06/04/2022Speaker 1
00:00:00 So that's it.Speaker
00:01:58 It's over.Speaker 2
00:02:13 As I walk along, I wonder.Speaker 3
00:02:18 What went wrong without love?Speaker 2
00:02:22 It was so strong.00:02:28 Ask you the things we've gone together.
00:02:46 Tears have fallen and happy.
00:02:53 Do this.
00:03:53 Walking in the rain, falling about me.
Speaker 7
00:04:38 What's all the noise about?00:04:39 Did you alone?
00:04:43 When I was your age, I wanted to be.
00:04:45 In the rock.00:04:45 And roll band myself.
Speaker 2
00:04:49 Hey man, look you.Speaker 5
00:04:50 Got the gig.Speaker 2
00:04:51 See on man, we gotta.Speaker 6
00:04:53 Come on, let's go.Speaker 8
00:05:30 While I was listening to the ocean, I saw face and all that it vanished away from my hands.00:05:46 I had a dream I was 7.
00:05:50 Climbing my way in a tree, I thought of heaven awaiting patience for all the world.
00:06:06 Someday nobody knows.
00:06:09 Nobody knows.
00:06:16 Take Me Home.
00:06:18 Take Me Home.
00:06:22 I can take it anymore.
00:06:28 Was painting a picture the picture was painting.
00:06:34 Of you and for.
00:06:36 A moment I thought it would happen and again.
00:06:39 It was true.
Speaker 9
00:06:44 And all this time we have been.Speaker 8
00:06:53 Putting stuff on the 1st place on my shelf.00:07:01 And I was wrong.
00:07:07 Nobody in the world.
00:07:11 In the rain.
00:07:29 The pastry.
00:07:31 Take Me Home.
00:07:33 Take Me Home.
Speaker 3
00:07:45 For soft place to fall.00:07:50 And I can go.
Speaker 8
00:07:53 For soft.00:07:59 And I.
Speaker 9
00:07:59 Can't run.Speaker 8
00:08:07 And I can.Speaker 3
00:08:10 For a sore face to fall.Speaker 8
00:08:16 And I was running far away.00:08:31 Take Me Home.
00:09:03 Take me.
Speaker 3
00:09:04 Home. Home.Speaker 8
00:09:11 I can't take it anymore.Speaker 3
00:09:18 We're gonna let you.Speaker 1
00:09:19 Is much, much worse.Speaker 10
00:09:25 Let me show you.Devon
00:09:34 That's right, it's pride month.00:09:40 David Stack here. This is the insomnia stream coming to you live and direct from the undisclosed location of the pillbox deep below the Earth's surface.
00:09:53 Hope you guys are all having a good what is it Saturday sort of Sunday, almost depending on who.
00:09:59 Where are you from?
00:10:00 Don't know.
00:10:02 Ohh yeah, that was that was my Pride month thing.
00:10:05 You like how the word demon?
00:10:10 Is right in the middle of Pride month.
Speaker 5
00:10:11 Do you see that?Speaker 3
00:10:12 The reality?Speaker 6
00:10:14 Is much, much worse.Speaker 10
00:10:19 Yeah. Let me show you.Devon
00:10:28 Coincidence. I think not.00:10:31 So yeah.
00:10:33 That clip is from event horizon.
00:10:37 The film I saw many years ago, under the influence of Hallucinogenics in the theater, and it made me afraid to get into my car afterwards.
00:10:47 Because I thought it was possessed.
00:10:50 In retrospect, it's it's brought up that scary.
00:10:53 Of a movie.
00:10:55 But the yeah, the good, the good guy in Jurassic Park ended up being the devil, and that freak that ****** me up.
Speaker 5
00:11:00 I was like what?Devon
00:11:01 You're supposed to be the nice scientist guy.00:11:03 You know, you're gouging your eyes out.
00:11:05 What's going on?
00:11:09 Speaking from about that same time period, we're going to be, as some of you and Chad already.
00:11:13 Guessed by the name of the stream we are going to be going over a film by the.
00:11:17 Name of runaway bride.
00:11:20 Runaway bride featuring Americas sweetheart.
00:11:26 Who I've never understood the fascination with this, this.
00:11:30 Odd looking woman.
00:11:32 I'm going to figure out how to make this.
00:11:35 No, that doesn't work.
00:11:35 How about this there?
00:11:37 Yeah, that'll work.
00:11:37 That's good enough.
00:11:40 The woman with a.
00:11:43 I don't know.
00:11:44 It's just she's not pretty.
00:11:46 She's not pretty.
00:11:48 Her mouth is is.
00:11:51 It's like she can swallow cantaloupes whole.
00:11:55 And her nose it's like.
00:11:59 It's a little ape like like this.
00:12:01 Especially like you can see it in this shot right here.
00:12:04 Like it's got like the.
00:12:06 It's like if you got a black person nose and then you squeezed it like it's her whole face is actually a little.
00:12:15 A little simian looking.
00:12:16 I'm just saying.
00:12:16 I'm just saying it just.
00:12:17 I've never understood the uh.
00:12:20 Why people think that she's pretty and it it's it's.
00:12:23 Is it because?
00:12:24 She can do.
00:12:24 That that laugh that everyone thinks is adorable on command.
00:12:29 Anyway, it doesn't matter out of the the here's basically what this movie was before we get into it, everyone many people have seen Pretty Woman, right?
00:12:41 Richard Gere and Julia Roberts.
00:12:47 You know Julia Roberts.
00:12:48 It's funny because this is so many women love this movie.
00:12:52 So many women love this movie.
00:12:54 Not maybe not this one, actually.
00:12:56 Well, maybe I don't know, but Pretty Woman, especially so many people love that woman or that movie.
00:13:03 Which is weird because it's it's about a *****.
00:13:06 It's about an actual ******.
00:13:09 And you remember when?
00:13:13 When movie studios make films that are geared at one sex or the other, I guess it's well now it's their jobs.
00:13:19 A lot more complicated today.
00:13:21 Isn't it?
Speaker 5
00:13:23 Back when there.Devon
00:13:23 Were two sexes.00:13:25 Movie studios would gear movies towards men or towards women?
00:13:30 Not always, but sometimes you you would.
00:13:32 It was a.
Speaker 1
00:13:33 You can.Devon
00:13:33 Clearly tell within a few minutes.00:13:35 Oh, it's.
00:13:36 A chick flick.
00:13:37 That's why there's the term chick flick.
00:13:40 Or it's a guy movie and it's wish fulfillment.
Speaker 1
00:13:44 It was.Devon
00:13:45 We're going to make a.00:13:46 Movie that fulfills the desires of the targeted gender.
00:13:54 Right and Pretty Woman.
00:13:56 Was designed.
00:13:57 To fulfill the dreams and desires of women.
00:14:02 And what is it?
00:14:02 About it's about a ******.
00:14:06 A ****** that lives on the streets and then magically this rich guy shows up and he just has to have.
00:14:12 Her he just has to have her and he brings her into his his rich guy life and all of his friends that don't accept her because she's low class and she's a ******.
00:14:24 He sticks up for her.
00:14:26 He says **** you and and he throws money at her so she can buy whatever the **** she wants.
00:14:32 She just gets showered with ******* money.
00:14:35 And status.
00:14:37 And in the end, you know, she wins all the the money and status.
00:14:42 And and all she had to do was.
00:14:45 Be a ******.
00:14:48 Right.
00:14:48 Like that's the movie.
00:14:49 I'm not.
00:14:50 I'm not exaggerating.
00:14:51 I'm being unfair.
00:14:54 And it kind of makes you think it's kind of like really that's the that's the hmm.
00:14:59 Because when when the movie is geared to?
00:15:01 To guys, it's like you.
00:15:02 Know blowing **** up, shooting bad guys.
Speaker 12
00:15:06 Yeah, it's it's some of.Devon
00:15:06 It's a little over the top and unrealistic.00:15:10 And that sometimes.
00:15:11 It's to get the girl, but as battle truck.
00:15:13 Has shown us.
00:15:16 Obviously a movie aimed towards men, right?
00:15:22 At the end of battle truck after he defeats all the bad guys and gets the girl.
00:15:27 The girl's like. Oh, don't I? I can't believe you saved this.
00:15:30 It's wonderful, and he's just like, that's right.
00:15:32 And now I.
00:15:33 Must go.
00:15:33 He doesn't even want the girl at the end.
00:15:35 He he just.
00:15:36 Leaves to go destroy more battle trucks or whatever.
00:15:43 So he doesn't even.
00:15:44 In fact, if anything, it's.
00:15:47 Like I have to go.
00:15:48 You're just.
Speaker 12
00:15:48 Going to slow.Speaker
00:15:49 Me down.Devon
00:15:50 Like, don't you understand, woman?00:15:53 This entire movie I've had, I've been having to shoot people and blow **** up because of, mostly because of you.
00:15:58 Like everything was fine in our little community here.
00:16:01 And then you showed up and then battle.
00:16:03 Truck was here and I had to start killing people.
00:16:06 Now I must go.
00:16:07 I must ride off into this and look, there's a.
00:16:09 Lot of guy.
00:16:09 Movies like that right where they win.
00:16:12 The admiration of the women, but not necessarily not, not always, do they end up with the woman and and and and most guys are watching it going like.
00:16:21 That's right.
00:16:23 So in the end, they don't even end up with anything they get.
00:16:27 They gain nothing.
00:16:29 In fact, they usually lose lots of stuff.
00:16:32 And then at the end, they're just sort of.
00:16:33 Like that's that's just that's just.
00:16:36 All in the line of duty, ma'am.
00:16:38 That's that's the like the man, the dream.
00:16:41 Female dream.
00:16:43 Be a ******.
00:16:44 Rich guy shows up.
00:16:47 Makes pays for everything.
00:16:50 And you live happily ever after together somehow.
00:16:54 Anyway, I just want to point that out because this movie.
00:16:59 This movie it was trying to cash in on the success of Pretty Woman, which had reached legendary status among women.
00:17:07 So they cast another movie with, you know, Julia Roberts and Richard Gere.
00:17:13 But this movie.
00:17:15 Was made in 1999 I.
00:17:17 Think Pretty Woman.
00:17:19 It was either early 90s or late 80s.
00:17:21 It was, but it was, you know.
00:17:23 A little bit before this, in 1999, the same year that.
00:17:28 I think Fight Club and and Matrix came out, you know before pre 911 movies, right?
00:17:35 And uh, this movie is uh.
00:17:39 Probably the most.
00:17:41 Toxically female movie maybe ever made?
00:17:46 I was not expecting this.
00:17:49 But it was it was.
00:17:50 It was quite horrible.
00:17:51 So let's just let's have a look.
00:17:53 Here again and keep in mind.
00:17:57 This was not made with men in mind at all, like men were not flocking to the theaters to go see runaway bride.
00:18:07 In fact, they can.
00:18:08 That's the other thing.
00:18:08 That studios would do, right?
00:18:10 They they they would put it in the name.
00:18:11 So you would know.
00:18:13 You would know that like, oh, that's.
00:18:15 I can tell just by the name Runaway bride.
00:18:17 I can't think of.
00:18:19 That being a name of a movie that a.
00:18:21 Guy would want to watch.
00:18:23 You know, if you call it death stomper like, OK, Now I'm now, I'm listening.
00:18:27 I might.
00:18:27 I might.
00:18:28 I might pay money to go.
00:18:29 See Death Stomper or Battle truck, for example.
00:18:32 But run away.
00:18:35 Sorry, Susie, you.
00:18:36 Can go to the theater by yourself.
00:18:39 So just keep in mind that this this is wish fulfillment for women in 1999, and there's also pay attention because a lot, there's a lot of people in this movie that are middle-aged and who was middle-aged in 1999, the boomers.
00:18:55 And so you're going to.
00:18:56 See a lot.
Speaker 7
00:18:57 Of boomer morality.Devon
00:18:58 Like the very mature grown up relationship.00:19:06 Definite or the new definition of relationship that the middle-aged boomers, so you know lots of divorce and that kind of a thing.
00:19:13 Right.
00:19:14 And just how they were, we're just more mature.
00:19:16 Than our parents, right?
00:19:18 Our parents, they believed in this monogamy thing and.
00:19:21 And we know it's more complicated than that and we can still be adults and all be happy together and.
00:19:26 That sort of a thing.
00:19:28 Anyway, without further ado.
00:19:30 The movie starts off.
00:19:33 And she I think U U2 song is playing.
00:19:36 And she's riding a horse wearing a wedding dress.
00:19:41 And you're like, oh, what, what?
00:19:42 What's going on here?
00:19:43 Where's she going?
00:19:45 She's just riding.
00:19:46 That's not the.
00:19:47 One of the.
00:19:48 That's two things of the of the two of the favorite things of women wedding dresses and horses, right?
00:19:53 We're off to a good start.
00:19:56 And then the title comes up runaway bride and she rides off into the sunset and you have no idea what?
00:20:01 The Hell's going on?
00:20:03 Cut to New York City.
00:20:06 Richard Gere is on the phone. And again, 1999, he must be an important guy. If he's got a cell phone.
00:20:11 That wasn't like a normal everyday thing.
00:20:14 A lot of people didn't have, didn't have cell phones, so he's he must be important and he's talking to someone about something.
00:20:21 And then, oh, look, he goes to a bar.
00:20:22 His picture is on the wall.
00:20:25 So now, you know, he's important.
00:20:26 Because he must be someone famous to have his picture on the wall at the bar.
00:20:31 And then you see, oh, he's again this is.
00:20:34 Pretty much pre Internet so back when stuff like USA TODAY was relevant and you know because there was only.
00:20:42 So many nationwide.
00:20:43 Papers and USA TODAY was was pretty much the top one.
00:20:47 And he's a columnist and.
00:20:49 He he would write.
00:20:51 Basically like they almost think of like the male version.
00:20:54 Again, this is geared towards women.
00:20:57 Both the writers were women, and so this.
Speaker 13
00:21:00 Is a woman.Devon
00:21:01 'S view right?00:21:02 That there's there's this columnist and he writes very misogynistic dating advice columns, right?
00:21:10 And he's talking to some woman at the bar and she knows who he is.
00:21:16 And she's not impressed that he's that he's a columnist and and he and she thinks, oh, you just write articles about bitter women or you're just bitter about women, you know.
00:21:27 And they make sure to show that she's a strong, powerful woman.
00:21:30 She's got money.
00:21:32 And she storms out.
00:21:33 She doesn't need him.
00:21:34 He's not cool.
00:21:36 And then this guy.
00:21:39 Who? Who he.
00:21:40 Overhears him saying that he's he kind of has a bit of writers block.
00:21:44 He's got to write this column.
00:21:45 His his article is due in two hours.
00:21:48 And he doesn't know what to write about.
00:21:51 And this guy who's been drinking at the bar comes up and he's like, I'll tell you what to write about.
00:21:58 She likes the dump rooms right at the altar.Speaker 14
00:22:00 They call her.Devon
00:22:01 Uh, it would be helpful if we.00:22:02 Have audio, huh?
00:22:05 Let me back that up a little bit.
00:22:07 Some tells me.
00:22:08 I have to boost the audio on this thing.
00:22:10 Too, let me let me.00:22:13 See if I can do that.
00:22:15 See if I can crank up the volume.00:22:20 There we go.
00:22:20 It might be too much.
00:22:23 All right, so he's.
00:22:23 Like you need to write about this woman from this small town.
00:22:28 That I know.
00:22:28 About she goes and she dumps.
00:22:31 She leaves guys at the altar.
00:22:33 She's she gets engaged to these guys strings.
00:22:37 Them along all.Devon
00:22:38 The way up to the wedding day walks.00:22:40 Down the aisle and then runs away.
Speaker 13
00:22:42 She likes the dump.Speaker 14
00:22:43 Grooms right at the altar.00:22:44 They call her the runaway bride.
00:22:47 She's performed the travesty 7 or 8 times turns.Speaker 5
00:22:50 Around runs like hell bolts.Speaker 7
00:22:52 Audios plows down the aisle, knocking old ladies out of her way.00:22:55 Like the running of the Bulls in Pamplona.
00:22:58 And guess what?
00:22:59 She's got the next victim all lined up.
00:23:02 She's turning another body on the spit.Devon
00:23:06 Sir Richard Geres like this sounds like just the article.00:23:10 I can write an article about this succubus that.
00:23:15 Gets engaged and leaves guys to the altar, and so he writes this article, the scathing article talking about how he gets accused of, of writing about these female archetypes and and how they're just not accurate.
00:23:30 And and he's just the sexist.
00:23:32 But guess what?
00:23:33 He just heard a story of of another woman.
00:23:35 That proves these archetypes are real, and it's this and all these different cultures have different names for it, like succubus and whatnot, and and these women exist.
00:23:46 And that's what this woman does.
00:23:47 Hit and run.
00:23:48 Organist plays.
00:23:50 There goes the bride.
00:23:51 Right.Devon
00:23:51 And this article goes around that everyone reads it, and women are really ****** *** by it.00:23:57 And meanwhile, back in the small town where Julia Roberts is, who is this?
00:24:03 Who is the subject?
00:24:05 Of this article you get to see her and her, her, her natural habitat.
00:24:11 She's she's very smart.
00:24:13 She notice how all all the men they they need help.
00:24:17 She's at a hardware store and the men need advice from her.
00:24:20 She's smarter than all the men.
00:24:22 So she has to tell them how to do things because.
00:24:25 They're just stupid.
00:24:26 Men that that, that, that need a woman to tell them what they need at the hardware store.
00:24:33 And then her friends, they see the article and like oh.
00:24:35 My God, she's.
00:24:37 Going to freak out.
00:24:39 Hope she hasn't seen it yet.
00:24:41 And she had, and then they she finds out she has seen it.
00:24:45 She thought it was a joke article that they had snuck in.
00:24:47 There cause she.
00:24:48 Is that it's it's kind of true.
00:24:50 And she is engaged and she is going to get married again, or she's engaged.
00:24:55 To get married again.
00:24:56 And so she has a panic attack because, Oh my God, there's this article about her in USA TODAY.
00:25:02 And it's saying that she's, you know, done this to all these men.
00:25:06 And she gets ****** ***.
00:25:08 And of course, again, she's like a strong, powerful woman.
00:25:11 So she goes home and starts punching her punching bag.
00:25:14 Does like jump kicks and ****.
00:25:16 She's doing all this karate stuff and and just letting out her her masculine.
00:25:22 And then she sits down at her typewriter again.
00:25:26 This is before e-mail, really, and she starts, starts writing this letter to the editor and says I can't believe you published this article.
00:25:36 Especially because.
00:25:37 You're a woman.
00:25:39 You know, like how you're the editor of the paper.
00:25:41 And you allowed this to be to be written and and there's some inaccuracies in.
00:25:45 Here and and no one ever verified the facts.
00:25:49 You know I wasn't.
00:25:50 I wasn't engaged to be married eight times.
00:25:53 It was only it was only.
00:25:54 Four times and and some other.
00:25:56 Little details that aren't really significant to.
00:25:59 The story or were wrong and and how dare you?
00:26:02 And so back at the USA TODAY Office, the strong independent woman who runs the paper calls in Richard Gere.
00:26:12 And says you're fired.
00:26:14 Because you know if if.
00:26:16 If there's anything the mainstream media cares about, it's accuracy.
00:26:21 And as everyone knows, if a if a paper gets a few details wrong about something, that journalist is fired and he'll never work again.
00:26:32 It's funny that people that, that that would that would that would have the people wouldn't.
00:26:36 Have thought of that?
00:26:38 As weird in 1999.
00:26:40 You wouldn't have not, you know, people in the.
00:26:42 Audience going.
00:26:43 Oh, OK.
00:26:44 Yeah, they're like, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, the media.
00:26:47 Totally legit.
00:26:48 Yeah, that's that's what happens.
00:26:50 You know, you you get some facts.
00:26:51 Wrong and you know and.
00:26:53 The media is is very important, very lots of responsibility there.
00:26:56 You talking to lots of people you can't.
00:26:58 Be can't Get the facts wrong or you know of.
00:27:01 Course you're going to get fired, right?
00:27:05 So the the US, USA TODAY writes this, you know, open letter back to her saying that, you know, apologizing and they published her letter to the editor and she's super excited because she got him fired.
00:27:17 She's like, yeah, **** that guy trying to say that I I do all this **** and I like, you know, just.
00:27:25 Trap men into into engagements and then leave.
00:27:27 Him at the altar.
00:27:29 And then she goes in the house and you meet the guy that she is engaged to.
00:27:33 And he's like, this athletic mountain climber type.
00:27:37 Not too douchey.
00:27:38 Not not like the a lot of times when movies will do these when they write these kinds of movies, the they, they'll, they'll.
00:27:47 They'll make some of the characters.
00:27:49 Hyperbolic and whatever, but no.
00:27:51 He seems like kind of just like a normal guy that likes, you know, mountain climbing.
00:27:55 And the relationship seems relatively affectionate and good and they get along, everything's fine and they talk about how going to get married and and.
00:28:03 He's like, oh, good.
00:28:04 I'm glad you got your.
00:28:07 Your article or your letter printed?
00:28:09 That's pretty cool because.
00:28:11 You know, we are going to get married and I know that's in your past, you know.
00:28:13 Those other engagements, whatever.
00:28:15 So we're cool.
00:28:17 Meanwhile, Richard Gere.
00:28:19 The evil misogynist writer back in the city is in his room, depressed, because now he can't work because the word is out on the streets that you know he doesn't.
00:28:33 He's not honest in his reporting and as we.
00:28:35 All know the the.
00:28:36 The profession of journalism takes us very seriously.
00:28:41 But then a a guy at GQ magazine reaches out to him and says, you know what?
00:28:46 You might have gotten a couple insignificant facts wrong.
00:28:49 But I kind of feel like there's something here.
00:28:51 So how about you?
00:28:53 Go to the town because she is engaged.
00:28:56 To get married again.
00:28:57 And you check out and see.
00:28:59 If she leaves this guy.
00:29:01 And then that way you'll be vindicated and we'll publish your article in GQ, and it'll be really cool.
00:29:07 And and you'll have your career back.
00:29:11 So then he goes to the town where she lives.
00:29:17 And I want you to what do you notice about this? Yeah, this 19991999, OK.
00:29:25 1999.
00:29:29 What do you notice about this the the the footage of this small town?
00:29:34 Hold on, it's already begun.
00:29:37 You know, if you missed that.
00:29:40 OK, there's a white kid in his white father.
00:29:44 Sitting by a Creek.
00:29:47 OK.
00:29:50 Bunch of white people.
00:29:53 OK, a little white kid.
00:29:56 More white people.
00:29:59 There's the hardware store.
00:30:00 She works, so, so far all white people.
00:30:06 Yeah, more white kids.
00:30:09 White people. More white people.
00:30:14 Everyone. White, everyone.
00:30:17 Literally everybody.
00:30:20 So far, white, white.
00:30:24 So yeah, everyone in the town is like, literally everyone.
00:30:26 The town's white.
00:30:30 1999.
00:30:32 1999.
00:30:34 Every single person.
00:30:35 In this town.
00:30:37 Throughout the entire movie, everyone is white.
00:30:46 So you know he goes and and gets his, gets his hotel room and this is kind of funny just because I did that stream a while back talking about how they keep trying to make virtual reality a thing.
00:30:58 And I was trying to explain to people like dude.
00:31:01 They've been they keep, they've been doing this since like the 70s.
00:31:04 They keep saying that all virtual reality.
00:31:07 It's right around the corner.
00:31:09 It it's we're going to have.
00:31:10 We're all going to be living in like the, you know.
00:31:12 The the metaverse.
00:31:13 You know, right.
00:31:14 Any day now.
00:31:15 This is 1999.
00:31:19 1999.
00:31:20 And they're trying to make this like this part look all high.
00:31:22 Tech right 1999.
00:31:33 So yeah, I think that's a virtual boy.
00:31:37 I'm not sure.
00:31:40 Well, yeah, in 1999 they were.
00:31:41 Saying the same.
00:31:42 Thing like oh.
Speaker 7
00:31:43 Yeah, we're all going to be.Devon
00:31:43 In the metaverse, soon get your 3D goggles.00:31:51 So anyway, Jake.
00:31:54 So then we go to.
00:31:56 The the hair salon.
00:31:59 And wouldn't you know it, you're expecting her to get her hair done, right?
00:32:02 Because she's a woman.
00:32:03 But no, she's not at the hair salon getting her hair done.
00:32:07 She's there.
00:32:08 Fixing the the Barber chair because she's better than men are fixing stuff.
00:32:14 She's all handy.
00:32:15 She's look at her.
00:32:16 She's wearing her Oshkosh b'gosh, like, she's all ready to, you know, grease up that chair and make it work.
00:32:23 And he walks into the the salon and he's he's like, alright, I'm looking for this Maggie chick.
00:32:32 And they realize who he is.
00:32:34 He's the guy that that wrote the the terrible article about her and how she keeps leaving.
00:32:40 Guys, the altar.
00:32:42 So they decide to play a funny prank on him.
00:32:45 It's so funny.
00:32:46 And they dyed his hair rainbow.
00:32:48 Oh, that's that's hilarious.
00:32:51 And then she goes home and sees that, Oh my God.
00:32:56 He's home, he's at she, he's.
00:32:58 At her at her parents house.
00:33:00 And he's made friends with her fiance.
00:33:03 And her grandma and her dad.
00:33:06 And and he's going through like photo albums and.
00:33:09 And she's very horrified by this.
00:33:13 Then you find out the part of her *** story, because that's the the same thing with all these movies, right?
00:33:18 With women, they always have like this tragic background that you never really.
00:33:24 You know it's it's like 1/2 fast attempt at character development, but it's more of just like an excuse for bad behavior. Like, oh, her mom died when she was young.
00:33:35 And it's just, it's just to give you like a, you know, here's why.
00:33:39 If you think she's ****** **, it's it's it's really because.
00:33:42 Her mom died when she was.
00:33:43 Young, but it's kind of throw away.
00:33:45 They don't really spend a lot of time on it.
00:33:46 It's just more to make you to explain away her bad behavior, essentially.
00:33:52 But then he finds the tape.
00:33:54 Well, it doesn't find her.
00:33:55 Dad tells him about the tape that has all these different weddings on it.
00:34:02 Richard Gere's like ah, this score, this is. This is exactly what I was looking for. But they haven't over for dinner again. She's.
00:34:13 Seems to have a love and relate loving relationship with her fiancee.
00:34:17 Everything seems fine, he seems personable.
00:34:20 She seems happy.
00:34:21 He seems happy.
00:34:22 It doesn't seem like it's supposed to be fake, or that she's trying to, you know, trying too hard.
00:34:28 So Richard Gere leaves and checks out the tapes.
00:34:33 And on the tape that has the 1st wedding.
00:34:36 And the first wedding looks like it's supposed to be in the 70s or something.
00:34:41 There's, you know.
00:34:43 They're all dressed kind of like hippies.
00:34:47 And the guy she's supposed to marry is some kind of musician or something.
00:34:52 And she gets up to the altar again.
00:34:54 Look, she looks totally happy the whole time.
00:34:56 She's she doesn't look nervous.
00:34:58 She gets up there, she's about to marry the guy and then jumps off the stage onto the back of a motorcycle and rides off with.
00:35:06 Some random guy.
00:35:09 And then you see the next wedding.
00:35:12 The next wedding looks like it's sometime in the 80s.
00:35:15 She's walking down the aisle.
00:35:18 It's in a church.
00:35:20 The guy is the guy from Dow.
00:35:24 Of Steve, which is a.
00:35:26 Kind of interesting movie.
00:35:29 He also what was he?
00:35:30 He was in some TV show I think too.
00:35:32 And he's like he's in.
00:35:32 Well, he's in a.
00:35:33 Bunch of movies, but this guy.
00:35:36 And she gets up.
00:35:38 She walks up, looks she looks happy and looks totally fine.
00:35:41 Gets up to the front.
00:35:42 And turns around and walks out and leaves.
00:35:47 And then the next wedding.
00:35:50 She rides up on a horse.
00:35:53 And then she gets up to the groom and it's that.
00:35:56 Guy from the bar.
00:35:58 And she rides away on the horse.
00:36:01 And that's from obviously the.
00:36:04 Opening of the film.
00:36:09 So later the next day she goes to get her wedding cake and she's picking out the little plastic groom and the little plastic bride that goes on the top.
00:36:21 And wouldn't you know it, she has no problem choosing the little plastic bride that goes on the top.
00:36:26 But there's always something wrong with all the grooms.
00:36:29 Like all, even the plastic grooms like, it's not just the real men that she has trouble stealing the deal with.
00:36:36 She can't even pick a plastic groom for the top of her her cake.
00:36:41 Because there's always something wrong. This one's too tall. This one's too blonde. This one's too this or that.
00:36:49 She goes to see her fiancee, who is a a high school coach.
00:36:54 And because, you know, she's just so everyone.
00:36:57 Just literally everyone on the planet must be with her.
00:37:01 Everyone wants to marry this woman.
00:37:03 She's just so magnetic.
00:37:05 She's just so charming and beautiful and there's literally nothing wrong with her and even the high school students, like one of them jogs up tour and says don't marry.
00:37:15 Marry me.
00:37:16 I'm in love with you.
00:37:18 And she's like, oh, that's cute, but Nope, I'm not going to marry you.
00:37:22 I'm going to marry this guy.
00:37:24 My my 4th fiancee.
00:37:29 And then she starts to feel a little weird.
00:37:31 About the guy in town, because he's been talking to her exes and and she's she's wondering what he's up to.
00:37:38 What's this Richard Gere up to?
00:37:40 He's I I cost him his job.
00:37:42 He's clearly out for revenge.
00:37:44 What is he up to?
00:37:45 So she goes to see a priest and you find out the priest is the guy.
00:37:52 The second guy that she stood up at the.
00:37:54 Altar and now.
00:37:56 He's a priest.
00:37:58 And she says, Ohh, you know, has he come to talk to you and and.
00:38:03 And he says, yeah, he came to talk to me.
00:38:05 He didn't ask anything weird.
00:38:06 The only thing weird that he asked me is he asked me how you liked your eggs.
00:38:11 And so I told him how you liked your eggs.
00:38:13 But I thought that was a weird question.
00:38:15 And she's like, oh, that is weird.
00:38:17 And he says.
00:38:18 But don't worry, I'm fine.
00:38:20 Don't worry about me there, there are zero consequences to you leaving me at the altar.
00:38:26 Like literally zero like my life.
00:38:29 In fact, it's better.
00:38:31 This is clearly what God wants for me.
00:38:33 If we'd been married, I would not have been able to fulfill my dream as a as a priest.
00:38:39 So this was this is this was what was supposed to happen.
00:38:43 Don't worry about having feeling any kind of sense of accountability.
00:38:46 For what you did.
00:38:48 It's OK, it totally worked out.
00:38:50 Literally nothing you do has any impact on anyone else around you.
00:38:54 It's all about you and that's fine because everything works out for everyone around you, everyone.
00:38:59 In the.
00:39:00 In the wreckage that you leave behind you, it just it.
00:39:04 Just it's like a forest fire right after the forest fire spreads all this new growth comes out.
00:39:09 It's actually, it's rejuvenating, it's fine and she's like, great, that's awesome.
00:39:15 I'm glad.
00:39:16 I'm glad we can be adults and and that everything worked out and we can still be friends.
00:39:22 And then she goes to see the.
00:39:23 The the hippie guy that.
00:39:27 That she was going to marry, that she jumped on the back of a motorcycle instead.
00:39:30 Look, they're friends.
00:39:31 Still too, they get along great.
00:39:33 He's happy to see her.
00:39:34 He's like, oh, that's great.
00:39:35 All good.
00:39:36 We're there's no bad blood whatsoever.
00:39:38 How could I possibly be upset that you did that to me?
00:39:42 And two other guys in a very public way.
00:39:46 It's it's totally fine.
00:39:48 But then she finds out Richard Gere is there and he's been asking questions and he's got a photo of her that that's not very flattering because it's got she was topless at some music festival.
00:39:59 And he says that he'll give her the photo.
00:40:03 If he will, if she will show him.
00:40:06 The matching tattoo.
00:40:08 The the matching tattoo that she got with this guy back when they were engaged because they both got rose tattoos and he said you show me that Rose tattoo on your back and you know I'll let you have the photo back and I'll give your your ex fiance here 50 bucks cause I bet.
00:40:27 I'm 50 bucks.
00:40:29 That you that you don't have it.
00:40:32 And he's like, yeah, you have it, babe, don't you?
00:40:34 I mean, that was important to us.
00:40:36 We got matching tattoos.
00:40:37 We were in love.
00:40:40 He's like, come on, let's see the tattoo.
00:40:43 Womp, womp.
00:40:44 And she doesn't have the tattoo anymore.
00:40:46 Not only does she have that tattoo, she never had the tattoo.
00:40:50 She faked the tattoo, even though that she tricked that guy basically into getting a real one.
00:40:57 So he still has the real tattoo and she never got it.
00:41:00 In the first place.
00:41:03 But don't worry, after she leaves.
00:41:05 He's only sad for like 2 seconds that she didn't get the tattoo and he's but he's he's happy again.
00:41:11 He's he's like, you know what?
00:41:12 I'm going to play some Grateful Dead songs and I'm going to be happy and and no matter how treacherous that ******* **** is, I'm totally fine.
00:41:21 I'm totally fine.
00:41:23 Nothing that she does has any ramifications.
00:41:26 Whatsoever on the rest of the world, it's totally good.
00:41:30 So I mean so later.
00:41:34 Richard Gere goes.
00:41:35 To a local baseball game where her friend from the the Barber shop is is watching her husband play baseball.
00:41:48 And that's her husband.
00:41:49 And he's he's he's on second base or something and he's he's he's trying to run, you know.
00:41:55 Score run home.
00:41:56 And she mentions.
00:41:59 Yeah, the.
00:42:01 Maggie Julia Roberts used to date my husband.
00:42:07 And that's why you know, it's it's totally fine that she's kind of being flirty with him and and whatever cause they're just, it's just they're just friends.
00:42:16 It's it's OK, you know, she seems to be really cheering hard for him and it doesn't make me feel awkward at all that they used to ****.
00:42:24 It's just it's, you know, we're just friends.
00:42:27 It's totally fine.
00:42:29 And you know this, this kind of thing, this, this is normal behavior.
Speaker 7
00:42:38 Hey, look.Speaker
00:42:40 Right.Devon
00:42:44 Totally fine, totally normal behavior that you know with your best friend's husband that you used to ****.00:42:53 So Richard Gere kind of points out like actually that's kind of weird and her friend gets depressed and leaves.
00:43:01 And Julia Roberts is like, what did?
00:43:02 What did you say to?
00:43:03 And he's like dude that.
00:43:06 It wasn't me, it was just, you know, you.
00:43:07 Were being a little.
00:43:09 Little handsy and weirdo with with her husband.
00:43:14 So she gets depressed cause she she she didn't realize that she was she was flirting with with her friend's husband.
00:43:21 She just thought she was being.
00:43:22 A quirky she didn't realize that that that would make anyone mad, but well, and she's lucky because you know what her friends very understanding.
00:43:31 Of course it didn't make her mad, her friend.
00:43:34 Totally gets it.
Speaker 4
00:43:37 It's very hard to compete with, especially as married women who've lost our mystery.Speaker 9
00:43:43 Boss, you have. You are.Speaker 4
00:43:45 Totally mysterious, no?00:43:48 I'm weird, weird and mysterious.
00:43:51 Aren't you very different things.
00:43:53 I'm weird.
00:43:54 No, you're quirky, quirky and weird are two very different things.
00:44:02 Now I just want to take this time.00:44:03 To point out something.
00:44:05 Everyone knows a person.
00:44:07 Like what I'm about to describe, and if you don't?
00:44:09 You are that person.
00:44:13 Everyone knows that person that has a a very obnoxious trait.
00:44:19 Not just a little bit.
00:44:21 But really like?
00:44:25 Almost it almost.
00:44:26 It almost defines them.
00:44:27 It's so.
00:44:32 And they're aware of it.
00:44:33 It's not that they're.
00:44:34 Not self aware.
00:44:36 They're aware of it.
00:44:38 And they're proud of it.
00:44:40 Like they know it, they even know what's annoying.
Speaker 1
00:44:44 But what they'll say is.Devon
00:44:47 I know it's just.Speaker 5
00:44:48 Part of what makes me quirky go.Devon
00:44:52 And everyone around them, like everyone.00:44:54 Like it's not just like you.
00:44:56 It's literally everyone around.
00:44:57 This person is just like.
00:45:05 No, it it's not endearing.
00:45:07 It's not quirky.
00:45:08 It's it's like you don't be like that anymore.
00:45:12 Everyone knows I'm talking about and again.
00:45:14 If you don't know what.
00:45:15 I'm talking about.
00:45:16 You're the one that does this.
00:45:19 And this is this is.
00:45:20 Essentially what I'm getting out of this little exchange here that Julia Roberts is like.
00:45:24 The I know, I know.
00:45:27 I hit.
00:45:27 On my best friends.
00:45:29 Spouses and, but that's just part of.
00:45:31 What makes me quirky?
00:45:37 Ah, no wonder if somebody guys have wanted to.
00:45:41 Marry this ******* broad, huh?
00:45:45 But you know, so our friends like, don't worry.
00:45:48 I get it.
00:45:48 You're just lost.
00:45:49 You're just lost.
00:45:51 But you know you're gonna find your man, you're you're gonna get married to this.
00:45:56 This guy that you found and and.
00:45:58 Sure, he's #4, but.
00:46:00 You know, this time, you know if he's right for you, it'll it's going to workout.
00:46:05 So then we.
00:46:08 Go through the very white town again, like again.
00:46:10 Everyone's white.
00:46:11 Like literally everybody.
00:46:14 No diversity whatsoever in this town, which I think supposed to be in New York, which is, you know, obviously upstate, but like you.
00:46:22 Know what I mean?
00:46:24 And she goes to Richard Gere's hotel and because obviously everyone wants to **** her like everyone. Right? Everyone just instantly falls in love with Julia Roberts. She just. She brings so much to the table.
00:46:43 And so she just asked the guy at the desk for the room key.
00:46:49 And he just gives it to her with, like, no questions asked.
00:46:51 Just as like, sure.
00:46:53 Here you go.
00:46:53 Because I love you, Maggie.
00:46:56 Like everyone.
00:46:58 Every everyone loves you and just everyone wants to give you everything.
00:47:02 So she goes and breaks into his room.
00:47:07 Starts looking at his notes.
00:47:10 And he comes in and he catches her.
00:47:14 And she jumps out onto the ledge.
00:47:18 And ohh, it's so cute, right?
00:47:19 It's so cute.
00:47:20 He and he takes it all good humoredly like oh, oh, just just break it into my room.
00:47:28 And then she gets home and she stole a a mix tape. This, you know, 1999, those still existed.
00:47:34 So she's got a mix tape that was.
00:47:36 In his room.
00:47:38 And she starts to listen to his mix tape of Miles Davis.
00:47:44 And reading his notes.
00:47:46 And as she reads his notes.
00:47:49 She begins.
00:47:50 Uh oh uh oh.
00:47:53 Because he's he's the new guy in town.
00:47:57 She begins to be attracted to this guy who's who's so interested in her.
00:48:02 That he's writing notes.
00:48:06 Oh, it's so it's so I'm so attracted to this guy because he's he's written all these notes about me.
00:48:15 One of the notes casually on the floor it.
00:48:17 Says shows no remorse.
00:48:24 Because she's a psychopath.
00:48:28 All right.Devon
00:48:31 So much of A psychopath, she breaks into his room again the next morning.00:48:38 And she says all right.
00:48:43 You are feeding my narcissism.
00:48:46 Really ******* good.
00:48:48 Like you're taking notes on me.
00:48:50 I mean, you're studying me.
00:48:52 I'm you're making me feel really *** **** important.
00:48:55 And that's that's important to me.
00:48:57 So I will let you interview me.
00:49:01 So you can try to get your career back.
00:49:04 But you're going to have to pay me.
00:49:06 And so they settle on I.
00:49:10 I think $650, which was probably a lot more money in 1999. So he starts spending some time with her.
00:49:18 And look, she is quirky.
00:49:20 She invents stuff.
00:49:22 She puts things together.
00:49:24 It's kind of like.
00:49:26 This is again.
00:49:27 This is you remember, like we said in the.
00:49:28 Very beginning of.
00:49:29 This this is totally, totally aimed at women.
00:49:33 The audience for this is obviously women and think of all the women that you've known and it's a little bit different now.
00:49:40 But before Instagram existed.
00:49:45 All these, all these useless, bring nothing to the table, *******.
00:49:49 Out there.
00:49:50 There's, there's so many.
00:49:51 There's a surplus of.
00:49:53 They would anytime you would talk to them like these women that had zero to offer, no talents, really, no skills, really nothing going for them other than maybe they were attractive and you would you would talk to them.
00:50:09 Oh, what do you want to do?
00:50:11 And they would always say like.
00:50:13 Oh, I'm going to be a decorator.
00:50:16 I'm going to be a decorator or an interior designer.
00:50:20 That was like that was like the like.
00:50:23 In fact, if if you've ever lived anywhere.
00:50:28 I live OK.
00:50:28 Years ago, I lived in Burlingame, CA Burlingame, CA.
00:50:34 Is this little tiny, quaint, well, rich, quaint suburb of San Francisco.
00:50:42 And it's it's like mansions on a hill and it's got this old Main St.
00:50:50 And on this old Main Street, it's just littered with little useless shops that just sell crap that no one would ever want.
00:51:00 And they rotate.
00:51:02 And if you and I used to live right next to this Main Street, and so I would walk down that Main Street all the time and these little shops that would change like every couple months because they just sold garbage.
00:51:13 No one.
00:51:13 On it.
00:51:14 And every ******* time you would go in there.
00:51:17 Because you'd be like oh.
00:51:18 What if this is now you?
00:51:21 Know and you'd walk in there and it would be in in some middle-aged woman.
00:51:26 Who you know, like had just had this stupid dream of selling.
00:51:32 Useless garbage that no one wanted that was quirky, like oh, here's my shop of quirky garbage quirk.
00:51:39 Quirky, overpriced garbage.
00:51:42 You know, like here's a clock made out of a, you know, like a tire iron and A and a buzz saw, like, whatever.
00:51:53 Right.
00:51:53 And it just so you'd want and it and.
00:51:56 It's $1000.
00:52:00 And you would walk into these shops and they would, they would look.
00:52:03 At you all.
00:52:03 Oh, good.
00:52:04 Oh, thank God.
00:52:04 I have a customer and you'd walk.
00:52:06 Around you'd look at it and and some.
00:52:08 Of it was interesting.
00:52:08 A little bit like.
00:52:09 Alright, you know, I guess that's that's kind of cool.
00:52:12 It's not a.
00:52:13 $1000 cool.
Speaker 13
00:52:14 But it's, you know, OK.Speaker 1
00:52:15 OK.Devon
00:52:16 And they would go to business.00:52:19 And and it wasn't long before I came to the realization these were the wives of the guys living on in the mansions on the hill.
00:52:28 And they had nothing to ******* do.
00:52:30 And So what they want.
00:52:31 To do.
00:52:32 They wanted to be the interior designers, right?
00:52:36 They want to be decorators.
00:52:38 They wanted to own a little.
00:52:39 Quaint little shop selling curios.
00:52:43 And they thought that they.
00:52:44 Oh, well, that's what I have.
00:52:45 That's my skill.
00:52:46 That's what I bring to the table.
00:52:47 I have a good eye for these.
00:52:49 Sorts of things, right?
00:52:51 I've got good taste.
00:52:53 That's that's my skill.
00:52:54 Having good taste.
00:52:56 So I'm going to I'm going to buy, I'm going to, you know, we're going to go and chances.
00:53:01 Are right to.
00:53:02 So for her to get this stuff, she probably traveled like around the world on her husband's credit card.
00:53:08 Finding all these like oh look, I'm in Peru and I found this, this little village that makes benches that are too small for anyone to sit on.
00:53:18 And are completely useless and I'm going to buy like 1000 of them and try to sell them for $500 apiece and and then I'm going to fly to, you know, Kazakhstan and and and buy mandolins that are that are for decoration only and try to sell those for 200. Yeah.
00:53:38 And so then I'm going to, I'm just going to create this inventory of garbage. I'm going to try to mark up 500% and then sell in, in Burlingame in this little shop that will be out of business in three months.
00:53:51 And until the cycle continues until till some other you know, either divorced *****, that's like milking her ex-husband dry or, you know, married married woman who has nothing to do all day, tries doing exactly the same thing. I tried to do. So she's literally that woman. She's just like the younger version.
00:54:11 And she makes like, like the chandeliers out of garbage.
00:54:18 And Richard Gere's like, oh, sweet.
00:54:20 A chandelier made out of garbage.
00:54:22 You're so creative.
00:54:24 You're so creative and artistic.
00:54:31 Like this?
00:54:32 Like this, this shot right here is basically what the inside of all those shops will look like.
00:54:37 Oh, look, a chandelier made of pipes and like a chain.
00:54:41 For $1000.
00:54:48 Anyway, so he's looking at it and and he and he says because again, this is this is this is aimed.
00:54:54 This is the women are watching.
00:54:55 This, and he's like.
00:54:56 Wow, you're.
00:54:57 So you're so talented.
00:54:58 You should open up a shop in your people would be.
00:55:00 These would be flying off the shelves.
00:55:03 People would be lining up to buy this.
00:55:04 Garbage chandelier.
00:55:09 And she's like, that's right.
00:55:11 I've got good taste and I'm creative.
00:55:14 And I made all these ****** lamps that are everywhere that are made out of garbage.
00:55:23 She then.
00:55:25 Starts showing Richard Gere.
00:55:29 All of her engagement rings.
00:55:32 That she still has.
00:55:35 That's right.
00:55:37 She dated these men for years.
00:55:40 Got them to propose.
00:55:42 Got them to pay for the wedding.
00:55:44 Got them to pay for her wedding dress.
00:55:46 Got them to pay for, you know, all that stuff.
00:55:49 Walked down the aisle.
00:55:54 Kept the ring.
Speaker 7
00:55:57 Kept the ring.Devon
00:55:59 For each one of them, she kept that one.00:56:01 She kept that one.
00:56:04 She kept that one.
00:56:06 Now she's got this one.
00:56:09 She's got four engagement rings.
00:56:14 Remember that note that said no remorse?
00:56:21 And she's telling the story of of how these men had proposed.
00:56:26 And Richard Gere starts kind of making fun of him.
00:56:31 And you can start to tell Richard Gere.
00:56:34 Is actually trying to make the moves on her cause.
00:56:36 Even Richard Gere, whose career was destroyed by this woman.
00:56:42 Who is witness to and, you know?
00:56:45 Well aware of her, of her history, who knows that she's currently engaged right now.
00:56:51 He can't help himself.
00:56:53 Everyone that meets this woman falls in love with her and wants to marry.
00:56:56 You know.
00:56:57 What are you?
00:56:57 What are you going to do?
00:56:59 So he's he's caught under her spell.
00:57:01 He can't.
00:57:02 He can't help himself.
00:57:04 And as they talk, you know what she realizes?
00:57:08 I think I might like him too.
00:57:13 I might have to make him #5.
00:57:17 So she takes him with with her to go look at the wedding dress that she was going to get.
00:57:24 But because she's getting paid for the interview, she thinks to herself.
00:57:28 I actually want to change wedding dresses.
00:57:31 I don't want to get that cheap one.
00:57:32 I was going to get before.
00:57:33 I want the fancy one in the window now.
00:57:36 In some ways this is just they're trying to cash in on that scene.
00:57:39 That was a Pretty Woman.
00:57:41 Where again.
00:57:42 But the reason why they're doing it, it's.
00:57:44 Not really an homage to.
00:57:46 Pretty Woman, so much as it's a scene that women really liked.
00:57:51 Women really liked that scene in Pretty Woman, where she walks into a shop, Julia Roberts, a Pretty Woman.
00:58:00 For those of you haven't seen it.
00:58:02 Julia Roberts is a ******.
00:58:04 She goes to rodeo Dr.
00:58:07 She walks into a very high class clothing store.
00:58:13 And the people that that are at the store kind of treat her like garbage and tell her to leave because she can't afford anything that's in the store.
00:58:23 And then Richard Gere after, because, you know, Richard Gere had to be with a ****** and he was just so taken with this ******.
00:58:32 Gave her a.
00:58:33 Bottomless credit card.
00:58:35 And said, why don't you go?
00:58:37 I'm going to send you with my driver.
00:58:40 In my Bentley.
00:58:42 To rodeo, Dr.
00:58:43 and you can buy anything and everything that you want.
00:58:46 Get an entire wardrobe.
00:58:48 I don't care what it costs.
00:58:49 Just put it on this card.
00:58:50 I'm a billionaire, so it really doesn't matter.
00:58:54 And so she goes to Rodeo Dr.
00:58:57 and she loads up on all kinds of expensive clothing.
00:59:01 And then she sees that shop that kicked her out.
00:59:03 And she walks into the shop.
00:59:06 And, she says, do you guys work on Commission?
00:59:10 And the girl says yes.
00:59:12 And then she says Remember Me, big mistake.
00:59:15 And then she leaves.
00:59:18 And every woman in the ******* world that loves that movie loves that scene.
00:59:23 Because it's a.
00:59:27 The the the wish fulfillment that's being fulfilled there.
00:59:31 Is it's.
00:59:32 The insecurity that they might feel about their status right now.
00:59:39 Which is hopefully higher than the prostitute, right?
Speaker 1
00:59:44 They get to experience.Devon
00:59:46 This this.00:59:50 This **** you to the the the people that make them feel insecure about their.
00:59:54 Status in their life.
00:59:56 It's it's watching this, this person.
00:59:58 They're projecting themselves onto in the movie.
01:00:02 Get to rub their newfound high class status in the faces of women.
Speaker 15
01:00:08 Who used to?Devon
01:00:08 Be above them in status, who are now below them in status.01:00:13 And a very similar dynamic is happening here.
01:00:18 And and I forgot to mention the reason that she's able to do that is she has found a billionaire that's going to fund it all so she doesn't have to.
01:00:26 She doesn't have to pay for.
01:00:27 She didn't have to do anything to get the money.
01:00:29 She just had to be her.
01:00:30 She she literally brought nothing to the table.
01:00:33 Richard Gere was just like, hey, I got billions of dollars, and I'm just going to spend all on.
01:00:38 You because reasons.
01:00:41 Well, a very similar scene happens.
01:00:43 She goes in and she tells the woman that she wants that dress that's in the window.
01:00:48 And the woman says, well, I mean, I don't think you you you want that dress, Maggie.
01:00:54 I mean, you've been married almost four times and.
01:01:01 You know, this is an expensive dress.
01:01:03 Maybe don't spend so much money on something that you're going to wear for.
01:01:06 Like 15 minutes.
01:01:09 And so she gets sad and Richard Gere jumps up and grabs the mannequin out of the window and yells at the woman and says she's not only are, are we going to buy this dress anything in the store that she wants, let her have it.
01:01:29 Because once again, it's addressing that insecurity that the women in the audience might have about their status not being able to afford the fancy $2000 shoes or whatever the **** that they want in their lives. And this man comes in, they can't help himself because they're so magnetic that he has to just.
01:01:49 Whatever she wants, she can have.
01:01:55 And after demanding that that you.
01:01:58 Know you give her whatever.
01:02:00 She wants, of course.
01:02:01 Julia Roberts is even more impressed and more in love.
01:02:05 Anything I want.
01:02:08 You're going to buy me stuff?
01:02:10 Oh, this is love.
01:02:12 This is definitely love.
01:02:14 I don't think that the coach that I'm engaged to whose wedding dress I'm shopping for right now.
01:02:22 He wouldn't just buy me anything, but this guy will.
01:02:28 How? How interesting, how alluring.
Speaker 2
01:02:31 Right.Devon
01:02:33 So she tries on the dress and oh look.01:02:36 And just as just as she was super flirty with her best friend's husband while she was engaged, she's begins to be super flirty with the guy that she literally met a couple days ago, and she met because he wrote an article she didn't like about him and she got him fired, but now he loves her already.
01:03:00 So then they go to the diner, the local diner.
01:03:05 And Richard Gere.
01:03:08 Ask what kind of egg she likes.
01:03:10 It's this weird question that keeps coming up.
01:03:13 How do you?
01:03:13 Like your eggs.
01:03:15 And she says Ohh, I I like, I like my eggs how my fiance likes his eggs.
01:03:23 And then he start to realize, oh, that's been the answer every time.
01:03:27 Because every fiance I talked to thought that she liked her eggs the way that that.
01:03:33 That he did.
01:03:37 And then she starts to get kind of snippy with them.
01:03:40 Like, why?
01:03:40 Why do you have to be so, so sarcastic with me?
01:03:43 We're just talking.
01:03:44 About my food here and her fiance is is really understanding like honey, you need to calm down. Everything's cool.
01:03:54 But then you start to see a reframing of the body language.
01:03:58 Well, I guess it kind of cut it off.
01:03:59 On the screen here, let me see if I can.
01:04:02 Show you.
01:04:06 Let's see here.
01:04:13 So notice how they're both leaning away from him.
01:04:18 They're very subtle, very subtle things, and that they can change with.
01:04:24 The way things are shot that tells the audience something, and this is telling the audience that she is slowly pulling away from the fiance and getting closer to Richard Gere.
01:04:34 And if you had any question about it, the next scene.
01:04:38 She's being really happy and flirty with him and she gives him a Myles Davis.
01:04:46 Miles Davis album.
01:04:48 Because she knows that he likes Myles Davis.
01:04:51 And later that night, they go for a drive and they they start to share all these really deep personal details about themselves.
01:05:00 He talks about his divorce.
01:05:02 And she talks about, you know, her father, how he's a drunk and and then the car breaks down.
01:05:11 And once you know it, Richard Gere, he's just a stupid man that does not affix cars.
01:05:16 But don't worry, Julia Roberts is on.
01:05:19 She knows how to fix cars.
01:05:21 You know, she's she not only knows how to fix cars, she can make, you know garbage, chandeliers.
01:05:27 And she she works at the hardware store and she can fix fix everything.
01:05:31 Richard Geres is a stupid, useless man like every man and every commercial for every product.
01:05:38 And he's afraid of snakes when they when they walk to go get some tools to fix the car he's he's like, screaming like a little girl and and running away from the snakes that he thinks that.
01:05:48 Are in the grass.
01:05:52 So then he goes back.
01:05:54 To the bar in New York.
01:05:57 And he meets that guy.
01:05:59 That told him about Maggie.
01:06:02 And he says, I know that you you used.
01:06:04 To be one of the.
01:06:06 The You were one of the ex fiancees you never.
01:06:09 You didn't tell me that you should have.
01:06:10 Told me that.
01:06:11 Part. But I also have.
01:06:12 A question for you.
01:06:14 You know, how did how?
01:06:14 Did she like her eggs?
01:06:17 And he's like ohh.
01:06:18 The same same way I did.
01:06:22 And he's like, oh, interesting.
01:06:25 And then he goes and sees his ex-wife.
01:06:29 Who you now?
01:06:30 Realize was the boss that fired him.
01:06:35 And they have this moment where they're they're really close, and then you have this cook sink.
01:06:40 So there's actually there's entire movies, like when boomers were hitting their 30s is.
01:06:45 Well, I don't know why, but when boomers started hitting that well.
01:06:47 I guess it was probably cause the divorce rate, right?
01:06:50 When boomers started hitting their 30s, you started to see a lot of movies that were having very unconventional views on on relationships between divorced men and women and and just couples in general. And there's this weird scene where this is his ex-wife.
01:07:10 And he's playing piano and it's pretty intimate.
01:07:13 And in the kitchen.
01:07:16 Again, cause there's and there's, there's the other thing too is that this whole movie, obviously, there's a lot of gender role reversal, right?
01:07:24 So while while she's hanging out with the the ex-husband, her current husband is in the kitchen fixing them. You know, like horderves or whatever.
Speaker 1
01:07:36 What did I do?01:07:37 The same is that what happened?
01:07:40 Did I just?
01:07:42 Not see you.
01:07:48 No you didn't.Devon
01:07:50 Ohh, it's so beautiful.01:07:53 I just wanted to be seen.
01:07:57 You were just so wrapped up in yourself, you didn't.
01:08:00 See the real.
01:08:01 Me the the projection on this part is just outrageous.
01:08:06 You know, like this whole movie.
01:08:09 It's we have a woman, the the, the, the center, the, you know, the protagonist of this movie.
01:08:15 Is this woman who is clearly very self obsessed and doesn't see anyone around.
01:08:22 Her but herself.
01:08:24 But it's the men.
01:08:25 Don't you understand?
01:08:27 It's the men.
01:08:28 That's it's their fault.
01:08:30 You start to understand the reason why.
01:08:33 She dumped all of these men.
01:08:36 Is they didn't see her.
Speaker 1
01:08:40 They didn't see her.01:08:44 They only saw themselves.
01:08:46 They only saw her as like an accessory.01:08:50 They only saw her as is, something like that they could carry.
01:08:57 To make themselves look better.
01:09:00 That's why it didn't work.
01:09:03 And Richard Gere used to do that too.
01:09:06 That's why he got divorced.
01:09:08 Because he never looked and saw his wife.
Speaker 1
01:09:18 I'm sorry.Speaker 14
01:09:20 I'm sorry.Speaker 4
01:09:22 I'm sorry, too late.Speaker 3
01:09:26 Wow, that only took us 12 years to say.Devon
01:09:32 Here's the **** husband.Speaker 12
01:09:35 Here you go.01:09:39 Hey, you want to get your fortune?
01:09:40 Me. See what I'm confused to say, man who leave wife alone with ex-husband may leave altogether.
01:09:49 Ohh, totally fine that I I walk in from the kitchen and my ex or my my current wife is kissing her ex-husband.01:09:59 That's we're so mature.
01:10:01 Us boomers, we're so.
01:10:03 Above it all.
01:10:04 We're all so secure in our masculinity, right?
01:10:07 That was.
01:10:07 That was what it was.
01:10:09 Like we're so in touch with our emotions that this situation shouldn't make anyone feel feel bad at all.
01:10:15 Least the least of which the men.
01:10:18 It's totally fine. Totally fine.
01:10:23 So meanwhile, back in the small town they have this lavish reception.
01:10:30 It's a luau themed reception before the before the wedding, so everyone's there.
01:10:39 And Julia Roberts.
01:10:42 This this is her party.
01:10:44 For her and her soon to be husband.
01:10:48 But who is she nervous about seeing?
01:10:50 She's she wants to know.
01:10:51 Is Richard Gere here yet?
01:10:53 Oh, my God, I I hope he's here.
01:10:56 And he shows up.
01:10:58 And they hang out again.
01:11:01 This is this is like a party for her wedding.
01:11:04 That's going to happen like in two days.
01:11:08 And meanwhile, her husband to be.
01:11:12 Is having a good time completely oblivious to the fact that there's a strange man chatting up his fiancee?
01:11:22 And then it's time for toasts and her father.
01:11:26 Gives a toast.
01:11:28 And gives her a hard time about this being her 4th wedding, and hopefully her last, and he can't.
01:11:34 He can't wait to give, give away his daughter.
01:11:37 That's that's all he's ever ever wanted to do, right.
01:11:41 And all the all the people giving toast kind of basically just give her some kind of joke.
01:11:47 But it's good nature, right?
01:11:48 Like none of it's like mean.
01:11:49 They're not like.
01:11:51 Married 4 * A charm you.
01:11:53 ******* *****.
01:11:54 Like and it's none of it's like.
01:11:56 None of it's mean spirited.
01:11:59 But that doesn't stop.
01:12:03 Richard Gere from having a white knight because.
01:12:05 He sees uh oh.
01:12:06 Julia Roberts is getting a little uncomfortable.
01:12:09 She's a little embarrassed that this is her 4th wedding.
01:12:13 Wedding reception and people are kind of making jokes about it because this is the 4th one.
01:12:18 They've had to go to and it's the fourth wedding they've had to buy presents for.
01:12:23 And every time she runs away.
01:12:25 And that's that.
01:12:26 You shouldn't joke about that.
01:12:28 You have to say something, Mr.Speaker 13
01:12:29 Yeah, just a minute.01:12:30 Just a minute.
01:12:31 I don't know yet.
01:12:33 You OK?
Speaker 7
01:12:34 Come on, Hank.01:12:35 Take a shot at Maggie live.
01:12:36 It's much more fun than print.
Speaker 5
01:12:39 Excuse me.Speaker 10
01:12:40 It's a joke.01:12:41 They're kidding, like.
Speaker 5
01:12:43 Yeah, yeah.Speaker 2
01:12:48 All right.Speaker 13
01:12:52 To the Maggies family and friends.01:12:56 May you find yourselves the bullseye of an easy target.
01:13:04 May you be publicly flawed for all of your bad choices.
01:13:10 And may your noses be rubbed in all of your mistakes.
01:13:17 Oh, don't you know, see, you shouldn't give her a hard time.01:13:21 She should never have any accountability whatsoever.
01:13:27 So they all feel bad.
01:13:28 Ohh man.
01:13:30 They probably should have known that you.
01:13:32 Know that this is.
01:13:33 They shouldn't give a hard time for this.
01:13:36 And then and then she walks out, embarrassed.
01:13:39 And he confronts her, and before he can, he can profess his his newfound love for her.
01:13:45 Oblivious fiance comes out and gathers her up and.
01:13:49 Brings her back.
01:13:50 To the party.
01:13:52 So the next day.
01:13:54 They're having the the wedding rehearsal.
01:13:58 This is the wedding rehearsal.
01:14:01 And they decide to let Richard Gere.
01:14:05 Participate in the wedding rehearsal, and because her fiancee is so detail oriented and wants everything to be exactly right.
01:14:14 He says. You know, why don't you stand in for me and and I'll be the preacher. I just want to be able to see how everything's going to, you know, run and and make sure I'm going to visualize it and make sure it works smoothly.
01:14:26 So she walks down the aisle.
01:14:28 Remember, this is her wedding rehearsal.
01:14:32 With with her fiancee.
Speaker 10
01:14:37 Good, good, good.01:14:39 OK.
01:14:40 And I'm the pastor.
01:14:40 And I say, dearly beloved.
01:14:43 We're gathered here, blah, blah, blah, blah.
01:14:44 So on and so forth right at that that.
01:14:46 Yabba dabba.
01:14:47 I now pronounce you man and wife.
01:14:49 Kiss the bride.
01:14:50 We have the organ crescendo.
Speaker 14
01:14:51 That just leaves us.Speaker 7
01:14:52 Right on down the aisle.Speaker 10
01:14:55 And we are.Devon
01:15:13 So yeah, she cooks him.01:15:17 Right in front of him, right in front of him.
01:15:19 And his own wedding recital.
Speaker 10
01:15:37 OK.01:15:37 OK.
01:15:38 OK.
01:15:38 OK.
01:15:39 So you're you're imagining me.
01:15:41 You you did great.
01:15:42 What the?
01:15:42 Hell were you doing?
Speaker 1
01:15:43 Bob, I'm really.01:15:44 Sorry about that.
01:15:45 She kissed me back.
01:15:48 I kissed you back.Speaker 1
01:15:48 Yes, you did you.Speaker 10
01:15:49 Kiss me. Yeah. Caught that.01:15:52 You want to tell me how long this has been going on?
01:15:55 About a minute.Speaker 12
01:15:58 It was longer for me.Speaker 10
01:16:01 What do you expect me to say to this?Speaker 1
01:16:05 Well, Bob, you could say.Devon
01:16:08 See you again.01:16:09 00 regard 0 regard for the guy.
01:16:16 Absolutely 0.
Speaker 1
01:16:20 Well, I hope you 2 will be really happy together.Speaker 7
01:16:26 I hope you 2.Speaker 10
01:16:27 Will be very happy together.Speaker 16
01:16:30 At least this time I backed out before the wedding.01:16:33 That's progress, you.
01:16:35 Are gonna find some woman who can make you.
01:16:37 So much happier than I ever could.
01:16:42 And that's all she has to say to him.01:16:45 Right after cocking him.
01:16:47 Right in front of him at his.
01:16:49 Own wedding recital.
01:16:53 And then after he drives off, or maybe even before he drives off, she starts making out with Richard Gere again.
01:17:00 Oh, and then she decides.
01:17:03 You know what?
01:17:04 Or actually this is before even that she decides right then and there.
Speaker 7
01:17:09 Well, why cancel the wedding?Speaker 13
01:17:12 We already have it planned.Devon
01:17:16 I just met you a week.01:17:17 Ago, but **** it.
01:17:18 How would I marry you?
01:17:21 Let's be fiance #5.
01:17:25 And so they decide to get married.
01:17:28 At the the the exact.
01:17:29 Wedding that that that's already.
01:17:31 Yeah, this is.
01:17:32 This is supposed to be.
01:17:33 This is like a the women are supposed to like this.
01:17:40 This is wish fulfillment.
01:17:42 For women, OK, just so you know.
01:17:45 Like just, just imagine, imagine.
01:17:48 And I hate playing the Imagine game, but all the same, it might be a little bit useful in this instance.
01:17:54 Imagine this is a movie about a guy who keeps ditching.
01:17:59 Women at the altar.
01:18:01 And this exact scene played out.
01:18:03 With with the.Devon
01:18:04 Roles reversed.01:18:06 Women would be losing their ******* minds even in 1999. They would have been losing their **** over this.
01:18:17 The men don't have.
01:18:18 Don't have feelings, right, so it's fine.
01:18:21 So they decide to get married.
01:18:23 And not not.
01:18:24 Cancel it.
01:18:25 They're just going to swap.
01:18:25 Out the groom.
01:18:27 And there's this montage of, like, oh, everything's romantic. They have, like, the romantic couple of days. Like, that's all it is. Just a couple of days before the web.
01:18:37 Then on the wedding day, she's all excited.
01:18:40 Oh, I can't believe it.
01:18:41 This is the right one.
01:18:42 Finally, I have the one.
01:18:46 There's all this publicity about it because hit, you know, this guy just literally like a.
01:18:51 Couple weeks ago.
01:18:54 Wrote an article about her ditching people at the altar.
01:18:58 And now he's going to marry her.
01:19:01 So it's like, oh, this is crazy.
01:19:04 It's a media circus.
01:19:11 And then of course, you have her. His his ex-wife shows up and and she's super happy.
Speaker 13
01:19:21 Thank you.01:19:21 Thank you.
01:19:22 Thank you.
01:19:23 Thank you.
01:19:24 Are friends, aren't we Fisher?
Speaker 12
01:19:25 Of course we are, of course.Speaker 13
01:19:26 Yes, we you'll be my best man.Speaker 12
01:19:29 I'm good, but I'm not sure I'm the best.Devon
01:19:31 Oh, and his his ex wife's new husband is going to be his best man because again, like, you know, boomers are, they're just so open minded and and mature about their their relationships. And in fact the guy he just cooked.01:19:47 Whose wedding?
01:19:48 That this is supposed to be?
01:19:52 Shows up.
01:19:56 And is nice.
01:19:57 He totally understands.
01:19:59 Look, because none of her actions ever hurt anybody.
01:20:03 None of her actions.
01:20:05 Hurt anybody at all?
01:20:06 Like every everyone around her is just like everything.
01:20:09 Just it works out all the human records that she leaves behind her.
01:20:13 It just it's fine.
01:20:15 She never has to have any guilt whatsoever about anything she does because there there's just there's literally zero consequences for her actions like 0.
01:20:24 So even this guy who who just got caught at his own wedding recital, that this is the wedding for.
01:20:32 This wedding that he probably paid for.
01:20:36 That there's now another guy in marrying the woman he was going to marry in this Chapel on this day at this time.
01:20:45 He's just like.
01:20:47 Oh yeah, I'm. I'm. I'm very mature now, you know. And so we can be adults about this and I understand. And love is love. And so, you know, here you go. Good luck, buddy. Everything's fine.
01:21:01 And you know what?
01:21:02 Not only that he sits down next to a cute girl and you get the idea that they might actually have a relationship.
01:21:10 Now he meets her and they they have a lot in common right off the bat. Ohh look, so look. Everything's working out for him. She doesn't.
01:21:15 Have to feel.
01:21:16 Guilty at all about ruining this guys life.
01:21:20 Because all he had to do was show up to his own wedding and he met a girl that just like that. Everything's everything's going to work out for him now. It's good.
01:21:31 So she doesn't have to feel any guilt or any responsibility for anything ever at all.
01:21:40 Again, this is this is this is wish.
01:21:43 Fulfillment for women.
01:21:46 So then she walks down the aisle.
01:21:48 It's the.
01:21:48 Oh, it's the the big moment.
01:21:50 Is she?
01:21:51 Is she?
01:21:51 Going to run away again.
Speaker 2
01:22:06 But I just walking down the aisle.01:22:08 Maggie Carpenter is walking down the aisle.
01:22:15 I didn't know.
01:22:17 She's pausing.
Speaker 10
01:22:18 Keep eye contact with eye contact.Speaker 5
01:22:19 Stay me.Devon
01:22:31 Wait, there was a black guy?01:22:33 I just saw a black guy.
01:22:34 Hold on.
01:22:36 There wasn't supposed to be any black people in.
01:22:38 This movie.
01:22:42 Hold on.
01:22:43 Hold on, hold on.
01:22:44 They're up.
01:22:46 They're on the right hand.
01:22:47 You can't.
01:22:48 You guys can't see him.
01:22:49 OK, good.
01:22:49 He's censored out, but he's there and he's.
01:22:53 He's from New York.
01:22:54 He's from the.
01:22:55 The the groom sides.
01:22:57 That's why he's there.
Speaker 14
01:23:06 Please be seated. Thanks.Speaker
01:23:10 I sneaked in a.Speaker 14
01:23:11 Camera we are gathered here today.01:23:15 Please, no cameras now.
01:23:17 Could we hold off photos until the end of the ceremony?
01:23:20 Thank you.
01:23:22 We are gathered here today.
01:23:25 Where's she going?
Speaker 7
01:23:42 Go, go, go, go.Devon
01:24:08 And she leaves him too.01:24:14 Yeah, this is a woman's fantasy. This is a woman's fantasy.
01:24:18 Now I've talked about this a lot because it's just it's a truism.
01:24:23 Every single movie that is designed for women and you think about it, especially like the big ones like, you know, like Titanic and stuff like that.
01:24:32 The the common denominator in every single one.
01:24:35 Every single one, I I defy you.
01:24:39 To find me one that that, that this does not apply.
01:24:43 The subject of the woman's love.
01:24:48 Or the man I guess.
01:24:50 Trying to earn her love.
01:24:54 The one thing that every single one of these characters and every single one of these movies has in common.
01:25:00 Is they have to suffer needlessly.
01:25:04 And endlessly.
01:25:07 Every single one.
01:25:11 You know, Titanic.
01:25:12 He has to freeze to death for, like, literally, no reason.
01:25:18 In the notebook, you know he has to take care of her while she's a cunty ***** and build her house and all this other stuff.
01:25:24 And just like, you know, basically lives an entire life of suffering and pain.
01:25:29 So that he can hang out with her while she's in an old.
01:25:31 Folks home losing her.
01:25:32 Mind and doesn't know who he is.
01:25:35 Even the funny ones, right?
01:25:37 Like the ones that are supposed to.
01:25:38 Be funny 51st dates.
01:25:41 Right. Adam Sandler? Drew Barrymore.
01:25:45 It's called 51st dates.
01:25:48 Because he has to keep going out with her every day and every day, she forgets who he is.
01:25:54 And so he has to start all over again.
01:25:58 He has to to suffer endlessly and needlessly.
01:26:03 In order to have to just have a relationship with her.
01:26:08 It's literally the premise of the movie.
01:26:12 Every chick flick.
01:26:15 Including this one.
01:26:18 Including pretty women, by the way.
01:26:21 Because even a Pretty Woman after she gets all that stuff and whatever she she leaves him and treats him like **** over some over like this.
01:26:30 And he has to come crawling back and you know, like over broken glass to, like, get her back.
Speaker 13
01:26:39 Every single, every single.01:26:40 I'm telling you every single.
01:26:42 Woman movie.01:26:44 This is a common denominator.
01:26:50 And so, of course it's in this.
01:26:51 Movie too.
01:26:56 So she leaves him.
01:26:58 For no no reason.
01:27:03 And of course, he has to suffer through humiliation.
01:27:07 Of the paper that he got fired from.
01:27:12 Running the running the story about what had happened to him and how he fell victim to the woman that.
01:27:18 He wrote a.
01:27:19 Story about.
01:27:20 He should have known better than anyone.
01:27:22 What was going to happen?
01:27:26 Meanwhile, back at home.
01:27:29 In the small white town in upstate New York, no one's mad at Maggie. No one's saying wow. You're a complete ******* *****.
01:27:38 I mean, you just ****** over two guys in like a matter of three.
01:27:42 Or four days.
01:27:43 Like big time.
01:27:44 Like really bad?
01:27:50 They just say.
01:27:51 Ohh you know, I know it's hard for you.
01:27:54 It's hard for you.
01:27:59 I hope she kept.
01:28:02 Richard Gere's engagement ring too.
01:28:05 Put it in the.
01:28:06 Drawer with all the rest of them.
01:28:09 So Richard Gere is back in New York and justice, depressed, despondent.
01:28:16 Doesn't know what to do.
01:28:19 Meanwhile, Maggie is making her buckets of ****.
01:28:26 Here's my crap.
01:28:27 Chandeliers that I make out of garbage.
01:28:32 Because I'm I'm a strong, independent woman, I don't.
01:28:35 Need a man?
01:28:38 I'm going to I'm going to punch the punching bag some more because I'm so tough.
01:28:44 And I'm going to finally find out.
01:28:47 What kind of eggs I like and?
Speaker 5
01:28:48 You know what?01:28:49 I've known the whole time.
01:28:55 She likes her.01:28:55 She likes her eggs powdered.
Speaker 7
01:28:58 But umm.Speaker 5
01:29:01 Powdered and dried up.Devon
01:29:05 That's how she likes her eggs.01:29:13 So yeah, so she's like, OK, I got to find myself.
01:29:18 This is how I find myself.
01:29:26 And then she started selling her crap at some store.
01:29:29 In New York.
01:29:33 Yeah, here's here's my garbage.
01:29:36 Look, a lamp made out of.
01:29:38 A light socket and a.
01:29:41 Pipe or something.
01:29:43 Then I painted.
01:29:46 And Richard Gere.
01:29:47 He comes home one day.
01:29:51 And like the psycho she is, she's just in his house.
01:29:57 Because the doorman, just like, literally every other man in the world, just wanted to **** her so bad that he was like, sure.
01:30:06 Going to this apt, I don't know who you are, but this sounds fine.
01:30:12 Nothing fatal attraction about this, just you popping up in people's houses.
01:30:19 Like a psycho.
01:30:22 So now that now that it's on her terms, right, because this is really what it's about, it's a power play.
01:30:30 It's a power play.
01:30:35 She didn't want to be married to him.
01:30:39 When it was his idea.
01:30:42 When he was the one engineering.
01:30:45 What was going on?
01:30:49 But now that that she has all the control now that she has all the power.
01:30:56 And now that the the rural reversal is so extreme.
01:31:00 She gets on her knee.
01:31:04 And she asked him to marry her.
01:31:10 She is the man, the strong independent man.
01:31:14 He is just the useless.
01:31:17 Useless feminine man that.
01:31:21 That just has nothing going for him whatsoever in his life except for her.
01:31:29 And of course.
01:31:31 They get married.
01:31:34 Finally, and she doesn't run away.
01:31:38 And everybody claps, like, literally.
01:31:41 That's how it ends.
01:31:42 That's how it ends.
01:31:43 These people who weren't at the ceremony just run up out of nowhere and start clapping.
Speaker 5
01:31:50 That's the end.01:31:52 That's the end.
01:31:54 It literally it really ends with and then everybody clapped.01:32:04 Yeah, everybody clapped and uh.
01:32:07 And then just so you to make sure that you know that you know that.
01:32:10 None of her other exes.
01:32:12 Had any kind of bad things happen as a result?
01:32:17 You know they they go through all the credits are running.
01:32:20 And look, oh, he's the preacher and he finds.
01:32:22 Oh, she finally got married.
01:32:23 Good for her.
01:32:25 That's great.
01:32:26 I'm glad.
01:32:29 And then this ex, the guy, that was all depressed at the bar, he finds out that the guy he told his story to at the bar ended up marrying the girl that he couldn't marry and but now, somehow for some reason he's happy.
01:32:40 He's like, oh, that's good.
01:32:42 It's so good to see that, that he has found happiness.
01:32:45 That's awesome.
01:32:46 I'm so glad for him.
01:32:48 And the, you know, like the acts that she cocked, you know, at his own rehearsal, he's like what she got married.
01:32:56 That's awesome.
01:32:57 That's amazing.
01:32:57 I'm so happy that she she finally found happiness.
01:33:02 **** my life.
01:33:04 And even the guitar guy that she, you know, lied to about the tattoo.
01:33:09 He managed to find some girl, I guess.
01:33:12 And and now he's happy, too.
01:33:14 And so she doesn't have to worry about ******* that, guys, life up or anything.
01:33:19 And they ride off on their horses, into the sunset at the end.
01:33:29 And that's uh, that's that's uh.
01:33:33 That's the female fantasy, apparently, of 1999.
01:33:38 It was not exactly a cheap movie to make.
01:33:42 I mean, you got Richard Gere and Julia Roberts. That's not in 1999. That is not a cheap movie to make.
01:33:57 So if you're wondering what happened to women?
01:34:02 This was mainstream. This was like a wholesome movie made in 1999.
01:34:10 I mean I I I think it was rated PG.
01:34:15 Like it?
01:34:15 I mean it wasn't.
01:34:16 There was no.
01:34:18 You know, this is the kind of movie that.
01:34:21 They would.
01:34:22 They would easily play on on broadcast TV.
01:34:26 There was, there was no swearing or nudity or anything.
01:34:28 Like that in it.
01:34:32 So this was very, very, very, you know, made for the the lowest common denominator mainstream audience.
01:34:40 And this is what they thought would end well and don't act like they didn't focus group this or screen tested.
01:34:49 You have a big, big studio like Paramount, I think is who put it out.
01:34:53 They're going to and you have big, big names like Julia Roberts and Richard Gere in it.
01:34:59 You're going to run it.
01:35:00 Through lots of tests and this is what?
01:35:03 They ended up with.
01:35:07 This is what they ended up with.
01:35:12 Now contrast that.
01:35:13 Like I said, contrast that with the movie that's made for men like a battle truck.
01:35:18 I only see.
01:35:19 A battle truck because it's.
01:35:21 It's so generically exactly just like every girl movie, every guy movie follows a formula too.
01:35:28 You know, guy is just like this loner.
01:35:31 That just wants to be left alone, doing his own thing.
01:35:34 He's kind of a ****** at stuff, but like, doesn't really.
01:35:38 You know.
01:35:39 He's just, you know, he's he's really good at some skill that he's got.
01:35:42 But doesn't want to flaunt it kind of just wants to be off to himself and then some ******* woman up with a problem shows up.
01:35:54 And he's like, OK again, and it goes through **** to, you know, to help her.
Speaker 12
01:36:02 You know has.Devon
01:36:02 To kill a bunch of bad guys, blow up a bunch of ****.01:36:07 The only thing in this way it's it's like every video.
01:36:09 Game too.
01:36:10 I mean, going back to ******* Mario brothers.
01:36:13 I'm just.
01:36:13 I'm just this plumber, you know.
01:36:16 Here's this ******* plumber.
01:36:20 Minding my own business.
01:36:22 But now I got to, like, jump through all these pipes and over fireballs and attack all these horned monsters to try to save this Princess that keeps getting ******* kidnapped.
01:36:34 I mean it's it's anything that's that's that's made for men follows that same formula.
01:36:41 And then sometimes at the end you get the girl and sometimes you don't.
01:36:47 And both are equally acceptable.
Speaker 1
01:36:55 I mean.Devon
01:36:56 It's interesting, isn't it?01:36:58 It's the the the, the wide, you know, Canyon between the two ideals.
01:37:09 Oh anyway.
01:37:16 All right.
01:37:18 Well, in order to rinse your palette of that and before we go to super chats.
01:37:24 I'm going to make you guys watch.
01:37:30 I found.
01:37:33 Actually this doesn't even.
01:37:36 This requires.
01:37:38 No intro.
Speaker 15
01:37:47 We're right next to we're just South of Memphis, TN, kind of give you where in the northwest corner of Mississippi.01:37:53 And everything started to bloom.
01:38:00 We got some Peach trees back on the N 40.
01:38:05 So I went walking back there to.
01:38:07 Check I want.
01:38:08 To see how pretty they are, and they're blooming.
01:38:12 And all the way back there, we got a pond.
01:38:16 The Peach trees are around the pond and so.
01:38:21 On the way back there.
01:38:23 I heard some.
01:38:25 Girls giggling.
01:38:27 You know, you know what I mean by gigging.
01:38:30 Is a bunch of girls too.
01:38:33 I'm 77.
01:38:37 Anyhow, that's kind of.
01:38:40 Made me wonder what?
01:38:41 Was going on.
01:38:42 Well, I get it a.
01:38:43 Little closer.
01:38:45 And I'm telling you now, back in my day, I don't think girls skinny dipped.
01:38:51 I think they're more brave now than they were back in the.
01:38:56 50 late 50s but anyhow.
01:39:01 I got a little closer and.
01:39:04 That girls were scanning into deepen.
01:39:08 I thought, ma ma.
01:39:10 And you know, I'm 77, but I'm still a man and.
01:39:14 In in.
01:39:19 You know what I mean?
01:39:21 So when the girl spotted me.
01:39:25 And all they started screaming.
Speaker 13
01:39:28 Go away.01:39:28 Go away.
01:39:29 Go away.
Speaker 15
01:39:32 And I didn't mention, but I carried my bucket back here because I was going.01:39:36 To get some worms.
01:39:38 You know.
01:39:39 And they were screaming like they wouldn't giggling anymore.
01:39:44 They were screaming, hollering.
01:39:47 Go away, go away.
01:39:49 And I said, ladies.
01:39:52 Look here. I'm 77 years old. I'm not interested in y'all. I just come back here to feed the alligators.
01:40:11 Listen, I mean, they didn't take time to get their clothes.
01:40:15 I mean, they were.
01:40:16 They were all over that next node.
01:40:19 I mean, they were gone and.
01:40:22 So, you know, life goes on.
01:40:29 There you go. Wholesome joke.01:40:37 All right, that guy is a he's a beekeeper from.
01:40:46 I think I think you guys are right.
01:40:47 I think it is from like South Carolina area, but he I think he's.
01:40:51 Out of he might be in.
01:40:54 Somewhere in more in the South now, because I don't think he lives in South Carolina anymore.
01:40:57 But anyway.
01:40:59 He he's a he's he's an old beekeeper that tells really bad jokes after his beekeeping advice.
01:41:06 And I just thought I I might include.
01:41:10 That's one of his jokes.
01:41:12 You know, they kind.
01:41:13 Of kind of rense, rinse the horrible.
01:41:15 Horrible movie out of her mind, a little bit.
01:41:18 With something wholesome.
01:41:23 Yeah, because.
01:41:25 With with you mix the.
01:41:27 Movie that we just watched with.
01:41:28 The the Pride Month Demon video we can use.
01:41:32 A little bit of wholesome.
01:41:36 OK.
01:41:38 Let's take a look at some super chats, some.
01:41:41 Super chizz ads.
01:41:44 There was actually something else I was going to.
01:41:45 Play too, but I forget what it was.
01:41:49 Yeah, we'll figure it out.
01:41:56 Here we go.
01:42:01 Scroll up, scroll up, scroll up, scroll up, scroll up.
01:42:09 Come on, keep scrolling up.
01:42:11 Keep scrolling up.
01:42:12 Keep scrolling up.
01:42:13 There we go.
01:42:13 Finally the top.
01:42:17 All right.
01:42:19 Colonia Invicta to add contacts to my last context.
01:42:25 To my last two super chats about county reports, I want to organize young adults into teams of 10-5 teams or.
01:42:38 The teams of 10-5 teams.
01:42:42 A maneuver unit 3, MU's and command team.
01:42:47 For each unit.
01:42:48 They'll be filing such reports to aid their resupply and scout out the land for new communities.
01:42:56 Follow this doctrine.
01:42:58 Well, I'll tell you.
01:42:59 Alright, this sounds pretty complex.
01:43:00 OK, but we'll we'll go through it.
01:43:05 Number one, report and influence unit leaders must file as much of their report as possible.
01:43:13 Blank spaces will be picked up by the next unit and updated.
01:43:17 Each unit has 15 teams, so split up to make contact with local farmers ranchers.
01:43:25 To build a new supply network, pick up more single young adults for new units.
01:43:31 #2 stay mobile. Move on to the next county with 72 to 168 hours with no electronics.
01:43:40 Expect the command teams laptops for paperwork, news and comms.
01:43:45 Leaders will be given or giving patrol areas each month.
01:43:51 Their own discretion to pick the route moving targets can't get pinned down. #3 disperse, but stay close. Always stick with your 10 man. Team teams must be within 5 minutes of their maneuver. Unit maneuver units must.
01:44:09 Be within 15 minutes of their unit.
01:44:12 Units must be one hour from other units.
01:44:14 Support can come from multiple directions while also holding the door open for withdraw.
01:44:20 #4 this is like next level fed post I think.
01:44:25 Maintain situational awareness.
01:44:28 Always attempt to enjoy a numerical ratio of three to one.
01:44:32 Find out how big the Sheriff office is, how many National Guard live in the area.
01:44:37 Look out for cartel activity.
01:44:40 They won't be allowed to stay in the future.
01:44:42 Know where the Pro whites are and always support them.
01:44:45 Well, like I said.
01:44:48 I guess you have another one here in a second, but right last stream you were mentioning you wanted to.
01:44:56 You know, form groups and stuff, but it's like you have to have like already from what you're talking about, you're it sounds like a lot of people.
01:45:02 I'm not sure what the objective is really, but you got to have like.
01:45:09 You put the cart before the horse like way before the horse, like there's a lot of detail and we don't even have communities yet.
01:45:16 You know, it's like you're trying to design a police force for a city that doesn't exist yet.
01:45:24 But I you know, I look, I like your attention to detail, but it's, you know, I think it's a little.
01:45:31 It's premature there.
01:45:35 Let's see here.
01:45:37 And the last part is consolidate and build infrastructure.
01:45:40 See, that's the first thing I think that.
01:45:42 Should be #1.
01:45:45 Once we have gained considerable influence, resupply without hassle, and regularly patrolled area using our county reports, we'll create a new admin district which will have supply dumps, lodging facility.
01:45:58 So this is like what you're proposing here.
01:46:02 It requires a lot of people and.
01:46:04 A lot of resources that we don't even sort of have.
01:46:10 I would focus more on.
Speaker 1
01:46:13 I mean.Devon
01:46:14 Way more on just getting like minded people together in the same place.01:46:20 You know? And then there's.
01:46:24 Like this, this.
01:46:25 This almost sounds like post post civil war things, right?
01:46:30 Like this is like a little over the top for what we got right now.
01:46:33 Like what we need now is.
01:46:36 And not even necessarily living in the same place.
01:46:38 But I feel like that would be helpful, especially if we're going to be doing, like, homeschooling.
01:46:43 That's the one thing that makes me feel weird about homeschooling kids is they do need to have some kind of social aspect, and they're and like I've talked about this before there, there's also a benefit.
01:46:55 If you have multiple people homesteading, you're going to have some people that want to.
01:46:59 Focus on, you know, maybe one family has a bunch of milk.
01:47:03 One family has a bunch of eggs, especially if eggs get to be a dollar an egg, and if you guys saw that article, I don't know if that's real, but.
01:47:12 They're floating.
01:47:12 The idea that eggs are going to become a dollar apiece if that happens and there was look that there was another weird fire.
01:47:23 Look, I've been very skeptical of this food shortage stuff, but like, this is the kind of thing where it's like, oh, what the ****'* going on? Let.
01:47:30 See if I can find this article.
01:47:34 Where it was somewhere I want to.
01:47:39 I mean, it was this huge.
01:47:41 Yeah, alright, here we are.
01:47:43 There's Minnesota, I guess.
01:47:45 10s of thousands of chickens killed in Wright County Egg Farm fire.
01:47:52 Howard Lake.
01:47:54 Let's see if I can.
01:47:58 Let's have audio.
Speaker 17
01:47:59 The damage you see the smoke.Speaker 1
01:48:01 There we go.Speaker 17
01:48:02 Flames burned down a barn with 10s of thousands of chickens inside in Wright County overnight.01:48:08 The fire happened at Forsman Farms in Howard Lake, causing major damage.
01:48:12 The smoke still smoldering there.
01:48:15 As scarce to Mitchell shows us neighbors, why?
01:48:17 Trying to figure how to make this play.Speaker 17
01:48:20 It burn well into the night.Devon
01:48:20 I updated OBS and ever since I updated OBS.01:48:24 It's been a ******* nightmare.
01:48:26 Some of these things got all screwed up.
01:48:29 I sure have known, but I knew too.
01:48:31 I knew like I knew it.
01:48:32 I was like, don't don't update it, just don't update it.
01:48:36 If you update it, it's going to break.
01:48:40 Something it'll something will break.
01:48:43 And I updated it.
01:48:46 And a bunch of some things broke.
01:48:50 Alright, let's see if well this might work.
01:48:53 Let me see.
01:48:53 Let me see.
01:48:59 I knew it, though.
01:49:00 I ******* knew it.
01:49:05 Well, let me see it doesn't want.
01:49:07 To give me the audio now.
01:49:12 This is gonna be a really ghetto way of doing it.
01:49:17 But I'll do it anyway.
Speaker 18
01:49:24 OK.Speaker 19
01:49:28 I was just.Devon
01:49:30 So audio is not going to.01:49:31 Line up with the video.
Speaker 17
01:49:31 Burned down a bar.01:49:33 Massive flames burned down a barn with 10s of thousands of chickens inside in Wright County overnight.
01:49:41 The fire happened at Forsman Farms in Howard Lake, causing Forsman.
01:49:45 Farms and Howard Lake causing major damage.
01:49:46 There we go. Sorry about.Speaker 17
01:49:47 You see the.01:49:48 Still smoldering there as Kirsten Mitchell shows us, neighbors watched it burn well into the.
01:49:53 Right.
Speaker 19
01:49:56 I was just unbelievable how quick it grew.01:49:58 It was insane.
Speaker 16
01:50:00 The trash family thought they'd spend their Saturday night around their bonfire.Speaker 9
01:50:04 Stood up and turned around.Speaker 16
01:50:06 But just after 10, they noticed massive flames across the field at Forsman Farms.Speaker 19
01:50:12 It was the whole sky.01:50:13 It was quite large.
Speaker 16
01:50:14 They called 911.01:50:17 And mostly volunteer firefighters from across the county showed up.
Speaker 7
01:50:21 Maple Lake fire.Speaker 19
01:50:23 At one point they're all 200.01:50:24 Feet high. Double the.
01:50:25 Height of the building and every gust of wind.
01:50:27 You could just see the.
01:50:28 I mean building it was pretty incredible.
Speaker 16
01:50:31 A barn housing 10s of thousands of chickens was leveled in what a farm spokesperson calls a tragic.01:50:38 Foresman Farm started in 1918 and now the 4th generation Family Farm sells more than 3 million eggs per day to some of the nation's largest.
01:50:48 3 million eggs a day.01:50:53 3 million eggs a day.
01:50:56 There's a lot of **** that has eggs in it.
01:50:58 OK, it's not just like, oh, I'm.
01:51:00 I can't get eggs at the store.
01:51:02 Like, literally everything has eggs in it, everything.
01:51:05 I mean everything.
01:51:06 Bread has eggs in it.
01:51:08 And more than just that.
Speaker 16
01:51:10 They said in part no one was injured and we are grateful that first responders were quickly on scene to put out the fire.01:51:17 Unfortunately, chickens were lost because of the fire.
Speaker 18
01:51:20 It's kind of a hard hit because we're already struggling, you know, it's.01:51:23 With the eggs and the cost of stuff and and that takes kind of a bite.
01:51:28 Out of the market.
Speaker 16
01:51:29 Eddie Olson heard it on his scanner.Speaker 18
01:51:31 Fires are scary in general, but when you see something to that scale, you know out of control, it's just hard to, you know, think about the chickens, the company, you know, people that work there.Speaker 16
01:51:42 A big hit in a small town.Speaker 19
01:51:44 We know how big of a loss it is for, you know, a big company like that and the family and you know.01:51:49 I mean, everybody knows everybody.
01:51:51 We know people in the fire department, we go to school with these people, so it's it's.
01:51:55 A big loss.
Speaker 16
01:51:56 In Wright County, Kirsten Mitchell, WCCO 4 News.Speaker 17
01:52:01 The farm is still evaluating the extent of the damage as investigators work to.01:52:05 Determine its cause.
01:52:08 No, cause that's a bit odd.01:52:09 Right.
01:52:10 No cause.
01:52:14 3 million eggs a day just taken off the market, though, and I believe that this came out after after people were saying it was eggs could go up to about a dollar an egg.
01:52:28 So yeah, I mean like in terms of organizing stuff, where if you've got people with chickens, I mean, look, if I have honey that I could trade for chickens or meat or whatever, you know, like if you had different people focusing on different things, you know, that that would be good.
01:52:45 But you're talking about something takes a really long.
01:52:47 Time to establish just, you know, just to just to establish a regular communication between people and and find people that are going to stick with that and you know, community community building is not so it comes naturally, but mostly it's even if it did, it's not an easy.
01:53:07 Easy thing to to.
01:53:11 Because there's not, we're not, sadly, most people need to, and this includes people that are homestead, right?
01:53:19 Most people need to have a fire lit under their *** right in order to to be motivated to do something.
01:53:27 And actually, in fact, and not not.
01:53:29 I mean, look.
01:53:31 Homesteaders are busy people.
01:53:32 They got a lot going on.
01:53:33 Ready for them to want to dedicate a lot of time into something that's going to, you know, maybe long term benefit them.
01:53:41 There's got to be a glue that holds them together, right?
01:53:44 When you see communities like the the Mennonites and the Amish and the and the groups that we've talked about in previous streams, they've had a religious glue that has held them together.
01:53:54 And unfortunately.
01:53:58 As we've seen.
01:54:01 Just being white doesn't doesn't seem to be a strong enough glue for most people to want to work together.
01:54:07 I mean, just just look at the amount of infighting that happens just on on online communities between different people that are in groups of people.
01:54:16 That are pro.
01:54:17 White, I mean there there's people that fight about the stupidest.
01:54:22 And and there there's not a whole lot of solidarity as it is.
01:54:26 So if you want to create any kind of organized.
01:54:33 Groups that that are working together in in IRL.
01:54:38 And look if and no.
01:54:39 Also the second you start doing that it's look it's not something that should prevent prevent you from wanting to work with people, but it it's a real.
01:54:50 Real possibility that you'll have feds trying to infiltrate it, and so you have that you have to worry about and.
01:54:59 And look there that's going to be enough to scare people too.
01:55:01 There's going to be some people, like, well, I don't want to get Waco.
01:55:04 You know, I don't want to get Ruby.
01:55:05 Ridge or whatever.
01:55:07 And so I think honestly, there has to be some kind of religious glue.
01:55:14 That holds people together.
01:55:15 I think that's the missing component.
01:55:17 I don't have an answer for that yet.
01:55:20 It's something to think about a lot.
01:55:22 But I think there has to be.
01:55:23 A religious component.
01:55:25 Not only because that that.
01:55:29 That becomes multi generational.
01:55:32 So it's something you know, just using the the Amish as and I know a lot of people use it as an example, but it's like look, they seem to be pretty impervious to what's going on.
01:55:43 You know, like they seem impervious to to.
01:55:47 Pride month type, you know, global ****, right?
01:55:51 And it's one of the reasons why is it's generational and it's generational because it's not just the authority is not just like, well, that's because King Amish says no, it's it's that's what God says.
01:56:06 And king Amish.
01:56:07 Or, you know, whoever the?
01:56:08 I don't know.
01:56:08 I think it's like some kind.
01:56:09 Of Group of elders or I don't know how they have it structured, but it's I'm sure it's some kind of hierarchy and they've got some kind of, you know, elders or whatever.
01:56:18 But those guys, at least whether it's true or not, doesn't matter.
01:56:21 But in the view of the the people that are in those communities, even those guys are beholden to God, right?
01:56:27 Like so they're they're just the mortals on Earth.
01:56:32 They're administering the the will of God in a way.
01:56:35 And that's an important aspect to keeping your community.
01:56:41 Is the idea that what you guys are all working for and working together for is bigger than anything any one person, any even group of people?
01:56:55 It's it's for God.
01:56:59 If you look at.
01:57:03 Well, I mean look that's that's the glue that holds Jews together.
01:57:07 You know, they, they, they, they all worship Satan.
01:57:20 But you know what I mean?
01:57:22 Like they all have.
01:57:28 They have that religious glue, though they all have their they all have Satan.
01:57:32 They're all.
01:57:37 But yeah, every every group.
01:57:38 That that lasts beyond the founder.
01:57:40 There has to be that religious element to it.
01:57:43 And that's just what you need.
01:57:47 And I don't have.
01:57:48 I don't have an answer to.
01:57:49 That right now.
01:57:53 Maybe someday, maybe someday.
01:57:58 Purge all pedophiles at all costs.
01:57:59 Pray for the stream to work.
01:58:01 Keep up the good work.
01:58:02 Yeah, I think it's worked.
01:58:03 But I thought it worked last time and then it turned out that you guys didn't even know that I was streaming or like because it still it was live on my end.
01:58:12 The whole time everything looked fine.
01:58:13 Super chats were still coming in.
01:58:15 I was reading them off.
01:58:16 I guess I should look, huh?
01:58:18 Make sure I.
01:58:18 Get a normal chat.
01:58:20 Yeah, you guys are.
01:58:21 Uh, yeah.
01:58:22 You guys seem to.
01:58:25 Yeah, you guys can hear me still, so.
01:58:28 You know, blocky, but working.
01:58:31 Yeah, so it's.
01:58:34 I thought that.
01:58:34 Was a good compromise it if if it has a dip in or I guess a jump up in latency, it'll just dump the the picture quality.
01:58:44 I figured that was better than just disconnecting altogether.
01:58:49 Edgar Friendly sends a I can't tell what that is like a frog or something with a crown.
01:58:56 Based race mixer $25. Appreciate that why the **** are they supposed to or supposedly able to manufacture rain clouds?
01:59:04 But we have no damn rain over our neck of the woods.
01:59:08 Big Dev Lake Mead makes me want to sell my Mcmansion.
01:59:14 Yeah, yeah.
01:59:16 Nevada is pretty, pretty dry.
01:59:19 UM.
01:59:21 It's not just like me, neither actually the whole southwest.
01:59:25 This is record, record, record drought.
01:59:31 I don't know.
01:59:32 I don't know.
01:59:34 I mean, look, if you believe that they control the way, I don't know.
01:59:37 If they control.
01:59:37 The weather I.
01:59:39 Know it's possible.
01:59:40 I've never done a deep dive on harp.
01:59:43 I don't think harp is weather control, but you know the the chemtrail thing.
01:59:51 I know they're some of that's real.
01:59:53 Some of that is admittedly real.
01:59:56 Is every trail I see in the sky which?
01:59:59 Is a lot of them.
02:00:01 Over my place is is that all condensation?
02:00:04 Is it all chemicals?
02:00:06 Is it like what is it finally?
02:00:09 Ground up aluminum, you know atomized aluminum or, I don't know, I don't know.
02:00:16 But I'll tell you this in a in a reality where they are controlling the weather.
02:00:21 It makes sense.
02:00:24 They don't want people living in in remote areas and plus you got to think this way.
02:00:29 All of so many of these places really are uninhabitable.
02:00:33 LA It was a desert.
02:00:37 And you got you got huge.
02:00:38 Metropolitan areas in places that shouldn't have.
02:00:43 As many people as they have, right?
02:00:46 Like LA County Jesus, there's like, so that's millions and millions and millions of people there.
02:00:52 And then you've got Las Vegas, which isn't well, it's not.
02:00:55 It's not huge, but I don't know what the population is, but it's.
02:00:59 It's not small either, and then you got all the casinos and everything else.
02:01:04 Using tons of water, you've got the Phoenix area.
02:01:10 Now they get water from.
02:01:14 I think the Colorado River, or at least that's one of the places, right?
02:01:19 You've got, uh.
02:01:23 One you got.
02:01:27 I guess I think Albuquerque, you're starting to get too, too E to really be this the same.
02:01:35 Getting water from the same source.
02:01:37 I don't think get water from that.
02:01:38 I don't know where they get their water from, but you have a lot of these desert communities.
02:01:43 That, I mean, look you want.
02:01:45 A good example of.
02:01:48 Of water management gone wrong.
02:01:51 Look at the ******* salt and sea.
02:01:54 You guys know about the salt and the sea?
02:01:58 The Salton Sea, the the the lake, the giant lake they made on accident.
02:02:05 And now it's just like this toxic, awful.
02:02:08 Like waste dump like Oh my God.
02:02:10 It used to like it was really.
02:02:12 It was like this big.
02:02:13 Resort they they they flooded the.
02:02:15 Desert on accident.
02:02:17 And it turned into like this giant.
02:02:20 Lake in Southern California and in the 19 I think it was the 1950s and 60s. They were like water skiing on it and they turned like there was this big resort town and it just never drained off, you know.
02:02:34 And so it just and then it wasn't like a natural lake.
02:02:37 There was nothing.
02:02:38 It wasn't connected to any like rivers or anything like that.
02:02:41 And so it was just like.
02:02:44 Giant pool of water that was just getting grosser and and people were polluting in it and dumping **** in it and it had nowhere to go.
02:02:53 There was no drainage.
02:02:55 And so now it's just like this.
02:02:58 Massive. Disgusting.
02:03:01 You know, vomit pool that gets smaller and smaller every year and more and more concentrated toxic.
02:03:09 So they just they haven't done a good job of managing.
02:03:14 The communities out there.
02:03:17 Look I.Devon
02:03:18 I like the desert.02:03:19 I like where I'm at.
02:03:20 I get water from an aquifer that is, at least for now, is OK.
02:03:27 But yeah, I run the risk of that going dry and I think about.
02:03:34 There's other places that I would would go, especially if you know if it went dry, I would kind of have to go somewhere else unless I got rainwater collection really, really down good.
02:03:47 But even then it's it hasn't rained this year like it hasn't rained yet this year.
02:03:54 I don't think I I can't remember.
02:03:55 I don't remember the last time it rained.
02:03:57 So even if I had rain collection.
02:04:00 Unless I still, if I had huge tanks, I'd be ******.
02:04:05 So, but yeah, there's there's different parts of the country that I've got family and friends in that I think about going sometimes, but.
02:04:12 We'll cross that bridge if we come to it.
02:04:16 Harmless Geed to create a community.
02:04:19 Perhaps we can start out with a matrix server with the link only shared in a SSTV image like the ones we used to share.
02:04:27 This will filter out some.
02:04:30 Yeah, we could.
02:04:30 We could do something like that.
02:04:33 I'm sure I'll get leaked out because someone always leaks it out.
02:04:36 But yeah, we could do something like that.
02:04:38 I actually have the the template to the SSTV stuff.
02:04:41 Again, I keep forgetting to to do it though.
02:04:46 Based race mixer $1.00 appreciate that pride means sticking your penis in a colon. Holy ****, yes.
02:04:55 Is it is that's?
02:04:56 That's what pride is.
02:04:59 In America.
02:05:01 American value is ******.
02:05:05 That's where we go and spread, you know, look, bot sex and Botswana, right?
02:05:12 Not happier. 69 yo, Devin. Did you know that it's Morphin time?
02:05:17 If you didn't know, now you have.
02:05:21 Or you didn't.
02:05:22 Now if you didn't know you have it's morbid time.
02:05:26 I don't know what the **** morben time is.
02:05:29 What's Morphin time should I look up morben time?
02:05:32 What am I going to find something horrific?
02:05:37 Morbid time?
02:05:39 And I guess that's a meme that I'm not aware of.
02:05:44 UM.Devon
02:05:48 What's morbid time?02:05:57 Yeah, this is a meme.
02:05:58 I'm not aware of.
02:06:03 Apparently about.
02:06:05 Making up.
02:06:07 Let's see here.
02:06:09 Its Mormon time is a fictional catch phrase attributed to the title character of the 2022 superhero movie Morbius.
02:06:17 Yeah, which I've never seen as part of the ongoing jokes surrounding the film inventing aspects of the movie in addition to being a fictional line from the film, it has been used as titles in numerous Morbius memes, on Reddit, particularly subreddit trying to give me Reddit Reddit memes.
02:06:36 I don't I don't know Reddit memes.
02:06:39 All right.
02:06:44 Cringe Panda $1.00 events like the family Friendly drag event for small children at a gay bar in Dallas is why you don't waste ammo in a grocery store.
02:06:57 I'll just let that hang out.
02:06:58 There, harvest Gee, I know I, Dutton and Keith Woods have discord serve as IRL meetups when they strictly only discuss basket weaving.
02:07:08 Though I suspect the glowies don't consider them as big a threat as you and are less likely to invest infiltrating their.
02:07:18 Yeah, well, I said.
02:07:19 I I wouldn't mind having some kind of we had.
02:07:22 We tried doing the discord server and then.
02:07:25 Part of the problem is I don't have the time.
02:07:28 Right now.
02:07:29 I will.
02:07:30 Maybe this summer not like already it's I'm doing less and less work outside just because it's it's just it's getting hotter and hotter and hotter and it will continue.
02:07:39 I mean it's it's only June.
02:07:41 Like what, 4th.
02:07:44 But we're already in the hundreds and stuff, you know.
02:07:46 I mean, so it's.
02:07:46 I'm getting and I have to get up real early get stuff done before like 10 or.
02:07:52 But maybe I'll have some more time to spend.
02:07:56 Working on getting a chat server or something like.
02:07:58 That I would.
02:07:59 Prefer something that has.
02:08:00 I just hate typing stuff.
02:08:03 I hate typing stuff, I.
02:08:06 I'm definitely a verbal communicator.
02:08:08 I think it would be cool, although probably not practical, but it would also be cool to set up.
02:08:15 Maybe like a free banding frequency that people use, there's some that already exist for like preppers and stuff like that.
02:08:21 I don't know how.
02:08:23 Busy those frequencies are I?
02:08:26 I've only barely dipped into the the 11 meter band to listen and and you know, especially because the.
02:08:37 For the next, I mean look, the next 10 years, the solar cycle is going to be pretty good, so.
02:08:43 And you don't need a whole lot of equipment.
02:08:44 You know for 11 meters, you don't really need, you don't need a huge antenna, you don't need, you know, the the radio itself.
02:08:50 There's lots of cheapy ones.
02:08:53 And the pay on conditions.
02:08:55 It's a little.
02:08:56 The only problem is it's not super reliable in terms of like.
02:09:01 How far you can get out and like one day?
02:09:03 You might be.
02:09:03 Able to talk to Europe and then one day.
02:09:07 You'll struggle to talk.
02:09:08 To the next state over.
02:09:09 So it's kind of.
02:09:11 You know, but that would be kind of that'd be more of, like, a fun thing to do.
02:09:15 I don't think that would be.
02:09:16 A practical thing I think there should.
02:09:17 Be some kind of encrypted chat server.
02:09:21 And some kind of vetting process to get on there.
02:09:24 But like I said, that's that's just that's a lot that's investing a lot of time that I haven't had.
02:09:31 But yeah, that's probably something we should look into getting.
02:09:36 Getting taken care of this year sometime, maybe this summer.
02:09:41 Discord 14 are lesbians, less disgusting than gays?
02:09:46 If you had to rank carcinogenic plastics, propaganda and dysgenics in order of most relevant to the gay explosion in Gen.
02:09:55 Z, how would you?
02:09:57 For head to rank carcinogenic plastics.
02:10:01 Propaganda and dysgenics in order of most relevant to the gay explosion, and ohh I see what you're saying.
02:10:09 I think it would be.
02:10:10 I don't think it's carcinogenic plastics at all.
02:10:14 It's probably.
02:10:17 Mostly propaganda.
02:10:21 I think it well.
02:10:22 I think you left one out.
02:10:24 I think it's.
02:10:26 Sex abuse.
02:10:30 I think that.
02:10:32 More than anything, it's sex abuse.
02:10:34 I think you have a lot.
02:10:36 Of Gen. Z's.
02:10:38 Being sexually abused as kids or and that doesn't necessarily mean like a parent or like, you know, a creepy uncle or something like that.
02:10:48 That means I'm I'm five and I have.
02:10:52 ******* on my tablet.
02:10:57 Think about that.
02:11:00 Think about that.
02:11:04 Now I'm I'm older.
02:11:07 And I think I've told I told you guys about.
02:11:09 Bubble bath babes.
02:11:11 You know, like the closest thing to **** for me in a video game was an NES game called Bubble Bath Babes with eight bit ***** ***** in it.
02:11:19 You know?
02:11:19 And it was, it was like the goofiest **** ever, right?
02:11:23 Well, if you're a 5 year old.
02:11:26 And your parents hand you a tablet.
02:11:30 I mean, the Internet is riddled with ****.
02:11:32 It's not hard.
02:11:34 For you to find anal rape ****.
02:11:38 And if you're 5 and you're watching, and if you're playing on tablet on the Internet, you're going to find ****.
02:11:44 Whether you're trying to or not doesn't matter.
02:11:48 And I think that's had a huge impact on what we're seeing.
02:11:53 With the sexual confusion with Generation Z.
02:11:57 And then probably with some abuse on top of that like I think that's actually kind of abuse personally.
02:12:05 But I think you know more IRL abuse.
02:12:09 And then the the acceptance of it.
Speaker 13
02:12:14 Who? Who's running the?Devon
02:12:16 The messaging who's running the culture?02:12:21 So they're normalizing it.
02:12:23 So they're making it acceptable.
02:12:26 I mean, it's almost hard, hard to imagine how anyone from that generation is going to turn out, not like ****** **.
02:12:37 Dysgenics are going to play some role that that's I think that's compared to the other stuff, though it's relatively minor.
02:12:45 And you know, same thing with the plastics.
02:12:50 Our vertigan everyone should buy a dancing Israeli shirt.
02:12:55 I wore mine out for the first time today.
02:12:57 It's a great conversation starter and the perfect red pill.
02:13:00 We can firmware update the normies too.
02:13:02 Well, that's great.
02:13:03 Yeah, I'm going to be up.
02:13:05 I was going to update the shirt today.
02:13:06 I didn't have time to finish.
02:13:08 Designing the new one.
02:13:10 Because I do design them myself.
02:13:13 But I will design the new one soon that will still. That one will still be around, but I at least. Yeah, I think that, yeah, that one's going to still be.
02:13:21 And then the other one, whatever.
02:13:25 I forget what the other one is.
02:13:27 That'll get knocked out.
02:13:31 But yeah, thanks for getting that.
02:13:34 Water weights $5. Devon, when you were around your early 30s, do you remember the phenomenon of 25 year old women desperately flinging themselves?
02:13:45 At any man with a beating heart to fulfill their companionship needs, but yet seemingly being being extremely lean, unhappy with their settlement.
02:14:02 You know, I'll tell you what.
02:14:05 When I was dating.
02:14:07 When I was around 30 uh.
02:14:12 I had I.
02:14:15 I don't know what it was, but I I figured out there was a year that women stopped being as crazy.
02:14:21 And it was 28.
02:14:24 I don't know what happened to.
02:14:25 Women at 28.
Speaker 13
02:14:27 But at 28.Devon
02:14:29 I think it's because they were getting closer to 30 and so like the the clock started ticking or something like that in.02:14:34 Their head.
02:14:35 But I noticed a pretty across the board mental change in women that you would date that were 28 and.
02:14:44 Older that that were, they were a lot more serious.
02:14:49 We'll just say about it, about.
Speaker 12
02:14:56 UM.Devon
02:14:58 I've never had, I don't know about that.02:15:00 Well, yeah, well, look, women.
Speaker 7
02:15:05 A lot of men.Devon
02:15:05 Are like this too my look.02:15:06 I may I kind of did this too.
02:15:09 Always want to trade up?
02:15:12 Women and men, I think all always like.
02:15:17 That's The thing is, a lot of people say they're serious and but they don't want to commit because they think there's always this thought.
02:15:23 You can do a little bit better.
02:15:25 And if you get an opportunity that comes your way.
02:15:27 And you think, oh that.
02:15:28 Could be better.
02:15:29 You might jump at it.
02:15:30 And that's women and men right now, that's not now.
02:15:33 I think you experienced the women doing that because you're a man, but.
02:15:37 Men do it too.
02:15:38 I I, I I hate to admit it.
02:15:40 I've done it.
02:15:41 I have, I've I've had a girlfriend.
02:15:43 And this was many years ago.
02:15:45 I had a girlfriend.
02:15:46 There was nothing wrong with her.
02:15:47 She was totally fine.
02:15:49 Right and.
02:15:52 And then.
02:15:53 So when it was a little bit hotter, came along and.
02:15:57 You know.
02:15:59 I mean, I didn't.
02:15:59 Cheat on her, but like I like.
02:16:02 I definitely was was not as excited about her as I was about this new, hotter girl that I knew I could date.
02:16:09 And so, you know, out with the old and with the new kind of a thing.
02:16:12 And I think everyone's done that maybe not just strictly strictly on looks, but.
02:16:18 And that wasn't the situation with with what I did, but I don't know.
02:16:22 I you know, I'm talking about both men and women trade up.
02:16:26 At some point, or at least have that temptation.
02:16:34 Let's see here.
02:16:35 Cringe panda.
02:16:36 How do you spell the name of that Russian movie where Gary Busey?
02:16:39 Or was it Rutger Hower?
02:16:42 It's it's brought the value.
02:16:44 Tells the guy that the US is not.
02:16:48 A big deal if you shoot blacks.
02:16:51 Are you sure it's not a phantom scene like one of those that we remember, but wrong?
02:16:56 No, no, it's real.
02:16:57 It's brought the van.
02:16:59 It's brother.
02:17:00 Part 2 is what it translates to.
02:17:08 I know he's in it.
02:17:11 Gary Busey.
02:17:15 I mean, look.
02:17:19 Probably as IMDb it would have been like late.
02:17:21 90s I think.
02:17:25 There we go.
02:17:26 Here we go.
02:17:31 I don't.
02:17:32 Well, maybe I have to be, wouldn't have it.
02:17:33 Right. It's a Russian movie.
02:17:40 I'm almost positive it's called Bratva.
02:17:45 Brought like what is it Bay?
02:17:50 I forget that the how to say it in Russian, but it's our.
02:17:56 Ah, like a, you know.
02:17:58 And then tea.
02:18:00 It's it's just brat.
02:18:02 Only with in Cyrillic.
02:18:04 So let me see.
02:18:10 I know it exists.
02:18:12 Here we go.
02:18:12 Brother 2.
02:18:16 Yeah, OK. Yeah. Brat. Brat too. It's an in year 2000. It came out.
02:18:26 Let's see here.
02:18:33 Maybe it wasn't Gary Busey.
02:18:34 They don't list him on this.
02:18:35 I thought for sure it was Gary Busey.
02:18:40 Uh, let me see here.
02:18:45 I mean, because I saw.
02:18:47 In 2000, like I saw it, whenever it well, I guess it would have been a little bit after. So probably like 2002 or something like that.
02:18:55 But yeah, that was funny as ****.
02:18:57 I know that scene exists cause I was just like, what the ****?
02:19:02 Brother 2.
02:19:04 Well, it's on Amazon Prime with Russian audio.
02:19:08 I'm not going to.
02:19:08 I don't have prime now.
02:19:09 I'm not going to.
02:19:11 Get prime.
02:19:14 Let's see.
02:19:15 Our Soviet movies online.
02:19:17 That's a weird URL.
02:19:19 I'm going to click.
02:19:20 It see what happens is it.
02:19:22 Is it going to play?
02:19:28 Is it real?
02:19:29 Is this real or just like a site that tries to?
02:19:33 Steal all your.
02:19:35 Identity and.
02:19:38 So it's either listed as BRAT 2 on IMDb.
02:19:42 It's brat 2.
02:19:45 Or brother two, it's on Amazon Prime.
02:19:52 I know that scene exists.
02:19:54 I thought it was Gary Busey.
02:19:56 Let me see if I.
02:20:00 Because he just might he.
02:20:01 Might not be credited to.
02:20:05 Gary Busey.
02:20:20 You'll find it.
02:20:21 I will find it.
02:20:21 That scene exists.
02:20:22 I thought for sure it was Gary Busey.
02:20:24 But I'm not it.
02:20:25 Might not be very busy.
02:20:29 UM, but yeah, it's brat 2.
02:20:33 Or brother to cause brought his brother in Russian.
02:20:38 567, Devin, what would you? What would your take be on Titanic and go 70 ways? My favorite part is how everyone reacts to the ship going down and the dancing Israeli violinists are playing.
02:20:51 Mournfully, I don't know that I've ever seen it.
02:20:55 All the way through.
02:20:58 So I'd have to wash it all with you.
02:20:59 My big thing was it ****** me off that.
02:21:03 You know the old lady at the end?
02:21:05 She banged some guy for, like, a week.
02:21:10 That's who she thinks about when she's dying.
02:21:13 Not the not the guys she had.
02:21:14 Like all these children with and grandchildren and who support, you know, I mean like, **** that guy that that dedicated his life.
02:21:23 You know, her husband.
02:21:24 60 years or whatever the ****.
02:21:26 No, it's some random guy.
02:21:28 She ****** on a boat for.
02:21:30 It was a home with it was a little homeless guy.
02:21:33 She ****** a homeless guy on a boat for a week.
02:21:37 And then she watched him drown cause like.
02:21:40 She couldn't be.
02:21:40 Bothered to have him on the piece of wood she was on.
02:21:46 That's what.
02:21:46 That's what I was.
02:21:48 Annoyed by that which is part of why I've never seen.
02:21:50 It all the way through.
02:21:54 Oh, stinky. Do you have any idea how many dumb odyssey videos I had to watch just to hear myself mentioned when I watch this tomorrow?
02:22:05 Honestly guys had to watch to hear myself mentioned when I watched this tomorrow.
02:22:08 I have no idea what you mean by that.
02:22:12 Cringe panda $1.00. Appreciate that I'm so tired of the gaze, Devin so tired I don't even know if I want children anymore.
02:22:20 The gays are just going to take them away.
02:22:22 I hope China invades Tibet.
02:22:25 World War 3 can't come sooner.
02:22:26 Well, I I you still want children?
02:22:29 They're not.
02:22:31 The gays aren't going to take your kids.
02:22:34 The gays aren't going to take your kids.
02:22:36 Uh, you know, they're just.
02:22:40 You're just going to have to try harder than previous generations, and that sucks, but I have confidence in you and and I'm sure you'll rise to the occasion.
02:22:51 I would be very surprised if, if the **** were able to wrestle your children from you.
02:22:56 Jack diddley.
02:22:57 Hey, Devin.
02:22:57 Do you have any plans on doing a Part 2 video on The Simpsons?
02:23:02 Or maybe make it into a?
02:23:04 Yeah, maybe I'll do a.
02:23:05 Stream I I just.
02:23:06 Didn't want to do it.
02:23:06 I got so Simpsons out and it feels like a waste because I did spend so much time ******* watching all those Simpsons and I just got so bored of The Simpsons.
02:23:17 After I made that one video, I just didn't want to.
02:23:19 I just.
02:23:21 I hated just everything about Simpsons.
02:23:24 But I I made.
02:23:25 I made copious notes and with lots of time stamps and everything else, so maybe maybe a string would be appropriate because the thing with making the videos you got to sit there and edit.
02:23:36 And all that other stuff.
02:23:37 But because I have all these notes and.
02:23:41 Everything else, maybe I.
02:23:44 Maybe I could do a stream that would?
02:23:46 Be a lot easier.
02:23:48 Cringe panda haha.
02:23:49 I said to bet.
02:23:51 I'm so tired of the gaze.
02:23:52 I'm getting effed in geography.
02:23:54 Yeah, I think you meant.
02:23:58 See, now you just ruined it in my head too.
02:24:03 Not Taiwan.
02:24:05 Taiwan, right?
02:24:06 I don't even.
02:24:07 Know anymore, who cares?
02:24:08 Some some ****** island.
02:24:14 Can't be le blachar.
02:24:16 Ah, it's good old.
02:24:17 Can't be le blacker.
02:24:22 We got some camping the blacker in here.
02:24:25 $5 leave Julie alone, or I'll takedown the stream again.
02:24:30 Oh, I'd like to see you try Campylobacter.
02:24:34 Let's play PC $5. Appreciate that Devin, can you review the Black Mirror episode San Junipero? It's got lesbian and transhumanism.
02:24:44 You'll love it.
02:24:45 I've never seen episode of Black Mirror.
02:24:48 I've heard it's just kind of garbage like, you know, like aggressively garbage.
02:24:53 So I've kind of avoided it.
02:24:57 That's a loud vehicle.
02:25:03 Someone needs a muffler.
02:25:05 Alright, we'll add it to my notes here.
02:25:15 Follow the white rabbit.
02:25:17 Thanks for your great work, Devin.
02:25:19 I have a couple of film recommendations, uncut, uncut gems, Adam Sandler movie about him being very degenerate, very Jewish gem dealer scam artist probably right up your alley.
02:25:29 Probably make.
02:25:30 For good content.
02:25:32 You know, people have mentioned that movie before.
02:25:34 And it made.
02:25:37 It made a lot of money.
02:25:38 It was supposed to be, you know, well received by critics, but.
02:25:43 I just.
02:25:44 I'm kind of I kind of got Adam Sandler to out after a while.
02:25:47 Like he stopped making good movies.
02:25:49 I don't know, like 20 years ago it feels like.
02:25:52 But I might roll the dice and check.
02:25:53 It out.
02:25:55 Do Haro 1400 what is your assessment on the current status of Idaho?
02:25:59 Owen Benjamin and Vince James move there and Vince James is encouraging conservatives to tell leftists there to go back to California whether or not the leftist is from California.
02:26:09 Good small steps to take.
02:26:12 I mean, leftists aren't gonna listen to that.
02:26:16 They're going to keep going there like they go everywhere, go everywhere else.
02:26:20 They're like locusts.
02:26:22 It's like saying that, Oh yeah, this farmer is trying to convince the locusts to get out.
02:26:26 Of this field now.
02:26:28 There's only one way to get the locust out.
02:26:30 Of the field.
02:26:35 But yeah, you're not going to convince them to leave.
02:26:38 That's that's not going to happen.
02:26:42 I'm not saying it was bad.
02:26:47 I haven't.
02:26:49 I was in Idaho earlier last year and I enjoyed it's real pretty.
02:26:53 It's real pretty.
02:26:57 I I was there before winter hit.
02:26:58 I don't know what the.
02:26:59 Winter's like not a big fan of lots of snow.
02:27:04 It's like like I just complain about why are means very pretty.
02:27:07 Too, you know?
02:27:09 There's other states.
02:27:10 There's other states that I think that are probably.
02:27:16 And unless.
02:27:21 Likely to be overrun by leftists in your lifetime.
02:27:26 Idaho does not appear to be one of those places.
02:27:30 I think.
02:27:31 I mean, it's already right.
02:27:32 Boise is already blue.
02:27:35 And once you lose control over the the capital, I mean, you know, the population center.
02:27:40 They're the ones that pass all the laws, so you're kind of justice.
02:27:43 It doesn't matter.
02:27:44 California has got conservative rural areas.
02:27:48 But you know, it doesn't matter.
02:27:51 They still have to deal with, Sacramento says.
02:27:54 So you know.
02:27:56 And look, I don't know.
02:27:57 I don't know if the state.
02:27:58 Politics in Idaho.
02:28:00 Well enough to really know, but it it seems from what I do know it seems like it's it's going to. It's Idaho's turning blue alarmingly fast.
02:28:13 But I do know a lot of.
02:28:14 People who live out there.
02:28:17 Follow the white rabbit for my second film recommendation.
02:28:20 Possibly amazingly, one of the only semi based movies ever made.
02:28:23 The Merchant of Venice. There's a hilarious Europeans are evil anti Semites. Disclaimer at the start and they even altered the story a bit to be less anti-Semitic. But it's still pretty based.
02:28:40 Well, I don't know.
02:28:41 I don't know what year that came out, but I'll.
02:28:45 I'll add that to the notes too.
02:28:49 OSA 567 you're screaming about Berkowitz reminding me of the Marilyn Manson or reminding me of Marilyn Manson in their early days because they came up with those names like masculine.
02:29:00 Surname is a famous serial killer and first name is a famous Hollywood diva and made me think of him and a connection to the occult.
02:29:09 What's your opinion on Manson phenomenon?
02:29:12 If you talk about Marilyn Manson, I don't know.
02:29:15 Yeah, I I all I know is he was accused of being a Nazi and you know a misogynist.
02:29:26 He was a weirdo back in the 90s that had.
02:29:30 You know that sewed on a pair of **** at one point?
02:29:32 Mean. So you know.
02:29:39 Friend of Johnny Depp's. Apparently. I mean, I don't know. As far as the Manson family stuff, I've never, never deep dived into that either.
02:29:47 But from what I have been reading recently, at least, it looks like they could have a connection to wider groups that might not have just been this isolated group.
02:29:59 That living on that old Western movie set.
02:30:06 They were living that they might have had connections to.
02:30:10 Larger groups.
02:30:13 John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt.
02:30:16 Devin, can you please dedicate a stream to your runaway experience?
02:30:21 The causes.
02:30:23 That you left the ventures you had and manipulating the psychiatrist when you got back in the fall of your family.
02:30:30 I have talked about it before.
Speaker 12
02:30:35 I mean.Devon
02:30:35 I'll paste that in my.02:30:36 Notes, I think.
02:30:37 About I don't know, I guess I'd have to.
02:30:43 To really sit down and kind of write it out.
02:30:47 And and try to think of like how it could be helpful to people.
02:30:50 You know, I don't want to just be.
02:30:51 I don't want it to.
02:30:52 Just be like story time.
02:30:54 Like oh.
02:30:54 Here's here's an old yarn about young Devin.
02:30:57 When he.
Speaker 6
02:30:58 When I was your.Devon
02:31:00 You know, like I'd have to have, like, a they'd have to be like a reason behind, you know, a moral to the story as to like, why.02:31:08 And lessons that I learned I've never really thought about it.
02:31:10 I mean, I guess there's things I did learn.
02:31:14 But I've never really thought.
02:31:15 I've always thought that would be an interesting movie.
02:31:18 UM, but I've never tried to actually.
02:31:21 Put it together as like a a narrative or a story or anything like that.
Speaker 7
02:31:26 UM.Devon
02:31:28 But I've already I have talked about, you know.02:31:31 Maybe that'd be interesting to some people.
02:31:37 Deharo 1400 I watched Top Gun Maverick low quality online, no pain, good man. Besides the agenda of the US government not being one worth fighting for or dying for, the paws identified was Tom Cruise's love interest. Being a single mother and the top fighter pilots not being all white.
02:31:55 Guys as would be realistic.
02:31:57 Well, and and was isn't.
02:31:59 I don't.
02:32:00 I haven't seen it, nor will I.
02:32:03 Certainly not in theaters, but I probably won't watch it until I can.
02:32:07 Get a a decent copy of it and maybe I'll do a stream where I compare the two.
02:32:14 I haven't seen the.
02:32:14 First one in like 1,000,000 years.
02:32:18 But I thought that the.
02:32:21 Like one of the top fighter pilots was a woman, which is also ridiculous.
02:32:26 But yeah, I.
02:32:28 Yeah, I've heard there was diversity and yeah.
02:32:31 But that's that's still that's still bad.
02:32:35 You know we.
02:32:36 Can't be like.
02:32:36 Well, it's not so.
02:32:37 Bad. There's only.
02:32:38 There's only a little pedophilia in it, you know, because I think that's where we're headed.
02:32:42 We're going to get to a point where you know, this movie wasn't so bad, you know, they only had one ask rape scene and you know, like, I feel like that's because the stuff you mentioned alone would have made it unwatchable when the first Top Gun movie.
02:32:59 It just would.
02:33:01 You know.
02:33:02 Believe it or not, just being a single mom.
02:33:05 Was very shameful and very controversial and very.
02:33:12 Not, not not depicted.
02:33:15 Often, and certainly not in a positive light.
02:33:19 In Hollywood films.
02:33:22 Until I'd say like the, you know, late 80s, early 90s.
02:33:31 John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt.
02:33:34 Are you still involved in the LDS Church?
02:33:36 I moved from the upper Midwest to the East Valley and was surprised at the amount of Mormons around.
02:33:43 They seem nice and I want to check out a service.
02:33:47 Would you recommend getting involved in that community?
02:33:49 I yeah, I don't know.
02:33:50 I've been to church in many, many, many years.
02:33:54 They, my family members, are all involved and they all seem to like it.
02:34:00 I like that I was raised in that environment.
02:34:03 I can't think of anything negative about it.
02:34:07 I thought it it did a good job of hammering in good values into my head and and giving me, you know, some of the people I hung out with back then are still people I know and talked to today.
02:34:19 And that and and none of them are have had ****** lives.
02:34:22 They've all you know, they've all been like good people, solid people.
02:34:28 There's, you know, it's a human institution like anyone else, any other institution.
02:34:33 So there's problems.
02:34:38 But I don't know it's worth.
02:34:40 I think it's worth looking into if.
02:34:43 If if that's what you.
02:34:46 So I'll tell you what.
02:34:47 I'll give you the answer that a Mormon would tell you what you got to do is.
02:34:51 Pray about it. That's.
02:34:53 Mormons would tell you to do that, and why and why not?
02:34:56 Pray about it.
02:34:58 But in terms of my personal experience with with Mormons.
02:35:03 It would be overall positive.
02:35:07 There and it's easy to list, you know, like ohh, what? Harry Reid's a Mormon. Romney's a Mormon and Mcmuffin's a Mormon.
02:35:14 It's like, yeah, but Pelosi's a Catholic, you know, like, you know, there's there's bad people, members of every organization.
02:35:21 The leader, for all I know, the leadership of the Mormon Church could be bad.
02:35:24 Now, I don't know.
02:35:25 I do know.
02:35:26 That they were kind of mascots.
02:35:27 Uh, in fact.
02:35:30 I think the reason my parents got Vaxxed is I don't know that the church.
02:35:36 Recommended that.
02:35:38 You do that, but they certainly didn't say not to do that.
02:35:45 So they and they, they locked down their, they didn't leave their churches open.
02:35:51 They they did all remote for I think like two years or something like that.
02:35:56 I mean I think they're open now.
02:35:57 I don't know.
02:35:58 I like I said, I'm in a church, a really, really long time.
02:36:02 But I also have a A.
02:36:05 A bloodline connection to the church, right?
02:36:08 So it kind of feel.
02:36:09 I feel a little connected to it, whether I want to or not.
02:36:13 Just cause like.
02:36:15 My ancestors were.
02:36:17 Involved with the founding and everything.
02:36:19 So it's kind of like.
02:36:22 You know.
02:36:23 You're going to kind of have like that, almost like an ethnic.
02:36:28 Connection to it.
02:36:32 Maybe I'm biased.
02:36:36 They I I'll tell you what.
02:36:37 If this was pre 1970s Mormons.
02:36:42 That'd be a lot more based.
02:36:45 They seem to be whitewashing some of their more based views on race and things like that.
02:36:50 Let me.
02:36:50 Just put that one.
02:36:53 Emma. Thorazine. $5. I think it should be illegal for a woman getting married for anything but the first time to wear a white dress at her wedding. Yeah, that would be. That would be. You know, that used to be culturally enforced, right?
02:37:08 It used to be very yeah, it used to be culturally enforced and I I agree that would be I would be OK with the law.
02:37:16 Like that.
02:37:18 Based race Mixer $5 kill Mary or ****.
02:37:22 Wait, kill Mary, or **** Jacinda Arden, Hillary Clinton, Victoria noodle burg.
02:37:30 I don't even know who.
02:37:33 Those other two are.
02:37:34 Let's see here.
02:37:35 Jacinda Arden.
02:37:41 Who is that?Devon
02:37:47 Oh, that *****.02:37:50 God, I hate her.
02:37:53 So Jacinda Arden is the the New Zealand Prime Minister.
02:37:57 That's just horrible.
02:38:02 Victorian middleburg.
02:38:17 Which one's that?Devon
02:38:19 Or Noland, I guess you said.02:38:23 Victoria Newland.
02:38:24 Who's that?
02:38:25 That sounds really familiar.
02:38:33 Oh, I don't know.
02:38:34 I don't know who this is.
02:38:35 Who is this?
02:38:38 Victoria Newland, she's a diplomat.
02:38:50 Who is this?
02:38:52 Why is she significant?
02:38:53 Why did you?
02:38:53 This feels like you picked someone random.
02:38:56 She's a.
02:38:59 American diplomat serve, currently serving as Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs.
02:39:06 Yeah, I don't know anything about her.
02:39:13 Or what her significance is?
02:39:16 Early life?
02:39:17 Well, she's a Ukrainian Jew.
02:39:24 I don't know.
02:39:25 Can I just line them all up just?
02:39:30 You know I, yeah.
02:39:33 I I don't.
02:39:34 I don't want to marry or.
02:39:35 **** any of these women.
02:39:38 Cringe panda. It said the anniversary of Marvin Heemeyer's killed. It is killed. Those or day. I forgot about that. Have you seen tread? The documentary about it? I have not seen tread.
02:39:49 But yeah, it is killdozer day.
02:39:51 Which is funny because last killdozer day was on a a stream day too.
02:39:57 Last string we played the I'm not going to play it again.
02:40:00 I played the whole killdozer thing.
02:40:03 Last year.
02:40:05 Harmless Gee, Canada is becoming non white so quickly due to so much immigration that Edmonton and Calgary, the two major cities in Canada's most right wing province of Alberta, both have non white mayors.
02:40:19 I suspect well before 2040, Canada will not only be a minority white, but less white than the United States.
02:40:26 Yeah, Canada is.
02:40:29 You know like.
02:40:31 Super cocked.
02:40:32 They always have been, though they they've always been.
02:40:36 I don't know why they.
02:40:37 It's like they prided themselves.
02:40:40 Like, let me put this way, the American identity that coastal elites in America are are embarrassed by, like the the whole merica, you know, big trucks and guns and all like Canadians.
02:40:54 Are they have their identity?
02:40:57 Is basically proudly being the opposite of that.
02:41:01 Like they hate.
02:41:02 It more than the coastal Lake Jews in America do.
02:41:05 I don't know why.
02:41:07 But they they they feel like that's.
02:41:09 What defines them as we're not that.
02:41:12 And they hate that.
02:41:15 And they always have.
02:41:17 They always have.
02:41:19 They always smuggly when they travel internationally, or at least I don't know.
02:41:24 They still do.
02:41:24 But it was my experience that when Canadians would travel internationally, they went out of their way to, like, have Canadian shirts and Canadian hats just so people wouldn't think they were filthy Americans, you know.
02:41:37 And so yeah, they've they've just.
02:41:41 They they, they've always.
02:41:44 They've always wanted to.
02:41:46 To win the race to the bottom.
02:41:50 Water rates $5 appreciate that I've. I've heard you in the past say some words about dating relationships that sound fairly similar to the theories in.
02:41:57 A lot of the.
02:41:58 Red Pill manosphere communities on the Internet, are you?
02:42:00 Familiar with Rolo?
02:42:03 Tomasi, in his book series The Rational Male, I am not.
02:42:08 Familiar with that?
02:42:10 Water weights.
02:42:11 If you are familiar with those manosphere communities, what do you think about some of the theories put out by those guys?
02:42:16 I can stand some of the streamers, but some seem like they're peddling this.
02:42:21 Misdirected advice?
02:42:23 That lead a lot of guys down the path of just hate and narcissism that I I would say you're right.
02:42:29 That's my kind of vibe. I've never really paid attention to the, I guess, quote, UN quote manosphere I there's some people who are, I guess, tangentially adjacent to that community that I find.
02:42:48 For the most part, benign and interesting, but at the same time come across as pretty ******* bitter.
02:42:55 You know what I mean?
02:42:56 And and and and it runs.
02:42:59 I would say it goes from that to like extremely bitter and women hating.
02:43:04 There's just a lot of bitterness.
02:43:06 And look this.
02:43:07 Movie, we went over kind of illustrates why there might be bitterness.
02:43:13 I can relate to some of the bitterness.
02:43:15 The difference is.
02:43:19 It's it's one of these things where?
02:43:26 To me.
02:43:30 You can.
02:43:31 You can be upset.
02:43:33 With the current state of women.
02:43:38 And criticize it.
02:43:41 And pointed out.
02:43:43 In in the hopes that maybe some women and look, some women do care and want about, you know, want this feedback cause they're not getting it.
02:43:54 And it's useful to to point out these problems with women.
02:43:59 The the danger is, like you said, there's a lot of guys that turn into just bitter women hating ********.
02:44:07 And that's that's the wrong.
02:44:09 That's the wrong way to go with it.
02:44:10 Look, and I don't blame you if you want to be a guy that just says ****.
02:44:14 It I'm I'm I'm no longer going to be doing the the dating scene.
02:44:19 It's just not worth it.
02:44:22 And I'm going to find ways that I can help my people in, you know that don't doesn't involve repopulating the earth, you know, with with my genetics.
02:44:33 Yeah, I get it.
02:44:34 I get.
02:44:35 Why you would give up.
02:44:37 I've thought about it many times.
02:44:41 Just because it's rough, it's rough out there.
02:44:45 But it's.
02:44:48 I think it's silly to close the door completely.
02:44:51 UM, and I think that.
02:44:55 Look, what's what's the first thing God told man.
02:45:00 You know, be fruitful and multiply right.
02:45:09 Just because it's.
02:45:10 Hard doesn't mean it's not worth it.
02:45:13 And yeah, it's ******* hard.
02:45:15 It's hard to to find a non crazy woman.
02:45:19 But you know, it's women have always been kind of crazy, so that's it's not like it's the the the amplitude of the crazy.
02:45:27 Yes, it's way out of control and the the the other problem is obviously men.
02:45:34 Men look and I don't mean like you should be able to beat women, but our.
02:45:39 The power imbalance.
02:45:42 Or the power advantage that men had was physical dominance, right?
02:45:49 That's been taken away.
02:45:51 And I don't mean just.
02:45:53 Physical dominance.
02:45:55 As it relates to controlling your woman physically.
02:45:59 But also physical dominance as an asset.
02:46:03 To your woman.
02:46:04 You know, in terms of like, protecting her from danger.
02:46:08 Because in both instances the matriarchy, if you will, has taken the place of that man.
02:46:18 So if if a man tries to physically dominate a woman, then again.
02:46:23 I don't mean beat.
02:46:26 But actually I was talking to someone today about this bill.
02:46:31 Burr describes it as as he shouldn't hit woman, but it's OK to mush him.
02:46:38 You know when they're.
02:46:39 Being crazy, you can mush them.
02:46:41 And you can't.
02:46:42 If you mush your woman, which I think is OK.
02:46:45 To some extent.
02:46:52 You find yourself in legal jeopardy.
02:46:55 Right, you can.
02:46:56 You lose.
02:46:56 You can lose everything.
02:46:58 Where whereas you.
02:46:59 Know not that long ago mushing your woman.
02:47:01 Was totally acceptable.
02:47:04 And the other side of that your your physical dominance being an asset to your woman, in other words, being you protecting her has also been replaced by by the government.
02:47:14 In fact you can get in trouble trying to protect a woman physically sometimes.
02:47:22 So the man's everything that that gave a man an edge.
02:47:28 Intelligence. You could even say.
02:47:30 Well, that doesn't seem to be giving giving men an edge in terms of.
02:47:34 Getting into colleges right there, every the system.
02:47:40 Has been rigged against men.
02:47:45 And it has neutered all of their all the the previous things that maintain the the the power dynamic between the sexes. And in addition to that, women's.
02:48:02 Sources of power, I guess, have been amplified.
02:48:05 To an extreme level.
02:48:08 And so it's just it's.
02:48:10 The whole the whole.
02:48:13 It's just not worth it.
02:48:14 In most cases.
02:48:15 There are.
02:48:15 I mean there, there's just it.
02:48:17 Makes it way.
02:48:19 More difficult to find someone that you'd want to spend your life with, but not impossible.
02:48:25 Those girls are out there, they're just few and far between, and there's usually obstacles.
02:48:31 But like, that's I think that look, women have always.
02:48:34 It's always been a challenge.
02:48:36 I mean, look at the men.
02:48:38 Have men have always struggled to understand women?
02:48:44 That's just, I don't think that's ever going to stop.
02:48:46 There's never going to be a time unless you live in Saudi Arabia.
02:48:54 Where you can you can have these problems taken care of.
02:48:59 UM.
02:49:00 Base race mixer.
02:49:02 God bless Devin.
02:49:02 Thanks for what you do.
02:49:03 Appreciate that.
02:49:05 A harmless Gee, I think researching curious Joel, New York, a town populated entirely by Hasidic Jews, may be productive for red pills on the Jews and on community building at 13.2 years, they have the lowest median age of any town in the USA over $5000.
02:49:27 Due to their high fertility.
02:49:30 That could be interesting.
02:49:31 Some of the research.
02:49:34 Yeah, that's The thing is once again, there's a religious glue holding those people together.
02:49:41 Water weights $5 since arriving at my 30s, I've noticed that the couples I knew in high school or early college that got married young were the ones that were religious and from unbroken families with 0 or I'm sorry, with low or 0.
02:49:55 Previous partner counts.
02:49:56 All the rest are either in horrible marriages or split.
02:50:01 My parents got married very young.
02:50:02 I think my mom was 18 or 19.
02:50:06 And my dad was like, 22 or something 23.
02:50:11 And that that's that's that was the norm for their generation for Mormon people and it it kind of remained almost that way through the 90s.
02:50:25 People were still getting married.
02:50:29 1819 for women, early 20s for guys.
02:50:33 And yeah, again, it's not just communities that religion acts as a glue to hold together, it's marriages too.
02:50:43 What awaits, I meant to say couples I knew that got married young still together with.
02:50:48 I know you mean it's fine.
02:50:52 Chris Lee.
02:50:53 Yo, I'm a member of LDS.
02:50:54 Was kind of surprised how easy it was to get people thinking the right things about our tribal.
02:50:58 Enemies, I just point out to them the age of apostasy and how the Nephites were subverted by the monoliths.
02:51:11 I'm not sure is that real monoliths.
02:51:13 I don't know if I've.
02:51:14 Heard of people?
02:51:15 Who look like them but aren't them from the Book of Mormon.
02:51:19 Easy Eureka moment.
02:51:20 Well, I'm not even familiar with Monolights.
02:51:26 But uh.
02:51:29 Look, the Book of Mormon, super racial super racial.
02:51:33 I mean, God literally turns the bad guys brown.
02:51:37 Like as a warning to the white, the white skinned guys, right?
02:51:43 It's it's spelled out.
02:51:47 Veruca salt.
02:51:48 Hi, Devin.
02:51:48 Have you heard of the pentagons?
02:51:51 Development of a gay bomb as a type of non lethal weapon.
02:51:55 A military watchdog group got proof of proof of it via the Freedom of Information request in 1996, and Air Force Lab in Ohio made it. It's not just frogs they're turning gay.
02:52:07 I sent you a TV news vid on your in your gab comments.
02:52:10 OK, I've been.
02:52:11 I have been online much the last few weeks.
02:52:16 I'd heard about that.
02:52:17 I heard.
02:52:18 I think I heard people joking about it.
02:52:19 I know that there was some truth to that.
02:52:20 I didn't know that they actually.
02:52:22 Develop the technology.
02:52:26 But that would be funny if they I wonder what they, how they would have done it, because I know, I know that they.
02:52:31 I know that they explored that as an option, but I thought that it abandoned it.
02:52:35 I know they funded it right.
02:52:36 They did research into it, but I.
02:52:38 I'm just trying to think like, well, what would the gay bomb be?
02:52:40 You know, I mean, like, what would be in it?
02:52:45 You know what I mean?
02:52:47 Cringe panda. Is there a way to detect whether you are being watched by security cameras? When Dave Cohen showed footage of a guy trespassing his property, the guy actually stopped in his tracks and looked directly at the camera in the dark, like 100 feet away. He's at night vision goggles. Yeah, so those cameras, especially at night, it's super easy.
02:53:07 Because those cameras, they're not true night vision, the.
02:53:10 Way that they work.
02:53:11 In fact, almost no.
02:53:12 Camera that's not like military grade is going to be true night vision.
02:53:17 What they do is they project and it's like an IR flashlight.
02:53:21 So you have an infrared flashlight coming from the camera and it illuminating the area that it's pointed at, but.
02:53:31 Humans can't see that, right?
02:53:33 So if you're walking by, you might, if you look directly at it, you might see the LED that's projecting the infrared.
02:53:41 Sometimes you can kind of see it glow a little bit, so if it's like pitch black, you might see.
02:53:46 Yeah, but for the most part, you're not going to see it, right?
02:53:51 But if you are wearing.
02:53:56 Night vision goggles.
02:53:58 You'll see it.
02:53:59 It'll be like it was a regular flashlight.
02:54:02 Like it'll it'll be just as bright to you as it is for that camera and.
02:54:08 Even if you and you don't.
02:54:09 Even like military grade.
02:54:12 Night vision goggles you can get like just those cheapy like hunting, IR flashlight, night vision.
02:54:22 Basically the like the the.
02:54:25 Goggles that run on the same principle as those cameras where they themselves have a big IR flash light on the front of them, and so they're clearly, you know, picking up infrared light as well.
02:54:36 So what you could do is just.
02:54:37 Wear one of those.
02:54:39 And you would see the light being blasted from any camera that had night vision on it.
02:54:46 So during during the night, it's super easy to spot that stuff because it would be lit up like a Christmas tree.
02:54:51 You'd see everything that you know it would look like spotlights everywhere.
02:54:55 There was a a light or a camera.
02:54:58 In fact, I emailed Dave Cohen and told him that when I, when I saw that video.
02:55:04 Splitter trace $1.00 appreciate that potential idea for a future stream. You can do a stream on women's body language as sort of sequel to your Wingman edition. Sir, do you guys see that thing I put on telegram? Speaking of the wingman thing.
02:55:19 Did you guys?
02:55:19 See that?
02:55:19 That was an actual ******* thing.
02:55:21 Like I was so *******.
02:55:22 Or maybe I didn't put on telegram.
02:55:24 I guess I put it on.
02:55:25 Maybe I put it on gab.
02:55:27 But there was a.
02:55:27 Story about a woman that's attracted to *******.
02:55:32 Well, to literally ******* airplanes.
02:55:34 Like she's attracted to airplanes like clown world.
02:55:39 Like I thought it was.
02:55:40 A silly metaphor.
02:55:41 When I did that stream.
02:55:43 And clown world caught up with me.
02:55:45 Let me see it.
02:55:46 This is.
02:55:48 This is real.
02:55:49 This is UM.
02:55:52 This is where we are these days.
02:55:58 I don't know if you guys saw this.
02:56:02 Where is.
02:56:08 Woman sexually attracted to planes wants to.
02:56:11 Marry a jet.
02:56:17 It's a mental illness, obviously, but you know, whatever.
02:56:21 It's a no, it's.
02:56:24 It's a.
02:56:27 That's a preference now.
02:56:29 Or make you a side. Evan, check out this clip of John Doyle confronting people at a drag show in Dallas. Video is LinkedIn, the tweet scroll up the thread for the context.
02:56:42 UM, let me see it will download.
02:56:48 ******* hate Twitter.
02:56:48 I don't think, by the way, it doesn't seem like Elon Musk.
02:56:50 Is actually going to buy Twitter.
02:56:56 Something I said was a good possibility in the.
02:56:58 Beginning of all this?
02:57:00 And everyone's like, oh, no, he's definitely buying it.
02:57:02 He's gonna make it free speech.
02:57:04 And look, he, he I think he still could, but I I I might be wrong about this.
02:57:09 I know a deadline.
02:57:11 I don't know if it's like the deadline, but a deadline for him.
02:57:18 Making a move on that I should have read the story, but I thought I saw something about.
02:57:26 Him missing a crucial deadline.
02:57:29 To make the the purchase go through.
02:57:36 But that's about as specific as I know.
02:57:40 Alright, let's see what this is.
02:57:48 Where did it go?Speaker 7
02:57:57 I only have.02:57:57 One question, why do you want to put?
02:58:00 An axe wound in between your sons legs.
02:58:04 Here, please get away.Speaker 7
02:58:05 Yeah, that's the point.02:58:07 That's the point.
Speaker 5
02:58:11 Do I need to go?Speaker
02:58:16 Yes, we are.02:58:16 What do you mean?
Speaker 7
02:58:17 You're making America worse.02:58:18 You're doing your.
02:58:18 Children to this event, you're literally someone we're praying for you.
Speaker 2
02:58:20 You need to go.Speaker 7
02:58:22 You must repent.02:58:26 Please do pray for you.
Speaker 5
02:58:29 God bless you, ma'am.Speaker 7
02:58:33 Yeah, I wonder if the Mama bear instinct is going to come out three years when the mainstream Democrat party platform and they wanna rape their kids.02:58:35 It says the last question and press.
02:58:45 Ohh, and they're all gonna think it's one big, smug little joke.
02:58:49 These people, by the way, understand that there is a bigger difference between 10 years ago and now than there would be between now and in five years when they're openly advocating for pedophilia like they've already started doing.
02:59:02 You people are the symptom of a dying.
02:59:04 Society and you know it.
Speaker 6
02:59:06 Gary, Children, shut up.Speaker 7
02:59:07 We're hearing Henderson, but not you.Speaker 6
02:59:09 Shut up.02:59:11 Shut the **** **.
Speaker 7
02:59:13 Geez, you are child abusers.Speaker 6
02:59:15 You on you, shame on you, you on you, shame on you.Speaker 7
02:59:16 You're not a real.Speaker 6
02:59:16 On you. Shame on shame.Speaker 7
02:59:25 Your children should be home.02:59:27 Your kids aren't actually gay.
02:59:28 You've just groomed to them.
02:59:31 You're a groomer.
Speaker 6
02:59:32 What's up?Speaker 13
02:59:35 Yeah, that's uh.Devon
02:59:38 I mean, it's not bad.02:59:41 I don't know who that guy is.
02:59:43 But yeah, these people need to be confronted and.
02:59:48 I don't know.
02:59:49 I might have gone about about it a little bit differently, but it's better than nothing, right?
02:59:54 These people do need to be confronted.
03:00:04 Happy belated killdozer day.
03:00:06 Have you noticed the increased Internet packet radio bunch of prepper style hams setting up nodes since?
03:00:13 Excuse me, 2020.
03:00:15 Haven't gotten up on HF yet, but I've had several VHF nodes in my area.
03:00:20 Actually I haven't.
03:00:21 I don't know.
03:00:21 I I've never played with digital modes.
03:00:24 To be honest.
03:00:27 And rarely use VHF or UHF.
03:00:32 But that's that's good to know.
03:00:35 I don't.
03:00:36 Know how useful?
03:00:39 Well, I don't know.
03:00:40 Maybe they're the reason why I don't play with UHF or VHF is it's so local that it it's for me.
03:00:50 It it would, I would only be able to communicate with people that I could just walk to their house.
03:00:56 Know I mean like.
03:00:58 It's a very sparsely populated areas.
03:01:01 There's not a whole lot of people I'd be able to communicate with then I couldn't just like walk over.
03:01:05 And talk to and.
03:01:06 They don't have radios, so you know, I mean it's like.
03:01:10 Whereas HF, I can talk to my parents, who are a few states away, and it's not a big deal.
03:01:18 So that's why I do that.
03:01:19 The packet radio stuff, the digital modes, I think also have limited use because it's like what what what would you be in a in a **** hits the fan kind of a situation what are you going to need e-mail for?
03:01:31 You know what I mean?
03:01:32 Like, what's and?
03:01:33 I could be totally wrong.
03:01:34 There might be like, really good uses for all these things.
03:01:36 I just.
03:01:37 I I try to think of practical use, something that I would use it for and I and I.
03:01:41 Struggle the the.
03:01:43 The amount of.
03:01:43 Work that you have to put into some of these.
03:01:46 That I'm glad people are doing.
03:01:48 It's just not something that I'm I I I see enough of a need to to put the use or to do that.
03:01:54 Now I do have that said, I do have the ability to have to set up a repeater that you know, not like the nicest repeater, but at least a functional repeater.
03:02:06 Out of a suitcase off of battery and I've got enough handhelds to pass out to where like if there needed to be something like that.
03:02:13 Like if I needed to.
03:02:15 Provide my community with some form of communications that work locally.
03:02:20 I've got the ability to deploy something like that, but not the the digital stuff though I've never played with.
03:02:27 I've never.
03:02:29 Got into it.
03:02:31 But yeah, the more people working on this stuff, the better.
03:02:36 ******** fagot why is or why is it that wish fulfillment for women always comes at the cost of men suffering PS happy kill the other day?
03:02:45 I don't know.
03:02:45 I think that it's it's just something.
03:02:48 I don't know, but it does, right?
03:02:50 It does.
03:02:51 I think it has something.
03:02:52 To do with.
03:02:55 It's the.
03:02:55 It's the same reason they want their ring to their wedding ring to cost a lot of money.
03:03:03 That's really what it comes it really is because it they know that it's a useless ******* rock, but it costs a lot of money.
03:03:12 So it's basically it's how much.
03:03:20 Useless effort though.
03:03:21 You know, like how much busy work can I make this guy do?
03:03:27 To provide a symbol of how much she likes me because it's it's a useless ******* rock, right?
03:03:36 Sure, it's sparkly, but, but so is glass.
03:03:40 You know what I mean?
03:03:42 It serves no purpose other than it's a measurement of how much money they.
03:03:50 Got that guy to spend on them?
03:03:54 And there there, there must be.
03:03:57 I don't even know if it's a bad thing.
03:03:58 I think that there must be some evolutionary advantage for women to to think like this, to choose men that they're able to.
03:04:10 Manipulate into doing this sort of stuff and look, it might not even be bad for under normal circumstances.
03:04:17 It might not even be bad for men.
03:04:19 It might be a motivator for men.
03:04:21 In fact, that might be how the dynamic would work under healthy.
03:04:30 In a healthy environment, right, it might be good to have a woman who requires a lot of of effort out of men because that's what's going to push them to succeed and achieve things.
03:04:44 It's just that I think in the modern context, it's kind of evolved into just like.
03:04:49 Just needless ******* suffering with no point to it.
03:04:53 And because I don't know that this was always.
03:04:56 We wish fulfillment for women.
03:04:58 I don't know that like the movie we we checked out the day.
03:05:01 I don't know if that kind of a storyline would appeal to women, say, 100 years ago. I think many women, even I think there's women that exist today and not just right wing women that would.
03:05:13 Watch that and be like, wow, that that ***** is obnoxious.
03:05:17 You know now that said, there's probably plenty of women that would that would think it was a cute movie.
03:05:24 And see nothing.
03:05:24 Wrong with it.
Speaker 2
03:05:29 Let's see here.Devon
03:05:33 Dear fewer, $5 appreciate that Dimitri Medved, the Russian Security Council deputy chairman, wrote today. Moscow could target Western cities if Ukraine uses rocket systems supplied by the United States to carry out strikes on Russian territory. Do you believe the US will start World War 3?03:05:53 In its final death rows.
03:05:55 Anything's possible. I know that we are providing some weapons to Ukraine that are my understanding and that maybe this has changed because this sort of stuff is always changing and I think the last time I checked in on this.
03:06:09 Was like.
03:06:11 You know, like 12 hours ago at least.
03:06:14 But the United States that that the compromise that they came up with.
03:06:19 Was well, we're going to give them the missile launching systems, but we're going to give them, like, nerfed versions of the missiles so that the missiles aren't capable of striking any targets within Russian territory.
03:06:33 But you got to ask yourself, well, I mean that.
03:06:37 How is that accomplished?
03:06:38 I don't know enough about the weapon.
03:06:39 I don't know that any.
03:06:40 One does.Devon
03:06:41 Like what would like let's say it's like one of these things where it, yeah, OK, they update the firmware on the missile or, you know, it's maybe it's some.03:06:51 It's like a phone, right?
03:06:52 Like like locking a phone that you can't you can unlock if you just hack it right and wants to stop the people getting the missiles.
03:07:01 From like what?
03:07:02 What happens there, right?
03:07:03 Let, let's say United States provides these missile systems.
03:07:07 And they they nerf them so they can't fire and hit targets within Russia.
03:07:11 And then the Ukrainians, maybe with the help of the United States, with a wink and an odd kind of a thing, or maybe with the help of some other government or intelligence agency or whatever.
03:07:23 They unnerved him.
03:07:26 And then they had a target in within Russia, right?
03:07:30 Who knows then, and who knows if Russia will is serious about that.
03:07:34 I mean, I think they are.
03:07:37 UM, you never know the the amount of hubris that's that's been exhibited by the West in literally every other way that that they govern.
03:07:51 I mean, why would it be any different when they are dealing with Russia versus when they're dealing with you?
03:07:58 I mean they, they you're talking about people who literally just stole the election right in front of you.
03:08:04 And everyone knows it.
03:08:05 And no one's doing anything about it.
03:08:08 And in fact, they they now they they stole the election right in front of you.
03:08:12 Now they're they're holding hearings on January 6th.
03:08:14 And like, you know, like it's it's.
03:08:19 They're actively.
03:08:22 They're acting like nothing.
03:08:24 Nothing can touch them.
03:08:25 And maybe they're right.
03:08:27 In terms of domestically, right?
03:08:31 But these are not.
03:08:32 These are not humble people.
03:08:35 And so I think it's entirely possible.
03:08:39 I don't know how likely it is.
03:08:40 I live.
03:08:40 Like I said, I always live, live my life as if that that could happen.
03:08:44 And that way I don't sit there and worry about it all day, because if it happens.
03:08:49 You know, life just gets a little more interesting, honestly.
03:08:52 With the way that I see it.
03:08:56 It's just like us.
03:08:58 Not that it'll be fun, but it'll.
03:09:00 Certainly be interesting.
03:09:03 Fire and slime wondering when you will discuss the falsehood surrounding HIV AIDS.
03:09:09 By the way, love your satanic panic vids.
Speaker 13
03:09:13 Yeah, you know, I I I.Devon
03:09:15 Researched that a little bit.03:09:18 I just barely got my feet wet. I know that. UM, Ryan Dawson.
03:09:25 Interviewed some guy.
03:09:27 I want to say like.
03:09:29 Almost four years ago about this topic that was relatively convincing, but I'd have to relisten to that that stream.
03:09:38 And there's been other people that have kind of pointed out some of the stuff and look, the fact that Fauci was in charge of all that just alone.
03:09:48 Raises a lot of questions and.
03:09:50 The When you think about all the the.
03:09:53 Even if you believe the official new narrative, right, all the obvious lies that were included in the propaganda lies about like, you know, heterosexuals being just as at risk as as gays and and everything else.
03:10:07 And so there's a lot of ******** and shenanigans, and I know that there's also.
03:10:14 Questions about act, the medication that Fauci was promoting, actually causing a lot of the symptoms.
03:10:22 And yeah, I don't know.
03:10:25 But that would.
03:10:27 That could be something to look into.
03:10:31 Damn Bigfoot $3 if she ditched him in a FedEx truck at the wedding. Does that make her a literal mail order bride?
03:10:42 The cringe panda $5 there's an HBO documentary called Atlanta's Missing and Murdered The Lost Children about.
03:10:52 The lost children about Wayne Williams, a black serial killer who was a music producer trying to find the next Michael Jackson.
03:10:59 He was very intelligent and manipulative and tried to blame the KKK conspiracy, which leftists now believe.
03:11:08 I've never heard of that, but I will.
03:11:11 Add that to my notes.
03:11:13 As well.
03:11:20 OSA 5675 dollars appreciate that this is my favorite video, which explains today's liberal education and women empowerment.
03:11:28 Well, you guys, I told you guys, you can't just send.
03:11:30 Me links and not tell me what it is.
03:11:33 But I will copy it.
03:11:34 And check it out later.
03:11:40 Also, because we're getting into, yeah, we're, we're.
03:11:44 We are over 3 hours.
03:11:50 But I will, I will.
03:11:53 Add this to the notes here.
03:11:56 If you can't get the HBO document or cringe panda, if you can't get the HBO documentary about the Atlanta thing, DM me on Gab, I'll try to hook you up.
03:12:03 Alright, I'll, I'll, I'll take a look.
03:12:05 I'll check that out.
03:12:08 Flatulent fill $25. Appreciate that Devon great Stream live chat is hilarious tonight anyway. Can you explain what you mean by global ****? What does that mean? And.
03:12:21 Or what does that mean that there are actual ***** who want to rule the world?
03:12:26 Or is it elite rich billionaires who want to make the rest of us home out for their purposes?
03:12:31 A little bit of.
03:12:31 This a little bit of that.
03:12:34 You know it's it's there's look the the people in charge are literally satanic pedophiles.
03:12:40 Like without an ounce of of hyperbole, we're dealing with with satanic pedophiles who **** each other in the end.
03:12:48 Like we know.
Speaker 5
03:12:50 Bohemian Grove.Devon
03:12:52 This isn't new like since at least like Nixon.03:12:57 The the the ruling class in America has been going to the forest north of Napa Valley and ******* each other in the ***.
Speaker 5
03:13:06 For real, this is this is just.Devon
03:13:11 Documented and real.03:13:14 That's what we know about.
03:13:17 We're talking like Henry Kissinger.
03:13:20 You know, it was like 100 ******* years old now. But like in the in the 70s, but *******.
03:13:26 Other heads of state in in the forest and frolicking around in ******* women's like that's who we're dealing with.
03:13:35 That's who we're dealing with.
03:13:38 So yeah, it's both and so there's there's a degenerate aspect to it.
03:13:43 That's just the behavior that they participate in.
03:13:46 But there's a practical purpose to it, too.
03:13:49 Because it lowers the the I mean something they've been obsessed with also since before the 70s.
03:13:55 And I think it started being obsessed about it starting the 60s.
03:13:59 Is population control and of course the popular.
03:14:02 When they say population control, they mean specifically white population.
03:14:09 And they've done a good job of that. Whites are only something like 11% of the population right now, and we used to be a hell of a lot more than that.
03:14:18 Yeah, we're, we're we are.
03:14:22 Very much a minority in terms of of the.
03:14:27 The world population and look, the explosion in other in other races, population is is in in part.
03:14:37 Due to the gifts.
03:14:42 Usually funded by your tax dollars.
03:14:46 From these, but ******* forest dwellers to African countries and other countries like that.
03:14:53 You wouldn't have, right.
03:14:55 It's remember in the 80s and 90s, like it seemed like every day there was some new country in Africa where everyone was starving to death and all those commercials were like flies walking around on kids eyeballs and stuff like that.
03:15:11 If we hadn't funded bailing out those countries, you wouldn't have those those population explosions.
03:15:21 And you had a government and.
03:15:26 And we're just in a lot of nonprofits.
03:15:28 Nonprofits, profits, profits.
03:15:32 That were simultaneously trying to prop up or expand the population in non white non white countries while attacking you in with propaganda and homosexuality and global **** **** here at home to lower your population.
03:15:53 That's just, that's just a fact.
03:15:55 The white genocide is nothing new.
03:15:57 It's just more obvious now.
Speaker 12
03:16:02 UM.Devon
03:16:08 Nobody's nothing, I.03:16:09 Enjoyed the stream?
03:16:10 So here's whatever this is worth.
03:16:14 It's worth $0.05, so I appreciate that.
03:16:18 I, but I appreciate it all the same.
03:16:21 Microsoft wins $10 blondes. Redheads or brunettes? Hmm.
03:16:29 You know, I think that.
03:16:32 I don't have like a type when it comes to that.
03:16:34 I really don't, because there's beautiful brunettes, there's beautiful blondes.
03:16:37 There's beautiful redheads.
03:16:42 So yeah, it's like.
03:16:47 Weirdly, I've had women always, you know, women.
03:16:49 I don't know if they ask you guys this, but I've had women ask me like, are you a are you a **** guy or an ask guy as?
03:16:55 If like that's.
03:16:57 You know, like, like as as if that's like a thing.
03:17:00 I mean, maybe it's.
03:17:00 A thing for some guys.
03:17:01 Or something I don't know.
03:17:02 And it's.
03:17:03 Like I don't.
03:17:03 Know like there's different women have different body types.
03:17:07 And there's different body types, you know, within reason.
03:17:10 I don't.
03:17:10 I'm not talking like the kind of body types that they're trying to push on us now.
03:17:15 Yeah, but I mean, like, there is a range, right?
03:17:18 There's different shapes that are attractive and for different reasons.
03:17:22 And I just, I don't have like.
03:17:23 A type like that, you know, I don't.
03:17:25 I'm not like a.
03:17:27 You know, like, like there's there's women that that have large breasts, for example, that that looks good on them.
03:17:33 And there's women, not so much.
03:17:35 And it looks good on them, you know.
03:17:37 And same thing with hair color eye color.
03:17:40 That's the thing about white people.
03:17:42 There's we've got quite.
03:17:43 We have diversity.
03:17:45 Among our among our race, there's lots of different, you know, unlike some races that have kind of a uniform look to them, you know Asians.
03:17:58 We've got we've got a.
03:17:59 Lot of variety going on.
03:18:02 And so there's a lot of different things that.
03:18:04 Look good base Nana $5. Appreciate that another ******** chick flick is indecent proposal.
03:18:11 Oh yeah, I remember that 1993. I went to see it with a friend who wanted to see it.
03:18:15 As we laughed, I told her how stupid it was because some Uber rich man would not chase this woman in real life.
03:18:21 Such a dumb chick flick.
03:18:23 Fantasy movie.
03:18:26 Right.
03:18:26 Well, and it was worse than that too, right, because.
03:18:31 It's been a long time since I've seen that.
03:18:33 But doesn't he, doesn't she?
03:18:38 I forget how it ends actually.
03:18:41 I'd I'd have to see it again.
03:18:43 Can't be a blocker, $1.00 appreciate that weather control was experimented on as far back as the Dust Bowl during the Depression.
03:18:51 Another name Ford is cloud sitting.
03:18:53 Yeah, I know.
03:18:53 Cloud sitting goes, especially in the they made it snow.
03:18:56 And what was it cutter or?
03:19:01 Somewhere in the Middle East, they made it snow very recently.
03:19:05 Don't know about the earthquake machine, but they can make clouds dump their rain.
03:19:09 Yeah, we can do cloud seeding.
03:19:11 In fact, they've been doing cloud seeding since.
03:19:16 I forget when but like for like almost like 100 years like cloud seeding 100% is real and China does it all the time too.
03:19:26 Jack Russell $1.00 Japanese absorbed Buddhism slowly to fit their society over centuries. Japan Buddhism today is very unique and it exists symbiotically with Shinto. Japan style pagans. Could we maybe do the same with Christianity by stripping Jewish privilege?
03:19:45 ********* and shape it to our needs.
03:19:50 Yeah, I I don't know.
03:19:51 I I I.
03:19:53 Look, here's The thing is.
03:19:56 I don't feel as it look Europe was Christian.
03:20:00 When they were, when they were expelling Jews.
03:20:04 You know, you were talking about.
03:20:07 When we talk about Jews being expelled from European nations over and over again or relegated to ghettos and stuff like that, when that was going on, those nations were Christian.
03:20:16 So it's not Christianity that prevents you from having an immune system that's capable of withstanding.
03:20:25 Jewish parasitism.
03:20:27 It it you know what I mean, like or Jewish influence on your society.
03:20:31 It's just that the the modern interpretation of Christianity, especially in America, seems to be very Zionist in nature and very.
03:20:45 You know, did it presents a?
03:20:49 It's a very.
03:20:52 It's it's very it makes you very vulnerable to that kind of subversion.
03:20:57 And I think a lot of that.
03:20:59 Honestly, I think a lot of that didn't even change until maybe World War 2.
03:21:03 Where you had so many Jewish and immigrants coming into the country from Europe around World War 2, that there was there was a huge effort not just by the federal government but by the Catholic Church and by like by the Protestant churches.
03:21:19 To spread a message of acceptance of these Jewish look, we've gone over some of these films that they produced here on this stream.
03:21:30 Where we talked about the.
03:21:34 The the the different organizations that were put together to and and crank out not just, you know, low budget stuff.
03:21:44 But remember, there was even that video featuring Frank Sinatra, where it was like, oh, be nice to the *** ***, you know, like, so they first of all, you have to think they wouldn't have to make all that stuff unless there was some kind.
03:21:56 Of I don't know the right word I guess.
03:22:02 Skepticism of of having all these Jewish immigrants, they wouldn't have to make.
03:22:07 That that stuff if, if, if there was no, if if Christianity was as.
03:22:16 Philosemitic then, as it is now.
03:22:20 So I don't even know that you need to do anything too.
03:22:24 Other than just look at how Christianity was.
03:22:31 You know, 7080 years ago.
03:22:36 Cat hugger, $3 appreciate that song request for next stream tax farm by The Mamas and the Peppes.
03:22:44 Or pepes.
03:22:46 You mean Mamas and the Papas?
03:22:49 I don't know.
03:22:50 I'll put that in my notes.
03:22:50 I've never heard of that.
03:22:52 Or maybe it's like some meme thing.
03:22:55 Based race mixer $1.00 you have a dancing Israeli shirt, please update.
03:23:01 Don't Ant at me.
03:23:03 Yeah, it's the.
03:23:04 It's in the description of the video, actually.
03:23:08 Pluto Eternal was watching your old streams classic you.
03:23:17 Oh, wow.
03:23:18 I guess you.
03:23:18 I guess you sounded so much younger and innocent.
03:23:21 Did you actually know Carl or just profile?
03:23:25 From his trash.
03:23:26 Also, every time you tell the story about the hippie in class, it gets worse.
03:23:32 Holy ****, when you said he could hit the ceiling with his come, he was.
03:23:36 Clearly, no.
03:23:37 He he said that he.
03:23:38 Said that he could do that.
03:23:40 He said he could do the.
03:23:43 That was the most shocking thing that stuck in my head.
03:23:46 The Carl thing.
03:23:48 I never knew him.
03:23:50 But I talked to people who knew him.
03:23:52 I talked to the sheriff that that had to deal with.
03:23:58 Deal with him.
03:24:00 And that was so that was, that was the source of a lot of the information.
03:24:07 Cringe Panda $1.00 in the middle of the of this picture of Jews for abortion, a girl holds a sign that says queer teens are twice as likely to need an abortion. Gee, I wonder how that works. I'm pretty sure it wasn't the case in previous generations.
03:24:28 UM.Devon
03:24:31 And we'll see if it downloads.03:24:35 Why is this not working?
03:24:50 Yeah, it's not.
03:24:51 Why is it not popping up?
03:25:09 Twitter never wants to work on my computer.
03:25:15 OK.
03:25:15 That's why because it's a, it's not a video.
03:25:19 I thought I was a link to a video, so I was trying to download.
03:25:25 But it is a photo.
03:25:36 Queer teens twice as likely to need an abortion.
03:25:42 Yeah, it makes you wonder how that works.
03:25:45 Chief, $5 appreciate that. Devin, what does the code mean on your shirt I just purchased.
03:25:52 You have to figure that out.
03:25:53 Part of the fun.
03:25:56 It's not that hard to figure out.
03:25:58 Actually, it's really not.
03:26:00 It's really not.
03:26:01 I'm actually surprised.
03:26:02 I thought it was going to be like too easy.
03:26:05 But I just just be happy that it's hard to figure out because.
03:26:09 Then you can wear it around.
03:26:10 Everywhere and no one will ever be.
03:26:11 Mad at you?
03:26:12 And once you do figure it out, you'll you'll snicker.
03:26:14 Every time you.
03:26:15 Wear it out there and no one will figure it out.
03:26:18 It's just obscure enough to where you can.
03:26:21 You can be based in public and no one will know.
03:26:25 But you will.
03:26:33 But I appreciate you getting the shirt skin flute $10. Appreciate that, Devin. I have shared the day Liberty died.
03:26:40 And the man who saved Europe with the family.
03:26:43 Can you please tell me of some shareable red pills on the JQ?
03:26:48 Israel specifically, I have a brother who still does not see the issue with Israel and the US's.
03:26:54 Undying support for them.
03:26:56 I enjoy this show as always.
03:27:00 Umm, shareable.
03:27:10 It's, you know, I guess it's.
03:27:13 The problem is it's a very complicated issue and really it goes against.
03:27:21 Even if you're someone who doesn't pay attention to politics or anything like that, which is most people, right?
03:27:26 You're still absorbing on the periphery the the this kind of constant propaganda that's being put out by Zionists and.
03:27:36 And by Israel and and and Jews that work in the media and stuff that people that have an interest in keeping America support for Israel.
03:27:46 And it's so saturated on, on both sides of the aisle and and and really, I mean it's.
03:27:55 One of the few things that you'll get banned for on pretty much any platform discussing this topic and it's so.
03:28:07 Difficult, I think.
03:28:09 For people to wrap their head around it, unless they're willing to put in the research, I don't know that there is an easy silver bullet that you can just be like, hey, watch this 10 minute video and you'll understand Israel's influence over the United States.
03:28:27 If he's a reader, you can have him check out the Israel lobby.
03:28:31 I mean that's that's a really good book and it's by a respected, miraculously still employed professor.
03:28:42 That that.
03:28:44 You can't that he can't dismiss as you know, some kind of right wing radical or something like that.
03:28:54 There might maybe there's a audiobook version of that, or maybe there's a a summary of that somewhere online, but I would say that would be 1.
03:29:06 One way it's it's not something like I said, I don't think there's like a way you can describe.
03:29:10 There's some things you can't explain in 5 minutes.
03:29:14 And there's some things, too, that are hard for people to absorb unless they themselves are are curious enough to to look into it themselves.
03:29:22 There's just some things that's not going to worth it to them.
03:29:24 You know what I mean?
03:29:25 Like they're not going to explore it and and try to understand it unless it's.
03:29:31 It look, I had to look into it myself too, because I would hear people talk about it and I.
03:29:35 Thought that they were just.
03:29:36 Being anti-Semitic like for real I I.
03:29:40 I bought into that stupid knee jerk reaction myself of thinking like ohh they just hate Jews for no reason.
03:29:47 Like I don't know why that that is, it is irrational.
03:29:50 It is.
03:29:51 So again, it's so normalized on both the left and the right.
03:29:56 That that, that's the way you view criticism of people that that talk about these things.
03:30:03 It's it's.
03:30:06 It's something that I had to start investigating myself.
03:30:09 And even then, it took me a while before I was like, ohh *** ****, you know, like oh **** no, no.
03:30:21 So you know, it might just be one of these things that I'll tell you.
03:30:26 My my mom, I have, I.
03:30:27 Have read slash black pilled on a lot of topics and that's still one that's.
03:30:33 That's not an easy one, you know.
03:30:36 So I I don't know that it's it, it's you know it's.
03:30:42 You know, I I would, I would have them if he's smart and he reads books, I would just have them.
03:30:47 I'd point him in that direction.
03:30:50 Banana peel the $5. Appreciate that Devin, will you be doing anymore? Children, family, movie reviews? I have young children and the Shrek **** **** me off.
03:31:01 God, if you think that's bad, wait till the new Toy Story movie comes out.
03:31:06 That's got the the new Toy Story movie is going to have lesbian wife in.
03:31:10 It I think.
03:31:15 So look forward to that.
03:31:17 I can't think of another time ahead, but.
03:31:21 There's way more bad stuff than that.
03:31:23 And look, it's almost anything now that's new.
03:31:27 It's going to be coming out of like, Pedo Disney.
03:31:30 It's going to be bad.
03:31:32 And in fact, you could go back, probably at least a handful of years now, and that's been the case for a while now.
03:31:41 I don't know that there really is any non degenerate.
03:31:45 Children's media that's being or certainly not mainstream, you know.
03:31:52 Iceberg 1235 dollars appreciate that you should do a stream about older Jewish atrocities like the Kitos War and Barco Cub Black and whatever that is revolt.
03:32:07 The Jews were the first genocides.
03:32:09 That's why Europeans.
03:32:10 Hated them so much.
03:32:12 Yeah, I don't know.
03:32:13 That might be more.
03:32:16 I mean, that's.
03:32:18 That's less my Forte getting to historic.
03:32:22 That might be more like an Adam Green kind of a thing.
03:32:28 Karajan's apprentice, $3 appreciate that. Hi, Devin. Have you had a chance to take a look at 20?
03:32:35 1 Jump St.
03:32:35 episodes, I recommend the couple streams ago good content that I have not.
03:32:39 It's in my it is in my notes though.
03:32:43 At least I thought it was right, isn't it?
03:32:56 Yes, it's in my notes.
03:33:00 Episode 21 of season 3.
03:33:04 I have not, but I've.
03:33:05 Not checked it out yet.
03:33:06 Colonel Edward.
03:33:07 Hey, Devin, please do a deep dive on Klaus von Stauffenberg.
03:33:12 That Jew ******, Brian Singer directed a movie about him called Valkyrie.
03:33:18 He was apparently a Nazi that tried to assassinate Hitler and sell out Germany to the Allies.
03:33:26 Yeah, maybe, maybe.
03:33:30 Maybe I'll take a look at that movie.
03:33:31 I've never seen the movie Harmless G Since you are an ethnic Mormon.
03:33:36 Do you have the Mormon glow?
03:33:38 I don't know what the Mormon glow.
03:33:43 I don't know. Maybe.
03:33:45 Is that is there like can we shoot lasers?
03:33:48 I hope so.
03:33:49 That'd be awesome.
03:33:50 Based race mixer $1.00 appreciate that line. The mall up is the right answer.
03:33:58 Karajan's apprentice $1.00 appreciate that the only legit guy that was in the so-called manosphere was Roush, and he got the hell out and became strong with God. Too bad he stopped his four hour strings.
03:34:12 Yeah, rush Rush Rush is a nice guy.
03:34:15 I've talked to him a couple of times.
03:34:19 And yeah, streams are usually pretty funny.
03:34:22 Based race mixer $1.00 appreciate that, by the way, Victoria Newland is the Brian behind the war or is the brain, you know, Brian is the brain behind the war in Ukraine. She's been in the background since 2014.
03:34:39 Cringe panda.
03:34:40 Anyway, it's a good thing that some normal icons are waking up to the great replacement, and it seems like quite a few are noticing now that every piece of mass media from advertising and television shows is more about pushing the racial relationships than actually selling a product.
03:34:58 Are they though?
03:35:00 I mean.
03:35:01 I mean, I guess I don't know.
03:35:05 I don't know if they are, but.
03:35:09 Maybe they are.
03:35:10 I don't have a whole lot of interaction with normal icons lately so.
03:35:16 That would be nice if that is true.
03:35:20 The thin lead red line, $25. Appreciate that. Thank you for all you do. Well, thank you for the $25.
03:35:27 Polar $1.00 Amish on the track, or Amish on track. They have a population of 300,000,000. No joke within the century have kids homeschooling a workout well, they also have. Again, they've got that religious glue that holds them together. They can collectivize their efforts. They can pool their money. They, I mean, they've got they've purchased.
03:35:47 So much land, which is really important.
03:35:51 And I think that that we have to come up with something similar if we wanted.
03:35:54 To follow in the it's.
03:35:55 Not it's not enough for us to just have a.
03:35:57 Bunch of kids randomly.
03:36:00 You know.
03:36:03 As much as there's some people out there that seem to think that.
03:36:05 Will fix everything, it's.
03:36:09 That's not, that's not.
03:36:10 The I mean, yeah, obviously you need to reproduce.
03:36:13 You know.
03:36:14 Her place and then some.
03:36:15 But you need to have an institution set up as well, and the Amish have.
03:36:23 And and it's not as easy.
03:36:25 Like, it's not like that.
03:36:27 Here's the other thing, too.
03:36:27 You got to realize about the Amish.
03:36:29 It's not like they just started amisha thing last week.
03:36:34 You know, they've been on ambushing for, like, over 100 years, like like a few 100 years, right?
03:36:40 So they had a lot of time like it.
03:36:43 And look, it could take.
03:36:45 They could take out like if we even if we figured out like a way of of having some kind of a a consensus on.
03:36:55 A theological worldview and everything else and and strict set of rules and the hierarchy and everything else.
03:37:02 And we somehow we had it all figured out.
03:37:05 It would.
03:37:06 It would probably take generations before it was significantly.
03:37:13 Relevant in the way that you know.
03:37:17 Where you'd have political power in the same.
03:37:19 Way that the Amish do and stuff like that.
03:37:22 But the other reason another good aspect to having that religious glue it's not just that.
03:37:29 The benefits that we talked about about holding the group together and having.
03:37:34 That that higher power that, that higher authority, but also it it legally speaking, it Shields you from a lot of stuff and it gives you a lot of tax advantages and everything else.
03:37:48 The amount of like because if you're the land that the Amish church owns, they don't have to pay.
03:37:54 At least in many states, I don't know if it's every state, but in many states you don't have to pay property tax.
03:37:59 You don't.
03:37:59 There's a lot of taxes you avoid by being a religious institution, and you get a lot of rights.
03:38:06 You know that would otherwise.
03:38:11 Wouldn't wouldn't be afforded to you because you can use the in the same way.
03:38:17 Look that that.
03:38:19 Every religion does to some extent.
03:38:21 You can use it as a as a shield when dealing with the federal government, at least.
03:38:27 And when state governments too.
03:38:32 Banana peel, $5. Devin, will you ever be investigating the YouTube channels aimed at children with millions of views and the generosity associated with them?
03:38:44 I if you're talking about I, I think I know you're talking.
03:38:46 About I've seen.
03:38:48 I know a couple of years back there were a bunch of.
03:38:52 Weird YouTube channels that had like Spiderman and Elsa.
03:38:58 You know ******* each other and doing like weird stuff like that.
03:39:01 And they had millions and millions of views cause they got into the the.
03:39:04 The kid's algorithm.
03:39:07 But I don't know much about it.
03:39:09 I I remember that being a thing like five years ago or something like that.
03:39:14 Base Race mixer $1.00.
03:39:18 Sorry, Devon Newland, not Newland.
03:39:20 Oh, not a problem.
03:39:23 Veruca Salt $1.00 the Gay bomb news video is in the comments of your Memorial Day post on Gab. It's short if you want to see it or I'll check it out.
03:39:33 Harmless Gee, if any of you have any suicidal or murderous ideas, be sure to contact a three letter agency for help.
03:39:42 Carrigans apprentice $2.00 appreciate that I'm hooked on the web. I think you mean SDR short wave now. Want to buy a Texan PL-880 for camping?
03:39:56 Can you do a stream on some of the oddest broadcast that have occurred over the airwaves other than the number stations?
03:40:03 Can you recommend a better handheld than the Texan?
03:40:07 UM.
03:40:12 I I I don't know much about.
03:40:17 The the handheld ones because the one I I use, I don't know that I have.
03:40:21 I don't have very many just receivers.
03:40:24 I just I have a.
03:40:27 Like my my go.
03:40:28 To is just the AC 817.
03:40:31 Which is a a transceiver that does pretty much.
03:40:36 General coverage and and and UHF and VHF and.
03:40:40 In six meters and everything.
03:40:42 So I don't know much about the.
03:40:45 The receivers I know there's cheapo handheld receivers.
03:40:50 That are like around 100 bucks that do. I guess what I would say to you is if it does single sideband.
03:40:59 That would be good, but that's all I I mean that's that's what I look for just because that would give you access to the.
03:41:06 The the ham bands too.
03:41:09 The thin red line $1.00 Devin is race important.
03:41:14 Well, yeah.
03:41:15 I mean, it's important in the same way tribe is important.
03:41:20 It's a marker of your tribe.
03:41:23 Genetics is important.
03:41:26 It's not.
03:41:29 The only thing to consider.
03:41:32 But it's kind of like, yeah, blood is important, you know, in the same way.
03:41:37 That you want to prioritize your.
03:41:41 The needs of your immediate family.
03:41:44 Over a perfect stranger lives down the street, right.
03:41:48 Your race is just your extended family.
03:41:51 And it doesn't mean that you like.
03:41:55 That your race is is.
03:41:58 Or that any race is perfect or good, or, or even objectively better than any other race, right?
03:42:07 It's just more preference, right?
03:42:09 Like in the same way you have more in common with your immediate family.
03:42:14 Than you do with some rando down the street, or especially these days with all the the the randos being way more rando than they used to be.
03:42:23 And communities used to be people that came from a similar genetic background, and certainly a very similar social and religious background, and those kinds of communities are just.
03:42:40 More comfortable for everyone involved to live in better, I think.
03:42:43 Safer for kids.
03:42:45 Better just in every interaction that you have, whether you're talking about something somewhat insignificant like interactions with.
03:42:54 The the person at the checkout stand.
03:42:56 We were going and getting groceries, you know, just having it be a smooth interaction where you guys are on the same page.
03:43:02 There's no communication problems and everyone's respectful, you know, to way more important interactions like the way that like.
03:43:14 That the people that are in charge of that, the people that represent you in government, for example, don't have any genetic tie to you.
03:43:22 It makes a difference.
03:43:23 It makes a real difference.
03:43:26 And and and for that matter, if they don't have a genetic tie to the like, I I do not every American.
03:43:32 I have a genetic tie to the founding fathers, right? Like my family's been in America a long time.
03:43:37 And when I think about.
03:43:42 America, I think about it as something that is tied to me tied to me on an ethnic level.
03:43:50 And if your family showed up here 50 years ago, you're not going.
03:43:53 To feel that.
03:43:55 And you're and and that's going to affect your decisions.
03:43:57 That's going to affect, you know, your loyalty.
03:44:02 And so yeah, race matters in a lot of different real, measurable ways.
03:44:07 And it's it's not just like some weird.
03:44:11 I hate brown people because they look different.
03:44:14 You know, and I and I don't even hate brown people.
03:44:16 You know what?
03:44:17 Mean like that's not.
03:44:19 But it yeah, it does matter.
03:44:21 It matters.
03:44:21 And I think we're, I mean, look, I think everyone, anyone who lives anywhere remotely multicultural, you see how it matters every day.
03:44:31 You see how everyone who's who, who?
03:44:36 And even if it look, even if it doesn't matter to you.
03:44:39 It matters literally to everyone else.
03:44:42 So it still matters.
Speaker 12
03:44:42 It's matter.Devon
03:44:43 You know what I mean?03:44:45 Even if I don't see race and and I treat every individual as it and look, I think most people in in their personal interactions, they do treat everyone as an individual.
03:44:56 I don't think that that that's really.
03:44:59 Like even people that are quote UN quote racist, I don't think that they they.
03:45:05 Like while you might have preconceived notions about different groups based on behavioral patterns.
03:45:13 That are real.
03:45:14 You know that that maybe cause you to to relax less around certain groups and things like that.
03:45:21 I don't think that when you have.
03:45:24 Interactions with people from other.
03:45:26 This is.
03:45:27 That you're you're treating them any differently and you know, or at least wildly differently.
03:45:36 You know, I think that there's.
03:45:38 There's a.
03:45:40 Most people are treating other individuals as individuals, right?
03:45:45 But it doesn't mean that race doesn't mean anything, and it doesn't mean that it's not import.
03:45:50 And that's that's something that a lot of conservatives have a hard time with because.
03:45:58 They want to live in a colorblind world and like again.
03:46:03 Like I said, even if that's how you see.
03:46:05 The world.
03:46:06 The world doesn't see it that.
03:46:08 So you're just making yourself a a sucker.
03:46:11 You're going to you're basically making.
03:46:12 Yourself a victim.
03:46:14 Because you're playing by by suckers.
03:46:17 Rules you know, just because I'm not going to, I'm not going to practice nepotism.
03:46:22 I'm going to, you know, I'm not going to.
03:46:26 Like imagine a.
03:46:28 Imagine a a, an animal, a wild animal in the forest.
03:46:34 That didn't prioritize their own young.
03:46:37 That treated every other animal that they encountered in the forest.
03:46:42 As if they were their young.
03:46:46 You know, it would be.
03:46:49 To be suicidal.
03:46:51 And sadly, that's kind of what's happened.
Speaker 12
03:47:00 Let's see here.Devon
03:47:08 Epigenetic force, $5. Appreciate that I found out recently that Chuck Schumer advocates for pro birth Jewish group in Israel, called Friends of Efrat. Yet he is staunchly pro abortion advocate in America. Yeah, many such cases.03:47:26 Many such cases there and there. In fact, there's entire Jewish organizations that are are very pro-life in Israel and very pro-choice in America. And that's because they understand.
03:47:39 That race is important.
03:47:43 The thin red line $1.00 appreciate that this is quite normally friendly. Video on Israel lobby.
03:47:50 By Professor Mearsheimer.
03:47:53 There you go.
03:47:54 The guy who was asking about that, that's there's a good link.
03:47:59 Or I I'm assuming is I haven't looked at it.
03:48:01 I'll add to my notes, maybe I'll check it out probably later.
Speaker 12
03:48:05 UM.Devon
03:48:09 Yeah, he does, I think.03:48:10 He does some lectures right that I don't know if that's what you're sending.
03:48:13 I forgot that he does a lot of good lectures.
03:48:15 That kind of sum up.
03:48:17 Carrabba's apprentice, $1.00, appreciate that. A quick note, it's episode 18 of season three called next victim. All right, you talking about the?
03:48:29 That's not what I had 21 jump St.
03:48:32 You have the name I have.
03:48:34 Ohh OK I that's where I clipped.
03:48:37 I forgot OK.
03:48:39 I have season three.
03:48:40 I have next victim.
03:48:44 Season 3 but I think.
03:48:45 I wrote episode 21 because it's 21 jump St.
03:48:50 So put that in there.Devon
03:48:54 Uh, land of the fake home of the gay $1.00 appreciate that. I invite anyone who thinks race is not important to move to Africa exactly, or or worse yet, Haiti.03:49:10 Alright, well we are almost to 4 ******* hours guys, so I am going to wrap it up.
03:49:19 That was a long one.
03:49:22 That was a long one, guys.
03:49:27 Ah, so in regular chat said the funny part is I never really started to think about race at all until they started attacking white people constantly.
03:49:36 Yep, Yep.
03:49:37 High pricing.
03:49:38 Terry, how high can gas price prices get before people ride it?
03:49:43 Diesel is at the point where it isn't even economical.
03:49:46 Yeah, well, I feel that my my tank today was 80 bucks 80.
03:49:53 Which ****** me off because like when I was driving all over the country earlier this.
03:49:59 I don't.
03:49:59 I don't know if I just stopped off lucky.
03:50:01 Like I just got lucky at the stations I was.
03:50:04 It was like a dollar cheaper where I was. I mean, it was still expensive. It was still like over $4.
03:50:08 But I I got gassed locally and it was like a dollar more than what I was spending when I was just driving in, but ******* Egypt all week long.
03:50:18 I don't know what the ****'* gonna.
03:50:19 Happen with that ****.
03:50:21 So it's going to be.
03:50:24 It's not cool, though.
03:50:25 It's not cool.
03:50:26 Look, I would.
03:50:28 I would look into.
03:50:32 I would look into ways of producing your own food.
03:50:36 And I would start stocking up.
03:50:38 I I I've I always say this but.
03:50:42 I would really start to ratchet up the the food stuff.
03:50:49 It's going to get expensive.
03:50:53 It's going to be expensive.
03:50:55 Yeah, just buy a Tesla.
03:50:57 It's going to be expensive, though.
03:51:00 It's going to get.
03:51:04 It's already getting expensive.
03:51:07 Canned food I've seen locally is has come up about 20%.
03:51:13 All right. One last one. Looks like worse than 891. Thanks, Kevin. I like round numbers, so please have another gallon of gas on me, $7.00 appreciate that.
03:51:22 Alright guys.
03:51:22 And with that I will leave before someone screws up the round numbers.
03:51:27 You guys have an excellent night.
03:51:29 I'll see you Wednesday for black pilled.
03:51:33 I am of course.
Speaker 6
03:51:36 Demons. Dang.Speaker
03:53:05 Black and white.Speaker 10
03:53:07 Black and white.Speaker 2
03:53:27 If you're in the, you're in the swing.Speaker 5
03:54:05 Right.