03:23:26 Open Gangnam Style.Speaker 1
00:00:28 And I'm not proud of my dreams.Speaker
00:00:48 We don't care.00:00:53 Like this?
Speaker 1
00:01:00 We don't care.00:01:03 When you love yourself.
00:01:15 We create a different kind of.
00:01:28 Let me live right back.
00:01:50 321.
00:01:59 The wind line within we didn't go for money.
00:02:11 Walk down stretching.
00:02:15 We're driving Cadillacs and.
00:02:20 Diamonds on your side please.Speaker 1
00:02:25 We don't care.00:02:28 Caught up in your lucky shame.
00:02:40 We created.00:02:46 You can go.
Speaker 1
00:03:06 Let me look that fantasy.Speaker
00:03:16 Can't touch this.Speaker 2
00:03:20 You can't touch this.Speaker
00:03:24 Can you touch this?00:03:27 King touch.
00:03:31 Can't touch this.
00:04:15 Times. Times.
Speaker 3
00:05:05 I can't seem to face something with the spine.Speaker 1
00:05:09 So nervous that I can't.Devon
00:05:49 Good morning, good evening, good afternoon.Speaker 2
00:05:54 Good night.00:05:55 Good day, Sir.
00:05:56 I said good day.
00:06:00 So as many.00:06:01 Of you may or may not know the 1st.
00:06:06 Simpsons Video has been released into the wild.
00:06:09 It was put on Odyssey.
00:06:12 I'm trying that out.
00:06:14 I'm I'm most likely going to put it on on bit shoot.
00:06:16 As well.
00:06:18 But I just figured, hey, let's see how.
00:06:21 How this platform works?
00:06:23 I've never uploaded to it.
00:06:25 I'd synced my YouTube channel, but I'd never directly uploaded to it.
00:06:29 At least I don't think so.
00:06:31 And it.
00:06:33 Seemed to work OK.
00:06:34 Worked pretty.
00:06:34 Quick, I was surprised.
00:06:38 It was certainly faster than.
00:06:41 Then bit shoot.
00:06:44 So that was good and my understanding is and I don't know, I haven't examined the technology enough to know for a fact.
00:06:52 How decentralized it is, if it lives up to the hype, a lot of these blockchain.
00:06:58 Y things.
00:07:00 You know you you never know.
00:07:02 I mean, even bit shoot for that matter.
00:07:04 I mean bit shoot was saying that they were decentralized and and they were using blockchain technology and and torrents and they're not the short answer is they're not they're.
00:07:16 They're a lot more.
00:07:17 Central and there's there's it's not just bit shoot though.
00:07:20 There's been a lot of companies.
00:07:22 Saw that as a gimmick, especially a couple of years back, and but we'll see. We'll see, right? Apparently Odyssey's got a lot of.
Speaker 2
00:07:30 A lot of.Devon
00:07:31 Jewish journalists upset with them.00:07:32 So that's I guess that's a good start.
00:07:35 Or usually sometimes it's a good beginning to the end.
00:07:38 So we'll see what happens with all that.
00:07:42 So that's up the the chat.
00:07:46 On telegram.
00:07:48 Was shut down by telegram.
00:07:52 Shut down by telegram.
00:07:54 And I don't even think honestly I.
00:07:56 Don't even think it was because we got raided.
00:07:58 I think there's just a lot of people that spurge out and can't handle themselves and that's what happens when you spurge out and can't handle yourself and so if it comes back because it was more for you guys than.
00:08:11 It was for me.
00:08:12 If it comes back, I'm gonna have to figure something out.
00:08:17 They said that illegal content was posted.
00:08:19 I don't know that that's true, but I don't know what.
00:08:23 You know what they can, you know, cause there's different laws in different countries.
00:08:26 So I don't know what exactly.
00:08:29 What exactly?
00:08:30 That what that really means and they they don't tell you, you know, they don't really respond to you.
00:08:35 They just say, hey, it's.
00:08:37 It's gone now, and now you have to.
00:08:41 Delete stuff and moderate and all this stuff.
00:08:44 I don't have time for, so we'll see what happens with all that, but that is gone for right now.
00:08:51 And look.
00:08:54 You know, like I said.
Speaker 2
00:08:56 In the.Devon
00:08:58 You you can't.00:09:00 I understand the people.
00:09:03 That are that are that are so.
00:09:06 I guess repressed, let me tell you a a short story. Very short story. I I've said I mentioned before how my my growing up we had like 1000 dogs because my mom would get these ****** dogs from random places, bring them home without telling my dad and my dad would be ******.
00:09:27 Off like from the start, it would already hate the dog and then the dog would be a ***** ** **** because my my mom sucked it.
00:09:35 Dogs and none of the kids wanted dogs.
00:09:40 You know?
00:09:40 And so it was just sort of like, I don't know what anyway.
00:09:43 And so they'd last, like, sometimes not even a few days before they did something that pushed my dad over the.
00:09:49 Edge and then you know off.
00:09:51 To the pound or or whatever, right?
00:09:53 But they'd be gone.
00:09:55 And one of these ****** dogs that.
Speaker 3
00:09:57 My mom got.Devon
00:09:59 Was a a Pekingese.00:10:02 Which doesn't even look like a dog.
00:10:04 It's like an alien being.
00:10:06 It's like a.
00:10:08 One of those those fuzzy things that gremlins are before they they turn into gremlins, the Mogwai or whatever.
00:10:15 The you know, gizmo is and bring up a picture because I don't.
00:10:20 If you don't know what a Pekingese is.
00:10:28 It's like it's like if.
00:10:31 I don't know.
00:10:31 They're they're just horrified.
00:10:32 I'm surprised they exist.
00:10:34 And I mean they.
00:10:35 It's the kind of thing that it's like, an abomination.
00:10:38 It's the kind of thing that would never exist in nature.
00:10:42 Here we go.
00:10:43 That's like a normal picture of 1.
00:10:47 If you think these.
00:10:47 Are cute then.
00:10:48 I don't know what's.
Speaker 3
00:10:50 Wrong with you.Speaker 2
00:10:54 Yeah, that's great. Just just.Devon
00:10:55 Do that.00:10:56 Do what I say.
00:11:01 Let's see here.Devon
00:11:14 So this is.00:11:17 A giant picture of a Pekingese, apparently.
00:11:21 So this ******* thing right here.
00:11:28 All right, I'll.
00:11:29 Give them that.
00:11:29 They make you laugh.
00:11:30 Just looking at them.
00:11:36 All right.
00:11:37 I don't know.
00:11:37 Maybe that's why they made them, because maybe the dog breeder was just like, like, couldn't stop laughing.
00:11:43 It was just like we got to make more of these.
00:11:47 So anyway.
00:11:51 She brings home one of.
00:11:52 These ******* things.
00:11:54 And I guess an old lady had owned it and she had kept it.
00:12:00 In this tiny cage its entire life.
00:12:05 And so she brings it home and lets it out of it.
00:12:08 It was a tiny cage.
00:12:09 Like it was.
00:12:10 I mean, it wasn't.
00:12:11 Borderline animal cruelty.
00:12:12 It was straight up animal cruelty.
00:12:15 And she let it out of the cage, and this thing proceeded to.
00:12:18 Just start running laps.
00:12:21 Around in inside the not not around the house and the outside on.
00:12:24 The inside because the way that.
00:12:26 The the floor plan was there was like a staircase in the center and then you know, rooms that went all the way all the way around it, so.
00:12:34 This ******* thing is just running circles over and it would never get bored of it and it would never get tired.
00:12:40 And it wasn't very bright and it would sometimes smash into things.
00:12:46 And justice keep going.
00:12:49 And I learned a valuable lesson that day.
00:12:53 And that is if you keep something pent up.
00:12:59 And confined.
00:13:01 For like a really long time.
00:13:04 And then you give it some freedom.
00:13:07 It's going to go *** ****.
00:13:10 It's going to go *** **** and it's not.
00:13:11 Going to be able to control itself.
00:13:15 And I kind of feel like that's how a lot of people treated the telegram chat.
00:13:19 They were just these little ******* peeking theses.
00:13:22 Running around in circles.
00:13:24 Smacking into things.
00:13:27 Not able to.
00:13:27 Control themselves and look, I get it.
00:13:31 I get it.
00:13:35 When you're getting censored pretty much everywhere you go and you just want to just, it's almost like you just want to just, even if you don't, wouldn't normally feel like saying things you would just you just ******* want to say it.
00:13:50 The other thing the other aspect of that is and we'll actually we'll get into that here.
00:13:54 In a little bit.
00:13:56 But anyway, the the telegram chat.
00:13:59 Because people couldn't control themselves.
00:14:01 Or I don't know.
00:14:02 Maybe something happened that.
00:14:03 I didn't see.
00:14:05 Then then we.
00:14:06 For all I know, if someone did post something illegal in there, I don't know.
00:14:09 I didn't see anything illegal and they don't tell you what it is.
00:14:12 So I went in there.
00:14:13 I was just like, looking around.
00:14:14 I just deleted the whole ******* thing and it just whatever.
00:14:17 And so we'll see if it comes back.
00:14:22 That's a Pekingese I almost want to.
00:14:28 I almost want to keep him here.
00:14:30 I'm going to do some old adjusting here.
00:14:33 Let me do this.
00:14:36 You can just be quietly there in the background.
00:14:39 There we go.
00:14:40 The Pekingese just staring into your soul.
00:14:46 Yeah, we'll keep him up there until.
00:14:48 It starts creeping me out.
00:14:51 All right.
00:14:53 So yeah, that's The Simpsons is out the.
00:14:57 The Telegram chat is gone, for now at least.
00:15:04 And part of.
00:15:06 My roof blew off today.
00:15:08 Like of the house, though, not not.
00:15:10 The chicken coop this time.
00:15:12 I was up.
00:15:13 All night working on The Simpsons, trying to finish it up, and I'm glad I normally would have gone to bed because it was like 9 in the morning.
00:15:21 And and I was, in fact, about to go to bed.
00:15:25 And then I heard this smacking sound and.
00:15:29 It was pretty loud.
00:15:30 It sounded like someone just taking a hammer to the side of my house and I couldn't figure out what it was and and so I went outside.
00:15:38 And a big chunk.
00:15:39 Of my roof was uh.
00:15:41 Flopping around in the wind.
00:15:44 So I grabbed the ladder which is which is this is I'll tell you it's a real fun thing.
00:15:49 Climbing up a rickety ladder in like 40 mile an hour winds.
00:15:53 But I did it.
00:15:55 And so I climbed up the ladder with the.
00:15:58 Hammer nails and nail it back down.
00:16:01 Best I could.
00:16:03 And then did like the the Super ghetto white trash thing and threw a tire on top.
00:16:10 So that got taken care of anyway, that's.
00:16:13 That's how my that's how my day's.
00:16:14 Going cause that that was less that was technically I guess in a weird way it was that was today.
00:16:18 That was this morning.
00:16:23 All right.
00:16:25 Also started working on a video for a movie.
00:16:28 I can't just sit there and do all the Simpson stuff.
00:16:31 I I need to clear out my brain in between.
Speaker 2
00:16:36 Doing that but.Devon
00:16:40 Let's take a look here.00:16:41 I had some.
00:16:41 I made some notes.
00:16:44 Made some notes of.
00:16:47 Things that talk about, you know, sometimes I make notes.
00:16:51 And I'm thinking, wow, this is going to be.
00:16:54 This is going to be so profound and then.
00:16:56 I open it up like right before I go live and I'm just like.
00:17:00 I don't even know why I thought this was cool, but this is not one of those times.
00:17:04 This is not one of those times.
00:17:07 So it's it's related to the the.
00:17:11 Kind of, in a way, the Simpson stuff.
00:17:14 Kind of justice shock humor in general.
00:17:18 Because I was trying to think of the psychology behind why in the 90s specifically.
00:17:25 Like what made the shock humor funny?
00:17:29 And it was a new thing.
00:17:32 It was a new thing.
00:17:32 You can watch comedies from the 70s.
00:17:36 I don't recommend it because they're all terrible.
00:17:40 But it's well, actually we kind of talked about that once, right?
00:17:42 And how a lot of comedy is context.
00:17:44 A lot of it's if not like, actually I would say almost all of comedy is context.
00:17:51 And so.
00:17:52 I was thinking at the about the 90s and like the shock jokes and like that, because it wasn't just the.
00:17:57 Simpsons and The Simpsons?
00:17:59 Really not.
00:18:01 I wouldn't say that they relied heavily on shock jokes as much as like.
00:18:04 Say Family Guy.
00:18:06 Or South Park, especially South Park.
00:18:11 In fact, that duo with not just South Park with Orgasmo with dodgeball like a lot of their humor.
00:18:22 Was this shock, huh?
00:18:25 And we also had a lot of other stuff kind of be popularized in the 90s that was along those lines, like Howard Stern, right?
00:18:33 Howard Stern was big in the 90s.
00:18:37 He got his own movie.
00:18:38 I mean, I think he was.
00:18:39 I mean, he was a DJ before that.
00:18:41 I don't.
00:18:41 I don't know his whole story.
00:18:42 I I what I.
00:18:43 Do know of the story is from watching that movie?
00:18:46 When I watched it like in probably in the 90s, actually it's been a.
00:18:49 Long time but it.
00:18:51 Was popular in the 90s.
00:18:52 That was when he was like the.
00:18:55 He's the cool, long haired.
00:18:57 Degenerate Jew that you should listen.
00:18:58 To on the radio.Devon
00:19:00 And he got that amazing contract when he went to satellite.00:19:06 Wonder how that's going.
00:19:07 I wonder how how much money they pull in from that?
00:19:11 The landscape is changing.
00:19:12 Rush Limbaugh died.
00:19:14 But anyway.
00:19:15 So I was thinking about the, the, the and it wasn't just that it was.
00:19:18 If you think about.
00:19:20 All of the humor, all the popular humor in the 90s.
00:19:23 In a lot of ways it it leaned real heavily on the shock.
00:19:29 The shock.
00:19:31 And and as a writer, I've thought about this a lot.
00:19:34 I've thought about.
00:19:34 Like, well, what makes?
00:19:36 A joke? Funny.
00:19:39 Like what is it that that elicits?
00:19:43 This physical response from people.
00:19:46 I mean where you can't control it, right?
00:19:50 I mean, you can't.
00:19:51 It's like getting tickled verbally.
00:19:54 You can't control.
00:19:58 And there might be different reasons for laughing.
00:20:00 But it's really hard for people to, you know, just to to have that kind of discipline and that that control, that kind of control.
00:20:08 And So what is it that does then?
00:20:12 And I started thinking about South Park.
00:20:15 And the I mean, look, the whole video I did today about Simpsons being anti Christian, a lot of that could be said about South Part 2.
00:20:26 Their first video.
00:20:28 That they ever made that that got them.
00:20:32 The the series.
00:20:34 Was they did a Christmas card.
00:20:38 Like a video Christmas card.
00:20:40 For some Hollywood guy.
00:20:43 And the Christmas card was Jesus.
00:20:47 Versus Santa Claus.
00:20:50 Where they get in this big fight and there's like, you know it it's it's like an action film or like a Kung Fu movie.
00:20:58 And it's real funny cause ohh ha ha ha.
00:21:00 Look, it's Jesus fighting people and.
00:21:03 And I'm sure like it.
00:21:04 You know, but it was.
00:21:05 It was at the time.
00:21:08 It had the IT was the shock value that made it funny.
00:21:12 It wasn't clever so much as it was just shocking.
00:21:17 And the blasphemy part of it was shocking.
00:21:22 And I remember watching that for the first time when I was like I was, you know, Pretty Little kid there.
00:21:28 And you had to watch it on the Internet and the Internet at the time was.
00:21:32 I mean, there was no YouTube.
00:21:35 It was you had to find it on some site.
00:21:37 I don't even know.
00:21:38 A friend of mine found it.
00:21:40 And we watched out of his house cause he had Internet that was actually fast enough to to watch, you know, really ****** video.
00:21:46 I'm sure it was like.
00:21:48 The lowest resolution ever.
00:21:51 And we all laughed like you know maniacs.
00:21:58 I tried to think back to that moment because a lot of stuff that you think is funny when you're a kid.
00:22:04 You watch it as an adult and it's not funny at all.
00:22:07 And you're almost embarrassed that you thought.
00:22:09 It was funny.
00:22:11 So I tried to put myself back in in those in my shoes back then and try to.
00:22:17 Understand precisely like what was it about this?
00:22:22 That was so hilarious.
00:22:26 And it wasn't just that either.
00:22:27 You could say, you know Beavis and *********, a lot of Ren and Stimpy, any of the gross out type stuff.
00:22:37 Like what was it that made that funny?
00:22:42 And what made that funny?
00:22:49 Had to cough there.
00:22:51 What made that funny was.
00:22:53 It wasn't so much.
00:22:58 The like I said, it wasn't clever.
00:23:00 It wasn't so much that.
00:23:01 What was happening was funny, but what was happening to my brain as I watched?
00:23:05 It is.
00:23:06 I was imagining what would happen if, like my parents watched it.
00:23:15 What amused me.
00:23:18 Was knowing that a a good portion if not all of the adults that I knew?
00:23:26 If they watched it, they would be horrified.
00:23:32 So it wasn't that it was funny, it's that it would antagonize.
00:23:37 The adults in my life.
00:23:43 And when I thought about, well, why, why would that be so amusing to you?
00:23:47 Why would that?
00:23:48 Why would that be so amusing that you're you're physically responding to the this idea that ohh man, if my parents saw this.
00:23:57 They would lose their ****.
00:24:01 And it's not, it's not.
00:24:03 Super simple, but it's it's a little bit simple.
00:24:07 Like this this.
00:24:08 Boomer hatred that that you hear a lot especially.
00:24:10 From zoomers these days, this is something that's been boiling up a long time.
Speaker 2
00:24:15 A long time.Devon
00:24:17 I've I've talked to friends of mine where I've said, like, look, I mean the boomers have been in charge since we were born and they're still in charge, like they still haven't let go, you know, like, look at Biden's a ******* boomer.00:24:30 We haven't had like a Gen.
00:24:31 X president.
00:24:32 And don't say Obama. Obama's a boomer.
00:24:36 We, we.Speaker 3
00:24:37 Literally have been ruled over by boomers.Devon
00:24:41 For like 40 almost 50 years.00:24:45 They refused to let go.
Speaker 3
00:24:49 And when you were?Devon
00:24:51 When you're raised by boomers.00:24:54 And you're surrounded not just by, obviously.
00:24:57 I mean, they're the adults, so it doesn't, really.
00:24:59 I mean, this part isn't because they're boomers.
00:25:01 They're the adults, right.
00:25:02 So they're in charge, they they control everything but the entire culture.
00:25:07 Was very.
00:25:10 Celebratory celebratory.
00:25:12 I can't.
00:25:12 I can't say that ******* word.
00:25:13 Right?
00:25:18 Like the 60s and the the hippies and. And, you know, Woodstock, you know, they in fact, they brought back Woodstock again. There was like Woodstock, 98 or whatever the **** it was.
00:25:34 And and all the all the shows you know, like all the movies that they were all the, you know, was like remakes of the shows the boomers used to watch, like the the Brady Bunch movies.
00:25:47 The Addams family movie.
00:25:50 It was like there were no no new ideas.
00:25:55 It's like we were stuck in this very boomer centric.
00:26:00 Reality that we couldn't escape.
00:26:04 And so anything that antagonized?
00:26:08 That group.
00:26:10 Was amusing to us.
00:26:12 Now that was only half of it.
00:26:13 The other half of it.
00:26:17 Was that because we were raised?
Speaker 3
00:26:19 By boomers.Devon
00:26:21 And while thankfully the.00:26:22 Boomers that raised me, they weren't degenerates.
00:26:25 I lucked out.
00:26:28 A lot of boomers were degenerates and fancied themselves.
00:26:33 You know, hip and cool.
00:26:35 And we're never gonna get old.
00:26:36 This sort of a thing, right?
00:26:39 And so.
00:26:41 The next generation.
00:26:43 In order to rebel against that, like you got to think about it in order for the Boomers to rebel against their their family.
00:26:50 You know their parents.
00:26:52 They didn't have to push the envelope.
00:26:53 Too far, right?
00:26:55 And because you know their their parents.
00:26:58 They're, you know.
00:26:58 We're talking about they they were rebelling against.
00:27:00 The leave it to Beaver stuff, right?
00:27:04 Well, if.
00:27:06 The generation that you're rebelling against is all about free love and everything's fine and moral relativism.
00:27:11 And and like.
00:27:13 The you know.Devon
00:27:13 The in the 90s.00:27:16 That's when you.
00:27:16 Had the explosion of.
00:27:17 All right, well, we're.
00:27:18 Going to just be straight up ******* evil.
00:27:21 That's when you had like the 9 inch nails Marilyn Manson.
00:27:25 You know Rob Zombie like.
00:27:27 It was.
00:27:27 It was music that.
00:27:30 It was it like it was the same thing.
00:27:33 It's music that you knew that if your parents heard this song.
00:27:38 It would.
00:27:38 It would just terrify them.
00:27:41 That's part of what made it good.
00:27:46 It wasn't that it was good, necessarily.
00:27:48 It was just that.
00:27:49 It you knew.
00:27:51 That you're doing something wrong that you were doing something shocking, that you were doing something that was going to antagonize the.
00:27:57 Boomers that were in control.
00:28:04 And in a way, because we we had to push the envelope so far.
00:28:10 In order to rebel and to feel like that we were, you know, being being bad, you know, breaking the rules.
00:28:19 And remember that the boomers there was like there.
00:28:21 Were no rules.
00:28:22 I went to this gifted school.
00:28:25 And there was literally no rules like it was.
00:28:29 It was like a bunch of boomers that were you could tell, like, had just been hippies, like not that long ago.
00:28:37 And they somehow got jurisdiction over a bunch of gifted kids, and they decided to try to educate us using like, wacky, no rule.
00:28:47 You know, it it takes a village style.
00:28:56 And as a consequence, like we didn't learn anything.
00:28:58 We just ****** around.
00:29:04 But living in that environment of having to.
00:29:06 Push the envelope so far so.
00:29:09 Far to actually feel like we were breaking rules and that we were antagonizing the older generation.
00:29:18 And mixing with.
00:29:19 That the violent video games too, right?
00:29:22 You know the playing and playing a game where you're virtually mass murdering people all the time.
00:29:27 We talked about, you know, GTA Grand Theft.
00:29:31 Auto going around, mugging people, running people over with cars, you know, playing doom, you know, killing demons in hell and and all this other kind of stuff, right?
00:29:42 Like we're, we're virtually, we're living in virtual.
00:29:44 Worlds that are, you know, nightmare scenarios.
00:29:52 And we become as a result, we became very desensitized.
00:29:58 Extremely desensitized.
00:30:02 And that's part of what made that shock humor funny, too.
00:30:07 It wasn't just that.
00:30:09 Ohh, this is going to.
00:30:11 This would flip the my my Sunday school teacher would lose her ******* ****.
00:30:18 If she saw this video, if she heard this song.
00:30:23 It's that.
00:30:26 Wrapped up in that was, I'm so desensitized.
00:30:30 I don't feel a thing.
00:30:34 And that's what made it funny.
00:30:38 What made it funny was the contrast.
00:30:42 What made it funny?
00:30:43 What made you feel in a way, superior?
00:30:47 To them was.
00:30:48 I'm so ******* desensitized.
00:30:50 I've seen so many horrors.
00:30:53 On the Internet.
00:30:54 You know, I I'm.
00:30:56 I'm sick.
00:30:56 Well, you know, kid kids these days would be you'd be able to relate to the.
00:30:59 Same thing.
00:30:59 You know, like I was 16.
00:31:03 When I saw like animal ****.
00:31:07 When I saw horrific ****, there was a video I saw like it's seared into my ******* brain.
00:31:13 But again, as much as you could say, well, that traumatized you, it's still in your brain.
00:31:17 No, it's it was part it also you know a.
00:31:20 Callus grew over that.
00:31:23 And that was this video of this Asian.
00:31:25 Like I I don't.
00:31:26 I don't even know who would make this video.
00:31:30 But I was in high school in like computer science class when some.
00:31:34 Kid was like, hey, guys, look at this.
00:31:37 And it was this video of this Asian girl sitting in.
00:31:40 A bathtub.
00:31:42 And the bathtub was full of puke.
00:31:45 And she was puking into the puke.
00:31:48 And then getting a bowl and scooping it up.
00:31:50 Sorry guys, I'm just.
00:31:52 I'm and then drinking the the the puke and then puking more.
00:31:56 And I'm just sitting there 16 watching this.
00:32:04 But again, it just all that did is it created scar tissue.
00:32:10 It made it so OK, well, that no longer shocks me.
00:32:18 We got, you know, we.
00:32:18 Got to push a little further.
00:32:25 And so that's part of what made it funny, too, is watching this shock humor and thinking to yourself this it, like I said, it makes you feel superior.
00:32:34 If my parents.
00:32:35 Saw this?
00:32:36 They would flip their ****.
00:32:38 And I don't care at all.
00:32:41 I'm not moved at all emotionally.
00:32:45 I feel nothing.
00:32:51 And so it's hilarious.
00:32:52 It's hilarious to imagine the look on their face.
00:32:57 If they saw this video, if they heard this song.
00:33:03 That's what made it funny.
00:33:09 It wasn't actually funny.
00:33:21 And I don't know if you've seen the The Simpsons video I did yet again, link is on Telegram.
00:33:29 And it will end up on bit shoot.
00:33:30 Eventually I'll probably put.
00:33:31 It up there tomorrow.Devon
00:33:35 But that's why that humor was allowed to escalate.00:33:38 In fact, in a weird way, that's why it had to escalate.
00:33:44 Because it would lose, it would lose its shock value simply because.
00:33:48 You would grow those mental calluses.
00:33:52 That mental scar? Tissue.
00:33:55 You'd be desensitized.
00:33:56 It's like a drug.
00:33:58 You build up an immunity to it, and so you have to start upping the dosage.
00:34:11 And the only way to go?
00:34:13 Was down.
00:34:20 And no one stood in its way.
00:34:25 No one said like you know.
00:34:28 And look, obviously there was outliers, but I'm I'm saying like no one with a real voice, no one with a real influence.
00:34:36 Said, you know, maybe.
00:34:39 Maybe this is bad for us.
00:34:43 Maybe this is creating an entire generation of nihilists.
00:34:49 Because that's what happened.
00:35:04 But we were, you know, we were so desensitized to the horror of of really anything like it would be very hard that for me now, I mean, it's pretty much impossible to shock me now.
00:35:16 I've seen.
00:35:18 I mean, I've seen everything.
00:35:21 I've seen every horrifying thing you can imagine, and most people listening.
00:35:24 I mean, if if you've been on the Internet for any length of time.
00:35:28 You've seen the kinds of horrors.
00:35:31 That almost the entire.
00:35:35 Population of earth.
00:35:37 Almost every human being that lived before you.
00:35:41 They didn't even see, like .1%.
00:35:45 Of the horror.
00:35:47 That you've seen.
00:35:54 And I kind of think in a weird way that's why you took pride in.
00:35:56 It was knowing that.
00:35:59 Like or or feeling like somehow that made you strong.
00:36:05 Like somehow that that desensitivity made you a stronger person.
00:36:09 Because you could handle it.
00:36:13 People couldn't handle this.
00:36:17 I can handle it.
00:36:21 So I'm tough, I'm strong.
00:36:26 And the whole time it was just making.
00:36:27 Us weak.
00:36:35 I'm gonna take a look.
00:36:36 At chat here real quick.
00:36:42 Yep, someone saying I've seen beheading videos. I've seen Maxim Cartel torture. That stuff's pretty brutal. There's no one seen that ****. It's astounding the access. You know that children have to it. Yeah.
00:36:56 It's it's uh.
00:36:59 That's the kind of stuff that and look, I was a little.
00:37:02 I mean, I was a little older by the time that I'd seen the real horrifying ****.
00:37:05 But nowadays it's like, especially, you know, many kids are being raised by tablets.
00:37:11 How often do you go?
00:37:12 Out into public.
00:37:14 And there's a parent sometimes pushing a kid in a stroller.
00:37:19 And the kids, just like, you know, dicking around on a on a ******* phone or a tablet.
00:37:25 You know, the boomers decided to raise their kids with televisions.
00:37:28 Look how.
00:37:29 That worked out.
00:37:30 Well, how that worked out was they raised a bunch of kids who decided to raise their kids with tablets.
00:37:38 And you can put parental controls and all this garbage on there all you want.
00:37:42 And kids are going to find a way around it.
00:37:45 I did.
00:37:48 You know, my parents put passwords on our computer.
00:37:52 Wasn't that hard to figure that one out?
00:37:55 In fact, in a lot of ways, you know.
00:37:58 I guess that that's kind of in some ways.
00:38:00 Or I don't?
00:38:01 Know it's one of those chicken and the egg.
00:38:02 Things, but I wonder if that's part of the reason why I look at the world.
00:38:07 I look at systems and the first thing that comes to.
00:38:09 My mind is how would I exploit this?
00:38:13 Because my parents would put controls not just on the computer, but you know, there were.
00:38:17 There was lots of rules and regulations in my household.
00:38:21 And so I spent a lot of time figuring out ways of exploiting the weaknesses.
00:38:32 Because rules and and and you.
00:38:33 Know rules are good.
00:38:35 Regulations are good, standards are good.
00:38:39 But they don't enforce themselves.
00:38:43 And if you don't explain why they exist.
00:38:46 The children are just going to they're going to.
00:38:48 Grow up to resent you.
00:38:50 For imposing the rules and the rules.
00:38:54 And when they get out of the house, they're going to be just like that ******* Pekingese.
00:38:58 Just running around like ******* nut balls.
00:39:02 I talked about how I grew up Mormon.
00:39:08 Excuse me, I do a lot of.
00:39:10 Kids and look this some of.
00:39:11 This in in some ways applies to me too.
00:39:15 I knew a lot of kids.
00:39:17 Obviously that there were Mormon because a lot of Mormonism or a lot of Mormons, I guess there's a lot of extracurricular activities, which is good.
00:39:27 That's a good thing.
00:39:28 You know, it creates community.
00:39:30 You know, you meet a lot of people that have the same values and.
00:39:33 Stuff like that.
00:39:34 So I knew a lot of kids.
00:39:36 In high school that were also Mormons.
00:39:39 And I knew a lot of kids.
00:39:42 Who were?
00:39:43 Very straight laced Molly Mormon types.
00:39:47 And the second.
00:39:50 The second they were out of the house.
00:39:52 They just turned into, like, complete ****** or drug addicts or Alcoholics or whatever.
00:39:59 Like, just like that Pekingese.
00:40:04 Just running around circles around the house.
00:40:09 Freedom. Finally, freedom.
00:40:12 I've been stifled so much.
00:40:17 And that's because.
00:40:20 You can't just have rules and regulations.
00:40:25 You can't just do what my parents would do and say because I'm I'm the mom because I'm the dad.
00:40:31 That's why.
00:40:37 You know something my dad would do.
00:40:41 That would, I don't know, like I they would.
00:40:46 Tell us that it was my brother and I.
00:40:48 We'll be told.
00:40:49 To OK go in the backyard and shovel this giant ******* pile of rocks over over to this part of the yard.
00:40:59 There'd be no real reason for it.
00:41:02 There'd be no explanation for it.
00:41:06 But moreover.
00:41:09 My father wouldn't be out there shoveling the rocks.
00:41:11 With us.
00:41:15 So it seemed like hypocrisy.
00:41:17 It seemed like we're just doing this for literally no reason.
00:41:20 There's no reason for this rule that these rocks over here need to be shoveled to over here.
00:41:28 Because not even Dad believes in this, or he'd be out here.
00:41:31 Doing it.
00:41:33 And sure enough, when my brother and I were taking too much time.
00:41:38 He rented a bobcat.
00:41:41 And just moved the rocks.
00:41:42 It took like 30 ******* seconds.
00:41:45 And the whole time my brother and I.
00:41:47 Were just sitting there going.
00:41:49 What the ****?
00:41:52 And that's how that's unfortunately, that's a lot of how even like I said, my parents.
00:41:57 They weren't that terrible.
00:41:58 They were they.
00:41:59 But they were.
00:42:00 They were boomers.
00:42:02 And so a.
00:42:02 Lot of it was my way or the highway, but no explanation.
00:42:07 No, no teaching by no leading by example.
00:42:11 It's just these.
00:42:12 Are the rules and you better follow them and.
00:42:13 We're not going to follow them, by the way.
00:42:20 And look that attitude.
00:42:22 I wish it had stayed in the households.
00:42:25 I wish it had just been parents.
00:42:29 Doing that with children, but what do you think that does when you have an entire society behaving that way?
00:42:33 Well, look at our government now.
00:42:39 Do as I say, not as I do.
00:42:42 One set of rules for you and one.
00:42:44 Set of rules for me.
00:42:52 Because that's that's how you taught an entire generation.
Speaker 2
00:42:55 That the world worked.Devon
00:43:04 Take a look at chat here.00:43:08 Devin, that story hits home with me so much.
00:43:10 Yeah, my parents would do it builds character.
00:43:13 Go do this thing that I wouldn't do that I'm not doing.
00:43:19 And I'm going to sit and watch TV while.
00:43:21 You do it.
00:43:23 And there's no, there's no.
00:43:26 Yeah, and this this filtered.
00:43:27 Into everything.
00:43:28 It wasn't just manual labor.
00:43:29 I remember my dad because he worked on cars thing.
00:43:32 I talked about that, used to he would restore classic cars and sell them for extra money, right?
00:43:38 Because when he was a kid, that's kind of what?
00:43:40 He would do.
00:43:41 And and whatever so one.
00:43:44 OK.Devon
00:43:45 You know to to teach us, right?00:43:47 This is this was the the peak of of fatherly involvement for my dad.
00:43:51 Right.
00:43:52 My brother and I.
00:43:54 He came in and said and and he I I forget if it was like a starter or an alternator but.
00:43:58 It was some car part.
00:44:00 And he said you guys should take this.
00:44:02 Apart and figure out how it works.
00:44:06 And then just left.
00:44:11 And so we are all right.
00:44:12 So we tried to take.
00:44:13 It apart.
00:44:15 And for some reason we got stuck.
00:44:16 On this one piece, we couldn't get open.
00:44:20 And we ended up drilling out.
00:44:24 A bolt or something to get it open.
00:44:28 And he came home like a few hours later.
00:44:31 And saw that it was all in pieces and that we.
00:44:33 Drilled something out and he was furious.
00:44:36 It's like now I can't use that.
00:44:37 Because you drilled it, you broke it and.
00:44:42 It's like, well, yeah, but.
00:44:45 That's because you weren't here to show us.
00:44:47 How to do it right?
00:44:51 You know, and it wasn't like you had some it was some pressing meeting at at the office.
00:44:56 You were doing whatever you were doing.
00:44:57 You you literally just threw a a car part at us to keep us busy for a few hours, and then you're mad because we figured it out our way.
00:45:06 Because you didn't teach us.
Speaker 3
00:45:08 That's that's.Devon
00:45:10 That was boomer parenting.00:45:19 That's just the way it was.
00:45:23 Let's take a look here.
00:45:25 My dad did that with me.
00:45:26 Take this apart.
00:45:27 Figure it out.
00:45:28 Thankfully, he gave me a manual.
00:45:31 He was more hands on than your dad though for sure mechanic stuff.
00:45:34 He taught me well.
00:45:36 But carpentry.
00:45:37 He was like, oh, you know this.
00:45:39 Yeah, that's The thing is.
00:45:42 I think it's great.
00:45:44 I think it's great to have your kids, especially if you have boys, you should be teaching them mechanical stuff and electronic stuff and all the stuff is.
00:45:51 Pretty easy to.
00:45:52 Do, but you can't just throw.
00:45:56 A car part at your kid and just.
00:45:58 Be like learn cars.
00:46:01 That's insane.
00:46:03 That's insane.
00:46:04 That's not being a mentor.
00:46:07 Anyone can do that?
00:46:09 Why do why do I need a dad for that?
00:46:10 Why don't I just go to, like, a junkyard and just pick some piece of?
00:46:13 Junk off the ground and take it apart.
00:46:21 You know it's that's.
00:46:23 That's just the way they parented.
00:46:31 Exactly Boomer parents were ******.
00:46:33 They never got their infinite Peter Peter Pan childhood.
00:46:38 Yeah, I mean, look.Devon
00:46:39 I don't know what it was like growing up as a boomer.00:46:41 I've tried to to wrap my head around that.
00:46:44 There's so many things that affected that era.
00:46:47 It's like, I don't I.
Speaker 3
00:46:49 There was a.Devon
00:46:50 Time that I had a lot of bitterness and and anger and and maybe even a little hatred for that entire general.00:46:57 It's it's been now that I got some.
00:47:00 Of the anger out.
00:47:01 It's been kind of rolled back because you have to, you have to be understanding of the the time that they were living in and the conditions.
00:47:10 But I you know, it's something I can't relate to.
00:47:14 It's something I'll never understand.
00:47:16 And that's fine.
00:47:19 You know, just like future generations won't know what it.
00:47:22 Was like.
00:47:23 To live before there was an Internet.
00:47:27 You know, or, you know, there's zoomers.
00:47:28 They have no idea.
00:47:31 What it was like to to not have the kind of, you know, perfect example, there was a comment on.
00:47:40 One of my streams where I talked about the story about getting shot at when I when I was like a.
00:47:48 Teenager and one of the comments was and you could tell they were a Zoomer cause they're like, yeah, right.
00:47:54 If that happens, you you know you could.
00:47:56 Just use your phone and call the cops there.
00:47:58 Were no ******* phones.
00:48:01 There, there, there was no phones.
00:48:03 There was pagers.
00:48:05 That's how long ago this was.
Speaker 2
00:48:08 There are no phones are there are phones but.Devon
00:48:11 Like kids didn't have phones.Speaker 3
00:48:14 That's a relatively new thing.Devon
00:48:18 And and look, I'll never know what that's like. I'll never know what it's like to have this weird thing in my pocket when I'm a kid getting dropped off at, like, a friend's house that my mom can just reach me immediately.00:48:31 No, that was part.
00:48:32 Of the fun about going to a friend's house is that knowing you.
00:48:34 Were outside the the.
00:48:37 Purview of your parents.
00:48:41 You had traveled to another land outside of their jurisdiction and you and you are now.
00:48:48 In some.
00:48:49 Some adventure with your friend.
00:48:54 Yeah, you can't do that now.
00:48:57 I mean I.
00:48:57 Guess if your parents are just drug addicts and or don't care about you and stuff like that.
00:49:01 Guess you could still do stuff like that, but.
00:49:03 I mean.
00:49:06 I'll never know what that's like.
00:49:08 I don't know how that that.
00:49:08 That would **** with you.
00:49:11 Just like they'll never know what it's like.
00:49:14 To to not have an Internet.
00:49:17 I mean, the Internet existed, but it like, you know, most people don't have Internet.
00:49:22 In fact, most people really didn't have Internet until.
00:49:26 Tell smartphones specifically that the first iPhone.
00:49:29 So what was that like?
00:49:32 You know that was.
00:49:34 2000, you know, five or six or something, I don't know.
00:49:37 It was a long time ago.
00:49:42 It was a long time ago.
00:49:46 So it's, but that wasn't.
00:49:48 That wasn't normal.
00:49:50 Most people did not have Internet.
00:49:52 And they certainly didn't have, like a tracking device in.
00:49:55 Their pocket.
00:49:57 A tracking device that they could.
00:49:58 Look at.
00:49:59 Mexican cartel violence on.
00:50:05 So that's.
00:50:08 Every generation has its.
00:50:11 Conditions that, unless you were there, it's it's had to be their situation.
00:50:16 You're not going to get it.
00:50:19 You can surmise you can guess.
00:50:23 You can maybe get a kind of OK idea, but it's just, you know.
00:50:28 You had to be there.
00:50:31 And so that's why I'll never.
00:50:32 I'll never understand.
00:50:33 I'll never understand the context of boomers.
00:50:40 Let's take a look here.
00:50:41 I miss when the Internet used to be just at my friend.
00:50:44 'S house and not everywhere at all times.
00:50:47 Yeah, I miss when the Internet used to just be people like me.
00:50:54 I mean.
00:50:56 The Internet used to literally be like.
00:50:58 A white ethno state.
00:51:00 Look, but not even just that it was.
00:51:02 It was.
00:51:04 A similar personality type.
00:51:07 It was a very refined thing, like if you met someone on the Internet.
00:51:11 You know, there was a good chance.
00:51:13 That they were you would have a lot.
00:51:15 In common.
00:51:18 And you know, gaming too, especially gaming.
00:51:21 Because when gaming the online gaming first came out, you needed, you couldn't just have any old computer, you know, you had to have gaming hardware and you had to have fast enough in it.
00:51:32 So you had to.
00:51:32 Have made the investment to do that.
00:51:35 And the average person.
00:51:38 Well, I mean, the average person didn't have Internet in the 1st place and certainly didn't have the kind of Internet capable of.
00:51:42 Doing that, so if you met people gaming.
00:51:46 There was almost like a 100% chance that.
00:51:50 This is someone that you.
00:51:51 Would hang out with in real life.
00:51:55 So like, yeah, the old Internet.
00:51:59 They'll never know that either, and that's that's another you had to be there kind of a situation.
00:52:08 How many siblings do I have?
00:52:10 A lot.
00:52:11 I won't say specifically, but it's a Mormon.
00:52:13 Family a lot.
00:52:16 What's the change in behavior once kids got on the Internet?
00:52:20 Change in behavior once.
00:52:24 I'm not sure what you're asking.
00:52:27 Societal desensitization desensitization explains the rising drug use amongst teens grew up Mormon as well.
00:52:37 In Utah, my whole high school smoked pot, including me.
00:52:40 Weed is also a true siop love to hear your thoughts on weed.
00:52:44 And your recreational and recreational drug use.
00:52:48 UM.
00:52:51 Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised.
00:52:52 I don't know what percentage.
00:52:53 I don't know how long ago you're talking about in.
00:52:55 Terms of growing up in in Utah, we used to spend summers in my aunt's house in Utah.
00:53:01 So I'm like a little bit familiar with that, but I never went to school there.
00:53:05 I just knew that Utah Mormons were different, you know, and not in the way that you would.
00:53:11 You would think they weren't well, it was kind of weird.
00:53:13 There was like.
00:53:13 Polarized, right?
00:53:15 There was the Utah Mormons that were.
00:53:16 Just kind of.
00:53:18 Mormon because they were born Mormon, they they weren't really Mormon, you know?
00:53:23 And so they were just like.
00:53:27 Everybody else, they just maybe sometimes went to church and that was a weird kind of Mormon to me because when you.
00:53:33 Don't live in Utah.
00:53:35 If you're not Mormon, you're just not Mormon like it.
00:53:38 You're the weirdo.
00:53:39 If you're Mormon, right?
00:53:40 So if you, you know, you live in like a.
00:53:45 You know any other state really, maybe not like Idaho or something like that?
00:53:49 I don't know.
00:53:49 But most states, if you're Mormon, it's, you know.
00:53:53 You're you're practicing Mormon.
00:53:55 You know, like your parents are going every Sunday like they were.
00:53:59 They weren't in my church.
00:54:01 There wasn't, like, a lot of families that were half assing it.
00:54:04 You know, it was like you were all.
00:54:06 In or or or that was it.
00:54:08 But in Utah, there was like these.
00:54:11 Weird Mormons I'd never encountered.
00:54:13 You know.Devon
00:54:14 We're kind of resentful, maybe even away didn't like it.00:54:18 And but then you have the polar opposite.
00:54:20 Maybe that's why they're a little resentful.
00:54:22 You had, like, the Uber Mormons, you know, the very super pious.
00:54:27 Very judgy kind of Mormons and also hyper naive.
00:54:32 Like they had no exposure, very sheltered.
00:54:36 No expert.
00:54:36 It was the opposite of desensitize.
00:54:39 So I don't know how long ago sounds like you were the, you know, part of the first type, but I don't, you know, I don't know how long ago this was, and it's a lot different now.
00:54:48 I mean, it used to be. Utah was like, well, I mean, at one point it was 100% Mormon and then in but.
00:54:53 Not even that long.
00:54:54 It was like 50% now I think yeah, it's maybe like 25.
00:54:59 Or something I don't know.
00:55:00 I don't know.
00:55:01 That's one thing I wanted to include in the Simpson video, not Mormonism, but just church attendance.
00:55:07 Because church attendance has plummeted.
00:55:11 In the United States and all across the West.
00:55:15 And I kind of wanted to show because all the graphs I could find I just couldn't find.
00:55:19 A good one for America.
00:55:21 All the graphs that I could find coincided and I'm not saying because of The Simpsons, just Simpsons was just like one of many things doing this.
00:55:31 But because of all of that kind of, you know, defensive design, why I'm not able to say that word.
00:55:36 Right, tonight, desensitization.
00:55:40 Propaganda that was going on and having to always up the ante, right constantly up the ante in order to keep it shocking.
00:55:50 You know, while while that was all going on, it was working, you know.
00:55:53 People were you can ridicule.
00:55:56 People out of doing the right thing.
00:55:59 And that's a lot of what this was too.
00:56:01 You know, that whole feeling of superiority I was talking about where?
00:56:05 Oh, I can watch this horrific video and I can take it.
00:56:08 That makes me stronger.
00:56:09 I'm a stronger person than this person that would find it horrifying.
00:56:12 And and where they would have like a, you know, they would cry if they saw it or whatever.
00:56:16 I'm so strong.
00:56:17 I can see this horrific.
00:56:19 Video of this Asian lady eating her own puke and I don't you know, nothing happens to me.
00:56:24 I'm fine.
00:56:25 I'm so much better.
00:56:28 Right.
00:56:35 As they kept pushing that envelope and making it more and more extreme.
00:56:41 A part of that.
00:56:43 That feeling that you had that feeling that.
00:56:45 You were tougher and stronger.
00:56:49 Made you feel tougher and stronger for not going to church.
00:56:53 You know, or smarter, you know, like the whole atheist meme, right?
00:56:56 The whole, you know, the Fedora wearing atheist.
00:57:00 Meme like uh?
00:57:01 Those silly fagots they still believe in Sky Daddy.
00:57:07 Yeah, it's the same thing.
00:57:08 It's literally the same thing.
00:57:10 I'm so much better and smarter than them because I don't have a connection to God.
00:57:18 I I'm I'm not.
00:57:20 I don't have a spiritual side.
00:57:23 That's for losers.
00:57:25 That's for weak people.
00:57:26 I'm strong.
00:57:31 And that's exactly what happened.
00:57:32 That's that's exactly what happened.
00:57:34 I want to bring up one graph I did find.
00:57:38 This was for England.
00:57:39 And it's kind of a a deceitful graph.
00:57:43 Which is why I want to show it.
00:57:45 Unless I.
00:57:45 Unless there's just something that they're.
00:57:48 They're failing to mention.
00:57:54 Let's see here, church.
00:58:05 Yeah, there it is.
00:58:09 So this is a graph that shows church attendance.
00:58:14 In England from 1980.
00:58:17 To 2005.
00:58:30 And this is another you know.
00:58:32 I know I say this a lot, but it fits again.
00:58:34 You gotta zoom out.
00:58:35 The graph zoom out the graph.
00:58:36 Here's one of those graphs I'm talking about.
00:58:38 When I say zoom out the graph.
00:58:42 Now here's what's weird.
00:58:43 Here's what I don't understand.
00:58:46 Is it's measured in millions.
00:58:49 And they don't specify because like there's.
00:58:51 There's a lot of people.
00:58:53 In England, right.
00:58:54 So even back in 19 was 19, eight let.
00:58:58 Move this so you can see it.
00:59:01 Even back in 1980, if only 5 million people were going to church out of all.
00:59:08 Of England that just seemed.
00:59:10 There's got to be.
00:59:11 Something else to like?
00:59:12 I I because if I'm reading this graph correctly, if it really is only like 5 million people regularly attending church in England in 1980, and maybe that's, I don't know, maybe that's how it was.
00:59:22 I don't I.
00:59:24 I doubt it, but like, maybe that's what it was. And then it's dropped down to close to 3 million in 2005.
00:59:30 You gotta only knows what it is now.
00:59:32 Populations going up during all this, right?
00:59:36 So that graph should be a lot more straight down.
00:59:41 Because it's it's as populations going up, the numbers going down, but again I haven't been able to, I haven't able to find anywhere where they explain how they're doing this number on the side.
00:59:55 But there it is.
00:59:58 And you can find similar graphs like.
01:00:00 Let's see here.
01:00:03 And a lot of you know, these people, they celebrate it a lot of in fact, that's I found a lot of these websites when I was trying to find their research, they were celebrating that people were going to church less and less.
01:00:18 I'll tell you the word inglo let me find another one of these graphs here.
01:00:21 Yeah, I really wanted to.
01:00:22 I really want to include this.
01:00:24 In The Simpsons video, but I.
01:00:25 Just I couldn't find.
01:00:29 I mean, I found like a lot of graphs, like some random preacher would be like look, it's but you know no source anything like that.
01:00:37 Like, here's another one this this one's New Zealand now, you might think. Well, why, why do we care about New Zealand? New Zealand is a very Christian country.
01:00:47 At one point.
01:00:49 And look how it's projected.
01:00:51 This is an older graph, so it's probably already happened.
01:00:54 This is people who affiliate.
01:00:57 As themselves as Christians look, it was close to 100% and.
01:01:02 I can't see that year.
01:01:04 What is that?
01:01:06 OK, that's pretty old 1867. So in 1867 it was pretty much 100% Christian.
01:01:14 And all the way up.
01:01:15 Until what is that?
01:01:17 That's uh.
01:01:20 Alright so.
01:01:22 1961 in fact, the weight they labeled it is the beginning of the age of Aquarius.
01:01:30 So 1961 which is.
Speaker 2
01:01:34 You can see.Devon
01:01:35 Those three thick lines because you're not able to read it.01:01:38 The three thick lines, the first light or the thinner line.
01:01:43 That's the age of Aquarius.
01:01:45 And so that's the boomers and then.
01:01:47 It just goes.
01:01:51 And the last year on that graph is 2013.
01:01:56 So I'm positive by now.
01:01:59 Almost 10 years.
01:02:00 Later that that those two lines have converged.
01:02:04 And that they're in New Zealand, which was once 100% Christian.
01:02:10 Is now a country that has probably less than 50% people, and that's not even. That has nothing to do with with church attendance.
01:02:20 That's just how you self identify.
Speaker 3
01:02:23 So there's there's.Devon
01:02:24 A lot of people that say, oh, I'm Christian and they don't even go to, you know, maybe they got a church maybe.01:02:28 Like on Christmas and stuff like that.
01:02:31 It's really hard to find this data and when you can, it's really it's cut up into tiny slices like, oh, from 1990.
01:02:39 5 to 2005.
01:02:41 Well, it's like alright.
01:02:42 Well, give me the whole picture.
01:02:44 I and I wasn't able to find any kind of consistent source for that.
01:02:48 And a lot of it was based on like self reporting and it was done by different groups.
01:02:52 So like one would be like.
01:02:53 Now up and one.
01:02:53 Would be, you know, Pew Research or whatever.
01:02:56 And so you can't just mix and match.
01:02:57 You kind of have to find like one data set where they're at least, you know conducting at the same.
01:03:01 Some way in in one way or another and yeah, couldn't find it but.
01:03:08 It's easy to see.
01:03:09 That you don't even have to have a graph.
01:03:13 How many?
01:03:14 Just think about it.
01:03:14 In your own life.
01:03:19 You know that that used to be a normal thing. It was such a normal thing as I brought up in The Simpsons video, it was such a normal thing in in 1989. I think it was the first season of The Simpsons.
01:03:31 It was such a normal thing that they had to make The Simpsons.
01:03:35 Going to church regularly, that had to be like a a thing to for the going.
01:03:39 Him to relate to it.
01:03:46 If the going we're going to relate to this, this cartoon.
01:03:52 They had to go to church.
01:03:54 Or they would see like heathens like.
01:03:55 Oh well, that's just the bad family.
01:03:59 Now the whole point of The Simpsons.
01:04:02 And this I'm going to expand on this in another video, but the whole point of The Simpsons, they.
01:04:06 Might have well.
01:04:07 They should have called the the the series the goyem.
01:04:11 The Goyan family, the Goyum, Dun.
01:04:16 Dun Dun.
01:04:17 Dun because that's what it is.
01:04:19 It's like when we're talking.
01:04:20 About Archie Bunker, right?
01:04:23 All the all the boomers, they're like, oh, he's so funny because he's saying all these racist.
01:04:27 Jokes. You're the joke.
01:04:31 You're the joke.
01:04:35 He's stupid.
01:04:39 And low class.
01:04:43 And uncouth.
01:04:49 And what do you think Homer is?
01:04:54 Homer, stupid.
01:04:56 He has no self-control.
01:04:59 He buys every stupid product that he sees.
01:05:07 He eats garbage, food around the clock.
01:05:12 He falls for every pyramid scam.
01:05:17 Every money making scheme, he's constantly losing the savings of his family.
01:05:27 He's drinking and driving sometimes with kids in the car.
01:05:34 His wife is is constantly this close.
01:05:39 To divorcing him.
01:05:43 You're the joke.
Speaker 2
01:05:46 That's you.Devon
01:05:54 That's you.01:05:58 I mean, why do you think you know the the, The Simpsons?
01:06:01 And again, like I've seen, I haven't seen, I guess the this latest season or whatever that.
01:06:05 I'm not going.
01:06:06 To, but I've seen over 30 I've seen 31.
01:06:09 Seasons of of The Simpsons.
01:06:13 And so a.
01:06:14 Lot of them.
01:06:14 Kind of blur together at this point, but I will say that there's like 4.
01:06:19 I want to say four different episodes.
01:06:22 Because you know this, this they were talking about 30 year.
01:06:26 Span right here.
01:06:29 And the way you know.
01:06:31 That they want.
01:06:33 The adults, the fathers.
01:06:36 To relate to Homer Simpson.
01:06:40 Is the origin story.
01:06:41 They keep updating it to make it more relevant.
01:06:45 OK, so like in 19 the early 90s when they talk about how Marge and Homer met?
01:06:53 Well, what's it like?
01:06:55 It's like late 60s, early 70s.
01:06:59 You know, Homer's got like a muscle car or something like that. You know, the whole like, you know, will you wear my leather?
01:07:05 Jacket. You know it's.
01:07:08 It it's there, there's disco jokes.
01:07:11 Or not? No, not even.Devon
01:07:12 Not even in that one.01:07:13 There wasn't even disco yet.
01:07:14 It was like, you know, classic rock, that sort.
01:07:16 Of a thing.
01:07:18 And then one of the they, they, they they they updated like so that like a couple decades later or again they kind of blur together but whenever it was appropriate for the back story because they don't age right.
01:07:32 Like homer's.
01:07:32 The same age.
01:07:33 In season one in 1989, as he is in season, you know, 10 in 1999.
01:07:42 So the way they adjust it is now when they meet.
01:07:48 You know, then it's disco.
01:07:50 It's, you know, maybe later on they talk about how they met with, you know, the 80s, there was, you know, Devo whip it good.
01:07:57 It was playing in the background like, so they keep updating.
01:08:02 The origin story.
01:08:04 Of how Marge and Homer met.
01:08:07 So that it's relatable to people that that would match up with their.
01:08:12 With their storyline with their past, I mean it's it's gone so far now.
01:08:17 I think the last one I watched where they did that Marge and Homer met in the 90s.
01:08:26 You know, they were like Homer was.
01:08:27 In the grunge music.
01:08:32 Because that's that's the demographic they're going after now.
01:08:37 You're the joke.
01:08:39 You're the goyem.
01:08:43 And look at Bart.
01:08:46 Bart's the one that they're they're using to try to appeal to your son.
01:08:51 Or when or you when?
01:08:52 You were younger.
01:08:54 When you were.
01:08:55 A kid you liked Bart more than.
01:08:56 You liked Homer.
01:09:00 And I bet as you got older, you liked Homer more than.
01:09:02 You liked Bart.
01:09:06 Because Bart is tailor made, he is designed to appeal.
01:09:11 To young boys.
01:09:14 And what's Bart like?
01:09:16 Well, he's stupid.
01:09:18 He's like dyslexic or some ****.
01:09:20 Back when all that add stuff was going on, he was AD.
01:09:28 He hates he hates church.
01:09:32 He doesn't like school.
01:09:35 He causes problems.
01:09:41 Well, now let's take a look at the women.
01:09:46 Marge the long-suffering wife.
01:09:50 Who again in the first seasons that was OK.
01:09:55 But then you see that as time passed.
01:10:00 It wasn't.
01:10:01 It was no longer relatable.
01:10:04 For a woman to just be a stay at home wife, so she had to start companies all the time.
01:10:08 They were always successful until Homer ruined it or something like that.
01:10:14 All these men were always interested in her and she would almost cheat, but then feel bad.
01:10:20 The last second or something like that.
01:10:23 But she was the she's obviously the smart one.
01:10:26 In that duo.
01:10:34 Yeah, same with with Lisa.
01:10:38 Who's who's Lisa appealing to?
01:10:40 Obviously, the little girls watching the show.
01:10:44 She's a lot smarter.
01:10:46 Then Bart, she does well in school, she doesn't misbehave and she's a super super leftist.
01:11:01 Always pushing.
01:11:04 Leftist agenda stuff all like all like openly, like, that's part of the gag, right?
01:11:10 Oh, she's.
01:11:11 She's such a, you know, political activist leftist.
01:11:14 Well, I mean.
01:11:16 It was supposed to be cute and funny the first few episodes where they did that, but now that's just the entire show.
01:11:22 Is like that because it's listed.
01:11:23 To the left.
01:11:24 So oh, it's not that it's gone more to the left, it's just.
01:11:27 More open about it.
01:11:28 Because they can be.
01:11:30 I think because not just in addition to like the whole country going to the left because people are just Dumber, so they don't have to.
01:11:36 They don't have to mask it anymore.
01:11:38 It's too much work.
01:11:40 When when no one's smart enough to see through it, apparently.
01:11:44 So why bother?
01:11:45 Why bother being clever about it?
01:11:50 You know, at this point it's kind of like.
01:11:53 Like, why would why would you?
01:11:54 Try to put on.
01:11:56 Some kind of fancy magic show for a dog when all you have to do is act like you threw a.
01:12:02 Tennis ball and the dog goes running.
01:12:05 And looking for it.
01:12:08 That's what we're dealing with when it comes to.
01:12:10 The public at this point.
01:12:12 They used to think they had to do some crazy Houdini trick.
01:12:17 You know some weird distraction to get you.
01:12:19 To to get on board.
01:12:21 Now they have to do that.
01:12:22 They just have.
01:12:22 To act like they threw the tennis ball.
01:12:26 And everyone goes running.
01:12:28 Where's the bull?
01:12:32 And that's how the later episodes of The Simpsons are.
01:12:34 It's just that it's no longer.
01:12:36 There's not even funny, like a lot of these episodes, like they don't.
01:12:39 Even have jokes.
01:12:43 Like, really, like, there's some episodes that don't have jokes.
01:12:46 Like at all.
01:12:48 It's just leftist propaganda the entire episode.
01:12:53 With no joke.
01:12:59 And one aspect to that video, something I didn't that I that I wanted to include and just and I I just I needed to get it done.
01:13:06 And so I I I didn't.
01:13:09 I didn't have this part.
01:13:10 But one thing I want to do include.
01:13:12 The actor that did the voice.
01:13:16 For Abu?
01:13:18 You know.
01:13:20 Thank you.
01:13:20 Or what was his line?
01:13:23 I don't even know.
01:13:23 I'm a little brain fried.
01:13:25 I might.
01:13:25 I have not slept well in.
01:13:26 The last.
01:13:27 Little bit I told you about my roof story.
01:13:29 I just took a nap after that.
01:13:31 And I've been up since then.
01:13:34 Thank you. Come again.
01:13:36 The guy who did that voice.
01:13:38 He quit the.
01:13:39 Show and you know that's millions and millions of dollars, right?
01:13:42 That's not just like you quitting your job.
01:13:44 That's him giving up.
01:13:45 And I guess, look, he's probably got so many millions, it doesn't matter.
01:13:50 But he quit the job because it was cultural appropriation because he wasn't Indian and he was doing the voice of an Indian character and it was offensive and bad.
01:14:04 What about all the Jews doing voices of uh Christian characters?
01:14:10 The Simpsons going to apologize for the way they depicted Christians?
01:14:13 No, of course not.
01:14:17 Because they have nothing to fear from Christians.
01:14:21 If you were going to do something, you would.
01:14:23 Have done it by now.
01:14:28 I mean you.
01:14:28 You you guys weren't doing anything when your.
01:14:30 Numbers were up.
01:14:32 Way up at the top part there, right?
01:14:34 Nothing was going on there.
01:14:36 Like I I get it this.
01:14:36 New Zealand, whatever.
01:14:37 Just go with it.
01:14:40 You were.
01:14:41 You weren't protesting in the streets.
01:14:43 You weren't trying to get the the show shut down, at least not in numbers.
01:14:46 Enough to where it mattered.
01:14:49 So why the **** would they worry about you now that you're way down at the bottom there?
01:14:53 And you're outnumbered.
01:14:57 They don't give.
01:14:58 A ****.
01:14:59 And look, that might even be.Devon
01:15:00 Part of why they they they stopped hiding it too, because.01:15:02 Maybe now there's No Fear.
01:15:06 They figure look even.
01:15:07 If you do get that you didn't throw.
01:15:09 They didn't throw the.
01:15:10 Tennis ball.
01:15:12 Even if if you see the tenant like you get wise to them and you see the tenants ball in their hand.
01:15:18 What are you going to do?
01:15:21 You're a Pekingese.
01:15:22 What are you going to do?
01:15:26 You know, run around the house.
01:15:32 Can't overpower them. You're just.
01:15:35 You're just a ******* Pekingese.
01:15:44 What happened to the angry Christian lynch mobs?
01:15:54 I don't know.
01:15:55 They didn't exist.
01:15:56 My I I couldn't tell you.
01:15:57 That's one of those things where, like, you know, we've talked about, you can't relate to other.
01:16:04 They've never existed in my lifetime.
01:16:08 So I don't know and we last dream when we were watching that video, that documentary about the black family that moved into the white neighborhood.
01:16:18 There was a response to that.
01:16:19 It clearly didn't work, but.
01:16:21 That that response seems so foreign.
01:16:26 And so weird.
01:16:29 I mean, no one can even imagine that.
01:16:30 Can you imagine that?
01:16:31 Can you imagine?
01:16:34 Living in some neighborhood and one black family moves in and there's protests outside their house.
01:16:42 But again like.
01:16:43 I said.
01:16:44 Wasn't effective, right?
01:16:50 The sad thing is, when you're on the right.
01:16:53 Because of the.
01:16:55 Because of the frequency of the, the history of the wave of history.
01:17:01 Because of how?
01:17:02 Long the sine wave is when it goes up and down.
01:17:06 You know the graph, right?
01:17:07 When I say zoom out the graph.
01:17:09 Really, when you're looking at that graph, that's just it's part of a sine wave, and we're just on the.
01:17:13 Part that goes.
01:17:14 Down and it's but.
01:17:17 It's such a long *** wave.
01:17:20 That even once it.
01:17:21 Gets to the bottom.
01:17:22 It has to stay there.
Speaker 2
01:17:23 Their role.Devon
01:17:23 For a while before it goes back up.01:17:26 And we're just not going to be alive for that.
01:17:28 We're just not.
01:17:30 And so.
01:17:33 You know, we're not going to.
01:17:34 We're not.
01:17:34 Going to see it just.
01:17:36 It we get the ****.
01:17:37 Under the stick, when it in terms of when we were born I.
01:17:40 Guess because if you're on the right, if you're on, especially on the Christian right, or if you're just, you know, if you're about family values, you have to be Christian if you're just.
01:17:50 If you don't want trains, kids.
01:17:51 And stuff like that.
01:17:53 You're going to be on the losing end.
01:17:55 Of things for a.
01:17:56 While that's just the way it is.
01:18:01 That's the way it is.
01:18:05 When you zoom out the graph, it's like I said, it's a.
01:18:09 Sine wave more than anything else.
01:18:12 I never cared about The Simpsons.
01:18:14 I was born a Family Guy, Futurama in South Park.
01:18:16 Well, those are almost worse.
01:18:17 Family guys worse, actually, I.
01:18:19 Would say.
01:18:22 Family Guy.
01:18:24 You know, makes light of of pedophilia.
01:18:27 And just like it's family.
01:18:29 Guy's worse.
01:18:31 Futurama is bad.
01:18:34 Uh South Park's all so bad. I know everyone thinks oh, South Park based South.
01:18:38 Park based, they're not based.
01:18:41 South Park went full.
01:18:42 On Orange man bad.
01:18:43 The entire Trump presidency.
01:18:48 South Park is.
01:18:51 It's it's. Well, it's libertarianism.
01:18:54 South Park is part of the problem and look for a lot of people.
01:18:58 It seemed like part of the solution.
01:19:00 Libertarianism for people and like, you know, people like me, me specifically, I thought.
01:19:07 Yeah, well, this will solve the problem, you know, whatever.
01:19:09 Let people do whatever they want to do as long as we get a handle on the economics and we we keep the governments from ******* with us, that's fine.
01:19:18 They can go, be degenerates, and whatever it'll it'll be OK because I'll.
01:19:22 Be fine in my own.
01:19:23 Little bubble over here.
01:19:25 And that's what South Park teaches.
01:19:32 But South Park went full on orange man bed.
01:19:40 Because at the end of the.
01:19:41 Day they're they're just degenerates.
01:19:45 A lot of libertarians.
01:19:47 Believe in libertarianism.
01:19:50 Because it'll it in the same way.
01:19:54 That women that have had abortions.
01:19:58 Our pro abortion and will never believe that it was a life because of the implications of that right.
01:20:06 Because of what that.
01:20:07 Would mean about them.
01:20:09 What does that mean?
01:20:10 If you've?
01:20:11 If you've killed a baby?
01:20:13 If it's really a baby, that means.
01:20:15 You're a baby killer.
01:20:17 Lot of libertarians.
01:20:18 That's how they are.
01:20:20 Well, libertarians want to say that there really is no morality other than subjective morality.
01:20:33 It alleviates any kind of guilt that they have.
01:20:36 For their own degenerate lifestyle.
01:20:39 That's what it is.
01:20:42 I'll be OK with your degenerate lifestyle as long as I can have my degenerate lifestyle.
01:20:48 I won't tell on you if you don't.
01:20:50 Tell on me.
01:20:52 That's all that is.
01:21:02 And South Park is half Jewish, so.
01:21:10 All right, take.
01:21:11 A look here.
Speaker 2
01:21:15 UM.Devon
01:21:20 Dude, Cartman literally ****** **** multiple times.01:21:23 Yeah, and that's not it, I mean.
01:21:25 There there's look.
01:21:27 Don't make me watch every episode of.
01:21:29 South Park.
01:21:29 I'm not going to do it.
01:21:31 If you can't see what's wrong with South Park, then you're addicted to the funny.
01:21:35 Haha, that's it.
01:21:38 That's it.
01:21:40 Well, that's OK that they make.Devon
01:21:42 Fun of me and things that are sacred to me because.01:21:44 They make fun of everything.
01:21:50 It's OK if they stab me in *** **** because it's hilarious when they stab the other people in *** ****.
01:21:59 I like to laugh when I see.
01:22:00 Them it's like.
01:22:02 The the show out my balls.
01:22:04 It's it's OK.Devon
01:22:05 If he kicks me in the balls because I like to laugh when he kicks the other people in the balls, it's funny balls.01:22:12 That's really, I mean that's.
01:22:15 That South Park.
01:22:20 That's literally what I was talking about.
01:22:22 The shock humor.
01:22:24 Ohh, it's so hilarious. When.Devon
01:22:25 They went after ******* Scientology.01:22:32 But a lot of that, a lot of.
01:22:34 That just be honest with yourself.
01:22:36 The reason that was funny.
01:22:39 Was knowing that there were Scientologists out there losing their ******* minds watching it?
01:22:44 That's exactly what I was talking about, the same psychology.
Speaker 3
01:22:49 **** like to see their face when they see this.Devon
01:22:54 They couldn't take it.01:22:59 That's that's.
01:22:59 That's what it is.
01:23:00 You think that you're somehow you're superior and stronger and smug.
01:23:07 And that, by the way, in order for you?
01:23:09 To maintain that sense of superiority.
01:23:14 You almost have to just take it when it's your.
01:23:16 Turn right.
01:23:22 Because you already laughed at all these other groups that they were making fun of.
01:23:25 When it becomes your turn.
01:23:27 You have to just sit there and ******* take it.
01:23:32 Because that's the bargain you're making.
01:23:36 That's the deal you're signing up for.
01:23:40 I mean, you just finished thinking to yourself how superior and smug.
01:23:44 You were because.
01:23:46 You know.
01:23:48 Wait, wait until the Scientologists see this episode about them.
01:23:51 But when?
01:23:52 It's your turn.
01:23:53 If you have a connection.
01:23:56 Then you're just, you're just as much of A ****** as they are, right?
01:23:59 So you have to.
01:24:00 Be like, yeah, yeah.
01:24:05 You just have to sit there and ******* take it.
01:24:17 It doesn't make you strong.
01:24:18 It makes you weak.
01:24:25 Uh, let's take a.
01:24:27 Look here.
01:24:31 Well, that's the thing I want to.
01:24:32 Say too, that that's the other thing.
01:24:34 About South Park.
01:24:36 We've talked.Devon
01:24:37 About how bullying is like a.01:24:39 An immune system response, right?
01:24:44 Well, South Park.
01:24:49 Like an immune system.
01:24:52 Response that has.
01:24:55 That starts attacking the good cells too.
01:24:58 It's just attacking everything for the sake of attacking.
01:25:06 You know, it's just ******** on everyone.
01:25:08 And so and there's people I've heard people say that like as if.
01:25:11 That's a good thing.
01:25:12 No, it's cruel because.
01:25:13 You know, they make fun of everybody.
01:25:19 Are you listening to what you're saying?
01:25:24 It's OK.
01:25:25 They **** on everyone's faces, you know, including mine.
01:25:28 Because you know they're ******* on everybody.
01:25:37 I mean, how many?
01:25:38 Well, I'm sure you've heard people.
01:25:39 Say that and maybe.
01:25:40 Not just about South Park.
01:25:41 But other things like yeah.
01:25:43 You know, I know they make fun of Christians, but they make fun of everybody.
01:25:48 So it's cool.Devon
01:25:52 That's the guy you should have.01:25:53 Heard in my life.
01:25:57 It's like the stupidest thing.
01:26:04 Oh, that's Johnny. Yeah.
Speaker 3
01:26:06 He ****** my wife, but he *****.01:26:07 Everyone's wife, so it's cool.
01:26:12 That's good.
01:26:12 Good old Johnny for you.
01:26:18 That's that's same logic.01:26:24 Same ******* logic.
01:26:32 Uh, let's take a look here.
01:26:35 Yeah, someone says.
01:26:35 How many times have they?
01:26:38 Gone after Jews in the Holocaust?
01:26:40 Well, they've ever gone after the Holocaust, but they've they've joked about.
01:26:45 They've joked about Jewish stuff, but that, like it doesn't matter, like I said.
01:26:49 Just because they well, it's fine.
01:26:52 It's fine that he makes fun of me because he makes fun of everybody like that.
01:26:56 Doesn't make it better.
01:26:58 It really doesn't make it better.
01:26:59 It's like the immune system.
01:27:00 It's like, well, it's OK that that I have an immune system that starts attacking healthy cells cause it also attacks infections.
01:27:09 It's like, well, yeah, but it.
01:27:10 Still kills you.
01:27:12 So not a good thing.
01:27:18 All right, let's take a look here.
01:27:21 Matt comes up with the subversive ideas and puts tray to work writing the script while Matt handles the money.
01:27:28 Typical I I don't know for a fact that that's how it.
01:27:30 Works, but I wouldn't be surprised.
01:27:33 Was ******* run by Jews?
01:27:34 I don't know.
01:27:35 I never, you know.
01:27:36 Look, I was never.
01:27:38 I was never really.
01:27:41 Drawn to the the self harm shows you know, so I didn't really.
01:27:47 I don't know much about that show.
01:27:49 I mean, obviously I know what it is and I met that Steve O guy at a party once.
01:27:57 Yeah, I I.
01:27:58 You know, I don't, I don't.
01:28:00 I don't know who runs it or anything like that.
01:28:05 I want to go to my local church that my family has been going to for generations for more.
01:28:12 Then the last decade the pastor has preached climate change, a dot, the black head, and now.
01:28:17 It's some Co pastor ******** they allowed Muslims to come in and give a Muslim service.
01:28:22 I'm done with them.
01:28:24 I'm not saying just go to any church for the sake of going to a church.
01:28:31 And in some cases look.
01:28:34 Sadly, because this was allowed to go on for so.
01:28:37 Long and and look, it's not like Simpsons did this.
01:28:41 Like I said, Simpsons like a drop in the ******* barrel.
01:28:44 You know?
01:28:44 Like there was a whole whole litany of things that were happening at the same time.
01:28:49 And you know, Christians dropped the ball.
01:28:53 And now there's not a whole lot of strong Christian leaders, and there's not a lot of people willing to oppose.
01:28:59 The weak ones.
01:29:00 I mean, look how many Catholics talk about how base Catholicism is and how base Catholics are, and they have a literal satanic pedophile at the head of their church and with no.
01:29:12 Means or will to get rid of him.
01:29:17 You know, so that's it's not just Catholics.
01:29:19 I'm not picking on Catholics.
01:29:21 I'm just saying that's that's a big example of a institution with weak leadership at the top and no ability or will, I don't know which one.
01:29:35 To get rid of him.
01:29:37 Now on a smaller scale that's a little bit easier.
01:29:40 Or you can, you know you could just start.
01:29:41 Going to a different church.
01:29:44 But I refuse to believe you can't find.
01:29:49 A church.
01:29:53 And if you're, if you're a very secluded area.
01:29:57 Then you formalize it and you make.
01:29:59 Your own church.
01:30:01 I mean, like you build a ******* Chapel.
01:30:03 But like, if you're, you know, if you live in the middle, literally the middle of nowhere where the closest church is like 5 hours away or something like that and it's like and that it's like a satanic pedophile church or, you know, I mean, like, if if they for whatever reason, it's just not possible really and.
01:30:20 This is this.
01:30:20 Is a really tiny.
01:30:22 Tiny number of you guys.
01:30:23 All right, so this is doesn't apply to most people, including myself.
01:30:30 There's a way.
01:30:32 You can still do it and justice make it a formalized thing with your family.
01:30:37 Or if you're by yourself with yourself, but you make it a thing.
01:30:41 You know you don't just do like, oh, we're all.
01:30:43 Just spiritual in our own.
01:30:44 Way and just try to.
01:30:46 Be a good person and we'll all end up in heaven.
01:30:48 And it'll be everything will be fine.
01:30:49 No, just make it like a formal thing.
01:30:51 Like, OK, kids on Sunday, we're going to have church, and we're going to.
01:30:55 Have like a structure to it and we're going to do it every Sunday at the same time and you.
01:31:00 Know we'll.
01:31:02 In order to get community out of this, that's a big part of it.
01:31:05 We'll find ways of just like with homeschool, right?
01:31:09 I'm sure there's ways you can connect to to people online and and and do it and do things that way.
01:31:15 There's got to be.
01:31:16 There's got to be.
01:31:17 There's no way that that you can't find a religious community, that that is good for you.
01:31:28 There's just no way.
01:31:30 And if you can't for some reason, then start one.
01:31:36 Why not?
01:31:38 Like I said, a big part of this is.
01:31:39 The community aspect of it.
01:31:45 That's a huge aspect of it.
01:31:46 Why do you think look, when The Simpsons were attacking Christianity and religion, notice how they were very specific.
01:31:52 They always talked.
01:31:53 About organized religion and organized religion.
01:31:56 That was the term that was thrown around all the time in the ******* 90s and.
01:32:00 Even even until today.
01:32:02 But not you don't hear as.
01:32:04 But in the 90s and 2000s, that was like the big thing.
01:32:07 Well, no.
01:32:08 I believe in, I believe in God.
01:32:10 I just don't believe in organized religion like that was the big cuck out thing that most people would say, right where there were too much of A ***** to say that they were an atheist or whatever.
01:32:17 And so they would just.
01:32:18 That's how they could ride the.
01:32:20 Fence they would.
01:32:21 Say Oh no.
01:32:22 I I I feel like having a spiritual side.
01:32:25 Let's just organize religion.
01:32:29 Well, I mean the organized part is is half the the benefit, that's what gives you political power.
01:32:36 All right.
01:32:37 Like, if you can't organize, see, here's here's what you got to understand.
01:32:42 Wonder why Hollywood?
01:32:44 Why Hollywood wouldn't want you to organize.
01:32:51 I mean, it was Catholics being the Catholics that organized.
01:32:55 They were able to impose the Hayes code.
01:32:57 That wasn't.
01:32:58 That wasn't so much the government stepping in, that was Catholics.
01:33:07 Back when they did such things.
01:33:11 The organized part of organized religion?
01:33:14 Half the the benefit.
01:33:16 They don't care.
01:33:17 They'll let look.
01:33:17 They'll let you believe whatever the **** you want.
01:33:21 If you're not actually.
01:33:26 If you're not meeting up together and and forming groups, they don't care what you think.
01:33:33 Because you're not a threat to anybody.
01:33:34 You're just someone that has.
01:33:37 Thoughts that they don't like, but it doesn't.
01:33:40 You don't have any power.
01:33:47 It's the organized part that they don't like.
01:33:53 Let's take a look here.
01:33:56 Remember, it is not the H1N1 flu that kills. It is the Quito keen storm from the immune response.
01:34:04 I don't that's, but my pay grade.
01:34:05 And I haven't researched whatever you're talking about.
01:34:13 I'm Pagan, but my grandfather was a very proud and loyal Christian and because I loved and respected him so much, I would go to church with him and then I would be up visiting him during Christmas and really enjoyed.
01:34:25 Look, here's something about Pagans.
01:34:26 All right, there are a lot of Pagan larpers.
01:34:28 Just get out of the way.
01:34:29 They're just are.
01:34:29 I'm not saying you are.
01:34:30 I'm just saying.
01:34:31 There are a lot of Pagan larpers that are doing exactly what libertarians are doing.
01:34:35 They want something that that alleviates guilt for them, doing things wrong, and because paganism is very, at least in the forms that exist today, it is very just like it's just whatever you it's whatever you define it as.
01:34:53 And and so and if you are a Pagan and.
01:34:56 You really?
01:34:56 Believe it, and maybe you do organize.
01:35:08 Are important.
01:35:11 Because of the Universe University universe I am having problem with so many ******* words today.
01:35:17 I don't know what's wrong my brain.
01:35:19 Because it's objective morality and not subjective, morality is what I'm saying.
01:35:24 If you're a Pagan that just, you know, well, it's my own version of paganism and and like, I believe in whatever gods and and you're like, you're the membership to your church is 1.
01:35:36 You're not a Pagan.
01:35:37 You're not.
01:35:38 You're just.
01:35:38 You're just someone you're like a libertarian.
01:35:42 You're just you're you're exactly what they want.
01:35:45 They want you to do that.
01:35:49 But if you know if you.
01:35:50 Really believe in it.
01:35:51 I look I.
01:35:52 I'm sure there are people that do.
01:35:55 There should be some kind of objective morality attached to that, that everyone is following, and there should be like a community to that to where you have multiple other pagans that also believe the same things.
01:36:09 And are willing to defend those values.
01:36:14 And I have like just some wishy washy.
01:36:16 I'm a Pagan.
01:36:17 Because Jesus was a Jew.
01:36:20 That's that's ******* ********.
01:36:24 And there's a lot of those out.
01:36:25 There there just is.
01:36:26 You know what, even?
01:36:28 If you are a believing Pagan, you know it.
01:36:31 You know that that's true.
01:36:32 Look, the just like there's a lot.
01:36:34 Of **** bad Christians there are.
01:36:38 And in fact, Christians, one of the reasons why.
01:36:42 There are all these Pagan larpers it's because there are so many ***** *******.
01:36:49 Christians that don't stand up for themselves.
01:36:52 And a lot of people see that as, oh, that must be because.
01:36:57 Of Christianity.
01:37:00 That must be because that's.
01:37:02 That's what all these people have in common.
01:37:03 You know, all these, all these people who are ineffectual and and and haven't effectively fought against evil for the last, you know, 50 years or more.
01:37:14 They were all Christians and they've all failed.
01:37:16 So clearly there's something wrong with Christianity, right.
01:37:23 That's what they're looking at it.
01:37:25 Is that unfair?
01:37:28 Is that it's kind of like what I said about the Catholics, you know, is it, is it unfair for me to say?
01:37:34 Well, I mean, you guys have a satanic pedophile Pope and no mechanism to get rid of him.
01:37:39 That's that.
01:37:39 Seems like a big problem.
01:37:42 Is that is that a fair criticism?
01:37:53 See, it's OK to have criticisms as long.
01:37:55 As we keep it like that, you know.
01:37:58 Not the way it was devolving on the telegram.
01:38:01 Chat that got shut down.
01:38:05 Once, once you turn it into like just some kind of.
01:38:07 Like crows, cook crows, cook, pig and whopper.
01:38:10 It's just like, why are you doing that?
01:38:13 That's what they want.
01:38:16 That's what they want they want.
01:38:18 An inability to organize.
01:38:24 They want you to fight each other.
01:38:29 They want to atomize you in the tiniest little subcategories.
01:38:35 So that you.
01:38:36 Can't organize and you have no power.
01:38:44 You dig?
01:38:53 Paying is a dismissive Christian word for pretty much everyone else.
01:38:57 Citizens of the Roman Empire had complete freedom of worship as long as they offered sacrifice to emperor and some of whatever.
01:39:05 Just get over it, dude.
01:39:06 Like, know what?
01:39:07 Like I said, like first?
01:39:08 It's not.
01:39:09 It's not.
01:39:09 Not a Christian word.
01:39:11 Pagans call themselves pagans.
01:39:13 All right, but it is what it is, right?
01:39:19 Like no one.
01:39:19 No one cares.
01:39:20 You're Pagan.
01:39:20 Like, literally I I don't care but.
01:39:23 As long as you.
01:39:24 Believe it and you're not using.
01:39:25 It as an excuse.
01:39:27 To alleviate guilt from sin, which I think a lot of people are doing.
01:39:32 Then it's fine, and again, as long as there is an objective morality, as long as it's not a morality that you can just tweak and change as your desires and lusts change.
01:39:44 And again, I think there's a lot of pagans that do that.
01:39:49 OK.
01:39:52 One of the honestly one of the biggest reasons.
01:39:56 I feel Christianity has an advantage.
01:40:01 Over this, you know this paganism thing.
01:40:05 One of the one.
01:40:06 Of the many advantages I would say is it's.
01:40:09 It's written down.
01:40:11 It's written down.
01:40:12 Sure, you know, look, people can interpret different ways, yeah.
01:40:16 And they will.
01:40:17 At least it's written down and it's like here it is, you know, and I've yet to see, like, the Pagan Bible, you know, that it doesn't exist.
01:40:26 That's what's wrong with it.
01:40:27 It's not.
01:40:28 There's not like an objective morality to it.
01:40:30 And look, I'm sure there are specific.
01:40:33 Strains of paganism or whatever that people take seriously.
01:40:37 I know there's that all white Pagan church when it wherever that was like I was that Idaho or.
01:40:42 OK.
01:40:42 I don't remember somewhere.
01:40:44 So that's like an organized thing.
01:40:46 That's cool.
01:40:46 That's good.
01:40:47 I like that they're doing that.
01:40:48 They're pagans.
01:40:51 But they made it like a real thing.
01:40:55 That's that's the important part of it.
01:40:59 Or not the only, but that's a that's a big chunk.
01:41:01 You take that out and it's like you might as well just.
01:41:04 Make up your own religion and just.
01:41:07 I'm a demonite.
01:41:10 I'm a divinite.
01:41:11 And whatever I feel that day is good is good.
01:41:17 You've got to have bottom line.
01:41:20 Look, the two big things.
01:41:26 And community.
01:41:30 If you have those two things.
01:41:33 You're on the right track.
01:41:39 So that's that's that's the.
01:41:41 That's the thing that I think a.
01:41:42 Lot of people.
01:41:45 Are lacking.
01:41:47 When they say, you know I'm a Pagan or whatever.
01:41:49 Alright, well, you don't have objective morality and you, you know, some of them do.
01:41:54 I'm not saying, you know, I'm painting with A broad brush here.
01:41:57 And you don't have organization, you don't have community.
01:42:05 You know, just again generally speaking.
01:42:09 Do Dev and rites eat pork?
01:42:10 I don't know if I'm hungry for pork that day.
01:42:12 They do.
01:42:16 Devon Knights, the Devon Knights of the Round Table.
01:42:23 Maybe I've been drinking too much, but does anyone get the sense that the Lord of the Rings might have paralleled real history like it's too far related talking about the books of the movies, I was not impressed the movies.
01:42:37 How durable is Christianity if Christian majority countries completely turn their backs on it?
01:42:43 Let less.
01:42:45 On it less than 100 years.
01:42:47 No, that's what I'm saying.
01:42:48 There's there's very good.
01:42:50 There's very good, accurate criticisms of Christianity.
01:42:56 But a.
01:42:59 It'll be around longer than you will be.
01:43:02 All these fantasies that people have of just.
01:43:05 You know the problem is Christianity.
01:43:07 We'll get rid of it.
01:43:07 That's alright.
01:43:09 That's not going to happen.
01:43:10 At least not in your lifetime.
01:43:12 And so you're just all you're doing is picking fight with people, fights with people that are going to be on your on.
01:43:17 Your team, the other thing is.
01:43:22 There's so many different kinds.
01:43:25 Of Christianity and not all of them have.
01:43:29 Weathered the storm so terribly.
01:43:33 Now, I wouldn't say that there's really any big clear winners, because there's not, but there's definitely a gradient from from good to bad, like there are like they're saying that there's some.
01:43:45 I mean they, they would say they're Christians, like the the Unitarian style Christians that are just like, oh, my.
01:43:51 My baby was born trans and they.
01:43:54 You know, I'm sure you guys saw that.
01:43:55 I put it on telegram months ago of that church with the female lesbian.
01:44:01 Preacher, that was.
01:44:03 Celebrating the obviously abused trans kid.
01:44:10 They would say they're Christians.
01:44:17 So I mean, you can lump those guys in with orthodox, but I mean they they really don't have a whole lot in common, right?
01:44:31 Let's take a.
01:44:31 Look here.
01:44:32 I mean, look, every human, every human institution.
01:44:35 And look, that's what religions are.
01:44:38 Even if God's.
01:44:40 The the center of the institution, the people running it, are humans.
01:44:46 And every human institution is going to be flawed.
01:44:49 And so regardless of that's, that's my gripe with long term fascism.
01:44:55 Is that?
01:44:57 Eventually, every human institution becomes corrupt.
01:45:01 That's just it.
01:45:01 Just it has always happened.
01:45:04 Does that mean that those institutions are just bad?
01:45:06 No, it means humans are kind of ****** and so expecting them to preserve anything good in perpetuity is is ridiculous.
01:45:16 You can say the same thing about paganism.
01:45:18 If paganism was so strong, how did they instantly all kneel to the to Christianity and you?
01:45:24 Know how did?
01:45:24 How did the entire continent of Europe get?
01:45:27 Converted to Christianity so fully, you know, like it every every institution falls.
01:45:35 And every every institution is flawed, and every institution is run by humans.
01:45:40 And it's just all part of that wave that all part.
01:45:42 Of that sine wave.
01:45:47 Uh. Let's see here.
01:45:50 Truth movement is.
01:45:52 The new church and organization.
01:45:54 They didn't kill the Christian beast.
01:45:57 It mutated.
01:45:59 I'm not sure what you mean by that.
01:46:05 Reject evangelical.
01:46:06 Yeah, well, evangelicals are again.
01:46:11 There's there's good people just.
01:46:13 There's a lot of institutions that are bad in that bunch.
01:46:17 The daughter of a leftist Peto author or of leftist Peto, author Stephen King is a Unitarian pastor who is a lesbian.
01:46:23 Well, there you go.
Speaker 3
01:46:28 I why am I not surprised?Devon
01:46:32 Why am I not surprised?01:46:38 You ever read any Carr, Schmidt?
01:46:43 Interesting stuff about the sovereign exception states.
01:46:46 All political systems are inherently defined by their exceptions.
01:46:51 I no, I haven't read them, you know.
01:46:57 Now these turns are going to form the Church of Devon.
01:46:59 They better.
01:47:02 Maybe I'll start a cult.
01:47:06 To start a desert cult, those seem to catch on.
01:47:14 Let's take a look here.Devon
01:47:18 I think he means fragmented and exists outside the institutions.01:47:26 What do you think about the Cohen brothers movies, especially a serious man?
01:47:31 I watched the serious man.
01:47:33 That's the Jew one, right?
01:47:36 I think it's because Michael Jones mentioned it to me.
01:47:39 And I was thinking like, alright, well, I'll take a look at it and maybe I'll and this is what I was mostly if not 100% on.
01:47:48 YouTube and I watched that I.
01:47:50 Was just like, oh Jesus, there's.
01:47:52 No way I can.
01:47:53 I can make this video and expect.
01:47:56 It to stay on YouTube.
01:47:58 Uh, yeah, it's it's.
01:48:00 It's an interesting insight.
01:48:02 It's an interesting insight into that.
01:48:06 That culture.
01:48:08 And when you realize those are the people at the wheel.
01:48:13 And it explains a lot of their psychology.
01:48:18 So anyway.
01:48:21 I'm going to play a.
01:48:24 Video for you guys real quick cause I need to use the little boys room, drink all that coffee.
01:48:32 And now it's coming right through me.
01:48:33 Let's see.
01:48:34 Here we find something for you.
01:48:37 Let me find.
01:48:43 Let's see.Speaker 2
01:48:49 I don't know. I don't.Devon
01:48:52 Want to like torture?01:48:52 You guys too much.
01:48:59 You know what? ****.
01:49:00 It you might not like this, but I'm going to play.
01:49:03 It anyway.
01:51:17 I couldn't get away.Devon
01:51:35 Should let it keep going.01:51:40 I really want that hairdo.
01:51:42 I really want that hairdo.
01:51:46 Is that is that is.
01:51:47 That pink white culture right there, that hairdo.
01:51:56 Alright, I'll make it stop.
01:52:00 Alright, let's take a look here.
01:52:05 Video hurts the eyes. Yeah, well, honestly, in some I I talked about the the this 1970s to me is like the least aesthetic.
01:52:20 I I I'm convinced of that.
01:52:23 It's like the worst decade ever, and I I have a.
01:52:27 Couple of theories about that.
01:52:29 But the 80s?
01:52:31 Because that was.Devon
01:52:32 Early 80s, right?01:52:33 I don't know what year that came.
01:52:35 That's like close enough to the 70s to where it still it has some of that same.
01:52:42 Awfulness to it.
01:52:45 So it's it's like some of that 70s aesthetic kind of bleeds over into the early 80s.
01:52:56 All right, take a look here.
01:52:57 Yeah, the last bastion of implicitly white hairstyles.
01:53:03 80s were awful, I remember.
01:53:08 What about?
01:53:09 Every decade has its own style.
01:53:12 Every decade has its own style but 70s.
01:53:14 Was just not.
01:53:18 Not aesthetic.
01:53:20 And early 80s also not that aesthetic here.
01:53:23 Here's here's part part of why I'm not going to go on this big spiral.
01:53:27 But you know, when I started design and and just stuff like that, it used to just really irritate the 70s.
01:53:32 Just really I don't know what it was, just something just.
01:53:34 Was gross about.
01:53:35 It and and this I don't even sound like morally, although that's also true.
01:53:39 I think it's because it was like.
01:53:43 I've talked about like how all the the movies look bad, you know, like the cameras are shaky and and and not like in a purposeful way.
01:53:54 And the sound is bad.
01:53:56 And just like you know, first of all I think.
01:53:58 A lot of drugs were being done in the 70s.
01:54:03 A lot of drugs.
01:54:05 So that's part of.
01:54:05 It. But more than that.
01:54:09 It was when you had a bunch of new technologies.
01:54:14 Happening all at the same time.
01:54:17 And so people were were just promoting.
01:54:22 New things because they were new.
01:54:25 Right.
01:54:26 So as an example.
01:54:31 A lot of lot of the like like the astroturf, like, oh, look, we can get fake lawns when people did that in the 70s, we're going to fake plastic lawns because it's new.
01:54:42 It's space age new I.
01:54:44 Never have to water it.
01:54:46 You know it.
01:54:47 Didn't last very long because it was.
01:54:48 It was just a dumb idea.
01:54:49 People just went with it because it was new, right?
01:54:52 And that's a lot of the 70s was like that, regardless of.
01:54:56 Like there wasn't like a.
01:54:58 Or, you know the movies, right?
01:54:59 Like even though the black and white ones were black and white, they look better.
01:55:05 Because they they were using.
01:55:07 It wasn't so much.
01:55:08 I mean, just because something's in color doesn't make it better.
01:55:11 But I feel like in the 70s they felt they felt like they could spend less time on the aesthetic.
01:55:19 Portion of things because oh, it's in color.
01:55:21 People are just going to be amazed by.
01:55:22 The color I know color didn't come in the 70s.
01:55:25 But that's when, like you stopped having.
01:55:27 Black and white movies, you know?
01:55:29 And and just.
01:55:30 Plus I again, like I said, everyone's on drugs and it's also when the boomers kind of took.
01:55:35 Over right?
01:55:36 And the boomers weren't exactly.
01:55:39 Studying aesthetics and stuff like that in college, they were getting ******* high **** and screwing each other in mud puddles, so it's.
01:55:48 It it it's that's that whole decade is just.
01:55:54 I mean, look, you want.
01:55:55 You don't believe me?
01:55:58 Look, I'm just going to look at this.
01:56:01 This and you got to remember.
Speaker 3
01:56:02 This is like.Devon
01:56:05 This was supposed to be like the hottest of the hot, and like you know, and look, I do not recommend watching ****.01:56:12 But like if you ever seen 70's **** even, that's just like, oh God, she's so hairy and just everything about this looks.
01:56:21 The **** already looks dirty, but this looks just like dirtier.
01:56:24 You know this like, if it somehow it can.
01:56:28 So I'm trying to find.
01:56:34 Trying to find a color picture, there's a lot of black and white ones.
01:56:38 Seeing the black and see the color is one of the reasons why everything looked so bad.
01:56:43 Because like the, you had all these synthetic fabrics being developed.
01:56:48 That was the other thing.
01:56:48 So you had all these new colors that they could do, so it was maybe.
01:56:52 Like a color that that people hadn't seen before.
01:56:54 It wasn't a good color, but because people hadn't seen it before, it was new and fresh.
01:56:59 They were like, oh, let's wear this color and look, you had some of the same thing.
01:57:03 Happened in the 90s where everything was like that pink and and and teal color and like.
01:57:10 In in like cyan, like for whatever reason it was like the in like the.
01:57:15 The very bright color, because it was it was again, I think it was like a technology.
01:57:20 Advancement we're like.
01:57:21 Oh look, we.
01:57:22 Can do all these extra colors now and so we should.
01:57:28 And it was like, no, no, you shouldn't.
01:57:31 You know, a perfect example of I can't find.
01:57:34 I was trying to find.
01:57:34 Like a picture of.
01:57:37 Like Studio 54 of these guys like partying because they just like.
01:57:42 This is supposed to be like the hottest, you know, top of the social hierarchy crowd, and they just look ******* gross.
01:57:51 Like all the men are just ugly and ******* like unkempt and hairy and sweaty, and like the women it's.
01:57:58 It's like the same thing like everyone just looks like a *******.
01:58:02 But you know to be fair.
01:58:04 The 80s.
01:58:07 And this is a perfect example of this.
01:58:10 There's a movie that I was.
01:58:11 Like Oh yeah.
01:58:13 Iron that movie.
01:58:14 I'm going to watch this movie cause I wonder what it's like now that I'm not like a little kid and I couldn't make it through the ******* like any of it because the the soundtrack.
01:58:27 Was just so ******* bad, like it was just so.
01:58:32 It was bad.
01:58:34 And it was because it was using the 1980s synth stuff.
01:58:38 And so they're like, oh, you know what, let's replace let's replace orchestras.
01:58:45 With this guy, with this new technology that can make these cool sounds right?
01:58:50 Well, it didn't age well.
01:58:51 In fact, almost anything like this that doesn't age well.
01:58:55 This is usually why it's because it's a new technology that sounds cool in the moment because it's different, but it's not good.
01:59:03 It's just different.
01:59:05 And so here I wonder if it will, I think.
01:59:08 It plays pretty quick.
01:59:13 Let's see.
01:59:16 And there's to scale this down a little bit.
01:59:24 Alright, let's see.
01:59:26 I'm going to turn this up.
Speaker 2
01:59:37 Like this ******* music right here, I know.Devon
01:59:47 Let me get to a part.01:59:48 Where it's like.
01:59:56 Like it's like disco.
Speaker 2
02:00:00 Like looks.Devon
02:00:05 This is Lady hawk.02:00:06 By the what this is.
Speaker 2
02:00:11 Yeah, that's simply shift.Devon
02:00:16 Right.02:00:16 This is this is so not the kind.
Speaker 3
02:00:19 Of music you want.02:00:20 In a movie with like swords and.
02:00:23 Horses and **** like that, like I.Speaker 3
02:00:25 Thought there should be someone on rollerblades that skates by or something.Speaker
02:00:29 We're not even.Speaker 2
02:00:30 Rollerblade roller skates like a disco ball or something.Speaker 3
02:00:35 But this was like very moderate.Devon
02:00:42 Another movie that did the exact like literally the exact same thing.02:00:46 I think it was.
02:00:47 In the 90s.
Speaker 2
02:00:49 Is it?Devon
02:00:53 Our 2001 literally did the exact same thing.02:01:01 Instead of, you know, awful early 80s.
02:01:08 Cynthia. ****.
02:01:12 It's queen.
02:01:21 I'm sure there's another scene this is a Knight's tale from 2001, but they did the same thing. They played like this music.
02:01:29 It's like wildly inappropriate.
Speaker 3
02:01:32 For a movie like this, what in the ****?Devon
02:01:39 Am I watching?02:01:40 Here and I'm sure like in 2001, actually I don't even think in 2001 that that seemed normal.
02:01:49 But now that that.
02:01:49 Movie is ruined.
02:01:50 If you had just kept like, a a soundtrack that was timeless, that was classical.
02:01:58 It would be watchable.
02:01:59 I can't ******* watch that ****.
02:02:04 So yeah, yeah, people apparently.
02:02:06 I've never seen that.
02:02:11 Yeah, the music.
02:02:12 That doesn't make any ******* sense.
02:02:13 People say it's a party.
02:02:14 It doesn't matter if it's a parody, it still doesn't make.
02:02:16 Any sense?
02:02:16 It makes it unwatchable.
02:02:21 In in the gay dancing, yeah.
02:02:25 David Bowie every movie with David Bowie and its ******* awful like I I I want to like Labyrinth.
02:02:32 I can't want.
02:02:33 I can't like Labyrinth and I was like a big Jim Henson fan when I.
02:02:36 Was a kid. That was.
02:02:37 In fact.
02:02:38 Jim Henson was a huge inspiration for me, like I wanted to meet him.
02:02:43 That was like my whole thing when.
02:02:45 I was a kid.
02:02:46 And then he died of like.
02:02:47 The probably of AIDS I think, but like he died of the flu officially.
02:02:52 And and that was that.
02:02:55 But yeah, like the, you know, David Bowie.
02:03:02 Ruin that ******* movie.
Speaker 2
02:03:06 Or was that David?Devon
02:03:07 That's David Bowie, right?02:03:08 That's in labyrinth.
02:03:11 Am I getting the name?
02:03:12 Wrong. I'm almost positive that's.
02:03:14 David Bowie, unless I'm mixing mixed in with someone else here.
02:03:19 Yeah, that's that.
02:03:19 That was David Bowie.
02:03:25 Let's see here.
02:03:29 Oh yeah.
02:03:30 David Bowie was a super ****.
02:03:35 Yeah, I I wanted to like Labyrinth, but then I had, like, the all the gay.
02:03:39 David Bowie scenes.
02:03:41 And I just couldn't get it.
02:03:43 I couldn't.
02:03:43 Get into it.
02:03:46 He has this one movie.
02:03:49 In fact, I have it.
02:03:51 Let's see if I can find because I can't think of the name of it.
02:03:54 Was from again.
02:03:56 This is a perfect example of the 70s just having like bad.
02:04:01 Aesthetics, bad set design, bad sound design?
02:04:05 Bad lighting.
02:04:08 It was just it was, it was.
02:04:10 It was.
02:04:10 The whole movie was his from start to finish.
02:04:15 And here it is, 1976. The man who fell to Earth.
02:04:22 And first of all, the movie makes no ******* sense because.
02:04:27 You know, why bother with that?
02:04:28 People weren't going there for, like the making sense part.
02:04:32 They were there for like the the David Bowie.
02:04:36 I gotta be careful because there's there's nudity and I think in this movie.
02:04:46 Let's see here.
02:04:48 Yeah, here's here's a perfect 70s getting a.
02:04:52 Little maybe too close to the nudity.
02:04:56 Just like the color scheme, everything about it, I don't know I.
02:04:59 Just I can't.
02:05:01 I just can't.
02:05:02 I watched this whole movie and I'll never get that part of my life back.
02:05:07 It's just it's so bad.
02:05:09 And yeah, he looks super gay with his eye shadow and everything else on the movie makes no ******* sense.
02:05:16 But of course, it's very deep.
02:05:20 I'm trying to think of a decent 1970s movie and smoking the bandit was one I don't know. I never really like. I couldn't get into those movies either.
02:05:28 I also haven't seen them since I was like.
02:05:31 I'm I think I'm sure they played on Comedy Central or something like that.
02:05:34 When I was a kid because it seems like they were always playing them.
02:05:37 I could never get into Burt Reynolds.
02:05:39 Never, never could.
02:05:44 Let's see here.
02:05:49 Godfather, eh? OK.
02:05:53 Godfather was 70s, wasn't it?
02:05:57 Godfather was a good movie.
02:06:00 Yeah. Godfather came out 72.
02:06:05 And Part 2 is 74.
02:06:08 But I'll tell you what.
02:06:09 That's because it's a period piece.
02:06:12 Godfather's not supposed to take place.
02:06:15 In the 70s, you know like.
02:06:17 Look reason why.
02:06:19 The reason why this looks good is they're trying to make it look like the 50s.
02:06:23 Let me find a.
02:06:25 You know, that's not.
02:06:26 Look at the car.
02:06:27 That's not supposed to be the 70s.
02:06:30 The only reason why this movie looks good is it's it's a period piece and they're trying to make it look.
02:06:35 Like a different time.
02:06:42 Dirty Harry.
02:06:43 Nah, dirty Harry.
02:06:44 Looks ugly too.
02:06:45 I mean, it's.
02:06:46 It's a tolerable.
02:06:47 Movie, but it has a bad aesthetic.
02:06:50 You know.
02:06:52 Like this is 1971.
02:06:56 But the.
02:06:58 You know the hair is bad, the suits are bad.
02:07:02 And look, there's a filter on this.
02:07:04 Maybe I may turn this filter off so you can see how bad the color is.
02:07:09 Where is that at filters?
Speaker 2
02:07:14 All right.Devon
02:07:16 Browns it up considerably.02:07:22 Just trying to find what we won't saw ******* there.
02:07:24 I guess I'd be careful on this one too.
02:07:26 Just trying to find a scenery just like.
02:07:28 On the street.
02:07:30 Yeah, like the cars are ugly.
02:07:31 Like, look at that car behind him.
02:07:33 It's just big and *******.
02:07:34 It's just big.
02:07:35 With no style to.
02:07:37 It it's just big.
02:07:39 And he's just got, like, you know, lots of hair because that was like the hippie thing, like, oh, you can't have short hair.
02:07:44 You can't be well groomed.
02:07:45 That's not cool.
02:07:48 And the suits just look ridiculous and they're.
02:07:55 And of course, the doctor's black.
02:07:59 I know there's just something.
02:08:00 About the like, look at his ******* suit.
02:08:03 Look at that suit jacket.
02:08:06 That someone thought that was a good idea.
02:08:11 There's just nothing about everything.
02:08:13 Just brown and yellow and orange.
02:08:15 And it just looks like it's like puke and **** colors.
02:08:19 Like that's the 70s.
02:08:20 It's just like.
02:08:21 Baby ****.
02:08:23 Green and baby ****.
02:08:25 Orange and baby ****.
02:08:28 Yellow and baby **** brown.
02:08:32 Like that?
02:08:32 That's that's the baby **** decade.
02:08:39 Alright, let's take a.
02:08:40 Look here.
02:08:41 Charles Bronson.
02:08:43 Uh yeah.
02:08:45 I've never seen any of his movie like I've seen like.
02:08:49 Parts of his movies again, when they played on TV.
02:08:52 I never really got into him.
02:08:56 Jim Henson made.
02:08:57 The dark crystal? Yeah, dark Crystal's pretty epic.
02:09:00 And it implied Jewish power in the form of vultures.
02:09:04 A reboot recently was cancelled when they found out.
02:09:08 That's pretty funny.
02:09:10 I never watched the remake stuff, but the Dark Crystal was my favorite movie when I.
02:09:15 Was a kid.
02:09:17 And it's a really good movie, you know, they didn't have a script when they started making it.
02:09:22 They just started making it because they it was a bunch of artists.
02:09:26 And they wanted to make something that was aesthetic, and that's that was like, the whole point of the movie when going into it was just they had all these ideas for what all these creatures should look.
02:09:36 Like and, they kind of just wrote it as they went and.
02:09:40 Which is pretty awesome.
02:09:42 That they pulled.
02:09:46 Well, OK.
02:09:46 So people are saying Muppet Show is the best.
02:09:48 No Muppet shows got that same ugly aesthetic like I like the Muppet.
02:09:52 Show, you know like.
02:09:53 But again, that it's still got that cheap set looking like the bad lighting and the cheap, you know, synthetic fabric.
02:10:02 It's just, I don't know, it's just it's just like a it.
02:10:05 Just looks cheap.
02:10:07 It looks.
02:10:13 What about Deer Hunter?
02:10:16 Dear Hunter was all right.
02:10:19 Deer Hunter was all.
02:10:20 Right.
02:10:21 I don't know if they.
02:10:22 That yeah, that was that was supposed.
02:10:24 To let me see.
02:10:28 Deer hunters late 70s, though that's that's like.
02:10:33 Is that a period piece, though?
02:10:34 Is that supposed to be taking place?
02:10:37 Yeah, that's gotta be 70s kind of look at.
02:10:39 Look at that ******* tux he's got on.
02:10:42 Yeah, see, it's still got some of that goofy cheap.
02:10:49 I just you know.
02:10:52 And look at the same thing that car.
02:10:57 Everything's just that. Yeah, I don't know.
02:11:01 I mean the.
02:11:01 Movie's good just the aesthetics not good.
02:11:09 Alien that that was gotta. That's got to be 78 also.
02:11:12 Right, wasn't it?
02:11:16 79.
02:11:18 Yeah, that's.
02:11:19 See, that's the tail end.
02:11:20 Aliens got a really good aesthetic.
02:11:23 And for something in the 70s, it's got like an amazing aesthetic.
02:11:29 But that was really that was a very that was a very tail end.
02:11:31 And again, it's a period piece, right?
02:11:33 It's supposed to take.
02:11:34 Place in the future.
02:11:38 They had the ability to do it.
02:11:41 They have the ability to make things look pretty.
02:11:43 I mean, they had it before.
02:11:44 And after it's just the 70s itself.
02:11:47 The aesthetic of the 70s was so bad that if they depict something that was happening in the 70s, it just looked like baby **** colors.
02:11:59 Oh yeah, someone says remember the 70s conversion vans?
02:12:02 The love machines?
02:12:03 Yeah, the pedo vans.
02:12:06 You know, I guess.
02:12:06 The A-Team had a pedo van too.
02:12:09 There's tons of my ******* parents bought a converter like it was an old 70s conversion because that's how cheap they were.
02:12:18 I told you we'd go to Utah for.
02:12:20 For vacation.
02:12:24 You know, rather than fly or whatever, my dad bought this 70s rape van.
02:12:32 And just slightly updated it and we drove the the 70s, you know like the scooby-doo actually it wasn't even as cool as the scooby-doo van.
02:12:40 It was just like a rape van, like it was just this big, scary looking van with, like, **** carpet, like literal **** carpet on the inside and had, like, a.
02:12:51 Like these, the chairs had like some kind of.
02:12:55 Weird fabric to him also that was somehow like fluffy, but also would still somehow like stick to you in the hot.
02:13:03 Sun like it was.
02:13:06 It was. It was terrible.
02:13:09 And wood paneling?
02:13:10 Yeah, they had all kinds of wood paneling on the outside, too.
02:13:13 It was a it had, like, a wood paneling stripe, I think on.
02:13:16 The outside of the van.
02:13:20 Let's take a look here.
02:13:22 Station wagons?
02:13:23 No, it's not, say.
02:13:26 They were not cool.
02:13:27 See now this is cool.
02:13:28 But it was the 70s.
02:13:30 See, that's the station wagons.
02:13:32 With the wood paneling that was also big in.
02:13:33 The 70s.
02:13:36 Station wagons are not cool.
02:13:37 I don't know.
02:13:38 Maybe they're cool now.
02:13:38 Maybe it's been so long again, they've become different again, right?
02:13:43 It's not that they were ever cool because they were different, and now it's been so long because they recycled that ****.
02:13:49 I mean, they recycled the 70s in the 90s.
02:13:53 In the 90s, like bell Bottoms came back.
02:13:55 You had a bunch of ******* movies about the 70s disco came back for a little while.
02:14:02 You know, you had, you know, even **** like Queen was coming back, you know, like the the.
02:14:09 You know, Wayne's World brought that song.
02:14:12 Back, I mean it was.
02:14:14 That's what they do is they, it lags, they reboot it 20 years later. So like, OK, whatever was cool in 2000, we'll start being cool again any day now if.
02:14:25 It's not already.
02:14:27 Because they don't have.
02:14:28 It's like they they have a finite number of fashions and and styles and and ideas, and so they just look at what sold 20 years ago and then, you know, shoot it back out and it works.
02:14:42 It works.
02:14:42 Remember the 80s were really cool in.
02:14:44 The 2000s.
02:14:48 I guess the 90s were cool not that long ago, Pete.
02:14:50 Remember flannel flannel shirts came back for a little bit.
02:14:53 I don't know if.
02:14:53 They still are, but that's all they do.
02:14:55 It's just 20 years ago.
02:14:58 It's when it's, I guess that's what it is.
02:15:00 It's when the high the, the current high school kids are too young to remember what was already out.
02:15:07 So they just release **** that was out before they were alive.
02:15:10 So that's why it.
02:15:11 Has to wait like 20 years.
02:15:18 Bum fights is coming back. Yeah, there's a lot of things about 2000 I wish came back in 2000 or came back. Like, I don't know.
02:15:27 The Internet, the way it was in 2000. That'd be ******* amazing.
02:15:33 Uh, skinny jeans? That that that was more like 2010.
02:15:38 That'll come back in 10 years.
02:15:44 2000s version of the 80S reboot was somehow better than the actual 80s.
Speaker 3
02:15:49 Ah as ye.Devon
02:15:51 I I can somewhat somewhat.02:15:55 Even some of the cynthy.
02:15:58 Music that came out in the 2000s, that was a reboot of 80S music was pretty good.
02:16:07 Let's see here. And no minorities on the Internet in 2000, that's the truth.
02:16:16 I need to.
02:16:19 Skin my Windows Media Player Winamp you mean?
02:16:24 I you know, I still have Winamp installed on my computer right now I because I.
02:16:28 Use it sometimes.
02:16:32 I I still remember.
02:16:35 Before you could buy MP3 players before the iPod, uh was well, maybe even available.
02:16:44 Friends, friends of mine, we would build entire PC's out of old PC.
02:16:51 And make MP3 players.
02:16:55 Out of an old computer that we would stick in the trunk of our car and it was like that.
02:16:58 Was super high tech, you know, playing?
02:17:01 Like like, Oh my God, you mean you don't have CD changer in the trunk you have?
Speaker 3
02:17:06 1000 songs.Devon
02:17:07 In your trunk?02:17:08 Yeah, that's right, baby.
02:17:10 I've got.
02:17:11 10 gigs of songs in the trunk.
02:17:17 That was *******.
02:17:18 That's the.
02:17:19 That's what.
02:17:19 That's what I miss.
02:17:21 That's what I miss.
02:17:21 When you actually had to, like, know a little bit about technology to have things like that.
02:17:28 Bring back cause yeah.
02:17:31 486 I don't think a 486 could handle MP3 players. We actually rented that problem because we had some.
02:17:36 Old *** computer hardware that you know we weren't rich.
02:17:40 We didn't have like a ton of old stuff, so the old stuff that we had was pretty ****** and we had some computers that weren't fast enough to play MP threes.
02:17:48 Like that's that's how long ago that was.
02:17:54 Yeah, 8.75 gigs.
02:17:57 I forget the denominations now.
02:18:02 Remember boom boxes?
02:18:04 I don't.
02:18:05 That's before my time.
02:18:06 Well, I mean, like, you know, boom boxes were around.
02:18:09 I mean, you just you can still get them.
02:18:10 I know what they are obviously, but I I never lived in an era where people were walking around boom.
02:18:14 Boxes by the time like.
02:18:17 I'm. I'm from.
02:18:17 The era of Discman when people had Discman headphones on.
02:18:23 Remember the anti shock, the anti skip Discman like the bright breathless yellow Sony one that you could drop and it wouldn't.
02:18:30 Skip the song somehow.
02:18:36 When will the 30s be back in style?
02:18:39 Well, I think we're economically speaking.
02:18:44 Like, I think we're there.
02:18:50 Yeah, Winamp visualizations. Yep.
02:18:55 Yeah, eight track.
02:18:57 That's before my time too.
02:19:06 We used to carry CRT monitors on bikes and skateboards to local empty shop to have a land party. I have carried CRT monitors to my friend's house for.
02:19:19 A land party we used to play.
02:19:22 It was some kind of.
02:19:26 It was like a Tom Clancy.
02:19:27 Game I want to say.
02:19:30 But we Unreal Tournament was a big one too.
02:19:32 We used to play Unreal Tournament.
02:19:33 I was.
02:19:35 I was one of the best Unreal Tournament players.
02:19:38 In the world, I can confidently say that, and I know I say that knowing that how many ******* people played that game.
02:19:48 Let's see here.
02:19:51 Rainbow 6, I think that's what it was.
02:19:53 It was.
02:19:55 I feel like it was counter strike.
02:19:58 Yeah, I couldn't. I never.
02:19:59 Really got into counters when.
02:20:00 Everyone was playing.
02:20:01 Or what a lot of people were playing counter strike.
02:20:02 That's when I was playing on real.
02:20:04 Tournament so I never really got into Counterstrike cause all all my time was because I was like modding it and never like I was.
02:20:11 I was just playing that I was like, writing mods.
02:20:13 And making maps and that's back when it was cool, you could do that and see everything.
02:20:18 This is what people understand every aspect of the Internet got worse.
02:20:23 Online gaming got worse. It used to be they would release a game, whether it was Unreal Tournament, the first or maybe not the first. But yeah, the first Battlefield 1942. So Battlefield 1942 got modded.
02:20:41 By people and they made a desert combat.
02:20:45 And they also made they made a couple of other ones, but it was just free.
02:20:49 And you could host your own server.
02:20:52 You know, you don't have to go through like some ******* you have to go through EA so they couldn't censor the speech.
02:20:59 You could have a server where you know.
02:21:02 Because you were hosting it yourself, or you could say whatever the **** you wanted, you could have any mod and, and in fact, you know, with Unreal Tournament, if you had a mod that people didn't have and all the stuff was free, by the way you bought the game, everything else was free.
02:21:19 So if someone that didn't have that mod tried to join your server.
02:21:23 It would just start automatically downloading and installing and so you would just for free have that mod.
02:21:30 And you could play the game and.
02:21:33 Everything was better and it was so much more community driven.
02:21:37 You know, there was a lot more to it than just there was no such thing as DLC.
02:21:43 You would never have to to pay for for like stupid skins and all that ********.
02:21:49 It was just free.
02:21:50 People would just make **** and like you.
02:21:51 Could download it.
02:21:54 And it's it's totally different these days.
Speaker 2
02:21:58 Kids these days with their battlefield 10 and.Devon
02:22:01 I don't even know what they're up to anymore.02:22:03 I play Battlefield religiously too.
02:22:04 I was I was ranked really ******* high in Battlefield embarrassingly high.
02:22:11 And I stopped playing.
02:22:14 At battlefield.
02:22:17 I think Battlefield 3 might have been the last one I really played.
02:22:22 I forget I played Battlefield Bad Company and I.
02:22:25 I don't remember.
02:22:26 It's been a long time.
02:22:27 Since I played video games.
02:22:30 All right.
02:22:33 Yeah. Pay for dull clothes.
02:22:35 For your already gay game.
02:22:37 Yeah, that's what they're it's that's.
02:22:40 Video games have just become and look, they were always look, I spent.
02:22:46 I've talked about this.
02:22:48 As much as it.
02:22:48 Sounds like I'm reminiscing and I am I am.
02:22:52 I spent.
02:22:55 Amount of time playing video games that I'm literally ashamed of.
02:23:02 Like I, I'm actually ashamed of the amount of time that I.
02:23:06 Played video games because it kept track and it told you like.
02:23:11 I I know I'm not going to tell you like.
02:23:13 It was a lot.
02:23:16 And I wasted some of my most productive years.
02:23:20 Just playing video games.
02:23:23 And part of it was because, like I was poor, you know, because I, you know, I didn't.
02:23:27 I didn't come from money.
02:23:28 And so it was like, well, this is, you know, like I just described because you would buy the game and everything else was free from that point on.
02:23:36 It was.
02:23:36 I just looked at it as well.
02:23:38 Know it's it's cheap.
02:23:40 And I I do 3D animation.
02:23:43 So like I always have like the fastest ******* 3D computer anyway, might as well use it for games too, you know? And but no, it was ultimately.
02:23:54 There was no moderation going on.
02:23:56 I played that those ******* games entirely too much.
02:24:00 Entirely ******* too much.
02:24:05 Uh. Let's see here.
02:24:09 Yeah, video games are for poor people.
02:24:12 No, that's The thing is.
02:24:14 Like uh, video games are just.
02:24:17 It's just a time suck.
02:24:18 It's like anything else.
02:24:21 Look, I mean there.
02:24:23 Are times I had good times just getting high and being worthless and having stupid conversations with people.
02:24:30 I'll I'm I'm never going to.
02:24:31 See again.
02:24:32 And there are times I look back at those times and you do reminisce a little bit, you do kind of miss.
02:24:37 That a.
02:24:38 Little bit, but ultimately when you think about it.
02:24:42 And and you realize, like you were just.
02:24:45 You had nothing really in common with those, which is why you don't know him anymore, right?
02:24:49 You had nothing really in common with those people other.
02:24:51 Than the drug.
02:24:54 And so you don't really miss them.
02:24:59 You might miss your youth a little bit.
02:25:02 But that's part of why it's gone now.
02:25:05 That's part of why it seems like it went so fast as you were ******* blitzed through most of it.
02:25:13 We're playing video games or both.
02:25:19 I found it weird. Biden is looking into the PS5 shortage. I didn't even know that.
02:25:24 Yeah, that's absolutely one of the opiates of the masses.
02:25:29 They would love.
Speaker 2
02:25:31 They would love.Devon
02:25:33 For you to play video games all day.02:25:36 Especially now that they can track it, right?
02:25:40 Not only can they track.
02:25:41 It they can, they can **** with you.
02:25:46 They can.
02:25:46 They can put message like a lot of these.
02:25:48 Like all these, there was no such thing as a woke game when I was younger.
02:25:53 Alright, they never put like woke messages.
02:25:56 In the games, in fact, if anything, it kind of seemed like it leaned a little.
02:26:00 Bit to the right.
02:26:04 And so the the mind poisoned that.
02:26:07 Has been in movies for like the last hundred years or more.
02:26:12 Or pretty much all of movies.
02:26:15 That's now fully being injected in video games.
02:26:19 You can't escape.
02:26:22 The subversion that goes.
02:26:23 On in video games that didn't used to exist.
02:26:26 That didn't even exist.
02:26:30 Well, I guess maybe like for maybe the last 20 years, it's slowly, but now it's.
02:26:35 Like full on right.
02:26:38 Now it's just, you know, everything in it is propaganda.
02:26:43 And people still play them like they know they know.
02:26:47 They know the propaganda is there and they ***** about it.
02:26:51 But they still play the games.
02:26:55 You know, it's part of the problem.
02:26:59 It's discipline.
02:27:00 The right lacks discipline.
02:27:08 And again, I'm not saying this is like, oh, I'm so disciplined.
02:27:10 You weak *******, don't have.
02:27:12 No, I'm.
02:27:14 I'm a product.
02:27:16 Of of that same giving into.
02:27:25 Just hedonism.
02:27:29 That's how I understand it, I understand it.
02:27:30 Because I did it.
02:27:33 And and video games was a big.
02:27:35 Part of that.
02:27:35 Now at least then I guess you know, it was slightly better because it was, it wasn't shoving ****** **** down my throat, but like.
02:27:46 It I mean.
02:27:46 It wasn't.
02:27:47 It was.
02:27:47 Still, it was just as big of a waste of time.
02:27:56 Let's take a look at how many hours have you spent watching Stefan Molyneux.
02:28:01 Not like a ton.
02:28:02 I mean, certainly not recently.
02:28:04 I would say I don't know.
02:28:07 That's a good question.
02:28:09 I don't know.
02:28:12 If you were to add up every molineaux thing, see.
02:28:15 But that's The thing is, I used to put on Molina in the background.
02:28:17 I did stuff.
02:28:18 So it's really kind of hard to say.
02:28:21 I'd say maybe like.
02:28:23 Maybe like 20 between 20 and 40 hours or something like that.
02:28:27 I mean, cause all of his videos are long, right?
02:28:29 All of his videos are like an hour long and.
02:28:31 If you've seen 20 or 40 of them.
02:28:33 It's 20 or 40 hours.
02:28:35 Hard to say. I mean some of his videos are like 3-4 out. Well, not four, but like 3 hours long. If he does like those history ones.
02:28:43 I don't miss being or I don't miss video games or being young wouldn't do it again.
02:28:47 If you paid me.
02:28:49 I don't know that I would.
02:28:50 Do it again.
02:28:53 I don't know.
02:28:56 I don't know.
02:28:57 It's one of those things where it's like.
02:28:58 Once it happens, it happens, you know.
02:29:03 Were you ever a BBS caller or a sys op with modem?
02:29:07 That was slightly before my.
02:29:08 Time I I mean I.
02:29:10 Sort of a little bit.
02:29:12 I was on the tail end of that.
02:29:14 I did that a little bit with like the school.
02:29:16 I found out.
02:29:17 So the school computer I found out had a modem on it and it was hooked up to a phone line.
02:29:23 And I racked up the the school's phone because I was calling international.
02:29:29 I once I figured out how to like get the the dialer to work and everything. I was calling international BBS's and and muds and stuff like that and and spending like the entire lunch break.
02:29:43 On on that, you know on that.
02:29:45 So back then you think about international calls?
02:29:49 Back then, we're, like, really *******, you know, per minute.
02:29:51 Very expensive.
02:29:52 And I was spending, like, an hour and a half.
02:29:55 On these ******* calls and they, they finally they shut it down.
02:29:59 But I did that for like.
02:30:01 It took a while for them to catch on.
02:30:03 I think I did it like a.
02:30:05 It's been a long time.
02:30:06 It's probably a.
02:30:06 Month or so, but one day.
02:30:07 I went in there and it was just like.
02:30:09 You couldn't use the computer anymore.
Speaker 1
02:30:19 Molly mean is.Devon
02:30:23 Traumatized by getting banned?02:30:28 Well, he played it safe and it didn't.
02:30:30 It didn't save him.
02:30:33 And now I don't understand why his response now is to now is to now play it extra safe.
02:30:39 But he also seems to like this is something that would really he would do this.
02:30:43 Sometimes, but I hadn't washed.
02:30:45 Anything that he had done.
02:30:47 In a really long time, like months.
02:30:49 And then I was on bit shoot the other day.
02:30:52 And he did like, I guess.
02:30:54 Like a Bitcoin round table.
02:30:56 And I was like, oh, whatever, maybe I'll put this on.
02:30:59 Well, while I do some stuff and cause, you know, I'm interested in knowing what the libertarians I guess are saying about Bitcoin these days.
02:31:08 And before they even got into Bitcoin, he went on this big, long speech about how they had censored him, and if only they hadn't censored him, black people would have Bitcoin.
02:31:23 I'm not kidding.
02:31:23 That's literally what he was saying.
02:31:25 He's like.
02:31:26 All these leftists.
02:31:27 They're complaining.
02:31:28 They're complaining that you know, black people don't have Bitcoin.
02:31:32 If they hadn't censored me and called me a racist, black people would have had Bitcoin because I was telling everyone to use Bitcoin.
02:31:39 But no, they censored me and called me a racist.
02:31:42 And so now black people don't have Bitcoin.
02:31:44 I was just like, what is wrong with you?
02:31:47 Dude, dude, get over it.
02:31:49 Like, seriously.
02:31:56 And I just I I couldn't.
02:31:57 I couldn't watch the video because like, he went on on about that for a while.
02:32:04 And I just couldn't take it anymore.
02:32:09 Uh, let's see here, please.
02:32:12 I don't want the eternal September of crypto.
02:32:17 Do you have any upcoming plans being on another program like Red Ice, Mark Colette, Adam Green, now part of the thing I get invited but like I can't stream unless it's the middle of the night.
02:32:30 I'm kind of limited by.
02:32:32 By when my Internet works, although randomly today it was working during the day, which hasn't happened in months.
02:32:40 And I don't know what changed or if it was just like a weird fluke.
02:32:43 And then.
02:32:44 It won't.
02:32:45 But if this if it keeps up.
02:32:48 I might change the insomnia stream to maybe not in the middle of the night, so I can be.
02:32:51 Like a normal person again.
02:32:55 Which would be nice.
02:32:56 But yeah, so.
02:33:00 I don't know if that's going to keep up, but today I had normal Internet speeds during the day it was, it was kind of sweet.
02:33:08 That's, in fact, that's why The Simpsons episode got uploaded during the day.
02:33:12 Like I I was going to wait till after the stream, but I was like, ohh let's see how long this takes and it just went right up.
02:33:18 Just uploaded like a normal connection.
02:33:21 I was shocked.
02:33:26 Imagine walking through the crowd, looking around and hearing the roar of the crowd.
02:33:31 When Goebbels shouts, do you want Total War?
02:33:36 Well, we're going to have to only imagine that.
02:33:38 I played a VR game recently.
02:33:41 It was pretty crude but fun, but it also terrified me because imagining what VR tech in 10 to 20 years is going to look like literally to pod people, it will lead to pod people, but also don't get too you got to remember the the.
02:33:58 Whole 3D.
02:33:59 Class this thing that's been around well since the 70s.
02:34:04 There was something called.
02:34:06 What was it? The Vectrex?
02:34:09 That had 3D had 3D.
02:34:11 Goggles that you could put on in the 70s.
02:34:14 And look, it was very crude. In fact, we talked about how the, the reason why you have a 3D image when we're when I was talking about the moon and how they used to make those, I forget what they're called.
02:34:27 But the images of the moon that from two different extremes, one for each eye, so that you'd have depth perception so.
02:34:35 When you're watching 3D movies, you know one eye, seeing one perspective, one seeing another. So the way that they accomplished that in this video game system was the image in the goggles. It only had one screen.
02:34:49 And it would flicker.
02:34:52 Really ******* fast.
02:34:54 But also there was a literal spinning wheel.
02:34:59 That went in front of your eyes.
02:35:01 And so it spun, synchronized with the flickering.
02:35:06 And what this little spinny thing would do is it.
02:35:10 Would cover up one eye.
02:35:12 While you know while the other eye could see one flicker, one side of the flicker and then it would cover up the other eye.
02:35:18 So it was like a shutter, but it was like this really fast spinning wheel.
02:35:22 In fact, it spun so fast, kind of like a like a top or like a like a gyro in a missile it.
02:35:32 It had so much centrifugal.
02:35:35 You couldn't turn your head easily when you had this ******* spinning, goggled thing on your head cause you had like a gyro attached to your head.
02:35:43 So if you tried to spin, you'd be working against the centrifugal force of the ******* spinning goggles thing.
02:35:49 But anyway, give an idea when that first came out in like, 70.
02:35:56 I don't know what year it was.
02:35:58 That was like the start of this.
02:36:02 We're going to have these three goggles anytime soon, and it's going to be amazing.
02:36:07 Like, just think of you know how how, how immersive it'll be.
02:36:12 And that was like in the ******* 70s that went nowhere, that technology crashed and burned and.
02:36:18 It would, but it keeps coming back like every so often.
02:36:20 So then like in the 90s, right?
02:36:22 It was like this, the same **** they had the they have the virtual boy in the 80s that was the.
02:36:29 Failed Nintendo experiment at having a 3D system and it was like monochrome because I think they had to have the two different.
02:36:39 Monitors and so the each eye would get it.
02:36:42 So monitor and for so to keep it cheap.
02:36:45 It was this monochrome red like Game Boy looking.
02:36:49 Graphics, right.
02:36:51 And that was sort of three.
02:36:53 And then you know, it went nowhere.
02:36:55 It sold awfully.
02:36:57 And it was.
02:36:58 They made like, 10 games for it or something like that.
02:37:02 And then in the 90s, you know they had.
02:37:05 That they had that movie.
02:37:07 You want to ridiculous here.
02:37:09 This is.
02:37:10 I think this was the 90s.
02:37:12 This is one of the worst.
02:37:14 Sci-fi movies in 92.
02:37:17 But again, this is same people.
02:37:19 This is what they thought.
02:37:22 It was going to be like any day now and this is 92.
02:37:28 You know, this is a lawn mower, man.
02:37:30 When they had a.
02:37:33 Like, oh, we're they're going to give monkeys.
02:37:35 They're going to put monkeys in the these virtual reality things see.
02:37:40 And so this.
02:37:41 Monkey is is playing like Doom right and so like he's got the mini map and everything.
02:37:49 And so he's doing like all this guy's.
02:37:50 Doing let me see if I can find the.
02:37:55 Oh, this is another one of those movies where it never go full ****** like this guy.
02:38:00 With the yellow he.
02:38:02 He went.
02:38:03 He plays full ******.
02:38:04 Me. See if I can.
02:38:05 I'll give you.
02:38:05 I'll give you some.
02:38:06 Audio on this, just so terrible.
02:38:08 That's dangerous.Speaker 2
02:38:09 You forget who you're talking to half.Speaker
02:38:12 That's dangerous.Speaker 1
02:38:14 They're dangerous.Speaker
02:38:14 You stop.02:38:15 Yeah, Joe boy.
02:38:16 Go ahead and finish.
Speaker 2
02:38:17 What you're doing there?Speaker
02:38:18 Right, I'm smoking.02:38:19 But you shut the ****.
02:38:20 Up and fill up.
02:38:21 Your gas tank.
02:38:23 Ohh so mean to the ******.02:38:27 So yeah, that was.
02:38:29 One of the worst, one of the worst sci-fi movies ever.
02:38:33 And in the end, like you know, the virtual reality starts taking over like there he is.
02:38:38 This is where he's like, super evil virtual reality man.
Speaker 3
02:38:41 Oh, no. Oh no.Devon
02:38:45 See this is the.02:38:46 Same ****.
02:38:47 This is what they.
02:38:47 Thought, you know we're going.
02:38:48 To have this any day.
02:38:50 We're going to have any day and this is 1990.
02:38:52 ******* 2.
02:38:54 1992 none of this **** happened, you know, like none of this stuff, like, even remotely.
02:39:01 And and and and.
02:39:02 It's funny because now of course, you know, at the time when.
02:39:05 This came out 01, that's.
02:39:07 That's an interesting visual.
02:39:10 It's a Stephen King book, I'm pretty sure.
02:39:16 Just like when you watch movies in the 50s and 60s and like everything was about radiation like ohh no.
02:39:24 Radiation's going to like make the giant ants, or Godzilla. Or, like, you know, radioactive. This and radioactive, that it's going to be the same thing with with.
02:39:33 This right like.
02:39:34 Everything you know, virtual reality is going to do all.
02:39:37 This stuff that's not technically.
02:39:38 Possible at all, like, not even a little bit technically possible.
02:39:45 Oh yeah, so yeah, suddenly the ****** is 200 IQ. Yeah, that's I forgot about that part. Like, that's. See now this is where he's he's no longer the ******. Now he's.
02:39:54 Like all suave.
02:39:55 You should try listening to all good ones you might like it.02:39:59 Too much to hear.
02:40:01 I get it all by step with segments anyway.
02:40:03 See, he's all smart.02:40:04 Now has a talking about boom boxes.
02:40:09 There's his fancy CD boom box.
02:40:14 So yeah, this this movie is awful.
02:40:19 Oh boy.
02:40:21 So that's all I'm saying is, don't get too afraid when you see this ****, because it's something that they've been trying to make happen since the 70s and it keeps not happening.
02:40:32 It will.
02:40:33 It'll happen eventually.
02:40:35 It will happen probably in your lifetime, probably.
02:40:38 Because we are getting closer.
02:40:40 But like you said, like it's still very simple, it's still like there's other problems like it's just disorienting for some people.
02:40:49 You still have to wear like the big, stupid goggles and telling can get rid of that.
02:40:53 That's really, I don't think it's going to.
02:40:55 It's going to.
02:40:56 Go very far.
02:40:57 That's always the big hang up.
02:40:58 It's kind of like.
02:40:59 When they were selling.
02:41:00 And maybe they still do, but I don't.
02:41:02 I don't think so.
02:41:03 But it was like really big for a while.
02:41:05 If you're going to.
02:41:05 Get a.
02:41:05 Big screen TV that it was 3D, right? And that you you could you but you had to wear the ******* glass.
02:41:13 You know, and I think NVIDIA came out with something like that too. Like you had to wear these NVIDIA goggles and it would make your screen 3D and just. But because of that aspect of it, no one wanted to do it.
02:41:25 No one wants to ******* walk.
02:41:26 Walk around with these special glasses on to to be able to see their TV, you know?
02:41:32 And and no.
02:41:33 No one wants to, you know.
02:41:34 No one wants to wear big, stupid goggles that takes them out of the real world entirely because like with your phone, you can play a stupid you can.
02:41:43 You can sit there.
02:41:44 On like the metro for, especially as we get low trust, right, you can sit there on the Metro train playing a game on your phone and still be alert.
02:41:54 With your, you know, be aware of your surroundings.
02:41:57 You're not putting yourself completely immersing yourself into like another.
02:42:00 The world while you're out in public or at the job or whatever, right.
02:42:06 And so you really have, like, a narrow part of the day and locations where you're going to feel comfortable leaving reality and leaving your body like in, like, on the screen here in in this like machine or whatever.
02:42:24 You're totally vulnerable to the real world.
02:42:27 While you're doing this.
02:42:30 So it's it's and plus the technology has to catch up to it.
02:42:33 So like I wouldn't worry.
02:42:35 A ton about it.
02:42:36 Yeah, absolutely.
02:42:37 In your lifetime, they'll have something crazy.
02:42:39 As soon as they figure out how to get into the optic nerve directly or something like that.
02:42:47 Something to where you're not wearing this big ******* peripheral on your head.
02:42:51 You'll be able to.
02:42:54 You know and and.
02:42:55 And and to where you can still be somewhat.
02:42:58 Aware of your surroundings.
02:43:00 So you're not just or.
02:43:01 You can like easily flip back and forth, right?
02:43:03 Like you can, like, poke your.
02:43:04 Head out into the real world real fast.
02:43:07 Until that stuff, those problems are solved.
02:43:10 I I wouldn't.
02:43:11 I wouldn't get too stressed.
02:43:12 Out about that.
02:43:16 Alright, let's see here.
02:43:22 Uh, yeah.
02:43:22 Come over.
02:43:23 Watch the game.
02:43:24 Wait, I don't have enough special glasses.
02:43:29 Ever seen the animated Matrix prequel film?
02:43:31 Is like Kabbalah predictive?
02:43:36 Bonus Neon's birthday is 9/11.
02:43:41 No, I have not.
02:43:42 I have not seen.
02:43:43 I think you talk about the animatrix.
02:43:45 I never watched that because I I I thought that the the two movies after the matrix were so **** that that it probably wouldn't be much better.
02:43:56 Have you started watching the movie Africa audio yet?
02:43:59 No, I've just been working on the The Simpsons thing.
02:44:01 It's on my notes though still.
02:44:05 Also review of demolition.
02:44:06 I would do demolition man.
02:44:07 But too many people have already done it.
02:44:10 And I don't really have much to add other than what they're saying.
02:44:15 Excuse me, have I ever seen the movie gamer?
02:44:19 Try to remember which one.
02:44:20 That is.
02:44:27 Was that?
02:44:27 Was that like a wide release film or was that like if I've seen a low budget, one that was or was a short film, that that might have been what you were talking about?
02:44:39 Let's see here.
02:44:42 The dumbest guy I know.
02:44:46 The dumbest guy I knew was right in 2004, he said. Buy gold. I should have said buy Bitcoin.
02:44:54 Although in 2004, I don't think it was a thing yet.
02:44:59 Gamer with the Manson.
02:45:00 I don't think.
02:45:01 I don't think I saw that.
02:45:04 Oh wait, is that the one with?
02:45:06 With Frodo in it.
02:45:09 There's like some horror film about video games with Frodo in it.
02:45:13 That's pretty terrible.
02:45:21 This is not a silver stream.
02:45:22 I don't know you talking about.
02:45:24 Worst hall performance ever.
02:45:29 I don't know what hall performance you're talking about.
02:45:33 Are you going to put your channel on Odyssey?
02:45:35 It's already on Odyssey.
02:45:36 It's been on Odyssey.
02:45:37 For a while.
02:45:39 The New Simpsons video.
02:45:40 Is out right now on Odyssey.
02:45:44 Or at least part one is.
02:45:48 UM.Devon
02:45:50 Bitcoin came out at No 9, OK?02:45:54 Do you think they'll ban Grand Theft Auto?
02:45:56 Why would they?
02:45:57 It accomplishes some of what they want it.
02:45:59 Might become more woke.
02:46:02 But they want you to.
02:46:04 Have that release anything, anything that defuses aggression they want.
02:46:11 And anything that, well, anything that keeps you occupied, it's video games.
02:46:15 When it comes right down to it, if.
02:46:16 We're being honest with.
02:46:17 Ourselves video games are about as they're on par with ****.
02:46:25 They are and they're on par with ****.
02:46:28 You don't actually gain any skills like all the stupid things that gamers tell themselves, including myself.
02:46:34 I did the same ****.
02:46:35 Well, at least you know this is helping with my hand eye.
02:46:37 Coordination. No, it's not.
02:46:40 It's not.
02:46:42 It's not.
02:46:43 You're just sitting there servicing yourself.
02:46:46 You're just giving yourself dopamine.
02:46:48 That's it.
02:46:50 It's it's ultimately it's.
02:46:54 It's maybe just slightly better than watching **** all day, just slightly.
02:47:00 But not much better.
02:47:02 I would say it's identical to just getting high as a kite and just sitting on your couch.
02:47:10 Which is a lot of what people are.
02:47:11 Doing when playing video games.
02:47:15 So and look this is coming I I told.
02:47:17 You I've spent.
02:47:19 A horrific amount of time in virtual worlds playing video games.
02:47:24 So I'm not.
02:47:25 I'm not.
02:47:25 I'm not judging.
02:47:26 I'm just.
02:47:27 I'm just saying, you know, objectively.
02:47:31 It's just barely a.
02:47:32 Step above watching **** all day.
02:47:40 **** is way, way worse.
02:47:42 I'd say no, it's not.
02:47:43 That just means that you probably played too.
02:47:44 Many video games.
02:47:47 And you don't.
02:47:48 Want to?
02:47:49 See, that's the thing.
02:47:50 There's groomers and then there's groomers.
02:47:55 Lots of boomers out there that don't want to.
02:47:58 Don't want to face the fact that, yeah, you're literally just.
02:48:02 Giving yourself dopamine.
02:48:05 While sitting in front of a screen and accomplishing nothing but you know, but making your tricking your brain into thinking that you are accomplishing something.
02:48:13 In fact, that's one of the worst parts about video games in the same way, in **** is tricking your brain into thinking that you are successfully reproducing.
02:48:23 You're with video games.
02:48:25 You're tricking your brain into thinking that you're successfully accomplishing goals.
02:48:32 And and progressing in life when you're not.
02:48:35 You're not at all.
02:48:36 Why do you think video games are structured the way they are?
02:48:38 Why do you think that they have achievements?
02:48:41 Achievement unlocked.
02:48:43 Oh, you got this new metal?
02:48:45 You have this award.
Speaker 3
02:48:48 Why do you think they're all like that?Devon
02:48:52 Because you're just jacking off a different part of your brain, you're just jacking off the goal oriented part of your brain, the brain that actually wants to practice something, get good at it, and then be better than other people, be competitive and then win something.02:49:06 But it's it's all fake and gay.
02:49:10 Because you're accomplishing nothing.
02:49:13 And you're getting good at something pointless.
02:49:16 And then your award at the end is fake.
02:49:21 It it's it's literally the same as ****.
02:49:23 You're just jacking off a different part of your brain.
02:49:26 That's all.
02:49:29 That's every games like that.
02:49:32 Every single game. The reason.
02:49:33 Why it doles out it's honestly, it's it's in a lot of ways modeled after the the slot machines.
02:49:42 It's tickling the same part of your brain.
02:49:45 Oh, you won.
02:49:46 You won.
02:49:47 You get this thing.
02:49:49 This fancy, you know, animations.
02:49:51 Look, I mean, even look, this goes all way back to like Mario brothers.
02:49:55 The little Ding sound every time you collect a coin and oh, look, it's a coin.
02:49:59 It's funny that.
02:50:04 You know.
02:50:06 It's all you're doing is you're you're rewarding a part of the brain that wouldn't normally be rewarded unless you're actually out accomplishing **** in the same way that **** is just rewarding a part of the brain that wouldn't actually be rewarded unless you were out going out and.
02:50:20 And getting laid.
02:50:23 You know it's.
02:50:25 And so it's just redirecting the energy that you would normally use to fill that reward by doing something useful and acquiring a skill, getting good at it, getting better than other people, you know, using it to dominate the whatever field that you're in.
02:50:42 It's just channeling all that into something pointless.
02:50:45 Look, I played the same little mind excuses that everyone else does.
02:50:49 Like, especially because I did 3D animation right? So I was like Oh well this is making.
02:50:53 Me really fast at 3D animation.
02:50:55 And look it.
02:50:56 Did kind of like I got.
02:50:58 I can very quickly model and and and navigate that, but you know.
02:51:05 So what?
02:51:06 It was like a tiny, probably a tiny increase from if I had just spent the time I played video game gaming, just learning more about the software I was using for for 3D modeling and stuff, right?
02:51:20 I really, I really doubt that it was video games that that got me there you.
02:51:24 And all those hours I spent playing video games, I could have been learning other skills, learning other, you know, accomplishing other things.
02:51:32 But instead it was just.
02:51:34 It was easier.
02:51:35 It was easier to sit in a chair.
02:51:38 An expensive gaming chair that I'd I'd I'd purchased, right?
02:51:44 So I could game even harder.
02:51:47 My with my fancy gaming mouse that had, like, you know, bajillion DPI and and 10 lasers and 5000 buttons.
02:51:55 You know what?
02:51:55 I mean like.
02:51:57 Just and then just thinking about that, all the money I sank into computer hardware, different video guard cards.
02:52:03 Oh yeah.
02:52:04 I'm going to.
02:52:04 Have water.
02:52:04 Cooled water cooled 3 way SLI.
02:52:08 You know it's going to be ******* amazing.
02:52:12 Going to have.
02:52:13 You know, 64 gigs of RAM and and.
02:52:18 This super fast SSD.
02:52:20 Then I'm going to boot from and then I'll have another SSD just for the.
02:52:24 The virtual memory and.
02:52:25 Yeah, like and and and you just sync like thousands of dollars into your little **** *** machine.
02:52:33 Yeah, that's what you're doing.
02:52:35 That's what you're doing.
02:52:37 I'm not saying should have no entertainment ever.
02:52:39 I'm just saying.
02:52:41 It's literally just a.
02:52:42 Step above ****.
02:52:44 And it's just as addictive, if not more, because it's more socially acceptable. I guess now porn's increasingly more socially acceptable.
02:52:52 But if your mom sees you playing video games for 8 hours a day, she'll be concerned that maybe say something.
02:52:58 But if she found out you were watching **** for 8 hours a day, she'd be considerably more angry about it, right?
02:53:04 A lot of people will, you know, they'll they have, they feel no shame and and you should you should I do.
02:53:14 You should, you should.
Speaker 3
02:53:15 Feel a little embarrassed.Devon
02:53:16 If you're spending the kind of.02:53:18 Time playing video games that I did, or even remotely close.
02:53:22 And I know a.
02:53:22 Lot of people do.
02:53:24 There's probably people playing video games right now.
02:53:26 As they listen to this.
02:53:29 I'm not saying you never play video games.
02:53:30 I'm just saying.
02:53:32 For those of.Devon
02:53:33 You who need to hear it.02:53:34 You're hearing it.
02:53:35 You know, you know who you are.
02:53:37 You know who you are.
02:53:40 Don't be a groomer.
02:53:44 How did you beat that addiction?
02:53:46 Maybe others here would like to learn about how I just I got busy with work.
02:53:52 I found that another purpose.
02:53:54 Part well and look part of it wasn't just.
02:53:56 Like me beating it.
02:53:58 Part of it was a lot of my friends.
02:54:01 That I would play it was.
02:54:01 Because it was a social thing, right?
02:54:04 Very rarely did I just play a video game by myself.
02:54:10 You know, with no no one, at least on like a headset that I'm that I'm talking to, right.
02:54:17 So in in some ways it was a social thing and.
02:54:23 A lot of my friends, just I.
02:54:24 Mean they got married?
02:54:27 So the people that I would play video games with, just stop playing video games because they got married.
02:54:32 And their wives didn't like it if they were playing video games all day.
02:54:36 So one by one they stopped.
02:54:39 Being on the server, you know what I mean.
02:54:41 And so that was part of it.
02:54:44 And that'll just happen if you don't.
02:54:46 I don't know if if if you have.
02:54:49 If that's, if that's part of why you play video games and stuff like that, you know.
02:54:54 That was part of it.
02:54:55 Was just other people just stopped being there.
02:54:58 You know, the party was over.
02:54:59 As as as it were.
02:55:01 But the other part of it was.
02:55:07 And this one's also not like me being awesome. It's just that the game started to be ******. You.
02:55:12 Know like.Devon
02:55:14 That you couldn't talk **** like you could you couldn't call people ******* like you couldn't like half of the fun for me playing the video games was dominating an entire server to an embarrassing degree.02:55:27 And talking **** to the other players and making them rage.
02:55:30 Right.Devon
02:55:31 And like I know that I don't know that probably says bad things about me at the time.02:55:38 Like, that's probably not the most.
02:55:40 Honorable way of of conducting myself.
02:55:43 That's that was part of why I enjoyed it.
02:55:46 And they increasingly made that more difficult.
02:55:50 And so it just that part of it was going away.
02:55:54 You know, the social part of it was going away.
02:55:57 And it just, you know, it just I had other things.
02:56:01 To do.
02:56:03 And then as soon as once you get out.
02:56:05 Of it, that's the I'll tell you that.
02:56:07 Once you get out of the habit.
02:56:10 You're not likely to get back into it.
02:56:15 I can tell you that because I stopped, I used to play video games, like I said.
02:56:20 A lot. A lot.Devon
02:56:25 When you stop playing video games and you fill your time with other stuff, you suddenly magically don't have time for video games.02:56:32 Which kind of makes you feel ****** because you're just like **** like.
02:56:36 I really not I if I think about it, I actually never had time for time for video games.
02:56:41 I just was neglecting a lot of **** in my life.
02:56:47 Because if you are, if you're being a productive human, you really don't have a lot of time for video games.
02:56:52 And if you do, you're not.
02:56:53 You're not doing what you should be doing.
02:56:57 There's probably way more productive things that.
02:57:00 You can be doing.
02:57:01 That you're not doing because you'd rather be.
02:57:04 Playing video games.
02:57:11 Because you're servicing that part of the brain, the part of the brain that drives you motivates you to do those things.
02:57:16 It's it's happy.
02:57:20 It feels like you did things.
02:57:23 You know it.
02:57:24 Feels like you.
02:57:24 You, you know, depend what video game you're doing.
02:57:27 You accomplish some kind of objective.
02:57:31 And my and look, it might have been genuinely hard to do.
02:57:34 You might have spent like a lot of time.
02:57:37 A lot of.
02:57:37 Effort and you might have, you know, put.
02:57:39 In so much, it might have taken like.
02:57:43 A lot of skill, you know.
02:57:46 You might feel like you.
02:57:47 Really ******* earned it.
02:57:48 Because in some way you kind of.
02:57:50 Did but it's.
02:57:51 Like, well, what did you earn?
02:57:53 Like you?
02:57:54 Your prize is like some pixels on the screen.
02:57:58 That's not real.
02:58:04 So all you're doing is and once.
02:58:07 Maybe that's why you never go.
02:58:08 Back to it.
02:58:09 Because the fake, the fake fulfillment, is never.
02:58:13 As good as the real thing.
02:58:15 And so when you stop playing video games, kind of like a drug addict, right, you still you're feeling you need that feeling.
02:58:22 You need that satisfaction that you were.
02:58:23 Getting before, right?
02:58:26 Like you're losing your mind cause you.
02:58:28 You've had that.
02:58:29 Steady flow of dopamine rewarding you for all these fake accomplishments, and so you're you're going to be drained.
02:58:37 Drained of that sense of accomplishment.
02:58:41 To such a degree that you're going to feel like you got to do something to get that back, you need to get that you're going to be like a drug fiend.
02:58:49 Well, what you end up doing is you actually got to accomplish real things.
02:58:53 And then once you get a taste of that, you're just like, oh, what the ****?
02:58:56 This is so much better.
02:58:57 Than what the?
02:58:58 Video game makes me feel like.
02:59:00 And now suddenly you don't have.
02:59:01 You don't have time for video games.
02:59:05 And they're they're just.
02:59:05 Not as fun.
02:59:06 They're kind of boring.
02:59:08 Like even the same games like there's even been times even since I came out.
02:59:12 Of the bunker.
02:59:13 Right.
02:59:14 Times where.
02:59:16 Excuse me.
02:59:17 I'm all caught up on stuff for like maybe the the weather outside is ****.
02:59:22 And I'm just like you know what?
02:59:24 I'm going to play.
02:59:26 I'm going to even though, like I'll just play single player mode of like Battlefield Vietnam. You know, some game I used to play or like maybe Unreal Tournament has like a free like they have like some new for, I don't know. It's like some web-based version or something like that. It's relatively close to the original so.
02:59:46 I'm going to I'm going to just play that just.
02:59:47 To you know, and it's just, it's just not as.
02:59:52 You feel like you're wasting time.
02:59:55 You know, just it's kind of like a.
02:59:59 It's like, why would you **** *** to **** if you had a hot girlfriend in the next room?
03:00:06 You know it's it's like.
03:00:10 That's but the.
03:00:11 But just like that.
03:00:12 I mean, you're not going to get a hot girlfriend the next time.
03:00:14 You're always sitting there jacking off the ****.
03:00:20 It's the same thing.
03:00:21 It's literally the same thing as ****.
03:00:24 It's just slightly less gross.
03:00:31 That's it. That's really it.
03:00:35 But they're especially games now.
03:00:36 They've, I mean, they've they've refined it down to a science.
03:00:41 You know, like these these freemium games, right?
03:00:44 Like they've literally designed them to behave like gambling machines.
03:00:50 Where they've spent billions of dollars and you know hundreds of thousands of hours, if not you.
03:00:56 Know millions of hours.
03:00:58 Analyzing the psychology of the players.
03:01:01 And and what gets it's kind of like you know how Facebook has studied.
03:01:06 What keeps people coming back and refreshing their feed and and all this other stuff?
03:01:11 Because that's, you know, that's the whole point of it.
03:01:12 Right?
03:01:13 Like they that's they want you to be there.
03:01:16 Addicted to their software?
03:01:20 And I know for a fact for a fact.
03:01:24 That these companies study addiction and incorporate it in their.
03:01:29 In their game.
03:01:31 I know that for.
03:01:32 A fact.
03:01:36 And and that it used to be like.
03:01:40 It used to.
03:01:40 Be viewed.
03:01:42 It's kind of like, oh, no, we don't do that.
03:01:44 We make games, we make a fun thing.
03:01:46 No, that that's just normal now.
03:01:48 Like because what?
03:01:49 What happens when you're ruled over by sociopaths with no principles, right when it's just capitalism, right?
03:01:56 When it's just raw, what is it about?
03:01:58 It's about numbers.
03:01:58 It's like it's like movies.
03:02:00 You think movie?
03:02:02 Or anything resembling art anymore?
03:02:06 Or do you think it's one?
03:02:06 100% driven by how much money it'll it's a product.
03:02:13 When they make a movie.
03:02:17 And look, even if it goes against their own principles, like when they erased the Black Stormtrooper guy, which they, which is stupid, they even had in the 1st place, whatever the Black Storm Trooper guy from the movie poster that they they used in China.
03:02:31 That was 100% driven by sales. They knew that they, you know, less people in China would go see their woke Star Wars movie if there was a black stormtrooper on the movie poster.
03:02:45 They have no problem doing that.
03:02:46 Cause it's about money.
03:02:49 It's 100 and these video game companies are the same way.
03:02:53 You know that they they'll inject their.
03:02:55 You know you.
03:02:55 Have because all those people at the top now are these globalist wookies.
03:02:59 Right.
03:03:00 But so they're going to inject all their propaganda into their as well.
03:03:04 But like, they're going to study and look, it's better for your propaganda too.
03:03:08 Obviously, if if you reach a wider audience, they don't.
03:03:11 That's because that's.
03:03:13 It goes hand in hand, right?
03:03:14 The wider audience is the same as more profits, right?
03:03:19 So you're not making a film because you're you're really trying to speak something from the heart.
03:03:24 You're you're trying to design.
03:03:26 A product that.
03:03:27 It's like it's like how Tim?
03:03:28 Poole does his news.
03:03:31 Tim Poole, when he does a stream and talks about a subject.
03:03:36 It's it's a mathematical equation.
03:03:38 You can always know exactly where Tim Poole is.
03:03:41 Going to fall.
03:03:43 On any given subject, because because all you have to do is determine what are the most people going to agree with, right?
03:03:49 That's that's what he that's what he's going to talk.
03:03:51 That's how he's going to see things.
03:03:52 Whatever the most people will agree.
03:03:54 With that's Tim Poole's opinion, or at least officially, I don't know. Maybe it's not, but like that's.
03:03:59 What it is?
03:04:00 Officially, that is what most movies are now.
03:04:03 It's just a mathematical equation.
03:04:06 You know what?
03:04:07 What movie stars are going to attract?
03:04:10 Which demographic and you know what?
03:04:14 What subjects, what milk?
03:04:16 Toast take on the world, can we?
03:04:20 You know?
03:04:21 And the same thing with video games.
03:04:23 It's not about making a fun hard video game.
03:04:27 And and it's not like the.
03:04:30 Like in the golden era, I guess of arcade games, right?
03:04:33 When it was literally one guy would sit there and make an entire arcade game by himself like he would be the developer, not like a multinational company with developers in six different countries, you know, I mean, like it it's it's one guy.
03:04:50 Sits down and makes a game.
03:04:54 Yeah, that, that's that's, I would say way closer, even though, like the game looks like **** and the game might, the game play might even be ****.
03:05:03 That's way closer to a work of art than even the most stunning. You know, visually stunning 3D immersive game that comes out the day because it's the work. It's literally just the product.
03:05:18 It's just a product.
03:05:21 And so the games that you're playing, they're they're designed to be addictive.
03:05:26 They're designed specifically to be addictive.
03:05:30 That's what all this DLC **** is. That's what all this that's 100% the reason why they nickel and diming now for every little ******* thing is it's it's.
03:05:39 No different than a ******* slot machine in terms of how they want you to interact with it.
03:05:49 Step above ****.
03:05:53 Step above.
03:05:54 That's it.
03:05:54 It's it's a baby.
03:05:55 Step above ****.
03:05:58 Because you could say the same things about, well, like, well, what's wrong with watching **** every once?
03:06:03 In a while.
03:06:05 Uh, you know.
03:06:11 You know what I mean?
03:06:11 Like it's.
03:06:12 It's it's.
03:06:15 It's a.
03:06:15 Step above point.
03:06:16 And look, I'm not saying.
03:06:20 The thing that that's the step above **** is I think you should never, ever, ever.
03:06:25 Watch ****.
03:06:27 And with gaming, it's like, all right, you know.
03:06:30 I guess in moderation.
03:06:33 You know the.
03:06:35 You know you can do it.
03:06:36 But like I said, I'm I'm I'm.
03:06:38 Not talking to everybody, there's people that know.
03:06:41 I'm talking to them.
03:06:43 There's people out there that you know, you know who.
03:06:45 You are.
03:06:47 I'm talking about the.
03:06:48 Guys who are, wait and look.
03:06:50 There's some people you know and you're telling yourself.
03:06:53 Well, that's not me.
03:06:54 No, that's.
03:06:54 You it's you like there, there's people that.
03:07:00 There's people that know.
03:07:02 Who I'm talking about.
03:07:05 And there's people telling themselves it's not them, but it's them.
03:07:08 But it's not everybody.
03:07:10 It's not everybody's, like, there's no, there's no magic, there's no magic solution other than just you. You got to come to terms with it first.
03:07:19 That it's not just like.
03:07:21 It's not based, you know, it's not like.
03:07:22 Awesome that you're.
03:07:24 You're jacking off a different part of your brain.
03:07:26 Just be honest with yourself.
03:07:27 About what you're doing.
03:07:29 It's OK.
03:07:32 It's all right.
03:07:34 Like you said it it's not the same it it isn't the same as just watching **** for eight hours.
03:07:40 But there's a lot of things that are it's that are similar, a lot of things.
03:07:45 If you're aware of that.
03:07:47 You know.
03:07:48 Like I said.
03:07:50 Just find the in the same way instead of watching ****, you should find another way of satisfying your libido.
03:07:58 You should do the same thing when it.
03:07:59 Comes to video games.
03:08:01 You should find another way to satisfy this goal oriented part of your brain that wants to be satisfied that you're accomplishing something.
03:08:12 Accomplish stuff.
03:08:16 You'll get the same feeling times a billion and you'll never want.
03:08:19 To go back.
03:08:22 You'll never want to go back.
03:08:26 And and part, you know what?
03:08:27 Maybe maybe do baby steps.
03:08:29 Don't sit there and think that.
03:08:30 Oh, I'm I'm playing video games.
03:08:32 40 hours A.
03:08:33 Week and I'm just going to like, put the the game down and and just start accomplishing the kinds of things they're going to release the same amount of of dopamine.
03:08:43 No, I mean just start small but go accomplish something.
03:08:46 You know I I was doing some.
03:08:48 I was working on this project recently and I was getting frustrated because I was having, you know, trouble like like like, OK, so like my one of my cars, right.
03:09:01 I'm trying to I'm figure out why this carburetor is ****** ** and I spent like 8 hours 8 hours just trying to get the car.
03:09:11 To start.
03:09:13 Like 8 hours of like pulling it off, pulling this manifold off and then like you know, cleaning out this carburetor and checking the fuel filter and.
03:09:22 Just just doing everything I could think of to try because I'm not like a super mechanic by any means.
03:09:27 But I just kind of.
03:09:28 Know what I'm doing and then like you know.
03:09:31 Just researching on the Internet.
03:09:33 And was just getting nowhere with this ******* thing.
03:09:37 And I had to do.
03:09:38 I had to just step away from it and go do something easy.
03:09:43 That I knew that I would be able to do that.
03:09:45 I was that I knew that I was competent enough to do right.
03:09:52 And so, yeah, I I went and and and planted a bunch of of plants that I had in my greenhouse that needed to get into the ground before it really warms up because I want them to be, you know, established and.
03:10:04 Ready to go?
03:10:04 It's, you know, something easy.
03:10:06 Just it was a little.
03:10:07 It was a little thing on my list of my long list of things to do right, but it was something that would.
03:10:13 Nothing could go wrong like I'd be able to do it.
03:10:15 It would get done.
03:10:18 And all that frustration I felt from just trying to fix this ******* car and and just kind of being in over my head and so therefore being really frustrated because it wasn't like it wasn't getting done because I didn't have the the passion to do it or the OR whatever.
03:10:35 It's just I just wasn't, you know it was I was going beyond my.
03:10:39 Limitations in terms of fixing this still broken by the way, but anyway, that's another story and.
03:10:47 And so I was just like, I gotta I gotta get.
03:10:48 I had to feel like I.
03:10:49 Did something like that I accomplished something.
03:10:52 I can dig holes.
03:10:54 I can dig holes and I can stick ******* these potted plants into the holes like that.
03:11:01 Will go wrong.Devon
03:11:02 And I did it and it was, you know, and it was weird.03:11:05 Like, I I felt great.
03:11:07 Like because I was feeling so just.
03:11:10 But that part of my brain that tells me it was achievement or locked.
03:11:15 Cactus is planted.
03:11:19 And I got that dump of dopamine like that.
03:11:20 Uh, one more thing off that list.
03:11:27 They just accomplish something, doesn't matter.
03:11:29 Doesn't be big, you know, digging holes and dropping cactuses into holes.
03:11:33 It's not like some earth shattering thing.
03:11:36 It just but it.
03:11:37 Was something that had to get done and it's done.
03:11:38 And I felt good having done it.
03:11:41 I'm sure there's lots of stuff in your life that's it's small.
03:11:44 It's like it's something like, you know, I used to.
03:11:48 I still I struggle with organization right?
03:11:51 I'm not a naturally organized person.
03:11:53 I'm more of like a one of those absent minded professor types, right where you know, I just I I.
03:12:01 I have a lot of a little chaotic.
03:12:04 And how I work sometimes.
03:12:09 Also, and I think this is something you have to teach kids at an early age or something like that, because I I feel like that's kind of how my parents were too or it could be genetic.
03:12:19 I don't know. Who knows?
03:12:21 But one of the things I would I would catch myself doing.
03:12:25 Is like I would see something out of place just sitting on the counter and I would have this thought.
03:12:33 Ohh, make sure you pick that up and and that and put.
03:12:36 It in you know this cabinet or whatever.
03:12:39 And you know, you'll, but I'll do that.
03:12:41 I'll do it later because I'm I'm focused on.
03:12:43 Blah blah blah, whatever.
03:12:44 Right.Devon
03:12:44 Now and then I'd walk by that thing again.03:12:46 And like, Oh yeah, I have to remember to put that away.
03:12:49 And I would walk by this thing like a *******, like, literally like 100 times. And every time I would just think I gotta make sure I put that away. Just ******* do it.
03:12:59 Every time you have a thought like.
03:13:00 That just do it.
03:13:03 And I had to consciously start training myself.
Speaker 3
03:13:07 To just do it.Devon
03:13:09 Like if you have the thought first of all, not only will you have the accomplishment of even like it's something stupid, right?03:13:15 It's just I'm picking up.
03:13:16 A thing and putting in a cabinet.
03:13:18 Weirdly enough, you still get like a sense of accomplishment, but other than that, now every time I walk by that place in my house, I don't have this.
03:13:28 Voice in my head saying oh, make sure you pick that up.
03:13:31 Oh, make sure you pick that up because now.
03:13:33 Every time you don't pick it up like.
03:13:36 You you feel like you're behind, right?
03:13:38 Like all I need to make sure I do.
03:13:39 And it.
03:13:39 Just adds to like the the the overwhelming Ness.
03:13:44 Of of everything else that's on that list of things you got to do that day, right?
03:13:48 It's like, oh, that I have to do.
03:13:49 This I did this I I.
03:13:50 Also, do this.
03:13:51 Just ******* do it takes like 2 seconds.
03:13:54 Just ******* do it.
03:13:58 And uh, you know, another example is like with with weeding, I hate weeding, hate weeding, but like reading my, my, my yard or my the cactus area, right.
03:14:10 One of the things that I I need to do this spring.
03:14:17 Every time I notice a new weed every time, no matter what I'm doing.
03:14:21 Pull the weed.
03:14:23 That's it. Pull the wheat.
03:14:26 And if you.
03:14:26 Do that.
03:14:28 Every time you're not going to just walk out one day.
03:14:31 And have a ******* jungle of weeds out there.
03:14:36 Just ******* do do.
03:14:37 The little stuff.
03:14:39 Do enough of the little stuff that.
03:14:40 Turns into big stuff.
03:14:44 I don't know, so I don't know if that was helpful or not.
03:14:46 I'm going to wrap things up here.
03:14:47 We've gone over 3 hours.
03:14:50 And I do not have a secret message because I was literally like I said, just doing The Simpsons stuff nonstop over the last little bit.
03:14:57 So I encourage you to go over to Odyssey and check out the The Simpsons video.
03:15:03 I'll post another version of it or not another version.
03:15:06 I guess the same version on bit shoot at some point.
03:15:10 And uh.
03:15:19 Let me look at chat one last time.
03:15:22 Before we go.
03:15:25 Great stream. Thank you.
03:15:30 Some conservatives are sharing a list of contacts of telegram.
03:15:35 Who the **** wants to follow?
03:15:36 Ben Shapiro.
03:15:38 Oh, yeah.
03:15:39 Yeah. Oh, my God. Yeah.
03:15:41 If you could collaborate with another streamer on some vids work, who would?
03:15:44 You pick I.
03:15:45 Don't know.
03:15:46 There's lots of good people out there.
03:15:51 There's a lot of people make some really good content.
03:15:55 If we aren't building and coming up with solutions, shouldn't we just as well be watching **** and playing video games?
03:16:05 Well, last thing is we should be building.
03:16:06 That's one of those things.
03:16:07 Again, that's one of those things.
03:16:09 In fact, **** it.
03:16:10 Let's just do it right now.
03:16:11 I just talked a big game about how you should.
03:16:14 Just do things.
03:16:15 Let's let's get this done.
03:16:18 I want to get that movie The day of the rope.
03:16:22 Movie I want to get cooking.
03:16:24 On that.
03:16:25 And the hang up for me right now, just so all you guys out there know is just you know it's it's a bandwidth problem, but that's something that I can delegate if there's volunteers out there willing to do it.
03:16:37 And so I'm not good at community building.
03:16:40 This might be the bad the a bad way of doing it, I don't know.
03:16:43 But I'm following my advice.
03:16:44 I'm just going to ******* do it.
03:16:46 And we'll see how it, how it goes and we'll work it out.
03:16:49 I'm sure there's gonna.
03:16:49 It's not going to be perfect.
03:16:50 We'll have problems and and whatever we'll we'll work through it, but let's just get this ******* ball rolling.
03:16:56 First thing.
03:16:59 I need someone.
03:17:01 Who can maybe act as like a?
03:17:07 A coordinator, someone that can handle the.
03:17:13 Let me think.
03:17:14 Me think here.
03:17:17 UM.Devon
03:17:19 Here's what I need first.03:17:22 Let's get this part straightened out and and then we'll, we'll, we'll expand on it.
03:17:28 So First things first.
03:17:30 I don't know.
03:17:32 I need a chief technology officer.
03:17:37 I need a CT.
03:17:39 Because I don't have time right now to keep up with.
03:17:44 Especially with all the censoring that's been going on and everything else that's going on, I don't know what's the best platform for us to to like for, like, discord, stuff like that, you know, like, should we have a discord server?
03:17:57 Should we have telegram groups?
03:18:00 What should we have?
03:18:01 What's something?
03:18:02 That's a good mix.
03:18:04 Of of accessibility, but security and something that's like, like, almost like a project management.
03:18:14 Kind of a platform or something, I don't know.
03:18:16 Something that's going to make it easy for us to start building the community, something that's going to be a nice place where I I'll have the, the the ability to.
03:18:31 You know, get rid of people because we're like, just like the Telegram chat, right?
03:18:34 We're going to have spurges that go in there.
03:18:36 So something that's easy to to get rid of people like that, people that are and but also something that's has enough security where it doesn't docs you.
03:18:45 If people don't want to, you know, give personal information, stuff like that.
03:18:50 Just if you have any experience.
03:18:53 In in like social media or not social media necessarily, but like in community building or something like that.
03:19:00 If you think that that's something that you can help me out with.
03:19:05 Then shoot me an e-mail.
03:19:08 Evil shoot me an e-mail.
03:19:14 And tell me and some of you already have, but shoot me another.
03:19:17 One all right.
03:19:18 Shoot me another e-mail.
03:19:20 And I will respond.
03:19:23 To everyone that that hits me up, we'll get this ball rolling on the community stuff because it, like I said, a lot of this is a bandwidth thing for me.
03:19:32 But if there's people out there that I can trust, and we can also so I can start finding moderators.
03:19:38 Like if I reopen the Telegram chat, I'm going to have to have.
03:19:43 Operators and you know, maybe even moderators for trovo maybe just so I can keep track is like, look, I modded random literally random people like on YouTube chat and I did sort of the same thing with D live and sort of the same thing with trobo and it's all a big mess.
03:19:59 And I and I and I don't know, like even who all.
03:20:02 These people are.
03:20:05 So we need to weigh of congregating in in one place digitally, right and kind of keep track of like who's who and who's what.
03:20:15 You know, like where we can have.
03:20:16 Like a moderators.
03:20:18 Like a green room kind of a thing and just stuff like that.
03:20:23 So if you think.
03:20:25 You can help me with this and you don't mind not getting paid and and all this other stuff and and you and you and you have the bandwidth right to actually do it.
03:20:33 Cause some people don't.
03:20:34 Right.
03:20:35 But if you're playing video games for like.
03:20:38 You know 80 hours a.
03:20:39 Week or something like that.
03:20:40 You got the bandwidth.
03:20:41 Hit me up.
03:20:43 Evil Hillary.
03:20:45 At
03:20:48 And and let's get this this ******* party started a little bit.
03:20:51 And and like I said.
03:20:54 Probably not the best way to do it.
03:20:55 I don't know and.
03:20:57 It's probably not going to be the smoothest thing ever, but nothing never really is nothing worth doing ever, really.
03:21:03 But no more.
03:21:04 No more of this procrastinating on this thing, I will get back to.
03:21:09 You fairly quickly I'm going to be, you know, hitting the hay pretty close after this stream's done, but.
03:21:19 And plus I want to make sure that this.
03:21:21 People have time to watch this on bit shooting, stuff like that and and hear it.
03:21:25 If there's people that do that, I know that I look like I.
03:21:28 It looked like I was closing out the stream and now I'm talking about, so maybe you know, maybe maybe we should even wait a little bit longer before we.
03:21:35 Really have enough people coming in, but let's get this.
03:21:40 Let's get this party started and start the community building thing and and we can go from there because it is too much bandwidth just for me, especially as spring is going to hit, I'm going to be really busy with doing that stuff and you know and and just I got other stuff.
03:21:55 And you know, I'm.
03:21:56 I'm the personal tip that, you know, I gotta take.
03:21:58 Care of.
03:21:59 So it's it'd be good to start having like.
03:22:03 You know, like a.
03:22:05 Like a CTO and and you know, stuff like that, right.
03:22:08 And so hit me up if you're interested in doing.
03:22:11 And that.
03:22:12 And maybe we can get this.
03:22:16 A little little more organized and and worked out and have more of an organization instead of just me randomly modding people and like that.
03:22:30 So all.
Speaker 2
03:22:32 Right.Devon
03:22:33 Now I don't have a secret message like I said because I was just doing The Simpsons thing.03:22:38 I kind of feel like there should be a consolation prize, though I feel like there should be a little something.
03:22:43 I don't think I have a little something though.
03:22:45 I already played the the Flock of Seagulls video.
03:22:51 What have I got I?
03:22:52 Don't know if I have anything.
03:22:55 Is there is there a little nugget that I can I can throw in here that?
03:22:58 We can end on.
03:23:01 I wonder if there's something interesting.
03:23:05 Look at look at.
03:23:06 Look at my big.
03:23:07 Bag of folders here.
03:23:19 You want.
03:23:19 You guys want to know.
03:23:20 That this isn't it.
03:23:22 Being in the 70s being awful, there's this movie called the Devils.
03:23:27 From 1971, actually, I probably shouldn't even try to play clip. It's got so much awfulness.
Speaker 2
03:23:33 In it, I don't know.Devon
03:23:34 Too much of AA risk on that one.03:23:40 Uh, let's see here.
03:23:41 What's something fun?
03:23:45 Something fun I can play.
03:23:53 I think I got nothing.
03:23:54 I got nothing.
03:24:04 There's something in here I can play.
03:24:11 Ah, Nah, I'll play.
03:24:13 I will play this another time now.
03:24:15 I forgot I had that.
03:24:17 I forgot I had that.
03:24:20 Alright guys, sorry.
03:24:22 I really don't have anything.
03:24:23 I'll play a little music video.
03:24:25 To to end out but.
03:24:28 In the mean time.
03:24:30 Hit me up on that e-mail.
03:24:32 We'll get this party started.
03:24:34 For Black pilled, of course I am.
03:24:38 Driven stag.