

Speaker 1
02:28:07 Part of me.
Speaker 2
00:02:19 It's my natural, my heart into don't know what to do.
Speaker 1
00:02:30 Who to be?
00:03:21 The ghost of you lasting space face.
Speaker 2
00:04:14 Take your take your real AG.
Speaker 1
00:04:29 This river Jeannie.
Speaker 2
00:04:33 Kiss me will bring you sleep.
Speaker 4
00:07:36 But seventy of them singing in your eyes.
00:07:56 The horns when the bad.
Speaker 2
00:07:59 Feet feed the meat.
00:08:02 Treat the feet.
00:08:05 To the sweet milk.
00:08:15 Cheetara deltora.
00:08:23 Terracotta, terracotta, terracotta boy hey, terracotta.
Speaker 2
00:08:39 Learn to see from the horse with bad feet.
00:09:44 Welcome to the insomnia stream.
00:09:49 **** Jew edition.
00:09:53 Ohh, the **** Jew, the **** Jew.
00:09:59 I asked the **** Jew.
00:10:04 Ah, I have to take a shower after.
00:10:07 Watching this one.
00:10:10 Just warning you in advance.
00:10:14 So anyway.
00:10:17 This is the first day of of of February.
00:10:23 We are now into the second month of 2023.
00:10:29 It's crazy.
00:10:32 The date is 2123.
00:10:37 2123.
00:10:38 Or if you're British, it's like.
00:10:41 1223, which doesn't sound as cool.
00:10:45 So yeah, definitely 2123.
00:10:50 We're in February now.
00:10:51 I guess it's Black History Month.
00:10:54 I did a big Black History Month video last year.
00:10:58 I mean, I don't know.
00:10:59 Maybe I can find some new stuff, but I pretty much covered most of.
00:11:03 It isn't it Black History Month?
00:11:05 I don't know.
00:11:05 It seems like every month is Black History Month now.
00:11:09 But yeah, we got that.
00:11:11 What else is February?
00:11:12 We got Valentine's Day.
00:11:15 Valentine's Day.
00:11:19 I don't know.
00:11:20 It might be worth looking into the origins of Valentine's Day.
00:11:24 You know, I I honestly, I don't know anything about Saint Valentine.
00:11:29 I don't, I really don't.
00:11:31 Like these holidays not to be.
00:11:33 Like that, that of the.
00:11:35 The the the.
00:11:37 The wet blanket, nihilist 90s guy.
00:11:40 That's always like, you know, they just have those holidays.
00:11:44 So they can sell greeting cards, right?
00:11:48 I think Valentine's Day is one of those days where.
00:11:53 I don't know.
00:11:54 Maybe it's a good thing I've talked to people.
00:11:57 Who have been nurses and maternity wards?
00:12:01 And they say there's a lot of October babies like, right on October 14th.
00:12:07 There's a lot of.
00:12:09 Well, the baby's coming in, so man, that could be good.
00:12:14 Depending on who's having the babies, I guess.
00:12:19 Tonight's stream.
00:12:20 We're gonna talk about one of the reasons why people stopped having babies.
00:12:28 That is well in large part because of ****.
00:12:32 The normalization of **** in American Society.
00:12:36 And in the Western general, but specifically in America, how that came to pass and how it changed so quickly?
00:12:47 And we'll address some of the arguments that a lot.
00:12:49 Of because lot of the way that it was normalized was through this, this idea that well, it's just it's free speech.
00:12:58 Pouring his speech.
00:13:01 **** is free expression.
00:13:03 It's governor of the 1st amendment.
00:13:07 When, when obviously, if you were to have approach the founding fathers.
00:13:14 And said look, do you think that the 1st amendment?
00:13:18 Should cover.
00:13:20 Widely available, like reaching into your pocket and pulling out a magic window with unlimited **** on it.
00:13:30 They'd probably say what the we we wouldn't know.
00:13:32 What are you talking?
00:13:33 What devilry is this?
00:13:36 And where's the witch that we can burn at the stake?
00:13:39 Who's responsible?
00:13:42 Well, we're going to.
00:13:42 Talk about one of them tonight.
00:13:48 He got interviewed the way I came across him.
00:13:51 I was looking at something totally different.
00:13:54 And uh, I found this old NBC segment from 1981.
00:14:00 1981 they were talking about.
00:14:04 The new technology, so this is something.
00:14:06 That people always forget, right?
00:14:09 Especially they start to blame.
00:14:11 Well, you know, they wouldn't.
00:14:12 We'll get into the argument.
00:14:13 There's a lot.
00:14:13 Of this like well.
00:14:14 They wouldn't make it if people didn't watch it, you know?
00:14:16 And that's the exact excuse that that will you'll hear a.
00:14:19 Lot about tonight, but it's like that technology didn't exist.
00:14:25 Until very ******* recently, humans have not evolved.
00:14:29 To handle.
00:14:31 Reaching into your pocket with a a window of unlimited *********** on it.
00:14:36 As this segment from 1981 Will will will show you they were worried.
00:14:43 In 1981.
00:14:46 Because suddenly the new technology.
00:14:51 Of VHS.
00:14:54 Was allowing people to watch **** at home up until up until 1981, or thereabouts.
00:15:02 It was not an easy.
00:15:04 Thing to watch **** at home.
00:15:08 And even in 1981.
00:15:11 You gotta remember, in 1981 people were still renting VCR's.
00:15:17 Because VCR's were so expensive.
00:15:21 That they would rent the VCR and the movie at the same time.
00:15:27 So even even though it was available in.
00:15:29 A few dirty.
00:15:31 Rental places.
00:15:34 It was not widely widely distributed and on top of that you also had no *********** online, obviously, because there was no such thing as online.
00:15:47 And as we'll see in the segment, it wasn't even available on cable.
00:15:55 So let's take a look here.
00:15:56 This is I started watching this and I was just like, what the, you'll see.
Speaker 7
00:16:03 The kind of feel embarrassed.
00:16:06 You know, I'll ask you about all.
00:16:07 How's this?
00:16:08 How's that and talk about the patent?
00:16:10 Oh, you carry adult films.
00:16:13 Yes, we do.
00:16:14 But I never saw one of these.
00:16:16 What are they like?
Speaker 8
00:16:19 New York, where ********?
00:16:22 First of all.
00:16:22 Just that part.
00:16:24 I've never seen one before.
00:16:27 Adults going into video stores.
00:16:30 And say, well, I've never seen one before because most people haven't.
00:16:36 Every zoomer with probably 0 exceptions has seen ****.
00:16:44 Most people, I mean, look, even when I was, I mean, when I was younger than the Internet, was still like a little baby.
00:16:51 I saw ****.
00:16:53 I saw pixelated **** at first, but I saw, like, actual *****.
00:16:57 By the time I was, I was like 15 or 16.
00:17:02 Now it wasn't it wasn't.
00:17:04 As available now that or then as as it is now, but it was, you know if you knew your way around the Internet, as I did at that age.
00:17:12 He was right there.
00:17:15 But in 1981.
00:17:18 Well, like 40 years ago.
00:17:21 40 years ago, people are walking.
00:17:23 On I've never seen a ***** before.
Speaker 8
00:17:28 Four tapes, or at least 1/4 of all sales and rentals.
Speaker 9
00:17:32 OK, I'm gonna.
00:17:33 See and.
00:17:33 That's the other thing in New York.
00:17:37 Once they made it available.
00:17:39 **** became 1/4.
00:17:42 Of the the sales and rentals.
00:17:47 1/4 and this is New York, of course.
00:17:50 But in New York, 1/4 of the sales.
00:17:53 So, like buying movies and renting movies?
00:17:59 So the the.
00:18:00 Quarter of all consumption of movies.
00:18:01 At the time.
00:18:05 Was uh, was *********** and remember this is back when you had to go to.
00:18:10 A a theater.
00:18:12 A public theater.
00:18:14 Like the kind of theater that, uh, pee Wee Herman got busted in jacking off.
00:18:20 Because that's that's the only way you.
00:18:21 Can watch **** back then.
Speaker 9
00:18:24 OK, I'm going to count the penthouse.
Speaker 8
00:18:26 A place where our.
00:18:27 Goldstein makes dirty movies and watches them.
00:18:30 Ohh good old Al gold states.
00:18:38 Ohh how Goldstein.
00:18:42 We're going to talk a lot about old Al Goldstein.
00:18:48 Yeah, Al Goldstein is he's the **** Jew.
00:18:54 We'll get a little more into him here in a second, but but this is this was the go to guy.
00:19:01 NBC's doing a a news report about Porter. You have to talk to Al Goldstein. Hey.
00:19:08 So let's have a look.
Speaker 8
00:19:11 He says he's seen 12,000 of them.
Speaker 9
00:19:11 Hold on a second.
00:19:13 Adults entitled to their hobbies too.
00:19:16 Disney World is for children.
00:19:17 Plato's retreat in the swimming clubs and the world of X-rated tapes is the Disney World of grown-ups.
00:19:22 And we are entitled to because America is so hypocritical.
00:19:25 You see, all the sex saturated stuff on television.
00:19:28 The soap operas the Johnny Carson monologue, they are very titillating, but they are just like the sexuality of a 13 year old.
00:19:35 As if it's dirty and suddenly an X-rated movie, there it is, it all hangs out and I think it's wonderful and the demon its own launch.
00:19:44 It's wonderful and redeeming in its own launch *********** is just a it's a it's a hobby.
00:19:50 Why aren't adults allowed to have their own hobbies?
00:19:57 What adults do in the privacy of their own home?
00:20:00 That's their.
00:20:02 That's their business.
00:20:04 Again, I, I I want to start really asking this over and over and over again because I I realize.
00:20:11 Now that most people don't ever even think about this.
00:20:16 If it's so bad for kids, right, cause people will say.
00:20:19 That all the time.
00:20:22 Well, no, it's fine if you're I just, you know, it's fine if you want to have **** *** all over the place.
00:20:27 I just don't want my.
00:20:28 Kids to see it.
00:20:36 Right.
00:20:36 Like what?
00:20:37 What, honestly, why?
00:20:39 If it's bad for them and it is.
00:20:42 I'm not saying it's not bad.
00:20:43 Obviously it's bad for kids.
00:20:45 Why isn't it bad for you?
00:20:51 Why isn't that bad for you?
00:20:55 Ohh I'm an.
00:20:56 Adult I can handle seeing **** ***.
00:21:03 OK. Really.
00:21:09 You know something people need to understand.
00:21:10 We talked about this a lot.
00:21:13 You're you're giving too much.
00:21:14 Credit to the the NPC.
00:21:19 Monkey see, monkey do.
00:21:25 That's how that works.
00:21:28 And then on top of that, like I was saying, these NPCS or just really anybody, no one's, no one is. Is has evolved to responsibly.
00:21:37 If that was, let's say like right? Like, let's take the libertarian line. Wow. Like, everything's fine in moderation.
00:21:46 OK.
00:21:46 Have you ever been to an Indian Reservation?
00:21:48 We talked about Indian reservations a couple streams ago.
00:21:51 If you have or if you know anything about them, you know they're they're full of Alcoholics with diabetes.
00:21:57 And if you really wanna really simplify it, you know, boil it down, it's because they evolved in a in an area that did not have that never developed alcohol.
00:22:09 And never developed, you know, sugar?
00:22:14 And now that they get both for free.
00:22:17 They're Alcoholics with diabetes.
00:22:26 Well, no one evolved.
00:22:28 Nobody, no human.
00:22:31 Evolved in an environment where *********** was just in your pocket 24 hours.
00:22:36 A day seven days a week.
00:22:41 And so when we hear these excuses, which we will hear, especially from this guy.
00:22:46 Mr. Al Goldstein.
00:22:51 You know, they complain.
00:22:52 They they that they hate the pornographers, but they keep buying the ***********.
00:22:57 That's what they do, they.
00:23:04 Well, rats eat rat poison.
00:23:12 Imagine this.
00:23:12 Imagine like you're you're at a park.
00:23:17 You're you're like at a dog park.
00:23:20 And there's people walking their dogs.
00:23:24 And this this Jew comes into the the dog park and starts throwing poisoned poisoned dog treats.
00:23:32 At the dogs.
00:23:34 And when the dogs start to eat them and die?
00:23:37 You get up.
00:23:37 You're like, hey, what the **** that Jews poisoning the dogs and.
00:23:40 The Jews like, well, they they wouldn't eat them if they.
00:23:43 Didn't like them.
00:23:52 Dogs lack the ability to discern.
00:23:56 What's good for them?
00:23:57 Sometimes in the same way and PCs lack that ability.
00:24:04 Libertarians will say.
00:24:05 No, no, no, you can't.
00:24:06 You can't protect people from themselves.
00:24:09 *****, I'm not protecting them from themselves.
00:24:14 I'm protect.
00:24:14 I'm protecting my family from them.
00:24:17 Cause that poison ******* spreads.
00:24:24 And I'm not going to let.
00:24:26 The pornographers of the world get away with it because.
00:24:29 Well, you wouldn't buy it if you didn't like it.
00:24:37 Because with that argument, look, then that libertarians will say this.
00:24:40 Heroin should be legal.
00:24:43 Cocaine. Everything you know, you should sell it at 711.
00:24:48 Literally anything you want, you should be able to get because.
00:24:52 As I often point out, libertarians are basically just satanists that don't believe in the devil, the perfect kind of Satanist.
00:24:59 If you ask Satan.
00:25:01 Do what thou wilt.
00:25:07 So anyway.
Speaker 8
00:25:12 Allentown. Where you?
00:25:13 Can rent adult.
00:25:14 Movies to play on your television set.
00:25:20 Miss. Wow.
Speaker 8
00:25:27 Tastes a luxury few can afford.
00:25:34 Or subscribe to the twin county cable TV service. And for an extra monthly fee plus $3 apiece, see and adult movie.
Speaker 5
00:25:43 How about the deep?
00:25:49 So in 1981.
00:25:53 There was only one cable outlet.
00:25:58 In all of America.
00:26:02 Where you had pay-per-view dirty movies.
00:26:05 That was the 1981 forty years ago. The only way you could watch **** without physically going to a a video store.
00:26:14 Going behind the black curtain, walking up to the front counter in front of everybody that you know that social pressure.
00:26:23 Yeah, your neighbor may be seeing your car parked outside The Dirty movie rental place.
00:26:35 The only way you could you could watch movies without going to that painful process.
00:26:41 Was 11.
00:26:43 One cable company.
00:26:46 Start offering this service.
00:26:49 Where you had to pay per month to have access to it and then pay.
00:26:54 For per movie you would watch.
00:27:00 And they say Allentown.
00:27:01 I was trying to figure out, like, if it was Allentown, PA or or there's a bunch of Allen towns on the East Coast for some reason or if there's a part of Buffalo, I think New York is the rest of their time in New York is is in Allentown.
00:27:16 I couldn't find out which one it was.
00:27:18 But just the fact that anyone that there was only one way you could do it and that was like the.
00:27:23 New **** technology.
00:27:26 This is how quickly it's changed.
Speaker 8
00:27:29 Allentown's, the only city in the country with a ******** cable service, but ******** cassettes are everywhere. Milwaukee, Miami, Dallas, Dubuque, everywhere.
00:27:43 And home **** may end up putting The Dirty movie theaters out of business.
Speaker 9
00:27:47 There are many X-ray theaters I think. I think they're thinking they are doomed because you do not want to see an X-rated friend.
00:27:53 In a movie theater, it's much more convenient to see in your own bedroom where you have privacy and anonymity.
00:27:59 It's conducive you can, like candles, burn incense.
00:28:02 It makes more sense.
00:28:04 And if you get turned on, you just press the stop button and when you get the boys.
00:28:07 Together for a couple of beers and you know.
Speaker 7
00:28:10 You have a little little fun.
00:28:11 How is she doing that?
Speaker 11
00:28:17 You get the.
00:28:23 So when boomers were watching ****, they were they were getting the boys together and and and having a little fun watching ****.
Speaker 2
00:28:37 I don't see anything wrong with it.
00:28:41 There's nothing wrong with.
Speaker 12
00:28:41 It at all.
00:28:46 ******* creepo.
00:28:50 So then you get these.
00:28:51 They do these men on the street, you know, ask the average person.
00:28:54 What do you?
00:28:54 What do you think about ****?
00:28:56 And yet you get some of the boomer responses that you would expect.
00:29:01 And there's only one like based old guy that's like.
00:29:03 **** it. Burn it all.
Speaker 13
00:29:05 A person is entitled to watch what he wants to watch.
00:29:09 You're you.
00:29:09 You can do whatever with.
00:29:14 You know, here's the here's the based old man.
00:29:16 It's strong. Throw it out.
Speaker 2
00:29:19 And then the.
00:29:21 ******* junk.
00:29:25 I'm so glad you didn't live live to see what the world's come to old man.
00:29:29 But look, look, even this this woman.
Speaker 8
00:29:31 I couldn't care less because I'm not interested if that's what they need and want.
00:29:36 That's their purpose, I think.
00:29:38 If that's what they want, it's a free country.
00:29:43 It's a free country, if that's what they want, they can have it.
00:29:47 They can watch the ******.
Speaker 8
00:29:51 But the kids?
00:29:52 What about the cable?
00:29:56 That's I ******* hate this.
00:29:59 I hate this.
00:30:01 It's it's.
00:30:02 It's been a stupid way of thinking that conservatives have have always framed ****.
00:30:07 Ohh, I don't mind if you do it, it's just it's I don't mind.
00:30:10 If you do this thing.
00:30:12 That if my.
00:30:13 Kids are exposed to is like the worst thing ever.
00:30:16 It's like the worst thing that could have happened, right?
00:30:19 But but magically after 18.
00:30:23 People getting exposed to it is fine.
00:30:26 Right.
00:30:28 Like just it, it would be the.
00:30:30 It would be a travesty.
00:30:33 Or, as Al Goldstein will say himself, it would be child abuse.
00:30:39 For kids to be exposed to this.
00:30:44 But magically at 18 it's fine.
00:30:45 It doesn't do anything.
00:30:46 No damage to you whatsoever.
00:30:49 Doesn't cause any problems.
00:30:51 It's fine after that.
00:30:55 Makes no ******* sense, people.
00:30:58 And because.
Speaker 8
00:31:02 And the kids, you got these cassettes? X-rated cassettes lying around the house, little kids walking around the house saying.
Speaker 9
00:31:09 And look at what Daddy brought home.
00:31:10 You can say the same thing about sitting in that blue and said this is to be viewed at home if you if.
00:31:17 You watch this.
00:31:19 And the kids are awake.
00:31:20 You're you're actually a very bad parent and it's like child abuse.
00:31:23 How many?
Speaker 8
00:31:24 Movies can you produce about that?
Speaker 9
00:31:26 Don't you have a good meal and and you're hungry.
00:31:28 The next day.
00:31:28 It it.
00:31:29 It's it's it's inexhaustible.
Speaker 8
00:31:33 So it's not just New York and not just Allentown, where ******** *********** is moving off the shelves and into the homes.
00:31:44 This seems to be a reluctant acceptance that is here goes against it, willing to peacefully coexist with those for it in the home.
00:31:57 We'll just learn to accept it.
00:32:00 We'll just learn to tolerate it.
00:32:04 It's all about tolerance in a society, isn't it?
00:32:12 We just have to tolerate it.
00:32:18 So Al Goldstein, the reason why they interviewed Al Goldstein.
00:32:22 Just so you have a little background information.
00:32:26 On Wikipedia the first line.
00:32:30 It says Alvin al Goldstein.
00:32:34 Was an American pornographer.
00:32:36 He is known for helping normalize.
00:32:40 ******** *********** in the United.
00:32:42 States. That's the first sentence.
00:32:46 And in Wikipedia.
00:32:53 Ohh man.
00:32:56 You know, and I honestly think he was possibly CIA.
00:32:59 And I'll explain why.
00:33:01 See you.
00:33:01 You're being crazy, OK?
00:33:05 You say that now let's have a little look.
00:33:09 First of all, when he was in the military.
00:33:12 He was a photographer for Signal Corp.
00:33:16 Now signal core.
00:33:17 We've talked about a bunch of times.
00:33:20 Probably the IT was a lot of what a lot of Jews did during the war, right during World War 2, a lot of Hollywood Jews would go work for Signal Corps, which was basically the propaganda.
00:33:31 Wing of the of the military.
00:33:33 They put out all those you know, learn how to use a grenade, but they'd also put out propaganda films.
00:33:39 A lot of the guys that that worked in Signal Corps would go on to produce movies the day the Earth stood still was a basically everyone that worked on that was Signal Corps alumni.
00:33:52 But he also had a lot of ties to people like Abby Hoffman.
00:33:57 You know, the people that were that were pioneering the sexual revolution Jews, of course, that were pioneering the sexual revolution that was making his normalization of ******** *********** possible.
00:34:15 He did a lot of other weird stuff.
00:34:17 He worked with a couple of.
00:34:22 New York journalist saying that he was a a corporate spy.
00:34:26 There was a bunch of other.
00:34:27 Stuff but but.
00:34:31 There's definitely.
00:34:33 He knew all the right people.
00:34:34 Let me just put it that way.
00:34:35 He he knew all the right Jews during the 60s that were rapidly attacking and dismantling American culture.
00:34:47 He started screw magazine Screw magazine.
00:34:52 And let me bring a picture of there we go. Screw magazine in 1968.
00:34:59 And this is the other funny thing.
00:35:00 Like you often hear about the goys and ***********, right?
00:35:04 Like Larry flynt.
00:35:06 Ohh Larry Flynt or or.
00:35:10 You know the Playboy guy?
00:35:15 You never hear about Al Goldstein.
00:35:19 Well, our Goldstein.
00:35:20 'S actually kind of bear a shape about that.
00:35:21 He started Screw magazine before Hustler before Larry Flynt did hustler and often would talk **** about Larry Flynt stealing his ideas and stuff like that.
00:35:31 In fact, I got a couple of videos of of him doing exactly that, yelling about Larry Flynt.
00:35:36 But he he started the the ******** ***** genre.
00:35:41 In 1968, he partnered up with another Jew, Jim Buckley.
00:35:46 And they founded Screw magazine, which would do reviews of **** movies.
00:35:52 Reviews of peep shows.
00:35:55 Reviews of ****** massage parlor so you know basically.
00:36:00 Warehouses, escorts and other adult entertainment.
00:36:07 And you could get this magazine at magazine stands in New York right next to.
00:36:11 The New York Times.
00:36:14 They sold something like 140,000 copies a week.
00:36:21 They were arrested several times for obscenity charges and and in fact, here's another here's another reason why I think that he was involved with.
00:36:32 Again, I don't know that it the CIA is the right term, but involved with a a group hell bent on on changing America forever.
00:36:42 The reason why you've heard of **** ******?
00:36:48 Had a lot to do with Al Goldstein promoting the movie.
00:36:52 And then right at the same time, another Jew, Bob Woodward.
00:36:57 Used, you know the the name **** ****** as a code name for one of his sources to get rid of Nixon.
00:37:05 And **** ****** became like this iconic ******* **** movie.
00:37:11 Right at this time in American history, when they were trying to normalize those exact kind of movies.
00:37:18 They became synonymous with fighting the power, getting rid of old, old, dirty ****, Dirty Dick Nixon.
00:37:34 He also made ***** magazine.
00:37:38 **** magazine.
00:37:41 National screw.
00:37:44 Death magazine.
00:37:48 Which was basically.
00:37:51 I think it started with photos of of.
00:37:57 Like Elvis dead.
00:38:00 And then screw West.
00:38:04 Which was in Hollywood, CA, because he was out of New York, but they didn't last very long.
00:38:09 They made a few he made a a handful of ***** movies and and so forth.
00:38:15 But here he is telling.
00:38:16 Bragging about how he was.
00:38:18 He was the originator.
00:38:22 Al Goldstein, one of the originators of.
Speaker 14
00:38:24 The originator ****** at Larry Flynt said. Johnny come lately, John Larry Flynt's, a crippled ***** ** ****.
00:38:30 Gucci only came after me.
00:38:32 Hector was performing, but he's never been the sex business. That's right. I created this ******* business. And I'm a pathetic, fat, diabetic Jew and I'm with America's number one pimple. Speak to you later. Dennis Hoff. San Francisco is a great town.
00:38:45 As I always joke, but it it opened everything up first ******** sexual freedom.
00:38:50 Your marijuana stuff.
00:38:51 We don't have an apartment in Holland because I I love drugs.
00:38:57 So yeah, in addition to trying to normalize ******** *****, he was also trying to normalize.
00:39:05 Marijuana use.
00:39:12 Gold sting.
00:39:14 Lamenting that all these people don't like pornographers, but they're all secretly watching the ******.
Speaker 5
00:39:23 Why the hell it's always the same thing?
00:39:27 Everybody looks ***********, but nobody.
00:39:31 Nobody likes the *********** because I'm a Jew.
00:39:37 Nobody likes the pornographer.
00:39:40 You wanna look at the *****?
00:39:41 They know that, but you hate this *********** and it's the *********** that made me do it.
00:39:47 And ***********.
00:39:48 Made me do it.
00:39:52 And that's been the the line that you hear from libertarians.
00:39:59 Well, if people didn't watch it.
00:40:02 They wouldn't make it.
00:40:07 Well, hey, if rats wouldn't eat rat poison.
00:40:11 They wouldn't make that either.
00:40:17 The reason why rat poison works.
00:40:21 As rats have not evolved.
00:40:25 To expect there to be poisonous treats.
00:40:28 In their environment.
00:40:31 They're evolved to go around looking for high calorie food to stay alive and reproduce.
00:40:38 And when they're walking around in their environment.
00:40:42 And all of a sudden I find a big block of tasty peanut buttery goodness.
00:40:47 Laced with rat poison.
00:40:51 They lack the ability to discern the difference between that.
00:40:55 And something that's actually good for them.
00:40:58 Because they're working 100% of lizard brain animal instinct.
00:41:05 And unfortunately, especially as IQ's continue to plummet in the West.
00:41:11 Not 100% because of diversity, but that's a big factor.
00:41:18 It used to be there's a a sucker born every day and now there's a sucker born every, you know, millisecond.
00:41:26 You get a bunch of these people.
00:41:29 Who don't have inner monologues?
00:41:34 Who have been told now by there's not even like a a a social.
00:41:40 Pressure for them to not watch ****.
00:41:42 In fact, you're a weirdo if you're the weirdo.
00:41:45 We went from.
00:41:47 In 40 years we went from port.
00:41:49 It was almost.
00:41:52 I mean without, you know, going out and renting a tape.
00:41:56 It was unavailable to to the average person.
00:42:00 So if you were to, if you had to go through kind.
00:42:03 Of you know a lot.
00:42:03 Of trouble to.
00:42:04 Get it?
00:42:05 But just a few years before that, you couldn't even really get it.
00:42:10 Right. We went from that.
00:42:13 To you're the weirdo now if you.
00:42:15 Don't watch ****.
00:42:18 Ohh, and by the way young ladies, you are the weirdo.
00:42:21 If you're not making ****.
00:42:29 So there's no social pressure if, if anything, the social pressures is telling them quite the opposite.
00:42:39 It's free.
00:42:45 And that should that should tell you something right there.
00:42:47 Why is it free?
00:42:50 Nothing's free, but Porto's free.
00:42:55 At least back in 81, you had to pay, you know, $0.25 or whatever.
00:42:59 To rent a ***** movie.
00:43:05 Which is like 1000.
00:43:06 Dollars in today's money, I'm just kidding.
00:43:08 I don't know.
00:43:11 Probably like a dollar or so or a couple bucks.
00:43:21 So here he is in a documentary called the Evolution of ***********.
00:43:26 He's much older.
00:43:28 I think this was produced in the.
00:43:30 In the 90s.
Speaker 15
00:43:37 Why are human beings interested in seeing people ******* well, why not?
00:43:45 Why do people go to Broadway?
00:43:47 Why do we want to look?
00:43:49 At other people saying crying, some catharsis, whether it's whether it's Shakespearean.
00:43:57 Comedy or tragedy?
00:44:01 Yeah, see, poured it.
00:44:02 It's the same thing.
00:44:04 Is watching Shakespeare on a stage.
00:44:09 Watching ******** *******.
00:44:13 With no dialogue or story or context or anything.
00:44:21 Just people running like animals.
00:44:25 Is the same thing as as Shakespeare.
00:44:30 According to this guy.
Speaker 10
00:44:33 There was a social revolution, I.
00:44:36 Now this guy, this guy is another **** Jew.
00:44:43 His name is Jamie Gillis.
00:44:50 He was a A A a **** actor during the same time period.
Speaker 10
00:44:57 I guess the 60s, the 60s.
00:45:01 But the 60s wasn't so much sex as social.
00:45:04 People feeling well, you know, maybe we could sort of free ourselves up a little bit.
00:45:09 So, so different from the 50s, you know.
00:45:11 So now the 60s and along with that came well, now that we're.
00:45:15 A little freer.
00:45:15 Let's all just start we.
00:45:17 Could all start *******.
Speaker 15
00:45:18 I am old.
00:45:20 Again, this was the the social changes that were taking place the 1960s.
00:45:26 Were leading up to this moment when pornographers could start.
00:45:30 Normalizing ******** *****.
00:45:35 They made that, that, that escalation really quick.
00:45:41 In the 1950s.
00:45:46 I mean, in addition to like the technology, not really, I guess being that available to to distribute the poor or at least you know beyond like a magazine or?
00:45:53 Something like that.
00:45:55 The social pressure would have been off the charts and you you could definitely get arrested for obscenity in the 1950s.
00:46:04 But thanks to Abby Hoffman.
00:46:06 And the the social, the hippies, and and all that ******** that was going on in the 1960s.
00:46:13 Which blood in the 1970s where we, you know, we watched all the boomers releasing demons.
00:46:19 Off the California coast at some weird Satanic Jews seminar.
00:46:26 Yet all that going on at the same time.
00:46:31 That opened up the door, you know, 1968. He opened up. He started his magazine. This guy right here.
00:46:37 Al Goldstein started his first magazine.
00:46:43 In 1968.
00:46:48 And a bunch of other magazines followed like Hustler and the rest of them started.
00:46:52 You know, once they saw.
00:46:55 We can get away with this.
Speaker 15
00:46:58 Old enough to have grown up in the streets of Williamsburg, where I actually heard my friends say I'm looking for a virgin.
00:47:06 Today, if you heard some guy say he's looking for a version he committed the.
00:47:14 See and he's.
00:47:14 And he's laughing at the change.
00:47:16 He thinks it's a good change.
00:47:19 When I was a kid.
00:47:22 Is this is kind of like the?
00:47:24 Boomer attitude though, right?
Speaker 5
00:47:26 Ohh yeah we we we.
00:47:27 Made it way ******** but but you should be thanking us.
00:47:33 He's like when I was a kid, my friends used to openly talk about how they wanted to.
00:47:38 Find a virgin.
00:47:40 And nowadays you can't.
00:47:41 That's you would send someone to an insane.
00:47:44 Asylum. If they said that.
00:47:48 Yeah. Thanks al Goldstein.
Speaker 15
00:47:51 Evolution and and and emancipated sexuality and accepting hedonism in in, in, in the hatred of religion and the superstition of religion.
00:48:03 It's a wonderful sex.
00:48:07 It's wonderful.
00:48:10 To embrace hedonism.
00:48:14 And to get rid of religion.
00:48:16 Now I'm gonna.
00:48:16 I'm gonna read another quote.
00:48:20 From al Goldstein.
00:48:27 All right.
00:48:29 Let's see here if I can find it here.
00:48:35 Since he mentioned religion.
00:48:43 He was being interviewed by Luke Ford.
00:48:46 Look forward to asked Goldstein why Jews were dramatically over represented in the **** industry.
00:49:00 He answered.
00:49:02 Quote This is a quote from Al Al Goldstein.
00:49:05 The only reason that Jews are in ***********.
00:49:10 Is that we think that Christ sucks.
00:49:15 Catholicism sucks.
00:49:18 We don't believe in authoritarianism.
00:49:23 *********** thus becomes a way of defiling Christian culture.
00:49:30 And as it penetrates to the very heart of the American mainstream.
00:49:37 And is no doubt consumed by those very same Wasps.
00:49:43 Its subversive character.
00:49:46 Becomes more charged.
00:49:49 Ford then asked what does it mean to be a Jew?
00:49:53 Cause this isn't this funny?
00:49:54 Doesn't this sound like you know it's?
00:49:56 It's like, you know, Steven Crowder said Ohh, it's all these secular humanists with Jewish last names.
00:50:01 Alright, well, this guy.
00:50:02 He's like a secular humanist with a Jewish last name.
00:50:05 But he's being asked, what does it mean?
00:50:06 To be a.
00:50:07 Jew, by the way, I it's hard to find a clip of this guy not mentioning that he's Jewish.
00:50:13 Which is odd because he's he's really he's a secular humanist with a Jewish last name.
00:50:19 So he's asked, what does it mean to be a Jew?
00:50:22 And he said, quote, it doesn't mean anything.
00:50:24 It means I'm called a kite.
00:50:28 It means I or I believe in me.
00:50:31 I'm God.
00:50:32 Screw God.
00:50:34 God is your need to believe in some super being.
00:50:37 I am the Super being.
00:50:39 I am your God.
00:50:40 Admit it.
00:50:42 We're random.
00:50:43 We're the flea on the **** of the dog.
00:50:45 That is a secular humanist, right?
00:50:50 Right, Steven Crowder.
00:50:52 But he keeps talking about how he's like he he can't, especially later in life.
00:50:57 Well, I'll, I'll play more of him.
00:50:59 Always talking about being a Jew, he he cast a it's it's clearly part of his identity.
00:51:05 The way he sees it.
00:51:08 So that's this guy.
00:51:10 He's openly saying.
00:51:12 The only reason why Jews are in *********** is we think that Christ sucks.
00:51:17 That's a direct quote.
00:51:29 *********** thus becomes a way of defiling Christian culture.
00:51:35 And as excuse me penetrates.
00:51:38 To the very heart of American mainstream.
00:51:42 Its subversive character becomes more charged.
00:51:48 That's a direct quote.
Speaker 15
00:51:54 Motion and and and emancipated sexuality and accepting hedonism in in in the hatred of religion and the superstition of religion.
00:52:05 It's wonderful sex.
00:52:08 The hatred of religion is wonderful.
Speaker 15
00:52:12 In the 60s and 70s was political.
00:52:16 You can think of Abby Hoffman, Jerry Rubin.
00:52:20 You could think about.
00:52:22 By the way, he's always talking about Abby Hoffman and Jerry Rubin.
00:52:26 They were friends.
00:52:28 You can tell by their names also Jewish.
00:52:32 I've I've covered Abby Hoffman extensively in my I think it's called viral video because he has.
00:52:39 Oddly, ties to Larry brilliant.
00:52:44 Another Jew that around this time was was solidifying power in a different.
00:52:50 Part of our society.
00:52:54 Or I'm sorry.
00:52:54 He was curing polio in India or something.
00:53:03 So I'm set like if it's not coordinated.
00:53:06 I'm sorry at this if it's not coordinated Jewish behavior, then Jewish behavior is by itself is so ******* dangerous.
00:53:16 Then it's like having it's like having a pit bull in your house with a baby.
00:53:21 If if this is all just randomly, they're all like this.
00:53:26 That's almost worse than they're actually coordinating their what they do anyway.
Speaker 15
00:53:33 Those women who argue Make Love, not war.
Speaker 16
00:53:38 It's probably started when women started burning their bras, you know, and it just is.
00:53:43 When it came when gay people started coming out and women started coming out and saying that they had sexual needs as well.
00:53:43 Another June.
Speaker 15
00:53:49 The pill.
00:53:51 Emancipating women, it's a magnificent time and you have Masters and Johnson, the Kinsey Institute, the Masters, and Johnson was considered pornographic.
00:54:04 Oh, let's not get a start on the Kinsey Institute.
00:54:07 That's like a whole stream in and of itself.
00:54:13 That's an institute where a lot of their data was.
00:54:16 It was basically.
00:54:18 Pedophiles, they were.
00:54:20 They were diddling kids.
00:54:21 And then that was their research was diddling kids.
00:54:27 Like the the scientist, the all the.
00:54:30 In fact, I'm gonna do this.
00:54:31 I'm going to find the video.
00:54:32 There was an old video cause like the daughters of one of the scientists working on one of the big research projects.
00:54:40 Came out later and said look look they.
00:54:44 They would.
00:54:45 Molest man take notes.
00:54:50 But of course, this guy loves that the Kinsey Institute.
Speaker 10
00:54:55 I remember seeing the first issue of screw on the newsstand 1968 and so a screw and I said wow, something is happening. I wasn't a part of it yet.
00:55:03 But I was thrilled that there was a newspaper called Screw on the newsstand.
00:55:09 So you imagine being excited about that?
00:55:13 Something's happening.
00:55:18 Our attack on the on the goy culture is is working there.
00:55:22 There's a magazine.
00:55:24 Just openly for sale.
00:55:25 It's called screw.
00:55:26 This is this is exciting.
00:55:30 I want to be a part of this.
Speaker 10
00:55:32 Out in the open next to the New York Times dealing with screw, I said wow, this and there was 68.
00:55:38 So that was the year.
00:55:39 It was a big year.
00:55:40 So yeah.
00:55:41 So something was happening and it was you could sort of feel it was unstoppable.
Speaker 17
00:55:45 The underground market was burgeoning in New York in Los.
00:55:50 Oh, look, another Jew.
00:55:51 I'm gonna have.
00:55:52 I have a quote from this guy.
00:55:53 You're going to like.
00:55:55 So this guy, it was another.
00:55:58 **** Jew in that same era, in the Golden Age of ******** *****.
Speaker 17
00:56:04 In New York, in Los Angeles and in San Francisco, sort of a tripartite situation, New York had all the better talent.
00:56:11 San Francisco had a lot of crazy people and we had the pretty people.
00:56:15 It's really one movie that generates us into the social, sociological chica ***** chic era and that's **** ******.
00:56:22 It all begins with that movie because before that.
00:56:24 People were sort of sneaking in fervently to look at X-rated films, but **** ****** opens in 1972 on one coast green door opens on the other coast. So you.
00:56:32 Have this continental sort of span of now material that you feel you need to see to keep up with the times people now weren't uncomfortable watching adult men.
00:56:46 And again, funny, they should mention **** ******.
00:56:50 In 1972.
00:56:52 Because right after that, like during this time in 1972, the the year that it came out, you have another.
00:57:02 It's like the I don't know how they're they're all Jews, another Jew, Bob Woodward.
00:57:08 Starts writing about Watergate and trying to get Nixon out of the OR out of the presidency.
00:57:16 Ohh by the way.
00:57:17 A Jewish movie with this.
00:57:18 This is a clip from the movie.
00:57:20 This isn't obviously, it's not a footage of it actually happening.
00:57:24 But a a Jewish movie was made a couple.
00:57:26 Of years later about it.
Speaker 5
00:57:28 You tell me what you know and I'll confirm.
00:57:32 I'll keep you in the right direction if I can, but that's all.
00:57:39 Just follow the money.
Speaker 18
00:57:42 You know that clip we just showed you is Hollywood's version of the Watergate garage.
00:57:45 This is the real version of that garage. We're here in Arlington, VA, spot 32D. This is where Bob Woodward met his source **** ****** AKA Mark felt.
00:57:59 So yeah, there.
00:58:00 And there's some shenanigans about about if it even really was that guy just because by the time that they could confirm that that that he was the source he he was suffering from dementia.
00:58:11 But anyway, that's like a whole nother.
00:58:14 Whole another topic so.
00:58:17 You know you have **** ****** being like the big movie that they're trying to normalize **** with, and then once you know it, the New York Times is writing articles about a guy named Deep.
00:58:26 Throat and it's just.
00:58:29 So many Jews, anyway, that guy here, here's a this this is his name.
00:58:36 Is William margold.
00:58:40 You know, if they have gold.
00:58:41 Or stone in any way.
00:58:43 In an interview during.
00:58:46 Or an interview aired during the initial broadcast of NBC's Tomorrow Coast to coast with Tom Snyder.
00:58:54 He was asked if he would consider performing his sex scene with his own daughter.
00:59:00 When asked if he would allow his daughter to enter the **** business, Margold replied not until she's 18, and then I might even work with her myself.
00:59:13 He made similar statements on at least one previous occasion.
00:59:18 During the taping of the adult film documentary, What would your mother say?
00:59:24 Marigold ran an advertisement and alright, that was when he he apologized after saying it, but he said he basically said the exact same thing.
00:59:34 He said that he would he would perform with his daughter in a **** as long as she was 18.
00:59:47 He was the son of Nathan Ross Margold.
00:59:56 And once you know it.
00:59:59 Nathan Ross margold.
01:00:03 Was an Eastern European Jew.
01:00:06 Like all these *************?
01:00:09 Whose family came here literally at in 1899, right at the turn of the century. Like all these ******* people.
01:00:18 So his family came here at the turn of the century, like every one of these ************* we talked about in this stream just by coincidence.
01:00:29 I don't mean I I.
01:00:30 Don't even look for this.
01:00:32 It just happened every time I look into them at all.
01:00:35 That's just it just happens to be what I find every ******* time.
01:00:40 So his dad.
01:00:40 'S family came here right at the turn of the century.
01:00:44 And then again.
01:00:45 Right, they're just these poor immigrants, right?
01:00:47 They're these poor immigrants.
01:00:49 They they showed up on our shores.
01:00:50 With rags and.
01:00:51 And you know, they were willing to do whatever work they could.
01:00:54 And and that's the way it's sold, which is weird because.
01:00:59 You know, if that's the case, how did his dad go to Harvard?
01:01:02 Because his dad went to Harvard?
01:01:05 And became the editor of the school's law review.
01:01:11 Which is OK.
01:01:15 Wait. Worked with Felix Frankfurter.
01:01:20 Who was a part of the the?
01:01:25 The Marxists that came here, you know, just around World War 2.
01:01:32 Yeah, he he came here in 1939 to escape Hitler.
01:01:37 So literal frankfurter school.
01:01:40 He was a protege of Felix Frankfurter.
01:01:43 This is this guy's dad. This **** Jews dad.
01:01:48 He then became a judge.
01:01:51 And started going after, you know, basically trying to rule in favor of of civil rights.
01:02:02 Lawyers that were suing various governments, you know, local and federal government.
01:02:09 And pushing for diversity.
01:02:14 He worked for the N double ACP.
01:02:19 I mean, they're all it's, it's again.
01:02:23 If they're not coordinating this ****.
01:02:30 If they're not, if this isn't like a plan.
01:02:35 What the ****?
01:02:36 How is it then?
01:02:37 They're just bad.
01:02:39 Well, they're just bad poison.
01:02:47 So yeah.
01:02:54 Yeah. Felix frankfurter.
01:02:56 Let's see here.
01:02:57 That's the guys.
01:02:58 He was an Austrian American, yeah.
01:03:05 He fled. He fled Vienna.
01:03:07 And went to New York.
01:03:10 And then he also went to Harvard.
01:03:12 Matt, you know, cause he's another one of those poor Jewish immigrants that came to New York and went to Harvard.
01:03:23 And then he he helped found found the American Civil Liberties Union, the ACLU.
01:03:30 Who is who is?
01:03:31 You know, just by coincidence.
01:03:33 A bunch of Jewish lawyers that were instrumental in in protecting the free speech of of pornographers like Al Goldstein and Larry Flynt.
01:03:46 Again, like if it's not coordinated, this is just like cause I mean I guess you kind of have to ask like if if you get cancer, it's not like the cancer cells are are coordinating with each other.
01:03:59 That's just what cancer does, I guess.
01:04:02 You know.
01:04:10 And unfortunately, because just like the rats.
01:04:15 That find these pellets.
01:04:19 And they don't know how to react to it because it's not something that like in nature that they would ever encounter that, you know, a block of peanut butter with poison in it.
01:04:31 When the Goi started to realize that this is this is bad, these people are bad.
01:04:36 This normalization of ******** ***** is bad.
01:04:42 They didn't know how to combat it intelligently.
01:04:46 And by the way, a lot of people still don't, right?
01:04:48 They like I said earlier on the string, they're still using that same.
01:04:51 Argument like well.
Speaker 11
01:04:52 It's fine if you wanna watch *****.
01:04:54 Just don't let kids see it, because then it's bad all of a sudden magically.
01:05:02 Yeah, it's, it's, it's fine.
01:05:03 What you turn.
01:05:04 18 and pull those fine.
01:05:09 That's my Jordan Peterson a little bit.
01:05:10 Huh. Little bit.
01:05:13 Clean your room.
01:05:16 So the.
01:05:21 Resistance to this kind of thing was it's very similar to where we watch a lot of these.
01:05:26 You know, we've seen we've had these streams where we watch like the.
01:05:32 The the white people that were first getting displaced by diversity were the lower class white people, right?
01:05:38 And they didn't have the tools or the finances, or the education or the connections.
01:05:45 And in powerful places to put up a.
01:05:50 An effective fight?
01:05:52 And because of their of how ineffective they were it it almost compounded it because they it was easy for the the Jewish press to depict these people as just a.
01:06:05 Oh, hey, hey.
01:06:06 Hey, white people, you don't want to be like these guys that we're that we're putting on TV here.
01:06:12 Because look how low class and and and ignorant they are.
01:06:15 You don't want to be.
01:06:16 Those are the kinds of people who don't like black people in the neighborhood you.
01:06:19 Don't want to be like that.
01:06:23 Well, the same kind of thing was happening with the the push back against *****.
01:06:28 You know you had religious groups.
01:06:31 Oddly, you had feminists at first.
01:06:33 You had some feminists that were against **** because they thought, you know, they were.
01:06:38 They were saying it was exploiting women.
01:06:41 Now it's now you're exploiting women.
01:06:43 If you don't let them make ****.
01:06:44 So you know, feminism has never made any kind of sense.
01:06:47 It's just there to destroy society.
01:06:50 But you had shows like this.
01:06:52 I've never even seen this guy.
01:06:54 I heard of this guy before, but there's another clip I found when I was looking for stuff on Al Goldstein.
01:07:00 There was a A a television show out of Los Angeles.
01:07:05 Where it's so bad it it it.
01:07:09 It seems like parity.
01:07:11 It's not though.
01:07:12 It seems like parody.
01:07:14 But it's not like it seems like you're watching the Colbert report.
01:07:19 This guys name is Wally George.
01:07:21 Now the video itself.
01:07:23 Whoever copied like the reason why we're not going to watch a lot of it is whoever copied this didn't know how to use the VCR.
01:07:31 So like the tracking is flipping out all over the place and it's a really bad copy.
01:07:35 So we're not going to watch much of it.
01:07:37 That's also why I shrunk it down because it's so distracting.
01:07:39 I mean bad.
01:07:41 It's it's almost unusable, but it's just interesting to see that these are the kinds of people pushing back on it and that's why it was so easy for people like Al Goldstein.
01:07:54 To look like the the cool free speech advocate against these ignorant ******* Hicks that didn't like you to have.
01:08:01 They didn't want you to.
01:08:02 Have any fun?
01:08:03 That's all.
01:08:03 They're just a bunch of squares.
01:08:05 They didn't want you to have any fun.
01:08:08 Don't you want to have fun?
01:08:09 Look, look who?
01:08:10 We're the ones with the naked chicks.
01:08:11 Who's the cool guys?
01:08:12 The guys with the naked chicks or the guys that that are telling you that that looking at ***** ***** is bad.
Speaker 4
01:08:23 His name is.
01:08:24 Al Goldstein.
01:08:25 He flew out from New York to be.
01:08:27 On my show.
01:08:27 Tonight I'm gonna kick him back to New York.
01:08:31 He's a publisher of that filthy, degrading, scummy magazine called Screw magazine.
01:08:43 If you could see the degrading, filthy pictures of women and men he has in there, it's disgusting, isn't it?
01:08:53 There, then we have a guy named Scott Wagner and he's down here.
01:08:58 Tell me he's mad at me because of what I've been saying.
01:09:01 And he says he thinks it's great for employers to hire illegal aliens.
01:09:14 And if that isn't bad enough, we have a real freako.
01:09:17 His name is Bob Ilic, and he he's in favor of sex change operation.
01:09:27 It it, it seems like parody.
01:09:29 It seems like a fake show.
01:09:33 But it was, I mean, supposedly it's real.
01:09:38 And they just like, it's just this guy who's just like, yeah.
01:09:41 Can you believe it?
01:09:43 But honestly is.
01:09:43 This much different than a lot of these these magic conservatives that we have now.
01:09:48 It's just more obvious now because of the, you know, the cheesiness of the video and the the the HIS delivery and the audience.
01:09:54 Going Boo?
01:09:56 Yeah, we hate it, but this is exactly.
01:09:59 What we had getting today.
01:10:01 This is you get the maga person, you get the.
01:10:05 You get like that representative of of gays against groomers going, you know, we, you know, we're gay, we're here, we're queer, get used to it.
01:10:14 But we don't like.
01:10:15 Groomers and like all the all the you know, the boomers on Twitter going.
01:10:20 Yeah, yeah.
01:10:23 Thought the groomers.
01:10:24 I like ****.
01:10:25 But **** the groomers.
01:10:30 And then Can you believe?
01:10:31 It it's like that that Fox News clip that I played a couple of strings back when they were really upset because the illegal immigrants that they were housing in New York didn't like their food.
01:10:41 They were having to throw away food because the illegal immigrants wouldn't eat the Americans free food and you should be mad because not that you're being replaced.
01:10:51 Not that they're here in the 1st place, but because.
01:10:53 They don't like your sandwiches.
01:10:56 Can you believe?
01:10:57 It like this is just a.
01:10:58 It's just a stupider version of already.
01:11:00 Like they just got a little more sophisticated looking, you know.
01:11:04 But it's the same show, it's just on Fox News.
01:11:07 Like, you know, he's he's got the flag behind him.
01:11:10 USA is number one with a ******* space shuttle and like, it's literally it's parody.
01:11:15 This seems like the kind of a show.
01:11:16 That you would see as a a fake show making fun of conservatives in some dystopian 90s future film, you know, like a RoboCop movie or something like that.
01:11:29 Can you believe it?
01:11:31 He's all about sex change operations.
01:11:37 Yeah, lot.
01:11:37 Lot of good that booing did, right.
01:11:42 Lot of lot of good that booing did.
01:11:45 See now instead of brewing.
Speaker 13
01:11:47 You have to.
01:11:48 Leave your house and go to some, you know, studio where they tape some gay show that does nothing now.
01:11:53 Now you can.
01:11:54 Just say Boo on Twitter, Boo.
01:11:57 It's bad.
01:12:00 I like ****, I just.
01:12:01 Don't like it when they're when they.
01:12:03 Fade out in front of kids.
01:12:05 That's when Boo.
01:12:18 OK.
Speaker 4
01:12:28 Thank you very much and welcome back to hot seat and hey, I want to tell you that here in Southern California, you can see us every day Monday through Friday from 4:30 to 5:00.
01:12:37 We do the hot seat hotline.
01:12:38 You can call me on the phone for 30 minutes.
01:12:40 So do it.
01:12:41 And of course, all across America.
01:12:42 And soon all across this globe.
01:12:44 Hot seat here.
01:12:45 To make America better.
01:12:49 Make America great again.
01:12:53 He even has sponsors that were just like the My Fellowship.
01:12:56 He's he's selling like he was like carpeting.
01:12:58 Like some carpet like and some they.
01:13:01 But they had like the the same kind of product placement that you have.
01:13:04 It's the same ******* ********.
Speaker 4
01:13:11 And my next victim on our first victim on the hot seat.
01:13:14 Tonight is making.
01:13:15 America a hell of a lot worse.
01:13:23 He is probably the most sickening, degrading scum pervert I've ever met, and that and that is being kind to this guy.
01:13:37 He is a publisher of one of the most degrading publications I've ever seen.
01:13:42 That's that's so all over the country it's called and I hate to even say this.
01:13:46 It's called screw magazines.
01:13:53 And let's show this guy what we thinking is pervert Al Goldstein.
01:13:58 Show him he's just smiling.
01:14:01 Yeah, that's right, Golem.
01:14:03 Yo Boo.
01:14:05 Yell Boo and put your thumbs down.
01:14:07 Ohh no, I guess my magazines gone now.
01:14:12 I guess I can't make **** anymore because you yelled Boo at me while promoting my ******* magazine on TV.
01:14:20 I'm real upset by this.
01:14:23 But this free trip to Los Angeles that you flew me out for so you could promote my ******* magazine.
01:14:32 I know you're not going to mention that I'm Jewish.
01:14:35 You definitely won't go there.
01:14:38 Especially because this is a show that that.
01:14:40 Airs in LA.
01:14:43 But you're not going to talk about that?
01:14:46 You're just gonna yell Boo a lot and then go.
01:14:48 Yeah, every time.
01:14:50 He you call me a **** peddler.
Speaker 15
01:14:55 Hey. Hey.
01:14:57 I'm really upset.
01:15:02 Come on, Wally.
01:15:04 Ah, Ohh, please hammer.
01:15:06 Don't hurt him.
Speaker 12
01:15:16 We are that.
Speaker 4
01:15:17 They know they know what you are.
01:15:20 My audience knows the world knows ghosting.
01:15:22 You are scamming A pervert, right?
Speaker 12
01:15:26 How do you ask?
01:15:27 You bring the camera in.
01:15:28 OK, now, Wally, OK, this is important.
01:15:31 You listen to if this was a normal man with a normal.
Speaker 5
01:15:35 Normal he had.
01:15:37 You know.
01:15:37 The whole hold on hold on.
01:15:39 Hold on.
01:15:40 Hold on.
01:15:41 Hold on.
01:15:43 Hold on.
01:15:44 Hold on.
01:15:45 Hey, I have news.
Speaker 4
01:15:46 In the world I just, ghost seed doesn't have a.
01:15:55 He said ****.
01:15:56 I'm cool too.
01:15:57 I can say **** too.
01:16:01 I mean, that was the resistance to this ****.
01:16:04 I'd be smiling too.
01:16:11 Oh no.
01:16:15 It's like arguing with like a *******.
01:16:16 8 year old.
01:16:18 Ohh yeah.
01:16:19 Well you will have a ****.
01:16:28 That was the resistance to this ship.
01:16:40 So anyway.
01:16:42 We don't need to.
01:16:43 Know what happened next?
01:16:44 We're we're living it.
01:16:48 Gee, I wonder if he was able to to normalize ******** ***** in American Society.
01:16:53 Yeah, I mean, look, I mean, like I said, even even Wikipedia first line.
01:16:59 And and this is Wikipedia.
01:17:04 He is known for helping normalize ******** *********** in the United States, so I guess that means it's.
01:17:08 It's been normalized.
01:17:09 And it has been.
01:17:20 And he did it because he hates Jesus.
01:17:39 But here he is, interviewing Larry Flynt.
01:17:41 Again, like I said, he had like this he was, he was super annoyed.
01:17:46 That Larry Flynt was making more money than he was.
Speaker 3
01:17:53 You know, you make me look like a member of now.
01:17:56 Or some some super.
Speaker 3
01:17:58 Feminist, I mean, I consider women *******, but at least talking ******* you don't even give them that credit.
01:18:04 You're just a hunt.
01:18:05 Just a hunting me to.
01:18:06 Lay on the table and ****.
01:18:08 Do you feel that that's what the average American male wants?
Speaker 14
01:18:12 You stand them on their head.
01:18:13 They all look the same now I.
Speaker 9
01:18:15 Was hoping to.
Speaker 3
01:18:15 Say this, Larry the magazine hustler which?
01:18:21 Initially, though.
Speaker 15
01:18:22 Most first issues of publications are very bad.
Speaker 14
01:18:25 Screw was bad.
Speaker 15
01:18:26 Playboy was weak.
01:18:27 Penthouse was cramming.
01:18:29 Hustler had unique description.
Speaker 3
01:18:30 The unique honor of being the worst first issue of any glossy magazine I've ever seen, so it it's improved, but that's inevitable.
01:18:39 But it had to.
01:18:39 It could not.
01:18:40 I mean, unless it had great.
01:18:42 Behind and maintain the low level, it's nothing better.
Speaker 10
01:18:45 In terms of.
Speaker 3
01:18:47 They are now ending.
01:18:48 There are now captions and.
01:18:50 There's now a continuity the page #44 followers #45.
Speaker 12
01:18:55 I would say there's been 1000% improvement over.
01:18:58 The first issue.
Speaker 3
01:19:00 Well, in the same way that stumbling is better than crawling.
01:19:05 So he was he was very mad at Larry Flynt.
01:19:13 So you might wonder what where?
01:19:14 Where is he?
01:19:16 Where is he today?
01:19:17 So I found this.
01:19:20 Apparently what happened was he he met a lot of money, moved out to Florida where a lot of Jews go to retire.
01:19:29 And was going to live out his days in Florida, but.
01:19:32 He apparently he's bad at money management.
01:19:36 And lost his his mansion out in Florida along with a lot of other stuff.
01:19:42 We'll get a little more into.
01:19:43 That but this do you have an idea?
01:19:46 This is it it?
01:19:49 It's almost like it's it's part of.
01:19:51 Of who he is.
01:19:53 Right where he can't help himself.
01:19:57 Whether it's destroying the golem on in the macro like their their society in the macro or moving to a small town of Florida and just trying to **** with the people there, it's like he can't help himself.
Speaker 19
01:20:09 I know everything happens in South Florida.
01:20:12 A lot of big names have lived down here and helped put us on the map.
01:20:14 One of them, Al Goldstein, A noted pornographer.
01:20:18 But it wasn't so much he that put us on the map, but what he had in his backyard in this mansion.
01:20:22 Behind us, yes.
Speaker 11
01:20:24 He had a gigantic.
01:20:28 One finger salutes statue.
01:20:31 We didn't like it much and nobody did anything to try and take his right of free expression away from him.
01:20:41 Ah, there you go.
01:20:43 Look, it's almost like it's exactly the same as every other.
01:20:46 Part of his life.
01:20:48 We didn't like.
01:20:49 It, but we didn't do anything about it.
01:20:53 In fact, I'm kind of giggling and smiling.
01:20:56 About it now.
Speaker 11
01:21:04 But you know to have a gigantic finger in your backyard pointing at the intracoastal, it was remarkable.
Speaker 19
01:21:14 This is what Al Goldstein was best known for.
01:21:16 Screw Magazine, first published in 1968, it ran for 35 years, a lot of to buy a mansion on this property.
01:21:22 Neighbors weren't too happy, not so much with the mansion and the wild parties and the *********** and the people coming and going.
01:21:28 But it was that statue on the patio by the pool Outback that anyone on the intracoastal could see when.
01:21:33 They went by.
Speaker 20
01:21:34 The thing that's most hilarious about the city of Pompano.
01:21:37 Beach and.
01:21:38 Anyway, so they do.
01:21:40 It turns out that.
01:21:42 He loses all his money, starts having to live in the.
01:21:45 Back of his car.
Speaker 19
01:21:46 By 2004, Al Goldstein had fallen on hard times. He had to sell his mansion for $1.7 million just to.
01:21:55 Pay the bills.
01:21:56 And his legend has it he slept in the.
01:21:58 Back of his.
01:21:58 Car behind a Boston market because he had nowhere else to stay.
01:22:03 He was sleeping on the floor of his in laws up in New York, wanted to go to California to continue his *********** career, but because he was in so much legal trouble, the court said no.
01:22:19 So this is what happened.
01:22:20 I guess the the only good thing about this story.
01:22:24 Is this is what happens to these guys?
01:22:28 When they get older.
01:22:32 You know, he was so proud because he used to be able to bang.
01:22:35 All these ****.
01:22:35 Stars all these bragging about, he he'd he'd been with 4000 women.
01:22:43 He ended up getting cancer.
01:22:48 He's on his fifth wife.
01:22:52 He's he's out of money.
01:22:54 He's he's doing a book tour, trying to raise money.
01:22:58 And I found this clip of him.
01:23:03 Doing a a a speaking engagement on his on his book tour and just look how ******* pathetic.
01:23:10 Look how *******.
01:23:12 Unbelievably sad if he if he wasn't such a monster, this this looks.
Speaker 15
01:23:19 I haven't had sex.
Speaker 21
01:23:20 In a year, it's.
01:23:21 Great to God, I mean the taste of ***** means a lot to me.
01:23:24 And I'm like a guy without oxygen.
01:23:29 I don't know.
01:23:29 If you people here.
01:23:31 You ever heard?
01:23:32 Of the make a wish foundation.
Speaker 9
01:23:34 Have you heard of it?
01:23:35 I mean you.
Speaker 21
01:23:36 Know it's usually. It's usually a young boy old because they have cancer 78910.
Speaker 15
01:23:45 They're dying.
01:23:46 It's a terrible story and they.
Speaker 21
01:23:49 All have a.
01:23:49 Last wish I I think this is.
Speaker 15
01:23:51 A very good charity.
01:23:53 And generally it's the killer.
Speaker 21
01:23:57 Now you may.
Speaker 12
01:23:58 Be skeptical, but I have cancer.
01:24:00 I'm dying and my.
Speaker 21
01:24:02 Dream is one of you.
01:24:03 Girls will sit on my face.
01:24:05 And let me taste ***** and lick.
01:24:08 Lick it.
Speaker 14
01:24:10 It's delicious of a.
Speaker 21
01:24:12 Jew who is dying.
Speaker 15
01:24:13 Are any of you charitable enough to think of?
01:24:17 That these guys are how desperate I have.
01:24:22 He's literally trying to proposition the audience.
01:24:27 Random girls.
01:24:31 Like and again, he and he, he can't not mention that he's a Jew.
01:24:37 He has to always mention he's a.
01:24:39 Jew honey.
01:24:44 I'm sorry. Secular humanist.
01:24:51 And here's him a few years later.
01:24:52 This is actually, I think, his last interview before he died.
01:24:57 And he's saying the same thing like this is all that was ever in his mind.
Speaker 15
01:25:03 10,000 women. I've had so much ***** in my life the last 10 years I haven't gotten.
01:25:10 The last 10.
01:25:11 Years of his life, when his entire life is about sex.
01:25:16 In the last 10 years of his life, he hasn't gotten laid.
Speaker 15
01:25:22 I guess the key thing is I have a big brain.
01:25:26 I have a big mouth.
01:25:27 I'm a Jew *******.
01:25:28 I'm an outsider, but.
01:25:30 Keeps having to talk about how he's a Jew.
01:25:33 He's a big brain Jew that, you know, big brain Jews that really value education and punch above their weight.
Speaker 15
01:25:39 Like I respect Abby Hoffman and Jerry Rubin, and so many people in my.
01:25:43 Ohh look and he has to.
01:25:44 Bring up Abby Hoffman and Jerry Rubin again.
01:25:52 They're definitely not coordinating ****, though.
Speaker 15
01:25:55 Jerry Rubin and constant.
01:25:57 So many people in my life and I respect them and some of them are as crazy as I am.
01:26:08 Again, that was that was, I believe, his very last interview.
01:26:13 He died.
01:26:15 In 2013.
01:26:19 At age 77.
01:26:23 Of kidney failure in a nursing home.
01:26:30 With with no one around him.
01:26:39 I wonder if it was worth it.
01:26:47 I wonder if it was worth it, I wonder.
01:26:48 If it if he, you know.
01:26:51 It was mission accomplished.
01:27:05 Claimed to have haven't had 7000 sexual partners.
01:27:21 That is the story.
01:27:25 Or at least part of the story.
01:27:28 Of Al Goldstein.
01:27:33 Specifically, when they talk about, you know like like.
01:27:38 Him normalizing stuff.
01:27:40 His his magazine basically was like the the Rotten Tomatoes of of ****, and would make or break a lot of these ****** and stuff.
01:27:53 And like I said before, was responsible for pushing **** ****** into the limelight and then **** ****** itself.
01:28:03 Let's see here.
01:28:06 Getting down to the there we are.
01:28:10 In various United States communities, the movie was shown to juries to determine whether it was obscene.
01:28:14 The outcomes varied wildly.
01:28:17 The movie was banned in numerous locations in August of 1972 after a jury in New York had found the movie to not be.
01:28:24 Scene prosecutors decide to charge mature enterprises, the company that owned the World Theater for promotion.
01:28:34 Of obscene material taking them to trial in December during the trial, a psychiatrist testified that the film portrayed acts that were well within the bounds of normal behavior.
01:28:43 I wonder it's too bad they don't say the name of that psychiatrist I have.
01:28:47 I have a funny feeling that that his family was from Eastern Europe and came here around the turn of the century.
01:28:56 A Phil Craig testified the movie had social value because it showed sympathy for female desires because of the script contained humor, blah blah.
01:29:05 Blah. So anyway.
01:29:07 They went to and they went through different federal cases and and because of.
01:29:13 The federal and state governments, being largely unable to.
01:29:19 To ban it or improved that quote UN quote, it was obscene because it was right during this whole, you know, *********** is speech.
01:29:29 ******** that was going on.
01:29:33 **** ****** ended up being a.
01:29:39 I don't know.
01:29:39 Like I guess like a major turning point.
01:29:43 And I mean, look, everyone's heard of this movie.
01:29:45 It's a it's a ******* ***** from the 70s and everyone, everyone knows that.
01:29:49 It's probably one of the most famous ******, and so it was probably the movie if you know, definitely one of the movies, if not the movie that normalized ******** ****.
01:30:02 Alright anyway.
01:30:05 That is the **** Jew.
01:30:07 Or like I said, that's.
01:30:09 That's he.
01:30:09 He did a lot of other stuff, but it's mostly just obnoxious the, the, the, the reason the the annoying thing about this is I came across a lot of libertarians cause libertarians love this ******* guy cause as you might imagine one because he's Jewish and libertarianism is basically about as Jewish as an ideology as you can get.
01:30:28 And it's #2 because he's degenerate, and libertarians, that was in fact, that was the selling point. You had all these people when I, you know, when I dabbled libertarianism, it was one of the temptations.
01:30:40 Like I was, you know, conservative, right wing.
01:30:43 And I knew it wasn't cool to be conservative right wing.
01:30:46 And I knew that being.
01:30:47 And serve right wing was limiting me, limiting me socially.
01:30:53 But also you would you were getting, you couldn't really debate anyone and get anywhere because so much at the time when I was younger, so much of my belief was based on to some extent, to be perfectly honest, like a religious dogma.
01:31:09 There wasn't, like a well thought out, reasoned.
01:31:14 Argument for a lot of this stuff because for generations they've been passed down using parables.
01:31:20 And and religious values to to to propagate it to the next generation.
01:31:29 It was there wasn't like a whole lot of of.
01:31:34 Secular research done to to to back it up.
01:31:38 Once people stopped believing in God.
01:31:41 And so you got in this situation where?
01:31:45 You you still.
01:31:47 You still didn't want.
01:31:49 You still knew that the the left was a bunch of psychos and you thought, well, maybe libertarianism will battle them a little better because, OK, we'll give up on the whole, you know, the morality issue, which was a big, huge ******* mistake, right?
01:32:05 Huge ******* mistake.
01:32:07 But when you're younger.
01:32:08 And morality is is definitely not cool anymore, and it seems as if you know, you're almost like in a post religious reality.
01:32:17 It seemed like the thing to do.
01:32:20 And so many people on the right, I think, got sucked into.
01:32:23 That where you know.
01:32:26 You would start thinking that **** was free speech.
01:32:30 Because as a libertarian, like, yeah, well, if I censor ****, then I mean, cause what's the?
01:32:34 That's the big argument, right.
01:32:36 If I censor ****, that means they'll come and censor my speech.
01:32:41 Well, you didn't have to censor ****, and they are censoring your speech.
01:32:48 So it turns out that was stupid.
01:32:55 That was a lose lose situation.
01:32:59 Besides porn's not ******* speech, it's so it's so obvious. It's ******* rat poison.
01:33:05 But anyway, most of the rats.
01:33:07 Are they eat it up?
01:33:09 They think it tastes like peanut butter.
01:33:11 All right, let me take a look at the hyper chats here.
01:33:16 Bump, Bump, bump, bump.
01:33:22 Oh, look at that night train night train with the right out the gate with the *** **** money.
01:33:28 That's crazy. We got a.
01:33:32 Let's see here.
01:33:33 Do I have any?
01:33:44 I was trying to find the other ones.
01:33:46 Well, I'll tell you what.
01:33:48 This one too.
01:33:53 Ohh my I got too many things on this list.
01:33:55 Now I'm gonna have to clean it up.
01:33:56 I wish I could find a better way of.
01:33:59 Of of engaging these videos here.
01:34:03 Night Train 88 men that drive with one hand on the wheel and the.
01:34:07 Other propped up.
01:34:09 To touch their chin for no reason are the same that wear flat billed baseball hats with stickers and tags still on them.
01:34:21 It's mimicry of low form sentience.
01:34:25 That's very specific.
01:34:31 Well, I'll tell you what the the flat build hat with the sticker still.
01:34:34 On it, I've.
01:34:35 Always that look that looked ********.
01:34:38 And that was.
01:34:39 That's not even that new.
01:34:40 That's been around a long time.
01:34:42 Like at least some variation or another of that has always been.
01:34:47 Has always been around.
01:34:48 At least you know since the 90s.
01:34:50 I I I saw cholos doing that **** in the 90s.
01:34:55 I drive with one hand on the wheel a lot, not with another hand on my chin.
01:35:00 But I usually I.
01:35:01 In fact, I almost don't trust you driving if you have.
01:35:03 If you have both hands on the wheel like you're gripping it for dear life, I almost feel like like I got to keep an eye on that guy like.
01:35:15 Like I I got looks like he's.
01:35:16 A you know not doesn't have control over this.
01:35:21 Driving like a grandma.
01:35:23 But uh.
01:35:25 But yeah, I will say the hat thing is.
01:35:29 I'll agree on the hat thing, but that's that's oddly specific.
01:35:32 You must have someone in mind.
01:35:35 But thank you for the thank you there, Knight Train 88 Puppy Thief. When I was 20, a Puerto Rican man lied about his age.
01:35:45 He said he was 30 but he was 38. He got fired to avoid paying child support for his 10 year old. He got me pregnant. I had to pay for my own abortion.
01:35:58 I did not have parents.
01:35:59 Luckily I had a job.
01:36:01 This is why we need abortion to be safe and legal.
01:36:05 Wait, what? Hold on. When I was, when I was 20, a Puerto Rican man lied about his age. Said he was 30, but he was 38. He got fired to this is. This sounds not very.
01:36:21 All right.
01:36:22 First, there's a couple things going on here.
01:36:23 This is this sounds like a.
01:36:24 Jumbled mess, but him lying about being 30 seems like it's irrelevant.
01:36:33 It sounds like you're kind of sloughing off responsibility.
01:36:39 For getting pregnant, he got you pregnant.
01:36:41 You got you pregnant.
01:36:44 You you banged the Puerto Rican guy?
01:36:48 You didn't have parents.
01:36:49 OK, that sucks.
01:36:52 That probably adds, you know that probably figures into the equation.
01:36:56 But yeah, you still killed the baby.
01:37:01 Just saying I'm I I I don't know why? Like what? You wouldn't have had sex with him if you found out he was 38.
01:37:09 I mean, I don't know.
01:37:10 I don't want to be * ****, but I mean, big disagree on this one.
01:37:15 Unless this is some kind of weird irony and I'm not some kind of sarcasm, I don't get or like a a quote from a movie or something.
01:37:23 Big time disagree on that one.
01:37:26 Hammer thorazine.
01:37:28 Let's see here, where do?
01:37:30 I put the new ones.
Speaker 8
01:37:31 Cash flow checkout.
Speaker 10
01:37:39 I'd like to return this duck.
01:37:42 Regarding the cops.
01:37:45 RN's have a way higher rate of being assaulted, even seriously than cops. My stepdad got a TBI on a psych unit. We both were RA.
01:37:59 We both were our hands on.
01:38:01 I knew of numerous other TBI cases.
01:38:05 Usually not *******, but rather antisocials and addicts.
01:38:10 Rarely would the DA press charges the boomer take is a joke to TBI.
01:38:18 I'm I'm guessing RN is registered nurse, but I'm.
01:38:23 I don't know what TBI is.
01:38:24 Let me look this up.
01:38:26 Traumatic brain injury, OK.
01:38:31 OK, so your stepdad got a traumatic brain injury on a psych unit.
01:38:38 We were both our ends.
01:38:39 I knew of numerous other traumatic brain injury cases.
01:38:43 Usually not *******, but rather antisocial addicts.
01:38:45 Blah blah blah.
01:38:48 Well, that's crazy.
01:38:48 You'd think that.
01:38:49 Well, I guess it is up to the the DA at the end of day, huh?
01:38:53 Don't you have any say if you get assaulted?
01:38:55 You have can't I mean?
01:38:57 I guess you can press charges whether or not they'll prosecute.
01:39:02 But I don't know how that works to be honest.
01:39:07 But that sucks. Yeah.
01:39:10 Nail Bender.
Speaker 13
01:39:14 When you're trying to save money, a good rule to follow is to.
01:39:25 Take it from me, Jim.
01:39:26 Neighbors, it'll pay dividend.
01:39:29 Some shekels for the hardest working content creator out there, telling the truth from the wilderness was thinking about the youngster who you advised to pray a while back.
01:39:37 Hope that guy is doing OK.
01:39:40 That was solid advice inspiring.
01:39:42 Keep the faith.
01:39:44 Yeah, I hope he's doing OK too, if you're out.
01:39:46 There, in regular chat, you know like pay money to say you're OK, but you should.
01:39:53 Let us know you're doing alright there.
01:39:57 In fact, I'm.
01:39:57 Gonna figure out how to do regular chat while doing this at.
01:40:00 The same time.
01:40:02 Hopefully this doesn't kill my connection.
01:40:06 Ohh boy, I might have killed.
01:40:08 I might have killed the stream.
01:40:09 Oh no.
01:40:10 Oh, did I kill the stream?
01:40:11 OK, good.
01:40:11 I didn't.
01:40:13 I don't think so. OK.
01:40:16 Now I got regular chat.
01:40:17 I can look at it the same time.
01:40:22 OK.
01:40:25 Ohh Speaking of hard working.
01:40:29 The the yes, I am hard working.
01:40:32 Thank you very much.
01:40:33 But like that I was looking at the after I moved some more hives and I was worried.
01:40:37 I was.
01:40:37 You guys like.
01:40:37 I was worried about the the bees not being able to find there because they'd go back to their old home like idiots.
01:40:44 Some of them have been doing that and so I've lost a couple handfuls of bees.
01:40:48 Not a big deal.
01:40:50 But I have found.
01:40:53 That there was one hive I knew was.
01:40:54 Getting robbed all the time.
01:40:57 And it has killed a bunch of robbers, a bunch of robbers have been showing up where that hive used to be.
01:41:03 And you know, they're robbers, cause none of them.
01:41:04 None of.
01:41:05 Them have pollen, so none.
01:41:06 Of them are coming back to the hive.
01:41:08 They're all coming to the hive to get food and then freezing to death because they can't find the the food thing and they crawl around on the hive stand until the the.
01:41:17 The sun goes down and they all die, so that was pretty sweet.
01:41:20 I don't have to deal with hard working well, I guess busy bees, right?
01:41:25 Super brother, what are some recommendations?
01:41:28 Also, any chance you'll be doing day?
01:41:30 The road Part 2 sign copies.
01:41:32 I know.
01:41:33 Dissidentminebooks.com would love to distribute it. Thanks for all your hard work. What recommendations for what though?
01:41:41 What are some oh book recommendations?
01:41:44 You know, I don't know.
01:41:45 I I when I do, if I'm reading fiction.
01:41:48 I kind of want to get away with or get away from what a lot of this stuff is because I used to like post apocalyptic post apocalyptic fiction.
01:41:57 But The thing is, after you read like the the stuff written in the like the prior to the 70s, really.
01:42:05 A lot of it's not good.
01:42:08 A lot of it's not good.
01:42:11 And anything that's new, that's fiction.
01:42:13 It's like it doesn't matter if it's fiction, science fiction, it could be about anything.
01:42:19 It's it's like it's almost like every book title should start with net Netflix presents, because even in books it's like some strong, powerful woman of color.
01:42:30 That saves the the cowering white guys from the zombies or or whatever, right? And then and then when you do find that like the, quote, UN quote right wing authors, they're it's just prepper **** that's like, super annoying and gay because it's like, you can tell, you can tell that they're just, they're just.
01:42:47 It's it, you know that all these preppers that have spent like $100,000 on their prepper gear that probably will never get to use it.
01:42:55 They they listen to these books because they can fantasize about actually using the gear that they use.
01:43:01 And you know that the author knows this because he's oddly specific about all the gear.
01:43:07 You know, like I I was listening to one of the, like literally the guy like I'm a radio guy and it was annoying the **** out of.
01:43:13 Me because I was just like, I don't know.
01:43:15 You wouldn't say this, but you know, like, if you were telling a story to anyone, I wouldn't be.
01:43:19 I wouldn't say it like this, but this, like, in the book, it's.
01:43:22 He opened up the door to the radio, you know, radio room inside. He had an FTD X1000 with the the 50 megahertz add-on and the, you know, and it, it starts just going through like all like all the model numbers of all the hardware and and like the and it got some of the things wrong, which it was kind of funny.
01:43:42 Like he mixed, he missed.
01:43:44 What did he do?
01:43:45 He mixed watts with amps, so he said like, Oh yeah, this radio puts out 200 amps. I was like ******* hell like.
01:43:54 If it put out 200 amps, your house would explode. What kind of breaker is handling 200 amps?
01:44:04 But anyway, it was just it's stuff like that where they'll be like ohh instead.
01:44:08 Like the sentence should have said like you know he.
01:44:09 Should have been.
01:44:10 Like he grabbed his gun and and aimed and fired.
01:44:13 And like, that's not the sentence.
01:44:14 The sentence is like.
01:44:15 He grabbed his Glock 9 millimeter with the, you know, whatever attachment and the the red dot.
01:44:21 Like, it's like a paragraph.
01:44:23 Of like what the gun is.
01:44:25 And then he aimed and fired.
01:44:26 And it's like, no, you should.
01:44:27 No one cares about all this ****.
01:44:29 Unless you're you're.
01:44:30 You're speaking specifically to preppers that are are getting off on the on the idea that that, that gun they spent $1200 on might someday be used against, you know, a looter or something.
01:44:43 So it's there's all this gay wish fulfillment **** like that.
01:44:50 I just started getting like, I just started randomly.
01:44:55 Reading well honestly, I got really into.
01:44:59 Electronics reference books cause I I guess I'm fixing electronic stuff.
01:45:04 But I just there's not a lot of good fiction these days.
01:45:07 There's not a lot of.
01:45:09 Yeah, there.
01:45:09 There's a lot of good nonfiction, I guess.
01:45:14 You know, culture of critique is good.
01:45:17 UM and it's pretty accessible.
01:45:22 I don't know.
01:45:22 I there's.
01:45:23 I'm sure there's reading lists out there.
01:45:25 I don't.
01:45:25 I just don't have time for a lot of books these days.
01:45:29 And fiction just is garbage, no?
01:45:33 So it it it, you know, whatever your I guess.
01:45:37 Whatever your your, whatever is going to increase your your skill set, you know the reason why I look at I read B books.
01:45:43 I read electronics books.
01:45:45 So because that's what I do.
01:45:47 So whatever you do, I would find reference books and help you get better at that and increase your skill set.
01:45:54 Because fiction is mostly garbage now anyway.
01:45:58 Crypto nationalist.
Speaker 5
01:46:01 Why is money management?
01:46:05 That's the rest.
Speaker 1
01:46:07 Thank you.
01:46:09 Have you seen all the AI generated voice names?
01:46:12 It's the funniest **** I've seen in years.
01:46:15 The company is now banning people and saying that they'll authorize.
01:46:20 That they'll tell authorities.
01:46:22 I think you mean about copyright and hate speech.
01:46:26 I was able to make this with 40 minutes of audio from one stream.
01:46:31 Ohh boy, what is this going to be?
01:46:37 Did you are you AI generating me talking?
01:46:40 Is that what you're saying?
01:46:43 Let me see what this is.
01:46:53 For Black pilled, I'm Devin stack.
01:46:55 I have a confession to make.
01:46:56 I've been working for the feds this whole time.
01:46:59 Each and every one of you is about to be locked up.
01:47:02 Yes, really.
01:47:03 Turns out I actually really like the Jews.
01:47:06 I'm not even living in the desert.
01:47:07 What sort of fagot sits in a shed with just cactuses and cats for company?
01:47:12 Nah, I've been at the Hoover building this entire time and watching anime.
01:47:16 I drink soy and live in a pod and and I'm happy being independent of the system makes you a threat and the government is perfectly justified in locking you up or bombing your compound.
01:47:28 Oh, and I don't even like honey.
01:47:29 **** you all.
01:47:32 That is, that's crazy.
01:47:34 How accurate that is?
01:47:37 In both voice and content, how did?
01:47:39 You know, I was.
01:47:39 A fed?
01:47:40 No, that's crazy that it works that well.
01:47:42 I knew that you know, this technology was going to come, the cat was going to come out of the bag when they first started talking about this.
01:47:48 What was it, Adobe?
01:47:50 They they sort of brought it out, there was this was years ago, many years ago.
01:47:56 Adobe was like, oh, look, what we can do, we'll.
01:47:58 Sample like you know.
01:47:59 It wasn't even you said 40.
01:48:01 But it wasn't even.
01:48:02 It was like, maybe like 30 seconds of someone talking, and then they played it back.
01:48:07 But they were so worried about how it could be used to fake evidence and things like that that they they never they never released anything.
01:48:15 But you know that like, once that the cats out of the bag once.
01:48:20 The the proof of concepts been done, it's you know, it's only a matter of time, but yeah.
01:48:24 That's pretty crazy that it's.
01:48:28 Then it's. Uh.
01:48:30 That's that easy to to.
01:48:32 Get your hands on now.
01:48:38 Apparently there's also someone telling me told me today.
01:48:40 There was also, I guess some E thought was going nuts because someone a eyed her into some *****.
01:48:46 Speaking of ***** and AI.
01:48:50 So yeah, well, there you go.
01:48:51 There you go.
01:48:53 Now you can't trust what you hear.
01:48:59 I mean, it was it wasn't exactly right, but it was pretty ******* close.
01:49:02 Pretty ******* close.
01:49:07 Alright, not ******** ******.
01:49:10 Dev and I sent you an Instagram message with an apparent Wagner group recruitment video for US vets.
01:49:17 If you haven't seen already, here you go.
01:49:21 I don't know what the what.
01:49:23 The Wagner group is.
01:49:27 What's the Wagner group?
01:49:28 I don't, and by I don't I don't check Instagram messages.
01:49:33 At all.
01:49:33 I don't even check Instagram.
01:49:34 I I sporadically and totally randomly will post things to Instagram and and and I don't know.
01:49:40 I don't even know what or why I do it.
01:49:44 Let's see here.
01:49:53 Well, people have the link.
01:49:56 I don't know what this is, so I don't necessarily want to play it, but I don't know what.
01:49:59 I don't know what the Wagner group it looks like it's.
01:50:02 It's telling.
01:50:05 Or US veterans to join Russian, the Russian.
01:50:08 Military, though, like hold on.
01:50:11 Encouraging veterans of the US armed forces to join Wagner PMC, the video shows footage of U.S.
01:50:16 soldiers in combat saluting the American flag, addressing the view, blah blah blah.
01:50:26 Blah blah, blah, blah, blah blah blah.
Speaker 17
01:50:27 Blah blah blah.
01:50:32 That includes the footage simulate a nuclear bomb going off in a city.
01:50:39 Well, I mean, come on, this is this is.
01:50:42 This sounds kind of like Russian propaganda like like I'm the last one to call something Russian propaganda.
01:50:49 But this sounds like Russian propaganda.
01:50:53 But you guys got the links now you guys can check that out.
01:50:57 I'll I'll look into.
01:50:58 I don't know.
01:50:59 I've never heard of the Wagner group before.
01:51:00 So I'll look into that later.
01:51:02 But this looks kind of like.
01:51:05 Russian propaganda eve.
01:51:13 Let's take a look here, Jay Ray, 1981.
01:51:17 And then you have a link.
01:51:23 With no with no, with no anything, just a link.
01:51:28 What is this link?
01:51:33 Anastasia Weaver, 6 year old Ohio Girl dies unexpectedly.
01:51:37 Mother Scrubs Facebook page after relentless attacks.
01:51:40 Finger pointing.
01:51:41 Yeah, it was just another.
01:51:43 I mean, I don't want to.
01:51:43 Be like a.
01:51:45 It's just one of many.
01:51:47 There's lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of.
01:51:50 Many such cases, many such cases.
01:51:54 Lots of.
01:51:56 Of people dying suddenly after getting the vaccine.
01:52:01 I'll tell you.
01:52:01 You know, it's kind of crazy that I saw.
01:52:03 This headline that.
01:52:04 On us in Australia, they were upset because people weren't.
01:52:09 They didn't want the 5th booster like that.
01:52:12 There was a news story.
01:52:14 And like the news story was like.
01:52:16 Ohh, Can you believe these selfish *****?
01:52:19 They won't take the the 5th booster.
01:52:23 They don't take the 5th ******* booster.
01:52:25 Ohh, by the way, Speaking of Russian propaganda, I forgot about this.
01:52:31 Let me load this up.
01:52:32 There was I think this.
01:52:33 Is Russian propaganda?
01:52:35 But they're basically showing them you some super.
01:52:40 Super torpedo that that nukes all of England.
01:52:45 Let me say this, I don't know if this is actually Russian propaganda or just this was a video that got that was I just.
01:52:50 Thought was kind of funny though.
01:52:53 It's the Super torpedo.
01:52:56 Watch out, England.
01:52:58 We have the Super torpedo.
01:53:09 On premises.
01:53:23 He said he did.
01:53:24 He definitely said just then.
01:53:31 No, he said.
01:53:33 Whatever funny, said Nagato.
01:53:43 Radioactive tsunami that wipes out all of the.
01:53:45 UK and maybe part of France?
01:53:56 Super torpedo.
01:54:01 Let's see here.
01:54:04 Sharp wing.
01:54:05 Sorry for the the Google Drive link.
01:54:07 Here's some YouTube ones in case you weren't able to check them out also.
01:54:13 Others have asked you to look into the Masons and I would love that too.
01:54:18 Look into the Masonic symbolism in DC from satellite view.
01:54:23 Yeah, I mean, look, I'm.
01:54:24 I'm not as impressed with symbolism type stuff, mostly because I used to work in design and I know how much of design just you think some you think something looks cool.
01:54:35 And so you do it and then that's like the beginning.
01:54:38 I'm not saying that's always the beginning of.
01:54:39 The end of it, but oftentimes that's.
01:54:41 The beginning and the end of it.
01:54:43 And I think there's a lot of people that go overboard and like, ohh.
01:54:47 And as you can see in this shot of this.
01:54:49 Movie they have this, you know, Canary in this painting on the wall and that symbolizes how we're like the miners Canary and like how you know it.
01:55:01 And and this is like no, that just happened to be like the the painting that was on the wall when they had access to that location.
01:55:07 You know what I mean and and.
01:55:09 Obviously, planning the city like DC is going to be.
01:55:13 A little more deliberate, and there's a lot of symbolism.
01:55:15 That's very deliberate.
01:55:16 Even on our money and everything else, and a lot of the founding fathers were Masons and and I get it like.
01:55:23 But I I'll I'll go.
01:55:24 Like I said it it's it's on, it's in the pile.
01:55:27 But I'm just saying, like, I don't.
01:55:29 I don't know that it's as relevant today.
01:55:31 I know it was.
01:55:33 I just don't know that it still is.
01:55:38 Unless they just got.
01:55:39 Maybe they're just way better at at cloaking.
01:55:43 Who's a member?
01:55:44 I mean, look, even like, like.
01:55:47 Art Bell was was a pretty high-ranking Mason.
01:55:51 And we get weird about talking about it, so I I have no connection to Masons whatsoever.
01:55:56 Just to be clear.
01:55:58 I'm not a Mason.
01:56:00 My parents, you know, don't have any Masons in the family that I'm aware of.
01:56:05 You know the extended family or anything?
01:56:09 I looked into the Masons once and I had a friend that went to like one of the little things.
01:56:13 When we when I lived in DC in DC and worked in DC and but I never, never like looked into it.
01:56:21 Seriously so.
01:56:24 But yeah, it's on the list, it's on the list.
01:56:26 I just don't know that that's really.
01:56:29 You know, like out of all the problems we have facing us and maybe I'm wrong, maybe this maybe they're they're that good at cloaking there.
01:56:36 Their influence, I don't know.
01:56:39 But at least at the moment, it doesn't appear as if that's.
01:56:43 That's like the main thing to worry about right now.
01:56:46 The Vaxxed not sure how puritanical you think things should be, but I think anything beyond depictions of women and men in modest swimsuits should be banned. Think 1950s? Well yeah. Here's here's The thing is you gotta realize.
01:57:03 *** **** Van Dyke show.
01:57:06 Right.
01:57:07 They had, I think they had that.
01:57:09 That's a married couple.
01:57:12 And was it *** **** Van Dyke show?
01:57:14 That let me hold on.
01:57:15 Let me see.
01:57:21 Which, by the way, Dick Van Dyke show, if you guys remember it, or if you don't remember, there was a show obviously starring Dick Van Dyke.
01:57:30 He he plays a TV writer, but the The funny thing is they had all these guys playing television writers.
01:57:39 When obviously at the time all the television writers were Jewish.
01:57:44 And the writers for *** **** Van Dyke.
01:57:46 Show were were Jewish and so.
01:57:49 But it was like, imagine like Larry David working in an environment where he couldn't make Seinfeld and have Jewish characters.
01:57:57 So he just wrote them as as goy.
01:57:59 But they behave the same way.
01:58:01 Unfortunately, that's.
01:58:03 That's the history of the deck.
01:58:04 Anyway, let me let me see if I can find.
01:58:10 There was the.
01:58:17 So they when they would show the bedroom.
01:58:23 Let me bring this up here.
01:58:33 You know, talking about how how you know **** wasn't readily available in 81.
01:58:38 Well, as as recently as what year was that on 1955 ish?
01:58:47 You couldn't have even a married couple.
01:58:50 In a in a very rated G kind of environment, you couldn't have picked them sleeping in the same bed.
01:58:59 So on the TV show set they had separate beds.
01:59:15 Yeah, and guess what?
01:59:16 Here's I I found an article.
01:59:20 The the Jew who is responsible for *** **** Van Dyke show want, like, fought with the the executives cause he wanted one bed.
01:59:28 It's always the ******* Jews trying to push the envelope.
01:59:31 So basically, let's see here.
01:59:37 Carl Reiner.
01:59:38 So obviously a Jew.
01:59:40 Carl, when Carl Reiner originally pitched the idea of *** **** Van Dyke show he wanted Rob and Laura to share a double bed like a traditional married couple, the network would not allow it.
01:59:51 In 2014, Reiner told Entertainment Weekly that Laura and Rob's twin beds.
01:59:56 We're a bit of a sticking point.
01:59:59 Reiner told the network that he wanted them to sleep in the same bed, just like he and his wife did.
02:00:04 He went on to say that the broadcast standards and practices told him it simply wasn't allowed.
02:00:11 Apparently it was considered to be in poor taste.
02:00:14 Reiner gave up on the double bed idea and moved on to other more important issues.
02:00:23 So then it goes on to say, Reiner went to bat for Rob and Laura to share the bed, and he had a good reason too.
02:00:30 Oh yeah, yeah, I guess.
02:00:31 I'm sure he'd had a good there were television couples who came before them, that shared a bed, and then they, you know, then they changed their.
02:00:38 That was before that.
02:00:39 Was pre code I guess in the 1940s.
02:00:45 Blah blah blah blah.
02:00:50 OK.
02:00:54 While Reiner lost the battle over the double bed, the series changed things. Mary Tyler Moore's character Don pants.
02:01:01 See this is this is how much the.
02:01:05 All of these social changes.
02:01:08 And today, that sounds crazy.
02:01:10 That, like, wait, hold on.
02:01:11 That was a big deal that a woman was wearing pants.
02:01:16 In 1955, it was a big deal.
02:01:20 That a woman was wearing pants.
02:01:23 And because Rob Reiner.
02:01:27 Wanted to push the envelope like all all all Jews whose families came here from Eastern Europe around the turn of the century.
02:01:34 Which you know.
02:01:36 Reiner's family also came.
02:01:39 Around the same time, he he for some reason had, you know, had to break every taboo that he encountered, even if it was women wearing pants.
02:01:49 Some of it was considered off limits of the time, more led the charge for a character to keep wearing the pants.
02:01:55 Yeah, I'm sure.
02:01:58 It was, it was considered edgy for her, for Mary Tyler Moore to wear pants in 1955.
02:02:06 So anyway.
02:02:08 Yeah, I we're so far.
02:02:11 From having any ability to.
02:02:14 To to enforce this kind of stuff.
02:02:17 That it's, you know, I mean if you could somehow.
02:02:21 Make **** harder to get.
02:02:23 That would be a win.
02:02:27 In a perfect world, what would I do?
02:02:32 Ohh, it is women.
02:02:34 In bonnets too hard is that is that too ********?
02:02:39 Women in bonnets, you know, bonnets are like the the white hijab, right bonnets.
02:02:46 Is that too bad?
02:02:47 Is that too much?
02:02:48 I don't know.
02:02:50 I don't know.
02:02:51 You guys have seen the.
02:02:55 What's that show?
02:02:56 They always the handmaidens tale.
02:02:59 Make him dress like that.
02:03:00 They seem to want it.
02:03:01 I think that's one of their fetishes.
02:03:04 First last.
02:03:07 Let's see here.
02:03:19 OK.
02:03:23 It's not easy subject to handle well done for exposing exposing the poison roots.
02:03:29 Of it all.
02:03:31 Hi, Tim of the **** stuff.
02:03:33 Well, and we're not.
02:03:34 Look, there's a lot more of this to come.
02:03:36 Like I found, I dug up so many other Jews that were instrumental in pushing **** on America, that in in researching this guy.
02:03:44 But it was like it was going to be like an 8 hour stream.
02:03:46 If I I can't make it like all of the **** Jews.
02:03:49 In one stream, because it we would.
02:03:51 I'd still be streaming this time next year.
02:03:54 And it's not even back then.
02:03:55 It's the day.
02:03:56 All the big conglomerate companies that own like ******* and and all this, they're all Jewish, owned all of them.
02:04:03 And in fact, spying libertarians and stuff, there's the one of the guys that that bankroll a lot of libertarian projects until he died recently.
02:04:14 In fact, they bankrolled some of the projects I worked on when I was doing that stuff.
02:04:20 Was a guy who I discovered while doing this research got all of his money from selling ****** and ****.
02:04:31 No. Also Jewish, of course.
02:04:33 And so they're they're getting rich off of selling **** and sex toys and stuff like that, and then using that money.
02:04:42 To bankroll their little pet projects.
02:04:48 Alright, let's see here.
02:04:50 Right.
02:04:51 Rich, rich angle, it's hard to say, but it's kind of a funny name.
02:05:08 Great streamed.
02:05:09 Evan, I have been waiting for this stream since **** has plagued my generation.
02:05:13 Z, My friend group, and myself from a young age.
02:05:17 I've seen it destroy one of my closest friends relationships and is one of the hardest addictions to get off of.
02:05:24 No pun intended, I hope.
02:05:26 Can't we get a grocery store?
02:05:28 I I haven't been able to find that file.
02:05:30 I think it might be on the drive that I've I've, I've.
02:05:34 So I had this.
02:05:35 I had this raid zero that was 4.
02:05:40 Yeah, 4 four terabyte drives.
02:05:42 So it's 16 terabytes.
02:05:44 And because I don't have the raid controller because it it was on the motherboard that ate ****.
02:05:51 I just have these four drives. Nothing's wrong the drives. I just don't have any way. I don't have the hardware raid controller.
02:05:57 So what I did is I imaged each of the drives and I but I had to get a drive that'd be big enough to handle that, right?
02:06:04 Cause it's that's 16 terabytes.
02:06:06 So then I I got an 18 terabyte drive to stick all four of those on and then I got software that'll rebuild the.
02:06:17 The rate if you know the block size and everything else, and I managed to get it working, but it's it's kind of clunky and slow and and it's not as easy.
02:06:25 You can't just like mount it and look at it like a drive like I was hoping.
02:06:28 Like you probably can't if you pay more money or or or any money.
02:06:32 I didn't pay any money.
02:06:33 If you pay money for like some, I'm sure.
02:06:35 There's programs that do that.
02:06:37 But I haven't had to go through that entire raid and and find.
02:06:40 I think it's on there though.
02:06:42 But yeah, in the meantime you'll have to.
02:06:47 You'll have to deal with.
02:06:50 I don't know.
02:06:50 What have we got?
02:06:51 What have we got?
02:06:53 I can return the duck.
Speaker 8
02:06:55 Cash flow checkout.
Speaker 7
02:07:02 I'd like to return this duck.
02:07:04 There we go.
02:07:06 And I can't even imagine.
02:07:09 Having access to the kind of **** that Gen.
02:07:12 Z has had access to, and not just.
02:07:15 It's it's, it's.
02:07:16 It's two things.
02:07:17 Like I said, it's the ease of access and the type of ****.
02:07:21 Because I was out of the house.
02:07:25 With high speed Internet, which was.
02:07:29 You know like.
02:07:30 DSL at the time it wasn't even like one MB down, but it was, you know, it was faster than a.
02:07:36 56 K modem so it was high speed. I think it was like 128 or something like that.
02:07:42 Or maybe maybe 256, I don't remember, but that was that was considered high speed and you know you could get pictures.
02:07:51 But a lot of the **** sites were paid even back then.
02:07:54 And I didn't.
02:07:55 I wasn't going to you.
02:07:55 Know I wasn't going to pay.
02:07:57 For ****.
02:07:58 So I didn't end up seeing much more than like, you know, a handful of pictures, or when people would send you a picture.
02:08:04 Or something like that.
02:08:06 But mostly like the video stuff, you couldn't really stream it.
02:08:10 Cause the bandwidth wasn't good enough and you had to pay for it.
02:08:14 And I wasn't gonna, you know.
02:08:15 I wasn't gonna.
02:08:17 You know, even though like no one would know, like, I know, like there was still enough social pressure to where, like, I felt like a dirt bag.
02:08:24 If I paid for ****.
02:08:27 And so I just didn't really.
02:08:28 See a lot of it until.
02:08:31 You know, years later.
02:08:34 By that time, like, you know, men hit their sexual peak.
02:08:38 Around 18.
02:08:39 You know, when you first and it and it's look, it's embarrassing, it's hard to control like you know I I I I mean look, I can tell you I remember you know you're in in middle school you're sitting at your desk and now all of a sudden you you're the bell rings but you can't stand up and walk out because you.
02:08:55 You know, and you know, just your body's doing these things and you don't. You don't quite have. It's like the rat eating the.
02:09:01 Rat poison, right where you don't have the kind of discipline or or even like the understanding of of of these new desires that you're you're now experiencing, you know, so.
02:09:16 I can't imagine how how ****** ** that's gotta be to be at that age where you're just kind of like.
02:09:23 ***** all the time and just from looking at anything and you have no control over it and.
02:09:31 You have free ******** ***** in your pocket all the time.
02:09:35 I mean, that's.
02:09:38 I mean, that's like civilization ending type ****, and maybe that's what we're experiencing.
02:09:43 Maybe that's why we're having the kinds of **** that we're having.
02:09:47 You know, the trans kids stuff, all that stuff.
02:09:48 It's probably related, honestly.
02:09:52 I wonder if they've done any studies, like if they've done any kind of or if there's any kind of data that shows a connection to trans kids and.
02:10:08 Like I know there's there's got to be a direct correlation between anime consumption and trans kids, but I wonder if there's one with the **** consumption.
02:10:18 That would be very.
02:10:21 Very interesting.
02:10:24 But yeah, thank you very much there, rich angle.
02:10:27 Dan Bigfoot, is it true that during World War 2 the soldiers had **** mags?
02:10:32 Probably a lot of more subtle.
02:10:34 I think they also had live performers show up and do degenerate **** in front of troops.
02:10:39 I mean, I don't know. I mean, porn's always been around. I mean, they had pin up girls. I don't think that's the same thing, right.
02:10:49 I don't know.
02:10:50 I don't know.
02:10:56 Yeah, I don't know.
02:10:56 I've never.
02:10:57 I've never looked into that.
02:10:58 But I I would.
02:10:59 I guarantee I'll tell you what.
02:11:01 If they if they had ****, it was, it wasn't the kind of **** that Al Goldstein was making.
02:11:12 While Aums great stream so far glad this Jew pig died alone in a ****** nursing home, it doesn't make up for all the damage he did, but it brings me some joy.
02:11:21 Well, Ron Jeremy and other Jew.
02:11:24 You know he's he's dying slowly in an insane asylum, right, isn't he?
02:11:30 Isn't he like in like a a a prison for the criminally insane?
02:11:36 You know, not not competent enough to stand trial, by the way.
02:11:40 That's the same.
02:11:40 So same kind of thing like that he Goldstein here.
02:11:45 Let's see here, where's his Wikipedia page.
02:11:48 Goldstein, towards his end of life started, you know, cause he's an old man.
02:11:52 His entire life was about sex.
02:11:54 He didn't get sex for like 10.
02:11:56 Years and then at the end of his life.
02:11:59 Let's see here.
02:12:04 Yeah, in 2002, Goldstein was found guilty of harassing a former employee, having published her telephone number and place of employment and screw and encouraging readers to call her and tell her to stop being.
02:12:15 Such a ****.
02:12:16 Goldstein was sentenced to 60 days in jail.
02:12:18 He served six days before charges were overturned on appeal.
02:12:25 And then screw folded in 2003, unable to make payroll, only 600 copies were sold to the last issue.
02:12:35 So yeah, just two, you know, by 2003, no one was reading his his ******* dirty magazine mostly cause that all that stuff had moved to the Internet by then, I think is more than any other reason. That's probably what was going on.
02:12:47 Goldstein's company, Milky Way Productions, which published screw in midnight Blue, entered bankruptcy in 2004, having lost sales and subscribers as a result of Prolia. Yeah, because of Internet ***********.
02:13:03 Goldstein lost his Florida mansion and his townhouse in Manhattan's Upper East Side, jobless and penniless, ended up living briefly in Manhattan homeless shelter.
02:13:14 Isn't that crazy? Ended up in a homeless shelter. He was fired from New York's well known 2nd Ave. Deli for sleeping in the basement after a brief stint there to greet her.
Speaker 11
02:13:24 Press agree.
02:13:29 He was arrested for shoplifting 4 health related books from Barnes and Noble.
02:13:35 He worked in 2005 as a Commission salesman for New York City bagels.
02:13:41 Between 2005 and 2008 he blogged for Bubble, a pornographic search engine. He then continued on his own website until 2009. He was financially supported in his last years by his friend and illusionist, the libertarian himself, Penn Gillette.
02:14:02 Of Penn and Teller.
02:14:05 So Penn Gillette bankrolled him in his last years.
02:14:10 On whose floor he once slept, and who admired Goldstein for his First Amendment activism.
02:14:15 Like a good libertarian.
02:14:17 His final residence prior to a nursing home was a small apartment in the Far Rockaway neighborhood of Queens.
02:14:23 Paid for by Gillette.
02:14:26 So yeah, he literally died penniless.
02:14:30 Getting uh.
02:14:32 Penn Jillette to uh.
02:14:34 Pay his bills cause he was a hero of the libertarian movement.
02:14:43 You know, I used to like Penn and Teller.
02:14:44 I used to like Penn.
02:14:45 Jillette, I've met him.
02:14:51 Yeah, not so much of these days.
02:14:53 Not so much these days.
02:14:56 I don't even know if they mean well.
02:14:58 Honestly, I.
02:14:59 Maybe they maybe they get high on their own supply, I don't know.
02:15:04 Let's see here. ******** ****** for $1.00.
02:15:10 Which I thought I had it here.
02:15:11 Where's the ******** ****** one?
Speaker 4
02:15:14 Do you have that much money in your bank?
02:15:16 At home.
02:15:18 I'd buy that for a dollar.
02:15:26 Learned Iran helps Russia be become part of an unsanctioned able trade route.
02:15:33 So now it makes more sense that Israel is bombing them.
02:15:36 Russia warned them to stop sending arms to Ukraine, but for some reasons I'm hearing that right wing circles say that all three are controlled by Jews.
02:15:47 Starting to think they are glowing.
02:15:49 What you talking about?
02:15:50 Iran and Russia and Israel is controlled by Jews.
02:15:55 Well, I don't think Iran is.
02:15:56 Controlled by Jews.
02:15:58 Russia's got a lot of Jewish oligarchs, but so does Earth, so it's hard to know.
02:16:05 It's hard to know exactly how much how much influence they have there.
02:16:11 Yeah, I mean.
02:16:14 I don't know.
02:16:15 I don't know.
02:16:16 I here's the thing.
02:16:21 At the end of the day, you know, wake wake me up when a Newt goes off.
02:16:26 That's why that's all I'm saying.
02:16:28 You know, and tell a nuke, detonate somewhere and tell there's a mushroom cloud.
02:16:34 Going viral on social media.
02:16:37 I'm bored with it.
02:16:41 Mostly because, like I lived through like like all out ******* war in the Middle East my entire life.
02:16:49 My entire life it's been, you know, thousands of Americans dying in the desert for for Israel and and and not getting anything out of it.
02:17:02 And and and it's just, I'm just numb to it now.
02:17:04 I just don't care anymore.
02:17:06 You know, wake.
02:17:07 Me up when a Newt goes off, that's.
02:17:08 The way I seen it, it's.
02:17:11 No, wrong like it doesn't have a nuke, doesn't have to go off for ship to get real and for us to be engaged in a in a actual.
02:17:22 But here's the other thing too, when was last.
02:17:23 Time we actually declared war.
02:17:26 I just. I just don't.
02:17:26 Think we declare war anymore?
02:17:30 And the last time we declared war, it was against ******* Germany and Japan.
02:17:35 And we've been at war ever since.
02:17:37 But like, I don't think.
02:17:39 We formally have we, I mean let me look, I don't think we've formally declared war since World War 2.
02:17:52 Here we go.
02:17:57 We go all the way down.
02:18:01 The the the last time we declared war.
02:18:05 Was against.
02:18:10 Romania and as part of World War 2.
02:18:13 In 1942.
02:18:19 But yeah, we have, but that was it, so.
02:18:22 Since 19 for 80 years.
02:18:29 And and America's.
02:18:30 Been at war that whole time.
02:18:34 But for 80 years we haven't, we haven't declared war.
02:18:38 So we're already kind of at war right now.
02:18:40 I I feel like we're all, you know, we're constantly at war.
02:18:46 So I'm just bored of it now.
02:18:48 I'm just burned.
02:18:48 I'm burned out on it like I just.
02:18:51 It just seems like that's just the the normal state of of of things, as America is constantly at war with everyone for Israel's interests.
02:19:03 And that includes Iran that includes Syria.
02:19:09 That includes Russia to some extent.
02:19:14 Yeah, wake me up when?
02:19:16 When **** gets real.
02:19:18 Or ****, wake me up when something happens stateside.
02:19:24 When was the last time?
02:19:25 And it's been over 80 years.
02:19:26 When the last time, like any, any kind of cause, that's the other weird thing too, right?
02:19:31 America's been at war. Undeclared war for 80 years. Whether you're talking Vietnam, Vietnam wasn't like an that wasn't an official war. Korea, not an official war.
02:19:42 They're all like police actions or, you know, other some some other ******** name for, you know, war.
02:19:47 But we didn't want to call it war for some reason.
02:19:52 That wasn't the war.
02:19:53 Somehow longest war in American history, but not really a war.
02:19:59 They never called it a war.
02:20:02 They're called the war fighters.
02:20:04 The people that you know, boots on the ground, they call war fighters, but they haven't fought a war since.
02:20:07 World War 2.
02:20:08 I don't know why they call them that.
02:20:14 So yeah, I'm just, you know.
02:20:17 I just think that it's.
02:20:19 It's like a normal function of the United States to be constantly.
02:20:23 At war for.
02:20:26 The interest of of other people and when was last time there was a.
02:20:31 I mean.
02:20:32 And and you can't. You can't even say 911, right? I was gonna say like it was last time Americans were actually attacked on their own soil.
02:20:41 9/11 I guess if you but.
02:20:44 That's Israel, right?
02:20:47 And so we can't exactly count that because we're not going to go to war with Israel.
02:20:56 Man, if I could wave a magic wand right?
02:21:03 So I mean that's that you know.
02:21:06 Wake me up when we're actually attacked on our soil or a nuke goes off somewhere or something like that other one.
02:21:13 Other than that, it's just it's just so in line with everything that's it's so in line with the status quo that I'm.
02:21:19 I'm not that concerned about it.
02:21:26 Damn Bigfoot Jews push degenerate forms of **** as well, like obesity.
02:21:30 Interracial or inter?
02:21:31 Yeah, interracial homosexual stepmom.
02:21:36 Wait, you're talking about these are kinds of ****.
02:21:40 OK, so fat, poor, interracial ****, gay **** step, mom **** and all types of sick fetishes.
02:21:48 Rather than just a white straight couple.
02:21:55 Well, that, that, that's.
02:21:57 But that's kind of what that that, that I'll I'll Goldstein was all about.
02:22:03 Was prior to his magazine.
02:22:06 His publication.
02:22:08 Anything that would be considered **** was just pretty much, you know, a straight couple. And he's the one that was like, no, we need to show close-ups of vaginas and stuff, you know, and that's what he did.
02:22:21 Banana pilled.
02:22:22 Can we discuss the Satanic transgender inversion aspect of **** related to this black pill?
02:22:28 Some of the theories about the first ladies?
02:22:32 And other historic women of influence, being trans version of the truth are compelling.
02:22:39 They do get a bit ridiculous in that the theorist community, but some are obvious.
02:22:45 I don't know, I I.
02:22:47 I I'm sure there's been.
02:22:49 Trends people in history that.
02:22:53 That might surprise us to, you know, for us to find out that they were trans.
02:22:57 But the idea that all these historical women are trans and all these politicians have trans wives and all, I just, I don't.
02:23:08 I don't buy it.
02:23:09 I don't buy it every time.
02:23:10 I've seen people make these arguments.
02:23:13 It just seems like ****** stuff, to be honest.
02:23:20 So you know.
02:23:23 It is what it is.
02:23:26 All right, Linus, thoughts with some *** **** money.
Speaker 5
02:23:30 Money is power.
02:23:31 Money is the only weapon that that you.
02:23:33 Have to defend.
02:23:34 Yourself with go, Julie, this flag is.
Speaker 9
02:23:54 It's very.
02:23:57 EMJE Michael Jones has mentioned how Alien is the sequel to **** ******, relating it to oral sex and STD's.
02:24:07 Any thoughts on that?
02:24:09 Also, it's groundhogs day and I've also and I've always enjoyed that movie.
02:24:15 Is there any subversive messaging?
02:24:17 I missed.
02:24:18 As always.
02:24:19 Thank you and God bless.
02:24:21 I mean, I don't know if I would see alien as.
02:24:26 As the sequel, that **** ******.
02:24:30 I mean, there's definite strong, powerful woman stuff.
02:24:33 Going on, but she doesn't like suck off an alien or anything like that.
02:24:39 I don't know how how.
02:24:42 I don't know what it would have to do with oral sex.
02:24:45 I'm trying to think of the I'm thinking back.
02:24:47 On that movie.
02:24:53 Yeah, I mean, I I I'd have to read what he said because it's not.
02:24:59 That's not.
02:25:00 That's not clear to me.
02:25:04 The STD angle maybe?
02:25:06 I mean, I don't know a lot of its context too, right?
02:25:11 I wasn't alive when Alien came out like that.
02:25:13 Came out in the 70s.
02:25:15 So I don't know.
02:25:18 You know what?
02:25:19 Maybe maybe in the context of that year, it was more obvious.
02:25:25 But I I'm not seeing it to be honest.
02:25:28 Groundhog's day.
02:25:31 I haven't watched that in many, many years.
02:25:35 But I did like it when I saw it.
02:25:39 You know it.
02:25:40 That's one of those movies that I always think is older than it actually is, because the film stock they used, it looks like a.
02:25:48 A much older movie because I think it came out in the 90s, right?
02:25:54 But the film stock looks very early 80s.
02:25:57 Let's see here.
02:26:07 Nor is the movie.
02:26:11 Yeah, 93. ****. That's like, way newer than.
02:26:13 I thought it was.
02:26:15 Yeah, that's one of those movies that like.
02:26:18 Looks 10 years older than it is.
02:26:21 I don't know why.
02:26:24 But the yeah, the film stock and and I don't know, maybe just.
02:26:28 The feel of it just seems altogether older than it actually is.
02:26:34 I I can't think off the top of my head.
02:26:36 It might be worth watching it, I know that.
02:26:41 No, it's been it's been way too long.
02:26:43 I don't remember any anything.
02:26:45 I mean, I remember the concept obviously, but I don't remember.
02:26:49 Anything specific about that movie?
02:26:51 I'd have to watch it again.
02:26:53 But thank you for your support, Linus.
Speaker 9
02:26:56 It's very.
02:26:59 All right, ******. ****** for $1.00 again.
02:27:04 I thought I brought I had some new some of the other ****** ones I found.
02:27:12 Let me see if I found it.
02:27:22 This may or may not work.
02:27:25 Let's do it for ******** ****** with $1.00.
02:27:31 There we go.
02:27:32 I don't know if that.
02:27:33 Worked cause I couldn't hear it.
02:27:39 I just wanted to share this AI generated voice of Dave and David Attenborough.
02:27:45 Alright, let's take a look, see what this is.
02:27:55 And David Attenborough is an English broadcaster.
02:28:02 Not super familiar with him.
Speaker 20
02:28:05 The sidewalk right next to a liquor store, a large American ***** is pacing back and forth.
02:28:11 The American ***** is highly territorial.
02:28:15 Countless scars, remnants of so-called turf wars, testified that life has not been kind to this young male, and he's desperately searching for conflict.
02:28:26 A young Asian male approaches while intellectually superior physically, the much smaller Asian male is hopelessly outmatched, and a direct confrontation would mean certain death.
02:28:38 The Asian male perceives the danger instantly and switches sidewalks at just a few metres down the road.
02:28:46 A young white male observes the situation from a safe distance.
02:28:50 He is unsure how to proceed.
02:28:53 The large ***** male is standing next to his car, effectively obstructing his escape route.
02:28:59 Then finally, the young white.
Speaker 20
02:29:01 Male musters up his courage and slowly moves closer.
02:29:05 Any noise or sudden movement could potentially ignite the ***** males, strong territorial instincts and lead to a dire sight over life and death.
02:29:15 Suddenly too heavily overweight white females appear seemingly out of nowhere, attracting the ***** males undivided attention.
02:29:23 The young white male seizes the opportunity.
02:29:26 And enters his car unnoticed by the large ***** Mayo.
02:29:30 He will spend the night in safety in white suburbia.
02:29:38 Well, there you.
02:29:38 Go not. I'm assuming that.
02:29:41 Sounds a lot like I don't.
02:29:42 Know I don't know that guy's voice, so.
02:29:45 There you go.
02:29:48 Crypto nationalists here's one of Tucker actually being based.
02:29:53 Apparently people are like really into this this thing.
02:29:55 That came out.
02:30:00 I've been doing all this all this.
02:30:03 Homestead stuff and I missed like.
02:30:06 Playing around with the the voice.
Speaker 22
02:30:09 Kill, behead. Roundhouse. Kick a into the concrete slam dunk. A nagger baby into the trash can.
02:30:19 Alright, let me let me there's video with this one.
02:30:21 Let me just at least pop it up.
02:30:26 Oh my God.
02:30:27 Did you guys see the last Tucker?
02:30:30 Tucker's really gone crazy lately.
02:30:34 Totally lost his ****.
02:30:36 Like it's crazy.
Speaker 22
02:30:38 Kill, behead, naggers, Roundhouse, kick a into the concrete slam dunk A negger baby into the trash can. Crucify filthy blacks, defecate in a neggers food. Launch naggers into the sun. Stir fry naggers in a wok. Toss Neggers into active volcanoes. Urinate into a neggers gas tank. Judo throw neggers into a wood chipper. Twist heads off.
02:30:58 Report to the IRS karate Chop wiggers.
02:31:00 And half curb stomp, pregnant black trap, wiggers in quicksand, crush riggers in the trash compactor, liquefy in a VAT of acid, eat dissect naggers, exterminate wiggers in the gas chamber, stomp Niger skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate wiggers in the oven lobotomize naggers mandatory abortions for neggers grind Niger fetuses in the garbage.
02:31:21 Disposal drown and fried chicken grease vaporize with a.
02:31:26 Ray gun.
02:31:26 OK.
02:31:28 I so.
02:31:31 Are people not?
02:31:31 I mean, you would think that with this look, obviously it looks.
02:31:36 It doesn't look totally real, but you would think this would be a tool.
02:31:42 You could easily have some fun with on on Twitter with.
02:31:46 Like you could make videos of people saying all kinds of crazy ****, and at least for a while, people will believe it.
02:31:55 Well, we all knew this was coming.
02:31:56 We all knew the deep fake stuff was was on the horizon, so now it's.
02:32:01 Now it's fully here and easily accessible, apparently.
02:32:06 Cheers, Devin.
02:32:07 Well, thank you very much, Andromeda.
02:32:11 Banana peeled.
02:32:13 You probably liked the intro.
02:32:14 Song, Banana, banana, banana.
02:32:16 Terracotta pie reason why that the reason I picked that song, by the way, it's it was the name of it is.
02:32:22 Was it proximity to obscenity or something with it?
02:32:25 It has the word obscenity in.
02:32:26 It teens with ******** **** in their pocket is worse than.
02:32:31 Worse than a black pill.
02:32:33 Gosh damn it.
02:32:34 I remember my puberty era.
02:32:35 Well, last thing is like.
02:32:37 They you're you're not gonna have any.
02:32:38 Defenses to that.
02:32:40 I remember the Sears catalog.
02:32:44 Well, not even lingerie was just bras like it wasn't even like sexy lingerie.
02:32:48 It was just.
02:32:49 Like and it and they.
02:32:50 And they purposely because it was the Sears catalog.
02:32:52 It wasn't like Victoria's Secret.
02:32:53 They purposely picked, like, very plain looking.
02:32:58 And I remember, you know, being very excited by those, those plain looking women in bras.
02:33:04 And I can't imagine having ******** ***** in my pocket all the time.
02:33:13 And that's.
02:33:15 The entire Generation Z.
02:33:20 I guarantee you it's ******.
02:33:22 That's that has a lot to do with all this trans.
02:33:25 Well, not just that, but like it has a lot to do with why Gen.
02:33:29 Z is the gayest generation.
02:33:32 Maybe since Sodom and Gomorrah, really.
02:33:35 I mean, we're at 25%, like some insane number like that.
02:33:40 That's probably why.
02:33:42 You know they.
02:33:42 Say, with **** it's it's like with drugs.
02:33:46 Where eventually you build up a resistance to it, like if you're like.
02:33:49 A real addict.
02:33:50 Right.
02:33:51 You know, if you're taking, like, the Oxycontin drugs or or or, you know, really any drug that you can build a resistance, you know to.
02:34:00 You have to keep upping the dosage to keep feeling it, and in fact, it'll never feel the same like with heroin, any kind of opiate, it'll never feel it's like, well, even like cigarettes.
02:34:11 You know you.
02:34:12 Smoked your first cigarette.
02:34:13 I remember when I smoked my first cigarette.
02:34:16 I had to, like, sit down.
02:34:19 I felt the nicotine rush or I I guess that's the wrong word for it, like the relaxation.
02:34:28 You know the I had to sit down.
02:34:30 I was dizzy.
02:34:32 I I was dizzy and like very relaxed.
02:34:37 That never that feeling never happened again.
02:34:42 Ever in a million years, no matter how many cigarettes you smoke, you, you, you never get that that first cigarette.
02:34:48 One maybe if you quit for like years and then have one again, you get like a taste of that first time.
02:34:57 But it's never.
02:34:57 It's never the same.
02:34:59 And that's kind of how, you know, a lot of these drugs are and and and ****.
02:35:05 Reacts the same way.
02:35:07 Than a drug does in the brain.
02:35:11 And the same you you're someone hyper chatted earlier, asking about like all these weird fetishes and stuff.
02:35:17 Well, I mean.
02:35:18 It's the reason why they're able to push that stuff is there is a market for it.
02:35:23 Right.
02:35:24 And the reason there's a market for it is if you've been watching.
02:35:29 You know, like a normal, let's say, like the old skinemax.
02:35:34 You know softcore ***** from the late 90s, right?
02:35:37 That would come on late at night where it's like, you know, doesn't show any genitals but you see ******* and and lingerie and stuff like that, let's say, like that's you've been watching **** like that since you were like 7.
02:35:53 By the time you're like 15.
02:35:57 You're having to up the dosage.
02:36:00 You have to have more and more extreme stuff.
02:36:02 That's why, by the way, a lot of people like wondered, well, how are they able to have all this **** for free?
02:36:10 And part of it, I think it is it, it is a way to to, it's weaponized against the West.
02:36:16 But it it's also A to keep it normal, right? If everyone's always having a little taste of it all the time, it's never going to feel as obscene as it would have to someone in the 1950s who who never saw anything even remotely close to what you know, I can type in a couple key words.
02:36:36 Right now and and have like the most horrific ****.
02:36:38 Never, right?
02:36:41 But it's not that they're not making money.
02:36:45 There's tons of, I mean, they're.
02:36:46 Making tons of money.
02:36:48 Yeah, that there's the free stuff.
02:36:49 But the reason or reason why that seems baffling to you is that just means you're not.
02:36:53 You're not a **** addict, right?
02:36:56 You, you, you, you you might be like, maybe you were the one that were like ohh.
02:36:59 Like the like, the after school special, right?
Speaker 17
02:37:02 And that's.
02:37:02 Even if this never happened to me, I never had this experience.
02:37:05 It was never like, hey, buddy.
02:37:07 The first ones free.
02:37:09 You know, like that was always the after school special arrangement.
02:37:11 You know, you some drug dealer would be in the playground and be like.
02:37:15 Hey, you look cool.
02:37:17 You know, cool people do drugs here, have some free drugs.
02:37:22 And then come back to me if you want.
02:37:24 Some more.
02:37:25 Yeah, that never ******* happened.
02:37:27 I never like the free drugs, but maybe that's what they're doing with the.
02:37:31 It's like, yeah.
02:37:32 Hey, buddy.
02:37:33 You like that, huh?
02:37:35 Oh yeah, it doesn't get you high anymore the way it used to though.
02:37:39 Well, now you gotta pay for this, you know, subscription or like or whatever, right.
02:37:42 Or maybe only fans.
02:37:43 Alright then that's.
02:37:45 Because that that's always kind of confused me too.
02:37:48 You know, why are people paying for this?
02:37:50 You know, it's just like it's it's like photos and sometimes videos or whatever.
02:37:55 I guess there's some kind of fake interaction that goes on.
02:37:58 I mean, I don't know.
02:37:59 I've never even gone to the website for only fans, so I don't even know how it's structured, but they're making a ton of money.
02:38:05 And it would make sense if it's structured the.
02:38:08 Same way, right?
02:38:10 You, you. You.
02:38:11 You you eventually are gonna get desensitized.
02:38:13 You're you're gonna be you're not able to get as high as you as you did the first time.
02:38:21 And so you have to keep paying for more and more and more.
02:38:24 And look the, the, the women making the **** on.
02:38:27 Only fans probably have to do the same thing right?
02:38:29 Like at first, maybe it's it's in fact that's the.
02:38:33 Isn't that like what happened with that?
02:38:35 That bell, whatever the **** your name is, the.
02:38:38 The fake anime girl where it she started off just like, oh, look at my *******.
02:38:44 Oh yeah.
02:38:45 And then you know that people that wasn't enough for people, so she had to keep up and up and, you know, so that I think that's probably what happens with a lot of these only fans girls.
02:38:56 Is they think?
02:38:56 Well, I'll just show off my **** and get rich and and they don't.
02:39:01 But even like, if you're you're one of the.
02:39:04 More popular ones.
02:39:05 You know, you get some money coming in.
02:39:08 But now it's not enough to just show show, you know, you know, have your top off now you gotta.
02:39:13 You know, so it's it's.
02:39:17 I can't.
02:39:17 I can't imagine growing up in that environment.
02:39:20 I can't imagine it, and neither and that's the problem too, is all the boomers taking Viagra furiously ************ to people the the age of their grandchildren?
02:39:31 They're not.
02:39:33 They don't.
02:39:33 Even that doesn't cross their ******* minds.
02:39:35 There's like no resistance to this ****.
02:39:37 There really isn't.
02:39:38 I mean beyond.
02:39:39 Like I said, you know.
02:39:42 Like stuff like this in the 90s where was.
02:39:44 It, yeah.
02:39:45 That guy, you know, like there's not even like that guy. I mean, this guy's like.
02:39:53 You know, kind of a joke, but like I said, he's.
02:39:54 He's really.
02:39:56 He's no different than the people on Twitter and like, you know.
02:39:59 This is like the.
02:40:01 The Steven Crowders of the world.
02:40:07 Dumb best one.
02:40:11 Now let's see.
02:40:12 Let's see here.
Speaker 17
02:40:18 I'll be the judge of that.
Speaker 22
02:40:23 Hello everyone and welcome.
02:40:26 There's another Tucker.
Speaker 13
02:40:33 The Tucker Carl.
02:40:36 The video's not working though. Just the Audio's working.
Speaker 23
02:40:41 Ohh look Tucker.
02:40:45 Well, it's playing.
02:40:46 It's playing all weird.
02:40:46 It's a WebM.
02:40:49 Which play weird sometimes for me.
Speaker 13
02:40:52 Hello everyone, and welcome to Tucker Carlson.
02:40:54 Tonight we've got a special guest for this show, Neil deGrasse Tyson, famous Science *****, is here to explain to us some interesting statistics regarding how the laws of the universe correlate to crime rates in majority Niger.
Speaker 23
02:41:08 Hello, Tucker.
02:41:09 I'd like to thank you for having me on here and I just want to say look, according to physics and this is science, we know this, there are more bikes stolen by African Americans weekly than there are asteroids in the kipper belt.
02:41:20 And if you think that's mind blowing, wait till you hear this.
02:41:24 For every star in the Galaxy, and Asian is sucker punched by an African American.
02:41:28 That's reality, and you can't help this.
02:41:31 You can't stop it.
02:41:32 What you can do is start eating poop today.
02:41:35 God, I love eating poop.
Speaker 13
02:41:37 Yeah, Neil, I think we're getting a bit off topic here.
02:41:40 But why exactly can we not stop from committing crime? Are we just supposed to expect this as some sort of cosmic reality that they can't control?
Speaker 23
02:41:49 Look, Tucker, you're you're twisting my words a bit here.
02:41:52 My point is that OK as an example, when I was a young boy, Carl Sagan used to make me lick peanut butter off *** ****.
02:41:58 This led to many gay.
02:42:00 Experiences for me, that's cosmic reality.
02:42:03 And in that same sense, African Americans have an insatiable urge for stealing and crime simply based upon the numbers of certain celestial bodies.
Speaker 13
02:42:10 Get this off the air.
02:42:14 Nah, Nah.
02:42:17 Ah, come on.
02:42:18 You guys needs to be better writing than that.
02:42:22 Although I do.
02:42:23 I do hate Neil deGrasse Tyson.
02:42:26 And I believe that that stuff about the peanut butter for sure.
02:42:31 Uh, my comfy chair, ever been to a Public Library in an area with a substantial black population, go to the computer section.
02:42:39 I promise you'll find intense, intensely **** addicted boomer aged black guys clicking away for you.
02:42:46 In the late 2000s, I used to see dudes frantically clicking between literally over 20 tabs.
Speaker 21
02:42:57 No, I don't.
02:42:58 Think I've ever seen that I can.
02:42:59 I can believe it.
02:43:00 I went to a library in Washington, DC that was not even like there's a lot of black people in Washington, DC.
02:43:08 And it wasn't in like the black part of town.
02:43:10 In fact, it was.
02:43:12 It was kind of in where a lot of I ended up getting questioned by a Secret Service agent.
02:43:17 So I was.
02:43:18 I was shooting video of something that like I it was it was they.
02:43:22 They were building something and I I needed footage of a crane.
02:43:26 And so I was.
02:43:27 I was getting.
02:43:28 I was just, you know, I was like ohh crank cool and I wouldn't got my camera and my tripod.
02:43:33 I was just shooting it and I and I went inside the library cause they were building it.
02:43:37 Next to the library and the library, all these windows.
02:43:41 And I'm getting like this Secret Service ***** got all up in my face.
02:43:44 Like library was ******* weird but the.
02:43:49 I'll tell you what, the library the computer section was full of of black people that you know just didn't have computers.
02:43:56 That wasn't super long ago.
02:43:58 I mean, I don't know if it's.
02:43:59 Would it be the same with all the Obama?
02:44:01 Phones that went out.
02:44:03 I mean.
02:44:05 I don't know.
02:44:05 I kind of feel like.
02:44:06 They all have Obama phones now.
02:44:08 But maybe if they are boom or blacks, they don't know how to work the phones so.
02:44:15 Well, and and I guess now because the normalization, there's the library can't, they're not going to kick them out.
02:44:22 You know, maybe if they whip it out.
02:44:23 They'll kick them out, but.
02:44:25 I don't think they they would.
02:44:29 I I have a hard time believing librarian staff in America would kick out black people for watching ******** ***** on a library computer.
02:44:40 So anyway.
02:44:43 Alright, let me go to regular chat here.
02:44:45 Where did my freaking window go?
02:44:49 High Priest King Terry says I went to a library in a big city and a homeless lady at a table starting started gutting a fish.
02:44:56 Guy in a fish at the at the library.
02:44:58 I don't think I've ever seen anything like that, but I believe it.
02:45:06 Carl Sagan smoked a lot of marijuana.
02:45:08 Billions and billions.
02:45:12 Billions and billions.
02:45:14 Of star stuff. Yeah, I.
02:45:17 Carl Sagan is, yeah.
02:45:26 A group among blacks?
02:45:27 Yeah, the ratio is lower than it.
02:45:29 Than it should be, but I've met great black people just like I've met ****** white people, usually yuppies, or try to be actual culture.
02:45:42 Over race.
02:45:44 Well, no, see.
02:45:46 This is the losing game with the white man.
02:45:47 You're playing the losing.
02:45:48 Game with the white man.
02:45:54 Yeah, wanting wanting to put your race first in the same way that putting your family first is not to say that all the members of your family are the best humans in in existence.
02:46:07 Here's the thing.
02:46:10 We have we have to have a talk.
02:46:11 Have to have a talk.
02:46:15 When people say stuff like ohh culture is is is way more important than race.
02:46:21 Would you say that about your family?
02:46:25 Would you say that about, like, let's say, your son?
02:46:30 Or your daughter.
02:46:33 That they, maybe they they.
02:46:35 For whatever reason.
02:46:37 Are are not as culturally identical to you, which means you were probably a ****** parent.
02:46:42 But that aside, let's say for whatever reason, your your children, your parents, your, your brother, your sister, your aunts, your uncle.
02:46:53 You don't have as much in common with them as, say, a friend of yours.
02:47:00 And for whatever reason, you have to make a choice.
02:47:05 You know, either your friend.
02:47:07 You know, or your, you know, or your blood.
02:47:11 Are you gonna pick?
02:47:20 Are you gonna pick?
02:47:24 Most white people will pick the friend, unfortunately.
02:47:36 And you should prioritize your blood.
02:47:41 Over perfect strangers that that maybe you have more in common with.
02:47:49 That's that.
02:47:49 That's that's all.
02:47:50 That's all.
02:47:51 That's all.
02:47:52 That's all I'm saying is I'm not saying yeah.
02:47:55 If if you have you have family that you prioritize and you put them first, which you I think you should, I think everyone should.
02:48:04 Family should come first with some, with some exceptions, right?
02:48:08 Like if your family is A is a murdering, you know pedophile or something like that.
02:48:13 Obviously you know they they forfeited access to my loyalty, right.
02:48:19 But assuming they haven't, you know, crossed some some major line.
02:48:23 And and maybe they're just, you know, we don't get along for whatever reason or whatever.
02:48:27 We don't have as much in common or whatever.
02:48:29 I'm still going to put them first because they're my family.
02:48:35 And I'm not.
02:48:36 When I do that, I'm not saying no one else on Earth.
02:48:40 Is is.
02:48:42 Is as good as my brother or as good as my sister, or as good as my aunt or whatever.
02:48:47 I'm just saying I'm gonna save their life before I save your random *** life.
02:48:53 I don't care if you you you have more in common with me or we agree on more stuff.
02:48:58 You're not my ******* brother.
02:49:01 You're not my blood.
02:49:06 That's that's all I'm saying.
02:49:11 Let's see here.
02:49:28 What are you guys saying you guys are.
02:49:29 There's a lot of talking going on.
02:49:31 I missed, I think.
02:49:32 Anyway, let's see here.
02:49:36 Darius when the when's the next mixtape gonna drop by the syberg's?
02:49:44 Yeah, I I I I.
02:49:45 Still I have to find that ******* video.
02:49:47 I don't even know where that one is.
02:49:51 I'll make another song at some point, I'm sure.
02:49:56 Darius wins the next mixtape, gonna drop by the side.
02:49:59 Oh, wait, I just read that one.
02:50:01 This is what happens.
02:50:02 This is what happens at 3 hours into a into a stream.
02:50:05 I start to.
02:50:08 I start to ******* lose it.
02:50:11 Ah man.
02:50:16 ******** ****** and a big *** long.
02:50:20 Link to an MP3.
02:50:24 I don't know.
02:50:24 ******** ******, that's that's.
02:50:27 Can't send these cryptic links.
02:50:31 Let me see. Let me see what this is. I'm sure it's another one of these, Tucker Carlson saying a bunch of.
02:50:37 Times or something like.
Speaker 20
02:50:39 That now we visit a very different kind of jungle, a concrete jungle.
02:50:42 Here we have Afro Nigrosh americanus, more commonly known as the North American.
02:50:47 See, this is probably way funnier if I knew who this guy was.
02:50:49 I have.
02:50:50 No idea who this guy is.
Speaker 20
02:50:52 Pavement ape.
02:50:53 This particular ***** is looking for a mate he has just came from a nearby 711 where he preyed upon the convenience store.
02:51:02 With a fresh 40 ounce bottle in his hand and $120.00 in his pocket, he is ready to set out.
02:51:08 The ***** heads to a local discotheque where he intends to find his mate and score an 8 ball of free base.
02:51:16 As the ***** enters the club, we see many females engaged in the courtship dance.
02:51:21 They raised their posterior to the male and then violently shake up and down.
02:51:26 The ***** male responds by uncontrollably jumping on the nearest female.
02:51:31 Other males also jump on the females.
02:51:33 There is some competition, but our ***** pulls a Glock 19 from his waistband and shoots the other.
02:51:40 Just as soon as it started, the mating ritual is over. Now our ***** and his shaboom are heading back to the crack nest. The ***** courtship doesn't last long. When the female begins showing signs of pregnancy, the male will depart and the cycle will repeat. This particular ***** is estimated to have fathered over 300.
02:52:01 In his 23 years of life.
02:52:04 It is somewhat bittersweet, as the North American pavement apes life expectancy is only 26.
02:52:11 Meaning this particular ***** could go on to further a further 400.
02:52:17 Returned packet $1.00.
02:52:19 My name.
02:52:22 So there we go.
02:52:23 All right.
02:52:26 Again, I I, I don't know this guy.
02:52:28 I don't know who this guy is.
02:52:29 I'm assuming he he does like BBC wildlife type stuff, but I.
02:52:33 Have no idea.
02:52:36 It's getting it's getting scary.
02:52:38 But, you know, scary better.
02:52:48 All right.
02:52:55 Lots of people and chat like that.
02:52:56 So there we go.
02:52:57 Good job.
02:52:58 ******** fagot.
02:52:59 All right, guys, we're going.
02:53:00 To go and shut it down.
02:53:02 Hope you enjoyed the **** Jew addition.
02:53:04 Like I said I I uncovered a lot of other **** Jews in making this and look in the in the Kinsey Institute.
02:53:12 That's like a whole another that's like, almost like a series needs to be done on that.
02:53:15 If I what I need to do is I need to find there was a VHS that had been ripped and uploaded at some point.
02:53:23 That covered a lot of that stuff with the daughters testimony and everything that I, I'd I'd watched back in like, I want to say almost like 2016. It was so long. It was almost during it was like during like, the Pizza gate ****, honestly.
02:53:37 I need to dig that one up because that would be a great source for a lot of a lot of this.
02:53:42 But anyway, all right.
02:53:44 Well, you guys have a wonderful evening.
02:53:47 I think someone asked me something here, John Connor said.
02:53:50 When the Internet goes down to pick that everything you said about **** descensus descensus.
02:53:59 That's hard to say for some reason to it, and requiring more and more degenerate stuff.
02:54:03 Yeah, exactly that.
02:54:05 And that's, look, that's proven to be the case.
02:54:08 These people need more and more degenerate stuff to get off, alright.
02:54:11 And then one last poo.
02:54:12 Say stop.
02:54:14 Where can we purchase a physical copy of the?
02:54:16 Original DOTR.
02:54:17 I also can I finally get a grocery store this time?
02:54:21 If not, look how Joey this well, not for a dollar.
02:54:24 You can't.
02:54:26 I don't have the.
02:54:26 I don't have the.
02:54:27 Grocery store anyway.
02:54:29 And the like, the book has not been available for a while, but it will be.
02:54:33 It will.
02:54:33 Be it will be.
02:54:36 I promise it will be anyway.
02:54:38 All right, you guys have a.
02:54:41 A wonderful rest of your week.
02:54:43 We'll come back here on Saturday.
02:54:48 We'll put on our Wookie hats.
Speaker 9
02:54:50 Very, very.
02:54:52 And I don't even know what the stream will be on Saturday.
02:54:55 I haven't even started on it, so we'll see.
02:54:56 What? What?
02:54:57 I come up.
02:54:57 With between now and then in the.
02:54:59 Meantime, for black pill.
02:55:00 I am of course.
02:55:04 Devin stack.
Speaker 9
02:55:07 Very, very.
02:55:08 It's something happy that you got, you know.
Speaker 24
02:55:08 Happening couldn't.
02:55:12 Well, actually I sort of did it as a backlash.
02:55:15 Well, I have incest issues with my father and.
02:55:19 I have a lot of.
02:55:20 Anger there.
02:55:21 Or at least I did.
02:55:21 And worked through it.
02:55:22 Now, right. But.
02:55:24 What did you go back and face your dad?
02:55:26 Do you think you went into the popcorn things?
02:55:28 You got to get?
Speaker 8
02:55:29 Back to your father.
Speaker 24
02:55:30 Yeah, literally just to.
02:55:31 Say you know.
02:55:32 Look at all.
02:55:33 Of the people that I have sex with and look at all the people that I'm allowing inside me.
02:55:36 And you can't have.
02:55:37 Me and.
02:55:37 Oh, is that?
Speaker 24
02:55:38 Like an issue with.
Speaker 5
02:55:39 A lot of girls.
Speaker 24
02:55:40 I mean, I can't speak for, you know, kind of a.
02:55:44 I think I think.
02:55:45 Child sexual abuse is not necessarily incest, but child sexual abuse is really prevalent in this.
02:55:50 Business and I think again it's.
Speaker 22
02:55:51 The office Friday.
Speaker 8
02:55:51 Like, but it's so weird that you would do it even more, you know.
02:55:54 You think you just shut down?
Speaker 24
02:55:55 It's interesting when you learn in an early age that what you're good for is sex.
02:56:00 Either you turn off of that or you turn into a voracious sexual creature.
02:56:05 Did your dad say I'm?
02:56:07 No, no, no.
Speaker 12
02:56:08 Right now, teachers.
Speaker 24
02:56:09 He didn't say he was sorry and.
02:56:10 My mother didn't need.
Speaker 3
02:56:30 Good evening.
02:56:30 This is Al Goldstein from midnight blue.
02:56:32 When I was a college undergraduate, I read a book by a guy named Thorsten Veblen, called conspicuous consumption.
02:56:38 And that's the time I read books.
02:56:39 Now I'm an English major who reads books.
02:56:41 I'm lucky if I read Screw magazine.
02:56:43 I don't read very much. I'm a typical publisher, but I do remember the thrust of Evelyn's book was we live in a society where.
02:56:50 More is better and this keeps coming back to me in the recurring kind of a nightmare, as I think of Donald.
02:56:56 Trump Donald Trump wants more.
02:56:58 He's like the addict.
02:56:59 He wants more of everything.
02:57:01 He wants New York City change to Trump City.
02:57:04 Trump is constantly pushing onward.
02:57:07 I know if he was happy there was some internal peace, it was a quiet to it about him, he wouldn't have to keep trying to prove something and and let's look at this from a floating point of view.
02:57:18 He's always building towering, phallic shaped edifices.
02:57:21 It's an edifice complex.
02:57:23 This man obviously has a ***** ****.
02:57:26 Or how would Trump's ****, what's his name? Donald Trump? How would Trump **** you? Trump, you're an important man.
02:57:32 You know your first name?
02:57:32 That's your brother.
02:57:33 He's the he's the.
02:57:34 He's the one with brains in the family.
02:57:36 Donald, you're * ****.
02:57:37 Probably doesn't work.
02:57:39 Or when it works.
02:57:40 It's so small, we don't even know.
02:57:41 It's hard, Donald.
02:57:42 Enough already.
02:57:43 I'm sick of your ******* picture.
02:57:45 Sick of your book and what really has a fused together to make me ****** *** as I spent an app?
02:57:52 Afternoon at Trump Trump Castle? That's right. I saw those ads I thought would be great. Your room service. Things I had locks and eggs for 895.
02:58:00 It was second rate my friend, who's a compulsive gambler.
02:58:03 Lyle Stewart didn't even have his box of chocolates.
02:58:06 He needed him for.
02:58:07 His wife, Carol, because.
02:58:08 He was afraid Carol would not know he was really gambling, as if Lyle would be able to **** another woman.
02:58:13 He can't get *** **** card, but there was Lyle carrying on that. He's going to be on Donald Trump's boat now. I'm.
02:58:18 Not invited on Donald's boat.
02:58:20 I'm not invited.
02:58:21 To any of the smart parties, but that's because Donald Trump, Donald Trump, the name even makes me want to throw up.
02:58:28 It's like gerbils.
02:58:29 Donald Trump is trying to prove something and and and this need to look at me.
02:58:34 Look at me.
02:58:34 Look at me, Donald.
02:58:35 You're a little spoiled kid.
02:58:37 Who **** does stink.
02:58:39 We're sick of you.
02:58:40 You have bored us.
02:58:41 Your blonde wife is boring white bread incorporated.
02:58:45 She may not even have.
02:58:46 Pubic hair.
02:58:46 She's so virginal, Donald.
02:58:49 These would dry up and go to some other city, go to Baltimore.
02:58:53 They can handle it.
02:58:54 Donald Trump, Donald.
02:58:55 Trump, I'm sick.
02:58:56 Of you and everything you stand for Donald Trump.
02:58:59 Go **** yourself.
Speaker 5
02:59:00 Yeah, chicken.