

Speaker 1
00:04:27 I try not.
00:00:07 I try to crank.
00:00:26 I see.
00:00:34 Boiling water down.
00:00:37 What a love daughter.
00:00:39 She is not.
00:01:09 Right.
00:01:32 Can't see.
Speaker 2
00:01:50 Well, that was an abrupt ending.
Speaker 3
00:01:53 I thought I was.
00:01:54 Going to going to do some cross fading action.
00:01:56 There, but I guess I was.
00:01:59 I was wrong.
00:02:00 I'm a little tired.
00:02:02 A little bit tired.
00:02:07 Did another.
00:02:10 Little stretch of hiking and then I.
Speaker 2
00:02:11 Slept until about.
00:02:14 Well, I don't.
00:02:15 Know about 15 minutes ago?
00:02:17 That's so.
00:02:18 If the stream's a little bit.
00:02:19 Late. That's my fault.
00:02:22 I was a little bit in sleepy town there for a.
00:02:25 I was actually not going to.
Speaker 2
00:02:26 Do the stream and I was like, OK, I.
00:02:28 Should probably message.
00:02:30 That you're not.
00:02:30 Yeah, just post that.
00:02:32 You're not doing the street.
00:02:34 I'm thinking of this to myself as I'm, like, falling asleep in bed.
Speaker 2
00:02:39 And then I I apparently didn't do that.
00:02:43 And then I I came.
00:02:44 I I came to.
Speaker 2
00:02:45 You know, suddenly, suddenly I was awake.
00:02:49 And then I got my my phone was.
00:02:52 Like how did.
00:02:52 I post something about not doing the stream and I looked and no I didn't I.
00:02:56 Gotta do it then so.
Speaker 2
00:02:59 I'm, I'm awake.
00:03:00 I'm here.
00:03:01 I'm here to.
00:03:01 Do it.
00:03:03 It's all good.
00:03:03 I actually wanted to stream there.
00:03:05 There is some things I wanted to talk about.
00:03:09 I'm preparing a epic stream for for Saturday night.
Speaker 2
00:03:14 That's in a weird way, kind of.
00:03:17 In a in a way.
00:03:18 It's it's like.
Speaker 2
00:03:19 In a remote way.
00:03:21 It's tied to Tucker Carlson's book.
Speaker 2
00:03:24 But not really.
00:03:27 But that's all I'll say about.
Speaker 5
00:03:28 That for right now.
00:03:29 Because it requires more preparation.
00:03:32 But the the things I wanted to talk about tonight.
00:03:38 Is it?
00:03:39 It's it's it's kind of shocking how quickly we're some of these things, man.
00:03:45 Some of these mandates and and.
00:03:47 How quickly we've, we've.
00:03:50 Fallen from just that.
00:03:52 We need a couple.
00:03:53 Of weeks to to flatten the curve, guys, it's OK.
00:03:58 Don't worry about it.
00:04:01 We're just going to have you stay home.
00:04:04 For a couple of weeks.
00:04:11 So now we've got.
00:04:13 The CDC.
00:04:16 Putting moratoriums on.
00:04:23 With with zero authority to do that.
00:04:26 And look, I get it.
00:04:27 You might say to.
00:04:28 Yourself. Oh, by the way.
00:04:30 Devin Stack here.
00:04:31 This is the insomnia stream.
00:04:33 Live from the pillbox.
00:04:35 I always forget I just assume.
00:04:36 You guys like hey?
00:04:37 How's it going anyway?
00:04:39 I I get if you don't like landlords, I don't like landlords.
00:04:45 I I think.
00:04:46 There's probably a.
00:04:46 Lot of ****** people that this is going to be.
00:04:50 A really funny.
Speaker 2
00:04:51 Thing to have happened to them in a way.
00:04:54 But not everyone that.
00:04:55 This is happening to is a ****** person, but on top of.
00:04:58 That it doesn't matter.
Speaker 2
00:05:00 It doesn't matter.
00:05:02 We are, we are.
Speaker 2
00:05:04 Giving unilateral and kind of a frightening amount of power.
00:05:11 To unelected bureaucrats.
00:05:14 That that things that it's totally unrelated to what it is they're supposed to do.
00:05:19 The CDC.
00:05:21 Is in charge of of evictions.
00:05:24 What what?
00:05:29 But here we are.
Speaker 2
00:05:31 Here we are.
00:05:34 And uh, so that's happening.
00:05:37 And you've got governors of states.
00:05:40 Who are just dictating what what you wear on your face?
00:05:46 What you wear on your face?
Speaker 2
00:05:56 And so that's.
00:05:59 That's happening and no one's.
00:06:02 No one's putting this no one.
00:06:03 'S No one's stopping.
00:06:04 You know, you look at the these.
00:06:06 This footage of the.
00:06:07 Way France is reacting to the mandates and to like the the vaccine vaccine passport.
00:06:14 Stuff which now they're doing in New York.
Speaker 2
00:06:18 They're doing it in New York.
00:06:21 You know, you saw the the the reaction of France, that reaction does not exist in America.
00:06:28 And who knows, is it is it demographic related? Is it cheetah related? Is it? Uh, you know, NPC's watching Netflix for a year straight working from home or I don't know.
00:06:41 But it's not, it doesn't matter.
00:06:43 This I just.
00:06:44 I never suspected that you.
00:06:45 Would get a reaction.
00:06:47 And you could see this because the last time they were doing this stuff, what?
00:06:51 What did we what was our big claim to?
00:06:53 Ohh look this based Jim is staying open.
00:06:57 There's a gym.
00:06:58 Look at Jim.
00:06:59 There's a gym refusing to close.
00:07:03 Out of all America, there's this gym.
00:07:07 And they destroyed that gym and.
Speaker 2
00:07:08 You know that Speaking of.
00:07:09 Just unilateral, you know, illegal power they they seize.
00:07:14 Their bank account.
00:07:16 That gym was like, hey, you know, we need donations.
00:07:19 Send us donations.
00:07:21 Because it was.
Speaker 2
00:07:21 Like the only thing doing, I think people did.
00:07:23 They sent them like millions of dollars.
00:07:26 I don't know the exact.
00:07:27 Amount it was a.
00:07:27 Lot of money and the the state.
00:07:30 Was just like yoink.
00:07:33 Not not your money anymore.
Speaker 3
00:07:40 Ohh God I.
00:07:48 So now you've got federal workers.
00:07:53 Told they have to.
00:07:55 Get the vaccine.
00:07:56 And then I believe it was today, now active active duty military.
00:08:04 Has to get the vaccine.
00:08:08 The vaccine that's not really a vaccine.
00:08:13 Now here's the really ****** ** thing.
Speaker 2
00:08:17 The really ****** ** thing is.
00:08:22 We're kind of in a between a rock and.
00:08:24 A hard place.
00:08:26 Because by by resisting it.
Speaker 2
00:08:31 By not getting the vaccine.
00:08:34 In in A and again in a.
00:08:36 ****** ** way.
00:08:37 By not going.
Speaker 2
00:08:38 Along with it, you're kind of in.
00:08:40 The eyes of of the people.
Speaker 2
00:08:42 Taking the vaccine at least.
00:08:45 You're you're justifying.
00:08:48 All the the crazy **** they want to do.
00:08:52 You know, like if everyone just for example.
00:08:56 If the government came out and said.
00:08:58 Everyone has to get the vaccine.
00:09:01 And then just.
00:09:01 Everyone did like the next day, they all just like lined up.
Speaker 2
00:09:05 Got it.
00:09:07 It'd be a hard sell the the.
00:09:08 Vaccine passport stuff.
00:09:10 Right?
00:09:11 Because what you'd.
00:09:12 Say, well, why would we need this?
00:09:13 Everyone just.
00:09:14 Goes and gets it.
00:09:16 Why do we need to have proof of it?
00:09:20 Well, because there's people misbehaving.
Speaker 2
00:09:25 Disobeying their their.
00:09:29 Very strong suggestions that you put their mystery.
Speaker 2
00:09:32 Potion into your body.
00:09:36 They can say, well, that's why that's.
00:09:37 Why we need it?
00:09:40 We need it because of all these.
Speaker 2
00:09:41 ******** that won't take it.
00:09:46 So in a.
00:09:46 ****** ** way.
00:09:47 It's like, you know, you're giving them the argument.
00:09:51 But what?
00:09:51 What do you what do?
00:09:52 You do what are.
00:09:53 You supposed to do.
00:09:56 It's so brilliant the way they've rolled this out.
00:10:00 And you're starting to see that these, uh, these checks, right?
00:10:06 These checks that they're they're sending out these stimulus checks that, I mean this this stimulus check bullshit's been I mean.
00:10:15 Look, it was started by Trump.
00:10:17 Both sides both sides are in on this stuff.
Speaker 2
00:10:20 This is what they want.
00:10:23 They they want to and you know you had. Andrew Yang runs almost specifically to to to try the the idea of Ubi.
Speaker 2
00:10:33 Out on the public and like you had.
00:10:36 A lot of people, people like.
00:10:37 Oh, I mean.
00:10:39 The America first people saying yeah.
00:10:42 I want my Yang Bucks, $1000 a month.
00:10:44 Woo, you know the country's.
00:10:45 Going to burn.
00:10:46 I want my 1000 bucks a month on the way down and.
Speaker 2
00:10:48 Look, I get the sentiment behind that.
00:10:52 But here's the problem, and a lot of.
00:10:55 People are going to look at.
Speaker 2
00:10:56 It that way too.
00:10:57 I mean I.
00:10:58 Don't know the America for it was like.
00:11:00 A phase or a joke or whatever.
00:11:01 And maybe not so much those guys anymore, but.
00:11:04 Or maybe who knows?
00:11:06 But a lot of people are.
00:11:08 Going to say hey *******.
00:11:09 It's a free $1000 right, free money.
Speaker 2
00:11:16 I can live off that.
00:11:19 And this isn't anything new, I remember Pelosi.
Speaker 2
00:11:23 Back when Obama was president.
00:11:26 Talking about how we needed something like this because you know how else are we supposed to have great artists and poets?
00:11:33 In our society.
00:11:35 If we're not subsidizing them and that as a society, we needed to have, you know, free money for everybody, so that if you didn't want to work you.
00:11:45 Didn't have to work.
00:11:47 And then you could be we we would.
00:11:49 Be creating all these great works of art.
00:11:56 So what's going to happen is is.
Speaker 2
00:11:59 This free money.
00:12:02 We'll get priced in.
Speaker 3
00:12:05 You know, because.
00:12:06 We're we're staying free market just enough, right, just.
00:12:09 Enough to where?
00:12:11 Well, we can just, we can still kind of call.
00:12:14 It oh, no, it's the free.
00:12:15 Look it.
00:12:16 They're a private company.
00:12:17 They can do what they want.
00:12:19 We're gonna. We're gonna.
00:12:20 Hang on to just.
00:12:21 Enough free market for that to be reality, right?
00:12:24 We're going to hang on to free market just.
00:12:26 Enough so that the.
00:12:27 The corporatocracy is still defining prices and still still.
Speaker 2
00:12:33 Controlling the market, right?
00:12:36 And if they understand that, everyone just will just say the thousand.
00:12:40 Dollar thing, right?
00:12:42 Everyone they know like well.
Speaker 2
00:12:43 Everyone gets $1000 no matter what.
00:12:47 Every month everyone has $1000.
00:12:53 Well, it's kind of.
Speaker 2
00:12:54 Like with with raising the minimum wage.
00:12:58 They raised the minimum wage and then the market, if you will, responds by laying off workers, raising prices because you know these capitalists, they're not.
00:13:10 Going to I I.
00:13:11 Guess I'll just make less money now, you know they're.
00:13:14 That's the problem with capitalism, right?
Speaker 2
00:13:17 Is it's driven by greed.
00:13:20 That's admittedly, it's.
00:13:21 That's the whole point of.
00:13:22 It right, it's.
00:13:23 It's a system that that says, you know, well since people are just greedy self-centered *****. Anyway, let's let's let's make an entire system around that.
00:13:37 So all right.
00:13:39 If that's the case.
00:13:41 People are gonna be trying.
00:13:42 To get that 1000 bucks.
00:13:46 They're just going to assume you've got that 1000 bucks.
00:13:51 It's going to get priced in.
00:13:55 We'll get more expensive.
00:13:58 Because they know.
00:13:59 You've got the money.
00:14:02 They know you've got the money.
00:14:05 Rent will get more expensive.
00:14:07 What I mean.
Speaker 2
00:14:07 You can't pay rent.
00:14:10 You got 1000.
00:14:10 Bucks coming to you every month no matter what.
00:14:12 You do.
00:14:18 You know, Speaking of the landlords, the landlords love that.
00:14:26 And eventually, just like with the, you know, raising.
00:14:28 The minimum wage thing, right?
00:14:29 What will happen?
Speaker 2
00:14:30 Is it'll be like nothing happened.
00:14:33 You know, for the people that it was supposed to fix, like the people making the minimum wage.
00:14:39 Because the.
00:14:42 Everything got more expensive.
00:14:44 It's effectively they make the same amount of money.
00:14:48 Right.
00:14:50 And then for everyone.
Speaker 2
00:14:51 That didn't get the minimum wage raise.
00:14:55 They just make less money.
00:14:57 Because everything got more expensive, but they didn't get, you know, a government mandated raise.
00:15:05 Well, the same thing is going to happen with this this $1000 a month thing.
00:15:12 Everyone, that's super poor.
00:15:15 Eventually, after I don't, I don't know how long.
Speaker 2
00:15:18 It will take probably won't take super long, but after.
00:15:20 A while.
00:15:22 That money will get priced in.
00:15:25 And so the Super poor.
00:15:27 It'll just be, I mean, because, like, rent instead of let's say, right now you can probably.
00:15:31 I mean, I haven't looked for rent in a little bit, but I would imagine you could probably still get places in certain parts of the country not.
00:15:37 I mean look, I like when I lived in in the San Francisco area, I was paying what was it?
00:15:45 I mean it was.
00:15:47 I want to say it was close to like 4 grand a month or something like that.
00:15:51 I mean it was.
00:15:51 A lot of money just for rent.
00:15:55 And you know, when I was, I lived in a studio in DC where, like a studio.
00:16:01 Like it was.
00:16:02 I mean, it was tiny.
00:16:04 It was, it was embarrassingly small.
00:16:09 And I was paying a few grand a month.
00:16:12 I don't remember exactly what it was.
00:16:13 I I remember I had to pay for my my parking space.
00:16:17 Like that was hundreds of dollars a month.
00:16:21 The parking space.
00:16:31 The market will just assume you've.
00:16:32 Got that extra 1000 bucks.
00:16:36 And so while right now you can probably find a place that's like $1000 or maybe even less in certain parts of the country.
00:16:42 And certainly if you like rent out a room somewhere, you could probably find something.
00:16:46 In the with in the.
00:16:47 Triple digit, you know range not anymore.
00:16:52 That'll all disappear, because even a homeless guy gets a.
Speaker 2
00:16:55 1000 bucks a month.
00:17:01 And because the prices of everything will go up and look, you don't think this is?
00:17:04 Going to cause inflation?
00:17:06 Giving everyone in the country $1000 a month, that's not going to cause inflation.
00:17:14 So if you said to yourself, well, I, you know, I don't make that a whole.
Speaker 2
00:17:18 Lot of money.
00:17:21 And I don't need.
Speaker 2
00:17:22 Your your ******* $1000 because.
00:17:25 This this kind of **** always.
00:17:27 Comes with strings attached.
00:17:30 It always does.
00:17:32 I mean, it does now right now if you get money from the government, it's never just like here's money and you don't have to do anything like or prove it.
00:17:42 You know, just if.
00:17:43 You get disability or you get food.
Speaker 2
00:17:45 Stamps you have.
00:17:46 I mean, there's there's.
00:17:46 Hoops you have to jump through, right?
00:17:51 And the government can decide that you don't get it anymore if you decide not.
00:17:54 To jump through the hoops.
00:17:57 Well, there's a.
00:17:58 Lot of things.
00:18:01 That they want you to be motivated to do.
00:18:07 And they can't constitutionally, which I mean barely matters anymore.
00:18:12 But it matters just enough still.
00:18:14 Right.
00:18:15 And it barely matters.
00:18:16 But it matters just enough so this this is like a great transition.
00:18:20 This is a great way.
00:18:22 It's another drip, drip, drip, drip, drip.
00:18:26 Right.
00:18:27 It's it's another way to slow boil it away.
00:18:33 What they can say?
00:18:35 You have to do XY and Z.
00:18:39 Or you don't get your 1000 bucks a month.
00:18:42 And that way it's it's not a fine.
00:18:45 We're not punishing you.
00:18:46 No, this is your choice.
00:18:50 This is all up to you.
00:18:53 You have the freedom to choose.
00:18:57 We're just saying.
00:18:58 That you you see, we, we.
Speaker 2
00:19:00 Are not taking money.
00:19:01 Away from you.
00:19:02 We're just saying.
00:19:02 That you don't get the free money every month.
00:19:06 Because you've chosen.
00:19:08 To do it your way and that's fine.
00:19:12 You don't want to get the vaccine.
00:19:13 That's fine.
00:19:17 You don't want your daughter to register for the draft.
00:19:19 That's fine.
00:19:27 You don't want.
00:19:28 To take the mandatory Holocaust training, that's fine.
00:19:34 You just don't get your 1000 bucks a.
00:19:36 Month. That's all.
00:19:38 That's your choice.
00:19:42 That's up to you.
00:19:50 And it effectively becomes a fine.
00:19:54 Because the market has it priced in.
00:20:05 It's ******* brilliant.
00:20:10 And you know it will work.
00:20:11 I mean.
00:20:12 All you have to do.
00:20:13 Is look all.
00:20:14 Around you, there are so many instances.
00:20:16 I can't tell you how many times I see posted on the Internet, regardless of what platform over and over and over people saying you know, I didn't really want to get the vaccine.
00:20:29 But I'm going to lose my job.
Speaker 2
00:20:32 So I'm going to get it.
00:20:40 You're ******* with people's survival.
00:20:46 Not a whole lot of.
00:20:47 People stand on principle these days.
00:20:50 There's people.
00:20:51 Look, there's a **** at.
Speaker 2
00:20:53 This point not.
00:20:54 A lot of people even talk.
00:20:55 A big game.
00:20:59 There's people that I I would say right now we're at a point where a lot of people will.
00:21:03 Talk a big game anonymously.
00:21:07 Right.
00:21:10 But we've seen.
00:21:11 This over and I've I've talked about.
00:21:12 This where there's people.
00:21:14 Well, no, I can't be open about my uh.
00:21:17 My views because.
00:21:20 I'll lose my job.
Speaker 2
00:21:23 Well, that's that's the.
00:21:24 That's the percentage that will comply.
00:21:29 It's a pretty high percentage.
00:21:37 You see what?
00:21:38 When I, when I talk about getting.
00:21:40 Out of the cities.
00:21:42 And trying to become self-sufficient.
00:21:46 We're talking about future proofing.
00:21:49 We're talking about knowing where this is going.
00:21:53 And yeah, is it gonna suck?
00:21:57 In in many ways, yes, it does suck it.
00:22:00 Like, trust me, it it's today.
00:22:02 It's kind of.
Speaker 3
00:22:02 Sucked today.
00:22:04 Today it was hot as hell and there's like this fly infestation because.
Speaker 2
00:22:09 One of my I.
00:22:11 I'm blaming there.
00:22:12 I think there's a compost pile.
Speaker 2
00:22:13 That my neighbor has that it's just.
00:22:16 Like a breeding ground.
00:22:17 And then these flies out here in.
00:22:19 The desert.
00:22:20 They're just like.
00:22:20 Little moisture and and and low temperature, you know.
00:22:24 Cause it's hot as.
00:22:25 Funk, they're just.
00:22:26 They see these little.
00:22:28 Cracks, you know, little cracks and crannies in in.
00:22:31 Your house, where all the the cool air is leaking.
Speaker 5
00:22:32 Very lucky.
00:22:34 And then they.
00:22:35 They zero in on that.
00:22:37 And because this place is old and there's lots of cracks under doors and things like that.
00:22:41 A shocking amount of them get.
Speaker 2
00:22:42 Into your house.
00:22:43 It's annoying as ****.
00:22:47 Anyway, but there's little things like that.
00:22:51 Yeah, it's not as it's not as fancy as living.
00:22:55 Even in that little box.
00:22:57 That I used.
00:22:57 To pay thousands of dollars a month.
00:23:01 To live in, in, in Washington, DC.
00:23:12 And there's and.
00:23:13 You know, there's even.
00:23:14 People that will say wow, if you want to fight the power, you got to.
00:23:16 Be in the city to fight the power.
00:23:20 Look, that's fine.
00:23:21 I think for a certain percentage of people.
00:23:24 But you also got.
00:23:25 You got to come to terms with.
00:23:26 The fact this.
00:23:26 Is a losing battle.
00:23:30 So is it good if you cover a retreat a little bit?
00:23:33 I guess I.
00:23:33 Mean, but that's.
00:23:37 We've already crossed the threshold.
00:23:41 There is a point of no return.
00:23:44 At a certain point, you're just.
00:23:47 You're you're, it's futile.
00:23:49 Yeah, I've talked about it.
00:23:50 It's like if you're in a rowboat.
00:23:53 Then you're drifting towards a waterfall.
00:23:57 There comes a point.
00:24:01 Where and and there's a I mean there there's.
Speaker 2
00:24:04 A real actual line you could draw.
00:24:09 Where the suction?
00:24:12 From the waterfall, the force pulling you towards the waterfalls edge.
00:24:19 Will be stronger than any force that you're physically capable of creating with the oars or paddling with your hands or whatever.
00:24:31 There will come a point.
00:24:34 You will crossover and no matter how.
00:24:38 Hard because you have a limitation.
00:24:41 No matter how hard you row, no matter how hard you paddle.
00:24:47 You're going over the edge.
00:24:51 All of your efforts, it's not for.
00:24:52 Nothing, I mean you.
00:24:53 Will you will certainly be able to slow down.
00:24:58 Your your progress towards the edge.
00:25:04 It will feel like you.
00:25:05 You have a choice.
00:25:08 You know, because you'll probably.
00:25:11 Drift this way and that.
00:25:13 You might even feel.
00:25:14 Like, Oh yeah, I have a chance.
Speaker 2
00:25:18 But inevitably, you will go over the edge.
00:25:31 We've crossed that point.
00:25:39 You know I.
00:25:39 Didn't even bother there.
00:25:41 There was a perfect example of this.
00:25:44 I didn't even bother watching.
00:25:46 There was a Tim.
00:25:47 Poole based Tim Poole.
00:25:51 Had a debate between vouch.
00:25:55 Which is a literal.
00:25:56 Pedophile communist. So you know.
00:25:58 Pool will platform, a literal pedophile communist.
00:26:05 And you know.
00:26:07 To for the right wing.
00:26:10 Who did he pick?
00:26:11 Who did he pick to represent the right?
00:26:13 Wing in this big.
00:26:14 Debate this this big meeting of the minds.
00:26:19 Charlie Kirk of Trump's turning point USA.
00:26:27 And why not?
00:26:31 Those are both representatives.
00:26:34 Of the power structure.
00:26:39 And I haven't watched the debate.
00:26:43 I don't have to watch the debate.
00:26:45 Because they're both representatives of the.
00:26:48 Same power structure, I know exactly.
00:26:51 How the debate went.
00:27:00 And neither side.
00:27:03 Is opposing the danger to you.
00:27:09 Ultimately, they agree on everything.
00:27:13 Ultimately they both.
00:27:14 Want the same?
00:27:15 Things we just have different ways of.
00:27:17 Getting there?
00:27:17 Guess what, *************, we.
00:27:19 Don't want the same things.
00:27:30 People like Charlie Kirk are there to sing you a lullaby.
00:27:33 As they ease you into the grave.
00:27:39 Now again, this is someone real close to the Trump's.
00:27:44 Funded by some of that Trump money, that $80 million we were talking about that Trump has.
00:27:51 Acquired since the.
00:27:52 Beginning of the year.
00:27:58 All these people that support Trump saying like.
00:28:00 Ha ha ha.
00:28:01 We embarrassed Charlie Kirk at his event by asking him all this all.
00:28:04 These uncomfortable questions?
00:28:06 And then like 5 seconds later go Trump, it's.
00:28:08 Like, that's Trump.
Speaker 2
00:28:09 'S ******* guy.
00:28:20 He's never going to be into you.
00:28:23 No matter how hard you simp, Trump's never going.
Speaker 2
00:28:26 To be into you.
00:28:41 Is like that guy.
00:28:44 That says.
00:28:47 That he loves you.
00:28:50 He tells you everything that you want to hear.
00:28:54 Until you let him ****.
00:28:55 **** you.
00:29:00 And then, once he's had his fun.
00:29:03 You wake up the next morning.
00:29:04 He's already gone.
00:29:08 He didn't even have the decency.
Speaker 2
00:29:10 Of of leaving a note.
00:29:12 You text him.
00:29:14 Where'd you go?
00:29:14 Trump no response.
00:29:21 And you never hear.
Speaker 2
00:29:22 From him.
00:29:23 Until one day at like 3 in the.
00:29:26 Hey, baby, it's Trump.
00:29:29 What are you doing?
00:29:37 And all the all these.
00:29:41 Bushy tailed, bright eyed Trump fans.
00:29:45 They bust out the Vaseline and start spreading it all over their ********.
00:29:49 And go, Oh no, Trump.
00:29:51 I've been thinking about you.
00:29:56 Why didn't you come on over?
00:30:01 Maybe after a couple times of this you know, some of them might say things like you can come over, but I'm not.
00:30:08 Going to let.
00:30:08 You **** me this time.
00:30:11 But they always do.
00:30:15 They always do.
00:30:24 Charlie Kirk is his representative.
00:30:31 Point USA is his deal.
00:30:44 The official stance of turning Point USA and Trump.
00:30:49 Obviously he's, you know.
00:30:50 Because he's the king of the vaccine.
00:30:52 Is that you get the vaccine.
00:31:00 You know Sarah Huckabee Sanders.
00:31:09 Mike Huckabee's daughter.
00:31:11 The uh former spokeswoman of UH.
00:31:15 Of Trump.
Speaker 3
00:31:16 The first spokeswoman that he had.
00:31:20 She was doing doing a tour of the southern states.
00:31:24 Telling people to take the quote Trump vaccine.
00:31:39 There are so many delusional.
00:31:40 People out there.
Speaker 2
00:31:55 They think that.
00:31:56 Well, I mean, the media obviously hurts him.
Speaker 2
00:32:07 That should tell you something.
00:32:11 If the media responds.
00:32:14 Like a over aggressive immune system.
00:32:19 To someone who pretty much plays ball, if you look, I mean just when you get right down to it.
00:32:29 Where did Trump actually go against the grain?
00:32:34 Well, he started building.
00:32:35 A wall. Ohh really he.
00:32:36 Started making a big fence.
00:32:40 Started making a big fence.
00:32:43 That that what?
00:32:44 Was the final count I.
00:32:45 Mean the.
00:32:47 There was only months left of his administration and we were up to only two miles of new fence.
00:32:54 And all the Trump ******* are like, no, you're lying.
00:32:57 There's hundreds.
00:32:58 Of miles, no.
00:33:04 There was hundreds of miles of replaced.
00:33:07 There was no new fence.
00:33:08 There was.
00:33:08 Like 2.
00:33:09 I don't know what the final count.
00:33:11 Was but with only months to spare, it was.
00:33:13 There was only.
00:33:14 22 miles of new fence, new fence. That battery. We saw videos of battery powered power tools cutting right through.
Speaker 2
00:33:28 Battery powered cutting tools.
00:33:35 Along with all of the other videos of like, lots of people climbing up it.
00:33:46 And during Trump's administration.
00:33:49 The flow across the border was was not.
00:33:52 Was not uh.
00:33:54 Had was not slowed down.
00:33:57 We had all those those caravans.
00:33:59 What happened?
00:34:00 Were the caravans turned away?
Speaker 5
00:34:11 OK.
00:34:17 The Trump lock up the deep state, the Trump lock up Hillary.
00:34:31 Trump didn't even fire the old Obama.
00:34:33 Appointees it might.
00:34:34 As well have been.
00:34:35 Obama's deep state that was still in control. I mean, look.
00:34:40 I said this before the.
00:34:40 Reason why Biden do Biden didn't do any mass firing when he got in office because it was a lot of the same guys that he put in there before Trump.
00:34:58 And he's the best you can do.
00:35:04 So no, it's not going to slow down.
00:35:06 It's not going to stop.
00:35:10 It's so bad.
00:35:13 You have people like Michelle Malkin who I think just genuinely feels.
Speaker 2
00:35:17 Bad for white people.
00:35:19 Like she's just like Jesus Christ.
00:35:21 Guys like **** me.
00:35:24 You guys are just.
00:35:27 What is wrong?
00:35:28 You have like.
00:35:29 Racial aids going on here.
00:35:42 And she knows.
00:35:43 She knows why this country was.
Speaker 2
00:35:45 Worth the ****?
00:35:50 We have more people like that.
00:35:52 Speaking out against this replacement **** than you have actual white people in power saying ****.
00:35:57 Because the white people in power want it.
00:36:02 They're not founding stock. Most of these Trump's not founding stock.
00:36:07 Are you kidding me?
00:36:14 And look, I mean there's there's.
00:36:15 A lot of founding stock ********* that.
00:36:17 Are you know?
00:36:18 The the big money founding stock where it's I I I hate calling that.
00:36:22 I mean, they're their families have.
00:36:23 Been here a really long.
Speaker 3
00:36:24 Time I guess.
Speaker 2
00:36:27 So that they.
00:36:28 But they were the rich financiers.
00:36:32 And they're going to remain the rich financiers because as I've talked about the generational wealth system makes.
00:36:39 Makes that a certainty.
00:36:44 So you have the same bloodlines, who probably didn't give a **** who came here back in the 1700s, as long as they were making them money.
00:37:00 They saw they saw America as a as a new farm.
00:37:04 Where they could raise.
00:37:11 They don't care what color the.
00:37:13 Cattle are or what language they.
00:37:14 Speak they they care about the bottom line.
00:37:21 And they care about nuisances.
00:37:28 It's cheaper for some of.
00:37:30 These other breeds of cattle.
00:37:32 Let's go with them.
00:37:46 And now they're talking about.
00:37:47 And here's the other funny thing is, it's already kind of worked a little bit, you know, by lowering the IQ of the the population.
00:37:56 So much.
00:37:59 You know, back when people used to say, why are we the?
00:38:02 Ruling class want.
00:38:02 Everyone to be dumb like doesn't this.
00:38:04 Affect them too.
00:38:04 Yeah, well it.
00:38:06 Does this. We're living it.
00:38:08 They can say stuff.
00:38:09 Like, Oh yeah, the Delta variant.
00:38:11 The Delta variant is spreading everywhere and it's.
00:38:14 Killing all these.
00:38:15 People, when they have zero ability that.
00:38:19 You realize all these testing centers?
00:38:22 That they have around the country, the CDC's got around the country.
00:38:26 None of them test.
00:38:27 For any, you know something called Delta variant.
00:38:31 The funny thing is none.
00:38:32 Of them, even test for anything called COVID-19.
Speaker 2
00:38:36 But they don't. They don't.
00:38:37 Test for anything called Delta variant.
00:38:42 So these numbers that they're giving you.
00:38:45 They're just, they're literally just pulling them.
00:38:47 Out of their ***.
00:38:50 Oh, it's spreading out.
00:38:51 Wait till you.
00:38:52 There's Lambda variant now.
00:38:54 That's way more deadly.
00:38:58 And people are such ******* that people are just like, yeah.
00:39:02 OK, Delta variant that sounds sciency.
00:39:09 I don't want the delta variant.
00:39:19 They're easier to fool their children.
00:39:25 Or here's a perfect example.
00:39:27 You ever watch videos?
00:39:30 Of black people reacting to St.
00:39:39 They're like kids.
00:39:41 They actually it it's they react to the straight magic.
00:39:46 Like the person doing the trick is.
00:39:48 An actual sorcerer?
00:39:56 And look, it's a little bit funny.
00:39:57 But it's it's.
00:39:59 Not if you understand like how this could be a problem.
00:40:04 Having an entire population that reacts to tricks as if it's sorcery.
00:40:19 People that are don't have the mental.
00:40:20 Capacity to understand the trick.
00:40:25 So I'll just magic.
00:40:40 So you've got an entire population that when they say stuff like, Oh my God, it's the delta variant.
00:40:48 They react like a black guy.
00:40:50 On the street, that was.
00:40:51 Just shown a levitating queen of hearts.
00:40:55 They're like, oh, my God Delta variant.
00:41:03 Holy ****.
00:41:17 And they keep pushing all these stories.
Speaker 3
00:41:25 Oh, it's so sad.
Speaker 5
00:41:27 So sad.
00:41:31 There was this man who was uh.
00:41:34 He thought he was invincible.
00:41:38 That's the line that's.
00:41:39 That's like the line they use.
00:41:40 With all of.
00:41:40 Them right?
00:41:42 He thought he was invincible.
00:41:45 And then it's like, it's also funny how the.
00:41:48 Write the same story, they just.
00:41:49 Swap out the photo.
00:41:52 And then he told the person taking care of him on his deathbed.
00:41:58 I wish his last words right.
Speaker 1
00:42:01 If only I had gotten the vaccine.
00:42:13 Leaving behind six children.
00:42:21 Totally healthy this £600 man.
00:42:43 And look it's.
Speaker 2
00:42:44 Already it's it's look, it's.
00:42:46 Difficult to even kind of counteract any of these, these uh narratives.
00:42:53 The censorship that I mean, they did a lot of the censorship to this.
00:42:57 Stuff in advance.
00:42:59 So a lot of people are just not on.
00:43:03 Platforms like YouTube and things like that.
00:43:05 Right, they're already gone.
00:43:10 And the remaining people they because they want to stay on, even the ones towing the line.
00:43:18 If you've seen some of these guys when?
00:43:20 They're streaming even.
00:43:21 The guys that they're, they're towing the official line, they get really.
00:43:25 Uncomfortable when it's time to talk about this.
00:43:29 Stuff because they don't know like from.
00:43:30 Day-to-day it changes.
00:43:32 One day you say something about COVID.
00:43:36 And it's it's disinfo.
00:43:39 And it'll get your.
00:43:39 Channel banned and the next day it's in the New York Times.
00:43:43 Or vice versa.
00:43:51 So you got all that confusing mess going on.
00:43:54 And if you're annoying me.
00:43:56 If you're a low information nor me.
00:43:59 You know what the ****?
00:44:00 'S going on if people tell.
00:44:02 Tell you you you can't really process it.
00:44:06 Because you're an MPC, you require repeated updates.
00:44:12 To the firmware.
00:44:14 In order to keep you going.
00:44:19 You know, Speaking of the death.
00:44:20 Gate cycle that that the series.
00:44:22 Of books, by the way, I.
00:44:24 Plowed into that game a little bit more.
00:44:26 Yeah, and it turns out it gets a little global **** that.
00:44:30 Game at least.
00:44:30 Does the book.
00:44:32 Does have some elements.
00:44:33 Of that, but like just so does everything but the game.
00:44:35 Like kind of went for like racial.
00:44:37 Harmony. Fun time.
00:44:39 Pretty, pretty ********, it turns out I watched like part of the the play through and.
Speaker 3
00:44:43 I was like ohh God, that sucks, but anyway.
00:44:48 There is a part of that book where.
00:44:49 There's there's a a population that's dying.
00:44:55 They're dying out.
00:44:58 And no new children are being born.
00:45:02 And so they're running out of people to work in the fields and things like this.
00:45:07 And so their magicians resort to necromancy, raising the dead.
00:45:14 But they discovered that the dead.
00:45:17 Can't learn anything new.
00:45:22 Because they're just rotting.
00:45:27 Of whoever they used to be.
00:45:28 In life.
00:45:31 So they end up just doing whatever repetitive.
00:45:37 They would carry out in.
00:45:38 Life and if things changed like say, one of the fields that they've been trained to go out and water every day, let's say that field dies off.
00:45:51 And so you try to move them to.
00:45:52 The new field so.
00:45:53 They can water the new field.
00:45:57 You have to sit there and constantly remind them to go to.
00:46:00 The new field.
00:46:02 Because if you leave them alone for even like a day or two, you'll come back and they're.
00:46:06 Out watering the dead field.
00:46:14 Well, that's how normies are.
00:46:19 That's how NPCS are.
00:46:26 They're just literal zombies.
00:46:29 Doing what it was that they were.
00:46:30 Trained to do.
00:46:33 And you can't teach an old dog new tricks.
00:46:40 And so when you do massive behavioral changes to a society like we're seeing right now.
00:46:48 You have to.
00:46:48 Constantly that the new ones will get it right.
00:46:52 The new crop of NPCS you know when you're programming.
00:46:55 Them oh, all this stuff is normal.
00:46:59 This is all normal.
00:47:01 They'll get it.
00:47:02 But the ones that.
00:47:03 Didn't grow up in in a.
00:47:05 In an environment where any of this **** was.
00:47:08 Normal you have.
00:47:09 To keep reminding them.
00:47:10 Oh, no, no, this is OK.
00:47:12 This is.
00:47:12 Fine. It's it's.
00:47:13 OK, because of the the Delta variant or whatever.
00:47:17 That's their point.
00:47:20 That I want to make about.
00:47:21 The you know in terms of the new people.
00:47:27 Some guy tweeted out.
00:47:28 Let me see if.
00:47:29 I can find it here.
00:47:34 Now this guy, I don't know who.
00:47:36 He is, he would.
00:47:40 But he tweeted out his name is Mike Yardley.
Speaker 3
00:47:46 He's uh.
00:47:50 According to his bio, a writer, broadcaster, historian, psychologist but he.
00:47:54 Also says they got.
00:47:55 Like he says, half vaccinated.
00:47:57 So I don't know what.
Speaker 3
00:47:58 The hell.
00:47:58 That means I'm against PC censorship.
00:48:01 I don't who.
00:48:02 Sounds like he's like a, you know, a.
00:48:04 A Luke warm.
00:48:07 Maggot type.
00:48:08 But I think he's.
00:48:09 I think he's British.
00:48:10 I don't know, but he said sadly.
00:48:12 Feel it's a losing battle to preserve our liberty now.
00:48:16 Most people have been broken. We live in miserable, worrying times. I think back 3040, even 50 years ago, most things were so much better and freer.
00:48:30 We've been subverted and destabilized, our society is broken.
00:48:40 And I retweeted retweeted it with.
00:48:42 The the message.
00:48:43 The only people who?
00:48:44 Can't see this.
00:48:46 Are the people that are.
00:48:47 Too young to.
00:48:48 Compare and contrast.
00:48:50 How things have changed and the.
00:48:51 People that are, too.
00:48:53 Brainwashed to understand that life isn't.
00:48:56 A movie starring them.
00:48:59 Structured in 3X with a Hollywood happy ending.
00:49:07 And that's what we're dealing with.
00:49:10 The old people.
00:49:11 The people that remember a time when a government telling everyone to stay at home for a *******.
00:49:18 Year and to.
00:49:18 Like shut down their businesses that that's crazy town.
00:49:25 Those people.
00:49:28 Are the ones you need to constantly update constantly update, constantly update because it's so outside the norm that's so outside they're training?
00:49:44 But the young people growing up.
00:49:46 With this is just like normal.
Speaker 1
00:49:54 You're good to.
00:49:54 Go with that crop of people.
00:49:58 They have nothing to.
00:49:59 Compare it to in the same.
00:50:00 Way like zoomers don't.
00:50:01 Know what a life before the Internet was like.
00:50:09 Nor will anyone born out well, unless there's some cataclysmic event.
00:50:14 We can only hope, right?
00:50:23 But there's people that have, they have.
00:50:25 No frame of reference.
00:50:29 And so those people will take to it like.
00:50:31 Flies on ****.
Speaker 2
00:50:33 Ohh this is normal.
00:50:38 That's only the older people that you need to keep reminding or reminding and wearing down until they're dead and you don't have.
00:50:44 To worry, you don't have to invest in that anymore.
00:50:51 But luckily for the ruling class, those people are.
00:50:54 They're not that bright, you know.
00:51:08 They've already lowered the quality of the cattle such or at least the mental quality of the cattle.
00:51:17 To where a lot of them don't see.
00:51:20 They don't.
00:51:21 They don't see the inconsistencies.
00:51:26 They don't even understand.
00:51:27 They don't understand.
00:51:28 Mean, sure.
00:51:30 They were raised in a period.
00:51:31 Where you could say there was more.
00:51:32 Freedom, but.
00:51:34 They didn't understand the why.
00:51:41 Let's face it, a lot of these people that like to scream out the Constitution have.
00:51:44 Never read it.
00:51:51 Just like a lot of Christians, right, that that scream about the the Bible never read it.
Speaker 2
00:51:58 A lot of people.
00:52:01 Whether it's because of aptitude or maybe some people are just too busy doing whatever it is they are focused on, but.
Speaker 2
00:52:07 They like to outsource.
00:52:09 These types of things.
00:52:16 And many of them have outsourced it.
00:52:18 The people like Trump or the Republican Party or whoever.
00:52:32 And like I said, there's a lot.
00:52:33 Of people that.
00:52:35 Because fiction has become realer to them than that reality.
00:52:42 Because fiction is so much more exciting, and they've seen the same pattern in fiction, right?
00:52:48 The 3X.
00:52:53 You know, there's the protagonist.
00:52:57 It's all.
00:52:58 It's always structured the same, right?
Speaker 2
00:53:02 You know he.
00:53:02 Has this problem that.
00:53:03 He has to overcome and he.
00:53:06 Runs into all these problems, and he's slowly growing as a person.
00:53:13 You might have some big successes.
00:53:17 But then he has the big set back.
00:53:21 You know, the real test of his medal.
00:53:27 And then it climaxes in this very exciting.
00:53:33 Battle of Good versus evil.
00:53:37 And good always wins.
00:53:41 And then everybody clapped.
00:53:45 Right, that's that's how life is.
00:53:50 That's the story of life.
00:53:57 And could they make?
00:53:58 It more obvious, like you have all these cute people, just as an example.
00:54:01 Or they they hold.
00:54:02 I mean, ****, they see.
00:54:04 Life as a movie.
Speaker 2
00:54:06 They say it.
00:54:08 They don't just say go get your popcorn, but they literally say it's a movie you're watching a movie.
00:54:26 Good always wins.
00:54:31 Maybe on a long enough timeline.
00:54:40 But your lifes not a movie.
00:54:44 There's no requirement from the universe that you.
00:54:46 That you get a happy ending.
00:54:53 But again, people don't understand this.
00:54:59 There's also a requirement from the universe that.
00:55:01 You get a hero.
00:55:07 Or even a even a well defined villain.
00:55:21 And everyone throughout history with any kind of influence or power has understood this.
00:55:26 This is why, I mean, **** even Jesus.
00:55:30 Explain things using stories.
00:55:47 You know, think about all the.
00:55:50 The fables you learn as a kid.
00:55:53 Trying to teach you some kind of.
Speaker 2
00:55:54 Moral truth.
00:56:01 For some reason, humans.
00:56:03 Think that that's the way that the universe.
00:56:04 Should work.
Speaker 3
00:56:11 But it doesn't.
00:56:15 The bad guys win all the time.
00:56:28 And it doesn't matter if.
00:56:30 Even and I don't even.
00:56:30 Think that this is a truism.
00:56:32 That that good, good wins in the end.
00:56:36 Says who?
00:56:38 But even if that was.
00:56:39 The truth, like, let's just say.
00:56:44 There was some kind of uh.
00:56:49 Universal truth that good wins in the end, the end could be in 500 ******* years.
00:57:12 It's very important that that.
00:57:14 You guys brace yourself for what's coming.
00:57:20 There is literally no opposition.
00:57:22 I'll tell you what there it's it's good to see some people who are a little more mainstream.
00:57:29 Start to realize what's happening.
00:57:33 And start to address it.
00:57:35 But you also have to understand.
00:57:37 Who's in charge of?
Speaker 5
00:57:38 The mainstream.
00:57:40 They're only going to say just as much as they have to to at least sound sane, right?
00:57:46 Because if the pressure valves, let's just as an example, if they're so out of step with reality that it's not even relatable.
00:57:56 Well, what, what good are they?
00:57:59 What pressure are they?
00:58:00 You know, releasing exactly none.
00:58:04 In fact, they they would be actively contributing to it by ignoring the elephant.
00:58:08 In the room.
00:58:14 So they have to at least.
00:58:15 Acknowledge to some degree.
00:58:20 The elephant in the room and never, never present any kind of solutions to it, but they need to at least kind of acknowledge it.
00:58:26 Right.
00:58:27 And you're seeing a little bit of that and because.
00:58:31 Things are getting progressively worse, or we're.
Speaker 2
00:58:33 In a.
00:58:35 Can you imagine?
00:58:36 I mean, just even.
00:58:36 A couple of years.
00:58:37 Ago imagine in 2017.
00:58:42 When a lot of people were still in.
00:58:43 The afterglow of Trump.
00:58:47 Thinking that, oh, we finally, the pendulum's going to come.
00:58:50 Back swinging the.
00:58:51 Other way, watch out left this.
00:58:57 Right wing death squads.
00:59:02 Generation zyklon?
00:59:07 All those delusions, right?
00:59:11 Imagine, imagine.
00:59:13 Realizing what we what was what really.
00:59:16 Light ahead, right?
00:59:22 All because people lack the ability or the foresight of the desire.
00:59:29 To zoom out the graph and notice that this.
Speaker 2
00:59:32 Little pump.
00:59:35 Was just a little blip.
00:59:38 On a much larger dump.
00:59:43 This was not.
00:59:43 A trend line.
00:59:47 This was a little hiccup.
01:00:06 And look, that's not the only thing that's changed since, say, 2000.
01:00:09 17 the demographics have changed drastically.
01:00:14 You got a.
01:00:14 Lot of Maga Boomers who have died in.
01:00:16 Those few years.
01:00:18 And you've got thousands upon thousands upon thousands upon thousands.
01:00:23 Of what they're calling new Americans.
Speaker 2
01:00:26 Who have been.
01:00:27 Flown or bussed into the interior of the country nonstop.
Speaker 2
01:00:33 Every day.
01:00:36 Every day.
01:00:49 And like a cancer.
01:00:51 You have these.
01:00:54 These leftist whites and fellow whites.
01:00:59 Who live in these states that have they've they have torched.
01:01:04 They've allowed to be, you know, turned into just complete shitholes.
01:01:10 They're spreading.
Speaker 2
01:01:13 Like a virus.
01:01:14 Like a real virus.
01:01:17 To all the the the red states.
Speaker 2
01:01:20 The white flight.
01:01:23 That they would never acknowledge as as.
01:01:24 No, that's.
01:01:25 Not like Flag California got too expensive.
01:01:30 Never looking inward, never asking themselves why.
01:01:45 Turning states like Texas.
01:01:53 And ****, even even like.
01:01:54 Idaho in the more urban areas.
01:01:57 Is not, is not too based.
01:02:02 That's where Zuckerberg is vacationing, right?
01:02:10 All these red states states like Arizona.
01:02:18 Turning blue.
01:02:22 As all the.
01:02:23 The white boomers die off and their brown replacements.
01:02:28 Show up.
01:02:41 And the brown replacements they know.
Speaker 3
01:02:44 Oh, they know.
01:02:47 How many times have you seen the smug?
01:02:52 Tweet or post?
01:02:54 Oh, it's not so good being a.
01:02:56 Minority is it? Oh.
Speaker 5
01:03:00 They're salivating.
01:03:09 They can't wait to live out thee.
01:03:12 Inverse of their persecution narrative on you.
01:03:20 They want to replace that persecution narrative with a power fantasy like the world has never seen.
01:03:30 And you know this because they're making movie after movie about it.
01:03:36 Song after song.
01:03:41 Television show at the television show.
01:03:43 So it's one of those.
01:03:45 Things right? Well, this.
01:03:46 Does art imitate life, or does life imitate art?
01:03:49 Well, you better hope neither.
01:03:51 Of those is.
01:03:51 True, because you're ****** one way or the other.
01:04:01 By the way, the.
01:04:01 Answer to that question is a little bit.
01:04:03 Of both, but mostly.
01:04:05 Life imitates art.
01:04:14 I feel confident saying that after my.
01:04:16 Years of study that.
01:04:19 Art is simply while it needs to be relatable.
01:04:23 So it does imitate life in that in that.
01:04:26 Way where it?
01:04:27 Needs to have.
01:04:28 Be something that people can believe.
01:04:31 Enough to where they can suspend their disbelief.
01:04:35 The rest of it's all programming.
01:04:38 Specifically designed for life to imitate.
01:05:00 I'm all sunshine and.
01:05:03 Unicorn farts.
01:05:04 Today, huh?
01:05:07 I actually feel pretty good.
01:05:08 I feel well rested.
01:05:17 Really what I'm getting at is people you need to under it's.
01:05:20 Not, you know, it's so it's so frustrating with people like, oh, well, maybe if you did something about it instead of just black pooling everybody all the time.
01:05:30 Shut up, ******.
01:05:32 Just shut up, you ******* ******.
01:05:37 I am doing something.
01:05:42 I'm telling you.
01:05:43 Like look, this boat's going over the waterfall.
01:05:46 I mean paddling, you're just wearing yourself out.
01:05:50 How about we start?
01:05:53 At least looking over like what's over that edge like.
01:05:55 What are we looking at here?
01:05:57 How far does that go?
Speaker 5
01:05:58 Down. What should we do?
01:06:01 Would it maybe be smarter to jump out?
01:06:02 Of the boat, maybe.
01:06:04 We should stay in the boat.
01:06:06 Maybe we should brace ourselves for impact.
01:06:10 But it's time to.
01:06:11 Come to the conclusion.
01:06:13 We're going over the edge.
01:06:18 That increases your your ability to survive what is plain to see for anyone that's not a ******.
01:06:29 Something I would call, oh, I don't know.
01:06:39 And so when you try to fill your mind with this.
01:06:44 Bright eyed, naive ********.
Speaker 2
01:06:49 That we're winning.
01:06:54 Oh yeah, we're winning the the my pillow guy.
01:06:58 The My pillow guy said that that Trump's going to be president again in August.
01:07:03 Well, tick tock.
01:07:04 Tick tock.
01:07:04 Tick tock, tick.
Speaker 5
01:07:05 Tock, it's August.
01:07:11 You know that Biden is really, you know, really Trump in a Biden suit.
01:07:16 Or hologram.
Speaker 2
01:07:23 Or robot or whatever.
01:07:27 That's how mentally damaged.
Speaker 2
01:07:30 People are.
01:07:32 When you're so desperate.
01:07:36 For reality to be different than what it is that you're believing **** like that, that should tell you something about the mental health.
01:07:44 Of white Americans.
01:07:48 And it just it also underscores what I've been saying.
01:07:51 About, you know.
01:07:52 Fiction being more real to these ******* people than reality.
01:07:57 In the same way that they're susceptible to believing that life is like this, this perfectly, you know, this structured like a movie is structured.
01:08:06 They also think that like.
01:08:08 Crazy magical ****.
01:08:11 Like Trump and a Biden suit, stuff is is.
01:08:14 Real or possible?
01:08:21 Because they've never had proximity to power, they've only had proximity to the simulations about power.
01:08:26 Well, the fantasies about power, the fiction about power.
01:08:35 So that's how they think it works.
01:08:42 Well, of course it works like that.
01:08:43 Didn't you see?
01:08:44 This movie where they did that.
01:08:56 That's all they have.
01:08:56 To draw on.
Speaker 3
01:09:03 OK.
01:09:12 You know, there's a.
Speaker 3
01:09:16 I thought I had a video I was going to show you guys.
01:09:26 Let me see if I can find it.
01:09:48 I don't see it.
01:09:50 But I am have to take a real quick break because of.
Speaker 3
01:09:52 All this coffee I drink.
01:09:54 Maybe, maybe, maybe I got.
01:09:56 I must have on a large prostate, huh.
01:09:58 The last few streams.
01:09:59 I've had to take little potty breaks.
Speaker 3
01:10:03 I've got the prostate cancer.
01:10:06 I've got the cancer.
01:10:11 Let's see here.
01:10:13 I got a video going to play though for your, for your entertainment.
Speaker 3
01:10:17 See if I can find it here.
01:10:23 Oh, I wish I.
Speaker 5
01:10:24 Had that, that would be good.
01:10:26 And then we'll be back and have.
01:10:28 A little chat.
01:10:29 Maybe I'll just.
Speaker 2
01:10:30 Give you.
01:10:31 Some musical entertainment.
01:10:38 I'm so unprepared.
01:10:39 I literally woke.
01:10:40 Up and like started up OS and I was like oh ****, we gotta go.
Speaker 3
01:10:44 Gotta do this.
01:10:47 You know, since we had that Russian folk music in the beginning.
01:10:51 This is a different one we'll play.
01:10:53 A little bit.
01:10:53 Of Russian folk fun.
01:10:55 Here we go.
Speaker 5
01:11:59 Now it's.
01:13:38 Based log juggling Russian guy that should be.
01:13:46 That should be part of the black pill to workout juggling railroad ties or or look.
01:13:52 Like a ******* telephone pole.
01:13:56 All right.
01:14:00 Well, let's take a look.
01:14:01 At uh oh.
01:14:03 My check got disconnected.
01:14:05 Am I still streaming?
01:14:06 I am OK well that's good.
01:14:09 Why did this get disconnected?
01:14:13 Let me try this.
01:14:22 I might have to.
Speaker 3
01:14:22 Reset a router?
01:14:23 No, it's it's working all right.
01:14:30 OK.
01:14:31 There's the chat. We're back.
01:14:36 Here we go.
01:14:38 Uh COVID patient Zero says some people on pole are saying that the vaccines contain prions.
01:14:45 Prions are much smaller than viruses, and the M RNA treatment is just a small protein element of that virus.
01:14:53 Now guess what?
01:14:54 A prion is a misfolded protein.
01:15:01 Well, that's above my pay grade.
01:15:03 See, this is one of those things.
01:15:04 I've been saying like, look, most of us, I mean.
01:15:06 You go to pull or wherever else and you'll hear all these theories and stuff, and that's all well and good.
01:15:11 But at the.
01:15:12 End of the day, most of.
01:15:13 Us aren't scientists and we, and if even if we were, we don't have labs we don't have, you know.
01:15:20 Like, here's your you know, here's your COVID monkey, or, you know, whatever to do tests on and stuff like that.
01:15:26 At the end of the day, it's just you're having to decide whether you believe.
01:15:31 You know Don Lemon.
01:15:33 Or random guy on pole which honestly at this point it's like.
01:15:37 You know you're.
01:15:37 Going to get about.
01:15:39 The same amount of accuracy out of.
01:15:41 So it's kind of.
01:15:41 Like, you know, rolling the dice.
01:15:43 You know, it's maybe some.
01:15:44 Doctor on bit shoot.
01:15:45 You know it's.
01:15:45 Really kind of that's what sucks about a lot.
01:15:48 Of this is when you don't.
01:15:50 When you no longer have that homogeneous society.
01:15:53 That high trust.
01:15:57 One of the benefits to the high trust when you have a society that you, I mean you don't think that like I mean think about like why just as an example, boomers believed all the talking heads on TV because they well, why would you lie?
01:16:09 To me, you're part of my.
01:16:11 My family, my extended family.
01:16:13 Well, that ceased to be the case, right?
01:16:15 That was no longer the case.
01:16:17 They weren't part of their extended family.
01:16:19 The people that the talking heads on TV, it was a it was an outside competing family.
01:16:25 You could say that was right at the very least broadcasting this stuff and writing the script.
01:16:31 But you know, generally speaking, in times past there was a level of trust that existed because you're, I mean, why would?
01:16:39 Your family lie to you.
01:16:41 Well, now you can't.
01:16:42 You can't rely on that.
01:16:44 I mean, none of the people that you see talking on on TV about COVID are even founding stock Americans.
01:16:51 I mean, let alone who owns the networks and all this other stuff, you know, you see some, it's like some Indian guy or some Asian lady or or or some black guy or whatever.
01:17:00 It's all these people that have nothing.
01:17:02 They they're not part of your family.
01:17:05 It's some competing family telling you stuff and and you're just supposed to believe it and.
01:17:09 Look at this and these.
01:17:11 And the same thing I just said about us.
01:17:13 Well, we're not scientists.
01:17:14 We don't have a lab that applies.
01:17:15 To them too, they're just they're.
01:17:17 Just picking someone to.
01:17:18 Trust and to regurgitate whatever it is they were told.
01:17:22 So that's that's what sucks about right now.
01:17:26 That's, which is why it's such.
01:17:27 A great method of of achieving what they want.
01:17:32 Because it's not.
01:17:33 Easy to just be like, oh, look, it's there's prions or, you know, whatever the.
01:17:36 **** right?
01:17:38 And even if you did like, even if you were a scientist with your own laboratory, you'd be stuck now because you would be censored.
01:17:45 If you try to get that out to normies and normies, wouldn't believe it because, well, who are you?
01:17:49 You know you don't work for the niche or the NIH or the the CDC or the, you know, The Who.
01:17:57 Or, you know, whatever.
Speaker 3
01:17:59 Or the VA?
01:18:01 So it's.
01:18:03 It all that stuff is it's it's it's, you know it's it's not worth for me at least it's not worth sitting there and and.
01:18:13 And I mean.
01:18:13 Look, it's worth understanding it and when there are, there are times when you don't need a laboratory to understand the facts.
01:18:23 Right when it's just like a statistical thing or something that you, you can have enough fact like it doesn't.
01:18:30 Have to be.
01:18:32 You where you don't need like an electron microscope to verify it.
Speaker 5
01:18:36 Right.
01:18:38 Stuff like that.
01:18:38 It's you should keep an eye on it.
01:18:41 And I always pay attention to this stuff, but I just don't.
01:18:44 I don't worry too much about it until.
01:18:48 Until we have ways of verifying something.
Speaker 3
01:18:54 UM, let's take a look here.
01:19:00 A bunch of stuff popped up there.
01:19:10 Or I'm going to meet.
01:19:10 I'm going to miss Price.
01:19:12 I'm not going to be able to keep her winding all of these all the time just because it's.
01:19:20 The way this works eventually, I think I'm going to set up entropy or something like that so that there's at least separate place for.
01:19:30 For super chats and stuff like that hammer of Thorazine, the Oregon law forbidding VAX mandates for healthcare workers still exist, but multiple hospital systems are saying we're mandating it anyway because my emergency.
01:19:44 Not even bothering to change the law?
01:19:46 Law is literally irrelevant except for when we say no.
01:19:49 Yeah, well, the same thing with, you know, Biden and the the mandates for the vaccine they I think they admitted that, yeah, this is we have no authority or the OR or the even the moratorium on the evictions saying that yeah, we don't actually have the authority to do this but it's.
01:20:06 It's still in the interest.
01:20:07 Of of you know, getting things done.
01:20:10 And and look that would be something again if you had a fair, if it.
01:20:13 Was like a family thing, right?
01:20:15 Where you know we're going to bend the rules.
01:20:17 This one.
01:20:17 Time you could do it, but.
01:20:19 But because you don't, you have to stand on principle.
01:20:22 You have to have rule of law, but I did a whole I did an entire video.
01:20:26 Called the rule of law is dead.
01:20:30 And and and that was.
01:20:31 Like 3 years ago, I think I did this this video, or at least two years ago.
01:20:37 And I pointed out all the you.
01:20:38 Know that this was a problem and that we instead.
01:20:41 Of rule of law we have.
01:20:42 Rule of ruling class.
01:20:44 And so now all the things that used to apply to the law.
01:20:48 Now apply to the ruling class.
01:20:50 You know, it used to be.
01:20:51 You have to preserve the law for future generations.
01:20:53 Well, now it's not.
01:20:54 Now you have to preserve the ruling class.
01:20:58 It used to be that.
01:20:59 You it's very important we protect the law.
01:21:01 No, now it's very important.
01:21:03 They protect the ruling class.
01:21:04 That's why you can't prosecute.
01:21:05 The ruling class.
01:21:12 So it's it's everything's ****** now.
01:21:15 And it's just, you know.
01:21:16 It's going to.
01:21:18 It's going to get worse.
01:21:20 Base can increase the door if someone thinks white people practicing patriarchy, evil sexism, and ethnocentricism evil racism is bad.
01:21:29 They are part.
01:21:30 Of the problem, white people who genuinely think patriarchy and white ethnocentricism are bad cannot be helped.
01:21:36 Unless they wake up.
01:21:38 And a lot of them won't, but I guess it's it's worth trying a little bit, but it's starting to be past that point where you can't treat or teaching old dog new tricks.
01:21:48 The best you can do, and the reason why it's worth it to keep.
01:21:51 Talking about it is.
01:21:53 The best you can hope for is to get the new people before the other programming.
01:21:58 Kicks in, you get them to.
01:22:03 To see what's really going on here.
01:22:10 Johnny Anon, check out the movie these final hours.
01:22:13 It's from Australia and it's pretty based as far as I can tell.
01:22:18 Hollywood ask happy ending, but more or less it's just total chaos and the world ending.
01:22:24 I'd be interested to see if you could.
01:22:26 Mind a narrative on that.
01:22:29 I might take a look at that one that minds me of there's this 80s movie.
01:22:34 About the end of.
01:22:35 The world.
01:22:35 But it's not an Australian movie, it's.
01:22:40 Kind of a weird actually.
01:22:41 Might be a Canadian movie, you know, although it takes place in LA.
01:22:45 So I don't think so.
01:22:47 But there's something Canadian about it, I don't know.
01:22:50 I forget the.
01:22:51 Name of it, but it was pretty.
01:22:52 Low budget.
01:22:56 Do you think you?
01:22:56 Can reboot Mormonism and make it Aryan again?
01:22:58 Probably not.
01:23:01 Probably not.
01:23:03 Mormonism got too much money.
01:23:08 Again, in a way, it's the generational wealth problem.
01:23:12 Is is it in on just in a?
01:23:14 On an institutional level, instead of a personal level, but there's just too much money at stake now.
01:23:19 I mean, we're not talking about like a a little bit of money we're talking about hang.
01:23:24 On I'm gonna kill a bug.
01:23:25 That's right, bug went on.
Speaker 3
01:23:27 The microphone that's now dead.
01:23:30 UM, they?
01:23:33 It's no longer uh.
01:23:37 You know it's it's no.
01:23:37 Longer, I mean there's you've got.
01:23:40 I don't even know how much.
01:23:41 No one knows how much money, but.
01:23:42 It's billions.
01:23:43 Once you have that much money involved.
01:23:45 It's it's almost impossible to to keep it sticking to principles.
01:23:50 I a priest, King Terry, I visited a red state and got a cold.
01:23:56 Now back home, people are freaking out, telling me to get tested.
01:24:01 Get well soon.
01:24:02 Get vax.
01:24:03 Now everyone needs to shut the hell up.
01:24:06 So tired of these people and this COVID crap, it's a damn cold, right?
01:24:14 Right.
01:24:15 You know, and that's The thing is, people don't understand.
01:24:17 One of the reasons why that there's.
01:24:19 No vaccine.
01:24:21 Real vaccine.
01:24:22 Is that you know for?
01:24:24 The the common cold is the common cold.
01:24:28 Is a coronavirus.
01:24:33 They've never been able to make a vaccine.
Speaker 2
01:24:35 For a coronavirus.
01:24:37 That's why none of these vaccines are vaccines.
01:24:43 This was the look.
01:24:44 This is something that we were.
01:24:45 I I was talking about over a year.
01:24:47 Ago like this, isn't everyone should.
01:24:49 Have known this stuff.
01:24:52 And the test that.
01:24:53 They're performing.
01:24:54 If you were in fact, if you were.
01:24:55 To go get the test.
01:24:57 It would say you were positive.
01:25:00 Because the test isn't testing for a specific virus, it's not.
01:25:07 And that's another thing people don't understand that because people don't, again, it's because people don't understand science, they they, they just trust whatever Don Lemon tells them on TV.
01:25:17 They don't understand that. Uh.
01:25:21 The test that you're getting.
01:25:24 It's not like a video game or or a movie or or anything like that, where you walk in and they have the.
01:25:29 Technology like oh, look, there it is.
01:25:32 Look, we're going to look in the microscope and there, there, there it is. There's the coronavirus. There's COVID-19 right there. We see.
01:25:38 It it's not what it's doing.
01:25:41 That's not how it works.
01:25:43 And you're going to get, uh, first of.
01:25:45 All you'll get.
01:25:45 False positives.
01:25:46 If there's nothing there but you'll test positive if you.
01:25:49 Have a cold?
01:25:52 So it's.
01:25:54 Anyway, which is?
01:25:55 Well, that's the reason why you.
01:25:56 Get so many false.
01:25:57 There's a lot of like cold like viruses.
01:26:00 People get that just don't have any symptoms, so you might be testing positive because you have something like that.
Speaker 3
01:26:08 What the **** was that?
01:26:12 There we go.
01:26:22 Plan trusted.
01:26:23 Just watched your video on Waco and it seems like that's like the starting point of them, not caring that we know they rule and.
01:26:33 Laws don't apply to them.
01:26:34 That's not the start.
01:26:35 That was, that was definitely not the.
01:26:37 Start, but what you had in the 90s was you had a normalization.
01:26:45 To a shocking degree of the militia movement, you had actual militias.
01:26:50 In fact, all throughout the country that had a relatively I don't want to say like a.
01:27:00 Like a dominant presence or something like that.
01:27:02 But they they had the.
01:27:04 Ability to carry out operations and things like that.
01:27:08 It was it was.
01:27:10 And and it was before all the the surveillance state technology existed.
01:27:15 So the federal government was facing all these little pockets of my freedom, guys with guns, many of them with actual military experience, you know, Vietnam or whatever.
01:27:29 Who were arming up and realizing that a lot of the freedom was kind of being eroded away and some of them even not all of them, but some of them even noticing, like the racial demographic aspect of things.
01:27:46 And so the federal government did what they always do, and they false flagged the problem away because the average American didn't have a, you know, weren't afraid of of militias.
01:27:56 That was a constitutional imperative.
01:28:03 And that so you had to demonize, you had to demonize militias, and that was all part, you know, that Waco was part of that Ruby Ridge was part of that Oklahoma City was part of that, you know.
01:28:14 And they did a good job then.
01:28:15 In fact, that's a lot of all that stuff that happened.
01:28:18 Oklahoma City specifically, that's what ushered in a lot of the surveillance.
01:28:23 Great stuff.
01:28:26 Was they said?
01:28:26 Ohh, we need to have the kind of like what they're doing now, right in the same way they're using the six.
01:28:32 And saying like, Oh my God, it was an insurrection.
01:28:34 We have all these domestic terrorists everywhere we need.
01:28:37 To you know.
01:28:38 Create all these new agencies or you know departments within agencies to to, you know, police, this kind of thing.
01:28:47 They were doing this, they did the same thing in the 90s after Oklahoma City.
01:28:52 And there's a lot of big ******* question marks when it comes to Oklahoma City.
01:28:58 A lot of a lot.
01:29:00 Of very false flaggy looking aspects to Oklahoma City.
01:29:05 I mean, just the if nothing else, if you, I mean, the guy had.
01:29:09 He made like.
01:29:09 A little truck bomb and they were saying they made it out of, like, fertilizer.
01:29:12 And you look at that ******* building.
01:29:17 A truck bomb with railing.
01:29:23 And there's just like a.
01:29:23 Lot of other things that don't add up a lot of other things that don't add up when it comes to Oklahoma City.
01:29:33 But anyway, that that wasn't like the only that was the beginning at all.
01:29:37 I mean, we've been ****** for a long time.
01:29:41 We Fast forward here.
01:29:44 Patriot of the north, despite his faults, the governor of Texas.
01:29:47 Made it law that no one.
01:29:49 Can be forced to show proof of vaccination to receive services.
01:29:55 Well, maybe for now we'll see how that goes.
01:29:57 Right.
01:29:59 That that might be.
01:30:01 That might be true for right now, but I.
01:30:03 Don't know how.
01:30:03 Long, that'll.
Speaker 3
01:30:06 How long that will last?
01:30:09 Oops, I think this went to the.
01:30:13 Cardiff you mentioned a few streams ago about the health issues.
01:30:17 Are you OK?
01:30:19 Yeah, I'm OK for now.
Speaker 3
01:30:22 UM.
01:30:24 Veruca salt.
01:30:25 I've been attending a lot of school board meetings to fight all this mandatory VAX masks and testing nonsense, and now CRT.
01:30:36 What would be the best argument to present against CRT?
01:30:39 Keep it in mind that schools are the belly of the beast will be the best.
01:30:48 I mean just I I don't think that's again, I don't think it's a winning argument.
01:30:52 I don't.
01:30:53 Think you can win against it?
01:30:55 It's it's clear, it's.
01:30:57 Anything that that teaches.
01:31:03 It's it's the same.
01:31:04 Thing that's wrong with affirmative action, which again, are you going to successfully get rid of racial quotas?
01:31:11 You know, successfully get rid of affirmative action.
01:31:13 No, you're not.
01:31:15 And I don't think you're going to successfully.
01:31:16 Get rid of.
01:31:18 Critical race theory the best way?
01:31:21 I mean, it's rhetorically.
01:31:24 Would be unfortunately like I'm sure you've seen, like the videos of like.
01:31:29 The based black guy.
01:31:30 Right, doing the base black guy argument of like.
Speaker 2
01:31:33 Are you trying to tell me that I'm not as good because I'm?
01:31:36 Black like it sucks cause it's, but that's probably the best.
01:31:40 I mean if you want to actually get anywhere with the people that are going to be in charge, you have, you're gonna have to use some gay Maga argument.
01:31:48 Against it because.
01:31:52 You know.
01:31:53 That's what we're down to.
01:31:54 If you can't talk honestly about this stuff and expect to actually get anywhere, it's like I said it's it's.
01:32:00 It's not about persuasion anymore, it's about manipulation.
01:32:04 And so maybe you can find a base black guy in your area.
Speaker 2
01:32:07 I don't know.
01:32:08 But they're not going to listen to you. A lot of this stuff's just inevitable, especially as we lose political power. I mean, not again, not to.
01:32:18 Be a defeatist. I'm just.
01:32:20 Being a realist here, this stuff it's.
01:32:22 There was no.
01:32:24 There were people that were that were that stood against.
01:32:29 Affirmative action and used a lot of those arguments.
01:32:33 That would apply to critical race theory, but it went it went nowhere.
01:32:37 And it's just, it's just you're never going to get away from.
01:32:42 The the the amount of momentum behind this, the amount of power that's behind it.
01:32:49 It's good that, I guess show up and maybe you.
01:32:50 Can fight you.
01:32:52 Know, prolong it, delay it in your in your locality.
01:32:57 Depending on what the demographic makeup is in your locality.
01:33:03 But I would imagine that the demographic makeup is going to be receptive to anything honest.
01:33:06 You probably don't have a lot to worry.
01:33:08 About in the first.
01:33:09 But if they're trying to implement then I would just say you.
01:33:12 Know use the same.
01:33:14 It sucks, but that's the only arguments you can use is.
01:33:16 I mean, you're.
01:33:17 Not going.
01:33:17 What you going to do?
01:33:18 Use race and IQ arguments at the at the school board level.
01:33:21 No, I mean, you're going to have to say stupid.
01:33:23 Stuff like that.
01:33:25 It's it's bad for black people.
01:33:28 I mean, that's that's all it's going to fly.
01:33:31 In a, you know, in a school board meeting, if you go in there saying the truth.
01:33:38 They're going to become.
01:33:41 A viral video for them.
01:33:42 Look at these.
01:33:43 Look at this racist look at this.
01:33:45 This is why we need CRT.
01:33:46 You know what I mean?
01:33:48 So I mean that's why that's why I've kind of just said **** it and just, you know, homeschool your kids, why you know why?
01:33:56 Why should you worry about the the government school system at this point?
01:34:00 It's they're going to, I mean they're that's that's not the only issue you're going to have to be trying to fight and you're going to.
01:34:08 Expend all your energy trying to fight what they're doing to government schools when you could be putting that energy into.
01:34:15 Just educating your kids yourself.
01:34:18 And then you're not going to.
01:34:20 Have to worry about any of this stuff.
01:34:22 So it just seems.
01:34:23 It just the whole public school system thing just seems like a lost cause to me.
01:34:29 I mean, it was already a lost cause when I was in it, which was many years ago.
Speaker 3
01:34:37 Let's take a look here.
01:34:43 Hervet ski hig.
01:34:47 If it wasn't for the Holocaust, they would have the pogroms.
01:34:52 If it wasn't for the pogroms, they would have the Inquisition.
01:34:56 If it wasn't for the Inquisition, they would have the Roman destruction of the temple.
01:35:00 What I mean to say is Jews have many persecution stories.
01:35:04 Not just one.
01:35:06 Yeah, but they they had those.
01:35:07 Before they.
01:35:10 They wear off after a while, right?
01:35:13 Like white people have persecution stories, but.
01:35:15 Just we were kind of like top.
01:35:17 Dog for so long that none of them really no one really cares.
01:35:21 It's in the same way that.
01:35:24 You know, if you bring up.
01:35:25 That that well, the Irish were, you know, or like my ancestors, you know, they were.
01:35:31 They were indentured servants.
01:35:32 That's like slavery.
01:35:33 And no one gives a **** about that.
01:35:35 Like no one cares.
01:35:36 So I was like.
01:35:37 400 years ago or whatever, so it's like.
01:35:40 It's good to have to refresh it every so.
01:35:44 Often to because right now you can.
01:35:46 Still, like look, I mean, I can't.
01:35:48 I can't trot out.
01:35:50 A relative of mine and say like, oh, look, he's an indentured servant survivor, you know, but they can be like, oh, look, here's the Holocaust.
01:35:57 But now they're going have holograms of these ******* people.
01:36:00 Right.
01:36:01 Oh, look, they're all dead.
01:36:02 Look at the look at the hologram.
01:36:06 So it's it's good to have that. And plus they're look, they're mandating the education they've already legally mandated in I think 28 of the states where you're I mean we're that they're.
01:36:18 You're going to have.
01:36:19 Specific Holocaust required education in all these States and not like all the other historical events that happened.
01:36:28 That are actually more relevant to America.
01:36:31 Well, I guess in a way this is relevant to America because of.
01:36:35 How controlled we are by this?
01:36:38 But it it you know it should there should.
01:36:40 I guess what I'm getting at is there should be required Holocaust education, but it shouldn't be the way they're going to be teaching it.
01:36:49 Another reason to just not.
01:36:51 ******* deal with the the.
01:36:53 The school system, it's just it's just a losing battle.
01:36:58 I mean, why would you trust the same people that want you dead, that have been working to displace you?
01:37:02 They've been stabbing your stabbing you in the back and lying to you and ******* this country.
01:37:06 Why would you want them?
01:37:08 Educating your children.
01:37:11 You know, that's part of why they've gotten away.
01:37:13 With it is what most MP and that's that's when you're at that age where you're.
01:37:18 Very, there's nothing on your hard drive.
01:37:22 Now it's all empty space S they can dump all the stuff they want in there, and you don't have to delete anything to make room.
01:37:29 It just it just sucks it all up.
01:37:32 And so it's the best time for them to install all their their most crucial programs.
01:37:41 And then after that, all they all they have to do at.
01:37:43 That point is just update them over the years.
01:37:47 And so it's just to me, it just seems.
01:37:50 It's a losing battle.
01:37:51 That, I mean, if it'd be nice, it'd be nice, right?
01:37:55 Be nice to have like.
01:37:56 A community that.
01:37:57 That had, like the the old, you know, communal school, like the one room school buildings like they used to have that sort.
Speaker 3
01:38:04 Of thing or whatever, but.
01:38:06 That I mean.
01:38:07 It's it's, they're just, they're just there.
01:38:09 To to program.
01:38:10 Good little slaves at this point anyway.
01:38:18 Or did you see how people who I suspect are part of the CMP were pushing their agenda?
01:38:25 Mass share the black athlete as if.
01:38:28 That is what America is it's like there isn't one white Olympian who loves America.
01:38:36 You talk about the.
01:38:39 What's her name?
01:38:40 Biles I did think it was hilarious that you see all these.
01:38:46 I mean, she she finally competed right after quitting all these events and then got a bronze.
01:38:52 And there's just like, the the the crazy headlines.
01:38:55 You know the headlines like.
01:38:57 This is why her bronze.
01:38:58 Is better than any gold.
01:38:59 And you're just like.
01:39:01 And but that's that's what I'm.
01:39:03 Saying that people are so brainwashed, they just go with it.
01:39:07 They just go.
01:39:09 The the average person reads that and and sucks it in.
01:39:13 I mean, look, we're we're at the it's a cliche, but it's still.
01:39:17 Accurate. We're we're at that level of 1984 where it is 2 + 2 = 5. That's just the way. That's where. And so you're it's it's going to be a more common occurrence as when things when reality goes against.
01:39:32 The narrative and an obvious enough way, they're just going to outright circumvent reality and just.
01:39:39 The opposite of reality.
01:39:40 Oh, bronze is better than gold in this instance.
01:39:44 OK.
01:39:46 I didn't know that.
01:39:47 Well, now you know, cause the the party told you.
01:39:54 Base increasing or Pastor Steve Anderson, his wife, have 11 kids and they homeschooled them all.
01:39:59 Yeah, no, it's home.
01:40:00 Schooling is.
01:40:01 Is even my parents homeschooled a couple of my siblings?
01:40:07 I wish that homeschooled me to some degree.
01:40:09 COVID patient zero.
01:40:10 Have you noticed that when you are wait, have you noticed that whenever you comment on the Internet, I'm not getting Vaxxed?
01:40:19 Random accounts get very hostile.
01:40:21 Wish you getting sick or trying to guilt trip you into getting the.
01:40:27 Got I tested on Instagram and Twitter.
01:40:31 Yeah, there's definitely.
01:40:33 There's definitely, definitely bots at work when it comes to anything, of course, I mean like.
01:40:41 Why wouldn't there be?
01:40:42 I mean, I I can't.
01:40:43 I can't think of another time in my lifetime when the ruling class has made it more obvious than they want something.
01:40:52 They want people that they want a behavioral change.
01:40:56 They're I.
01:40:56 Mean look, there's.
01:40:58 I really can't.
01:40:59 I can't think of a single thing.
01:41:01 Other than maybe accepting diversity, right like this is right up.
01:41:04 There with that.
01:41:06 High Priest King Terry Coutard bit shoot has was hyped about some court case in Alberta, Canada.
01:41:14 Allegedly some guy won a court.
01:41:15 Case against the.
01:41:17 Health Department for a $1200 fine for breaking quarantine.
01:41:20 He won because the government couldn't isolate COVID specifically and prove it's real.
01:41:26 I'm not sure if that story is.
01:41:27 No, the story is not.
01:41:28 Real the.
01:41:32 Like all those things, it's it's misinterpreted misinterpreting the the the situation.
01:41:38 If it's the one I'm thinking of.
01:41:42 Let me get back to you.
01:41:43 On that one.
01:41:44 But it's almost.
01:41:47 Look, if it's, it's one of those.
01:41:50 Things if it sounds too good.
01:41:51 To be true, it usually is right?
01:41:54 And I really doubt there's some court case where some guy proved that the that COVID is not real.
01:42:01 And now Hooray, we win.
01:42:04 You know, like that's especially if it's.
01:42:09 Quite hard, but you're telling you that.
01:42:11 Now, I did hear about a case where some guy served the subpoena.
01:42:15 Against the the Canadian government and they didn't respond or something like that.
01:42:20 And then so he was saying that like, ohh, this proves it.
01:42:24 But then you look into it and it he didn't serve it correctly and there's, you know, I mean like it was just him but.
01:42:30 So that's probably what's going on here.
01:42:33 And in fact, that might even be the same.
01:42:34 Case but I have to look into it.
01:42:38 I'm not sure coffee shock.
01:42:40 In Germany you go to prison for comparing COVID measures to Nazism, but nothing happens if you compare the COVID Niers the Nazis.
01:42:48 Another example for hate speech laws only being enforced selectively in ARCO tyranny.
01:42:54 Right. Well, that's why having motive attached to actions codified in law is a bad idea. Basing policies or what do you know about the Rwandan genocide of 1994? Nothing.
01:43:10 I've heavily studied.
01:43:13 And beyond, I think watching the.
01:43:16 Was it that?
01:43:17 Isn't that like a movie about a hotel?
01:43:19 I think I'm pretty sure I saw that.
01:43:22 It's been too long.
01:43:22 I'd have to look into it again.
01:43:25 And one of those things where I I would think it would be, it's one of those things where maybe it would be something to, you know if you want to research.
01:43:31 A recent genocide.
01:43:33 But it's just Africa so different.
01:43:35 It's maybe it'd be good just because you'd see a little bit of human nature leaking through, and maybe some of the things.
01:43:41 That happen there.
01:43:43 But it's just so different, you know, the environment there is so different.
01:43:47 I don't know how much of.
01:43:47 It would apply beyond just like the human nature stuff the.
01:43:51 Pill dispenser I.
01:43:52 Know you like to choose your subject.
01:43:54 For the stream.
01:43:56 But for the 10th of August is the death.
01:43:59 Of Sky king.
01:44:01 Could you talk about him next stream or the?
01:44:03 Next the OR.
01:44:05 After the next stream, I think he would listen.
01:44:07 I think he would listen.
01:44:08 To your stream.
01:44:09 If he was alive.
01:44:12 They is that the.
01:44:16 That's not one year, right?
01:44:17 And that was more than a year.
01:44:18 Ago, wasn't it?
01:44:20 I'll try to remember that.
Speaker 3
01:44:26 UM.
01:44:29 Alright, let me Fast forward through all these.
01:44:33 Lifter if Alex Jones was our guy, why doesn't he expose the Council on uh national policy?
01:44:41 Well, he's.
01:44:45 I mean, I don't know.
01:44:46 Like I said, I, I I I can never tell if he's intentionally misinformation or just.
Speaker 2
01:44:54 I don't know.
01:44:58 Base increase odor in grade 5I was doing grade 10 math.
01:45:03 For math workbooks my parents bought for me.
01:45:06 If you have high IQ jeans, you are doing your kids a disservice by allowing them.
01:45:11 In public school to deal with them.
01:45:12 Yeah, like I luckily I went to and I did go.
01:45:14 To public school.
01:45:16 But they had a gifted program.
01:45:19 And so for the first.
01:45:22 You know, kindergarten, first grade and 2nd.
01:45:25 I didn't have it because you know, you're too young.
01:45:28 But, I mean, it was.
01:45:28 It was obvious, like they were that I was ahead of the class.
01:45:32 So they tested me because in 3rd grade they actually had a school that was.
01:45:37 It wasn't like a pull up like the most most schools like it was a pull out program they would take.
01:45:41 You out for like part of the day.
01:45:43 And teach you other things and then bring you back to your class.
01:45:47 But where I went, they actually had an entire gifted school.
01:45:52 But it was only from third.
01:45:53 It was weird years.
01:45:54 It was like from 3rd grade to 7th grade.
01:45:57 And so for a few years at least I had.
01:46:01 Gifted school, but the problem was it was run by hippie boomers and so they, you know, you get you hand a bunch of hippie boomers, high IQ kids and they they get, they get a little like, you know, ******* experimental on them.
01:46:18 And I almost feel like it might have.
01:46:20 Been worse.
01:46:23 Then then if I just stayed in normal classes because like some of the **** we did just made no sense, like about why?
01:46:30 Why would you teach kids this and just a lot of the stuff we skipped over?
01:46:34 Like a lot of practical knowledge that was traded in for just like stupid **** or or just pointless stuff like memorizing every bone in the body, you know, and and.
01:46:43 Just just it didn't make any sense.
01:46:46 Some of the stuff that we were doing or or and just some of it was just like.
01:46:50 Not even hard, like.
01:46:51 We did this.
01:46:51 Whole like for like 4 months where we were just ohh go we're.
01:46:55 Gonna we got we.
01:46:56 Got you.
01:46:56 This plot of land.
01:46:58 We've got this.
01:46:58 Plot of land and you're going to grow.
01:47:01 Radishes in this plot.
01:47:03 Of land and you can do whatever you want.
01:47:05 We just and that's it.
01:47:07 Like, that's what we did for like 4 months, I think.
01:47:09 I mean we probably did a little bit of other stuff but like primarily we did, we just grew some radishes for like 4 months.
01:47:15 And then whoever had the biggest radishes at the end, like, yay, but like nothing you didn't get.
01:47:20 Anything like it was?
01:47:22 Didn't make any sense like it was a bulk.
01:47:24 The bulk it was weird because we had two.
01:47:28 And that was, you know, split throughout the day.
01:47:30 You'd want, you know, half the day was with one teacher half the day with the other teacher.
01:47:33 And there was one of the teachers were like, that was like.
01:47:36 Four months of it was just growing radishes.
01:47:40 It was weird.
01:47:40 It was.
01:47:41 I mean, there was probably other stuff like not really like that was the focus for like 4 months.
01:47:46 It's just stupid.
01:47:47 It's stupid to not at this point.
01:47:49 Especially, it's stupid to not homeschool your kids.
01:47:52 My mom did it well.
01:47:54 Like I said with my kid brother and a little bit one.
01:47:57 Of my sisters.
01:47:58 Because she was on the school board.
01:48:00 You know, she tried.
01:48:01 In fact, she tried.
01:48:02 To do it, a brook assault was saying.
01:48:06 Because it was getting bad.
01:48:08 You know, even back then.
01:48:10 And she saw a lot of these changes and was trying to, you know, she, you know, ran for school board and got in there.
01:48:16 And we tried to make.
01:48:16 Changes and and it was just impossible so.
01:48:19 She just said **** it.
01:48:20 And start homeschooling her kid.
01:48:23 And and that was like *******.
01:48:27 Like 20 years ago or something like that.
01:48:30 Like she threw in the towel like before 9.
01:48:32 11 just put it that way.
Speaker 3
01:48:37 So any Fast forward here?
01:48:43 Weasel 898 are wild hogs and an issue where you live.
01:48:48 Are they a good?
01:48:49 Source for preppers in your area.
01:48:52 You know, here's the thing.
01:48:53 About in the desert they got Javelinas.
01:48:57 They are.
01:48:58 They're out there.
01:48:59 But they're, I mean, you almost never see them.
01:49:00 Like I lived in the desert for decades, and I've only seen them a.
01:49:03 Handful of times.
01:49:05 When you do see them, they're dangerous like they'll.
01:49:08 Yeah, they'll **** people up.
01:49:10 There was a guy in town I was talking to where they they almost killed one of his dogs.
01:49:16 Like he was just out one night and his dog started barking at something and they got, like, tusks and ****, right?
01:49:22 And they ganged up on the dog and like, it was like this whole thing.
01:49:27 You don't see them very often.
01:49:30 And and it's not like a food source I.
01:49:32 Would rely on.
01:49:33 With that, and maybe there's a way to attract them or something like that, but I don't I.
01:49:38 Don't know what that would be.
01:49:40 That food source in terms of meat that I would have access to out here would be like the rabbits.
01:49:47 It's like an endless source.
01:49:48 I mean, there's so many of these ******* rabbits.
01:49:50 I could eat rabbit all the time.
01:49:53 And it would not be hard to find them.
01:49:56 UM.
01:49:57 It depends on your area, depends on where you live.
01:50:00 There's probably places forest areas that are going to have actual, you know, bigger pigs.
01:50:05 That's the Javelinas aren't that big.
01:50:07 They're they, you know, they're not like I'm sure you've seen the photos of people that have bagged wild boars out, you know, and down in the South.
01:50:14 And they're like these big *** ******* pigs.
01:50:16 It's nothing like that.
01:50:17 It's like a.
01:50:19 Javelinas are more like UM, like a medium sized dog if that, you know.
01:50:24 You could also.
01:50:25 Eat coyote and people that wouldn't like, don't like that, but you could eat coyote.
01:50:29 There's tons of coyotes out here.
01:50:31 You could eat coyotes all day long.
01:50:35 There's, you know, quail and other birds and stuff.
01:50:38 You could eat that aren't don't have as much meat.
01:50:40 There was a guy I was watching a video of a very.
01:50:44 Few people make.
01:50:45 These survival videos that are actually useful, but this guy literally went into the desert.
01:50:53 We went into the Sonoran.
01:50:55 I don't know what part, but it was.
01:50:58 The Sonoran Desert can be pretty unforgiving depending on where you go, and he went.
01:51:03 There without shoes.
01:51:05 And he he made his own like he went ******** for like a week straight where he was, he was trapping rats like desert rats.
01:51:17 With he would make these UM like.
01:51:21 Literally, he was getting a rock.
01:51:24 This is how he was trapping and look, he set up.
01:51:26 The camera so you know he wasn't full.
01:51:27 Of **** like he.
01:51:28 You saw him work amazing that that it worked.
01:51:31 But it worked.
01:51:32 He got like this, these big rocks and they would prop him up with a stick.
01:51:36 Like and then put like berries or like you know something.
01:51:41 Because, you know, he was.
01:51:41 Even getting the bait out there or he dug.
01:51:45 He dug till he got.
01:51:47 He made like basically a A well in.
01:51:49 A way he.
01:51:50 Dug out some water out of a wash.
01:51:53 And because the rats would be attracted to moisture because they don't come across water in the desert, that much, you used that as.
01:51:59 Bait too and literally like the rats were.
01:52:04 Hitting the stick and the rock would fall down and smash him.
01:52:07 He'd wake up in the.
01:52:08 Morning and take the the flattened rat out from under the rock and cook it up and eat rats.
01:52:16 There's a lot of.
01:52:19 Weird plants you can eat out in the desert.
01:52:25 There's lots of.
01:52:30 I mean, you can eat snakes too.
01:52:31 You can eat snakes.
01:52:33 There's bugs you can eat.
01:52:35 So it all depends on where.
01:52:36 You live.
01:52:37 It's very dependent on where you live, because it's gonna be totally different.
01:52:41 No matter where you are.
01:52:45 That's the situation.
01:52:45 I hope I'm never in.
01:52:47 Having to like.
01:52:48 ******* smash rats with rocks and cooking up like, you know, rats, cycles and stuff like that.
Speaker 3
01:52:59 Let's see here.
01:53:04 Weasel 898 they're a ***** in Texas. From where I'm from, they taste like ****, though. Don't know. Know about how, Gelinas?
01:53:14 Yeah, I've ever had.
01:53:14 I don't.
01:53:15 Think I've ever eaten javelina.
01:53:19 But I would imagine it tastes like pork.
01:53:21 I mean, they look like pigs.
01:53:23 With tusks, they look like smaller pigs.
01:53:27 Like like kind of like, ******** angry looking pigs.
Speaker 3
01:53:35 All right, let me.
01:53:40 DND and then DJ.
01:53:44 Is your family on the same page when it comes to this topic or they don't care about this stuff? I'd say it's a mixed bag. A lot of my family, like my family's about.
01:53:54 80% normie.
01:53:57 And then we have like the outliers.
01:54:00 My mom, believe it or not.
01:54:01 Was way ahead of the game on the Clintons like she used to have, like VHS tapes before there was the Internet about the Clinton murders and stuff like that.
01:54:11 Like she was, she was plugged in, you know, she listened to.
01:54:15 I mean, look it.
01:54:16 Was, you know?
01:54:17 What were the options?
01:54:18 But she listened to like.
01:54:20 Rush Limbaugh, back when he was a local guy, you know, we lived in California when I was a real little kid.
01:54:25 And she listened to him when he was like, a a local Sacramento guy.
01:54:29 And so it, you know, she's always been really into it. My dad's pretty apolitical. Weirdly enough. Like, I've even recently. I've tried talking to him about this stuff.
01:54:40 And he just his eyes glaze over.
01:54:42 It's like he doesn't care.
01:54:45 I I don't think he's ever really paid attention to.
01:54:48 Politics, to be honest, or if he has, maybe.
01:54:53 You know, like on surface level, but I've never had in my life a philosophical or even political discussion with my dad, ever.
01:55:04 And I just think that it just you know, that's just not his thing.
01:55:07 He's more of a guy that he's like a mechanic, kind of a brain, you know?
01:55:14 He was a mechanical engineer, but like that's you know, that's where his head's at is just.
01:55:19 A cause and effect.
01:55:21 On machinery you know, just very, very.
01:55:27 In in nature, in the way that he that he he very you know very physical in the way that he perceives the world.
01:55:36 And so, uh, and then my my brothers and sisters are, UM, which, as as you can imagine, a Mormon family.
01:55:42 There's there are many.
01:55:46 None of them were really particularly political and I look, I I think I've said this my kid brother thinks I'm a Nazi.
01:55:56 You know, he's uh he full on thinks that I'm.
01:56:00 The devil I don't know, but I, but I don't I.
01:56:03 Because of that, we now we don't talk.
01:56:05 Right.
01:56:05 I don't know how much of that.
01:56:06 Like I don't know how.
01:56:07 Blue pill he is.
01:56:08 I don't know if he's just normally blue pilled or if he's like.
01:56:11 You know *******.
01:56:13 Red tube.
01:56:14 Blue blue pilled at this point but.
01:56:16 So yeah, it's it's a mixed bag.
01:56:18 It's it is what it is.
01:56:20 If if it really comes down to it, you know, lines start getting drawn and I mean that's just the way it happens, right?
01:56:25 I mean when the when the we had the first civil war that that's what they said, right?
01:56:30 It was it was brother versus brother.
01:56:33 And that's the kind of I think shake out that you're going to have.
01:56:36 It's very it's not very often that you have and look honestly I kind of I view this as a failure of the.
01:56:42 Parents, I mean you you should be able to have.
01:56:47 Certainly philosophical conversations with your son.
Speaker 3
01:56:52 And and your.
01:56:52 And an inability to do that, I think is a failure in parenting.
01:56:57 Trying but in the same way that I said, like a lot of people like to.
Speaker 2
01:57:04 You know they'll they'll.
01:57:05 Cry about the Constitution and whatever, but they outsource all their political thinking to someone like Tucker Carlson or whatever, right?
01:57:12 They, well, they they concentrate on whatever levers they're supposed to be pulling, and buttons they're supposed to be pushing, they'll outsource their political views to Sean Hannity and then Sean Hannity, you know, they'll TuneIn to hear, like.
01:57:25 What am I supposed to believe now?
01:57:27 And and Sean Hannity will say it.
01:57:29 And they're like, OK now.
01:57:30 Now I hate unions or, you know, whatever it is.
01:57:32 Right.
01:57:33 I think a lot of people in that same way, that's how they they've outsourced their their philosophy to their church.
01:57:42 Right.
01:57:43 And and their political party.
01:57:47 So a lot of people, they they again they want to focus on their family and they want to focus on their jobs.
01:57:53 They want to focus on their immediate surroundings and everything else they outsource to, you know, either their their church, you know, leader, you know, like the Pope or or, you know.
01:58:08 You know, whoever their church leader.
01:58:09 Wiz or even **** a lot of people.
01:58:12 They even outsourced their their ship to celebrity.
01:58:15 Whoever their favorite artist is or.
01:58:17 But but they they.
01:58:18 Don't do any of the thinking themselves.
01:58:20 I don't think that's like a normal thing, because, I mean, that would just be chaos, right?
01:58:24 I think that humans aren't designed to do that.
01:58:27 If you had a population where.
01:58:30 Everyone was trying to work out for themselves the way of the universe, and like how things should work and and I mean, just nothing would get done like nothing would get done if that was.
01:58:44 If that was in the interest of every single worker.
01:58:46 Would be.
01:58:47 You would have, it would just be a ******* mess.
01:58:49 You're going to need the vast majority of people to to default.
01:58:56 To being the worker being.
01:58:58 You know, if if everyone was trying to be the queen all the time, the every hive would collapse.
01:59:05 You need worker bees.
01:59:07 And so I think that.
01:59:10 To get mad at them is the wrong response.
01:59:14 Because if you understand that it's what you should do is realize that you're not going to persuade that class of people.
01:59:24 I mean, I guess that's one way to put it, that class of people, the same way you were persuaded.
Speaker 5
01:59:33 Right.
01:59:34 Because you aren't.
01:59:35 You weren't distracted by.
01:59:39 By pushing the buttons and pulling the levers you are interested in in how the universe works, you do want the answers you do have this philosophical curiosity.
01:59:49 This is something that interests you, that that's not the case for these people.
01:59:55 And and probably on a hardwired level.
01:59:59 Like, they're probably not capable.
02:00:01 A lot of these people of even UM.
02:00:04 Thinking about these sorts of things.
02:00:07 And so you need to to stop looking at it.
02:00:10 As I've said before, there's never going to be like the.
02:00:12 This is what red pills the normies moment.
02:00:16 Because of this.
02:00:17 No amount of information will ever red pill the normies.
02:00:21 They're not going to come to the same conclusions that you did just by providing them with facts.
02:00:27 The left understood this a long.
02:00:28 Time ago, and I think the right.
02:00:32 Because they see it as kind of like a cheap trick, right?
02:00:35 That the left has used manipulation using movies like we talked a lot about on this channel or or, you know, television, you know, radio, music, books.
02:00:46 Server right.
02:00:47 That because we see that the left their way of of gaining influence isn't to try to provide the best argument.
02:00:56 I mean, you see it all the time, right?
02:00:59 And and people, well, what do you mean?
02:01:02 The left can't argue.
02:01:03 What about Bausch and Charlie?
02:01:04 They're both leftists.
02:01:05 They're literally both leftists.
02:01:08 You know, that's why that was a **** show.
02:01:11 So it's, but they're not good at at at arguing arguments when it comes to actually just look there's.
02:01:20 A reason why?
02:01:24 Well, again it's it's nine, it's limited on the left, it's it's you see the man on the street interviews where you ask some of these leftists to explain their their positions and they don't know it, they don't ******* know why they.
02:01:35 Have these beliefs.
02:01:37 But you see the same thing.
02:01:38 I'm sure you've seen like the the man on the street style interviews with.
02:01:42 Petards, where they just.
02:01:43 They're just a ******* embarrassment.
02:01:45 Because they don't understand.
02:01:46 That's most people.
02:01:48 So the left figured this out a long time ago that it's not about persuasion, it's about manipulation.
02:01:54 It's not our duty to try to persuade the masses and to seeing the world.
02:02:02 The way we.
Speaker 5
02:02:03 See it.
02:02:04 It's our duty to brainwash.
02:02:08 To manipulate the world into seeing the world or the people into seeing the.
02:02:14 World the way we.
02:02:14 Do and the right because they see that as as like a.
02:02:20 Well, there's a number of reasons.
02:02:21 Part of us is they see that as like, that's a leftist tactic, right?
02:02:25 That's cheap.
02:02:25 We shouldn't be doing that.
02:02:26 That's cheating.
02:02:29 It's dishonest it, by the way, it doesn't have to be dishonest.
02:02:31 Manipulation doesn't have.
02:02:32 To be dishonest.
02:02:34 When you manipulate your children into doing the right thing, it's it's.
02:02:39 You don't have to be dishonest in doing them.
02:02:41 You just have to realize that children can't reason and in the same way you know, like like you're, you're not going to argue with, you're not going to.
02:02:49 Have like a big.
02:02:50 Philosophical discussion with your kid when you're trying to make him go to bed at a certain time about bedtimes, you're.
02:02:56 Not going to.
02:02:56 Because he's a ******* kid.
02:02:58 Right.
02:02:59 And so in the same way you're you're going to limit your negotiations with children because they have a limited amount of of aptitude and you know, they they can only they can only rationalize so much.
02:03:12 And so you just got to deal with the public at large then that same way and realize, look, there's only so much that.
02:03:18 These people can ******* get in.
02:03:21 And I don't care if that sounds elitist or whatever.
02:03:23 That's just the way it is.
02:03:25 Everyone knows this.
02:03:27 I mean, everyone knows this.
02:03:27 Even the.
02:03:28 ******* stupid people know this.
Speaker 5
02:03:31 You know.
02:03:32 No, they don't want to.
02:03:33 They don't want to lump themselves in with with that group, but they they would admit it.
02:03:37 Like if you made as long as you made.
02:03:38 It sound like that.
02:03:39 Wasn't part of who they are.
02:03:40 You know, they would know because.
02:03:41 There's people even Dumber than them.
02:03:43 Most people, right if you're on.
02:03:44 The average you've had to deal with Dumber people, and you know that there's some people that just, I mean, there's things they can reason.
02:03:50 Like the average person can reason the the the even Dumber people can't reason, so they'd be able to relate to it, right?
02:03:57 So it's just.
02:03:58 Yeah, it we're just at.
02:04:00 We're at a point now where we need to just start manipulating people into doing the right thing because they think, like ******* children, especially after all these dysgenics like they've, I mean, they've been bred, they've been bred to be good little boys.
02:04:14 What do you expect?
02:04:15 What do you expect?
02:04:17 Do you think they're so so, so susceptible?
02:04:20 To the programming.
02:04:23 You know, and we all are to.
02:04:24 Some extent, but.
02:04:25 I mean.
02:04:27 There's a lot of people that just just lack the ability to to reason at all.
Speaker 3
02:04:36 Let's see here.
02:04:40 Probably I'm probably again, I'm probably skipping over some of.
02:04:42 These because I am.
02:04:45 And it's become kind of a.
Speaker 3
02:04:46 Mess here.
02:04:47 Donnie Browning.
02:04:49 Catch them rabbits and caged them.
02:04:51 They provide immediate fertilizer and good protein.
02:04:54 They're easy to skin and you can put the skin to good.
02:04:59 Use. Yeah, I you.
02:05:00 Know if I if I.
02:05:02 Was going to actually have caged rabbits.
02:05:04 I probably wouldn't use the kind that we've got.
02:05:07 Here, just because they're not super big, you know, I'd probably get some kind of rabbit that.
02:05:14 That's going to be.
02:05:15 Bigger, you know, like the one that's been bred, some kind of.
02:05:19 Genetic monstrosity.
02:05:25 Yeah, it would be easy to travel.
02:05:26 I mean, I there's some.
02:05:27 There's so many out here, it would be easy to trap a rabbit.
02:05:30 I could trap rabbits like all the time and then like in a bind.
02:05:35 Maybe I should, you know, maybe I should maybe just to have, like, maybe I should get, like, a a trap.
02:05:44 For small game.
Speaker 3
02:05:49 OK, let's keep going.
02:05:56 Pill dispenser.
02:05:57 What's next on the black Pilled schedule?
02:06:00 Well, the next streams on Saturday.
02:06:02 I don't.
02:06:03 I I'm.
02:06:03 I'm working on a.
02:06:06 Working on a there's a comparison between 2 movies, one that was made in the 1930s and one that was made in the 1960s.
02:06:15 Or at least that's the plan. I haven't watched the one from the 1930s yet. I've only watched the 19.
02:06:20 60s one if the 19.
02:06:22 30s one isn't the way that I'm expecting it to be.
02:06:27 I'm probably just focused in the 1960s one.
Speaker 3
02:06:31 But it's, uh.
02:06:34 It's very jewy.
02:06:40 Base SAC, the sacker on your dad, be an engineer.
02:06:45 He might not care, but don't underestimate the wokeness.
02:06:49 Especially of engineers, their methodical mindset to pull machines apart makes them see the machine for what it is.
02:06:57 They are the most most numb over represented occupational group.
02:07:04 In actual dissident actions.
02:07:08 Well, I mean, look, there's.
02:07:10 I used to think that because that was my experience, that anyone that was in the computers was was right wing that used to be the case when you were talking about people like back before there were touch screens with smiling faces and, you know, back before.
02:07:26 Back when computers were actually difficult.
02:07:29 Enough to where it weeded out a lot of the stupid people.
02:07:32 There was kind of a right wing.
02:07:39 Community to it.
02:07:40 Now, that's not to say there weren't also a lot of left wingers because I mean, trying to tell me Steve Jobs or Bill Gates is right wing.
02:07:48 I mean that's, you know, obviously not true, but a lot of the people, a lot of the user base, a lot of the people that were able to navigate these text based operating systems and memorize all the steps and understand.
02:08:00 Cause and effect and all this other.
02:08:01 Stuff they were right wing.
02:08:04 Uh, But I've noticed.
02:08:07 That's not a universal thing.
02:08:10 Especially as technology has gotten easier to operate.
02:08:13 Same thing with the ham radio stuff, right?
02:08:15 Like a lot of ham radio operators are right wing.
02:08:17 Or, like Maga boomers, you know, like nominally right wing.
02:08:20 But I I'm I'm surprised at how many left wing ham guys there are too.
02:08:26 And I've talked.
02:08:27 To a bunch of old guys that are.
02:08:30 You know, I think they believe all the, you know, believe the media is lying about.
02:08:34 Trump, they believe me.
02:08:36 Well, they just believe media.
02:08:39 You know, they they think that, uh, you know, the Russians hacked, you know, all that stuff.
02:08:43 They're, you know, and so there's no accounting for it.
02:08:47 I don't know.
02:08:48 And I guess when you when you communicate with some of these guys, just because you're a hand operator doesn't mean that you're actually go to engineering or electronics.
02:08:56 So you know, I guess that's not really.
02:08:58 I mean, there's some. There's some of that population, but not it's not exclusive to that population. So I don't know my, but my dad's not. He's not. I don't think he's left-leaning.
02:09:08 But I wouldn't.
02:09:09 Honestly, I wouldn't know.
02:09:10 He could be.
02:09:11 Because we've literally, I mean, he knows.
02:09:14 He knows, he knows what I he he knows what I do specifically.
02:09:18 In fact, he knows enough to where he actually gets worried a little bit about my safety, and still we've never talked about politics.
02:09:27 He just, I mean, he's just smart.
02:09:28 Enough to where he realizes.
02:09:31 You know, some of the dangers of.
02:09:32 Going against the grain.
02:09:35 But we still have never talked about.
Speaker 3
02:09:37 Politics. It's kind of weird.
02:09:39 I just don't think it.
02:09:40 I just don't think he's ever.
02:09:42 You know, put his head into it.
02:09:46 And that's the case for a.
02:09:47 Lot of.
02:09:48 People and you know he's not a dumb guy.
02:09:52 Actual ****** when the left enforces something, the obnoxious neoconservatives remark is usually so much for the tolerant left.
02:10:03 Yeah, all those conservative.
02:10:05 Talking or?
02:10:08 What's the right word?
02:10:12 Verbal diarrhea.
02:10:13 I mean, it was all useless.
02:10:14 All those.
02:10:15 All those catch phrases go nowhere.
02:10:17 It's just a reinforcement of how useless the.
02:10:21 The opposition is.
02:10:23 I mean the fact that that one of your catch phrases.
02:10:25 Is well, I guess that we lose again.
02:10:28 That's what they're saying when they say that.
02:10:31 Well, so much for my freedom that I'm supposed to be conserving.
02:10:36 And it's just throwing in the towel.
02:10:37 I mean that's that's that's conservatism is throwing in the towel.
02:10:41 Conrad Kingston, how do we create consequences for those censoring us?
02:10:46 Uh, we're not in a.
02:10:47 Position to.
02:10:48 We're just plain and simple.
02:10:50 We're not in a position to uh, there's a lot of desire.
02:10:54 To you know.
02:10:55 To do exactly that.
02:11:02 I mean, we can't talk a lot about that, but I would say to some degree you have to just be honest with yourself and realize that we might just be in a holding pattern for right now.
02:11:13 It might be more of a situation like I keep saying where you're it's better to raise John Connor.
02:11:19 It's better to raise a generation of people.
02:11:22 That understands the threat he's prepared to face it and doesn't have to deprogram you know, 20 years.
02:11:30 Years of of.
02:11:31 Global **** propaganda, someone that doesn't have to like like one day, realize that that diversity isn't our strength because they were never taught that, you know, like they never had that poison in their head.
02:11:47 They might be one of those situations where, you know.
02:11:51 Teaching them from an early age because maybe in Group preference is something that's taught like.
02:11:57 I keep thinking there might be a genetic aspect to that when it comes to white people just because they seem to to lack it so much as compared to.
02:12:04 The other races.
02:12:05 And maybe there is.
02:12:06 But that's all the more reason that you need to focus time on on teaching.
02:12:09 That to your kids.
02:12:11 That your people are.
02:12:12 Important and you know part of that.
02:12:14 Too is building.
02:12:15 Communities where there are there's other white.
02:12:16 People for them to to to communicate.
02:12:18 With and to socialize with and to build those bonds.
02:12:21 With and so I think that might be a a better.
02:12:27 You know that I'm thinking of.
02:12:28 Like alternatives because it is going.
02:12:31 To be a losing.
02:12:31 Metal the censorship.
02:12:34 Isn't going to like one day.
02:12:36 You're not going to have YouTube.
02:12:37 Just one day.
02:12:38 Going ohh we.
02:12:38 Just realized, like how ****** ** this is we.
02:12:41 We totally we're gonna unban everybody and.
02:12:43 Yeah, free speech.
02:12:44 That's not going to happen.
02:12:46 It's just going, it's going to go the exact opposite direction, harder and harder and harder on more and more platforms.
02:12:52 It's going to start including, you know, financial institutions to a higher degree that it already does.
02:12:58 They're going to ban you from grocery stores and **** like that.
02:13:01 So it's you need to see that like.
02:13:05 I've been saying.
02:13:06 Out of the cities for about 3 years now.
Speaker 3
02:13:09 You know.
02:13:10 Very vocally and.
02:13:14 That's because if you, if you had listened to.
02:13:16 That you'd you'd.
02:13:17 Already be in that position to where you can start.
02:13:20 Creating what is likely going to have to end up being like a parallel economy, a parallel society in in the same way that you've seen minority groups that are that have been successful and that have lived in host countries, you you have to start looking at America as a host country.
02:13:40 Especially now this is not this, is this.
02:13:43 You're living in a country that is not occupied and certainly not controlled by people who are your people.
02:13:49 And in fact they're very hostile to your people.
02:13:52 And you need to start treating it like that.
02:13:55 To where it's.
02:13:56 No, this isn't your country anymore.
02:13:57 This is just your host country.
02:14:00 And you need to start building up the the the community that's living with it or or I guess you could leave, but where where?
02:14:07 Would you go?
02:14:09 You know.
02:14:11 I mean because.
02:14:12 I think about that sometimes.
02:14:13 Like what are my ancestors?
02:14:14 Do they left?
02:14:15 I mean, they came here.
02:14:18 Well, I mean, where's there to go now?
02:14:20 There's no new.
02:14:21 There's no new world to go to.
02:14:25 Maybe someday there, you know something will open up or, you know, an opportunity will present itself or or or a country will get super based and say, you know, that they'll accept.
02:14:36 Refugees from the dying white Western countries.
02:14:41 But that's not right.
02:14:42 Right now I think you got to focus on again, you got to make your John Connors.
Speaker 3
02:14:57 Or I might miss some of these?
02:15:05 Mr. Goose, 45, how's the work coming along with a community chat group also? Hope you are.
02:15:11 Doing well mate.
02:15:13 I popped into the discord server.
02:15:16 Well, was it yesterday or day before and and and try to figure what's going on there were there were two actually I guess apparently at 1:00.
02:15:25 Point there were three discords.
02:15:26 First, I don't know.
02:15:28 Anyway, we're going to.
02:15:30 Get to where there's just.
02:15:31 One, which means we might need to send out new invites to some people.
02:15:37 I I I think I think it's kind of simmered down now.
02:15:42 Some people have have have have.
02:15:48 But I guess there's been a change of the guard of different it's it's.
02:15:52 It's been there, there's been drama as I expected, so, but it seems to have settled down and there does seem to be a A community that was somewhat organic on one of the servers and I popped in there and talked to some of those guys.
02:16:06 There was another server that I'm I'm trying to reach the guy.
02:16:12 That, that, put that together.
02:16:14 And and so we can combine the two and and get that going the the two.
02:16:19 The purposes for that in addition to I mean just again if you're going to be making John Connor and making these communities, this might be a good place to start some of this nepotism we.
02:16:30 Got to fire up some nepotism guys.
02:16:31 We got to.
02:16:32 We got to get that going, but specifically.
02:16:35 In regards to how I'd like to use, it is doing things like.
02:16:40 I was saying that we should have like a fit challenge.
02:16:43 Where you know I'm doing like the ruck marches to get back into shape but.
02:16:46 Maybe we turn.
02:16:47 That into a community thing.
02:16:49 I'm not expecting everyone to pack a a ******* pack full of £50 and do 15 miles.
Speaker 3
02:16:55 I mean, it sucks.
02:16:56 Like I I probably could do that for like a little bit longer I.
02:16:58 Did it.
02:16:59 The other day and it ******* destroyed.
02:17:01 Me for a few days.
02:17:03 So I'm going to I'm.
02:17:04 Going to and.
02:17:05 Just I don't think that's healthy really to be doing.
02:17:07 That all the time.
02:17:07 That will destroy your knees and your back after a while.
02:17:10 But you know, some kind of regular rock March with nothing wrong, maybe like 20 pounds or something like that, doing 15 miles, maybe a couple times a week, but get into the habit of that.
02:17:23 But also you know, doing some diet stuff like I'm I'm doing a pretty ******** diet that works really well.
02:17:30 And so it might be fun to make a competition out of that.
02:17:35 I don't I.
02:17:35 Don't know.
02:17:35 I never tried to do anything like this.
02:17:37 Also the I still want to do the the crowd sourced movie.
02:17:44 I've I've begun writing a outline for that because I think people need more guidance.
02:17:49 I know I've talked about it, but it's been too general.
02:17:53 In terms of like what I want and so I want to be more specific and say look we need a scene that's like this a scene that's like this.
02:17:58 You know you have some.
02:17:59 Wiggle room you can.
02:18:00 Do you know?
02:18:01 Have fun with this, but like, let's keep it like this, you know, and and make a list and so and.
02:18:09 Use the discord to coordinate with other.
02:18:10 People that might.
02:18:11 Might want to help you out on producing some.
Speaker 3
02:18:13 Of those scenes.
02:18:15 People that want to.
02:18:15 Create music.
02:18:16 You know there's there's a whole lot of stuff like that we can do.
02:18:20 And so I did pop in and talk to those people that have one of the servers and and I think that we're going to.
02:18:28 Be able to get that.
02:18:29 Bob rolling and I'm going to.
02:18:30 I'm going to nurture it a little bit better.
02:18:34 Going to try to participate more often and.
02:18:36 Tell at least at the.
02:18:37 Very least we get.
02:18:38 Get the you know, like a flow to it.
02:18:42 And UM. So yeah, that that's something that's.
02:18:46 That's going to be more focused on it, I, I neglect that.
02:18:50 It just I just had so many things happen once the last few weeks.
Speaker 3
02:18:54 So I kind of had to just forget about it.
02:18:55 For a minute.
02:19:01 OK, so I gotta think I missed some of these.
02:19:14 UM.
02:19:17 German American.
02:19:18 I think it's cutting it off, but I think it says Grouper ethnocentrism.
02:19:22 Centrism is largely heritable.
02:19:25 German women, for example, misogyny less than Slavic women, despite how paused Germany is.
02:19:34 Yeah, I mean, I'm sure like a lot of behavior is.
02:19:37 Very heritable, so I'm sure that has something.
Speaker 3
02:19:39 To do with it.
02:19:44 German American grouper Martian ethno state win I probably never.
02:19:49 I that's on Twitter.
02:19:51 I hope that China or someone is able to colonize Mars before we turn it into a third world country and then turn.
02:19:57 It gay because that's what would happen.
02:20:00 It would just be some multicultural.
02:20:03 ****** fest.
02:20:04 If we did it.
02:20:14 High Priest King Terry.
02:20:15 Any recommendations for a dish?
02:20:18 Not beer brats for the cooking group on discord.
02:20:24 I'm not like a prolific cook by any means.
02:20:29 Beer brats is easy.
02:20:31 How about chili reinos?
02:20:34 Using Hatch New Mexico green chili.
02:20:38 That's a requirement.
02:20:38 You can't use these these lame California Anaheim Peppers.
02:20:47 Jay Dog, any tips how I could convince my wife not to vaccinate our kids?
02:20:55 Ohh man, that's you got to wear.
02:20:57 The pants dude.
02:21:00 That's up to you.
02:21:01 I mean, look, I'm not going to.
02:21:02 Give medical advice, I've said well, oh.
02:21:03 I see this is.
02:21:06 I don't think I don't.
02:21:07 Even think not even the CDC, are they?
02:21:09 I mean, they weren't even.
02:21:09 Recommending they vaccinate the kids.
02:21:12 So I would just say that if your if your life is like a A VAX cut, but also why is she the one calling the shots?
02:21:19 Shouldn't you be calling the shots?
02:21:22 Just tell her.
02:21:23 Like, look, we're not vaccinating the kids.
02:21:26 Because I'm I'm the dad.
02:21:28 I'm the patriarch.
02:21:30 That's that's the order of things.
02:21:32 That's the that's the way the hierarchy is structured.
02:21:36 But you know, because I'm not * ****, I'll tell you why and the why is not even.
02:21:40 Not even the VAX cuts are saying.
02:21:42 To vaccinate kids.
02:21:44 You know, so why would you want to vaccinate kids?
02:21:47 Like, not even?
02:21:47 Not even Ben Shapiro, who loves talking about how he's Vaxxed all the time.
02:21:51 Not even he's vaccinating his kids.
02:21:54 So that's just, I don't that's pointless.
02:21:59 Thought criminal.
02:22:00 Can you tell us the name of the server that is working out?
02:22:06 I don't know there.
02:22:08 I don't know what their names are.
02:22:11 I don't think they have different names.
02:22:15 I'll send out invites to once we consolidate them.
02:22:21 Conrad Kingston.
02:22:23 Any word on the DOTR movie?
02:22:26 We we kind of already just.
Speaker 3
02:22:27 Talked about that.
02:22:43 Just Fast forward.
02:22:44 I think I'm going to miss some of this stuff.
02:22:46 We're gonna.
02:22:46 We're gonna wrap up here in a second.
02:22:48 We're at a.
02:22:50 2 1/2 hours.
02:22:55 Looking for looking for someone there looking for someone new that hasn't had a chance to?
Speaker 3
02:23:01 To comment yet?
02:23:07 Veruca salt.
02:23:09 What's the diet?
02:23:10 Keto and intermittent fasting?
02:23:13 Not well. I mean to.
02:23:14 Some extent.
02:23:15 I mean, I don't even.
02:23:15 I don't think of it as in terms.
02:23:17 Of I'll tell you it's it's this easy basically.
02:23:20 I mean this is this is we'll do this.
02:23:22 No, wrap it up, this is.
02:23:23 The easiest diet in the world.
02:23:25 And if you're super sedentary, like your computer programmer or anything like that, where you're sitting behind a computer all day long, which I think a lot of Americans are.
02:23:34 And so it's just like, you know, it is what it is.
02:23:36 The harder you work, in fact, the more you're you end up being a fat *** because you're you.
02:23:40 Never have time.
02:23:40 To cook food and you end up eating like **** food at weird hours because you're always sitting at a computer.
02:23:45 Working right.
02:23:46 So it's kind of it kind of sucks because it kind of gives you the opposite.
02:23:50 Like instead of instead of your weight.
02:23:52 Being a marker of laziness as it would be in the past.
02:23:55 It's it's a marker of hard work, but it works against you as if it was a marker of.
02:24:00 So the easiest way to do this is to first and foremost get yourself off of sugar completely off of off of refined sugar completely, and that includes grains.
02:24:12 So because you are.
02:24:15 Probably addicted to sugar.
02:24:17 Almost everyone listen to me right now.
02:24:18 If you live in the West, you're probably addicted to sugar.
02:24:20 At some level.
02:24:22 Trying to do any kind of fasting or anything like that is going to be murder because you're going to be fighting not just the hunger.
02:24:29 You're going to also be fighting like a real drug addiction at the same time, and so you're probably not going to, you know, obviously you don't have disciplined enough to not be fat right now.
02:24:38 So let's just be honest with ourselves.
02:24:40 Your discipline is not exactly like your strong point, so let's try to factor that in when when planning this.
02:24:46 So you want to try to lower the amount of discipline that's going to be required in order to pull this off, right?
02:24:52 So what I have found is.
02:24:55 You can streamline this.
02:24:57 By for one week, for one.
02:25:01 You cut out all grain, all sugar, all carbs.
02:25:06 Kind of like you're trying to do the Atkins ketosis thing, right?
02:25:10 But you can eat literally as much meat as you can ******* shove down your gullet.
02:25:16 It could be bacon every meal it could be.
02:25:19 You could eat.
02:25:19 Like a pound of bacon a day doesn't matter.
02:25:22 Whatever you want.
02:25:24 Just when you do the meat stuff, make sure you read the labels.
02:25:26 There's a lot of these packaged meats and stuff like that includes sugar.
02:25:30 A lot of them.
02:25:31 Have been sprayed.
02:25:32 With sugar or you know, some preservative that's got like corn syrup or some ******** in it.
02:25:37 Right.
02:25:38 And so you want to preferably get raw meat that isn't packaged.
02:25:44 That's not like even like these chicken Nuggets.
02:25:46 You know, or like the non breaded ones that you'll see that are frozen like, oh, this is just basically.
02:25:50 Frozen meat in a in a plastic bag.
02:25:52 You read the label.
02:25:53 And it's like it's.
02:25:54 Been soaked in ******* sugar water.
02:25:56 Like, no joke.
02:25:58 So you make sure that when you do your the meat for that.
02:26:00 Week it's it's not.
02:26:03 It doesn't have sugar in it or whatever, and so you will have like a headache for the first two days.
02:26:09 But you can kind of lower that by getting that satisfied feeling.
02:26:18 Of that high fat high protein intake and the fact that there's no limit on what you're putting in there like you're never going to feel hungry, you're just going to be battling that, that sugar withdrawal, like the the blood sugar.
02:26:31 Is going to be going a little bit.
02:26:32 The rails you might have weird dreams about eating bread and just like, trust me and, but just like anything you stick to it long enough your your your body acclimates to it.
Speaker 3
02:26:46 Right.
02:26:47 So usually about a week.
02:26:48 Two weeks tops.
02:26:50 You get past that.
02:26:53 And in fact, I would say just for you know, you want to make it uniform, you know, universal.
02:26:59 I would say 2 weeks, 2 weeks.
02:27:02 You have zero carbs and you have as much meat as you want.
02:27:05 Doesn't matter.
02:27:06 You can literally eat bacon every meal as long as it's again as long as not like honey glazed brown sugar baked, you know, like sugar coated bacon.
02:27:15 And then after two weeks, in fact, hopefully after two weeks, this is the case for me.
02:27:21 You're like kind of sick of me.
02:27:23 Like you don't like you almost like maybe the first few days of that sounds awesome.
02:27:27 Like, oh, I'm.
02:27:27 I'm eating bacon all the time.
02:27:29 This is a.
02:27:30 I can eat bacon all day long, but.
02:27:32 By like you know, day five of eating.
02:27:33 Bacon three meals a day.
02:27:35 You're like God I.
02:27:35 ******* hate bacon.
02:27:37 I'm just like, sweating cholesterol, and it's just like it's so awful.
02:27:41 So after that first two weeks, you're going to be probably pretty sick of.
02:27:45 ******* eating meat.
02:27:47 At that point, you switch over.
02:27:49 At least this is what I do again.
02:27:50 Not this is not medical advice or whatever.
02:27:52 I'm just telling you what I do.
02:27:53 And it and it works.
02:27:56 I switched to just 900 calories a day.
02:27:59 And and I feel like, and people might say, oh, that's shockingly low. It's really not. And if if you **** it up a little bit, I mean, you got a lot of wiggle room if you're shooting for 900 calories.
02:28:11 And you.
02:28:11 Accidentally do 1200, which is a substantial percentage. That's like what, 30% more than you should do. It's still you're still good to go, right?
02:28:20 And once?
02:28:21 You now that'll be another shock that your body goes through again the first couple days.
02:28:27 That's always the worst.
02:28:28 The first couple of days of going from eating now, like 3000, whatever the **** you been eating with all that, that bacon to dropping down to that that much you're going to have like headaches.
02:28:41 You're going to.
02:28:42 Feel weak.
02:28:44 You're going to feel, you know, kind of like.
02:28:46 Loose or whatever.
02:28:48 Again, no.
02:28:50 No refined sugars, refined sugars that should just be out of your world forever.
02:28:55 So no refined sugars, no grains.
02:28:58 But if you're doing the counter.
02:28:59 Count thing I usually what I do.
02:29:01 Is I.
02:29:01 It's just literally just meat and potatoes.
02:29:04 So like steak and and like a a baked potato, like a small baked potato, because there's a lot of calories in those potatoes, but no grains, no sugar.
02:29:18 And you know, just like you wait, you have to get like a food scale so that you're you're not just if you try to just guesstimate.
02:29:26 Oh, this looks like about 500.
02:29:27 Calories of steak. You're going to get it wrong. Your brain's going to play tricks on you to make you.
02:29:32 Get and you'll.
02:29:33 **** it up.
02:29:34 You need to you need to measure it.
02:29:35 Same thing with your potato.
02:29:36 You have to ******* weigh the potato.
02:29:38 You know.
02:29:39 Well, this looks like about a 500.
02:29:41 Calorie potential.
02:29:41 You know, you got to weigh it.
02:29:43 Out, say, weigh it out.
02:29:45 And you do that until your body gets used to that.
02:29:50 And again, it takes probably about a week, 2 weeks.
02:29:53 And by the end of that second week, your stomach will have actually shrunk because you know your stomach is very elastic, and if you eat a lot of food, it stretches out and you get hungrier faster, and the opposite is true.
02:30:07 If you, if you're barely eating your your stomach contracts and you don't feel hungry as is, once you get once you get used to it.
02:30:14 Which takes again about one to two weeks.
02:30:17 So two weeks in, you've acclimated now to not having sugar and to taking in very few calories, right?
02:30:27 Well now if you want to really.
02:30:30 Jack, things up, you know, take it up a notch, is you?
02:30:34 Do fast days.
02:30:36 And how many you do is up to you.
02:30:37 At that point I try to do 2 a week.
02:30:41 And that's not always that doesn't always happen.
02:30:44 And you know, and some of it too.
02:30:46 It's like, obviously, like a rock March, right.
02:30:49 I might do more than.
02:30:52 The 900.
02:30:52 Calories on a day like that, if I'm going to be doing like, you know, a ******* £50 I had probably 1500 calories that day, right?
02:31:02 So you gotta you gotta.
02:31:04 I'm just talking mostly.
02:31:05 Most of what I want to talk about this diet, this, this.
02:31:07 Was sedentary, people if.
02:31:09 You have like a sit down job.
02:31:10 You're not doing anything.
02:31:12 This will you will lose, especially if you're really fat.
02:31:15 If you're really fat, you'll drop it really fast, like, you know at first.
02:31:20 And then it will eventually.
Speaker 3
02:31:21 Go down.
02:31:22 But the this whole lie, the big lie that.
02:31:25 A lot of people have.
02:31:26 Been told is well if you do this, if you limit your calories like this your body like.
02:31:32 This is my mom.
02:31:33 Who died in her whole life?
02:31:34 I had to.
02:31:34 Listen to like this.
02:31:36 Lie all the time, but like oh.
02:31:38 You'll go into starvation mode, starvation.
02:31:41 Load and then you won't.
02:31:42 Be losing any weight.
02:31:45 No, that's a lie.
02:31:47 You want starvation mode.
02:31:49 That's why you store fat.
02:31:52 Like are you trying to tell me that we've evolved to where when there's an excess of calories that your body stores fat, and then when there's a absence of calories, your body doesn't use them?
02:32:08 What? What, what?
02:32:09 Possible evolutionary advantage?
02:32:13 Would that have none?
02:32:16 The whole reason.
02:32:18 You store fat in.
02:32:19 The first place.
02:32:20 So that in the absence of calories, you don't die.
02:32:25 And So what you have to do is recreate.
02:32:29 The the environment that your body needs in order to.
02:32:36 Get rid of these excess calories.
02:32:39 So that's all you're.
02:32:39 Doing there's a lot of health benefits to fasting.
02:32:43 Also, it's just it's not, it's not.
02:32:48 As hard as you think.
02:32:49 It's just that you've probably been eating too much garbage your whole life, and this sounds like pretty ********.
02:32:54 It's really not that.
02:32:56 Like I said, it's ******** for like the first week, especially like you hate it.
02:33:00 You hate it and you will.
02:33:02 Look, I'm.
02:33:04 Just being honest.
02:33:05 Like your your.
02:33:06 Mind might go.
02:33:07 To some dark places like it's you're.
02:33:10 Gonna have it's like it's.
02:33:11 Literally like being.
02:33:12 It's like going cold Turkey from a ******** drug.
02:33:16 It really there's no difference.
02:33:18 You're going to feel sick.
02:33:19 You're going to feel like your body is going to be screaming at you at to to to undo what you're doing.
02:33:28 And go back to eating all that sugar.
02:33:32 And a lot of people will will listen to the body and go back.
02:33:35 To it, but.
02:33:38 Anyway, that's so that's that's.
02:33:39 That's the diet.
02:33:40 And it's not any more complicated than that.
02:33:42 It's super easy to shop for.
02:33:44 It's really cheap.
02:33:45 You just buy a bunch of meat throw.
02:33:46 It in.
02:33:47 The freezer it's better if you can prepare.
02:33:50 A bunch of it, you.
02:33:51 Know give yourself as few excuses as possible.
02:33:55 You know, at at the beginning of the week, make the weigh.
02:33:58 It all out at once.
02:34:00 Make all the meals for every day, which it's not a lot of food, thankfully.
02:34:05 You know, weigh it all out, put it in an individual zip lock, bags or Tupperware or whatever the **** you know for each day.
02:34:12 It's not like it.
02:34:12 Says not a lot of food.
02:34:15 And then that way.
02:34:16 Oh, it's food time today and you just grab your zip lock bag and eat it, and that's it.
02:34:21 You're done.
02:34:23 Food is not a reward.
02:34:24 Food is not a a pastime.
02:34:27 It's not entertainment.
02:34:30 You know, it's it's to stay alive.
02:34:32 And in terms of look, in terms of people who think.
02:34:36 Oh, that's not safe at all.
02:34:38 That's crazy. There was a guy you could look it up. It was a Scottish guy who weighed something like 600 pounds.
02:34:46 And did not eat for an entire year.
02:34:51 That's right.
02:34:52 He fasted for an entire year.
02:34:56 Now the the doctors gave him.
02:35:00 Like electrolytes.
02:35:02 And I think vitamins, but he didn't eat food for a year.
02:35:09 And lost a little over a pound a day, every day, so he lost.
02:35:14 Like 300 and something like 80 pounds.
02:35:17 In a year.
02:35:21 Because he just didn't eat for a.
02:35:23 I mean, that's what the bodies.
02:35:24 Designed to do.
02:35:28 I mean, you can live, you can live off.
02:35:30 You can live with no food for a really long time.
02:35:32 If you're fat.
02:35:34 Water, not so much.
02:35:36 You'll die pretty quick without.
02:35:39 And you also again if you if you are living without food and you're drinking water.
02:35:46 A lot of people, they'll overdo the water.
02:35:48 Like, if you're if you're not eating food, they still want to feel full, so they'll drink too much water.
02:35:54 And what will happen is they'll they'll wipe out all their.
02:35:57 Electrolytes, because they'll just be ******* out all the the minerals that you have in your body.
02:36:03 So you do have to watch out for that, but you can get electrolytes.
02:36:09 I mean, there's people that that you can buy them that people that will produce them or you can just buy the the, the individual salts and stuff and try to make your own.
02:36:19 There's like a, let me look there's there's.
02:36:23 There's a YouTuber that.
02:36:25 His whole thing is fasting and he does like uh.
02:36:29 What is the the snake?
02:36:32 I want to say it's the snake juice diet or the?
02:36:34 Snake diet or something?
02:36:35 It's a Canadian guy who basically just screams at the camera, but it's kind of hilarious.
02:36:42 He's a he has like a brand I.
02:36:45 Think of the electrolyte.
02:36:47 I'll give you the recipe like to make your own.
02:36:51 You got to be careful with that stuff though, because you'll **** ** your body if you just eat too much salt and stuff too, or the wrong kind of.
02:36:59 But that's one thing you got to watch out for, but that's about it.
02:37:04 I mean, you you can live a really long time.
02:37:06 Without food really long time without food.
02:37:10 And I mean, just look at how I.
02:37:12 Mean. I'm sure you've seen.
02:37:14 Of course, right.
02:37:15 We've all seen the Holocaust photo.
02:37:17 Of all the skinny bodies, and that's because they their supply chains got got wrecked.
02:37:24 You know, the Allied forces bombed the supply chains and so they weren't going to prioritize food for the prisoners.
02:37:31 They prioritized food for the guards and stuff like that.
02:37:35 And so you did have a lot of starvation and stuff like that going on, but you'll get.
02:37:38 Well, I mean you.
02:37:40 You'll go a long way, and in fact there was a guy.
02:37:43 He we, I interviewed him many years ago.
02:37:46 I don't know if he's still alive now, but he was featured on the cover of I want to say Life magazine after World War 2 because he was in a I I don't know.
02:37:57 I think it was a German camp.
02:38:00 And they call him the human skeleton.
02:38:02 And he wasn't a Jew.
02:38:02 He was just like a he was an allied GI that got captured or something.
Speaker 3
02:38:06 Like that.
02:38:08 And but he mean he lived to be.
02:38:11 I mean it didn't.
02:38:13 You know, it didn't shorten his life.
02:38:15 And in fact, there's even a lot of data.
02:38:16 That suggests that.
02:38:20 Having experiences like that will lengthen your life.
02:38:23 You know, they've done studies with chimps and stuff like that and and with humans anyway, so.
02:38:27 That's basically the diet stuff.
02:38:29 That's some.
02:38:29 I know that.
02:38:30 Not everyone cares about any of that stuff, but.
02:38:32 That's something we could do.
02:38:33 That which is why I think it would be more appropriate on the on.
02:38:35 The discord server than on streams and stuff.
02:38:39 But that's something that I think could help out a lot of people, because I do think.
02:38:44 That's another thing that we got to prepare for.
02:38:46 If you're going to be creating John Connors out there, there's just people that lack the knowledge.
02:38:50 You know, we did that.
02:38:51 I did that.
02:38:51 Whole stream where we were showing there was that movie brought to you by crafts foods.
02:38:56 Right.
02:38:56 And it was like this 90s movie where every 5 minutes they're trying to get you to buy **** to feed your kids.
02:39:03 And so a lot of Boomer parents never, you know, they were they were.
02:39:08 They never taught their kids how to eat because they were just buying what was what, just in the same way that they were having the TV raise their kids, they were having craft to feed their children or General Mills or Kellogg or, you know, one of these.
02:39:21 Companies feed their.
02:39:23 Kids, they never taught their kids nutrition and so a lot of people that ended up being kind of like, you know, these these fat kids that that grew up eating junk food.
02:39:33 It's cause, you know, they they learned to eat food from McDonald's drive throughs.
02:39:40 And if you're going to be raising a.
02:39:41 Generation of John.
02:39:42 Connors, you're going to have to understand nutrition and all this stuff and and and just lead by example too.
02:39:48 So anyway that's.
02:39:52 That's something I'm doing because you know, just me personally, I I'd sit for a living in a lot of ways too and.
02:39:57 Add after the election stuff I kind of.
02:40:01 You know, packed on too much pound poundage that I got a.
02:40:05 Get rid of but it, like I said, it goes fast.
02:40:07 You'd be surprised.
02:40:08 You'd be surprised.
02:40:09 And you don't have to be haul.
02:40:10 You don't have to be doing ruck marches like that.
02:40:12 You can be just doing walking.
02:40:14 Just walking.
02:40:15 If you walk 10 miles three times a week.
02:40:19 And you'd be surprised and you know.
02:40:21 You can do this sort of thing.
02:40:22 Where it's like.
02:40:25 In fact, if.
02:40:25 You just jogged.
02:40:27 Honestly, if you jog 3 miles three times a week and it's not a lot, that's that's something that's not going to take a lot of time.
02:40:35 Even if you're slow, you know, like, even if you're running.
02:40:38 You know, if you're jogging like, 20 minute miles, it's like an hour.
02:40:43 Three times.
02:40:44 That's three hours a.
02:40:44 Week you can do that.
02:40:46 And you you could do in fact.
02:40:49 If that's too much, like if you can't run even like a mile.
02:40:53 All right.
02:40:53 Well then just start walking a mile and you'll get annoyed at how long it's taking and just start running part of it until, you know, just run a little bit more the next time.
02:41:04 I had a friend that he lost like.
02:41:07 Crazy amount away. It was like like literally like 200 pounds. And he did it from by running.
02:41:14 And now he's like a running fanatic.
02:41:15 He's one of those obnoxious runners, and the way that he started was he, I mean, he started out just running, literally like a few.
02:41:24 Like a block, you know, that was probably his longest stretch when it first started, like a block.
02:41:30 If that and what he started doing is he started like, you know, on the sidewalk, the lines that separate the different parts of concrete he had to at least go one at least one of those.
02:41:43 Further, every day.
02:41:46 So I mean, just like a tiny increment, you know, like a yard further essentially.
02:41:49 But now the guy runs marathons like, all the time.
02:41:53 Like a lunatic.
02:41:55 He also looks like a skeleton, and it's a.
Speaker 3
02:41:57 Little weird.
02:42:00 Anyway, alright guys, so let's wrap this up.
02:42:03 I hope you guys enjoyed the stream.
02:42:06 I will be getting uh.
02:42:10 Getting that outline done for the movie and stuff like that, and we'll maybe work out like some kind of health challenge.
02:42:17 Doing the ******** black pill diet in the meantime, stay strong.
02:42:21 We'll look forward to talking to you guys on Saturday for Black.
02:42:24 Pill I am of course.
02:42:28 Driven stack.
Speaker 6
02:42:31 Has made the veil of gold so lovely that my body above the heaven shrink with glue, convinced that smiled by some mistake.
02:42:40 The world seems to smile.
02:42:43 I want to fly.
02:42:48 Things can bloom.
Speaker 5
02:43:03 None, because the world from back to love.
02:43:06 But remember to hate and terrorism.
02:43:08 Many died.
02:43:10 But from rubble and shame that hate the person lives standing on my plate, and poverty and oppression numbers myself.
02:43:21 Simple, simple lesson.
02:43:25 If it would listen.