

Speaker 1
00:00:00 16 years ago, one day I was walking down the street.
00:01:28 I was closing.
Speaker 2
00:01:47 Then come on, girl. Freddy.
00:03:24 Don't forget.
00:04:02 Super based carbon ticket.
00:04:41 Fed up with Canadians?
Speaker 2
00:07:12 Have a great day.
00:08:58 And welcome to the insomnia stream.
00:09:00 I'm your host, Evan Stack.
00:09:02 My ears work.
00:09:02 I have stereo hearing.
00:09:06 I don't think you understand how much you you miss stereo hearing and until you don't have stereo hearing.
00:09:13 The whole balance is thrown off.
00:09:16 Oh my God.
00:09:18 Not a big deal, I it's it's I've.
00:09:21 I've got ear things that I've since I was actually I was when.
00:09:25 I was born.
00:09:26 Little little baby Devin was held in the hospital for a few weeks because I was born with with ear, you know, ear infections and ear problems.
00:09:36 And uh my.
00:09:37 Mom used to like to tell me the story she'd be like.
00:09:39 Oh, it was.
00:09:40 So we'd go to see you in the nursery.
00:09:44 And we tell because they, they they wheel you all out.
00:09:47 Like they'd have all the babies behind the glass.
00:09:49 Like everyone's seen the movies.
00:09:51 Right.
00:09:51 Because you can't go in there.
00:09:55 And they be like which one's?
00:09:56 Yours or we'll wheel them up to the front.
00:09:58 So you can look at them.
00:10:01 And I guess I don't know if they had like a number or like whatever they did. And so she's, like, number, you know, 1337 or whatever, you know?
00:10:11 1488.
00:10:15 And she she loved.
00:10:16 She loved telling me this.
00:10:18 She say, oh, they look at.
00:10:20 Her with an angry face.
00:10:24 And they'd say.
00:10:29 You're the parents of the screamer.
00:10:32 So I guess.
00:10:33 I screamed a lot when I was.
00:10:34 A kid, I.
00:10:34 Don't know anyway guys.
00:10:38 I'm back to pretty much 100% like not not fully, but pretty much and back in the saddle we got lots to cover.
00:10:47 Hope you guys had a a good week.
00:10:50 It's been an interesting week, right?
00:10:52 Lots of stuff going on now before I do anything else.
00:10:57 I don't know if I have that.
00:10:58 Intro in here anymore.
00:11:02 Am I taking it out?
00:11:06 Well, I'll tell you what.
00:11:09 We'll use the wormhole intro.
00:11:11 It's good enough.
00:11:12 Get ready for I'm.
00:11:14 I'm going to ruin.
00:11:16 I'm going to ruin Stonehenge for everybody.
00:11:19 You hear that?
00:11:19 All you can spirit tardes out there.
00:11:21 I'm going.
00:11:21 To ruin Stonehenge.
00:11:22 Which actually I'm actually I'm not even.
00:11:24 The ones ruining it?
00:11:27 Some boomer ruined it, like in the.
00:11:29 90s but anyway.
00:11:51 OK, that's enough of that. I thought I had the real X-Files intro, but I don't anyway.
00:11:58 So this guy back, like back in the 90s, I I came across this video completely by random, but apparently everyone that's still trying.
00:12:08 To figure out how.
00:12:08 Did they move these giant rocks?
Speaker 4
00:12:11 How did they?
00:12:12 Ohh God, it must have been aliens.
00:12:15 It must have been aliens or like space magic.
00:12:20 Or like you know, the the crazy energy, the energy that the oil companies don't want you.
00:12:26 To know that they have.
00:12:29 Or is this ****?
Speaker 7
00:12:31 4000 years ago, age Britains raised this mysterious monument Stonehenge. Nobody knows how they did it, how they moved and stood these massive stones.
Speaker 4
00:12:48 How they do it?
00:12:50 Totally aliens.
00:12:53 Aliens or or space magic?
Speaker 7
00:12:55 It's a scientific mystery.
00:12:58 This man swears he's cracked.
00:13:00 He's building his own Stonehenge in.
00:13:03 His Flint, MI backyard.
00:13:04 To prove it.
00:13:06 Wally wellingtons.
00:13:07 Not a scientist, but he knows a thing or two about moving rocks.
Speaker 8
00:13:13 That's a 300 pound block.
00:13:16 That's a 1600 pound block.
00:13:18 Not too difficult.
Speaker 7
00:13:21 He's a retired.
00:13:22 Construction worker whose passion is moving heavy items, his feet's always.
00:13:28 And aren't you thinking you're thinking alright, alright, but these.
00:13:32 See. He's just, he's just.
00:13:33 Moving like these little concrete things around, it's not like you.
00:13:37 Know, but you'll see.
Speaker 7
00:13:38 Draw a crowd, mostly family.
Speaker 9
00:13:41 I thought he was crazy.
00:13:43 Who cares about moving blocks around and then when you look at the the magnitude of the weight, cities moving around it is, it is really impressive and it's not.
00:13:51 Using any equipment or.
Speaker 7
00:13:52 Anything in playing with blocks thinks he's discovered.
Speaker 8
00:13:58 This is my first Stonehenge.
00:14:01 And put in place, it's three blocks away over a ton each.
00:14:05 So he did that by.
00:14:06 Hand all right.
00:14:08 He didn't use any mechanics.
00:14:09 I'm going to fast.
00:14:10 Forward here.
00:14:11 So he's showing how basically he's.
00:14:14 Why might Fast forward to him?
00:14:15 Explain it.
00:14:15 Let me.
00:14:17 Let me have him explain it real quick first.
Speaker 8
00:14:19 I thought a simple explanation for this to.
00:14:22 Move a block about the weight of a minivan.
00:14:24 Would be to.
00:14:24 Place a stone underneath it, and once I balance on it, I can spin it.
00:14:32 Of course with.
00:14:33 That spin you've seen, I didn't go anywhere.
00:14:35 But I got two handles on my leather and I could place another stone on this side. Now every time I spent 1/2 notation on each stone, I moved the block horizontally.
00:14:45 The distance between the stones for my own output, I could move A1 ton block 300 feet per hour.
Speaker 7
00:14:52 Using this technique, he's moved everything from one ton blocks to buildings.
Speaker 10
00:14:58 Moved up to a pole barn.
00:15:01 Now anyone who's moved a refrigerator knows that this works like if you just get it on the corner, it's like it weighs nothing.
Speaker 10
00:15:10 One point a 30 by 40 pole barn that he moved 300 feet for me and it was more or less.
00:15:15 You know what else can we?
00:15:17 Move and begins to take.
00:15:17 He's moving a barn.
Speaker 10
00:15:18 Can we move you, Byron? And I said sure, let's you know you know 300 in the added direction and to another piece of property.
00:15:21 By hand, he's well taken aboard.
Speaker 7
00:15:25 It can move Barnes and while he's betting it moves stonehenge's 25 tonne rocks.
00:15:31 But raising these giants is a whole different puzzle.
Speaker 8
00:15:35 This is 19,200 pounds. Yeah, it's 128 square feet of cubic feet of concrete.
Speaker 7
00:15:41 Today, Wally hopes to solve it. He'll put one of his theories to the test and try to stand this 19,200 pound block by himself.
Speaker 8
00:15:51 I've tried to do this without any mechanical machinery at all.
00:15:54 I've used mostly sticks and stones.
00:15:58 For my equipment.
00:15:59 No pulleys, no hoist, no metal levers.
00:16:04 Just try to use.
00:16:05 Gravity too, I believe, is my favorite tool.
Speaker 7
00:16:09 The first goal is getting this block 3 feet off the ground.
Speaker 8
00:16:14 In order to move it up to this point, I just rocked the block back and forth, adding weight to that end, and that opens a gap on this side and then just slide aboard in then I had to wait to that.
00:16:27 End then it goes.
00:16:29 And slide aboard and on this end.
Speaker 7
00:16:32 This showing.
00:16:35 So basically he just rocks it back and forth, gets it higher and higher.
00:16:38 And higher.
00:16:40 And then eventually is able to drop it into the ******* hole.
00:16:45 Stonehenge is solved now.
00:16:48 If you're asking yourself, well, hold on.
00:16:49 That's still impressive.
00:16:51 Yeah, that's one one guy is doing this.
00:16:55 If you had an army of slaves.
00:16:58 You can build the.
00:16:59 I don't know, pyramids.
00:17:01 Doing this exact same **** so anyway.
00:17:05 The mystery is solved, but.
00:17:08 For some reason, everyone wants to act like it's not solved.
00:17:10 So I just wanted to ruin that for everybody.
00:17:12 Stonehenge in in the pyramids.
00:17:14 Not mysterious.
00:17:15 Nothing crazy about them, OK?
00:17:18 Something there is something crazy about.
00:17:23 Is the COVID deaths by vaccination status in England?
00:17:31 Now this is up to May 31st.
00:17:36 You had 288 unvaccinated 4647 vaccinated and 4215 triple vaccinated.
00:17:47 Whereas if you look at a country that's completely unvaccinated, like Haiti.
00:17:54 Where they assassinated the president for some reason, they have no uptick in in deaths, really at all.
00:18:02 But that's OK.
00:18:04 Because we're still going to have winter lockdowns, we're still going to have winter lockdowns here and pull this up real quick.
00:18:12 Where the **** that story go?
00:18:15 Here we are.
00:18:17 Many of those who opposed lockdowns for the pandemic predicted that the policy if normalized.
00:18:24 Could one day be taken advantage of by opportunistic political forces to deal with almost any crisis?
00:18:34 You mean like, I don't know all the civil unrest that was going on just before the lockdowns, remember.
00:18:39 Remember the yellow vests that that just now they're gone?
00:18:43 Something like that.
00:18:46 He was Lord sumped him once suggested a potential pathway to authoritarianism.
00:18:51 If we conferred.
00:18:53 This sputtering power is on government to deal with perils which are an ordinary feature of the human of human existence.
00:19:00 We will end up doing it most.
00:19:02 Of or all of all of the time, he wrote in November of 2021.
00:19:07 Well, we are now facing such a crisis and there is not an insignificant chance that lockdowns might be revived, not just as.
00:19:16 A near knee.
00:19:17 Jerk reaction to cope with prevailing health crisis but also troubling economic one.
00:19:24 For now, the public remains far from receptive, but this could change as soon as the energy shortages and supply chain issues begin to bite this winter, which they surely will.
00:19:36 The public has already been primed to believe that lockdowns were great.
00:19:42 For generating energy savings.
00:19:45 We saw the evidence of that with our own eyes.
00:19:48 Traffic jams disappeared, oil prices went negative.
00:19:53 Air pollution reversed.
00:19:57 In the face of late Soviet style, chaos on the streets, unconstrained inflation, not enough electricity to heat the homes.
00:20:06 Of the vulnerable.
00:20:07 And and the prospect of order that the prospect of order emanating from the temporary suspension of a market economy might seem appealing.
00:20:18 It's even easy to.
00:20:19 Predict the messaging that might feel compelling.
00:20:22 Quote stay home.
00:20:25 Don't queue.
00:20:26 This is a British article.
00:20:28 Save energy or bread and energy is cheap.
00:20:33 If you stay at home.
00:20:37 So, and they're already they're already talking about how the, you know, what's the new virus, the like the?
00:20:43 The B59 sounds like people playing ******* battleship. You know, whatever strain that is.
00:20:50 So look forward to at least the the possibility of lockdowns this this winter and and obviously had nothing to do with monkey pox or or any kind of, you know, wacky new strain of of COVID or or whatever it.
00:21:06 Is it's it it just.
00:21:08 Like the lockdowns really had nothing to do with.
00:21:10 With COVID the first time around it really didn't.
00:21:13 I mean, I think there was the middle management boomers that were legitimately afraid because they're boomers and boomers fear death more than anything else in the world because a.
00:21:22 Either atheists right and they think they'll just stop existing and and what would the world be?
00:21:27 Well, without boomers, right, like, oh, I can't stop existing.
00:21:30 The whole universe will end.
00:21:33 But then there's the other ones that I think are like ohh **** I've been like.
00:21:37 I've been ******* kids and you know, just just being satanic my whole life.
00:21:42 So I know where I'm going when this rides over.
00:21:46 So I think a.
00:21:47 Lot of middle management that just had a genuine fear of death.
00:21:50 You know, people remember people are calling it the boomer remover.
00:21:55 So I think a lot of those guys are going along with it for those reasons.
00:22:03 Yeah, yeah.
00:22:09 In the mean time.
00:22:12 Military struggling to find new troops.
00:22:15 As fewer young Americans are willing to serve now, I put this out on gab alongside this photo.
00:22:23 Taken at a an American military base.
00:22:27 This is, you know, it's funny.
00:22:29 This is the this is what it's come down to.
00:22:33 This is.
00:22:36 This is what these are our best this this is this is.
00:22:40 The Marines, now this is the ******* Marines now.
00:22:44 Anyway, let's see here.
00:22:45 the US military has a recruiting problem with a former senior military official telling ABC News the viability of the All Volunteer Force could be at stake.
00:22:58 Now I want you to listen to that.
00:22:59 Sentence there the.
00:23:01 Viability of the all volunteer force could be at stake.
00:23:05 What do they mean by that, I wonder?
00:23:08 It's a.
00:23:08 It's an interesting way to learn it.
00:23:12 They're not saying that, oh, the military is.
00:23:14 Going to you know it.
00:23:15 It's going to come to a.
00:23:16 Screeching halt.
00:23:16 No, no, no, no, no, no.
00:23:19 They're saying the viability.
00:23:27 Is that steak?
00:23:31 Now, I'm not saying they're going to bring back the back the draft, but they ******* will if they have to, they've done.
00:23:35 It I mean that's why it's there.
00:23:39 If you, I mean, look, if you're a a young man or under the OR over.
00:23:43 The age of 18.
00:23:45 You've had to sign up for it.
00:23:47 I had to sign up for it.
00:23:50 Women don't know that.
00:23:53 How come? How?
00:23:54 Come ********.
00:23:57 Chicks that sell like thick ***** to themselves.
00:24:00 How come they don't have to go down and sign up for the draft?
00:24:04 They should be drafted first.
00:24:06 They'd they'd fit right in.
00:24:10 Can you imagine getting drafted?
00:24:12 And this is the guy right here.
00:24:14 That it's ordering around and the work it's.
00:24:17 Going to that's.
00:24:18 The thing it's going to be people like.
00:24:19 That that are ordering you around.
00:24:23 Pentagon data show a simple, troubling trend fewer.
00:24:26 And fewer young.
00:24:27 Americans want to serve now.
00:24:29 There's another aspect of this.
00:24:33 Some of it's just that look.
00:24:35 Smart guys don't want to ******* die for Israel and die for global ****.
00:24:39 Right.
00:24:42 People, people that would normally be in fact, I would even say people that normally be patriotic, people who are patriotic.
00:24:51 Don't want to fight?
00:24:53 In Global homosex army.
00:24:58 They know where there's those guns are.
00:24:59 Going to be pointed at some point and that's that's their family.
00:25:03 They don't want to be put in that ******* position.
00:25:04 Let's just be let's.
00:25:05 Just be frank here.
00:25:09 The people who would typically want to well, number again or phrase that the people that want to defend their country.
00:25:17 No, that's the wrong side of the fence to.
00:25:19 Be on if that's what they want to do.
00:25:26 Well, what's the other side of it?
00:25:28 This is something that I talked about years and years and years ago.
00:25:34 When I was talking about one of the problems of immigration and and that is.
00:25:38 If you are just here.
00:25:42 Because you knew you could make more money here.
00:25:45 Right that you could enjoy more decadence here.
00:25:50 Let's face it, immigrants that come to America, why are they here?
00:25:59 It's the same as you go into a resort.
00:26:05 And if you go to, let's say you and.
00:26:08 All your friends, even.
00:26:11 You go to a resort.
00:26:14 And you're hanging out in the.
00:26:15 Hot tub.
00:26:16 No, **** it.
00:26:17 Let's say it's a cruise ship.
00:26:19 You're on a cruise ship.
00:26:21 Ah, ****.
00:26:21 I should have got that.
00:26:23 The the the diversity cruise ship fight.
00:26:24 Oh, there's so many videos like that.
00:26:26 Now I wonder if I could find.
00:26:27 It whatever who cares.
00:26:31 You're on a cruise ship.
00:26:32 With all your friends.
00:26:34 And you're eating like the all you can eat.
00:26:37 Imitation crab.
00:26:40 And drinking like the the watered down drinks.
00:26:44 And you know, hanging out.
00:26:50 Some some Somali pirates come.
00:26:54 And want to take over the cruise ship.
00:26:57 They want to steal the cruise ship.
00:27:02 Are you going to die?
00:27:05 So that that Princess Cruise lines.
00:27:08 Does it lose a a cruise ship to Somali pirates?
00:27:14 Are you going?
00:27:15 Are you going?
00:27:15 To take a bullet.
00:27:18 For what is what? I don't even know cruise line names anymore, like Grand Caribbean sounds. I'm I'm sure that's made-up, but you get out of me.
00:27:29 Are you going to take one for the team?
00:27:31 You're going to try to to throw yourself.
00:27:35 In front of the the line of fire when the Somali pirates want to steal the cruise ship, are you just going to say **** it and get in a life raft?
00:27:45 The people that are coming to this country.
00:27:48 This is this, this country.
00:27:49 It's cool.
00:27:50 Is like a theme park.
00:27:55 They don't, they don't.
00:27:56 They don't feel any connection to this land.
00:28:06 Why would they want to go, let alone die, for this country, die for Israel?
00:28:20 Not only that, so that that the article goes on, fewer and fewer young Americans want to serve and do obesity and other problems.
00:28:28 Well, I wonder what those other problems are.
00:28:31 Few are qualified.
00:28:32 So not only.
00:28:36 So you got all these immigrants and diversity?
00:28:41 Who don't want to ******* die for America or or Israel?
00:28:47 You have the people.
00:28:49 Who actually want to defend the country?
00:28:51 So obviously they're not.
00:28:52 Going to join the military?
00:28:56 And then you have like, what's left over the people that really don't have any other options because typically let's face it, that's where they get.
00:29:02 A lot of people.
00:29:05 The military wasn't always like just getting the cream.
00:29:07 Of the crop, right?
00:29:09 Let's like come on.
00:29:11 They were young people that didn't have a whole lot of.
00:29:13 Options in life.
00:29:18 Well, I mean, if you're one of these people, that.
00:29:21 Have a lot of options in life.
00:29:26 Judging by what I can see.
00:29:28 Going on in the world today.
00:29:31 There's a real good chance you're morbidly obese and and and have like, a a handful of mental illness, like a big old fat helping.
00:29:40 A mental illness illness.
00:29:42 Just gallons and gallons of mental illness.
Speaker 4
00:29:46 Pouring it. Pouring it.
00:29:47 All over yourself, lighting it on fire.
00:29:52 See, I'm probably not a whole lot of.
00:29:54 Those people are qualified these days.
00:29:58 The Defense Department's top personnel and readiness leader blamed.
00:30:01 The nation's competitive job market.
00:30:05 As a major contributor.
00:30:08 Well testified on Capitol Hill in late April.
00:30:11 You know, of course he's not.
00:30:12 Going to frame it the way I just did.
00:30:16 Ohh boy.
00:30:19 So in a way.
00:30:20 This is kind of a silver lining.
00:30:24 Unless you start getting drafted.
00:30:25 Then it kind of sucks.
00:30:29 So this is just, uh. See, this is what I want. This is why I want the The X-Files music.
00:30:33 Again, so I I don't know.
00:30:36 I don't know that.
00:30:37 This the ****** ** thing is that we even have to ask these questions.
00:30:42 The ****** ** thing is we have to even just wonder about this kind of.
00:30:46 A thing?
00:30:47 Now look, you know I'm no Trump fan.
00:30:50 And you know that I I I I.
00:30:53 Think that he's.
00:30:54 In bed with much more powerful people.
00:30:58 He's not exactly.
00:30:59 There for the little guy.
00:31:01 But I also am not so simple minded to think that that's some monolithic force.
00:31:06 Right, that there aren't people with a lot of power who generally dislike Trump.
00:31:16 And and and look.
00:31:19 Or trying as hard as they ******* can.
00:31:22 With January 6th hearings to disqualify him from even running, look, I I look, I hope.
00:31:28 I hope he doesn't run.
00:31:30 I mean, he's he's saying he's going to run, so he's saying that he's going to run and literally the same day.
00:31:35 And this was on Drudge.
00:31:39 Da da da da da.
00:31:42 His ex-wife has thrown down a flight. Hester, I mean falls.
00:31:44 Down a flight.
00:31:45 Of stairs.
00:31:46 I don't.
00:31:47 I don't know if she.
00:31:52 I don't know if she was old.
00:31:56 Old people fell down the stairs all the time.
00:31:59 I think it's a little odd.
00:32:01 That a woman with that kind of money, who was a good friends with, well, Jazzline Maxwell, that's true.
00:32:10 Who used to who used to?
00:32:12 Go get women.
00:32:14 Ohh, I'm sorry young underage girls.
00:32:18 Precure underage girls with just laying Maxwell.
00:32:23 Oh, you didn't know that?
00:32:24 You didn't know that.
00:32:27 You should have known that.
00:32:30 This is where all the Trump cards and all the cue.
00:32:32 Cards are like, oh, well, that's, that's why Trump.
Speaker 11
00:32:33 Old river.
00:32:34 Got divorced. Her.
00:32:36 He knew he knew just like, just like how Trump kicked Epstein out of his his his resort, you know, cause like he knew he knew he, he he had had.
00:32:45 Half of that, that, that Kitty *******, you know, like a little kiddo Kitty *******.
00:32:50 That's fine.
00:32:50 But Epstein was taking it too far, so he had to kick him out.
00:32:55 And that's why he divorced this way.
00:32:56 That's why he's married to Melania now.
00:32:59 OK.
00:33:03 One way one way you know one way you could.
00:33:06 Like send a message I I don't know.
00:33:08 Like I said, this could be nothing.
00:33:11 But it could be something where you could send a message that hey.
00:33:15 Here's someone that you probably don't care that.
00:33:17 I mean it's.
00:33:17 Your ex-wife, but it's still the mother.
00:33:19 Of your children, right?
00:33:22 Oh, no, she be ashamed.
00:33:24 If if some other member of your family were to slip and fall.
00:33:28 You know, I don't know.
00:33:29 Like I said, I don't know.
00:33:30 I saw this that it happened the same day.
00:33:32 And I was like, oh.
00:33:36 You know, we we don't, we don't live in a.
00:33:40 Well, we live and have been in a Republic.
00:33:43 We live in a country where this is.
00:33:44 The kind of **** that.
00:33:46 We live in a.
00:33:47 We're, well, we're a shithole country.
00:33:48 America is now a third world country with just.
00:33:51 Lots of money.
00:33:52 That's really the only difference.
00:33:55 And if you want proof of that.
00:33:57 Boom. Here's some more proof.
00:34:00 Transgender women who impregnated 2 inmates.
00:34:06 Removed from New Jersey's female prison some.
00:34:09 Other words, a a dude.
00:34:13 Told the New Jersey corrections that he was a woman.
00:34:21 And then was sent to women's prison.
00:34:27 That's how ****** ** your country is now.
00:34:31 Went to women's prison and started ******* all the women like surprise, surprise and got two of them pregnant before they they kicked him out.
00:34:42 Ohh man.
00:34:44 Demi minor, Demi.
00:34:47 Let's look at this ******* fruit.
00:34:51 Nice name, by the way.
00:34:56 It's literally the name.
00:35:03 Demi minor.
00:35:05 Oh God, I hope.
00:35:07 I hope this is the right one.
00:35:12 How is that?
00:35:13 A translator.
00:35:13 Let's hold on.
00:35:14 Hold on.
00:35:16 I don't know if this is the right one.
00:35:20 God, that'd be funny.
00:35:23 The the the picture I'm looking is literally just like a black dude.
00:35:31 I think it is.
00:35:33 Holy ****.
00:35:34 You want to see the trans woman?
00:35:39 OK, I don't know for sure.
00:35:40 Yeah, this has to be it.
00:35:42 So I just found a website trying to raise money.
00:35:45 Oh God, I hope like.
00:35:48 Do they have a a?
00:35:49 No, they don't say how much money.
00:35:50 They've raised so far.
00:35:51 This is the trans woman.
00:35:53 I'm going. Oh my God.
00:35:56 This is great.
00:35:58 It was hard to find a picture of this guy.
00:36:03 Wonder why I wonder why it's so difficult to find this photo here.
00:36:07 So this is.
00:36:15 Here we go.
00:36:18 This is your trans woman.
00:36:27 That's I I'm a I'm a woman, he says.
00:36:36 You live in a country where a guy like that.
00:36:41 Just says I'm a woman. Send me to the women's prison.
00:36:43 And they do it.
00:36:46 And they ******* do it.
00:36:50 He's got a he's.
00:36:51 Yeah, he's got.
00:36:53 A whole website.
00:36:55 Justice denied it's justice for demi.org.
00:37:00 Oh my God.
00:37:01 And and he's just complaining.
00:37:03 As a young child, I suffered physical abuse in my home and began to act out.
00:37:10 Oh my God.
00:37:13 This is crazy.
00:37:14 What did he do?
00:37:16 What did he do?
00:37:20 I think he was literally ******* like he was grooming.
00:37:23 Yeah, I think he was ******* kids.
00:37:25 Let me see.
00:37:27 Or it doesn't say.
00:37:36 Yeah, there's not.
00:37:37 I can't find.
00:37:38 I can't find what he's.
00:37:39 In there for.
00:37:44 But he has he.
00:37:44 Has he has a ******* Nelson Mandela quote on his.
00:37:48 Thing. Oh my God.
00:37:51 Anyway, yeah.
00:37:52 So that's the that's the trans woman.
00:37:56 They got someone pregnant.
00:38:01 But you know, I better be careful.
00:38:02 I can't say groomer.
00:38:06 Especially on Reddit.
00:38:09 On Reddit, you are no longer allowed to, say, groomer, kind of makes you think that, you know, maybe you're over the target, huh?
00:38:17 Maybe it maybe it hit.
00:38:18 Them in the fields a little bit.
00:38:21 As they like to say.
00:38:25 Pink news or FAD news?
00:38:27 As I like to call them.
00:38:29 Anti LGB I know it's not very creative, but I mean neither is pink.
00:38:32 Let's be honest, anti LGBTQ plus groomer slur banned on Reddit in bid to tackle hate speech.
00:38:40 Your move, Twitter.
00:38:44 Reddit has banned the anti LGBTQ plus slurk groomer under its hate speech policy, as well as any other reference to LGBTQ plus people as pedophiles.
00:38:58 The vile slur, which conflates LG beaten.
00:39:01 I'm just going to start saying faggs, which conflates.
00:39:04 Bags identities with Pedos has been increasing in use online.
00:39:15 Thank God.
00:39:17 Because when I was bringing this **** up back in 2016, there was a whole lot of satanic libertarians. Hopefully that who have repented now.
00:39:27 Who are trying to tell me?
00:39:29 Oh, there's there's no connection.
00:39:34 Boom **** *** and Botswana.
00:39:40 But now you can't say you can't say groomer.
00:39:45 On Reddit.
00:39:50 So I remember they they they complain about the don't say gay bill and I can't say gay on Reddit.
00:39:58 Alright, here we go.
00:40:04 Moving right along.
00:40:07 This is another thing to.
00:40:08 Talk about for ******* years.
00:40:09 It's driving nuts that people.
00:40:11 Still buy these things like this.
00:40:13 This to me this is look I have.
00:40:16 A problem with people that have Amazon.
00:40:17 Prime, just because I mean.
00:40:20 You're supporting.
00:40:23 Not just anti white propaganda being produced.
00:40:26 You know, for Amazon, literally for Amazon Prime.
00:40:31 You know you're you're.
00:40:32 You're not only are you bankrolling that ****, you're you're basically paying for a monopoly to have money.
00:40:38 You're not really even getting anything.
00:40:40 Out of it.
00:40:43 You're you're just getting.
00:40:45 You're just giving.
00:40:46 You're just handing money over to Jeff Bezos so that you don't have to wait a couple of days.
00:40:54 The the so-called free shipping.
00:40:57 If you get look I I know this now, especially because I'll still go to Amazon to check the reviews.
00:41:04 And to fit and to see what their price is before I go and look online to buy it somewhere else.
00:41:09 Because I'm.
00:41:09 Not a ******, right?
00:41:12 And the price, even with shipping.
00:41:16 Is usually about the same, if not much less other places.
00:41:23 But that's one thing.
00:41:25 If you start buying.
00:41:28 Spy machines.
00:41:31 And putting them in your house.
00:41:35 Voluntarily. Like what the ****'* wrong with you?
00:41:39 What the **** like.
00:41:42 The people that get alexas.
00:41:45 And settle that **** up in their house like, oh, yeah, but death and not that way I can.
00:41:49 Like, I can tell it to turn.
00:41:51 A light on ohh.
00:41:54 Oh good.
00:41:56 I mean, if you're that ******* lazy, just get the ******* Clapper.
00:42:03 But I can I can program it to interfaces with my my thermostat, my smart thermostat.
00:42:10 Oh like.
00:42:13 You just you just want to like, live inside of a a big spy machine is what this what this is?
00:42:19 Anyway, let's take a look here at the story.
00:42:22 Then I accidentally closed it.
00:42:23 I hope I didn't.
00:42:24 Accident. close it.
Speaker 1
00:42:26 Oh, here we are.
00:42:28 In case anyone needed reminding that using Amazon hardware is tantamount to bugging your own home, it's now emerged that the web giant has been handing over ring doorbell videos to police without owners consent.
00:42:43 Jeff Bezos's business has.
00:42:45 Which, by the way, Amazon doesn't pay.
00:42:49 Doesn't pay taxes.
00:42:54 Jeff Bezos well and and like, they're literally the the CIA, Amazon cloud services.
00:43:00 A lot of people don't realize a lot of money, a lot of money that Amazon has is from just their hosting services and their cloud services.
00:43:09 And a lot of that stuff is contracted.
00:43:12 By the federal government, specifically the CIA.
00:43:16 And they also.
00:43:16 Own The Washington Post.
00:43:18 You know Bezos does, right?
00:43:21 So that that's who you're giving money to when you pay for your your prime bill, or when you just buy anything on Amazon.
00:43:28 And that's that's you're giving your data to when you get an Alexa or a, you know, ring or any of this ********.
00:43:37 Jeff, businesses business has given Americans doorstep footage to law enforcement at least 11 times so far this.
00:43:44 Year that we know of.
00:43:47 That we know and and don't act like there's not backdoors in all of these devices that the NSA and other agencies can just.
00:43:56 Start listening.
00:43:59 Start listening or watching or whatever.
00:44:02 The figure emerged in.
00:44:03 A letter Amazon sent to Senator Ed Markey at the beginning of July after he'd asked Amazon about privacy violations in June, Politico reports. Ring, which was bought by Amazon in 2018, look because.
Speaker 4
00:44:18 We're in an.
00:44:19 Era where they what?
00:44:20 Here's what happens.
00:44:22 None of these companies innovate anymore.
00:44:26 In fact, the big the big thing to do.
00:44:29 If you live in Silicon Valley, if you want to start up right?
00:44:33 Is to.
00:44:35 Make something original and and kind of good like a little bit good.
00:44:40 Get get investors that are willing to throw literally hundreds of millions of dollars.
00:44:48 That's your stupid idea.
00:44:50 Until you have enough of a user base.
00:44:53 To sell it to Facebook or Google.
00:44:57 Or Amazon or, you know, some other company.
00:45:00 And then you're rich.
00:45:03 And all the people that threw hundreds of millions of dollars into it, they get their money too.
00:45:09 Because it's really like it really is just about the user base.
00:45:13 For reasons like this, because Amazon wants wants cameras in your house.
00:45:19 Did you guys?
00:45:19 See that in fact, they were even advertising.
00:45:22 I don't know if they still are were pushing or pushing this.
00:45:26 But remember, a couple years back they were.
00:45:28 They were saying you should give them keys to your house.
00:45:33 That if you were tired of diversity stealing packages off.
00:45:37 Your front porch.
00:45:39 It's fine.
00:45:41 Just give Amazon a key to your house.
00:45:45 Give Amazon a key to your house and so they can just come in and then leave the package there.
00:45:53 I mean, despite all these stories we see of, like Amazon delivery drivers, assaulting, ****** people.
00:46:02 Give him a key to your house.
00:46:10 If you have any of.
00:46:11 These devices, you're a ******* moron.
00:46:13 I'm just there's.
00:46:14 Just there's no way.
00:46:16 There's no other way to put it.
00:46:17 You're you're an idiot.
00:46:18 Dude, you're an idiot.
00:46:23 I there's no nice way to be about this.
00:46:26 If you still haven't figured it out, you're just you're just.
00:46:28 Dumb you need.
00:46:30 You need a smart home because you're ******* stupid.
00:46:35 Here we go.
00:46:39 And I saw this video.
00:46:39 Today, you know it's it's great to see.
Speaker 4
00:46:44 Yeah, we we complain about Tik.
00:46:45 T.O.K a lot right?
00:46:47 They complain about how TikTok, it just has all these degenerate videos and it's all crazy ******* ******** and you know we've seen the hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and hours of of footage that comes out of libs of Tip, TikTok and and whatnot.
00:47:05 But finally.
00:47:07 Finally, there's someone who's willing to stand up.
00:47:13 And talk about a hot button issue that's not very popular on TikTok.
00:47:19 They're willing to address.
00:47:22 Jewish privilege.
Speaker 13
00:47:25 Let's talk about the privilege Jews have had in America in the US and Canada, Jews have had privilege of signs like this before the US declared independence in the 13 colonies.
00:47:38 Wait, hold on.
00:47:38 I want to.
00:47:42 Obviously she's Jewish, right?
00:47:44 And obviously she's trying to be like.
Speaker 14
00:47:47 We don't have privilege.
00:47:49 We might have started this whole like white privilege thing, but I don't don't point that Ken in US.
00:47:57 So this site, Can you imagine living in this country? This is what your country was. This is what your country was before Tyrone just said. Ah, send me to the women's prison because.
00:48:08 I'm a lady.
00:48:11 This is what your country was before you had Marines wearing pantyhose in.
00:48:16 The mess hole.
00:48:21 This is where your country was before you had global home or corporations with spy machines all throughout your house.
00:48:33 There's a sign.
00:48:36 On a pool that says privileges of the swimming pool are extended only.
00:48:42 To approved gentiles.
00:48:54 Imagine imagine how different of a country that was.
Speaker 13
00:48:56 Of the US declared independence in the 13 colonies, Jews were actually banned from voting.
00:49:03 They knew the 13 colonies knew.
00:49:10 Remember that next time someone like Ben Shapiro wants.
00:49:14 To say that.
00:49:14 We live in a judeo-christian country.
00:49:18 That we are founded on judeo-christian.
00:49:25 Why don't you remind Ben Shapiro and Dennis Prager that the 13 colonies banned Jews from voting?
Speaker 13
00:49:40 In fact, they were only allowed to vote in the state of Maryland, for example, in.
00:49:44 1828.
00:49:47 Jews couldn't vote.
00:49:50 In Maryland until 1828, judeo-christian values though, right?
00:49:59 Judeo-christian values. It was judeo-christian values that that created this country.
Speaker 13
00:50:06 In universities, Jewish admission was highly restricted, with quotas.
00:50:10 Harvard wouldn't.
00:50:11 Ohh no.
00:50:13 You don't like quotas, huh?
00:50:16 You don't like the quarters, you don't like other quotas?
00:50:21 Yeah, I talked about this, I think maybe even less strain.
00:50:24 The whole reason why that those quota systems were developed to.
00:50:29 **** over white people.
00:50:30 I I honestly believe this.
00:50:32 It was it was picked off Jews.
00:50:35 It was ****** *** Jews that had that system, keeping them from getting into places of power.
00:50:41 Where they are now.
00:50:45 Or they're doing such wonderful work.
00:50:49 Especially at, you know, elite schools like Harvard and.
00:50:52 Stuff like that.
00:50:54 And so they just the second they have the the opportunity, they use that same weapon against the founding stock.
Speaker 13
00:51:01 Allow more than 15% of Jewish applicants and the Dean of Yale famously stated, never admit more than five Jews and take no.
00:51:09 Blacks at all.
00:51:10 Can you imagine?
00:51:15 I mean.
00:51:17 Based Yale University.
00:51:25 Never admit more than five Jews, which I I.
00:51:28 I don't know.
00:51:29 I think that's kind.
00:51:30 Of a high number.
00:51:35 And take no blacks at all.
Speaker 13
00:51:37 All Yale discrimination continued until the 1960s.
00:51:41 The 60s.
00:51:45 The 60s.
00:51:51 Cities Jews were.
Speaker 13
00:51:52 Also banned from living in certain communities and were discriminated against in housing districting along with other undesirable minorities.
00:52:00 And in the 1960s and 1970s, Jews were prohibited from membership in nearly all of the most prestigious country clubs in California.
00:52:10 And we did.
00:52:10 We did that.
00:52:12 We did that.
00:52:12 Stream like about a year ago now.
00:52:15 Talking about the, there was that all white community.
00:52:19 And a a black family wanted to move to it.
00:52:25 And then you, you.
00:52:26 You just scratch, you scratch just.
00:52:28 Barely a little bit.
00:52:31 Beneath the surface, like the because the story was, they even did a documentary, Jews put together a documentary and put it all throughout the country.
00:52:38 Like, Oh my God, look at this racist community you had this all white community and black people moved in and they just they threw bricks in the bricks in their window and and they're picketing.
00:52:48 And it's like, Oh my God.
00:52:51 And they're also spreading conspiracy theories that, you know, saying that, like, ohh, this Jews did this.
00:52:56 That doesn't make any sense.
00:52:58 But then you scratch, just barely beneath the surface.
00:53:01 Turns out that the house.
00:53:03 Was owned by by Jews and the they they arranged the the sale of the house.
00:53:11 Through Manhattan Jews to they, they basically bought Long story short, Manhattan Jews basically bought black people a house in all white neighborhoods, so they could create this and then make it, you know, do the documentary and.
00:53:27 And try to.
00:53:30 Psyop white Americans.
00:53:34 And boy did it work.
Speaker 13
00:53:36 And in New York, 23% of all resort hotels as late as 19.
00:53:40 Can you imagine that 23% of resorts?
00:53:45 In 1957, didn't allow Jews.
00:53:50 They look that that's that's there's another.
00:53:51 Scene the movie that we the gentlemen's agreement.
00:53:56 I did a stream on that too, or at least if I forget it.
00:53:59 Was a streamer video.
00:54:01 Where it was a propaganda film put out in the like around this time, I forgot the exact year, late 40s, early 50s.
00:54:09 Where they the whole the whole movie.
00:54:13 Is, is.
00:54:15 Look, Jews are just like you and this guy he pretended to be a Jew so he could try to see what what it's like to be a Jew.
00:54:22 And Oh my God, now he's getting turned away from his Country Club because they found out he's a Jew and you know, it's so evil.
Speaker 13
00:54:30 1957 banned Jews from staying there. In 1924, Jewish immigration was massively limited by law.
00:54:38 If only they had been massively limited by law in 1824.
00:54:48 I wonder it makes you wonder because it's easy for us now, you know, hindsight being what it is, it's easy for us now to look back and just be.
00:54:57 Like holy God.
00:54:59 Like so many of these people that have ****** ** this country.
00:55:04 Their ancestors came here from Eastern Europe, the Eastern European Jews, whether they're from Ukraine or Russia or Poland or, you know, whatever or another way from Germany later, for World War 2 but.
00:55:18 A sizable amount of them came here around the turn of the century.
00:55:25 And I I.
00:55:26 Forget the exact number, but it was.
00:55:27 Like it's over a million of them.
00:55:30 You know, I did that stream, but Hollywood ISM that talks about that.
00:55:38 And then in 1924, they they limit Jewish immigration. I wonder why?
00:55:45 I wonder why?
00:55:46 That law wouldn't last very long, though.
Speaker 13
00:55:48 And public anti-Semitism skyrocketed with the Great Depression during the Holocaust, surveys found that Jews were seen as a greater threat to the welfare of the United States than any other national.
00:56:01 Now is Boston in 1940.
Speaker 13
00:56:17 Religious or racial group, and this is only in the United States, one of the best countries in the world for Jews.
00:56:17 Times have changed.
00:56:24 Ohh is it?
00:56:25 And yes it is.
Speaker 13
00:56:28 So next time you hear someone talk about Jewish privilege or claim that Jews are right.
00:56:33 Ah, look, she.
00:56:35 She slipped.
00:56:38 She slipped.
00:56:40 She just admitted Jews are not white.
00:56:46 And look, it's easy to tell.
00:56:48 I mean anyone you know.
00:56:50 I mean, come on.
00:56:56 They want to be, though.
00:56:57 Look at that.
00:56:59 Yeah, I don't think blonde is your your natural hair color there, sweetie.
00:57:06 You sure as **** want to be?
00:57:07 White this.
00:57:08 Is nice brown eyebrows and.
00:57:12 Brown roots there.
00:57:15 You might not be white, but something tells me.
00:57:19 You'd be really happy if you were there.
00:57:22 Just that dead eyed stare anyway.
00:57:28 Anyway, enough of her.
00:57:32 So those of.
00:57:32 You follow me on on Telegram and on AB or.
00:57:36 AB. What the **** gab?
00:57:39 I might be I might.
00:57:40 Be better, but it doesn't mean I'm not tired.
00:57:43 On gab.
00:57:45 Because I think an AB.
00:57:48 I found this clip.
00:57:50 I did another strain a while back, I think.
00:57:53 This is also about a.
00:57:54 Year ago, about the Diversity Day.
00:57:58 Episode of the office and I think it's called Diversity Training Edition or, I don't know, something like that.
00:58:06 And this was not.
00:58:08 In the version.
00:58:10 Of the episode that I was going over.
00:58:15 Because it was a deleted scene.
00:58:18 And I when when I found this deleted scene, I was like what the holy ****?
00:58:25 I can't believe they even shot this or even or or let it leave this the the production house afterwards.
Speaker 15
00:58:33 We believe that 99% of the problems in the workplace.
00:58:37 Let me turn this up.
00:58:40 I know my audio is a little bit all.
00:58:42 Over the place tonight.
00:58:42 But you know it is what it is.
00:58:44 There we go.
Speaker 4
00:58:45 I took.
Speaker 15
00:58:47 We believe that 99% of the problems in the workplace arise simply out of ignorance and the opposite of ignorance is information.
Speaker 14
00:58:55 How do we deal with statistics that say certain minorities commit more crimes?
00:59:05 You mean statistics like this?
00:59:11 I mean, it's no.
00:59:12 Wonder that they they cut that scene out.
00:59:15 It's pretty obvious why, you know.
00:59:17 Why they had to cut that scene out because.
00:59:19 All you have to do.
00:59:20 It would be look it up.
00:59:23 And you'd find this.
00:59:29 I just can't believe they shot that scene like that.
Speaker 15
00:59:33 And 99% of the problems in the workplace arise simply out of ignorance and the opposite of ignorance is information.
Speaker 14
00:59:41 How do we deal with statistics that say certain minorities commit more crimes?
00:59:50 How how do we deal with that?
00:59:52 In fact, I'm going to have to clip that.
00:59:54 I think I'm going to clip this.
00:59:56 Just this line right here.
Speaker 14
00:59:59 The statistics that.
Speaker 15
01:00:01 Instead of ignorance is information.
01:00:03 How do we?
01:00:07 I'm going to clip.
Speaker 14
01:00:08 This out how do we deal with statistics that say certain minorities commit more crimes?
01:00:16 Well, we.
01:00:17 Covered up is what we do.
01:00:20 All right.
01:00:23 So anyway.
01:00:26 And other clown.
Speaker 12
01:00:27 World News.
01:00:30 Remember when Discovery Channel was like about sharks?
01:00:36 Yeah, maybe goofy or I guess ancient aliens with history channel, but you know it was.
01:00:42 It was like educational.
01:00:44 In fact, I think Discovery Channel is even the one that commissioned that, that, that horrible duck or the great documentary about the horrible ****.
01:00:54 That was going.
01:00:55 On that at Boys Town, that's something.
01:00:56 So I'm going to go over, I think possibly next stream actually.
01:01:03 But they went from that.
01:01:06 And again, I haven't watched cable in a really, really long time. Anytime I've had or I've watched cable, it's either at like someone else's house.
01:01:14 Or it's like I'm stuck at a hotel or airport or something like that.
01:01:19 And so you just end up.
01:01:21 Having to watch it.
01:01:23 Apparently this is Discovery Channel now.
Speaker 3
01:01:33 I have like.
01:01:34 Oh well, I have some dresses that I made.
01:01:37 This was one of like, the first dresses that I made.
01:01:40 She made Christy, but I made like this trans flag skirt.
01:01:47 My name is Noah.
01:01:48 I'm 16 years old, I'm transgender, and I use she her pronouns.
01:02:06 Never ever let you go.
01:02:12 Let's bring the stage pop tart.
Speaker 3
01:02:22 My drag name is poptart.
01:02:28 Biggest difference between Noah and Poptart is a pop tart has.
01:02:34 Yeah. So.
01:02:36 This is Discovery Channel now.
01:02:39 Discovery Channel is now trans kids.
01:02:45 And that voice just makes me.
01:02:49 Want to. Yeah.
01:02:52 Like, Can you imagine going to school with this thing?
01:02:59 But the what is it with everything promoting trans kids like little Discovery Channel?
01:03:07 Used to be about Shark Week.
Speaker 3
01:03:13 Stream she has where she's just like able to express herself more openly than.
01:03:21 No I can.
01:03:23 I feel like I should be making.
01:03:24 Those chocolate chip cookies.
01:03:26 There's the failure of a dad.
01:03:29 He looks exactly like you'd expect with the mom that looks exactly like you would expect.
01:03:36 Look at these fronts.
01:03:41 How many times do?
01:03:43 You think he molested his son?
01:03:45 Before the sun turned trans.
Speaker 1
01:03:51 Chocolate chip cookies in the refrigerator.
Speaker 16
01:03:57 My name is Scott.
Speaker 4
01:03:58 My name is Robin.
01:04:00 Hold on.
01:04:00 What's what's your last name?
01:04:06 I wanted to do an early life check.
Speaker 16
01:04:08 Scott, my name is Robin.
01:04:10 We are very traditional Christian family.
01:04:13 Oh, they're Christian, huh?
01:04:14 Very traditional Christian family.
01:04:19 I like that.
01:04:20 I like that.
Speaker 16
01:04:22 My name is Scott.
01:04:25 Look at that.
01:04:31 That's the so on Discovery Channel, the message that they're pushing is that traditional Christian parents can you can have a trans kid, it's.
01:04:41 It's totally normal.
01:04:43 For your son to chop.
01:04:44 *** **** off.
Speaker 4
01:04:47 My name is Robin.
Speaker 16
01:04:48 We are very traditional Christian family.
01:04:51 But since Noah has come out, we've had to transition with her because when your son is born, you see their whole life.
01:05:03 That guy's ******* gay.
01:05:06 That guy's a ******* ****** and I guarantee you he molested his son.
01:05:14 Garen ******* to you.
01:05:15 Look at that guy.
01:05:22 That's a ******* groomer, right?
01:05:23 Right ******* there.
Speaker 16
01:05:26 And everything and all the stuff we're going to do together and then that changes.
01:05:31 And with this transition, I had to treat her like my daughter.
01:05:38 Look at that.
01:05:40 You know you.
01:05:41 Know he's ****** his son.
01:05:42 You know it.
Speaker 16
01:05:45 And use the right pronouns.
01:05:47 That was hard for me because my mindset that was, you know, still.
01:05:52 Father. Son.
Speaker 3
01:05:54 I guess there wasn't just like a specific time where I realized I wasn't comfortable and or masculine presenting clothes 7th or 8th grade.
01:06:05 I kind of started becoming more like interested in exploring that part of myself for a long time.
01:06:11 I thought it was like gay, just.
01:06:14 See, this is where bullying would have fixed the problem.
01:06:19 Right here.
01:06:23 That thing?
01:06:23 Oh, I don't know.
01:06:24 I think a lot of zoomers just look like this now.
01:06:28 But that thing shows up to school.
01:06:30 Like if if that thing right there show up.
01:06:31 To my school.
01:06:37 I mean, there'd be a game of.
01:06:38 Smear the queer.
01:06:38 Let's just face it.
Speaker 3
01:06:38 Because I was so feminine and that was like the only path I could.
01:06:42 Go on because.
01:06:43 I didn't know that men could wear dresses or wear skirts.
01:06:48 They can't.
Speaker 3
01:06:48 Skirts and as I explored wearing skirts, I realized that wasn't just, like about how I looked.
01:06:55 It's just about like, how I felt.
01:06:58 From my parents this.
01:07:01 Look at that. ******* mom.
01:07:08 Fat ******* ****** of a mom.
Speaker 3
01:07:12 For my parents, this transition has definitely, I think, been difficult for them just because it's new and.
01:07:21 New things can kind of be.
01:07:22 Hard, but they try and.
01:07:26 Yeah, he's definitely ****** his son 100% ****** his son.
Speaker 3
01:07:31 Like they're continuing to try and that's all you.
01:07:35 Can ask for.
01:07:41 So that's that's Discovery Channel now.
01:07:43 And now funny thing is I was like, what the **** else is on discovery?
01:07:46 I cause again, I haven't watched.
01:07:48 This in a long time.
01:07:50 And this is this was the first video.
01:07:52 This was the first video on their on their YouTube.
01:07:59 It's like oh.
01:08:01 Because the 1st, I'm like oh, OK, tiling, tiling the bathroom.
01:08:04 Like that's that's kind of normal.
Speaker 17
01:08:07 Our opening.
01:08:07 What the **** is this?
01:08:08 What the **** is this?
01:08:10 What the this is this?
01:08:12 What the **** is this?
01:08:18 What is this?
01:08:19 What the **** is this?
01:08:22 In just a few days.
01:08:24 And our lobbies come a long way.
Speaker 14
01:08:25 But there's still a lot of work to do.
Speaker 17
01:08:28 Fortunately, there is one space that's almost finished.
01:08:33 I'm planning to add some of my vintage dolls.
Speaker 17
01:08:35 In here to greet my guests as.
Speaker 11
01:08:37 They arrive, but the curation process won't be easy.
Speaker 17
01:08:40 So I'm bringing in another doll aficionado.
01:08:43 Help the gangs are here.
01:08:46 This, this, this is now Discovery Channel.
01:08:52 This is now discovery show.
01:08:57 Oh, good God. Good God.
01:09:06 Someone just said in chat is this TV now?
01:09:08 Yes, this is TV.
01:09:10 Now I know.
01:09:12 And The funny thing is, I I think just a lot of people have, especially if you're right leaning a lot of people have just stopped watching TV.
01:09:20 I mean, I stopped watching TV.
01:09:23 Well, like years ago.
01:09:25 Not even for.
01:09:25 Political reasons it.
01:09:26 Was just like, why would I watch TV?
01:09:30 You know anything that I want to watch I can find on the Internet, and I usually don't.
01:09:34 I don't have time to just sit on a couch and just stare at a screen where someone else is deciding what.
01:09:39 To put in my ******* face.
01:09:41 You know, like if there's some like, really good show that I.
01:09:44 Yeah, because.
01:09:45 As someone that was.
01:09:48 And it's, I mean, for a living my entire life, I've I've made video content right professionally.
01:09:55 And so, yeah, I I've watched.
01:09:57 I've watched shows.
01:09:58 I've watched movies, lots of movies and and TV shows.
01:10:02 But even I.
01:10:03 Don't want I haven't watched TV in like like ****?
01:10:07 I don't even remember the last.
01:10:08 Time I had cable.
01:10:11 I mean, I think I think it was before Obama was president being serious.
01:10:18 It's been a long *** ******* time.
01:10:20 So all these people like you know that most people that are that aren't ******* *******.
01:10:25 Stop paying attention to what's going on on TV.
01:10:28 This is what's going on on TV.
01:10:35 See and here the scary thing is, I mean, it's bad enough, right?
01:10:39 You see, like the little.
01:10:40 Kid in the stroller with the.
01:10:41 The iPad or or whatever flipping.
01:10:43 It around and and rotting his brain.
01:10:47 You know easy.
01:10:48 Because, you know, most of these parents.
01:10:49 They don't even know how to filter out the ****, even if.
01:10:51 They, even if they wanted to.
01:10:54 So you have all these parents that were like the like.
01:10:56 The boomer parents were.
01:10:57 Completely out to lunch.
01:10:58 One of the reasons why I watched so.
01:11:00 Much TV as a child.
01:11:02 I don't know.
01:11:02 Have you ever seen a?
01:11:05 Cable guy like it was.
01:11:07 It wasn't quite that bad.
01:11:08 The movie cable guy is Jim Carrey.
01:11:12 Is this the television show obsessed cable guy?
01:11:16 And then you you see this little window into his past, like why he ended up like that.
01:11:21 And it's because his his mom would just plop him in front of a TV.
01:11:26 So she could go out and bang guys and.
01:11:28 And do whatever.
01:11:30 Now again it.
01:11:31 Wasn't quite that bad in my household, right?
01:11:35 But it kind of was.
01:11:36 My mom was not banging guys, right?
01:11:41 She was sure happy to have a little electric Jew in the house that would watch her kids.
01:11:50 So, and to be fair, she was staring at that, that CRT tube herself a lot of times but.
01:11:58 Anyway, there's a lot of boomer.
01:11:59 Parents that would like that.
01:12:05 And now if you have a kid.
01:12:08 Flipping channels, if that's even still.
01:12:11 I don't even know right.
01:12:12 I don't even know how do you watch TV now?
01:12:14 Is everything DVR?
01:12:17 Is everything I would hope so.
01:12:23 Probably not, though, so you're going.
01:12:24 To get like the really low IQ dumb kids, who who?
01:12:30 Are the perfect ones to groom.
01:12:34 They're going to flip around and this is this is the awful **** right here.
01:12:40 This is just this is and again this is Discovery Channel.
01:12:49 This is Discovery Channel.
01:12:52 I thought Discovery Channel was supposed to have like.
01:12:55 You know, like shows about our storage lockers and.
01:12:58 Uh, I don't even.
01:12:59 Know I don't even know it's been so long.
01:13:02 But this is what it is now.
01:13:05 Now it's ****, ****, dressed up as women playing with ******* dolls.
01:13:19 This is this is TV now anyway.
01:13:24 It's not exactly.
01:13:25 Brand new.
01:13:26 It's not exactly brand new.
01:13:33 Because in the 90s.
01:13:36 That was a lot different.
01:13:37 It was a lot different in that if you had ******** on TV.
01:13:42 They were like a spectacle.
01:13:50 It's like this is a show.
01:13:51 I think this was a show that was mostly in the I think it was syndicated, but I think it was mostly in New York.
01:13:58 Forget the name of the show, but it had like this.
01:14:01 He was like the I'm trying to think.
01:14:04 Of like a.
01:14:05 A good.
01:14:08 Person to compare them to.
01:14:13 I mean, he he was like the the we're kind.
01:14:16 Of in a way, I guess the Jerry Springer before Jerry Springer.
01:14:20 Where he would it was like a circus.
01:14:22 He would just bring freaks onto his show and parade them in front of people.
01:14:26 And everyone be like, holy ****, look.
01:14:28 At these freaks.
01:14:30 And that was the show.
01:14:32 And he would smoke cigarettes and scream and yell at people and.
01:14:36 And that was the show I now, I don't.
01:14:38 I again this was syndicated and it was never on any market I was ever lived in, so I didn't even encounter this until about a couple of years ago when I was researching old talk show.
01:14:50 And that I would find all these clips.
01:14:53 But this kind of thing was.
01:14:55 Being put on television back in the 90s.
01:14:59 They were just framing it completely different now.
01:15:01 It also seems a little fake, like there's an aspect of this that seems a little fake, like that girl.
01:15:07 Sitting in the middle.
01:15:08 She's playing the part of the uptight Christian girl that just doesn't.
01:15:13 She does not approve.
01:15:14 She's the uptight Christian girl.
01:15:16 It does.
01:15:16 And it seems kind of.
01:15:17 Like a setup like I don't.
01:15:19 Even necessarily think she's really cool?
01:15:22 I think she's playing a part here, but this is the kind of **** that they would play.
Speaker 17
01:15:26 In the 90s and I've got some new guests to introduce you to and we're running out of time, Lindera says.
01:15:32 She and taboo have been going steady for two years.
Speaker 8
01:15:40 And then there's taboo.
01:15:43 Who says that there is an obsessed?
Speaker 9
01:15:50 And then there's Sissy fit.
Speaker 17
01:15:52 Who says Lindera is insane?
Speaker 8
01:15:55 She's not going to get let that get.
01:15:57 In the way of her true love that.
Speaker 17
01:15:58 Sissy fit her laughing.
01:16:06 Alright, white.
01:16:08 A bit of difference.
01:16:09 Transvestite love here.
01:16:12 Because what we have here is.
01:16:14 Almost one of our typical relationships with three people are involved, and there's certainly different stories and different.
01:16:24 So they're still.
01:16:25 Normalizing it, though, yeah, it's a spectacle.
01:16:28 Yeah, it's it's look how ******* crazy these people are.
01:16:33 But the real question is why are they out on the streets?
01:16:39 And that's a serious question.
01:16:41 Back in, like the 1950s, they wouldn't.
01:16:43 Be out on the streets.
01:16:46 We had asylums for people like this.
01:16:50 We had institutions for people like this.
01:16:55 So they weren't out on the streets.
01:16:57 ****** your kids?
01:17:08 That's one thing I want.
01:17:09 To research because I was thinking today I.
01:17:12 Was like you know.
01:17:14 I'm I'm probably not going to be surprised by.
01:17:16 What I find?
01:17:18 But I'd like.
01:17:19 To check into it anyway.
01:17:22 I'd like to find out.
01:17:24 Who, precisely?
01:17:32 Motivating more than the way it was with money, with nonprofits, with legislation.
01:17:42 That societal shift?
01:17:47 Where we went from institutions.
01:17:54 That kept these people off the streets.
01:17:58 Kept them safely locked up.
01:18:04 To a society where it's almost impossible.
01:18:10 It's almost in fact, now what they've invented a new word.
01:18:17 So that it it where it because you can't, you know in the same way you can't fat shame, right?
01:18:22 You can't crazy shame.
01:18:24 So now it's their neuro divergent.
01:18:35 So now you can run for office.
01:18:38 And instead of it being like, oh, we probably should elect that guy because he's he's ******* crazy.
01:18:43 Now it's like another diversity point.
01:18:48 Ohh yeah, we should totally elect this black amputee lesbian, trans near divergent person.
01:19:07 No, but I think that's worth.
01:19:08 That's going, that's going to be an investigation.
01:19:10 I'm going have to get into.
01:19:11 I might have to look into and.
01:19:12 See, because that was normal it.
01:19:14 Was normal for.
01:19:15 A really long time.
01:19:23 Now the problem is of course.
01:19:27 And this is probably how they were able to get people to.
01:19:34 To be afraid of, of governing your.
01:19:36 Society this way.
01:19:39 What they said is.
01:19:42 And there's some.
01:19:42 Reality to this.
01:19:45 Well, what happens like this is only good if you're the one that determines who's crazy.
01:19:52 What happens if they decide that right wing?
01:19:55 People are crazy.
01:19:58 And my answer to that is.
01:20:02 They'll, they'll.
01:20:02 They'll do what they're doing.
Speaker 4
01:20:07 They didn't get rid of.
01:20:12 To save right wing people from going to asylums.
01:20:17 For their beliefs.
01:20:21 They got rid of asylums.
01:20:24 So they can unleash evil on the world and weaken right wing people.
01:20:29 And then eventually pass red flag laws and then stick right wing people in asylums.
01:20:41 This whole ***** libertarian slash satanic argument.
01:20:47 Ohh no, you can't use power because one day that power will be used against you.
01:20:54 You have to weaken yourself so that you.
01:20:56 Have zero power.
01:20:59 And every will be.
01:21:00 No one else will want the power.
01:21:04 Right.
01:21:05 If we just if we just eliminate all of your power, don't worry about someone else getting the power.
01:21:12 It's a stupid argument.
01:21:13 It's like, oh, no, you can't have the asylums because one day they'll they'll make you the crazy person that puts you in this homes.
01:21:19 So we have to get rid of your power.
01:21:21 Ohh, really.
01:21:22 What about the argument?
01:21:23 Well, I can't get rid of my power because if I get rid of all my power one day, someone else will get the power.
01:21:30 And they won't just put me in asylums, they'll do everything.
01:21:32 Else they'll have.
01:21:33 They'll turn Discovery Channel into and they'll trans kids wonder world.
01:21:42 I mean, it's ******* ********.
01:21:43 It's it's the stupidest ******* libertarian, satanic argument ever.
01:21:49 What's we need to remark I want to.
01:21:51 I want to merge those two words.
01:21:54 Satanic and libertarian.
01:21:57 So that it's it's the same like you know, but it has to roll off the tongue more than like judeo-christian. It's got to be like, like satano libertarian is too long.
01:22:09 Satanic Carium sounds too much like sanitarium, which I guess you know, that's kind.
01:22:14 Of what we.
01:22:14 Want right? So.
01:22:17 What would be?
01:22:23 I don't know.
01:22:23 Maybe someone can super chat.
01:22:25 Like if you got a good one, send me a send me a good one.
01:22:31 We'll take a look at maybe some maybe someone's got a good one. I can't think of 1, but I'd love to have.
01:22:36 Some some new.
01:22:37 Word we can throw around that that makes it clear that libertarians are literally satanic.
01:22:48 Oh no, you.
01:22:48 Can't use power.
01:22:49 You can't have power.
01:22:51 Because that power be used against you.
01:22:53 How will how will?
01:22:54 It be used against me if I'm the.
01:22:56 One with the power.
01:22:58 That's like saying you can't have a gun because one day that gun might shoot you in the face.
01:23:04 What are you talking about?
01:23:06 How am I going to shoot myself in the face?
01:23:09 That's really what?
01:23:10 They see that's the thing.
01:23:11 Libertarians, who they are, but we like guns and they'll say that the but the gun like if you go to libertarian and you.
01:23:17 Say Oh well.
01:23:19 You know you shouldn't have a gun, at least for right.
01:23:21 Now libertarians are.
01:23:22 Always, always shifting to the left, it seems so, but for for right now at least, I think they're still pro gun you could say.
01:23:29 You know, I don't know.
01:23:32 You shouldn't have guns because one day.
01:23:35 Someone could take that gun and shoot you.
01:23:36 In the face with it.
01:23:39 They would say that was ridiculous.
01:23:41 They would say that's the stupidest thing.
01:23:43 They've ever heard.
01:23:45 But they used that exact ******* argument with every *** **** thing else.
01:24:06 There was an article yesterday.
01:24:10 About the Anglican Anglican church.
01:24:15 Being unable.
01:24:20 To define what a woman was.
01:24:33 Let me see if I can find it here.
01:24:37 You know this is.
01:24:40 Church of England lacks official definition of woman.
01:24:45 Bishop says.
01:24:51 And I saw this.
01:24:54 And thought to myself, well, I'm not, I'm not.
01:24:56 Look, I'm just not surprised.
01:24:57 Just cause every.
01:24:59 Every Christian institution seems to be going the way of the world, right?
01:25:06 But when I saw this interview.
01:25:10 With I believe this guy is from the Anglican church.
01:25:12 I'll double check.
01:25:13 I forget.
01:25:13 If he's.
01:25:14 I don't think he's Catholic.
01:25:15 I think he's from the Anglican church.
01:25:20 But this guy was talking about.
01:25:22 This was from.
01:25:25 Ah ****.
01:25:26 I forget the year, but this show.
01:25:28 Was on in the 70s, so.
01:25:33 Earliest there would be late 60s, but probably you know, early 70s.
01:25:41 This is how much it's changed this this these were the big institutions.
01:25:45 And look, Catholics can't like act as if Oh yeah, we're totally different when you know the the satanic Pedro Pope is meeting with ********.
Speaker 18
01:25:57 The gentleman I'm about to introduce.
01:26:00 Last night at Saint Patrick's Cathedral, one of the great, I suppose, symbolic, occasions of the.
01:26:05 Ecumenical movement among Christians took place on the Archbishop of Canterbury, met with the his primate of the Church of England, called on Cardinal Cook, who's Roman Catholic Archbishop of New York, and they prayed together for the future of the ecumenical movement.
01:26:18 And this was the last official act of the Archbishop of Canterbury before he returns to England.
01:26:22 I assume his visit tonight is unofficial.
01:26:25 We are honored to have him here the most Reverend Doctor Michael Ramsey, the Archbishop of Canterbury.
01:26:35 So again, this is this is the church that that today can't define.
01:26:39 What a woman is.
01:26:56 That's what.
Speaker 18
01:26:59 Very nice to meet you.
Speaker 11
01:27:01 I'm verdict, dad.
01:27:01 Have this chance have a discussion with.
Speaker 18
01:27:03 You, your Grace, is correct, I assume.
01:27:07 All right.
01:27:09 I I have the strangest feeling in speaking to you because I played you once.
01:27:14 I know that sounds strange, but once I was in summer stock production of the Richard the 3rd and the Archbishop of Canterbury has a role in that.
Speaker 11
01:27:23 Oh, yes, indeed, yes.
Speaker 18
01:27:24 Yes, I had lines like a messenger awaits.
Speaker 19
01:27:26 Yes. Yeah.
Speaker 18
01:27:26 What news?
01:27:28 No, no, no, no.
01:27:30 It was not the best part, but it was.
01:27:32 It was.
01:27:33 It was worth doing, I think.
01:27:36 Where should we begin?
01:27:37 Should we talk about church attendance?
01:27:39 They say it's off in England.
01:27:42 Now this this I found I.
01:27:45 Haven't watched this whole thing, I.
01:27:46 Did watch this part this I found fascinating.
01:27:50 Then again, this isn't, I believe in the 70s, early 70s.
01:27:55 And he mentions, yeah, you know, church church attendance has really dropped off and it hadn't.
01:28:01 Dropped off in America yet?
01:28:06 It hadn't dropped off in America yet.
01:28:08 A lot of lot of my English friends don't understand when I tell them like look growing up, I always looked at at at England like I was always kind of an Anglophile, you know, like, you know, whatever watched BBC stuff when I was a.
01:28:22 Kid and.
01:28:23 You know, like you know Monty Python, stuff like that and whatever.
01:28:27 My mom was like, you know, watched a lot of PBS, and there's a lot of British programming on PBS for some reason.
01:28:33 And but one thing I noticed.
01:28:37 Was that their television shows where it was way more degenerate, faster?
01:28:43 Like they seem to.
01:28:44 Always be at least 10 and sometimes about 20 years ahead of the degeneracy all the time.
01:28:51 And this kind of demonstrates.
01:28:53 A little bit of that.
01:28:55 But he mentions Oh yeah, you know, you just had this.
01:28:58 Massive drop off in church attendance.
01:29:00 And why them be concerned?
01:29:04 Listen, listen to his answer.
Speaker 11
01:29:08 It it it's not off it it's now remaining much as it's been for the last few years.
01:29:16 And of course there had been a very big drop in England.
01:29:22 My guess is that in America you're about beginning to have that drop now.
01:29:29 And he was right about that part.
01:29:32 But still interesting that that he's not willing to.
01:29:36 To really face the the problem it seems.
Speaker 11
01:29:40 These things go in cycles.
01:29:43 There's the great growth of secularism in the in the modern world and the.
01:29:49 Fact that our.
01:29:50 Christian civilization is rather old and tired.
01:29:54 This tale, but I can say this that where there is a church going, it's a church going with a far deeper conviction.
01:30:06 That we've got congregations in England of most deeply convinced Christians holding together and serving the community, and it's they it, it's.
01:30:17 Well, why did that then?
01:30:19 So they say, Oh yeah, sure.
01:30:20 There's there's not very many questions, but the cushions we do have are, like, super into it.
01:30:26 Well, obviously those are the ones they're going to still be into it.
01:30:32 You know, the ones that are really into it.
01:30:35 That doesn't seem to help you out though you.
01:30:37 Know like at all.
Speaker 11
01:30:38 It's the quality of our church life that one cares about.
01:30:41 Whether it's in England or in.
01:30:42 America. So you don't.
Speaker 18
01:30:44 Put that much stock in attendance figures.
Speaker 11
01:30:46 Well, I I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm. I'm grieved. Of course that of falling out of a way of of of of religion. But nothing's achieved by being mindful about it. And I prefer to rejoice and in the very impressive quality.
Speaker 18
01:30:46 It's the.
Speaker 11
01:31:01 Of of, of of.
01:31:03 See and this is this is the.
01:31:04 Infuriating thing that I encounter with Christians even today.
01:31:09 Look, he's he's literally saying don't don't.
01:31:12 Blackmail me, bro.
01:31:15 That's what he's literally saying.
01:31:17 Look, look, look, obviously it's bad, but.
01:31:20 But what I can accomplish anything by by focusing on that, I'm going to focus on like this.
01:31:25 The the the ones that we have left being really good.
01:31:30 Well, again, how'd that work out for you?
01:31:32 How to how to trusting the plan?
01:31:36 Work out for you.
01:31:40 Your church now can't even say what a woman is.
Speaker 11
01:31:44 The Christian fellowships that we have got.
Speaker 18
01:31:47 How do you feel about the person who has no religious connection, or at least no church going?
01:31:53 Affiliation but feels that he has a relationship with God that he can have privately in his garden or in his study or.
Speaker 11
01:32:00 Well, of course.
01:32:03 A relationship with God ought to link a man or a woman with other people who've got a relationship with God.
01:32:12 And if the religious fellowship is, if, if, if it is missing, there is something missing in the in the guard relationship because it's very often the fault of the organised.
01:32:23 Which is that the.
01:32:26 Army is boring ****.
01:32:27 He's supposed to have.
01:32:30 The reason I got it is he's supposed to talk about his views on on homosexuality and.
Speaker 11
01:32:38 That he with every other.
Speaker 5
01:32:42 One is as valid as the other.
01:32:44 You happen to have chosen your way, but you do feel that there are many ways.
Speaker 11
01:32:49 Well, it's there are many ways and they can be.
01:32:52 Elements of of, of, of, of.
01:32:54 Truth in in all of them.
01:32:57 But I'm.
01:32:58 Right this time.
Speaker 5
01:32:59 It, wouldn't it be beautiful if if each religion could say this is the way I've chosen, but there it is conceivable that but.
Speaker 18
01:32:59 Render the truth and that.
Speaker 5
01:33:08 Yeah, did exist also.
Speaker 11
01:33:10 Well, put it like.
01:33:12 See there?
Speaker 5
01:33:12 These are very naive questions, I know I I.
Speaker 11
01:33:14 There's there's truth in Buddhism.
01:33:16 There's truth in Hinduism.
01:33:18 There's truth in Islam.
01:33:22 Yet I believe that Jesus Christ is the perfect revelation of God, the full and flawless.
01:33:32 Image of God to the Jesus Christ is the true fulfillment of all the different world religions.
01:33:38 So there's truth in Olens.
Speaker 7
01:33:40 And feeling that.
01:33:42 Can you imagine getting applause today?
01:33:46 After someone says that.
01:33:51 That's that to me, is, is and look, he's.
Speaker 4
01:33:55 Paying all boomer about.
01:33:56 It right.
01:33:56 Like, oh, I think there's.
Speaker 4
01:33:57 Truth in all religions.
01:33:58 And we should all hold hands in Kumbi.
01:34:00 ******* yeah, right.
01:34:02 But when he says that that, you know, Jesus is the perfect representation of God to actually have the crowd.
01:34:10 Applaud that is.
01:34:12 That's telling.
01:34:13 That's that's how much church attendance because this, this show is an American show.
01:34:19 And so for the audience, the American audience to applaud it, because again, this this is like a.
01:34:26 It's like a big show.
01:34:28 That it would be like, I guess the same thing as if it's not quite like like like Stephen Colbert, but kind of it was like a late Late Show like it was less celebrities.
01:34:43 And but.
01:34:46 No, I would say this was kind of like on par with say like The Tonight Show with Stephen Colbert.
01:34:52 And for that audience to applaud.
01:34:54 That would be insane.
Speaker 18
01:34:59 A few and how has this affected you among your colleagues?
01:35:03 And why did you feel that those specific things needed reform?
Speaker 11
01:35:06 Well, take for instance.
01:35:09 Wait, hold on.
01:35:10 What did they?
01:35:10 Reform question.
Speaker 18
01:35:11 Students who admit that it has part of the truth, but that some other one has the rest of.
Speaker 5
01:35:14 But wouldn't it be beautiful if if each religion could say this is the way out?
01:35:15 The truth and that oh God, this ******* *****.
01:35:21 This this is.
01:35:22 This is why girls shouldn't be in charge of anything, really.
Speaker 5
01:35:26 To convince other people that that is.
01:35:28 The truth, but it would.
01:35:30 It be better if everyone just like you know.
Speaker 18
01:35:32 Quality and divorce, to name a few.
01:35:36 Here we go. Infidelity. Divorce.
Speaker 11
01:35:42 Myself, I.
Speaker 18
01:35:45 Archbishop, you've taken the positions of very strong ones, I believe on abortion and capital punishment and homosexuality and divorce, to name a few.
01:35:54 Here we go.
Speaker 11
01:35:55 A of those.
Speaker 18
01:35:56 And how has this affected you among your colleagues?
01:35:58 OK.
Speaker 18
01:35:59 And why did you feel that those specific things needed reform?
Speaker 11
01:36:02 Well, take for instance.
01:36:05 As a Christian, I believe that capital punishment is wrong because it devalues.
01:36:10 ***, ***, ***.
01:36:12 So this is one of the Fagot.
01:36:14 And he's literally wearing a purple dress.
01:36:17 So this ******* white haired ****** with a with a purple dress.
01:36:22 And a necklace with a big beating necklace.
01:36:27 This is part of the problem.
01:36:32 Some ******* wacky.
01:36:36 He's basically trans.
01:36:40 He's he's dressed like that.
01:36:41 ******* teenager from the.
01:36:44 From the Discovery Channel show.
01:36:46 So this ******* ****** is like, oh, we can't have the death penalty.
01:36:53 Alright, let's see.
01:36:53 Let's see what else?
01:36:54 You going to cook on?
Speaker 11
01:36:56 Those human life.
01:36:59 I believe that while homosexual acts are.
01:37:03 But dude, you just sound like a ****** when you say homosexual.
01:37:08 Let's let's hear.
Speaker 11
01:37:08 It again, homosexuality.
01:37:10 I believe that while homosexual.
01:37:14 I mean, sorry, sorry.
01:37:15 Brits, but like, yeah.
Speaker 11
01:37:18 It is wrong because.
01:37:20 The the values human life, homosexuality.
01:37:24 I believe that while homosexual acts are sinful, I believe them to be sinful.
01:37:33 Yet I thought that the laws against homosexuality.
01:37:39 He fought against the laws against homosexuality.
01:37:44 This ****** in the purple dress.
01:37:52 And This is why today, that church.
01:37:55 Can't tell you what a woman.
Speaker 11
01:37:56 Is didn't help people who wanted to be helped to get the help which they need and thus in the interests of justice and compassion, I was in favor of a change in those laws on the question of abortion.
01:38:14 The line I take as a Christian is one that many of my fellow Christians I know take that the human fetus is sacred wouldn't actually call it a person, but the potentiality of an eternal life.
01:38:29 Oh my God.
01:38:30 See and there.
01:38:31 You go.
01:38:32 With those ******* weasel words.
01:38:36 It's a potential person.
01:38:37 He's literally using global hobo speak.
01:38:41 And when call it a person, but the potentiality.
Speaker 11
01:38:46 Life and being sacred, I would say that the human fetus can only be destroyed if the life and serious health of the mother is in jeopardy.
Speaker 18
01:38:58 And I assume that.
Speaker 11
01:38:58 And I would.
01:38:59 Say he's he's pro abortion.
01:39:02 This is the 70s.
01:39:05 I actually didn't know this.
01:39:06 I wasn't.
01:39:07 I wasn't sure what.
01:39:08 We were going to see.
01:39:10 I just saw like because I was.
01:39:11 Looking for other.
01:39:12 Stuff and I.
01:39:13 Was like, oh, OK, Church of England.
01:39:15 I just saw that article.
01:39:16 They're there, but they can't *******.
01:39:17 Tell you what a what a woman is.
01:39:20 Here's the here's the.
01:39:21 Far as I can tell, like they're Pope, basically.
01:39:25 Back in the 70s and it's about abortion and, you know, **** and stuff like that.
01:39:30 See, let's see what it is.
01:39:32 I'm a little shocked I'm a little bit shocked I was not expecting this.
01:39:39 Was not expecting this.
Speaker 11
01:39:41 Draw the line there on the abortion question as against what we call the social clause you see.
01:39:48 But those are just illustrations of different lines that I've.
Speaker 18
01:39:50 Taken, I see that when you spoke with Craig.
01:39:52 So the ****** in the purple dress.
01:39:56 Apparently was instrumental.
01:39:59 In changing.
01:40:01 Well, let's let's go through it.
01:40:02 Church attendance.
01:40:04 So under this guys rule.
01:40:06 In England.
01:40:08 Church attendance plummeted.
01:40:12 He went against the death penalty.
01:40:17 He went against having.
01:40:20 ****** laws.
01:40:24 He's pretty weak on abortion.
01:40:32 You know what?
01:40:33 What else?
01:40:33 What else?
01:40:33 Is he going to do?
Speaker 18
01:40:34 Cardinal cook.
01:40:35 Did you sense any irreconcilable areas between your church and?
01:40:39 The Church of Rome.
Speaker 11
01:40:39 Well, the, the he and I both know that there are big differences like the infallibility of the Pope, like certain dogmas concerning the basic virgin, like the claim of the Roman Catholic Church to be.
01:40:54 The itself, the one Catholic Church in the world.
01:41:01 But it's a question of the proportion of things, and increasingly Roman Catholics and Anglicans and Protestants are finding themselves wanting to emphasise the.
01:41:14 Beliefs which they share and to witness together on the basis of them, while realizing that there are still unresolved differences.
Speaker 18
01:41:22 Can you envision a time?
01:41:23 Yeah, he's basically saying.
01:41:26 More and more, the leadership in all of the large Christian denominations.
01:41:32 Are all the same global **** **** *******.
01:41:36 So we're all getting on the same page.
01:41:40 Little by little, it doesn't matter.
01:41:42 Yeah, we have a, you know, we have a couple differences here and there.
01:41:52 But don't worry.
01:41:55 Well, we'll, we'll get rid of those ****** laws.
01:41:59 Will be very accepting of gay marriage and trans kids in just a few decades.
01:42:13 Now The funny thing is what he's talking about.
01:42:16 Or the way?
01:42:16 He you know, it was supposed to be.
01:42:21 Is something that well, NPR is very concerned about and that is the people, the members, the members of the church.
01:42:30 Now look, the clergy and all of these major Christian institutions are all but ******* ********.
01:42:35 They're all.
01:42:35 They're all satanic pedophiles like they just are.
01:42:38 They are.
01:42:39 They are.
01:42:40 Or they're just.
01:42:42 Weak, pathetic, cowardly dude.
01:42:48 OK.
01:42:48 They just are, they are.
01:42:52 But the the the membership, the people who actually go to these churches, he's right.
01:42:56 In some ways.
01:42:58 Or at least what he was trying.
01:43:00 Either he was trying to communicate or or whatever.
01:43:04 The the point he was making was.
01:43:08 The Christian membership.
01:43:11 Especially as they face more and more evil.
01:43:14 In the world.
01:43:16 Is increasingly looking at what they have in common with other denominations.
01:43:23 In that you know the big thing, of course.
01:43:26 They hate the pedos.
01:43:30 They hate the groomers.
01:43:33 They don't want trans kids.
01:43:37 Right, so there's this article in NPR.
01:43:42 That says Christian nationalism influence on American politics, and they kind of.
01:43:47 Talk about this.
01:43:49 Republican gubernatorial gubernatorial candidate Doug Mastriano in Pennsylvania has not been shy about his faith in his campaign speeches.
01:44:01 When he won his primary in May, The Associated Press described his victory party as an evangelical worship service.
01:44:09 He referenced the Bible.
01:44:10 Reference Bible scripture and warned about the darkness of the Democrats.
01:44:15 This is rhetoric.
01:44:17 I'm Scott.
01:44:17 This rhetoric is just one example of a growing ideology among the GOP called Christian nationalism.
01:44:24 Now look, they're whatever there's.
01:44:29 I know these definitions get thrown.
01:44:30 Are these terms get thrown around?
01:44:32 Everyone got their own definition, but think of it.
01:44:34 Think of it from NPR's point of view. Right. From a leftist point of view, sociologist Andrew Whitehead defines Christian nationalism as a cultural framework. That is all about trying to advocate for a fusion between Christianity as they define it.
01:44:49 And American civic life.
01:44:51 Christian Nationalists played a role in electing Donald Trump as president in 2016, believing he was their only hope to keep American Christian NPR reported, and symbols of Christian nationalism could be seen all over the attack on the capital.
01:45:08 The attack on the capital.
01:45:09 Oh my God.
01:45:11 The ******* attack on the capital.
01:45:14 You know what?
01:45:16 Since they brought it up.
01:45:20 Let's see if I have it here.
01:45:23 I was going through old videos of the day and I was like I, you know, I kind of feel bad, I feel like.
01:45:29 Like I I should have played I.
01:45:31 Feel like from now on.
01:45:35 We need to every.
01:45:39 Every Freedom Day or whatever, I don't even know.
01:45:44 What we call it.
01:45:47 Let's see if I can.
01:45:48 I think this.
01:45:49 Is the right one.
01:45:56 Every January 6th.
01:46:02 We should.
01:46:07 We should celebrate by playing this video.
Speaker 1
01:46:17 And you.
01:46:22 You got.
01:46:41 Let's go.
Speaker 1
01:46:56 You know.
01:47:40 Trader to your son.
Speaker 17
01:47:41 You're a *******.
Speaker 1
01:47:55 That's good.
01:48:10 Yeah, and now they're all getting ****** in.
01:48:14 ****** in jail.
01:48:20 It was fun.
01:48:21 It was fun to watch live.
01:48:27 It was fun to watch live anyway.
01:48:34 So what?
01:48:35 They were all there?
01:48:35 This article.
01:48:36 Is all freaked out about is.
01:48:38 Ohh, look at all these Christian nationalists.
01:48:41 They're all these Christian.
Speaker 4
01:48:42 Look, and they're not.
01:48:43 Wrong in in terms of that is does seem to be the glue that holds a lot of these people together, even if you're just talking, you know, especially cue cards, right and.
01:48:54 Look Q ***** is is ******** as.
Speaker 4
01:48:57 They are and.
01:48:57 *** **** are they ******.
01:49:01 They are useful idiots. They're useful idiots for whoever controls that account. That's for damn sure. I mean, if whoever's running that queue account, I mean, they could.
01:49:10 They could make a real January 6th happen.
01:49:14 You know in in fact, I'm a.
01:49:15 Little I'm.
01:49:17 A little surprised they didn't try something like that.
01:49:20 I mean, they're getting people.
01:49:21 To go crazy without telling them to go crazy.
01:49:25 But anyway.
01:49:28 So there there was that kind of going on there is there is that glue that holds a lot of these Republicans together.
01:49:37 All right, so this is the thumbnail in case you were wondering.
01:49:40 Going to bring that up real quick.
01:49:44 People trying to figure out what the ***** in my thumbnail.
01:49:48 OK.
01:49:50 Now, Speaking of riots.
01:49:56 This is also this is kind of random.
01:49:57 Too, but that's all.
01:49:59 Right.
01:50:00 I found this.
01:50:03 Well, I was digging up footage today, so I thought I'd play it just because it shows that diversity is like, especially when people go, but they always want to look at the 90s like somehow with some magical time and.
01:50:13 That's just mostly most of.
01:50:15 The people saying that don't actually remember the 90s first hand.
01:50:19 What they're really saying is I like 90s music and and television, you know, they they don't realize that like, no 90s suck too.
01:50:28 This is a race riot that happened in in the 90s between Mexicans and blacks.
Speaker 4
01:50:37 He told Fox News he was resigning and said that problems at Englewood High go much deeper than today's riot Christina Gonzalez.
01:50:44 Has the story.
01:50:46 They can do what they want to do with.
Speaker 2
01:50:51 The Mexican relationship.
Speaker 10
01:50:53 No, that's not right.
Speaker 4
01:50:58 Really needs exactly who started it, but this is how a single model celebration ended up today at Inglewood.
Speaker 12
01:51:05 The Black Kids decided to do a payback, what they call it.
Speaker 13
01:51:06 OK.
Speaker 12
01:51:10 They decided that they would walk out of a.
01:51:13 It's a payback.
01:51:14 They call it.
01:51:14 They call, they call it.
01:51:20 They call it a payback.
01:51:24 Is that is that a?
01:51:28 Is that a I forget who sings it?
01:51:34 But it reminds you of this.
01:51:37 As James Brown.
01:51:40 Here we go.
01:51:46 You play this in the background.
Speaker 2
01:51:51 Got got the pay back called.
01:51:54 The big payback.
01:51:56 Gotta get revenge.
Speaker 12
01:52:03 Cinco de Mayo meeting.
Speaker 4
01:52:05 Students and police officers, sellers that apparently the.
Speaker 19
01:52:07 Whole thing began last February when allegedly a group of Hispanic students walked out of a Black History Month assembly.
01:52:14 Well, today he got a group of black students who walked out of a celebration.
01:52:20 But they they they don't want.
Speaker 4
01:52:22 Well, people were getting hit with bad bottles.
Speaker 19
01:52:24 They just took them black power, so they start hitting school officials canceled classes.
Speaker 2
01:52:28 Right.
Speaker 4
01:52:31 And called police.
01:52:33 Looking down discontinued outside were even desperate.
01:52:36 Parents looking for their children got caught in the middle.
Speaker 2
01:52:39 Why you fight?
01:52:40 Because you black.
01:52:41 Mexican you both together exceed, but it's not racist.
01:52:46 You guys finalize their.
Speaker 4
01:52:48 Many parents blamed school officials.
01:52:50 For the violence and then?
Speaker 15
01:52:51 Their new single Demaio was coming up.
Speaker 19
01:52:53 So they had planned to do this, so when you?
01:52:54 Talk with some of the fishes and tell them before time.
01:52:57 Things going one and not the other.
Speaker 2
01:52:57 Follow me out, Chain told me your name.
Speaker 4
01:52:59 The school officials insist it's not easy to listen.
Speaker 9
01:53:02 If a few students did something, and another three students did another thing that is not a black bond issue.
Speaker 8
01:53:07 Our students are.
Speaker 11
01:53:07 Not hostile towards each other.
01:53:12 I I like how the school guy, the school principal, whoever that was, is.
01:53:16 No, this has nothing to do with the race.
01:53:18 It's literally a race riot at your school.
Speaker 4
01:53:25 But that didn't seem to be the case today.
01:53:27 Several students suffered minor injuries.
01:53:30 Police say there were no arrests in Englewood High School Christina Gonzalez, Fox News, tonight parents.
01:53:37 She presents students got a chance to speak out about today's incident at a scheduled.
01:53:41 CPA meeting Homewood, the students.
Speaker 15
01:53:42 I'm ready.
Speaker 1
01:53:44 Black on Black History Month.
01:53:46 OK, OK.
01:53:48 I I I just.
01:53:50 If that's not like a a perfect.
01:53:52 Let me turn this music.
01:53:53 Down a little bit, if that's not a perfect example of why multiculturalism doesn't.
01:53:59 The fact that you this.
01:54:01 Is what started for those who the audio.
01:54:03 Is really bad.
01:54:04 So for those who couldn't understand what's going on there.
01:54:08 Black kids decide to get their big payback because they did Black History Month, right?
01:54:17 Like an assembly, right?
01:54:18 Like everyone go to the basketball court.
01:54:21 You know, assembly room or whatever, you know?
01:54:24 They had and we're going to talk about black history and the Mexican kids wanted to go smoke pot and and steal cars or something.
01:54:33 So they they didn't go to the thing.
01:54:37 It's the black blacks got mad because the Mexicans they didn't come into the the Black History Month.
01:54:44 To see how awesome black people are.
01:54:46 So when they had the secret and Mayor assembly again, listen to the problem.
01:54:53 It's a school in America.
01:54:56 And they've got this big black history meeting and then big Cinco de Mayo thing. It's like, what the ****'* even happening?
01:55:05 And so then the blacks were like, oh, yeah, we're not going to go to your *******.
01:55:09 Cinco de Mayo.
01:55:10 Thing and then they brawled outside the school.
01:55:15 Only in America, only in America.
01:55:23 The big payback.
01:55:27 All right, let's take a look at these super there's apparently tons of them here.
01:55:32 This is crazy.
01:55:33 Crazy amount of super chats that I.
01:55:35 Got to look at here.
01:55:39 Kind of want to put something fun in the background while I'm going over these.
01:55:44 I'll just I'll put this back on.
01:55:47 This will be fun.
01:55:58 Let me go through this.
01:56:01 Veruca salt $10. Hello, Devin. Have you ever seen the 2002 British documentary TV mini series on Edward Bernays and his uncle Sigmund? Freud called the century of the self.
01:56:20 It consists of four one hour episodes and is free on YouTube, but I I will copy that one thing I did see about Sigmund Freud the day that I didn't have time to really add to this show was apparently.
01:56:37 He was documenting Satan.
01:56:41 What's the what's the fancy word for it?
01:56:44 Satanic ritual, ritual, satanic abuse.
01:56:47 Or there's, like, an acronym.
01:56:49 It's so common.
01:56:50 Anyway, here's document, like, several Jewish women.
01:56:55 We're describing St.
01:56:58 Abuse in childhood.
01:57:02 And he was documenting it.
01:57:04 And then years later.
01:57:06 He said.
01:57:07 Ohh actually just they, they, they they just made it up.
01:57:10 It's even though in his documentation.
01:57:15 He notes how odd it is that their stories seem to be very similar.
01:57:20 Like very exactly the same like women who don't know each other have no, and this is before the Internet.
01:57:26 So they're not like reading about it or seeing videos on.
01:57:28 They're not like, you know, they're not cooking it up from the same fiction or whatever.
01:57:32 They're all coming to him with these very similar stories about satanic child abuse, and he's like, wow, this is crazy.
01:57:41 And and put ads published in one of his books and then years.
01:57:45 Later, it was like, oh, they.
01:57:46 They were just delusional.
01:57:47 And that that wasn't.
01:57:48 That didn't happen.
01:57:50 So I thought that was interesting and that was very interesting.
01:57:56 UM.
01:57:57 Yeah, let me let me add that to.
01:57:59 My notes here.
01:58:03 Going to open that file.
01:58:11 There we are.
01:58:17 Sean Conrad.
01:58:18 Hey, Devin.
01:58:18 I wanted to get your opinion on something.
01:58:20 It's a bit of a long one, but here goes nothing.
01:58:23 I've worked in the firearms industry for almost 15 years now, worked at various shops, went to trade school, and eventually became a gunsmith.
01:58:32 I even had my own business for a couple of years.
01:58:34 A lot of that changed.
01:58:36 Though since the George Floyd fiasco and the events that followed.
01:58:41 I see all the violence and hate that happens to founding stock Americans on a near constant basis, and it really shook me to the core when it came to firearms and my passion to work on them for folks.
01:58:54 I decided that I couldn't be a part of an industry that made machine made machines to end up hurting and killing my people.
01:59:02 By the hands of non founding stock, I shut my business down and I haven't worked on a gun in almost two years.
01:59:08 Sometimes there.
01:59:09 Oh, I think back on it and wonder if I.
01:59:11 Made the right choice on the one hand, I feel that my this is a long one.
01:59:18 I feel that my skills are.
01:59:19 Useful to me and my people.
01:59:22 But I think I would be completely devastated if one of my machines.
01:59:28 Were used to hurt one of my brothers or sisters, as so many are already hurt every day.
01:59:34 It gives me so many questions now to think about.
01:59:37 Am I wasting my skill and doing the service to my people or am I ultimately helping them?
01:59:42 Hopefully not having a hand in their destruction?
01:59:45 Am I blowing it all out of proportion or am I on the right track?
01:59:49 To do something better, it's hard to tell, but appreciate.
01:59:52 Yeah, I I would say you're not responsible for that at all.
01:59:57 It would be like someone that works on cars and then someone drives that car into a crowd and saying, oh, no, fully I haven't fixed that car.
02:00:06 Because if they you know, if they didn't fix it, first of all, someone else would have fixed.
02:00:10 It second of all.
02:00:13 You should be fixing guns for your people.
02:00:18 You know, if there's clients you don't want because you know that they're not going to be using.
02:00:23 Look if some if some George Floyd looking ************ came to your shop or I don't know.
02:00:27 However you do your business and wanted you to to fix their gun.
02:00:32 I would say no if that's, you know.
02:00:37 You know, I mean, like there there, there's a way.
02:00:39 I don't know if legally.
02:00:41 You can just say you're too busy, or so.
02:00:42 I don't know how.
02:00:43 You do it.
02:00:43 Legally nowadays, right?
02:00:44 Like you can refuse business.
02:00:47 But ohh I.
02:00:48 Know you can just say it's not based on race.
02:00:49 You just say like, yeah, look, I I I don't think that uh, yeah, I think this was a criminal.
02:00:56 But yeah, I don't think and the other thing is too is if you're a gunsmith.
02:01:00 I don't know.
02:01:02 What it's like to be against Smith, so I don't know what kind of guns you're working on.
02:01:06 But in my experience, all the thuggish ruggish bones, you know, **** *****, they've they've had some really ****** guns that haven't been smithed.
02:01:16 They haven't even been cleaned.
02:01:19 I I so I I don't think that you are contributing to that.
02:01:27 I would, yeah, I I don't know.
02:01:30 I'll tell you what it to me.
02:01:31 Honestly, it's an odd way to to think of it like as I was reading that I was kind of confused.
02:01:36 Like, why would you?
02:01:37 Why would you look?
02:01:38 At what you're.
02:01:39 Doing is something that's hurting white people.
02:01:43 You know, unless you're specific like, I could understand that if you were like a.
02:01:46 Gunsmith for the *****.
02:01:48 You know, like if if you were a gunsmith like if you were the Black Lives Matter official gunsmith.
02:01:54 Or the gunsmith for like the.
02:01:57 What is that the the not ******* around?
02:02:00 Crew or whatever those idiots are.
02:02:03 But to just not to be a gunsmith at all, because you think that some of those guns might shoot white people.
02:02:09 I mean, I don't know.
02:02:11 That seems weird to me.
02:02:12 It seems like a weird I'm just being honest.
02:02:14 It just seems like a weird response to me.
02:02:16 Like I I would never.
02:02:18 That would never again unless unless like all of your clientele were.
02:02:24 You know.
02:02:26 We're BLM and stuff like that, or Antifa.
02:02:32 I don't know.
02:02:35 So yeah, I mean.
02:02:37 I I I don't see any.
02:02:38 Problem with being a gunsmith, we need gunsmiths.
02:02:43 I I I'm not a gunsmith myself, but I've I've.
02:02:47 I've gone Smith before.
02:02:50 And it's a it's a good skill to have.
02:02:54 So yeah, I wouldn't worry about that at all.
02:02:56 I I would.
02:02:57 I would.
02:02:58 It's a weird like I said, I don't see how you you would feel responsible unless you were specifically affiliated with with a bad organization.
02:03:07 You know otherwise.
02:03:09 Like figure it this way, think of how many people.
02:03:13 Like when you have an instance where a.
02:03:17 Because it happens so often too.
02:03:21 When you have an instance where black people.
02:03:23 Are murdering white people?
02:03:26 Think of how many people had to just by doing their normal day-to-day job, facilitating that happening.
02:03:33 You know, what about the cabbie that drove him to wherever he was going to go do the murder, you know?
02:03:38 What about the the the guy at at Burger King that gave him or you?
02:03:43 Know Popeye's chicken?
02:03:45 They gave him his.
02:03:47 His bag of chicken.
02:03:49 You know, what about?
02:03:50 You know, there's so many things that.
02:03:55 Criminals, these animals.
02:03:58 Rely on because they rarely work.
02:04:00 You know, do anything for themselves in order to to accomplish anything, right?
02:04:05 But that doesn't mean that all these people involved were somehow, you know, the people that.
02:04:09 All their support staff, indirect support staff were you know, I mean they weren't directly hired by this guy, so I wouldn't worry about it.
02:04:17 I don't.
02:04:18 I don't see it's it's a weird conclusion for me.
02:04:21 For you to come to that conclusion.
02:04:26 King Slayer 1776. Very generous $100. That's a huge, huge thank you to that, that, that helps out a lot.
02:04:36 That mostly covers space Internet for the month.
02:04:40 Love you, Devin, for your defiant video.
02:04:42 Red Pill, my brother and my mom.
02:04:45 I also stole your book.
02:04:46 You are the absolute ****.
02:04:47 Well, I appreciate you hooking a a brother up.
02:04:52 So thank you, King Slayer 1776, a very American name based race mixer $5.
02:05:01 Where do you see us?
02:05:02 The West specifically and the US come November as far as elections, global food shortage, global food shortage, inflation.
02:05:12 I see a big sea change around that time.
02:05:14 What are your thoughts?
02:05:16 I don't.
02:05:17 I don't think it's going to be as big as a lot of people think.
02:05:20 I think that.
02:05:21 There are going to be some shortages, but it's not.
02:05:24 People aren't going to be starving to death in the streets.
02:05:28 I think they they would.
02:05:30 There were people.
02:05:31 There are factions that would like very much to have lockdowns during the election for obvious reasons and makes fraud easier to disguise.
02:05:41 As we saw in the presidential election.
02:05:45 But I don't know.
02:05:47 I don't know.
02:05:48 I think people are also really ******* tired of.
02:05:52 Of lockdowns like even lefties are complaining about lockdowns.
02:05:57 It's always good to listen to.
02:05:58 Not not the not.
02:06:00 The lefties that work for the billionaire, you know, not not like the MSNBC's and stuff like that of the world, but the actual lefties. Like the people like the Jimmy doors of the world, stuff like that, right. It's always good to keep to listening on what they're saying.
02:06:16 If you want to get a good feel for.
02:06:21 You know, not the luck the MPC crowd, but like the left side of the like where their heads at on a lot of this stuff.
02:06:28 And they're not feeling that they're already.
02:06:32 You know, having second thoughts about the VAX, a lot of these guys.
02:06:36 They're they're definitely having second thoughts about the.
02:06:42 I think it'd be a tough sell.
02:06:44 I think it'd be a tough.
02:06:45 I mean, look, they could still do it.
02:06:47 They whatever they want, you know, literally there doesn't seem to be opposition to a whole lot.
02:06:52 Right.
02:06:53 So, but I think it'd be it'd be a tougher sell, they might not be confident enough to do it.
02:07:02 That said, it's always good to be prepared, always good to be prepared.
02:07:05 I always prepare as if yeah, all hell is going to break loose.
02:07:08 Yeah, I'll be good.
02:07:09 You know if.
02:07:10 If all hell breaks.
02:07:11 Loose in November, I'll be good.
02:07:13 And you should always be ready for something like that.
02:07:15 I just don't.
02:07:16 See it? But that's.
02:07:17 The thing is, I don't have a ******* crystal ball.
02:07:19 Most people don't see this kind of stuff before it happens.
02:07:21 That's why it happens.
02:07:24 Proud of you white $5. Appreciate that I learned a lot from a lot from your.
02:07:31 I learned a lot from your about.
02:07:35 Right.
02:07:35 Well, you need to learn more about how to word things.
02:07:39 Your subversion and movies.
02:07:41 Did you ever see the movie flight?
02:07:45 It was from 2012.
02:07:48 And made white people look like terrible, incompetent idiots while the black guy was made to look like a God.
02:07:54 They even crashed the plane into a Catholic Church.
02:07:58 No, I have not seen that.
02:08:02 But I'm not surprised.
02:08:05 I'm not surprised.
02:08:06 I'll add that to the list.
02:08:10 Marvin Heinemeyer 8810 dollars appreciate that first time catching a stream live from the beginning. Well, you've been around for.
02:08:21 For just over 2 hours then.
02:08:23 Oh, holy ****.
02:08:25 I don't know.
02:08:26 If you did, you guys hear that I might not be online for much.
02:08:30 Longer that was.
02:08:32 That was some.
02:08:33 Loud *** ******* Thunder right there that.
02:08:38 OK.
02:08:38 Well, electricity still on.
02:08:40 They went out today earlier like it came back on, but.
02:08:44 That made the that made the lights flicker a little bit.
02:08:47 All right.
02:08:47 I'm still online though.
02:08:48 OK, well, alright, just warning you if it does go out or whatever, I'll I'll get.
02:08:54 I'll get to the Super chats.
02:08:57 Somehow, but just.
02:08:59 That was. That was loud.
02:09:03 OK.
02:09:07 Two hours from horrible hangover, if you had to choose between one of these wage slave jobs, which would you pick and why?
02:09:16 Traffic engineer, utility engineer, Bioinfo or informatics dev software or software dev logistics company?
02:09:26 Software dev.
02:09:29 Or unfulfilling government job that takes almost no effort.
02:09:35 It depends on what you're trying to accomplish.
02:09:38 Yeah, there's something to be said for the the no effort government job that you can't get fired from because the system's going down. And and I'm a big believer in trying to suck it dry on the way down and get whatever you can, but you know, try to get yours before it's no longer gettable.
02:09:56 But it depends on your long term goals.
02:10:00 And your skills.
02:10:07 I don't know about traffic.
02:10:08 I don't.
02:10:09 I don't know.
02:10:09 I don't know about some of these either.
02:10:11 You know, like traffic engineer.
02:10:13 Like what?
02:10:14 What does that entail?
02:10:15 I don't even know.
02:10:15 Like, what do you do?
02:10:16 You design roads and and you know, or are you working on stop lights?
02:10:23 You know?
02:10:23 Like what?
02:10:24 I don't know.
02:10:24 What all that is is involved there.
02:10:27 Sending the utility engineer.
02:10:28 What do you do?
02:10:28 You designing power lines or you know, like some of this stuff would be fun to know, interesting to know, fulfilling to know and have a good future.
02:10:35 And especially like working in electricity.
02:10:40 That's never going to go away.
02:10:42 You know, we're always going to need electricity unless there's, like, an EMP or something.
02:10:46 Well, and then we'll really need electricity.
02:10:47 So bioinformatics software Dev, what is that like facial recognition?
02:10:58 I don't know about that I want.
02:10:59 I don't know if I'd want to.
02:11:00 I mean, it might be good so that you know about it, but I don't know.
02:11:03 I don't know if I'd want to help develop that stuff.
02:11:06 Logistics company software Dev as I I got a relative that does that, he seems like he's dead inside.
02:11:16 Oh, he doesn't hear this.
02:11:18 But yeah, I don't know.
02:11:20 I don't know if.
02:11:22 That doesn't seem that doesn't sound like the the the the most fun job.
02:11:27 Yeah, I don't know my.
02:11:28 Vote without knowing enough about it would.
02:11:30 Just be hey.
02:11:31 Why not?
02:11:31 Why not just do the the?
02:11:33 The Super easy government job again, which there's so many factors.
02:11:39 There's no way I can tell you for sure, but there's nothing wrong with wanting to suck the system dry.
02:11:45 And here's the thing.
02:11:47 Because you're not expanding, expending your energy at work, you need to redirect the energy elsewhere.
02:11:55 That doesn't mean OK, I I I I just sail through life and not actually try to accomplish anything.
02:12:01 No, the reason I would pick that is because it is so easy.
02:12:05 You you would after work.
02:12:08 You would still have the energy and the the drive and the passion to do other things.
02:12:15 You wouldn't get.
02:12:16 You wouldn't have that sucked out of you during that 8 hours that.
02:12:18 You were at work.
02:12:20 And so that's why I would say.
02:12:23 You know, try to pick the job.
02:12:24 That's going to.
02:12:25 Suck your life, force out the least.
02:12:31 Alright, let's take a look here.
02:12:34 After met Kalashnikova $5, hi Devin. Hope you get well soon. I'm actually kind.
02:12:40 Of well now at this point.
02:12:42 Our ancient but thank you all the same.
02:12:43 Our ancient ancestors were actually smarter and stronger than us.
02:12:47 They had lower mutational load.
02:12:51 The Neanderthals, which many whites are related to, had larger.
02:12:55 Brains and were physically much stronger than us.
02:12:58 Yes, we do have a lot of Neanderthal.
02:12:59 Blood in us.
02:13:02 It's a it's a lineage I'm proud of.
02:13:06 And yeah, they could.
02:13:09 Possibly move giant rocks around like that boomer.
02:13:12 Horrible hangover $1.00 appreciate that if you could have study anything and were to enter the workforce today.
02:13:20 What would you study and what field would you want to work in?
02:13:30 I mean like if.
02:13:31 I were to do it all over again.
02:13:38 I don't know, I I.
02:13:39 I really don't know.
02:13:39 I think that.
02:13:40 Honestly, if I were.
02:13:42 To because I I like the direction.
02:13:44 My life's.
02:13:45 Going in and I like what I'm doing.
02:13:47 And so I probably want to do something that would make that easier, right?
02:13:51 So I'd almost want.
02:13:51 To have like a.
02:13:54 Maybe a construction or like a farming?
02:13:57 Background like go go Internet at some farm or some ranch for a while you know.
02:14:04 So I can learn more.
02:14:07 Farming techniques and and, you know, permaculture kind of stuff, construction is always very useful.
02:14:18 Yeah, I don't know, I.
02:14:19 Don't know.
02:14:21 It's, you know, one of those things are like trying to think, trying to when people say, what would you change if you could change in your life?
02:14:26 It's really easy to pick some things where, like, oh, we should bought Bitcoin and you know more of it in in 2008 or, you know, whatever, right.
02:14:33 It's easy to say stuff like that, but.
02:14:36 We are just, we're the some of our experiences and so taking away some of your.
02:14:42 Your experience like I don't know.
02:14:43 That I would be who I am now if I hadn't.
02:14:46 For example, gone down the movie making Rd.
02:14:51 You know what I what?
02:14:51 I have what I have the ability to.
02:14:57 Dissect propaganda and spread the word about hey, look, this is how they're trying to ****.
02:15:02 **** you with, with movies and television.
02:15:05 What I have done that no, I don't think I would if I if I had studied farming and should I'd just be on some farm somewhere and would I even find it fulfilling if I had this this need in me that like oh, I want to make movies and do.
02:15:19 Whatever. If I hadn't.
02:15:21 Gone down that road first would I?
02:15:23 Would I be some farmer that?
02:15:24 Felt like oh, man, like if only I'd.
02:15:27 If I'd done, I could be I could have been creative and artistic and I'm just sitting here ******* planting seeds, you know, I mean, like, I feel like you just got to go with your gut.
02:15:36 So I don't know that I would actually change anything.
02:15:38 What I would study is.
02:15:41 You know that.
02:15:43 You know, stuff that would just be.
02:15:46 I think thought I would.
02:15:48 I'd probably study electricity more.
02:15:50 Because I I am, I don't have the time.
02:15:54 To research.
02:15:56 That topic, as much as I'd like.
02:15:59 And I find it fascinating.
02:16:01 Electrical engineering.
02:16:02 I find it fascinating, and I wish I wish it's something I had studied more when I was younger.
02:16:07 I'd say electrical engineering, if you swallow a topic.
02:16:17 The Ministry of Truth.
02:16:19 You said you didn't know what song I sent you last stream.
02:16:22 Here it is, you said.
02:16:25 You said you added it to your notes.
02:16:26 But let's see here.
02:16:33 OK.
02:16:34 I don't think this is the one I had on my notes.
02:16:42 Right.
02:16:43 Now it's in my notes.
02:16:46 Notes have been saved.
02:16:48 In case the power goes out.
02:16:50 Which, like I said, happened today.
02:16:52 Like The funny thing is, when the power went out today, it happened just as I.
02:16:55 Clicked something like.
02:16:57 Like as I clicked it says like click and everything in.
02:16:59 The house is.
02:17:02 It's like, what did I do?
02:17:06 Anyway, I hope.
02:17:06 That you're not gonna let it know one thing.
02:17:08 Happening again, Thomas Matthew, $25 appreciate that. Hey, Devin, check out the Motion Picture Review Board on Telegram.
02:17:18 OK, I don't know what.
02:17:19 That is but.
Speaker 1
02:17:24 And that's my notes too.
02:17:28 Only Ministry of Truth you should see about doing a stream with no more news, I know he said he would be interested in talking to you.
02:17:35 Again on stream, yeah.
02:17:36 It'd be cool to talk to I I.
02:17:40 I just haven't talked to literally anybody in weeks.
02:17:45 UM.
02:17:48 But yeah, Adam, I've talked.
02:17:49 I used to talk to Adam on Twitter a lot DM back when I was on.
02:17:52 Twitter, but I haven't talked to.
02:17:54 Him in a while.
02:17:58 Soy pilled.
02:18:00 Huge donation.
02:18:02 Huge donate.
02:18:03 You know what?
02:18:03 Forgot to give.
02:18:06 I forgot to do the.
02:18:08 The UM.
02:18:10 For King Slayer, I forgot to do it, so I'm going to do it.
02:18:12 This is.
02:18:12 For this one's for King Slayer.
02:18:28 And now this one is for soy pilled.
02:18:33 Where is it?
02:18:33 Where is it?
Speaker 1
02:18:37 I there we go.
Speaker 2
02:18:37 So you better help me solve my problem.
02:18:40 I'm gonna get this money in.
02:18:46 In Breaking Bad, there's a scene where Jesse and Walter are in separate cars and Jesse tells Walt where's my money *****.
02:18:54 But it isn't on any of the Jesse Pinkman ***** compilations on YouTube.
02:19:00 I'm going to have to find what episode it's.
02:19:04 It's in, so you can add it to your list of donation sounds.
02:19:07 Oh, look at that.
02:19:07 Speak of the devil.
02:19:08 I literally didn't know.
02:19:09 That's what you were going to say, yeah.
02:19:12 Breaking Bad was.
02:19:15 Was an interesting show only.
02:19:18 Well, not only, but a lot because.
02:19:21 You know, I lived in New Mexico a long time and I saw what like it's very that that shows very Albuquerque.
02:19:28 I think anyone who's lived in Albuquerque and and I mean like, you know, experience the full experience.
02:19:34 All that Albuquerque.
02:19:35 Has to offer.
02:19:39 There's that show just has an authenticity about it.
02:19:43 Hammer a Thorazine $10. About 13 years ago, a wise boomer told me to expect women to sign up for the draft.
02:19:53 Because there was a male female box on the draft registration cards.
02:19:58 It happened also.
02:20:00 You can find official plans for a medical worker.
02:20:03 Draft online on government sites with a quick search.
02:20:10 Find you can find official plans for a medical worker draft.
02:20:17 Oh, you know what?
02:20:20 Yeah. No, the medical worker stuff's even worse.
02:20:23 The medical worker stuff I, you know, I haven't.
02:20:28 I haven't followed the case.
02:20:30 There was a hospital.
02:20:33 They had at will employees, so in other words, you're not.
02:20:37 You're not contracted.
02:20:38 You're just working there at the hospital.
02:20:40 And they can they you can show up one day and they can just say you're fired and then and then that's the way it is.
02:20:44 Right.
02:20:46 For no reason, because you have no contract and so no expectation of employment.
02:20:52 And a new hospital opened up that was going to pay more in so many of their caregivers or whatever you want to call them.
02:20:59 Move to the other hospital that they were unable to.
02:21:04 Keep some of their facilities open and they sued.
02:21:10 Or in the process of suing.
02:21:14 Their their ex employees.
02:21:18 The case is not dismissed.
02:21:20 I know that much.
02:21:20 So it's going to court.
02:21:24 They're getting sued for quitting their job.
02:21:29 And I suspect with, you know, COVID nuff, you're going to see and there were similar things.
02:21:34 I can't remember exactly what it was, but I remember that like there was something like that like a year ago.
02:21:40 Where too many people, too many nurses or or caregivers were quitting during the pandemic.
02:21:44 And so there was another medical facility that was like suing their employees.
02:21:49 But yeah, absolutely.
02:21:54 Postmaster, $5 Donald Trump signed the Abraham Accords peace deal on 9/15/20 exactly 666 days later, Biden would arrive in Israel to sign the Jerusalem Declaration Declaration the following day. On July 14th, the day of Ivanas death.
02:22:14 Look at that.
02:22:16 I don't have my. I need my X-Files intro.
02:22:19 I'll get the spooky X-Files intro.
02:22:22 Load it up in here.
02:22:25 Christmas Rex, $5 in the Hollywood ISM stream. You said that Edison invented the film, but it actually it was a Frenchman named Louis Le Prince who mysteriously disappeared while on a train ride to finalize his patent.
02:22:43 Well, there.
02:22:44 Let's see here.
02:22:44 Louis, the Prince.
02:22:50 I was not aware of Louis Le Prince.
02:22:53 Maybe I'll look him up sometime.
02:22:56 Or is that real?
02:22:58 Or is that like just French people wanting to sound like they invented stuff?
02:23:02 I don't know.
02:23:04 I'll look into it.
02:23:06 They were theorizing $10 Alexa, and I hope every time I.
02:23:10 Say that by the way, there's people out there that are that their Alexis are waking up and going, yes.
02:23:15 And similar products remind me of those radios and all.
02:23:19 I just updated.
02:23:22 This is going to be a tough one to get through because.
02:23:25 Every time it updates.
02:23:35 OK, here we go.
02:23:37 What the ****?
02:23:42 Something just hit my roof.
02:23:47 I wonder if part of a tree broke off.
02:23:50 Well, I still got power.
02:23:51 I'm gonna keep going, but something definitely just turned my roof.
02:23:55 UM.
02:23:59 Alexa and similar products remind me of those radios.
02:24:02 And all the in in all the apartments.
02:24:06 In Pyongyang.
02:24:07 North Korea, the these broadcast government or the broadcast governor or let me start that over Alexa and similar products remind me of all those radios in the apartments in Pyongyang, North Korea, the these broadcasts government propaganda 24/7. You can turn it down, but you can't turn it off.
02:24:28 The Comcast one spews COVID BS, and if you say COVID, it starts rambling.
02:24:33 Yeah, you know what else is crazy?
02:24:34 Like I know a lot of people don't listen to broadcast radio that much anymore, you know, especially like FM.
02:24:39 Everyone's listening to streaming music or, you know, they've got music on their phone or, you know, whatever when they.
02:24:44 The car and I.
02:24:47 Yeah, I almost never listen to it either, but occasionally I'll clicking on.
02:24:51 If I'm driving around and the one thing I noticed which makes.
02:24:54 Sense because I was like well.
02:24:55 Who's who's paying for advertising on the radio?
02:24:58 Like you're not.
02:24:59 I mean, maybe.
02:25:00 Maybe there's still a lot of people, but it seems to me like you're not really reaching key demographics.
02:25:05 By advertising on radio anymore, you know and sure.
02:25:12 Something something else just in my.
02:25:15 Did you guys hear that?
02:25:20 Man, I'm about to go check this out after the stream some something bad.
02:25:24 Happened out there.
02:25:26 I think I think a tree is not doing so hot.
02:25:29 Yeah, I hope the highs are OK.
02:25:31 Anyway, all they're saying.
02:25:35 Oh yeah, the the.
02:25:39 The ads.
02:25:42 On on the radio, we're like all COVID PSA's, like all.
02:25:46 Get the Jeb, get the Jeb, get the Jeb, get the jab.
02:25:50 So I've never had.
02:25:51 One of these Alexa things, but I I.
02:25:53 Can see it being like that.
02:25:58 Deb to do nothing wrong $5 Reddit hired an admin who was a training UK politician who had to resign after appointing their pedo, ******, torturer, Dad to their campaign.
02:26:11 Then when users pointed this out, they made a bot to ban anyone who mentioned the ******** name, and then the ****** went on a date or went on to date a ****** pedophile.
02:26:24 Well, you know, that's why.
02:26:28 Where, that, where that graphic go that I had earlier in the stream?
02:26:36 That's why we had the predator.
02:26:45 Well, I can't find it.
02:26:49 It's one of these.
02:26:51 There we are.
02:26:58 Hammer theorizing $10. I can vouch for what you said about Amazon Cloud. I was at their Seattle headquarters yesterday.
02:27:05 I have never seen such wealth and excess astronomical waste on luxuries.
02:27:10 I had a chance to tour it privately.
02:27:12 I don't work with them.
02:27:13 I work in medicine independently.
02:27:16 No, they've got.
02:27:17 They've got more money than.
02:27:19 I mean just, I mean I think their contract with with just CIA, if I remember correctly, I could get, I might have this.
02:27:27 Wrong, but a couple of years ago they had a a contract with CIA that was like $600 million.
02:27:32 For cloud services.
02:27:36 And they're and and.
02:27:37 And that's just one client, you know every.
02:27:39 Agency is their own client.
02:27:45 Ebden $1.40 from.
02:27:48 SPQR, regarding the nerdy ***, TikTok yenta, you can see how this is used in the film anti.
02:27:58 Wait, what?
02:27:59 You can see how this is used in the film anti maim.
02:28:03 Want to take that apart?
02:28:06 Anti maim.
02:28:09 I don't know.
02:28:09 Auntie name is.
02:28:10 What is that?
02:28:15 Like auntie maim.
02:28:20 1958.
02:28:25 All right, this could be good.
02:28:31 It's Technicolor comedy.
02:28:33 Alright, well, all that to my notes too.
02:28:42 I am. I'm obsessively saving every time I had something cause like I'm. I'm not joking. My power could very well go out. This is what this is, what the weather's like right before the.
02:28:53 Power goes out.
02:28:57 Alright, guitar Tuner 1356 one dollar I've been chatting with my Super Lib friend about.
02:29:04 Racial IQ differences in blacks have and lower Iqs, high criminality, impulse control, etc.
02:29:10 And he just calls me racist.
02:29:11 His family has been here since the 1600s and I feel sad that he's hastening our country's decline. Any ideas? I mean, look, there's some people that.
02:29:20 Just I mean.
02:29:22 What does he say?
02:29:22 That the facts are not facts?
Speaker 4
02:29:26 You know what?
02:29:27 I mean like how?
02:29:27 I don't know how you can.
02:29:29 If, if he's just saying you're racist and like that's his whole answer.
02:29:35 Just call the pedophile.
02:29:38 And if he's like, well, why did you call me?
02:29:40 Pedophile I don't know.
02:29:41 Because you're a pedophile.
02:29:44 Well, here's all this evidence.
02:29:45 That I'm not a pedophile.
02:29:46 Well, you don't care about evidence, clearly.
02:29:51 I mean, it's you can't argue with the facts. I mean, these are these crime statistics aren't aren't from likekkk.org, they're from the FBI.
02:30:04 Uh, But yeah, there's lots of cocked found in stock people.
02:30:07 It's just less common.
02:30:09 But there's they're, they're.
02:30:10 They obviously do exist.
02:30:16 Ryan is cool $5 only going to be able to pop in for a little bit, but a coworker on ironically asked if I had caught up on Stranger Things. The fluoride stare I got when I said no was incredible.
02:30:28 Yeah, I you.
02:30:29 Know I watched.
02:30:30 I think part of the first season because at the time the office I worked in, they were all like super nerdy into it.
02:30:37 And I was like, and they they brought it.
02:30:40 They were like playing it, like at the at the office and I.
02:30:44 You know, it was like 80s nostalgia for people that are faggs.
02:30:50 In fact, I did see a news.
02:30:53 Article I think today.
02:30:55 That one of the characters is.
02:30:58 Is going to, you know.
02:31:00 Who's been, like, ambiguously gay is going to be explicitly gay in the next season.
02:31:05 So but again I'm I don't know.
02:31:07 I've never seen this ****.
02:31:08 It just looks like anything that.
02:31:11 These people make is going to be bad, you know.
02:31:17 Postmaster, $5 the electric Jew. Here's some Jew notes just for that comment.
02:31:27 Based race Mixer $5 the the Black ****** was sexually abused as a child. Guaranteed. This is a normal thing in the sick FAD community.
02:31:36 I saw a documentary recently of a man who goes to a gay bar and nearly all of the drunk gays when interviewed said yes, we were molested as.
02:31:44 Children and yes, we have molested young adults as well.
02:31:48 Yeah, well, and even Milo said that it was good for him to be molested and that every gay guy needs to be molested.
02:31:58 I didn't talk about the well, you know.
02:32:03 I'm not going to really talk about like.
02:32:04 The Lawrence southern you guys not talking.
02:32:06 About right, that's in fact, I'm not going to.
02:32:08 Elaborate in terms of the Lawrence southern thing.
02:32:12 All I all.
02:32:13 I could say was like, why is anyone surprised?
02:32:17 Grifter surprised that grifters are grifter.
02:32:20 You know, like that's all it was, just like.
02:32:23 Why does this need to be 3 hours long?
02:32:26 You know it's.
02:32:29 Why none of this should be shocking to anybody.
02:32:35 You mean the people with all the Jew money are disingenuous.
02:32:41 You know what I mean?
02:32:47 Clown world show $1.00 love you stagno ****.
02:32:51 Keep up the good work, buddy.
02:32:52 Well, thank you.
02:32:54 Based race mixer $1.00 or remodeled Vegas casinos at night? We have seen 10 trillions in the past year, but eight out of the ten were black. Just saying really.
02:33:08 I wonder what the.
02:33:09 Numbers are on that I wonder.
02:33:13 Because the you know the at least the very loud ones that are on and I don't know like is it because it's to normalize it to white people or is it, you know, it just seems like there it seems at least in media there's a disproportionate.
02:33:25 Amount of white ones but I don't know.
02:33:29 I'd like to know, I know.
02:33:31 Also, there's an there's at least.
02:33:34 There was a shocking I've never really had seen flaming gay like black people, and so I moved to the DC area and then they were ******* everywhere.
02:33:44 So maybe because I'm away from that now, I don't.
02:33:46 I'm just not seeing them.
02:33:50 Which Lord God free $1.00 do you want a copy of the book explaining the NGO Jew Complex that made ******** into a thing? The Transgender industrial complex by Scott Howard.
02:34:02 Alright, let me take a look here.
02:34:07 Digital copies are for sale.
02:34:09 Yeah, I got to.
02:34:10 In fact, I got.
02:34:13 I'm supposed to talk to those guys.
02:34:17 It didn't 2.
02:34:18 80 Nineties Jerry Springer had strippers and G strings on stripper poles with cameraman who worked for **** companies on the side that were going up her crack every commercial break.
02:34:30 Everyday TV for latchkey kids to be entertaining.
02:34:34 During the afternoon, daytime television during shows about six way relationships.
02:34:39 Yeah, and look, it wasn't even just the latchkey kids.
02:34:41 There was a lot of, you know, like, I had a lot of friends that.
02:34:44 Or you.
02:34:45 Know it was when divorce was getting big, right? So all the kids that were in going home to like their moms house one day and their dad's house the other day.
02:34:53 And of course both work, so they would go home.
02:34:56 You're right.
02:34:56 They would go home and just watch ******* awful TV like Jerry Springer until their parents got home.
02:35:03 And, but that wasn't just those kids.
02:35:05 Was, you know?
02:35:06 Like my mom was a stay at home.
02:35:08 Mom, but.
02:35:10 You know, she was out to lunch, you know, a a good part of that time that she was staying at home, quote UN quote. Right. And a lot of us watched that same crap.
02:35:24 Or we go to the OR, you know, we go to the friend whose?
02:35:27 Parents weren't home or whatever.
02:35:29 Yeah, TV sucked up a lot of kids.
02:35:32 And now and now, tablets are doing the same thing, only times 1000, because at least we didn't have easy access. We had scrambled ****. There's another joke about scrambled **** that anyone with cable but.
02:35:45 You know, would try to watch the the **** because the audio would still work and you could hear the **** happening.
02:35:50 And like the shapes on the screen were kind of like.
02:35:53 Pouring a little bit, but not really.
02:35:56 But Can you imagine just having when you I, I can't imagine just having from age 6.
02:36:05 ******** ****** ****.
02:36:08 At your fingertips.
02:36:11 Like what?
02:36:12 What's that?
02:36:13 What is?
02:36:13 That doing to these ******* kids, I have no idea.
02:36:19 Hammer authorizing.
02:36:24 $10. Look up what look up the wiki article of political abuse of psychiatry in the Soviet Union. I've mentioned some of it before.
02:36:34 Basically they are they amended the schizophrenia criteria to include any and all actions the government didn't like, they declared dissidents in saying this is what they'll do to us.
02:36:44 Right. No, they, they, they.
02:36:46 We'll do that.
02:36:47 It's going to it's already kind of starting with the red flag law.
02:36:51 But what I'm saying is you need to have control like all this stuff that we talked about, you need to have control in order to to get it done anyway, right?
02:37:00 So people that are don't like the people that get nervous, like, Oh no, don't say that.
02:37:05 We should have asylums because then they put us in the asylums.
02:37:08 Well, if we are not in charge, we can't have the.
02:37:11 Asylums to put.
02:37:13 Us in, you know, like if if they're going to put in asylums, they're going to build them and then put us in them in the same way that if we want them in asylums, we need to build.
02:37:24 Them and put them in.
02:37:25 It's all about why it it's all about being in control.
02:37:28 It's like.
02:37:28 The gun right.
02:37:31 The argument is the same thing like, well, guns are dangerous if you have the gun.
02:37:37 And someone takes it from you.
02:37:38 They could shoot you with it.
02:37:39 It's like, yeah, they could.
02:37:41 That's why I don't want them to take my gun.
02:37:43 That's why I keep the gun.
02:37:45 And it's the same thing with institutions.
02:37:47 Yeah, they could turn them around on us and put us in the institutions.
02:37:50 That's why you don't let them do that.
02:37:52 That's why you.
02:37:53 You, you you keep the institutions yourself.
02:37:56 We just happen to be in a, in a moment in history where we have 0 institution.
02:38:00 So it's not like.
02:38:01 So all this is all academic anyway.
02:38:03 So it's not like we.
02:38:03 Can just be like tomorrow building insane asylums and throwing ******* ******** in there.
02:38:08 That, that's that's so like beyond our capability right now it's it's laughable, but yeah, they it's not beyond their capability.
02:38:16 It's not, it's really not.
02:38:18 That's why this red flag.
02:38:20 It is is ******* really bad for us, because now that they've got that, they now have an incentive to make it.
02:38:27 You officially crazy.
02:38:30 Because if they want you to not have a gun now, according to law, all they got to do is say that you're crazy.
02:38:36 Well, how do they say that?
02:38:38 You're crazy.
02:38:38 It has to.
02:38:39 It has to be in, you know, official.
02:38:41 Somehow they have to be able to go to a judge and say, look, he's officially crazy.
02:38:44 Look, says right here.
02:38:47 Well, that's that's the next step.
02:38:48 Now they have to to roll that out and they will.
02:38:51 They will.
02:38:57 Auguries of influence.
02:39:00 Accidentally stumbled upon this movie called.
02:39:02 Different from the others.
02:39:06 It's a boring, silent movie, but if you check it out the OR I'll sure I'll check it out if it's a boring.
02:39:12 Silent movie.
02:39:14 The highlight is around 35 minutes or go to Wikipedia and check out some of the quotes. It's shocking to me that the Weimar Republic lasted as long as it did.
02:39:24 All right. Well, I might check out the 35 minute thing, but.
02:39:31 I'll add that in there too.
02:39:33 ******** fagot. Thank you for another awesome stream Dev. We'll appreciate that Marvin Heemeyer 88. Just call him Gay, Jew loving, loving ****** fence riders instead of libertarian.
02:39:46 Well, I just call them satanic.
02:39:49 That didn't.
02:39:50 Liberal, liberal law, liberal.
02:39:54 I don't know what that word is.
02:40:00 Do I dare look that up?
02:40:03 What is this going to be?
02:40:04 Something bad is.
02:40:05 This going to be like.
02:40:07 **** or something?
02:40:10 I hope it's not.
02:40:17 And it's nothing as far as I can see.
02:40:22 Woody Nick, $5.
02:40:24 Ohh, that's the word you're trying.
02:40:25 To for Satan satanic libertarians. Oh, yeah, that word's too hard to say, man.
02:40:32 Woody nick. Libertaria, bubs.
02:40:42 Your heart's in the right place, Epton. $1.40. Levy. Levy. Tarian.
02:40:49 That's better.
02:40:50 That's better, but not not enough people are going.
02:40:52 To know that.
02:40:54 That get that connection.
02:40:56 That's not bad.
02:40:58 But I think we can do better.
02:41:00 Hammer thorazine, libertarian.
02:41:07 That sounds like they're like they're they really want to go to the.
02:41:12 Adkin $1.40 this pious ***** with this collection of Page 3 girls.
02:41:20 In his desk drawer to turn on the choir.
02:41:22 Boys do go on.
02:41:24 Tell us about the greenhouse gases while you're at it, some other guy in the purple dress.
02:41:28 I think you are.
02:41:30 Nathan White, $100 man. You got lots of.
02:41:35 That's a big.
02:41:37 Big pimping money spenders today.
02:41:40 Let's see if I got.
02:41:43 Another one here.
Speaker 12
02:41:47 My ***** better have my money.
02:41:50 There we go.
02:41:54 Long time listener, first time Sheckler.
02:41:57 This this is from Nathan H White.
02:42:01 I hope you will take pride in my brief antidote.
02:42:05 3 years ago, my son asked, or my son asked to wear my ice immigration shirt to school.
02:42:12 I received a call from the principal and I drew upon the language of your video land of our our fathers from some.
02:42:21 Of my rhetoric.
02:42:25 72 Do you mean 73?
02:42:29 I don't know the 72 part is.
02:42:31 Well, that's great.
02:42:32 No, I'm, I'm glad.
02:42:33 I'm glad.
02:42:36 Do you work for ice and you just wearing your shirt, though, that you should have said that he's proud of his.
02:42:41 His paw.
02:42:43 You know, he he was dressing up like his paw but or.
02:42:47 But you know, that's more.
02:42:48 No, you're right.
02:42:49 You did the right way.
02:42:50 That's more base to just be like, Nah, **** it.
02:42:53 This is this is the land of my ancestors.
02:42:55 I can be proud of it.
02:42:58 And how you know and **** him.
02:43:00 He's a government employee and so is.
02:43:01 And ice is a government agency.
02:43:03 So he can **** ***.
02:43:07 Sounds like you're raising a.
02:43:10 A based kid. So good job there based race mixer $1.00. The church was infiltrated by gays.
02:43:17 But they want you to think that it was lowly no wife, having pastor with.
02:43:22 There, Pedro urges the church was infiltrated by gays, but they want you to think it was lowly no wife, having pastors with Pedo urges.
02:43:32 No, it was totally hijacked by faggs.
02:43:36 100%.
02:43:38 I mean.
02:43:40 From what I mean, the the Catholic Church, probably the Anglican Church, I would imagine most of these institutions, we've heard a lot of and look.
02:43:49 Some of it's come out.
02:43:51 Especially at the Vatican, you know, there's a whole lot of ******* ********** ******** going on there.
02:43:58 Super Brother, $5. Appreciate that dropping this off as a thanks for the great content. Thank you for all you do appreciate that.
02:44:07 FW $195. Hey Devin, take care of your ear. Wouldn't hurt to go to an audio all audiology or.
02:44:16 Audiologist or audiologist check your eardrum was my previous major. Anyway, thought for a future stream Jewish lightning AKA 911.
02:44:26 What we call false flags through history take care and wish the people listening all the best.
02:44:33 Stay frosty.
02:44:34 Well appreciate that.
02:44:35 Yes, yes, I I get this exact problem.
02:44:40 About once a year, sometimes not even once a year.
02:44:43 Sometimes I'll go a few years not.
02:44:44 A big deal and you know, I don't know what the weather changes or just something happens in my ear.
02:44:51 Gets ****** **.
02:44:52 It's since I was a baby.
02:44:55 You know, I guess I'm just genic dysgenic ears.
02:45:00 Champ $1.00 good to have you back.
02:45:02 Mr. Stack can.
02:45:03 You give any words of encouragement for the viewers dealing with **** and video game addiction.
02:45:10 It's just like anything else.
02:45:13 If you're trying to avoid doing well, you know it's with, whether it's drug, alcohol, food, video games, any kind of addiction like that, you're going to **** especially, you're going to be more.
02:45:28 Tempted to do it if you are not busy.
02:45:34 If you find, you know, like it's like they say, right, the idle hands are the devil's play, things that that's.
02:45:41 Literally true.
02:45:44 You started doing this stuff because you were bored.
02:45:49 And you continue to do this stuff because you're bored and now you're addicted to it, right?
02:45:55 You'd be shocked at how easy it is to quit.
02:46:00 Any addiction if you don't have enough time for.
02:46:04 And I don't mean like like find a project that's really difficult.
02:46:09 Hopefully something that puts you around other people.
Speaker 4
02:46:15 Bite off more.
02:46:15 Than you can chew.
02:46:16 Find something that's so challenging.
02:46:17 You don't think that you can actually do it, but something you want to do.
02:46:22 And start working on that project and you know you're not going to have time for that stuff.
02:46:28 Like the reason why I stopped playing video games is I got so into doing the.
02:46:35 The political work I was doing when I was working on the the Trump, the Pro Trump, sadly the pro Trump content that I was cranking out, like I didn't sleep for like that whole meme more.
02:46:50 I barely slept, and when I didn't have, when I did have free time, I was going to *******.
02:46:55 Wind up playing a video.
02:46:56 Game. You know, I I.
02:47:00 It ceased to be fun because it was.
02:47:02 Taking me away.
02:47:04 From something that I thought was important.
02:47:07 And so I think that if people are addicted to these things.
02:47:11 Really think about it.
02:47:14 It means that you probably don't have anything in your life in your life that you feel is is all that important.
02:47:22 Or that you don't have any in your life.
02:47:24 That's all that that you're all that passionate about.
02:47:27 So find that thing.
02:47:30 And you won't even think about it.
02:47:35 Get in, lace it, get into something that's productive, but like just really complicated and takes a lot of research.
02:47:45 Yeah, it look, it could even be.
02:47:47 Kind of like a hobby if you want.
02:47:49 It to be but I.
02:47:50 Would try to find something that.
02:47:53 That is a like.
02:47:55 Try to learn.
02:47:55 A new skill.
02:47:59 That is going to take a lot of research to do.
02:48:03 That gets again.
02:48:04 That gets you out of.
02:48:05 The house, ideally, but you know.
02:48:12 And it's easy to do, and once and just with and.
02:48:14 Honestly, this is this is true of I, in my experience, any addiction cause I've been addicted to lots of stuff.
02:48:19 That's just.
02:48:19 You know it is what it is.
02:48:21 I speak from experience.
02:48:23 I know it's not easy.
02:48:24 But I'll tell you what it is it.
02:48:26 Is easy after two weeks.
02:48:28 Two weeks seems to be like the magical amount of time that your brain needs to not do something habitually in order for it to cease to be a crutch.
02:48:40 Because that's what it ends up.
02:48:41 Being it's a crutch.
02:48:44 When you first start to do it, it's because it's fun and exciting.
02:48:49 And then when you continue to do it, it's not fun and exciting.
02:48:55 But you feel it's like the opposite now it now.
02:48:57 You used to do it, to feel good, and now you do it to feel normal.
02:49:01 Like, whatever the.
02:49:02 Whatever addiction, most addictions are like this.
02:49:05 That you're not actually getting any pleasure from it.
02:49:08 You're avoiding the pain of not doing it.
02:49:12 So really the the the cure.
02:49:15 Is to endure the pain of not doing it.
02:49:18 For about two weeks.
02:49:21 And don't be a ***** like the whole time you're doing, just like.
02:49:24 In two weeks this is over.
02:49:25 Like how?
02:49:26 No matter how bad, whatever it is the, you know, the the symptoms are with very rare, you know, very rare exceptions with alcoholism and seizures and.
02:49:34 Stuff like that.
02:49:36 Two weeks in, you won't miss it.
02:49:41 Regardless of what it is.
02:49:44 FW $195 Incas. Males stapes.
02:49:49 Incas males stapes God's gift.
02:49:53 Take care.
02:49:54 I don't know what that means.
02:49:57 Ingus. Mel stapes.
02:50:00 Is that?
02:50:00 Backwards something.
02:50:04 Saint Pats.
02:50:10 No, that's not backwards.
02:50:11 I don't know what that is.
02:50:14 Is that is that like Latin?
02:50:17 Soy pill $5 holy ****. That was demoralizing. Listening to that pastor a person with even a casual knowledge of the Bible could destroy them.
02:50:28 It's like they are atheists.
02:50:31 If I wanted to listen to a shameless grifter blasphemy God for hours to make money, I wouldn't go to church.
02:50:38 I would listen to Adam Green.
02:50:42 Yeah, I I know it's been like a a.
02:50:44 Full on he's got big hate.
02:50:46 ***** for Christians right now, but I haven't.
02:50:50 I haven't seen any of his.
02:50:52 Recent stuff, so I don't know how.
02:50:55 If that's still going on, I I suspect there might be a.
02:50:57 To some degree.
02:50:59 Veruca Salt, $5 appreciate that. What is super interesting about Freud saying his clients experienced SRA?
02:51:09 Or no, that is super.
02:51:10 Thing that was the acronym I was.
02:51:12 Trying to think of.
02:51:13 Never knew about that.
02:51:14 My question though is if you could have dinner with anyone today on the geopolitical landscape, who would it be and why?
02:51:24 Anyone in the geopolitical landscape?
02:51:29 Do I get to bring?
02:51:31 Well, I can't say that.
02:51:36 Depends on the rules of engagement.
02:51:41 I don't know.
02:51:42 I don't know.
02:51:44 Like I?
02:51:45 I don't know.
02:51:46 Maybe Les Schwab, I don't know.
02:51:49 Maybe just to get a read on the guy.
02:51:52 Yeah, because he seems like a A.
02:51:54 Total legit bond villain.
02:51:57 But you know, maybe maybe get a read on the guy.
02:52:02 Trump would probably be interesting in entertaining.
02:52:06 I know I kind of feel like there there's not well you.
02:52:09 Know what again 100% would.
02:52:14 Depend on the rules of engagement.
02:52:19 Yeah, maybe even someone like like Nathaniel.
02:52:21 Rothschild or something like you know, just.
02:52:25 It depends on how honest they would be about.
02:52:27 Stuff, or if it's just like if.
02:52:29 It's just fun hanging out.
02:52:30 You know what?
02:52:31 Mean. I don't know.
02:52:33 Soy piled.
02:52:34 But seriously, it's true what you say about the gates of hell seem to open.
02:52:39 The late 70s.
02:52:41 You can listen to literally any pastor in black and white, and they never talk about the faith alone.
02:52:46 Billy Graham at the end of every sermon would list the four things you need to do.
02:52:50 To be saved.
02:52:53 Well, what are the four?
02:52:54 Things I don't even know.
02:52:57 Auguries of influence $1.00 if you have time and patience for the subtitles, you should really check the Rabbi Jacob movie.
02:53:06 It's a comedy, and apparently the leading actor said that this movie helped him clean his soul and he could take a listen to this short speech.
02:53:17 And could you take a listen to this short speech?
02:53:20 Called if I were the devil by Paul Harvey.
02:53:23 No, I'm actually.
02:53:25 I'm in a very viral video.
02:53:27 I mean, so it's everyone that that's a very famous speech.
02:53:33 I recommend people checking out.
02:53:35 Yeah, I shared.
02:53:36 I shared that on a social media page that I used to help manage a long time ago and it got like.
02:53:43 Millions of millions of views.
02:53:46 So it's a really good it's a really.
02:53:48 Well, I think.
02:53:48 I've played it on the string too.
02:53:50 We'll play it.
02:53:51 Maybe some other time.
02:53:52 It's it's, it's an oldie but Goodie.
02:53:55 That's not the only one like that that he does.
02:53:57 He does another one that's really good.
02:53:58 I used to listen to.
02:53:59 Paul Harvey, when he was still alive.
02:54:01 His son sounds exactly like him, but.
02:54:05 Kind of sucks and and doesn't.
02:54:06 I don't think it's really doing.
02:54:10 Well, maybe I listen to AM radio these days about as much as I do at FM, so I don't even know.
02:54:14 Maybe he's not even on.
02:54:18 Tennis is nuts, $1.00 the new idme facial scan is required to get any government ServiceNow unemployment and anything else this ties identity with the cell phone and the faces scan with phone number and e-mail address. We know where this is going, yeah.
02:54:37 Well, again, to give an idea when.
02:54:40 They first entered their social.
02:54:41 Security people were opposed to just be given being given a number by the federal government.
02:54:47 This idea that the federal government should just have the jurist like the the kind of.
02:54:53 To have the ability to.
02:54:58 Keep the the.
02:55:00 The the kinds of records, the details about the citizens that they do that no one even questions these days.
02:55:08 That's that wasn't the norm.
02:55:11 That wasn't the norm that long ago.
02:55:14 People protested just getting Social Security numbers.
02:55:19 And now they're going to have, yeah, all this stuff.
02:55:23 Soy piled $5 now every ******* church you know is fine. I wonder if.
02:55:29 It's too bad.
02:55:30 Well, never mind.
02:55:35 Now that every ******* church I have been in in preach faith alone.
02:55:41 The idea that you can basically live like a ******* heathen and be saved.
02:55:45 It might be a California thing, but every ******* Protestant church I've ever been to preaches it.
02:55:50 It's like they.
02:55:51 Had to in order to get amoral boomers to come and donate.
02:55:54 Yeah, that always irritated the show to me when I was, when I would go to my Protestant.
02:56:01 Friends, churches, every once in a while when I was younger.
Speaker 4
02:56:05 They made a big.
02:56:05 Deal out of.
02:56:06 That they made a big deal out of like, you could literally do anything like you could be a mass murdering ******.
02:56:14 Monday through Friday.
02:56:17 Well, no.
02:56:18 Monday through Saturday, so long as on Sunday.
02:56:21 You you you ask forgiveness and it's such a ******* gay way of looking at at at the world or at the universe.
02:56:28 Just it's just so ******* gay.
02:56:31 It's it's such a a cop out.
02:56:34 ****** it it it.
02:56:35 It just makes the most disingenuous fagots.
02:56:38 Out of your.
02:56:39 Out of your congregation. Because I knew this guy's dad but one.
02:56:44 Of these guys.
02:56:44 That took this guy was he was.
02:56:46 Like the I.
02:56:47 Mean he the only thing?
02:56:50 There was no difference.
02:56:51 This guy was basically.
02:56:51 A Christian Jew.
02:56:54 He was a a big money property guy that ****** people over like all like, and I mean out of millions of dollars and just.
02:57:02 And was shady, like into organized crime and whatever.
02:57:07 And I knew this guy was horrible, horrible cheated on his wife.
02:57:13 ******* like all the time, all the time with different women.
02:57:21 Just ruin peoples lives.
02:57:24 But went to church every Sunday.
02:57:27 And and this is one of those Protestant churches that would let you go get baptized every Sunday if you want.
02:57:33 Like they had a baptismal font at.
02:57:35 The front of the church.
02:57:37 You know at the where they did the sermon and ****.
02:57:39 And after they did their little sermon, they'd be like, alright, if anyone wants to get baptized, they just walk up and.
02:57:45 I just like what the what, really.
02:57:48 You just get it.
02:57:49 It was almost like it's like women that use abortion for.
02:57:52 Birth control Christians using baptism for for sin control.
02:57:56 It's like, what the **** is this ****?
02:57:59 So anyway.
02:58:03 Sorry, put your shirt on.
02:58:04 Jerry Springer lot, which I get, obviously, but I notice there's another Geo with a similar show.
02:58:10 Times like you never mentioned Maury.
02:58:12 He's been race killing people for years.
02:58:15 Don't you like watching black whales bring on the 100th guy to find out if he's also not the father?
02:58:22 Maury Povich.
02:58:24 I don't.
02:58:25 I just don't.
02:58:26 I think that's like literally the.
02:58:27 Most of what he does.
02:58:29 Or or.
02:58:30 No, he died.
02:58:30 Actually, I think.
02:58:31 Didn't he just died recently?
02:58:35 His clips just aren't as as maybe I don't know.
02:58:38 I just haven't found any of his clips.
02:58:42 I'll have to.
02:58:43 Take a look which Lord God.
02:58:44 For $1.00.
02:58:46 Bisel Terian or Biesel terian as in Beezle, bub.
02:58:51 Yeah, that's also doesn't really.
02:58:54 It needs to.
02:58:55 Like, imagine that you're trying to come up with like a brand name like or.
02:58:59 It has to be like groomers is awesome, right?
02:59:02 That's why.
02:59:02 That's why Reddit got rid of it.
02:59:05 Groomers it's it's it's short to the.
02:59:08 Everyone can say it.
02:59:09 Everyone it makes makes it a mental image popping to everyone's head that hears it or says it.
02:59:16 It's got to be something like that.
02:59:18 And it doesn't even have to be that.
02:59:21 Because libertarian is kind of a big, long, stupid word in and of itself, it's got too many syllables by itself, so it doesn't necessarily have to have that.
02:59:32 As long as.
02:59:32 It includes something that lets you know exactly.
02:59:38 Who you're talking about?
02:59:42 And I don't know either.
02:59:43 I'm not.
02:59:43 Showing your guys's.
02:59:45 I don't have anything better.
02:59:47 Nathan White $1.00. Yep.
02:59:49 I fat fingered my keyboard 73 oh, there we go. I was wondering like 72.