00:13:49 I should probably start.00:00:02 Recording the stream now, all right.
Speaker 2
00:00:04 I did.Speaker 3
00:00:05 So all of you guys who watched.Devon
00:00:06 The replays and ***** about the intro music you don't have to worry about that today and it's it's exceedingly loud in here right now.00:00:14 I'm just realizing that the number of fan things I've got going on is a little excessive, so let's do something about that.
00:00:22 Let's change that.
00:00:24 And see instead of the the intro music you have to listen.
Speaker 2
00:00:27 To me, complain about air movement.00:00:30 And the electronics involved in that movement of the air, how you guys doing on this September 12th now officially?
00:00:39 20 years after September 11th, 20 years.00:00:44 20 years to some people, it seems like almost.
00:00:47 Like it was just yesterday.
00:00:50 Actually, I don't know who I think going to be pretty old for it to seem like it was yesterday.
00:00:54 But it doesn't seem like it was that long ago.
00:00:59 This morning I strained a file that I put together with the intention of using it for something like that a couple of years ago I.
00:01:08 Went and gathered.
00:01:10 All of the 9/11 footage I could get my grubby little hands on, and I mean hours and hours and hours of Freedom of Information, act video hours and hours and hours of broadcast, and I painstakingly went through every single one.
00:01:27 Of these clips.
00:01:29 And I lined the mall up and synchronized them on a gigantic Adobe premiere timeline.
00:01:37 I mean, it's a massive, massive timeline and some of this stuff because it didn't have, you know.
00:01:45 Accurate timing.
00:01:48 I had to.
00:01:48 It was it was.
00:01:50 Some of it was kind of morbid, like it would be.
00:01:52 Well, I I know that I can line up these two shots because there's a body falling from the building so I can synchronize when that guy leaps from, you know, to his death out this window.
00:02:06 I can synchronize these two clips because he's.
00:02:08 He's leaping out of that window in both of these clips, so that's what I'm going to.
00:02:11 Use to sync them both up.
00:02:14 And various things like that are like this.
00:02:17 That's when this thing exploded.
00:02:18 Or this is when this guy hit the ground and and all that horrific ****, then got a copy of the the fireman.
00:02:29 They have their their radio communications recorded, of course, and synced that up to line up exactly with what was happening.
00:02:38 And one of the more disturbing things is that I don't think.
00:02:45 A lot of people understand if you were just watching it, we'll talk about that. Maybe in a second, but basically, so I got that video and I lined it all up and made it so that people could experience watching 911 people that might might not have. I mean, there's some people listening that weren't even born.
00:03:05 When 911 happened, whereas if if you know if you were over the age of.
00:03:11 I mean 5.
00:03:12 You were glued to your TV that day.
00:03:14 You were watching this unfold on live tell.
00:03:16 And if and if you didn't see it live, you sure as **** saw it.
00:03:19 Like every.
00:03:20 Day because they.
00:03:21 Replayed that clip of the airplanes hitting the buildings over and over and over and over and over again.
00:03:30 And the collapse over and over and over and over again.
00:03:33 For for years, like it didn't stop for a.
00:03:36 Couple of years.
00:03:38 And of course, we all know now, hindsight being what it is, the psychological reasoning behind why they were doing that.
00:03:46 But I wanted people to be able to experience.
00:03:50 That unfold in real time.
00:03:51 So I synchronized all those clips, put them all together, and then this morning it exactly.
00:03:58 The moment that it would be unfolding, so if you were to tune.
00:04:00 Into the stream.
00:04:02 It would be as if.
00:04:03 You were watching?
00:04:04 A time machine stream that went back exactly 20 years.
00:04:09 And you could watch it in real time as it happened.
00:04:13 So for those of you who joined that stream, thank you for watching that.
00:04:17 That's why I did it.
00:04:18 I did it to do that and and then it just I never got around to streaming it.
00:04:24 So I put it up on YouTube a couple years ago and decided to play that this morning, which means yes, I did stay up.
00:04:30 Till you know most.
00:04:32 Normal people, I guess would have got up early.
00:04:34 I just stayed up till 9:00 in the morning.
00:04:39 So man, yeah, it is what it is.
00:04:43 So anyway, So what I was going to say, there's a couple of things because I watched it just along with everybody else that watched it.
00:04:48 I hadn't seen that video since I had made it a couple of years ago, and there were a couple things that I caught that that were a little more meaningful.
00:04:59 The second time around or I guess, I mean, I really I saw a lot of those clips a billion times because I was editing that video.
00:05:05 But a couple of things kind of popped out to me that I wanted to call out just before we talk about some other stuff.
00:05:12 But one thing in particular that that, like I said, I don't think people understood what they were hearing.
00:05:20 Was during the collapse of the towers, and let me bring this video up I guess.
00:05:26 And I'll play it.
00:05:29 It's a little horrifying, but it's, you know, I think it's appropriate to watch it.
00:05:35 Uh. Let's see here.00:05:38 Here we go.
00:05:43 Alrighty, let me shrink this down.00:05:47 Make it more manageable.
00:05:52 A lot.
00:05:53 A lot of people also didn't realize, and I'm going to play might as well just play this little part right here.
00:05:59 A lot of people don't realize that this is the case that Rumsfeld, literally the day this was the day before 9/11. Rumsfeld makes this announcement the day before 9/11.
Speaker 4
00:06:12 According to some estimates, we cannot track 2.3 trillion.Speaker 5
00:06:16 Dollars in transactions.Speaker 2
00:06:20 He said that that that the.Devon
00:06:22 DoD was missing $2 trillion, just missing.00:06:27 All right, so I'm going to Fast forward.
00:06:29 A lot of this.
00:06:33 Bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum.
00:06:40 And here's what I want you to understand.
00:06:46 About what?
00:06:47 What you were hearing, if you watched the string this morning?
00:06:51 Where's the collapse?
00:06:52 Is that the collapse?
00:06:56 There it goes.
00:06:57 I think that's right there.
00:07:00 Right.00:07:01 Why does it happen?
00:07:03 Almost there.00:07:05 Oh, that's there it is.
00:07:07 OK.
00:07:13 What you'll be hearing?
00:07:15 Is you'll be hearing the the firemen.
00:07:19 Talking on their radios.
00:07:22 And as the the building collapses.
00:07:26 You're going to hear a lot of radios keying up.
00:07:31 A lot of radios keying up.
00:07:36 And what you're hearing?
00:07:38 Are those firemen getting crushed to death and their radios keying up?
00:07:43 As they get crushed.
00:07:46 And then what you hear is the the guy, the the NET controller.
00:07:51 For lack, I don't know what his, what, his.
00:07:53 Title is calling.
00:07:55 Trying to get a hold because he doesn't know that that what happened.
00:07:59 Trying to get a hold of the the base that they they set up there.
00:08:05 And no one's answering.
00:08:08 So I thought that was uh.
00:08:11 That was a.
00:08:11 Moment in history.
00:08:12 That's worth watching.
00:08:14 And so we're.
00:08:14 Going to play that here?
00:08:16 And let me make.
00:08:17 This so it's a little more.
00:08:20 Invisible I guess.Devon
00:08:23 And see if I can extend that bottom.Speaker
00:08:24 Part a little bit.Devon
00:08:28 So you'll hear a bunch of if you've ever keyed up, or if I got one here.00:08:31 Seeing this here, that's like a little beep Sally.
00:08:35 Anyone that's used like a handy talkie, something like that.
00:08:38 You'll understand what I'm saying once you.
00:08:39 Hear it?Devon
00:08:43 All right, let me move this to.00:08:47 Right here.
00:08:49 All right, here we go.
Speaker 7
00:09:31 You want millionaires.00:09:32 You identified.
Speaker 3
00:09:40 OK.Speaker 7
00:09:54 Feel comfortable.Speaker
00:10:07 Kind of feel.00:10:15 Now it.
Speaker 3
00:10:15 Too has had.Speaker 5
00:10:16 A major explosion and what appears to be a complete.Speaker 4
00:10:18 Collapse surrounding the entire area.Speaker 7
00:10:22 Marine successful we were notified.Devon
00:10:31 Anthony, the whole second.00:10:34 Tower collapsed the whole the whole.
00:10:45 Jesus Christ.
00:10:50 So that that stuck out to me as we watched that this morning.
00:10:52 Just you can hear all those all those radios clicking, keying up, keying up, keying up clean up as those floors just pancake.
00:11:00 And like I said, I don't, I don't think.
00:11:04 You know the average person realized what they were hearing when they heard that.
00:11:09 And he continues to call asking for anybody and and and no one.
00:11:16 No one comes back, in fact.
00:11:18 Well, the person who does come back.
00:11:21 Isn't a fireman at all?
00:11:23 The audio was super screwed up.
00:11:25 I forgot that I've got like this.
00:11:29 This thing that that tries to level the volume and it kind of with with that audio makes it just awful.
00:11:36 So I'm going to see if I can change that.
00:11:39 So it's not so bad.
00:11:41 Let me do that real quick.
00:11:44 But what you will hear.
00:11:48 Here we are.Devon
00:11:51 It's now processing.Speaker
00:11:55 There I fixed that. Bam.Devon
00:11:59 That'll fix it.00:12:00 OK, So what you will hear is someone saw the building coming down and so they jumped inside of a a fire truck to escape it.
00:12:09 And and he jumps on the radio, trying to talk to them.
00:12:13 So again, I think this was just it's just an eerie moment.
00:12:16 It's just something that, that it's just.
00:12:19 And you know, it just stuck out to me and and and so.
00:12:22 It is what it is.
00:12:23 Let's let's take a look.
00:12:24 Right.Devon
00:12:27 It was burning too much.Speaker
00:12:28 Into the wood.Devon
00:12:38 Daniella, did you hear me?00:12:39 Entire second building collapsed.
00:12:41 It is gone.
00:12:55 They are letting us stay up.
00:12:56 I'm not sure why Newark is allowing us to stay up.
00:12:59 We are.
00:13:01 Only the news helicopters are allowed up as the entire country.
00:13:03 We're like 5 people in the year that.
00:13:22 There is additional fire.
00:13:36 My husband works right there.
Speaker 4
00:13:38 Heart of the tower, the second tower, the one a bit further to the.Devon
00:13:43 South of us.00:13:43 Then I fast for a little bit.
Speaker 5
00:13:44 Has collapsed.Devon
00:13:44 I thought it was like.Speaker 5
00:13:45 Here you're checking on that.Devon
00:13:52 Alright, here we go.Speaker 3
00:13:56 You wanna hear me?Speaker 7
00:14:16 Wasn't transmitting the meeting.Speaker 3
00:14:20 I just called you.Speaker 4
00:14:35 You eat.Speaker
00:14:39 Copy that.Speaker 3
00:14:46 I could really.Speaker 7
00:14:51 Help just calm down and he left.00:14:55 Would you have somebody on the way?
00:14:59 You have somebody on the way over to you.
00:15:01 You'll remain calm.
00:15:08 Over there.
00:15:17 So what he's saying, he can't hear, understand.00:15:19 He's saying command to field come.
00:15:21 And he's been saying that since the collapse, and not a single person has responded yet.
Speaker 7
00:15:39 You'll come.00:15:46 Division 11.
00:16:06 We need the army.
00:16:10 Everybody try to calm down.
00:16:25 I've been having division.
00:16:32 Urgent. Urgent.Speaker 7
00:16:40 I'm an added any units offering.00:16:42 Along West Street or Liberty St. the tower #2.
00:16:52 And no one ever responds.00:16:58 It's madding.
00:16:59 It's madding.
00:17:00 When you hear these politicians use this event knowing.
00:17:07 There are real people there.
00:17:16 You know in my book that that has been banned from Barnes and Noble and Amazon.
00:17:23 One of the characters remarks you have to know who you're dealing with here.
00:17:32 And he uses 911 as an example.
00:17:36 You're dealing with people.
00:17:39 Who committed mass murder?
00:17:42 So that they could commit more mass murder.
Speaker 3
00:17:52 That's who you're dealing with.Speaker 2
00:17:55 At the end of the day, that's that's.Devon
00:17:59 That's the the level of commitment.00:18:03 These people have.
00:18:06 And you just got.
00:18:07 To be aware of that.
00:18:12 Whether or not they they they've come.
Speaker 8
00:18:14 Up with some weird moral.Devon
00:18:15 Justification in their head.00:18:17 It doesn't matter.
00:18:17 I mean, in fact, the thing that's almost scarier.
00:18:20 You're dealing with people who have managed to claw their way to the top of a hierarchy that they they jealously guard the top of.
00:18:29 And created a system of morals where not only is is this kind of thinking, you know, permitted, but I mean acting upon it.
00:18:39 Is also permitted and protected.
00:18:43 And it's protected by all of them.
00:18:49 How many ruling class whistleblowers?
00:18:51 Are there when it comes to 9/11 0?
Speaker 3
00:19:04 When it comes to stuff like this.Devon
00:19:06 They all operate in lockstep.00:19:17 That's the level of commitment you're dealing with.
00:19:21 So when people wonder like, well, what?
Speaker 3
00:19:23 You know what the the.00:19:25 Ruling class wouldn't just mass.
00:19:26 They do it all the time.
00:19:34 You know, it's funny, when I when I I I just, I've been killing more bunnies lately because they they've the tornado or whatever the **** that came through and ripped up **** it it created some soft spots in the perimeter.Speaker 3
00:19:50 It was holding.Devon
00:19:51 Back the bunnies.00:19:53 Like it was doing a good job.
00:19:54 And but you know, part of the fence got blown over and just in in putting it back up.
00:19:58 I guess I like.
00:19:59 It's not.
00:20:01 It's no longer Bunny proof.
00:20:02 And so they've been trying to get in and and plus it's just I think some of them have dug somewhere.
00:20:07 I I I just can't.
00:20:08 Line it because when I first put the fence up, a lot of my plants were really small and easy, but now I got actual vegetation.
00:20:16 Some of the fence is harder to get to, which means there might be holes that anyway.
00:20:21 Long story short, I've been blasting bunnies like it's no joke and.
Speaker 2
00:20:26 When I do that.Devon
00:20:28 I feel bad I have to morally justify it in my head.00:20:33 I have to morally justify it in my head.
00:20:36 I don't always feel bad, but I usually feel kind of bad.
00:20:38 The squirrels are they're cute.
00:20:39 I kind of.
00:20:40 Feel bad about the squirrels?
00:20:42 Plus, like when you find out they're monogamous.
00:20:45 And so you're like daddy's.
00:20:46 Ain't Daddy's not coming home tonight, it's like.
00:20:51 And you just think of all the baby.
00:20:52 Squirrels that are.
00:20:53 Waiting for their dad to come home with the little bits of cactus.
00:20:57 And no, not today.
00:21:02 Anyway, so it is.
00:21:04 Is as much as I'm laughing about it.
00:21:06 I actually do.
00:21:07 I I have to morally justify it every time I do it.
00:21:10 And there's even sometimes where I'm just like, I just don't feel like killing that day.
00:21:14 And so I'll find, like, if it looks like I I can chase him out the gate.
00:21:18 I'll do that instead, you know.
00:21:20 To not have to do it.
00:21:23 And and the so that's me because I'm a well adjusted normal human being.
00:21:29 Or you could say.
00:21:31 And probably this is the way the ruling class would look at it.
00:21:33 It's because I think like a slave.
00:21:39 They think of themselves as as coming from an entirely different point of view.
00:21:44 They, in fact they will say well.
00:21:46 We need to.
00:21:46 Be able to to think this way.
00:21:48 We need to be able to send people to their deaths by the thousands, by the hunt, by the millions if necessary.
00:22:00 You know, for national security purposes or or whatever, right?
00:22:04 That we need someone that's the temperament.
00:22:07 Someone has the temperament where they can without losing any sleep?
00:22:14 Send 100,000 troops to their deaths.
00:22:18 For the greater good.
00:22:23 And look, in some ways there is some logic to that, right?
00:22:26 In some ways, yeah.
00:22:27 You do want the guy who's at the wheel to be able to make tough decisions.
00:22:37 But what happens is.
00:22:42 When you don't have any principles dictating the behavior, or even the people that are at the top.
00:22:51 When it becomes just this nepotism.
00:22:55 When it becomes just this generational wealth.
00:23:01 These disgusting inbred ************* at the top.
00:23:10 Who believe that they they are born to a higher.
00:23:12 Calling than people like you and me.
00:23:18 It's only a matter of time before they start justifying they take it a step further.
00:23:21 It's no longer I have to send these troops out into dangerous situations.
00:23:25 They might not come home, but you know, *** **** it, they're they're going to save the millions of millions of.
00:23:30 Lives of the.
00:23:31 The men and women back home to wow.
00:23:38 As harsh as it might sound.
00:23:42 If I don't kill thousands.
00:23:45 Of people here at home.
00:23:47 In like a controlled.
00:23:48 Way you know, at least I can I.
00:23:50 Can control it.
00:23:51 Cause if we don't do something about this about our enemies in the Middle East, then they will attack us and and maybe.
00:23:58 They'll use a.
00:23:58 Dirty, you know.
00:23:59 Bomb or or something that's going to kill us all.
00:24:03 But if I do it this way, if I manage it this way.
00:24:07 I can limit thee the casualties for to just a few thousand, maybe make a little bit of insurance money on the side.
00:24:17 And then we can mobilize the people to finally.
Speaker 9
00:24:21 See things.Speaker 3
00:24:22 Our way that.00:24:22 Yes, we need to use the military.
00:24:24 Might of the United States.00:24:26 Across the world.
00:24:29 To serve.
00:24:31 Our greatest ally.
00:24:33 In the Middle East.
00:24:36 And to spread democracy, to create the new world order.
00:24:40 No longer will it.
Speaker 3
00:24:41 Be the law of the jungle.Speaker 2
00:24:46 It'll be our law.Devon
00:24:50 But the people are too stupid to understand it.00:24:57 These useless eaters.
00:25:02 We'd explain it to them, but they would never understand.
00:25:09 Then so.
00:25:13 If you want to make an omelette.
00:25:17 Times you got to break a few eggs.
00:25:23 And so you morally justify the killing of your.
00:25:27 Your citizens.
00:25:30 In the in the you know in the thousands.
00:25:36 Because their lives will not be in vain.
Speaker 3
00:25:43 Ultimately, you're saving lives.Devon
00:25:50 And then once the stupid, you know, public.00:25:54 The cattle are sufficiently scared.
00:26:01 You can finally accomplish your project that you want to.
00:26:06 To enact in Middle East, where you start knocking down every country and replace each regime with a puppet regime.
00:26:14 Subservient to your empire.
00:26:21 And as we all know, now that didn't exactly pan out, did it?
00:26:28 It only took the lies of.
00:26:32 Thousands upon thousands and upon thousands of people, hundreds of thousands of people.
00:26:45 But that's the sad thing.
Speaker 3
00:26:47 We don't even get a whoops.Devon
00:26:58 You want to hear what Bush said today?00:27:03 Bring this up.
00:27:06 You know, Bush.
00:27:07 You'd think there'd be a little bit of whoops coming from Bush, right?
00:27:12 At least like an oopsie.
00:27:14 Sorry guys.
00:27:31 No, it's uh, what Bush said is right in line.
00:27:35 See, you got to understand these guys are all the same.
00:27:37 These guys are all the same.
00:27:39 If you don't believe it.
00:27:39 In fact, while we're waiting for the Bush video to.
00:27:41 Play another thing that stuck out about.
00:27:44 Watching this again.
00:27:47 Was at the end I I played a clip of Trump being interviewed the day of 911, but unlike the people who usually snip out that selected little, those selected little bits of Trump and.
00:28:01 Use it as.
00:28:02 When he was president and he saw so many people.
00:28:04 Saying, oh, look, he he knows.
Speaker 3
00:28:07 He knows about 911 and he's going to get him. He's going to, you know, patriots in charge, fight, fight, fight you.Speaker 8
00:28:17 While they leave.Devon
00:28:17 Out a part of that interview that's that's probably the most important, important part.00:28:22 Of that interview.
00:28:25 So let's get to that.
00:28:32 Oh, first, you know, a lot of people.
00:28:34 I noticed when we were watching this in chat.
00:28:37 People people were not aware that that that 4th airplane that crashed in the.
00:28:46 In the countryside, a lot of people have.
00:28:48 Not seen the footage of of that so-called crash site.
00:28:52 So they were a.
00:28:53 Little shocked I'm going to I'm.
00:28:54 Going to play.
00:28:56 Well, I'm going to.
00:28:56 Play this the very end here that has.
00:29:02 Building 7.
00:29:05 And then it has the Pentagon video and then.
Speaker 2
00:29:08 It has footage.Devon
00:29:09 Of that crash site with zero plane debris.00:29:13 And this this is footage that's taken like, right after the plane crash, right?
00:29:30 That's building 7.
00:29:36 Here's the the fancy.
00:29:39 Only video of the Pentagon.
00:29:45 You know the Pentagon.
00:29:46 You'd think that there's probably more than one camera at the Pentagon.
00:29:53 That's the one you get to see.
00:29:58 And then here's the.
00:30:02 Here's the plane that crashed into the ground.
Speaker 2
00:30:07 All right, there's the hole.Devon
00:30:14 Wait for it.00:30:15 There's there's I.
00:30:15 Don't see any plane parts.
00:30:20 That's the hole.
00:30:33 So I mean, I don't know, I look, I'm not.
00:30:36 I'm not.
00:30:39 I don't really care about that rabbit hole.
00:30:40 Quite frankly, but just it is what it is.
Speaker 3
00:30:44 But here is some very important things that that they always get left out of this interview.Speaker 11
00:30:50 Donald Trump is on the line and we know him as the man behind lots of real estate in Manhattan.00:30:55 And of course, Donald, I understand you were actually a witness to what happened this morning.
Speaker 8
00:31:00 Well, I have a window that looks directly at the World Trade Center and I saw this huge explosion.00:31:07 I was with a group of people and I I I really couldn't even believe it.
00:31:11 And even I think worse than that.
00:31:13 For years I've looked right directly at the building.
00:31:16 I'd see the Empire State Building in the foreground and the World Trade Center in the background.
00:31:21 And now I'm looking at absolutely nothing.
00:31:23 It's just gone and it's just hard to believe.
Speaker 9
00:31:26 Donald Allen Marcus here to.00:31:28 Your building is the Trump Tower is one of the great tourist attractions in the world that's well known university.
00:31:36 Are you taking any precautions there in light of what happened at the?
00:31:39 World Trade Center.
Speaker 8
00:31:40 Well, Alan, we've always had, as you know, very, very strong security, but there's very little you can do about planes crashing into a building.00:31:47 I mean, you look at Larry Silverstein is a terrific owner in New York and a very good friend of mine.
Speaker 9
00:31:53 Ohh whoops.Speaker 3
00:32:01 You look at Larry Silverstein.00:32:07 Who's a terrific owner and a really good friend.
00:32:10 Of mine.Speaker 3
00:32:14 They always cut that part of.Devon
00:32:16 The interview out, don't they?Speaker 3
00:32:18 I'm sure you've seen this.Devon
00:32:20 This mega clip selected portions of it shared all over Twitter and whatnot.00:32:25 Over the last few years.
Speaker 3
00:32:28 Usually cut that part out.Devon
00:32:34 It's a big club.00:32:37 And we're not in it.
Speaker 8
00:32:44 Just called.00:32:45 I was very worried about him because I assume maybe he was in the building.
00:32:48 He took possession of the building one week ago.
00:32:52 Ohh imagine that.Speaker 8
00:32:54 As you know, he just bought the World Trade Center and he was in his office and he was getting ready to move into the World Trade Center over the.Speaker 4
00:32:56 Right.Speaker 8
00:33:01 Next two weeks.00:33:01 So then I just spoke to him.
00:33:03 There's nothing you can do when people are going to be bombing planes at your building now, I guess maybe the world is going to be changing and maybe you're.
Speaker 4
00:33:11 Gonna have F.Speaker 8
00:33:12 16 is flying all over the city.00:33:14 Et cetera.
00:33:14 But it's a pretty tough situation.
Speaker 9
00:33:17 Donald, you have one of the landmark buildings down.Devon
00:33:20 Anyway, Trump continues to say and and look, this is something that also stuck out.Speaker 3
00:33:25 We're not going to.Devon
00:33:26 Do you want to watch this whole video?00:33:28 It's on, it's on you. It's one of the few things still on YouTube and it's actually, it's probably at this point then mirrored on Odyssey and bit shoot it's it's just called 911 from Manhattan or something like that, right?
00:33:40 And it's it's worth a watch.
00:33:44 And it's long, right?
00:33:45 It's it's in real time.
00:33:46 So it's it's two hours and 2 minutes.
00:33:50 But it's worth a watch if you ever want to just see kind of how it unfolded.
00:33:53 And even when you hear the audio clips, that's not like me editorializing, sticking audio clips, that's as you hear them is exactly when they were broadcast at at that exact moment, which made it difficult to edit, because, like, you know, people were talking over each other.
00:34:09 And so I had to make decisions.
00:34:10 Times on what played.
00:34:11 But one of the things that that was an ongoing theme immediately, immediately.
00:34:17 Was that everything would have to change.
00:34:20 Everything would have to change.
00:34:24 They would have to be a new normal.
00:34:26 I mean, they didn't call it that, but that was.
00:34:27 What it was, it was a new normal.
00:34:38 Do you want to?
00:34:39 Make an omelette.
00:34:41 You have to.
00:34:44 Break a few eggs.
00:34:47 So for basically I mean.
00:34:51 A couple of years everyone saw, you know, they go to the where's the second plane?
00:34:57 That's the 1:00.
00:34:57 They have actual footage of.
00:34:59 I mean the first one, if you guys haven't seen it.
00:35:02 I'm sure you've seen it.
00:35:06 Here's the here's this clip this.
00:35:08 Is the first plane.
00:35:09 Hitting, we'll just go through.
00:35:11 The the the major events real quick and then we're going to get into some other stuff.
Speaker 4
00:35:19 We wanted to go with this popular here.Speaker 10
00:35:23 I guess being right here.Speaker 4
00:35:26 Right that way.Speaker 7
00:35:36 Ohh ****.00:35:43 Oh, OK.
00:35:57 Alright, so that was the first one.00:36:00 The ****** ** thing too.
00:36:01 If you look at this footage again, if you want to watch the whole thing, it's on.
00:36:04 Odyssey and bit shoot.
00:36:06 You'll see guys eventually start climbing out to that hole.
00:36:11 That are still alive and you know trying to just survive the heat that's in there.
Speaker 2
00:36:19 All right.Devon
00:36:21 So then the second plane hits.00:36:25 At what time?
00:36:26 I'm not sure what the.
00:36:27 Time is on that.
00:36:29 Oh, the other ****** ** thing is, you see people jumping to their deaths to escape the heat also.
00:36:38 Alright, so that's the first one. We're at 9:02. I think it was like, oh, is this the second one? Nope, not yet.
00:36:48 There we are, that's.
00:36:51 I went too far.
Speaker 6
00:36:55 Here we go right there.Devon
00:36:58 So here's the second one. So that's at 90240. So this is a guy looking down at the dead bodies of people that have jumped to their deaths and splattered all over the ground.00:37:04 Or 35.
Speaker 4
00:37:15 Oh my God.Devon
00:37:17 There's more people jumping.Speaker
00:37:18 And be infected, right?Devon
00:37:20 That was nothing I noticed when I was streaming.00:37:21 There was so many people.
00:37:23 I just thought, and I guess, like I said, there's some people that weren't even alive at this point that when this happened, so many people in chat were just like, wow, I didn't know that that people jumped out like that.
00:37:34 No, it it was ****** **.
Speaker 11
00:37:35 Crash black smoke continuing to.Speaker 9
00:37:56 OK, hold on.Devon
00:37:57 Listen, hold on just a moment.00:37:58 We get.
00:37:58 An extraordinary and.
00:38:00 And by the way, for those of you.
00:38:01 Who are like, oh, the planes are fake.
00:38:03 No, planes aren't real.
00:38:04 The planes are ******* real.
00:38:06 I watch.
00:38:07 I mean, they you just saw all those different angles, every almost every one of those angles.
00:38:13 Has the plane in it because by this time you got to remember by the time the second one hit, there's like a billion cameras on the World Trade centers because the other one's on fire.
00:38:21 It's a news story.
00:38:23 There's lots of people on there.
00:38:24 As someone who worked in news like, even like around this, this, this era sort of a little before my time.
00:38:31 But like, shortly after this.
00:38:33 I was working on in news using similar equipment.
00:38:37 This stuff's not fake. It's not CGI, it's real. It's genuine. It just when you start thinking that everything's fake, like, oh, the the Afghanistan guys falling from the airplanes are fake and and they're the airplanes are balloons and.
00:38:51 This you you're.
00:38:53 You're wasting your mental energy on on stuff again.
00:38:57 It doesn't matter.
00:38:58 At the end of the.
00:38:59 Day, it doesn't matter.
00:39:01 Like it doesn't.
00:39:02 Matter and second of all, it makes you sound crazy because it's because it is kind of crazy.
00:39:10 And and third of all, takes away from the seriousness.
00:39:14 Like maybe does.
00:39:14 That make you feel better?
00:39:16 Does that make you feel better?
00:39:17 To think that your enemies.
00:39:18 Aren't that evil.
00:39:20 That they're just really.
00:39:21 Good at at what at at.
00:39:24 At 3D software that didn't exist yet.
Speaker 3
00:39:30 You know like.Speaker 2
00:39:31 That that they had.Devon
00:39:32 Secret fluid dynamics simulations to to create the smoke.00:39:38 That that the the.
00:39:40 The film industry didn't have access to and.
00:39:42 They come on, dude.
00:39:45 Why would you think of it from the point?
00:39:46 Of view the the people I just described.
00:39:49 To you.Devon
00:39:51 Why go through that trouble when it's cheaper to just fly the ******* plane into the building?00:39:58 You think they value life?
00:40:06 They don't value life.
00:40:07 I mean, **** Biden just droned a family, and in Afghanistan and you think he he sleeps like a ******* baby at night.
00:40:20 These people do not value life.
00:40:22 They don't give a ****.
00:40:24 They do not give a ****.
00:40:28 I mean, if nothing else, they just they did it for real because it was cheaper that way.
00:40:32 And Larry.
00:40:33 Silverstein could make a buck.
00:40:37 So yes, there.
00:40:38 Are several angles of the second plane going in?
00:40:47 Inside. No. OK, OK, just.
Speaker 12
00:40:50 The street.Devon
00:40:56 Don't try.00:40:56 Don't take my word for it.
00:40:57 There's all this frame of Information Act.
00:41:00 Video stuff is.
00:41:01 Available you can watch and it's raw form and.
00:41:06 I've watched hours and hours and hours of.
00:41:09 Now, that's not to say that there wasn't more to it than that, that the the collapse wasn't caused by, you know, something else.
00:41:17 But planes hit the buildings.
Speaker 3
00:41:22 Pause there for just a moment.Devon
00:41:26 OK.Speaker 7
00:41:27 People are running up the street.Speaker
00:41:30 You know.Devon
00:41:35 So anyway, so that happened.00:41:38 You saw that first collapse.
00:41:40 With all the the firemen getting smashed.
00:41:50 And then you get the.
00:41:52 So that happened like around 10:00.
00:41:58 And then the second building goes down.
00:42:03 Let's see here.
00:42:07 15 minutes later, 20 minutes later.
00:42:12 See in here, several people jumped to their deaths from at this point.
00:42:16 Like there's just minutes and minutes and minutes.
00:42:19 I don't even know how many, but it's it's several people are constantly jumping out and lots.
Speaker 13
00:42:21 The towers collapse in an enormous thud of debris and smoke.Speaker 2
00:42:25 Of food that.Speaker
00:42:25 They're doing it.Speaker 13
00:42:29 It's an extremely dangerous situation.Devon
00:42:34 I mean, there's a there's a, there's a cameraman that's set up.00:42:37 I don't know what news organization he was from, but he was just set up with a tripod.
00:42:41 Literally just.
00:42:43 You know.
00:42:46 Tons and tons of footage and people in chat when they were watching that and I played this dream.
00:42:50 I saw some comments like, Oh yeah, that's not more of a just.
00:42:53 That's just your job.
00:42:54 I mean, if you've worked the news before and I have and I've had to go shoot.
00:42:58 Funked up things before.
00:43:00 It's you're in a different mindset.
00:43:03 You, you, you.
00:43:04 You have to be.
00:43:05 You're not sitting there participating in in what's going on.
00:43:09 You're literally just an observer.
00:43:11 It's it's a weird when you look through that viewfinder, it creates a weird psychological separation, which honestly, I feel like the entire country is now experiencing as they view the outside world through their screens.
00:43:25 On their on their phones or on their televisions or.
00:43:28 But it creates A disconnection that allows you even though, like the horror, the dead body or the whatever the hell you're shooting video of, it's just a few feet away.
00:43:38 And you know, maybe there might be someone bleeding to death, like 5 feet away on the ground right next.
00:43:43 To you.
00:43:44 But because you're looking at it.
00:43:46 Through this little viewfinder, it doesn't seem real.
00:43:50 It doesn't seem real.
00:43:53 And your mind isn't sitting there thinking like, oh, that poor person.
00:43:58 Oh, that's so bad.
00:43:59 I can't believe he's bleeding to death.
00:44:00 You're thinking, how do I make this more visually interesting?
00:44:06 Because you're there to do a job.
00:44:09 You're there to do a job and to pick up the footage.
00:44:12 So yeah, if there's.
00:44:13 If you're a guy that's posted up on a rooftop somewhere and and you've been sent there by CNN or ABC or whoever the **** this guy, or maybe he's just a a string or a lot of.
00:44:22 These guys are just guys that own a camera and go out and shoot stuff and then sell it.
00:44:28 Yeah, I mean it, as morbid as that sounds.
00:44:31 You see guys jumping out of windows, you get the shot.
00:44:37 And everyone has that to some degree.
00:44:39 I mean, it's frustrating, right?
00:44:40 Especially now because so many people are now viewing the world through that screen.
00:44:45 How often have you seen a video of some guy getting, like, pummeled, almost the death?
00:44:51 And everyone's got their phone out.
00:44:53 And everyone's just like looking to their phone and you're thinking like, why doesn't someone do something?
00:44:58 Why doesn't someone stop it?
00:45:00 Because they're getting the shot.
00:45:04 It it wasn't society ending when it was just a handful of people getting the shot, you know, cause that was their job.
00:45:10 Now everyone's trying to get the shot.
00:45:15 And because they're watching it on their screen instead of if they just looked 3 inches up.
00:45:21 Looked just over their phone.
00:45:24 At it happening.
00:45:26 Instead of viewing it through that filter, that filter that makes it 2 dimensional and 30 frames per second.
00:45:36 It'd be a whole nother story.
00:45:42 But because they have got that.
00:45:46 That LCD.
00:45:50 Screen with what? 32,000,000 colors or?
00:45:53 Whatever the **** it is.
00:45:56 Very life like right?
00:45:58 It's very life like.
00:46:04 But it's a wall.
00:46:07 It's a wall that you put up that takes you out of the moment.
00:46:11 Separates you.
00:46:12 It's a security blanket.
00:46:17 And it disconnects you just enough to where all that you can think about is how do I make this more visually interesting?
00:46:27 How do I get the shot?
00:46:40 In fact, there's a guy that's little alright, so here's the here's the second one going down.
00:46:44 So that happens like around.
00:46:48 10/28 it looks like.
Speaker 10
00:46:51 That probably makes this singularly the largest, most well coordinated act of terrorism, not just in U.S.00:46:58 history, but probably in in modern time.
00:47:15 And so I just wanted to point out that you can once again you hear all those.00:47:20 You hear all those firemen, their radios keying up.
00:47:23 That's what that sound is.
00:47:25 I'll take it back there.
00:47:28 You hear all their radios keying up.
00:47:30 As they get crushed to death.
Speaker 10
00:47:33 The crash into each tower of the World Trade Center, bringing one down it it denotes the the level of planning and sophistication and extreme logistical ability that, that, that probably makes this singularly the largest, most well coordinated act of terrorism.00:47:53 Not just in U.S. history.
00:47:54 But probably in in modern time.
Speaker 5
00:48:15 Right.Speaker 4
00:48:27 3/3.Speaker 14
00:48:34 The World Trade Center collapse going to has collapsed, OK?Speaker 9
00:48:47 Everybody want to do that.Speaker 8
00:48:59 OK.Devon
00:49:00 I'm gonna turn this down a.00:49:01 Little bit, this is more.
00:49:03 Footage that you saw as much as you saw the.
00:49:06 The the tower is getting hit and the tower is collapsing.
00:49:11 They played this footage of the the debris.
00:49:15 Just, you know, flowing through the city, engulfing everything they played.
00:49:22 That a lot. A lot.
00:49:26 UM and I also noticed there was a lot of movies that came out.
00:49:30 Afterward, that used kind of this imagery.
00:49:35 You know, not like a a building falling down necessarily, but this.
00:49:40 This smoke or or some kind of ominous fluid type?
00:49:51 Traveling through buildings and kind of, you know, either warning of devastation or creating devastation, but so you have lots of these these clips getting played day after day after day after day.
00:50:09 And it was never ending.
00:50:11 It was never ending.
00:50:12 There was a good like I said, a good.
00:50:13 Solid at least two years.
00:50:16 Where if you flipped on the news, they'd find some reason.
00:50:21 To play, even if it was just like.
00:50:23 For a second.
00:50:25 They'd find some reason to play some.
00:50:28 Clip from 911.
00:50:32 Now look again as someone that worked in news, I can tell you some of that could just be cynical ratings chasing.
00:50:38 Some of that could just be well, this is very dramatic footage.
00:50:43 Let's milk it for all that we.
00:50:44 Got you know all.
00:50:44 That we want, but I can also tell.
00:50:47 You as someone that worked in news.
00:50:50 Decisions are made from the top down.
00:50:53 Even at the local news level.
00:50:57 When I worked in local news, even when you were going to do a report on a local business or any kind of local politician or something like that.
00:51:08 That's something that that had to be cleared with the news director.
00:51:12 And you'd be surprised, even at the local level.
00:51:14 Oh, we can't do that story, because that's one of our sponsors.
00:51:19 Oh, we can't do that story because that politician just bought, you know, $100,000 worth of campaign ads or or. Or maybe the station manager is supporting this candidate or or whatever.
00:51:37 So it's very easy to manipulate the news and everyone has seen that dangerous toward democracy clip, right?
00:51:44 With all the local news people saying the exact same thing because they work for that.
00:51:48 What is it, Sinclair?
00:51:50 That's another thing that that is very real.
00:51:52 And it's been very real for a really long time.
00:51:54 A lot of reporters, especially if you're lazy.
00:51:56 If you came into work in the morning.
00:51:58 And you had to fill in like, an hour of of Morning News and you didn't, you know, have any ideas, you?
00:52:06 Would go to a computer.
00:52:08 That would have all the stories passed down from.
00:52:13 And sure, you know at the local level you're kind of selecting out of this batch of stories which ones to run with.
00:52:19 But overall, I mean you're not writing any of these stories, and that's what happened with that Sinclair thing when they're showing everyone reading the exact same script, it's it.
00:52:27 That's how it works.
00:52:30 You know at the top of the food chain, they're basically handing you stories and you're, you know, it's suggested which ones that you use.
00:52:40 And if you're part of a franchise like Sinclair, there's probably some that are mandatory.
00:52:46 But even if you're some rinky ****, you know NBC affiliate or something like that.
00:52:51 It's it's the same story.
00:52:54 So it's real easy to control this sort of thing, and it's mostly easy to take advantage of these reporters cause you.
00:53:01 Know reporters are not smart people.
00:53:05 In fact.
00:53:07 One of the it's it's.
00:53:08 It was funny when Anchorman that movie Anchorman came out and it shows every all the anchor you know, all the reporters are basically just these these narcissistic buffoons.
00:53:20 Every news, you know, TV news person that I was friends with at the time or worked with at the time loved that movie.
00:53:28 Because it was relatable.
00:53:32 Because they knew that that's that was real.
00:53:36 Anyone who got into local news?
00:53:39 Not everyone, but the vast majority of people.
00:53:42 They got into local news and it was because they they was another pathway to fame.
00:53:48 They weren't good at.
00:53:51 And they weren't smart enough to do something else.
00:53:54 But they were.
00:53:55 And maybe they weren't pretty enough for modeling or something.
00:53:58 So it was like this.
00:54:00 Great pathway for mediocre people.
00:54:05 To rise to fame.
00:54:07 Because really all you had to do was be just pretty enough.
00:54:11 In fact, it was almost bad if you were too pretty, right?
00:54:14 You couldn't.
00:54:14 You didn't want to be too pretty, because then people wouldn't take you seriously.
00:54:19 So you'd have to be medium pretty.
00:54:23 And then as far as intelligence?
00:54:26 Well, yeah, you couldn't be obviously stupid, because if you were obviously stupid again, people wouldn't take you seriously.
00:54:35 But if you were obviously smart, it's the same thing with with cops, right?
00:54:39 So with cops, there is such thing as being too smart to be a cop.
00:54:46 Because the intelligence would correlate with corruption.
00:54:51 They don't want cops that are going to be too smart to follow orders, so there is a sweet spot of IQ that's actually a slightly below the norm that they want cops at.
00:55:04 So there is such thing as testing too high to be a cop.
00:55:08 And the same is true of these these news people.
00:55:14 You know you don't want to be too.
00:55:15 Smart because then you.
00:55:17 Won't be the guy that's going to be willing to just read the teleprompter.
00:55:24 But if your motivation is to try to find another pathway to fame and a lot of like I said, these local guys are just waiting to be in the national.
00:55:32 Arena to do the exact same thing, just with more money.
00:55:43 And that's that's what they do.
Speaker 3
00:55:47 So that, that's that, that's the that's how a.Devon
00:55:50 Lot of this stuff gets spread.00:55:51 It's not that you need some big conspiracy.
00:55:54 It's not that you need anything other than you know.
00:55:57 Like I said, you just.
00:55:58 You just really do it.
00:56:00 You just really get planes and smack them into some ******* buildings and the news people will do the rest.
00:56:07 And if you need to guide it in a certain direction, that's easy to do, cause all that all that you need is to have the the news director to say, oh, you know what?
00:56:18 The Israeli Prime Minister is here, you know, he'd be.
00:56:22 He would have a great opinion on what's unfolding in America.
00:56:26 Let's have him talk about it.
00:56:31 Or the stupid woman that's standing in front of building 7, saying that it's collapsed while it's right behind her, not collapsed.
00:56:38 She's not in on it.
00:56:40 She doesn't know she's that medium intelligent.
00:56:43 Not too pretty, not too ugly person reading.
00:56:47 Not it off of a a screen.
00:56:54 It doesn't have to be anything more.
00:56:56 Complicated than that.
00:56:57 In fact, if you did, if this was to be like just as you know, one of the crazier ways it's all CGI, then it would have to be *******.
00:57:04 Crazy because not only would you have.
00:57:06 To involve like anyone and everyone in in terms of the at the broadcasting level that are broadcasting completely fake images, everybody also.
00:57:14 Everyone on the ground.
00:57:16 Like there's lots of people there.
00:57:17 While this is going on, there's lots of people that saw this happen.
00:57:22 So then you know, you got to get all them to go along with this weird fake CG thing that you're doing.
00:57:32 Why do that?
00:57:34 Just kill a few 1000 people and blow up a couple.
00:57:37 Of planes, no big deal.
Speaker 3
00:57:41 Keep it simple.Devon
00:57:48 And then after you spectacularly fail.00:57:53 At taking over the Middle East, which was, you know, that was the.
00:57:56 Whole point of this kill a few.
00:57:58 Thousand Americans, and maybe you know, a couple 100,000, maybe million Arabs and then we'll be sitting on Easy Street for the next few generations as we have total hegemony over the entire world.
00:58:19 That's again.
00:58:20 It's not how it worked out and here is.
00:58:25 Here's what Bush had to say about it 20.
00:58:27 Years later.
00:58:32 20 years later, as soon as this.
00:58:35 Really slow drive updates the folder.
00:58:38 I don't know why this takes so long to refresh folders that have a lot of stuff and it didn't used to.
00:58:42 That's the weird thing.
00:58:43 It's like.
00:58:43 It's almost like computers have gotten slower.
00:58:46 Like with the hardware that I've.
00:58:49 The types of things that I do, I'm just like this is.
00:58:51 Not slow hardware but.
00:58:54 Are you trying to make me use?
00:58:56 I'm never going to use cloud.
00:58:59 For the love of God, all right.
00:59:00 There's got to.
00:59:01 Be a faster way to get to this file?
00:59:04 Here we are.
00:59:11 Why is there no audio?
00:59:16 Oh, I just have it turned down.
Speaker 5
00:59:19 The security measures incorporated.Speaker
00:59:23 All right.Devon
00:59:24 Pay very close attention.00:59:28 To what he says.
00:59:31 I'm going to fix the.
00:59:34 Auto volume that I disabled for that radio stuff.
00:59:38 Here we go.
00:59:39 This is very important.
00:59:40 This is very relevant to all of us.
Speaker 5
00:59:44 The security measures incorporated into our lives are both sources of travel and lives.Devon
00:59:45 All right.Speaker 5
00:59:50 Our vulnerability.00:59:54 And we have seen growing evidence.
00:59:56 So in other words, the security state is good.01:00:00 Aren't you glad the surveillance state it's it's a source of comfort and security.
Speaker 5
01:00:06 The security measures incorporated into our lives are both sources.01:00:12 And reminders of our vulnerability.
01:00:15 Don't you feel so more so much more comfortable now that we have the Patriot Act and the Department of Homeland Security?01:00:24 Oh man, I know I I I'm always reminded.
Speaker 3
01:00:28 Of how how comfortable that makes me.Devon
01:00:32 When I think about 911.Speaker 5
01:00:35 And we have seen growing evidence.01:00:38 That the dangers to our country can come not only across borders but from violence that gathers within.
Speaker 2
01:00:45 Ohh this is.Devon
01:00:48 This is important.01:00:51 We're reminded.
01:00:55 That the danger of this terrorist threat.
01:01:00 That it was so important that it was so dangerous that we had to form the Department of Homeland Security put Michael Chertoff in charge of that.
01:01:11 Start spying on everyone with.
01:01:12 The Patriot Act.
01:01:18 Is so important because this terrorist.
01:01:19 Threat that was overseas, but now it's important to understand.
01:01:26 The terror threat doesn't just exist overseas.
01:01:30 It exists here at home too.
Speaker 5
01:01:37 There's little cultural overlap between violent extremists abroad and violent extremists at home.01:01:44 But then there's disdain for pluralism, and they're.
01:01:45 Regard for human life.
01:01:50 In their determination to defile national symbols.
01:01:55 Their determination to defile national symbols.01:01:59 He's talking about January 6th, guys.
01:02:09 He's talking about the the, the the growing terror threat of white supremacists.
Speaker 5
01:02:23 They are children of the same foul spirit.01:02:26 And it is our continuing duty to confront them.
01:02:32 Now one of the first things I said when I heard that they were bringing the troops home from Afghanistan is that the never ending war in Afghanistan.01:02:41 Well, maybe it'll become a never ending war at home.
01:02:48 I mean, you've just been beta testing technology and and different tactics.
01:02:56 In your little sandbox in Afghanistan for the last 20 years.
01:03:02 Wouldn't it be a shame to let all that knowledge?
01:03:06 Go to waste.
Speaker 3
01:03:09 That 4th generational warfare ********.Speaker 2
01:03:13 Go to waste.Speaker 5
01:03:21 After all, the people that.Speaker 2
01:03:23 Stormed the capital on January 6th.Speaker 3
01:03:27 Now might they might.Devon
01:03:28 Not be culturally similar to the the.01:03:35 The Cave dwelling.
01:03:38 America, freedom hating.
01:03:42 Muslims that totally did 9/11.
01:03:51 But their souls are just as dark.
01:03:55 And their disregard for human life because.
01:03:59 Because that that makes sense, right?
01:04:01 Like they.
01:04:03 January 6th, you know.
01:04:04 That that so many lives were lost.
01:04:10 Anyway, so you see where this is going and 911 where's the big turning point? There's it's it's if you want to say like that.
01:04:21 There's so many times and look, code is another one of those instances right where there's going to.
01:04:25 Be a before and after.
01:04:28 There's going to be a before and an after. There's pre 911. In fact, you'll hear people say that. Well that was pre 911.
01:04:35 Oh well, it was before 9/11.
01:04:37 I was telling the story I was talking.
01:04:39 I think you guys have heard me tell the story of the time I ran away from home when I was 14 years.
01:04:44 And if you haven't, then I'm not going to tell the whole thing.
01:04:48 But like basically the very short version is that I.
01:04:53 Ran away from home.
01:04:56 And I was gone for a couple of months and arrested a few 1000 miles away and they.
01:05:03 Had to ship me back via airplane.
01:05:07 Or they had to charge me with something.
01:05:10 Because they could only hold me for, you know, 24 hours before they could, you know, they had to charge me with something.
01:05:15 And so they they had to get me back to my parents or charge me with something.
01:05:20 And they decided to the they they they couldn't fly me.
01:05:24 There was no flight that made it all the way back home, but they could fly me like 5 hours from home and my parents could drive up.
01:05:31 And go pick me up.
01:05:32 At the airport.
01:05:37 You know, they walked me onto an airplane in handcuffs.
01:05:40 With my backpack that had a giant knife in it.
01:05:44 I don't know why they.
01:05:45 Let me keep but.
Speaker 3
01:05:47 But that was pre 911.Devon
01:05:50 That was pre 911.01:05:53 They uh.
01:05:54 When I got off the airplane.
Speaker 3
01:05:58 My parents.Devon
01:06:00 We're we're supposed to be there waiting for me because that was pre 911. You could walk right up.01:06:05 To the terminal.
01:06:08 You can walk.
01:06:09 Right to the terminal and and you know and wish someone you.
01:06:12 Know you know.
01:06:13 Kiss them goodbye as they literally walked onto the plane and before they had the airports like that, you walked onto the tarmac.
01:06:21 I mean, you literally walked up to the plane and and handed someone their suitcase as they walked up some, you know, roll away staircase.
01:06:32 But now?
01:06:35 Now you have to walk through radioactive body scanners and and listen to morbidly obese 60 IQ.
01:06:42 Black people complain that you're wearing shoes.
01:06:47 And demand that you take your belt off.
01:06:51 And just go through a a humiliation slash compliance ritual.
01:06:56 Every time you travel.
01:07:07 And there's lots of ways of looking at that.
01:07:08 I mean, one of the reasons why you would want to do that is of course, the the monetary right.
01:07:12 You make a ton of money selling all those stupid machines when they're not cheap.
01:07:18 And it's not just the machines that creates a whole entire industry.
01:07:21 Funny how Michael Chertoff was a heavily invested in the companies that that the Homeland Security decided to purchase devices from.
01:07:36 So you have the money angle.
01:07:39 But you're also creating a a whole entire government agency.
01:07:45 All the bureaucracy that goes with that.
01:07:49 The political power that goes with that.
01:07:54 You don't think there's a TSA union?
01:07:57 That collects dues and funnels that directly to people.
01:08:09 But again it it it forces compliance.
01:08:13 It forces compliance.
01:08:17 On everyone that flies.
01:08:20 So in a weird way, who is it targeting?
01:08:23 Who is it targeting?
01:08:25 If you're only targeting people who fly on airplanes, what what part of society are you targeting?
Speaker 8
01:08:33 Upper middle class.Devon
01:08:35 Upper class.01:08:40 You're targeting a very specific demographic.
01:08:44 And you're training them.
01:08:46 To to literally disrobe.
01:08:51 And submit to.
01:08:54 Fairly invasive inspections in front of a crowd of people who are lined up to do exactly the same thing.
01:09:05 And who are you submitting to?
01:09:07 Are you submitting to your peers?
01:09:11 Are you submitting to your betters?
01:09:14 Now you're submitting to some.
01:09:18 Nonchalant hates their job.
01:09:21 Adiq morbidly obese black woman.
01:09:29 Shoving a ******* metal detector on your face and up your, you know.
01:09:32 Between your legs.
01:09:39 Every time you fly.
01:09:50 And if you don't think of that, that doing that for 20 years, which is how long that's been?
01:09:54 Going on for now, right?
01:09:57 You don't think that that hasn't helped?
01:10:00 In creating an environment.
01:10:02 Of compliance when it comes to this COVID.
01:10:04 Stuff. You're crazy.
01:10:11 Because people always.
01:10:12 *****, when they first start to introduce something like this and then it becomes normal.
01:10:22 When they first started doing this crazy stuff at the airports, people were really ****** *** about it.
01:10:27 Now they just don't.
01:10:28 I mean they they complain a little bit, they joke.
01:10:31 About it or whatever.
01:10:34 They still do it.
01:10:39 If normies have proven anything, it's that you can get them used to anything.
01:10:45 You just have to as.
01:10:46 Long as you do it slow enough.
01:10:51 Two weeks to flatten the curve.
01:10:56 Only until we get the vaccine.
01:11:00 Well, now you need the second shot.
01:11:04 Well, now you need the third shot.
01:11:07 Now you might need yearly booster shots.
01:11:11 And now there's like 3 variants.
01:11:19 Well now.
01:11:22 If you work at a company that's got over.
01:11:24 100 employees.
01:11:28 You either have to get it or payout of pocket for weekly tests.
01:11:36 Which doesn't make any sense, because even if you're vaccinated, you know, according to the official story, if you're vaccinated.
01:11:44 It does.
01:11:45 I mean, you still get it.
01:11:46 You still get it and you still spread it.
Speaker 7
01:11:49 Right.Devon
01:11:51 So why is it not required to test them if they're just as much of A spreading hazard, right?01:11:58 Cause that's presumably why you test the the unvaccinated, right?
01:12:02 You want to test them to?
01:12:03 See if.
01:12:03 They're they're spreading it.
01:12:09 But reason has gone out the.
01:12:10 Window because they did it slow enough.
01:12:17 And just like that guy who's sitting on the rooftop watching the bodies fall, trying to get the shot.
01:12:29 Through his viewfinder.
01:12:34 Disconnected from the situation.
01:12:38 Feeling like it's not really happening.
01:12:44 That's what millions and millions of people today are doing when they watch this footage of what's going on in Australia.
01:12:52 Or here at home in the United States.
01:13:01 Comfortably numb.
01:13:11 OK.
01:13:13 All right.
01:13:17 Let's take a look at.
01:13:18 Chat I wanted to talk, actually, before we do that.
01:13:23 Let's just go over a couple of things.
01:13:28 That you could do before 9/11.
01:13:37 I and I did a search for this.
01:13:38 I was trying to find a list of.
01:13:40 Things that have.
01:13:42 Changed and for obvious reasons, right?
01:13:44 That's not the kind of search result that they want to give you a lot of answers.
01:13:48 And and yes, I've tried different search engines and you do find a bunch of little, you know, videos making fun of the, you know, complain about the travel stuff.
01:13:56 And you know there, there is a lot of the stuff that we already talked about right that you.
01:14:00 Could walk right up to the terminal.
01:14:02 Yeah. If you watch like an old movie from before 911 that it's pre 911. Think of all the movies that you'll have to say that now about COVID. Well that was pre COVID.
01:14:12 That was before we had the vaccine pass in order to enter Walmart.
01:14:17 Yeah, people used to be able to just walk right into Walmart. It was crazy. You didn't need any paperwork. You could just walk right in and buy, buy a, you know, 10 gallons of of Coca-Cola.
01:14:28 And some Cheetos now.
Speaker 3
01:14:29 You got to get your paper.Devon
01:14:31 Now you have to have.01:14:32 That app installed on your phone.
01:14:37 That's that's going to happen.
01:14:40 It's going to happen and people will ***** and moan about it and then it'll be just like with that. What happened in 911.
01:14:47 There'll be comedians that make jokes about like you.
01:14:50 Know the same.
Speaker 3
01:14:50 Way like oh, I had to take.01:14:51 My shoes off.
01:14:52 Because of the shoe bomber, you know crowd giggles.01:14:57 But but they keep doing it.
01:14:59 They keep taking their shoes off because supposedly one guy tried to blow up his shoe and so now everyone for the rest of eternity has to take their shoes off when they're getting violated at the airport.
01:15:23 And that's that's what will happen with.
01:15:24 This COVID stuff.
Speaker 3
01:15:31 You're going to have.01:15:32 Oh, that's pre COVID.
01:15:36 That's back when you could go to restaurants and there was, yeah, it was crazy there.01:15:39 Just it was just like a big room and there'd be tables and chairs set up and people would just be like.
01:15:44 All together in there.
01:15:46 Eating food at the same time as I know it.
01:15:48 Seems weird now, but that was pretty COVID.
01:15:55 Where's everybody, Matt, everybody's mask.
01:15:57 What do you mean, sweetheart?
01:15:59 Oh, I'm sorry that that was that was pre COVID.
01:16:02 Honey there.
01:16:02 Yeah, and people didn't wear masks before COVID.
01:16:17 That's what it was.
01:16:19 So let's take a look.
01:16:22 I tried to find like I said, I tried to find like a good.
01:16:24 Article that.
01:16:25 Would just say.
01:16:26 Here's a list of things that changed, and just there's really not.
01:16:30 I mean, there's just stuff that talks about like, you know, like travel.
01:16:33 So here's here's some travel things that changed.
01:16:38 Number one.
01:16:40 Not needing a passport to visit Canada from the US and vice versa.
Speaker 3
01:16:47 That's right.Devon
01:16:50 Prior to 911.01:16:52 You could fly back and forth.
01:16:56 To Canada or drive across the border without a passport.
01:17:03 Not having to remove your laptop that was less of a thing.
01:17:07 Not bringing people had laptops.
01:17:09 Leaving your shoes on when going through security.
01:17:13 Not having to worry about your stuff getting stolen while it's all spread out during security.
01:17:19 Not having notes left by TSA and your luggage advising that they'd done a hand inspection because they saw something suspicious.
01:17:28 Not having to get the airport 3 get to the airport 3 hours before an international flight whenever it touches the United States, even if it's a layover layover.
01:17:40 Yeah, that's their thing again.
01:17:41 You could run out to the tarmac like you could, you know, you see in the old movies, people running out and jumping onto the train as it's about to pull out of the station.
01:17:48 You could do that with airplanes.
01:17:50 Back in the day.
01:17:53 Not having TSA agents yelling directions as if you were a school kid or inmate.
01:17:59 Being able to use the airplane bathroom on flights between New York and Washington, DC, I didn't know that that was a regulation.
01:18:05 Apparently you can't.
01:18:06 You can't use the bathroom.
01:18:09 Not being promoted or prompted to think nothing could go wrong on this flight, right?
01:18:16 See there is there is another element of fear.
01:18:20 And that's another thing that people don't think about. This is unrelated to 911 this.
01:18:24 Is related more.
01:18:24 Than just the the decline of the West and diverse and everything else.
01:18:27 I mean, you think you think it's bad now?
01:18:31 Wait till it's not just the the the the AD IQ people running, just the TSA.
01:18:37 Wait till it's them flying the ******* planes.
01:18:40 It's gonna happen, folks.
Speaker 8
01:18:42 Wait till it's it's.Devon
01:18:43 Those guys flying the planes, running air traffic control.01:18:49 Running all the the goings on.
01:18:51 The you know like.
01:18:52 The fueling up and the the maintenance.
01:18:58 No, it's not going to be pretty.
01:19:02 Not having to worry about being pulled off of a flight for having a suspicious conversation.
01:19:07 In the boarding queue.
01:19:11 And that's something that that does happen.
01:19:15 People self censor.
01:19:19 That's one of the first times I think I ever noticed people self censoring in public.
01:19:25 Was I was at an airport when I was younger and someone made a joke about like a bomb in their luggage or something like that.
01:19:34 And everyone gave him a real dirty look.
01:19:38 And this was like, dude, you can't say that around here.
01:19:41 They'll throw us off the plane.
01:19:44 And that person got real quiet and realized that they were right.
01:19:48 And stop talking.
01:19:53 Now it might.
01:19:54 Seem like a minor thing, right?
01:19:55 Oh, well, of course.
01:19:56 You don't want to do.
01:19:57 That, but it's not.
01:20:00 It's not in a free country that that should be an irrelevant thing.
01:20:07 Not having to use TSA approved locks, which are unavailable in many places.
01:20:12 Yeah, the TSA approved locks are just here's locks that don't actually work and that's so.
01:20:17 That we can.
01:20:17 Get into your luggage still.
01:20:20 Not having to balance a a kid on your hip while trying to put your shoes on your child's shoes on and stuff in your laptop and basically complain because you can't leave your stuff unattended, not having to worry if the body scanner is giving you brain cancer.
01:20:37 The body scanners, which again were just a money scheme, they don't actually provide any security.
01:20:41 There was a YouTube channel.
01:20:42 I think they took it.
01:20:43 Down the where all.
01:20:45 The guy did, I guess he.
01:20:46 Flew a lot for his job.
01:20:49 Is he just snuck stuff through the body scanner like all the time and and filmed himself doing it?
01:20:54 Uh, not having to watch as some utterly person in a wheelchair, probably a World War 2 veteran, has footwear removed from him and then his *** rolled through the scanners by Tia St.
01:21:04 Spectors who don't fall over and die from shame.
01:21:08 Not having my family sit with you or with your what?
01:21:13 Not having my family sit with your.
01:21:17 That makes sense.Devon
01:21:18 At the gate and wave you off as you bore. We talked about that not having to stand by helplessly while you're oh, this one's trying to say the the the racial profiling, darker skinned travel companion gets randomly selected.01:21:36 You know, it's funny. There was an entire someone tweeted this out today. There was a an old episode of of Silent lied that came out just after 911 where they they promoted racial profiling. It was pretty pretty fun to see that.
01:21:52 Not hearing endless loops of security warnings about terror threat levels, unattended bags being destroyed, etc.
01:21:59 Having your partners, families Member, family members from Argentina, there's a stupid racial profiling complaint.
01:22:09 Excuse me.
01:22:11 UM.Devon
01:22:13 Not being interrogated by the immigration or reentry people, not having to sit.01:22:23 More stupid stuff.
01:22:24 Feeling or anyway?
01:22:26 Long story short, it was.
01:22:27 It was just.
01:22:27 Way more fun to fly.
01:22:31 And I only I think I only actually flew twice in my life prior to 911.
01:22:38 And it was a very enjoyable experience.
01:22:41 Of course.
01:22:41 I was a kid, so everything like that was kind of fun, but.
01:22:48 But yeah.
01:22:49 That was pre 911 that was pre 911.
01:22:54 As the kids say.
01:23:01 All right, let's take a look at Jenny.
01:23:07 Someone said no need for a religious cult, just a private club with a membership wrong.
01:23:13 That's you.
01:23:16 You need to have.
01:23:17 Here's the thing.
01:23:18 If you have a private private club with a membership, people can sue you for discrimination.
01:23:24 And you don't get tax breaks.
01:23:29 Having a religious exemption works for COVID Naots just as an example, having a private club exemption.
01:23:39 Doesn't mean anything.
01:23:45 Gives you a lot of and again, this is in the United States.
01:23:48 Maybe it's different.
01:23:50 In other countries in the United States, at least for the time being.
01:23:55 Religion gives you a lot of protections that nothing else does.
01:24:00 Nothing else does.
01:24:06 And it gives you also in tax advantages.
01:24:10 Which are very important.
01:24:12 And justice image wise.
01:24:16 It's better.
01:24:18 I mean, just from a propaganda standpoint.
01:24:22 If they start doing, even if even if they call you a cult.
01:24:26 Even if they call you a cult.
01:24:28 It's better than being called.
01:24:32 I don't know.
01:24:33 Like what would they call your club?
01:24:35 I mean, they'd probably call it like a militia or they would call, you know, they could make that sound.
01:24:39 Way worse.
01:24:44 And there's and the there's ways of.
01:24:50 Of avoiding the cult label too, because.
01:24:54 You just don't do culty things like you know what I mean?
01:24:57 Like you don't do it so that you can create, like, a a sex cult or or death cult or anything like that.
01:25:04 It doesn't.
01:25:04 It doesn't have to be a cult.
01:25:07 It it just has to be religious in nature.
01:25:11 And and will they give you the cult label?
01:25:15 Some outlets.
01:25:16 Yeah, absolutely they will.
01:25:18 I mean, they'll they do that now.
01:25:19 I mean, there's look.
01:25:20 Mormons still get called cults all the time.
01:25:23 Or the cult all the time.
01:25:25 Even the Catholics were called the cult.
01:25:28 Well, I guess they still are by some people, but it was more common to call them a cult.
01:25:32 And like, say 100 years ago.
01:25:35 The Catholics were in America again, the context being America were considered like a cult by a lot of the the Protestants in America.
01:25:47 So it's just, you know, that label's going to get thrown around no matter what. And So what? You still get the legal protection?
01:25:56 And not only that, there is there's also, I think it's a necessity from not just like the the pragmatic ways of viewing what we're talking about is those who have no idea what I'm talking about in the context of creating a new community that is going to try to insulate yourself from modernity in at least in some ways, the reason why.
01:26:16 Having the religious element is important isn't just for the legal purposes and like look, these are all good things, but it's also good in terms of filtering out people that aren't going to religiously follow the rules of your community.
01:26:31 And that's that's an important thing too.
01:26:34 You need them to take it seriously.
01:26:36 It can't just be like a oh, this is this is we're, you know, we're just pretending to be a religion to get like a, you know, a tax break or whatever like that.
01:26:45 I mean you.
01:26:46 That's you don't want to do that either.
01:26:50 Like you don't want it to just be like this pretend religion, and then you know no.
01:26:54 Like there's useful aspects to having people who are religiously on the same page.
01:27:02 What that looks like.
01:27:03 I don't know.
01:27:04 You know, like, I don't know what that would, how that would, because that's complicated too.
01:27:10 But every one of these communities that have been successful that haven't turned into a complete ******* nightmare immediately.
01:27:19 They all have that religious component.
01:27:23 All of these, these communities that last generations all have a religious component.
01:27:30 And every time someone tries to start like a white nationalist or or or whatever community it it *******.
01:27:38 Blows up in their face every time.
01:27:42 I mean, that's that's not enough.
01:27:43 Politics is not enough and you know.
01:27:49 It's you got to have that religious component if everyone's not on the same page religiously then.
01:27:58 You know, it's just.
01:28:00 It's just not going to.
01:28:01 I don't think it's going to have legs.
01:28:03 It's not going to have legs because you're going to have too many arguments about too many important aspects of.
01:28:09 Of the community.
01:28:12 Now a cult makes simplifies this right, because a cult just throws the the religious aspect is usually like a guy who's they're God, right?
01:28:22 So if they say this, then that's just, that's what God says.
01:28:25 So that's just, you know, it's basically an easy way to get everyone that's there to just go along with that guy.
01:28:32 And so it makes it easy for that guy.
01:28:34 I mean, not for so much for.
01:28:35 Everybody else, but it makes.
01:28:37 It easier for that guy.
01:28:40 But what would make it easy for not just the people in the hierarchy which you would need, but also the people that are there?
01:28:49 Is if you had some religious agreement.
01:28:53 If you had an idea, if you agreed on what God wanted to see out of you, you know what, what?
01:28:58 God expected out of you.
01:29:02 And and had some kind of agreement on, you know what, what specifically your value system was again with some specificity.
01:29:13 And maybe you can have a little wiggle room, but there have to be some specificity.
01:29:18 And that way you don't need.
01:29:22 The existence of some charismatic leader.
01:29:27 Right.
01:29:28 It's not reliant on that.
01:29:30 You can base it on something that's maybe pre-existing. Maybe you put some of it in writing in the same way that like the constitutions.
01:29:37 In writing, right?
01:29:38 Like you know, the the America didn't just immediately fall apart when the the founding fathers died.
01:29:44 The Constitution kept it going, at least for.
01:29:46 A little bit.
01:29:48 And it's still clinging to some aspects of of the original thought experiment, right?
01:29:55 And so maybe that's what you need is is some kind of constitution that's religious in nature.
01:30:02 That that survives beyond whoever founds the community.
01:30:07 Because there's no point in spending the rest of because that's what it would be doing.
01:30:10 I'd be spending the rest of my life creating a community and then.
01:30:16 You know, like the rest of my life, I don't want to spend the rest of my life building something that's just going to.
01:30:21 Go away when I'm gone.
01:30:24 And so I feel like the only way to really accomplish that is some, you know what that looks like?
01:30:28 I don't know, but anyway.
01:30:34 Let's take a look here.
01:30:44 Tied to to Jeron Pre 911, we had the 2000 Mile Club when people would **** on airplane bathrooms.
01:30:55 I think you can still do that.
01:30:59 Base Conquistador why are people surprised by the sociopathy of the ruling class?
01:31:06 Do they not know history?
01:31:07 ****** hordes slaughtering cities full of civilians closely and intimately?
01:31:13 World War One generals are ordering the deaths of hundreds of thousands of soldiers to get a few.
01:31:19 Meters or kilometers of land?
01:31:21 Yeah, because decadence, decadence and look.
Speaker 2
01:31:28 Get I keep.Devon
01:31:28 Talking about how we have like a weird plague of people that think everything is fake.01:31:33 Everything's fake. Everything's fake. Everything's a hoax. Everything's fake.
01:31:39 And so they probably think that everything you just mentioned is fake.
01:31:46 There hasn't been hardship in their life.
01:31:48 They haven't.
01:31:49 They're so disconnected.
01:31:50 To reality because.
01:31:51 They haven't been smacked ******* hard enough to send them back into reality in a long time.
01:32:00 And they're in. They're.
01:32:01 In for a surprise, the day that that happens.
01:32:06 And that's what it takes for a lot of people.
01:32:08 You know why?
01:32:10 Why would you live in reality if you could, if you could avoid it?
01:32:14 There are so many people that live in Fantasyland.
01:32:17 And some people successfully do it their entire life.
01:32:20 We you know.
01:32:21 I don't know if we're lucky to, but the OR resources in today's America are still plentiful enough to where?
01:32:30 I mean, it's pretty easy to just live.
01:32:32 I mean, if if you don't have a whole lot of expectations, you know you don't want if you don't have any.
01:32:36 Option. You can pretty much just, you know look, there's entire communities full of people doing this where you can just live off live like a parasite, live off the system 100%.
01:32:51 Or just throwing it in like have some part time job or whatever.
01:32:54 And you know there's not really like the whole lot of.
01:32:57 Hardship in this country.
01:33:00 There's really not.
01:33:01 Not as compared to other eras.
01:33:10 Solar Victor 39 COTC is a religion built around the white race. No Zion religious ******** baggage.
01:33:20 I'm not 100% sure what that is, but maybe I can look into it the.
01:33:23 Thing is, you got there there.
01:33:26 There's also advantages to using.
01:33:30 Existing structures and trying to create something new and that's.
01:33:37 You know, who knows, right?
01:33:39 I don't know.
01:33:42 Red couch just tuned in.
01:33:44 This doesn't sound like it's going to be a comfy episode.
Speaker 3
01:33:49 No, it's comfy.Devon
01:33:50 It's comfy enough.01:33:51 I'm actually in a.
01:33:52 Good mood today?
01:33:55 I'm actually in a good mood today.
01:33:57 I got a lot of sleep.
01:33:58 So after I.
01:33:58 Did that that 911 string this morning that was live, you know, I I went immediately to sleep and then I was I was out like a ******* rock. Like I just slept solid for hours. Like at least at least a good eight hours.
01:34:14 Which is unusual for me.
01:34:17 And when I woke up, the house wasn't too hot, which was good.
01:34:23 And unusual and I actually got a lot done today.
01:34:27 So I'm feeling good I'm feeling.
01:34:29 It's just that it's a it's a day.
01:34:30 It's a good day to reflect on how the ruling class doesn't give a ****.
01:34:36 Like they don't give a ****.
01:34:39 They will kill thousands of people to get what they want.
01:34:42 Done, even if what they want done is to kill.
01:34:44 Even more people.
Speaker 2
01:34:47 They don't give a ****.Devon
01:34:49 And and so.01:34:50 Just know that when when interfacing with them, when it comes.
01:34:55 To this COVID stuff.
01:34:57 Just realize these are people who don't give a ****.
Speaker 2
01:35:01 And that's all of them.Devon
01:35:02 You know, I played the clip that you know of Trump saying his good friend.Speaker 3
01:35:06 His good buddy Larry, Lucky Larry.Devon
01:35:11 His good friend Larry Silverstein.01:35:18 That's, you know, it's he does know.
01:35:23 Of course he knows.
01:35:25 And he won't do **** ***** it.
01:35:28 He he stopped, he intervened.
01:35:31 Trump intervened.
01:35:33 If Trump had done nothing.
01:35:36 Like just just pretended like.
01:35:38 He didn't know or whatever.
01:35:41 The JFK documents.
01:35:44 Would have been released in their entirety.
01:35:48 I've said this a bunch of times, but.
01:35:49 It just, it bears repeating.
01:35:52 I knew we.
01:35:52 I knew we couldn't trust him.
01:35:54 When all he had to do.
01:35:57 Was nothing.
01:35:58 And by law.
01:36:00 The JFK documents in their entirety would be released to the public because they they had kicked the can down the road so many times, hoping that eventually the public would just forget about it.
01:36:11 And this was the the the latest deadline, right?
01:36:14 And if nothing was done, if just if, if.
01:36:18 You know, Trump hadn't stepped in and said and prevented the release of those documents.
01:36:23 They would.
01:36:23 Have been released.
01:36:25 And we might know, who knows, we might know.
01:36:29 Who shot JFK?
01:36:31 Instead of.
01:36:34 You know the the confusion of all the different theories, and there's just as many, if not more, theories about JFK as 9/11, right?
01:36:42 You know, I think we the the people.
01:36:43 Listening probably all have a.
01:36:45 A similar outlook on on what was going on there, but there would be a crystallization because you'd have the full picture.
01:36:55 But what did Trump do?
01:36:56 He stepped in and after meeting with the with the intelligence community.
01:37:03 He stepped in, prevented the release of all the documents and then took to Twitter and said I solved JFK.
01:37:10 You're welcome.
01:37:13 So he stepped in, prevented the release, and then told his ******** followers that he just solved JFK and they all lost their minds.
01:37:22 And Infowars made a big deal out of **** that was useless in the stuff they released.
01:37:28 And yeah, it was it went nowhere, of course.
01:37:33 There was.
01:37:34 There was a few interesting things.
01:37:35 I mean, I even did some streams, digging up some of the stuff that you know was noteworthy, but.
01:37:43 I mean the fact that if if Trump could not.
01:37:47 Confront a deep state from 1969.
01:37:54 You know he's not going.
01:37:54 To confront the deep state.
01:37:57 In 2016.
01:38:01 And that was that was just it was clear as a bell.
01:38:04 And of course, that's also around the time.
01:38:07 I started looking into Trump's connections with the tribe, as it were. I mean, it was something that should have been obvious from the beginning because of, you know, Kushner, his daughter converting and and everything else.
01:38:19 But look, I just, I didn't realize the significance of that. Just to be perfectly honest, in 2016.
01:38:27 I wasn't fully aware of of the Zionist question.
01:38:32 Or the Jewish question.
01:38:35 I just wasn't.
01:38:41 You know, I didn't. I didn't realize the significance of of Trump's friendship with Larry Silverstein.
01:38:57 Off in 1984, I watched your 9/11 supercut very, very carefully. This is a testament to how useful time code on video can be, and recapturing the moment, especially when it's in the hands of a pro. With this and your talent, recent defiant video are very well put together and be proud.
01:39:13 No thanks.
01:39:14 Glad you liked it.
01:39:14 Like I said, it wasn't even a time code.
01:39:16 A lot of it was just me looking for something that happened in both shots that I could sync it up to and it.
01:39:22 So there was a lot of.
01:39:24 A lot of the footage that we didn't have any time stamps at all, and so it was just a matter of me, like seeing, like, watching all the footage and then.
01:39:34 Maybe there was an?
01:39:35 Explosion and I'm like, oh, OK, I'll just look for that explosion in this clip.
01:39:39 And then you scrub through, like, 10 minutes of video and like, oh, there it is.
01:39:43 And then you find the exact moment the flames look a.
01:39:45 Certain way like it was it.
01:39:47 Was that autistic and it and it took it took actually took weeks, took a few.
01:39:54 We're like, that's all I did.
01:39:55 Was just look at this footage and and line it all up and and try to make it flow like it was something happening live on a stream.
01:40:05 There's there's things that would have changed.
01:40:07 Honestly, that always happens anytime I make a.
01:40:10 Project and just.
01:40:11 You know it's never done if, if if there was never a deadline to get something, you know, my videos would just.
01:40:17 Be eternal projects cause I would always be tweaking them.
01:40:23 With some exceptions, sometimes you feel solid about something.
01:40:27 Red counts just.
01:40:29 Oh, wait, did that one.
01:40:31 To to Jeron, why hasn't any Republican president gotten rid of PBS?
01:40:36 It's basically Democrat propaganda, state sponsored.
01:40:40 Well, I mean that's there's no difference between Republicans and Democrats.
01:40:46 There's not. There's really not.
01:40:49 They're on the same team, so it serves a.
01:40:51 Purpose to both of.
01:40:52 Them you know the same reason like look and Democrats.
01:40:56 It's funny because they have talked about what a lot of guys aren't old enough to remember before the Internet, before a lot of this, you know, the streaming and.
01:41:06 The political talk that ended up and you know, on YouTube and then has now since spread to places like Odyssey and bit shoot.
01:41:12 And trovo and and whatever the bulk of the discussions on the right were, you know, because the Internet didn't exist, the average person couldn't, didn't have the ability to reach very many people.
01:41:25 You were limited to national, say talk show, you know, talk radio.
01:41:31 So it was like Rush Limbaugh.
01:41:32 Or Dennis Prager, Michael Medved or Michael Savage, three of the four that I just mentioned.
01:41:41 All Jews.
01:41:41 Of course.
01:41:43 You had basically these these national right wing talk show hosts.
01:41:48 And you know, they were syndicated and but they were usually in every single large market out there.
01:41:54 And that's how political people would get access to.
01:42:02 Political discussions on the right, that's the only place that existed in the broadcast world was talk radio and AM radio, in fact, AM radio.
01:42:10 That's probably the only reason why it still exists is when they switched to FM.
01:42:15 The only reason I think the the I mean it was dying there was almost no one starting to no, almost nobody.
01:42:21 Broadcast that on the the AM spectrum, the the the long wave.
01:42:27 Spectrum because it was, you know, it was poor quality, it took more power.
01:42:33 You didn't.
01:42:34 You didn't have the stereo.
01:42:36 I mean, there's ways of making that work, but by and large, it was people were listening to FM.
01:42:41 That was the new technology and what saved AM.
01:42:46 Was people like Rush Limbaugh going on there?
01:42:50 And they were in discussions.
01:42:54 What were the the Fairness Doctrine was what it.
01:42:56 Was called.
01:42:57 They were trying to use the fairness doctrine because the the left created their own talk show or talk radio thing called Air America.
01:43:08 And it was a spectacular failure.
01:43:11 No one listened to it.
01:43:13 And so in order for the left to have and nothing's changed. So in order for the left to have their political ideas discussed in like some kind of forum like or format like talk radio or streaming, even it has to be subsidized.
01:43:33 Because people don't want to hear that ****.
01:43:37 And and so like now, right? If you look at if it wasn't for YouTube promoting all the leftists while banning all the right wing people.
01:43:49 They wouldn't. I mean, there wouldn't be any leftists talk, I mean, or at least their audiences would be pretty small if they had to compete on open playing field in the same way in the, you know, this would be the 90s and maybe the early 2000s, they had the the Air America trying to compete with the Rush Limbaugh.
01:44:06 Of the of the world.
01:44:08 And so they tried to pass legislation called the fairness Doctrine that would.
01:44:13 Have the the, the, the.
01:44:16 The the left has been trying to.
01:44:17 Censor people forever.
01:44:19 But it would have effectively put all like Rush Limbaugh out of business.
01:44:23 Because the way that it was basically legislation that said that if you had Rush Limbaugh on your station say talking about, you know, right wing ideas, then by law you would have to have an equal amount of time of a lefty on.
01:44:42 Your radio station.
01:44:44 So that would have put, you know everybody out of business because.
01:44:47 You know, no one wanted that.
01:44:49 No one wanted to hear America and they're stupid ****.
01:45:05 There we go.
01:45:13 Iceberg 123 thoughts on National Bolshevism. I don't. I don't know I.
01:45:19 Probably not, but I I don't know what the specifics of that would be.
01:45:30 Electrical tape.
01:45:31 Do you think large demonstrations against the T or the TSA?
01:45:36 Would do any good at this point a few years ago a small group did just that and didn't have to go through the scanners.
01:45:43 I I don't think that they don't.
01:45:47 People that don't have to go through the.
01:45:49 I mean, there's, they they have.
01:45:50 They do have.
01:45:51 That fast pass stuff, so maybe they just gave them a bunch of.
01:45:54 Fast pass stuff.
01:45:56 I don't know how all that works, but it's pretty low on my priority list to go out for the TSA, quite frankly.
01:46:04 It's just, you know, it's just we're we have fatter fish to fry at this point.
01:46:10 Base increased the the British Army in one day at the some or at the some May lost 10 times as many soldiers as the US.
01:46:20 Lost in 20 years in Afghanistan.
01:46:26 Yeah, they don't care about death.
01:46:28 They'll kill.
01:46:28 They'll literally kill.
01:46:30 Look, I mean, if you believe the Georgia guidestones, they they evidently want us pretty much all dead.
01:46:36 So a few 100,000, no big deal, that's kind of in line with what their eventual plans are anyway.
01:46:44 Sean from PA, they called, they called us the sand people.
01:46:50 Who called the US the sand people?
01:46:54 I don't know what that is.
01:46:58 COTC Church of the creator, founded by Ben Klassen, who wrote Nature's Eternal Religion. No, I'm not aware of that, but me looking at class and sounds like a Jewish last name.
01:47:09 That doesn't it?
01:47:10 I mean, I don't know if it is, but it has that ring to it.
01:47:14 Maybe it's just German.
01:47:15 It sounds it sounds.
01:47:17 German or or Jewish reason why those sounds similar in America is so many of the Jews that came here were from Germany or.
01:47:29 The Hollywood Jews came from.
01:47:34 Russia and Ukraine, mostly.
01:47:38 Bimbo Jimbo, there is a Norwegian political party called the Alliance where the party leader went to a high school and made.
01:47:46 High school kids chant **** the vaccine.
01:47:50 You can search for Liz Glimp on bit shoot or videos.
01:47:55 Do you think in real life or activism like this can be productive?
01:48:01 Norwegian political party, I mean, I don't know about Norway's situation in America. I you would get in trouble.
01:48:08 I mean, they'll if you go near schools, they can arrest you.
01:48:13 So I mean, I don't know how I don't.
01:48:15 I mean, I don't know specifically about this.
01:48:18 This situation here, but in America.
01:48:24 I mean, look.
01:48:26 They just arrested that one guy in Canada today, that guy, that bodybuilder guy with a neck tattoo.
01:48:33 I'm always.
01:48:34 I'm always spaced on his name, but he's the anti COVID Canadian guy.
01:48:41 Where did that go?
01:48:44 They arrested him.
01:48:45 Today, though, I thought I saw that on Twitter.
01:48:50 Yeah, here it is.
01:48:56 This happened.
01:48:57 What is it?
01:48:58 A couple hours ago.
01:49:05 The countries in the Anglosphere, whether you're talking about Canada, America, Australia, the UK, are getting increasingly bold.
01:49:16 There's it's you don't have enough social cohesion in these countries.
01:49:22 I don't think in order that you can actually form any kind of meaningful protest to accomplish what you want.
01:49:32 That's why I've said I'm throwing in the towel and I'm just saying, alright?
01:49:35 You guys, you know?
01:49:37 You're you're welcome to collapse.
01:49:39 In on yourselves like a dying star.
01:49:41 I'm going to go make my own community and.
01:49:43 And so **** ***.
01:49:45 That is, that's the decision I've made because I feel like if you do.
01:49:51 And this this is.
01:49:52 This is what will happen.
Speaker 12
01:49:58 All the lawyer, babe, they're trying to arrest him.Speaker 14
01:49:59 So if you if you're under red for that.Speaker 7
01:50:02 Why there is it for what?Speaker 12
01:50:03 I have not done anything.Speaker 7
01:50:07 For us, there is no there is no movement.Speaker 12
01:50:12 Are you talking about?Speaker 8
01:50:12 Excuse me.Speaker 12
01:50:13 This is just insane.01:50:14 It's like complete ******* ********.
Speaker 4
01:50:18 Get this and get this.Speaker 9
01:50:20 What? What's the charge?Speaker 7
01:50:22 What's the charge page of undertaking?Speaker 4
01:50:24 Each of us.Devon
01:50:28 Just say a condition that.01:50:30 I didn't reach.
Speaker 12
01:50:36 I'm calling right now.01:50:37 You guys are just funny, man, you.
Speaker 7
01:50:39 Guys, you guys are funny people.Devon
01:50:43 OK.Speaker 4
01:50:45 Any of you get to the next level?Speaker 8
01:50:47 What is phone instead of calling?Speaker 12
01:50:53 Are they?01:50:53 Are they taking them?
01:50:54 All the way.
Speaker 11
01:50:58 You should be ashamed of yourself.Speaker 12
01:51:02 If we give you guys some space, you guys have all the space you.Speaker 8
01:51:06 Want you guys need one?Speaker 7
01:51:06 I know what did.Speaker 12
01:51:08 234567 police officers.Speaker 11
01:51:10 What's this?Speaker 12
01:51:13 Look at this.Devon
01:51:14 When you speak like that, you.01:51:15 Should think about it.
Speaker 14
01:51:16 And they're trying to.Speaker 12
01:51:17 Make an example for the media they want to scare everybody into doing the vaccine passport and it's not gonna happen.01:51:23 It's not gonna happen.
01:51:24 It's not gonna happen.
01:51:26 You guys are all going down.
01:51:28 All of you guys are going.
01:51:29 Down going down.
Speaker 7
01:51:33 You wanna have your face right here.Speaker 12
01:51:35 All of you guys, you guys can hide your faces as much as you want.01:51:38 Got it right here I got.
01:51:40 It right here.Speaker 12
01:51:43 All of you guys, you guys are so bad.01:51:46 ******* clowns with the.
Speaker 4
01:51:48 Church, after all.Devon
01:51:52 So there you go.01:51:53 I I mean.
Speaker 2
01:51:59 Is it cathartic?Devon
01:52:01 You know, for those people you think to, to call them clowns and say you're going down.01:52:05 Yeah, but are they?
01:52:07 Really going to go down?
01:52:11 You know, you you do.
01:52:12 You really think any of those cops are going to face the music?
Speaker 3
01:52:17 Know once we get into.01:52:18 Control we, you know.
01:52:19 We're not.
01:52:19 We're not going to forget.
01:52:20 What you did really.01:52:23 I'm not trying to be * ****, but I mean, come on, let's just.
01:52:25 Be realistic really.
01:52:27 You really think that those guys aren't in danger?
01:52:33 I mean, it's Canada, you know.
Speaker 3
01:52:40 Do you?01:52:40 Do you feel like that?
01:52:41 That that.
01:52:42 I mean, I'm just again.01:52:44 God bless them.
01:52:45 I'm glad that they're, you know.
01:52:46 That they are putting up a fight or whatever.
01:52:52 But let's be realistic.
01:52:54 Get some more water here.
01:52:59 Excuse me.
01:53:01 It's it's, it's.
01:53:05 You know, you, you you don't.
01:53:06 You don't play the hand you want.
01:53:08 You play the hand.
01:53:08 You're dealt.
Speaker 2
01:53:16 Now look.Devon
01:53:19 You need to have a hill that you will die on, but it needs to mean what you're saying.01:53:26 That was not a hill like him, not or just as an example.
01:53:29 Let's use that as an example.
01:53:34 Excuse me.
01:53:39 This is not a hill.
01:53:40 They're willing.
01:53:40 To die on.
01:53:44 Now they're willing to put up with with the harassment, they'll go through legal maneuvering.
01:53:50 And who knows?
01:53:50 Maybe he'll get somewhere with it.
01:53:52 I don't know.
01:53:52 I don't know.
01:53:54 It's going to cost him a lot of money, a lot of time.
01:54:05 But if this was a hill, that.
01:54:06 You're willing to die on.
01:54:10 This would have gone down a little differently.
01:54:14 This situation would have gone down a little bit differently, and that's that's the thing people just aren't there yet.
01:54:20 You know, they're they're they're still, they still are hopeful that they can use this system to reform the system.
01:54:33 And most people, I mean that's that's kind of the that's kind of just a way of thinking that most people remain in almost you know it's almost like that's you're you're almost selected for that way of thinking you know for for centuries.
01:54:48 So it's no.
01:54:49 No brainer that the average person is going to think within the the context of always.
01:54:55 Operating within the confines of the system, because the people that didn't do that were often exiled or executed or whatever, right?
01:55:04 So you do that for a few.
01:55:06 I mean, since the beginning of civilization, most people are just compliant.
01:55:16 So it's.
01:55:18 Yeah, I'm.
01:55:19 I'm just saying like, look, I I.
01:55:22 I like this guy.
01:55:24 And I hope that that he succeeds in his opposition to the vaccine passports or or whatever.
01:55:32 I just don't.
01:55:33 I think he's.
01:55:34 I think he's he's a positive force.
01:55:37 In something that we should all be opposing and and I think that it's it's good that he's out there and and who knows maybe he will influence enough people to at least slow down what I feel is just inevitably as as an empire.
01:55:53 Here's something you got to understand.
01:55:55 You have to like people all right.
01:55:57 So many people are thinking, why are they doing this?
01:55:59 Why are they doing this?
01:56:05 As an empire begins to crumble.
01:56:09 The people at the top become increasingly vulnerable.
01:56:14 And afraid.
01:56:18 Of the people who live inside the empire.
01:56:21 That they have destroyed.
01:56:26 Like Tucker Carlson's book, you know the ship of fools like he specifically wrote it. As I've said before, and he's and he's said before to warn the ruling class that you're you're running this **** into the ground and you're going to have the pitchforks coming out if you keep doing it.
01:56:43 There are elements in the ruling class that fully understand this.
01:56:50 They aren't as stupid as a lot.
01:56:51 Of people would like to imagine.
01:56:56 And so if you are, if you have the power and the technology.
01:57:02 To implement things.
01:57:04 That are going to hobble and maybe even prevent.
01:57:10 The people within your dying empire.
01:57:13 From making any kind of meaningful.
01:57:19 Threat to you?
01:57:22 You're going to want to implement those things, and in the same way that you didn't mind killing a few 1000 people by smashing airplanes full of maybe full of people.
01:57:33 Who knows, right?
01:57:34 Who knows what's really on this plane?
01:57:38 But by unquestionable you killed thousands of people and smashed.
01:57:43 The buildings and whatever, right?
01:57:45 And you did that to get.
01:57:47 What you wanted?
01:57:50 So you're obviously going to be totally OK.
01:57:54 With ruining peoples lives and and ending people's lives.
01:58:00 In order to create a scenario that in the same way 9/11 justified not only your your lusts for control and power in the Middle East.
01:58:14 And in fulfillment of your your delusional Zionist.
01:58:25 But it also allowed them to alleviate some of their paranoia that they were feeling even back in 2001, paranoia about the the this new thing called the Internet.
01:58:39 Paranoia about this ability that their people, their citizenry, were it was going to.
01:58:49 It was going to shrink the gap.
01:58:51 The power gap between them and the the unwashed masses.
01:58:58 Because then with the power of the Internet, suddenly someone like me.
01:59:04 Has the ability to broadcast to people all around the world, and I don't have to go through one of their.
01:59:13 They're they're stations that are owned by their, you know, the conglomerates, you know, like Clear Channel or whatever.
01:59:22 And I don't have to get license from the FCC or whatever, right.
01:59:27 And all of a sudden, my ideas are on even ground with their ideas.
01:59:35 And not only that.
01:59:38 That just the communication.
01:59:40 So in retaining power.
01:59:45 The ruling class, part a big part of that, is communications.
01:59:48 When you're trying to control a a place as geographically large as the United States and and not just that, but the surrounding areas that we, you know, we've got bases in all these different countries and a big part of that is communications.
02:00:00 Watch an old movie.
02:00:01 It's kind of funny when you see them.
02:00:04 Having to communicate using this old technology, that's that's very I mean it's very inefficient and clunky and like you see people trying.
02:00:16 I mean, not that long ago either.
Speaker 3
02:00:18 Like, really not?Devon
02:00:18 That long ago, people sending ******* telegrams.02:00:22 You know, cause oh, I'm.
02:00:23 In Mexico, and I gotta get, I gotta get a message back to the FBI director.
02:00:27 Quick send him a telegram.
02:00:33 You know, and then now all of a sudden with the technology being more accessible to just everybody, not just in terms of someone like me being able to talk to large groups of people, but you.
02:00:47 Can now or you and other groups of people can now start coordinating things clandestinely.
02:00:59 You know, and and maybe not even and maybe not even like in some kind of terrorist kind of a way, right, but maybe just colluding on you know against.
02:01:11 Against, you know, politically not, maybe not militarily or physically.
02:01:14 But politically against people.
02:01:21 So you know you can't have that, so they need the. I mean 911 was just as instrumental in in the endless wars in the Middle East as it was the.
02:01:34 Patriot Act so that they could maintain power back home.
02:01:42 Well, COVID is see now that we they got that initial.
02:01:47 That initial surveillance state stuff established, which certainly goes.
02:01:51 A long way.
02:01:54 People adapt.
02:01:58 Smart people are able to adapt and navigate that those conditions.
02:02:05 And work within that framework and still be a.
02:02:07 Pain in their ***.
02:02:13 And they have found that or that they've decided, apparently.
02:02:19 That it's necessary to upgrade those.
02:02:23 Those instruments of control.
02:02:29 And So what do?
02:02:29 They do.
02:02:30 Well, now we've got COVID.
02:02:34 And that that.
02:02:35 Opens the door to like Patriarch Part 2.
02:02:41 And they and.
02:02:41 They with the same excuse, right?
02:02:43 Mean. Well, we.
02:02:44 Need like people didn't want the Patriot Act?
02:02:46 A lot of people didn't want it, but they named it the Patriot Act, which made it almost impossible to vote against in that environment.
02:02:55 And everyone was, so I mean, again, if you watched that stream this morning, you would understand or maybe at least have some contacts.
02:03:01 I mean, everyone was so ****** ** from watching.
02:03:05 Those towers go down and and even just think of the, I mean talking about well that was pre 9/11 Pre 911 wasn't just like you know easier to get on airplanes and stuff like that. It was just the the.
02:03:17 The general feeling of of people living in this country was one of optimism.
02:03:27 You know, people were watching shows like Star Trek, the next generation, thinking that that was.
02:03:32 That's what that.
02:03:33 Was right around the corner, right?
02:03:35 We're all going to be wearing these gay space jumpsuits, you know, and and eating food out of machines and flying to different worlds and having sex with green aliens and and whatever the.
02:03:48 You know that there was, there was this very unrealistic optimism about the world.
02:03:55 It was kind of like you had this, this momentum that had been going on since World War 2.
02:04:03 This forward economic momentum.
02:04:05 And while all of the the traditions and the demographics were starting to fade away.
02:04:15 They hadn't died yet and it was this weird mixture.
02:04:24 You had just enough tradition and demographics to where I.
02:04:27 Think white Americans still felt somewhat secure in America remaining part of the the promise of the American Dream still being some kind of relevant found in reality thing.
02:04:44 Right.
02:04:46 But at the same time, you had the decadence that hadn't gone full trans kid yet.
02:04:53 Right.
02:04:54 So it was it was the part of the party.
02:04:56 It's like if you've ever gone to a party that gets out of control.
02:05:00 Like and and ****** at the end.
02:05:03 There's always that that part of the party where it's it's that hasn't happened yet.
02:05:09 Everyone's just having just having just good enough of a time to where it's good, like it peaks before it goes bad.
02:05:19 And the 90s were kind of like.
02:05:22 That's what it was.
02:05:23 The degeneracy was coming in.
02:05:27 But we weren't, again, like we weren't even, I mean, gay marriage was still illegal, right?
02:05:31 So, yeah, it was it.
02:05:33 It was there, right.
02:05:34 Like, you knew that people were.
02:05:37 You know, there was gay stuff going on and like they were trying to normalize it and stuff.
02:05:41 But like it, it wasn't like this looming threat yet.
02:05:46 You know they they there was.
02:05:48 No, there was no such thing as trans kids.
02:05:50 There wasn't even such.
02:05:51 I mean, there was like, it wasn't like, a acceptable thing on almost any level.
02:05:55 The trance thing, right.
02:05:57 That, like the trans stuff that exists, that was so subculture that it was just, you know, you never encountered it in a day-to-day life, most Americans.
02:06:11 But after 9-11 that that all went away.
02:06:16 And it was such a.
02:06:20 Mood shift?
02:06:24 I mean, they would have, I mean you could have passed anything you wanted, really.
02:06:27 I mean, you could have and that's what's going on now, too.
02:06:29 I mean, they've psychologically abused people for the last two years now, right, with this stuff.
02:06:37 To where people are willing to accept almost anything.
02:06:43 Two months to or two weeks to flatten the curve.
02:06:47 And people ******* about that.
02:06:48 Remember, there are two weeks.
02:06:50 That's stupid.
02:06:50 That's crazy now.
02:06:53 Where are they now?
Speaker 2
02:06:57 How many of?Devon
02:06:57 Those people that were complaining about the two leagues and saying they're never gonna get the vaccine are going to get it because.02:07:02 If they don't, they'll get fired.
02:07:11 And they'll just slow walk whatever control mechanism it is they're trying to implement, whether it's the vaccine passport stuff, which I believe, you know this guy's.
02:07:18 Right.
02:07:18 You know, he's got it.
02:07:21 He gets it.
02:07:25 And that's why they're arresting him.
02:07:28 And maybe they'll get him out, right?
02:07:30 If it's.
02:07:30 But it, they don't even have it's.
Speaker 3
02:07:32 Not even about.Devon
02:07:34 It's still a win for them because they have an infinite amount of money to throw at.02:07:39 Like if I mean **** you do not want to get into a law fair fight with the the.
02:07:44 With the government.
Speaker 3
02:07:48 They will never run.Devon
02:07:49 Out of the ability to aggressively pursue you legally.02:07:55 They are the law.
02:07:59 So if all they do is slow them down.
02:08:09 Their mission accomplished or set an example.
02:08:14 Mission accomplished.
02:08:14 But again, this is this is Canada.
02:08:17 Canada is different.
02:08:17 Their laws are different.
02:08:19 What they're trying to, you know, Trudeau is different.
02:08:21 You know, all all this stuff is different, so I don't know 100% even what his. I don't understand. Like the charge they even said like the weird. What was it they said?
Speaker 3
02:08:34 What the ****?Speaker 12
02:08:34 Are you talking about?Devon
02:08:35 Excuse me.Speaker 9
02:08:35 Well, this is just insane.Devon
02:08:37 Like that, violating and undertaking or whatever that was like.02:08:39 I don't even know what that is.
02:08:41 I don't.
02:08:41 That's not like an American thing, so.
02:08:44 You know, who knows what the ****?
02:08:45 That is so I don't even know if if.
02:08:47 If who knows, maybe he gets released tomorrow.
02:08:50 I don't know what the **** this is because it's Canadian.
02:08:52 But but yeah, I'm just showing you that if you.
02:08:59 I feel like for me personally.
02:09:02 I'm throwing in the towel in in terms of this kind of protest because I'm at the point now where if if.
02:09:12 It's got to be worth dying for, right?
02:09:15 For people to really people have to really want it.
02:09:19 And even this guy, this guy is relatively popular online.
02:09:24 But you know his entourage had, like, eight people in real life.
02:09:27 I I don't know.
02:09:27 I don't know.
02:09:29 I wish him luck.
02:09:31 I wish him luck.
02:09:33 I hope that it all works out for him.
02:09:39 And maybe it will.
02:09:40 Maybe I'm just.
02:09:41 Pessimistic because, I mean, here's the thing and I I keep bringing this up because I feel like it needs to be said.
02:09:48 People say, oh, it's a culture war.
02:09:50 We're going to fight the culture war.
02:09:52 It's a culture rape.
02:09:55 In in a war, both sides have have victories.
02:09:59 Where's our victories?
02:10:04 How many decades in a row do you lose before you realize?
02:10:09 This is a rape.
02:10:11 It's not a war.
02:10:16 And keep trying the same tactics.
02:10:20 It's not going to help.
02:10:23 It's time to change tactics.
02:10:27 Trying to use the system to reform the system is just something that has never.
02:10:33 Worked for the right.
02:10:43 OK.
02:10:47 It looks like my chat totally died.
02:10:49 I'm gonna have to restart.
02:10:50 The app or something?
02:10:53 I was wondering what was going on.
02:10:58 Alright, what's going on here?
02:11:01 Try this again.
02:11:05 Yeah, sorry I rambled too much. I just thought no one was talking. I was like, what the ****'* going on here?
02:11:12 I guess my Internet on this thing's dead.
02:11:16 I am still streaming.
02:11:17 That's good.
02:11:22 I'm going to do something clever to get this thing on the Internet.
02:11:27 There we go of that.Devon
02:11:34 Tethered, tethered that device to this device.02:11:37 There we go. Now we.
02:11:38 Have Internet I think on this.
02:11:42 Our viewers went up.
02:11:43 That's good.
02:11:45 OK.
02:11:47 The Banking Secrecy Act makes it a law for banks to report any odd behavior or transactions above over $10,000. Also, the feds have to lie in court about how your case started or get charged.
02:12:01 Thanks. 9/11 right. There's a lot. There's a lot of other things like that you can't used to get a PO Box pretty easily.
02:12:08 Like you could literally just walk in and uh, I mean, cause I did this when I was like a teenager and I wanted to get stuff mailed to me that I was supposed to have.
02:12:16 I would just.
02:12:17 I went to the post office and I paid for a PO Box.
02:12:21 You just paid cash and like you're good to go years later, when I was living off grid and I didn't have an actual address and I wanted to get a PO Box for legitimate purposes, it was like this whole ******* thing.
02:12:34 And like, you know, they're like, oh, you have.
02:12:36 To prove that you you live here.
02:12:37 And I'm like, well, I mean, if I.
02:12:39 Had an yeah.
02:12:40 I'm how do I do that?
02:12:42 Well you.
02:12:42 Need to give us a an electric bill?
02:12:45 Well, I don't have electricity.
02:12:46 Well, then give us.
02:12:48 You know this bill.
02:12:49 I don't have that, you know.
02:12:50 Well, what about your mortgage?
02:12:51 I don't have.
02:12:52 That you know, what about your telephone bill?
02:12:54 Well, I got that.
02:12:55 But like, they can't send it.
02:12:57 The whole reason I'm getting a PO Box.
02:12:59 Is I don't have an address for it to.
02:13:00 Be sent to and so you know.
02:13:03 Do you understand the problem here?
02:13:06 Like it took so long I.
02:13:07 Eventually just had to.
02:13:08 Here's a trick that a lot of people know.
02:13:10 Actually, this is actually a good trick to tell people about if you need to get a package sent to.
02:13:14 You you can get it just sent.
02:13:18 They at least.
02:13:19 I mean, they still did this a couple years ago.
02:13:20 Don't know.
02:13:20 Maybe they still don't.
02:13:22 You can have it addressed.
02:13:25 To a specific post office.
02:13:28 And or general delivery if they say, especially if you're in a small town that only has one post.
02:13:36 You can have something addressed to you that your name, general delivery.
02:13:40 You know your town.
02:13:41 Zip code and they'll.
02:13:43 It'll go through the mail and they'll just wait at the post office for you to go in and pick up.
02:13:50 At least that's that's how I had to get packages for like a year because they wouldn't just let me.
02:13:55 You got a ******* PO Box and they told me that was because of 911. So yeah, lot. Lots of stupid **** has changed.
02:14:02 And you're right about the $10,000 thing. I. In fact, I've had to deal with.
02:14:05 That before too.
02:14:08 But I won't go into that.
02:14:15 Some alternate history YouTube guy said.
02:14:18 If there was no black people in the US, the country would much more be much more socially liberal and economically leftist.
02:14:25 The presence of black reminds whites to not relax, which is why whites in the US.
02:14:32 No, that's ********.
02:14:34 That that's that's not.
02:14:38 That is not.
02:14:38 That's ********.
02:14:40 I refuse to believe that.
02:14:42 And in fact, there's a I'll tell you one thing that would happen if there were no blacks in the United States.
02:14:49 The crime rate would be on par with Switzerland.
02:14:56 So and if you were to in fact, if you look at if you isolate just the black crime rate in America, the crime rate looks a.
02:15:04 Lot like the Congo.
02:15:07 No, no ********.
02:15:11 So yeah, no, I don't think that they serve that kind of purpose in American Society.
02:15:18 Not at all.
02:15:20 Which isn't to say that there aren't any such thing.
02:15:22 As conservative blacks, they exist.
02:15:25 But by and large, I mean, what was what were the numbers, the final numbers for Obama?
02:15:31 Like something it was ridiculous.
02:15:33 It was like 90% or it might have been higher than that, like you know, 90% of blacks voted for Obama.
02:15:44 I don't think they're an agent of of conservatism by any means. Do you think that Agenda 2030 will succeed or fail?
02:15:50 I eating bugs living 15 minute smart cities renting.
02:15:54 I mean, look, I think it'll it'll like everything that they want to do.
02:15:57 It'll be rolled out much slower.
02:15:59 Than they want.
02:16:01 And it doesn't mean that it won't.
02:16:03 They won't accomplish it eventually, but it will go much like you know, it used to be.
02:16:09 What was it called before, right? It was called 2020 or 2021 or something like that. They had to change it to 2030.
02:16:16 Because there was no way that they were going to make it to the deadline.
02:16:19 So they they they're overly optimistic about a lot of this stuff.
02:16:23 In fact, it's funny if you look into the writings of what's his name.
02:16:33 The guy who founded the Illuminati Adam?
02:16:36 Washam or something?
02:16:38 I know it's not it, but like you know, I think some of you guys will know who.
02:16:41 I'm talking about.
02:16:42 I'm just based on.
02:16:42 His name?
02:16:43 If you look at his writings, the.
02:16:44 The the takeover of.
Speaker 8
02:16:46 The world and.Devon
02:16:47 All this other stuff a lot of this stuff that these guys come up with, these grand schemes, where they're going to rule the entire world with the world government and get everything they want.02:16:56 They think it's going to happen in their lifetimes like they they think that it's much easier than it really is and and like George Soros, even I think, I think he's probably very and I think he's even said in interviews, he's very disappointed that he's only accomplished.
02:17:12 Moving things in the direction that he wants but not actually achieving some of the goals that he wanted.
02:17:17 Things move much slower than even in this digital world.
02:17:20 Then people would like or that people expect it to to, to move. And so by 20-30, where they have us all in smart cities, you.
02:17:29 Know probably not.
02:17:31 But by 20-30 they'll probably have Agenda 2040 or you know what I mean? It'll be a never ending thing.
02:17:39 And they will have moved the football, maybe by 20-30 we will.
02:17:42 Have the bags pass.
02:17:45 And that'll be a normal thing.
02:17:47 And we'll be doing those discussions like well that was pre COVID that was pre COVID back when you could just walk into Walmart and buy something for with cash.
02:17:58 Let's see here.
02:18:01 Where do you see freedoms in America in 10 years as far?
Speaker 2
02:18:03 As the COVID hoax goes.Devon
02:18:05 I don't know, I I.02:18:07 I I think that we're we're about to find out.
02:18:10 I think we're about to find out.
02:18:12 There are a shocking.
02:18:13 See I I don't want to get optimistic just because we've heard it all before, like in fact, I almost did like a, you know, kind of like a ****** retweet of Paul Joseph Watson, who he like, he he retweet or he tweeted out.
02:18:28 Something about like something along the lines of, oh, conservatives finally found a hill to die on, like they're finally going to actually stand for something and and not just be pushed around.
02:18:40 They're going to stick up for these COVID things, and they're going to, actually.
02:18:44 And I almost retweeted and said something like.
02:18:47 I'll believe it when I see it, you know, kind of a thing.
02:18:50 And I didn't do it because I was like I I hope he's right.
02:18:56 But I just, I get this sense that, you know, we've heard this before.
02:19:00 Like I won't stand for this and then, you know, they get worn down.
02:19:05 And slowly but steadily.
02:19:07 And yeah, it's, you know.
02:19:11 Why would this?
02:19:12 Why would it suddenly stop working?
02:19:14 You know why?
02:19:15 They're the boiling of the frog.
02:19:17 Like why would it suddenly stop working?
02:19:19 I don't.
02:19:19 Think that it that that's how it works.
02:19:22 And again zoom out the graph right?
02:19:24 Like we've lost so much ground.
02:19:25 Now it's it's at this point once again, I think the only solution is to throw in the ******* towel.
02:19:32 Say good luck. Good luck.
02:19:35 Have fun, you know, ruling over your crumbling empire.
02:19:39 Full of low IQ *******.
02:19:42 That all think that you know that.
02:19:45 Have no social cohesion whatsoever, especially once you.
02:19:48 Take out the me like the like.
02:19:51 Me is the.
02:19:52 To me, when there's no longer ****** to hate all day long, and that that's the glue holding you together that I'm, I'm somehow the devil and I'm keeping you down at work.
02:20:01 You know, once I'm gone, I I've.
02:20:03 I've checked out of your ******* ******** gay global **** fudge packing fast.
02:20:08 That's that is America.
02:20:10 And I'm doing my own thing over here.
02:20:12 And yeah, you'll probably try to interrupt it and destroy it.
02:20:15 And whatever.
02:20:15 I'll deal with that when that happens.
02:20:17 But good luck with your own little *******.
02:20:19 You know, ***** ***** that you're having in this country and let me know how that goes.
02:20:27 I don't care anymore.
02:20:29 I don't care anymore.
02:20:31 You can't save a people that don't want to be saved.
02:20:36 And you can't resuscitate someone.
02:20:38 Who's already dead?
02:20:41 The country's already dead. It's not on life support like people you know in the 90s, like how long can something start on life support in the 90s?
Speaker 3
02:20:49 They were like ohh, the countries on life support the countries you have pre 911 there to be a pre 9/11 pre 911 they were saying oh the countries are like their freedoms of love support.02:21:01 Well, it's it's things been taken off life support at this point.
02:21:08 So it's just, you know.02:21:11 And again, I know that's not everyone's thinking and that's not everyone's strategy and and.
02:21:18 Yeah, I think.
02:21:19 It's great that there's different people with different strategies and and we're going and I like the shotgun approach.
02:21:25 I like that there's people like this guy where his strategy is to to go be active, you know, and and try to convince people.
02:21:31 That of the truth.
02:21:33 Well, yeah, I don't think he's lying.
02:21:34 I think he's he's dead.
02:21:35 On right and try to convince enough people.
02:21:38 To actually oppose.
02:21:40 And look, he's got charisma and he's just like.
02:21:45 You know, I don't think he's global ****, but he's just degenerative looking enough and global home looking enough to where I think the the, the decadent Canadians you know will would would you know, sign on to list or would at least listen to them, right?
02:22:03 They wouldn't they?
02:22:04 They would have a hard time calling.
02:22:05 Them like a white supremacist or or you.
02:22:07 Know whatever, right?
02:22:09 And so maybe who knows?
02:22:11 Maybe he'll he'll change enough minds to where it's.
02:22:15 The frog starts to notice the the heat of the water and they have to turn it down a little bit.
02:22:20 I don't know.
02:22:21 I don't know.
02:22:22 I don't.
02:22:22 I'm not in Canada.
02:22:23 But I'm glad that he's doing that strategy and I'm glad there's other people doing their strategies.
02:22:29 I'm just saying.
02:22:31 I I've done the math and and I hope I'm wrong but but the answer I keep coming up with is the same and that that that there's there's only One Direction this has been going in my entire life.
02:22:47 I'm. I'm done. I'm done.
02:22:50 **** your gay country.
02:22:53 You know, good luck.
02:22:55 Do your ******* who cares?
02:22:56 Do your little mandates do?
02:22:58 Do whatever.
02:23:00 Of course, you like mandates ****.
02:23:04 Two men on a date.
02:23:06 Get it?
02:23:07 Cause like mandates.
02:23:11 Alright, sorry.
Speaker 3
02:23:14 Thought I just had to lighten the.Devon
02:23:15 Mood up a little bit anyway.Speaker 3
02:23:21 And with that, everybody?02:23:24 I'm going to call.
02:23:24 It a night because clearly I need some sleep.
02:23:28 After that dad joke or whatever that was.02:23:32 So you guys have a good evening.
02:23:35 Thanks for showing up and record numbers.
02:23:37 Almost tonight for black pilled.
02:23:40 I am of course.
02:23:44 Mandates Devin stack.
Speaker 4
02:23:48 The affirmative task we have now is is to actually create a new world order.02:23:58 We have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves and for future generations.
02:24:04 A new world order, a world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle, governs the conduct of nations.
02:24:13 When they are successful and we will be, we have a real chance at this new world order and order in which a credible United Nations can.
02:24:23 Its peacekeeping role to fulfill the promise and vision of the UN's founders.
Speaker 6
02:24:29 There's a need for New World order.02:24:32 But it has different characteristics in different parts.
02:24:38 Of the world.
Speaker 14
02:24:39 Never before has a new world order had to be assembled from so many different perceptions, or on so global scale.02:24:47 Nor has any previous order had to combine the attributes of the historic balance of power system with global democratic opinion and the exploding.
02:24:57 Technology of the.
Speaker 4
02:24:58 Contemporary period after 1989, President Bush kept said, and it's the phrase that I often used myself that we needed a new world order.Speaker 6
02:25:09 If it hits, that will be to develop an overall strategy for the media in this period when really a new world order can be created, it's a great opportunity and it's exciting.Devon
02:25:24 What is?Speaker 4
02:25:25 At stake?02:25:26 Is more in one small country.
02:25:30 Is a big.
02:25:32 If a new world.
02:25:34 Order where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind, peace and security.
02:25:49 And the rule of law so in.
Speaker 15
02:25:51 Ladies and gentlemen, a new world is emerging.02:25:55 That is a new world order with significantly different and radically new challenges.
Speaker 4
02:26:08 The affirmative task we have now is.