

Speaker 2
00:10:58 I'm a rabbit.
Speaker 1
00:01:52 You don't.
Speaker 2
00:01:57 I'm stuck crying. She's laughing.
Speaker 1
00:02:02 OK.
00:02:07 All these words.
00:02:35 It's it's fully, it's mine.
00:02:44 His threat, and not not, but he is.
00:02:59 I'm sorry.
Speaker 5
00:03:33 Hey mate.
00:03:35 Where you going?
Speaker 1
00:03:36 We know mate, please.
Speaker 6
00:03:43 Have you were nice?
Speaker 2
00:03:45 Nice. Where you going?
Speaker 1
00:03:47 Seacrest is, and that's how what it was.
Speaker 4
00:03:49 Nice coal farm.
Speaker 1
00:03:55 And I said.
Speaker 2
00:04:02 Train stations Butterfield.
Speaker 1
00:04:13 Not now.
00:04:28 Say please, it's nuts.
00:04:31 He's nuts.
Speaker 4
00:06:34 I got my I got my my.
00:06:37 I got my mind.
00:06:47 But it's gonna take money.
00:06:51 A whole lot of spending money.
00:06:54 It's gonna take 20.
Speaker 3
00:06:57 To do it right, chat.
Speaker 4
00:07:00 It's gonna take time.
00:07:05 Precious time.
00:07:07 It's gonna take.
Speaker 1
00:07:08 The patience and time.
Speaker 8
00:07:11 To do it.
Speaker 4
00:07:12 Do it, do it, do it, do it.
00:07:15 Do it right.
00:07:18 I got.
Speaker 4
00:07:21 I got my mind set.
00:07:24 I got my mind.
00:07:28 I got my mind set.
00:07:34 Real feeling? Feeling.
00:07:45 I got my my.
00:07:52 I got for my.
00:07:58 But it's going to take money spending money.
Speaker 3
00:08:09 Right child.
Speaker 4
00:08:11 It's going to take time.
00:08:18 It's going to take patience and time.
00:08:56 And this is time before we leave.
00:09:09 But it's gonna take it's gonna take.
00:09:20 Right.
Speaker 5
00:09:22 It's going to take.
00:09:27 Precious time.
Speaker 4
00:09:29 It's only take conversation.
00:10:23 Welcome to the Insomnia Stream Casserole edition.
00:10:31 That's it.
00:10:34 I'm your host, of course.
00:10:35 Devin stack.
00:10:36 Welcome.
00:10:36 Welcome.
00:10:38 You know we, we, we.
00:10:40 We didn't pray hard enough.
00:10:43 We didn't pray hard enough.
00:10:45 I got all excited.
00:10:47 I got all excited.
00:10:49 Because Madonna was in the news, I don't usually get excited when Madonna is in the news.
00:10:54 But Madonna was in the news.
00:10:56 She was rushed to the hospital and I thought she was going to die suddenly.
00:11:00 You know this this Madonna.
00:11:02 This is one of our.
00:11:05 It must take a lot of baby's blood.
00:11:07 To keep her.
00:11:08 She's she's going to be.
00:11:11 I feel like she's going to never die.
00:11:12 Kind of like a Kissinger.
00:11:14 But yeah, she was rushed to the hospital.
00:11:18 And then when I found out she was intubated.
00:11:21 Which usually kills people.
00:11:25 I was.
00:11:26 I was kind of.
00:11:28 That's kind of exciting.
00:11:30 Didn't didn't work out.
00:11:32 Didn't workout.
00:11:33 I guess there's an update now saying that.
00:11:35 Ohh no, she's good and.
00:11:37 And it's even possible that because her.
00:11:40 Her tour wasn't selling so hot.
00:11:43 That it was all ********.
00:11:44 I mean, I don't know.
00:11:45 I don't know.
00:11:47 I don't know.
00:11:49 You guys didn't pray hard enough.
00:11:52 You didn't pray hard enough.
00:11:53 We almost.
00:11:54 We almost lost.
00:11:56 Lost one of these.
00:11:58 Awesome satanist, that.
00:12:01 Saturate our.
00:12:03 Our mainstream media.
00:12:07 Isn't this interesting?
00:12:09 Isn't that weird?
00:12:10 That like Satan, is?
Speaker 2
00:12:11 Cool right now.
00:12:14 I guess it makes sense, right?
00:12:15 Follow the empire.
00:12:17 Fall of an empire.
00:12:18 That's what we're experiencing right now.
00:12:21 One of this stuff anyway, you get the idea.
00:12:29 To make things better, you know what I mean?
00:12:31 End of end times.
00:12:32 We mean talk about.
00:12:33 End times.
00:12:36 Well, instead of locusts, apparently we've got.
00:12:40 Bill Gates genetically modified mosquitoes.
00:12:46 I mean, I don't know if these are related, but it's interesting.
00:12:49 So Bill Gates and I, I I don't understand that these people not see Jurassic Park.
00:12:56 Did they not see Jurassic Park or?
00:12:57 I don't know, hear of killer bees?
00:13:00 I don't understand why this was even allowed to happen.
00:13:02 Because it's not like if you if you genetically modify mosquitoes and release them by the hundreds of thousands like Bill Gates did in Florida and Texas, it's not like they're just going to stay in Florida and Texas.
00:13:14 Now you're creating a new Organism.
00:13:18 You're making a new Organism, and that's going to reproduce even though, like the intention, the intention right of his genetically modified mosquitoes.
00:13:28 Was that they would reproduce less like somehow they're going to.
00:13:33 Make a a.
00:13:34 Mosquito that would somehow breed with other mosquitoes and make them.
00:13:40 I don't know.
00:13:41 I don't know how apparently releasing mosquitoes.
00:13:45 Into Florida and Texas, what was going to make fewer mosquitoes?
00:13:50 At least that was the idea.
00:13:52 So here we go.
00:13:53 According to the study, researchers have bioengineered male mosquitoes to mate with wild female population.
00:14:01 And these genetically.
00:14:05 Engineered mosquitoes.
00:14:08 We'll pass on a gene to the the wild mosquitoes.
00:14:14 That somehow makes them reproduce less.
00:14:21 I mean, sounds great, right?
00:14:22 I guess sort of.
00:14:23 Oh, what's this?
00:14:26 Oh, what's this today?
00:14:28 Malaria alert issued in Florida while infectious mosquitoes have led to statewide concern.
00:14:35 That's weird.
00:14:35 I thought these genetically modified mosquitoes were going to help us, you know, cut down on the population.
00:14:41 But now we've got malaria, 4 people in Sarasota have fallen ill with malaria, and the Florida Department of Health has issued A statewide mosquito borne illness.
00:14:52 The department said this week the US centers of the disease controls also issued alert after the Florida cases.
00:14:58 One case in Texas.
00:15:03 Ah, that's interesting. So uh.
00:15:07 They're in Texas, too, huh? Are the first instances of locally transmitted malaria in the US since 2003.
00:15:19 That's uh.
00:15:21 I'm sure that's just a coincidence, right?
00:15:24 Bill Gates releases mosquitoes in jiggly modified mosquitoes in Texas and Florida, and.
00:15:33 Now we have the first cases of malaria in 20 years and.
00:15:38 Texas and Florida.
Speaker 10
00:15:43 Yeah, well.
00:15:45 Now, what are you gonna do?
00:15:50 In other news, the.
00:15:53 The Titan.
00:15:55 The Titan.
00:15:58 Which, by the way, I've I've.
00:16:00 Heard now that Stockton Rush was Jewish?
00:16:03 And I don't know if that's true.
00:16:06 But he's married to a.
00:16:08 Jew and he was married to a Jew at a time when I don't think a A A Jewess.
00:16:15 Who comes from money, of course.
00:16:18 What have married a non Jew?
00:16:19 So likelihood that he is Jewish is very high.
00:16:24 Physiognomy is there too.
00:16:28 There you go.
00:16:29 Thanks, Jews yet again.
00:16:32 They're bringing up the wreckage.
00:16:35 The wreckage of the the Titan.
00:16:37 Now, if you look at this video here, that's not that white stuff is not the that's they're covering the wreckage.
00:16:45 I don't know if it's because it's it's covered in.
00:16:50 Microscopic bits of dead people, and it'd have to be microscopic bits of dead people.
00:16:56 I was trying to explain to people or someone the other day how quickly these people would have died, how how insanely quickly.
00:17:08 They would have died and there's there's a number of things going on when you have a catastrophic failure at that depth, you have to understand at that depth.
00:17:21 The amount of pressure.
00:17:23 It's like imagine.
00:17:27 Imagine a watermelon.
00:17:30 And imagine dropping a mountain.
00:17:33 On top of that watermelon.
00:17:36 And that's that's what you get.
00:17:37 So even in in in the split seconds and it would have been like less than a second.
00:17:43 That leaks formed the water shooting into the inside of the Titan.
00:17:50 Would have been.
00:17:51 Going at such high speeds, it would have sliced everyone in half that it touched.
00:17:58 And that would have only have been that would we're talking like milliseconds that would would have happened.
00:18:03 The hole would then instantly.
00:18:10 Smashing the the people that have been sliced to pieces.
00:18:14 And the heat generated.
00:18:16 By this implosion, the energy would create, you know, heat.
Speaker 5
00:18:24 Well, we would.
00:18:24 Rival the surface of the sun, so if you were, if you're inside this this submersible.
00:18:33 In in less time that it would take your brain to even understand what the hell was going on so they wouldn't have known they wouldn't have known it's possible.
00:18:41 Maybe they heard like a cracking sound or something like that, but before they would even know what the hell was happening, they would have been sliced up.
00:18:48 Pulverized and boiled.
00:18:53 So I don't know if like like what, why they put the sheets on there because I don't.
00:18:58 Think that any, I don't think any.
00:19:01 Biomass would have survived that, but.
00:19:04 There you go, they're retrieving retrieving bits of the Titan.
00:19:10 I guess.
00:19:10 I guess Stockton Rush was related to or his wife rather was related to a rich Jewish family that was on the Titanic so.
00:19:23 I don't know something poetic about that, I guess.
Speaker 11
00:19:25 I don't know.
00:19:27 Speaking of.
00:19:33 You would think that it's funny because I I see a lot of people.
00:19:36 I don't know why, but I see a lot of people have this misunderstanding that like somehow now that COVID is over right now that the jig.
00:19:47 Up now that people are dying suddenly.
00:19:51 It it it'll it still at alarming rates now that it's it's very obvious that the vaccine didn't stop transmission.
00:20:02 Now that it's it's very obvious that the whole thing was at at best a A.
00:20:11 Degree of incompetence never before seen in world government, but that's probably not what happened.
00:20:19 At worst a A.
00:20:23 Population control Murder Fest, but the lot of people, are they they look back at this and like, oh, you know, they've learned their lesson.
00:20:32 You know they're, you know, we need to forgive them and and welcome them back.
00:20:36 And, you know, they're they they've understood that it was all ******** that a lot of these people that told you that if you went outside that you were going to kill grandma and all this stuff, you know, that.
00:20:45 You know they're they're, uh, they've got egg on their face now.
00:20:50 Well, that's not true.
00:20:51 It's not true at all.
00:20:52 They're still arresting people.
00:20:55 As if it you know, it's like January 6th, right?
00:20:57 The FBI and the DOJ, they're still, they're still looking for and arresting people still, like, right now they're they are still tracking.
00:21:07 They are still looking at the footage of January 6th.
00:21:10 Still running the the footage through facial recognition software trying to find people through their social media accounts or through people that want to rat them out in the case, like that girl that with the beret that you know a couple months ago they tweeted out her photo and like an ex-boyfriend ratted.
00:21:28 Her out or something?
00:21:28 Like that and and again this is, this is years later.
00:21:34 They're still trying to track these ******* down.
00:21:36 Of course they didn't learn their lesson.
00:21:38 You didn't learn your lesson.
00:21:42 Your lesson is is, is, is.
00:21:45 They're right and you're wrong.
00:21:47 You're not even at that.
00:21:49 You are.
00:21:50 That's like, that's like the cattle thinking that when the the farmer makes makes a mistake by giving them, you know, bad feed, that they the kills off half the cows that the cows like.
00:22:01 Well, he learned his lesson.
00:22:02 No he didn't.
00:22:03 He didn't.
00:22:05 This is this is that official, I believe out of the UK that was caught admitting through emails that they were going to use fear tactics and time the release of these new variants and whatnot to scare people into getting vaccinated.
00:22:24 Because enough people weren't getting vaccinated.
00:22:27 Tell me, does he sound repentant?
00:22:29 Does he sound like you know, he?
00:22:31 He learned his lesson.
Speaker 12
00:22:36 I am profoundly sorry for the impact that had.
00:22:41 I'm profoundly sorry for each death that has occurred, and I also understand.
00:22:51 For some it will be hard to take that apology from me.
00:22:55 I understand that.
00:22:56 I get it.
00:22:58 But it is honest and heartfelt, and I'm not very good at talking about my emotions and how I feel, but that is.
00:23:10 Honest and true and and all I can do is ensure that this inquiry gets to the bottom of it and that for the future we learn the right lessons.
00:23:23 So that we.
00:23:24 Stop a pandemic in its tracks much, much earlier.
00:23:30 And that we have the systems in place ready to do that because I'm worried that they're being dismantled as we speak.
00:23:37 Well, we'll come to that.
00:23:40 He's worried that the the mechanisms that they they built up and put in place to keep you in lockdown and forced you to get vaccinated are being dismantled.
00:23:50 He's doubling down.
00:23:51 By the way.
00:23:52 He's not sorry for scaring people.
00:23:54 He's sorry.
00:23:56 That he didn't.
00:23:56 Wasn't able to vaccinate more people.
00:23:58 He's sorry the the the lockdowns were not more ********.
00:24:05 Who knows, maybe we'll have a bioengineered mosquito pandemic.
00:24:12 Coming up next.
00:24:17 Speaking of things that people don't seem to ever learn their lessons, even after the facts are in.
00:24:24 Now this video is going around people touring at the site of a of a death camp.
00:24:28 And they're shocked.
00:24:30 Their shock to discover.
00:24:32 There was a swimming pool at the death camp.
Speaker 7
00:24:36 It's because it turns out the prison camp was actually more like a holiday camp.
00:24:43 This is the.
00:24:43 Swimming pool? Yep.
Speaker 14
00:24:45 That's the one.
Speaker 2
00:24:46 But there's no.
Speaker 15
00:24:46 Way I just no me neither.
Speaker 14
00:24:49 There was a proper hockey ring.
Speaker 1
00:24:50 Right here. What? Well.
Speaker 14
00:24:52 Yeah, there was.
00:24:53 A huge sport field right behind those trees and during the winter they've been huge hockey rink.
Speaker 1
00:25:00 So they had a sports pitch swimming pool.
Speaker 14
00:25:02 Library Library Theater was theatre.
Speaker 12
00:25:07 Are you quite sure?
00:25:08 That wasn't people trying to tunnel in, yeah.
00:25:15 Ohh but 6,000,006 million, right?
00:25:21 Just like this woman seems to be grappling with or trying to understand.
00:25:28 As a Christian in in Israel.
00:25:32 Trying to make justifications for Jews spitting on and physically assaulting Christians.
00:25:40 You can tell that she.
00:25:44 She thinks they're they're the they're our greatest ally.
00:25:48 Even though this is how she's being treated.
Speaker 13
00:25:50 Right now, there are protests going on.
00:25:52 Here in the coral, in the heart of.
Speaker 13
00:25:53 Jerusalem because the Messianic Jewish alliance is gathered and believers from all over Israel.
Speaker 10
00:25:59 Are gathered in.
Speaker 13
00:25:59 The in the pavilion.
00:26:01 To lift up the name of Yeshua, and that's not really welcomed.
00:26:06 By a lot.
00:26:06 Of people here in Israel, that's not really understood.
00:26:10 To Orthodox community and we love our Jewish brothers and sisters.
00:26:13 We love these people.
00:26:15 But the reality is that.
00:26:16 They don't see.
00:26:19 Kaya, a couple years ago we were hearing the.
00:26:22 Same place and.
00:26:22 They yelled yes, she.
00:26:23 Was dead and different things in Hebrew.
00:26:25 There was tear.
00:26:26 I'm grateful that tonight there hasn't been any overt violence.
00:26:31 People are yelling.
00:26:32 People are.
Speaker 10
00:26:37 Ask you from Jerusalem if you would join me in praying for you would.
Speaker 13
00:26:49 Be worshipped in the place where he came.
00:27:01 They're God's chosen people.
00:27:07 Christians have no ******* idea.
00:27:09 No ******* idea when they do these.
00:27:12 Uh, they do these these tours of Israel.
00:27:16 It's kind of like, well, in fact, I remember years ago and I think they're still doing this the the same network of radio broadcasters.
00:27:29 That Dennis Prager is on.
00:27:31 They all do this every year.
00:27:32 I'm pretty sure it's still going, but it it's been they've done this for.
00:27:36 Well, I I.
00:27:36 Think like over 10 years now.
00:27:38 They they get a bunch of gullible.
00:27:41 Boomer Christians.
00:27:44 To send them.
00:27:45 Crazy amounts of money.
00:27:48 So that they can be on.
00:27:48 A cruise.
00:27:50 With a a Jewish personality.
00:27:53 So with, you know, it's whether it's Michael Medved or Dennis Prager or, you know, one of these, these Jewish talk show hosts on, I forget the name of the network.
00:28:05 It's like, it's not like the Patriot network, but it's something like that.
00:28:07 It's like it doesn't know.
00:28:08 Doesn't matter, and so they they they get these boomers to pay them ungodly amounts of money to ride on a cruise ship with Dennis Prager, who will come down and like, you know, mingle with them every once in a while and probably try to sell them books and and things like that.
00:28:26 And I'm sure they have booths.
00:28:27 Set up you know to so you can.
00:28:29 Donate to Israel and and whatever.
00:28:31 Right.
00:28:31 And you go on this cruise to Israel.
00:28:35 And then once you get there, you're in this very almost like if you were.
00:28:40 To go to.
00:28:43 You know Cuba, right?
00:28:44 Like, if you were to go?
00:28:45 To North Korea.
00:28:46 Right.
00:28:47 They would show you they would be very aware of your presence.
00:28:51 They would show you very select locations.
00:28:55 They would make sure that there was enough.
00:28:57 Security and and stuff around.
00:28:59 So you didn't see like the?
00:29:00 Real the real population, or even like if you were, if you go on a cruise, they do this with, you know, Caribbean cruises.
00:29:06 If you go on some cruise that goes to the Caribbean and it stops off at different islands like Jamaica and stuff like that, you don't see the the.
00:29:15 Poverty, part of the island, right?
00:29:17 You see, like the the the carefully curated.
00:29:21 White people, part of the island where you go and everything looks like it's brand new and there's all these people waiting to wait on you and and so you can stuff your boomer gullet full of.
00:29:36 I don't know what?
00:29:36 What's a.
00:29:37 What's a Jamaican food like?
00:29:39 Do they even have?
00:29:40 I don't know, fried chicken?
00:29:45 And you know, you get back on the boat and you go to the next.
00:29:47 It's the same thing, right?
00:29:48 That you just you see these very limited parts of it.
00:29:52 And I I Christians have no idea.
00:29:54 No idea that if you go walk around in Israel and make it known that you're Christian just and you're not in some kind of roped off, you know, sanitized for the going part of the the country.
00:30:11 You you receive a lot of abuse.
00:30:14 You receive a lot of abuse, you get assaulted.
00:30:18 People been murdered.
00:30:20 This is just what happens.
00:30:22 And it's just funny to watch these people like she's sitting here like I'm, I'm assuming live streaming or making some kind of video.
00:30:29 Talking about ohh, it's much better this year because they're not having to use tear gas on the Jews.
00:30:37 They never put it together.
00:30:38 They never, they never put it together.
00:30:41 Oh, they just don't understand.
00:30:44 Now they understand.
00:30:45 They understand, all right.
00:30:49 You know another form of this psychosis is seeing this video this has.
00:30:53 Been going around?
00:30:54 You had a white guy.
00:30:57 Threatened by a black guy.
00:31:00 With, with with a I think of a knife.
00:31:03 So he calls the cops on him and the cops arrest him and he starts crying.
00:31:09 He start the white guy starts crying.
00:31:13 Crying for the guy that was attacking him and his family with a knife.
00:31:17 Because he doesn't want to be on the reason why there's another black man in jail.
00:31:25 Maybe should have called this Stockholm syndrome addition, although I think I already have.
00:31:29 One of those I don't know.
00:31:31 But this is this is.
Speaker 17
00:31:32 He was arrested and charged with simple assault and terroristic threats.
00:31:36 Following his arrest, he was transported to the DeKalb County Jail.
00:31:41 So let's go to the small car police.
Speaker 3
00:31:47 Why is it happening?
00:31:49 And being arrested, yes.
Speaker 1
00:31:51 Oh boy, I'm sorry.
Speaker 7
00:31:57 Just one second.
Speaker 1
00:32:00 I just want to mix them up.
Speaker 18
00:32:03 But still he.
00:32:06 I will.
Speaker 7
00:32:06 Need for you to fill out a.
00:32:07 Statement form.
Speaker 19
00:32:08 I don't want to arrest.
Speaker 15
00:32:09 It I just want to leave us alone.
Speaker 20
00:32:10 I know.
00:32:10 But he had a weapon on him and it was terrorist attacks.
Speaker 17
00:32:14 Brandishing is not a crime of the knife.
00:32:15 Brandishing is only a crime.
Speaker 16
00:32:15 It's not.
Speaker 7
00:32:16 For a gun terroristic threats, they'll say.
00:32:21 Because, he said died to me and had his knife out.
00:32:25 All that was done.
Speaker 20
00:32:27 The threats, everything.
Speaker 16
00:32:30 Was it?
00:32:30 Let me get a statement.
Speaker 7
00:32:30 I thought I thought you were gonna.
00:32:32 Rest in my wouldn't call I.
Speaker 21
00:32:33 Just wanted to leave this alone.
00:32:36 I mean, Can you imagine the cockery?
00:32:38 If I had known you were going to arrest him.
00:32:40 I wouldn't have called.
00:32:42 There's there's a black guy with a knife coming at you and your family saying die.
00:32:50 And you're upset that he's being arrested.
00:32:57 And you know.
00:32:58 **** this guy for another reason.
00:33:02 Not only is he a massive ******* *****.
00:33:07 But **** him for wanting to keep that dangerous person in public.
00:33:12 So that his feelings don't get hurt.
00:33:18 I just wanted you to take the land mine out of my my front yard and stick it.
00:33:21 My neighbors yard.
00:33:25 Fine now.
00:33:25 And you were gonna.
00:33:26 You were gonna take it away and have it disposed of then?
00:33:30 I wouldn't have called you.
00:33:31 I would have just let my kids play around the landmine.
00:33:45 I mean this is this is if this.
00:33:47 Isn't Stockholm syndrome?
00:33:48 I don't know what it is.
00:33:49 Look at this ******* ******.
00:33:52 You're resting him.
00:33:54 All he did was brandish a knife and say die at my family.
00:33:59 That's all he.
Speaker 21
00:34:00 Did I didn't think.
Speaker 11
00:34:01 That that was illegal.
00:34:03 It's only illegal if.
00:34:04 You have a gun.
00:34:05 Because guns are bad.
Speaker 17
00:34:10 Not a crime of the knife brandishing is only a crime for a gun.
Speaker 20
00:34:13 Terroristic threats, those side.
Speaker 7
00:34:17 Because, he said die to me and had his knife out.
00:34:20 What all that was done?
Speaker 20
00:34:22 The threats, everything.
Speaker 7
00:34:25 I thought I thought.
Speaker 16
00:34:26 Let me get a statement.
Speaker 7
00:34:26 I thought you were gonna.
Speaker 22
00:34:27 Rest my word.
00:34:28 I just wanted to leave this alone.
Speaker 20
00:34:30 I understand, but still have a job to do.
Speaker 7
00:34:32 Now he's gonna.
00:34:33 He's gonna think I'm doing this cause.
00:34:35 I'm waiting. He's playing.
00:34:37 Or he's homeless and I'm.
Speaker 10
00:34:38 Not I don't want that.
Speaker 1
00:34:39 But didn't he?
Speaker 20
00:34:40 But did he do what he did?
Speaker 7
00:34:41 Yeah, but I don't want him thinking I did it because he's in whatever situation he's in.
00:34:46 I just wanted to leave him.
00:34:47 I mean, holy ****.
Speaker 10
00:34:50 I don't want to think that I'm doing.
Speaker 2
00:34:52 This because I'm white and.
00:34:53 He's black. What?
00:34:54 The **** dude.
00:34:59 What the ****?
00:35:00 This is what we're up against, guys, this is what I'm talking about.
00:35:12 Now we've been doing a lot of streams the last few weeks, showing you the cultural difference.
00:35:19 That has taken place in this country in just a few decades.
00:35:23 I mean, just just last stream for example.
00:35:27 Last stream we just talked about the the interracial marriage laws.
00:35:34 And now it wasn't.
00:35:34 It wasn't socially acceptable just to marry outside your race, especially if you're white.
00:35:40 In fact, most of the laws.
00:35:42 Were tailored specifically to white people.
00:35:44 They didn't care if a black person married like a Chinese person or something like that.
00:35:48 Was in the case, I think that it was in.
00:35:50 Virginia, where they got that crypto Jew to sue and and win in the Supreme Court with the fake last name of loving.
00:36:02 When they did that.
00:36:03 It was specific to white people.
00:36:05 White people couldn't marry.
00:36:08 Outside their race.
00:36:11 But they didn't care if if you were, if you were colored, you were colored.
00:36:15 Right, if you.
00:36:15 Were POC you were POC, then you know who cares.
00:36:18 What happened outside of that?
00:36:21 And that was socially acceptable.
00:36:24 All the way up until the 80s where I showed you that clip from cheers, where they it was, it was still a joke, right?
00:36:29 It was still.
00:36:30 Make some people uncomfortable.
00:36:33 To today.
00:36:35 A man is a his family is attacked.
00:36:42 Or about to be.
00:36:45 By a black man brandishing a knife, saying die.
00:36:51 He calls the cops and he starts crying.
00:36:55 Because the black guy might think he's racist.
00:37:02 I mean, holy ****.
Speaker 7
00:37:03 Or he's homeless and.
00:37:04 I'm not.
00:37:05 I don't want that.
Speaker 20
00:37:05 But then he.
00:37:06 But did he do what?
00:37:07 He did?
00:37:07 Yeah, but I don't want.
Speaker 7
00:37:08 Him thinking I did it because he's in whatever situation he's.
00:37:12 In I just wanted to.
00:37:12 Leave us alone.
Speaker 4
00:37:14 I doubt that.
Speaker 20
00:37:18 Of the right.
Speaker 8
00:37:21 Get in.
Speaker 16
00:37:34 I'm not method effect.
00:37:38 And I don't see why.
00:37:39 How can the doctor say that?
00:37:40 I am.
00:37:44 **** that guy.
00:37:48 So that's that's what that's what we're having to work with guys.
00:37:52 That's what we're working with.
00:38:04 That's all right, pride months almost over, right?
00:38:09 Well, no, it's not.
00:38:12 No, it's not because.
00:38:14 Pride Month isn't enough.
00:38:16 Now, now we're going to have pride, summer.
Speaker 23
00:38:21 Hello, my name is Admiral Rachel Levine and I have the honor of being the assistant secretary for health at the United States Department of Health and Human Services.
Speaker 6
00:38:30 Happy Pride, Happy Pride Month, and actually let's declare it a summer of pride.
00:38:35 Happy summer of pride.
00:38:39 It just never ends.
Speaker 3
00:38:41 It never ends.
00:38:43 Next year it will be a year.
00:38:44 Of pride.
00:38:45 And look, it's Minnesota is taking this seriously.
00:38:51 Minnesota is.
00:38:56 Passing a resolution honoring drag culture.
Speaker 3
00:39:01 And whereas Minneapolis will continue to take actions to remain a safe and welcoming city in steadfast support of drag artists and performance.
00:39:14 Drag history.
00:39:16 Culture and complete freedom of gender expression, and we recognize, honor and celebrate the contributions of our renowned drag community.
00:39:28 The contributions the.
00:39:35 Ah, the constitutions, the.
Speaker 16
00:39:38 I am not method effect and I don't see why.
00:39:43 How can the doctor?
00:39:44 Say that I am.
Speaker 3
00:39:51 Now therefore be it resolved that the mayor and City Council do hereby express our city's values and support for the rights of all individuals to express themselves freely and openly.
00:40:07 And stand in support of drag artists and drag performers everywhere.
00:40:14 Thank you so much.
00:40:20 Tell me the state that that signs a resolution.
00:40:25 Celebrating the achievements of white men.
00:40:28 It'll never happen, right?
00:40:31 Here's here's an official marketing video for I believe the state of, if not the state, of Minnesota, Minneapolis.
Speaker 10
00:41:07 Cursing at the scene.
00:41:12 So yeah, that's that's explore Minnesota.
00:41:17 Which I believe is the Minnesota Department of not tourism, whatever it's called.
00:41:26 Let everybody know if you're a fad.
00:41:28 Come here.
00:41:31 They can have them.
00:41:33 They can have them.
00:41:44 Another fad news?
00:41:51 Not mentally ill at all.
00:41:54 Not mentally ill at all.
Speaker 4
00:42:00 What does does, Doug?
00:42:58 End of an empire.
00:43:01 End of an empire.
00:43:04 This this is how this is.
00:43:06 How we go out?
00:43:08 This is how we go down.
00:43:15 We we spent the last few streams look at the past and now this is this is the present.
Speaker 10
00:43:30 And not go.
00:43:43 So there you go.
00:43:54 Pedophilia will be next.
00:43:58 It will be next.
00:44:01 More and more, it's becoming normalized.
00:44:05 And they are feeling emboldened.
00:44:10 And why wouldn't they?
00:44:17 Some to police.
00:44:17 Some police departments still give a ****.
00:44:21 This this was a a pedophile working at Disney World in Florida that got busted.
00:44:28 But these are the kinds of people we're up against.
00:44:30 This is the kind of person I wonder if that white guy.
00:44:34 That was crying because a black man attacked his family with a knife, and now that black man's going to jail.
Speaker 2
00:44:41 I suspect.
00:44:45 And I'm not even this is not.
00:44:50 I suspect.
00:44:52 In your lifetime.
00:44:55 You will see a day.
00:44:57 In the same way that you saw starting ten years ago.
00:45:05 Families of victims of illegal immigrants.
00:45:10 The day after.
00:45:12 Their children, their wives, their husbands were butchered.
00:45:17 By illegal immigrants.
00:45:20 You'd see them having press conferences.
00:45:26 In the first order of business.
00:45:29 Was to tell everyone.
00:45:32 You know, immigration is not bad.
00:45:36 Immigration is not bad.
00:45:37 I want to make sure everyone knows.
00:45:40 That little Timmy who got raped to death in the *** he would have wanted.
00:45:46 You to know that he supports immigration.
00:45:53 I just want.
00:45:53 To make make sure that's clear that you know we we support.
00:45:59 The Browning of America.
00:46:03 In the same way that you saw that happening with regularity 10 years ago, the same way you have that guy crying like a little ******* *****.
00:46:12 Because the black guys going to jail for attacking his family with a knife.
00:46:17 You will have parents of kids that get molested.
00:46:23 And and in many cases, probably probably even murdered.
00:46:28 Have those exact same press conferences.
00:46:33 I garin ******* tee it.
00:46:36 You will have a **********.
00:46:38 Rape and kill a kid.
00:46:41 And the parents of that of that kid.
00:46:44 We'll get behind the microphone, get behind a podium.
00:46:49 And they'll say.
00:46:51 I just want to let you know.
00:46:54 That in no way does this change my position.
00:46:59 On allowing.
00:47:01 Minor attracted persons.
00:47:04 To live the lives that they that, that, that they are granted by their their their, the Constitution and the pursuit.
00:47:12 Of happiness and.
00:47:14 And freedom and liberty.
00:47:17 In this country, we don't believe in judging people.
00:47:21 We're putting limits on behavior.
00:47:26 I just want you.
00:47:26 To know the little little Billy.
00:47:31 Wouldn't want you to to to come come away from the situation, thinking that that pedophiles are bad.
00:47:38 Because they're good.
00:47:40 And if little Billy had to die, then that's just what has to has to happen in the Saint.
00:47:45 Look that black or that white guy was basically saying I would rather my family be in danger than this, this criminal with a knife, this psycho with a ******* knife go to jail.
00:47:58 Those white liberals that said, I would.
00:48:00 Rather, you know like my my.
00:48:03 Daughter be raped to death in a cornfield.
00:48:08 Than for you to want to change immigration policy.
00:48:19 I don't know how you fix this.
00:48:21 It's kind of funny because there's there's a lot of people that keep saying stuff like, oh, wonder what, I'll I'll carefully word this as much as I can.
00:48:30 But when?
00:48:30 When will things get kinetic?
00:48:31 How about that?
00:48:34 If they did, you'd be.
00:48:35 Up against most of the white people.
Speaker 10
00:48:38 You would be.
00:48:43 You just would be.
00:48:55 But luckily, you know, in Florida, law enforcement isn't.
00:49:00 Isn't there yet.
00:49:02 There will come a time though, and while while that's going on, this press conferences are going, I'll do is stream like I did.
00:49:08 I've been doing all all month.
00:49:09 Right.
00:49:10 I'll do a stream where I I'll play this clip.
00:49:15 And the people listening in 1020 years, however long it is.
00:49:20 We'll watch this clip.
00:49:22 Like, wow, America used to be based.
00:49:24 They actually arrested pedophiles back then.
00:49:32 This is why I say you have to zoom out the graph. I'm not ******* around. This is exactly the response in 1020 years you play this clip that I'm about to play.
00:49:41 And the response will be holy ****.
00:49:45 America was really ******* based.
00:49:47 Back in 2020.
00:49:48 Three, I can't believe they used to arrest pedophiles.
00:49:59 Because just like the people growing up today, they have no idea that that interracial marriage was was taboo.
00:50:06 They have no idea that sterilization of of.
00:50:12 Well, mental defect people.
00:50:15 Was not taboo.
00:50:19 In the same way that raiding gay Hangouts and arresting people for ******.
00:50:23 Was totally normal well into the 90s.
00:50:26 They they don't know any of this stuff.
00:50:28 They think it's always been the way that it is now.
00:50:30 Is the way that it's always been.
00:50:36 And when the pedophiles are normalized?
00:50:39 It'll be the same thing.
00:50:44 It'll be very uncomfortable at first.
00:50:49 Maybe they'll have a sitcom, right?
00:50:52 They'll have a sitcom or whatever, you know, Netflix series.
00:50:57 Or something, right?
00:50:59 Where they've got a a, a pedophile, the other first one that comes out, they'll be really careful with it, right?
00:51:05 Like they were with these sitcoms in the 70s, sixties and 70s, you'd have the character.
00:51:10 Everyone knew they were gay.
00:51:14 But they didn't say that they were gay.
00:51:16 They would just allude to it all the time and that was part of the joke, right?
00:51:20 It was funny.
00:51:23 Well, that's going to be the same thing.
00:51:25 You'll have a a character in one.
00:51:28 Of these Netflix series.
00:51:30 And they'll never like, show them ******* a kid, and they'll never really say ******* a kid, but they'll make little jokes.
00:51:39 You know, like we all have our preferences.
00:51:42 You guys remember that that ******* demonic ****?
00:51:47 I wonder if I can find that clip.
00:51:50 Now some other time.
00:51:52 If you don't know I'm talking about.
00:51:53 You don't know I'm talking about.
00:51:57 But they'll make these jokes.
00:52:00 About ohh where you going?
00:52:02 Ohh just going to the playground.
00:52:03 Ohh laugh track.
00:52:10 They'll make jokes about them, you know, coaching kids, baseball and.
00:52:14 Working at a a play school or something, right?
00:52:22 And people.
00:52:22 Will will squirm and be squeamish.
00:52:30 But just like that white guy who was attacked by a black man with a knife.
00:52:34 The social pressure.
00:52:38 Will make them feel like they've got to go along with this.
00:52:40 They don't.
00:52:41 Want to be the bad guy?
00:52:44 You know Kevin McDonald.
00:52:47 Wrote a new book.
00:52:49 And Mark Collette did a like a book club stream.
00:52:55 Recently that I was listening to, as I was doing some stuff around here.
00:53:01 And I I'm actually gonna have to read the book.
00:53:04 I I don't have the the title right off the.
00:53:06 I mean, it's whatever his new book is.
00:53:08 But a lot of people might might his his most famous book, of course, is culture of critique.
00:53:15 Where he talks about the survival strategy of Jews.
00:53:19 In western societies.
00:53:22 And how they go and make sure to.
00:53:28 Create an environment where it'll be difficult to like.
00:53:34 Well, I mean look.
00:53:35 Like any parasite would, right, like any virus would, when enters a body.
00:53:41 If it wants to last very long at all, the first thing it has to do is either.
00:53:46 Trick or disable the immune system?
00:53:51 And so a lot of Jewish behavior, a lot of the changes that you see in Western society.
00:53:56 Is exactly that.
00:53:57 It's the disarming of the immune system, the tricking of the immune system.
00:54:02 So that once the infection is discovered.
00:54:07 It there's nothing you can really do.
00:54:11 The infection is spread.
00:54:13 And you know, in the case of the parasite, sometimes you know, like those parasites that some bugs will get, whether parasite actually takes over the bug's brain.
00:54:24 And just before the bug dies like the bugs basically dead, like the parasites operating at like a like an exoskeleton, like a like a a mech.
00:54:36 And it and it and it commands the bug on its last legs.
00:54:41 To go find a water source to go die in so the parasite can enter the water source and either spread to another bug or lay eggs or whatever, right.
00:54:55 That's what you see happening.
00:54:59 That's what you see happening.
00:55:05 You have a parasitic class of people.
00:55:10 Entering the Western world, immediately disabling the immune system.
00:55:15 Tricking the immune system.
00:55:20 Absorbing all the resources.
00:55:26 And then I don't know.
00:55:27 Maybe maybe.
00:55:30 Controlling us like a marionette to the water so they can spread somewhere else.
00:55:40 But he wrote a new book, Kevin McDonald.
00:55:44 Trying to figure out why the immune system.
00:55:48 Was so easily tricked.
00:55:53 What is it about?
00:55:54 That makes us so susceptible to this infection.
00:56:01 And this is this is something that everyone it's on everyone's mind that they maybe they don't articulate it that way.
00:56:07 I get asked this all the time I and people always think I've got some kind of solution for or that I should.
00:56:17 It was simultaneously.
00:56:23 And comforting to know that.
00:56:26 Someone with Kevin McDonald's credentials who studied this topic is.
00:56:33 Well, most of his adult life.
00:56:36 Is is also trying to figure this out and and doesn't have this silver bullet solution, but I I I'm very curious.
00:56:45 I'm very interested in this book.
Speaker 23
00:56:47 In fact here.
00:56:47 I'm going to look it up.
00:56:48 Let me.
00:56:48 See what it's called because he goes through essentially Western culture and tries to identify.
00:56:58 Attitudes and societal norms that would basically make us susceptible to infection.
00:57:07 Let me see if I can.
00:57:08 How am I going to find the book now?
00:57:10 I don't.
00:57:10 He's been banned from.
00:57:14 From uh.
00:57:18 All the the outlets here and let's see here what?
00:57:20 What is this called?
00:57:21 Or maybe this is it?
00:57:24 Let me see if this is the new 10. Did Amazon bring his books back?
00:57:31 This one's on Amazon.
00:57:35 Individualism in the Western liberal tradition, evolutionary origins, history and prospects for the future.
00:57:43 I don't know if this is new.
00:57:44 New this is.
00:57:47 2019 so maybe that's the book they were talking about. I have to go back. I was just kind of half listening to it.
00:57:56 But anyway, I'll take it.
00:57:57 I'll I'm going to get this book at some point and.
00:58:00 Maybe I'll do my own little.
00:58:03 Stream on it, but anyway.
00:58:08 It would hopefully explain the things like the behavior of that white guy who was literally he.
00:58:13 Was crying, crying.
00:58:20 Because a black man.
00:58:21 Was going to go to jail.
00:58:22 But luckily.
00:58:24 Luckily, that's not the you know.
00:58:26 Like I said, that there's still some people working towards a.
00:58:30 Some form of justice.
Speaker 5
00:58:35 And then there's Paul Val.
00:58:36 He's 40 from Davenport.
00:58:39 He's married.
00:58:40 He works at Disney World at Cosmic Rays restaurant.
00:58:44 In fact, he just recently moved to Polk County from Indiana, and he moved here specifically to work at Disney World.
00:58:54 Well, you know, back in the day, they arrested Willie Sutton for robbing banks.
00:58:59 He was a notorious bank robber.
00:59:02 And they asked Willie Sutton.
00:59:03 Hey, Willie, why do you rob Banks?
00:59:05 And he said well.
00:59:06 That's where the money is.
00:59:08 Well, why do people like Paul Bell work at Disney?
00:59:12 Because that's where the children are.
00:59:14 And they want to be around children.
00:59:18 He had 540 counts of child ***********, from newborns to 8 years of age.
00:59:27 He also had videos.
00:59:30 And he he was a savior.
00:59:33 There was photographs where they had tied up babies in preparation for sexual battery.
00:59:41 There was one where a child was just weeks old where they had the child's.
00:59:48 Hands tied behind her back.
00:59:54 Can you believe that?
00:59:56 A very young child with her hands tied behind her back.
01:00:03 These videos of a three to six month old being sexually battered by an adult male.
01:00:13 His wife asked.
01:00:15 She's only been married to him for a year.
01:00:18 Did I marry a monster?
01:00:22 Yes, you did.
01:00:23 You married a monster.
01:00:26 By the way.
01:00:28 When we kicked.
01:00:29 The door and he came to the door nude.
01:00:36 Think about this for a minute.
01:00:39 Photographs of children.
01:00:42 Bound up.
01:00:45 Some with their hands tied behind their backs.
01:01:02 So that's where.
01:01:03 We are right now that's the day.
01:01:07 So progressive though, right?
01:01:08 Good thing we got rid of all these social norms.
01:01:14 Good thing we busted down all these these taboos.
01:01:30 And it's only fitting, right?
01:01:33 You got Biden doing a speech tonight.
01:01:41 Everyone likes to make fun of oh, look.
01:01:43 He's he's doing.
01:01:44 All these gaffs and stuff like that.
01:01:47 Yeah, Biden. Biden's the president we deserve.
01:01:52 I would like if you were to make a.
01:01:54 Movie about a.
01:01:55 An empire as powerful as America was descending into madness.
01:02:01 This is exactly this is straight out of central casting.
01:02:03 This is exactly the guy you'd put it.
01:02:05 As the president.
01:02:10 This is exactly the guy.
Speaker 24
01:02:12 I've indicated labor to labor leaders.
01:02:13 They must expand their ranks, I said.
01:02:16 More women, more minorities.
01:02:19 That's they got to do.
01:02:21 That's exactly who they put in there.
01:02:33 That's the only time he actually made any.
01:02:34 Kind of sense though.
Speaker 24
01:02:36 I've long said, and I mean this.
01:02:39 I was on at the betting plateau with Shi Jing Ping. I traveled 17,000 miles with him.
01:02:46 I've spoken with him more than any other head of state because this started when I was vice President and president.
01:02:52 Who was the president?
01:02:53 And he was the vice president.
01:02:54 We knew he wasn't going to be successful.
01:02:57 It was inappropriate for Barack to spend that time with him.
01:03:00 But I I spent a lot of time with them. I met alone with him, just he and I and A simultaneous interpreter 68 times.
01:03:07 68 hours.
01:03:09 68 times more than 8 hours.
01:03:12 By the way, I turned in all my notes.
01:03:16 What is he even talking about like?
Speaker 24
01:03:20 But under the trickle down economic theory, 3/4 of US industries grew more concentrated. I mean, excuse me, consecrated.
01:03:32 I'm thinking I didn't go to mass.
01:03:38 They were moving to diminish competition.
01:03:49 I mean, isn't that exactly if you were the director?
01:03:52 Isn't this the guy?
01:03:52 You would cast.
Speaker 15
01:03:54 It's hard to tell, but as you clearly leading the war in Iraq, he's losing the war at home and he is becoming a bit of a fly.
01:04:01 Around the world, that's.
01:04:04 Just NATO.
01:04:05 Not fixing this.
01:04:06 In Union, it's Japan, it's it's, you know it's 40.
01:04:12 Putin's losing the war in Iraq.
01:04:22 See, This is why when people, I don't understand why people get mad at me when.
01:04:26 I when I I don't know.
01:04:27 I don't want to say I get.
01:04:29 Excited by the prospect of mushroom clouds?
01:04:33 That's not really the right way to put it.
01:04:37 Might be the honest way of putting.
Speaker 11
01:04:38 That out.
01:04:40 Oh no.
01:04:47 Just, I mean, if we don't go.
01:04:51 Out with a bang I mean.
01:04:53 This is.
01:04:54 That's our choice, really.
01:04:55 Right.
01:04:55 Going down with a bang or.
01:04:56 Going out like this, which which which is worse?
01:05:06 Which is worse?
01:05:10 Let me take a look at.
01:05:11 I'm gonna hang out in regular chat here for a second.
01:05:15 The reason why it was called Casserole Edition, I'll be honest with you guys, I ******* hated casseroles casserole.
01:05:20 When my mom would say.
01:05:22 I'm gonna make casserole.
01:05:24 It was like, oh, so you just you're just get, like, a bunch of, like, ******, moldy food out of the fridge and ram it in the pan and heat it.
01:05:31 Up and call it a casserole.
01:05:32 Thanks, mom.
01:05:35 I didn't have a whole lot of.
01:05:35 Time to prepare tonight.
01:05:36 So you guys got the casserole?
01:05:41 But I'm gonna hang out.
01:05:42 And I hang out.
01:05:43 Regular chatty.
01:05:43 I never do that.
01:05:46 So let's take a look and see what you guys are talking about.
01:05:49 It's it's hard to do.
01:05:50 It's hard for me to to split my attention.
01:05:52 I usually when.
01:05:52 I'm doing these.
01:05:54 I don't script anything.
01:05:56 But I I at least have like I got like my clips set up and I've got like a a not like a maybe a narrative I guess.
01:06:04 But like like kind of a flow that I'm going.
01:06:08 And if I get distracted or whatever by yeah, I just feel like it's not a very good.
01:06:14 So it's nothing personal when I I'm not looking at regular chat.
01:06:17 It's just if, if I look at regular chat, I start like losing the thread and I start going all over the place.
01:06:28 Anyway, someone, whoever it was.
01:06:31 Sent me and I'll thank you on Twitter if someone sent me the.
01:06:36 The ******* FBI one is back.
01:06:39 I thought I had it.
01:06:39 Loaded it up.
01:06:40 Let's see here.
01:06:42 But we got FBI back.
01:06:44 Oh, here it is.
Speaker 11
01:06:45 Got. Damn FBI.
01:06:47 So we got we finally got that clip back.
01:06:51 And I got another one I'll save for the I'll save the other one for Hyper chats.
01:07:01 Alright, people in chat here, let me get to.
01:07:06 There's a little bit of a delay.
01:07:10 Someone says if nukes get dropped, it'll be in San Francisco.
01:07:13 I don't know that it.
01:07:14 Would be.
01:07:14 I don't know if that's really a military target.
01:07:16 I don't think there's any base there.
01:07:18 I guess maybe.
01:07:20 More Oakland because you have a lot of shipping that goes into Oakland.
01:07:25 You got this great big.
01:07:28 I I don't know what they're called, but they're those things that unload the the shipping containers off the boats.
01:07:36 In fact, they they modeled, I guess George Lucas modeled the OR his team because I don't think George Lucas was as involved as people like to imply when it comes to the special effects in his movies, but because.
01:07:48 The industrial light and magic is right there across the Bay.
01:07:52 They were really familiar with the with these big machines.
01:07:58 Take a picture or find a picture of 1.
01:08:00 And they modeled the adapts after it.
01:08:05 Let's see here.
01:08:08 And at.
01:08:11 Oakland Bay.
01:08:13 I don't know.
01:08:14 Inner Harbor, I.
01:08:14 Don't know what to look for.
01:08:17 Let's see.
01:08:18 Is that going to bring up anything?
01:08:22 Ah, I can't find the Oakland.
01:08:24 I don't know what they're called.
01:08:26 Oakland Shipping Yard maybe.
01:08:33 And there they are.
01:08:35 It's these things.
01:08:37 I don't.
01:08:37 They don't look like adapts, but.
01:08:41 Well, I guess kind of let me see.
01:08:42 If I can pop this up.
01:08:46 Where's the?
01:08:48 Where is this opera?
01:08:49 There we are.
01:08:54 So these things right here.
01:09:01 Of course I didn't do what I wanted it to do.
01:09:04 But that's where I suspect.
01:09:07 Which obviously would that probably **** ** San Francisco too.
01:09:12 But I don't think San Francisco.
01:09:13 Is really a military target.
01:09:16 I wonder if there is like a list I would.
01:09:18 I would suspect there's probably at least like a unofficial military target list in America.
01:09:25 I don't know that you would.
01:09:26 You would.
01:09:26 Be I don't think that'll be like the.
01:09:29 First nuke we see.
01:09:30 I don't think the first nuke we see is going to be a nuke like a an ICBM.
01:09:35 You know, I don't think you're going to have a a nuke coming up and and hitting.
01:09:41 American cities, I think it's going to be a proxy war type of thing because you know the the mutually assured destruction thing still.
01:09:51 Holds a little bit of.
01:09:53 Anyone that started shooting nukes at American cities would know what the retaliation would be.
01:10:00 And so if you're going to be.
01:10:03 Itching to?
01:10:05 To to push the button, you're probably going to want to know if you'll be the first.
01:10:09 One to do it and I'm I'm people always say, Oh no, the first ones.
01:10:13 We were the first ones, World War 2 and.
01:10:14 Those were atomic bombs.
01:10:16 That's different.
01:10:17 Atomic bombs splitting atom A.
01:10:22 Nuclear bomb splits the nucleus.
01:10:25 It's it's orders of magnitude.
01:10:30 And I don't think that they would do that.
01:10:34 In an American city, unless they it was suicidal, they didn't give a ****.
01:10:39 Madness kind of ****.
01:10:41 And I don't think that there's anyone in control of nuclear weapons, even including Kim Jong-il, that that is that crazy.
01:10:53 Uhm, I think that you'd probably see it.
01:10:56 In a proxy war type situation and then the the taboo.
01:11:02 Just like everything else in the West, right?
01:11:04 The taboo would be gone.
01:11:06 You know it would. It would no longer be like this hypothetical. It would no longer be like this. Ohh, no, no, don't use the nukes. No one's ever. You know, it would just be.
01:11:17 Now, OK, now it's nuke time I guess.
01:11:21 Plus they have, you know, the tactical nukes.
01:11:23 I don't know.
01:11:24 I don't know enough about it to know exactly how that would go on.
01:11:27 I just I have a hard time believing that there'd just be mushroom clouds over big cities in America.
01:11:34 As the first nukes to go off.
01:11:38 Someone says they should nuke Poland.
01:11:40 I don't know.
01:11:40 I don't know why they should nuke Poland.
01:11:44 England will be the first target.
01:11:45 According to rumor, well, I mean.
01:11:49 Possibly England's really small. A lot of people don't realize how small England is.
01:11:55 I think if you drive across the entire island, it's it's like 500 miles.
01:12:01 I I drive 500 miles in an afternoon and so it's it's a lot smaller than a lot of people realize.
01:12:11 Korean company prefab ship and installed those container unloaders in LA Harbor.
01:12:16 You talk about these things, these things on the screen.
01:12:19 There was a Korean company that made them.
01:12:20 They've been up forever.
01:12:21 They've been up since the 70s.
01:12:23 I'm pretty sure.
01:12:24 Or at least.
01:12:25 Early 80s.
01:12:28 UM.
01:12:31 People saying the Bible predicts one city gets destroyed.
01:12:35 Sodom and Gomorrah style, the MSM will call it a nuke to stop people repenting.
01:12:41 There is a naturalistic explanation.
01:12:44 Hold on to every Judgement bowl of wrath, even to keep people from turning.
01:12:49 I don't know what you're talking about there.
01:12:52 You lost me at bowl of wrath.
01:12:56 So and so, I hope they don't.
01:12:57 **** ** Stonehenge.
01:12:58 That I I feel like if you were going to do an actual war that that's the kind of thing historically they they would do is they'd go after national monuments.
01:13:06 I don't know that there's enough nationalism for them to care anymore.
01:13:10 You know, like like, I feel like it wasn't that long ago that if you were to try to break the morale of a nation that going after these, these wonders of the world, these, you know, national treasures, that that would.
01:13:27 At least **** ***, like if not demoralize the population by destroying these things that are kind of seen as permanent fixtures of that nation.
01:13:36 But now I don't I.
01:13:36 Don't think anyone cares.
Speaker 17
01:13:39 No one cares.
01:13:41 As as people get Democrat you.
01:13:43 Know that's one thing, white.
01:13:44 People aren't a lot of white people on the left, especially that they don't understand that all this, this idea of preservation.
01:13:53 That that's a white idea.
01:13:57 Whether you're talking about Stonehenge, whether you're talking about, you know, the Grand Canyon, you know, a natural wonder of the world.
01:14:05 What do you think the Grand Canyon would look like if it was in Haiti?
01:14:08 It'd be.
01:14:08 ******* full to the brim of trash.
Speaker 21
01:14:12 It would be.
01:14:16 This this idea of.
01:14:20 The spirit of preservation that I mean, there's a reason why only white people go camping.
01:14:30 Well, it's one of the reasons.
01:14:34 I feel like white people also go camping because the time between us living.
01:14:41 In nature.
01:14:43 And living in civilization.
01:14:46 That that time period is is.
01:14:50 Long enough to where going back to nature is like this cathartic experience.
01:14:57 Whereas if you're one of these third worlders, going back to nature.
01:15:01 Is is like you.
01:15:03 Know if they wanted to do.
01:15:03 That they would have stayed in ******* Africa and hung out with the Lions.
01:15:08 So it's like a step backwards for them.
01:15:11 They don't understand that the the need.
01:15:14 To preserve these things, they see it as just a resource to be pilfered.
01:15:22 Someone said I don't.
01:15:23 I don't think we should go out with nukes just because of a minority of trash.
01:15:27 Parasites have power.
01:15:28 We want Total War.
01:15:30 I don't know how that would even unfold.
01:15:33 Like I said, if if if things were to get kinetic in this country, if you were to have like a civil war, there's so many problems with that, the first one being that where would you draw the lines?
01:15:42 Like when it was the north versus the South, there was a geographic separation between the two mindsets.
01:15:51 And there's there's not anymore, you know, like what's what's like the what's what's the, the communist part of the country versus the the, you know, the I'm being a little hyperbolic here when I say the Communist versus the fascist.
01:16:05 But like, you know, the left versus right whatever you want to call it.
Speaker 17
01:16:08 Right.
01:16:09 It's every city, every city.
01:16:13 Is is left wing.
01:16:16 Doesn't matter.
01:16:17 You can live in the most right wing state in the world.
01:16:20 Texas is now demographically more Mexican.
01:16:23 Than it is white.
01:16:25 That happened.
01:16:26 Well, it probably happened well before this year, but now it it's.
01:16:29 This is the year they're admitting that it's that it's taking place.
01:16:33 That's the case in California.
01:16:35 I mean, well, I don't know if it's just all Mexican, but it's whites are no longer majority.
01:16:41 In California.
01:16:43 That took place 10.
01:16:46 Think 1010 years.
01:16:47 Or plus ago.
01:16:49 Whites became a minority.
01:16:54 So you wouldn't have the demographic separation?
01:16:57 You wouldn't have the ideological separation.
01:17:00 You wouldn't even have a financial separation.
01:17:03 You know, what are the base?
01:17:04 That's the other problem too.
01:17:06 When you had the the first American Civil War, you had industries backing each side.
01:17:14 You know, it's it's not as if, uh, the South, I mean certainly they, you know, the north and the South had different.
01:17:24 Industries in them.
01:17:26 You know for, you know, the South provided a lot of the agricultural goods in America, but the north provided a lot of the industrial stuff.
01:17:37 And both presented challenges.
01:17:40 When that split took place.
01:17:42 But that's not even the case now.
01:17:44 If you had some kind of civil war going on.
01:17:47 What companies?
01:17:49 Would be on your side.
01:17:53 Every company would start backing the global homeo ********.
01:17:59 You know, we don't have, we don't even have a billionaire donor.
01:18:02 We don't even have like, a A.
01:18:03 Right wing George Soros.
01:18:07 To the extent that there's any billionaires opposing this stuff that they're not, they're just gatekeeping two sides of the same Jewish coin ********.
01:18:15 They're still promoting this Jewish.
01:18:18 Liberalism within the West, just from a different aspect.
01:18:23 You know, instead of saying that we want drag Queen story hour and and.
01:18:28 Own or drag syndrome.
01:18:31 Rather, you know the ******** people with you know ******** drag Queens.
01:18:35 And you know pride.
01:18:38 Season I guess now.
01:18:40 And and **** like that instead of being permissive in that way, they're still permissive of all the gay stuff, right?
01:18:47 You know, the the the log cabin Republicans.
01:18:53 And the you know, I remember that being like a big selling point too.
01:18:56 I remember I remember Republicans getting giddy when Faggs started to support them.
01:19:04 And that's what would happen is you would have.
01:19:06 Basically you'd have the.
01:19:09 The right wing liberals versus the left wing liberals.
01:19:17 But they're both liberals.
01:19:25 Let's see here.
01:19:26 Civil war civil war fought to prevent states acceding from a voluntary union the narrative.
01:19:31 Is BS.
01:19:32 Yeah, no, that was the idea.
01:19:34 And it's funny because I remember a lot of Texans.
01:19:38 Always boasting.
01:19:41 That Texas was the only state.
01:19:44 That when they joined the Union, wrote it into the deal that they could leave.
01:19:52 Without having to go through a whole lot of red tape like they could just basically.
01:19:56 Vote to leave.
01:19:57 The Union and it wouldn't be a problem.
01:19:59 They could leave unopposed, right?
01:20:02 Well, not who?
01:20:03 Who would do that now?
01:20:04 Like the Mexicans.
01:20:05 They now outnumber all the white people that whose descendants wrote that deal.
01:20:15 Damn Bigfoot, says fagots.
01:20:17 Well, you know what?
01:20:18 **** it.
01:20:27 Thief and law says just got my ham license or general license and bought an old Kenwood TS830S and monitoring station from a local boomer.
Speaker 15
01:20:37 What unit do?
01:20:37 You use and what?
01:20:40 What meter band do you transmit?
01:20:43 UH-820S, I don't know much about.
01:20:46 Ken woods.
01:20:49 Let me look that up real quick.
01:21:02 OK.
01:21:04 That's a.
01:21:07 I'm guessing it has tubes.
01:21:09 For the finals.
01:21:13 I don't.
01:21:13 I don't see it.
01:21:14 There's enough details from me to see what this is.
01:21:17 Band OK. Yes, that's in Asia. HF looks a lot like a FT-102.
01:21:25 Or from that era. So like early 80s, probably like last of the hybrid solid-state tube radios and unless it's all solid-state, it might be.
01:21:36 But it looks like it's probably from the era where it might still have two finals.
01:21:42 That's pretty cool radio.
01:21:44 I've never.
01:21:44 I've never had a a Kenwood.
01:21:48 I haven't been on the radio much at all lately, just because I've been so busy with the the beekeeping stuff.
01:21:55 UM.
01:21:57 Usually I I I go on.
01:21:59 If I do go on the radio though, I.
01:22:00 Go on 20.
01:22:01 Meters because that's the easiest one for me to get contacts overseas.
01:22:09 And I'll listen to boomers talking on 40 and 80 meters sometimes just cause it's funny.
01:22:20 But but yeah, the radio that I use most most of the time is NFT 101, which is.
01:22:30 Probably about 10 years older than this one, but it's laid out very much the same.
01:22:35 Oh yeah, now I'm looking at your radio.
01:22:37 It is a tube one.
01:22:37 It's got load plate and and drive controls.
01:22:41 That's how. That's how a.
01:22:43 I mean basically this radio that that you've got.
01:22:47 Functionally is the same as an FT 101. It's just got a. Yours has a digital display for the frequency built into it, and mines like a a breakout box that has the the frequency and it kind of sucks because you have to calibrate it every time you change bands and all.
01:23:03 This other stuff, but yeah, it looks like a good radio.
01:23:09 See, don't get me started on.
01:23:11 Ham radio, though I'll geek out full on.
01:23:16 Let's see here.
01:23:19 Someone said Devin, for ***** sake, talk with Ashley logos about breakaway communities.
01:23:24 Yeah, I I would.
01:23:25 I would do a stream with him.
01:23:26 That might be fun.
01:23:27 To like not do any real preparation, just do straight up discussion with him and.
01:23:31 Talk about what kind of.
01:23:34 You know, just just have like, a brainstorming session.
01:23:37 That'd be kind of fun.
01:23:39 I feel like that's the.
01:23:39 That's all we can really do because.
01:23:42 The the really the sticking point for me, it's.
01:23:45 Not I have.
01:23:46 An I have an idea as to what.
01:23:48 Can be done on a small scale, but it's it's it's funding, it's funding because you need, you need the participation.
01:23:57 Well, first of all need money for like the land and stuff like that.
01:24:00 But you also need lawyers.
01:24:02 You need to make sure that you're you're doing everything because anything that you do will get attacked.
01:24:08 Anything that you do, you need to make sure that you, you you do it right.
01:24:11 So that you.
01:24:14 You don't have have any legal issues because they'll go after you with law fair if you try any kind of community, even doesn't matter how benign it is, right?
01:24:23 They'll still go after it, and so if you need to, you need to have lawyers involved.
01:24:28 You need to have enough land to make it happen.
01:24:30 You need to have good land, so it doesn't mean I don't mean like the best land ever, but you need to have enough land to have.
01:24:36 Like you know.
01:24:37 Water, for example, you need to have water.
01:24:40 You need to find out what the building codes are.
01:24:43 Locally I I would honestly I think it would be awesome to find a county in the desert that would allow for one of the reasons why I I know a.
01:24:54 Lot. Everyone likes the desert.
01:24:56 One of the reasons why I think the desert would be perfect.
01:24:59 Is you have solar panels are so cheap now.
01:25:03 Solar power is so affordable and if you live in the desert you have an an infinite amount of electricity for really low investment, and especially if you're trying to build a community that's not going to lean on technology.
01:25:19 As much when the whole purpose of of your your community is to be, you know, to not to be like the Amish necessarily, but to at least be.
01:25:31 You know, to escape the modern world, right?
01:25:34 So you're not going to.
01:25:34 Be running a bunch of of.
01:25:36 Machinery and there's ways of cooling, but the easiest way of keeping buildings cool is.
01:25:44 Like in my head, I'm picturing like this.
01:25:47 My so ridiculous.
01:25:49 I'm picturing like, almost like Hobbit holes.
01:25:53 Because it might be, let's say you you pick some land in Texas or Nevada or somewhere, right.
01:25:59 And they don't have building codes that you have to deal with?
01:26:02 But the problem is it's like 110 degrees outside and it takes an incredible amount of of energy or you're using evaporative coolers, which kind of sucks when the you know when you get like storms and stuff and they're just not, they're not very.
01:26:17 And it requires a lot of water for those to operate. If you want to be able to have a a self-sustaining community in a desert, you don't have to try that hard. You just have to build underground. I don't mean like, you know, crazy bunkers underground, but.
01:26:36 You go down. What is it like, 1012 feet or something like that and you get down to this ambient temperature. It doesn't matter if it's like 110 outside, it's like 60.
01:26:47 And so if you build your your homes so that they're, you know, bonus also bomb proof.
01:26:55 And you also would have more use of the land because you could build, you know, your your home could be like a like a base.
01:27:03 I wouldn't say like a bunker, but like a basement, you'd still have windows going out to the outside and stuff like that, because I think they'll drive people crazy living in a in a cave with no windows and like a Hobbit.
01:27:12 Hole, like I said, like a desert Hobbit hole.
01:27:14 And then you can have.
01:27:16 You can have a garden on top of your you.
01:27:18 Know on top of your hub.
01:27:20 And again, that might sound crazy and whatever, but like in my head, when I think about, you know, if I had unlimited resources, what would I do?
01:27:29 I feel like I would try to get lawyers to help me clear up any roadblocks for building codes and with with the local government, and I'd build a bunch of desert Hobbit holes and I feel like that would cause that's having having lived off grid as many years as I have done.
01:27:50 In the desert.
01:27:52 I know that the biggest challenge is just its heat.
01:27:56 You know that winter is perfect so you wouldn't have to worry about.
01:28:00 Heating the homes.
01:28:02 You have two growing seasons.
01:28:04 You have.
01:28:05 If you have water, you know you have to have like, you know, water rights.
01:28:08 That's another reason why you need the lawyers need to have water rights.
01:28:12 That's also winning the money, cause digging wells in the desert is not like digging wells in the South where?
01:28:17 Can just dig it yourself and then you know, there's no such things as shallow well in the desert.
01:28:22 You have to go, you know, quite a quite a ways down.
01:28:27 And there's no guarantee that you'll find it the first time you dig, so you might dig down, spend $20,000 to dig a well, and they don't ever find water. So it's like this whole.
01:28:38 Process of of it costs money.
01:28:40 It costs money to do this stuff, but once you have it set up you could get it to or.
01:28:44 Be really affordable to live there.
01:28:46 And you could you could.
01:28:48 Have agriculture out in the desert easy.
01:28:53 It's different.
01:28:54 You have to adapt.
01:28:54 It, But there's lots of plants that grow just fine in the desert that produce fruit you.
01:29:01 There's lots of animals that that can survive just fine in the desert.
01:29:05 You know, cattle, like a lot of cattle ranchers have have their cattle in places like New Mexico.
01:29:12 Texas, Arizona even.
01:29:15 Well, I mean Nevada, we're all familiar with the Bundys and stuff like that.
01:29:19 Utah, a lot of environments where there's not, like, a whole lot of.
01:29:23 Of greenery, but yet you know, the cattle seem to manage just fine.
01:29:29 You can have cattle.
01:29:31 You can obviously have bees.
01:29:33 I mean, there's there's a lot of ways you could do this, but the startup costs would be tremendous.
01:29:38 And but once you got it going, once you got it going.
01:29:43 You could keep it pretty much self-sustaining I think with.
01:29:48 Without a whole lot of work.
01:29:51 And you'd want to make it something that would survive beyond you and your immediate family.
01:29:55 You'd want to make and.
01:29:56 And that might involve again, This is why.
01:29:58 You need the.
01:29:59 Lawyers involve some kind of trust where you set it up as a trust, so it's not like one person owns the land or the community.
01:30:08 It's almost like a.
01:30:10 You know, like the way an HOA would work.
01:30:13 Like you set it up to where if people move in you have some kind of agreement that you have to sign that that that that police is, you know.
01:30:22 Behavior and and whatnot, so that let's say you have some ******* move in and try to start ******* up the community.
01:30:29 You can basically just expel them legally and and and it it's not that big of an issue because they signed all this **** on their way into the community, so that's all the stuff I'm I don't know how any of that works.
01:30:42 I'm not a lawyer, but I just know.
01:30:44 I know that you can do stuff like that, but it would be almost more than the land.
01:30:50 I think the the legal fees would be.
01:30:53 Would be tremendous to set that up the right.
01:30:57 So it says Devin wants to start the hills, have eyes type of thing.
01:31:00 I don't know about that.
01:31:01 I'm remember which one that one is.
01:31:03 Isn't that the one there's.
01:31:03 All kinds of.
01:31:04 Incest going on.
01:31:05 I don't want to do that.
01:31:07 Someone says I wanna live in a Hobbit house.
01:31:09 Yeah, I feel like I feel like a a desert Hobbit house would be awesome, right?
01:31:13 Cause you not only would it keep it cool in the summer, it would keep it warm and it basically you go down far enough and you know it's not that far.
01:31:21 Bar and the temp. The ambient temperature down there is like 65 or something and so you build it into the ground a little bit and again you don't, you know, no one wants to live in tunnels like you'd.
01:31:32 Want to have some kind of light coming in, but you could insulate the glass like make it double pane like have a pane of glass on the outside and then you know into the tunnel.
01:31:42 Have natural light coming in.
01:31:43 There's ways you could do.
01:31:44 It there's ways you could do it and make.
01:31:46 It to where it was.
01:31:48 Pretty easy to cool and heat it.
01:31:53 What little you would have to do because you'd still have to do a little bit.
01:31:55 Of cooling and heating I'm sure, but.
01:31:59 Just I don't know why no one does that, like I don't know why like well, building.
01:32:02 Codes right?
01:32:04 But if you get around that, if you could find some way of getting approval from a county that.
01:32:11 And and and that's maybe that's another cost, right?
01:32:14 Like you'd have the legal cost of of working with the county?
01:32:17 You might have a cost, but you'd have to maybe hire some engineers so that the county would approve your plan.
01:32:23 So that's another cost you'd have to hire someone that would be able to competently design AA Desert Hobbit House.
01:32:32 That would actually, uh.
01:32:35 You know, last a long time like I'd want.
01:32:37 I wouldn't want to make something.
01:32:38 That's gonna be ****** to live in.
01:32:40 Like you'd want to make something that's going to maybe be cheap to put together, but not cheap in the in the in that it's falling apart and you know, I mean like you want to make something that's.
01:32:52 That's gonna last a long.
01:32:54 Time, which I don't think it.
01:32:55 Would be that hard.
01:32:56 To do you know, cause the the.
01:32:58 You're just talking about concrete, really, and I don't.
01:33:01 Know, but what do I know though, right?
01:33:03 Like I'm not a.
01:33:05 I'm not an engineer or an architect, so I just feel like what little construction I have done and working on Earth ships in New Mexico and stuff like that.
01:33:16 I have an idea that it's, you know, I I I know that you can produce these things relatively cheaply and they would last generation.
01:33:25 UM.
01:33:27 Let's see here.
01:33:32 Verruca Salt says I knew some people who built their house into the side of a hill, so they lived.
01:33:38 Under the hill.
01:33:40 Yeah, that'd be cool.
01:33:42 Yeah, and that that might.
01:33:43 Be another option too.
01:33:44 You could buy some land that's got the ability to, you know, maybe make a modern form of Cliff dwellings.
01:33:51 I mean, I don't know, but I just think that you can leverage the landscape in a way that.
01:33:57 Doesn't usually occur to these Mcmansion developers, who are just cranking out these stucco boxes and selling them to boomers that you know ridiculous prices when the houses are basically just made of cardboard and stucco.
01:34:11 You can you can build a house that's going to last 100 plus years and would also bonus survive a a nuclear blast.
01:34:25 So now.
01:34:28 UM.
01:34:30 Hobbit House village and the valley between the Swiss Alps.
01:34:33 Yeah, that be kind of cool.
01:34:36 Have a high desert bug out spot deep canyons, spring water, wild horses or you.
01:34:41 Have one that's cool.
01:34:44 Yeah, I've got, like uh.
01:34:47 Well, I don't know I should say, but I have a Plan B.
01:34:53 I I've got a I've got a means of of, of leaving this, I mean I'm pretty remote, but if I had to go even more remote for some reason, I've got a little rendezvous point that I can get to.
01:35:06 And keep going.
01:35:09 So it says Paget's on YouTube make mud huts out of nothing.
01:35:12 Basically only labor costs.
01:35:14 Well, that's the thing too is you could like a lot of these guys.
01:35:17 There's this experimental guy that would he builds, he builds these earth ships and he gets free labor by calling it a seminar.
01:35:28 Like every time he's going to build a new house.
01:35:30 People sign up to basically be free labor.
01:35:33 It's crazy.
01:35:34 In fact, they might even pay him, but he'll, let's say he gets contracted out to build a Earth ship somewhere in New Mexico or wherever.
01:35:43 He'll he'll get like 200 volunteers who want to build their ownership some days they want the experience or, you know, whatever.
01:35:51 Right and.
01:35:54 You know, next thing you know, there's 200 free slave labor guys living out of tents and filling up tires up with sand for you.
01:36:02 You know that a lot of this stuff is just labor intensive.
01:36:06 The materials aren't that much and you could find it.
01:36:09 Well, I don't know that I'd want to live in like a A a Hobbit house made out of tires.
01:36:13 But there might be something like that.
01:36:15 There might be some way you can repurpose something cheap that is going to last forever.
01:36:19 I mean, tires will basically last for.
01:36:21 Cover. I have this design that I was putting together that I never implemented where you would basically make a tire buckyball, you know, like a almost like a a tire Geo geodesic Dome. And I even modeled it out in in my in my 3D software.
01:36:42 Was figuring out the material.
01:36:44 The most expensive aspect of doing it was because what my plan was I'd I'd make this Dome out of tires and then I would fill the tires up with some kind of insulation and then do some kind of, you know, chicken wire on the outside and and stucco it over or you know.
01:37:04 Use some kind of cob.
01:37:06 And the most expensive part of all of that was just the bolts, because you'd need some pretty heavy bolts to hold all the tires together.
01:37:12 But tires aren't just rubber, they are.
01:37:15 They've got the the steel, the steel belt on the inside, and that rubber is going to last pretty much forever.
01:37:22 That's why you've got these crazy tire graveyards and these crazy tire.
01:37:26 Fires like in the Middle East.
01:37:28 There's that tire fire that's been burning for like, 20 ******* years or whatever in Saudi Arabia.
01:37:34 And and so you.
01:37:35 Have a lot of these, and plus there's there's, there's a lot of comps.
01:37:38 Is that that want to get rid of tires because it's expensive to for them to dispose of these tires you could probably.
01:37:44 Get a lot of tires and that's just one example of a building material.
01:37:49 But this this is where you would need.
01:37:50 Like I said, you would probably want an engineer to make sure that that structurally and all you know, mathematically all made sense, especially if you're doing some kind of building underground.
01:38:01 You'd want to have some kind of engineer involved that could make sure you're not just building a death trap.
01:38:06 Crap, because that would suck.
01:38:10 But yeah, I absolutely.
01:38:12 When I, when I when I.
01:38:13 When I when I'm, you know, going to sleep at night and I go to imagination land.
01:38:17 That's why I'm picturing picturing like like a.
01:38:21 A a desert community that's that's largely underground and on the surface you have, you know, farms and and bees and and animals and stuff.
01:38:33 And I think it's doable.
01:38:34 I think it's doable.
01:38:35 It's just that initial cost would be would be.
01:38:39 A lot and be a lot and I think you could get people like I said, you could get people to move in that they sign a contract so that you're not stuck with them.
01:38:48 If they end up being psychos or whatever, and you make a financial like you have, they'd have to pay a substantial financial because you don't want people that are serious about it, right?
01:39:01 So you'd make it it the initial cost for them to go in.
01:39:04 I don't mean like.
01:39:05 You know, hundreds of thousands of dollars, but like, you'd want it to be.
01:39:09 Enough money to where it filters out.
01:39:13 The the people that that aren't serious about it and and that and that way they know that they're invested, they know that they need to take that contract seriously because they'll lose their investment if they get kicked out.
01:39:26 And you know, there's ways you could do it to try to keep some of the people out that are going.
01:39:32 To be a problem and.
01:39:33 And in in terms of policing their behavior, you just make that part of the contract for them living there.
01:39:39 Like I said, you make the ownership of the land under, you know, some kind of trust or something that's not.
01:39:45 You know if if you move there, you don't actually own the land, I'd I'd be very curious to see how the Amish do it.
01:39:52 I don't know that they doing weird.
01:39:55 They, for all I know, they're all just private.
01:39:58 Owners, I don't know.
01:40:00 And maybe it's just they.
01:40:01 They all own the land outright and and have for generations and they will it to their kids and I don't know or maybe they have some kind of more collective way of doing it.
01:40:12 I suspect it's at least a mixture of the two because I know that the the Amish church itself.
01:40:19 Buys this stuff up.
01:40:20 The other advantage to that is if you had the land owned by this trust, you could set it up basically as like a non profit.
01:40:29 You could, you know, you could set it up to have nonprofit status.
01:40:33 And and not have to pay property tax.
01:40:37 If you were in a state that a property tax.
01:40:39 So there's there's ways you could do it again, but that's where you need the lawyers.
01:40:43 You need the lawyers that can make that **** happen, and that's where it gets really ******* expensive really fast.
01:40:49 Unless there's some, I don't know if you're a property lawyer out there and and any of this stuff that I'm talking about makes any kind of sense to you.
01:40:55 That's like your expertise.
01:40:56 You know, hit me up.
01:40:58 But that would be, I think, the the biggest problem is making sure everything was legal and that you had no liability.
01:41:07 You wouldn't want liability not only for the people putting it together, but the other way around, right?
01:41:13 Like if you wouldn't want it set up to where?
01:41:16 If for some reason.
01:41:18 The people, like they were, let's say the government for somehow was able.
01:41:22 To arrest maybe the founders or or the people involved in setting it up, you'd want them to be insulated enough from the the ownership of the property so that they the government couldn't just seize the land.
01:41:38 Or, you know, I mean like you'd want to have this.
01:41:40 This is where you again, this is where you need lawyers.
01:41:42 I don't know how all that stuff works and.
01:41:46 They make it difficult for a reason.
01:41:48 It's a filter, and it's a way to filter out competition.
01:41:53 They make laws and compliance to these laws.
01:41:58 Complicated and expensive to keep it, you know, keep the the competition out.
01:42:06 Excuse me.
01:42:08 Let me take a look here.
01:42:11 Deb, how did you go about finding your house land?
01:42:13 I'm guessing you didn't go through Zillow or an MLS.
01:42:18 No, that's actually exactly what I did.
01:42:20 Is I just looked for really cheap properties.
01:42:24 In different states that were kind of, you know, either I didn't and I didn't necessarily think like, oh, I I want to live in the desert.
01:42:33 Like I I had a a different, you know, a couple I knew I could live in the desert cuz I've done that before.
01:42:40 I also checked places like Missouri and other places that were cheap that were away from, or at least the parts of those states were were away from diversity, away from cities that.
01:42:54 Were rural and and and and rural enough to where it wasn't like.
01:42:59 On the edge of some suburb and and about to be gobbled up by some expanding suburb, because that's the other problem too.
01:43:05 I think a lot of people, they get.
01:43:07 Out of the city.
01:43:07 But they don't get out far enough.
01:43:09 And so, inevitably, their rural community is taken over by people that are that are out of necessity, they're they're still working in the city, but they're leaving the city to because they can't afford housing there anymore.
01:43:22 So they start making all these cheap Mcmansions you know, spreading out further and further.
01:43:26 And for like, that's happening, a lot of Americans.
01:43:29 It has been for like decades that's been, you know, the the urban sprawl as they call it, where the the housing has just been spreading out from these urban centers.
01:43:40 And what used to be a giant farm or a a cattle ranch is now like a soda SOPA type of.
01:43:54 You know where they, they, they they call it like, you know, dual Pines, but they they spelled pine with a Y or something like that because it's that makes it fancier.
01:44:04 And every house looks exactly the same, and they've got, like, the.
01:44:07 Yeah, they're built like, right on top of.
01:44:09 Each other that you, you.
01:44:10 Have like 10 feet of backyard and it's these like 6 foot high cinder block walls separating these like stucco monstrosities.
01:44:22 But yeah, you got you got A2 car garage and and it maybe if you get the fancy deluxe model that's on the corner, you might have enough room for a swimming pool or something like.
01:44:31 That and and uh, sure, you won't have that mortgage paid off for 30 years.
01:44:35 But well, then, whatever.
01:44:37 That's just, that's just how it is, right?
01:44:39 That's the thing too, is you the the other difficulty with this project is you wouldn't finance it that that's you know I you you got to put your money where your mouth is.
01:44:50 You can't just be against usury.
01:44:52 And and also what bank would loan you money for that anyway, right?
01:44:56 So even if you wanted to do that, you could.
01:44:58 You couldn't get a bank loan for your your white community in the in the forest or in the desert or whatever, so you'd have to own it outright.
01:45:06 You'd have to.
01:45:10 Come up with all the money for it all at once.
01:45:13 I mean, look, it would be nice if maybe some benefactor had, like, a bunch of investment like some boomer bought a bunch of, you know, like.
01:45:24 Acreage out somewhere and never did anything with it and they've got no one to give it to when they die, you know, that'd be.
01:45:30 I don't.
01:45:30 I don't know.
01:45:30 Maybe that's asking too much, right?
01:45:33 But that's the kind of thing that you would need to accomplish.
01:45:37 You'd have to.
01:45:39 You'd have to have the land owned outright by this.
01:45:45 Trust or I don't know if that's even the right.
01:45:48 Term to use.
01:45:50 But you'd have to have another entity that that would.
01:45:55 That would own it in perpetuity, in the same way that, like you have, like, you know, the Ford Foundation and all these foundations that these millionaires set up like.
01:46:03 200 years ago that are still going on, you'd have to set up something like that and you'd have to have something set up in the Charter that would that would prevent it from being hijacked and taken over.
01:46:15 Like a lot of these foundations, you know, like the Ford Foundation, just as an example, Henry Ford would would ******* be livid if he saw what the Ford Foundation does these days.
01:46:26 And that's just what happens if you don't have the the.
01:46:30 I don't know how you.
01:46:31 I guess that's another reason why you need a lawyer to find out.
01:46:33 Like, well, how do you protect against this?
01:46:35 You know, maybe the way that I in my head that you would protect against that by like writing into the Charter, maybe that's not enough or maybe it's not possible.
01:46:42 Maybe there there's no legal mechanism to do that, and that that's where I think you come full circle back to the initial problem is and why it works for the Amish and maybe not for other people, is that you don't have that.
01:46:55 Religious glue holding people together.
01:46:57 I mean what's what's the practicality?
01:46:59 Let's say you made this this super, you know, Desert Hobbit community.
01:47:04 Unity right and it works out great for.
01:47:08 A little while.
01:47:09 But what's what's the glue holding people together?
01:47:12 Maybe it it lasts a generation if you're lucky, right?
01:47:15 But if you don't have those values being transmitted to the next generation with the the fervor and.
01:47:24 The fortitude that a religion would do that I, you know, I think 1-2 generations in you'd be kind of screwed.
01:47:34 And you might be screwed anyway, like we've talked about the Amana cult.
01:47:38 Several almost like, well, maybe more.
Speaker 17
01:47:40 Than a year ago.
01:47:42 Where if you buy like an Amana refrigerator or a mana washing, I don't know if they still make them there, but that used to be a cult and that's how they made their money.
01:47:52 They made appliances and it was this Christian cult that did exactly well to some extent.
01:47:59 What we're talking about, but little by little, they got more secular.
01:48:03 And ohh and now it's like the original town is like a tourist attraction, but it's.
01:48:09 You know, it's not.
01:48:11 It's it's not what it was.
01:48:12 It's just basically a.
01:48:16 You know, it's it, it it, it lasted, I think 100 years or something like that, but that's it.
01:48:22 And so you'd want to have some kind of religious glue holding people together.
01:48:27 I don't know.
01:48:28 Maybe with the because of the way things are going.
01:48:31 Because of the.
01:48:34 The trajectory things are going in in the West and and and the problem the safety issues that presents for white people.
01:48:43 Having a community like this would have a little more staying power because it would be more attractive to people that maybe right now it sounds crazy but.
01:48:54 I mean, how does that sound?
01:48:56 It's it's so amazing to me.
01:48:58 It's like there's a lot of people that listen to what I'm talking about.
01:49:01 They're like, oh, that sounds insane.
01:49:03 Like, that's devil's got the deep.
01:49:05 That's like, have you watched anything we looked at today?
01:49:07 Like, that's what's what.
01:49:08 That's what's outside right now, is what I'm talking about.
01:49:12 Is that any crazier than like?
01:49:14 ******* any of this ******** that we've been looking at.
01:49:17 You know, like it it's OK, it is maybe.
01:49:20 It is crazy, but like she's crazy.
01:49:23 And so maybe you need like a crazy solution for a crazy problem.
01:49:29 But that would be an issue because you couldn't do.
01:49:32 I kind of feel like if you just try to manufacture a religion.
01:49:36 And you don't really believe it.
01:49:39 And the people, it's more like a wink and a nod, kind of a thing.
01:49:43 That's not enough.
01:49:45 That's not enough.
01:49:46 And because you you kind of need.
01:49:49 Just like you know Islam, the the guys that go, you know, suicide bomb themselves, they have to really believe that there's 72 virgins waiting for them in paradise.
01:50:02 Like you have to have people that are that level committed right to to make a community like that work, you have to have like, you know well.
01:50:09 When the Mormons.
01:50:10 Went and founded Utah and put all that together.
01:50:12 They made it work because they believed it right, like they were able to to build up Salt Lake and and Utah because they believed it, you know, they weren't doing it to.
01:50:25 I mean, I'm sure that some people might have just gone along with it to to go live there, but the the original members that went through the hell that they went through to to make that work, they really believed it, and you'd have to.
01:50:37 And that's The thing is.
01:50:38 You'd have to have.
01:50:41 Some kind of religious authority?
01:50:43 You'd have to have that.
01:50:45 People really bought into you.
01:50:47 You couldn't just do like this.
01:50:48 Well, it'd be really convenient if we had this religion.
01:50:51 Well, OK.
01:50:52 It'd be really convenient.
01:50:53 But it's.
01:50:54 That's not practical.
01:50:55 That's not.
01:50:55 You know who's going to join your really convenient religion like, and pretend to be.
01:51:01 You know, it's that's not really going to work, so that that's an issue too.
01:51:07 That's something I I think about anyway.
01:51:09 Let's say let's do a little bit of hyper chats now that I've.
01:51:13 Now that I've talked about that, my crazy Hobbit Desert Hobbit plan.
01:51:21 Ah, man. And they're going to live that down, huh? Devon's crazy. He wants to make make desert Hobbit Ville.
01:51:30 I don't know I.
01:51:30 Just I think it'd be cool.
01:51:31 I think it'd be cool.
01:51:33 I don't know if I don't think it's super practical.
01:51:36 Well, I I think given the right resources, you can make it practical.
01:51:40 But you know.
01:51:42 But anyway, hang on one SEC, I'll.
01:51:44 Be right back.
01:51:44 I'll do something.
Speaker 4
01:52:11 Thank you.
01:52:26 Are you on?
01:52:41 Thank you.
Speaker 2
01:53:07 Thank you.
Speaker 1
01:53:24 Thank you.
Speaker 4
01:53:41 Ready. Ready to go.
Speaker 16
01:53:44 I am not narcissistic.
01:53:48 All right.
01:53:50 Well, I get stopped.
01:53:53 You know another thing I was thinking about?
01:53:54 As as I was gone there.
01:53:57 It's funny how how different like we're we're looking at a future of being like a minority in a in a way, being like a minority in a in host countries.
01:54:11 Like a certain other group.
01:54:13 And I was thinking.
01:54:15 It's so funny to think about the the, the things that come to my mind.
01:54:20 As a good idea or a good strategy to deal with that issue versus what comes to their mind, right?
01:54:27 Like nowhere in my head does it even cross my mind that I should go to a a prosperous community and find ways of of being parasitic and suck the resources out of it.
01:54:40 And you know and and.
01:54:43 Use nepotism to to weasel my way.
01:54:46 You know, that doesn't even like.
01:54:49 That doesn't even occur to me as a solution to the problem.
01:54:54 You know, instead like my head goes to building something like, oh, let's let's get away from the resources.
01:55:01 Let's get away from these other people and let's make our own thing.
01:55:07 See and that's what's worth preserving, guys.
01:55:12 That's that's a unique thing.
01:55:15 To us, it's normal to us.
01:55:16 It doesn't even think like it just seems like normal.
01:55:19 Like of course that's.
01:55:20 What I would do right?
01:55:22 So my ancestors did.
01:55:24 That's what their ancestors did.
01:55:28 In a in a kind of ****** ** way, that's what what the British Empire was kind of doing, you know, let.
01:55:35 Let's spread out.
01:55:37 You know, they made the mistake of going places.
01:55:38 Where people already were.
01:55:40 But they would go and and and start building.
01:55:46 They would explore and build.
01:55:49 And that's just that's I think that's the way Europeans think.
01:55:53 I think that's the way white people think is, you know, you want to, you know, there was the guy last stream that, you know, is little little Woo woo.
01:56:01 But it's talking about, you know, making a cult around the idea of space exploration or something like that, right?
01:56:08 Yeah, like that.
01:56:08 That's what occurs to us.
01:56:11 That's why that's why Star Trek is such a hell of.
01:56:14 A drug for white people.
01:56:17 Because it it has this idea right?
01:56:19 Like it's all Jewish propaganda at the end of the day.
01:56:22 But the basic idea behind it, you know, going off into space, checking out new planets where no one is setting up, you know, bases out in the middle of of of deep space.
01:56:37 That's that sounds awesome and and exciting to us.
01:56:39 That's the kind of future that we.
01:56:41 Want to do?
01:56:43 And that's the kind of thing that it will be lost if white people go away.
01:56:51 I mean, and it's not even just an IQ thing.
01:56:54 Look at China.
01:56:57 China wasn't going around exploring the world and and setting up shop in different like it's not that they they lacked the intelligence or the technology.
01:57:08 They just weren't explorers.
01:57:17 And you can sit.
01:57:17 There's lots of civilizations, lots of non white civilizations.
01:57:22 That reached a level of technology that would have at least facilitated something like that, and they never did it.
01:57:34 They never did it.
01:57:38 It's something ingrained in us.
01:57:41 And I don't know, maybe I should read that Kevin McDonald book and see if maybe maybe that's part of what makes us so susceptible to infection.
01:57:49 I don't know.
01:57:52 You know, maybe that's something.
01:57:54 I don't.
01:57:54 Maybe I see it as a great thing, but for all I know, maybe that's something we got to roll back on.
01:57:59 Maybe maybe this this, you know, desert Hobbit whole thing is the dumb idea.
01:58:04 It sounds like the fun one, right?
01:58:05 Sounds like the exciting.
01:58:07 You know, some version of that.
01:58:08 Right.
01:58:08 I'm being.
01:58:10 Not everyone's going to want to live in Desert Hobbit Ville or Hobbiton, or what.
01:58:13 Was the name of it the Shire.
01:58:16 You know the the Desert Shire, the Fire Shire.
01:58:20 But uh.
01:58:23 You know, some people might might want to do.
Speaker 4
01:58:25 That but but.
01:58:27 Maybe it's smarter.
01:58:28 Maybe it's smarter to just find ways of exploiting existing systems, right?
01:58:33 Maybe it is smarter to be a parasite.
01:58:35 I don't know it seems.
01:58:36 To work for a certain group of people.
01:58:43 But some I don't know, sometimes fighting fire or fire isn't always the best way when you can fight fire with the Fire Shire, as I always say, starting today.
01:58:53 All right, let's take a look here.
01:58:58 John Skywalker, well, they're Speaking of which, well, I guess **.
01:59:04 Wars? No Sir.
01:59:05 You should consider doing a review on the 2004 film The Woodsman. I feel like I've seen this Kevin Bacon.
01:59:12 Bacon plays a convicted pedophile released from prison that the viewer is made to feel pity for while he is also stalking a little girl.
01:59:27 Maybe I haven't seen that then I feel.
01:59:29 Like I would have remember I remember that.
01:59:34 Oh, whatever YouTube video try to look at, last stream is gone now.
01:59:39 Or no, that was the one that we couldn't ever find.
Speaker 10
01:59:52 Do you have many friends?
01:59:53 How come?
Speaker 1
01:59:54 Long time ago I was.
01:59:56 Sent away came on when friends.
Speaker 18
01:59:58 Were gone.
01:59:58 Sounds like you're banished.
02:00:01 So how are you adjusting?
Speaker 8
02:00:04 I was Justin, OK?
Speaker 21
02:00:07 Something happened to you?
Speaker 2
02:00:10 Not easily shocked, so I gotta tell.
02:00:13 Me, your deep.
02:00:13 Dark secret.
02:00:21 You look good considering you're an old man now.
02:00:24 Living across the street from a grade school, Jesus.
Speaker 24
02:00:28 Something wrong with that?
02:00:29 The landlord in town will.
Speaker 4
02:00:30 Take my money.
02:00:32 What can I do for?
Speaker 11
02:00:33 You, Sergeant Lucas?
02:00:34 Mind if I look around, do you?
02:00:36 I would.
Speaker 1
02:00:37 You got something to hide?
02:00:38 Done everybody.
Speaker 20
02:00:42 I keep away from him.
02:00:43 If I were you, I realize that.
Speaker 20
02:00:45 I think he's damaged good real damage.
Speaker 1
02:00:47 I'll tell you what happened.
02:00:48 Holy ****, this is already doing what I was talking about. It's literally already. It's already begun then 2004.
Speaker 1
02:00:49 You do.
02:00:59 I mean, I haven't seen it.
02:01:00 So I don't know how in the woods it gets with it, but just the idea that it's having a sympathetic pedophile character, that's this is how this **** starts.
02:01:08 If you look at the beginning too, like, where do they like?
02:01:10 I haven't heard of this movie.
02:01:12 Probably because if you look at here like what do they do?
02:01:14 First they talk about how it played at Sundance and all this other.
02:01:18 You have many friends.
02:01:18 Stuff like who's heard of of Newmarket films?
02:01:21 OK, long time.
02:01:22 Maybe I'm the ****** for not.
02:01:23 Haven't heard of that, but this looks relatively low budget.
02:01:24 Well, I was.
02:01:27 Sent away when I came home and my friends were gone.
02:01:29 Sounds like you're banished.
Speaker 24
02:01:32 So how are you adjusting?
Speaker 8
02:01:35 I was just.
02:01:35 OK.
Speaker 8
02:01:37 Nothing happened.
02:01:39 Not gonna tell me.
02:01:41 Where it is.
02:01:44 So this this was this was not made to be a blockbuster.
02:01:48 This was made kind of like that film we talked about last stream.
02:01:52 It's made.
02:01:52 It's like the concept car movie.
02:01:55 It's made to influence and to inspire other film makers to make things like it.
02:02:02 I mean, pretty big actors in it, though.
02:02:04 I mean, Kevin Bacon, whatever that, I hate this blonde shake.
02:02:09 But I've seen her before.
02:02:10 I just.
02:02:11 I hate her face like she's just bad at acting.
02:02:13 That's not her.
02:02:14 Where is it?
02:02:16 Or whatever.
02:02:18 How does it?
02:02:19 Is this the part where it gets all gets all real?
Speaker 3
02:02:22 You need to make sure that you're being.
Speaker 1
02:02:25 A good boy.
02:02:26 OK.
02:02:27 OK.
02:02:28 So what do you do?
Speaker 20
02:02:30 Armed robbery.
Speaker 11
02:02:31 Mind your business, Mary Kay.
02:02:33 Throw you out that window right now.
Speaker 3
02:02:36 That's not going to miss you.
Speaker 6
02:02:38 What do you say?
Speaker 4
02:02:38 Please, there's something in you.
02:02:40 Something good.
02:02:41 You don't see it yet the.
Speaker 1
02:02:43 I don't know why they keep letting.
02:02:44 That *****.
02:02:45 I ******* hate her and he got.
02:02:46 Most deaf.
02:02:47 ******* most, of course.
02:02:48 Of course.
02:02:48 It's the the virtuous black man.
02:02:53 Yeah, it might be worth taking a look at, but that's exactly.
02:02:56 What I'm talking about, it's already begun.
02:02:58 That's how it starts.
02:03:00 It's the ohh no, he was bad but now he he understands and now he's redeemable.
02:03:06 That's how it starts.
02:03:06 It's no, it's bad, but you can there can be a redemption arc.
02:03:10 You can you can eventually like this person that's done these things and then it graduates to, well, does he really have to redeem himself?
02:03:20 I mean, he's just a good guy.
02:03:21 I mean, look at the look at the way that he's.
02:03:25 He's so good with these kids.
02:03:28 And then it becomes a little more palatable.
02:03:32 The more of these fictional characters people relate to in movies, and then the next thing you know, they're making the jokes about it and you know, it just goes from there.
02:03:45 Simbi you mentioned the last three about the perils of outsourcing software development to India.
02:03:50 Well, let me tell you about a job I was on.
02:03:53 I was effectively hired to replace an entire team in India.
02:03:56 They'd made such a mess that by the time I was done, the source code was.
02:04:01 Smaller by 5776 lines. Well, I'll tell you many such cases a.
02:04:08 Lot of those.
02:04:09 Those programmers in India, they're just copying and pasting **** that they find.
02:04:13 It's it.
02:04:14 They're just, they're just stealing our open source code and and copying them.
02:04:17 They they know it just well enough to where they can.
02:04:22 Like they can, they can interpret code.
02:04:25 And they can know kind of what the code is going to do, but again, this is something I think is unique to white people.
02:04:30 If you look at where the innovation is happening, it's not happening in in India.
02:04:34 It's also not really happening in Asian countries.
02:04:37 Places that again, it's not, I don't think it's an IQ thing so much as I think there's some something about white people that makes them want to explore.
02:04:46 That try new things and and that's again to our detriment in I think we're experiencing the, the, the dark side of that right now in our culture.
02:04:54 But that's the good side of that is the innovation that comes.
02:04:58 Out of it.
02:05:00 And you know the the less white people are employed to do the innovation, the less innovative things.
02:05:07 Are going to be done.
02:05:07 Going to be.
02:05:09 All right, we got. Uh.
02:05:12 White mango. Let's see here.
02:05:18 Flow checkout.
Speaker 8
02:05:24 I'd like to return this duck.
02:05:27 Thanks, Devin.
02:05:28 Long time viewer keep up the great work, brother.
02:05:30 Well, I appreciate.
02:05:30 That white mango.
02:05:33 Mangoes are good.
02:05:36 Unless you're talking about the.
02:05:38 The old silent live character, mango.
02:05:41 I hope that's not.
02:05:42 What you named yourself after?
02:05:44 Man of low moral fiber.
02:05:46 Hey, Deb, thanks for the stream.
02:05:47 Always look forward to it.
02:05:49 Have you covered M?
02:05:53 Or OM Ali.
02:05:59 I don't know who LE is speaking on.
02:06:01 A British show.
02:06:02 About integration, the **** doing the interview is baffled by what he's saying.
02:06:09 Ohh Muhammad Ali now I've.
02:06:11 Yeah, I think I've seen this clip.
02:06:13 Let me see if it's an oldie but Goodie.
02:06:16 Why not?
02:06:17 Why not?
02:06:17 It's casserole addition.
Speaker 22
02:06:20 People to move in.
02:06:21 Neighborhoods we clean them up and another thing when you say integration, it comes on the intermarriage.
02:06:22 Ohh, but the audio's crap.
02:06:26 See this is the problem with these clips is.
02:06:31 Let me see if I.
02:06:32 Can bump up the audio.
02:06:34 I I I just don't.
02:06:38 Let's see here.
02:06:52 Well, that's way too loud.
02:06:53 Let's try it.
Speaker 22
02:06:55 Too, right, all been together and I'm sure no intelligent white person watching this show or no intelligent white man in his or her white white mind want black boys and black girls marrying their white sons and daughters.
Speaker 8
02:06:56 Right, right. Sure.
Speaker 22
02:07:09 And in return introducing their grandchildren as half brown.
02:07:12 Haired black people.
Speaker 8
02:07:13 I will.
02:07:14 I won't.
Speaker 22
02:07:14 And I'm sure my well you wouldn't.
Speaker 8
02:07:14 I won't object to the.
Speaker 22
02:07:16 But a lot of.
Speaker 3
02:07:17 Them were and.
Speaker 8
02:07:17 Or I'm sure people know it's disappointed.
Speaker 22
02:07:18 What I'm trying to say is this.
02:07:19 What I'm trying to say is this and you don't have it.
02:07:21 You say you don't.
02:07:22 You don't have it.
02:07:23 You really ain't going to have it.
02:07:24 You don't show it.
02:07:24 You got to say that.
Speaker 8
02:07:28 Not true.
Speaker 22
02:07:29 Why would you want to?
02:07:30 Do that.
Speaker 8
02:07:30 Because because I don't.
Speaker 22
02:07:31 Don't you love yourself?
Speaker 8
02:07:31 I don't have.
02:07:32 Any different from you you see?
Speaker 22
02:07:33 And yeah, we yeah, we're much different.
Speaker 8
02:07:35 I mean, I think society has made us different.
Speaker 22
02:07:35 It's we know we know we are different and we.
02:07:37 All together different.
Speaker 8
02:07:38 The society has made us.
Speaker 22
02:07:39 No, not society.
02:07:40 God made us.
Speaker 8
02:07:41 No, no.
02:07:41 We're just human beings.
02:07:42 Made all of those.
Speaker 22
02:07:43 We all listen.
02:07:44 Bluebirds fly with blue birds.
02:07:45 Red birds aren't here, red.
02:07:47 Bulls. Listen, listen.
02:07:48 Tell me when I'm wrong.
02:07:50 Pigeons want to be with pigeons.
Speaker 8
02:07:51 But we have intelligence, we have an.
Speaker 22
02:07:51 Tell me.
02:07:51 When I'm not.
02:07:53 When we must, when we should have.
Speaker 8
02:07:53 Intellect, they don't.
Speaker 22
02:07:55 They don't have intelligence, but yet they stay together.
02:07:57 We should have more intelligence than them, right?
02:08:00 Does is it it does.
Speaker 15
02:08:01 It buzz. Is it the?
02:08:05 Audio on this is all over the place.
Speaker 22
02:08:05 Blue birds with blue birds, they all are.
02:08:08 Birds, but they got different cultures.
02:08:10 The Eagles like to hang out in the mountains.
02:08:12 The buzzards like to fly around the desert.
Speaker 8
02:08:14 Well, there's certain.
Speaker 22
02:08:14 The blue bird like to fly around the trees and the grass.
Speaker 8
02:08:16 There's certain problems are Buzzard mating with a Sparrow, wouldn't there?
02:08:19 There are certain rights, right?
Speaker 22
02:08:21 And that's we have the problems too, I.
Speaker 8
02:08:21 I mean, no woman.
Speaker 22
02:08:23 Don't see, I don't.
02:08:24 See, I don't see no black and white couples in England or America walking around proud, holding their children and and going out.
Speaker 8
02:08:31 That's because society that's that's society's fault. I mean, so. But, I mean, we gotta educate people around it.
Speaker 2
02:08:33 Well, well, well, well.
Speaker 22
02:08:36 Well, life is too short for me to be ready catching hell for something like that, and I'd rather go with my own and I have a beautiful daughter, beautiful wife.
02:08:42 They look like me, we all happy and I don't have no trouble.
02:08:46 I have a little trouble 8-9 that much in love and no woman to go through all that. Hell ain't no one woman that good.
02:08:53 You understand?
Speaker 8
02:08:54 I understand.
02:08:55 I just.
02:08:55 I do understand, I understand.
02:08:57 I think it's.
02:08:57 I think it's sad that that that it's that it's attitude.
Speaker 22
02:08:58 It ain't sad because I want my child to look like me.
02:09:00 Every intelligent person wants his child to look like him.
02:09:03 I'm sad because I want to blot out my race and lose my beautiful identity.
02:09:07 Chinese love, Chinese.
02:09:09 They love the little slant of that pretty brown skinned babies.
02:09:12 Pakistanis love their culture.
02:09:14 Jewish people love their culture.
02:09:15 A lot of Catholics don't want, remember, Catholics.
02:09:17 They want their religion to be stay the same.
02:09:19 Who want to spot up yourself and kill your race?
02:09:22 You you a hate of your people if you don't want to stay who you are, you shame what God made you.
02:09:27 God didn't make no mistake when he made.
02:09:28 Us all like we.
Speaker 8
02:09:29 I I think that's a philosophy of despair.
Speaker 22
02:09:29 Were I'm.
Speaker 8
02:09:31 I really do.
02:09:32 See, here's the thing.
02:09:33 Is he does hate his race.
02:09:35 This guy right here.
02:09:37 This is the guy crying in the park because a black guy is going to jail.
02:09:40 That a black guy that attacked his family with a knife is going to jail.
02:09:46 He does hate his race.
02:09:51 It's funny because every time like 1.
02:09:54 Of it's projection, it's always projection.
02:09:58 When people like this criticize me for bringing up the topics that I've that I've brought up over the last month or so.
02:10:06 One of the the big criticisms I hear is they say that you are.
02:10:13 You are.
02:10:15 What's the what's?
02:10:16 What's the word?
02:10:17 Not nihilistic.
02:10:20 But they're not even pessimistic.
02:10:22 But anyway.
02:10:23 It's one of the istics.
02:10:27 And they they.
02:10:27 They they talk about how, like, oh, you just, you just you just you don't have the same optimism that I have the the same enlightened view of the universe that I have.
02:10:45 But it's self hatred.
02:10:47 It's self hatred at the end of the day it's self hatred.
02:10:54 It's, you know, I I hear a lot of people say that well, you know, if they, you know, especially with like England, right, where they're just now starting to get a taste of what we've been.
02:11:05 Getting shoved down our throats for decades.
02:11:08 And they'll say things like, oh, you know, if the old generation could see what London has become today, then you know, they would never have, you know, allowed this.
02:11:15 They would have.
02:11:16 They would have put a.
02:11:16 Stop to it.
02:11:17 I mean, maybe if your.
02:11:19 Time with the.
02:11:19 Average British person, right?
02:11:22 But there were plenty of ***** like this that he probably would have loved it.
02:11:27 He probably would have loved it.
02:11:31 He does want to blot out the white race.
02:11:34 Well, I don't.
02:11:34 Know is this guy even white?
02:11:36 Don't know he could be Jewish.
02:11:37 I don't know.
02:11:38 I don't know who this ******* guy is.
02:11:43 Uh. Let's see here.
02:11:46 Zazi mattas bot.
02:11:48 Thanks for what you do.
02:11:48 The clips are meant to be a pallet cleanser.
02:11:51 Ohh, here we go.
02:11:54 Well, I guess you just picked the night for clips.
02:11:57 Well, why not, right?
02:12:00 Is this gonna be another weird sport?
02:12:02 Your stuff is deep and heavy, so it's time to nice paws before we jump from the pit into the.
02:12:07 Void this is a 24 second video. Brevity is key.
02:12:11 Uh, is this gonna be like, oh, let's see what it is.
02:12:13 Why not?
02:12:14 Why not?
02:12:16 Let's see what it is.
02:12:22 What is it? Larp fest?
02:12:30 There you go.
02:12:32 A drone getting speared at a LARP fest.
02:12:37 The guy has a good arm though.
02:12:39 I don't know if I could pull that off.
02:12:45 I'm pretty sure I I don't think I'd have that kind of aim.
02:12:49 Alright, well, at least it's not Japanese people.
02:12:51 Trying to pull down a pole.
02:12:57 You know, these kind of larps, I mean, I don't know.
02:12:59 I'm torn part of me, I see this **** and I know like, as a kid I would have thought this was fun.
02:13:06 You know, I mean like like like a child, right?
02:13:08 But something about grown men dressing up in like.
02:13:15 Stuff like Ren fest.
02:13:16 I know there's something.
02:13:22 I don't know.
02:13:23 Is that something that that the Jews are making me think you know is that it was, I told in the same way that I was raised to think that homeschooled kids were weird and like, ohh, you don't wanna homeschool your kids.
02:13:33 That's bad.
02:13:34 It's gonna.
02:13:34 Make you into a weirdo.
02:13:36 Is that is that the same kind of a thing it was?
02:13:38 Was I just taught through pop culture the way Hollywood would depict these kinds of gatherings is like, super cringe, and like a bunch of weirdos like talking in old English like.
02:13:50 Is that is that just Jews interpretation of of these sorts of things?
02:13:54 I I remember really went I think I went to like a Renaissance festival that was.
02:13:57 More of like a it was a Shakespearean festival in Utah when I was like.
02:14:03 11 or something and I had a good time when I was a kid, you know, like.
02:14:07 It was there was like.
02:14:09 You know, it was like going to like a a civil war reenactment or you know that that kind of stuff is fun for kids.
02:14:16 I don't know.
02:14:16 Still part of me, that's kind of like.
02:14:21 I don't know.
02:14:24 Entertaining us. Maybe you could watch this later. For reference, this stuff is not new. 1975 movie take a hearty ride. Black heroes. Wait, take a hard ride. Black heroes.
02:14:37 Ohh, it was always and in the movie take a.
02:14:39 Hard right? White.
02:14:40 Villains and a white woman even sacrifices herself to save.
02:14:44 The black men.
02:14:48 Isn't this?
02:14:48 Is this the same?
02:14:49 Is this the same space movie that you guys sent me last time?
02:14:54 There's a whole plan to watch the whole ******* movie.
02:14:56 What is this?
02:14:58 Take a hard ride.
02:15:00 Yeah, we're not going.
02:15:01 To watch that it's a whole.
02:15:03 It's weird that the entire movie is on YouTube, but.
02:15:06 Alright, maybe.
02:15:11 Grenade William here.
02:15:14 OK, that's that's right.
02:15:15 There's the frenchy.
02:15:16 Weird name PSA.
02:15:18 For the love of God, please stop using Fagot speech.
02:15:22 Kiev is is Kiev.
02:15:24 Beijing is Peking.
02:15:26 Ho Chi Minh is Saigon Mayan, Myanmar.
02:15:30 Is Burma and same bra as an interjection? Is totally speech alright? Well I I agree with you that the bra. I don't I don't ever.
02:15:39 Say bra Kiev is key.
02:15:43 I don't know about that.
02:15:44 I called it Kiev when I was there.
02:15:46 I think to the English ear doesn't there doesn't really matter one way or the other don't know about Beijing, Peking, Ho Chi Minh, Saigon, all that stuff.
02:15:56 OK.
02:15:58 Rooster the shopping cart is a Jewish plot.
02:16:02 I wish I were making it up.
02:16:04 Wait, what?
02:16:06 The existence of a shopping cart.
02:16:10 I don't know that might be a stretch, but let's see.
02:16:17 Shopping carts were invented by a Jew named Sylvan Nathan Goldman to get people to buy far more food than they'll ever need, or shelf stable.
02:16:28 Or or knead or shelf stable goi slop stuffed with preservatives, when you really should be buying groceries and smaller batches.
02:16:37 That you can carry out.
02:16:39 Well, I'm not surprised I.
02:16:40 Don't know if that was if there was.
02:16:41 Like a a plot beyond just let's sell more goods psychologic.
02:16:46 I mean, I'd have to look into this, but I could see a Jew coming up with the shopping cart and and purposely making it seem empty.
02:16:54 Unless you had like.
02:16:55 More goods than what people were typically buying so that they would, they would feel that emptiness like Oh well, I have to.
02:17:02 I have to fill it up because I'm at the store.
02:17:04 I I could see that I.
02:17:05 Don't know how deep it really goes, but.
02:17:08 I'm not surprised at all that that that's a a Jewish contribution.
02:17:14 But you're right, if you if you don't have a shopping cart, if you just have one of those little hand baskets or something like that, you tend to buy a lot less and which is something you need to do if you want to have fresh produce and fresh food.
02:17:26 Because if you start buying like tons of produce, inevitably a bunch of it goes bad because you bought too much.
02:17:33 And then people will start thinking, well, maybe I shouldn't buy so much produce or produce at all.
02:17:37 Maybe I should just buy the food that never goes bad.
02:17:39 That's how bachelors think.
02:17:41 That's how.
02:17:41 A lot of guy.
02:17:42 Because, you know men, we just want whatever is simple, you know, whatever is easy.
02:17:47 And I think that's why a lot of gooey slop.
02:17:52 Well, well, actually, I think a lot of the choice slop happened because mothers started working.
02:17:58 Because that's how men think that we want it easy.
02:18:00 We'll buy the ramen or whatever, because we can stick it in the shelf.
02:18:03 That never goes bad, and it's there when we need it, but the idea was, you know, that works for when you're a bachelor, but then you get married to the woman that's supposed to be preparing the meals with fresh ingredients and planning everything out and all that other stuff.
02:18:16 And that went away with the boomer generation, with all the mothers.
02:18:19 Going to work and that's when you started having this huge explosion and processed food.
02:18:24 And you know, like the the famous casseroles that my mom would end up making, it would just be this awful mess of, you know, macaroni and cheese and other other foods that would, that would come out of a a box or or out of a microwave and and end up in the fridge and then.
02:18:45 End up in another pan and then in the microwave again, you know and not look a lot of.
02:18:51 It wasn't even just.
02:18:53 Women working in my mother's case, you.
02:18:55 Know. God bless.
02:18:56 Her she didn't.
02:18:57 She never worked a day in her life and but as decadence kicks in, a lot of women just thought.
02:19:03 That ohh why not?
02:19:04 It's it's it's.
02:19:05 It's just another technology, right?
02:19:07 All this food that's coming out this space food.
02:19:10 That's how they marketed a lot of this stuff.
02:19:11 When it first came out, right?
02:19:13 It was space food.
02:19:15 Oh, it's what the astronauts eat.
02:19:16 It's got to be good, you know, Tang Tang is the the delicious vitamin C rich beverage that astronauts drink, you know, and.
02:19:26 And so that's how I think because that was right in the space.
02:19:29 And that's when a lot.
02:19:30 You know that they really looked at this food as as this brilliant new technology that was revolutionizing the world, that would making their life so much easier.
02:19:40 And you know, this was fantasized about, and it still is that you look at, you know, Speaking of Star Trek, what do they have?
02:19:47 What are, what's one of the famous things featured in in every version of Star Trek?
02:19:51 They've got those food machines.
02:19:54 Where you just walk up and say I want this and it just magically comes out of it without any kind of preparation.
02:20:00 It's it's technology that's producing it, it's not actual real ingredients.
02:20:05 It's just on the atomic level building you an ice cream sundae or whatever the **** that you asked for.
02:20:13 I mean, there's that unfortunately that's that's an attitude that probably led to a lot of childhood obesity.
02:20:20 In the United States.
02:20:22 And other Western countries as they they start to adopt the same kinds of eating habits.
02:20:31 Zazi metazoan I disagree with one of your viewers about the $5 minimum for chats as I am poor.
02:20:37 However, making you dance like a monkey for $1.00 is a bit Jewish, so every now and again I'll toss a few more shekels in your hat. I like what you do, and your shows are worth it.
02:20:51 Well, I appreciate that.
02:20:52 Well, you gotta remember, even if you just give me a dollar, I don't get that entire dollar.
02:20:56 So it's it's actually less than a.
02:20:59 I don't know what they take.
02:21:00 I think it's it's less than what YouTube take.
02:21:04 But honestly, takes their cut.
02:21:06 And yeah, I haven't put any minimums on it's it's although there is inflation, there is inflation.
02:21:14 The inflation inflation is real.
02:21:16 The gas prices are what surprises me.
02:21:20 That ends up being some of the most expensive bills that I have out here, especially all the traveling.
02:21:24 I've been doing the last month or so.
02:21:28 The amount of money I spent just on gas.
02:21:30 I mean that I spent more money on gas than I did on food or or even lodging or anything.
02:21:35 I mean, it's insane how much gas cost nowadays.
02:21:41 Gee, I don't have a problem with Pagans.
02:21:45 If they can create high fertility white communities that endure for generations, however, it seems that virtually all high fertility white communities are a form of Christian also part of white Christianity took over Europe as Christians had more kids than pagans.
02:22:02 Yeah, I don't.
02:22:03 You know, I don't think paganism is a viable way forward.
02:22:08 I think it's.
02:22:10 It's people that recognize the the problems inherent in.
02:22:17 Modern Christianity and they're looking for an alternative, and they're digging back in their past looking for something, but if for no other reason, I mean, that's one reason I think you're right about that.
02:22:28 But the other reason?
02:22:29 Is just the the lack of uniformity, the fact that there's not?
02:22:34 I mean, even though there's all these different Christian, you know.
02:22:37 Brand names.
02:22:38 I guess you could say.
02:22:41 You you know what to expect, right?
02:22:43 Like, I mean.
02:22:44 Well, there there's all these global **** Christian churches now with gay pastors and all this other ******* crazy ****.
02:22:51 But generally speaking, if you stick to the name brands, you know what to expect.
02:22:57 They're going to be cocked on Israel and a couple other things.
02:22:59 But and that's a big deal.
02:23:01 I'm wrong that I don't want to minimize the impact that has, but generally speaking the values and the you know the metaphors and the culture is going to be very similar.
02:23:13 There and I don't think you have that same thing with paganism.
02:23:18 I don't think there's that uniformity.
02:23:20 I don't think there's and it's kind of like what I was saying earlier about if you were to create a community out in the desert and then try to tackle the problem of religion.
02:23:33 In a like pragmatic way and not in a actual believing kind of a way.
02:23:41 I think that's that you have the same problem with Paganism, I don't think.
02:23:46 That modern pagans actually believe in like Thor and **** like that.
02:23:52 Maybe some of them do.
02:23:55 But let's be real, I don't think that modern pagans actually believe in the literal existence of these gods.
02:24:04 I think that.
02:24:05 To the extent that there are pagans.
02:24:09 It's very metaphorical, and hey, maybe that works for them or whatever, but it it's that's it's lacking a main ingredient to be successful and to carry on past, you know, because at that point it's just it's just a.
02:24:25 It's just a tradition.
02:24:27 It's it's not really a whole lot different than these people that were raised Christian and maybe they still celebrate Christmas and Easter and the holidays and stuff like that and maybe culturally to some extent that you know, some of that Christianity is carried over.
02:24:42 But the way they live their life is very secular.
02:24:45 Because they don't actually believe in God.
02:24:48 You know that they're not, actually, they don't think.
02:24:51 That they're going to go to hell or heaven based on what they do on Earth.
02:24:56 They think that's all just.
02:24:57 Made-up.
02:24:58 And I don't see how the the the Pagans are really that much different in that respect.
02:25:04 You know that.
02:25:04 I don't think they actually think they're.
02:25:06 Going to Valhalla or whatever, right?
02:25:08 Maybe some of them do, but I think.
02:25:12 Thing that's that's a that's a missing ingredient and you need to have that religious fervor that where you believe it's so hard that you're again, like, not not for violence reasons but for dedication reasons.
02:25:26 You need to have the kind of dedication that that guy strapping a bomb to his his balls.
02:25:32 Has that thinks he's getting the 72 virgins. You have to like, really ******* believe it. And I I doubt there's, you know, more than a handful of pagans that have that kind of belief in paganism.
02:25:46 Whereas I think there's probably tons of Christians not not, not as many as there should be.
02:25:51 Certainly. Look, there's probably a lot of Christians that pay play Idlib service or they pretend to believe because it's tradition or whatever.
02:25:59 I would say there's probably a a much smaller percentage of Christians actually believe it than profess to believe it.
02:26:11 Good evening, Devin would.
02:26:12 You ever consider doing a stream about vigilante justice?
02:26:16 I spent this morning reading about the Irish republican and loyalist organizations in Northern Ireland handing out St.
02:26:23 Justice to criminals, and the examples from America could make for a great show.
02:26:29 Thank you.
02:26:31 I mean, it'd be a tricky topic, but I think that there are some examples.
02:26:36 There's some that I have.
02:26:37 In my notes.
02:26:39 Where the.
02:26:41 I mean look that's.
02:26:42 It used to be a tradition in the South. Lynching has a really bad name because of well because the the the media's portrayal of of it.
02:26:55 But lynching used to be a form of that.
02:26:57 I mean, lynching was it wasn't.
02:26:59 Just look, they didn't lynch.
02:27:01 They make it sound like when you automatically, in fact, if you hear the the term lynch, you automatically are are imagining some black guy getting strung up in a tree by a bunch of crazy white Southerners or whatever.
02:27:16 That's not first of all, there wasn't really a racial component to Lynch.
02:27:21 It was more that when you had kind of like in the Old West like you had it wasn't, it was more, I guess it was organized lynching in the Old West, where you didn't have a lot of law enforcement.
02:27:34 So what did you have?
02:27:35 You'd have a sheriff who, when someone did something wrong, he'd go around, deputize a bunch of guys.
02:27:41 So they'd make it official, right?
02:27:43 But it was basically they.
02:27:45 They still strung them up and hung them right.
02:27:47 And there was nothing racial about it.
02:27:51 With the in the South, I think the IT was.
02:27:54 There was, honestly, there was probably a little bit of participation by local law enforcement in in those cases too.
02:28:02 That's always been something that's gone.
02:28:04 Well, not always.
02:28:05 But something's gone on in America for a long time.
02:28:07 I just think that as the world has shrunk as the tentacles.
02:28:13 Of the hierarchy have have made their way into these smaller communities by way of federal law enforcement.
02:28:21 And you know, I I just think that a lot of that's that's gone down, but it might be interesting to take a look at at some of.
02:28:29 The the vigilante practices that were that took place in America and and and maybe cover a few famous cases.
02:28:42 You don't see it much, but it's still sort of happens.
02:28:45 I mean, one one thing that comes to mind, but again this is this is a perfect example of of why it doesn't happen that often.
02:28:52 You might remember from 10:00. Well, actually it's been more than that now. It's been like 1520 years ago, almost. You had the minute.
02:29:01 And on the southern border.
02:29:03 You had what was his name?
02:29:06 I want to say it was like Warren Jeffs, but I don't know if that maybe that.
02:29:09 Was like the Mormon guy.
02:29:10 I'm thinking it doesn't matter.
02:29:11 You had a a group of vigilantes when the when the federal government wasn't.
02:29:17 Patrolling the border and that we had illegal immigration just as out of hand actually then as it is now, nothing has changed.
02:29:25 But back then, you had enough of these kind of militia types that decided that, well, a lot of the border land is owned by these.
02:29:32 Private ranchers, and they're the ones that are kind of experiencing that most most of the issues.
02:29:41 So you'd have, I mean, ranchers being attacked by by coyotes and you'd have, you know, people getting raped and murdered.
02:29:49 And there was a lot of crime.
02:29:51 And then, you know, like the.
02:29:52 Smaller stuff like the.
02:29:53 You know, just leaving trash all over their land and stuff like that. But you had drug traffickers and human traffickers going across people's private property all along the border because the United States government had no interest in in stopping it. So a lot of these private landowner.
02:30:11 Reached out to these militia types that would go and patrol the border.
02:30:17 They had night vision goggles and and guns and stuff, and they they they tried to do it the right way by at first I think they were just calling up the Border Patrol and saying, look, we have.
02:30:30 Looking at my through my night vision goggles and I'm seeing this line of people crossing over the Rio Grande and here's the GPS coordinates or whatever, but I think they soon realized that.
02:30:42 Border Patrol just didn't give a ****.
02:30:44 They didn't come and apprehend these people.
02:30:45 A lot of times because they were being told.
02:30:47 From on AP.
02:30:49 That this was not a problem, that they wanted solved and so they got frustrated and they started trying to actually detain these people at gunpoint, doing citizens arrest, you know, for trespassing and stuff like that.
02:31:02 And you know the government, the DOJ went hard at these people and took them out because you're challenging the authority.
02:31:10 Of the hierarchy, that's the thing that anyone that challenges the authority of the hierarchy doesn't matter.
02:31:17 If you're morally in the in the right, or even if you're doing something that ultimately the hierarchy wants done.
02:31:24 If you're undermining their authority or showing them up or or anything like that, they're gonna come at you hard.
02:31:31 And that's the difficult thing.
02:31:32 That's why it's the kind of thing that you have to assume.
02:31:37 That if you were to engage in any kind of vigilante activity, you just have to assume that the system is going.
02:31:44 To come at you like a ton of bricks.
02:31:46 I mean, even even in small like think about the the small cases during the Black Lives Matter protests you had that couple with the the AR fifteens and all they did was they stood in front of their house with.
02:31:59 Yeah, so that if the the black people tried to.
02:32:05 Riot and steal their **** and kill.
02:32:06 Them you know that.
02:32:08 They wouldn't be able to, you know, they were warding off these hordes of unruly black people with with guns.
02:32:15 And they didn't.
02:32:16 They didn't shoot anyone.
02:32:17 They didn't.
02:32:17 They didn't leave their own property.
02:32:19 They didn't do anything.
02:32:20 And those people ended up having to face legal consequences.
02:32:24 So and I think.
02:32:25 They were Jews.
02:32:25 Right, like.
02:32:27 I'm I'm pretty sure, or maybe I'm thinking of.
02:32:31 Someone else but.
02:32:32 The the the federal government went after those people.
02:32:35 The DOJ went after those people.
02:32:37 Every instance like that.
02:32:39 It's like that.
02:32:41 No, maybe maybe the couple I'm thinking of that was Jewish is the couple that was walking out Chipotle.
02:32:46 And the the black lady started aggressively attacking them and they pointed their guns at the Black Lady and.
02:32:53 And you can see the video.
02:32:55 You know, they're basically saying just, hey, you know, they're not, they're not threatening to kill her.
02:33:00 They're just saying back off, back off, back off.
02:33:03 And they got they got to.
02:33:04 Listed. So even if you're doing it in some kind of small way that you would think that just and and and honestly 1020 years ago, the police would have high fived you for doing something like that. But at this point, we are. So our values aren't are not.
02:33:23 The values of the country anymore, we are at odds.
02:33:26 Our worldview and our values are fundamentally at odds with the countries values and the people with power, their values, and so that's where you're going to run into problems vigilantism.
02:33:43 If you want to not face the wrath of the system, at the very least needs to coincide with the values of the system, and because it look, it's in a very American thing.
02:33:55 Look at how many old TV shows and movies are about exactly that, like how many movies are.
02:34:00 About some guy.
02:34:02 You know, they they kill his look.
02:34:05 John Wick, right.
02:34:07 That's that's a very recent movie, you know, they kill this puppy or whatever and he goes.
02:34:11 Ape shift and.
02:34:12 4 movies later, you know he's killed like a million.
02:34:15 People and people like that, they like that storyline, Rambo, same thing, right?
02:34:20 Even though Rambo is very cooked movie, if you think about it because it was a local community trying to keep Riff Raff out of their community and Rambo has to go and you know, **** it all up for everybody.
02:34:30 But the basic idea behind it was, oh, look at this guy.
02:34:34 He's fighting the man.
02:34:35 Vigilant injustice and people ate that **** up.
02:34:40 It's a very American way of of looking at things.
02:34:44 It's just that.
02:34:46 Increasingly, you don't live in the the America you were born in.
02:34:51 That's not the value system.
02:34:52 That that, that is is.
02:34:55 Is in Vogue right now, so you get ****** over hard if you if you challenge the system so.
02:35:01 That that's something you.
02:35:02 Have to keep in mind if you know.
02:35:04 If I do like a stream on this probably be a big part of that.
02:35:08 I'll take a look at it.
02:35:09 It it is.
02:35:10 It is very American, though it's very American.
02:35:12 I mean, that's part of the American founding story, right?
02:35:15 So it's so easy for people in 2023 to forget that the Americans were not fighting the British.
02:35:27 Like it's it wasn't like some foreign country that they were at war with.
02:35:32 The Americans were British subjects fighting the crown.
02:35:38 And then they became Americans, right?
02:35:40 Because they won.
02:35:42 But prior to that.
02:35:45 I mean, they were vigilantes.
02:35:49 They they were.
02:35:50 So the country itself was founded on the idea of of vigilantism or, I don't know if I said that right.
02:35:57 But you know.
02:35:58 You get what I'm talking about.
02:35:59 So that's why I think it.
02:36:00 It appeals so much like all these action movies that were specifically, you know, they were tailor made.
02:36:06 For, you know, patriotic red blooded, you know, red meat eating Americans.
02:36:11 Whether you're talking about even just.
02:36:14 You know, just the, I guess, the attitudes of even like, like cop movies, like the buddy movies, like the like, Mel Gibson's.
02:36:25 What was lethal weapon movies, right?
02:36:28 Like they're cops, technically, right?
02:36:30 But they're breaking the the law left and right to.
02:36:32 Get the bad.
02:36:33 Guy, you know this idea that you that you should be able to cut through the red tape.
02:36:37 And really, what's what's important is doing what's right and doing what's just and you know, **** the rules.
02:36:44 That's very American.
02:36:45 Because it's tied to our founding.
02:36:48 Or just, but just in the same way that increasingly people aren't going to care 2 ***** about Stonehenge like you think that when England is like 80% packed, they're going to give a **** about Stonehenge, you know, like, so it's in the same way that.
02:37:06 That people aren't going to give a **** about stuff like that.
02:37:09 They don't care about the founding myth.
02:37:13 They don't care about the they they don't share that, that history.
02:37:18 So they don't they don't have.
02:37:19 The same worldview.
02:37:23 OK, let's take a look here.
02:37:25 Cringe panda. The Trump 2016 campaign won over working whites by being honest about their problems. Globalism took their jobs away.
02:37:35 The opioid epidemic took their young away, and mass immigration took their country away, but I doubt he will ever campaign saying that the trans.
02:37:45 Epidemic is taking their daughters away.
02:37:50 Well, you know he did.
02:37:52 And look, **** Trump.
02:37:53 But he did.
02:37:56 In a speech today.
02:37:59 And again, this is Trump. So it's all talk, no action, right? Because that's what everything else was in 2016.
02:38:06 He did say that he would ban trans surgery.
02:38:11 Well, at least on kids.
02:38:13 Nationwide, he would make it that a federal law.
02:38:17 But first of all, presidents can't do that.
02:38:20 And second of all, like Trump, wouldn't do that.
02:38:24 And he also said he was going to take away birthright citizenship, right?
02:38:28 And then even start that ball.
02:38:31 There's lots and he said he was gonna investigate voter fraud that that and they, they dissolved the Commission after like 3 meetings.
02:38:37 You know that?
02:38:37 That's what what's so hilarious in a way, in a.
02:38:42 In a dark humor kind of a way about how he lost was he had the opportunity to clean this **** up.
02:38:48 He had four years and and did ******* nothing with it.
02:38:51 And uh, I just.
02:38:53 I don't know.
02:38:53 There's some, you know, Trump simps that that don't really care, right?
02:38:59 Because it's all about personality and and and that's it.
02:39:02 You know, they're just rooting for a a name on a jersey at this point, but.
02:39:08 You know it is what it.
02:39:10 Is grenade or I guess wasn't William.
02:39:13 Or if I always forget your name.
02:39:14 Is William, right?
02:39:20 Uh, I forgot those Siam is Thailand Siam is Thailand, Rhodesia is Zimbabwe, Cambodia is campuchia.
02:39:31 Istanbul is Constantinople.
02:39:34 Petersburg is Leningrad, Moldova is moldovia, Iran is Persia, and Iraq is Mesopotamia.
02:39:43 Use proper white English conquerors language.
02:39:47 I I I don't know what's in her name.
02:39:49 What's in a name when it when talking about all these foreigners?
02:39:53 I don't know.
02:39:54 I I don't.
02:39:55 I don't know.
02:39:55 That's that's low on my priority list.
02:39:57 To be perfectly honest, but I I get the sentiment.
02:40:01 Wolf supremacist.
02:40:03 Jews fagots.
02:40:05 Thanks, Jews.
02:40:06 Fagots, huh?
02:40:08 What's the I?
02:40:09 I wish I had like a.
02:40:11 Thanks, Jews, I guess.
02:40:12 I have to say.
02:40:14 That's close enough.
02:40:18 Was that like super loud because I changed the?
02:40:21 Audio to fix that.
02:40:24 I probably need to turn.
02:40:25 That off.
02:40:25 Now let me see here.
02:40:33 I don't know if I fixed that or not.
02:40:37 That I fix it.
02:40:42 All right, reverb.
02:40:46 Also saw the question about night vision last stream. Just wanted to comment that when you get NVG's you don't just buy a $3000 PVS 14.
02:40:58 You also have to buy a 1000 plus dollars of lasers and AR illuminators for your rifles, even the military.
02:41:06 Great staff needs either background light or IR light to properly see.
02:41:11 Yeah, I think that.
02:41:13 Well, first of all, I think in any urban environment, you'd have plenty of light pollution to go off of.
02:41:19 I don't think you would need a.
02:41:20 A lot of.
02:41:22 Illuminators for that that to work, maybe I'm wrong, but if you're in the middle of nowhere, you'd absolutely.
02:41:29 Unless yet the moon's out, you would probably need something when I.
02:41:32 Got a full moon out here the.
02:41:34 Only reason why I keep my headlamp on when I'm walking around out there is cause of snakes.
02:41:39 But I can see the trail like if it's.
02:41:40 Winter. I don't.
02:41:41 Even worry about that, because I can see the trails I can see. In fact I can see the whole desert. I can see the mountain tops and everything's.
02:41:49 It's amazing how much brighter like it doesn't make it.
02:41:51 I guess it makes a little bit of sense, but.
02:41:54 The When the like, you can totally understand how ancient people got by with without electricity, without electricity at night because you know there's certain lights when there's no moon that, yeah, I'd stay in my cave, but if.
02:42:08 It's a full moon.
02:42:10 Yeah you can.
02:42:10 You can walk around like it's ******* daytime, functionally.
02:42:15 Zazi Mattas bought the I like the idea that was floated last stream of having a place to cut or put clips for defiant too, and or just for you to use like a pit or or like a pit for degenerate clips, a digital pit.
02:42:33 Thanks again for your work.
02:42:34 Yeah, maybe I'll set up like a.
02:42:38 I don't know how to do that, maybe like a maybe a telegram channel or something like that where you can like a a repository for clips like that I'm I'm just trying to get like an easy way.
02:42:50 That would be, you know.
02:42:51 An A place you could easily share that stuff.
02:42:57 Without having to admin it very much.
02:43:00 Yeah, I'll, I'll if I do, I'll tell you what.
02:43:02 If I do defiant too, I'll definitely set something like that up because I'll I'll have to crowd source that aspect of it.
02:43:09 Entertaining US 1979, you could say. On TV and casual conversation, and I guess that's an.
02:43:17 Example of it.
02:43:22 At 2424.
02:43:33 The Internet's not liking this.
02:43:37 Oh, the Internet's not liking this.
Speaker 11
02:43:48 This is my mercati samara.
02:43:51 And your Niger boys got school.
Speaker 1
02:43:52 Today, tell your friend to watch his mouth.
Speaker 8
02:43:56 These boys are clients of mine.
02:43:59 What's going on?
Speaker 3
02:44:00 Well, it's about what we can do for you.
02:44:02 Yeah, they, they and they they.
02:44:04 Would use it. I mean obviously it was supposed to make that guy look like a racist, but you could say it just fine. I remember watching shows in in like the the 90s that would say and obviously it was always, oh, there's the.
02:44:18 There's the bad southern, but we've what we've gone over some of these TV shows on the stream where all the way up into the 90s people there was.
02:44:28 It's so embarrassing to hear people say the N word.
02:44:33 Like what are we ******* children?
02:44:35 The N word.
02:44:37 Like they'll say everything else, by the way, they'll say literally everything.
02:44:41 I'll say.
02:44:42 **** *****, **** *****.
02:44:45 But they won't say.
Speaker 11
02:44:47 And look, I'm.
02:44:47 Not saying should run around going Niger, Niger, Niger, Niger, Niger.
02:44:50 I mean, what's the what would be the point?
02:44:52 Right.
02:44:53 Like you don't need to to try to provoke people.
02:44:56 For no reason.
02:44:57 But the idea that I'm not allowed to make a noise with my mouth is ******* ridiculous.
02:45:02 Like that's you have that at that point you have control over my, my body.
02:45:08 And if I'm always saying N word N word N word N word N word in my head, I'm going to start thinking N word N word and you know you're actually controlling my my mind.
02:45:18 And I'm just not going to.
02:45:19 Play that ******* game.
02:45:21 You know, if it.
02:45:22 Look, if it's not necessary, it's not necessary.
02:45:24 Just like it's not necessary to.
02:45:25 Go around going ****.
02:45:26 *******, *****.
02:45:27 You know, it's like, why?
02:45:28 Why would you go around doing that?
02:45:30 But also no one's.
02:45:31 Got to tell me.
02:45:31 I can't say that ****.
02:45:36 Yeah, as soon as I saw that happen.
02:45:38 That was a huge.
02:45:42 Red Flag and I think it was a red flag for a lot of people.
02:45:48 Libertarians at the time, you know, that's why you had that South Park episode where.
02:45:56 Stands Dad is on Wheel of Fortune.
02:46:01 Let's look that up.
02:46:08 Can you even I wonder if they even have it still?
Speaker 21
02:46:14 And now back to Wheel of Fortune.
02:46:19 Alright, Randy, congratulations on making it all the way.
02:46:21 To the bonus round.
02:46:23 Thanks, pat.
02:46:24 You've got some family here watching tonight.
02:46:26 Yeah, they're all rooting.
Speaker 21
02:46:27 For me, and I'm sure you have lots of friends watching.
02:46:29 Back home.
02:46:31 Hi, everybody watching in South Park.
Speaker 4
02:46:33 That's us.
02:46:36 Good luck.
Speaker 21
02:46:37 Well, let's see if you can't make everyone proud. The category is people who annoy you. OK, as always, we give you the letters RTSLNE.
02:46:50 We just need three more consonants and a.
02:46:52 OK.
02:46:53 I'd like a, B an N.
02:46:56 And a G.
Speaker 21
02:46:57 And the vowel.
02:46:58 And oh please.
Speaker 21
02:47:00 OK, well, looks like you're going to get a lot of help here.
02:47:03 Category is people who annoy you.
02:47:06 Audience, keep quiet, please.
02:47:14 10 seconds, Mr. Marsh.
02:47:16 I know it, but I don't think.
Speaker 21
02:47:18 I should say it.
02:47:19 5 seconds, Mr. Marsh.
02:47:20 Alright, I'd like to solve the puzzle.
Speaker 4
02:47:29 Huh. Huh.
02:47:39 Ooh oh, naggers, of course naggers right.
Speaker 21
02:47:44 Uh, can we cut?
02:47:47 Can we?
02:47:48 So that was that was the turning point when they aired that episode.
02:47:53 That was the turning point between being allowed to say on TV and having to say the N word. This was probably one of the last things on mainstream television that actually got to say.
02:48:11 So for better and for worse, I think for worse.
02:48:15 Cause you you can't.
02:48:16 You can't *******.
02:48:18 You can't ban language.
02:48:19 It's so like it's outright banning language.
02:48:22 It's so stupid.
02:48:24 Like the fact that you can, you can sit there and.
02:48:29 The same outlets that would freak the.
02:48:32 **** out and try to ruin your.
02:48:33 Life, if you.
02:48:34 Said you could sit there and in detail describe molesting a little boy.
02:48:42 Which is way more offensive than than the word, and they wouldn't care. They'd back you up. The ACLU would defend you in court.
02:48:52 But yeah, this was you could.
02:48:53 Say on TV up up until.
02:48:56 Well, I mean, I don't know when this episode aired.
02:49:00 Season 11.
02:49:01 So what that would have been like?
02:49:04 2005 or 6 or somewhere in there, right?
02:49:08 So I mean it's.
02:49:10 It's it wasn't that long ago.
02:49:12 Less than 20 years ago, you could see.
02:49:14 It on TV and and.
02:49:16 No one was burning Comedy Central down.
02:49:22 Uh, let's see here.
02:49:24 Harmless G If the Musk versus Zuck fight really happens because Zuck is, oh, by the way, that's not the thing that.
02:49:33 That what?
02:49:34 Does that prove?
02:49:36 I'm just going to go.
02:49:37 I'm going to.
02:49:37 Make one more point with the bigger thing.
02:49:41 It in Islamic countries.
02:49:45 Right, you can't draw Mohammed.
02:49:47 In America, you can't say.
02:49:57 Because worship is real in America, it just really it it's just real.
02:50:02 Alright, harmless.
02:50:03 Gee, if Musk versus Zuck fight really happens.
02:50:06 Because Zuck is smaller than Musk, it will serve as an opportunity to test the hypothesis that Jews punch.
02:50:15 Above their weight.
02:50:17 Ohh guys guys.
02:50:25 Hey. Oh, alright.
02:50:31 Video idea in 2014, all black.
02:50:34 School all right.
02:50:37 In 2014, all Black School won the Little League World Championship and was praised in the media and met Obama months after their win.
02:50:46 It comes out they cheated every step of the way from lying about the age of players to having players from different areas.
02:50:54 I don't care about.
02:50:54 I don't know, like I get it.
02:50:56 I believe it.
02:50:57 I don't know if it's just like a long video.
02:50:59 I don't really care enough to, like, watch like a whole thing on it.
Speaker 17
02:51:03 In 2014, Jackie Robinson W became.
02:51:05 Yeah, I'm not gonna watch 17 minutes of that.
02:51:08 And it's.
02:51:10 Is anyone surprised?
02:51:11 Is anyone surprised?
02:51:17 France undergoing A catastrophic chimp out.
02:51:19 Yeah, I saw something about that before.
02:51:22 Before going live.
02:51:25 I was thinking about pulling some clips, I just didn't know enough about it.
02:51:29 And what is this?
02:51:32 It's just like an MP4. I don't know if I have the ability to just play that.
02:51:37 If it's not going to play in the ******* browser, hang on.
02:51:44 It might play.
02:51:47 Oh, you know what I can do?
02:51:48 I can throw it here, I guess.
02:52:08 So this is what's happening in.
02:52:14 The diverse country of France.
Speaker 4
02:52:26 Mimi. Mimi.
02:52:30 I have no idea what.
02:52:31 That means.
02:52:35 So there you go.
02:52:37 And nobody is surprised.
02:52:39 Nobody is surprised.
02:52:41 Move fans.
02:52:42 Alright, I just did that one.
02:52:44 Wolf supremacist, 66 Eternal Christian woman.
02:52:50 Oh, you talk about the thing you're talking about.
02:52:54 Where is she at this one?
02:52:57 Postmaster, please don't post acts on body cams.
02:53:01 Don't sink this ******* low Axon body cams.
02:53:06 Ohh, you turn out like.
02:53:06 This what was it?
02:53:11 What's wrong with this?
02:53:14 There's nothing wrong with.
02:53:16 Acts on body cams.
02:53:17 When it's this ****.
02:53:19 Cringe panda.
02:53:21 The Christian lady has a bunch of Jews screaming at her and she was like we love these people.
02:53:29 Well, why is she completely unaware that these are the people who had Jesus crucified?
02:53:35 Look, if I were there, I'd be afraid of them crucifying me.
02:53:39 It's like the anti racist who got raped in Haiti.
02:53:43 Yeah, it's or like this guy who is sad and crying.
02:53:47 Literally crying because the black guy is going to jail.
02:53:49 A black guy that attacked him with a knife.
02:53:52 I I don't know.
02:53:54 This is why This is why pagans exist, quite frankly, because of **** like that.
02:53:59 If Christians weren't cocked like that, you wouldn't.
02:54:01 There wouldn't really be pagans because there wouldn't be people looking for a alternative to the.
02:54:07 Abject cuttery that's going on in Christianity right now.
02:54:11 Radu, I only watched the first hour.
02:54:14 I have to go to church for a special prayer for my pregnant wife.
02:54:18 It's her tradition in my country.
02:54:20 I started leavening or leavening.
02:54:24 Leavening the comment.
02:54:25 Get in the pit.
02:54:28 I don't know what leavening means leaving.
02:54:30 Or maybe I mean leaving.
02:54:32 I started leaving the comment getting the pit on YouTube videos keep up the good work.
02:54:37 Devin, I appreciate that, Radu.
02:54:38 Yeah, I've noticed people using that on Twitter and stuff like that.
02:54:42 It makes me smile.
02:54:44 It makes me smile.
02:54:45 And did you notice?
02:54:46 I don't know if you guys noticed.
02:54:47 I fixed the word so it actually says get in the pit instead of in.
02:54:51 In pit pit.
02:55:09 Fancy fancy.
02:55:13 William again.
02:55:15 Devin, have you seen this clip?
02:55:17 I don't know.
02:55:19 You say it's basically a commentary on how a how negra fied American culture has become, but the host cannot seem to make the connection. It is amazing how NPC's have been rewired to never notice the racial angle of problems.
02:55:37 Let's see.
Speaker 19
02:55:41 Look, I know there's stupid people everywhere, but America has a special kind of stupid it.
02:55:47 I I believe this is the stupid.
02:55:49 Capital of the.
02:55:50 World that that's my opinion.
02:55:52 I've lived here my whole life.
02:55:54 I'll give you $1.00 if you.
02:55:55 Can name any continent.
Speaker 1
02:56:00 It will stop.
02:56:01 I don't know.
Speaker 10
02:56:04 I don't know.
02:56:06 I don't know.
02:56:07 What cons?
02:56:07 And if I did, I would say it.
Speaker 19
02:56:09 For example, I can assure you that this type of person doesn't exist anywhere else in the world.
Speaker 20
02:56:14 I need to get your money up for y'all.
02:56:15 Come and type **** out of my comment cause the coming out that she did that make you win money.
02:56:21 No, but guess what?
02:56:22 It made me money.
02:56:23 So guess what?
02:56:24 Y'all need to reevaluate.
02:56:25 Try stuff and try.
Speaker 19
02:56:29 Who would ever take?
02:56:30 This person seriously for anything that they say.
02:56:33 How? Why? Why would you?
02:56:34 Do that well and and and someone else commented earlier.
02:56:38 This is even on in right wing circles.
02:56:42 Right.
02:56:42 No, actually, I think you commented earlier even in right wing circles, you see a lot of of black lingo being used, not not, not just the zoomers.
02:56:53 I think that's because the same is true of.
02:56:56 I mean I I find myself doing that, I'll use.
02:57:01 I mean, I I I hate it when I, for example, if I'm on Twitter, I see someone say no cap or or some ******** like that.
02:57:09 I'm just like, God, I want to.
02:57:10 ******* kill him.
02:57:11 But then I started thinking about how when I was younger I I said black isms.
02:57:15 I don't know what the right word would.
02:57:16 For it, but I would say things that it was basically.
02:57:24 Putting my head from rap music or or watching black movie, you know, black people in movies or something like that.
02:57:32 A lot of Jewish terms too, you know, like yadda yadda yadda, like Yiddish, literal Yiddish.
02:57:39 That was increased especially in the 90s.
02:57:42 You had a lot of these overtly Jewish sitcoms and movies that came out because the Philosemitism had reached peak levels in America.
02:57:51 So it was.
02:57:52 It was endearing, right?
02:57:53 Ohh, they're funny little Jews.
02:57:55 They're funny little way of talking.
02:57:57 And so whites.
02:57:59 Again, part of I think this attraction to exploring and the exotic and and seeing new cultures and stuff, they they start to emulate it.
02:58:12 But this is a phenomenon that's been recognized in America for centuries.
02:58:19 It's not like a new phenomenon.
02:58:21 Even before the Civil War, even before, you know, while while we still had slavery, you had Europeans visiting America and commenting on the.
02:58:33 The black influence on the culture in America, so it's, I don't know what to tell you.
02:58:38 Don't you know I I I, I I I see it across the board.
02:58:43 Is it always bad?
02:58:46 I don't think it's always bad.
02:58:50 Especially if it's white people.
02:58:55 For lack of a better term.
Speaker 25
02:58:57 UM.
02:59:01 An idea from another culture, I mean, if you think about it like what that's like, Americans would think of pizza as a a very American dish. And it's just like an American spin on an Italian food. And. And Italians are basically. So I'm.
02:59:20 You knew that was coming.
02:59:22 You knew that was coming.
02:59:24 No, but like you know it's it's, is it always bad?
02:59:28 I mean, I don't know if it's always bad, but it is super annoying when I see white zoomers, especially on this.
02:59:36 Look, if they're politically on the other side, it makes sense.
02:59:38 But when they're politically on this side, they embrace black culture to the degree that they do.
02:59:44 It's it's.
02:59:46 It it shows you that there is still a a fetish.
02:59:51 There's still a fetish with.
02:59:53 With with black people.
02:59:56 On some level, and I think that maybe it's because whites have lost, you know, in in America at least a lot of their masculinity.
03:00:08 Because blacks were never given the same treatment from feminists that whites were in terms that they were never, blacks were never told to police their toxic masculinity, right?
03:00:22 While at the same time, white, white young men were being told that, you know, oh, no, you you gotta, you know, you gotta be the the sensitive 90s guy.
03:00:33 You had Snoop Dogg making songs.
03:00:35 You know.
03:00:35 ******* ain't ****.
03:00:36 But hoes and tricks.
03:00:38 And so I think, at least in that, the context of the 90s and probably to some degree it's the same.
03:00:44 Moving for.
03:00:45 You had a lot of white suburban kids attracted to this very misogynistic music it, you know, maybe for that exact reason like.
03:00:56 If there had.
03:00:56 Been a white alternative to that they might have been drawn more to that, but there wasn't.
03:01:03 There wasn't, really.
03:01:04 Anything like that?
03:01:05 Because whites were being they were being castrated.
03:01:10 And so I think that's part of it is you have this.
03:01:17 This unit.
03:01:23 I don't know, maybe Uncastrated is not the right word, but you know you have this unbridled, rather black form of masculinity, masculinity, which is totally different, by the way, than than white masculinity, because it's not very masculine to have 30 different kids.
03:01:42 With 20 different women and not take care of them, you.
03:01:45 Know, but at least there's that.
03:01:47 There's that male violence.
03:01:50 That never is allowed anywhere else, and so I think that you.
03:01:53 Have a lot.
03:01:54 Of young white kids that are attracted to.
03:01:57 The violence, you know the.
03:02:02 The misogyny, but increasingly, that's that's now being addressed.
03:02:06 That's why you have one of the most famous black rappers right now is, you know, he in his in his most famous music videos, getting ****** in the *** by the devil.
03:02:16 He's openly gay.
03:02:17 What's you know the the.
03:02:21 Old Town Road or whatever the **** you know.
03:02:23 You guys know I'm talking about.
03:02:25 So it's increasingly it's they're taking care of that problem and and even even see like people like Snoop Dogg apologizing for their treatment of women in music videos and stuff like that to avoid being cancelled when, you know, he was bringing women on literal leashes.
03:02:45 To award shows like 15 years ago.
03:02:48 So you know.
03:02:51 I don't know.
03:02:51 I don't know how to.
03:02:52 I don't think.
03:02:53 I don't think really you can until you can separate the people physically.
03:02:57 You're not going to be able to separate the cultures.
03:03:02 Let's see here.
03:03:05 William Mcgahn race mixing should be outlawed for the same reason Beastiality is illegal.
03:03:11 Well, I mean I, I'd say that's not.
03:03:14 Necessarily true because.
03:03:16 Beastiality, you're not going to have any children result from that, right?
03:03:22 And so the whole reason why race mixing was outlawed in the states where it was was to preserve, to avoid mixed race children.
03:03:31 Right.
03:03:32 Like if if it was a sterile relationship, they probably wouldn't see the need.
03:03:37 Well, they probably still because they would see it as degenerate, right?
03:03:40 They'd see it as just sterile.
03:03:41 Facts like, you know, like ****** sex, right?
03:03:46 So you know, I guess it would probably still be illegal, but the the thing the, the heart behind, I mean the even the name of it, right, it was called the one in Virginia that they overturned.
03:03:56 It was called something like the Racial Integrity Act or I don't know something like that.
03:04:01 And and and so that's that's the problem is they they want to preserve the integrity of the race and obviously ******* animals.
03:04:12 You should be thrown in the pit if you do that but.
03:04:15 For a different reason.
03:04:19 Poopy stinky turd ****.
03:04:22 Have you ever done an episode about the central part five?
03:04:26 There is so much evidence they did, it's unbelievable.
03:04:29 Or they did it, that it's unbelievable they gang raped this girl and were caught and then awarded $50 million.
03:04:36 And now one of them is running for senator.
03:04:38 I feel like you could do an episode similar to your West Memphis 3.
03:04:42 Yeah, I've I've looked at that and that's that is on my list of of things to cover.
03:04:51 But I wanna make sure I get it 100% right.
03:04:54 So I that's a big time investment.
03:04:57 That's like a a week of watching confession videos and going through court transcripts and all that kind of stuff.
03:05:05 And I just haven't had the the time available to do that, but that's definitely on the short list.
03:05:11 There and then you say if you're going to say homogeneous as often as you do, can you at least say it right?
03:05:20 Well, not, I'm gonna say homogeneous.
03:05:21 This it's not homogeneous, it's like an intelligent gay person.
03:05:26 It's **** or homogeneous.
03:05:28 Well, some people say homogeneous, some say homogeneous.
03:05:33 Some say tomato, some say tomato.
03:05:36 I don't care.
03:05:37 I'm gonna say it.
03:05:37 I'm gonna say it my way.
03:05:39 I'm gonna say it my way.
03:05:42 And there's nothing.
03:05:44 You can do about it.
03:05:50 For a civilization to thrive, social norms are akin to an immune system they flush out socially destructive elements.
03:05:59 These social norms should be set in stone as social anchor points, and any lobbying to change them should be met with.
03:06:09 The deadly force, rather than hailing it as prop.
03:06:13 So for civilization to thrive, social norms are akin to an immune system they flush out socially destructive elements.
03:06:21 These social norms should be set in stone as social anchor points, and any lobbying that change them should be met with deadly force rather than hailing it as progress.
03:06:33 Well, it's it's it's societal aids.
03:06:36 The people that that think that they are progressing the society are often undermining it and willingly or or knowingly or unknowingly.
03:06:51 Saxon, Wise money management.
03:07:00 Crashing early have a good one, Mr.
03:07:03 Goodnight.
03:07:03 Well, I appreciate that and.
03:07:05 Good night to you as well.
03:07:08 Uh, chief?
03:07:10 I'd get behind the mic and righteously go full 1488.
03:07:15 Get behind the mic.
Speaker 2
03:07:16 OK.
03:07:18 Is that like is this is this?
03:07:20 Is this what we were talking about prior like you're going?
03:07:22 To start a rap.
03:07:23 Group rocking the mic.
03:07:26 You're going to be the.
03:07:28 Like the 69 boys, only here the 14 of the 8 boys actually know we're talking about in terms of getting about like the mic, lampshade denier, Penn State professor was caught having sex with his dog in a park. He recorded it and was walking around half naked. I think I saw something about this.
03:07:50 I'm not surprised at all.
03:07:51 Let's see.
03:08:00 Ah, **** you ad blocker.
03:08:04 Alright, let's not even let me look at it.
03:08:07 OK, do it this way.
03:08:20 There we go.
03:08:20 That's the way around it.
03:08:23 UM.
03:08:25 He's Greek, it looks like.
03:08:28 A Greek name, right?
03:08:32 An acclaimed US university professor has been accused of performing sex acts with his pet dog.
03:08:38 Themis Matsoukas, 64, was allegedly caught on CCTV during the lute Act with his border collie.
03:08:47 In Rothrock State Forest, Pennsylvania, the clip filmed earlier this year, is said to show the Penn State University professor near some toilets, naked from the waist down.
03:08:59 Apart from socks and shoes, after seeing the footage of the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources launched an investigation.
03:09:06 Action and according to criminal complaints, and identified him through personal items and.
03:09:12 His dog? No.
03:09:17 Yeah, there you go.
03:09:20 That's definitely.
03:09:23 That's definitely in the pit.
Speaker 16
03:09:25 I'm going to put you in the hospital to stop you from having more kids.
03:09:29 Alright, lampshade the night over there.
03:09:31 Just the one.
03:09:33 Have her commandant.
03:09:34 Hey, Devin.
03:09:35 The West is slowly spiraling down the drain.
03:09:37 The Gates of Hell have opened.
03:09:39 I'm horrified.
03:09:40 Of what the future brings, ********** being more open?
03:09:44 I wish the reset button would be pressed and these degenerates would feel the cleansing fire.
03:09:51 Of a flame thrower.
03:09:55 There you go.
03:09:57 Poopy stinky turd **** at work the collecting money for black color or collecting money for a black coworker? I put in $20 because his kid died.
03:10:08 Find out later the kid was robbing a gas station and shot himself in the leg accidentally while prepping to rob while prepping to rob.
03:10:17 And had evidence he robbed many others.
03:10:20 See the funeral pamphlet.
03:10:22 And he had nicknames like cash cause and Mag dump.
03:10:27 Cash cars at Mag dump up.
03:10:31 S in chat for cash, cause and.
03:10:41 Do I have a good one for Mag Dumpa?
03:10:45 I have a good one for Mag Dumpa.
03:10:49 I guess I.
03:10:50 Have this one I am.
Speaker 16
03:10:51 Not netted effect.
03:10:54 That's good. That's good.
03:10:56 Wild Dutch flower. Excellent work as always. Are you familiar with the movie? Speak no evil from 2022.
03:11:03 It's a Danish Dutch psychological horror movie critique on tolerance and looking away.
03:11:09 It's chilling to watch in current times.
03:11:12 Maybe take a glance at I I might on you know.
03:11:16 On a personal level, take a look at it.
03:11:18 But the problem with doing foreign films is you know the the, the subtitles and all that stuff.
03:11:29 Is I'm I'm assuming it's not an English, right?
03:11:34 Maybe it is.
03:11:35 Of course, to the food, of course.
03:11:38 Ohh it is in English.
Speaker 18
03:11:42 Dear Louisa Byrne and Aunus, how are you?
03:11:46 We were just talking the other day.
03:11:48 How nice.
03:11:48 It was spending time with you this summer.
03:11:51 We would love to invite you to come to visit us.
03:11:57 You made it.
03:12:00 Sorry for the.
03:12:00 Mess it's.
03:12:01 Gonna get much worse.
03:12:02 Come on.
Speaker 2
03:12:08 He's been cooking all day.
03:12:09 He's making wild boar.
Speaker 24
03:12:10 Is this for you?
03:12:12 I'm a bit cheering, I insist.
Speaker 2
03:12:15 I insist.
03:12:22 Let me guess, it's people.
03:12:24 We have some.
03:12:24 Difficulty speaking.
03:12:26 Here's what you call congenital Iglesia.
03:12:28 Meaning, basically, he's born without a tongue.
03:12:31 How about Coptic?
03:12:32 Because they ate it.
03:12:41 It's only a child for Christ.
Speaker 7
03:12:42 Sake, you can't talk to him that.
Speaker 18
03:12:45 What is wrong with you?
Speaker 24
03:12:50 We have a situation here.
03:12:51 Get to the point.
03:12:52 Who made this?
03:12:55 Someone left without saying goodbye.
Speaker 13
03:12:59 So many things have felt.
03:13:01 Well, his name is Christian, so I doubt he's a Jew.
03:13:09 What else did he make?
03:13:21 A bunch of stuff I've never.
03:13:22 Heard of because it's.
03:13:23 Not in English.
03:13:25 All right, yeah.
03:13:26 That might be something to look at.
03:13:31 OK.
03:13:34 Harmless G in Schindler's list, they mentioned Casimir the third, the great or Casimir the third.
03:13:43 Kashmir, the third the great.
03:13:47 Wouldn't be Casimir the great that I don't know.
03:13:49 Maybe that's who?
03:13:50 Invent who invite, who invented Jews?
03:13:52 Who invited the Jews into Poland, leading to Poland eventually having the largest Jewish population in Europe?
03:13:59 They don't mention that he that this was because he had a Jewish mistress who persuaded him, resist Khazar milkers.
Speaker 2
03:14:09 Indeed they.
03:14:13 Zen Master Zen, a humble white pill, just finished the 1st just finished the first draft.
03:14:22 Alright, what is this?
03:14:38 What am I watching here?
03:15:04 I don't know if this is a white pill.
03:15:07 It's kind of a.
03:15:08 Black pill in a way.
03:15:21 So this is your music?
03:15:22 Alright, that's cool.
03:15:38 Chicks with cows.
03:15:44 There you go. Ah.
03:15:49 You know what?
03:15:51 Not that I often think about chicks with livestock, but there's this reminds me of something.
03:15:59 I don't know if I'd be able to find it.
03:16:02 There was a a tweet going around.
03:16:05 Uh, I can't search for it though.
03:16:08 Let me see if I can pull it up in another browser here.
03:16:10 Hold on.
03:16:21 This side. Let's see here.
03:16:30 This might be this might take too long to find.
03:16:34 The search, the search term for those of you.
03:16:37 Well, I guess everyone because no one can see what I'm doing here.
03:16:39 The search term I just typed in the Twitter was women singing goat.
03:16:49 I promise it's it's.
03:16:50 Uh, it's wholesome.
03:16:52 I'm trying to.
03:16:52 Find it though.
03:16:55 **** I it.
03:16:56 It popped up in my feed and I didn't.
03:16:58 I was just like, oh, that's interesting.
03:17:00 There was this these three women, I think in in Georgia singing a a song in harmony.
03:17:08 That was there was something eerie about in Georgia.
03:17:10 The the country, not George of the state.
03:17:13 There was something eerie about about it, but also, you know, kind of wholesome and cool.
03:17:18 And they had a goat with them for some reason.
03:17:20 And I cannot find, you know, there was a guy who?
03:17:27 Who retweeted it, I think.
03:17:30 Let me look at this.
03:17:33 Look at his feed.
03:17:37 Is that it?
03:17:38 That's not it.
03:17:39 Don't you hate it when you're looking from a tweet or looking for a tweet from someone who just tweets 1000 times a day and you have to scroll through pages and pages of just nonsense? It's like they're retweeting everything they see.
03:17:52 That's what I'm doing right now.
03:17:54 I know it's on his page, but I know it's probably like.
03:17:57 1000 tweets ago? Yeah, I'm just now getting to like, like I've been scrolling down this whole time.
03:18:03 And I'm just now getting to the the Biden gaffs from today.
03:18:08 It's come on, dude.
03:18:09 Like, do you do anything else?
03:18:10 But besides tweet?
03:18:13 Where is it?
03:18:13 At all right now.
03:18:14 Now I feel like I should have seen it by now.
03:18:19 Anyone on regular chat know what the ****?
03:18:21 I'm talking about.
03:18:26 Women singing with a goat.
03:18:28 I don't even know what to look for with that other than Georgian women singing with a goat.
03:18:32 Georgian women seemed to go.
03:18:34 I know he retweeted this thing.
03:18:37 With my luck though, he probably deleted it or something.
03:18:45 I got now I have to find it.
03:18:47 I've talked, talked a big game about these Georgia women scene with a goat.
03:18:54 I'm going to look for it here.
03:18:59 Women singing with a goat.
03:19:06 I found it.
03:19:10 I found it by by looking for that OK.
03:19:15 Who would have thought?
03:19:16 Who would have?
03:19:16 Thought alright, hang on.
03:19:19 I'll get this.
03:19:19 I'll get this video.
03:19:25 And I found it all right.
03:19:29 Oh, I guess it's a donkey.
03:19:30 I thought it was a goat.
03:19:34 Amazing that my my search found.
03:19:35 It alright here.
03:19:36 Here we are.
03:21:30 I wish I knew what they were saying.
03:21:37 It's funny because we just assume it's something wholesome, but for all we know.
03:21:42 Yeah, the, the, the chorus could translate to like.
Speaker 4
03:21:47 For ******.
03:21:50 And how do we, how do we know how?
Speaker 1
03:21:52 How how do we know?
03:21:55 All right.
03:22:01 Innate love of hockey.
03:22:04 Which which obviously.
03:22:07 You must be Canadian.
Speaker 6
03:22:09 When you're trying to save money.
Speaker 8
03:22:11 A good rule to follow is to.
Speaker 15
03:22:21 Take it from these young neighbours, it'll pay dividends.
03:22:24 All right.
03:22:25 Thanks, Devin.
03:22:27 Convit D.
03:22:30 Do you mean COVID?
03:22:32 COVID allowed, I think, yeah, I think.
03:22:34 I mean, COVID.
03:22:35 Oh, is that like a?
03:22:38 Is that like a boomer ISM?
03:22:43 The demon rats.
03:22:45 Kind of.
03:22:46 It allowed them to gauge compliance and identify dissidents.
03:22:50 They shaped the battlefield for the next phase digit coin.
03:22:56 You mean like is is digital currency the next phase?
03:23:00 I mean, I don't know.
03:23:01 I think that it allowed them to do a lot of stuff that would definitely help with the implementation of a digital currency.
03:23:08 And that's ultimately where it's going.
03:23:10 That don't fool yourself.
03:23:12 That is, they're already beta testing it.
03:23:14 It's it's going to be rolled out.
03:23:16 And good luck.
03:23:18 All these people that.
03:23:20 That try to work under the radar, you know, getting paid cash and stuff like that.
03:23:26 You know, they're they're gonna it's it's.
03:23:28 There will always be some kind of alternative, because you're always gonna have black mark.
03:23:33 And so maybe the alternative will be Bitcoin or some other, you know, maybe a a privacy coin or something like that.
03:23:41 But don't think for a second cash is going away.
03:23:44 Cash is going away.
03:23:45 They'll they'll roll it out somewhere small first to to try it out, make sure that they work out all the kinks in the same way that you know, American companies usually use Australia to test market crap like clear Pepsi and things like that before they go balls deep in.
03:24:00 Like a.
03:24:01 But they'll they'll do it as soon as you.
03:24:03 See it in.
03:24:03 An English speaking country, that's when you know it's on the.
03:24:06 Way for sure.
03:24:08 I don't know they they needed COVID nor that, but it certainly didn't hurt.
03:24:15 Prairie Dog Polk County is the only based county here in Florida when they bust all these ******** and *******, none of the other count or other agencies participate in the sting.
03:24:27 Especially Orlando PD.
03:24:30 Everywhere else, they use your tax money to put up pride symbols and arrest you.
03:24:34 Or hate or hate crimes, if you deface them.
03:24:38 Yeah, that's that's increasingly every county in America and inevitably will be.
03:24:45 Every county in America.
03:24:49 Mr. Trolley, I thought I saw somewhere on Twitter that you were going to do a show with Morgoth. He had a great interview on Peter. Peter's on the Pete Quinones podcast.
03:25:01 How can we get you on, Pete, show too?
03:25:04 And people ask about this guy all the time.
03:25:07 I've never actually seen this thing, I mean, but there's always someone trying to get me on on that.
03:25:12 I don't care.
03:25:13 I'll go on it.
03:25:15 You know, whatever.
03:25:16 I'll string with him.
03:25:19 Either one of those people.
03:25:20 I'll go on Morgoth or.
03:25:22 Or Pete quinones?
03:25:26 Have them.
03:25:26 Have them either one of them message me and I'll.
03:25:29 I'll see if I can make.
03:25:30 That happen.
03:25:32 I don't have a problem with that.
03:25:34 Prescient Westman things can always get better and they can always get worse.
03:25:40 And just because things are worse now than ever that than you ever thought they would be is no excuse to not try to make things better.
03:25:49 Women and children complain.
03:25:51 Grown *** men roll up their sleeves and solve problems.
03:25:56 Well, I mean to some extent, you just have to use strategy right there.
03:26:01 There are ways you can make things better in your own personal sphere of influence, but that there's limitations to what we have.
03:26:09 You know, you can't get too big for your britches either.
03:26:13 Because are you really making things better if you do something?
03:26:18 We'll just say radical that that ends or winds you up in prison and nothing changed.
03:26:25 You know, I think there's a lot of people that fantasize like they have, like, some kind of they think they're going to be a martyr, you know, like, oh, I'm going to be the first of many martyrs.
03:26:35 And then when they when when our side wins, they'll free me and I'll be a hero and they'll build this.
03:26:39 Now you're.
03:26:40 Just going to, you're going to be in prison forever and they'll forget.
Speaker 17
03:26:42 About you.
03:26:43 So you have to like you have to be smart about making things better and you're not going to make things better by participating in the system that has caused this problem in the first place.
03:26:54 You're not going to vote your way out of this problem, and all you're doing when your vote is.
03:26:58 It's a vote of confidence in the system.
03:27:01 Now, maybe at the local level things are different, but if you're voting on the national level for people that that will never win, I mean it, it's that's not going to help.
03:27:11 And if you're voting for people who will?
03:27:13 But suck.
03:27:14 I mean that.
03:27:15 Doesn't you know the lesser of two evils is still evil?
03:27:18 You're you're literally voting for evil.
03:27:21 When you vote for the lesser of two evils, so your people are just limited in.
03:27:25 What they can do?
03:27:26 And that's that's all.
03:27:28 I I'm I'm ever saying.
03:27:29 I'm not saying you shouldn't try to to change things.
03:27:31 I'm just saying know your limitations and getting these utopian visions about.
03:27:36 You know, we're all going to rise up and and, you know, like some of these people have in the past.
03:27:41 Said like, when are we gonna throw the Jews out?
03:27:43 It's like, I don't know, maybe eventually, but probably not like anytime soon like that.
03:27:47 That's what you're waiting for then.
03:27:50 You know it's going to be.
03:27:50 You know what's gonna.
03:27:51 It's going to be a while.
03:27:53 Lampshade than I are.
03:27:55 More crazy whites protecting black murderers?
03:27:59 Alright, what is this?
03:28:11 Family of Oakland Baker who is *** **** this ****.
03:28:26 I'm just gonna get around that.
03:28:27 I don't know why they do that.
03:28:30 If I'm smart enough to use an ad blocker, I'm smart enough to get around your stupid ****.
03:28:34 Family of Oakland Baker, who was dragged to her death by getting car chased while or wait death by getaway car.
03:28:42 While chasing armed robbers urged prosecutors not to jail her, 19 year old suspected killer.
03:28:49 Because it goes against her social justice beliefs.
03:28:54 Well, there you go.
03:28:59 The eternal white woman.
03:29:05 Uh, yeah.
03:29:06 Many, many such cases.
03:29:10 Black pills shout out to bare woods brother, who was one of us and recently taken off life support prayers for his family and for all millennials and friends who have lost someone to addiction.
03:29:26 Alright everyone, F's in chat for bare woods.
03:29:32 Who is?
03:29:34 I don't know.
03:29:36 He was on life support but.
03:29:38 Hopefully, whatever it was, it was, it was at the very least painless.
03:29:43 And our prayers go out to his family.
03:29:49 Hopefully you know again, hopefully the.
03:29:53 The the, the I.
03:29:54 Mean it's always a tragedy, but hopefully it's.
03:29:57 It wasn't.
03:30:00 It wasn't unbearable.
03:30:02 For him or his family, whatever it was that took him.
03:30:09 Nuking NYC, Washington, San Francisco, LA, Tel Aviv and Jerusalem would be like taking it, taking it to foul.
03:30:20 Like taking it foul tasting medicine.
03:30:23 I'm not sure what that part means.
03:30:25 Very or like taking foul tasting medicine.
03:30:28 Very unpleasant at first, but in the long run clears out all the filth, degenerates and pathogens.
03:30:35 Well, I mean, I don't know.
03:30:35 I don't I I.
03:30:38 I think that even even something that dramatic.
03:30:41 You're you're treating more of a symptom than the actual issue.
03:30:46 You know you're still going to have and look.
03:30:49 This no YouTube.
03:30:51 Excuse me.
03:30:52 No utopian vision is is realistic.
03:30:55 You're always.
03:30:56 It's the kind of thing you're you're always going to be fighting against evil.
03:30:59 You're always going to be fighting against evil.
03:31:01 It never stops.
03:31:02 Evil never rests, and it's always been there.
03:31:05 It's always going to be there.
03:31:08 That said, yes, absolutely.
03:31:10 There's a high concentration of evil in all.
03:31:12 Those places.
03:31:15 And it would be a different world, you know, without them wild Dutch flower.
03:31:20 For anyone who cares.
03:31:23 And then you just have a link here.
03:31:29 Is this only gonna try to make me have an ad block? You know, turn off your adblocker archaeologist under 4000 year old Stonehenge of Netherlands.
03:31:41 Well, it's they call it Stonehenge of Netherlands, but it's.
03:31:44 Made of wood.
03:31:48 Come on.
03:31:48 Come on, Netherlands.
03:31:51 You can do better than wooden sticks with.
03:31:55 Animal skulls on them.
03:31:57 That's not really.
03:31:59 That's your Stonehenge.
03:32:04 That overselling it a little bit maybe.
03:32:10 Please sign the petition to preserve our history.
03:32:13 Yeah, I'm all about preserving it, but calling it the Netherlands, Stonehenge is.
03:32:19 Maybe a bit much, but.
03:32:23 There's apparently. Here's the.
03:32:27 Why are they talking about?
03:32:28 Why would they?
03:32:29 Why would they get rid of it?
03:32:33 Why would they?
03:32:34 Why would they mow it down?
03:32:37 But yeah, sign the petition there if you guys so desire.
03:32:43 Damn, Bigfoot.
03:32:44 What do you think would happen if Jerusalem and Mecca got destroyed?
03:32:48 Do you think it would disprove their religions?
03:32:53 No, it wouldn't it like.
03:32:54 Has anything disproven Q Anon and that's Q Anon.
03:32:59 You know, like if if people are still believing in queuing on, they're still going to believe in Islam and Judaism.
03:33:08 If you.
03:33:09 Yeah, I mean that's, they're those, those are here to stay.
03:33:15 Or at least in the in the very.
03:33:18 In the in the short to moderately long term.
03:33:21 Those are here to stay.
03:33:25 Hamra, thorazine.
03:33:33 New targets would mainly be our silos in Montana, North Dakota and Wyoming.
03:33:41 Space for EMP command bunkers, bomber and sub bases, naval bases, then big airports will also Air Force bases obviously.
03:33:52 Did you say that?
03:33:54 Well, you said bomb bomber, so I guess that.
03:33:56 Cities, for their own sake, are low on the list.
03:34:01 Modern muscle on YouTube has a few outstanding videos on simulations and doctrine.
03:34:07 The results aren't what you would think.
03:34:10 Modern muscle on YouTube.
Speaker 22
03:34:12 Well, it's it's like uh.
03:34:14 Just look at what's happening in Ukraine.
03:34:18 Russia has the ability to just level Kiev.
03:34:24 And they're not doing that.
03:34:26 So for I mean, for the same reason that our enemies wouldn't want to level.
03:34:34 New York as an example.
03:34:38 You want that infrastructure to exist and like unless look, unless New York was like some big source of munitions, or, you know, unless there was like a military reason for levelling New York.
03:34:51 You're right, they're not going to just go for population centers, they're going to go for strategic targets, which aren't always the same thing.
03:35:00 I'm not familiar with that YouTube channel, though.
03:35:03 I'll check it out some.
03:35:05 Lampshade denier Devin Pete here.
03:35:08 Here it is again.
03:35:09 Peter Quinonez wants to interview you.
03:35:12 Getting talked with him or contact with him.
03:35:14 He's great.
03:35:14 Like I said, he can.
03:35:15 He can be on me or whatever.
03:35:17 And I'm sure we can work it out.
03:35:20 Hammer authorizing Joel Skousen's primary nuclear target map is a good place to start. There are others that could be secondary, but there might not be enough nukes to hit them and they'd be hit by bombers with cruise missiles, not ICBM's.
03:35:38 Let's look at this.
Speaker 2
03:35:38 Right.
03:35:47 So there you go guys.
03:35:50 If you live in one of these arrow areas, not.
03:35:52 A good thing?
03:35:53 It looks like Texas is pretty good.
03:35:57 Looks like Texas is going to get away with have a lot of survivors.
03:36:02 Ah, Nebraska is doing alright.
03:36:05 Unless they're downwind of all this ****.
03:36:11 South Dakota, with with one very notable exception.
03:36:16 Ohh no Minnesota.
03:36:18 Minnesota's gonna make it look, there's like nothing Wisconsin.
03:36:24 Oh man.
03:36:26 How are they going to survive?
03:36:27 That's awful.
Speaker 1
03:36:32 Ohh boy.
03:36:34 Damn Bigfoot thoughts on walkie talkies.
03:36:37 When I was a kid we had ****** ones, but modern ones might have practical uses like communications with family, friends and a couple of towns away I use.
03:36:45 Them all the time.
03:36:47 You don't need a.
03:36:48 Ham radio license for all of them.
03:36:51 They're good for camping, they're good for local comms, just research because there's so many different ones.
03:37:01 The the The thing is, none of them are encrypted really, or at least not with like.
03:37:06 I think there's like some weird business radios that use some level of encryption and but.
03:37:12 If you're, if you're thinking about like.
03:37:15 Airtight encryption does not exist.
03:37:18 You're not gonna have any kind of.
03:37:20 Military grade encryption.
03:37:21 It's and most of it's analog.
03:37:23 Most of it's FM.
03:37:25 No, it's all you know, it's it.
03:37:27 I would research it.
03:37:28 I would get like do they lock down bow things now.
03:37:33 Because you can just grab a couple of bowel fangs and they they cover the MERS frequencies so you can use those without a license.
03:37:42 And if you get like the old ones, I think they the FCC cracked down on them.
03:37:46 But the old ones would even let.
03:37:47 You talk on.
03:37:47 Like cop frequencies and stuff like that.
03:37:52 But they're cheap.
03:37:53 They're good for the short short, you know.
03:37:56 When you say a couple towns away.
03:38:00 I mean that's that's pushing it at that point.
03:38:03 You need an antenna couple of towns away that works.
03:38:06 If you've got a tower and an antenna and you're putting enough power into it.
03:38:11 Or you have a repeater, something like that.
03:38:14 But the walkie talkies.
03:38:16 Handy talkies.
03:38:18 They're pretty much just good for line of sight, so you're going to get maybe a couple miles out of them.
03:38:24 But that's usually what you need for this sort of thing.
03:38:27 If you want anything beyond that, I would recommend just getting into ham radio and then you can talk a couple of states away fairly easily without like a huge antenna or anything like that.
03:38:38 I mean, obviously it's better if you have a huge antenna.
03:38:40 But you don't need.
03:38:42 You don't need like a huge tower or anything like that to.
03:38:46 Well, even to go over out of the country.
03:38:49 Ohio these these things.
03:38:51 Harvest water from arid climates skipped to 3:40.
03:38:57 Alright, let's see what this is.
03:38:59 Usually when I've looked into this, it's all.
03:39:03 Science fiction to some extent.
Speaker 25
03:39:04 Residents of modern mega cities are accustomed to the uninterrupted lists of a fine mesh plastic net with triangular holes stretched over a vertical steel frame.
03:39:14 The net is fixed with rubber tensioners which also attach it.
03:39:17 To the reservoir.
03:39:19 These tensioners keep the net taut and serve as a kind of shock absorber, softening strong gusts.
03:39:24 Of wind.
03:39:26 Nets are placed in such a way that they are located perpendicular to the direction of the wind in order to ensure the maximum amount of water is collected.
03:39:34 See, but even at this.
Speaker 25
03:39:35 The water vapor deposited on the fine mesh condenses and flows down into a special reservoir below.
03:39:37 It's it's in the fog.
Speaker 25
03:39:41 The principle of operation of Nets is, so to say, copied by the authors from nature itself.
03:39:47 Yeah, yeah.
03:39:48 That's not going to work when the relative humidity is is 10.
03:39:56 You know when there's no fog that would work and you know, like maybe in the winter and things like that.
03:40:01 But when in the desert.
03:40:04 In this American southwest, at least.
03:40:07 You you don't have.
03:40:09 You have moisture in the air to get.
03:40:13 It's just easier to get a well anyway.
03:40:20 Also, these have something for water harvesting you're saying?
03:40:30 See here.
03:40:35 Yeah, it's the same ****.
03:40:39 Yeah, unfortunately.
03:40:42 Like, look how green this area is.
03:40:45 That there's there's humidity in the American Southwest and like Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas.
03:40:53 Utah, parts of even Idaho.
03:40:57 It's it's too arid to to collect this way.
03:41:01 UM, you would just die.
03:41:04 If if this was your if this was your water, I'll tell you one thing you do get in a lot of those deserts, you get torrential rain storms where you get all of your rain all at once.
03:41:16 And so if you have a a large enough tank.
03:41:19 To and or even like.
03:41:23 We had a large enough tank, but like it you can get rainwater or ideally if you can find a a wash you can find where the water runs off in the area.
03:41:33 When you have these torrential rains and you can just get that water to divert into a water tank, it'll fill up like you could fill up like 1000 gallon tank.
03:41:43 Maybe two or three times a year.
03:41:46 When you get these crazy storms.
03:41:47 And that'd be good.
03:41:49 You know, I mean for you, that'd be good enough.
03:41:52 I mean, each person would need, like, their own tank.
03:41:54 But you could get.
03:41:54 A huge tank.
03:41:55 I mean these washes that go through the.
03:41:59 I mean, you get flash floods in in the American Southwest, you'll get flash floods.
03:42:04 And so you'll go from like this dry looking.
03:42:10 You know, gravelly pit to like a.
03:42:13 A raging river in just a matter of seconds and then it's gone.
03:42:16 Like it's gone like.
03:42:17 Hour later, it's.
03:42:17 All gone again.
03:42:18 So you have like an hour to to collect it, but that's not a problem if you you.
03:42:22 Know pay attention to the weather and stuff like that.
03:42:26 But this is this is dependent on humidity and there is no humidity where I live at least at least not right now.
03:42:33 There's when we have storms, then there's definitely humidity.
03:42:38 Glock 23, I remember at least two times when I was arrested and ***** for when. Oh, wait. When I arrested a ***** for assaulting a white girl, the white Girl tried to defend the *****. One of them called the police because a ***** she invited into her apartment assaulted her.
03:42:57 When I got there and handcuffed the *****, she began striking me with her open hand.
03:43:02 Well, hopefully you arrested her too.
03:43:06 Because yeah, that's.
03:43:10 Yeah, I would have just arrested her too.
Speaker 1
03:43:13 **** that *****.
03:43:15 Man of low moral fiber.
03:43:18 You can use dirt to pack within the tires from sledgehammers or compactors, and then they're like bricks in New Mexico.
03:43:25 Some people call them Earth ships.
03:43:26 Yeah, and I've, I've.
03:43:27 I've built these or worked on them.
03:43:30 Uh, they just you just uh.
03:43:33 You smash it down and it it does work like a brick.
03:43:36 You put these.
03:43:38 These bags.
03:43:40 You know, so it doesn't leak out the bottom.
03:43:42 You put these.
03:43:43 What's that?
03:43:43 Called, not Tyvek.
03:43:47 It's the kind.
03:43:47 It's the same kind of plastic bag that you get dog food in, like those giant dog food bags that kind that particular kind of plastic bag.
03:43:56 As long as you keep it away from the sun, it lasts nearly forever and it's stronger than steel.
03:44:03 So if for this purpose it it's perfect, you just put those at the bottom of the like the hole at the bottom of the the tire and you ram the the dirt in there until it's hard as a rock solid and.
03:44:16 Yeah, it's like a giant ******* brick.
03:44:22 Damn Bigfoot.
03:44:23 Afghans showed what is what is possible using caves as bunkers, being remote in a mountainous terrain and not only surviving, but fighting off the world's superpower while they also you got to remember, the Afghans also had a lot of financial.
03:44:40 And military support too. It's not like it was just a bunch of goat herders hiding in caves. That was part of it. But they were getting they were getting financial support from America's enemies.
03:44:52 And that that allowed them to do that.
03:44:55 I suspect if if we ever got into a civil war type situation in America, you'd have other foreign countries wanting to to fund you if you're like a opposing the, you know that.
03:45:08 That even if they, you know, even if they didn't support anything that you wanted.
03:45:12 I mean, that's what the CIA does.
03:45:14 All around the.
03:45:16 All around the world, we we support both sides of wars in order to install puppet regimes or just oppose the ones we don't like.
03:45:26 And the same thing is true of other countries.
03:45:28 They you'd have, you'd have a lot of support coming in from from foreign sources, I think.
03:45:36 But yeah, it's it's, it's.
03:45:38 A lot of it too, is the terrain in Afghanistan.
03:45:43 Is really rough.
03:45:46 And they don't have. Uh.
03:45:51 They don't have the same.
03:45:53 I don't know that we have anything in America other than like maybe like the Grand Canyon or something like that.
03:45:59 That really is is similar because they do have these, like really mountainous areas that it's.
03:46:06 Pretty much impossible to bring in tanks or even like Humvees and stuff like that.
03:46:11 You pretty much have to access it by, you know.
03:46:15 Or something like that and.
03:46:19 So they're really dependent on air support and air support doesn't work if you're in a cave, or at least not really, and so.
03:46:27 Yeah, I mean, look.
03:46:29 Afghanistan shows that the American military has huge limitations and those limitations are just going to.
03:46:38 Expand as they continue to diversify the the Department of Defense.
03:46:47 Glock 23. I live in central Ohio and for days it's been very hazy outside like a fog due to the wildfires up in Canada, I don't watch TV and I haven't had the time to check the News Online.
03:47:01 But the country of Canada must be burning down.
03:47:04 I hope the fires wipe out the cities and kill all the.
03:47:07 Invaders of Canada.
03:47:09 Well, that, yeah, it's just no, these are pretty remote fires as far as I know, they're they're big forest fires, but they're not anywhere near.
03:47:20 Yes, by no means are they endangering the diversified urban center.
03:47:26 Aside from the air pollution.
03:47:30 Hear me out.
03:47:31 Black Israelites have the right idea in terms of establishing a group community.
03:47:36 They follow a belief that is fundamentally the same as what they believed before halfway militant, somewhat based on hate of others, but in a clever way.
03:47:48 I I don't.
03:47:49 I don't.
03:47:50 I don't know.
03:47:51 I don't think the black Israelites are a.
03:47:52 Good model for.
03:47:54 For anything really other than annoying Jews, I don't know that they do much anything.
03:48:00 You know of any of value beyond that?
03:48:03 Ramel just says radio well, you got you got.
03:48:07 Your radio fixed tonight, I hope.
03:48:09 A lowly scribe in God's Army, I believe there was a conspiracy against my space because normal people were learning to code.
03:48:17 I believe there was a conspiracy against Myspace because normal people were learning the ohh you mean because my space allowed HTML?
03:48:26 I don't know.
03:48:27 I don't know if I I don't know if I believe that, but I guess it's it's possible.
03:48:32 Tom from my space is Oprah Rich.
03:48:35 Now for the rest of his life.
03:48:37 A lowly scribe in God's army dungeons and Dragons is frowned upon in Israel.
03:48:44 What's frowned upon in a?
03:48:45 Lot of Christian households too, my parents.
03:48:48 Basically thought it was satanic and wouldn't.
03:48:52 Did not approve of my.
03:48:54 I was never that nerdy, but my older brother was nerdy enough to play that, and my mom did not like that at all.
03:49:05 Any goy or wait.
03:49:08 Rhode Island.
03:49:09 I think I don't.
03:49:09 Know if it is good enough for the astronauts, it's good enough for me.
03:49:13 That's right, with the gooey slop.
03:49:16 Atlas rain axis.
03:49:19 What does the night sky look like?
03:49:21 Where you live?
03:49:22 Can you see a ton of stars?
03:49:24 Unfortunately, I live too close to a city and there's too much light pollution to see the stars.
03:49:29 I can see the ****** ******* Milky Way *****, I can see.
03:49:34 Yeah, I can see everything I can with a naked eye.
03:49:37 I can see the Milky Way.
03:49:40 If I just walk it.
03:49:41 Like right now? Well, the if the moon's out, sometimes you can't.
03:49:44 See the Milky Way.
03:49:44 Because the moon's too bright.
03:49:46 But if I don't know what I don't know, the moon is doing right now. But if I if I walk outside the moon's not up, I can see the Milky Way. No problem. Yeah, I'm.
03:49:53 I'm far away from light sources for sure.
03:49:59 System approved rebel great.
03:50:02 Great last episode.
03:50:03 I can understand why men of euro ancestry may be attracted to women of another race.
03:50:09 There can be something endearing and trade about other groups, particularly considering the social engineering done to Western women.
03:50:17 But don't be tempted.
03:50:18 The endearing wears off the first hand experience.
03:50:21 Yeah, no, absolutely.
03:50:23 And look, it's.
03:50:25 It is, it's.
03:50:29 It's not as if white women are incapable.
03:50:32 Of this.
03:50:34 It it's that they've been **** ****** out of it.
03:50:38 Those same OK, just as an example, right?
03:50:41 I went out with a couple fresh off the boat Asians.
03:50:43 When I moved to the East Coast because quite frankly, that's who was responding to me when I was doing the Internet dating, because Asian girls love white guys.
03:50:53 And so I had like the.
03:50:55 A lot of Asian girl dates because it was like, that's white girls.
03:51:00 I didn't make enough money for the white girls.
03:51:01 Honestly, that's what it boiled down to in in Washington, DC.
03:51:05 The white girls want you to be even like the it's so annoying, like even like the the low class waitress.
03:51:11 White girls aren't impressed unless you work for a senator or something like that.
03:51:15 And or have some like.
03:51:17 You know you're you're ambitiously pursuing power like you know I.
03:51:22 Mean it's it's anyway.
03:51:24 And so you would get a lot of Asians replying.
03:51:27 And so I was like, oh, ****, I've never been out of an Asian.
03:51:29 And I went out with them.
03:51:30 And there there was that that.
03:51:34 That cutesy.
03:51:36 You know feminine aspect to them.
03:51:40 That was really endearing.
03:51:42 But if you look at Asian girls that were raised in America, like, let's say the kids, that those those fresh off the boat, Asian girls are going to have.
03:51:50 They're just like they're just as bad if they're worse.
03:51:53 Actually, like the the the Asian white girl.
03:51:57 You know, the Asian white girl, the Asian girls that grow up like in San Francisco.
03:52:01 And they sound like white girls when they talk. They're 1000 times more woke and progressive than.
03:52:09 Any white girl.
03:52:10 They, they they are.
03:52:13 Way, way and and.
03:52:14 They don't have souls.
03:52:16 So there's that.
03:52:21 But yeah, no, I get it.
03:52:23 I get it, there's.
03:52:24 White women have really had a number done.
03:52:27 On them, and unfortunately you have you're sharing in the you're you're they're not the only ones paying the price for that.
03:52:36 You are too.
03:52:37 In fact, you could even argue you more than they are paying the price for that.
03:52:45 Yeah, I mean have have.
03:52:47 Don't give up.
03:52:48 Don't give up so easily.
03:52:52 Let's see here, Mr. EJT and Russell Pierce used a pincer method to make Russell's right wing policy seem tame when compared to the other local voices. Like JT, they are forcing the local overtone window, or Overton window. I think you mean.
03:53:12 Wright, Fox News interview of JT Reddy.
03:53:16 2010, 2011.
03:53:18 I don't see what this is.
03:53:21 Is it long?
03:53:22 Hope it's not long.
03:53:24 I'm getting tired.
03:53:25 We're almost at 4I. This was going to be.
03:53:27 I had no, it's weird.
03:53:29 I had like, no material for this one.
03:53:30 This is like the longest ******* stream ever.
Speaker 15
03:53:33 Do you still have political aspiration?
03:53:33 What is this?
03:53:35 Yeah, well, that's that's like 4.
Speaker 17
03:53:36 I'm always open to the.
03:53:38 I'll check this out later, but I'm not watching 15 minutes of.
03:53:41 Yeah, that's a good strategy if if it is what you're what I think you're saying and that is you could have it probably easy to do on on in local elections is you run a bunch of like extreme like people that are that are like naming the Jew and just like go as hard at it as as humanly possible.
03:54:01 That don't have.
03:54:02 Any intention of actually winning because they wouldn't have a chance.
03:54:04 Right.
03:54:05 But you have them come to the the the the debates and and advertise and.
03:54:13 And and make it known that these are their extreme views and then all you do is you roll it back a little bit.
03:54:18 So you sound.
03:54:19 More reasonable. Yeah, I.
03:54:20 Could I could see that as a working strategy, but it would require a lot.
03:54:23 Of coordination and and and money.
03:54:26 Because then now you're running multiple campaigns.
03:54:29 You're not just running your.
03:54:30 Own I don't know if that's what you're talking.
03:54:32 I'd have to take a look at this and see.
03:54:33 But we'll see.
03:54:35 Glock 23, you get $0.60 for a dollar hyper Chat Odyssey takes 40% of hyper chat. If it is $2.00 and under due to credit card processing fees only 20% is taken.
03:54:47 If the hyper chat is over $2.00, I think Juju takes 40% of any super chat ******. YouTube Odyssey only takes half of that.
03:54:55 Ah, see.
03:54:56 So maybe I should.
03:54:57 Maybe I should raise it so that I at least get a dollar out of these dollar ones.
03:55:01 Because $0.60 for some of these man you guys are killing me.
03:55:06 Making me work hard for $0.60 man of low moral fiber. The old timers where I live still say I was helping a friend of a friend with a with resetting some fence posts and he told me some bigger stories. I'm worried about the balance between those who say versus those who cry for them.
03:55:27 Well, yeah.
03:55:28 Well, the trend lines are.
03:55:30 Are obvious.
03:55:31 You must live in the South, though I'm guessing because that that's that's become passe in nearly every part of the country that I've been in.
03:55:43 Sun and rad.
03:55:45 Beware of the Blue Gums under.
03:55:48 Ah, God, more links.
03:55:51 I'm about.
03:55:51 I'm about linked out guys.
Speaker 11
03:55:56 Change news.
03:55:59 Go ahead, man.
03:56:01 Someday by God, when a blue gum, one of you Hotshots in the city, then as much as anything in, you know, medicine go say, boy, let me see your teeth.
03:56:16 Pull your lip down.
03:56:19 No other than.
03:56:23 Blood razor blurry.
03:56:27 I've yeah, I've heard people say blue gum, but I don't know.
03:56:30 I have no idea what that actually means.
03:56:34 Was that like a thing?
03:56:38 And you're going to make me look it up.
03:56:59 I don't know Blue gums.
03:57:07 I mean, is it something that black people get?
03:57:13 Here we go do black.
03:57:14 People have blue gums.
03:57:17 Oh, the answer is just.
03:57:18 No, no, that's not helpful at.
03:57:19 All I I've heard that I just I have.
03:57:22 I have no idea where that comes from.
03:57:29 Glock 23 Colonel Douglas MacGregor is awesome. He speaks the truth about everything and he is Jew. Woke very Jew, woke.
03:57:38 I could tell by the things he says, but I communicated with him and he confirmed it.
03:57:43 He tells the truth about World War 2 and tells how FDR got the US.
03:57:48 Into the war to save communism.
03:57:51 Colonel Douglas MacGregor.
03:57:55 Is that the guy?
03:57:55 I think it is.
03:57:56 I think I have seen that guy.
03:58:00 In streams is that is that the guy that talks about?
03:58:07 Yeah, OK.
03:58:07 I've seen this guy.
03:58:09 I I've heard from other people that he's based.
03:58:14 E all this black influence is probably why I jam out to Mr.
03:58:18 Bond album.
03:58:19 I'm not gonna play, Mr.
03:58:20 Bond bond song.
03:58:21 But there's a link.
03:58:26 Ah, alright, enough of the links.
03:58:30 Look and I.
03:58:31 Is he out of jail?
03:58:32 Not out of jail, is he?
03:58:35 Like I feel for the guy and I, you know, I'm not a fan.
03:58:38 Of the the music just cause it was, it was literally just.
03:58:43 90s it was like it was like the IT was like racist weird Owl 90s rap songs, I don't know.
03:58:49 I don't know.
03:58:50 Maybe he did more than that, but just the ones.
03:58:52 I heard I was just like, yeah, all right.
03:58:54 That said, obviously he shouldn't be in jail and.
03:58:59 You know, that sucks that he's in.
03:59:02 What was it, Austria?
03:59:04 Americans take for granted this.
03:59:09 This free speech stuff I'd be in jail in a heartbeat if I was in any European country.
03:59:16 Or least Western European country.
03:59:20 Prescient West men, one of my favorite movie quotes is Daniel Day Lewis in Gaines, New York. When witnessing Proto tap dancing by a black guy, he remarks look at this jig doing a jig. Also, the short bald Irish character exclaims about like 50 times in that movie. Maybe.
03:59:40 Some good samples in there?
03:59:42 It's a decent movie.
03:59:44 It's a decent movie, although I don't know.
03:59:47 I it's more.
03:59:48 It's more his character that makes it good.
03:59:51 UM.
03:59:53 It also shows you how how voter frauds basically been going on in this country since voting.
04:00:01 And it's common knowledge.
04:00:04 Uh harmless G the Amish girls from the more ******** sex don't allow themselves to be filmed or photographed.
04:00:13 They are too busy having 10 plus kids.
Speaker 17
04:00:16 There you go.
04:00:20 Man of low.
04:00:20 Moral fiber. Sorry, this is a better link for the earthship's tire walls.
04:00:27 Well, we already checked.
04:00:28 I mean, I'll look at it, but I'm.
04:00:30 Yeah, I'm well aware of of this stuff.
04:00:36 But that's for other people.
04:00:37 I guess there's the link if you want to look into that you can get.
04:00:40 Like I said, you can usually get tires for free truck loads of tires for free.
04:00:44 I've got I've got truckloads of of tires for free before.
04:00:51 It wasn't that hard.
04:00:53 They almost want to pay you to take them.
04:00:56 Another thing to do with tires is.
04:00:58 They when they're disposing of them, they have this, like, tired bales, those you don't even have to fill up with dirt because they can.
04:01:08 They compact them and then wrap them in metal.
04:01:22 Yeah, like this stuff.
04:01:24 So these you don't even have to fill with dirt.
04:01:27 Because they're compressed so hard.
04:01:30 Then it's basically like just like a rubber block.
04:01:34 It's like a solid rubber block.
04:01:36 And you can just stack them up and you know they have better insulating properties than if you fill them with dirt anyway, because they inevitably have air pockets and stuff like that.
04:01:48 But yeah, tire bells would be.
04:01:49 The way to go.
04:01:51 If you wanted a a a thick insulated wall that's essentially going to last.
04:01:58 But again, I'd want to consult an engineer and make sure.
04:02:02 You know you weren't going to regret doing this, but.
04:02:07 Easily, easily.
04:02:10 More insulated and easier to work with.
04:02:12 Well, I mean you would need heavy machinery to move them around, I guess.
04:02:15 That's the big difference.
04:02:22 Ranger Pete Quinonez is a Sephardic Jew, but somewhat based.
04:02:27 He said it many times, though he did block me, but that was to protect his Catholic buddy Tom Woods.
04:02:35 Ohh, we got we got accusations.
04:02:38 Accusations on this guy they I don't know.
04:02:45 Yeah, I've never.
04:02:45 I've never watched a show.
04:02:46 I've just all the only reason I've heard of this guy is so many people have hyper chatted me about him.
04:02:54 Jail whisperer?
04:02:56 Where can I get a copy of your book?
04:02:57 I recently discovered your show and listened to your replays every.
04:03:01 Day at work.
04:03:01 Keep up the good work.
04:03:03 Nowhere right now would be the answer.
04:03:05 Maybe on eBay.
04:03:07 I've seen them on eBay every once in a while, but they will.
04:03:10 They'll become available.
04:03:13 I've got like a.
04:03:15 Stack of em.
04:03:18 I have I have a stack of the 1st and 2nd editions of that book.
04:03:23 So I guess the next will be a third edition.
04:03:25 Yeah, life happens, man.
04:03:27 Like, there's just so many things going on over here.
04:03:29 And I don't.
04:03:30 I don't talk much about it.
04:03:31 So I I I maybe I give off the perception that I'm just being lazy or something, but I I have a lot going on over here that I just don't talk about, but I have promised by the.
04:03:43 End of the year.
04:03:45 And and I might make the audio version audiobook version available on on Odyssey as something you have to pay for.
04:03:52 I've never dabbled in that, but maybe that's I have all the audio files obviously still, so maybe that's the way to go.
04:03:58 But welcome jail whisperer.
04:04:03 In fact.
04:04:09 There's your very first Wookie.
04:04:11 Colonel N word.
04:04:13 I've never heard anyone referred to the Black Israelites as clever before.
04:04:19 Yeah, same.
04:04:21 All right, now that we're over, we're over the four hour mark, Mark.
04:04:24 Twain forever.
04:04:25 Last but not least.
04:04:27 Keep up the good work.
04:04:29 Hell victory.
04:04:32 There we go.
04:04:32 That's a good one to end on.
04:04:33 That's a good one to end on.
04:04:35 Alright guys.
04:04:37 Well, I'm going to get out of here and I hope you guys all have a wonderful rest.
04:04:42 Of your week.
04:04:43 Saturday I have something planned.
04:04:45 It's just I haven't.
04:04:47 I would have done it tonight.
04:04:48 It's just it's requiring a lot of research.
04:04:50 It's one of those one of those research heavy streams.
04:04:53 So hopefully it's a good one.
04:04:56 But you guys all have the rest.
04:04:58 A good rest of your week.
04:04:59 Stay safe and I'll see you here on Saturday.
04:05:02 For Black pilled, I am of course.
Speaker 16
04:05:07 I am not method effect and I don't see why.
04:05:12 How can the doctor say?
04:05:13 That I am.
Speaker 2
04:05:15 In this space.
04:05:18 There was another one.
04:05:20 Colonel Edward, what is your opinion of David Cole?
04:05:23 Seeing a Jew question the Holocaust was shockingly based.
04:05:27 I'm interested to know what his story is.
04:05:29 I I don't know.
04:05:31 I I think I know you're talking about, but I thought that he kind of rolled it back because he did those.
04:05:37 If it's the same guy he did those videos.
04:05:40 Back in like the 80s and 90s on VHS where he went to the.
04:05:46 The camps and stuff like that, but I thought in in recent years he kind of went full on degenerate, not not full on philosophically degenerate degenerate Jew, but like turn it like this, raising alcoholic weirdo, and I kind of rolled back some of his, I don't know.
04:06:03 I I could be making it up.
04:06:06 But I I yeah, I'd have to look into him again.
04:06:09 It's been a long time since.
04:06:10 If it's the same guy that I've seen him stuff.
04:06:12 Alright, guys.
04:06:14 Have a good night.
04:06:15 And again for black pilam.
04:06:16 Of course.
04:06:16 Devin stack.
Speaker 11
04:06:24 It's gonna be.
Speaker 6
04:06:25 Right.
04:06:28 That's sticking around.
Speaker 15
04:06:29 It's not gonna work.
Speaker 24
04:06:30 Who did that?
Speaker 19
04:06:32 Gotta put in the shoe.
Speaker 11
04:07:11 God dammit, FBI.