06/11/2022Speaker 1
00:01:00 Love you share.00:00:23 Have you?
00:00:55 Good morning.00:00:57 Hold on.
00:00:58 There we go.
Speaker 3
00:01:01 Hello test test why is?Devon
00:01:02 This not working right.00:01:03 Hang on.
Speaker 4
00:01:07 It's still quiet.00:01:07 What the ****?
00:01:10 Oh, you know what?00:01:11 It's picking up the wrong ******* microphone.
00:01:13 I knew it.
00:01:14 Alright, hang on.
00:01:16 Hang on, I got to figure this out.
00:01:19 Why is it doing that?
00:01:21 Let's see what happens.
00:01:22 Everything might just go to **** here in a second.
Speaker 3
00:01:28 Alright, I think that fixed it.Speaker 4
00:01:32 Is that is that working?00:01:34 Is that working now?
00:01:36 Is that better?
00:01:38 Yeah, I it was a head.00:01:40 Had a headset plugged in earlier and I.
00:01:41 Forgot about it.
00:01:42 And it defaulted to that microphone so.
00:01:45 Anyway, let me let me do the awesome task of turning off the the cooler that's really loud so that I can begin the boil.
00:01:57 The stream boil.
00:01:58 Let's see here.
00:02:00 There we go.
00:02:01 Uh, it's so much quieter.
00:02:04 It's a nice toasty we're going to heat wave throughout the American Southwest, breaking records.
00:02:10 We broke a heat record today.
00:02:13 In lots of places.
00:02:15 I think Death Valley was north of.
00:02:17 120 degrees. That's always good.
00:02:21 That's always good.
00:02:21 It's uh, yeah, it's uh.
00:02:25 Nice and hot, nice and hot.
00:02:27 So anyway.
00:02:29 Hope you guys are having a good pride.
00:02:31 Month we're going to get into that here in a second.
00:02:35 I tried taking it by like Devin, snack, insomnia, stream drinking my coffee.
00:02:45 I tried watching the.
00:02:49 The January 6th stuff.
00:02:52 And I told you guys Wednesday.
00:02:54 I'll take a look at the January 6 stuff.
00:02:56 You know, they're they're trying to make it for.
Speaker 3
00:02:57 Prime time and you.Devon
00:02:59 Know and if it, if it looks like it, it's not going to just be completely ignored by everyone, then I will take a look at it.00:03:05 I think it's going to be completely ignored by everyone.
00:03:09 I think exactly what I said was going to happen is going.
00:03:11 To happen, I think.
00:03:12 It's going to be and here's how.
00:03:14 I know.
00:03:15 So I was looking at the different.
00:03:17 Streams of available on YouTube.
00:03:20 Yeah, I didn't watch it live, but I I went to.
00:03:21 Go download it later.
00:03:23 And I went to the most right leaning well, I mean, you know Neo con right leaning.
00:03:30 Outlets that carried it and I just went to go check the the comments to see if it was a bunch of custards losing their **** or what.
00:03:39 No, either YouTube is is altering comments, which is entirely possible.
00:03:45 Or everyone watching it is is a a ******* **** Lib like everybody.
00:03:51 Like everybody.
00:03:52 Because every like for pages, every comment that I checked a couple different streams it was.
Speaker 3
00:03:58 Like, Oh yeah, we we got to knock.00:04:01 Him up you.
00:04:01 Know Donald Trump tried to take over America.
00:04:05 You know, those insurrections are going to get it.
00:04:07 Liz Cheney is so she's.
00:04:09 She's such a good speaker.
00:04:11 Oh my God.
00:04:13 And so yeah, those are.00:04:14 The people that are watching.
00:04:15 It it's the people that.
00:04:17 That you know you're not going to convince them.
Speaker 4
00:04:19 They're already convinced.00:04:21 They're already convinced that the.
00:04:25 The star of the new T.00:04:26 Shirt, which I don't have done.
00:04:27 Yet, but you'll have soon.
Speaker 3
00:04:31 He saved the day.Devon
00:04:33 He shot Ashley Babbitt right in the ******* neck.00:04:37 Almost almost hitting a couple of cops that were standing behind her holding machine guns and and who were completely ignoring her.
00:04:46 But he saved countless lives that day.
Speaker 3
00:04:51 He's a hero.Devon
00:04:53 And all those, all those Capitol police officers, those glorified literal mall cops.00:05:00 See what I did there with the mall, you know, cause the the.
00:05:02 Ball in the mall in.
00:05:04 In DC it's called the.
00:05:06 It's called the mall.
00:05:08 Anyway, those ******* mall cops, they all saved the day.
00:05:15 They saved the the they save democracy.
00:05:18 From white supremacy that day.
Speaker 4
00:05:22 They saved Mike Pence from Qanon shaman.Devon
00:05:27 Has he committed suicide yet?00:05:28 Know a couple of those guys have, I don't know what's.
00:05:30 Going on anyway, I I you know, I watched it.
00:05:34 I watched part of it.
00:05:36 And I just was like this.
00:05:37 Is this is?
00:05:39 It's so bad.
00:05:40 Like it's so bad that like uh, there's no way on ******* earth.
00:05:43 Anyone who's even a little bit like anyone to the right of of Sean Hannity is even going to take it seriously.
00:05:50 Enough people, even normal cons and.
00:05:53 Not at this point, or at least relatively convinced that the election was stolen.
00:05:59 Uh, you know when you have.
00:06:02 You know, mainstream voices pretty much saying that now it's.
00:06:09 We're honestly, I think at this point.
00:06:11 We're just waiting, right?
00:06:12 We're kind of just waiting for for things to to fall apart.
00:06:16 And this this isn't going to be persuasive on on either side.
00:06:21 So I don't know if it's really worth.
00:06:24 Taking a look.
00:06:24 At it.
00:06:27 Let's see.
00:06:27 I do have it on my.
00:06:28 Timeline here.
Speaker 3
00:06:31 Where to go?00:06:32 Where to go?
00:06:36 I have so many clips tonight.00:06:37 It's horrific.
00:06:39 I have a.
00:06:39 Lot of bad.
00:06:40 I've got a lot of lot of, like awful ****.
00:06:42 We're going to take a.
Speaker 5
00:06:43 Look at tonight.Speaker
00:06:46 Blah blah, blah, blah blah blah.Devon
00:06:50 There we are.00:06:51 Oh, wait, no, that's not it.
00:06:52 Yes, there it is.
00:06:54 So the my favorite.
00:06:58 Was the the diversity hire?
00:07:03 Senator, that they had opened, you know, of course.
00:07:07 Open the for the opening ceremonies of the of the hearings.
00:07:12 Talk about how, Oh my God, it's terrible.
00:07:15 Nazis almost took over the country.
00:07:19 I had to put a bag on my head.
00:07:21 It was frightening. Let me.
00:07:22 See if I can pop this ****** up.
00:07:25 There he is.
00:07:26 There he is.
Speaker 5
00:07:34 The Select Committee to investigate the January 6th attack on the United.00:07:39 Its capital will be in order without objection.
00:07:43 The chair is authorized to declare the committee in recess at any point pursuant the House.
00:07:52 See, here's the thing already.00:07:53 Here's the problem.
00:07:54 Just already.
00:07:55 Here's the problem.
00:07:56 This is why we want to run reservations.
Speaker 4
00:07:59 This is the guy.Devon
00:08:01 This is the guy that's going to decide whether white grandmas.Speaker 4
00:08:07 Who are being waved.Devon
00:08:08 Into the capital by by the capital police, who of course saved the lives of countless people.00:08:15 He this is.
00:08:16 The guy that's going to decide whether those grandmas are white supremacists that are going to that were on the verge of overthrowing the government and destroying democracy in the world.
Speaker 5
00:08:27 Deposition Authority regulation 10.00:08:30 The chair announces the committees approval to release the deposition material presented during tonight's hearing.
00:08:40 Thanks to everyone watching tonight for sharing part of your evening to learn the facts and causes of the events leading up to and.
00:08:49 I mean, you can't even talk.00:08:52 He can't even talk, they.
00:08:56 If you could go back in time and look, just honestly speaking, you think if you could go back in time.
00:09:02 And just play just just a few seconds of this guy and say, you know, to to the most northern of northern the the most Yankee of Yankees.
00:09:13 Prior to the Civil War and.
00:09:14 Be like you know.
Speaker 4
00:09:16 If you guys win.Devon
00:09:20 And about 1:00.00:09:21 150 years.
Speaker 4
00:09:24 This guy.Devon
00:09:26 This guy is going to be presiding.00:09:32 Deciding the fate.
00:09:35 Of middle class.
Speaker 4
00:09:37 White Americans who were upset that.Devon
00:09:42 The election was stolen in America.Speaker 4
00:09:46 Do you think they would have fought and?Devon
00:09:48 We we always talk about like.Speaker 4
00:09:50 How much the the, the the?Devon
00:09:52 Soldiers in World War.Speaker 4
00:09:53 Two wouldn't have stormed the beaches of Normandy if.00:09:56 They if they.
00:09:56 Saw where you know **** was going to go.00:09:59 But there's a whole lot of **** people our.
00:10:01 Ancestors would have.
00:10:02 If they were to see where we were.
00:10:04 Headed today?
00:10:06 That's undeniable.
00:10:08 You can't argue that.
Speaker 5
00:10:09 Including the violent attack on January 6/20/21.00:10:15 Our democracy, electoral system and country.
00:10:19 I'm Benny Thompson, chairman of the January anyway.
00:10:23 It's it's that's about as exciting as it is.00:10:29 You got Bill Barr there.
00:10:30 Good old Bill Barr.
00:10:33 Remember based Bill bar.
00:10:36 Remember when all the Q ***** are telling me like, Oh no Bill Barr, he's going to.
Speaker 3
00:10:41 Lock him up.Devon
00:10:44 It's no big deal that Bill Barr's dad hired Epstein to work with that school, where he was molesting girls. That's cool.00:10:54 It doesn't matter that Bill Barr's dad wrote some weird science fiction novel about, you know, these weird space ******.
00:11:04 That's real, by the way.
00:11:08 Now forget the name of that book.
00:11:11 It was near impossible to find a copy of it I, but I I think I found a PDF at one point.
00:11:17 Copies of on eBay were going for like thousands of dollars when people found that **** out, it was just some like **** ball, like 1970s.
00:11:25 Sci-fi novel where it was just it was literally like ****** in space.
00:11:29 Might as well.
00:11:30 That should have been the name of it.
00:11:32 You know, but based Bill Barr.
00:11:36 QQ told us that, you know, he was on the case.
00:11:40 And of course we had.
00:11:43 Miss Chaney.
00:11:45 Miss Channing.
Speaker 4
00:11:48 Well, didn't she used?Devon
00:11:48 To be or is she still currently the head of the Republican Party?00:11:54 But that's OK.
00:11:55 We should all we should.
00:11:59 Ignore that.
00:12:02 Oh my God.
00:12:02 The insurrection.
00:12:08 Like all those white supremacists, like, only half of them.
00:12:10 Are white anyway.
Speaker 4
00:12:17 Oh my God.Speaker 3
00:12:33 Democracy is almost dead.Speaker
00:12:43 Industries affected by the capital moving the resources side.Devon
00:12:59 I got to resize this.00:13:01 I just realized that I had it the window size for last time when it was.
00:13:06 Four by three. Let's see.
00:13:07 Here, look at that cute card.
00:13:09 Right there. There he is.
Speaker 3
00:13:12 Captain coutard.Devon
00:13:15 He was ready to go.Speaker 1
00:13:34 02/08 with four members the doors, barricades. There's people.Speaker 5
00:13:37 Flooded the hallways outside.00:13:38 We have no way out.
Speaker 6
00:13:42 They've asked officers still remaining on the household.Devon
00:13:45 There's there's the murderer.Speaker 4
00:13:47 You see him?Devon
00:13:49 He's the guy that the the guy in the white shirt has his arm and he's like, alright, so here's the plan.00:13:56 Why don't you go out there and shoot some?
00:13:58 White ***** in the neck.
00:13:59 That'll save the day.
Speaker 1
00:14:01 And on the third floor to use it.Speaker 7
00:14:05 You have to evaluate the members on.Speaker
00:14:07 The other side.Devon
00:14:10 Look at those.00:14:10 Look at those ******* scared little *******.
Speaker 3
00:14:13 Oh no.00:14:13 The cute tardes are here.
00:14:15 Barricade the doors.
00:14:17 The custards are coming.
Speaker 7
00:14:22 It's up to us people now, the American people.Speaker 3
00:14:26 One more time.Speaker
00:14:27 Are you ready to do?Speaker 1
00:14:29 Whatever it takes, I'll lay my life down if it.00:14:31 Takes absolutely.
00:14:34 That's why we showed up today.
Speaker 8
00:14:50 Oh my God that must have.Devon
00:14:51 Been the cop that was assaulted and died.00:14:54 It was the one that that that crazy lady pushed.
Speaker 3
00:15:07 Officer Don. Oh my God.Speaker 4
00:15:41 I just want to reiterate.Devon
00:15:42 For those of you forgot.00:15:44 They edited this together with the help of TV producers, Jewish TV producers.
00:15:50 No lie, I forget his names.
00:15:52 I think it.
00:15:52 I think it was.
00:15:53 Like literally like, it was like Goldstein or something.
00:15:54 Like that?
00:15:56 But yeah, they cut it together.
00:15:58 Four prime time.
00:15:59 You know, this aired during prime time.
00:16:02 They made this super cut.
00:16:03 It would be very dramatic.
00:16:05 And look how look how dramatic it's not.
Speaker 3
00:16:23 Oh my God, look at that guy.00:16:25 He's he's like ******* Iron Man.
00:16:48 Well, now you know why the cops were crying.00:16:50 When they were testifying.
Speaker 4
00:16:52 Yeah, you gotta realize these guys, they, they, they.Devon
00:16:54 They never have to do anything.Speaker 3
00:16:57 They never have to do anything.Devon
00:16:59 These are the capital police.Speaker 4
00:17:00 They are mall cops.00:17:01 They really are mall cops.
00:17:03 This is the first time they've ever had to deal.00:17:05 With anything, because usually when it's protest, who is it?
00:17:08 Right.
00:17:08 It's like antifa.
00:17:09 So they're told to, you know, stand down or if it's be a land they're told to stand down.
00:17:14 You know, if they or it's the, you know, code pink, they're told to stand down.
00:17:19 The right literally never protests, so they never have to do anything.
00:17:24 They never have to do anything.
00:17:26 This is the first time they had.
Speaker 4
00:17:28 To do anything.Devon
00:17:32 No, I got disconnected.00:17:33 I'm disconnected now.
00:17:35 I'm reconnected, alright.
00:17:39 And I've disconnected again, this is not surprising.
00:17:43 Come on.
00:17:45 Is it because I'm making fun of Jesus Christ, just reeking that for ***** sake?
00:17:53 So I can't.
00:17:53 I can't.
00:17:54 I can't talk about January 6th apparently.
00:17:56 Or they killed the.
00:17:58 Yeah, yeah.
00:17:59 This is the first.
00:18:03 I'll have my coffee here.
00:18:04 Hopefully it comes back.
Speaker 4
00:18:07 We'll wait and see.Devon
00:18:12 Are we good?00:18:14 I think we're good.
00:18:16 I'll tell chat. We're good.
00:18:21 Oh my God.
00:18:27 OK, the, the the Internet gods get a little touchy about the January 6th stuff anyway.
00:18:39 Yeah, bunch of ****** cops.
00:18:41 First time they.
00:18:41 Ever they've ever, ever do anything.
Speaker 8
00:18:51 They were peaceful people, these.Speaker 7
00:18:52 Were great people, the crowd.Devon
00:18:56 See, they're they're cutting.00:18:59 This is a Senate hearing.
00:19:01 This is a Senate hearing and they they're editing a video with with Trump sound bites.
00:19:06 In this, they're editorializing the evidence at a Senate hearing.
Speaker 4
00:19:12 So yeah, they they they're they're they're.Devon
00:19:13 Trying so hard to make this.00:19:15 A media event.
00:19:17 And I mentioned the word love, the love.Speaker 8
00:19:20 The love in the air.Speaker
00:19:21 I've never seen anything like it.Devon
00:19:31 Oh my God.00:19:32 Oh my God.
00:19:34 So yeah, it's it's just.
00:19:37 I I think that's like really the only ship worth watching, because it's just the rest of.
00:19:40 It's just.
00:19:42 All these these guys going.
00:19:44 My God.
00:19:44 Oh, God, it was terrible as attack on anyway, so it's just it's not really.
00:19:48 Worth it? I don't think.
00:19:49 I don't think anyone's going to watch it. I really don't. I don't think it's going to have any impact aside from the people who.
00:19:55 Would have already watched it.
00:19:59 You know, the only thing gayer than this?
Speaker 4
00:20:02 The only thing.Devon
00:20:02 Gayer than this January 6th committee thing.00:20:08 Is that dude?
00:20:10 In the video that I found.
00:20:13 Titled My trans girlfriend doesn't make me gay.
Speaker 9
00:20:19 This is Victoria, Chris.00:20:23 The couple first met in high school, but back then both their lives were very.
Speaker 3
00:20:28 Different. Oh God. Ohh.Speaker 11
00:20:29 Kids spitting on me or throwing trash at me, yelling, upset.00:20:32 And he's telling me to go kill myself every single day.
Speaker 10
00:20:36 I was part of the athletic community and a bunch of the kids that I was surrounded by.Devon
00:20:40 Well, yeah, yeah, like that guy's not gay.00:20:46 Alright, I'm going to.
00:20:47 Disconnect it again.
00:20:48 This is ******* awesome.
00:20:56 This is such ******* ********.
00:20:58 I don't know what else to do honestly.
00:21:04 Yeah, I'm looking my settings, yeah.
00:21:07 There's not much I can do.
00:21:10 **** me.Devon
00:21:13 Let's just sit here and wait while does reconnect, disconnect, reconnect, disconnect the 1000 ******* times.00:21:19 Alright, we're back.
00:21:20 I think ******* back anyway.
00:21:23 Jesus. If.
00:21:26 I'm going to try to be patient.
00:21:28 I'm going to try to just roll with the punches on this one.
00:21:30 We're gonna try to get through this.
00:21:33 All right anyway.
00:21:35 Chris, you're a ******.
Speaker 9
00:21:37 The couple first met.Devon
00:21:39 Ohh God.Speaker 11
00:21:42 Every single day.00:21:44 Look at that guy.
Speaker 3
00:21:45 He was already a flag.Speaker 10
00:21:47 Of the community and a bunch of the kids that I was surrounded by, I.Speaker 11
00:21:49 Used to bully Victoria when I was transitioning, I felt like nobody would ever.Speaker 9
00:21:54 Having lost touch after graduating years later, romance blossomed between the two after the unexpectedly matched on Tim.00:22:02 But even with ICE found that some judgement still remains.
00:22:03 Ohh God, come on.Speaker 9
00:22:07 Sign somebody was.Speaker 11
00:22:09 Similar words, stereotypes that will that I'm a man in his.Speaker 6
00:22:12 Days I worry.Devon
00:22:13 Yeah, you're you are a man and he is gay.00:22:19 And I'm going to pretend this isn't disconnecting.
00:22:21 I'm going to keep going from now on.
00:22:22 If it does this all night, it does it.
00:22:24 All night. I don't what?
00:22:25 Else AM.
00:22:25 I supposed to ******* do, but yes.
Speaker 4
00:22:29 You are a man and he.Devon
00:22:30 Is gay.Speaker 10
00:22:30 About the comments that she gets just totally unnecessary slander for her.Speaker 11
00:22:39 A 22 year old woman of trans experience and I think the LGBT content on YouTube.Speaker 10
00:22:45 I'm Christopher St. Germain. I am 23 years old and I am an engineer and an artist.Devon
00:22:49 They slamming fagot.Speaker 11
00:22:52 Together for.00:22:54 Me, we grew up in a small farming town.
00:22:58 I transitioned really young.
00:22:59 So as you can imagine me transitioning from male to female at such a young age.
00:23:04 Which was very hear.
00:23:05 For a lot of people teasing, we came from such different walks of life cuz I was kind of like an art nerd and he was in all of the sports in high school.
00:23:14 I knew him as a very handsome jock.
Speaker 10
00:23:18 Bunch of the kids that I was, I used to bully Vic.Devon
00:23:18 The gay jock.Speaker 11
00:23:21 I'd have kids spitting on me or throwing trash would be yelling upsetting me, telling me to go kill myself every single day.Speaker 10
00:23:29 I wasn't aware of the entirety of it, but.Speaker 1
00:23:31 And then.Speaker 6
00:23:31 There were moments where I did witness it and I heard all sorts of garbage in the school people saying stuff and I was always like, hey, just shut up.00:23:39 Like don't this is.
Speaker 3
00:23:40 Just just chill, bro.00:23:42 Just chill, bro.
00:23:42 Traps aren't gay.
00:23:47 So this is the new this is the new thing.00:23:52 No guys.
00:23:54 Dated ******.
00:23:56 You have to date a ******.
Speaker 4
00:23:59 In fact, you do.Devon
00:24:00 Have to date a ******.00:24:02 Tender has made it so it's impossible to filter out trainings.
00:24:06 And that which is.
00:24:07 How these people met?
00:24:08 By the way.
Speaker 4
00:24:09 So even.Speaker 5
00:24:10 If you.Devon
00:24:11 You know you don't want.Speaker 4
00:24:12 To date a dude you'll get matched up with.00:24:15 Dudes, which is?
00:24:16 Why you don't use Tinder?00:24:19 Alright, anyway, this fun connection **** is ******* me off.
Speaker 5
00:24:22 I'm not going to lie.Devon
00:24:24 I just don't know what to do, don't know.Speaker 8
00:24:26 What else to do?Devon
00:24:29 But it's alright guys, right?00:24:32 It's alright because we can always vote if we want to get rid of this degeneracy.
00:24:38 We can always vote Republican.
00:24:40 We can always vote for people like Donald Trump and people like Donald Trump are gonna get rid of this, this degenerate **** that's in our society, right?
Speaker 3
00:24:52 You know you're really.Speaker 12
00:24:53 Thank you.00:24:53 Beautiful that.
00:24:54 A woman that looks like.Speaker 3
00:24:57 Has to have her own special set.Speaker 7
00:24:59 Ohh thank you.00:25:01 Maybe you could tell this.
00:25:08 I like that.00:25:09 This this may be the best of all.
00:25:13 And yes, that is, that is Rudy Giuliani, by the way.00:25:17 That's Donald Trump.
00:25:20 About to motor boat the **** on.
00:25:24 Rudy Giuliani.
Speaker 7
00:25:28 Ohh you drinking boy you ohh.Speaker
00:25:36 You can't say I didn't try.Speaker 7
00:25:39 Mayor June.Devon
00:25:41 Yeah, OK.00:25:42 Well, that that I guess that's not going to work you know.
00:25:45 So if that's not going to work, then maybe I'll just stay home and order food online.
Speaker 1
00:25:56 What are you?00:25:59 Well, if you're a top, it.
00:26:00 Seems like you can.
00:26:01 Eat whatever you want, but if you're a bottom, you're expected to start, not this pride in the bottom friendly menu from Postmates, we teamed up with Doctor.
00:26:15 And Goldstein, from the Scotch surgical to.
00:26:16 Bring you a menu of on friendly foods.
00:26:23 OK, for those of you don't know what.00:26:25 They're talking about here.
Speaker 4
00:26:28 You know, you might want.00:26:29 To leave the room because you.
00:26:30 Might not want to know what they're talking about here.00:26:35 So what doctor Goldstein here is talking about here.
00:26:40 In a commercial.
00:26:44 You know for for their, I guess the food delivery service, right?
Speaker 4
00:26:51 Is they've devised a menu?00:26:55 4 **** that?
00:26:58 Get ****** in the *** so often.
00:27:04 That **** leaks out of their ***.
00:27:08 I'm sorry if I'm being crude, this is what this is, what this food commercial is talking about.00:27:16 It's talking about ****.
Speaker 4
00:27:21 That get.Devon
00:27:23 ****** in the *** so much that their ******** are stretched out.00:27:28 And **** leaks out of their ***.
00:27:33 And so, doctor Goldstein.
Speaker 4
00:27:38 Has developed a.Devon
00:27:43 A special menu.00:27:46 So that if you're a fad that gets ****** in the *** so much that **** leaks.
00:27:51 Out of your ***.
00:27:54 You can try these special foods.
00:27:58 That might not.
00:28:00 Leak out of your *** so much.
00:28:04 That's that's really this commercial.
Speaker 1
00:28:07 Backed by science and.Speaker 4
00:28:09 Soluble fiber that's backed by science.Speaker 1
00:28:11 Won't help you feel cues, so avoid things like whole grains, sweet grain, cauliflower, potatoes, legumes.00:28:18 Hold up.
00:28:18 Are you just fully diving into those?
00:28:23 The problem with these foods, if they don't dissolve in water, which could cause a traffic jam in your digestive system.
00:28:29 Being a messenger evening.
Speaker 4
00:28:33 They're literally talking about.Devon
00:28:39 ******** on each other.00:28:43 During sex.
00:28:46 In their food commercial.
Speaker 1
00:28:49 Speaking of Messi.00:28:51 It's a good idea to avoid dairy.
00:28:53 I cannot handle my toast right now.00:28:56 Look at.
Speaker 1
00:28:56 Her if you're.00:28:59 Going to eat something insoluble in your body about 24 hours to.
00:29:02 Process all of it.
00:29:06 Soluble fibers and protein are the key to having some good fun.
00:29:10 These all digest easily and slowly while feeding your good gut bacteria.
00:29:15 Which makes sushi a great bottom family option.
00:29:19 There's no right or wrong way.
00:29:20 To bottom that if you're planning on getting.
00:29:22 Beechy this pride, the bottom friendly menu on Postmates.
00:29:27 If you see.
00:29:28 Yeah, so don't use post mates.00:29:33 Yeah, don't use Postmates.
00:29:34 So I know you're thinking like, oh, that's.
00:29:36 Just that's just ******* post mates.
00:29:40 I'll be fine.
00:29:42 I'll be fine.
00:29:43 I'm going to just, you know, I'm going to just have some good old fashioned American food.
Speaker 4
00:29:48 I'm going to have me some some.00:29:50 Mickey D's.
00:29:52 I'm loving it.
00:29:54 We're diving right in.Speaker 7
00:29:55 *** **** it.Speaker
00:30:05 OK.Speaker 4
00:30:10 Well, OK.Devon
00:30:14 Well, I guess I'm not going to have any McDonald's.00:30:19 I guess instead.
00:30:22 You know, I'm just going to stay at home.
00:30:25 And I'm going to play.
00:30:27 My Microsoft Xbox.
Speaker 12
00:30:33 In a country where you have that freedom of speech, I think one of the most detrimental things that you can do is not use your voice.Speaker
00:30:52 My name is Dylan Rooney.00:30:53 I'm a young man from QLD.
00:30:53 Thank you.
00:30:55 And I'm a visual artist.
Speaker 1
00:30:57 I started using them clear and it just is.Speaker 4
00:30:59 Characters in my wax just me exploring.Speaker 1
00:31:02 My identity more.Speaker
00:31:04 There is us holding.Devon
00:31:05 OK.00:31:07 Well, I guess I guess I'm not, I guess I'm not.
Speaker 4
00:31:11 Not going to use.Devon
00:31:14 My Microsoft Xbox.00:31:16 OK, you've convinced me they look super gay.
Speaker 4
00:31:21 You know what?Devon
00:31:23 Good thing, good thing capitalism is here.00:31:25 Instead, I'll play my Sony PlayStation.
00:31:38 The trick is not to lose track of.00:31:40 Who you really are.
00:31:46 I'm gay, God dammit.Speaker 12
00:31:50 And I want you.Speaker 4
00:31:56 *** **** it.Devon
00:32:00 OK. All right. So.00:32:03 I'm not going to play Xbox.
00:32:05 I'm not going to play PlayStation.
Speaker 4
00:32:10 I guess.Devon
00:32:13 I guess what I can do.00:32:15 Is is, you know what?
00:32:17 I'm gonna.
00:32:18 I'm just gonna stay at home.
00:32:19 I'm not gonna play video games.
00:32:21 I'm just going to smoke.
Speaker 4
00:32:22 A lot of pot.Devon
00:32:24 You know it's it's legal in all these states now.00:32:26 I just go to weed maps and just get some weed.
00:32:29 I'm just going to.
Speaker 4
00:32:29 Smoke all this, you know.Devon
00:32:32 Reality away.00:32:33 And then I I guess I won't play video games.
00:32:35 I'm not.
00:32:35 Going to ******* eat.
00:32:36 I'll just get high all day and it'll be.
Speaker 4
00:32:38 So good was this.Speaker 12
00:32:43 What's up?Speaker 1
00:32:44 Still feeling it from last night?Speaker 12
00:32:47 Drinking some fun in the?Speaker 1
00:32:48 If only there was something.Speaker
00:32:49 You could drink.00:32:50 That makes you feel.
00:32:50 Good, but doesn't give you a.
Speaker 1
00:32:52 Hangover the next day that I can.00:32:55 A can of can with two ends.
00:32:56 We'll do that.Speaker 4
00:32:57 It's the cannabis infused drink.Speaker
00:33:00 A little buzz without the blood.Devon
00:33:01 Alright, OK, not alright.Speaker 4
00:33:05 So not going.Devon
00:33:07 To use weed maps, I guess apparently.00:33:10 Holy ****, it's gay.
00:33:12 It's like the gayest thing ever.
00:33:15 OK, well, you know what?
00:33:18 How about?
Speaker 4
00:33:20 How about I?Devon
00:33:22 I'll just.00:33:22 I'll just start.
00:33:23 I'll just watch some anime, right that there's that's that's gonna be fine.
Speaker 7
00:33:32 Being single around here, dude.Speaker
00:33:40 Watch this.00:33:42 Hey, you OK, man?
Speaker 3
00:33:45 Yeah, God dammit.Speaker 4
00:33:48 All right.00:33:49 Well, how about?
00:33:51 Which I don't even know.00:33:52 I put anime in there.
00:33:53 Everyone should just know that it's gay anyway, right?
00:33:58 Anime is just gay, you know.
00:33:59 Don't don't think anything example of that.
00:34:04 I'm going to watch.
00:34:05 Netflix instead of anime?
00:34:08 How about some Netflix?
Speaker 1
00:34:22 Hi. Hi. Hi.Devon
00:34:29 All right, all right, I'm fine.00:34:30 I'm not going to watch Netflix.
00:34:34 Instead of Netflix.
00:34:37 I'll watch Hulu.
00:34:38 How about Hulu?
00:34:40 Hulu, Hulu is.
00:34:42 You know you can.
00:34:43 You don't even have to pay for it.
00:34:44 They got ads.
00:34:47 You have to shine so bright out there.00:34:50 That they can't deny you.
00:34:55 All you guys.
Speaker 1
00:34:56 Are like family and we're subject to it.Speaker
00:35:02 I'm able to be me.00:35:03 That's all I ever wanted to do.
00:35:05 OK.00:35:12 So I can't watch Hulu.
00:35:16 You know what?
00:35:17 How about fox?
00:35:18 You know, like they have.
00:35:19 They got Fox News, right.
00:35:20 That's kind of right leaning Fox.
00:35:23 Maybe I could just watch Fox.
00:35:36 I am gay.Speaker 7
00:35:39 And we love you just the way you are.Speaker 4
00:35:50 OK, well.Devon
00:35:53 Can't watch Fox or this stream?00:35:55 Apparently I don't know if you if you're watching the replay.
00:35:59 Jesus Christ.
00:36:00 This is the worst it's ever been.
00:36:01 In fact, I'm just going to end this stream here in a second just cause like, what's the point of going if it's just going to disconnect?
00:36:07 Like literally every ******* 5 seconds?
00:36:09 This is ******* ********.
00:36:13 I don't know what to ******* do, guys.
00:36:16 I don't want to ******* do.
Speaker 4
00:36:21 Well, I'll tell you what.Devon
00:36:24 I guess since I can't stay at home playing video games or getting high or eating food or you know, all the other things that the alpha slaves are programmed to do, you guys notice like a theme you.00:36:35 Guys notice like.
00:36:37 These are all the you ever hear the meet them where they're at.
00:36:42 That's what they're doing.
00:36:43 This is where normies are at the normies are on Netflix.
00:36:46 They're on Hulu.
00:36:47 They're watching fox.
00:36:49 They're eating McDonald's.
00:36:51 They're ordering food and having it delivered.
00:36:55 Well, you know what?
00:36:55 I know you're thinking.
00:36:57 I'm just going to go out to.
00:36:58 The woods.
00:36:59 Away from it all, I'm going to go camping.
Speaker 4
00:37:03 I'm going to go camping.Devon
00:37:06 And I'm I'm not going to have to deal with any of this **** like the like to see you.00:37:10 **** on camping, Devin.
00:37:12 Let's see your ******* ruined camping.
Speaker 10
00:37:17 Nature lets you be.Speaker 6
00:37:18 Who you are.Speaker 12
00:37:27 Babies and gentlemen's you are personally invited to the summer of pride with my friends at The North Face.Speaker
00:37:34 We're traveling all the.00:37:35 Gay across America, and everyone's invited.
Speaker 7
00:37:38 Right and.Speaker
00:37:38 That means you.Speaker 7
00:37:43 Not you, though.00:37:44 You're too cute.
00:37:49 OK.00:37:51 OK, well.
00:37:55 OK.
00:38:02 Kind of run out of options here.
00:38:07 Not sure where where I'm supposed to go now at this point.
00:38:10 Can't go into the woods?
00:38:15 You know, I, I hear Israel has realized.
00:38:17 This time of year.
00:38:19 I don't know.
00:38:20 I I don't know.
00:38:21 Why we'd be visiting Israel in this imaginary scenario, but.
00:38:28 After two boring years.Speaker 1
00:38:32 Tel Aviv prime.Speaker 7
00:38:33 Week is back.00:38:36 The parties, the beaches, the fun music, vibes, love.
00:38:43 *** ****, we can't even go to Israel.00:38:50 All right, this is getting ridiculous.
00:38:51 Now it's it's disconnecting and reconnecting so often that, like, I can't even do the recording stream that's making that ******* noise over and over and over again.
00:38:59 Is ******* ridiculous.
00:39:01 This is ******* ridiculous.
00:39:08 Yeah, I don't, I don't know.
00:39:11 I'm looking at chat here.
00:39:12 I don't know.
00:39:13 I don't think that it's odyssey guys.
00:39:16 And I got one way I can find out. I can open up the Starlink app and just see what the ****'* going on here, but it's like.
00:39:23 This ship's horrible like this is, uh, especially for how ******* expensive it is.
00:39:31 Like this is this is ******* terrible.
00:39:37 I'm looking here.
00:39:44 Well, I don't know.
00:39:45 It actually could be odyssey.
00:39:49 According to this I don't have any.
00:39:53 Network outages.
00:39:57 In the last 24 hours.
00:40:01 There have been some latency spikes.
00:40:12 Yeah, there's been no outages in the.
00:40:13 Last 12 hours.
00:40:15 Yeah, this isn't.
00:40:17 This isn't Starlink, or at least according to this.
00:40:21 This is a odyssey thing.
00:40:26 Or at least you know, as far as I can tell, like I said, the latency has popped up a few times, but that shouldn't knock.
00:40:31 You off it should just.
00:40:34 Should just get blocky and look like ****.
00:40:38 So this might be an odyssey thing.
00:40:44 Let me see here.
00:40:52 Let me look here.
00:40:53 I wonder if I.
00:40:54 Yeah, I mean, look, I'm not going to.
00:40:56 I'm not going to just start.
00:40:57 I'm not going to switch over.
00:40:58 To trovo or something like that right now like.
00:41:05 Odyssey's ****** ** what I'm going to do is I'll I'll.
00:41:07 Send an e-mail to these guys and just be like, look, this is ridiculous.
Speaker 4
00:41:11 Yeah, I am.00:41:12 I am one.
00:41:12 Of Odyssey's bigger streamers, if not.00:41:15 I don't know if I'm the biggest streamer, but like I've got to be at least in the top 10.
00:41:19 Probably top five, maybe top three, I don't know.
00:41:23 And if this is?
00:41:24 The ******** that's going to happen, it's just kind of like, come on.
00:41:28 And like I said.
00:41:29 I don't.
00:41:29 I don't think this is my Internet.
00:41:31 I've gone through to great lengths to to.
00:41:35 Mitigate any problems I would have on my end.
00:41:41 You know.
00:41:43 According to the stats on my network, I'm looking at it right now.
00:41:50 It's saying that there's no.
00:41:54 No disconnects in the last 12 hours.
00:42:00 So I don't think.
00:42:01 I don't think it's me.
00:42:06 But who knows?
00:42:08 You know that that, that, that is ****** ** my whole mojo I had.
00:42:10 Like this whole thing I was going to do.
00:42:13 I I had this whole.
00:42:14 Thing I was going to do like like like.
Speaker 3
00:42:16 I was going to be like, oh, look at this.Speaker
00:42:18 It's five months, and like every month, Nickelodeon believes that being yourself.Speaker 4
00:42:21 Ohh, great Nickelodeon.00:42:23 And then I was gonna do fun stuff like this.
Speaker 7
00:42:24 And we are so proud.Speaker
00:42:25 To be honored by blessing.Devon
00:42:36 See, I couldn't even do that.00:42:37 I couldn't even do like my cool.
00:42:40 Yeah, of.
00:42:40 Course that not knocked me off.
00:42:42 I'm already disconnected.
00:42:45 This is Odyssey right now.
00:43:07 People are saying it's good. I don't know, it's it's literally disconnected like 1000 times already.
00:43:13 Like it's it's disconnected more than I've it just disconnected.
00:43:17 Like just now.
00:43:18 Like, it just disconnected again.
00:43:22 Like this is the worst I have ever seen, and that time there wasn't even like a latency spike.
00:43:28 I'm like looking, I'm looking directly.
00:43:32 At the connection and the connection's fine.
00:43:37 So this is not this is not me.
00:43:43 ******* ********.
00:43:45 You know.
00:43:45 You know what?
00:43:45 It makes me feel like.
00:43:46 Makes me feel like this ******.
Speaker 7
00:43:49 Why maybe in transgender has anything to.Speaker 4
00:43:51 Do with you guys need to.Speaker
00:43:51 No, it has nothing to.Speaker 7
00:43:52 Do with it now like.Speaker
00:43:53 You bring it up because I can't say.00:43:55 Non transgender.
Speaker 7
00:43:56 Well, why can't you just say my daughter?Speaker
00:43:58 Ohh, why can't you say?Speaker 7
00:43:59 My son, why cause I'm?00:44:00 Your son.
00:44:02 So what do what would I say?
00:44:04 My daughter or my daughter?
00:44:07 Get the **** out of my face.
00:44:10 ******* truck.
00:44:11 ***** ** ****.
00:44:12 Get the **** out of here.
00:44:14 Get out of my room.
00:44:16 Get out my room.
00:44:17 I will.
00:44:17 You don't need to ******* save my trade.
00:44:19 Your door.
00:44:19 You see my whole ******* daughter.
00:44:25 What you're witnessing there is the failure of boomer parenting.00:44:34 He's just befuddled.
00:44:36 He doesn't know how to handle this world.
00:44:38 He allowed to be ushered in.
00:44:41 He's just like I I.
Speaker 3
00:44:42 You're my daughter. I got.Devon
00:44:45 Why would I argue with with the?00:44:47 Insane person I let live in my house.
Speaker 7
00:44:51 Then why did you say my transgender daughter?00:44:53 Why do you say my daughter OK?
00:44:55 I'm doing my best.00:44:59 There's no there's no reason.
Speaker 3
00:45:01 To scream.Speaker 7
00:45:02 Are you ******* drunk?Speaker
00:45:04 Here, nobody's.Speaker 7
00:45:05 Hurting, I said.Speaker
00:45:07 I am.Speaker 7
00:45:08 Sucking gobs.00:45:11 Get the ****.
Speaker 6
00:45:12 Outta here I am.Speaker 7
00:45:13 Get the **** out.00:45:15 Breaking the.
00:45:15 You gotta watch out.
00:45:18 I am going.Speaker 7
00:45:19 OK, fine.00:45:21 You know.
00:45:21 I'm out of my room.
00:45:22 I am.
00:45:24 I am.
00:45:24 I'm I'm grabbing my.
Speaker 1
00:45:25 **** odor pillow.Devon
00:45:38 Anyway, my mother is all ******.00:45:40 Up and of.
00:45:41 Disconnect, disconnect, disconnect, disconnect, disconnect.
00:45:48 I don't even think I'm going to put the replay of this ******** up.
00:45:50 That's ******* infuriating.
00:45:56 This is ******* infuriating.
00:45:59 I don't know.
00:45:59 I don't know.
00:46:02 I I yeah, I don't know what to do.
00:46:04 Guys, that's no.
00:46:05 It's just connected again.
00:46:07 Yeah, cause like.
00:46:09 Alright, well you.
00:46:10 Know I'll go through the Super chat because you guys sent them in, but I don't even know if you'll be able to hear them.
00:46:14 This is just I think we're just going to.
00:46:17 I'm going to shut this down after I do it.
00:46:21 This is ******* ridiculous.
00:46:25 Alright, let me go through here.
00:46:30 Sorry guys, I have, I've done a lot of things to try to make this ******** work.
00:46:35 And I guess I haven't done enough things.
00:46:39 I'll have.
00:46:39 To continue to do things to make this work.
00:46:41 Because this is.
00:46:42 Unbelievably frustrating.
00:46:50 OK, here we go. After Matt Kalashnikova $5 for all the Christians here, I found a base and highly educated pastor, explained the JQ in detail he mentions.
00:47:05 Evy, Jacob, Frank.
00:47:06 The Rothschilds.
00:47:08 Epstein, Israel and a lot more.
00:47:11 Alright well.
00:47:13 I'll copy the link to that and I'll maybe.
00:47:15 Take a look at that.
00:47:18 At some point here, definitely not now.
00:47:20 Definitely not on the stream that keeps ******* dropping connection.
00:47:23 Every ***. ****.
Speaker 4
00:47:25 Speak of the devil.00:47:27 It's disconnected again.
Speaker 3
00:47:29 All right. Harmless G.Devon
00:47:32 Have you thought about reviewing more recent degenerate Jewish shows that are on right now, like euphoria or the boys euphoria is a remake of an Israeli show.00:47:42 You know the reason why I don't is look, I might look, I I might, but it's just that the modern stuff is so *******.
00:47:53 I mean, maybe it's not obvious to zoomers I I.
00:47:56 I kind of think it's not.
00:47:57 Sometimes why I hear a lot of excuses why their favorite ******* *** show isn't gay, you know?
00:48:04 It like we're to the point where it reminds you of the guy in that video we play like ohh.
Speaker 3
00:48:09 Having a trans girlfriend.Devon
00:48:10 Doesn't make me.00:48:11 It's like now, totally makes you gay.
00:48:15 So maybe maybe it's worth looking at, but it's just to me, it's just so obvious like the.
00:48:21 They they don't, they don't use.
00:48:22 The soft touch anymore.
00:48:24 It's it they're banging you over the.
00:48:25 Head with it.
00:48:25 But again, maybe maybe it's not easy to spot for some people, so maybe it's worth taking a look at.
00:48:32 It's just to me, it's just it, it's.
00:48:34 It's so bad.
00:48:36 In fact, you know, someone shared a.
Speaker 3
00:48:39 Oh, it's a right wing, rotten.Devon
00:48:40 Tomatoes. Check it out.00:48:42 And I took a look at it.
00:48:44 I was.
00:48:44 Just like, wow, there's a lot of people.
00:48:48 Really wishing that their favorite movies were right wing.
00:48:55 Oh, wow, look at some of these ratings here and some of their reviews.
00:48:59 And I'm just like, wow, yeah.
00:49:02 Oh well, that's I guess that's what happens when you don't have a culture, huh?
00:49:05 And you're just you're just desperate to.
00:49:07 Fill it with anything, huh?
00:49:09 Alright, OK.
00:49:12 But I might talk about it another time.
00:49:18 Let's see here, man, before time, $5. Hey, Devin. Tim from White Rabbit radio. Would like to have you on sometime. Hey, I'd like to be on my own stream sometime.
Speaker 3
00:49:31 I'd like to be able to just stream normally.Devon
00:49:35 You know, so I don't know who this is.00:49:38 I'll you know, I'll.
00:49:41 I'll copy and paste this.
00:49:42 It's just.
00:49:43 You know, baby steps here *******.
00:49:47 Ah, man, can't even do.
00:49:49 My own ******* stream right now.
00:49:53 OK, $5 cringe panda. Funny coincidence to start with Johnny Cash. I watched walk the line today this week, I watched the Temptations 1998, the Jacksons, 1992 Little Richard 2000 and get on up 2014.
00:50:12 And what's weird is all these movies feature extremely harsh fathers.
00:50:16 Most of the movies aren't even too.
00:50:20 I don't think I've seen any of those except for the walk the line, and that was a really long time ago.
00:50:27 But yeah, that is a common thing.
00:50:28 Jackson 5.
00:50:29 Same thing.
00:50:30 Like pretty much all of these.
00:50:32 Performers I think even like The Beach Boys, I literally think almost like every performer had some kind of militant dad.
00:50:43 So you know it is what it.
00:50:45 Is as a as it it disconnects and reconnects.
00:50:48 Repeat it like I I should.
00:50:50 I wish I could at least turn that ******* sound off.
00:50:52 So it's.
00:50:53 And I'm going to mute the desktop audio, so at least it's not.
00:50:57 Recording that ******* sound.
00:50:58 Over and over again, I'll be the only.
00:51:00 One that has to ******* hear it.
00:51:03 Based race mixer $25. Start listening to these good old folks and fly over country telling us over and over that their cost of living to raise livestock is tripled and we will see unreal amounts of prices of meat skyrocket in the fall. Winter stock up kiddos. Thanks Devin.
00:51:20 Yeah, it's it's going to get expensive. Everything's gonna get more expensive. I'm gonna ******* turn that speaker down so I don't ******* listen to it. Everything is gonna get more expensive.
00:51:32 It looks like especially with the gasoline prices, I said, I think last stream my cost like $85 just to fill up my ******* gas tank here locally was a little ****** *** because when I was doing my epic road trip, there was usually in the middle of ******* nowhere, not granted. I live in the middle of ******* nowhere.
00:51:52 But usually when you stop in the middle of ******* nowhere, at the side of the road to get gas, cause you that's the only place to get gas within 100 miles. You.
00:52:00 Get ripped off.
00:52:02 And I'm getting ripped off where I live.
00:52:04 It's more expensive here than it was in many of those places in middle of ******* nowhere.
00:52:10 And I don't think that look, I have a friend that works in the car industry and his job deals with the the hardware.
00:52:22 That is used to calculate gasoline and oxygen mixtures in the fuel injection systems, and he's been basically told that his job won't exist in the very near future.
00:52:39 And you know, Honda said they're not going to make it.
00:52:42 I don't know. This sounds a little ambitious, but Honda said they're not going to make any gasoline cars past 20-30, so I guess I guess if you want to make some money and you don't think everything's going to collapse.
00:52:57 One way of of investing would be trying to find a company that's going to retrofit cars with electric motors, because I think that's just going to be a necessity.
00:53:08 Now they're not.
00:53:08 They're not gonna be able to get rid of it entirely, but it's just.
00:53:11 That's the other weird thing is when I'm driving around, like when I was driving around through like Colorado and and Utah and Wyoming like you're you are going through parts of the country where there's only one gas station within.
00:53:24 Like maybe like 100 miles.
00:53:25 And there's still.
Speaker 3
00:53:26 People out there.Devon
00:53:28 In fact, they usually have pretty big trucks, you know, cause you've got the farms and stuff like that.00:53:33 These people still have to get around.
00:53:35 We're not gonna have the infrastructure by 20-30 to be, you know, plugging in cars all over the ******* place unless they develop something that can just plug into like the.
00:53:45 You know the 240 Volt, you know outlet like your.
00:53:51 Washer and dryer would plug into in the garage.
00:53:54 And maybe that's.
00:53:54 What they're going to do, maybe that's what they're going to do, but right now that, that's just you're going to.
00:53:59 There's huge, huge parts of the country where even if the price of electric cars were to drop dramatically, just the the usage of an electric car is is.
00:54:11 ******* ********.
00:54:14 Because you just can't, you know.
00:54:16 You have to drive such long distances. If you live 100 miles from everything now. Obviously long term, that's what they want.
00:54:25 They don't want people living in the middle of nowhere.
00:54:27 They want people to have to go live in their smart cities so that they can manage them and that sort of thing.
00:54:32 But it's.
00:54:33 You know, but in the meantime, yeah, everything is going to get more expensive.
00:54:36 We'll see how.
00:54:37 We'll see how this goes.
00:54:40 And in luck part of it's going to be inflation is on, you know, not only do you have the gas shortages, you have inflation, you've had all these supply chain issues.
00:54:50 You've had all these meat packing problems you've had.
00:54:54 You know, I I said I was saying months ago, like, look, I don't see there being food shortages just because they'd be insane to want to do that, that it would have to be intentional, that no matter how much mismanagement was going on, that it would be insane that that would be.
00:55:09 That would be what would happen, right?
00:55:17 You know, it's looking a little insane out there.
Speaker 4
00:55:19 I don't know.00:55:20 It's like it's starting to look like.
00:55:23 You know, I don't know, because I mean.00:55:25 It is intentional.
00:55:27 I don't think that all these fires that are happening at the meatpacking plants and that you know like that, that chicken, the egg place, which there's still no they still have a cause for why you know the the place that provided the country with what was it something like 3 million eggs a day.
00:55:42 Just burned down like there there there would there with no no reason.
00:55:46 Like they had no explanation as to like why that happened.
00:55:48 You had like, what was it like?
00:55:50 Was there, like a ******* airplane?
00:55:51 Ran it, ran into a meat packing plant like a month ago or something like that.
00:55:54 It just.
00:55:56 I don't think that meat packing plants and food processing places are burning down on a regular basis like this.
00:56:02 Like, I don't think it's one of those things.
00:56:05 Oh, you're just seeing it more because you're paying.
00:56:07 Attention now.
00:56:08 I don't know.
00:56:09 I kind of feel like if.
00:56:10 That was always.
00:56:10 Happening like that would be a problem, right?
00:56:14 So yeah, yeah, I would.
00:56:17 I would definitely stock up on stuff, but I've been saying that for years, so it doesn't really change anything.
00:56:25 My advice stays the same.
Speaker 4
00:56:27 And look, who knows? Maybe.Devon
00:56:30 You know, maybe it won't get to.00:56:31 Any kind of I think at the very at the very least we're we're probably going to see, they won't call it a depression, but we might, we might at the very least go through a bit of a depression.
00:56:45 My fat little ******** toe $25 was going to. What was this Frenchy word you're sending me? Core delaying to protest the literally Satanic family friendly pride event today, but my truck broke down and I spent the whole day tearing it apart and putting it back together.
00:57:04 Gay gay, opt and arrested at the event.
00:57:08 Oh yeah.
00:57:08 Patriot front front got arrested.
00:57:10 That's right.
00:57:12 God works in mysterious ways.
00:57:14 No magic boxes for me.
00:57:16 Yeah, I don't know.
00:57:17 What's going on with that?
00:57:18 Last I checked, all I saw was they were being detained.
00:57:23 They didn't have any real reason for it either other than, I mean they might be able to. I don't. Is it illegal to ride in the back of a U-Haul truck? Because that's what happened, right?
00:57:32 They got for those who are familiar with Patriot front, they're the guys that roll into somewhere in a U-Haul truck and then they file out of the back and do a quick protest, do a photo op, kind of a thing.
00:57:46 Thing and.
00:57:47 And then jump back in the back of their U-Haul truck and and drive off and.
00:57:52 And then all the all the magnetars, call them Feds and which I don't think they are I mean.
00:58:00 Are there feds among them?
00:58:01 Maybe, I don't know.
00:58:04 But those guys, those guys don't.
00:58:07 It's funny because their their excuse for them being feds is, oh, they're way too organized and and not dysgenic looking.
00:58:14 Like, oh, gross.
00:58:15 What is that?
00:58:17 What does that say about how you see?
00:58:19 Your side.
00:58:21 But really, moreover, it's not look all the all the big.
00:58:24 Time Maga, people that are like, oh, they're feds, feds.
00:58:26 Feds, feds. It's more.
00:58:27 Because they don't want you doing stuff like that.
00:58:30 They they they don't want you doing stuff like that.
00:58:33 Whether their feds or not, it doesn't matter.
00:58:35 They don't want you doing stuff like that.
00:58:38 So you know, so there's that.
00:58:43 Oh great.
00:58:43 Now the now the live chat window that has your super chats has just crashed.
Speaker 4
00:58:48 See, I think this this.Devon
00:58:50 Has got to.00:58:50 Be an odyssey thing.
00:58:53 I'm going to reload it.
00:58:57 Alright, it reloaded at least.
00:59:02 OK.
00:59:10 And actually I added some more.
00:59:12 More super chats I didn't see before, so I'm gonna start over again.
00:59:18 Colonial and Victor, $5 I hate hearing people cheer on acceleration without getting ready for the fall out. Can you get food, water, fuel from multiple sources miles away?
00:59:28 Does your community have proven reliable men and women to work well with each other or have contact with each other and other successful communities?
00:59:37 Look, there aren't.
00:59:38 We don't have like there's there are some communities most people do not have, myself included, really.
00:59:44 Like look, I've got family members who have different areas and and yeah, I've got food supplies that will last me over a year.
00:59:52 I've got communications equipment I've got.
00:59:55 You know, solar power and all.
00:59:57 That sort of stuff.
00:59:58 I think that's the most, most.
00:59:59 People can do like.
01:00:01 And most people can do that. Most people, and I've been saying this for like 5 years now. That shift's going to get bad and make sure you've got that year supply of food at least make sure you've got the communications. I did a whole video.
01:00:15 Back in the YouTube days about the coming civil War, I think it was even called the.
01:00:20 Coming civil war.
01:00:21 That that went over every little ******* thing.
01:00:24 Water is very important.
01:00:27 But yeah, I think most people, that's the most you can really hope to get establish.
01:00:33 UM, unfortunately the the reality is we're dealing with, we've got a lot of people who've spent their.
01:00:43 Most productive years.
01:00:46 Trying to be the alpha slave trying to be the the the, the corporate good boy that gets.
01:00:53 The promotions and and gets the the ability to get more and more in debt, you know to have more and more credit card debt, more and more expensive car payments, you know bigger and bigger mortgages and their fancier gated community house.
01:01:09 And so you've got people that are just *******.
01:01:12 Saddled with debt.
01:01:15 For most people, for a lot of.
01:01:17 People getting out of.
01:01:19 That is what they need to be focused on.
01:01:22 And if you do live in a rural area and you and you've lived there for a while, because that's the thing too, right?
01:01:28 If you've lived there for a while, you probably do have the community set up and you've and you've got, you know, family and stuff like that.
01:01:34 But then there's people like me, where I was a city boy for a really long time, and I went out to a a rural area and it takes time to to.
01:01:46 Figure out who's cool and who's not cool.
01:01:48 You know what I mean?
01:01:49 And it's it's not just as easy as you would think to.
01:01:53 Just sit there and and and come up with a community at the drop of a hat and you know.
01:02:00 And so it's I would focus more on just taking care of, you know, you and your family right now.
01:02:09 Making sure you've got the the food supplies, the water supplies the.
01:02:13 I mean check.
01:02:14 Out that video, it's on my odyssey.
01:02:16 It's on my bit shoot.
01:02:17 It's probably still on YouTube if you.
01:02:19 Want you know ammunition?
01:02:21 You know, all that stuff, all that good stuff and a lot of it you can be accomplished fairly cheaply and just start getting out of debt.
01:02:28 Get out of debt.
01:02:29 Get out of the ******* Usery system as as quickly as you possibly can.
01:02:34 Doesn't matter if you got a downsize.
01:02:35 Doesn't matter if your wife is going to ***** because you know you can't have fancy whatever.
01:02:40 But that's just the way that.
01:02:41 It is colonial and Victor another $5 for me. I don't see a way forward that professionalized institutions that can set up communities.
01:02:49 By pair up people the same values proven cohesion, with such communities being provided and supplies secured, yeah.
01:02:55 But like I said, like that's where that's I've said this before in previous streams that's that's.
01:03:02 That's we're far away from being able to achieve that, like in in in some if you can do that, great.
01:03:07 And some people will be able to do that if you're already well established in a.
01:03:13 Rural area.
01:03:14 You've already got your supplies.
01:03:15 You've already got a little bit.
01:03:16 You know you have connections, you know, people, stuff like that.
01:03:19 Hey, that's great.
01:03:20 A lot of people aren't in that situation.
01:03:22 A lot of people are ******* working for the man.
01:03:24 Still, a lot of people have been trying to delay having to do that because it sounds scary like having to go out to the OR or.
01:03:31 Or maybe they think they can't.
01:03:32 Like, oh, well, if I go out into a rural area, how am I going to make money and and you know, that's a good question for a lot of people, you know, and maybe have and some of these people haven't really quite taken it as seriously until maybe recently so.
01:03:47 But here's the other thing too.
01:03:48 Is even if we were going to be doing some kind of.
01:03:54 Network like you're talking about, we certainly wouldn't be doing it publicly.
01:03:57 You know it wouldn't be.
01:03:58 Something we'd be advertising.
01:04:00 Harmless. Gee, have you?
01:04:01 Thought about reviewing?
01:04:02 More or did that one?
01:04:07 I already did that one already did that one.
01:04:10 Alright, that one.
01:04:14 Already did that one.
01:04:17 Beach Boys $5. It's sitting there doing January 6th hearings during Pride Month because it's so gay.
01:04:26 Man before time $1.00 Happy Pride Month, Happy Pride month indeed.
01:04:32 Based race mixer.
01:04:34 In fact, since we.
01:04:36 As we did a happy Pride month.
Speaker 3
01:04:40 It's much, much worse.Speaker 1
01:04:44 John me show you.Devon
01:04:56 Little big goody.01:04:57 All right.
01:05:02 Based race mixer $1.00. I live in Vegas. Yes, the heat is crazy, but I'm still growing tomatoes, eggplant, zucchini, squashes. It can be done, guys. Everything but or everything but even.
01:05:16 Everything, but even here.
01:05:19 It's possible.
01:05:21 People get out and grow.
01:05:23 That last sentence is a.
01:05:24 Little messy, but yeah, there's there's.
01:05:28 In fact there's a YouTube channel where the guy is in Vegas and he has a backyard garden where he's, I think, growing all of his food.
01:05:36 And he lives in like, one of these Mcmansion areas with the, you know, the cinder block walls that look like every.
01:05:43 Southwestern City with, you know, the the tile, roof, stucco houses that all have the the ******* brick walls between.
01:05:50 Bring them.
01:05:51 Uh, yeah, you can.
01:05:52 Grow lots of stuff in Vegas until the water runs out.
01:05:58 Beach Boys, $5 wearing my dancing. It's really shirt. Tomorrow the shirt should be fun. Yeah, well, that's.
01:06:06 That's awesome.
01:06:08 Let me know how that works out.
01:06:10 Simbi $5, I've decided to sponsor earlier comment from man before time quote if I could go back in time, I would warn Nicolas Jar of the Bolsheviks and Tell Germany to take all the British prisoners at Dunkirk.
01:06:25 There you go.
01:06:27 Cringe panda.
01:06:28 It's hard for the right to protest because now people can get arrested for a tire they arrested Patriot front today for conspiracy to riot, and everyone dressed like a Best Buy employee got handcuffed.
01:06:40 Yet a ****** marched nearly naked in front of kids in DC and didn't get arrested.
01:06:46 We all know how this is going.
01:06:48 I've been warning about the the the shift in culture, you might say.
01:06:54 In the federal government and the intelligence agencies and just the even local law enforcement, same thing.
01:07:01 It's the global **** is the tentacles are long and intertwined.
01:07:08 So yeah, it's it's increasingly more dangerous.
01:07:12 Even just to.
01:07:13 Show up in.
01:07:13 It you all truck and March around.
01:07:17 My cute little friend $5. The reason why Jews are so successful in the West because they can easily blend in.
01:07:24 That's why they don't have any power in Asia.
01:07:26 Well, they have power in Asia, just not quite the same amount of power or the same kind.
01:07:30 Of power in Asia.
01:07:32 And yeah, that is.
01:07:33 A major, major, major problem because there's so many people that, especially in a country like America where there's not.
01:07:44 I mean, there's American last names.
01:07:47 But Americans are so used to just weird last names, myself included it.
01:07:52 It didn't really.
01:07:54 It it didn't trigger anything in my head it didn't.
01:07:57 I didn't categorize people unless they, you know, unless it was like super Jewish sounding last name.
01:08:02 Like, you know, Shekel Stein or something like that.
01:08:04 Even then, you wouldn't.
01:08:06 Really think about it right.
01:08:08 Because just everyone had random last names.
01:08:11 It seemed like, and if if they looked.
01:08:16 And that's the thing too, right?
01:08:17 Because there's a lot of different kinds of white Europeans in America.
01:08:23 Then there's a lot of variation, and because so many of the actors and entertainers on television have been Jewish for like the last 100 years, it makes Jewish people seem like normal because they look ohh.
01:08:37 You look like you know half the people on TV.
01:08:41 So why?
01:08:41 Why would why would my brain recognize this as in fact, if anything, it might even be you might associate it with the high status.
01:08:50 Well, you look like the people on TV.
01:08:54 So you know, there's that.
01:08:58 Polar $1.00.
01:09:00 Have you contacted Starlink?
01:09:02 Your hardware is likely having issues.
01:09:03 No, it's not the hardware.
01:09:05 You doing Wi-Fi?
01:09:07 Nope, not doing Wi-Fi.
01:09:08 Got the Ethernet adapter.
01:09:10 Could be an issue.
01:09:11 Nope, Nope.
01:09:12 I and I.
01:09:13 Yeah, this isn't normal. Like I said, it's according to the Starlink, everything's fine. I don't think it's Starlin.
01:09:23 Everything looks you know I have latency jumps that go up from time to time but.
01:09:29 The you get an idea of the Max latency I've had has been 99 milliseconds, which is not great, but that shouldn't disconnect you.
01:09:41 And I haven't had any disconnects in the.
01:09:43 Last 12.
01:09:44 According to this, so these disconnects and I haven't changed.
01:09:48 Any of my settings?
01:09:49 On OBS, all of my settings are exactly.
01:09:52 The same as they were.
01:09:54 The last stream where it wasn't doing this.
01:09:57 And so I just have to assume there's something up with Odyssey, but I don't know.
01:10:03 Polar Post Mates is owned by Uber, right?
01:10:06 No, you shouldn't be using Uber.
01:10:07 Uber Uber has banned people that were just alt light.
01:10:12 But you know.
Speaker 4
01:10:17 It at this point every company.Devon
01:10:20 Is paused every company.01:10:24 Every company.
01:10:26 And so you should.
Speaker 4
01:10:27 Just try to avoid.Devon
01:10:29 Global home corporations as much as possible.01:10:31 I mean, look, it's.
01:10:31 Not I get it like you can't 100%.
01:10:36 Cut them out, but you should at least begin the process.
01:10:38 Of doing that.
01:10:41 My cute little friend or fiend, I guess $5, by the way. Have you read? Gone with the wind?
01:10:48 The book is actually based the history of KKK and creation of Democratic Party are all included in that book.
Speaker 4
01:10:55 No, I've never read.Devon
01:10:56 The book I've seen the movie.01:10:58 Which obviously it's as long as it is doesn't have.
01:11:02 Detail this I think the books quite long.
01:11:06 But I have not read the book.
01:11:09 After Matt Kalashnikova, I hope monkeypox.
01:11:12 Kills them all. $2.00. All right, well.
01:11:17 Monkeypox is is.
01:11:19 Isn't it being transmitted via **** *** so.
01:11:25 Right.
01:11:25 I mean, right that weren't they saying that like that that they, that pride parade was a super spreader event and all getting monkey pox on their ********?
01:11:34 So I mean, they said AIDS came from monkeys too, and maybe who knows?
01:11:39 Fingers crossed, right?
01:11:42 Poor $1.00 the gay.
01:11:43 Ads are so companies don't lose ESG scores if their score drops.
01:11:47 Black Rock, Vanguard, et cetera, Pull money base.
01:11:49 Don the drop.
01:11:52 So what you're talking about is they have the, the, the, the gauge organizations give a company.
01:11:59 It doesn't look, which doesn't excuse what they're doing doesn't make them less shitball like, but yeah, this is this is how global globalist.
01:12:10 People with global agendas.
01:12:12 This is how they enforce the.
01:12:13 Agenda and what they do is they have nonprofits that are run by gay Jews in this case, and in many cases that score your corporation based on how much it's donating to gay causes and how much it's promoting trans kids.
01:12:32 And like for real.
01:12:33 And based on that score it it's kind of like a credit rating.
01:12:40 So, you know, companies are more than happy to invest the money in promoting trans kids because that's what.
01:12:49 They care about.
01:12:52 After Matt Kalashnikova $2.00 ******** everywhere, they won't stop until everyone has been sodomized since the sodomites trying to rape angels in the Book of Genesis.
01:13:02 That's right.
01:13:03 That's right.
01:13:04 The sodomites were just trying to rape everybody.
01:13:08 And that's the other thing you got to think about.
01:13:10 Remember, people keep saying like, well, how bad is it going to get?
01:13:12 Like it's pretty.
01:13:13 Bad now like if if.
Speaker 4
01:13:16 You want to use.Devon
01:13:18 Sodom and Gomorrah as a measuring stick.01:13:20 They were just literally ******.
01:13:22 People in the streets and it was no.
01:13:23 Big deal.
01:13:25 Like that's how bad, I guess.
01:13:28 Retired Faggit $1.00 take my money before you leave. Thank you for your hard work. I'll appreciate it. Sorry, it's.
01:13:36 Sorry, it's kind of ****** tonight.
01:13:39 This is.
01:13:41 I don't think it hasn't disconnected.
01:13:43 In a little bit.
01:13:45 You know, at least, uh, I turned the the sound off so I wouldn't have to ******* keep hearing that that noise.
01:13:51 But I haven't seen a little notification pop up that it's disconnected again.
01:13:56 But uh, we'll see.
01:13:59 Cringe Panda absolutely do.
01:14:02 Watch Season 2 of Mind Hunter the latter half episodes deal with.
01:14:07 Wayne Williams of Atlanta's murdered and missing. It's only 9 episodes, but really good other than the character Ed.
01:14:17 My favorite parts involved Berkowitz, Manson, Wayne Williams, best of all, it's entertaining.
01:14:26 Not the I don't.
01:14:28 Not sure what you're talking about.
01:14:29 I'll have.
01:14:29 To look that up.
01:14:33 Dan Ross $1.00 cringes pretty.
01:14:38 Well, got Dan Ross Simping for cringe panda.
01:14:42 Maybe you guys can get together and make some white babies.
01:14:47 Well, I mean.
01:14:48 Not yet.
01:14:49 In a few years.
Speaker 3
01:14:52 Zach $1.00.Devon
01:14:54 Try a test stream on
01:15:03 I've never even heard of Shing TV.
01:15:05 I don't know if I want to.
01:15:05 Go to
01:15:09 Get in touch with Rob Colbert or Colbert.
01:15:11 I don't know on gab if you want to.
01:15:13 Know about it? It's his platform,
01:15:17 I don't know. I'll, I'll.
01:15:20 I'm going to I'm going to message the odyssey guys.
01:15:24 I mean, I had an e-mail in to him.
01:15:25 I thought they were going to because I told him, like, hey, look, I'm getting.
01:15:29 That was a couple weeks.
01:15:30 They never responded.
01:15:31 I don't.
01:15:33 It's a little frustrating cause like when I first got went to Odyssey, they wanted to, they wanted to pay me, they wanted to pay me to, to be exclusive on the on the platform.
01:15:42 I never responded to it because I didn't want to.
01:15:45 Well, for two reasons.
01:15:46 One I didn't.
01:15:47 I don't want to be like paid that.
01:15:48 You know that I don't.
01:15:49 I don't like that, but the other thing is I kind of figured you're saying that now, but wait till I start streaming.
01:15:55 And hear me.
01:15:56 You might.
01:15:57 You might not want to be associated with me anymore, and I kind of think that might have been what happened.
01:16:04 Like they saw my big subscriber account.
01:16:07 Like when I when I merged my YouTube channel onto Odyssey, I think that's what they were looking at.
01:16:12 They're like, oh, look, this guy, he's got like, all kinds of ******* subscribers.
01:16:16 Let's get this guy on board.
01:16:18 And that, like not knowing really who I was.
01:16:24 And yeah, and now I think they know who I am.
01:16:26 So I'm not really a priority anymore.
Speaker 3
01:16:32 Like look I I.Devon
01:16:34 I don't know.01:16:35 I mean, look, I.
01:16:35 Don't think.
01:16:36 That the Odyssey guys are are like our guys, but I don't think they're bad either.
01:16:41 You know, I think they're.
01:16:42 I my sense I get the.
01:16:44 Sense of they're libertarian.
01:16:45 But I don't, I don't know.
01:16:48 Based race mixer $1.00. We'll catch the replay. It's all.
01:16:51 Good. Yeah. Well, we'll.
01:16:53 Have to see.
01:16:54 Let's look.
01:16:54 It's still.
01:16:57 It's still connected, at least for right?
01:16:58 Now I don't know.
01:17:02 It might just see here it might have just been.
01:17:06 I don't know what it might have been, actually I don't know cause on my side it's it looks like it's all working.
01:17:15 I gotta Scroll down.Devon
01:17:15 Because it up, that's another thing that I told a lot of seed effects.01:17:18 That they.
01:17:18 Haven't fixed where it's.
01:17:24 ***** up the the page.
01:17:25 Every time someone sends in a new one.
01:17:30 Based race mixer give your Internet a bottom burger.
01:17:33 Yeah, so one of the ones one of the ads I didn't cover was was Burger King.
01:17:39 But you know, it's just more of the same, more ******** from Burger King.
01:17:43 They're all, like I said, every single one of them.
01:17:44 They're all they're.
01:17:45 All promoting this ****.
01:17:47 Poll $1.00 it skips when you play a video. Could be obs. I don't think it's obs because I'm not playing videos with OBS.
01:17:57 I mean it.
01:17:57 Could be BS I guess. I mean that there's no way for me to know, but I'm not playing videos of OBS I'm I'm playing videos with another program that it's capturing the window of.
01:18:10 So it shouldn't matter because OS is capturing that window whether I'm playing a video or.
01:18:14 Not you know what?
01:18:15 I mean, so I don't know why that would disconnect my connection.
01:18:22 But who knows?
01:18:24 I did start having more problems after updating OBS a few weeks ago, so maybe I can go back to an older version.
01:18:32 I knew I should have updated just because there's.
01:18:34 A couple of things that don't work as well since I updated, but you know I don't know that that's I don't.
01:18:39 Know that's the problem.
01:18:42 Cringe panda.
01:18:42 When you just speak against the.
01:18:45 You don't skip or loop, but when you play a video the whole thing dies.
01:18:49 Yeah, like I said, I.
01:18:50 I don't know why that would be.
01:18:54 Again it it.
01:18:56 From a technical standpoint, as far as OBS is concerned, nothing's changing. You know what I mean? Like it should be exactly the same. I don't know why that would disconnect.
Speaker 4
01:19:10 Or why that have?Devon
01:19:10 Anything to do with the network?01:19:12 You know what I mean?
01:19:14 Like I don't know why the network.
01:19:16 Would have.
01:19:18 A dropout.
01:19:19 I mean obviously there's more bandwidth when you're playing a video.
01:19:23 But it's.
01:19:26 It it's it's set up to where that should just it should lower the quality.
01:19:30 Of the of the stream and and disconnecting is.
01:19:36 I don't know.
01:19:36 I don't know.
01:19:37 I'll play around with stuff.
01:19:38 I mean, I I did a whole stream a couple weeks ago with you guys trying to get it straightened out.
01:19:43 It worked fine.
01:19:44 I was playing videos like crazy.
01:19:46 I was playing all kinds of stuff.
01:19:48 And it was working just fine and I haven't updated anything since then like OBS the same version as it was then last stream.
01:19:56 It was relatively good actually.
01:19:57 In fact, last couple of streams it was relatively good.
01:19:59 I haven't made any changes.
01:20:00 I was playing videos during those streams.
01:20:02 That was fine.
01:20:04 So you know what I mean?
01:20:06 It's I don't know what I I don't know what what it could be.
01:20:11 Pull $1.00 to the chat. The unbearable weight of massive talent with Nick Cage is solid. No LGBT stuff, low bar, but solid.
01:20:24 Yeah, I haven't seen that.
01:20:28 I saw like a preview.
01:20:29 For it, but I haven't seen that.
01:20:31 Damn Bigfoot $1.00. Sorry if you already played it, but did you find that Michael Jackson Wiz joke from last stream?
01:20:39 Oh no, I.
Speaker 4
01:20:42 It wasn't even.Devon
01:20:43 Like, let's see what?01:20:44 Let's see.
01:20:45 I don't know.
01:20:46 I I.
01:20:48 I forgot to look for that.
01:20:49 I don't want to do the same thing where I'm just, like looking around on ******* endless meme.
01:20:52 Like I have a folder that goes back years and years and years.
01:20:58 And it just there was a there was a.
01:21:01 Very racist meme.
01:21:08 That really, really, really reminded me of the Wiz.
01:21:14 And I just don't know that.
01:21:17 I don't think I'm going to be able to find it.
01:21:18 I mean, I'll, I'll.
01:21:20 Scan through it real quick, but I don't think it's.
01:21:24 I'm gonna.
01:21:24 I'm not gonna stay here looking forever like I did last dream.
01:21:29 Remind me next stream.
01:21:30 I'll try to get it ready for next.
01:21:31 I just want to get.
01:21:33 Kind of want to get this one shut down.
01:21:35 I mean, it hasn't disconnected now for a while.
01:21:39 Maybe whatever was ******* up.
01:21:40 Like, good thing it was ******* up during, like, the actual show part of the show.
01:21:47 I mean, not that this isn't part of the show, but you know, I mean like I had.
01:21:49 I had a lot.
01:21:50 Of stuff prepared and it totally ruined my whole rhythm and everything and.
01:21:55 ****** ** my whole.
01:21:58 My whole flamethrower bit I was gonna do and it just everything got all ****** ** and.
01:22:04 Really ****** me off.
01:22:07 Oh, you know, for those of you guys, the cactus pill guys out there, if you guys remember last cactus pill, the one that where I was, I planted part of that Peruvian apple cactus and I was like, oh, I don't know if this will take because.
01:22:22 Because you know, it's got like, these black spots on order.
01:22:25 It's it's.
01:22:25 Rooted and growing.
01:22:27 The other two cactus bits that I dropped in the ground are are finally.
01:22:32 Growing, I mean, they're struggling because the heat like it.
01:22:35 That's how hot it is right here.
01:22:37 It's so hot out here that the heat is.
01:22:41 Is killing the cactuses.
01:22:43 Like they they are not.
01:22:45 They're not.
01:22:45 They're not looking super healthy and they're not like.
01:22:48 You know, they're not as bad as like a lot of plants that wouldn't make it.
01:22:51 Out here, but they are not looking awesome, but they've all all, all the ones that we.
01:22:58 That we, we.
01:22:59 Rooted are are doing great.
01:23:00 I was going to do like a little.
01:23:01 Update video for that.
01:23:03 Bees are not enjoying the heat.
01:23:05 They are not looking too happy.
01:23:07 I I think they're going to survive, but they're not looking.
01:23:10 They're not looking so great.
01:23:12 Yeah, I can't find it.
01:23:15 I'll, I'll.
01:23:16 I'll try to get that for next stream.
01:23:23 My Croft wins $100. Wow for the buffer troubles.
01:23:28 Well, wait, I I not that I appreciate it.
01:23:31 That's awesome.
01:23:31 But you're you're.
01:23:34 You're tipping me more because it's a ****** broadcast.
01:23:38 I should have buffer problems more often.
01:23:43 No, I really appreciate that though.
01:23:44 Look at that, that might help me.
01:23:45 Who knows, maybe we can have a.
01:23:48 A backup Internet.
01:23:50 Really what I.
01:23:50 Got to do is I have to find if.
01:23:52 I could find really what would be helpful if I could find even just like an LTE 4G hotspot Internet connection, which is what I was using before when we were broadcasting later at night.
01:24:05 And it would.
01:24:05 Work way more often.
01:24:07 By the way, I just had to wait till midnight because I was throttled until midnight.
01:24:12 If I could find like a actual business hotspot that wasn't $500 because the the the cost of those ******* things, it's so ridiculous. They want like 500 bucks.
01:24:24 A month or.
01:24:25 Maybe it's not quite that much.
01:24:26 But it was a lot.
01:24:28 For business where you don't get throttled.
01:24:31 Where you have where you really have unlimited like all the unlimited plans, like pretty much everyone's unlimited plan is like unlimited.
01:24:38 Unless you use it.
01:24:40 And then you get throttled.
01:24:41 You get put to the back of.
01:24:42 The line and it's 2G like 56 K modem speeds, which is what would happen, right?
01:24:47 In fact, it was worse when I first got that my hot spot to do it.
01:24:51 It worked great for.
01:24:52 Two months, because that's the other thing they do.
01:24:54 They don't ****.
01:24:55 With it for two months.
01:24:56 So you're like, oh, this is good.
01:24:57 I like this and then after you've had it for two months.
01:25:00 You use up two gigs like it's something stupid like that stupid low.
Speaker 4
01:25:05 You, you. You.Devon
01:25:05 Watch, you know, two YouTube videos you are you're you've used up all your all your bandwidth for a month.01:25:13 Now it's all it should ask.
01:25:15 Slow until midnight.
01:25:17 And then and then it should have slow again starting at 7:00 in the morning. But yeah, you have that 7 hours middle.
01:25:23 Of night. That's.
01:25:23 What I was trying.
01:25:24 To avoid and, I thought Starlink would fix.
01:25:29 Just because I didn't want to.
01:25:31 Have like the the worst sleep schedule of all time.
01:25:34 It was killing me slowly.
01:25:39 But you know, I'll look, I'll look for another hot spot if Starling's not going to.
01:25:44 Do it.
01:25:46 I haven't been super impressed with the upload speeds anyway, you know like when I upload the recordings to bit shoot after I do a string it it takes.
01:25:56 About as long as it did when I was on 4G, like the upload speeds are not that great on Starling, which is I would I I kind of suspect that that would be the case cause it's satellite and that's?
01:26:06 That's always been the the drawback of satellite.
01:26:10 But thank you very much.
01:26:11 Mike Croft wins based race mixer Gab TV.
01:26:17 I have never had gab TV work smoothly for me when I'm just trying to watch it.
01:26:22 Maybe it's better now.
01:26:24 It's been a while since I've looked at stuff on GAP TV, I don't know.
01:26:29 If I don't think I've ever been, I've no I don't know if I've ever watched a stream on Gab TV, so maybe I could take a look at that play.
01:26:37 Around with it.
01:26:37 I don't know.
01:26:39 This gab TV, have, you know, like super chats and stuff like that?
01:26:43 I don't know.
01:26:44 I don't know.
01:26:45 Last time I looked at GAP TV, it just seemed kind of buggy.
01:26:47 And so I didn't really.
01:26:50 You know, look into it much more.
01:26:52 Than what I did.
01:26:54 Dan Bigfoot $1.00 what are your thoughts on those pre made survival food buckets, Mountain houses, king, but crazy expensive?
01:27:04 Yeah, they are really expensive.
01:27:06 I have a couple of those.
01:27:07 I don't know if it's Mountain House, but I have a couple of those freeze dried buckets and you know.
01:27:15 The it's it is super expensive.
01:27:17 Look, if you've got all the money in the world freeze dried is the way to go because it'll last a really long ******* time and you just add water and away you go.
01:27:25 Right?
01:27:25 It's lightweight.
01:27:29 So let's if you got all the money.
01:27:31 In the world?
01:27:31 Sure, if you don't.
01:27:34 Just trying to think about calories and and you know.
01:27:39 Get peanut butter.
01:27:41 Get bags of sugar.
01:27:43 Get bags of rice.
01:27:44 Bags of beans.
01:27:46 Canned foods.
01:27:47 I was saying, like Spaghettios.
01:27:48 You know something that's got like maybe some meat and some carbs in it.
01:27:51 That's still like a buck of can although.
01:27:52 That's getting all that stuff's going up.
01:27:54 In price too.
01:27:55 The generic stuff where I am used to be 79.
01:28:00 Cents A can.
01:28:02 And the name brand.
01:28:03 Stuff was like a dollar A.
01:28:04 Can and now the generic stuff.
01:28:06 Is over over a dollar.
01:28:08 Now it's like $1.25 and I think the name brand stuff is like $1.50.
01:28:13 Or I mean it.
01:28:13 It went up significantly in just in the in the last year or so.
01:28:18 So you know, if you want to do it cheap, big believer in.
01:28:23 Peanut butter, big believer and rice and beans.
01:28:27 Big believer in canned food and if you want to get, I've also talked about it, you know, getting those getting expired protein bars.
01:28:37 Now protein will degrade.
01:28:39 They're usually packed in those mylar packages.
01:28:42 I would still freeze them.
01:28:44 I'd throw them in the freezer if you got them just because.
01:28:47 Protein will degrade overtime, but those usually are.
01:28:51 You can get like a big box of them for really cheap and they usually have.
01:28:58 They're usually pretty high calorie.
01:28:59 You know what I mean?
01:29:00 And they're compact.
01:29:01 You can throw them in a in a go bag or something like that and.
01:29:04 Throw them in the freezer.
01:29:07 So that's that's.
01:29:08 That's what I that there's the cheap.
01:29:09 Options I've done.
01:29:11 But if you want to.
01:29:12 Get those big expensive ones and you got the money for it.
01:29:14 Go for it.
01:29:16 Soy pills $150.00 look at look at these big the deep pockets coming out tonight. I I should have Internet problems more often.
01:29:25 I logged in right as you said, you might not upload the replay.
01:29:29 Devin, please.
01:29:30 No, it's not going to be that good man.
01:29:34 I was sitting there.
01:29:35 I was, I I had it all planned out.
01:29:37 And then I'm sitting there like.
01:29:38 Trying to go through the clips and it's just like.
Speaker 3
01:29:40 Burr, Burr, Burr.Devon
01:29:45 Reconnect and it's like what are you supposed to do about that?01:29:48 It's almost like you're imagine you, you know, you go up on stage and.
01:29:54 To talk to a crowd, and they keep turning off the lights and then they keep turning on the fire like the fire.
01:30:01 Arm and you're just supposed to just keep going, right? Like nothing's happening.
01:30:07 Because that that's how it feels like.
01:30:09 You're just sitting here, like, talking.
01:30:10 And you know, like.
01:30:12 I'm talking to nobody right now.
01:30:14 Ohh, now I'm talking to people.
01:30:16 Now I'm talking to nobody.
01:30:19 Now, yeah, and it just and then you get.
Speaker 4
01:30:21 The noise going bear, bear, bear, bear, bear, bear.Devon
01:30:24 You know, just like what the ****.01:30:30 So I my whole rhythm for that, that part was.
01:30:35 ******* Jay.
01:30:36 It was going to.
Speaker 3
01:30:36 Be so much funnier.Devon
01:30:39 Some I I had my had the flamethrower.01:30:43 Now watch, this is going to disconnect me, right?
01:30:50 How did I do the flame?
01:30:51 Did I?
01:30:51 Do the flamethrower audio on.
01:30:54 Ohh, you know, that's what it was.
01:31:08 So I have the flamethrower stuff.
01:31:16 I don't know.
01:31:17 I don't know.
01:31:18 And ****** with the whole.
01:31:20 We'll see.
01:31:20 I mean, yeah, whatever.
01:31:22 I'll, I'll, I'll leave the reply on, but it just.
01:31:28 And sure enough, disconnect, reconnect just now.
01:31:38 Disconnect, reconnect.
01:31:43 Let me see if.
01:31:44 I can make any real time changes.
01:31:48 As it's disconnecting and reconnecting.
01:31:56 I just changed the.
01:31:59 The key frame.
01:32:02 Duration to two seconds instead of auto.
01:32:08 Alright, let's see here.
01:32:15 $5. Wait, isn't that aren't you the one that did the the the degenerate postmaster? Isn't that what it's called, right?
01:32:22 Isn't that this stuff the?
01:32:25 The ****** ** gay commercial stuff.
01:32:29 What's this? What's this called?
01:32:36 Post mates.
01:32:37 OK OK.
01:32:39 Instead to make sure said to make sure I wasn't talking to.
01:32:44 To the gay brigade.
01:32:45 Not not that I think that.
01:32:47 You own a a a global.
01:32:49 Home company.
01:32:49 But you never can tell.
01:32:52 I'm considering accepting the Holocaust if.
01:32:54 You get a new router.
01:32:56 Accepting the new Holocaust, accepting the Holocaust?
01:33:00 Well, I don't need a new router.
01:33:01 It's I don't.
01:33:02 Have a router.
01:33:04 It's it's the motive.
01:33:05 This is what I'm saying.
01:33:06 There's no there's no failure points.
01:33:09 I'm connected directly from this computer.
01:33:13 There's no there's no router, there's no Wi-Fi, there's nothing.
01:33:16 It's direct connected to the Starlink.
01:33:20 So and according and I and I can load up a status page.
01:33:26 On the app.
01:33:28 And it's accurate in real time because usually when you have problems you'll be like, oh, that's where you can see it.
01:33:35 You can see like where it dropped off, right?
01:33:39 There's no drop offs.
01:33:41 There's no outages whatsoever in the last 12.
01:33:46 So for the last 12 hours.
01:33:49 It has been in in.
01:33:50 The past when we've had these problems.
01:33:53 This graph shows outages.
01:33:55 Usually you know and there's been zero, so I don't think it's.
01:33:59 I don't think it's anything like that, but who knows who ******* knows, right?
01:34:05 You'd think that having Internet would be easy.
01:34:08 But it's not.
01:34:12 Cringe Panda $1.00 what? What's your verdict on the Michael Jackson situation? In your opinion, was he really a pedophile or just lacked any sort of real self-awareness?
01:34:22 I always thought he was guilty because of the documentary I saw years ago, but after watching the Jacksons.
01:34:29 I wonder if he got if he just didn't have a childhood.
01:34:34 I think both.
01:34:37 I think he was a weirdo and.
01:34:41 And he didn't have a childhood, and he was probably a pedo.
01:34:45 Yeah, I think it's bull.
01:34:48 Cringe panda.
01:34:49 Every one of those music superstars that a father who beat the stuffing out of their kids.
01:34:54 Johnny Cash's dad told him he lost the wrong son, and when Johnny was arrested, all that his dad had to say was now you can stop trying so hard to pretend you ever been in jail.
01:35:08 No, they all have.
01:35:10 And it's not just performers.
01:35:12 You know, most of these like, well, like Tiger Woods dead, you know, stuff like that, like most of.
01:35:16 These these famous people have insane parents.
01:35:20 And I guess were politicians too.
01:35:23 Look at how the Rockefeller is dealt with their kids.
01:35:25 There's lots of horrific stories about about that, their interactions.
01:35:29 Damn big foot, $3. Appreciate that. Would you ever do a deep dive into those survival shows where it's man versus woman?
01:35:36 The feminists were ****** at bear grills like whatever his last name is.
01:35:43 I think that's like the British guy.
01:35:46 Uh, I mean, I don't know.
01:35:49 I don't know I.
01:35:50 Don't know if that's really worth it.
01:35:52 You shouldn't be watching reality TV, you know?
01:35:55 Like, I feel like that should go without saying, you know, it's like.
01:35:58 The anime stuff.
01:35:59 It's like it's reality TV.
01:36:01 It's of.
Speaker 3
01:36:02 Course it's mind garbage, you know.Devon
01:36:06 And usually those survival guys, they don't even.01:36:08 They're not even spending the.
01:36:09 Night in the woods.
01:36:12 Often times when they're shooting that stuff, they're staying at a hotel.
01:36:17 And they're just going out and shooting in the woods and pretending to do the survival stuff.
01:36:22 So much of that is.
01:36:24 Reality TV is the furthest thing from reality.
01:36:28 And especially if there's a game show component to it, it's it's all scripted, it's all fake, super fake.
01:36:35 So I don't know, I just see it as like.
01:36:39 Mine garbage, no matter what it is, I can't think of any.
01:36:43 I can't think of any reality TV show that's not garbage.
01:36:47 You know, whether it's about survival or whatever, it just, it's just my, you know what I Speaking of which.
01:36:55 It reminds me of I kind of talked about this where you.
01:36:59 Know one of the younger people have become spectators.
01:37:03 I think that started with reality TV.
01:37:06 I think what happened was you had a lot of people who would watch reality TV shows instead of participating in life.
01:37:14 They would just watch other people.
01:37:16 And you know, it's all pretend.
01:37:18 And like I said, scripted and and whatever, but they're sitting there watching it and.
01:37:25 That's it's like a supplement.
01:37:27 It's like a supplement for their boring aspect.
01:37:29 In life and it's gone so downhill, it's gone so downhill from from even just like the real world. You know, MTV's real world, like, which was ****, it was, that was cancer.
01:37:42 But now it's even worse and it's gone even further.
01:37:45 There's there's all right, so the YouTube algorithm keeps pushing these channels, these videos at me, that it's all it is.
01:37:56 It's a guy.
01:37:58 Well, actually, here's the weird thing.
01:37:59 There's like multiple of these channels and they all have millions of of of views and hundreds of thousands of sometimes millions of subscribers.
01:38:08 And there's there's, like I said, there's multiple channels.
01:38:11 There's at least four of these.
01:38:12 Where the channel is, it's a guy who mows people's lawns.
01:38:20 Like you, you want you.
01:38:22 That's what you want?
01:38:23 Someone mow a lawn.
01:38:26 Like, that's the whole channel.
01:38:28 Now I can I can see like, OK, because the premise is, oh, I have like this this contracting company where I go and I I you know do yard work and stuff like that and I see a yard that's all ****** ** and I know oh they're probably poor and they can't take care.
01:38:44 Of it so.
01:38:44 I'm going to do a good deed.
01:38:46 I'm going to go to their house and I'm going to tell them I'm going to.
01:38:50 I'm going to do your yard work for free.
01:38:52 And and that's I could see like one video like that being viral like.
01:38:57 Ohh isn't that nice?
01:38:58 He did a good deed.
01:39:00 He went to the old lady who can't take care of her yard, and he told her that he was going to mow her lawn and trim all of her bushes back and all this other stuff and, you know, shoot video of them doing it.
01:39:11 And and he didn't take any money.
01:39:13 We're doing and ohh that's nice.
01:39:14 How that's that's heartwarming.
01:39:16 That's that's wholesome.
Speaker 4
01:39:21 But that's not what it.01:39:22 I mean, that's what it is like.
01:39:24 But it's like that over.01:39:26 And over and over again.
01:39:28 Like every one of these channels.
Speaker 4
01:39:32 They have the exact same.Devon
01:39:35 Everything like it's the same camera angles, I mean, it's how interesting can you make it?01:39:39 I mean, you're watching a guy mow a lawn.
01:39:42 And so every, like I said, there's like 5 channels, five different channels at least, probably more with five, five different guys who do the exact same thing.
01:39:52 They show you footage of, like, oh, look at this.
01:39:55 Look at this house.
01:39:56 It's all overgrown.
01:39:57 It's like, like bushes everywhere.
01:40:00 And the grass is long.
01:40:02 Well, I'm gonna. I'm gonna.
01:40:03 Mow the lawn for him and and I'm not going to charge him a dime.
01:40:08 And then they then it's like in these episodes, like these videos on YouTube, they're like 20 minutes or longer.
01:40:16 And it's just a guy mowing the lawn.
01:40:21 For like an hour.
01:40:23 It's like an hour of a guy mowing the.
01:40:25 Lawn and trimming bushes.
01:40:30 And they get.
01:40:32 Like half a million views, these videos, like every one of those channels, it's not just like, oh, I'm sure there's like the one that's like, oh, he's the.
01:40:38 OG one right.
01:40:39 He's the OG lawnmower guy.
Speaker 4
01:40:42 But it's.Speaker 3
01:40:44 It's like.01:40:46 There's such a demand for this.
01:40:49 Why is there a demand for this?
01:40:51 Why are people thirsty for guys mowing lawns?
01:40:59 Like that's that's.01:41:01 And that's not to mention like all the channels of like people eating food.
01:41:09 People are just they're, they're devolving, they're just turning into *******.
01:41:13 Spectators like you.
Speaker 3
01:41:18 Imagine like.01:41:21 Watching an hour.
01:41:24 And don't don't act like some of you guys.
Speaker 4
01:41:25 Haven't done it.Devon
01:41:27 I know some of you people listening.01:41:28 You've done it.
01:41:29 I know you've sat and watched this month.
01:41:31 Look, I did it once.
Speaker 4
01:41:33 Because I was like, oh, what's this?01:41:35 Oh, that was nice of him.
01:41:38 But then it was like.01:41:38 Because I watched the one.
01:41:41 Now, like YouTube's like. Oh, good. Finally something racist that Devin likes.
Speaker 3
01:41:46 Or something.01:41:47 Something not racist here.
01:41:48 You go look.
Speaker 4
01:41:50 Watch this.Devon
01:41:53 We know you hate Jordan Peterson.01:41:54 We tried to shove that down your throat and you weren't doing that, but look more lawn mowing.
Speaker 3
01:41:59 Ohh look lawn mowing you like lawn mowing.Devon
01:42:06 So don't act like you guys haven't watched.01:42:08 At least one of.
01:42:08 These videos, but I guarantee there's.
01:42:10 People are listening to my voice.
01:42:11 Right now that they watch them all the time.
Speaker 3
01:42:15 What the ****?01:42:17 What the ****?
01:42:21 But that's just the way it is.01:42:22 We're we're just at.
01:42:23 A level.
01:42:23 Of of I mean, I don't even know what to call that.
01:42:27 It's not voyeurism.
01:42:31 Yeah, yeah.
01:42:32 I mean, I don't know what to call it.
01:42:35 Uh. Let's see here.
01:42:40 Connecticut $5. Devon, you mentioned a couple of Mormons coming by your house to clean out. Maybe from your parents.
01:42:48 Why not red pill?
01:42:49 Acute one and conform her to your views.
01:42:52 Boom, Mary.
01:42:53 Well, they're Mormon girls.
01:42:54 Or they're Mormon missionary.
01:42:56 Girls, I mean.
01:42:57 You're not going to.
01:42:59 You're not going to wipe up a.
01:43:01 A Mormon missionary.
01:43:04 But uh.
01:43:06 Plus, I I don't know.
01:43:07 I I.
01:43:09 I don't want to.
01:43:11 I don't want to manipulate young Mormon girls into cleaning up the the filthy **** at Carla's house.
01:43:21 But hey, you know, like.
01:43:23 You could always try to get him to come to your.
01:43:25 House, I guess you could.
01:43:27 Go to the, go to the the website, order a free Book of Mormon.
01:43:31 They'll start sending as soon as they got your address.
01:43:33 I think they'll.
01:43:33 Start sending them to your house too, so.
01:43:39 Don't care 150 Crunch Panda is 13 due 50 of Odyssey Super Jets.
01:43:45 13 to 50.
01:43:48 I don't think she's black.
01:43:51 Although pandas are black and white.
01:43:54 I don't know is that.
01:43:57 Not sure, not sure I understand.
01:43:58 The 13 to 50.
01:44:00 Although by coincidence.
01:44:03 Or not, or by statistical.
01:44:06 Evidence the next super chat is cringe panda $5 I second those prepackaged buckets of freeze dried foods. My parents have five years worth of food for the five people in a secret location in the woods in the US, the shelf life is 25 years.
01:44:22 Yeah, the stuff's pretty good. I have tasted it. I've used it just to see.
01:44:26 How it was and it's.
01:44:28 The chicken was surprisingly good, like I thought I would just taste like.
01:44:33 Nasty and it's uh.
01:44:36 Yeah, a little water.
01:44:37 Warm it up and.
01:44:38 It tastes like.
01:44:40 It's better than canned chicken, you know.
01:44:44 Zyklon B5 dollars Asthmador show was having the same issue tonight and I think the problem is Odyssey. Also, America is the great Satan.
01:44:54 Well, there you go.
01:44:58 Cringe panda. the Super chest for my friends from Brazil. Please research the work of Philip Luti of the home and search for FGC 9 on the Internet. The sites are not illegal. Well, I don't know.
01:45:14 What that is, I'm assuming it's a.
01:45:17 Maybe a 3D printing gun site or something like that. Look in America at least I don't know about Brazil.
01:45:25 It's legal to.
01:45:26 Manufacture your own firearms.
01:45:28 I mean, I think there's, I mean, there's.
01:45:29 Not any firearm.
01:45:30 I don't think you can.
01:45:31 I mean, you obviously you can't make like a fully automatic weapon or.
01:45:34 Something like that but.
01:45:36 You can you can.
01:45:38 We've talked about it before.
01:45:39 You can still do.
Speaker 4
01:45:40 That probably a good idea if you're.Devon
01:45:41 Going to do that, to do it sooner rather than later.01:45:43 I it's starting to seem like there's not a whole lot of pushback you used to always be able to count on.
01:45:51 You know.
Speaker 4
01:45:52 As much as the boomers.Devon
01:45:53 Would fail you on a lot of other stuff.01:45:54 You'd always be able to count on the boomers to push back on the gun control stuff, and increasingly that's not looking like you're going to have that forever.
01:46:04 You know, as they become less and less relevant just because there's less and less of them alive.
01:46:12 And the demographic shift, I mean, look, we this was a talking point back in 2016. This is stuff that everyone was saying that looked different, demographics like.
01:46:23 Don't care about the Second Amendment or the 1st.
01:46:25 Amendment for that, for that matter.
01:46:28 And that as the demographics of this country change, you're going to have more gun control.
01:46:33 That wasn't just like a scare tactic to try to get the boomers to to get behind being against legal and illegal immigration.
01:46:41 That's real.
01:46:43 That's an actual problem.
01:46:45 That's an actual reality that we will soon be facing.
01:46:49 So if if you're going to be looking into ghost guns, I would do it sooner rather than later because I.
01:46:54 Have a well and look at even more than that. I'd I'd be really surprised if, like, these companies that sell the 80% lowers if they're not being heavily monitored and if there's anything we've learned, even financial institutions seem to have a no problem whatsoever with cooperating with.
01:47:15 With authorities in ways that I would say violate your.
01:47:21 Your right to privacy, but that never seems to be a problem these days.
01:47:25 So if you think that, well, how would they find out?
01:47:28 Well, I mean, how hard would it be for the ATF or some other agency to just notify banks or or visa or PayPal or, you know, whoever right and say, hey, anyone that makes a purchase at these websites?
01:47:42 Just you know.
01:47:45 Notify us.
01:47:46 Don't think they're not doing.
01:47:49 And if they're not doing that, like if you don't think that they're not doing, you know, if you're searching for ghost guns and stuff like that in Google, that Google is not adding that it's obviously been attached to your name and.
01:48:02 And is is easily accessible.
01:48:04 Don't act like Google isn't hand in hand with the intelligence agencies and and or or even like some of these other alternative search engines.
01:48:15 You know, anyway.
01:48:19 Cringe Panda final super Chat tonight would making a stream on Michael Jackson interest you a deep dive?
01:48:25 Looking at various sources.
01:48:27 Good night, sweet Prince.
01:48:29 Much love.
01:48:30 We want it to be about Michael Jackson or or Prince.
01:48:34 I'll tell you what the.
01:48:39 Honestly, I don't have a lot of interest in Michael Jackson because he's black.
01:48:45 Well, kind of.
01:48:46 I mean, I don't know.
01:48:49 But at the same.
01:48:50 Time it's like, is he culturally significant?
01:48:54 I mean, obviously, I mean, he was huge.
01:48:56 I never liked his music.
01:48:57 Even when I, you know, when I was a little kid and it was.
01:49:00 Still, you know, being playing, I mean, I guess it still is being played radio.
01:49:04 But you know what?
01:49:07 I just never.
01:49:08 I could never understand or Prince for that matter.
01:49:10 Like that's another artist where I'm just like, how are they?
01:49:13 So ******* big.
01:49:15 But I've never.
01:49:16 I've never liked a lot of this.
01:49:17 A lot of pop music.
01:49:19 In general.
01:49:21 I don't know.
01:49:22 I don't know.
01:49:24 I don't know that it doesn't.
01:49:27 You know, it doesn't.
01:49:28 Maybe on a slow night about that.
01:49:34 Maybe I'll keep that in the back pocket. Don't care 150, I just realized Devon raised the minimum super chat from 1 to 20. Yeah. There you go. I I did raise it from $0.05.
Speaker 3
01:49:48 I just felt like.Devon
01:49:49 A caged animal getting nickels thrown.01:49:51 At him and I was like, no.
01:49:53 So I I feel I feel, I feel like.
01:49:57 The minimum will be still low enough to where Melanie would ***** about it if you sent it to him.
01:50:04 But that way it just cleans it up so I don't have, you know, endless nickels being.
01:50:08 Thrown at my forehead.
01:50:11 Because that was just, that's all and I.
01:50:12 Told you guys, I.
01:50:13 Was going to do that.
01:50:13 So that's.
01:50:16 That's all I that's all I was doing there.
01:50:19 I think it's still less than a dollar.
01:50:21 Technically, I'm going to refresh here.
01:50:24 Just cause it the the chat thing's ******* up too, and it missed out a couple of them.
01:50:30 I just want to make sure I'm not missing one of you guys.
01:50:37 And it continues to disconnect.
01:50:41 I I know I turned off the the sound, but the notification it's.
01:50:45 It's been and I'm not playing videos.
01:50:47 You know what I mean?
01:50:47 So it's not the video thing and just speaking the devil just disconnected and reconnected again.
01:50:53 And I have not changed.
01:50:56 Yeah, I haven't played any video or anything like that.
01:50:58 I'm not doing any.
01:50:59 We've got a regular chat here.
01:51:04 Hang out here for a second and then I'll bail out.
01:51:09 I just want to see if you guys can even hear me.
01:51:11 I'm going to just say I'm in regular chat now and see if there's a.
01:51:17 And refresh this.
01:51:24 OK.
01:51:30 Stack ought to run through in and out a homosexual propaganda movie from the 90s.
01:51:36 That they have been pushing again similar messaging, but.
01:51:41 But I'm a cheerleader, in and out.
01:51:48 That sounds kind of familiar.
01:51:52 I'll put on my notes.
01:51:55 It literally is limping back 10 minutes, breaking up pretty bad hello from regular chat.
01:52:01 We hear you.
01:52:08 Yeah, it's.
01:52:10 Yeah, it's still disconnecting.
01:52:13 I can't.
01:52:17 Well, you know, it is what it is guys.
01:52:21 According to my network status.
01:52:24 There hasn't.
01:52:25 There still has not been any any dropouts in service.
01:52:29 So I don't know what to tell you.
01:52:33 I just think that it has to be.
01:52:36 Well, someone said throttling.
01:52:38 I don't even think it's throttling.
01:52:40 Because I'm on the it's got the usage.
01:52:48 It shows you like a graph.
01:52:51 Of the upload.
01:52:53 And look, it's not steady.
01:52:54 It's not steady.
01:52:56 The upload speed is not.
01:52:59 And it should be right.
01:53:00 It should be at least somewhat steady.
01:53:02 It's kind of all over the place, but it it's not going to 0.
01:53:08 Yeah, I don't know.
Speaker 3
01:53:09 I don't know cause.Devon
01:53:09 When we first got this, it worked great.01:53:11 It worked great for like a a couple of months and then it could just be the same thing with what they do with the hot spots, right?
01:53:18 Maybe Elon Musk is doing the same gay tricks.
01:53:20 That, like, you know, T-Mobile and AT&T do, where? Oh, look how want some Starlink is for a couple of months now that you've had it for a couple months. **** you.
01:53:28 I know they've widened the service area, I know they've a lot of people, just like I've seen, like a lot of people, all of.
01:53:33 A sudden have.
01:53:34 Starlink, that could be ******* me over because now it's not just me and a handful of like, the quote, UN quote beta testers.
01:53:41 Waited forever for months that now they've opened up to more people.
01:53:44 Maybe it's just whatever.
01:53:46 It could also be this **** that we I was talking before about, you know, Russia and Ukraine using Starlink and China ******** about Starlink.
01:53:54 There could be some shenanigans going on with all that.
01:53:57 Who knows who ******* knows.
01:54:00 But it is what it is.
01:54:06 Oh, race car. Now, $6 for the window AC unit fund. Swamp coolers don't work at all here. Here in the southeast.
01:54:16 Yeah. And they kind of work here. It's just they don't work here when it's cloudy and they don't work here when it's it's ******* 110 degrees outside.
01:54:25 Because the swamp cooler like will take it down.
01:54:28 Maybe 20 degrees.
01:54:32 But if it's 110 outside.
01:54:34 20 degrees means it's still.
01:54:36 ******* 90. So it's like 90 in your house and 50% humidity, which really ******* sucks.
01:54:43 It's almost arguably like worse than if it was just not on sometimes, and if it gets cloudy, I've had that humidity get up to like.
01:54:52 80%.
01:54:53 Uh, which is really ******* horrific.
01:54:57 So yeah, I'm probably get a heat pump.
01:55:00 Probably get a heat pump at some point.
01:55:02 It's just so expensive that to get even if I get a ****** cheesy one, it's going to be like.
01:55:07 1500 bucks.
01:55:09 And that's if I install it myself, which I would.
01:55:13 But that's.
01:55:15 That's probably it's probably something I'll do eventually.
01:55:19 I did a lot of stuff hoping that.
01:55:20 It would cool the house down this summer and just we have record heat.
01:55:23 Right now and it's I think it's a little better.
01:55:27 I don't think it's as bad as it was last year.
01:55:28 Last year ******* sucked.
01:55:31 But it's not nice.
01:55:32 Like I'm sweating my balls off right now and it's nine.
01:55:35 Well, it's 90 degrees where I'm sitting right now and.
01:55:40 And what's the humidity where the that one, the humidity is broken?
01:55:44 Where's the humidity one?
01:55:48 I don't know where it went.
Speaker 3
01:55:50 I had it right here.Devon
01:55:52 But it's probably.01:55:53 Like 40% or something like that because it's been.
01:55:55 Turned off for a while.
01:55:58 But yeah, it's hard.
01:55:58 It's been hard as ******* ****.
01:56:02 So anyway.
01:56:08 Don't care 150. Hey, black pill. The stream is so ****** **. I heard you read my first super chat. Like five times mean to think you are all NPCS and I'm the only real person here.
Speaker 4
01:56:19 Maybe it's maybe it's all a dream.Devon
01:56:22 Maybe it's all a dream. I can't tell if Devon's mic is out or if he broke a guitar string.01:56:29 I don't know what that would be.
01:56:33 Stream jump back like 30 minutes.
01:56:35 Yeah, it's disconnecting right now.
Speaker 4
01:56:38 All right, guys, well, I'm going to bail.Devon
01:56:39 Out of here, we should wish.01:56:41 It had worked.
01:56:41 Sorry I did my best.
01:56:44 Thank you for the very generous super chats.
01:56:47 I will look into Internet alternatives and I'll **** with OS.
01:56:52 I'll probably do another test stream like I did a couple weeks ago.
01:56:54 Tomorrow if you see.
01:56:55 It don't worry about, it's not a real stream, I'll.
01:56:57 Make sure I.
01:56:57 Put that on the on the the thumbnail and stuff so you don't know it.
01:57:01 Think it's a real one.
01:57:03 But yeah, sorry guys.
01:57:05 Sorry that this didn't work out, but we will persevere in the.
01:57:09 Meantime, you guys have a.
01:57:10 Good weekend for black pilled.
01:57:12 I am of course.
Speaker 3
01:57:15 Of course.Speaker 8
01:57:24 This is how the United States Army engineers go to blazes.01:57:27 The flame thrower is light and portable and is handled like a rifle.
01:57:32 But attacking enemy pillboxes.
01:57:33 The experts are burnt up with the idea.
01:57:50 These little toys, you know how to.
01:57:52 Play with it.