

Speaker 1
00:10:06 Move it.
00:01:11 Being all my breath.
00:01:15 Making love to you was never, never really knowing.
00:01:21 I saw the world rushing on.
00:01:29 It was always may shine light.
00:01:36 With you.
Speaker 2
00:01:39 You see the.
00:01:40 Difference and it's getting better all the time.
00:01:46 There's nothing new and I want to do.
Speaker 1
00:02:04 Drops in the states of imaginary Gray.
00:02:10 Made a pilgrimage to safest human rights.
Speaker 2
00:02:31 It's getting better all the time.
00:02:35 There's nothing you and I want to do.
00:03:11 I'll stop.
Speaker 2
00:03:20 It's getting better.
00:03:25 Will know.
00:03:30 A lot of stuff.
00:04:01 I'll stop the world and see the difference.
00:04:09 It's getting better all the time.
00:04:13 There's nothing new and I want to.
Speaker 4
00:04:52 If you're the.
00:04:53 Flag you don't know where to go to.
00:04:55 Why don't?
00:04:55 You go where fashion sits.
00:04:58 But in other words, different types to wear radical pants with stripes and colored away coat perfect fits.
Speaker 5
00:05:08 Putting on the dress.
Speaker 4
00:05:16 Trying hard to look like Gary Cooper.
00:05:21 Come, let's mix.
00:05:22 We're Rockefellers, rock with sticks around the rollers in the mix.
00:05:31 Have you seen the well to do up and down Park Ave.
00:05:36 On that famous with the noses in the air.
00:05:42 an arrow colors, spats and lots of dollars spending every time.
00:05:48 For a wonderful time.
00:05:50 If you're blue and you don't know where to go to, why don't you go?
00:05:54 Where fashion sits.
00:05:57 Putting on the Ritz.
00:06:00 Different types to wear a day coat, pants with stripes and cut away coat perfect fits.
00:06:07 Putting on.
Speaker 2
00:06:07 The Ritz.
Speaker 4
00:06:10 Dressed up like a million.
00:06:11 Dollar trying hard to look like Gary Cooper.
00:06:19 Come, let's mix where Rockefellers walk with sticks or umbrellas.
00:06:24 In the midst.
00:06:56 Trying hard to look like Gary Cooper if you're.
00:07:01 Blue and you don't know where.
00:07:03 To go to, why don't you go where fashion sits?
00:07:12 Putting on the Ritz.
Speaker 5
00:07:32 The women's.
Speaker 4
00:07:35 Diamond one, but not till now.
00:07:37 The time is right for.
00:07:38 Us and we can meet.
00:07:42 Move to the rhythm we can.
00:08:09 Putting it up, putting it on, putting it on the.
Speaker 5
00:08:16 See how back you and me saying.
00:08:36 Gotta dance.
00:09:14 In 4 short.
00:09:16 Everybody was doing great.
00:09:18 Men, women, African American, Hispanic Americans, everybody was thriving.
Speaker 6
00:09:26 Is the first thing it says.
Speaker 8
00:09:27 Like this would be cool.
00:09:29 He goes straight to black unemployment.
00:09:32 That's the first thing he did.
00:09:34 There was never a time like this preparing the page, the decades we've broken spell outs and one sided trade deals with the unions out of poverty, and together we built the greatest economy in the history of the world.
Speaker 9
00:09:35 Oh my God.
00:09:38 Jesus Christ.
00:09:39 He's like a ******* mean of himself.
Speaker 1
00:09:43 Oh my God.
00:09:50 When the virus.
00:09:51 Hit our shores.
00:09:52 I took decisive action and the same year.
00:09:56 And then and then call it.
00:09:58 What the ****?
00:10:00 Jesus Christ.
00:10:01 Remember those fastest economic recovery ever reported.
00:10:01 **** this guy.
00:10:02 **** this guy.
00:10:04 **** this guy.
00:10:06 How about that?
00:10:06 I mean, look.
Speaker 9
00:10:07 It'll be funny.
00:10:08 I guess it'll be.
00:10:09 Funny. Might as well.
Speaker 10
00:10:10 Make it entertaining.
00:10:12 As we circle the *******.
00:10:16 Good evening everyone. This.
Speaker 11
00:10:18 Is your host Devin stacking?
00:10:21 Is the insomnia stream.
00:10:23 BIOS Flash edition? Hopefully, hopefully.
00:10:27 My computer doesn't just lock up and go crazy.
00:10:34 I'm using a a subpar power supply.
00:10:38 And I thought I.
00:10:39 Had it all fixed because it wasn't shutting off.
00:10:40 I was like, oh, that's good. That's good. OK, went down from 1200 watts to 7:50, but.
00:10:47 You know, I'm running a lot of hardware in that thing, so maybe if I.
Speaker 9
00:10:51 You know, maybe if.
Speaker 11
00:10:53 Maybe because when I got the 1200 Watt power supply I had dual processors after the the power surge that took this computer out down to once, I was like alright, just half the processors, half the RAM because you know, that's what happens when when the processor is gone.
00:11:08 So we'll see because today.
00:11:12 When I thought everything was fine.
00:11:14 It started to go to.
Speaker 9
00:11:15 100%.
Speaker 11
00:11:17 Like the the the CPU went to 100% and then you'd go to the the task manager, but there'd be nothing using.
00:11:24 100% there was number process using 100%.
00:11:28 And and I mean like the mouse.
00:11:30 Wasn't even moving.
Speaker 12
00:11:31 It was like chunk chunk, chunk, chunk.
Speaker 11
00:11:33 We tried to move the mouse.
00:11:35 And I was like, what the **** is wrong with this ******* thing?
00:11:38 So I flashed the BIOS.
00:11:42 And that was scary.
00:11:44 It's always scary.
00:11:45 A little bit.
00:11:46 Because if anything goes wrong, there goes the motherboard, right?
00:11:50 But this was this was scary because.
00:11:52 It at 40.
00:11:53 5% or I think maybe it's 43, it just stopped, it just stopped.
00:11:59 For like an hour.
00:12:00 And I was like, I was just about to be.
00:12:02 Like a mother you know and just turn off and just be, you know, have a dead motherboard.
00:12:07 And then it started going again.
00:12:08 I was like, oh, OK.
Speaker 9
00:12:10 But then it wouldn't boot up.
00:12:13 Wouldn't boot up.
Speaker 11
00:12:15 I had to move the jumper over to clear the MV RAM and that didn't do anything.
00:12:20 And then the of course the the BIOS battery is underneath.
00:12:26 I've got these.
00:12:26 See it's water, never water.
00:12:28 Cool a computer, by the way, never do that.
Speaker 9
00:12:31 I know it sounds cool.
Speaker 11
00:12:34 And it and it feels cool when you're first doing it.
Speaker 9
00:12:37 It's not cool.
Speaker 11
00:12:39 No pun intended.
00:12:40 It's not cool.
00:12:42 It's just a lot more work.
00:12:44 It just makes everything you have to do with.
00:12:46 Your computer.
00:12:48 Way more complicated and annoying.
00:12:51 And so I have dual video cards that are that are physically locked together in this water block garbage.
00:13:00 So if you take out one, you have to take out both and it's like this 30 pound.
00:13:05 Block of metal you have.
00:13:06 To get and that's of course right.
00:13:07 Where the the BIOS battery was.
00:13:09 So, like building a ship in a ******* bottle and like wedging A screwdriver underneath there, trying to pop it out, finally got it anyway.
00:13:18 Now it's it's it's up, it's up using all the default BIOS settings.
00:13:25 I went down a version, so I'm hoping that it has something to do with it because.
00:13:32 I couldn't even get into the BIOS.
00:13:34 Prior to the to flashing it so.
Speaker 9
00:13:36 Maybe that's all it was.
00:13:38 I don't know.
00:13:39 Who knows?
Speaker 11
00:13:40 That was only I only got it running, I'd say No 3 hours ago, so it's been running about 3 hours and everything's fine. So I am kind of pushing it. I've got three monitors going.
00:13:53 But everything so far so good.
00:13:55 So if the stream just suddenly goes down.
00:13:59 That's what happened.
00:14:00 That's what happened.
00:14:02 Anyway, so yeah, Trump's big announcement, Trump's big announcement.
00:14:09 Trump's big disappointing announcement talk about low energy.
00:14:14 Even Jeb Bush had to make fun of him.
00:14:18 I don't know what the deal was.
00:14:20 And of course, who was a Lindsey Graham?
00:14:22 Lindsey Graham, of all people.
00:14:25 Took to Twitter to say wow.
00:14:27 If this is the tone.
00:14:30 That Trump wants to take on.
Speaker 9
00:14:32 He'll be unbeatable.
Speaker 11
00:14:37 All he did was he talked about.
00:14:39 Of course, you know, he was great with COVID.
00:14:41 He was great for black people.
00:14:44 He was great for Mexicans.
00:14:46 He was great for Jews, he went on and on about being great.
00:14:49 For Jews in Israel.
00:14:52 And yeah, doesn't mention white people even once.
00:14:57 Even once.
00:14:59 And doesn't talk about voter fraud.
Speaker 9
00:15:03 But but but the same.
00:15:05 Here's the thing.
00:15:07 He wants you to believe.
Speaker 11
00:15:11 And look, let's just let's just pretend that look, because it really doesn't matter, right?
00:15:14 It doesn't matter whether or not voter fraud happened in this instance, OK?
00:15:19 He he is telling the people that.
00:15:22 Are voting for him?
00:15:23 That it exists so independent of whether or not it did.
00:15:28 The people voting for him are supposed to believe.
00:15:32 That voter fraud existed to such a degree that not only was he robbed of the election in 2020.
00:15:41 But as recently as a few days ago.
00:15:44 Other elections you know, namely Arizona.
00:15:49 Were also stolen.
00:15:52 But vote for him in this new election.
Speaker 9
00:15:56 When nothing has changed.
Speaker 11
00:15:58 And in fact, if anything, with Democrats in power.
Speaker 9
00:16:03 They've streamlined it, they've made it better.
00:16:06 They they know you're watching now.
00:16:12 I mean and I.
Speaker 11
00:16:13 Don't understand why you wouldn't vote for him because he's great for black people in Israel.
00:16:20 ******* train wreck.
00:16:22 ******* train wreck.
00:16:24 And if people look if people are are still, and I guess people are right, I guess some people are still trusting the plan.
00:16:34 Some people are still ******* trusting the plant.
00:16:37 It's funny because.
00:16:38 I think on Gab I posted this clip on gab.
00:16:43 And I saw like, a couple of people commenting, or maybe it wasn't on mine.
00:16:46 It was on someone summarized what?
00:16:49 What what he had said in this, you know, in his announcement, his very low energy.
00:16:55 Borderline geriatric.
00:17:00 Uh, there was a couple of people that were like I I'm.
00:17:03 I'm guessing that the cute people were expecting.
00:17:08 I mean, I haven't got, I haven't gone a bit shoot and watched the queue videos in a long time just because it's just like I can't even understand that there's got to be bots running.
00:17:15 I hope.
00:17:16 There's bots.
00:17:17 Messing with their views cause it's still the same thing.
00:17:21 It's still the same thing.
00:17:22 You go the the trending page, or at least last time I checked which it wasn't super long ago.
00:17:27 And the first page is still like queue stuff.
00:17:31 And I'm guessing they were.
00:17:33 They were expecting him to to announce that.
00:17:37 I'm going to.
00:17:39 I'm going to go to the White House and arrest Biden and Hillary and and like, I don't know what the, what.
00:17:46 I don't know what.
00:17:46 They were expecting, but they were expecting something because I saw a bunch of comments underneath these these posts saying.
Speaker 13
00:17:53 That's it.
00:17:55 That like, that's that does it?
00:17:58 We're we're being made fools.
Speaker 9
00:18:01 It's like, really, it took this long.
00:18:03 Like I get, I don't know, like at least some.
Speaker 11
00:18:06 Of them are are finally.
00:18:08 Wow, yeah.
Speaker 9
00:18:10 I guess I guess they.
Speaker 14
00:18:11 Do have a limit.
Speaker 9
00:18:13 I guess they.
Speaker 11
00:18:13 Do have a limit.
00:18:15 So anyway it's it's.
00:18:18 It was beyond underwhelming this announcement.
00:18:20 It wasn't even like memeable.
00:18:22 There was nothing about it that was any different than any kind of other, you know, any other Republican.
00:18:29 I mean, I I I would even say it was probably lower energy than, say, like a Jeb Bush in 2016 announcing.
00:18:42 It was.
00:18:43 Yeah, but what do you expect? How old is he now? Like 76?
00:18:49 76 something like that and and look in the elections in two more years.
00:18:55 So he'll be. He'll be 78.
00:18:58 Even if he got elected, he'd be 82 before he, you know.
00:19:03 Came up for reelection and and knowing him right he would, he would run again.
00:19:09 Be like 90 by.
Speaker 5
00:19:10 By the time they cut but.
Speaker 11
00:19:16 Yeah, I don't.
00:19:16 I don't see him winning again.
00:19:18 I don't see him winning again.
00:19:19 I see him.
00:19:20 You know, again, independent of fraud.
00:19:24 I just think at this point at this point.
00:19:28 The DEM especially.
00:19:29 Give it two more years.
00:19:30 The demographics will have shift enough.
00:19:33 That's just that's just, you know.
00:19:34 And the fraud?
00:19:36 Will you know it'll it'll finesse the numbers.
00:19:41 In the right direction, if the demographics haven't shifted enough.
00:19:47 And he's just.
00:19:47 Not going to have the the groundswell of support.
00:19:51 He can't even say your name.
00:19:55 He can't even look you in the eye.
00:20:02 But it doesn't matter.
00:20:03 Elections are kind of fake and gay anyway, so.
00:20:06 On some level, I hope he runs just because it'll be kind of funny.
00:20:09 It'll be funny.
00:20:10 It'll be very destructive to the Republican Party.
00:20:13 You'll have all these Republicans coming out and saying, oh, you see, you see, this is proof.
00:20:18 This is proof that that Donald Trump style of politics is just not what Americans want.
00:20:26 It's just not what Americans want.
00:20:30 I don't know what he thinks he's getting.
00:20:32 Out of pandering the Jews.
00:20:37 I really don't.
00:20:44 I I honestly don't, I don't.
00:20:45 Know like what is this?
00:20:46 Is this?
00:20:47 Is he just part of the the?
00:20:49 Oh, come on, you guys are supposed to like Jews.
00:20:52 Like maybe he's part of the same memo that went out to everybody else.
00:20:56 Because like I said last.
00:20:58 String a memo went out.
00:21:01 A memo went out.
00:21:05 And I saw it again.
00:21:07 This is the latest Tim Dillon Show.
00:21:10 One of the more popular podcasts on YouTube.
00:21:15 Not as popular now that he.
00:21:18 Went full fad mode on his producer.
00:21:23 But yeah, this is.
00:21:26 This is what I'm talking about here.
00:21:27 Let me fix the audio real quick.
00:21:31 This is what I'm talking about.
00:21:32 A memo definitely went out.
Speaker 16
00:21:35 Better we value education.
00:21:37 Yeah, we're not born intelligent.
00:21:39 It might be genetic.
00:21:40 Let's be honest, there's no there's not many.
00:21:42 Studies on it.
00:21:43 But we are smarter.
Speaker 15
00:21:43 Or indeed, aren't the IQ's of Ashkenazi Jews very?
Speaker 16
00:21:47 High. Extremely high.
00:21:49 I mean is there any?
00:21:50 Surprise no bro.
Speaker 15
00:21:53 There seems to be a tough relationship between Jewish music executives and black.
Speaker 16
00:21:58 Here's why we designed everything they do that do rag that for the scent had, that's.
00:22:03 Who designed?
00:22:04 We choose all that ****.
00:22:06 They run it by us and then we choose.
00:22:08 What will we do?
00:22:09 Market research and we just figure out what's the best Milli Vanilli.
00:22:12 It was all Jews who were saying this stuff, right?
00:22:15 We we've just like planned it, but we know we're not cool looking.
00:22:19 And also, yeah, we kill it in the in the management industry.
00:22:21 You know why like why comedy managers and agents are Jews.
Speaker 17
00:22:26 Why the the?
Speaker 16
00:22:26 Because you need to be having some funneling your money the first three years, you're not making any money.
Speaker 5
00:22:30 Right.
Speaker 17
00:22:31 Who else could afford that?
00:22:33 Only rich?
00:22:33 Right.
Speaker 16
00:22:35 Well this that's follow follow your dream.
Speaker 15
00:22:37 These are all.
00:22:38 Good things, good things.
Speaker 11
00:22:41 These are all good things.
00:22:46 It's good that Jews are in places of power because you wouldn't be able to follow your dreams.
00:22:50 Otherwise, they are the kingmakers.
00:22:54 They know what they're doing.
00:22:55 They're high IQ.
00:22:59 They look around, they they look for.
00:23:01 The the top talent.
00:23:05 They funnel money towards the top talent.
00:23:12 And that's who you get to see.
00:23:13 On television, in movies.
00:23:17 And in music.
Speaker 9
00:23:20 But it's a good thing they're high IQ.
Speaker 11
00:23:25 They're also who gets to be guests on Joe Rogan's podcast.
00:23:34 You know, there were some people that were saying that.
00:23:38 Oh, he wasn't being serious.
00:23:41 He wasn't being serious.
Speaker 9
00:23:43 That that was just all you know, they.
Speaker 11
00:23:45 Were they were, there was tongue in cheek.
00:23:46 No, this guy.
00:23:47 And Speaking of Joe Rogan.
00:23:50 He has said exactly basically what he.
00:23:52 Just said there on Joe Rogan.
00:23:54 Let me.
00:23:54 See if I can pull that clip up.
00:23:57 There we are.
00:23:58 This is him on Joe Rogan saying the same thing.
Speaker 18
00:24:06 Explain this, Ari.
00:24:07 Why are Jews so *** **** smart?
00:24:08 And there you told me this once.
Speaker 16
00:24:10 Genetically inbreeding.
Speaker 18
00:24:10 Like no, but there's a thing about the disproportionate amount of Jews who've won Nobel.
00:24:15 It's really spectacular, is that?
Speaker 8
00:24:15 Yeah. Yeah, we're.
00:24:17 We're not right our our.
Speaker 18
00:24:17 European Jews. Ah ohh.
Speaker 16
00:24:18 Our culture of European Jews, our culture, values, education, hard and and we're just like and we're look we're not.
Speaker 18
00:24:22 Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 16
00:24:25 Great athletes, but.
Speaker 19
00:24:26 You gotta fire up under your *** too because of what happened. So you're like, you gotta make hay while the sun's not hot.
00:24:30 Yeah, but.
Speaker 9
00:24:33 See, they're just.
Speaker 20
00:24:34 They just value.
Speaker 11
00:24:35 Education. That's all.
00:24:39 They value education.
00:24:40 They're genetically better than you.
00:24:47 That's what.
00:24:47 That's what they're all saying right now.
00:24:49 It's it's it's.
00:24:49 Kind of funny.
00:24:52 It's kind of funny because it is.
00:24:55 Now making race and IQ an issue, of course they're not going to really let you make it an issue.
00:25:02 But it makes it hard to get away from.
00:25:06 Why wouldn't you want these people in charge, though?
Speaker 9
00:25:09 I mean they're they're.
Speaker 11
00:25:10 Clearly out for your best interests.
Speaker 14
00:25:14 Now more than ever, we're short of workers.
00:25:18 We have a population that is not reproducing it on its own with the same level that it used to.
00:25:25 The only way we're going to have a great future in America is if we welcome.
00:25:28 And embrace immigrants, the dreamers, and all of them cause our ultimate goal is to help the dreamers but get a path to citizenship for all 11,000,000 or however many undocumented there are here.
Speaker 9
00:25:43 Oh, and the.
Speaker 11
00:25:43 Great replacement.
00:25:44 That's all a lie too.
00:25:49 Now I wonder why I wonder.
00:25:51 Why population is dropping?
00:25:53 Could it be possibly?
00:25:56 The influence that we've, we've done several streams, we're all throughout the 70s and 80s and 90s.
00:26:03 They just kept talking about how.
00:26:06 There's a big population problem.
00:26:09 There's going to be.
Speaker 9
00:26:10 Too many people.
Speaker 11
00:26:13 And all these Jewish kingmakers going.
00:26:14 Around and funding all the nonprofits.
00:26:17 That would back them up.
00:26:19 Producing movies.
00:26:20 That said the exact same thing, the future is going to be this hellscape, this ******* this topian nightmare.
00:26:27 You wouldn't want to have kids and and you have any women and anyone that's done any kind of dating knows this.
00:26:36 You go out with a a woman that that seems.
00:26:38 At least you know.
00:26:39 All right, given the.
00:26:42 Given the the low bar these days.
00:26:46 And the topic of kids comes up.
00:26:48 You know, if you're a serious person.
00:26:50 So it's like a job interview.
00:26:52 So you got to, you have to talk about issues like that.
00:26:54 You're like, oh, what?
Speaker 9
00:26:55 Do you think about having kids?
00:26:57 How many times have?
Speaker 11
00:26:58 You heard why would want to bring a.
00:27:01 Kid into this world.
00:27:06 I wouldn't want to bring a.
Speaker 11
00:27:07 Kid into this evil world.
00:27:12 By the way, that's that.
00:27:15 To me, that was code for I've had an abortion before.
00:27:18 That's that's.
00:27:19 That's what I that's what I heard when.
00:27:21 I would hear that.
00:27:22 That was. That's the justification.
00:27:28 And now these are these women today.
00:27:41 You don't either, man.
00:27:44 See the big teddy bear.
00:28:02 Is he out?
00:28:03 New ship.
00:28:04 Brooke Steinberg pushing.
00:28:06 Look, another one of those high IQ Jews.
00:28:12 Pushing the idea that you know you don't need a man, you just need this big ******* teddy bear.
00:28:17 He'll keep you warm at night.
00:28:20 You're a strong, independent woman.
00:28:25 And if you look back at the feminist movement, it's like 90% Jewish.
00:28:33 And not just Jewish.
00:28:34 It's it's the same.
00:28:36 Same Jews that it always seems to be Jews who immigrated here around the turn of the century.
00:28:42 From Eastern Europe.
00:28:48 Meanwhile, they're pumping everyone full of medications, and in fact, pay close attention to the numbers down below.
00:28:56 So right now, as of right now.
00:29:00 Almost 77 million Americans.
Speaker 9
00:29:06 77.
Speaker 11
00:29:09 Million Americans.
Speaker 14
00:29:13 Now let's I.
Speaker 11
00:29:14 I don't know what the the latest numbers are, but let's say let's let's go up.
00:29:19 Let's say it's it's.
00:29:20 400 million. I don't think it is. It's probably like 350 million, we'll say let's just say 350 million, right?
Speaker 9
00:29:28 So basically a.
Speaker 11
00:29:28 Quarter of Americans.
00:29:33 Our high is a kite.
00:29:34 Day long.
00:29:36 On prescription drugs.
00:29:45 Well, who do you think is prescribing those drugs?
00:29:48 And he thinks manufacturing those drugs.
00:29:52 But look below like I was saying.
00:29:53 If you look at the.
00:29:56 Like a lot of people would have expected, all the boomers going to be on it the most.
00:29:59 No, not so much.
00:30:00 Look here.
00:30:05 Seems like people really start taking their taking the drugs, which actually another shocking number is.
00:30:11 Look at this.
00:30:11 Zero to 1 year old, zero to 1 year old.
00:30:17 On psychiatric drugs, zero to 1.
00:30:20 85,000.
00:30:26 Are on psychiatric drugs like?
00:30:29 OK, two to.
00:30:31 Three years old.
00:30:34 138,000.
00:30:38 On psychiatric drugs.
Speaker 9
00:30:42 But if you look at the IT.
Speaker 11
00:30:43 Really jumps up 25 to 44.
00:30:47 Now this isn't divided by sex, but I can tell you I've seen since I don't have it handy, but I've seen the statistics that way.
00:30:55 It leans very heavily female.
00:30:59 And 25 to 44 is when women would normally be having a family.
00:31:07 But instead, they've got a giant ******* teddy bear that they're cuddling with at night.
00:31:14 And a vibrating rubber **** ** the drawer next to the next to the bed.
00:31:20 And they're depressed.
00:31:22 They don't understand.
00:31:24 They're why they're so sad.
00:31:28 And I would guess and I don't know, I don't have the actual numbers.
00:31:32 But probably about 15, if not more, of that 20 million.
00:31:37 25 to 44 is women.
00:31:42 And that look that has, that doesn't even count.
00:31:47 The 48 million.
00:31:49 Who smoked pot?
00:31:52 Now I know there's gonna be.
00:31:53 A lot of people in the audience like, oh, well, potc not bad.
00:31:58 Not bad.
00:31:59 I smoke pot.
00:32:01 Look, I used to smoke pot too.
00:32:02 I'm not.
00:32:03 I'm not.
00:32:04 I'm not going to be a hypocrite and say that like I'm better than you because you know, whatever.
00:32:11 Let's take a look at this.
00:32:14 This is from the Nixon tapes, I.
00:32:15 Tried to find.
00:32:17 The actual tape they make it so hard because Nixon said some really base things in the Oval Office on on tape.
00:32:26 And it's funny because you can find a lot of stuff that he says that they'll do news reports about.
00:32:32 And they will play the tape.
00:32:35 But not when it has to do with Jews.
00:32:39 They'll mention it.
00:32:41 But they'll never play the tape when it has.
00:32:43 To do with.
00:32:44 Jews, they'll play it when he's talking about ****.
00:32:48 I found this.
00:32:48 News report that that discussed this quote right here, which I'll.
00:32:52 Go over here in a second.
00:32:55 They they they mentioned it.
Speaker 11
00:32:57 But they wouldn't play the audio for some reason.
00:33:03 Now, if they had played the audio in here again, I tried to find it, they make it.
00:33:09 Really hard to find.
00:33:11 He says, you know, it's a funny thing.
00:33:14 Everyone of the ********.
00:33:17 That are out for legalizing marijuana as Jewish.
00:33:21 What the Christ is the matter with the Jews, Bob?
00:33:26 And he was talking to.
00:33:29 His his aide Bob Heilman.
00:33:34 What is the matter with them?
00:33:36 I suppose it's because most of them are psychiatrists.
00:33:42 They're the ones prescribing all these medications.
00:33:48 You know back in the.
00:33:51 The 60s and 70s, when all the housewives were on Valium, who do you think was pushing that?
00:34:00 So before you you.
00:34:02 You you think how you know?
00:34:04 Oh, it's it's so great.
00:34:06 Having your weeds natural, it's not from Big Pharma.
00:34:10 Don't fall for the farmer Jew smoke pot.
00:34:13 Well, who do you think?
00:34:14 Was was pushing to have that those laws changed.
00:34:18 And that's the truth.
00:34:23 Anyway, moving right along here.
00:34:31 What do you think another reason why?
00:34:34 People aren't reproducing is.
Speaker 21
00:34:41 That for a child to believe something you have to tell them 14 times before they start to believe it.
00:34:48 This was my daughter at 9 in 9th grade.
00:34:53 By the end of the year.
00:34:56 Three of the teachers.
00:34:58 That she had in her classrooms.
00:35:01 Or repeating things to her.
00:35:05 She began cutting herself.
00:35:08 She became depressed.
00:35:11 By the end of the school year.
00:35:13 She was also calling herself by a different name.
00:35:17 This parent.
00:35:19 Was not informed of these things.
00:35:22 I came in for an open house for art.
00:35:26 And I thought her name was something different.
00:35:30 I am her parent.
00:35:32 And as a parent.
00:35:35 I should be informed of these things.
00:35:37 It's just a mental health issue.
00:35:40 That needed to be addressed.
00:35:41 So her second year.
00:35:44 Under the disguise of a fundraiser.
00:35:47 One of the teachers who was encouraging her in these behaviors.
00:35:53 Also took these children and had their head shaved for a fundraiser so they look more like what they identified with.
00:36:02 I just want to say that here I am today.
00:36:06 And my child.
00:36:09 Has now removed her breasts.
00:36:14 Is taking.
00:36:19 This causes atrophy.
00:36:22 It causes the muscles in her vagina to collapse to the point of incontinence.
00:36:31 But these are not the facts that anyone shares with you.
00:36:37 And it only takes 14 times for a child.
00:36:40 To start believing this.
00:36:43 I'm asking this board.
00:36:46 To be monitoring what your teachers are saying to these children, I am asking you.
00:36:54 That these parents do not have to suffer through.
Speaker 11
00:36:59 Now to be fair.
00:37:04 I mean first.
Speaker 11
00:37:04 Of all you should homeschool your kids.
00:37:07 Second of all, I would guess.
00:37:10 She's got a professional.
00:37:11 Job and she's not at home.
00:37:15 She's not paying attention to her child.
00:37:17 If her child is.
00:37:18 Living a double life.
00:37:23 She's probably in some cubicle somewhere during the day.
00:37:26 And when she gets home from.
00:37:27 Work. Her head is.
00:37:28 Full of spreadsheets and numbers and.
00:37:32 Happy hours and.
00:37:37 Not her children.
00:37:50 But these are the kinds of things these are the reasons why.
00:37:57 All of a sudden our birth.
00:37:58 Rates have dropped.
00:38:03 Because high IQ people, right?
Speaker 9
00:38:07 High IQ Jews, they're just smart.
00:38:11 They value education.
Speaker 11
00:38:15 And they're probably genetically smarter than you, too.
Speaker 9
00:38:21 They pick and choose.
Speaker 11
00:38:25 What becomes part of the culture?
00:38:30 Because artists, they don't have money, so it you need rich Jews to go in.
00:38:34 There and fund them.
00:38:42 Now look.
00:38:45 I've mentioned this before too.
00:38:49 You can't just blame it all on the Jews.
00:38:52 Why aren't there any goys?
00:38:55 Funding the arts.
00:39:02 Why don't they see the value in culture?
00:39:07 Why are they buying tickets to the movies?
00:39:10 Why are they buying the music?
00:39:13 Why are they watching the TV?
00:39:30 Look, they they got to make money too.
Speaker 9
00:39:34 They can only print so much.
Speaker 11
00:39:40 See the thing about the Ponzi scheme, right?
00:39:42 We talked about Ponzi schemes last stream.
00:39:44 The only way a Ponzi scheme can work is if people keep buying into it.
00:39:55 Why are so many conservatives?
00:39:57 Buying into the Ponzi scheme?
00:40:14 I thought my computer locked.
00:40:15 Up for a second, I was like.
00:40:16 Oh no, it happened.
00:40:17 I knew it was gonna happen.
00:40:28 Actually, I'll go.
00:40:29 To this, I'll go back to this one, I think.
00:40:40 Now it's kind of funny. This guy's not white so, but just keep in mind, at least I.
00:40:47 Don't think he?
00:40:47 Is he's Arab?
00:40:50 Of course it's Canada, right?
00:40:54 But all the same things applied.
00:40:57 Canada is making it easier.
00:40:58 Now for you to kill yourself.
00:41:06 So if you.
00:41:09 You know you can't afford to live.
00:41:14 You have some kind of ailment.
00:41:18 If you realize your life.
00:41:19 Is just this hollow existence.
00:41:24 Meaningless existence.
00:41:27 Ain't no problem.
00:41:29 Come down to the government office.
00:41:32 And we'll just gas you.
Speaker 22
00:41:35 Amir forsook has applied for medically assisted dying, known as Maid. He lives in constant agony due to a back injury but has started the process for end of life because his rooming house is up for sale and he can't find anywhere else to live that he can afford. He barely survives on Ontario disability support payments, which are just over $1200 A.
00:41:57 He doesn't want to die.
00:41:58 But being homeless is not an option.
Speaker 13
00:42:01 I know in my present health condition, I wouldn't survive it anyway.
Speaker 22
00:42:04 Farsund meets the criteria for maid physical suffering due to disability that cannot be relieved.
00:42:11 His doctor, who knows far soothes real reason for made, is his fear of being homeless, signed off on the application in August, Forsooth needs a second to do the same.
00:42:21 There's a 90 day waiting period he believes he could potentially.
Speaker 1
00:42:22 One option.
Speaker 22
00:42:25 Access made in about a month.
Speaker 13
00:42:27 I don't wish to be dead, even with the pain.
00:42:31 Even with the meds, I still want to be.
Speaker 11
00:42:38 So that will be coming soon.
00:42:40 If you look at the way the votes went with abortion, including the the votes concerning.
00:42:46 Live births.
00:42:49 If you get one of these super ****** **, I mean, all abortions funked up.
00:42:52 But if you get one of these super funked up abortions where the baby is so developed.
00:42:59 That it survives the abortion.
00:43:04 But was it Michigan?
00:43:05 Michigan tried to.
00:43:06 Put it on.
00:43:06 The ballot, I think it was Michigan.
00:43:09 Try to put on the ballot that if that happens, you have to.
00:43:15 Not kill it.
Speaker 9
00:43:16 It's because at that.
00:43:17 Point it's it's a baby.
00:43:19 Not a clump of cells.
Speaker 11
00:43:22 It's a baby on.
00:43:24 An operating table.
00:43:26 That's breathing.
00:43:28 With a heartbeat.
00:43:36 And when put to a vote, which who knows, who knows how?
00:43:40 How real.
00:43:41 That vote was.
00:43:45 But really doesn't matter.
00:43:46 Like I said, I think.
00:43:47 Last stream.
00:43:48 It doesn't matter if it if there was voter fraud or not.
00:43:51 The point is the result was the the results of the.
00:43:56 Of the vote, whether it was fake or not.
00:43:59 We're that. No, you don't.
00:44:01 Have you?
00:44:01 You can kill it.
00:44:05 It's still a clump of cells.
00:44:06 It's just.
00:44:06 Like a really big clump of cells.
00:44:09 So you can kill it.
Speaker 23
00:44:14 And no one's.
Speaker 11
00:44:16 Going to do anything about it.
00:44:21 Whether the vote was real or not.
00:44:26 The people of Michigan, I again, I might have to stay around.
00:44:29 I think it's Michigan.
00:44:30 Doesn't matter.
00:44:32 We'll accept that result.
00:44:48 But that's OK, that's OK.
00:44:51 Because you know, after all.
00:44:55 We're not.
00:44:55 We're not really the top top of the food chain anyway.
00:44:59 We're not.
00:45:00 We're not really the cream of the crop anyway.
00:45:06 The real don't worry about Western civilization.
00:45:11 It will survive.
00:45:13 Just to ask Jordan Peterson.
Speaker 23
00:45:17 As Jews in Israel, are you telling the greatest story ever told?
00:45:22 Well, you decide that by how you live, and that decision will affect the world because everyone looks here for one reason or another.
00:45:28 It's not so easy to understand.
00:45:30 Everyone looks here to see, well, how are you actually doing under this tree?
00:45:33 Hindus assault of adversarial criticism as this little tiny people in the middle of no man's land in some real sense as a what would you say, cardinal model of the nation state and the city on the hill?
00:45:45 You have a tremendous moral responsibility like you have, perhaps, for your entire history, for reasons that are very difficult to understand.
00:45:52 And I think it is true.
00:45:54 In some real sense that the fate of the world depends on the decisions of the people of Israel, just as the fate of the world depends.
00:46:10 Just as the fate of the world depends on the decision of every individual, so you make yourself a shining light on the hill, right?
00:46:18 You attract people here because of what you're capable of doing.
00:46:22 You show the world what the holy city.
Speaker 24
00:46:28 Could look like.
00:46:30 Because we need it, we need it and it's up to you to do it.
00:46:37 Thank you very much.
Speaker 11
00:46:41 See Western civilization is in the.
00:46:43 Hands of the Jews.
00:46:46 As long as Israel is successful, then you.
00:46:49 Got nothing to worry about going.
Speaker 9
00:46:52 As long as the Jews.
Speaker 11
00:46:54 They will carry the torch of Western civilization.
00:47:05 Just as Trump or DeSantis, for that matter, I mean, people trying to act like DeSantis isn't just as Jew owned as.
00:47:11 Everybody else, I.
00:47:12 Mean, for ***** sake, he's the governor of Florida.
00:47:18 I mean, look at this.
00:47:19 Let me see if I got this here.
00:47:23 You know.
00:47:25 That's DeSantis.
00:47:27 I was hard to receive the Zionist Hero Award.
00:47:34 At ZOA Nationals Heroes for Israel dinner, I will continue to work to strengthen Florida's long standing relationship with Israel, as well as combat anti-Semitism and discrimination against our Jewish communities.
Speaker 9
00:47:54 Weird, it's weird.
00:47:57 You would think that.
Speaker 11
00:48:00 He be afraid of being called a Jewish supremacist, right?
00:48:08 You know he wouldn't be caught dead if some pro White group invited him to a dinner he wouldn't be caught dead there.
00:48:17 Let alone accepting an award and then tweeting about it.
00:48:30 An award that says, oh, thanks for looking out for our interests.
00:48:49 In kind of related news.
00:48:52 The surveillance state.
00:48:54 As a new toy.
Speaker 26
00:48:58 This is the next generation of surveillance for the first time, we actually have permission from the government to show the basic capabilities.
00:49:09 It is important for the public to know that some of these capabilities exist.
Speaker 25
00:49:15 Engineer Janis Antoniades designed the new sensor, known as Argus, with 1.8 billion pixels. It's the world's highest resolution can.
00:49:27 Argus fits inside this pod that attaches to the belly of a UAV, but because much of the work is classified, we can't see the sensor itself.
Speaker 26
00:49:37 Because we are not allowed to expose.
00:49:40 Some of the pieces that make up these sensors, so you get to look at pretty plastic curtains.
Speaker 25
00:49:49 Also known as Wide Area, persistent stair Argus is the equivalent of having up to 100 predators. Look at an area the size of a medium sized city at once.
00:50:00 This image was taken 17,500 feet above Quantico, Virginia, and covers 15 square miles.
Speaker 26
00:50:08 This whole image is at a very, very fine resolution, so if we wanted to know what is going on in any spot along the same, I'd say near this building.
00:50:18 At this intersection, we can generate a moving image that shows what's going on.
Speaker 25
00:50:24 Area simply by touching the screen antennas has opened up a window showing a detailed area, while still maintaining the broader context.
Speaker 26
00:50:35 And everything that is a moving object is being automatically tracked.
00:50:40 The color boxes represent that the computer has recognized the moving objects.
00:50:45 You can see individuals crossing the street.
00:50:47 You can see individuals walking in parking lots.
00:50:51 There is actually enough resolution to be able to see the people waving their arms or walking around.
00:50:57 What kind of clothes they wear.
00:50:59 And you could pick the location of where you produce these images anywhere in the entire field of view.
Speaker 25
00:51:06 Antennas can open up to 65 windows at once and can see objects as small as 6 inches on the ground.
Speaker 26
00:51:14 From even 17,500 feet, the white thing that you see flying around.
00:51:19 Yeah, hurry.
Speaker 25
00:51:21 Argus Streams live to the ground and also stores everything. A million terabytes of video a day, which is the equivalent of 5000 hours of high definition footage.
Speaker 26
00:51:32 So if you can go back and say I would like to see what happened at this particular location 3 days to ours, 4 minutes ago and it would actually show you exactly what happened is if you were watching it live.
Speaker 11
00:51:50 Now that's the crazy thing in the same.
00:51:52 Way so this.
00:51:54 Here's the thing.
00:51:55 They'll use the same justification that they use for storing all of your emails and all your messages.
00:52:01 To do this kind of surveillance.
00:52:03 The justification they use.
00:52:05 For sucking up all Internet traffic, and they do.
00:52:09 And story, by the way, it lets you know, kind of the the storage capabilities they have, the fact that this just one drone is going through like a million terabytes a day.
00:52:22 A million terabytes a day and they're storing that.
00:52:27 They have the capabilities to store 1,000,000 terabytes a day from one drone times. You know however many drones. But anyway, so.
00:52:38 They're storing all Internet traffic and the way they justify it legally.
00:52:44 Is they say, well, we don't look at it.
Speaker 9
00:52:49 But if we if we.
Speaker 11
00:52:52 Do get a warrant like let's say someone blows up the Statue of Liberty and we find out it's this terrorist group or whatever.
00:53:01 We can then get a FISA warrant and then we can look at their stuff and then we can rewind and go back in time.
00:53:09 And look what they've they've been saying their entire lives.
00:53:12 You can have an entire history of their Internet traffic from day one.
00:53:19 And so that's why it's magically legal.
00:53:23 Because they don't look at it until they do.
00:53:27 And as noted, pointed out, they.
00:53:30 Look at it anyway.
00:53:31 They still look at it.
00:53:32 Obviously they look at it.
00:53:36 Now what?
00:53:37 This will let them do.
00:53:39 They can fly.
00:53:41 When they say 17,000 feet, they can fly a drone over an urban area.
00:53:49 At 17,000 feet.
00:53:52 And justice, have it circle overhead.
00:53:56 And the whole time it's circling overhead.
00:53:59 It can be running this camera that's that's streaming a million terabytes a day, which is insane, but that's what they have the capability for for storage.
00:54:11 And just it's.
00:54:13 Fine, because we won't look at it.
00:54:15 Right.
00:54:17 But if something happens.
00:54:19 Then, as he just pointed out, they can say, oh, we want to look.
00:54:23 At you know this guy's house a month ago.
00:54:28 And they'll be able to see all the.
00:54:29 Movement everything that happened.
00:54:33 They can follow like the the tracking software shows, you know, like his car moving around.
00:54:39 And look.
00:54:39 Or they could just.
00:54:40 Do it in real time as he's showing you.
00:54:43 They can follow someone around in real time.
00:54:48 And if you couple it with this technology here, this is one of the big reasons they want electric cars.
Speaker 27
00:54:56 The law will mandate remote kill switches in all new cars in the US, buried deep within the massive infrastructure legislation recently signed by President Joe Biden is a little noticed safety measure that will take effect in five years.
00:55:12 Marketed to Congress as a benign tool to help prevent drunk driving, the measure will mandate that automobile manufacturers build into every car what amounts to a vehicle, kill, switch, kill switch is a mechanism for switching off the machine abruptly, especially in an emergency.
00:55:23 And for the ones that don't know what a kill.
00:55:25 Switch is.
00:55:31 Since all cars are now controlled through a board compute.
00:55:34 A new function will be installed for disabling your vehicle remotely.
00:55:39 It has become standard for legislative mandates passed by Congress.
00:55:43 This measure is disturbingly short on details.
00:55:45 What we do know is that the safety device must passively monitor the performance of a driver of a motor vehicle to accurately identify whether that driver may be impaired.
00:55:55 First, the use of the word passively suggests the system will always be on and constantly monitoring the vehicle.
00:56:02 Secondly, the system must connect to the vehicles operational controls so as to disable the vehicle either before driving or during when impairment is detected.
00:56:13 Thirdly, it will be an open system, or at least one with a back door meaning authorized or unauthorized.
00:56:19 Third parties can remotely access the systems data at any time.
00:56:24 This is a privacy disaster in the making and the fact that the provision made it through the Congress reveals yet again how little its members care.
Speaker 11
00:56:33 See, this isn't even really new.
00:56:36 I mean, the Michael Hastings situation proved that.
00:56:41 Those of you don't know Michael Hastings was a a journalist that was doing unflattering articles on the NSA.
00:56:50 Under the Obama administration and his car was equipped with well Internet access.
00:56:58 That would allow an attacker, in this case most likely the NSA.
00:57:06 To the functions of the.
00:57:08 Car while he was in it.
00:57:11 And that is why.
00:57:14 His car.
00:57:16 At like 150 miles an hour drove right.
00:57:19 Into a tree.
00:57:21 Just hours after he went to his neighbors house begging them to use their car.
00:57:27 And saying that he was being followed.
00:57:31 And that he was afraid of using his own vehicle because of.
00:57:34 Well, let's just say his fears were not.
00:57:37 We're not paranoia, clearly.
00:57:41 So this is just taking it a step further.
00:57:42 They're going to have spy devices inside your car.
00:57:46 And mandated mandated.
00:57:49 Cut off switches in all your vehicles.
00:57:54 This is why they want these electrical vehicles.
00:57:58 And eventually they don't want.
00:57:59 You driving, they want it all to be automated.
00:58:03 How they could just have the car lock the doors and drive you straight.
00:58:06 To the jail.
00:58:08 And that is coming, that's 100% coming.
00:58:15 All right.
00:58:24 Now the last thing I want to take a.
00:58:25 Look at now a lot of people are sharing.
00:58:29 Dave Chappelle's opening monologue.
00:58:33 This last Saturday and on telegram.
00:58:37 Because I watched the full thing I.
00:58:39 Didn't just watch the clips.
00:58:42 I watched the full thing because I was.
00:58:43 I was.
00:58:44 I was surprised at what I was hearing.
00:58:46 People were saying, Oh yeah.
Speaker 9
00:58:49 Dave Chappelle.
Speaker 11
00:58:51 Went on sight.
00:58:52 Live and he basically pulled a Kanye.
00:58:55 He said that the Jews were they did control Hollywood.
00:58:59 And my first thought was like they would have shut the showdown like they would have.
00:59:05 They've shut it down for a lot less.
00:59:10 My other, my other thought was well, the audience.
00:59:15 Is in New York.
00:59:17 The live audience.
00:59:20 So he would have been booed off the stage.
00:59:23 Because we know what the demographics of.
00:59:25 New York are.
00:59:28 There's going to be.
00:59:28 A lot of Jews in that audience.
00:59:31 The guy who runs the show is Jewish, obviously.
00:59:36 The people that run the network are Jewish.
00:59:39 They would have shut it down.
00:59:41 In an instant.
00:59:43 Whether he's Dave Chappelle or not.
00:59:46 If he got too close.
00:59:51 And so I decided to take a look at this monologue that everyone was saying how based it was.
01:00:00 And to my.
01:00:02 Complete lack of surprise.
01:00:06 It was another case of.
01:00:10 The pressure valve via the Magic *****.
01:00:14 Look, Dave Chappelle did this last time, too.
01:00:15 Remember conservatives?
01:00:17 It wasn't.
01:00:17 Even that long ago.
01:00:18 I think it was like less than a year ago.
01:00:20 Conservatives were like.
01:00:21 Oh my God.
01:00:22 Dave Chappelle.
01:00:24 Dave Chappelle talked about the LGBTQ he talked.
01:00:27 About the ********.
01:00:29 And I went and watched that and and to my complete lack of surprise then.
01:00:35 No, he didn't.
01:00:37 He talked at length about how his his best friend basically was a ******.
01:00:46 He was joking about it because it was relieving tension.
01:00:50 What do you think laughter is?
01:00:54 It's relieving tension.
01:00:55 Why do you?
01:00:56 Think, by the way, the left and the right.
01:01:00 Have become so divided over the last few years.
01:01:07 Because comedy.
01:01:09 Is now censored.
01:01:12 All those little release valves have been shut off.
01:01:18 And so the boiler on both sides.
01:01:22 Is just building up pressure.
01:01:27 I mentioned in my voice note on Telegram that.
01:01:30 People used to joke about Jews running Hollywood all the time.
01:01:36 It was just.
01:01:37 A joke, though.
01:01:42 You could joke.
01:01:42 About it because it relieved the tension of the truth.
01:01:53 And all those valves got shut off.
01:01:57 Because too many people were noticing the truth.
01:02:02 And starting to put together the implications.
01:02:10 And So what Dave Chappelle has done.
01:02:14 Expertly, by the way.
01:02:19 As he swooped in and made it a joke again.
01:02:25 You're not going to hear any booze.
01:02:26 There's maybe like one awkward silence when the Jews aren't sure where he's going with this.
01:02:33 But as soon as they realize where he's going with it, they're they're right on board laughing.
01:02:41 Let's have a little look, see.
Speaker 5
01:03:02 Thank you. Thank you.
Speaker 10
01:03:05 Very much for being here.
01:03:07 But before I start tonight, I just wanted to read a brief statement that I prepared.
01:03:17 I denounced anti-Semitism in all its forms.
01:03:22 And I stand with my friends.
01:03:24 In the Jewish community and that Kanye.
01:03:30 Is how you buy yourself some time.
01:03:41 I gotta tell you guys, I've probably been doing this 35 years now and early in my career, I learned that there.
01:03:50 Are two words.
01:03:51 In the English language that you should never say together in sequence and those words.
01:03:57 Are the and Jews?
01:04:00 I've never heard someone.
01:04:02 Do good after they said that.
01:04:10 He's got into some scrapes before, normally when he when he's in trouble, I pull up, pull up immediately, but this time I was like, you know what?
01:04:17 Let me.
01:04:18 See what's gonna.
01:04:18 Happen first, let's.
Speaker 15
01:04:20 See where it's all going?
Speaker 10
01:04:25 I can't remember how it started.
01:04:27 Vaguely I remember it started with a tweet.
01:04:29 Strange tweet.
Speaker 11
01:04:33 See, this is where you have to listen to how.
01:04:35 He's characterizing it.
01:04:38 It's a tweet.
01:04:39 It's a.
01:04:39 It's a strange tweet.
01:04:43 And this whole time, he's setting this up like, oh, this is normal.
01:04:46 He's not saying it's bad that you can't say the Jews together.
01:04:54 He's saying as if he should.
01:04:55 People should just know better.
01:05:00 He's almost chastising Kanye for not knowing these unspoken rules.
01:05:07 And the audience is laughing because they're in agreement.
01:05:12 Oh yeah, he should know better.
01:05:14 You can't say the Jews.
01:05:18 Yeah, he should have known that he.
01:05:20 Should have.
01:05:20 He should just apologize.
01:05:29 And now he's framing it like ohh yeah, I saw this crazy tweet.
01:05:33 Crazy tweet.
01:05:33 From from Kanye?
Speaker 10
01:05:35 Was like I'm feeling.
01:05:36 A little sleepy.
01:05:41 I'm gonna give you some rest, but.
01:05:43 When I wake up.
01:05:46 I'm gonna go.
01:05:46 Defcon 3 all the tubes and then he just went to bed.
01:05:57 I was up all night worried.
01:05:58 What is he gonna?
Speaker 25
01:05:59 Do to the juice.
Speaker 11
01:06:10 Also another subtle, subtle way of framing it what's he going?
01:06:14 To do to the Jews not.
01:06:15 What are the Jews going to do to him?
01:06:20 See Kanye is the aggressor.
01:06:23 He should know these unspoken rules.
Speaker 10
01:06:28 Around Jewish people.
01:06:31 I have a lot of Jewish friends, so I'm not freaked out by your culture.
Speaker 11
01:06:36 One thing here with the training I got a lot of Jewish friends, a lot of Jewish friends.
01:06:40 Don't worry, I'm on your side.
01:06:42 I got.
01:06:42 A lot of Jewish friends.
Speaker 10
01:06:45 Know a little bit about it just from hanging around like yo-yo, let's go out at school tomorrow, but like.
01:06:48 We can't go.
01:06:49 Out it's shine.
01:06:49 No, no.
01:06:50 Tomorrow I'm like work.
01:06:55 What is shanana?
Speaker 15
01:06:57 I had so many.
Speaker 10
01:06:58 Why do some of your people dress like one DMC?
01:07:08 I woke up from that nap.
Speaker 28
01:07:09 Went right to work.
Speaker 10
01:07:14 A year ago, I'd seen him on a podcast called Drink Champs.
01:07:18 Well, great show and and it was.
01:07:20 It was an amazing appearance.
01:07:22 Noriega and they were there.
01:07:23 The rappers that I love, and they all had to go.
Speaker 11
01:07:27 A show owned.
01:07:27 By Jews, by the way, even though there's black people on it.
Speaker 10
01:07:31 Gold chains and stuff on and the Kayan said only millionaires wear chains, they said what?
01:07:39 He said I'm a billionaire.
01:07:41 Billionaires don't wear their money on their body.
01:07:44 I took my chain and I.
01:07:45 Said ohh snap.
01:07:53 Good parents, it was fun and funny.
01:07:57 But when he woke up, he went on drink champs again.
01:07:59 This time he was on one and he just mad about something he said.
01:08:03 I can say anti-Semitic things and the Davis can't drop me now.
01:08:12 He just dropped that Nick immediately.
01:08:18 Ironically, Adidas was founded by Nazis.
01:08:22 And they were fitted.
01:08:25 Against this?
01:08:26 Students are passed the teacher.
01:08:35 It's a big deal.
01:08:38 He had broke the show business rules.
01:08:41 There's just a rule.
01:08:42 You know the rules of perception.
01:08:44 If if they're black, then it's a gang.
01:08:46 If they're Italian, it's a mob.
01:08:48 But if they're Jewish, it's a coincidence.
01:08:50 Then you should never.
01:08:51 Speak about it.
Speaker 11
01:08:57 See, it's a joke.
Speaker 9
01:08:59 It's all a joke.
01:09:02 See, this is what this is what we'll.
01:09:03 We'll we'll watch the rest of.
Speaker 11
01:09:04 This but I just.
01:09:05 Want to just to insert here.
Speaker 9
01:09:08 This is how.
Speaker 11
01:09:10 Every society negative societal change in American culture.
01:09:17 Has been conditioned.
01:09:21 How it's been framed, it's always straight.
01:09:23 It's a joke.
01:09:23 Oh, you're freaked out about all the gay people in society.
Speaker 9
01:09:26 Look at Will and Grace.
Speaker 11
01:09:30 Oh, you're freaked out by how PC your workplace is getting.
01:09:33 Oh, watch the office.
01:09:39 Oh, you're uncomfortable with all the all the the the beginnings of Wokeness and the demographic change.
01:09:48 Oh, watch all the family.
01:09:56 It's all a joke.
01:10:01 All these things, all these worries that you have, you're going.
01:10:03 To have that.
01:10:04 Ah, nice little pressure release valve.
01:10:12 Those silly *******.
01:10:15 I'm not worried about.
01:10:17 Those guys teaching my kids school class anymore.
01:10:20 Look at that.
Speaker 9
01:10:22 They're hilarious.
Speaker 11
01:10:25 Those funny, neurotic *******.
01:10:32 It's the same thing here.
01:10:33 The cat is out of the bag.
01:10:34 People are looking at these things and saying, well, wait, hold on a second.
01:10:40 There are a lot of Jews that are that are in Hollywood.
01:10:43 There are a lot of Jews in these positions of power, especially when it comes to.
01:10:47 You know the agents and managers of of.
01:10:51 Rap music.
01:10:55 I wouldn't have expected that.
01:10:58 I would have thought black people.
01:10:59 Would be doing that.
01:11:07 How come no one talks about it?
01:11:15 Oh, it's this unwritten law.
01:11:16 It's it's a funny.
Speaker 10
01:11:17 Joke you got in so much trouble, Kyrie.
01:11:22 Got in trouble.
01:11:35 Kyrie Kyrie Irving posted a A link to a movie that he had seen on Amazon. No caption on the post or nothing like that, but apparently this movie had some, I don't know, anti-Semitic tropes or something. It was some weird title, like from Hebrew to ***** or something.
Speaker 9
01:11:53 See and and he he's.
Speaker 11
01:11:54 Going along with it, the official story, right.
01:11:58 And has anti-Semitic tropes in it.
01:12:02 I haven't seen it.
01:12:05 The title is this weird thing.
01:12:06 Hebrew to.
01:12:07 *****, something like that.
01:12:08 See, it's all a joke.
Speaker 10
01:12:15 And the NBA told me he should apologize and he was slow to apologize.
01:12:18 And then the list of demands to get back in their good graces got longer and longer.
01:12:23 And this this is where you know, I draw the line.
01:12:27 I know the Jewish people have been through terrible things all over the world.
01:12:30 But but.
01:12:31 But you can't blame that on black.
01:12:32 Americans, you just, you just can't.
01:12:36 You know what?
01:12:37 I mean, thanks for the one person that said you.
01:12:42 A fair punishment, be you should just post a link to Schindler's List and.
01:12:45 Y'all write your own captions.
01:12:52 Is Kyrie Irving's black *** was nowhere near the Holocaust?
01:12:55 In fact, he's not even certain existed.
01:13:06 That's all one.
01:13:07 News pun and screaming about Kanye, she said.
01:13:10 Mental health is no excuse for that type of language.
01:13:14 Yes, it is, *****.
Speaker 11
01:13:17 See, Kanye is crazy.
01:13:18 This is what I've been saying since Kanye first came out.
01:13:21 What are they going to do?
01:13:24 They're going to frame it as he's a.
01:13:25 Crazy guy and he needs help.
01:13:29 I sure hope he gets the.
01:13:30 Help that he needs.
01:13:38 The framing of all of his jokes are Kanye is crazy.
01:13:44 And blacks had nothing to do with the Holocaust, which totally happened, by the way.
01:13:52 It's totally OK that Jews are run Hollywood.
01:13:59 There's just a rule that we can't talk.
01:14:00 About it.
Speaker 10
01:14:05 You kill somebody if you're mentally ill.
01:14:09 OK, I don't think Kanye is crazy at all.
01:14:12 Think he's possibly not well?
Speaker 11
01:14:21 See Kanye is a nut bag.
01:14:23 He's not crazy.
01:14:24 He's just not well.
01:14:26 And I sure hope he gets the.
01:14:28 Help that he needs.
Speaker 10
01:14:31 Well, I've been to Hollywood no wants y'all to get mad at me.
01:14:35 I'm just telling you this.
01:14:36 I think Hollywood is this.
01:14:37 Is just what I saw.
Speaker 5
01:14:41 It's a lot of juice.
01:14:47 Like a lot.
Speaker 10
01:14:52 But that don't mean anything.
01:14:53 You know what?
Speaker 11
01:14:55 But that doesn't mean anything.
01:14:57 It's it's literally just like the Tim Dillon clip that I play.
01:15:00 At the beginning of the stream.
01:15:05 It's good.
01:15:06 It's OK.
01:15:07 It's totally fine.
Speaker 9
01:15:10 All right, you guys have noticed.
01:15:11 You've noticed now.
01:15:12 OK, but it doesn't mean anything.
01:15:14 It's fine.
Speaker 10
01:15:16 There's a lot of black people in Ferguson, MO, that.
Speaker 4
01:15:19 Mean, right place.
Speaker 10
01:15:28 I could see if you had some kind of issue.
01:15:30 You know what I mean?
01:15:31 You might go out to Hollywood and you might might start connecting some kind of lines and you could maybe adopt the delusion that the Jews run show business.
01:15:40 It's not a.
01:15:41 Crazy thing to think.
01:15:44 But it's a crazy thing to say out loud.
01:15:46 And a crime like this?
Speaker 11
01:15:50 It's a crazy thing to say.
01:15:57 Ohh you might you might come to that.
01:15:59 Delusion, not conclusion.
01:16:01 You might come to the delusion.
01:16:05 The Jews.
01:16:06 Run Hollywood, but they don't run Hollywood I.
01:16:08 Mean blacks live in Ferguson, MO.
01:16:10 We don't run.
01:16:11 We know blacks don't run, Ferguson.
01:16:15 See, he's not.
01:16:15 He's not being based.
01:16:17 He's not.
01:16:18 He's not siding with Kanye.
01:16:21 Now, of course, that didn't stop the ADL and everyone.
01:16:23 Else freaking out because you again, you can't say the Jews, even if you're doing this, you can't say the Jews.
01:16:30 Without getting the ADL down your neck.
01:16:35 But he in no way is promoting anything that Kanye or Kyrie have said.
01:16:40 He's doing the exact opposite.
01:16:42 He's just saying.
01:16:42 Hey, layoff of him.
Speaker 9
01:16:44 He's he's literally just.
Speaker 11
01:16:46 He's being ethnocentric.
Speaker 10
01:17:02 Now the midterms are over and it's crazy climate.
01:17:05 And I gotta tell you, I feel like this midterm is like all of.
01:17:08 Humanity depends on it.
01:17:10 And it's now.
01:17:11 I'm gonna sign the most.
01:17:11 I'm gonna sign in midterms.
01:17:13 I believe would be Herschel Walker.
01:17:15 I, I don't wanna speak badly of because he's black.
01:17:20 But I have to admit he's he's observably stupid.
Speaker 11
01:17:31 See Republicans, bad Republicans bad.
01:17:34 This is this is the part that they.
01:17:36 Got clipped out by all.
01:17:37 The the MAGA people that that loved loved.
01:17:43 What Dave Chappelle the base Dave Chappelle said.
01:17:45 About the Jews.
Speaker 10
01:17:52 Even when he's not talking his mouth be.
Speaker 5
01:17:53 Open a little bit like he's kind of.
Speaker 10
01:17:59 Guy looks like he thinks before he makes a move on tic Tac toe.
01:18:11 And watching the news now, they're declaring the end of the Trump era now.
01:18:14 OK, I could see how in New York, you might believe this is the end of his era.
01:18:18 I'm just being honest with you.
01:18:19 I live in Ohio, amongst the poor whites.
01:18:25 Why do you don't understand why Trump was so popular?
01:18:28 But I I get it cause I hear it every.
01:18:30 Day it's very loved.
01:18:33 And the reason he's loved is because people in Ohio have never seen somebody like him.
01:18:39 He's what I call an honest liar.
01:18:42 Well, I'm not joking right now.
01:18:44 He's an honest liar.
01:18:45 That first debate, that first debate, I've never seen anything like it.
01:18:50 I've never seen a white male billionaire screaming at the top of his lungs.
01:18:55 This whole system is wrecked, he said.
01:18:59 And cross the stage was White woman Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama sitting there looking at.
01:19:03 Him like? No.
01:19:04 It's not, I said.
01:19:04 Now wait a.
01:19:05 Minute bro.
01:19:07 That's what he said.
01:19:08 And the moderator said, well, Mr.
01:19:11 They have in fact, the system is rigged as he suggests, there would be your evidence, remember he said, bro.
01:19:20 He said.
01:19:21 I know the system is rigged.
01:19:24 Because I use it, I said.
01:19:26 *** ****.
01:19:30 They pulled out an Illuminati membership card, chop around of cocaine up.
01:19:33 And bring right.
01:19:34 Into the podium.
01:19:40 No one ever heard someone say something that true, and then Hillary Clinton had to punch him in the text, she said.
01:19:44 This man doesn't pay his taxes.
01:19:46 He shot right back.
01:19:47 That makes me smart.
01:19:53 And then he said if you want me to pay my taxes, then change the tax code.
01:20:00 But I know you won't because your friends and your donors enjoy the same tax breaks that I do.
01:20:07 And with that, my friends, a star was born.
01:20:13 No one had ever seen anything like that.
01:20:14 No one had ever seen somebody come from inside of that house outside, until all the commoners we had doing everything that you think we are doing inside of that house and just went right back in the house and start playing the game.
01:20:33 The Democrats were so losers.
01:20:36 I'm a Democrat, I'm telling you, as soon as he won, they started started saying all that he's colluding with Russia, he's colluding with Russia, was very embarrassing as a Democrat.
01:20:43 But as time went on.
01:20:46 We all came to learn.
01:20:49 He was probably colluding with Russia.
Speaker 9
01:20:54 It was Colombia with Russia.
01:20:56 You see it?
01:20:57 Come see, this is the this.
Speaker 11
01:20:58 Is how you get both sides to think that.
01:21:00 You're on their side.
01:21:02 He's throwing them both a bone.
01:21:04 He's saying.
01:21:05 Oh, yeah.
01:21:05 Yeah, yeah, yeah, I understand why these poor white people that I live around these, these ******* rednecks, that why they like Trump.
01:21:13 It's because you know, he was saying that the system was rigged, that you know, and it is kind of rigged.
01:21:18 But he was also you.
01:21:20 Know colluding with Russia.
Speaker 10
01:21:27 I even look at his wife.
01:21:28 Different now.
01:21:30 His wife is beautiful, no question about it, but she looks like the kind of chick that James.
01:21:34 Bond would smash, but not trust.
01:21:44 Why is that all them documents in?
01:21:45 This House, what is this?
01:21:47 This guy that's famous for not reading his press briefings now all of a sudden, he got 10,000 documents.
01:21:56 I've been fired from jobs many times in my life and and I will be very honest with you sometimes.
01:22:01 I was fired.
01:22:01 I stole things from the office state, lose computer mouses, all kinds of stuff.
Speaker 18
01:22:07 You know what, I.
01:22:08 Never stole from work work.
Speaker 11
01:22:14 See now he's taht you know trunks, the Trump's got the the documents he was giving to Putin. He was giving Putin the documents.
01:22:22 The rate on Marlago was totally justified.
01:22:25 Yeah, you didn't see those.
01:22:27 Those clipped out on all these telegram channels saying how based he was, right.
Speaker 10
01:22:39 Why are you Ukraine brought it all into focus and and lucky for everybody in the Western world, the Ukrainians have way better fighters than we thought they'd be.
Speaker 11
01:22:48 Ohh yeah, yeah see? That proves the collusion. That the conflict in Ukraine is somehow proof of of Trump's collusion with Russia.
Speaker 10
01:22:58 These guys.
01:22:59 God blessing. They're doing good.
01:23:03 They killed 10,000 Russians the first week of the war. Even the Vietnamese like.
01:23:08 *** ****, this is good numbers.
Speaker 11
01:23:15 I love all the ******* and chat that are.
Speaker 6
01:23:16 Just like, can't.
01:23:17 Can't you take a joke?
01:23:19 Can't you?
01:23:19 He's making fun of it.
01:23:22 I wanna love him.
01:23:23 I love ******* the magic *****.
Speaker 11
01:23:25 I wish I had my magic ***** clip.
01:23:27 You ******* dumb cucks, you dumb ******.
01:23:29 You're exactly you're you're.
01:23:31 You're exactly the problem.
01:23:33 You're the problem.
01:23:34 You're the one I guarantee.
01:23:36 You I go in.
01:23:36 Your house.
01:23:37 You've got all kinds of Cape **** all over the place.
01:23:40 You got all these ******* movie stubs.
01:23:42 Of all these.
01:23:42 Degenerate ******* movies.
01:23:44 You're listening to all the ******* gay *** ******* music.
01:23:47 Your your kids going to be trans and you're going to be OK with it by that point.
01:23:51 By that point you'll be OK with it.
01:23:53 Enough of this **** will have seeped into your your soft little ******* mind.
01:23:58 Like a sponge and you'll be OK with it.
01:24:01 You are basically the new all.
01:24:03 These Republicans, who make fun of the ohh.
01:24:05 Republicans are just Democrats 20 years ago.
01:24:09 Yeah, that's you.
Speaker 9
01:24:11 That's you.
01:24:12 I just want to have my laughs.
01:24:14 I just want to.
01:24:15 Have my hahas and Hee hees.
Speaker 11
01:24:20 You don't ******* get it.
01:24:23 You don't ******* get it.
01:24:29 That's before they.
Speaker 10
01:24:30 Had weapons before we started sending them weapons, they were killing Russians with things you can find around.
01:24:35 The house, that whole country.
01:24:37 Ukraine is littered with traps like home alone.
01:24:39 They were stepping on Ricks.
01:24:49 How is Russia losing to?
01:24:51 That would be like America losing the war in Colorado.
01:25:00 Now the midterms are over and everybody's awake.
01:25:03 These new whites, man, they're like the whites.
01:25:05 They're like, they're like, they're like newborn babies.
Speaker 11
01:25:10 Oh, now we get to listen to and.
Speaker 9
01:25:11 Make fun of whites.
Speaker 11
01:25:13 All you guys don't want your funny hahas and he he's get ready.
01:25:16 Here's some.
01:25:16 Here's some funny hahas.
01:25:17 And he's coming.
01:25:20 I bet you're the same stupid ******* that were watching the def comedy Jam in the 90s.
01:25:24 If you were even alive.
01:25:26 Why people funny?
01:25:27 Because they walk funny.
01:25:29 And you would have fit right in with all those boomers in the audience laughing your *** off.
01:25:33 Oh, silly ******* *****.
Speaker 10
01:25:35 Just woke up everything.
01:25:37 Wife was mad about.
01:25:39 We've been on that.
01:25:41 Man, I can't feed my family, but like keep doing that.
01:25:46 Man, we can't trust the government.
01:25:48 We been on that, man.
01:25:51 We should dismantle the FBI word to Martin Luther King, bro.
01:25:55 We been on that.
Speaker 11
01:26:00 Yeah, you'd be the one in the audience clapping.
Speaker 6
01:26:02 Yeah, Martin Luther King, Martin Luther King.
Speaker 9
01:26:08 Black people are just like us.
Speaker 11
01:26:12 They figured it out before we did.
Speaker 9
01:26:15 We're the dumb ones.
01:26:17 I got my funny hahas and Hee Hees.
Speaker 10
01:26:24 Nobody listens to me when I tell these jokes.
01:26:27 You ignore me.
01:26:27 My first Netflix special.
01:26:30 What did I say?
01:26:31 I said I don't want to sneak a deal cause the minute I say something that makes those people, man, they're gonna take my sneakers away and the whole.
Speaker 5
01:26:37 Crowd say ha ha ha ha ha.
Speaker 10
01:26:40 And AC Kanye walking around LA.
01:26:42 Barefoot with chain out.
Speaker 11
01:26:55 See, it's funny that.
01:26:56 They took his contract away for.
01:26:58 For making fun of Jews.
Speaker 9
01:27:00 It's all a big joke.
Speaker 11
01:27:02 Don't be mad.
Speaker 9
01:27:03 About it, it's a joke.
01:27:04 Ha ha.
01:27:04 He he, he ha.
01:27:09 That's silly *******, right? We.
01:27:10 Do walk funny and talk funny.
Speaker 6
01:27:14 Martin Luther King.
Speaker 10
01:27:18 Scale loss of a billion and a half dollars in a day.
01:27:23 A billion and a half dollars in a day.
01:27:26 I saw that.
01:27:26 I said put your chain on Niger.
01:27:28 Welcome back.
Speaker 11
01:27:37 Yep, Jews taking a billion and a half dollars from.
01:27:40 Someone in a day?
01:27:42 It's just a big, hilarious joke.
Speaker 9
01:27:46 Pull your chain out.
Speaker 10
01:27:53 It shouldn't be this scary to talk.
01:27:55 About anything.
01:27:57 It's making my job incredibly difficult, to be honest with you.
01:27:59 I'm getting sick.
01:28:01 Talking to a crowd like this, I love you to death.
01:28:04 And I thank you for your support and I hope they don't take anything away from me.
Speaker 4
01:28:11 Whoever they are.
Speaker 9
01:28:18 See, it's all a big joke.
01:28:19 It's all a big joke you got.
01:28:21 Tonight you got a great show tonight.
Speaker 6
01:28:27 When's Friday?
Speaker 9
01:28:34 All right, everybody.
Speaker 11
01:28:36 Get ready for a great show.
01:28:40 All that frustration and anger that you had about what was going on, it's all fun and.
01:28:45 Games now enjoy the show.
01:28:50 Hope you enjoyed your hahas and Hee Hees.
01:29:00 Look, I'm telling you I long time ago.
01:29:06 Longer as I get older.
01:29:09 I worked at a small.
01:29:13 NBC affiliate.
01:29:16 The same network that put this on.
01:29:21 And there was actually a shocking number of conservatives.
01:29:25 For a television station that worked there.
01:29:29 Mostly in the sales department.
01:29:35 You know the salesman.
01:29:37 We're just these normal kind of boomer guys.
01:29:44 And there's one in particular who was kind of a redneck.
01:29:51 The kind of guy that.
01:29:52 Will let you borrow guns.
01:29:56 For like months at a time.
01:29:59 Borrowed a few guns from that guy.
01:30:01 Good guy.
01:30:05 And then one day.
01:30:07 We were going.
01:30:08 On a.
01:30:09 See I had.
01:30:10 To go shoot the commercials, he would sell the commercials.
01:30:14 To like these small time, you know, like furniture stores and.
01:30:18 **** like that.
01:30:19 And then I would I'd go out and shoot the commercial while he kept the the owner of the company busy and schmoozing and all that stuff.
01:30:30 So we're driving out to the I.
01:30:32 Don't remember what it was.
01:30:34 Some kind of store something?
01:30:38 And he starts talking about how his kids favorite show, and this is a a Christian God fearing guy.
01:30:48 His kids favorite show is will and Grace.
01:30:53 It's back when it was still.
01:30:54 In the air, it's how long ago it was.
01:30:57 And I was kind of surprised.
01:30:59 I was like you.
01:30:59 Let your kids watch will and grace.
Speaker 9
01:31:02 Is that all?
01:31:02 Yeah, it's harmless.
Speaker 11
01:31:05 It's harmless.
01:31:09 And I I said.
01:31:10 Even then, I was like well.
01:31:11 I mean it's it's kind of normalizing.
01:31:15 Being a ******, you don't.
01:31:16 You know, you you.
Speaker 9
01:31:17 Think that's harmless?
01:31:19 Oh, no, no, they they don't.
Speaker 11
01:31:21 Have any like you know, super gay **** in there?
01:31:23 It's just, you know, it's.
01:31:24 I'm like, yeah, but.
01:31:27 It's it's altering your children's perception of.
01:31:30 What gay people are like?
01:31:33 The harm that it's doing is it's making them feel as if gays are harmless.
01:31:37 They're not groomers, they're just these silly.
01:31:41 Silly people.
01:31:45 And he thought I was crazy.
01:31:47 Thought it was too hardline.
01:31:51 A similar discussion with someone I hadn't I.
01:31:54 Hadn't talked to in years.
01:31:58 But I I need to.
01:32:01 Some software advice I call them up.
01:32:06 And this is a guy that was really, really.
01:32:09 Really Christian, very Christian.
01:32:12 Annoyingly so, when I knew him not that long ago.
01:32:18 And I thought like I could.
01:32:20 Let some of my power level out.
01:32:24 With a guy like this.
01:32:26 This is a couple of years ago I think.
01:32:30 Is when trans kids were.
01:32:31 Really, you know, that was.
01:32:32 Like you know, Desmond is amazing, was all.
01:32:35 Over the place.
01:32:39 And I made some comment about it.
01:32:43 And he got really uncomfortable.
01:32:46 I could tell.
01:32:49 And I said, well, wait, hold on, I mean.
01:32:52 Do you disagree?
01:32:56 Do you think that we should be as a as a society like allowing this to happen?
01:33:05 And he literally said, hey, what what people do at home, that's their business.
01:33:17 It had already been normalized with this guy.
01:33:20 I guarantee you.
01:33:23 I think I've been well like 5, some maybe like five years since I'd seen this guy.
01:33:30 If five years ago or five years prior to that conversation, I had said something about trans kids, he would.
01:33:36 Have been horrified.
01:33:44 But it had already been normalized.
01:33:47 Wonder how many hahas and he.
01:33:49 He's it took him to get normalized of that.
01:33:54 You know, funny.
01:33:55 Same, the same workplace, the same government contractor that I worked at where I knew him.
01:34:01 I knew this leftist.
01:34:03 Total ******* like leftist.
01:34:07 He wanted to suck Obama's ****. Like for real. Like, if you had given him the opportunity.
01:34:15 If Obama had walked in the room and justice dropped his pants and said **** ** ****, he would have.
01:34:20 Been the first in line.
01:34:25 He was borderline communist.
01:34:33 Well, there was a ******.
01:34:36 They worked in this building that I worked in.
01:34:40 Not not very passing ******.
01:34:46 And I was walking out to my car in the parking garage.
01:34:50 And this ****** cornered me.
01:34:54 I had a fancy.
01:34:55 Well, I had.
01:34:55 A sporty little car.
01:34:56 It wasn't that expensive, but it was.
01:34:59 A sporty little car.
01:35:03 And this training was like, oh, cool.
01:35:04 Car and I was like uh.
01:35:06 Thanks. Hey guys.
01:35:09 And the training just kept talking to me and it wouldn't go away.
01:35:14 And I was just.
01:35:15 Kept doing like the shuffle.
01:35:17 The keys in my hand.
01:35:19 You know, like, you know, shuffling the the stuff in my arms like I I gotta go, you know, doing like the.
01:35:25 I gotta go dance.
01:35:26 Almost like the potty.
01:35:27 Dance, you know.
01:35:31 My, my all of my body language was saying leave me the **** alone.
01:35:34 I I'm I'm I need to go.
01:35:38 This ******* ****** just kept talking at me.
01:35:41 And then I started getting these text messages.
01:35:46 I looked down at my phone and it was this leftist guy laughing his *** off on the other side of the parking garage.
01:35:54 Saying that's a dude, bro.
01:35:56 Oh my God.
01:36:02 I guarantee you that guy, and then again probably five years, that was probably five years, probably about seven years ago.
01:36:10 That he was doing that.
01:36:14 Would never say that.
01:36:15 That's a dude, bro.
01:36:21 It's been fully normalized.
01:36:30 Fully ******* normalized.
01:36:35 It's amazing how quick things will change.
01:36:38 If there's enough funny hahas and he Hees.
01:36:47 Of course, with the ****** stuff, I think it's more of negative reinforcement than.
Speaker 9
01:36:50 It is positive.
Speaker 11
01:36:55 You can't have a sense of humor about the ********.
01:36:57 That's like trying to have a sense of humor about the Jews.
01:37:11 Surprised the computer hasn't crashed.
01:37:12 That's a good thing.
01:37:16 There was one more in here.
01:37:19 Oh well, this is just.
01:37:20 This is just.
01:37:22 This is just some icing on the on tonight's cake.
01:37:24 I guess this is them talking about.
01:37:26 Just when you thought COVID was gone and that the vaccine passport **** was gone.
Speaker 29
01:37:33 So let's have a digital health certificate.
01:37:40 If you have been vaccinated or tested properly, then you.
01:37:44 Can move around.
01:37:46 So for the next pandemic, instead of stopping the movement of the people 100%, which clocked the economy globally, you know you can still provide some movement of the people Indonesia has achieved, G20 country has agreed to have this digital certificate using WHO standard.
01:38:06 And we will submit into the next.
01:38:09 The World Health Assembly in Geneva, as the revision to International health regulation.
01:38:14 So hopefully for the next pandemic.
01:38:17 We can still see some movement of the people, some movement of the goods and movement of the economy.
Speaker 11
01:38:25 I know it's.
01:38:26 It seems unrelated, but it maybe it.
01:38:27 Kind of is but.
01:38:30 I just want to throw that clip in there because.
01:38:32 I had it loaded up in here.
01:38:34 So anyway.
01:38:39 Yeah, that's that's uh.
01:38:45 That's all the funny hahas, and he's for the.
01:38:49 Let me take a look at super chats.
01:38:51 This is will be we're going to be a little cozy.
01:38:53 And I I was going to have more for us than I just that with the computer problems.
01:38:58 It's lucky to get this together.
01:39:01 Excuse me.
01:39:02 Oh, one thing I didn't want to.
01:39:03 Talk about.
01:39:04 Let me see if I've got this here.
01:39:19 All right, cover that.
01:39:20 Never mind.
01:39:21 No big deal.
01:39:24 Alright, let's take a look at super Chat or hyper chats hyper chats.
01:39:38 I don't know 1420.
01:39:40 80 but.
01:39:41 I don't have any of the animations still because I just barely got.
01:39:43 This I'm I'm.
01:39:45 Encouraged that it's still working.
01:39:48 If it's still work, I'm.
01:39:49 Gonna leave it on all.
01:39:50 Night tonight.
01:39:50 If it's still on the in the morning, I'll be even more encouraged.
01:39:53 Start transferring everything from the old computer over to here.
01:39:57 But no animation.
01:39:59 Still I don't know.
01:40:02 We'll listen in the morning to everyone.
01:40:03 Any Pearl white seed plant that helps.
01:40:05 Thanks, Devin.
01:40:06 I appreciate that.
01:40:09 SIM B $5 my manager asked if I had five minutes to talk, informed me that someone had contacted our HR.
01:40:18 After seeing that I liked a comment on LinkedIn, a comment someone found offensive, I didn't write it.
01:40:24 I just liked it.
01:40:25 My manager thinks it's silly, thought the comment was about something, Kanye West said.
01:40:33 Well, I mean, I would just, I.
01:40:35 I wouldn't be.
01:40:35 On any of these social media, I wouldn't.
01:40:37 Be on any social media, quite frankly.
01:40:40 Especially on LinkedIn.
01:40:43 Because of exactly what you're what you're describing.
01:40:46 See the bottom line is, and we talked about this when I played the Farrakhan clip.
01:40:52 Bottom line is, if they can take it away.
01:40:56 Was it really ever yours?
Speaker 11
01:41:01 That's something that people need to start thinking about because it's going to be increasingly easy to take it away.
01:41:07 Is it any different from slavery?
01:41:13 If you're afraid.
01:41:14 Oh well, I can't say this at work or I can't do this at work, or I can't, you know, whatever.
01:41:21 Because they'll take, you know, they'll take away my health insurance, they'll take away my ability to to pay for my house, and so they'll take away my house.
01:41:29 I won't be able to make my card payments.
01:41:31 So I'll take away my car.
01:41:36 If they can take it away, it's not yours.
01:41:41 Quite literally, when it comes to a mortgaged home.
01:41:47 Or a car with a loan that's not yours.
01:41:50 That's not your house.
01:41:52 It's not your car.
01:41:55 It belongs to the high IQ Jews.
Speaker 9
01:41:58 You see, you need people with money.
Speaker 11
01:42:02 They can pick the winners and losers.
01:42:06 It goes back to the the the clip I played at the very beginning of the show, it's exactly the same.
01:42:11 It's the same.
01:42:12 He's describing how Jews.
01:42:15 Use their power.
Speaker 16
01:42:19 And also, yeah, we kill it in.
01:42:20 The in the management industry, you know why?
01:42:22 Like why comedy managers and agents are Jews.
01:42:26 Why the the? Because you.
01:42:27 Need to be having.
01:42:28 Some funneling your money the first three years.
01:42:29 You're not making.
Speaker 17
01:42:30 Any money?
Speaker 5
01:42:30 Right.
Speaker 17
01:42:31 Who else could afford that?
01:42:33 Only rich, right?
Speaker 15
01:42:35 Well this that's follow follow.
Speaker 11
01:42:39 That's good.
01:42:42 You need to have that.
01:42:46 You need to have that mechanism right.
01:42:51 You need to.
01:42:52 Have rich people that can control the population.
01:42:56 They can funnel you cash when you're not making any money.
01:43:05 Well, when it's set up like that.
01:43:07 They own you.
01:43:17 Even Dave Chappelle.
01:43:18 How did he end it?
01:43:19 I hope you.
01:43:19 Guys don't take anything away from me.
01:43:32 Part of part of doing the homestead life and I look I used other there's way.
01:43:36 More reasons than just that.
01:43:42 But as I said before.
01:43:43 Like I the way I framed.
01:43:45 It was.
01:43:49 Your existence.
01:43:52 Relies on the system being intact.
01:43:56 You're going to be the last person I trust to help takedown the system.
01:44:01 You're going to do everything you can to keep.
01:44:03 That ******* thing going because you need it.
01:44:09 They want you.
01:44:10 Living paycheck to paycheck for that very reason.
01:44:18 It's just, it's just slightly more comfortable.
01:44:21 That's literally what it is.
01:44:23 It's not hyperbole.
01:44:25 It's not some weird conspiracy theory talk that's I'm not trying to get esoteric.
01:44:30 No, I mean, I mean it.
01:44:31 It is slavery.
01:44:33 How is it different?
01:44:38 It's different because you don't have.
Speaker 9
01:44:39 To go.
01:44:39 Yes, master, Sir, you don't.
01:44:43 Really, you don't.
Speaker 10
01:44:47 No, you do.
Speaker 11
01:44:51 You just have this illusion of dignity about it.
01:45:00 Harmless Gee in some ways, average Jewish IQ, being closer to 104 than 112, is an emperor has no close kind.
01:45:07 Of white pill.
01:45:09 If their power comes from tricks and Epistem, we can learn those tricks.
01:45:13 If their power comes from intellect and merit, opposing them would be more more of an uphill battle.
01:45:19 Well, look, it's.
01:45:22 Ashkenazi Jews are not like.
01:45:25 You know, 200 IQ like they try to make it sound like everyone on the Internet has been trying to make it sound over the last couple of weeks.
01:45:35 But they're not stupid.
01:45:39 I mean, some of them are ******* *******, but.
01:45:41 Like with any group.
01:45:46 Worst case scenario.
01:45:48 They're within the realm of wide IQ.
01:45:53 And as someone pointed out on Gab earlier today.
01:45:57 There are more.
01:45:59 White people.
Speaker 11
01:46:02 With an IQ of 100 and.
01:46:03 30 or above.
01:46:06 Then there are Jews total.
01:46:16 The problem isn't just IQ.
01:46:21 The problem isn't even just morality.
01:46:29 The problem largely is priority.
01:46:35 Now I don't know how much of this behavior is genetic and how much of it is taught.
01:46:44 But there are plenty of rich white people that could have been funding movies, music and television and newspapers.
01:46:52 And they didn't.
01:46:53 Do it.
01:47:03 They didn't make that a priority.
01:47:11 There's also plenty of white kids.
01:47:15 That went and.
01:47:16 Racked up tons of student loan debt.
01:47:19 To you know, you know who in many cases.
01:47:25 They could have been lawyers.
01:47:32 That could have.
01:47:34 Looked into taking polici classes instead of.
01:47:40 Gender studies.
01:47:44 That's not what they did.
01:47:54 You had people in power that notice these things.
01:47:57 Look, ****, I just.
01:47:57 I read.
01:47:58 That quote from Nixon.
01:47:59 It's not the only thing Nixon had to say.
01:48:01 About the Jews.
01:48:03 And yet look at look.
01:48:04 At who Nixon worked with.
01:48:10 He had Jews in his cabinet.
01:48:13 Henry Kissinger.
01:48:15 For ***** sake.
01:48:35 Again, I don't know how much of this behavior this this inability to, for whatever reason to be.
01:48:42 And look, part of it is this like, honestly I think, OK, so like I think some of you guys have seen this.
01:48:47 Clip, right?
01:48:49 Let me pull pull it.
01:48:50 Up here.
Speaker 11
01:48:53 So this is a.
01:48:54 Teacher in what, like Texas, let?
01:48:56 Me pop it up.
01:49:01 A and I'm not sure why this is, but I've I've spent so many hours so many streams trying to to.
01:49:14 Reformulate this in the minds of white people.
Speaker 11
01:49:19 That being ethnocentric is not.
01:49:24 Thinking that your people are superior.
01:49:30 In that, even though I don't even entirely believe that's what this guy.
01:49:35 Means when he's trying to explain.
01:49:38 It to I mean.
01:49:39 I can see why he would say.
01:49:41 It to this group, right?
01:49:45 But this guy, this guy, is now out of a job because he tried to explain that he had in Group preference, but he framed it in a way that's that's ********.
01:49:55 He said that he thinks that whites are superior.
Speaker 8
01:50:01 Deep down in my heart, I'm ethnocentric, which means I.
01:50:04 Think my race is the superior one.
01:50:07 Hey, right now, let me.
Speaker 5
01:50:10 Think so?
01:50:13 White is better than all.
Speaker 8
01:50:16 Let me finish.
01:50:17 You finish.
Speaker 1
01:50:17 Go ahead.
Speaker 8
01:50:18 I think everybody thinks that they're just not honest about.
Speaker 21
01:50:20 Hey, I'm not racist though.
01:50:21 I like all types of.
01:50:22 Counts only think that.
Speaker 8
01:50:22 Did I say I don't like?
Speaker 2
01:50:24 Well, so you said you are what?
01:50:27 You are racist, your life, you're racist.
Speaker 8
01:50:29 I think everybody's a racist at that level.
01:50:31 No, he said. You.
Speaker 8
01:50:33 Are racist.
01:50:34 I did not, to be honest.
01:50:37 No, I'm not saying it again.
01:50:38 I've said it.
01:50:39 Enough. So you're right.
01:50:40 I think it's like.
Speaker 8
01:50:43 Put your phone up.
Speaker 11
01:50:47 And so he's ****** now.
Speaker 2
01:50:50 Becky, I actually expected you for a.
01:50:53 While but like now.
Speaker 10
01:50:53 I'll bring the phone up.
01:50:58 Yes, Sir.
01:50:59 I don't think I.
01:50:59 Got respect for him, no.
Speaker 8
01:51:00 More right.
01:51:02 You should have more respect.
Speaker 19
01:51:03 In Pflugerville, TX, a middle school teacher was caught on video admitting to being a racist to his students.
Speaker 5
01:51:12 You are.
Speaker 8
01:51:14 Damn, how many times I gotta say it?
01:51:16 Really normal person to anybody.
01:51:19 Because he was black.
Speaker 8
01:51:19 I'm just.
01:51:19 I'm frustrated.
01:51:20 With this conversation.
Speaker 2
01:51:21 That she started? You asked.
Speaker 24
01:51:26 You were talking to.
Speaker 29
01:51:26 Him and he said yes, I'm a racist, yeah.
Speaker 8
01:51:29 Somebody asked the question I I responded.
Speaker 15
01:51:37 I'll be sure to.
Speaker 20
01:51:38 Put this on the hand then.
Speaker 8
01:51:38 Yeah, you guys do what?
01:51:40 You need to do I'm.
01:51:40 Gonna call my father and say.
Speaker 28
01:51:42 The phone is right over.
Speaker 6
01:51:43 There and this horn is.
01:51:44 You know, like that has over a.
Speaker 11
01:51:48 Anyway, so he basically said I met like, I don't know why this, that part.
01:51:52 It's not on this clip that I've got, but the version I had before, he basically said I'm ethnocentric, which means I think my people are superior to others.
01:52:00 That's not what it means.
01:52:03 And I feel like that's what.
01:52:05 That's how white people think that it.
01:52:07 Has to be.
01:52:09 I think they've internalized all.
01:52:10 This Jewish mind poison Post World War 2 that if you want to prioritize your group, you're basically saying that you hate all the other groups.
01:52:21 And that yours is the best.
01:52:24 Obviously we're not the best or we wouldn't be in this ******* **** situation that we're in.
01:52:31 And the best at what?
01:52:36 The best at getting subverted.
01:52:37 By Jews, I think the best at what?
01:52:41 It's not about being the best.
01:52:43 There is no best.
01:52:44 That's like saying what's the best dog?
01:52:48 What do you mean the best dog?
01:52:51 What are you trying?
01:52:52 To do you.
Speaker 11
01:52:53 Want a dog that can go into foxholes?
01:52:55 Or do you want like a dog that that can?
01:52:58 Rip someone's throat out, you know like.
Speaker 9
01:53:00 Which, which which dot what are you?
Speaker 11
01:53:02 Using the dog for.
01:53:05 There is no best.
01:53:09 It's all contextual.
01:53:17 Now look, if you mean the best at having civilizations that I want to.
01:53:20 Live in, yeah.
01:53:31 By the way, also in that.
01:53:32 Same Tim Dillon show.
01:53:35 You know to what you're saying about the nepotism.
01:53:39 I didn't include that just because he meandered too long about it, but he was basically saying, yeah, we figured out the nepotism thing a long time ago.
01:53:47 You know, I went to a Jewish dentist.
Speaker 9
01:53:52 I bet most.
Speaker 11
01:53:53 Of you, if not all of you.
01:53:57 Have have parents white if white parents, white boomer parents or.
01:54:02 Whatever generation they're from.
01:54:05 Not only do they not do they not actively seek out other like a white dentist or a white doctor.
01:54:12 Or a white butcher, or a white, you know, whatever, right, they they probably feel good.
01:54:20 When they go to a black doctor.
01:54:26 And I don't know what what, what, where that feeling's coming from.
01:54:31 Again, I don't know if that's genetic or if that's just pounding into your head.
01:54:38 You know, the diversity is is your strength kind of a thing?
01:54:40 I don't know.
01:54:43 But if that doesn't change.
01:54:47 There won't be any white doctors.
01:54:49 Or white dentists.
01:54:51 Or white lawyers.
01:54:53 Or white butchers.
01:54:56 Hammer thorazine, $10. Appreciate that. Regarding electric cars, definitely they're they're for control. Have you ever used one? Those app based lime scooters.
01:55:07 These things know exactly where they are, where they are down to within a few feet.
01:55:11 The governed speed adjusts based on location, even stopping in busy.
01:55:16 There he is.
01:55:17 They'll do this with EVs.
01:55:19 No, they absolutely will.
01:55:21 It will it.
Speaker 9
01:55:22 Will get to.
Speaker 11
01:55:22 A point where you're not even driving.
01:55:25 You won't be allowed.
01:55:26 There won't be a steering wheel.
Speaker 9
01:55:31 Remember that horrible.
Speaker 11
01:55:35 Oh God, I wish I had that on this computer.
01:55:37 There's this.
01:55:38 Awful, awful.
01:55:41 Metaverse style.
01:55:43 TV show, I think it's.
01:55:44 On Amazon or it might be on Hulu, I don't know.
01:55:48 But it's basically about this.
01:55:50 Guy who signs up for a service.
01:55:55 That will upload them into some computer when he dies.
01:56:00 And he.
01:56:03 Dies and so they upload them.
01:56:05 It's like this fake heaven where he lives in it.
01:56:10 I I don't remember if I did a stream on this or like I think I might have on one of the episodes, of course the.
01:56:19 The person that's helping him that's in the real world is a black, you know, woman.
01:56:24 That's super technically.
01:56:27 Awesome and all this other stuff but.
01:56:30 The way the.
01:56:31 The cars that they depict in this television show, it's.
01:56:36 It's just a carriage they use and that's how they kill him.
01:56:40 Ironically enough, as he gets in this little car with no steering wheel.
01:56:46 And it's taking him somewhere and people that want him dead for I don't really care why?
01:56:51 Because of the shows are horrible, but they kill him by driving his car full speed into like a gasoline truck or something.
01:57:00 Blow them up.
01:57:05 That's that's absolutely what they want.
01:57:10 That's why they want digital everything.
01:57:14 That's why they want digital money digital.
01:57:16 Money is going to be coming.
01:57:17 Out soon the the I think is.
01:57:20 The federal.
01:57:21 Federal Reserve and I don't.
01:57:26 Some I don't know, as the World Bank, but they're already doing pilot programs with digital currency.
01:57:35 They want to be able to shut your money off in the same way they.
01:57:37 Want to be able to shut your car off?
01:57:41 They want to be able to shut your heat off.
01:57:49 You know, it's funny because.
01:57:50 Lots of people, and unfortunately they get they spurge out about this stuff out for the wrong reasons. They have an instinctual fear of stuff like 5G and smart meters and all this other stuff but instead of because they don't have a good grasp on the technology, they're just, they're just reacting to a.
01:58:11 Primal fear.
01:58:13 Of this step towards.
01:58:17 A control grid that would really enslave you, but they because they don't quite understand the technology.
01:58:24 They sound like lunatics when they when they.
01:58:28 Talk about it being bad.
01:58:33 The reason all this technology.
01:58:36 Is important to the people that want to control you.
01:58:38 It just.
01:58:39 Makes it easier.
01:58:40 I remember someone.
01:58:41 Someone asked me if I ever played, you know, StarCraft.
01:58:44 I think last last stream and I was saying no, I don't like.
01:58:48 I didn't like games like that because it just felt like work.
01:58:52 Like it felt like games that were good for, you know, people that wanted to be bureaucrats or micromanagers because like, it just.
01:58:58 I didn't want to.
01:58:59 Do that well.
01:59:00 There's lots of people that.
01:59:01 Do want to do that only with real people.
01:59:05 They want their job to be like StarCraft.
01:59:08 They want to be able to.
01:59:09 Just, you know, draw.
01:59:10 A circle on their screen around a bunch of people and then right click somewhere and make.
01:59:14 Them go there.
01:59:17 And go mine, space, jewels or something, you know.
01:59:26 Hammer Thursday, again $10 appreciate that when COVID BS started, everyone was able to put up plexiglass Shields at every checkout stand.
01:59:37 But with terrorist destroying white art, they act like putting plexiglass Shields up is impossible.
01:59:43 Whites don't want to save their culture.
01:59:46 We can't even stop cans of paint.
01:59:48 Being brought into galleries.
01:59:50 Right.
01:59:50 No, I've, I've.
01:59:51 I've been wondering about that.
01:59:53 I kind of feel like it is just it's another extension of pulling down all these statues of of white people.
02:00:04 And I don't know the people that are if.
02:00:07 I would assume some of the people doing the destruction are fellow whites, but some of them have got to be whites also.
02:00:15 Maybe they're not, I don't know.
02:00:16 Maybe they're all Jews, I don't know.
02:00:22 Yeah, it's, it's, it's it's no different than pulling down the statues.
02:00:28 And you know it's you.
02:00:29 Know what else is weird?
02:00:31 None of those plexiglass things are.
02:00:35 Are going away now that you know.
02:00:38 It's just it's.
02:00:39 It's one more weird.
02:00:42 Social it's one more thing that makes you feel less connected to the people in your community.
02:00:49 Like none of those plexiglass.
02:00:51 Shields are gone now.
02:00:52 They didn't take them down.
02:00:56 At least not where I'm at.
02:00:59 Or even overseas.
02:01:03 I was talking to someone that was in a.
02:01:06 A grocery store in Europe.
02:01:10 And there's all these.
02:01:11 Plexiglass Shields all over the place.
02:01:16 And I made some comments about like, Oh yeah, that's crazy.
02:01:19 There's all these *******.
02:01:21 Like ******** Shields everywhere.
02:01:25 You know.
02:01:25 Was when do they put these up?
02:01:32 And they thought for a minute.
02:01:33 And they said, oh.
02:01:34 I think they were always there.
02:01:37 They weren't always there.
02:01:39 But it's already normalized, it's already normalized.
02:01:50 Let's see here 0.
02:01:53 Welcome to the future.
02:01:54 It's weird how much I almost uncover all the evils I'd see as a child.
02:01:57 All the symbolism you are exposed to.
02:02:01 I've been in around 12 places, East and West, although.
02:02:06 Everywhere is becoming like N slowly but surely.
02:02:10 Not sure I know what you mean.
02:02:11 By that you've been.
02:02:14 12 places East and West, although everywhere is becoming like N slowly, but I don't know what you mean by that.
02:02:22 UM.
02:02:24 I hope you don't mean everything's becoming like Canada.
02:02:29 Amara. Thorazine, $10. I practice psychiatry and use the same approach you do identify depressions.
02:02:36 Causes or causes it's effective, but many reject it.
02:02:40 I'd rather a patient take low dose of Adderall three to four times or three to four days a week, then Prozac daily.
02:02:47 It's a kickstart exercise, is a real cure.
02:02:51 Few heed the advice.
02:02:52 TRT for men is also crucial.
02:02:57 Yeah, I know nothing about TRT.
02:02:59 I know people have been taking that for testosterone.
02:03:02 I I don't.
02:03:02 I don't know anything about it other than that, but yeah.
02:03:09 Most people that think they're depressed.
02:03:15 Our I said this, I think last stream or maybe.
02:03:17 The one before.
02:03:18 That either they're doing something they shouldn't be doing.
02:03:22 Or they're not doing something they should be doing and look, that applies to everyone.
02:03:26 Like, right, we're all doing something we shouldn't be doing, and we're all not doing something that we should be doing.
02:03:32 But the people that are depressed that that list is just longer.
02:03:40 And it starts to become overwhelming.
02:03:45 And the second you start knocking things off that list.
02:03:49 The lighter that burning gets and eventually feel like.
02:03:52 A normal human again.
02:03:55 It really is as simple as that.
02:03:58 If everyone that felt.
02:03:59 The press were to sit down with a notepad.
02:04:03 And write down.
02:04:06 Everything you are doing, everything you are doing that you shouldn't be doing.
02:04:13 Put that in one column and the other column, put everything you're not doing that you.
02:04:17 Should be doing.
02:04:20 And then just work on knocking things.
02:04:22 Off that list.
02:04:28 That burden would get lighter and lighter and lighter until.
02:04:33 You didn't feel it at all?
02:04:38 And look, I say this as.
02:04:39 Someone that you know?
02:04:41 I I I understand it, I get it.
02:04:47 I'm not saying that that.
02:04:49 You're a loser or a weirdo for being.
02:04:53 I think I just think.
02:04:54 It's not a disease.
02:05:01 It's not a disease that needs medication.
02:05:06 It's certainly not a disease that 74 million people in America need medication for.
02:05:13 And look, Prozac and all that stuff makes you do some crazy ****.
02:05:19 I've never, for the record, I've never taken.
02:05:22 SSRI's, but I've had family members that were.
02:05:25 On them.
02:05:26 One in particular that did some crazy ****.
02:05:30 After starting taking SSRIs.
02:05:37 And by the.
02:05:37 Way they did a recent study showing that there was no difference in terms of how people felt like about their depression.
02:05:46 Where was?
02:05:47 You know, I'm going to.
02:05:47 I'm going.
02:05:48 To bring this up, because this this came out the other day, they were they did some study with.
02:05:52 Sugar pills like with placebo.
02:05:57 Let's see here.
02:06:03 See if it pops up on the news.
Speaker 11
02:06:15 Yeah, I can't really find.
02:06:21 I thought this was like a mainstream article.
02:06:23 It's not popping up in my search anyway they or here it.
02:06:27 Is maybe this is it?
02:06:31 Or no that?
02:06:31 Was not something else.
02:06:34 There's a New York Times article on antidepressants don't work.
02:06:36 The way blah blah blah.
02:06:42 It's a New York Times article, so won't.
02:06:44 Let me look at.
02:06:44 It anyway, maybe it was not as mainstream as I thought.
02:06:50 There was an article that came out, I want to say like a week ago.
02:06:53 That was said that they they.
02:06:56 Gave people like half the study SSRIs and half the study placebos, and there wasn't a huge difference between the two groups in terms of how they self reported there, their fields, so you know.
02:07:14 Let me take a look here.
Speaker 11
02:07:16 Harmless G Elon Musk spent all of his time at work building his companies and says his kids were raised by.
02:07:22 YouTube and Reddit.
02:07:24 So far one has become a ******.
02:07:26 Time will tell how the other eight turn out.
02:07:28 They look extremely autistic.
02:07:31 Yeah, that's that's bad parenting.
02:07:33 You can't be a billionaire and not be a ****** dad.
02:07:37 That's just it's not possible.
02:07:40 It's not possible.
02:07:47 Is it just Talmudic law that Faris?
02:07:51 The Pharisees, where they see sabotage Zevi as their true Messiah of the Jews, is sacrificed really worth it to these people where their sight, their sins get flushed out by animals.
02:08:08 UM.
02:08:12 That's that's a long.
02:08:15 You know, I can't watch that right now, especially with the Internet connection.
02:08:21 Like I said, I'm I'm less interested about what happened.
02:08:25 Thousands or hundreds like all this esoteric Jewish stuff.
02:08:29 I'm I'm more concerned about their behavior, right?
02:08:32 Now, especially because while certainly you could say community leaders are dialed into some of this stuff and even some of the the lower look, I've I've known like lower, lower level Jews I guess is a way to put it.
02:08:46 Jews that don't really have a whole lot of power then immerse themselves into like this ****, you know, like.
02:08:51 They get all.
02:08:52 Heavy into the Talmud and and the Zohar and all this other stuff.
02:08:56 And they believe it.
02:08:57 They try to model their behavior.
02:09:00 But it's it's a lot of them.
02:09:02 It's it's more of an ethnocentric thing.
02:09:04 It's not a, it's not some weird religion.
02:09:07 This thing.
02:09:09 For some of them it is, but for some.
02:09:11 That's not the I don't think that's.
02:09:13 The common denominator?
02:09:15 Because there are.
02:09:16 There is a.
02:09:16 Lot of variety in in Jews you know.
02:09:20 Before between reformed.
02:09:21 Jews and acidic Jews and Conservative Jews and you know all these other Jews, it's more of an ethnocentric thing.
02:09:27 Than anything else.
02:09:30 And honestly, it's it's a very specific, if you look at every look, how many streams I do before people see the the pattern here, it's not.
02:09:38 Even just Jews.
02:09:40 It's like a very specific kind of Jew that came to America around the turn of the century from Eastern Europe.
02:09:47 You know Ashkenazi Jews, obviously in America are the ones that like you, don't see a bunch.
02:09:53 Of Sephardic Jews.
02:09:55 In these positions of power.
02:09:58 You know you don't.
02:09:58 You don't.
02:10:00 And the Austronesian.
02:10:01 Jews that you see in these positions of power all have the same back story. They all have their families coming here from Eastern Europe around 1900, give or take 20 years.
02:10:14 Almost all of them.
02:10:16 Whether you're talking about Jeffrey Epstein.
02:10:19 Where you're talking about that, that comedian Ari or whatever.
02:10:23 The **** that guys name was.
02:10:28 Probably even like Schumer.
02:10:32 All these guys.
02:10:32 You look at their background, it's it's amazing.
02:10:36 How identical their backgrounds are.
02:10:41 So yeah, I mean.
02:10:43 That stuff's interesting to know, I guess, but it's not.
02:10:48 Not as useful as I think a lot of people think it is.
02:10:50 I think it's just people have a fascination with Jews in the same way they get a fascination with any other secretive, you know, group.
02:10:59 And so they start to to, really.
02:11:02 Get into the details and trying to it's like.
02:11:06 OK, it's good to know I guess, but.
02:11:10 How does that help us solve the problem now?
02:11:14 And it, you know, the short answer is it, it doesn't.
02:11:18 It really doesn't.
02:11:24 Tennis nuts.
02:11:25 Everyone is trying to prop up Kyrie Irving as based on intellectual in his live Instagram feeds.
02:11:32 He has been really vague about any problems and solutions.
02:11:35 His solutions are for millennials to be more active in culture and politics.
02:11:41 Sounds like part of the problem.
02:11:44 Everyone trying to prop up Kyrie Irving is based intellectual.
02:11:49 Well, I don't think he's based intellectual.
02:11:51 He's a sports ball star.
02:11:54 I've never seen any of his Instagram live things, though.
02:12:00 So I yeah, I don't know.
02:12:02 I'll take your word for it.
02:12:04 Damn Bigfoot $1.00. The Farrakhan thing was amazing. Thanks for recommending it, by the way. If this dollar goes from me to you, did I really own it?
02:12:15 If you then spend it, did you really own it?
02:12:19 Well, I'll tell you what.
02:12:19 If I can spend it on something concrete that they can't just with with.
02:12:25 Typing on the keyboard, take it away like I think currently because it's in a digital form.
02:12:29 I don't own it.
02:12:33 That's why, you know, at least for me.
02:12:38 I don't, I don't.
02:12:41 I don't bank on the intangible.
02:12:44 I don't.
02:12:45 I don't put my future in the hands of numbers on a screen somewhere.
02:12:51 I like to have things that I can hold that if you're going to try to take it away.
02:12:55 From me it's going to be a lot harder to do.
02:13:00 Casla vasca rocks kosla or I think that's the one.
02:13:05 I yeah, kosla.
02:13:11 The Jews have come out of the closet now, openly showing that they're in charge of everyone, everything.
02:13:20 When over half the states, including red states like Missouri, passed bills making it illegal to do business with companies that boycott Israel.
02:13:28 You know, you don't have.
02:13:28 A country, right?
02:13:31 Right.
02:13:32 I guess if you want to expand that slavery thing to to the country level.
02:13:36 Right.
02:13:37 If they can take our country away, was it ever really ours?
02:13:44 That's that's worth asking.
02:13:49 And then you say I live in an area with large bullseye population.
02:13:55 Individually, they're coming out of the closet, too, not hiding their uppity self beliefs that they're superior to the going.
02:14:02 It's like post Obama election, when the blacks got all uppity in their true anti white bias came out.
02:14:09 Yeah, there was a little bit after Obama, right?
02:14:13 You got you there.
02:14:14 You would.
02:14:15 It had the exact opposite effect that so many conservatives were hoping for.
02:14:21 All of my friends that said, well, at least it will be good for race relations.
02:14:25 While I was like, what are you talking about?
02:14:28 Well, they could have been more wrong.
02:14:32 Because that's that was the beginning of, like, all of the uh, you know, like Ferguson and all this stupid ****.
02:14:41 But yeah, you know once.
02:14:42 Once you're out of the shadows, right.
02:14:44 Gloves off.
02:14:49 Crypto Candyland what do you call 2 in a gold sleeping bag? Twix.
02:14:59 Oh, I mean, come on.
02:15:00 You can be funnier than that.
02:15:01 That's that's that's low effort, low effort.
02:15:04 Try to be funnier.
02:15:10 Oh man, that sounds like a that's like.
02:15:12 A what?
02:15:14 You'd get out of like a.
02:15:15 Like my racist grandpas joke book.
02:15:22 Damn Bigfoot $1.00 Dave Chappelle just comes with South Park tier based, which isn't based. It's just comedy. That comedy and nothing comes of it other than keeping blacks and and cuckold whites clipping **** out of the context.
Speaker 9
02:15:38 Right now and look.
Speaker 11
02:15:41 South Park did the same kind of a thing and they changed with the times.
02:15:47 They made a lot of stuff making fun of trans people and whatever.
02:15:52 But they slowly, slowly got on board.
02:16:05 Coslov tska.
02:16:08 I hate that name.
02:16:09 Koslowski rocks.
02:16:11 Too many Americans actually believe the propaganda peddled via comedy.
02:16:16 I know people who consider shows like Jon Stewart Colbert.
02:16:19 And Jimmy Kimmel to be news sources, they literally watched those shows as if they were nightly news.
02:16:26 Yeah, it was.
02:16:26 Especially bad in the early 2000s when Jon Stewart was doing The Daily Show and Comedy Central.
02:16:33 Every millennial, like every millennial that like that, wasn't, you know, or Republican or conservative or whatever, every millennial got their news from Jon Stewart on Comedy Central.
02:16:46 I don't think people understand like how.
02:16:50 Much influence that Jew had.
02:16:57 And it was, you know, As for Colbert, I knew this guy.
02:17:01 I mean, this is how stupid a lot of.
02:17:03 Conservatives were.
02:17:05 You know his entire show, he had the Colbert Report, which came right on, came on Comedy Central right after The Daily Show.
02:17:13 His entire schtick.
02:17:15 Was he was a satire.
02:17:20 He was like a.
02:17:22 Hyperbolic version of Bill O'Reilly.
02:17:26 But it was all satire.
02:17:28 He played the part of this over the top conservative to make conservatives look stupid.
02:17:33 I knew conservatives that watched that show and didn't understand that they it.
02:17:38 Was making fun of them.
02:17:41 There's just a lot of ******* stupid people on on the right.
02:17:44 They're just.
02:17:45 They're just on the left, too, obviously.
02:17:47 But there's just a lot.
02:17:47 Of stupid people out there, I guess.
02:17:51 UM.
02:17:53 Because Lovka too many Americans actually believe.
02:17:55 The propaganda already did that one.
02:17:58 UMI am taboo $10 preciate that would love to see a full insania stream on the Yusef Jekyll Island story some time in the future.
02:18:10 That wouldn't be too bad.
02:18:11 There was a there's a book called The Monster on Jekyll Island.
02:18:15 That's really good.
02:18:17 And I feel like I did something on that.
02:18:19 After I read that because I.
02:18:20 Read that like four years ago or so.
02:18:24 And but I don't think I did like a full stream on it by any means, but that that would be a good one because a lot of people don't understand like you hear people like end the fan and but they don't even know really what that means.
02:18:35 They don't.
02:18:36 So many people and I don't mean just like, you know, boomers that are out to lunch.
02:18:39 I mean, like, there's a lot of people.
02:18:41 They just know something's weird with they know the feds bad because they've heard other people say.
02:18:46 And the Fed and they, you know, but they.
02:18:48 Don't really get.
02:18:50 Like they don't.
02:18:51 They don't even understand that it's a private entity.
02:18:54 That that alone, if you could get Americans to all understand that their money was controlled by secret parties that are part of the private entity.
02:19:07 It blow their minds.
02:19:09 It blow our minds.
Speaker 11
02:19:13 Almost no one knows that even the people that are.
02:19:15 Like and the fire.
02:19:17 They they don't really understand it.
02:19:19 So maybe that'd be worth doing.
02:19:22 ******** ****** for?
02:19:23 $1.00, thank you for stream DAB also, why is Gavin such a Pro Zionist boomer?
02:19:27 While being younger than one.
02:19:31 My guess is that when he got censored and whatever and I don't know, I'm just guessing this is pulling this out of my ask so.
02:19:38 Maybe it's wrong?
02:19:42 He well, it's like, look, it's what that.
02:19:45 Comedian Guy said, right.
02:19:46 What did he say?
02:19:49 Let me back this up because I feel like this clip's going to be.
02:19:52 That this helps you understand almost entirely what's going on with Gavin and everybody else.
Speaker 16
02:20:00 And also, yeah, we kill it in the in the management industry.
02:20:03 You know why like why comedy managers and agents are Jews.
02:20:07 Why the the?
02:20:08 Because you need to be having some funneling your money the first three years, you're not making any money.
Speaker 5
02:20:12 Right.
Speaker 17
02:20:12 Who? Who else?
02:20:13 Could afford that only rich, right?
Speaker 16
02:20:16 Well this that's follow follow your dream.
02:20:17 It's good.
Speaker 15
02:20:19 These are all good.
Speaker 16
02:20:20 Things. Good things.
Speaker 11
02:20:23 That's probably why.
02:20:25 I'm almost positive that's why Alex Jones is like that.
02:20:27 I mean, he has a family aspect to it also, but.
02:20:32 Who do you think funds Infowars when you have the kinds of money problems that Alex Jones has now?
02:20:39 When Alex Jones is on the.
02:20:40 Hook for like a.
02:20:41 What is it like?
02:20:42 A trillion ******* dollars of this.
02:20:43 Like, really, it's like in some stupid amount that no human, even Alex Jones will will be able to even remotely put a dent in.
02:20:54 You know, it basically means he can't leave any money to his kids, or like, you know, he's on the hook now for unless they appeal.
02:21:01 I don't know what the appeals process is or or whatever, but.
02:21:05 Who thinks bankrolling Infowars while they're going bankrupt and all this?
02:21:09 Other stuff.
02:21:11 You don't think that that that has an influence?
02:21:16 Who do you think bankrolleduncensored.tv or?
02:21:20 Whatever his website is.
02:21:23 Now again, I don't know.
02:21:26 I'm just guessing because like.
02:21:30 Like this, this Jew on the screen here just said.
02:21:33 That's who does that.
Speaker 9
02:21:38 Who funnels you money for those?
02:21:40 Three years.
02:21:40 You're not making any money.
Speaker 11
02:21:43 It's got to be a rich Jew.
02:21:50 And that's a good thing.
02:21:56 UM guy in guy in Japan $1.00 you are both right and wrong about the Dave Chappelle bit. I would love to hear what you think to the death panel.
02:22:10 I would love to hear what you think to the death panel's reaction.
02:22:15 On TDs episode.
02:22:17 968 he's not based and it is a pressure release valve, but it is also an end for informing people about, I don't know.
02:22:28 I don't know what what?
02:22:30 The death panel reaction.
02:22:34 On TDs episode 968.
02:22:39 And you can't say that I'm right and wrong and then not and not.
02:22:42 Say how I'm wrong?
Speaker 9
02:22:44 You got you got to.
Speaker 11
02:22:45 Tell me how I'm wrong.
02:22:49 You're what you're really saying is you're right.
02:22:52 But I also think it's funny haha.
02:22:54 So I don't like that that you're right.
02:22:57 So you got to be you have to be wrong.
02:22:58 Because I I'm not saying he wasn't funny.
Speaker 9
02:23:03 See, that's where.
Speaker 11
02:23:04 A lot of people missed the point.
Speaker 9
02:23:08 Well, like this.
Speaker 11
02:23:09 Happened when I was reviewing movies all the time, which I'm going to get back to.
02:23:12 I need to now.
02:23:14 Hopefully this computer keeps going.
02:23:15 That'll be really helpful on that.
02:23:18 But people would say it all the time.
02:23:19 Well, this movie can't be propaganda.
02:23:21 Because I like it.
02:23:25 And I'd say, well, no.
02:23:26 You like it?
02:23:27 It's good.
02:23:29 It wouldn't be propaganda if it if it sucked and.
02:23:31 No one watched it.
02:23:35 The same thing with Dave Chappelle.
02:23:39 If he wasn't funny, it would be.
02:23:41 It would be pointless to.
02:23:42 Even go over it.
Speaker 9
02:23:46 Course course he's funny.
Speaker 11
02:23:50 He's a skilled comedian.
02:23:51 That's been a game for decades, for as long.
02:23:54 As I've been alive.
02:24:01 I I never said it wasn't funny.
02:24:06 That's the problem. It's funny.
02:24:11 Look, I have this guy right here that's on.
02:24:13 The screen with Tim Dillon.
Speaker 9
02:24:16 Well, Tim Dylan.
Speaker 11
02:24:17 Himself, who's, you know, he's not a Jew, but.
02:24:20 He's subversive as **** and he's funny.
02:24:24 And this jewel?
02:24:25 That he's talking to did an entire special called Jew.
02:24:30 I haven't watched it, but I'm sure there's parts.
02:24:32 Of it that are funny.
02:24:40 So if you tell me I'm wrong, you got.
02:24:41 To tell me how I'm wrong?
02:24:44 Crypto crypto candy land physical slavery requires the people to be housed and fed.
02:24:51 Economic slavery requires the people to house and feed themselves.
02:24:54 Yeah, like regular.
02:24:55 Slavery is almost.
02:24:56 A better deal.
Speaker 9
02:24:58 Because first of all, at least a you know.
Speaker 11
02:25:00 Where you stand?
02:25:03 There's none of this illusion that you're free.
02:25:12 And be someone else takes care of all this.
02:25:14 Stuff for you, at least.
02:25:15 And they're, I guess in a.
02:25:16 Way they're they're kind of going that direction.
02:25:19 They're like, don't worry, we'll get back to that.
02:25:21 Once you're in your pod.
02:25:26 We'll manage all that **** for you.
02:25:27 That's what the ref wants.
02:25:29 That's what the ref wants.
02:25:31 They want to.
02:25:31 Go back.
02:25:33 You know, and and maybe in some funked up way maybe?
02:25:35 In some ****** ** way.
02:25:37 It's it's because while a lot of.
02:25:39 We're doing the slavery thing.
02:25:43 Least we could do is manage it for these people.
02:25:47 Yeah, that's honestly I I, I I bet in some ****** ** way.
02:25:51 That's how they see it as moral.
02:25:55 They see it as moral because.
02:25:58 They they look at how many people mismanage.
02:26:03 You know, when left to their own devices, they think, you know, we could we could maximize the satisfaction of the slaves.
02:26:12 If they didn't have so much self determination.
02:26:16 Because so many of them do such a poor job of managing the table scraps that we give them.
02:26:23 We could probably have more.
02:26:26 Satisfaction and happiness and compliance with the slaves.
02:26:32 If we took care of all that for them.
Speaker 9
02:26:36 You know and and.
Speaker 11
02:26:37 Look, you have like mini versions of that already, right?
02:26:39 Like people that go work for the really big corporations.
02:26:44 And they get they get the fringe benefits, you know, they get the the company car, they get the, the healthcare, they get you.
02:26:51 Know all the little.
02:26:52 Little bells and whistles that go along with that.
02:26:58 You know, the more little goodies you get that you don't have to think about, the better the job is considered.
02:27:04 And I think, honestly, I think in some ****** ** way, that's probably the way the left.
02:27:07 'S looking at.
02:27:07 It is. They're.
02:27:08 Like, well, they're because they're they're not, they're not.
02:27:12 They're not looking at you as fellow human beings.
02:27:15 They're looking at you as livestock.
02:27:19 And so it's probably.
02:27:20 Quite literally, think of it like a factory farmer.
02:27:24 Is looking at his operation and going well.
02:27:30 You know, like you can't trust the cows to eat the right amount of food to stay healthy and to, you know, So what we got to do, we just have to manage, manage the cattle in such a way that they they enjoy their time in the factory farm a.
02:27:45 Little bit more.
02:27:49 That's quite literally.
02:27:50 I think that's probably an accurate description of how they see it.
02:27:58 Damn Bigfoot.
02:27:59 They pay teachers very well.
02:28:01 The teach in black schools.
02:28:03 But it's this jungle ****.
02:28:05 You might get hit with a chair.
02:28:10 Yeah, I think we've all seen the videos of what it's like to.
02:28:15 To teach in a black school.
02:28:20 Harmless G the guy who did the high Jewish IQ debunked video cited a study showing Episcopalians have a higher average IQ than Jews.
02:28:31 Unfortunately, that is one of the more paused Christian denominations.
02:28:35 No, it's super paused.
02:28:36 In fact, I think when we were talking about the TV networks, what was it?
02:28:40 CBS and ABC?
02:28:41 Were both founded by Episcopalians, a lot of the upper class Wasps who **** and collaborate with the enemy are biscuit Hellions.
02:28:49 Well, both those in.
02:28:50 Both those cases, right, they sold out to Jews so.
02:28:54 There you go.
02:28:57 Dan Bigfoot on the point of pharmaceuticals, Kanye had a good.
02:29:01 Point about his Jewish doctor wanting the drug him and likely Michael Jackson.
02:29:06 Well, you know, here's another.
02:29:07 Clip I I that.
02:29:08 Maybe that was the one I was looking.
02:29:09 For and I forgot about.
02:29:12 There's a clip of him talking about his trainer wanting to drug him.
02:29:17 Maybe that's who you're talking about.
02:29:18 Let's do.
02:29:19 I have that I think.
02:29:20 I thought I had that.
02:29:22 Where is that?
02:29:23 Here it is.
Speaker 28
02:29:29 Can you read this song please?
02:29:31 This is how.
02:29:33 This is.
Speaker 28
02:29:33 The trainer but.
02:29:35 Come to find out, he's actually Canadian and intelligence.
02:29:37 But this.
02:29:38 My trainer so this shows you the kind.
02:29:40 Of handlers that are around the superstars in California.
02:29:43 Right.
02:29:43 So it says I'm going to help you.
02:29:46 One of a couple ways first.
02:29:48 You and I sit down.
02:29:49 And have a loving and open.
02:29:50 Conversation, but you don't use cuss words.
02:29:55 And everything that is discussed is based in fact, and that's some crazy stuff that dumb friend of yours told you or you saw the 22nd option. I have you institutionalized again where they medicate the crap out of you and you go back to Zombieland forever play date.
02:30:15 Play date with the kids just won't be the same.
02:30:18 This is the way a Hollywood a Hollywood trainer was talking to me to force me to go and like apologize, right?
02:30:29 You think about if Harley was part of intelligence, right?
02:30:33 What kind of people you think are surrounding my kids?
02:30:36 What kind of people you think are in that house right now?
02:30:39 But y'all are interested.
02:30:43 For some reason, and they wanted to medicate me every day, you realize, like they could.
02:30:50 Have just.
02:30:51 Switch to medication and I wouldn't be here.
02:30:55 And on the news they.
02:30:56 Would have said it was.
02:30:57 Because of.
02:30:57 A mental issue.
02:30:58 Right. I ain't never been back to the hospital since 2015.
02:31:03 But every time they say I'm crazy, it's just what I'm.
02:31:05 Saying the truth.
Speaker 11
02:31:09 So he's right.
02:31:12 Makes you wonder how many of these overdoses of celebrities.
02:31:17 Where they just outlived their usefulness.
02:31:21 And I don't mean like, oh, they started criticizing Jews or something.
02:31:24 What if they're just become?
02:31:25 A liability, it's.
02:31:26 A business.
02:31:27 And these are these.
02:31:28 These celebrities are assets.
02:31:30 And if asset becomes the liability, you.
02:31:32 Get rid of it.
02:31:34 What if there's some big scandal that you know is going to come out and it's going to?
02:31:37 Hurt the industry.
02:31:38 You burn em.
02:31:39 Ohh look ohh sorry.
02:31:42 You know Philip Seymour Hoffman?
02:31:43 He just started doing tons of heroin and died.
02:31:47 I don't know, maybe that's.
02:31:48 What happened?
02:31:49 I don't know.
02:31:50 But that's The thing is, you wouldn't know.
02:31:55 Lots of people, you know, think you know Michael Jackson, right?
02:32:00 He had handlers.
02:32:01 He had people.
02:32:02 In fact, I'm pretty sure it was a Jewish doctor feeding him basically like elephant tranquilizers.
02:32:08 You know, like it.
Speaker 11
02:32:09 Was like ******** ****.
02:32:10 **** that would that would.
02:32:12 He was taking stuff that would, like, kill 20 people.
02:32:15 They had just built up such a tolerance to it.
02:32:23 So yeah, there you go.
02:32:30 Fergus Moore, you tell me not.
02:32:32 To read it out loud.
02:32:37 Thank you for the the cat food.
02:32:41 Appreciate that that's needed too, man.
02:32:45 Tell you one thing.
Speaker 24
02:32:48 Sure it was.
Speaker 11
02:32:48 Like a bottomless.
02:32:49 I don't know where he.
02:32:50 Put he's no longer skin.
02:32:51 And bones, I'll.
02:32:52 He's not fat, but he's like he's like.
02:32:55 He's starting to be built like a bulldog, like he's got like.
02:32:59 He's got, like, biceps and ****.
02:33:04 And he sucks down more food.
02:33:05 Than than than classified cat.
02:33:08 Eats in like 3 days like every day.
02:33:13 But then he's out there *******.
02:33:17 Stalking animals and killing them all the time.
02:33:21 Yeah, I appreciate that.
02:33:24 Land of the fake home of the gay whites are absolutely superior, Devon, morally and evolutionarily, evolution is a.
02:33:32 Direct is a direction towards order.
02:33:35 Whites are the furthest along in that direction, unless you want to deconstruct that.
02:33:40 Dogs are better than cockroaches, is contextual.
02:33:44 No, this is where you're wrong though.
02:33:48 If, if we're so evolutionary or so obsessed with, or actually first of all, it's.
02:33:54 Not just order, because I would say Asian countries are way.
02:33:57 More orderly than we are.
02:34:01 They just are.
02:34:03 And order is not everything.
02:34:06 Sometimes you need a little bit of chaos.
02:34:07 In fact, I think that's why you have more creativity in why countries than you have in Asian countries.
02:34:15 Because in Asian countries it's not.
02:34:18 It's not considered a.
02:34:21 Being an outlier is not a.
02:34:27 Positive thing.
02:34:29 Right.
02:34:31 Whereas if you have an outlier in in a white population, it's in many times.
02:34:38 Not always, but depends on what what you're an outlier.
02:34:40 You're in a celebrated thing.
02:34:43 You know, and and whites tend to like, you know, the the crazy genius who might be terrible at lots of other things and and be very disorderly in fact.
02:34:55 But because of that genius being respected instead of stifled, instead of being seen as oh this person's, you know, he's he's he's he's marching to the the the sound of or the drumming of a different drummer, right?
02:35:10 So therefore we must suppress this like, you know, a lot of I think in Asian culture you see.
02:35:17 Oftentimes these people are elevated and given the resources that they need to chase their their creativity.
02:35:27 So I would, I would disagree with you there just just because like.
02:35:30 Again, why?
02:35:33 Why is it that white countries?
02:35:36 Specifically, are the only ones suffering from this ******* suicide?
02:35:43 Right.
Speaker 9
02:35:46 You don't.
02:35:47 You don't see China.
Speaker 11
02:35:48 Getting subverted by the Jews or some other group?
02:35:53 Maybe there's.
02:35:54 The Koreans are, I don't know what.
02:35:57 It would.
02:35:57 Be no, it's it's.
02:35:59 Look, I I just disagree with.
02:36:00 You we're not objectively better at everything.
02:36:04 Why aren't there all whites?
02:36:05 And and here's another example, if we're objectively better at everything, why aren't whites filling up all the?
02:36:14 Basketball teams.
02:36:17 Shouldn't we be better at basketball too?
02:36:19 I mean, it's just basketball.
02:36:20 But if we're superior.
02:36:24 That means we're better at everything now.
02:36:26 You what you like what you might not value basket.
02:36:30 I don't value basketball.
02:36:32 You might not value basketball.
02:36:34 You might not think that.
02:36:36 That's anything to to worry about.
02:36:39 And for most whites it's not, that's, you know.
02:36:43 But that doesn't. That's subjective.
02:36:48 You can be I you know that.
02:36:49 And that I, as I said, you can certainly prefer what whites are good at.
02:36:56 So that you to an extent that you say subjective subjectively.
02:37:01 We're superior, but it's impossible to say that whites are objectively superior, because that means that we we'd have to be better at everything and we're not.
02:37:16 Take your red exit pill.
02:37:19 Oh, man, I wish I had a *** **** money animation to play.
02:37:29 Only I had the *** **** money.
02:37:32 Animation there.
02:37:37 That's the closest I can get, $100. That's really generous and I really appreciate that Devin used this money to contribute towards buying a new computer.
02:37:46 Well, hopefully I don't need a new computer.
02:37:48 I might just need a new power supply.
02:37:50 I mean, unless this one gets by, I don't know.
02:37:55 Knock on wood, we might be OK here. We might be OK here. Power supplies when they're when you start to get to 1200 watts that they.
02:38:04 Get weirdly expensive.
02:38:05 In fact, I I can't.
02:38:07 Remember 100% what I paid for that one that is.
02:38:10 Clearly defective and it's the second one, by the way, I made the first one.
02:38:14 For the same reason.
02:38:17 Uh, I'm pretty sure it was like 5 or $600.00 though for.
02:38:20 A power supply.
02:38:23 Because I was trying.
02:38:24 To get the the best one.
02:38:26 The very bad I had never paid like over like $150.00 for a power supply. That was the first time I paid any kind of money like that for.
02:38:32 A power supply and then this.
02:38:34 Is what I get so, but we might be OK we might be OK not.
Speaker 9
02:38:40 Not uh.
Speaker 11
02:38:42 Not sure yet.
02:38:44 But hopefully what we're we're OK.
02:38:47 And I'd love it if this computer started working again, because this is the one that has all my.
02:38:52 Oh my good hardware in it.
02:38:55 But yeah, definitely appreciate that.
02:39:02 The judge and the and the parade Plowboy case pandered to bears by allowing the black convicted murderer to ramble on for two hours before sentencing. Judge kissed black ***. The entire trial. Well, I'll tell you what I did. Watch that, and I watched some of that. I I think there's another way of looking at this.
02:39:24 I know that's what it looked like.
02:39:27 And that's what it felt like.
02:39:29 And that guy was so intolerable.
02:39:32 It was.
02:39:32 It was painful to watch, I think.
02:39:37 That really what she was doing.
02:39:41 Was they don't want it to go to appeal.
02:39:47 And so she was trying to make sure that there would be no grounds for appeal whatsoever because she was going to, I mean, she I watched the sentencing today like, probably a lot of.
02:39:58 People did and I I didn't watch this whole I fast forwarded through his gibberish his two hours of garbage.
02:40:07 And yeah, I was shocked at how long it.
02:40:08 Was too, and all three of the trial.
02:40:12 I couldn't watch it because it was like that.
02:40:14 The entire trial was like that.
02:40:18 And at first I was kind of like, well, what the ****, you know, why is she being like?
02:40:23 But I I started thinking about it and it makes sense that and look I could be wrong, but if you give her the benefit of the doubt, it might just be that she wanted to throw the book at him, which she did.
02:40:35 I mean, she gave him the maximum on everything that you could possibly do.
02:40:40 I I think it's insane.
02:40:42 They don't have the death penalty there.
02:40:45 I think the death penalty needs to come back for.
02:40:47 I mean, if Trump has said anything at all, that was kind of based in the last year or so, it's that he seems to want to bring the death penalty back for a lot of ****.
02:40:59 The death penalty for that kind of crime, if you can't put someone to death.
02:41:04 After, after plowing a car through a parade of.
02:41:08 Children. Something's horribly.
02:41:11 Wrong with your society, but I'm preaching to the.
02:41:13 Choir there. But that said.
02:41:17 I think she wanted to throw the book at him and she wanted to make.
02:41:21 The case.
02:41:26 As she didn't want him to have any way, especially after he decided to represent himself.
02:41:34 Because now we can go and say, well, I wasn't competent.
02:41:36 That can't believe they let me represent myself, which in a way like if if they made any mistake, I think that would have been the mistake.
02:41:45 But I think that she was, more than anything else, trying to make sure that she dotted all of her eyes, crossed all of her.
02:41:50 Teeth so that any.
02:41:52 Anyone reviewing the case would look at this and be like, yeah, you're not getting an.
02:41:57 There's no possible way that you deserve it.
02:42:00 There's there's no mistrial.
02:42:01 There's no, you know, the.
02:42:03 You got every.
02:42:04 Opportunity you possibly could have been given.
02:42:08 And again, I don't maybe I'm wrong, but that's I think that if you give her the benefit of the doubt and what look women shouldn't.
02:42:14 Be judges anyway.
02:42:17 That said, women shouldn't be judges and and whatever, but if you want to give her the benefit of the doubt, I think that might have been what was going on.
02:42:30 Koslowski rocks the Bolshoi Federal Reserve along with a dozen banks, is launching a three month test of Digital dollar article.
02:42:40 Doesn't say one.
02:42:41 Yeah, I know.
02:42:41 That's that's.
02:42:41 I think that's what.
02:42:42 I was.
02:42:42 Talking about, they are trying to, they are doing a a a trial of cryptocurrency.
02:42:49 Look, we all knew that was going to happen.
02:42:51 We all knew that was going to happen the second you find out that no one knows who started Bitcoin still.
02:43:01 You know and and I know there's different people that try to imply their their their satoshi and and whatever but.
02:43:10 You know.
02:43:12 I think there's a huge, huge chance that this was uh.
02:43:19 This was started by intelligence agencies or or or them or, you know whatever you want to say, but I don't think it was just some like programmer that was like I'm going to make some digital money.
02:43:30 I think it was a the first the alpha test.
02:43:35 And what they're discussing now that?
02:43:37 They've they've definitely got proof of concept, and they've they've also spawned all these other cryptocurrencies.
02:43:44 So they can look at what works, what doesn't work, and they've had what, you know, 15 years or whatever to to take a look at at at how it it.
02:43:55 Not only how.
02:43:56 It works on the blockchain, but how secure it is?
02:43:59 And so yeah, I think you're just seeing the.
02:44:03 Beta test now.
02:44:05 Andromeda SSRI drugs are good for you.
02:44:10 You've got to trust the science.
02:44:11 Oh, you know what?
02:44:12 I do have this.
02:44:15 Ah, but my.
02:44:16 Hard Drive is asleep.
02:44:18 Wait for it.
02:44:20 Wait for it.
02:44:21 Yes, science.
Speaker 5
02:44:24 There you go, I guess.
Speaker 11
02:44:26 We'll do it again.
02:44:27 Yes, science.
Speaker 11
02:44:28 Apparently that hard drive had spun down.
02:44:35 OK.
02:44:39 I once heard about the Boston bombing, and I found a 12 minute video that talks about ADL involvement and a lot of interesting things with Israel training.
02:44:49 Or I'll I'll.
02:44:50 Take a look at that.
02:44:51 The yeah, the.
02:44:54 Boston bombing I.
02:44:56 I didn't really pay attention to that.
02:44:57 Much when it was going on, because I I had a job where I was.
02:45:02 Just working.
02:45:03 Myself to the bone.
02:45:06 Butcherbird, Devon thoughts on the righteousness, the Righteous Wait, the righteousness of anger and the pathway to God, and the search for the meaning of life.
02:45:18 All for $1.00.
02:45:20 The righteousness of anger and the pathway to God and the search for the meaning of life.
02:45:27 I'll tell you what I'll answer it this way.
02:45:30 The answer is actually pretty simple.
02:45:34 It's 42.
02:45:37 42.
02:45:40 I am taboo $5. What's your opinion on stacking precious metals? And you're absolutely right about people not knowing about the Fed being a private entity.
02:45:49 It took over 2 hours of arguing with my family to get them to realize I was right, and then when they realized they were wrong, they all they all they could say was.
02:45:58 Who cares exactly.
02:46:00 You know that's 100% of the reaction I've got from people. I mean, I've argued with people about this stuff and and they just they don't. They just don't get it.
Speaker 9
02:46:10 Most people that you understand, they don't.
Speaker 11
02:46:12 Understand. Even the stock market.
02:46:14 Or anything like people are not taught about money on purpose.
02:46:19 Obviously you're not going to teach the slaves how the the business works.
02:46:23 That's the those the.
02:46:24 Last people you want to explain it to.
02:46:27 And they they purposely use.
02:46:32 You know weird jargon and and make it as complicated as possible so that people don't figure it out.
02:46:38 And then once and that's part.
02:46:40 That's why they say, who cares, is they don't want they.
02:46:43 I mean, they didn't want to know the where their money came from in the 1st place.
02:46:47 They would have known about the the Federal Reserve in terms of stacking.
02:46:52 Precious metals.
02:46:53 I don't know.
02:46:54 You don't.
Speaker 9
02:46:54 Remember, a lot of that stuff.
Speaker 11
02:46:57 I mean, it's better than nothing, but a lot of the price of precious metals is manipulated like anything else, so it there's risk.
02:47:05 I I think it's it's when people think that there's no risk involved with getting gold and silver.
02:47:10 They're wrong.
02:47:12 The other problem is.
02:47:15 Like I had this friend once and I was explaining like, Oh yeah, you know, I got, like this, you know, I was telling him all the the prepping I was doing and I.
02:47:22 Was like, yeah.
02:47:23 I got like all this food and whatever.
02:47:25 And he's like, well, I got all these bars of gold.
02:47:27 And so.
02:47:27 I'll be fine.
02:47:28 I was like, I don't know.
02:47:30 Man like I don't.
Speaker 9
02:47:30 Know how many people depending.
Speaker 11
02:47:33 On what the situation is, maybe be fine but.
02:47:36 You think you're going to be able to walk up with a bar of gold and be like I'm starving to death?
02:47:41 Here's some gold for some food, I mean or or the way he wanted to use it is, he thought.
02:47:48 Well, I don't, I don't.
02:47:49 Have to survive here.
02:47:51 I'll just use my gold to bribe my way out of the.
02:47:53 Country it's like.
02:47:55 I don't know.
02:47:56 Most people aren't going to just take gold.
02:47:58 I mean, maybe if you find the right person that can.
02:48:02 Validate that it's worth it.
02:48:04 Most people don't understand.
02:48:06 That side of things, you're it's a very specific thing.
02:48:10 I look at it honestly as just a slightly more.
02:48:13 I mean it's a tangible commodity, but it's also a very manipulated commodity.
02:48:21 You know, people have been talking about the price of silver being artificially ****** with for years now.
02:48:29 And look, the government can just decide to conference, get it.
02:48:33 Or make it illegal to own it.
02:48:36 Which would be, you know, you could say, well, they're not going to come and get it, cause I'll just have it in my.
02:48:41 In my chest that I buried in the.
02:48:42 Backyard or whatever, right?
02:48:44 It's like, OK, but you know, maybe they won't find it and won't take it.
02:48:48 But if it's illegal to own it, how are you going to change?
02:48:51 That into something usable.
02:48:55 So that's that's, I mean, I don't think it's stupid to have it, but I think it's stupid that.
02:48:59 If that's all you have.
02:49:03 Stephen Campbell, $10. Hey, Evan doing a fine job, man. Well, I appreciate that.
02:49:10 Because Laska rocks, I'm going to say it wrong.
02:49:13 I'm just going to start calling you CR.
02:49:15 Or something.
02:49:18 The judge in the.
02:49:20 Darrell or Darrell Brooks.
02:49:22 Trial Panther oh, you already?
02:49:24 Said that.
02:49:26 Why did it say that twice?
02:49:30 I'm going to set again.
02:49:34 Maybe you're not.
02:49:35 Maybe you weren't saying that it was going through because it's repeating it a bunch of times.
02:49:45 Burn the wicked 77. Awesome job as always, Mr. Stack. Well, I appreciate that.
02:49:52 Guy in Japan, OK, you're not wrong.
02:49:55 It really is because he's funny that people want to defend him.
02:49:59 I'm not defending him or his bit talking about Dave Chappelle.
02:50:04 I'm just saying it's useful as a conversation starter.
02:50:08 I used the line black equals gang Italian equals mob.
02:50:12 Jew equals coincidence line to start conversations.
02:50:16 Ignore the rest.
Speaker 9
02:50:17 Yeah, I'm not.
Speaker 11
02:50:17 Saying, look, look, you can use examples.
02:50:20 From movies that are super degenerate to relate to people, I'm not saying you can't do that.
02:50:26 What I'm saying is when people clip out stuff and then start like titling.
02:50:30 Oh, look based Dave Chappelle, he gets it or whatever you're you're tacitly.
02:50:38 Endorsing Dave Chappelle as like a source of based, you know, material, when if you watch the entire thing in context, it's not.
02:50:47 It's not, and he's making a joke out of something that really represents an existential threat to us, which, and I don't think, is very funny.
02:50:56 And if you're able to use.
02:50:59 A line in a movie or, you know, a metaphor using characters in a movie to explain something to someone, then that's always you know that's that's fine.
02:51:12 I'm not saying it's not.
02:51:14 It's, you know, you can't do that.
02:51:17 I'm just saying, trying to act as if Dave Chappelle is doing anything other than trying to be a pressure release valve and appeal to both sides and bring us all together.
02:51:26 You know, that kind of garbage.
02:51:31 It's ridiculous.
02:51:34 Land of the fake home of the gay blacks run faster than whites, but cheetahs run faster than blacks.
02:51:40 Our cheetahs superior to blacks.
02:51:42 They are running.
02:51:44 See what I'm saying like this.
02:51:45 Should be easy.
02:51:47 I don't know why you don't get what I'm saying.
02:51:50 Yeah, yeah.
02:51:51 Cheetahs are superior at run.
02:51:54 There you go.
02:51:55 See what I'm saying?
02:51:55 Like, that's that's why you can't just say cheetahs are superior, period.
02:52:02 Because that doesn't make any sense as much, and it doesn't make any sense about saying whites are superior superior period either.
02:52:12 Because there's lots of things sheet lots, including running fast.
02:52:16 There's lots of things cheetahs do that are better than white people.
02:52:19 They can run faster, they can probably eat raw meat and digest it better.
02:52:25 They could probably in fact eat a lot of tainted bacteria filled.
02:52:34 You know, garbage meat without dying.
02:52:38 They they they're they're they're superior at at wrestling a an antelope to the ground, you know.
02:52:45 See what I'm saying?
02:52:45 Like you can't just say an absolute like they're superior.
02:52:50 I don't know why this is so hard for people to get.
02:52:53 Tips you make stagger.
02:52:54 Damn it.
02:52:54 Can't you owe me so many ducks because of the ****** PCs.
02:52:59 Yeah, I'll get.
02:52:59 I'll get that all loaded back.
02:53:02 Well, if this keeps working like I said, I'll leave it on all night tonight.
02:53:07 It went right to shift pretty quick before.
02:53:08 I flashed the BIOS.
02:53:10 Like I'm surprised it hasn't.
02:53:11 Locked up yet?
02:53:13 I was kind of.
02:53:14 I almost canceled the the stream because.
02:53:18 I thought I was just going to.
02:53:20 Eat ****.
02:53:21 The second I started using.
02:53:23 Any kind of processor slash video card power, but it seems to.
02:53:26 Be holding up.
02:53:29 Uh, damn Bigfoot. Trump is so off base. It's not 2016 energy. It's lame duck since he will only be able to get Max one more term.
Speaker 9
02:53:39 Well, not only that.
02:53:40 No, he could get I.
Speaker 11
02:53:41 Mean legally, I.
02:53:42 Don't know age wise, you're right.
02:53:44 But legally he can.
02:53:45 He can do two more.
02:53:46 You just can't do.
02:53:47 Two more than two can.
02:53:49 Maybe I'm wrong about that, but I think you know you can't do more than two consecutive terms, but you can you could run every other you know election and and do it that way.
02:53:58 If you you could be.
02:54:00 Present for like 5 terms.
02:54:02 If you live long.
02:54:04 You just can't do it consecutively.
02:54:06 At least that's my understanding of.
02:54:07 It, and he's running. Yeah, he's not running a 2016 campaign. He's running a 2020 campaign, only worse.
02:54:17 It's worse than like he was pretty low energy and disappointing. By 2020. Everyone you know, everyone already was on to the scam.
02:54:25 Except for the Q ***** but now.
02:54:27 Even the Q ***** are.
Speaker 9
02:54:29 At least most of.
Speaker 11
02:54:30 Them are on to the scam.
Speaker 9
02:54:32 And a lot of them are in jail.
02:54:36 So it's like you know.
Speaker 11
02:54:38 I don't know. Yeah.
02:54:40 All I can, you know, it's it's entirely possible that he he ruins, you know, he keeps Biden in office for another four years, honestly.
02:54:52 Maybe that's his plan.
02:54:53 I don't know.
02:54:54 Who knows?
02:54:55 Right?
02:54:55 With these ******* people.
02:54:58 Excuse the double posting.
02:55:00 Oh, that's alright.
02:55:02 Tips and stagger every family affected should have been able to choke him to death, then have him revived.
02:55:10 Give it an hour and repeat the process.
02:55:11 Tell about the guy who drove the.
02:55:15 The SUV, through the crowd of.
02:55:16 Kids look it.
02:55:17 It we should have public hangings again.
02:55:20 Or firing squad.
02:55:21 You know, whatever, I don't care.
02:55:23 Doesn't have to be hangings.
02:55:24 I think hangings would be more effective as a deterrent.
02:55:29 You know, that doesn't seem like the.
02:55:32 It seems like a pretty gruesome way to die.
02:55:35 And it's part of our history.
02:55:37 It's part of our culture.
02:55:38 We've been we did hangings for a long time and it cleaned up a lot of the Riff Raff out of our gene pools.
02:55:44 And I think if we, if you were to bring back Haynes.
02:55:48 And really stick to it.
02:55:51 That would be 1.
02:55:52 Way to fix the problems we have.
02:55:56 Oh, here we go.
02:55:57 The land of the fake again.
02:55:58 So the argument is that there is no overall superiority.
02:56:02 I think that evolutionary evidence flies in the face of this notion.
02:56:07 Well, you're wrong.
02:56:08 Well, you we just explained how you were wrong about the with the cheetah thing.
02:56:12 Whites appear to be furthest evolved overall, making our extinction a crime.
02:56:16 Against all morality.
02:56:19 But again, OK, I'm going to take it to the animal Kingdom.
02:56:26 You can have.
02:56:28 Or even like plants, right.
02:56:30 Like let's say you produced a kind of corn.
02:56:37 Made the most corn and it was really good at making corn.
02:56:43 But like all plants, there are environmental things that have to be.
02:56:52 Pretty much like it has like a.
02:56:54 There's a threshold, right?
02:56:55 Like if you get too cold the.
02:56:57 Winter that that kind of.
02:56:59 Corn is going to die out.
02:57:00 They get too hot a summer.
02:57:02 You know, the corn is going to die out.
02:57:03 It has to stay within this threshold for it to be as productive as what you want.
02:57:10 So even this corn, that's like the best at corn.
02:57:15 It's only going to be the best at corn if those environmental factors stay intact.
02:57:19 White people is it's the same way, right?
02:57:23 Like, we're not super like, have you seen?
02:57:29 There's the cities they're building, the Middle East.
02:57:32 Have you seen Qatar?
02:57:34 Have you seen the United Arab Emirates?
02:57:41 All these, all these like billionaire playgrounds in the Middle East.
02:57:47 They make our our ****** little cities look like just.
02:57:52 Like hobbles.
02:57:56 You know the environment, the environmental factors for whites to be as productive and and superior as you say.
02:58:04 Have shifted and we're not doing so good right now because of that.
02:58:11 So I don't.
02:58:12 I don't know what the hang up is.
02:58:14 Why do you need it to be?
02:58:15 Why do you need?
02:58:15 That that word.
02:58:17 Why do you?
02:58:18 Why do you need to feel that we're superior?
02:58:20 Like we're better at everything, which we're obviously not.
02:58:24 Like what does that do for you?
02:58:26 Because it doesn't do anything for me.
02:58:28 I don't care.
02:58:29 We could be ******.
02:58:31 You know, like if I was Kanye, right?
02:58:34 Blacks are obviously not superior to a lot of.
02:58:37 Things right?
02:58:38 But if I was Kanye, I wouldn't be like trying to be white.
02:58:44 I wouldn't.
02:58:44 I wouldn't be like, oh, it's a crime for white people to die out.
02:58:48 I'd be like **** white people.
02:58:49 Who cares?
02:58:51 I want.
02:58:52 I want my people to be successful.
02:58:54 I want conditions.
02:58:56 To to be so that in such a way that my people thrive.
02:59:02 You know, it's not about who's the best.
02:59:04 It's about who's you.
02:59:08 Like my family, right?
02:59:10 My immediate family, my.
02:59:11 Brothers and sisters.
02:59:14 They're not superior to all other.
02:59:15 Humans that I know.
02:59:18 None of them are too bad.
02:59:19 They're all pretty.
02:59:20 Good people.
02:59:24 But they're not.
02:59:24 You know, they're not the top performers in their fields or or they don't have any kind of.
Speaker 9
02:59:30 I mean, they're I don't.
Speaker 11
02:59:31 Want to say they're not outstanding, but like they're not?
02:59:33 You know, they're not like.
02:59:36 Top 1% that really anything.
02:59:40 But I'd still prefer I would still want them to survive more than I'd want any other people to survive.
02:59:46 I would still move my resources to make sure that they.
02:59:50 You know, I would, I would go to help them out before.
02:59:52 I'd go to help anyone else out.
02:59:56 So I don't.
02:59:56 I don't know what the hang up is.
02:59:57 I don't know what this hang up is.
03:00:01 Yeah, I don't think you need.
03:00:02 You don't need that to be.
03:00:05 A part of why you care about your people, or why you want them to succeed.
03:00:12 Butcher bird. Devon, how did this number 42, equals meaning of life. What did I miss in school? $1.00 for me of life.
03:00:21 Oh, you'll have to find out.
03:00:22 You'll have to find out.
03:00:23 It might take you millions of years to find out.
03:00:27 But you'll have to find out.
03:00:32 Ah, cold coffee. My favorite.
03:00:35 East Asian countries historically.
03:00:40 This harmless G East Asian countries historically were even more fast and loose with the death penalty than any European country ever was.
03:00:48 But they also executed people for weird reasons like having a wrong haircut or reading banned books.
03:00:54 Lots of genius types were also wiped out if they went against the grain.
03:00:59 Right.
Speaker 11
03:01:00 All right.
03:01:02 Well, that seemed to work.
03:01:04 You know, because they, they they they're very compared to us.
03:01:08 They're very high minded now as a result.
03:01:12 Damn, Bigfoot. Only good thing I see with Trump running it is that it will be chaos in 2024, worse than 2020, but then again.
03:01:22 That won't matter.
03:01:24 If it's rigged and he's too big of a ***** to cross the Rubicon.
03:01:29 Well, he is too.
03:01:29 We already know he's too big of a *****.
03:01:33 The time to do that was it's over. That was 2020.
03:01:38 He's all we already know.
03:01:39 He's too big of a *****.
03:01:41 So that will never happen.
03:01:43 The only thing I think that could even be kind of fun is in a in a in kind of semi obnoxious way.
03:01:51 Is that the Q ***** will get reactivated, but I don't.
03:01:54 Think there's as many of them anymore?
03:01:58 But hopefully Q will drive some of them crazy.
03:02:03 I'm not.
03:02:04 Well, that's about all I'm going.
03:02:06 To say about that.
03:02:09 I don't. I don't think he's going to be the fun 2016 Trump. Look, he wasn't. He already wasn't in 2020.
03:02:17 He's low energy now.
03:02:19 Even if you watch like if you watched his rallies, which are way more high energy than that ******* announcement was.
03:02:24 It's the same stupid tired ********.
03:02:28 It's like watching you know, you ever you ever find the comedian that you like?
03:02:33 On YouTube, randomly from like the 80s or 90s or something like that.
03:02:36 And you're like, oh wow, I never heard of this guy.
03:02:38 This guy is pretty funny and then you go and and try to look, you know, download all of his stand up or you.
03:02:43 Know watch it.
03:02:44 And you realize that whether he's on.
03:02:46 The Tonight Show.
03:02:48 Or whether he's live at some small bar in the middle of nowhere.
03:02:52 With some bad quality.
03:02:53 Video or in some arena with a big crowd.
03:02:56 He's doing the same material.
03:02:59 You know, I remember the first time I, I and.
03:03:04 When I was first like looking to stand up and because I wanted to do.
03:03:07 It and fancied myself funnier than I was.
03:03:13 I I was shocked when I realized.
03:03:16 That comedians by and.
03:03:18 Just repeat the same ****.
03:03:20 And for years, often and then you know.
03:03:23 They were wrong.
03:03:23 They're like refining, adding, subtracting to their act or whatever.
Speaker 9
03:03:27 But it's the.
Speaker 11
03:03:28 Same act over and over and night after night after night.
03:03:32 You know, often times twice a night.
03:03:35 And so for years, they'll do the exact same act over.
03:03:39 It's the same jokes over.
03:03:40 And over and over.
03:03:41 Again, that's all Trump's doing.
03:03:44 You watch one rally in one state and then wait a couple weeks, maybe even a month, and watch a rally in another state.
03:03:55 Or watch the announcement a lot.
03:03:57 Some of the things he said in the announcement were verbatim things he said in in rallies.
03:04:03 It's and he's doing the same thing that a lot of these comedians are doing too.
03:04:06 Refining the act.
03:04:08 He's looking to see, well, what gets applause, what doesn't get applied.
03:04:12 UM and yeah, that's it's.
Speaker 13
03:04:18 You know.
Speaker 11
03:04:20 I just don't think he's going to.
03:04:22 I don't think he's going to add.
03:04:23 Anything to it?
03:04:26 Stephen Campbell well, Jared Taylor says we're the best at being us and that it wouldn't matter if immigrants and others were 10 feet tall with Iqs of 200. They're not us. Exactly. That's my point.
03:04:39 Is even if we were.
03:04:41 The ********* of everything.
03:04:44 You know, I wouldn't care.
03:04:46 It's still us.
03:04:48 I'd still want us to go down whatever evolutionary destiny we had.
03:04:54 I would want that I'd I'd want to preserve us as a unique group that I'm fond of, and that's good enough for me.
03:05:02 I don't.
03:05:02 Need to be.
03:05:03 Better than everybody else, I just need to be us.
03:05:10 Kozlowska rocks. Curious that 1948 brought us the formation of the UN, the CIA, Israel, The Who operation Paper CLIP and Ted Bundy.
03:05:23 Yeah, yeah.
03:05:24 World War 2 didn't really.
03:05:26 Help out the world that much did it.
03:05:31 Fewer from Persona 2.
03:05:34 484 every single Trump speech is the ******* same you heard one you've you've heard them all leading up to 2024 will be.
03:05:43 No different exactly.
03:05:45 It'll it'll be.
03:05:46 It'll be the same speech.
03:05:48 It'll, you know, like I say with the comedians.
03:05:50 It'll just be the.
03:05:51 Same act.
03:05:52 It's an act.
03:05:53 It's a show.
03:05:54 And in fact, there's even there's.
03:05:58 The fans, the the Super fans that follow him from from rally to rally.
03:06:06 They're so familiar with the act, they start reacting before the applause line comes in.
03:06:13 Because they they know what he's going to say.
03:06:16 Kind of weird in a way.
03:06:17 I mean, but.
03:06:19 It's kind of like, you know it, you know.
03:06:21 It's people are, there's some people are just they're fanboys.
03:06:24 Because going back to the the stand up comedian example, I've watched some of these stand up shows where the the comedians doing an act and someone from the audience who clearly has seen this act already will yell out like, oh, do the joke about, you know, Winnie the Pooh.
03:06:43 You know, I'm just.
03:06:45 I don't know what any joke with the.
03:06:46 Pooh, but do the juggle with the poo and.
03:06:51 It's like, well, you already know it, obviously.
03:06:56 Why, why?
03:06:57 Why would hearing it again be funny like you already you know the punchline.
03:07:03 You know like.
03:07:03 But there's people that just they enjoy the performance.
03:07:08 I I don't get it.
03:07:11 Honestly I it's the same people that here's it's like I don't understand.
03:07:15 Watching professional sports for the same reason.
03:07:18 Because I know what's going to happen.
03:07:20 I don't know the exact way it will happen in the same way I don't know the exact way the comedian is going to tell the exact same joke, but it's going to have the same component.
03:07:28 It's going to have the same kind of an ending.
03:07:31 You know when you watch?
03:07:32 Sports ball.
03:07:33 You know, there's rules of the game that they're going to follow.
03:07:36 And at the end, one of them will have slightly more points than the other, and they're the winners.
03:07:41 But functionally, it's, you know how it's going to end.
03:07:44 It's not like like in in in the third quarter, they're going to, you know like a, a comet is going to come smashing down on the on the.
03:07:51 In the middle of the.
03:07:52 Field and you know, like aliens are going to come running out of out of the the crater nothing unexpected's going.
03:07:58 To happen.
03:08:01 And there's just some people that don't care that they they find comfort.
03:08:04 In that maybe.
03:08:06 And you know.
03:08:09 And they're the reason why.
03:08:10 We have fast food restaurants.
03:08:13 Chris Christmas Rex $5. I too have a place in the remote location and one of my neighbors believes that the military will put Trump back on the throne and close the borders.
03:08:27 First, very soon.
03:08:27 With this.
Speaker 11
03:08:32 I can't believe Q still has this much influence.
03:08:35 Oh my God.
03:08:43 Yeah, it's a lot of a lot of.
03:08:45 Poor rural whites.
03:08:48 Have this mythical view of Trump, and I think it's because the the distance between them socially.
03:08:58 In the in in, just in the social hierarchy alone is so vast.
03:09:02 That's why those same people are the ones that have the craziest conspiracy theories about celebrity.
03:09:08 Because they're the distance between them.
03:09:11 They've never been even like in the same room as a celebrity, right?
03:09:15 So to them, celebrities and that would include Trump.
03:09:19 Are these mythical larger than life people and the only time that they they have seen these people is when they're in fictional movies.
03:09:28 And so in kind of in a way, they're.
03:09:31 I think that's just how they think it must be something like that in real life too.
03:09:38 Trump's life, just to think about it this way, if you're.
03:09:41 Just some.
03:09:43 Unemployed or maybe just underemployed. You know, dirt farmer, somewhere in the middle of nowhere. Trump's life.
03:09:53 Just what's real?
03:09:56 Is is kind of superhuman.
03:09:59 In terms of compared to your reality, right? I mean, he has a he has a ******* 747 or something, right?
03:10:06 Like like has.
03:10:06 A He has his own jumbo jet.
03:10:09 He's got some crazy Russian model or whatever, or wherever she's from.
03:10:17 He's he's got a.
03:10:19 I don't know how what what we've heard that a lot of this is is not.
03:10:23 Real, but he's got maybe billions of dollars.
03:10:28 He's got gold all over the place and his, you know, Penthouse.
03:10:33 He has several.
03:10:34 He owns golf courses.
03:10:36 I mean, just the real version of Trump is so outside of their experience.
03:10:44 That why wouldn't you maybe throw in a little extra to make it more interesting?
03:10:49 Like why it?
03:10:50 Already sounds crazy unrealistic.
03:10:54 That he owns golf courses to these people, right?
03:10:56 Like that?
03:10:56 That's already like they.
03:10:57 Can't even fathom.
03:10:58 That they don't even own their their little shack, that.
03:11:01 They live in.
03:11:04 So I mean it makes sense, but it's still annoying.
03:11:11 Glock 23, the name of the book about the Federal Reserve, is the creature from Jekyll Island. The Federal Reserve was created by two Jews.
03:11:19 The main one was Paul Warburg and his brother Max Warburg, was chairman of the Bank of Germany.
03:11:25 The other Jew was Jacob Schiff, who also funded the Bolshevik revolution.
03:11:30 And I think.
03:11:33 I don't know.
03:11:34 I've tried to find this out.
03:11:36 I think is also related to Adam Schiff.
03:11:41 Who we all know and love.
03:11:44 All right, guys, well.
03:11:45 We're going to go ahead and close our.
03:11:47 I'm very glad that you guys came out and hung out with me tonight and that the computer didn't die or freak out.
03:11:58 Go to regular chat here first just a second.
03:12:07 Imagine the mowing.
03:12:08 You'd have to do, or you talking about owning a golf.
03:12:10 Course I was like, what the ****?
03:12:18 Someone saying that considering the fact that white countries are no longer white while Japan is 100% Japanese basically disproves the argument exactly that.
03:12:26 That's what I'm saying is like, we're not the best at being ethnocentric, we're not superior to that, that's for damn sure.
03:12:33 We're not superior being nepotic nepotistic, we're not superior at at.
03:12:38 Like I could I could write a list all day long and not even have the half of the things that we we suck at.
03:12:45 We suck at a lot of ****.
03:12:46 Doesn't mean I don't love us.
03:12:48 More than every other group.
03:13:00 There we go.
Speaker 11
03:13:04 Diversity for Israel, I agree.
03:13:07 All the YouTuber Rumble, Goys and Odyssey Chads that I watch universally recommended against violence that offend our people, our movement, or whatever you want to call it.
03:13:17 Isn't there a point to where we finally need to take action and do something?
03:13:20 I understand how it can undermine our position, but.
03:13:24 Well, here's the thing I would say about that and then I'll, I'm gonna.
03:13:27 I'm going to tap out of here the.
03:13:33 I think it's super gay.
03:13:36 When you have people and lots of people do this.
03:13:40 We have to fight.
03:13:41 We have to go back.
Speaker 11
03:13:42 And fight metaphorically.
03:13:43 We have to.
Speaker 11
03:13:44 Go back and fight and take, you know, legally speaking politically.
Speaker 9
03:13:47 We have to.
Speaker 11
03:13:47 Go back and it's like you use all this big ******* *** **** talk and then you you just you, you know, slide slimly slide in.
03:13:55 There, but don't.
03:13:57 I'm going to talk.
03:13:57 A big game and I'm.
Speaker 11
03:13:59 Going to appeal to your righteous anger, I'm going to appeal to this instinct that you have to protect yourself against danger, but then I'm going to tell you, but don't actually do anything.
03:14:10 It's like I ******* hate it when people.
03:14:13 Do that.
03:14:13 I hate when you do that, OK?
03:14:16 And I don't do that.
03:14:18 But you got to understand too.
Speaker 9
03:14:21 If you start.
Speaker 11
03:14:24 Like it would be first of all, it would be the stupidest form in the world in which to organize something.
03:14:31 Like you're describing, or I guess alluding to the dumbest place in the world to do that, to organize something like that would be a public stream, right?
03:14:42 Like, that's the last place that you'd want to initiate anything.
03:14:48 Like what you're talking about?
03:14:53 You know, it just you wouldn't want to do it now.
03:14:58 I think it's gay to talk the big talk and then like, you know, reel it back in.
03:15:04 In fact, I think that's.
03:15:05 A pressure valve.
03:15:06 I think what you're doing is you're getting people who are already kind of amped up, amped up, and then and then saying, but don't do anything but don't do anything but don't do anything but don't do anything.
03:15:17 It's kind of like that, that mom that was saying like a child needs to hear something 14 times before they believe it.
03:15:24 Well, how many times in any given Alex Jones stream, do you hear him say politically speaking?
03:15:30 We're at the ballot.
03:15:31 You know, he's he's basically reinforcing like, oh, it's OK to have these feelings, but but it's not.
03:15:37 But it's not, but don't do anything but don't do anything.
03:15:41 Channel that somewhere else, channel it somewhere else, channel it somewhere else.
03:15:44 I think that's that's super gay.
03:15:49 It's way gayer than just not even saying that at all.
03:15:53 It's like those those, you know what, you know it is.
03:15:56 It's exactly like those Second Amendment types.
03:16:00 They're like, well.
Speaker 9
03:16:01 They better not try trigger guns.
03:16:05 They'll be held to pay if they ever do this, then and.
Speaker 11
03:16:09 And you know, they're never going to do.
03:16:11 And they and they keep moving the they keep moving.
03:16:13 The the line right?
03:16:15 Like, oh, if they do this, then I perfect example.
Speaker 9
03:16:18 I was listening.
Speaker 11
03:16:19 To Old Coast, This is why I don't know why I've been doing this so much this year or I guess the.
03:16:26 Last few months.
03:16:27 Listen, a lot of coast to coast episodes.
03:16:30 While I guess because it reminds me why I.
03:16:32 Used to work.
03:16:33 I used to work at a TV station at night Slash early morning and there just be no one around and you just put the radio on.
03:16:40 That's what was on.
03:16:42 But you would or do Rd.
03:16:44 trips we used to go to Vegas and it would be like a six hour drive and it just, you know, that would be on four of those hours would be coast to coast.
03:16:53 But the.
03:16:58 The episode was.
03:16:59 Right after, I think the Brady bill, it was from like 95 or 96 or whenever. Whenever Clinton made it illegal to buy fully automatic weapon.
03:17:11 I think that.
03:17:11 Was the Brady Bill and Art Bell is talking a big game and saying like, well, they're getting.
03:17:19 Really close.
03:17:19 They're they're really close to crossing the line.
03:17:22 If they have any more gun regulation, I think that you know, this is our bell, right?
03:17:26 Like, who's usually kind of a a, a ***** about stuff like this.
03:17:32 And and and.
03:17:34 I don't know.
03:17:35 Has has always shield away from doing anything against the government and.
03:17:42 Up up until, or even including when 911 was going on was, you know, telling people not to.
03:17:49 Well, we're going to need more.
03:17:50 We're need more spying on Americans to to keep us safe, like he's been.
03:17:54 He was a massive.
03:17:55 Talk for a lot of ****.
03:17:56 Right, but he.
03:17:57 Was talking this big game and people were calling up and like, Oh yeah, if they, you know, they they try to do this, then I'm gonna, you know, people are gonna rise up, people are gonna wake up people and.
03:18:06 You know the ********* thing that I've, I've I've come to discover. And the reason why I keep saying the normies are never going to wake up and I can say that confidently is I can't tell you how many times I've gone into the archives and I've looked at videos of people that are basically us from 30-40 years ago.
03:18:27 50 year, you know.
03:18:27 You go.
03:18:28 It doesn't matter how far you go back and their language is always the same.
03:18:32 They all say the exact same **** and think of how much better it was when they were saying.
03:18:37 And they all say, oh, the people are waking up.
03:18:40 You know, the government that they've overreached this time and now the people are waking up.
03:18:45 It's only a matter of time before people rise up and they stop this **** and you hear that. You listen to these recordings of people saying this in like 1980 or or like, you know, 1992 or.
03:18:58 Or whatever, and it's just like, no, they're not.
03:19:00 People weren't waking up back then.
03:19:03 And they didn't rise up and do anything.
03:19:06 And if you if you guys could just if you just looked through a little wormhole.
03:19:11 No, I don't have the animation to play it, but if you even like looking through this little wormhole and just see what America ended up being like in in 2022, you know your mind would ******* explode and they were convinced in 1992 that it was so bad that they were. People were waking up and they were going.
03:19:31 No, they they're not.
03:19:32 They're they're not and they and they.
03:19:35 And the same is true today.
03:19:37 The same is true today.
03:19:39 That said.
03:19:42 And this is as explicit as I'll get.
03:19:46 There are other ways of communicating.
03:19:53 About this and.
03:19:58 Again, not on a public you don't, you don't.
03:20:00 Have these conversations and.
03:20:05 You don't have these conversations in public.
03:20:08 So that's just the way.
03:20:10 I mean.
03:20:10 No one does.
03:20:11 No one that's successful at it does.
03:20:15 And I think the other thing too is a lot of people, they, they.
03:20:20 They they think that, well, if we.
03:20:21 Had enough people with enough guns?
03:20:23 And you know, we could just go.
03:20:25 In and go where like where would you go?
03:20:28 Yeah, I made the point like a few streams ago. Even if you had like 20,000 troops, you know, like mercenaries with.
03:20:36 With the you know the the latest and greatest gear and the logistics to keep resupplying them.
03:20:41 Like where would you go?
03:20:44 You know, like we have.
03:20:46 Would you go to a base and attack a base like would you go to DC?
03:20:50 Would you go?
03:20:51 You know, like a a state cat.
03:20:53 Like, where would you?
03:20:54 Go, you know.
03:20:56 It's just not.
03:20:59 It's not plausible without an existing power structure on board with with what you want to do.
03:21:09 You know and and basically I think secession, if anything, would be the way to go and I don't know that secession will even happen.
03:21:18 There's a lot of of.
03:21:23 Let's talk.
03:21:25 But the those?
03:21:26 Those same videos I've talked about that I go back and I look at 2040 years.
03:21:30 Ago and the people are waking.
03:21:32 Up, they're talking about secession back then, too.
03:21:36 They were talking about secession in 1980.
03:21:41 They were talking about secession in 1950.
03:21:47 You know, when they were talking about secession in 1815, we all.
03:21:52 Saw how that went.
03:22:03 I'm going to go ahead and roll out of here.
03:22:06 Someone put one last one here.
03:22:10 I heard someone say drag story hour better not happen in Texas or dot dot dot.
03:22:15 Sure enough, there was some in Texas and not.
03:22:18 And **** did not happen.
03:22:22 It won't.
03:22:24 It won't.
03:22:24 People won't.
03:22:26 People won't fight back until it's it's.
03:22:31 Look, they will watch.
03:22:33 They will watch their family members.
03:22:36 Marched onto buses and taken to camps and still not.
03:22:40 Not that that that's going to happen, but.
03:22:42 They would, they would.
03:22:45 They would want so many Americans.
03:22:48 So many quote UN quote based Americans would watch family members marched onto buses and taken to camps and and not do not do ****.
03:22:58 They'd be mad about it.
03:23:01 They'd grumble quietly.
Speaker 13
03:23:03 But they wouldn't do ****.
Speaker 11
03:23:06 Alright. Oh, postmaster $5. These streams where you pause on the magic. ******* for an hour are sort of unbiased. What are you talking about? Ohh, this cause he's been.
03:23:19 On the screen forever.
03:23:23 What would you prefer?
03:23:26 I don't know if I have anything based.
03:23:27 There's there's a fat guy and a Jew, a fat, fat ****** and a Jew.
03:23:33 Is there something else I got?
03:23:34 There's a Arab Canadian.
03:23:42 Do I have anything else?
03:23:46 So This is why having the next the Nixon audio would have been good.
03:23:52 Trying to see if I got anything fun.
03:24:00 I'm going to take it all the way back.
03:24:04 Oh, here we go.
03:24:10 You ready?
Speaker 15
03:25:17 I don't think so.
Speaker 11
03:25:25 OK, I don't know why I.
Speaker 9
03:25:26 Had that computer, but there you go.
Speaker 11
03:25:30 All right.
03:25:32 And then right before I go.
03:25:35 Let's see here someone someone posted the link to the Nixon thing.
03:25:45 I might want to alley that.
03:25:54 Alright, that's downloading.
Speaker 11
03:25:57 Well, that's why is that so big?
Speaker 12
03:26:01 That's what she said.
Speaker 11
03:26:03 And then while it's downloading Insomniac 111 late to the stream. But let me guess the usual suspects, every Stein, single Berg and timer wits. You are correct, Sir.
03:26:16 You are correct and for some reason the.
03:26:20 Maybe it's just going really slow.
03:26:21 Actually not that big.
03:26:23 The Nixon, Mr.
03:26:25 Wang at the Nixon.
03:26:28 Thing to just play on.
03:26:31 On a browser.
03:26:48 All right, we're going to do.
Speaker 11
03:26:49 It this way.
Speaker 5
03:27:04 He had his on this call.
03:27:10 Time reported they when they all said it was cool.
03:27:27 Melody about Jewish.
03:27:31 I want to look.
03:27:32 At the areas around where the Jews are all.
Speaker 11
03:27:36 Alright, the audio is really really bad.
03:27:40 I'm going to rewind it.
03:27:41 I'll just.
03:27:41 I'll just read it.
03:27:42 Audio is really bad.
03:27:45 All right, it says Oval Office, July 3rd, 1971.
03:27:53 Coulson discovered something.
03:27:57 He's a clever *******.
03:27:58 He had his office called Bureau of Labor Statistics.
03:28:03 I I see.
03:28:04 It was time reporter, a time reporter.
03:28:06 They all said it was Goldstein.
03:28:09 But they didn't. They don't.
03:28:13 I said who were?
03:28:15 You said what?
03:28:18 I said, are they all Jews?
03:28:20 He said yes.
03:28:21 Malik is not Jewish, no.
03:28:24 All right.
03:28:25 I want to look at any sensitive areas around.
03:28:29 Where the Jews are involved, Bob, see, the Jews are all through the government and we have to get in on those areas.
03:28:37 We've got to get the man in charge who is not Jewish to control the Jewish.
03:28:45 You understand?
03:28:46 I sure do.
03:28:47 The department is full of Jews.
03:28:49 Second uh, second most Jewish.
03:28:54 The Department of Soldiers, the second most Jews, are disloyal.
03:28:58 You know what I mean?
03:28:59 You have garment and a Kissinger and frankly sapphire.
03:29:02 But God, they're exceptions.
03:29:04 Yeah, right.
03:29:05 But Bob, generally speaking, you can't trust the ******** they turn on you.
03:29:09 Am I wrong?
03:29:11 Sure, they they're the whole.
03:29:14 Right.
Speaker 11
03:29:16 I don't know how we can talk.
03:29:18 You can't trust the ******** they turn on you.
03:29:21 Am I wrong or not?
03:29:24 And their whole orientation is against this administration anyway.
03:29:32 They have this arrogant attitude, too.
03:29:34 That's right.
03:29:35 So and they're smart.
03:29:38 They have the ability to do what they.
03:29:39 Want to do?
03:29:42 Which is to hurt us.
03:29:45 Which is a problem we had to remove and some of the people that Henry Kissinger doesn't has, it doesn't have any Jews.
03:29:54 See, this is the thing.
03:29:57 Nixon got understood.
Speaker 9
03:29:59 That the that the.
Speaker 11
03:30:00 Jewish question and was still had Henry Kissinger working for him.
03:30:06 Basically a massaud agent.
03:30:08 He's only got.
03:30:09 I mean, he's got this one.
03:30:13 He's got quite a few horrible *******.
03:30:17 His aides, none of his aides have ever been Jewish.
03:30:21 Even Tony Lake, who turned on us?
03:30:23 That's right.
03:30:24 That is the guys, the young guys that he's always had.
03:30:30 But I agree about the Jews.
03:30:35 Particularly, except the Jews throughout the administration, you got a Jewish set and any place, and they're all over, Bob.
03:30:42 Let's see what we can do about them.
03:30:46 So he got it.
03:30:49 But still hired Jews.
03:30:52 So yeah, it is what it is.
03:30:55 Alright guys, I'm out of here for.
03:31:02 I am of course.
Speaker 30
03:31:08 Avoid having to make that face this holiday.
03:31:14 Discover the gift you never dreamed you wanted.
Speaker 23
03:31:26 As Jews in Israel, are you telling the greatest story ever told?
03:31:31 Well, you decide that by how you live, and that decision will affect the world because everyone looks here for one reason or another.
03:31:37 It's not so easy to understand.
03:31:39 Everyone looks here to see, well, how are you actually doing under this tremendous assault of?
03:31:44 Adversarial criticism, as this little tiny people in the middle of no man's land, in some real sense as a what would you say, cardinal model of the nation state and the city on the hill?
03:31:54 You have a tremendous moral responsibility like you have, perhaps, for your entire history, for reasons that are very difficult to.
03:32:01 And I think it is true in some real sense that the fate of the world depends on the decisions of the people of Israel, just as the fate of the world depends.
03:32:19 Just as the fate of the world depends on the decision of every individual, so you make yourself a shining light on the hill, right?
03:32:27 You attract people here because of what you're capable of doing.
03:32:31 You show the world what the holy city.
Speaker 24
03:32:37 Could look like because we need it.
03:32:41 We need it and it's up.
03:32:42 To you to do it.
03:32:46 Thank you very much.
Speaker 13
03:33:00 He hated it, so he wanted this.
Speaker 20
03:33:06 100 years ago, a new theory about human nature was put forward by Sigmund Freud.
03:33:12 He had discovered his primitive sexual and aggressive forces hidden deep inside the minds of all human beings.
Speaker 12
03:33:20 Forces which have not controlled led individuals and societies to chaos and destruction. This series is about how those in power have used Freud's theories to try and control the dangerous crowd in an age of mass democracy.
03:33:40 But the heart of the story is not just Sigmund Freud, but other members of the Freud family.
03:33:49 When we're this episode is about Freud's American nephew Edward Bernays.
03:33:56 Bernays is almost completely unknown today, but his influence on the 20th century was nearly as great as his uncles.
Speaker 4
03:34:03 I turned to the.
Speaker 12
03:34:04 Because Bernese was the first person to take Freude ideas about human beings and use them to manipulate the masses.
Speaker 4
03:34:11 Leave you my.
Speaker 12
03:34:17 He showed American corporations for the first.
03:34:19 Time how they could.
03:34:20 Make people want things they didn't need by linking mass produced goods to their unconscious desires.
03:34:28 Out of this would come a new political idea of how to control the masses.
03:34:34 By satisfying people's inner selfish desires, one made them happy and thus docile.
03:34:41 It was the start of the all consuming self which has come to dominate our world today.