

Speaker 1
00:14:29 How to get to sesame?
00:01:31 How to get to?
Speaker 2
00:01:56 We are now in Day 4.
00:01:58 You know that few details are available, but this much we know a large portion of downtown Indianapolis remains evacuated.
00:02:07 Now, reports are sketchy at this point, but we do know that apparently there are terrorists holed up in the downtown part of our city with nuclear devices.
00:02:17 How many people?
00:02:18 How many devices?
00:02:19 We're not sure, but we have just learned here.
00:02:22 At the channel.
00:02:22 9 newsroom that a federal response team has been sent in to neutralize the threat.
00:02:27 Let's go live now to reporter Ann Miller, who's out with Chopper 9 for the latest on this Anne.
Speaker 1
00:02:35 We've just passed over the Speedway where heading east towards downtown along with this time of the morning, you seem to be getting some rush hour traffic.
00:02:44 But this morning the sea is spacious still.
00:02:50 Yes, Obama is today's for the back.
00:02:53 There are police down there in the streets making sure everyone stays out of town and God exceeded just to charge.
00:03:00 And just how close can you get to where?
00:03:05 Support gun that neighborhood.
00:03:07 And there's restricted airspace above it.
00:03:10 We're heading in that.
00:03:11 Now we can only approach it.
Speaker 2
00:03:17 Obviously lost our microwave link with Chopper Nine.
00:03:22 Can someone get on the two way radio and see if they can contact Anne and and see what's going?
00:03:26 On out there.
00:03:27 And meanwhile, I'd like to again caution our audience against over.
Speaker 5
00:03:43 Ohh no World War Three has happened.
Speaker 6
00:03:49 Everybody, this is the insomnia stream I.
00:03:52 Am your host Evan Stack.
00:03:55 We're going to be talking about lots of stuff, not so much World War 3.
00:03:58 I I found that video.
00:04:01 I was just like, oh, that's kind of neat.
00:04:03 Guess it was declassified.
00:04:05 It was like a part of a CIA training video or something.
00:04:08 Like that I.
00:04:08 Don't know whatever.
00:04:10 It was goofy, it was goofy.
00:04:14 Thought I could lighten up.
00:04:15 The mood a little bit.
00:04:16 With some end.
00:04:17 Of the world.
00:04:19 I don't know weird clip, so anyway.
00:04:24 I hope you guys are all having a.
00:04:26 Good Saturday night.
00:04:27 So last spring we talked about the the new show with Jon Leibowitz and after after the stream, I found this clip.
00:04:38 So I just thought I'd play it real quick.
00:04:40 It's not very.
00:04:40 Long just a.
00:04:41 Clip of John Leibowitz saying that black people should hate white people.
00:04:47 And I wish I'd had that for the last stream, so I just thought, uh, **** it, I'm going to play it here.
00:04:52 So let me make sure the audio is going to.
00:04:54 Work alright, there we go.
Speaker 8
00:04:56 It just it's the kind.
00:04:57 Of thing where they like to set us off on each other, it's.
00:04:59 Like in race relations.
00:05:02 They like.
00:05:03 To set people against each other, although.
00:05:04 I will say this about Black.
00:05:06 People, they should hate us.
00:05:09 Black people should hate white people.
00:05:10 I mean, I'm very I'm glad that they're trying at least to be nice to us, but we really ****** them over.
00:05:16 Almost at every.
00:05:17 Time and every time they make something cool, we take.
Speaker 9
00:05:21 It and ruin it.
Speaker 8
00:05:24 And they made ******* jazz beautiful.
00:05:26 Cool jazz and we took it and went.
00:05:29 Let's see what Kenny Geo do with it.
Speaker 10
00:05:31 He ******* ruined everything with debts.
00:05:39 Ah yes, white people are terrible.
00:05:40 And that's the kind of speech that won't get censored.
00:05:44 The first song I played in the intro was a song by Mr.
00:05:49 To be honest, not.
00:05:50 Not really a fan or like that.
00:05:52 It wasn't really familiar with his his parody music, but.
00:05:57 Doesn't really matter.
00:05:58 You shouldn't go to jail for 10 ******* years for doing a song because it makes fun of Jews.
00:06:06 Which is precisely what's happening right now.
00:06:09 We'll get into more of the censorship here in a second, but let me pull this up real quick.
00:06:17 Alrighty, where is this at?
00:06:18 I have so many I have so many ******* tabs.
00:06:21 Open it's, it's.
00:06:21 It's a full it's a full show tonight.
00:06:25 I have way too many ******* tabs open.
00:06:27 I probably.
00:06:27 Should have this.
00:06:27 There we go.
00:06:30 Yeah, Mr. Bond, this is from the hyphen. Report.com Mr. Bond, sentenced to 10 years biggest sentence on record.
00:06:40 In what may be the longest sentence ever issued for speech crimes in Europe?
00:06:45 Austrian rapper Mr.
00:06:47 Bond was sentenced to 10 years.
00:06:50 While the court spokesperson could not immediately be reached for comment, preliminary research indicates that this is in fact the highest sentence issued in Germany or Austria.
00:07:03 In 2005, Ernst Zundel, which if you'd never heard of that guy, that's uh.
00:07:08 There's some interesting maybe there's a clip I probably should have put for that one, but anyway, I was sentenced to a maximum of five years in Germany under a similar speech law.
00:07:18 Now notice.
00:07:18 How all these speech laws?
00:07:22 Again, you can make fun of white people all day ******* long and you'll never be.
00:07:29 I mean not.
00:07:30 Only will you not be sentenced.
00:07:32 To to any any kind of prison time, no matter where you live.
00:07:35 In the world.
00:07:37 You will.
00:07:38 You'll never get canceled or like that.
00:07:39 It'll it's, in fact, it's encouraged.
00:07:43 Mr. Bond has been recording rap lyrics to the tune of popular American songs since at least 2016.
00:07:49 So far, only mainstream source for a sentence of 10 years is in barons, which CITES agents France press.
00:07:58 Blah blah blah.
00:08:00 Anyway, he has been sentenced to 10 years.
00:08:04 You can if you'd like.
00:08:07 You can donate.
00:08:09 To his appeal.
00:08:12 Again, it's.
00:08:14 I wonder if there's a link to it somewhere here.
00:08:18 I I would check thehyphenreport.com has the links but I so I would check that out if you want to help support his appeal efforts.
00:08:29 And uh, yeah, his brother got four years just for managing a server.
00:08:35 So there you go.
00:08:37 There you go.
00:08:40 It's the harbinger of things to come.
00:08:43 Because you cannot make fun of, you cannot make fun of Jews, even if it's through song.
00:08:49 Which is precisely why we're going to do exactly that.
00:08:57 Well, let's I was going to.
00:08:59 Now I cannot take credit for this.
00:09:03 But this is.
00:09:03 Another song that would get you prison time in your well, probably more than one European country.
Speaker 11
00:09:18 You always know when you get close to.
00:09:21 The Bible stand as you can.
00:09:25 Don't even Jess.
00:09:27 Or its nest?
00:09:28 Will descend upon you with a shocking eye.
00:09:32 They fudge the scores.
00:09:34 They fund the wars.
00:09:35 It's how.
00:09:35 They do win.
Speaker 6
00:09:35 I've been watching.
Speaker 11
00:09:36 What? What's the loser?
00:09:39 It's like there's no conspiracy alibis.
Speaker 6
00:09:43 This feed.
Speaker 11
00:09:51 This timeline isn't.
00:10:01 Shut it down.
00:10:23 Being Caucasian and sweet, prepare to be played.
00:10:27 Eat. And if you try.
00:10:29 And claim that space is fake and.
00:10:31 They'll greet you with sounds careful, but don't say that boys wearing skirts, playing sports against your daughters is ********.
00:10:42 It's only a fad with every single.
00:10:45 Ad depicts diversity in every home.
00:10:49 Remember we used to try to assemble and occupy.
00:10:52 But they dangled us the trope of social justice.
00:10:57 It sells quite well.
00:10:58 It's also a.
00:10:59 Spell because FC's can't see beyond the veil.
00:11:03 Don't be these these.
00:11:04 Flying eyes.
00:11:05 There's no conspiracy comprises of lies.
00:11:07 And histories alibis this timeline.
00:11:18 Shut it down.
00:11:19 The queen look too much.
Speaker 5
00:11:21 We will the.
Speaker 11
00:11:21 Like the mighty certain things, you cannot say.
00:11:32 Shut it down.
00:11:34 Good luck.
00:11:35 We are the techno Pharisees.
00:11:36 You're just.
00:11:38 It's hard not to convince.
00:11:40 When sizing up the Texan stacks of just relaxing.
00:11:53 It's transitory, funny story and inflation just sustains the vicious fight, and old Jackal knew where they hide all their.
00:12:03 But they can't hide pride, it's.
00:12:04 A little on those.
00:12:07 Owns all this ****.
00:12:08 It's kind of a warning when the products free.
00:12:11 There's something else they're taking.
00:12:13 His hands in Hollywood drink their holly jolly juice and the music industry is a masquerade.
00:12:21 These parasites disturb your mind and turn.
00:12:25 You into something less than human hide might.
Speaker 6
00:12:30 In fact, see all.
00:12:31 Dreams because ignorance is bliss.
Speaker 11
00:12:33 Enjoy your breasts.
00:12:35 Don't believe these lying eyes.
00:12:37 There's no conspiracy.
00:12:38 You comprise of lies and histories, alibis, timeline.
00:12:50 Shut it down too much.
00:13:04 Down your shower.
00:13:06 Good luck.
00:13:06 We are the techno Pharisees are just a bunch of stocks.
00:13:10 It's hot not to connect with sizing up the deck.
00:13:26 I want to see the trend.
00:13:27 That's sad things you cannot say.
00:13:29 So since the.
00:13:32 Shut it down.
00:13:33 You're showing now.
00:13:33 Good luck.
00:13:34 We are the techno Pharisees.
00:13:36 You're just a bunch of snacks.
00:13:38 It's hard not to when sizing up ballots.
00:13:42 That's so just relax here.
00:13:45 Shut it down too much.
Speaker 5
00:13:48 We rule the land with mighty.
Speaker 11
00:13:55 There's certain things you cannot say so simple instead.
00:14:01 All right.
00:14:04 And I'll put a link to that in the description.
00:14:07 I I don't remember the guys name I, but I think I have a link to the source so.
00:14:12 But yeah, very, very funny.
00:14:14 I don't agree with that I.
00:14:15 Don't agree with the space.
00:14:16 Being fake and gay part but the rest.
00:14:18 Of it's pretty on the nose, shall we say.
00:14:25 And moving right along.
00:14:28 So you might have seen this on my telegram.
00:14:33 There was a.
00:14:37 Believe this is a high.
00:14:37 School track meet.
00:14:39 We'll read the story in a second.
00:14:42 And see if you notice anything.
Speaker 11
00:14:53 ******* kidding me.
00:14:58 Nobody's kidding you.
00:15:04 And in fact, it gets worse.
00:15:12 Oh, let's see if I can find this one.
00:15:16 My tabs are a mess.
00:15:18 My tabs are a ******* mess.
00:15:21 Oh, where'd it go?
00:15:22 Where did?
00:15:22 It go. Here it is.
00:15:25 No, that's not the right one, is it?
00:15:27 No, it's not that I want.
Speaker 13
00:15:28 Right.
00:15:28 Alright, let me see if I can find the right one.
00:15:31 Here we go.
00:15:33 Family of high school track star Sucker Punch during race are considering lawsuit after they were stopped from pressing charges.
00:15:42 By cops who threatened to arrest their son.
00:15:46 If they filed a report.
00:15:48 That's right.
00:15:50 The cops, you know, back the blue, right?
00:15:54 The cops.
00:15:55 Threatened to arrest the guy getting punched here.
Speaker 9
00:16:04 They were going to.
00:16:05 Arrest that guy.
00:16:07 If they filed charges against the black guy who sucker punched him because he was running faster than him.
Speaker 1
00:16:15 Thank you.
00:16:17 Yes, yes.
00:16:20 More of that white privilege, I guess.
00:16:23 The family of a high school track star who was sucker punched during a race say they had wanted to press charges against his attacker, but deputies had threatened to arrest their son if they'd done so.
00:16:34 Now the family is considering filing a civil suit against the other student and the track invitation event that hosted the race, their attorney says shocking video of the attack during the.
00:16:47 Uh, this is a a really hard.
00:16:50 Town name to say the Tahoka Kaliga.
00:16:54 Tiger Invitational and kiss.
00:16:57 This must be in in in like Wisconsin or.
00:17:02 Minnesota or something?
00:17:04 Last Saturday captured the incident as a pack of runners coming down the track in the 1600 meter race.
00:17:11 When a team comes up a black team, how about that?
00:17:15 How about putting those labels in there?
00:17:16 Since you're so keen on doing that when it's a white guy.
00:17:19 When a black teen?
00:17:20 Comes up from behind.
00:17:21 And punches the white athlete in the lead in the back of the head.
00:17:27 The runner goes down and stays in the ground as the rest of the.
00:17:30 Team run past.
00:17:31 His family's attorney, Nathan Carter, revealed that the teen suffered A concussion following the attack.
00:17:38 There was allegedly an altercation before the attack where the victim had told the attacker to move out of his way.
00:17:45 When he refused during the earlier lap, the victim pushed him, according to TMZ.
00:17:49 I'm sure.
00:17:52 So anyway.
Speaker 12
00:17:55 Yeah, if.
00:17:55 You get punched in the back of the head.
00:17:59 By a black guy and.
00:18:00 You want to press charges.
00:18:03 You'll get arrested.
00:18:06 You will be arrested.
00:18:09 So I guess this.
00:18:10 Was in Florida.
00:18:12 I didn't know Florida had such weirdo ******* names.
00:18:15 There must be some kind of seminal name or something like that.
00:18:18 I'm not even going to try to ******* pronounce that ********.
00:18:24 You guys try to pronounce that.
00:18:26 What is that topic Kalog?
00:18:29 What is that?
00:18:31 I don't know.
00:18:32 Kiss me.
00:18:32 Me, me.
00:18:33 This is.
00:18:33 All stupid, stupid, non-english ****.
00:18:38 All right.
00:18:40 Anyway, moving right along.
00:18:41 Speaking of Florida.
00:18:44 Look at that.
00:18:44 Look how I look, how I just segued in that I didn't know.
00:18:47 It was in Florida, just.
00:18:48 By magic Speaking of Florida.
00:18:51 Speaking of Florida, the the the so-called Don't say gay law that everyone's getting freaked out about.
00:18:59 You know, because they don't want to call the anti grooming law.
00:19:05 You have a bunch of teachers freaking out.
00:19:07 Oh, I can't groom my students anymore.
00:19:11 Well, this is not the job for me.
00:19:13 Kind of makes you wonder.
00:19:15 Why they were doing that job in?
00:19:17 The first place is, yeah.
00:19:19 I was going to say it.
00:19:20 It wasn't to teach.
00:19:21 Kids, but I think I'm wrong.
00:19:24 It was to teach kids.
00:19:26 It was to teach kids to be gay.
00:19:29 And look, this is this is a very common thing.
00:19:31 There's there's lots of teachers out there grooming children.
00:19:37 And retaliating if parents try to step in.
Speaker 10
00:19:42 So there was an interesting comment on my classroom decor video about how parents might complain, and there's actually a way to be really sneaky about supporting specifically queer students in your classroom.
00:19:53 And I want to show you it so it's so clear.
00:19:56 Pink Triangle was actually used in concentration camps to identify.
Speaker 14
00:20:02 Boy thing.
Speaker 10
00:20:03 Gay women and also people who are asexual and now it's been Co opted by by the queer community to be a symbol.
00:20:13 Of a safe.
00:20:14 Drop it a pink triangle somewhere in your room makes a huge difference because kids look for that, especially in places, especially in high school spaces, kids will look for that.
00:20:24 And so that's kind of a sneaky way to show your support if you're in an area that might that you might get to push back on but still want to make sure that you have things up that make your space inclusive.
00:20:37 A sneaky way, a sneaky way to groom children.
00:20:43 Gee, I wonder why I wonder why they want that law.
00:20:46 I wonder it doesn't make any sense to me.
00:20:49 Well, I'll tell you what.
00:20:52 Seems like.
00:20:52 So I find.
00:20:53 Yet another tab, and I'm looking for endlessly man.
00:20:57 I've just.
00:20:58 I just have too many ******* I need to close some of the.
00:21:01 I'm closing some of these.
00:21:02 I don't need that.
00:21:03 I don't need that.
00:21:05 I can get rid of that one.
00:21:07 We did that.
Speaker 9
00:21:07 One all right.
00:21:11 So here we go.
00:21:14 This is from the chroniclesmagazine.org.
00:21:20 Trans tyranny in public schools.
00:21:23 Schools across the country have adopted A controversial policy of hiding the LGBT statuses of students from their parents.
00:21:34 Sold to the.
00:21:35 Public as an effort to protect children from abuse.
00:21:39 The policy effectively circumvents parental consent and notification about their Children's Health, safety and well-being.
00:21:48 One Texas family told chronicles how they fought to protect their children from transgender ideology.
00:21:55 After finding out that the staff of a public school had encouraged their daughter to transition.
00:22:03 To a male gender, they withdrew their children from the school, but that wasn't the end of the story.
00:22:10 The Texas Department this is this is in Texas.
00:22:14 The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services.
00:22:18 Came knocking at their door, demanding to conduct a safety assessment of their family environment.
00:22:26 In telling us his family's story, the father, who will call John as chronicles to protect their identities for fear of retaliation, he gave chronicles copies of all the documents he received and and sent to D DFPS during the agency's investigation.
00:22:43 What John and his family experienced is the result of a country wide effort to push through school's radical ideas about sex and gender to influence children at their most vulnerable developmental stage.
00:22:55 Images, even more sinister, their story shows how the enforcement arm of the government is being used to punish and harass those who resist.
00:23:05 A war for the hearts and minds and bodies.
00:23:08 Of America's children, which can often result in devastating and irreversible consequences, is being waged in every state, red or blue, and there is no opting out of the conflict.
00:23:23 So basically, they sent their kids to public schools. Mistake #1.
00:23:30 The teacher tried to turn their kid into a ******.
00:23:35 Not not shocked, you know this, this this is just the teacher that's making TikTok videos and bragging about what she's doing.
00:23:46 For everyone of these.
00:23:48 There were hundreds, if not thousands of others.
00:23:54 Doing the exact same thing, just not bragging about it on ******* TikTok.
00:24:01 So they finally pull their kids out.
00:24:02 Of the public school.
00:24:05 And Child Protective Services comes in.
00:24:09 Now in this case, yeah, they were able to show that they weren't.
00:24:12 They didn't have, like, a dangerous home life and stuff like that and get out of it.
00:24:15 But that's.
00:24:17 Probably because they were in Texas, they.
00:24:19 Might have got lucky.
00:24:21 You get the wrong blue haired ******* lesbian showing up.
00:24:26 And they'll take your kids away and then turn them into ******* ********.
00:24:31 And look, stuff like that has happened, and in fact I think the case where they had the.
00:24:37 The father suing the ex-wife for.
00:24:40 For trying to turn his kid into a I think.
00:24:42 That was in Texas.
00:24:49 This is.
Speaker 2
00:24:52 This is where.
00:24:52 We're at, you know, the.
00:24:53 The the ********** stuffs coming, it's coming.
00:24:55 Faster than I would.
00:24:56 Have thought?
00:25:00 They are straight up grooming.
Speaker 15
00:25:07 It you know it, it's twofold.
00:25:08 It really hits hard in my heart professionally and personally will professionally it it truly makes me feel like I am not trusted as a professional.
00:25:22 I know my kindergarten standard.
00:25:25 Yeah, you shouldn't be trusted, dude.
00:25:27 Gay kids should not certainly not be kindergarten teacher or gay guys should not be kindergarten teachers.
Speaker 16
00:25:35 This used to.
00:25:35 Be a no ******* brainer like not that long ago.
00:25:47 But this is what you know, diversity is our strength, right?
Speaker 15
00:25:51 Through and through, and nowhere in our curriculum does it have anything about teaching, sexual orientation or sexual identity.
00:26:01 So for them to to say that that, that that's happening, that you know, it's kind of crazy, but we should be able to have discussions and and that's what we're encouraged to do in kindergarten and then.
Speaker 6
00:26:09 Ohh it's crazy.
00:26:13 We're not teaching kindergarteners anything, but we should be able to have discussions.
00:26:19 What kind of discussions are you having with ******* kindergarten kids?
00:26:30 You know, at that age, kids basically see you almost.
00:26:33 As a parent.
00:26:36 I can remember elementary school.
00:26:40 Kids often accidentally calling the teachers like mom or dad, you know, depending on the sex of the teacher.
00:26:47 I'm pretty sure I called my 5th grade teacher once. Mom's like a just a slip of the tongue at one point.
00:26:57 It was super embarrassing.
00:27:01 But everyone knows what you're talking about.
00:27:02 Just you're in fact, as a kid.
00:27:06 You're around people like this.
00:27:12 In your waking hours.
Speaker 16
00:27:15 Especially if both parents work.
00:27:18 More often you are around the.
00:27:20 Parents, there's a little disconnect than OBS.
00:27:25 That's OK.
00:27:25 I'm going to keep going.
00:27:27 Of this isn't like it.
00:27:28 We were so good and we did.
00:27:30 The trial run doesn't matter.
00:27:32 The recording's still going and we're back connected anyway.
00:27:37 But kids are around people like this.
00:27:41 More often like.
00:27:42 For more hours.
Speaker 6
00:27:42 Of the day.
00:27:44 Than they are their parents.
00:27:47 So what kind?
00:27:47 What kind of this?
00:27:48 Well, I wonder how that discussion goes when your.
00:27:50 ******* teacher's a ******.
Speaker 15
00:27:51 Because you know, my my kids do have questions.
00:27:54 They want to know who the my partner is in pictures outside of my classroom.
00:27:59 Ohh yeah, I'm not promoting ****** ****.
00:28:02 I just, you know, have pictures hanging up of me.
00:28:04 And my my **** buddy.
00:28:06 That's it.
Speaker 15
00:28:08 And I should be able to speak.
Speaker 17
00:28:09 To that.
00:28:10 So do you worry that you won't even be able to talk about your own personal home?
00:28:14 Like, I mean, I have a child in kindergarten right now.
00:28:17 I know exactly that.
00:28:19 Being trans kid.
00:28:21 You ******* ****.
Speaker 17
00:28:26 My my child has two teachers, one of which has a daughter at home and is single.
00:28:31 The other is married and has four children.
00:28:33 I know everything about their lives because my kid tells me.
Speaker 15
00:28:36 Absolutely, absolutely. You are 100% correct.
00:28:40 That's what we do.
00:28:41 With educators, we build relationships with our kids and.
00:28:44 I I bet you build relationships with kids.
00:28:54 Homeschool your ******* kids.
00:28:59 You know, we we all it's.
00:29:01 Funny, because a lot of people we talk about the boomers right, like, oh, well, the boomers, they don't know.
00:29:05 It's like, you know, when they went to school like the.
00:29:07 Classrooms were like 9090.
00:29:10 5% white or whatever.
00:29:13 Well, they have their jobs, you know, if they did encounter diversity, they were talking, you know, it's like cream of the crop, right, because those were the guys that were able to to make it into that engineering job or or.
00:29:24 Or whatever, right?
00:29:29 Well, I mean.
00:29:30 If you're a millennial or Gen.
00:29:32 Xer when?
00:29:33 You went to school, you didn't have Fagot teachers.
00:29:36 I mean there.
00:29:36 Might be one or two that you kind.
00:29:38 Of wondered about but.
00:29:39 It was.
00:29:39 It certainly wasn't ******* talked about.
00:29:44 So you might be sending your kids off to school thinking like, oh, how bad can it be?
00:29:48 Yeah, you know, public school.
00:29:50 It's kind of ******.
00:29:50 I got beat up a few times and yeah, there's pot and whatever.
00:29:53 No, it's this ****.
Speaker 5
00:29:55 In kindergarten.
Speaker 15
00:30:02 And in order to build relationships, you talk about your home life.
00:30:05 You talk about what you do on the weekends that's building.
Speaker 5
00:30:07 Oh yeah, I bet you.
00:30:08 Talked to the kindergarteners about what you and your ******* but.
00:30:11 What they do on the weekends.
Speaker 15
00:30:16 Community I.
00:30:17 It scares me to death that I am not going to be able to have these conversations with my children because they're going to.
Speaker 18
00:30:24 Ohh no.
00:30:27 Shouldn't you be teaching a ******* class?
00:30:33 You're ****** because you can't talk about your love life, your disgusting sodomite.
00:30:43 With kindergarteners?
00:30:53 You know what's ****** ** is.
Speaker 5
00:30:56 I don't remember any of my, you know.
00:30:59 Going back to kindergarten I.
Speaker 2
00:31:00 Don't remember any of my.
00:31:01 Elementary school teachers talking about their personal life at all.
00:31:09 I didn't know if.
00:31:10 They were married, or if they had kids.
00:31:14 They left that out of.
00:31:15 The classroom.
Speaker 15
00:31:20 Ask me what I did on the weekend.
00:31:21 I don't want to have to hide that my partner and I went paddle boarding this weekend.
00:31:24 Ohh, paddleboarding man.
00:31:26 I bet that's code for some sick ****.
Speaker 15
00:31:28 Because then they ask what does partner mean?
00:31:30 Bernard, and you know, I'm worried.
00:31:32 Can I tell them what it means?
00:31:33 I'm also worried for my kids.
00:31:35 I have a little girl this year who has two moms and the kids are curious about her two moms.
00:31:39 They want to know about her two moms.
00:31:41 You know, if they come to, if they go to her and ask her about her two moms and she doesn't know what to say, they're going to come to me and ask me.
00:31:47 And then.
00:31:47 You know, So what do I do?
00:31:49 It just.
00:31:49 It opens up.
00:31:51 For parents to really take some legal action.
00:31:55 So this is the norm now, guys.
00:31:57 Homeschool your ******* kids.
Speaker 19
00:32:04 It makes sense to let the child transition because that's what the child needs in order to be happy and in order to be OK.
00:32:12 It's not that they're going to grow up and be adults and regret everything.
Speaker 12
00:32:16 I regret.
00:32:18 I hate being.
00:32:22 I genuinely regret transitioning.
Speaker 15
00:32:23 I regret the surgery.
Speaker 12
00:32:25 I do regret transitioning.
00:32:42 But don't expect any help from conservatives.
00:32:49 Fox News has just hired.
00:32:52 Bruce Jenner.
00:32:56 As a contributor.
00:33:03 Fox now has their bass ******.
00:33:08 And as I said on telegram.
00:33:10 That means you've got about five years, probably less.
00:33:14 Before they have like their based pedo.
00:33:17 Or I'm sorry, map.
00:33:26 Oh yeah, good old conservative Fox News.
00:33:32 And you know.
00:33:34 When your kids aren't at school.
00:33:38 We already watched.
00:33:39 That clip last stream from the Disney exec.
00:33:42 Talking about how they want about 50%.
Speaker 6
00:33:47 50%.
00:33:51 Of their leads.
00:33:54 In the mind, to.
00:33:55 Poison that they're cranking out for children.
00:33:59 To be gay and trans or, you know something?
00:34:04 Some kind of ****** **.
00:34:08 And putting their money where their mouth is.
00:34:12 They apparently had a same sex kiss.
00:34:15 Now there's there's movies not out yet, so I don't I you.
00:34:17 Know there's no clip of it.
00:34:20 But in the in the buzz.
00:34:21 Lightyear movie that's coming out?
00:34:23 Which lots of.
00:34:24 Republicans and lots of conservatives will will.
00:34:27 Pay money to see.
00:34:31 They'll pay money and take their kids to it, or or, or even better, lots of well, they'll.
Speaker 5
00:34:35 They'll pay money.
00:34:39 Hit play and walk out of the room.
00:34:43 And let it babysit their kid.
00:34:46 So that you know what, when, when freaks like this aren't babysitting their kid.
00:34:52 This will be babysitting their kid.
00:34:56 But apparently there was a same sex kiss that they took out.
00:35:00 And then.
Speaker 5
00:35:01 Put it back in.
00:35:05 Because of the employees outrage over the removal.
00:35:11 Which tells you something about the people that work over at Pixar and Disney.
00:35:16 If if hearing that that clip from the exec.
00:35:19 Wasn't enough, right?
Speaker 5
00:35:27 Oh, but I'll.
00:35:28 I'm sure they'll get good values from somewhere.
00:35:33 Where from church?
Speaker 20
00:35:36 God is non binary, God is queer.
00:35:38 God is autistic.
00:35:40 Me unpack that.
00:35:40 For you, God is non binary because God is the author of gender.
00:35:45 God is gender less and gender full.
00:35:47 They are neither male nor female, and they are both.
00:35:51 They refer to themselves both as male and female throughout the text, and yet theology would tell us that God does not have.
00:35:57 So by definition, God is nonbinary.
00:36:00 God is queer because like gender, God is the author of all sexualities.
00:36:04 All sexualities exist in God, and yet God is not explicitly sexual, and since asexuality is part of the LGBTQ spectrum, we can say God is queer.
00:36:14 And finally, God is autistic because autism is a divergent.
00:36:19 By the way, this guys, uh, this guy's a a pastor.
00:36:25 This guy is a a Christian.
00:36:28 Christian pastor.
Speaker 20
00:36:31 From typical neurology, and since no being in existence has a mind like the mind of God, God is by definition neurodivergent, and as an autistic person I like to say God is autistic.
00:36:42 God always identifies with and as the most marginalized people in society.
00:36:49 See the God.
00:36:49 That they worship is the is the.
00:36:51 Most ****** ** Maladapted being.
00:36:56 They can imagine.
00:36:59 And look, it's not just this church.
00:37:01 There's actually a lot of churches doing this.
00:37:03 And here's the thing.
00:37:07 Which a lot of churches, yeah.
00:37:08 I think of them as a business.
00:37:11 And they've been bleeding customers.
00:37:14 So what do they do?
00:37:17 They change up the program to attract new customers, to bring in more money.
00:37:26 This is a reflection.
00:37:29 Of the people.
00:37:31 In their communities.
00:37:34 Actually, they're the reinforcing satanic ideas.
00:37:39 But the only reason they're doing that, or one of the only reasons.
00:37:44 Is because people show up.
00:37:48 People show up like they showed up to this ********.
Speaker 21
00:38:04 Thank you.
00:38:05 I was just waiting for this.
00:38:05 Thing to go up.
00:38:08 Hello, I'm Mark Johnson.
00:38:12 And I'm so glad to be here.
00:38:14 With you this morning.
00:38:16 That's the minister.
00:38:19 Or. I'm sorry, assistant minister.
00:38:29 And and pay attention to what story this assistant minister is.
00:38:34 Is telling.
Speaker 21
00:38:37 So Julia talks on some motions for the sermons.
00:38:44 Yes, come up.
00:38:50 So every time I say Noah and the sermon, you say the faithful one, the.
00:38:55 Faithful one.
Speaker 21
00:38:57 And every time I say covenant, you say an agreement between US and God.
Speaker 5
00:39:04 The flood continued 40 days on Earth and the water is increased and bore up the Earth and it grows.
00:39:11 High above the earth.
00:39:13 The water swelled and increased greatly.
00:39:16 Earth and the Ark floated on the face of the water.
00:39:20 The water slowed, so mostly on Earth.
00:39:23 That all the high mountains under the whole heaven were covered.
00:39:30 They're talking about the story of Noah's Ark.
00:39:37 You know the story of Noah's Ark.
00:39:40 Where the world was so ******* degenerate.
00:39:45 That God hit the ******* reset button.
00:39:52 God literally looked at his creation and was like.
00:39:55 Holy ****.
00:39:58 The people are.
Speaker 16
00:39:59 So ****** **.
00:40:02 There's no way.
00:40:04 That the the planet can continue.
00:40:10 I have to literally kill everyone except this like.
00:40:15 Small group of people and start.
Speaker 18
00:40:17 All over again.
00:40:24 And what's at the end of thee?
00:40:26 Noah's ark story.
00:40:29 What does God do?
Speaker 21
00:40:48 The rainbow is a covenant.
00:40:55 God makes a promise to humanity, never to.
00:40:58 Flood the earth again.
00:41:07 And that is why.
00:41:10 They use the rainbow flag.
00:41:18 Because it mocks God.
00:41:28 That's why that's why they have it.
00:41:39 All right.
00:41:41 And if that's not enough, the president.
00:41:43 Is in on it too.
00:41:45 Of course, obviously.
Speaker 22
00:41:47 To everyone celebrating transgender day of visibility, I want you to know that your president sees you.
00:41:56 Is it me or is he?
00:41:57 He actually sounds worse.
00:42:01 Like I know he's been sounding like worse and.
00:42:03 Worse, but this is pretty bad.
00:42:05 Because this is.
00:42:05 A record this isn't live.
00:42:06 This isn't like a.
00:42:09 Press conference where?
00:42:10 Well, you know, he sounded like, you know he.
00:42:13 Was on a lot of medication or whatever, but.
00:42:15 What are you going to do?
00:42:16 Live right now they they recorded this.
00:42:21 Which means they they could have easily done a better take like this was the best take.
00:42:26 Out of however many takes they took.
Speaker 22
00:42:30 To everyone celebrating transgender day of visibility, I want you to know that your president sees you, Jill comma with Doug our.
00:42:40 He can't even say president.
Speaker 22
00:42:44 Your President sees you.
00:42:46 He can't even say.
Speaker 22
00:42:47 President Jill, come on with Doug.
00:42:51 Our entire administration sees you for who you are, made an image of God and deserving of dignity, respect and.
00:42:58 For it.
00:42:59 But we know it's hard when there are those out there who don't see you and don't respect you.
00:43:04 For example, the onslaught of anti transgender state laws attacking you and your families.
00:43:10 That's simply wrong.
00:43:12 This administration is standing up for you against all these hateful bills, and we're committed to advancing transgender equality in the classroom on the playing field, at work and our military and our housing and healthcare systems everywhere simply everywhere.
00:43:28 Today we're announcing even more steps, but there's always more work to do.
00:43:33 To end the epidemic of violence against transgender women of color and girls of color to ensure transgender seniors can age with dignity, dignity.
00:43:43 That little cut there is because they they probably had to like again.
00:43:47 They probably to paste together multiple takes.
00:43:51 The only reason why you cut to this shot, which is stupid, that's not for dramatic effect.
00:43:56 That's because he didn't get through the entire thing in one go.
00:44:01 That's why you have.
00:44:02 Just a little trick just so.
00:44:03 You guys know?
00:44:06 If you're, if you're recording.
00:44:08 What used to be Caro?
00:44:09 It's called now.
00:44:10 We used to call them shots which stood for a sound on tape.
00:44:12 We don't use tape anymore, so I don't know, but I think they might.
00:44:15 Maybe they still call them shots.
00:44:16 They did.
00:44:16 They call them shots in the Newsday.
00:44:20 The good old news days.
00:44:22 But the the reason you have multiple.
00:44:25 Shots like that is if you get.
00:44:26 Someone that's ******.
00:44:28 And can't get through a ******* script.
00:44:31 You can like piece together 3 or 4 takes.
00:44:36 And uh, you know, you're good to go.
00:44:39 I I also like how he's he's so hard to understand at this point.
00:44:42 They're having to ******* put subtitles.
Speaker 22
00:44:44 More steps, but there's always more work to do to end the epidemic of violence against transgender women of color and girls of color.
00:44:54 I I also like how he was invoking God.
00:44:58 But you know what?
00:44:58 He was using the exact same message.
00:45:02 That those pastors were using.
00:45:05 All trans people are made in the image of God.
00:45:11 I ******* hate that.
00:45:14 I ******* hate that because you can distort any image you want.
00:45:19 And it's still made in the image.
00:45:21 Of what it was initially.
00:45:26 It doesn't say that anywhere in the Bible or any text that I'm aware of that humans are are are carbon copy of God.
00:45:40 If I give you the blueprints.
00:45:43 To a house.
00:45:45 And you've ever built a house before?
00:45:47 Do you make some ****** ******* version of?
00:45:49 It it's made the image.
Speaker 23
00:45:51 Of the original design.
00:45:59 I mean ****.
00:46:01 You guys might remember this.
00:46:08 What was this a couple years back?
00:46:14 There was a a church.
00:46:17 I think it was in Spain, right?
00:46:20 That had a ancient fresco painting.
00:46:26 On the wall.
00:46:27 And they hired this old woman to restore it.
00:46:37 All right.
00:46:38 And hold on.
00:46:39 Wait for it.
00:46:41 You guys know I'm talking about it, but all the same.
00:46:52 All right.
00:46:58 And when she restored it, it ended up like that.
00:47:02 Now that's still made in the image of the original.
Speaker 6
00:47:12 It is technically.
Speaker 22
00:47:21 To ensure transgender seniors can age with dignity, dignity.
00:47:26 And to finally pass a bipartisan Equality Act.
00:47:29 To help transgender persons around the world live free from discrimination and violence.
00:47:35 Above all, to be there with you.
00:47:38 To parents of transgender children, affirming your child's identity, one of the most powerful things you can do to keep them safe and healthy.
00:47:45 Any transgender American who's struggling please know that you're not alone.
00:47:51 To parents and children alike, please ask.
00:47:55 To parents and children.
00:47:57 You see, you see.
00:47:58 The see what's going on here.
00:48:01 The pattern normalization is going a lot faster honestly than I that I even I thought.
Speaker 11
00:48:02 Nor nor.
00:48:09 We we got.
00:48:10 You know, kindergarten teachers, the president, pastors.
00:48:15 Grooming, grooming, grooming.
00:48:18 In fact, this is from Fox News a couple of days ago, Biden administration endorses transgender youth, sex change operations, top surgery and hormone therapy.
00:48:30 White House encourages gender reassignment surgery puberty blockers.
00:48:35 Hormone therapy for transgender minors.
00:48:42 President Biden's administration has released a series of documents encouraging gender reassignment surgery and hormone treatments for minors.
00:48:52 The Department of Health and Human Services Office of Population Affairs.
00:48:57 That's interesting, isn't it?
00:49:00 The Office of Population Affairs.
00:49:02 Oh, what would be the the office handling?
00:49:06 This released a document Thursday titled Gender Affirming Care and Young People.
00:49:13 The same day, the substance abuse and Mental Health Services administration's national Child Traumatic Stress Network, Holy God, that's a long *** ******* name.
00:49:25 Another subset of the HHS released a parallel document titled Gender Affirming Care is Trauma Informed Care.
00:49:35 The HHS documents describe what it calls appropriate treatments for transgender adolescents, including.
00:49:43 Top surgery. So in other words, cutting off your daughter's ****.
00:49:47 To create male typical chest shape or enhanced breasts.
00:49:53 In the words, give your son ****.
00:49:57 And bottom surgery.
00:50:01 Surgery on genitals or reproductive organs, in other words, chopping your son's **** off.
00:50:08 Or cutting your cutting skin off of your daughters's leg and making some makeshift ******* fake penis.
00:50:18 Facial feminization and other procedures.
00:50:23 Medical and psychological gender affirming healthcare practices have been demonstrated to yield lower rates of adverse mental health outcomes.
00:50:33 Yeah. What? What's the suicide rate 50%?
00:50:38 Build self esteem and improve overall quality of life for transgender diverse youth.
00:50:45 That word again.
00:50:46 It's our strength.
00:50:51 For transgender and non binary children and adolescents.
00:50:55 See this is look this is it.
00:50:57 This is not.
00:50:59 This isn't like fringe stuff.
00:51:01 This is the official.
00:51:03 Stance of the federal government.
00:51:08 These are the people.
00:51:11 That if they just decide.
00:51:14 They want to imprison you.
00:51:16 Because you made a.
00:51:17 Song making fun of Jews.
00:51:23 They can just do it.
00:51:24 They can make a policy change.
00:51:29 These are the people.
00:51:32 Running the country.
00:51:37 I mean it it should.
00:51:38 Come as no surprise, right, the isn't the HHS headed by a ******* literal training.
00:51:44 What's that dude's?
00:51:46 I don't know what his exact I.
00:51:48 Think it I don't, I.
00:51:49 Don't know if it's HHS.
00:51:52 What's that ******* psychos title?
00:52:04 Uh, what is it?
00:52:05 What is it?
00:52:05 What is it?
00:52:09 Rachel Levine.
00:52:16 The health secretary.
00:52:26 So he is, uh, he's the assistant secretary of health.
00:52:29 So the assistant Secretary of Health is a ******.
00:52:34 And next thing you.
00:52:35 Know this is the official policy of.
00:52:38 The United States.
00:52:40 This is the country your boomers are so ******* patriotic for.
00:52:54 Patriotism is starting to look.
00:52:56 A lot.
00:52:57 Like backing the blue these days, isn't it?
00:53:03 I mean, you got to be a ******* ******.
00:53:06 To participate in that.
00:53:17 And you might wonder, you might wonder to yourself.
00:53:21 Well, surely there's going to be.
00:53:22 Some good people in Washington that are fighting this.
00:53:26 Right.
00:53:29 Right.
00:53:30 It's just because it's the Democrats, right?
00:53:33 It's always the ******* Democrats.
00:53:37 If we could just get some Republicans in there.
00:53:41 Then they would stop all this.
Speaker 24
00:53:46 Carolina newcomer blasted Washington lawmakers or ****** and drug use while on the Warrior Poet Society. The remarks came after the show's host, John Lovell, asked Hawthorne how similar DC really is to the popular show House of Cards. Let's watch.
Speaker 25
00:54:03 The sexual perversion that goes on washing out, I mean, it being kind of a young guy in Washington, remember, the average age is.
00:54:08 Probably 60 or 70.
00:54:10 And I look at all these people, a lot of them that I, you know, I've looked up to through my life, always paid attention to politics.
00:54:14 Guys that you know and then all of a sudden you get invited to like, well, hey, we're gonna have.
00:54:18 Kind of a a sexual get together at one of our homes.
00:54:21 You should come and like.
00:54:23 What did you just ask me?
00:54:24 To come to.
Speaker 25
00:54:25 And then you realize asking to come to an ****?
00:54:27 Or or the fact that you know some of the people that are leading on the movement to try and remove, you know, addiction in our country and then you watch them do, you know, keep up with cocaine right in front of you.
00:54:39 Can confirm.
00:54:42 Can confirm.
00:54:44 When I lived in DC.
00:54:47 And look.
Speaker 5
00:54:49 I did work.
00:54:52 With some, well I mean.
00:54:55 Some names you would recognize.
00:55:01 Yeah, can confirm.
00:55:05 There are definitely ****** and lots of people taking.
00:55:09 Drugs in Washington.
00:55:17 And So what do they do?
00:55:20 Well, immediately.
00:55:22 Yeah, this is. This is how you know that, that, that he's this guy's on to something.
Speaker 11
00:55:29 The other sexual harassment scandal taking over the political world right now?
Speaker 16
00:55:34 Also, tonight, serious questions are swirling around the youngest member of Congress and up and coming Republican with an increasingly high profile.
Speaker 26
00:55:45 He is considered a rising star in the Republican Party, but Congressman Madison Cawthorn's past and the political persona he has cultivated is littered with dark allegations.
00:55:56 Cawthorne faced numerous allegations of sexual harassment while attending Patrick Henry College in Virginia just four years ago.
00:56:03 Caitlin Coulter went to school.
00:56:05 Of Cawthorne and says she was taken on what he called.
00:56:08 A fun drive.
Speaker 4
00:56:09 His IMO was to take vulnerable.
00:56:12 Women out on these rides with him in the.
Speaker 6
00:56:16 He's in a ******* wheelchair.
00:56:23 Are you trying to tell me a guy in a wheelchair trying to what?
Speaker 4
00:56:28 Car and to make advances.
Speaker 26
00:56:30 Catherine asked her about her purity ring and her sexual experiences.
00:56:34 Coulter says she felt something was off and shut down the conversation.
Speaker 4
00:56:38 He got really upset and he whipped the car around and started going back to campus at 7080 miles an hour on these one lane roads and it was.
Speaker 17
00:56:49 It was really scary.
Speaker 5
00:56:52 Ohh no.
00:56:54 Oh, he's such a terrible person.
00:56:58 Trevor Noah and CNN.
00:57:00 Ohh the view the view.
Speaker 27
00:57:05 I spent seven years on Capitol Hill as a communications director, and I I've seen a lot.
00:57:10 I never saw any of that, you know, Madison.
00:57:14 Yeah, ********. ********.
00:57:22 I saw that.
00:57:24 And I wasn't the ******* communications director for the White House.
Speaker 27
00:57:27 Hawthorne is instant.
Speaker 1
00:57:28 Maybe they didn't invite you everything.
Speaker 11
00:57:30 Well, yeah, he was never invited.
Speaker 5
00:57:30 Yes, I.
Speaker 27
00:57:31 To any of the.
00:57:32 Cocaine and **** parties on Capitol Hill.
00:57:36 Ohh yeah, cause that couldn't possibly happen.
00:57:41 Franklin scan.
Speaker 27
00:57:43 Well, it's not your car.
00:57:44 Thorne is reckless.
00:57:45 He's an embarrassment.
00:57:46 His own his own delegation in North Carolina is speaking out against him.
00:57:51 Which is very rare.
00:57:52 He has.
00:57:52 There's a Republican primary coming up on May 17th there there are eight people running against him.
00:57:58 It's a Republican district.
00:57:59 So Democrats, sorry, you guys don't have a chance there, but he has some trouble.
00:58:03 And this needs to happen.
00:58:07 They seem really keen on getting rid of that guy and look the guys.
00:58:10 You know, total ******* Zionist.
00:58:16 But we can only hope that he grows out of that phase.
00:58:25 Yeah. So you.
00:58:28 You don't have the schools.
00:58:31 You don't have, you know, the entertainment industry, so you don't have the culture.
00:58:37 Not a whole lot of religions staying up to this, they're they're they're either checked out, like out to lunch on this topic.
00:58:45 Or they're fully embracing it.
00:58:50 Politicians, Democrat and Republican.
Speaker 6
00:58:56 Fox News.
00:59:02 They're all embracing this ****.
00:59:06 They're all literal ******* groomers.
Speaker 8
00:59:14 That's just.
00:59:16 That's just the way it is.
00:59:20 That's just.
00:59:20 That's just who's you know, that's just who's.
00:59:23 In charge right now.
00:59:36 And if you don't like it, they'll just take you off the Internet.
00:59:45 So, Jack, that ***** ** ****.
00:59:48 That used to run Twitter tweeted out today.
00:59:52 Oh, the days of Usenet, IRC, the web, even e-mail with PGP were amazing.
00:59:59 Centralizing discovery and identity into corporations really damaged the Internet.
01:00:06 I realize I'm partially to blame and I regret it now that I'm not the ******* CEO.
01:00:14 And I can't do anything about it.
01:00:16 Now that I've already done more censorship.
Speaker 5
01:00:22 Then probably anyone ever.
01:00:29 Now that I've censored the President of the United States and and a good portion of the supporters.
01:00:39 And now that I can't do anything about it.
01:00:40 Ohh sorry guys.
Speaker 22
01:00:48 I regret it.
01:00:56 And look, this stuff's going to just.
01:00:59 This stuff's just going to get worse.
01:01:02 The censorship hammer is is just barely starting to swing.
01:01:09 And and look, we already know what then?
01:01:12 What Republicans will do, right?
01:01:15 What do they do remember?
01:01:16 Remember the?
01:01:16 Ohh yeah.
01:01:17 We're gonna.
01:01:17 We're gonna get them.
01:01:18 We're going to treat them like utilities or we're going to.
01:01:21 We're going to take away their their what?
01:01:26 What, what?
01:01:26 What was that?
01:01:27 What was the name of that ******* clause that that Shields tech companies from the things that are posted because.
01:01:35 They're not responsible.
01:01:37 They're platforms, not publishers, right.
01:01:40 Remember all that talk like, oh, yeah, we're going to, we're going to totally ******* do this and that just wait, guys, I know it sucks now getting censored, but we're eventually going to change it.
01:01:53 None of that **** happened, right?
01:01:56 And then then it turned into like.
01:01:58 Oh, just build your own.
01:01:59 Twitter build your own YouTube.
01:02:01 Build your own and look gabs great.
01:02:04 Odyssey's great.
01:02:08 But you're not going to reach anyone other than.
01:02:12 The people looking for you.
01:02:15 That way.
01:02:24 Ah, it's no longer the public.
01:02:26 It's a clubhouse at that point.
01:02:34 So in Canada.
01:02:40 I'll tell you this, America, at least.
01:02:43 As much as.
01:02:43 We're kind of like leading the way on global home and all that ******* awful.
01:02:47 ****, we're at least somewhat like, like, at least not yet.
01:02:51 Not yet.
01:02:51 We're not going to jail for making songs about Jews.
01:02:55 Not yet that's coming, but at least we're we're lagging behind on.
01:02:59 That part right?
01:03:02 This is from TNC news.
01:03:05 Trudeau government online safety panel includes hate hoax spreader.
01:03:11 The Trudeau government announced its expert advisory group on online safety on Wednesday.
01:03:18 And it includes a known spreader of misinformation. Bernie Farmer made headlines last month during Ottawa's freedom Convoy after sharing a picture of an anti-Semitic flyer that was allegedly found in plain sight.
01:03:33 The claim was later proven false by journalist Jonathan Kain, a tweet where Kay found an identical photo posted by someone in Miami a month prior.
01:03:50 Liberal Heritage Minister Pablo Rodriguez.
01:03:53 That's a nice Canadian name, isn't it, Pablo Rodriguez?
01:03:57 Unveiled the Trudeau government's new online safety panel at the press conference on Wednesday.
01:04:03 When asked whether the government's online hate legislation will infringe on infringe on free speech.
01:04:10 Rodriguez said the bill will actually help free speech.
01:04:15 It's going to help guys.
Speaker 28
01:04:18 Guys, I was just hoping to get your comment on some of the criticisms that the bill infringed on free speech or that it could infringe on free speech, especially with the requirements for social media companies to monitor posts, you know, can you tell us, you know, how important is this question of making sure that the.
01:04:38 Well, it doesn't infringe on charter rights and freedom of expression when it comes to reworking it.
Speaker 23
01:04:44 It's it's at the core of what we're doing.
01:04:46 Freedom of speech is a fundamental right.
01:04:48 It's a fundamental human.
01:04:50 Right. And but.
01:04:54 I'll tell you something else.
01:04:57 Actually, there's a lot of people.
01:05:00 He sounds very Canadian, doesn't he?
01:05:06 You know what?
01:05:07 Look, if you want to keep your nation.
01:05:11 And I'm not even ******* around like that.
01:05:13 Will they have with the president?
01:05:16 Well, until Obama.
01:05:17 Right where you have to be born in the.
01:05:19 Country in order to be president.
01:05:21 That should apply to literally.
01:05:23 Anything that has any kind of power.
01:05:26 All the way down to ******* dog catcher.
01:05:31 That that, that was a ******* mistake.
01:05:34 And other than this is Canada.
01:05:35 So whatever, it's different but like.
Speaker 16
01:05:38 After this, all burns to the.
01:05:40 ******* ground than it will.
01:05:44 And we have to rebuild it. I've often said, look, I'm not the guy that designs the new building. I'm just the guy that inspects the old one and says this, this ship's gonna fall down.
01:05:52 You got you got.
01:05:52 You better take it down before.
01:05:53 Everyone gets ******* you.
01:05:54 Know hurt? This is a.
01:05:56 Dangerous building needs to be condemned.
01:06:01 Well, I I might.
Speaker 5
01:06:02 Not be able to design the.
01:06:03 New, but I might not be the.
01:06:04 Architect right?
01:06:05 But I can tell you one thing.
01:06:07 If you don't have.
01:06:11 That kind of of.
01:06:14 Check and balance or whatever you want to call it.
01:06:16 If you don't have that, I guess insurance policy rather.
01:06:20 Where you have to have been born.
01:06:21 In that ******* nation.
01:06:24 In order to have this ************* job be the dog catcher, be the the lady at the DMV.
01:06:33 This is what you get.
01:06:35 In fact, you get you.
01:06:36 Really get this? Because who?
Speaker 5
01:06:39 Where? Where we.
01:06:40 Have the diversity quotas, where did they go first?
01:06:44 Government jobs.
01:06:48 Also known as.
01:06:49 The deep state.
01:06:52 Unelected officials.
01:06:58 None of those ******* jobs.
01:07:02 Should go to anyone that's not actually from that nation.
Speaker 23
01:07:08 That don't want to share what they think anymore.
01:07:11 They're afraid of going online and speak freely.
01:07:15 Oh my God, see.
01:07:20 We have to pass laws banning your speech because your speech is making people scared.
01:07:29 And they don't feel safe.
01:07:32 Imagine, imagine believing that.
01:07:35 Imagine believing like, oh ****, I can't say that I'm I'm trans on Twitter, something might happen to me.
01:07:44 Like what?
01:07:45 You'll get a blue check mark.
01:07:50 Ohh no I I can't make a video on YouTube talking about how I like to groom kids.
01:07:58 Because you'll be.
Speaker 6
01:07:59 Monetized like what the ****?
Speaker 23
01:08:03 Because of the comments the the, the, the negative and and violent reaction they may get.
01:08:09 And I think in some ways this will really help.
Speaker 6
01:08:14 This will really help Essie.
01:08:17 I'm ******* serious, harms.
01:08:21 All Canada, eh?
01:08:26 How the **** did anyway?
01:08:28 I'm glad.
01:08:29 I'm glad he's over there.
01:08:30 Not here.
01:08:31 I'm glad he didn't he, he.
01:08:32 Might have stopped for gas on his way to.
01:08:34 Your country, but.
01:08:35 I'm glad he didn't stay for long.
01:08:37 We got.
01:08:37 We got enough of these *******.
01:08:41 Uh, I guess.
01:08:42 And you might say, well, it's not possible.
01:08:45 That never happens.
01:08:47 I guess I'm wrong right here.
01:08:49 I was making light of of these people that that they feel bullied into silence.
01:08:55 When when?
01:08:56 I guess I wasn't really.
01:08:57 I wasn't considering all the different angles.
Speaker 9
01:09:01 Good morning.
01:09:02 I'm Jim Defede and welcome to facing South Florida a couple weeks ago, I interviewed state Senator Lauren book who had private and intimate images stolen and traded on a black market within the web.
01:09:14 As you will recall, she has introduced the law, making it illegal to buy, sell or trade these types of images.
01:09:21 You know, we're sewing.
01:09:23 This week there was a hearing in Tallahassee on her bill and Hallandale Beach City Commissioner Sabrina Havana came forward to say a year ago she discovered images of herself known as deep fakes.
Speaker 16
01:09:37 OK. I just want to.
01:09:39 Already, we're off to a bad start.
01:09:40 Named Sabrina daviana.
01:09:43 Not exactly a a white Anglo-Saxon last name, is it javana?
01:09:48 Say again?
01:09:49 This story wouldn't exist if my rule is in place.
01:09:52 But I digress.
Speaker 9
01:09:54 Being spread on the Internet.
Speaker 29
01:09:56 These pictures look so real, but they were not.
01:09:59 They were stolen images from my social media, essentially very strategically photoshopped to look like real nude images.
Speaker 30
01:10:08 Sorry this is like very hard.
01:10:12 The only reason she's crying?
01:10:14 So what she's crying about is people stole images from her social media.
01:10:17 In other words, they right clicked and and did save ads.
01:10:22 They they stalled her NFT images, right?
01:10:28 The reason she's.
01:10:29 Crying not isn't because people Photoshopped her head on on naked chicks, but because the naked chicks had had much nicer bodies than hers.
01:10:39 Look at that frumpy ****.
01:10:39 You should be.
01:10:40 Excited. You should be changed.
01:10:42 That to your new profile picture.
Speaker 30
01:10:45 I was scared.
Speaker 29
01:10:46 And I was confused and I.
Speaker 12
01:10:47 Do know what to do?
Speaker 9
01:10:49 She went to Tallahassee to support books Bill, which?
01:10:53 Also another rule that will that will save your nation.
01:10:57 No women.
01:10:59 No women in positions of power.
Speaker 5
01:11:05 If you just if.
01:11:06 If we had just changed those two things, put that in the Constitution.
01:11:11 Called the Devon amendment.
01:11:13 Have we done that back in, you know, 18?
01:11:15 Whatever the ****.
01:11:18 Just you know.
01:11:19 Had let let let's let's add a.
Speaker 16
01:11:21 Few more amendments.
01:11:25 And you got to be born here to work for the government in any capacity.
01:11:29 Problem solved.
01:11:31 Problem literally solved.
01:11:33 But anyway, let's let's carry on.
Speaker 9
01:11:35 It would also make the dissemination of deep fakes a crime.
01:11:39 After the hearing, I spoke to her and you will see.
01:11:43 By the way, not a deep fake.
01:11:47 Not a deep fake.
01:11:50 To Photoshop.
01:11:54 Anything really.
01:11:55 Not a deep fake.
01:11:57 In fact, look.
01:11:59 Uh oh, uh oh.
01:12:01 I just did a deep fake.
01:12:03 I just did a deep fake of of a 40.
01:12:05 Ohh God, people are gonna think this is real.
01:12:08 Oh no, they gotta think you're drinking on the job.
01:12:12 Hurry, quick.
01:12:12 Someone called the FCC.
01:12:16 He's drinking her 40, so it's it's right pouring right into his ******* mouth.
01:12:24 People that think it's real.
01:12:29 They gonna lock me up?
01:12:30 They had to lock me up because I just did.
01:12:32 A ******* deep fake.
01:12:36 Oh no, no deep fake.
01:12:38 Now there's now there's demons.
01:12:39 Flying around his head. Oh.
Speaker 8
01:12:42 Oh my God.
01:12:44 I don't know.
01:12:44 These are just the images I have in here.
01:12:50 Anyway, carry on.
Speaker 9
01:12:53 In that interview in a moment.
01:12:55 But something else happened at that hearing.
01:12:58 Comments by state Senator Ileana Garcia that were, at best, poorly thought out and at worst, an attempt to blame victims like book and javana for what happened to them.
01:13:10 But first, Commissioner Daviana explains how she learned she was the victim of deep fakes.
Speaker 30
01:13:17 Yeah. So last February, just a year ago, just going about a normal day and I get a message from someone on my personal Instagram saying, hey, someone's posting nude images of you online and it might be someone you know.
01:13:30 And I wanted to let you know, and I thought this message had to be fake.
01:13:33 It was probably spam.
01:13:35 You know, I was going to get a virus.
01:13:36 On my phone or something like that.
01:13:38 And then I was still engaging with the person because I was curious and they sent me the link to a 4 Chan thread that was archive.
01:13:48 And it was a thread of people, you know, anonymous users posting pictures.
01:13:54 Of me that.
01:13:54 They screenshotted from my social media pages, you know, making vulgar comments about me and eventually as I went further down, there were deep fake images.
01:14:08 All right, so she's mad because someone, someone photoshopped her on a nude body on 4 Chan.
01:14:14 So now she's trying to make a law.
01:14:16 You know, I'm going to.
01:14:17 I'm going to.
01:14:18 Make a deep fake right.
01:14:19 Now of her.
01:14:22 To show you guys how serious this is.
01:14:25 This is.
01:14:26 This is very serious.
01:14:29 It's very serious.
01:14:30 We should all be very concerned about this.
01:14:34 I'll show you how I look.
01:14:36 I'm doing.
01:14:36 I'm doing a live demonstration.
01:14:40 Of how easy it is just in a couple of seconds.
01:14:45 I'm going to make a.
01:14:45 Deep fake.
01:14:49 And are already made it.
01:14:51 It's already done.
01:14:54 Look at.
01:14:54 Look at this.
01:14:55 Look how easy deep fakes can be made these days.
01:14:59 You ready?
01:15:00 You're you're about to have your minds ******* blown.
01:15:04 Are you ready?
01:15:06 Deep fake.
01:15:09 Now people are going to think.
01:15:13 She did this interview with her ***** hanging out.
01:15:17 ******* deep fake.
Speaker 14
01:15:21 Deep thank.
Speaker 30
01:15:25 Pictures that they took from my Instagram and photoshopped in a very strategic and meeting using different types of technology.
01:15:33 Way to make it look like they were nude nude images of me.
01:15:37 Oh, poor you.
01:15:38 No women, no women.
01:15:41 This is the **** you get.
01:15:42 This is.
01:15:43 This is what women focus on with all the problems that we've discussed tonight.
01:15:49 The real problem is deep fakes like this.
Speaker 9
01:16:06 Oh boy.
01:16:11 Ah yes.
01:16:18 There was another one.
01:16:19 I wanted another video on to play here.
01:16:22 Oh, there it is.
01:16:24 Actually, I'm going to save that one of the Super chats.
01:16:27 Said something.
01:16:28 I'm going to respond.
01:16:29 To with this video.
01:16:34 Alright, let me.
01:16:36 We hide that.
01:16:37 Alright, I get this all ready.
01:16:39 There we go.
01:16:41 OK, I got a super chats real quick.
01:16:52 Come on, Odyssey screen, load up.
01:16:57 Oh, it's trying.
01:16:58 It's trying.
01:16:59 It says it's trying.
01:17:02 Why is this not working?
01:17:03 Come on.
01:17:05 Come on, odyssey.
01:17:06 Let me read my super chats.
01:17:10 Oh, this is frustrating.
01:17:12 Let me switch back, alright, and I'll try it again.
01:17:18 I seriously can't look at my super chance.
01:17:23 Alright, let me reload this page.
01:17:25 Let me maybe something's happening.
01:17:28 Going to reload it.
01:17:34 There we go.
01:17:34 Now it's there we are, OK.
01:17:40 Purge all pedophiles at all costs, says keep up the good work, Sir.
01:17:43 Appreciate that.
01:17:45 Alright, here's the one Reaver said.
01:17:47 Black people are really starting to.
01:17:49 **** me off.
01:17:49 Well, I'll tell you what.
01:17:51 Tell you what I actually have.
01:17:53 I have a black people white pill kind of.
01:17:56 OK.
01:17:57 You ready for this?
01:17:58 I know.
01:17:59 I know.
01:17:59 It sounds it sounds impossible.
01:18:03 It sounds impossible, but uh.
01:18:05 You might.
01:18:06 You might be surprised.
Speaker 18
01:18:08 The fact that Jews think they got that much damn gravitas to where I need to be reprogrammed and sit down with one of their ****** ******* rabbis.
01:18:17 **** you and your rabbi.
01:18:20 I gotta sit down and have this. I've never met. Program me ********. I don't know you. And then we sit down like kids. Listen to this ******. ******* locks and bagel eating ***. Tell us about his religion. And I'm supposed to just or you're right, you're right. You're right. You're right.
01:18:35 This your balls this or balls.
01:18:37 I'm sorry, balls.
01:18:38 So I see some balls.
01:18:39 So I see.
01:18:40 I didn't really see anything, but I got too close.
Speaker 21
01:18:42 Sorry boss saw.
Speaker 18
01:18:43 Boss, you wanna talk about white people?
01:18:45 Jews wanna talk about what white people can do.
01:18:48 White people don't have your black *** sitting down begging y'all don't hear me.
01:18:53 When was the last time a white person had your black *** somewhere big and and asking for forgiveness when the last time your *** had to learn?
01:19:00 About Christopher Columbus had to learn something about Queen Elizabeth when the last time your black *** had to learn something about Andrew Jackson.
01:19:07 When the last time your black *** had.
01:19:09 To be forced.
01:19:10 To sit down by some white man to listen about his *** and his damn Christianity and his damn Catholicism.
01:19:16 When the last time a white man was able to punk your black ***.
01:19:20 Like that cause you said something about them cause you called them an animal cause you called them the devil cause you called them anything.
01:19:27 You wanna sit up there and have Jews tell you about how bad black people white people are, but they the ones that got your ***** crying and begging and ship?
01:19:34 Who's your real master?
01:19:36 Black folks, who your real master.
01:19:39 You got Jews telling you how bad whites are, but whites don't have as much power as Jews.
01:19:46 Have you noticed they get mad when you make jokes about Jews being good with money?
01:19:51 Why are they upset about being good with money?
01:19:55 That makes no ******* sense.
Speaker 13
01:19:57 And until you look at the context of it, that a lot of countries they were kicked out because of how they handled money.
Speaker 18
01:20:05 What is the greatest trick that the devil played on man?
Speaker 13
01:20:10 That he didn't exist.
01:20:13 He's not real.
01:20:15 And the Jewish supremacy, they make sure they hide it.
01:20:22 So hopefully.
01:20:26 A little bit, a little bit of a.
Speaker 17
01:20:27 White pill? Maybe, maybe.
01:20:29 I don't know.
01:20:31 I don't know.
01:20:31 It gives you a.
01:20:32 Little bit of hope.
01:20:34 So there you go, reeber.
01:20:38 All right, Mark, SB $1.00 appreciate that.
01:20:42 I just learned about the movie The Congress 2014. It seems a bit precedent or prescient and might be worth going into. Here's the link to the trailer.
01:20:58 It's not that I don't trust you about the length of.
01:20:59 The trailer, it's just that last.
01:21:01 Time I was downloading links it started disconnecting every ******* 5 seconds so.
01:21:11 Should I try it?
01:21:12 Should I risk it?
01:21:12 I don't know if I should risk it.
01:21:14 I don't know if I should risk it.
01:21:17 Let me see.
01:21:18 Let me see.
01:21:21 Let me give it a shot.
01:21:22 We're going to see if.
01:21:25 We're going to try just this one.
01:21:26 We're going to try just this one.
01:21:28 And if it?
01:21:28 Freaks out.
01:21:29 No more.
01:21:29 No more thrusts.
01:21:31 ******* strength.
01:21:32 And by the way, if it if it if.
01:21:34 It craps out.
01:21:35 You just got to refresh because it usually reconnects within like a second like it usually like right away.
01:21:40 Only one time.
01:21:41 It hasn't done that so.
01:21:43 Let's see.
01:21:44 Let's see if this works.
01:21:47 Fingers crossed, alright, it's starting to download.
01:21:51 Already downloaded alright.
01:21:55 Maybe it'll work.
01:21:56 Who knows?
01:21:57 Let's let's take a look.
01:21:59 That was quick.
01:22:01 I'm not disconnected yet, so that's good I guess.
01:22:08 Yeah, I never heard of this.
01:22:09 Never heard of this movie?
Speaker 14
01:22:11 You had it all running.
01:22:13 Movie queen at 24.
Speaker 22
01:22:17 You slam all the open doors, crushed all the dreams.
01:22:21 Then Aaron's condition started going downhill.
Speaker 14
01:22:25 Eventually it will be completely blind.
01:22:29 This proposal won't be on.
Speaker 14
01:22:30 The table again.
Speaker 22
01:22:32 Robin and Wright for Jeff Green.
Speaker 14
01:22:35 With future Robin or Princess Bride, and now I'm.
01:22:40 I'm in this situation.
Speaker 3
01:22:42 What situation are you in?
Speaker 14
01:22:45 The situation of offering you the last contract.
01:22:47 That you'll ever have.
01:22:51 We want to scan you all the body, the face.
01:22:56 A motion to laugh tears.
01:23:01 Ohh this this thing called.
01:23:04 Robin Wright.
Speaker 3
01:23:06 We have to take care of my son.
Speaker 14
01:23:09 Not many things are changing quickly.
01:23:14 For entering the new age.
01:23:19 Once we've scanned you.
01:23:21 There's no going back.
01:23:25 To the futurist calibrate.
Speaker 3
01:23:28 So you're here.
01:23:29 Too you and I are the only ones.
01:23:30 Who survived, who are all?
Speaker 3
01:23:32 The rest.
Speaker 15
01:23:32 Characters they invented.
Speaker 14
01:23:35 Are you Robin Wright?
Speaker 3
01:23:36 Yes, there is no way I can imagine heroin in this world.
01:23:37 At least they used to be.
01:23:43 Crossed out from six months ago.
Speaker 14
01:23:47 To find Aaron, we have to put on a very long journey.
Speaker 3
01:23:54 What's on the other side?
01:24:04 Alright, I'll go back to where I came from.
01:24:06 They could be.
01:24:07 Looks like some transhumanist type ****.
01:24:12 I mean that kind of thing will happen where they if if I'm reading the trailer correctly where they, you know, they they're going to want to just basically buy out an actor.
01:24:22 And own their image, their voice, their you know, just like they do in the trailer. They do. Do it like a 3D scan of you.
01:24:29 I mean I.
01:24:30 Mean they've done that already a little bit.
01:24:32 The technology exists, it's not perfected, but it's, you know, getting pretty ******* close.
01:24:36 It's getting there already, so it's only a matter of time before something like that happens.
01:24:40 It's just easier to do.
01:24:41 It that way, then you'd have a.
01:24:42 An actor or actress that would never ******* age.
01:24:46 You don't have to worry about, you know.
01:24:49 Really anything in terms of dealing with, you know, all they want like they want babies blood sent to their trailer.
01:24:56 You have to ******* worry about that ****.
01:24:59 You literally would just upload the script and then, you know, run.
01:25:02 The AI would just act it.
01:25:03 Out for.
01:25:04 That's where we're headed.
01:25:05 That's absolutely where we're headed.
01:25:06 It just makes sense, you know.
01:25:08 It's a business.
01:25:10 But yeah, it might be interesting.
01:25:12 It might be interesting.
01:25:15 All right, let's take a look here.
01:25:21 Technique $5. Appreciate it agent beacon.com for all your bond music and more.
01:25:28 Oh, there you go.
01:25:30 Ramel $1.00. Appreciate it, 88.
01:25:35 Pluto eternal.
01:25:37 I can't pause the live stream while I work, so I have to listen to the replay.
01:25:42 So white power to you and to me in the future.
01:25:48 Jack diddley. Have you read the HP Lovecraft poem the creation of?
01:25:55 No people have.
01:25:57 People have told me about it.
01:26:01 But I have not.
01:26:01 I have not.
01:26:05 At least I don't think so.
01:26:06 That might be worthless.
01:26:08 No, we didn't, we.
01:26:09 Didn't have a cat named Tigger.
01:26:12 I'm pretty sure he did, right?
01:26:15 Let me see.
01:26:17 There was an article that came out I think today also saying that.
01:26:21 Cat owners are more attractive.
01:26:23 Just just saying they're.
01:26:26 But let's see here.
01:26:29 I think that's what HP.
01:26:31 Lovecraft cat.
01:26:38 Yeah, his cat was named.
01:26:42 Here's a here's a picture of his cat.
01:26:45 That doesn't make any sense.
01:26:46 Is cast not even black?
01:26:52 And here's this cat.
01:26:56 I ******* hate.
01:26:57 This web **** why does it do that?
01:27:00 I'm going to go through the settings and see if there's a way to turn that **** off.
01:27:03 It just makes it.
01:27:05 For the **** sake, there we go.
01:27:09 It just makes everything.
01:27:10 It already takes a ridiculous amount of time to get this stupid images in here, but.
01:27:19 Yeah, this cat's not even black.
01:27:21 I don't understand.
01:27:22 It's like a looks like a.
01:27:25 What are those Tiger Garfield looking cats called?
01:27:30 I don't know.
01:27:30 It also looks kind of like a.
01:27:33 His ears are really big for a domestic cat anyway.
01:27:39 I'll have to check out the poem some time or book or whatever.
01:27:42 What did you say it was?
01:27:47 It's a poem.
01:27:49 Is there a long poem?
01:27:53 If it's a long poem.
01:28:02 If it's a short one, I'll read it.
01:28:17 Let's look short.
01:28:18 It's hard to find.
01:28:22 So here's the yeah, it's very short.
01:28:24 Alright, so here's the poem.
01:28:28 When long ago the gods created Earth.
01:28:31 In Joe's Fair Image, Man was shaped at birth, the beasts for lesser parts were next designed.
01:28:39 Yet were they too remote from humankind to fill the gap and join the rest to man The Olympian host, conceived a clever plan.
01:28:50 A beast they wrought in semi human figure.
01:28:54 Filled it with.
01:28:55 Vice and called the thing a nicker.
01:28:59 All right. Well, I.
01:29:00 Was not aware of that poem.
01:29:03 When did he write this?
01:29:05 I guess in 1912.
01:29:09 1912 all right, well anyway.
01:29:14 There you go.
01:29:15 There you go.
01:29:18 Little little little history lesson there, guys.
01:29:24 No, Vaughan was my favorite.
01:29:26 Leibowitz darn exploding kilns.
01:29:30 Fawn was my favorite Leibowitz.
01:29:33 I don't know.
01:29:35 I don't know who.
01:29:35 That is, is that final is final Leibowitz a person?
01:29:42 Who is Fawn Leibowitz?
01:29:46 What's that?
01:29:50 Fawn leibowitz.
01:29:56 An American accountant and publisher co-owner of Detective Comics.
01:30:04 Yeah, I don't know what you're.
01:30:05 Talking about then.
01:30:09 Oh, wait, no.
01:30:09 There's somebody kill an explosion.
01:30:14 Sophomore dies and killed explosion.
01:30:18 This is from December of 2002.
01:30:21 Flintridge PA tragedy struck the small close knit Emily Dickinson College community Thursday when a killed explosion on campus took the life of one of its students, Fawn Leibowitz, 20A sophomore home economics major from Fort Wayne, IN was working near one of the two.
01:30:41 Large kilns in Meredith Hall when it exploded.
01:30:44 Killing her instantly.
01:30:46 Flintridge Fire Chief David Hawkins confirmed that over 60 pieces of pottery were being fired for the first time in the Duquesne Crafts master when the mishap occurred.
01:30:59 We have no knowledge of any problems with the unit.
01:31:02 Ever, he said.
01:31:05 I don't.
01:31:09 I don't know.
01:31:09 I is is, is this supposed to be someone that?
01:31:13 Of importance or just some chick that got blown up by a ******* kiln?
01:31:20 OK, well anyway thanks for the the random bit of trivia there.
01:31:28 ******** ****** $2.00. Appreciate it. How bad do?
01:31:31 You think things?
01:31:32 Will need to get before they get better.
01:31:35 Well, like.
01:31:35 I said, you know.
01:31:37 Wait for when we have Peter politicians.
01:31:41 We're, you know, we're getting close.
01:31:45 Stinky, can you say you're a pretty cool guy, Scott? Well, I just did. There you go.
01:31:53 The Ministry of Truth, $10 appreciate it. I've been wanting to comment, but sadly these streams are unusually too late or usually too late. My fiancee wanted me to tell you that she really enjoyed the Satanic Panic episode.
01:32:08 And would like to see more true crime related streams.
01:32:11 I think the pizza gate deep dive you were talking about would be interesting.
01:32:15 Yeah, there's a.
01:32:16 Few I'm working on it, just these things usually take a long time.
01:32:19 I mean every once in while I get a I get like inspired like that one where I'm just like Oh my God and I and I just got out of rabbit and I can't stop.
01:32:26 Not so much.
01:32:26 I'm I'm preparing you.
01:32:28 Remember I get B.
01:32:30 This week, any day and I I have, I have decided to move where I was going to put them.
01:32:37 And so that's kind of introduced some complexity to what I've been doing.
01:32:41 I've and I've just been doing a lot of work like outdoors and stuff like that.
01:32:45 So I haven't had any of these crazy like 3 day long.
01:32:48 You know?
01:32:48 Never leave my computer constantly.
01:32:50 Researching ****, I mean that's that's coming.
01:32:53 Especially once it gets really ******* hot.
01:32:55 And once my bees show up, which it will be any day this week.
01:32:59 I don't know when.
01:33:01 But any day this week, you know.
01:33:06 Well, the good thing is once they show I'll I'll, you know, I'll get it.
01:33:09 I'll make a video for you guys so you can see the video or the the bees getting put into their ******* bee box and all that fun stuff, and hopefully they will.
01:33:16 Have survived and everything.
01:33:18 But the once.
01:33:20 You once you get them in there, you you kind of just leave them alone for a while.
01:33:23 You don't want to be like opening up their their box constantly.
01:33:26 You got to give them like a couple weeks.
01:33:27 Get all you know, kind of settled in and stuff.
01:33:29 Like that.
01:33:30 So once that's all taken care of.
01:33:33 I did some significant work to the bunker this weekend.
01:33:39 That should be.
01:33:41 I mean, the bunker still will always need work, but like I pretty much.
01:33:46 Crossed a lot of things off the list so.
01:33:50 Carla's Carla's house is still a ******* nightmare, but the the the monkey is doing a lot better, so I'll have a lot more time for that.
01:33:59 After the Bees show up.
01:34:02 Let's see here. Didn't enough in 1984 or $5, please put together an episode, explain the gay recruitment strategy, and expose the cycle of abuse involved in creating new gays.
01:34:14 Children are often the target of the of the abuse, and an episode on this topic would be a great service.
01:34:20 The new parents, like my wife and I.
01:34:23 Please and thank you.
01:34:25 I mean, there's actually been a lot of research into this prior to.
01:34:31 The psychiatric you know, field just being overrun with these ******* people.
01:34:36 In fact, Western chauvinist posted on telegram.
01:34:41 My is here today or.
01:34:43 A couple of days ago.
01:34:45 There was a A.
01:34:50 Study. I think it was done in 2000. Let me, I don't know, I think.
01:34:53 It was 1991.
01:34:55 Let me load it up here.
01:34:56 Let me see where it's at.
01:34:59 Back before.
01:35:03 Yeah, here it is.
01:35:06 In 1991, there was a study on mothers of boys with gender identity disorder.
01:35:13 Comparison to matched controls.
01:35:15 This is the abstract.
01:35:18 This pilot study compared mothers of boys with gender identity disorder with mothers of normal boys. See the fact that they even say normal boys you won't be able to say that now, 1991.
01:35:31 We were still not completely insane to determine whether differences in psycho or psychopathology, sorry, and child rearing attitudes and practices could be identified. Oh, that's weird. It's weird. In 1991, they were actually.
01:35:51 Trying to study if, huh.
01:35:53 I wonder if the parents of these ****** ** kids have something to do with it.
01:35:59 Specifically the.
01:36:00 Others I don't know.
01:36:01 Let's do a study.
01:36:02 Let's see what you know.
01:36:03 Let's see if we can find.
01:36:04 That sounds like a a much better use of our money than the.
01:36:08 What was it like the $4 million that went into studying why lesbians are overweight?
01:36:13 That was in the budget.
01:36:15 A couple years ago.
01:36:17 Results of the diagnostic interview for Borderlines and the Back Depression inventory revealed that mothers of boys with gender dysphoria had more symptoms of depression and more often met the criteria for borderline personality disorder than the control.
01:36:38 53%.
01:36:41 Of the mothers of boys with gender dysphoria, compared with only 6%.
01:36:48 Of the mothers of normal boys.
01:36:53 The diagnosis for borderline personality disorder on the and, as they remark on this post and I can tell you, this is true.
01:37:02 Borderline personality disorder just means you're a ******* psycho *****.
01:37:07 That's just, that's all it means.
01:37:08 It's just a clinical label.
01:37:10 That means psycho ******* *****.
01:37:14 So in this study, they identified that 53% of the parents or the sorry, the mothers, so who knows that maybe the other the 47 that's missing is the dad.
01:37:25 But 53% of the mothers of the boys who have genital scoria met the criteria of ******* psycho *****.
01:37:34 Whereas only 6% of the normal boys met the criteria of ******* psycho *****.
01:37:42 Ah, results of the summers and Walsh symbiosis scale suggest that mothers of Probands had child rearing attitudes and practices that encouraged.
01:37:54 Symbiosis and discourage the development of autonomy.
01:38:00 So basically what they're saying is the parents of trans kids are ******* psycho *******, and we knew this in 1991.
01:38:13 But yeah, there might.
01:38:14 There's a lot of data that would be a deep dive that would be because I'd want to do that legit, maybe even try.
01:38:19 Now that I, you know, have Internet that works and could maybe pull this off.
01:38:23 Maybe even try to find.
01:38:26 A researcher to interview on the topic.
01:38:29 Someone that's actually.
01:38:32 You know, studying this maybe since 1991, kind of.
01:38:35 A thing, right?
01:38:38 Because, yeah, this.
01:38:39 It's not that the research doesn't exist.
01:38:41 It's just it's no longer.
01:38:44 It's no longer accepted.
01:38:48 Alright, let's take a look here.
01:38:57 Reaver $5 per ciate that Devin, where do you draw the line on working with people of other mindsets? I think it's very nuanced, but where can you effectively do so?
01:39:13 Where you can effectively do so.
01:39:16 I you should.
01:39:19 I mean, I think you mean I think you.
01:39:21 Should IE Spanish Civil war with monarchists and fascists working together against the Reds?
01:39:28 Do you think that is a bad idea or a good idea to walk this path if you're thinking?
01:39:34 About just about like ideology.
01:39:37 And you know the different flavors of the dissident, right.
01:39:42 Or just, you know, if what you mean is, should we have alliances with?
01:39:49 Other people, I mean ultimately there there should.
01:39:53 There shouldn't be a.
01:39:56 You got to think of it this way.
01:39:58 Anyone who is explicitly pro white.
01:40:04 Explicitly and not afraid to.
01:40:10 Say that you know like publicly.
01:40:14 We can disagree on, and I've said this before, it's like if you're going to tear down a building that's collapsing and build another one.
01:40:22 You don't get hung.
01:40:23 Up on what color you're going to paint the new?
01:40:26 One and and never tear the old one down because you're arguing over what color the curtains should be, or or the carpet or whatever, right?
01:40:35 So absolutely you should work with people that.
01:40:40 That are going to help you tear down the old building.
01:40:43 And then you.
01:40:43 Can argue about what the new one looks like.
01:40:45 When you're done, but in.
01:40:46 The mean time this ship's got to go down.
01:40:49 And so if you can find people that help make that happen, absolutely.
01:40:52 We we're in a.
01:40:54 I don't know why this is hard for people to grasp and.
01:40:58 I guess it's in a way it's a good thing that people still have kind of good lives or whatever, and and I'm not saying you shouldn't.
01:41:04 But a lot of people that that do have relatively easy lives.
01:41:11 And insulate themselves either by moving to like a gated community and you know and they.
01:41:15 Have enough money for.
01:41:15 Private schools or for whatever the reason, is whatever is.
01:41:19 Separating them from what the hell?
01:41:21 The madness that was going on and and what we've already discussed tonight.
01:41:26 They they just think that everything's fine and and whatever they're at the lunch, they're, you know, some of them aren't. But a lot of them are, right.
01:41:36 But yeah, yeah, I would.
01:41:37 I I disagree with a lot of people that aren't are that are pro white and look even like, you know, the Mr.
01:41:47 Bond thing, right.
01:41:48 Like I don't.
01:41:49 I'm not a big fan of his or whatever but.
01:41:53 He's he's he's explicit.
01:41:55 He's definitely explicitly pro white, right?
01:41:58 And you know he's he's a.
01:42:00 An ally because of that, right?
01:42:06 Yeah, I mean, I don't know.
01:42:07 I think everyone, everyone.
01:42:09 Can knows the difference?
01:42:10 Between purity spiral and someone who's actively working against you.
01:42:16 You shouldn't have alliances with people who are going to stab you in the back the first chance they get.
01:42:21 You shouldn't have alliances with people who love Israel more than they love white people.
01:42:26 You shouldn't have alliances with people that would rather talk about black unemployment.
01:42:32 And never mention whites.
01:42:38 You just shouldn't.
01:42:39 You shouldn't reward that behavior.
01:42:42 Because if they're not with you on on, at least the core things.
01:42:48 They're just using you to accomplish their goals.
01:42:52 Which are fundamentally different than yours.
01:43:01 People get caught up in that all the time.
01:43:03 Look, I got a little bit caught up in that with, with Trump believing that he was actually going to.
01:43:06 Do what he said he was going to do.
01:43:08 I think a lot of people did.
01:43:10 Some people still aren't caught up.
01:43:12 But yeah, you gotta draw the line with that.
01:43:15 That's not purely spiraling.
01:43:19 Let's take a look here.
01:43:26 D12 I got your book from some pirates, $25. Well, there you go. Well, I appreciate that.
01:43:33 Ruger salt. Hi, Devin. There's a ridiculous person. Or sorry, ridiculous prison scene in the 1993 mobster film Carlito's Way. A mob boss is talking with his Jewish attorney and says I don't like you, Kleinfeld, not because you're a Jew, but because you're a dirty liar.
01:43:54 Ha ha ha.
01:43:55 I may be a cold blooded killer, but I ain't no anti Semite.
01:44:02 Excuse me. Yeah. Well, I mean, yeah, you can't be. You can never be anti-Semitic in films, even though. Well, that's the thing too. Is a lot of these movies that have all these mobs.
01:44:16 As much as look.
01:44:16 There is an Italian mafia, right, like that's real.
01:44:19 But there's also a lot of Jewish mafia.
01:44:23 And a lot of these movies were modeled after Jewish mafia, and they just dressed them up as Italians.
01:44:30 UM.
01:44:32 Yeah, you know, and and they're and they're romanticizing organized crime.
01:44:37 So they're they can't do that and have them also be antisemitic.
01:44:41 Like you would.
01:44:42 You would instantly, well, the audience in the 90s would have instantly disliked Tony Soprano if.
01:44:47 He hated Jews.
01:44:49 They have been programmed to hate him.
Speaker 14
01:44:54 Let's take a look here.
01:45:00 It updated.
01:45:00 Sorry I got every time I get a new one it updates and I gotta scroll through all the ******* super chats all over again and.
01:45:07 Harmless Gee Ryan folk alt hype set on a cozy TV string that he doesn't go get or doesn't do gay anymore.
01:45:15 Thoughts on people that are ex gay like Ryan also Milo.
01:45:19 Well, that's cool.
01:45:20 I always kind of liked him and liked his work and I.
01:45:27 Look, I look at it as a choice, so if you can choose to be a filthy ******* sodomite, you can choose to not be.
01:45:34 A filthy ******* sodomite.
01:45:36 He never came across as as exceptionally flamboyant or anything like that.
01:45:41 In fact, if if he hadn't said that he was gay, I don't think most people would have thought that he was gay.
01:45:50 Milo, on the other hand, like, I don't know, man.
01:45:54 I don't.
01:45:54 You know, I think that isn't see my I I don't know enough about Milo right now.
01:45:58 Like what he's doing right now, Mike.
01:46:01 But last time I heard he, even though he's like, I'm not gay anymore, he's still married to a black guy.
01:46:05 So what's that mean?
01:46:07 Right.
01:46:08 No, bro, I don't **** him in the *** anymore.
01:46:11 Oh, whatever, dude.
01:46:13 I mean, I don't know, though I don't know, maybe I'm wildly.
01:46:16 Maybe I'm just judging him, but I I don't know.
01:46:18 I definitely don't get straight vibes from him, though.
01:46:24 And look, I think for some gay people it's it's just like anything else, right?
01:46:28 There's there's a gradient.
01:46:30 There's a level of severity to the mental illness, right?
01:46:35 Just like with drug addiction, right, there's some people that have tried pot.
01:46:42 And they didn't like it.
01:46:44 And so they they don't smoke pot.
01:46:47 And then there's some people that wake and bake and bake and bake and bake and bake and bake and go to bed and wake up bake.
01:46:54 You know that.
01:46:54 And it's just like they never stop.
01:46:58 Now, in both those instances it's a choice.
01:47:02 But in the latter.
01:47:04 To a degree, probably because of.
01:47:07 The the amount.
01:47:10 That they indulged.
01:47:12 They are beginning to.
01:47:14 Introduce a little bit of mental illness.
01:47:17 Into the equation.
01:47:19 In an addiction now.
01:47:23 I would, I would guess that there's there's there's a similar gradient when it comes to homosexuals.
01:47:31 So you know.
01:47:35 Epint $1.00 appreciate that daily reminder that the HHS Assistant Secretary, Admiral Rachel Levine, MD, was a pediatric psychiatrist.
01:47:46 And his career was to prescribe hormone blockers.
01:47:50 To children, right.
01:47:52 And now we're seeing exactly what his influence is.
01:47:56 On federal policy.
01:47:59 Lucky Larry, $5 appreciate that I've said it before. Clown world will not peak until there are child prostitutes openly in the streets, like in Weimar Germany.
01:48:10 Also look forward to dog **** and animal marriage being legal.
01:48:15 It will get worse.
01:48:16 Instead of wedding bands, the ***** and dog will get matching septum piercing.
01:48:26 Yeah, that's where you know, that's the direction we're going in.
01:48:29 And look, animal **** definitely exists.
01:48:33 I've I've had the unfortunate running with it even back in, like the 90s when the Internet was like extra crazy.
01:48:41 You know, you.
01:48:42 In some ways, you saw worse ****.
01:48:44 Like like in some ways as much as it.
01:48:47 Was it was.
01:48:49 Freer and and there weren't all these ******* well, when diversity wasn't our strength on the Internet.
01:48:56 You came across some horrific **** sometimes.
01:49:02 Harmless Gee, how mentally ill do you have to be to willingly have **** **** and balls removed or replaced by a Franken *****?
01:49:11 We need to bring back insane asylums.
01:49:14 Well, right.
01:49:14 But we should also be putting the parents in jail.
01:49:20 I mean, look, the the trans kid thing.
01:49:26 In the same way that I mean, they're groomed in the same way gay kids are groomed.
01:49:32 But I think with the trans stuff, it's more often the parents.
01:49:37 I mean that.
01:49:38 That ******* Disney exec from last stream is a perfect example.
01:49:41 Like oh, I've got two queer kids, a transgender kid.
01:49:44 It's like.
01:49:45 That's not possible that that just happened.
01:49:48 Without you being directly responsible for all of that.
01:49:54 And it's no wonder that you decided to go into an industry where your brainwashing kids, when you're literally grooming your own kids.
01:50:04 That woman.
01:50:06 Not that many years ago.
Speaker 16
01:50:08 Would have literally.
01:50:09 Been burned at the stake as a witch.
01:50:15 Those are the.
01:50:15 Kind of those.
01:50:17 Are legit the kinds of women.
01:50:20 That were burned to the stake.
01:50:23 As witches.
01:50:27 Remove from the gene pool.
01:50:36 Technique $5. Appreciate that ride the Cali Yuga.
01:50:43 I feel like I should know what that is, but I don't, so I'm going to.
01:50:46 Look up Kelly yoga.
01:50:48 Is this going to be horrific this?
01:50:49 Better not be like ****** ****.
01:50:55 That's some kind of Hindu ****.
01:51:00 Well, it's some kind of Hindu ****.
01:51:01 I don't know what that.
01:51:03 Septia 7.
01:51:05 I hate these people so much.
01:51:07 Well, you could be talking to anybody, but uh.
01:51:11 I I think I know what.
01:51:12 You mean?
01:51:14 ******** ****** $2.00 appreciate that if we aren't around the same level of gay ****** **** as post World War One German Republic, then would it be fair to say that this was the type of degeneracy that was around during the 1930s?
01:51:31 Spain, what do you think we resemble the most right now?
01:51:37 Well, I mean, look, history doesn't repeat.
01:51:39 It rhymes right?
01:51:41 And there's other other factors.
01:51:43 There's technology that exists now that kind of.
01:51:47 Facilitates the speeding up of some of these things and just the a different manifestation, right?
01:51:54 Like that guy was saying, well, I'm not going.
01:51:55 To be convinced.
01:51:57 Until there's child, prostitutes and all this stuff, it might not have to elevate to that so much as.
01:52:04 There's there's a.
01:52:07 Well, I mean like child only fans or something like that, right?
01:52:10 Like it could be something totally different.
01:52:12 But, you know, at the same, you know, basically the same thing.
01:52:15 It just facilitate with with the new technology.
01:52:19 So it's hard to say.
01:52:20 I don't even know like I used to think that.
01:52:24 I mean, honestly, I used to think that there be a civil war in my lifetime.
01:52:27 I didn't think that the pedo like I didn't think we'd you know that never crossed my mind until.
01:52:32 Really, until the pizza gate stuff. And I was just like, wow, the ship's darker than I ever imagined.
01:52:36 UM.
01:52:39 And and look, I didn't think that Fox News would have hired a ******* trend.
01:52:42 I didn't think that they'd be ******** in the administration, even under a Democrat, like at least yet like I thought we had it, you know, a little while before that started happening.
01:52:51 The rate in which the ****** shift was normalized.
01:52:56 Was so fast.
01:53:00 That it's hard to think about it this way.
01:53:02 Remember like several streams ago, I was showing you guys.
01:53:08 Television shows from say, like the 70s or 80s, and they'd have a gay character.
01:53:15 And they and it was just it.
01:53:16 It wasn't like super flamboyant necessarily, but just try to get.
01:53:20 You comfortable with the idea of?
01:53:21 Having a gay person around that you maybe liked?
01:53:24 A little bit.
01:53:25 That you had in your living room on the glowing tube, right?
01:53:28 Because a lot of people didn't know a gay person.
01:53:32 Certainly not like an out outed gay person, right?
01:53:37 In the same way like a lot.
01:53:38 Of boomers didn't.
01:53:39 Interact with a whole lot of black people and so the same thing, right?
01:53:42 You had a lot of television.
01:53:44 Shows where you'd have like ohh look.
Speaker 24
01:53:45 It's the cool.
01:53:46 Black guy?
01:53:47 Definitely not scary.
01:53:48 Not not holding up a store or something like that.
01:53:50 Look, he's he's a doctor.
01:53:53 We have the same sort of thing, but look how long it took.
01:53:56 It took decades.
01:53:58 I mean, it really took decades.
01:54:00 First it was like, OK, there's this character that, like everyone kind of gets his gay, but they never actually say he's gay, you know, like in three his company, right, that, that, that was.
01:54:09 Well, that was late 70s, right.
01:54:13 And so there's gay characters in that.
01:54:15 And that was a big show.
01:54:17 And then you go to.
01:54:20 Will and grace.
01:54:22 You know, 20-30 years later.
01:54:25 But it's still not, you know, again, Obama didn't support gay marriage in 2008 or, you know, publicly.
01:54:33 Because it was still political suicide.
01:54:37 So it took like a good.
01:54:40 50 years of constant propaganda, when that was when it was easier to do.
01:54:44 The propaganda was controlled by well, I mean by, by gay Jews, you know often right.
01:54:52 And it still took like a long time.
01:54:55 Now the advantage is one of the things also making things go a little bit faster is back in the 70s and 80s.
01:55:03 You were propagandizing a fairly church going public.
01:55:12 Like, I think that the the Church attendance was like in the 80s or something like that, like it was most people went to, you know, some some church.
01:55:22 At least for holidays.
01:55:24 But usually more than that.
01:55:27 And so that's what you're up against now.
01:55:29 I mean, **** you're not up against that.
01:55:30 So now you've got the technology you have.
01:55:33 And not only that, you also have institutions.
01:55:37 You know, in the 1970s, while you might have had say, you know, Jewish NGO's and think tanks and and academia and stuff like that, they were definitely in on trying to normalize homosexuality and whatever you at least had some non religious institutions, you had politicians that weren't cool with it.
01:55:56 You know a handful.
01:55:57 Because, look, I mean.
01:56:02 That shouldn't north of San Francisco is still, you know, was still going on.
01:56:06 They were, you know, but ******* in the ******* forest out by Napa Valley.
01:56:10 And you know, Bohemian Grove.
01:56:12 ****, that was going on in the ******* 70s, but a lot of it wasn't out.
01:56:16 In the open.
01:56:19 Well, now look, I mean like, like we've been talking about all night.
01:56:22 Like it's full on normalized already.
Speaker 18
01:56:26 But it only.
01:56:26 Took like what? Like 5-6 years?
01:56:29 To go from you could have ****** jokes.
01:56:35 In mainstream movies and television shows and.
01:56:40 To now, I mean, **** that.
01:56:45 Now and and now you have ******** running federal agencies.
01:56:49 And and really short period of ******* time.
01:56:55 Now you got ****** pastors.
01:56:59 So it's hard to know.
01:57:00 I mean, it's hard to know like the look they already kind of they didn't really, I mean they got some pushback, right, doing the trans kids stuff.
01:57:07 That's a step towards the pedo ****, but also stuff like Desmond is amazing.
01:57:11 Sexualizing children, even just looked at that interview we watched with the kindergarten, the gay kindergarten teacher who is lamenting the fact that he couldn't talk about his.
01:57:20 You know his ******* fun with his boyfriend on the weekends that he had, you know, talking.
01:57:27 He can't talk to the kindergarten class that he's teaching.
01:57:35 There always has to be a taboo when you're progressive, right?
01:57:41 Because definitionally.
01:57:44 Being a progressive means dismantling taboos.
01:57:50 And for the zoomers, or at least you know, for that generation, I mean, you could say for the millennials, it was, it was dismantling the homosexual taboo, right.
01:58:00 And for the zoomers, it was dismantling the the trans taboo.
Speaker 22
01:58:04 OK.
01:58:07 Well, what's left right?
01:58:10 I I'm thinking it's going to be.
01:58:12 I mean think.
01:58:12 About this, think about the kids, the kids in that kindergarten class.
01:58:20 Kids that have and you know, there's ****** kindergarten.
01:58:24 Teachers out there there has to be.
01:58:28 Kids that have a ******, kindergarten teacher, kids that have gone to drag queen story hour and you know all the stuff, right, kids that are just toddlers now and it's already normal.
01:58:38 They don't have to.
01:58:39 They don't have to be program anything at all.
01:58:42 Their parents are are are trying to in fact pressure them into cutting their ***** off and like.
01:58:47 That's all normal.
01:58:51 So what taboo?
01:58:52 Are they going to bust open, right?
01:58:56 That's probably what it's going to be.
01:58:58 It's going to probably be whatever comes after, you know, generation alpha or whatever it is.
01:59:04 But I don't know.
01:59:05 It's hard.
01:59:05 It's hard.
01:59:05 To know how fast I mean it's.
01:59:07 It's like I've said before or many times it's it's like if you watch a leaf go down a drain, you know, the closer it gets to the drain, the faster it it circles the drain.
01:59:19 And when it finally reaches the drain, it spins like a top and then gets sucked down.
01:59:23 And that's kind of how this this works.
01:59:27 You know, as we get more and more to general, I mean the President United States, for ***** sake was was.
01:59:33 Was praising ********.
01:59:35 And he was he was Obama's vice president when Obama in 2008 was saying that he thought marriage was between a man and a woman.
01:59:44 Which is exactly what Biden was saying in 2008.
01:59:52 So you in 14 short years.
01:59:57 Same guy.
01:59:59 Went from saying ohh no, marriage is between a man and a woman, no.
02:00:03 **** that, you know.
02:00:06 Doing videos supporting.
02:00:10 Trans kids.
02:00:12 And recommending surgeries and hormone treatments.
02:00:17 14 years.
02:00:25 That's shocking to me.
02:00:29 So if I had to.
02:00:30 Guess probably less than 14 years, you.
02:00:32 Know what I mean? Like.
02:00:34 But who knows?
02:00:35 It's hard to know.
02:00:39 And look every.
02:00:40 Once in a while, there's there's pushback.
02:00:44 Every once in a while, and by pushback I mean the pause button.
02:00:48 It doesn't actually push back, it never pushes back.
02:00:53 But sometimes.
02:00:55 When the people, when the when the the frog is getting boiled too quickly, right, they turn the heat.
02:01:00 Down a little bit.
02:01:02 And they don't take you out of the pot.
02:01:08 But the frog, when it starts to squirm a little bit, they, you know, it went too fast.
02:01:12 They, you know, they turn the heat down a little bit.
02:01:15 And I suspect.
02:01:18 Something like that could happen, especially. I mean, look, there's a lot of, I don't know though I was about to say, there's probably a lot of people who think trans kids and all that stuff is fine, but they they you know, because they're they've just been programmed, they're just PC's and you know they oh, that's what I guess that's.
02:01:35 Normal and, but they would they would actually get upset.
02:01:39 If you wanted to start ******* kids, but no, I don't think so.
02:01:44 I don't think so.
02:01:45 I think that in those same ******* people who want maybe today, if you were to talk to them right and say, well, do you support pedo ****, they'd get really upset with you, right?
02:01:55 Like, oh, how dare you?
02:01:56 No, obviously not.
02:01:58 That's it's not about that.
02:02:03 I bet a lot of those people.
02:02:04 Didn't support ********.
02:02:06 Eight years ago.
02:02:10 And would have made fun of ********.
02:02:13 And would have would have called.
02:02:14 Them mentally ill eight years ago.
02:02:18 But you see, when you don't have principles, you don't have values, and you certainly don't have the institutions that are standardizing those values in, in, in and principles in the way that religions used to.
02:02:30 That's that's one of the.
02:02:32 Things that.
02:02:32 That people overlook most people are ******* NPC's.
02:02:38 And religions really serve a great purpose.
02:02:45 When you have a society full of MPC and I just think every society is full of MPC's, they need to be told what to do these people.
02:02:55 So it's helpful to have an institution that is programming them.
02:03:01 With value systems.
02:03:03 That they are not intellectually capable of coming up with themselves.
02:03:13 Or or or quite look at look, NBC has never questioned the authority.
02:03:20 Of, you know, like Biden or the experts, right, when the COVID stuff was going down, they were like, ohh, trust the experts.
02:03:25 Well, there used to be a time when church leaders were the experts, right?
02:03:31 And so, even if they didn't understand it or or even like, personally agree with something like that, well, I mean the, you know, the ******* Pope says this or, you know, the Bishop says this or, you know, whoever their guy is.
02:03:44 So they just went with it.
02:03:47 Well, there's no one telling them what to think anymore, other than the ******* ********, so.
02:03:56 The shift, as the Peter shifts normalized to you know to, I mean it won't take much like it'll be fringe or it's already it's already changing, right?
02:04:06 It's already changing.
02:04:08 Yeah, I showed that tweet last stream. It's already like even the maps the self-proclaimed maps.
02:04:16 The minor attracted pedos.
02:04:20 Or are noticing a sea change.
02:04:27 Alright, let me Scroll down again here.
02:04:41 OK.
Speaker 14
02:04:50 There we go.
02:04:51 Trash panda, $25. Very generous. Appreciate that, by the way, what they're referring to violence against transgender.
02:05:00 They're talking about one guys who beat the **** out of ********, that try to trick them into sexual activity with them.
02:05:08 And two black people who beat the shadow of ******** because black people are now more conservative than whites.
02:05:18 Well, I mean, these days, though, it's not even getting.
02:05:21 The **** beat.
02:05:21 Out of you.
02:05:24 Because words are violence.
02:05:27 Now violence is just calling them a ****** or saying that you'll never be a woman.
02:05:32 That's violence.
02:05:33 And it will be a crime in the not so distant future.
02:05:40 So enjoy calling them ****** ******* while you can, because it's that's going away.
02:05:45 Henry Ford, $25 appreciate that very generous. Our father who art in heaven, hallowed by the be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on Earth.
02:05:55 As it is in heaven, give us this Our Daily Bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into thee, not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
02:06:13 Amen to that ******** ****** $1.00. Our government still has the nerve to wonder why so many right wingers support Russia ******* their ship.
02:06:23 Up no Russian is pushing Jewish degeneracy on our families and threatening us with jail.
02:06:30 At least Russia would jail you for pushing this ****.
02:06:33 Or this and feminist **** and not trying to destroy the nuclear family and God.
02:06:44 Right.
02:06:44 Well, I mean I think that's how a lot of people look at it is because well, as I've talked about, I think most people recognize that the building has to come down and that it's a big building, right.
02:06:59 It can.
02:07:01 Even if you had like a, a jackhammer, you're not going to take it down on yourself on your own.
02:07:05 And so anytime that that there's something.
02:07:07 That looks like a.
02:07:08 Possible Wrecking Ball coming out the building.
02:07:10 They get excited and want.
02:07:12 To support it.
02:07:15 But yeah, I don't think Russia is.
02:07:16 Gonna take down global home.
Speaker 14
02:07:22 Here we go.
02:07:24 Gee, I talked to a guy in Silicon Valley who had made **** you or I think you meant, oh, who had made **** you money selling a software company.
02:07:35 And he told me that another multi millionaire there invited him to a sex party at his house where he would be among a line of men.
02:07:44 Who would **** the guys wife while the guy ****** other women?
02:07:49 No, I'm.
02:07:49 I'm telling you, every, every time I've been in close proximity to powerful people, not every powerful person.
02:07:58 But every time like that becomes kind of the environment that I'm in, not because you know any other reason.
02:08:04 I'm usually doing work for these people.
02:08:07 Weird ******* sex **** is always a part of that environment.
02:08:12 Every ******* time.
02:08:13 Every ******* time.
02:08:17 Which is another reason why you don't have anyone in institutions.
02:08:22 That are trying to stop any of this.
02:08:24 Say I'm not surprised by that at all.
02:08:26 Literal ******* cucks.
02:08:28 Inversion agenda.
02:08:30 Have you thought of going to your nearest FS SPX Chapel?
02:08:36 I'm not sure what that is.
02:08:37 The FSSPX and it updated.
02:08:41 So I just scroll back down.
02:08:47 Odyssey, come on.
02:08:50 That's an easy fix here.
02:08:51 That's not.
02:08:52 That's not a hard thing to fix.
02:08:56 Alright, now I gotta find where the **** is that?
02:08:58 There I am.
02:09:00 And another one.
02:09:02 As soon as I found it.
02:09:06 OK.
02:09:09 Catholic fraternity that celebrates the Holy Mass in Latin and your average personer knows what's up with the global home agenda.
02:09:18 I I well, if I had to guess, the nearest thing to me was, but I mean, I have to go over 100 miles and get.
02:09:23 A ******* haircut?
02:09:24 So my guess is this would be pretty ******* far.
02:09:28 Ryan is cool $1.00 maybe not a whole stream on ****, but more so history of the industry.
02:09:36 Yeah, that wouldn't be too.
02:09:38 That wouldn't be too bad.
02:09:40 I'm sure we all know kind of what we'd find with that.
02:09:44 That's not a bad idea.
02:09:46 Han Shuo High, Amori $1.00 appreciate that.
02:09:50 He sent me some TikTok link hi Devin brief but interesting video discussing the Spanish flu, basically saying it was caused by a vaccine or the deep dive.
02:10:01 Maybe love the work.
02:10:03 Take care.
02:10:04 I've heard that theory before.
02:10:06 I mean, I don't know.
02:10:07 I've never looked into it at all.
02:10:10 I'll check that out later.
02:10:13 Purge all pedophiles at all costs. Breed 2003 Jew Vampire movie or breed from 2003 is a Jew vampire movie.
02:10:23 Just watch it 87 minutes or so, and it's quite a few truths in it. Yeah, doesn't sound familiar, but I'll add that to the the growing list.
02:10:35 Rob Doll, $5 appreciate that Devin first live, but I listen a lot. Thanks for all the good work. Well, thanks for the the the hyper chat.
02:10:47 White Power Hour, $5 preciate that keep up the good work when you when you're doing a review on American history or when are you doing a review on American History Acts, I think you mean anyways, keep up the good work 14-8. You know, lots of people have done that.
02:11:06 I don't agree with.
02:11:08 I don't think any of them, but it's just, I don't know, it just seems like too easy.
02:11:15 But maybe someday, I don't know.
02:11:18 It would it to me, it's.
02:11:21 I mean, it doesn't take a genius to see it.
02:11:24 I mean, there's so many people that think it's secretly based for some reason, and it's like not.
02:11:28 It's literally made by Jews about ******* Nazis.
02:11:32 Like it's not.
02:11:33 Secretly paste ****.
Speaker 8
02:11:38 But anyway.
Speaker 14
02:11:38 New Hampshire.
02:11:40 Detroit pulling $5 appreciate that shekels, you say?
02:11:46 Water weights $5. Appreciate that, Devin, have you ever dealt with a girl with the signs and symptoms of BPD absolute horror show, and what I think you're saying is?
02:12:01 Borderline personality disorder absolute horror show any idea as to why this is so prevalent in younger women today?
02:12:10 Maybe another victim of boomer parenting?
02:12:14 Yes, I have.
02:12:17 And it is prevalent, I would say.
02:12:19 I mean, I've I've dated.
02:12:22 Women that, I mean, look, I don't think it's not one of those things where, like, oh, I'm going to perform this test.
02:12:28 Oh, you tested positive for personality disorder?
02:12:30 No, it.
02:12:31 Is literally a blanket term for psycho ******* *****.
02:12:35 And then, you know, they're just trying.
02:12:37 To make it sound more clinical than psycho ******* *****, but that's all it means.
02:12:43 And yeah, there's a lot of *******.
02:12:44 Psycho ******* out there.
02:12:46 Always has been, but it's more damaging now because they.
02:12:51 They roam free.
02:12:52 There's there's no patriarchy keeping them in line, so I don't know if they're just more crazy ******* or if they're just more.
02:13:00 They have more collateral damage now because there's no one keeping them in line.
02:13:04 I don't know.
02:13:06 Yeah, it's tough to say.
02:13:08 But yeah, it's a ******* nightmare.
02:13:10 And there's a lot of them out there. ******** ******. $1.00. Before I forget, may I please get a shout out for my boy? Aaron Yeager's birthday was on.
02:13:23 March 30th.
02:13:24 Yes, it's strange to a lot asking it for wait.
02:13:28 Yes, it's strange to a lot asking it for I don't know for fictional character, but we all.
02:13:40 Man, you're trying to cram it.
02:13:42 You're making this.
02:13:43 I know you're trying to make it longer than you're allowed to type letters and that, but you're making it impossible to read.
02:13:50 Anti white program never check any sympathetic to our cause.
02:13:53 He's the embodiment of white dignity and white standing up for themselves.
02:14:00 UM.
02:14:03 I'm going to Scroll down again.
02:14:04 This is so annoying.
02:14:12 Friends of ADA 1488 appreciate that. Do you think that the world would be a better place without the Internet?
02:14:18 We used to think that it would make more free thinking individuals, but it seems that it has become a more efficient tool for programming people.
02:14:26 It also it also become became.
02:14:30 I think you mean.
02:14:31 A portal to the degenerative content.
02:14:35 They make people mentally ill.
02:14:38 Well, here's the thing.
02:14:39 It's it's like.
02:14:43 It's like saying what a world without guns be more peaceful.
02:14:47 Yeah, but but also no.
02:14:51 You know, it's all how you use it.
02:14:54 And the other thing is too technical technological.
02:14:58 Advancement is inevitable.
02:15:01 It's inevitable.
02:15:04 Trying to brute force a dark age.
02:15:08 Into the mix because you don't like modernity isn't going to stop technology.
02:15:16 Like we're never going back.
02:15:18 We're never going back to the 1950s, we're never going back to the 1850s. We're never going back to the 1650s, you know, like.
02:15:26 Well, there might be lulls.
02:15:28 There might be collapses, but especially now with information being as permanent and easily transferred as it is, don't expect it to be like a real dark ages.
02:15:40 That's not even really possible, because that information see what the.
02:15:45 Dark ages.
02:15:45 You got to remember.
02:15:48 I mean, how many people?
02:15:49 I mean, first of all, like how many printing presses were there, right.
02:15:54 How many people had access to books?
02:15:55 How many people?
02:15:55 Could ******* read.
02:16:01 So there's a lot of things that contributed to that.
02:16:05 That is no longer.
02:16:08 No longer a factor.
02:16:11 Now, that doesn't mean that technology won't get stagnant.
02:16:15 Or progress really slow.
02:16:17 Maybe for long periods of time, as as the high IQ people no longer are at the wheel.
02:16:25 But it it's never going to stop and it's it's.
02:16:32 Now I forget what was your question.
02:16:38 But with the Internet without the Internet, well, it doesn't matter.
02:16:41 It's one of the hypotheticals.
02:16:42 Where would it be better?
02:16:44 I mean, I don't know in some ways, but in other ways, no, because I wouldn't.
02:16:47 You know, I wouldn't be able to talk to you right now like this happened because the Internet.
02:16:51 It's all. It's all on how you use it and it's not going away. It's never going away. The Internet's never going to go away, you know.
02:16:58 That's just the way.
02:16:59 It is.
02:17:00 I know it sucks.
02:17:01 We kind of wish we had hoverboards and flying cars and **** like that.
02:17:04 Instead we got ********.
02:17:07 You know.
02:17:10 Vivian, $5 appreciate that I read. I read an article about a guy who sued his parents for circumcising him, although I can't remember the outcome.
02:17:19 I wonder how many kids are going to sue their parents later for allowing them to transgender before the age of accountability, regardless of consent.
02:17:28 Yeah, I don't know.
02:17:29 I don't know.
02:17:29 But I I guarantee you there will be cases.
02:17:31 And once?
02:17:33 If a case goes to the Supreme Court and it's not, yeah, here's the thing.
02:17:39 The Supreme Court, we're going to, we're about to have a black pedo enabler.
02:17:45 On the Supreme Court so.
02:17:49 You know, will it matter?
02:17:51 And you know the court, if they want to dodge it, they can just decide not to, you know, the lower courts can rule rule in favor of the parents and.
02:18:00 Because by that time right, the hell by that time, we might even have, like, a ****** on the Supreme Court.
02:18:08 But yeah, I'm sure.
02:18:09 I'm sure people will sue.
02:18:10 I just don't know if it'll go anywhere.
02:18:13 Romel $5 appreciate that how much time until the USD collapse? What do you know about Agenda 2030?
02:18:20 Well, that, that's that's some big questions there.
02:18:23 I would say look that the.
02:18:25 dollars on the way out is.
02:18:26 The world currency.
02:18:29 It's been on the way out for a long time and like I said, the.
02:18:33 The only thing keeping it around.
02:18:36 Is the the strength of our military and the strength of our military is waning.
02:18:43 I suspect we will be in a war.
02:18:47 Before the collapse, to avoid a collapse.
02:18:50 Whether or not that'll work, who knows.
02:18:56 Yeah, it's it's hard to know Agenda 2030. I mean, I know what.
02:19:01 Not more than the average person on that I know about the you know, it's.
02:19:06 They're great, reset stuff and and trying to.
02:19:11 Have us live in smart cities and you know all that Klaus Schwab. And what's the other guy? His little assistant's name? The Jewish guy.
02:19:19 Anyway, I was actually watching clips from that guy. The guy saying that that the pandemic was great because it would allow it was the only way the public was going to accept not just mass surveillance, but surveillance under the skin. Biological surveillance. Really creepy ****. I can't remember the guy's ******* name now.
02:19:39 But anyway, it's like I think he's Israeli.
02:19:44 But yeah, I mean.
02:19:45 That's they keep pushing the date though too.
02:19:48 I I think that a lot of these people, they're so disconnected, there's two things going on.
02:19:54 They're they're so disconnected from the average people that they, they, they have no exposure to the average person.
02:19:59 They don't even know what it's like to be in a room full of normal people.
02:20:03 And so they don't predict their behavior as accurately as they would like to.
02:20:09 And on top of that, there's a level of overconfident there's some hubris going on, right?
02:20:15 I mean, they're essentially untouchable.
02:20:17 Or at least they have been so far.
02:20:20 And so there's a lot of overconfidence in there in how they think they can shape the world.
02:20:26 They I mean, they literally believe they're they're a step away from being gods, if not actually believe they are gods.
02:20:33 So they they often often.
02:20:37 Over promise and under deliver so.
02:20:42 I mean at the same time, though, yeah, there's a lot of big movement moving or movements that are.
02:20:48 Tangible and real as it relates to 2030, Agenda 2030 and I, I do think that is the long term goal.
02:20:57 Of the globalists, but well, well, we all live in smart pods and be eating bugs by 20-30. Doubt it. You know, it's not that long, you know, in the future, that's eight years away.
02:21:11 Kanuck tut, $5. Appreciate that. Hey, Devin, watch this. Pastor talk about black people.
02:21:21 What Pastor is this?
02:21:25 Wish she had better context than just watch this pastor talk about black people.
02:21:33 Alright, let me see if it'll download.
02:21:34 It isn't long.
02:21:41 Is that long?
02:21:41 Let's see here.
02:21:49 Pastor David.
02:21:52 James Manning.
02:21:55 I don't know who that is.
02:21:57 We can try to download it.
02:22:00 This might **** things up, but let's see.
02:22:03 It's not very big.
02:22:12 Uh, it's kind of downloading slow.
02:22:16 I'll let it.
02:22:16 I'll let it dry.
02:22:22 Uh. Harmless G.
02:22:26 In the TV show, friends, Chandler's dad was a male to female ******, but was played by an actual woman and not by a man in a dress.
02:22:35 I never watched friends, but.
02:22:38 Yeah, that sounds about right.
02:22:40 I wonder how they addressed it.
02:22:43 No pun intended.
02:22:46 Natural life, the next currency collapse is going to be engineered to bring in world currency.
02:22:53 This will be a time to take action or or will this be a time to take action or lay low?
02:22:59 I mean, I don't know.
02:23:00 I don't know.
02:23:02 I mean, that's.
02:23:04 Yeah, I mean.
02:23:05 I don't.
02:23:05 Know I mean for we're not in a position of power.
02:23:13 We're just not at all.
02:23:15 Like not at all.
02:23:18 So taking an action is is on any kind of large scale is impossible.
02:23:23 For right now.
02:23:27 I mean, well, I mean, it depends on what you mean by action too.
02:23:33 And, but you're right about the world currency.
02:23:35 They're definitely that they would like that.
02:23:38 I don't know if that's actually going to happen.
02:23:41 All right, let me bring up this pasture thing.
02:23:45 I hope it's good.
02:23:46 It better be good.
02:23:47 *** **** it.
02:23:49 This isn't good.
02:24:00 I've never heard of this guy before.
02:24:10 Did it not download?
02:24:11 Where the **** did it go?
02:24:26 Alright, I don't know where the **** it went.
02:24:27 Hang on.
Speaker 14
02:24:34 There we go.
02:24:44 Oh, I've seen this.
02:24:45 I've seen this a long time ago.
02:24:48 It's kind of long, though, I don't think I'm gonna play.
02:24:50 The whole thing.
02:24:53 This is like.
02:24:54 It's like 15 minutes long, isn't it?
Speaker 18
02:25:03 Here I'm not going to be much longer with y'all.
02:25:09 I understand we need to move beyond color.
02:25:13 I'm I'm not.
02:25:14 I'm not about that, but y'all raised it.
02:25:17 If you start it, I'll end it for you.
02:25:19 Don't start nothing.
02:25:21 There won't be nothing.
02:25:27 But we got a problem.
02:25:30 Black people got a problem.
02:25:33 Now we can move to color blindness and always look at the man by the content of his character, never the color of his skin.
02:25:39 I'm down for that.
02:25:40 You're getting my vote.
02:25:41 Yeah, and Amen.
02:25:42 I'm for that.
02:25:45 But before we get there.
02:25:48 We need to hear some truth.
02:25:49 Black people and white folk, black people got a problem.
02:25:54 And it's a God problem.
02:25:57 When black people see the world, I don't care.
02:25:59 You can train them, you can train a black man to be a physician.
02:26:02 You can train them to be astrophysicist.
02:26:04 You can train them to be a lawyer, but you can't train him to understand the world he doesn't know.
02:26:10 I'm telling you.
02:26:12 There's not two cents with the difference between the mass murderer.
02:26:15 There's not two cents.
02:26:16 A difference between a petty thief that's locked away in prison than a black doctor when it comes to understanding the world.
Speaker 11
02:26:23 Listen, you listen to me.
Speaker 18
02:26:27 We got to deal with this and we need to begin to acknowledge it, talk about it, ask God to help us, because only God can help black people where they are.
02:26:40 Alright, this goes on for a while, but yeah, I mean like I think I've seen this guy before.
02:26:45 Look, there are black people that understand.
02:26:48 That there are differences that they're they're living in a society that was not built by them, with them in mind, and they have a difficult time adjusting to that and that a lot of their lifes problems are a.
02:27:02 Result of that.
02:27:03 And which I think is basically how he articulate, I mean.
02:27:08 I don't remember his exact wording.
02:27:10 That's basically what he's saying is that, you know, you can train him to to.
02:27:15 To be a part of the machine, but it's not a machine that he's really.
02:27:21 When you get down to it is all that compatible with.
02:27:26 And it's it's like trying to run software in an emulator, right?
02:27:30 Yeah, you can get it to work sometimes, but usually has problems and go slower.
02:27:37 Then, if you were to run it on.
02:27:38 The original hardware.
02:27:43 So that and that's just the way it is, you know and it's complicated with American blacks because they look they were brought here and you know they a lot of them have been here longer than a lot of American whites.
02:27:57 Right. There's a lot of American whites. Their families haven't been in America very long, and these guys have been around for, like, you know, 400 plus years, some of them. Right.
02:28:06 So what do you what do you do about that?
02:28:09 You know it's it's it's a complicated thing.
02:28:13 And look.
02:28:15 I don't hate black people.
02:28:17 I just.
02:28:17 I hate having to pretend that they're there's not problems.
02:28:23 And I hate having to watch my people get victimized.
02:28:28 By black people because of these problems and then pretend they don't, these problems don't exist.
02:28:34 It's ******* ********, it's suicidal and it's evil.
02:28:46 And there are there are some.
02:28:47 Blacks that they get.
02:28:49 Some not very many.
02:28:54 And and and many of them are not like the quote UN quote based black guys, right, that the conservatives trot around a lot of those diet guys don't get it. What they get is, oh, if I say, like Trump, white boomers give me money.
02:29:07 That's what they get.
Speaker 23
02:29:10 But there are there are a handful again it.
02:29:14 But if we look if we could have, I'd be, I'd be a lot less aggressive about my criticisms if at least a substantial amount of them.
02:29:25 We're willing to look at things honestly.
02:29:28 And we could try to find a solution.
02:29:29 To this problem that worked for both of us.
02:29:39 But anytime you get black guys talking like that, you know like.
02:29:47 No, I mean, look how long Malcolm X lived.
02:29:50 He he was basically a black nationalist, right?
02:29:52 Like he was he.
02:29:53 Wasn't against segregation.
02:29:55 He didn't want to live in the white man's world.
02:30:00 So they're having they're having blacks that that get it and.
02:30:03 They don't. I mean, look.
02:30:08 They I mean.
02:30:10 Some of them not all of them, not very many of them.
02:30:13 Some of them want to be in control of their own destiny.
02:30:18 It's just that they're not.
02:30:19 Usually those are not the ones that actually have control of their.
02:30:22 Own destiny, you know.
02:30:24 Or any power you know to to try to to see that vision through.
02:30:31 So yeah, it is what it is for right now.
02:30:45 I missed one.
02:30:46 I think I missed one.
02:30:50 Two base for YouTube $1.00 appreciate that. Hi, Devin. Your content really puts things in perspective for me.
02:30:57 I listen to these streams while working as a dollar store wage cook.
02:31:02 I'd like to know what you do to stay positive and clown world.
02:31:07 Also, what do you think of Murdoch? Murdoch? They're what red pilled me first love your content, 1488. Yeah, it's pretty funny. I wish they'd make some new stuff.
02:31:18 I've always enjoyed their.
02:31:20 Their work, it was always very entertaining.
02:31:30 How do I stay positive?
02:31:33 Well, I mean, it's like I've been saying, like when I've got a lot of stuff to do around the pillbox, I I, I mean, I'm not sitting here researching like, look, there's times I don't stay positive.
02:31:43 Like when I do have to do like a deep dive on something, I spend three or four days just like constantly researching just horrific **** day in, day out, like every waking up.
02:31:54 I'm not the most positive guy.
02:31:56 I I'm definitely not the most positive guy and after I do those streams I actually like a day where I'm just like, not even in front of my computer at all.
02:32:04 You have.
02:32:05 To take breaks you have to take breaks.
02:32:07 You have to take breaks from.
02:32:08 I mean, there's the reason.
02:32:09 I don't stream like every day.
02:32:11 You know, I'd go insane, I think.
02:32:13 And I think so, would you guys, you have to take some time off, you have to go live your life.
02:32:18 You have to have fun.
02:32:19 There's look, it's.
02:32:20 Not like, I mean there's different your situation I guess, but I mean actually no **** that.
02:32:26 No matter how bad your situation is, you can still enjoy life to some extent, or at least change your situation so that you can.
02:32:33 Look, I was a wage cook for.
02:32:35 Years and years and.
02:32:37 There's no shame in that.
02:32:40 If you start working towards a goal, I guess that's honestly if there's anything.
02:32:44 That's made me happy.
02:32:46 Or if there's anything that's made me unhappy.
02:32:49 Where the only time I've ever felt like.
02:32:53 I don't like the word depression cause that makes it sound like kind of like the the borderline personality disorder thing.
02:32:59 It makes it sound like it's some kind of disease, some kind of clinical thing, and it's really not it.
02:33:04 But if I've ever been, like in a rut like.
02:33:06 Just kind of like it's.
02:33:07 Usually because I don't have any long term goals.
02:33:12 And so it seems starts to seem meaningless, right?
02:33:15 If you're just going day in, day out, punching a clock and selling, you know, generic pork rinds at the dollar store to, you know, fat ladies and electric scooters.
02:33:27 You know it at a certain point, you're going to be like, why?
02:33:31 What's the point?
02:33:32 Like, why am I getting up today?
02:33:34 Why? Why?
02:33:36 So but that's.
Speaker 5
02:33:38 As long as you know.
02:33:40 That everything's temporary. Literally everything ups and downs both. You know, this. This too, shall pass, right? Everything's ******* temporary.
02:33:51 And you're you're you're going towards a long term goal.
02:33:55 I mean, look, I I I don't think that I'm an unhappy person at all really.
02:34:00 It's kind of funny that people that that have socialized with me.
02:34:05 On a personal level, if they that that know my work are often surprised that I'm that I'm kind of nice.
02:34:14 And kind of like a happy guy.
02:34:16 It's like, why are you surprised?
02:34:20 And it's because I got long term goals.
02:34:21 I always like, and if I, you know, in fact, I usually have a lot, you know, whether it's stuff like, you know, like the bees or something like that or or something bigger.
02:34:31 Like starting a family and all those sorts of things.
02:34:35 And you might not accomplish all your goals.
02:34:38 But you're I.
02:34:40 I don't think that you can really be unhappy.
02:34:43 If you're working towards a long term goal.
02:34:46 And look, the long the the best and and and the long term goal that I think we all share.
02:34:52 Is trying to preserve our people, protect our people, survive what's coming?
02:34:58 A long term goal.
02:35:03 In fact, that's that's probably a long term goal that none of us are going to see.
02:35:08 Actually, you know, I don't even think that that's a long term goal that is ever achieved.
02:35:12 I think as a people you have to always be.
02:35:16 Working towards that because there's always.
02:35:18 Going to be threats.
02:35:21 They're always going to be existential threats to your people, and there's always going to be competing groups trying to outcompete you and take what you have.
02:35:31 Or to somehow have power over you, make you subordinate.
02:35:36 That's always going to be.
02:35:39 The state of things.
02:35:42 So it's the perfect long term goal because you can work it towards it all you want, your entire life and you'll never make it.
02:35:50 But not like in a discouraging way.
02:35:55 Look, the elites that are above us, they think generationally.
02:35:59 It's time for us to do the same thing.
02:36:05 It's time for us to have these.
02:36:06 Goals that you know that.
02:36:07 You know you're never going to see.
02:36:10 You're never going to see the.
02:36:13 The white Topia you know, whatever it is that you, you know that you dream of when you think of like.
02:36:19 The the ultimate.
02:36:22 Country or neighborhood or community for your family to grow up and that's it's never going to happen.
02:36:28 There's always going to be improvements even if you you lived in some idyllic.
02:36:33 You know version.
02:36:36 Of that, you know that there's still gonna be something that you can.
02:36:39 Be improved?
02:36:42 And so I I think that.
02:36:46 You start thinking generationally and and have that in fact, that that could be that goals.
02:36:52 Think of it as just a it's.
02:36:55 You've done like the goal should be to do everything you can.
02:37:01 Not only to achieve that goal.
02:37:04 But to prepare your children to carry the torch once you're gone, that's something.
02:37:09 Look, I think we can all agree that's something that boomers, you know, that flies right over their ******* heads.
02:37:17 I mean, they don't even care about their kids.
02:37:19 Inheritance like on a monetary level.
02:37:24 Yeah, I don't.
02:37:24 I don't think I need to play the clip of the of the boomer guy.
02:37:27 That's all excited that it that America is becoming less white because white people suck.
02:37:33 I mean, there's not that, that's all boomers obviously, but there there is like a selfishness and there is just like this.
02:37:38 Nothing exists beyond me kind of attitude with that generation.
02:37:44 And maybe people in general, I don't know, maybe.
02:37:46 Maybe the poison.
02:37:48 Was introduced to the Boomers and they've passed it on to their children to some extent, right?
02:37:54 Just don't be a carrier of that ******* virus.
02:37:59 So hopefully that helps.
02:38:02 UM.
02:38:05 Here we go. Polar $5. Appreciate that this documentary shows the training kid stuff in Germany before World War 2. Direct parallel. All right, well, I'm. I'm going to. I'll copy the link, but.
02:38:20 And I'll download it, but I don't think we have time to watch.
02:38:23 We've already watched a.
02:38:24 Bunch of stuff.
02:38:26 Let me see how long it is.
02:38:28 Yeah, that's really long.
02:38:29 Alright, I'll.
02:38:30 I'll check it out later.
02:38:35 Stephen Campbell, $10.
02:38:38 Appreciate that.
02:38:39 Good stuff, Devin.
02:38:41 The stream that is not wait.
02:38:44 Good stuff, Devin.
02:38:45 The stream that is not the ****** *******, that is bad stuff.
02:38:50 Yes, agreed Stephen.
02:38:53 Christos Rex $5 preciate that there is an animated or animated show called the Venture Brothers, where the main characters children are protected by a moral peto who resists having sex with them. He is shown as a positive character.
02:39:12 All right.
02:39:12 And the the evil villains.
02:39:17 Girlfriend is a ******.
02:39:21 Yeah, I remember Adult Swim for, but I don't know if it's still that was on Adult Swim back when I was a degenerate pothead watching Adult Swim late at night.
02:39:30 But yeah that.
02:39:31 Was all that stuff was was ******* terrible.
02:39:36 The government remember Andrew Joseph stacked the third.
02:39:42 If that's the guy I'm thinking of, is that the guy that flew his plane into the IRS?
Speaker 14
02:39:48 Let me look up.
02:39:56 Yeah, I don't know.
02:39:57 It's a great thing to talk about.
02:39:58 On this stream, but I'll just.
Speaker 6
02:40:01 He had a little disagreement with the.
02:40:03 IRS back in 2010 involving an airplane and you know.
02:40:13 Trash panda, $50. Very generous. Appreciate that decent men need to stop desiring to be a manly bug. Splatter on the windshield of global **** and escape to other countries like Russia. Women are trad and love. Western men. All of these leftists are going to kill each other.
02:40:32 When the **** hits the fan, we should be 1000 miles away and drinking. Watching that. I mean, I don't know. There's like I said, I I have a.
02:40:43 I have mixed feelings about Eastern European women.
02:40:50 You know.
02:40:52 But yeah, that's an option, but at the same time there's a lot of people, you know, including people.
02:40:58 Like coach red.
02:40:59 Pillow, right?
02:40:59 That thought that going to.
02:41:01 Ukraine would be a.
02:41:02 Great idea for the same reason and now he's hiding in some ******* basement somewhere.
02:41:08 You never know.
02:41:09 You never know.
02:41:11 You never know what's going to happen.
02:41:14 So I'm I'm perfectly comfortable.
02:41:17 In my my desert bunker.
02:41:19 You know, World War three could happen.
02:41:22 And I'd I'd feel like I'm just as good here as I would be anywhere else.
02:41:28 But yeah, I mean, there's some people that that's an appealing option and.
02:41:34 I don't have a problem with it.
02:41:37 Rob, well, $5 appreciate that. When are you doing merch and what would it be? I'd buy some.
02:41:44 Well, I've, I've.
02:41:45 Been doing some designs and it's just going to be like the normal stuff, right? Like T-shirts.
02:41:53 Chemises teddies.
02:41:58 Stocking I was. I don't know. It's it's, you know, it's going to be like T-shirts and.
02:42:03 I don't know mugs or I don't know.
02:42:04 I don't know.
02:42:04 What do you guys want?
02:42:06 Know I mean like I.
02:42:08 I'm trying to think of stuff that I'd want, and I'm like, I don't know, like AT.
02:42:11 Shirt. A mug.
02:42:12 That's about it, like.
02:42:15 No, no, no need.
02:42:16 To go crazy with it and all the other stuff that they that you can.
02:42:19 Usually like stamp stuff on to it's kind of.
02:42:23 You know, it's kind of like what like an iPhone case.
02:42:25 Or I don't know.
02:42:26 I don't think people want that.
02:42:28 I don't.
02:42:28 I don't.
02:42:28 I don't.
02:42:28 I don't want.
02:42:29 That so probably just like T-shirts and stuff like that.
02:42:33 But no soon. Very soon.
02:42:36 Very soon.
02:42:38 All right.
02:42:39 Well, this is saying that I got more super chats.
02:42:43 I'm going to go to.
02:42:43 Regular chat for a second.
02:42:46 And let's see if I go back to super chats.
02:42:50 If it updates something.
02:42:52 Because this is I, I feel like this is saying that I got more than it's listing here, but I don't know.
02:42:56 I did go through like a lot of super chats.
02:42:59 So I'm going to refresh it, just I don't I I I hate the thought of missing one of these.
02:43:06 All right, let me just see if I miss someone.
02:43:08 I'm going to scroll through here real quick.
02:43:11 Someone says Romeo.
02:43:13 I want a black pilled knife.
02:43:15 That could be cool.
02:43:16 I don't know if they how easy that is to accomplish.
02:43:19 I guess that's probably not too hard, right?
02:43:22 To get like a.
02:43:23 Like a Swiss army knife.
02:43:24 Kind of I.
02:43:24 Mean, I'm sure.
02:43:25 The problem is, I feel like those kinds of things are probably, like, really ******.
02:43:30 Like anytime I've got like a swag tool, whether it's like a pocket knife or or like those fake Gerber, you know, plier things, they break like this the second or third time.
02:43:42 You use them.
02:43:43 So I kind of don't want like that.
02:43:45 I don't want to sell like some piece of.
02:43:47 Just because it has my logo on it or something like that.
02:43:51 I don't know.
02:43:52 Maybe if I get.
02:43:53 Really motivated.
02:43:54 Actually, I feel like maybe next spring, let's see how big the cactus has got.
02:43:59 It'd be kind of cool to sell.
02:44:01 Cactus pads from the from the pill box.
02:44:05 That you could root.
02:44:06 So anyway.
02:44:10 Two based for YouTube $1.00 appreciate that. Thanks for your answer. Your content makes me sad sometimes, but I'm glad to know the.
02:44:17 Truth I plan on going for a welding course.
02:44:20 That'd be kind of fun in June, so wish me luck.
02:44:23 Looking forward to the bee pills.
02:44:26 Welding is one of those things I wish I'd.
02:44:27 I knew how to do.
02:44:29 I mean I I can solder like crazy.
02:44:31 I feel like I mean and I and I could make a welder out of like, you know, I've got some Transformers and and **** like that that you could make like an arc welder out of, you know, there's tons of videos on YouTube and **** that show you how to do that.
02:44:45 And I've thought about doing it.
02:44:46 I mean, like a real arc.
02:44:47 Well, there's.
02:44:47 Not even all that expensive.
02:44:48 I don't think anymore.
02:44:49 I think they.
02:44:49 That you can get some cheapy Chinese one that's not too bad.
02:44:54 But I've always wanted a Weld shed.
02:44:56 I always feel like that that would be like a useful skill to have.
02:45:00 So yeah, that that sounds ******* awesome.
02:45:02 I would definitely do that.
02:45:03 Rama $1.00 Black Pill dagger well.
02:45:07 Well, I don't know.
02:45:08 I'll have to look.
02:45:09 Into that.
02:45:09 I don't know if I I don't want.
02:45:10 To get you know, the FBI starts saying, oh, he's a weapons dealer now he's selling weapons, ATF gets involved and it just becomes this big mess.
02:45:19 Alright, well, we're getting close to the.
02:45:21 Three hour mark. I'm.
02:45:22 Gonna go to regular chat real quick just to see.
02:45:27 If any of the regular chat people who are too poor for the the free.
02:45:35 Fake 5 cent coins to send them one in.
02:45:40 MF Dimmer is saying black pilled shower curtains that could be kind of fun.
02:45:45 High Priest King Terry.
02:45:46 I think it would be interesting if you would review Shakespeare's play the merchant of Venice, maybe the newest film adaptation with Al Pacino, or compare that to an older film or adaptation.
02:46:00 There's a lot to unpack with that play, especially the portrayal of Shylock the Jewish.
02:46:04 Fortune. Yeah, that.
02:46:06 Would be a good one that would be.
02:46:07 A good one, and it would also be interesting to see how how many of the you know how many things haven't changed in like 4.
02:46:14 100 ******* years.
02:46:15 You know what I mean.
02:46:16 Like how many stereotypes have held up.
02:46:18 Over the centuries.
02:46:22 Black Pilled coffee pots.
02:46:25 Black filled cactus.
02:46:27 Black filled condoms.
02:46:32 Meg welder, you should get one.
02:46:38 Black pill organizer.
02:46:40 Black filled killer bees.
02:46:43 Well, you know, I could sell honey black filled honey would.
02:46:46 Be pretty awesome.
02:46:49 I'd buy black pilled honey, unfiltered raw honey.
02:46:53 That'd be ******* awesome.
02:46:58 All right guys, I'm going to wrap it up.
02:46:59 Thanks for popping in here.
02:47:02 I kind of feel like.
02:47:04 You know, this was such a good song.
02:47:08 I kind of feel like playing it one more time.
02:47:12 I had like.
02:47:15 You know, this guy did such.
02:47:16 A good.
02:47:17 Let me you know, let.
02:47:18 Find his name before I go.
02:47:21 Let me look up his name here.
02:47:25 What was it called?
Speaker 14
02:47:35 Here we go.
02:47:40 The original link is attempting to load.
02:47:43 There we go.
02:47:58 All right, so this is the.
02:48:03 I'm going to paste it and chat.
02:48:05 This is the link to the video and he's got a.
02:48:15 He's got a channel.
02:48:23 I think that's the right one.
02:48:28 So that's the link to his the video.
02:48:31 You can subscribe.
02:48:31 In fact I'm subscribing right now.
02:48:34 I've never seen any of his other stuff.
02:48:37 But that that song alone makes it pretty cool.
02:48:41 So you can subscribe with that and I'll play it one more, one more time then we'll.
02:48:45 Be out of here.
Speaker 11
02:48:58 You always know when you get close to.
02:49:01 The Vipers then cause.
Speaker 6
02:49:02 You can hear them ski.
Speaker 11
02:49:05 Don't even just.
02:49:07 It's next.
02:49:08 We'll descend upon you with a shocking eye.
02:49:12 They fudge the scores, they fund the wars.
02:49:15 It's how.
02:49:16 They do win.
Speaker 14
02:49:18 Loser. It's protocol.
Speaker 11
02:49:21 She looks it all like it's pathogenic United States.
02:49:26 Don't be beep, please.
02:49:27 Like eyes.
02:49:28 There's no conspiracy.
02:49:29 Comprise of lies and alibis.
02:49:41 Shut it down.
02:49:43 Too much?
02:50:02 Go try and clean up being Caucasian and sweet.
02:50:05 Prepare to be flayed alive, complete and if you.
02:50:09 Try and claim that.
02:50:10 Space is fake and.
02:50:11 Gay, they'll greet you with a searing sounds.
02:50:15 Careful the don't say that boys wearing skirts, playing sports against her daughters.
02:50:21 ******** it's only a fad with every single.
02:50:25 Ad depicts diversity in every home.
02:50:29 Remember we used to try to assemble and occupy.
02:50:33 But they dangled us the trope of social justice.
02:50:37 Looks sells quite well.
02:50:38 It's also a spell cause.
02:50:40 NPCS can't see beyond the veil.
02:50:44 Lying eyes. There's no conspiracy.
Speaker 1
02:50:49 This timeline.
Speaker 11
02:50:59 Shut it down too much for noticing your trend.
02:51:08 Certain things you cannot say.
02:51:13 Shut it down.
02:51:13 You're solid now.
02:51:14 Good luck.
02:51:15 We are the techno Pharisees.
02:51:17 You're just a bunch.
02:51:18 Of smuckers it's.
02:51:19 Hard not to catch when sizing up the Texan stacks.
02:51:23 Let's relax here.
02:51:24 Have a muzzle tough.
02:51:33 It's transitory.
02:51:35 Funny story.
02:51:36 Inflation just sustains the vicious by and old Jack knew where they hide all their.
02:51:43 But they can't hide pride.
02:51:44 It's a little on those.
02:51:47 Who owns all this?
02:51:49 It's kind of a warning when the products.
02:51:51 There's something else that's taking.
02:51:54 These clowns in Hollywood drink their holly jolly juice.
Speaker 5
02:52:00 You have a good night.
Speaker 6
02:52:01 Parasites for black pilled.
02:52:07 I am, of course, Devon.
Speaker 1
02:52:16 These lying eyes?
02:52:17 That's no problem they receive comprised.
Speaker 31
02:52:17 OK, behind my back, I'm either holding one or two fingers.
02:52:23 If it's a one, I'll do a monologue about the rise of nationalism in America.
02:52:28 If it's a two, I'll do a monologue about how Pelicans beaks can hold so many teeny tiny.
02:52:34 OK, what's it gonna be?
02:52:38 It's a one. It's a.
02:52:39 One nationalism it is OK.
02:52:43 I had a boyfriend many years ago.
02:52:46 He was my first boyfriend who had his own house.
02:52:48 And one day I went outside to see what he was doing and he was hoisting an American flag up the flagpole in his front yard and I instantly felt very weird.
02:52:59 It didn't make sense, but I felt this feeling of like.
02:53:03 I felt scared.
02:53:04 Yeah, I felt scared.
02:53:06 And so I was like, what are you doing?
02:53:09 And he said raising the flag.
02:53:12 And I was like, why?
02:53:14 And he's like, because I love America.
02:53:17 And I was like.
Speaker 8
02:53:19 Right, right of.
Speaker 31
02:53:21 Course, but inside I was shaken, and then I calmly walked to my car and I got inside and I called my sister Susie to tell her what happened.
02:53:31 Now, maybe you're thinking what happened.
02:53:34 Nothing happened.
02:53:34 Your boyfriend put an American flag up at his own house.
02:53:37 No, you're totally right.
02:53:39 I had no idea why I was freaking out.
02:53:41 I just.
02:53:42 I had this very visceral reaction.
02:53:45 And my sister knows because she's a rabbi in Israel explained to me.
02:53:49 She was like, dude, nationalism is innately terrifying for Jews.
02:53:54 Think about it.
02:53:55 Flags Marching blind allegiance.
02:53:58 These things tend to ring a bell for us, right?
02:54:02 Of course.