08/27/2022Speaker 2
00:00:00 At this moment.Speaker
00:03:25 That's true.Speaker 3
00:03:55 Come on, I need.Speaker 4
00:04:19 I said.00:04:54 Oh my God. Well.
Speaker 3
00:05:22 Using all my friends.00:05:26 Making love to you.
00:05:28 Was never second, never really knowing it was always.
00:05:32 Us all the world rushing all around your flight.
00:05:43 May shine light.
Speaker 4
00:05:51 You see the difference and it's getting better all the time.00:05:57 There's nothing.
00:05:58 New and I won't do.
00:06:03 I'll stop.
00:06:04 The world I love.Speaker 3
00:06:10 Dream of better lives to shine, which never hate.00:06:16 Drops in and states all three grace.
00:06:22 I made a pilgrimage to the savage human race.
00:06:28 Never come.
Speaker 4
00:06:45 All the time.00:06:46 There's nothing new.
Speaker 3
00:06:48 And I will.00:07:06 The future?
Speaker 4
00:07:36 Stop the world.00:07:42 I've seen some changes, but since getting better.
00:07:46 All the time.
Speaker 3
00:07:48 There's nothing for you, and I won't do.Speaker 4
00:07:54 I'll stop.00:08:25 I'll stop the world with you.
00:08:32 Different side things getting better all the time.
00:08:38 There's nothing you and I won't do.
00:08:50 I'll stop.
00:09:08 I'll stop the world.
Speaker 6
00:09:13 Oh, you're race, then you can't be.Speaker 1
00:09:15 Anything at all, Blacks and Jews, they turn around, they'll stab you right in the back.00:09:19 You should be.
00:09:19 Able to go out and clean out.
Speaker 7
00:09:21 The infestation.00:09:21 You ain't scaring me.
Speaker 8
00:09:22 Because I find your crop for one minute.Speaker 1
00:09:25 What's gonna happen?00:09:26 There's nothing you can do about.
Speaker 5
00:09:27 It What your feeling is hatred, don't you understand?Speaker 1
00:09:30 You know it's the only hate mongers that's around here.00:09:33 You're not wired and and you and you.
00:10:02 Welcome to insomnia stream.00:10:04 I'm your host, Evan Stack.
00:10:16 And yeah, all.
00:10:18 Right.
00:10:19 Hope you got it.
00:10:20 Hope you're having.
00:10:20 A good Saturday.
00:10:22 Hope everyone's having fun.
00:10:26 I know I am.
00:10:27 A little bit of fun, I thought.
00:10:29 I thought I'd keep it upbeat this day.
00:10:30 You know, this time.
00:10:33 I got a little bit of time off from the the constant research and all that fun stuff this week doesn't mean I didn't get or I got the just kick back unfortunately, but got a lot of stuff done that was piling up, so that was good, including laundry.
00:10:47 That's code, word from laundry.
00:10:49 I did a lot of laundry.
00:10:51 Not exactly the most fun.
00:10:53 But it's it's always good to have clean clothes.
00:10:56 So there's that.
00:10:58 Anyway, we're going to do a something.
00:11:02 A little different.
00:11:03 We're not going to do a PAT Con episode tonight.
00:11:06 But it's going to.
00:11:07 Be pat, con related.
00:11:09 In fact, it's kind of related to the last Pat Con episode we did.
00:11:12 We talked about briefly.
00:11:16 Briefly, William Pierce and periodically throughout the the.
Speaker 10
00:11:22 Healing height.Devon
00:11:25 Documentary, as they call it, they keep bringing.00:11:28 Up his book.
00:11:30 The Turner Diaries, which I finally started to listen to by the way, I I finally started listening to this week it in ways it.
00:11:39 Was better or?
00:11:40 Like I haven't finished it, but in ways it's better than.
00:11:42 I thought it would be.
00:11:43 But in a lot of ways, it's like.
00:11:45 Not as good as I thought it would be.
00:11:48 Well, maybe.
00:11:49 Maybe it'll be worth a book review or something like that.
00:11:52 I've never done that.
00:11:53 Maybe that could be a fun.
00:11:54 Thing to.
00:11:54 Do so anyway.
00:11:58 While doing some research.
00:12:01 For William Pierce and I don't know if you guys follow me on Telegram I actually posted.
00:12:07 An interview.
00:12:09 Between uh.
00:12:13 Art bell, of all people, and William Pierce.
00:12:18 So after the Oklahoma City bombing, the big thing the.
00:12:21 Big push was.
00:12:23 Ohh this you know this.
00:12:24 It wasn't just like the healing hate post January 6 stuff.
00:12:28 Like I said, they do this every time anything happens.
00:12:30 Try to make it look like ohh it's all been building.
Speaker 10
00:12:32 Up for decades, the white man has been getting angrier.Speaker 1
00:12:35 And angrier now.Devon
00:12:36 He blew up a building.00:12:39 And they had a lot of that going on. And when they, you know, arrested quote, UN quote, Timothy McVeigh, of course, they found the Turner Diaries inside of his car and tried to make a big deal out of that.
00:12:51 And like, oh, look, he's trying to follow the.
00:12:53 Book which, by the way at least.
00:12:54 Unless there's another part of the book I'm I've yet.
00:12:56 To get to does not.
00:12:57 Follow the book as closely as they make it sound.
00:13:01 So they they interviewed him because it was this controversial book that had clearly inspired hatred.
00:13:11 And art bell?
00:13:12 Because he got the green light that, oh, well, if 60 minutes or what?
00:13:16 One of those magazine shows was allowed to interview him, then our bill could get away with it without, you know, getting cancelled or what?
00:13:23 Not that that was quite the same thing that.
00:13:26 It is today.
00:13:26 There was like a a naughty list.
00:13:28 You had a little probably more leeway.
00:13:30 Who you could bring on to your.
00:13:31 Show, as we'll see here in a second.
00:13:35 But he interviewed him and.
00:13:36 It was actually a decent interview.
00:13:40 You could tell that art Bell, who was a Zionist and a Freemason, and look I as as a broadcaster, as a little, you know, when I was a little kid listening to AM radio about Bigfoot and you know, ghosts and aliens and stuff like that.
00:13:53 Look, it was an entertaining show.
00:13:55 But let's be realistic.
00:13:56 He was the poster boy for boomer conservatism.
00:14:00 You know, I don't see race. Uh, you know, kind of a guy. And in fact promoted A1 world government. He wanted. He wanted the Star Trek future.
00:14:11 As did many.
00:14:11 Boomers on the on the right.
00:14:13 And it's not just.
00:14:14 The lefties that wanted.
00:14:15 That a lot of conservatives.
00:14:17 Looked at Star Trek is the yeah, that's the model.
00:14:20 That's what we need to be headed for, you know?
00:14:22 And it's inevitable, right?
00:14:23 It's globalism is inevitable.
00:14:27 So why not be at the forefront of it?
00:14:29 Why not be the?
Speaker 10
00:14:30 Ones that set.Devon
00:14:31 The example for what the world government will be.00:14:35 You know, and that's why the whole idea of spreading democracy around the the world, when when Bush was, you know, the Bush doctrine, right.
00:14:42 That's why boomers thought that sounded great.
00:14:46 Because that's that's how it worked out on their heads.
00:14:49 That's what they saw in Star Trek when they were watching Star Trek.
00:14:51 They're like, yeah, of course, this is how it has to work.
00:14:55 You know, eventually we're gonna be the federation of ******* planets. The UN's not that big of a deal.
00:15:02 After we spread democracy to Iraq and Iran, we'll we'll start ******* spreading it to to to Vulcan and and whatever planet the Klingons.
00:15:11 Come from, you know like.
Speaker 10
00:15:14 That was it was.00:15:15 It's inevitable.
00:15:15 That's just the way it's going to go.
00:15:17 And Art Bell was a big believer in that ****.00:15:19 And said so often.
00:15:21 So it's interesting to watch.
00:15:23 Or rather, listen to that interview.
00:15:26 Where using with that mindset.
00:15:29 He was trying to lay traps for William Pierce and trying to catch him in a inconsistency or hypocrisy or, you know, something like that.
00:15:42 And and failed to do so.
00:15:45 Failed to do so, so that's on my telegram channel. It's worth a listen. I think it's like I. In fact I fixed the audio the, the, the ones that are available elsewhere, pretty chewed up. It's from 1998 like.
00:15:57 Six or something like.
00:15:59 That so I cleaned up the.
00:16:00 Audio before I put it up there, but it's definitely worth a listen.
00:16:04 It you know, it's it's if nothing else, it's.
00:16:08 For the anthropology of it, it's it's.
00:16:10 Worth a listen.
00:16:13 Anyway, so I I did have a a little moment there where I was doing some William Pierce research and you know, obviously I I always knew who he was, but I never really dug too deep into it.
00:16:26 I knew he would.
00:16:26 You know, he I didn't know.
00:16:27 And for example, I didn't know he was a physics professor I knew.
00:16:30 He was a professor.
00:16:31 I thought he was an English professor.
00:16:33 But he was a physics professor.
00:16:34 You're a smart guy.
00:16:36 Very logical guy.
00:16:38 Didn't realize that he had later gone on to create kind of his own, like deist kind of religion, which was a little cringe and we might get into that a little bit later, but one of the things that that came up while looking into this stuff was the SPLC.
00:16:56 Is, you know, look for it.
00:16:58 Look for William Pierce on YouTube and obviously youtubes cleansed it, cleanse the at at the very least.
Speaker 10
00:17:04 The search algorithm.Devon
00:17:05 Even if there's stuff that's somehow listed on YouTube, you search for, it's not going to find at least.00:17:09 Not with their search engine.
00:17:12 But sometimes you know you do get some hits.
00:17:16 But of course it's hits from SPLC.
00:17:19 And the SPLC?
00:17:20 I thought this was really interesting because a lot of people that like William Pierce are also the people that a lot of people that think optics is irrelevant.
Speaker 10
00:17:31 Oh, optics is stupid.Devon
00:17:34 It's not stupid, it's look if your entire strategy is just to be optical, that's stupid.00:17:43 Not caring about your appearance, you're basically a homeless person standing on the street corner screaming.
Speaker 10
00:17:48 At a dog.Devon
00:17:50 Because that's who doesn't care what they look like.00:17:54 Why? Why even get dressed?
00:17:56 Why not just walk?
00:17:57 In in public.
00:17:59 Where in just in your boxers and slippers.
00:18:03 Everyone cares about optics.
00:18:07 It doesn't matter.
00:18:09 It doesn't matter if you don't, if you.
Speaker 10
00:18:12 Don't think you.Devon
00:18:12 Look like a maniac walking around in your robe.00:18:16 In the produce section, you know that everyone else thinks you look like a maniac, and so so as not to be perceived as a.
00:18:23 Maniac while you're.
00:18:24 Out in public.
Speaker 10
00:18:26 There's a there's a.Devon
00:18:27 There's a minimum level of decorum.00:18:31 And I think a lot of people in this movement forget that.
00:18:36 They forget them because they're people that are not dissuaded by the the, the, the social stigma.
00:18:47 That being something that's anti establishment.
00:18:51 Has you're you're you're you're going to be attracting weirdos just by by virtue of having something that's outside the norm.
00:19:02 And who would have thought in 2022 that straight white Christian males would be outside?
00:19:09 The norm.
00:19:09 But then here we are.
00:19:13 Here we are.
00:19:15 So the SPLC had a clip of William Pierce here, where he's basically talking about optics.
00:19:20 And it was funny because they they framed it.
Speaker 10
00:19:22 Like, look what he really thinks of his fellow racists.Devon
00:19:28 But he he's just calling it out.00:19:30 He's calling out the weirdos.
00:19:32 The circus freaks that were that saturated a lot of the movement especially.
00:19:39 In the 80s and 90s.
00:19:40 And they would actually focus on some of these.
00:19:44 Circus freaks that were on the Sally Jesse Raphael show.
00:19:51 Of course, her real name.
00:19:53 Is Sally Sally Lowenthal.
00:19:58 Of, you know, comes from.
00:19:59 A big, big, old money family.
00:20:04 Liquor importers and exporters.
00:20:08 Surprise, surprise.
00:20:10 But anyway, here's the clip brought to you by the SPLC.
Speaker 11
00:20:18 Very often they are effective people.00:20:21 Either they are people who simply can't function successfully in society, that is.
00:20:27 They are losers or antisocial misfits looking for company.
00:20:33 Or they are escapists or adventurers who don't really want to serve our cause.
00:20:40 But who are looking for some politically incorrect diversion, some politically incorrect self gratification?
00:20:49 And they hope that we will be.
00:20:51 Able to provide that gratification for them.
00:20:55 And that's the last thing in the world that we.
00:20:57 Want to do?
00:20:59 It's not just.
00:21:01 That these people will have the wrong motivations generally provide us.
00:21:05 With little benefit.
00:21:06 They are poisoned to us because they drive away from us, the people who really can be useful to us, the people who really can and will serve our cause.
00:21:20 This is something that is obvious to many of the people that we want, but it took.
00:21:26 Me a few years.
00:21:28 To learn the hard way to shun optimists, to have zero tolerance.
00:21:34 For people who like to dress up in uniforms and shout 14.
Speaker 5
00:21:38 88.Speaker 11
00:21:39 And give rolling salutes to V camp.Speaker
00:21:43 And I.Speaker 11
00:21:44 Suspect that there still are a few alliance people.00:21:48 We haven't yet developed 0 tolerance for these freaks and that's why I harp on the subject so often, ultima.
00:21:59 We need many more people than.
00:22:02 We have now but.
00:22:03 We need winners, not losers.
00:22:06 If we begin tolerating losers now, for the sake of having more people, we never will get the winners.
00:22:14 And then we ourselves will become losers.
00:22:19 You know, people who.
00:22:21 Talk about fighting the enemy in the streets really aren't interested in when.
00:22:26 They just get.
00:22:27 A buzz from talking about fighting the enemy in the streets.
00:22:32 Their talk is pure self indulgence, pure hobbyism.
00:22:37 We're a long, long way from the point.
Speaker 12
00:22:41 Where we'll be able.Speaker 11
00:22:42 To gain any advantage in the streets.00:22:46 You may want to have a.
00:22:48 Security force for certain functions before them.
00:22:53 What will be?
00:22:54 Notable about that security force, besides character and commitment.
00:22:59 Will be disciplined.
00:23:01 And skill, not beer bellies and tattoos.
00:23:05 To sum it up.
00:23:07 The alliance has no interest at all in the so-called movement.
00:23:14 We're not interested in uniting with the movement, and we're not interested in competing with the movement for members.
00:23:23 If anything.
00:23:25 We should be grateful that the movement is out there to soak up a lot of the freaks and weaklings otherwise might find their way into the alliance and make problems for us.
00:23:38 In this regard.
00:23:40 I was sorry to note that both Aryan nations and the Church of the Creator have, for all practical purposes, died within the last few weeks because those groups used to be magnets for people that we prefer to avoid.
00:23:58 We can only hope.
00:24:00 That two or three replacement groups will spring up to take the place of area nations and the Church of the creator, and once again draw away from us.
00:24:11 Some of the defectives.
00:24:17 So he's he's saying that, you know, a little tongue in cheek.00:24:21 Yeah, it's too bad these groups that we've we've covered in the PACON series.
00:24:27 Like Area nations that that was the place, then Idaho that had the, you know, the the swastika barn that the SPLC came in and sued the living **** out of and destroyed with, you know, that the.
00:24:41 Shot that of the excavator smashing the the roof in and all that stuff.
00:24:47 After they confiscated the land, you know it.
00:24:50 It's what he's talking about is the people that want to larp.
00:24:55 They wanna they wanna dress up in uniforms.
00:24:59 And they want to be edgy.
00:25:01 And they want to talk about, you know, look, we're gonna go.
00:25:04 Fight them in the streets, not realizing.
00:25:09 How how far away we are from having we?
00:25:12 We don't have.
00:25:13 A secure position to do that?
00:25:17 You know, it's funny cause a lot of.
Speaker 10
00:25:18 People, for example. Ohh.00:25:19 Or the revolution.
00:25:20 Are only like 5% of the population.00:25:22 Or whatever it is right 3% I guess, right?
00:25:26 Think about it this way.
00:25:30 You could say the same thing about, you know, during the Iraq war during Afghanistan, right, that you had a lot of situations where the the resistance to the American.
00:25:47 Was just like a ragtag small population of people, and in Afghanistan's case, you could say that there was a victory eventually, right?
00:25:58 But here the the humongous difference.
00:26:02 In having an occupied government now, if that's how you want to view things.
00:26:08 That that you see as as.
00:26:13 You know something that needs to be, you know, the original government needs to be restored, right?
00:26:19 The original nation needs to be restored.
00:26:22 Because right now, we're occupied by these outsiders.
00:26:25 Could you know draw all these these parallels between that and like the occupation?
00:26:32 Of of Afghanistan or take it back to Vietnam or whatever and say like look.
00:26:37 See the the the American Fighting Force was.
00:26:40 Defeated in these places and so we could easily do it with just a small number.
00:26:44 Well, here's the the the huge difference is there.
00:26:47 It was obvious to the native populations that they were.
00:26:50 Occupied by an outsider.
00:26:53 And many of the people living there.
00:26:57 Were at least somewhat.
00:26:58 Sympathetic to the native fighting force.
00:27:03 That was fighting against.
00:27:06 The the Americans.
00:27:10 You know, like, yeah, sure, there was a bunch of Afghanistan or Afghanis that were playing ball with the Americans.
00:27:20 Many of whom now live in America thanks to the mass immigration post Afghanistan war.
00:27:30 But there was a whole lot.
00:27:30 That didn't. There was.
00:27:31 A whole lot that warn the Taliban.
00:27:38 And that's not.
Speaker 10
00:27:39 At all the situation in America.Devon
00:27:42 In fact, if anything, and it doesn't.00:27:44 Matter that the.
00:27:44 Why doesn't matter?
00:27:46 If it's because of the the the propaganda in in media and education or whatever.
00:27:51 Doesn't matter the why.
00:27:54 But you're the outsider.
00:27:58 Doesn't matter that like.
00:28:00 This was, you know, this is the the.
00:28:01 Land of your forefathers and then.
00:28:03 All you want is to.
00:28:04 Restore it to what it was.
00:28:06 You're not like something alien that's been injected and quite, in fact, quite the opposite, right?
00:28:12 You're the infection now.
00:28:19 You're the outsider now.
00:28:27 I mean, ****.
00:28:28 I mean, I don't know what's going on with the just as an example.
00:28:31 I don't know if you guys have, I'm sure many of you guys have seen this.
00:28:35 But Gavin McGinnis, who's not exactly a right winger. You know he's not. He's definitely not a white supremacist. His his wife's not white.
00:28:47 The people that work for him on.
00:28:48 A show.
00:28:49 I don't.
00:28:49 I mean it's it's.
00:28:50 Pretty diverse over there.
00:28:52 I mean, if anything is libertarian.
00:28:55 It appears as if he's been arrested.
00:29:00 Or at least detained by some kind of federal authorities.
00:29:02 We don't even know what's going on with that.
00:29:11 You have obviously the thing that happened with Mara Lago.
00:29:19 Look, the average the average person.
00:29:26 They go with who they think is the strongest.
00:29:29 And you were not perceived at all as the strongest.
00:29:36 And so they're going to side with whoever looks like they have the most they they have the.
00:29:40 The they, well, pose the most of the you.
00:29:43 Know the the biggest threat you pose a much smaller threat than the federal government.
00:29:49 Proof of this is the other day I decided to just out of curiosity, I posted about this on Gab and Telegram.
00:29:56 I hadn't listened to talk radio in a really long ******* time.
00:30:01 And I decided to just.
00:30:05 I had my antenna set up and everything, and I was like, well, I'll see what I can get on.
00:30:10 On am medium wave, you know and and see if I can get anything you know long distance and this is this is about the time that Rush Limbaugh used to.
00:30:17 Be on.
00:30:18 I wonder. I mean, who's on now? Now that Rush Limbaugh's gone, right? He would have this time slot for, like, ******* 30-40 years or something, right? Like wonder what? What goes on at like around?
00:30:28 Noon like on.
00:30:29 Ham radio these days.
00:30:32 And I should you not.
00:30:33 It's it's these guys.
00:30:35 And I don't.
00:30:36 I know I.
00:30:36 Don't think this is national?
00:30:38 But I know it's for some very big markets.
00:30:42 I start listening to these guys.
00:30:44 Who who?
00:30:45 They look, they sound gay.
00:30:47 First they sound.
00:30:48 I feel like I'm listening to two gay boomers sucking each other rough.
00:30:53 And doing like the the the the you know like I I have a black friend like you could tell.
00:30:58 Like, they're just, they're just nervously talking about everything they they.
00:31:01 There's so many qualifiers, no matter what they say, they they can't say anything even remotely controversial or anything that would even indicate a little bit that maybe they think something that's even slightly outside of the mainstream.
00:31:14 And then one of them, I **** you not says it's like when I.
00:31:17 Worked at the CIA.
Speaker 5
00:31:21 He worked at the CIA.Devon
00:31:24 I looked him up.00:31:25 He works at the CIA.
00:31:29 He helped. He helped, basically.
00:31:31 With the war in Iraq.
Speaker 10
00:31:34 So there's a there's a Zionist CIA agent.Devon
00:31:38 That that.00:31:40 That helped kill Americans for Israel.
00:31:43 Who's now?
00:31:44 Uh, a big part of uh.
00:31:47 Rush Limbaugh's time slot.
00:31:52 And then they say, oh, we've got this, we got a guest coming on, we got.
00:31:55 A guest coming on.
00:31:57 He's going to talk to us.
Speaker 10
00:31:58 About the the Monologo raid.Devon
00:32:04 He's he's he's a.00:32:06 He's an expert in.
00:32:08 So he's going to be able to.
00:32:09 Break it down for us.
00:32:11 Rights for the national.
00:32:13 I don't know if you guys are.
00:32:15 Familiar with that?
00:32:16 That's basically like Neo con.
00:32:20 Like central, that's like that's that's the NEO con.
00:32:24 Like hive.
00:32:27 The National Review, which which to be fair Rush Limbaugh pushed the National Review subscriptions like, at least when I you know, way back in the day, I remember I remember him doing that.
00:32:37 Rush Limbaugh was a NEO con, too.
00:32:43 These guys just seem way more explicit about it.
00:32:47 What was lacking was it seemed like with with Rush Limbaugh, it's like.
00:32:52 Yeah, he was a NEO con boomer.
00:32:56 I don't see race kind of ******, right?
00:33:00 Like, I don't think that like fundamentally he was any better.
00:33:03 Than these guys.
00:33:05 But I think that he knew that.
00:33:08 His audience expected him to be at least slightly edgier.
00:33:14 And maybe that was the difference.
00:33:16 But anyway, so these guys have this guy.
00:33:18 That this expert, now this law expert on.
00:33:22 And he proceeds to say that, oh.
Speaker 10
00:33:25 Yeah, you know.Devon
00:33:25 I well, just like everybody else, I was shocked when I saw that the FBI.00:33:30 Was reading Mara Lago.
Speaker 10
00:33:32 But then I you know, I read the new.00:33:34 York Times article that said this, that and the other thing and now it's like it makes sense.
00:33:38 It's totally legit.
00:33:39 Everyone should just be like, you know, I guess, you know, that's just Trump.
00:33:43 Trump deserved to get rated him, but.
00:33:50 And this is this is the.00:33:52 This is the center I'm talking, not even in fact.
00:33:55 This is right of center.
00:33:56 In America right now.
00:33:58 We are extremists.
00:34:00 We are radicals.
00:34:04 And people forget that all the time.
00:34:10 People forget that all the time.
00:34:12 Now don't get me wrong.
00:34:15 The Overton window has shifted in our direction.
00:34:18 Quite a bit in in a relatively short period of time.
00:34:22 We're much better off than the people.
00:34:25 Like William Pierce were.
00:34:28 Back in the 80s and 90s.
00:34:34 But we still.
00:34:34 Have a long long.
00:34:35 Long long way to go.
00:34:42 All right.Devon
00:34:46 Here we go.00:34:51 The Sally Jesse Raphael show.
00:34:55 Or, as I said, the Sally Lowenthal show, as it should be called.
00:35:03 Was many of the shows back in the 80s and 90s.
00:35:08 That were, you know, run by Jews.
00:35:11 I mean, it's just factual that would that would get the.
00:35:19 Unoptimized, all looking racist, the most inarticulate racist they could find.
00:35:27 And they would parade him.
00:35:28 It was.
Speaker 10
00:35:28 Like a freak show.Devon
00:35:30 They would put them in front of.00:35:33 Because you know who's the audience for this?
Speaker 12
00:35:36 Boomer moms.Devon
00:35:39 Boomer moms who are raising Gen.00:35:41 X and millennial boys.
00:35:47 Gen. X and millennial.
00:35:48 Boys who were the first white boys.
00:35:52 That we're actually having real consequences to the diversity, whether because of the like I I've mentioned before, when I went to when I was near graduating high school.
00:36:07 And I went to look and see what kind of opportunities there were available to me.
00:36:12 And there was a pamphlet that that outright from, you know, from.
00:36:15 The NSA, of all places.
00:36:17 That outright basically said that to get accepted.
00:36:21 You had to be a minority or a woman.
00:36:24 And that wasn't the only time that was just one that stuck in my mind there.
00:36:27 Were lots of of of times when the affirmative action.
00:36:33 Demon reared its ugly head.
00:36:38 Whether it was just being puzzled.
00:36:40 When you were a young white.
00:36:41 Boy watching television and you'd see commercials for the ***** College Fund and think to your, you know, just to yourself.
00:36:48 Well, why isn't there?
00:36:50 Why is there?
00:36:51 You know, free money or a fund?
00:36:53 Right?
00:36:54 That goes to the poor black kids.
00:36:55 But I'm.
00:36:55 A poor white kid.
00:36:56 I don't get any help.
00:36:58 In fact, why is it socially unacceptable that I would that I would have?
00:37:02 Something analogous to this.
00:37:06 The white guilt that gets hammered into your head.
00:37:11 The cartoonish.
00:37:14 Race relations.
00:37:16 Portrayed in all the buddy movies, think of all the the white.
Speaker 10
00:37:20 Guy and a black guy and they become friends.Devon
00:37:25 You know, maybe maybe it's two cops, right?00:37:27 The white cop and a black cop and.
Speaker 10
00:37:29 They get partnered up.00:37:32 And the white cop has to.
00:37:33 Learn about the black cops ways and.
00:37:34 The black cop has.
00:37:35 To learn about the white cops.
00:37:36 Waves are like whatever, right?00:37:41 There's, like, a bajillion versions of that.
00:37:44 And every time.
00:37:47 Every time, all the demeaning ****.
00:37:51 All the not cool ****.
00:37:53 Is attributed to the white guy.
00:38:02 You're also the same white.
00:38:03 Boys that are turning on, you know the.
00:38:06 TV late at night watching def Comedy Jam.
00:38:08 Or something like that and it's just black comic after black comic after black.
Speaker 13
00:38:13 Comic going?Speaker 10
00:38:13 What people are funny or stupid because blah blah.Devon
00:38:15 Blah and like a whole room full of white boomers in the audience laughing their ***** off.00:38:22 And so you had a lot of white kids and they were Gen.
00:38:25 X and millennials.
00:38:26 Going like what the ****?
Speaker 10
00:38:27 'S going on here like.Speaker 12
00:38:29 Seems a little bit awkward and the.Devon
00:38:31 Boomers don't have to live through them.00:38:38 The classrooms, when they were in school were.
00:38:41 You know, 90 plus percent white.
Speaker 10
00:38:44 Their offices are the same way.Devon
00:38:54 And so when they sense that their children are starting to to have a a, maybe a reaction.00:39:04 A reaction to.
00:39:07 You know, basically their children are acting as as the.
00:39:11 White blood cells.
00:39:22 Shows like.
00:39:24 Like this?
00:39:27 I mean, there's and there's so.
00:39:28 Many of them.
00:39:30 And they did different.
00:39:31 Look, they did different shows for different demographics, but this.
00:39:34 Was for the moms.
00:39:38 The white moms, who many look at the time there was still a lot of.
00:39:42 Stay home well, way more.
00:39:44 Now or than than than than than now right?
00:39:50 But that was that was changing too.
00:39:52 You're gonna see a little bit of the the audience reaction to just some like, look, they found cringe ****** white racist that we're going to be.
00:40:00 Very disappointed in, but they they it's not like everything they say is completely ******** and the audience is just as cringe as in it as.
00:40:08 Is the people on the stage?
00:40:13 Partially because the 80s and 90s were just ******* cringe.
00:40:18 Sorry, Sir, Sir, I disappoint you, zoomers.
00:40:25 80s, nineties were terrible.
00:40:32 But no shows like this got pumped into living rooms of stay.
00:40:37 At home moms.
00:40:43 And they would watch this and be like, ohh ****, I don't want my.
00:40:45 I don't want my boy to end up like that.
00:40:50 I don't want my daughter.
00:40:51 End up like that.
00:40:57 So it gets really ridiculous.
00:40:59 So let's let's let's start the freak show without further ado.
Speaker 14
00:41:04 I would like you to meet 19 year old Wendy, 21 year old Molly and 22 year old Tracy. Now they have never met before today's show, but they do share one powerful belief.00:41:19 That, as women of the 90s, their role is to stay home and have as many babies as possible with the intention of furthering the white race.
Speaker 10
00:41:32 Before you say ******* bast.Devon
00:41:35 I paused it right after.00:41:37 She said that.
00:41:38 Listen carefully to the audience reaction.
00:41:40 The audience isn't booing or owing or owing about them staying home and having kids.
00:41:47 It's not until the white race is mentioned and that the propagation of the white race is the reasoning behind why they want to do that, that the audience seems to get very.
00:41:56 Upset by it all.
00:41:57 Of a sudden.
00:41:58 So listen carefully.
Speaker 14
00:42:01 With the intention of furthering.00:42:03 The white race, Tracy, let's start with you.
Speaker 6
00:42:09 Ah, whoa, what the ****?00:42:11 Why war?
Speaker 3
00:42:12 Oh that.Devon
00:42:19 That was the sin.00:42:22 I mean, don't get me wrong, the feminism was already, you know, ingrained.
00:42:28 The feminism was already there.
00:42:30 There was already people that were that did not approve before the white.
00:42:33 Race part was was injected in there right?
00:42:37 But it wasn't until they mentioned the white race that the the audience members like lost control.
00:42:43 Last last.
00:42:50 You'll see why when you see the the audience members here in a minute, though, why?
00:42:53 Why they might have reacted like that.
00:42:56 But just like I said, the the people in the audience and the the stage are equally all ******* awful.
00:43:02 They're all it's.
00:43:03 It's just a big ******* clown show all the way around.
Speaker 14
00:43:07 When you say have as many babies as possible, how many babies is that?Speaker 15
00:43:12 As many as I can, and so I can't take it anymore this.Speaker 1
00:43:17 You know, there's just not enough pure white.Speaker 15
00:43:19 Anything left in the?Speaker 14
00:43:21 So you want to have like a?Speaker 2
00:43:22 Baby, every nine.Speaker 1
00:43:22 Right.Speaker 2
00:43:23 Months every nine months.Speaker 1
00:43:24 If I can.Speaker 2
00:43:25 Do it.00:43:25 Can I ask you if you have?
Speaker 14
00:43:26 Any babies now?00:43:27 Not yet.
00:43:28 OK, I.
Speaker 1
00:43:29 Always I always hear.00:43:32 I don't want to raise my children on welfare.
00:43:34 Like many of you people would like to think that everybody.
00:43:41 Oh, my goodness, you can't say welfare.Speaker 12
00:43:45 That's a code word for black.Devon
00:43:49 Because it isn't that funny.00:43:52 In the 90s, you really couldn't if you said welfare queen or welfare or something. It was basically like saying.
00:44:04 Because the people on welfare were black, that's just what it was.
00:44:10 You weren't allowed to point that out.
00:44:11 In fact, it's real funny.
00:44:12 Throughout the show this is.
Speaker 12
00:44:14 The thing that will.Devon
00:44:15 Infuriate you throughout the show, they pepper in all these like.00:44:24 That you will laugh at because it's for people that don't understand how statistics.
00:44:28 Work, but they.
00:44:29 Pepper and all.
00:44:30 These little facts.
00:44:33 But anyway, let's take let's let's let's keep going.
00:44:36 Let's see what the.
00:44:37 Oh, by the way this this.
00:44:38 Was the other thing.
00:44:39 That really kind of ****** me off.
00:44:43 What want to be like these these these black people that just crank out fifty kids on welfare?
00:44:49 Why not?
00:44:56 Seriously, what is it?
00:44:57 Pride is your sin pride.
00:45:02 Is that what it is?
00:45:03 Sounds like that's what it is.
00:45:10 Maybe, maybe that's the.
00:45:11 The kind of white pride you have, right?
00:45:15 The suicidal kind.
00:45:20 Look, I get it, you don't.
00:45:21 Want to be a parasite?
00:45:23 The systems going down and maybe in the 80s and 90s.
00:45:27 It didn't seem like it was a a tailspin that was unrecoverable.
00:45:34 But at a certain point, it's kind of just like, yeah.
00:45:36 **** it. If the ship's going down, you might as well grab what you can get.
00:45:40 Before it's at the bottom of the ocean, right?
00:45:49 Because what good does?
00:45:50 It do if you're like, it's not fair.
00:45:52 All the Hasidic Jews in New York, they just abused the welfare system and justice.
00:45:56 Take all these benefits, all these black welfare Queens, they just get.
00:46:00 Well, well, you you're not smart enough to figure it out.
00:46:03 You can't exploit the system.
00:46:06 I mean, I get it.
00:46:07 It's honorable to not want to exploit the system that that that's being exploited, but at a certain point, you're the sucker.
00:46:21 At a certain point, you're the.
00:46:22 Sucker for not doing it.
00:46:28 Look, I mean, she's a bad example, right?
00:46:31 Let me see.
00:46:32 She's a bad example.
00:46:34 For the the metaphor or the.
00:46:37 What I'm going to say here but.
00:46:39 It's like Idiocracy, right in the beginning of Idiocracy, you've got the smart couple that's like, oh, I don't want to have any kids because we can't afford the, you know, little Jimmy needs to have enough money for his law degree and all this.
00:46:54 Other stuff and.
00:46:56 And then by the end of it, they.
00:46:57 Don't have any.
00:46:57 Kids and all the stupid people are having kids.
00:47:02 I think this is a bad example because.
00:47:04 She seems like she's one of the stupid people.
00:47:14 But if that's what's preventing you from having kids, it's just it's self defeating anyway.
Speaker 17
00:47:22 Not you people like you.Speaker 1
00:47:24 People think everybody does.00:47:25 I want a job.
00:47:25 I wanna raise my children.
00:47:26 Right.
00:47:27 I don't wanna raise my children up on welfare.
00:47:29 You know that's not what it's all about.
Speaker 14
00:47:31 Tracy, there are.Devon
00:47:35 Also, doesn't make any sense.00:47:36 She wants to be a stay at home Mom that has as many white kids as possible, but she just she already just said she wants to.
00:47:43 Have a job.
00:47:45 *****, that is your job.
Speaker 14
00:47:47 Some women that might argue with your way of thinking and say you're kind of turning back the clock.Devon
00:47:54 See and there's the feminism thing.00:48:00 Well, some people would say you're turning back the clock wanting to have children.
00:48:04 That's insane.
00:48:06 Don't have kids and look, this is this is affecting.
00:48:11 The the white.
00:48:13 Boomer stay at home moms.
00:48:15 Watching this on TV, look, if there's anything that we've learned about the average white women in in our, in Western societies is they they want to go with whatever is the popular view.
00:48:30 I'm supposed to.
00:48:31 Have a a black avatar this month.
00:48:34 OK.
00:48:35 Oh, now it's a Ukrainian flag, OK.
00:48:43 #Not all white women, obviously. But by and large that that seems to be the case.
00:48:52 Well, the Internet didn't.
00:48:53 There was no Twitter, there was no Instagram, there was no Facebook, there was none of this stuff.
00:48:58 Back when this show was airing on television.
00:49:00 But there was this show.
00:49:02 Airing on television.
00:49:05 And this is where you were getting the social feedback.
00:49:08 So those mothers already were, were already being kind of shamed.
00:49:11 Like, why are you at home with your kids?
00:49:16 You're part of this.
00:49:17 You're like this lady.
00:49:18 You're like this fat ******* ******.
00:49:21 Trying to turn back the clock, you're part of the problem.
00:49:24 Are you really that different than this woman here?
Speaker 14
00:49:29 Why is it important for you?Speaker 1
00:49:32 It's just because everything.Devon
00:49:36 Why is it important to you?00:49:37 She would not ask that of any other person if there was any non white.
00:49:42 But the problem is again.
00:49:44 You know, they screen these people.
00:49:47 They would not have picked a woman like this if they thought she was articulate enough to give it a rational answer.
00:49:55 And she's not.
00:49:56 So she comes across as like a stuttering mess.
Speaker 15
00:50:00 It's just because everything.Speaker 1
00:50:05 We don't have anything left anything.00:50:07 There's like nothing.
00:50:09 Well, just no, there's no pride.
00:50:11 There's nothing left.
00:50:12 Everything is everybody.
Speaker 14
00:50:13 Else and taken away from you.Speaker 12
00:50:15 We've been, we've been robbed.Speaker 14
00:50:16 Why you?00:50:17 Have any children yet?
00:50:18 But you already have.
00:50:19 Some strong feelings on how.
00:50:20 You want your children educated, can you?
00:50:23 Tell me about it.
Speaker 1
00:50:25 Right.00:50:27 I think that when I do have children that they should be.
00:50:33 By the way, and we'll get into this a little bit more.00:50:36 I don't know if it's the same Molly, but I think it is and you'll see when you see her companion comes out on stage.
00:50:45 High probability that Molly here.
00:50:48 Is Jewish.
00:50:49 And was with a uh, a black guy.
00:50:53 Not 100% on that.
00:50:56 Not 100% on that.
00:51:00 It's possible it's possible that that her real name is not Molly.
00:51:05 That her real name is, oh, I had it up here.
00:51:10 Well, we'll, we'll get it.
00:51:11 We'll get into.
00:51:12 It When her companion comes up.
00:51:16 Because he's quite quite the unusual man.
Speaker 1
00:51:19 In the home I'm pursuing a teacher's education thing to teach them in.00:51:25 The home, OK.
Speaker 14
00:51:27 And why do you want to teach them?00:51:29 In the home, I really don't want them.
00:51:36 She literally has a satanic star.00:51:41 On her arm and a pen.
00:51:47 That they zoomed in on so that the Christian, the white Christian moms at home, are like this.
00:51:52 Look, the quality of this video is crap.
00:51:54 And then it goes.
00:51:54 Through then it goes through my crappy Internet, so it's even worse, right?
00:51:58 So you might not be able.
00:51:59 To see whether that's.
00:52:00 What it is, but at only 19 you.
00:52:02 Know 89 or 90 whatever.
00:52:04 The **** this was.
00:52:07 The mob, the, the, the white boomer moms.
Speaker 10
00:52:10 Are like, Oh my God.Devon
00:52:12 She's got a satanic ******* lapel pin.00:52:19 And a satanic armband?
00:52:20 Is that what the races are like?
00:52:22 Oh my God.
Speaker 10
00:52:25 I can't let little Timmy become a racist.Devon
00:52:29 Is this what the homeschooling parents are like?00:52:32 She's talking about home schooling.
00:52:35 Is that what they teach in the home?
00:52:36 Schooling about Satan.
00:52:38 Oh my God.
00:52:40 Oh my God.
Speaker 1
00:52:42 I really don't want them going to public schools, so they'll have to mix with wax and everything else and be brainwashed by everybody there and stuff.00:52:51 I'd rather just teach them how.
00:52:54 To be proud.
00:52:55 Of their race to be proud of.
Speaker 14
00:52:57 Their white you're 19 years old, right?00:53:00 We'll be married.
00:53:01 And you've heard what Tracy and Molly have said do.
Speaker 5
00:53:04 You agree with them.Speaker 1
00:53:05 I agree with them.00:53:07 I believe children are more important than create own money.
00:53:12 Now she's a little.00:53:13 Slightly less crazy.
00:53:16 Or at least cartoonish.
00:53:19 We'll meet her.
00:53:20 You've seen him before.
00:53:22 We'll meet her husband here in a second.
00:53:25 But she's she's part of the Christian identity movement.
Speaker 1
00:53:29 What is left after you die?00:53:31 Is this your money?
00:53:32 You have immortality with children on this floor.
Speaker 14
00:53:35 Who is the enemy?00:53:36 Who are you against?
Speaker 1
00:53:39 The Jews were behind everything.Speaker 14
00:53:43 What are the Jews?Speaker 1
00:53:43 What's next?Speaker 14
00:53:44 What are the?Speaker 10
00:53:46 The funny thing is.Devon
00:53:47 The audience reacts like.00:53:49 Ohh yeah, right?
00:53:51 The show is Jewish.
00:53:53 The audience is mostly Jewish.
00:53:57 You'll see in this look that don't take my word for it, they'll tell you.
Speaker 1
00:54:02 Behind the media, the government telling what people telling people what they should be, what they should do, how we should be politically correct.Speaker 14
00:54:13 What about the Orientals?Devon
00:54:17 Oh, that's that's really not sensitive.00:54:19 You can't see Oriental anymore.
00:54:22 I learned all about that.
00:54:24 You used to be.
00:54:25 Able to say oriental.
00:54:26 Apparently that's a no no.
00:54:28 A Chinese friend once and I I, said Oriental.
00:54:31 And he got really upset, said Oriental rug.
00:54:36 I was like, yeah, it's also.
00:54:38 It's also you like if if if the rugs oriental because it comes from China.
00:54:44 Aren't you oriental?
00:54:46 I mean, it's like Mexican food, you know, tacos are Mexican.
00:54:50 So are Mexican Mexicans.
00:54:52 Anyway, can't say or.
00:54:54 Apparently Orientals out now.
Speaker 1
00:54:57 I don't think they.00:54:58 Belong here.
Speaker 14
00:54:58 Either they don't belong here.00:55:00 Why would the Orientals not belong here?
00:55:03 So taking jobs where white people, Orientals are taking jobs with Molly, you're teaching women within your movement about how to prepare for a race war.
00:55:13 Tell us exactly what you.
Speaker 1
00:55:14 Do I think mentally, physically and we should be strong?00:55:21 Preparing mentally means educating other people and not going out and killing people, not committing violent acts.
00:55:29 But educating the other white.
Speaker 14
00:55:31 So how do you do this?00:55:33 Do you do it once a week?
00:55:34 Do you teach a class?
Speaker 1
00:55:35 Or do you do?00:55:36 Well, we have literature distributions and we also.
00:55:40 Like teach other white people who are interested about their history and to be proud of their race.
00:55:46 And physically we prepare by working out and things.
00:55:50 And I myself like know how to canned food and we stores and things like that.
00:55:57 So far and it doesn't sound too crazy it it will.00:56:00 Mean there's a reason she's wearing the satanic.
00:56:04 Star Lapel, pen or brooch or whatever, and the Satanic ******* star.
00:56:09 Like she's she's.
00:56:11 The exact kind of person that William.
00:56:13 Pierce was talking about.
00:56:15 And you can tell like she's not in this.
00:56:19 Especially if she's who I think she might be based on like, these really, really, really archived old.
00:56:26 Internet Forum post that I dug up.
00:56:28 She again, I don't know, I don't know.
00:56:32 But she herself might even be someone that was married to a black guy, and that might just be splurging out because that went South.
Speaker 1
00:56:45 In case anything might happen, you know we're going to have to run basic survival skills.Speaker 14
00:56:50 So you teach women how basic survival skills?00:56:53 Cooking, when you basically have nothing.
00:56:55 Do you think?
00:56:56 They'll be very sweet.
00:56:57 Oh yeah.
Speaker 19
00:56:58 Yeah, you.Speaker 14
00:56:58 Do you're 1920 and 21? Where does all this hatred come from?Speaker 15
00:57:06 Hey, hey, hey.Speaker 1
00:57:07 It's not about hate.00:57:08 It's being proud that we're white pride.
Speaker 15
00:57:10 It's about white pride.Speaker 14
00:57:11 Not about hatred.00:57:12 It's about white.
00:57:13 Did anything happen to you at an early at a young age?
Speaker 1
00:57:17 Well, I didn't become racially aware until I was a teenager when I had to.00:57:21 I had to myself go to school with wax and Jews and Orientals and stuff like that, and I seen how they.
Speaker 14
00:57:28 Did the blacks and.00:57:29 Jews and Orientals do to you.
Speaker 1
00:57:31 OK, what they did to me?00:57:32 Well, personally to me at that time I was very naive.
00:57:36 I was 14 years old.
00:57:37 But you live and learn, and when you're friends with them or whatever they turn around, they'll stab you right in the back.
00:57:43 And that's when I learned well, hey, maybe this isn't right, you.
Speaker 14
00:57:46 Know did they stab?Speaker 1
00:57:47 You, so to speak.Speaker 14
00:57:50 So to speak, in what way did they stab you?Speaker 1
00:57:54 Just turning like turning on me talking about you can't trust them worth anything, OK?Devon
00:58:03 Again, not the most articulate people.00:58:05 We we, we've got over this before the.
00:58:07 The fact that.
00:58:08 The reason why you get a lot of these people, some who are just larping and trying to be edge Lords and whatever the people that William Pierce is talking about.
00:58:16 But the people who are sincere, even.
00:58:17 Are not always going to be the brightest.
00:58:20 Bulbs in the ******* draw.
00:58:22 Because diversity, when it first came to America shores and it started affecting people, you didn't have like the first week, you didn't have Indian CEO's.
00:58:34 You know it was affecting the lower classes first.
00:58:39 The immigrants weren't taking the jobs of white collar whites.
00:58:44 They weren't.
00:58:44 In fact, they weren't even necessarily at first.
00:58:49 Competing with whites when it came to college admissions.
Speaker 11
00:58:53 At first.Devon
00:58:57 It was until affirmative action made you know, anti white racism.00:59:02 The law of the land.
00:59:07 The diversity.
00:59:10 To spread to more.
00:59:11 White collar sectors of the society.
00:59:16 That other people started to feel.
00:59:18 The pain, but at first.
00:59:21 It was the, you know, the lower the.
00:59:23 Lower end of the.
00:59:26 Of the IQ Bell curve of whites.
00:59:30 They were getting affected first, so they weren't, they just weren't the most articulate people.
00:59:38 And they didn't have any allies that that really were.
00:59:43 Well, well, they did.
00:59:44 They had a handful, but there were very few and far between.
Speaker 14
00:59:47 You see, you say black women only have children because it brings them money.00:59:51 Of money.
Speaker 1
00:59:53 Welfare money, taxpayers, money, everybody's money.Speaker 14
00:59:58 And you've seen black women dressed to the nines.Speaker 1
01:00:00 While their children are in rags, yes, naughty little, those little crybaby children, you know, and they're all dressed all nice.01:00:08 And their children, aware of bras?
01:00:10 You know they have children, so they can have clothes.
01:00:15 I like how they keep doing the reaction shot of the the the the ****** *** black woman.01:00:22 Look, she looks respectable.
01:00:25 She's wearing the the, the 90s girl suit.
Speaker 10
01:00:31 She probably holds down a good job.Devon
01:00:37 And the white boomer mom at home who doesn't have any interaction with any black.01:00:40 People at all.
01:00:44 This is the image they flash.
01:00:45 Up in her face.
01:00:52 While the woman criticizes black women.
01:01:03 See, she's wrong.
01:01:04 Look how wrong she is.
Speaker 1
01:01:11 They can have clothes.Speaker 14
01:01:13 OK, the Blacks should go back to Africa and they are out to make America a jungle.Speaker 15
01:01:18 Yeah, I think we've we've come pretty close now.Speaker 13
01:01:22 When you say.Speaker 14
01:01:22 You want to have an open hunting season on Jews?01:01:24 What does that mean?
Speaker 1
01:01:27 I think that once a year.01:01:29 You should be able to go.
01:01:30 Out and clean out the infestation.
Speaker 15
01:01:32 That's everything, everything, if you.Speaker 1
01:01:37 Which country is?Devon
01:01:39 See again, this is the Edge Lord **** of like, yeah, I'm going to go on national television represent.01:01:46 The people that that have a serious problem that we're facing and then for shock value say that I think once a year we should have a hunting season for Jews.
01:02:00 So that literally nothing else that I say now, no one will take anything else seriously now.
Speaker 1
01:02:11 Ultimate people who have no room to move around anymore.Speaker 14
01:02:13 If you had, for example, you were very, very ill and you had a Jewish Doctor Who could save your life, what would you do?Speaker 1
01:02:23 I would die for my God and.Speaker 12
01:02:25 You died in four months.Speaker 1
01:02:25 If he wanted me to.01:02:27 Ohh yeah, you're real.
01:02:29 You're real loving people, you know, because someone wants wants to die just because they don't have a Jewish doctor.
01:02:36 They're not loving people either.
01:02:38 And you call us hate mongers and they're the only hate mongers that's around here.
01:02:41 Y'all are sitting out there.
01:02:43 Give me a call because what we think and y'all are sitting out there judging us just the same.
01:02:47 It's not about.
01:02:48 It's just the proud of who we are.
01:02:50 I'm a white person.
01:02:51 I'm very proud.
01:02:52 I'm Russian, German and angle facts and I'm very proud.
01:02:55 Of it.Devon
01:02:58 Yeah, that Russian part, I think it anyway I.01:03:00 Don't know for sure.
01:03:03 I don't know for sure.
Speaker 19
01:03:07 I'm White and I'm Jewish.Speaker 14
01:03:10 Well, hold on.Speaker 12
01:03:15 We got a bit of a.Devon
01:03:15 Contradiction. Going on here.Speaker 19
01:03:17 And I'm Jewish and I'm.01:03:20 I'm White and I'm Jewish.
01:03:25 See, that's the thing.01:03:28 That's the in public and look, she's not gonna.
01:03:31 She's not the last audience member that's going to say those exact words.
01:03:34 In those exact order.
01:03:36 Or in that exact order.
01:03:43 And likely the the the white.
01:03:45 Boomer mom at.
01:03:46 Home that doesn't want her as young boy to turn into like one of the freaks that they're about to trot out.
01:03:53 She's got as many Jewish friends as.
01:03:55 She has black friends.
01:04:01 The idea that that Jewish was an ethnicity was completely ******* foreign to American whites.
01:04:08 Up until I would say well, even now.
01:04:13 I'd say more people today.
01:04:16 More whites in America today.
01:04:20 See a a ethnic difference?
01:04:25 Between themselves.
01:04:29 And Jews.
01:04:32 Than at any other time since World War Two.
01:04:35 I think prior to World War 2, or maybe just it maybe a little immediately afterwards.
01:04:41 There was that sense that.
01:04:43 There is an ethnic difference.
01:04:46 But because of all of the propaganda films that we've, you know, we've gone over in this stream that they've played over and over and over again to the the Boomers saying.
01:04:56 Ohh, it's just a religion.
01:04:57 You don't hate a man because of his religion.
01:05:00 Because they were taking in all the the Jewish immigrants coming in.
01:05:03 From Europe.
01:05:07 So they were just doing these propaganda blitzes.
01:05:12 And they were really effective.
01:05:16 Television was a hell of a drug.
01:05:23 So by the time this aired it, that was just accepted as fact.
01:05:26 They're like, oh, yeah, like that didn't sound weird.
01:05:28 I'm white.
01:05:29 I'm Jewish.
01:05:30 OK, that's it.
01:05:31 Sound like saying I'm White and I'm Christian or I'm white and I'm Pagan, or I'm white and I'm Buddhist or whatever, right?
Speaker 19
01:05:47 I'm White and I'm Jewish and I'm.Speaker 1
01:05:50 Very proud of.01:05:51 Wise, congratulating myself, proud of myself.
Speaker 7
01:05:56 What is children?01:05:58 What kind of education do you have?
Speaker 1
01:06:00 How are you going to support them?01:06:01 Want to know?
Speaker 7
01:06:02 Are you educated?01:06:03 Yes, Sir.
01:06:04 What do you?
Speaker 1
01:06:04 Do hey, I'm a nanny.01:06:06 Have a nurse.
Speaker 19
01:06:06 How much money do you?01:06:07 Make for you.
01:06:09 See and listen to listen.01:06:11 To the audience. Ohh nanny.
01:06:17 Low class woman there low status.
01:06:20 You hear that mom at home?
01:06:21 That's low status.
01:06:22 You better start practicing using that Excel spreadsheet stuff.
01:06:27 That's that's coming out.
Speaker 6
01:06:34 Raise up light and they have.Speaker 1
01:06:37 Alright, I'm a nurse.Speaker 21
01:06:37 The pies, and they're not, really.01:06:39 Children, you know, they erect.
01:06:42 Ohh, they censored something there.01:06:44 Well, you know what she was saying.
Speaker 1
01:06:49 You know, they like they have everything that they need.Speaker 15
01:06:51 And they're well taken care of.01:06:52 They have a sense of pride.
Speaker 16
01:06:53 No, don't know.Speaker 1
01:06:53 I know that's what it's all about, because nobody out here has any pride left in their race.01:06:58 If you can't be proud.
Speaker 6
01:06:58 Of your race.Speaker 1
01:06:59 Then you can't be anything at all.01:07:01 And it's OK for a break to walk around with Malcolm X, but what?
01:07:04 About a white person.
01:07:05 That walks around with I'm.
01:07:07 I'm proud I'm white.
01:07:08 Ohh, you're automatically racist.
01:07:10 I'm white.
01:07:10 I'm Jewish.
01:07:13 Another one literally the same thing.Speaker 1
01:07:18 Wait, I'm Jewish.Speaker 10
01:07:19 I'm white. I'm Jewish.Speaker 1
01:07:24 I'm white.01:07:25 I'm Jewish.
01:07:26 I'm very proud of that.
01:07:29 Literally exact like word for word.01:07:31 What the other?
01:07:31 Jewish woman said.
01:07:33 Word for word.
Speaker 1
01:07:36 And let me tell you something about Hitler.01:07:38 Hitler would have take care of you because he took care of.
Speaker 5
01:07:41 All the degenerates.Speaker 1
01:07:42 So you would not be alone right now right there.01:07:48 Then I don't think so.
Speaker 5
01:07:49 Because you will not be here, you don't know nothing.Speaker 1
01:07:50 OK, you would be.01:07:51 The 1:00 to.
01:07:51 Not me.
01:07:53 You're 19.
01:07:53 You don't know anything about life.
01:07:54 I'm 21 years old.
Speaker 5
01:07:57 You know I'm a mother.Speaker 1
01:07:58 Excuse me. Who called you?Speaker 5
01:07:59 I have a daughter.Speaker 1
01:08:02 No, I went to school.01:08:03 That's right.
01:08:04 And I went with blacks and I went with other people.
01:08:09 To the schools, the government.
Speaker 7
01:08:10 Which is run by Jews who taught you?Speaker 1
01:08:17 To be politically correct, politically correct.01:08:21 Wait, wait, wait.
01:08:22 Accepting all races and and marrying other races.
Speaker 14
01:08:25 What are you the men in your?Speaker 1
01:08:26 That's that's the way to go.Speaker 14
01:08:28 Think what do the men?Speaker 21
01:08:29 My husband's proud of where I feel.Speaker 15
01:08:32 Thinks that you know it's fine, it's just, you know, it's white.Speaker 1
01:08:40 Why I don't have a man in my life?01:08:42 But just because I don't want one, right?
Speaker 14
01:08:48 Now, alright.01:08:48 OK, so no man.
Speaker 1
01:08:50 No, but the one the one who I choose, the one who I choose, is to have the same have the same beliefs as myself, or I won't want.01:08:58 Him at all.
01:08:59 I wanted to give.
Speaker 21
01:08:59 And then.Speaker 15
01:09:00 Because nobody has any pride in themselves, you can't find somebody.Speaker 1
01:09:03 I'm very proud of myself and I'm not giving up my voice for.01:09:06 No one, yeah.
Speaker 14
01:09:06 Yes, there's a man in him.01:09:07 He feels the same way about.
01:09:10 I'd like to bring out the men in your life to introduce them to our audience.
01:09:16 And here you go.01:09:17 Here's the big reveal.
Speaker 10
01:09:20 The Big freak show.Devon
01:09:23 Now that you've heard the arguments.01:09:26 And you might have laughed and snickered and cause you, you know, you've gotten all the audience feedback that you need from the two white Jewish women.
01:09:35 To know what side of this you should be.
01:09:37 On you can hear the jeers.
01:09:41 From the what was.
01:09:43 This a New York audience, I'm.
01:09:44 Thinking it was a New York audience.
01:09:49 So now, regardless of where you live.
01:09:51 In the country.
01:09:52 As this is syndicated, I believe in 200 cities across America.
01:09:59 You are being acclimated to the reactions, the social reactions of a.
01:10:04 New York audience.
01:10:06 Very Jewish, very black audience.
01:10:15 And you were looking at these people as?
01:10:18 Oh, look at these freaks.
Speaker 10
01:10:22 And now the big reveal please.Speaker 14
01:10:26 Come on out.01:10:27 Sitting next to Tracy is her husband.
Speaker 2
01:10:30 Have been married.Speaker 5
01:10:35 White flower power.Speaker 1
01:10:39 As you can say, see.Speaker 14
01:10:41 It is a is a member of the.01:10:44 Florida Templar Knights, Florida Templar, Knights of the KKK sitting next to Molly is Jack lines.
01:10:52 Now, as she said, she doesn't have a man in her life.
01:10:54 She refers to him as the dictator.
01:10:56 They are not married, but she takes her orders from him.
01:11:00 What do you mean you take your order?
01:11:02 Look at that guy.01:11:04 Look at that guy.
01:11:05 Where did they ******* get this guy?
01:11:10 They found a guy who calls himself the dictator.
Speaker 10
01:11:17 That dresses up.Devon
01:11:18 Like a dictator.01:11:22 Who has a Hitler mustache?
01:11:27 And instead of a swastika on his armband.
01:11:31 Has a Satanic store just like his lady friend.
01:11:41 Has a satanic star on her arm and as.
01:11:44 Well, as on her brooch.
01:11:47 He walks with a ******* cane.
01:11:54 I mean, you couldn't even write.
01:11:56 You couldn't even write a.
01:11:58 A comic book villain.
01:12:00 Like this guy?
01:12:01 And before you think he's fake?
01:12:04 He's not even fake he.
01:12:05 He's still around.
01:12:07 He's still around.
01:12:12 But of course, now he's not racist.
01:12:16 But he's one of these people that William Pierce was talking about.
01:12:21 People that just want attention.
01:12:30 And he this isn't the only television appearance he got.
01:12:37 This is a gold mine.
01:12:38 If I'm a TV.
01:12:39 If I'm a Jewish television producer in the 90s and we're doing a show about racist, you better sure as **** believe I'm gonna get this guy on.
01:12:53 I'm gonna now.
01:12:54 I'll call my ******* competitors.
01:12:57 And say dude.
Speaker 5
01:13:00 We found the perfect guy.Devon
01:13:06 Wait till he starts talking.Speaker 1
01:13:10 If there's something in the organization that needs to be done, I need to do a flyer distribution or we need to go meet someone, then yeah.Speaker 14
01:13:17 You take your orders, OK.01:13:19 And finally, Mark Thomas is sitting next to his newly red.
01:13:26 Alright, so this guy.01:13:28 He was in that, the racist kids episode, this guy was.
01:13:34 A part of the Arian Republican Army.
01:13:39 Which was a group of Christian or yeah Christian identity guys that tried.
01:13:46 To follow in.
01:13:46 The footsteps of the order, which is the group that we covered in the last pack con stream, where they were robbing the the banks and armored trucks.
01:13:59 So after I after this aired in fact.
01:14:04 He was arrested along with a group of other people.
01:14:08 Let me see if I can find this.
01:14:13 So he was arrested along with a bunch of other guys.
01:14:17 There he is.
01:14:19 For participating.
01:14:22 In these heists.
01:14:24 That they were doing to.
01:14:28 Fund their their their operation.
01:14:31 The other thing that's that's creepy about this guy is.
01:14:36 I believe he's 40.
01:14:41 Mid 40s, I don't know.
01:14:42 40 something and she's 19.
01:14:45 So that's a little bit all.
01:14:46 Right.
01:14:48 At least she's 18, I guess.
01:14:51 But uh.
01:14:53 You know.
01:14:57 But he had, like, basically a terrorist training camp and he was tied to a lot.
01:15:01 Of these Christian identity.
01:15:04 I believe he's out of prison now.
01:15:07 And I didn't find much of A Internet presence for him these days, so I don't know what he's up.
01:15:14 To these days.
01:15:15 But if he looks familiar, he's from that.
01:15:17 He's from the racist kids episode.
Speaker 14
01:15:21 Bright, windy. Now they've denied less than a year. All of you share your women's racist beliefs. Why?Speaker 12
01:15:32 Well, I introduced Mitch only to many of the ideas that she's familiar with, and I would want to stay openly that they're.Devon
01:15:42 Yeah. So there you go. He's the racist minister 43.Speaker 12
01:15:46 Ideas of affirmative positive belief in the values of our race, not the negative words, slogans and directives and stereotypes predicated on the other races.01:16:00 Why do I feel this way?
01:16:02 The and Jews are ruining our country. America is a country not for whites only. All the non whites are ruining our country. The white people playing with this country that have nothing and the white people are.
Speaker 1
01:16:11 That's when it starts to have a melting pot.01:16:15 That's right.
01:16:19 So here you go, there's the comic book villain.01:16:24 You know, it's interesting. I'm pretty sure they're letting him say.
01:16:29 And they are censoring ****.
01:16:31 I think I I I I I can't imagine what else he would be saying cause they do censor him.
01:16:38 And he's saying they're not bleeping that out. So what else?
01:16:41 Could he be saying?
01:16:44 But look, he's he's a comic book villain.
01:16:48 He's dressed like an actual, like, not even.
01:16:52 He's like a parody.
01:16:53 He's like a venture brothers.
01:16:55 Comic book villain.
Speaker 12
01:16:56 Whites only.01:16:58 All the non whites are ruining our country.
01:17:00 The white people playing here and built this country that are nothing and the white people are the only people that belong here, not the neighbors, not the Red Indians, but the Jews, not anybody.
Speaker 1
01:17:01 That's when it starts kind of melting pot.01:17:05 That's right.
Speaker 12
01:17:13 If our country.01:17:14 Yeah, we ain't going anywhere.
Speaker 1
01:17:16 All the beautiful.Devon
01:17:19 So fun fact about that guy.01:17:22 His name is Jack Grimes.
01:17:25 He was he was so.
01:17:27 Like, not real singing.
01:17:33 I need to figure out like what the ****?
01:17:35 Like where?
01:17:36 Where the **** did who the ****?
01:17:38 Is this guy?
01:17:40 He's still around.
01:17:41 He's still ******* around.
01:17:44 But he he's just.
01:17:45 He just goes.
01:17:45 He just he's a I I.
01:17:50 And he he literally went to the Rockefeller where it was.
01:17:54 It was like it was, I forget the name of the school.
01:17:56 But it was like an acting school.
01:18:00 He went to a Rockefeller acting school.
01:18:07 He tried a bunch of different movements.
01:18:10 The first, the first party he tried to start was a Communist Party.
01:18:16 They took over some other part Fascist party and called it like changed the name to like the area and something party.
01:18:24 He defected to Iraq and joined Saddam Hussein's Bathurst.
01:18:29 Party for a little bit.
01:18:35 I mean.
Speaker 12
01:18:45 White boomer mom.Devon
01:18:48 She doesn't know any of this ****.01:18:50 There is no Internet.
01:18:53 This is if they couldn't put her on.
01:18:55 TV if it wasn't real.
01:18:59 There's a lot of people that really.
01:19:00 Believe that ****.
01:19:03 I remember even when I was a kid.
01:19:06 And when I was a kid.
01:19:09 And you'd go to the grocery store and you'd go to.
01:19:12 The checkout stand.
01:19:14 And I don't know if they really.
01:19:15 I don't think they do this really anymore.
01:19:16 Not certainly wasn't.
01:19:17 Like it was in the 90s.
01:19:21 And you would always have these insane newspapers.
01:19:27 Like Hillary Clinton's alien baby.
01:19:31 That was a real that was a real headline.
Speaker 10
01:19:38 Bigfoot has sex with.Devon
01:19:41 You know, supermodel.01:19:47 Like crazy ****.
01:19:50 And I remember one day.
01:19:53 I was in line at the checkout stand.
01:19:57 In some old woman.
01:19:59 I mean, not like 1000 years old, but she was probably like in her 60s or 70s.
01:20:06 Is looking at the cover.
01:20:09 Of one of these newspapers.
01:20:13 That's talking about.
01:20:16 I don't remember what it was.
01:20:17 It was some kind of UFO thing, like, you know, UFO comes down and.
01:20:22 You know, aliens party with Bill Clinton.
01:20:25 It was like something completely ********.
01:20:30 And she was.
01:20:32 Pulling on her husband's sleeve and saying.
Speaker 10
01:20:34 Look, look, look.Devon
01:20:36 And he says.01:20:37 I'm like, oh, that's that's just that's just garbage, Martha.
01:20:40 You know, whatever the.
01:20:42 But I'll never forget.
01:20:46 When she said well.
01:20:47 They couldn't print.
01:20:48 It if it wasn't true.
01:20:54 High trust society.
01:20:57 So why television was a hell?
01:20:58 Of a drug.
01:21:06 Look, it's like that TV movie that.
01:21:07 We you know.
01:21:08 At the very beginning, based on a true story.
01:21:12 Oh, then it's real.
01:21:13 Or just like that cyop manual.
01:21:19 That said that.
01:21:21 Pretty much all children and most adults except what they see in movies as fact.
01:21:32 It doesn't occur.
01:21:36 To the white boomer mom that this this.
01:21:39 Cartoon character.
01:21:44 Is exactly that, a ******* cartoon character.
Speaker 1
01:21:49 Beautiful architecture from you can't use.01:21:51 Most people.
01:21:57 I I would.
01:21:58 You should cut.
Speaker 14
01:21:59 That word in front of me, OK and.01:22:01 In in front of this show, please do not.
Speaker 12
01:22:02 We've used.Speaker 2
01:22:09 With the rules.Speaker 14
01:22:14 There's certain things we don't, we just.01:22:16 Do not allow and that.
Speaker 5
01:22:17 Kind of thing.01:22:18 What about opening speech?
Speaker 12
01:22:20 If you social my right to say one word that's taking away my freedom of speech, I'll comply with your.01:22:26 Rules because I respect you and I thank you for.
Speaker 14
01:22:28 OK, but please use the word black.Speaker 16
01:22:29 Having us on the show.Speaker 14
01:22:30 It would be much.01:22:31 More helpful if you.
Speaker 12
01:22:32 Are going to be focusing on the Jews more.Speaker 16
01:22:35 Because I can.Speaker 12
01:22:36 I consider the Jews our real enemy.Speaker 1
01:22:38 We'll cut your decision anyway.Speaker 14
01:22:39 The Jews are more your enemy than blacks.Speaker 12
01:22:41 The Jews are a real enemy because the Jews have intelligence and they have the money, power.01:22:46 They control this country, they promote the liberal ideologies that are destroying America.
Speaker 5
01:22:51 And they work.Speaker 21
01:22:53 No, no.Speaker
01:22:54 Where they got.Devon
01:22:56 Again, this guy would later found other organizations and political parties where he would install Jews as as as members ranking members of his party.01:23:10 And again, the information about him is hard to find and some of it's second hand.
01:23:16 But they're second hand accounts.
01:23:19 That say that basically he lived with two women.
01:23:25 One of whom was definitely a Jew, had the last name like Rosen.
01:23:30 Something I forget I I'd.
01:23:31 Have to find it again.
01:23:33 But yeah, and then he, he he flipped the script on the racist stuff said, well, this isn't selling.
01:23:39 So he tried, you know, he started as a communist.
01:23:41 Then he was a fascist.
01:23:42 Then he was a batist.
01:23:43 And there's this and that, you know, he just wanted to be on TV.
01:23:48 He was a failed actor that wanted to be on TV.
01:23:51 And then he took it a step further.
01:23:53 As you as you all see.
Speaker 12
01:23:55 No, they're parasite race.01:23:57 The Jews have been a parasite since the dawn of history, and the Jews are nothing but a parasite.
01:24:03 The Jews do.
01:24:03 Not work.
01:24:05 The Jews light up on the back of the Gentile nation and make the glam people of the world.
01:24:10 They're slaves.
01:24:10 That means you.
01:24:12 You black ladies, you white ladies.
01:24:13 You're all being made into rage slaves by the Jews.
01:24:17 The Jews are non productive, useless race.
01:24:21 They're scum of the earth.
01:24:22 The Jews are a race of parasites and vermin infesting the world.
01:24:28 But what's the face?
Speaker 1
01:24:29 Of this earth.Speaker 12
01:24:34 Hi it's my destiny to be the dictator of the American nation.Devon
01:24:40 So after.01:24:43 After describing the Jews in that way.
01:24:47 What does he do?
01:24:48 He immediately turns up the crazy.
01:24:52 And says it's his destiny to be the.
01:24:54 Dictator of the American.
01:24:55 Nation ohh, it keeps going from there.
Speaker 12
01:25:00 Nobody can stop me from anything.01:25:06 Leading the white Americans and.
Speaker 6
01:25:08 OK.Speaker 2
01:25:09 OK.Speaker 6
01:25:11 I'll ask him why it's destiny to be.Speaker 2
01:25:14 The dictator and.Speaker 12
01:25:15 Because I will be.Speaker 14
01:25:15 Coming up next you'll.Speaker 1
01:25:16 Meet a man whose people like this are.Speaker 14
01:25:18 Responsible for his son's murder.01:25:20 Stay with us.
Speaker 22
01:25:27 Actually, there are people I don't choose my friends according to their color.01:25:32 I have a lot of friends that are different colors all the same.
01:25:38 We're all the same.01:25:42 Think like a child.
01:25:45 Have the pattern recognition of a child.
01:25:56 Alright, so here's the funny hate facts.
01:25:59 Reading. So here's all like.
01:26:01 A myth blacks commit the most crimes.
01:26:05 This is how easy it was to get away with this ****, OK?
01:26:12 Blacks commit the most crimes fact in the past year, more whites were arrested than blacks.
01:26:20 Notice how we they don't adjust for population.
01:26:23 And by the way, that's not even true if you're talking about murder.
Speaker 10
01:26:34 But again.Devon
01:26:36 Simple Sally sitting at home.01:26:40 Watching her mystery stories on the TV.
01:26:45 She's just like, wow, I didn't know that.
01:26:48 I always thought the blacks it must have been my unconscious racial bias that made me think that blacks.
01:26:55 Commit more crime.
01:26:57 Because here it is right here on my TV screen in the past year, more whites.
01:27:01 Were arrested than blacks.
Speaker 10
01:27:05 Wow, I didn't know that.Devon
01:27:08 Look, it's a myth.01:27:09 It's a myth that blacks commit the most crimes.
01:27:12 Wow, I.
01:27:14 Oh, I sure feel like a ******* racist.
01:27:16 Now I I'm like that.
01:27:18 I'm like that psycho in the suit.
01:27:21 God yeah, start.
01:27:23 I was starting to go down.
01:27:24 A road that I don't.
01:27:25 I didn't see the end of.
01:27:30 Thankfully, Sally, Jesse Raphael.
01:27:36 She's going to steer me in the right direction.
Speaker 14
01:27:45 Welcome back.01:27:46 Today we're talking to young women who proudly call themselves racists.
01:27:51 And the men in their lives, Jack, just as we went to Prague, you said that.
01:27:56 You call yourself the dictator and you say that Nostradamus predicted that a man by the name of grime would be a Marcus dictator.
01:28:03 And I have checked New York's telephone directory and there are over 100 Grimes. How? And that's just one city. How Are you sure?
01:28:11 You meet you.
Speaker 23
01:28:12 I'm sure.Speaker 14
01:28:13 You're sure?Devon
01:28:15 See nostradamus.01:28:19 Predicted that he would be the see.
01:28:21 This is it just it's off the ******* rails.
01:28:24 I mean, he he's not even like a video game villain anymore.
01:28:30 He's he's like a.
01:28:33 He's like a character on on on a bad comedy like he's like a character on Mad TV at this point.
01:28:39 He's not.
01:28:40 I mean, he's so, like, not real.
01:28:44 But people are taking him seriously.
01:28:46 They booked him on so many shows.
01:28:55 He ran for president twice.
Speaker 14
01:29:04 OK, you say that your job is to start an ethnic cleansing of the country.01:29:11 Is that correct that this?
01:29:12 You would be.
Speaker 12
01:29:13 To to return a market to the white people who founded it and created it and build it out of nothing.Speaker 14
01:29:19 OK, you think this will happen in what year?Speaker 12
01:29:22 The most, regardless, prophecies are correct as I believe they are.01:29:26 It will happen sometime between 1999 and the year 2004. I will become the dictator of the American nation.
01:29:38 We know that didn't happen.Speaker 1
01:29:40 All you guys can sit back and laugh, but there's nothing you can do to change a major event.01:29:46 You have no control over it.
Speaker 12
01:29:46 Everything, everything.Speaker 1
01:29:48 It's gonna happen.01:29:48 It's gonna happen.
01:29:49 There's nothing you can do about it.
01:29:52 Ever regret.
01:29:52 Nothing happen. Has nothing have.
Speaker 12
01:29:54 Fun everything knows about us has predicted would happen will happen in sometime between.01:30:00 1999 and 204 I will walk into the White House and become the dictator of America.
Speaker 1
01:30:12 That's what you want here.01:30:13 I just.
Speaker 2
01:30:13 Feel so sorry for the people except the fellow on the end.01:30:16 As it says in my little black book, you guys in America, not one white, has ever been executed for killing a black male now.
01:30:24 Oh, you like that hate fact?01:30:29 Let's not think about.
01:30:30 That for a second.
01:30:32 Her hate fact was.
01:30:35 Not one white man has been executed for killing a black man.
01:30:40 Yeah, I I mean I get.
01:30:42 Your implication, right?
01:30:44 Your implication is.
01:30:46 Oh yeah, the white people that.
01:30:47 Get off easy.
01:30:49 They can just go around mowing black guys down and they just never get in.
01:30:53 Trouble for it?
01:30:55 This racist country.
01:30:58 And again it's, it's just as dishonest as as those other.
01:31:01 Well, I think they're going to put some more up in there in a minute.
01:31:04 Just as dishonest as that myth.
01:31:06 That they put it on after the commercial break.
01:31:11 But again, unsophisticated people at home who, I mean.
01:31:14 Let let's face it, who's watching this ******* show, right?
01:31:17 People that don't understand statistics or or you know these kinds of.
01:31:23 Distorted facts.
Speaker 12
01:31:26 They're not going.Devon
01:31:27 To put it together well, wait a second.01:31:28 Maybe it's because white guys aren't going around murdering black guys.
01:31:38 Maybe that's why they're not getting executed for it, because they're not ******* doing it.
Speaker 2
01:31:43 Let me say this right away.01:31:44 We've got to have a a groundwork here.
01:31:48 In other words, the first people on Earth were black.
01:31:53 Ohh look and it's OK for her to say.01:31:55 Her black supremacist ****.
01:31:57 The first people on Earth were black.
01:32:03 We are the origin of humanity.
01:32:06 We was kings.
01:32:07 That's totally fine.
Speaker 2
01:32:09 And you guys come from us.01:32:11 So you're going to have to.
01:32:12 Admit that you've been miseducated.
01:32:15 Here's the here's.01:32:16 What I've never understood about that, by the way.
01:32:20 Here's where I never understood about that.
01:32:22 They always put that out as.
01:32:23 If it's some kind.
01:32:24 Of own to white people.
01:32:28 Like Oh yeah.
Speaker 12
01:32:29 We were here first.01:32:29 You come from us.
01:32:33 Yeah, but do.01:32:34 You do you realize what you're really saying?
01:32:37 I mean.
01:32:40 Isn't that kind of like saying it?
01:32:41 I mean, it's very similar, right?
01:32:43 Is if someone were to say we come from monkeys, you know like is that like own like you see monkeys go like?
01:32:49 Hey, hey, hey, hey.
01:32:50 You settle.
Speaker 12
01:32:51 Down humans, you come from us.Speaker 10
01:32:55 I mean, aren't?Devon
01:32:55 You, I mean, I'm just saying, like, I've never understood that argument, cause it you're you're kind of implying.Speaker 12
01:33:02 That we're more evolved.Devon
01:33:06 That's what you're saying?01:33:08 When you make the argument that.
Speaker 10
01:33:09 Like, oh, everyone comes.Devon
01:33:10 From black people.01:33:12 You're saying that you're like a relic.
Speaker 10
01:33:14 Of the past.Devon
01:33:18 You're saying that you you're you're frozen in the evolution.01:33:22 You're like the missing link.
01:33:25 That's what you suggest I'm.
01:33:27 Look, I'm not saying that.
01:33:28 That's what you're saying.
01:33:29 I've never understood this, this, this.
01:33:34 This weird point.
Speaker 2
01:33:38 In America, and that you don't know that the word race does not have an S on it and you all.Speaker 16
01:33:41 We have.Speaker 2
01:33:44 Are going to.01:33:44 Have to really get.
Speaker 1
01:33:44 That's crazy.Speaker 2
01:33:45 A life.01:33:45 And I feel so.
Speaker 15
01:33:47 Sorry for you.Speaker 3
01:33:54 Right.Devon
01:33:58 And let's look at that genius that they got.Speaker 12
01:34:00 Well, I'll tell you what.Devon
01:34:04 Like he hasn't even talked yet, and I and you can already tell like that guy's about as smart.01:34:09 As a ******* bucket of *****.
Speaker 12
01:34:13 Rachel Blinder, may I say something, may I say something?01:34:17 I would be inclined to agree with the lady that the blacks were the first people.
01:34:22 The Asians were the 2nd and the white were the.
01:34:24 Good God screwed up with the blacks.
01:34:26 He screwed up with the Asians and he only got it right with the white.
Speaker 14
01:34:29 People Jack.Speaker 15
01:34:34 OK.Speaker 14
01:34:35 You were born a Catholic.01:34:37 Are you practicing now?
Speaker 12
01:34:39 No, ma'am, I'm not.01:34:40 I am a free thinker and they.
Speaker 15
01:34:50 Today, on the behalf of my son, he was murdered. May the 25th, 1993 by 2 white police officers.Devon
01:35:04 Oh, here we go.01:35:05 That's see.
01:35:06 That's when this narrative was was starting to brew up.
01:35:09 My boy was murdered by white cops and he didn't do nothing.
01:35:14 He was a good boy.
01:35:16 Like, obviously, she's not just some random.
01:35:19 Woman in the audience.
01:35:20 Obviously this whole this whole thing is is a production.
01:35:24 It's like this is about as real as reality TV.
01:35:27 OK, so.
01:35:28 Course they have her, just like they have the woman that pulled out.
01:35:32 The whole you know, no, what man's ever been executed for murdering.
Speaker 13
01:35:35 A black man.Devon
01:35:37 She went to some random ***** in the audience.01:35:41 Just like this.
01:35:42 Isn't some random person in the audience?
Speaker 15
01:35:45 He was sick in downtown Beatman hospital.01:35:49 He was having a seizure, they handcuffed him.
01:35:54 Put him on the floor on his stomach.
01:35:56 And they beat and kicked and stomped him to death.
01:36:00 Yeah, I'm sure that happened.Speaker 15
01:36:03 Then they had nerve to call me to tell me he wouldn't cardiac arrest.01:36:08 And that wasn't anything but racist.
01:36:12 It's literally George Floyd.01:36:14 Yeah, I'm sure your son didn't die of a drug overdose and that he was resisting arrest and that as a result, like, it's it's literally George Floyd part one.
Speaker 15
01:36:25 And I.01:36:26 Want justice?
Speaker 12
01:36:37 What about critical?01:36:38 Of government that rules over this world, and especially over this United States today, will never give justice to people of any race because it creates the kind of antagonism, the bigotry and the hatred that was used against your son by this.
01:36:53 No, I do not.
Speaker 6
01:36:55 I like to, I think this is.Speaker 16
01:36:56 Very important because.Speaker 12
01:36:56 I stand with the teachers of Minister Farrakhan and other separatists who have restored the dignity to all the races absent.Devon
01:37:02 Wait, wait.Speaker 16
01:37:04 Let me.Speaker 14
01:37:07 Let me say something.Speaker 6
01:37:13 I think I think at.Speaker 14
01:37:15 This point you should meet Robert.01:37:17 Roberts son also was brutally murdered two years ago by Skinheads who were proud of what they called a mud murder.
01:37:25 Robert, you're going to tell us what a mud murder is, and then tell us what happened to your son.
Speaker 10
01:37:30 A mud murder, the the scourge of the.Devon
01:37:33 Americas in the 90s.Speaker 10
01:37:36 Mud, murder. Mud murders.Devon
01:37:38 It sounds like a it's like when.01:37:42 Like they were so in the.
01:37:43 90S and the actually, I guess they probably still do this kind of a thing.
01:37:49 The boomer parents.
01:37:51 Would come up with some like ridiculous term.
01:37:54 And say, like, oh, yeah, teenagers, they're into this thing called mud murders.
01:37:59 Yeah, it's crazy.
01:38:00 They just go around mud murdering all the time.
01:38:03 And there's always news reports about no the mud murders.
01:38:06 Oh, we gotta we gotta pass legislation to.
Speaker 10
01:38:09 Stop all the mud murders.Devon
01:38:12 When when all the teenagers like mud?01:38:14 What mud?
Speaker 23
01:38:17 OK, the white supremists, the neo Nazis.01:38:21 Say honorable mud murder is the killing of a non white person.
Speaker 14
01:38:26 Your son is not.Speaker 23
01:38:27 Me, my son was Asian American.01:38:29 He was half Thai, half white.
Speaker 14
01:38:32 OK. And what happened?Speaker 23
01:38:34 On August 10th, 1992, my son's body was found underneath the Olympia Train tunnel downtown Olympia, WA, two blocks from the capital.01:38:44 He had been stabbed 27 times.
Speaker 12
01:38:46 He had been beaten repeatedly.Speaker 23
01:38:49 And they took a parking meter.01:38:51 And they crushed his head.
01:38:53 Beyond recognition, we could not have an open cask if you know it.
01:39:00 Look, he was literally in Antifa.01:39:05 He's literally he like, he really was an Antifa.
Speaker 23
01:39:12 No, it had to be closed.01:39:13 Casket they could not in bombing.
01:39:16 He had so many holes in her.
Speaker 14
01:39:18 Body how did?01:39:19 How do you know?
01:39:20 Who it is that did this, in other words, what happened?
Speaker 23
01:39:22 Today, the two perpetrators that murdered my son.01:39:26 After they murdered my son, they left.
01:39:28 They came back to make sure he was dead.
01:39:30 They took his blood and put their handprints on the wall.
01:39:34 Then they left and on their way of leaving, they stopped in Grand Mound, got into a confrontation and took an AK47 and killed a white man that was sleeping in the back of a Bronco.
01:39:46 Then they were apprehended.
01:39:47 Now they also said that killing.
01:39:50 This white man was also an honorable mud murder.
01:39:54 To lie to other inmates they did not want other white people.
01:39:57 White area need to know that they murdered a white man.
01:40:02 So then after their mud murder, they.01:40:03 Got a assault rifle?
01:40:06 And killed another guy for no reason at all.
Speaker 14
01:40:10 Were they members?Speaker 23
01:40:10 And call it the white matter.Speaker 14
01:40:11 Were they members of a white supremacist group?Speaker 23
01:40:14 Yes, there was the one gentleman's name was gustison. He was.01:40:18 A leader of.
01:40:18 The White Aryan youth out of Bainbridge Island.
Speaker 12
01:40:22 He was fleeing.Speaker 23
01:40:23 A possible persecution for beating a black man in Seattle and his own crime was the fact that another black man was seen kissing a white girl in a bus station and they took it out on.01:40:33 This man, so nice mixing.
Speaker 14
01:40:34 What do you do?Speaker 23
01:40:38 I don't listen to you people talk, and I'm sorry you're good, mayor.01:40:42 And I was thinking of yourself as a human being.
01:40:44 You're allowing yourself to.
01:40:45 Being ridiculed and taken beyond and.
Speaker 12
01:40:49 Below the.01:40:50 Mixing all the mud.
01:40:50 You know.
01:40:52 I'm awake people.
01:40:52 You're not Rachel. Blindness my.
01:40:57 Those people that killed your son.
01:40:58 We're not.
01:41:01 When the race war comes, what are you gonna do?
01:41:03 This is what happened with.
Speaker 23
01:41:05 My flat mate.Speaker 12
01:41:06 That he deserved to be murdered just to the black and I don't care what beliefs that criminal had that he used to justify that.01:41:17 I heard you talk about America.
01:41:19 Hey, when the ladies Americans are Indians, they were here first.
01:41:23 Right.Speaker 12
01:41:23 What has the white man?Devon
01:41:25 So yeah, and notice they never let the Christian identity guy who's who's actually not, as you know, obviously he's not as insane as this ******* guy, right?01:41:34 He comes across his articulate.
01:41:38 He's a preacher, so he's going to be a little articulate, but he's also just like and he was articulate to some extent in the racist kids interview thing too.
01:41:46 And for the same reason.
01:41:47 They don't have him talk they had.
01:41:49 The other guy.
01:41:49 Talk that sounded more like this ******* nut.
01:41:57 Because this isn't.
01:41:57 About understanding this is all a ******* freak show.
01:42:03 And by the way, he should have.
01:42:04 Known that now.
01:42:06 He he was going on just as.
01:42:07 Many shows as this.
01:42:08 ******* lunatic.
Speaker 12
01:42:15 We're all human beings.01:42:17 If you cut yourself, you bleed red.
01:42:19 This is what, red?
01:42:20 Just as well as.
Speaker 23
01:42:20 I do this lady.Speaker 10
01:42:22 You cut yourself, you.01:42:23 Bleed red, white and blue.
01:42:26 We're all pink on the inside.
01:42:29 Yeah, you know.01:42:30 You're also just pink on the inside.
01:42:33 A ******* honey badger.
01:42:35 I'm not a ******* honey badger.
Speaker 23
01:42:39 Be over here.01:42:40 This gentleman here may.
Speaker 19
01:42:42 Just like with the.Speaker 23
01:42:46 Let me say something.01:42:48 It is time for Americans to quit passing the bus.
01:42:52 Pointing the finger and realize that we are accountable for our own actions and we need to accept each other for our differences.
Speaker 12
01:42:53 How they start waking up?Speaker 1
01:43:00 And not or whatever.01:43:02 Don't speak for all of us.
Speaker 12
01:43:04 Let me say something.Speaker 1
01:43:05 To anyone, if I'm in a prison cell, huh.Speaker 12
01:43:06 Who are you speaking for?Speaker 1
01:43:07 I'd rather be out here doing positive things for this country.Speaker 13
01:43:09 She's speaking for white.Speaker 12
01:43:11 Let me say something.01:43:12 Let me say something please.
01:43:14 The area of racial loyalist party.
01:43:16 Does not condone violence.
01:43:18 We want to.
01:43:18 Build up a.
01:43:20 A legitimate white civil rights organization to represent the why is my son dressed?
01:43:26 I don't know why your son is dead, Sir.
01:43:28 Some gentleman murdered my son because he is dead.
01:43:30 Asian American life, that's not.
Speaker 1
01:43:33 But that's not us.Speaker 7
01:43:34 OK.Speaker 12
01:43:35 We do not believe in.Speaker 1
01:43:35 Why even violence?01:43:37 Don't worry, go ahead.
Speaker 12
01:43:38 We want to be teaching.01:43:40 We teach, right, right, right to the love of our people.
Speaker 6
01:43:42 What street are they talking about when they're talking about the aliens have question.01:43:59 I'd like.
01:44:04 I'd like to ask.
Speaker 5
01:44:06 Chilling with pregnancy, you are shut up, boy.Speaker 7
01:44:10 You shut up.Speaker 6
01:44:12 Little boy and I have to pay.Speaker 10
01:44:19 I mean, he's he's he's a.01:44:21 Video game villain.
01:44:24 He's like a Nintendo 64, like ill.01:44:28 Produced video game villain.
01:44:31 He's like that. We just barely got 3D working video game villain.
01:44:43 But there's actually more.
01:44:44 Of those guys, they they have a couple more larpers that come up and start talking.
01:44:49 After and again they make good points.
01:44:53 And then they destroy it with their costumes.
Speaker 1
01:44:56 Said on 2.Speaker 18
01:44:57 Occasions that the Arians made this country and I want to know where you get your history from.01:45:02 I mean, all the minorities in this country made this country.
Speaker 1
01:45:07 I don't know what you're talking about.01:45:12 That's how it is.
Speaker 12
01:45:13 It's a sewer.01:45:14 Look what you've made.
Speaker 17
01:45:18 Miss education this country is made-up makes it unique is that it's made.Speaker 12
01:45:18 No, we didn't make.Speaker 17
01:45:18 Of all sorts of different kind of.Speaker
01:45:25 Ohh God.01:45:32 The treacherous white woman returns.
01:45:39 I don't know.01:45:39 She could be a fellow white, but I don't think so.
01:45:41 I think this this again, this is the.
01:45:43 This is the woman that wants.
01:45:45 To virtue signal.
01:45:47 That she doesn't see race and that she's, you know, she is.
01:45:50 She is the.
01:45:52 Role model for the woman at home.
01:45:57 That wants to project herself onto someone in this scenario.
01:46:06 Here she is.
01:46:07 She's going to.
01:46:07 She's going to.
01:46:08 She's going to tell you all all about how how woke she is.
Speaker 17
01:46:13 All sorts of different kind of people, race, religion, and I mean you make me sick.01:46:19 I cannot.
01:46:19 Believe and you?
Speaker 12
01:46:19 All these other races.Speaker 17
01:46:20 Never answer the question.01:46:22 How are you going to support your children all these children?
Speaker 12
01:46:24 All these races have turned America into a car.01:46:28 Uh-huh. Girlfriend.
Speaker 8
01:46:32 OK, first of all you Mr.01:46:35 can add to problem as well.
01:46:37 Oh God, here we go.01:46:43 Knowing that they picked these guys in advance, it's just it's a little shocking sometimes the quality.
Speaker 8
01:46:51 You, Mr.01:46:52 got an attitude problem as well as an identity crisis and this ground right here.
01:46:57 Who thinks the Halloween?
01:46:59 Every day of.
Speaker 16
01:46:59 The year.Speaker
01:47:00 And you know.Speaker 12
01:47:00 These guys. This road. Yeah, I'm talking about that road. He's 65 and the reconstruction we made these roads to scare off you Darks.Speaker 15
01:47:03 In 18.Speaker 12
01:47:09 Who are you?Devon
01:47:12 And and you've been scaring off white people for the last 100 years with those same ******* roads.01:47:19 No one gives a ****.
01:47:20 No one gives a **** how cool you think they are.
01:47:23 No one cares about the history of it, but you.
01:47:27 Why do you think that? No one knows that Biden's camp that is like 76% Jewish?
01:47:35 What do you think?
01:47:36 That they.
01:47:37 What do you think would happen?
Speaker 12
01:47:42 If Merrick Dolan.Devon
01:47:45 War a yamaka every time he was on TV.01:47:51 Or better yet, like the the Big Black.
01:47:55 Top hat looking thing and with the curly sideburns.
01:48:01 And if Chuck Schumer did the same thing.
01:48:04 And if Dianne Feinstein did the same thing.
01:48:11 What do you think would happen?
01:48:14 Why do you think they don't do that?
01:48:17 Why do you think Sally Jesse Raphael?
01:48:21 Changed your name to Sally Jesse Raphael.
01:48:28 Do you think she's ashamed of her heritage?
01:48:32 No, she comes from big money.
01:48:41 Her family's been running drugs for centuries.
01:48:43 While rum but you know.
01:48:51 Doesn't matter how ******* cool you think it is.
Speaker 8
01:48:58 You ain't scaring me because I ain't buying your crap.Speaker 1
01:49:00 For one minute.Speaker 12
01:49:02 As you still, you still scared of.Speaker 8
01:49:02 Ohh you you are sick to write and bring babysitters for the.Speaker 13
01:49:08 For the white race.Devon
01:49:10 Look, look at the.01:49:13 And you can tell what's about to happen.
01:49:15 Look at the the Palestinian scarf.
01:49:19 The guy behind him is wearing get ready for that one.
Speaker 16
01:49:22 What? What the hell?Speaker 8
01:49:24 Happened to bringing babies to this world.01:49:25 To love and nurture that.
Speaker 12
01:49:29 You do it, you do it.Devon
01:49:40 Where does racism?01:49:41 Come from.
01:49:42 I wonder if they're gonna have a fun.
01:49:43 Hate fact to tell us.
Speaker 16
01:49:47 I think racism in children and adults too comes from people's own self hate.Speaker 5
01:49:52 Probably one of the scariest things to see is.Speaker 1
01:49:55 When you see little children on the playground.Speaker 15
01:49:57 And they're racist.Speaker 16
01:49:58 You know, that's gotta come from a parent or a guardian.Speaker 15
01:50:02 Or something we.01:50:03 Learned at home because the repeating thing.
Speaker 2
01:50:05 If they don't even understand.Devon
01:50:11 Oh, sweet. Our hate fact in 1993.01:50:15 There were over.
01:50:17 7600 hate crime incidents reported to the FBI.
01:50:27 Yeah. Again, you like this nonspecific language? I could report 8000 hate crimes to the FBI tomorrow. This this literally means nothing.
Speaker 14
01:50:45 That's an awful lot.01:50:46 And and people on home base were saying they don't hate.
01:50:49 Please meet tomorrow.
01:50:51 We've asked tomorrow to come.
01:50:52 Be here today, she was like.
01:50:53 Of a.
01:50:54 Very interesting book called.
01:50:58 Oh, look, a nice little rainbow book.01:51:01 602 ways to build and promote racial harmony.
01:51:07 At least back then, that was like the.
Speaker 11
01:51:10 The stated.Speaker 12
01:51:11 Goal, right?Devon
01:51:13 Oh, we're just trying to get along.01:51:14 Not not.
01:51:15 We're trying to.
01:51:15 Breed you out and dominate.
01:51:17 You we're trying to just get.
01:51:19 OK well, that doesn't sound so bad.
Speaker 14
01:51:24 602 ways to build and promote racial harmony.Speaker 13
01:51:29 I I said that you could easily become a racist yourself.01:51:35 Why Sally?
01:51:36 Unfortunately, I graduate from the University of California at Irvine with a degree in psychology and being excited about going to school.
01:51:45 I applied for my first job and unfortunately lost my job because I later.
01:51:49 Found out that my my employer did not like black people.
01:51:55 Yeah, file that under didn't happen.01:51:59 I'm sure that you're you went to Irvine and then you got fired from your first job in California.
01:52:06 Cause your boss didn't like black people.
01:52:10 In California.
01:52:12 But continue.
Speaker 13
01:52:14 And so I was really disappointed about that.01:52:17 But unlike the panel up here, I know what my destination is, I know.
01:52:21 By the way, pretty sure you got into Irvine.01:52:25 Because they like black people.
Speaker 13
01:52:28 What I'm called to do, and I'm not going to allow anyone to steal my dream away and through talking justice, the theme of the book is reach out to everyone, deny no one, but we are all members of the human race.Speaker 21
01:52:40 And that's about it.Devon
01:52:46 That's another one of those things.01:52:47 I understand, like we're all we're all we're.
01:52:49 All the same race, the human race.
01:52:53 It's like.
Speaker 12
01:52:54 We're all the.Devon
01:52:55 Same breed of dog.01:52:57 The dog breed.
01:53:00 Like it makes no sense.
01:53:01 It makes no sense.
01:53:05 But anyway.
Speaker 14
01:53:13 I I would like you to talk to Mark, if that's alright with you and sitting next to maybe that couple Mark and Wendy, they have only been married.01:53:21 What a year.
01:53:22 Yeah, a little less than a year.
01:53:24 He has five.
01:53:27 By the way, I tried to see if these.01:53:28 Guys were still married.
01:53:30 Just out of curiosity.
01:53:32 Look, I'm not totally against.
01:53:34 The age difference?
01:53:35 It's a little.
01:53:36 It's a little much.
01:53:38 But I I was.
01:53:39 Curious like look, who knows right?
01:53:41 Here we are.
01:53:43 How many years later, at least you know, 25 years later?
01:53:48 Maybe, maybe they're still happily married and got a bunch of kids.
01:53:52 Who knows?
01:53:52 But I couldn't find the information on that.
Speaker 14
01:53:54 Five children from a previous marriage, and he's going to have more children with Wendy.Devon
01:53:59 Holy ****, I didn't catch that, but.01:54:01 He had fire here, he had.
01:54:02 Five kids from a previous marriage, alright.
Speaker 14
01:54:05 What do you say to him?01:54:06 He believes that the Bible says that the Jews are of Satan and should be exterminated.
01:54:10 So he would like to exterminate the Jews.
01:54:12 What do you say to?
Speaker 13
01:54:13 Somebody like that?01:54:14 Sorry, I don't believe in anyone that teaches hate and preaches hate.
01:54:17 And I think that he needs to find himself.
01:54:19 I believe that he must not be sure about who he is and what he is.
01:54:23 And I was listening to the green Room and he said that he's not.
01:54:26 He's not preaching a message of hey.
01:54:28 Yet the reason why Mertzon isn't here today is because of the ignorance and the hatred that all of you represent.
Speaker 3
01:54:38 I do not know anybody.Speaker 12
01:54:41 Nor have I ever been involved with anybody, but he's still in that kind of criminal behavior.Speaker 1
01:54:43 Hey so.Speaker 17
01:54:43 Please don't say that.Speaker 12
01:54:46 First of all, if you have an understanding of.01:54:48 Psychology. You'll you.
01:54:49 Will agree that the first thing we must all come to is a positive understanding of our own identity, and that it goes beyond, you know, saying.
Speaker 13
01:54:57 And in doing that, we need to.01:54:59 All cultures and all people on the face of the Earth, everyone has the.
Speaker 12
01:55:00 Yes, we do.01:55:01 But the white race?
Speaker 13
01:55:02 Right to be here.Speaker 12
01:55:02 The white race alone are the people that are today made to feel guilty for all their accomplishments.Speaker 13
01:55:08 I totally disagree.Speaker 12
01:55:08 You are and by doing that.01:55:11 You are promoting sociopathic behavior among white people.
01:55:15 The white people are being told to feel guilty about Christopher Columbus, about how they established this country to feel guilty about slavery when it was international jubilee through the Banks of England that brought the slaves to this country and exploited them.
Speaker 14
01:55:30 My my question though is you have made a statement to our producer and if you do not wish to stand by it, that's fine.01:55:36 But you have said, Jack, we should exterminate the Jews.
01:55:39 Now that's a violent thing to say.
Speaker 12
01:55:41 I'm mark.01:55:42 I'm not Jack, but I and I didn't say we should exterminate the Jews.
01:55:45 I said that I believe that the Bible.
01:55:47 Teaches that the people that make up the household of world Jewry today within them are found what what is called the Synagogue of Satan, what Jesus Christ many times referred to as the children of the Devil, so they shot him to death for their allegations.
01:56:00 Luke 1927 prophesied that one day he would destroy them. This is a doctrine to cure to all mythology.
01:56:07 To all people, a battle between good and evil.
01:56:10 We believe as our God taught Jesus Christ, we are the children of the good.
01:56:14 They, as he identified them, are as the children of the good.
Speaker 23
01:56:17 That's right.01:56:18 You know that?
01:56:18 Who made?
Speaker 12
01:56:19 You, God, nobody made me God.01:56:21 But the Bible says what love I do, judge not.
Speaker 1
01:56:21 Why don't you just to?Speaker 13
01:56:22 Love thy neighbor as thy fell.Speaker 12
01:56:25 Let's see yourself.Speaker 7
01:56:29 What time are you reading?Speaker 12
01:56:29 OK.Speaker 16
01:56:30 Bible do you reading what Bible are you reading?Speaker 12
01:56:31 The King James, Bob, or any bobble you want.01:56:34 You you cannot take one or no.
Speaker 23
01:56:35 Bible says 2 on the others.Speaker 12
01:56:36 That you would have them.01:56:37 Do that's what.
01:56:37 It wasn't.
01:56:38 No worries.
Speaker 16
01:56:40 You command.Speaker 12
01:56:41 No, it's not part of the 10 Commandments.Speaker 7
01:56:42 The take commandment ring a bell anywhere I could I know.Speaker 12
01:56:47 The 10 Commandments in Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic in England doesn't say any such thing.01:56:50 Your book.
01:56:53 Inspired the men to write the Bible as it is written.
01:56:55 We're talking about the same Bible.
Speaker 23
01:56:57 Which ma'am?Speaker 12
01:56:57 You cannot take one verse out of context any more than I can.01:57:02 Why? Why? Why do the?
Speaker 14
01:57:05 Women turn to these men for.Speaker 13
01:57:08 That's a very good point though.01:57:10 As I look, they all seem mesmerized, as if they were trained as to what to say when they come out here and I charged them I.
Speaker 17
01:57:15 We pray.Speaker 13
01:57:16 Charged them the process.Speaker 17
01:57:16 I see the audience as trains.Speaker 13
01:57:17 Justice and to find themselves and to not let any man lead you in the wrong.Devon
01:57:23 Here comes the the strong black independent woman, probably a lesbian.Speaker 10
01:57:28 You're trained, you're trained by your man.Speaker 13
01:57:32 To not let any man lead you in the wrong direction because you know what you're doing, you.Speaker 1
01:57:37 You called God.Speaker 13
01:57:38 No, I'm speaking.Speaker 6
01:57:39 OK.Speaker 13
01:57:39 I'm talking.01:57:40 You're listening, OK?
Speaker 7
01:57:42 What I'm saying to you is this.01:57:44 What I'm.
Speaker 21
01:57:44 Saying to you is this.Speaker 13
01:57:45 You have limited resources.01:57:47 I have unlimited resources because I can pick from the Asian culture, the Latino culture, the African American culture, and I can bring it all in together and we can live in peace and harmony.
Speaker 1
01:57:57 Thank you.Speaker 13
01:57:57 Which is wrong.01:57:58 It's evil, it is evil and good always prevails over evil.
Speaker 1
01:58:02 Right.Speaker 12
01:58:06 You say you think about culture since Wendy and I came to know one another, I have taught her the Bahadar Gita.01:58:15 I have taught her the different things in the many different cultures of the.
01:58:18 World taught her that.
Speaker 13
01:58:18 Why do you need to teach her?Speaker 12
01:58:19 Can't learn herself when they hear her.Speaker 14
01:58:21 Why did she pick?Speaker 2
01:58:22 Her no one like that.Speaker 12
01:58:24 When the here's the student report she has taught me about Matisse and Picasso got robbed.01:58:29 Then go different back March, other mark.
01:58:30 First of all, the gentleman over here, there's two cases that have taken place in the last.
01:58:37 Six months in this country.
01:58:39 Ah, here we go.01:58:41 So now they got this guy with the ******* beret.
Speaker 10
01:58:47 They all have to wear a costume.01:58:50 This is like this is like WWF.
Speaker 12
01:58:54 It really is.01:58:56 It really is.
01:58:59 These talk shows are no different than pro wrestling.01:59:07 And the villains dressed like villains.
01:59:12 And the good guys dressed like normal people.
01:59:17 If you look on the stage.
01:59:19 The only people dressed normal.
01:59:24 Aside from the.
01:59:26 Christian identity preacher who's who looks and he and his wife look kind of normal.
01:59:33 Are the anti racists the the angry black woman?
Speaker 10
01:59:37 Who got fired because she was they?Devon
01:59:39 Hated black people.01:59:43 And the guy who had a Antifa son that got beat up.
01:59:48 Which I'm sure there's a lot more to that story than than just random skinheads.
01:59:52 Just look at him.
01:59:54 He's half, half white.
01:59:55 Let's kill him with a.
01:59:57 Parking meter.
01:59:58 And then randomly kill another guy with a AK-40 like there. There is obviously way more than that story.
02:00:08 And now this guy.
02:00:11 The guy with the mustache and the beret.
02:00:13 With his buddy, he, like the his buddy behind him with the sunglasses and the the Arafat scarf.
02:00:22 Ohh man.
02:00:24 Get ready.
02:00:24 Get ready.
02:00:25 Look and he makes the guy with the beret and makes.
02:00:28 Some good points but.
02:00:28 He looks he looks like that.
02:00:30 Got the beret on.
Speaker 12
02:00:33 In Europe, what happened to your Asian stepped on or whatever he was to whites, one in Florida and one in Philadelphia, a kid named Riley was chopped up, was chopped up with actually cut his hands off and left it in the park because he was white by 12 Vietnamese.Speaker 14
02:00:38 No, he was his.Speaker 12
02:00:49 One has only got sentenced to 8 years and I'm disgraced at some of the whites in this audience.02:00:54 I'm really young.
02:00:55 If Louis Farrakhan was up there, you would treat him a lot different. Yeah, he could pack 30,000 people.
02:01:00 In the stadium, preach hatred and call people white devils, but you will go oh and ah yeah.
02:01:00 Right.Speaker 12
02:01:04 And as far as statistics goes, OK SFB I state police whites are eight times more likely to be.02:01:10 In fact, Buchanan said this was almost one out of out of Washington, DC or more, 8 times more likely, Mario Cuomo did the same study and found the same conclusion.
02:01:19 In New York State.
02:01:20 York in 1990, rights were the victims of racially motivated crimes 58% of the time in New York State over the last three years.
02:01:28 That is a government study and if anything, they know that the statistic rights are much more in the majority of racially motivated attacks.
02:01:35 And some of you white people I talk to.
02:01:38 Behind closed doors, a lot of you and you talk the same thing that I feel.
02:01:42 You say the blacks are taking over.
02:01:44 You say the Jews control the banks, but you come out here and you disgrace these people and you call them names and order you to the hypocrites.
02:01:51 I'll get out and I'll speak what I hear and I will be afraid.
02:01:54 I'll say it.
02:01:56 And you'll do it while wearing a beret.02:01:59 Come on, man.
02:02:00 Just try to look like a normal guy.
02:02:02 When you say this stuff.
02:02:04 This would have see this would have hit.
02:02:06 This would hit so different.
02:02:09 If everyone wasn't just staring at that *******.
02:02:11 Beret on your head.
Speaker 12
02:02:14 You bring him on the show or use the hypocrites.Speaker 14
02:02:19 Let me take a quick break coming up next is.Devon
02:02:22 So yeah, so they have that guy again he put you can't.02:02:25 You're not allowed to make good points unless you're dressed ridiculously for a reason.
02:02:32 In fact, the guy behind him with the weird.
02:02:33 Sunglasses and the.
02:02:35 The the Arafat scarf.
02:02:37 I almost wonder if they, like had a prop box and maybe even with the beret.
02:02:41 They I almost feel like some producer ran up to him before they let him go on the mic and say, OK, we're going to put you on the mic, but you have to wear this beret.
02:02:49 It it's it's a TV thing in order for like the lights, you know, to hit you right if you don't put this parade on, you know it's going to just it it they're going, it's going to reflect off your forehead and it's just going to look crazy and.
02:03:00 Your body over here.
02:03:01 You're gonna put these dark sunglasses on.
02:03:04 On because if you don't put these dark sunglasses on, then it's the same thing.
02:03:08 It's gonna like you'll get.
02:03:09 It's like you ever see Red eye in those photos.
02:03:12 Sometimes you get red eye.
02:03:13 Yeah, we don't want you to have the red eye, so you gotta put these ******* weird Terminator sunglasses on and then put this ******* Arafat scarf on you dumb cucks.
Speaker 14
02:03:24 Woman who says she was in the same shoes as Wendy and Molly and Tracy until an appearance on our show.Speaker 11
02:03:24 We are.Speaker 14
02:03:31 Her story next.Devon
02:03:38 Ohh good look, this look at this myth, guys, look, they're they're breaking barriers.02:03:44 They're proving that all of these misconceptions that you have about races, it's just all in your head.
02:03:50 Look, myth.
02:03:51 Most blacks are on welfare.
02:03:53 Let's, let's hold on.
02:03:54 Let's, let's.
02:03:55 See what this is about.
02:04:02 Fat 1.7% more look, look at this.
02:04:13 Again, they're not accounting for the population difference.
Speaker 10
02:04:18 Which is enormous.Devon
02:04:20 And 1.7% more whites.02:04:24 Are recipients of welfare than black?
02:04:29 1.7%.
02:04:34 Without accounting for the population difference.
02:04:39 Holy ****.
Speaker 12
02:04:43 That's their big myth, Buster.Devon
02:04:46 Ohh, you thought that blacks.02:04:47 Were all out there actually.
02:04:55 1.7% more whites are actually at the recipients of welfare.
Speaker 14
02:05:10 Female racists and the men in their lives. Robert Buchanan, whose son was murdered by Skinheads, says that every racist is in a way responsible for his son's death now.02:05:22 We work with a.
02:05:23 Very interesting division.
02:05:24 What's it called?
Speaker 24
02:05:26 Well, I work for the Middlesex County Prosecutor's office and I'm the vice crime and Community relations coordinator, but I'm also the President of the New Jersey State, biased Crime Officers Association.Speaker 14
02:05:36 Now you said that there.02:05:38 Well, tell me what it is you want to.
02:05:39 Tell me there are ways of getting people angry.
Speaker 24
02:05:42 Yes, obviously.02:05:43 What's what I'm observing here as I watch this go on and I wanted to share this with the audience here and the audience at home is that this is exactly the tactics that are used by Klansmen and White Arians.
02:05:55 Basically what it is is they manipulate people, they attempt to incite you.
02:06:00 They attempt to get under.
Speaker 13
02:06:00 Your skin. It's the government.Speaker 12
02:06:03 He's the president, the public.Speaker 24
02:06:03 Thank you to attempt to.Speaker 12
02:06:05 They want to have.Devon
02:06:06 You know, I think I think all those little stupid myth, hate fact things that.02:06:11 You guys are putting on every.
02:06:12 Commercial bumper that those are meant to incite to deceive.
02:06:15 But anyway, let's let's see what let's see who's yelling.
02:06:18 It's the government.
02:06:19 I'm sure it's another guy in a costume.
02:06:20 Let's see.
Speaker 8
02:06:22 The Federal Emergency Management Agency will step.Speaker 16
02:06:25 In and we'll.Speaker 13
02:06:26 Be on the washing.02:06:28 It's the government.
02:06:30 There we go.02:06:31 Enter the guy with the sunglasses and the Arafat scarf.
Speaker 10
02:06:36 A a new villain enters the ring.02:06:40 Dun Dun.
02:06:40 Dun Dun.
02:06:41 It's it's Arafat with the fascia haircut.02:06:44 Let's let's let's see what he has to say.
02:06:47 He looks like.
02:06:48 I don't know.
02:06:49 I was gonna say his nose looks a little jewy, but I think it's just the sunglasses make.
Speaker 24
02:06:52 It look like that and as you can see that is a perfect example.Speaker 5
02:06:55 Right.Speaker 24
02:07:06 Normally happens in situations like this. They've had approximately 243 demonstrations over the last 92 and 93 across the nation, and basically the problem is not with them, but with the counter demonstrators.02:07:17 What they'll do is they'll incite people.
02:07:19 The police come in and they start pointing to pick their finger at the counter demonstrators.
02:07:25 Do you like what they're saying?02:07:26 Because it's the same thing as today, right?
02:07:28 He's literally saying it's not a problem.
02:07:31 Like the whites when they come out and demonstrate, which doesn't even happen anymore.
02:07:36 But he's saying that in in when this was going on in the 90s, in this particular year, I forget what what he said.
02:07:42 But there's like 280 or whatever demonstrations and one that's kind of a lot that it's never the actual white demonstrators themselves, they get violent.
02:07:51 It's the counter demonstrators that get violent, but somehow that's the white people's fault.
02:07:58 You see.
02:08:02 You see cause.
02:08:04 Because their hate is violence.
02:08:08 That that's the same logic they were using about the people. Yeah, like when the Antifa people are losing their minds and fighting Trump supporters all throughout 2016 and onward, it was.
02:08:18 The same logic. Oh well.
02:08:20 Of course they got violent, they had to.
02:08:24 Yeah, no choice.
Speaker 24
02:08:26 And this is just so that you can get their sympathy.02:08:28 They're obviously on a recruitment plan right now because they've been hit very hard recently.
02:08:33 And what they're recruiting is young adults do not think that this is what represents hate crimes and hate groups.
02:08:38 It's young adults.
Speaker 14
02:08:40 Women were young adult females in 1920 and 21, and which is why we wanted to do this show. As you say, there's a great many of the young females joining, are they not?Speaker 24
02:08:50 Oh, absolutely.02:08:51 They're recruiting in the schools.
02:08:52 They're looking for youth with low self esteem.
02:08:56 And basically what they are.
02:08:57 Is just a big gang and if you look at any gang.
02:09:00 Structure where there be a.
02:09:03 OK.Speaker 1
02:09:03 Is there anyone who's interested?02:09:04 OK, let me, Robert.
Speaker 24
02:09:11 Say something, please.02:09:13 May I say something if you're.
Speaker 12
02:09:14 Get murdered in his contract.Speaker 23
02:09:16 In the Webster Dictionary for the word Skinhead.Speaker
02:09:20 Right.Speaker 23
02:09:21 It's a member of a lawless gang.Speaker 14
02:09:23 Says member of Lawless gang.Devon
02:09:25 Well, if the dictionary says it, then of course.02:09:29 What I don't get it was that another?
02:09:32 Own or something?
Speaker 14
02:09:34 I want I want to tell you something about this show.02:09:36 This reminds me very much of A show that we did.
02:09:39 Thank you, Nelson.
02:09:40 Three years ago and we were talking to clan moms and their daughters at that time.
02:09:47 Now the.
02:09:49 They keep doing this episodes, not a new one.02:09:52 This was they did at least one of.
02:09:54 These every year.
02:09:55 So she's referencing another show she did called Clan Moms, and she's going to bring in she she's so thoroughly shamed.
02:10:03 One of these these clan moms.
02:10:05 These these white women that that respond negatively when they they feel as if they're the the targets of social shame and she.
02:10:16 You know, she completely.
02:10:17 She changed her ways, right?
02:10:19 Kind of like the the daughter of the guy that was killed.
02:10:23 When we're doing the the healing hate stuff.
02:10:26 Talking about the Vietnamese shrimpers that went to Texas.
02:10:31 And then murdered that guy.
02:10:33 And then, 40 years later.
02:10:35 The daughter is.
02:10:37 Is embarrassed about her dad.
02:10:40 And said the.
02:10:41 The the the white people were spreading hate.
02:10:44 When they killed her dad, you know like.
02:10:49 This is this is how easy it is.
02:10:52 This is why honestly, and look, ladies, it's not that we don't respect your opinions or whatever.
02:10:56 It's just that one of the reasons why we don't want you to have political power is it's so easy.
02:11:02 It's so easy to manipulate women, especially in groups.
02:11:08 It's so easy.
02:11:09 All you do is apply this the the smallest amount of social pressure.
02:11:14 And most not all the majority of.
02:11:16 Women will go.
02:11:17 With the flow.
02:11:22 And that's that's what that's we have a a perfect example of this.
Speaker 14
02:11:26 Reason why it's the same as trying to talk to young women.02:11:29 Maybe if we can convince young women, or we can convince moms.
02:11:33 Well, that show produced an amazing transfer.
02:11:36 See look. And she's. She's.02:11:38 What was I saying?
02:11:39 This whole first part of the the episode the the whole point of this show is to get Vince Boomer moms to not let their young men become racist, because if they're racist, they're a cartoon character.
02:11:53 They're a a.
02:11:54 Comic book villain.
02:11:57 She's saying exactly what I've been saying.
02:12:00 She's saying the whole reason why she has this show and other shows is to convince mothers.
02:12:07 To not let their children to grow.
02:12:08 Up to be comic book villain racists.
Speaker 14
02:12:11 Information before we get to that, I want you to take a look at a clip from that show.Speaker 1
02:12:18 That if they prove themselves that if you get a white man, a black man, and I say this man, you pay it nine out of 10 times, that white man scores is gonna be higher than another.Devon
02:12:33 Which, by the way, I mean again.02:12:37 Coming from.
02:12:38 Her it it it's.
02:12:40 It sounds ridiculous, right?
02:12:45 She's the perfect person to have on a stage.
02:12:52 To present to the crowd.
02:12:55 The issue of race and IQ.
02:13:04 She becomes self parody.
02:13:08 And they know what they were.
02:13:09 They knew what they were doing.
02:13:10 Of course they knew what they were doing.
Speaker 5
02:13:13 Does not mean black. It's the way you act.Devon
02:13:20 Well, that's pretty interesting.02:13:21 I like how.
02:13:23 So we can say again and 91 you could and.
02:13:26 By the way, that was that.
02:13:28 Was pretty well accepted.
02:13:30 That was pretty well in 91.
02:13:32 I don't know it.
02:13:33 Briefly, the enjoyed this the word enjoyed like this.
02:13:38 This brief time when it wasn't bad to say you could say white and people knew what you meant, and no one freaked out like there was like it was like, only lasted like maybe a couple of years, maybe even less than that.
02:13:54 Where white people could say and no one was because it didn't mean.
02:13:58 Every black person.
02:14:00 You know it.
02:14:01 Meant like a specific kind of person.
Speaker 10
02:14:02 Then then you know a lot of them were black.Speaker
02:14:06 You know.Devon
02:14:10 So it's just in 91, apparently, that that already taken.02:14:12 Hold in San Francisco even.
Speaker 14
02:14:20 Joining us now by telephone is that woman.02:14:23 Her name is Jen Ralston.
02:14:25 Jen, what happened after the show?
Speaker 21
02:14:29 My whole life changed.02:14:31 I got a good, hard look, long look at myself and what I saw was something ugly and scary.
02:14:41 And I didn't like what I saw, and I thank God that I had a change of heart.
Speaker 14
02:14:47 You were going to be with us today, Jan.02:14:50 And I know that something happened in the family.
02:14:52 So my my good wishes are with you.
02:14:55 What would you like to say to these young women today?
02:14:58 Because we were doing a mom show.
02:15:00 Now we're doing a young women show.
Speaker 21
02:15:02 Uh, first of all, Sally, I feel sorry.02:15:04 God forbid the the kids that these women have, the kids are the ones.
02:15:09 That's gonna suffer.
02:15:11 I know because I was an officer.
02:15:15 I held two officers in the clan and my husband helped three officers.
02:15:18 I taught young people how to hate.
02:15:21 I taught them.
02:15:22 How to be different?
02:15:23 How to be separate?
Speaker 1
02:15:25 But I want to.Speaker 21
02:15:26 Say two things to the people on stage.02:15:29 First of all, she talked about one of the women talked.
02:15:32 About a sewer.
02:15:34 The world is a sewer that's right on account of people like you that make it a sewer.
02:15:39 And you know what you do with human feces?
02:15:42 You flush it down the toilet.
02:15:46 People right there.
02:15:48 And second of all.
02:15:51 I'd like to say this.
Speaker 12
02:15:52 Our creator to the movement before you, even in.Speaker 21
02:15:54 And second of all, I'd like to say to the people to Mr.02:15:58 Grind, you know what the word grind means.
02:16:02 And the Webster Dictionary is filth.
02:16:04 Human, I mean.
02:16:07 People were obsessed with if you look up this.02:16:09 In the dictionary like, I don't think people say that anymore.
02:16:12 Only people use dictionaries anymore.
02:16:14 That that is a very 90s thing.
02:16:16 I don't know why but like.
02:16:18 You used to hear that.
02:16:19 All the time.
02:16:19 If you look up blah.
Speaker 12
02:16:20 Blah blah the.Devon
02:16:21 Dictionary and and and I guess the reason why we stopped doing that is it implied that words had like a meaning like a fixed meaning.02:16:29 That that our language actually had some kind of like, it wasn't all just subjective, that there was like an objective meaning to words.
02:16:40 In the same way, you never hear people say it's a free country like you used to hear that all the time, right?
02:16:44 It's a free country like same thing.
02:16:46 Like this guy.
02:16:47 On national television.
02:16:50 And he's he's.
02:16:50 He's asking Sally, Jesse Raphael.
02:16:53 But what about my free speech?
02:16:54 Should be able to say.
02:16:56 I mean, I'll respect your rules, but what a moment?
02:16:58 Free speech that wouldn't even.
02:16:59 That wouldn't even compute.
02:17:03 To anyone today.
02:17:07 It's just little things like that that I notice.
02:17:09 Sometimes it's interesting to me.
Speaker 5
02:17:11 It's just pure out.Speaker 21
02:17:12 Filth and grease and dirt and it.02:17:14 Needs to be washed away.
Speaker 12
02:17:21 Ohh now for the Nostradamus already.Devon
02:17:25 Can you get anymore?Speaker 12
02:17:28 Leader of America would have a surname that means third of the Earth so.Speaker 21
02:17:32 Well, let me tell you this.Speaker 23
02:17:32 I'm very proud.Speaker 12
02:17:32 Of that.02:17:33 Thank you very much.
02:17:34 You traitors come you.
Speaker 21
02:17:36 Let me tell you, Mr.02:17:37 Grant, before that happens, before you enter our White House, you will be washed away.
02:17:42 You can you can stop.
Speaker 14
02:17:46 Why change their way of thinking?Speaker 12
02:17:51 Respect for the black people that I do.Speaker 14
02:17:52 Is it possible?02:17:53 We're going to find out next day with us.
Speaker 15
02:17:53 Play some like.Devon
02:17:57 More hate facts.Speaker 12
02:17:57 I'm checking right 100 now.Devon
02:18:02 Well, that's interesting like that.02:18:04 That's the quality programming that was on this show.
02:18:07 Alright, no hate facts, no hate facts.
02:18:10 That's oh, that's too bad.
02:18:11 I was hoping for some hate facts.
Speaker 14
02:18:13 I hope to mirror an apology.02:18:14 I've been calling her tomorrow, which is the name of the place.
02:18:16 So you are just too polite.
Speaker 13
02:18:18 Tell me what we can do so that these things don't happen.02:18:21 In our book, we say plant the seed of racial harmony, cultivate your garden and the way that we do that every day we do something positive.
02:18:29 Yeah, your entire books like a bumper sticker.02:18:32 Life's a garden, bro. Dig it.
Speaker 13
02:18:35 We go out, we see someone, we don't judge them based on color.02:18:38 We see a person it the small steps.
02:18:41 Well, that you're you're in the minority there now that that you would be calling Uncle Tom or Uncle Tamara for that for that viewpoint you can't say you don't see race.02:18:57 What are you talking about?
02:18:58 That's insane.
Speaker 13
02:19:00 The little measures that we take, the real measures of kindness, respect, appreciating all differences, respecting each other regardless of color, race or creed.02:19:09 We need to look beyond color, look beyond hate.
02:19:12 Racial hatred is ignorance.
02:19:14 We need to talk, just as we need to increase the peace.
02:19:16 We need to teach love to our children and not hate.
02:19:19 We need to teach them to treat everyone the same.
02:19:21 We need to buy them dolls from all ethnicity so that they can have everything.
02:19:26 Everything the world offers will be there.
02:19:26 Oh my God, is there off switch?02:19:28 On this woman.
Speaker 13
02:19:28 That's what we need.Speaker 14
02:19:29 To do what do I do?02:19:36 I know that this young lady is your.
02:19:38 Co-author is.
02:19:39 That right?
Speaker 5
02:19:39 Yes, that's.02:19:40 Would you please stand?
Speaker 14
02:19:41 What do I do?02:19:42 To reach the young woman.
Speaker 7
02:19:43 I think what we need to do to reach the young women is to encourage them to look within themselves and reevaluate their lives as it stands now, it is so unfortunate that we have the people here speaking today.02:19:54 But As for.
02:19:55 Me, I don't get.
02:19:57 It just makes me more determined than ever to make a change and to continue to fight against injustice and the.
02:20:04 Speaking of writers, that sounds like she's reading it off of a.02:20:08 ******* cue card.
02:20:08 It's so scripted.
Speaker 7
02:20:10 Racism and the hate that you continue to perpetrate.Speaker 12
02:20:14 May I play?02:20:19 My daughter Katie when she started.
02:20:22 Uh hooked on phonics?02:20:23 It it worked for me.
02:20:26 Here. Oh, here we go.
02:20:28 I I I I you know I'm I'm drew.
02:20:29 Right.Devon
02:20:33 We got the the attractive white woman.02:20:35 What's she gonna?
Speaker 16
02:20:35 I want to say that I'm not exactly sure what your problem is.Devon
02:20:36 Say I wonder.Speaker 16
02:20:40 Like what the stems from.02:20:41 I don't know whether to call it ignorance or hatred, but it's been said before in the show there's only one human.
02:20:46 There's only one race.
02:20:47 And that's the human race.
02:20:49 OK, here's your Gold Star.02:20:51 Go sit down, honey.
Speaker 16
02:20:53 By having all the children that you want to have, you'll just.02:20:56 Be adding to.
02:20:56 Human race and.
Speaker 12
02:20:58 The white race.Speaker 18
02:21:00 And the only.Speaker 13
02:21:00 The human race.Speaker 16
02:21:02 The only thing that I'm really worried about with that is that I'm really concerned about the future of America because they might inherit the.Speaker 21
02:21:03 Let me take you here.Speaker 16
02:21:08 Same problem that you have.Speaker 12
02:21:13 The only way America has any future at all is if we can turn it back into a racially pure white.02:21:19 Society again?
Speaker 5
02:21:20 Like you, my brother was slaughtered by the hatred that they spew.Devon
02:21:25 OK, here we go again.02:21:26 Obviously, unless she just carries that photo around in her purse all the time.
02:21:36 She's not just like some random member of the audience, but most people.
02:21:39 It's again, it's pro wrestling.
02:21:41 Let's see what she has to say.
Speaker 5
02:21:44 He was a good, decent human being, but because he was different people like you took him and slit his throat, stabbed him and threw.02:21:52 Him the water.
02:21:54 Well, how was he?02:21:55 Like what?
02:21:56 What do you mean, what?
02:21:56 Why was he?
02:21:57 How was he different?
Speaker 5
02:22:00 He was a wonderful person, a Vietnam veteran.02:22:04 What your spiring is hatred.
02:22:05 Don't you understand?
02:22:06 Don't you see what you're doing?
02:22:08 You're hurting everybody.
02:22:09 About what you're saying.
Speaker 1
02:22:11 We just want God.Speaker 16
02:22:11 I didn't teach.Speaker 1
02:22:11 People be sad if they.02:22:12 Thought about him?
Speaker 12
02:22:12 They are OK God taught us to love.02:22:15 We're not teaching.
02:22:16 We don't have to listen to us say something.
Speaker 1
02:22:16 Nothing at all.Speaker 24
02:22:18 To you.Devon
02:22:32 I mean, I don't know.02:22:34 She didn't really explain why they killed her or who killed her brother.
02:22:37 I just that.
02:22:37 Was just like my brother's dead.
02:22:40 All right.
02:22:40 Here, here, here.
02:22:41 We got final thoughts, final thoughts, and then this ******* carnival will finally be over.
Speaker 14
02:22:49 Especially to Matt Trotter, the author of this book, 602 ways to build and promote racial harmony, she started promoting harmony by presenting copies of the book to all the audience members. Thank you again.Speaker
02:23:06 Members of our audience.Devon
02:23:09 Well, that's it.02:23:12 Well, let's hear what some of the members of the audience will receive.
02:23:14 Are they going to receive?
Speaker 11
02:23:17 Has been divided by.Devon
02:23:19 Ohh, they're literally paying.02:23:20 That's what they're saying.
02:23:23 Some of the.Devon
02:23:23 Members of our audience are paid.02:23:24 That's just a fancier way of saying that.
02:23:27 So they're they're they're not just plants, they're paid plants.
02:23:33 You know, including the guy with the sunglasses and the ******* scarf that was there to, like look crazy.
Speaker 10
02:23:39 Look, I'm crazy, white guy.02:23:41 I'm crazy white guy.
02:23:42 I'm going to set the.
02:23:43 Black guy up.02:23:44 So he's got a little joke.
02:23:46 I'm gonna yell at the black guy and then the black guy will have a snappy comeback, and then I just disappear.
02:23:51 Now, did you notice that he just goes away?
02:23:54 It's like he was never even there.
02:23:56 He was a prop.
02:23:57 He was just there to set up a joke.
02:24:02 And so you would associate again it.
02:24:04 It was kind of funny because it's not.
02:24:06 Not only is he just like he's, he's like this weird white guy.
02:24:09 With something.
02:24:09 Let's see if we can find him again.
02:24:12 Where is this guy?
02:24:16 I think yeah that.
02:24:17 That guy?
02:24:17 Look, he, I mean, he's like the.
02:24:20 He's like a fed.
02:24:24 He's just he's just like this random guy with like the cop haircut and the dark sunglasses and the Arafat scarf.
02:24:31 He's just there to start yelling and sound like crazy and then and then give.
02:24:34 The black guy a A.
02:24:36 You know, set him up.
02:24:37 For the joke.
02:24:38 And then he's just gone.
02:24:39 We never.
02:24:39 Even know why he's there?
02:24:42 Anyway, so yeah, this is just.
02:24:47 It's just pro wrestling.
02:24:49 It's just pro wrestling for for soccer moms.
02:24:52 Pro wrestling for soccer moms all.
02:24:55 Right.
02:24:59 Let's take a look at some super chats that was kind of fun.
02:25:05 I might want to hang on one second.
02:25:07 I have one little criticism.
02:25:12 Of William Pierce.
02:25:12 So William Pierce, before we launched all you know, this ******* train wreck.
02:25:18 We had William Pierce talking about how there's a lot of people who just want to wear costumes and be cringe, and it's it's just like it's bad for everyone and we don't want those, those lunatics.
02:25:30 Because it just makes us look bad.
02:25:34 I hate to say it.
02:25:35 I hate to say it.
02:25:36 William Pierce.
02:25:39 And I don't know what year exactly this was.
02:25:42 But I'm pretty sure it was after that.
02:25:45 He did, unfortunately put himself.
02:25:49 In a position where a documentary crew was able to apply.
02:25:55 The same kind of lens.
02:25:59 To him.
02:26:01 Once he created his uh.
02:26:07 I don't know what they call it exactly.
02:26:12 I'm only I'm only bring.
02:26:13 It up because it's a little bit funny.
02:26:15 It's not nearly.
02:26:16 It's definitely not as bad as the Nostradamus guy.
02:26:19 Alright, but here we go.
Speaker 11
02:26:25 White Americans need to be concerned about these things.02:26:28 They need to be concerned about what these things are doing to their own people.
Speaker 3
02:26:33 Whose? Whose?02:26:46 Rise of love.
02:26:49 I will strive to build thy.
Speaker 24
02:26:57 That is a gutteral.Speaker 23
02:27:03 Of their anti-Semitism.Speaker 24
02:27:06 And they again try to scapegoat.Devon
02:27:09 Jews anyway.02:27:13 The weird singing guy.
02:27:18 I just found this.
02:27:19 It's kind of a funny documentary.
02:27:22 Where it shows it's got a little.
02:27:24 Bit of a sense of humor.
02:27:26 It's not like super anti him, it just kind of shows like that.
02:27:30 It's weird that.
02:27:31 This you know that all these Jewish journalists think that he's the devil.
02:27:36 But if you actually go to his Cosmo theist community, it's kind of just, you know, it's a little weird.
02:27:43 You know, they got like this guy singing.
02:27:49 And they got some like Eastern European chicks that are there for some reason and.
02:27:55 Yeah, I don't know anyway.
02:27:58 Anyway, all right, let's take a look at super chats.
02:28:07 Bump, Bump, bump, bump.
02:28:12 Proud to be white, $5. Appreciate that great content your movie reviews are the best. I look forward to you and red ice every week. Well, thank you very much.
02:28:21 Very much appreciate that.
02:28:22 I've been checking out some movies this week, kind of playing in the background while I do stuff.
02:28:28 And I'm trying to hunt down a good one.
02:28:32 We we need to get back to Pakhan and finish it up.
02:28:36 But I do miss. I also miss the movie reviews. There night train $8800 that is very generous and I still need ah man, I I got to load these these new ones but.
02:28:51 My ***** better have my money.Devon
02:28:54 I gotta play something, right?02:28:59 I got to load these I.
02:29:01 I I want to have it like this unlocking kind of.
02:29:03 System like we've reached $100.
02:29:04 You've unlocked this one, but you know I don't know how I might ever do that.
02:29:08 Like it actually sounds more complicated than I actually want to make it, but I thought it'd be kind of fun.
02:29:13 Night train here.
02:29:14 Is that Byron de la Vandal music?
02:29:17 I asked for the other.
02:29:18 OK.
02:29:20 Argent. Oh, OK, here's the.
02:29:23 The greatest thing, and you know I'm right, are some bangers also Hallelujah.
02:29:28 I'm a boomer by Patty Tarelton.
02:29:32 Alright, I will.
02:29:36 And I'll check this out.
02:29:38 What is this?
02:29:43 OK.
02:29:46 Well, I will check it out.
02:29:53 Mark ESP.
02:29:55 While the OR while the R.
02:29:59 I don't know.
02:30:00 While the R Challenger astronauts still alive.
02:30:06 Are are, are you asking if the challenger astronauts are still alive?
02:30:10 Conspiracy has been going on for a while.
02:30:12 This is the first I've heard of it connected to Gander air disaster, something I never even heard of.
02:30:19 Have you ever heard of the Gander air disaster?
02:30:21 I have not heard of the Gander air disaster.
02:30:24 I have heard of the Challenger astronaut still alive conspiracy.
02:30:31 I mean, look, there are, there are definitely people that look like them that people have found that have jobs that are a little suspicious as well.
02:30:41 Like they seem to be jobs that.
02:30:43 They would have, right?
02:30:44 They're not just like, oh, we found this garbage man.
02:30:46 That looks like an astronaut.
02:30:47 No, it's like they we found this college professor and we, you know, but at the same time, it's like, I don't know, I've never I I have not looked into it hard at all.
02:30:56 And I have never looked at.
02:31:00 This I don't know what this other thing is.
02:31:01 I'll load this.
02:31:02 Up too, let me see.
02:31:09 OK.
02:31:10 I'll look at this some other time this looks.
02:31:13 Like a lot of reading nationalist homestead, there's nationalist fight Circuit started starting in the US that had its first event just a while back.
02:31:24 I was thinking of putting the black Pilled logo on my fight shorts.
02:31:28 Do I have your support?
02:31:29 I won the last one lol.
02:31:31 Love your pack concerns.
02:31:33 God bless your work.
02:31:36 I mean, yeah, if you want.
02:31:37 To I I I don't.
02:31:40 What is it like?
02:31:41 A Fight Club or something?
02:31:43 I mean, I don't know what exactly it is.
02:31:47 But yeah, I mean like if you want to that, that'd be cool.
02:31:50 Just don't.
02:31:51 Just don't get beat up.
02:31:52 While wearing them.
02:31:57 Just don't lose.
02:32:02 Yeah, that sounds that sounds interesting.
02:32:04 You know, when I was.
02:32:05 When I was younger, as a result of Fight Club, some friends of of mine and we all we put together a backyard Fight Club for a.
02:32:11 While it was fun for a while, but the problem was like a lot of people ******* out like quick because a lot of these guys have never been punched before and it's exhausting.
02:32:22 Fighting is the most exhausting thing you will ever do.
02:32:25 I remember when I was younger and watching boxing on TV or whatever, just trying to like why are the, you know, why are the rounds so short?
02:32:31 That doesn't seem like a lot of.
02:32:33 No, it's it seems like an eternity when when you, when you're the one in the ring.
02:32:40 Yeah, I have a lot of respect for people that that, that can do that I I like I said, I I.
02:32:47 I did it for a while and it was.
02:32:48 I would have continued to do it, but it just it got down to like oh, it's just the same.
02:32:52 It's only like 4 of us that are.
02:32:53 It started with like 20 guys.
02:32:55 We're like, yeah, it's fun.
02:32:57 And then after like the.
02:32:59 You know, 16 of them got punched in the.
02:33:01 Face for the first.
02:33:02 And we wore gloves.
02:33:03 Even we even wore boxing gloves.
02:33:05 So it wasn't like we were bare knuckle fighting each other.
02:33:08 But they all kind of pushed out.
02:33:09 After that.
02:33:11 Yeah, just don't, just don't.
02:33:13 Just don't embarrass us, man.
02:33:15 Good luck.
02:33:17 Jay Ray, Knights Andy.
02:33:18 One $5 appreciate that Ron Paul Gabbert or Trump dissent this ticket if votes counted.
02:33:26 I wouldn't want.
02:33:27 Tulsi Gabbert running.
02:33:30 I mean, I just look.
02:33:33 We need to.
02:33:35 I don't want a non white woman in the White House. I just don't. And while that's not my number one priority, Ron Paul's oldest.
02:33:46 **** and she?
02:33:47 Would be President like he would ******* die immediately and.
02:33:49 She'd be president.
02:33:52 Trump DeSantis.
02:33:53 I don't think that would work.
02:33:54 I think they're both.
02:33:56 They at least they both want to be alphas.
02:33:59 I don't know that DeSantis would want that.
02:34:01 DeSantis is, by the way, way younger than I thought.
02:34:04 I didn't realize that he was.
02:34:06 I think he's in his 40s.
02:34:08 Which compare?
02:34:09 I mean, that's not that young, but I mean, compared to the geriatric ***** that we've had like, you know, not just Biden ******* Trump, right?
02:34:17 He's like half their age.
02:34:19 Literally half their age.
02:34:23 But at the same time, it doesn't really matter.
02:34:26 It doesn't ******* matter.
02:34:28 It's all a **** show.
02:34:32 Noticing nose $25. Appreciate that. Hey, Devin long time listener, first time donator. I was super impressed with your pet con episodes.
02:34:40 Great job.
02:34:41 Last stream you mentioned there not being many artists on the right.
02:34:46 You should check out Austrian Art Academy on telegram.
02:34:51 He has a lot of really nice art posted.
02:34:53 Yeah, I mean, like, I'm not saying, like, white people haven't come up with good art.
02:34:57 And there is that white art collective I keep forgetting about.
02:35:00 I don't know if they're.
02:35:00 Still around?
02:35:04 But it's just not.
02:35:05 It's just.
02:35:06 I'm just saying, like generally speaking.
02:35:09 If you go into a an art.
02:35:13 Job and your right wing.
02:35:15 You're going to be.
02:35:17 The you know you're you're the insurgent.
02:35:22 You're going to have to keep your mouth.
02:35:23 Shut or you're going to get fired.
02:35:26 There is a culture in every single artistic disciplined that I've ever been involved in.
02:35:33 That is not just left wing, extremely left wing and extremely gay.
02:35:40 That's just the way it is.
02:35:41 You go in, whether it's graphic design, computer animation acting, you know, even just radio.
02:35:52 You know or or local television news.
02:35:57 It's there's, there's just, there's not.
02:35:59 A whole lot of right wing people in those.
02:36:03 In those jobs.
02:36:05 And some of it is because, just like with the like, there used to be.
02:36:08 I I'm sure I'm sure there used to be.
02:36:14 I'm not saying that right wing people can't do art.
02:36:18 It just doesn't.
02:36:19 I I think just like with academia.
02:36:23 I think there is a a enforcement that goes on that's kind of like a A.
02:36:29 So that I do think is a personality type and aptitude kind of a thing.
02:36:34 Because I think that right wing people tend to deal more in.
02:36:38 The physical world.
02:36:40 You know, like engineers.
02:36:42 Now, there's a lot of left wing engineers, too.
02:36:44 I remember that.
02:36:45 Blowing my mind.
02:36:47 But it they're usually not.
02:36:48 They're usually the ones that aren't very good.
02:36:50 And in fact, that's kind of The funny thing, right?
02:36:52 So you'll sometimes have, like, right wing artists, then yeah, they're they're OK.
02:36:56 But like, they're not like.
02:36:57 The the number one hit song writers.
02:37:00 Right.
02:37:00 Well, something with engineering, right?
02:37:02 Like you'll find these engineers that are like lefties, but they're never like the guys that really do anything profound.
02:37:09 I just think it's it's a, it's a left brain, right, brain kind of a thing.
02:37:15 They live in the world of theoretical nonsense, and which is, you know, the the intangible and I believe that right wing people tend to gravitate more towards the tangible.
02:37:28 Natural philosopher.
02:37:33 2 movies of interest, one the 1987 real men. Oh, by the way, that was one movie that the the one that what was it called? Betrayed last stream we talked about from the 80s.
02:37:47 I I finally I did find a copy of that and I started watching it.
02:37:52 It looks like you're right.
02:37:53 It looks like it's very much about the the pat con stuff anyway.
02:37:58 2 movies interesting 1987 real men has a pro trending firmware update at the 43 minute mark.
02:38:05 #2, the 1967 president.
02:38:10 Presidents analyst about big tech transhumanist conspiracy.
02:38:16 It's out here.
02:38:17 Alright, I'll.
02:38:18 Take a look at.
02:38:18 Those, I'll add those to my notes there.
02:38:22 Not a lot of ******* nuts.
02:38:24 I promise I don't ignore the notes.
02:38:26 I just I usually have.
02:38:30 When I have nothing.
02:38:32 To like when I have writers block.
02:38:35 I'm all about the notes.
02:38:37 I've just had a lot of, I don't know what it is.
02:38:40 I've just been going down a lot of rabbit holes that have been leading me around in different places.
02:38:45 Water weights $5. Appreciate that Devin Stack always love tuning into your streams late here on the East Coast.
02:38:51 My friend and I walked eight miles this afternoon around my local college town.
02:38:56 The amount of open degeneracy by Gen.
02:38:59 Z millennials is insane.
02:39:01 A lot of broken people in different phases of Western generational.
02:39:06 Absolutely it's look, there's so many people that don't realize that's that that honestly really is the.
02:39:17 That is the value of stuff like libs of TikTok and look. I know it's a A.
02:39:25 Jew woman that runs that that Twitter account.
02:39:29 But that has been such a valuable thing to have like that, that autistic Jewish woman.
02:39:37 Posting this stuff and getting it in the front in the faces of people who normally don't have that in their faces.
02:39:47 And not because I mean look like you.
02:39:49 It's not that you and your friend are recluses and you, you know, you never go get outside.
02:39:53 It's just that a lot of times, especially if you're older, you've already established the environments that you're going to be in, you become like a creature of habit.
02:40:03 You keep visiting the same places that you feel comfortable in, so you don't put yourself.
02:40:07 But you don't go to pride parades.
02:40:10 Right.
02:40:11 So you don't see this ****** ** **** like I saw.
02:40:14 Like, here's here's as an example.
02:40:18 I'm sure a lot of you.
02:40:19 Guys have seen this.
02:40:22 But this is the kind of **** look people called me insane when I was saying they're going to normalize pedophilia.
02:40:30 When I said they were a normalized pedophilia, I remember people telling me they why would they wouldn't do that.
02:40:37 That's crazy.
02:40:39 How would that ever?
02:40:40 How would that even happen?
02:40:42 Right.
02:40:43 How would that even happen?
02:40:46 Well, I'll show.
02:40:46 You how that would happen?
02:40:50 It's right there.
02:40:53 On a Main St.
02:40:59 Right there.
02:41:03 It's right there.
02:41:08 This is happening right now.
02:41:14 No one thinks it's bad.
02:41:23 Look, and it's worse than that.
02:41:28 This is.
02:41:30 These are little boys.
02:41:36 At a bar.
02:41:38 Stripping for money.
02:41:45 At a sold out show.
02:41:52 This is right now.
02:41:57 This isn't.
02:41:58 This isn't like in 10 years.
02:42:02 This is a few weeks ago.
02:42:04 You know this is fact.
02:42:05 It's not even right now anymore.
02:42:07 This is this is.
02:42:07 In the past already.
02:42:09 We're already past this.
02:42:13 Or past little boys stripping little boys dressed as women.
02:42:19 Stripping for ****?
02:42:22 In a bar.
02:42:23 At a sold out show.
Speaker 1
02:42:26 Look at look.Devon
02:42:27 At that ******* scumbag.02:42:28 Look at him.
02:42:30 In the background there, he's like.
02:42:49 This is right ******* now.
02:42:55 See a whole table of fat like ohh, I'd *******.
02:42:58 I'd so hit that.
02:43:02 Anyway, yeah, no, it's bad out there, guys.
02:43:07 And look.
02:43:10 The reason why I show you this stuff.
02:43:13 Isn't so that you you.
02:43:15 Curl up in a ball and ******* die.
02:43:18 And so you stop.
02:43:21 Pretending like everything's gonna be fine.
02:43:26 It's already not fine, you know.
02:43:30 This this is imagine those guys.
02:43:35 Those cartoon bad guys.
02:43:38 On the salad Jesse show.
02:43:42 The audience that was yelling at those guys and making you.
02:43:45 Know you guys are *******.
02:43:47 You're the devil.
02:43:52 If that audience had seen this ****, they would have lost their their heads would ******* explode.
02:43:58 But now I guarantee you get those same ******* that are in that exact same like just, you know 20 or I guess more than that. Well about, you know, 25 years later.
02:44:08 You get those exact the two women that said I'm white and a Jew, and I'm proud that they said the exact same thing, right?
02:44:17 I bet they're OK with this now.
02:44:20 But if you'd put this on a stage on that Sally Jesse Raphael show, they would have their heads would have exploded.
02:44:27 They would have lost their ******* minds.
02:44:32 Now it's normal.
02:44:37 Knight Nation review 26 dollars appreciate that I wanted to see if I can invite you to join
02:44:46 I've invited the red eyes and Tim Murdock, Pro White and.
02:44:51 Built by former Gab CTO, if you fill out the short channel app, I can get you expedited for you at minimum serious seriously functional odyssey.
02:45:03 Back up.
02:45:04 You'll never be banned from.
02:45:06 You know, I I can look into it.
02:45:08 It it, it's just I I.
02:45:11 You know, I don't want.
02:45:11 To be on a billion different platforms.
02:45:14 I'm sure there's nothing wrong with your.
02:45:15 Platform it might it.
02:45:17 Might be cool and I'll check it out.
02:45:18 I will check it out.
02:45:20 But I just like keeping it simple.
02:45:25 But I will add it to my list of things to do here.
02:45:32 Because I'm streaming like if I was just uploading videos to be one thing.
02:45:37 But streaming I can't stream to multiple platforms at the same time and I just want to keep it.
02:45:43 Keep it simple because even if I have the bandwidth for it, I don't like.
02:45:47 I don't like spreading out like, oh, I have this chat window.
02:45:50 I have to look at in this chat window and oh, here's all the people over here, you know, I mean, like, I want to just be like, everyone's here.
02:45:57 So, but I'll.
02:46:01 I'll take a look.
02:46:01 At it, I don't think Odyssey will ban me.
02:46:04 They could.
02:46:06 They seem to be pretty, uh.
02:46:12 I don't know.
02:46:12 They they seem like free speech or to some extent I don't want to say absolutist, but they seem to be pretty.
02:46:18 ******** about rulers wrote that article last week.
02:46:23 Saying that, odyssey and bit shoe is.
02:46:26 The new place for hate speech.
02:46:29 And I'm one of the bigger streamers on the platform.
02:46:33 Now they didn't mention me by name.
02:46:39 I mean, the odyssey guys have to know, right?
02:46:42 They have to be aware of my content and the rooters people are aware of my content and I'm not saying they were just talking about me either, you know, but.
02:46:52 It would be easy for them to have Oh no Reuters is is writing an article about us.
02:46:57 Let's let's throw them under the bus or throw some, you know, let's name some names.
02:47:01 They didn't do any of that.
02:47:04 They they they seem like decent guys.
02:47:09 So if I get.
02:47:11 Look, if I get banned, I.
02:47:12 Get banned and I'll move it like you.
02:47:14 Know I've had to move a bunch of times.
02:47:15 It's not a big deal.
02:47:17 But it seems like Odyssey is OK for now.
02:47:23 Water weights $5. Appreciate that, Devin, have you ever heard of the Honda?
02:47:28 Acti trucks.
02:47:32 The Honda Acti trucks.
02:47:33 They're becoming popular over here in the West after a bunch of them have been imported from Japan.
02:47:40 Seem like a really ideal homestead errand truck that can be driven on the road.
02:47:44 Here's a.
02:47:45 Pic Honda Acty trucks.
02:47:49 I will look it up, Honda ACI trucks.
02:47:53 I've never heard of that.
02:47:55 It's probably not something I can afford.
02:47:56 Though if it's new.
02:47:58 And especially if they import it from Japan.
02:48:01 Oh, yeah.
02:48:01 Those look kind of cool, but they're probably really expensive.
02:48:05 I mean, for me, I'm.
02:48:07 I'm poor.
02:48:12 My, my, my.
02:48:13 Homestead equipment is very used and very ghetto.
02:48:17 And very old, but no.
02:48:19 Yeah, they look like those Isuzu trucks kind of only smaller.
02:48:27 The terrain out here would probably make it make them not that useful, but I could.
02:48:31 See how they could be kind of useful.
02:48:33 Guitar dude 1356. Have you seen Europe of the last battle? If so, what did you think and how accurate did you think it was?
02:48:42 What are your thoughts on recent white immigrants, IE what Eastern European immigrants, because of their many differences, makes them as difficult to assimilate as minority immigrants oftentimes?
02:48:55 Well, I'll tell you it.
02:48:57 I did watch it, but it was a few years back.
02:49:01 It it may, it raised.
02:49:03 I'll tell you what I don't know about all the historical points that it makes because I'm not a historian, but there were enough.
02:49:14 Enough points made.
02:49:16 That were just.
02:49:18 That were true, that were verifiably true.
02:49:22 That it did alter my perception.
02:49:27 Of World War 2, and I think that's the truth.
02:49:29 Like most people have watched that that's it's a good thing to watch cause it offers a a view of World War Two that is very contrary to the view that has been taught to American and well, I'm British and other Allied country children.
02:49:48 As far as the Eastern European immigrants?
02:49:53 I don't know how they how well they would integrate into other European countries.
02:49:58 You know, I don't know, because I know that just European immigrants in general and when they come to America, it's it, there is a cultural difference there just is there's a cultural difference probably from, you know, in between different European country.
02:50:14 You know, like Edward Dutton, for example, went to Finland and notes the differences between, you know, England and Finland, and there's people that go between, you know, Germany and and England, who know the differences in their.
02:50:34 So there's all these different cultures, I think.
02:50:38 Bottom line though, the the differences between and Orthodox Christian Ukrainian, just as an example, right is going to be the difference between that person and, say a German or say even like a French person, those differences are going to be.
02:50:58 Less profound.
02:51:00 Then the difference is between a Muslim, African or a, you know, a A.
02:51:07 Or just like a.
02:51:09 Really any African?
02:51:11 Or even an Asian.
02:51:15 You know there, there's obviously differences between Eastern and Western Europeans or, you know, even Americans and Europeans of any sort, but white Christians will assimilate much better with other white Christians.
02:51:31 Than and and have similar.
02:51:35 Histories and similar values and similar beliefs and similar trajectories in terms of their destinies.
02:51:44 Than you know any other, you know, an Asian or a.
02:51:50 African or?
02:51:51 Anyone else?
02:51:54 But I could see how there could still be problems.
02:51:55 There's always problems.
02:51:57 Look, there's always problems in America.
02:51:58 We had lots of problems with the Italians, the Irish.
02:52:02 You know, there's always problems.
02:52:07 Didn't nothing.
02:52:09 1984 I don't have $100 to throw.
02:52:13 Your way if you want to see a funny six second video meme I made featuring YouTuber Linus Tech tips, here's the Telegram link.
02:52:22 Alright, I will.
02:52:23 I'll tell you I'll.
02:52:24 Add it, I'll.
02:52:24 Add it to my things, I just can't.
02:52:28 Like everyone keeps sending me these links.
02:52:32 I don't want.
02:52:32 I don't want see super chance at the end or or hyper chance or whatever.
02:52:37 I don't want to be like everyone sends.
02:52:38 Me a link.
Speaker 19
02:52:40 You know.Devon
02:52:41 I want it to be like, hey, let's actually discuss what we just watched or you know, let's talk about something not.02:52:47 Here's a link.
02:52:48 Like it might be great.
02:52:49 I I did a copy of.
02:52:50 The link it's on my notes.
02:52:54 You know.
02:52:56 Water weights $5. I didn't hear extensively about Doctor Pierce until I started watching Murdoch Murdoch great show that took me back to the days of flash animations.
02:53:08 I watched as a kid, do you know, whatever happened to them? I remember them mentioning you in a few AMA's and always having positive things to say.
02:53:17 Yeah, I I don't know what happened to them, but I do like their work.
02:53:22 I think it was really cool.
02:53:23 I think that your not your story is not a unique one.
02:53:27 I think there's a lot of people that.
02:53:29 The same thing probably took place.
02:53:32 Where and and that was the power.
02:53:35 Of that what they were doing, but I also understand the amount of work that goes into a production like that.
02:53:41 And I can understand the.
02:53:47 The cost benefit analysis.
02:53:50 That, that, that probably went into.
02:53:53 Them deciding not to go on and like there might be completely, who knows, there might be other reasons that we don't even know about, but just the.
02:54:00 Idea that a they.
02:54:02 Financially are not benefiting a whole lot and they, you know, they everyone's got to pay rent and you know everyone's got bills to pay and it takes a lot of time and money to or not money rather.
02:54:12 But like it's time is money.
02:54:15 To animate anything.
02:54:16 Animations like some of the most time consuming **** you can possibly do.
02:54:20 And then on top of that, you're writing all the scripts, you're getting all your friends to to voice all the different parts.
02:54:27 I mean, that's a lot of ******* time goes into this.
02:54:33 Not only that, it was good.
02:54:36 Right.
02:54:37 Like it's it's it's hard to animate crap.
02:54:41 I don't mean like their anime, their their animation was like obviously like.
02:54:47 It it was and the animation was crap, but it was crap with style, right?
02:54:51 Like it was crap, as in like.
02:54:54 In the same way, like South Park is crap, right?
02:54:56 Like it's it.
02:54:57 It was the simplicity of it made it better, right?
02:55:01 They leaned into it.
02:55:03 But the writing was actually good.
02:55:07 And that's no easy feat either.
02:55:09 Because it's not like they just wrote it. One script. I'm sure this happened a couple of times, right? You write a script, you have your friend's voice, you slap it.
02:55:17 Together, boom.
02:55:18 You're done.
02:55:19 But especially as you you hit more home runs, it's almost like you raising the bar for yourself.
02:55:24 So you have to keep you know, so I can just picture.
02:55:28 Them working on it and you know, just burning the midnight oil, trying to get it just right.
02:55:33 I mean, I, I've, I've worked on enough animation to know how that process goes.
02:55:37 So you know.
02:55:39 They're not getting compensated for it, and I think that they were a little bit black pilled I understand why.
02:55:48 They were, if you look at the really early Murdoch Murdoch cartoons, they they, there was a lot of optimism.
02:55:58 In regards to Trump.
02:56:01 That all went away, obviously because of.
02:56:05 How Trump turned out.
02:56:08 And it was kind of a downhill.
02:56:14 From that point, not for all of us, right?
02:56:17 Like the The mean war, kind of like it got harder and harder to fight as you realize, just like, oh, ****.
02:56:22 This isn't like it's not that it wasn't working, but like.
02:56:26 It was easier to fight than me more when it felt like you were winning every battle, right?
02:56:33 And now they're locking up.
02:56:34 People like Gavin McGinnis.
02:56:40 I still, I don't know what's going on with that, but I'd be lying if I said like it doesn't bother.
02:56:44 Me at all.
02:56:45 That's thing I I posted about that I gab and there's all these.
02:56:48 People saying like Ohh Gavin's a *******.
02:56:50 He puts ****** up his *** and.
02:56:53 Yeah, you're right, you're right about.
02:56:55 That but like.
02:56:56 Do you?Devon
02:56:57 Do you don't think that's like you don't think this is like a bad development?02:57:01 They're locking up someone like that anyway.
02:57:04 So there's also that right there to keep their identities hidden, and because they all have normal jobs and families and all that stuff.
02:57:10 So it's.
02:57:13 You know?
02:57:13 And who knows, maybe there's something on their end.
02:57:15 Personal that we don't even know about that, that.
02:57:17 Caused something?
Speaker 10
02:57:19 The other thing.Devon
02:57:19 Too, I have to.02:57:20 I have to say, is because they got banned from so many different platforms and maybe they should have set something up like an odyssey or something like that.
02:57:28 I don't know, because they could have monetized.
02:57:30 Even they don't have to stream it, they could just.
02:57:32 You can donate, you know to to uploaded videos and Odyssey and maybe they would have made some money that way.
02:57:38 But more importantly, I think for the.
02:57:40 Artist is to know that because it because everything got posted like that weird website that you get like a torrent or whatever it's like to watch the ******* video.
02:57:51 There's no metrics.
Speaker 10
02:57:53 So you might, you know, they they spend.Devon
02:57:56 God knows how long on a animation.02:58:00 Maybe weeks?
02:58:01 Who knows.
02:58:02 They post it and then you don't even really get a good sense as to how many people are watching it.
02:58:08 So that kind of that's kind of like a punch to *** **** too.
02:58:11 It's like, well, I mean.
02:58:13 Did is do people like it?
02:58:15 I don't even know people like I just spent like 3 months of my life making this epic animation and I don't even know if anyone watched it.
02:58:23 So I could see.
02:58:24 How? Like we demoralizing anyway.
02:58:27 I hope they come back.
02:58:30 Reclaim your neighborhood $5. Appreciate that Devin. Would you consider doing a stream on the dock?
02:58:37 Rosedale, the way it is, it's from 1976. It'd be interesting to hear your thoughts on the organization called Roar, which was portrayed in the doc. They are organized white activists fighting against the Fed, mandated desegregation in the northern city.
02:58:54 I wonder if that's tied to we did cover.
02:58:56 I mean, I'll copy that and check it out, but we did cover a documentary that covered they they went to an all white neighborhood, some Manhattan Jews bought a house for a black family and an all white neighborhood and stuck them in there so they can make a documentary about it.
02:59:14 You know.
02:59:16 I wonder if it has something.
02:59:17 It was you say this from the 70s that.
02:59:20 Yeah, it's probably that's later on.
02:59:23 I'll check it out. Veruca Salt, $5. Appreciate that. Hi, Devin. Lately I've been very black pilled about our people's lack of cohesion.
02:59:31 We can't agree on anything if it if it's not Christians versus Pagans, it's purity spiraling and other petty bickering.
02:59:40 What, if anything, can be done about this?
02:59:43 Or will our differences disappear when the **** hits the fan?
02:59:46 And here's what it is, and I and I keep saying this.
02:59:51 There's no leadership.
02:59:56 There's no leadership.
02:59:57 There was a time not that long ago.
03:00:00 When even though none of us 100% even agreed with the image of Trump of what we thought Trump was, we all thought like, well, Trump has his flaws, but right.
03:00:12 We all we all kind of filled in behind the guy or, you know, not everyone, but a lot of people.
03:00:18 Who had differing point of views.
03:00:21 Because he was the.
03:00:24 He was going to be the the leader.
03:00:28 Of a what felt like a leaderless.
03:00:32 Environment and that's unfortunately where we're at right now.
03:00:35 Is we are up against powerful elites, powerful money.
03:00:42 With endless resources.
03:00:45 And so no one.
03:00:46 And that's the problem, too, is none of the people that are bickering and fighting about all this ******** ********.
03:00:54 None of them would be able to be.
03:00:57 The leader.
03:00:58 Like all this, all this antler.
03:01:03 That's going on between all these these different factions or whatever.
03:01:08 All **** **** measuring and stupid **** that's going on, it doesn't matter.
03:01:12 Like it, there's not going to be.
03:01:16 You know, it's kind.
03:01:16 Of like.
03:01:20 You're not going to.
03:01:21 All right?
03:01:21 So like the pagans that that are that are like, oh, Christ cooks.
03:01:26 They're not gonna win.
03:01:27 There's not gonna be one day.
03:01:28 All the Christians are like ohh yeah.
03:01:30 **** all my religious beliefs.
03:01:32 The last thousand years.
03:01:33 You're right.
03:01:33 Ohh, Jesus is a trick to make us all follow the Jews.
03:01:37 Right, that's never going to happen.
03:01:40 The pagans are never gonna just be.
03:01:42 Like all of.
03:01:42 A sudden?
03:01:42 Ohh, you know what I like Jesus now.
03:01:45 Yeah, that's not going to happen.
03:01:52 The different factions are not going to just magically.
03:01:56 Conform to some.
03:02:00 You know, to some guiding principles that they all agree like it's never going to happen.
03:02:05 And even if you got like a let, let's just say, right, let's just say.
03:02:10 I don't know.
03:02:11 I'm going to make someone up because I don't.
03:02:13 Want to like?
03:02:13 I don't want to point.
03:02:14 Fingers, let's say that there's like a streamer named ******.
03:02:20 ****** make winner, OK.
03:02:23 And ****** Mack winner.
03:02:25 You know, he he's like a base Pagan and you know he he's very charismatic.
03:02:34 And you know, he he debates, he gets all.
03:02:38 He's like a debate me bro and he goes on all the other streams and he destroys all the other people right he just goes on every other right wing guys.
03:02:50 Stream and justice ******* annihilates them and and everyone's like, wow, ****** Midwinter.
03:02:55 He's the ******* best.
03:02:56 And and everyone loves him.
03:02:59 Then what?
03:03:03 You know, why do you make winter?
03:03:05 Is either going to have to be beholden to the big money interest that will have to bankroll him to, you know, his continuation.
03:03:12 Right.
03:03:16 Like he'll have to either literally be paid off.
03:03:21 Or he'll have to.
03:03:25 You know, win, win the lottery.
03:03:26 Like when the Powerball, you know like.
03:03:28 Be a be a a secret crypto billionaire.
03:03:34 We're up against people that have endless resources, so even if, like some some someone becomes like the alpha on the right and everyone agrees that uh.
03:03:44 You you, don't you?
03:03:45 Still aren't gonna have the resources to battle them.
03:03:49 So I think the solution is is.
03:03:54 You will find smaller groups of people.
03:03:57 That you will have a lot in common with.
03:04:01 And while I think it you should focus on trying to have a harmonious relationship with the other people that have, you know, slightly different views on different things, but we all can agree on that, we don't want to be genocide, right?
03:04:13 That seems like something that should bring us together.
03:04:16 That doesn't always for some ****** ** reason.
03:04:25 But if if you're you don't want to be fighting over all these little differences, just don't.
03:04:31 Just don't get into those arguments.
03:04:33 They're pointless.
03:04:35 Focus on what's important now.
03:04:37 And if you've got a big heart on for being a Pagan or a Christian or.
03:04:41 You know, whatever.
03:04:41 Your little.
03:04:45 Whatever, whatever your side passion is.
03:04:48 Build your own community.
03:04:52 With the understanding it's going to be small, it's going to be a smaller subset.
03:04:57 I don't know if that really.
03:04:58 Makes any sense?
03:04:59 I mean I I I just, I don't think.
03:05:01 Will people get you mentioned at the end?
03:05:03 Like will people all come together if **** hits the fan?
03:05:07 I don't know.
03:05:07 I think they would.
03:05:09 Right.
03:05:09 I mean that that, that that would happen, I think necessarily that would happen, right?
03:05:14 But I also.
03:05:15 Don't think we're going to get in some weird situation where there's.
03:05:19 Oh, so I don't want to have this *******.
03:05:21 Kid on the screen.
03:05:22 Anymore put something.
03:05:24 Else ah, that that's almost worse.
03:05:27 There we go.
03:05:28 That's better.
03:05:34 Yeah, I I don't know.
03:05:35 I just don't.
03:05:35 I don't want to get in a situation where.
03:05:39 Where we're all purity spiraling and fighting over over stupid little things that don't matter.
03:05:47 And if you're if you're that concerned with because, look, you're not going to convince anyone of your of your very specific ideology that you're purity spiraling about, or you, you might convince a small number of people.
03:06:00 So maybe focus on that if that's your thing.
03:06:03 I don't know if that makes any sense.
03:06:06 I'm a little.
03:06:06 I'm a little tired and dehydrated.
03:06:10 Water rates $5. How do you feel about the debate bro cultures and?
03:06:14 Oh, there, we.
03:06:14 Go and each celeb types of our side seems some have more of a detrimental effect on potential awakening white people.
03:06:22 I don't know.
03:06:22 Maybe I'm just getting older, but I'm finding that I can only listen to types like yourself, red eyes, full house and Mark Collette.
03:06:30 Well, it's entertainment, it's entertainment and it's.
03:06:35 There's probably different age demographics too involved with that.
03:06:40 But it's entertainment.
03:06:42 And that's why I don't.
03:06:44 I don't.
03:06:44 I'm never tempted to get.
03:06:47 Wrapped up in that stuff.
03:06:49 Because I don't want to be.
03:06:51 You know, I don't want to be a prancing pony.
03:06:55 For the for the people in the stands.
03:06:59 And I want to be a show pony, right?
03:07:01 I I think we have serious things to talk.
03:07:02 About and discuss and and to plan for.
03:07:07 And prepare for and I I don't care about.
03:07:14 What's the term?
03:07:15 What is it?
03:07:16 Ohh cloud.
03:07:19 You know, I don't.
03:07:19 I don't care about that.
03:07:22 I don't care about that, and there's a lot.
03:07:24 Of people that do.
03:07:26 For a lot of people like look, it's it's now that TV is not the source of the entertainment.
03:07:33 It doesn't change.
03:07:35 What they wanted to like, OK, all these show all this garbage that was on TV like.
03:07:40 Soap operas, for example.
03:07:42 Those didn't just like people weren't just forced to watch soap operas, right?
03:07:47 They kept making them because people were drawn to soap operas.
03:07:52 People liked soap operas.
03:07:53 That's why they made so many ******* many of them.
03:07:58 And people still like soap operas.
03:08:01 Especially as the people become more feminine, it's a very feminine form of entertainment.
03:08:09 You know, this obsession with drama.
03:08:13 You know, it used to be that you know that the the gossip magazines and stuff like that, I mean.
03:08:18 They were.
03:08:20 They've always.
03:08:22 Been geared towards a female audience.
03:08:27 And as the general public becomes more feminine.
03:08:34 That audience grows, and so there's a market for it.
Speaker 10
03:08:41 Oh, did you hear what someone so said?Devon
03:08:44 Oh wow.03:08:45 I mean, it's it's such a ******* chick.
03:08:47 Way of looking at the world, you know?
03:08:54 What's that?
03:08:54 Quote I'm going to get it wrong about like.
03:08:57 Some people are are.
03:09:00 Obsessed with people and some people are obsessed with idea that no, that's not it what it is, but.
03:09:05 There that there is there is there is that divide where there is a there are some people who like personalities and like people.
03:09:13 And there are some people that like ideas.
03:09:17 And those ideas transcend the people, right?
03:09:20 And those people transcend the ideas.
03:09:23 So when you have, for example, anti vaxxers, who love Trump, who's the.
03:09:30 The godfather of the vaccine in his words.
03:09:34 Or something you know?
03:09:35 He said.
03:09:35 Something like that.
03:09:36 Like the father of the vaccine or whatever and can't shut up about the ******* vaccine.
03:09:41 Because they like people more than they like ideas, they find little squirrely ways to mentally gymnastics their way out of that.
03:09:52 And you'll find there's.
03:09:53 There's a substantial number of of people, I would say the majority of people are like that.
03:09:58 They are more about the personalities than they are about the ideas.
03:10:08 So there you go.
03:10:10 UM.
03:10:15 Regarding the normies following, who is the strongest?
03:10:18 It's funny to imagine that most liberal progressive women.
03:10:22 Would become a white supremacist under a different ruling class.
03:10:26 They absolutely would.
03:10:30 They absolutely would, and in fact.
03:10:32 The right wing women.
03:10:35 Pay attention to that I know some of you guys know right wing women there.
03:10:38 Some of you think they don't exist?
03:10:40 They do exist.
03:10:42 The ones the white women that are right wing.
03:10:49 Here's a little window into their psychology.
03:10:55 The only the the well, not the only the big difference.
03:11:00 And by the way, a lot of the right wing women are like, far more right wing than a lot of the right wing men.
03:11:06 And by the way, it's tied into this too.
03:11:09 In many instances, right wing women.
03:11:14 It's not that they're.
03:11:17 They're deviating from that behavior.
03:11:19 It's not that, like, you know, the the left wing women are going with what, where they think they see the strength, right.
03:11:27 Which is why they go with the majority.
03:11:30 Which is why they go with the state power.
03:11:32 You know, that's why they do it, right.
03:11:34 It's not that right wing.
03:11:35 Different women are are.
03:11:38 Are just totally different.
03:11:40 Issues that they see the strength.
03:11:42 In the right wing.
03:11:45 And they see the danger.
03:11:48 Did the left wing presents?
03:11:50 To them personally.
03:11:54 It presents and often.
03:11:56 A clear and present physical danger.
03:12:00 You know, with the refugees.
03:12:01 And all this other stuff.
03:12:04 And so in my experience, excuse me, women, whether they're right wing or left wing.
03:12:11 A lot of it's safety based.
03:12:18 But you're right, the ones that can't withstand.
03:12:23 The social shame.
03:12:25 Because that's I.
03:12:26 Guess that's the big difference too.
03:12:28 Left wing women tend to be less competent people, which is why it's more important that they their safety lies.
03:12:36 With the with the herd.
03:12:38 Right wing women tend to be way more competent people.
03:12:43 Which is why they're less concerned about the social shame that comes along.
03:12:47 With being right wing.
03:12:51 They're still doing the safety equation.
03:12:54 It's just coming.
03:12:54 Out better to be on the right.
03:12:59 Whereas if you're like this useless.
03:13:03 Purple haired freak.
03:13:05 It it's way safer for you to be in the majority of the herd.
03:13:11 Because if you were, if you were ostracized and put in a position where you had to.
03:13:16 You know, somehow navigate the world without that support system.
03:13:20 You'd you'd fail even harder than.
03:13:21 You already are.
03:13:27 But yeah, absolutely.
03:13:28 The all.
03:13:28 In fact, The funny thing is that the same women if tomorrow.
03:13:34 If tomorrow.
03:13:37 We work. We woke up.
03:13:39 And in the middle of the night, we discovered that Trump had somehow, with a band of.
03:13:46 You know Q special agents.
03:13:50 Had invaded the White House.
03:13:52 And had you know, like, just put everyone in jail and the the military was on his side, you know, patriots in control and all that stuff.
03:14:03 And they were.
03:14:04 And they had politicians hanging from the lamp posts and and all this nonsense, right?
03:14:09 If you had a situation like that, some of the most.
03:14:12 Rabid. Uh lefties?
03:14:16 Would become fascists like ******** fascists, like overnight.
03:14:22 Overnight, without a doubt, without a doubt.
03:14:30 Gee, the date with the Christian girl went all right, and she was very based, but she sensed my agnosticism and kindly let me know she was looking for a guy that was more on fire for God.
03:14:43 I wished her well.
03:14:44 The search was a good.
03:14:45 Or the search for a good woman.
03:14:47 To make 10 white babies with continues.
03:14:49 Well, that's too bad.
03:14:50 Well, I'll tell you what.
03:14:53 Because I I I have a suspicion you're going to encounter that with all Christian women.
03:14:59 Christian women want to be led by a strong Christian men.
03:15:03 If they feel that they are more.
03:15:10 If they feel that.
03:15:14 That you are not going to be at the spiritual head of the household.
03:15:19 There I I can see.
03:15:20 Why that they might not like that.
03:15:28 So you know, I would say, look, explore, explore your spirituality a little further than maybe before finding a.
03:15:36 A woman that you're going to lead spiritually water weights $5. Appreciate that I grew with Veruca Salt. I'm noticing a lot of divisions being drawn, especially amongst the 18 to 25 year olds.
03:15:47 But I see it within an older millennials too.
03:15:50 I am in a group chat and the young guys in it are very anti Christian and constantly make remarks.
03:15:56 About it being a Semitic faith, as at its core.
03:16:01 Yeah, again, there's a lot of anti Christian stuff going on, but it's it's look, even if they were 100% right, that Christianity was all some Jewish trick and whatever.
03:16:14 Good luck.
03:16:17 Good luck.
03:16:19 You're not going to just erase.
03:16:21 The religion of Western civilization for the last 1000 years, I don't care what people believed prior to that, like we're already like.
03:16:33 1000 years man like you're not going to just get get people to forget that and look. And if you do, you better have something to replace it with which doesn't sound.
03:16:42 Like anyone has.
03:16:48 It's just that and look, it's just a dumb thing.
03:16:50 It's just it's a dumb.
03:16:51 Thing to obsess about.
03:16:55 The idea.
03:16:57 That, oh, if we just got rid of Christianity then then all of a sudden we'd all rise up.
03:17:02 And it would be.
03:17:03 Yeah, well, that wouldn't happen.
03:17:06 Are the and let me in fact, let me ask you this.
03:17:12 Are the anti white leftists?
03:17:15 Secret Christians?
03:17:18 Or do they hate Christians just as much?
Speaker 10
03:17:21 As you do.Devon
03:17:27 You know, I'm not talking about fellow whites.03:17:29 I mean, like, the the the actual lefty for anti for whites.
03:17:34 That hate, that the the kinds of people that think Tucker Carlson is the next Hitler.
03:17:40 Are they Christian?
03:17:43 Do they like Christians?
03:17:49 Well, then how come they're
03:17:50 Not pro white.
03:17:53 Right.
03:17:53 They're not seduced by the evil Jewish trick that has, you know, taking control of their mind.
03:18:04 You see, it doesn't matter.
03:18:14 Let's see here.
03:18:17 Gee, if you do Africa, Adia.
03:18:19 Oh, God.
03:18:19 You guys are always talking.
03:18:20 About that.
03:18:22 I know also do.
03:18:23 Good bye, Uncle Tom, which the creators of I I think I think that's in my notes too.
03:18:31 UM.
03:18:34 I will eventually you know, I will eventually do it.
03:18:38 I will eventually do it.
03:18:43 Good little guy, $20. Appreciate that. Drove through northern Nevada into Utah last week. Listen to the Turner Diaries.
03:18:50 The whole way stopped in Lovelock for food, and I had a nice conversation with the local lady and her grandson about white replacement.
03:19:00 They brought it.
03:19:01 Up and it was surprising and motivating, really.
03:19:04 Where's Lovelock at?
03:19:05 Let me tell you.
03:19:08 I was in that area not that long ago and I wonder if I drove through it.
03:19:30 Why is it not popping up love lock?
03:19:33 There you are.Devon
03:19:36 Population is.03:19:38 Rather small.
03:19:42 OK.
03:19:43 UMI probably.
03:19:45 Have driven through that a lot of times, actually.
03:19:50 In fact, I probably did drive.
03:19:53 No, I drove through the other way.
03:19:58 I've I I know I've driven through that very recently though, because I've been I that's right on.
03:20:03 The 80 all right.
03:20:05 Cool, very cool.
03:20:16 J3NN13.
03:20:21 I don't know if that's supposed to spell something with weird leads.
03:20:23 Speak, but.
03:20:24 I can't tell if.
03:20:25 It is $25.
03:20:26 Appreciate that the PAT Con series have been my favorite streams of yours.
03:20:31 I hope there are more episodes as based white as a based white woman, I think it's possible that men could meet quality women at church.
03:20:41 Yeah, they could.
03:20:42 But not they're running around screaming about how Jesus is.
03:20:45 A kite on a stick and they're pagans because there's no such thing as a Pagan church.
03:20:53 And if there is, don't tell me.
03:20:54 It's not going to be full of bisexual, ******* blue haired freaks.
03:21:00 Because I look, maybe things have changed.
03:21:03 But I remember it look people wanting to be Pagan isn't anything new.
03:21:09 I remember in high school the kids that said they were.
03:21:12 Pagan can't say that any of them were right wing.
03:21:16 Just saying.
03:21:20 But yeah, I'm look and look, I don't have a problem with Pagans.
03:21:23 I don't it just I have a problem with.
03:21:24 This ******* ******** idea, that.
03:21:28 Christianity is the big problem.
03:21:31 From people that like have you know anyway.
03:21:38 Yeah, you can find quality women at church.
03:21:40 You can also find old women at churches, not.
03:21:42 A lot of it, probably.
03:21:44 Depends a lot on what part of the country you live in and what country you live in.
03:21:53 Winter child, $5 appreciate that Austria just recorded the biggest drop in birth rates in 20 years, about nine months after mass vaccinations started similar in Germany and Switzerland.
03:22:07 If the madness continues, it will be up to us pure bloods to keep the.
03:22:11 Race going. No more excuses.
03:22:15 Yeah, I am.
03:22:16 I am slightly concerned about that.
03:22:20 And I'm definitely going to.
03:22:21 Be keeping an eye on that.
03:22:24 I will say, and I brought this up, I think so long ago, I think I was still on.
03:22:29 Twitter when I said this.
03:22:31 That one of the reasons why it doesn't make sense.
03:22:35 To me, so much as like a population control thing is you'd be weeding out the the exact opposite people that you'd want to get rid of, right?
03:22:45 Because let's say it is like this fertility poison.
03:22:52 That means that you're you're you're you're basically creating an artificial selection event.
03:22:58 Where the people that are complain.
03:23:01 Aren't going to be having kids.
03:23:04 And the only people that would be having kids.
03:23:07 Would be your least as the ruling class, your least favorite kind of people.
03:23:11 People that don't do what you say.
Speaker 10
03:23:14 So that's the.Devon
03:23:14 Only reason why I'm kind of like I don't know.03:23:16 You know, like I we'll see, right.
03:23:18 And it might not even be an intentional thing.
03:23:20 It could be.
03:23:20 It could be hubris.
03:23:22 Certainly wouldn't be the first time that hubris didn't **** us up.
03:23:26 So it might just be some very over excited transhumanist fagots that wanted to test out Mr.
03:23:32 and and a bunch of people thinking, oh, it'll.
03:23:34 Be fine and then it ***** people up.
03:23:38 We don't know.
03:23:38 We'll find out though.
03:23:41 But yeah, if it turns out to be.
03:23:45 A fertility bomb?
03:23:47 They're they're weeding.
03:23:48 Out the.
03:23:49 For them, the the wrong people.
03:23:53 Henry, $410 appreciate that Mega Didos. Yeah, I remember that rush reference. Keep on. I never knew what that meant.
03:24:02 But I hear people say that for ******* years, I never knew what that meant.
03:24:06 I mean, I knew what it meant because the context, but I didn't know what it meant.
03:24:10 Like, what was the OR what's the lore.
03:24:11 But I I hate.
03:24:12 That word actually that I.
Speaker 11
03:24:14 Hate when people say that.Devon
03:24:16 But what was that?03:24:17 What was the origin of the story of that?
03:24:21 Harmless G is someone who has dated both white and Asian girls.
03:24:25 I can say that Asian girls that date white guys are less trade on average than the average white girl, like white girls who date black guys, the trad Asian girls are usually not westernized and they date Asian guys I.
03:24:41 I would as a as a guy who dated a lot of Asian girls.
03:24:46 When I lived on the.
03:24:47 East Coast.
03:24:51 Not a lot.
03:24:51 I guess it's relative, right?
03:24:54 I wouldn't say that's a general rule.
03:24:55 I'd say it was about honestly at least where I live it was about.
03:25:01 The same.
03:25:02 I'd say that the concern, at least for me, like I.
03:25:07 I went out with as many conserved well, not as many, but like you know.
03:25:12 Ratio wise.
03:25:14 As many conservative Asian girls as conservative white girls.
03:25:19 In fact, if anything, I'd say that there were more percentage wise.
03:25:24 Conservative Asian well, it depends how you define conservative too.
03:25:30 But I don't know.
03:25:31 It's probably different in different parts of.
03:25:32 The country and you know, are they first generation or they second because that's a huge difference, first generation, almost any immigrant.
03:25:41 That hasn't been exposed to global ****.
03:25:45 Their entire lives.
03:25:48 Or I don't want to say the word.
03:25:49 I don't want to say Conservative describes them, but they're obviously more traditional, right?
03:25:54 In most cases.
03:25:56 In fact, you could even say that about.
03:25:58 In some instances in some instances.
03:26:02 African like Ethiopian African immigrants, right?
03:26:10 Where which is where that myth that, oh, they're natural conservatives.
03:26:14 That's where that comes from.
03:26:15 First generation.
03:26:17 You do get some of that second generation, it's like.
03:26:22 Especially with Asians, I've noticed it's they go full on ******* woke lefty immediately.
03:26:28 Yeah, their parents probably lean.
03:26:31 I don't say it right, but they they don't lean as ******* hard left.
03:26:42 So the solution of the problem is just.
03:26:46 Go to, go to church, go to church, find yourself a.
03:26:50 A nice.
03:26:52 Nice trad.
03:26:55 In the wheat fields.
03:26:57 White girl.
03:26:59 January 1981, five million have come over the border since Biden was placed, and Europe is expected to have 20 million African Subs coming in.
03:27:10 At what point do folks just throw in their throw their hands in the air and take border security in their own hands?
03:27:16 People have tried down the past in America it was.
03:27:19 Called the.
Speaker 10
03:27:22 What was it called?Devon
03:27:25 I mean, the feds basically just arrested them, but it was the.03:27:29 Oh ****.
03:27:30 I forget the name of it now.
03:27:31 But it was kind of in the air of the Tea Party.
03:27:35 You had these, the Minutemen.
03:27:37 That's what it was.
03:27:38 There was the group called the Minutemen Group.
03:27:43 And they, the feds went after them one by one.
03:27:46 They went after the leader.
03:27:48 I'm forget blanking his name.
03:27:51 I think they try to make him look like a Peto or I I forget what they did.
03:27:56 But they would.
03:27:56 Maybe that would be a good stream, like whatever happened to the Minutemen?
03:28:03 But yeah, the the feds.
03:28:04 Because, look, even even.
03:28:06 If the local.
03:28:11 Are OK with some level of vigilantism like with the Minutemen?
03:28:16 I think in that case they would have permission from land owners like the ranchers that would own land that bordered Mexico, and so they'd have the they'd have the permission to be there.
03:28:26 They wouldn't just be like these, you know, torch wielding vigilantes.
03:28:31 You had white guys going out to the border legally with surveillance equipment and weapons.
03:28:38 And they would report all of the the illegal border crossers.
03:28:43 To the Border Patrol.
03:28:47 If they were on private land.
03:28:50 I believe they would detain and this is what got him in trouble with the feds, even though it shouldn't.
03:28:56 They would detain the illegal immigrants that would go on the private land because it was, you know, trespassing or whatever.
03:29:03 And they they put the Kabat Bosh down on that and that, you know, so.
03:29:08 So that's the problem is it's it's not a.
03:29:13 An issue it's an artificial issue that's been our problem that's been created with intention.
03:29:21 So it's not that they lack the resources to.
03:29:25 To you know, to effectively patrol the border, and if only there was some more volunteers, no, they're there.
03:29:31 It's on purpose.
03:29:34 So if you start to get in the way of that purpose, they're going to.
03:29:38 Step in and haul you off like Gavin McGinnis.
03:29:44 Alright, let's see here.
03:29:49 Gee, the movie Deserie Ito is a movie by a Mexican film director, Jonas, something the son of Alfonso.
03:29:58 It's the same thing who made children of men, and it is about Mexican illegals evading a white American man who decided to take border security into his own hands.
03:30:10 There you go.
03:30:10 Maybe it's based loosely on the.
03:30:13 My stuff $5 preciate that it was my birthday on Wednesday. Happy birthday my stuff.
03:30:19 The ultimate black pill is not seeing your favorite show during the ****** series I was.
03:30:26 I was drilling holes through concrete walls, if that makes you feel any better.
03:30:31 But maybe a grocery store clip would turn that all around.
03:30:34 Also, animes for ****, well, you know, I don't want to like, blow everyone's eardrums out, but.
03:30:40 Let's see.
03:30:41 I don't.
03:30:41 Do I even still.
03:30:42 Have it loaded.
03:30:47 I'll tell you what I'll be nice.
03:30:49 And I will.
03:30:50 I'll try to turn it down quickly so it doesn't blow your.
03:30:52 Eardrums out and I'm.
03:30:53 Giving you warning.
03:30:54 You've been warned all you.
03:30:55 Headset, ************.
03:31:03 Alright, that's there you go.
03:31:04 I tried to turn it down.
03:31:07 Happy birthday.
03:31:08 That's my birthday present to you.
03:31:12 Best of the best $5. Appreciate that. Hey, that crazy Satan hand symbol you mentioned two months ago. Looks like the Texas Longhorn hand symbol could be politicians campaign in Texas and using that symbol to relate to local Texans. Sorry, this is so late. It's not though, it's.
03:31:30 It's it's people doing that in, not in Texas.
03:31:38 It's it's definitely not Texas Longhorn symbol.
03:31:47 Unless there's a lot, a lot, a lot of Texas Longhorn fans out there.
03:31:52 Harmless G If you look at documentaries of Silicon Valley in the 80s covering the growth of Apple and other companies, you see almost all the engineers and businessmen and executives are either white or Jewish.
03:32:05 And many of them are satanists.
03:32:10 Splitter trace.
03:32:12 Do you think there's been a mixture of white people with Jews in more recent decades in the US?
03:32:18 There are Jews that I know that that could pass as white.
03:32:23 In fact, the second Jewish woman who said I'm white or I'm white, I'm Jewish, look like a regular blonde white.
03:32:30 Yeah, there's a lot of, there's a lot of Jews that, especially women, that I am surprised.
03:32:38 When I discover they're Jewish, usually it's because they're only, you know, part Jewish or, you know, they're not, like, full on Ashkenazi, you know those that's you're usually pretty easy to spot.
03:32:50 Or even Sephardic, although Sephardic is harder to to spot, also because it looks little Mediterranean or you know something, it looks a little ethnic in some way, right?
03:33:01 It doesn't look.
03:33:02 Really white, but it does, you know.
03:33:04 What I mean?
03:33:07 I mean, there's been a lot of lot of European admixture.
03:33:12 And a lot of the European Jews? It depends, though, too, because like a lot of the Ashkenazi Jews that came here and found that Hollywood and and a lot of the people like we keep every time we we do a store. In fact I I'm guessing maybe even Sally Jesse Raphael's family, right.
03:33:32 Like we, we keep seeing like this the huge influx of Eastern European Jews that arrived here at the turn of the century.
03:33:41 They have a very specific phenotype.
03:33:44 You know they they're those are easy to spot.
03:33:49 But yeah, there's there's Jewish families that have been interbreeding with European families for.
03:33:55 Many years, I mean.
03:33:57 It it's.
03:33:59 It is harder to see.
03:34:05 Before forever.
03:34:07 Hey, Devin.
03:34:08 Remember that yellow glasses?
03:34:10 August Freak from?
03:34:11 Yeah, from the jazz.
03:34:14 I'm sure that Walter.
03:34:16 John Goodman from the Big Lebowski is based on him.
03:34:20 The character is a complete idiot who is a former Catholic who has converted to.
03:34:27 He looks like him and even has his tinted yellow glasses.
03:34:30 Have you seen the film?
03:34:32 Yes, I have.
03:34:33 Yes, I have the big lebowski.
03:34:35 I had a roommate that was really into that movie for some reason.
03:34:38 So I ended up seeing, like a lot of time.
03:34:41 Not a bad movie.
03:34:42 It's an interesting and it's different.
03:34:45 They, you know, it became such a weird cult classic.
03:34:48 They had festivals, the dude festivals.
03:34:53 Where the actor I I'm spaced on his name that played.
03:34:58 The Big Lebowski would show up in character and it, you know, it was like this big weird LARP fest.
03:35:04 It went on for years.
03:35:06 Kind of odd.
03:35:06 I don't know that it's still going on, but like I remember, just being surprised that that was it was big enough.
03:35:11 To where they.
03:35:12 Yeah, it's like one of those things are like really there's enough.
03:35:14 Of those people that really well, that's odd.
03:35:17 Like Juggalos, you're like those got those.
03:35:19 They exist.
03:35:24 Yeah, it might have been.
03:35:25 Might have been.
03:35:29 Fashion BBQ why do blacks weep during intercourse?
03:35:35 Oh, Mace, hello.
03:35:38 I see what you did there, I see.
03:35:41 What you did there?
03:35:45 Best the best I talked way back about how Hollywood and history say that gay English guy broke the Enigma code, you know, touring when it was really the Polish, Poland and England fad.
03:36:00 Just copied the polls work and took all the credit here.
03:36:05 There are a few videos explaining it.
03:36:10 Alright, I will check that out.
03:36:15 Yeah, I that's that's that was very I think instrumental.
03:36:20 In trying to get people.
03:36:23 Especially boomers, because boomers have this love affair with World War 2 mythology.
03:36:32 All you had to.
03:36:32 Do to get boomers to be sympathetic to touring was make a movie where he was responsible for cracking the code of the Nazis in World War 2, right.
03:36:46 And then and now magically.
03:36:48 In the eyes of all boomers that saw that movie, he's a ******* hero.
03:36:55 Christos Rex.
03:36:57 It'll be a good idea to cover George Lincoln Rockwell as he likely inspired a lot of groups.
03:37:02 You've covered impact on.
03:37:03 I found him more convincing when he was using the uniform, but he claims he needed it to get attention.
03:37:10 Yeah, I I will cover him.
03:37:12 I just, I think that the uniform was a bad idea.
03:37:17 For the same reason that it was a bad idea for the the weirdo Nostradamus guy.
03:37:23 You know, it's like, here's the thing.
03:37:25 Attention isn't everything like this guy, Murcia?
03:37:29 This guy got a lot of attention.
03:37:31 He got booked on tons of tons of TV shows and look.
03:37:35 He sounds he sounds unhinged.
03:37:39 But not everything he says is crazy.
03:37:43 He just taints it.
03:37:45 With his, with the, with the part of the percentage of what he says, that is crazy.
03:37:49 And the crazy uniform.
03:37:52 So it it's it.
03:37:54 It just reminds me of those, the bratty kids, that think all attention is good attention.
03:37:59 That's just not true.
03:38:02 It's just not true.
03:38:05 It's performative, and it it's.
03:38:09 Easily mocked.
03:38:12 It's easily mocked.
03:38:15 Because in in order for you to be like some kind of trendsetter.
03:38:20 That's gonna you're gonna.
03:38:21 You're gonna go against the grain and do this thing that's so different that it gets you attention.
03:38:25 Cause of how different it is.
03:38:28 You had better have your.
03:38:32 Have the ability.
03:38:35 To control the the narrative.
03:38:40 And he just simply didn't have the ability to do that.
03:38:45 Like how with it, with his newsletter.
03:38:47 You know, like, no, you're at the mercy of, however, the Jewish television producers.
03:38:51 Make you look.
03:38:54 Which is going to be like a crazy person.
03:38:58 And you're helping them out by wearing a Halloween costume.
03:39:05 That that's, I think ultimately what a lot of people.
03:39:08 Need to look.
03:39:08 And look, I'm not saying that that means that.
03:39:11 What Rockwell said, or that you know that he wasn't the deep thinker or whatever.
03:39:15 I'm sure he, you know, I've heard some things about, you know, some things that he's written that that it's good, right.
03:39:21 Like it's I'm I'm not wholly unfamiliar with him.
03:39:25 It's just that I've never been drawn to him because it seems as if a lot of what he did was self defeating.
03:39:36 You know by by.
03:39:39 By dressing up and trying to it was it was, it seemed to me as if he was prioritizing being provocative.
03:39:49 Over a winning.
03:39:53 And I get it right like how it it's probably really hard to get any kind of news coverage unless you are provocative.
03:40:01 And it was a different time.
03:40:04 So I don't know.
03:40:05 It's hard to look back.
03:40:10 Especially at an era before I was born.
03:40:13 And to know how that was perceived.
03:40:18 All I can do is tell you that you know the way it's.
03:40:22 That strategy doesn't seem to to be an effective one, clearly.
03:40:27 I mean it it in the past or the present, like the results don't seem to to.
03:40:33 To really show that it was an effective tactic.
03:40:39 But I will go, I'll definitely.
03:40:40 I am going to research them further.
03:40:43 Best of the best $5 and then you just sent like a A link.
03:40:50 What is?Devon
03:40:53 Oh, that was the.03:40:53 OK, that's the other link for your touring test thing.
03:40:59 OK.
03:41:01 Christos Rex.
03:41:03 It'll be good to.
03:41:04 Oh, wait, why is it saying the same thing twice?
03:41:15 It repeated like a bunch of stuff here.
03:41:20 Jay Ray, 1981. Devin, you remember when Maury Povich would have training shows in the 90s and you couldn't tell the difference whether it was a dude.
03:41:30 Or a chick.
03:41:31 Well, I don't know about you.
03:41:32 Could tell the difference.
03:41:36 I actually never really watched that show, so no, I don't I.
03:41:39 I don't remember watching any 90s shows though, and thinking I couldn't tell the difference.
03:41:43 I think they were way more.
03:41:45 Obvious in the 90s.
03:41:46 Because they didn't have the, they didn't have the same technology.
03:41:51 That we have now.
03:41:55 There is a weird rumbling sound outside, like there is like a I hope I'm not getting Gavin McGinnis right now.
03:42:06 No, I don't think so.
03:42:07 It's like there's like a.
03:42:10 Like a diesel truck outside.
03:42:11 Or something which it would be really weird.
03:42:16 Anyway, I'm sure it's nothing.
03:42:18 Hopefully knock on wood.
03:42:24 OK.
03:42:24 And then best the best another link.
03:42:30 And then that's the best.
03:42:32 Another link.
03:42:33 I think that these are all for the Turing test thing, right?
03:42:41 Ohh wait, no.
03:42:46 Yeah, yeah, it's all the Turing test stuff.
03:42:50 Alright, cool.Devon
03:42:54 Ferocious Chihuahua sending a.03:42:59 Japanese girl sliding down a hill in a helmet.
03:43:04 I think.
03:43:06 OK. Dan, the man $5 is as a kid, I always perceive vampire films as a metaphor.
03:43:16 For white supremacy. So I was shocked to learn that Dracula's hook, nose wealth, parasitic blood lust and meant.
03:43:24 Mesmerism of white women were actually Bram Strokers metaphor for the late 1800s Jewish invasion.
03:43:33 Hollywood sure flipped out.
03:43:35 That flipped that around, eh?
03:43:39 Yeah, I was not aware of that.
03:43:42 That would make sense.
03:43:43 I guess the, but yeah, like if you think about vampire movies, you think super super, super ******* pale white people, right?
03:43:59 Unless you're thinking about Blade.
03:44:02 You think about blade?
03:44:05 Then you're thinking.
03:44:08 Let's see here.
03:44:12 Then I download that at one point.
03:44:26 Here we are.
03:44:32 So this this is what I think about vampires sometimes.
03:44:53 All right.
03:44:55 I will now answer the rest of the questions.
03:44:57 With a blood **** going on in the background.
03:45:01 I thought I had the blood **** video.
03:45:03 I don't have the blood **** video.
03:45:09 Do I have the blood **** video?
03:45:15 I might.
03:45:20 I do have the blood **** video, kind of.
03:45:26 There we go.
03:45:30 There's some white supremacy going on there.
Speaker 10
03:45:37 All right.Devon
03:45:40 Where am I?03:45:44 ******** ****** $1.00 just heard the owner of Odyssey may be a literal devio worshipper who praised to Moloch. Since I still want to give you money, would you consider taking hyper check donations on 3rd party site? I'd like to see more information on that.
03:46:03 I did hear, or at least I thought I heard, that one of the guys was a liberal.
03:46:07 I I know they're all libertarians, and maybe that's what you mean, but they literally pray to Moloch.
03:46:14 I would be surprised by that.
03:46:17 But yeah, if you have any.
03:46:20 If you have any information on that, send it my way.
03:46:25 ******** thoughts on Sam Hyde winning his boxing match and giving Hassan piker A ****** death threat and the song getting scared ******** to the point he may have contacted the LAPD to?
03:46:35 Get a prediction of.
03:46:37 I thought that was funny.
03:46:40 I I'll be honest.
03:46:42 I don't always.
03:46:45 Wait, hold on.
03:46:46 Why is let me reload this page here.
03:46:52 All your all of your.
03:46:53 Comments disappeared.
03:47:01 I'm going to reload.
03:47:02 Here we go.
03:47:09 Failed to fetch comments.
03:47:11 I think the comments just ******* broke.
03:47:19 Let me see how this works.
03:47:23 Failed to fetch comments.
03:47:26 Well, that's weird.
03:47:27 You can try different browser.
03:47:32 See, maybe he was.
03:47:34 He heard.
03:47:34 You were saying that he prayed to Mulock and Mullock was unhappy.
03:47:43 Now we're getting mulleted.
03:47:45 OK.Devon
03:47:50 Failed to fetch comments.03:47:52 That's so weird.
03:47:55 Alright, let me try a different browser.
03:47:58 Browser better work.
03:48:09 Come on, work, work, work, work.
03:48:11 Failed to fetch comments.
03:48:16 Alright, well.
03:48:18 I don't know what to do about that.
03:48:20 I think I got.
03:48:21 All of them.
03:48:24 And try a different device maybe?
03:48:31 I've never tried using the app on a stream.
03:48:33 Let me see what happens here.
03:48:46 It's blood ****.
03:48:56 Alright, let's see here.
03:48:57 Go to my stream.
03:49:04 Live discussion.
03:49:06 I don't think it's working.
03:49:07 I think the.
03:49:07 Chat just died.
03:49:16 I'm going to try talking in the chat here.
03:49:21 Data couldn't be read because it isn't in the correct format.
03:49:27 Alright guys.
03:49:27 Well I don't know what to do about that and my guess is that the.
03:49:32 Molik was unhappy about your comments about the.
03:49:36 Odyssey guys.
03:49:38 And so it killed Chet.
03:49:47 Alright, well I'm going to try one last time and then I'll just.
03:49:50 Bail out of.
03:49:50 Here if.
03:49:51 It's I think I miraculously it died right as I got to the very last super chat.
03:49:57 So I think we might have, we might, I don't know if that's if more came in, maybe it broke it and more.
03:50:02 Came in.
03:50:04 Let's see.
03:50:05 Let me try one last time.
03:50:11 Now failed to fetch comments.
03:50:15 I'm going to try to say something here, test.
03:50:20 Failed to perform action.
03:50:25 Alright guys.
03:50:25 Well I don't know what to do.
03:50:27 Uh, hopefully I got to all of them and if I, I'll tell you what if I if I didn't.
03:50:35 Message me next stream which?
03:50:37 Be on Wednesday.
03:50:39 And I will have a B pill for you.
03:50:42 Uh, possibly a cactus pill, or at least a cactus pill update.
03:50:47 And we'll have.
03:50:52 I don't know.
03:50:53 Maybe some some pat con stuff, huh?
03:50:57 Well, maybe we'll move on to the next pack.
03:50:59 I think.
03:50:59 I think we will.
03:51:00 I think then I think next stream will will have Pack Con episode.
03:51:03 We still have like I think two or three more of those to go.
03:51:07 So anyway, thanks for coming in.
03:51:10 Sorry the the check crashed.
03:51:12 Or at least it crashed for me on multiple devices, so I'm assuming it's.
03:51:15 Down for everybody.
03:51:17 I will catch you next time for Black pill.
03:51:20 Valium, of course.
Speaker 10
03:51:24 Devin said.Speaker 20
03:51:25 OK, so I just had a great idea.03:51:29 I've been trying to figure out a way to introduce Pride month to my students.
03:51:33 My preschoolers who are four and five year olds, most of them are five now.
03:51:40 But you know we've done everything else we've done.
03:51:45 Native American Heritage Month and Latinx Heritage month Black History Month.
03:51:51 API month last month, you know Women's Month, March.
03:51:58 So I'm like we have to do pride like I'm bisexual.
03:52:01 Don't know if I'm.
03:52:02 Able to like say that to the students.
03:52:04 I don't know.
03:52:05 I probably won't anyway.
03:52:07 Here's my idea.
03:52:09 So I was talking to my home teacher about this so I can take it for all.
03:52:14 But I said well.
03:52:14 Maybe we can just go around the room.
03:52:16 Have the kids tell us like, who lives in our.
03:52:19 Some, like some, because there's some people that have grandparents that live in the home and then we can talk about, you know, how some people have two dads.
03:52:30 So I was going to find a couple different books to represent some families and we have like.
03:52:37 These kinds of books in our library.
03:52:39 So I think it's OK like.
03:52:40 I mean, obviously it's OK, we have the books.
03:52:44 But it blows my mind that I have to.
03:52:45 Like is this OK?
03:52:47 Other parents can get mad because this is life like I saw a thing and I shared it on Facebook, it said.
03:52:58 Pride is important because someone tonight is still thinking they're better off dead than being themselves.
03:53:09 And that hit me because like.
03:53:12 ****, I was there, but since I got rainbow stitch, I'm going to say like, Oh my goodness, guys, I got this new squish mall and it says it's part of the Disney Pride collection.
03:53:28 Does anybody know what that means to have pride?
03:53:32 And we can have a conversation about it.
03:53:35 Because obviously pride is not just, you know, to be gay, but you can have pride and your work, your school work.
03:53:43 And like everything you do, pride is not.
03:53:48 Just being gay, but it's a big part of it, you know, so it's very important because.
03:53:55 It could save some of these kids lives and we do have a student with a trans mother, trans woman and a non binary parent parent.
03:54:07 So their family matters.
03:54:09 They need to be represented.
03:54:11 So that's my idea.