01/30/2022Speaker 1
00:00:00 Back on the street.00:02:15 At the distance.
00:02:16 Now I'm back on my feet.
00:02:18 Just a man and.
00:02:20 Is built to survive.
00:02:23 So many times.
00:02:25 It happens too fast.
00:02:28 You change your passion for glory.
00:02:36 You must fight.
00:02:37 To keep them alive.
00:02:53 Like this?
00:02:58 Of the tiger.
00:03:05 I'm lucky.
00:03:14 Take to the street.
00:03:26 To the challenge of our.
00:03:38 Of the tiger.
00:03:48 Rising up straight to the top.
00:03:52 And the girls got the glory.
00:03:58 I'm not gonna stop.
00:04:08 Right.Speaker 3
00:05:18 When there's nothing left but the fire in my chest and the air that fills my lungs, I'll hold my tears and trade my ears for a glimpse at Kingdom.00:05:33 Come on the other side of misery.
00:05:38 There's a world we long to see.
00:05:42 The strife we share will take us there to relief and sovereignty.
Speaker 4
00:05:49 Oh my God.Speaker 3
00:06:06 In our own towns, with foreigners now, our names are Spartan.00:06:14 The headline smack of another attack, not the last, and not the worst.
00:06:22 Ohh my fathers that he looked down on me.
00:06:26 I wonder what they feel to see their noble sons driven down.
00:06:34 Beneath A cowards hill.
Speaker 2
00:06:49 We'll get there.Speaker 3
00:06:55 The road is dark, the way is lost my eyes.00:07:00 They strain to see.
00:07:03 I struggle forth to find a friend to light the way for me.
00:07:12 Brothers, can you hear my voice, or am I all alone?
00:07:19 If there is no fire to guide my way, then I will start my own.
Speaker 2
00:07:27 Oh my God.Devon
00:08:05 Good evening, good afternoon.00:08:07 Good morning.
00:08:08 Good night.
00:08:09 Good golly gosh.
00:08:11 Devon's deck here. It's the insomnia stream Saturday night. It's the.
00:08:16 What did I?
00:08:17 Call it the.
00:08:18 Head Bag Edition I think head, head, Bag Edition or.
00:08:21 Head bags? I don't know.
00:08:23 We'll get into why?
00:08:24 Why it's called that.
Speaker 2
00:08:25 In a moment here.Devon
00:08:27 The news has been all over the place.00:08:30 People are talking about, Oh my God.
00:08:33 And Canada, they're they're they're finally rising up.
00:08:36 They're finally right.
00:08:37 Turn it off.
00:08:38 There you go.
Speaker 6
00:08:40 They're rising up.00:08:41 Look at all those leaves.
00:08:46 Trunk stood somewhere and.00:08:49 Waving flags.
Speaker 6
00:08:56 Lots of people have asked me what I think of this and I keep saying.Devon
00:08:59 Whatever you know and.00:09:02 We're going to talk about a little bit today because it is so much in the news and it.
00:09:06 Is so representative of.
00:09:08 Of how the right treats minor victories as as.
00:09:15 Complete victories and then they they go back home and watch Netflix and and check back out.
Speaker 6
00:09:22 But this isn't a.Devon
00:09:23 Bad thing.00:09:24 At the same time, this is not a bad.
00:09:26 Thing and we'll.
Speaker 8
00:09:26 Talk about why that is.Devon
00:09:28 So anyway, I'm sure you guys have seen this footage.00:09:31 Here's this is actually kind of impressive.
00:09:32 In fact, there there's talk that this is actually a.
Speaker 9
00:09:35 A world record.Devon
00:09:38 I saw a article on Fox News saying that this was possibly the largest convoy and I was going to play convoy, but I I hate that.Speaker 8
00:09:47 I just, I don't know.00:09:47 I'm not a.
00:09:48 Not a fan of that song, but the there was a massive, you know, I guess the the last one was in India.00:09:55 I forget what what the context was.
00:09:57 And this was possibly a world record in terms of a convoy and.
00:10:03 It's big, it's big.
00:10:06 You know it is big.
00:10:10 A lot of a lot of truckers being cheap and not hauling their their trailers.
00:10:16 To save on gas.
00:10:21 But but yeah, so a bunch of trucks drove to Ottawa and are complaining about the the Max or vaccine mandates and this sort.
Speaker 6
00:10:30 Of thing.00:10:31 But here's the here's the problem.
00:10:34 The problem with this is is 90% of truckers.00:10:38 Or at least that's the number you know.
00:10:39 That's the official number I.
00:10:40 Don't know if.
00:10:41 That's that's real, but 90% of truckers are vaccinated.
00:10:47 OK.
00:10:52 Most people view this in Canada and across the world really as something terrible.
00:11:00 It's kind of like January 6th.
00:11:02 In in some ways, the way that this is going to be framed, but we'll take a look, we don't have to, you don't have.
00:11:07 To take my word for it.
00:11:09 This goes on for a while if.
00:11:10 You want to see.
Speaker 8
00:11:11 The rest of it there.Speaker 2
00:11:12 Look Ohh keeps going.00:11:13 Keeps going.
00:11:16 Here is.00:11:18 CBC News.
00:11:21 Using exactly the same kind of talking points you would expect to hear had this happened in America all the way down to saying that that Russia is is possibly behind the the trucking thing.
00:11:35 So we're just, we're to watch, we're reason.
00:11:38 We're going to watch this.
00:11:40 Is we're going to see, alright.
00:11:41 The official response?
00:11:44 What's the official response?
00:11:46 We want to weigh?
00:11:47 What are the pros and cons of something?
00:11:48 Like this happening?
00:11:51 OK.
00:11:52 Well, in fact, maybe let's talk.
00:11:53 About some of the pros before we go.
00:11:55 Over some of the cons.
00:11:57 Now some of the pros.
00:11:59 Our optics, right?
00:12:02 It looks like something was accomplished.
00:12:06 The fact that it's being associated with extreme right wing, you know, whatever, even though it's, it's not really.
00:12:13 Makes it look as if the extreme right wing did something big and impressive.
00:12:20 It's intimidating to the the, the, the.
00:12:25 Well honestly, I would say the majority of of Canadians.
00:12:31 I was reading a post from someone that was on the ground and they said something along the lines of.
00:12:38 Most of the people giving us the finger.
00:12:41 Are these old white boomers?
00:12:44 And the majority of the younger millennials look like.
00:12:48 They're, they just they.
00:12:49 Walk by or drive by looking traumatized.
00:12:54 That this is actually good.
00:12:57 That means this this sort of thing is affecting the morale of your opposition.
00:13:03 OK, so that's a good thing.
00:13:05 It looks, you know, it looks powerful.
00:13:07 Looks like it did something.
00:13:09 I mean, especially if you break a world record.
00:13:13 There is, you know, your enemies are in fear, which is a good thing.
00:13:21 It just is we're at.
Speaker 9
00:13:23 We're at a point where.Devon
00:13:25 Well, we'll we'll get into that in.Speaker 8
00:13:26 A minute.Devon
00:13:26 Too, so these are some of the pros.00:13:29 Right now the cons are.
00:13:33 Our mini and we'll go over some of that now, but let's let's have a look and see what's the official response.
Speaker 8
00:13:40 To this.Speaker 10
00:13:41 Minister, given what is unfolding right now in.00:13:43 The capital what?
00:13:44 Are you and your ministry doing to make sure the capital and people in it are safe?
Speaker 11
00:13:49 Well, I think it's very important.00:13:51 For everyone to know that from the standpoint of.
00:13:53 Public safety police at.
00:13:54 All levels are coordinating and are in constant communication.
00:13:57 They're monitoring the situation very, very carefully and they're going to respond as the circumstances will dictate.
00:14:03 And of course those decisions will be taken.
00:14:07 I like how.00:14:08 He's they're monitoring the situation this, which means basically nothing.
00:14:11 As we've learned from Trump so.
Speaker 11
00:14:14 Independently by police and other partners within the public safety sphere.00:14:18 And look, I'll just say I get that some people are asking where do we draw the lines between free speech and and conduct that represents to public safety.
00:14:27 I think we can draw some right.
00:14:28 Lines around those who.
00:14:29 Are wantonly spreading lies and hate and.
00:14:31 I've already seen people who.
00:14:34 Alright, so here's the negative.00:14:37 Here's the negative.
00:14:39 Or one of the first negatives.
00:14:41 Is the the officials are already saying?
Speaker 9
00:14:46 Well, we need.Devon
00:14:46 To draw a line between what is free speech.00:14:51 And what is spreading hate and misinformation?
00:14:54 So it's bolstering their argument that they need to have more censorship.
00:15:00 And have more authoritarian measures to control the battle.
00:15:05 This rising, this bubbling hatred and misinformation that's being spread.
Speaker 11
00:15:12 We're equating vaccine pendants to an ushering in of a new era like Nazi Germany.00:15:17 We're seeing the flying of Confederate flags and we're seeing, frankly, some organizers incite others to overthrow the government through violence and.
00:15:25 And frankly, there's just too much of that from the leaders of this convoy, which is not about freedom, and it's certainly not about.
00:15:31 And I know that with.
00:15:32 OK, I also want to say that we've noticed in the in recent.00:15:39 Well, I guess years at this point in America, the the talk of civil war has become a mainstream point of discussion.
00:15:50 I don't know what the environment is like in Canada, but I suspect that talk of civil war isn't something that is often brought up in in mainstream Canadian media, and we're starting to see, maybe, maybe the beginnings of that.
00:16:07 So you could say that's a positive.
Speaker 4
00:16:10 I think we.Speaker 11
00:16:11 All know that because truckers have put some significant distance between themselves and this convoy, and that's because they like the majority of Canadians, understand the way that we're gonna get back to normal is through vaccines.00:16:21 So in the meantime, we'll work closely with all partners in public safety and we'll continue on this situation very carefully.
00:16:29 Now that's that's another again 90%.00:16:33 Of Canadian truckers are vaccinated.
00:16:36 Now I don't know, you know?
00:16:37 He says that, oh, you know the the the majority of the there's there's probably much like in the United.
00:16:43 States, while there are some private operators, the majority of trucking, you know, you have these big consolidated outfits that do do a lot of the the trucking.
00:16:55 And so I would assume in Canada is actually.
00:16:58 Special in Canada they have something similar and I would assume that none of those trucking companies support.
00:17:07 So I guess, but I don't know, he doesn't OfferUp any evidence.
Speaker 10
00:17:10 Of that.00:17:11 What and who, Sir?
00:17:12 Is that the ready?
00:17:13 If things do escalate?
Speaker 11
00:17:17 Well, you have police at every level of government, so you'll have the RCMP, you have the local police jurisdiction, the Ottawa Police Service.00:17:25 Of course, the Sergeant at Arms is responsible for security on the hill.
00:17:29 There are other security partners within the broader public safety community that provide intelligence.
00:17:35 So there's a lot of constant communication.
00:17:37 Coordination and I know that you know, over the course of past number of days, a lot of work.
00:17:42 A lot of energy has been.
00:17:44 And to being ready to respond to a variety of scenarios.
00:17:47 But I do want to underline that, of course, the government and elected officials officials do not direct those decisions.
00:17:52 They're taken independently by very trained expert officials and and so they're going to, they're going to be at the ready.
Speaker 10
00:17:59 Certainly you are the Minister of Public Safety though, so we do want to ask you these questions.00:18:03 This is far more, Sir, you know, than an inconvenience for people.
00:18:07 There's major infrastructure in around, in and around this city.
00:18:11 Just talking to folks here.
00:18:12 I'm just a visitor, but shops are being told to close.
00:18:15 People are being told to.
00:18:16 Stay home the house.
00:18:17 Resumes as you, as you know next.
00:18:21 So here's another thing.00:18:23 All these shortages that we've been having.
00:18:26 That I suspect to some extent we'll, we'll continue to have.
00:18:29 It's never going to be like, oh, like there's a bread line.
00:18:33 You know, everyone's waiting 8 hours to get into Walmart and buy a loaf of bread or a package of tortillas or something.
Speaker 8
00:18:40 Like that.Devon
00:18:41 Maybe I'm wrong.00:18:42 I don't think it's going to.
00:18:43 You know, we're we're headed to that anytime soon at least.
00:18:46 But the shortages that do exist and.
Speaker 9
00:18:49 They exist, right?Devon
00:18:49 Now I see them in my local market and I think that, you know, lots of people in.00:18:53 In Canada, are are, you know.
00:18:56 Seeing some of the same kinds of things like not as many products are available.
00:19:00 They will now be able to blame that.
00:19:03 On the truckers.
00:19:05 Oh, you know the reason why you don't have that, that, uh, that specific kind of tortellini or whatever the **** the store happens to be out of that you.
00:19:15 Want so bad?
00:19:16 That's because of those evil white supremacists that brought all the trucks.
00:19:19 To the.
00:19:20 So that's that's that's going to be an official talking point.
Speaker 10
00:19:24 Next week, so at what point does it do?00:19:28 Does it go beyond, you know, people being allowed to protest?
00:19:31 At what point do you order the scene cleared?
Speaker 11
00:19:36 You're you're absolutely right and.00:19:37 I think that, you know we we have already seen, as I said, some expressions which fall very much into the category of extremism, you know.
00:19:46 See, again it they're leaping.00:19:47 They're leaping directly to authoritarianism.
00:19:51 Like, when do you when are?
00:19:53 You going to order this?
00:19:54 To be stopped.
00:19:56 And his response is.
00:19:58 Oh yeah, well.
00:19:58 Of course, you know, we're definitely seeing that this is this is escalating to a form of extremism.
00:20:03 Now look, this isn't America.
00:20:05 So I can't say that.
00:20:06 Ohh, where?
00:20:07 You know, where was this kind of talk when BLM was was burning down entire cities.
00:20:14 But in Canada you did have similar things.
00:20:17 Going on during the the George Floyd riots, you had a, you know, obviously not to the same scale.
00:20:24 But you also had the fake, the fake indigenous kid mass grave hoax thing that was going on where they were saying, Oh my God, we found mass graves and it was because of the, you know, the the Christians that came and and they just took all these, these, these poor Eskimo babies and just threw them in a giant pit.
00:20:43 And lit it on fire.
00:20:44 And that of course not a single body.
00:20:47 Not a single to this day, not a single body has actually been found. That was all just a made-up ******* lie.
00:20:53 And because of that, you had churches all across Canada getting, you know, historic churches being burned to the ground.
Speaker 9
00:21:00 And you didn't have any of this kind of talk at the?Speaker 8
00:21:02 Time at all, you.Devon
00:21:04 Didn't have.00:21:04 Oh, this is.
00:21:05 This is raising.
00:21:06 This is rising to a level of extremism.
Speaker 9
00:21:09 No, but if you.Devon
00:21:09 Drive this.00:21:11 I'm just this illustrates.
Speaker 6
00:21:14 How you where you are?Speaker 9
00:21:15 In perspective, when it comes to the the ruling class and the the your ability to to actually wield power.00:21:24 And as we'll discuss here in a second, making the ruling class nervous.
00:21:31 In the short term, is not always.
Speaker 8
00:21:32 A good thing?Speaker 11
00:21:34 The flying of Confederate flags, some of the placards that are calling for the overthrow of the government through violence.00:21:41 And so we have to train.
00:21:42 I'm sorry we have to put our trust in the the the trained professionals that work within law enforcement that work within the.
00:21:49 These community to draw those boundaries, I'll also just say that there has been advanced communication by, for example, the Ottawa Police chief.
00:21:57 I know chief slowly has encouraged residents.
00:21:59 To stay away from.
00:22:00 Downtown, the Sergeant at Arms, who is responsible for security on the hill, has put out a communication parliamentarians and staff and you know, the public safety is a paramount.
00:22:10 Not objective.
00:22:11 So we're going to continue to watch the situation very closely and respond as required.
Speaker 10
00:22:15 And we hope to speak to chief slowly on the program today.00:22:20 But in terms of you know, we've heard references to potential outside actors who could these outside actors be, where might they be from?
00:22:26 Here we go.Speaker 11
00:22:29 Well, again, I mean, I would certainly direct those questions to law enforcement who are best positioned to to answer and to take decisions.00:22:36 But again, I know that.
00:22:39 That that police services and other partners within the public safety community are.
00:22:44 Putting all eyes.
00:22:45 On the situation, putting additional resources into the area.
00:22:49 Make sure that there can be peaceful.
00:22:51 Protest as well as.
00:22:53 Providing direction and guidance to residents so that everybody.
00:22:56 Can stay safe.
Speaker 10
00:22:58 I do ask that because, you know, given Canada's support of Ukraine in this current crisis with Russia, it I don't know if it's far fetched to ask.00:23:08 But but there is concern that Russian actors could.
00:23:12 Be continuing to fuel things.
00:23:14 As this as this protest grows.
00:23:16 But perhaps even instigating it from from the outset.
00:23:20 So there you go.00:23:21 It's Russian.
00:23:23 The Russians started.
00:23:24 The the whole thing.
00:23:28 Canada, who nobody's afraid of because Canada is supporting Ukraine.
00:23:37 So you know, once again, it's the Russians.
00:23:39 The Russians have, you know, the KGB has infiltrated the Canadian trucking system very quickly and and caused all of this.
00:23:50 Because of Canada's support of Ukraine.
Speaker 8
00:23:54 Oh, good Lord.Devon
00:23:56 Anyway, so they go on and you know from there, she doesn't let it go.00:24:00 He keeps wanting to say, well, I don't know about that, but.
00:24:02 She keeps saying no, but really it's the Russians.
00:24:05 And they just continue kind of along the same talking points.
00:24:11 So what we're seeing is basically some echoes of January 6th, a little bit because in Canada everything is like America, only slightly gayer including this.
00:24:23 So the other thing people are celebrating like, Oh yeah, it's it's it's so effective.
00:24:29 It drove Trudeau.
00:24:31 Into hiding.
00:24:32 You know, right now this is a it was a headline.
00:24:35 Justin Trudeau moved to a safe place in the US, according to Israeli sources, as Canada protests sparked security.
00:24:44 So he's been moved to an undisclosed location.
00:24:47 And a lot of people, it kind of in fact a lot of the the boasting about this seems very similar.
00:24:55 To this.
00:24:57 You know the you guys might remember on January 6th, we had all those photos of the senators with the the weird plastic bags on their heads as they were being evacuated.
00:25:07 And look, it was great.
00:25:09 It was, it was.
00:25:10 It felt good seeing those *************.
Speaker 6
00:25:14 Run in fear.Devon
00:25:16 And this is a positive and a negative.00:25:18 It's a positive.
00:25:20 Because none of the people.
00:25:23 At the at that, that rally.
00:25:27 Over the last or involved this convoy over the last day or a few days.
00:25:34 No one's going to feel bad for Trudeau.
00:25:38 In fact, their visceral response to seeing headlines like this.
00:25:45 It's going to be positive, it's going to be warm and fuzzy.
00:25:51 Now, what does that say about the psychology of a country?
00:25:57 Your leaders are in fear.
00:26:00 It makes a large portion of the population happy.
00:26:08 I want you to think about this in in, say like like think of like your country, like a family.
00:26:17 Once the state of your family.
00:26:21 Knowing your father.
00:26:24 Is afraid.
Speaker 8
00:26:25 Makes you happy.Devon
00:26:32 How likely is that family?00:26:35 To stay together.
00:26:37 If seeing a look of fear.
00:26:41 And your father or your mother's eyes.
00:26:45 Makes you feel good and what's more?
00:26:49 That fear.
00:26:51 Is of you.
00:26:56 How healthy is that family dynamic?
00:27:05 And you're seeing this all over the West.
00:27:07 It's not.
00:27:07 Just limited to Canada.
00:27:09 You know, the similar thing happened here.
00:27:22 But as we've learned after January 6.
00:27:27 The problem is, when Daddy gets scared.
00:27:33 All of a sudden you start creating entire agencies.
00:27:40 Specifically designed to attack you and look, I don't know.
00:27:43 Honestly, I don't know anything about the the Canadian intelligence agencies and and how that's all structured and and if if I I'd be surprised if it's anywhere near.
00:27:54 I mean they put just on the resources right to be as effective.
00:28:00 And and.
00:28:03 Well, I mean to some extent evil as some of the agencies that we have on this side.
00:28:09 Of the border.
00:28:13 But I would be surprised.
00:28:17 If the ruling class truly was afraid in any way, shape or form.
00:28:24 If they had the feeling.
00:28:26 Of of, of being afraid of their public.
00:28:28 You better believe there's going to be a lot of resources that are going to be diverted now into some of these authoritarian projects.
Speaker 8
00:28:41 And where I thought I'd saved it.Speaker
00:28:43 Did save it good.Devon
00:28:46 Excellent. And as.00:28:49 As it happened in the United States.
00:28:52 You're not going to have anyone on your side out there.
00:28:59 There's in the same way the ruling class never prosecutes.
00:29:03 Each other.
00:29:06 They never support the people that are making perfect example.
00:29:12 Here's Trump.
Speaker 6
00:29:16 Vote for me again guys.Devon
00:29:19 And I'll pardon all the people that got thrown in jail for doing what I said.00:29:27 Trust me.
00:29:30 Trust me, this I'll really do it just like I really locked up Hillary.
00:29:35 Just like I really pardoned Julian Assange.
00:29:43 Vote for me and I'll pardon the January 6 people.
00:29:55 You'll have no one on your side if they start cracking down.
Speaker 8
00:29:58 On you is the bottom line.Devon
00:30:03 So the main take away is, will this really accomplish anything like is it a net negative? Is this right here?Speaker 8
00:30:12 Wrong video, wrong clip.Devon
00:30:15 Is this a net negative or net positive?00:30:17 I think it's a net positive, but there are some significant dangers here.
00:30:25 Anytime the right has any kind of success because they have so few successes and they have so few protests, they have so few opportunities to do this, they they see every time that that people leave their houses or they take time off work and they actually go to one of these things, they see it.
00:30:43 As as a.
00:30:45 A win and it is a.
00:30:46 Win, but they they see it as OK.
00:30:48 I've done my.
00:30:49 I've done.
00:30:49 My civic duty for.
Speaker 2
00:30:50 The year or whatever.Devon
00:30:52 And they just go back to.00:30:54 You know, they gloat.
00:30:55 And they they they, you know, they salt mine on the Internet and you know, they go right back to complacent, being complacent that that's just a that's just a reoccurring theme on the right.
00:31:09 And that's been that's been the case for decades.
00:31:12 If it wasn't, there would have been some gains.
00:31:15 On the right in well, at least once in the last several decades, and there hasn't been.
00:31:25 There just hasn't been.
00:31:27 Both Canada and America are far more left wing today than they were 50 years ago or 40 years ago or 30 years ago, or 60, you know, doesn't matter how.
00:31:37 Far you go.
00:31:41 The right has been losing.
00:31:44 Over and over and over and over again.
00:31:47 And I think it's because the right.
00:31:51 Does not have the tools.
00:31:55 And maybe the talents, quite frankly.
00:31:58 To make the kinds of changes.
00:32:04 The left has made using social engineering.
00:32:14 The left excels at social engineering.
00:32:19 That's why they want to govern through social engineering.
00:32:24 They want to have a centralized plan.
00:32:27 Where they manipulate the public into behaving the way that they want them to behave.
00:32:33 That's their whole.
00:32:36 That's their whole strategy.
00:32:38 So it's no wonder that they're good at that.
00:32:44 Because if they were able to implement that system, they'd be the ones pulling the strings, and they've already proven themselves to be effective.
00:32:52 The right, at least in the West.
00:32:55 And I know there's, you know, variations, but fundamentally in terms of, at least in modern times in Canada.
00:33:04 And in America.
00:33:07 And you can blame libertarianism if you want for this, but the right has had a very hands off approach.
00:33:15 The right has just said, you know, leave me alone.
00:33:19 We don't want to wield power.
00:33:21 They they seem very uncomfortable with wielding power.
00:33:28 They don't want to have us.
00:33:29 In fact, what's this whole protest about?
00:33:31 This entire protest is basically leave me alone.
00:33:45 So you're not going to have.
00:33:46 There's no, and there's no long term goal like that.
00:33:49 That's the goal.
00:33:50 Is leave me alone.
00:33:53 The goal isn't.
00:33:56 We want to be in charge of this.
00:34:02 The goal isn't we're going to be wielding the power here.
00:34:06 You've been wielding the power.
00:34:07 You've gone out of control with it.
00:34:10 It's now affecting me on a personal level, enough to where I'm taking time out of my day and showing up to this thing and you know, showing up in solidarity against these mandates or or whatever.
Speaker 6
00:34:22 No, that's not at all.Devon
00:34:27 There's no, there's no like.00:34:31 There's no end goal insight. The right is so uncomfortable with power.
00:34:41 And until the right is able.
00:34:43 To bridge that gap.
00:34:46 You know, make that connection.
00:34:49 That hey.
00:34:52 In order for us to be left alone.
00:34:55 Paradoxically, we have to be in control.
Speaker 6
00:35:05 You'll never be left alone.Devon
00:35:10 Unless you're in control.00:35:12 It's almost as if they're like employees.
00:35:16 And a company where the CEO is or their boss doesn't matter.
00:35:20 It's just like really kind.
00:35:22 Of * ****.
00:35:24 And every time their boss tries these new rules.
00:35:28 They get mad and they ***** and maybe they threaten not to work, but they never demand that he gets fired.
00:35:34 They never try to, they never even interview for the guys job.
00:35:39 It's like they're they're totally happy with the guy who keeps having the funked up rules, the oppressive environment.
00:35:46 They're totally OK with him being in charge as long as just enough to make it to where it's you, you know, it's it's only uncomfortable enough to where you're not going to ***** and complain.
00:35:56 Yeah, it's almost like they figure.
00:35:59 Well, you know, this is just.
00:36:01 I'm perfectly happy being a waggie, perfectly happy bending to your will on most things, but this time you've you've crossed the line.
00:36:15 And I'm going to be noisy.
00:36:16 I'm going to be the squeaky wheel until.
00:36:18 I get some oil.
00:36:23 And the second you give you know give in a.
00:36:25 Little bit.
00:36:27 I'll go be back.
00:36:28 I'll go right back to.
00:36:29 Being a happy little waggy.
00:36:32 I don't care that you're still in charge.
00:36:34 I don't care that.
00:36:34 The same people.
00:36:36 They came up with the mandates are still in charge. I don't care that nothing that 00 repercussions.
00:36:45 There's that nothing that would disincentivize that behavior.
00:36:50 From happening in the 1st place, nothing like that will ever happen.
00:36:54 I'm OK with that.
00:36:55 I'm going to go right back.
Speaker 6
00:36:57 To work.Devon
00:36:59 Working for the machine.00:37:11 Until the right can get comfortable with the idea of power.
00:37:18 And understand again that they don't have the tools or the skill set to to do like this slow social engineering of the public to their way of thinking.
00:37:30 You know the the.
Speaker 6
00:37:30 The the normies waking up people are waking up.Devon
00:37:35 That that, that's a fantasy.00:37:46 It's making a huge assumption. It's making the assumption that 80% of the population isn't just a bunch of, you know, NPC sheep, followers, whatever.
00:38:04 And you can get them to follow you, but you can't do it with uh, with with uh.
00:38:10 Driving a bunch of trucks to Ottawa.
00:38:12 I mean you.
00:38:13 Just can't.
00:38:29 So that's where I think of the.
00:38:32 The Canadian truck stuff, it's it's not that it's.
00:38:37 I mean, it's a net positive.
00:38:38 It's just that people need to start.
00:38:40 Thinking a little bit further with this.
00:38:45 No more half measures.
Speaker 8
00:38:49 You know.Devon
00:38:51 You can't keep thinking that you you've you've I finally got what I want.00:38:56 It's like UM.
00:39:02 Again, it's it's it's it's like being the the wager that doesn't want to unseat the boss, doesn't realize.
00:39:08 Well, it's just going to happen again.
00:39:11 It's going to keep happening till.
00:39:12 You get rid of.
00:39:12 This guy and fundamentally, you got to ask.
Speaker 6
00:39:15 Why is it that you have?Devon
00:39:17 Such a problem with this.00:39:19 Like if you really if you.
00:39:20 Get down to it right.
00:39:23 What is?
00:39:23 Why is there a disconnect here?
00:39:25 Why is there a large part of the?
00:39:28 Right.
00:39:28 That just fundamentally is, regardless of of the science, even right side to side, because it's irrelevant in many ways.
00:39:40 That oppose this, these kinds of mandates or even just the vaccine itself and it's it's simple, it's because.
00:39:47 We don't trust them.
00:39:52 We don't trust them to want what's best.
00:39:57 We don't trust them to want what's best for us because they've demonstrated time and time again.
Speaker 6
00:40:05 That they want the opposite.Devon
00:40:16 Time and time again, they've demonstrated they want us.00:40:21 I mean, quite frankly, genocide and really.
00:40:25 So when you have a ruling class.
Speaker 6
00:40:31 That, you know, doesn't want what's best for you.Devon
00:40:43 You're not going to trust them.00:40:44 You're not going.
00:40:45 To trust them.
00:40:48 But getting them to give in on a small thing and then thinking that you won, it's like it's like.
Speaker 6
00:40:52 No, you have to get rid of them.Devon
00:40:57 This is just going to happen again.00:41:01 You have to break up with.
Speaker 6
00:41:03 Her man, she's just gonna do it again.Devon
00:41:15 And it's not even just that it's not even just the trust in terms of we don't trust them to want what's best for us because they've demonstrated that they don't.00:41:24 But it's also just a competency level.
00:41:26 The trust is so broken between the Western ruling class.
00:41:31 And people on white people on the right.
00:41:36 That not only is it a disconnect of like man, I know you want me ******* dead.
00:41:40 You want my family dead.
00:41:41 I mean, you've shown this over and over and over again.
00:41:46 You want to replace me with with compliant lower, lower paid wages.
Speaker 6
00:41:54 We know this.00:41:58 Actions speak louder than words, and you're screaming loud and clear.
00:42:01 That's what you want.Speaker 6
00:42:07 But on top of that?Devon
00:42:11 The middle management types.Speaker 6
00:42:14 We don't trust them.00:42:17 To be competent enough to.
00:42:18 Do what's best for us.00:42:23 The trust is so broken.
00:42:25 Not only do I think you don't want what's best for us.
Speaker 6
00:42:29 Then, even if you did, you'd **** it up.00:42:38 You'd **** it up.
00:42:52 If the ruling class.
00:42:55 Entities in the West had wanted what was best for their people.00:43:02 If that was really what they wanted to do, right, let's give them the benefit of the doubt.
00:43:07 That's what you.
Speaker 6
00:43:08 Want to do?Devon
00:43:09 Think it's safe to say they ****** it up?00:43:30 So anyway, that's the that's that's the problem.
00:43:32 Is the people on the.
00:43:33 Right need to that.
00:43:36 This is good.
00:43:37 It's good because it's getting a lot of people comfortable with civil disobedience.
00:43:42 It's getting a lot of people that are, I would say, in Canada, who felt.
00:43:48 Fairly comfortable with the idea that people that disagreed with the the.
00:43:57 Well, I mean, with people like these guys, right?
00:44:00 Were a few and far between.
00:44:03 They thought it was a, you know, just like a a handful of people and look and like I said, 90% of truckers are vaccinated.
00:44:13 In Canada, so it is, it is a minority.
00:44:17 But so were the people that were rioting.
00:44:21 In the summer of love here in America.
00:44:24 Doesn't matter if it's a minority.
00:44:31 Stuff like this this is.
00:44:33 This is in a way.
00:44:37 A display of force.
00:44:38 It's a display of power, is just that.
00:44:42 Unfortunately, that's usually where that's where it stops, right?
00:44:45 But it's a step in the right direction.
00:44:49 And all the things I said before about it, you know, being optically good and these sorts of things.
00:44:53 Now, of course, they've jumped on everything they possibly can.
00:44:56 There was a photo going around of and you saw the same thing that happened on the six right, the same, same stuff happens every time.
00:45:04 Or there was some guy with the Nazi flag and the number the two like top threads on Reddit were like, Oh my God, there's Nazi flags at the at the the crazy right wing extremist Nazi thing going on in in, in Ottawa, right.
00:45:24 Alright, so anyway.
00:45:30 Speaking of the ruling class not wanting what's best for us.
00:45:36 And being in fact in direct.
00:45:39 Opposition to us.
Speaker 8
00:45:43 Where did I put that?00:45:44 Let me bring this up here.
00:45:52 1st we had this happen on uh, what was this? That was the 27th. I forget what day that day.Speaker
00:45:58 Of the week.Speaker 8
00:45:58 That would have been.Devon
00:46:00 A couple days ago, Joe Biden made it clear.00:46:04 That the qualifications for his uh.
00:46:09 Is not his Supreme Court pick.
00:46:12 Or that you're black.
00:46:15 And a woman.
00:46:16 So in other words, you're not a white man.
00:46:21 I mean, on the bright side, at least there won't be one.
00:46:23 More Jew.
00:46:23 But I mean, not a white man.
Speaker 6
00:46:28 That's what he's saying.Devon
00:46:34 White men need not apply for this very important job.00:46:45 So we'll have a black woman on the Supreme Court simply because the Republicans won't be able to not vote for.
00:46:53 A black woman.
00:46:54 They don't wield their power.
00:47:00 Obviously, a lot of that's because it's a big club and.
00:47:02 We're not in it.
00:47:05 In the same way.
00:47:06 The Democrats had no problem voting for.
00:47:10 For Kavanaugh, at the end of the.
00:47:13 Day, right?
00:47:18 Bush's lawyer on 9/11 and I keep people forget about that. I like to.
00:47:22 Remind people as often as possible.
00:47:26 And then Coney Barrett.
00:47:30 The woman who adopted black kids and is probably super excited.
00:47:39 That her new colleague will be a black woman?
00:47:43 Powerful black woman.
00:47:51 This is why white people don't trust you.
00:47:58 Everything you do screams I hate white guys.
00:48:11 It's getting to the point where if these ************* told us, you know, drinking water is good for you, I'd probably switch to ******* kool-aid.
Speaker 6
00:48:23 I'd be like.00:48:24 What did you do to the water?
00:48:26 Why you tell me?
00:48:26 Drink the water.
00:48:31 Why are you all so interested in me drinking?
00:48:32 Water all of.
00:48:33 A sudden this is not good.
00:48:35 You ******* with the water now.
00:48:48 This also came out this week.00:48:50 The ADL, which should come as no surprise.
00:48:53 On their website, redefine the term racism.
00:49:02 I have the old definition.
00:49:03 I can't find it for some reason, but the old definition was what you know what you would expect, right?
00:49:09 Like discriminating against people on the basis of race and blah, blah blah blah blah, you know the the the definition that most people aren't well, that white people rephrase that.
00:49:20 Most white people.
00:49:22 Understand is the definition of racism.
00:49:27 But now the ADL has has revised this definition.
00:49:31 Now racism.
00:49:33 Is the marginalization and Oregon oppression.
00:49:37 Of people of color.
00:49:40 Based on a socially constructed racial hierarchy that privileges white people.
Speaker 6
00:49:55 Do you see why we don't trust you?Devon
00:50:07 This is why you can't just stop when they give in to one demand.00:50:11 And yes, you could.
00:50:12 Ohh this is just a DL, they're just.
00:50:14 A non profit.
00:50:15 Yeah, and a ******* nonprofit that partners up with the FBI and and directs them on on matters of of bigotry, hate and race.
00:50:32 A nonprofit with basically a bottomless pit of money.
00:50:48 A nonprofit with no white person counterpart.
00:50:59 For a number of reasons, one, apparently wealthy whites.
00:51:05 Don't see any any nothing wrong with this.
00:51:09 Wealthy whites aren't willing to put their money into a a white defamation league or, you know, something analogous.
Speaker 9
00:51:15 To that, no.Devon
00:51:22 In fact, many wealthy whites would agree with this.00:51:27 This is part of their updated firmware.
Speaker 6
00:51:30 Oh yeah.Devon
00:51:35 I mean, how many wealthy whites, in fact, have?00:51:37 Did you see donating to, you know, the exact opposite, donating to causes like BLM over the last year or so?
00:51:59 You can't. It's not enough to it's like if someone's poking you with a stick.
00:52:07 And they just keep poking with this stick.
00:52:09 Right.
00:52:10 And then they sharpen the stick, and they now they're stabbing you with it, right.
00:52:14 It's not going to kill you, but you know it's it's not good either.
00:52:18 You're getting all these, like stick poke holes in you and then they get a bat and they smack you with the bat.
00:52:25 You're like.
Speaker 1
00:52:27 What do you?Speaker 6
00:52:27 Do with the bat for.Devon
00:52:30 I'm like, alright, alright.Speaker 4
00:52:31 Right.Devon
00:52:33 I'll stop playing with the.00:52:33 Bat and they just keep but they.
Speaker 6
00:52:35 Keep poking you with the stick.00:52:41 Why is the stick OK?
00:52:50 Well, at least they're not hitting me with the ******* bat anymore.
00:52:57 This isn't going to stop until you take the ******* stick.00:53:01 And the bat.
00:53:08 And we're dealing with some real ******* sickos.
00:53:11 I mean, we're dealing with some real ******* sickos.
00:53:19 There was someone that dug up the other day and I put it out on telegram.
00:53:24 You want to know?
00:53:25 The the you.
00:53:25 Know in terms of the medical tyranny.
00:53:28 People have looked at Australia is just kind of like a nightmarish, you know?
00:53:34 Medical, authoritarian hellscape.
00:53:40 And they wonder like, how, why?
00:53:41 How is it that Australia, you know, Australians always seem so laid back, right?
00:53:49 They always seemed so laid back and funny and well, how could they allow their country to turn into?
00:53:56 You know this, this kind of madness.
00:54:01 Well, I found a.
00:54:06 Well, I didn't find it.
00:54:07 Someone someone posted a.
00:54:10 A paper written by medical ethicists in Australia about 10 years ago, 10 years ago.
00:54:18 And it's published in the Journal of Medical Ethics.
00:54:23 Is not a fringe document.
00:54:29 This was written by two medical ethicists in Australia.
00:54:32 Let me see.
Speaker 8
00:54:33 If I can get their names here.00:54:43 Alright, where is it at here.
00:54:46 What is the authors of this paper?
00:54:51 Here we go.00:54:53 Alberto Gabellini and Francesca Minerva.
00:55:03 Now the name of the paper is called.
00:55:06 Let's see if I can bring this up here.
00:55:12 You're going to like this.
00:55:15 Yeah, this this.
00:55:16 This is this is who we're.
Speaker 8
00:55:17 Dealing with this is who we're dealing with.00:55:22 Alright, let me pop this on here.
Speaker 6
00:55:43 After birth abortion.00:55:46 Why should the baby live?
00:55:50 Why should it live after birth abortion?
00:55:52 You hear this?
00:55:55 Abortion is largely accepted, just like the vaccines.00:55:59 You know, in Canada, quite frankly, they just did.
00:56:02 Even for reasons that do not have anything to do with the fetus's health. In other words, this baby's inconvenient.
00:56:09 Let's get it rid of it.
00:56:10 They're talking about it like it's a good thing.
00:56:11 Like oh, it's it's look, listen.
00:56:14 People have accepted abortion for matters of convenience by showing that one both fetuses and newborns.
00:56:22 Do not have the same moral status as actual persons.
00:56:25 You see, fetuses and newborn, so actual babies.
00:56:31 They're not actual persons.
00:56:34 And two, the fact that both our potential persons.
00:56:38 You hear that?
00:56:39 They're just potential people.
00:56:41 They're actually people.
00:56:44 Is morally irrelevant and three adoption is not always in the best interest of actual people.
00:56:53 You hear that?
00:56:54 So even having the alternative of adoption for unwanted babies.
00:57:00 That's not in the best interest of the of the actual people.
00:57:05 You know, actual people like the people making all these decisions, the medical ethicists making all these decisions.
00:57:14 The authors argue that what we call after birth abortion.
00:57:19 Killing a newborn.
00:57:21 Should be permissible.
00:57:24 In all the cases where abortion is.
Speaker 6
00:57:28 Including cases.Devon
00:57:30 Where the newborn is not disabled.00:57:34 Oh, I guess because there's a distinction there, huh?
00:57:42 Severe abnormalities of the fetus.
00:57:44 Risk and risk for the physical and or psychological.
00:57:49 It's not even not even just physical psychological health.
00:57:53 Of the woman are often cited as valid reasons for abortion.
00:57:58 Sometimes the two reasons are connected, such as that women claims that a disabled child would represent a risk to her mental health.
00:58:06 Yes, that is considered a.
00:58:10 A valid reason for abortion is that.
00:58:15 The disabled child would present a risk to her mental.
Speaker 6
00:58:20 Not that.00:58:20 Not that look.
00:58:23 You can make an argument.00:58:26 That depending on you know how severe the disability is.
00:58:30 That, you know, like if it's a situation or nature would have done its thing and this kid's only being kept alive because of Western medicine or whatever.
00:58:37 Look, if you want to make arguments like that, I don't think that's evil. What's evil is saying, well, this this kid's going to make me sad.
00:58:49 Because he's not exactly how I wanted.
00:58:53 So let let's kill it.
00:58:58 However, having a child can itself be an unbearable burden for the psychological.
00:59:04 Health of the woman.
00:59:06 Or for her already existing children.
00:59:09 You see that we're doing it for the children.
00:59:12 We're killing the children for the children.
00:59:22 These are the people making the decisions.
Speaker 6
00:59:25 You think they're going to stop hitting?00:59:27 You with the bat.
00:59:37 Please Sir.
00:59:38 Please, Sir, can I have another?
00:59:47 These are the people you're dealing with, OK?
00:59:59 These are the.
00:59:59 Same people that it's funny because so many people now.01:00:03 Are are starting to realize.
Speaker 6
01:00:04 That look, we aren't being genocide.01:00:07 Well, who do you think?
01:00:08 'S doing the genocide thing.
01:00:11 And why? Why would?
01:00:12 You want them?
01:00:13 To under any circumstances, stay in charge.01:00:20 If you found out.
01:00:22 Let's say you start dating a girl.
01:00:26 And you find out like you.
01:00:28 Wake up one night.
01:00:29 And she's hovering over you with a ******* knife like inches from your head.
Speaker 6
01:00:35 And you're like, whoa, what the ****?Devon
01:00:37 And she's like, oh, sorry, sorry.01:00:43 Are you just going to say?
01:00:44 All right, well, just, well, don't do.
01:00:45 That again.
01:00:50 And then when she puts the knife back in the kitchen drawer, you're.
Speaker 6
01:00:53 Like, yes, success.Speaker 4
01:00:56 I won.Speaker 6
01:00:59 She knows now not to do that.01:01:05 She learned her lesson.
01:01:06 I woke up, I saw.
01:01:08 I saw.
01:01:09 What she was up to.
01:01:12 She thought she was going to stab me in the face and I was.
01:01:15 Like Nah, not under my watch.
01:01:20 You tried the trick me, but I do.Speaker 6
01:01:22 I I I'm on to you.Devon
01:01:27 Next week, we're going to the Hamptons, by the way.Speaker 6
01:01:32 Yeah, it's like.01:01:34 Why are you still with her?
01:01:37 She had a knife at your face.
01:01:48 This is this is way beyond.01:01:51 The whole battered wife syndrome, like oh, maybe I.
Speaker 8
01:01:54 Deserved it, you know, like.Speaker 6
01:01:55 No, this is just delusion.Devon
01:02:16 It's simply delusion.01:02:17 You're up.
01:02:17 I mean, these people are *******.
01:02:20 They're evil.
01:02:32 Evil doesn't take a break.
01:02:44 Evil doesn't take a break.
01:02:54 If you block off one way that it's trying to.
01:02:58 To sneak in.
01:03:00 It doesn't just give up.
01:03:06 You close the door it.
01:03:07 Looks for a window.
Speaker 6
01:03:20 And look.Devon
01:03:22 They will win if they want it more.Speaker 6
01:03:27 That's how evolution works.01:03:32 They will win if they want it more.
01:03:43 If you're content to have cookouts.01:03:45 On truck beds in front of the Capitol.
01:03:50 Honking your horn.
01:03:54 Playing loud music.
01:03:59 High five in each other.
01:04:02 And then going home.
01:04:06 After you've posted several selfies, of course all over social media to show how you've owned the libtards.
01:04:22 And then just go right back into your old routine.
Speaker 6
01:04:27 They will win.Devon
01:04:43 That's really what it comes down to, it's.01:04:45 Just it's whoever whoever wants it more.
01:04:49 Whoever wants it more has the the keys to the evolutionary path of of.
01:04:56 Your people.
01:05:10 No, I don't know.
01:05:11 We have a.
01:05:13 I don't know.
01:05:13 There's actually a couple of things I wanted.
01:05:15 I've I've got.
01:05:16 I've got some cool stuff for the night.
01:05:22 I can't decide which way we want to go with it.
01:05:27 I might ask Chad.
01:05:29 Because I've got two things we could watch.
01:05:32 And I was thinking we would not, maybe not into their entirety, but.
01:05:36 But maybe kind of a little bit.
01:05:40 They're wildly different.
01:05:44 But they're from the same era.
01:05:46 I wonder if I should do it kind of like a mystery like what's behind door #1. What's behind door #2?
01:05:57 All right. You know, I'll tell you what, let me OfferUp. We'll do the options.
01:06:03 The options here I'll show you two different things.
01:06:06 We can take a look at.
01:06:07 Then I'll ask chat.
01:06:08 Which direction you want to go.
Speaker 8
01:06:10 Alright, let's see here.Devon
01:06:15 Now the first option.01:06:21 Which could be very interesting and would be in line with what we've talked about tonight so far about optics.
01:06:29 About half measures about how to react to the ruling class, how not to react to the ruling class, what gets things done and what you know.
01:06:39 What doesn't get things done.
Speaker 8
01:06:42 On that front, let's see.01:06:46 We have.
01:06:49 An interview.01:06:53 With a KKK grand wizard from 1982 or Pat Buchanan.
01:06:59 Is in on the interview.
01:07:06 All right.
01:07:08 So that's.
01:07:10 That's one option.
01:07:14 November 4th, 1982.
Speaker 8
01:07:19 And the other option, where do I put that?Devon
01:07:33 Is the episode I let it load it all?Speaker 8
01:07:37 The way up here.Devon
01:07:40 So this this could be funny.01:07:42 I actually have not watched the whole interview.
01:07:44 I watched just enough to wear to know that it's not it's it's.
01:07:50 It's not bad in terms of like there's some, there's some Nuggets in here.
01:07:56 Now option 2.
Speaker 8
01:07:59 Why is the audio not coming up on this?Devon
01:08:03 Is Colonel Sanders now?01:08:07 Is a show.
01:08:09 In the and I'll have to fix the audio.
01:08:12 Apparently it doesn't want to do the audio.
01:08:14 Is a show from the 80s or 90s.
01:08:18 With a Colonel Sanders type.
01:08:21 And it's about racism, and it has werewolves.
01:08:29 And if we don't?
01:08:31 Worry, if we don't do, we'll do.
01:08:33 Eventually we'll get to both of these.
01:08:36 But right now it's, you know, we don't have time for both because they're they're both kind.
01:08:41 Of long.
01:08:42 So the way we'll do this is option one.
01:08:47 Is or should we do?
01:08:51 How about when I'll make it easy option one, so one in chat for KKK.
01:08:58 2IN chat for racist werewolf Colonel Sanders.
01:09:11 OK, I've seen lots of ones.
01:09:16 There's a few tears.
01:09:24 You know, I'm going to have to say it.
01:09:26 It looks like mostly.
01:09:30 Mostly ones.
01:09:33 So again, we'll we'll get to.
01:09:34 To the racist werewolf, Colonel Sanders.
01:09:38 Eventually, and depending on what you know, who knows?
01:09:40 Maybe probably not tonight, because it's longer, actually.
01:09:43 So you're picking the one that's.
01:09:47 Not well, it's actually.
01:09:49 It's almost like twice as long because it's like a full show and I haven't edited it so.
Speaker 8
01:09:52 That's probably a good thing that we save it for later.Devon
01:09:55 OK.01:09:55 So we'll get rid of racist werewolf Colonel Sanders for right now.
01:10:03 You know, let's go over, we'll go over the.
01:10:06 The KKK grand wizard with Pat Buchanan.
01:10:12 And the other thing is I think there's an audio problem with the racist Colonel Sanders thing anyway.
01:10:18 So that's probably a good thing.
01:10:22 So I'm going to let this intro play.
01:10:26 I'm looking for the disclaimer.
01:10:29 I kind of, I mean, I don't think it's a big deal, but just in case.
01:10:35 All right, so I'm going to play this intro. I've got to run to the the little pill's room for a second, and I'll be right back.
Speaker 7
01:10:47 Ladies and gentlemen.01:10:49 It is my humble duty tonight to introduce you to the grand and Imperial Wizard of the Invisible Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, Mr.
01:10:59 Bill Wilkinson.
01:11:01 Oh, imperial wizard.
01:11:04 Can you tell me and us?
01:11:06 100 years after you set the view, your predecessors set the South the flame with the cross burnings, lynchings and.
01:11:15 Other events you should be bothering this country still.
Speaker 12
01:11:20 To begin with, I believe a slight rebuttal is in order for your opening statements or the opening statements that was made about the clan.01:11:28 We are not anti Catholic, we are not anti-Semitic. Uh. We believe in the white race. We believe that at this point in time that white Americans are being treated as second class citizens, that the federal.
01:11:41 Laws. The civil rights.
01:11:44 OK.01:11:45 So all right, there's a.
01:11:47 So the reason I wanted to bring this video up is to show kind of bad optics, what not to do, how not to help white people and this guy dressing.
01:11:58 Up in an.
01:11:59 Outfit that looks insane to anyone else, maybe culturally, this looks normal.
01:12:05 For him.
01:12:06 You know, but this looks insane to everyone else.
01:12:10 It's like if you were a Muslim.
01:12:12 Running for Congress.
01:12:15 And you were to wear if you were to try to dress like, like you were part of the Taliban when you were on the campaign trail.
01:12:25 Even the lefty Liberals would be kind of like, I don't know about this guy.
01:12:32 Which is why they don't do it.
Speaker 6
01:12:36 And again, maybe this maybe.01:12:38 In this Skype southern culture.
01:12:40 This outfit?
01:12:43 Is respected and it's cool.01:12:47 It doesn't matter to the rest of the country.
01:12:50 You look insane.
01:12:52 You walk around dressed like that.
01:12:54 You look like an insane person.
01:13:02 So that's the first thing that's wrong with it.
01:13:04 The second thing that's wrong.
01:13:05 With it, you know, having the goofy title.
01:13:09 That's OK to have goofy titles like that if.
01:13:13 It's a secret.
01:13:14 Society and no one else knows about the goofy titles, and if they find out about the goofy titles, you deny the goofy titles.
Speaker 6
01:13:24 You say no.01:13:24 What are you talking about?
01:13:25 No, I'm the chapter president.01:13:27 You have again.
01:13:28 You make something that's relatable.
01:13:39 The other mistake that he made.
01:13:42 Is and you'll see some of this I like.
01:13:43 I only watched a couple of minutes.
01:13:45 Of this, enough to be like oh.
01:13:47 Come on, dude.
01:13:49 Like you're you're going.
01:13:49 To you're going to dress like that.
01:13:52 Call yourself these goofy names and **** ** on the on the JQ.
01:13:57 Come on, man.
01:13:58 Like, what are you even for?
01:14:00 Like, why do you even exist?
01:14:04 I think there's some people that probably have some.
01:14:05 Theories about that but.
01:14:12 Because he makes some good points, but the problem is it's all wrapped up in poison now.
01:14:18 So now everything he says already, he seems like he's this crazy guy, but he's also been at the same time being a *****.
01:14:25 And he'll do it some more in, in, in a few moments in, in terms of the the JQ.
01:14:36 Being afraid like.
Speaker 6
01:14:37 Even even that guy.Devon
01:14:38 That should tell you something about the power.01:14:41 You know when we've.
01:14:42 I think we've discussed in the past like.
01:14:44 How ohh boomers are?
01:14:45 So they're so loath to criticize Jews, right?
01:14:52 Everyone post World War 2 is so loathe to criticize.
Speaker 6
01:14:56 News that guy, at least on national television, even he he can't do it.01:15:05 Even that guy, the guy.
01:15:08 Who doesn't seem to have a.
01:15:09 Good grasp of optics knows that he can't do that.01:15:20 That's how powerful the the the anti Defamation league has been.
01:15:28 That's how effective these ************* have been.
Speaker 6
01:15:35 You want to know why you should take them?01:15:37 Seriously, because of that ****.
Speaker 8
01:15:45 All right, so moving right along and let's.01:15:47 Get back to it.
Speaker 9
01:15:49 I'm going to do this a little.Speaker 8
01:15:51 Bit differently here.01:15:57 There we go.
01:15:58 That's good enough.
Speaker 7
01:16:01 You should be bothering this country still.Speaker 12
01:16:05 Begin with, I believe, a slight rebuttal is in order for your opening statements or the opening statements that was made about the clan.01:16:12 We are not anti Catholic, we are not anti-Semitic. We believe in the white race. We believe that at this point in time that white Americans are being treated as second class citizens, that the federal.
01:16:25 Laws, the civil rights laws have created a dual system of justice in this country.
01:16:31 All true.01:16:33 All true and amplified.
01:16:36 Like a PCR test.
01:16:40 In current year to a level to a degree that this guy probably couldn't even imagine.
01:16:47 But again, because he's wearing the goofy suit and calling himself a goofy name and saying that Jews are cool, no one believes him.
Speaker 12
01:16:55 A set of federal laws that protects the interests of minorities and local and state laws that if the interest that of.Speaker 7
01:17:00 But Graham did Imperial wizard for me.Speaker 12
01:17:02 White people now.Speaker 7
01:17:03 If I may interrupt, if I might be so bold as to interrupt the imperialis.Devon
01:17:08 See and.01:17:08 It just gives them opportunities for this ******* ***** ** **** to just.
Speaker 6
01:17:12 Be like Grand Imperial Wizard, if I may be so bold to do Your Highness.Devon
01:17:21 You don't give them opportunities like that, and when they act smug like little ******* like that, you don't just sit there.01:17:27 Look, look, he just looks like a kid.
01:17:30 They got made fun of and has no he has no answer to it.
01:17:34 He has no response to that.
01:17:35 You think you go around your whole life calling yourself the grand wizard and you don't have, like an answer to people making fun.
01:17:41 Of your name.
01:17:42 Like as if it's never.
01:17:43 Come on. No one's made fun of you. You should have. You should be like comedians that know I'm going to get heckled no matter what. Here's some go to things.
01:17:50 They say in response when people say.
01:17:52 This **** he has, he doesn't.
01:17:53 He has none of that.
Speaker 7
01:17:54 It says on a sheet that you people hand out to the young and the youths of our high school.01:18:00 It says if you want to join the clan quote, I swear that I am of white non Jewish heritage.
01:18:08 Are you fed up with special privileges given to blacks?
01:18:12 That's a quotation from your own literature.
Speaker 12
01:18:14 Absolutely. We are a Christian.Speaker 7
01:18:15 Well, what do you mean you're not?01:18:16 What do you mean?
Speaker 12
01:18:17 You're not really Semitic.01:18:18 We are a Christian organization.
01:18:20 We also don't allow Buddhists or Muslims or atheists in the organization.
Speaker 7
01:18:25 When did you take in the pepper cannons?01:18:26 When I was a kid in the vehicle with the Ku Klux Klan, which was then fairly powerful in Indiana, about 1922 or three somewhere in there.
01:18:35 You were anti Catholic.
Speaker 12
01:18:37 The Klan has had different views from time to time.01:18:40 On lesser issues.
01:18:42 The one issue we've never changed on IS is that of segregation.
01:18:45 We believe that God has commanded us to separate ourselves from other races.
01:18:50 In fact, that's not a unique stand.
01:18:52 Billy Graham, just a few years ago himself segregated.
01:18:55 His crusade audiences, he preached segregation.
01:18:59 Isn't that interesting?01:19:00 A lot of Christians, a lot of the same Christians that like.
01:19:04 The Billy Graham types now in fact, might even like Billy Graham.
01:19:10 That say, oh, I don't see race see.
01:19:13 And by the way, a lot of the people who get angry at Christians, you have to understand this isn't the Christian of the day that says I don't see race or whatever.
01:19:22 This is a a a, a post 60s phenomenon.
01:19:26 Billy Graham literally had segregated sermons.
01:19:34 OK. The the Christian view?
01:19:37 Was was.
01:19:39 I mean, do you think the South wasn't Christian like?
Speaker 6
01:19:43 Yeah, of course they were, Christian.Devon
01:19:47 Christianity is not in opposition.01:19:51 To protecting the interests of white people in.
01:19:54 Their own countries.
01:20:01 It's just that the the leadership just in, in the same way that the leadership of every institution in the West.
01:20:09 Has been subverted, and honestly, so many of the.
01:20:12 Of its members.
01:20:16 Again, I I I hate.
01:20:17 I hate to keep reminding you of this, but you're you're you're the.
01:20:20 Minority at this point.
01:20:26 And so you shouldn't be shocked at the majority of Group A or Group B or institution A or, you know, whatever.
01:20:34 Disagrees with you and seems to be.
01:20:36 In opposition with.
01:20:37 You almost everyone disagrees with you.
01:20:40 Almost everyone's in opposition to you.
Speaker 6
01:20:47 OK, so it shouldn't matter that that.Devon
01:20:49 A lot of them are Christian anyway.Speaker 12
01:20:51 The Southern Baptist and the and the National Baptist one was black.01:20:54 One was white.
01:20:55 They practiced and preached.
01:20:56 Yeah, another good point.01:20:57 The the Baptist institutions were separate.
01:21:07 They had they had, like a white Baptist organization, a black Baptist organization.
Speaker 14
01:21:13 Let me ask you, Sir.Speaker 12
01:21:14 So we didn't invent segregation, we just didn't still believe in it.Speaker 4
01:21:16 Let me ask you about.Speaker 14
01:21:17 Let me ask you about something and and you did correct it.01:21:19 Let me say before the show started, something I was unaware of.
01:21:23 See. Unfortunately, this is where we see quote UN quote based Pat Buchanan once again try to simp for the.01:21:31 These people.
Speaker 14
01:21:32 But there are a number of clan organizations, and I gather it is not yours who March in tandem, arm in ARM with members of the American Nazi Party.01:21:41 Now the Nazis were responsible for the murder, not simply of of Jews in Germany, but American pilots.
01:21:49 American soldiers.
01:21:51 They're guilty of all.
01:21:52 Manner of hard atrocities they have on their I guess on their record some quarter of a million American debt.
01:22:00 Now, why would any patriotic American one who calls himself a patriotic American, be anywhere near the swastik of the Insignia?
01:22:08 Of Hitler's Germany.
Speaker 12
01:22:10 Well, as you can see the before the show I I did clear up that point.01:22:13 The Clan Invisible Empire, which I had detest Nazis as much as we do communists, but I'd like to make one.
01:22:20 Thing clear that.
01:22:21 That there's there's too much hype to be about the Germans and the Nazis.
01:22:24 Let's not forget that the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor and they led to death.
01:22:28 Marches in baton.
01:22:29 I don't believe that we should condemn all of the Germans for something that happened in Germany 40 years ago, and I do condemn what Hitler did to any.
Speaker 14
01:22:33 Of course.01:22:37 Why would any patriot, someone who calls himself?
01:22:40 Patriot and the clans groups with which I guess you're associated with members, if not the leadership, why would they March with people who are March under the swastika?
Speaker 13
01:22:48 We don't we other issues that I.Speaker 14
01:22:49 You don't.01:22:50 Why don't why do?
01:22:50 Your colors.
Speaker 12
01:22:52 Believe to make it clear.Speaker 6
01:22:54 See you again.Devon
01:22:57 And look, I I think I think that's bad, super bad optics, obviously walking around the swastika doesn't matter, it doesn't matter.01:23:04 What it means to you?
01:23:06 And that's something a lot of people on the right, a lot of people that that purity spiral and freak out or whatever you need to understand that, yes, it shouldn't be.
01:23:13 Optics is everything.
01:23:14 It really shouldn't be.
01:23:17 Because at the end of the day, you're not going to influence everyone.
01:23:20 You're just not.
01:23:21 In fact, there might be some power in doing the opposite.
01:23:25 And what I was talking about the trucker thing.
01:23:27 Right?
01:23:28 Like it it wasn't that that I think that the the the show of force, the trucks going to Ottawa was somehow like that's not going to like wake up the normies.
01:23:38 Right.
01:23:39 That wasn't one of the pros when I was to going over the pros and cons.
01:23:42 It's not it's not.
01:23:46 The lines have already been driven, you're.
01:23:47 Going to have.
01:23:47 A little bit of it's going to be.
01:23:48 Blurry and whatever until it's not.
01:23:52 More or less.
01:23:54 You're not going to have, you know, this great awakening of the the normies or whatever, right?
01:23:59 That that's not, that's not.
Speaker 8
01:24:00 Going to happen.Devon
01:24:01 What I did say though.01:24:04 Was it intimidates your enemy?
01:24:07 And there is some value in that, but not when you're in the position this guy was in in 1982 and not in when we're in the position that we're in.
01:24:15 You have to.
01:24:16 Worry about optics.
01:24:17 If nothing else, it's like there's a difference between a hard target and.
Speaker 9
01:24:21 A soft target.Devon
01:24:28 You don't want to.01:24:33 Paint a a if nothing else, you don't want to.
Speaker 8
01:24:36 Paint a bullseye on your back.Devon
01:24:39 Unless you are.01:24:42 There's in fact.
01:24:42 OK, there's that scene in.
01:24:46 Gangs of new or was it?
01:24:47 Gangs of New York?
01:24:49 I guess it is gangs in yard, right?
01:24:51 The the one with Daniel Day Lewis, and he's explaining power.
01:24:55 I've played that clip a few times.
01:24:58 It's ironically a powerful clip.
01:25:00 I don't have it handy or I'd play it again.
01:25:05 Basically says to, you know, to summarize what he says in that clip, that fear.
01:25:14 Is power.
01:25:18 And that that's how he has power.
01:25:20 In the the the community that he leads is that people are.
01:25:25 Afraid of him?
01:25:29 And because then they're afraid of him.
01:25:31 Because of the the.
01:25:34 Display of I forget the terminology that he uses, but basically.
01:25:39 Essentially what he says is I commit violence.
01:25:44 In in the open to an audience.
01:25:47 And it creates fear in that audience, and they're they're now afraid of me, right.
01:25:53 And then later on, he also like the there's a a scene where I think the the police officer that's on the take.
01:26:02 Gets a watch.
01:26:04 And he goes into like this center where like, it's like a where all the the thieves and beggars all hang out.
01:26:14 It's like like a town square.
01:26:16 And he gets this gold watch and he sets it on a light post and he says.
01:26:21 I will leave this.
01:26:23 On this light post while while we walk around and when we come back.
01:26:26 It'll still be there.
01:26:29 Not because the people here are are trustworthy.
01:26:32 Not at all, but because they're afraid of me.
Speaker 6
01:26:41 You no one's afraid of you, OK?01:26:45 You don't have.
01:26:47 You know Trudeau's not really afraid. I mean, unless he's like a massive. Well, I guess he is kind of.Speaker 8
01:26:51 A massive *****, so maybe.Devon
01:26:54 But no one actually.01:26:57 No one, no one with any kind of rationality.
01:27:01 For example, we're afraid of of what happened or what's going on with with the the truckers in in Ottawa or the even the protesters on January 6th or or, you know, any of that stuff, right.
01:27:18 Like none of this presents an actual threat.
01:27:21 There's No Fear.
01:27:23 So you can't be waving around things that freak people out.
01:27:30 Because it doesn't.
01:27:30 It doesn't intimidate.
01:27:33 It just causes a problem for you.
01:27:36 It makes you a target.
01:27:39 And so you can't project strength from a point of vulnerability.
01:27:45 And that that's.
01:27:49 I think that's what this guy was thinking when he when it came to the JQ and stuff, but again with the hat and I mean, come on man.
Speaker 12
01:27:56 1st we were the only national clan organization left.01:27:59 There have been those that have come and gone.
01:28:01 There's it's it's sort of like the political parties, the Democrats, Republicans, American Independents.
01:28:06 They come and they go, they splinter and they and they regroup and rejoin.
01:28:09 Right now we are the major unquestioned clan organization in America.
01:28:13 There's some people that we have expelled from our organization that will start other brands.
01:28:18 And and and their anxiety to get membership and support, they were dealing with anyone including.
Speaker 14
01:28:21 Alright, this is I got it.01:28:23 Please not this is not your organization doesn't believe that, but I believe a quote by you.
01:28:27 I read in the book on the Klan today you were announcing the quote.
01:28:31 I think it was Jew controlled media.
01:28:33 Have you used that?
Speaker 12
01:28:34 Term I may have used that.Devon
01:28:36 See again, don't backpedal on that.Speaker 6
01:28:39 Don't backpedal on that.Devon
01:28:45 That's an accurate statement.Speaker 13
01:28:49 We don't, we don't others I believe.Speaker 14
01:28:51 Your coverage to that.Speaker 12
01:28:53 That will start other branches.Speaker
01:28:55 Truth by you.Speaker 14
01:28:56 I read in the book on the Clan today you were announcing the quote.01:28:59 I think it was Jew controlled media.
01:29:02 Have you used that term?
Speaker 12
01:29:03 I may have used that term.01:29:06 Have used that term some years ago, but but it's well, I don't mean by that that term.
Speaker 14
01:29:08 What do you mean by that?Speaker 6
01:29:12 What do you think he means by that, Pat?Devon
01:29:21 Losing lots of respect points for for Pat Buchanan.Speaker 13
01:29:25 Some years ago, but.Speaker 14
01:29:26 What do you mean by that?Speaker 12
01:29:27 But as well I don't mean by that anything at this point in time.01:29:31 I believe that the that a lot.
01:29:32 Of Jews are are.
01:29:34 Prominent in the media, but I believe that a lot of Baptists, a lot of.
01:29:37 Methodists and a lot of other people are.
Speaker 14
01:29:38 Why would you use the term Jew control media, you know?Speaker 6
01:29:41 Well, because they can rule the media.01:29:46 Including the network that you're currently on.
Speaker 14
01:29:50 It mean you don't run around saying the Baptist controlled media is keeping us off the.Speaker 6
01:29:53 I I don't right cause it would sound insane to everybody.01:29:59 No one.
01:29:59 No one thinks the Mormons control Hollywood.
01:30:05 No one thinks the method is.
01:30:08 Control the banking system.
01:30:15 Stereotypes exist for a reason.Speaker 6
01:30:21 This war on generalizations.Devon
01:30:24 That's a new thing.01:30:25 That's a post World War Two thing.
01:30:28 In an effort to try to erase every preconceived notion that Americans might have of of people coming flooding into their country from other parts of the world, they made Americans ********.
01:30:43 And unable to think using generalizations and that that ******** mine virus exist even today.
01:30:51 Even today I still have to argue with people that are nominally on our side when I use a generalization.
01:31:00 When it comes to people.
01:31:02 Right generalizations are that's OK for everything else.
Speaker 6
01:31:08 Right everything else.Devon
01:31:13 I can make a blanket statement about, you know, inanimate objects.01:31:20 I can say Android phones are better than iPhones.
Speaker 6
01:31:24 No one says that's a generalization.Devon
01:31:34 It's this weird magical thinking that, you know, it's it's the, the, the Satanic.01:31:39 Part of it is.
01:31:41 In a way, they've they've they've.
01:31:48 Taken, they've sucked out.
01:31:51 They've sucked out the divinity.
01:31:56 The the the specialness.
01:32:02 That people that humans have, that people have, right, they've managed to suck away.
01:32:08 This idea that we are that we are more than animals, right?
01:32:16 That we are we are above.
01:32:20 You know any other mammal?
01:32:22 That we're not just.
01:32:24 Really smart monkeys, right?
01:32:27 They've managed it to strip that away.
01:32:30 While simultaneously.
Speaker 6
01:32:36 Getting people to think.Devon
01:32:38 That art, anatomy and everything else.Speaker 6
01:32:42 Is nothing like all the other animals.Devon
01:32:47 It's fascinating.01:32:49 It's fascinating.
01:32:50 When when you, when you really see it, when you realize, wait.
01:32:54 So you're, you simultaneously think that we're just basically really smart chimpanzees, but that the mind is not a biological part of the body and is not affected by genetics.
01:33:07 And you know, like it's.
Speaker 8
01:33:11 It's insanity. It's insanity.Speaker 12
01:33:14 I no longer use that term.01:33:15 There's been a number of years ago that.
01:33:17 I would have.
01:33:17 Made that comment and I'm not apologizing for what?
01:33:20 I might have.
01:33:20 Said at that time.
Speaker 14
01:33:21 Let's talk about blacks, alright?01:33:23 Well, you know, you and I want to go. I'm, you know, my brother came back from the airborne in Vietnam and he told me, you know, and that of the bodies that he took out as a medical officer, he said, you know, 50% of those.
01:33:34 Guys, we're black kids, so if the United States and Vietnam, this was the, you know, it was a cracked frontline unit and these were American blacks who died in higher numbers for their country in Southeast Asia in that war, then did white Americans, as a matter of fact, the.
01:33:49 Vietnam War and how I.
01:33:51 Mean how can you be against a race which contains?
01:33:54 People who are out there fighting for their country just as much as white Christian.
01:33:58 Protestant Americans are.
Speaker 12
01:33:59 That's something else that needs to be cleared up, Pat.01:34:01 We're not against the black.
01:34:03 We're not a good we believe in free enterprise for this country.
01:34:05 We believe that everyone should have the same rights right now.
Speaker 7
01:34:07 Well, Mr.01:34:08 Wizard, it says right here.
Speaker 12
01:34:08 Right now.01:34:08 Wait a minute.
Speaker 7
01:34:09 Wait a minute, Mr.Speaker 12
01:34:09 Right.01:34:09 Right now, right.
Speaker 7
01:34:10 Let me interrupt you for a minute, Mr.01:34:12 It says right?
Speaker 13
01:34:12 You didn't let me finish.Speaker 7
01:34:12 Here you believe in the final solution, which is black repatriation to Africa.Devon
01:34:20 OK, again, I doubt he's going to.01:34:22 I really doubt that, you know, even though he said that apparently in some writing.
01:34:27 That this guy is pulling up, that he's gonna have the balls to actually sit on national television, but that's.
01:34:34 The best rebuttal to that would be, yeah, you know who else?
01:34:39 Who else supported that plan?
01:34:42 ******* ******* Lincoln.
01:34:44 The guy that you.
Speaker 6
01:34:45 Guys suck off.Devon
01:34:46 On in the media constantly the guy.Speaker 6
01:34:48 Who beat the South?01:34:49 That where I'm from?
01:34:51 That's what he wanted to do.
01:34:54 He wanted to send the blacks back to Africa too.01:34:57 So is is.
Speaker 6
01:34:58 Whatever you're about to call me, you know Mr.Devon
01:35:02 You better be ready to call Lincoln.Speaker 12
01:35:04 Have late, but now look I'm not.Speaker 7
01:35:04 They they running around in this spreadsheet?Speaker 12
01:35:05 I'm not going to.01:35:06 Be cut off in the.
Speaker 7
01:35:07 No, but I'm not going to be shut off either.01:35:09 You're running around on a bed sheet.
01:35:10 I don't have the bed sheet, but I just want to tell you, can you?
01:35:13 I want to ask you this question.
01:35:14 Can you imagine this country repatriating all the black Americans that pet just?
01:35:20 Spoke about to.
Speaker 2
01:35:21 Oh my God, can I ever.01:35:28 Ohh man.
Speaker 8
01:35:31 Oh please.Speaker 6
01:35:36 No, I didn't come.Devon
01:35:36 Back to reality.01:35:37 I I went to like a nice little utopian.
01:35:41 I I had, I had, I.
01:35:42 Felt a warm and fuzzy.
Speaker 8
01:35:43 All of a sudden.Speaker 7
01:35:46 No, I mean, what kind of nonsense?Speaker 12
01:35:48 No, I can't.Speaker 7
01:35:48 You then?01:35:49 What are you saying it?
Speaker 12
01:35:49 I can't.Speaker 7
01:35:49 For then what it says.Speaker 12
01:35:50 I'm not saying.01:35:51 Right here.
01:35:52 No, that's your paper.
01:35:53 That's not my paper.
Speaker 7
01:35:53 That's your paper.01:35:55 I took the quote and wrote it on.
Speaker 12
01:35:55 No, no, no, no, no, that's that's not my paper.01:35:57 Now to get back to it, to get back to it.
Speaker 4
01:35:58 Is is it not your plan?Speaker 12
01:35:59 Now just a minute, I answered your question.01:36:01 I want to finish what I was saying.
01:36:02 We feel that affirmative action is discriminating against white white people and there is no question about it.
01:36:08 Two wrongs don't make it right because black people were hurt and discriminated against in the past does not justify the discrimination against white people now.
01:36:16 And notice how no traction whatsoever since 1982, no progress whatsoever since 1982 or before.01:36:26 On that topic, in fact, as I showed earlier, look, firming action now extends to the Supreme Court.
01:36:36 Which would have been insane.
01:36:39 In 1982.
01:36:46 In 1982.
01:36:50 If the President had said this in 1982.
01:36:55 80% of the country would have joined the Klan.
01:36:59 And start running around wearing bed sheets.
01:37:10 This is what I'm saying when I say that there have there's been no progress.
01:37:14 That that right wing whites have made zero progress.
01:37:20 In in at least 50 years since World War 2.
01:37:24 That's what I'm talking about. This guy. This was the closest thing you had to an advocate in 1982.
01:37:41 And because of that.
01:37:43 Here we are.
Speaker 12
01:37:51 And what this can for an end to that?Speaker 14
01:37:51 I didn't ask you.01:37:52 Look, I'm against reverse discrimination.
Speaker 12
01:37:54 OK, good.Speaker 14
01:37:54 I'm against racial quotas.01:37:56 I'm against affirmative action as its practice.
01:37:59 But you said when I introduced you, I didn't say that your organization was. I said historically to most Americans you're anti Catholic and anti-Semitic and racist.
01:38:07 In other words, anti black. You said we're not anti Catholic, right? We're not anti-Semitic. You didn't deny the racist?
Speaker 12
01:38:11 Thing, well, it depends on your definition of racist.01:38:14 What's the segregationist?
01:38:16 OK, I I believe that God has commanded me not to mix with.
Speaker 14
01:38:19 The races.01:38:19 How far have you?
Speaker 12
01:38:20 For that reason, for that reason, I want to have schools where I can send my children to a white school.01:38:24 I want to be able to go to to my white neighborhoods, to white.
Speaker 14
01:38:28 All right, you can do that.Speaker 12
01:38:28 Those things.01:38:29 So if that terms means the racist, then I'm a racist.
Speaker 14
01:38:29 You can do that.01:38:31 Wait a minute.
01:38:32 You can do that, but you can't have tax exemptions in your all white school.
01:38:35 And if it's a public school now, black kids.
Speaker 6
01:38:38 Why is that Pat?Devon
01:38:42 Are you trying to tell me that Black Lives Matter doesn't have tax exempt status?01:38:48 Why are you shooting your own people?
Speaker 6
01:38:51 In *** **** Pat.Devon
01:38:54 Why are you so afraid of standing up for your own race?01:39:11 Stop conceding to your enemy the things that you wish they would concede to you.
Speaker 6
01:39:22 That's not how it works.Devon
01:39:29 Well, you think that you think this is some lead by example ********.01:39:34 Well, you know, they're the satanic communists that that want me and my people dead.
01:39:39 You know, if I behave fairly, they're going to see that that.
01:39:44 I mean, what I say.
01:39:47 And they're going to.
Speaker 6
01:39:48 Say by golly.Devon
01:39:50 Wow, I I just feel like like it's so lopsided and unfair.01:39:55 I'm going to stop taking advantage of my opponent.
Speaker 6
01:40:02 Who do you think you're dealing with?01:40:12 Who do you think you're dealing with?
01:40:18 The same people that want post birth abortion are the people you think those ******* are going to care that you're playing fair, you ignorant *****.Speaker 14
01:40:29 Whose parents taxes pay for that school.01:40:31 They got a right to go to that neighborhood school.
01:40:33 And if you want an all white school, all white Academy, you can do that right now.
01:40:37 You just don't get a tax exemption for it.
Speaker 12
01:40:39 Use a way you say you can do that now.Speaker 14
01:40:39 That's your complaint.Speaker 12
01:40:41 Maybe I can, maybe you can.01:40:43 But what about the poor people that don't have the money to send their children to private schools?
01:40:47 They can't.
01:40:48 They're being deprived the right to practice their religion.
01:40:50 Well, the answer to that the ruling class has always had is **** poor people.01:40:54 That's the answer to that, because they all do that.
01:40:59 They all send their kids that you think that that that well, Pat Buchanan or any any of the people, any of the, any of the Republicans are saying their kids to inner city black schools.
Speaker 6
01:41:13 **** not even the black senators are doing that.Devon
01:41:23 But **** poor people.01:41:24 That's the answer to that.
01:41:25 And look, Republicans think that's a snazzy thing to say.
Speaker 6
01:41:30 Just stop being poor.01:41:33 You're only poor because you're lazy.
01:41:35 It's the free market.
01:41:38 You can be like Jeff Bezos, all you need is a good idea and then your kids won't have to get murdered by black people.Speaker 6
01:41:47 Just work harder than.Speaker 12
01:41:50 Because they don't have the money to send them to a private school, there's no reason why in this great land of ours we couldn't have a three tiered school system, a black school and a white school and an integrated school and give everyone their choice.01:42:02 We would have much less dissension.
01:42:03 We would have much less racial problems in the schools, and if those people that are are seeking to integrate the races in this country.
01:42:10 Really, we're we're seeking to do the best for both races.
01:42:13 They would adopt this system and and and let integration.
01:42:16 Proceed with gradually.
Speaker 7
01:42:17 What do you think of?01:42:18 What do you think our founding fathers rent when they said we, the people of the United States?
01:42:24 What do you think they meant when they said white people, white men?Speaker 6
01:42:33 What do you think they?Devon
01:42:35 This this boomer ******* ****** idea. Although this guy's this guy's way.01:42:41 Pre boomer I.
01:42:42 Mean he was talking about the ******* 1920s like he remembered them.
Speaker 6
01:42:51 But this ******* idea, see this?01:42:53 This is.
01:42:56 This is the cancer you're fighting against.01:43:00 But this idea of the founding fathers weren't white nationalists.
01:43:02 I mean, you're you're you're a ******* moron.
01:43:05 If you don't realize.
01:43:07 You're just. Look, you're ignorant.
01:43:09 Person like you just don't know the facts.
Speaker 6
01:43:12 If you don't realize that the the founding fathers were literal white nationalists, literal white nationalists.01:43:20 Some of whom own slaves.
01:43:23 If they felt so strongly about this, why didn't they just all free their slaves, right?01:43:29 Well, they couldn't because times are different.
01:43:31 Oh, really?
01:43:33 So they had the balls to go against the British Empire, but not free their slaves.
01:43:38 Give me a ******* break.
01:43:42 The shifts in writing.
Speaker 8
01:43:46 It's in the constitution.Speaker 6
01:43:51 It specifically states it's for their posterity.01:43:55 What do you think that means?
Speaker 12
01:44:00 Well, I won't get into that debate, but.Speaker 4
01:44:02 Well, I know.01:44:02 But you're sitting here.
Speaker 6
01:44:04 You should you could.01:44:05 Live and win it easy.
Speaker 7
01:44:08 You're in your bed sheet telling us.01:44:09 All that the.
01:44:10 The only thing you're for you're against.
01:44:12 You're. Let's see.
Speaker 12
01:44:12 Really upset about my bed.Speaker 7
01:44:13 Ohh yeah, I think you know I I if I were you, I would be so ashamed of myself.Speaker 12
01:44:13 So you, don't you?Speaker 7
01:44:18 I I mean, I can't imagine walking around in that silly costume telling people to be against blacks and against Jews.Speaker 15
01:44:24 Have you ever.Speaker 12
01:44:25 Have you ever seen the Pope and the Cardinals?01:44:27 In their costume, yeah.
Speaker 7
01:44:28 But they're religious, and they're for something and you're just nothing but against something, and you're against the very spirit.Speaker 12
01:44:33 I believe in.Devon
01:44:34 See honestly though.01:44:36 That's The thing is.
01:44:38 You, you. You.
01:44:39 You can't be viewed as just against something.
01:44:43 Again, that's kind of going back to the the trucker thing.
01:44:48 OK.
01:44:49 So you're you're against the the mandates or whatever and then but then what no, you have to be 4, no these guys, these ******* can't be in control anymore.
01:45:02 Now, of course, that's not what this guy means.
01:45:04 This guy would have said that no matter what, right?
01:45:06 You're just against something because you're against the ruling class is what?
01:45:09 Really that means.
01:45:14 Because anything you would be for would be basically replacing.
01:45:18 The ruling class.
01:45:19 Because you wouldn't be able to get it.
01:45:20 Any other way something?
Speaker 6
01:45:21 That people need to think about.Speaker 8
01:45:23 But anyway.Devon
01:45:27 It's just that we can't talk about the.01:45:29 Things you're for.
Speaker 12
01:45:31 I believe in the same God hope nowhere.Speaker 7
01:45:31 Of this country, you're against the thing you're against.01:45:35 The thing that makes this country a unity and that makes this country great.
01:45:39 And I.
Speaker 4
01:45:40 I think you're I.Speaker 6
01:45:41 It wasn't that black people.Speaker 7
01:45:47 I think you're a disgrace.Speaker 12
01:45:49 Do you?01:45:49 Nothing about what I believe and what I've.
Speaker 7
01:45:51 I just heard what you believed.Speaker 12
01:45:51 And and you.01:45:53 You think it's wrong?
Speaker 7
01:45:53 Now you tell me you.Speaker 12
01:45:54 I believe in God is that.Speaker 7
01:45:56 Do you deny that you said this?01:45:58 That you?
01:45:58 This is the literature you're handing out to schools, to school children in America?
01:46:02 I just quoted this from your own pamphlet.
01:46:04 Are you fed up?
01:46:05 It says here.
01:46:07 Blacks following you home trying to beat you up.
Speaker 6
01:46:11 Yeah, because that never ******* happens, right?Devon
01:46:16 That's just a made-up story.01:46:18 And you want to this old ****** it is.
01:46:21 His kids don't get followed home.
01:46:23 His kids don't get beat up because they go to.
Speaker 6
01:46:26 Those private schools.Devon
01:46:32 To him, this is.Speaker 6
01:46:33 This all sounds like a fantasy world.01:46:38 Blacks are violent. No way.
01:46:43 My friend Thomas soul, he hasn't.01:46:46 He hasn't tried to to mug me.
01:46:55 I only interact with the top one or not even one. The top .01% of blacks and they seem fine.
Speaker 12
01:47:05 That's right.Speaker 7
01:47:05 You deny that?Speaker 12
01:47:06 You said that no, I don't.01:47:07 And let me tell you that happens more times in America than what you can shake a stick at.
01:47:11 Blacks, blacks, right.
Speaker 7
01:47:13 Follow your home and beat you up.Speaker 2
01:47:15 Oh my God.Speaker 6
01:47:16 The horror of reality you're a damn.Speaker 12
01:47:19 We've had more racial problems than mugging.Speaker 7
01:47:21 Grace to the country.Speaker 12
01:47:23 No, no.Speaker 7
01:47:24 Yes you are.Speaker 12
01:47:24 I have a strong belief.Speaker 4
01:47:25 You know what?Speaker 12
01:47:26 In fact, in fact.Speaker 4
01:47:26 You people were beaten, beaten.Speaker 7
01:47:29 Beaten, beaten, beaten. I don't know what we're doing in 1982.01:47:34 Talking to you.
Speaker 12
01:47:35 Well, that's your problem, Tom, but let me tell you one thing.01:47:38 I'm not beaten.
01:47:40 The clan is not beating, and the white race is not beating no more than the Democrats is beating or the Republicans are beating.
01:47:45 They're all fighting for the things that they believe in and we believe in something and you're earnestly through the law and you tell.
Speaker 4
01:47:49 What do you believe then?01:47:52 You're like that.
01:47:53 What do you believe?
Speaker 7
01:47:54 And what we believe.Devon
01:47:56 You think this guy's a Jew? I don't know if he is. Just the nose. I was just noticing the nose.01:48:02 What's this guy's name? I don't know his name. We'll we'll check at the end. Remind me if I forget.
Speaker 12
01:48:08 Believe in. We believe in God. We believe in the United States of America, and we believe that God has commanded us to separate ourselves from other races, not because we hate the other races or because we feel that we're better or worse, but because we feel it's God's commandment.Speaker 7
01:48:08 What are you for?Speaker 13
01:48:20 We're going to have to take it back.Speaker 12
01:48:22 And if you criticize that and our religion, then you're criticizing the Christianity for the last 2000 years.Speaker
01:48:27 All right.Devon
01:48:30 See and and think of how how much more powerful that would have been had I not been dressed like that.01:48:43 Optics matter.
01:48:44 All right.
01:48:44 Let me find out.
01:48:45 What's this guy's name?
01:48:47 Because it would be kind of ironic if they're like Jewish media on the show hosted by the Jewish guy.
01:48:56 Tom Braden. Who the ****'* Tom Braden?
Speaker 8
01:49:00 Other than a massive ******, let's see here.Devon
01:49:04 The bright side is absolutely dead by now.Speaker 8
01:49:10 Tom Braden. Let's see here.Speaker 6
01:49:13 He worked for the CIA.01:49:20 That's like the first thing that comes up.
01:49:23 Oh man. Alright, so yeah. Tom Braden. He died in 2009. ****. Like he lived longer than would have expected was an American CIA official and journalist.Speaker 2
01:49:35 Yeah, I bet. I bet.Devon
01:49:38 And Co host of the CNN Show Crossfire you like how CNN started out with the CIA official as as one?01:49:46 Of their hosts.
01:49:46 Like and it look, they hired a.
01:49:48 Few of the old ones from.
Speaker 6
01:49:49 The Obama administration.01:49:50 Openly in the open people that that they don't put.
01:49:53 It together.
01:49:55 So let's see here.01:49:56 Is there any early life on this guy?
01:50:03 There's no early life.
Speaker 8
01:50:17 Yeah, it doesn't say.Devon
01:50:25 Yeah, he literally worked for the CIA.01:50:28 He was he, he, he.
01:50:30 He ran syops for the CIA.
01:50:35 For decades.
01:50:39 And then he becomes a a television host, and no one thinks that that's weird.
01:50:46 But I guess part of the problem is in 1982. There's no how would people even?
01:50:50 Know this.
01:50:53 How would you know that?
01:50:54 I mean, it wasn't a total, completely secret type of thing, because, I mean, there were books written about it.
01:51:02 There was, there was there are other ways of getting information.
01:51:06 He wasn't like a super secret agent that no one knew that he was at the CIA, he was openly working for the CIA.
01:51:16 The funny thing is he when he quit, quote UN quote, quit the CIA.
01:51:22 In 1954, I like how it says in his Wikipedia thing. It says Brandon left the CIA in November of 1954 and became the owner of Oceanside, CA newspaper The Blade tribute.
Speaker 6
01:51:34 Ohh really?01:51:34 Is that how it?
01:51:36 He just he left the CIA and became the owner of the newspaper.01:51:43 All right.
01:51:45 Oh, oh, which he bought with a loan from his friend Nelson Rockefeller.
01:51:51 Ohh, nothing.
01:51:52 Nothing fishy about this guy.
01:51:54 Just I just left the CIA and then became the owner of of a California newspaper.
01:52:02 Thanks to a loan from his buddy Nelson Rockefeller, nothing.
01:52:07 Nothing crazy about that guy.
Speaker 2
01:52:11 Oh man.Devon
01:52:14 Ohh and on top of that he then served as the California and look at California now.01:52:19 I guess a lot of his work worked panned out.
01:52:23 He he worked as the President of the California State Board of Education during the 1960s, totally not in the CIA anymore though, guys.
01:52:35 Totally not in the CIA.
01:52:40 Which is all the more reason than just even question that this guy is even this guy here.
01:52:44 Is even real.
01:52:53 Or if he was real, that he wasn't just picked because they knew that obviously he was pick because they knew they were going to do this, they would have had him dressed like that.
01:53:00 If they weren't going to do this.
01:53:02 And he wouldn't have agreed to dress like this.
01:53:06 If he had known if he had the wherewithal, if he wasn't in on it, he'd certainly have the wherewithal to, to be a a.
Speaker 9
01:53:13 Strong leader anyway.Devon
01:53:16 But these ******* people, man like, like I said this this goes back so far.01:53:21 This this is what you're up against.
01:53:22 You're up against an infection that's been left to rot for so many decades.
01:53:29 That it's it's.
01:53:31 At a certain point, it's like if you get, I'm sure you've done this before, you go to the refrigerator or whatever you you grab like a fruit and then you notice like, oh, it's got like a, you know, like a bruise on it or, you know, maybe maybe a little bit of mold or something.
01:53:45 There's, like, a threshold, right, where you'll just cut it off.
01:53:48 It's like, not.
01:53:48 A big deal.
01:53:49 We'll still eat it.
01:53:50 You don't think you're going to, like, die?
01:53:51 You might think to yourself.
01:53:52 Oh, penicillin.
Speaker 8
01:53:53 You know or whatever.Devon
01:53:55 And that's it.01:53:57 Not a big deal, but there reaches a point where.
01:54:01 Not only are you not going to ******* eat that, that apple.
01:54:05 Or or whatever that fruit is.
01:54:07 But you're going to grossed out, just touching it.
01:54:10 And and you wash your hands afterwards.
01:54:13 You you wash your hands after you ******* throw in the trash.
01:54:18 Because you don't want any of that infection leftover.
01:54:23 You want to remove it completely.
01:54:25 From your environment and then wash your hands when you're done.
01:54:45 Yeah, this guy, this guy's whole background, just reads like like everything wrong with America.
01:54:51 OK.
Speaker 8
01:54:53 So let's see here.Devon
01:54:56 After the assassination of.01:55:00 Robert F Kennedy during the 1968 presidential campaign, Brayden returned to Washington and became a popular, I'm sure, totally organically popular newspaper columnist in partnership with Kennedy's press secretary Frank Mankiewicz.
01:55:19 And then he became a prominent political commentator on radio and television.
Speaker 2
01:55:28 Ohh man.Devon
01:55:41 And then, yeah.01:55:43 Also makes you.
01:55:44 I'm sorry, makes you question Buchanan a little bit too.
01:55:47 Like you're sitting across from this ******* CIA guy roasting a KKK.
01:55:51 What's what? What's what?
01:55:53 What role are you playing here, Pat?
01:55:56 You're saying?
01:56:00 Just saying.
01:56:06 Anyway, well, that's a good choice.
01:56:08 That's the.
01:56:08 That's the interview.
01:56:09 I mean, there's more to it, apparently, but it cuts off.
01:56:11 That's that's.
Speaker 9
01:56:12 As big as the file is.Devon
01:56:15 That's all right.01:56:16 Let's take a look at chat.
01:56:18 We got about 800 people watching. That's pretty crazy. Nice little Saturday night.
01:56:25 You got a lot of super chats.
01:56:26 Uh, that's that's pretty cool.
01:56:29 I appreciate that guys.
01:56:31 Especially because the uh.
01:56:33 Hopefully, hopefully the uh, the Elon Musk space Internet comes in soon.
01:56:39 The the the ****** ** thing is they don't tell you.
01:56:41 They they said that when when it is available.
01:56:45 They just charge you 500 bucks.
Speaker 6
01:56:48 So just.Devon
01:56:49 I got to keep at least that 500 bucks in that account floating around, so for whatever they're just like.01:56:56 Taking my 500 bucks and then sending me.
01:56:58 The thing.
01:56:59 But I am excited.
01:57:01 I am excited about being able to do the stream and just just have Internet more often.
01:57:05 Like it sucks not having Internet until midnight.
01:57:09 It's hard to even just to prepare for the.
01:57:11 Show without having Internet until midnight, so I'm looking forward to that alright anyway.
01:57:17 Let's take a look here.
01:57:18 I think this does it backwards.
01:57:20 Ah, so I'm going to start from the bottom here.
Speaker 9
01:57:22 Hopefully this will.Devon
01:57:23 Work out right. ******** ******. $150.00 really appreciate that. That's very generous of you, will.01:57:29 150 be enough to get you to watch and maybe do a review of the first season of Attack on Titan.
01:57:38 English dub alright.
01:57:40 Probably not sorry.
01:57:43 Also sorry for not donating real money before, money was fairly tight before, but luckily things are.
01:57:48 A little more LAX, right?
01:57:49 Now I'll tell you what I'll look.
01:57:51 I I think what you're I think this is an anime and you're asking me to watch an entire season of something that I think leads to people turning to the ********.
01:58:02 I don't know that might be.
01:58:03 It's like, you know, I don't want to exceed my my exposure level.
01:58:08 And then next thing and I'll be chopping ** **** off and you know, I don't know.
01:58:13 I'm just saying I will.
01:58:15 I will glance at it.
01:58:18 I will glance at it, but I cannot be bought. I'll glance at it because not because of the 150 bucks, but because you're you're always.
01:58:25 Around and you.
01:58:26 You've been bothering me to watch this a while.
01:58:28 I'm just saying though, anime leads to ******** just the way it is and it's not Western culture, it's just not Western culture.
01:58:36 It's really not.
01:58:38 So I I don't know what the obsession is, a lot of white nationalists seem to have this obsession, this fetish.
01:58:45 With the.
01:58:47 Well, with the Japanese culture and look, there's things you can admire about other cultures.
01:58:52 There's nothing wrong with that.
01:58:54 There's certainly things that admire about the Japanese cultures, a lot of stuff that not admire about the Japanese culture.
01:59:01 There's a lot of stuff that's really bad.
01:59:03 About the Japanese culture and a lot of stuff that's incompatible with Western culture and the Japanese culture.
01:59:10 But yeah, I don't.
01:59:12 I don't understand this, this fetishization that there is, or just even not just with white nationalism in the West in general, like, it just seems like there's especially among ********, this real embrace of anime.
01:59:25 So, but I'll I'll look.
01:59:27 I'll tell you, Glenn.
01:59:27 I'll read the synopsis and stuff and you know, but I'm probably not.
Speaker 8
01:59:31 Going to watch a.01:59:31 Whole season of of of that.
01:59:36 But thanks for the donation anyway, and for being here all the time.01:59:40 All right, So what is this?
01:59:42 Christ soul.
01:59:45 Chrysotile, chrysotile. I think it's. I think it's chrysotile $100 even. I've been listening to you for six years now.
01:59:54 Has it been that?
01:59:55 Long it's been a long time coming that I contribute a bit to the fund.
02:00:00 Got an odyssey just for your streams and happy to hear one live wage slaving is a *****.
02:00:06 Still hope to hear about this Community thing you want to do?
02:00:09 Absolutely, and I really appreciate the the donation.
02:00:12 There, that'll help keep.
02:00:14 The lights on and the Internet going.
02:00:17 And yeah, like I said, there's some things.
02:00:20 There's some things that have to happen in the background slowly.
Speaker 8
02:00:22 And quietly, just for the you know.Devon
02:00:24 Again, one nice earlier about the soft target and hard target.02:00:29 All right, $25. Appreciate that. From Pebble in the pond, have a great show. Well, hopefully we had a great show so far and we'll continue to have a great show as we go.
02:00:39 Another $25.00 from Vivian with a heart. Well, I appreciate that, Vivian. I like that name. I. In fact, that's the the name of or one of the names. I won't say which of my grandma.
02:00:54 She had like 4 names though.
02:00:56 I mean the official names like, you know, she had a long name, but Vivian was in there.
02:01:01 $25.00 from Gray state of mind appreciate that. Thanks for all your work, Devin. I I have listened to your content for a while. Perfect and pod format brave and odyssey. Works perfect. Yeah, it seems to be working tonight. So.
02:01:19 It could have just been like my computer sometimes stays on for really long periods of time, so maybe there was something weird, and I think every booted since the last.
02:01:28 Time when we had problems.
02:01:30 Hilarious grabler video from the Onion, titled Overcome Stress by visualizing it as a greedy, hooked nosed race of creatures on YouTube from only 10 years ago, makes fun of Jews and is no longer considered acceptable.
02:01:46 Yeah, I think most people have seen that.
02:01:50 I might.
02:01:52 I feel like I'd be showing everybody a meme.
02:01:55 Everyone that's already seeing if I played it.
02:01:58 But if you haven't seen it, you can look up grabler on in the onion on YouTube it it's pretty funny, but I'm pretty sure most people have seen it.
02:02:07 I mean, I guess we could play it.
02:02:09 I mean, it is funny, like it's real funny.
02:02:11 It is weird.
02:02:12 I don't know.
02:02:13 Do you guys want to see all?
02:02:14 I'm gonna ask regular chat.
02:02:15 I'll say.
02:02:16 Let's do one if you want to see the grabler thing.
02:02:19 And two, if you're you're kind of over it.
02:02:24 And of course that's not updating now.
02:02:26 Let me now that maybe that's where it is is when I switch to.
Speaker 8
02:02:31 I'm going to pop out the chat.Devon
02:02:41 I don't see ones or twos.Speaker 8
02:02:47 So I'll I'll.Devon
02:02:48 I don't know if it's updating, but I'll say one if you want the grabber video and two if you do not want.Speaker 8
02:02:56 The grabler video.Devon
02:03:00 And while that's doing that, I'm going to open another browser.Speaker 8
02:03:07 And see if I can actually see your votes.02:03:17 Let's see.
Speaker 2
02:03:25 Go on.Speaker 8
02:03:33 It might be working.Devon
02:03:36 OK.02:03:37 Ones, ones actually love shocking amount of ones all right.
Speaker 9
02:03:42 Well, why not?02:03:43 Let's do it.
02:03:46 And this is actually kind of.Speaker 8
02:03:48 Maybe it's hard to tell.02:03:50 I'll keep this one open here.
02:03:53 All right.02:03:53 Well, like I said, I think most people have seen this, but for those of.
02:03:56 You who haven't.
Speaker 8
02:04:13 Let me download this.Devon
02:04:16 Yeah, it is pretty crazy.02:04:17 It's crazy that that it is from 11 years ago.
02:04:22 But it's crazy that it was even, uh, that it was even made, really.
02:04:29 Like, I'm surprised that that, I mean, everyone's familiar with the onion, the onion does, you know, kind of it's like the Babylon bee, only not as political.
02:04:39 And when it is political, it's usually more left wing.
02:04:42 There was a time, just like most things where it wasn't so explicitly left wing.
02:04:46 In fact, when I lived in DC, it was such a popular.
02:04:51 Meme on the Internet.
02:04:52 They actually had print versions like they actually the onion actually had, like when you'd get out.
02:04:58 Of the metro.
02:04:59 They have, like you have, like the Washington Post and you know all those.
02:05:04 Newspaper machines. They put the the, the. I don't know if they still have those, but they used to have like the little box that you stick 1/4 and open it up and take the newspaper out. They actually had one of those for the ******* onion.
02:05:18 In in DC when I.
Speaker 8
02:05:19 Lived there.02:05:21 So let me pull this up now.
02:05:27 And now, not so much now.02:05:29 It's not quite as.
02:05:32 Not quite what it used to be.
02:05:34 Alright, so here's here's the grabler.
Speaker 17
02:05:54 Later on in the hour, tips for stretching out your.Speaker 16
02:05:56 Vagina without having a.02:05:57 But first, in today's tough economic times, money stresses can really be overwhelmed.
Speaker 4
02:06:02 But but help is on the way author Christine Eckert is here to show us some exercises to reduce stress.Speaker 17
02:06:07 Hi, Christine.Speaker 13
02:06:07 Good morning, Christina.Speaker 17
02:06:08 Hi, Jim and Tracy.Speaker 10
02:06:09 I'm so glad you're here.02:06:10 I'm about ready to.
Speaker 16
02:06:11 She is.Speaker 17
02:06:12 The first thing we're going to learn about is problem visualization, OK, it's a simple method for reducing stress by assigning an image to represent your anxiety.Speaker 16
02:06:20 Well, that sounds simple enough.Speaker 4
02:06:20 OK.Speaker 17
02:06:21 OK, the first thing I like to do is imagine my money related stress is the most disgusting, terrifying creature I can think.Speaker 7
02:06:28 OK.Speaker 17
02:06:28 Of I like to imagine an ugly greasy.02:06:31 The creature with a hooked nose and oily black hair.
Speaker 16
02:06:34 Oh, he is scary.Speaker 17
02:06:35 I call him the graveler because he's a greedy little monster who wants to grab up all my money.02:06:40 'cause your eyes and picture the grabler.
Speaker 16
02:06:43 OK, there he.Speaker 17
02:06:44 Now think of all the problems your.02:06:45 Grappler is causing.
02:06:46 He invented interest rates like the ones on.
02:06:49 Your credit card.
02:06:49 Oh, he's taking the jobs because grabbers only hire their own kind.
02:06:54 I just want to.
02:06:54 07.Speaker 17
02:06:54 Get rid of.02:06:55 Imagine the grappler slowly disintegrating like a pile of ashes, blown away by a purifying wind, and now you're in a peaceful Meadow.
02:07:04 Full of lilies swaying in a gentle breeze.
Speaker 16
02:07:05 Ohh that's nice scheming.Speaker 17
02:07:07 They're not ski.Speaker
02:07:11 Ohh well that.Speaker 16
02:07:12 Really works.Speaker 17
02:07:12 Ohh whatever.Speaker 16
02:07:13 Yeah, now this image visualization works for other kinds of stresses besides money, right?Speaker 17
02:07:13 I feel so relaxed.02:07:18 So you had an argument with someone at work.
02:07:20 Take that social stress and visualize it being due to a blabber.
Speaker 16
02:07:25 Well, look at that.Speaker 17
02:07:27 Represent all that negative energy we experience when dealing with difficult personalities.02:07:32 You know the kinds of people who love to argue and complain and nasal voice.
Speaker 16
02:07:35 Ohh yes, and stretches are everywhere too.Speaker
02:07:36 People like that.Speaker 17
02:07:37 Wow, they are.02:07:38 They're always lurking like rats, you know, that's why sometimes meditative exercises aren't enough.
02:07:43 So take your.
02:07:44 Mind off your stress by doing something.
02:07:45 Good for yourself, exercise.
02:07:47 Ohh I know, I feel better after my yoga class.
Speaker 15
02:07:47 OK, excellent.Speaker 16
02:07:49 Right, right.Speaker 17
02:07:50 I will often go for a long walk in the middle of the night and throw flaming battles at certain houses, or even sneak in through the back doors and light their their curtains on fire while they're asleep.Speaker 16
02:07:59 Working up a sweat to rid yourself of that stress.02:08:02 Alright, well, Christine, thanks so much for being our guest.
02:08:05 This morning.
Speaker 15
02:08:05 Thanks Christine.Speaker 16
02:08:05 And sharing your advice.02:08:06 Everyone should check out Christina's new book, The Solution, Kill all the grabbers and it's available in bookstores now.
02:08:12 And when we come back, why you don't have to wait until after you're 40 to have sex after 40?
02:08:23 So that was just a 11 years ago.02:08:27 And people had enough of a sense of humor about that to where it.
02:08:31 Was on YouTube.
02:08:33 And it's still on YouTube.
02:08:35 They haven't taken that down.
02:08:37 That's posted on the official Onion channel on YouTube.
02:08:45 Yeah, how the times have changed, right?
02:08:50 Alright, so let me bring up the.
02:08:53 The Super chance again.
Speaker 8
02:08:59 Let's see here.Devon
02:09:00 I apparently a lot of people have never seen that before.02:09:02 I'm a little surprised.
02:09:03 I thought that was uh.
02:09:05 It's 11 years old, so.
02:09:06 I thought, I thought most.
Speaker 6
02:09:07 People have seen it.Speaker 8
02:09:09 Let me go back to the the tip here.Devon
02:09:16 OK, see then it really.02:09:17 Changed it.
02:09:19 Here's here's a soy pilled $150.00 as much as I love Attack on Titan, I think John Doe vigilante is more your style.
02:09:28 Is this more anime?
02:09:29 Are you guys teaming up trying to get me to watch anime?
02:09:31 And be gay.
02:09:33 It's literally the Australian Day of the Rope movie.
02:09:36 Oh, it's a movie.
02:09:36 OK, good.
02:09:37 It even shoots all the action.
02:09:39 Scenes like you were going to shoot day of the rope movie.
02:09:42 Oh, so it's like.
02:09:43 The footage was going to I'm still going to.
02:09:46 I'm in talks with people so anyway, or anyone who wants to submit to that should watch it for ideas.
02:09:53 Most based movie ever.
02:09:54 Yeah, I'm definitely going to watch that.
02:09:58 I will.
02:09:59 I'll make a note of that John Doe vigilante.
02:10:03 That sounds interesting.
02:10:05 If it is, would you say it is?
02:10:07 I'm a little surprised that they would make it a a day of their own type movie though, but who knows, all right?
02:10:14 Maybe they did, and they have.
02:10:17 The Graveler video right? So.
Speaker 8
02:10:19 Who knows?02:10:21 Uh, see here.
02:10:27 $25.00 from my fat little ******** toe. Two things one. Hi, mom. She listens to the replays. Hello, fat, fat, little ******** toes. Mom. See your mom didn't abort you even though you're ********.02:10:44 If the the the Satanists were in charge.
02:10:47 You wouldn't even exist.
Speaker 8
02:10:51 Let's see here.Devon
02:10:54 $5 from Devon slacked. Hey, Devin, if you got, if you go down an anime route.Speaker 6
02:11:02 What's what?02:11:03 See what's with the anime?
02:11:05 Or reviewed.
02:11:05 A lot of them there is really only one based mainstream anime, which is one piece.02:11:11 It's very anti government.
02:11:13 And actually tends opposite of a lot of Japanese social norms, which is strange.
02:11:19 Also makes all the ******** look like weirdos and no blacks in it.
02:11:22 But it has ******** in it.
02:11:24 It's a cartoon which.
Speaker 6
02:11:25 White is it?Devon
02:11:26 Why do they have ******** in it?Speaker 2
02:11:29 I'll you know. I'll, I'll.Devon
02:11:32 I'll copy and paste that in my notes too, but no promises, no promises, this anime stuff.02:11:38 Guys, I'm never going to get into it.
02:11:40 I've always.
02:11:40 Had it anime, I've told you like a long time ago.
02:11:43 I think when I was like a toddler, basically I watched one called Robotech and it.
02:11:48 If Voltron counts, which I don't think it does.
Speaker 8
02:11:54 Alright, let me.02:11:56 I also need to write down what is the other one that you guys are saying.
02:11:59 Attack on Titan or something like that.
02:12:04 Where was it down?
02:12:07 Yeah. Attack on Titan.
02:12:12 I'll paste that in there.
02:12:14 We'll see.02:12:15 I have to be real hard.
02:12:16 Up for content if I if.
Speaker 8
02:12:17 I'm looking at me.Devon
02:12:20 All right, here we go.02:12:24 $5 from lunatic fringe. I appreciate that.
02:12:28 $5 from Veruca Salt.
02:12:29 Hi Devin, do you know?
02:12:30 My nickname for you is one man think tank.
02:12:33 So I was wondering if you'd ever consider vetting a small core group from the original Cactus Gang to do research or another work on a volunteer basis.
02:12:43 Also Miss talking with you on Twitter.
02:12:45 Don't know if you checked gab is, but if not, please do.
02:12:49 Yeah, the.
Speaker 4
02:12:50 I mean.Devon
02:12:51 Yeah, you guys come up with some really good stuff.02:12:54 And it's just like I said, this is my busy time out here because of the the weather not being **** and having so much that to to do outside.
02:13:04 So it would be nice to interact with you guys a little bit more and and have have some content suggested.
02:13:12 So all right.
02:13:15 Yeah, I have to check my gab stuff. My gab. I I just haven't been on gab, but I I think there are a bunch of DM's that I haven't even looked at.
Speaker 2
02:13:25 So I'll I'll.Devon
02:13:26 I'll peek in there and start approving, because what happens is it if you're not, you have to, like, approve.02:13:32 It's it's like Twitter.
02:13:33 You forget that they're there because if you don't approve the first message, then none of them show up in your feed.
02:13:39 They just show up hidden somewhere.
02:13:42 In fact, on Twitter, I think it was on Twitter for years before I realized that that was even there.
02:13:46 So I had like like these DM's from people from like three years ago and I was like.
Speaker 6
02:13:50 Oh ****, sorry.Devon
02:13:53 Gray State of mind testing from Sweden, $5 appreciate.02:13:57 That first, last five dollars, titled Today Stream could have been everyone's now clutching at straws addition.
02:14:06 Well, I I just think that it's it's.
Speaker 6
02:14:10 Everyone. They want people want.Devon
02:14:14 When you're always seemingly on the receiving end of this ****, it's nice to have.02:14:22 A success, no matter how small.
02:14:25 And again, there's it's not all bad.
02:14:27 It's OK to feel good about a complete look.
02:14:33 Like I said, it might be a Guinness World Record.
Speaker 8
02:14:36 You know where?02:14:37 Where is this at the footage of.
02:14:39 This truck thing.
02:14:43 There it is.
02:14:45 And bring this.
02:14:46 Up here like this is not a small thing.02:14:51 But at the same time one it's it's not as much as the media is framing it as such.
02:14:57 This is not something that right wing extremists did.
02:15:00 It's not.
02:15:03 So that there's that.
02:15:05 It is something that.
02:15:06 A lot of right quote UN quote right wing extremists support.
02:15:10 But it's not something that right wing extremists organize, so it's not something you can even necessarily take credit for.
02:15:19 But it's at the same time.
02:15:22 You kind of still can, you know, like if it fits your narrative and look if they're going to blame you for it and it's something that's good for you, you might as.
02:15:31 Well, take credit for it, right?
02:15:38 You just got to be realistic.
02:15:39 You gotta be realistic.
02:15:42 You can't just be like, alright, we drove a bunch of trucks to Ottawa.
02:15:44 Now we win even though all the same people are in power and there's still no repercussions.
02:15:50 Like first of.
Speaker 6
02:15:51 All, even if.Devon
02:15:52 The If something like this and I don't think it will, but it's possible it'll influence the relaxing of some some mandates or or whatever.02:16:02 Right.
02:16:02 The political pressure that result, that is a result of this.
02:16:07 It doesn't.
02:16:08 It doesn't punish the people that were that enacted, those those uh.
02:16:14 Mandates it doesn't hold them responsible for anything.
02:16:19 It doesn't set up anything that would dissuade them from doing it again in the future.
02:16:25 You mean like nothing happens?
02:16:27 There's nothing that's that's substantive, that that's being accomplished.
02:16:31 And in fact, in some ways and again, I don't think it's like, oh, this is you're owning yourself kind of a.
02:16:38 Thing, but in some ways it it gives them ammunition so they can have the things I discussed before or they have an excuse for the shortages.
02:16:47 They can even say this is an argument for.
02:16:52 Like automated like the more automation like ohh look.
02:16:56 Yeah, we can't.
02:16:57 We can't trust our infrastructure to these angry white supremacists wages we have to have more robots doing the jobs.
02:17:09 You know, and and if they're not saying if they don't say the public, you better believe when they're having the discussions at places like Davos and stuff like that.
02:17:15 Like, let's assume let's assume for a second this really did make them nervous.
02:17:21 Well, now when they're at Davos or whatever, and they're talking about their, you know, the great reset plans, that's another selling point.
02:17:26 Well, look, you know, if we you won't have these infrastructure.
02:17:30 You won't be.
02:17:31 Able to have a member or a part of the population they will no longer have the ability to throw themselves like a wrench.
02:17:39 Into the gears.
02:17:42 Because wages are pretty limited in what they can do, that actually would affect.
02:17:48 The bottom line for the ruling class, right?
02:17:51 But one of the things you can do is like a wrench you can throw.
02:17:54 Yourself into the gears.
02:17:56 And gum things up and **** it up for a little bit.
02:17:59 It's never.
Speaker 9
02:17:59 You know it's not.Devon
02:18:01 Going to have any kind of lasting.02:18:06 Difference one way or the other, but it's something you can do and in this in in.
02:18:12 This is one of these things, right?
02:18:14 So if you're one of the ruling class guys that maybe you're on the fence about automation, this might you know.
02:18:21 Might get you off that fence.
Speaker 8
02:18:24 Alright, bring this back up here.02:18:34 Testing swing.
02:18:37 OK, $5 from soy pill. The whole movie is on YouTube.02:18:42 Here's the link, and if you don't like the watermark in the top right, you can watch this.
02:18:48 And like any movie or TV or TV show on this.
02:18:55 And if you love day of the.
02:18:57 Row up.
02:18:58 You will love this.
02:18:59 It approves budget.
02:19:03 Proves low budget can be great.
02:19:05 Alright, well, I'll definitely.
02:19:06 Check it out.
02:19:06 I'll definitely check it out.
02:19:08 That's in reference to the.
02:19:10 I think the John Doe vigilante thing that.
Speaker 8
02:19:13 You were talking about before.Devon
02:19:16 Let's Lord Godfrey, $5. Don't do anime. There should be a Japanese version of.02:19:22 Who does that?
02:19:25 Because even in the based NMA there are subtexts and messages that are missed by Westerners.
02:19:30 Excuse me.
02:19:34 And may be extremely subversive.
02:19:37 Stick with your Western, mainly American stuff.
02:19:39 Yeah, that's that's my plan.
02:19:40 Like I said, I I we're not.
02:19:43 We're not Japanese.
02:19:44 I don't understand.
Speaker 8
02:19:45 The the the this.Devon
02:19:47 Love that a lot of people have of.02:19:50 The Japanese stuff $1.00 of rudisel. Devin, have you seen the YouTube ad where Pedro Joe says at the end because we're America, home of the brave.
02:20:01 Gee, you can't help but notice that they aren't saying land.
02:20:03 Of the free anymore.
02:20:05 Yeah, let well in the same way that what they dropped from, you know Superman, even though Superman was a again, that's another cultural subversion, just from a different group instead of the Japanese, it was, you know, that that was that's Jewish culture.
02:20:18 A lot of people don't realize that, but most most comic books in fact are are originate from.
Speaker 8
02:20:25 The Jews and their their.Devon
02:20:28 But the Superman, which is obvious, you know, like a guy comes from somewhere and everyone thinks he's different.02:20:34 They don't.
02:20:35 It's like Rudolph the Red Nose reindeer all over.
02:20:37 Again, but one of the things that Superman used to say all the time was, you know, I believe in truths, truth, justice, and the American way.
02:20:45 And then they they took that out, you know, because Superman.
Speaker 8
02:20:48 Will no longer be pro America.Devon
02:20:50 Al Bundy, $1.00 greetings from Brazil. I have followed your work for many years. Thanks. Did you know that there are there is a Confederate community who came to Brazil during the Civil War?02:21:01 Looks pretty based and we have A and we have communities of Germans and and the Netherlands or and netherlanders.
02:21:07 Maintain traditions of culture.
02:21:09 Yeah, I've actually talked about the stream before that.
02:21:11 There was a group of the Confederates that said **** America and they went to Brazil and they they still have Confederate flags all over the place and they have festivals and which is kind of funny.
02:21:26 Radu's attack on Titan is a nationalist until the last chapter, when the main character gets cooked and they go the route of endless cycle of violence and.
02:21:36 World World Peace.
02:21:40 Goi lichstein.
02:21:41 Hey, Devin.
02:21:42 Finally online during your stream.
02:21:44 But I'm ******* working.
02:21:45 And on a call with the vendor, so I can't even listen.
02:21:48 Hopefully you can get your space Internet soon so you can have these streams when people in the Eastern Time zone can watch them live.
02:21:55 Anyway, love your work, brother.
02:21:57 Well, I appreciate.
02:21:57 That yeah, that that.
02:21:58 Be nice.
02:21:59 To do.
02:22:00 Strings when it's not middle of the.
02:22:02 Night, although there might be.
02:22:04 People on the other side of the planet that would disagree, Captain Zenin hilarious grabler video from the old or.
02:22:10 You already did that one.
02:22:12 No, just power.
02:22:13 Do you think they'll ever do a talk with Mark Collette, MPA?
02:22:17 I've done that. I've been.
02:22:18 On a couple times, I think.
02:22:21 Yeah, I've been on patriotic alternative a couple of times.
02:22:26 At least once, I think twice though.
02:22:30 And I used to talk to him.
02:22:30 And then what happened was I my telegram got changed.
02:22:34 And I don't I need to.
02:22:36 I had to go back and tell.
02:22:36 A bunch of people on their telegram.
02:22:38 I just.
02:22:39 I've been incommunicado for well.
02:22:43 I usually am just in general, but.
02:22:45 More than usual lately.
02:22:48 Purge all pedophiles.
02:22:49 Canada truckers keep up the good.
02:22:51 Fight down with N.W.A O.
02:22:57 Devon Slack honestly don't.
02:22:59 Honestly, don't watch one piece if you don't want to.
02:23:04 Watch a good show has 1000 plus episodes, has been top of the list for 20 years and they mock the ******** would mean you guys are still.
02:23:14 You guys are still.
Speaker 8
02:23:15 Going out on the enemy here.Devon
02:23:18 Veruca Salt $1.00 Devon know, **** chopping?02:23:20 Please we need a.
02:23:22 A lot of.
02:23:23 Little Stackings running around the pillbox compound, dodging rattlesnakes like ninjas.
02:23:29 Well, that's not entirely up to me.
02:23:30 They don't have artificial wounds yet, so.
Speaker 8
02:23:34 There is that.Devon
02:23:36 I almost you know what?02:23:37 I almost.
02:23:39 I came across some funny stuff.
02:23:42 But it was a little too it was a little too.
Speaker 8
02:23:49 Uh, there, there.02:23:51 Never mind.
02:23:53 There's just there's ah, man.
02:23:56 There's I'll have to find a way.Speaker 8
02:23:58 A way of.Devon
02:23:59 Of playing that stuff, it has to do with Western women.02:24:02 I I came across some stuff where it's like it's going to be hard to.
Speaker 9
02:24:05 Play it without just kind of going off.02:24:09 You know, but anyway.
Speaker 8
02:24:12 Ohh boy yeah anyway.Devon
02:24:17 Chris, a tile $1.00 it's cry. So teal. OK.02:24:23 Cry. So teal $1.00 a mineral also known as white asbestos. Oh, so you're going to give me lung cancer in about 20?
02:24:32 If I disturb you.
02:24:33 If I leave you alone, then you don't give me cancer.
02:24:35 But once disturbed, the cancer is in the air.
02:24:38 $1.00 ******** ******. Reasonable concerns.
02:24:42 For NA, if it helps, at a medium.
02:24:46 If it helps it a medium that's not totally produced by Jews and like the West attack on Titan creator is admitted nationalist and recovery of an MMO junkie is made by an addicted Nat sock and not fired.
02:25:03 Anything recorded by camera and not automatically.
02:25:06 **** and Hope anime is treated the same.
02:25:11 Well, it's, you know, like you said.
02:25:14 It's it's, you know, it's not my thing and there seems to be.
02:25:18 A there is there's enough anime that's subversive that I'm sure there's like some golden Nuggets in there there.
02:25:25 You know, there's always something good and.
02:25:27 You know, look.
02:25:28 There's probably Jewish movies and stuff that are.
02:25:32 I can't think about the top of my head.
Speaker 9
02:25:34 That aren't subversive, right?Speaker 8
02:25:37 But it's probably by accident.Devon
02:25:42 Like they failed, they failed at their mission.02:25:45 Alright, so I think that's all.
Speaker 8
02:25:49 Although this doesn't, this might not be updating.Speaker 9
02:25:51 So I'm going to.Speaker 8
02:25:52 Flip back and forth real quick.02:25:55 My regular chats I'm getting.
02:25:58 So alright, make sure this one is still going.
02:26:03 Yeah, OK.02:26:04 That is updating.
02:26:04 All right, guys.
02:26:06 Well, I appreciate you coming out here and hanging out this Saturday night and really appreciate the Super chats you guys have really helped me out and honestly too, I really appreciate honesty providing this platform it.
02:26:22 It was discouraging, although regardless of how discouraging.
02:26:27 I I said I'll.
02:26:28 I'll be doing this even if it's even if I'm talking to a room full of no.
02:26:32 All these.Devon
02:26:33 You know, like just myself, you know, rocking back and forth, screaming into a megaphone, you know, like, I'll be doing this for as long as I I'm I'm able to.02:26:43 I'm not interested by the financial thing, but obviously we all got to eat and so I do appreciate.
02:26:48 That and hope you guys all have a.
02:26:52 Ohh, we got we got one last.
02:26:55 One last super chat here, and then I'm going to for sure.
02:26:59 For reals, leave the pill dispenser instead of watching anime.
02:27:04 Let's just watch $1,000,000 extreme UN SIM hides are the only people I'm helping with my my wager bugs.
02:27:15 You know, I haven't seen.
02:27:17 I actually haven't seen a lot of $1,000,000 extreme like obviously I'm familiar with Sam and all that stuff, but I actually haven't seen a lot of that stuff, although sometimes it pops up on my feed, some of it's funny so.
02:27:30 All right.
02:27:31 Hope you guys all have a wonderful rest of your weekend for black pill.
02:27:36 I am of course.
Speaker 4
02:27:51 No music.Speaker 16
02:27:56 Shall we shall.Speaker 15
02:27:58 Alright, so tonight after this really good meal, you know what?02:28:01 Order of the movie so.
02:28:01 I see the taxi driver.
02:28:03 Which is like my favorite movie.
02:28:04 I think so.
02:28:07 Once this movie had 48th and 8th, it's theater, and then when I got there I put my $10 in the window. The lady disappeared from it and came back and.
02:28:15 Gave them my.
02:28:15 $10 and said.
02:28:16 Well, no music.
02:28:17 That's a serious.
Speaker 18
02:28:18 Is a mistake.Speaker 15
02:28:23 So I was like, denied entrance to movie theater and you know.Speaker 13
02:28:26 Why? Why?Speaker 15
02:28:27 Which is they said it was my.02:28:29 You know, they look like a bum.
02:28:31 But it never happened to.
02:28:32 Me before I just sort.
02:28:33 Of like.
02:28:34 Don't go to that movie.Speaker 15
02:28:35 Theater so this.02:28:36 This is what I'm buying here now, right?
02:28:37 This is my appeal to boycott the Hollywood Twin Cinema, which is they show good movies.
02:28:42 But after that you know.
Speaker 18
02:28:44 Everyone wants someone to.02:28:45 Prohibit something you know it's always.
02:28:47 It's always like a restaurant that sells the coffee long or something.
02:28:50 Or someone couldn't use the stuff.
Speaker 15
02:28:52 This this is lazy movie theater.Speaker 18
02:28:54 All this, but I mean if we boycotted everything, everyone wanted to boycott, you couldn't go anywhere.02:28:58 You couldn't go on the buses.
02:28:59 You couldn't take it.
02:28:59 You couldn't taxi because how many times?
02:29:02 I'll go to a restaurant for crazy.
02:29:05 This is what?
Speaker 2
02:29:06 You notice what happens in there.Speaker 18
02:29:07 It's just widespread now.Speaker 4
02:29:14 What someone that?02:29:15 This is really something this week.
02:29:17 How did you finally get?
02:29:18 How did you get a a buck week to appear this week?
02:29:21 I thought he was dead.
02:29:26 No, no, really, there's something, though.
02:29:29 You gonna get off for next week with Spanky, too, or what?
02:29:32 Yeah, I'm making a comeback, bro.
02:29:34 Let me ask you something.
02:29:36 Can you scratch my chin on the subway?