

Speaker 1
00:09:00 Early to me.
00:08:57 Good evening.
00:09:00 Why is my thing not?
00:09:01 Working why is?
00:09:02 Ohh I know I forgot to do.
00:09:07 That's always always something when you're trying to get through 180 pages of a of a mad man's manifesto with pages of like with every every ******* meme that's ever been on anything ever.
00:09:25 Ohh my eyes are burning.
00:09:27 Every time, by the way, Devin Stack, insomnia, stream all that fun stuff.
Speaker 3
00:09:32 You know.
00:09:34 Happy Saturday night.
Speaker 3
00:09:37 I have.
00:09:37 I have the most uh.
00:09:40 I had a really good stream put together.
00:09:45 And then some ************ has to shoot up a grocery store.
00:09:51 God, what is with these people like?
00:09:54 A grocery store.
00:09:59 OK.
00:10:04 Yeah. So but like.
00:10:07 Weirdly, it actually.
00:10:08 Ties in, I guess a little bit kind of to what I was I was going.
Speaker 4
00:10:11 To do tonight.
00:10:13 So I I don't know.
00:10:14 Like I was kind of on the fence.
00:10:15 I was like, I don't know, I haven't.
00:10:17 I haven't had time to.
00:10:18 To, you know, read through all this **** and wrap my hand around all this data.
00:10:23 You know, like it took forever just for to find, like, the video, which is horrific.
00:10:30 It's not for everybody and and just.
00:10:34 The other videos you know like the.
00:10:35 Arrest video and.
00:10:38 And all that stuff.
00:10:39 And of course, sifting through.
00:10:41 ****** posts and people screeching about false flag this false flag, that and.
00:10:48 And ohh it's it.
00:10:49 The whole video is fake.
00:10:51 It's all fake and CGI.
00:10:53 You know, just everything like that.
00:10:55 So for those, I mean, I I don't know how you wouldn't know, maybe you don't know.
00:11:00 Maybe you live under a rock.
00:11:02 Maybe my stream is?
00:11:04 The only Internet that you ever.
00:11:05 Get, but there was a shooting in.
00:11:08 Buffalo, NY today.
00:11:11 I believe 8.
00:11:13 Let me bring up my stuff here.
00:11:18 Our ten, I guess, or the 10?
00:11:22 Alright, we got different numbers.
00:11:24 People are, I guess it's 10 now, OK.
00:11:28 So we'll go over a couple things real quick.
00:11:31 Let me bring up the guy.
00:11:35 The shooter here.
00:11:43 ****** ** my whole mojo.
00:11:45 I was going to.
00:11:45 I had this.
00:11:50 Does that make me kind of a sociopathic like?
00:11:52 That's what I'm worried about.
Speaker 6
00:11:58 It ruined my stream.
00:12:00 10 people dead.
Speaker 3
00:12:03 Let's see here.
00:12:04 Where'd it go?
Speaker 4
00:12:09 Here's the guy.
00:12:14 Here's the guy.
00:12:14 His name is.
00:12:18 Peyton gendron.
00:12:22 It almost sounds like something backwards.
00:12:24 What's Peyton Gendron backwards?
00:12:28 Oh, that's interesting.
00:12:31 Nord neg.
00:12:36 Not yap.
00:12:38 Ah, well, I mean, it's not complete nonsense.
00:12:44 Yeah, anyway.
00:12:47 Let me pop that up.
00:12:48 Why not?
00:12:49 Why not?
Speaker 4
00:12:50 I don't know.
00:12:50 You can tell I'm little.
00:12:52 A little sudden beaten today too.
00:12:55 Got to the the.
00:12:57 The hot weather official here my my days of working outside all day are.
00:13:01 Numbered I just keep. I'm.
00:13:03 Like it's well, it's like it's going to be, you know, it won't be so bad.
00:13:07 It won't be so bad.
00:13:10 In the yeah, it's getting it's.
Speaker 4
00:13:12 We're getting into that area where I'm just going to.
Speaker 3
00:13:14 Be in the side.
Speaker 4
00:13:20 So this is the guy.
00:13:26 So this guy.
00:13:29 Popped into a grocery store.
00:13:33 And opened fire.
00:13:35 And streamed it on Twitch.
00:13:40 And painted up his rifle.
00:13:42 Kind of like Brendan Tarrant.
00:13:45 Killed 10 people.
00:13:48 UM, and then he you posted a.
00:13:54 Manifesto that was really ******* long that I haven't been able to get through all of it because there's like, it's law.
00:14:03 First of all, it's really long, but second one it's like pages and pages and pages of *******.
00:14:07 Just like every man you've ever seen on pole.
00:14:11 Like every like, I mean every name, every single infographic, every happy merchant, everything that has ever been on pole is in this ******* document.
00:14:27 And yeah, so I have mailed to get all get all the way.
00:14:30 Through that, the video.
00:14:35 I don't know.
00:14:36 I don't think I'm going to play it.
00:14:37 You guys can find it.
00:14:41 It's not that hard to find.
00:14:44 We can maybe play the first bit of it until he starts blasting people.
00:14:49 Honestly, you wouldn't be missing much anyway other than just him shooting people, which doesn't last very long anyway.
00:14:57 So you know what?
00:14:58 **** it.
00:14:58 Well, I guess we can start it playing, but let me see here.
00:15:03 We'll get the first part of it at least.
00:15:25 Normalized audio, where are we at here?
Speaker 4
00:15:31 Yeah. OK.
00:15:45 There's the guy at the last name backwards.
00:15:49 Is Nord neg.
Speaker 3
00:15:52 Nord Nag, HM.
Speaker 4
00:15:55 All right.
00:15:59 That'll make more sense.
00:16:00 Maybe perhaps as we go.
00:16:02 Further into the stream.
00:16:04 All right.
00:16:26 Oh, there we go.
00:16:27 Sorry about the audio not working there.
00:16:30 He doesn't say it.
00:16:30 He didn't say anything.
00:17:03 Ohh I missed my street.
00:17:12 By the way.
00:17:13 That, for once is not my stream.
00:17:15 That's the how it streamed twitch.
00:17:32 Also not my my string, this is just how.
00:17:36 This is how the recording is.
Speaker 6
00:17:44 Something people.
00:18:14 This guy.
00:18:53 Now I just wanna make.
00:18:54 Sure, this is good.
00:19:25 Good thing he's wearing camo for when he's in the grocery store.
Speaker 7
00:20:06 OK.
Speaker 3
00:21:23 Just gotta go for it, mate.
00:21:37 Since then?
00:21:39 Right here.
00:21:59 And yeah, the literally the first person.
00:22:01 He shoots is a white lady.
00:22:05 At the grocery store.
Speaker 3
00:22:16 Yeah. So you read look.
00:22:18 Look, the parts that.
00:22:19 I read that I was able to read.
00:22:21 On his manifesto.
00:22:22 It's it's basically uh.
00:22:26 I mean.
00:22:27 Like I said, not only is it every every name you could ever imagine that's on pole, but that's that's how his manifesto reads is he's every name.
00:22:36 That has ever been on pole.
00:22:40 And again, he's trying to.
00:22:42 Yeah, he's like saying ohh yeah, well, we we can't let these brown people like.
00:22:51 So he shoots.
00:22:51 A white lady at a grocery store.
Speaker 3
00:22:56 And then nine?
00:22:59 Other people.
00:23:01 Who may or may not some of.
00:23:02 Them may or may not be white, I don't know.
00:23:05 The end of the video.
00:23:08 He apologizes to a white guy.
00:23:10 He freaks.
Speaker 4
00:23:11 Out. That's a little weird.
00:23:12 I guess we could watch that part.
Speaker 4
00:23:17 There we go.
00:23:19 So that guy doesn't look brown either.
00:23:24 So anyway, there's him trying to start the race war. He's going to save whites by going into a grocery store and and in Buffalo, NY and shooting 10 people.
00:23:44 So the name of the stream.
00:23:48 Is antibiotic antibiotic addition.
00:23:54 And the reason I named it that.
00:23:56 Is I've talked about how we're the infection right now.
00:24:00 We are no longer the host.
00:24:03 We are now the infection.
00:24:05 And that the the immune system is actively trying to eradicate the infection.
00:24:12 And the reason I called it antibiotic addition.
00:24:16 Is the way antibiotics work for those?
00:24:19 Of you who?
Speaker 3
00:24:20 Don't know is.
00:24:23 Well, in the way that VAX like.
00:24:24 Actual vaccines are supposed to work, too.
00:24:28 Is if there's something that your immune system doesn't know how to fight.
00:24:35 Or isn't activated into fight mode by.
00:24:40 You get an infection, for example, and your immune system doesn't start attacking the infection.
00:24:47 You take antibiotics.
00:24:51 And what that is is you're essentially giving yourself.
00:24:55 An infection.
00:24:56 Your body can fight.
00:25:00 And in activating that reaction.
00:25:03 Your body then begins to fight off.
00:25:06 The other infection that it wasn't able to fight off.
00:25:17 Well, I don't know if this is a false flag, I don't know.
00:25:21 What the deal is with this we have.
00:25:24 Enough time hasn't gone.
00:25:26 By I think it's real just based.
00:25:28 On what I've.
00:25:30 Had to look at so far the only thing that's weird is his shifty manifesto.
00:25:35 But at the same time it's like.
00:25:39 You know, maybe he's got a ******* that would that would just.
00:25:43 Write it that way, right?
00:25:45 But either way, it doesn't matter.
00:25:47 Let's assume for a second that he is real, and he's worried about white replacement, so he decides he's going to shoot up a grocery store.
00:25:58 Starting with a white lady.
00:26:03 Dressed in.
00:26:08 Old timey camo.
00:26:19 He's the antibiotic.
00:26:25 He's the antibiotic.
00:26:29 Where the infection of the body is having a hard time fighting off.
00:26:35 It doesn't know how to fight us off.
00:26:39 It's struggling.
00:26:41 To find a way.
00:26:43 To fight us off.
00:26:46 And then here comes this guy.
00:26:49 Here's something you can easily fight off.
00:26:55 Very easily fight off.
Speaker 3
00:27:00 I mean, he's already in.
00:27:00 Custody, you know, so.
00:27:04 There's that.
00:27:07 Let's see here.
00:27:07 I think I have that video.
Speaker 4
00:27:15 And of course my.
00:27:17 Download folder.
00:27:18 ******* hate.
00:27:19 I hate.
00:27:22 Windows is such a **** ******* OS and it's file management is utter ******* garbage.
00:27:30 It's so annoying how like.
00:27:32 You can't just.
00:27:33 Sort by date like you think that'd be.
00:27:36 Like it is it used to work.
00:27:37 That's the other.
Speaker 3
00:27:38 Thing that drives.
00:27:38 Me nuts it.
00:27:39 Worked like on Windows XP and ****.
Speaker 4
00:27:43 Anyway, I'll see if I can.
00:27:44 Find this ****.
00:27:44 Is this it?
00:27:50 Yeah, here's him getting arrested tonight, alright?
Speaker 9
00:28:16 A shooter or mass shooter?
Speaker 10
00:28:24 Hey, look out here, young boy.
00:28:37 Alright, that's for something else.
00:28:44 But the body doesn't know how to fight the infection.
00:28:48 Until **** like this happens.
00:28:51 Until doses of antibiotics are administered.
00:28:58 And I think that these people are are they think the opposite way of reality.
00:29:06 They think.
00:29:07 That somehow by administering the antibiotic.
00:29:12 It's going to motivate.
00:29:14 The infection to spread faster.
00:29:21 Literally never happens or has ever happened.
00:29:25 But I think that's what they think.
00:29:28 I think that they think by doing this I'm helping.
00:29:34 Because I'm going to inspire others to go shoot up, go shoot up a grocery store.
00:29:50 And end up like this.
00:29:57 Because we all know that the people.
00:30:00 The people that that that have been have been.
00:30:03 The the thorn in our side.
00:30:06 They're at the grocery store in Buffalo, NY.
00:30:16 It's a good thing he went right to the source, right?
00:30:18 He went right to where?
00:30:20 I'm sure that's where all of the the evil baby ****** Satan this shop is at that grocery store.
00:30:38 But no.
00:30:38 Instead you know instead.
00:30:41 This is the antibiotic that the system needed.
00:30:47 You're going to hear about this forever.
00:30:52 Ever and ever and ever.
00:30:54 This will be cited as an example of white supremacist violence.
00:31:03 This will justify every federal budget you can imagine.
00:31:11 This will be replayed.
00:31:14 In the media.
00:31:27 A ******* grocery store.
00:31:43 There seems to be again, like I said, this kind of fits in what I was going to talk about tonight.
00:31:48 What I was going to talk about tonight is this.
00:31:51 This isn't like a new thing.
00:31:54 This is an extreme version.
Speaker 4
00:31:56 Of what I was going to talk about tonight.
Speaker 10
00:32:03 But the right?
00:32:06 And the white the white.
00:32:07 Positive right, shall we say.
00:32:12 Has always.
00:32:16 Elements of this.
00:32:19 Now obviously they're not representative.
00:32:22 Of of the bulk of the people, which is why so many people instantly go, oh, that's a false flag, and maybe it is.
00:32:33 And you might watch this next guy.
00:32:34 We're going to go and say, oh, he's definitely a fed and maybe he is.
00:32:38 I don't think so, but maybe he is.
00:32:41 Because they are so out of step.
00:32:48 With the rest of us, right.
00:33:01 But these people have always existed.
00:33:03 These people have always existed, I think, and I'm honestly, I think one of the reasons why these people.
00:33:09 Have always existed.
00:33:14 Is we have this.
00:33:15 We're in this weird.
00:33:18 Between a rock and a hard place.
00:33:21 Right.
Speaker 3
00:33:23 Where it's.
00:33:26 Very difficult to present a positive image.
00:33:30 To present a positive way forward, a positive narrative.
00:33:39 Because so many people.
00:33:42 That we're trying to communicate the, the existential threat to.
00:33:46 Are in denial.
00:33:56 Reality is is not so.
Speaker 3
00:33:59 Not so positive.
00:34:03 Long term, sure short term, and I mean everyone listening your lifetime.
Speaker 3
00:34:09 Not so great.
00:34:13 Not so great if what you care about.
00:34:16 Is having a a place for for your people.
00:34:22 For your people, by your people.
00:34:25 Where you do not have to.
00:34:34 You don't have to have global homa breathing down.
00:34:36 Your neck every five.
00:34:37 You know every well, constantly.
Speaker 7
00:34:40 We don't have.
00:34:41 To live in a pod and eat bugs.
00:34:43 While watching commercials about Tyrone banging every blonde girl.
00:34:48 For you know for eternity.
Speaker 3
00:34:51 While while whilst.
00:34:55 Hookers are twerking with trans kids.
00:34:59 In a main.
00:35:00 Street parade.
00:35:01 You know, you guys get the picture.
Speaker 4
00:35:02 Right.
00:35:04 It does it in your lifetime.
00:35:08 Society is not.
00:35:09 On a good trajectory.
00:35:10 OK.
00:35:10 And there's there's not really.
00:35:11 Any any way to pull out the?
00:35:13 Airplane and there's some.
00:35:14 People that can handle that and there's some.
00:35:16 People that can't handle that.
00:35:26 And the people that can't handle that.
00:35:28 Think they're helping?
00:35:31 By doing **** like this.
00:35:41 So yeah, look basically look forward to all of this.
00:35:46 You know all the federal government stuff that they've been talking.
00:35:49 I've been.
00:35:50 I've been telling you guys about for the last.
00:35:52 Well, I mean years now, right?
00:35:55 That that's been ratcheting up increasing by the way that was ratcheting up and increasing under Trump too.
00:36:00 It's not it's it's a uniparty thing.
00:36:06 And don't think that.
00:36:07 Should have go away if if.
00:36:10 Somehow, like Trump or DeSantis or whatever, Republican gets in.
00:36:17 Yeah, they they all go to the wailing wall.
00:36:19 Oh, by the way, Speaking of the.
Speaker 4
00:36:20 Wailing wall.
00:36:21 Well, I'll talk about that later.
00:36:29 But anyway, what I was going to do, what I was going to do the stream on.
00:36:34 I mean, I don't know we.
Speaker 3
00:36:35 Could do.
00:36:36 I could go over some of his his stuff.
00:36:38 It's just, you know, it's so ******* gay.
00:36:42 It's like UM.
00:36:44 Let me see here.
00:36:47 I'll give you the lowdown of what what went.
00:36:49 On just so.
00:36:52 So you guys know what's going on here?
00:37:00 OK, a racist and anti-Semitic manifesto and a twitched live stream were attributed online to the gunman. But authorities have not verified those accounts. Now that's basically it's it they are.
00:37:15 And not only that.
00:37:17 Captain, I'm saving the white race by shooting up a grocery store.
00:37:25 Also tortured animals.
00:37:29 Surprise, surprise, surprise, surprise, he tortured cats.
00:37:35 He tortured and beheaded cats.
Speaker 11
00:37:41 And his parents knew.
00:37:44 His parents knew.
00:37:49 Anyway, that's something else we'll talk about.
Speaker 4
00:37:51 That and all that.
00:37:56 Blah blah blah blah.
00:38:00 He said his manifesto. He's an 18 year old college student and self-described white supremacist Gendron was shot by a security guard but was not injured because he was wearing body armor. I I honestly think they're going to start banning body armor.
00:38:18 Buffalo police said at the press conference.
00:38:26 Conklin is more than 200 miles southeast of Buffalo in the.
00:38:30 Southern Tier region of New York.
00:38:33 Gendron included his name in the manifesto and The Associated Press confirmed his identity with law enforcement sources.
00:38:39 Jannon appeared in court Saturday night for his arraignment, so he's already been arraigned.
00:38:46 In fact, here is a.
00:38:50 Here's a photo of that.
00:39:05 He's being held without bond.
00:39:08 He's scheduled to return to court in five days, according to authorities, a mug shot has not yet been released.
00:39:15 Blah blah, blah blah blah.
00:39:20 Alright, so here's where we go.
00:39:23 Gender on is accused of wearing military gear and carrying a rifle into the into a store.
00:39:29 Retired police officer is.
00:39:31 Among the dead.
Speaker 3
00:39:33 UM.
00:39:38 The Buffalo News reported that the suspect was dressed in body armor and armed with a high-powered rifle. That's not a high-powered rifle, it's just a rifle.
Speaker 4
00:39:47 But whatever new.
00:39:48 York Governor Kathy Hochul said the suspect is, by the way, she also said New York's governor.
00:39:59 See, this is the thing that.
00:40:02 This is this is what the antibiotics.
00:40:04 Do for these people.
00:40:11 See Twitch is an accomplice.
00:40:13 For letting him stream it.
00:40:18 If Twitch is too edgy.
00:40:22 Well, I wonder what that means for for Odyssey and us.
00:40:26 UM.
00:40:31 He believed you have.
00:40:32 A gun that was legally purchased but was modified with illegal magazines.
00:40:37 It's not modified. That just means he has magazines that are probably too big for New York. I don't know what New York's gun laws are, but I can imagine them being super gay.
00:40:48 She said investigators are working to determine where the magazines were purchased.
00:40:53 She said they are sold legally elsewhere in the country, including Pennsylvania, like everywhere.
00:40:57 That's not not ******* gay.
00:40:59 I don't think that like they were like super big with maybe 30 round or something.
00:41:04 The newspaper reported that one of the victims is recently retired Buffalo police officer who is working security at the store.
00:41:11 According to excuse me, according to the newspaper, half of the bodies were discovered in the parking lot of the store.
00:41:19 Witness Chanel Harris, a store employee, told Buffalo News the shooter was a white man wearing camouflage.
00:41:27 He looked like he was in the army.
00:41:29 Yeah, maybe in the 80s.
00:41:31 That ******* camo.
00:41:34 She said, explaining that she heard as many as seventy shots.
00:41:37 Yeah, I'm sure she was counting.
00:41:40 Graphic video emerged.
00:41:41 You know, we already watched the intro.
00:41:44 Like I said the, I mean, you can find the full thing.
00:41:46 It's it's out there.
00:41:50 The police commissioner said blah blah blah.
00:41:53 All right, let's get to the the manifesto fixates on mass immigration, mass immigration, and the higher fertility rates of immigrants themselves are causing this increase in population.
00:42:06 We are.
00:42:07 This is The funny thing.
00:42:08 He says that and then he does something which pretty much guarantees he's.
00:42:13 Never going to reproduce.
00:42:15 We are experiencing invasion on the level never before seen in history, it says.
00:42:21 Millions of people point across our borders, legally invited by the state and corporate entities, to replace the white people who have failed to reproduce, failed to mean like yourself now forever failed to create the cheap labor.
00:42:36 Failed to create new consumers and tax base that corporations and states have or need to have or need to have to thrive and look.
00:42:46 Obviously that's all true, right?
00:42:49 But how? How does?
00:42:50 Shooting up a grocery store.
00:42:53 Do it. Help that.
00:42:56 It continues this crisis of mass immigration and sub replacement.
00:43:01 Fertility is an assault on European people that, if not combated, will ultimately result in the complete racial and cultural replacement of the European people.
00:43:12 Also true, but nothing that you help.
00:43:15 By shooting up a grocery store.
00:43:23 The manifesto, which refers to white genocide.
00:43:27 Contains a name and says that the author is 18 years old as of the writing this, the sole proprietor of the recent attempted mass shooting.
00:43:34 I live in Southern Tier, New York on my life with both my parents and two brothers.
00:43:39 I believe I am ethnically white since my parents nationalities are from north.
00:43:44 Western Europe and Italian I graduated high school with a Regents diploma with advanced designation and I'm currently enrolled in Sunny Broom with a major in engineering science well.
00:44:01 That probably would have helped out helped us out more than what you did.
00:44:06 It continues.
00:44:06 I would love to continue this, but there are bigger problems.
00:44:09 I'm more concerned with.
00:44:10 I am not a war fighter.
00:44:12 No **** or you would have picked a better target.
00:44:15 Nor have I been enrolled in any military tactical training.
00:44:19 Well, doesn't mean you can't LARP, right?
00:44:22 So excuse any mistakes I make during my attack.
00:44:25 I was never diagnosed with a mental disability.
00:44:27 Disorder and I believe to be perfectly sane.
00:44:33 He then claimed so this guy, this.
00:44:35 This is why I don't think it's fake because he sounds like a super autistic pull person all the way down to giving his Myers Briggs Personality profile.
00:44:45 He claimed to be an INTJ personality type and see you can never trust the Jays and that includes INTJ.
00:44:53 I'm just saying it's all in there personality type and include the the photos of fake active shooter that often circulate online.
00:45:04 So in other words, he put pictures of Sam Hyde and stuff in his manifesto.
00:45:13 UM, the manifesto states. Why did you decide to carry out the attack?
00:45:20 To show, to show to the replacers that as long as the white man lives, our land will never be theirs, and they will never be safe from us.
00:45:30 Well, they'll be safe from you now.
00:45:33 Oh, you're locked up behind bars.
00:45:36 I mean the damage you've done, you've done is is just.
00:45:39 What happens on a?
00:45:40 On a random Thursday in Chicago.
00:45:46 I mean, do you really think that you struck fear in the hearts of non whites?
00:45:50 That, oh, maybe I shouldn't, I shouldn't.
00:45:54 I shouldn't punch that white guy in the back of the.
00:45:56 Head cause you know.
00:45:58 He might freak out and shoot 10 people.
00:46:02 At a grocery store.
Speaker 3
00:46:06 You know.
00:46:10 To directly reduce immigration rates to European lands by intimidating and physically removing the replacers themselves.
00:46:17 Well, I mean again.
00:46:19 Didn't accomplish any of that.
00:46:24 Didn't accomplish any of that.
00:46:26 To intimidate the Replacers already living on our lands, to immigrate back to their home countries.
00:46:32 Didn't do that either.
00:46:34 Didn't do that either.
00:46:36 I mean, look, I'm not saying that any kind of terrorism, obviously.
00:46:41 Is is the good idea?
00:46:42 But I'm just saying, if that was like your thing.
Speaker 3
00:46:45 Like, you're not even like.
00:46:47 Scoring as high as the Muslims right now, OK?
00:46:51 Like at all, and the difference is too.
00:46:54 You will be disavowed by everybody.
00:47:00 You know when Muslims would go and blow themselves up?
00:47:07 Or or do some kind of ******.
00:47:09 Up ****, right?
00:47:11 You might have.
00:47:13 Some nonprofit organizations.
00:47:17 That that, you know, pose in front of the cameras with like, candles of the memorial or whatever.
00:47:25 They just, you know, find a bunch of very non threatening looking women and jobs to, you know, to to, to stand on the memorial for just long at the snap a picture and whatever.
Speaker 3
00:47:37 But by and large, you.
00:47:39 Don't get a whole lot of disavowing.
00:47:42 Right.
00:47:43 You don't get a a whole lot of of Muslims apologizing for the acts of jihadis.
Speaker 3
00:47:52 And in fact.
00:47:54 Another difference is their culture.
00:47:57 Has something called jihad.
00:48:01 White people don't have that.
00:48:05 So this tactic that that you came up with or that you're emulating?
00:48:11 Does it work?
00:48:15 Because it's so ******* random.
Speaker 3
00:48:19 It's it's.
00:48:22 It's random. It's meat headed.
00:48:26 It it accomplishes nothing and it helps the enemy.
00:48:38 You're not going to intimidate ****.
00:48:43 Especially if these ******* are coming from El Salvador.
00:48:46 Some country like that.
00:48:48 This is what you did today is relatively safe by their standards.
00:49:02 To or to agitate the political enemies of my people into action, to cause them to overextend their own hand and experience the eventual and inevitable backlash.
00:49:15 As a result, now he's talking about Accelerationism again.
00:49:21 What you did was so.
00:49:25 My again, we're just.
Speaker 3
00:49:26 We're we're going to operate under the assumption.
00:49:29 That he did.
00:49:30 This maybe it'll.
00:49:32 Maybe it'll turn out that he didn't.
00:49:35 And and This is why the but the funny.
00:49:37 Thing is, that's why we think that's possible.
00:49:41 Because it it hurts your people more than it helps your people.
00:49:45 In fact, it doesn't help your people as far as like I I'm I'm.
00:49:49 I'm looking for a way and it doesn't.
00:49:53 Yeah, it doesn't.
00:49:58 Because this acceleration argument that you're making in your manifesto.
00:50:04 About helping by oh, this will agitate our enemies and get them to overextend, no?
00:50:12 No, no, no.
00:50:16 I mean, did January 6th do that?
00:50:21 Did Charlottesville do that?
00:50:22 Like, what happens when any of these things happen, right?
00:50:26 It's drip, drip, drip, drip.
00:50:28 They've been boiling frogs for a long time and they know how to boil it in such a way that it doesn't leap out of the bowl.
00:50:45 Plus, I mean the targets you chose, I mean you shut up a ******* grocery store.
00:50:53 If you were.
00:50:53 Anything but white this would.
00:50:55 This wouldn't even make national news.
00:51:03 The only reason why it's going to.
00:51:04 Make national news.
Speaker 12
00:51:06 Is you've become.
00:51:11 An antibiotic.
00:51:13 That's going to help them fight the infection.
00:51:25 Are you trying to tell me that they haven't already overplayed their hand?
Speaker 3
00:51:34 What? What?
00:51:38 What else do you want?
00:51:38 What do you think?
00:51:39 Do you think you doing this is going to?
00:51:43 Force their hand on.
00:51:45 Maybe some gun control?
00:51:49 Something that makes it even more difficult for white people in the future.
Speaker 4
00:51:56 Excuse me.
00:51:58 I mean, I don't.
00:51:59 I don't anyway.
00:52:02 To incite violence, retaliation and further divide between the European people and the Replacers currently occupying European soil.
00:52:11 Again, this would only work.
00:52:19 If if what you were doing.
00:52:24 Were at least.
00:52:33 By the group that you're you think you're representing.
Speaker 4
00:52:39 No, it won't be.
00:52:42 It won't be.
00:52:43 Literally no one, including me, quite frankly.
00:52:47 No one's going to. No one's going to. No one's going to be like.
00:52:53 Everyone's gonna.
00:52:54 Everyone's gonna condemn what you did.
00:52:59 Literally everybody.
00:53:01 Because it's not helping.
00:53:04 And not because like.
00:53:06 Violence doesn't show up anything, although there's gonna be a lot of people saying **** like that, obviously, right?
00:53:13 But because you shot up a grocery store.
Speaker 11
00:53:18 That was your big plan.
00:53:27 To add momentum to the pendulum swings of history, so this is just God complex should at this point further he's stable, like by shooting up a grocery store, you're going to do this is all going to.
00:53:39 This is all going to happen.
00:53:41 Further destabilizing and polarizing Western society in order to eventually destroy current nihilistic, hedonistic, individualistic insanity that has taken control.
00:53:53 Of western thought.
00:53:54 I don't know.
00:53:55 I kind.
00:53:55 Of feel like what you did.
00:53:58 Was nihilistic, hedonistic, individualistic.
00:54:03 I mean, right?
00:54:04 I mean oh.
Speaker 4
00:54:06 But am I right?
00:54:12 You larping as hard as, as anyone can LARP.
00:54:19 Let's be real here.
00:54:20 This was for personal gratification.
00:54:36 The shooting is being investigated as a hate crime, of course.
00:54:43 And a case of racially motivated, violent extremism.
00:54:49 Federal authorities said, of course they did, and now their budgets are all increasing.
00:54:58 By the way, this doesn't make us look strong.
00:55:06 This is this is not a.
00:55:13 You know, look.
Speaker 3
00:55:14 Finally, someone did something right.
00:55:17 No one's thinking that right now.
00:55:23 You shot up a grocery store.
00:55:28 Oh, I I know.
00:55:30 I keep saying it, but it's like I feel like.
00:55:34 Obviously some people don't understand why that's so dumb.
00:55:40 So yeah.
00:55:43 All kinds of federal law enforcement is getting in.
00:55:46 On this.
00:55:50 When they talk about how he streamed the shooting.
00:55:56 The suspect is a.
00:55:59 New York State.
Speaker 4
00:56:01 UM.
00:56:18 So forth and so forth and so forth.
00:56:22 So anyway, like I said, I I'm going to go out to the whole manifesto. It's 180 pages. It's really ******* long.
00:56:31 But lots and lots and lots.
00:56:33 Of it is just.
00:56:35 Just all the memes, all the memes, all of them, every meme.
00:56:40 In this giant PDF.
00:56:48 Now a similar thing.
00:56:52 Not now for a regular, regularly scheduled program.
00:56:57 There's a similar dynamic going on here.
00:57:00 This is something I wanted to.
00:57:02 Watch with you guys.
00:57:04 After finding it and this is an early episode of Jerry.
00:57:08 Springer, now we've done similar things where you know we find like there was that clip of Pat Buchanan and some leftists Fagot interviewing that KKK guy.
00:57:21 And I made the point that, like, look, this was the boomers fighting against why genocide and it was, it was super ineffective.
00:57:29 Because he looked like.
Speaker 3
00:57:32 A a clown, I.
00:57:33 Mean he was dressed like a.
00:57:36 And he quite frankly didn't come across as the most.
00:57:40 I mean, this is the guy.
00:57:41 This was the head guy or none of all of the KKK, you know, right.
00:57:45 But this was still.
00:57:46 A guy that was put on the air and and and for obvious reasons like he was put on the air so that they could easily.
00:57:56 Take them apart, including.
Speaker 3
00:57:59 UM.
00:58:01 Pat Washer Mccalla I just said his ******* name.
00:58:05 Too ******* tired, man.
00:58:07 I need some more caffeine here.
00:58:13 See you at work, Pat Buchanan.
00:58:15 So anyway.
00:58:17 UM, this is an old Jerry Springer show before the Jerry Springer show got into the realm of throwing chairs and and all that kind of stuff. It was, it was before it had reached that level of degenerate, you know, societal collapse.
00:58:35 I think it was shot in 93.
00:58:40 Possibly 94, I forget what year.
00:58:47 And this episode is about racist kids.
00:58:53 Racist kids.
00:58:56 Now you'll watch some of this at first.
00:58:59 And there's some really funny moments.
00:59:05 Like you might find yourself thinking to yourself.
00:59:09 Ohh base.
00:59:10 I'm gonna take this guy down.
00:59:11 By the way, for he was.
Speaker 4
00:59:13 Up there.
00:59:16 There is also a really funny slip up.
00:59:19 From someone in the audience, by the way, the entire audience is also children because.
00:59:25 I mean, this was this is a good piece of propaganda.
00:59:29 This is another example.
00:59:32 Of an antibiotic being administered to the system.
00:59:41 It empowers the system to then fight off the infection.
00:59:45 Now, again, this was 9394. I think part of the reason why you had this kind of.
00:59:55 Well, I mean, you'll see there's a guy that when we get to that, you'll see the guy.
Speaker 3
01:00:00 The the the the reason it's so out, it's.
01:00:02 Over the top.
01:00:06 Is at the time.
01:00:08 The country was extremely philosemitic.
01:00:12 And extremely Kumbaya, you know, like white people loved. In fact, white people, their favorite, by and large, 9394, their favorite comedians were blacks, making fun of white people. Their favorite music were was was rap music.
01:00:32 That talk **** about white people.
01:00:36 Lots of people were trying to find just like Elizabeth Warren's ways of of not sounding white.
01:00:44 I mean, the 90s were super like, it's not cool to.
01:00:49 Be white at all.
01:00:50 And the white people didn't, by and large, see the the the problems that would develop as a result of this attitude and as a result of this racial masochism, you know like this, this.
01:01:05 Self flagellation, right?
01:01:08 So it's.
01:01:12 Not in.
01:01:13 It's not crazy to imagine that in that environment you would have the response to it be so.
01:01:22 Over the top.
01:01:24 In an effort to I don't know, again, I just think that just people who don't understand.
01:01:35 How to make how to persuade your group?
Speaker 3
01:01:43 You know, it's like I, I've.
01:01:44 I've talked about everyone's had this experience, right?
01:01:47 Where you've been at the bar or you've been, you know, hanging out with friends or or whatever.
01:01:53 And you, you get into some political argument or it doesn't even matter.
01:01:56 You could be arguing about anything, really.
01:01:59 And then you got, like, the friend that's with you.
01:02:01 And he's not that bright, and he starts chiming in, like trying to argue.
01:02:07 Like on your side.
01:02:08 Like you know, he's he's agreeing with you.
01:02:13 But he's he's totally missing the ******* point.
01:02:17 He's not equipped to argue with your with your opponent in the debate that you're having with your opponent.
01:02:25 Having this guy step in and start trying to help.
01:02:30 Is is the most detrimental thing.
01:02:34 For you at that, at that moment, everyone's had that experience where you just.
01:02:38 Look at the.
01:02:38 Guy, you're like.
01:02:40 Shut the **** **.
Speaker 4
01:02:41 Man like you.
01:02:43 Not only do.
01:02:44 I got this.
01:02:44 You're making it worse.
01:02:51 Well, there's a.
01:02:52 Lot of that going.
01:02:53 On not just with the guy, obviously.
Speaker 6
01:02:55 Shooting up a grocery store.
01:03:00 But it's been going on a long time.
01:03:02 And again looking.
01:03:03 Back at this ship, there's a lot of.
01:03:04 This is pretty funny.
Speaker 13
01:03:06 That's pretty funny.
01:03:10 But it was also highly ineffective because look where we are now.
01:03:16 So was this a good strategy just because?
01:03:20 You know, 30 years later, it was it.
01:03:22 Was kind of funny.
01:03:31 Does it accomplish anything?
01:03:38 Anyway, let's have a look here.
Speaker 14
01:03:40 I'm eleven years old.
01:03:41 I'm 12 years old and I'm fourteen.
01:03:43 We believe that blacks are not equal to whites, and when the time comes, God will demand us to kill all Jews.
Speaker 7
01:03:49 Listen to what you just heard.
01:03:51 These are vile words that did not.
Speaker 3
01:03:54 OK. And again.
01:03:58 If you actually believe.
01:04:01 That there's going to be a time that comes where God's going to command that you kill all Jews.
01:04:09 Probably not the smartest thing to announce that on national television, on a show run by a Jew, just like I, I don't know, I.
01:04:22 Even if that's what you believed.
Speaker 4
01:04:28 Anyway, keep going.
01:04:30 Here we go.
Speaker 7
01:04:31 Not come out of the mouth.
01:04:33 Of some middle-aged bigot.
01:04:35 They came out of.
01:04:35 The mouth of a child.
01:04:38 And so the question now is how do we deal with it?
01:04:40 Because we do have to deal with it one day, these kids are going to grow up and that poison is going to be spread.
01:04:47 So how do we?
01:04:47 Deal with it.
01:04:49 Now you got to remember one of the reasons why this worked great as an antibiotic, Jerry Springer show was daytime television. So who's watching daytime television in 1993?
01:05:04 Boomer housewives.
01:05:06 And then the last thing a boomer housewife wanted was for their kid to be racist.
01:05:11 That would be like that'd be worse than finding out that your kid was gay, which back then was still pretty bad.
01:05:20 Rather, they'd rather they have a ***.
01:05:22 That are racist, though.
01:05:25 And so Jerry Springer.
Speaker 3
01:05:29 Is is fear mongering?
01:05:33 He's he's scaring Boomer housewives.
01:05:37 Into thinking ohh your kids could be secret racist like this kid that says you know.
01:05:46 When when the time comes?
Speaker 14
01:05:48 It's called Jews.
Speaker 10
01:05:50 They're going to kill all Jews.
Speaker 7
01:05:57 And so the question now is how do we deal with it?
01:06:00 Because we do have to deal with.
01:06:01 It one day these kids are going.
01:06:03 To grow up and that poison is going to be spread.
01:06:06 So how do we deal with it? Well, I thought we do something different here today. What? I didn't want to do is just fill the audience with adults and then have the grown-ups talking to the kids and saying, kids, you got to straighten yourself out.
01:06:16 You can't live like this.
01:06:16 This is America.
01:06:18 No, instead, what?
01:06:18 I thought we're gonna do is today.
01:06:20 Our audience is comprised almost exclusively of.
01:06:24 Kids their own age, kids talking to kids.
01:06:28 About the poison of America, which is racism, stay with us.
01:06:36 Poison of America, which is racism, isn't that interesting.
01:06:41 The Poison of America.
01:06:45 Alright, so blah blah.
01:06:48 Blah, Jerry Springer.
01:06:51 So the entire audience is kids.
01:06:54 And the people on stage are the racist, evil, racist kids that, that, that they're trying to scare your mom into thinking that could be that could be my boy.
01:07:05 That could be little.
01:07:06 Devon, I better.
01:07:07 Oh, goodness.
01:07:08 Better pay attention.
Speaker 7
01:07:10 Meet 14 year old Jennifer Christ and her sister, 11 year old Amy with them is the Thomas family, 14 year old Nathan, 12 year old Josh and nine year old Sarah.
01:07:23 They are racists, they say.
01:07:26 A race war is coming, and when God gives the word, they will start killing Jews.
01:07:33 Let me start off right away.
Speaker 3
01:07:36 Did you hear there was someone actually?
01:07:37 Clapping after that.
Speaker 7
01:07:42 Listen carefully.
01:07:43 Filling Jews.
01:07:46 Let me.
01:07:47 There's one clap.
Speaker 7
01:07:49 Let me.
Speaker 3
01:07:56 Now so I.
01:07:56 I tracked down some of this stuff.
01:07:59 This goes back to a a movement.
01:08:03 It was hard to find good information because a lot of it was from like **** like the SPLC.
01:08:07 And you know, I mean.
01:08:08 So it's like.
01:08:10 It's hard to know how much of it's true and how much of it's not and whatever.
01:08:14 But there was something called Christian identity.
01:08:18 And Christian identity.
01:08:21 Was like a movement in the 90s that was.
01:08:27 Like Christian, Neo Nazis, think of it that way.
01:08:30 Christian neo.
01:08:31 Nazis who?
01:08:33 Apparently, and because they're they'll bring on the preacher in a moment of this relatively small group.
01:08:40 Believed that when Jesus came back he would order all the whites to kill all the Jews so.
Speaker 7
01:08:48 Start off right away.
01:08:50 I am Jewish.
01:08:51 My daughter is Jewish.
01:08:53 Are you saying to me that if given the chance, you would kill my daughter?
Speaker 14
01:08:58 In a second.
01:09:01 And again before.
01:09:02 You go based.
01:09:06 Look, it's funny, right?
01:09:08 It's funny.
Speaker 3
01:09:11 But it doesn't move the.
01:09:13 Football at all.
01:09:16 That's a dose of antibiotics right there.
01:09:21 Especially back in 93 and 94.
01:09:25 Anyone watching this on television?
01:09:27 Let's say it's someone who was maybe like starting to think like, oh, you know, I think.
01:09:33 Think there's a lot of Jews that have these powerful positions and you know I'm.
01:09:38 I'm a little nervous about all this, this illegal immigration that was already ramping up back then and the legal immigration, which is, you know, we were just beginning to see the fruits of that right.
01:09:50 You know the the the first group that had been ushered in.
01:09:56 Had just had.
01:09:57 A bunch of children who are now going to school with the children of the boomers.
01:10:04 So all the schools were becoming more diverse.
01:10:07 They were beginning to have to translate.
01:10:13 School materials and just legal documents.
01:10:16 Everything in a different languages.
01:10:18 You're first starting to see.
01:10:22 Some of these these things, like it used to be unheard of, that you would call up a phone number even if it.
01:10:28 Was a recording.
01:10:29 And that you'd ever have press 2 for Spanish or anything like that.
Speaker 3
01:10:33 That didn't exist.
01:10:35 But it was starting to.
01:10:38 All this stuff was just starting to happen.
01:10:41 So in that climate, imagine you're someone who's starting to notice this stuff and you're like, huh?
01:10:48 I don't know.
01:10:48 Like, this is something up here?
01:10:50 I don't know if I like this.
01:10:52 And then you listen to this, this 14 year old girl say that that she's going to kill Jerry Springer's daughter because God told her to. And instantly, you're like.
Speaker 10
01:11:03 Repulsed by that.
01:11:08 Instantly, you're repulsed by that.
01:11:11 In the same way many people.
01:11:15 Will be repulsed by.
01:11:17 What the shooter did?
01:11:28 They think they're helping.
01:11:33 But they're not.
Speaker 7
01:11:35 How do you explain to me and I'm going to be polite to you because of your age, and I'm figure that once in life, when you grow a little older, maybe you'll learn.
01:11:44 But how do you go through life suggesting that you have the right to say to any human being that one you will kill them or two, that you sitting here?
01:11:56 Are better than any other person.
Speaker 14
01:11:58 The Holy Bible.
01:12:00 In the Bible, it tells us.
01:12:01 That when Yahweh returns, that's what I call my God.
01:12:06 He's going to mark every Jew.
01:12:08 And they shall be killed.
01:12:10 John 844 states that they are from the devil, the Devil's children.
Speaker 7
01:12:15 And you listen to this and you.
01:12:16 Buy that. Why?
Speaker 15
01:12:18 Because it says it right in the Bible, and if you read the Bible, then you can understand it.
Speaker 7
01:12:22 Does it dawn on you that?
01:12:24 That most people think you're wrong.
01:12:26 Do they not know how to read the Bible and you do?
01:12:28 How come you're right and everyone else in the world is wrong?
Speaker 14
01:12:31 Because they're not.
Speaker 7
01:12:32 Did God come to you and say?
01:12:33 You're smarter than.
Speaker 14
01:12:33 Anybody else?
01:12:35 But I go to Bible study every Sunday.
Speaker 7
01:12:36 Are you the only person who?
01:12:37 Does do hundreds do 100 million Christians go to Bible school and they go to Bible school and they don't get the?
Speaker 14
01:12:38 No, there's a lot of people that feel the.
01:12:40 Same way as me.
Speaker 7
01:12:45 Message you do.
Speaker 15
01:12:47 They listened to the judeo Christianity.
01:12:51 See again.
01:12:52 It's a good point.
01:12:55 It's a good point and it's it's crazy that it was being made.
01:13:00 In 9394, that, hey, what's up with this judeo-christian?
01:13:06 But surrounded by all this other stuff.
01:13:14 That's surrounded by this.
01:13:15 You know, Yahweh is going to come and tell.
01:13:17 Me to kill all the Jews.
01:13:28 Now again and like I.
01:13:29 Said even if that's what you believed.
01:13:35 You don't go on Jerry Springer.
01:13:36 And tell everybody that's what you believe.
01:13:41 In the same way, again, we'll we'll see.
01:13:43 We'll see someone.
01:13:44 Let's just say on the.
01:13:45 Other side of this.
01:13:49 Spill A belief that they have.
01:13:53 On Jerry Springer show, but rather than.
01:13:55 Jerry engaging with this.
01:13:58 Fellow white person.
01:14:00 He quickly removes the microphone and and walks away.
Speaker 15
01:14:07 And they listen to the Jews, which.
Speaker 7
01:14:09 Yeah, you're listening to this and and and you buy that, you're willing to go on national television here and tell everybody because they see who you are.
Speaker 15
01:14:09 Are the devils?
Speaker 7
01:14:17 They've given the chance.
01:14:18 You will go out and.
Speaker 9
01:14:18 Kill a Jew.
01:14:20 When my God comes back, I will.
Speaker 7
01:14:24 Tell me how you feel about.
01:14:26 How do you feel about Jews?
Speaker 16
01:14:30 I don't actually hate him.
01:14:31 I I hate the religion.
01:14:33 I I I like his that I like I like.
01:14:37 His response there?
Speaker 7
01:14:38 Tell me how you feel about how do you?
01:14:41 Feel about Jews.
01:14:47 I'll tell you what I can.
Speaker 3
01:14:48 Relate to that sigh.
01:14:56 That sums it up.
Speaker 16
01:14:58 I don't actually hate him.
01:14:59 I I hate the religion.
01:15:01 And I believe, and I believe that they are the the devil's daughters and sons, or yeah.
01:15:09 Seeing now again this is.
01:15:11 This is this is pushing.
01:15:14 Back too hard.
01:15:17 You know, you start out strong.
01:15:19 I don't hate them.
01:15:21 But they're the Devils sons.
01:15:23 And daughters?
01:15:23 Well, wouldn't you hate that?
01:15:24 The Devil's Sons and like, what are you?
01:15:26 Talking about and, you're gonna kill him.
Speaker 7
01:15:29 What do you think about blacks?
Speaker 15
01:15:31 There's nothing wrong with them, but you shouldn't race mix.
01:15:38 That's that's a perfectly.
01:15:40 Good answer and and and by the way that by itself.
01:15:45 In 1993.
Speaker 3
01:15:47 Would have sounded very extreme.
01:15:50 Of course it would.
01:15:51 After decades and decades, and I mean decades.
01:15:56 Of programming.
01:15:59 The kind of programming that led us to the commercials, now that we have.
01:16:03 Today, where it's it's.
01:16:04 Every, every couple, regardless of what the commercials for it has to, they have to be race mixing.
01:16:15 In 9394.
01:16:18 Just that alone would have been shocking.
01:16:22 You would have got your your shock thrill, the thrill of being a shock jock or whatever.
01:16:30 But there's nothing wrong.
01:16:31 With, but it's hard to argue against it.
01:16:34 Until you start saying that Yahweh is going to come back and tell you to kill all the Jews.
Speaker 7
01:16:40 But you wouldn't kill him.
Speaker 14
01:16:42 No, you just send them back to Africa.
Speaker 7
01:16:42 Go juice.
Speaker 14
01:16:47 That's where he came from.
Speaker 17
01:16:49 But you all brought.
01:16:50 Excuse me, but you all brought us here.
Speaker 5
01:16:53 No, no brought you here.
Speaker 17
01:16:53 You all Bronco here, you are Jews.
01:16:57 See again that this would have.
01:16:59 Been a perfect again, these look these.
01:17:00 Are kids, but when they bring up, they'll bring on the parents in.
01:17:03 A second it's.
01:17:05 It's I can go easy on the kids, but the parents are just, I mean, they're they're just regurgitating with with their parents, told them so it's it's.
01:17:13 It's it's not like they're getting it wrong.
01:17:17 You know that this is this is the the the narrative that the parents have taught them right.
01:17:22 But again, this would be.
01:17:23 Would have been a great opportunity.
01:17:25 To say actually.
01:17:28 You know the the the people bringing the slaves.
Speaker 6
01:17:29 Right.
01:17:33 Vastly disproportionate number of them were were Jews.
Speaker 9
01:17:40 Did Jews brought you here?
Speaker 16
01:17:41 Paper that they gave.
Speaker 14
01:17:42 White Christians had nothing to do with it.
Speaker 18
01:17:51 We have your 4 Wi-Fi.
01:17:53 We saw monkeys and some dogs and stuff.
01:17:55 Watch your four wife, fathers rape us for for my 4 ancestors or the rest of these four.
01:18:00 Ancestors in here.
Speaker 19
01:18:08 Nobody. Don't touch no monkey.
Speaker 14
01:18:09 You don't have to repeat that.
01:18:10 I can't understand what you're saying.
01:18:15 I was actually thinking the same thing.
01:18:17 Like what?
01:18:20 What is this?
01:18:20 What is this?
Speaker 18
01:18:21 Our wife, Father star.
01:18:22 We use our monkeys and some dogs and stuff.
01:18:25 Watch your 4.
01:18:25 White fathers rape us for for my 4 ancestors.
01:18:31 So you're you're trying.
01:18:34 You're trying to convince us that.
01:18:38 I you know, I I don't know.
Speaker 3
01:18:45 Yeah, I mean.
01:18:47 I I think I don't know.
01:18:48 I think the difference between her.
01:18:52 And her I think it's you're demonstrating.
01:18:55 It for us.
Speaker 18
01:18:56 These four ancestors in you.
Speaker 16
01:18:57 Know why did they wait for?
01:19:01 I mean, I think there's.
01:19:04 Yeah, you do make it a contrast here anyway.
Speaker 14
01:19:10 Understand what you're saying.
Speaker 7
01:19:12 Do what? Go ahead.
Speaker 20
01:19:14 Why did you?
Speaker 17
01:19:14 Take it out on everyone.
01:19:16 Everyone didn't do.
Speaker 21
01:19:16 That to you?
Speaker 14
01:19:19 Excuse me.
Speaker 1
01:19:20 I said.
Speaker 22
01:19:20 Why do you take?
Speaker 17
01:19:21 It out on everyone.
01:19:22 Everyone didn't hurt you.
01:19:25 Didn't do what?
Speaker 14
01:19:28 Listen, I have a black friend in school.
01:19:30 I have nothing against blacks.
01:19:32 She has nothing against me, she.
01:19:34 Understands where I'm coming from.
Speaker 7
01:19:35 And where is that?
01:19:38 And by the way.
01:19:41 If more white people were honest, blacks would have to respect it.
01:19:50 Why? Why? Why?
Speaker 3
01:19:51 Wouldn't they?
01:19:55 Don't whites.
01:19:57 Conservative whites don't they often respect.
01:20:00 It when it when you know.
Speaker 3
01:20:02 Do they ever make a big deal?
01:20:05 And of a black person saying.
01:20:07 I'm proud I'm black.
01:20:09 Now they cheer.
01:20:12 They cheer and and and if they're boomer, they put the, you know, the fist up and everything, right.
01:20:24 I'm OK with them being proud about who they are.
01:20:32 And I believe her that she has a friend.
01:20:34 That that is fine with where she's coming from.
Speaker 14
01:20:51 I'm coming from the Holy Bible.
01:20:52 It says it right in.
01:20:53 The Bible, yeah.
Speaker 23
01:20:54 Excuse me, I'm a Jew and I just like to say that.
01:20:59 OK, here's pay pay.
01:21:02 Pay attention.
01:21:02 It's hard for her to understand her cause.
01:21:04 She seems to have, like, a a speech impediment.
01:21:08 This is the Jewish girl letting the mask slip.
01:21:12 This is, you know, if if Jerry Springer wasn't also Jewish and using this entire circus as a way of ******** on white people, he would have fixated on this and like, whoa, hold on a second.
01:21:25 Well, well, well, let's explore this a little bit, but no.
01:21:29 That doesn't, doesn't listen.
01:21:30 Listen carefully.
Speaker 23
01:21:32 Excuse me, I'm a Jew and I just like to say that, you know, in our.
Speaker 17
01:21:36 Bible it says that you're you're like animals.
Speaker 14
01:21:38 What Bible are you?
01:21:42 Did you hear that?
Speaker 23
01:21:45 Excuse me, I'm a Jew and I just like to.
01:21:47 Say that you know in our Bible it says.
Speaker 14
01:21:50 That you're you're like animals.
Speaker 10
01:21:53 Uh oh.
01:21:56 What do you have to say about that?
01:21:58 Jerry Springer?
Speaker 15
01:21:59 What Bible are you reading?
Speaker 23
01:22:00 From the Bible that was made a long, long time ago and your Bible was just.
01:22:06 Maybe because you wanted to.
01:22:07 Why did you?
01:22:08 Make a Bible.
Speaker 14
01:22:08 The Jews crucified our God the the Jews are responsible for crucifying our God.
01:22:13 Notice how sit down, little girl.
01:22:18 We're not going to have you talk anymore.
Speaker 25
01:22:22 Well, I just want to know why don't you like do they're just like you.
01:22:25 They have two fingers, 10 toes.
01:22:27 They have the same hair.
01:22:28 Just why don't you like them?
01:22:31 They put.
Speaker 10
01:22:35 What? What, what?
Speaker 5
01:22:37 How am I going to like somebody that crucified my God?
01:22:40 Excuse me?
01:22:41 The Jews did not crucify your God because crucification wasn't a Jewish way of killing somebody.
01:22:45 It was.
01:22:45 A Roman way of killing someone.
01:22:48 Alright, first of all crucification this this is now.
01:22:54 This is the little girl that grew up to be in charge of the disinformation.
01:22:58 Well, actually.
Speaker 17
01:23:02 Telling someone.
01:23:09 Yeah, where do we say that?
01:23:14 Would you tell me?
01:23:16 Where do we say?
01:23:17 In the encyclopedia or anywhere else that blacks.
01:23:21 Are not supposed to be in this world or anything.
01:23:24 OK. Again, again, I'm sorry.
01:23:28 But the contrast I mean.
01:23:39 I mean, I I feel I almost feel like Jerry.
01:23:42 Had to have.
01:23:42 Just been like.
01:23:43 Oh, God, please, please, please, articulate something.
01:23:46 Just something.
01:23:48 Some thought that the strings string enough words together to where there's meaning.
Speaker 17
01:23:54 Where do we say in the encyclopedia anywhere else that blacks are not supposed to be in this world or anything?
01:24:03 Tell me, where is that at?
Speaker 9
01:24:08 Congrats to the beast.
Speaker 14
01:24:09 To the field that says that right in the Bible, the Blacks are the beasts of the field.
Speaker 7
01:24:11 The what? The what?
Speaker 5
01:24:15 Why don't you?
01:24:15 Pick up a Bible and.
Speaker 14
01:24:16 Start reading instead of just.
Speaker 17
01:24:17 I'm Christian.
01:24:18 I'm just like you, but I don't think it's right to hear to be against all these.
01:24:24 People, we're all equal.
01:24:26 You have a right to your.
Speaker 13
01:24:27 Belief and I have.
Speaker 14
01:24:28 A right to my belief I didn't come here.
01:24:32 To force this in your mind.
01:24:33 I was asked to come here to explain how I feel.
01:24:36 Why is it that you think the blacks are not equal to whites?
01:24:40 It says it right in the Bible.
01:24:42 I don't know.
01:24:43 Have you been listening to like?
01:24:44 The the never mind.
Speaker 16
01:24:47 God's chosen people and God's chosen people are are better than any other.
Speaker 7
01:24:51 Wait, wait, wait, wait.
01:24:53 Who wants to talk?
Speaker 15
01:24:53 Not here to get criticized her.
Speaker 24
01:24:54 To talk, why don't you go to a black church and find out yourself and your black church?
Speaker 19
01:25:06 Gives me the young lady over there.
01:25:07 You said you didn't hear.
01:25:08 I think I just make that little bit clear for you.
01:25:10 She said that if if we're so trash and all that, why'd you going rape?
01:25:16 Why did your people gonna rape black?
01:25:24 Is rape supposed to be something you do to things you like?
Speaker 6
01:25:28 I don't know.
Speaker 3
01:25:32 Yeah, I'm glad. I'm glad.
01:25:34 They found a translator for us.
Speaker 11
01:25:37 They walked down.
Speaker 14
01:25:37 The street cities like this and wait are white women.
Speaker 10
01:25:38 OK.
01:25:42 And also yeah again, another perfect opportunity.
01:25:46 Look, she's 14 for a 14 year old girl being attacked by a room full.
01:25:49 Of people kind of impressive that she's, you know, just psychologically this has got to be like, intense.
01:25:59 But yeah, another opportunity to be like like, look, let's look at.
01:26:03 Actual rape statistics.
01:26:05 You want to talk about rape?
01:26:06 Do you?
01:26:06 Do you really want to talk about rape?
01:26:10 Is that really where we want to go?
01:26:14 Is that I don't.
01:26:15 I don't think that's that's the.
01:26:16 Subject You want to talk.
01:26:17 About here.
Speaker 7
01:26:19 OK.
01:26:19 Why is it that all these very smart kids who go to church on Sundays who go to, let's say, some of them go to temple on Saturdays, they are black and they are white?
01:26:28 How come none of them are getting this message of hey?
01:26:34 That is coming from you.
01:26:36 How come?
01:26:36 And the reading the same Bible.
01:26:37 You know what I mean?
01:26:38 It's like, don't you suddenly worry that when you grow up in this world and go out, don't worry about this talk show?
01:26:45 You're going out into this world and in this world, in this country, they're going to be people always saying to you, how dare you.
01:26:54 How dare you live a life of such hate and so defile the American dream?
01:27:02 Answer me.
Speaker 14
01:27:03 I came on here.
01:27:04 I have black friends, I said.
01:27:05 I don't hate black people, OK, if they start with me, then I'm going to start with them.
01:27:10 But I could get along with black people just as good as you can.
Speaker 7
01:27:15 What about juice?
Speaker 14
01:27:17 I don't like the religion.
Speaker 15
01:27:18 OK.
Speaker 14
01:27:19 I personally I don't go anywhere near him.
Speaker 7
01:27:21 You're what you're talking is you're saying I'll go and I'll kill them.
01:27:26 Doesn't that?
Speaker 6
01:27:27 Yeah. When I got when?
Speaker 7
01:27:27 Strike you is there some?
01:27:28 Isn't there some?
Speaker 14
01:27:28 Our God returns. I will.
Speaker 7
01:27:29 Yeah, yeah.
01:27:31 What if you're wrong? Do.
01:27:32 You ever worry about?
01:27:33 That you know what?
01:27:34 You you don't worry that one day God may come.
01:27:36 Come back and say I never, ever.
01:27:40 Taught you to hate.
Speaker 14
01:27:42 No God is hate.
01:27:43 God is not love like everybody else is saying global is full of.
01:27:48 Hate and war?
Speaker 7
01:27:49 God is hate.
01:27:51 Who told you this?
Speaker 5
01:27:52 The Bible says that way in the Bible, people would open their eyes and read the Bible.
Speaker 7
01:27:56 OK, somebody.
01:27:58 Now here's a big difference too.
01:28:00 One of the reasons why.
01:28:03 Jerry Springer.
01:28:06 Is getting all the.
01:28:07 And ooh and ah from the crowd.
01:28:10 And all the all the parents at home and all the.
01:28:12 People who are.
01:28:13 Watching this, all the NPC's that that think that some actual debates taking place on the on the screen in front of them and and not like just a a literal programming.
01:28:27 You know the the the what?
01:28:28 They're what they're.
01:28:29 Picking up on here.
01:28:31 What's making it attractive to to side with Jerry Springer?
01:28:38 As opposed to the little girl on the stage.
01:28:43 Is Jerry Springer every time he talks now?
01:28:47 It's all platitudes.
01:28:48 Whatever you know.
01:28:50 And he's just bloviating and and you know, whatever it's it's basically meaningless.
01:28:54 But every time he talks.
01:28:57 Every time he presents an alternative.
01:29:01 And every time, he suggests.
01:29:03 That this little girl isn't.
01:29:06 What? She's in opposition to.
01:29:09 Is a hyper positive utopian.
01:29:14 But still positive.
01:29:20 Notice how the little girl on the stage.
01:29:23 And again, she's a little girl.
01:29:24 I'm not blaming.
01:29:25 Her, whatever.
01:29:26 But even when the parents come out, it's it's a similar situation.
01:29:31 They are not presenting.
01:29:34 A positive message.
01:29:37 They are not presenting, even if it's like Jerry Springer's positive message, you know, mostly made-up and you know, utopian and and unrealistic and a lie.
01:29:53 As people in advertising learned long ago.
01:29:58 You know you you catch more flies with honey.
01:30:02 Or I guess bees.
01:30:04 I gotta be story for later, but I.
Speaker 4
01:30:05 Won't bug you with it right now.
01:30:11 The Bee saga continues, but anyway so.
01:30:16 But then he's presenting a positive narrative, whereas she's only presenting.
01:30:23 A negative.
01:30:27 And as I said in the very beginning of the stream, one of the reasons why we're kind of stuck in a.
01:30:32 Rock and a hard.
01:30:33 Place is it's it's difficult to snap people out of their their uh.
01:30:41 They're stupor.
01:30:44 A lot of the white people.
01:30:45 Who are just kind of.
01:30:47 In there you.
01:30:48 Know what people what sometimes joke is.
01:30:51 That the the the.
Speaker 3
01:30:52 Fluoride stare.
01:30:54 You know the.
01:30:55 The head in the sand. Everything's fine. Everything's fine.
01:31:03 It's hard to snap someone like that out of their slumber, and because what motivates many of us is the knowledge of of how bad things are at at the present and how where they're trending.
01:31:19 And how we want to avoid.
01:31:24 Really an existential.
01:31:30 Like, that's what motivates.
01:31:31 That's what drives a lot of people.
01:31:33 Is it at this point, it almost seems like it's a search and rescue operation, right?
01:31:39 Like we're not, we're not looking to win the battle.
01:31:42 We're the ones that are going to the battlefield trying to find the people who aren't so wounded that you can't take them back and and nurse them back to health.
01:31:50 Kind of a thing.
01:31:50 It's triage.
Speaker 10
01:31:58 But I wonder if.
01:32:01 I wonder if.
01:32:07 The way to reach a lot of.
01:32:08 Those people because.
01:32:09 Look, we we've talked about a lot.
01:32:11 Ohh, there's just a lot.
01:32:12 Of these, people are going to wake up.
01:32:15 Right.
01:32:15 Like you always hear, you know, truth their communities.
01:32:18 You know what?
01:32:19 Whether they're crazy people or or if they're on to something doesn't matter.
01:32:23 You always hear the same thing.
01:32:24 Oh, the sheep will are never going.
01:32:26 To wake up. Oh, the.
01:32:27 Sheep OK.
01:32:30 So what's the solution then?
01:32:34 Is it to keep complaining that, oh, they're never going to wake up, they're never going to get it?
01:32:38 Or do you, as I've talked about many times before, it is unscrupulous as it might seem.
01:32:45 Do you trick him?
01:32:50 If all they want to hear is good news.
01:32:54 Maybe you feed them, feed them some good news, even if it's ********.
01:33:00 You know, queuing on being a good example of it working.
01:33:10 If there are people that you can't reason with, if they're people that lack the aptitude and the ability to understand, you know the problem, or that maybe they're just so programmed that they're beyond.
01:33:23 They're beyond repair.
01:33:29 What's wrong?
01:33:32 With giving them something positive.
01:33:35 Even if it's just as utopian and and ridiculous as what Jerry Springer's telling his side.
01:33:46 Just something to keep in mind.
Speaker 19
01:33:51 God loves everybody in this room.
01:33:53 He made us.
Speaker 7
01:33:58 OK. When we come back?
01:34:00 We're going to talk to kids in the audience who have been victims of racism, please.
01:34:04 Don't go away.
Speaker 10
01:34:06 I can't wait.
01:34:12 All right.
01:34:13 You ready?
01:34:13 You ready for the?
01:34:14 The Jew who's been anti-Semitism?
Speaker 7
01:34:18 Your story.
Speaker 8
01:34:20 Ohh, a couple of things happened once on the way home from school, the people called me Kiki and Dirty Jew and they've chased me home from school and I've got things thrown at me before.
01:34:36 Yeah, I'm sure.
01:34:37 Like most that never happened, but.
01:34:40 I want to take this moment here.
01:34:44 For those of you.
01:34:49 Don't know something about a a band.
01:34:53 I was.
01:34:53 I was surprised to find.
01:34:59 Near and dear to me.
Speaker 3
01:35:02 Didn't realize.
01:35:06 That this kid right here the reason he looks exactly like.
Speaker 10
01:35:13 One of the Beastie Boys.
01:35:17 Is the Beastie Boys?
01:35:18 Are Jewish anyway.
01:35:27 Oh yes, all three of them.
01:35:28 All right, so anyway.
01:35:30 Did you ever wonder why no one ever accused them of cultural appropriation?
01:35:38 Let's see what the Beastie Boy has to say.
Speaker 8
01:35:42 Just because I was Jewish and one time after a basketball game.
01:35:48 And when when?
01:35:49 We were shaking hands.
01:35:50 They just came up to us and called us Dirty Jews and started shoving us.
01:35:54 Yeah, I I I remember the 90s back when you'd you'd play.
01:35:58 So I was in, I played soccer.
01:36:00 You know, when I was a kid.
01:36:02 And I remember, you know, at the end you'd you'd, you'd.
01:36:04 Have to say.
01:36:05 Good game and and high five them but.
01:36:07 If they were Jews.
01:36:09 You you would just throw them on the ground and be like, eat ****, dirty Jew.
Speaker 7
01:36:16 Two, let me ask you, do you think that's?
Speaker 8
01:36:19 Right.
01:36:24 She read my mind like the the inappropriate clapping at the.
Speaker 4
01:36:28 End of this.
Speaker 8
01:36:31 And when when we were shaking hands, they just came up to us and called us Dirty Jews and started shoving us.
01:36:41 She's like that's right clap.
Speaker 7
01:36:43 Let me ask you, do you think that's that's OK?
Speaker 15
01:36:48 Well, I wouldn't say that in front of somebody and I wouldn't make fun of them just because of what they are.
01:36:55 But I mean, they shouldn't make fun of them.
01:36:57 In front of them.
Speaker 7
01:36:58 But behind their backs, it's.
01:37:00 OK.
Speaker 15
01:37:00 No, but.
Speaker 7
01:37:01 If when you walked out of here, if when you walked out of here all of a sudden the audience would say when you left God, you see how short she was, wouldn't that hurt or it wouldn't hurt if somebody made fun of your religion.
01:37:14 If somebody said, boy, I wish I could beat her up because of the way she believes in God with that hurt.
01:37:20 You don't mind that?
Speaker 15
01:37:21 Well, that's what they think.
Speaker 7
01:37:22 What do you cry about?
01:37:23 Do you ever cry?
01:37:25 Now see. See this and.
01:37:27 Now you see the big disconnect between the Jew.
01:37:31 And the white.
01:37:34 Already he's wanting to control.
01:37:38 Her thoughts?
01:37:40 Well, wouldn't you be mad if people wanted to?
01:37:42 You know?
01:37:42 They said mean things about you and they said they wanted to beat you up.
01:37:46 Because of what you believe, no.
Speaker 6
01:37:49 But but but but.
01:37:55 And he doesn't understand that.
01:37:59 He doesn't understand that by and large, white people are just like, yeah, whatever, dude.
01:38:04 Now, to their own detriment.
01:38:05 At this point, right?
01:38:12 Being Intellij just boggles his *******.
01:38:14 Mind. He's like, yeah.
01:38:17 But you're supposed to care what people think.
Speaker 12
01:38:19 You never cry.
Speaker 7
01:38:23 No, I'm not here.
01:38:24 I'm not here to embarrass you.
01:38:25 I've never met a human being that doesn't sometimes cry.
01:38:27 Do you cry about anything other than physical pain?
Speaker 15
01:38:31 I cry, but I don't know why.
Speaker 26
01:38:34 Not about little.
Speaker 15
01:38:36 Bit not about big things like like graces.
01:38:39 She cries about little things like her friends can't slip over on anything.
Speaker 7
01:38:42 Yeah, have you ever.
Speaker 21
01:38:44 And hurt.
Speaker 7
01:38:45 Have you ever had people make fun?
01:38:46 Of you.
01:38:47 And it never hurts.
Speaker 14
01:38:49 It hurts.
01:38:49 Of course it hurts.
Speaker 7
01:38:53 And do you like?
01:38:54 And that's OK, that's an OK way to live, to have people make fun of other people.
Speaker 14
01:38:58 Everybody gets, everybody gets threatened and everything with like peers of my own age through their life.
01:39:03 I mean, it's a common everyday thing.
Speaker 7
01:39:07 And that's OK.
Speaker 14
01:39:08 I wouldn't go. I wouldn't.
Speaker 7
01:39:09 Gosh, I'm sorry.
Speaker 14
01:39:10 Go up to him and start pushing him because.
Speaker 7
01:39:12 But you kill him.
01:39:14 I asked you.
Speaker 14
01:39:15 When the time when the.
01:39:15 Time comes, they will.
01:39:17 And God said, you're not right now.
Speaker 7
01:39:19 Talk to me.
01:39:20 Tell me about that.
01:39:21 Explain to me when the time because I'm first of all, I want to be ready.
01:39:24 Because I want to.
01:39:24 Know where you're.
01:39:25 Going to be.
01:39:26 OK.
Speaker 20
01:39:26 We're we're everywhere.
Speaker 7
01:39:27 So yeah.
01:39:28 No, no.
01:39:29 With all due respect.
01:39:30 Thank God you're not everywhere.
Speaker 14
01:39:32 We will be more and more people.
Speaker 7
01:39:33 Thank God you're not everywhere.
01:39:34 But OK, tell me.
Speaker 14
01:39:35 Every day are waking up.
Speaker 7
01:39:36 Explain to me what it when the day.
01:39:38 Comes with how you gonna be killing people?
Speaker 16
01:39:42 With whatever reason he is.
Speaker 14
01:39:42 Anything we're going to fight for our God, for our white race.
Speaker 7
01:39:52 Talk, I'll tell you.
01:39:53 Why don't you come up here for?
01:39:54 A second, yeah.
01:39:56 Because I want you to see the human being you're talking to.
01:39:58 OK, now you telling me you're Jewish, right?
01:40:01 OK.
01:40:01 And you're wearing your Yarmouth, so.
01:40:03 And when you wear your yamaka, it's very visible to people who otherwise wouldn't guess.
01:40:07 And in fact, you are Jewish.
01:40:08 Is that right?
01:40:10 OK.
01:40:10 Now instead of just talking, I want you to explain to him how one day you're going to kill.
Speaker 14
01:40:16 It's simple when the when the time comes and are Yahweh returns, he will go down just like the.
01:40:20 Rest of them.
Speaker 7
01:40:24 That's a concept you would have no problem.
01:40:27 Let's say last night you got the word.
01:40:29 You would have no trouble coming up to this young man.
01:40:32 And killing him, what with a gun, with a knife?
01:40:34 With what?
Speaker 8
01:40:36 What makes you think that there's enough of you to kill?
01:40:39 All the Jews and everybody that you want.
01:40:42 To kill out, we're all over.
Speaker 14
01:40:43 The world anything is.
Speaker 24
01:40:44 So are we.
Speaker 15
01:40:45 Just us, but it's a lot more.
01:40:47 OK, look at that.
01:40:49 Knowing grin.
01:40:51 So are we.
Speaker 9
01:40:56 Well, we're all over the world.
Speaker 15
01:40:58 You may think it's just.
Speaker 5
01:40:58 So are we.
Speaker 22
01:40:58 Us, but it's a lot more.
Speaker 20
01:41:01 OK.
01:41:02 And we have our own.
Speaker 14
01:41:03 Skinhead friends that will have no problems.
Speaker 7
01:41:06 You know I.
01:41:07 I'm I'm losing my function here as a as a talk show host, and I recognize that.
01:41:11 But that's OK because this issue is bigger than being a talk.
01:41:13 Show host.
01:41:13 You can have a seat.
01:41:14 Thanks a lot.
01:41:21 What scares me with all this is that you you weren't born evil.
01:41:26 You weren't born bad.
01:41:27 And what's scary about all of this is that behind every one of these five which once were beautiful young babies, somebody has put this in their minds.
Speaker 24
01:41:39 Nobody did. Excuse me.
Speaker 9
01:41:46 Put it out for ourselves.
01:41:48 No one put it in our mind.
Speaker 5
01:41:49 Does not force me to believe in what I.
Speaker 9
01:41:49 No one dog bladed us.
Speaker 14
01:41:51 Believe in, he said.
01:41:52 What we heard about it, we found it out.
Speaker 7
01:41:52 Wait, let him talk.
01:41:53 Go ahead.
Speaker 9
01:41:54 For ourselves.
01:41:55 How'd you find it out?
Speaker 10
01:41:59 What? Who? Who gave who?
Speaker 7
01:42:00 Who told you that was the interpretation.
01:42:02 Of the Bible.
Speaker 16
01:42:04 Somebody told us that we had a choice.
01:42:05 We wanted to believe.
Speaker 9
01:42:06 It or not, and we believed it.
01:42:08 My dad didn't just hammer.
01:42:09 It into our heads disagree with what you.
Speaker 7
01:42:11 Say no.
01:42:13 Your dad agrees with what you say.
Speaker 14
01:42:15 My mom doesn't.
Speaker 7
01:42:17 Your dad does.
01:42:18 What does your mom.
01:42:19 Say to this.
Speaker 14
01:42:20 She hates it.
01:42:21 But she can't tell me what to do.
01:42:23 With my life.
Speaker 15
01:42:24 Nobody can. It's our lives.
Speaker 7
01:42:26 Would you kill your mom?
01:42:28 Why not?
Speaker 16
01:42:30 She's not a Jew.
Speaker 7
01:42:33 Is that the only evil?
01:42:34 And another that out of context.
01:42:37 Funny, funny clip.
Speaker 7
01:42:38 Say do this.
Speaker 14
01:42:40 She hates it, but she can't tell me what to do.
01:42:42 With my.
01:42:43 Nobody can.
01:42:44 It's our lives.
Speaker 7
01:42:45 Would you kill your?
01:42:46 Mom, no.
Speaker 16
01:42:47 Why not?
01:42:49 She's not a Jew.
Speaker 7
01:42:52 Is that the only evil in the world?
01:42:56 Let's find another victim of racism.
01:42:57 Just that.
01:42:58 Would you kill?
01:42:58 Your mom?
01:43:00 Why not?
01:43:00 She's not a.
01:43:01 Jew that needs to be that.
01:43:03 Needs to be a clip for something or a sample on a techno.
01:43:06 Song or something?
Speaker 7
01:43:08 Let's find other victims of racism.
Speaker 16
01:43:09 Sort of it.
Speaker 7
01:43:10 You've been.
01:43:11 Go ahead.
01:43:11 You've been a victim.
01:43:11 Of racism, yes.
01:43:13 Tell me.
Speaker 21
01:43:13 How it happened?
Speaker 6
01:43:14 OK.
Speaker 21
01:43:14 OK, I went over to one of my friends house.
01:43:16 Here here comes another very obviously real story.
Speaker 21
01:43:20 Because he is white and UM.
01:43:24 Went over to his I went over to the park and I went over there and there was all these white people up there saying you this you.
01:43:31 And I was sort of getting really upset.
01:43:33 But deep down inside, I felt really sad about that.
01:43:36 And as one white boy came up to me and hit me and I hit him back and we started a fight.
01:43:44 Yeah, I'm sure that's exactly how it went down, isn't it?
01:43:49 You sound very believable.
Speaker 21
01:43:51 In the rest and the neighbors had to come.
01:43:52 Over and pick us up and he.
Speaker 7
01:43:54 Just teach you cause you're.
01:43:57 Do you cook?
01:43:59 The least believable answer.
01:44:06 Yeah, Sherry just was just.
Speaker 6
01:44:07 Like you're black and Wham.
Speaker 7
01:44:11 Do you go home and talk to your parents and say what kind of a human being is that?
01:44:14 What kind of talk did you have with mom and Dad?
Speaker 21
01:44:17 Well, I asked my mom and dad.
01:44:18 Why do why do white people hate blacks?
01:44:21 And you know, why do white people hate Jews?
Speaker 16
01:44:23 We don't have, we don't.
Speaker 14
01:44:24 We don't hate blacks, we.
Speaker 7
01:44:25 Yeah, let me let me.
Speaker 16
01:44:25 Hate blacks we hate.
Speaker 9
01:44:27 We just believe that the races should be separated.
Speaker 21
01:44:30 Remember, in Matthew was saying.
Speaker 24
01:44:31 Love thy neighbors as thy.
Speaker 14
01:44:33 Since being proud of my white race and trying.
Speaker 9
01:44:33 What's wrong with it?
Speaker 14
01:44:36 Could be you could.
01:44:37 Be proud of your black race.
Speaker 5
01:44:37 What is wrong with that?
Speaker 17
01:44:40 Could you tell me where you buy your Bibles at?
Speaker 14
01:44:43 The Bible.
01:44:45 Please anybody in here have King James?
Speaker 16
01:44:48 That's the best way to read out of you read.
Speaker 11
01:44:48 Yeah, it's probably the.
Speaker 9
01:44:49 Bible says King James in the front, you know.
Speaker 22
01:44:51 It I don't where y'all but y'all Bible.
Speaker 16
01:44:52 Do you understand?
Speaker 9
01:44:53 It why? Why?
Speaker 7
01:44:55 Does it?
01:44:56 Let me ask you this question.
Speaker 14
01:44:56 Same place you do.
Speaker 7
01:44:57 Let me ask you this question.
01:44:59 Alright, alright, OK.
Speaker 17
01:44:59 I do.
Speaker 7
01:45:00 OK, let me ask you this question.
01:45:02 All the people in the world that read the Kings James Bible, how come?
01:45:07 There's just this group and.
Speaker 16
01:45:08 Only the right, only the right race understands it.
Speaker 7
01:45:10 OK.
01:45:11 Well, no, no, wait.
01:45:11 No hold.
01:45:12 Hold on.
01:45:12 Hold on.
Speaker 14
01:45:13 Only the white race will have his eyes.
Speaker 12
01:45:13 So hold on.
Speaker 25
01:45:14 Open, Sir.
Speaker 12
01:45:14 How come?
01:45:15 How come?
Speaker 14
01:45:16 Understanding the truth.
Speaker 7
01:45:16 99%.
Speaker 9
01:45:17 God put his.
01:45:18 In our heart.
Speaker 7
01:45:18 How come 99% of white Christians don't believe as you do and they're?
01:45:21 Reading the same Bible.
Speaker 5
01:45:22 Prepared by the Jews the way.
Speaker 7
01:45:23 They teach it so 99% of white Christians are perverted and your.
Speaker 5
01:45:27 Yeah, exactly.
Speaker 7
01:45:28 God came to your particular family and said you're going to be wise and everyone else in the world is dumb.
Speaker 5
01:45:32 No, we we had a choice.
Speaker 7
01:45:33 You honestly believe that?
Speaker 5
01:45:34 We didn't listen to the.
Speaker 7
01:45:34 Jews. OK, so 99% of white Christians are, as you said, perverted.
01:45:39 But you are OK.
01:45:41 You what?
Speaker 5
01:45:42 We know the trucks.
Speaker 7
01:45:42 Who did God come to you and say, son, you're it.
Speaker 5
01:45:43 Moms do it.
Speaker 7
01:45:47 Well, then how come everyone else is wrong and you're?
Speaker 16
01:45:49 Right.
Speaker 14
01:45:50 Nobody understands.
Speaker 16
01:45:50 Nobody else.
01:45:50 Not everybody else is wrong.
Speaker 7
01:45:52 Just said that 99% of OK, 98% whatever that one number is, but the overwhelming of the overwhelming majority of white Christians.
Speaker 14
01:45:57 There's a lot of Christian identity people out there.
Speaker 7
01:46:02 Don't believe that?
01:46:04 Then they read the same Bible that you do.
Speaker 24
01:46:05 They're being indoctrinated by the two.
Speaker 7
01:46:06 The King James Bible.
01:46:07 The what?
Speaker 5
01:46:08 The Jews teach totally wrong.
Speaker 7
01:46:09 And somehow they fooled everybody else, but they didn't get to fool you.
01:46:13 You are that exceptional.
Speaker 14
01:46:14 I understand the truth.
Speaker 7
01:46:15 You are that smart.
01:46:16 Just you, you five people.
Speaker 9
01:46:17 I read my.
Speaker 5
01:46:18 Bonus letters, just like people studying truth.
Speaker 7
01:46:19 And they don't.
01:46:21 And they don't.
01:46:21 Does the Pope read the Bible?
Speaker 14
01:46:22 So get your wish, yes.
Speaker 7
01:46:23 Does the Pope read the Bible?
01:46:25 Is the Pope.
01:46:27 The Pope has been perverted.
Speaker 16
01:46:29 Yes, by the Jews.
01:46:32 So again, their kids, you know, whatever, but their parents don't quite articulate this argument either.
01:46:41 Again, this this is all this is all.
01:46:46 It's too much. It's too much in 1993.
01:46:50 It's too much, 1993.
01:46:54 Now you can talk about the judeo-christian stuff, right?
01:46:59 That would have been shocking in 199394.
01:47:03 But it would have been.
01:47:06 Easy to digest.
01:47:08 You start saying that the Pope is Jewish and that you know, again, like I said, this is, this is.
01:47:15 This is the antibiotic.
01:47:18 This is the antibiotic like look, this is obviously it's very music.
01:47:21 This whole episode is very amusing.
01:47:23 It's very funny.
01:47:24 There's lots of great one liners and stuff like that, especially when you understand, you know, like the context this was in, you know, Seinfeld was like the number one show, you know, like being Jewish was, like, the coolest ******* thing ever.
01:47:38 And you know, we've had a Jew run for president.
01:47:43 You know, Lieberman was running.
01:47:45 I forgot what year, what that was.
01:47:46 But that's that's around the same.
01:47:48 Same window and that that was like a big deal.
01:47:51 That was a big.
01:47:51 Deal to have a Jew run for president.
01:47:58 But you can't start talking about this stuff like like you always going to tell you to come kill.
01:48:03 All the Jews.
01:48:05 It's it's weird that that that was a.
01:48:08 Popular enough ideology to where it had.
01:48:12 At least some Members, like some organizations, some members.
01:48:15 But again, it this is this.
01:48:17 Is the drunk friend at the.
01:48:19 Bar who's on your side?
01:48:22 Trying to help.
01:48:23 By arguing in a way that hurts you.
Speaker 9
01:48:27 Here's a Jill the pug.
Speaker 17
01:48:28 Is Jewish.
01:48:29 See, that's how these people.
Speaker 9
01:48:30 The Pope is Jewish.
Speaker 24
01:48:31 Half Jewish his.
01:48:32 Mom is Jewish.
Speaker 12
01:48:35 We're gonna meet the people responsible for.
Speaker 7
01:48:37 The racial indoctrination of these children, their parents, please don't go away.
01:48:43 All right.
01:48:43 So we're gonna meet their parents.
01:48:45 The first guy.
Speaker 6
01:48:49 OK.
01:48:52 I don't think we need to.
01:48:52 Listen to this big intro.
01:48:55 His name?
01:48:56 I think it's August.
01:48:57 Christ, there we go.
01:49:00 He looks.
01:49:01 And Barry, this isn't me talking.
01:49:06 At all, like at all.
01:49:09 But tell me he doesn't look kind of like Mike Enoch.
01:49:16 Like he's been heavier, right?
Speaker 12
01:49:23 Or whatever you want to call it when you were a child.
Speaker 7
01:49:23 If my father had, if my father had taught.
01:49:26 And even kind.
01:49:27 Of sounds like I'm a little a little bit.
Speaker 12
01:49:29 A little bit when you were a child.
Speaker 7
01:49:29 If my father had, if my father had taught me hate, I would never have forgiven him for that.
01:49:35 Thank God my father did not teach me how to hate other people.
Speaker 12
01:49:38 All you are all you people are paid anyway.
Speaker 13
01:49:46 Are you a practicing Jew?
01:49:47 Are you a practicing Jew?
01:49:49 You're telling the teachers that anybody that is not a Jew is a beast and to be exploited and used by Jews?
01:49:54 The property of the non Jew is to be taken by you that we will tinge your fields as slaves.
01:50:00 New people brought blacks to this country.
Speaker 7
01:50:02 OK, this is not going to become a debate between you and me and the show because I I want this primarily.
01:50:09 Says Jerry Springer is not prepared to have.
01:50:13 A debate about any religious text that he may or may not believe in.
Speaker 7
01:50:17 Primarily be the kids, but let me just say I will just, I will just say that never for one second in my life ever.
Speaker 13
01:50:18 You were raised on.
Speaker 7
01:50:25 Did anybody ever teach me that any other human being is less because of their race because of their religion, because of how they believe in God?
01:50:34 And I would never, ever pass that on to my child.
01:50:37 So the answer is no.
Speaker 6
01:50:39 Now all we're saying, what we're saying is the.
Speaker 12
01:50:47 Fact that could be proven by anybody that has any doubt about us to read the Babylonian Talmud and see how evil, vile, disgusting that is, you know, probably look at you as the enemy.
Speaker 6
01:50:53 You know.
Speaker 7
01:50:56 The problem is the problem is.
Speaker 12
01:50:58 Yeah, you're.
Speaker 7
01:50:59 Don, the problem is you are not.
01:51:02 Seeing The funny thing is he was doing.
Speaker 3
01:51:07 He was doing the the exact same, uh, uh.
01:51:14 I was going to say.
01:51:15 Stick, but I think he would take.
01:51:18 Offense to that, his strategy at the time was he wanted to have white Sharia essentially.
01:51:27 He wanted to.
01:51:28 Form an alliance with Palestine.
01:51:31 He and I think this least corner Wikipedia so.
01:51:36 I don't know.
01:51:36 Extent. But in like 95 or around the same time period. So the reason why he's wearing that scarf is he was literally trying to form an alliance with Al Qaeda.
01:51:49 Like he was actually trying to form an alliance with Al Qaeda.
01:51:53 And and and Muslim Brotherhood and and all that good stuff to team up against the Jews.
01:52:00 And look, you've seen some white nationalists kind of float some of the same same ideas.
Speaker 12
01:52:09 You know it.
Speaker 7
01:52:09 Hi you and I are going to pass on and move on to other things.
01:52:13 I'll stop doing this talk show one day.
Speaker 12
01:52:13 Ohh, I hope my God comes before that happens.
Speaker 7
01:52:16 OK.
01:52:16 Well, you'll, you'll, you'll get your piece of flesh if you get your.
01:52:19 Way, but let me tell you something.
Speaker 12
01:52:20 I guess many.
01:52:21 Of flesh.
Speaker 7
01:52:22 The problem is the problem is I can tolerate your hatred and I'll survive it.
01:52:27 But you know what you're sending.
01:52:30 A child into this world and this child.
01:52:34 Is going to have to face in it.
Speaker 12
01:52:36 That's only if my God does not return soon enough.
Speaker 6
01:52:39 Yeah, you.
Speaker 12
01:52:39 Well, if he returns soon enough, my child's not gonna have to face.
Speaker 7
01:52:43 What you think?
01:52:44 Yeah, I would not gambling.
01:52:45 Well, you better hope your your God returns pretty quick.
01:52:51 So another thing about this guy I did, I did a little background research on.
01:52:56 He's he's currently in jail for molesting children.
01:53:00 Now, I don't think his children, but not that that makes it any better.
01:53:06 And who knows if the charges are even real just because he he's been under investigation by the FBI for decades.
01:53:14 Or he's an.
01:53:15 FBI informant, or both?
01:53:17 Or who knows?
01:53:17 Right.
01:53:19 But he was involved with this Christian identity movement back in the the 90s.
01:53:24 He was also involved with the well, not was Aryan Nation.
01:53:31 Ohh ****, I forget that I leave that tab open, I don't think.
Speaker 4
01:53:35 I did let me look here.
01:53:39 What was it?
01:53:44 Yeah, but he's in jail now as of like.
01:53:48 2014 I think.
01:53:51 So yeah, so this guy that's here now, the now the the reason why there's possible question Mark, see again this is the thing when you have people like this.
Speaker 10
01:54:02 Who you don't want?
01:54:03 Arguing on your side, you start to be like a little bit like maybe they're fed.
01:54:07 I don't know, but with this guy it like it's it's possible.
01:54:11 I mean, I'm not saying he is or he isn't, but for example, you look at his background, he served in the US Navy for nine months, but then he was discharged, discharged early.
01:54:22 Vote based on a determination that he was not sued for military service.
01:54:26 End Quote.
01:54:27 OK, well, that's possible.
01:54:29 Or that's exactly what they do when they sheep dip people.
01:54:33 They bring you into the military for a while or like, you know, you join or whatever and they they select you for something that they think you're uniquely qualified for, and then they quote, UN quote, discharge you. And then your affiliation is very unofficial from that point on.
01:54:49 And then you maybe bleed, you know, white supremacy groups who go on Jerry Springer saying that you believe that you always going to tell you to kill.
01:55:00 All the Jews.
01:55:01 I mean, I don't.
01:55:02 Know it it.
01:55:03 I'm just saying it's.
01:55:04 That's one possibility.
01:55:06 He was also.
01:55:08 He spent 13 years as a member of the KKK.
01:55:11 And eventually became a Klan leader and looked the Kant of the Klan was infiltrated by feds pretty.
01:55:19 Pretty intensely so you know, you never who knows.
01:55:23 He then joined Posse Comitatus in the late 1980s.
01:55:31 And after the death of the Aryan nations leader Richard Girnt Butler, a power struggle, Christ assumed leader, or there was a power struggle, and Christ assumed leadership.
01:55:43 Positions within the Aryan nations, which then split up, and this pretty much doesn't exist anymore.
01:55:49 That's not the same thing as the the prison gang.
01:55:51 I thought it was at first.
01:55:52 It's not the.
01:55:54 Aryan brotherhood.
01:55:57 It's a it was a.
01:55:59 It was a a NEO Nazi grew up back in the 80s and 90s, so anyway, I mean this guy was like legit around.
01:56:10 A lot of these organizations for that time, but.
01:56:17 Again, I don't know.
01:56:19 He's also always wearing those yellow hunting glasses, always like I I found a photo of him.
01:56:27 From like 2010.
01:56:30 And he's still wearing those yellow glasses.
01:56:33 So I don't know what's up with that.
Speaker 7
01:56:37 My child, that's the difference between.
Speaker 14
01:56:38 He gives me a.
Speaker 12
01:56:38 Chance these these children here are deceived.
01:56:41 I have no animosity towards these children.
01:56:44 It's the parents here that teach these children that multiculturalism is right and it's evil.
Speaker 11
01:56:49 All the parents.
Speaker 12
01:56:50 It's evil.
01:56:52 See it again.
01:56:54 That's the guy you don't want arguing on your side.
01:56:58 I mean, I'm I.
01:56:59 I was shocked, honestly.
01:57:01 When I was watching this the first time.
01:57:03 I was shocked to hear him.
01:57:05 Even use the term multiculturalism, I never heard the term multiculturalism until quite recently.
01:57:14 Maybe that's maybe that's me, right?
01:57:16 Maybe I just cause I was one of these people not paying attention.
01:57:18 I don't know.
01:57:24 But nobody was calling.
01:57:26 Out multiculturalism, certainly not in the 90s.
01:57:32 And if you did.
01:57:34 They'd say, look, you must be like this guy.
01:57:37 The child molesting weirdo with the yellow glasses and the the Palestinian scarf.
01:57:52 You know, I mean, like, I don't know if he's.
01:57:53 A fat or not, but like ****.
01:57:55 If your behavior.
01:57:59 Is so.
01:58:02 Destructive to the people that you claim to to want to help.
01:58:09 That they they almost think that maybe you're working.
01:58:12 For the other side.
01:58:14 Does it really matter if you're fat or not?
Speaker 7
01:58:22 Well, you'll you'll.
01:58:23 Get your piece of flesh if you get your.
01:58:24 Way, but let me tell you something.
Speaker 6
01:58:26 I got many.
Speaker 7
01:58:28 I want to take this opportunity and I feel a necessity of to do this because the show happens to have my name on it that I want.
01:58:36 There is no disrespect meant for anybody's religion. God bless you all, OK?
Speaker 12
01:58:44 After the war, then before the war, if 6 million were killed.
01:58:49 And against the Holocaust denial, which again in the 90s would have been completely unheard of.
01:58:54 Schindler's List basically came out.
01:59:00 Well, I think 1994, right? So maybe like right as they were shooting this.
Speaker 7
01:59:06 What do you think happened to them?
01:59:07 Sir, 6 million human beings got kills, got gas.
Speaker 12
01:59:09 6,000,000.
01:59:10 You know the numbers don't jive.
01:59:12 How come the number of the Jews before and after the?
01:59:14 War don't jive.
01:59:15 How come there were more Jews after the war than before the war?
01:59:19 If 6 million were killed?
Speaker 7
01:59:20 Thankfully, some of us love.
01:59:22 We don't just die well.
01:59:27 Saying that that makes no sense, but OK.
01:59:31 So then there's this girl, Jewish girl, who tries to do the.
01:59:36 The sympathy.
Speaker 3
01:59:39 I'm just a Jewish girl.
01:59:40 You want to kill me?
Speaker 7
01:59:44 Let's say she bought a.
01:59:46 House her parents and mom and dad decided.
Speaker 16
01:59:47 I wouldn't go on tour and say the move.
Speaker 7
01:59:49 You would not not.
01:59:51 Well, OK.
01:59:53 Actually this gets the.
01:59:54 I missed the funny part.
Speaker 7
01:59:57 Occasion during this program that there's nothing personal that you you don't hate blacks.
02:00:02 There's nothing personal.
02:00:03 You just want them to go away or I'm paraphrasing you now, perhaps to live in another country or whatever.
02:00:08 And what's your name?
02:00:11 If Carla lived next door to you?
02:00:14 Would you actually go to her house and say please get out of the?
02:00:17 Country she.
Speaker 16
02:00:18 You wouldn't want to live next.
Speaker 7
02:00:18 There. Why not? Why not?
Speaker 16
02:00:19 Door to my house.
02:00:21 Because our family, our family, is racist.
02:00:28 Oh, but I know, buddy.
02:00:30 But guess what?
02:00:31 They still want to live next to you.
Speaker 16
02:00:35 And there's no blacks in the community at all.
Speaker 7
02:00:38 Let's say she bought a house.
02:00:40 To her parents so mom and dad decided.
Speaker 16
02:00:41 I wouldn't go up to her and say the move.
Speaker 7
02:00:43 You would not.
02:00:44 Well, OK.
02:00:46 So in other words, personally you don't have anything against.
02:00:49 If you wouldn't do anything, but yet you'd go.
02:00:51 Out and kill.
Speaker 16
02:00:52 I wouldn't kill.
02:00:53 I'm not gonna.
02:00:53 I I I would kill a Jew.
02:00:55 When God says so.
02:00:56 But I don't know about the blacks.
02:00:57 I don't, I I don't.
02:00:59 God doesn't say much about the.
Speaker 13
02:01:00 Blacks in the Bible teach them to separate themselves and to preserve their culture and their civilization.
Speaker 10
02:01:06 That's all.
Speaker 20
02:01:07 Why would you wanna separate all the blacks from you guys?
02:01:12 We all are the same kind.
02:01:14 We come from God.
Speaker 10
02:01:16 OK, is is black, is black.
Speaker 20
02:01:16 God brought us down from.
Speaker 10
02:01:22 Then keep it beautiful.
02:01:23 Keep it black.
02:01:28 I would just like to know.
Speaker 21
02:01:30 You said that when your guy comes back, you're going to kill all Jews.
02:01:32 So where's your guy is?
Speaker 16
02:01:33 He look at a pit stop or something.
02:01:39 I'm like that.
02:01:40 I'm like the funny Jew.
02:01:48 Actually I I I I don't think I've seen this part.
Speaker 22
02:01:51 Don't know where your guy came from?
02:01:53 Is the underground the devil?
Speaker 3
02:01:58 You got it from the bag.
Speaker 6
02:02:01 I mean.
02:02:02 The the, the, the the amazing thing is.
02:02:06 The amazing thing about this.
02:02:11 The the amount of cognitive dissonance.
02:02:15 That that Boomer housewife at home who's watching this and she's like, wow, you know, I I just got to make sure my kids don't, you know, end up racist or whatever because we are all the same.
02:02:25 The amount of cognitive dissonance that has to be just, you know, flowing through her brain to not see the.
02:02:35 A huge contrast.
02:02:38 In in the.
02:02:43 From the the the white children and the Jewish children and the black children.
02:02:50 To not just see it over and.
02:02:52 Over and over again.
02:02:54 The the the chasm that's so wide that the first black child to talk was.
02:03:01 You couldn't have understand her.
02:03:09 And and I would.
02:03:09 I would guess that there's even probably, you know, some of the people in the audience who aren't American or or people that were, you know, where English isn't their first language.
02:03:19 Probably struggle with.
02:03:20 With most of them.
02:03:28 And none of them really have this have a a.
02:03:30 Good grasp seemingly.
02:03:34 And what's even being discussed here?
Speaker 7
02:03:44 So divide America, let me let me focus for a second on blacks.
02:03:48 Cause we've talked an awful lot about how you feel towards Jews.
02:03:52 You say you don't hate blacks.
02:03:55 What do you feel about them and what do you want done?
Speaker 14
02:03:59 When time comes, God will send them back to their homeland.
02:04:03 I have nothing against them.
Speaker 7
02:04:06 Why will God send them to Africa?
Speaker 14
02:04:09 Because all the races will go back to their homeland.
Speaker 7
02:04:12 Well, where do where?
02:04:14 Where do.
02:04:15 Excuse me.
02:04:15 Where do whites go?
02:04:16 This used to belong to Jerusalem.
Speaker 16
02:04:17 The white state here, New Jersey, America.
Speaker 7
02:04:19 Excuse me.
02:04:20 Whites stay in New Jersey.
Speaker 6
02:04:21 No, but you know.
Speaker 16
02:04:21 New Jerusalem. Ohh so this.
02:04:23 Is where we get to the goofy.
02:04:26 Christian identity.
02:04:28 We're the real Jews.
02:04:30 Kind of or no, they're we're the real Israelites.
02:04:34 It's kind of, you know.
Speaker 5
02:04:35 United States new.
Speaker 7
02:04:36 Jerusalem, OK, but but the Native Americans, which we used to call Indians, they were here first we.
02:04:42 Have to get out?
02:04:43 No this no.
Speaker 12
02:04:51 I can answer all of it.
Speaker 7
02:04:51 So, so.
Speaker 6
02:04:52 But let's.
Speaker 7
02:04:53 So when are you leaving?
02:04:56 OK, I'll listen.
02:04:57 I'll listen.
Speaker 16
02:04:59 In the Bible it says in Genesis 2 in the chapter of two in Genesis it says that be fruitful and multiply, replenish the earth and subdue it.
02:05:08 So so do it is to rule over and he was talking.
02:05:10 To us Israelites.
02:05:12 The Adam from Adam.
Speaker 7
02:05:14 What is that?
Speaker 11
02:05:14 So I was talking to Adam.
Speaker 7
02:05:15 OK.
02:05:16 Well, what, what?
Speaker 11
02:05:16 We're from Adam.
Speaker 7
02:05:17 What has that?
02:05:17 Wait a second.
02:05:18 What has that got to do with the fact that if we're returning to where we're from, I gotta, I gotta tell you that you're if you go back far enough in your family, you're not from the United.
02:05:26 States of America, OK.
02:05:28 You probably.
Speaker 5
02:05:29 White Christian.
Speaker 9
02:05:30 America states, since the promised land God gave.
Speaker 12
02:05:30 You said everybody's got to go back.
Speaker 9
02:05:33 It to us.
Speaker 7
02:05:34 OK, so ohh God gave up.
Speaker 9
02:05:38 That's all.
02:05:39 Ohh look at you getting upset that that God gave AA people some land.
02:05:46 Hmm, you might want to think about.
02:05:48 That one a little bit, Jerry.
Speaker 3
02:05:51 You might want to maybe think that over.
02:05:53 Before you get upset that there is this racial group that's claiming that God gave them some land.
02:06:02 Think real hard about, you know why that might sound a little, I don't know, hypocritical coming out.
02:06:08 Of your mouth.
02:06:13 You don't really have a whole lot to stand on.
02:06:20 Oh, but that's because you're God's right, right?
02:06:23 Let's use your your logic, Jerry, you you need to tell me that you're the one.
02:06:27 You're just.
02:06:28 You're the one that's smart enough.
Speaker 3
02:06:29 All these other.
02:06:30 People around the world who aren't Jewish, which is the vast majority, right?
Speaker 3
02:06:35 Like the the.
02:06:36 99.9999.
02:06:38 Percent of the people on Earth who aren't.
02:06:40 Jewish they're all wrong, right?
02:06:42 It's you.
02:06:43 You're smart enough.
02:06:45 You're the one.
02:06:49 Isn't that exactly what you were just saying, Jerry?
02:06:54 Now look, it's still goofy, you know, like you know.
02:06:59 Mormons believe in something similar by.
Speaker 4
02:07:00 The way.
02:07:03 They they think.
02:07:03 Utah is Zion.
02:07:06 That's why if you go to Utah, there's lots of Zion, this Zion, that it's not because has nothing to do with Israel.
02:07:13 It's it's that's like Utah is like Israel for Mormons.
02:07:17 And you know, it's so it's the.
02:07:18 Same kind of a thing, right?
02:07:22 But it's.
02:07:25 It's it's interesting that.
Speaker 10
02:07:27 A Jew.
02:07:28 Would be critical of that.
02:07:29 Way of thinking.
Speaker 9
02:07:33 Goes if you don't like.
Speaker 12
02:07:33 Excuse me.
Speaker 7
02:07:34 It then.
02:07:35 Excuse me.
02:07:36 God gave the United States of America, guys.
Speaker 9
02:07:38 It's a promise sleep.
Speaker 3
02:07:39 Hey, God gave the Jews Israel.
02:07:43 Are the Palestinians were there first?
02:07:45 I guess I.
02:07:45 Guess you're for the.
02:07:52 I was going to say extermination but.
Speaker 3
02:07:55 That's not.
02:07:55 That's not the word.
02:07:57 The expulsion of the Jews from Israel.
02:08:03 Is that?
02:08:04 Is that what you're arguing here?
Speaker 13
02:08:05 Jerry, of course.
02:08:06 Not because what did that little girl say in the beginning of the show?
02:08:09 We're like animals, so.
02:08:10 Different rules in the Bible.
02:08:12 The body's.
Speaker 7
02:08:13 Written before 1776.
Speaker 10
02:08:16 It wasn't it.
Speaker 24
02:08:16 So they don't tell the truth, you know.
Speaker 10
02:08:17 So how did the?
Speaker 7
02:08:17 How did God do it?
02:08:18 That there was no United States of America.
02:08:20 How could God have given?
02:08:21 How in the Bible could it say that God?
Speaker 16
02:08:22 Prophecies future in the Bible.
Speaker 7
02:08:25 Go ahead.
Speaker 1
02:08:26 Well, for one, I I am a Baptist or a child, and for one who who do y'all think y'all coming coming to this state and this and and just stands up saying stuff about all white people here we us black people were the first people here because I'm I'm angry.
Speaker 11
02:08:43 Yeah, in.
Speaker 1
02:08:44 I don't know what's wrong with y'all y'all saying y'all going to kill somebody.
02:08:47 How dare y'all come and touch somebody else?
02:08:50 See, there you go again.
02:08:52 Here's the shining example.
02:08:54 The the the big contrast.
02:08:55 Let's get this guy.
02:08:57 This this genius.
Speaker 17
02:09:01 I'm White and I'm Christian, just like you.
02:09:05 And I believe in the same God you do, but somehow, how can God be hate and love at the same?
Speaker 13
02:09:13 Time because there is evil in this world that we were commanded to destroy.
Speaker 7
02:09:17 Yes, we're going to take a break, we'll.
02:09:19 Be right back.
02:09:23 Not taking part in some kind of ethnic joke.
02:09:26 The point is that when we start.
02:09:29 Making so, here we go.
02:09:30 Here's Jerry.
02:09:33 Telling you why exactly he did this show.
Speaker 7
02:09:44 I'll admit that that.
02:09:45 Our guests today are a little bit extreme in terms of of their hatred, but let's let's just take a second here and recognize let's all look at ourselves.
02:09:55 I don't think anybody here is so clean that they can honestly say that they have gone through their lives not hating somebody else, not taking part in some kind of racial joke, not taking part in some kind of ethnic joke.
02:10:08 The point is that when we start making judgments about other human beings.
02:10:17 See what he's doing.
02:10:20 He's explaining to.
02:10:22 The immune system.
02:10:26 Hey, here's the antibiotic.
02:10:28 I know this is different, this is a lot more extreme.
02:10:33 These other infections that you normally ignore.
02:10:38 They're not as extreme, you know.
02:10:40 Same like a racial joke.
02:10:42 It's not as extreme as.
02:10:43 Saying you always.
02:10:44 Comes back and you kill all the Jews.
02:10:51 But just like an antibiotic, this is this is a good time.
02:10:56 For us to now start to eradicate.
02:11:01 Any infection that looks similar to this.
02:11:13 And that's the exact same thing.
02:11:15 The shooting today will be turned into again, whether it's a false flag or not, it doesn't really matter, right?
02:11:21 Functionally, doesn't matter.
02:11:22 It's one of those things we're just never.
02:11:24 Going to find out.
02:11:25 Well, do you really think there's going to be a day when?
02:11:29 You know, somebody doesn't matter who, right? Some with the FBI or or CIA or Someone Like You know, scooby-doo at the end rips off the mask and says, I knew it, you know, it was a false flag all the time. You.
02:11:42 Know the whole time.
02:11:44 Here's the documents, yeah.
Speaker 4
02:11:46 I got the I got the documents right here.
02:11:48 You know.
02:11:50 Got the documents right here.
02:11:54 Like it would ******* matter, even.
02:11:55 If even if they did.
02:12:05 Anyway, he's explaining he's explained to the the immune system.
02:12:09 Look, look, see.
02:12:10 Now that we have this.
02:12:16 This thing that our immune system is reacting to.
02:12:21 Let's not just attack the antibiotic, just like the body doesn't just attack the penicillin.
02:12:27 Let's attack the entire infection.
Speaker 7
02:12:30 On the color of their skin or where they go to church, how they believe in God, where their parents are from.
02:12:35 When we start with that and tolerate that kind of humor.
02:12:39 Then one day, if it's not checked.
02:12:42 This is the result and what you wind up is with a nine year old girl who is already being taught to hate.
02:12:51 That's why the next time you hear one of your friends, one of your friends say, hey, did you hear the joke about the black, or did you hear the joke about the Italian?
02:13:02 Or did you hear the joke about the Jew?
02:13:05 You gotta say first to yourself and then to your friends.
02:13:10 No, I don't think I want to be a part of this humor because it always starts out as a joke and one day uncheck.
02:13:19 It can turn into a belief that this very sincere 9 year old girl sits here on television in front of America and she.
Speaker 11
02:13:30 Hates. She hates.
Speaker 7
02:13:33 She's ready to kill.
02:13:35 That's the danger of racism.
02:13:38 That's the danger of ethnic humor, and that's why we gotta put a stop to it now.
02:13:51 So there you go.
Speaker 10
02:13:53 And look, it worked right.
02:13:57 Not a whole lot of racial jokes going around now these days, right?
02:14:00 Certainly not in movies or television or like that.
02:14:06 You're not in polite society.
02:14:09 I mean, you want to lose your job.
02:14:11 That's one way to do it.
02:14:15 Back in the the mid 90s.
02:14:19 That wasn't the case.
02:14:26 But the antibiotic was being administered.
Speaker 12
02:14:31 Thank God this is America and we still have the freedom, right.
02:14:37 You won't never control me.
02:14:38 Your hoodie.
Speaker 22
02:14:40 Excuse me, this is to all y'all.
02:14:41 If y'all won't get by the Jews, I won't get back y'all because we are one nation and we all want race.
Speaker 7
02:14:47 Good for you.
Speaker 22
02:14:52 Well, this is for the one and the flower dress.
02:14:55 I am a Christian.
02:14:56 I gotta church every son, every the Bible.
02:14:59 I don't see where it says black should go back to Africa or Jew should get killed.
02:15:03 So wherever you come from I if I was you, I would stop trying to kill somebody and think about what somebody should.
Speaker 17
02:15:09 Do to you remember this?
02:15:14 Remember this when?
Speaker 11
02:15:15 You go home.
Speaker 14
02:15:15 Tonight, open your Bible and turn to John 844 and then you will know where I'm coming.
02:15:19 From about the Jews.
02:15:22 John 844.
02:15:24 Let's let's let's look that up. John 844.
02:15:28 I actually don't know what I'm gonna find here, John 844.
02:15:35 We'll do King James version, right?
02:15:37 That's the one she mentioned.
Speaker 3
02:15:43 8 oops, not 98.
Speaker 4
02:15:47 44.
02:15:51 King James version.
02:15:55 Ye ye are.
02:15:57 Of your father, the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do.
02:16:02 He was a murderer from the beginning.
02:16:04 And abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him when he speaketh the lie he speaketh of his own, for he is a liar, and the father of of it.
02:16:17 So he's the father of lies.
02:16:19 What's the context here?
02:16:20 I don't.
Speaker 4
02:16:22 Let's see.
02:16:25 Is this him talking?
02:16:26 Anytime the Pharisees right?
02:16:30 Blah blah blah.
02:16:31 That's when Jesus on the Mount of olives.
02:16:39 So the Pharisees come right.
02:16:41 So in context, the Pharisees.
02:16:43 Are basically telling Jesus, you know like.
02:16:48 They don't.
02:16:49 They don't think that he's legit.
02:16:55 Jesus says. Let's see here.
02:17:00 Jesus answered them fairly fairly.
02:17:02 I sin to you, whosoever commits committeth sin is the servant of sin and the servant abideth not in the house forever but the son Abideth ever.
02:17:14 Blah blah.
02:17:15 I know that ye are Abraham seed, but ye seek to kill me because my word hath no place in you.
02:17:23 I speak that which I have seen with my father, and ye do that which ye have seen with your father.
02:17:30 They answered and said unto him, Abraham is our father, Jesus sayeth unto them, if ye were Abraham's children, ye would do the works of Abraham.
02:17:40 But now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth which I have heard of God.
02:17:48 This is not Abraham.
02:17:50 Ye do the deeds of your father then said they to him.
02:17:54 We we be not born of fornication.
02:17:58 We have one father, even God Jesus said unto them, if God were your father, you would love me, for I perceive forth and come.
02:18:08 Or it came from God.
02:18:09 Neither came I of myself.
02:18:12 But he sent me.
02:18:14 Why do you not understand my speech?
02:18:15 Even because ye cannot hear my word.
02:18:17 And then he says the stuff about you.
02:18:18 Guys are.
02:18:19 From the devil.
02:18:20 So that's the she's quoting that.
02:18:23 A A passage where he's talking to Pharisees and saying that you're not Abraham's children because if you were, you would be Christians essentially. So that's where she's coming.
Speaker 17
02:18:37 I have a question for the girl in the flower dress.
02:18:40 You get me a Bible and you tell me.
02:18:42 You give me that page and if it says that God is hate, then I will believe that.
Speaker 14
02:18:47 Good bye, bye.
02:18:50 Hope you mean it.
Speaker 22
02:18:51 What kind of Christian you is talking about killing somebody?
02:18:59 If you look at me right now, can you tell if?
Speaker 6
02:19:01 I'm Jewish or Christian, no?
Speaker 12
02:19:04 You look like a white.
02:19:05 To me.
02:19:06 And if you believe that you're a Jew, then.
02:19:08 You're probably deceived.
Speaker 14
02:19:10 Are you say you look white to may?
02:19:14 No, I'm not a Jew.
Speaker 12
02:19:16 Alright, that girl asked me a question.
02:19:18 Do you want to answer?
02:19:19 Go ahead.
02:19:20 Year of your father, the devil.
02:19:22 The lusts of your father you will do.
02:19:24 He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the.
02:19:27 Is just talking to God.
02:19:28 This is God.
02:19:28 This is God talking.
02:19:30 This is God.
02:19:30 This is God talking when he's speaking.
Speaker 16
02:19:30 That's right, yeah.
Speaker 12
02:19:32 The lie he speaketh of his own, for he's a liar and the father of it.
02:19:36 OK, that's Jesus Christ talking about the Jews.
02:19:39 Our hatred comes out of the Bible you're interpreting.
Speaker 26
02:19:42 Go ahead.
02:19:42 This is this is to everyone.
02:19:44 Minus the religious aspects of all of this, what about the hostility and the anger that's all being bred here?
02:19:50 That is, how can that be positive that that's so negative even though?
02:19:54 This, ah, and see, here's here's the audience I was.
02:19:58 Telling you about.
02:20:00 This is the woman who, who, honestly?
02:20:04 Either doesn't understand what's going on or or whatever she wants to brush.
02:20:09 All that aside, listen to what she has.
02:20:11 A problem with.
Speaker 3
02:20:12 And look it's, it's.
02:20:14 This is just, this is normies.
02:20:17 And unfortunately, these are the people you're you're you need to reach.
02:20:21 These are the people that you get so frustrated or the normies are going never going to wake up and they won't, right?
02:20:28 Because listen to what she says.
02:20:29 Listen to what she wants.
02:20:30 All she wants is.
Speaker 26
02:20:32 Minus the religious aspects of all of this.
02:20:35 What about the hostility and anger that's all being bred here?
02:20:38 That is, how can that be positive that that's so negative even though?
02:20:42 This she just wants something positive.
02:20:47 It doesn't even have to be true.
02:20:55 She just wants to trust the plan.
Speaker 12
02:20:59 This is the only thing that's going to save our race is the hostility, the hostile.
02:21:04 See, but it's not.
02:21:07 And neither is shooting up a ******* grocery store.
02:21:28 OK.
Speaker 12
02:21:40 That's all.
02:21:40 That's the only thing that's gonna save our race from the multitude.
Speaker 7
02:21:42 OK, let me alright.
Speaker 12
02:21:43 No, it won't.
02:21:45 She's telling you.
02:21:46 How to win?
02:21:53 And you're just not listening.
Speaker 7
02:21:54 OK, let me let me close with you and and I guess I've been spending a lot of time with you because maybe I sense the most hope with you because you because you're only nine, is there anything that you have heard today?
02:22:09 That you're that at least you're willing to say, you know, I'm my own person.
02:22:15 I'm my own mind.
02:22:16 I'm willing to think about this.
02:22:18 If all these very good and decent human beings that come to this show have never met you before.
02:22:23 Before the show started, I'm sure they.
02:22:25 Surprise, surprise, Jerry Springer zeroing.
02:22:28 In on the the youngest girl he can.
Speaker 7
02:22:31 So boy, what a cute little girl there.
02:22:32 You know, I'd like to be her friend.
02:22:34 Is there any possible hope that you will think about?
02:22:35 I bet you would.
Speaker 7
02:22:37 All that we've talked about today and maybe maybe you can grow up not hating any hope that we have no hope, it's all done.
02:22:49 No, let it talk.
02:22:49 Go ahead.
02:22:50 Explain that.
02:22:51 That's it.
Speaker 15
02:22:52 That's it.
Speaker 7
02:22:53 Do you know more now?
02:22:54 Than you did when you were five.
02:22:57 If you know more now than you did that you than you were five, why do you think you won't know more at 15 than when you were nine?
Speaker 15
02:23:05 Because this is a free country and I can believe it whenever I want to, and you can't change what I believe in.
Speaker 7
02:23:07 I know you're allowed to, so please understand.
02:23:10 Please understand.
02:23:11 You're allowed to believe whatever you want.
02:23:12 What I'm saying is, do you think you're now as smart as you're ever going to be?
02:23:14 That's right.
Speaker 7
02:23:18 So therefore there is the opportunity that as you get older, you can become even smarter.
Speaker 15
02:23:27 I'm not going to change what I believe in so.
02:23:30 So this is 93 and she's 9. How old would she be? I forget what her name is.
02:23:37 Alright, let's see.
02:23:38 Let's see.
02:23:39 It's uh.
02:23:42 So 93 is like it's, so she's almost 40 then right or no, I'm doing the math wrong. She's she's.
02:23:50 No. Yeah, because right 93 to to 2003 to 2013 to. Yeah. So she's going to she's going to be right around right around 40.
02:24:02 Wonder what? Uh.
02:24:05 One ever became of her.
02:24:07 I know that this the one that everyone was.
02:24:11 Saying it was super based, at least for a little while, she continued to be like that because she made other appearances later on.
02:24:20 But yeah, I don't know what happened to them long term.
02:24:25 Anyway, final thought I.
02:24:29 Don't know if I can sit through it.
02:24:31 Might as well we've made it this far.
02:24:33 What's your final thought there, Jerry?
Speaker 7
02:24:36 America, those who take all the freedoms and blessings of our great country and then defile it with their hate and the fact is, more often than not the hate mongers, those who shame America.
02:24:47 At least back then you were.
02:24:49 You were giving us the the option, though, right?
02:24:52 At least back then.
02:24:55 You were acknowledging our our freedoms to do this right.
Speaker 7
02:24:59 Didn't become that way overnight.
02:25:01 The chances are they were raised that way.
02:25:03 The chances are they used to be the kids we saw today.
02:25:08 So we got a lot of work to do, a lot of educating to do.
02:25:10 A lot of grooming to do.
Speaker 7
02:25:12 Cause although some of these kids will someday grow out of it, some won't, and they'll have kids, too, reminding us that the fight to keep America decent and free is never over.
02:25:23 And it's always about the kids.
02:25:27 Isn't it, Jerry?
Speaker 7
02:25:29 So long as the human mind has the ability to conjure up hate, we've got to remain vigilant.
02:25:35 The price of keeping America free is expensive, but worth it till next time.
02:25:41 Take care of yourself.
02:25:42 Well, it must have stopped being worth it, huh?
02:25:45 Because now your side isn't so, uh.
02:25:58 So there you go.
02:25:59 Don't be an antibiotic.
02:26:06 Let's take a look at super chats.
02:26:08 Wow, that's.
02:26:11 That's pretty significant.
02:26:12 That I didn't notice that it went up so high there.
02:26:16 I'll have to look.
02:26:17 Into this.
02:26:17 Let's see how this this goes.
Speaker 3
02:26:24 Get rid of this here.
02:26:30 Purged all pedophiles at all costs.
02:26:32 Buffalo Bills plant today one mid video.
02:26:37 Buffalo Bills plant.
02:26:43 I don't know this.
02:26:44 It's on bit shoot, it looks like it's some going to be some Q Anon.
02:26:46 Type thing.
02:26:47 Oh, by the way, the the.
02:26:50 I'm assuming you're talking about the Buffalo guy, the the shooter.
02:26:55 UM.
02:26:57 For those of you who still, for whatever reason, you're still clinging to this thing, no, he's based somehow.
02:27:04 Literally tortured cats.
02:27:11 All right.
02:27:12 You ready for this horrific ****?
02:27:15 This is from his his blog.
02:27:17 He took a picture of a cat that.
02:27:19 He tortured to death.
02:27:24 There it is, beheaded.
02:27:30 This was earlier this year.
02:27:34 When I came home at 10:30, I was eating pizza bites when I heard my cat, Paige screamed.
02:27:40 From the garage.
02:27:41 I quickly enter and the grey cat was attacking her.
02:27:44 I then spent the next hour and a half chasing the cat around the garage and stabbing it with my knife.
02:27:50 The camo 1.
02:27:52 It bled from the mouth at about 11:00.
02:27:56 And at about 11:45 I was able to grab the cat's tail and wind up and smack the cat's head on the concrete ground.
02:28:05 I did that a few times and when it went limp, I grabbed the hatchet and swung at its neck 20 times until it came off.
02:28:16 I called my mom and.
02:28:17 She gave me a box.
02:28:19 And I dug A shallow grave in the backyard.
02:28:21 Totally normal behavior.
02:28:27 Can't imagine that guy going going nuts, huh?
02:28:37 I don't want to load any bit shoot links.
02:28:39 Right now I would, but it's just like.
02:28:42 My connection is kind of ****** **, right?
02:28:45 Now I don't want to.
02:28:47 Pull up any links.
02:28:48 We've done a lot of a lot of video tonight.
Speaker 4
02:28:52 I'll, but I will.
02:28:53 I mean, I'll add it to my notes.
02:28:54 I'll check it out later if it's.
02:28:57 If it's, uh.
02:29:01 If it's worth checking out, we'll we'll play it next time.
02:29:14 There we go.
02:29:20 Reaver $10 appreciate that Devin, did you see the shooting footage today? Yeah. You said that before I played it? Yes.
02:29:28 If not, here's a clip from actually shooting a lot of bodies for one minute of trigger pulling also the end where he said sorry to the white guy he found was one hell of a moment.
02:29:38 Yep, Yep.
02:29:43 Harmless G but the white guy who was spared in the shooting video will be made to prostate himself before blacks and talk about how he was saved by his white privilege out of the survivors guilt and racial guilt.
02:29:57 Yeah, that's that's one possible outcome.
02:30:01 Based rates miss or race mixer $5 appreciate that the person.
02:30:06 The shooter kills was a white woman.
02:30:09 Then he goes on to kill a couple blacks, then a white man.
02:30:12 Fox is already spinning it as a hate crime.
02:30:15 Besides what I've seen, mass shooting is daily with blacks, but they don't write **** on their guns.
02:30:23 Shooter did.
02:30:26 Yeah, I mean, look, I'm willing to say the shooter was.
02:30:32 Was trying to do.
02:30:34 What he thought and his ****** ** cat torturing mind was was going to somehow help.
02:30:45 You know, I don't know.
02:30:47 It just happened the day I haven't made it through all this stuff yet.
02:30:54 Keep yawning. Sorry.
02:30:56 It's been a long ******* day.
02:30:59 Armless G When my non white friends ask for advice, I tell them how to be successful.
02:31:05 A successful urbanite yuppie bug man.
02:31:08 When my white friends ask for advice, I try to steer them towards wanting a family and living outside the city.
02:31:14 Is this a good way to practice in Group preference?
02:31:16 Yeah, absolutely.
02:31:18 You could you could.
02:31:19 Consider it's trade secrets.
02:31:22 You don't just give out your.
02:31:23 Trade secrets to everybody.
02:31:26 Gee, I tell non whites to buy apartments, I tell whites.
02:31:29 To buy land.
02:31:31 Well, if you're going, if you're going to go.
02:31:33 That far you might as well tell them.
02:31:34 To rent to own furniture.
02:31:38 Zeddmore, are you familiar with Blanca Flight or Blanca fights?
02:31:43 The zombies content?
02:31:45 He's on the usual platforms.
02:31:47 I feel pretty confident saying you and everyone here would enjoy his work.
Speaker 4
02:31:51 I've never heard of him.
02:31:53 Or Bianca fights the zombies.
02:31:57 Based race mixer $1.00. Sorry, didn't kill that the dude with his hands up. I retract.
02:32:04 No, he didn't kill that guy.
02:32:08 But what about the?
02:32:09 I don't know the security guard was.
02:32:12 Was one I I don't know.
02:32:14 I like I said all this stuff.
02:32:15 Like I I was all ready to do the Springer stream and then I came in.
02:32:19 I was like.
02:32:19 Oh ********** and had to get, you know, track down all the videos and the because they were they were, they had already shut all that stuff down.
02:32:29 Before I, I came inside.
02:32:31 So all that happened while I was out doing outdoorsy things, and then I came.
02:32:35 And so I was like, oh, **********, This is why it's all.
02:32:38 This is why I always check headlines before I start streaming, just to make sure nothing crazy happened while.
Speaker 4
02:32:42 I wasn't paying attention.
02:32:46 Bigley I recently watched Richard Kelly Southland tales for the first time since like 2008. A lot of the movie is ********, but it's a lot less ******** seeing it in the context of the day.
02:32:58 This movie basically killed his career after he made his name with Donnie Darko.
02:33:04 Check it out, Southland tails.
02:33:09 Donnie Darko was really weird too.
02:33:16 I was not a fan.
02:33:19 Or fewer $5. Appreciate that. Imagine going to your local grocery store instead of Pfizer headquarters. Why do mass shooters always pick the dumbest targets? Well, I I must disavow.
02:33:32 Target anybody.
02:33:33 But you're right, a ******* grocery store.
02:33:38 Is like probably like the stupidest.
02:33:41 Like just from every point of view.
Speaker 3
02:33:43 Like, if you're if you're.
02:33:45 You know, just like you guys get it.
02:33:50 Or make you less.
02:33:50 Thoughts on Lars von Trier?
02:33:53 I recommend you watch through his depression trilogy if you have not already.
02:33:59 First film is dark and disturbing.
02:34:01 The third is unbelievably degenerate, and this encapsulates practically everything.
02:34:07 The haze code was written to prevent against, actually.
Speaker 4
02:34:10 I'm not aware of this person.
02:34:13 So I will add that to the list.
02:34:19 Thomas Matthew, $20 appreciate that Devin. What's your favorite desert bird curve billed thrashers verdins?
02:34:31 Per Hulu, Axios or I don't know the names of all these things.
Speaker 4
02:34:40 Let me look this up.
02:34:45 The birds I like are the ones that are migrating through town like they're you don't seem for very long.
02:34:52 But there's some pretty tropical.
02:34:53 S looking birds that come up here in the winter.
Speaker 4
02:34:59 OK.
02:35:01 Yeah, so far I don't recognize.
02:35:04 Any of these.
02:35:10 But you know what?
02:35:12 Honestly, my favorite desert bird would be a Roadrunner.
02:35:16 Meet meet.
02:35:17 I think everyone can agree with that, OK.
02:35:20 They're fewer, $5, appreciate that Doom edit of the shooting.
Speaker 4
02:35:28 All right.
02:35:28 Well, we already watched the.
02:35:31 The other one, blood of tyrants, false flag and attack or other hostile action that obscures the identity of the participants carrying out the action while implicating another group or nation as the perpetrator right now, look, it could be for all we know.
02:35:51 This guys a.
02:35:52 Fed or or or sheep dipped or.
02:35:56 Who knows, right?
02:35:57 I don't know.
02:35:57 Don't know enough yet about this stuff.
02:36:00 I just barely.
02:36:02 I barely got my hands on some of this stuff before.
02:36:04 It was time for me to.
02:36:05 Get ready for the show so.
02:36:08 But at the end of day doesn't really matter.
02:36:10 We know how it's going to be used.
02:36:12 So functionally it's the same whether it's a false flag or not.
02:36:17 For us, at least, they're going to use it to attack people like us.
02:36:21 And they're going to use it to justify the budgets for the people who attack people like us.
02:36:28 And they'll use it to.
02:36:29 Attack our our ability to.
02:36:33 Be online that that was one thing I.
02:36:35 Noticed about the.
02:36:37 The manifesto that really kind of stuck out is he lists.
02:36:43 All these different ******* platforms he uses and you know especially mentions like it, it seemed.
Speaker 12
02:36:50 Like a weird.
02:36:52 A weird card to play like, why focus on?
02:36:56 I mean, the manifesto is just weird in general, but.
02:37:01 It was weird that he focused so hard on.
02:37:03 Oh, and here's all the platforms I use because I obviously we know what what they're going to do with that.
02:37:12 Avtomat kalashnikova.
02:37:15 $3 appreciate that I live in a red state, but oddly enough, a lot of people look at me funny when they find out that I like guns a lot and use to practice martial arts. It seems like society is attacking the Marshall Spirit of white people.
Speaker 3
02:37:33 Well, look, it's just.
02:37:35 It's just that.
02:37:38 There's the masculinity in general has just kind of gone away.
02:37:42 It's like I was saying a couple of strings back about Vice voice where I remember when I first hear videos that vice was producing and think like, wow, like, is this like, I, I honestly thought I was listening to, oh, this must be like, the gay news channel.
02:37:57 Or something.
02:37:58 And then we hired a couple of hipsters where I worked, who sounded exactly like them, but they both were.
02:38:05 They both had girlfriends.
02:38:08 And I was just like, oh, I guess people just sound like **** now, like it's just the masculinity, his being just removed from from white people.
02:38:20 It's been a very long, long, slow process.
02:38:23 But it's been very effective.
Speaker 4
02:38:27 UM.
02:38:30 ******** fagot $1.00. Don't you think it's odd how this kid name drops every website, every out names, drops every website, uses every gun and every piece of equipment that the feds want banned?
02:38:41 Yeah. Yeah, again.
02:38:43 That was a little weird because he does. That's one of the it's like 180 something pages and one of the reasons why is he like?
02:38:50 Details exactly everything he's going to be using and everything that led up to that moment, making sure to mention 4 Chan and everything else.
Speaker 4
02:38:59 It's just a little yeah, it's a.
02:39:00 Little weird.
02:39:01 It's what you would do if.
02:39:02 You were, but look.
02:39:05 Now you could flip that around and say well.
02:39:08 That's what he wanted to do.
02:39:10 Right.
02:39:10 He thinks he's helping by accelerating the subjugation of white people somehow.
02:39:18 Like that's going to wake him up, right?
02:39:21 So if he creates a situation that will increase the draconian censorship and everything else on white people.
02:39:35 He thinks, or at least that's my take.
02:39:39 My my read on it, that that's ultimately going to be good somehow.
02:39:44 Because all they'll all wake.
02:39:45 If that happens, I mean, they won't, but.
02:39:49 That's that's.
02:39:52 You know that's how his.
02:39:54 That's how he.
02:39:55 At least that's how it how he seemed to have articulated it.
02:40:00 Two base for you two $1.00 appreciate that. Hey, Devin. Sorry this has taken over the stream tonight. Just want to say the shooter is a ***** ** ****. He's a ****** brony and butchered a cat to death with a hatchet. Absolute lowlife all around anyone.
02:40:16 Actually supporting this ****** deserves the rope.
02:40:19 **** this guy and what he did exactly.
02:40:21 We cannot tolerate cat torturers.
Speaker 4
02:40:26 In any.
02:40:28 In any part of our lives.
02:40:30 And then big big the I think possible possible record-breaking super chat.
02:40:38 $500.00 from soy pilled.
02:40:41 It's a big round of applause for a soy pilled right there in in chat.
02:40:47 This isn't a big super chat since I've been watching replays for the last two months because I moved and was super busy.
02:40:55 If anything, I'm playing catch up on what I owe you.
02:40:59 Christchurch had priest stacked bodies on both sides as he entered the mosque.
02:41:05 And was fake in my opinion and also had a meme filled manifesto.
02:41:11 Yeah, his the one.
02:41:13 The thing that struck me about his manifesto.
02:41:16 Honestly, more than all the memes, which was kind.
02:41:19 Weird he he went out of his way to say this is, remember, this is a guy who, according to his manifesto, was all over 8 channel day long and I don't know if you were ever all over 8 Chan but this would be a this would be a highly unlikely for someone who's all over 8 channel day long.
02:41:38 He went out of his way to say that that the the Jews were not involved in anything faced in any of the problems facing the West.
02:41:48 Like he went out of his way.
02:41:50 To take attention off of Jewish power.
02:41:54 Which I thought was.
02:41:56 Extremely odd for someone.
02:41:58 Who's on 8?
02:41:58 Chan all day long.
02:42:00 And I said that at the time.
02:42:03 Before that Twitter account got.
Speaker 4
02:42:06 **** can.
02:42:07 But awesome, thanks for the the support.
02:42:11 It will.
02:42:12 It's really going to help me out and.
Speaker 4
02:42:15 I really appreciate that.
02:42:19 So again, big round of applause for soy pilled.
02:42:24 Reaver $5 appreciate that I think the I think that those I think that those you pointed out as white actually aren't when you see the screenshot, that's more cleaned up. You can see it better. They look like bipacks, but that's aside, aside the point.
02:42:44 Shooting up a grocery store is colossally bad idea.
Speaker 3
02:42:48 Right.
02:42:48 Well, I mean, yeah, even if.
02:42:49 Even if it's not a white woman.
02:42:52 Then he shoots first.
02:42:53 Although she looked kind of, she's at least whiteish.
02:42:57 Yeah, totally *******.
02:42:59 Pointless. Pointless.
02:43:02 Net loss.
02:43:05 Spectacular net loss.
02:43:10 Colonel Edward still can't figure out the puzzle on the shirt I got.
02:43:21 I I feel like has something to do with ohh.
02:43:23 By the way, there's new shirt I forgot about that and I'm taking down the cactus pill right after this stream.
02:43:30 It's just that I I tried to do it automatically.
02:43:33 You can make it.
02:43:34 I found out today you can make it turn off automatically so I have to worry about.
02:43:39 Forgetting and I went to do that and I said it.
02:43:42 And then it said I couldn't automatically turn off because they were open orders or something.
02:43:46 And I was like, OK, so I'm going to manually try after the show, but the new ones up.
02:43:55 The new one is.
02:43:56 Up and it took actually quite a.
02:43:59 Bit of work, believe it or not.
02:44:01 And the link is in the description.
02:44:05 It will only be available for a limited time.
02:44:09 As with all of the.
02:44:11 The Black pilled shirts.
02:44:14 I might.
02:44:15 I might promote it next stream because I I totally forgot to bring that up because of the see ****** ******* ****** ******* shooters rooting, rooting my awesome art artwork.
02:44:30 But anyway, still can't figure the puzzle.
02:44:33 The shirt I got, I feel like I had something to do with ****** surgery or abortion.
02:44:37 Am I close or am I ********?
02:44:38 Either way, it's a cool.
02:44:39 Shirt you are not close.
02:44:46 Nobody tell him.
02:44:50 Cringe panda.
02:44:51 Maybe he watched gangs in New York and thought he should go for a spectacle of fearsome ex.
02:44:56 Right.
02:44:57 But here's The thing is, it's not a spectacle of fearsome acts.
02:45:00 It's a spectacle.
02:45:01 Of random acts.
02:45:04 Right.
02:45:05 Like, what does he say in that movie?
02:45:08 He says, hey, hey, if someone does this to me, I, you know, I I do double on him, right.
02:45:18 His his targets make no sense.
02:45:22 His targets make absolutely no sense.
02:45:25 It's just random people at the grocery store.
02:45:28 And it's not.
02:45:33 You know, it's not even like.
02:45:35 And look again, I'm not.
02:45:36 Obviously I'm not endorsing this stuff.
02:45:37 I'm just trying to be like, pragmatically speaking, you know, just objectively speaking here.
02:45:44 Contrast that with like some of these Muslim attacks, right?
Speaker 3
02:45:51 Where the where?
02:45:52 The whole country gets locked down.
02:45:54 Everyone's freaking out because they.
02:45:56 They blew something up or, you know, whatever.
02:46:00 Versus he goes into a grocery store and just shoots up some like it doesn't look like exactly a fancy part of town.
02:46:07 He just shoots up some random poor people.
02:46:10 And then gets arrested.
02:46:14 You know.
02:46:16 It just doesn't accomplish anything.
02:46:19 You know, even in that context, in the context of a spectacle of fearsome acts, it wasn't.
02:46:24 First of all, it wasn't that fearsome because the targets, right.
02:46:33 And it doesn't have the same weight.
Speaker 24
02:46:39 You know I.
02:46:40 I mentioned the Muslims right and how they wouldn't disavow terror attacks often.
02:46:45 And I remember hearing one.
02:46:46 Excuse, but I think that.
Speaker 3
02:46:47 There, there, this.
02:46:48 Does it's not entirely without merit, where they were saying, well, one of the reasons why a lot of these guys won't disavow it, even if on a personal level, they think that this is bad ****.
02:46:59 Is they don't want to make themselves a target.
02:47:01 So in other words, they themselves.
02:47:04 We're living in a a kind of fear.
02:47:09 A control mechanism of fear from these people, right?
02:47:14 And that's because there was an organized network of jihadis who were.
02:47:22 Carrying out attacks.
02:47:25 In different countries in the West.
02:47:29 It wasn't just random guy walks into a grocery store and shoots shoots it up.
02:47:34 I guess there meant maybe there was some attacks where, you know, I guess it.
02:47:37 Would be similar.
02:47:38 Right.
02:47:39 In terms of it was random people.
02:47:42 But I don't know.
02:47:44 I just.
02:47:44 I don't think it qualifies.
02:47:45 I don't think it qualifies.
02:47:49 Based race Mixer $5 appreciate that why does this?
02:47:54 Have to happen around all the **** that's going on right now, but the Jew news will run this until the wheels fall off.
02:48:02 God help us.
02:48:03 Yeah, it's it'll be never ending.
02:48:05 We'll never hear the end of this.
02:48:07 Base Race Mixer $1.00 appreciate that. Notice how low IQ black kids sound? Uh, who they.
02:48:15 Notice how low how low IQ the black kids sound, who they put in the audience on purpose.
02:48:22 But then my question is where in the Bible does it say kill Shlomo on point when God comes back?
02:48:29 Bad optics in my opinion.
02:48:31 Where are these people now?
02:48:33 So I tried to look up.
02:48:34 Like I said, the organization doesn't exist really anymore.
02:48:38 That guy with the glasses and the scarf.
02:48:41 He's in jail for molesting.
02:48:44 UM and I didn't look up as kids.
02:48:49 To see where they were at, but they.
02:48:55 Here's something kind of ******* funny.
02:48:58 So they went back on Jerry Springer once it became more.
02:49:04 Well, more like the Jerry Springer.
02:49:06 Most people think of.
02:49:10 See, he looks.
02:49:10 He looks.
02:49:11 He's got like the.
02:49:13 The Jerry Springer hair.
02:49:14 Now he he looks a little.
02:49:17 There we go.
02:49:18 So they had him back on.
02:49:22 And she's.
02:49:24 Let's see.
02:49:24 There we go.
02:49:25 So there's the two daughters now they're they're older now, obviously.
02:49:31 But they're the same, at least two years later.
02:49:35 UM.
02:49:40 There was something else about this.
02:49:41 Ohh that's.
Speaker 4
02:49:42 What it was.
Speaker 6
02:49:43 OK.
02:49:44 So here's The funny thing.
02:49:46 They bring them on.
02:49:48 And they're like, oh, we want you to talk.
Speaker 3
02:49:52 To uh.
02:49:56 Black Conservative, who actually worked with the the Tea Party.
02:50:01 And he's on.
02:50:02 I think he's on like Emma.
02:50:03 Like to this day, I think he's still, like on MSNBC and Fox News sometimes and **** like that.
Speaker 3
02:50:11 But I mean all right.
02:50:15 So they're like here.
02:50:16 Here, we're going to have you talk to this black.
02:50:17 Guy, you know what his name is?
02:50:24 Come on.
02:50:27 Are they?
02:50:28 Why are they not putting it up?
Speaker 4
02:50:33 Let me see.
02:50:35 Come on, his name is.
Speaker 3
02:50:46 They found a guy whose name was.
02:50:56 Like what the ****? Like for real Ennis?
02:51:04 So anyway, yeah, this this is a based or at least for the 90s he was a based black guy because he was involved with the Tea Party.
02:51:12 And Republicans, and I think he even had he held office at some point or something, but anyway.
02:51:23 Uh, they're fewer $1.00 appreciate that Devon gun control now is trending on Twitter. White Ray saved exactly.
02:51:31 Hemmer. Thorazine, $5. Appreciate that a while back, you mentioned the loss of American hegemony. Being when.
02:51:39 We had to Scroll down to the UAE and UK to select ohhh yeah, and USA from drop down menu and new one I'm saying is when you add your US phone number to the account it demands you add the plus one country code despite it being.
02:51:57 To an American company, right?
02:51:59 So what he's talking about is I remember in the 90s when you would install new software or go to a website or whatever, and there'd be a, you know, select the country that you're in and you'd click the drop down box.
02:52:15 And if if you even had to, if it wasn't already.
02:52:18 Will then and the first option would be United States.
02:52:23 Even though in alphabetical order, of course, the United States would be towards the bottom.
02:52:28 Well, that's because they didn't want Americans to have to scroll through all the ******* countries just to select the United States.
02:52:37 And they knew most of the people using their **** wasn't, you know.
02:52:40 They were American.
02:52:44 As the progressives started to take over that industry, they, you know, they they relegated the United States into the the list alphabetically like everybody else.
02:52:55 Because we're we're citizens of the world, we don't have preference over for the the people of.
02:53:00 The United States anymore.
02:53:02 And you're right, I've seen the same thing with the the phone number stuff too.
02:53:06 Demanding the country code.
02:53:08 It's the same sort of a thing.
02:53:10 It's just that you're not.
02:53:11 You're not prioritized in any way, shape or form by these corporations.
02:53:15 They might be technically American corporations, but they're not.
02:53:18 They're globalist corporations that reside in America and.
02:53:23 In many ways, the fine American policy, but they're not.
02:53:26 They're not American.
02:53:29 They're not American.
02:53:32 And you know, conservatives honestly, they're just the people who.
02:53:39 Work as hard as they possibly can for many for one of these companies, usually in order to further the rights of those companies.
02:53:53 White power hour.
02:53:55 It's still around Kingdom identity Ministries, the Aryan nations, et cetera.
02:54:01 And there were a lot of folks in the 90s who were all aware of the Jewish problem and the coming demographic decline of whites.
02:54:09 Lots of folks knew a race war was inevitable back then.
02:54:13 Yeah, I'm.
02:54:14 I'm surprised that.
02:54:17 And how much like as we've?
02:54:19 Gone through these things.
02:54:21 There really was.
02:54:22 I feel like a.
Speaker 4
02:54:26 I don't want I want.
02:54:27 I want to call like a blip, but there was just like a surge.
02:54:32 Short lived surge in the 90s.
02:54:35 You know, we had a lot of these talk shows started.
02:54:38 Printing around like skinheads and.
02:54:40 KKK members and stuff like.
02:54:42 That, but the problem was it was again.
02:54:45 None of these people had a good grasp on, and I understand why.
02:54:49 Like, look, that's the last thing they ever thought they'd have to be doing, right?
02:54:53 Is defending their themselves in their own country.
02:54:56 But they didn't seem to be very.
02:55:00 Understanding of of how to interface with normies.
02:55:06 And probably because.
02:55:07 They had the stain for Normans, you know.
02:55:10 But that's not going to again you catch.
02:55:12 More, more flies with honey.
02:55:19 WD41.
02:55:22 Thanks for the streams.
02:55:26 Thank you. Blood stained $5. Appreciate that this well poisoning strikes different like industrial grade poisoning. Felt like there was actual healing occurring. Then this false flag happens. Things are looking bleak. How to have a dialogue about this stuff now?
02:55:46 Well, I mean, I don't think things were.
02:55:48 Things were healing.
02:55:50 Look, this is just going to, yeah, things.
02:55:54 Remember what I said?
02:55:55 It's a lot less.
02:55:57 Emotionally exhausting.
02:56:00 If you just, it's just like the people that trade stocks or trade crypto especially.
Speaker 4
02:56:05 Right now, right.
Speaker 3
02:56:07 That zoom the.
02:56:07 Graph in and they and they look at every little up and down, up and down. It's like a ******* emotional roller coaster, you know, because it's up $5 and that's down $10 and that's up $20 and that's down $50.
02:56:21 And if you're sitting there trying to trade on everyone of those moves, not only do you will, you lose all your money pretty quick doing it that way, but it's it's it's just like an emotional nightmare.
02:56:36 And which is why you lose all your money because you start trading emotionally.
02:56:40 Well, that's the same thing.
02:56:41 It's like.
02:56:42 Yeah, we're going.
02:56:43 To have moments.
02:56:45 Where it seems like we get a win or something like you know, the Roe V Wade stuff, depending on how that.
02:56:51 Comes out right.
02:56:53 There's instances where it seems like people are actually.
02:56:59 Coming through for us.
02:57:03 And that's good.
02:57:05 But you need to zoom out the graph and realize that no, you know ultimately.
Speaker 4
02:57:10 This you're still not on baking the cake.
02:57:16 Uh Ryan is cool $5. Appreciate that. Hey, Devin. Every day I interact with people who just refuse to see what's going on.
02:57:25 It sometimes feels like I'm the crazy one, but these strings remind me that our enemies are objectively evil and lying.
02:57:33 Appreciate the.
02:57:35 Yeah, well, there is, but you, you still might be crazy still.
Speaker 4
02:57:42 No, we're all a little crazy, right?
02:57:46 Yeah, there's there's a there's as as the King James version of the Bible, said the father of lies.
02:57:55 First last, thanks Dev and I'm really beginning to understand the power of zeitgeist.
02:58:02 Horrible hangover.
02:58:05 $2.00 appreciate that. Are you ever jealous or bitter about people who have achieved worldly success, especially when you know you are a more intelligent or more capable than they are? Maybe having ethics and higher standards is enough. Not throwing away morality and standards.
02:58:24 More shekels.
02:58:26 No, because I I.
02:58:28 I have several times in my life.
02:58:32 I've had the option.
02:58:34 I've tasted the option of well.
02:58:38 I'm going to morally.
02:58:39 Struggle with what I'm doing, but I'll have lots of money.
02:58:42 To to numb the pain with.
02:58:46 And it is, it is not.
02:58:49 For me, it's not a sustainable state.
02:58:52 I cannot be some.
02:58:54 I cannot be morally.
02:58:57 Out of step.
02:59:02 Look, there's lots of people, obviously, who can, right?
02:59:04 There's lots of people who can just.
02:59:08 Take the money and run.
02:59:11 I have been paid a lot of money and not even to do that bad of stuff.
02:59:16 It's not like I was making, like, gay ****.
02:59:17 Or anything.
02:59:17 Like that, I mean, like lots of money.
02:59:20 To to basically kind of be a lame **** politically, right?
02:59:27 And and and be a mouthpiece for some random billionaire who wants to don't you know, donate to political messaging that he has control over.
02:59:37 So I wouldn't have any control over it.
02:59:38 It'd be something I would generally disagree with, but I get paid really good money and there other things like that that I I can't do in good conscience.
02:59:47 And so for me, that's priceless.
02:59:49 I would much rather be poor and.
02:59:53 Be able to sleep at night and look.
02:59:55 Not that doesn't bother her, but some people, they don't have a I don't want to say don't have a conscience, but maybe there's.
Speaker 4
03:00:00 It just isn't as loud.
03:00:05 So I mean clearly it's not, that's not how everyone reacts, but I I definitely would way rather be poor and feel like I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing.
03:00:15 I'm doing.
03:00:15 You know what?
03:00:16 God wants me to do.
03:00:17 I'm doing what?
03:00:18 What I'm meant to do.
03:00:21 There's you can't put a price tag on that.
03:00:24 At all.
03:00:26 You know.
Speaker 4
03:00:35 There we go.
03:00:37 Oh yeah, and so I guess the other answer, no, never better.
03:00:41 In fact, a lot of people that have.
03:00:43 A lot of money.
03:00:46 UM.
03:00:47 That I used to work with that that kept doing that.
03:00:50 They have kind of miserable lives.
03:00:54 Horrible hangover $2.00 appreciate that. Thanks for all you do your thoughts and commentary on modern culture are very.
03:01:05 How do you?
03:01:06 Recommend someone get into ham radio.
03:01:10 More specifically, what resources and equipment would help you get a good start?
03:01:18 Well, I I did a whole video.
03:01:20 On on Ham radio that's on bit shoot, it's probably on Odyssey.
03:01:27 In fact, it might even be on YouTube, I think.
03:01:30 Where I explain all the different kinds of radios and what you know.
03:01:33 What depends on what you're trying to accomplish?
03:01:37 That's the bottom line.
03:01:38 What you're trying to accomplish.
03:01:40 If it's because you want to get into the hobby as a hobby to have fun or what.
03:01:46 Then it's up to you, right?
03:01:47 But if you want to set.
03:01:49 Up communications as I did long range between me and and and members of my family.
03:01:55 So that if the grid ever went down, or ever if I ever got censored or whatever, there would be a plan in place.
Speaker 4
03:02:01 That I could.
03:02:03 Still reach my family.
03:02:07 With with minimal trouble and just, you know, part of it, I do like it.
03:02:13 It's just fun too.
03:02:14 So that's the first thing.
03:02:16 Just find out what it is you're trying to accomplish and then check out that video.
03:02:20 I did that, kind of.
03:02:22 I explained the different kinds and.
03:02:27 And there's there's lots and lots and lots of ham radio YouTube channels.
03:02:34 I would say ham radio crash course is.
03:02:37 Probably one of the bigger ones.
03:02:39 And that guy is uh.
03:02:44 And he's just got endless videos.
03:02:46 His channels just got so many videos on it.
03:02:49 So I would say check that one out.
Speaker 4
03:02:53 Let's see here.
03:02:56 Scroll down, Scroll down, Scroll down.
03:03:01 Scroll down.
03:03:07 Florida man 1488.
03:03:11 Greetings, Devon.
03:03:12 I rarely catch these live but wanted to let you know.
03:03:14 I appreciate the work you do.
03:03:17 You take a, you take complex ideas and deliver them in a simple way without pseudo intellectual hot air.
03:03:24 My favorite part of your streams are when you are when you.
03:03:30 Let out one of your jovial headphone destroying laughs.
03:03:32 Oh, sorry if it's laugh.
03:03:36 I don't wear.
03:03:37 I don't wear headphones, so I don't know.
Speaker 4
03:03:40 In fact, my *******.
03:03:41 I have I have sweet headphones.
03:03:43 Well, I've they're like I've had them forever.
03:03:46 They're the the headphones that.
03:03:48 We use at the TV first TV station.
03:03:50 I used to work at and they started making them in the 90s.
03:03:53 They're the Sony studio headphones.
03:03:54 They they've sounded great.
03:03:56 And then I went to use them for that.
03:03:58 The the camera on Film Festival thing.
03:04:01 With Brody.
03:04:04 Like last week or whatever that was, and they don't work anymore.
03:04:09 And I don't feel like fixing them.
03:04:12 Because I've had to fix them a couple times already, I think that I might.
03:04:15 It might be time to let these guys die.
03:04:17 Like all the leather is worn off the.
03:04:19 Ear pads and.
03:04:21 One of the speakers sounds like it's kind of eating **** anyway, but anyway.
03:04:26 I guess that was a unnecessary detour.
03:04:28 I don't think you guys care about my.
03:04:29 Headphones Nicholas Gurr when our God Yahweh comes back, Yahweh is the God of the Jews.
03:04:37 Christianity has pacified the Gentiles.
03:04:41 And plays perfectly into Jews, into the Jews and time plans. The Jews self fulfill prophecies and the Christians say it was God's ever read salvation as the Jews.
03:04:55 It's in their wake up people.
03:04:57 I mean, I don't know, I don't think.
03:04:59 That that Christianity is some secret.
03:05:02 Jewish plan to control people, but I'll tell you what, there are absolutely aspects of modern Christians that translate to it.
03:05:13 Might as well be like that, right?
03:05:16 But not all Christians, but certainly a a big chunk of them in the West.
03:05:22 Two base for YouTube $1.00 appreciate that the thing about white people is that we have a form of compassion that is unique.
03:05:29 To our race.
03:05:30 It's sort of upsetting but necessary that this unique trait might have to be discarded for our continued survival.
03:05:38 Obviously not by shooting up a store like a ******* ******, though.
03:05:42 Right.
03:05:42 Well, what you could do is.
03:05:44 I don't know.
03:05:45 I I I don't feel like we have to start being ******* sociopaths so much as you just have to point that compassion.
03:05:55 Towards your own people.
03:05:58 And justice be honest with yourself about what will happen to these people if you don't.
03:06:05 You know, don't don't prevent it.
03:06:11 Champ love your stuff, Devin.
03:06:12 First time catching a stream.
03:06:14 I've been watching a lot of your old stuff lately.
03:06:17 Will you ever make more 20 minute videos?
03:06:19 My older brother was getting red pilled on Julie Wood over here in your strings.
03:06:24 But he won't watch them because of the length.
03:06:27 Well, then he doesn't have the attention.
03:06:29 Spin to be based anyway so.
03:06:38 He's never.
03:06:38 He's not going to make it, bro.
03:06:41 I don't know.
03:06:41 Like, probably not going to the 20.
03:06:44 It's just, you know, you got to realize.
03:06:46 The time investment.
03:06:48 For those videos, it was it was a lot of time, which made sense when I could be monetized based on views and whatever.
03:06:58 And there was no expectation that I come up with regular content or whatever.
03:07:03 And so I could spend like a month.
03:07:08 Which I usually didn't spend that long, but like I would spend like a lot of time on something.
03:07:15 I could put it out and not only would it get a lot of views initially, it would be the gift that kept on giving, right?
03:07:23 So because if I made it to where it was always relevant, like a lot of those videos were, you'd you'd get like.
03:07:32 You know, almost like compound interest kind of you get royalties sort of you know forever even if it wasn't that much, it was something, right.
03:07:39 And now the whole.
03:07:42 The whole thing has changed.
Speaker 3
03:07:47 You know, like the the.
03:07:50 We're just trying.
03:07:50 To work around the limitations that we have.
03:07:53 I never thought I would.
03:07:54 I'd be a live streamer, honestly, and I was terrified when I first started.
03:07:58 I I did not warm up to it for quite a while.
03:08:03 But it makes the most sense.
03:08:05 I can cover the most ground in the least amount of time and and I can a lot of time that I would you would have spent.
03:08:16 You know, like editing and doing animations and stuff like that.
03:08:19 I feel like is better spent researching stuff and look.
03:08:23 I prefer to go deep on something and not just do 20 minutes worth and just make it so.
03:08:28 Oh, here's some shareable video.
03:08:31 It's like again, it's like, you know, if you can't get into it, it's almost like telling an author, you know, you used to write short stories, but now you write novels.
03:08:41 But and my my brother can't read a whole novel, only read a short story or a comic.
03:08:48 It's like, well, that's sounds like a your brother problem, not a me problem.
03:08:56 Because yeah, it's like I I still like, I like to do like the really in-depth ones where I still have to research for a few weeks.
03:09:05 And then we stream for like.
03:09:07 3 1/2 hours or whatever.
03:09:09 Which we're already over already over 3 hours, so I'm going to hurry up and finish through here.
03:09:15 Let's see here.
03:09:20 Frontline dissident $25. Appreciate that great stream. As always, Devin, have you ever heard of Patriot front? It is the biggest and most active nationalist organization in the country. They put up tons of pro white propaganda, do large demonstrations and community outreach such as food.
03:09:39 Highly recommend researching them.
03:09:41 Yeah, I've seen their their stuff so far it's been.
03:09:47 Positive, at least that I'm aware of.
03:09:49 Unless I'm.
03:09:50 I don't know if something that's happened recently.
03:09:53 I think it's funny how how everyone again, because they were.
Speaker 4
03:09:59 Well, I mean I guess optical.
03:10:02 Everyone assumed they were feds.
03:10:05 I would be curious that I mean look any organization like that is going to be a target of target for infiltration by the feds.
Speaker 4
03:10:09 Could have.
03:10:12 That's just going to happen.
03:10:14 No matter how hard the organizers try to prevent that it, there's always going to be.
03:10:19 I mean, they're always going to be a target.
03:10:25 Iceberg 1235 dollars appreciate that I don't know if someone already suggested it before, but we'll, but we'll all the **** going on.
03:10:36 But with all the **** going on, you should definitely review Dirty Dancing.
03:10:41 Why Dirty Dancing?
03:10:44 I mean I I.
03:10:47 Think I might have seen that at some point.
03:10:51 It's about, isn't it about like a Jewish girl, or at least I think the address is Jewish.
03:10:58 I think it's about a Jewish girl who.
03:11:01 It is corrupted.
03:11:02 By a goy, actually, I don't.
03:11:04 I don't know.
03:11:07 It's a I don't know.
03:11:09 In my head, that's it's such a it's like a.
03:11:12 It's like a boomer, like a.
03:11:14 Boomer wine mom movie.
03:11:15 You know what I mean?
03:11:16 That's that's like, that's why it's like, no, not not exactly on the top of my list.
03:11:23 How are Jays or this is from laugh track?
03:11:26 How are the Jays so good at manipulation and deception?
03:11:30 Is it a genetic thing?
03:11:31 Look, I think to some extent, yes, actually.
03:11:36 I think behavior not just deception, but many.
03:11:42 Many personality traits and behaviors are genetic, absolutely.
03:11:49 And that's something that everyone.
03:11:51 Believed in until very recently.
03:11:54 Intel multiculturalism.
03:11:59 But everyone's always, I mean, look.
03:12:02 With not to get, you know, I know you guys get might get.
03:12:05 Sick of me talking about bees?
03:12:08 Bees are a perfect example.
03:12:09 You can breed bees for temperament.
03:12:13 But not just bees.
03:12:14 You can breed dogs for temperament and people do.
03:12:19 So why is?
03:12:20 It that you can literally breed almost any animal.
03:12:24 For temperament.
03:12:27 Suddenly it doesn't work.
03:12:29 When it's humans, it's ********.
03:12:32 ******** ****** $1.00. Appreciate that. What do you think is going to happen after this shooting saw on Telegram that they're calling this dude the midterm shooter?
03:12:43 Ohh I don't know I.
03:12:44 Mean the midterms are still pretty far away.
03:12:49 With how fast everything's been going on.
03:12:52 Even though that they'll they'll try to report this and beat it to death as much as humanly possible.
03:12:58 But just because we seem to be living in like a a an era where there's calamities so often, I kind of feel like they're not going to be able to beat.
03:13:09 It to death for too long because.
03:13:13 There's going to be another calamity around the corner.
03:13:18 So if anything, I guess there's the.
03:13:19 Silver lining in a weird way.
03:13:24 Microsoft wins $10. Appreciate that yo Dev, did you kill the rabbit yet? No, I think something else got it though.
03:13:33 Because I haven't seen it.
03:13:36 In in few in weeks and nothing's getting chewed up.
03:13:40 So something happened to it.
03:13:43 We had a bobcat.
03:13:45 Live in the area for a while.
03:13:48 And he was killing ****.
03:13:55 He might.
03:13:55 Maybe he took care of it.
03:14:00 Roland, have you seen the movie betrayed 1988? It was loosely based on the murder of Alan Berg and the order.
03:14:11 I feel like I've seen that, but.
03:14:14 I'll add that to my list that sounds familiar.
03:14:18 All right. And then Colonel Edward $1.00.
03:14:21 Would it be possible to put the MLK rape audio in a future stream at some point?
03:14:28 A detailed video debunking all the civil rights heroes would be a great video to show my parents.
03:14:34 My dad really enjoyed the Black History Month dream and I'm trying to blackpill my friends on the family.
03:14:40 Friends and family over time, so the the here's the problem with the MLK audio, the National Archives has it and will not give it up.
03:14:51 All we have is a very pro MLK guy, which is why, you know, you know, he's not just making it up because he kept it a secret for a long time because he didn't want to tell people because he thought it would smear his name.
03:15:04 He was given special like he was writing the biography of MLK and the National Archives gave him special access to that stuff, and he heard it.
03:15:17 And he didn't talk about it for because he didn't want to tell, you know, he didn't.
03:15:20 Don't think he put it in the you know the biography.
03:15:24 But he ended up.
03:15:25 That's how we know it exists, cause he ended up spilling the beans.
03:15:28 In an interview, I think several years later.
03:15:31 So the National Archives has it.
03:15:38 But they're not, uh.
03:15:42 Yeah, I'm drinking right out of the right out of the gallon of water.
03:15:46 But they're not.
03:15:47 They're not going to make that.
03:15:49 I think he had a.
03:15:50 He had a transcript.
03:15:54 I'll have to look and see if he's got the transcript, but there's articles.
03:15:57 I mean, look, that he was a credible person.
03:15:59 Like I said, he was a big fan of MLK.
03:16:02 So anyhow.
Speaker 4
03:16:06 Uh, we've got.
03:16:06 A regular chat just for a second.
03:16:16 Actually no.
03:16:18 Open this up.
03:16:19 How many people we got live?
03:16:21 I don't even know anymore.
03:16:23 Because I have to pop out the chat.
Speaker 4
03:16:27 I'm going below the page is going to.
03:16:28 Probably **** me a little bit.
03:16:35 Yeah, yeah, we get, we're still getting.
03:16:37 We're still pulling in the numbers.
03:16:38 That's good.
03:16:41 That's that's quite good.
03:16:47 Yeah, 600 is not bad. I'm OK with 600. Yeah, we're up to 900 at one point. That's that's good. That's good.
03:16:55 Yeah, they're for odyssey at night.
03:16:57 I I'm happy with those numbers.
03:17:00 I have been paying attention at all because like I what the chat doesn't tell you.
03:17:04 And so I'd load up the page and then I I would pop out, chat and then close the page because I don't think my connection would like having to stream it both ways.
03:17:12 You know what I mean?
03:17:13 So in any kind of effort to to kind of.
03:17:17 Kind of chill it out.
03:17:18 It's I found that works the best is by popping out the chat and closing the window.
03:17:25 Yeah, it's been working pretty OK tonight.
03:17:28 There have been a couple stream drop messes.
03:17:33 But it's been pretty OK.
03:17:36 Pretty OK.
03:17:40 Six gorilla in watchers, that's true.
03:17:46 How do you do?
03:17:47 Fellow East Coast enjoyers?
03:17:50 Any thoughts on Fontez and Ethan Ralph yet?
03:17:52 I honestly I have not.
03:17:55 I know there was some drama.
03:17:58 Someone tried to give me like the the quick version, but I still didn't.
03:18:01 Get it?
03:18:03 You know, it was still like I was like, I don't know.
03:18:07 I I I am very, very, very.
03:18:11 Very much outside the last several weeks and it's just, don't worry, I said.
03:18:17 That's all going to change.
03:18:18 I'm going to be back to indoor duty.
03:18:21 Very soon today was rough.
03:18:22 Today was a borderline heat exhaustion at A at certain points.
03:18:33 5 to 600 is.
03:18:34 Very typical.
03:18:35 That's good.
03:18:36 That's good.
03:18:39 I was about to go to sleep until I saw I didn't post that he was streaming on Telegram.
Speaker 4
03:18:50 Alright guys.
03:18:50 Well, let me just double check.
03:18:53 Super chant.
Speaker 4
03:18:57 Oh, you know what?
03:18:58 I don't think I.
03:19:02 I don't think I have an A fancy end video for you guys you.
03:19:05 Might have to.
03:19:08 To wait while I.
03:19:10 I quickly browsed through all my my random my the cutting room floor is the way I look at it.
03:19:16 A lot of those clips are.
03:19:17 It's like clips that I found while getting ready for the show, but I'm like, oh Nah, and I don't use it.
03:19:23 And then it ends up at the end or it's something?
03:19:25 Sometimes I find it and I'm like, oh, that'd be perfect.
03:19:29 But I don't know.
03:19:29 I I didn't.
03:19:30 I didn't load one up today.
03:19:32 Because the ******* shooter guy.
03:19:35 ******* shooter guy.
03:19:38 So all right guys.
03:19:40 Well, you all have a wonderful weekend.
03:19:42 We'll be back here on Wednesday.
03:19:45 Same bat time, same bat channel.
03:19:49 For black pills, I am of course.
Speaker 4
03:20:41 Well, you know.
03:20:42 It's not really a video, but **** it here.
03:20:43 You go.
03:20:43 Here's a song toy.
Speaker 11
03:22:35 How much?
03:22:37 When Robert comes back, we'll kill the two.
03:22:49 Ohh no, here comes your line.
Speaker 17
03:23:47 How to get?