02/03/2022Speaker 1
00:00:00 No, mother. Love you.00:01:28 Around me I get a fever.
00:01:30 That's hard.
00:01:31 To give me fever.
00:01:35 When you kiss me, when you.
00:01:39 Feel it?
00:01:41 In the morning fever all through the night.
00:01:45 Sun lights up the daytime.
00:01:48 Moonlight of the night.
00:01:53 When you Call My Name, you know I'm gonna.
00:01:56 Treat you right.
00:01:57 You give me fever.
00:02:00 When you kiss me.
00:02:01 When you hold me tight.
00:02:06 In the morning fever all through the night, everybody's.
00:02:12 Got to be that.
00:02:14 That is something you all know.
00:02:17 Fever is such a new thing.
00:02:20 Fever started long about.
00:02:30 RJJ. She felt the same.
00:02:35 When he put us.
00:02:36 On the ground, he said.
00:02:38 Julie, baby all might flame.
00:02:40 That will give this figure.
00:02:43 When we kiss.
00:02:44 It a fever with that flame in you.
00:02:55 Kind of learn.
Speaker 2
00:03:01 Captain Smith.Speaker 1
00:03:05 Matter fact.00:03:07 When he tried to kill him.
00:03:15 With his kisses fever when he holds me tight.
00:03:22 I miss Miss Daddy wants to treat him right now.
00:03:27 You listen to my story.
00:03:29 Here's the point.
00:03:31 That I have made chicks were born to give you fever, fever.
00:03:41 When you kiss that fever, I feel love you.
00:03:48 What a lovely way to.
00:03:51 What a lovely way.
00:03:55 What a lovely way.
00:03:58 What a lovely way to burn.
Speaker 2
00:04:21 I may not always love you as long as there are stars who love you.00:04:29 You never need to, daddy.
00:04:33 I'll make you so.
00:04:35 Got it.
00:04:37 Got only knows what I need without you.
00:04:52 Believe me.
00:04:54 The world will show nothing to me.
00:04:58 Too much good wood.
00:05:01 Me better.
00:05:05 Without you.
00:05:35 Me without you, if you show me the life.
00:05:47 You will get you.
00:05:49 Nothing to me.
00:05:53 Living me.
00:05:57 Knows what.
00:06:05 Knows what I think.
00:06:14 Be without and I don't think.
00:06:51 Good morning, good evening, good afternoon.00:06:55 Welcome to the insomnia stream.
00:06:57 This is Devin stack.
00:06:58 You are mysterious host.
00:07:01 Coming to you live and direct from an undisclosed location.
00:07:05 On the moon.
Speaker 4
00:07:07 On the freaking moon, that's where we broadcast from.Devon
00:07:13 Hope everyone's doing OK.00:07:14 This we well, I guess in parts of the world for a little bit longer.
00:07:21 The date is now it now it's 2/2/22.
00:07:27 2/2/22.
00:07:29 No, that's not as special as 2/22.
00:07:34 22 But it is 2/2/22. It's also Black History Month.
00:07:40 Which is really exciting because we get to hear about some guy who.
Speaker 4
00:07:46 Made things out of peanuts.00:07:51 Over and over and over again, because that's all.
00:07:52 They got.Speaker 4
00:07:54 And then A and then a bunch of made ups.Devon
00:07:56 While even that's honestly even the George Washington Carver thing that you heard so much about in.00:08:00 Elementary school was.
Speaker 4
00:08:03 Shall we say, embellished, shall we say it a little embellished?Devon
00:08:11 So there it's.00:08:12 But anyway it is Black History Month.
00:08:15 So we'll we'll be celebrating that.
00:08:19 YouTube has decided to censor even in in in more weird ways in in in ways that you that it's very clever if.
00:08:30 You think about.
00:08:31 It it and it illustrates how these guys, they have no shame.
00:08:36 They have zero shame.
00:08:39 Here's here's an example.
00:08:40 Here's a here's a message you might get on YouTube.
00:08:43 For those of you just listening, it says.
Speaker 4
00:08:44 Video what available?00:08:46 This video is.
00:08:47 Popular due to limited creator history, we're limiting the number of viewers subscribe to this channel to help this creator reach a broader audience.00:08:59 So in other words.
Speaker 4
00:09:01 We've noticed that some nobody.Devon
00:09:04 As a popular video, we haven't had a chance to to look it over yet.00:09:10 And see if this fits within our worldview.
00:09:13 So we're going to limit.
00:09:15 The amount of people that can watch this so that it never goes viral.
00:09:21 And add it to a list of videos that we need to check out and then possibly ban the channel if it, uh.
Speaker 4
00:09:28 Goes against our worldview.Devon
00:09:34 But it's funny because.Speaker 4
00:09:35 They they.Speaker 2
00:09:37 They will never be.Speaker 4
00:09:38 Embarrassed that that's something you need to understand.00:09:44 They know what they're doing.
00:09:46 They think it's funny.
00:09:48 They were probably laughing their ***** off writing this paragraph out.00:09:51 Like, OK, it's we we gotta make it sound like it's legit.
00:09:56 Kind of.
Speaker 4
00:09:58 Yeah, yeah, I would say subscribe to this.00:10:02 Channel and help them.
00:10:02 Out that, that sounds like we're helping them, right?
00:10:11 **** those guys.Devon
00:10:15 Yeah, so YouTube is doing that, I guess also on the censorship front.00:10:20 Joe Rogan kind of caved like a little *****, which isn't surprising for those of you sure most everyone's aware of this by now, but a bunch of nobody boomer musicians.
00:10:34 Started demanding that Spotify either.
00:10:38 It's either it's him or us.
00:10:41 Get rid of Joe Rogan and his misinformation campaigns.
00:10:47 That are killing us aging.
00:10:50 Drug addicted rockers.
00:10:54 Because he's going to spread the COVID and we're all going to die.
00:10:59 Thanks to this this monster.
00:11:04 And Joe Rogan.
00:11:06 Did exactly you know what it reminded me of?
00:11:11 Joe had Alex Jones on twice in the last couple of years.
00:11:19 I think while he was still on YouTube.
00:11:22 And the first one he had.
00:11:25 It was after, you know, Alex Jones was pretending to hate him and all this other stuff, and there was some fake, almost like a East Coast versus West Coast Rap feud going on.
00:11:36 And Alice Jones goes on there and he was full tilt.
00:11:40 Alex Jones, you know, talking about interdimensional space demons.
00:11:44 And, you know everything right.
00:11:47 And the second time.
00:11:50 Alex Jones was on Joe Rogan show.
00:11:54 With I think Tim Dillon was also on on that on that one.
00:11:59 You could tell.
00:12:01 That Joe had had a talking to.
00:12:04 By some one.
00:12:06 Because every five seconds it was.
00:12:08 Can we Fact Check that?
00:12:09 Jamie, can we Fact Check that Jamie.
00:12:12 And look.
00:12:13 I don't take Alex Jones seriously 99% of the time I.
00:12:16 Just don't.
00:12:17 The first one I listened to it was something to listen to.
00:12:20 It was long and I thought I'd be entertaining, and it was actually entertaining, OK.
00:12:26 Think what you.
00:12:26 Want about Alex Jones?
00:12:28 That was an entertaining podcast, the second one.
00:12:33 I couldn't get through it.
00:12:34 I couldn't get through it because it was just Joe constantly fact checking like fact checking interdimensional space demons.
00:12:44 Which is, you know.
00:12:47 But you could tell you could tell that he was annoyed.
00:12:52 And you could tell that he was.
00:12:53 Worried that Alex Jones was going to say something?
00:12:56 And then he was going to.
00:12:57 Be the next Sandy Hook denier guy or something like that, and he was going to get cancelled.
00:13:05 And I forget the time frame in terms of when it was in relationship to the deal with Spotify.
00:13:11 I I think it might have been right after.
00:13:16 But it's right around right.
00:13:17 Around when he was switching over to Spotify.
00:13:23 His his apology was it wasn't just embarrassing.
00:13:26 It was groveling at the end.
00:13:29 I'd play it, but I forgot to download it.
00:13:31 Essentially he he was.
00:13:32 Like, Oh no, I.
00:13:34 I can understand why people could could think that and I'm going to try harder to start having more balanced, you know, people that maybe refute, maybe refute whatever, whoever I have on.
00:13:45 Like, if I have a controversial person on, I'll make sure that immediately.
00:13:49 Afterwards I have someone who refutes what they say.
00:13:57 In other words, if I have someone that that challenges the official narrative, I'll let the official narrative people bring in their guy to to clean up the mess that I've created.
00:14:08 And then he went on this weird.
00:14:11 Uh, not even super believable, but didn't even make him look good.
00:14:16 So I guess it was believable story about how he was hired for security.
00:14:21 For one of the concerts of one of these aging, I don't even know the names these guys.
00:14:25 Are these guys are nobodies?
00:14:26 To me.
00:14:27 I don't recognize any of the names of the the musicians that are that are **** hurt and wanting to get off Spotify.
00:14:33 But the one that I guess that started the Avalanche, the First rock to go down the, the mudslide or whatever Joe was saying.
00:14:40 Oh, and I remember this guy.
Speaker 4
00:14:42 I I once worked as a as a security guard.Devon
00:14:47 For one of his concerts. But they were only paying us like $15.00 an hour, and I wasn't going to get beat up for 15.00:14:54 Dollars an hour.
00:14:57 As soon as he started saying that my my.
00:15:01 My rage started building.
00:15:03 I worked.
00:15:03 I worked for less than that.
00:15:05 As a bouncer, you know, and we got beat up a little bit, you know, like it was, it was not an easy job.
00:15:10 Especially I worked in Albuquerque.
00:15:11 I mean, **** that town whole.
00:15:12 Town needs a bouncer.
00:15:16 I knew the type.
00:15:18 I knew the type.
00:15:20 You know we hired guys they wanted.
00:15:22 They wanted to look tough, right?
00:15:24 They wanted to look tough and Joe's like 5 foot nothing, right?
00:15:27 So he has the short person loud syndrome.
00:15:29 You know, he definitely wants to look tough.
00:15:31 You know, obviously, you know, with the the bodybuilding and the the wrestling and all this other stuff, right.
00:15:38 And so I know the type we would hire.
00:15:39 These guys that.
Speaker 4
00:15:42 That went to the gym a lot.00:15:44 And they were whipped.
00:15:46 And they would talk a big game about how they knew Taekwondo and Kung Fu, and they had a black.00:15:52 Belt and this or whatever.
00:15:54 And the second?
00:15:55 A fight brought broke out.
00:15:58 We had a we had the the lamest communication system in the world we had because it was so loud at this place you could even if you had, like earpieces.
00:16:09 Maybe if we had earpieces, I guess maybe it would have worked.
00:16:12 We never tried earpieces.
00:16:13 The solution?
00:16:13 That came up with.
00:16:14 We had these little blinky lights.
00:16:17 It was like a fob with a really bright LED light on it.
00:16:21 And you're supposed to like, hold it over your head and, like, blink it at the other.
00:16:25 The other bounce.
00:16:26 It is a big place, like think Roadhouse like it was, it was pretty big.
00:16:30 Like on any given like on a Friday, Saturday night we have at least like.
00:16:33 Eight guys working.
00:16:35 And so you're supposed.
00:16:36 To like blink it around at.
Speaker 4
00:16:37 The eight other guy.00:16:38 Something's happening here.
00:16:40 I don't want to die.
00:16:41 And then there were some of those.
00:16:44 The guys like Joe Rogan.
00:16:46 They were nowhere to be found.
00:16:49 Nowhere to be found.
00:16:51 And then to make up for it, of course, after the mayhem was over, then they pop, they show up either with some lame excuse.Speaker 4
00:16:59 Like oh man ah, I missed out man.00:17:02 Next time you gotta let.
00:17:03 Know you you should have.
00:17:04 You should have shine the light better.
00:17:06 I didn't see it.
00:17:07 Yeah, man, I was like, getting this chick's number like, oh, yeah, that made me mop.
00:17:10 Up some puke in the bathroom or whatever.
00:17:12 They always had some gay excuse of why they they weren't around.00:17:16 And apparently that's the type Joe Rogan was.
00:17:20 Because Joe Rogan said that at this concert, anticipating that he would be a *****.
00:17:28 He brought a hoodie with him so that if there was any kind of action, you know, the kind of thing that they literally paid him to.
00:17:35 Take care of.
00:17:37 That he would then take out his hoodie so he could cover up his shirt.
00:17:41 That said, security on it and then sneak off.
00:17:46 That that was his story at the end of his apology at the end of his apology, he tells a story about being paid.
00:17:55 For to be security and the second he.
00:17:58 Actually has to do his job, he blushes out.
00:18:04 Now that's poetic.
00:18:06 Unintentionally poetic, but that's ******* poetic.
00:18:11 That is, that is a a slice.
00:18:16 A little tiny slice of Joe.
00:18:19 Rogan right there.
Speaker 4
00:18:21 Oh, yeah, I'll, I'll.00:18:22 I'll get paid to be the tough guy.
00:18:26 I'll take your money and I'll act like I'm the big scary guy, but the second, there's any kind of controversy whatsoever, I'm going to take out my hoodie, put it on, and cover up that security.00:18:35 T-shirt fast then.
00:18:36 Then you can believe and just sneak.
00:18:39 On out like a *****.
Speaker 4
00:18:42 And I can't believe he told that story at.Devon
00:18:44 Then it's like.Speaker 4
00:18:46 And and he told the story in the context of the story, was to suck up to the guy.00:18:51 They was trying to get him cancelled like Nah, bro.
00:18:54 I like your music.
00:18:55 I once cocked out at one of your concerts, and I'm telling the world about it.
00:19:00 For some.
00:19:01 Holy ****, it was gay.
00:19:06 So but no, I mean no.
00:19:07 Surprises, right? No surprises there.00:19:11 I just thought that was.
00:19:12 It was amazing hearing him tell that story.
00:19:14 I was just.
00:19:14 Like holy **** dude.
00:19:16 I mean, are you are?
00:19:17 You are you so much of A.
00:19:19 You don't even see it anymore.
00:19:21 Like you don't even know how that makes you.
Speaker 4
00:19:22 Look like that's.Devon
00:19:24 That's such like a normal reaction for you that like.00:19:28 Ohh, and the the the going gets rough.
00:19:30 I run off like a *****.
Speaker 4
00:19:32 That like that story, that.Devon
00:19:33 Didn't even connect in your head.00:19:37 What you were saying?
00:19:42 So that happened of course.
00:19:45 Another thing that happened is.
00:19:48 You know, some people were splurging out because, apparently.
00:19:52 I was.
00:19:52 I wasn't jerking off the the Canadian truckers hard enough.
00:19:55 Hard enough.
00:19:56 Last time I even said last stream I said look, this isn't that positive.
00:19:59 It's getting people used to, you know, people that wouldn't normally protest.
00:20:04 It's getting used to getting out of their house and and and making it known in in IRL how they feel instead of just tweeting or or making.
00:20:13 You know, grumbling in the comments sections of of social media and and stuff like that and and while it wasn't.
00:20:21 You know a.
00:20:21 Right wing extremist movement or event or anything like that, by any means.
00:20:27 If they're going to blame it on you, that because it seems to at least be.
00:20:34 Intimidating the enemy?
00:20:36 You might as well take credit for and everything like that.
00:20:39 But overall, I I said.
Speaker 4
00:20:40 Look, you know there's a lot.Devon
00:20:42 Of negatives here, but overall it's a net positive.Speaker 4
00:20:46 And people were mad.Devon
00:20:48 People weren't were mad that I wasn't saying ohh ****.00:20:52 Yeah, bass truckers honked Y honk, honk.
00:20:56 All the truckers driving to to to the to the the Parliament building and honking their horns.
00:21:03 That's gonna that's going to change everything.
00:21:05 We're back baby.
00:21:06 We're back.
00:21:09 Well, it turns out.
00:21:13 My instincts were correct.
00:21:17 And a lot of you guys are going to know this.
00:21:18 But some of you guys are not.
Speaker 4
00:21:21 Turns out the organizer as.Devon
00:21:23 Is often the case with these things.Speaker 4
00:21:27 He's a gay Jew.Devon
00:21:29 Engage you.00:21:32 You know the Republican Party.
00:21:33 I know this isn't, you know, the Republican Party.
00:21:36 It's in Canada, but the Republican Party and and and I guess most likely just if if you look at the the the the the examples in Canada and in England probably throughout the West.
00:21:52 All of the controlled opposition right wing people.
00:21:59 All the way up and down the hierarchy in those organizations, you've got gay Jews all.
00:22:05 The way up and down.
00:22:06 That list of people, I mean all the way down to like the bottom rungs.
00:22:11 Oh well.
00:22:11 I mean, **** like.
00:22:13 Donald Trump, right his mentor, was a gay Jew.
00:22:20 What was his name?
00:22:22 First name.
00:22:23 I forget his first.
00:22:24 Name the guy obsessed with frogs.
00:22:29 Roy Roy Cohn.
Speaker 4
00:22:33 So yeah, but.Devon
00:22:34 All the way up and down the hierarchy of.00:22:36 All those things so.
00:22:38 Let me take a look at this guy.
00:22:39 Oh, and.
00:22:40 They they froze his, of course, being a gay Jew.
00:22:45 He started raising money because if there's something gay Jews are good at, it's raising money. They raised $10 million.
00:22:52 On go fund me $10 million.
00:22:57 On go fund me and the government has frozen it or or at least go fund me has maybe I'm guessing at the request of the government.
00:23:07 But to get into The Who this guy is.
00:23:11 The best thing is he goes.
00:23:13 His name is BJ.
00:23:17 Ditched her.
00:23:24 Oh boy.
00:23:26 Good old BJ dickster.
00:23:30 Yes, yes.
00:23:32 Well, BJ ditcher.
00:23:36 He also founded LGBT Tory.
00:23:42 LGBT Tory is a Canadian LGBT LGBT conservative. Yeah, conserving what exactly organization the group was established in 2015 as an advocacy group for LGBT supporters of the Conservative Party of Canada.
00:24:00 And provincial conservative parties, while officially officially.
00:24:05 Opened to all.
00:24:06 LGBT supporters of conservative parties across Canada.
00:24:10 The group was founded in Toronto ON by people associated with the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario, who wanted to be represented in the Toronto.
00:24:20 Pride parade.
00:24:23 The name was inspired by the similar British Conservative group LGBT Tory, now called LGBT Plus conservatives.
00:24:34 Which have permission which gave permission.
00:24:37 To use the name.
00:24:41 Oh, yes.
00:24:42 Oh yes, but even better.
00:24:44 He's he's also a Zionist.
00:24:45 I'll tell you what.
00:24:46 You go up and down that list and in the conservative movement, if you're not a gay Jew, *** **** it, you're a Zionist.
00:24:58 So yeah.
00:25:03 He's a gay, Jew Zionist.
00:25:05 That that created that.
Speaker 4
00:25:07 That based movement, which like I still say.Devon
00:25:10 It's a it's a net positive.00:25:13 Because most of the people showing up to that.
00:25:16 That that wasn't, you know, they're they're not aware of that.
00:25:19 Well, actually it's Canada, right.
00:25:21 They they probably are.
00:25:23 They probably aren't.
00:25:24 Aware of that?Devon
00:25:25 Canada, they're opposite. I mean, they Canada is one of the first countries that I can think of that started using that gay *** term and still I still hear people say it like, quote UN quote, right wingers say it where instead instead of saying, oh, my boyfriend or, oh, my girlfriend, they say.00:25:43 My partner.
00:25:46 Because, you know, they don't.
00:25:47 They don't want to.
00:25:49 They don't want to make the **** feel uncomfortable.
Speaker 4
00:25:53 So you have to make this this term that just.Devon
00:25:55 It's just partner.Speaker 4
00:25:57 It's my partner.Devon
00:25:59 In fact, it was so weird to me. It took me a long time to figure out that that everyone's saying that wasn't just a flag, because that was, you know, in America.00:26:08 In fact, I think up until even now really, if you say partner, you're basically saying my **** buddy.
00:26:16 And so when I hear these guys say partner.
00:26:20 You were from mostly, you know, the Canada and the UK.
00:26:23 I was just like, damn, there's a lot of ******* ****.
00:26:25 And which is?
00:26:26 No surprise, but.
Speaker 4
00:26:29 I was like good Lord.Devon
00:26:31 What's this partner not.00:26:32 And then I found out it was just.
00:26:33 No, no, they just that's just been normalized now.
00:26:35 You can't say wife.
00:26:36 You can't say husband.
00:26:37 You can't say girlfriend.
00:26:38 You can't say boyfriend.
Speaker 4
00:26:40 You have to say **** buddy.00:26:41 Everyone has.
00:26:42 To say **** buddy.Speaker
00:26:48 Oh yeah.Devon
00:26:50 So anyway.00:26:52 But buddies all around.
00:26:59 Speaking of gay Jews.
00:27:04 I posted this on telegram, but obviously it comes from libs of TikTok via the The New York Post. So good job, libs of Tik, TikTok getting on to the New York Post.
00:27:17 They shared a video of a A Jewish.
00:27:19 I don't know if he's gay.
00:27:20 But I don't know.
00:27:21 He's probably gay if he's he's trying to normalize pedophilia.
00:27:27 Or maybe that's just inherently a Jewish thing?
00:27:29 I don't know.
00:27:30 But this Jewish professor?
00:27:33 Is pushing.
00:27:35 Pedophilia, saying that.
00:27:38 A man, a grown man wanting to have sex with a a 12 year old is totally fine, totally fine, and we need to stop thinking.
00:27:48 About that as wrong.
00:27:52 But I'll let I'll let him.
00:27:53 Say it for.
Speaker 5
00:27:54 You let's have it.Devon
00:27:55 Let's have a listen to his reasoning.Speaker 5
00:27:57 Imagine that an adult male wants to have actually a 12 year old girl.00:28:03 Imagine that she's a willing participant.
00:28:05 A very standard, very widely held view.
00:28:07 There's something deeply wrong about this and it's wrong, independent of it being criminals.
00:28:13 It's not obvious to me that is in fact wrong.
00:28:15 I think this is a mistake and I think that it's wrong.
00:28:18 Why it's a mistake will tell us not only things about adult child sex and stuff for rape, but also about fundamental principles of morality.
Speaker 4
00:28:31 So there you go.Devon
00:28:32 It's a mistake.00:28:34 It's a mistake to think of a 40 year old man that wants to bang a 12 year old as a pedophile.
00:28:40 That's a mistake, guys.
Speaker 4
00:28:44 That's it's totally normal.Devon
00:28:48 Just ask this guy.00:28:49 He probably wants he.
00:28:50 Well, he probably does bang 12 year olds.
00:28:56 This is how it starts.
00:28:59 This is how it starts the feminist movement. I mean, even going back to women's suffrage, all that stuff was started by intellectual Jews saying, you know, we need to rethink this whole this whole system you guys got.
00:29:14 And that's how it starts.
00:29:15 It gets planted in academia.
00:29:18 It gets put into the culture which we've seen, you know, countless examples of that, right.
00:29:26 And it just takes one generation.
00:29:30 The people that think it's crazy that pedophilia is going.
00:29:32 To get normalized.
00:29:35 They don't understand that it would have been crazy one generation ago to think that gay marriage would be normalized.
00:29:44 I mean, like, ******* crazy.
00:29:46 Even the most lefty.
00:29:48 And I'm talking like, the the lefty population, not the the academics who knew what they were doing.
00:29:54 But the average lefty voter.
00:29:57 If you were to ask them and say 19.
00:30:01 Well, I don't.
Speaker 4
00:30:01 Know even like 1995.Devon
00:30:07 Do you think that they should be?Speaker 4
00:30:08 Able to get married?00:30:09 Oh, no, no.
00:30:09 No, no, no, no.Speaker 4
00:30:12 I'm not saying.Devon
00:30:12 That they just shouldn't be discriminated against.00:30:17 In fact, we we've done the entire streams where we kind of.
00:30:20 Show the.
00:30:21 The progression.
00:30:23 Where even Democrat? Well, even Obama **** in 2008.
00:30:28 Obama said he thought that marriage should be between a man and a woman.
00:30:33 Because he knew that he.
00:30:35 Needed in order to win.
00:30:38 The average American at that point in 2008, we were just teetering on.
00:30:42 The edge, right?
00:30:46 But at that moment, it was politically expedient for him to say.
00:30:51 That marriage should be a man and a woman.
00:30:55 And then it changed very rapidly.
00:30:58 That's how these things happen.
00:31:01 It's drip, drip, drip, drip.
00:31:03 Think of like a a leak in your ceiling.
00:31:08 And the water.
00:31:10 It's starting to pool actually I.
00:31:11 Know a lot about.
00:31:12 This so think of a leaky roof.
00:31:15 And the water starts to pool in the ceiling.
00:31:21 And you start to see like a wet.
00:31:22 Spot on the ceiling.
00:31:25 And then that wet spot develops into like a tiny little hole.
00:31:30 And it's just drip, drip, drip.
00:31:34 And then one day.
00:31:36 When it's rotted it all out.
00:31:38 And that water is pooled up enough.
00:31:42 It just collapses and it all.
00:31:44 Comes pouring down all at once.
00:31:48 And that's exactly how these changes seem to happen.
00:31:52 And they they wear people down, they wear people down, they wear people down and they they reach.
00:31:59 A critical mass.
00:32:01 They reach a moment in time that they feel.
00:32:04 We have enough of the people now to where no one's going to hang us from the lampposts for doing this.
00:32:11 And then they they just ******* do it.
00:32:15 Well, I mean, if you're, if you're on the left, the people on the right, they don't do they, it's like they.
00:32:19 Don't understand this game at all.
00:32:21 But the people on the left, that's how they've gotten everything.
00:32:23 That's how everything.
00:32:24 'S been done.
00:32:28 That's how everything's been done.
00:32:31 And everyone falls in line immediately.
00:32:34 One of the reasons why.
00:32:36 I you know, I was.
00:32:38 I was talking to someone today.
00:32:41 About my my experience going to Burning Man.
00:32:45 And how one of the things I noticed.
00:32:48 And and not just Burning Man, I would say any place where there's a high concentration of leftists so.
00:32:53 There was maybe a slightly lighter version of this just when I lived in San Francisco.
00:33:00 There was this veneer, very thin.
00:33:06 Of O inclusion and love and acceptance and justice.
00:33:11 Express yourself and do whatever you want.
00:33:14 But lingering just under the surface.
00:33:18 Was this madness, this anger, this rage?
00:33:23 This authoritarian rage.
00:33:27 This vigilant authoritarian rage.
00:33:31 Constantly trying to sniff out.
00:33:35 The outsider.
00:33:38 Trying to sniff out.
00:33:40 The person.
00:33:43 Wasn't accepting of their degenerate behavior trying to just to to find even just a hint of judgment coming from someone?
00:33:56 Now when I went to a Burning Man, I I was there was more like a anthropology anthropological.
00:34:03 Outing of sorts.
00:34:04 It was just, you know, I got free tickets and wanted to see what it.
00:34:07 Was like and holy ****.
00:34:10 But I wasn't.
00:34:10 That wasn't there to like protest or or raise hell or like that.
00:34:14 I kept to myself.
00:34:16 And I talked to some of the weirdos there and and tried to stay under cover as much as possible.
00:34:24 And same thing.
00:34:25 I lived in San.
00:34:25 Francisco, if I'd go to the bar.
00:34:29 I knew that the 2nd if I were to talk about.
00:34:31 Anything remotely right wing.
00:34:33 There, there, there would be a riot on my.
00:34:35 Hands you know.
00:34:40 And the reason they do that?
00:34:42 In fact, This is why the whole virtue signaling thing is, is even a thing.
00:34:46 All that is, when people are constantly virtue signaling on social media.
00:34:52 Really what?
00:34:52 That it's self preservation.
00:34:55 They're aware of this.
00:34:56 They're aware of this rage.
00:34:57 They're aware of this, ever vigilant rage, looking for something to target.
00:35:04 And so they're having to constantly.
00:35:07 Ohh no, I'm still OK with everything.
00:35:12 I'm still OK with everything.
00:35:13 I don't want to, you know, don't don't focus your I have sore on on me.
00:35:21 I'm still OK with the the buck ******* and all that stuff.
00:35:24 Oh, Kitty ******* no.
00:35:25 Yeah, all right.
00:35:26 Why not?
Speaker 1
00:35:28 What people?Devon
00:35:29 Do in the privacy of their own home.00:35:32 That's up to them.
00:35:36 And that's what will happen.
00:35:38 People will fall in line like that.
00:35:42 That that guy I was saying that that average voter that if you asked in 1995.
00:35:48 What he thought of gay marriage?
00:35:51 You know the lefty voter.
00:35:52 That would have said, Oh no, that's.
00:35:53 Not what we're saying.
00:35:57 I bet that same person.
00:36:00 In in was it 20/12/2013 when Obama, just by executive order, made gay marriage OK somehow?
00:36:10 They thought it was great.
00:36:15 They were totally on board.
00:36:24 And they they probably virtue signaled all over social media to let.
Speaker 4
00:36:27 People know they're on board.Devon
00:36:30 Because they knew that rage.00:36:32 That was bubbling underneath the surface.
00:36:35 That watchful eye of Sauron.
00:36:37 Was just looking for justice one.
00:36:40 One person and maybe get out of.
00:36:42 Line a little bit.
00:36:46 One such person.
00:36:49 Got out of line this week.
Speaker 4
00:36:56 Whoopi Goldberg.Devon
00:37:03 There are some very frustrating.00:37:05 Memes going on about Whoopi Goldberg.
00:37:11 And some very.
00:37:13 Misguided takes.
Speaker 4
00:37:17 Connect it to the.Devon
00:37:17 Whole gauge you thing quite frankly.00:37:23 One in particular, there is a meme that I saw.
00:37:29 That had a picture of Whoopi Goldberg.
00:37:35 And at the top of the.
00:37:36 In fact, let's.
00:37:37 Do it now.
00:37:40 Let's see if I can do.
00:37:41 I'm going to.
00:37:42 Do fancy text.
00:37:46 Why not?
00:37:54 Well, that's that's not a good font.
00:37:59 What font is this?
00:38:01 We not have that font.
00:38:02 Let's do a font.
00:38:03 That people can read.
00:38:06 That's that's a **** font too.
00:38:12 Let me do this.Devon
00:38:14 It is a preset that will work here.00:38:20 Ah, got it.
00:38:21 It keeps getting worse.
00:38:22 Now that works.
00:38:23 Alright, whatever.
00:38:25 So the top says everyone is racist.
00:38:29 Because it was one of those impact fonts.
00:38:31 You know boomer memes from like the 90s or whatever.
00:38:41 And at the bottom it said accept Hitler.
00:38:49 Now, for those of you don't know.
00:38:51 What the hell?
00:38:51 I'm talking about all Whoopi, Goldberg said.
00:38:56 Was that the Holocaust?
00:38:59 Was not about race.
00:39:02 Because it was essentially.
00:39:04 White people.
00:39:06 Killing other white people.
00:39:11 And the network freaked out.
00:39:13 You know the the totally not controlled by Jews.
00:39:16 Media freaked out.
00:39:19 And they have kicked her off the show.
00:39:21 They made her do an apology.
00:39:24 Video I think she went on some Late Show and apologized.
00:39:28 Had to write something up.
00:39:36 And people thought, oh, it's so funny.
00:39:40 She thought the Holocaust.
00:39:42 Wasn't about race.
00:39:46 Everyone is racist except Hitler.
00:39:50 Yak, yak, yak.
00:39:57 These are the people who are either directly or indirectly influenced by these gay Jews.
00:40:02 I was telling you about.
00:40:04 Let me explain why.
00:40:09 They don't.
00:40:11 Either understand or are trying to.
00:40:14 Obscure the reason why.
00:40:17 The real reason why Whoopi Goldberg.
00:40:20 Is in trouble.
00:40:23 Now in one of my old accounts before my Twitter got banned.
00:40:27 I tweeted out.
00:40:28 I think this was about two or three years ago and actually I said it again on this last millennial.
00:40:36 I said it's a simple.
00:40:38 It's it's a math problem for Jews.
00:40:42 And that is if Jews are white.
00:40:47 Then the Holocaust was white genocide.
00:40:54 Once you think about that, if Jews are white.
00:40:59 Then the Holocaust was white genocide.
00:41:05 So you can't exactly blame whites.
00:41:09 It's a white genocide.
00:41:10 If Jews are white.
00:41:15 And it's one of those things that if you know, if you were to, if those gay Jews, I was talking about, if they were a Star Trek computer and you were to say that to them, they.
00:41:24 Would short circuit and explode.
00:41:32 And that's exactly what she said.
00:41:36 Just in her own way.
00:41:38 She basically said, look if.
00:41:41 If Jews are white.
00:41:45 Than the Holocaust was a white genocide.
00:41:51 So you can't exactly keep blaming whites.
00:41:55 And acting like, oh, the the dangerous people.
00:41:57 In the world are whites.
00:42:00 They're the ones that are going to do the the racially motivated genocides it's it's the whites that do it.
00:42:10 Because the whites.
00:42:13 Are also the victims.
00:42:14 If Jews are whites now, of course, the whole Holocaust narrative is ********.
00:42:17 We know that.
00:42:18 But you know, we're we're we're working within the frame that most people understand.
00:42:23 We're working within the world view that most people are operating in.
00:42:28 And her pointing that out is going to make a.
00:42:30 Lot of sense.
00:42:32 To a lot of people that haven't thought.
00:42:34 Of it that way.
Speaker 4
00:42:37 Yeah, I guess if Jews are white.00:42:41 Then how come Ma?
00:42:43 My people are so scary.00:42:45 We're the victims here.
00:42:53 It totally destroys their cloaking device.
00:43:01 That this quantum state that Jews like to exist in where they are both white and non white simultaneously.
00:43:13 And the tent.
00:43:14 And just like the the the cat in the box.
00:43:20 You know, just in a state of both alive and dead.
00:43:24 Until you observe it.
00:43:26 That's how Jews are they're they're both white and nonwhite until you observe them and.
00:43:29 Then it you know.
Speaker 4
00:43:31 Depending on the situation.Devon
00:43:33 They're white.00:43:34 Bam, they're not white.
Speaker 4
00:43:38 But this is also going to make a lot.Devon
00:43:40 Of sense to a lot of black people.00:43:47 Black people who might be very interested in knowing that.
00:43:51 Jews were crazy over overrepresented when it came to slave ownership.
00:43:59 Like crazy overrepresented.
00:44:03 Slave markets were closed on Jewish holidays.
00:44:11 So this meme.
00:44:13 He's ******* ********.
00:44:17 Because it completely misses the point.
00:44:22 And it's on purpose.
00:44:25 Because it's not just lefty Jews that are nervous about people thinking about that.
00:44:36 It's the gay Jews on the right that that don't want you thinking about that.
00:44:50 Honestly, what what Whoopi said was kind of based.
00:44:53 Like I said it, it was wasn't that different than what I said.
Speaker 4
00:44:56 On Twitter.Devon
00:45:07 The other thing it highlights, and I'm sure that you know, at least privately, she's got to understand that she's she's actually as much as she's kind of a.00:45:17 A a racist anti white ****.
00:45:19 She's not ********.
00:45:22 And she knows that for the last.
00:45:25 I don't know.
00:45:25 However many years she's been on the view.
00:45:27 And it wasn't didn't start when she was on the view.
00:45:30 She's been talking **** about white people for years and years and years and nothing like this has ever happened.
00:45:40 Years and years and years.
00:45:46 But the other thing that that lets you know that she had to know what?
00:45:49 Was going on.
00:45:52 She she uses a Jewish last name.
Speaker 4
00:45:56 That's not her real last name.Devon
00:46:01 I wonder why someone trying to make it in showbiz.Speaker 4
00:46:06 Would change their name to Goldberg.Devon
00:46:17 I wonder why they would think.00:46:20 That was a a thing to do out of all the names she could have picked.
Speaker 4
00:46:26 Whoopi Goldberg.00:46:32 That's the name she landed on.
00:46:41 And the Jews are ******.00:46:43 The Jews are ******.
00:46:46 They're actually thinking about trying to confiscate her last name.
00:46:51 It it's Jew face.
00:46:55 Funny, the funniest part about all this.
00:46:57 This is all happening during.
00:46:58 Black History Month.
Speaker 4
00:47:01 But she did.00:47:01 She should have known.
00:47:03 Every month as June History Month.
00:47:12 No, but this happened during Black History Month.00:47:17 And I guess the Jews decided to reenact a part of black history by.
00:47:22 By whipping one of their slaves.
00:47:29 Yeah, another there, there's an article.
00:47:32 Let me see if I.
00:47:33 Can bring it up here.
00:47:35 There's an article where some Jewish guy was saying uh.
00:47:40 We need to take her name away from her.
00:47:42 She's not really a Goldberg.
00:47:47 I tried to find it before.
00:47:48 The show and I.
00:47:48 Didn't have any luck, so I'm.
00:47:49 Just gonna do one last search here.
00:47:59 See if anything comes up here.
00:48:02 Oh yeah.
00:48:03 Here we are.
00:48:04 There's actually the weird thing is.
00:48:07 There's actually more than one story.
00:48:11 There's multiple Jews complaining about this.
00:48:15 So this is from the I'm just going to pick one of them.
00:48:17 This is from the New York Post.
00:48:21 Of course, the author of this is a.
00:48:25 The Jew.
00:48:28 Dropped the Goldberg from your name.
00:48:30 You Co opted whoopee.
00:48:33 You don't deserve it.
00:48:34 She doesn't deserve the Goldberg.
00:48:38 Oh, if you want to hear the comment, let me see if I think I might have found the.
00:48:42 I found the video.
00:48:43 Here, let me see if I can download this.
00:48:55 Alright, we're trying to download it here.
00:48:58 You know what?
00:48:58 I'm just gonna.
00:48:59 Just going to play it, let's just do that.
00:49:02 I'm going to have to minimize this real quick.
00:49:14 And bring this up here.
00:49:20 Uh, stupid.
00:49:21 It's not doing the I might have to exit out of there.
00:49:24 I'm at the download it, I'll download it.
00:49:26 That's fine.
00:49:27 That's fine.
00:49:28 We'll download it.
00:49:30 While that's downloading.
00:49:34 Decades ago, when the performer Karen Johnson decided her name was interesting enough.
00:49:41 Yeah. Whoopi. Whoopi Goldberg's real name is Karen Johnson.
00:49:46 And dubbed herself Whoopi Goldberg instead.
00:49:50 It was because Goldberg signifies whiteness.
00:49:54 According to this Jewish author.
00:49:56 Through the years, she's offered many weird and contradictory explanations for her change in moniker, but it might have seemed at the time that a black person sporting the surname Goldberg would be especially eye-catching. Noteworthy, of course it would.
00:50:09 But to who, who?
00:50:13 Who? Mr. John podhoretz.
Speaker 4
00:50:16 Why would she do that?00:50:18 Why exactly?
00:50:19 That doesn't make any sense.
00:50:22 Because it would represent a proud ownership of her outsider status.00:50:27 No, no, that's not why.
00:50:28 We know why.
00:50:31 Please no, please.
00:50:32 That Karen Johnson didn't become Whoopi Rockefeller.
00:50:35 No, she became Whoopi Goldberg.
00:50:39 Why is that?
00:50:41 Don't act like you don't get it, Mr.
00:50:43 John Podhoretz.
00:50:46 She knew that by becoming Whoopi Goldberg, she would be choosing to flaunt in every way possible the fact that she was I'm a minority person now, no.
00:50:55 It was not.
00:50:57 You see, in the 1980s, when Johnson became Goldberg, it was still commonly understood that Jews were a people apart.
00:51:03 Oh no, that's not.
Speaker 4
00:51:05 That's not.00:51:05 I don't think that's.
00:51:06 What she was thinking.00:51:07 Wait, wait, wait to try to put on the.
Speaker 4
00:51:10 The the black face, though, like Ohh, see.00:51:12 Even now he's playing the victim like.
00:51:14 Oh, God.
00:51:15 Oh, she tried to appropriate our.
00:51:17 Our Jewish heritage, being black wasn't enough.
00:51:21 She had to be a black Jew.
00:51:27 So he goes on and on, wringing his hands and complaining that that uh.00:51:33 She stole it.
00:51:34 Alright, so here's here's the IT actually, finally.
00:51:36 Came. There we go.
00:51:38 Let me load this up now.
00:51:42 It's. I got it's.
00:51:43 Kind of a wacky way that I gotta.
00:51:46 Load videos right now, but we'll play this.
Speaker 6
00:51:54 I said that the Holocaust wasn't about race and it was instead about man's inhumanity to man.00:52:01 But it is indeed about race.
00:52:05 There's here's her.00:52:06 This is her apology video, she.
00:52:08 Had to do.
Speaker 6
00:52:11 Because Hitler and the Nazis considered Jews to be an inferior race, now words matter and mine are no exception.00:52:17 I regret my comments, as I said, and I stand corrected, I also stand with the Jewish people as they know and y'all know, because I've always done that.
Speaker 4
00:52:31 Oh, Whoopee standing with the Jewish people.Devon
00:52:35 As they try to ruin your career.00:52:40 What's what's left of it?
00:52:42 I mean, really, what's left of it?
00:52:52 So yeah, it's another story of.
00:52:56 Of caving to Jewish power.
00:53:01 If you think about it, America, just in general seems to be one big long.
00:53:07 Long epic tail.
00:53:11 With with one of the big things is caving the Jewish power, you know, let's be honest, let's.
Speaker 4
00:53:17 Let's not just whoopee.Devon
00:53:23 OK.00:53:26 So that that was the.
00:53:28 That's one of the big things that everyone's meming about.
00:53:32 I can't find the actual video of her comments, but you get the idea.
00:53:35 I mean, she literally.
00:53:36 Just said what I'd said.
00:53:38 But all the Jewish media, they're they're not.
00:53:40 In fact, that's The funny thing.
00:53:43 Her apology videos all over the place, her the clip of her saying what she said.
00:53:47 Not so much.
00:53:50 They don't want you to hear that.
00:53:53 They want to hear how sorry she is for saying the evil, the bad thing, she said.
00:53:57 The bad thing.
00:53:59 And all these conservatives, all these Zionists are like she hates Jews.
Speaker 4
00:54:03 She's the real racist.00:54:05 Whoopi Goldberg is the.
00:54:06 Real anti semite.
00:54:12 It's so ******* gay.
00:54:15 Gay and Jewish the MAGA movement.00:54:19 So many people on that.
00:54:22 Ah, it's like you're ******** little brother.
00:54:25 That you just have to.
00:54:28 Ohh little Johnny.
00:54:29 No, you don't get it.
00:54:30 You don't get it.
00:54:34 But The thing is, little Johnny's got ****** strength. So like you still want him.
00:54:37 On your side.
Speaker 4
00:54:39 He doesn't feel pain like normal people.00:54:42 It's just hard to get them riled up.
00:54:44 It's hard to get.
00:54:45 Them, you know, pointed.
00:54:47 At the right target.
00:54:50 Spends all his day just ************ and.00:54:53 Talking about.
00:54:55 How much he loves Israel.
00:54:59 All right.
00:55:03 In other news now I was trying to find a way of verifying this guy's story. So Full disclosure, I can't verify this guy's story yet, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say that he seems believable.
00:55:21 And that it it?
00:55:23 I'll be surprised if, when when the in coming days when we get more information about this that we that it's, I'll.
00:55:32 I'll be surprised if if he's just making it.
00:55:35 The whole thing up.
00:55:36 So I'm going to play this video for you guys.
00:55:42 I wonder if I can.
00:55:43 Make it bigger.
00:55:44 That's what she said.
00:55:45 But where is this at?
00:55:50 Why is this not wanting to do this?
00:55:53 Maybe I'll just put it in this window here.
00:56:01 All right.
00:56:03 So listen to this man's tale.
Speaker 7
00:56:09 My name is Ben.00:56:12 Two days ago I was in a car crash.
00:56:16 This is just my car.
00:56:17 It rolled out.
00:56:17 I don't know what happened.
00:56:20 I will.
00:56:23 Came to the car, was back on.
00:56:25 All four wheels.
00:56:31 You know all the glass in the car was blown out.
00:56:36 I got caught up, you know, all around.
00:56:38 Nothing serious.
00:56:40 I was awake and aware that I I couldn't.
00:56:42 Open the car door.
00:56:45 Within 10 minutes.
00:56:46 EMT arrived and injected me with something and I said no, no, no, no.
00:56:53 And they're like, oh, just going to sedate your boss.
00:56:56 I woke up 8 hours later somehow.
00:57:00 With a vent.
00:57:03 A mechanical ventilator IV catheter whole 9 yards I instinctively without even thinking.
00:57:11 Pulled out the vent.
00:57:13 There was no aid in this room with me.
00:57:17 I pulled up the catheter, which was horrendous.
00:57:17 Pulled out the IB.
00:57:25 And I found my shorts, which had been cut off me and I covered my junk cause I was naked.
00:57:34 And I walked to the door and I opened it and staff was sitting there and I said, why did you bent me?
00:57:40 And this the staff freaked.
00:57:41 Out they couldn't believe I was awake.
00:57:45 They followed me back into the room.
00:57:47 I sat on the bed and I said, what drugs did you give me and why am I vented?
00:57:50 And one of the nurses said you have COVID.
00:57:54 And I said.
00:57:56 Even if you tested me, tested positive for COVID, if I tested positive for COVID an event is the last resort for someone who cannot breathe on their own.
00:58:09 They just looked at each other.
00:58:11 Like what do we do?
00:58:12 What do we say?
00:58:13 I said, what drugs did you put me on?
00:58:14 What was coming through that IV?
00:58:18 And they said propofol, propofol.
00:58:23 Fentanyl. Morphine.
00:58:26 And I was like, why what?
00:58:29 Like you were going to kill me on that machine you were going to leave me there.
00:58:33 They just looked at each other.
00:58:34 I go, I want all the paperwork.
00:58:35 I want everything that's been done to me and who authorized it.
00:58:39 Didn't give it to me.
00:58:40 I demanded a lawyer.
00:58:43 I said I need a lawyer now. I'm leaving this place. They argued with me for 45 minutes.
00:58:50 And then once I could show them that.
00:58:52 I could produce urine.
00:58:55 They found some old Reggie hospital clothes and.
00:58:57 Gave them and.
00:58:59 Took me to a door which was not glass sliding door.
00:59:03 It didn't even look like a hospital.
00:59:05 This is in Flagstaff.
00:59:06 They they airlifted me from about an hour away.
00:59:11 I was under from the time I was injected.
00:59:15 At the site of the crash.
00:59:19 And I somehow miraculously.
00:59:23 Came to.
00:59:24 And immediately took everything out.
00:59:27 I'm trying.
00:59:30 To get a hold of Dell Big Tree or Alex Jones or Mike Adams or.
00:59:37 Anybody that has a platform?
00:59:40 To share my story, it's new.
00:59:42 I want to do it while I still have this.
00:59:45 I just sent a certified letter for medical release forms.
00:59:49 We'll see what's on that.
00:59:51 They got ahold of a family member somehow, even though they didn't have my ID and I was tagged as.
00:59:56 John doe.
00:59:58 They told my family that.
01:00:00 I had a broken nose.
01:00:05 I haven't blown my nose once since I left there.
01:00:07 There's no blood, there's no swelling, there's no.
01:00:10 You know, there's the same kind of.
01:00:14 That's all over from the glass.
01:00:16 Why would they tell my family that my nose was broken and that I had, quote, acute pancreatitis?
01:00:24 Which from what I've read, is extremely painful and a progressive illness.
01:00:31 I've never had a stomach ache.
01:00:33 I've never had any pain.
01:00:33 From my pancreas.
01:00:36 They said nothing to my family about me being bent for COVID, but that's what they.
01:00:42 Told me.
01:00:44 I think that they had no intention for me to ever wake up and I would have been classified.
01:00:50 Encountered as someone that died of COVID in the hospital.
01:00:54 And as you can see I mean.
01:00:57 Everything works.
01:00:58 I just walked three miles today.
01:01:02 I was not injured, no surgery they could have vented me if there was a.
01:01:07 Pretty heavy duty surgery for sure.
01:01:10 No surgeries were performed.
01:01:13 You have COVID.
01:01:15 Please get this out for me.
01:01:17 I've written to everyone and I've I've received no replies.
01:01:20 It's only been a couple days, but I'm freaking out as you.
01:01:23 Can I'm sure you can understand, I sincerely need this story to be heard.
01:01:29 Thank you so much and I'm so happy to be alive.
01:01:32 I can't believe I.
01:01:32 Woke up. Thank you.
01:01:39 That's actually in line with a lot of what we've been hearing about, you know, people.01:01:45 Being over classified as COVID neats, but also just the the financial incentive that a lot of.
01:01:52 These hospitals have to to use ventilators when it's completely unnecessary.
01:01:59 If they just use a ventilator.
01:02:01 Because of the, I don't know if this is tied to the.
01:02:05 I think it is though, like the operation warp speed garbage that Trump put in.
01:02:10 When they were trying to get all the ventilators and all that stuff, part of the the financial incentive there is if you just use a ventilator.
01:02:21 Uh, you get some kind of reimbursement, that's it's not, it's it's not small potatoes and every patient that you classify as a COVID patient, you also get some kind of reimbursement.
01:02:35 And if you get a COVID Neath, there's also some kind of reimbursement.
01:02:41 And so it's.
01:02:43 You know it's uh.
01:02:48 It's a little it's a little unnerving.
01:02:52 Hospitals are not a safe place.
01:02:56 They are not a safe place.
01:02:58 I'm trying to get chat to work here.
01:03:01 I think I got it working, kind of.
01:03:07 Yeah, let's, let's Lord Godfrey said.
01:03:09 All this **** lines up with what I'm hearing from a few nurses and doctors speaking about who actually ******* care.
01:03:14 I've had a few medical professionals tell me not to that.
01:03:21 But similar stories where people come in, they immediately test them.
01:03:25 I mean, no matter why they go.
01:03:26 In there they immediately test them for COVID and they of course always have COVID cause.
01:03:34 The PCR test is garbage.
01:03:38 Because, you know, regardless of their symptoms or no symptoms or whatever, and then they they demand the vaccine, you know, they shoot them up with the.
01:03:49 Sometimes these guys end up on ventilators.
01:03:51 Again, the people that went in for a totally different reason.
01:03:55 And if you end up on a ventilator, there's a really big.
01:03:58 Chance you're going.
01:03:59 To die.Devon
01:04:01 Really big *******, in fact, that guy yanking.01:04:03 A ventilator out.
01:04:07 Probably saved his life and it was probably.
01:04:10 Insanely painful to do as well.
01:04:15 Let me take a look here at.
01:04:19 Some of the Super chats.
01:04:22 If I can get this.
01:04:23 To work right.
01:04:25 It's going to be kind of a short one the night guys.
01:04:28 Excuse me, there's my COVID.
01:04:31 We've had some crazy ******* wind storms.
01:04:34 I think it's tied to, like this weird ice storm crap that's going across the country.
01:04:39 And so we were getting like 50 mile an hour winds and sandstorm stuff.
01:04:44 So like, just like a wall of sand, like, it's it's crazy.
01:04:48 I'll take some video.
01:04:49 Actually I've taken some.
01:04:50 Video previous ones.
01:04:51 But it's it's crazy.
01:04:53 It's like you can't.
01:04:54 Like you can't see 10 feet.
01:04:56 Like it's just.
01:04:57 It's like fog, only it's sand.
01:04:59 It's not a fun thing to be in.
01:05:01 It's not a fun and it gets in everything and you find out real quick that you left a window open if if you left a window open because that whole room.
01:05:10 It gets filled up with sand.
01:05:13 But we yeah, we've had like a, a couple of sandstorms and knocked down my well part of my my my ham radio antenna and.
01:05:21 Which it always I gotta get a like a legit tower.
01:05:26 Basically what I've got is kind of like a temporary setup using these army surplus.
01:05:35 Fiberglass poles that just come apart like ******* Legos.
01:05:40 If they get there, it's all guide down everything.
01:05:43 But it just comes.
01:05:44 They just comes apart the second the wind gets gets crazy, so I got to get like a a real tower set up eventually.
01:05:51 But those things are just really expensive.
01:05:53 I almost got one for free.
01:05:55 There was one on Craigslist, but it was gone by the time I called.
01:05:58 Call them up.
01:06:02 Anyway, so I got a bunch of sand in me.
01:06:06 And I got my my allergies because everything else that gets whipped up in the wind.
01:06:10 Right?
01:06:11 These all these pollens and particles and who knows what the hell.
01:06:17 Went down my air holes.
01:06:20 So I'm going to go through these things here.
Speaker 4
01:06:24 DKM.Devon
01:06:26 If you're looking for some reads, check out what is this from last time.01:06:33 No, this is for this time.
01:06:34 OK.
01:06:35 Looking for some reads? Check out JL Bourne's apocalyptic fiction decent guy, good stories. Some of it is more than just fiction all.
01:06:44 Right. I'll copy that up.
01:06:47 I'll copy that name.
01:06:54 Oh, by the way, whoever recommended that I I've been trying to go through all the stuff that you guys recommend.
01:06:58 Last few.
01:06:58 Strings someone recommended lace?
Speaker 4
01:07:03 You didn't tell me it was like 5 hours long.01:07:07 And terrible.
01:07:11 I made it through like I don't know if.
01:07:13 I'm going to be able to finish it.
01:07:14 There's a shocking amount of it.
01:07:16 Like it's it was definitely.01:07:17 It was made for TV.
01:07:19 It looks like it was a mini series, but it was big budget, they.
01:07:21 Had some like big names in there.
01:07:24 And but it's like a trashy romance novel with a feminist, like heavy-handed feminist angle.
01:07:32 To it.Devon
01:07:34 Or maybe all trashy romance novels do.01:07:36 But like, I don't think so.
01:07:37 Like, this is.
01:07:38 But anyway, it's got like.
01:07:39 Some big for when it was made, which I think it was 1982, it's.
01:07:42 Got some big names in it.
01:07:45 It's got that.
01:07:46 It's got Jessica, not Jessica Tandy.
01:07:50 Who am I thinking of?
01:07:51 The one that.
01:07:52 Murder, she wrote.
01:07:53 Is not. Is that Jessica?
01:07:54 Sandy or that's the other old ***** from that time.
01:07:57 Anyway, it doesn't matter.
01:07:57 It's got it's got murder, she wrote in it.
01:08:00 And it's got the the love interest in one of the Indiana Jones movies, the dark haired one.
01:08:09 And it's got a couple other people like I say big names.
01:08:13 I'm just terrible with names, but they were.
01:08:15 These were famous pretty, you know, high dollar actresses.
01:08:18 At the time.
01:08:20 But it's so bad.
01:08:21 It's like, so terrible.
01:08:22 It's so long and it's so degenerate like it is.
01:08:26 It's it's it's.
01:08:27 It's like watching.
01:08:28 It's like a soap opera.
01:08:29 From that era, it's like watching like a four hour long.
01:08:32 Like, I don't know if I'm able to make it through it, but it's so it's so terrible.
01:08:36 Like it's.
01:08:36 Just bad.
01:08:38 It's just like every moment of it.
01:08:40 Just even if it wasn't degenerate, it's it's just it's the kind of thing that that like, my mom would be.
01:08:46 It's like mom, daytime tell, it's like 80s.
01:08:49 On daytime television, you know ****.
01:08:52 It's like it's like housewife **** is what it is, where it's just like all this.
01:08:58 Off anyway, thanks a lot as well Minette.
01:09:01 Thanks for wrecking.
01:09:03 I could have gone my whole life without knowing that lace existed.
01:09:08 I don't know if I'm going to be able to finish it.
01:09:09 I don't.
01:09:10 I just don't.
01:09:11 I'm you.
01:09:11 Know I started watching at double speed.
01:09:16 Didn't make it any better.
01:09:17 In fact, they made it harder sometimes because they there's accents.
01:09:20 And just like.
Speaker 4
01:09:20 I was like, what?01:09:21 What what?
01:09:24 Ah, anyway, and it's about a **** star.01:09:26 You'd think it'd be a.
01:09:27 Little more interesting.
01:09:30 But anyway, here we go.
01:09:34 Oh, and thanks for thanks for the donation DK Mike $5 from Gray state of mind. Hi, Devin.
01:09:40 Testing donating on mobile from snowy Sweden. Well, I appreciate that. And it worked. So thanks for the $5 from mobile.
01:09:50 In snowy Sweden.
01:09:54 I'd like to go to snowy Sweden sometime.
01:09:57 If you can guarantee my safety, as long as I'm not going to have to fight off some some Syrian refugees or something like that, just don't take me to the no go zones.
01:10:07 I always wanted to go to Sweden.
01:10:09 And check that out here.
01:10:10 There's some beautiful Broads out there.
01:10:13 All right, dub.
01:10:14 The DEW did not something.
01:10:17 $5 the ADL changed their definition of racism so that it can only be committed by whites against POC's almost immediately after they contradicted themselves.
01:10:28 When Green, Black was chastising Whoopi Goldberg for saying Nazis weren't racist.
01:10:34 So when people point this out, they changed the definition.
01:10:37 Again, they changed it again.
01:10:41 Did they really?
01:10:43 I that that's kind of amazing to me.
01:10:46 If they changed it again, did they add and Jews at the end of it?
01:10:50 Let me look at this.
01:10:58 Not going to be out.
01:10:59 Here we go.
01:11:00 Here's ADL.
01:11:06 So the new official racism definition or.
01:11:10 This this is the.
01:11:10 One that I'm on their website now.
01:11:15 Racism occurs when individuals or institutions show more favorable evaluation or treatment of an individual or group based on race or ethnicity.
01:11:26 Was the old one, isn't it?
01:11:36 OK, now this says last updated February 22. OK now it's.
01:11:39 Oh, there's a whole more there's.
01:11:41 More paragraphs they used to just.
01:11:42 Be like a paragraph.
01:11:44 Ohh God, so here we go.
01:11:45 Race refers to categories into which society places.
01:11:50 Now they just lowered it up.
01:11:51 They just they it's.
01:11:53 I mean I.
01:11:53 I prefer it like this though.
01:11:54 Because this is just like no one can understand it.
01:11:58 Society play individuals on the basis of physical characteristics such as skin color, hair, tie, facial.
01:12:03 Form blah blah blah.
01:12:04 Though many believe that race is determined by biology, it is now widely accepted.
01:12:09 Is it now?
01:12:10 Is it now that this classification system was in fact created for social and political reasons?
01:12:16 Really, by whom, I wonder?
Speaker 4
01:12:19 By whom?Devon
01:12:22 There are actually more genetic and biological differences within racial groups defined.01:12:27 See, that's that's a lie.
01:12:28 That's a lie.
01:12:30 There you that that is an absolute lie.
01:12:33 You can you can definitely.
01:12:36 Ohh God, that's such a lie anyway.
01:12:38 And also let's say you were right about.
01:12:40 That are there are there just, are there wider differences in IQ or does there seem to be a pattern there?
01:12:47 Yeah, that's just one thing.
01:12:49 That's just there's.
01:12:49 A lot of other.
01:12:50 Things that that you correlate with.
01:12:51 Race that magically works.
01:12:54 So they're saying race is not not genetic, systemic racism, a combination of systems, institutions, then factors that advantage white people.
01:13:04 Here we go.
01:13:04 So they just moved it.
01:13:05 They moved it down to where?
01:13:06 Now what they were saying before is systemic racism.
01:13:10 A combination of systems, institution factors that advantage white people for people of color cause.
01:13:15 Widespread harm and disadvantage and access and opportunity.
01:13:18 One person or even.
01:13:20 One group of people did not create systemic racism.
01:13:23 Rather, it is grounded in the history of our laws, and so they just blame white people for it, which are.
01:13:29 Ohh and this is great.
01:13:31 Is grounded in the history of our laws and institutions which were created on a foundation of white supremacy.
01:13:38 Exist in the institutions and policies that advantage white people and disadvantaged people of color and takes place in interpersonal communication and behavior.
01:13:48 Slurs, bullying, offensive language that maintains and supports systemic inequalities and systemic racism.
01:13:59 So there you go.
01:14:00 They didn't add Jews, though.
01:14:01 They just made it, really.
01:14:05 They just and then they moved down.
01:14:07 What they were saying before to just mean systemic racism.
01:14:10 All right, well, that's weird.
01:14:12 It's weird, they changed it again.
01:14:13 I kind of liked it when they had the other one cause.
01:14:15 Like I said some.
01:14:16 Of these things are good, So what?
Speaker 4
01:14:18 A lot of people fail to understand is.01:14:22 When I see.
01:14:23 Like the magnetars complaining about some of this stuff.01:14:27 I'm I'm kind of smiling.
01:14:29 I'm happy it's happening.
01:14:31 Not obviously.
01:14:31 I'm not happy.
01:14:32 Like I'd rather live in a different world, right?
01:14:35 But because I know inevitably where this all goes and and how we have to get there and all this other stuff, and I know the steps it's going to take and things like that, I like things that that kind of move the football, you know, like I'm tired of.
01:14:49 I'm tired of this take like the slow boil is not fun.
01:14:52 The slow boil is not a.
01:14:55 It's it's not.
01:14:55 A fun way to to to go extinct.
01:14:59 OK.
01:15:00 Like I I like it when they overstep their their bounds.
01:15:03 I like it when they overplay their hand.
01:15:06 And it's too bad they kind of they reel it in.
01:15:10 So it's not it doesn't have the mean power that it had before, which obviously that's probably, I don't know if it was Whoopi Goldberg necessarily, it changed because they don't even mention Jews at all.
01:15:18 But I think that they just realize, oh **** we we basically showed our hand like, way too much on that last one.
01:15:26 So anyway.
01:15:28 But thanks for the donation. Nicholas girl $5. Love your content gives me something to look forward to, stay safe and keep the content coming. Brother. I will thank you for the support.
01:15:39 Retired ****** $4.00, Speaking of gay Jews Alex Jones admitting that his website banned dot Video was built by Jews in Israel. Oh yeah.
01:15:49 His website, made by Jews he was divorced by his Jewish wife and chose to remarry another Jewish woman and has the right of passage to Israel.
01:15:58 So I'm smelling a conflict of interest. Yeah. Yeah, there's there's no question that Alex Jones is Zionist. I don't think anyone. I think there's any doubt in anyone's mind.
01:16:11 And if there is, they're just willfully ignorant or just ignorant.
01:16:17 Lips Lord Godfrey's $1.00 of hospitals have been a mess before. COVID. They're worse now, and they're hiring even more non whites and more short staff than ever before.
01:16:27 Incompetence, malice, et cetera, are both causing people to die unnecessarily.
01:16:32 Most nurses, even doctors, just go through a checklist like a technician, not a.
01:16:36 Healer what it is?
01:16:38 And I've talked about this before, is more and more, it's this change that you're seeing in the service industry when you go through TSA, you know this demographic shift that you see in, in, in all these various facets of life, all these all you know, whether you're going to.
01:16:57 Starbucks to get your coffee.
01:16:59 Whether you're filling up at the gas station, anytime you interact with diversity, that is, is there where there's a communication problem.
01:17:09 There's a cultural problem.
01:17:12 There's some kind of interface problem or efficiency problem, just you know the quality.
01:17:20 The quality of your society has gone down, and that's not limited to just these low wage jobs.
01:17:27 It used to be the reason why boomers haven't, you know, up until now and now they're in.
01:17:32 Nursing homes, they're finding.
01:17:33 Out I guess.
01:17:34 But the reason why they thought or many of them still.
01:17:38 Think that you're just being a racist and that, like Jimmy from Congo, can take one step on American soil and he's just as American as anyone else.
01:17:48 He's just as American as you or you or I, you know, he passed the citizen a lot of these.
01:17:52 Guys don't even do that anymore, right?
01:17:54 And and Pablo, that cuts his grass, you know, he's he's just as American as anybody else.
01:17:59 It's because they've never had to interact with these people to, especially with anything important.
01:18:06 Right it.
01:18:06 Well it is just Pablo cutting the grass.
01:18:08 How bad can Pablo **** it up?
01:18:09 Right.
01:18:10 It's not Pablo doing ******* open heart surgery on.
01:18:13 Him, or at least it was.
01:18:16 Right, because that change didn't happen for a while.
01:18:19 Well, now you're getting that.
01:18:20 That that's happening now.
01:18:22 I mean, when I lived in the DC area, we had this HMO.
01:18:26 And they they give you like a list of doctors.
01:18:28 To go see.
01:18:30 I went to about 7 different doctors.
01:18:34 Before I found a white person and I wasn't trying to find, like, a white that wasn't like my I wasn't like, oh, I got to have a white doctor.
01:18:41 I mean, I could if that was the case, I wouldn't have gone to like five of them, cause their names were unpronounceable.
01:18:45 I would have.
01:18:46 Known right away.
01:18:46 Right.
01:18:47 I was just looking for a competent Dr.
01:18:50 The first doctor I went to was was some kind of Asian.
01:18:55 I don't.
01:18:55 I don't know if it was Chinese or what, but incomprehensible.
01:18:59 Like I couldn't understand a word out of his ******* mouth.
01:19:03 There was another guy that was Indian.
01:19:06 There was some chick that was some kind of Middle Eastern.
01:19:10 I don't even know.
01:19:10 But you know.
01:19:11 I mean, and there was, there was a black.
01:19:12 Doctor Who was definitely from, you know, either either somewhere in, you know, not Jamaica, but you know, somewhere some island somewhere or Africa.
01:19:23 Like I couldn't place his accent.
01:19:24 And it was.
01:19:25 But it wasn't, you know, he was not from America.
01:19:29 He probably graduated from, like, you know some.
01:19:33 Medical school that that I could mail in and get a.
01:19:36 Diploma from right?
01:19:38 That guy was a ******* moron, too.
01:19:40 I mean, and I had it.
01:19:42 I just kept changing doctors until I could find someone that when I walked in there and said, hey, here's the deal.
01:19:47 I think this is what it is.
01:19:48 I just need some penicillin or whatever, you know, whatever it is right.
01:19:51 Like you're smart.
01:19:52 I'm smart.
01:19:52 Let's not waste our time.
01:19:53 Just give me.
01:19:54 Never verify what I'm saying and just give me whatever so I can get the **** out of here and move on with my day.
01:20:03 And it took me like like I said, like, like, 7-7 ******* doctors to get to the the white lady that ended up knowing what the hell I was talking.
01:20:10 About when I would explain to her things.
01:20:13 And that's just that more and more going to be the case.
01:20:17 And you're going to have and look, there was already incompetence.
01:20:20 There was incompetence with white people.
01:20:21 And so we're.
01:20:22 Just making it worse.
01:20:23 Because now it's incompetence with a lack of communication.
01:20:29 A also not just a lack of communication, there is a.
Speaker 4
01:20:34 They just look.Devon
01:20:36 Racism, despite what the ADL is saying, racism exists in everybody.01:20:46 And that that all those doctors that I couldn't ******* understand a word they were saying or whatever, that's because they didn't put in the ******* effort.
01:20:57 That's because I'm literally just a number and a spreadsheet to these people.
01:21:01 They feel no connection to me.
01:21:05 I'm just the white boy cash cow that came into their office.
01:21:08 They don't ******* care about me.
01:21:11 I'm generalizing, obviously, but they look, they certainly put it this way.
01:21:15 They certainly don't care about me as much as they care about their extended family.
01:21:21 And I look nothing like their extended family.
01:21:24 And that's something you lose when you when you make a society multicultural.
01:21:33 There's no relatability.
01:21:34 Sometimes when you get good service from, like the nice white guy.
01:21:38 At a restaurant or whatever from a, you know, a waiter that's really cool.
01:21:43 It's not always just because oh, no, secret handshake.
01:21:46 White guy, right?
01:21:48 No, it's just you remind.
01:21:49 Him of of.
01:21:50 On some level, you remind him of his family.
01:21:54 He can relate to you.
01:21:57 He can make some assumptions about you because.
01:22:00 You probably have similar upbringings.
01:22:04 You probably have a similar religion.
01:22:08 And all this stuff is baked in.
01:22:11 And it's getting baked out.
01:22:14 And yeah, now more and more you go to the hospital and nurses are it's just like TSA agents.
01:22:19 I don't know if you've been to a hospital recently, but it's just like.
01:22:22 A It's it's extremely overweight.
01:22:27 Diversity hires that are on their phones and and.
01:22:33 Do not look like they want to be.
01:22:34 It's literally it's TSA agents with.
01:22:37 Hospital gowns and and syringes.
01:22:43 All right, Mark ESPY, it was recent.
01:22:45 It was recently the 10 year anniversary of The Simpsons episode of Politically inept with Homer Simpson.
01:22:51 For something a little more lighthearted, it's worth checking out, especially considering it was made in the pre Trump world.
01:22:59 Yeah, I I I off top of my head, I don't remember which one that one is, but I I've seen all of them.
01:23:05 Unfortunately, I haven't seen anything this last.
01:23:07 Yeah, I know they're still making them.
01:23:09 Haven't seen those new ones.
01:23:11 Purge all pedophiles every single time.
01:23:14 Yeah. Well, the thing about the the guy who raised $10 million off of that trucker thing only to get it locked on.
01:23:21 Go fund me.
01:23:21 At least they I think that part is kind of funny because where, where do you think?
01:23:25 That 10 million was really going to go.
Speaker 4
01:23:27 Where do you think it was?Devon
01:23:28 Really going to go?01:23:30 When a gay Jew uses your movement to raise money, just ask Milo.
01:23:34 Where that money goes.
Speaker 4
01:23:36 Because it doesn't go to the movement.Devon
01:23:39 The pill dispenser.01:23:41 If you don't like the slow boil, just accelerate.
01:23:45 Well, that's that's yeah, I mean, that's one school of thought.
01:23:50 But you got to, you got to be realistic in terms of what your power is to even do it.
01:23:54 I don't even think it's necessary.
01:23:55 I mean, there's nothing wrong with like greasing the skids a little bit.
01:23:59 But, you know, we don't really have.
01:24:03 It's it's one of those things that's inevitable and we can maybe again, like I said, grease the skids a little bit, but it's not like we have a whole lot of control.
01:24:11 It's just there's there's entropy about it.
01:24:13 It's like I was saying with the drippy roof, right?
01:24:15 You don't really control when that plaster is finally going to have so much.
01:24:19 It's going to be saturated.
01:24:20 It's hard to really tell without busting the ceiling.
01:24:23 Up and looking, you know you can't see the other side of it.
01:24:25 It's just one day goes from a drip in a wet spot to like, ******* falling down on you.
01:24:30 And there's no way to really know when that is.
01:24:33 So I think that's that's kind of what everyone's.
01:24:37 I don't, I don't know.
01:24:38 Looking forward to it, I mean, I guess on some level, but you know what I mean?
01:24:41 Like it's everyone's anticipating that.
01:24:45 So anyway.
01:24:49 I'm pretty sure in your pill stream #1 from a few years ago you said you might face reveal on pill string #2.
01:24:57 On pill stream #2.
01:25:01 No, I I didn't say that.
01:25:03 I mean, I'll, I'll, I'll.
01:25:05 I'll probably be in, you know if.
01:25:09 Look, it's not possible to find what I.
01:25:11 Look like, first of all, it's not.
Speaker 4
01:25:14 Second of all.01:25:16 Yeah, I mean.
01:25:17 I don't know at this point it's almost kind of fun that you guys don't know it's like.01:25:20 I'm this mysterious.
01:25:22 This mysterious voice.
Speaker 4
01:25:26 I don't know.01:25:27 I might I.
01:25:28 We'll see.01:25:29 We'll see how soon.
01:25:31 I mean, look, I said it's it's not impossible to figure out what I.
01:25:33 Look like or find out what I look like.
01:25:37 Let me go back to the.
01:25:38 Regular chat or wait?
01:25:39 It looks like there was more donations.
01:25:41 See, it doesn't update.
01:25:44 It doesn't.
01:25:45 It just seems like it's randomly sticking them in here.
01:25:48 $50 some more. Steiner, appreciate it. Hi, Devin. Would you mind uploading pass streams that aren't currently available on bit shooter Odyssey?
01:25:57 I think they're oh, you mean like the old ones that were on trovo?
Speaker 4
01:26:04 I think they're all.01:26:05 No, those all.
01:26:06 All those went to bit shoot I think.01:26:10 I'm pretty sure even the trovo ones should be on.
01:26:12 Bit shoot.
01:26:14 If not, I'm relatively certain I've got most of.
01:26:18 Them if not all of them.
01:26:20 It's just like ping pong between two different computers because of the hardware problems I was having for.
01:26:25 A while, but I I pretty sure I recorded almost all.
01:26:29 There was a couple I I ******.
01:26:31 Up and I forgot.
01:26:32 But I think they all ended.
01:26:33 Up on bit shoot.
01:26:35 So you should be able to.
01:26:36 Find him. Are you asking?
01:26:38 That I move them from bit shoot to Odyssey.
01:26:42 No, you're just saying that you're.
01:26:44 No, they should be on there.
01:26:46 But yeah, you should be able to find them.
01:26:49 Let me know if there's one that's missing or a few that are missing.
01:26:53 And I'll look and see if I can find them.
01:26:56 I know the very first one I did on Odyssey because it stays in this little queue every time I go live, it's like, oh, you still have this one that you can publish.
01:27:04 Or whatever.
01:27:06 And it's it's literally my.
01:27:07 It was like the test.
01:27:08 Stream and I just leave it there.
01:27:12 I don't even know what I say in it, because I think I was just testing out Odyssey and I wasn't good at streaming at all.
01:27:19 I didn't know.
01:27:19 What I was doing, I think I was just hitting live and.
Speaker 4
01:27:22 Going hey, obs is.Devon
01:27:26 I don't know off the to take.01:27:28 A look at.
01:27:29 Look and see if there's ones that are missing, but I don't.
01:27:31 Think there?
01:27:32 Are maybe the pill dispenser knows you can ask him in chat.
01:27:37 But I'm pretty sure they're all they're all.
01:27:39 There DKM oh.
01:27:41 Wait, I think I already did.
01:27:43 That one?
01:27:44 See, it's just kind.
01:27:44 Of randomly adding you guys in here.
01:27:51 Let's see if I'm missing anybody else.
01:27:53 Looking for blah blah.
01:27:56 Marty Joe caliber ha ha.
01:27:58 Made you say racism.
01:28:01 I don't understand.
01:28:04 Testing doing alright.
01:28:07 Other content speaking alligators thought.
01:28:10 Here we go.
01:28:11 ******** fagot thoughts on honking in Canada getting so bad.
01:28:14 Justin Trudeau had to go into hiding at his not so secret mansion since four Chance poll found the exact location by cross examining the location of his speech reviewing.
01:28:25 You like.
01:28:26 Yeah, well, you know, I talked about this last stream.
01:28:29 It's an, you know, overall it's it's a net positive it it looks.
01:28:34 At least for right now, and it's hard to control these things.
01:28:40 So who knows what it will end up?
01:28:42 Yeah, if it'll end up like the six and they start prosecuting people and impounding all the trucks and.
01:28:48 You know, who knows, right?
01:28:50 I I suspect I suspect people are getting really excited about that.
01:28:55 This was all I was saying is people are really excited about this, but there's no the end goal is just leave us alone.
01:29:01 It's not.
01:29:02 We're going to do anything to make sure that this doesn't happen again.
01:29:06 That's not even being.
01:29:06 Talked about.
01:29:08 It's just we're going to go and make noise cause because we want to be left alone.
01:29:11 Like that's it.
01:29:12 And the problems that exist because you just want to be left alone.
01:29:19 You can't just say I want to be left alone and like, that's it, and I get the temptation.
01:29:24 I just want to be left alone.
01:29:25 Most people on the right just want to be left alone and that's why the right has no power.
01:29:31 Because when you just want to be left alone, you don't get any power.
01:29:34 You have to be proactive and you have to address your.
01:29:39 You have to address the reason why you have to be, why you want to be left alone.
01:29:44 It's not that you want to just be left alone because you hate people.
01:29:46 I guess for some people, that's the case.
01:29:49 It's just that you hate a certain kind of people that are in charge.
01:29:53 I don't just mean Jews.
01:29:54 I mean like, like it's it's the people that that the just the parasites.
01:30:00 And there's there's white parasites and there's there's black parasites.
01:30:03 And there's Jewish parasites and.
01:30:05 You know.
01:30:05 There's but, but you hate the the parasitic nature of many of the people in your society with power.
01:30:12 And you have to do something about that.
01:30:15 You can't just say leave me alone this time.
01:30:18 This time you're you've pushed it too far.
01:30:20 No, it's they shouldn't be in any positions of power.
01:30:25 It's just going to happen again.
01:30:27 But that's all the right does the right just slows it down for a little bit.
01:30:30 They feel like they they won and they go home.
01:30:33 In March, this will be forgotten about.
01:30:39 Totally forgotten about.
01:30:42 And if anything, they'll start right.
01:30:45 Like I said, they'll write narratives like, oh, all these food shortages, it's because the truckers.
01:30:51 You know, those damn truckers hadn't done their stupid honk thing that ****** you off and kept you up late at.
01:30:55 Night you'd have you'd have all those.
01:31:00 Guacamole, whatever things you want so bad that aren't in the grocery store anymore, or you know.
01:31:05 Whatever the ****, right?
01:31:08 And they can also use it as an argument for automation.
01:31:11 Oh, you know, we can't trust the white supremacists to to run the infrastructure anymore, not just trucking, but any kind of infrastructure job.
01:31:20 We need to automate it or look.
01:31:25 Now this is this is going to.
01:31:26 This is more especially in Canada, this is illegal, but don't act like this won't be at least talked about.
01:31:33 We're not going to hire people for infrastructure jobs that we think might hold these view.
01:31:38 To security risk risk.
01:31:41 Classified as you know, that's an extremist view.
01:31:46 They'll filter you out.
01:31:47 Everyone here has taken one of those stupid multiple choice tests.
01:31:50 Even if you want to try to get a job at like Home Depot or something like that, they get do like.
01:31:54 A psychological profile on you.
01:32:01 If you think that they can't at least get a a somewhat of a grasp of your your political beliefs through those tests, you're wrong.
01:32:10 They can.
Speaker 4
01:32:14 Let's see here.Devon
01:32:23 First last is with $1.00 says.01:32:28 The Episode Hollywood actor, it's worse than you think.
01:32:31 On bit.
01:32:31 Shoot, it won't ever play.
01:32:33 Can you put it on Odyssey?
01:32:35 I'll put that on my notes.
01:32:36 Got to find out.
01:32:38 From when?
01:32:39 That is because I don't have them named.
01:32:42 I have them named by date on my on.
01:32:44 My hard drive.Devon
01:32:47 So I'll look at, I'll take a look at that.01:32:51 Deharo 1400 if you want to laugh, read bits of the PDF, the manifesto of Doctor Matthew Harris, a black UCLA lecturer who got arrested after sending the manifesto to his entire philosophy department.
01:33:04 At UCLA, it reads like an 800 page pulse gets off post.
01:33:09 Well, if it's like that, well, we're not.
01:33:10 Going to take a look at.
01:33:11 It, but I appreciate the.
01:33:12 Link I'll I'll copy and paste this later.
01:33:23 Alright, am I missing anybody?
01:33:26 This doesn't do it in order I'm.
01:33:27 Going to scan through real quick.
01:33:30 I feel like the number of the donations is gonna, so I feel like I'm missing one at least.
01:33:42 It might be good we might be caught up.
01:33:45 All right, we got a regular chat now.
01:33:48 Like I said, I'm probably going to shut it down here in a second.
Speaker 4
01:33:55 I got that.Devon
01:33:56 I got that feeling that probably makes every boomer.01:34:00 Hysterical with fear, you know, like that I'm not sick, but maybe I'm getting sick feeling, but it's not.
01:34:06 It's not that.
01:34:06 It's just allergies.
01:34:07 That's just how I feel when we get dust.
01:34:10 Blown around from.
01:34:12 Hundreds of miles all over the place.
01:34:18 Alright, let's take a look here.
01:34:21 Oh, here's here's one that.
01:34:24 I did miss it, but it's in the regular chat. Bit shoot has most of the past strains, but there are gaps here and there, especially around December 2020 and January 2021 when doing your epic marathon streaming sessions.
01:34:37 Oh, I yeah, I think you might be right.
01:34:39 Don't even know if I recorded all those though.
01:34:41 I'll look and see if I got local copies.
01:34:43 It's just that when I was doing it every single night because of my Internet limitations, I didn't always have the ability to upload every single one of them.
01:34:53 But yeah, I I went every single night for.
01:34:55 A while there.
01:34:56 That was insanity.
01:35:01 Cat Hugger Reese suggesting the devil the devil all the time who movie about a white guy hero that kills.
01:35:08 Sexual degenerates.
01:35:10 I think I looked that.
01:35:11 Up at one point.
01:35:16 But I'll.Devon
01:35:16 I'll put it in.01:35:17 My notes again.
01:35:20 Nothing's ringing a bell, High Priest King Terry Black Bell had talked to a boomer from the USSR recently.
01:35:26 He was very frustrated with the trucker March, he said.
01:35:29 Too many in the West treat such events as a joke or a party.
01:35:33 Meanwhile, the state is taking names and preparing to use all power available to them.
01:35:38 Make a honk.
01:35:39 Same but it's.
01:35:42 It's serious, right?
01:35:43 The you, I guarantee you.
01:35:46 That all those people are getting on lists.
01:35:49 They have facial recognition software, they have access to a lot of the same technologies that Intel our intelligence agencies have.
01:35:57 You know, you know, we make fun of Canada, but it's not.
01:35:59 Like they don't.
01:36:00 Have it's not like they're not a first world country with the same level of technology that that we.
01:36:05 Have. So you, you, you.
01:36:07 You know they're doing that stuff.
01:36:11 I don't know if it'll lead to anything.
01:36:13 I don't think it's going to lead necessarily to like political prosecutions in the same way January 6th, then.
01:36:18 Or at least not to the same degree.
01:36:20 I'm sure they've arrested some people for like traffic violations and stuff like that, but you're definitely ending up on a list that's for absolutely ******* sure.
01:36:31 OK.
01:36:38 Did you have a chance to watch this?
01:36:42 The Milgram experiment.
01:36:46 No, I don't think so, but I'll put that on my notes too.
01:36:52 Didn't we talk about this at one point?
01:36:53 The Milgram experiment was the.
01:36:57 I mean, not this video specifically maybe, but then let me.
01:37:00 Just look this up that.
01:37:02 Sounds familiar.
01:37:03 Like we we went over that.
01:37:07 Milgram experiment.
01:37:12 Right.
01:37:13 Yeah, yeah, no, this is.
01:37:16 Yeah, we've.
01:37:16 I've gone over this.
01:37:18 I mean, a long time ago.
01:37:19 But a lot of people are familiar with this.
01:37:21 That's the one where they they're shocking.
01:37:23 The guy on the other or they think they're shocking the guy.
01:37:25 On the other side of the wall.
01:37:29 Yeah, I mean I I'm pretty sure I did a whole video on this or a video that included this in it.
01:37:36 That's that's a pretty, I mean.
01:37:37 Most people are aware of that.
01:37:39 I could talk about it.
01:37:41 I mean, I could bring up some of the the.
01:37:42 Footage from it.
01:37:43 But I'm almost.
01:37:44 Positive people of that.
01:37:46 It's a pretty I don't know.
01:37:48 I guess there's new people all the time, right?
01:37:49 Not everyone is seeing everything, so maybe it's not.
01:37:51 A bad idea to bring it up again.
01:37:57 The high pricing, Terry, I figure it'll be like January 6th for Canada.
01:38:01 But just like everything in, you know, in Canada, it's gonna be a little bit gayer.
01:38:07 Not the January 6th had had its had its moments of gayness, too, but you know.
01:38:14 Deharo 1400 what do you think of Elon Musk or what do you think Elon Musk's?
01:38:18 End game is.
01:38:20 It's to give me Internet.
01:38:21 That's his end game.
01:38:22 Also, if you were a billionaire who genuinely wanted to expand on human civilization to Mars and beyond, what would you do?
01:38:29 I would be probably researching.
01:38:31 I think that's I really think that's what he wants to do.
01:38:34 I think that's part of what he wants to do.
01:38:38 I think that that's a nightmare scenario if we can't take care of the look.
01:38:45 If it was, if it was like.
01:38:48 If it was our people that wanted to.
Speaker 4
01:38:49 Do it.Devon
01:38:50 And we weren't doing this multicultural.01:38:54 Wokeness ********.
01:38:55 I don't wanna.
01:38:55 I don't.
01:38:56 Wanna make Mars gay?
01:38:58 You know, I don't want to go colonize Mars and have it just be like another gay planet where it's clown worlds.
01:39:06 And not just clown world.
01:39:09 So I'd rather fix the things here at home, but I think that a lot of futurists and a lot of you know, technocrats see a they see an expiration date in terms of whether they're right or wrong.
01:39:23 As a matter, I think they view the earth as a temporary like like, almost like a.
01:39:29 A launchpad for humanity.
01:39:32 They think that if humanity is going to survive for thousands of years to come, it's an it's a necessity that they have to colonize, not just Mars, but beyond.
01:39:45 And I think that.
01:39:47 Especially because of the global warming ******** that they believe in what most of them really believe in it.
01:39:54 There is an urgency.
01:39:58 To a lot of this this thinking, so they think they need to start developing all this technology now.
01:40:05 So that I mean they don't think I don't think that anyone realistically thinks we're going to be colonizing Mars anytime soon, but weren't they I think what their thought process is is well, we'll never colonize it unless we get.
01:40:18 All the research and the technology.
01:40:22 Taken care of and so that that's the mode they're in right now is let's the R&D phase of colonizing Mars.
01:40:31 And I suspect that's how you know and I look, I can't see inside his head.
01:40:35 I all I can do is comment on what he's talked about.
01:40:37 And he has said from what he has said, that's how he views it is that.
01:40:42 We are in the R&D phase of colonizing Mars. I mean, he didn't say that specifically, but I think that basically.
01:40:48 Sums up what he has said.
Speaker 4
01:40:50 First, last if you.Devon
01:40:51 Want to do something relaxing?01:40:52 Then try skydiving.
01:40:55 Go wrong.
01:40:56 I've always wanted to go skydiving.
01:40:58 Actually, I don't like the sensation of falling, but I feel like that would kind of cure.
01:41:03 That right?
01:41:05 But it might also be peaceful because I've gone hot air ballooning and I thought that would freak me out a little bit and it didn't at all.
01:41:12 It was like one of the most peaceful things I've ever done. So maybe skydiving's the.
01:41:16 Same thing I think because you're so high up.
01:41:18 It's like when you're in an airplane and you look out the.
01:41:21 It doesn't even look real.
01:41:23 Right.
01:41:24 And when you jump out of an airplane, I.
01:41:25 Mean the the.
01:41:26 Your intellectually, that's like a that's like a barrier, right?
01:41:30 Like that's you.
01:41:31 You know what you're doing that just sounds.
01:41:33 Like a bad idea.
01:41:34 You know you're jumping out of an airplane and hoping that some sock in your backpack is going to stop you from dying like that sounds awful, but at the same time, you're so high up, it's not like you're you're rushing towards a a brick wall.
01:41:48 Mean you can't even see if there is a brick wall on the ground that you.
01:41:52 Can't like you can't even see people.
01:41:54 I mean it's.
01:41:56 You're so high up that it probably doesn't feel like falling as much as it probably feels like flying.
01:42:05 I mean flying in.
01:42:06 In mostly One Direction, but still flying.
01:42:10 And again, I almost I feel like I'd probably have to be thrown out of the airplane just because.
01:42:14 I wouldn't want to do that.
01:42:16 But once you do it, it's probably easy.
01:42:18 You know you do it once.
01:42:19 It's probably not a big deal.
01:42:20 So I know you're probably.
01:42:21 Joking, but like.
01:42:22 Yeah, I I would be down.
01:42:23 With that, I'd be totally down with that.
01:42:25 And I'll probably do.
01:42:26 It before I.
01:42:27 Die or maybe I won't.
01:42:30 I'd like to.
01:42:34 Let's see here.Devon
01:42:44 Veruca salt status of book two, please.01:42:47 I know I'm.
01:42:49 Been slacking on that.
01:42:50 I know.
01:42:52 Don't remind me.
01:42:53 I know you shouldn't.
01:42:54 You should remind me.
01:42:54 You should give me a ****.
01:42:55 It's coming. I know. That's.
01:42:57 That's as specific as I can get right now.
01:43:00 I kind of back burnered it for a while and yeah.
01:43:04 It's coming.
01:43:05 I promise.
01:43:06 It's coming.
01:43:09 One out of many skydiving is the second best feeling you'll ever have.
01:43:16 Colonel N word.
01:43:17 I'm desperately trying to buy your audio book.
01:43:20 Supposedly Walmart sells it.
01:43:23 So try
01:43:26 I mean, I let's look.
01:43:28 Now, let's see if you.
01:43:29 Can buy it.
01:43:30 People said that and I looked it up and I apparently it does.
01:43:34 It's legit.
01:43:35 Like, it's not just someone else.
01:43:36 I thought it was because I didn't put it on Walmart, but I put it on a third party that was going to because I got banned from audible.
01:43:43 So I put it on this third party that.
01:43:44 Was going to.
01:43:44 Stick on different markets and apparently ended up in on Walmart.
01:43:50 I don't know, maybe it's not available anymore.
01:44:00 Maybe it's not.
01:44:03 Is there is there like a different let me do a Walmart?
01:44:13 Maybe they took it down.
01:44:20 Let's see.
01:44:33 I mean, it's not coming up when I look for the day of the rope, so.
01:44:36 Maybe it got taken down.
01:44:47 I'm just going to have to set up.
01:44:48 There's so many.
01:44:49 The frustrating thing on having to always change platforms.
01:44:53 Not only you get, you're getting paid less and less and less and less like if I was doing exactly what I'm doing here, just on YouTube.
01:45:00 If that was the only thing.
01:45:00 That changed.
01:45:02 I'd have enough money to like.
01:45:03 Hire assistants and ****.
01:45:04 I mean, it wouldn't be able to.
01:45:05 Pay them much, but like I could have.
01:45:07 Other people helping out with this, you know what I mean?
01:45:10 And handling this kind of thing and on top of that, there wouldn't be as much to handle because I wouldn't be getting constantly banned off everything and every time you get banned, you have to read, you know, it's like when I got kicked off of Amazon and I had to go through Barnes and Noble, I had to reformat the entire book so that it worked with Barnes and Noble.
01:45:28 Then I got kicked off of Barnes and Noble.
01:45:30 And so now I gotta, you know, find some other way of self-publishing and and it's just like every time they do.
01:45:37 Something like that.
01:45:38 I mean, they do it for a reason, it it slows you down and meanwhile I've got other stuff going on in my life, right?
01:45:44 And preparing for this stream, it doesn't.
01:45:46 You know, it's it's not.
01:45:47 It's it takes up a lot of time.
01:45:50 It's not just that I go live and like.
01:45:51 That's the only time I'm working on this.
01:45:53 You know what I mean?
01:45:54 And so it's.
01:45:57 It's unfortunate, but that's just the way that it is.
01:45:59 That's why I'm behind on the the book, and that's why there's just all these other projects I'd love to get done, but it's I'm a, you know, I'm I'm I'm one guy.
01:46:08 I'm only one guy, so.
01:46:12 Yeah, and it needs to get and.
01:46:14 The other thing too is I was like well.
01:46:15 I'll wait.
01:46:15 Until I'll wait until I get book two, and then I'll release them both at the same time.
01:46:20 So you get one and.
01:46:21 Two again at the same place and then.
01:46:24 You know then, but two didn't get time.
01:46:26 Still isn't done.
01:46:27 It's just, you know, it's a lot of stuff.
01:46:29 But uh.
01:46:31 But yeah, I'll add it to the list.
01:46:33 I'll add to the list.
01:46:35 There is a publisher that I think will will will allow me to do it that some of you guys are familiar with.
01:46:41 So it's not, it's not the other world, they just again saying I got to reformat and you know all that stuff all over again, it's not a huge deal, but it's just one more thing.
01:46:56 Let's see here.
01:46:59 And missed a bunch of the stuff.
01:47:02 Have you seen the hilariously laid back interviewed with wars Tom Metzger?
01:47:09 Whoopi did back in the 90s?
01:47:12 No, I did not.
01:47:14 Why? What's the?
01:47:19 What's hilarious about it let.
01:47:20 Me pop up real quick.
01:47:30 Is it long?
01:47:31 Oh, it's super long.
01:47:32 I'll maybe I'll maybe check it out.
01:47:34 It's it's like.
01:47:34 20 minutes long.
01:47:37 I'll check it out some other time or after the show.
01:47:44 I bought your audio book audible and I just listened to it on audible.
01:47:48 Well, it was on audible.
01:47:49 You can't get it.
01:47:50 Don't delete it.
01:47:51 I don't.
01:47:51 Well, I don't know if you delete it, maybe they'll let you redownload it, but you can't buy an audible anymore.
01:47:57 They banned it from audible.
01:47:59 I was recently thinking about Uncle Adolf and it was if I was German nationalist, I would hate him more than Jews do now.
01:48:08 His action at end of war caused cooling of hundreds of thousands of the bravest men because he didn't not want to unconditionally surrender.
01:48:20 Well, I'll be honest, I don't know 100. I don't know enough about.
01:48:22 The specifics of all that too.
01:48:25 To have an opinion on that.
01:48:28 Norse nature.
01:48:29 Isn't there some Chinese or Filipino publishing service that will print anything?
01:48:33 Yeah, no, there's I can get it printed.
01:48:35 It's just a matter of me doing it.
01:48:38 It's just a matter of me doing it.
01:48:39 It's a matter of me doing that in like the million other things I'm trying to do.
01:48:45 But doing it wrong, I want to.
01:48:46 I want to make it available it you know I want it to be a source of income, you know, like I don't get.
01:48:52 I don't get paid a whole lot.
01:48:52 Believe it or not.
01:48:55 For being is the weird thing is for being as big of a streamer as I am, which isn't huge, but it's not small.
01:49:02 Like I said, if I was doing this exact same thing on YouTube, I'd be.
01:49:05 Raking in the dough.
01:49:07 But it's, you know, it is what it is.
01:49:09 It's fine.
01:49:11 So I have to look for alternative ways to kind of fund the operation.
01:49:15 And uh, that was.
01:49:17 I knew there was going to be a limit.
01:49:18 Too, I knew.
01:49:19 I knew it was going to get banned.
01:49:20 I didn't know when, but I knew I knew it would get banned and it.
01:49:22 Actually stayed up pretty long.
01:49:24 And and it helped fun getting the pill box, actually.
01:49:28 So you know it was.
01:49:30 It it worked.
01:49:33 But I need to get it back out there and I need to finish book two and book 3.
01:49:37 Start about 3:00.
01:49:43 Alright, first last you don't want filthy Jew tube money.
01:49:47 Blessed little money is is better than big dirty shekels, right?
01:49:52 Well, right.
01:49:54 Well, I couldn't be on on on YouTube because I wouldn't be able to say anything that I said tonight.
01:50:00 And I don't like playing the the self censorship game.
01:50:04 And you'd have to to stay on YouTube.
01:50:07 Let's Lord Godfrey.
01:50:09 Have you tried Angela publishing?
01:50:11 Yeah, that's one of the ones I was looking at, actually.
01:50:14 I I.
01:50:17 That's one of the ones that it's a possibility.
01:50:22 Excuse me.
01:50:26 Canada was 97% white in 1960, but because of very high immigration rates, it is undergoing a great replacement faster than any other white nation. The Greater Toronto and Greater Vancouver areas are minority white.
01:50:42 You want to look. You want to be sad? I think I put this on my or on my telegram almost a year ago there was an old Canadian advert like tourism ad from the 1970s or 80s. And it's all white. Every single person in the advertisements white.
01:51:00 It it's it, just it'll bring.
01:51:02 A tear to your eye.
01:51:04 And not a happy tear.
01:51:07 Try Fight Wing Press also appears that may sell it.
01:51:12 I haven't heard of.
01:51:15 Fight Wing press.
01:51:17 I don't think so.
01:51:18 Let me.
01:51:19 Puerto Lulu.
01:51:20 I forget what I looked into that and I forget why I was not impressed with that.
01:51:30 Let's see here.Devon
01:51:32 Revolt against modern revolt against modern NW.01:51:38 Just how chill?
01:51:41 Just how chill it is.
01:51:42 She's very.
01:51:44 She's very to him, all things considered in her.
01:51:49 Oh, you talk about the Whoopi Goldberg?
01:51:52 Yeah, I'll check it out after the show.
01:51:54 High Priest and Terry, remember in a stream a while back you mentioned you had some exciting news to come about.
01:51:59 Homesteading and community anywhere on that.
01:52:01 Not yet, not just yet, and some of it's going to be like you said, some of it's.
01:52:05 Going to be.
01:52:05 Secret agent stuff.
01:52:07 Some of we're not going to talk.
01:52:08 About because they you know.
Speaker 4
01:52:12 There's some things you just don't want to advertise.Devon
01:52:16 So all right guys, I think I'm all caught up like I.01:52:17 Said so, it's gonna be a little short today.
01:52:21 I'm going to get to bed and save my voice a little bit.
01:52:25 It's already starting to go a little bit so.
01:52:28 I'll have a I have a.
01:52:29 Big Stream planned for Saturday.
01:52:33 Thanks for coming out here and enjoying this wonderful 2/2/22.
01:52:41 And I'll see you again on.
01:52:42 Saturday for Black pill, I am of course.
01:52:48 I was going to have a drum roll sound effect.
01:52:50 And it didn't work.
01:53:09 Alright, stand by for NVIDIA.
01:53:11 I forgot to load it.
01:53:14 Hold on.
01:53:15 It's not that.
01:53:15 It's not that exciting.
01:53:18 I know, but I like to have something at the end here.
01:53:22 Where did it go?
01:53:24 Can't believe I forgot to load that I downloaded.
01:53:25 I was so excited.
01:53:26 I was like, oh, here's something.
01:53:31 Wire it.
01:53:32 I go.
01:53:32 Where are you at?
01:53:38 Oh, that's right.
01:53:38 I know where it is.
01:53:49 No, that's not what I was.
01:53:50 Good play. Damn it.
01:53:53 Isn't this new?
01:54:01 Alright, you can have this one.
01:54:18 Alright, this one is better and it has sound.
01:54:24 Or thought I'd sound neither one of these.
01:54:25 Are plain right? Damn it.
Speaker 4
01:54:27 There's an epic failure.01:54:28 This is the worst ending.
01:54:29 We've ever had.
01:54:32 I gotta find something good.
01:54:35 Oh, I have so many clips here.01:54:43 Let's see here.
01:54:43 What to?
01:54:44 Do what to do?
01:54:47 Oh, that's horrifying.
01:54:49 See, I gotta.
01:54:49 I gotta decide between horrifying and entertaining.
01:55:06 You know what? **** it.
01:55:08 This is what you're getting, and I don't care.
01:55:11 This is just what you're getting.
01:55:13 You're going to, you're going to tired old meme.
Speaker 8
01:55:22 Yeah, because I'm. I'm literally.01:55:23 In Burma, yeah, I know.
01:55:25 I'm on my gap here at the moment.
01:55:27 Yeah, yeah, I know.
01:55:28 It's amazing.
01:55:31 I can't believe you said that because that really reminds me of this time on my gap here.
01:55:36 Yeah, I was.
01:55:37 I was in Africa, in Tanzania and I saw this woman with malaria.
01:55:43 She had, like flies all round her eyes and she looked at me with this vacant stare, but with a sense of endearing hope.
01:55:51 As if to say you know, despite our differences, you and I are one, we're kindred spirits.
01:55:57 And then I just send it everywhere.
01:56:01 I was like.
01:56:02 I've been on the lash that I before, but the rack ship that's not in my life, that's not in my life, yeah.
01:56:09 Oh my God, I can't.
01:56:10 Believe you said that because.
01:56:12 That really reminds me of this time on my gut.
01:56:15 Yeah, I was in South America in Peru.
01:56:21 No para darling para.
01:56:26 Peru, Peru, Peru.
01:56:28 Wonderful country.
01:56:30 You know, beautiful people.
01:56:34 And we were trekking in the Andes and the sun was just rising and glinting off the snow create.
01:56:39 Sort of ethereal haze, and I really got a sense of the awesome power of nature and the insignificance of man, you know, and.
01:56:50 Then I just wondered.
01:56:52 Every while I was like all over the snow was like have that nature one nil.
01:57:01 Made a little volcano.
01:57:03 All the little chocolates through amazing, no.
01:57:12 Near you.
01:57:16 You're you're so right.
01:57:17 You're so right.
01:57:17 Global warming.
01:57:19 It really is an insignificant truth.
01:57:21 Yeah, yeah.
01:57:23 It actually it's funny you should say.
01:57:24 That cause it really reminds her at this time now.
01:57:28 Because I yeah, I'm still on my gap here.
01:57:31 Yeah, I'm.
01:57:31 In Burma on this.
01:57:32 Kind of spiritual, cultural, political exchange thing.
01:57:38 Well, I'm kind of in kind of in prison.
01:57:44 It turns out they're quite hot on you bringing naughty salt into the.
01:57:48 Country and you?
01:57:51 Yeah, I know it's.
01:57:51 So spiritual and political and cultural. But it's also kind of brutal and demeaning. I mean, there's not much food and I don't really know what anyone's saying.
01:58:00 And the other day, the guards took me out at gunpoint, into into the square and and then I just wonder.
01:58:07 Everywhere we've been.
01:58:09 And the last, the night before in the prison bit of the bit of the supplies.
01:58:13 I was like banter.
01:58:19 Just like full of.
01:58:58 I'm on my God.01:59:05 I'm on my car.
01:59:08 It's amazing.
01:59:11 I'm literally.
Speaker 8
01:59:12 I'm on my.01:59:13 Yeah, I was in Africa and tonnes not.
01:59:18 Right.01:59:22 And she looked at me with vacant.
Speaker 8
01:59:24 As if to say, despite our differences of.01:59:26 View and I thought.
01:59:30 Thundered everywhere.
02:00:02 Oh my.Speaker 8
02:00:03 God, I can't believe you said that because that really.02:00:06 Reminds me of this time.
02:00:07 When my gut. Yup. Yup.
02:00:09 I was in South America in prop.
Speaker 6
02:00:16 Corona, kera.Speaker 8
02:00:21 Wonderful country.02:00:23 You know, beautiful people we are.
Speaker 1
02:00:26 Yeah, dude.Speaker
02:00:27 We were drinking in.Speaker 8
02:00:28 The undies and.02:00:29 The sun was.
02:00:30 Just rising and glinting off the snow, creating.
02:00:32 This sort of imperial haze I really got.
Speaker 2
02:00:39 Of the power of.Speaker
02:00:39 Nature and the insignificance of man.Speaker 8
02:00:43 And then I just wondered.Speaker
02:01:11 One nil.Speaker 8
02:01:18 Like, that's my life.Speaker
02:01:21 I'm on my God.