
FBI Anon Excerpts from AMA 1 Part 2.mp3

Speaker 1
00:00:06 Beginning on July 2nd, 2016, a series of posts to the anonymous message Board 4 Chan were made by a poster claiming to have insider information on the FBI's case against Hillary Rodham Clinton, HRC and the Clinton Foundation, CF.
00:00:16 This person became known as FBI non.
00:00:19 It is impossible to verify the identity of FBI and non nor the authenticity of their claim.
00:00:25 The following are excerpts from the first FBI and non AMA thread from July 2nd 2016. A full record of the AMA's available on blackpill.com.
00:00:26 All right.
Speaker 2
00:00:40 I am a person with intimate knowledge of the inner workings of the Clinton case.
00:00:45 I will answer as many questions as I can without giving too much away.
Speaker 3
00:00:50 How big are the risk?
00:00:51 Are you taking posting this on 4 Chan?
Speaker 2
00:00:54 Enormous, but the risks are mitigated by anonymity and plausible deniability.
Speaker 3
00:01:00 Is the government really trying to disarm us?
00:01:03 In case should hits the fan?
Speaker 2
00:01:07 The government is terrified to do anything out of fear of revolution.
Speaker 3
00:01:12 Are the incidents manufactured with the intent of harsher gun control laws?
Speaker 2
00:01:17 Yes, the gay bar attacks were inside jobs.
Speaker 3
00:01:22 Did Hillary or her allies set up the Orlando shooting?
00:01:26 Omar Martin was with her, after all.
Speaker 2
00:01:29 Shooting was CIA.
Speaker 3
00:01:31 Will people be so insanely but hurt from the files if they are released that people will arm themselves?
Speaker 2
00:01:38 If the files are released.
00:01:41 Responses are going too fast and I am getting tired.
00:01:44 So if answers are too short, you know why.
Speaker 3
00:01:48 What is the likelihood that a Char C will get indicted?
00:01:52 What would be the indicators that the indictment his amendment?
Speaker 2
00:01:55 Indicted depends on if Trump gets elected.
00:01:59 Imminent 0%.
Speaker 3
00:02:02 What are all the charges as of now that?
00:02:04 She could definitely be indicted for.
Speaker 2
00:02:07 Treason of every kind, multiple violations of the Constitution and the Espionage Act.
Speaker 3
00:02:14 I've been reading the questions and answers here and am so far impressed.
00:02:18 I know some people with high level security clearance that have said similar things to what you're saying.
00:02:24 However, a few things slightly different.
00:02:27 I've also looked into this and am quite appalled by some of the documents I've seen.
00:02:32 That aside, I have a couple questions in regards to the Clinton Foundation.
00:02:37 What would happen if all of this information ended up being released to the general public?
00:02:42 As in, what would happen if all of the Clinton Foundation secret records were released public?
00:02:48 What if you you personally leaked all the documents to the dark web or some other online outlet?
00:02:54 What would happen?
00:02:55 Would the countries that would be named in the documentation declare war if there was a large change in government?
00:03:01 Couldn't you have the acts of some of the right?
00:03:03 Line states indict.
00:03:04 Her if they were given enough information and documentation.
Speaker 2
00:03:09 I said in the last thread, total chaos.
00:03:12 The government would be exposed at every layer.
00:03:15 Who pays who, who buys what, and no one has yet asked the human trafficking bits.
00:03:20 I have been laying out.
00:03:22 Silencing and slash or death.
00:03:25 Some places are trying to leak, but we censor them too fast.
00:03:29 No, they would declare war because all of our secret operations in their countries would be exposed.
00:03:35 We have thought about this.
00:03:38 It is on the table.
Speaker 3
00:03:40 Are the people leading the investigation blackmail pedophiles?
Speaker 2
00:03:46 The people under the magnifying glass do have an affinity for children.
Speaker 3
00:03:51 You've said two things so far, human trafficking and looking into the CF.
00:03:55 Better went to the starting point for our own research.
Speaker 2
00:03:59 Everything I have said is a hint.
Speaker 3
00:04:01 I've got a question for why up how bad could this actually get?
00:04:07 You've mentioned fear of war and revolution.
00:04:09 Is there any possibility that Russia or China could **** us in the fallout?
00:04:14 Also, what fears would need to be resolved in order for the FBI to be willing to go nuclear on this pitch and the foundation?
Speaker 2
00:04:22 If a civil war broke out 100% certainty, China and Russia would get involved.
00:04:28 This would be like launching A nuke at NYC.
00:04:31 We would hit the target, but we would then be at war with the whole US.
00:04:36 The FBI is facing the entire federal government in this case.
00:04:40 It is why we are so quiet.
Speaker 3
00:04:43 What did Ambassador Stephens know or was going to tell that got him killed?
Speaker 2
00:04:48 Weapons smuggling to Libyan rebels.
Speaker 3
00:04:51 You said the US and Ato are pushing heavily for war against Russia.
00:04:56 What the **** do they hope to accomplish by that?
00:05:02 Was Libby a smokescreen to get the SAP that Clinton sold to the hands of the buyer?
Speaker 2
00:05:07 Libya was in arms operation in conjunction with the CIA slash dot to give arms to the rebels.
00:05:13 We didn't deploy troops because we would have gone to war.
Speaker 3
00:05:17 Is there anything else one can do for the future besides vote Trump and try to uphold virtue? Our nation's principles and culture? Will Europe become a meat grinder and war against Islam?
Speaker 2
00:05:30 This is really iffy territory for me.
00:05:33 Strategy works by having multiple games running at the same time, assessing the realistic probabilities of each scenario and acting accordingly.
00:05:42 If one plan fails, another acts.
00:05:45 In my previous jobs I worked with Russian war games, but I did not do much with the eurozone.
00:05:52 But my buddy told me once that Europe will experience a cultural backlash, which, unless they managed to violently oust Islam, which will require a great force, local whites will flee to the US.
Speaker 3
00:06:05 Ohh I wanted to ask you if Bill Clinton is a pedo that blows babies.
00:06:09 Do you know anything about that?
Speaker 2
00:06:12 BC is a confirmed pedo.
Speaker 3
00:06:14 Do members of Congress owned strip clubs, and when they visit, have their own sex slaves?
00:06:22 OK, tell what about the human trafficking?
00:06:26 I assume that those who can be indicted are involved.
Speaker 2
00:06:29 Pedophiles and sex traffickers everywhere.
00:06:33 Many politicians trade girls like cattle.
Speaker 3
00:06:36 Please, before you sleep, speak a little on the child prostitution ring.
Speaker 2
00:06:41 Sex rings are popular in all governments, but pedophilia is primarily in British parliament and Saudi Arabia, and that's why HRC and BC Love foreign donors so much.
00:06:53 They get paid in children as well as money.
00:06:56 Dig deep and you can find it.
00:06:58 It will sicken you.
Speaker 3
00:07:01 Who has more CP, the FBI or the CIA?
00:07:04 Is CCP a big deal in the highest level of officials in world governments?
Speaker 2
00:07:09 CIA is huge.
00:07:11 It is 4/20 here guys and I am tired as ****.
00:07:15 I enjoyed giving you all what I could.
00:07:18 If there is anything to gain from this, it is focused on the Clinton Foundation.
00:07:23 The media will, over the next few weeks, try to paint the e-mail scandal as the only scandal and HRC may or may not get into.
00:07:32 But if you keep pressing the foundation and do not let the questions or demands die, then the truth will out.
00:07:39 Follow the foundation.
Speaker 3
00:07:41 **** ** you gave away.
00:07:43 Which time zone you're in?
Speaker 2
00:07:45 Did I?