

Speaker 1
00:00:00 You know when you.
00:02:20 They win this baby.
00:02:21 In case you weren't ******* hurt.
00:02:24 That's the best rapper alive right now.
00:02:39 Nice with nice nice shows.
00:02:48 She didn't get the picture.
00:02:50 Money, money, money, money, money, money.
00:02:55 If you cry.
Speaker 3
00:03:21 OK.
Speaker 1
00:03:47 AK with a laser beam.
00:03:56 Take a break through the process.
00:03:58 If you enjoy the money, comma bits in the benches, the tablets.
00:04:02 I just want to live life with some batshit.
00:04:15 No, bro, I know nobody can stop me and I'm gonna hit #1.
00:04:26 Interesting place.
00:04:27 Best and best?
00:04:36 I'm a young man.
00:05:20 Suck my ******* ****.
00:05:21 Put me on the plane, man.
00:05:27 Tell your grandma.
Speaker 4
00:05:57 Moving now.
Speaker 5
00:06:01 That will be kicked out in fire.
00:06:05 It's my desire, it's my desire.
00:06:13 It's my bicycle.
Speaker 3
00:06:20 14th kids. Danger, danger. Danger.
Speaker 5
00:06:29 When we touch, when we kiss, when we touch.
00:06:41 Danger. Danger.
00:06:45 When we touch.
00:06:46 When we.
Speaker 5
00:06:47 Get when we touch, what do we get?
00:07:21 Want to know how?
Speaker 5
00:07:22 We can start and fight.
00:07:29 You wanna know how to keep stopping danger, danger.
00:07:43 When, with cheers, danger changer.
Speaker 3
00:07:48 High voltage.
Speaker 5
00:08:05 Where which is where we die, where we.
Speaker 4
00:08:27 Fire the disco, fire the disco disco.
00:09:21 Good evening.
00:09:23 Good morning, good afternoon.
00:09:24 Good golly, it's.
Speaker 7
00:09:28 Late or early or just right, depending on where you are on the planet.
00:09:36 Hope you guys.
Speaker 7
00:09:37 Are having a wonderful week.
00:09:39 This is the insomnia stream.
00:09:41 I am, of course Devin Sterick your host.
00:09:44 We'll be talking about lots of stuff.
00:09:46 We got quite a full show.
00:09:47 For you tonight.
00:09:50 Some people saying they're having some connection problems, I I haven't been dropping too many frames, so I don't think that's.
00:09:57 On my end, you might want to try if you're watching live, you might want to try dropping to 480P or another resolution if Odyssey is choking.
00:10:08 I know that they are getting more traffic, so this is possibly a good thing as they expand.
00:10:16 Hopefully these problems will be smoothed out, but that's OK we are doing what we can.
00:10:21 We are working around.
00:10:23 The censorship that we are faced with.
00:10:28 So anyway.
00:10:30 Let's take a look at some of the stuff we have to do.
00:10:32 But you know what?
00:10:32 Before we do, before we do.
00:10:36 I know the last dream.
00:10:39 There is a small, small, small number of people.
00:10:46 Who were upset that the the their little baby ears, their little baby ears were were hurt when I would yell.
00:10:54 They they, they said, on and on.
00:10:56 My little baby is they're always hurting every time you're you're you're talking and then you're like it's like a normal volume.
00:11:06 But then all of a sudden you you yell.
Speaker 5
00:11:10 Mosley school.
00:11:28 So I hope I hope, I hope your little baby ears are doing OK tonight.
Speaker 9
00:11:34 Oh my God.
00:11:37 It's it gets so loud it scares me.
00:11:40 Oh, goodness.
00:11:41 Oh, I flinch.
00:11:42 And I'm so scared.
Speaker 7
00:11:48 ******* *******.
00:11:49 I don't want fagots listening.
Speaker 10
00:11:52 If you can't handle yelling, you're in the wrong place.
00:11:55 Alright, you're in the wrong ******* place.
Speaker 7
00:11:59 OK, so anyway.
00:12:08 Yeah. All right.
00:12:13 You're welcome.
00:12:14 OK.
00:12:17 So Gatorade.
Speaker 8
00:12:23 So Gatorade has.
Speaker 7
00:12:24 A a new ad they that you know, I've been thinking.
Speaker 10
00:12:28 About letting them, letting them.
Speaker 7
00:12:30 Be a sponsor of the show, so this is their new ad for their new drink Gatorade Fit.
00:12:36 Introducing gloves.
Speaker 11
00:12:37 Gatorade Fit Fitness starts from the inside out.
00:12:42 Get healthy, real hydration and no.
Speaker 3
00:12:44 Added sugar and sweet.
Speaker 8
00:12:44 Wait, hold on.
00:12:45 Hold on.
00:12:46 I already have questions.
Speaker 10
00:12:51 That's your fitness model.
Speaker 8
00:12:54 What's crazy is.
Speaker 12
00:12:56 She can now put.
Speaker 10
00:12:57 Fitness model on her resume and not be lying.
00:13:02 That's a Gatorade fitness model.
Speaker 11
00:13:07 Get healthier, real hydration and no added sugar.
00:13:10 Artificial sweeteners.
00:13:11 Or added colors.
Speaker 12
00:13:14 There we go.
Speaker 7
00:13:21 But you know what?
00:13:22 I guess it could be worse.
00:13:24 I guess it could be worse.
Speaker 8
00:13:28 This is the.
Speaker 10
00:13:31 The new Sports Illustrated model.
Speaker 7
00:13:36 I don't know, man.
00:13:37 I'm just old enough.
00:13:38 To remember when.
00:13:40 Sports Illustrated had a swimsuit model because.
00:13:44 It was the closest they could get to being ****.
00:13:47 To selling their magazine.
00:13:48 So honestly, I don't really care because it's it's basically it's sports ball which is ******* ********.
Speaker 8
00:13:54 And ****.
Speaker 7
00:13:56 Which is degenerate so.
00:13:59 I know a lot of people are upset about this, including Jordan Peterson.
00:14:03 Oh my God, he was.
00:14:04 He was raging.
00:14:06 He was so mad.
00:14:07 He was so mad about this Jordan Peterson.
00:14:10 But really it's like ah.
00:14:12 Don't ******* care.
00:14:13 Don't ******* care.
Speaker 14
00:14:15 It's sports ball ****.
Speaker 7
00:14:18 Why would I care?
00:14:20 Why would I care that this is this?
Speaker 10
00:14:21 Is and look I guess in.
00:14:24 A way it makes me feel happy.
Speaker 7
00:14:27 If this is what appeals to the sports ball ******.
Speaker 10
00:14:32 Let them have them.
00:14:34 Well, you know.
Speaker 7
00:14:36 So it's yeah, I mean I get it.
00:14:38 I get it in a way.
00:14:40 You know it's.
00:14:40 Kind of like oh ****.
Speaker 16
00:14:42 Well, you know, I.
Speaker 7
00:14:43 Guess it's always nice to have those those ideals, right?
00:14:51 Like the idea the beauty ideals.
00:14:54 But really, it's not a big loss.
Speaker 7
00:14:56 That's ******* Sports Illustrated.
00:14:58 I mean, Can you imagine how?
00:15:00 How dull is your life?
00:15:01 How dull is your life?
00:15:03 I'm just watching sports ball, right?
00:15:06 Like watching sports ball.
00:15:07 You're watching rich people.
00:15:11 I'm using the term people loosely rich people.
Speaker 8
00:15:15 Play a game.
Speaker 17
00:15:17 Play a game.
Speaker 18
00:15:22 Like already? Like how? How?
Speaker 12
00:15:24 Bored. Are you?
Speaker 7
00:15:25 You're you're watching rich people throw a ******* ball around.
00:15:32 Imagine the people that are so into that.
Speaker 10
00:15:35 That they read magazines about it.
Speaker 7
00:15:39 They read magazines about watching other people.
00:15:44 Again, loosely people.
00:15:47 Play playing a game.
Speaker 7
00:15:51 Yeah, it's funny cause I used to think this was a new phenomenon.
00:15:53 I used to think like, you know, wow, you know, these zoomers they're they're just spectators, right?
Speaker 14
00:15:58 Like they don't even.
Speaker 8
00:15:58 Play video games anymore.
00:15:59 They they.
00:16:00 Watch. There's an entire.
00:16:01 Platform set up for watching other people.
Speaker 10
00:16:05 Play video games, you know.
00:16:07 And in fact, there's even channels now where you're watching.
00:16:11 Other people watching.
00:16:15 People play video games.
Speaker 7
00:16:19 And I used to think to myself, wow, these ******* zoomers.
00:16:21 They're like they're they're just so disconnected from actually ever doing anything themselves that they're they're just, they're tourists.
00:16:28 Like they, they don't even exist in their own in, in, in the real world at.
Speaker 12
00:16:31 All but.
Speaker 19
00:16:32 I mean, look, sports ball has been been around.
Speaker 7
00:16:34 Forever and it's basically the same thing.
00:16:36 You're just watching other people do something pointless.
00:16:40 Nothing happens.
00:16:42 Nothing happens like your team.
00:16:45 So if if your team wins the Super Bowl, do you get something?
00:16:49 Did they send you a check?
00:16:51 Like what's in it?
Speaker 20
00:16:52 For you.
Speaker 7
00:16:53 No one on that team is from your town.
Speaker 19
00:16:56 No one.
00:16:58 In in fact the.
Speaker 10
00:16:59 With the with the way globalism.
00:17:01 Now you're not even from your town.
00:17:04 It's like.
00:17:06 So what's the point?
00:17:07 Why are you wearing?
00:17:08 Why are you wearing a shirt with another guys?
Speaker 7
00:17:12 Name on it.
00:17:15 You're wearing a shirt with another guys.
Speaker 7
00:17:18 Name on it.
00:17:22 $30.00 for.
Speaker 7
00:17:23 A hot dog.
00:17:25 And a giant building that your taxes pay for.
00:17:30 That belongs to some Jewish guy.
Speaker 10
00:17:32 Who wants you dead?
Speaker 7
00:17:35 Who has?
00:17:37 Pet black people scurry around in the grass, throwing balls at each other.
00:17:46 Getting paid millions of dollars.
00:17:52 I don't, I just.
00:17:53 I can't.
00:17:53 I can't.
00:17:54 I don't know, like how much.
00:17:55 How much stupid has to, like add up?
Speaker 8
00:17:57 Before you're, you're.
Speaker 7
00:17:59 There thinking that's like a normal thing to be doing.
00:18:03 But yeah, and then on top of that.
00:18:05 Then the added.
00:18:06 Of course, you know.
00:18:07 Then reading a magazine about it.
00:18:11 But yeah anyway.
Speaker 10
00:18:14 But I guess you know again it could.
Speaker 7
00:18:16 Always be worse, right?
00:18:18 You could be you could be.
00:18:21 You could be looking at Calvin Klein ad that like this last Mother's Day, Calvin Klein.
00:18:27 Used a pregnant man.
Speaker 7
00:18:30 For their.
00:18:32 They're a social media ad campaign.
00:18:37 To celebrate Mother's Day.
Speaker 10
00:18:43 That chick from last string.
Speaker 7
00:18:46 The the base redheaded Neo Nazi chick.
00:18:53 Turns out she is now a anti racist.
00:18:57 So again, I'm not going to.
00:18:58 I'm not going to spend a lot of time.
00:18:59 Shooting on her but I.
00:19:00 Thought it was interesting.
00:19:02 Just did a little research to find out what she was up to and discovered actually someone sent it to me.
00:19:08 I'm not going to lie, I didn't.
00:19:09 I didn't research it, I guess.
00:19:11 I researched it.
00:19:11 As I I clicked the link and watched.
00:19:14 It, But she's she's now.
00:19:17 She's now doing streams on YouTube and talking about, you know, her, her transformation and and and how.
00:19:26 And look, I kind of get it in a way.
00:19:27 I kind of get it.
00:19:28 First of all, I mentioned that her dad, the guy with.
00:19:32 The weird yellow.
00:19:33 Sunglasses that was arrested for child molestation.
00:19:37 That it was apparently his kids.
00:19:40 It was her little sisters that he was molested.
00:19:45 And so, you know, she's got that guy as a dad molesting her sisters, and then she just lived in this real cult like environment where they they really did believe that when Jesus would come back, he would order them to kill all the Jews and all this other stuff.
00:20:01 And that's the.
Speaker 8
00:20:02 Other problem you know, we spent a lot of.
Speaker 7
00:20:03 Rehash it, but like last stream talking about like.
00:20:08 You know, overplaying your hand essentially with stuff like that.
00:20:12 The other I did a whole string, I think over a year ago called, I think, Pekingese edition.
00:20:17 And what I talked about was the more you constrain people in shelter children, the more they're going to go off the ******* rails.
00:20:28 Once they're out of your.
00:20:29 Role and the example that I used was we had a Pekingese dog and the Pekingese dog when I was a kid was was locked.
00:20:37 Up in a.
00:20:37 Cage, for like most of its life.
00:20:40 And then once it was out of the cage, it would just run laps around the house.
00:20:44 It would just run late and like, smack into things like it was just an insane ******** dog.
00:20:49 And it was because for its whole most of its life, it was locked up in a cage, and it couldn't ever get out.
00:20:54 And I also talked about how this it reminded me of when I was a kid.
00:21:00 That the that the you know, I knew a lot of Mormon kids because, you know, that was that was the religion I was brought up in and that the really, really sheltered Mormons, the kind of Mormons that their parents are only let them hang out with other Mormons and only let them go to Mormon events.
00:21:18 They could never socialize in their way.
00:21:20 Many of them were homeschooled, but weren't allowed to.
00:21:25 Like almost leave the house.
00:21:27 Unless they were with other Mormons.
00:21:29 Those were the same kids that after high school was over a couple of years later, you'd be at a party and you would.
00:21:36 You would see this chick that you.
00:21:38 The last time you saw her, you know, you get maybe you were like 16 or whatever, and she was wearing dresses down to her ankles and.
00:21:45 Saying gully gosh and stuff like that.
00:21:47 She's high on ******* ecstasy.
00:21:49 Him blowing a couple guys, you know, like.
00:21:52 They they were like the the the craziest and and I'm talking like all the all the, the crazy energy that.
00:21:59 That slowly dissipates out of.
00:22:01 You as a kid while.
00:22:02 You're growing up just with these people.
00:22:05 It was just bottled up and bottled up and bottled up and bottled up and bottled up.
00:22:08 And then the second they got to the house that just ******* exploded.
00:22:11 And they went off the rails and and it was a nightmare.
00:22:15 And I think something similar happens with this where you you put you raised this growing environment where all she's living all like 24 hours a day, seven days a week, all she's hearing from her dad is, you know, we're going to kill all.
00:22:31 The Jews and and and.
00:22:34 You know it's going to be a race war.
00:22:37 It's all you know, it's race war, race war, race war.
00:22:39 And then as soon as she gets out and is out of that environment, she goes 180 degrees the other way.
00:22:45 And I don't know if it's 180 degrees.
00:22:47 The other way but.
00:22:48 It it it appeared that way from just the I I watched like.
00:22:53 1/2 hour of the strain that she did with some other ex. You know Nazi guy and.
00:22:57 And they were to give you an idea of how 180 degrees out of the way they were.
00:23:02 Supporting George Floyd, OK.
Speaker 8
00:23:05 Like they were in support.
Speaker 7
00:23:07 Of the Black Lives Matter George Floyd stuff.
Speaker 10
00:23:10 So yeah, give an idea.
Speaker 7
00:23:12 Of to go from the little girl.
00:23:14 That was that was telling, Jerry.
00:23:16 Springer, that she was going to kill.
00:23:17 The Jews to to.
Speaker 10
00:23:19 Being you know.
Speaker 7
00:23:21 George Floyd supporting, you know, BLM person.
Speaker 8
00:23:27 That's why you got to be careful, you know.
Speaker 7
00:23:29 We got to raise John Connors and I think John Connor lawyers.
00:23:32 I think that's actually something we need to think more about.
00:23:34 Too, but you can't.
00:23:36 You can't just be.
Speaker 9
00:23:39 A psycho about it.
Speaker 7
00:23:40 You have to understand that look, you're going to make damaged people if you first of all you can't keep.
00:23:46 Them from everything.
00:23:48 You can't hide the world from them forever, and that's something that you know those of you who are parents probably deal with all the time.
00:23:54 And those of us who plan on being parents fear dread figuring out because it's one of those things where it's kind of like with, like technology, you know, a lot of, lot of I've been thinking a lot lately.
00:24:09 What's what's the line like?
00:24:10 You don't want to totally cut your children off from the Internet entirely, because it's not going away.
00:24:16 It's not going away.
00:24:18 I mean, ****, we're all using it here right now.
00:24:19 There's lots of great uses for it.
00:24:21 It's amazing technology that can do a lot of good, but it it is so ******* toxic and terrible and.
00:24:28 And and full of awfulness at the same time, so it's like.
Speaker 8
00:24:33 How much of it?
Speaker 7
00:24:35 How much of it do you expose to your kids and and to what degree, knowing that at a certain point they're going to probably see it all and look growing up, I've thought about this too, like growing up.
00:24:46 My parents really didn't put any kind of restrictions on on on technology because it was so new.
00:24:54 I mean, they had no idea what what?
00:24:55 What the ****?
00:24:56 I was looking at on the.
00:24:57 Internet because they didn't know how to use the Internet.
00:25:00 They didn't know how to use the intern.
00:25:02 And look, as far as **** and all that kind of stuff goes, you know, I'm.
00:25:07 I'm I'm from a time when, you know the first computer we got wasn't even capable of displaying a photo, let alone a video.
00:25:16 Right.
00:25:18 And so the idea that that you'd be able to access that this stuff was completely foreign.
00:25:23 To my parents.
00:25:24 But because I was some kind of, you know, I was a bleeding age or bleeding edge nerd kid.
Speaker 8
00:25:30 You know the moment, ****.
Speaker 7
00:25:32 Was available.
00:25:33 I was able to view it and and and look and I was.
00:25:37 And so I think about that and I think about all the and it wasn't just look, it wasn't just ******* ****.
00:25:41 Like there was a lot of awful ****, especially in the wild.
00:25:43 Rest days.
00:25:45 Of the Internet.
00:25:46 Like there you think it's bad now I.
00:25:48 Mean it it's.
00:25:50 I don't know that it's it's really much worse.
00:25:53 I mean, all the training stuff and stuff like, you know, all this stuff that's mainstream is obviously it's.
00:25:58 Totally different now.
00:26:00 But you you saw some horrific ****.
00:26:02 You saw some horrific ****.
00:26:03 Floating around, going viral before that was.
00:26:05 Like a thing?
00:26:07 And I was I damaged from it.
00:26:08 I don't know.
00:26:09 I don't know.
00:26:11 I don't know.
00:26:12 Now the ease of access.
00:26:13 That's one thing too.
00:26:14 It was you had to earn it.
00:26:16 It's almost like you had.
Speaker 8
00:26:17 To earn the.
Speaker 7
00:26:18 Ability to see the horror show you know, like not the the average kid.
00:26:23 The average normal, you know, middle midwick kid couldn't just reach into his pocket.
00:26:29 Grab a phone.
00:26:31 Touch his finger on it a couple of times and and there's ******** *****, you know, in the palm of his hand.
00:26:37 That wasn't that wasn't possible.
00:26:39 There was a whole lot of **** you had to figure out just that, like before you were even on.
00:26:42 The Internet and then you had to find the ****.
00:26:46 So and and that's that's if you were lucky enough to have access to the computers that you could even use, and especially if you were at home like you or at school, which is where most of the computers were, you couldn't just start watching **** because you were surrounded like you were in the family.
00:27:02 Room surrounded by your, your, your.
Speaker 14
00:27:04 Your your.
Speaker 16
00:27:05 Family or you in?
Speaker 7
00:27:06 The library with teachers and **** all over the.
00:27:10 So yeah, anyway.
00:27:13 I just thought this little update on her was interesting, that she has gone 180 degrees away from from where she was. So all those people last stream that were were simping for the.
00:27:27 Which is a little creepy because.
00:27:29 You know, she was.
00:27:30 She was only like 14 or.
00:27:31 15 I think in that video.
00:27:33 But for the the fiery redheaded neo-Nazi girl she now, well, looks like she lives in an RV and is an anti racist.
00:27:44 Not to not to burst your bubble and and why not?
00:27:48 It's really cool to be anti.
00:27:49 Racist these days.
00:27:51 And just ask this this Uber driver.
Speaker 21
00:28:00 You know.
Speaker 22
00:28:03 For Jackie, right?
Speaker 23
00:28:08 And you like a white guy like the normal guy, like you speak English.
Speaker 24
00:28:17 Sorry, sorry.
Speaker 22
00:28:18 No, you can get out of the boat.
00:28:21 That's inappropriate.
00:28:23 It's completely inappropriate.
00:28:24 If somebody was not white sitting in the seat.
Speaker 26
00:28:26 Would be the difference.
Speaker 25
00:28:28 Are you serious?
Speaker 22
00:28:29 She said, wow, you're a white.
00:28:33 That's OK.
00:28:34 I'm not going to take the ride.
00:28:35 You guys can get out.
00:28:36 Yeah, completely inappropriate.
Speaker 27
00:28:38 Oh, you're a ******* *******.
Speaker 22
00:28:39 It's all on cameraman.
Speaker 27
00:28:40 You're a ***** ** ****.
Speaker 22
00:28:40 It's all on camera.
Speaker 27
00:28:41 I should punch in a ******* race.
Speaker 22
00:28:42 You're going to threaten me?
Speaker 23
00:28:43 My God, yeah.
Speaker 22
00:28:46 Because you guys are racist *****.
Speaker 28
00:28:49 ******* lover, you.
00:28:55 Get the **** out.
Speaker 29
00:28:56 Of here no.
Speaker 19
00:28:57 No, I'm calling the cops on you, man.
00:28:59 It's all on camera.
00:29:00 It's all on camera.
Speaker 22
00:29:02 Do you guys own the place?
00:29:04 Is it your place?
00:29:05 That's great.
00:29:06 Everyone's gonna know.
00:29:07 Fossils last stand for black people, right?
00:29:10 Yeah, **** *** you.
Speaker 7
00:29:13 Oh goody, he got he got to tell those racists off just because they were glad to have a a white Uber driver that spoke English.
00:29:25 You can't even express that you're happy.
Speaker 14
00:29:30 That you get a a white.
00:29:31 Uber driver that speaks English.
Speaker 7
00:29:40 I can't.
00:29:40 I can't imagine why they'd be happy about that.
00:29:43 I mean, it's not as if we we there's been all these news stories.
00:29:48 About non white Uber drivers and and what happens to white women, they get into the cars.
00:29:53 With them.
00:30:01 Or ****, it doesn't have to be an Uber driver.
00:30:03 This is this happened just last week.
Speaker 26
00:30:09 It was 3:00 on a Tuesday here at these townhomes in Waxahachie, Irina Post was waiting for her husband, Shane, to get dropped off by a coworker in their small but gated parking lot.
Speaker 29
00:30:19 This next spot is is the neighbor spot, so he just parked there to drop.
Speaker 26
00:30:23 Off, Irena tells us within seconds of parking, their townhome neighbor.
Speaker 29
00:30:26 He was literally next door.
Speaker 26
00:30:28 You see here on camera is upset and confronts Shane over parking in his.
00:30:34 Families have had two small run INS before, but not like this.
Speaker 29
00:30:38 He he came out in the robe and he had already has gone loaded in his pocket so.
Speaker 26
00:30:43 What happens next?
00:30:44 We must warn you, is jarring and not suitable for everyone to see, let alone up close.
00:30:49 For Shane's wife of four years and his mother, Shane slowly walks toward his neighbor. Police identified him as Nikki.
00:30:56 Ground one shot to the torso.
00:31:00 It sends Shane to the ground.
00:31:01 He stumbles and then limps away.
Speaker 29
00:31:05 And she was on.
00:31:06 The ground and he he was like, stop, stop.
00:31:08 He's going to.
Speaker 26
00:31:09 Stop Waxahachie police confirms to us this shooting was about that parking space.
Speaker 11
00:31:10 And that's one.
Speaker 31
00:31:14 I can't process any of it.
00:31:16 Actually it was shot over a parking spot.
Speaker 26
00:31:20 Yes, Mickey Brown was arrested, taken to Ellis County jail where he has bonded out.
00:31:21 Must talk.
Speaker 29
00:31:27 Like, we're praying that he's gonna make recover him.
Speaker 26
00:31:31 Shane Post is in the ICU at Methodist.
00:31:33 Dallas will be for at least a week.
00:31:35 He is stable but has major injuries to his liver, colon, pancreas.
Speaker 10
00:31:39 The bullet is still in.
Speaker 32
00:31:41 They can't get it out.
00:31:42 Would be too.
Speaker 26
00:31:43 Dangerous Irina is upset because she says Nikki Brown is back home while her husband is in a hospital over something.
00:31:51 So trivial and avoidable in Waxahachie, I'm Joe.
Speaker 7
00:31:56 But you can't be excited.
Speaker 8
00:31:58 You can't be happy.
Speaker 7
00:32:02 That you get a white.
00:32:03 Guy for an Uber driver.
00:32:09 Because race is skin deep.
00:32:10 As we all know.
00:32:11 Oh, wait a.
Speaker 8
00:32:11 Second. Oh ****.
Speaker 18
00:32:14 Oh ****. What is this?
00:32:16 What is this?
Speaker 7
00:32:18 Damn it, they're going to have to ruin AI again.
Speaker 14
00:32:24 Hey I can tell by looking at your bones.
Speaker 7
00:32:29 What race you are that that doesn't make any sense because I I was.
00:32:33 I've been told that race is skin deep.
Speaker 33
00:32:36 Oh no.
Speaker 7
00:32:39 Large research team taught AI program to read scans, and it outwitted them.
00:32:44 A new study by an international team of scientists from Canada, the US, Australia and Taiwan reports that artificial intelligence used to read or used to read X-rays and CT scans can predict a person's race with 90% accuracy.
00:33:03 Oh, that's so weird though.
00:33:05 It's so weird, because it's just we're just talking about bones, right?
00:33:09 You know, racist skin.
00:33:11 It's just that why would you hate someone?
00:33:13 Because of the color of their skin.
00:33:17 It's just it's just because that's all.
Speaker 14
00:33:18 It is right?
Speaker 7
00:33:21 Scientists, including those from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard Medical School, have no idea how.
00:33:26 The program does it.
00:33:28 They just can't figure it out.
00:33:30 What I mean they.
Speaker 7
00:33:31 Can't figure it out.
00:33:32 We've always been to figure this ****.
00:33:33 Out anthropologists have.
00:33:34 Always been to figure this out.
00:33:35 You've been able to determine like, look, just forensic forensic people can can look at skeletons when they dig up, you know, bodies that have been decomposed.
00:33:46 Look at the bones and figure out what race they are.
00:33:49 Why are they so ******* baffled?
Speaker 12
00:33:51 When my graduate students.
Speaker 7
00:33:52 Showed me some of the results that were in this paper.
00:33:56 I actually thought it must be a mistake, said Marzia Gasai.
00:34:01 So you know, some some replacer and MIT assistant professor of electrical engineering and computer science.
00:34:12 I honestly thought my students were crazy.
00:34:16 The study began after scientists noticed that an AI program for examining chest X-rays was more likely to miss signs of illness in black patients.
00:34:26 We asked ourselves, how can we can it be that computers cannot tell or if computers cannot tell the race of a person, the co-author said.
00:34:36 So basically talk about how they fed a bunch of these chest X-rays and CT scans into the computer.
00:34:45 And in addition to be able to, you know to or at least to estimate age and.
Speaker 9
00:34:50 Oh, gender 2.
Speaker 7
00:34:53 Uh oh, it can.
00:34:55 You mean it can tell gender by, like the same thing, right?
00:34:58 Like, this is like they act they.
00:34:59 Act like it's some kind of ******* new thing.
Speaker 14
00:35:01 Same thing you dig.
Speaker 7
00:35:02 Up a body or you know, bones.
00:35:04 They find skeletons like in a swamp somewhere or like that in Lake Mead or wherever they're finding these ******* bodies out in, in the, in the desert.
00:35:12 Now that all the lakes are drying up right from mafia hits or whatever from the 80s.
Speaker 8
00:35:18 You can look at.
Speaker 7
00:35:18 Those bones and figure out their race, their sex and all this stuff.
00:35:25 So yeah, Alan Goodman.
00:35:30 The author of Racism, not race great.
00:35:34 I'm sure that's a great book.
00:35:36 Suggest AI is picking up differences resulting from geography.
00:35:40 No, no.
00:35:42 So he's trying to say that.
00:35:47 Oh, the geography, really.
00:35:51 The the the AI is determining their race by where the the data is coming from.
00:35:57 It can't possibly be that there's there's bone differences in the different people.
00:36:04 Oh my goodness, that's so funny.
00:36:06 That's so funny.
00:36:07 Some Jew that wrote a book about racism is mad that AI can tell the difference between races just by looking at at at CT scans.
00:36:17 Yes, yes.
00:36:18 Classified cat.
00:36:19 Quiet down.
00:36:22 Classified cats been cranky in the last few days.
00:36:24 I think it's cause I'm I'm I'm.
00:36:26 I'm gone a lot as I go do slave away in the the sun work which I'm still doing.
00:36:36 Speaking of AI.
00:36:41 Is developing AI that will.
00:36:46 Determine your emotional state.
00:36:49 So this is one of those things.
00:36:50 This is kind of like This is why the World Economic Forum and all these other people they.
00:36:54 Want something like the metaverse?
00:36:57 Because in addition to, you know, be able to track you and all this other stuff.
Speaker 8
00:37:04 The the data they can collect from is.
Speaker 14
00:37:07 Going to be would be endless.
Speaker 7
00:37:08 I mean, just look at what they can collect just with a with a, a webcam on your laptop.
00:37:14 When you go to a meeting or whatever for work, they can collect all kinds of data just with with, with the with that webcam imagery, and now they're doing using this AI software they can start, you know, doing a.
Speaker 10
00:37:28 Like, really a psychiatric.
Speaker 7
00:37:30 Breakdown of of of your employees.
00:37:34 So if you have a big meeting with all your employees, you can detect things like, oh, you know Sammy Samy's board in this meeting or or he didn't like my present like it could just, I mean, just imagine just the ****** things that, you know, just the petty, ****** things bosses could use this for.
00:37:51 Ohh, you know like like everyone's heard you heard of?
00:37:54 Yes, men.
00:37:55 Where you have everyone's working those environments where you've got that boss who only promotes the people that that brown nose and suck *** **** and that sort of thing.
00:38:04 Well, now he's now.
00:38:05 He's got, like, AI.
00:38:06 They can tell him, like, Oh yeah, these are the people that respond well.
00:38:09 These are the people that like it when you talk.
00:38:11 These are the people who who seem kind of bored.
00:38:13 When you talk, so maybe.
00:38:15 Get rid of them like.
00:38:18 This is going to be terrible.
00:38:20 Excuse me.
00:38:22 Zoom has begun to develop AI technology, which can reportedly scan the faces and speech of users in order to determine their emotions, which was first.
00:38:31 Reported by protocol.
00:38:34 While this technology appears to still be in its early phases of development and implement implementation, several human rights groups.
00:38:41 Jack that it could be used for more discriminatory purpose, yeah.
00:38:46 It'll use for what?
00:38:47 For racism.
00:38:49 Is somehow reading reading emotions racist?
00:38:51 Is that is that the take that this article?
Speaker 13
00:38:53 Is going to take.
00:38:54 Oh my God.
Speaker 7
00:38:55 I don't know.
00:38:55 Currently Zoom has detailed plans for using the AI technology in a sales and training protocol.
00:39:01 So you look and that's the thing too is they want to.
00:39:03 Use it for the.
00:39:05 Or at least their stated use is you could do sales calls and.
00:39:11 Like eventually look, eventually it's you're gonna have AI that just **** ***** people into almost, I would say almost into a hypnotic state.
Speaker 8
00:39:24 Because if you have an.
Speaker 7
00:39:25 AI that can know exactly how you're responding to it in real time, and then you couple that with like right now we've all seen the AI technology where if you want to make a a, a fake face, right, like what is it this person doesn't exist.com I think.
Speaker 13
00:39:44 It is right?
Speaker 7
00:39:45 Let me see.
00:39:45 Is that what it's called?
00:39:51 And most people have seen this.
00:39:52 ****, this is old news.
00:39:59 OK, now, now they.
00:40:00 They, they now they make that's kind of crazy.
00:40:04 Wonder if I can load this up for you guys because now it's more than just people.
00:40:08 Now they're doing cats and.
00:40:11 Rental properties.
00:40:12 That's that.
00:40:13 I'm sure that won't be used for anything bad.
Speaker 13
00:40:15 Let me see here.
00:40:16 I'm gonna bring.
00:40:17 This up here.
Speaker 34
00:40:34 And the.
Speaker 13
00:40:42 There we are.
Speaker 35
00:40:46 Well, that's huge.
00:40:47 Doesn't make it not so huge.
Speaker 7
00:40:51 So now they have.
00:40:52 This cat does not exist.
00:40:54 This rental does not exist.
00:40:56 This person does not exist.
00:40:58 So let's go to this person does not exist.
00:41:00 All right.
00:41:00 So that's that's just AI randomly generating people like this.
00:41:06 These aren't photos.
00:41:07 Most again, most people have seen this.
00:41:10 So this is a computer.
00:41:11 That, you know is just generating.
00:41:14 These faces.
00:41:17 Instantly pretty much instantly.
00:41:21 And none of these people are real.
00:41:25 And eventually that let's see what the cats are.
00:41:27 I've never seen the cat one.
00:41:31 That cat looks a little cross eyed and goofy.
Speaker 13
00:41:36 That looks pretty normal.
Speaker 7
00:41:38 Like they have a cute little imaginary kitten.
00:41:44 That looks kind of like a wolf.
00:41:45 I don't know if that that was not so great.
00:41:49 So the cats look a little goofy, I mean.
00:41:52 There we go.
00:41:53 I guess a little more realistic, but anyway, what about this rental one?
00:41:57 This rental does not exist.
00:42:03 That's pretty crazy.
00:42:03 So it's generally it's making fake photos.
00:42:07 Of a fake house.
00:42:11 Does it?
00:42:12 Does it change my refresh?
00:42:21 I don't know how this thing this thing works.
00:42:23 Why is it not doing anything?
Speaker 13
00:42:27 See if I go back as if it's different.
Speaker 35
00:42:30 And it's the same.
Speaker 7
00:42:36 Well, this one doesn't seem to work the same way, but anyway, couple that with the kind of technology that has, you know, the ability to just pop up something like this and you know, this is just a still image.
00:42:48 But you're eventually, if they don't already have this, you'll have the ability.
Speaker 8
00:42:52 To generate.
Speaker 7
00:42:55 An animated face like this, a random voice.
00:43:00 And in fact, you might even be able to tell adjust like make really subtle really slowly.
00:43:07 Adjustments to the face and to the voice, depending on who, how the person that they're talking to that who they're interacting with on zoom or you know, whatever platform, how they're they're responding to that face.
00:43:22 And look, you could do things.
00:43:26 If you had access to information on these people, which you're going to because there's pretty much zero privacy online, it's not, just look, it's it's gone way beyond just cookies, right?
00:43:40 That you have a a huge everyone does.
00:43:43 Everyone has outside of what the.
00:43:45 Government has on you every large company like Facebook or any social media companies.
00:43:52 They've got a huge ******* file on you.
00:43:55 That includes a lot of like your likes and dislikes.
00:43:58 You know, a lot of information that you've given freely and a lot of information.
00:44:02 They've just kind of sneakily gathered from you.
00:44:05 It can include your **** history, so look, they could even use the AI could look at your **** history and say, oh, well, apparently he likes blondes or, you know, whatever.
00:44:19 And it would.
00:44:19 You could analyze the faces of all the different girls that that you seem to like and create.
00:44:26 That girl for you to be talking to and you know, same thing with the voice and everything.
00:44:32 And they could, they could, they could ****.
00:44:34 **** pretty much.
00:44:35 They again.
00:44:35 This isn't that far off either.
00:44:37 This isn't like, wow, this technology will someday exist.
00:44:41 This technology is being developed.
00:44:44 This technology is absolutely being developed.
00:44:48 Now at first they'll say, just like with they've done with everything.
00:44:51 Oh, it's just.
00:44:52 It's just experimental or it's just for sales or or maybe if it's a government doing it, they'll say, oh, it's just so that we can.
00:44:58 Spy on our enemies.
Speaker 13
00:44:59 Or or whatever.
Speaker 7
00:45:01 But this this is this kind of shit's going to going to just get increasingly more intense and it's going to be harder and harder to tell really what really.
00:45:12 Really is when you're online and it's going to be.
00:45:16 Really difficult to know who's I mean.
Speaker 12
00:45:18 There's, I know there's a.
Speaker 7
00:45:19 Lot of people that geek out about.
00:45:20 Oh, there's so many bots.
00:45:21 'S bots and I think that.
00:45:22 Gets exaggerated with, you know, the people that that, I mean there are bots.
00:45:28 Obviously there's bots.
00:45:29 There's obviously there's fake people that comment and tweet.
00:45:32 And and and whatever, but I think there's people that kind of blow that a proportion in terms of, you know, every everyone I don't.
00:45:38 Like is a.
00:45:39 Bot you know that like that kind of a thing?
00:45:41 But it look it's it's it's going to get to a point where you.
00:45:44 Won't be able to tell the difference.
00:45:46 You won't be able to tell the difference.
00:45:48 Yeah, they'll have stuff like me like they'll have streamers who don't exist.
00:45:54 They don't even exist.
Speaker 7
00:45:57 And they'll be able to monitor your reaction in real time and maybe even do it like eventually they'll have the computing power and the the data collection.
00:46:05 Like all the cameras on the phones to where they can pull several people in the audience.
00:46:12 At the same time, simultaneously and so instead of zeroing in on one person like, how can I tailor make this fake person to be really appealing to?
00:46:20 The person they're talking to, you could do it to where?
00:46:23 Like you're just trying to reach the most amount of people, right?
00:46:26 How do I get the the the widest audience and and how do I how do I influence the most like I won't get everybody, but how do I influence the most amount of people?
00:46:38 So that that's kind of the that's the direction we're going.
00:46:42 Zoom all right.
00:46:42 Zoom also noted on its blog that the data it collects for informational purposes and may contain inaccuracy.
00:46:49 These results are not intended to be used for employment decisions or other comparable decisions.
00:46:55 All recommended ranges for metrics are based on publicly available research.
00:46:59 Yeah. So it's it's just for research guys. It's we're not nothing. You know, we're like Google. Don't be evil, it'll be fine. Nevertheless, over 25 rights groups sent joint letter to zoom.
00:47:09 CEO Eric Yuan on Wednesday, urging that the company halted any further research into emotion based artificial intelligence.
00:47:17 They could have unfortunate consequences for the disadvantaged.
00:47:20 Ohh yes, it's the disadvantage.
00:47:22 Oh yes.
00:47:24 So the.
00:47:26 The AI that I guess what they're doing is they're anticipating the the AI is going to become racist because they all do.
00:47:35 We must stop this AI.
00:47:37 Before it gets super racist.
00:47:41 Anyway, in other is.
00:47:44 Let me fix the audio on this one.
Speaker 12
00:47:48 George Bush.
Speaker 34
00:47:50 Right.
00:47:50 Why did that not fix it?
Speaker 7
00:47:55 Let this slip out.
Speaker 36
00:47:58 In contrast, Russian elections are rigged.
00:48:03 Political opponents are imprisoned or otherwise eliminated from participating in the electoral process.
00:48:12 The result is an absence of checks and balances in Russia and the decision of one man.
00:48:20 To launch a wholly unjustified and brutal invasion of Iraq, I mean of Ukraine.
Speaker 7
00:48:29 First of all, everything you said applied to America before that, and like this is.
00:48:35 This is such an ultimate **** **.
00:48:39 It almost feels more like a **** you like.
00:48:42 To what he's saying, he's not.
Speaker 12
00:48:44 I mean, he's not.
00:48:45 Talking about America, but he's talking about America that whole time.
Speaker 7
00:48:49 Which is why it was so easy for him to slip up and say, Iraq on accident.
Speaker 36
00:48:56 Russian elections are rigged.
00:48:59 Political opponents are imprisoned or otherwise eliminated from participating in the electoral process.
00:49:08 The result is an absence of checks and balances in Russia and the decision of one man to launch a wholly unjustified and brutal invasion of Iraq.
00:49:21 I mean of Ukraine.
00:49:24 Alright anyway.
00:49:28 75.
Speaker 7
00:49:36 But all the audience, they just laugh.
00:49:38 They just laugh.
00:49:41 Oh, it's so funny.
00:49:44 It's so funny, isn't it?
00:49:46 It's so funny to watch the man who responsible for the deaths.
00:49:51 Of so many.
00:49:53 Just so callously. Uh.
00:49:56 Joke about it while.
00:49:57 While rubbing your face into the fact that.
00:50:00 That ohh yeah. Like uh.
00:50:02 Russia's Russia is different from America guys because their election elections are rigged and and their political enemies get silenced.
00:50:15 And their leaders take them into wars just unilaterally.
00:50:21 What a ******* nightmare that guy was.
00:50:25 You know, and it's funny because so many, so many people are still emotionally connected to this guy.
00:50:30 There's a shocking amount of concern and not just boomers.
00:50:33 There's a shocking amount of conservatives even today, that because of 9/11, like basically conservatives who still believe that 911 was, you know, like the.
00:50:44 The people that still believe the official story, the kind of conservatives that freaked the **** out.
00:50:51 If you even imply that maybe that there were people like like somehow like they're there, they're still emotionally connected to the idea that.
00:50:59 You're you're not.
00:51:00 You're not patriotic.
00:51:02 You know.
00:51:02 Oh, my God.
00:51:03 I can't believe you would suggest that people in our own nation, with the help of people in our great in the nation of our greatest.
00:51:11 Ally would would would somehow be involved in this.
00:51:15 This you're you're not.
00:51:16 You're on.
00:51:16 That's on American.
00:51:18 Which, by the way, Tucker Carlson says.
00:51:21 There's, there's still a lot of people, believe it or not, that that have a weird affection for this ******* ******.
00:51:33 But meanwhile in Sri Lanka.
00:51:36 This is what happens in Sri Lanka. See a lot of people don't know what's going on Sri Lanka. To be honest, I don't know 100% what's going on ******* Sri Lanka because there's not a whole lot of good sources for of news that hasn't exactly been covered by a lot of the mainstream media that that.
00:51:56 Or even like you know, like the independent media.
00:51:58 It's ******* Sri Lanka.
00:51:59 Right.
00:52:00 Now I was able to find this.
00:52:02 Video I I guess we could play it this way.
00:52:06 I was trying to download it but it wasn't.
00:52:09 Wasn't downloading this is this is from the BBC.
Speaker 13
00:52:14 Pop this up here.
Speaker 7
00:52:21 And then I'll show you.
00:52:22 How the people in Sri Lanka treat their.
00:52:28 Treat their politicians.
Speaker 37
00:52:37 I'm here in the Sri Lankan capital Colombo where for weeks people have been protesting.
00:52:53 It's not.
00:52:54 Adults who have been taking part in the protest because, as you can see, you've got families here, young children as well joining this protest.
00:53:01 So why are people out on the streets?
00:53:03 Well, they're here protesting against an economic crisis which has seen people run out of food and fuel.
00:53:10 Many families are struggling.
Speaker 7
00:53:13 OK, I want you to keep that in mind.
00:53:21 All it takes for a population you'll see, you'll see how their their politicians are being treated here in a second.
00:53:28 But all it takes to motivate any people.
00:53:33 Even you know, in countries like Sri Lanka.
00:53:36 Is the.
00:53:39 Scarcity of of food.
00:53:43 Which is why I think that it would be insane for.
00:53:46 The ruling class to intentionally run out.
00:53:49 Of food here.
00:53:49 In America, cause that's that's I feel like the only thing that's going to.
00:53:53 And really motivate anyone to do anything.
Speaker 37
00:53:55 Willing to put food on the table and have three meals a day, and you're also seeing people queue up for hours on end.
00:54:03 Outside petrol stations just to fill up tanks of petrol for their car, the price of basic foods has gone up massively.
Speaker 7
00:54:11 Alright, so basically.
00:54:13 If you have food and fuel shortages.
Speaker 3
00:54:17 Right.
Speaker 7
00:54:20 At least in Sri Lanka.
00:54:23 Let me uh pop this up.
Speaker 18
00:54:26 This is what?
Speaker 7
00:54:28 The people, those are those are Sri Lankan politicians.
00:54:31 That crowds of people have stripped down and thrown.
00:54:35 Into the streets.
00:54:37 And force them to beg for their lives.
Speaker 8
00:55:09 That's like there Nancy Pelosi.
Speaker 20
00:55:17 This is their January 6th.
Speaker 7
00:55:57 Here's them getting chased around.
Speaker 12
00:56:44 All it takes is run out of food.
Speaker 7
00:56:57 People can't feed their families.
00:56:59 This is what happens.
00:57:19 That's them rolling their ******* cars into the.
Speaker 38
00:57:22 No gas and there is essential medication and people are suffering and the people are living with one meal per day.
Speaker 7
00:57:24 Into the in the river I guess.
Speaker 38
00:57:31 Can you imagine?
00:57:32 Can you imagine?
00:57:33 I'm so sorry to say this.
Speaker 19
00:57:39 Yeah. So.
Speaker 7
00:57:43 You know, that's why I think they going to try to keep the calories going because they if they don't have the calories on the way.
00:57:50 Look, we already have some shortages like we have them here now.
00:57:53 Actually, it's it started out, not so much.
Speaker 8
00:57:55 But now it's pretty.
Speaker 7
00:57:57 Now it's.
00:57:58 If I go to.
00:58:00 One of the grocery stores.
00:58:02 That when I first came out here.
00:58:04 The the refrigerators that they had, I mean, it's not a very big.
00:58:08 I'm middle of nowhere, so it's not like it's not.
00:58:10 It's not even like the size of.
00:58:12 It's barely bigger than like a Circle K, right?
00:58:15 Like it's it's not a real grocery store, but it has, like, some groceries.
00:58:19 Or at least it did.
00:58:21 And when I first got out here, all the all the refrigerators would be packed full of just stuff, you know, whatever.
00:58:26 Like lunch meat and things like that.
00:58:28 And that's the other weird thing.
00:58:29 It seems like the the normal things are things that are always.
00:58:32 Now I would say recently they are out of normal **** like lunch meat, eggs, milk like the the basic stuff, right?
00:58:45 Like they'll have tons of ice cream and they'll have tons of.
Speaker 8
00:58:49 Cookies and you.
Speaker 7
00:58:50 Know stuff like that, like they won't have.
00:58:52 They won't have, like, just normal food like meat and and cheese and and milk and stuff like that.
00:59:03 But that said, no one starving to death, you know, especially not in America.
00:59:07 Right.
00:59:08 I mean, ****, I mean, there was a.
00:59:12 Here's the let me see if I did.
00:59:13 I did I.
Speaker 9
00:59:13 Download that I think I downloaded that.
Speaker 7
00:59:16 That I let me see here.
00:59:21 Here's why.
00:59:22 Here's why the American ruling class.
00:59:25 Has nothing to ******* worry about.
00:59:27 When I was looking for that Gatorade fit ad.
00:59:31 What I found on accident.
00:59:36 Oh God, I don't know if I want to inflict this on you guys.
00:59:40 I guess I guess I do.
00:59:43 If I had to see it, I guess I guess you.
00:59:45 Should have to.
00:59:45 See it too.
00:59:48 I was trying to find that Gatorade fit ad.
00:59:51 And I and I ran across this.
Speaker 39
00:59:56 Welcome to our channel. Today, we're going to be doing a taste test on the Oreo 100.
01:00:03 And 10th birthday chocolate confetti cake.
01:00:08 On top of the new Gatorade Fish.
01:00:12 His is watermelon sea salt mine is watermelon strawberry.
01:00:18 We got some kettle Berry eggs.
01:00:19 We got some beef jerky and some bacon jerky.
01:00:23 So let's just hop right into it.
01:00:24 I'm going.
01:00:24 To start with the drink.
01:00:26 And I'm going to start with this.
Speaker 39
01:00:27 Reason a you know you haven't.
01:00:29 Not even.
01:00:38 Not even centered.
Speaker 39
01:00:40 Others wonders.
Speaker 7
01:00:47 This this is their whole channel, by the way.
01:00:52 Remember, I was talking about zoomers and being spectators, so there is some truth to that.
01:00:58 OK, because this this is there.
01:01:00 There's so many ******* channels like this.
01:01:02 This I don't understand.
01:01:04 I don't understand it.
Speaker 18
01:01:07 Like channels with millions of views like this is this isn't one of the one.
01:01:10 Of the millions.
Speaker 7
01:01:11 Of views, but it's not that far from the mark from.
Speaker 18
01:01:14 The the ones with the millions of views.
Speaker 7
01:01:17 Watch us get diabetes in real time like I.
Speaker 10
01:01:21 I I don't get it.
01:01:24 Why is this a thing?
01:01:27 How is this?
01:01:28 How does this?
01:01:29 Like they have, this channel has hundreds and hundreds.
01:01:33 It's just this is.
Speaker 10
01:01:33 What it is?
Speaker 7
01:01:35 They sit on a couch.
01:01:37 And they eat food in front of you.
01:01:42 Like this is this is the whole thing.
01:01:46 Like look, they just sit there.
01:01:50 This is the channel.
01:01:53 Hours and hours of this.
01:02:00 Ours. Ours.
01:02:04 So this is.
Speaker 7
01:02:05 This is why the ruling class.
01:02:07 Is not that.
01:02:07 Afraid this is how I knew that when they were like, Oh my God, January 6th.
01:02:12 That they were full of.
01:02:13 ****, because they this.
01:02:15 This is this because of this.
Speaker 7
01:02:21 Everyone's got their Gatorade fit.
01:02:24 They got their.
01:02:25 What is that?
01:02:25 ******* bacon?
01:02:26 Bacon jerky or something?
01:02:28 They got bacon jerky.
01:02:30 They got oreos.
Speaker 7
01:02:32 Only 110 calories per serving. Those Oreos was like a serving like half an Oreo.
01:02:46 Hours of the ship anyway.
01:02:49 Like what the ****?
Speaker 18
01:02:51 What the **** is this?
Speaker 7
01:02:55 I I'm I'm ******* amazed.
01:02:56 I'm baffled that this **** exists.
01:03:00 Anyway, the the people in Sri Lanka, someone made the observation that back in.
Speaker 8
01:03:07 Because these guys a.
Speaker 7
01:03:08 Lot of them escaped in speedboats.
01:03:10 And it turns out.
01:03:12 We bought them the speedboats, like the Biden ministration, one of the first, or I guess not by this would have been a.
01:03:21 Trump Trump administration.
01:03:25 Gave them.
01:03:28 For some reason.
01:03:31 And that's what the politicians escaped in were the.
01:03:36 Tax payer provided speedboats.
01:03:48 Because someone.
01:03:50 Shut up a.
01:03:55 I'm not gonna do the whole thing.
01:03:56 To you guys this time.
01:04:03 They're going after they're going after 4 Chan and and all that good stuff. Of course, no one. No one's surprised by that. Everyone was was kind of expecting this to happen.
01:04:19 Let's see here.
01:04:20 This is from the Guardian.
01:04:22 How four chance toxic culture helped radicalize Buffalo shooting suspect?
01:04:29 Just weeks after 4, Chan motivated A quadruple shooting in Washington.
01:04:34 The racist conspiracy oriented online message board probably inspired the killings of 10 at a grocery store in a predominantly black neighborhood of Buffalo.
01:04:45 Over the weekend.
01:04:46 Blah blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah blah blah.
01:04:50 So then they go to.
01:04:52 The so-called great replacement myth.
01:04:59 Sometimes, more bluntly termed white genocide theory.
01:05:03 Has found particularly fertile ground in places like Fortran.
01:05:09 And then it goes on and on the manifesto details baseless racism that underpins the philosophy, including the idea that Jewish people secretly control the world and that the genetic differences between races make them incompatible.
01:05:23 One particular image source from 4 Chan claims to show.
01:05:27 The truth about race compiling A handful of debunked, misunderstood and cherry picked studies.
01:05:36 That will not.
01:05:37 We'll, we'll we won't tell you what this information is.
01:05:40 We'll just tell you that it's it's all.
01:05:42 It's all just wild conspiracy.
01:05:44 It's all just, you know, it's all debunked.
01:05:47 Trust us.
01:05:51 It's all lies.
01:05:52 We won't tell you what the lies are so that you can research them.
01:05:54 But trust us, it's all lies.
01:05:58 The manifesto even seeks to back up its claims with long abandoned long abandoned.
01:06:03 Long abandoned pseudoscience.
01:06:08 Well, these claims have no basis in modern biology or sociology.
01:06:12 Yeah, modern biology, that can't even tell.
01:06:15 You what?
01:06:16 A woman is anymore, right?
01:06:18 Is that modern?
01:06:19 Is that the modern biology that's debunking white genocide, the modern biology that that can't even identify what a woman is anymore and or in sociology, for that matter?
01:06:33 They have established doctrine on 4 Chan or even conversations on a board devoted to cooking, frequently veering to racist slurs and junk race science.
01:06:42 The popularity of these ideas on 4 CHANS has bubbled up into the mainstream, so yeah.
01:06:54 And the Governor of New York, as I said, last stream, she was already saying like, oh, we need to go after Twitch.
01:07:04 Because they allowed this stream to happen.
01:07:09 The AG of New York is now.
01:07:13 Going to go after every any and all social media platform that they can tie to him, you know, Twitch 4 Chan, they list 8 Chan which doesn't exist anymore and discord.
01:07:30 So you know.
01:07:33 That's that's where they're they're they're putting their resources into.
01:07:44 Meanwhile, what they're not at work.
01:07:45 They're what they're not worried about is **** like this.
Speaker 23
01:07:50 Hello boutique.
Speaker 40
01:07:54 Going to ask her, I've got an 11 year old daughter and she wanted.
Speaker 7
01:07:58 Let me start this over again.
01:07:59 This is someone who called up a like a sex toy like a ***** shop.
01:08:05 Pretending to be a father who wanted to send his daughter 11 year old daughter into the sex shop.
Speaker 8
01:08:15 To buy a *****.
Speaker 7
01:08:17 To see how they would respond, and this is what happened.
Speaker 40
01:08:21 Hello, boutique.
01:08:24 I was calling to ask 11 year old daughter and she wanted a vibrator.
01:08:30 Is that something you can help me find?
Speaker 32
01:08:33 Yeah, we can talk to parents about that.
01:08:36 Can discuss that with the person who wants the vibrator and see if it is something that is appropriate for the time and for the person.
Speaker 40
01:08:46 OK, my daughters color shy about it is it is it possible for me to send her in by herself over the next day she wants?
01:08:56 No, no result from school sometimes.
Speaker 32
01:09:00 We prefer to have either older friends along somebody to support, but we are all ages, so they are welcome to come in and look.
Speaker 40
01:09:11 Ohh, she's obviously she's pretty shy about it and I I just want to make sure she's comfortable.
01:09:18 I don't know if she's something she can bring any funds with.
Speaker 32
01:09:20 All of our.
01:09:21 All of our staff here are fully trained in, you know, health and pleasure education.
01:09:27 We've gone through courses, we have amazing rapport with customers.
01:09:32 We could even just greet her at the door and, like, walk around with her if you if you prefer.
Speaker 3
01:09:38 You know we.
Speaker 32
01:09:39 Use all the right words and we would.
01:09:43 You know, just be super safe and conscientious, and if we feel like there's nothing for her here today, we would say, you know, go home.
01:09:52 Wait a couple years, do some research, come back when you're ready.
Speaker 40
01:09:56 OK.
01:09:56 Thank you very much.
01:09:57 I appreciate it.
Speaker 12
01:10:02 So there's.
01:10:05 Sex shops.
Speaker 7
01:10:07 And I guess this was in Texas.
01:10:11 That are totally OK with you sending your 11 year old daughter in to buy a *****, because that's where we're at. So the pedo stuff's coming.
01:10:21 The pedo stuff's coming. Hopefully the starving stuff comes.
01:10:27 Before the the the pedo stuff comes but I don't know if it's going to.
01:10:32 I don't know if it's going to.
01:10:33 I don't think it's going to.
01:10:34 I think the starving stuff might not happen.
Speaker 18
01:10:37 Well, let me.
Speaker 7
01:10:38 Rephrase that.
01:10:39 I think the starving stuff.
01:10:42 Will be a result of rather than a.
01:10:46 A cause of if that.
01:10:48 If that makes any sense.
01:10:50 So anyway.
01:10:54 You know, it's funny because a.
01:10:55 Lot of us will say I met *** **** it.
Speaker 12
01:10:56 All all we wanted, all we wanted was flying cars.
Speaker 7
01:11:00 All we wanted was was commercial flights.
01:11:02 To the moon.
01:11:03 And flying cars?
01:11:04 Well, if you're rich enough, you can go into low orbit for, like a couple of minutes, and it's kind of gay.
01:11:11 But you know, it's something, I guess if you want to spend like millions and millions, don't know what, what, what the cost is to do the low orbit.
01:11:20 Space for like a few seconds and then come back down like the the the most.
01:11:26 I don't know, I guess I.
01:11:26 Was going to say.
01:11:27 The most boring, overhyped amusement park ride that exists?
01:11:32 But I don't know.
01:11:33 It's probably not.
01:11:33 That boring, but still for what it costs it for, for how much it costs per second.
01:11:41 It's probably not that.
01:11:42 It's probably not worth it, at least not every one of those seconds.
01:11:45 There might be a couple of those seconds.
01:11:46 That's worth it, but not the whole thing.
01:11:49 But you know what?
Speaker 10
01:11:49 Look, if you're rich.
Speaker 7
01:11:54 You will be able to have flying cars now.
Speaker 8
01:12:08 They even named.
Speaker 7
01:12:08 It the Jetson which is kind of funny.
Speaker 12
01:13:11 I don't know.
01:13:11 I kind of want.
Speaker 7
01:13:23 I feel like this this kind of thing.
01:13:26 Shouldn't be that difficult for them to pull off simply because the the all the the software that's been designed to level out drones and stuff like that.
01:13:36 Like when drones first came out, like I had a quadcopter before, there was any kind of.
01:13:41 Leveling software.
01:13:43 So you were just it was you.
01:13:44 Like you were the leveling software and it was squirrely like you could.
Speaker 10
01:13:48 Like I could.
Speaker 7
01:13:48 Fly it around and and I got better at it, you know, but.
01:13:50 At first it.
01:13:51 Was like, man, this is you gotta.
01:13:53 Be kind.
01:13:53 Of you know you have on top of your game here, or you're going to be flopping all over the place and it it took some.
01:14:01 And took some precision to really get it to get it right and then a couple years later, a friend of mine got like a one of the one of the Digi ones or whatever that had the the the leveling software.
01:14:13 And it was like, oh, this is like pretty much like autopilot, in fact, that it.
01:14:17 I mean, it does have autopilot.
01:14:19 And so once they had all that technology figured out, once they had all that software and firmware figured out, I kind of did wonder like, well, why aren't they just making people size things like this?
01:14:32 You know, I guess one of the problems is battery.
01:14:36 Like, even with those little mini drones, what kind of what kind of?
01:14:40 Time you got on him.
01:14:41 I mean, when I my, you know, my experience is you.
01:14:44 You're not exactly flying around for hours and hours and hours.
01:14:47 Right.
01:14:48 You've got a really short period of time.
01:14:50 Those batteries get sucked up really fast.
01:14:53 And even with, you know, battery technology making lighter and lighter batteries.
01:15:00 Yeah, not everyone is a pilot.
01:15:01 Everyone would like lots of *******.
01:15:03 That's like saying everyone go to space.
01:15:04 ******* jetsons.
01:15:07 But yeah, I do kind of want that thing.
01:15:10 But with the with the.
01:15:14 Really what it's going to be is the battery.
01:15:17 The battery is going to hold.
01:15:18 It up having any kind of range or to where it's actually anything beyond like a a toy.
01:15:26 And they wanna be a fun toy. I'd still want one as a toy. Like if if you could only fly for, like, 45 minutes, I think I'd want, like, at least 45 minutes.
01:15:35 But if you could do like 45 minutes flying around, cruising around in that ******* thing, I'd probably get it.
01:15:41 I'd probably get it well if I was, you know.
01:15:44 Elon Rich, I'd get it.
01:15:47 But yeah, so flying car, that's pretty cool.
01:15:51 If you're super rich, I don't think it's one of those things where it's it's useless, but kind of neat.
01:15:57 Like when you see that when when they were talking about, oh, we got jet packs, now we got jet packs.
Speaker 19
01:16:02 Now you're like, what the ****?
01:16:03 You got we got ******* jet packs now.
Speaker 7
01:16:05 And then you look and see what it is, and it's the those stupid water jet packs, you know, like where it's just.
01:16:12 It's just basically like a a fireman hose that you strapped to your back that that hooks onto the back of a boat or something.
01:16:20 And and it's like.
Speaker 12
01:16:21 All right. Well, it's.
Speaker 7
01:16:23 It's kind of a jet pack, I guess.
01:16:24 But like, like I I feel lied to.
01:16:29 So anyway.
01:16:32 There's that nice thought.
01:16:34 You know, we could end on maybe a slightly.
01:16:37 Slightly happier note flying cars looks kind of it looks kind of fun.
01:16:42 Anyway, let me.
01:16:42 Take a look at Chad here.
Speaker 35
01:16:44 I bring this up.
Speaker 7
01:16:47 There was another.
01:16:48 Story I wanted to do but I.
Speaker 13
01:16:49 Can't remember what it was.
Speaker 35
01:16:51 Oh, that's what it was.
Speaker 13
01:16:55 That's not such a big deal.
Speaker 7
01:16:58 There's a story about.
01:17:01 We've talked about Californians.
01:17:05 Leaving the country or leaving the state and flooding into other States and kind of ruining them.
01:17:12 UM.
01:17:14 Apparently it's not just other states that are ruining Portugal the country.
01:17:23 I I guess is a destination for these.
01:17:28 For these Californians, like a lot of these Californians that are leaving the state, are moving to Portugal, I guess, and now the Portuguese are are are ******* getting fed up with the Californians moving to Portugal.
01:17:41 But yeah, whatever we it's not, whatever it was.
Speaker 13
01:17:44 More kind of just a funny story.
Speaker 8
01:17:50 Oh, one thing I did want to talk about.
Speaker 7
01:17:55 I said I I predicted this the second he started talking about it Cawthorne the the, the US Representative, the guy that in the wheelchair that start talking about how they had cocaine parties and how there was, you know, prostitutes and then there was all kinds of degeneracy.
01:18:14 Going on and on.
01:18:15 Hill and the RNC freaked out.
01:18:18 They're like, oh, that's crazy conspiracy theory.
01:18:22 That's they're just making **** up.
01:18:24 Yeah, he lost his primary because the GOP put all of its money into his opponent.
01:18:31 He is no longer there.
01:18:33 You no longer have based wheelchair guy.
01:18:36 And the US government he has, he has been knocked out.
01:18:40 But the ****** thing is rather than him going full on disclosure.
01:18:46 He conceded and and said told his his people to support the guy that they literally put in there just to take him.
01:18:55 So he's playing ball.
01:18:59 He learned his lesson.
Speaker 9
01:19:01 Alright, let me take a look at chat here.
Speaker 7
01:19:13 Uh Armilus screw is out.
01:19:16 Sequel interview.
01:19:17 I don't know if he.
Speaker 18
01:19:18 Would he would.
Speaker 7
01:19:20 I don't know.
01:19:21 If he'd interview with me this.
01:19:22 Time around, he might.
01:19:25 He interviews with weird people.
01:19:28 He goes on, like, really well.
01:19:29 At least he did.
01:19:32 That would be a really cool that'd.
01:19:33 Be a good stream.
01:19:35 Maybe I'll reach out to him.
01:19:37 I don't know if I how, how he would do that exactly.
01:19:40 But yeah, that'd be fun.
01:19:42 It'd be fun to talk to him about a number of things.
Speaker 8
01:19:48 Purge all pedophiles at all costs.
Speaker 7
01:19:51 All hail the pill.
01:19:54 Ministry of Truth, $3 appreciate that I'm about to release an album, My fiancee wrote the lyrics to this one.
01:20:01 It's about Hillary Clinton drinking children's blood to stay young.
01:20:07 I thought if you liked it, you could play it on the stream.
01:20:10 All right, I'll take a look at that.
01:20:15 Let me see if.
Speaker 13
01:20:21 Where my freaking notes go.
Speaker 9
01:20:27 There we go.
Speaker 7
01:20:37 Mania and Victa $5 appreciate that. Hey, Devin, I've been following you since maybe 2017 and I've enjoyed your analysis.
01:20:47 Anyway there anyway, here is some music made by an absolute Aryan woman expressing the instability.
01:20:55 We're in.
01:20:56 Pretty reckless.
01:20:58 And so it went alright.
01:21:00 I will.
01:21:02 Copy that one as well.
01:21:09 The Ministry of Truth $3.
01:21:11 By the way, the music I'm wanting to do for your movie is more electronic and cinematic.
01:21:17 I have an 8 minute long or 8 minute song already produced.
01:21:20 If you want me to send it to.
01:21:22 You keep up the.
01:21:23 Good work.
01:21:24 I love the new shirt you made.
01:21:26 Oh, that's right.
01:21:27 So I did takedown.
01:21:30 I did takedown the the first shirt is now gone, so now we're at #2 and #3 #2 will disappear this Saturday.
01:21:41 UM, and there's something about #3.
01:21:45 That you may have noticed.
01:21:49 You might have.
01:21:50 You might think to yourself on shirt number three.
01:21:53 Wait a second.
01:21:55 I thought that the photo that the FBI released and I'm.
01:21:58 Going to be vague about.
01:21:59 All this stuff.
01:22:02 Didn't have the faces.
01:22:04 What are these faces?
01:22:07 I painstakingly added the faces.
01:22:10 Those are the real faces, by the way.
01:22:12 Those are the real ******* faces.
01:22:15 The actual faces and there it's in much better detail before it's in shirt.
01:22:21 You know art form like I actually did a pretty if I do say so myself.
01:22:26 I did a pretty good job of actually photoshopping their faces from their mug shots.
01:22:31 I even ran their mug shots because obviously they're not smiling in the mug shot.
01:22:35 I even ran their mug shot through face app so I could get them smiling 1st and then.
01:22:41 And then I then I photoshopped them, smiling into the.
01:22:46 Into the FBI photo.
01:22:48 So a lot of work went into this one, a lot of.
01:22:51 Work went into this one.
01:22:54 Uh. Let's see here.
01:22:57 Not happier, 69 unrelated topic, but I just wanted to say anyone who owns NT, I think you mean NFTS is a raging fagot. Thanks for the stream.
01:23:08 Ferocious Chihuahua, $1.00 appreciate that I'm ******* suing.
01:23:15 OK.
01:23:19 Soy pill $50 very generous. Appreciate that. And then you got a a link with. No, not tell me what it is.
01:23:30 So I will paste that too.
Speaker 9
01:23:37 UM.
Speaker 7
01:23:38 Buck user $20 appreciate that.
01:23:42 Thanks for all.
01:23:43 Your work.
Speaker 7
01:23:44 Thank you for being here.
01:23:47 Darius, $10 appreciate that you hear that? Lauren Southern, formerly employed by Ezra Levant, is supposedly coming out with an expose on the dissident right, apparently were human traffickers and and couch cast. Yeah, I saw the thing on red ice put.
Speaker 18
01:24:04 Out like a a good little video.
01:24:07 I think it might have been the day.
Speaker 7
01:24:09 There was like 8 minutes long talking about that where?
Speaker 8
01:24:13 They had all.
Speaker 7
01:24:14 These MAGA chores on it and I.
01:24:17 Mean I I I don't know.
01:24:18 I actually don't know who any really any of them were, except for Lauren Southern, and I think Brittany Venti.
01:24:29 Was on there and there's, like, the only two out of like, that whole panel of.
Speaker 10
01:24:34 You know thoughts that that.
Speaker 9
01:24:37 I I even knew who.
Speaker 7
01:24:38 They were but.
01:24:40 Yeah, here's the thing.
01:24:43 Lauren southern.
01:24:45 Everyone knows obvious ******* grifter, obvious ******* grifter.
01:24:53 You know, once once she thought that her career as a grifter might be threatened, you know she's she she she goes with where.
01:25:00 The wind blow.
01:25:01 The only reason she went to the right in the 1st place is she was trying to ride the momentum of Trump trying to ride the momentum of the the rise and the the at the time, what was the alt right, you know?
01:25:13 And as soon as it started getting a little bit, you know, the the heat started to turn up.
01:25:18 She got out of the ******* kitchen.
01:25:21 And now, now she's trying to go the opposite way, because that's where she thinks the wind is blowing.
01:25:28 This is a reminder of why you shouldn't have stupid girls in your movement just because they they look pretty right?
01:25:38 I mean, she was never that bright.
01:25:39 She was never that ******* bright.
01:25:40 That's another person that met me and.
01:25:41 Who doesn't know they met me.
01:25:46 Not that bright, OK.
01:25:49 And so yeah anyway.
01:25:56 Here's the thing.
01:25:56 I hope she does come out with it, because what she's calling the distant right is it's really the gay Jew, right?
01:26:05 And so I'd love to see her burn some of that **** to the ground.
01:26:09 I don't care.
01:26:10 I don't care if rebel media.
01:26:12 Gets burned to the ground, you know, like I don't care if she she makes like the the Magnetar Zionists look like the awful people that they are because they are they.
Speaker 18
01:26:23 I mean what?
Speaker 7
01:26:24 Are we just talking about with with Cawthorne, right, they got dethroned, well, dethroned dead wheelchair.
01:26:32 Because he poured this **** out.
01:26:35 He pointed out that they're a bunch of degenerate *******.
01:26:37 They are they they're literally.
01:26:39 A bunch of degenerate *******.
01:26:43 And he pointed out, like, not even that forcefully.
01:26:47 He just, like, mentioned it on a podcast.
01:26:49 And that was enough.
01:26:49 He's gone.
01:26:53 Because that's the big secret.
01:26:54 That's the big secret, the boomer.
01:26:56 Bill that sends his money to the GOP every month doesn't know.
01:27:03 That's the big secret.
01:27:04 Is that all these people are are just as bad, if not worse.
01:27:09 Then the people on the left and there's like, oh, look at that, look how degenerate they are.
01:27:13 No, these people are.
01:27:14 They're seriously, ****, **** *******.
01:27:18 Drug ******* injecting.
01:27:21 Baby *******.
01:27:23 Satan is just as much as the the left is.
01:27:28 Trust me.
01:27:30 They and they, they hang out together.
01:27:31 You go to DC, they they're at the same ******* parties doing the same ******* drugs ******* the same ******* hookers.
01:27:39 They're the same ******* people.
01:27:40 They're literally the same ******* people.
01:27:44 It's like pro wrestling.
01:27:47 The pro wrestlers you know, they they make a big show.
01:27:50 They they act like they're fighting in the ring.
01:27:53 They yell at each other in the little interviews before and after the fights.
01:27:58 In the locker room.
Speaker 7
01:28:00 They're sharing steroids.
01:28:06 Their buddies.
01:28:09 In fact, they they probably even practice their moves together before they go out on in front of the the ******* that think that they're watching something real.
01:28:21 It's all ******* pro wrestling.
01:28:22 If it wasn't pro wrestling, why is it that it never seems to matter?
01:28:26 Really, it's not just because of the deep state, you know, slash bureaucracy, like a lot of people think.
01:28:31 Well, the reason why, you know, policy never changes from President to President is there's this permanent state of people and you know, no matter who's been elected, you're having to go through, like, all these agencies.
01:28:42 That are that are filled up with all these people.
01:28:44 You can't really fire that have been there forever and and they're the ones that regardless of of who's in the political off.
01:28:51 This is they're the ones that are going to keep the policies and and define the direction of all these policies and keep them going and whatnot.
01:28:59 And look, there's some truth to that, sure, but a lot of it is that the people that you're electing don't have, there's not really a whole lot of disagreement.
01:29:10 There's really not.
01:29:10 There's not like a whole lot of disagreement between, say.
01:29:15 Like an Obama Biden, a Trump, a Bush like there's there's maybe a couple small disagreements and and probably personality differences and things like that.
01:29:27 But ultimately, you know, we still we keep doing the same ****.
01:29:32 We keep doing the same ****.
01:29:34 We keep going in the same direction.
01:29:36 And they all ******* hang out together and **** each other.
01:29:42 That's just the way it is.
01:29:44 That's the way that it is.
01:29:45 So if Lauren Southern can somehow damage the image of some of the people involved with that ********, hey, that's fine.
01:29:54 I mean cause look, who's she going to?
01:29:56 She's not gonna hurt it.
01:29:57 Like, what's she gonna do?
01:29:59 Like, expose me like, I mean, like expose red eyes like she's not going to expose anyone who's actually dissonant.
01:30:08 Right.
01:30:08 You know, she's not going to expose anyone because she was never associated with anyone who was, who was actually right.
01:30:17 She was only, I mean, she was only associated with with basically with kosher funded media.
01:30:25 So if she wants to expose the gauge you write, let her let her expose the gauge.
01:30:29 You right?
01:30:29 I don't care.
01:30:31 Maybe they were human trafficking.
01:30:32 I don't know.
01:30:33 I mean, I think that's.
01:30:35 That's obviously hyperbole. I think what she's talking about is that that **** guy, I always forget his name, but the ******* **** guy that was ******* Jordan Peterson's daughter.
01:30:46 See like like they're literally ******* each other.
01:30:48 I'm not like, that's just one of the.
01:30:50 People you know about.
01:30:53 Ohh, and that same guy he ******.
01:30:57 Dilbert Guys's girlfriend or ex?
01:31:00 Girlfriend, I guess now.
Speaker 14
01:31:02 Scott Adams.
Speaker 7
01:31:06 I mean, he he really is probably a human trafficker like he I think he.
Speaker 12
01:31:09 Like I'm not.
Speaker 7
01:31:10 Not hyperbole.
01:31:12 I think he does.
01:31:13 Traffic Eastern European women into **** and stuff like that.
Speaker 8
01:31:17 But that's that's.
Speaker 7
01:31:19 Yeah, that's the crowd.
01:31:20 That's that's the MAGA crowd.
01:31:24 That's the Zionist MAGA crowd.
Speaker 12
01:31:27 So if she wants to expose those people.
Speaker 7
01:31:30 Let her do it.
Speaker 8
01:31:31 It's a little annoying.
Speaker 7
01:31:32 She calls it dissonant, right?
01:31:33 But you know.
01:31:34 She knows that's.
01:31:34 The that's the fancy buzzword that's going to get her the the Internet traffic.
01:31:40 That's all that stupid ***** cares about, right?
01:31:46 Uh. Let's see here.
01:32:02 Sorry, I just updated it.
01:32:04 I got to Scroll down.
Speaker 13
01:32:04 Through all this stuff again.
Speaker 7
01:32:12 Oh yeah, Ministry of truth.
01:32:15 You want if you want to.
01:32:15 Send me.
01:32:16 That the other song or yeah, you can send me a link.
Speaker 13
01:32:22 I forgot to answer that part of it.
Speaker 35
01:32:25 Let's see here.
Speaker 7
01:32:29 Based race makes her $5 appreciate that reminder. Victoria Newland, her real name is Noodleman.
01:32:40 Ohh Speaking of Jews.
01:32:43 That that Ministry of Truth, Jewish ****** quit.
01:32:47 Before they even got that agency going.
01:32:50 Apparently, she apparently you guys defeated her.
01:32:55 You bullied her offline or bullied her online, enough to where she's not even going to have her job offline.
01:33:01 The the Ministry of Truth Training.
01:33:03 Let me see if I can.
01:33:04 You guys remember the Mary Poppins ****** that was singing about the Hunter Biden laptop.
01:33:11 I think I.
Speaker 7
01:33:11 Got a clip of her somewhere?
01:33:12 I guarantee I do.
01:33:14 Let's see.
01:33:14 Where is she at?
01:33:16 Where's that stupid ****** at?
Speaker 13
01:33:22 What day would have that been the night?
Speaker 7
01:33:26 Yeah, this one.
01:33:28 So this chick is no longer.
01:33:32 Going to be in charge of anything.
Speaker 42
01:33:34 There's already this idea, this allegation that there is anti conservative.
01:33:38 Bias on the.
01:33:39 Platforms, even though there has been study after study proving in fact that often it's liberal voices that are being silenced, particularly minority voices on social media.
01:33:49 So I think we're going to see more allegations.
01:33:52 Of that.
Speaker 11
01:33:52 Introducing game.
Speaker 7
01:33:55 Yeah, so that.
01:33:57 The the Jewish ****** she has, she has resigned from the post.
01:34:03 So whether or not they're going to hire someone else or whether or not they're going to just move along, I kind of thought they might.
01:34:13 They might do something like this because Tucker was was allowed to.
01:34:21 Speak speak about this this post in terms of this is where we draw the line like this the the.
01:34:28 Language he was using was.
Speaker 20
01:34:30 This is where we draw the line.
Speaker 7
01:34:31 We can't have this Ministry of Truth.
01:34:34 She's she's this crazy lady.
01:34:35 And we.
01:34:36 This is the line.
01:34:37 This is the line.
01:34:38 Guy and like it was.
01:34:39 His language was so.
01:34:46 You know, in terms of like, it wasn't like, oh, this is bad guys, it was like.
01:34:49 No, this is the 9.
Speaker 7
01:34:52 Implying that if they did it, something would happen.
01:34:54 I don't know what, what, what exactly he was implying, but when I heard him say that I thought, oh, they're they're not going to do this, they're probably not going to do this.
01:35:03 You know, because he's he's uh.
01:35:05 If they were, I don't think he he would be.
01:35:08 He'd be saying that, you know.
01:35:10 And so they're gone.
01:35:11 Or if she's gone.
01:35:13 So if you want.
01:35:15 There we go.
01:35:16 Look at that.
01:35:17 Look at that face.
01:35:19 Look at that.
01:35:21 Oh no, I'm bowling her off the Internet right now.
01:35:23 Right now I'm.
Speaker 19
01:35:24 Blowing her off. Ohh no.
Speaker 7
01:35:27 And she's gone.
01:35:36 So not if that's a white pill or what that is.
01:35:40 Veruca Salt, Netflix has a new documentary titled Our Father About Donald Klein, that fertility Doctor Who used his own sperm to impregnate patients in the 70s and 80s. He has 94 biological children. Their take is that he did it for.
01:36:00 White supremacist reasons.
01:36:04 His name is Klein, though his.
01:36:08 Is he a fellow white?
01:36:12 Donald Kline, let me look this guy up.
01:36:16 Klein could be a fellow white name.
01:36:22 I vaguely remember this guy.
Speaker 9
01:36:27 Donald Klein.
Speaker 7
01:36:31 Alright, what's Wikipedia say?
01:36:35 Well, they don't have an early life.
01:36:43 He might not have been a Jew because he he served in the Air Force.
01:36:46 Jews usually don't join the military.
01:36:59 Yeah, I don't know.
01:37:03 I'll may take a look at that.
01:37:06 That's kind of funny. Well, it doesn't matter if there's evidence of white. I mean, everything's white supremacy now, so it doesn't matter.
01:37:15 Yeah, maybe a couple of years ago, some fertility Dr.
01:37:18 I had like almost 100 babies.
01:37:22 Pebble in the pond $25 appreciate.
01:37:24 That great stream.
01:37:25 Well, thank you.
Speaker 13
01:37:26 Very much.
Speaker 7
01:37:28 Zedo how can we counter Chinas slaughter bots or Slaughter bot drone swarms?
01:37:35 Will it be tennis rackets or nun chunks?
01:37:38 I haven't seen the slaughter bots.
01:37:41 What are the slaughter bots?
01:37:42 Let me see if the slaughter bots are.
01:37:49 We have Slotter bots now.
01:38:01 UM.
Speaker 7
01:38:06 There's like a.
01:38:09 Fictional movie from 4 years ago talking about slaughter bots.
01:38:18 Let's take a look at this this I don't.
01:38:20 I don't think what you're talking about or if you're just using the term, but.
01:38:25 This is from CNN.
01:38:34 Just want to see him one more time.
Speaker 33
01:38:36 I just lost.
Speaker 28
01:38:49 They used to say guns don't kill people, people do well, people don't.
01:38:54 Let's watch the weapons, make the decisions.
Speaker 25
01:39:02 The nation is still recovering from yesterday's incident, which officials are describing as some kind of automated attack.
Speaker 15
01:39:09 This short film is more than just speculation.
01:39:12 It shows the results of integrating and miniaturizing technologies that we already have.
01:39:22 We have an opportunity to prevent the future you just saw, but the window to act is closing fast.
Speaker 20
01:39:30 Dun Dun Dun Dun slaughter ****.
Speaker 7
01:39:37 Yeah, I mean, I suspect there's going to be stuff like that.
01:39:40 There's going to be, there's going to be technology.
01:39:42 I mean, like the guy said, there actually really is that technology obviously already exists.
01:39:46 That's not a big deal to make.
01:39:47 I mean, honestly, if I if I was hard pressed, I can.
Speaker 16
01:39:50 Invent or not invent.
Speaker 7
01:39:52 Using on the off the shelf technology.
01:39:56 I could put together slaughter bots, you know, like it wouldn't be that difficult.
01:40:01 So certainly people with unlimited budgets like the the Chinese military, they could develop lots of this.
01:40:08 I'm surprised we don't see more of it and maybe we will.
01:40:10 Maybe it's just, maybe the only reason we don't see more of it is we've never engaged in an enemy that beyond.
01:40:17 You know, a goat herding third world farmer.
01:40:23 Colonel Edward $1.00 Preciate that hey, Devin, have you seen monsters ball? It's subversive as folk. Demonizing southern white people promotes race mixing and tries to make you feel bad for black murderer that gets executed. Also long shots.
01:40:41 Hayley bear.
01:40:44 Of Haley Holly berries, burbs for the nudity, nudity factor.
01:40:49 Uh, well, there's ******* in it, huh?
01:40:52 Checks off a lot of boxes well.
01:40:55 You know, monsters ball.
01:40:57 I don't think I've.
Speaker 9
01:40:58 Seen that? That sounds familiar.
Speaker 13
01:41:01 Let me see if I see the.
01:41:05 Monster's Ball.
Speaker 7
01:41:10 Yeah, I never saw this.
01:41:12 I never saw it.
01:41:12 Maybe I'll take a look at it at some point.
01:41:16 Wanders, going or wanders gayon.
01:41:19 Sorry for a small tip, I always appreciate your balance of open mindedness and objectivity.
01:41:25 You delve on the topics like Satanic ritual murder without being total ******.
Speaker 18
01:41:30 May I humbly.
Speaker 7
01:41:31 One man investigating the number 33. It's the most frequently used Masonic dog whistle. WTC stood for 33 years.
01:41:39 Yeah, I think there is something to do with 33 and there is there. I know there's a.
01:41:43 Lot of 33 stuff, but I've never really looked into it too hard.
01:41:51 You know, maybe we're looking into.
01:41:53 I wonder if you guys would be interested in, we'll ask you, I'll ask at.
Speaker 13
01:41:57 The end here.
Speaker 7
01:41:59 Chris does Rex $5 appreciate that I hate how most militia guys are just larpers. Militias are supposed to be community leaders and charitable organizations as well.
01:42:08 In short, a place to go in times of crisis.
01:42:11 Here's the thing.
01:42:13 You're absolutely right.
01:42:14 But it also you got to think of it this way.
01:42:16 It gives you.
01:42:19 Political power within your community.
01:42:21 When you do stuff like.
01:42:23 Right when you start interfacing, even if it's just on a small scale, you start interfacing with your local government.
01:42:31 And I mean like very very local, the smallest, you know, the first couple runs in the latter, you know, local, local government doing volunteer work, just talking to some of the bureaucrats and some of the.
01:42:44 Elected officials on a regular basis to organize positive things for their community that's going to give you political power on the local level.
01:42:53 So if you ever have problems you know and and look, it's really helpful for example, to know the local sheriff never hurts to know the local sheriff.
01:43:03 And if you know the local sheriff and your unfriendly terms with him that that, that's that's already a big plus.
01:43:10 But yeah, doing doing community service and stuff like that is is a good way to meet.
01:43:16 Some of the the local money people to every community, you'd be surprised.
01:43:20 Every community, no matter how small, has the handful of influential, wealthy people you know, whose oftentimes whose families have been there for a long time, right?
01:43:33 The Big land, owning families that own a lot of land and.
01:43:36 Have a lot of influence in that community.
01:43:38 And if you are organizing groups that are doing positive things for the community that they're, you know that they've grown up in, their ancestors have been in for a long time, you're going to get on their good side.
01:43:51 It's always a good.
01:43:52 Thing to do that, but absolutely yeah, a lot of guys, they just buy a lot of guns and a lot of useless **** to ***** ** the side of their AR.
01:43:59 And they they just.
01:44:03 You know, they like to to jerk themselves off and never actually do anything.
01:44:10 That's The thing is, it's more we got, we and I've been thinking about this a lot lately.
01:44:15 The last few days actually in terms of of, of how we start.
01:44:23 Well, we'll we'll talk about another time, but like I I'm definitely wanting to do IRL stuff, probably starting this year sometime.
01:44:34 Based race Mixer $5 appreciate that. Do you watch computing forever? He is over the target. Yeah. And we've talked. He's a good guy.
01:44:45 Yeah, Dave Collins, a good guy.
01:44:46 I like that guy.
01:44:49 Army Aculus or Arma Lucas related to the stories you presented at the start of the stream. The guy who filmed himself beating defenseless old white people in nursing homes in 2020 had his case dismissed. His father said he was a victim of the system.
01:45:08 Ah, that's.
01:45:10 That's not shocking.
01:45:12 That's not shocking.
01:45:14 It's not shocking at all.
01:45:16 And you link the video.
01:45:17 Let me see if I can get it to play.
01:45:19 I don't like ******* with my.
01:45:22 Internet link doesn't have video.
01:45:25 I'll maybe look at that later.
01:45:28 Jack Russell $1.00 appreciate that Indonesian podcaster was forced to apologize and delete his podcast episode where he invited LGBT couple after losing thousands of followers.
01:45:43 Oh, that's pretty funny.
01:45:45 Based in Indonesia.
01:45:48 Well, they're, they're.
01:45:49 They're Muslim, I think, right, Indonesia.
01:45:53 So that would probably be really stupid to try to show or you know, do some gay ****.
01:46:02 Yeah, Indonesian podcaster.
01:46:07 Uh, I guess.
01:46:09 I think he lost some sponsors too.
01:46:13 That's pretty funny.
Speaker 16
01:46:16 Yeah, well.
Speaker 7
01:46:19 That's that's that's political power.
01:46:23 That is political power that Muslims have in Indonesia that Christians do not have in America.
01:46:29 Two base for YouTube $1.00 preciate that. Hey, Devin, I'm hard of hearing what kind of store did that Fagot shoot up again?
01:46:37 You know, I'm not sure exactly, but it might have been a.
01:46:57 Yeah. OK.
Speaker 12
01:47:01 Hey, he asked.
01:47:02 He asked what?
01:47:03 Am I gonna what?
01:47:03 I asked.
Speaker 21
01:47:04 Am I supposed to do?
Speaker 7
01:47:06 Nate Travel is $5. Appreciate that. Did you see how Nigeria stopped phone service for 73 million people for not connecting their SIM cards to their digital ID? I did not see that.
01:47:18 But yeah, Nigeria would be a good place to test market.
01:47:21 Some of that stuff.
Speaker 13
01:47:24 Uh, let's see here.
01:47:26 It just updated, so I got to Scroll down again.
Speaker 7
01:47:34 Myo Croft winds $5 preciate that donation for classified Cat face reveal.
01:47:41 Well, that was that wasn't classified cat face reveal.
01:47:44 That was classified black face.
01:47:49 If you're talking about the very beginning, and that's not even classified cat, I'll.
01:47:55 There's probably going to be some merch featuring classified cat in the near future.
01:48:01 May or may not be wearing black face.
01:48:03 I don't know.
01:48:03 In fact, they might be called classified blackface.
01:48:06 That's not a bad name.
01:48:08 $25 Ryan is cool. Appreciate that.
01:48:13 Devin, do the shirts come in tank tops?
01:48:16 Because I'm trying to workout in some real world merch.
01:48:19 Also, have you ever heard of room goon?
01:48:23 He is one of us and is an absolute unit.
01:48:26 Might be a good guest.
01:48:28 Heard of run goon.
01:48:29 The shirts do not come in tank tops right now.
01:48:33 I I have, I have decided that I'm just going to have.
01:48:40 You know, just the basics of basics.
01:48:43 I don't want to have like a bunch of different ways of doing it.
01:48:46 I don't want a bunch of different things.
01:48:47 I just want like this the the only reason why there's even there's even two colors on this last one.
01:48:53 Was I? I thought the blue looked good, but it was pretty bright and I was like, not everyone's gonna want to wear ******* bright blue.
01:48:59 So here's Gray.
01:49:00 I'll be nice this time.
01:49:03 Here's here's the here's.
01:49:04 The monotone option if you don't.
01:49:06 If you don't like the blue.
01:49:09 But yeah, that's yeah, yeah.
01:49:13 No tank top.
01:49:13 Sorry, but I'll look up well.
Speaker 35
01:49:18 Room gun.
Speaker 7
01:49:20 I'm not sure what we talked about.
01:49:22 I I.
01:49:22 Don't know who who he is but.
01:49:25 I'll put this in my.
01:49:31 Poor $5 appreciate that RIP, Dave. Yeah, big for Dave and the Fed, Dave.
01:49:41 Clark Smith, $25 appreciate that. Hi, Devin. Love the B pill stream and love the cactus pills too.
01:49:48 Do you think you could make a rattlesnake pill stream for us only?
01:49:52 Of course up and.
Speaker 9
01:49:54 Then it updated.
01:49:56 Hold on.
Speaker 13
01:50:00 UM.
Speaker 7
01:50:04 Only of course, if you can be assured of safety.
01:50:07 We have timber rattlesnakes here and they get pretty big.
01:50:11 I'm guessing you encounter Western Diamondbacks there.
01:50:15 Ohh, we got a few different kinds of rattlesnakes.
01:50:17 I'm not sure what the, which ones they are though, but yeah, I mean I.
01:50:23 I've had rattlesnake pills before.
01:50:25 When I first got here, I had a few because when I first got here, there was.
01:50:28 A few living.
01:50:29 On the property that I got rid of, I don't like doing that, but it's just you know.
01:50:34 I can't have them.
01:50:37 They were very close to like my house.
01:50:39 Like as in.
01:50:41 If I walked outside, I wasn't looking where I was going.
01:50:44 I might have stepped on it and and it and got bit.
Speaker 8
01:50:48 In the future, I might.
Speaker 7
01:50:50 Relocate them just because.
Speaker 14
01:50:54 If it will.
Speaker 7
01:50:55 If the option is there, I don't have a problem just shoveling their head off, if that's what I got to do.
01:50:59 Is what I do with.
01:51:00 The other ones.
Speaker 10
01:51:01 You know, I have not.
01:51:03 I have.
Speaker 7
01:51:04 Not tried eating the rattlesnakes yet?
01:51:07 UM, I'm totally down to do that. It's just I'm not very experienced with, with gutting.
01:51:14 Snakes, you know, like I.
01:51:15 Don't know what the what the.
01:51:17 Processes for you know.
01:51:19 How do you go from headless dead snake to on the grill?
01:51:23 You know, like I don't know what the steps are in between those two phases, but I'd totally eat rattlesnake.
01:51:27 I hear it's actually pretty.
01:51:29 So you know, if I ever get the opportunity for a rattlesnake pill.
01:51:34 Be easy.
Speaker 7
01:51:35 To do a scorpion pill, we got a **** ton of those things around here, not so much this year, though.
01:51:40 It's been very dry the last year and a half, so there's not really a whole lot of.
01:51:45 In fact, there's not like a lot of squirrels and rabbits this year.
01:51:48 Like just there's it's not a lot of things.
01:51:50 It's been so dry.
01:51:53 Hereward silver, the techy $5 appreciate that, hey Devin. The Royal Marine Commandos have working jet packs. Pretty cool. Good to see you on Odyssey, by the way. I've been odyssey for.
Speaker 13
01:52:10 Over a year, I think.
Speaker 7
01:52:13 What is this?
01:52:14 The Royal Marine Commandos have jetpacks.
01:52:19 I don't know if they're real jet packs.
Speaker 13
01:52:21 Are they real jetpacks?
Speaker 10
01:52:28 Google 5A phone plan by Google.
Speaker 7
01:52:33 So many ads on YouTube.
01:52:38 Is this real jet pack?
01:52:39 So they're in the water?
01:52:40 I don't know if this is real jet packs.
01:52:41 Let's see.
01:52:54 Not a whole lot of diversity there.
01:52:56 Royal Marines.
Speaker 20
01:53:04 Why they they can't trust the black people.
01:53:07 To wear, see, that's not.
Speaker 7
01:53:09 Even restart real jet packs, that's the weird stupid hand jet pack things.
01:53:14 I've seen these.
01:53:16 These aren't real.
01:53:21 I want like ******* Boba Fett style jet pack.
01:53:26 I mean, no, you're wrong.
01:53:27 This is cooler.
01:53:28 This is cooler than a lot of stuff, but it's also what's what's the flight time on those?
01:53:34 I suspect the flight time on those is like.
01:53:37 Like maybe 5 minutes.
01:53:40 Maybe 5 minutes.
01:53:44 But that's bulky as ****.
01:53:47 Look at that.
01:53:48 That's a monstrosity.
01:53:52 Look at that ******* thing. That thing's so big and it's got to weigh a ton.
01:54:00 And the flight time.
01:54:01 The flight time is probably nothing, you know.
01:54:07 Like I'm sure it's fun for like 6 minutes.
01:54:14 That's more like Iron Man than it is jet pack.
01:54:19 And you can't exactly be using your hands like I want.
01:54:22 Jet pack I want like Rocket man jetpack.
01:54:24 I'll show you what I want.
01:54:34 Where's the old?
01:54:36 I guess it's that all of them or is that stupid gay song?
01:54:45 Oh, that's not even the right.
01:54:45 One either what?
01:54:47 No, the rocketeer.
01:54:48 That's what I'm thinking of.
01:54:59 This is the rocket jetpack I want.
01:55:02 To some, it was the fulfillment of a dream.
Speaker 20
01:55:07 To others it was an easement there.
Speaker 7
01:55:08 Of course, in this movie.
01:55:10 The bad guys that he attacks.
01:55:11 Though the Nazis, obviously.
01:55:16 This might be a good movie to go over.
01:55:17 I I don't.
01:55:18 I mean, it's been a really long time since I've seen it.
01:55:20 A creation that could change the course rocket.
Speaker 12
01:55:25 A rocket? Why? What's the?
Speaker 20
01:55:28 Matter. Don't know if someone.
Speaker 43
01:55:29 The bomb.
Speaker 7
01:55:31 Yeah, yeah, that's what I want.
01:55:34 I want this.
01:55:43 Big golfer.
01:55:49 Equipped with these.
Speaker 13
01:55:50 That's one here on.
01:55:51 Her head.
Speaker 3
01:55:52 It will come to us.
Speaker 21
01:55:57 And over the Rockets.
Speaker 7
01:56:02 Anyway, I want that, but I wouldn't.
01:56:05 Use it to kill Nazis.
01:56:10 All right.
01:56:17 Uh verga salt $1.00 appreciate that. Hi, Devin. Have you ever thought about doing a regular, occasional AMA? Ask me anything. Stream. It would give you a break from having no plan or having.
01:56:31 To break from having to plan content every time.
01:56:36 Just a thought.
01:56:37 Yeah, yeah, I guess I could.
01:56:40 It might be a fun cozy.
01:56:42 Cozy one.
01:56:43 I I got something planned for Saturday.
01:56:45 Maybe we'll do that next Wednesday.
01:56:46 How about that?
01:56:47 What is or today is Wednesday, right or?
01:56:49 I guess kind of Thursday.
01:56:51 So maybe that will we can do that for next one.
01:56:55 Soy pill $5 appreciate that I meant for you to play it. It's just 17 seconds long. If you're waiting until the end of the stream, that's cool. But the stream will love it.
Speaker 13
01:57:08 Let me see.
Speaker 7
01:57:12 Which one was it that you let me bring it?
Speaker 13
01:57:14 Up. Hang on.
Speaker 7
01:57:25 You guys been listening to that Amber Heard ****.
01:57:27 Jesus Christ.
Speaker 30
01:57:29 Spending millions to try to.
Speaker 31
01:57:31 Hide who?
01:57:31 He really is.
Speaker 40
01:57:32 You're alert.
Speaker 3
01:57:33 That's not.
Speaker 7
01:57:36 I hate how when you use the Incognito windows, none of your ad blocking **** works.
01:57:51 Alright, so this is what you sent.
01:58:07 Nothing magical.
Speaker 7
01:58:10 Let me try.
01:58:10 Let me translate for people just listening.
Speaker 5
01:58:14 Yo, DOMA.
Speaker 7
01:58:14 I am the great.
Speaker 19
01:58:15 Jacinto, take that.
01:58:20 Is that make?
Speaker 20
01:58:20 You are a fool, Jacinto.
01:58:23 All of my ancestors were Jews, OK?
Speaker 7
01:58:31 And then he he holds up a swastika.
01:58:38 There we go.
01:58:45 Although I think the cross would burn them just.
01:58:47 As bad.
01:58:51 All right, let's take a look here.
01:58:55 Ferocious Chihuahua, 1488. Appreciate that. Please check out your gab, Sir. Hoping you'll come on my 70s style wig net game show sometime.
01:59:06 Don't got to read this to chat well, too late.
01:59:10 Just hope you'll respond.
01:59:12 Yeah, I haven't been on I've.
Speaker 20
01:59:15 Just to give you an.
Speaker 7
01:59:16 Idea like what I've been.
01:59:18 Doing I get up at.
01:59:19 Like at or before dawn.
01:59:22 Every day.
01:59:23 And I'm usually outside or.
01:59:30 You know, in a building full of filth.
01:59:34 Cleaning and working on stuff until sundown, pretty much every like every like, not just every weekday.
01:59:42 Every day.
01:59:44 And I've got the sunburns to prove it, I'm I don't look white right now.
01:59:50 Like at all?
01:59:51 I'm really ******* dark right now.
01:59:54 UM.
01:59:56 But I just so I just haven't been on social media at all.
01:59:59 Now it is getting hot.
02:00:00 It's getting real hot.
02:00:01 In fact, I'd have the AC running right now, except for I went to blast it out.
02:00:08 Yesterday, I guess it was.
02:00:10 I got the pressure washer out because I have a swamp cooler.
02:00:15 For those of you who are who have lived in the desert, you.
02:00:17 Know I'm talking about and it's.
02:00:19 It gets full of sand and garbage, especially as we had a sandstorm last year.
02:00:23 So there's like an almost not quite like an inch of sand.
02:00:26 There's like a lot of sand in there.
Speaker 17
02:00:28 So I got.
Speaker 7
02:00:28 The the pressure washer to blast it all out and to clean it all out and the little floater that tells it.
02:00:35 When it stopped filling it up with water basically disintegrated because it was all rotted away.
02:00:41 So I think I'll get a new.
Speaker 7
02:00:42 One of those before I'll have any kind of air conditioning. So right now where I'm sitting, it is it's not, you know, this sounds high, but it's actually not that bad. It's 86 degrees right here. So and that sounds high to probably a lot of people that's.
02:00:57 It's really not that bad at night.
02:01:00 But that that's you know, that's now like it was like 90 earlier inside.
Speaker 13
02:01:07 You know, so.
Speaker 7
02:01:11 But yeah, but I'll take.
02:01:13 I'll take.
02:01:13 There's a lot of people trying to reach out to me right now and it's just I'm not.
02:01:17 Ignoring anybody, it's just this is.
02:01:20 This is I'm trying to get as much as I can done before like it gets so hot that like I'm not outside ever, which is.
02:01:25 We're right.
02:01:26 We're right there on the cusp.
02:01:27 We're right there on the.
02:01:28 Cusp I'm trying to get.
02:01:30 I'm trying to get a attic fan installed before it gets super hot and I'm trying to haul off some more of Carl ****.
Speaker 13
02:01:42 Before it gets too.
Speaker 7
02:01:43 Hot, But then it's going to it's we're getting there.
02:01:48 Blood stained $5. Appreciate that I found the trigger to turn. I found a trigger to turn boomer light boomer lights into zogg bots. It's the and then updating.
02:02:06 And it's the it's the midlife crisis.
02:02:10 Night and day difference.
02:02:11 Between principles held pre post life crisis.
02:02:15 The theme I found was loyal submission to the establishment.
02:02:19 I've had admitted to me it was like some weird rebirth ritual.
02:02:26 Well, let me see what you're saying here.
02:02:29 I found a trigger to turn boomer lights.
02:02:33 I don't know what you mean by lights unless you mean like alt light like types into ZOG bots.
02:02:41 It's the midlife crisis, night and day difference between principles held pre and post life crisis.
02:02:49 The theme I found was loyal submission to the establishment.
02:02:54 I've had it admitted to me it was like some weird rebirth ritual.
Speaker 12
02:03:01 You mean that?
Speaker 7
02:03:02 When people have their midlife crisis.
02:03:07 They become more submissive to the establishment.
02:03:15 Uh, I don't know.
02:03:17 I mean, I could see.
Speaker 7
02:03:22 I think there's just some people that just at a certain point.
02:03:27 I mean, look, there are phases.
02:03:29 I think a lot of people go.
02:03:30 Not everyone, but a lot of people will go through right, especially like the the normal or the average person.
02:03:36 However, you want to describe that, I think that there's a lot of people that, when they're really young.
02:03:43 Well, let's just say boomers, since that's what you're talking.
02:03:46 About right when when they're really young, they're very politically active, or at least they think that they are right.
02:03:52 And and look and that that applies to every generation.
02:03:54 If you look at the Black Lives Matter protest and stuff like that, it's not a bunch of like 80 year olds, right?
02:04:00 It's mostly young people.
02:04:02 And so in your teens and in your 20s.
02:04:04 You have that kind of energy and you think that like, oh, I'm going to change the world.
02:04:08 You have that optimism.
02:04:10 You haven't, quite frankly, you haven't been black pilled yet, right, like you.
02:04:13 Haven't had enough failures.
02:04:16 Do where do you really? And you can't really even realistically gauge like what is under your control yet because nothing's been under your control yet.
02:04:24 You're you're a kid. I mean, you barely got a driver's license, right? So, like, cars have only been under your control for maybe a year or two. So your idea as to like what you can effectively control.
02:04:37 Is limited by your experience, or lack thereof, so a lot of these people, especially when they're younger, think that, Oh yeah, we can change the world.
02:04:45 We can control all this stuff because they just don't know.
02:04:48 They haven't failed to control things yet they haven't had this.
02:04:53 You know, they, they they have like a.
02:04:56 They haven't had the.
02:04:57 Dreams beat out of him yet.
02:05:01 And I I do think that that carries on into their 30s, right a little bit.
02:05:07 But then as you as you try to as you start to get into your 30s or whatever and you have more experience you have like say you're more pragmatic about it, right?
02:05:16 You so you're more realistic about maybe what you can and can't accomplish?
02:05:20 You've had more failures, you've had more successes, but you have a more realistic gauge as to what in the universe you can actually affect.
02:05:28 Right. And so you maybe you tamp down some of the more utopian ideals that you had when you were like 16 to 21?
02:05:36 We're like, I'm going to change the world and everything's going to be like.
02:05:38 This you know.
02:05:40 I'm a visionary.
02:05:41 Everything's going to everything is going to unfold the way that I, I I want it to and.
02:05:48 You know when.
02:05:48 You're in your 30s.
02:05:49 You're more like.
02:05:49 OK, well, that's that's a great idea to have, but realistically.
02:05:54 Speaking in the same way when I was 16 and I thought that I was going to be.
02:05:58 Like an astronaut or.
02:05:59 Whatever or whatever your stupid dream.
02:06:01 Was and that didn't happen.
Speaker 12
02:06:03 Like you know.
Speaker 7
02:06:03 There's other things aren't going to happen and that's that's fine, but we can still maybe like move towards it like this way.
02:06:09 But then when you're in at that age, oftentimes you you're kind of like.
02:06:14 You've never really interfaced with power like you've interfaced with the with the world, right?
02:06:20 Like you've you've you've.
Speaker 16
02:06:22 You know you've.
Speaker 7
02:06:22 You've controlled your car for a while.
02:06:24 You've controlled your career.
02:06:26 You've maybe controlled your family and stuff like that.
02:06:30 You probably have a.
02:06:30 Family. If you have kids.
02:06:32 You've learned how to like, you know, raise them and or, you know, interface with people that that see you see you as an authority figure to some extent maybe you've been like a manager at work, so you're just barely, you know, at that age you're just barely getting into positions of power and really starting to.
02:06:53 Do that, but you've never actually faced real power, right? Like you've. You've never really done that. I mean, you can't even run for president until you're 35 in America at.
02:07:04 And so which. But I think they could, I mean that would be amazing. If anyone, I don't think anyone's ever run that's been that young. I think Kennedy was was closest.
Speaker 18
02:07:16 And then when?
Speaker 7
02:07:17 You hit a midlife crisis.
02:07:20 I don't know because I don't know if that's the right terminology, because I would say maybe if you.
02:07:24 Hit midlife.
02:07:26 And you realize, OK, well, even if you you have power and it's almost like.
02:07:35 Well, kind of like that Cawthorne guy, right?
02:07:37 The guy in the wheelchair, how he got in, he got, he went to Washington and then he starts to realize how, how, how ****** it is.
02:07:45 Right.
02:07:46 Like it's no longer like, oh, if only we get elected and send our guy there.
02:07:49 I mean, I'm not saying he would.
02:07:50 Caughorn was our guy, but he he was someone's guy, you know? And they sent him out there and.
02:07:56 And he got kicked out just for for pointing out the fact that some of these conservatives were were doing coke and ******* hookers.
02:08:06 And so once you are faced with that reality, they're like, oh, well, you know, it's it's it's very difficult to get any kind of power.
02:08:13 That's the the kind of power you need in order to fix a lot of these problems.
02:08:18 Maybe I could see people throwing in the towel.
02:08:23 Like if you can't beat them.
02:08:24 Point them kind of a thing where they say all right, well.
02:08:28 I might as well try.
02:08:30 To work within the framework that exists because I'm not going to be capable of overturning the framework.
02:08:36 I think that's probably that and that that's not, I don't think it's head of midlife crisis to do that.
02:08:40 I think that that you probably have a lot of people that.
02:08:43 That reached that conclusion.
02:08:44 Whether it's right or wrong.
02:08:46 That you know well, we're never going to be able to accomplish these things that I want done.
02:08:53 And so I might as well conform to the system and and and play in the sandbox, right?
02:09:01 At least at least.
02:09:03 If I'm, I'd rather play in the sandbox.
02:09:06 I'd rather follow the the you know, stay within the bounds of of the of what they've allowed me to do than to be kicked out of the sandbox.
02:09:18 And so they just and it's just the fight is kind of out of them at that point, too.
02:09:23 They've got families and careers and all this other stuff.
02:09:27 And at a certain point, I think they just would rather delegate.
02:09:34 That kind of stuff to other people, you know, like Trump, right, like, they'd rather.
02:09:39 I mean, that's kind of the point of representative government.
02:09:41 Anyway, you're supposed to be able to just delegate it to someone that has your interest at heart, but I think at a certain point that just that there, there.
02:09:48 Are people that just?
02:09:50 Check out and maybe maybe in doing so so they don't feel like sellouts.
02:09:57 They convince themselves.
02:09:59 That these people are gonna do something right, like the boomers that think that that or thought that or maybe?
02:10:06 Well, I guess some of them still think that Trump was going to fix all the problems and take care of.
02:10:11 Everything right like that.
02:10:13 I could see how.
02:10:15 That is a coping mechanism because it's.
02:10:24 It it, they don't feel like they've they've sold out like they don't feel like that they sold out so they could, you know, ride their Harley around the Grand Canyon instead of actually spending that money that they spent on the $40,000 motorcycle and all that time they spent just sitting on that motorcycle.
02:10:44 You know, doing something productive and good for their people, right?
02:10:47 And not that like, you know, you should never have fun.
02:10:50 But I think we all know we're talking about there's a lot of people that have means and time that don't use those means or that time to further the interest of their people, but rather just to augment their own pleasure and their.
02:11:05 Their own hedonism.
02:11:07 And so I think that there is maybe comfort in tell in telling those people, telling themselves like, the the midlife crisis guy who, you know, bought the Harley or you know what?
02:11:18 Never. Right. Tell him S that. Oh, it's it's fine. Because you know, Trump's got this.
02:11:28 But in terms of how that would relate directly though to Zionism, I mean, I don't think it would.
02:11:33 I think it's just whatever whoever the prevailing power structure is, right?
02:11:38 Like they they're just willing to submit to whoever is.
02:11:44 Whoever they convince themselves, convince themselves have their best interest at heart.
02:11:51 Even if they, you know, there's lots of evidence to the contrary, it's just easier just, you know, whatever.
02:11:55 Let this guy do it.
02:11:58 That way I can I can ride them.
02:12:00 I can keep grilling and ride them my Harley, right?
02:12:03 And I don't have to think about it.
02:12:06 You know, just I'll just outsource it to to Trump and let him worry about it.
02:12:11 And and I can complain about, you know, stuff every once in a while and whatever.
02:12:15 But ultimately, I just.
02:12:18 And can you blame them, too?
02:12:20 I mean, there's some people at.
02:12:21 A certain point.
02:12:23 Like, do you?
02:12:25 Can you really blame, like, say, someone who's who's worked their ***** off and they're like 7580 and they're not going to be around much longer? Like, you know, maybe.
02:12:34 I mean, that's well beyond midlife crisis at that point, but there are some people that just, you know, they they only got like 10 years left.
02:12:42 If that on the earth.
02:12:43 And they just want to spend it doing nothing and they don't care anymore.
02:12:49 But I don't know the midlife crisis directly is tied to.
02:12:51 That cause well.
Speaker 16
02:12:52 In my experience.
Speaker 7
02:12:53 The people who have midlife crisis is.
Speaker 9
02:12:56 They tend to.
Speaker 14
02:12:58 That what they're doing is they're they're.
Speaker 7
02:13:00 Realizing one day.
02:13:02 That their youth is gone.
02:13:05 And so they almost, I would say.
02:13:09 Would would they almost revert right? So like I had this, I remember when I was like 19 or so. Well, put me a little bit older. It was like 2021.
Speaker 18
02:13:20 And my friends and I.
Speaker 8
02:13:23 We all lived, we.
Speaker 7
02:13:25 All rented houses kind of on this.
02:13:28 Well, not all of us, but a lot of us rented houses in, like the same St.
02:13:34 Near the university and we all, you know, we had almost like it was like it was the kind of house like party houses, right.
02:13:41 There was like four of four.
02:13:42 Of the friends per house.
02:13:45 And so there was like 5 or 6 houses where 4, you know, each house had like four or five guys or whatever.
02:13:51 And we had just, you know, we'd have parties and stuff.
02:13:53 We had pretty big ******* parties and **** like that.
02:13:56 And I remember one of our friends that lived at one of the houses.
02:14:01 His dad or his parents or his little sister turned 18.
02:14:06 It was just him and his little sister and the like, almost like the day her little sister turned.
02:14:12 His little sister turned 18.
02:14:14 His parents got divorced like they were and and he realized, oh ****, my parents were like literally just waiting for, like, my kids.
02:14:21 Or for their kids to be 18 and then.
02:14:23 They were just done.
02:14:25 And like their whole marriage had been alive for.
02:14:27 Like a long time.
Speaker 10
02:14:28 They were.
Speaker 7
02:14:28 Just waiting for that **** right, which was like kind of funny to them.
02:14:32 But doesn't matter like the the what the story is.
02:14:35 His dad creepily wanted to start, like hanging out, and his dad at the time.
02:14:42 Oh, ****.
02:14:43 How old would he have been like late 40s or something like that, maybe older, maybe 50s.
02:14:48 And his dad wanted to hang out with us and go to, like, our parties because we had parties on a fairly regular basis.
02:14:58 And I had met this guy before the divorce and he was like a normal dad type, right.
02:15:03 Like, he dressed like a an older person.
02:15:06 And, you know, it wasn't like.
02:15:09 Trying to be your friend like he was just like, ohh, that's Jimmy's dad, you know.
02:15:13 What I mean?
02:15:14 But after that divorce or whatever, you know, his mom.
02:15:18 Did she like this, too?
02:15:20 He would.
02:15:20 He would just show up like he would just show up at the house, and we're all just.
02:15:25 We're like, we're all like in the backyard smoking pot and, like, hanging out and then listening.
02:15:29 The the music and having like we had, like we did a lot of like these, like luau type parties and stuff and then jimmy'z dad.
02:15:38 Like it'd be all like all these, you know, 20 something, you know, early 20s type people. Yeah. The oldest person maybe would be like 25, you know, girls hanging out and stuff and then like.
02:15:50 Jimmy'z dad would show up and he'd be dressed.
02:15:55 It was so crazy cause he'd be dressed like like I imagine he dressed and he was young so he'd be dressed in like.
02:16:04 I don't know, like bell bottoms.
02:16:06 Like for real.
02:16:07 Like he would be wearing.
02:16:10 Maybe it was his clothes from when he when he was young, but it it was just like the weirdest **** ever.
02:16:16 And he would he would hit on girls like it was really ******* creepy and and really, really weird.
Speaker 16
02:16:23 But that was.
Speaker 12
02:16:24 That was his midlife crisis.
Speaker 7
02:16:27 And I and that's that's the people that I've known that have been.
02:16:31 It's, you know been.
Speaker 9
02:16:33 And we're back.
02:16:34 So it doesn't matter.
Speaker 7
02:16:36 We're back.
02:16:37 Reconnected if.
02:16:38 If you're it doesn't matter.
02:16:40 So what I'm thinking is.
02:16:44 If you were to revert back to when you were younger, and when you're younger is when you are politically active and you have all these utopian ideas and and whatever, I don't think that it would.
02:16:54 It would make you more submissive to the.
02:16:57 To the hierarchy, I think it would make you out of touch and like in the same way like politically you'd be.
02:17:04 Out of touch, right?
02:17:05 So politics it are very like out of everything you know, are are very of the moment, right?
02:17:14 Just think about politically just.
02:17:17 How I've changed even like when I first started my channel I was kind of a Magnetar D right? Like way back in 2016 or whatever which isn't really that long ago.
Speaker 9
02:17:27 If you think.
Speaker 7
02:17:28 About it and and so and everyone, it was different in 2016 very well, pretty much most people were right.
02:17:35 And politics evolves in the same way that comedy kind of evolves, right?
02:17:40 Like there's jokes like you watch a movie.
02:17:43 Good example. Actually you watch a movie that would have been really funny to my friend's dad, you know, like Animal House, right? Animal house. That's the big, funny college movie from, like, the 1970s or.
02:17:55 Whatever I remember watching Animal House because I, you know, every boomer in the ******* world was saying how ******* hilarious it was and it was ******* stupid.
02:18:03 Like it wasn't funny and at the same time, though, if they were to watch any of the movies that I thought were funny at the time, they probably wouldn't think they were funny at all.
02:18:13 So humor is very of the moment.
02:18:15 Too, it's always evolving fashion.
02:18:17 You know, obviously music, all these things are all evolving constantly and never stop.
02:18:22 And so I think that if you're a someone that had a midlife crisis that reverted back to when you were younger, the politics that you'd want to embrace would be very similar to like that his, you know, my friend's dad who dressed, who showed up to the party, dressed like a like a hippie, basically trying to hit on young girls like a creep.
02:18:42 I think that his politics, if he had become political in that moment, would have been very much like.
02:18:51 The politics of from when he was.
02:18:54 Younger when he was like 18 or whatever.
02:18:56 So I mean, I don't know.
02:18:59 I didn't mean to talk about that.
02:19:00 For so long but.
Speaker 19
02:19:03 Just sometimes, sometimes I get going.
Speaker 9
02:19:08 Alright, here we go.
Speaker 7
02:19:12 Polar $1.00 appreciate that. And you know Jenko Wicks wits had to resign because her CIA ties to Ukraine came out.
02:19:20 Photos of her in Ukraine, etcetera.
02:19:22 Too much attention with 40 billion to launder.
Speaker 12
02:19:25 Well, I mean they.
Speaker 7
02:19:27 Everybody knew that she was tied to Ukraine, she that was part of the.
02:19:32 Her qualifications.
02:19:36 Or ties to CIA.
02:19:37 I mean, I think we're implied.
02:19:38 I think most people got that, but.
02:19:42 Yeah, I don't know.
02:19:43 I don't know.
02:19:43 It could be tied to that.
02:19:46 Beach Boys, $5 appreciate that. Can't wait to receive my greatest ally shirt. It should be a good conversation starter. Didn't see your logo on it in the picture though. Yeah, I'm trying to keep that out.
02:20:00 So that.
02:20:02 You can keep getting those shirts.
02:20:07 You know.
02:20:10 So yeah.
02:20:14 SPQ are 33 is how old Jesus was when he died. 33.3, also a film, little murderers, dark comedy. This is happening today, albeit dated 1971. Pretty accurate and very Jewish.
Speaker 13
02:20:33 Little murderers, 1971.
02:20:37 Alright, I will.
02:20:43 Put that in my notes, little murderers.
Speaker 7
02:20:56 $5 appreciate that ever seeing the day after it's a public funded movie basically made to terrify the population with the effects of nuclear war with Russia from the 1970s, any benefit to terrifying your population with the threat?
02:21:14 Of nuclear war.
02:21:17 I've seen clips of it.
02:21:18 I know what you're talking about.
02:21:19 I don't think I ever watched the whole thing.
02:21:21 It's kind of hokey.
02:21:22 There's that that's, you know, there.
02:21:25 There's this era where and honestly, I don't know if it was because the the amount of drugs being consumed in in the people produced or whatever.
02:21:34 But the 70s, just the aesthetic of of almost everything made in the 70s is just so awful.
02:21:40 UM. And so like film, it's like that awkward phase of color too. So like, the color is just isn't very good yet, but it's not like black and white.
02:21:50 And maybe that was part of it, too, is that they're so used to lighting for black and white, and now they're dealing with color and maybe they're leaning too hard on the fact that it is color.
02:21:59 So they don't actually.
02:22:00 Pay as much attention to like the shot selection and stuff like that, because everyone's supposed to be mind blown that they can see color.
02:22:07 There's, I don't know.
02:22:08 There's just something about the 70s with the aesthetic.
Speaker 20
02:22:10 Just looks bad.
Speaker 7
02:22:11 To me, and the audio is bad.
02:22:13 Again, I I don't know if that's because.
02:22:15 They they were changing like magnetic tapes or or or what?
02:22:18 You know what?
02:22:19 What what it is, but it's bad.
02:22:21 And so it's just it's hard when you find these old 70s movies.
02:22:25 It's just sometimes it's a chore to get through.
02:22:28 Because their production quality is just so bad, and at least the copies I have found of this movie, it seems like that could just be though a lot of times.
02:22:37 Maybe it's just a copy of a copy of a copy too once.
02:22:39 Once it's online, it's, you know, been recorded from VHS like 4 ******* times.
Speaker 13
02:22:44 Something like that.
Speaker 7
02:22:47 Any benefit to terrifying your population of the threat?
02:22:50 It's just I I think that both sides were doing that.
02:22:52 It was a motivator too.
02:22:54 You got to think of it.
02:22:55 It was we're trying to outcompete Russia, right?
02:22:59 So the motivator was we need to.
02:23:03 It was it?
02:23:04 It was.
02:23:04 I think, in a way, to make people.
02:23:06 More industrious and to make people way more OK with spending so much money on the the military industrial complex.
02:23:14 And I know people cringe at that term, and I and I wish there was a better term because.
02:23:18 It has been so.
02:23:21 Cartoonify but the you got to think about it, like how much money that they were spent.
02:23:27 It justified the analysts thinking how much money was spent on weapons that weren't used in the Cold War.
02:23:34 And then and and look, they'll they justify it cause they say.
02:23:37 Ohh yeah.
02:23:37 But we won the Cold War, you know.
02:23:39 We had to spend trillions and trillions of dollars to make all these bombs and missiles and **** that didn't do anything.
02:23:45 But wrought in a warehouse somewhere and got a lot of people rich.
02:23:49 But but if we hadn't done that, then the Russians would have won and and we bankrupted the Russians by making this arms race that they couldn't keep up with.
02:23:58 And you know, like that's like the, that's like the argument, right.
02:24:02 But I don't even think that them that was the point.
02:24:05 I think the point was just to.
02:24:06 To spend the money to spend the money on like to get the endless government.
02:24:11 Tracks, but not only that, but also to it.
02:24:15 It kind of it.
02:24:16 It has a a built-in patriotism aspect to it, right where it gets your people to trust the your government, right, because it's their all of their suspicions.
02:24:31 And their distrust are going to be directed towards the the spooky evil Russia, right?
02:24:37 And which is kind of why I feel like what they're trying to do now and well, and really since Trump too, you know, with the whole Russia hoax and all this other stuff.
02:24:47 Right, so it's it's.
02:24:50 That's what the point of that is.
02:24:52 I think I'd have to watch the movie I've seen, like, I've seen clips of it.
02:24:56 I know it's culturally significant, so it would.
02:24:58 Probably be worth going.
02:24:59 Over because it did it.
02:25:01 I mean, it was watched more than I think.
02:25:06 If it's the one I'm thinking of, it was.
02:25:07 It had extremely high ratings.
02:25:11 Beach Girl is $5. Appreciate that. Have you thought about setting up a PO Box so your audience could send gifts and analog hyper chats? Yeah, but.
02:25:22 I mean, you know.
02:25:24 That that obviously docks is your location and.
02:25:28 And people might send you weird ****.
Speaker 12
02:25:34 You know, I mean, like, I don't know.
02:25:36 I don't know the people would.
02:25:37 Send me.
02:25:38 I'm sure how you guys would send.
02:25:39 Me. Cool ****, but.
Speaker 7
02:25:40 You know, I don't get, like, a severed head in the mail or something like, I don't know.
02:25:45 You never know.
02:25:45 You never know what.
02:25:46 You're going to get.
02:25:48 But yeah, maybe maybe at some point.
02:25:53 SPQR. This is the trailer.
02:25:57 The trailer for for that movie.
Speaker 13
02:26:00 All right.
Speaker 7
02:26:03 And I'll copy that.
02:26:04 I'll check it out later.
02:26:05 I'm trying to wrap things up.
02:26:06 I'm I'm have.
02:26:07 I am.
02:26:07 I'm noticing some dropped frames here and we had the disconnect issue and which means the stream is going to be all ****** ** now and I got to.
Speaker 13
02:26:15 Deal with that after the stream.
02:26:19 UM.
Speaker 7
02:26:21 So I don't wanna test or tempt fate Beach Boys $5 idea for a future urban moving supply shirt.
02:26:31 Blowing the competition away since 2001.
02:26:38 I think that that I think it kind of says.
02:26:40 That on on the current one.
02:26:43 Or something similar to that.
02:26:44 Arminius, Direct link to the nursing home video.
02:26:50 Now I've seen the original video.
02:26:58 Ferocious and like I said, I'll.
02:27:02 I'll check out later.
02:27:03 I just don't want to download any videos right now because the connection is being square.
02:27:08 Ferocious Chihuahua Sundays, 9:00 PM Eastern standard Sundays.
02:27:14 9:00 PM is that that other?
02:27:19 The stream you were talking about, I forget.
Speaker 13
02:27:22 I think so.
Speaker 7
02:27:25 Don Argent, Devin, can you enable ad block for private tabs in or no, you can enable Adblock for private tabs in the plugin settings for Firefox.
02:27:37 Libre well should only take a few seconds.
02:27:39 All right, well, I'll check that out.
02:27:43 Fatty Maya.
02:27:50 2018 do you lift weights, Devin? I do not. I lift trash and tires and and beehives and.
02:28:00 And stuff like that, but I.
Speaker 9
02:28:01 Do not lift weights.
Speaker 7
02:28:04 Inversion agenda greetings again from.
02:28:08 It didn't work out helping on the farm mom of the family was draconian and dominating right now.
02:28:15 Vagabonding on my car looking for new work.
02:28:18 Hope I don't blast my save or yeah.
02:28:21 Hope I don't blast my savings since the search is dragging on for a couple of weeks.
02:28:27 Well, good luck conversion agenda, sorry didn't work out for you on the on the farm.
02:28:35 At work Podcast Beard sent on cozy.tv proved the analytics on Odyssey are inaccurate. They don't promote live streamers, which would explain your lower view count.
02:28:45 You could get more views and donos on cozy, Nick says.
02:28:50 He has a site ready for you if you want the other streamers there know and respect you.
Speaker 9
02:28:55 As do I.
Speaker 7
02:28:59 Yeah, I mean, you know, right now, Odyssey is working for me.
02:29:05 I don't know if.
02:29:07 I know they don't promote live streamers or whatever.
02:29:10 I don't think my I'm comfortable with the numbers I get.
02:29:13 I think I do pretty good actually, but yeah, I mean I I still literally have not even looked at Cozy TV.
02:29:20 So I'd have to take a look at it.
02:29:25 Veruca Salt $5 appreciate that.
02:29:29 Last super chat about my bass bro, Dave ended the Fed when he first got to the hospital.
02:29:36 He was given the mini mental status exam.
02:29:39 The mini mental status exam where are where are you?
02:29:44 What is?
02:29:46 Oh, OK.
02:29:47 Who's the president?
02:29:48 Et cetera.
02:29:48 Dave said Biden, and then listed all the presidents in order going back to Hoover before they stopped him.
02:29:54 Well, that's pretty funny I would.
02:29:56 Although I would have said Biden.
02:29:59 Well, I guess, yeah, I guess he is the president.
02:30:01 So I guess that was right, but it's.
02:30:02 Just the legitimacy is more than a little bit in question.
02:30:08 More than just a little bit in question.
02:30:12 But at the same time, like Trump did hand over the keys to the castle.
02:30:15 So what can you do?
02:30:17 Alright, well I'm going to refresh this just to make sure when it disconnected.
02:30:20 Didn't **** me all up and then I'm.
Speaker 13
02:30:21 Probably get out of here.
Speaker 35
02:30:28 Let me see here.
Speaker 7
02:30:31 OK.
02:30:31 That was the last one pretty good.
02:30:33 Let me make sure I didn't miss anybody because and if I did, I'm sorry guys.
02:30:37 I just my connection will sometimes do that and I'll screw up.
02:30:41 But I'm pretty sure we got.
02:30:44 I think we got everybody.
Speaker 33
02:30:47 China's OK. OK, OK, OK, OK.
Speaker 35
02:30:54 And that works.
02:30:55 That works, that works, that works.
02:30:58 That works, that works, that works.
Speaker 7
02:30:59 All right, cool.
02:31:01 All right guys.
Speaker 7
02:31:07 I was going to talk with you one more time and do the.
02:31:09 Grocery store thing but.
02:31:12 I'm above that.
02:31:13 I've already made you.
Speaker 7
02:31:14 Suffer through it a couple of times.
02:31:16 So anyway, hope you guys have a good rest of your week.
02:31:20 I will see you on Saturday.
02:31:24 And I've got a big one planned for Saturday.
02:31:28 UM, in the mean time, enjoy the week. I've been watching what I'm watching. I've been watching or listening to you rather as I've been doing work that Amber Heard stuff.
02:31:39 Man, see, This is why This is why I'm.
Speaker 9
02:31:40 There we go.
Speaker 7
02:31:42 Wrapping things up for.
02:31:43 Those who listen to replay, that's never a good.
02:31:45 Thing I try to have.
02:31:47 Good Internet and this is what happens.
02:31:49 I tried.
02:31:51 But if you.
02:31:51 Guys been watching that Amber Heard stuff.
Speaker 14
02:31:54 Everyone knows a girl like that and.
Speaker 7
02:31:58 Many of you guys have dated a girl like that.
Speaker 14
02:32:03 Where they are so ******* nuts.
Speaker 7
02:32:07 And so convinced of their own ********.
02:32:10 And part of why they're convinced of their own ********.
Speaker 17
02:32:16 Is they grew up like a pretty girl, right?
02:32:19 They grew up.
Speaker 7
02:32:21 With everyone around them wanting to either **** them or not pretty much wanting to **** them, and so doing things for them, never holding them to account for anything, instantly melting the second they see a tear from her.
02:32:40 You know just.
02:32:41 Just the like, just serving everything up to her on on on a silver platter.
02:32:46 You know, that kind of a thing, right?
02:32:48 And then to make things even more ****** ** with a lot of these girls.
02:32:51 A lot of these girls who.
02:32:53 Grew up, you know.
02:32:55 Being very pretty or whatever gets sexually abused, right?
02:32:59 Which ***** them up even crazy.
02:33:00 And it makes them even crazier, right?
02:33:03 And those girls once unleashed upon the world.
02:33:09 Are are just nightmare people.
02:33:11 They're nightmare people that, especially when you date them, they're nightmare ****.
02:33:16 People that they're so ******* nuts that you start wondering if you're crazy because like it's they're they're so crazy.
02:33:25 It's not even.
02:33:25 It's not even really gaslighting like the people will say.
02:33:28 It's gaslighting, but it's not even really gaslighting so much as.
02:33:32 Their craziness is so unpredictable and so seemingly.
02:33:39 It makes you feel insane because you're like, there's no way she's that crazy.
Speaker 18
02:33:44 Am I crazy?
02:33:45 Like is my is it?
Speaker 7
02:33:47 There's no way I'm perceiving this accurately, because if I'm perceiving this accurately, that would mean that she's ******* really crazy.
02:33:55 And there's no way she's that crazy.
02:33:57 Maybe I'm kind of, you know, like it.
02:33:59 It's that kind of ****.
02:34:00 And they they have this charisma about them, and they've got this.
02:34:07 Just this way of controlling people.
02:34:13 With their confidence, you know, like it it con man is.
02:34:17 Short for confidence, man.
02:34:20 And with a little bit of confidence, you can influence people to a crazy degree.
02:34:27 And what what's going to give you more confidence than everyone telling you your entire life, how pretty and smart you are?
02:34:33 Like from as far back as you can remember and never criticizing you ever and never you know, you're going to have a mass.
Speaker 9
02:34:41 Amount of of undeserved confidence.
Speaker 7
02:34:44 And because of that confidence, people are going to just go along with it and that's in addition to the fact that you're you're very ********, right?
02:34:54 And it's just it.
02:34:55 You watch this trial and you watch this behavior from this, this, this person.
02:35:01 It's just like, holy ****.
02:35:03 Like the only thing that that.
02:35:06 It's just nice to know.
02:35:09 It's nice to know that even people like Johnny Depp and and Elon Musk, who who dated this ******* psycho for a while too.
02:35:18 That even in their world.
02:35:20 They have to deal with women like that, and it's not just plebs like us that have these ******* psychos in our life.
02:35:28 But anyway, with that, I will leave you.
02:35:33 And Yep, before I do, let's ask Chad.
02:35:36 There's no way to do like a.
Speaker 18
02:35:37 Poll is there.
Speaker 7
02:35:38 I wish I could do a poll of what which way you guys think it's going to be or which way you think.
Speaker 13
02:35:44 It's going to go.
Speaker 7
02:35:48 Hey, Chad.
02:35:52 Well, First off.
Speaker 8
02:35:53 One, if you if you've dated or known a.
Speaker 7
02:35:56 Girl like this before?
Speaker 16
02:35:58 And two, if if not.
Speaker 7
02:36:10 I don't know how much of A delay there is at this point.
02:36:12 I'm seeing like 0 ones or two and there's lots.
02:36:14 Of you ******* out in so.
02:36:18 I don't know if you're getting anybody.
02:36:21 There might be might be a.
02:36:23 Yeah, they're saying I've seen F's now, so maybe the the connection died.
02:36:28 ****** ******.
02:36:29 Tonight's is not a good night for the connection.
Speaker 13
02:36:32 Well, it still says it's on.
Speaker 7
02:36:42 Yeah, I'm seeing one.
02:36:44 No ones or two or anything.
02:36:45 All right.
02:36:45 Well, anyway, I don't want to sit here forever.
02:36:53 Now, now they're pouring in.
02:36:54 You guys must be quite a ways behind quite a ways behind you.
02:36:58 I'll do a pull on someone else.
02:37:00 Said do a pull on gap.
02:37:01 I'll do a pull on gap.
02:37:02 What I was going to ask is is which way you guys think this is going to go?
02:37:07 Because is psycho as that *****.
02:37:09 And she's ******* psycho.
02:37:10 Like, look and Johnny Depp.
02:37:12 Sounds like he's a drug.
02:37:15 ******* too.
02:37:16 So it's not like, you know, he's an Angel or anything.
02:37:18 Like that, they sound like they were both kind of *******.
02:37:23 You know, they deserved each other in a way, but ultimately she's lying about the the the abuse extent and probably like a lot of other things and and is, is is obviously a lying, manipulative ****.
02:37:39 And so just because of that, I want her to lose.
02:37:42 But I don't think she will.
02:37:44 I don't think she will.
02:37:49 I think she'll just.
02:37:51 I think she'll be able to continue on through life.
02:37:55 As these women often can until they lose their looks and and and before that happens, and there, you know, there goes the connection again as.
Speaker 35
02:38:02 I'm sure you guys heard.
Speaker 7
02:38:04 So anyway, I'm going to wrap this thing.
02:38:06 I'll do it.
02:38:06 I'll do a.
02:38:07 Pull on gap.
02:38:08 Anyway, you guys have a good rest of.
02:38:10 Your evening, we'll.
02:38:11 Be back here.
02:38:12 We have a special edition on Saturday, so look out for that.
Speaker 19
02:38:16 4 black pill name of course.
Speaker 7
02:38:20 I'm of course.
Speaker 13
02:38:23 I forgot hold.
Speaker 34
02:38:24 On I gotta download a video.
02:38:27 And download a video.
Speaker 7
02:38:32 All right, get ready.
02:38:33 Get ready for infuriating end video.
02:38:35 There's going to be two.
02:38:37 Of course.
Speaker 9
02:38:41 Devon sack.
Speaker 36
02:38:55 And I'm distressed to hear about the latest suicide bombers in.
02:38:59 In Israel.
02:39:04 For those who yearn for peace in the Middle East, for those in the Arab lands, for those in Europe.
02:39:12 For those all around the world who yearn for peace.
02:39:15 We must do everything we possibly can to stop the terror.
Speaker 44
02:39:21 There are a few killers.
Speaker 36
02:39:24 Who want to stop the peace process that we have started?
02:39:27 And we must not let them, for the sake of humanity, for the sake of the Palestinians who suffer.
02:39:34 For the sake of the Israelis who are under attack, we must stop the terror.
02:39:40 I call upon all nations to do everything they can to stop these terrorist killers.
Speaker 4
02:39:47 Thank you.
Speaker 36
02:39:48 Now watch this drive.
Speaker 2
02:40:03 All right.
02:40:04 If you need another.
Speaker 27
02:40:06 Our new.
Speaker 12
02:40:08 Right.
Speaker 27
02:40:09 Trying to be talked out of the much stupid.
Speaker 36
02:40:13 You see a church.
Speaker 25
02:40:52 Hold on. You love it.
Speaker 30
02:40:54 And you want it.
Speaker 31
02:40:55 And you picked it out, but you don't, but you don't want it for school.
02:40:59 Can you tell me why?
Speaker 45
02:41:01 Because last time I.
Speaker 21
02:41:02 Wore dressed to school, everybody called me a girl.
Speaker 31
02:41:07 Well, what did we learn from?
02:41:09 My shadow is pink.
Speaker 41
02:41:14 Even when you wear a.
Speaker 21
02:41:14 Dress. You're not a girl.
Speaker 31
02:41:16 What makes a?
Speaker 30
02:41:17 Shirt for a boy or a girl?
02:41:21 So do you want this?
02:41:22 You picked it out like?
Speaker 3
02:41:25 You want to wear.
Speaker 31
02:41:26 It all the time.
02:41:26 At home, but not at school, right?
02:41:29 Tell me about that.
Speaker 45
02:41:30 How do one get made fun of?
02:41:31 And that's what they.
02:41:32 Always do when I wear pink.
02:41:34 Stuff, but not when I do it only on special occasions.
Speaker 32
02:41:36 I'm sorry, baby.
Speaker 31
02:41:42 What makes you like dresses so much?
Speaker 45
02:41:47 I just like dresses.
Speaker 41
02:41:51 How can it?
02:41:52 See me, even though I'm not in the camera.
Speaker 31
02:41:56 You told.
02:41:56 Me backwards.
Speaker 46
02:42:00 Ohh, I'm in the mirror.
Speaker 45
02:42:04 Now can you see me?
Speaker 31
02:42:07 Yes, one more question.
02:42:10 Zeke, come sit with me.
Speaker 46
02:42:12 OK.
Speaker 31
02:42:12 One more question.
02:42:15 Do you think bright, pretty colors and dresses and sequins and jewels and gold, all the things that you always want to wear?
02:42:24 Do you think that's your innermost?
02:42:25 You it is.
Speaker 24
02:42:29 Well, how are you?
Speaker 31
02:42:30 Going to be your innermost you when we live in a place that people think clothing.
02:42:35 Belongs to particular gender.
02:42:44 The trick isn't.
Speaker 3
02:42:45 It you know.
Speaker 31
02:42:47 Your mommy gets made fun of by people for looking like this too.
02:42:51 What do you think about?
Speaker 3
02:42:52 That help?
Speaker 11
02:42:55 That's not, that's.
02:42:56 That's just wrong.
Speaker 24
02:42:58 Strong, right?
02:43:00 Do you remember Jeffrey Marsh?
Speaker 45
02:43:02 Jeffrey Marsh and stuffing March.
Speaker 31
02:43:04 Jeffrey Marsh is one of the most beautiful people, remember they were.
02:43:08 Born a boy, but they know that they're just them.
Speaker 11
02:43:12 What about Ty?
Speaker 21
02:43:13 Try she's.
Speaker 41
02:43:15 A girl.
Speaker 43
02:43:15 They can make fun of sometimes too now.
02:43:20 I guess you just have to decide.
Speaker 31
02:43:24 If being you is the most important.
Speaker 32
02:43:27 Part of you.
Speaker 31
02:43:35 OK, let's go.
Speaker 9
02:43:42 We're back, so it doesn't matter.
Speaker 7
02:43:46 We're back.
02:43:46 Reconnected if if you're and it doesn't matter.
Speaker 14
02:43:50 So what I'm thinking is.
Speaker 7
02:43:53 If you were to revert back to when you were younger, and when you're younger is when you are politically active and you have all these utopian ideas and and whatever, I don't think that it would.
02:44:03 It would make you more submissive to the.
02:44:06 To the hierarchy, I think it would make you out of touch and like in the same way like politically, you'd be out of touch, right?
02:44:14 So politics it are very like out of everything you know, are are very of the moment, right?
02:44:24 Just think about politically just.
02:44:26 How I've changed even like when I first started my channel I was kind of a Magnetar D right? Like way back in 2016 or whatever which isn't really that long ago.
02:44:36 If you think about it, and and so and everyone, it was different in 2016, very pretty much most people.
02:44:44 Right.
02:44:44 And politics evolves in the same way that comedy kind of evolves, right?
02:44:50 Like there's jokes like you watch a movie.
02:44:52 Good example. Actually you watch a movie that would have been really funny to my friend's dad, you know, like Animal House, right? Animal house. That's the big, funny college movie from, like, the 1970s.
Speaker 9
02:45:04 Or whatever.
Speaker 7
02:45:05 I remember watching Animal House cause I, you know, every boomer in the ******* world was saying how ******* hilarious it was.
02:45:11 And it was.
02:45:12 Being stupid like it wasn't funny and at the same time though, if they were to watch any of the movies that I thought were funny at the time, they probably wouldn't think they were funny at all.
02:45:22 So humor is very of the moment, too.
02:45:24 It's always evolving fashion.
02:45:26 You know, obviously music, all these things are all evolving constantly and never stop.
02:45:31 And so I think.
02:45:32 That if you're a.
02:45:33 Someone that had a midlife crisis that reverted back to when you were younger, the politics that you'd want to embrace would be very similar to like the his, you know, my friend's dad who dressed, who showed up to the party, dressed like a like a hippie, basically trying to hit on young girls like.
02:45:52 I think that his politics, if he had become political in that moment, would have been very much like.
02:46:00 The politics of from when he was.
02:46:03 Younger when he was like 18 or whatever.
02:46:05 So I.
Speaker 9
02:46:06 Mean I don't.
Speaker 7
02:46:06 Know I didn't mean to talk about that for so.
Speaker 13
02:46:10 Long but.
Speaker 12
02:46:12 Just sometimes, sometimes I get going.
Speaker 7
02:46:17 All right, here we go.
02:46:21 Puller $1.00 appreciate that and you know Jenko Wicks. Wits had to resign because her CIA ties to Ukraine came out.
02:46:29 Photos of her in Ukraine, etcetera.
02:46:32 Too much attention with 40 billion to launder.
Speaker 8
02:46:35 Well, I mean there.
Speaker 7
02:46:36 Everybody knew that she was tied to Ukraine, she that was part of the.
02:46:41 Her qualifications.
02:46:45 Or ties to.
02:46:46 CIA, I mean, I think we're implied.
02:46:48 I think most people.
02:46:48 Got that? But.
02:46:52 Yeah, I don't know, I.
02:46:52 Don't know it could be tied to that.
02:46:55 Beach Boys, $5 appreciate that. Can't wait to receive my greatest ally shirt. It should be a good conversation starter. Didn't see your logo on it in the picture though. Yeah, I'm trying to keep that out.
02:47:09 So that.
02:47:11 You can keep getting those shirts.
02:47:17 You know.
02:47:20 So yeah.
02:47:23 SPQ are 33 is how old Jesus was when he died. 33.3, also a film, little murders, dark comedy. This is happening today, albeit dated 1971. Pretty accurate and very Jewish.
Speaker 13
02:47:43 Little murderers, 1971.
02:47:46 Alright, I will.
02:47:52 Put that in my notes, little murderers.
Speaker 7
02:48:05 $5 appreciate that. Ever seen the day after? It's a public funded movie, basically made to terrify the population with the effects of nuclear war with Russia from the 1970s. Any benefit to terrifying your population with the threat?
02:48:23 Of nuclear war.
02:48:26 I've seen clips of it.
02:48:27 I know what you're talking about.
02:48:29 I don't think I ever watched the whole thing.
02:48:30 It's kind of hokey.
02:48:31 There's that that's, you know, there.
02:48:34 There's this era where and honestly, I don't know if it was because the the amount of drugs being consumed in in the people produced or whatever.
02:48:43 But the 70s, just the aesthetic of of almost everything made in the 70s is just so awful.
02:48:51 And so, like film, it's like that awkward phase of color, too.
02:48:55 So like the color.
02:48:56 Is it just?
02:48:57 Isn't very good yet, but it's not like.
02:48:59 Black and white.
02:49:00 And maybe that was part of it, too, is that they're so used to lighting for black and white, and now they're dealing with color and maybe they're leaning too hard on the fact that it is color.
02:49:08 So they don't actually.
02:49:10 Pay as much attention to like the shot selection and stuff like that, because everyone's supposed to be mind blown that they can see colors.
02:49:17 I don't know.
02:49:17 There's just something about the 70s where the aesthetic.
02:49:19 Just looks bad to.
02:49:20 Me and the audio is bad.
02:49:22 Again, I I don't know if that's because they they were changing to like magnetic tapes or or or what.
02:49:28 You know what?
02:49:29 It is but.
02:49:29 It's bad, and so it's just it's hard when you find these old 70s movies, it's just sometimes it's a chore to get through.
02:49:37 Because the production quality is just so bad, and at least the copies I have found of this movie, it seems like that it could just be though a lot of times.
02:49:46 Maybe it's just a copy of a copy of a copy too, once once.
02:49:49 It's online, it's you.
02:49:51 Know been recorded from VHS like 4 ******* times or.
Speaker 13
02:49:54 Something like that.
Speaker 7
02:49:56 Any benefit to terrifying your population of the threat?
02:49:59 It's just I I think that both sides were doing that.
02:50:02 It was a motivator too.
02:50:03 You got to think of it.
02:50:04 It was we're trying to outcompete Russia, right?
02:50:09 So the motivator was we need to.
02:50:12 It was it?
02:50:13 It was.
02:50:14 I think, in a way, to make people.
02:50:15 More industrious and to make people way more OK with spending so much money on the the military industrial complex.
02:50:24 And I know people cringe at that term, and I and I wish there was a better term because it.
02:50:28 Has been so.
02:50:30 Cartoonify but the you got to think about it, like how much money that they were spent.
02:50:36 It justified the analysts thinking how much money was spent on weapons that weren't used in the Cold War.
02:50:43 And then and and look, they'll they justify it cause they say.
02:50:46 Ohh yeah.
02:50:47 But we won the Cold War, you know.
02:50:48 We had to spend trillions and trillions of dollars to make all these bombs and missiles and **** that didn't do anything.
02:50:54 But wrought in a warehouse somewhere and got a lot of people rich.
02:50:58 But but if we hadn't done that, then the Russians would have won and and we bankrupted the Russians by making this arms race that they couldn't keep up with.
02:51:07 And you know, like that's like the, that's like the argument, right.
02:51:11 But I don't even think that that that.
02:51:13 Was the point.
02:51:14 I think the point was just to to spend the money to spend the money on like to get the endless government contracts.
02:51:21 But not only that, but also to it, it kind of it has a built-in patriotism aspect to it, right where it gets your people to trust the your government, right, because it's their all of their suspicions and their.
02:51:41 Distrust are going to be directed towards the the spooky evil Russia, right, and which is kind of why I feel like what they're trying to do now and well and really since Trump too, you know, with the whole Russia hoax and all this other stuff, right, so it's it's.
02:51:59 That's what the point of that is.
02:52:01 I think I'd have to watch the movie I've seen, like, I've seen clips of it.
02:52:05 I know it's culturally significant, so it would probably be worth going over because it did it.
02:52:11 I mean, it was watched more than I think.
02:52:15 If it's the one I'm thinking of, it was.
02:52:16 It had extremely high ratings.
02:52:20 Beach Girl is $5. Appreciate that. Have you thought about setting up a PO Box so your audience could send gifts and analog hyper chats? Yeah.
02:52:31 But I mean, you know.
02:52:33 That that obviously docks is your location and.
02:52:37 And people might send you a weird ****.
Speaker 12
02:52:43 Uh, you know what I mean?
02:52:44 Like, I don't know.
02:52:45 I don't know.
02:52:45 The people would send me.
02:52:47 I'm sure all you guys would send me.
Speaker 7
02:52:49 But you know, I only got, like, a severed head in the mail or something.
02:52:52 Like, I don't know.
Speaker 12
02:52:54 You never know.
Speaker 7
02:52:55 You never know what you're going to get.
02:52:57 But yeah, maybe maybe at some point.
02:53:02 SPQR. This is the trailer.
02:53:06 The trailer for for that movie.
02:53:12 And I'll copy that.
02:53:13 I'll check it out later.
02:53:14 I'm trying to wrap things up.
02:53:15 I'm I'm have.
02:53:16 I am.
02:53:16 I'm noticing some dropped frames here and we had the disconnect issue and which means the stream is going to be all ****** ** now and I got to.
Speaker 13
02:53:24 Deal with that after the stream.
02:53:28 UM.
Speaker 7
02:53:30 So I don't wanna test or tempt fate Beach Boys $5 idea for a future urban moving supply shirt.
02:53:40 Blowing the competition away since 2001.
02:53:47 I think that that I think it kind of.
02:53:49 Says that on on the current one.
02:53:52 Or something similar to that.
02:53:53 Arminius, Direct link to the nursing home video, yeah.
02:53:59 Now I've seen the original video.
02:54:09 Like I said, I'll I'll check out later.
02:54:12 I just don't want to download any videos right now because the connection is being squirrely.
02:54:18 Ferocious Chihuahua Sundays, 9:00 PM Eastern standard Sundays.
02:54:24 9:00 PM is that that other?
02:54:28 The stream you were talking about, I forget.
Speaker 13
02:54:31 I think so.
Speaker 7
02:54:34 Don Argent, Devin, can you enable add lock for private tabs in or no, you can enable Adblock for private tabs in the plugin settings for Firefox.
02:54:46 Libre Wolf should only take a few seconds.
Speaker 35
02:54:49 Well, I'll check that out.
Speaker 7
02:54:52 Fatty Maya.
02:54:59 2018 do you lift weights, Devin? I do not. I lift trash and tires and.
Speaker 18
02:55:07 And beehives and.
Speaker 7
02:55:09 And stuff like that, but I do not lift weights.
02:55:13 Inversion agenda greetings again from Serbia.
02:55:17 It didn't work out helping on the farm mom of the family was draconian and dominating right now.
02:55:24 Vagabonding on my car looking for new work.
02:55:28 Hope I don't blast my save or yeah.
02:55:31 Hope I don't blast my savings since the search is dragging on for a couple of weeks.
02:55:37 Well, good luck.
02:55:37 Conversion agenda sorry didn't work out for you on the on the farm.
02:55:44 At work Podcast Beard sent on Cozy TV proved the analytics on Odyssey are inaccurate.
02:55:50 They don't promote live streamers, which would explain your lower view count.
02:55:54 You could get more views and donos on cozy, Nick says.
02:55:59 He has a site ready for you if you want the other streamers there know and respect you, as do I.
02:56:08 Yeah, I mean, you know right now obviously is working for me.
02:56:14 I don't know.
02:56:16 I know they don't promote live streamers or whatever.
02:56:19 I don't think my I'm comfortable with the numbers I get.
02:56:22 I think I do pretty good.
02:56:25 But yeah, I mean I I still literally have not even.
02:56:28 Looked at Cozy TV.
02:56:30 So I'd have to take a look at it.
02:56:34 Veruca Salt $5 appreciate that.
02:56:39 Last super chat about my bass bro, Dave ended the Fed when he first got to the hospital.
02:56:45 He was given the mini mental status exam.
02:56:48 The mini mental status exam where are where are you?
02:56:53 What is it?
02:56:55 Oh, OK.
02:56:56 Got you.
02:56:56 Who's the president?
02:56:57 Et cetera.
02:56:58 Dave said Biden, and then listed all the presidents in order, going back to Hoover before they stopped him.
02:57:04 Well, that's pretty funny.
02:57:04 I would, although I would have said Biden.
02:57:08 Well, I guess, yeah, I guess he is the president.
02:57:10 So I guess that was right, but it's just.
02:57:13 The legitimacy is more than a little.
02:57:15 Bit in question.
02:57:17 More than just a little bit in question.
02:57:21 But at the same time, like Trump didn't hand over the keys to the castle.
02:57:24 So what can you do?
02:57:26 Alright, well I'm going to refresh this just to make sure when it disconnected.
02:57:29 Didn't **** me all up and then.
Speaker 13
02:57:31 I'm probably get out of here.
02:57:37 Let me see here.
Speaker 7
02:57:40 OK.
02:57:40 That was the last one pretty good.
02:57:42 Let me make sure I didn't miss anybody because if I did, I'm sorry guys, I just my connection will sometimes do that and it'll screw up.
02:57:50 But I'm pretty sure we got.
02:57:53 I think we got everybody.
Speaker 33
02:57:57 China is OK.
02:57:58 OK, OK, OK, OK.
Speaker 35
02:58:03 And that works.
02:58:04 That works, that works, that works.
02:58:07 That works, that works, that works alright, cool.
02:58:10 Alright guys.
Speaker 12
02:58:16 I was going.
Speaker 7
02:58:17 To talk with you one more time and do the.
02:58:18 Grocery store thing, but I'm.
02:58:21 I'm above that I've.
02:58:23 Already made you suffer.
02:58:24 Through it a couple of times.
02:58:25 So anyway hope.
02:58:27 You guys have a good rest of your.
02:58:29 Week I will see you on Saturday.
02:58:33 And I've got a big one planned for Saturday.
02:58:38 In the mean time, enjoy the week.
02:58:41 I've been watching what I'm watching.
02:58:42 I've been watching or listening to you rather as I've been doing work that Amber Heard stuff, man.
Speaker 9
02:58:49 There we go.
Speaker 7
02:58:50 See, This is why This is why.
02:58:51 I'm wrapping things up for those who listen to the replay, that's never a.
Speaker 13
02:58:54 Good thing I try to.
Speaker 7
02:58:56 Have good Internet and this is.
02:58:57 What happens? I tried.
Speaker 8
02:59:00 But if you guys been watching.
Speaker 7
02:59:01 That Amber Heard stuff.
02:59:06 Knows a girl like that, and many of you guys have dated a girl like that.
Speaker 14
02:59:12 Where they are so ******* nuts.
Speaker 7
02:59:17 And so convinced of their own ********.
02:59:20 And part of why they're convinced of their own ********.
Speaker 17
02:59:25 Is they grew up like a pretty girl, right?
02:59:28 They grew up.
Speaker 7
02:59:30 With everyone around them wanting to either **** them or not pretty much wanting to **** them, and so doing things for them, never holding them to account for anything, instantly melting the second they see a tear from her, you know just.
02:59:50 Just the like, just serving everything up to her on on a on a silver platter.
02:59:55 You know, that kind of a thing, right?
02:59:57 And then to make things even more ****** ** with a lot of these.
03:00:00 Girls, a lot of these girls who grew up, you know, being very pretty or whatever gets sexually abused, right.
03:00:08 Which ***** them up, even crazy.
03:00:10 And it makes them even crazier, right?
03:00:12 And those girls once unleashed upon the world.
03:00:18 Are are just nightmare people.
03:00:21 They're nightmare people that, especially when you date them, they're nightmare ******* people that they're so *******.
03:00:28 Nuts that you start wondering if you're crazy because like it's they're they're so crazy it's not even.
03:00:35 It's not even really gaslighting like the people will say, it's gaslighting, but it's not even really gaslighting so much as.
03:00:41 Their craziness is so unpredictable and so seemingly.
03:00:48 It makes you feel insane because you're like, there's no way she's that crazy.
Speaker 18
03:00:53 Am I crazy?
03:00:54 Like is my is it?
Speaker 7
03:00:56 There's no way I'm perceiving this accurately, because if I'm perceiving this accurately, that would mean that she's ******* really crazy.
03:01:05 And there's no way she's that crazy.
03:01:06 Maybe I'm kind of, you know, like it.
03:01:08 It's that kind of ****.
03:01:09 And they they have this charisma about them, and they've got this.
03:01:17 Just this way of controlling people.
03:01:22 With their confidence, you know, like it it.
03:01:25 Con man is.
03:01:27 Short for confidence, man.
03:01:29 And with a little bit of confidence, you can influence people to a crazy degree.
03:01:36 And what what's going to give you more confidence than everyone telling you your entire life, how pretty and smart you are?
03:01:42 Like from as far back as you can remember and never criticizing you ever and never you know you're going.
03:01:48 To have a massive.
Speaker 9
03:01:50 Amount of of undeserved config.
Speaker 7
03:01:54 And because of that confidence, people are going to just go along with it and that's in addition to the fact that you're you're very ********, right?
03:02:04 And it's just it.
03:02:05 You watch this trial and you watch this behavior from this, this, this person.
03:02:10 It's just like, holy ****.
Speaker 16
03:02:13 The only thing that that.
Speaker 7
03:02:15 It's just nice to know.
03:02:18 It's nice to know that even people like Johnny Depp and and Elon Musk, who who dated this ******* psycho for a while too.
Speaker 8
03:02:27 That even in their world.
Speaker 7
03:02:30 They have to deal with women like that.
03:02:32 And it's not just plebs like us that have these ******* psychos in our life, but anyway with.
03:02:38 That I will leave you.
03:02:42 And Yep, before I do, let's ask Chad.
03:02:45 There's no way to do like.
03:02:46 A poll is there.
03:02:48 I wish I could do a poll of what, what which way you guys think it's going to be or which way you.
Speaker 13
03:02:53 Think it's going to go?
Speaker 7
03:02:57 Hey, Chad.
03:03:01 Well, First off.
Speaker 8
03:03:02 One, if you if you've dated or known.
Speaker 7
03:03:05 A girl like this before?
Speaker 16
03:03:07 And two, if if not.
Speaker 7
03:03:19 I don't know how much of A delay there is at this point.
03:03:21 I'm seeing like 0 ones or two and.
03:03:23 There's lots of you ******* out and so.
03:03:28 I don't know if you're getting anybody.
03:03:30 It might be might be.
03:03:32 Yeah, they're saying I've seen F's now, so maybe the the connection died.
03:03:37 ****** ******.
03:03:38 Tonight's is not a good night for the connection.
03:03:42 Well, it still says it's on.
03:03:52 Yeah, I'm seeing one.
03:03:53 No ones or two or anything.
03:03:54 All right.
03:03:55 Well, anyway, I don't want to sit.
03:03:56 Here forever.
03:04:02 Now, now they're pouring in.
03:04:04 You guys must be quite a ways behind quite a ways behind.
03:04:07 Yeah, I'll do a pull on someone, asked said.
03:04:09 Do a pull on gap.
03:04:10 I'll do a pull on gap.
03:04:11 Really what I was going to ask is, is which way you guys think this is going to go?
03:04:16 Because is psycho as that ***** is and she's ******* psycho.
03:04:20 Like look and Johnny Depp.
03:04:21 Sounds like he's a drug fueled *******, too.
03:04:25 So it's not like, you know, he's an Angel.
03:04:27 Or anything like that.
03:04:28 They sound like they were both kind of *******.
03:04:32 You know, they deserved each other in a way, but ultimately she's lying about the the the abuse extent and probably like a lot of other things and and is, is is obviously a lying, manipulative ****.
03:04:48 And so just because of that, I want her to lose.
03:04:51 I, but I don't think she will.
03:04:53 I don't think she will.
03:04:58 I think she'll just.
03:05:00 I I think she'll be able to continue on through life.
03:05:04 As these women often can until they lose their looks and and and before that happens, and there, you know, there goes the connection again as.
Speaker 35
03:05:11 I'm sure you guys heard.
Speaker 7
03:05:13 So anyway, I'm going to wrap this thing.
03:05:15 I'll do it.
03:05:15 I'll do a pull on gap anyway.
03:05:18 You guys have a good rest of.
03:05:19 Your evening, we'll.
03:05:21 Be back here.
03:05:21 We have a special edition on Saturday, so look out for that.
Speaker 19
03:05:25 4 black pill Lyme, of course.
Speaker 7
03:05:29 I'm of course.
Speaker 13
03:05:32 I forgot hold.
Speaker 34
03:05:33 On I gotta download a video.
03:05:36 And download a video.
Speaker 7
03:05:41 All right, get ready.
03:05:42 Get ready for infuriating end video.
03:05:44 There's going to.
Speaker 9
03:05:45 Be two.
Speaker 7
03:05:47 Of course.
Speaker 9
03:05:50 Devon sack.
Speaker 27
03:05:57 Right.
Speaker 36
03:06:04 And distressed to hear about the latest suicide bombers in.
03:06:09 In Israel.
03:06:13 For those who yearn for peace in the Middle East, for those in the Arab lands, for those in Europe.
03:06:21 For those all.
03:06:22 Around the world who yearn for peace, we must do everything we possibly can.
03:06:27 To stop the terror.
Speaker 44
03:06:30 There are a few killers.
Speaker 36
03:06:34 Who want to stop the peace process that we have started and we must not let them for the sake of humanity, for the sake of the Palestinians who suffer for the sake of the Israelis who are under attack, we must stop the terror.
03:06:49 I call upon all nations to do everything they can to stop these terrorist killers.
Speaker 20
03:06:56 Thank you.
Speaker 36
03:06:58 Now watch this drive.
Speaker 2
03:07:13 All right.
03:07:13 This need another.
Speaker 27
03:07:15 Our new school.
03:07:17 You're right.
Speaker 27
03:07:18 Trying to be tucked out of the mud.
Speaker 36
03:07:22 She's here at church.
03:07:24 OK.
Speaker 30
03:08:01 Hold on. You love it.
03:08:03 And you want it.
Speaker 31
03:08:04 And you picked it out, but.
Speaker 25
03:08:05 You don't.
Speaker 31
03:08:07 But you don't want it for school.
03:08:08 Can you tell?
03:08:09 Me. Why?
Speaker 21
03:08:10 Because last time I wore a dress to school, everybody called me a girl.
Speaker 31
03:08:17 Well, what did we learn from?
03:08:18 My shadow is pink.
Speaker 21
03:08:23 Even when you wear a.
Speaker 45
03:08:24 Dress. You're not a girl.
Speaker 31
03:08:25 What makes a shirt for a boy or a girl?
Speaker 41
03:08:29 Not me.
Speaker 30
03:08:30 So do you want this you picked?
Speaker 45
03:08:32 It out like you want it.
Speaker 31
03:08:34 You want to wear it.
03:08:35 All the time.
03:08:35 At home, but not at school, right.
Speaker 45
03:08:38 Yeah, I don't want to make fun of and that's what they always do when I wear stuff, but not when I do it only on special occasions.
Speaker 31
03:08:38 Tell me about that.
Speaker 30
03:08:45 I'm sorry, baby.
Speaker 31
03:08:51 What makes you like dresses so much?
Speaker 45
03:08:56 I just like dresses.
Speaker 41
03:09:00 How can it see me even though I'm not in the camera?
Speaker 31
03:09:05 You told me it's backwards.
Speaker 46
03:09:09 Ohh, I'm in the mirror.
Speaker 45
03:09:13 Now can you see me?
Speaker 31
03:09:16 Yes, one more question.
Speaker 5
03:09:18 Moving the.
Speaker 31
03:09:19 Zeke, come sit with me.
03:09:22 One more question.
03:09:24 Do you think bright, pretty colors and dresses and sequins and jewels and golds, all the things that you always want to wear?
03:09:33 Do you think?
03:09:33 That's your innermost you.
Speaker 46
03:09:37 It is.
Speaker 31
03:09:38 Well, how are you going?
03:09:39 To be your innermost you when we live in a place that people think clothing belongs.
03:09:45 To particular gender.
03:09:53 It's a trick, isn't it?
03:09:56 You know your mommy.
03:09:57 Gets made fun of by people for looking like this too.
03:10:00 What do you think about that?
Speaker 11
03:10:04 That's not that's.
03:10:05 That's just wrong.
03:10:07 That's wrong.
Speaker 24
03:10:09 Right.
03:10:09 Do you remember Jeffrey Marsh?
Speaker 31
03:10:13 Jeffrey Marsh is one of the most beautiful people.
03:10:16 Remember they were born a boy, but they know that they're just them.
Speaker 11
03:10:21 What about Thai?
Speaker 21
03:10:24 She's a girl.
Speaker 43
03:10:25 They get made fun of sometimes too now.
03:10:30 I guess you just have to decide.
Speaker 31
03:10:33 If being you is the most important part of you.
03:10:44 OK, let's go.
Speaker 7
03:10:52 See, This is why This is why I'm wrapping things up for those who listen to the replay, that's never a good thing.
03:10:58 I try to have good Internet and this is what happens.
03:11:01 I tried.
Speaker 12
03:11:02 But if you guys been watching.
Speaker 7
03:11:04 That Amber Heard stuff.
Speaker 14
03:11:06 Everyone knows a girl like that and.
Speaker 7
03:11:09 Many of you guys have dated a girl like them.
Speaker 14
03:11:15 Where they are so ******* nuts.
Speaker 7
03:11:19 And so convinced of their own ******** and part of why they're convinced of their own ********.
Speaker 17
03:11:27 Is they grew up like a pretty girl, right?
03:11:31 They grew up.
Speaker 7
03:11:32 With everyone around them wanting to either **** them.
03:11:37 Or no.
03:11:38 Pretty much wanting to **** them.
03:11:40 And so doing things for them, never holding them to account for anything, instantly melting the second they see a tear from her.
03:11:52 You know, just just the.
03:11:53 Like just serving everything up to her on on a on a silver platter.
03:11:57 You know that kind of a thing, right?
03:11:59 And then to make things even more ****** ** with a lot of these girls, a lot of these girls who grew up you.
Speaker 33
03:12:05 Know being.
Speaker 7
03:12:07 Very pretty or whatever gets sexually abused, right?
03:12:10 Which ***** them up, even crazy.
03:12:12 And it makes them even crazier, right?
03:12:14 And those girls once unleashed upon the world.
03:12:20 Are aren't just nightmare people.
03:12:23 They're nightmare people.
03:12:25 That, especially when you date them, they're nightmare ******* people that they're so ******* nuts that you start wondering if you're crazy because like it's they're they're so crazy.
03:12:36 It's not even.
03:12:37 It's not even really gaslighting like the people will say.
03:12:40 It's gaslighting, but it's not even really gaslighting so much.
03:12:42 Because their craziness is so unpredictable and so seemingly.
03:12:50 It makes you feel insane because you're like there's no.
Speaker 20
03:12:54 Way she's that.
Speaker 18
03:12:55 Crazy. Am I crazy like?
03:12:57 Is my, is it?
Speaker 7
03:12:59 There's no way I'm perceiving this accurately, because if I'm perceiving this accurately, that would mean that she's ******* really crazy.
03:13:07 And there's no way she's that crazy.
03:13:09 Maybe I'm kind of, you know, like it.
03:13:10 It's that kind of ****.
03:13:12 And they they have this charisma about them, and they've got.
03:13:19 Just this way of controlling people.
03:13:24 With their confidence, you know, like it it con man is.
03:13:29 Short for confidence, man.
03:13:31 And with a little bit of confidence, you can influence people to a crazy degree.
03:13:38 And what what's going to give you more confidence than everyone telling you your entire life, how pretty and smart you are?
03:13:44 Like from as far back as you can remember and never criticizing you ever and never you know you're going to.
03:13:50 Have a massive.
Speaker 9
03:13:52 Amount of of undeserved confidence.
Speaker 7
03:13:56 And because of that confidence, people are going to just go along with it and that's in addition to the fact that you're you're very ********, right?
03:14:06 And it's just it.
03:14:07 You watch this trial and you watch this behavior from this, this, this person.
03:14:13 It's just like, holy ****.
03:14:14 Like the only thing that that.
03:14:17 It's it's just nice to know.
03:14:21 It's nice to know that even people like Johnny Depp and and Elon Musk, who who dated this ******* psycho for a while too.
03:14:29 That even in their world.
03:14:32 They have to deal with women like that, and it's not just plebs like us that have these ******* psychos in our life.
03:14:39 But anyway, with that, I will leave you.
03:14:44 And Yep, before I do, let's ask chat.
03:14:47 There's no way to do like a.
03:14:48 Poll is there.
03:14:50 I wish I could do a poll of what which way you guys think it's going to be or which way you think.
Speaker 13
03:14:55 It's going to go.
Speaker 7
03:14:59 Hey, Chad.
03:15:03 Well, First off.
Speaker 8
03:15:05 One, if you if you've dated or known.
Speaker 7
03:15:07 A girl like this before?
Speaker 16
03:15:09 And two, if if not.
Speaker 7
03:15:21 I don't know how much of A delay there is at this point.
03:15:24 I'm seeing like 0 ones or two and there's lots of you ******* out and so.
03:15:30 I don't know if you're getting anybody.
Speaker 9
03:15:32 There might be, might be.
Speaker 7
03:15:35 Yeah, they're saying I've seen F's now, so maybe the connection died.
03:15:40 ****** ******.
03:15:41 Tonight's not a good night for the connection.
Speaker 13
03:15:44 Well, it still says it's on.
Speaker 7
03:15:54 Yeah, I'm seeing one.
03:15:55 No ones or two or anything.
03:15:57 All right.
03:15:57 Well, anyway, I don't want to sit here forever.
03:16:04 Now, now they're pouring in.
03:16:06 You guys must be quite a ways behind quite a ways behind.
03:16:10 Yeah, I'll do a pull on someone, ask, do a pull on gap.
03:16:12 I'll do a pull on gap.
03:16:14 What I was going to ask is, is which way you guys think this is going to go?
03:16:18 Because is psycho.
03:16:19 Is that ***** is and she's ******* psycho.
03:16:22 Like look and Johnny Depp.
03:16:24 Sounds like he's.
03:16:25 A drug fueled.
03:16:26 ******* too.
03:16:27 So it's not like, you know, he's an Angel or anything.
03:16:29 Like that, they sound like they.
03:16:31 Were both kind of *******.
03:16:34 You know, they deserved each other in a way, but ultimately she's lying about the the the abuse extent and probably like a lot of other things and and is, is is obviously a lie, manipulative ****.
03:16:51 And so just because of that I want her to lose.
03:16:54 But I don't think she will.
03:16:56 I don't think she will.
03:17:00 I think she'll just.
03:17:02 I think she'll be able to continue on through life.
03:17:06 As these women often can until they lose their looks and and and before that happens, and then, you know, there goes the connection again.
Speaker 13
03:17:13 As I'm sure you guys heard.
Speaker 7
03:17:16 So anyway, I'm going to wrap this thing.
03:17:17 I'll do it.
03:17:18 I'll do a pull on gap anyway.
03:17:20 You guys have a good rest of your evening.
03:17:22 We'll be back here.
03:17:23 We have a special edition on Saturday, so look out for that.
Speaker 19
03:17:27 4 black pill aim of course.
03:17:32 I'm of course.
Speaker 34
03:17:34 I forgot.
03:17:35 Hold on.
03:17:35 I gotta download a video.
03:17:38 And download a video.
Speaker 7
03:17:44 All right, get ready.
03:17:45 Get ready for infuriating end video.
03:17:47 There's going to be two.
03:17:49 Of course.
Speaker 9
03:17:52 Devon sack.
Speaker 36
03:18:06 And distressed to hear about the latest suicide bombers in.
03:18:11 In Israel.
03:18:15 For those who yearn for peace in the Middle East.
03:18:19 For those in the Arab lands, for those in Europe.
03:18:24 For those all around the world who yearn for.
03:18:26 We must do everything we possibly can.
03:18:29 To stop the terror.
Speaker 44
03:18:32 There are a few killers.
Speaker 36
03:18:36 Who want to stop the peace process that we have?
03:18:38 Started and we must not let them, for the sake of humanity, for the sake of the Palestinians who suffer.
03:18:45 For the sake of the Israelis who are under attack, we must stop the terror.
03:18:51 I call upon all nations to do everything they can to stop these terrorist killers.
Speaker 2
03:18:58 Thank you.
Speaker 36
03:19:00 Now watch this drive.
Speaker 2
03:19:15 All right.
03:19:16 If you need another.
03:19:19 Right.
Speaker 17
03:19:20 OK.
Speaker 27
03:19:20 I'm trying to be talked out of the mug.
Speaker 36
03:19:25 You see a church.
Speaker 3
03:20:03 Hold on. You love it.
Speaker 30
03:20:06 And you want it and.
Speaker 31
03:20:07 You picked it out, but.
Speaker 25
03:20:08 You don't.
Speaker 31
03:20:09 But you don't want it.
03:20:10 For school, can you tell me why?
Speaker 21
03:20:12 Because last time I wore dressed to school, everybody called me a girl.
Speaker 29
03:20:19 Well, what did we learn from?
Speaker 31
03:20:20 My shadow was pink.
Speaker 21
03:20:25 Even when you wear a dress, you're not a girl.
Speaker 31
03:20:28 What makes a shirt for?
Speaker 30
03:20:29 A boy or a girl?
03:20:33 So do you want this?
03:20:34 You picked it out.
Speaker 45
03:20:35 Like you want it.
Speaker 31
03:20:37 You want to wear it all the time at.
03:20:38 Home, but not at school, right?
03:20:40 Tell me about that.
Speaker 45
03:20:41 How do one get made fun of?
03:20:43 And that's what they always do.
Speaker 46
03:20:44 When I wear pink.
Speaker 45
03:20:46 Stuff, but not when I do it only on special occasions.
Speaker 21
03:20:48 I'm sorry, baby.
Speaker 31
03:20:53 What makes you like dresses so much?
Speaker 45
03:20:58 I just like dresses.
Speaker 41
03:21:02 How can it see me even though I'm not in the camera backwards?
Speaker 31
03:21:07 You tell me.
Speaker 46
03:21:11 Oh, I'm in the mirror.
Speaker 45
03:21:16 Now can you see me?
Speaker 31
03:21:18 Yes, one more question.
03:21:22 Zeke, come sit with me.
03:21:24 One more question.
03:21:27 Do you think bright, pretty colors?
03:21:29 And dresses and sequins and jewels and golds, all the things that.
03:21:34 You always want to wear.
03:21:35 Do you think that's your innermost you?
Speaker 46
03:21:39 It is.
Speaker 31
03:21:40 Well, how are you going to be your innermost you when we live in a place that people think clothing belongs to particular?
03:21:55 That's a trick, isn't it?
03:21:58 You know your mommy gets made fun of by people for looking like this too.
03:22:02 What do you think about that?
Speaker 11
03:22:06 That's not that's.
03:22:08 That's just wrong.
03:22:10 That's wrong.
Speaker 24
03:22:11 Right.
03:22:11 Do you remember Jeffrey Marsh?
Speaker 45
03:22:13 Jeffrey Marsh stuffing marsh.
Speaker 31
03:22:15 Jeffrey Marsh is.
03:22:17 One of the most beautiful people, remember they.
03:22:19 Were born a boy, but they know.
03:22:21 That they're just them.
Speaker 11
03:22:24 What about time?
Speaker 46
03:22:25 Hi. She's a girl.
Speaker 43
03:22:27 They get made fun of sometimes too.
03:22:28 Now I guess you just have to decide.
Speaker 31
03:22:36 If being you is the most important.
Speaker 32
03:22:39 Part of you.
Speaker 31
03:22:47 Let's go.
Speaker 7
03:22:54 Happens and there you know, there goes the connection again.
Speaker 35
03:22:56 As I'm sure you guys heard.
Speaker 7
03:22:58 So anyway, I'm going to wrap this thing.
03:23:00 I'll do it.
03:23:01 I'll do a pull on gap anyway.
03:23:03 You guys have a.
03:23:04 Good rest of your evening, we'll.
03:23:06 Be back here.
03:23:06 I'll have a special edition on Saturday, so look out for that.
Speaker 19
03:23:10 4 black pill name of course.
Speaker 7
03:23:14 I'm of course.
Speaker 13
03:23:17 I forgot hold.
Speaker 34
03:23:18 On I gotta download a video.
03:23:21 And download a video.
Speaker 7
03:23:26 All right, get ready.
03:23:27 Get ready for infuriating end video.
03:23:30 There's going to be two.
03:23:32 Of course.
Speaker 9
03:23:35 Devon sack.
Speaker 36
03:23:49 And I'm distressed to hear about the latest suicide bombers in.
03:23:54 In Israel.
03:23:58 For those who yearn for peace in the Middle East, for those in the Arab lands, for those in Europe, for those all around the world who yearn for peace, we must do everything we possibly can to stop the terror.
Speaker 44
03:24:15 There are a few killers.
Speaker 36
03:24:19 Who want to stop the peace process that we have started and we must not let them for the sake of humanity.
03:24:25 For the sake of the Palestinians who suffer.
03:24:28 For the sake of the Israelis who are under attack, we must stop the terror.
03:24:34 I call upon all nations to do everything they can to stop these terrorist killers.
03:24:41 Thank you.
03:24:43 Now watch this drive.
Speaker 2
03:24:58 All right.
03:24:58 If you need another.
Speaker 27
03:25:00 Our news.
Speaker 41
03:25:02 Right.
Speaker 27
03:25:03 Well, I'm trying to be talked out of a much.
Speaker 36
03:25:07 Is there a church?
Speaker 31
03:25:46 Hold on.
03:25:46 You love it and you want it.
03:25:49 And you picked it out, but you don't.
03:25:52 But you don't want it for school.
03:25:53 Can you tell me why?
Speaker 45
03:25:55 Because last time.
Speaker 21
03:25:57 I wore a dress to school.
03:25:58 Everybody called.
03:25:59 Me a girl.
Speaker 31
03:26:02 Well, what did we learn from my shadow is pink.
Speaker 21
03:26:08 Even when you wear a dress.
Speaker 45
03:26:09 You're not a girl.
Speaker 31
03:26:10 What makes a shirt for?
Speaker 30
03:26:12 A boy or a girl?
03:26:15 So do you want this?
03:26:16 You picked it.
Speaker 45
03:26:17 Out like you want it.
Speaker 3
03:26:19 You want to wear it.
Speaker 31
03:26:20 All the time.
03:26:20 At home, but not at school, right?
03:26:23 Tell me about that.
Speaker 45
03:26:24 How do one get made fun of and?
03:26:26 That's what they.
03:26:26 Always do when I wear pink.
03:26:28 Stuff, but not when I do it only on special occasions.
Speaker 21
03:26:30 I'm sorry, baby.
Speaker 31
03:26:36 What makes you like dresses so much?
Speaker 45
03:26:41 I just like dresses.
Speaker 41
03:26:45 How can it?
03:26:46 See me, even though I'm not on the camera.
Speaker 31
03:26:50 You told me backwards.
Speaker 46
03:26:54 Ohh, I'm in the mirror.
Speaker 45
03:26:58 Now can you see me?
Speaker 31
03:27:04 One more question, Zeke, come sit with me.
03:27:07 One more question.
03:27:09 Do you think bright, pretty colors?
03:27:12 And dresses and sequins and.
03:27:14 Jewels and golds, all the things that.
03:27:16 You always want to wear.
03:27:18 Do you think that's your innermost?
03:27:20 You it is.
03:27:23 How are you?
03:27:24 Going to be your innermost you when we live in a place that people think clothing belongs to particular gender.
03:27:38 That's a trick, isn't it?
Speaker 32
03:27:41 You know your.
Speaker 31
03:27:41 Mommy gets made fun of by people for looking like this too.
03:27:45 What do you think about that?
Speaker 11
03:27:49 That's not, that's.
03:27:51 That's just wrong. That's wrong.
Speaker 24
03:27:54 Right.
03:27:54 Do you remember Jeffrey Marsh?
Speaker 45
03:27:56 Jeffrey Marsh and stuffing Mark.
Speaker 31
03:27:58 Jeffrey Marsh is one of the most beautiful people, remember they were.
03:28:02 Born a boy, but they know that they're.
03:28:04 Just them.
Speaker 11
03:28:06 What about Thai?
Speaker 43
03:28:10 They can make fun of sometimes too, man.
03:28:15 I guess you just have to decide.
Speaker 31
03:28:19 If being you is the most important.
Speaker 32
03:28:21 Part of you.
Speaker 31
03:28:29 Let's go.