

Speaker 1
00:00:00 It's really great to have you here, Don.
00:00:02 I wouldn't have been able to eat all this pasta by myself.
Speaker 2
00:00:05 Rotini, penne rotelli far fall we love it.
Speaker 1
00:00:10 I don't remember back in 91 we only had Angel hair spaghetti. Now look at us.
Speaker 3
00:00:17 We've turned things around.
00:00:27 What a fantastic thing.
Speaker 1
00:00:29 It does look delicious.
00:00:34 We got ice cream for dessert, too.
00:00:36 Beautiful spaghetti is something that brings Washington together.
Speaker 2
00:00:49 Can you imagine what the Russians would think of all this spaghetti they'd go?
00:00:53 These people are crazy.
00:00:55 These people are crazy.
Speaker 3
00:00:56 Can you imagine?
Speaker 1
00:00:57 Yeah, we we do have a lot.
Speaker 3
00:00:58 Have too much still too much.
Speaker 1
00:00:59 Of spaghetti around here.
00:01:04 This smells nice.
Speaker 2
00:01:10 A little mozzarella on top.
Speaker 3
00:01:14 This is just great, frankly.
Speaker 2
00:01:16 Is the greatest.
00:01:17 Spaghetti I've ever had.
Speaker 1
00:01:20 There's some great spaghetti.
Speaker 2
00:01:22 Fettuccine linguini.
00:01:24 We've got it.
Speaker 1
00:01:27 Sometimes done.
00:01:29 I think all this pasta is a.
00:01:30 Mind of its own.
Speaker 3
00:01:32 That's impossible.
Speaker 1
00:01:35 The economy is booming.
Speaker 2
00:01:37 I'd like to propose some changes.
00:01:39 The way you're doing things, we got to speed this up.
00:01:42 Just ohh, very good.
00:01:44 Use your mouth, OK.
00:01:50 Tremendous job.
Speaker 3
00:01:55 We're going to start.
Speaker 4
00:01:55 I'm always stealing.
00:01:57 It's not my fault.
00:02:00 I seal electric ship like brand new stereo.
00:02:04 I was in prison when I was born.
00:02:08 I die in jail for being broke because that's my home.
00:02:12 I got your cell phone in my pocket.
00:02:15 I got your.
00:02:15 Your design.
00:02:16 My feet.
00:02:17 Front door if you like it.
00:02:19 Forgot to knock it.
00:02:21 I can't help it get my shoplift nothing to ever hand it to me.
00:02:25 Want some sunny needs some chocolate and some socks.
00:02:29 Stealing your stealing your Wi-Fi password next.
Speaker 5
00:02:42 I'm just black, just a black.
Speaker 4
00:02:44 Just because I'm black, black, black pants, pants, pants.
00:02:56 I never had a chance, chance, chance, circumstances.
00:03:13 I stole this ****** car.
00:03:16 It comes with leather seat and air conditioner with power steering and cruise control and flashing lights behind me everywhere I go.
00:03:29 Your ankle through your pocket.
00:03:32 Back to you on the streets.
00:03:33 Why they call it the black market.
00:03:35 Get it?
00:03:36 I got it.
00:03:37 I steal your hot boy when you park it and take your wife into.
00:03:41 The beach, you.
00:03:42 Should unlock it twice when you like it.
00:03:45 Spend every night in jail.
00:03:50 I sell tracks since I was one years old, I was two.
00:03:56 I was shot in the shoulder.
Speaker 5
00:03:58 I'm just a blackie, just a blackie, just.
Speaker 4
00:04:13 Had a chance, chance chance picked up by some circumstances.
00:04:35 Just can't.
Speaker 6
00:04:39 Let me tell.
Speaker 4
00:04:40 You a little something.
Speaker 6
00:04:43 I stole your stuff.
00:04:44 I'm brown.
00:04:44 I stole your stuff, brown.
00:04:47 I stole your stuff.
00:04:48 Come on, round.
00:04:48 I stole your stuff.
Speaker 4
00:04:55 You can't stop, no.
00:05:07 Chance, chance. Chance. Circumstance.
Speaker 5
00:05:34 We can't.
Speaker 4
00:05:39 Who invited this guy to the party?
Speaker 7
00:05:43 Ohh hey man.
00:05:44 Glad you made it here alone.
00:05:47 Right?
00:05:48 OK.
00:08:16 Welcome to the insomnia stream.
00:08:20 At least I hope so.
00:08:21 It went down.
00:08:21 To zero there for a.
00:08:22 2nd so.
00:08:25 Hopefully you're you're.
00:08:26 You've been welcome to the insomnia stream.
00:08:28 I'm your host, of course, Dev and STACK.
00:08:30 This is the insomnia stream.
00:08:32 Trump punzi edition.
00:08:35 Trump Ponzi addition. Hopefully the AC's not too terribly loud. It's cranked up a little louder than I would normally have it, because the extreme heat is not relenting. Let me.
00:08:54 Dial it back a tad.
00:08:56 A tad.
00:08:58 Went back a tad.
00:08:59 It's probably gonna kill me.
00:09:00 But been an hour or so, but.
00:09:03 It is what it is, right?
00:09:04 It's show business.
00:09:07 Alright, so tonight we're going to talk about a Weinstein.
00:09:13 A Weinstein not, not not.
00:09:15 Now there's a lot of wine stains.
00:09:17 It seems like a lot of notorious Weinsteins, probably not the Weinstein you're thinking about.
00:09:24 This is ilahia.
00:09:27 I think that's how you would say it, illa illa.
00:09:30 Or just what?
00:09:31 It's called Eli.
00:09:33 Eli. Eli Weinstein, alright.
00:09:36 Eli Weinstein, good buddy of Trump.
00:09:40 Good buddy of Trump.
00:09:43 We're in talk.
00:09:44 Basically we're we're discussing what?
00:09:46 Let me show you what he.
00:09:47 Looks like what?
00:09:47 This guy looks like first of all.
00:09:50 And bring him up here real quick.
00:09:54 There we go.
00:09:56 Look at that.
00:09:56 Look at that handsome man.
00:09:59 Look at that handsome man.
00:10:01 Good old Eli.
00:10:04 Alright, this is Eli Weinstein.
00:10:08 Now, Eli Weinstein.
00:10:11 Got himself in a little bit of trouble.
00:10:14 About 10 years ago, see about 10 years ago, he started what's known as a Ponzi scheme.
00:10:23 I know hard to believe, right?
00:10:24 Hard to believe.
00:10:27 He started a Ponzi scheme.
00:10:30 Now I'm going.
00:10:30 To read a little bit from an article.
00:10:33 When he was first sentenced after going through court.
00:10:40 For a few years, he was arrested in 2011. This is from 2014.
00:10:46 Lakewood scam artist gets 22 years for masterminding 200 two 100 million.
00:10:54 Dollar investment fraud Eli Weinstein, shown here leaving court in May of 2013 in a different case.
00:11:03 Was sentenced by a federal judge today, 22 years in prison for masterminding A5 year, $200 million global investment fraud, authorities said.
00:11:13 He was also ordered to pay 430 million in restitution and forfeiture in 2004 when Eli Weinstein began what would become the largest investment frauds.
00:11:25 Ever prosecuted in New Jersey?
00:11:28 That's New Jersey.
00:11:30 New Jersey's not exactly.
00:11:32 Free of corruption or investment fraud, OK.
00:11:37 So this guys the, the the top.
00:11:40 New Jersey.
00:11:43 Investment fraud guy.
00:11:48 The one time car salesman, of course.
00:11:51 Use the trust and business customs along, along embedded in Lakewood's Orthodox Jewish community, to have or to his great advantage.
00:12:01 Weinstein knew that, and Lakewood, like other Orthodox Jewish communities, business deals could often be based on a handshake.
00:12:07 We're gonna get into Lake Lakewood here in a minute.
00:12:12 So, but they're what they're kind of glossing over is the fact that he had a lot of Jewish cooperation in the Lakewood community, Lakewood's a, now, a heavily saturated Jewish city.
00:12:29 We'll talk about that in in a moment, but basically.
00:12:33 He used his connections, his nepotism.
00:12:36 To deal with other Jews and bypass the the kinds of oversight and paperwork that you and I would have to be swimming in if we just wanted to start a a lemonade stand.
00:12:50 But he was able to bypass all that stuff and start a Ponzi scheme and start ripping people off to the tune of $200 million.
00:13:00 Weinstein was given a 22 year sentence for his admitted role as the mastermind of a seven-year, $200 million real estate based investment fraud that stretched from the US to Israel.
00:13:13 He was also ordered by the US District Judge Joel Pisano to pay restitution and.
00:13:18 For where he went over that part.
00:13:20 Meanwhile, Weinstein, 38, has a separate federal case pending. So here, here's another thing this guy wouldn't stop.
00:13:29 Like even after they arrested him, he was starting new Ponzi schemes and new scams, and the balls on this ******* guy, I mean, I guess I don't blame.
00:13:39 Him. You'll see why.
00:13:42 Last May, he was charged with fraud and conspiracy for allegedly stealing 6.7 million from a New Zealand based investor by convincing him that he had an inside track to shares of Facebook.
00:13:55 And the Facebook's initial stock offering, which of course he didn't in reality.
00:14:03 Those shares didn't exist at the same time as part of Weinstein's then conditions for remaining free on bail.
00:14:10 See the other thing this guy's like, scamming hundreds of millions of dollars, and he's out on bail.
00:14:17 He's not behind bars.
00:14:19 If you and I commit like even just like a a fraction of of of the crimes.
00:14:24 That this guy's.
00:14:26 Being convicted of you're not.
00:14:28 You're not on bail.
00:14:31 And if you are on bail, it's like it's they they Jack the price up to something you can't afford.
00:14:36 Well, good thing he lives in Lakewood.
00:14:43 Blah blah, blah, blah, blah blah blah.
00:14:45 Blah. Here we go from 2004 to 2011, Weinstein helped run a Ponzi scheme, fraud that moved from 1 victim to another as he solicited investments for properties and places such as Ocean City. I'm sorry, Ocean County, Brooklyn.
00:15:00 And that he never owned property.
00:15:03 In either one of those places.
00:15:05 He used phony deeds.
00:15:07 He used fake documents.
00:15:10 So this is.
00:15:10 This isn't just like a Ponzi scheme, like, oh, I was starting this investment thing and things got out of control.
00:15:16 So I started, you know, you know, stealing from clients to pay other clients because no, like it was designed to be fraudulent.
00:15:25 He was he was making fake documents faking, you know, making fake deeds.
00:15:28 The properties he didn't own, he.
00:15:30 You know, in places he'd never been in, in conning.
00:15:35 He he attracted investors by telling them the plan was to quickly resell the properties to a third party purchaser that Weinstein said he had lined up.
00:15:43 Authorities say he used some investors money to pay off others and then the investors would, you know, they'd never get.
00:15:50 Get it?
00:15:50 You know that that these people, he'd told them they'd lined up obviously never existed.
00:15:55 And they would just be left holding the bag.
00:15:58 Or really a fake deed to a property that doesn't exist.
00:16:02 So this went on for years and he was able to get away with it.
00:16:07 Another reason he was able to get away with it.
00:16:10 Is he was a habad lubovitch leader.
00:16:16 A leader of the Habad movement in New Jersey was sentenced to 22 years.
00:16:20 In prison for his role in masterminding the $200 million fraud, by some estimates, the fraud may be as large as 430 million.
00:16:31 And look, they always, I I I I I believe that number whenever you have fraud they never gets you for everything right.
00:16:40 They never, they never.
00:16:41 Find out all your scams.
00:16:42 They just they, they.
00:16:43 They're just the scams.
00:16:44 He was busted on.
00:16:46 He was sentenced to 264 months in prison. Now just.
00:16:50 A couple of months.
00:16:51 Later, he's been charged yet again.
00:16:53 So he was on temporary leave, which again?
00:16:57 Well, I don't, you know, how do you, how does that happen?
00:17:00 And while he was out of prison for, like, temporarily, he started more scams.
00:17:06 Growing up on the New Jersey shore, blah blah, blah, blah blah, actually, we get here.
00:17:10 Bob Lubovitch is an organization movement philosophy involving the Jewish way of life in God's teaching as set forth in the Torah.
00:17:17 Like many Ultra Orthodox or religious societies, it's very insular, meaning that it is limited interaction with society at large.
00:17:24 Its members tend to pray, live and work together.
00:17:27 Because of these strong bonds, it's much easier for remember to take advantage of the trust of the other members.
00:17:32 So then again, they're trying to gloss over the fact that he was helped out by other habad Jews in his community.
00:17:39 And it's not and just I'll show you how.
00:17:41 It's not just he's not like an isolated incident in this community.
00:17:44 He's not like the oh, he's the bad apple.
00:17:47 Then they go over, you know, some of the stuff.
00:17:50 But the the thing I found interesting.
00:17:56 They interviewed his rabbi.
00:18:00 And his rabbi.
00:18:04 Let me find it here.
00:18:06 Especially interesting in the case was the testimony of top Chabad Rabbi Shalom Berlinski her while it's common for religious leaders to advocate for compassion, according to published records, Rabbi Lipsker testified that Jews should only be sent to prison if they are violent and posed immediate danger to human life.
00:18:30 By the way, the reason why Governor Chris Christie?
00:18:35 Was used by the Trump campaign and then dropped like a bad habit.
00:18:40 The second Trump got into the White House was Chris Christie.
00:18:45 Was responsible for putting Jared Kushner's.
00:18:49 Dad in prison.
00:18:52 And while he was because he used, he was a former prosecutor before he was the governor.
00:18:57 And while he was prosecuting.
00:19:00 Kushner's family, the Habad, because, you know, Kushner's habad the Habad leadership approached him.
00:19:07 And said oh this.
00:19:08 Is all you know your your, your.
00:19:10 Laws don't matter.
00:19:11 The laws of your country don't matter.
00:19:15 What matters is our laws.
00:19:18 And we'll handle this.
00:19:19 We'll take care of it.
00:19:21 He didn't do anything violent.
00:19:22 What he had done was, I think he ****** over his uh, his brother in a real estate deal.
00:19:28 I mean, imagine that like all.
00:19:29 These all these *******.
00:19:30 Frauds, right.
00:19:32 And then at some point, I I I don't remember all the details, but at some point he hired a prostitute.
00:19:38 And honey potted his own brother and started blackmailing his own brother.
00:19:45 It's it's part of the culture.
00:19:48 It's just part of the cult.
00:19:51 So he another again like the, this is the more things change the more they stay the same.
00:19:56 Kind of a thing.
00:19:57 So in because Jared Kushner was not happy about that, they they ditched Chris Christie and and that's why Chris Christie's been on like a war path against Trump ever since, which makes sense. Look, Trump.
00:20:10 Might as well be habad at this point.
00:20:12 That's why I don't understand anyone that would support Trump at this point that he's been not just a a proven disappointment.
00:20:20 Just now that we've had the time to to, I think most people that might not have been aware of of words like Chabad, now that we've had time to research this stuff and wrap our head around the the real situation going on in America and all those connections that got lead back to Trump and and just I mean to his.
00:20:39 Literal family it it's I I I don't understand how you can especially I don't understand how you can claim to be against Jewish influence in the West but support Trump.
00:20:53 I mean, Trump was basically the most Jewish president we've ever had.
00:20:57 His grandchildren.
00:21:00 I mean it's he's he's basically a Jew.
00:21:05 His mentor was a Jew.
00:21:09 His connections to Epstein are not imaginary.
00:21:13 This this little lie that you've heard people say.
00:21:15 It's like this repetitive anytime you mention Trump hanging out with Epstein, what do they?
00:21:21 Always say oh, but he kicked.
00:21:23 Him out of the club once.
00:21:25 OK, but what does that prove if?
00:21:27 That's not if.
00:21:27 And by the way, that's that's hearsay.
00:21:29 That's one person said it once on like a interview that Trump kicked him out of the out of the club once.
00:21:35 Doesn't that does it doesn't?
00:21:37 Change the fact that he was hanging out with Epstein and Blaine Maxwell all the time prior to that, but at any rate.
00:21:45 Let's get back to Eli Weinstein.
00:21:48 So Eli Weinstein.
00:21:51 Gets 22 years in prison.
00:21:54 He also gets sued by investors.
00:22:00 After he's convicted.
00:22:03 They they found out even more fraud took place.
00:22:08 And you can probably hear chew on the background.
00:22:10 He's he's again.
00:22:11 He's complaining because it's it's like the surface of the sun outside.
00:22:16 And so he has to stay in his little, his little room over there.
00:22:21 So anytime I start talking, he starts wanting to come in.
00:22:24 Sign Trenton, NJ, convicted Ponzi schemer Eli I can't say that ******* name Weinstein, 39, of Lakewood, NJ, who was previously sentenced to 22 years in prison for running a real estate investment fraud scheme that cost 200 million in losses today. Admitted he also defrauded investors and connection with a Facebook.
00:22:44 IPO so that's the the the New Zealand guy.
00:22:48 So this is this was another conviction he got.
00:22:54 So this is he gets added to his sentence, another 20-4 months.
00:23:01 For that for that case.
00:23:08 So let's talk about Lakewood. So he's in jail now? Well, I mean, this is 2014.
00:23:14 He's in jail.
00:23:16 He's been convicted for defrauding all kinds of people, making fake documents, selling properties he doesn't have, and and a lot of this stuff was facilitated by the fact that he lived in.
00:23:30 Lakewood, NJ.
00:23:33 Well Lakewood, NJ, is actually one of the first European settlements in the United States or was.
00:23:42 Lakewood, NJ let me see if I can pop it up here. I just had it up. Here it is.
00:23:49 Lakewood, NJ.
00:23:56 Yeah, Lakewood, NJ.
00:23:59 Was one of the earliest documented European settlements.
00:24:04 It was, it was first founded around 1750.
00:24:10 It was.
00:24:12 It's changed names a bunch of times.
00:24:14 It was mostly the home of minors and iron workers.
00:24:22 For a while it became a a fashionable winter resort.
00:24:28 Lots of famous people started staying there.
00:24:32 It became like this, little like the Rockefellers would stay there like that.
00:24:37 Kind of a a fancy resort town.
00:24:41 It got so fancy, though the Jews decide they want to put up shop there.
00:24:46 So this guy here in 1943?
00:24:50 His name is Ron Kozler.
00:24:55 He was a Ashkenazi Jewish rabbi.
00:25:00 From well Eastern Europe.
00:25:04 I believe he came to America sometime between well, 1943 and the turn of the century. That's the old man that's in the middle there.
00:25:13 He moved over to Lakewood.
00:25:16 And built Beth Medrash gova.
00:25:21 This right here.
00:25:24 Which was at the time the largest yeshiva.
00:25:27 Outside of Israel.
00:25:31 And little by little.
00:25:34 Lakewood became very Jewish.
00:25:37 In fact, Lakewood, I think, currently let me check this out here.
00:25:43 Is 60% Jewish?
00:25:48 According to the last numbers that they had.
00:25:51 Lakewood became it's 60% Jewish now. Remember, for in a country where.
00:25:56 It you know, in America it's less than 2% of the population is Jewish. So for a town to be.
00:26:03 60% Jewish.
00:26:06 Is really ******* Jewish.
00:26:10 Now you might say like a lot of people did when I.
00:26:12 Posted that clip of our.
00:26:14 Friend Sammy from the last stream talking about how he used the the High Trust Society against the the Europeans in America.
00:26:23 Against them he used their their humanity against them.
00:26:29 To exploit their their trusting natures to to run their own.
00:26:34 Kind of Ponzi scheme.
00:26:36 I had a lot.
00:26:37 I put that out on Twitter and a.
00:26:38 Lot of people.
00:26:39 Would say, well, that's well actually not a lot of people.
00:26:41 I think fewer people than would have said this a couple of years ago because there there's.
00:26:45 The people are just starting to notice the patterns at this point.
00:26:49 But some people, usually with some kind of Israeli flag in their bio, would say things like, oh, well, that's just he's just a criminal just because he happens to be Jewish doesn't mean anything.
00:27:01 It's an isolated incident.
00:27:04 And that's what a lot of people would say about Eli Weinstein here.
00:27:09 They would say, oh, what does, what does it matter?
00:27:11 So what you know, Ponzi schemes happen all the time.
00:27:14 Just because all the big ones are Jews, that does, that's.
00:27:16 Just that doesn't you know, that doesn't mean anything.
00:27:20 Well, there's a culture of corruption.
00:27:23 In Lakewood, a culture of scheming and taking advantage of of the High trust society that hosts their.
00:27:34 Their little city.
00:27:36 This is around the same time.
00:27:39 There were a bunch of other these are just random citizens.
00:27:43 They were arrested for defrauding the local government.
00:27:49 Play this here.
Speaker 10
00:27:55 Rabbi Moshe Weisberg says Lakewood's Orthodox Jewish community is in a panic after law enforcement busted 7 couples in connection with a welfare fraud sting on Monday.
00:28:06 Officers from the county prosecutor went to the upscale Olive Court home of Rabbi Zelman and Zipporah Sorotzkin and arrested them for theft by deception of more than 338.
00:28:16 $1000 in Medicaid, food stamps, rental assistance, and.
00:28:20 Sai also were arrested on the same charges at their home on Blue Jay Way. Mordecai and Jakovic Breskin for alleged theft of almost 586,000 in welfare benefits.
00:28:32 I'm from NJTV.
00:28:33 Could we talk to you?
00:28:34 Please no one answered questions at the Hadasa Lane home of Shimon and Jakob Nussbaum, arrested by federal agents, and Rachel and Mordecai, Sorotzkin, charged by the FBI with collecting federal benefits despite earning millions on Wednesday, officers swooped in and arrested three more couples.
00:28:53 Charged with the same offenses.
00:28:55 The 14 defendants allegedly defrauded almost $2,000,000 in welfare benefits that when Lakewood's Mayor Ray Cole says there's a waiting list for Section 8 vouchers.
Speaker 11
00:29:05 To see something like this happen is just like a knife in the.
00:29:08 Heart there's so.
00:29:10 Many people out there who need the.
00:29:11 Help when things like this happen, it turns people against everybody.
Speaker 10
00:29:15 Court documents indicate that the suspects basically declared themselves to be poverty stricken, all the while earning 10s of thousands of dollars more.
00:29:23 The alleged fraud often involves hidden income, bogus applications and dicey financial records.
00:29:29 Is there a pervasive attitude of bend the rules?
00:29:41 You know, hard hard question to answer there.
00:29:43 So this is a local rabbi and they go and ask the rabbi.
00:29:46 Look, I mean.
00:29:48 Why are so many Members?
00:29:51 Of your religion here of your ethnic group being like, why is it that when they did this big sting operation to get all these people that were stealing money from welfare programs, how come they're basically all Jews?
00:30:07 Is there is there maybe a culture of of?
00:30:10 Stealing put a little bit nicer.
00:30:13 But that's what she's saying.
00:30:15 Do you guys maybe just kind of?
00:30:18 Commit fraud a lot is that is that and he's like.
00:30:27 Now his excuse is ohh we you know the people you know they they you know they they see something that can help them out and you know so they you know they they they they look to do it because you know people are struggling they're not struggling that's the whole point that's the whole reason they qualified is they had to lie about how much money they were making to get it.
00:30:52 And of course, when they talk to the governor about it, what's his big concern?
00:30:56 About oh, what do you think of all this?
Speaker 11
00:31:00 I just want people.
00:31:00 Not to jump to conclusions, not to draw conclusions about entire community and an entire Township based on the actions of a few.
00:31:10 Yeah, don't notice anything.
00:31:13 Don't notice any.
00:31:14 You know, that's my big concern.
00:31:15 My big concern isn't that we have this community of of people who are who are repeatedly committing fraud.
00:31:24 In the billions.
00:31:28 In the billions.
00:31:32 We basically have an entire city of fraud committing Jews.
00:31:36 That are extracting billions of dollars.
00:31:40 From the western world around them.
00:31:43 And his big concern?
00:31:45 Is he doesn't want you to draw any conclusions from this.
00:31:50 He doesn't want you to notice any patterns.
00:31:59 But don't worry, don't worry.
00:32:00 See, because surely all those people that committed fraud.
00:32:06 You know the the the.
00:32:07 The states kept taking care of it.
00:32:08 I mean, they got arrested, right?
00:32:09 What are you what?
00:32:09 Are you complaining about Devin?
00:32:11 The system worked.
00:32:13 The system worked and now you know these these people who absolutely don't represent the community that they live in.
00:32:22 They're now facing, you know, the the law on equal footing.
00:32:29 The same as.
00:32:29 As anyone else.
00:32:31 So why are you complaining?
00:32:32 You you anti Semite?
00:32:34 Why are you even bringing this up well.
Speaker 12
00:32:37 More than two dozen people in Lakewood, NJ, are predominantly Orthodox Jewish.
00:32:42 Community are being granted amnesty by the state if they admit to committing Medicaid fraud.
00:32:48 Now the big question is whether the state should have offered this program at all.
00:32:52 Back in June.
00:32:53 And July federal and state officials charged 26 people and they could, including a rabbi and special needs teacher, with the list of fraud counts.
00:33:02 Reportedly these.
00:33:04 See, it's not just members of their of their.
00:33:12 One of them.
00:33:12 Was a rabbi.
00:33:20 OK, one of them was there.
00:33:21 Was there moral leader?
00:33:29 And the state responds by offering amnesty.
00:33:39 Because Habad doesn't think that Jews should be forced to go to jail.
00:33:45 Unless there are an immediate physical threat to you.
00:33:48 Which by the.
00:33:48 Way means never right?
00:33:51 When have you ever feared?
00:33:54 A Jew? Have you ever.
00:33:56 Thought that like a Jew is going to.
00:33:57 Kick your ***.
00:33:59 That's not what that's not.
Speaker 3
00:34:00 How they operate?
00:34:02 So they're they're essentially saying unless a Jew is is doing like black crime, you know, like like strong armed robberies and **** like that, they shouldn't have to go to jail.
00:34:16 Anything else that they do is.
00:34:19 Fine, it's totally fine.
00:34:23 And because they're so well connected, they're able to convince prosecutors.
00:34:27 Many of the lawyers in the in the prosecutors office in in New Jersey are are Jewish, probably have connections to Habad.
00:34:37 And they work out this deal like Ohh, we know that you defrauded the state to the tune of millions of dollars.
00:34:43 But we're going to offer you amnesty.
00:34:46 Again, is that the deal you would get?
00:34:49 All you have to do is admit that you committed fraud and then everything's fine.
00:34:56 I mean, I I can't even always even get out of a speeding ticket.
00:35:01 These guys can steal millions of dollars from the state.
00:35:06 And it's fine, it's.
00:35:07 Just just don't do it again.
Speaker 12
00:35:10 Pools collected more than $2.4 million in benefits in total. Now it's open to all Ocean County residents who can seek amnesty under the program. People would have to repay the benefits that they weren't eligible for, plus a civil penalty.
00:35:27 So so many of the people in Lakewood are doing this, not they're not just extending this to the people that were arrested.
00:35:37 They know that so many of the Jews that live in that community are stealing money.
00:35:43 They're offering a a a program where.
00:35:48 You can just, you can just come in and be like, yeah, I I I also was committing fraud and you don't.
00:35:54 Nothing happens.
00:35:55 Well, I mean, you have to pay the money back that you stole.
00:35:58 And admit that you did it.
00:36:00 And maybe get some got a slap on the wrist like you're, you know, like.
00:36:03 A speeding ticket kind of a thing.
Speaker 3
00:36:06 But you don't go to.
00:36:07 Jail for fraud.
00:36:09 Because it's so ******* common in your community that it's like it's not a big deal.
Speaker 12
00:36:13 In addition, those in the program must agree to not receive Medicaid for a year.
00:36:18 Those who participate in the program would avoid criminal prosecution.
00:36:23 The Ocean County Prosecutor's Office is hoping that more people outside of the 26 charged.
00:36:28 Will come forward.
00:36:30 Now it's such a touchy subject here.
00:36:33 And make with that no one would speak.
00:36:35 With me on camera.
00:36:40 Why would that be a if it look?
00:36:41 If it's not part of your culture?
00:36:43 If it's not, if if these are just isolated incidents, wouldn't you be running to the cameras to say look, these people are they're they're not like us.
00:36:52 These are just criminals.
00:36:56 Of course, I condemn what they did.
00:36:59 This is fraud.
00:37:02 We don't believe in this.
00:37:08 We don't believe in scamming the Golem.
00:37:17 In the Talmud.
00:37:18 It literally says all of this is OK.
00:37:24 The reason why?
00:37:26 This is look this kind of thing happens.
00:37:29 Invariably, in these kinds of communities.
00:37:33 Anytime you have a community full of Talmudic Jews.
00:37:38 You have fraud.
00:37:40 Because it's, you know, for the same reason you had the rabbi involved.
00:37:44 It's not to them.
00:37:46 It's not a sin.
00:37:49 It's literally not anything God is mad about.
00:37:55 If anything, God's mad if you don't do it, because then you're the sucker.
00:37:59 That's not doing it.
00:38:05 But it's totally legitimate.
00:38:09 For you to extract resources in.
00:38:11 This way, by lying, cheating, defrauding goyem people, non Jews.
00:38:19 This is totally sanctioned by their religion.
00:38:23 And this is how they've operated for, for literally.
00:38:26 Thousands of years.
00:38:35 And these are just regular upper, middle class Jews in New Jersey.
00:38:46 What do you think happens?
00:38:51 When people from the same culture.
00:38:54 From the same ethnicity.
00:38:56 Find themselves in positions of real power.
00:39:15 So some people might be saying, yeah, well, OK, so they let some of these small time people off, right.
00:39:21 They let these small time people off.
00:39:25 I don't see what the big deal is, Devin.
00:39:27 They you know, so you know they.
00:39:29 Were scammy, whatever.
00:39:31 You know the guy that did the big scam, right?
00:39:34 The guy that did like half a billion dollars?
00:39:37 He what do you complain about?
00:39:39 Went to jail.
00:39:42 You know, he got went to jail for.
00:39:43 22 years.
00:39:46 Eli Weinstein.
00:39:49 You know this guy right here?
00:39:56 Again, you know the justice system worked eventually.
00:39:58 The law.
00:39:59 Caught up with him.
00:40:04 Yeah, not so much.
00:40:06 Not so much.
00:40:10 Just as Trump was leaving office.
00:40:16 Habad Jews were already trying to get.
00:40:20 Eli Weinstein.
00:40:21 Out of prison through a presidential pardon.
00:40:25 From the most Jewish president ever, Donald Trump.
00:40:35 So this is from December 11th, 2020.
00:40:42 Right around all the time that was around the time that all the Q tarts thought like Trump was.
00:40:47 Just about to finally, you know, set his trap or you know, whatever.
00:40:52 Among the names jumping out of the speculation mill for a possible last minute pardon from President Donald Trump is one of the most notorious Ponzi scheme swindlers in New Jersey history.
00:41:04 The New York Times reported last month that Alan Dershowitz, another Jew very close to Trump, his.
00:41:11 Lawyer who we know.
00:41:13 Had a, shall we say, inappropriate interactions with underage girls in in, in his dealings with Jeffrey Epstein.
00:41:24 But hey, you know.
00:41:27 Trump wanted a good Jew lawyer, so who cares if he's a pedo, right?
00:41:31 The celebrity law professor.
00:41:33 And also, you know, he's just he, his entire career, he's been getting scumbags off the hook, the celebrity law professor at Trump ally is exploring applying for a pardon on behalf of.
00:41:47 Eli Weinstein.
00:41:49 Well, why would you want to do that?
00:41:53 Why would you wanna?
00:41:55 You know, why would you go?
00:41:56 Out of your way.
00:41:58 To get the largest.
00:42:00 Ponzi scheme guy.
00:42:03 In in New Jersey's history.
Speaker 1
00:42:06 Out of jail.
00:42:14 A Lakewood man who was sentenced to 22 years in prison in 2014.
00:42:19 For running the real estate scam that costs investors over $200 million in losses.
00:42:25 Weinstein's sentence was later extended for two more years.
00:42:30 For orchestrating a fraud amid Facebook's initial public offering in in 2012, so that was the other that was the him screwing the New Zealand guy out of.
00:42:39 $6 million.
00:42:44 I reached out to Dershowitz about the story and asked him to explain how he came to know of Weinstein's case, why he believes Weinstein was worthy of clemency.
00:42:53 And if he had actually approached Trump?
00:42:56 In an e-mail to USA TODAY, Dershowitz, the retired Harvard Law professor, replied I have not spoken to the president about a pardon or commutation.
00:43:07 The scale of Weinstein's crimes was breathtaking. Authorities alleged that Weinstein ran a real estate investment scam that began in June of 2004 and ran through August of 2011.
00:43:19 In which he used false and misleading statements to induce victims to invest.
00:43:23 Weinstein initially targeted victims in the you know, the New Jersey area.
00:43:29 Blah blah, blah, blah, blah blah blah.
00:43:33 Alright so.
00:43:46 Dershowitz claimed.
00:43:48 That ohh now.
00:43:51 Trump is we're we're not even talking about that.
00:43:53 Well, that's weird.
00:43:55 Because instead of of pardoning Julian Assange.
00:44:02 Sure enough, Trump, on his last day of office.
00:44:08 Eli Weinstein.
00:44:16 Eli Weinstein, a 45 year old former used car salesman from Lakewood, had a history of praying on others and his tight knit Orthodox Jewish community authority said he ran a $200 million Ponzi scheme involving a virtual portfolio of fake real estate investments and land deals, authority said.
00:44:35 Then, while awaiting trial and what was called one of the largest cases of fraud they've encountered, he struck again with a new con game con game.
00:44:44 And that's where This is why, while he was awaiting trials when he did the Facebook.
00:44:50 Fake stock trade with the New Zealand guy for $6.7 million.
00:44:56 On Wednesday, President Donald Trump community sentence.
00:45:00 Signing the support of representative Jeff Van Drew.
00:45:06 The former Democrat turned Republican, who earlier this month joined a majority of his House Republican colleagues in trying to overturn the 2020 presidential election.
00:45:17 The president's statement also referred to numerous victims who have written in support.
00:45:24 So in other words, some of the victims they claimed were part of his Orthodox community.
00:45:30 And they wrote letters saying ohh yeah, he scammed me out of some money.
00:45:34 But we're all Jews in this tight knit community, so let him out.
00:45:36 Of jail.
00:45:37 We don't believe in jail for Jews.
00:45:51 The president last month also pardoned Charles Kushner, the father of his son-in-law Jared Kushner.
00:45:58 He was so he also pardoned Jared Kushner's dad, that Chris Christie had put into prison.
00:46:10 Pardon is like that rapper Guy.
00:46:13 All these, all these scumbags.
00:46:16 But go Trump, right?
00:46:33 So he got.
00:46:34 Out of jail because Trump pardoned him.
00:46:39 Trump granted 70 pardons with less than 11 hours to go in his term, four with New Jersey connections.
00:46:47 Former Ocean County GOP leader George Gilmore, Kenneth Kerson, and Frederick Nahas, one of the 73 sentencing commutations, went to Eli Weinstein.
00:46:59 A Lakewood businessman convicted of defrauding real estate investors out of $200 million.
00:47:05 For that, he was initially sentenced for 22 years in prison, and then they go on about the Facebook, adding another two years to his sentence.
00:47:15 So what does Eli Weinstein have to say?
00:47:20 I want to thank the President himself for seeing the opportunity to help bring me back to my family and for giving me a second chance to be with them and granting me this clemency.
00:47:33 Thank you so much, President Trump, for me and my family from the bottom.
00:47:38 Of our hearts.
00:47:39 Weinstein said.
00:47:41 He also thanked Trump's daughter for taking a personal interest in the case.
00:47:51 So Trump's Jewish daughter?
00:47:54 Jared Kushner's wife.
00:47:56 Took a personal interest in this case.
00:47:58 I wonder if it's because they're Hubbard lubovitch also.
00:48:03 So because they're, they're they're they're part of the same secretive.
00:48:08 Jewish club.
00:48:14 Trump let him out of jail.
00:48:19 New Jersey Attorney General Gerbier gruel.
00:48:23 That's his name.
00:48:25 Said he was disgusted at the clemency.
00:48:29 Quote it's one huckster commuting the sentence of another.
00:48:32 Both men have consumed far more of my professional life than I ever wanted, and I'm not going to spend more time thinking about them now.
00:48:48 So that was back in 2020.
00:48:55 Well, what happened? What happened?
00:48:58 What happened?
00:48:59 I think this was today what happened today.
00:49:03 Just three years later.
00:49:08 This guy's been in jail for.
00:49:09 Three years thanks to Trump.
00:49:13 Letting off Jewish.
00:49:19 While letting people like Julian Assange rot in prison.
00:49:25 While letting the January 6th people rot in prison.
Speaker 13
00:49:33 We're here today to announce that five defendants, including defendant Eliano Weinstein, have been charged in the district of New Jersey by criminal complaint with conspiring to defraud investors out of 10s of millions of dollars.
00:49:49 And conspiracy to obstruct the justice.
00:49:54 So today.
00:49:57 He's arrested again.
00:50:00 For defrauding people out of 10s of millions of dollars.
00:50:05 He's been out of jail.
00:50:06 For three years, thanks to Trump.
00:50:14 And he's already committing fraud again.
Speaker 13
00:50:18 This is now the third time this office has charged Weinstein with a large scale scheme to rip off investors, according to the complaint. In 2010, he was charged with an over $200 million real estate investment fraud scheme.
00:50:38 While on pretrial release on that charge, he committed another multimillion dollar investment fraud scheme and was charged for that in 2013. For these crimes, Weinstein was sentenced to a combined 24 years in prison.
00:50:58 As alleged in the complaint, on January 19, 2021, after Weinstein had served less than eight years of that 24 year sentence.
00:51:10 His prison sentence was commuted to time served. That meant that Weinstein was released from custody years early and began serving a three-year term of supervised release, meaning that he was monitored by a probation officer.
00:51:29 As alleged in the complaint, Weinstein picked up right where he left off, stealing millions of dollars from investors through lies and deception.
00:51:40 Beginning in December 2021, as alleged, Weinstein and his Co conspirators.
00:51:47 So he didn't even wait a year.
00:51:52 His new scam.
00:51:56 Officially got rolling.
00:51:59 In December of the same year.
00:52:01 He was let out.
00:52:15 These are the kinds of people that.
00:52:16 Trump cares about.
00:52:19 These are the people that Trump prioritizes.
00:52:29 These are the people that Trump bends over backwards to help out.
00:52:37 And if you go to the Capitol to go support him, he lets you.
00:52:40 Rot in jail forever.
00:52:47 Because he doesn't give a **** about you.
00:52:51 Unless you're a member of Abbad lubovitch.
Speaker 13
00:52:54 Defrauded over 150 individual investors out of more than $35 million, Weinstein is alleged to have carried out his latest scheme by using a fake.
00:53:06 Pain and falsely promising access to deals involving scarce medical supplies, baby formula and first aid kits supposedly destined for war-torn Ukraine. His Co defendants knew about Weinstein's criminal background, but they alleged to have.
00:53:26 Still helped him to fraud investors and obstruct justice in order to line their own pockets. These were brazen and sophisticated crimes that involved multiple Co conspirators and came from Weinstein's playbook of fraud.
00:53:46 In addition to Weinstein, a Lakewood, NJ, resident, the other four defendants charged are Ari Bromberg and Joel Whittles, both also of Lakewood, NJ. Shlomo Erez, an Israeli lawyer who resides in Israel, and Allah Hattab, a U.S. citizen.
00:54:07 Residing in Canada.
00:54:12 So it was an international Jewish.
00:54:15 Crime ring.
Speaker 3
00:54:17 One of them.
00:54:18 Was literally named Shlomo.
00:54:30 These are the people when if you elect Trump.
00:54:34 The these are. Who's?
00:54:35 Running the country, not the elections, really.
00:54:43 But these are the people making the decisions.
00:54:55 I'm going to pull up the actual criminal complaint.
00:55:05 So count 1 conspiracy to commit wire fraud.
00:55:12 The claim is from in or around January 2022 through around July 2023.
00:55:20 In New Jersey and elsewhere, the defendants and it lists all the people, including Shlomo.
00:55:28 Did knowingly and intentionally conspire and agree with each other and others to devise a scheme to defraud investors?
00:55:37 And to obtain money and property by means of materially false and fraudulent pretenses.
00:55:45 Representations and promises.
00:55:47 For the purpose of executing such a scheme.
00:55:51 To defraud.
00:55:53 Did transmit and caused to be transmitted means of wire communication Interstate foreign commerce certain signs, in other words, just this is the wire fraud count, which is if you use you know it's basically they're transferring, they're wiring money in to help out with their crime is a way of summing up.
00:56:13 If you wire money.
00:56:15 In in connection to your crime then that's they can do wire wire fraud for that one.
00:56:23 The next one is conspiracy to obstruct justice.
00:56:28 They name all the defendants again and they say did knowingly and willfully combine, conspire, Confederate and agree with each other and others to commit an offense against the United States, namely obstruction of justice.
00:56:43 In violation of section 371.
00:56:49 Defendant Eli Weinstein AKA Mike Koenig, so he changed his name to Mike Koenig.
00:56:57 Not legally, but went in in this fake business that they set up.
00:57:01 Was previously convicted of two separate investment fraud schemes, the first of which he committed from around 2004 to around August.
00:57:09 2011 that's the the first charge he got and the second which he committed while he was on pretrial release. And then they talked about the the Facebook scheme that he did.
00:57:23 He was sentenced to serve 24 years in prison, followed by a three-year term of supervised release. He was also ordered to pay $230 million, which I'm sure you know, obviously no one's ever going to get that money.
00:57:36 After he'd served less than approximately eight of those 24 years, President United States community sentence to a period of time to serve.
00:57:44 And blah blah.
00:57:45 Soon after he left prison, he began orchestrating another substantial scheme to defraud investors working with coke and spirit conspirators, including defendants Ari Bromberg, Joel Littles and Shlomo Arrez.
00:58:01 And Allah hattab.
00:58:05 Weinstein and others took 10s of millions of dollars from investors actively concealing Weinstein's identity and role in the purported investments because they knew if anyone Googled the guys name, it would come up. Oh, this is the guy that that was the biggest fraud in New Jersey history.
00:58:22 So they used a fake name.
00:58:27 Falsely claiming that the funds would be used to invest in lucrative deals involving, among other things, COVID-19 masks scarce baby formula and first aid kits bound for Ukraine.
00:58:42 Operating a Ponzi like scheme by using new investor money to pay off earlier investors based on these material misrepresentations and omissions, Weinstein his Co conspirators defrauded at least 150 individual investors for more than $35 million.
00:58:58 In investment investor funds.
00:59:01 At the same time, Weinstein and the the other defendants conspired with each other and others to obstruct justice by hiding Weinstein's assets that should have been used to pay the over $200 million in restitution that he still owes. Yeah, they're never going to see that money.
00:59:17 To his previous victims, concealing a myriad of myriad of business activities.
00:59:23 Which were expressly prohibited by the terms of a supervised release.
00:59:27 Well, no ****.
00:59:36 Then they go through that.
00:59:39 Because this is a.
00:59:41 Criminal complaint they go into excruciating amount of detail.
00:59:47 The defendants and their Co conspirators conspirators principally perpetrated their fraud through 2 New Jersey entities.
00:59:54 Optimist investments.
00:59:56 Which purportedly financed the purchase and sale of medical supplies and other goods.
01:00:02 Tyron Management Group LLC, whose primary purpose was to raise capital from investors to finance optimists, purported transactions.
01:00:12 Weinstein was a silent partner and optimist, an entity which he and his Co conspirators used to solicit and obtain money from investors.
01:00:21 Bromberg resided in New Jersey, served as a co-owner of Optimus, and was a signatory on Optimists's primary bank account ending in.
01:00:31 Widows resided in New Jersey and served as a co-owner of Optimus. He handled accounting for optimists and was the primary signatory on the Optimist account. Erez was was a citizen of Israel.
01:00:46 And served as Weinstein's attorney and business partner.
01:00:53 Hattab was the United States citizen residing in Canada.
01:00:58 And purported to serve as the broker for Weinstein and optimists on deals for medical supplies and other goods, hattab owned approximately 51% of SANDITON Plastic LLC, a bottling company which, according to its website, created interlocking bottle technology that reduces up to 35% of carbon emissions.
01:01:19 Until in or around August of 2022, at Tobin Weinstein had an unwritten agreement. See, this is that handshake stuff.
01:01:29 This is that nepotism.
01:01:30 This is the we don't need to follow the rules or follow the laws.
01:01:36 That allowed Weinstein to be a 49% owner of Sanatan Plastic. Hattab also used the entity Hattab Global.
01:01:45 To purchase goods for purported deals involving Tyron, Optimus and Weinstein.
01:01:55 The United States Agency for International Development is a federal agency that blah.
01:02:00 Blah blah blah.
01:02:02 Alright, the scheme to defraud since at least in or around December of 2021, less than one year after the commutation of his sentence and release from prison, Weinstein was actively involved in operating optimists in the shadows to conceal his identity and control.
01:02:18 Of the company.
01:02:19 Weinstein used an alias, Mike Koenig, when communicating with lenders, potential investors and business partners to further the deception.
01:02:28 Bromberg and Whittles served as the nominal owners of optimists on corporate documents, checks, corporate bank accounts, and investor documents.
01:02:36 In reality, Bromberg and Whittles took direction.
01:02:39 And wine staying on business transactions including where and when to move the money.
01:02:45 Based on the material misrepresentations and omissions about Weinstein's business activities and his history of fraud, Weinstein and the conspirators solicited and obtained 10s of millions of dollars from optimists and Tyron investors.
01:03:01 Optimist started raising money directly from a small number of investors to finance purported transactions related to COVID-19 medical supplies.
01:03:10 CC-2 was one of Optimus's initial investors.
01:03:15 Bromberg and widows begin asking CC 2 for more money to purportedly finance larger transactions for medical supplies soon after C1 and C2 that, that's.
01:03:30 These are, you know, I think standings for, you know, the names of actual investors for the criminal complaint form, Tyron to raise money from individual investors to finance these deals for optimists.
01:03:44 Bromberg whittles new Weinstein, and we're familiar with this fraud convictions. They initially worked with Weinstein to conceal Weinstein's true identity from C1 and C2 because they knew the two were raising money for optimistic supposed deals from individual investors who would not invest if they were aware of Weinstein's fraud convictions.
01:04:05 And a significant role at Optimus. To further this deception, Bromberg and whittles introduced Weinstein to C1 and C2 as Mike Cronig and Weinstein communicated directly with C1C2 as Mike Cronig using Internet based messaging application.
01:04:25 And they won't tell you, they just say.
01:04:26 The messaging application.
01:04:30 Posing as Mike Kronig.
01:04:33 He provided CC-1 and CC2A purported framework for sourcing the and funding the deals optimists would finance or purchase medical supplies and relate products to resell them to third parties for profit.
01:04:47 So you know basic I I would assume he's probably The funny thing is he's probably screwing over other.
Speaker 3
01:04:53 For years, to some.
01:04:54 Extent cause it this is.
01:04:56 How they make money, they don't actually do.
01:04:57 Anything this is?
01:04:59 Why they would never actually go to prison?
01:05:00 Because they're not going.
01:05:01 Around, you know, shoving a gun in your.
01:05:03 Face when they steal.
01:05:07 You know, they even.
01:05:09 When if this was an honest business, right, they're they're their whole plan is, oh, we're going to buy these things.
01:05:15 And then sell them for more money.
01:05:17 Not adding any value.
01:05:21 Like when everyone when you were a little kid.
01:05:26 As as a a nice Gentile.
01:05:30 And they asked you like what?
01:05:31 Do you want to be when you grow up?
01:05:34 Did it ever cross?
01:05:34 Your mind that ohh I want to buy things.
01:05:38 And then resell them.
01:05:40 For more money.
01:05:44 No, it never crossed your mind you wanted to do something.
01:05:46 You wanted to build something.
01:05:47 You wanted to make something you wanted to create value.
01:05:54 Even when these people are being honest, they don't want to create value.
01:06:02 It's just a legal way of of extorting money.
01:06:08 We're going to buy this product, they they, they won't even see it, right?
01:06:11 It's to them.
01:06:12 It's just.
01:06:12 In a spreadsheet somewhere.
01:06:15 They buy a product for this price.
01:06:18 Did they probably get?
01:06:19 A deal on because of their nepotistic connections.
01:06:24 And then they.
01:06:24 Sell it for more money.
01:06:26 Again, not not they're not doing anything to the product, they're not.
01:06:29 Making it more.
01:06:30 Available or or adding any kind of value.
01:06:35 They're just buying it for this price and then selling it for more money.
01:06:45 It's like that movie where they had that weapons dealer, those that Jewish weapons dealer guide, that end up going to jail briefly.
01:06:57 Afraid the name of the movie was played by that that Fat Jew from.
01:07:03 That Michael Cera movie.
01:07:07 What is it the?
01:07:09 He was in the news because his ex surfer girlfriend was saying that.
01:07:17 That he was he was mean to.
01:07:18 Her or something like that.
01:07:21 Noah Hill or no, Jonah Hill.
01:07:23 There was a, you know, the movie.
01:07:25 With Jonah Hill.
01:07:27 Where that's exactly what he did.
01:07:29 He was an arms dealer.
01:07:30 He would basically buy ****** ammo from like the old Soviet stocks of Eastern European countries like warehouses full of like rusting bullets.
01:07:42 That they had to get rid of.
01:07:45 And sell it to.
01:07:48 Iraqis and and people in the Middle East.
01:07:52 You know not not adding value, just you know I'm going to sell.
01:07:55 I'm going to buy.
01:07:56 This cheap **** and then the US government's going to pay me.
01:08:01 Many times, many times the amount.
01:08:04 That I paid for it.
01:08:07 And give it to Iraqis.
01:08:10 Or Afghanis or whoever.
01:08:12 Whoever. Whatever.
01:08:15 Arabs that were backing it at any given moment.
01:08:23 But this wasn't even legit.
01:08:25 They weren't.
01:08:26 They weren't even doing that.
01:08:29 So they they solicit all these investors, they provided investors with notes promising outsized returns, many of which had an interest rate of 48%.
01:08:42 So they they were, they were promising the 48% return on their investment.
01:08:52 All within three to six months.
01:08:57 The promissory notes also generally included payout schedules, which often listed purported monthly distributions to investors of interest, equity and principal.
01:09:07 Tyron sent investors updates that described Mike Koenig.
01:09:11 You know Eli Weinstein.
01:09:14 As its logistics coordinator and purchase order procurement officer.
01:09:21 The updates tattered Mike Konig's track record of brokering large contracts involving millions of dollars, or millions of units of COVID-19 medical supplies.
01:09:30 And other similar products.
01:09:39 They provided information on various optimist deals for potential and existing Tyrone investors.
01:09:45 Transferring their money to Tyron based on these collective representations about the optimist deals which they just made-up.
01:09:52 And continued to conceal Weinstein's involvement in the deals.
01:09:59 Around January of 2022.
01:10:02 So this is again they.
01:10:04 They started the fraud.
01:10:06 In December of 21.
01:10:09 And by January of 22, he's already like.
01:10:12 Like and he.
01:10:13 At this point, he's been out of jail for less than a year.
01:10:17 OK.
01:10:18 He spent the entire first year of being out of jail thanks to Trump.
01:10:24 Creating a fake company.
01:10:26 Making all these fraudulent documents coming up with a fake name like.
01:10:30 He did this right out, right after he got out of jail.
01:10:34 And why would he be worried he's iPod?
01:10:41 But they began saying money from tyrant investors directly to the optimist accounts almost immediately after Tyrone started accepting investors money and transferring to optimist Weinstein's purported deals were not generating the promised returns.
01:10:54 And Taiwan was unable to pay monthly distributions owed to investors.
01:10:58 Rather than reveal this information investors.
01:11:02 They agree with Weinstein posing as Marc Konig and Bromberg, and whittles to pool money from existing investors of both optimists and Tyrone to use it to make monthly, you know, basic Ponzi scheme stuff, right?
01:11:14 When they were able, they were unable to pay the investors the money they had promised with the schedule they had set up.
01:11:21 They were just all the new money coming in from new investors.
01:11:25 Was what they were using to pay.
01:11:28 The old investors, you know, that's how the Ponzi scheme works.
01:11:41 On these messages, they don't say what the messaging application is, but they say on the messaging application frequently discussed upcoming capital calls and how tyrant and optimists could cover the capital calls with money from the other investors, for example.
01:11:55 On February 23rd, 2022, this is one month later.
01:12:00 So he started the business in December.
01:12:03 By January, he was stealing their money.
01:12:06 And then by February he was using the stolen money of other investors to pay the initial investors.
01:12:14 So this was never gonna.
01:12:15 This was never gonna ever work like this was designed to be fraud.
01:12:26 So they have a couple of text messages back and forth where he's talking to investors and.
01:12:33 Makes it clear that he knows what he's doing.
01:12:39 And then it says.
01:12:40 Let's see here.
01:12:42 Alright, by May.
01:12:45 They'd be provided funds from Taiwan investors to pay optimists.
01:12:48 Investors supposed deal profits and not materialize.
01:12:52 Instead of trustworthy disclosing this information, optimist investors, they sent investors false statements.
01:12:58 They start making up fake statements to show, like, oh, look how much money we're making on all these things that we probably never bought.
01:13:06 The Ponzi scheme continued throughout the relevant period of the conspiracy, as optimists repeatedly failed to generate promised returns and weren't able to pay the dispersions to investors.
01:13:23 So it goes on and on and on.
01:13:24 They basically they they faked a a deal with first aid kits going to Ukraine.
01:13:30 They told investors they were going to buy a bunch of first aid kits to send to Ukraine and they were going to get some of the Ukraine, you know, billions that were coming out.
01:13:39 And so people want to invest in that.
01:13:42 And then and of course, they just took the money.
01:13:46 They when?
01:13:46 When the remember in the news about like a year ago there was a new story that Ohh baby formula is hard to find.
01:13:56 So he told the investors that, like, Oh well, we're we're going to buy a bunch of baby formula.
01:14:00 And because it's in the short supply, you know, the price is going to skyrocket and we're going to get rich.
01:14:05 And then he would steal their money.
01:14:09 He talked about, you know, COVID-19 masks and stuff like that, which was a little weird because it was.
01:14:15 It was pretty much after COVID was already over, so I'm a little surprised, like how he was able to to convince investors that that was a good idea. But in May of 2022, posing as Mike Kronik, he asked.
01:14:28 Investors to raise additional money to finance the company's purchase of 100 million N 95 masks.
01:14:35 Relying on this information, the investors raised the money from investors or the, you know, C1 and C2.
01:14:42 For the N 95 mass deal and sent at least approximately 2.5 million to optimist for that purpose.
01:14:49 In subsequent conversations, that audio was recorded without Weinstein's knowledge. Weinstein admitted that he had diverted the tyrant investor money intended for the 95 mass deal to invest in the Turkish stock market.
01:15:04 So he never bought, he never bought the N 95 masks he just invested in the Turkish Turkish stock market and they have them on.
01:15:12 On a recording admitting it.
01:15:18 But this is the guy that Trump wanted to pardon instead of Julian Assange, right?
01:15:26 This was the guy that Trump thought that like he this is the guy that deserved to be walking around free as a bird.
01:15:42 Because he's a member of Habad.
01:15:52 So then he made-up a bunch of documents. You know that that go into, like, the baby formula stuff.
01:15:57 He faked a bunch of documents showing that he had bought.
01:16:05 Baby formula.
01:16:07 Saying that it was being shipped from Turkey to Newark and then based on those documents, they raised millions of more dollars through the Tyrone Investors.
01:16:18 According to records, however, revealed that the the BOL's and so the BOL is a bill of lading, so you know it's it's basically when you get anything shipped.
01:16:31 Especially like a large amount, you get like you know, it's like an invoice, you know, that shows all the stuff that you got.
01:16:38 And he just made.
01:16:40 There were no actual shipments for baby formula.
01:16:43 At all.
01:16:45 So it was just all made-up.
01:16:47 In a subsequent meeting that was audio recorded without Weinstein's knowledge, Weinstein the presence of Hattab and Bromberg told C1 and C2 that the Bills bill of lightings were false and that Weinstein took full responsibility for the fault. So C1 and C2 just are gluttons for punishment.
01:17:07 Because they keep finding out that he's full of **** and I don't know if it's just because they're in so fun.
01:17:12 And deep.
01:17:13 At this point, cause they've been they've been the 1C1C2, whoever they are, they're the ones going around raising the money for these fake deals.
01:17:22 And then, like literally, like a month later, they find out it's all fake after they've raised. In this case, it was what, like $4 million.
01:17:30 And so then, rather than tell their clients like ohh ****, you know, we got lied to again.
01:17:35 Again by this guy that they're they're aware of that they know.
01:17:39 Who he is.
01:17:39 They know what he's already done.
01:17:41 And he's admitting to them multiple times on on audio recordings and through text messages that he's making this up.
01:17:50 And he's just lying and taking their money and and investing in the Turkish stock market and **** like that.
01:17:55 And because they're also Jews, I'm assuming.
01:18:00 You know the CC one and CC two guys.
01:18:05 They're just fine with it.
01:18:06 Apparently they're totally fine with it.
01:18:11 So then, around August of 2022?
01:18:14 They had a series of meetings which Weinstein revealed his true identity to C1 and C2. OK, so I guess I guess they didn't know that they knew he was lying and he was full of ****, but they didn't know they.
01:18:24 I guess they didn't know he was really Weinstein until August.
01:18:27 Of 2022, he also admitted to making various false statements about optimist deals and misappropriating tyrant.
01:18:35 Tyrone's investor money.
01:18:37 The other conspirators likewise openly discuss defrauding investors.
01:18:44 On or about August 26, 2022, Weinstein, Bromberg and Hattab C1 and C2 met in hotel conference room and around Branchburg, NJ law enforcement attained Sarah Sarah Titus Audio recording of that meeting. During the meeting, Weinstein.
01:19:04 Headed to C1 and C2. I can't do this with Mike Konig anymore. I'm Eli wins.
01:19:11 As discussed above, Weinstein also admitted that the BOL's for the Formula Deal were false and diverted money from the N 95 mass deal for other purposes, including to invest in Turkish stock market. Moreover, at the end of the meeting, Bromberg explicitly discussed the criminal nature of the scheme.
01:19:28 Ari, so this is Ari Brown.
01:19:30 This is a.
01:19:30 Quote from the recording.
01:19:32 Ari here. Here's the pressure. On October 11th, we default on $35 million. We have a really big problem and when his his House of Cards Falls.
01:19:42 If this House of Cards falls and you don't want and you don't want it to, what you you guys can't perform and I can't perform the risk is you didn't tell us who, Mike.
01:19:53 It was.
01:19:53 And you, Joel whittles, and introduced us to Eli Weinstein as Mike.
01:19:58 Right, says Bromberg, you conceal the criminal when this conversation happens in a courtroom with depositions.
01:20:06 Forget it.
01:20:07 Then everyone goes down.
01:20:09 So the the, the the C1C2 who are probably working with law enforcement, which is why their name name is hidden.
01:20:18 When they meet with them, they're like, you know, if this goes down, this falls apart.
01:20:22 We're gonna rat you.
01:20:23 Out and he's.
01:20:23 Like no, don't do it.
01:20:26 So this goes on for a little bit longer.
01:20:29 They they then agree to keep this is after they after they already know that the the jig is up, everything's falling apart.
01:20:36 They keep going.
01:20:37 They they.
01:20:38 It's like they can't help themselves.
01:20:41 So the conspirators agree to continue concealing Weinstein's identity from investors to raise additional money to pay off the existing tyrant investors. All an effort to stop the Ponzi scheme from falling apart and to cover up the defendants fraud.
01:20:54 Consistent with that plan, C1 and C2 with the defendants agreement and urging misled and concealed material facts from investors, including that a Mike chronic was actually Weinstein, had a history of frog fraud.
01:21:07 B Weinstein was the source of nearly every purported deal that formed the basis of tyrant investment.
01:21:13 So like every one of their.
01:21:14 Their investments was fake, and that was by Weinstein.
01:21:18 See, Weinstein admitted to having provided false, misleading information about several of those deals.
01:21:24 D Weinstein misappropriated tyrant investor money for other purposes.
01:21:29 Eh, neither Tyrone or optimist could account for where and how Weinstein spent investor money, so they didn't even know where the money was going.
01:21:35 They just.
01:21:36 Know some of it went to the Turkish.
01:21:37 The stock market.
01:21:39 And they kept raising money for him.
01:21:42 Because he's a bad.
01:21:45 As part of their plan to cover up the Ponzi scheme, Weinstein directed to tab to transfer Weinstein stake and stent sanitation plastic to C1 and C2, with the hope that sanity and plastic would succeed as a business and generate enough profits to cover the 10s of millions of dollars that Weinstein misappropriated for investors from the scheme.
01:22:05 The top asks C1 and C2 to raise more money from an investing even more money for sanity and plastic while also telling C1C2 to continue concealing from investors Weinstein's identity and association with sanctum plastic.
01:22:20 From in around August 22, through and around October 22, C C1 and C2 transferred approximately $2.7 million from Tyrone Sanatan plastic into all right.
01:22:31 So in other words, they just raised even more money for the scent and plastic thing that that Weinstein was a almost 50% owner in.
01:22:41 And they were trying to raise money for this new scheme.
01:22:45 But uh, yeah.
01:22:47 So here. Here's uh.
01:22:52 Here's how some of his assets.
01:22:55 Lined up here.
01:22:57 He had $8 million in equity in a Florida penthouse.
01:23:02 $10 million in equity in a Florida timeshare.
01:23:05 I don't know how you could have 10 million in a timeshare.
01:23:09 1.4 million in the Jackson, NJ House, 30 million in a Sanatan plastic production line.
01:23:18 60 million in pledged assets with partners at Optimist investments as guarantees on payments.
01:23:27 So those are the that's what he those are the all the assets, he claimed.
01:23:30 To have and.
01:23:33 They were unable to liquidate them to pay the investors anyway, so.
01:23:38 Everything kind of collapsed.
01:23:39 They kind of, you know, they arrested him because they were clearly he was under surveillance for a while.
01:23:46 At least, you know from August on.
01:23:50 And now he's back in jail.
01:23:58 And now he's going to have to wait to get pardoned.
01:24:00 He better hope Trump gets elected again.
01:24:06 You better hope Trump gets elected again so he can get pardoned again.
01:24:10 On Trump's last day as president.
01:24:17 But this this is just, you know, it's a peek behind the curtain.
01:24:20 It's a tiny peak because these guys are small time.
01:24:25 These are small time criminals.
01:24:30 This is what the little fish are doing.
01:24:43 Makes you want. Like. What? What? What are the smarter guys up to? Cause this guy's obviously.
01:24:48 Not even he's.
01:24:49 Not even very smart.
01:24:56 What kind of criminal activity is the Kushner family up to?
01:25:06 What kind of criminal activity is the Trump family up to?
01:25:16 So anyway, it just frustrates.
01:25:18 The hell out of me because I brought this up in in 2020 that Trump was was going to pardon this guy and all the Maga ***** were like, oh, it's not a big deal. It's not a big deal.
01:25:37 Glutens for punishment.
01:25:44 He doesn't represent you.
01:25:46 Trump is is a Jewish shill to a degree that the world the world may never have seen before.
01:25:52 He is he is the alpha.
01:25:55 Shabbat is going.
01:25:58 And I find it hilarious.
01:26:01 That some of the same people.
01:26:03 That parade around as if you know, they're they're waking up people to the the the great threat.
01:26:09 Of Jewish influence in our society.
01:26:12 Are simultaneously supporting Trump as somehow part of the answer to this problem.
01:26:27 And the best thing to come up with when you confront them with this ****.
01:26:33 Is ohh no Trump was tricked.
01:26:37 Ohh really.
01:26:38 So the guy whose whose grandchildren are Jewish, whose favorite daughter is Jewish?
01:26:44 Whose favorite son-in-law is Jewish.
01:26:48 Whose mentor was Jewish?
01:26:51 Who on on many occasions has said in as many words.
01:26:56 It's a shame that Israel doesn't own the American Congress anymore in the way that it used to in the 90s.
01:27:09 Who still says now on the campaign trail that.
01:27:13 That the best.
01:27:15 The best person for not America.
01:27:17 But for Jews and Israel?
01:27:21 As the as the American president is Trump.
01:27:27 And he says it regularly.
01:27:32 Every other Republican candidate.
01:27:37 Seems to be trying to.
01:27:40 To win the I love Israel the most award.
01:27:51 That this guy, they claim, oh, he's being tricked by Jews.
01:28:04 Now let's just say that that delusion was even true.
01:28:08 So the guy you want to help solve the Jewish influence problem in the West is the guy who's repeatedly tricked by Jews.
01:28:26 The guy that's that's just walking around constantly being tricked by Jews, surrounding himself with Jews that are always tricking him.
01:28:38 Letting these tricky Jews marry into his family and.
01:28:43 Make kids with his daughter.
01:28:49 These same Jews that tricked his daughter into converting.
01:28:53 Not an easy thing, by the way.
01:28:57 I guess easy. If you're Jared Kushner's wife.
01:29:01 And you're high up in Habad lubovitch.
01:29:04 And it's a marriage of convenience.
01:29:07 Solidifying power like.
01:29:11 Kings and Queens would often do broker marriages.
01:29:15 To combine families and their power.
01:29:27 That's the guy.
01:29:28 And it's going to solve this problem.
01:29:36 And look, it's not like.
01:29:38 Ohh, you know, look what look what Trump's doing. This guy is way better. No, there is no this guy.
01:29:46 DeSantis is writing laws in Florida making it illegal to criticize Jews, and then he's going to Israel to sign it.
01:30:00 The governor of an American state flying to a foreign country to sign legislation for his state.
01:30:17 So that's DeSantis.
01:30:25 All the rest of them are no different than like your your typical pre Trump.
01:30:30 Israel loving neocons so they're all sucking.
01:30:34 Israel ****, like it's their job because it literally is their job.
01:30:49 So even if elections weren't manipulated.
01:30:53 And it was all totally real.
01:30:59 Who exactly is it that's representing you?
01:31:08 What candidate, exactly are you supposed to support?
01:31:21 I mean, for ***** sakes.
01:31:24 RFK Junior his family gets killed by Jews.
01:31:27 He supports Jews.
01:31:52 So there you go.
01:31:52 That's the story of.
01:31:55 Eli Weinstein, I just thought that you guys would want to know and a little little update.
01:32:01 Little update on.
01:32:04 One of Trump's friends.
01:32:12 This is why there's no political solution.
01:32:17 What are you supposed to do?
01:32:18 Like, seriously?
01:32:19 What are you supposed to do when it's when it's become this saturated?
01:32:23 And this obvious.
01:32:27 And when the public is so dumbed.
01:32:29 Down and and and ******* propagandized.
Speaker 2
01:32:32 That most people.
01:32:35 Either won't accept the facts that I've just laid out for you, and none of which should be controversial.
01:32:47 Or we'll come up.
01:32:47 With some insane excuse as to like why it's OK.
01:32:55 Even so-called dissidents, not you.
01:32:57 Know not just like the regular old.
01:33:03 Republicans like not just the the, the MAGA hat wearing grandmas.
01:33:11 So-called dissident saying. Ohh yeah, Trump's the answer.
01:33:29 Honestly, it's starting to look a little **********.
01:33:42 I think I think they're.
01:33:43 I think they're.
01:33:44 I think they're sexually attracted to Trump.
01:33:52 I think these people, and I'm not, this isn't hyperbole.
01:33:55 Not being funny.
01:33:57 I think they actually want Trump to **** them.
01:34:00 Like, actually like peg them.
01:34:08 I think that's what this is.
01:34:12 They want to fellate Trump.
01:34:25 Like I said, it's not any better.
01:34:26 Like there's not like a better alternative.
01:34:28 There's really none.
01:34:29 And why should there be?
01:34:35 This is why This is why I'm trying.
01:34:37 I'm trying so hard to get it through the heads of people that think there's a political solution, how ****** we are.
01:34:44 You don't even have an alternative candidate.
01:35:01 This isn't there's no lesser of the two evils.
01:35:11 This is total Zionist domination.
01:35:30 People like Eli Weinstein is who they give.
01:35:32 A **** about not you.
01:35:40 Alright, so anyway.
01:35:44 Honestly, when it comes when it at this point when it comes to Trump.
Speaker 3
01:35:51 Get in.
01:36:04 Trump can get in the ******* pit, too.
01:36:06 I don't seriously **** Trump.
01:36:12 All right, let's take a look at Hyper Jets here.
01:36:19 Maybe I'm just, maybe I'm just cranky because it's so ******* hot.
01:36:22 No, I don't know.
01:36:23 I'm not.
01:36:24 Not even that cranky, honestly.
01:36:31 The pill dispenser. Hi, Devin. White noise wanted you to make a T-shirt about crazy Eddie. And I think I have an idea.
01:36:40 A big nose scorpion and is on the back of a frog, but instead of stinging it, it takes a few dollars in what in his back pocket.
01:36:52 And the caption says, sorry, it's my culture.
01:36:55 I don't know that.
01:36:57 Draw Something up.
01:37:01 I'm not feeling the Scorpion frog, big nose and thing.
01:37:05 I don't even.
01:37:06 I don't think scorpions have noses.
01:37:12 But I don't know you're you're not conjuring up any kind of image in my head that that.
01:37:20 Exciting to me right now.
01:37:25 I I appreciate the suggestion but.
01:37:30 All right, sub Royal, sub royal.
01:37:33 Let's see here where we go.
01:37:36 Here we are.
Speaker 14
01:37:37 Why is money management?
Speaker 3
01:37:41 Where's the rest?
01:37:45 Sub royal.
01:37:46 Hey, Devin, first time donating long time listener.
01:37:49 Thank you for your work.
01:37:50 You do?
01:37:50 I'm worried that as soon as the war in Ukraine is over, Zelensky is going to flood Ukraine with Africans and Indians.
01:37:58 We are also or we are already seeing the beginnings of a narrative being pushed on how Ukraine will need.
01:38:06 Migration to feel they're coming.
01:38:09 Population deficit Ukrainian demographic replacement will slowly break ethnic ties between Ukrainians and their Belarusian and Russian brothers, which will accomplish NATO's desire to remove Ukraine from Russian influence and make Ukraine easily lead and control well. I yeah, I mean I I don't. Yeah, I don't think you're saying controversial.
01:38:31 It was already beginning.
01:38:32 It was already when I was there a couple of years ago.
01:38:38 I only saw like 1 black chick.
01:38:42 The entire time I.
01:38:43 Was there?
01:38:44 But on TV, they were already kind of sneaking in.
01:38:51 And the people I was talking to the propaganda was working.
01:38:58 You know, they talked about how?
01:39:00 Because what?
01:39:01 What they were is the same thing that happened in America.
01:39:03 That's the same look.
01:39:04 It's the same playbook everywhere.
01:39:06 What they do is they create sitcoms and soap operas that feature like a Muslim character and the Muslim characters like the smart, handsome, nice guy.
01:39:17 That doesn't do anything wrong, ever.
01:39:20 And because these people who live in a country that's, you know.
01:39:25 All white, and they've never really even met a Muslim person.
01:39:29 That's their now.
01:39:31 That's their impression of what Muslim people are like.
01:39:34 Ohh, they're like that.
01:39:35 Oh, well, that's not too bad.
01:39:37 Why wouldn't I want a guy like this fictional character?
01:39:39 On my idiot box.
01:39:42 And so it worked.
01:39:45 It was already working.
01:39:46 I talked to a lot of people out there and when I would bring up.
01:39:51 The the migration that was just beginning to happen.
01:39:57 Like when you saw and I'm sure a lot of you guys did when they were first evacuating, a lot of Ukrainians, some of the people they were interviewing were black.
01:40:05 And they're like, oh, yeah, I'm Ukrainian.
01:40:08 It's like all right, you know.
01:40:09 And some of those.
01:40:11 People were the the, you know, the the 1st.
01:40:15 To come into the country, first of many to flood into the country, but you're absolutely right, once they've decimated the male population and that's kind of already happening.
01:40:28 And, you know, forcibly through conscription.
01:40:33 You're going to have a you're going to have a totally different kind of baby boom.
01:40:40 You're going to have a destruction of that.
01:40:44 That phenotype?
01:40:45 Honestly, I think to some degree.
01:40:48 Because already there was a deficit of men in Ukraine.
01:40:54 One of the reasons why you have like all these scam you know well, I mean now not so much.
01:41:00 But like you had all these scam, like Ukrainian bride sites and things like that, and all these Ukrainian girls going to Europe.
01:41:12 Is there there was a I don't remember what the exact ratio was, but it was somewhere in the neighbor it was, it was.
01:41:18 It was almost like 7030.
01:41:24 Female to male population in in Ukraine prior to the war.
01:41:31 And so you start wiping.
01:41:33 Out all the men and.
01:41:34 You're going to.
01:41:35 Have a lot of women that.
01:41:37 That are going to be settling for Habib.
01:41:45 Yeah, that's absolutely part of a part of their plan.
01:41:48 But yeah, they they were, they're being told because they all wanted to join this again this couple of years before the war.
01:41:55 They were all being told.
01:41:58 That they should want to join NATO.
01:42:01 And part of the reason they wanted to join NATO is if you have the Ukrainian passport, it's.
01:42:07 It's not that.
01:42:09 It's not very good.
01:42:10 It doesn't get you into everything, OK?
01:42:13 But if you've got an EU passport, you're allowed now to freely travel to all the Western European countries.
01:42:22 And more easily to America.
01:42:25 And you know, North America and Canada and everything.
01:42:29 But when you just have Ukrainian.
01:42:30 Passport, not so much.
01:42:34 So that was one motivation for a lot of Ukrainians to want to join the the EU.
01:42:40 They also just, you know, romanticized, I think the EU cause the way it was portrayed on television.
01:42:47 And let's face it, you know, Ukraine was was not exactly one of the richest countries in Europe.
01:42:53 And so there was a lot of economic arguments for joining the EU.
01:42:57 And it was made very clear.
01:43:00 Through television.
01:43:02 To the Ukrainian people, that part of joining the EU is being accepting of migrants.
01:43:09 As their euphemistically called.
01:43:14 So that attitude.
01:43:16 Was already changing prior to the war.
01:43:22 Let's take a look here.
01:43:27 Oh, then yeah, the cherry on top was thanks for your channeling continuing to be a voice.
01:43:32 Of wisdom in our.
01:43:33 I appreciate that sub royal.
01:43:36 John Skywalker just rewatched deep impact. 1998 realized it was made made by Jews in 1990s and half the cast was Jew.
01:43:45 Objectively good, but still heavy, subversive emotional propaganda there.
01:43:50 How are Jews so good at making propaganda that pulls heartstrings and subtly manipulates people to their causes?
01:43:57 Why I disagree.
01:43:58 That's a good move.
01:43:59 I I.
01:44:00 Well, maybe I have to rewatch it, but I.
01:44:03 I think I saw it in the theater.
01:44:07 And they lost me a black president.
01:44:10 I'll just say that this I was wise to this **** even when I was a kid, when I would see someone who was demographically out of place, I noticed.
01:44:20 Maybe not the Jews so much, because I just never.
01:44:22 I wasn't.
01:44:23 I I didn't have a.
01:44:25 Understanding of of what they look like, I think probably because so many people in Hollywood movies were Jewish that it almost normalized people that look Jewish.
01:44:37 When I would see them in movies because they looked like I don't know, like half the other people in movies, right?
01:44:43 So I never was able to like put together that.
01:44:46 Oh, no, that's that's a certain type of person.
01:44:51 But I remember being irritated that that the.
01:44:53 President was black.
01:44:54 I was like, come on.
01:44:56 Little that I know 10 years later.
01:45:00 Yeah, I don't.
01:45:01 I I I don't.
01:45:01 Know what the?
01:45:04 I'm sure there is something.
01:45:06 I'm sure genetically there is something.
01:45:10 And because for generations, for thousands of years.
01:45:14 It's not.
01:45:15 They didn't.
01:45:16 This didn't start with Hollywood.
01:45:18 Jews were always heavily involved with the theater.
01:45:23 And with entertainment.
01:45:26 And with ****.
01:45:27 You know, prior to ****, with brothels.
01:45:31 But they've, they've always been merchants and creators of.
01:45:36 Vice and entertainment.
01:45:38 And that goes back, like I said, centuries.
01:45:40 It's not like a new thing.
01:45:42 So maybe it's just that maybe it's just they have centuries of experience, whereas once again, like when the earlier in the stream, when I said when you were a kid a gentile kid and they asked you what do you want to be when you grow up, you of course no one said I want to be a merchant that buys products and then sells it for more money.
01:45:59 You wanted to make something you wanted to do something you want.
01:46:02 To be productive, you wanted to be.
01:46:04 You know, like a fireman or, you know, whatever.
01:46:07 Right.
01:46:08 And that's.
01:46:10 Because of that, which is an admirable thing.
01:46:14 But because of that.
01:46:17 I don't think a lot of Gentiles, a lot of goys, go into these kinds of fields.
01:46:24 In fact, when I first told my parents.
01:46:28 That I wanted to.
01:46:29 You know, do art pursue art professionally.
01:46:32 I mean, it was like telling them I was gay or something.
01:46:35 They they were very upset by it.
01:46:39 They tried to change my mind.
01:46:42 You know, because they knew I was good with computer stuff and they were like, ohh, but Devin, like you could you could, you know, go, go and be like a a network admin and and use that to pay for an advanced degree and become a computer scientist or whatever, you know, do coding.
01:46:57 And that's that's the track my brother took, right.
01:47:01 And you know, it made a.
01:47:01 Lot of money for him.
01:47:03 But I just that wasn't feeling it.
01:47:05 I didn't wanna just sit there and punch a clock.
01:47:08 I I didn't want to.
01:47:09 You know, I wanted to do what I what I wanted to do, but a lot of people.
01:47:15 It's not that white people lack the talent in this area.
01:47:18 There's there's the, I think, like I said, the the desire to to work and build things I think is innate in us in the same way that it's it's not.
01:47:30 Innate in Jews.
Speaker 10
01:47:31 Hey, Dan.
01:47:33 But also one of a lot.
01:47:34 Of the roadblocks that I.
01:47:36 Didn't really put together at the time until again for the same reason I didn't notice Jews in in movies.
01:47:42 But retro actively.
01:47:43 When I look back at at.
01:47:45 At this stuff.
01:47:47 A lot of things that didn't make sense to me at the time make sense now, and that is the nepotism, right?
01:47:53 It's hard to get a a job where you are influential in the creation of of any kind of propaganda that has any kind of reach, or at least until.
01:48:03 The Internet, right, which was until very recently.
01:48:07 If you wanted to make, say, a movie that was going.
01:48:09 To be very pro.
01:48:11 Pro Gentile, like pro White or you know or any any movie that maybe realistically portrayed inner city kids, you know any or any kind of movie that was just an action film where the bad guys weren't Aryans with with German accents, you know, like, maybe make a action film with the bad guys.
01:48:31 We're, you know, non whites.
01:48:34 It's just simple **** like that, right?
01:48:37 Little tiny things that you'd want to.
01:48:41 That would that would realistically show culture instead of how Jews want want the world to look like if you you just to make a movie that shows the way that the world actually is, which isn't even propaganda at that point.
01:48:57 It's impossible.
01:48:58 It's impossible to get those movies greenlit.
01:49:00 It's impossible to get those those scripts sold.
01:49:05 You know, and and even if you did, you know, like it'd be directed by a Jew and the casting director would be a Jew and.
01:49:12 And so.
01:49:12 And by the end of it, you're you wouldn't even recognize your own story.
01:49:18 So it's it's.
01:49:21 I I I I think that it's the same reason why they're good at finance.
01:49:27 Right.
01:49:27 It's one of those things where you almost have to be born into it.
01:49:31 Look, how many of the like the Hollywood royalty and they look, they call them royalty for a reason.
01:49:37 Because they're they're not.
01:49:39 It doesn't just it's not just someone shows up, gets off a bus and and on Hollywood Blvd.
01:49:44 And becomes famous.
01:49:47 A lot of these people now are generational Jews initially came and and and found or not found in Hollywood, but they built it into what it is today.
01:49:55 Hollywood used to be a like a sweet little desert town.
01:50:01 Like it used to.
01:50:02 Be like an Old West town.
01:50:05 Yeah, Los Angeles.
01:50:07 That whole area just used to be.
01:50:08 I mean, Rodeo Dr.
01:50:10 is actually rodeo Dr.
01:50:13 I'm not.
01:50:14 I'm not kidding.
01:50:14 It's it was.
01:50:15 It's they say rodeo cause it sounds fancy.
01:50:18 They don't want to, you know, cause Rodeo doesn't sound fancy.
01:50:22 But it's Rodeo drive because they had rodeos.
01:50:29 So when the Jews came in there and and changed it into this cosmopolitan.
01:50:35 Uh, you know Mega City.
01:50:39 They controlled who who could work and who couldn't.
01:50:45 Generationally, in the same way that they can do that with finance.
01:50:51 You know, we don't have all these.
01:50:54 These chairman of the the Federal Reserve.
01:50:58 They're not all Jewish because white people can't do the job.
01:51:04 You know, because it's not that there's not white people that would be competent enough to do the job.
01:51:10 It's just that finance is run by Jews.
01:51:15 And so they promote and hire other Jews.
01:51:25 And look, and that's the biggest thing.
01:51:28 People should worry less about white people and their ability to make propaganda or white people their ability to this, that and the other.
01:51:35 They should worry more about white people and their in Group preference because that's the root of all of it.
01:51:51 Because it works both ways, it's like.
01:51:54 Think of it this way, if.
01:51:55 Whites had Ingrid preference.
01:51:58 And let's just break it down to some kind of mundane task.
01:52:02 Right.
01:52:03 Let's say you have a house and you want someone to carpet your house.
01:52:10 And so you go out of your way.
01:52:12 To find someone who's white, who's going.
01:52:15 To recarpeted your house.
01:52:19 And so you're helping out this white guy that's got a carpet company.
01:52:23 But it works the other way too, the white.
01:52:25 Guy with the carpet company.
01:52:27 You're one of his white clients.
01:52:29 So he cuts you a deal and he wants.
01:52:32 To do a good.
01:52:32 Job because you're part of the family.
01:52:39 This kind of favoritism.
01:52:41 Doesn't exist in the in the the white communities in the West.
01:52:45 I mean there's, I mean the the non existent white communities in the West.
01:52:53 And by the way it.
01:52:54 It exists in every other community.
01:52:57 In their own way, right?
01:53:00 Overtly many times, you know, like black-owned businesses.
01:53:06 The Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.
01:53:13 But whites don't play that game.
01:53:15 That's why they lose.
01:53:19 You know, they stomp their.
01:53:20 Well, I don't see race.
01:53:26 You know the thing that drives me the most.
01:53:28 ******* crazy the last couple of days.
01:53:33 Is when I see I've had.
01:53:34 I've had.
01:53:35 A few tweets that have.
01:53:37 Few edgy tweets that have have.
01:53:39 Gone far and wide the last few days.
01:53:42 And so some of them end up in the normal sphere and you get these just ******* ******** replies from from.
01:53:52 You know, conservatives, the kinds of people that all that will ignore everything I just talked about with Trump and and, you know, funneling money to.
01:54:01 I mean, sorry, releasing these money, money, funneling Jews.
01:54:06 They don't care about any of that.
01:54:09 And one of the the phrase the the way they would phrase things when I would talk about race in a tweet.
01:54:17 Is they be like what? Don't care about the color of someone's skin.
01:54:23 Guess what? I don't either.
01:54:26 That's not race.
01:54:30 I can get a tan.
01:54:32 I tan pretty well actually for a white guy.
01:54:42 I can get dark as ****.
01:54:45 My brother, not so much.
01:54:48 He his skin is basically translucent.
01:54:50 If he tried to get it tan, he'd just be a walking pile of skin cancer, but I can get it.
01:54:54 I can get a tan.
01:54:58 I don't care.
01:54:59 I don't care about skin color or or hair color or eye color or what shirt you're wearing.
01:55:04 That's not what we're ******* talking about.
01:55:20 It's like if I was talking about like.
01:55:21 Oh, you know, I like Fords.
01:55:26 And someone said.
01:55:27 What I don't care about the paint job.
01:55:29 On a car.
01:55:30 Like, we're not talking about ******* paint jobs.
01:55:40 It's so amazing how many of these.
01:55:42 ******* out there like they they that I.
01:55:44 Mean it worked.
01:55:46 The propaganda worked.
01:55:50 And it's still working.
01:55:53 Because, yeah, it's ludicrous.
01:55:56 Everything that that I would say about race would be ludicrous if race was reduced to just skin color.
01:56:09 I I would look like and and I probably due to these *******.
01:56:13 You know some weird OCD person that that can't have the black shoes next to the.
01:56:18 White shoes, you know.
01:56:21 No, we're ******* talking about.
01:56:29 Anyway, yeah, that that's that's the problem.
01:56:32 That's why I I don't expect there to be any kind of white in Group preference until a lot of these people look on the bright side or on the dark side.
01:56:42 Now you look.
01:56:43 At it, this problem is slowly and painfully, and we have to feel the pain.
01:56:47 And that sucks.
01:56:48 But it is slowly but painfully working its way out of the of the system.
01:56:52 Because the kinds of whites who don't have ingroup preference in a multicultural society will inevitably breed with non whites.
01:57:01 Right.
01:57:05 So the problem will kind of just.
01:57:07 They won't be white anymore.
01:57:11 And the people that remain white generationally in a in a multicultural reality.
01:57:16 Are definitionally going to be whites that have in Group preference.
01:57:23 And unfortunately, I just.
01:57:24 Think that's what it is?
01:57:25 Is we're going to have to go through a?
01:57:27 Kind of cooling.
01:57:29 Of some of these bad genes.
01:57:33 And what you'll be left with is is, you know, whites who are sensitive to this kind of a thing and prefer their own race.
01:57:42 And have demonstrated that by.
01:57:46 Breeding with other whites, generationally.
01:57:53 We're just not there yet.
01:57:55 Yeah, unfortunately, we're not there.
01:57:56 We're not at that point in history.
01:57:59 We're at the annoying part.
01:58:01 Where all these ****** white whites who are about to end their bloodline, they're just.
01:58:05 Going well, I.
Speaker 2
01:58:06 Don't see race.
01:58:11 Harmless Gee, whenever people, including those.
01:58:13 Broadly on our side.
01:58:15 That was already that one.
01:58:17 John Skywalker, what do you make of the near death experiences?
01:58:21 Do you think people?
01:58:23 Clinically dead actually enter the afterlife for moments.
01:58:27 Or is it just chemical reactions in the brain? Also May may want to look at escape from Hell 2000. It's a low budget evangelical film that references this.
01:58:39 Scare me to death as a kid.
01:58:42 I mean, I don't know.
01:58:44 I've never had a near death experience, so it's hard for me to.
01:58:48 To know, I mean you've.
01:58:51 I I don't know.
01:58:52 I don't know.
01:58:53 I I've heard stories of people that that claim to like, have been outside their body and and you know, but it's all just there's people that claim that.
01:59:06 Ghosts exist or you know the Holocaust happened and stuff like so.
01:59:10 You know, who knows?
01:59:11 Right.
01:59:14 Really, I guess it comes down to.
01:59:17 What's afterlife?
01:59:19 And I don't know the answer.
01:59:20 There's only one way to find out and hope I.
01:59:22 Don't find out too soon.
01:59:27 In terms of escape from hell, I don't know.
01:59:29 I don't know.
01:59:29 I haven't.
01:59:30 Seen that, you should look at El Dorado Hills, CA apparently still has white ceiling neighborhood.
01:59:38 Would send you a link, but don't want to mess up your stream and there's news articles on it. Also, is there a stream where you covered get out 2017? Would you like or would you think that you have a stream about the white fetish with blacks?
01:59:56 I don't think I ever saw it get out.
01:59:58 That doesn't sound familiar to me.
02:00:01 The white fetish with blacks.
02:00:06 The white I.
02:00:07 Well, I don't know what you mean by that, but I will say this.
02:00:09 I think the reason why there's way more black on white rape, for example and and well in in many years, 0 white on black rape is pretty ******* obvious.
02:00:21 Right. It's just.
02:00:23 White people are more attractive than black people and not just to white people generally.
02:00:29 And I'm not just saying that like.
02:00:31 Because I'm white, like there's data that backs up the idea that.
02:00:35 Pretty much most people prefer white people.
02:00:42 So the reason is in my opinion I think.
02:00:49 That you know what?
02:00:50 What's attraction exactly like?
02:00:52 Why are you physically attracted to someone?
02:00:56 You know on a basic.
02:00:56 Level I don't mean like emotionally or whatever, but like, why are you physically?
02:01:00 Attracted to someone?
02:01:03 And there's, you know, there's symmetry and all those other things, but you're at the other day if you're a man, you're attracted to women who are that look as though they are going to advance your DNA.
02:01:20 And and and with with the best possible outcome.
02:01:25 On a basic level, that's what everyone's doing when they are physically attracted to someone.
02:01:31 Your brain is assessing.
02:01:34 How good of a vehicle that person will be for your genetics, genetic material and how good of a candidate that person is for your genetic material to mix with and create life right.
02:01:50 The next generation on a real basic ******* level.
02:01:53 That's what it is.
02:01:54 Right.
02:01:55 You're looking for the best DNA you can find that you can mix with your own.
02:01:59 In an upgrade if possible.
02:02:03 Right.
02:02:03 Because if you can upgrade your DNA, then your kids are going to have it better than you did.
02:02:08 Have an easier time?
02:02:09 Well, I mean, come on.
02:02:12 If you're black.
02:02:15 Most white people are an upgrade.
02:02:17 Let's just.
02:02:17 Put it that.
02:02:18 Look, I'll just put it that way.
02:02:20 I don't think.
02:02:20 I don't think that's that.
02:02:22 Should I mean, I'm sure some people would find that controversial.
02:02:24 But I mean, if you're really being honest.
02:02:28 Ah, you know, it's an upgrade.
02:02:32 So I I think that's if that that fetish exists and I think it does look it's like I mean there used to be a joke people in fact people used to openly joke about this **** all.
02:02:42 The time about how I mean there was that Lisa Lampanelli joke.
02:02:47 You know, black people would **** a refrigerator.
02:02:49 If it was white.
02:02:50 Right.
02:02:56 And that used to be a joke that you could tell on a stage.
02:03:00 On prime time, you know, cable television and no one, you know, no one got cancelled.
02:03:07 Because everyone laughed, cause everyone understood that.
02:03:09 Yeah, black people will get, like, really low status white women.
02:03:15 Because it's still.
02:03:17 An upgrade.
02:03:21 So anyway, let's take a look here.
02:03:26 Bloodstained olivey review by guilt review guilt by suspicion.
02:03:33 All right, we'll take a look at that, but.
02:03:36 UM.
02:03:39 Let's copy this to my notes here.
02:03:45 My ever growing notes.
02:03:50 Better save this file.
02:03:51 This file has just been sitting here, not saved since the last dream.
02:03:54 There we go.
02:03:58 Rogues Tavern.
02:03:59 Hi Devin.
02:03:59 I noticed your website disappeared as a donation to the cause.
02:04:03 I built you a new one.
02:04:04 You can find it here.
02:04:06 Thanks for the black pills.
02:04:08 If you're if the site works for you, reach out and I'll hook you up with the access to it.
02:04:15 Well, I appreciate that, but honestly, I'm probably.
02:04:18 I mean, I'll take a look at it, but I'll probably.
02:04:22 I'm probably just going to point the.
02:04:25 Domain to my channel is what I was thinking.
02:04:28 Let's take a look here.
02:04:37 Let me load up.
02:04:41 Oh, I love this up.
02:04:43 Every time I have to reset this it like it's like it forgets.
02:04:48 There we go.
02:05:01 Yeah, I mean, that's what.
02:05:02 What it was before, basically it was.
02:05:05 This is like a WordPress kind of a thing.
02:05:09 I don't even know.
02:05:10 I haven't.
02:05:10 I haven't done any web developing now since like.
02:05:13 Ever. Well, not ever. But like since, like, you know, 2016 or so.
02:05:24 That's cool, though.
02:05:25 Yeah, I know.
02:05:26 Maybe I'll.
02:05:28 I'll, I'll take.
02:05:28 A look at it a little bit more.
02:05:30 But I appreciate you doing that.
02:05:45 Yeah, it's very much like the old one.
02:05:48 Although only it works.
02:05:54 That's cool.
02:05:55 That's the Rogues Tavern.
02:05:57 Put that together.
02:06:01 Yeah, I'll.
02:06:01 I'll get back to you.
02:06:02 I'll, I'll, I'll think.
02:06:03 About it, I was.
02:06:04 I was literally just going to point.
02:06:07 The domain straight to the channel though.
02:06:13 The black Kid stealing is too real.
02:06:17 And you're talking about the intro song, possibly.
02:06:21 Zazi Mattas bought last stream.
02:06:23 I may have gone a little hard.
02:06:24 I'm pulling shame on me for they are my people.
02:06:27 I remind myself and everyone that Copernicus and Frederick Chopin are both Polish and, some would say whites have no culture.
02:06:39 Thank you for your time.
02:06:41 Well, there you go.
02:06:44 Gee, the idea that the ideal number of kids is 2 has contributed a lot to low fertility rates.
02:06:50 We need couples having at least three to compensate for the 1/3 of women who will have no kids.
02:06:56 And at least four to grow the population.
02:06:59 Yeah, my, my, you know, the Mormons have the right idea. My extended family, which is almost all 100% Mormon, they've all got, I'd say, an average of five kids, some of them more, some of them less. But they all have about an average of five kids.
02:07:14 And they look not and not all of them are making tons of money and they still make it work.
02:07:20 UM.
02:07:24 John Skywalker, I know I asked a lot of questions.
02:07:27 Still kind of young with kids and new to this.
02:07:29 Stuff and find myself occasionally falling for the Jewish propaganda.
02:07:33 As before, although your streams have made me a lot more aware of it, Trump COVID and George Floyd riots really led me to catching on to these media lies.
02:07:43 That's fine, yeah.
02:07:45 You have to apologize for for asking questions.
02:07:49 Look, there was a time that I, I I supported George Bush.
02:07:58 I used to religiously listen to Dennis Prager Prager's radio show.
02:08:04 I was a subscriber to his pregnant Topia.
02:08:11 Yeah, we all go through it.
02:08:13 You know, like there's people that used to think Jordan Peterson was like Jesus, you know, like we all go through it.
02:08:19 It takes time when you're raised in this because where are you supposed to learn it?
02:08:23 Right?
02:08:24 Like, where are you supposed to learn?
02:08:25 That This is why I do the stream.
02:08:27 Is where are you supposed to encounter this stuff?
02:08:32 You know, if I'm not.
02:08:32 I mean, look, there's other people doing it, but like, we're not.
02:08:35 We're not legion.
02:08:37 And we we certainly don't have the kind of budgets that they do.
02:08:41 So yeah, don't feel bad that everyone it takes a.
02:08:45 We all have our own journey.
02:08:48 We all have our own like journey.
02:08:50 I ******* hate that.
02:08:51 I hate when people say journey for anything unless they're talking about the band.
02:08:58 Harmless Gee due to Immigration Canada has surpassed California population also this decade, Toronto will surpass Chicago as the most populous urban area in the Great Lakes region.
02:09:10 How many of those people are are are Asian and how many of them are are Arab, I wonder.
02:09:18 That used to be the big thing, right?
02:09:20 That Canada was turning Chinese, basically, like Toronto was basically, I had a I had a degenerate friend that used to love.
02:09:27 He was really into Asian chicks and so he used to love going to Toronto because he said they were just ******* ***** **** craving Asian girls everywhere.
02:09:35 But now I from I I my understanding is there's a lot that I mean that's probably still a case to some extent, but there's a lot of lot more dark skin.
Speaker 9
02:09:45 Out there.
02:09:47 Marada the reason why we have no wealthy patrons while our enemies seem to have endless funds.
02:09:54 The reason we will never win and there is no hope for humanity is because power corrupts the moment anyone on our side gets a taste of it, they join the dark side.
02:10:03 This is human nature.
02:10:05 I don't know if it's everyone.
02:10:07 A significant number of, I mean, look, the shabas goy problem is.
02:10:11 Real look at look at Trump.
02:10:15 Yeah, or actually just today, for example, Scott Adams tweeted something out in response to a story about the IQ in America dropping.
02:10:27 Well, it's funny because the way the.
02:10:28 Headline was is.
02:10:30 The IQ of America drops for the first time in.
02:10:33 Decades, it's like.
02:10:34 Yeah, not really.
02:10:35 It's been spiraling for a long time.
02:10:37 I don't know how exactly they're they're they're thinking it's it's.
02:10:40 It's just now dropping, but it's been spiraling a long time.
02:10:43 And so Scott Adams retweets this and says something along the lines of, oh, I wonder if that has anything to do.
02:10:50 With with the.
02:10:51 Inclusion of of fewer English speaking people.
02:10:56 And Scott Adams knows as well as I do that the IQ test is not language based.
02:11:04 That it's your your language is irrelevant.
02:11:08 When you take the IQ test, it's about pattern recognition and and it's, you know, shapes and like numbers and **** like it's not.
02:11:16 It's not like an American history essay that you have to write.
02:11:19 Or something like.
02:11:20 That so it was designed to be.
02:11:24 Independent, you know, culturally independent for a reason.
02:11:30 And so in response, I said something along the lines of, you know, just be a man and don't say, you know, non-english speakers say non whites.
02:11:38 And one of the replies was, well, you know none.
02:11:41 Of the big accounts, accounts can do this.
02:11:48 The answer is yes they can.
02:11:51 They just choose not to.
02:11:54 They choose not to because they're they're feminized men.
02:12:01 They think like women.
02:12:04 You know, I've pointed the same thing out with, with with some of these centrist people.
02:12:10 Some of these libertarian people.
02:12:14 That do the same thing they they are willfully ignorant on the issue of race.
02:12:21 And when they try to dog whistle, they kind of dance around and, you know, they try to let you know.
02:12:25 Oh no, I get.
02:12:26 It I just, you know I have to use all these euphemisms.
02:12:28 That dilute it to a point where it doesn't.
02:12:30 It's meaningless.
02:12:35 And yeah, they get to stay on the big platforms and they get to.
02:12:37 Make a lot of money.
02:12:42 But it's because they're ******* women.
02:12:45 They think like women.
02:12:47 What do women prioritize?
02:12:50 Women prioritize social acceptance and financial security, or just security, I guess generally, right?
02:12:58 But in the modern world, in the modern context, financial security is security.
02:13:06 Just ask.
02:13:08 You know Eli Weinstein.
02:13:12 So these people? Absolutely.
02:13:16 They be they remain willfully influent or or or ignorant, or maybe even outright deceitful.
02:13:28 Because at the end of the day, they're not men.
02:13:30 They're scandalous ******* hoes.
02:13:37 They're gold digging *******.
02:13:44 That's what they are.
02:13:45 They're they're they're *****, they're ******* *****.
02:13:49 That's what they are.
02:13:54 They're stupid ******* *******.
02:14:05 Be real easy.
02:14:07 For them to tell the truth.
02:14:11 Especially people like Scott Adams, the guys infinitely rich.
02:14:16 He's not going to be able.
02:14:17 He has.
02:14:17 So much money.
02:14:19 And so little time left on Earth.
02:14:22 That he couldn't spend.
02:14:23 It all if he tried.
02:14:26 What is?
02:14:26 What is he risking exactly?
02:14:41 Well, social acceptance.
02:14:48 Women care a lot more about what everyone else thinks about them than men do.
02:14:56 Because historically.
02:14:59 If women didn't agree with the group.
02:15:04 They didn't survive.
02:15:10 Women have evolved to agree with the group.
02:15:16 Women will always side or or most often side.
02:15:21 With whichever.
02:15:28 Seems to be.
02:15:31 The narrative being promoted by the side they see as is stronger.
02:15:40 I would even say that applies to.
02:15:42 Right wing women.
02:15:44 I just think they're judging the strength differently.
02:15:48 Like when you see these right wing women and look a lot of them are grifters, but some of them are real.
02:15:54 I think that it that the ones that are truly right wing.
02:15:59 If you notice a lot of them have like some a masculine husband.
02:16:07 And I think they recognize his strength, his power, and that's where they get their sense of safety.
02:16:16 And they perceive the danger as coming from like the the degenerate.
02:16:20 You know, other side.
02:16:26 They have children, so the way they they gauge.
02:16:30 The safety equation is totally different.
02:16:33 You know, they worry about things that are going to endanger their children.
02:16:36 If you're having an abortion every week, you're you're not worried about endangering your children.
02:16:42 You're going to side with whichever whichever side is going to provide you safety.
02:16:49 You are some useless clock punching hoe.
02:16:55 Write some spreadsheet designing ******** *****.
02:17:00 That would that wouldn't in a million years.
02:17:04 Be able to survive.
02:17:08 Anything other than your do nothing job.
02:17:12 Going to happy hour.
02:17:14 ******* random dudes.
02:17:18 And getting abortions on the on the daily.
02:17:24 So you're going to side with.
02:17:25 The with the.
02:17:27 The people that are going to support that lifestyle, but generally speaking, women go after financial security and and physical security.
02:17:37 And that's because we've feminized men.
02:17:42 That's how a lot of men behave too.
02:17:50 If you look back at history.
02:17:52 All the martyrs, all the radicals.
02:17:55 They're all men.
02:18:00 Because men are able to throw that **** out the window and literally die.
02:18:03 For their cause.
02:18:09 Women aren't willing to do that.
02:18:19 So now that we have all these men that think like women, they're not willing to do it either.
02:18:23 They're not even willing to be, like, financially inconvenienced.
02:18:27 For the cause.
02:18:32 That's what it is.
02:18:33 They, they, they, they enjoy their position in the social hierarchy.
02:18:38 And they enjoy their cushy lifestyles.
02:18:40 And if they have to lie to, to keep, to maintain that they'll do it, who cares?
02:18:46 They don't care.
02:18:50 They have no principles.
02:18:51 They think like women.
02:18:55 All right. Let's see here.
02:18:59 Rying the entire race of white collar criminals.
02:19:05 Talking about the.
02:19:07 The Jews of Lakewood and other and other places.
02:19:12 Harmless G The more I discover that many of the historical atrocities and genocide that white people supposedly perpetrated were exaggerations or fabrications, the more I realized white people being too nice is a very deep rooted problem.
02:19:34 And look, it's going to be.
02:19:37 It's going to be bred out of us.
02:19:39 So that's the silver lining.
02:19:42 Is those the all the people that relax, for example the all the people that that relax around blacks, they're out of the gene pool?
02:19:50 All the people that don't mind that their their children are raped to death by immigrants, they're out of.
02:19:58 The gene pool.
02:19:59 All the people that don't mind that their daughters with Jamal, they're out of the gene pool.
02:20:04 It just takes time.
02:20:07 It takes time and and we're in that awkward stage in between.
02:20:15 You know, we have to witness some.
02:20:17 Of the weeding out.
02:20:18 Of the weaker links, but that you know it'll happen.
02:20:24 Hillbrow I found the black pill theme, song and music video on YouTube for 11 years.
02:20:31 And with seven wait, what? I found the black pilled theme song and music video on YouTube for 11 years, and with 7.9 million views search for Rachel Bloom, you can't touch my ******* or on Rachel. Wait on the Rachel. Does stuff channel.
02:20:52 Need to work now so I can't stay, but we'll catch the rest later.
02:20:55 I have no what we're talking about.
02:20:56 Hill brow.
02:20:57 I don't, I don't.
02:20:58 I don't think I want to play a song called you can touch my *******, though I don't think that's the.
02:21:02 Black Pill theme song.
02:21:05 Ryan, I have driven through Lakewood, NJ many times and can confirm all of the stereotypes, rumors, stories and physically observable truth.
02:21:15 Of the place.
02:21:17 Ohh what are?
02:21:18 What are you?
02:21:19 What are you getting?
02:21:19 At, huh?
02:21:20 How do you say?
02:21:23 Zazi Metas bought this guy gives the Germans a fair shake.
02:21:27 He explains the differences between the white work ethic and the Jews.
02:21:31 Work ethic starts at 946 and for those that watch the clip till the end, what's with the last name on the donor list ADL is watching.
02:21:46 Well, whatever.
02:21:46 Let's take a look at.
02:21:47 It why not?
Speaker 9
02:21:52 Above the gates of Auschwitz, the phrase arbites marked fraud.
02:21:56 Alright, what do you say 946?
Speaker 9
02:22:06 It's either so foreign Nazi.
02:22:09 The phrase work makes you free means something different when applied to the Germans than it does to the Jews.
02:22:17 For the Germans, you work for your community, so work will purify your soul.
02:22:22 And get you closer to God for the.
02:22:25 Jews, the Nazis thing, they didn't really.
02:22:28 Work now.
02:22:29 They only existed by stealing off other people and that.
02:22:33 They were devils, thus.
02:22:34 Because work is a purification process, they're bad.
02:22:39 Devil blood.
02:22:39 The Jews would be purged through the struggle of work, so work makes you free.
02:22:47 Removes the Jews.
02:22:48 Society and purifies the German blood and spirit.
02:22:52 It purifies and unites the vaults.
02:22:55 Combine shaft the people.
02:22:58 The official Nazi ideology really believed that work is liberating in the sense that it integrates you with the fatherland, the country where you are living.
02:23:08 It was the only way that a citizen who is not a warrior could contribute to the strength of the country.
02:23:15 Now I've not read every single book.
02:23:18 From the Holocaust, there's that many.
02:23:19 It's literally impossible.
02:23:21 So maybe this is explained somewhere.
02:23:24 However, I haven't seen a proper explanation of it, and I doubt it because many historians are coming at this from the Jewish perspective, which makes perfect sense.
02:23:35 But that means they've neglected the Nazi perspective.
02:23:39 That makes perfect sense, because they're the ones that write the history books and run the textbook companies and the publishers, and you know.
02:23:47 Hollywood, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
02:23:49 And the Holocaust has been an industry since its inception.
02:23:54 Yeah, well, look, the concept though that you're liberal.
02:23:57 Yeah, I don't think that's like too controversial a way of looking at it.
02:24:01 I think that a lot of people would agree with that, I think.
02:24:04 That's that's also a Protestant viewpoint, you know, like when a lot of the disdain, if you look at the the Nazi propaganda film, what is it called?
02:24:14 Is it called not?
02:24:15 Is it der Juden?
02:24:17 It's the one where they have, like they they have the.
02:24:20 They line up the Jews and.
02:24:22 I think it is dirt Gillian or something like that.
02:24:25 But they one of the big criticisms.
02:24:31 Of the Jews in that film.
02:24:33 Is that they don't work.
02:24:35 And look, that's, I mean, come on.
02:24:37 I just laid out for you.
02:24:39 A a a ethnic behavior.
02:24:45 Of Jews even today.
02:24:47 That would is very demonstrates the kinds of of problems that Germans saw in the 1930s and and complained about in the same way they saw Jews that weren't adding value to society weren't doing any kind of lag.
02:25:03 Instead, they would find ways of extracting wealth from other people by, you know, by, by having connections.
02:25:11 They would exploit their connections with other merchants to Jack up the prices of of the goods that they weren't adding value to and just being a middleman.
02:25:22 And they were.
02:25:22 There was entire dynasties that made their wealth and their fortune off of just being a middleman.
02:25:29 I mean, the banking industry is.
02:25:32 Is the perfection of that of that.
02:25:37 Of that.
02:25:40 It's the perfecting of of that.
02:25:42 That means of acquiring wealth.
02:25:45 You know, banks, what do they do?
02:25:47 Do they do for you?
02:25:49 You know they they.
02:25:51 Banks are often really a Ponzi scheme themselves.
02:25:55 With the fractional lending.
02:25:58 You know when you go and get a loan, they're loaning that they only have to have 10% of what they loan to you.
02:26:04 Which makes no ******* sense.
02:26:08 A lot of people don't understand that or, and many of them, if they did or wouldn't believe it.
02:26:13 They they're understanding because they look at it through the eyes of a gentile through the eyes of a.
02:26:19 Of a non Jew.
02:26:22 They think that it that that's preposterous, that the only way that a bank should be able to loan money is if they have money to loan.
02:26:29 But that's not how banks work.
02:26:31 And let's not have the and they've always practiced fractional lending in some form of Ponzi scheme since.
02:26:37 The Since banking was wasn't was first invented.
02:26:43 Which is why it's so irritating that they call it a Ponzi scheme, because some Italian in the 1920s did something that's similar to all these Jews. It should be called like a a Weinstein scheme or something like that, but whatever.
02:26:57 Yeah, the.
02:27:01 That they that you will be free through labor thing is, is something that was that was discussed in the in Nazi propaganda. So I I I would agree with what this guy's getting at here.
02:27:12 UM.
02:27:14 American knight.
02:27:15 Hi, Devin.
02:27:16 I'm a social studies teacher.
02:27:18 You're a social studies teacher.
02:27:21 Hold on.
02:27:22 I forgot to play your thing.
02:27:25 Where is it out?
Speaker 3
02:27:25 Here, when you're trying to save money.
02:27:28 A good rule to follow is to.
02:27:37 Take it from the gym.
02:27:38 Neighbors still paid dividend.
02:27:41 Your social studies teacher.
02:27:42 Any advice for promoting positive values and true history in a cocked workplace without getting fired?
02:27:48 I'd prefer to continue subverting Jew propaganda for as long as possible.
02:27:55 Also, any good homeschool resources you know of?
02:27:57 Thanks for everything you do.
Speaker 2
02:28:00 No, I don't.
02:28:00 I don't know.
02:28:01 Of any good home schooling resources, I'm sure they're that they're out there.
02:28:06 But I that's not something I've dug into in terms of of how to be a good teacher and plant seeds in the heads of of people.
02:28:17 Honestly, it's so bad now.
02:28:21 That just by not.
02:28:24 Promoting global ****.
Speaker 15
02:28:28 It'll be.
02:28:29 Noticeable to your students?
02:28:33 And and I I say this because it was already like that.
02:28:36 When I was in school.
02:28:38 When I was in school, I knew who all the conservative teachers were all.
02:28:42 Three of them, you know, at the entire school.
02:28:46 Because they're the only teachers.
Speaker 3
02:28:48 Who didn't ***** about Bush?
02:28:52 They were the only teachers that didn't make the classroom political.
02:28:56 And so you kind of knew instinctively.
02:28:59 Oh, these guys are.
02:29:01 Are on the right.
02:29:04 Now I don't know what the rules are, so I don't know.
02:29:06 I don't want to get any advice on what you can and can't say without getting fired.
02:29:11 But I'm sure you can think of ways that you can.
02:29:15 It's it's all about framing.
02:29:18 It's all about presentation.
02:29:21 So if you have to teach a topic, I mean I again, I don't know how much control you have over the curriculum.
02:29:27 I don't know how much control you have over what textbooks you use.
02:29:31 I don't know what part of the country you're in and what the culture is there locally.
02:29:35 Like what kinds of? Like how much leeway you have? Like what you could get away with before someone's.
02:29:40 Going to call.
02:29:41 The principal or or whatever, right?
02:29:45 But I would, you know, taking all that into account, I would just try to present both sides of every issue.
02:29:55 As often as possible.
02:29:57 And I think again, the absence of the shoving down the, you know, the the shoving of of these ideas down the throats of the students, it'll be noticed.
02:30:12 And it's better if I think too with kids.
02:30:15 If you get them to.
02:30:16 Come to their own conclusion.
02:30:18 You know, like I remember, for example, I had a actually a social studies teacher.
02:30:27 And the way I knew that he was conservative is he would talk about issues the way that it was.
02:30:33 It was in the book, right?
02:30:35 He would explain, like, you know, and then, you know, as an example, I I don't know if this is like really, one of the things he talked about.
02:30:42 But just I'm.
02:30:43 I'm making it up in the style of this teacher.
02:30:46 The the social studies book would say something along the lines of, you know, then the white people came and murdered all the Indians, right?
02:30:54 And he would present the way that the book was teaching, you know, the interactions between the Europeans and the Indians.
02:31:03 You know the way it was framed, but then he would always ask questions that would challenge the conclusions in the book, right?
02:31:10 So he would, he would say like, oh, and then, you know, as you.
02:31:13 Can see here.
02:31:15 You know that it says that in in 18, whatever.
02:31:18 You know this these white Europeans encountered this tribe and.
02:31:22 And massacred them On this date and then you would ask a question like a thought provoking question that would be like but.
02:31:30 What do you why do you think they?
02:31:32 They had these violent encounters with the Indians.
02:31:35 Do you think that they were just irrationally killing off Indians?
02:31:38 Or do you think that there might have been more to it?
02:31:40 Do you think that and he would never actually answer the questions?
02:31:43 But you, you know, he would, I I remember him just asking these questions at the end of of whatever lesson he was teaching that would that would force you at least question the official narrative.
02:31:55 And I always like that.
02:31:57 He failed me.
02:32:00 He failed me because I ditched his.
02:32:01 Class too much, but he.
02:32:03 He was a good teacher.
02:32:05 I was just kind of a punk kid.
02:32:07 I was getting high in the parking lot too often.
02:32:10 But yeah, he was a he was a.
02:32:12 Good teacher because of that.
02:32:15 Harmless Gee, most of the Jews in Ocean County, NJ, were.
02:32:20 The my stream just go down.
02:32:22 It just said the.
02:32:24 Something failed to synchronize.
02:32:25 No, it looks like this stream still up.
02:32:27 I think right.
02:32:31 Yeah, it's still up.
Speaker 1
02:32:33 All right.
02:32:37 OK, harmless to you. Most of the Jews in Ocean County, NJ like you want to say Ocean City because I used to go to Ocean City.
02:32:46 Maryland, I think it was right.
02:32:49 Where Lakewood is and in Rockland County, New York, the most Jewish county in America are orthodox, which means they have very large families.
02:32:59 Their populations double every 20 to 30 years.
02:33:05 And that's what we need.
02:33:07 Unfortunately, though, the the difference is like when I was telling you about the history.
02:33:11 Of of Lakewood.
02:33:12 They had some very wealthy, very powerful rabbi.
02:33:17 Come in and basically take over the town.
02:33:21 By setting up shop and then building the community with his, with his resources and we don't have something like that, we don't have a well what?
02:33:31 That's what really needs to be done if you want to have a white community, that's that's going to be built somewhere is you need to have.
02:33:36 That white benefactor.
02:33:39 And just all of our institutions are failing us right now, Mr.
02:33:46 Devin, I'm not asking you to play this, but this is a 14 minute video by academic agent shows how the the notification program in Germany by the Frankfurt School and the American Jewish Committee was spread to the West.
02:34:00 What Yuri bezmenov.
02:34:01 Didn't tell you?
02:34:02 Yeah, I'm not gonna play 14 minutes, but I'll.
02:34:05 I'll copy that into my notes and maybe take a look.
02:34:07 At that later.
02:34:12 Let's see.
02:34:17 Kiowa or Kiowa. Kiowa. Renegade.
02:34:22 They stole the Federal Reserve and then subverted the world.
02:34:26 Well, I think they created the Federal Reserve and then supported the world.
02:34:32 Wolf supremacist rather be a beast than a Jew.
02:34:37 Well, I'd rather go beast mode.
02:34:41 Than be a Jew.
02:34:44 Mr. Trolley, lastly, would you, cheap ask kosher Negroid stop sending multiple $1.00 hyper chats? It's unfair to us and Devin donate what the man's worth. It's setting off my judar.
02:34:58 There you go. You, you.
02:35:00 You $1.00.
02:35:02 $1.00 multiple. I'll tell you one thing.
02:35:06 I don't want to necessarily enforce minimums, but it is a little annoying when you do like like ten $1.00 where I'm I'm having to like talk for ******* like.
02:35:14 Hours because of these nickel and diming things, I I you know.
02:35:20 I'm just saying, but I'll leave that up to you guys if you if you think it's only worth a dollar, it's.
02:35:26 Only worth a dollar, right?
02:35:28 Burn before reading a new math equation has been found over in the math department at MIT by Doctor Rabbi Rabenstein, wait and new math equation.
02:35:42 Is this like a math joke that I'm not going to get?
02:35:47 And then there's a math joke.
02:35:50 About Jews or something?
02:35:55 Math jokes are not they're.
02:35:57 Not going to translate well with me, just reading it.
02:36:01 Pooh, say poo, say Stomper caught you live and wanted to hop in with some more donos.
02:36:07 Thanks again for exposing the goblins shoes.
02:36:10 On a side note, it may be interesting to cover some of the body double s and AI generated crap that they've been using in place of Biden. Attached. Detached earlobes vary.
02:36:23 Where's Part 2?
02:36:26 You can see him itch, his neck, and it looks like a rubber mask etc.
02:36:31 Black Scout Survival had a former CIA guy on who seems who seems like a patriot who helped analyze and break some of it down.
02:36:39 Here's his live stream on other sites and also document this.
02:36:44 Yeah, I'll be honest.
02:36:46 Look, I know that they use body double s and things like that, but I think some of that is kind of overblown.
02:36:52 You got to remember.
02:36:53 That old people that have had work done just have weird skin.
02:36:58 And different camera angles have different, you know are going to make people look different and their earlobes look different.
02:37:06 I know what you're talking about, and maybe some of them are are accurate.
02:37:11 Maybe there is body double s and stuff like that going on, but I just think that when Biden's in front of the camera, I don't think there's multiple bidens in front of the camera that, you know, doing press conferences, at least.
02:37:23 Maybe there is.
02:37:25 I wouldn't put it past them. I'm not saying they're not capable of doing it. It just seems like an overly risky thing to do that that said, yeah, body double s have been used for a long time and I'm sure when you know during transportation and and things like that during or maybe even like.
02:37:45 I guess public events where he's not going to be really close to the camera and things like.
02:37:49 That I don't think it's as as.
02:37:52 Pervasive is a lot of people.
02:38:00 Some of my family tend towards philosemitism, A pitfall that can happen with the desire to have a deeper understanding of biblical scripture.
02:38:10 As the NT often refers to the OT, what I don't know.
02:38:15 Oh, New Testament.
02:38:16 OK, one of my family now works for Prager.
02:38:21 The family member helps to produce and film various videos, but has noticed stifling of creativity and inflexibility.
02:38:29 With the scripts outsourcing of simple tasks that could be done in house is common among other odd practices.
02:38:37 Yeah, I look, I used to make propaganda professionally, and, yeah, he'll this family member of yours will learn eventually if they're already noticing that they will notice because it took me about.
02:38:52 I don't know.
02:38:52 I probably worked in that that business for about two years or so.
02:38:56 Before, I was just like this.
02:38:57 This is an intolerable situation.
02:39:00 I I don't feel like I'm spreading truth anymore.
02:39:02 I feel like I'm I'm concealing truth and promoting A worldview that is incorrect.
02:39:12 You can't keep doing that job if you have principals and so it sounds like he maybe has principals and eventually he'll, he'll, he'll come around.
02:39:21 As far as the philosemitism thing, I mean, I don't know.
02:39:24 I don't know.
02:39:24 How I mean.
02:39:27 I I understand there's a lot of Christians that that suffer from Philosemitism and I I don't think you can do.
02:39:36 It's a religious thing.
02:39:37 Yeah, it's.
02:39:39 You would just as soon.
02:39:41 Be able to debate them out of their belief in Christ as you would be able to debate them out of their philosemitism, and the two are linked.
02:39:48 So it's, you know.
02:39:51 You really can't debate someone out of their religion.
02:39:55 It's a very difficult thing to do that.
02:40:01 And then part three is of note, the CEO, Marissa Streit, is of course Jewish.
02:40:07 Has a background in the IDF at military intelligence, and now she's back in the US working the 501C3 grift.
02:40:15 Prager is apparently rarely involved in normal operations and is shunned by many of his own kind for his political beliefs.
02:40:25 Yeah, there's there's a lot of, you know, there the left wing, Jews hate conservative Jews.
02:40:32 And yeah, I could.
02:40:33 I could see that.
02:40:37 Appalachian Saxon.
02:40:40 Cash flow checkout.
02:40:47 I'd like to return this duck.
02:40:49 Have a good one, Mr.
02:40:51 Good night.
02:40:52 Well, appreciate that appellation, Saxon.
02:40:56 Pebble in the pond.
02:40:58 Pebble in the pond.
02:41:09 Glad to catch the stream even though I can't stay for the whole thing.
02:41:12 Great work, Dev and click the fire button everyone.
02:41:15 Yes, click the fire button.
02:41:20 And thank you for the support there, Pebble in the pond.
02:41:24 Burn before reading free Mr.
02:41:29 Absolutely, Mr.
02:41:30 For those of you don't know, is a parody musician who I believe is serving time in Austria for making songs that Jews don't like.
02:41:39 I mean, that's what it boils down to.
02:41:42 But the opening song was not Mr.
02:41:44 That was.
02:41:46 Or is it raka raka Ali or something?
02:41:50 Damn Bigfoot.
02:41:51 Jared Kushner got ****** *** or.
02:41:55 Jared Kushner got pisssed off, Chris Christie went after his father, talking about the habad.
02:42:00 Rabbis should have handled it instead of law enforcement.
02:42:04 Well, no, that's right.
02:42:05 They literally believe that Jews should not go to jail unless they are a raving lunatic with a.
02:42:11 Knife in their hand.
02:42:13 That's what they believe.
02:42:15 That's where that Habad rabbi openly said in court.
02:42:19 It's in the court transcripts, he said, that Jews should not go to prison unless they pose a clear and present physical threat to the people around them.
02:42:31 So other than that there, there should be no prison for Jews.
02:42:36 And because Chris Christie put Jared Kushner's dad in jail.
02:42:41 He was defying the Jews.
02:42:45 Not not that I I think that he'd be much better if he was elected president.
02:42:50 I'm sure he loves Israel like everybody else.
02:42:52 Opera commandant.
02:42:53 Hey, Devin.
02:42:54 It seems it's always the Jew.
02:42:56 Jew seem to inherently seem inherently untrustworthy.
02:43:02 We Europeans have been way too nice to these people.
02:43:05 We should have done the well.
02:43:06 I can't.
02:43:07 I can't.
02:43:07 Can't read the rest of that one.
02:43:15 It ain't love of hockey.
02:43:21 Thanks, Devin.
02:43:22 Well, thank you and eight love of hockey.
02:43:25 Locat, I don't think it's crankiness, Mr.
02:43:28 Stack, where are the Henry Fords of today?
02:43:32 The entire lizard people class can get in the pit.
02:43:37 Thank you for your work.
02:43:57 And God willing, someday.
02:44:00 They will get in the pit.
02:44:04 Canine friend.
02:44:09 Just says woof.
02:44:11 All right, right back at you.
02:44:13 Unless you're a furry, in which case you need to go in the pit.
02:44:17 Appreciate the support there.
02:44:19 A lowly scribe in God's army.
02:44:21 I've been catching up on Miss shows.
02:44:23 Great work, as always.
02:44:24 Also really enjoyed the Crazy Eddie Show.
02:44:29 It's it's shockingly similar to tonight's stream, though, right?
02:44:33 Almost like there's a pattern emerging, but I appreciate that.
02:44:39 Again, a lovely scribe in God's army.
02:44:41 Great show tonight.
02:44:42 Well, like I said, if you like the if you like.
02:44:45 The Crazy Eddie one tonight's not much different.
02:44:49 Appalachian Saxon.
02:45:03 The single thing I want from a white normie is for them to stop trusting and lose faith in the institutions.
02:45:10 Many say they have, but they clearly haven't by their actions, like you've said, wig Tau or something similar, Trump should get in the pit.
02:45:19 Goodnight for real this time.
02:45:21 Well, I appreciate that.
02:45:22 Yeah, that's.
Speaker 13
02:45:23 Why I love?
02:45:25 I love that a lot of people are losing their faith in institutions.
02:45:29 Even things that you would think you would expect, conservatives, they never lose their faith in, like the FBI.
02:45:35 And that's why I I I love it.
02:45:38 Every time these, these, these institutions overplay their hand and as they get stupider and more diverse, they're going to more frequently overplay their hand.
02:45:52 We're just, like I said, we're in that painful, awkward phase in between, but it'll happen eventually.
02:45:58 It'll happen eventually.
02:45:59 They'll get they'll and.
02:46:01 Unfortunately, these institutions will become more and more hostile and.
02:46:08 That's going to be a little painful because some of these institutions have the ability to hurt us, you know.
02:46:14 But it's all part of the that's another.
02:46:16 That's another aspect that to to in Group preference, right, persecution.
02:46:22 Whole narrative that that's the glue that holds Jews together.
02:46:25 That's why they cling to the Holocaust narrative as hard as they they possibly can.
02:46:30 Because that's the glue that holds them together.
02:46:32 And so when whites perceive themselves as being the top dog for the last.
02:46:37 Well, several centuries.
02:46:39 It's real hard for them to, in fact, they almost have a disdain for people that quote UN quote, like play.
02:46:45 The victim, right?
02:46:47 You know they.
02:46:47 Oh, you're playing the victim.
02:46:50 Like remember when centrist tried to?
02:46:53 Unironically say that white nationalists were the same as the left.
02:47:00 The the horseshoe theory thing.
Speaker 3
02:47:03 Ohh you're the.
02:47:03 Same as the left because you're trying.
02:47:05 To be a victim.
02:47:08 With no sense whatsoever.
02:47:11 Of irony.
02:47:12 Because the real horseshoe theory is.
02:47:17 They sound because they're like women, exactly like feminists.
Speaker 7
02:47:22 Right.
02:47:24 Because what does a feminist say?
02:47:26 When a when there's not as many female doctors.
02:47:30 Right when women are are underperforming in, say, physics.
02:47:36 Well, it's because the patriarchy the patriarchy is keeping them down.
02:47:41 If only women were to go to more STEM classes and learn that, you know, be accepted by these universities that are totally run by the patriarchy, then there would be an equal amount.
02:47:53 Right there be an equal amount of women and men in these these big brained disciplines.
02:48:01 And yet these these same centrists that ridicule feminists for coming to this conclusion.
02:48:07 Oh, oh, you stupid feminist thinking that there would be an equal amount of women in in computer programming and and and and in these these highly technical areas.
02:48:20 Are the same.
02:48:22 Centrists that will say, well, the only reason why black people are underperforming is instead of the patriarchy, it's fatherlessness.
02:48:32 It's the fathers aren't there.
02:48:34 If only the fathers were around then they would, they would be.
02:48:37 They would perform at the exact same level as white people.
Speaker 2
02:48:41 What we need to do?
02:48:42 Is just somehow.
02:48:43 I mean, and even if that was true, like, how would you fix that?
02:48:46 I'm gonna legislate.
02:48:47 Fathers being at home for black kids.
02:48:49 Like you know.
02:48:51 What's your ******* solution to that ******?
02:48:54 But but it's not true, just in the same way, it's not true that.
02:48:57 There's fewer women.
02:48:58 Physicist out of some kind of weird patriarchy.
02:49:04 So that's the real horseshoe theory.
02:49:06 The real horseshoe theory is the people that make fun of feminists the most are the most like them.
02:49:15 Alright, how did?
02:49:16 I get off on that.
02:49:17 Well, here we go.
02:49:20 I cannot.
02:49:24 Content or content?
02:49:26 The philosemitism in the Christian Church is a recent western trend, perhaps exacerbate, exacerbated by post World War.
02:49:34 Two guilt if one talks with older denominations, coptics and Orthodox, etcetera, with longer memories that this position towards the towards the tribe can be quite the opposite.
02:49:48 Well, I mean, I don't know how if that's true, but.
02:49:53 And we, we live in America, at least we live in a a very Protestant.
02:49:58 I mean, it was founded by Protestants.
02:50:01 You know, America, is is.
02:50:06 It was a nation of Protestants.
02:50:09 So it's just not like like.
02:50:11 It's not in our.
02:50:12 In in our in for founding stock Americans like myself.
02:50:15 It's just not part of our history.
02:50:17 And I don't even think that Protestants necessarily had these.
02:50:23 I think modern day Protestants are hyperthyroid Semitic.
02:50:27 I think there was always an acceptance of Jews as being part of God's plan or whatever with Protestants, right?
02:50:33 And you might even say that there were some Protestants that I don't think revered Jews, but still viewed them as as God's chosen.
02:50:42 On some level.
02:50:43 I think every Christian on some level.
02:50:47 Views it that way.
02:50:52 But I don't think that.
02:50:54 I don't think that that's a I don't think that's a viable solution to the problem.
02:50:58 You know getting, getting them to go to.
02:51:01 You know something like Orthodoxy or something like that.
02:51:05 Part 2.
02:51:05 I remind my Shabbos goy folks that most Jews are supremacists that hate Jesus and Mary.
02:51:10 The talent is the devolution and devolution and teaches that the most vile notions about them and modern rabbinic thought is defined by a reason.
02:51:22 Or descent into mysticism and depravity.
02:51:27 Well, yeah, I mean.
02:51:29 All you have.
02:51:29 To know about the Talmud is it's basically it, it's it's a a a string of stories of it's.
02:51:36 It's a.
02:51:36 Book of loopholes.
02:51:38 It's a book of loopholes.
02:51:42 Where there's literal stories about how rabbis are tricking God.
02:51:46 And outsmarting God.
02:51:53 And it's just something that's impossible for a lot of Christians to relate to.
02:51:58 And because they don't have, they're not exposed to that in the same way, boomers have a hard time understanding what you know, like black inner city would be like because they they've never lived in that environment.
02:52:09 And the all the black people that they've ever known in their life had the.
02:52:12 Last name of you know.
02:52:16 Well, like the Cosby show, right.
02:52:17 What was?
02:52:18 What was the Cosby on the Cosby Show, was his, what was his last name?
02:52:23 The huxtables.
02:52:24 That's right.
02:52:25 Yeah, all the all the black people that they ever had in their, their life had the last name.
02:52:29 Of huxtable.
02:52:30 So they never really.
02:52:32 They never experienced black people and I think that's how a lot of these Christians are the only Jews they're ever encountering are these Zionist Jews that are very happy that they're Christian, they they see them as, as at best allies, and that at worst, and probably most likely as useful idiots.
02:52:53 Ohio, Ohio.
02:53:03 Do you see a bright future for gab? Do you think that investing the $330 into GAB shares is worth it? I don't even know.
02:53:11 I don't know. You're getting $330.
02:53:15 Figure from I'm not aware of.
02:53:17 Is he doing like an IPO or something like that?
02:53:22 I don't know.
02:53:23 I unfortunately gab.
02:53:26 The reason why I don't spend a lot of time on gab is it is a echo chamber.
02:53:32 It now TORBA and I really like him, would argue that. Well, Gabe's not supposed to be a a Twitter alternative, although that's pretty much how it was initially envisioned.
02:53:47 He would say it.
02:53:48 It's its own kind of social media platform and maybe that's how it's evolving and maybe that's where it'll it'll end up.
02:53:57 But right now the I think the roadblock for success for Gab.
02:54:03 And and maybe this will become less relevant as we do become more polarized and we do have we start to have parrot like literal parallel societies.
02:54:14 Maybe it won't matter as much.
02:54:16 But the problem with Gab is you're you're oftentimes just Speaking of the choir.
02:54:22 It's a A has limited reach and had Trump come to gab.
02:54:30 I think it would be a totally different story.
02:54:32 But as Andrew Torba has related many times, in fact, I think again, even just today.
02:54:38 The reason why Trump didn't go to gab is because Gab wouldn't ban quote UN quote anti-Semitism.
02:54:46 And Trump is Jewish.
02:54:50 So he wasn't going to go to that platform unless criticism of Jews was banned.
02:54:57 That's why, Rumble added.
02:54:59 Anti-Semitism to their their.
02:55:04 Terms of service.
02:55:08 Because they wanted Trump to.
02:55:10 To post on rumble.
02:55:15 Whether or not it's a good investment, I don't know if it was me, if you had the money.
02:55:21 I would see it more as a donation.
02:55:24 That maybe some someday would turn into something.
02:55:28 Again, I don't know how what I'm not familiar with what you're talking about, so I don't know how it's structured if you're if.
02:55:33 But if it was like a an IPO kind of a thing and Tori was trying to raise some money and and for $330, you technically have like a share and gab or something. I mean, I don't know. That's based on what you're saying. That's what it is.
02:55:45 If that's what it is.
02:55:47 I would see it more as like you're donating $330 to Torba and then maybe something will happen.
02:55:54 But I wouldn't count on it.
02:55:55 I wouldn't and.
02:55:55 I wouldn't bet my retirement on it or anything like that.
02:56:00 Man of low moral fiber.
02:56:02 Thanks for the stream, Devin.
02:56:04 Always look forward to it.
02:56:05 Why do you think people are able to so easily?
02:56:08 Excuse the lack of black scholar or scholastic performance.
02:56:13 Despite the huge investment, it's the greatest example of sunk cost fallacy.
02:56:18 I can imagine.
02:56:19 Entire black schools have zero students, profession and math.
02:56:23 I think part of it is proximity.
02:56:25 A lot of these people that that don't understand it, they don't, their kids aren't going to that school.
02:56:31 And when they are presented with it, that school seems so foreign to them.
02:56:36 That the explanation that perhaps it's just they're not getting the resources that they need or or maybe the cities run by Democrats or you know, something like that sounds like a a a, a non threatening excuse.
02:56:52 Because that's what it is.
02:56:53 Feminized men want.
02:56:55 When I was talking about feminized men not wanting to risk social shame and, you know, financial ruin.
02:57:03 And so when they're popular, you know, nominally right wing people on Twitter, they keep their mouth shut about certain topics.
02:57:11 That's not limited to just them.
02:57:14 That extends to all the the people who voted for Trump.
02:57:18 And like you know, the the the rank and file people that fancy themselves, right.
02:57:24 They also, they're feminized too.
02:57:28 And they also fear social shame, and they also fear financial ruin.
02:57:33 And so.
02:57:36 Even if on some level they get it and they understand.
02:57:41 They're not going to say it.
02:57:43 They're definitely not going to say it.
02:57:45 I remember one of the first people when I first started to understand the Jewish thing.
02:57:50 And my channel on YouTube was getting pretty big.
02:57:54 I had, I think a little over. Yeah, I've probably had like around 200,000 subscribers on YouTube.
02:58:02 And I was being featured on on like Infowars and and stuff like that.
02:58:08 And I was working with, you know, a lot of these Maga people.
02:58:13 And you know, at one point I was even privately told that the Trump's really liked one of my videos, and I was.
02:58:22 Just thinking.
02:58:22 Oh, yeah, that's kind.
02:58:23 Of cool and.
02:58:24 You know the President and his family watched some.
02:58:26 Of my videos. Uh.
02:58:28 And you know, some of these people were were becoming more and more friendly towards me as my my videos got more popular and stuff.
02:58:38 I wasn't being fake.
02:58:40 I just hadn't quite understood the the Jewish.
02:58:42 Component to to things yet.
02:58:45 And when I first started to understand it, I remember privately coming, going to one of my friends who I've known since I was 12 years old, known this guy a long time.
02:58:55 And he was really proud, like he liked to brag about. Like ohh yeah. My my friend Devin's got.
02:58:59 Like you know, always.
02:59:01 Subscribers and stuff.
02:59:02 And he's big on YouTube.
02:59:04 And I I came to him and said.
02:59:08 I know this sounds maybe kind of crazy but.
02:59:11 I think it is the Jews.
02:59:13 And I I will never forget.
02:59:15 You know, it's like the color drained from his face.
02:59:19 You know, it's like he was frozen.
02:59:22 He got really uncomfortable.
02:59:24 And he said why?
02:59:25 I wouldn't tell anyone that.
02:59:29 And I was like.
02:59:31 But but it is though it.
02:59:32 I think it's the Jews I I think.
02:59:34 There's, I think this is like one of the missing puzzle pieces.
02:59:38 Like all these things don't make sense.
02:59:39 Like it it.
02:59:40 It's because this is the missing link.
02:59:44 And he got really uncomfortable and and told me not.
02:59:47 To tell anyone.
02:59:49 And told, you know, gave me the counsel.
Speaker 14
02:59:51 That a woman would.
02:59:54 You know, like, oh, don't.
02:59:55 Do that.
02:59:57 Because then then I won't be.
02:59:58 Able to brag about you to.
02:59:59 My friends cause you you'll go.
03:00:00 From being socially acceptable to a pariah.
03:00:07 And yeah, it's it's.
03:00:11 That's the kind of thing that's the way these people think.
03:00:14 You know, had I gone to him and said.
03:00:17 You know.
03:00:18 Hey, look, I look at this is the bell curve and all this other stuff.
03:00:22 He probably would have reacted in a similar way.
03:00:27 That's just and even though I I think he he this guy on a personal level, I don't think he understands that.
03:00:34 Maybe he doesn't.
03:00:34 I haven't talked.
03:00:35 This was part of this.
03:00:36 This started a rift.
03:00:38 And we haven't talked in in years now, partially because of the direction I went with my politics, right?
03:00:45 But I think.
03:00:47 I think having grown up with this guy in diverse neighborhoods.
03:00:52 His experience with non whites.
03:00:54 He'd be crazy to think that there wasn't some kind of genetic difference between races, but I think even if I had told him about the bell curve stuff.
03:01:05 He might not have reacted as.
03:01:11 I don't know strongly, but he would have, he would have said something similar.
03:01:15 He would have said Ohh I'd keep.
03:01:16 That to yourself.
03:01:18 I wouldn't talk about that and that's just how most people are.
03:01:21 They're afraid of of, of being ostracized, they're afraid.
03:01:26 Paying any kind of price for their convictions because they, you know, they just don't have convictions, I guess.
03:01:34 Jay Ray, 1981.
03:01:44 Coming in late, but much respect.
03:01:46 Hold on.
03:01:46 I have a link.
03:01:48 Yeah, you better not.
03:01:55 Ohio would you do an interview with handsome Truth?
03:02:00 Like I said, I it's nothing against him or any of the other people that you guys talk about for me to do interviews with.
03:02:06 It's a technical.
03:02:10 Limitation that I've got, you know having.
03:02:13 Doing the stream.
03:02:15 It it it sometimes still chokes when I'm just doing the regular stream and for me to be able to stream someone in patch, someone in and do the stream at the same time, I don't think that the connection.
03:02:27 Would be able to handle it.
03:02:29 Plus it's not really my.
03:02:31 My format, but yeah, I don't know I I.
03:02:34 Know of him?
03:02:36 I don't know that I've seen a lot of stuff that he's in, but I know who he is and I don't have anything.
03:02:41 Against him or like that.
03:02:44 But yeah, it's just not.
03:02:47 I don't.
03:02:47 I don't really do.
03:02:49 Maybe someday.
03:02:51 You know, maybe as my Internet gets.
03:02:53 Better, there's a lot of people that.
03:02:55 That you guys have asked that I I do a stream.
03:02:57 With and.
03:03:00 You know, like I said, I'm open to it.
03:03:02 It's just.
03:03:03 That's not really what I do.
03:03:09 Jay Ray, 19.
03:03:10 And one just came back from a little town in Rhode Island, by the way, Super Yankee Pro Faag.
03:03:17 But a big ******* difference from Las Vegas.
03:03:20 These people are surrounded by their own until they aren't.
03:03:23 But it's.
03:03:24 But it's their worldview, Jewish suicide.
03:03:27 I guess.
03:03:27 Wait, hold on.
03:03:29 Just came back from a little town in Rhode Island, by the way.
03:03:33 Super Yankee pro fab.
03:03:35 But a big ******* difference from Las Vegas.
03:03:39 These people are surrounded by their own.
03:03:41 Well, yeah.
03:03:42 If you're talking about the the, the, the White Northeast or the the, I guess increasingly less white northeast.
03:03:49 Yeah, it's, it's, it's out of.
03:03:50 A lack of proximity.
03:03:52 That these people have the views that.
03:03:53 They have and unfortunately they don't really get it until it's too late.
03:03:59 Because the only way to fix that lack of proximity is to have proximity.
03:04:04 And by that time, the the the ingredients have been added to the cake.
03:04:07 Batter can't take them back.
03:04:09 Out there, they're they're mixed in.
03:04:13 But I suspect that's that's going to be why they get welcomed in.
03:04:16 That's why places like Maine are trying to solve their their lack of diversity problem.
03:04:26 Because then you know that too many white people concentrated in one area is a is a problem.
03:04:35 Land of the fake home of the gay.
03:04:38 Thank you for everything you do, Mr.
03:04:40 Well, I appreciate the support land of the fake home of the gang.
03:04:45 The pill dispenser, the Scorpion and frog is a short animal fable. This is another $5 for your education. Very condescending of you pill dispenser.
03:04:58 But let me I'll take a look at this.
03:05:00 Let me see what is this.
03:05:03 Why not?
03:05:05 Let's see.
03:05:05 Let's see your wacky idea.
03:05:14 I still don't know.
03:05:15 How a scorpion gets a nose.
03:05:24 Yeah, I mean, I don't know.
03:05:30 I don't know. I don't.
03:05:31 Know that I'm feeling it.
03:05:37 The synopsis is a scorpion wants to cross the river but cannot swim, so it asks the frog if it'll carry it across.
03:05:44 The frog hesitates, afraid the scorpion might sting it, but the scorpion promises not to point out that it would drown if it killed the frog.
03:05:51 In the middle of the river, the frog considers this argument sensible and agrees to transport the scorpion midway across the river.
03:05:57 The scorpion stings the frog anyway.
03:05:59 Doing them both, the dying frog asked the scorpion why it stung, despite knowing the consequences to which the Scorpion replies.
03:06:06 I'm sorry, but I couldn't resist the urge.
03:06:09 It's in my nature.
03:06:13 Well, there you.
03:06:14 I guess it used to be the scorpion and the turtle, huh?
03:06:24 How does Scorpion Sting a turtle with a turtle shell?
03:06:26 I don't understand that.
03:06:28 Also, that's a really tiny turtle or a really big scorpion.
03:06:35 I mean, I don't know.
03:06:37 I'll think about it.
03:06:38 I'm not.
03:06:39 To be honest, I'm not.
03:06:39 I'm not feeling it.
03:06:41 I'll tell you what, even if I if I did do that, I I wouldn't put a nose on.
03:06:44 A scorpion, I think that would just look ridiculous.
03:06:47 Banana peeled revelation says that there will be a World War against the Israelites, and the liars will be exposed along with the technologies revealed that overtakes the treat.
03:06:58 Or the threat.
03:06:59 The treat white pill are we seeing the world at war with whites, and do you think we are the biblical Israelites?
03:07:09 Tia, I've been a long time listener.
03:07:14 What does Tia stand for again?
03:07:21 Indian Africans, I mean, I don't, I don't know.
03:07:26 UM.
03:07:29 Revolutions says the world at war against the Israelites and the liars will be exposed along with the technologies revealed overtakes.
Speaker 14
03:07:36 OK.
03:07:38 I mean, I don't know.
03:07:39 I don't know how much I I buy into revelations, quite frankly.
03:07:43 I just don't.
03:07:44 I don't know that.
03:07:45 And I think that one of the problems with the way Christians on the right are thinking right now and maybe they've always been kind of like this.
03:07:53 Is they if you?
03:07:55 If you go back in history.
03:07:57 They've always thought that we're in the end times.
03:08:01 Right Mormons is a perfect example.
03:08:03 When they were first found in the church, you know the full name of the Mormon Church is the Church of Jesus Christ of.
03:08:09 Latter Day Saints.
03:08:11 And the way that it was sold was that we are in the the last days before Christ comes back and.
03:08:19 You know that.
Speaker 13
03:08:21 What you what?
03:08:22 You're talking what happens like revelations happens, and there's a big war and all this other stuff.
03:08:27 And if you were to have if.
03:08:28 You were to go back in time.
03:08:30 And ask the Mormons during World War One.
03:08:35 Ohh is this?
03:08:36 Is this the big war?
03:08:37 Is this when Jesus is going to come back?
03:08:38 They would have said yes.
03:08:40 If you went back in time and asked the Mormons during World War 20, is this the time that Jesus comes back? They.
03:08:46 Would have said yes.
03:08:48 And I think that there's this.
03:08:54 Tendency of Christians to think that ohh well, this big war, this conflict where we inevitably win.
03:09:03 Is is it's a.
03:09:06 Well, it's inevitable.
03:09:08 And and so in extreme situations, people like the custards are hatched.
03:09:16 Where they think that ohh no, we just have to trust the plan.
03:09:18 We just have to sit back and do nothing.
03:09:20 Trust the plan and you know God's chosen leaders like Trump will rescue us.
03:09:27 He'll be this messianic figure that will come in and save us all from the the pedos and and whatever.
03:09:32 Right.
03:09:34 I think that's an extreme example.
03:09:36 But I think that you'd be silly to think that that custards are not really it.
03:09:42 To some degree a product of Christianity almost like a spinoff of Christianity.
03:09:48 And I think that Christians are susceptible to that way of thinking, thinking that, oh, don't worry, no matter how bad it gets, we're going to have this big conflict somehow, and we win somehow.
03:10:01 And because it's, it's preordained.
03:10:05 We don't have to a do anything to make the conflict come about B be worried about the outcome of the conflict because it's preordained that we're going to win.
03:10:16 And C's really do much of anything, because everything's in God's hands and everything is preordained.
03:10:28 Look, maybe it is preordained or whatever, I don't know.
03:10:33 That's a that's a.
03:10:36 That makes you really ineffectual.
03:10:42 It makes you very passive.
03:10:46 When it comes to.
03:10:48 Moving the wheels of history.
03:10:54 And so I I try not to.
03:10:58 I'm trying to look at stuff like revelations or and and and try.
03:11:01 To like because.
03:11:03 You know, look, if you want to go by the Bible in terms of trying to determine when, like, the the big conflict at the end where good wins happens.
03:11:10 It also says that no one's going.
03:11:11 To know that.
03:11:12 The day it happens.
03:11:13 So me trying to figure it out.
03:11:15 It would be useless because God says it's.
03:11:18 I wouldn't be able to figure it out so.
03:11:20 When people obsess about this and try to like determine when, when exactly the day is that that this is going to happen or are are we in, are we in it?
03:11:28 Now it's.
03:11:29 Like, well, even.
03:11:30 If we were, we wouldn't know and and 2nd.
03:11:33 Of all it's.
03:11:35 I don't like.
03:11:36 I don't like treating everything or life as.
03:11:40 Has some kind of neatly.
03:11:45 Put together a movie script where there's a beginning, middle of an end, and I'm the main character and at the end of the movie all of my problems are resolved.
03:11:53 That's just not how history works.
03:11:54 That's not how human existence has ever worked.
03:11:58 That's why movies I think are so soothing to us because it it's how we want it to work right.
03:12:04 We want there to be a, a, A beginning and a middle and an end to everything, because we're not creatures that are capable of of really.
03:12:15 Conceptualizing Infinity, right?
03:12:19 Like because nothing in our world.
03:12:23 Is infinite well.
03:12:24 I mean, think there's lots of things that are, but like, not things that we are are perceiving right, like.
03:12:33 If you get a sandwich right for lunch, your lunch has a beginning, a.
03:12:36 Middle and an end.
03:12:38 Your your wife's pregnancy as a beginning, a middle and an end. You know everything that we experience in life has a beginning and middle and an end. And in the beginning, you know, things are usually kind of good in the middle. There's usually some kind of conflict at the end the conflict is resolved.
03:12:53 And and and not always a happy ending.
03:12:56 But you know that's we're as an optimist, you know.
03:13:01 As optimistically as humans try to be, that's.
03:13:04 That's the the outcome that.
03:13:06 We all hope for, right?
03:13:09 I just think it's it's it's, it's not a good way to look at things and it holds us back.
03:13:15 I think it holds the right wing.
03:13:17 Back to to think that there's some kind of preorder.
03:13:21 Chained solution to our problems, like we don't have to sit there and solve it ourselves, that we don't have to be the ones moving the wheels of history because you know it's all pre written, it's all, it's all we're just following the script that someone else we're.
03:13:38 All just we're.
03:13:39 All just pawns and someone else's game.
03:13:42 I don't like that that way of of looking at it, and even if a lot of Christians maybe don't consciously view things that way, I think they all, almost all subconsciously view it that way.
03:13:53 On some level, I'll tell you what.
03:13:54 I've talked to my mom, for example, about some of these big problems and other boomers, lots of boomers, in fact.
03:14:01 I when you get to a point in the conversation where things are kind of bleak sounding and there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of comfortable solutions, easy solutions to the problems you'll hear like basically the same thing over and over and over again.
03:14:17 They always say, well, you know, on the bright side, you know.
03:14:21 We we we win in the end.
03:14:24 And it's like well.
03:14:26 How do you know?
03:14:28 And, and let's say you do.
03:14:30 How do you?
03:14:30 Know the end is not in 700 years.
03:14:33 You know what if what if you're born in the very beginning of the story?
03:14:38 What if you don't even make it to the second act because the story is so long?
03:14:42 700 years long.
03:14:44 So you by the time you die, we haven't even gotten to the the real conflict yet, you know, I.
03:14:50 Mean like people?
03:14:51 People don't think about things like like this and it it I don't.
03:14:54 Know it, kind of.
03:14:56 Frustrates me, so I don't know if that really answers what you were saying, but I don't.
03:15:01 I don't look at Scripture and think that like I can somehow determine where we are in the in the narrative of the universe.
03:15:10 UM Night Nation review still hoping I can get you to come on for an interview soon. Devin doesn't have to be incredibly long, but even for an hour or two would be awesome.
03:15:19 Night nation.
03:15:20 Yeah, I've been meaning to contact you.
03:15:22 I've just been preoccupied with some stuff around here.
03:15:29 Yeah, I've been meaning you and like a handful of other people.
03:15:32 Have been.
03:15:33 Getting after me to to go on on there and that's my plan. Like I was saying, I'm. I'm probably going to dial back the Wednesday streams and do the Saturday streams, but maybe during the week going other people's streams while I work on the the book and try to get that out sooner rather than later.
03:15:53 It's just hard.
03:15:54 It's hard to to.
03:15:57 Get in the zone and work on the book and then always have it in your head that well in two days or maybe tomorrow.
03:16:04 I got to do a stream and I don't, you know, I haven't researched anything yet or or maybe I have and I need to do more research or I need to come up with an idea.
03:16:11 I don't even know what to.
03:16:11 Do you know?
03:16:12 Like you always like?
03:16:13 For me at least, this is like my job.
03:16:16 You know, I think about this.
03:16:17 Every day I think about streaming.
03:16:19 I don't.
03:16:22 You know what?
03:16:22 I'm going to stream about just divinely.
03:16:24 It's something I have to think about a lot, and sometimes I don't know until just a few hours before I go live, you know?
03:16:30 And some and and it's not because I was neglecting it because, like, sometimes you just think of a bunch of stream ideas and they're all ******.
03:16:37 And and three days into it, you're.
03:16:39 Like ohh no like that.
03:16:41 That, that actually sounds cool, you know?
03:16:42 And and.
03:16:44 It's hard to be in the zone and and writing and and editing, even if.
03:16:51 If you've always got that in the.
03:16:52 Back of your mind.
03:16:53 But if it's once a week, it's not such a big deal, so I'm probably going to be moving.
03:16:56 Over to like.
03:16:57 I said doing some.
03:16:58 Of you know, being like a a guest on other people's streams for a while until I get that.
03:17:03 Book all wrapped up all.
03:17:05 Right guys.
03:17:05 Well, I think that's it.
03:17:08 Let me look at regular chat here.
03:17:10 Make sure because it's doing some weird.
03:17:11 It's giving me some error message.
03:17:14 Saying that, uh.
03:17:17 Saying that the chat is not syncing.
03:17:23 Let's see here.
03:17:29 And that's doing it again.
03:17:30 Let me pop it out again here.
03:17:39 Uh, maybe it's working.
03:17:47 Alright, I think that's it.
Speaker 2
03:17:51 All right.
03:17:51 Well, I hope you.
03:17:52 Guys have a good rest of your.
03:17:53 Week I hope if you're anywhere in the American Southwest that you're trying to stay cool.
03:17:58 I'm trying to stay cool.
03:18:02 Even though I kind of upgraded my my cooling technology here, it's been rough.
03:18:06 It's rough when like it never cools off right, like even at night it doesn't cool off.
03:18:12 So it's just the the the temperature.
03:18:16 It it gets tough.
03:18:17 Like right now I'm just sweating.
03:18:18 I'm just, I'm just sitting.
03:18:21 White, my shirt is soaked all the way through.
03:18:24 I'm just sitting here.
03:18:27 And that's just how it is like from.
03:18:30 Like by 9:00 in the morning, it's already it's starting like it's already starting.
03:18:36 And by 10:00 AM it's full on it.
03:18:39 And then.
03:18:41 And you get into the.
03:18:41 Triple digits and then it stays that way.
03:18:45 And and not like.
03:18:46 It's not like when the sun goes down like normally.
03:18:49 In the desert, when the sun goes down down the the temperature drops dramatically. Like pretty, pretty quickly, but it's been so hot, you know, like, let's just as an example, let's say it's 115 outside, which has been in the last.
03:19:03 Days, even if it drops 10 degrees, it's it's 105 out still.
03:19:09 And it's been like it's.
03:19:10 Been like close to 100 at like.
03:19:13 Like 10:00 at night. It's still like you're like God. Come on.
03:19:18 And so I'll start the stream and it's like the the AC is just struggling to keep up by the time it actually is able to cool the house down, it's like four or five in the.
03:19:27 Morning. And then if you feel like it like a human again until again like till 10:00 in the morning.
03:19:34 You have like this six hour window where you feel kind of normal and.
03:19:37 Then if I have to go do any bee stuff.
03:19:39 Wearing wearing my suit when it's like 100 degrees outside.
03:19:45 Uh, it's been bad.
03:19:47 But hopefully you guys are escaping that if you live in this this region that it's not even just this region of the country.
03:19:54 Apparently there's places.
03:19:55 All over the.
03:19:56 The South and all over, even the Midwest, they're getting hunt my, my.
03:20:01 My parents live in the Midwest and they were having temperatures that were getting into the triple digits, which is shocking because it doesn't usually get that hot and no rain, no rain for a long time.
03:20:14 Usually when it gets hot like this in the summers, at least every once in a while you get some rain that cools it off.
03:20:20 That's usually when you get your rain in the in the in the desert and no rain.
03:20:25 It's just dry and hot.
03:20:26 I guess it's better than wet and hot, like where it.
03:20:28 Is where my.
03:20:29 Family is anyway hope you guys all had a wonderful week so far.
03:20:33 Hope you have a wonderful rest.
03:20:34 Of your week for Black Pill Lyme, of course.
Speaker 14
03:20:40 Demon stick well, as you all know, today is national Hot Dog Day, and perhaps you also know that hot dog is my favorite meat.
Speaker 7
03:20:42 You all.
Speaker 14
03:20:49 I love hot dogs.
03:20:51 I love them in buns.
03:20:53 I love them outside of buns.
03:20:54 I love them with baked beans.
03:20:55 I just like hot dogs.
03:20:57 It's the best, you know, best meat there is without question.
03:21:00 So to all of you who, like me, are celebrating national Hot Dog Day, congratulations to you.
03:21:06 And may there be many, many more hot dogs served in our wonderful land.
Speaker 4
03:21:38 I'm always stealing.
03:21:40 It's not my fault.
03:21:42 I steal electric **** like brand new stereo.
03:21:47 I was in prison.
03:21:47 When I was born, I die in.
03:21:52 Jail for being black because.
03:21:53 That's my home.
03:21:55 I got your cell phone in my pocket.
03:21:57 I got your Jordans on my beat.
03:22:00 Your front door, if you like it.
03:22:02 Forgotten I can't help it if I should lift nothing to ever handed.
03:22:07 To me, want some sunny needs?
03:22:09 Some chocolate and some.
03:22:12 Stealing your fight, your bed, and your clothes.
03:22:17 Your Wi-Fi password next door.
Speaker 5
03:22:25 I'm just black.
Speaker 4
03:22:31 Because I'm black, black, black, determined.
03:22:56 I stole this car.
03:22:59 It comes with leather seat and their conditioner with power steering.
03:23:05 And cruise control.
03:23:07 And flashing lights behind me everywhere I go.
03:23:11 Hijacked your Android.
03:23:14 Get back to you on the streets while they call this the black market.
03:23:20 Feel your hot boy when you park it and take your wife into the beach, you should have locked it twice when you like it.
03:23:28 Spend every night in jail.
03:23:31 All alone.
03:23:33 I sail trucks since I was one years old and I was two, I was shot.
Speaker 5
03:23:39 In the shoulder.
03:23:41 I'm just a blackie, just a blackie.
03:23:44 Just come on man.
Speaker 4
03:23:51 Determined in advance fans fans born in jail, you never had a chance.
03:23:57 Chance, chance.
03:23:59 Chance picked up by some circumstances.
Speaker 6
03:24:03 Stop stealing.
Speaker 4
03:24:14 I just can't.
Speaker 6
03:24:22 Let me tell you a little.
03:24:23 Something I'm.
03:24:26 I stole your stuff.
03:24:27 I'm brown.
03:24:27 I stole your stuff, brown.
03:24:30 I stole your.
Speaker 4
03:24:31 Brown. I stole.
03:24:41 Because I'm.
03:24:50 Chance. Chance. Chance.
03:24:53 OK.
03:24:56 Actually I looks like I missed.
03:24:59 I saw a Glock 23 said I didn't read his.
03:25:02 Chat I was looking here.
03:25:04 And I don't see one.
03:25:06 The hyper chat thing was.
03:25:07 Screwing up, but I do not see one.
03:25:12 And I was scrolling through to see if I'd missed any others.
03:25:20 I might have missed one.
03:25:22 Let's see here.
03:25:24 But yeah, Glock 23.
03:25:25 Years isn't showing up on my end at all.
Speaker 7
03:25:27 You made it.
03:25:29 Here alone, right.
03:25:31 OK.
03:25:31 Let's see here.
03:25:32 OK, so there is.
03:25:37 Hi, Devon.
03:25:37 Oftentimes these Jewish white collar criminals go to federal prison in New York called Otisville.
03:25:43 It's pretty nice for them.
03:25:45 They can have kosher food and pass over Cedars, Trump's attorney Michael Cohen, was there in 2020. Don't know if Weinstein was there, maybe known as Jew.
03:25:58 Yeah, I'm not sure.
03:25:59 I didn't look to see where he went to jail, but I I'm pretty sure he went to federal prison.
03:26:02 So that's.
03:26:04 Yeah, that's probably.
03:26:05 That's probably where he went.
03:26:06 Alright, let me I'm I'm.
03:26:07 Just going to scroll through.
03:26:08 Here, for those of you who are still left.
03:26:12 I don't know if I'm I.
03:26:13 I'm hoping I didn't.
03:26:13 Miss any. Let's see here.
03:26:20 Yeah, I don't, I don't.
03:26:21 See yours Glock 23.
03:26:24 And I don't see any of the.
03:26:25 Other ones I might have missed.
03:26:30 So sorry if I missed your.
03:26:32 Is it the the hyper chat thing was was glitching out?
03:26:35 The whole string, so I don't know if I missed anybody else.
03:26:39 If I did, I apologize.
03:26:41 I apologize, but alright.
03:26:45 You guys have a good night.
Speaker 7
03:26:47 Devin stack out.
03:27:09 Let's let's talk to Steven.
03:27:11 He's on a cell in New York.
03:27:13 Hey, how you doing, Steven?
Speaker 15
03:27:16 I'm good. How are you?
Speaker 7
03:27:17 Guys, not too bad.
Speaker 1
03:27:17 I'm good.
03:27:18 I'm good.
03:27:18 We're good.
03:27:19 What you got?
Speaker 15
03:27:21 So I I hear you guys talking about this FBI thing.
03:27:24 You know, I I just think it's absolutely.
03:27:26 What's going on in our country today?
03:27:27 And it really says something about the state.
03:27:29 Of our policies and.
03:27:31 Something I realized is, you know, have you guys ever heard of the FBI?
03:27:34 You know, like, about beekeeping?
Speaker 9
03:27:37 About what? I'm sorry, beekeeping.
Speaker 1
03:27:39 No, I haven't heard that.
Speaker 6
03:27:43 Oh, no, you haven't. No.
03:27:44 I haven't. We're waiting.
Speaker 15
03:27:45 Don't you?
Speaker 2
03:27:47 I'm sorry you broke up a little bit.
Speaker 3
03:27:51 Are you?
03:27:52 You know what?
03:27:53 We lost them.
Speaker 5
03:27:53 Now I want to know.
03:27:54 Yeah. What the?
03:27:55 Hell's beekeeping got to do with the FBI.