
Speaker 4
00:12:06 Has something to do with it, right?
00:12:08 But the I never understood the the the.
00:12:12 I mean, he's boring.
00:12:13 He's really boring and he the.
Speaker 4
00:12:18 He he he's not just, he's not, he's not.
00:12:20 Like, just like a centrist.
00:12:23 He's like next level centrist like he makes Tim Poole look like a right wing extremist.
00:12:29 And anytime and I, I've always seen one or two other interviews with this guy because you watch one because the, you know, the YouTube algorithm loves this guy.
00:12:38 You watch one of these interviews and you know, say hello to him being popped in your in your feed for the rest of your life.
00:12:45 And I watched it was some it was.
00:12:48 I wish I could remember who he was interviewing.
Speaker 6
00:12:51 But it was some.
00:12:51 Guy that obviously wasn't a right winger guy and it wasn't talking about the JQ or anything like that and somehow.
00:12:59 The subject started to slowly venture into talking about Jews as a group.
00:13:07 And he flipped the **** out.
00:13:08 Went from like very boring.
00:13:11 Guy, that's all about.
00:13:12 I'm all about love.
00:13:13 I'm all about love and and making connections and using technology to expand love and happiness in the world to getting the getting a little cranky, getting a little cranky, getting very upset that the the.
00:13:26 The idea that Jews could be described as a group.
00:13:32 But that alone was that was too edgy.
00:13:34 And of course the person he was talking to wasn't insane, like Kanye West, who's look, let's just be honest, right?
00:13:41 He he's having a manic episode like he just is, OK, he just is.
00:13:45 He's not.
00:13:46 He's not being based.
00:13:47 He's not, you know, trying to red pill the world on the JQ.
00:13:50 He's having a manic episode.
00:13:52 No, no, no, wrong.
00:13:53 It's really entertaining.
00:13:54 It's it's, it's.
00:13:56 It's really nice to see.
00:13:57 Someone that that?
00:13:58 Has this kind of manic episode on this kind of world stage?
00:14:01 I like it.
00:14:02 I'm having a good time.
00:14:03 I'm enjoying it.
00:14:03 But let's just not.
00:14:04 Let's not pretend something that it's not.
00:14:07 And when he's faced, and he's when he's in this.
00:14:09 Interview talking to Kanye.
00:14:12 Who is repeatedly going down the avenue of describing Jews as a race or?
00:14:17 As a group.
Speaker 4
00:14:19 He freaks out every single time his go to is.
00:14:23 Well, you need to talk about individuals.
00:14:25 You need to.
00:14:26 You need to talk about individual.
Speaker 6
00:14:27 And this is.
00:14:27 The new talking point thing, which is hilarious.
00:14:30 Considering Jews are the ones that been.
00:14:32 Lumping all white people together with their white privilege, garbage, garbage, now for decades.
00:14:37 In fact another.
00:14:38 One of our favorite Jews.
00:14:39 I saw this right before going live.
00:14:41 I wonder if I can play it.
00:14:43 I tried to download it.
00:14:45 This might be a little tricky, but I'm going to see if I can plant just because he's parroting exactly the same the exact same talking points as Lex Friedman and and we can make the same example with this guy here.
00:14:58 So anyway, let me pull this up.
00:15:01 Or at least let me try to pull this.
00:15:02 Up I think this will work.
00:15:06 Make a new audio source or video source.
Speaker 4
00:15:09 OK, let's see here.
00:15:16 There he is.
00:15:17 There he is.
00:15:19 Alright, let me load this up.
Speaker 4
00:15:23 And then pause it before it starts going crazy.
Speaker 3
00:15:28 I mentioned this *******.
Speaker 4
00:15:29 Alright, here we go.
00:15:33 Let's do a.
00:15:36 Application capture, display capture.
00:15:40 Yeah, sorry guys, this is this is beyond substandard working conditions.
00:15:47 But like I.
00:15:47 Said I I couldn't go like three or three streams in a.
00:15:50 Row without streaming so.
Speaker 4
00:15:52 All right, window capture.
00:15:53 Let's do that.
00:15:55 There we go, that works.
00:16:01 Good old Mike Rappaport, which is funny because I just.
00:16:03 Thought he was some Boston.
00:16:04 Guy, I didn't even know he was a Jew until he started.
00:16:06 Being captain, you know.
00:16:08 **** on anti vaxxers constantly and then you realize he's wearing the Jewish star and all those videos that he's putting on Instagram and you know.
Speaker 4
00:16:16 You know that this is a.
00:16:18 This is a A.
00:16:19 A pandemic of the unvaccinated, this is apparent like those videos well.
00:16:25 It's funny because.
00:16:26 He, you know, he lumped all those people together.
00:16:28 He lumps, you know, unvaccinated people together as one group.
00:16:31 He doesn't talk about individuals he doesn't name.
00:16:33 The the particular people who who should.
00:16:36 Be vaccinated but aren't vaccinated and and and that are endangering his grandmother.
00:16:40 Now he lumps them all together.
00:16:42 I'm sure this guy also talks about white privilege and lumps all white people together, but this is.
00:16:47 The new talking point.
00:16:48 You you cannot generalize the one thing that separates us from animals, right?
00:16:53 One thing that the.
00:16:54 The pattern recognition is is no longer allowed.
00:16:59 And see if I can get hopefully the audio on this thing works.
00:17:01 I think it will.
Speaker 4
00:17:03 I might have to do this though.
00:17:04 Let me see.
00:17:06 Yeah, here we go.
Speaker 3
00:17:09 Like Kanye West and killed the.
00:17:11 You're changing the yay.
00:17:13 Look, I even call.
00:17:14 You, Tanya, you **** and and.
00:17:16 And I I didn't want to.
00:17:17 Do it.
00:17:18 I I was like.
00:17:19 We're we're we're going.
00:17:19 To be done this week, we're going to be done.
00:17:22 We're really done, but but what happened is because of all the ****.
00:17:30 You dummy.
00:17:32 I'm talking to you.
00:17:32 Kindly listen.
00:17:33 You know I'm a genius.
00:17:34 You're also you're a dumb genius.
00:17:36 You're a **** ****.
00:17:38 All the **** that.
00:17:39 You have said all the **** that you have talked about in the last two weeks.
00:17:45 There's like months.
00:17:48 Kanye West, you dummy.
00:17:51 I'm a genius.
00:17:52 You're a **** ****.
00:17:54 You should have just named names.
00:17:56 Who hurt you?
00:17:57 Who ****** you over?
00:18:00 Who didn't do what they said they were gonna do.
00:18:04 You should have.
00:18:04 Just named the.
00:18:05 Names but instead Mr. self-proclaimed genius *******.
00:18:11 He generalized.
00:18:14 The entire Jewish race.
00:18:17 And now you don't couple Lindsay either they say that correctly.
00:18:21 Bouncy either bouncy anger.
00:18:26 So he, you know, he's off the rails, but that's that's literally exactly what Lex Friedman was saying the entire time.
Speaker 4
00:18:33 You need to talk about individuals.
00:18:36 You need to talk about individuals.
Speaker 2
00:18:38 And look, I was impressed.
00:18:39 I'll tell you what I was.
00:18:40 Impressed when, when presented with this challenge?
00:18:46 Every time that at least that I I mean I I didn't sit there watching it with bated breath like I, you know, had it on in the background.
00:18:53 I was doing stuff, but every time that I heard Lex Friedman push back like this.
00:18:59 Kanye said, well, I.
00:19:00 Am naming individuals or you know I'm paraphrasing.
00:19:04 Filtering out a lot of his.
00:19:05 Mania, his manic, you know, side tours and stuff like that, and trying to explain it.
00:19:11 But but he was at least I think solid on saying look, I am naming individuals.
00:19:15 They're just all Jewish.
00:19:18 All the individuals are Jewish.
00:19:21 Including, by the way, Lex Freeman himself.
00:19:24 Who is doing exactly?
00:19:27 Exactly the kind of thing that Kanye was complaining about, who, by the way, that's exactly what, Mike.
00:19:34 Rapaport is doing.
00:19:36 Exactly the same thing that Kanye was complaining about.
00:19:41 Now for us it's kind of frustrating.
00:19:42 Because we've been talking about this **** for God.
00:19:44 Knows how long, right?
00:19:46 And no one cares when we say it.
00:19:49 In fact, there's a lot of.
00:19:50 The the frustrating thing for me?
Speaker 4
00:19:52 Is it it?
00:19:53 Is that it?
00:19:54 It is, it's.
00:19:55 The perfect demonstration of the magic ***** effect.
00:20:00 It really is.
00:20:02 And it does make me kind of wonder what is up with that.
00:20:04 I almost wonder if there's something beyond.
00:20:08 Like there's something beyond.
00:20:10 Just that white people are too polite.
00:20:13 You know, white people just they don't want to say what everyone's thinking.
00:20:18 I think it goes beyond well, he's black.
00:20:20 And so he's afforded more free speech.
00:20:25 He's allowed to say.
00:20:26 Which look, that's by the way, that is true.
00:20:30 The only one of the only reasons the press is even entertaining this?
00:20:36 Or allowing this to go on the air is they are, I think confident.
00:20:41 That, just like every other black person, that's.
00:20:43 That's talked about this issue.
00:20:45 They'll eventually get him to apologize.
00:20:48 They'll eventually get him to, you know, kiss the ring or his Kanye, said Howard Stern's ****.
00:20:55 You know, eventually they're going to get.
00:20:56 Them to to bow down.
00:20:59 And he I think that for the.
00:21:01 First time, maybe you know?
00:21:03 Maybe ever.
00:21:03 I don't know.
00:21:04 You know, this guy is just he's just crazy enough and just rich enough to where he'll keep going and they will eventually it'll get harder and harder for him.
00:21:12 To get a platform.
00:21:16 But I think it goes beyond just that.
Speaker 6
00:21:19 I do think that for some reason.
00:21:24 And I'm going to.
00:21:24 Be specific about America because I think this is.
00:21:28 Well, because I'm American.
00:21:30 But I can tell you.
00:21:34 The worship of black people and American culture.
Speaker 4
00:21:37 Is not new.
00:21:40 It's not new.
00:21:42 I mean, this goes all the way back to blackface.
00:21:44 And yes, you know, Jews pioneered blackface, right?
00:21:47 I did a.
00:21:47 Whole video on that.
00:21:48 But why?
00:21:49 Why did they do that?
00:21:50 Why did they dress up like black people?
00:21:54 Before going on a stage and performing.
00:21:56 For wide audiences.
00:22:01 You know, like it's one thing that to.
00:22:03 Borrow the the the culture and the music or or whatever.
00:22:07 Right.
00:22:08 Like if that's what the thing, if that's what it was.
00:22:10 You know, we're going to.
00:22:11 Borrow the style of of black.
00:22:13 Music. And it wasn't a.
00:22:14 Ridicule thing.
00:22:15 I really don't think it was.
00:22:17 I mean it occasionally.
00:22:18 It was like when it was used for comedy.
00:22:20 Like I played that clip of Judy Garland, who was obviously making fun of black people.
00:22:28 So that makes sense to me, right?
00:22:31 But typically when you like.
00:22:33 Al Jolson and these other performers.
00:22:35 There were serious jazz musicians.
00:22:38 Why were they wearing blackface?
00:22:42 And I just think that American American culture.
00:22:44 For whatever reason.
00:22:46 And maybe that reason is is you.
00:22:48 Know white guilt tied to slavery or whatever.
00:22:53 Whites are more influenced by blacks.
00:22:57 Whites are more in, you know, generally.
00:22:59 Speaking obviously, I'm not talking about every.
00:23:02 Whites in America are more influenced by blacks.
00:23:07 That's why conservatives so desperately want Diamond and silk.
00:23:11 You know, they want the based black guy.
00:23:14 They want a black guy saying they don't care for white guy saying what they say.
00:23:19 They want a black.
00:23:20 Guy saying it because the black guys.
00:23:21 Are cool.
00:23:24 For some reason, in America, black people are.
00:23:27 That probably wasn't always that way.
00:23:29 But in my entire lifetime it was.
00:23:32 They are the.
00:23:33 The tone setters.
00:23:36 The trendsetters, even.
00:23:39 And honestly, it's depressing.
00:23:42 It's depressing that that's that's, you know, when the Jews aren't defining your culture, it's blacks.
00:23:49 You know you you've probably heard me talk about this over and over and over again that that right wingers are not.
00:23:56 They don't see the value in creating culture.
00:23:58 Well, here's.
00:24:00 Here's where it leads to.
00:24:03 You create a vacuum.
00:24:08 The other problem, if you think about it, you see.
00:24:11 One of the reasons why Kanye is able to do this stuff and get the kind of you know, in addition to like I said, I think they.
00:24:17 Just think that they can eventually back them into a corner.
00:24:22 And get them to, you know, sacrifice.
00:24:26 Sacrifice a little bit of.
00:24:30 I don't know face so that he can.
00:24:32 He can get his his money back, right, because.
00:24:36 Apparently his.
00:24:37 Some of his hundreds of.
00:24:38 Millions of dollars are evaporating overnight.
Speaker 6
00:24:45 Why haven't?
00:24:45 There been any? It's not.
00:24:47 Like there's there's.
00:24:47 Never been a white.
00:24:48 Guy in fact. Look.
00:24:51 Let me put it this way.
00:24:52 Trump wasn't had that had a perfect opportunity to do exactly.
00:24:57 Everything that Kanye would do.
00:24:58 We know what we know.
00:24:59 We know why he didn't.
00:25:00 Right.
00:25:01 But it's not like these white people don't exist.
00:25:03 You know, it's not that there's not white people that don't have the ability to say these sorts of things in a.
00:25:08 Way more coherent way.
00:25:11 I mean, Jesus Christ, watching that interview, he's every time, he said.
00:25:18 I'm frustrated, it's frustration.
00:25:20 I was just like.
00:25:21 Jesus, dude, come on.
00:25:25 But not only that, just the way that he phrased things like he, he sounded like, you know, it reminded me of that, that, that stream that Alex Jones did with.
00:25:35 With Joe Rogan when he's like high as a kite and talking about interdimensional, you know, space goblins.
00:25:41 You know where?
00:25:42 Like there's there's little Nuggets of, like, coherent thoughts in this like stream of nonsense coming out of his mouth.
00:25:49 But it's so surrounded by insanity that anyone watching that it's just, it's entertaining, and that's what these interviews.
00:25:57 The Lex Freeman interview?
00:25:59 You're not changing a lot of minds.
00:26:00 You're certainly not changing the minds of the people that.
00:26:03 You need to be changing.
00:26:05 Most of those people aren't watching the watching the interview in the first place.
00:26:09 But if they were, if they were to.
00:26:10 Be exposed to that interview.
00:26:12 You know, like if my parents.
00:26:14 Or their friends were to be, you know, the the boomer generation or.
00:26:16 Even you know.
00:26:17 Younger will say the people that.
00:26:19 Aren't too politically savvy.
00:26:22 But they they they want to fit in, so maybe occasionally they virtue signaled you.
00:26:26 Know to they.
00:26:27 They they support.
00:26:28 Ukraine and and Black Lives Matter you.
00:26:30 Know whatever the the.
00:26:32 The the current thing is right.
00:26:35 Excuse me.
Speaker 6
00:26:36 They're they're not going to see.
00:26:37 This as the current thing.
00:26:41 They're not going to see this as the current thing.
00:26:42 In fact, if anything, they'll see the current thing is hating Kanye.
00:26:46 They'll see the current thing is like.
00:26:47 Ohh that's it's it's sad.
00:26:49 Happened to Kanye.
00:26:52 It's so sad when you know, he just he buckled.
00:26:55 Under the pressure of, you know, whatever.
00:26:58 You know, he's mad because it was a Pete Davidson's ******* his wife now and you know he's just he's just had, he's had a meltdown and.
00:27:08 And it's all.
00:27:09 It's so sad.
Speaker 6
00:27:12 Because you watched.
00:27:13 That interview, and if you're not already primed.
00:27:15 If you're already like.
00:27:17 Thirsty to hear the kinds of things that occasionally spill.
00:27:20 Out of his mouth.
00:27:22 It does just.
00:27:23 Seem like the ramblings of a madman.
00:27:27 Objectively, it just does.
00:27:32 And yet, so many of our people are just so excited, so just primed to, Oh my God, he's he's and what again?
00:27:40 What are they saying?
00:27:41 What are they always?
Speaker 2
00:27:42 Saying he's red Pilling the normies.
00:27:47 Ohh he's red Pilling the normies cause that always.
00:27:49 Happens that happens.
Speaker 2
00:27:50 All the time, right?
00:27:56 I'll tell you one thing.
00:27:58 Ironically, and this isn't a bad thing.
00:28:02 If he's red Pilling any normies, it's normally blacks.
00:28:07 Because you know, you look at UM.
00:28:11 A middle class white person.
00:28:13 Watches that interview and they see the ramblings of a mad mad man, right?
00:28:18 A black person watches that interview and sees a rich black guy.
00:28:24 And so all of this is eccentric, his eccentric nature, and his his all this craziness.
00:28:32 Is acceptable.
00:28:35 Because he's wearing.
00:28:38 Like $5000 worth of clothes.
00:28:42 And has hundreds of millions of dollars.
00:28:44 He can act however he wants.
00:28:46 And he he occasionally breaks into you.
00:28:49 Know rap lyrics.
Speaker 6
00:28:53 And so yeah, you're.
00:28:54 Going to have a lot of.
00:28:55 Black people that, that but.
Speaker 6
00:28:56 That's not a new thing either.
00:28:59 You know farrakhan. For ***** sake, farrakhan's been.
00:29:02 Been calling out the JQ for like 40.
00:29:05 Years 50 years.
00:29:09 Did he red pill the the black?
Speaker 6
00:29:11 Normies some.
00:29:19 You know, in fact.
00:29:20 I think, who was it?
00:29:21 The the boxer?
00:29:25 I forget his name, but there was you.
00:29:26 Know the the the black boxer from back in the.
00:29:28 The the not Sugar Ray Leonard.
00:29:31 But I you guys know Muhammad Ali?
00:29:35 And he brought up the brought.
00:29:36 The JQ Malcolm X.
Speaker 6
00:29:41 You know, every once in a while.
00:29:42 You get a black that's got got an audience.
00:29:46 That's got access to people.
00:29:49 That has influence.
00:29:51 Bring this **** up.
00:29:53 And well, in the case of Malcolm X, you know they get assassinated.
00:30:00 Excuse me?
00:30:01 Or they get disappeared or, you know, just.
00:30:04 They become irrelevant like.
00:30:07 Like Farrakhan, you know, demonized the media.
00:30:11 I don't mind.
00:30:12 I'm a Farrakhan hates ****** too, so.
00:30:15 But at least he has the ability.
00:30:16 To separate separate.
00:30:19 ****** from from Julie.
Speaker 6
00:30:25 But that is I'll tell.
00:30:26 You one thing the the the thing that was that I enjoyed most about watching that interview.
00:30:32 Was just how that Lex Friedman guy would squirm and and you could tell that when he was put in that room.
00:30:42 When he was giving.
00:30:43 Kanye a platform, right?
00:30:45 Cause he's got a.
00:30:46 Big platform like I don't.
00:30:47 Know again, I don't know idea how or why.
00:30:51 But his videos get millions of views.
00:30:56 And so when he platformed Kanye.
00:31:00 I know there was conversations probably with other Jews.
00:31:03 Oh, I'm sorry.
00:31:05 Can't generalize and I, you know, can't suggest that they're colluding anyway.
00:31:09 But you know that there were conversations.
00:31:13 That went something like.
Speaker 6
00:31:16 OK, let's.
00:31:17 Let's, let's, let's, let's.
00:31:18 Have them on your program legs.
00:31:21 But let's really.
00:31:22 Focus hard on getting him to apologize.
Speaker 4
00:31:27 He respects you.
00:31:29 Because he doesn't know an engineer is and he keeps saying engineer like it's some kind of ******* magical, you know, like a wizard.
00:31:35 You know it's.
00:31:36 Like, oh, you're.
00:31:37 A wizard, you know, all kinds of magic.
Speaker 4
00:31:39 Spells because engineer engineering for those of you.
00:31:42 Who saw the interview I'm talking about?
00:31:46 So because you know he doesn't understand, you know, what you do is mysterious.
00:31:50 And and high IQ to him.
00:31:54 Get him to apologize.
00:31:56 Get him to understand.
00:32:00 And that's why.
00:32:01 You have them on the platform, right?
00:32:03 Give it.
00:32:03 Let's give them this chance.
00:32:06 And you could tell you could tell this because all throughout the interview, Lex Friedman is saying things like, you know.
00:32:14 I I'm just.
00:32:15 Saying this because I care about you.
00:32:17 It's almost like a threatening way, right?
00:32:19 Like the mafia?
00:32:20 Like ohh.
00:32:20 Be ashamed if something happened to your restaurant.
Speaker 2
00:32:24 This is a really nice restaurant.
00:32:26 You got here.
00:32:27 I would.
00:32:27 You know, I would just hate to see.
00:32:31 The windows get broken out and like the the kitchen to burned down I would.
Speaker 6
00:32:35 You know it, it looks like you've.
Speaker 4
00:32:36 Worked really hard.
00:32:38 To have this restaurant in our Mafia neighborhood, I.
Speaker 2
00:32:41 Would hate to see it.
00:32:47 And look that that's exactly Mike Rappaport is saying that this is what this is what they're.
00:32:51 All saying, and you wonder why, right?
00:32:53 Mafia movies.
00:32:56 Much of the behavior in Mafia movies.
00:32:58 Is not a laughter.
Speaker 4
00:33:00 Jewish organized crime.
00:33:03 This is how they operate.
Speaker 4
00:33:06 100% how they operate.
00:33:09 And likes, Freedman and.
Speaker 6
00:33:10 His his very, you know, reserved, rational.
00:33:15 I'm all about.
00:33:16 Love, man, I'm all about putting happiness and using technology to spread happiness.
00:33:24 Couldn't resist saying things exactly like a mobster.
Speaker 4
00:33:29 Well, you know.
00:33:31 I think that you've you, you know you have.
00:33:33 Been through a lot, Kanye.
Speaker 6
00:33:35 You've been through a lot of pain.
00:33:40 It'd be a shame.
00:33:43 Did wash that all go away?
00:33:46 Because people are misunderstanding what you're saying.
00:33:49 I'm just telling you this because.
00:33:50 I care about you, Kanye.
00:33:54 How about, you know, you take this opportunity here to tell everyone that you know, Jews aren't a group, which is odd because he in the same sentence.
00:34:05 In the same sentence that he.
00:34:06 Would tell Kanye.
Speaker 6
00:34:09 Jews are not.
00:34:10 A group and and you should just name names.
00:34:13 Name, name, stump, generalizing.
00:34:19 5 words later.
Speaker 2
00:34:21 You're hurting Jews.
00:34:24 Well, which Jews Lex Friedman name names.
00:34:29 Which Jews specifically are we hurting?
00:34:33 When we when we minimize the.
Speaker 6
00:34:37 The atrocities of the Holocaust.
Speaker 2
00:34:40 Which Connie wasn't even doing right.
Speaker 6
00:34:44 The name names.
00:34:45 How come you regroup then?
00:34:48 How are you magically a group?
00:34:51 When experiencing oppression.
00:34:54 But then magically not a group.
00:34:57 When exercising power.
00:35:01 And why is it?
00:35:03 Since you're all individuals and you're definitely.
Speaker 6
00:35:05 Not part of.
Speaker 4
00:35:06 Any kind of group?
00:35:08 Your behavior is exactly like everyone else in your group in respect to what's going.
Speaker 2
00:35:14 On in this situation.
00:35:17 And my grub reports.
00:35:19 Significantly stupider, but he's saying the same.
Speaker 2
00:35:21 **** you are.
00:35:24 He's saying the same **** that every other Jew in in the mainstream media is saying.
Speaker 4
00:35:29 Just apologize.
00:35:33 Stop defying us as a group. This is this has echoes of 1930s Germany.
00:35:42 You're going to make another Holocaust happen.
00:35:49 It's insanity. It's insanity.
00:35:52 You know, but like, unfortunately, like I said because.
00:35:56 Because it's a manic.
00:36:02 Sometimes not always.
00:36:04 I'll tell you what I was expecting to be way more off the.
00:36:08 And you can tell look and in.
00:36:10 Fact, I'll even admit this.
00:36:12 After watching that interview, I think Kanye is actually smarter than I initially.
00:36:17 Now I'll tell you the bar was.
00:36:18 Pretty low.
00:36:19 OK, I didn't think he was that bright to.
00:36:21 Begin with.
00:36:22 Still don't think that he's super?
00:36:23 That bright OK.
00:36:25 He's very confident and that goes a long way, but.
00:36:30 Yeah, deep thinking, not so much creative thinking, absolutely.
00:36:34 Deep thinking? Not so much.
00:36:37 Understanding of the world and how.
00:36:38 It works not so much.
00:36:42 But I think he gets some things and he.
Speaker 4
00:36:45 In his.
00:36:46 Ramblings was actually more.
00:36:48 Coherent than I expected him to be.
00:36:51 But at the end of the day.
00:36:55 He said it's ramblings.
00:36:58 It's the ramblings of a madman for the average audience member.
00:37:01 Like, with the exception of.
00:37:02 I think like I.
00:37:03 Said black people.
00:37:10 Yeah, the, the, the.
00:37:11 Clips to me, the clips that were being played on Telegram.
00:37:16 It was, it was like I.
00:37:17 Said the people are focusing on the wrong thing.
00:37:19 It's wish fulfillment.
00:37:20 It's like, Oh my God.
Speaker 2
00:37:22 A famous black guy said Jews.
00:37:27 I'm going to come.
00:37:27 All over the place.
00:37:29 I can't believe it.
00:37:32 When really the clip should have been like Friedman behaving exactly the ******* same.
00:37:37 As is every Jew that Kanye is complaining about.
00:37:43 Constantly going back to like, OK well that's.
00:37:46 But going back to like.
00:37:47 You should apologize.
00:37:49 You definitely do apologize.
00:37:51 Apologize to who?
00:37:53 Like freely.
00:37:53 You're not a group.
00:37:56 Name, names, names and names that Kanye should go and.
Speaker 2
00:38:00 Apologize to he can't generalize.
00:38:03 If you if you were to apologize to Jews, wouldn't that be the same generalization that you're making them apologize for you?
00:38:09 See how this is madness.
00:38:13 It's madness, but because the people in the.
00:38:15 West are so.
00:38:19 Brainwashed, when it comes to Jews, you know you want to get see a room full of people get uncomfortable.
00:38:25 Just walk in A room.
00:38:26 And just say Jews real loud.
00:38:29 Everyone will stiffen up.
Speaker 4
00:38:34 They won't.
Speaker 6
00:38:35 Even know why?
00:38:39 They'll flinch.
00:38:40 They'll be like an abused dog.
00:38:43 They'll recoil.
00:38:47 Because they know that.
00:38:49 Oh, you can't say that.
00:38:54 You can't.
00:38:54 You can't even say Jew.
00:38:55 You can't even just say Jews.
00:38:59 Without there being a possibility of of danger.
00:39:10 So anyway, yeah, I would have had.
00:39:12 I was going to put some clips out.
00:39:14 I was going to cut some.
00:39:14 Stuff out, but like I said, I'm kind of.
00:39:18 Working off.
00:39:20 Substandard stuff, this is.
00:39:23 Kind of.
00:39:23 I wasn't even I.
00:39:24 Wasn't even sure I was going to do the stream.
00:39:26 I just you know, I.
00:39:26 Thought like I got to.
00:39:28 I got to do it.
00:39:30 And so you know.
00:39:33 Let me take a look here at at chat.
00:39:34 Let me hang up.
00:39:35 For chat for a little bit.
00:39:39 Rugal says what Kanye has done is a good thing for yeah, it's definitely not bad.
00:39:43 It's definitely not bad.
00:39:45 It will.
00:39:45 It will.
00:39:46 Like I said, I think that.
00:39:50 It normalizes, or at least I'll tell you what, it's one of the few instances.
00:39:56 Where the JQ?
00:39:59 Is is even rolled out into the public discourse as like a thing.
00:40:05 Now they can dismiss it and say it's this evil thing that's going to lead to the Holocaust and whatever, but.
00:40:11 It's it's almost never even like.
00:40:14 Mentioned as a thing.
00:40:16 In the public discourse and now it is.
00:40:19 Now it now again, many people dismiss it as the ramblings of a madman, but at least it's it's there.
00:40:25 It's out there.
00:40:27 It's out there. It's just the the disgusting thing to me is there are so many white people in, I would say even better positions to do the kinds of things that Kanye's doing.
00:40:37 I don't buy this.
00:40:38 Well, he's black.
00:40:39 So he.
00:40:40 Has more leeway, no?
00:40:41 He's black, so he has less fear of saying ****.
00:40:49 That's not the same thing, having less fear, being less of a ***** is not the same thing as having more leeway.
00:41:00 Because, as we saw in every interview he's been in, he's not the most articulate person.
00:41:05 He leaves so much on the table.
00:41:07 That was the other frustrating thing, too, is I'm sorry, Kanye, it's Kanye.
00:41:11 So frustrating thing, too, is there's so many things that.
00:41:14 Were brought up.
00:41:16 In that in, in, in.
00:41:17 All the interviews.
00:41:18 That he could have had.
00:41:19 A you know?
00:41:20 Oh, actually this.
00:41:23 That he just.
00:41:23 Let it you know.
00:41:24 Just let it hang there.
00:41:31 Someone said low inhibition, yeah.
Speaker 6
00:41:33 That that's the thing too.
00:41:34 That's the other thing too.
Speaker 6
00:41:37 Is there there is a there's.
00:41:41 White people are governed too much by well, I'll tell you what, their governor, governor, an appropriate amount by social shame if they're in a homogeneous Society of other white people that have the same values and.
00:41:55 Goals that they do.
00:41:57 Their behavior is.
00:41:58 Appropriate for that environment?
00:41:59 They're not in that environment anymore.
00:42:05 And perhaps that's why blacks don't have that.
00:42:09 That I don't know that self governing device and their brains because.
00:42:14 They they have never been really in in nations like in the West, right?
00:42:21 The blacks in the West, they've never been in nations that are are their people with their goals.
00:42:26 And you know as much as that's probably a good thing for that.
00:42:29 Well, for them even you know.
00:42:34 But because that that's they don't see it as their, you know, their country, their people, they just don't give a ****.
00:42:40 And why people need to understand like look, is this demographic change takes place, I mean, and it's taking place already.
00:42:48 You need to stop being a *****.
00:42:51 You know the social shame that's being installed on.
Speaker 4
00:42:57 Your operating system.
00:43:00 Is not for your own good.
Speaker 4
00:43:01 It's it's not for your good.
00:43:05 It's for the good of the people that that run things.
00:43:10 Let me take a look at.
00:43:15 Super chats real quick what's or hyper chats?
00:43:18 I told people I was going to start saying hyper chats.
00:43:21 Hyper jets.
00:43:24 They're fewer. Hi, Devin. News just broke out of Pennsylvania. The 240,000 unverified ballots were found to be mailed out.
00:43:34 Yeah, I saw.
00:43:34 I saw the headline, Secretary of State Lee Chapman, Democrat, doesn't know how this has happened.
00:43:40 Republicans are demanding answers to no avail.
00:43:42 The steel is on.
00:43:43 What is the point anymore?
00:43:46 Like I said, it's it's.
00:43:49 It's really going to, it's going to matter more on the local level because you're going to have look, there are probably some Republican states I don't know for sure, but there's probably some Republican states they got ****** over and and and and in in the 2020 election we'll say, right.
00:44:08 And there's enough evidence of that.
00:44:10 Enough people ****** *** about that to where there's they've got.
00:44:13 In fact, in in some cases they've they've they've removed the, you know, the Secretary of State responsible has resigned.
00:44:21 I think that's happened in in multiple States and they've put in new people and they've got more people that would normally have taken for granted.
00:44:29 They're like, oh, we you.
00:44:30 Know we just have to.
00:44:31 Be regular poll watchers. They they didn't. You know, now they've that they've experienced what they experienced in 2020. They're watching a little more closely and you might.
00:44:41 More realistic elections in certain places, but Pennsylvania?
Speaker 4
00:44:45 Is not one of those places you know.
00:44:48 So, you know, Pennsylvania is is always Pennsylvania, New Jersey, you know like Illinois, like all these stronghold, generationally Democrat areas are.
00:45:01 Have been corrupt this **** since.
Speaker 4
00:45:02 Like the 1950s.
00:45:04 So I wouldn't be surprised at all if there was tons of voter fraud.
00:45:09 And like you said, there's no point in you say, what's the point?
00:45:12 There's no point in living in those states.
00:45:16 If what I think's.
00:45:17 Going to happen happens in America.
00:45:21 It's probably a good idea to start.
00:45:22 Geographically separating now.
00:45:27 It's probably not a bad idea for people that are right wing to say you know what.
00:45:33 As much as I love.
00:45:35 You know Pennsylvania.
00:45:37 I don't know.
00:45:37 Whatever lefty place.
00:45:38 I mean Oregon, for example.
00:45:40 Right.
00:45:40 There's like a.
00:45:41 Lot of beautiful.
00:45:42 Rural places in Oregon, but they're passing.
00:45:46 Gun control measure.
00:45:48 I just saw this before going on live here.
00:45:51 That is essentially banning most guns.
00:45:54 By the way, spear.
00:45:54 Which Elon Musk, you know, based Elon.
00:45:58 Just tweeted out that he wants to.
00:46:00 Required permits for any gun that's semi automatic.
00:46:03 That's like almost every gun.
00:46:07 So you know, but anyway the.
00:46:10 The point I'm making though it it's probably not a bad idea to start for right wing people to start concentrating geographically.
00:46:19 In certain areas.
00:46:24 And you know, I'm not the expert.
00:46:26 On what the all those areas are.
00:46:29 But I can tell you what.
00:46:30 Many of those areas.
00:46:30 Aren't and Pennsylvania would would probably fit under that category.
00:46:38 And then I'm still elections.
00:46:39 All day long, who cares, right?
00:46:40 Because you don't live there.
00:46:42 Jack Burton, 1488 Devin I showed for you on Vincent James Stream the other day to review your pack con series.
00:46:50 I don't think you will.
00:46:51 I've been sharing it with many others.
00:46:53 Thank you for all your work and for the.
00:46:57 Oh, I appreciate that.
00:46:58 The, I mean, I don't know that he needs to review it.
00:47:01 It's it's.
00:47:02 Long. I don't know, I.
00:47:03 Mean like I, you know, I wouldn't mind if he shared it or whatever, but I don't think he needs to review what?
00:47:08 How long is it like?
00:47:09 It's like a.
00:47:11 This is like 5 episodes of three hours apiece.
00:47:13 I mean.
00:47:13 That's a lot things to review it, but.
00:47:19 You know.
00:47:21 But yeah, I appreciate that and and definitely yeah.
00:47:24 Share it around.
00:47:24 I think a lot of people like that.
00:47:26 It's like a history because it's a history.
00:47:27 Of things that you know.
Speaker 2
00:47:29 And so is.
00:47:31 So is this Ken Burns documentary?
00:47:35 Like some of this stuff that it's funny because.
00:47:37 They framed it as, oh, look.
00:47:38 How evil the white people.
00:47:39 Or they didn't want immigrants in their country.
Speaker 4
00:47:42 So we made them.
00:47:43 Do it anyway.
00:47:45 You know, it's so funny to hear them phrase it that way because when I was a kid learning about, you know, history and, you know, was written by the winners, right.
00:47:54 I was learning that it it it was nothing like that.
00:47:57 No, we wanted the immigrants to come in.
00:47:58 Everyone did.
00:48:00 We were here, we were the shining beacon.
00:48:02 You know, like we were the the, the Shining city on the hill and everyone, all the, all the other, all the immigrants around the world are welcome.
00:48:09 And we've always.
00:48:10 That's just that, you know, with the melting pot.
00:48:12 Right.
00:48:13 They don't tell you that the vast majority of Americans didn't want these ******* here.
00:48:19 And that that was consistently the case until they brought in so many people against their will.
00:48:25 That it didn't matter what they wanted.
00:48:29 Ohh not that it ever did.
00:48:30 Apparently right so.
00:48:35 Postmaster, $5 under estimation, stream underestimation stream. I don't know what what the underestimation is. Maybe it's the underestimation in my my my video graphics ability.
00:48:51 Pretty fly for a white guy.
00:48:53 The magic *****.
00:48:54 It's true.
00:48:55 It's true.
00:48:57 They you know it, it's.
00:48:59 Here's the other aspect of the Magic ***** and I think.
00:49:02 This does apply to Kanye.
00:49:06 The more so for, I would say.
Speaker 4
00:49:08 No, actually not.
00:49:10 Because as much as zoomers hate to say or hear this, they really.
00:49:14 Are the new boomers they really.
00:49:17 And the boomers, they are so brainwashed.
00:49:21 By the civil rights.
00:49:24 You know that I have a.
00:49:24 Dream and little black boys and little black.
00:49:27 Girls going to be holding all that all.
Speaker 4
00:49:28 That kind of stuff, right?
00:49:30 They were so brainwashed by.
00:49:32 That that, even though it went against.
00:49:35 Their you know what they witnessed?
00:49:37 Their eyes, you know, don't believe your lying eyes.
00:49:40 Even though it went against everything, their instincts were telling them, even though it went against what their ancestors wisdom was.
Speaker 6
00:49:53 They bought into it.
00:49:54 For whatever reason, then you know race is skinny.
00:49:57 It's just it's it's an aesthetic.
00:49:59 You know if if you don't want to live in a black community, it's because you're some kind of weirdo.
00:50:05 That doesn't like black skin.
00:50:09 You know it it it's the same thing as is if you didn't.
00:50:12 Want to live in a neighborhood where everyone drove a yellow car?
00:50:16 Like, that's the level of insanity that you are displaying when you when you say things like you want to live.
00:50:23 In a white neighborhood.
00:50:24 Oh, really?
00:50:25 You want to live?
Speaker 4
00:50:26 In a neighborhood, all the houses are green.
Speaker 6
00:50:30 Yeah, that's that's what.
00:50:31 They reduce it to right.
00:50:31 They make people feel like, you know, ridiculous for having these instincts, this wisdom from their ancestors, their their own, learned their lived experiences, their pattern recognition.
Speaker 4
00:50:47 But it was successful.
00:50:48 It was they were successful in overriding all of those things.
00:50:53 And implanting this idea that, you know, race is just skin deep and you're, you know, you're this psychopath and you know, you're Hitler.
00:50:59 If you're going to, you know, if you, if you.
00:51:02 Notice differences or or as Lex Friedman said, right?
00:51:06 If if you don't treat every single person as individual something that's impossible to do in the macro.
00:51:12 So in other words, you can't possibly think in the macro.
00:51:16 Which is great for politicians, because that means you'll never be able to compete with them.
00:51:19 You'll never be able to think on their their their level.
00:51:24 You think politicians, when they make any decision?
00:51:28 They're thinking about individuals.
00:51:32 I mean, CEO's don't even do that.
00:51:33 That's insanity, you.
00:51:34 Can't make big decisions.
00:51:37 If you do that, you just can't.
00:51:39 Stereotypes exist for a reason.
00:51:42 So any rate that I think for the same reason that you know boomers are are shell shocked from the the civil rights movement.
00:51:51 And I think zoomers are also equally shell shocked because look, at least when I was in high school.
00:51:58 Right.
00:51:59 You could be a little bit racist.
Speaker 2
00:52:01 You know, you could be a.
00:52:02 Little as long as it wasn't mean spirited, you know, as long as it wasn't, you know, you weren't trying to actually hurt anyone with it, right?
00:52:11 Like you were.
00:52:12 You could tell racist jokes, and it was.
00:52:13 Not a big deal.
Speaker 6
00:52:15 And by the way, went both.
00:52:16 I mean, there was, you know, Mexican kids that would make fun of white people.
00:52:19 I mean their.
00:52:19 Jokes are never funny because we're just not a whole lot to make fun of, right?
00:52:22 But Oh yeah, you're right.
00:52:24 We're we got more money.
00:52:27 We're better looking.
00:52:30 All your women want to.
00:52:30 **** us.
00:52:31 No, but like the.
00:52:34 But I mean like that there was there was.
00:52:37 Banter back and forth and it wasn't.
00:52:38 That big of a deal.
00:52:40 In like up until like I would say.
00:52:42 Even the early 2000s.
00:52:44 You had that kind of a thing going on.
00:52:46 And then somewhere along the line.
00:52:49 And it it went.
00:52:50 It went crazy off the rails.
00:52:52 And so you have in the same way you've got zoomers going, you know, growing up and and going to this high school where they can't even point out the fact that the the kid, the the boy in the in the desk next to them wearing a dress isn't a girl.
00:53:06 You know that that.
00:53:07 You they they can't point that out.
00:53:09 They certainly can't say anything that's not only it's not even they can't you see.
00:53:15 Like boomers, you could say you.
00:53:16 Know racist skin deep and we're all this.
00:53:18 We're all humans.
00:53:19 We're all part of the same race, the human race.
00:53:20 You know, that kind of garbage.
00:53:23 By the time the Zoomers came around, it was it was, it was even.
00:53:27 Way further to.
00:53:28 Where now you had to be, it was the first generation that was taught to hate themselves, right?
00:53:36 Like they were taught that not.
00:53:37 Only is there differences, but if you're white, you know you're the bad guy and you're the reason for all the world's problems.
00:53:42 And and this sort of thing.
00:53:45 And so not that not that every Zoomer internalizes that, but I mean, ****.
00:53:49 It would be hard to grow up in an environment like that and not have that affect you psychologically in some way.
00:53:55 And so when you have all these.
00:53:58 These hidden beliefs, you know the hide, your power level, right.
00:54:02 I hate that.
00:54:02 I hate it when people say that.
00:54:04 But you hear it all the time.
00:54:05 I have to hide my power level.
00:54:08 When I'm at work, I don't want to say something that's going to get me fired.
00:54:10 I don't want to say.
00:54:11 Something you know that's going to get me in trouble.
00:54:14 And there's real fear out there.
00:54:17 And so the relief that they get.
00:54:21 By seeing a black guy.
00:54:24 Who's not under the the same gun?
00:54:27 Saying, you know.
00:54:28 Some of the things kind.
00:54:30 Of that that they think.
00:54:33 It's so exciting.
00:54:35 It's so exciting because it's validating what they know is true and for some reason it has to be a black guy that validates it.
00:54:42 You know it's it's like when conservatives have the base black friend, the reason why boomers are so willing to just ******* throw money at the base black guy.
00:54:51 Is it it?
00:54:53 It alleviates a fear that they have deep down.
00:54:57 And that is that they're wrong about race.
00:55:01 Right. You know the.
00:55:01 The the the race isn't skin deep.
00:55:05 Right.
00:55:07 That maybe they maybe that they they have been, you know, the the whole the old saying about it's easy to trick someone but it's not easy to.
00:55:14 Convince someone that they've been tricked.
00:55:17 You know, the boomer would rather go to the grave.
00:55:21 Believe in the lie that you know we're all the same.
00:55:25 And so they're they're just dying for a black person to sound white.
00:55:33 And I think that same psychology affects the.
00:55:35 Zoomers on some level.
Speaker 6
00:55:40 But again, I'm and I'm not, I'm not.
00:55:42 Saying that, I'm not trying to take away from the the positive aspects of what's going on with with Kanye.
00:55:50 I mean the entertainment value alone is.
00:55:52 Is top notch.
00:55:56 It's fun to watch these ******* squirm.
00:55:59 It's like because they never get, they never get this kind of pushback, which is depressing.
00:56:02 They should get it all the time, but they don't.
00:56:05 And so it's funny to watch them squirm around.
Speaker 2
00:56:09 Jack Burton.
00:56:11 Devin here is one of the clips.
00:56:14 For the hyper chats.
00:56:16 Well, I'll tell you, I can't really.
00:56:19 And just for everyone else, you know in the audience, I probably can't play clips.
00:56:26 Because of the computer I've got.
00:56:28 UM.
00:56:31 I can try.
00:56:35 You know, The funny thing is the.
00:56:36 Internet's actually way.
00:56:37 Better here.
00:56:41 But that's about it.
00:56:43 Let me see here.
00:56:53 It's not coming up.
00:56:57 Let me see if I try it again.
00:57:04 I don't know this is going to work.
00:57:06 Wait, wait for it.
00:57:07 Here we go.
00:57:08 Maybe this pop up.
00:57:10 I think, OK, I think you just sent.
00:57:12 Me the OR no.
00:57:12 What is that?
00:57:22 OK, let me see.
00:57:23 I'll, I'll.
00:57:23 Download that.
00:57:24 I'm not sure what that is.
00:57:27 Jay Ray, 1981. Did Kanye not move the Overton window? I don't think so.
00:57:33 I don't think so.
00:57:36 Or at least not in.
00:57:37 This in the in the way that.
00:57:38 Many people think he's doing it.
00:57:41 I think that.
00:57:44 With black people, maybe.
Speaker 6
00:57:51 Maybe you know low IQ zoomers, you know, like the ones that are influenced by.
00:58:00 By pop culture.
00:58:02 You know, when a celebrity says it's OK, it's finally OK.
00:58:05 Those not Even so much that because he's black, right?
00:58:07 Just if a celebrity says something, it doesn't hurt that he's black and you know in in the context of what we're talking about right now, but.
00:58:15 They're, I mean, but those aren't the people.
00:58:17 Those aren't the people that make things happen.
00:58:22 To the the people that make things happen.
00:58:26 Or at least to many of them.
00:58:29 It might.
00:58:30 It might, I don't know.
00:58:32 It might spawn some conversations.
00:58:36 But I just have a sneaking suspicion because we've seen this kind of behavior from the outlier black before.
00:58:44 Those conversations will usually end with, well, I just I, you know, I sure hope he.
Speaker 6
00:58:50 Gets the help that he needs.
00:58:55 I think that's what you're going to hear from a lot of the people that like that actually.
00:58:59 Have the ability to to make a difference that they still want to conform to what the ruling class is, is is projecting out there as like this is the acceptable, you know, discourse.
Speaker 6
00:59:14 I mean, look, what are we?
00:59:15 What are?
00:59:16 What are we talking about here?
00:59:17 Right.
00:59:17 We're talking about how the the power structure is insanely Jewish, right?
00:59:23 Well, if you're one of the people that wants to work within the power structure, you're not going to be the one that points that out.
00:59:29 You've been sucking up to him your whole life.
Speaker 6
00:59:34 And because he's made it easy, not on.
00:59:37 Purpose just because of.
00:59:38 You know his aptitude and his.
00:59:42 In my opinion, mild at the very least, mental illness.
00:59:48 You know.
Speaker 6
00:59:49 He's made it.
00:59:50 Easy to dismiss.
00:59:51 Oh, it's just, you know, he's just, you know, he's he's gone.
00:59:54 Off the rails.
00:59:57 You know, it's just that he doesn't quite get it.
01:00:00 And you know, The funny thing too, especially with leftist, right, because leftist, they're just as racist as anybody else.
01:00:06 They just they have found other ways of rationalizing it so they don't have to face it, but there's going to be a condescension, right, because he's black.
01:00:17 There's gonna be.
01:00:18 Well, he's you know, he's just he's a he's a rapper.
01:00:20 Like, what does he know?
01:00:23 You know in their head.
01:00:25 Rapper is when they know when they're thinking.
01:00:28 About it, it's.
01:00:30 But that's, you know what I mean.
01:00:33 So the leftists are going to dismiss him.
01:00:34 As just some dumb like they won't.
01:00:36 Say that, but that's what they're thinking.
01:00:39 And he knows that.
01:00:40 That's The funny thing he actually knows.
01:00:41 That in fact, he's.
01:00:43 He I think he said as much in the Lex Friedman.
01:00:45 Interview he's he's well, like I said.
01:00:49 I walked away from that thinking he was smarter than I originally thought.
01:00:54 And and more aware.
01:00:57 In some ways than I originally thought.
01:01:01 But it doesn't change the fact that he's.
01:01:03 He the average person is going to come across as a little.
01:01:06 Bit of a.
01:01:06 Madman and you?
01:01:07 Know you could say, Oh well, he's an artist and whatever, but then that's going to work on some people, but you know.
01:01:13 So I guess the short version is, yeah, a.
01:01:15 Little bit maybe.
01:01:16 Yeah, a little bit.
01:01:19 If you ask they over the window, Jay Ray, I bet this super chat Kanye keeps going or I bet you this super chat that Kanye keeps going or gets suicided magic near that he is.
Speaker 6
01:01:32 Well, I'll tell you what I feel like there's.
01:01:33 Some kind of?
Speaker 2
01:01:36 Here's what makes.
01:01:37 Me, I don't want to say suspicious.
01:01:45 Like today, right?
01:01:47 Just hours ago.
01:01:50 There was, it was in the news that he went into Skechers.
01:01:55 And with a film crew.
01:01:58 Unannounced, because now that he's in his shoes.
01:02:01 Have been deep.
01:02:01 Platformed right.
01:02:03 By Adidas and or whoever I think.
01:02:05 It's Adidas, right?
01:02:07 And so he went into a the headquarters of Skechers.
Speaker 6
01:02:13 Unannounced. Uninvited.
01:02:16 Knowing that he would probably get thrown out right?
01:02:20 And brought a film crew with him and got thrown out.
01:02:25 Well, this gets a little more interesting when you look at.
01:02:28 Who the?
01:02:30 You know the people behind Skechers.
01:02:31 Let me see.
01:02:39 So sketchers, let me see if it's.
01:02:41 In the Wikipedia here.
01:02:45 Come on.
01:02:48 Come on, computer.
01:02:52 Just trying to find like the Wikipedia which is always last for some reason.
01:02:58 Anyway, that the the short version that I was just going to point.
01:03:01 Out that it's it's.
01:03:03 It's run by like as you would expect, right?
01:03:05 Like the CEO.
01:03:06 And you know everyone like the top names at Skechers are all, you know, Weinberg, Stein, you know, Goldman, stuff like that, right?
01:03:15 UM.
01:03:17 So I don't think that was an accident.
01:03:19 I think that he's being theatrical and trying to point out that.
01:03:24 You know, look, you know, Jews don't want.
01:03:26 To do work with.
01:03:27 The black man, you know, they, they, they want to screw us out of our.
01:03:30 Contracts and stuff like that.
Speaker 6
01:03:33 But that's the that's.
01:03:34 The other aspect of the interview too, I think a lot of people are missing.
01:03:36 He did.
01:03:37 Make it specific to black people.
01:03:39 You know he.
01:03:40 Said, I think I don't remember his exact wording, but he said something along the lines of well, I'm very, very tribal.
01:03:45 Very tribal.
01:03:47 And I can't.
01:03:48 And my people are sick.
01:03:50 You know that.
01:03:50 He he didn't say this directly, but he indirectly said the Jews are making my people.
01:03:55 And I I I it's up to me as as someone that's got a voice.
01:04:00 To help my people not be sick anymore because the Jews are are pushing, you know, fat acceptance like Lizzo and you know, and then pushing, you know, unhealthy behaviors in the rap music and and and look, he's right about that stuff.
01:04:17 Right.
01:04:18 But again, why isn't there a white mother?
01:04:20 After doing this.
Speaker 6
01:04:25 What does that tell you?
01:04:26 About whites when they get money.
01:04:34 Total lack of ingroup preference is what that tells you.
01:04:38 This is why it gets frustrating for people like like you and me because it's like sometimes you're just like, are we even worth saving?
01:04:43 Jesus Christ?
01:04:44 Like, it's like they don't want to be saved.
01:04:48 But Kanye enjoys the presence of in Group preference.
01:04:55 What will they?
01:04:56 Will they get suicided?
Speaker 2
01:04:59 Very well, could be I mean.
Speaker 6
01:05:01 They've already laid out.
01:05:03 And it's not a stretch.
01:05:05 As I've said, they've.
01:05:06 Already laid out.
01:05:07 That he's, you know, he's off his.
01:05:08 Meds, right?
01:05:10 Because he kind of is.
Speaker 2
01:05:11 So it's kind of it's not.
01:05:13 That much of A.
01:05:13 Stretch right? Like if.
01:05:15 If you heard tomorrow.
01:05:18 That Kanye, you know, jumped from the the the top story of the Adidas headquarters or, you know, whatever, right, where it was, it was kind of obvious.
01:05:28 They killed him.
Speaker 2
01:05:30 You would know.
01:05:32 Right, you'd get it.
01:05:35 But all the blue pilled *******, these these so.
01:05:38 Called normies, they need to wake up.
01:05:41 Would be like, oh, that's so sad.
01:05:43 You know, it was going to.
01:05:44 It was always we.
01:05:45 Always knew it was going to end in tragedy.
Speaker 6
01:05:48 If only he'd gotten the help that that he.
01:05:50 You know what?
01:05:51 Let's open a foundation.
01:05:53 In his name.
01:05:54 So we can help future young men, talented young black men and and stop them from succumbing to the pressures of white supremacy that they're surrounded by.
01:06:07 In the business world.
01:06:10 And that would be it.
01:06:13 That would be it.
01:06:14 Now will that happen?
01:06:15 I don't know if that will happen.
01:06:16 I don't honestly, my.
01:06:18 My gut feeling is it won't.
01:06:19 Happen or and if it does it?
01:06:21 Won't be like right away.
01:06:22 It's too hot.
01:06:23 A topic, right?
01:06:24 You know Mike Rappaport in his video.
01:06:28 What goes on and on?
01:06:29 I I stopped before he kept going, but he goes on and on and on and talks about how the the Jewish.
01:06:36 Communities basically that it.
01:06:38 Makes sure he never goes to anything important, you know, Fashion Week, all the.
Speaker 6
01:06:41 Stuff he's going to.
01:06:42 Be blacklisting.
01:06:43 He's admitting the Jewish influence and the.
01:06:45 Jewish power, it's, you know.
01:06:47 Because he can.
01:06:51 And he's right, that's.
01:06:51 What will happen?
01:06:52 They're going to remove him from every every mainstream outlet, little by little.
01:06:58 Now he look, he's Kanye.
01:07:00 So he's really good at.
01:07:01 Getting eyeballs on things.
01:07:04 He's really good at being.
01:07:05 A media spectacle he's, you know.
01:07:07 That's how he exists.
01:07:11 So I don't know.
01:07:12 I'll tell you one thing.
01:07:13 No matter what happens, it's going.
01:07:15 To be entertaining as ****.
01:07:17 I'm definitely not complaining that this is going on.
01:07:21 Gresel Gray beard, $5. Whites like blacks parenting our talking points because it means our argument is salient enough that it's understandable to everyone.
01:07:31 OK.
01:07:31 I could say there's an element of that, but I think a lot of it too is just like those those countless videos on YouTube of black people watching Led Zeppelin videos and and going.
Speaker 2
01:07:41 Oh, damn. Oh, ****. This ************* got pipes on him. Oh, ****.
01:07:50 Because they just want they want black people that.
01:07:53 To like them.
01:07:56 They want.
01:07:57 That's what they want.
01:07:59 You know, it's like it's like a.
01:08:01 Type of.
01:08:04 Stockholm syndrome.
01:08:06 You know, they just.
01:08:07 Want they?
01:08:09 Eventually you start to to.
01:08:11 To seek the approval.
01:08:14 Of the people holding you captive.
01:08:18 That's what it is.
01:08:20 I think more than I mean more than.
Speaker 6
01:08:21 What you're saying?
01:08:22 I think you're right that that's probably.
01:08:24 An element of it is.
01:08:26 There's some relief that, oh, thank God.
01:08:29 They get it like like because that's the.
01:08:32 Big fear, right?
01:08:33 That that one of the reasons why IQ matters so much is you can't have a cohesive society if a big portion of it can't even fathom.
01:08:44 The social contract that you're trying to have, right?
01:08:46 Like if they can't even wrap their heads around it, right?
01:08:50 But I think it's more of a relief.
01:08:52 That you're wrong about their their capability to understand that it is that you're glad that you're.
01:08:59 I think it's.
01:09:00 It's less about.
01:09:00 Oh, well, it's a good thing.
01:09:03 That my point is so simple that even.
Speaker 4
01:09:06 A caveman can understand it, right?
01:09:08 Even a caveman can do it.
01:09:10 It's more than ohh.
01:09:11 Thank God the Cavemen are actually not as dumb as I.
01:09:14 Thought because the real fear is that they're as dumb as I think, and that's civilization ending.
01:09:24 UM.
01:09:27 Damn Bigfoot first movie made with sound.
01:09:31 The Jazz singer was a Jewish actor and Jewish character in the movie doing blackface.
01:09:36 Yeah, I did a whole video on that.
01:09:40 What was it called?
01:09:44 That was back in the YouTube days.
Speaker 6
01:09:48 That that.
01:09:50 Yeah, but I did.
01:09:50 A whole video on on the Al Jolson.
01:09:54 It's literally about a rabbis son.
01:09:57 Like the movie The guy, the head, the star of the show and again like you said, as you say, it's the first movie that had audio.
01:10:04 It was the first talkie.
01:10:07 And they decided to make it about a Jew.
01:10:10 Who? Who was the?
Speaker 6
01:10:11 Son of a.
01:10:12 Rabbi who breaks from tradition to become a a jazz singer and wearing black face.
01:10:21 Like that?
01:10:23 But you know, of course, evil white people are the black face people.
01:10:29 Black Face was not a taboo thing.
01:10:33 For a long time I on.
01:10:35 Multiple occasions wore blackface in public.
01:10:40 And it and it it.
01:10:41 Wasn't because I was trying to be shocking, I.
01:10:43 Wasn't like, oh, look at me.
01:10:45 I'm wearing black face.
01:10:47 I wore black face twice in public, like on Halloween in a brown face.
01:10:52 On another.
Speaker 6
01:10:54 And my mom thought it was.
01:10:56 Cute like I was.
01:10:57 I was a I was a homeless Mexican one year for Halloween.
01:11:01 I literally had a sign around my neck that said we'll.
01:11:03 Work for beans.
01:11:05 And I painted myself brown and my mom thought it was adorable and took a picture of the Polaroid.
01:11:11 OK.
01:11:12 Like it wasn't, it wasn't like a big deal, like, not that long ago.
01:11:19 But that said, you know, Jews in terms of it being existing in, in pop culture like the what people think about when they think black face.
01:11:27 You know, like the big.
01:11:28 Red, you know, makeup lips and stuff like that.
01:11:32 Yeah, that was, that was all Jewish performers.
01:11:37 UM.
01:11:39 Land of the fake if Black started hitting Jews, why would that mean that they would start to sympathize with whites?
01:11:47 Well, there, there's that too.
01:11:49 I think that already.
01:11:53 A substantial portion of non whites.
01:11:57 Much to the juice chagrin.
Speaker 2
01:12:01 Cannot separate.
01:12:02 Jews from whites?
Speaker 6
01:12:05 Right.
01:12:06 I mean, they look at at Jews, like, if if you're, if you're non white and you look at at Harvey Weinstein, you see a gross fat white guy.
01:12:18 You can't really blame them too much because like I, how many of you can tell the difference immediately between a Korean and a Chinese person, you know.
01:12:26 They're just Asian.
01:12:28 And so it's it's the same kind of a thing.
01:12:31 If you get a lot of black.
01:12:32 People ****** *** at Jews.
01:12:34 I don't know that that that's going to equate to let's team up with ****** to overthrow Jewish power.
01:12:42 I, you know, I I.
01:12:44 If that's so, beyond the the scope of reality that.
01:12:48 If you think that's on the horizon.
01:12:52 You know, you're just not a rational person.
01:12:56 Dan Bigfoot Kanye is coming with some South Park limited hangout levels of based.
01:13:02 I wish he came with talent versus in facts.
01:13:05 Well he just he's I don't think.
01:13:08 He has the ability to.
01:13:10 Like I said, I think he understands.
01:13:15 In marketing.
01:13:17 And he understands like he's got enough.
01:13:21 Charisma to be interesting in an interview and stuff like that, but you can tell the second OK for the same reason that he seemed to Revere the word engineer.
01:13:35 Like, have you guys watched that interview?
01:13:37 How many?
01:13:37 Times. Did he just like?
01:13:39 Say engineer like it was some kind of like.
01:13:43 You know, mysterious technology that he'll never understand, you know?
01:13:47 Well, that's because you use an engineer.
01:13:49 Use an.
Speaker 4
01:13:49 Engine it's like.
01:13:54 It's because he he doesn't have a good.
01:13:56 Understanding of complex systems.
01:13:59 And to him, it is like his phone, for example, is just like a magic box.
01:14:06 And you have to be some kind of like Super Wizard to understand, like the magic, you know, going on goings on, you know, behind the screen.
01:14:16 You know, unfortunately.
01:14:18 You know that's that's that's the limitation.
01:14:21 Anytime you have a magic ***** that's going to be a limitation.
Speaker 4
01:14:24 Like even if they're genuine.
01:14:25 Even if they're not grifting, right?
01:14:27 I don't think, I don't think Kanye sees this as a grift.
01:14:29 It doesn't make sense that it would.
01:14:31 I think he's just like I.
01:14:32 Said I think he's having a a manic episode.
01:14:37 If if he doesn't see it as a, as a, or even if he doesn't see it as a grift.
01:14:43 It doesn't matter because he's not going to have the intellect.
01:14:47 And he's going to be.
01:14:47 Easy to influence.
01:14:49 Because he doesn't have the intellect right.
01:14:51 It'll be easy for someone like Alex Friedman.
01:14:54 That's a little smoother, a little bit better at it.
01:14:57 To weasel in the hair and be like look, no, I'm an engineer.
Speaker 4
01:15:01 You know, let's use his terminology.
01:15:03 I'm an engineer, Kanye.
01:15:06 And engineers we want.
01:15:07 To solve the oil and they just need to.
01:15:09 Be better at, you know.
01:15:11 At influencing Kanye.
01:15:14 Then whoever is currently influencing him, whether it's the Black Hebrew Israelites or I, don't know or.
01:15:19 You know, whatever.
01:15:20 YouTube video he he most recently saw.
01:15:22 Candace Owens or you know?
01:15:24 But the.
01:15:28 Because he doesn't have the intellect to to have, you know, be standing on firm, firm ground.
Speaker 4
01:15:36 It it.
01:15:36 Literally, it's just a matter of time before.
01:15:39 He watches a different YouTube video and.
01:15:41 Totally changed, you know.
01:15:41 I mean like it, that's the problem.
01:15:43 If you don't have a.
01:15:43 Good understanding of it.
01:15:47 Or deep understanding of it, you're easily.
01:15:49 It's easy to change your mind about it.
01:15:52 And I don't know.
01:15:52 That's going to happen, but I'm just saying.
01:15:55 That's why you're not seeing these like these deep, deep facts coming from Kanye.
01:16:01 Because I just, he doesn't have the ability to do it.
01:16:03 Zen Master Zen, have you been following the Fetterman versus Oz Senate race in Pennsylvania?
01:16:09 It's a total ******* clown car.
01:16:11 It's beautiful well.
01:16:12 I'll tell you what I I haven't seen the video.
01:16:14 I know you're talking about.
01:16:15 I know there's a video.
01:16:16 Going around where he's a literal.
01:16:18 ******, like he's a little like he's such a ****** that I think MSNBC tweet.
01:16:22 I don't know if this is a joke.
01:16:24 I don't think it was though.
01:16:25 Someone sent me a screenshot of an MSNBC tweet where they were saying that Fetterman winning would be a win for.
01:16:32 Disabled people like they're basically kind of disabled.
01:16:36 But look, Doctor Oz has been promoted.
01:16:38 Been promoting trans kids since the 90s.
01:16:43 You know, it's again it's, it's.
01:16:44 The lesser of two evil it's still evil.
01:16:48 Now is entertaining to watch a non white TV doctor.
01:16:55 I say that like I'm not positive.
01:16:56 He's non white doctor Oz, isn't he like some kind of like Arabic or I don't know.
01:17:00 Maybe he's not, but regardless, a.
01:17:05 A TV doctor that's been promoting trans kids well before most people ever heard of trans kids like he was one of the first people to introduce trans kids to white women in their living rooms watching daytime television.
01:17:20 And this is the guy that's Maga.
01:17:23 You know, this is the guy that we that we should be excited to have on our side.
01:17:29 The guy that that can't have can't just say abortion is wrong.
01:17:34 A guy that certainly won't say that trans kids are bad, a guy who who believes that, that these operations on children are medically necessary.
01:17:43 That's the guy that's.
01:17:45 And if you don't believe me, I've played clips of the of his show where he's doing exactly that in previous streams.
01:17:53 I don't remember exactly which ones.
01:17:55 We got so many ******* streams these days.
01:17:58 I think I have like over I have like 350 uploads on the.
01:18:01 Channel now.
01:18:03 In one of those.
Speaker 2
01:18:05 And you.
01:18:05 Could probably find that it's not impossible to find.
01:18:12 Is promoting trans kids and telling everyone it's a legitimate thing.
01:18:16 Well before that was mainstream at all.
01:18:20 And that's the.
01:18:20 That's the guy that Maga is is hanging their their red mega hat on.
01:18:27 So is it funny that the guy he's running against is a literal ******?
01:18:31 Yeah, it's kind.
01:18:31 Of funny but.
01:18:34 I haven't.
01:18:34 I haven't seen the.
01:18:35 Clip, so it's probably.
01:18:36 It's probably really funny.
01:18:37 I would imagine like if it's a literal.
01:18:39 ******, but I just I you know.
01:18:43 Doctor Oz is.
01:18:44 Basically a pedo.
01:18:45 As far as I'm concerned, you know, like is it oh our our, our our charismatic pedo is so much better than your ******.
01:18:52 I mean.
01:18:53 That's that's American politics.
01:18:55 I guess now, right?
01:18:59 Drifting timelines 4668. I wish I had my little animations.
01:19:04 I could play for you guys.
01:19:06 You know, let's see someone down or.
01:19:09 Send me that.
01:19:09 Link I don't know what this is though.
01:19:12 Should I just risk it and play it?
01:19:13 Let me.
01:19:13 See, I haven't.
01:19:14 I haven't seen it.
01:19:19 Let's see what this looks like here.
01:19:33 Let me play it here.
01:19:34 Hang on, hang on.
01:19:35 Let me.
01:19:35 Let me play it locally here before I just broadcast this.
01:19:39 I was about to just play it.
01:19:42 Let me see what I'm dealing with here first.
Speaker 1
01:19:46 Money is power.
01:19:48 Money is the.
01:19:48 OK, so this is the actual clip, all right.
01:19:55 Well, that's good.
01:19:55 Let me pop that in there.
Speaker 1
01:19:56 Money is power.
01:19:57 Money is the only weapon that that you have to defend itself with.
01:20:02 Go, Julie, this *** is.
01:20:18 Cash flow checkout.
01:20:22 Now that's like all of them, OK.
01:20:28 Alright, for future mobile equipment.
01:20:32 Mobile equipment.
01:20:34 Oh, Oh yeah.
01:20:35 That would be nice, right?
01:20:36 Have a.
01:20:36 Have a decent laptop.
01:20:39 Well, thank you very much.
01:20:40 Really appreciate that.
01:20:43 Christ pilled.
01:20:46 Look, you should probably get it too.
Speaker 1
01:20:48 Money is power.
01:20:49 Money is the only weapon that that you have.
01:20:51 To defend yourself.
01:20:52 With no Julie, this flag is.
01:21:10 Look at that.
01:21:11 We're working together as a team and.
01:21:12 Slowly getting the.
01:21:13 All the animations of the show built.
01:21:15 Put back together.
01:21:19 All right. Christ, pilled *** **** donation there. Paying self-employment tax is like hitting yourself in the head with.
01:21:27 A hammer.
01:21:28 If you are a contractor business owner, you can legally avoid a lot of self-employment tax by making an LLC and telling the IRS it's an S Corp.
01:21:37 Hire an aggressive white CPA to help you.
01:21:40 Good ones pay for themselves.
01:21:42 Well, that's that's above my pay grade, but I kind of get what you're saying and it's kind of like.
Speaker 4
01:21:47 You know you could.
01:21:50 Like this is the kind of thing where I wish I knew a good CPA because I know you can also do.
01:21:55 Things like create like a non depend on what kind of work you're doing, right?
01:21:59 Like if it's politically related or religiously related, you can make like a nonprofit and then make a foundation and then cut yourself a salary.
01:22:10 Now, of course you can't.
01:22:11 Use those funds.
01:22:14 Out of the nonprofit for personal things, so you have to be weird.
01:22:17 It's weird how you have to do it, but what you're saying probably is better.
01:22:20 For most people, this is the kind of.
01:22:23 Thing I need to look into.
01:22:25 Because yeah, there.
01:22:27 We all.
01:22:27 We all saw the videos of those.
01:22:30 Those new IRS agents, including the guys.
01:22:32 In the wheelchair.
01:22:35 They heard what was.
01:22:35 It 80 some insane.
01:22:37 Amount, wasn't it like 80,000 new IRS agents?
01:22:41 And train them.
01:22:41 To to kill, like literally training them to use deadly force.
01:22:46 So that should be fun.
01:22:49 But yeah, thank you very much for that and for supporting the.
01:22:53 The ghetto, the ghetto mobile screen.
01:22:55 Here or stream?
01:22:57 Guitar Dude 1356 just moved to liberal area with lots of Jews besides moving. Any ideas on how to find conservative friends?
01:23:06 Also, what would happen if I told those Jews I grew with Kanye Holocaust was BS, et cetera?
01:23:13 Lastly, what is your fascination with cats?
01:23:15 I hate cats.
01:23:16 Why not get a dog like most people?
01:23:18 Well, let's see here.
01:23:19 It's going to start.
01:23:20 In the.
01:23:20 Beginning you moved to a liberal area with lots of Jews.
01:23:24 Unless there's a reason.
01:23:27 Like that you have that that you have to do that.
01:23:30 I don't understand why you would do that.
01:23:33 I would try not to do that.
01:23:34 I know you're saying.
01:23:34 Well, besides moving, you know what's how you find sort.
01:23:37 Of friends, it just it.
01:23:39 It's going to be hard.
01:23:40 That's like saying, hey, I just moved to the desert.
01:23:43 Where can I find a jungle?
01:23:45 And it's like, well, not in the desert.
01:23:47 You know.
Speaker 2
01:23:47 Like, yeah, just move.
01:23:49 To the mountains, you know, like, like what I'm looking for is an ocean.
01:23:52 It's like, well then then go to where the ocean is, man, it's not where it's now.
01:23:58 Where you're at.
01:23:59 So that's that's part of the problem is I've lived in very liberal areas and I look.
01:24:03 I went years.
01:24:05 Without making any good connections with people, because even if you go to churches in those areas, it's like these weird churches with like female, you know, lesbian pastors and stuff.
01:24:17 And or if you you luck out and and they're not.
01:24:21 Usually I have found that the the people attending those churches in that area are way more tolerant of things.
01:24:27 Than they should.
01:24:28 Be and so I would say that be the you know that that's.
01:24:32 That's just going to be required, you might.
01:24:33 Get lucky.
01:24:35 You might get lucky.
01:24:36 There might be other people in your situation, depending on how big that.
01:24:39 If it's like a huge metro area, you'll probably find some.
01:24:43 But good luck.
01:24:44 I like I said, I I lived in just as an example.
01:24:47 I lived in Washington, DC area for.
01:24:51 I don't know, like four or five years or so and.
01:24:55 You know, I I'd say let.
01:24:58 I could count them all on one hand.
01:24:59 The people that I met that were remotely sharing my value.
01:25:05 Out of the.
01:25:07 Literally thousands of people that I interacted with and then when I moved to San Francisco area to do work out there.
01:25:15 That was that number was 0.
01:25:17 I never met anyone out.
01:25:18 There that I shared values with.
01:25:23 You know, you might just be up a up a Creek with that one.
01:25:29 Also, what would happen if you told you is that you agree with Kanye and?
01:25:32 Stuff I don't know.
01:25:33 If you don't work for him.
01:25:35 Probably nothing.
01:25:36 I mean, one thing that you know.
01:25:39 I don't know.
01:25:40 I find out.
01:25:42 Find out why not find out.
01:25:44 Find out, find out and report back.
01:25:46 Find out and tell us exactly how that goes.
01:25:49 And I'm not being facetious, you know, do it.
01:25:54 If you're going to live in one of.
01:25:55 These areas you might as well have fun with it, right?
01:25:58 Fascination with cats.
01:25:59 It's not really a fascination.
01:26:01 My first cat that I had when I was a kid.
01:26:07 Oh, we got it.
01:26:08 Came with a dog.
01:26:10 My mom was ridiculous.
01:26:12 She would buy dogs out of the newspaper or, like, go to the pound or whatever and then.
01:26:19 She wouldn't take care of it really.
01:26:21 Like the way you should.
01:26:23 And so it would inevitably like **** in the house or something like that.
01:26:27 It would, it would **** my dad off.
01:26:29 My dad would get rid of it, you know, and this would cycle would repeat.
01:26:34 Like we didn't have, like a family dog.
01:26:36 We had like, you know, 10 family dogs for, like, a few weeks or a month or.
01:26:40 I think the.
01:26:41 Longest we had maybe like a year.
01:26:42 Or so.
01:26:43 And at one point, my mom got brought home.
01:26:46 These two dogs and a cat.
01:26:48 Because like the the people she had the dogs from wouldn't let her take the dogs unless she took the.
01:26:54 And so I took the cat because, like, whatever and.
01:27:00 That little, that little was, uh.
01:27:03 It was like my fuzzy little roommate for like, a long time, and it was just like, chill.
01:27:09 And it was cool because.
01:27:12 Because like I had the kind of lifestyle where I couldn't sit around and.
01:27:15 Like take a dog.
01:27:16 You know, because you get dogs require more.
01:27:20 Interaction right?
01:27:21 Like they require more upkeep.
01:27:24 You know, like I I would put this way, I think dogs are more like kids, and cats are more like roommates.
01:27:30 And so you can not that you can neglect cats, but like you can neglect them a lot more.
01:27:36 And you can.
01:27:36 Neglect dogs.
01:27:38 And so I think that's it just worked out that way.
01:27:47 And plus like if I.
01:27:48 Had a dog right now.
01:27:51 I don't know it like it's just.
01:27:53 More work, it's more work.
01:27:56 Lock 23.
01:28:00 Kanye will need to learn the hard way that you can't monkey around with Jews.
01:28:05 Whoopee was fast to kiss.
01:28:07 The Jew asks those who those who you can't criticize are those who rule over you, but the normies still won't notice who rules over them, or like I said, that exactly right.
01:28:18 Even if they were.
01:28:20 To kill the him in.
01:28:21 In an obvious way, there might be some jokes in the same way that.
Speaker 6
01:28:25 Like, oh, well, Epstein didn't kill himself.
01:28:27 Ha ha.
01:28:28 But like he's still dead.
01:28:30 Or or like you know, maybe.
01:28:31 I don't know, but like nothing.
01:28:33 You know nothing got solved just because.
01:28:34 You make you make a.
Speaker 6
01:28:35 Meme or Kanye didn't kill himself.
01:28:38 That doesn't change anything, and most people don't even know what that means.
01:28:41 You can walk up to someone.
01:28:43 I mean, I'd say I've seen it come.
01:28:45 So I've got a.
01:28:45 Little mainstream but.
01:28:46 For the most part, I mean, if you just walked up to someone completely at random in a Walmart and said Epstein didn't kill himself, they would just.
01:28:53 Be like I don't know you're talking about, you know.
01:28:55 They're just like, OK, I guess weirdo.
01:29:00 And you know, Kanye is obviously a little more famous than Epstein, so that might have a little more impact, but.
01:29:08 It would still go away.
01:29:09 It would still go away.
01:29:11 If they want it.
Speaker 4
01:29:12 To go away, it'll go away.
01:29:17 Let's see here.
01:29:20 All right, Oops, I Scroll down too fast.
01:29:23 Oh, look, Penelope.
01:29:24 Maynard #7 long time no see, or you'll definitely get the the Super chat animation here.
Speaker 1
01:29:32 Money is power.
01:29:33 Money is the only weapon that that you have to defend yourself with.
01:29:37 Go, Julie, this *** is.
01:29:54 Cash flow check.
Speaker 4
01:30:01 I'd like to return this duck.
01:30:05 All right. Hi. Maybe I'll leave my East Coast digs for Arizona's old family ranch there, but perhaps it's too late.
01:30:14 Hope you're well.
01:30:14 Churro is 1 hell of a cat.
01:30:17 Churro is 1.
01:30:18 Hell of a cat.
01:30:20 The I think you're probably referring to the the clip of him on.
01:30:25 Telegram that I posted.
01:30:27 He's a very.
01:30:31 He he likes to, to to, to murder.
01:30:35 The rodents and the birds.
Speaker 6
01:30:37 And the and the lizards.
01:30:39 I'll tell you one thing.
01:30:41 I didn't used.
01:30:42 To see lizards without tails and now I almost never see lizards with tails.
01:30:46 So he's he's terrorizing all the animals back there.
01:30:51 But yeah, the the southwest is is probably much better than, well, almost the entire East Coast.
01:31:01 And thank you for the support.
01:31:03 Like I said, long time no see.
01:31:05 Let's see here.
01:31:08 My the scroll wheel on this mouse doesn't work, so I just made the mistake of trying to use it on the Super chats and.
01:31:14 Now I'm going to go through all these.
01:31:15 Here we go.
01:31:16 They're fewer.
01:31:17 Devin, can you talk about how you think the US collapses?
01:31:21 Has your timeline of things to come speed up?
01:31:25 Also, do you see a false flag being done to start nuclear war?
01:31:28 I believe we are in the death throes of empire.
Speaker 6
01:31:35 You you know.
01:31:39 I I don't know.
01:31:40 It's one of those things where it it speeds up the closer you get to the the drain, you know, like I've I've.
01:31:46 I've used the metaphor that if you watch a leaf or anything floating on the surface of the water, get closer to a drain and it'll start to circle the drain and the closer it gets to the center.
01:31:59 The faster it circles until eventually gets to the middle and it just spins like a top and then gets sucked down.
01:32:05 And I kind of feel like there is a a an inertia to these sorts of things and that's kind of what, what what we see with with world events.
01:32:15 But I also think that it's it's a.
01:32:20 It's a mistake to think that it's going to be like a video game or like a movie where one day it's just like a zombie apocalypse, right?
01:32:30 Like the entire infrastructure has collapsed and and there's there's, you know, 0 control from the federal government.
01:32:37 I don't think that's the way these things happen.
01:32:39 I think that.
01:32:41 Typically it's just a slow rot.
01:32:43 And there's so much inertia and so much money behind the American Empire, it would take a Black Swan event.
01:32:51 Like what you're talking about, like some kind of nuclear war.
01:32:55 In order to really have that be something that's going to happen anytime soon.
01:33:00 And yeah, I don't know.
01:33:03 I don't like to make predictions.
01:33:04 I just like to prepare for what the worst case scenario and be ready to go if.
01:33:10 You know, if one of these things happen.
01:33:14 Yeah, it's it's entirely within the realm of possibility.
01:33:18 Damn, Bigfoot, do you think?
01:33:21 That uncle Tom's can serve some sort of purpose.
01:33:27 I mean like.
Speaker 2
01:33:30 Yeah. I mean, look, look.
01:33:32 I think it's a mistake.
01:33:35 For white people, the purity spiral about other whites, but I also think it's a mistake to I I would never want to have.
01:33:44 Someone who's not a member of my group, if if, if OK if my aim is to empower and safeguard my group.
01:33:52 I would never want to entrust.
01:33:55 That responsibility, a leadership role in that responsibility to someone not of that group.
01:34:02 Because the whole point is that we want to have self determination.
01:34:07 So if you're, if you're outsourcing that to someone else.
01:34:12 Then what's the point?
01:34:13 Like you know, you're just being global ****.
01:34:16 You know, you're basically just agreeing with the diversity people.
01:34:19 That ohh base black guys can do just you know can be just as connected to your people as anyone else, right?
01:34:25 Like then why?
01:34:26 Why do you?
01:34:27 What's your argument?
01:34:28 Right.
01:34:29 And so.
01:34:31 That said, I think it's it's stupid to deny their help.
01:34:37 And to not want.
01:34:40 Allies as the left calls them right on your side.
01:34:44 You should be welcoming of of people that want to help out with the understanding that look.
01:34:50 Yeah, you can help all you want.
01:34:52 But we're going to be running this show.
01:34:54 This is our.
01:34:56 Our fight.
01:34:57 This is our dream.
01:34:58 This is our vision of the future.
01:35:01 And I unfortunately, I think there's just so many weak white people.
01:35:06 They're just itching for someone.
01:35:07 Else to do it.
01:35:09 That they're so happy.
01:35:12 Anytime anyone says something just.
01:35:15 You know, in the case of Kanye, because it's it takes.
01:35:17 The load off of them.
01:35:20 Well, he can get away with it.
01:35:21 He's Kanye.
01:35:21 I couldn't get away with it.
01:35:24 That just means.
01:35:24 That you're saying Kanye West of all people is braver than you.
01:35:30 And that's it's the it's a sad state that that's I mean that's where we're at.
01:35:35 But yeah, they could.
01:35:36 You know, like I.
01:35:37 Said what Kanye is doing isn't bad for us.
01:35:40 By any means, by any stretch.
01:35:43 That's the best $5. Hey, regarding prior stream German actions, World War Two, I think there are some things you may not know about.
01:35:52 EG Germany didn't want war with Britain, or France or Poland.
01:35:56 Germany offered peace multiple times after the war had started.
01:36:01 Yeah, but I mean ultimately if if.
01:36:07 If Hitler had not invaded Poland.
01:36:11 You know, like that we wouldn't have.
01:36:12 Had World War.
01:36:13 Two Hitler could have gone in and annexed.
01:36:18 The German, like you did.
01:36:20 You know the German speaking parts of Austria and all that stuff.
01:36:25 And there were agreements that were agreed to with the the British and the French and everyone that you know that all right, you're done now, right, you know.
01:36:36 And he was like, yeah, it's cool and.
01:36:37 If they if they just stopped.
01:36:39 Right there.
01:36:39 No one, no one had done anything.
01:36:41 No done anything, but I think he had empire ambitions.
01:36:47 I think he wanted to take over all of Europe and.
01:36:53 You know, I I think it's.
01:36:55 Hard to argue against that.
01:36:58 Like you can say, you could say it.
01:36:59 Would have been better if he did.
01:37:01 But I think it's it's.
01:37:03 I think there's enough evidence that he wanted that was his.
01:37:07 That was his goal.
01:37:08 At least at some point, right?
01:37:11 To take over all of Europe.
01:37:15 Germany even offered a withdrawal from Western Europe if Britain would accept the peace or would accept a I mean, even peace deal.
01:37:22 They wanted a deal with Poland.
01:37:24 Britain makes the deal to join their anti commie pact only agreed to attack Poland after Soviets required Germans.
01:37:35 Germans help after Soviets lost to Poland in 1920 and.
01:37:42 And Germany didn't want Soviets to have a treaty with England, France, so they agreed. Try reading Pat Buchanan's book Churchills Hitler and the unnecessary war. It explains World War 2, starting with way before World War 2 after Napoleon.
01:38:01 OK, that's a that's a, that's a good.
01:38:03 That's a good book recommendation.
01:38:05 I'll check that out.
01:38:09 I'll that.
01:38:09 I'll definitely I'll get that.
01:38:10 On audiobook or something?
01:38:14 All right, where do we go here?
01:38:17 Glock 23, the media accused Adidas of being white supremacists because they didn't cancel Kanye fast enough. I think Adidas is I could be wrong.
01:38:28 I mean, they're a German company, right?
01:38:30 But I think there's there's plenty of Jews in the.
01:38:35 In the executive positions over at a deal, I could be wrong, though I know it's German.
01:38:41 And knowing Germans and their their guilt complex.
01:38:45 I'll look it up.
01:38:46 I think it's going to be like when I looked up sketches though, it's for some.
01:38:49 There's so much freaking news about it.
01:38:54 You're just going to hear about Kanye and Adidas and.
01:38:58 Alright, Wikipedia.
01:39:08 Let's see here.
01:39:18 Where is that?
01:39:22 So right now the.
01:39:28 Orders key people.
01:39:31 The chairman is Thomas Raab.
01:39:34 That doesn't sound too Jewish.
01:39:36 He doesn't look Jewish.
01:39:37 He looks German.
01:39:40 Casper rostad.
01:39:42 That also doesn't sound too Jewish.
01:39:45 Looks pretty German.
01:39:48 Yeah. You know, maybe. Yeah.
01:39:50 Maybe that's what it was.
01:39:52 The German guilt wins again.
01:40:00 Dan Bigfoot, do you think that him being black Hebrew Israelite is just an inferiority complex he has with Jews like he wants to be a chosen as look at me swag thing, I don't know. I I don't think that he's even really I you know as much as what.
01:40:18 A lot of what Kanye is saying sounds very black Hebrew is or Israelite.
01:40:24 It also sounds like he I I can't figure out what his game is it, but it sounds like he thinks at.
01:40:29 Least that he's playing some.
01:40:30 Word game because during the interview he's like.
01:40:32 No, no, no, I'm not Jewish.
01:40:33 I'm Jew.
01:40:36 And but then he wouldn't really like when he.
01:40:38 Would try to explain that it just devolved into this.
01:40:43 Kind of rambling **** that didn't make any sense, but I didn't really see him outright.
01:40:50 Well, no, that's not true.
01:40:51 There was one part.
01:40:52 In the interview, where he said all these.
01:40:54 Rappers are saying.
01:40:55 We was kings, but we were actually the the the slaves that you know that the Pharaoh head.
01:41:00 So that's kind of Black Hebrew, Israel.
01:41:02 Right.
01:41:07 I don't know what he's.
01:41:07 I don't know what his game, what that is.
01:41:09 I think maybe he just got, you know, he started watching Black Hebrew his real like.
01:41:12 YouTube videos or something and you know.
01:41:16 Best of the best, the.
01:41:18 And Germany didn't want Soviets to have a treaty with England.
01:41:23 All right.
01:41:23 I already read that one.
01:41:24 I think right.
01:41:24 Didn't I? Yeah. OK.
01:41:28 Hey, Devin.
01:41:29 Potato digger here.
01:41:30 Is there a way we can capitalize on everything going on with Kanye?
01:41:35 Should we try and support him or leave him to the wolves?
01:41:39 I think it's a mistake.
01:41:42 Like I said, to try to promote him as some kind of leader within a movement that seeks self determination.
01:41:51 I think that it's also a mistake to.
01:41:58 You know like.
01:41:59 Pretend it's not happening.
01:42:00 Or try to black, you know like like, get mad and just be like.
01:42:03 Well, he's black.
01:42:04 So **** him, you know?
01:42:05 You know what I mean?
01:42:06 Like, I think that you should let him let him do it.
01:42:10 You know, let the spectacle play out.
01:42:13 And I think he's more than incapable of of creating a spectacle.
01:42:20 And if you, if there are moments during his performances.
01:42:25 That you can zero in on, on on things that he says and does, and use that to reach the kinds of people that I was describing earlier.
01:42:36 The people that they need a celebrity like in a black celebrity, that's an extra bonus, but they need, you know, a celebrity to to like something before they can like it.
01:42:46 If you can.
01:42:46 Find a way to weaponize it.
Speaker 4
01:42:48 For it.
01:42:49 But like I said, trying to promote them to some kind of leadership role or or you know it's just it's just to me, it's just it's really kind of pathetic like it really kind of grosses me out honestly.
01:43:03 Like it it, it makes me feel like, why are you?
01:43:05 That weak.
01:43:06 You know, like, what are you trying to save?
01:43:09 Like if that's your, that's your great white hope is.
01:43:12 Kanye, you know like.
01:43:14 Then we're not.
01:43:15 This is not good.
01:43:17 We we're not healthy if that's, if that's what's going on.
01:43:20 Here but that said.
01:43:22 Yeah, let let it let it play out.
01:43:24 Let the let the.
01:43:24 Minstrel show go on and.
01:43:28 Yeah, weaponize it as much as you can.
01:43:32 Butcher bird.
01:43:33 Hey, Devin.
01:43:34 I listened to a lot of different channels.
01:43:36 For example, Max Egan informed me about what was going on about Australia in the first days of 20.
01:43:42 Twenty thoughts on using channels to piece together info to get Intel and make better decisions, and we all need to stick together as free thinking people.
01:43:53 I don't, I don't not familiar with that.
01:43:55 I might be I'm not good names.
01:43:59 Maybe if I saw his face.
01:44:01 But I would say, yeah, I mean I I like to.
01:44:04 Think that.
01:44:05 That we're all part of a community that is.
01:44:09 You know that exists online mostly right now and that it's it's not doesn't just stop with with me or any other voice that's out there on the Internet.
01:44:20 And there's a lot of crossover and there's a lot we can all learn from each other, and that's what I try to do is just be part of that conversation.
01:44:32 Damn Bigfoot.
01:44:32 At the end of the day.
01:44:34 His impact has been pretty minimal.
01:44:36 Still haven't even seen clips of whites walking around with White Lives Matter, right?
01:44:42 Right.
01:44:42 And you won't.
01:44:42 It's not like.
01:44:44 That's The thing is he he wear he and Candace Owens, Kanye and Candice Owens wear White Lives Matter shirts.
01:44:52 It becomes this big controversy, but did that lead to a bunch of white kids in high schools across America wearing white lives matter shirts and doing walkouts or something like that?
01:45:06 No, it's a spectacle.
01:45:09 You got to remember, and I've I've pointed this out before too.
01:45:13 A lot of zoomers are, and which and those.
01:45:16 These are the kinds of people that that, like, Kanye, right.
01:45:20 It's the zoomers that I would say appreciate him the most.
01:45:24 And a lot of them are spectators.
01:45:27 So this is great spectacle for them.
01:45:31 But it's.
01:45:33 That's all it.
01:45:34 Is, you know, it's basically it it it's not any different than like the spectacle of a lot of these, you know, E drama streams or, you know what I mean?
01:45:44 Like, it's just it's just it's content.
01:45:49 But I don't think it's inspiring anyone to do anything.
01:45:56 Land of the fake.
01:45:58 I made a joke about the Russians, about the Russians wanting that monster black chick in the salt mines.
01:46:06 Because she would be a strong worker and this girl chuckled while saying.
01:46:11 You can't say that, meaning that she can't say that and that she wants to have.
01:46:16 Sex with me now.
01:46:18 OK.
01:46:19 Wait, what's joke?
01:46:20 I made a joke about the Russians wanting the monster black chick in the salt mines because she would be a stronger.
01:46:29 I don't remember this joke you're talking about.
01:46:33 But there look there's truth in.
01:46:36 In women.
01:46:38 Appreciating those that will say the things.
01:46:40 That they're afraid to say.
01:46:44 That's absolutely absolutely true.
01:46:48 Land of the fake or that's the same one.
01:46:52 Thoughts on butcher bird thoughts on the importance of sticking together with alternative platforms to spread news, AKA.
01:47:01 I like Hugo talks analysis or when we we go fully underground.
01:47:06 Lone wolves never go out of style.
Speaker 2
01:47:09 I I don't think.
01:47:10 We're going to have to go, you know, like we'll get.
01:47:13 There's a possibility we get the platform from Odyssey.
01:47:17 I think though that and look the, the, the worst case scenario and This is why.
01:47:23 I promote the use of ham radio and stuff like that.
01:47:25 In fact, it's kind of.
01:47:26 Funny, I was listening to.
01:47:28 What you know?
01:47:29 Short wave, we're not sure, but ham radio I think it was like 40 meters.
01:47:34 Or something.
01:47:35 And there was this guy, this old boomer guy that retired early and he was talking saying he used to work for a a shortwave broadcaster during the Cold War.
01:47:46 And that after like I think it was, he was saying like 2005, the budgets for a lot of these shortwave radio stations started to shut down because the idea was that, you know, history is over and and the Cold War is over. And so having a, you know, this type of broadcast isn't going to be important.
01:48:06 Because now the Internet exists.
01:48:08 And so we can get the same propaganda in there and you know, not a big deal.
01:48:12 And that he was saying at the time he thought this was stupid because, you know, history is never over, obviously, but also because the the Internet was so easy to censor even then, it just wasn't happening yet.
01:48:28 And and there was just there the.
01:48:29 Problem was you had a lot of these.
01:48:32 You know these tech guys that you know at the.
01:48:35 Time were very free speech.
01:48:36 And they thought they going to change the world with with, you know, free information and all that.
01:48:41 But we've seen what it's gone.
01:48:43 It's gone in the censorship.
01:48:44 And there I I don't know that it's going to revive like his.
01:48:49 His take was oh, it's going to revive a there's going to be this.
01:48:52 You know, influx and shortwave radio stations because because he was coming at it from, like a cocky boomer.
01:48:58 So his his where his head was at was well now Russia is going to be shutting down the Internet and in order for us to reach the people in Russia like during the Cold War because he was stuck in the Cold War, you know, mindset was oh, we're going to make, we're have to make shortwave radio stations.
01:49:13 Again and get past the Iron Curtain, you know.
01:49:17 Now, that's sad.
01:49:18 That's a little ridiculous, right?
01:49:21 It's not super crazy to get familiar with communications that can't get shut down.
01:49:26 There's an Internet cut off switch.
01:49:28 I mean, it's not like a light switch in the White House, but essentially it's functionally it is.
01:49:33 Obama had it set up.
01:49:34 It was all, you know, made legal back in.
01:49:38 Early 2000, tens or some, I forget the exact year, but from.
Speaker 6
01:49:44 The White House.
01:49:46 Without any kind of.
01:49:48 Yeah, you don't have to get like, an act of Congress or anything like that.
01:49:50 You can just order that the Internet.
01:49:52 Is turned.
01:49:53 Off from the White House.
01:49:57 But that's an extreme situation.
01:49:59 I'm just saying like that's that's the worst case scenario and and having an alternative to that is important.
01:50:05 But barring something like that.
01:50:09 There's always going to be an option.
01:50:10 There's always going to be, whether it's some kind of decentralized.
01:50:13 You know platform or there's like a million of these alternative platforms that keep popping up and it'll be annoying and you'll have to keep, you'll have to stay nimble and keep switching platforms and whatever, but.
01:50:28 Yeah, I don't think that we're ever going to get stuck in a going full, you know, we're not going to be stuck in some situation.
01:50:34 I don't think where we're in like some back room like in the 90s, you know, printing up Flyers and sending them out and stuff like that.
01:50:43 But you know who knows?
01:50:45 Who knows?
01:50:47 Jakes channel.
01:50:50 Regarding the and Frank Stream, I read the book about 10.
01:50:54 Years ago, before I.
01:50:55 Had any idea about any of this stuff, and even then it struck me as that that that it was fake.
01:51:01 There are certain passages where you read it and it just couldn't be anything other than a fake.
01:51:06 Also, thanks for the incredible work, Devin.
01:51:08 I appreciate that.
01:51:10 Well, it's required reading in a lot of.
01:51:12 Schools, even though it's.
01:51:15 It's quite literally fake as you say.
01:51:18 And that's been a response from a lot of people have mentioned that like you read it and.
01:51:21 It's like the little girl didn't write this ****.
01:51:25 Mighty mouse.
01:51:26 Devin, did you see?
01:51:27 The Chad yell at the.
01:51:28 Nic in the court in court today.
01:51:30 Burning hell, you ***** ** ****.
01:51:32 No hate crime for running over all those kids and people.
01:51:35 Imagine if the.
01:51:36 Roles were reversed.
01:51:40 I didn't see the clip.
01:51:41 I'm assuming you're talking about the guy that ran over the people in Wisconsin that's being that's defending himself and just, you know, making the court drag on as long as humanly possible with that stupid ***** judge that.
01:51:55 Just increases my hatred of of women in positions of power.
01:51:58 You know, we're just like, oh, my God, why would you have granted in this?
01:52:03 It's just it's just a ******* **** show.
01:52:05 I have not been keeping up with it because it looks.
01:52:07 Like it's just going to.
01:52:08 Be a never ending **** show.
01:52:11 I wouldn't.
01:52:12 I would have been happier if that Chad had been more explicit about the racial aspect.
01:52:16 Maybe he will.
01:52:16 I haven't.
01:52:16 Seen the clip, but I suspect he just was like.
01:52:20 Rotten hell *******.
01:52:22 I would have.
01:52:22 Been like, you know, rotten hell for killing my people or.
01:52:26 You know, at least.
01:52:28 Make that a part of if you're going.
01:52:29 To disrupt a court.
01:52:31 And jeopardize getting contempt of court and being sent to jail yourself.
01:52:38 Make it count.
01:52:42 What do you make of Kanye the tweet after Death Con three pushed the Zionist regime change in Iran.
01:52:49 I have not seen that.
01:52:51 Is that like fairly recent?
01:52:56 And the name was mentioning Iran.
01:53:00 Let me take a look here.
01:53:05 Was he at Ye?
01:53:08 On Twitter.
01:53:17 OK, let's see.
01:53:34 He said.
01:53:36 Iranian youth are leading a revolution against 44 years of dictatorship. The world needs to support them and honor their courage. Well, that's very CIA.
01:53:51 That honestly though, that could also be one of those things where Candace Owens was like Oh yeah.
01:53:57 You know, I'm going to red pill.
01:53:59 You on on what's happening in?
01:54:00 Iran and he's just like, damn *****.
01:54:02 I don't.
01:54:03 Want you know?
01:54:03 I mean, that's the problem with these people.
01:54:05 That's the problem.
01:54:06 When you have someone who's not a deep thinker that isn't reaching these conclusions on their own, they're they're being spoon fed this stuff.
01:54:13 And so it's, you know.
01:54:17 You get these contradictions.
01:54:20 And so, you know, it is what it is.
01:54:25 UM.
01:54:30 ******** ****** $1.00. I don't have the the ******** flag animation, so I'll just.
01:54:34 Play this part.
Speaker 1
01:54:35 Money is power.
01:54:36 Money is the only weapon that the Jew has to defend himself with.
01:54:41 No jewy this bag is.
01:54:43 There we go.
01:54:44 All right.
01:54:49 Hearing that honesty may be turning their terms of service where it will be similar to you two as much as it pains me, there is a non 0% chance.
01:55:00 That we may need to leave this site or risk getting censored.
01:55:04 I should have known this was coming, since honesty is run.
01:55:07 By an alleged devil worshipper.
Speaker 6
01:55:09 UM.
01:55:10 Yeah, I I like I said.
01:55:13 I've always said that I won't be surprised if I get kicked off Odyssey and that will melt it as long as we possibly can.
01:55:19 UM.
01:55:20 So you know.
01:55:22 If that happens, I'll go somewhere else.
01:55:26 But I'm not going to freak out about.
01:55:27 It in the meantime.
01:55:29 Alright then we got.
01:55:33 I was told that only two attract or only two attached notes of the Anne Frank diary were written in ballpoint pen, not the entire document.
01:55:42 So it.
01:55:42 Might still be.
01:55:43 Genuine now.
01:55:44 So here's the point.
01:55:45 It wasn't all written in Bullet Point Pen, but the fact that any of it was written in ballpoint pen and then they had.
01:55:53 Handwriting experts look at the portions written in ballpoint pen.
01:55:58 That not not.
01:55:59 Realizing what they were saying by the way they were saying this because they think.
01:56:02 They thought they were validating.
01:56:04 They they looked at the portions written in ballpoint pen and the other portions, and came to the conclusion they were written by the same person.
01:56:13 So if the same person who wrote the portion in ballpoint pen wrote the rest of it, it doesn't matter what percentage it could be like one page.
01:56:25 Was written in ballpoint, you know, I mean, like, it doesn't matter what the percentage is, if any of it was written in ballpoint pen.
01:56:32 How did that happen?
01:56:34 How did that happen?
01:56:35 Plus, you know, there was the other evidence that I showed you guys in that stream where her handwriting.
01:56:42 Does not match in the book, right?
01:56:45 Does not match handwriting taken from when she was a school kid.
01:56:52 Writing American students like you know, as a pen pal.
01:56:57 The handwriting is totally different.
01:57:00 But yeah, the ballpoint pen thing doesn't matter how much if there's any of it.
01:57:04 She was supposed to be dead, but by the time ballpoint pens were were available, she was dead or, you know, so either she didn't write any of it, or maybe she didn't.
01:57:15 Didn't die, you know, like one or.
01:57:16 The other right.
01:57:19 So it it.
01:57:20 That's that's.
01:57:20 That's the importance of the ballpoint pen.
01:57:25 All right.
01:57:27 Well, how long have we been live here?
Speaker 6
01:57:30 I've been live about two hours.
01:57:32 Like I said, this is.
01:57:33 Going to.
01:57:33 Be a short one.
01:57:34 Things should.
01:57:35 Be back to normal on Saturday.
01:57:38 That's the plan.
01:57:39 The plan is to have.
01:57:42 To be, you know, in the real studio and everything by Saturday and everything.
01:57:50 Not not janky like we have it today.
01:57:57 But let me hang out in regular chat just for a second and make sure that.
01:58:00 Everything went oops.
01:58:01 Why is that not doing its thing?
01:58:05 And someone asking for a spooky St.
01:58:07 well, yeah, that's the thing.
01:58:08 It is.
01:58:08 It is Christmas or not.
01:58:10 It's Thanksgiving soon.
01:58:12 The the Brooks case is extremely important in setting precedent and case law for them to use against whites.
01:58:17 Later, the judge colluded openly with the prosecution, directly curtail the rights to represent and defend himself.
01:58:24 They didn't allow him to structure his defense witness order.
01:58:29 I don't know if that's why they're doing it, but.
01:58:31 I will say like they could have it's.
01:58:34 They clearly could have.
01:58:35 Said he wasn't he he wasn't capable of defending himself, and judges do that all.
01:58:39 The time they they and and they could have just.
01:58:42 Assigned him a lawyer.
01:58:45 And that that would have been it, you know.
01:58:51 Anne Frank lived and grew.
01:58:52 Up to be Gloria Steinem.
01:58:53 I don't know.
01:58:54 Who knows?
01:58:59 Let's see here.
01:59:03 Yeah, the Halloween stream.
01:59:05 Should I go back to the witches?
01:59:07 Cabin. I probably should.
01:59:10 We should revisit it.
01:59:15 Keep up the good work.
01:59:16 Have you cleared?
01:59:19 I think you're saying, Carl, Carl's house.
01:59:21 Not all the way yet, it's.
01:59:24 Well, let me rephrase that.
01:59:26 There's multiple buildings on that property.
01:59:28 The house is cleared out, the other buildings still have.
01:59:38 So it is what it is.
01:59:42 UM.
01:59:45 All right.
01:59:46 All right, guys.
01:59:46 Well, I'm going to shut it down.
01:59:48 I really appreciate you guys coming out and supporting the the show.
01:59:51 Sorry, it was a little janky tonight.
01:59:53 Like I said, this is a temporary situation, I just didn't feel right about not streaming after taking two streams off, so I'll be back Saturday.
02:00:03 Everything will be back to normal.
Speaker 6
02:00:04 In the mean time, I am of course.
02:00:08 Oh wait, I forgot I did that wrong.
02:00:09 Didn't I for black pilled?
02:00:13 I am of course.
Speaker 4
02:00:17 Devon stack.
02:00:20 OK.
02:00:44 Mr. Cambridge.
02:00:48 Yeah, yeah.
02:01:19 Well, we've seen.