

Speaker 1
00:11:50 1 * 1 is 1/1.
00:01:36 Times 2 is 2.
00:01:39 1 * 3 is 3.
00:01:42 1 * 4 is 4.
00:01:45 1 * 5 is five one times.
00:01:49 Six is 6.
00:01:52 1 * 7 is 7 and 1 * 8 is eight. 1 * 9 is 9/1 times 10 is 10.
00:02:05 1 * 11 is 11 and 1 * 12 is 12. Pick on the tables of two. 2 * 1 is two 2 * 2 is 4/2 times, three is 6 and 2 * 4.
00:02:26 2 * 5 is 10/2 times 6 is 12/2 times seven is 14 and two times.
00:02:36 Eight is 16.
00:02:38 2 * 9 is 18 and 2 * 10 is 22.
00:02:45 Times 11 is 22 and 2 * 12 is 24.
00:02:52 OK, all by yourself now.
00:03:33 Here come the.
Speaker 1
00:03:34 Threes 3.
00:03:35 Times one is 3.
00:03:38 3 * 2 is six.
00:03:41 3 * 3 is.
00:03:43 And 3 * 4 is 12.
00:03:48 3 * 515 three times 618.
00:03:54 3 * 7 is 21 and 3 * 8 is 24. Three times 9 is 27, three times 10 is 33 * 11 is 33, and 3 * 12 is 36.
Speaker 4
00:04:14 All right, now you're on your own. Come on now. Sing along. Here we go, 1234.
00:05:01 Hey, boys and girls.
00:05:02 Here's my friend Eddie eagle.
00:05:04 Hi, Eddie.
00:05:05 How you doing?
00:05:05 How you doing?
00:05:06 I'm doing fine.
00:05:08 Here you got a Riddle you got.
Speaker 1
00:05:09 That right, what is it?
Speaker 7
00:05:10 There's two ants in.
Speaker 1
00:05:11 The kitchen.
00:05:12 There's two ants in the kitchen.
Speaker 8
00:05:14 Which one is a cowboy?
Speaker 4
00:05:16 One is the cowboy I give Eddie.
00:05:19 Which one is the cowboy?
00:05:20 The one on the.
Speaker 5
00:05:22 I want.
Speaker 6
00:05:27 Her private hell is in the just beginning with the Knights.
00:05:30 She's still young.
00:06:30 Pressure rises. The bucking acts.
00:07:10 The victims.
00:07:17 He is writing in the jeans reverberates.
00:08:38 Changes since her blood pressure rises.
00:10:10 It was only just beginning of the night.
00:10:12 Too young.
00:10:26 Yes, the night is still young.
00:10:29 This is the insomnia stream.
00:10:32 Wormholes edition.
00:10:35 And I'm your host, Devin Stack.
00:10:40 By the way, last stream before we go start travel, we're going.
00:10:45 To travel through some wormhole.
00:10:48 So I hope you guys are all ready to go.
Speaker 6
00:10:49 There you.
00:10:50 It's going to be dangerous, not all.
Speaker 10
00:10:51 Of us will make it.
00:10:54 So last stream when we were having the the incessant lockups, I was looking.
00:10:59 At the the stat I.
Speaker 11
00:11:01 Was like, what the ******?
00:11:02 Happening with this because it'll tell you like it'll tell you.
00:11:05 Like, OK.
00:11:05 Well, you lost connection to the satellite.
00:11:08 This or whatever I think it was.
00:11:11 As much as you know, I I I hate to say it.
00:11:15 It was the ******* Russians.
00:11:17 It was the ******* Russians.
00:11:22 Russians were hacking Starling that day.
00:11:28 So yeah, it was finally the Russians.
00:11:33 You can get.
00:11:34 Mad at the.
00:11:36 At the Russians for they they funked up the insomnia straight.
00:11:40 At least I'm pretty sure.
00:11:40 Honestly, I'm.
00:11:41 I'm not ******* around.
00:11:42 I think that's actually what it.
00:11:43 Was so anyway.
00:11:47 UM.
Speaker 2
00:11:49 Well the 1st.
00:11:50 Worm hole.
00:11:50 We're going to travel through.
00:11:52 Going to travel through a few.
00:11:54 You guys ready for the?
00:11:55 First one.
00:11:57 I'm going to I'm.
00:11:58 Going to dive right into doing.
00:11:59 This it's be related don't.
00:12:02 Don't get your ******* panties in a bunch, though.
00:12:05 Yes, I've been talking a lot.
00:12:06 About bees lately?
00:12:08 Alright, so so maybe I've got.
Speaker 12
00:12:10 A problem?
00:12:12 OK, with the bees.
00:12:14 But I've been painting.
00:12:16 Or I've been building hive boxes and ******* painting hive boxes and assembling frames and building hive stands and just like that's all I've been doing for days.
00:12:25 And like, really, that's all I've been doing for ******* days, OK and well, and.
00:12:30 And then researching bee stuff.
00:12:32 And in doing.
00:12:32 That I found what we're.
00:12:34 Going to see.
00:12:36 In the first wormhole or through the 1st wormhole.
00:12:40 OK.
00:12:49 We're going through a.
00:12:59 Where is it going to take us?
00:13:04 OK, the worm hole abruptly stops.
00:13:08 As it as it happens.
00:13:12 So I think a lot of people.
00:13:13 Are familiar with like what was it like a couple of years back?
00:13:16 Everyone was freaking out and saying like Oh my God, it's it.
00:13:22 It's it's it's.
00:13:23 The murder Hornets are coming, right?
00:13:26 The murder Hornets are.
00:13:28 And it's terrifying because they're gigantic and and they look ******* evil and and and whatever, but another, you know, bees in.
00:13:38 No, I'll just say it.
00:13:39 Bees in North America just can't catch a break versus the killer bees.
00:13:42 Now it's the ******* murder Hornets.
00:13:45 Because the murder Hornets.
00:13:47 Just destroy ******* bees.
00:13:49 They just annihilate European.
00:13:52 Bees like they're nothing.
00:13:55 So we're going to take a clip that there's a reason where some of you guys might have seen this.
00:13:59 There's a reason we're.
00:14:00 Going to watch this, though, there's a Part 2.
00:14:02 To this wormhole.
00:14:04 So here's part one of this wormhole.
00:14:07 This is European bees.
00:14:10 Who once again?
00:14:11 They they developed and evolved in an ecology.
00:14:16 That didn't involve.
00:14:19 Murder Hornets.
00:14:21 OK.
00:14:22 And then all of a sudden.
00:14:24 After thousands of who maybe longer of years.
00:14:31 They encounter.
00:14:33 Murder Hornets.
00:14:35 And this is how it goes down.
Speaker 13
00:14:38 The bees rush out in defense, but this is.
00:14:42 Where I'm doing.
Speaker 8
00:14:49 One by.
Speaker 13
00:14:49 One, they're picked off.
00:15:04 More Hornets joined the attack.
00:15:10 The Hornets emit a chemical rallying cry and this triggers a unique phenomenon.
00:15:16 They no longer carry bee carcasses back to the mess.
00:15:19 Instead, they slaughter them, cast aside the body of every defender they meet.
00:15:30 It's the start of a mass attack.
00:15:39 Each warrior can kill up to 40 bees a million. The European bees outnumber the Hornets 1000 to one, but they didn't evolve alongside these huge Asian predators and have no effective defence.
Speaker 8
00:16:06 Within the hour.
Speaker 13
00:16:07 10,000 bees are down. Their stings are not strong enough that as the corpses pile up, the Hornets begin to tire. Giant Hornets are so big they are in danger of overheating.
00:16:26 But the sin to the prize inside drives them to fight until they drop.
Speaker 2
00:16:34 Look at that.
00:16:35 Be right there. He's.
00:16:36 Like riding the lightning on that one.
00:16:37 But it's too bad he's out.
00:16:39 Of focus you can set 1.
00:16:41 Just like going down with the.
00:16:42 Ship like stinging away.
Speaker 13
00:16:44 Is inside, drives them to fight until they drop.
00:16:46 I'll get this ******* Hornet, guys.
00:16:48 I think I got it.
00:16:49 I think we're gonna win.
00:16:52 What's up, *****?
Speaker 13
00:16:56 30,000 honey bees have died in three hours, falling victim to just 30 giant Hornets.
00:17:11 By midday, the defenses are breached.
00:17:25 Now the real plunder begins.
00:17:29 So basically 30 Hornets 30.
Speaker 2
00:17:34 Wipe out 30,000 honey bees.
00:17:40 Because they don't know how to defend themselves.
00:17:42 Against this thing.
00:17:45 Sure, there's not very many of them.
00:17:50 But when when trying to defend their hive, they rush out.
00:17:53 They rush.
00:17:54 Out and they.
00:17:54 Say ohh you're.
00:17:55 Not getting in here.
00:17:55 One by one they attack.
00:17:57 Sometimes you know a couple in groups and they just get annihilated.
00:18:08 The non European bees.
00:18:12 In Japan.
00:18:15 The murder Hornet fears the samurai.
00:18:19 Very similar to European bees, but different.
00:18:23 And they evolved alongside the murder Hornets.
00:18:28 How do they react to the invasion of?
00:18:30 The murder Hornet.
Speaker 13
00:18:34 In the search for autumnal food, a Scout Hornet discovers Yamaguchi's wild bees.
00:18:48 The honey bees found in alarm pheromone through the air.
00:18:51 This alerts the whole hive to the Hornets presence.
00:18:57 So this is the first difference.
00:19:01 The the European bees, when a murder Hornet shows up to their hive.
00:19:08 And starts to mark it and.
00:19:10 Oh, this is this is.
00:19:11 Food central right here.
00:19:13 Look at all these.
00:19:15 These resources I could.
00:19:19 Parasitically suck.
00:19:21 From these Europeans, I mean European bees.
00:19:25 The European bees, they might get a little agitated.
00:19:30 You know, a couple of them might sting sting them.
00:19:32 Or whatever, but they don't.
00:19:34 They don't.
00:19:35 They don't deal with the problem and it's.
00:19:37 Just one murder Hornet.
00:19:38 It's fine.
00:19:39 Until he comes back with 30.
00:19:43 Look and see what the the Japanese bees do.
Speaker 13
00:19:50 The scalp smells.
00:19:52 The honey within a prize this rich is worth scent marking.
00:20:03 But unlike the European bees, these Japanese bees do not attack.
00:20:09 Instead, they lure the scout inside.
00:20:20 Still, the bees hang fire when one is caught.
00:20:30 It's the signal the others have been waiting for.
Speaker 12
00:20:36 Ohh ship.
00:20:37 You done ****** **.
00:20:38 Now murder Hornet.
Speaker 13
00:21:07 Surrounded by vibrating bodies, the Hornet of.
00:21:09 The core of the Bible begins to overheat.
00:21:14 The bees have the advantage a heat tolerance 2 degrees above that.
00:21:18 Of their enemy.
00:21:20 At 46 degrees Celsius, the aggressor is roasted alive.
00:21:37 The wild bees have spent millions of years living with the enemy.
00:21:42 That's why they alone have developed this extraordinary survival strategy.
00:21:49 So how about that?
00:21:51 How about then?
00:21:54 Instead of.
00:21:56 Instead of ignoring the problem.
00:21:58 Waiting until there's thirty of them, and then ineffectively.
00:22:03 Lunging a few at a time at the problem, until 30,000 of you are dead.
Speaker 5
00:22:10 No, no.
00:22:12 They lure, they lure him inside.
00:22:14 Ohh yeah, sure.
00:22:15 There's lots of honey in here, buddy.
00:22:20 And then the second the, uh, the murder Hornet.
00:22:23 Fox, with even just one B it's it's these dunces.
00:22:27 He's dunkies.
00:22:30 Hmm, wonder what we can learn from that.
Speaker 12
00:22:35 Ohh what's going on?
Speaker 8
00:22:40 Another worm hole.
00:23:07 OK, enough of that.
00:23:11 OK, so now that we've traveled through another.
00:23:14 What's this doggo doing here?
Speaker 5
00:23:15 Let's let's enlarge this a little bit.
00:23:21 So back in what was this 90?
00:23:24 I don't know, sometime in the 90s I found I found this video, this VHS video.
00:23:33 That was was giving young people advice.
00:23:37 On on getting a new job and basically don't, you know, don't show up with a million tattoos and all these piercings and looking like a psycho.
00:23:50 You want to.
00:23:51 Present put.
00:23:52 Put your best self forward.
00:23:55 And you know, common sense.
00:23:58 Kind of advice from the 90s.
00:24:02 And you might be surprised who's giving this advice.
00:24:05 But let's take a look.
Speaker 16
00:24:08 People look a lot like their dogs.
00:24:10 Or is that the other way around?
00:24:12 Does the type of dog you own say?
00:24:13 Something about who?
00:24:14 You are.
00:24:15 Whether you're fun, loving, mean, friendly or tight.
00:24:20 It may not be fair, but we all make judgments based upon appearances.
00:24:24 It's like your mother used to always say you never get a second chance at a first impression.
00:24:28 Yeah, it's corny, but it's worth remembering, especially if you're looking for a job.
00:24:33 Even though all of us would like.
00:24:34 To think otherwise.
00:24:35 We all form some pretty definite opinions of people based on their appearances.
00:24:39 So with that in mind, we've put together a portfolio, pictures of people all equally qualified or are looking to.
00:24:46 Start a dog sitting business.
00:24:48 And well, all we want to find out now is.
00:24:51 We'll get hired.
Speaker 4
00:24:53 The dog owner? Excuse me.
Speaker 16
00:24:56 Are these people here?
00:24:58 Ask your question, Sir.
00:24:59 Who would you trust the dog?
00:25:01 Who would you choose to watch?
00:25:01 Your dog at a teaspoonful.
00:25:03 I choose this lady.
Speaker 19
00:25:04 I'd probably pick her over everyone else now.
Speaker 17
00:25:07 Probably this.
Speaker 19
00:25:07 Right. Yeah, this.
Speaker 16
00:25:07 Guy here, this guy here, this is the.
00:25:09 Guy you choose, yeah.
Speaker 8
00:25:12 She looks really funny.
00:25:13 She looks like a good dog person so.
00:25:14 And you would pick.
Speaker 7
00:25:15 Someone from.
Speaker 16
00:25:15 Based on the fact that.
00:25:16 Yeah, friendly.
00:25:17 And a dog person.
00:25:18 That's what I said about Manson.
Speaker 18
00:25:19 Know what happened there?
00:25:21 Why her?
00:25:23 This looks familiar than.
Speaker 19
00:25:24 They are like a familiar face, I guess.
00:25:26 She seems confident.
00:25:27 Yeah, by the look in her.
Speaker 20
00:25:28 Eyes yes.
00:25:29 And someone needs to be competent to.
00:25:30 Watch your dog.
00:25:31 I would think so, yeah.
00:25:33 What does your dog like?
Speaker 2
00:25:34 To do, she likes to play like.
Speaker 7
00:25:35 Talk just looks friendly.
Speaker 16
00:25:36 Well, actually does look like type.
00:25:37 Would talk to.
Speaker 16
00:25:37 Dogs she.
Speaker 7
00:25:40 Just the looks.
Speaker 2
00:25:42 Has a dog themselves probably.
Speaker 16
00:25:43 And being friendly is something that someone needs to.
00:25:45 Watch your dog.
00:25:45 Yeah, looks friendlier than her or.
00:25:47 Friendly than this guy, this guy looks friendly.
00:25:50 It's hilarious, cause literally no one picks the black guy, like, not even the.
00:25:54 Black Guy picks the black guy.
00:25:58 But here's the thing.
00:25:59 It's the 90s, so they don't.
00:26:01 Make a big deal out of it.
00:26:02 They don't.
00:26:03 Turn like the whole.
00:26:03 Thing into like no one picked the black guy cause they're all ******* racist.
00:26:08 But again, which will be even more.
00:26:09 Shocking when you find out who's giving this advice.
00:26:13 Goldilocks friend leaves us wheel.
Speaker 11
00:26:14 Yeah, she looks like.
Speaker 21
00:26:15 Someone who I could really trust.
00:26:17 I don't.
00:26:17 Think I would trust.
00:26:18 So you pick.
Speaker 16
00:26:18 These three definitely with this guy.
Speaker 5
00:26:19 Yeah, I don't know.
Speaker 16
00:26:20 Well, what makes them?
00:26:21 Friendly and what makes him unfriend?
Speaker 5
00:26:23 I don't know if.
Speaker 1
00:26:23 It's it's hairdo or it's great.
Speaker 13
00:26:24 Skip the hair.
00:26:27 Only the Jew is.
Speaker 20
00:26:28 Like anyone but the white guy.
00:26:33 I hate them goyim.
Speaker 16
00:26:36 First, the hair.
00:26:37 Now the dog looks like.
Speaker 15
00:26:37 The dog faced boy.
00:26:38 Looks like someone.
Speaker 22
00:26:39 Would probably eat her.
00:26:40 Kill it.
Speaker 16
00:26:42 As a general rule, it's a good idea to make the most of what you've got without going to any one extreme.
00:26:47 You should draw attention to yourself through your talent and through your work, not through your appeal.
Speaker 23
00:26:52 First and foremost, no matter if it's a very creative position, a very relaxed company, or you know, a very corporate setting, you always want to be dressed appropriately, professionally.
00:27:03 It's like nitty gritty.
00:27:04 What do?
00:27:05 You wear it? Really.
00:27:06 Says and that's you know, I'm.
00:27:07 Modeling like if I was going for a job.
00:27:08 For this you would dress that certain way.
00:27:12 So anyway.
00:27:12 Time. Yeah, I'll, I'll.
00:27:14 Kind of basic advice.
00:27:15 There's a whole video.
00:27:16 It's like an hour long, you know, just similar advice, telling kids like what to expect.
00:27:21 You know when they get their first apartment.
00:27:24 In fact, it's a little shocking because it's the 90s.
00:27:26 They they they have the.
00:27:28 Assumption that you're going to move out when you turn 18.
00:27:30 I moved out before I turned 18.
00:27:33 And now people are that not so.
00:27:35 Much these days.
00:27:36 So, but yeah, that was the norm back.
00:27:38 Then and then and then you see who this is?
00:27:43 This is who.
00:27:44 Made the video.
00:28:05 So I just wanted to illustrate.
00:28:07 We'll see a couple.
00:28:08 More things like.
00:28:09 This how much things have changed.
00:28:14 In fact, the I think the rest of the wormholes have to deal.
00:28:17 Deal with that we're we're we're randomly traveling through wormholes.
00:28:20 The different time periods and we're going to see some, some kind of surprising things.
00:28:25 In this case, it's that wait a second.
00:28:28 MTV is giving somewhat common sense advice.
00:28:35 To kids.
00:28:37 Very wrong.
00:28:39 MTV back then, was cancer.
00:28:41 I'm just saying.
00:28:42 They would this.
00:28:44 This would never, not never in a million years would.
00:28:46 They give this kind.
00:28:46 Of advice to people now.
00:28:49 So anyway.
00:28:51 The next one is even more shocking.
Speaker 10
00:28:54 Hold on to your hats guys.
00:28:56 You know what's coming.
00:29:02 Ohh, going to the one hole again.
00:29:07 That's the Whirlpool.
00:29:11 OK, this one.
00:29:15 It was a fast worm hole because we didn't have to.
00:29:17 Go that far.
00:29:17 Actually, we went from like.
00:29:19 The 90s.
00:29:21 To 89.
00:29:24 89.
00:29:26 Now I found a an interview with the Church of Satan from 1989 and you watched this interview.
00:29:38 And a couple things stick out.
00:29:42 But this one is a big one. This is 1989. The Church of Satan.
00:29:50 1989 you ready?
Speaker 24
00:29:53 Would you marry two lesbians?
Speaker 19
00:29:55 I personally do not believe that homosexuality is a natural practice.
00:30:02 Even the Church of Satan.
00:30:06 Was against **** in 89.
00:30:12 Even the Church of Satan.
00:30:16 Someone says ears are wrong.
00:30:17 Yeah, his ear is missing his right.
00:30:19 Ear is missing.
00:30:23 I don't know why I don't know.
00:30:25 The story behind that.
00:30:28 But he.
00:30:28 Yes, he only has one ear.
00:30:33 Maybe, he said.
00:30:34 I don't know.
00:30:34 I don't know the storyline, but anyway, the the woman, it's it's this guy is a Rep he's the literal representative of the Church of Satan and the the woman that he's with is the daughter of the Jewish founder of the Church of Satan, Anton Levy.
00:30:53 He pronounces it differently so it doesn't let is.
00:30:56 It levy or.
00:30:57 Levy or anyway, but they they pronounce it levay to make it sound more French and less Jewish.
00:31:02 Yeah, the his.
00:31:03 Daughter, I think her name is Xena. And then this guy, I forget his name. 11 eared Satan. This guy.
00:31:12 But in this interview.
00:31:15 Well, I'll, I'll, I'll let him.
00:31:17 Explain you know the the his take on on gay marriage here again, this is sadness.
Speaker 19
00:31:26 Anymore, more than you do, and I don't.
Speaker 24
00:31:29 Would you marry them if they they thought it was and wanted to be?
00:31:32 I mean, Anton, within the Satanic Bible certainly condones it.
Speaker 21
00:31:33 If they were so, then they would certainly be able to marry themselves and consider themselves married.
Speaker 24
00:31:39 Well, it may sound like an absurd question, but suppose Joe wants to marry his golden retriever.
Speaker 21
00:31:42 I mean if you want them.
Speaker 24
00:31:44 If we're all animals, I think, and Joe conceivably marry his dog.
Speaker 19
00:31:47 Well, I speaking speaking for the Wilmont Forder which is my organization in particular.
00:31:53 Ah, he's the head of the werewolf order one eared.
00:31:58 Werewolf order guy.
Speaker 19
00:32:01 In particular, we do not feel that homosexuality is a healthy or natural or safe or hygienic practice.
00:32:11 So again, even the Satanists in 1989.
00:32:18 Now before you start thinking their base and look the the ****** thing is you watched this full interview with this Bob Larson guy who apparently was a a big Christian.
00:32:29 Radio personality back in the the 80s.
00:32:34 He seems a billion.
00:32:36 He seems out of.
00:32:36 His depth.
00:32:38 He seems way less rational than the ******* sadness.
00:32:43 And it's easy to watch that, especially in in if you're a libertarian, right?
00:32:48 In fact, a lot of Satanists.
00:32:50 Well, I mean, I pretty much, almost all satanists really.
00:32:53 If you think about it, are are libertarians, you know, their their belief system aligns.
00:32:59 Exactly, with libertarians and.
00:33:04 If you want to know how they've been able to to grow their organization, or at least their philosophy, it's because people like this Bob Larson guy who are clinging.
00:33:14 To the this.
00:33:14 Boomer version of Christianity.
00:33:17 That's ineffectual and and ***** and not intellectually honest.
00:33:22 So you got, you know, the Satan guy saying **** like like this.
Speaker 21
00:33:27 What we're embarking on now, we aren't lossless.
Speaker 19
00:33:28 Well, what the 90s are going to see is a massive rise of Satanism.
00:33:34 People are going to come out of the shadows and reveal themselves as thoroughgoing satanists, because what we're seeing now is the death struggle between.
00:33:44 The judeo-christian idea and archetype, and the more ancient satanic archetype, we feel that the best way to change the world into a satanic arena is by having strong individuals in different areas do their own individual work. It is a large network of people internationally.
00:34:06 Who are committed to the ideas of Satanism, black magic, and again, it's a question of semantics.
00:34:13 I would define as the use.
00:34:15 Of will and ritual combined to create change in the world without any restraint on what that change might be.
00:34:24 No hypocritical pretending that we are appealing to a higher Force One.
Speaker 4
00:34:28 What have you?
Speaker 19
00:34:29 Everyone creates their own reality.
00:34:30 The thing is, you speak for a consensus of reality which is acceptable.
00:34:35 We speak for one which at this point in history is not acceptable, so it's just a question of who.
00:34:41 Relates the media, who has the most money to put their reality forth.
00:34:47 We have no regard for the masses.
00:34:49 Satanism is a religion for the elite.
00:34:52 It is a religion for leaders.
00:34:53 It's a religion.
00:34:54 For competent people, it's not a religion for anyone who wants to be a Satanist.
00:34:59 And and the satanic world of the future.
00:35:01 Christian churches will be allowed to continue because they pose no threat to us.
00:35:09 And if you want to know why they pose no threat.
00:35:13 This Bob Larson guy who's intellectually.
00:35:17 Out of his.
00:35:18 He's the.
00:35:18 And here's the thing.
00:35:19 He's the one conducting the interview.
00:35:21 He's the one that produced this.
Speaker 8
00:35:24 And and put it out.
00:35:26 Because he was so out of his.
00:35:29 He wasn't even able to watch it.
00:35:32 Disconnected from his emotional reaction to what these guys.
00:35:36 Were saying and you'll.
00:35:38 Well and and and and and and very other.
00:35:41 Well, you'll see in a.
00:35:42 2nd and and and he.
00:35:44 He he didn't realize like how bad he looked.
00:35:49 And this here's part of why.
00:35:51 All right, this this, this.
00:35:52 If you want to know why Boomer Christians.
00:35:57 Well, just watch this, this this was pretty much his argument.
00:36:01 No matter what they said.
00:36:02 And then and then you'll know why he.
Speaker 24
00:36:05 I'm not a Jewish survivor of book involved sitting here with a number tattooed on my arm if I were.
00:36:16 Frankly, I'd be incensed.
00:36:17 I'd be outraged.
00:36:19 And you're saying, are you then saying?
00:36:22 That what Hitler did to 6 million Jews.
00:36:26 Cannot be morally quantified and called evil. Is that what you're saying? The difference here? There's 6,000,006 million corpses.
Speaker 19
00:36:31 Step out of this primitive argument of good and evil.
Speaker 24
00:36:35 Now, now hang on.
00:36:37 What Nazism did to the Jews.
Speaker 21
00:36:39 Is saying you have to consider both sides of every story and now.
Speaker 24
00:36:43 There's another side.
00:36:44 To Hitler.
Speaker 21
00:36:46 Do you think there's only one side to anything?
Speaker 24
00:36:48 Guy killed 6 million people.
00:36:51 He can't stop talking about the ******* Jews like he keeps bringing up the six million Jews no matter what.
00:36:59 Like, no matter what they say, he's like, well, I don't know, because 6 million Jews.
00:37:07 And the sadness end up looking beast.
00:37:12 Because this ******* boomer Christians.
00:37:14 Just like put will put.
00:37:15 Her **** out the six million Jews.
00:37:19 But what about, you know, Hitler, Jews?
00:37:23 The six million like he.
00:37:25 It's like that's it's just like the programming is so thick.
00:37:30 That whenever they are faced with anything that they they perceive as evil.
00:37:38 This is why everyone gets called the Nazi.
00:37:40 By the way.
00:37:42 Because that's what worked on boomers.
00:37:46 It only stopped working just recently because the boomers don't matter as much.
00:37:52 But that worked for a really long time.
00:37:54 Because the boomer.
00:37:55 Programming was so ******* thick that all.
Speaker 11
00:37:58 You had to say.
Speaker 6
00:37:58 Was that's like being a Nazi.
00:38:00 And that seemed like oh.
00:38:01 ****, I can't do that.
00:38:06 He was expecting that to work on the Satanist, I guess.
00:38:13 But these are all.
00:38:14 There's more.
00:38:14 This was just this is just like, you know, the the six million times, I was gonna say is is 6, but like the six million times he just mentioned Jews, he just keeps going.
00:38:24 He just keeps like.
00:38:25 Well, hold on.
00:38:26 You're saying that you're like that.
00:38:28 You're like this elitist, you know, do what thou wilt.
00:38:33 Organization that, that and you don't care about the masses and and all this other stuff, but what?
Speaker 24
00:38:38 About I'm not a Jewish survivor of book involved sitting here with an.
00:38:45 Right.
00:38:45 So why do you keep talking about?
Speaker 24
00:38:47 Number tattooed on my arm if I were.
00:38:52 Frankly, I'd be insensate.
00:38:54 I'd be outraged you're saying.
00:38:56 Now here's the thing.
00:38:57 Again, I hate to say it, but the Satanist ends up sounding bass like, check this out.
00:39:02 This this is his response to that particular one.
Speaker 24
00:39:05 Incensed, I'd be outraged that you suggested outraged.
Speaker 19
00:39:08 Well, they are in.
00:39:09 They are incensed in outrage.
00:39:12 They're incensed and outraged every day.
Speaker 24
00:39:12 You're not willing to say Hitler.
00:39:15 They're incensed and outraged every day.
Speaker 24
00:39:20 It was devil.
Speaker 19
00:39:22 Absolutely not, because I'm not going to bow down to your level of good and evil.
Speaker 21
00:39:24 This food that, Sir.
Speaker 19
00:39:26 That's so primitive.
00:39:27 I'm telling the human race.
Speaker 21
00:39:28 What purpose would that serve you?
00:39:31 He just keeps going with the Jews.
00:39:32 He's just always like.
Speaker 24
00:39:33 You're saying are you then saying that what Hitler did to 6 million Jews?
00:39:41 Cannot be morally quantified and called evil. Is that what you're saying? The difference here? There's 6,000,006 million corpses.
Speaker 19
00:39:45 Step out of this primitive argument of good and evil.
Speaker 2
00:39:50 What is?
Speaker 24
00:39:50 Now, now hang on.
00:39:51 What Nazism did to the Jews.
Speaker 21
00:39:54 Was saying you have to consider both sides of every story and now.
Speaker 24
00:39:58 There's another side to Hitler.
Speaker 21
00:40:01 Do you think there's only one side to anything?
Speaker 24
00:40:03 Guy killed 6 million people.
Speaker 21
00:40:04 And that.
00:40:07 I mean and that's that's that is.
00:40:10 The intellectual prowess.
00:40:15 Of the Christian right.
00:40:20 But what about the Jews?
00:40:23 But the Jews?
00:40:27 I mean, it's it's insane.
00:40:28 It's insane.
00:40:31 In fact, that wasn't going to play this, but here, here's another you got to realize about, like, a lot of people, don't you know, especially if you're younger, you never turned on the TV at like.
00:40:47 2:00 AM.
00:40:48 And and saw.
00:40:50 Basically channels and channels and channels and channels.
00:40:54 Of **** like this.
Speaker 12
00:40:59 We prepared another on.
00:41:04 We've propelled birds.
00:41:05 Propel Eagles don't propel, we said hookah, hookah, hookah, hookah, hookah.
00:41:10 Look, look, look, look, look, look.
00:41:13 What food the nations are.
Speaker 21
00:41:18 To Rage Against the Lord.
Speaker 14
00:41:21 You know what is what's fascinating about it is it's just hair and everybody wants to talk about my hair.
Speaker 26
00:41:26 But see, Jan found a scripture in the Old Testament and in the living Bible it says that white hair.
00:41:32 Is the crowning glory and is seen most amongst the godly.
00:41:37 That is in the scripture.
Speaker 27
00:41:38 Now that's something, isn't it?
Speaker 18
00:41:40 That the apostles were businessmen, they were rich men, had plenty of money.
00:41:43 I'm gonna show you that Jesus was a wealthy man, had plenty money, and see all of that completely foreign to us from a from a traditional point.
00:41:50 Of view.
00:42:00 Boomers were falling for this ****.
00:42:04 Stadiums full of boomers.
00:42:07 We're falling for this ****.
00:42:10 You want to know why?
00:42:11 The Christian institutions are dead.
00:42:19 Because they turned into this.
00:42:23 Not every Christian institution.
00:42:28 These are obviously the extreme examples.
00:42:32 But these people were making money.
00:42:34 These people were flying private jets.
00:42:36 You think the grifters the day are bad?
00:42:40 ****. Look at these guys.
Speaker 27
00:42:45 Blessed him with silver and gold, hammy be like silver and gold.
00:42:49 Those of you that don't.
00:42:50 Turn the wrong church.
Speaker 12
00:42:58 There will be 50 people give $1000.
00:43:01 And do it right now or I am finished.
00:43:07 Try me.
Speaker 17
00:43:07 And if you'll call during this telecast where you that support our ministry in any way, just call the number on your screen will rush this out to you many of you during this time of year need to and know it need to anoint your bill flow with this oil for a financial blessing.
Speaker 14
00:43:22 One of the things that occur.
00:43:23 There's in Christian.
00:43:25 Notice, notice how much they keep talking about, you know, financial.
00:43:31 Send me money and somehow Jesus will make you rich.
Speaker 8
00:43:38 And it worked.
00:43:39 It worked.
00:43:42 It wasn't free to have your your hours and hours and hours of of the **** on to, even though it was two or three in the morning whenever it was airing.
00:43:52 It was still ******* expensive.
00:43:59 And these guys were flying around.
00:44:00 In private jets, living in mansions and ****.
Speaker 14
00:44:05 And it refers to the bait of a trap.
00:44:07 This is an old Texas rat trap and I've smashed many a finger on this thing trying to show this message.
00:44:13 And when you put the bait on this trigger, that trigger is called the scandalous.
00:44:17 That's the offense.
00:44:19 And if you reach for the offense to be offended because.
00:44:23 You are an animal reaches for it to eat it, but a Christian reaches for the offense because he's hurt.
00:44:41 He's got he's got Jesus in.
Speaker 20
00:44:42 Him. Look at him dance.
Speaker 22
00:44:46 You know, people don't even want to know the truth.
00:44:49 People don't want to know the truth in the Bible.
00:44:52 If you want to turn the channel, go ahead, fool.
00:44:54 Turn the channel.
00:44:57 If you want to learn something about God, shut your mouth and listen to me for.
00:45:01 A minute.
00:45:02 I don't matter how big or.
00:45:03 I like how at the bottom.
00:45:06 It says overcoming depression or, yeah, depression and oppression, and he's all Satan is.
00:45:12 It yeah, like.
00:45:13 This is the guy.
00:45:13 This this is the.
00:45:14 This is the genius in charge of stopping Satanism.
Speaker 22
00:45:19 Listen to me for a minute.
00:45:21 I don't matter how big or how hotshot you think you are for the executive, for IBM.
00:45:28 I mean, give me a break.
00:45:30 What you do for a living.
00:45:32 It's got nothing to do with what what really matters to God.
00:45:36 God said he chose the foolish things of this world to confound the wise.
00:45:40 Do you know if you're an intellectual, you'll probably end up in hell for it.
00:45:44 You know, three years ago, I was one of the top beauty consultants in Canada.
00:45:48 I had one of the most successful beauty salons in Ottawa, the capital of Canada.
Speaker 15
00:45:53 How long have you been around for the holiday?
00:45:59 This is 1 talking on.
00:46:03 These are these are the guys on.
00:46:05 The front lines.
00:46:07 You want to know why you want to know why we lost the culture war?
00:46:11 Because these guys.
00:46:12 Were fighting it.
00:46:16 These are the guys.
00:46:19 You know, it's when people get frustrated, like, oh, why, why do you know?
00:46:23 How come people send?
00:46:24 All their money to the grifters.
00:46:27 You know why?
00:46:27 Why do we have these?
00:46:28 We we have these gatekeepers and and all these people that are grifting, they're still on YouTube and.
00:46:37 And whatever, or worse, you know, like the the blaze type people, the subscription based people.
00:46:45 This is what it was like in the 80s and 90s.
00:46:49 It was even worse.
00:46:54 These are the guys they were supposed to.
00:46:55 Be fighting the the culture war.
Speaker 15
00:47:00 There's 15 devils.
00:47:02 Yeah, the Lord.
00:47:06 Sayeth the Lord.
00:47:08 Come out of him, you foul devils.
00:47:11 In the name of Jesus.
Speaker 18
00:47:13 Get ready, get.
Speaker 15
00:47:14 Ready. This is.
00:47:15 The power of God come out of us.
Speaker 13
00:47:16 And now?
Speaker 15
00:47:17 This is the power of God.
00:47:19 This is the power of God.
00:47:20 This is the power of God.
00:47:22 This is the power of God.
00:47:23 This is the power of God.
00:47:24 Come on.
Speaker 27
00:47:25 What kind of pain are you in?
00:47:26 What's wrong with you?
00:47:27 Broken collarbone?
00:47:28 Broken collarbones.
Speaker 14
00:47:29 Yes, Sir.
Speaker 27
00:47:29 How long has it been?
00:47:30 That way couple of.
00:47:31 Well, you've already took that thing off your back.
00:47:35 Which one is?
00:47:35 It This one?
00:47:36 Right here, Lord.
00:47:37 There it is.
00:47:38 Putting it together right there.
00:47:39 Mend this collarbone together in.
00:47:43 In the name of Jesus.
00:47:45 Bones come together.
00:47:46 Now move it around.
00:47:47 Start moving around.
00:47:49 Start thinking.
00:47:50 God, who else in severe pain?
00:47:51 You're in severe pain.
00:47:52 I mean, you're just what kind of pain are you in?
Speaker 2
00:47:53 People think no.
00:47:55 Doesn't matter what they think.
00:47:57 Anyway, I broken my.
00:47:58 Car bomb?
00:48:00 That would be, that would be excruciating.
00:48:05 Ohh ****.
Speaker 2
00:48:26 I'm playing my pongal on my head.
00:48:33 Right away, they're not speaking another language.
00:48:38 They're literally just saying gibberish to each other because it's speaking in tongues.
00:48:46 I don't know.
00:48:46 How we lost the culture war with these.
00:48:48 Guys at at the helm.
Speaker 7
00:48:55 Oh my.
00:48:55 Same mistake come from.
00:49:15 Hey. Hey.
00:49:19 And again, a stadium, a stadium of people.
00:49:24 Along with whoever's watching this broadcast.
00:49:28 They're not just like.
00:49:31 Why am I watching 2 grown men?
00:49:34 Speak gibberish to each other?
00:49:36 No, they were like, oh, wow, look at that.
00:49:40 That's the that's that's.
00:49:41 The power of God right there.
00:49:44 I can tell because I don't understand it, so it must just be, you know.
00:49:49 Must be God.
00:49:51 Must be many in super Gay.
00:50:00 He just told the joke and gibberish.
00:50:06 Ohh yeah.
Speaker 27
00:50:21 Satan gave me this mess, I mean.
00:50:23 It's a lie.
00:50:24 The devil I should have said that.
00:50:27 There you go.
00:50:28 I remember this guy in particular.
00:50:29 This guy was always ******* on TV.
00:50:35 Anyway, you know with friends like that who needs enemies?
00:50:43 All the people that fell for that ****, their kids were in those guys.
00:50:47 The ones that are still around, they're the ones that fell for queuing on.
00:50:55 The the the kind of smarter ones are the ones giving money to like Glenn Beck and **** like that.
00:51:14 You know what time it is, right?
00:51:21 Oh my God.
Speaker 2
00:51:35 OK.
Speaker 10
00:51:39 All right, can't figure how.
00:51:40 To stop it for a second.
00:51:43 So last stream.
00:51:46 Uh, someone?
00:51:47 Uh, someone recommended that I check out.
00:51:52 Queen for a day, right?
00:51:54 Queen for a day.
00:51:56 And so far, we've been kind of just looking at like more of the 80s and 90s.
00:52:00 Let's take it back.
00:52:01 You know, things must have been better in the 50s, right?
Speaker 5
00:52:05 Things must have been better in the 50s.
00:52:08 So I've actually never seen this show.
00:52:12 And not in reruns.
00:52:13 I mean, I was when I wasn't alive, but like I didn't.
00:52:15 I haven't seen reruns or anything like that.
00:52:18 And so I started looking around.
00:52:23 First you find like this history of the show, they make it sound like, Oh yeah, this was the Great American show.
00:52:29 You know, it's all.
Speaker 5
00:52:33 Oh, it's like that.
00:52:34 That jazzy old timey Hollywood music.
Speaker 25
00:52:37 Well, after you've read the wishes on the cards that we got every day, which was 2.
00:52:44 So he's explained how the show works.
00:52:45 You know, they, they, they basically at their studio, they have all these women come in.
00:52:52 And you know if if you're a woman who's who's wait to hear some of this.
00:52:57 If you're a woman, that.
00:53:00 Is well in trouble financially or whatever you want to go to this show, and you fill out a card and explain you know what, what your situation is, right.
00:53:13 And they pick out the, the, the big Tearjerkers out of all the cards that they get.
00:53:20 And then they bring these women up.
00:53:23 To the uh, the audience to explain their plight.
00:53:28 And explain their situation.
00:53:31 And then, well, we'll you'll see in a second.
Speaker 25
00:53:35 2000 or more, five days a week for a year, you have pretty good insight into what's going through the ladies mind of the time, what their dreams are, what their wishes are, what some of their fears might be.
Speaker 28
00:53:49 They had a tick and they had a feeling their wish on one side and on the backside they had little.
00:53:55 Information about being married, how many children?
Speaker 25
00:53:58 The card where the wish had been written was dropped into a goldfish.
00:54:01 Law and she maintained the step the numbered step.
Speaker 20
00:54:04 I was on stage with the various producers of the show's associate producers, and we would read 3000 cards.
00:54:13 And we will pick out the cards we felt.
Speaker 28
00:54:16 Were important. We finally boiled down to 21 candidates. We gave the tickets to Gene Cagney. She called out the number.
Speaker 29
00:54:23 We would go out to the audience and we would bring them up and play them.
00:54:27 On the chair.
00:54:28 That's what the pages did, and we had our nest stockings on and our little hats with our feathers up.
00:54:34 And you know all those fun things.
Speaker 28
00:54:36 I would go through with Jack Bailey.
00:54:38 We would get a little information.
00:54:39 Jack would talk to the woman, Jack.
Speaker 20
00:54:41 That interview, each one of them, look at their wish, see how it reflects on our show and.
Speaker 28
00:54:47 All our Jack would select them and put them in rotation.
00:54:49 Number one, 2-3 and four.
Speaker 25
00:54:51 We just wanted them to be as spontaneous and excited when we got to them for their story.
00:54:56 As possible, what do?
Speaker 2
00:54:57 You want.
00:54:57 I feel like dark Queen, Mrs.
00:54:59 Not the map.
Speaker 8
00:54:59 Well, I'd like to have a.
Speaker 21
00:55:01 Dehumidifier I want 5 electric blankets for five cold firemen.
Speaker 25
00:55:05 I like to have 80 moomoos for.
Speaker 2
00:55:06 Now that that scared me a little bit and.
00:55:09 I2 you could use.
Speaker 29
00:55:12 I would like to.
00:55:13 Have 100 gallon butane gas tank.
Speaker 7
00:55:16 And I like a motor overhaul.
00:55:18 My old jalopy is about all in.
Speaker 25
00:55:21 They didn't have a lot of time to think about what they were going to say or how they were going to say it or.
00:55:27 How they looked?
00:55:28 Or whether or not they were going to be able to talk at all.
00:55:30 So they would say some of.
00:55:33 OK, so they're basically making it sound like, oh, yeah, it's this show.
00:55:37 It's kind of fun.
00:55:38 These ladies would come up there and they'd want something, you know, like, and.
00:55:43 And then we would we would just vote on on who got what they wanted.
00:55:49 But then you you, you watch the actual show.
00:55:53 And and.
00:55:55 It's not what it I mean.
00:55:56 In a in a manner of speaking, it is.
00:55:59 But it's kind of horrifying.
00:56:01 These women aren't just like, yeah, you know, I I really wouldn't mind getting my nails done cause no, it's like my husband died.
00:56:09 My kids are starving to death.
00:56:12 I just want like some warm blankets.
00:56:15 For my starving, like literally it was **** like that all, like all the contestants, it was **** like that.
00:56:24 The way they would decide.
00:56:28 Well, I'll, I'll show you that here.
00:56:29 So let let's.
00:56:30 Take a look first of all, the show is like more advertising than I've ever seen in anything ever.
00:56:36 Like it? Shocking how much?
00:56:40 Product placement.
00:56:42 Goes into this ******* show.
00:56:44 In fact, after I make the point because there's so much we we don't want, we'll be here all night.
00:56:49 If we sit here watching all the *******.
00:56:52 It's so much like it so much.
00:56:56 Any chance they get to or even like what?
00:56:59 It seems wildly inappropriate.
00:57:00 They're just like, oh, here, buy these cigarettes or something.
00:57:04 So anyway, so this is the show, this is how it starts.
00:57:07 Here's the host he's about to start calling up these women.
00:57:11 And you know, you just watched that look.
00:57:12 It was a fun show.
00:57:13 And, you know, old, tiny Hollywood.
00:57:15 These women would come up and they'd want and the host.
00:57:18 Oh, he was so talented.
00:57:19 He was so good at getting.
00:57:20 These women to to.
00:57:21 Be at ease and and and speak freely about, you know and and and because they're going to be nervous because.
00:57:26 They're on TV.
Speaker 5
00:57:28 All right, well, here's here's what it is.
Speaker 2
00:57:30 That is here royal.
00:57:34 Read it.
00:57:46 You know, something just isn't any better way to put it than.
00:57:49 Would you like to be queen for a day?
00:58:04 Once again from Hollywood great Moulin Rouge, theater, restaurants and American coffee girls says on a break, make it coffee, make it awesome, make it right, act like the laxity that helps you build your normal regularity gently.
00:58:17 Overnight and Clark Mountain, the best product for happier, healthier pets, proudly presents.
00:58:22 Please Friday the Cinderella show starring the one and only King of Queens for the day.
00:58:26 Naked girl and side product consumer product.
Speaker 2
00:58:38 And you know, I flipped past the word imperial in this dictionary minute ago.
00:58:42 I shouldn't have because it reminds me that our gold Imperial from Chrysler is waiting outside to Moulin Rouge and it's waiting to take today's queen.
00:58:50 On a really big day.
00:58:51 And movieland, she has to be.
00:58:53 One of the four candidates.
00:58:54 That will be meeting on our show today.
00:58:56 And we'll say hello.
00:58:57 To number one in just a moment, but first, keeping your cat playful as a kitten is easy to tell you how.
00:59:01 More product like.
00:59:03 So far so far like no show.
Speaker 2
00:59:03 Here's the word.
00:59:05 Has happened yet.
00:59:07 It's all products like it doesn't stop like it's insane that this and every every episodes like this.
00:59:14 Alright, so I'm Fast forward.
00:59:15 Look, now, now commercial live from the studio.
Speaker 2
00:59:18 Now here's the happy path.
00:59:20 What people happy about?
00:59:22 Why brand new?
00:59:23 Hearts mountain cats.
00:59:23 Oh, it's cat yummies.
Speaker 2
00:59:25 You know, giving your cat.
00:59:26 Hey, classified cat.
00:59:28 You want some cat yummies?
00:59:33 They're only $0.25.
Speaker 2
00:59:35 Hitting a few yummies between meals is just about the nicest thing you can do for it.
00:59:39 That's because new cat yummies are tempting little tidbits specially made from fish, liver meal and cereal.
00:59:46 The foods and flavors cats and kittens just can't resist.
00:59:49 A cat gummies are nourishing too and good for your pets, veterinarian approved and made without sugar.
00:59:55 They give your cat the extra vitamins and minerals between meals that will make him more playful, more solid.
01:00:01 And the more fun?
01:00:01 OK, anyway.
Speaker 10
01:00:02 Right.
01:00:02 This goes on for a while.
01:00:04 There's dog yummies.
01:00:05 Oh, can't forget dog yummies.
01:00:08 Anyway, so then you're like, OK, finally the show is going to go.
01:00:11 Right.
01:00:12 Because like we're we're quite a.
01:00:14 Ways into this, like and nothing's happened yet.
Speaker 2
01:00:18 Ed, you got me a nice lady here to visit with.
01:00:20 I want to thank you.
01:00:21 Oh, OK, so here we go.
01:00:23 Now we're.
01:00:23 Going to meet the ladies.
01:00:26 So you know they they just want like a a day at the spa, right?
01:00:29 They just want like they just want to, you know, to relax.
01:00:33 They want to be.
01:00:34 Queen for a day.
01:00:35 Well, I mean, I've heard people say queen for a day and reference.
01:00:38 This I.
01:00:38 That's what I thought it was.
01:00:40 I thought it was women that were just like I'm.
01:00:42 I'm a busy housewife and I just want to be pampered for a day.
01:00:45 And you're like, ohh sounds like trash TV.
01:00:48 But you know, whatever.
Speaker 2
01:00:52 Right, VI RCH.
01:00:54 Well, last night.
01:00:54 Where you from?
01:00:56 Yeah, you lived.
01:00:57 There all your life.
01:00:59 Were you born around here?
01:01:09 Little cars to sell money.
01:01:11 The people who seem to have it now.
01:01:14 He's an investment broker without any brokering.
01:01:16 In how about children?
01:01:19 Good for you.
01:01:19 How old are they?
01:01:22 That's just wonderful.
01:01:23 Well, this birthday, I think you wish had something to do with one of the children.
01:01:27 Or both my.
01:01:29 What's his name?
01:01:30 Well, John, what's not a little John?
01:01:32 Values cripple up, pausing.
01:01:36 Ohh my my husbands can't find work and my kids got cerebral palsy.
01:01:43 OK, well, we're off to.
01:01:44 A good start.
Speaker 2
01:01:47 And he's now he's had it quite a while.
01:01:50 Can we help John?
01:01:53 OK.
01:01:54 So again, what is she?
01:01:57 What's she going?
01:01:57 To want.
01:01:58 What's she going to milk this for?
Speaker 2
01:02:02 And we need the special bike exercises.
01:02:06 She wants a wheelchair.
01:02:08 She's on a game show.
01:02:10 Trying to just get a ******* wheelchair.
01:02:15 For her son was cerebral palsy.
01:02:20 This is the first contestant, OK?
Speaker 2
01:02:24 Had you promising this by any chance?
01:02:28 To keep the promises.
01:02:29 I had to go to the hospital.
01:02:33 What were you doing?
01:02:36 And then she had to get her legs operated on.
01:02:39 She had to stop working.
Speaker 2
01:02:44 Oh boy, that five years and that did it to your leg.
Speaker 21
01:02:45 25 years.
Speaker 2
01:02:49 Did you work out in San Bernardino?
01:02:51 And now you have to take a little easier yourself that you would give your promise?
01:02:57 Are you 13 year old boy?
01:03:02 Exercising his legs, he's had quite a lot of surgery done and they're.
01:03:07 They were inspired exercise.
01:03:10 And a special wheelchair, special bike and a wheelchair life.
Speaker 7
01:03:13 We will have.
Speaker 2
01:03:16 Now the other child, OK.
Speaker 13
01:03:18 OK, fine.
Speaker 2
01:03:19 That's right, you have one that needs a little special help, and if the 0 Birch visa birds, if you are our queen, we're.
01:03:25 Going to get a wheelchair.
01:03:26 And the special bike.
01:03:27 OK, thank you.
01:03:28 You keep well yourself.
01:03:29 Goodbye, David.
01:03:29 Thank you very much.
01:03:32 OK, so the first contestant.
Speaker 20
01:03:35 They they don't seem.
01:03:36 Like they're doing so good and she just wants a wheelchair.
01:03:39 She doesn't want to go to the spa and nothing like that.
01:03:42 All right.
01:03:42 Let's see.
01:03:43 What what I wonder how.
01:03:44 Many ads they'll put in that now.
Speaker 2
01:03:48 We try to see that our Queens get in on as many firsts as they possibly can and believe you me, there's a dandy in store for.
01:03:55 Today's royal lady.
01:03:56 In fact, you have your own private screening of one of the.
01:03:56 There we go.
01:03:59 Most concerned part here.
01:04:01 Watch this movie, guys.
Speaker 2
01:04:02 Hey, get a motion picture quicker.
01:04:05 The dramatic story of history first.
01:04:07 Freedom fighter sounding first.
01:04:09 Douglas Laurence Olivier.
01:04:11 All right.
01:04:11 So make sure you see this movie.
Speaker 2
01:04:15 And now, before we meet candidate #2, why don't you watch this?
Speaker 13
01:04:19 And before we can meet.
01:04:20 The next destitute woman?
01:04:22 Here's a commercial for instant coffee.
01:04:25 It's weird out of.
01:04:26 I've I've seen like a lot of clips from 1950s stuff and I I don't know what it is, but instant coffee.
01:04:35 Advertised so much in the 1950s and 60s on television because easily like 20% of all commercials, it seems like we're for instant coffee.
01:04:53 Anyway, I'll have coffee.
01:04:54 It's good.
01:04:57 Yep, all right.
Speaker 2
01:04:59 Now look who's got here.
01:05:01 You got a nice smile, and you and I know something.
01:05:04 A lot of other people know that the audience don't know about you, but we better find out who you are first face McGrath.
01:05:09 That's right. Where's your?
01:05:10 Home, Canoga park.
01:05:11 And you, Mr.
01:05:12 McGrath, lived there quite a while.
Speaker 8
01:05:14 The nine years is your marriage.
Speaker 2
01:05:16 For you, now you turn around and tell everybody what just happened to several few months ago.
01:05:22 Well, we have baby triplet girls.
01:05:26 And how many children did you have before the three judges?
Speaker 22
01:05:29 That is.
Speaker 2
01:05:30 That's 4137. Hope that the lucky 7 for you. What's Mr. McGrath do? He's a Carpenter. Maintenance man for the.
01:05:38 Board of Education.
01:05:40 You will soar and a hammer.
01:05:42 And he comes home with dirty overalls and a big.
01:05:45 And he's up all.
01:05:46 Night too.
Speaker 2
01:05:47 With the triplets are 6, the whole families up.
01:05:50 Pretty much.
01:05:51 Now, how are the little fellas?
01:05:52 Are they identical?
01:05:54 Well, we have been told that they will be because Bonnie is a little behind because she was the Children's Hospital for two months.
01:06:02 One of them had stayed behind.
01:06:03 Little slower.
01:06:04 That's right, I.
01:06:05 Have her home with me now and then.
01:06:07 She's scheduled to go back in and.
01:06:09 All right, so she's got 7 kids.
01:06:15 Her husband is basically like a a janitor at his school.
01:06:19 You know, like, you know, handyman, whatever.
01:06:23 And one of the kids had some kind.
01:06:27 Of developmental issues.
01:06:29 So, so again, these aren't women that.
01:06:31 Like, Oh my, I I hate my boss.
01:06:34 And I've got, you know, I have to.
01:06:35 I have to do all these Excel spreadsheets now, these are like women with like, actual problems.
Speaker 2
01:06:41 Six weeks when we have about six weeks when we have it up to 15.
01:06:45 Pounds. Yeah, how?
01:06:46 Much does the bill sellers weigh when they get well? One was 3/3 and 314 1/2.
01:06:53 And Bonnie was 5/9. He was my biggest one.
01:06:55 She's the ones.
01:06:56 Been kind of sick.
01:06:57 That's right.
01:06:58 Now the girls are boys.
01:06:59 They're all girls.
01:07:00 All three girls.
Speaker 7
01:07:01 That's right.
Speaker 2
01:07:02 I'll bet old Babs down there strutting around.
01:07:05 I should say.
Speaker 2
01:07:06 But let me ask you this now.
01:07:08 If you're like the queen today, you can't go on a trip.
01:07:11 I don't what would you?
01:07:12 Like, well, I would like diaper service.
01:07:16 Or any of the other kids.
01:07:17 Still, in bourbon? Well, my.
Speaker 8
01:07:18 2 year old is in completely.
Speaker 2
01:07:20 Thing we're working on it so slow, but sure.
01:07:25 That's right.
01:07:26 And along comes the.
01:07:26 3 and that's a lot of diapers.
01:07:29 So she wants diapers.
01:07:31 So the first lady wants a wheelchair.
01:07:35 For her kid.
01:07:38 The next Lenny wants diapers because she has triplets and a two year old and three other kids, and one of the the triplets is in.
01:07:46 The hospital still.
Speaker 2
01:07:53 You know, bring six weeks.
01:07:54 It seems like you could use a few extra minutes.
01:08:01 Now here's some more.
Speaker 2
01:08:02 We'll call on First lady.
01:08:03 Of fashion, this gene dagney right here.
01:08:06 That's Gene there.
01:08:08 Hello, gene.
Speaker 7
01:08:09 Hello, Jack.
01:08:11 And again, because we know housewives are.
01:08:13 The ones watching this crap.
01:08:15 That's so that's why all these advertisements are are targeted at them.
Speaker 2
01:08:21 Thank you.
01:08:22 Colors are rich and exciting.
01:08:24 As a Persian tapestry.
01:08:25 Thank goodness all an exotic touch to our fashions today.
01:08:29 And each is from one of the famous designers allowed that our team brings a daily printed belt, crossed the deep olive of the shirt.
01:08:37 Anyway, it's a little frustrating because you just get to see how much nicer the dress back then, but.
Speaker 10
01:08:43 You know, whatever.
Speaker 8
01:08:45 Meryl Norman, including the semi.
01:08:57 That's the fancy dress that they're advertising.
Speaker 8
01:08:59 Red and black.
01:09:02 Shoes dress.
01:09:05 Dress jewelry.
01:09:08 Consume, consume, consume.
01:09:11 What's this guy selling?
Speaker 2
01:09:12 The patient can be a problem for anyone.
01:09:15 Alright, so he's saying ex lax.
01:09:19 Consume well, you consume too much get.
01:09:21 Some ex. Lax. It's gentle.
Speaker 7
01:09:24 You'd like.
01:09:25 Helps towards your nor art.
01:09:27 Now let's see what this lady is.
Speaker 2
01:09:31 How are we doing so #3? I'm glad to see you. And I hope you're not too shook up.
01:09:37 How you spell your.
01:09:37 First name Marguerite MARDUERITE.
01:09:42 I wish you would see the way that Tom, our boy secretary, spelled that your last name is Sophia.
01:09:48 That's right.
01:09:48 Where do you live, miss?
01:09:49 Sophie, I live in Van Nuys.
01:09:51 Were you born around here?
01:09:52 No, I was born in.
01:09:53 What's on Minneapolis?
01:09:55 We're from the Saint Paul Winter carnival.
01:09:57 A lot of us, we were out there.
01:09:58 That's a big thing.
01:10:00 How do you like it out here?
01:10:01 Yes, Sir, I am.
01:10:01 You look, you got a cold winter?
01:10:05 No, that's right.
01:10:08 Let's get right into what you want and most especially.
01:10:11 OK.
01:10:11 And you got a good reason for being here.
01:10:13 What would you like?
01:10:14 If you're going for date to have a vacation, which I haven't had because I had two handicapped sons.
Speaker 8
01:10:15 I would like.
Speaker 2
01:10:21 I lost them and then I took care of an elderly lady in a wheelchair.
01:10:25 She passed away.
01:10:26 My mother and my father.
01:10:27 And one month after my father, my husband passed away.
01:10:32 So her kids died.
01:10:34 The old lady she used to take care of died, and then her husband died.
01:10:39 So I, you know, I guess she's not asking for, like a wheelchair or diapers, but she's she's the only one so far that wants a vacation.
Speaker 2
01:10:48 Right.
01:10:49 And I feel that I would like to have a vacation which I haven't been able to have because I.
Speaker 29
01:10:54 Have to work.
Speaker 2
01:10:55 All your life seems like you're you ever life you've been.
01:10:57 Taking care of you.
Speaker 29
01:10:58 That's right, I have.
Speaker 2
01:10:59 Roughly sorry about and.
01:11:00 I believe too, that your husband is that so?
01:11:02 It, as I told Mrs.
01:11:04 Sucker before the show, I will repeat that there is nobody had more bad luck than you heard.
01:11:09 And may I say one thing on our show, which we won't often say, but you told that and that was a hard story to tell, and you must have a wonderful, wonderful spirit.
01:11:18 And we don't want to.
01:11:20 Do anything to show.
01:11:20 Right now.
01:11:22 And she's, like, almost crying, which, by the way, most of the contestants like cause I I went through a few of these episodes.
01:11:28 Most of these contestants are, like you can tell, they're legit because some of them are like, ******* falling apart as they're as they're telling them their life story.
Speaker 2
01:11:36 Like to go just to just get away and take a vacation and have a trip and forget all of it and then start.
01:11:41 All over again.
01:11:42 That's right.
01:11:42 I don't care.
01:11:43 Just so I.
01:11:43 Could get away.
01:11:44 That's the main thing.
01:11:45 And we'll just take care of that.
01:11:46 And if you're elected our queen, you get your essentials back and your lunch.
01:11:52 No, no, we'll take it.
01:11:57 All right.
01:11:57 Now let me guess product.
Speaker 2
01:12:00 So part two of our goal will now convene brought to you by arresting the new All family cough medicine by Johnson and Johnson, Baileys Laundry twins and new Super Starlight.
01:12:12 The new non fat dry milk that's now homogenized.
01:12:16 And now, before we meet our final candidates, let's speak to the America's best loved personalities. Elsie the Borden, Kyle and her spouse, elder.
01:12:25 This should.
Speaker 2
01:12:26 Be good.
Speaker 8
01:12:28 While the headlines about new superstar.
01:12:34 Oh good, non fat homogenized dry milk.
01:12:38 That sounds healthy, right, kids?
Speaker 8
01:12:41 Because the same superstar ex, now homogenized, homogenized.
01:12:47 That's right.
01:12:48 Oh yeah.
01:12:51 Here's some here's some cancer.
01:12:54 Here, here's.
01:12:55 Here's here's the the food that capitalism makes really cheap.
01:13:01 OK, let's get to the next person.
Speaker 2
01:13:04 And I read I just said to read a few minutes ago.
01:13:06 If you just stayed home, finished the dishes, you wouldn't have been.
01:13:08 In this mess.
01:13:09 How are you feeling, Greg?
01:13:10 Arlene Harding.
01:13:11 Yes, that's right, that's.
01:13:12 Where you live? Please. It's 925 N whitnall highway.
01:13:16 North Hollywood.
01:13:17 That's great.
01:13:17 We had everything with the phone number.
01:13:19 And what's Mr.
01:13:20 Do or. He's the machinist.
01:13:22 You have children and I sure do.
01:13:24 Running board.
Speaker 29
01:13:26 I have three boys.
Speaker 2
01:13:27 And one girl?
01:13:28 Yes, that's right.
01:13:31 Wonderful, sweetheart, but you're part of it.
01:13:33 Like what the boys do.
01:13:36 Well, I have two wonderful friends that are in the Navy.
01:13:38 Went to pay officers with the.
Speaker 7
01:13:39 Current man in his.
Speaker 2
01:13:41 Five years.
01:13:41 So good for him.
01:13:42 He's his parachute brother.
01:13:45 He's doing it.
01:13:45 The hard work in the Navy.
01:13:50 Now what's happened to the Navy?
01:13:52 They live in the desert.
01:13:55 Yeah, well, that has something to do with you.
Speaker 30
01:13:59 So I have another son that.
Speaker 2
01:14:03 Lewisburg, Lexington, Bill and Christina.
01:14:07 And then now they're in tune, you know.
01:14:10 So every weekend I have a quite a lot of favorites in my house.
01:14:14 So what do you want if you're good for this?
01:14:16 I don't mind feeding good refrigerators for when you know, generally make them happy, but I feel very uncomfortable when I sleep about four in the bed, you know, sleeping bags.
Speaker 27
01:14:16 9 see them.
Speaker 2
01:14:25 And then I went to in high school, he brought home a couple.
01:14:28 So hers is the only one, and you can tell because she's actually not depressed.
01:14:34 Her story is the only one that's not like.
01:14:36 My lifes in ******* tatters.
01:14:38 So she wants.
01:14:40 Something somewhere like her sons are in the Navy and she wants some way of keeping the.
01:14:45 The other Navy people.
01:14:48 Happy when they're staying over at their house, but anyway.
01:14:51 So now we get to the the the NOT dystopian at all way that this show determines who's who's, who's got the worst life.
Speaker 2
01:15:01 Yes, I have Jack today right now as everything.
01:15:02 You say?
01:15:04 Yes, Sir.
01:15:05 We have not trying to.
01:15:06 Oh, you gonna?
Speaker 2
01:15:07 OK, fine.
01:15:08 Today is every day.
01:15:09 We have gifts not only for our queen.
01:15:11 But for every lady interview.
01:15:13 Ohh, but first, let's let's learn about some more products.
Speaker 2
01:15:16 First, the West, then automatic griddle and server jumbo size with over 200 inches of cooking area, there's plenty of room to prepare two or three foods.
01:15:24 Month and each lady would also receive this beautiful Hamilton Beach food converter.
01:15:28 One powerful motor operates all three appliances, can opener, salad maker and meat grinder, and all Hamilton Beach customer flights.
01:15:38 Alright, so more products.
Speaker 2
01:15:40 OK.
01:15:42 More products.
Speaker 2
01:15:43 This is new arrest and cough medicine by Doctor.
01:15:47 That's good.
01:15:48 I'm sure that's good for me.
01:15:51 Wait, is that methadone?
Speaker 5
01:15:53 What's that say?
01:15:59 Is that still legal?
01:16:01 Was it methorphan?
01:16:06 It's called arresting because it's probably illegal now.
01:16:12 I don't look.
01:16:13 I don't know what that is.
01:16:13 Maybe that's normal.
01:16:14 I don't.
01:16:14 I don't know about cough medicine, so I'm going.
01:16:17 To look.
01:16:17 Up methorphan.
01:16:20 That's even the even the name.
01:16:21 It's methorphan.
01:16:23 It's called methorphan.
01:16:26 And it's arresting, yeah.
01:16:33 Yeah, have have some Johnson and Johnson and Reston cough medicine.
01:16:38 It the active ingredients is meth orphan.
01:16:42 Oh my God.
01:16:45 All right, let's see what methorphan.
Speaker 10
01:16:47 Is if they still sell it.
01:16:49 Man meth orphan.
01:16:54 Ohh, all right.
01:16:56 Let's see here.
01:16:59 Legal status.
Speaker 10
01:17:02 Prohibited substance.
01:17:06 Everywhere except for.
01:17:08 Well, no, it's so it's prohibited completely in Australia.
01:17:14 Canada, schedule one.
01:17:17 In the UK it's Class A and in the US It's Schedule 2 and in the UN consider it's a psychotropic schedule one.
01:17:33 Uh, but uh, you know.
01:17:35 Just just have some have some methorphan.
01:17:42 It's a dissociative hallucinogen.
01:17:44 That's good.
01:17:50 Oh, I see they do.
01:17:51 They still sell.
01:17:51 This version of it.
01:18:01 Oh, this is.
01:18:01 Is this the tussin?
01:18:03 This is the tussin.
01:18:05 I think it's OK.
01:18:06 So it's not as bad as I was thinking.
01:18:08 I think that D in the front, there's another kind.
01:18:12 I think that's dextromethorphan, which is what's in Robitussin.
01:18:18 So yeah, it is still a psycho active dissociative hallucinogenic properties.
01:18:28 But it's not.
01:18:29 Isn't that like the?
01:18:31 Isn't that what Trayvon Martin was?
01:18:33 Was was drinking?
01:18:34 Isn't that what goes in like the sizzurp?
01:18:37 He was sipping on some scissor.
01:18:39 He was sipping on some arresting.
01:18:44 Anyway, it's not as bad as I thought.
01:18:46 It was, but it's still funny.
01:18:48 That it's called meth orphan, a rusting brand meth orphan.
Speaker 25
01:18:54 Therefore, safer, especially for children, and because demon.
01:18:57 Ohh it's.
01:18:58 Safer for kids methorphan.
01:19:03 All right, here we go.
Speaker 2
01:19:04 Birch has a boy who's 13 and he has cerebral palsy.
01:19:07 She would like a wheelchair and a special bike for him.
01:19:10 She was working, but it's impossible for her.
01:19:12 She had little operation.
01:19:13 So that's.
01:19:13 All right, so this is what they do.
01:19:17 They line up all these chicks.
01:19:19 At a table in front.
01:19:20 Of the audience.
01:19:23 And they they read out, you know, this is.
01:19:25 How horrible their life is.
01:19:27 And the audience cheers to vote and.
01:19:32 Whoever gets cheered for the most, they have an applause meter that determines who who gets like, you know, in her case, a wheelchair.
01:19:45 Or or.
01:19:46 What was the other lady when she went?
01:19:47 Diapers and stuff like that.
01:19:49 So anyway.
01:19:51 Let's let's see.
Speaker 2
01:19:51 She likes wheelchair and a special bike. You applause for candidate #1.
01:20:00 Thank you very much.
01:20:02 Thank you.
01:20:04 #2 is Mrs. Kay McGrath. Mrs. McGrath had four children and all of a sudden she had triplets. The one little girl is a little takes some special care.
01:20:13 She's back home from the hospital, but she'll have to go back and in order to get more time, she would like some diapers.
01:20:18 Look, and she already knows she's not gonna win.
01:20:20 Cause that first lady got like it.
01:20:22 It buried the needle on the applause O meter, which is probably.
01:20:25 I mean, really scientific, I'm sure.
Speaker 2
01:20:27 Quick service for her triplets #2.
01:20:32 Almost your life isn't quite as sad.
Speaker 2
01:20:34 Reading this, Margarita Soker most of her adult life, she's been taking care of people.
01:20:38 She took care of a lady for a living.
01:20:40 She lost two sons and her husband and her mother, and she would like just to take a vacation and get away from the whole thing and start again #3.
01:20:41 She also knows she lost.
01:20:50 Yeah, not quite as sad.
Speaker 2
01:20:52 And the boys?
01:20:53 Arlene Harding.
01:20:54 She has two sons in the Navy and they got a lot of buddies.
01:20:57 They bring home and mom has a good time for them, but she's running out of sleeping space, she.
01:21:01 Would like it, she said.
01:21:02 And she's smiling too much, so she knows she's not gonna.
01:21:04 She's just there to, like, make it.
01:21:06 Less depressing, I guess.
Speaker 2
01:21:07 There's bunking equipment, #4.
01:21:12 Number one, number one, you get your wheelchair.
Speaker 22
01:21:19 It's a wheelchair.
Speaker 2
01:21:20 This is Mike.
01:21:20 You come out up here and get the crown because by golly, he's gonna.
01:21:24 Be the Queen, just ensure.
01:21:25 Here, here's the worst part though.
01:21:30 Just when you think the horror show is over.
01:21:37 Oh God, it gets.
01:21:39 All right.
01:21:40 To enjoy the capitalism that's about about to happen to you.
Speaker 2
01:21:44 Mary Anne, I'm so proud you got out here and did that something, right?
01:21:47 That's nice of you, but.
01:21:48 Just and now for the most.
01:21:50 Of all I found you, queen Viva.
01:21:53 Win pretty Queen Beaver book.
01:22:00 You're going to get a wheelchair if you're.
Speaker 8
01:22:02 A little boy.
Speaker 2
01:22:03 Here comes the Duchess with your first gift, the Queen's Bouquet of Florida brilliant coronation. Red roses from our royal Florist, Carls of Hollywood. Now the moment is here when Queensland Day is ready to make your wish come true.
01:22:16 So she's up there.
01:22:18 Literally try not to just completely break down sobbing. You could tell she's just sitting there trying not to cry because little Timmy's getting a ******* wheelchair and.
01:22:31 But now it's time for the exploitation.
Speaker 2
01:22:34 That's that's more of yours.
01:22:35 Has exactly the kind of bicycle he needs to provide that all important exercise.
01:22:40 And for the wheelchair space, we'll go to the same as Everest and Jennings Company and order one of their thirty folding Everson Jennings chairs.
01:22:47 And you just can't get a better one than that.
01:22:50 The sample of it right there.
01:22:53 Come up from your wisdom, Majesty.
01:22:55 You'll also be going on the royal hurl of Hollywood with thought to put glamorous places as the Brown Derby for lunch with the movie and television stars, a personalized sort of Universal International Studios dinner in the elegant splendor of the plush Sportsman's Lodge.
01:23:08 And finally, the Late Show at the crescendo starting.
01:23:12 Not new heart, you know.
01:23:13 That's only.
01:23:14 The beginning.
01:23:15 You see, she's clean.
01:23:16 That's why she's on the scene.
01:23:17 I don't want you to forget stuff like that and we have a lot of gifts and here they start beginning with this amazing new Revere still camera.
01:23:25 Now the camper that does all the things for you.
01:23:28 The camera.
01:23:29 She's just like, what the ****?
01:23:31 I just want the I wanted the wheelchair.
01:23:34 Why are you using my?
01:23:36 My my pain to sell cameras.
01:23:39 What's going on here?
Speaker 2
01:23:40 Automatically is yours, and with the Revere all you have to do is aim at something and the lens and is all set for you, and then just second and.
01:23:47 I don't need a camera, I.
01:23:48 Just need a wheelchair.
Speaker 2
01:23:49 Picture. But of course, Your Majesty. To go along with your Revere camera, you'll also have this Model 777 Revere.
01:23:55 Ohh more products.
Speaker 2
01:23:56 Subject to it's.
01:23:57 Easy to load and simple to operate.
01:23:59 Your Revere will give you a.
01:24:00 Amazing theater, like full of.
01:24:02 Viva, for instance.
01:24:03 You could very well take this same picture when you visit the beautiful Jamaica Inn at Corona Del Mar on an all expenses paid weekend vacation.
01:24:10 As a matter of fact, we got reservations there for you right now starting this coming Friday.
01:24:16 So Queens ever.
01:24:17 There you go.
01:24:18 And incidentally, Your Majesty, why don't you?
01:24:19 Anyway, they they keep going with it, they're.
01:24:22 Just like ohh.
01:24:23 What about this?
01:24:25 Ohh, look at this look.
01:24:26 More rest resting house.
01:24:29 Westinghouse, you remember, we were talking about the Amana people.
01:24:34 Sewing machines? More products.
01:24:40 There we go.
01:24:40 Remember the Amana people we did that stream talking about different cults?
01:24:44 Some the Amana cult made appliances that that's one of.
01:24:48 Their fridges look at that.
Speaker 2
01:24:50 Fancy I've built the world over 500 pounds of food thanks to the Amana exclusive.
01:24:55 Looking look at all its people.
01:24:57 Feed we we stocked it.
01:24:59 Up with frozen people feed.
Speaker 2
01:25:01 Door contact freezing makes it up.
01:25:10 But we're not done yet.
01:25:12 Now there's fabric softener.
01:25:13 Like it just doesn't stop.
Speaker 10
01:25:14 With these *****.
01:25:17 And so she's just sitting there, like, trying not to cry while they're, like, chilling.
01:25:20 More and more ****.
01:25:25 So anyway, and that's the show. It's like mostly commercials. It's like 1/2 hour of commercials.
01:25:33 And then they they they drag in these, these, these poor women.
01:25:39 Make a spectacle of their problem and then if they're lucky, if they sound sad enough when the the audience claps hard enough, they get a wheelchair.
01:25:56 Oh my God.
01:25:58 And look, this isn't even one of the really bad ones.
01:26:02 This is just the one I.
01:26:03 Loaded up here at random.
01:26:06 There's some pretty ******* bad ones.
01:26:08 There was one that the lady, she's like, you know, my brother just got shot like, cause mistaken identity and they're all just like these horrible ******* stories.
Speaker 10
01:26:20 But anyway.
01:27:28 OK, sorry.
Speaker 5
01:27:35 Oh boy.
01:27:37 Was there something else I'd loaded up in here?
01:27:43 I had something else loaded up.
Speaker 5
01:27:44 In here maybe I don't.
01:27:55 No, that's it.
01:27:56 All right, cool.
01:28:01 Let's hang out in.
01:28:04 Chat land for a bit.
01:28:05 Let me get rid of this screen here.
01:28:12 As long as the Russians don't hack my Internet again, *******.
01:28:16 ******* Internet hacking, Russians.
01:28:25 Purge all pedophiles at all costs, yadda yadda yadda.
01:28:30 Mark, SB $1.00 appreciate that. Can you go over season 12, episode seven of King of The Hill tears of an inflatable clown while being exaggerated at the time? This episode feels far more accurate.
01:28:45 To what has happened in schools the day the ending also has a message you could never get away with today.
01:28:53 I mean, I've talked about King of the Hill before and how it's.
01:28:57 Incorrectly seen as based by the same kind of people that were donating to those televangelists.
01:29:08 But that said.
Speaker 5
01:29:12 Let me.
01:29:14 I'll add it to my notes.
01:29:17 That's not the right notes.
01:29:18 Where did?
Speaker 5
01:29:18 My notes go.
01:29:23 Well, it says show notes.
01:29:25 OK, here it is.
01:29:36 Mark Esper again $1.00 appreciate that. To understand how different the culture has changed, watch this old clip of Kevin Smith on Jay Leno.
01:29:43 It's a tiny bit long.
01:29:45 Just skip to last two minutes, wait for the punch line and hear the how the audience reacts.
01:29:52 Well, should we test the Internet?
01:29:54 I haven't.
01:29:54 It hasn't dropped out.
01:29:55 It's actually the frames that have dropped have been relatively low.
01:30:01 By the way, I think that that, that the even that will get better because that was something else I noticed when I was looking because it'll tell you if it was a network problem or if it's like an actual connection to the satellite probe.
01:30:12 And every time I've well, I'd say about it's only been like 10% of the time that there's a problem with the connection.
01:30:20 Has it been an actual physical problem with the satellite?
01:30:24 The rest of the time?
01:30:24 It's been network connection, so that seems like something that else they'll end up straightening out at some point.
Speaker 5
01:30:31 UM.
01:30:33 Let me see if why is it not adding the link there?
Speaker 5
01:30:38 Doesn't seem to want to.
01:30:41 Doesn't seem to want to do it.
01:30:45 Alright, let.
01:30:46 Let's see if we can maybe try to pull this up here.
01:30:55 We can do it the old fashioned way, perhaps.
Speaker 17
01:30:58 Kind of the.
Speaker 5
01:31:05 Let me see if this will work.
01:31:12 Wine car, OK.
01:31:19 And do it the old fashioned way here.
01:31:26 Said skip to two minutes.
01:31:31 Our last two minutes.
01:31:40 This is just a.
01:31:40 This is a clip from that horrible movie.
01:31:43 I don't want to sit through this.
01:31:45 This is clerks, Part 2, which is even worse than clerks part one.
01:31:50 But uh.
01:31:52 All right, let's see.
01:31:53 Let's just see.
01:31:54 Let's see.
01:31:55 I'm not.
01:31:55 I'm not too.
Speaker 11
01:31:57 By some mad German scientist.
Speaker 31
01:31:58 And his friends, what?
01:31:59 Just when he's done with you, he gives his friends.
01:32:01 A shot at.
01:32:01 You too, buddy, is some kind of.
Speaker 11
01:32:04 No, I just don't wanna be diddled by some insane German scientists and his friends after they've hacked my.
01:32:10 Foot off.
Speaker 31
01:32:10 Need I remind you this is for the flying car?
Speaker 11
01:32:13 It ain't.
01:32:14 Worth it, see.
Speaker 31
01:32:16 You're what's wrong with this country.
01:32:17 Hell, with this world, you're always thinking about your own comfort level, never thinking about the rest of us.
01:32:22 This country was built on sacrifice.
01:32:24 See, This is why I I hated clerks and clerks too, which is way worse.
01:32:33 No one, no one like it sounds so unbelievably scripted, and the and and the acting is terrible.
01:32:43 So it it's like bad dialogue, horribly delivered.
01:32:46 Like you can have one or the other.
01:32:50 You know.
01:32:51 Not really.
01:32:52 I mean, it still sucks, but it it's it's.
01:32:55 It doesn't get under my skin as much.
01:32:57 When it's bad dialogue, when it's bad.
01:33:00 Writing and bad acting.
01:33:05 You might as well.
01:33:05 Be watching **** at that point, at least.
01:33:08 Because that's what **** is.
01:33:09 Bad dialogue and bad acting, but at least.
01:33:12 There's ******* *******.
01:33:14 This is like **** without the *******.
Speaker 31
01:33:17 And nearly 30 years of living a life full of selfish foot pampering and intergender intercourse has made you too soft to throw your hat over the wall for the good of mankind.
01:33:26 And what's worse is not only do you ruin it for the rest of us with the flying car, but you completely blow the notion of American nobility.
01:33:34 In the.
01:33:34 Process the children of the world have no heroic figure to emulate, so the future of mankind continues on its downward spiral into entropy and mass extinction until all that was once great about the human race lies buried in the primordial Stew to which will most certainly return thanks to you and your ilk.
01:33:52 Refusal to reach for the stars.
01:33:54 And you'll forever be remembered as the sad footnote in the Book of Life, the Wimpy Little Scumbag who could have.
01:34:00 Reached the chip.
01:34:00 God does he?
01:34:01 Does he stop?
01:34:02 Does he keep this?
01:34:04 One I I don't know, I don't.
01:34:05 I don't think I can watch the rest of this man.
01:34:11 Because you said and then look at the audience reaction.
01:34:14 The only reaction that would make sense to me after this clip is if they rushed the stage and and beat.
01:34:22 Kevin Smith to death with like the arms of the studio chairs that they that during this clip they they ripped, they ripped out of the the.
01:34:32 Floor in in.
01:34:34 Fury and just bludgeoned him over the ******* head.
01:34:39 And tell it like gravy came out of his ******* eyeballs.
01:34:42 Like I can't.
01:34:43 I I I'm.
Speaker 31
01:34:44 Of becoming and being, but instead opted to cover his own *** and foot in the process.
01:34:51 All right.
Speaker 11
01:34:53 I'll go.
01:34:55 It's totally believable.
01:34:57 Like chemistry.
01:34:58 Look at this chemistry between these two actors.
01:35:00 Oh my God.
01:35:04 I don't even know.
01:35:04 I don't know how the first one ever got any traction in this or the second one.
01:35:08 Got any fun?
Speaker 11
01:35:12 Through with the deal, I'll let the German scientists hack my phone off.
01:35:16 Then him and his friends can have their way with me.
01:35:19 OK, I I I just can't.
01:35:20 I can't.
01:35:21 I can't.
01:35:23 I'll skip to the I'll skip to whatever I mean.
01:35:25 I don't even know what this is.
01:35:26 I don't. I can't.
01:35:29 Good job, Kevin. Perfect.
01:35:32 OK. Yeah now.
01:35:33 I'm just mad because they said good job, Kevin.
01:35:38 They said good.
01:35:39 Job for that.
01:35:42 I can't see see this is This is why?
01:35:55 Yeah, sorry I can't. All right Reaver $5. Appreciate that, Devin. Might I suggest these songs, Botany Bay by The Irish Rovers and Johnny jump up by the Gaelic Storm.
01:36:10 Term as intro songs.
01:36:13 Both are songs that put me in a good.
01:36:15 Mood. Well, it's not.
01:36:15 All about your good mood.
01:36:20 Why do I feel like it's going to be?
01:36:22 It's going to be like.
01:36:24 I'm gonna.
01:36:24 I'm gonna load it up, and it's gonna be Kevin Smith wearing a a ******* kilt.
01:36:31 Doing doing the some version of stomp.
01:36:34 I don't know if I.
01:36:35 Can handle it.
01:36:40 Base rates, $5 appreciate that coach. Red pills alive. Yes, he is. Check out his take on Vic.
01:36:50 Newland, real name, noodleman.
01:36:53 You can Google it still at this point.
01:37:01 Well, I mean, like, I don't know.
01:37:03 Yeah, you're at the limit.
01:37:04 You're at the, whittle it down little more than that.
01:37:09 Like with a clip or something.
01:37:10 I'm just gonna Google.
01:37:12 Google, Google Clips of Coach Red Pill talking about.
01:37:15 About a a Jewish horrible person.
01:37:19 No, he is still alive.
01:37:22 Which I'm like.
01:37:23 Well, I was a little surprised.
01:37:24 I was surprised by that.
01:37:26 I thought he.
01:37:27 Was a coach dead pill for sure.
01:37:30 UM.
01:37:32 But yeah, yeah, yeah, he's alive and well.
01:37:35 Thank God.
01:37:36 That's good.
01:37:37 Everyone should be happy about that.
01:37:39 You know, you don't want people even if you don't.
01:37:43 Always 100%.
01:37:45 That that was what?
01:37:46 That's what's so annoying to me.
01:37:48 The purity spiraling on everyone is so intense now.
01:37:52 That like they want you that.
01:37:53 They think it's funny if you die, it's like, OK.
01:37:58 But yeah, he he is alive and well and and, you know, I guess that's that's that's a good thing.
01:38:06 Oh, so 567, I got my cactus pill shirt. Everyone at work loved it. Well, that's good.
01:38:12 Glad you got that.
01:38:13 There's by the way.
01:38:16 If you check the description of this video.
01:38:22 I have added.
01:38:24 Another shirt.
01:38:27 I've added another shirt.
01:38:28 See, this is what I'm going to do.
01:38:29 I'm going to.
01:38:30 I'm going to make them all limited like they're all going to be limited time only.
01:38:35 And some will be added and some will be taken away.
01:38:39 I'm not sure what the timeline for that will be.
01:38:42 But they will.
01:38:43 They will periodically, so they'll.
01:38:45 They'll keep me out.
01:38:45 New ones will keep coming out.
01:38:47 But then the older ones will keep going away.
01:38:50 And I added one today.
01:38:53 Again, just like with the first one, I said that I wanted.
01:38:57 I wanted a.
01:38:58 Shirt that that anyone could wear, right?
01:39:03 Could wear and not.
01:39:04 Have to worry about having to get.
01:39:06 Sent home from.
01:39:07 School or grounded or fired or or anything like that.
01:39:14 And in fact so.
01:39:16 So it's a little bit of a.
01:39:17 Little I don't want to say it's like a brain teaser, but it's a little bit of a brain teaser.
01:39:23 Maybe I'll pop it up here and if you.
01:39:26 Get it?
01:39:26 Don't ruin it for.
01:39:27 Everybody else, if you're in chat.
01:39:30 Let let people use their use their minds to figure this out.
01:39:37 So uh.
Speaker 10
01:39:40 Well, I was going to I don't.
01:39:41 Know if I want.
01:39:41 To show it so much, I want to just show.
01:39:44 Have you guys look?
Speaker 5
01:39:45 At it.
01:39:45 But let's try it let.
01:39:47 See if I can pop it up.
01:39:50 Alright, I want you to use your intellect.
01:39:57 I wonder what that means.
01:40:00 What could that possibly mean?
01:40:03 Because I I am the Riddler now.
01:40:05 Apparently the Riddler wears the same kind of.
01:40:09 World War 2.
01:40:12 Extreme cold weather mask the creepy.
01:40:15 Mask that I have.
01:40:17 So now that I'm the Riddler, there's your.
Speaker 10
01:40:20 There's your Riddle.
01:40:22 Alright, times up.
01:40:24 So that is that is now there.
Speaker 5
01:40:28 Uh, let me Scroll down here.
01:40:34 Noble prowess 1975 movie written by a transvestite people flocked to theater week after week. Trailer is here.
01:40:45 And you guys are just sending?
01:40:46 Me links tonight.
Speaker 10
01:40:48 What is this?
01:40:49 What am I, a ******* jukebox?
01:40:51 What is this?
Speaker 5
01:40:54 Let me see what this is.
01:40:56 I might as well.
Speaker 30
01:41:00 You've seen all kinds of movies.
01:41:04 I haven't seen all kinds of movies.
01:41:15 Oh, Rocky Horror.
01:41:16 Well, of course.
01:41:16 Yeah, all.
Speaker 10
01:41:17 Right.
01:41:19 Yeah, this this is another one of those cult classics where it's just kind of like, why?
01:41:26 Why? But then again, yeah.
01:41:29 Who was sending money to the these those ******* preachers?
01:41:32 We watched videos up.
Speaker 30
01:41:34 You've seen all kinds of movies.
01:41:36 But you've never seen anything like the Rocky Horror Picture show.
01:41:44 You know, Ricky Lake is in this.
01:41:46 She's the fat lady.
01:41:50 I wonder if that shows her.
01:41:52 Yeah, I don't want to watch I.
01:41:53 Don't want to watch this trailer?
01:41:57 It is horrific.
01:41:59 I mean, it's basically just ********.
01:42:01 Oh, look at ****** in a wheelchair.
01:42:02 That's that's pretty.
Speaker 30
01:42:07 It's a trip to transsexual Transylvania.
01:42:11 So good. So yeah, this ship's been around a long time and and it was cool. In fact, they they, I think they still do it. They do they do screenings of the.
01:42:23 And everyone dresses like a ******* one.
01:42:25 I'm assuming they they were doing this back in, you know, since.
01:42:29 Well, when I was in high school, I the the drama, **** would go to like the the, you know, the the ****** Art House theater downtown.
01:42:38 What like would once every, every once in a while, like I don't know, once a year maybe more often, that they would do a screening of this training movie and.
Speaker 10
01:42:47 It was supposed.
01:42:48 To oh, it's it's so fun.
01:42:49 We're all going to dress up like ******* ******** and go watch this ******* ****** movie.
01:42:54 Totally ironically though, Bros.
01:42:57 And yeah, obviously not ironically.
01:43:03 Where is Ricki Lake?
01:43:07 Wanna see fat?
01:43:07 Or am I thinking maybe she's in Kentucky fried movie?
01:43:11 She's in one of these stupid movies from this around this time period.
01:43:16 Anyway, yeah, that movie is awful.
01:43:20 Uh, let's take a look here, aunts King, happy Orthodox Easter from me to you was wondering if you'd make a stream on the Menendez brothers case to complement the true crime ship from last.
01:43:37 It features elite pedophilia, Jewish judges and double standards in law.
01:43:43 Much love as always.
01:43:45 Yeah, I I never really followed that that.
01:43:48 I mean, I know, I know.
01:43:49 We were talking about, I remember.
Speaker 10
01:43:50 It happening but.
01:43:52 I was too young to like, you know.
01:43:54 Know all the details.
01:43:57 There was another.
01:44:01 Very similar.
01:44:02 Oh, I don't know how.
01:44:03 If you're saying there's Jewish judges and elite pedophile rings and whatever, I mean, that's.
01:44:07 I'd never heard that part of it before, but the there was a when I was doing the interview tactics thing that I was looking into, there was an interview of a guy like it was a a kid, this kid.
01:44:21 In fact, I think I downloaded it.
Speaker 5
01:44:25 Let me save.
01:44:31 I mean, well, we're not going to watch it, but like it was basically this.
01:44:34 They interviewed this kid that he and his brother, he was 16 and 18.
01:44:39 Stabbed his entire family to death like so.
01:44:41 It was like his sister and his two little brothers.
01:44:46 His parents.
01:44:49 And then they they had this plan. They were obsessed with, like, Columbine and some other stuff. And they had this plan where they were going to hop in a truck and and with an AR15 and a bunch of ammunition and just randomly gunned people down until they got caught. Like, I don't know.
01:45:07 I don't know how that became like a thing.
01:45:11 There's a couple of other horrible cases like that.
01:45:13 There's actually a shocking amount of cases.
01:45:16 Like that, that that kind of somehow miraculously go under the radar.
01:45:22 But yeah, this they killed their whole family and and then got arrested in the ditch behind their house because they they did it so.
01:45:33 Loudly that the neighbors called the cops?
01:45:36 Well, I mean, you're stabbing your entire family death and you know.
Speaker 10
01:45:38 It's not going to be a quiet affair.
01:45:41 But yeah, I'll look at him, Menendez brothers.
01:45:44 I, like I said, I don't know any.
01:45:45 Of the details of it.
01:45:48 And happy Easter to you.
01:45:50 The Ministry of Truth $5 appreciate that watch the new Batman with my fiancee. The Riddler is almost certainly inspired by your channel.
01:45:59 It's a right wing guy who posts videos about corrupt politicians, wants to shoot the female black politician trying to make a difference, and where's your COVID mask?
01:46:09 The comment last stream reminded me, reminded me.
Speaker 5
01:46:14 Ah, well, hopefully.
01:46:15 I'm not inspiring super villains in in, in comic book.
01:46:21 Land but.
01:46:24 You know, I guess it could happen, right? Uh base race mixer, $5. Appreciate that. What's your take on Sandy Hook?
01:46:34 Because old Alex Jones is getting sued out of his ***, and we all know who he shills for, I'm confused.
01:46:41 What's your take?
01:46:42 Of course I give a PG.
01:46:44 Take on this. Thanks.
01:46:46 I never did a full deep.
01:46:48 Dive on it, but.
01:46:49 I'll tell you what, back before YouTube got completely ****** ** with the algorithm and the censorship and them taking down videos and stuff in in the Wild West days of YouTube, there was a video and I want to say it was like it was actually six hours long, like it was long.
01:47:04 It was longer than four hours.
01:47:05 It might have been six hour.
01:47:07 And it was a bunch of these.
01:47:09 Sandy Hook guys got together and.
01:47:11 And they all pulled.
01:47:13 Their research or whatever and compiled this big *** long video.
01:47:18 With a lot of the foot reason, one of the reasons why it's so long.
01:47:21 They included unedited versions of like like the.
01:47:26 Dash Cam footage of of one of the police cars and.
01:47:31 A bunch of other stuff like that and I watched.
Speaker 10
01:47:33 The whole thing.
01:47:37 In fact, I think this might have been like around 2000.
01:47:41 16 or something, or maybe 50 or whenever they.
01:47:44 First started going.
01:47:45 After Alex Jones for this stuff because I was like ohh well, I never really really pay attention to that like but now.
01:47:52 That all this other.
01:47:53 Stuff seems to be ********.
01:47:55 Excuse me, I need some more caffeine.
01:47:58 Apparently, if I'm yawning.
01:48:00 You know, yawning about talking about Sandy Hook.
01:48:10 I looked I.
01:48:11 Watched that thing.
01:48:12 I started watching it, being completely skeptical of of it not happening right.
01:48:20 And after watching it.
01:48:22 And researching some of the claims.
01:48:24 So it was some of it was kind of stupid in Q anani.
01:48:27 Or whatever, right?
01:48:29 But uh, some of it was kind of.
01:48:31 It was kind of weird.
01:48:33 The thing that stuck out to me is is really weird.
Speaker 10
01:48:37 Or a lot of things did.
01:48:40 But not like, OK, so everyone.
01:48:41 Always brings up like.
01:48:42 Yeah. Look at the dad.
01:48:43 Look, he's like a crisis actor cause he look how he totally starts crying.
01:48:47 Just on cue, and I'll say this stuff.
01:48:49 That stuff doesn't.
01:48:50 I don't.
01:48:50 I don't consider that evidence.
01:48:53 Because how would you?
01:48:54 Know how you'd react right?
01:48:56 You're about to go.
01:48:57 You're you're in.
01:48:58 You're in a news conference.
01:48:59 You know you're you.
01:49:00 You know you're going to be on air.
01:49:02 Your kid just got killed.
01:49:03 You know, it doesn't actually like it just happened.
01:49:08 It doesn't really hit you until like you're trying to be like like you're trying to psych yourself out, you know, to be on camera and stop.
01:49:16 And then it hits you when when it's time to start talking about it.
01:49:19 Right. Like you don't know.
01:49:20 You don't know or it's fake.
01:49:22 But this this never happened to you, so you can't.
01:49:25 It's kind of like when we were talking about the interrogation techniques where there's no baseline.
01:49:31 There's no base.
01:49:32 You can't compare that to anything because it's it's never happened to you.
01:49:36 Right.
01:49:38 And so it's it's not really convincing to me.
01:49:40 Stuff like that.
01:49:42 What's convincing to me?
01:49:44 Is stuff like.
01:49:46 If you want to get a copy of the the dash Cam footage of the police car.
01:49:52 They had a good view of of.
01:49:55 The front of the school and stuff like that.
01:49:57 The official footage is missing, like 20 minutes or something like that, like it's missing.
01:50:03 It's missing the fact it's missing anything is like, OK, well, why?
01:50:09 Why is it missing time?
01:50:12 Also, the fact that they they passed the legislation or the legislature passed to prevent having to release crime scene photos because that.
01:50:23 Was that was.
01:50:24 One you know, in every state mostly.
01:50:28 Crime scene photos become.
01:50:30 Part of the public domain, especially if they're used in a court case, right?
01:50:35 They passed a law to seal any and all crime scene photos.
01:50:42 Now you could say.
01:50:43 Well, I mean their official reason for that is they didn't want people to see pictures of dead kids and whatever.
01:50:51 Even if that's true, that's a stupid ******* reason.
01:50:54 I mean, like, that's the most horrible thing that, that.
01:50:58 You know that I'm ever going to see and how come just this case kids get murdered.
01:51:02 All these crime scene photos get out all the time.
01:51:07 You know, like it's.
01:51:08 It's it is what it is.
01:51:12 And the fact that they changed the laws just to have to do that.
01:51:16 There is.
01:51:16 There's also there's a.
01:51:17 Couple other things that are weird.
01:51:18 I mean, there's lots of things.
01:51:19 I just.
01:51:20 I've never sat down and and just written everything down and taking notes.
01:51:25 So the best I can really say is.
01:51:27 Something's weird with that.
01:51:29 Something's definitely weird.
01:51:30 Not just something.
01:51:32 There seems to be a lot of some things that are.
01:51:34 Weird about that.
01:51:35 There was also some pretty convincing and and this might be fair. I can't. I don't know if I actually ever double checked this personally, so this could be made-up.
01:51:44 But I was seeing there were people pointing out.
01:51:47 That everyone's seen the bug eyed photo.
01:51:51 Of what was it, Adam?
01:51:56 Land something.
01:51:58 I forget that his last name.
01:51:59 But you know the the purported shooter with the crazy eyes.
01:52:04 Everyone's seen that photo.
01:52:06 And then it was pointed out that if you look at the pixels, you can tell that the photos been manipulated and in every version that I've seen there are some artifacts that don't look like compression or something normal.
01:52:21 It does look kind of like.
01:52:26 But I don't know that what?
01:52:27 But that's the thing too.
01:52:28 It's like one of those things.
01:52:29 Well, I don't know.
01:52:29 Maybe there's some weird process that.
01:52:32 The database that the cops use, you know that that maybe it's a unique artifact to whatever system that the mug shot, you know, software uses it.
01:52:43 You know, who knows, right?
01:52:45 But there's enough stuff that's weird.
01:52:47 There's also there's just some people, like, there was that footage of the guy that was.
01:52:54 He was.
01:52:54 He was one of the fathers.
01:52:57 But then I swear to Christ like he looks just like there's a guy that's.
01:53:02 He, like he's supposed to be 1.
01:53:03 Of the fathers, but.
01:53:04 Then like they there's.
01:53:05 Footage of a guy who either is that guy or someone who looks exactly like him walking around dressed as a SWAT team guy.
01:53:15 And I'm not one.
01:53:16 Of these people, where I'm like, oh, that you can tell it's the same guy.
01:53:18 No, I.
01:53:19 Almost always think that's ********, this guy.
01:53:22 Not only does he look.
01:53:24 Identical to that.
01:53:25 Eye, he also looks like he doesn't want to hold it for a SWAT team guy, especially he doesn't know he doesn't know how to hold his gun like he just looks awkward like the his SWAT team thing doesn't even seem to like fit him right.
01:53:38 There's just so many weird things about it.
01:53:39 There's enough weird ****, and the way they went so hard on it, right, like you can never question.
01:53:47 This or this is what will happen to you really seems kind of ****** **.
01:53:52 It's weird.
01:53:52 It's weird.
01:53:55 It's weird that they're financial. They're publicly even if you know, you think this part's fake. Like, like that somehow Alex Jones is on it. You know, in on it or whatever, which who knows. Right, but.
01:54:09 Even even if that's the case.
01:54:11 The It's it's like it's like that clip from.
01:54:15 Gangs of New York, you know it's a.
01:54:18 A public or what?
01:54:19 What's what's the?
01:54:23 I forget the actual phrasing, but it's a public display of fearsome acts, right?
01:54:30 Like it's a public display of violence.
01:54:32 It's like a they're publicly executing Alex Jones so that you know, you can never question this or anything that we that we.
01:54:42 Anything that we deify, right, any event including, you know, obviously like the Holocaust or you know, anything like that, any.
01:54:51 And look, that's even part of the.
01:54:53 The censorship rules that they added to a lot of these larger platforms that you can't disagree with?
01:55:02 What was it?
01:55:04 Well established historical events, right?
01:55:09 Or they can.
01:55:09 Or they can ban you like that's a bannable offense.
01:55:12 So I think this kind of.
01:55:16 Publicity around.
01:55:19 The Alex Jones Sandy Hook stuff is what is like an example like this is what will.
01:55:24 This is what we'll do to you if you.
01:55:26 Question one of our narratives.
01:55:28 It just seems weird to me.
01:55:29 The whole thing seems weird to me and it's not so much like because a lot of people would say like oh, why would they put all that those resources into doing that?
01:55:44 Yeah, I feel like you weren't around then when that happened, if that's what you're saying.
01:55:49 They went full tilt into gun control.
01:55:51 It didn't work.
01:55:54 But they, I mean they had they had Obama as president.
01:55:58 They had.
01:56:01 They had publicity like you wouldn't believe, like that's all anything was about, was Sandy Hook for, like, ever.
01:56:11 I thought I really thought as did.
01:56:13 A lot of people at.
01:56:14 The time this is it, this is what's going to do it.
01:56:17 This is fun.
01:56:18 They finally found.
01:56:20 You know enough dead kids to to get gun control.
01:56:25 And they didn't.
01:56:25 They didn't.
01:56:26 They didn't manage to make it happen, but not out of lack of trying.
01:56:30 And I don't think it's one of these things where, like, well, they're so powerful, they could have made it happen.
01:56:35 They wanted to.
01:56:36 No, they're not.
01:56:36 They're not that powerful.
01:56:38 It's just that they're they're up against people that are just are that ******* incompetent and ******.
01:56:43 It's not.
01:56:44 Like as much as.
01:56:45 They're they're something.
01:56:46 They're not stupid, right?
01:56:47 They didn't get there by being stupid.
01:56:50 But the people that they're up against, you know?
01:56:54 Anyway, I didn't get what I'm saying like it's something was definitely fishy about it, but I I've never.
01:57:02 I've never sat down and tried to make the case for it.
01:57:05 I just feel.
01:57:06 Like it's one there's some issues where it's been done to death and I don't feel like I'm adding anything by just rehashing what other people.
01:57:12 Have already put together.
Speaker 10
01:57:15 Uh, let's take a look here.
01:57:18 Ministry of Truth $1.00 appreciate that. I don't understand why so many people trust Putin, considering their country is just as controlled by Jews as America.
01:57:29 The Hasid has talked about how great he is for Israel. Yeah, Putin's got a good relationship with Jews. People gloss over that.
01:57:42 You know it is what it is.
01:57:44 Like I said, I think what it is is it's just.
01:57:47 They see this the the, they're so.
01:57:52 They're so.
01:57:55 They they feel so helpless against global **** that they see a leader who.
01:58:01 Maybe one of the only leaders, or certainly one of the only leaders that has that much power.
01:58:06 Openly speak out against what they see as one of the greatest threats to their civilization, and that it you know they they they're yearning for that in their own leaders and they just don't they.
01:58:18 Well, they probably will never get it.
01:58:20 In fact.
01:58:20 You know one thing.
01:58:24 I used to listen to talk radio a lot.
01:58:27 And the other day I was.
01:58:29 Building building the hive boxes and and frames and **** like that.
01:58:34 And I was like.
01:58:35 You know what?
01:58:36 I've been listening all these ******* podcasts and stuff and I'm kind of burned out on it because that's just what I've been doing as I work.
01:58:42 I listen to this stuff and like I'm going to stream.
01:58:46 A talk radio station that I used to listen to and see what what that's like these days cause I haven't ******* listened to this stuff and forever.
01:58:58 And the the.
01:59:00 The absolute awful ******* takes, and this is a this is.
01:59:04 A conservative talk radio.
01:59:06 They were talking.
01:59:07 They were so ****** ***.
01:59:10 About DeSantis in Disneyland.
01:59:15 You know, like Oh my.
01:59:15 God, like I swear to, I swear to Christ these.
01:59:18 They're not.
01:59:19 They weren't even boomers.
01:59:20 They're like Gen. X.
01:59:21 Ers and their Audience II is likely boomer because this is AM radio.
Speaker 10
01:59:25 Right.
01:59:26 I mean, it's streaming too, but I mean it's also.
01:59:28 I mean AM radio.
01:59:30 And they were saying like.
01:59:32 Ohh, we can't.
01:59:33 We can't.
01:59:35 We can't fight fire with fire, guys, we can't use government to to punish corporations.
01:59:41 Corporations have a First Amendment right to free speech too, and what that we that makes us as as bad as the left.
01:59:50 If if we use the government.
01:59:52 To punish corporations when they're just trying to exercise their free, like I was just like I wanted to reach through the ******* radio and just and just beat the **** out of these like boomers it was.
02:00:03 It was like you were losing.
02:00:07 Choosing and look.
02:00:08 I'm not saying DeSantis based or whatever.
02:00:10 But and then plus the.
02:00:11 Other ******* thing about it.
02:00:13 Disneyland, Disney World only had.
02:00:17 Only had this special deal because they ******* lied. They said they were going to make a ******* smart city back in the 1950s that they still never made like it. Well, it ended up being Epcot Center.
02:00:31 Like, that's why they were like ohh we need special laws.
02:00:34 We need to be able to govern ourselves and have all these so we can like, you know, ignore building codes and do all this other stuff because we're building a smart city.
02:00:45 And then they built Epcot Center, and they're like, oh, look, futuristic House of the 50s.
02:00:51 And then they just they were so big, they get to just.
02:00:55 They just got to keep governing themselves.
02:00:58 This this corporate **** ******* that happens and look, obviously it makes sense, right?
02:01:03 Like all the Conservatives that are saying that.
02:01:06 What's the thing they have in common?
02:01:07 Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding.
02:01:09 They all worked for billionaire corporations.
02:01:12 So of course they're going to.
02:01:13 Suck him off.
02:01:16 But I just I could not handle it.
02:01:17 And then uh and then they were they they.
02:01:19 Were like, oh, that's like it's like.
02:01:21 When a a sports.
02:01:22 Ball team decides to punish a city that they disagree with by leaving, you know and like just, you know, it was just like everything about it was just like meat headed ******* boomer ****.
02:01:35 And and and especially because I'm thinking like, oh, God, who ******* cares about sports ball?
02:01:39 And they're like, yeah, like this one team left this one.
02:01:42 I wasn't.
02:01:42 In fact, I was just halfway paying attention until he.
02:01:45 Said, you know.
02:01:45 This one team left this one city and who hurt black business owners.
02:01:51 That's right.
02:01:53 That's right.
02:01:53 The black business owners who you know and so.
02:01:56 They, and I'm just like.
02:01:58 Why are you sucking?
02:02:00 ***** ****. Black corporate ****.
02:02:03 Like Boomer conservatives and apparently Genics, because that's what these guys were conservative, just conservatives are just the worst kinds of people.
02:02:13 They're the worst kinds of ******* people.
02:02:16 They're they're they're literally the people that made **** like those.
02:02:23 Those preachers possible, you know, like they are the reason.
02:02:30 You know, they're the reason like like.
02:02:32 This **** ever existed.
02:02:37 But what about the Jews?
02:02:41 Like oh so.
02:02:42 You're saying that Satan is?
02:02:44 The Satanists are going to take over, and that they're you're this elite group and you're working towards the goal.
Speaker 24
02:02:51 The survivor of Buchenwald, sitting here with a number tattooed on my arm.
02:02:59 And and the black-owned businesses.
02:03:05 ******* hate them.
02:03:06 I ******* hate conservatives.
02:03:07 They're literally the worst ******* people.
02:03:09 They are.
02:03:10 They're just the worst humans.
02:03:11 They they are.
02:03:13 They're more of a threat to to white people than than anyone else.
02:03:19 They're literally worse than.
02:03:21 Then the the people this.
02:03:23 Guy cares so much about.
Speaker 24
02:03:25 Did to 6 million Jews.
02:03:31 Because at least the Jews.
02:03:32 Are working their own self-interest you know.
02:03:37 Alright, here we go.
02:03:44 The Ministry of Truth $1.00 appreciate that someone commented last stream about how you accidentally got blast or oh got blasted from their phone.
02:03:53 I've also had that problem a couple of times while I was working at a store.
02:03:57 Luckily I never had it play at a moment like that before.
02:04:00 It was hilarious.
02:04:02 That's why I never trust wireless.
02:04:04 I hate I hate.
02:04:05 Wireless headphones.
02:04:06 I mean I have.
02:04:07 Some just in case.
02:04:09 But I don't know.
02:04:11 I like.
02:04:11 I like wires.
02:04:12 I'm old fashioned like that.
02:04:14 Wires are never there.
02:04:16 Well, the the problem with wires I guess is if it gets yanked out of the the Jack, maybe it'll start playing.
Speaker 5
02:04:22 But you know.
02:04:24 Yeah, I like headphones.
02:04:26 I don't have to recharge.
02:04:31 Social observer, $25 generous of you appreciate that do you recommend prepping by having a little bit of everything or just one thing to barter for many things? I mean, that's pretty.
02:04:44 Pretty general, I just think the barter is probably not going to be their best, but I would.
02:04:48 I would try like look it I guess if.
02:04:53 Like I would make sure.
02:04:54 You have enough to to survive, right?
02:04:56 For like a while.
02:04:58 And as I've said before, it doesn't have to be anything fancy.
02:05:00 It just has to be enough calories to be alive for a year or whatever, right?
02:05:06 And then if you want to like stock up on something that you you think that you'd easily be able to trade honestly.
02:05:13 That something should be ammunition.
02:05:17 Because you'll be trading it one way or.
02:05:18 Another right, you know like.
02:05:21 That's the.
02:05:22 That's the one thing you don't.
02:05:23 Have to worry if they want it or not because it doesn't really matter.
02:05:30 You know, like I I think that like.
02:05:32 People that like, oh, I got all these blocks of.
02:05:33 Gold under my bed.
02:05:35 It's like great.
02:05:36 I'm sure that like, when everyone's starving to death, that look, I don't think it's going to get to that, but I'm, you know, just be a little hyperbolic here.
02:05:43 But when everyone starving to death like they'll be.
02:05:46 Like, Oh yeah, I'd.
02:05:47 Much rather have that bar of metal.
02:05:49 And the food that keeps me alive, no one's going to want your ******* gold.
02:05:56 If you want to trade something, trade something that's.
02:05:58 Going to be.
02:06:00 Maybe edible and that also includes lead.
02:06:07 So yeah, that's what I would recommend.
02:06:11 Lost Angel, 33. Great stream. Devin, I was really hoping you could do some type of deep dive on Freemasonry.
02:06:19 My family has been involved with various secret societies and I have been surrounded by this stuff my whole life.
02:06:26 I would really like your take on things, keep up the great work.
02:06:29 PS You suck.
02:06:31 I don't know a whole lot about Masons.
02:06:33 I did read the Albert Pikes.
02:06:38 What was the name of that book?
02:06:43 Anyway, his Mason book, you know, I guess he's like the the godfather of.
02:06:50 Of Masons, or at least here in America.
02:06:54 UM.
02:06:57 But yeah, I.
02:06:57 Don't know a whole lot about it, I.
02:07:01 I don't really know anyone that's a Mason.
02:07:04 Well, there's that guy that that's on YouTube.
02:07:09 I think his name is Brother Augustine, but he's he's a he was Jewish and then he was a Mason.
02:07:15 And then he converted to Orthodox Christianity.
02:07:19 He wrote a book that I haven't read, but at least it's first hand from someone that was amazed.
02:07:26 Called the Masons and their lies, I think so.
02:07:31 I'd want to.
02:07:31 I'd want to like, like read that book or research it extensively before I.
02:07:38 Started throwing theories around because I don't know.
02:07:40 I don't.
02:07:41 Know you understand a lot of these secret societies.
02:07:44 It's just it's.
02:07:46 Most of the members, not all, but most of the members, especially like the lower level people.
02:07:51 It's just like a men's club.
02:07:54 Now you could.
02:07:55 Say, well, that's the way you'd want to run it, right?
02:07:57 You'd want to have like, the like it to be a a men's club type of environment.
02:08:04 That you could.
02:08:05 That way you could sample more of the public.
02:08:07 That way you'd want it to be something that even like the people that.
02:08:10 You don't want included in.
02:08:11 Your secret gay OPS or whatever it is you're doing.
02:08:15 You'd want people to join up for the camaraderie and all this other stuff, and then you could select from that group the people that you think that would actually work out with whatever, you know, devious **** you had that would make sense to me.
02:08:30 And that would.
02:08:30 It would also be a perfect cover, right?
02:08:32 Because then people could say, well, I don't know the Masons aren't that.
02:08:36 My uncle Billy, he's a he was a Mason and I don't.
02:08:39 Think he was sacrifice?
02:08:40 Saying babies or you know, whatever, right, whatever The thing is.
02:08:45 And and and and he it would be true, right.
02:08:47 He was just going there and getting drunk.
02:08:49 And, you know, doing maybe a community service type things every once in a while.
02:08:55 And to him, it was just.
02:08:56 Like a social club and.
02:08:57 He and he felt or like a fraternity, right, like he knew the secret handshake.
02:09:01 So, you know, he was part of the.
02:09:07 And that's what it was for him.
02:09:08 And and just and that's because he was.
02:09:09 It's kind of like this, like Scientology, right.
02:09:12 They don't tell you about Xenu and tell you you're like really into it like you've given them a ton of money and you're so in that, in fact, they.
02:09:23 They don't tell you it's.
02:09:24 Like they take you out on a ******* boat.
02:09:28 And they tell you on a boat where, like, there's no way to get away, like where everyone on the boat works for the Church of Scientology and you're just on some ******* boat.
02:09:40 In the middle of the ocean, in international waters, you know.
02:09:45 And that's when they tell you about xenial.
02:09:47 So there's like some pressure there.
02:09:49 So I could see it being something like that, right where they don't, they just.
02:09:53 You have a lot of people that are.
02:09:54 They join up to be.
02:09:57 Part of the club and feel like they're part of some kind of little community or whatever, and then they just they select people and it'd be easy to do that.
02:10:04 And there's because there's.
02:10:06 You're gonna be.
02:10:06 It'd be easy to psychologically profile people joining your, you know, you know your gay.
Speaker 20
02:10:10 Little club.
02:10:12 But I'd want to do way more research for that.
02:10:18 Reject degeneracy.
02:10:20 Hate even.
02:10:20 What was the music video played at the very beginning of the last stream?
02:10:27 The very beginning last stream that was.
Speaker 5
02:10:39 That was.
02:10:44 I will tell you in a second.
02:10:47 London Grammar covering wicked game.
02:10:55 Evox $5 appreciate that it's glitchy is Russia, or is that Russia Odyssey or Starling?
02:11:02 Tonight it it would probably be odyssey because my connection's been good. I've dropped some frames, but not nearly as much as I normally do on this. It's actually, you know.
02:11:15 Space internet's been pretty OK.
02:11:18 JQ 1 abridged $5. Appreciate that judeo Christianity is an oxymoron that tican too, is when the Jews made Christianity.
02:11:29 I don't know.
02:11:29 I feel like it's been I.
02:11:31 Mean. That's what. Maybe what?
02:11:33 Kneecap the the Catholic Church, but.
02:11:36 There, there's been a infiltration that's been gone, gone on a long, long, long time in every institution.
02:11:48 You know, it is what it is.
02:11:51 You know, people like, for example, for Protestants, people will point out the Scofield Bible that was before Vatican 2 and there's like a lots of stuff like that.
02:12:00 Dieter Pulley $1.00 appreciate that this interview with the Satanist just proves that people who recourse to Jews have 0 morals. 0 inspiration.
02:12:11 What an empty shell will tell you what you if you listen to these guys in this interview that that the boomer that keeps complaining about majors and the six million Jews.
02:12:21 They make him look silly because he's silly now.
02:12:25 They also say a lot of **** that like if you're not paying attention, sounds very just, very and Randian.
02:12:32 It just sounds very libertarian.
02:12:33 It doesn't sound that bad, right?
02:12:36 But then you know.
02:12:39 Then they say like the the the, some of the dark **** and uh, just the way that it's.
02:12:45 I mean, look, they kind of got what they wanted, right?
02:12:47 The guy was saying that.
02:12:48 Oh, you know.
02:12:48 The we don't need you.
02:12:50 You know the Christians are going away.
02:12:52 It's going to be the satans are they're satanists are going to rise up in the 90s and you know, your times up.
02:12:58 Old man, basically is what these guys are saying.
02:13:01 And look, he might not have predicted exactly.
02:13:03 It might.
02:13:03 Things didn't unfold the way that perhaps.
02:13:06 He was thinking right, like the Church of Satan.
02:13:09 Has grown.
02:13:10 I mean they have, they have.
02:13:15 They're not molech.
02:13:17 What's ball?
02:13:19 They have their statue of ball like their literally they they have a Satan statue that's being displayed in public places where they display nativity scenes and menorahs and stuff like that.
02:13:32 They've managed to be way more mainstream.
02:13:35 When they were when this guy was doing his thing, however, they're, I mean, in the part of the interview they talked about that there were some in the 60s.
02:13:45 Very mainstream actors and singers and famous people that were involved with their cult.
02:13:52 This ship, this ship.
02:13:53 'S been going a long ******* time.
02:13:58 Based race Mixer $5 appreciate that 18 US food processing plants have been burned down in the last six months.
02:14:07 Have you heard of this?
02:14:08 Also, chicken farmers are ovening millions of chickens because of PCR testing.
02:14:14 I mean, it's laughable.
02:14:16 How they're actively showing the food.
02:14:19 Yeah, I mean, look, I'm I'm paying attention to that.
02:14:22 I, as I've said over and over and over again, the only way that we're going to have like food shortages to the degree that people are worried about is if someone is actively.
02:14:34 Trying to make it happen right that no amount of mismanagement given the the resources available in this country, no amount of mismanagement is going to make people starve.
02:14:48 It would have to be malicious intent that would make.
02:14:52 That happen.
02:14:53 I don't still don't.
02:14:54 I still don't see it happening.
02:14:56 I I know I don't know about all the specific cases you're talking about.
02:15:00 I know.
02:15:00 Just the other day.
02:15:02 Like an airplane crashed.
02:15:04 At a.
02:15:06 Like a General Mills plant or something like that.
02:15:10 And so there's.
02:15:11 Been a couple of things like that, but it's, you know, food is still on the shelves.
02:15:16 Like you can't get everything the selection is going down and and whatever, but it's not like people are unable to get food.
02:15:25 It's just way more expensive now and there's not as many choices.
02:15:30 Oso 567 I called one of pastors phone numbers from your video, 1-800-338-3030, male voice.
02:15:39 If I had messaged wait male voice, if I had a message for Pastor Melissa Scott.
Speaker 10
02:15:48 I was put off.
02:15:49 That the pastor was a woman now and answer Jesus has risen, yes, the voice said good night.
02:15:59 That's weird.
02:16:02 I don't think that that guy is a a chick now, but.
02:16:07 I think some Lady Pastor has the same number.
02:16:12 Was it a?
02:16:13 Was it a voicemail or it?
02:16:14 Was an actual person.
02:16:19 Anyway, that's kind of weird.
02:16:22 Oh, and then it updated.
02:16:23 Hang on, I got to Scroll down.
02:16:27 You were doing so good too, I thought I.
Speaker 10
02:16:29 Ought to see it fixed it.
02:16:38 Strip bog.
02:16:39 Sup, Devin, you are my.
Speaker 2
02:16:45 Nega 4.
02:16:49 Life there we go.
02:16:51 In Cyrillic I I barely.
02:16:54 Meat fisted my way through that.
02:16:56 Yeah, there's.
02:16:59 Spelled like that, I can pick up Cyrillic, but when it's like actual Russian words, sometimes I'm like, but I.
02:17:05 But then when this letter is next to this letter makes a.
02:17:07 Different sound and uh.
02:17:09 There's a movie called them that.
02:17:11 Follow 2019 sat around a snake handler church in Appalachia.
02:17:19 They pick up snakes to test their faith-based on Mark six. Yeah, they shall take up serpents. And if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them.
02:17:31 Yeah, now snake handlers are ******** too.
02:17:34 They've been around for a long time.
02:17:38 WN5 dollars appreciate that. Hey, Devin. Long time listener. Thanks for the fantastic content. According to 14th century Catholic Saint Catherine of Siena, God told her ****** is so repulsive that the demons that tempt men into it.
02:17:56 Leave the room because they can't stand to be present for him.
Speaker 5
02:18:02 Yeah, there you go.
02:18:04 Reject modernity $15 preciate that.
02:18:09 Hey, Devin, I asked Nick if he'd give you a cozy channel and he said he would, just letting you know in case you didn't know, you're welcome.
02:18:18 How can I not know you guys?
02:18:20 Keep telling me.
02:18:21 Tell me to do it.
02:18:23 With multi streaming it would help a lot financially.
02:18:27 I mean I don't know.
Speaker 10
02:18:31 Like I said.
02:18:34 I haven't had time.
02:18:35 I've I haven't even had time to think about it.
02:18:37 I've just been.
02:18:39 Doing work full blast because I know that.
02:18:42 The weather is good now, but.
02:18:44 It won't be for a long time, and then I'll be in the orders all the time thinking about this stuff and.
02:18:50 And and not being outside hammering and painting and.
Speaker 5
02:18:55 All that fun stuff.
02:18:57 But yeah, I'll keep it.
02:18:59 I guess I haven't had a chance to.
02:19:00 Research it at all.
02:19:01 I've only been to cozy.
02:19:07 I think it's TV.
02:19:09 Like once.
02:19:12 Just to like click around real quick.
02:19:14 It reminded me of of, like, more of like a like a D live or a trovo kind of a thing.
02:19:23 Panda 350 appreciate that. Hey, Devin. Sorry your stream sucked because you always spend 2 hours not paying attention to your.
02:19:32 This has happened a multitude of times where glancing at chat could resolve all your problems.
02:19:37 Instead, you just embarrass yourself.
02:19:40 Like well, thanks for the.
02:19:41 The 3:50 trash panda and guess.
02:19:43 What you're now blocked?
02:19:50 Oh man.
02:19:53 So there you go.
Speaker 10
02:19:55 Nope, it was worth the 3:50.
02:19:58 Returned ****** $1.00 appreciate that I would be laughing so hard if it wasn't so damn depressing.
02:20:06 Is coffee good for you?
02:20:10 From Happy Face, I don't know.
02:20:12 You can you can make a happy face.
02:20:14 Your name on this, huh?
02:20:19 I don't know.
02:20:20 Some days there's a study saying that cures cancer and there's some days there's a study saying.
02:20:25 It causes cancer.
02:20:27 I like coffee.
02:20:29 But I don't know if it's actually.
Speaker 10
02:20:30 Good for you. Reject.
02:20:32 Modernity, $15. Appreciate that I've listened to all your streams since you started doing them.
02:20:38 And finally set up hyper chats on Odyssey.
02:20:41 You're the most underrated content creator on the dissident right.
02:20:45 What makes you think I'm underrated?
02:20:47 I'm not underrated.
02:20:50 I'm highly rated very highly rated.
02:20:53 Well, you know.
Speaker 5
02:20:54 What, even though I'm highly rated, I'm still.
02:20:57 Underrated. So maybe you're.
02:20:58 Right. Thanks for the $15.
02:21:02 Doctor Blow Hardy, $3 appreciate that beekeeping question is there any way to protect your heritage bees against king bees like some pheromone or pungent repellent they?
02:21:17 Not really.
02:21:19 I mean, pretty much not really.
02:21:21 I mean really all.
02:21:22 You can do is.
02:21:24 Well, I mean, if you live in so.
02:21:26 If you live in an area that gets colder, although they're starting to spread, I've been noticing people saying, like in Maryland, they've had hives.
02:21:36 They call it, they call it going hot, but yeah, all the way.
02:21:41 Like Maryland used to be, you would think, you know, way too cold.
02:21:45 It snows and all that stuff and but those genetics are just making it out there.
02:21:49 There's no way you can really.
02:21:50 Get around it.
02:21:54 It would, it would take, I mean.
02:21:56 It's just got eventually.
02:21:59 Enough people will keep requeening, and enough agricultural beekeepers, because you remember there's a lot of these guys have thousands and thousands of hives and they they drive them all over the country to agricultural places.
02:22:14 So like you'll have farmers all over the country that have a crop.
02:22:19 And because you know that that it's.
02:22:22 A massive crop like more and more, especially now that Bill Gates is buying up all the farmland you're having like these super farms and there's not enough native pollinators to do the job.
02:22:33 So they hire these guys that that bring semi trucks just stack full of beehives that set them all up around the the crops.
02:22:43 And they rent.
02:22:44 I mean, they're renting the hives basically.
02:22:46 And the bees pollinate and whatever.
02:22:50 A lot of those bees will abscond, like, which just means they leave their hive.
02:22:55 They swarm out of their hive and and set up shop somewhere local, you know, in a tree or or whatever and somewhere locally.
02:23:02 And so you have a lot of those genetics kind of escaping into the wild and because you have an active industry that relies on gentle bees and gentle B genetics and people who are actively developing.
02:23:19 Be genetics that are gentle but also strong enough to live in the wild without treatments and stuff like that.
02:23:27 Eventually they'll chill out a little bit.
02:23:29 You know the killer bee genetics, but there's no way to get rid of them.
02:23:34 And especially it depends on your on the climate that you live in.
02:23:38 If you live in like a.
02:23:40 A deserted kind of climate.
02:23:42 You're just you're kind.
Speaker 10
02:23:43 Of ****** because.
02:23:45 Natural selection is going.
02:23:46 To select those bees every time.
02:23:52 SIM B1250. Appreciate that is it accurate to refer to the ACLU as a Jewish organization or can that label only technically be applied to the ADL and SPLC?
02:24:08 Can the ACLU?
02:24:10 I mean, I don't know.
02:24:10 Can can CNN be referred to as a Jewish organization?
02:24:17 The I mean the ACLU, I don't think is officially a Jewish organization, but it it's.
02:24:23 I think it's pretty safe to say that Jews are.
02:24:29 Now and how always have been wildly over overrepresented in the the people working for the ACLU.
02:24:39 Mighty mouse.
02:24:40 Hey, Devin.
02:24:40 I got a couple of cactus piled shirts for me and the woman.
02:24:43 Thanks for finally having some merch.
02:24:46 Patches would be cool for my Vietnam Patrick Bickle jacket too, with DEF by.
02:24:52 You have to look into.
02:24:52 I don't.
02:24:53 I think it's a good idea.
02:24:54 I just, I don't know.
02:24:55 I have to.
02:24:56 Look and see how.
02:24:57 Hard it is to get patches.
02:24:59 Made or whatever.
02:25:00 It can't be that bad.
02:25:01 I know.
02:25:02 I've known people that have made them so I'll look.
02:25:05 Into that based race mixer.
02:25:07 $1.00 appreciate that. I wasn't saying you Google it. Sorry I don't know what you mean.
Speaker 5
02:25:13 While you're getting it.
02:25:16 I think you meant.
02:25:17 I I don't remember.
02:25:19 I don't know.
02:25:20 What it what?
02:25:20 It was they were having me.
02:25:22 Look at articulus. The moral of Kevin Smith's film chasing Amy is literally that. A man shouldn't care if a woman used to have a ***** ***, and that Ben Affleck's character is just insecure because it bothers him.
02:25:36 Maybe review that one if you can bear it.
02:25:39 I I I've seen it.
02:25:40 It's it's just *******.
02:25:41 It's just all of his movies are just so bad.
02:25:44 Like they're just.
02:25:47 Like look, I can appreciate it.
02:25:49 Sometimes the enemy will make a movie and I can appreciate the the talent involved.
02:25:56 In the making of the film.
02:26:00 And and be like.
02:26:01 Alright, you know this is subversive as ****, but it's genius.
02:26:07 I have never thought.
02:26:08 Anything that that Kevin Smith has put together was anything but.
02:26:17 I mean, I've and I've sat through most of his movies because they were really popular, you know, I.
02:26:22 I couldn't figure out why like people.
02:26:23 Oh, we're going to, we're going to watch dogma, we're going to watch, you know, whatever.
02:26:27 And you sit there.
02:26:28 And if you're lucky.
02:26:31 You'll get like a snick.
02:26:32 Like 1 snicker, laugh.
02:26:34 And that's it.
02:26:35 Like maybe.
02:26:38 And it's never because of, like a cleverly crafted joke, right?
02:26:42 It's always because of the performance of of one of his friends and like, not not those two guys.
02:26:48 We watched the clip from, but like, you know, you know, the guy who plays Jay from Jay Jay and Silent Bob.
02:26:55 Like maybe he says something kind of funny.
02:26:57 Once in the whole movie and like that's.
02:27:01 You know and that's it.
02:27:04 I I don't.
02:27:04 I I don't.
02:27:05 I really don't get it.
02:27:06 I don't.
02:27:06 Understand how he ever became anything.
02:27:11 Tipsy McGee would happen to the the day of they're putting also any updates on book 2.
02:27:18 Well, there was, yeah, there was that.
02:27:21 I think that merch store got shut down.
02:27:26 Yeah, maybe I should do some.
02:27:27 Well, here's the thing.
02:27:31 Hmm, I don't know.
02:27:32 We'll see.
02:27:32 We'll see about maybe getting some of that.
02:27:34 The old merch back.
02:27:36 Update some book too?
02:27:37 No, I haven't worked on it in in in a in a while I I've been.
02:27:43 I've just been trying to get the homestead.
02:27:47 To where it's not just like a falling apart post apocalyptic night nightmare, which it's getting there.
02:27:52 It's it's.
02:27:53 I didn't see you understand.
02:27:55 I've I didn't move into like, a working nice house.
02:27:59 You know, I moved into a place that had a like.
02:28:03 I could look up and see the sky because there was a hole in the roof and a million other things were wrong with it.
02:28:08 And once all that's.
02:28:11 Like the pressing like the, you know, that's pretty important to not have like a hole in your roof.
02:28:15 **** like that.
02:28:16 Once I get rid of that, those kinds of things.
02:28:21 And I can actually live like a human again, because I'm not living like a human right now.
02:28:25 You know?
02:28:25 Like, I don't always have hot water.
02:28:28 Like, there's just, like, a lot of things.
02:28:30 That are, you know.
02:28:31 Anyway, but excuses aside.
02:28:35 I was actually thinking about today.
02:28:40 I know there's there's something I'm definitely adding to it to book 2.
Speaker 5
02:28:44 I had this whole thing I was like ohh, that's.
02:28:46 Right, so the ideas are starting to percolate again.
02:28:50 UM.
02:28:53 Tipsy Mcnugget $5 I appreciate that. Have you seen the movie chopper? I watched it today. You should check it out as well as the real life as well as the real life man.
02:29:07 I'd love to hear your thoughts on him and the success of the film the movie Chopper.
Speaker 5
02:29:21 What is this?
02:29:23 Is it about motorcycles?
02:29:40 Hmm, never heard of this.
Speaker 5
02:29:44 I might.
02:29:44 I might check it out later.
02:29:47 Arminius, I will say that while the message of chasing Amy is terrible, the acting is far better than what you find with clerks, Jay and Bob, etcetera.
02:29:57 It's mostly Affleck.
02:29:58 Jason Lee.
02:29:59 Yeah, it.
02:29:59 Was more of like a.
02:30:01 You know, they had, like, actual actors in it instead of.
02:30:05 Like Kevin Smith's friends.
02:30:09 Harmless G, But it's still a terrible movie.
02:30:12 Harmless G, even if he survives the war in Ukraine.
02:30:16 And all the.
02:30:16 Glow ways coach Red Pill said in an unlisted video from a year ago that he had a heart condition.
02:30:21 They will most likely kill him in less than two years.
02:30:24 I guess he is in Ukraine for the last excitement.
02:30:27 Before he dies.
02:30:29 So I had heard something about that.
02:30:33 You know.
02:30:35 But can doctors really give you an expiration date like that?
02:30:39 I mean, I've who knows.
02:30:40 I don't know what's wrong with him exactly.
02:30:43 I guess he would know better.
Speaker 5
02:30:44 Than anyone else.
02:30:46 And look, if you only had two years to die.
02:30:48 You'd probably be way riskier with everything, right?
02:30:50 So can you really blame him for?
02:30:53 Or maybe maybe being a little risky.
Speaker 5
02:30:57 Uh, let's take a look here.
02:31:06 Our vertigan have you seen the trailer for the North Man?
02:31:12 I'm seeing Internet chatter how it's actually based, but I doubt it.
02:31:16 Nothing hits the screen without the top Jews approval.
02:31:19 It must be a good one for you to review.
02:31:21 Point out the subversion, even if based it must be a lure to get our money.
Speaker 5
02:31:27 Time again.
02:31:31 The North man, huh?
Speaker 5
02:31:40 I'll add that to my notes.
02:31:46 Well, I don't see any.
02:31:46 Diversity in it.
02:31:47 So that's a plus.
02:31:53 It looks like it's more it's like.
02:31:55 Another 300 movie.
02:31:57 Only with Vikings.
02:32:02 Our maculis thoroughly enjoyed your chat with woes this past millennial you 2 have a good chemistry.
02:32:09 Would it be great?
02:32:10 Would be great to see you collab and then it refreshed.
Speaker 5
02:32:24 There we go.
02:32:24 Here we go.
02:32:27 Collaborate again if you end up bringing guests on.
02:32:31 Well, once the once the Internet is.
02:32:34 Is a little more solid I think.
02:32:38 That could be that would definitely be a guest I'd I think would be fun to have on.
02:32:45 Mighty Mouse, a little more, a little over two years ago, my best friend's parents were shot by a deranged Muslim who was dating his sister.
02:32:54 Their daughter really sad.
02:32:56 They died together in their home by shotgun, forever changed my opinion on race and these savages.
02:33:04 Yeah, well, there's a lot of people that that are going to have to learn that way, unfortunately.
02:33:12 That's just the way it is I guess.
02:33:14 But yeah, it sucks for you.
02:33:15 Obviously that, that, that that happened and for well and for your best friend reject modernity.
02:33:21 $25 appreciate that very generous just to push back a little on the other Super Cheddar Jews hate Putin almost as much as Hitler.
02:33:30 He's not a white savior or anything, but he's a statesman who loves his people just because he associates with Jews doesn't mean he lets them.
02:33:40 Vert, Russia.
Speaker 5
02:33:46 UM.
02:33:47 And then it updated again.
02:33:49 Come on, Odyssey, I'm telling you, odyssey.
02:33:53 Whether or not you're listening.
02:33:56 You got to just not have it refresh the page when someone adds a new chat, write some, write some code they just add to the bottom or reverse it right.
02:34:06 If you're going to make it refresh.
02:34:08 Have the.
02:34:10 New ones?
02:34:11 Go to the top or something, I don't know because every time it refreshes it, it just ***** everything up.
02:34:17 It's really annoying.
Speaker 5
02:34:20 OK.
02:34:22 Here we go.
02:34:26 Gee, have you been watching alkynes streams on Cozy TV?
02:34:30 He's talked a lot about the Jews, the Holocaust.
02:34:32 What happened?
02:34:33 And didn't happen where the Jews actually went, et cetera.
02:34:37 Now, like I said, I've.
02:34:38 Only been to Cozy TV.
02:34:39 Like once.
02:34:41 And then I was just clicking around to see.
02:34:43 What it was like so.
02:34:45 They watched Infowars on it or something like Infowars.
02:34:48 It looked like it was.
02:34:50 Streaming there, you know 24 hours a day.
02:34:54 But yeah is.
02:34:55 If if that's where he's at now.
02:34:58 He didn't make any content for a while, but he did good stuff.
02:35:02 Based race Mixer $5 appreciate that I've been trying to say Czech Republic Broadcasting network Super based network.
02:35:10 Yeah, I still have.
02:35:11 I still haven't looked at that.
Speaker 5
02:35:16 I think it's in my.
02:35:17 Notes to do that.
Speaker 10
02:35:21 Reject my journey $5, OK.
02:35:28 Frugal $5 appreciate that.
02:35:32 High one man think tank. My nickname for you. Did you draw the design for the horror Cactus T-shirt?
02:35:41 If so, is there no end to your talents?
02:35:43 Someday children will learn about you in.
02:35:45 The history books as a.
02:35:46 Great leader of our people.
02:35:47 Thank you. Well, I I.
02:35:50 I appreciate the sentiment.
02:35:51 I don't.
02:35:52 I don't know that I'll ever be in history books.
02:35:54 I did not draw that it's a public domain drawing that I I vectorized that was from a comic called the Green Horror.
02:36:08 About a cactus that comes alive and gets a woman and you know, kills her boyfriend and it's it's super ridiculous, but.
02:36:21 But I thought it.
02:36:22 Looked cool and so I I took some of the frames from the comic and.
02:36:26 I mean, I put it.
02:36:27 All together, but like you know, I.
02:36:28 Didn't draw it.
02:36:29 I didn't draw those.
02:36:31 I wish I could draw like that because then there would be a day of the wrote comic book.
02:36:36 That's the only comic book I think I'd.
02:36:37 Want to make?
Speaker 2
02:36:40 Dub dub the.
02:36:41 Dude did nothing wrong $5 appreciate that.
02:36:45 I met Brother Nathaniel in Chicago.
02:36:47 He was downtown to interview random black people for something I don't particularly like him, but it was one of those.
02:36:54 Don't meet your heroes moments because he was very dismissive and and terse.
02:37:00 He made it pretty clear I wasn't worth talking to.
02:37:03 I'm still going to him.
02:37:04 Yeah, I've never, really.
02:37:07 Never really kind of.
02:37:09 You know, I've never really warmed up to that.
02:37:11 Guy I.
02:37:15 And and and he is.
02:37:16 He is a Jew.
02:37:17 But like he's like a Jew that doesn't like Jews or, you know, it's that's always I'm always.
02:37:24 I always find that those people are really not to get all E Michael Jones on you, but like I kind of feel like those people are just exhibiting a another version of the revolutionary spirit, right, the Jewish revolutionary spirit.
02:37:38 It's just that they've decided to revolt against themselves.
02:37:40 You know, I mean, that's.
02:37:44 Because aside from him being kind of like a novelty, I never saw him as really having a whole lot of substance or anything, you know?
02:37:54 Reject my modernity, $55. Very generous. Appreciate that 110 and never again. I can't imagine what you'd what you could be talking about.
Speaker 24
02:38:06 Cannot be more.
02:38:09 Evil. Is that what you're saying? The difference is there's 6,000,006 million corpses now.
Speaker 19
02:38:11 Step out of this primitive argument of good and evil.
02:38:19 Angry Sicilian.
02:38:21 You block the trash, pan the ****.
02:38:25 You can't.
02:38:25 Look, you can't go on my.
02:38:27 I don't care.
02:38:27 If you give me $3 and.
Speaker 10
02:38:29 $0.50 to do it.
02:38:30 You can't go on my stream and then talk **** because I'm not looking at regular chat.
02:38:34 **** you, dude, I'll.
02:38:35 Do whatever the hell I want.
02:38:37 And yeah, I don't know what he was, what he was like in regular chat, but if you're a whiny ***** like that, then you know you can.
Speaker 10
02:38:44 Shut off.
02:38:46 You know, just who literally who do you think you are to do that?
02:38:52 Like I was like, I wasn't going to like, I was like, oh, I'm sorry.
02:38:55 I'm sorry.
02:38:56 I didn't look at regular chat to see whatever it was that you thought was really important for me to see that, that you were so disappointed that I didn't see.
02:39:07 Come on, dude.
02:39:09 Like anyway and I like never block people.
02:39:13 But it was just.
02:39:13 It was just so ******* whiny and ******.
02:39:16 I was like God.
02:39:19 Ally Mair.
02:39:21 Funny I FG actual good.
02:39:24 Movie clip.
02:39:25 Well, we'll see about that.
02:39:30 We'll see about that.
Speaker 10
02:39:36 Let me see here.
02:39:45 Can a company help you live better?
02:39:49 Can a company?
02:39:50 I don't know those guys.
02:39:51 I I was listening to talk radio today.
02:39:52 I would say so.
Speaker 16
02:39:53 We're not talking about just any company.
02:39:53 I got to.
02:39:54 Watch your ******* ad the ad.
02:39:56 But the one in your neighborhood?
02:39:58 Shut up, Walmart ad there's no way to.
02:40:00 Skip it either.
Speaker 5
02:40:05 What is this from?
02:40:12 What is this from?
02:40:20 This is a hockey movie.
Speaker 13
02:40:24 Push that pelvis.
Speaker 3
02:40:25 Way up there way, way up there.
Speaker 8
02:40:32 Raise your tummy. Ohh.
02:40:34 Hey, gang, let's.
02:40:34 Play it smart out.
Speaker 2
02:40:35 There, let's do a lot of work.
Speaker 5
02:40:36 Right.
Speaker 28
02:40:37 From you guys.
Speaker 6
02:40:39 Your heads on the ice.
Speaker 2
02:40:40 Hockey as we all.
Speaker 14
02:40:42 Know how to play hockey?
02:40:43 Just play.
Speaker 2
02:40:44 It smart, it's right here.
Speaker 7
02:40:47 Thank you.
Speaker 12
02:40:48 It's good.
02:40:49 Come on, let's go now.
Speaker 5
02:40:52 We need this win.
02:40:53 You know we got.
02:40:53 A lot of losses to.
02:40:59 The bottom.
02:40:59 That's what we're here for you guys to win.
Speaker 12
02:41:03 Play heads up out there.
02:41:04 I mean, let's be smart, man for man.
02:41:05 We're better than any ******* club in the league.
02:41:07 And Jesus Christ, our minds. We're #1.
Speaker 2
02:41:07 OK.
02:41:11 Not feeling it, not feeling.
02:41:15 I don't know what movie.
02:41:16 This is but sports ball movies are usually not.
02:41:20 I know it's hockey and.
02:41:21 There's no ball, but.
02:41:23 Usually not a fan of the sports ball movies, they're almost.
Speaker 5
02:41:25 Worse than the sports.
02:41:27 But anyway, yeah.
02:41:31 I don't know if it's an actually.
02:41:32 Good movie clip.
02:41:36 Glock 23, the one Ukraine will take out 40% of.
02:41:39 The world's wheat.
02:41:41 There is a bird flu killing all the chickens.
02:41:44 20 food processing plants have been destroyed by fire lately.
02:41:49 They want to depopulate the world with starvation.
02:41:52 The Jews are about to pull another holiday.
02:41:56 Uh, I mean, look.
02:41:58 Maybe look I I I I live.
02:42:02 My life as if you're exactly right.
02:42:05 I don't think that that's going to happen, but.
02:42:08 The reason I.
02:42:08 Don't stress out about it is.
02:42:10 If it does, I'll be not totally fine, but I'll be better off than than most people.
02:42:18 You know, and that's and it's easy to be better off than most people, by the way.
02:42:21 They're raising the the prices of of.
02:42:24 Like canned food and everything.
02:42:26 The canned food.
02:42:28 Yeah, that used to be like a buck is is slowly becoming too, but.
02:42:35 I would.
02:42:35 I would.
02:42:36 I would buy some of.
02:42:37 The stuff now rather than later.
02:42:40 Because even if.
02:42:41 Even if that's just.
02:42:42 A product of inflation, that stuff doesn't go away.
02:42:45 If you ever want to get the press like they just, they have all these websites that are the the inflation calculator.
02:42:51 Just look up any amount, any amount of money like $10, what was $10 like in 1960 and it's like, oh, $10 was $100, you know, it's and it it it never goes the other direction.
02:43:02 So your money?
02:43:06 Will always be worth less.
02:43:10 In any amount of time in the future.
02:43:15 Because inflation is always happening, and right now it's happening.
02:43:20 At a faster pace than it's happened since, like the 70s, when we almost had pretty much hyperinflation.
02:43:28 So I would, yeah, I would.
02:43:30 I would live and prepare as if you were exactly right that there's going to be shortages.
02:43:35 I just don't see it happening on the kind of scale that I think a lot.
02:43:38 Of people are predicting.
02:43:41 But I can be wrong and I live.
02:43:43 I live my life as if I am wrong.
02:43:45 Just in case I'm wrong.
Speaker 10
02:43:48 R Rosenberg.
02:43:50 There are 24 hour Michael Collins Piper Stream odyssey now would recommend. It's like a time capsule.
02:43:58 Michael Collins, piper.
Speaker 5
02:44:05 That doesn't even sound familiar.
02:44:07 Where the **** is Michael Collins?
Speaker 10
02:44:14 OK, that's good.
02:44:24 OK.
02:44:25 Yeah, I think I've seen some stuff from this guy.
02:44:28 I'll maybe check it out.
02:44:30 I never really got into it though.
02:44:33 Yeah, he's he's one of the one of those evil white supremacists from I, you know, like the militia, you know, Idaho militia guys.
02:44:40 I think from back in the day.
02:44:44 Dieter polling $5 appreciate that wormholes. Great transition piece.
02:44:51 Well, I just you.
02:44:52 Know I was talking about a bunch of disjointed stuff to some extent.
02:44:58 And I was.
02:44:58 Like, well, I gotta be all ties together.
02:45:06 So that ties it together somehow.
Speaker 4
02:45:13 Dude, the dude did nothing wrong 5.
02:45:15 Dollars appreciate that brother Nathaniel's content is basically pointing out the JQ in the form of a Jerry Seinfeld stand up comedy bit.
02:45:23 Hey, what's the deal with the Israel lobby anyway?
02:45:27 Look at the noses on these guys.
02:45:30 Yeah, I he just seemed like he was like, you know, it was just he was a little clownish and he would dress up, you know, in those weird.
02:45:39 Like, he was an Orthodox priest, kind of a thing.
02:45:42 And his delivery it was.
02:45:43 I mean, it was kind of funny.
02:45:46 Right, like a a little bit at first, but it just you know I never could get into it.
02:45:54 They were, I.
02:45:55 Saw funny clips and I just remember thinking like this is kind of interesting.
02:45:58 There's like this.
02:46:00 Orthodox Christian Jew guy that you know.
02:46:05 Seems to really have a problem.
02:46:08 With with his people.
02:46:12 So all right.
02:46:15 And then we have Reaver, who I don't know if you're the same.
02:46:18 Guy that said before but.
Speaker 10
02:46:21 You've you've you've decided to say so, but $5 appreciate that.
02:46:28 All right guys.
02:46:31 You know, I I feel like I missed something because.
02:46:36 I'm going to refresh this because the total is not adding up here.
02:46:41 I kind of feel like it.
02:46:42 It must have.
02:46:44 Miss someone's ****.
Speaker 5
02:46:55 Hmm, no, maybe not.
02:47:01 I think it's uh.
02:47:07 That number doesn't make sense though.
Speaker 5
02:47:13 No, I guess it's adding up, I don't know.
02:47:17 OK, well.
02:47:19 I don't know how Odyssey, maybe Odyssey is just not adding the numbers up correctly.
02:47:25 You know that I'm missing someones and I don't.
Speaker 5
02:47:28 But I don't see it.
02:47:30 All right, guys, well, I'm a little tired tonight.
02:47:33 I've really been.
02:47:35 I'm not exaggerating.
02:47:36 I've been out in the sun for the last two days.
02:47:39 Hammering hard boxes together.
02:47:44 Painting them and painting and hammering Hive stands together and painting them.
02:47:48 In fact, I got two different colors of paint all over my body right now.
02:47:55 Really old paint takes a long time to dry. By the way, Carl's house had like random, just lots of building materials, but like random gallons of paint everywhere that we're the the cans are so rusted like the obviously the labels gone. But it's like it's almost, it's almost rusted through the paint can like that's how old these cans.
02:48:15 But I managed to.
02:48:17 Make it usable, it just takes a really long time to dry some of this acrylic stuff, and it makes my whole.
02:48:24 Area smell like poison.
02:48:26 So hopefully that gets dried anyway.
02:48:28 That's what I've been dealing with last few days and I'm just.
02:48:30 I'm tired from breathing old paint fumes in the sun and.
02:48:36 Hammering away and all that good stuff.
02:48:37 So I'm.
02:48:38 Going to head to bed.
02:48:39 But hope you guys all had a great time.
02:48:43 Through the wormhole.
02:48:49 And I'll see you guys next time.
02:48:52 And Oh yeah, like I said.
02:48:54 Don't forget collective.
02:48:55 Collect them while.
02:48:56 You can the the the, the link is the description for the the new shirt, yellow shirt.
02:49:03 It's still there for now.
02:49:05 But it will probably disappear.
02:49:07 I don't know when I haven't decided, like I'm thinking like it might be good to have three up at a time, you know, and then start cycling out the old one.
02:49:16 And then just keep you know and and I think the frequency that sounds.
02:49:20 About good, because that all because I have to design these things in whatever.
02:49:24 So something would be like every other stream, like a new one comes out and then like the old one gets dropped out or something like that, right?
02:49:31 That's the only one.
Speaker 10
02:49:33 So hope you guys had a.
02:49:34 Good time thanks to the.
02:49:35 Mods I never, I never say that I really should.
02:49:38 More often, high priest King Terry, who doesn't like to do the Super chatty things he doesn't want to put his info in there.
02:49:46 UM.
02:49:48 And uh.
02:49:51 So and and everyone else that mods.
02:49:57 The high pricing tariffs I haven't haven't talked to you a little bit.
02:50:01 I feel like.
02:50:03 UM and yeah, that's it.
02:50:08 You guys have a.
02:50:11 Good night.
02:50:12 4 black pills.
02:50:13 I am of course.
02:50:19 What's my name?
02:50:19 What's my ******?
02:50:20 ******* name?
02:50:24 No, really.
02:50:24 What's my name?
02:50:25 I've forgotten.
02:50:26 Them stick.
Speaker 7
02:50:30 Happening here now.
02:50:34 You're gonna love this video and out, out and double trouble.
02:50:47 Now fly and the ceiling.
02:50:50 You got it.
02:50:54 Come on, Emma.
02:50:57 See you later.
02:50:59 And over here now walking.
02:51:06 Move it over here.
02:51:07 Pull it down.
02:51:08 Walk it.
02:51:16 Turn it up.
02:51:16 Come on.
02:51:17 Dance stealing.
02:51:20 Ohh yeah, go ahead.
02:51:23 Now fly now.
02:51:26 Mermaids look back.
02:51:29 And here, here.
02:51:31 Put it back.
02:51:33 And here here are made.
02:51:37 Order now point it.
02:51:40 Point, Point, point point.
02:51:44 Roll it.
02:51:46 Roll it. Point Hallelujah.
02:51:58 Double it. Look at that.
02:52:02 Louie is up for you.
02:52:03 Keep going.
02:52:10 But I want you to.
02:52:13 Be in this. Come on.
02:52:16 Hallelujah. What are we?
02:52:18 Doing ah, now you're going to turn.
02:52:20 It give me a turn 12.
02:52:24 And again go 234 you can.
02:52:28 Do this I.
02:52:29 Know you can.
02:52:30 I believe in you and.
02:52:34 Up here.
02:52:39 Go ahead.
02:52:42 One more.
02:52:53 I guess.
02:52:54 Up, up, down, back and shuffle.
02:53:03 And come on over here.
02:53:04 We're gonna.
02:53:05 Slide now slide.
02:53:34 Happening here now.
02:53:39 You're gonna love this video.