

Speaker 1
00:06:29 See you later.
00:01:38 See you later.
00:01:40 See you later.
Speaker 3
00:01:44 See you.
00:01:47 Later. I wasn't sure when.
00:01:50 That when that song stopped, that's OK.
Speaker 5
00:01:53 How you guys doing this Saturday night slash Sunday morning?
00:01:57 It's Devin stack here.
00:01:59 Live from the pill box.
Speaker 6
00:02:01 I'm a little busted up today.
00:02:05 I yeah.
00:02:07 Remember I said I was.
00:02:07 I'm gonna get back into rock marching.
00:02:09 I did and I my shoulders are sore and.
00:02:16 Yeah, I did like.
00:02:18 I think when I looked at the map, it looks like.
00:02:20 It's probably it may.
00:02:21 Be a little bit more than 16.
00:02:22 Miles cause I.
00:02:23 Got lost on the way.
00:02:24 Back, but yeah, about 16 miles with about.
00:02:28 Just shy of 50.
00:02:29 Pounds not probably. Not really £50.
00:02:34 Yeah, getting lost on.
00:02:35 The way back kind of sucked.
00:02:36 Because uh.
Speaker 6
00:02:38 Had to climb over a a few.
00:02:41 I mean, they're not.
00:02:41 I mean not.
00:02:42 Mountains, but Rocky Hills carrying carrying.
00:02:46 A big bag like that still sucks.
00:02:49 Almost ate **** a couple times, but uh yeah.
Speaker 5
00:02:53 Back in the zone, back in the zone.
00:02:57 Being sore is good.
00:02:59 It's a good feeling.
00:03:01 It's the the tingle that lets you know it's it's working.
00:03:06 Kind of like the the symptoms of the vaccine.
00:03:11 That's right, the uh the symptoms are that's how you know it's working.
00:03:16 It's like sell some blue.
00:03:19 All right, let's take a look here at what's going on today.
00:03:24 Got a few light hearted things to go over.
Speaker 6
00:03:27 And an old.
00:03:31 Either late, actually it's.
00:03:32 Probably early 90s, early 90s PC game.
00:03:36 That led me to believe that something from my childhood was a lot more based than I had initially thought.
00:03:45 That has to.
00:03:46 Do with.
00:03:46 Actually, no.
00:03:47 We let's let's do that.
00:03:49 Let's get this out.
00:03:50 Of the way so.
00:03:52 Well, was it a couple strings back?
00:03:54 Someone asked me if I had any books that I I.
00:03:56 Like to read.
00:03:58 In the fiction department.
00:04:00 And I was.
Speaker 6
00:04:01 Like I don't know.
00:04:02 I don't know.
Speaker 5
00:04:02 But I did read.
00:04:03 When I was younger, a series called.
00:04:06 The death gate cycle.
00:04:09 It was a seven book.
00:04:10 Series and I had to actually think about like what the, I mean, it's been several years since I read any of those books.
00:04:19 And so I I I had before I I didn't want.
Speaker 5
00:04:21 To say like, yeah, I read those.
00:04:23 Those are good because I couldn't remember like.
00:04:24 What are?
00:04:25 They even about.
00:04:26 And I had to think about it.
00:04:28 And when I thought about it, I was like, yeah, you know, there is kind of like, a a message of of hubris being transmitted in this in this series because it is about these two warring.
00:04:40 Races of ruling class.
00:04:43 I guess you could.
00:04:44 And how the one that thinks that they're better than everybody else destroys the world.
00:04:50 So the ones they don't like can't rule.
00:04:54 And the whole series is about like the the bad guy ruling class, magic people or whatever get out of this labyrinth and and discover that the the people that put them there are gone, they're gone and the world is still blown up into four different worlds.
00:05:09 And so we just follow the they they send out a scout who kind of goes to check out things because they want to reform.
00:05:16 The world back the way it was and get revenge on the missing people that had put them.
00:05:21 In this labyrinth.
00:05:23 And uh, you know it's it's, uh.
00:05:26 It's pretty, you know.
00:05:27 It's it's kind of like Tolkien in a way where like.
00:05:29 You know in.
00:05:29 Tolkien he throws in all these like weird songs and like that are pages and pages long like oh.
00:05:35 And by the way, here's you.
00:05:37 Know Tom bombadil's?
Speaker 6
00:05:39 Really long poem about.
00:05:40 A bear or something like that, you know you're.
00:05:42 Just like, oh, good, this is going.
Speaker 5
00:05:44 To be good.
00:05:45 They do the same sort of a thing.
00:05:47 In fact, in the backs of the books they have like sheet music.
00:05:50 They had the maps of all the area, you know token I think did that too, right.
00:05:54 They had the maps of all.
00:05:55 The different worlds and.
00:05:57 They even started doing like, you know, like theory on how their the magic works.
00:06:02 It's like this rune magic that they use and it was really involved.
00:06:06 Really cool for geeky kids, right?
00:06:08 Like is, it's you, you can, you know, go through the.
00:06:11 The appendix, and you know there's even like journal entries from, you know it's it's.
00:06:17 Over the top.
00:06:18 And and I was like, yeah.
00:06:21 Because I've been asked that question on the street.
00:06:24 And I was like, I kind of want to refresh my memory a little bit on this.
00:06:26 These books I actually owned the old hard cover, like really old hard covers of these books.
00:06:33 In fact, they're the only, maybe the only fiction books I own, but they're on my bookshelf.
00:06:39 You know, they're like I said.
00:06:40 They're, like, really long.
00:06:42 I wasn't going to blast through them.
00:06:43 You can also find the audio book.
Speaker 6
00:06:46 They don't sell it.
00:06:48 But it was released on tape like a bajillion years ago, and you can still find MP3 rips of the the tape.
00:06:59 So I actually I found that it was like OK and then I found.
00:07:02 Out they had a video game.
Speaker 2
00:07:05 I never knew about the video game.
00:07:09 And it was like this DOS game.
00:07:11 And I was like, I'm gonna.
00:07:12 I'm gonna get this DOS game and download it and just.
00:07:15 Just to you know, let's just see.
00:07:18 And it's pretty.
00:07:18 Based like even like the intro, it's so I.
00:07:22 Kind of want to play that just because it's, you know.
00:07:24 Whatever. It's something fun and.
00:07:27 I'll turn the annoying music off.
00:07:29 There's, like, really annoying, you know, MIDI, DOS, game, music.
00:07:33 We have to listen to it during the intro part.
00:07:36 We just have to because it won't let you turn it off.
00:07:38 I tried.
00:07:38 A couple of times, if you turn off it like stops the intro and and the intro I think is is kind of fun.
00:07:44 So let's.
00:07:45 Why not? It's Saturday night.
Speaker 6
00:07:47 Right. We've had a rough.
Speaker 2
00:07:48 Week we've had a rough.
00:07:50 Week and all indications point to it getting.
00:07:54 So let's have a little look at.
00:07:58 And you can play this game online.
00:07:59 You don't even have to get a DOS box.
00:08:01 I'm just going to be playing it online myself here.
00:08:03 There's a website.
00:08:06 That has like Dosbox built into it like a web interface.
00:08:10 For it and it's got like all the games, you know, all these abandonware games.
00:08:14 And so I was actually kind of like geeking out a little bit on that.
00:08:19 But yeah, let's take a look.
00:08:20 See, let's see how based games used.
00:08:23 To be in.
00:08:24 The early 90s.
00:08:26 Uh, let's see here.
00:08:27 I'm going to bring this up.
00:08:28 And again, forgive the the really awful MIDI music that we'll have to listen to while the intro is going.
00:08:41 Launching emulator.
00:08:45 In fact, I'm going to I'm going to probably turn the music down for you guys when it's just not very, very big.
00:08:50 Yeah, this is.
00:08:51 Bad. This is bad.
00:09:00 Alright, so we have to watch this.
00:09:02 This part look at that guy.
Speaker 2
00:09:15 Whole lot of.
00:09:16 Goyam names there.
00:09:18 There's a couple mystery names there like Isaacson.
00:09:21 I don't.
00:09:22 I don't like that one.
00:09:29 Cox is also a question mark.
00:09:38 Ohh, there's a Reuben.
Speaker 2
00:09:42 There's a Reuben. Alright well.
00:09:45 What are you going?
00:09:45 To do.
00:09:47 How could you?
00:09:48 Produce anything, anything in the 90s and.
00:09:51 Not expect a.
00:09:53 A little bit of the tribe to be involved.
00:09:57 All right, here we go.
Speaker 1
00:10:00 I think.
00:10:04 Ohh good Lord.
00:10:06 This part's a lot longer than.
00:10:07 I remember it being.
00:10:09 I should have just recorded.
00:10:10 It that's OK.
00:10:15 All right, I'm trying to back up here.
Speaker 7
00:10:31 2000 years ago, the Sartan Council sundered the world into 5 realms. One of them was a nightmarish prison called the Labyrinth, and into it was banished.
00:10:42 The entire patron race, your ancestors.
00:10:45 This is the place you've always called home and all you've ever wanted is escape.
00:10:51 Your name is Haplo and you are a patron.
00:10:56 Not long ago, Lord Tsar, the most powerful patron sorcerer of his generation, broke through the labyrinths final gate.
00:11:04 In doing so, he paved the way for others to follow.
00:11:07 The path was still difficult, but not impossible.
00:11:11 Your travels LED you to the final gate, where the combined forces of the labyrinth waited to turn you away.
00:11:18 The fight was hopeless alone.
00:11:20 You never would have survived.
00:11:22 But then Lord Czar appeared.
00:11:24 And with his help, you were able to rout the dark monsters of the labyrinth.
00:11:29 What followed is hazy.
00:11:31 You remember stumbling out of the final gate, but then you collapsed on the ground and Lord Czars.
00:11:37 Concerned face faded to darkness as you lost consciousness.
Speaker 2
00:11:46 OK.
00:11:48 Alright, now I'm going to.
Speaker 5
00:11:51 Stop this awful music, I think.
00:11:54 Right button push.
00:11:55 Gonna hit the.
Speaker 1
00:11:56 Wrong one been all weird.
00:11:57 Ohh good.
Speaker 6
00:12:03 The mouse is that.
00:12:05 There we go.
00:12:06 How about that?
00:12:08 OK, so even kind of the setup is kind of cool.
00:12:13 You know, it's this idea.
00:12:15 I mean, they they use the word race a lot.
00:12:17 They're shy away from that.
00:12:19 But you had this one.
00:12:20 These two races competing for power, and one of them decided to.
00:12:25 Throw, you know, throw.
00:12:26 The bad one and two and.
00:12:28 It's also kind of funny that it happened 2000 years.
00:12:30 Ago, but they throw them.
00:12:32 Into this dungeon, and they had to fight their way out of it.
00:12:36 And by the time they got out of this dungeon, they.
00:12:38 Wanted revenge and they wanted to take control.
00:12:40 They thought that.
00:12:41 Was their rightful place.
00:12:43 And now they are missing and so this is the guy.
00:12:47 This is like the.
00:12:48 And again, there's kind of like a little bit of a Roman Empire kind of thing going.
00:12:52 His name is Zar.
00:12:53 I mean it's spelled with an X, but it's also, you know it's and I think in the books they even say something about they make a reference to it being a.
00:13:03 A Caesar type of a thing, right?
00:13:06 And so he's kind of like the the benevolent leader of this race.
00:13:13 And we're going to talk to him a little bit and.
00:13:15 Just hear some of the things he has to say.
Speaker 9
00:13:18 Ah, kaplow.
00:13:19 Do you feel well enough to talk, my son?
00:13:22 I was worried you took some serious wounds in your dash for the final gate.
00:13:27 It was all I could do to repair your heart, ruin and heal you the.
00:13:31 Few weeks since.
00:13:31 You escaped.
00:13:32 The labyrinth should have been enough time to recover, but we don't want to rush it.
00:13:39 I know you have a lot of questions.
00:13:41 I'll do my best to answer them, but first I'd like to give you some history.
00:13:46 You've spent your life trying to escape the labyrinth and hating the Sartan who consigned our race there.
00:13:52 But you don't really know the full story.
00:13:55 Even I didn't know everything when I escaped, but I learned.
00:14:01 See that you, you, you.
00:14:03 Spent your whole life trying to escape the labyrinth, hating the Sartan who had consigned our race there.
Speaker 9
00:14:10 You see this city around us?
00:14:12 The Sartan made this.
00:14:14 They made it for us.
00:14:15 If you can believe it.
00:14:16 For when we emerged from the labyrinth, we were supposed to be docile, rehabilitated, brainwashed.
00:14:23 Instead, we hate our Sartan jailers more than.
00:14:27 I mean kind of based, right, like a little bit.
Speaker 9
00:14:30 There are libraries here stocked with books.
00:14:32 Since my escape, I've been studying them.
00:14:35 They tell me much, but not all.
00:14:37 There are mysteries I cannot explain, but I will tell you everything I've learned.
00:14:45 2000 years ago, our patron ancestors warred with the Sartan. We were winning. It was only a matter of time until we defeated the evil sorcerers, took our rightful place as leaders of the world, and freed the other races from their slavery to the Sartan.
00:15:01 In desperation, A Sartan named Sama hatched a fiendish plan.
00:15:06 He intended to Sunder the world into 5 realms.
00:15:10 Four of these realms would be homes to the Mensch races, elves, humans, and dwarves.
00:15:15 The 5th is here the labyrinth.
00:15:18 It was supposed to serve as a prism for our race.
Speaker 6
00:15:22 See another thing that it.
00:15:24 And it's not just this series of books.
00:15:27 This is this whole genre where they they separate the different races.
00:15:31 Obviously the, you know, the the popular ones, there's the dwarves, the elves and the humans.
00:15:36 Right.
00:15:36 But in every one of these series, or at least the ones that I'm familiar with, while they, they certainly have little areas where they trade, you know, like some Tavern or some marketplace or whatever, they've all got their own individual kingdoms.
Speaker 6
00:15:50 They all have their own individual.
00:15:51 Kingdoms and they, they you know it's it's.
00:15:54 Separate but equal if you will.
00:15:56 And this book was number different, even though they blew up the world into these four different worlds.
00:16:01 Like I said before, there was.
00:16:03 Like a an.
00:16:03 Air World, a fire world.
00:16:05 A water.
00:16:05 World and a stone.
00:16:07 World and in each one of.
00:16:09 These worlds you still have like the.
00:16:11 Elf domain the human domain and the dwarf domain.
00:16:16 And there was, you know, there was conflict between them.
00:16:20 Often times, sometimes wars.
00:16:22 But a lot of times, like they got along, you know, to some degree and did some trading and whatnot.
00:16:29 Like I think in the first the 1st planet I guess the sub planet, whatever you want to call it the air world like the Elves had enslaved the.
00:16:36 Dwarves and we're.
00:16:38 At war with humans and stuff like that.
00:16:39 But like you know, there was there was at least.
00:16:43 There, there wasn't this multicultural idea, this idea of race.
00:16:48 You know clearly, I mean, he said the reward race like 10 times already has existed and and and and was and it was made clear there's differences among different genetic groups.
00:17:01 And no difference between or.
00:17:03 No difference when it comes to, there's difference between these two ruling clans of ruling class.
Speaker 9
00:17:11 They created a magic artifact called the World Seal.
00:17:15 With it, they succeeded in Sundering the world.
00:17:18 Our ancestors were trapped in the labyrinth, and the rest of the world was broken into the other four realms.
00:17:24 They planned to Lord over the realms and administer the labyrinth as we were rehabilitated.
00:17:31 But something happened.
00:17:32 They just disappeared and with them, all of their good intentions.
00:17:38 See once again kind of you know they they when they wanted to blow up the world so they could rule over it and put people like you and me into a rehabilitation labyrinth.
Speaker 9
00:17:53 Without the guidance of the Sartan, the Labyrinth became a slaughterhouse.
00:17:57 Its magic made it aware, intelligent, and it wanted our blood.
00:18:02 Life was a living hell for our people.
00:18:05 But instead of breaking us as the Sartan wanted, the labyrinth has made us stronger.
00:18:11 Many of us have escaped despite the Labyrinth's best efforts. I go back in every day to aid others in their way. I only needed to take you a few 100 feet.
00:18:23 You even demanded that you cross the final gate on your own without any help before you passed out.
00:18:29 You should be proud.
00:18:32 See now again, isn't that kind of like the Gollum story?
00:18:36 See the story of the labyrinth.
00:18:38 Is these the Sartan which I saw people in in chat?
00:18:42 Putting that in parentheses, the Sartan Tan Tan Tan, the the Sart, the Sartenes or the Sartan skis?
00:18:52 I don't know.
00:18:53 But they they they imprisoned the.
00:18:56 The patrons are patrons.
00:18:58 Into this labyrinth, and then the the labyrinth gained.
Speaker 6
00:19:05 A life of its own.
00:19:06 And went out.
00:19:07 Of control and started killing everybody that was.
Speaker 1
00:19:09 Right.
00:19:10 And so that's kind of like the the the Golem story in a way.
Speaker 9
00:19:15 Now my son, I need you.
00:19:17 Since my escape, I have been devising a plan to restore our people to our once glorious position.
00:19:23 It is our birthright to this end.
00:19:26 You must carry out a very special mission for me.
00:19:29 I need you to go into these realms.
00:19:33 You'll not only be gathering information.
00:19:35 But searching for the seal itself with it in hand, I plan to reform the world from the broken pieces that the Sartan left us.
00:19:45 I mean, how based is that?
00:19:47 I've been devising a plan to restore our people to our once glorious position.
00:19:52 It is our birthright.
Speaker 6
00:19:58 There again, maybe maybe that these books left an impression.
00:20:01 On me, after all, I don't know.
Speaker 9
00:20:03 But here I've been dominating the conversation.
00:20:06 You must be very.
00:20:08 I'm sure you have many questions for me.
00:20:10 I'll detail my plan later.
00:20:13 All right, so we're not going to there's.
00:20:15 A lot of stuff like this that's kind of.
00:20:16 Irrelevant. But look, I'm.
Speaker 11
00:20:18 Going to ask.
00:20:19 Him a couple of questions just to.
00:20:20 Get a little more info.
00:20:23 Let's see here.
00:20:26 We could do.
00:20:27 What were the Sartan like?
Speaker 10
00:20:29 What were the Sartan like?
Speaker 9
00:20:31 I've pieced together a picture from the books.
00:20:33 I've found the Sartan were the opposite of us, even physically, as we have black hair with white ends.
00:20:39 The Sartan have white hair with black tips.
00:20:42 The runes that we place upon our bodies for protection and to enhance our magic, they shun.
00:20:49 I believe that while the labyrinth has forged us into a harder, stronger race, the songtan have grown softer in their luxurious realms.
00:20:58 They will be no match for us.
00:21:00 They will look into our eyes and find the mercy they gave us.
00:21:05 The hatred we've kept burning for thousands of years and their own.
00:21:11 Like again based I.
00:21:15 Believe that while the labyrinth has forged us into harder, stronger US, harder and stronger race the Sartan.
Speaker 5
00:21:22 Have grown softer.
00:21:23 In their luxurious realms.
00:21:26 They will be no match for us.
00:21:28 They will look into our eyes and find the mercy that they gave us.
00:21:32 The hatred we've kept burning for.
Speaker 9
00:21:34 Thousands of years.
00:21:40 Alright, uh, you know.
00:21:43 I don't know how much of this stuff really be relevant, because a lot of it's just going to get into like the the the game and like magic and stuff like that, you know, it's and it's kind of a kind of a boring game really.
00:21:54 I mean, it's like you remember that game.
00:21:58 What was it called?
00:21:59 It was like a mist or myth.
00:22:01 It was mist.
00:22:03 But it's like, you know, like this puzzle games only.
00:22:05 Like, all the puzzles are really easy.
00:22:08 I'll show you kind of the game a little bit of the gameplay, just so you can see it.
00:22:11 It's not a good game, but you know this kind of at least explains to you why I might have liked those series of books.
00:22:18 And I, you know, I'm going to listen to the audio.
00:22:23 On my my, my next rock marches, I'm going to start loading those up.
00:22:28 Maybe it's still good.
00:22:29 Maybe it's not.
00:22:30 I think I started reading this when I was like 12.
00:22:33 So it might be.
00:22:35 But yeah, I remember thinking like at the time.
00:22:38 Like, I'm surprised this isn't more of a thing.
00:22:40 Like, it seemed like it was a good enough book to be like a movie, but maybe This is why it's not a why it's not a movie.
00:22:47 I do remember that the.
00:22:48 Magic and maybe I'll click on this just for fun.
00:22:51 For just just to indulge myself here.
00:22:54 But the magic was supposed to work in the same way that like this is.
00:23:00 The reason I liked it.
00:23:01 Because I was also into Douglas Adams at the time, I I used to read, you know, Hitchhiker's Guide.
00:23:07 To the Galaxy and all that.
00:23:08 Stuff and a lot of what he talked about that I found fascinating, not just in, in Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy, but also in Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency, was the the idea of probability. And you know, the quantum stuff, right, quantum physics stuff and these books.
00:23:28 That's how they that's how they describe magic was that when you did magic, all you were doing was you were in the same way that the probability Dr.
00:23:39 if you're.
00:23:39 If you're familiar with the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series.
00:23:42 They have that ship.
00:23:44 I forget the name.
00:23:44 Of it, where the probability Dr.
00:23:47 what it does is it just produces the probability that you're someone else.
00:23:53 You know, as opposed to where you are now and so you're able to instantaneously travel anywhere in the universe.
00:23:59 And then sometimes you get weird side effects because it creates like distortions or whatever.
00:24:03 And the way that magic works in these in this book series, it was the same sort of thing.
00:24:08 You were just conjuring up the probability that already existed in the universe that you know that instead of your cup being empty, it was full of water.
00:24:18 So then you'd have water to drink and stuff like that.
00:24:21 We'll click on maybe a couple of these things, but I'll show you the game and then we'll we'll actually talk about some news and stuff.
Speaker 10
00:24:27 Tell me about magic.
Speaker 9
00:24:29 Certainly patrons have magic in their blood.
00:24:32 Once we were the greatest sorcerers in the world.
00:24:35 If we had learned to work together, as the Sartan did, they never would have stood a chance against us.
00:24:41 Since then, we have lost much of our skill.
00:24:44 We have forgotten many spells because they were useless in the labyrinth.
00:24:47 And retained only a very few.
00:24:52 We never lost our potential though.
00:24:55 To this day we can cast any spell as long as we know how it is constructed, but we are pitifully ignorant.
00:25:02 One of the things we must do before we confront the Sartan again is to relearn the magic that we have forgotten.
00:25:11 You hear that, guys, before we confront the Sartan.
Speaker 6
00:25:15 We have to relearn.
00:25:16 The magic that we have forgotten, and that is true, that is true.
00:25:21 All right?
00:25:22 I don't know if there's anything really.
Speaker 1
00:25:25 Uh. Let's see here.
Speaker 10
00:25:28 Can we talk about something else?
Speaker 9
00:25:29 Of course, what do you want to know?
00:25:34 UM.
Speaker 10
00:25:38 How do you get back into the labyrinth to help our people escape?
Speaker 9
00:25:43 The labyrinth doesn't mind letting people in.
00:25:46 It's letting them out, but it doesn't like I think the labyrinth has something personal against me.
00:25:52 It tries to lure me in as far as possible before it throws everything it has at me.
00:25:59 Don't believe that?
00:26:00 I'm not afraid every time I enter, I wonder if I'll ever return.
00:26:05 I've been able to get the best of that demon place many times, but every trip, it gets more devious, more dangerous.
00:26:13 Just like the ADL.
00:26:14 Alright, so let's.
Speaker 10
00:26:16 That's enough for right now.
00:26:17 I'd like to talk to you later, if you don't mind.
Speaker 9
00:26:20 Very well. I'll be here.
00:26:24 Alright, so just so you can see the gameplay, it's kind of, you know.
00:26:28 You click on stuff like.
00:26:32 Let's take.
Speaker 9
00:26:36 Yes, I forgot that you'll need some light for the ship's interior. I'll still have one gold lamp left. Feel free to take that one.
00:26:44 Yeah, five points.
00:26:45 And you know, like if you try to take something like, I want to take this thing, it's like, no, you can't.
00:26:51 Do that.
00:26:52 And you know, if you.
00:26:54 Try to take as.
00:26:55 You can like.
00:26:58 You know, let's try to look.
00:27:00 It's it's kind of King's questy, I guess in.
00:27:02 A way I'm going to look at this.
00:27:05 And it gives you a little description down here.
00:27:06 So it's pretty stupid.
00:27:08 And then to navigate around, it's not like you know there's there's no animation, you just click.
00:27:15 Oh, now I'm.
Speaker 2
00:27:19 Oh, now I'm back here.
00:27:20 Oh, and I'm over here.
00:27:23 No, I'm over here.
00:27:26 So cool.
00:27:29 And let's see here how does.
00:27:32 I think there's something you have to do.
00:27:37 You place the glow lamp on the thing.
00:27:40 You know, we're not going to do it, but I think it's like learn some stupid spell before you can.
00:27:44 Get it going.
00:27:45 Even so, it's it's very it's kind of like a slightly interactive book on tape.
00:27:52 It's all, I guess, in a way kind of it's very.
Speaker 5
00:27:54 It's very linear.
00:27:55 So it's not I.
00:27:55 Don't want to say it's like choose your own adventure type stuff because it's it's not, it's there's really.
00:28:00 Only one way you can do it.
00:28:01 But you can kind of decide like how much.
00:28:03 You can talk.
00:28:03 To people and whatever, I played this.
00:28:05 For like a few minutes before I was like.
00:28:07 OK, I'm bored so.
Speaker 6
00:28:09 We go ahead and close this out.
00:28:13 Yeah. So.
00:28:16 Might be a good series to read.
Speaker 11
00:28:18 I don't know if it.
00:28:19 Was geared for younger audiences or not?
00:28:21 Like I said, I.
00:28:22 Was an advanced reader when I was a kid and I don't remember having any difficulty with it, but I I I've talked to other people that that read it when they were younger, so I think it's something to be appropriate.
00:28:35 For like you know, young.
00:28:38 Preteen audiences to teenage.
00:28:41 Depending on their reading level.
00:28:43 So if you're looking for a based fiction and I don't like, here's the thing there.
00:28:48 I know there's a little degeneracy in it, but I don't think it's like it's not like Game of Thrones, where they're talking about, you know, **** and ***** and.
00:28:57 And purses and stuff like it's so rated G1 of the authors, it's a team of authors. One of the authors was a Mormon, so it couldn't have been that.
00:29:05 Bad, you know.
00:29:06 And I'm trying to think back and I don't even think there wasn't even like like there was 1 character who was kind of a *****.
00:29:12 But then she, like, learns her lesson about, like, why you shouldn't be a ***** and stuff like that.
00:29:16 There's, you know, like anytime there's any kind of degeneracy, they usually pay a price or something like that.
00:29:21 The only thing that I would say is kind of a little bit lame is as based as what we just watched was, let me just put this.
00:29:31 We're not going to spoil it, but it doesn't end with with.
00:29:35 That guy totally dominating the Sartan and becoming.
00:29:39 A fascist ruler. OK, I'll.
Speaker 6
00:29:40 Just put it that way.
00:29:42 It gets a little it.
Speaker 5
00:29:43 Gets a little Kumbaya.
00:29:44 But it also gets I I don't know.
00:29:47 I don't think they do it in a gay way.
00:29:48 And it it's again, the lesson.
00:29:51 The overarching lesson is it's just a warning against hubris.
00:29:56 It's a warning against people that think they're more powerful than everybody else and that they can decide what's good for everybody else and in a lot of ways it's a warning against globalism because they they they never like, globalize the different races or anything like that.
00:30:15 They always stay in their own.
00:30:17 Kingdoms and stuff and you know, like they think there's like peace happens or whatever, but it's not like let's all become the same country or whatever, but it's.
00:30:28 If I remember correctly, I read it when I.
00:30:30 Was like.
00:30:31 Really young. So anyway, let's.
Speaker 2
00:30:33 Moving right along.
00:30:37 On a more serious note.
00:30:39 And I posted this video.
00:30:42 On my.
00:30:47 But Dave Cohen of Computing forever.
00:30:53 Had a little bit of a run in with.
00:30:56 What I think.
00:30:58 Or what looked like to me, either military, law enforcement types.
00:31:04 Or a, you know, private security type.
00:31:09 And if you haven't watched the video, I highly recommend you watch it.
00:31:12 I'm going to pull up a part of it.
00:31:14 I forgot to download it.
00:31:17 But I am going to pull up.
00:31:19 Just like one of the the creepy part that shows some footage that happened on his property and we're going to talk a.
00:31:26 Little bit about OPSEC.
00:31:28 Let me get this fast forwarded to it.
Speaker 12
00:31:30 Sunlight is.
00:31:33 Bit shoot sucked so bad.
Speaker 12
00:31:46 Slightly around the corner of the back of.
Speaker 3
00:31:49 You can get to.
00:31:50 That footage.
00:31:51 Alright, let's play this little part and hopefully this is able to play and stream at the same time.
00:32:04 Ohh, there's the creepy part.
00:32:05 There it is.
00:32:12 OK, so basically what happened was he started reporting on some COVID new stuff and pointed out that there were some public displays of.
00:32:26 You know, they did like this.
00:32:28 Let me see if.
00:32:28 I can get that frame up actually.
00:32:36 And here we are.
00:32:40 You know, I'll just play.
00:32:41 This part right here.
00:32:44 I don't want to cannibalize this whole video, but I mean it's I think this is important to see.
Speaker 1
00:32:50 Bring this up.
00:32:52 And again, you should go subscribe to them over it's computing forever, I believe still, but if you look for computing forever or Dave Cohen, he's on gab, he's on bit shoot, he's on Odyssey, he does really great stuff.
00:33:05 It's all very well sourced.
00:33:08 And he's been talking about the COVID thing for a really long time.
00:33:11 He's been.
00:33:11 Going he used the.
00:33:12 Reason why his channel is called Computing forever.
00:33:14 Is he used to be a technology channel and then sometimes he would talk about pop culture and stuff like that.
00:33:20 And as things have gotten crazier and I think this happened to a lot of content creators that were just, you know, normal white people that were like, oh, my God, this is not, this is starting to get dangerous.
00:33:30 To my people, I need to shift focus here from, you know, making fun little videos about the newest Nintendo product to.
00:33:40 Letting my people know about the danger, that's that's creeping up on us and he's been going down a lot of rabbit holes and and it's been interesting to watch as he see some of this stuff.
00:33:53 In fact, I think initially he was very skeptical of the skeptics of COVID at first he was like, Oh my God, this is dangerous.
Speaker 11
00:34:01 Like a lot of.
00:34:01 People were, and so you can.
00:34:04 You can see all of his information is very well sourced.
00:34:07 He always leaves his links and stuff like that that you can check it out.
00:34:11 So I highly recommend his channel and here is basically he's describing a little performance that was put on and some of the things he noticed about this performance.
00:34:21 Before his harassment.
Speaker 12
00:34:23 Began one in which members of the defence forces performed the Jerusalema Dance live.
00:34:29 During this performance, the defence forces are seen dancing on a checkered grid like floor and in front of a large pyramid.
00:34:36 The opening shot is from overhead and shows some of them standing in a formation that is uncannily similar to the symbol of the free Masonic compass.
00:34:47 Nine days later, on the morning of Thursday.
00:34:49 The 18th of February I received a call from my estate agent telling me that my new house had been vandalized.
00:34:55 I was in Dublin at this point, so I immediately drove across the country to deal with this situation.
00:35:01 My house is visible from the road and so any graffiti would be noticeable to passers by.
00:35:06 The word pedo was written across the front of my house in black paint for obvious reasons.
00:35:11 I'm not going to show the front of my house a free Masonic compass was drawn on the front door, one of the windows had some kind of pentagram or Star of David.
00:35:20 Drawn on it on the side, Gable was written Xeno out with another free Masonic compass.
00:35:25 Xeno is Latin for outsider on the wall of my garage was written the word **** on the wall of the roadside shed.
00:35:33 The graffiti red kid lover out.
00:35:35 At this point, the House had no security cameras.
00:35:38 I had them installed after this attack.
00:35:40 To make it clear, I'm obviously not a pedophile.
00:35:43 I have never been charged or investigated for any crime, and so it's clear that this was meant to damage me in the eyes of a new community and my new neighbours who didn't yet know me very well.
00:35:54 I've never been accused of being such a thing ever before.
00:35:57 Whoever did this obviously watches my content and is also aware that I'm new to this area.
00:36:03 I gave a statement to the police, now part of me doubts that actual Freemasons would be involved in such a grotesque and visible attack.
00:36:11 Perhaps the symbols were put there to make it look like it was them.
00:36:14 Either way, my content is clearly ******* someone off.
00:36:18 This is the first attack of this kind that's ever been done to me before.
00:36:21 In all of my years of making controversial political and social commentary, I have never had any of my property damaged and I've never had this accusation made against.
00:36:32 On Saturday, March 13th, myself and my father arrived back in his home in Dublin to find that two stickers had been placed on his front porch door.
00:36:42 Both of them read COVID is not a hoax.
00:36:45 Upon checking his CCTV footage, we found the following.
00:36:48 This had taken place that morning.
00:37:12 Given that I have never had any attacks of this kind before, I find it hard to believe that the two incidents aren't related.
00:37:19 On Saturday, May 15th, I was back in my new country home again and I awoke to find blue paint had been poured on the side of my car.
00:37:27 The wall of my shed had out Satan written on it, along with the free Masonic.
00:37:32 All seeing.
00:37:32 I this time, however, I did manage to capture the perpetrator on camera. This footage was recorded a little after 11:57 PM on the night of Friday the 14th of May. The perpetrator entered my garden by climbing over the front wall.
00:38:19 So one of the things and I messaged Dave about this, I don't know if he got it or not because the only way I knew to reach him was on gab.
00:38:27 And I don't know how many people actually use gab, messenger or whatever, but that's that's another reason I kind of do this.
00:38:33 Hopefully this will get back to him.
00:38:35 It's in terms of.
00:38:38 Of protecting your property.
00:38:41 One of the reasons why the guy he's like sneaking up and then he kind of stops and looks over and notices the camera.
00:38:47 If it's, if you might wonder, well, how did he how?
00:38:50 Did he see it?
00:38:51 And it's actually pretty easy if you have one of these night vision, quote UN quote cameras that are set up even though they don't have like a, you know, red LED indicator or something like that. They have infrared like that white.
00:39:05 Glow at the bottom.
00:39:07 All that is, it's from an infrared flashlight essentially that's attached to the bottom of the camera.
00:39:12 And it's not visible by the, you know from the.
00:39:15 Naked eye, you.
00:39:15 Can you'll walk right by it and.
00:39:17 Not notice it?
00:39:18 But camera sensors?
00:39:21 In fact, even at like the camera on your phone, what they all detect infrared light, and in fact they have to put this infrared filter in front of the sensor, like in the lens so that your pictures don't include infrared.
00:39:38 Because they would look, you know, weird.
00:39:40 And when you get you might remember.
00:39:43 The back in the.
00:39:43 Old days, the Sony night shot cameras that could see through clothes or whatever.
00:39:48 It's it's kind of the same thing.
00:39:50 It was just, it was blasting A infrared light and then it had the infrared filter was turned off.
00:39:57 And then.
00:39:58 You were able to sort, I mean, not really, but you could sort of see through clothes as a result.
00:40:03 And so.
00:40:06 Basically what I'm getting at is there is light being cast in the same way that you see in.
00:40:12 This image.
00:40:13 And if you have even those, if you go and buy like a cheap set of night vision goggles, not real night vision goggles, but the night vision goggles that cost like.
00:40:26 100 to $200.
00:40:28 And you know, they're they're sold as like monocles or or even like the, you know, binocular types to hunters and things like that.
00:40:39 But the the really low end ones, that's all they are.
00:40:42 They're just a big IR flashlight.
00:40:45 That, like a flood light.
00:40:46 Like they're a lot of these are really powerful.
00:40:48 And then the the camera sensors just don't have the IR filter on it, so they can see even though like the animals can't see no one else.
00:40:56 Can see it, but The thing is.
00:40:59 If you have that kind of a device.
00:41:03 Or really any camera that you just take the IR filter out of and you look at a property you're going to see all these areas lit up.
00:41:13 When you look through.
00:41:14 That that sensor because the sensor is going to.
00:41:17 See the the infrared.
00:41:21 And so you're gonna.
00:41:22 You're in a way.
00:41:24 It'll be easy to see where the blind spot is, you know, cause he talks about later in the video after this creepy *** guy who looks.
00:41:32 I mean, he looks pretty military.
00:41:38 You know, like it's hard to really tell.
00:41:42 And it almost looks like.
00:41:43 He's wearing body armor and maybe he is.
00:41:47 Because if you're, you know if you're going to a right wing person's.
Speaker 2
00:41:50 House in the middle.
00:41:51 Of the night.
00:41:52 Maybe it's a smart idea to bring body armor.
00:41:55 He looks like he is wearing body.
00:41:56 Armor or something?
00:41:57 And he's he's bulkier than normal though, so he's either wearing, like ACU's, you know, some kind of.
00:42:04 Military clothing or body armor, or both.
00:42:09 The shoes look a little off, you know, like there's not.
00:42:12 He doesn't have like boots that are bloused or anything like that.
00:42:16 He just has like a, you know, like the pants go down.
00:42:19 But I don't know, maybe that's what they do when when they're doing.
00:42:22 **** like this.
00:42:23 But it's not.
00:42:24 That's not just like some random Antifa person, or at least.
00:42:28 I highly doubt.
00:42:28 It to me that screams state actor or private security and as people have pointed out before Freemasonry.
00:42:42 Is alive and well, but it's super alive and well in Scotland and Ireland and well in in England more so than it is here in the United States.
00:42:53 And so if you do a video that's critical of of Masons.
00:42:59 It's there's a possibility that that they would have private thugs that would come harass you, this sort of thing has happened in the past.
00:43:07 There's lots of documented incidents of this happening.
00:43:11 So who knows who this really is?
00:43:12 I don't know who this is, but it's not just some random Antifa person.
00:43:18 Excuse me.
00:43:19 Plus you have to ask.
00:43:21 How did this guy know where his house was?
00:43:24 You know, how did this guy?
00:43:26 Because I.
00:43:27 I don't think.
00:43:27 I played this part of the video, but Dave basically said that he, you know, he's kind of doing like what I did, right.
00:43:33 He bought some ***** ** **** middle of nowhere and he's fixing it up so it's livable and then he's going to move out of the city into this ***** ** ****.
00:43:41 That he's.
00:43:42 Fixing up and they.
00:43:44 Found it.
00:43:45 You know he never publicized that he was doing this.
00:43:49 And so how would they know that he?
00:43:51 Had done that.
00:43:53 And without at least having access and look, there's probably public records. There's probably ways of doing it, but the average person's not going to be not going to be doing that.
00:44:02 The average person isn't going to be like trying to dig through public records, and I don't know for a fact, but I I.
00:44:07 Would imagine that.
00:44:08 You know Dave Cohen's not the only Dave Cohen in Ireland. You know, there's probably.
00:44:13 I mean that seems like it's probably a pretty common name.
00:44:17 It's not like his name is Moon unit, Zappa.
00:44:19 Or something like.
00:44:20 That so it's it's it's bizarre that they were.
00:44:24 They had access to that.
00:44:25 Excuse me.
00:44:27 And that they were, they went, you know, to this length to do it.
00:44:30 And it didn't stop, they eventually start vandalizing his neighbors homes with that same kind of graffiti.
00:44:37 And this is the kind of stuff that is that we have to deal with that I haven't had to deal with something to this extent.
00:44:46 But just so you guys know, just because we don't talk about it and is he introduced his video that you know, he usually doesn't talk about.
00:44:53 It's the same thing.
00:44:53 It's the rule about not feeding the.
00:44:55 Trolls, right?
00:44:56 You don't talk about it.
00:44:57 Because you don't want.
00:45:00 That's what they want.
00:45:01 You know, if people are ******* with you, they want you to address it because they want attention, you know, they just want to be noticed.
00:45:07 Some of these you know some of these, the people that are extra crazy, you never know.
00:45:11 But the motives of of some of these people.
00:45:13 Are to be noticed.
00:45:15 And if you address it, then you know in a way, you let the terrorists.
00:45:21 And but at this point this is, I think, a safety issue.
00:45:24 And it's I'm glad that he put it on the record.
00:45:26 I think it was smart for him to do that.
00:45:29 This is this is above and beyond anything I've had to deal with, but this this is this is the sort of thing that we we do have we do encounter.
00:45:37 There's a lot of *******, you know, even if it's not like state actor type stuff or whatever, we are harassed and and threatened and stuff like that on a regular basis.
00:45:46 And so we you have to make sure that you have very good.
00:45:50 Opsec, and unfortunately I don't know what their gun laws are, but I would imagine they're not like ours.
00:45:54 You know, if they are.
00:45:55 Like ours.
00:45:57 I would recommend that Dave arm up.
00:46:02 And there's a couple other things you can do.
00:46:04 So I was getting that.
00:46:05 With the infrared thing.
00:46:07 Because you can easily spot those cameras if you just have a really cheap, I mean 100 bucks or or even like just a ****** old phone with a camera on it. You just take it apart and take the infrared filter.
00:46:21 And that'll it'll work the same way.
00:46:24 You can just use that to see where the blind spots are on their property, because every one of those cameras is going to be casting this that glow that you can see at the bottom of.
00:46:36 The screen there.
00:46:42 I would suggest.
00:46:44 Oops, I don't know.
00:46:45 I think I move the wrong thing there.
00:46:48 Because the the real deal, uh night vision stuff is really expensive.
00:46:55 Like really expensive that you probably can't afford to cover your entire property with these sorts of things, but there might be a way because these guys seem very interested in using the blind spots.
00:47:12 There might be a way that you could kind of steer them towards a blind spot that perhaps use different technology.
00:47:21 So I I I think that that's that's one tactic you can use.
00:47:26 You can do motion detectors you can do tripwires like this sucks that you have to do this.
00:47:32 But look at this was happening at at the pillbox.
00:47:35 I mean, you better believe I'd have.
00:47:37 I'd have.
00:47:38 Like booby traps and.
00:47:39 **** set up all over the ******* place.
00:47:42 You can you can buy these really cheap reusable.
00:47:49 I forget what they're called, but they essentially they all they are is there's, there's a couple different styles of them.
00:47:55 But all it.
00:47:56 Is is.
00:47:57 It's almost like a.
00:47:59 It's a trip wire that will a set off a like a shotgun shell that doesn't have any, you know pellets in it just like.
00:48:08 Just the gunpowder.
00:48:09 So it's loud as hell.
00:48:10 It's like this, you know, it's just as loud as a as a shotgun.
00:48:14 When it goes off.
00:48:15 And that'll wake you up, you know.
00:48:17 And so because when this happened, where he's at now, he said this happened while he was, you know, while he was asleep, you know his dad and he and.
00:48:25 His dad were.
00:48:26 Working on the the House that he got.
00:48:28 And this happened while this guy came out and vandalized **** while they were asleep.
00:48:33 So you could set up these trip wires.
00:48:36 Go off like shotguns.
00:48:38 You can even do if you want to go a.
00:48:40 Little cheaper.
00:48:42 You can you.
00:48:43 Can buy like those.
00:48:44 They have these little.
00:48:46 They're almost like digital rape whistles.
00:48:49 You know, they they where women are supposed to get these things.
00:48:52 If you pull the pin out of it, it just starts going crazy.
00:48:55 Like a smoke alarm.
00:48:57 And they're cheap as ****.
00:48:59 You can buy like a big box of them from China for like, nothing, and you can rig those into Tripwire devices.
00:49:06 Put those out around your property.
00:49:09 But it's.
00:49:12 This is the kind of **** you got to deal with and.
00:49:14 It's going to get worse, you know, like and.
00:49:18 It's been worse in the past, you know, like.
00:49:22 Look what happened.
00:49:22 To Michael Hastings, just as an example.
00:49:25 You know this this power structure doesn't **** around.
00:49:32 They don't **** around at all, I mean.
00:49:34 Look at the Clintons.
00:49:36 Look how many look how many suicides are surrounding Clintons.
00:49:41 You know it's even.
00:49:42 Possible and look at all the African leaders that uh were suspicious of COVID.
00:49:47 That all ended up dead.
00:49:49 I think we're up to like 4-4 now.
00:49:53 You know, this is this is a ruling class that does not like it when you.
00:49:56 **** with their.
00:49:58 With their plans.
00:50:00 And so while it is kind of in a way, it's like a compliment that they're going after.
00:50:04 Dave, that sucks.
00:50:07 That definitely sucks.
00:50:10 Alright so.
00:50:12 I wanted to talk about that.
00:50:14 Let me take.
Speaker 11
00:50:14 Let me take this down.
00:50:18 Again, go ahead and I would go subscribe to his channel on Bitchute on Odyssey.
00:50:23 He does a lot of really good stuff.
00:50:29 Moving right along and again sorry if this is kind of all over the place tonight.
00:50:33 I'm just really.
Speaker 6
00:50:34 I'm busted for my my hike.
00:50:37 I'm torn up.
00:50:39 I did sleep like a baby, though.
00:50:40 I'll tell you what, if you.
00:50:41 Want a cure for insomnia?
00:50:46 All you got to do is, uh, exhaust yourself.
00:50:49 In fact, a lot of the reasons why I think a lot of people that have insomnia, they're just sedentary, you know, they have jobs like, you know, when I was working, doing animations around the clock, which I've been doing the, you know, the last few weeks here, you're just sitting a lot.
00:51:05 You're doing a lot of sitting.
00:51:06 You're not exercising, and so when it's time to sleep, you're not really tired.
00:51:11 And it's a vicious cycle anyway.
Speaker 5
00:51:15 So you may have seen.
00:51:19 This posted to my telegram.
Speaker 1
00:51:39 There we go.
00:51:42 We're getting closer and closer to the the degeneracy pushers just.
00:51:48 Coming out and saying what they want.
00:51:50 Someone needs to create **** for children.
Speaker 2
00:51:54 Hear me out.
00:51:56 Teens are already watching ****.
Speaker 2
00:51:59 But they're finding.
00:52:00 ********, aggressive videos that give them a terrible view of sex.
00:52:05 They need entry level ****, a soft core sight where everyone asks for consent and no one gets choked, et cetera.
00:52:14 This is exactly the way they sold the condoms to school kids.
00:52:22 You know, I did that stream where we showed that that episode of designing women where the way that they weaseled in all the sex education where I told you about that, that weirdo with the ponytail that came in and and talked to us about sex and talked about jizzing on the ceiling in front of a room full of children while the teacher was out because we wouldn't feel comfortable.
00:52:41 Talking if our teacher was around.
Speaker 5
00:52:45 They're doing the.
00:52:45 Exact same thing when it comes to ****.
00:52:49 They're saying they're gonna do it anyway.
Speaker 5
00:52:53 They're gonna watch the **** anyway.
00:52:56 So why don't we make **** for kids?
00:53:02 Let's make **** for kids.
00:53:05 That way they learn about healthy ****.
00:53:11 That's exactly the argument they used.
00:53:14 For the condoms in schools and for the sex education, and look where it's again, the slippery slope is not a fallacy.
00:53:20 Where look.
00:53:20 Where that ended.
00:53:21 Up at now we have trans kids.
Speaker 6
00:53:25 We went from.
00:53:27 No condoms in school and and a relatively low teen pregnancy rate.
00:53:34 To the nightmare world that we live in now.
00:53:37 I'm not saying you know sex Ed and and condoms in schools did that, but.
00:53:41 It certainly didn't.
00:53:42 Didn't hurt it.
00:53:44 Well, just so happens.
00:53:46 Wouldn't you know it?
00:53:49 Wouldn't you know this woman?
00:53:53 Let's see here.
00:53:55 Her dad.
00:53:58 Her dad has some pretty famous friends.
00:54:09 Resize this. Hang on.
00:54:12 A very famous friend in particular.
00:54:16 There's her dad with just Lee Maxwell.
Speaker 8
00:54:23 Ohh, these forks these forks.
00:54:29 It's it's hard to see all these coincidences and think that this isn't just some sort of uh.
00:54:35 That's, that's that's part of.
00:54:37 A well oiled machine.
00:54:40 Now she of course deleted the tweet and started hysterically screaming about how oh, you shouldn't.
00:54:47 I just, you know, I was just throwing out there.
00:54:48 Yeah, you, you you kind of pushed you over to the window further than you than you could.
00:54:56 But you'll be back to.
00:54:57 This this line of thinking.
00:54:59 The response you got was the same response that someone would have gotten to proposing, you know, that gay marriage should be should be legal and say the the 90s.
00:55:10 But by 2012 it was.
00:55:12 No big deal.
00:55:13 So you need a little more time.
00:55:15 We get it.
00:55:17 But we know where your.
00:55:17 Head's at.
00:55:19 We know where this is leading.
00:55:29 All right.
00:55:30 And Speaking of some of the effects.
00:55:34 I think you guys a lot of you guys.
00:55:35 May have seen.
00:55:36 This on my telegram as well.
00:55:40 Let's see if it downloaded.
00:55:44 Yes it did.
00:55:49 So this is a young lady.
00:55:52 Who's complaining?
00:55:56 About a tender experience that she had.
Speaker 3
00:56:03 So I'm going to.
00:56:04 Run a Tinder date the other day.
00:56:06 Sounds good. Dinner's good. We even decided to go watch a movie at his house after and a little sexy time happens.
00:56:14 We're not again sexy time.
00:56:15 We like sexy time.
00:56:17 So sexy time usually makes you hungry and we decide to get tacos.
00:56:22 So I hop in the car and I look.
00:56:24 Over at home.
00:56:25 Boy, who's on his phone?
00:56:26 I'm thinking he's gonna pick a slow jam for us to go get.
00:56:29 Our lunch on.
00:56:31 And no, he's got Tinder open and he's matching with chicks and responding to girls.
00:56:37 He's already matched with.
00:56:39 I'm no expert, but I kind of think you should wait till a girl you just hooked up with.
00:56:47 One leaves your House 2 leaves your car before you start scouting out your next conference.
Speaker 2
00:56:59 Literally why?
00:57:00 Like give me give me.
00:57:01 A a rational reason.
00:57:03 If you have reduced sex.
00:57:06 To an entertainment called sexy time.
00:57:12 Why is it any like really?
00:57:14 Why is it any different?
Speaker 5
00:57:18 Then if.
Speaker 3
00:57:20 He watched a movie.
00:57:23 And then right after he finished watching the movie, he went on Netflix and started looking.
Speaker 5
00:57:28 At his queue.
00:57:33 How is it different?
00:57:37 If you're going to reduce sex to entertainment called sexy time.
00:57:43 How is it any different?
Speaker 6
00:57:46 Then if he gets.
00:57:47 Door dashed and they show up.
00:57:50 And he has a meal, and he's like, that's great.
00:57:52 That was good.
00:57:53 But, you know, it would really be good.
00:57:54 We would really top this.
00:57:55 Off as if I had like an ice cream cake. I'm going to go on Grubhub.
00:58:00 You got one of these places to.
00:58:01 Bring me an ice cream.
00:58:05 Why does it make a difference?
00:58:09 Why would you be offended at all?
00:58:14 He's had you.
00:58:17 He's seen that movie.
Speaker 5
00:58:31 You know, a lot of women.
Speaker 6
00:58:32 Get upset with men.
Speaker 5
00:58:35 Because of how they've responded.
00:58:38 To modernity, how they've responded to the feminism.
00:58:45 And it's because women just at the end of the day, they're not.
00:58:50 They're just not rational.
00:58:51 They're just generally speaking.
00:58:54 Certainly not compared to men, they're not.
00:58:56 They don't.
00:58:57 They don't think the same way that you and I think.
00:59:03 Like this woman is struggling with what she's saying.
00:59:06 She she has no idea what she's saying is totally it's all emotional.
00:59:13 That's why she can't articulate it, because it's not her rational.
00:59:17 Thought that she's having.
00:59:20 It's an emotional thought.
00:59:23 She's emotionally offended.
00:59:26 But again, that there's, but there's no rational even.
00:59:29 There's not even a rational reason for the emotion.
00:59:32 In the context that she's created.
00:59:41 You know, and and in this reality and.
00:59:43 Look, there's.
00:59:45 There's not even a rational reason that guy should feel like a scumbag.
00:59:49 For doing it.
00:59:52 In the context.
00:59:56 That they've.
Speaker 2
00:59:57 Created here.
01:00:00 And the world that we live in now.
Speaker 6
01:00:07 Women will say, oh, you know, we need men.
01:00:10 To step up, we need men to.
01:00:12 Step up and.
01:00:13 And be gentle men and it's like.
01:00:21 If you live in a.
01:00:22 Matriarchy, and we do.
01:00:23 We just do.
01:00:27 And we have no control over the rules of the game.
01:00:36 We're going to adapt to the game.
01:00:38 Look, obviously this whole situation is ****** **.
01:00:41 The fact that she went home with this.
01:00:44 Creep on the first date and **** them, and he's probably never going to talk to her again and he's.
Speaker 5
01:00:48 Going to.
01:00:49 Go do the same thing.
01:00:51 Maybe maybe after they go get dessert, you know, or lunch or whatever, he's going to drop.
01:00:54 Her off and go pick up some other girl.
01:01:00 But it's just a commodity now.
01:01:06 Sex is just a commodity.
01:01:14 And the price for her was, you know, dinner.
01:01:16 And a movie.
Speaker 2
01:01:19 He paid for it.
01:01:26 And women have a hard time understanding.
01:01:29 Why men behave like sociopaths.
01:01:33 In the dating world.
01:01:37 And that's because that, that's.
01:01:40 That's the rules.
01:01:41 Of the game now.
01:01:42 How are you supposed to act?
01:01:48 This is why you don't use dating apps.
01:01:54 Because they really are just meat markets at this point full of sad, lonely, crazy people and lots of sexually transmitted diseases.
01:02:10 But it's infuriating to see this.
01:02:15 Because she's not going to get it.
01:02:18 And there's no way to get it, because again, there's no rational reason unless she deconstructs everything about this situation.
01:02:27 And realizes the lie that she's living.
01:02:31 There's not going to.
01:02:32 She's not.
01:02:33 Going to come up with a rational reason.
01:02:35 For being upset about this.
01:02:38 As long as she remains in this context of, like, oh, sexy time, it's just, you know.
01:02:43 Entertainment or whatever.
01:02:46 She's never going to be able to.
01:02:47 Articulate these feelings.
01:02:56 Because they're irrational.
01:03:03 All right, moving right along.
01:03:06 Again, this is the.
Speaker 6
01:03:07 String that's all over the place.
01:03:10 All over the place.
01:03:15 There's no order to it.
01:03:17 Because I slept, which is good.
01:03:21 Now this has.
01:03:21 This has to do with the subject that.
01:03:23 We just talked about.
01:03:25 Sort of tangentially.
01:03:26 So, as long as a little bit of a segue.
01:03:28 There is some.
01:03:30 Connection to it and bring this up if I can.
Speaker 1
01:03:34 Bring this over here.
Speaker 2
01:03:40 There we go.
Speaker 1
01:03:43 I'm going to drop this back down to here.
01:03:51 Come on, obs.
01:03:53 Alright, here we go.
01:03:56 Back burner relationships with exes are rising during pandemic.
01:04:02 Look, we've got look at the photo.
01:04:03 They're using the same thing.
01:04:04 It's a guy.
01:04:06 On Tinder, while the woman he was.
01:04:08 Just with is sleeping.
01:04:10 Right next to him.
01:04:12 Having sex with an ex.
01:04:14 People in a bad mood, according to a new study.
01:04:18 A-Team, including researchers from the University of Oklahoma, say keeping former partners on the back burner in the hopes of keeping them around for fun leads to negative feelings about the other person and yourself. Yeah, I wonder why that is, but again, rationally, why? Why would it?
01:04:39 If it's just sexy time, study authors looked into relationships during the COVID-19 pandemic, which appears to be contributing to a rise in people reconnecting with their ex boyfriends or ex-girlfriend.
01:04:52 Their research finds the negativity partners feel is especially pronounced when the person is currently in a committed relationship but decides to get back in touch.
01:05:02 With a former partner.
01:05:06 The study of 397 adults and long term relationships discovered that A at least 62% are keeping someone on the back burner.
01:05:16 Just in case.
01:05:23 Don't ever do that, by the way, not just the women are pros at this, but men too.
01:05:29 Men do this.
01:05:32 Don't ever do this.
01:05:33 Don't put someone on.
01:05:33 The back burner.
01:05:36 Are you that?
01:05:37 Are you that unqualified to find someone new?
01:05:42 If things don't work out that you need to have, like, look, I I support prepping, you know, being prepared for disasters, keeping extra things around.
01:05:53 But people aren't things.
01:05:56 Again, people aren't sex is not a commodity, or it shouldn't be.
01:06:05 Even the 93% of people claim their relationship is exclusive.
01:06:11 Half of the back burner participants admit to having at least one form partner waiting on standby.
01:06:22 Waiting on standby.
01:06:27 Over half.
01:06:30 Over the half, over half.
01:06:31 Of the people in this study.
01:06:35 Had someone had a backup?
01:06:44 If having an or having ex partner back burners, what that's phrased weird if having ex partner back burners cascades into increased communication, increased sexual activity, and bad feelings for the admirer than those in committed relationships might wish to exercise greater caution.
01:07:05 Before, before forming a back burner relationship.
01:07:09 With an ex partner.
01:07:11 They're not even saying you shouldn't do it.
01:07:13 They're just saying, oh, make sure if.
01:07:14 You're doing this.
01:07:15 You do it carefully.
01:07:16 No moral judgments.
01:07:19 More women than men are hooking.
01:07:20 Up with an ex.
01:07:23 Nearly 2/3 of people report maintaining communication with their ex partner during the pandemic. When it comes to sex with an ex, women are actually more likely to go down that road than men. In fact, 54% of women have had sex with a former partner, according to a survey.
01:07:44 Just 44% of men have done the same. Now, look, that's still those are both horrendous numbers.
01:07:51 That's essentially saying half the people out there are *******.
01:07:54 Cheating with their ex.
01:07:57 While the majority of people say that the reason they do it is for or is that it's comforting being with an old partner.
01:08:07 At least 14% of respondents admit they had sex with a former partner because they wanted to reconcile with them.
01:08:16 As we see.
01:08:17 Society reopening there appears to continue to be a surge in or a surge in use during what is dubbed the summer of Love.
01:08:29 The summer of love.
01:08:30 Yes, of course.
01:08:31 Is that the BLM rights they're talking about?
Speaker 2
01:08:33 Making it even.
01:08:34 More important to the study, new trends and connecting for friendships and romance, concludes Dr.
01:08:40 Brenda K Weiderhold from the Interactive Media Institute in California.
Speaker 2
01:08:55 Yeah, don't do that.
01:08:59 Don't do that.
01:09:01 Look, I've done a version of this.
01:09:04 Everyone's probably done something kind of like this, but don't do this.
01:09:10 Don't do this.
01:09:12 It's bad, bad, bad, bad.
01:09:14 Alright, moving on to the next story.
Speaker 1
01:09:19 Copy this.
01:09:23 It's rough out there.
01:09:24 The reason why this came up is someone I think in.
01:09:26 The last stream.
01:09:28 Ask me about, like, dating and stuff like that.
01:09:30 And I have been thinking about, I don't think I'm in a position to really do it, but not right now.
01:09:35 But I did think about like, yeah, why don't I just?
01:09:37 Start looking into it.
Speaker 11
01:09:39 And I don't even know.
01:09:39 Where to start now, honestly.
01:09:42 It's one of those things where one, I mean, I'm kind of in an isolated area, right where it's not like you can just go down.
01:09:50 I can't even.
01:09:50 I mean, even at 1:00 to like the closest bar, the closest bar is basically like the same 6 alcoholic boomers there, every single night, you know, and.
01:09:59 I would have to drive.
01:10:01 At least an hour to get to like a town.
01:10:04 Not even a city like a town.
01:10:07 And then it's like, what, how do?
01:10:08 You meet people.
01:10:10 You know, a lot of these apps, they are cancer, but it does facilitate at least meeting some people.
01:10:17 So it's a double edged sword.
01:10:18 It's like and now look.
01:10:19 And they've gotten worse.
01:10:21 They've gotten worse.
01:10:22 So that's, that's another thing I've been thinking about.
01:10:23 Like, well, is this like when I was younger?
Speaker 2
01:10:28 Well, when I.
01:10:28 Was way younger.
01:10:29 It was like weird to use the Internet today, right?
01:10:31 Like you were like the the social outcast.
01:10:33 If you did that.
01:10:35 And then it became normalized, then went and that was like the Golden era because.
01:10:38 It was just like normal people normal.
01:10:41 People online dating.
01:10:42 And now it's turned into just complete like awfulness.
01:10:47 So it is something that's that's.
01:10:48 Weird. It's like how?
01:10:49 Do you you know?
01:10:51 And and now for me it's it's that's physical seclusion, right?
01:10:56 But even if you.
Speaker 11
01:10:57 Live in a big city.
01:10:59 Most people don't have communities that they're a part of anymore.
01:11:02 Most people don't go to church, and if you do look the the situation at church is is very.
01:11:08 Let's say you you do.
01:11:09 Let's say I'm going to go to church and try to meet a girl like a trad girl.
01:11:13 And let's say you're like.
01:11:14 25 years old or.
01:11:15 Something like.
01:11:15 That I there's exceptions absolutely, but I think the average age of of people that attend church regularly, I mean it's like in their 70s or something.
Speaker 11
01:11:27 Crazy like that.
01:11:29 You go to church, it's going to be like a.
01:11:31 Chapel full of grandmas.
01:11:33 And again, now there's exceptions in in different areas where that's not the case and stuff like that.
01:11:38 And there's ways there's places you can still do.
01:11:39 That, but especially if you're in a big city.
01:11:41 That's going to be difficult.
01:11:45 And meeting people at work.
01:11:48 Well, I mean, that's going to be kind of a problem, because if you meet people at the office, you have to worry about not only all the sexual harassment stuff, the me too stuff, but now you're talking about, I mean, if it's, if you've got any kind of career, the women that you're going to be encountering typically.
01:12:02 Are going to be career women.
01:12:05 Well, that's a problem.
01:12:07 If you want to have a family.
01:12:09 A lot of women that are going to be in those positions.
01:12:11 Aren't going to want to just stop working.
01:12:14 You know, if you're an educated guy and you've got, like a career of of any.
01:12:20 Any significance like if you're in a big city, which is likely the.
01:12:23 Case, right?
Speaker 11
01:12:28 So yeah, it's.
01:12:28 It's a *********** out there.
01:12:30 It's a mess.
01:12:32 It is a mess.
01:12:36 UM, in fact, I'm going to do a review of a movie. I don't know if you guys in fact I want.
01:12:40 To ask you guys about.
01:12:41 That I'll ask you guys about that a little bit later I did a.
01:12:45 Live chat on telegram and I wasn't exactly sure how that went down because I couldn't.
01:12:51 There's no interaction on that and I don't know if even the reception was working, but I'll talk to you guys that about that in a second.
01:12:57 One more story and then we'll kind of just.
01:12:59 Freestyle the rest of.
01:13:00 This stream here.
01:13:02 Trump AG or no Trump to acting AG, according to aides notes, just say the election was corrupt.
01:13:10 Leave the rest to me.
01:13:15 President Donald Trump pressed senior Justice Department officials in late 2020 to just say the election was corrupt and leave the rest to me, the Republican lawmakers, according to stunning handwritten notes. Stunning.
01:13:28 Handwritten notes that illustrate how far the president was willing to go to prevent Joe Biden.
01:13:35 Clearly the the rightful president who got more votes than anyone ever in in history.
01:13:41 Taking off from taking on.
01:13:43 The notes taken by Justice Department official Richard Donoghue or Donahue, or I don't know.
01:13:50 How you would say that?
01:13:51 I think I think it's maybe.
01:13:52 That that could.
01:13:52 Be Donahue were released to Congress this week and made public Friday further evidence of the personal pressure campaign or or.
01:14:02 Trump waged as he sought to stay in the White House, kind of read right now.
01:14:08 I'm wrecked, I'm told.
01:14:09 You. I'm wrecked in.
01:14:10 One December 27th conversation, according to the written account, acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen.
01:14:17 Told Trump that the Justice Department can't and won't snap its fingers and change the outcome of election.
01:14:24 And that's they can't do anything.
Speaker 6
01:14:27 They can't.
01:14:28 The Justice Department can't investigate Hillary.
01:14:32 They can't investigate voter.
01:14:33 Fraud and a.
01:14:34 Lot of this stuff is Trump's fault.
01:14:36 The guy that was in.
01:14:37 Charge of voter fraud at the DOJ.
01:14:41 Was still and like it was still an Obama guy.
01:14:47 And it's not like no one saw voter fraud coming.
01:14:53 Voter fraud was a big topic of discussion back in 2016.
01:15:01 And then what did?
01:15:02 What did Trump do?
01:15:03 He said.
01:15:03 Like, I'm gonna create this Commission and Mike Pence is going to.
01:15:07 Head it up and.
01:15:08 He's going to be in charge and he's going to going to do this whole Commission on on voter fraud and we're going to find out, we're gonna get to the bottom of all this and we're gonna prevent voter fraud and they ******* did.
01:15:20 They met one time they made some big ******* deal about it on TV, like everything else.
01:15:26 ******* Trump starts to do or says he's gonna do it, becomes this big media event.
01:15:32 I think they meant maybe one time after that and then they dissolved the committee.
01:15:39 Not once did they look into any of these electronic voting machines.
01:15:43 Not once did they look into even the stuff like you have judicial watches going around and purging voter rolls around the country.
01:15:51 You've got private organizations doing the job of the federal government.
01:16:00 What did he ******* expect?
01:16:02 Of course, the DOJ is not going to.
01:16:03 Help you out.
Speaker 6
01:16:08 It's Obama's DOJ.
Speaker 2
01:16:14 You dumb ************.
01:16:19 Why do people want this man to be president?
01:16:32 The documents show the extent to which senior both of these notes reveal that a sitting president defeated in a free and fair election, and by the way, that's how the history books are going to write this.
01:16:49 That's how they're going to describe this personally and repeatedly.
01:16:52 Pressure Justice Department leaders to help him foment a coup in the last ditch attempt to cling to power lofman, a Jewish name, said.
Speaker 6
01:17:03 And that should.
01:17:04 Shock the conscience of every American, regardless of this, is what the history books are.
01:17:10 Going to say.
01:17:18 There's no cue. There is no Trump's knock like we're in August now, right? My pillow man.
01:17:25 My pillow man said that in August we're officially in August now.
01:17:30 That Trump's going to rise up.
01:17:34 And become president again in August.
Speaker 11
01:17:38 Alright, cute.
01:17:38 Todd, you got you got.
01:17:39 Another month extension on your ********.
01:17:43 Let me know when it's no longer August and now it's November.
01:17:47 Or whatever the ****.
01:17:48 We we got we we have to sit we.
01:17:50 Have to endure 4 years of this ****.
Speaker 5
01:17:53 And then we have to.
01:17:53 Do our Trump's campaign.
Speaker 6
01:17:56 With who? I'm going.
01:17:57 To actively run against or not run against, but campaign against.
01:18:00 I guess I could.
01:18:00 Run against.
01:18:01 Don't want to vote for me?
01:18:04 Maybe some of you guys have.
01:18:06 Vote for me.
01:18:08 Remedy the opposite of what I did.
01:18:10 In the last election they actively made anti Hillary memes all day and all night long.
01:18:15 I didn't sleep for weeks.
01:18:17 I want to make sure that's why all my old accounts.
01:18:19 Are called evil Hillary.
01:18:21 That's how that started.
01:18:22 That's that's how I got into this was just trying to prevent by any means necessary, Hillary getting reelected or getting elected like it's in a way of reelected.
01:18:36 And I didn't care who it was at.
01:18:38 1st and then Trump started talking, sounding like the.
01:18:41 Same things I'd.
01:18:42 Never heard politicians say, and I I.
01:18:44 Fell for it.
01:18:46 But **** that guy.
Speaker 6
01:18:55 And look, here's another.
01:18:56 Look, there's another example.
01:18:58 He credited Rosen, oh, another Jew at the DOJ.
01:19:01 Color me shocked.
01:19:03 With devising A mechanism to allow Trump to vent.
01:19:06 And spew his desired.
01:19:07 Schemes to enlist their help to overturn the election without undertaking any course of action.
01:19:13 Would have facilitated that scheme.
Speaker 2
01:19:15 That's what everyone would everyone around Trump.
01:19:17 Was doing exactly that.
Speaker 11
01:19:19 That seemed to be like the easiest.
01:19:20 Way to deal with.
01:19:20 Trump let let let Trump bloviate and complain.
01:19:26 That, you know like.
Speaker 5
01:19:27 Oh, we need to investigate this.
Speaker 6
01:19:28 We need to go. What's?
01:19:29 Up with all our brothers, you.
Speaker 5
01:19:31 Listen to them.
01:19:32 And just like a crazy, you treat him like.
01:19:34 A crazy woman.
01:19:36 You listen to him, you, you.
01:19:37 Make him feel heard.
01:19:39 And then you do nothing then.
01:19:41 You act as if it never happened.
01:19:46 And Trump is such an incompetent leader.
01:19:51 He goes with.
01:19:52 It he never follows up.
01:19:54 He never gets anyone around him that they can whip these people into shape.
01:20:03 He surrounds himself with traitors.
01:20:06 And then fires them and.
01:20:08 It's funny.
01:20:08 You watch these ******** it's not just queue people, it's queue people.
01:20:13 It's maga.
01:20:14 It's all these people that to this day have a hard time letting go of Trump.
01:20:20 What happens?
01:20:21 They they hire a new guy?
01:20:22 I remember, like when Mcmasters was first hired.
01:20:24 Or, you know any of.
01:20:25 These guys was first hired.
01:20:28 And everyone team mega.
01:20:29 Oh, that was a brilliant choice.
01:20:31 It was a brilliant choice because.
Speaker 6
01:20:32 This, that and.
01:20:33 The other, you know, this guys got the experience.
01:20:35 He's the guy that can make maga happen and you know, it might not sound like he's very MAGA, but that's OK because he's got the experience to deal with the the people behind the scenes.
01:20:44 You know, we have to, you have to get someone who knows the swamp in order to.
Speaker 5
01:20:47 Drain the swamp.
01:20:48 You know, like you can't just get an outsider that doesn't know the inner workings, and then they end up getting fired.
Speaker 6
01:20:54 Ah, he he he ended.
Speaker 11
01:20:56 Up he was.
01:20:57 You know, the Trump did.
01:20:58 That because he.
01:20:59 Had to let him.
01:21:01 He had to reveal himself as a traitor.
01:21:05 Didn't you like that excuse?
Speaker 6
01:21:06 Trump hires all these.
01:21:07 Terrible people that can't get his agenda done so that they can reveal themselves.
Speaker 2
01:21:13 As traders.
01:21:15 OK, well, why does it matter?
01:21:19 Like, why does it matter that some random guy who's not going to no punishment is going to happen for these these so-called, you know, revealed traded exposed traders.
01:21:31 None of them are going to end up having any consequences.
01:21:34 So what was?
Speaker 11
01:21:34 The point of.
01:21:35 Exposing them.
Speaker 6
01:21:39 So now they're exposed.
01:21:40 Ooh, whip.
01:21:41 The ******* do.
01:21:44 And your agenda is not only is it not closer to being done, it's further back because that the entire time that.
01:21:51 You put that.
01:21:52 ***** ** **** in the position that you.
01:21:54 Never should have done.
01:21:55 He was undermining you, so now you've got even less leverage and less time.
01:22:03 And this extended to literally every ****** ******* thing Trump touched.
01:22:14 And because he was so incompetent, he.
01:22:16 Was such a ******* buffoon.
01:22:19 He deserves it.
01:22:20 He deserves the history books, painting him as some kind of Machiavellian, Machiavellian monster.
01:22:29 Like this this.
01:22:30 Guy who who was was, you know?
01:22:33 Doing all these plans with the Russians and all, you know, planning a crew and and trying to undermine democracy.
01:22:39 And he ******* deserves it.
01:22:44 He ******* deserves it.
01:22:49 Now the problem is that that damage is not going to be limited to Trump.
01:22:57 Because what the what they're doing right is what did you have to hear about from the ******* baby boomers your entire life and and and all the movies and TV shows and cartoons and and.
01:23:08 In fact, it hasn't even stopped yet.
01:23:11 All the Nixon jokes, right?
01:23:13 Like how many *******.
01:23:14 Bad Nixon impressions?
01:23:16 Did you have to watch?
01:23:17 Your during your childhood.
01:23:19 Just over and over and over again.
01:23:21 How evil Mixon was evil.
01:23:23 Mixon, Evil Mixon mixing this caricature of what happens when the right wing gets into power.
01:23:31 Well, now it's going to.
01:23:32 Be Trump for your kids.
01:23:36 Trump is the new Nixon joke for.
01:23:38 Like the next ******* 40 years.
01:23:41 Like I said, they're still doing, Nixon jokes.
01:23:45 And it's like.
01:23:47 Over 40 years, it's like 50 years.
01:24:09 It's gonna get worse before it gets better.
01:24:10 It's gonna get a lot worse before it gets better.
01:24:12 Because so many of our people, they're in such denial.
01:24:18 You know, there's there's the other story.
01:24:22 Bring this this this is kind of horrifying.
Speaker 1
01:24:57 Let's see here this is.
01:25:02 I'll just.
01:25:03 I'll just pull this up.
Speaker 1
01:25:11 Oops, wrong wrong folder.
01:25:30 Trump raked in.
01:25:32 $82 million.
01:25:36 In the last six months.
01:25:42 $82 million.
01:25:45 And stop the steel donations.
01:25:54 In six months.
01:26:04 This is going to go on.
01:26:06 For four ******* years.
01:26:13 4 ******* years.
01:26:17 And you know what?
01:26:20 All that money is going to.
01:26:21 Get funneled into.
01:26:22 People like Candace Owens.
01:26:25 People like you know, actually, in spite of Candace Owens, this is something.
01:26:29 We should talk.
01:26:29 About national justice did a good story on the origins of a lot of these people.
01:26:39 That work for, you know, the team Maga.
01:26:45 And see if I can bring it up here.
01:26:48 It's from a couple of days ago.
01:26:52 Not not surprising, like in the least.
01:26:56 Like, not even a little bit.
01:27:01 Let's see if I can find the link here.
01:27:19 Here we are.
Speaker 6
01:27:23 Bring this up on.
01:27:43 This is from.
01:27:45 Nationaljustice.com.
01:27:48 Which is the the the website I believe for the National Justice Party, national justice investigates rising Republican Party influencers, got their start at talent agency run by an Israeli pornographer.
Speaker 11
01:28:03 Oh, OK.
01:28:07 Their prominent guests on Fox, they lead grassroots rallies.
01:28:11 They write columns at the blaze.
01:28:14 They are keynote speakers at CPAC.
01:28:18 They are sometimes ******** and **** stars.
01:28:21 A few were even.
01:28:22 Used to blackmail perceived enemies of Israeli interests.
01:28:27 And they all got their start as actors and models at the same Israeli owned talent agency.
01:28:35 These up and coming conservative superstars appear to have had or currently still have active profiles at a shadowy Israeli born pornographer, Amy Shafers.
01:28:49 Explore talent.
01:28:52 National justice can report so far, national justice has identified the following household names in the world of Republican Party politics as being actors or models featured for hire on the site in the last 10 years.
01:29:10 Now again, just to be fair, to be fair.
01:29:16 There are a lot of people that want to be actors and want to be models and they.
01:29:21 Set up you.
01:29:21 Know I I don't know enough about.
01:29:23 I may have to dig into this talent agency and and and see what I can find, but the association of Talent Agency.
01:29:30 If you're someone who's wanting to be popular and then you end up in this kind of a business, doesn't necessarily mean that there's anything coordinated.
01:29:37 In the same way like you.
01:29:39 Know like, oh, this person's got an IMDb page. He's definitely a.
01:29:41 Crisis actor it's like, no, probably not.
01:29:46 But it is a.
01:29:47 Little interesting that they are all part.
01:29:50 Of this pornographers talent agency.
01:29:55 Candace Owens, who began producing professional conservative content months after launching her explore talent profile in 2017 and a lot of people that don't what they don't know about Candace Owens, is she created a website called like Effort was called. Now was, but it was a like a troll trace. Like it was literally supposed to docks.
01:30:15 People Candace Owens started out as a leftist online, trying to DOX 4 Chan trolls.
01:30:22 Not making it up?
01:30:23 Candace Owens got her start as someone that was trying to dox trolls during Gamergate.
01:30:33 And then magically, she's like the the based black Republican with.
01:30:37 Like within a matter of months.
01:30:40 Like it it the the transformation was quick.
01:30:44 And it's because she was.
01:30:45 Quite literally just looking for whatever was hip.
Speaker 5
01:30:48 And cool and up.
Speaker 2
01:30:48 And coming.
01:30:49 And Gamergate was big and hip and cooling up and coming, and she thought, you know what?
01:30:54 I can, I can.
01:30:55 Get a piece of this pie.
01:30:57 Because she didn't understand the direction the wind was blowing.
01:30:59 Like most people, when it came to Gamergate.
01:31:01 Right.
01:31:02 So she didn't know what was happening with that.
01:31:04 She thought the trolls were going to get owned because that's what's always happened to white people, you know, global home always always wins.
01:31:11 And so she made her little troll Trace website.
01:31:15 And things that weren't weren't going that way.
01:31:18 And because she was good at sensing the direction of the wind and knew how much money you could make as a black conservative, she changed so fast.
Speaker 11
01:31:25 You know it was.
01:31:26 It was blurry.
01:31:32 Congresswoman Lauren Bobert participated in the sites gallery contest in 2011, two years before opening the Shooters Grill restaurant that bought her national fame and helped catapult her political career.
01:31:48 OK.
01:31:48 That's something that I think I don't know enough about her.
01:31:51 I know people that like her.
01:31:54 I don't know enough.
01:31:55 About her.
01:31:56 And this could be a case of like I.
01:31:58 Said of a.
01:32:02 It could be a case of her just want, you know, I'm a pretty girl and I want to be.
01:32:06 On a talent agency website or it could be ******* something planned out.
01:32:11 If I mean, that is interesting timing.
01:32:13 You know, you're you're in this contest.
01:32:15 And then maybe you caught someone's eye because two years later, you're opening up shooters grill and now you're in Congress.
01:32:21 But anyway, Tommy Lauren.
01:32:24 Ohh, I hate.
01:32:25 I hate that woman so much.
01:32:26 I hate her so much.
01:32:27 She's she's literally an embodiment of everything wrong with the GOP.
01:32:31 A familiar face throughout conservative media, she has previously worked at the blaze and served on Donald Trump's pack alongside Rudy Giuliani. Wyatt, see again why did Trump hire Tommy Lauren?
01:32:47 Pro-choice Tommy Lauren. I thought. I thought, uh.
01:32:51 Trump was pro-life.
01:32:55 She currently works as a contributor at Fox News.
01:32:58 Imagine that Melissa Caron.
01:33:01 Rudy Giuliani's star witness and his election fraud lawsuit last December. She is was that that the weird, crazy one?
01:33:14 Was that the girl that like?
01:33:15 Showed up on pills.
01:33:22 I think it is.
01:33:34 And take a look here.
Speaker 2
01:33:39 Yeah, it is.
01:33:40 It's that crazy.
01:33:41 Remember the girl that was?
01:33:44 During the hearings, and she sounded like.
01:33:45 She was drunk.
01:33:47 And Maga tried to spin it like oh.
Speaker 2
01:33:48 No, that's she's.
01:33:50 No, he was a ******* embarrassment.
01:33:52 It was a ******* embarrassment.
01:33:56 Well, this is her page.
Speaker 11
01:34:01 We'll get this out of the way.
01:34:16 So I mean, look, I'm.
01:34:18 Thinking there's a few possibilities here.
01:34:20 Again, some of these coincidences are hard to ignore, and so you could say there's maybe some Massad action going on here.
01:34:31 They certainly cast her they they kind of cast the wrong girl for that part, if that's the.
01:34:35 Case because she was an embarrassment.
01:34:39 I mean, she was awful.
01:34:42 Get rid of this here.
Speaker 7
01:34:47 UM.
01:34:56 And she's currently running for office in Michigan.
01:34:59 That's insane.
01:35:00 Scott Pressler.
01:35:02 A homosexual conservative influencer often spotted in leading rally.
01:35:07 It's yeah, there's that guy, right?
01:35:09 You've seen this guy?
01:35:12 Scott Pressler is the the gay Conservative that goes around doing, you know, photo OPS, cleaning up things, and he's on Fox News.
01:35:20 All the time.
01:35:22 Emma Giovine can't say her name, the Fox News assistant who Jesse Watters left his wife for Anna Kate and Tara Price, two women hired by private intelligence operatives to seduce and black black male national security adviser HR McMaster.
01:35:42 After Jewish mega donor Sheldon Adelson and Robert Mercer complained that Trump that he wasn't sufficiently pro Israel.
01:35:51 I'm not sure who I'm.
01:35:52 Let me see who these people are.
01:35:57 And a Kate.
01:36:02 And Kate?
01:36:06 Well, she was a survivor contestant.
Speaker 11
01:36:10 I don't know about.
01:36:11 The the McMaster thing, to be perfectly honest.
01:36:15 I'd have to read up on that.
01:36:21 One common theme in the modeling profiles.
01:36:24 Is low quality and hyper sexual nature of the pictures national justice consulted with an expert in photography who described the images as looking more like what would be featured on an escort site than people trying to get movie roles.
01:36:39 And look there is there is there is like.
01:36:43 As someone that has hired talent for various shoots.
01:36:47 Certainly that woman's website. Let's see here this one.
01:36:57 The Melissa Caron.
Speaker 1
01:37:01 Bring that back up here.
01:37:04 I mean, that's.
01:37:05 That is exactly what it looks like.
01:37:08 Either that or ****, I I had.
01:37:11 A friend that was doing.
01:37:13 He thought it would be like.
01:37:14 The He basically his.
01:37:15 Company got bought out and they gave him.
01:37:19 It gave him, like free reign of the place for like a few months and like, just an ungodly amount of money.
01:37:26 And and he decided to just be kind of an ******* about it because he already had the money.
01:37:31 Everything was signed and he he tried making these, like ****.
01:37:35 Like ****.
01:37:35 Like, literally pornographic web ads for his business.
01:37:40 And so he was.
01:37:41 Hiring women out of like Craigslist and just **** like that to go to this hotel room and do this like nasty ******* **** promotion video.
01:37:50 And uh, you know, this is the kind of.
01:37:52 These are the kind of.
01:37:53 Profiles that if you see.
01:37:55 This that you know you're going to.
Speaker 5
01:37:56 Be getting.
01:37:58 That kind of a, that kind of a talent.
Speaker 11
01:38:03 Uh, let's see what this is here.
01:38:07 They have.
01:38:10 Archived versions of.
01:38:17 A few people.
01:38:20 See if they have.
01:38:20 You there?
01:38:21 Got Candace Owens here.
01:38:30 Well, she doesn't have any photos on hers.
01:38:32 It's just like a normal looking.
01:38:40 Anyway, the the man behind the the talents explore talents is registered under the name of Amaram Moshi Shah.
01:38:50 Here, an Israeli businessman, who alongside his ex-wife Saric, has never been far from trouble. Sofia made his fortune in the 1990s through Amtech audio tech stay, highly lucrative phone sex service that Israeli criminals battled for ownership of and tell the FBI interviewing on Amy's behalf.
01:39:10 Sophia and his wife also ran *********** website, such as the defunct Dream Factory, according to court documents obtained by national justice.
01:39:22 Using money for from his phone sex and **** sites, Shafir was able to help start a number of online dating websites, including the Jews.
01:39:33 Only Jay date.
01:39:35 So this guy started Jay date with **** money.
01:39:38 We were just kind of talking about that.
01:39:39 Stuff is that isn't that interesting that J date.
01:39:42 Is allowed to exist in the App Store.
01:39:46 But you can't have white bait.
01:39:52 Isn't that interesting?
01:39:54 Which Rabbi Shmuly Boteach or boutique would later claim to frotter him out of money in a bad business venture?
01:40:03 According to the New York Times, users of affiliated **** sites were being wired into the dating site to beef up their user numbers.
01:40:15 Throughout the arduous legal process, public records show that the dispute between various Israelis led to the lawsuits accusing Saphir of being involved.
01:40:27 In an illegal wire.
01:40:28 Wiretapping the use of bribed police officers and even the alleged collection of black male material on American military officials.
01:40:38 Who are secretly homosexual by Sarita Saphir that she later transported back to Israel.
01:40:45 So basically like like there's obviously heavy Mossad.
01:40:48 Vibes going on here, right?
01:40:52 Ties to organized crime ripping off credit card customers and even the traffic trafficking of expired drugs to be sold to minorities were alleged in court.
01:41:03 Eventually, Shaffir was able to survive the chaos created and created explore talent, which itself is often used or accused of being a scam in the movie and television.
01:41:15 I've never used explore talent.
01:41:20 The relationship between Shaffir and Republican Party is not clear.
Speaker 2
01:41:25 But it is.
01:41:25 Clear that the conservative movement recruits women through this service.
01:41:29 All in all, the overnight transition of women from low rent models on explore talent to congresswoman, high risk spies and nationally renowned political personalities leaves more questions than answered.
01:41:41 I I I would say there's like a heavy.
01:41:44 I don't think anything there's there's not.
01:41:46 Any concrete proof per say, but there's certainly the scent of Massad.
01:41:53 All over this.
01:41:55 All over this.
01:41:57 But like I said, as someone that's used, talent agencies and and dealt dealt with just stupid, you know, stupid girls like the girl on the screen.
01:42:05 Right here.
01:42:06 There's just you got to realize there are a lot of just these awful sites set up and just every every girl.
Speaker 6
01:42:12 Who wants that? And.
01:42:13 It's maybe not as much now because you've got like Instagram and then now they can be like, oh, I'm going to.
01:42:17 Be an Instagram model or whatever.
01:42:19 Before that, though, before the.
01:42:20 Yeah, which is a lot of these.
01:42:23 A lot of these profiles were created before there was a lot of social media where you could kind of do this yourself.
01:42:28 And and the idea that you needed an agent to get famous was still kind of like the norm.
01:42:34 That's something that I think you need to take into account, at least when trying to assess what's going on here, there's just.
01:42:40 A lot of.
01:42:41 Pretty girls who want to be popular, and that's going to be the same personality type that goes into this ****.
01:42:46 And that's gonna be the same personality.
01:42:47 Type that's going.
01:42:48 To have profiles that some shady ******* model site.
01:42:53 So but at the same time, I mean definitely that talent site is stinks of Assad.
01:43:00 And so who knows?
01:43:02 Who knows?
01:43:04 Who knows how many of these millions and millions of dollars that Trump is ranking in that all these boomers and Q stars are sending him are going to go to Massad operatives?
01:43:16 To tell you to trust the plan.
01:43:20 And just just two more weeks.
01:43:22 Don't worry, Trump.
Speaker 11
01:43:23 Will be back.
01:43:24 You know what?
01:43:25 We had a we had a.
Speaker 6
01:43:26 Little hiccup in the plan.
01:43:28 Two more weeks.
01:43:31 Like my pillow guy.
01:43:33 He's going to.
01:43:34 Drag it on forever.
01:43:35 They're going to.
01:43:35 Edge these ************* and for another four years.
01:43:38 $100 million in or close to or, you know, any $2,000,000 in six months. That's just that's just obscene to me.
01:43:48 But that's the problem.
01:43:49 Is like with that kind of money.
01:43:52 Think of it this.
01:43:53 Way look at look at.
01:43:54 What Gab has been able to accomplish?
01:43:56 With like no money.
01:44:00 Versus what Trump has accomplished with 80.
01:44:03 $2,000,000.
01:44:10 ****, you could even say, look what Fonte has has put together in terms of an influence campaign.
01:44:17 With with very little money in comparison to $82 million like he gets donations and stuff. But.
01:44:23 Not $82 million donations.
01:44:32 You really think that money is going to make America great again?
01:44:36 Or you think it's there?
01:44:37 To grease the palms of.
01:44:39 Of hookers like this and uh, people like Rudy Giuliani, who was in on 9/11. That's like a convenient little fact that Q tarts forget. Oh, why is the Trump his two lawyers, his two lawyers? One was Epstein's lawyer.
Speaker 5
01:44:56 And the other one helped facilitate 911.
01:45:01 Trust the plan.
01:45:06 Trust the plan.
01:45:09 There was something else I wanted to talk.
01:45:10 About and then we'll.
01:45:12 Then we'll ease up a little bit.
01:45:13 I just got a little riled up with all that stuff.
01:45:24 No, maybe that's it.
01:45:25 That's it.
01:45:29 Let's see.
01:45:29 I think I'm pretty sure that's it.
Speaker 11
01:45:33 There we go.
01:45:34 Let me take a look at chat here.
01:45:38 How are you guys doing this this fine Saturday?
01:45:43 Slash Sunday morning.
01:45:44 How was your August?
01:45:46 So far.
01:45:50 Please look up burning sands.
01:45:53 We come from kings and Queens on YouTube.
01:45:56 Netflix pushing literal we was kings stuff in movies.
01:46:00 Or maybe we have some insider that pushes our memes there.
01:46:04 Burning sands.
01:46:05 Let's take a look at burning Sands, huh?
01:46:12 Burning sands.
01:46:25 Well, here's the ohh that looks funny.
01:46:29 Well, here's the official trailer.
01:46:30 This is old.
01:46:31 Though this says.
01:46:33 Four years ago.
01:46:41 I don't think this is what you're talking.
01:46:43 It's about black people.
01:46:44 I don't see any we.
01:46:44 Was kangs though.
Speaker 2
01:46:50 Welcome to Whataburger.
01:46:51 Can I take?
01:46:51 Your order 30 sausage biscuits 30.
01:46:54 Hash Browns, chicken, egg and cheese on those, please.
01:46:55 Over there.
01:46:59 Hold on now.
01:47:01 We're trying out on napkins.
01:47:08 It's all about the brotherhood.
01:47:10 After pledging a land to man is.
01:47:12 Ready for anything?
01:47:13 It's a right of passage.
01:47:14 Gonna earn the ship.
01:47:15 You are in the good hands of.
Speaker 7
01:47:16 Generations of tradition.
01:47:18 And honorable brothers.
01:47:20 Don't we make it through the night?
01:47:22 That'll be us.
01:47:22 And you know that.
01:47:23 The brother gonna be in the family now.
01:47:25 Maybe now you backs for.
01:47:26 Life it's right here.
Speaker 11
01:47:26 I mean it looks.
Speaker 2
01:47:26 Super gay.
01:47:27 I don't see any.
01:47:28 We come from kings and Queens, man.
Speaker 2
01:47:29 Oh, there it is.
01:47:30 There it is.
Speaker 9
01:47:30 You, you. You.
01:47:31 From Kings and Queens, man not slaves.
Speaker 9
01:47:33 You you, you kings.
01:47:36 Hello. Yes Sir.
01:47:37 I'll be there in 10 minutes.
01:47:38 Yes, Sir.
01:47:39 How bad you want it?
01:47:40 Boy, I wanna be.
01:47:42 Let me tell you something about getting that.
01:47:44 Fraternity, you know?
Speaker 8
01:47:50 Find out what just any people will quietly send it to and you will find out the exact measure of injustice and wrong.
01:47:56 I think it's tough.
Speaker 1
01:47:57 Now let's wait for hell night.
Speaker 8
01:48:01 If we ever get free from the impressions and wrongs heaped upon us, we must pay.
01:48:06 For the removal.
01:48:07 Your engine aren't you and you really should get it looked.
Speaker 8
01:48:10 At I'm just trying to keep my OK.
01:48:11 I'm bored already.
01:48:15 Only chosen few make it.
01:48:18 It just looks like.
01:48:20 It looks like a black fraternity.
01:48:24 I mean.
01:48:24 Yeah, it's.
01:48:25 I'm probably.
01:48:25 I'm sure it's.
01:48:26 Super, you know.
01:48:29 Anti white and everything else but it just looks like it's part of.
01:48:31 The noise that at.
01:48:33 This point I just expect every Netflix show, it'll be that show.
01:48:38 Why anyone would still be giving Netflix their money and and funding that ****?
01:48:43 I don't know.
01:48:45 But if you are, you're at this point.
01:48:47 You're just an incompetent person.
01:48:49 You are. You're an incompetent person with no self-control, and you, you're your inability. You're basically a liability, your liability if you still pay for Netflix, you're a liability.
01:49:03 Let's take a look here.
01:49:05 What a coincidence that most popular Maga blacks, Candace Owens and Brandon Tatum each have a white spouse to promote race mixing.
01:49:18 The other day I found a book by Douglas Murray called the madness of crowds.
01:49:24 I don't know anything about that guy, but the book seems interesting.
01:49:28 Do you think it's worth buying?
01:49:32 I've never read it.
01:49:33 I've heard it.
01:49:36 So I don't I, but I've never read it.
01:49:41 Douglas Murray is the isn't he kind of a libertarian?
Speaker 5
01:49:47 Let's see here.
01:49:51 In a way.
01:49:55 And he's gay.
01:49:58 He's uh.
Speaker 5
01:50:01 Yeah, I don't.
01:50:01 Know what his politics are specifically?
01:50:03 It's just he's gay.
01:50:04 But he's anti woke and so people thought that and I've seen the interview.
01:50:08 He's he's not a dumb.
01:50:10 But I just, you know, I'm just tired of.
01:50:14 Gay intellectuals telling me ****.
01:50:17 So is it worth a read?
01:50:20 I don't know.
01:50:20 There's probably a lot of people that.
01:50:21 Would say it is.
01:50:25 I've never read.
01:50:25 It there are a lot of race oriented oriented wait, there are a there are lots of race oriented dating sites like J date the Muslim one muslima.com is very funny when flirting or when filling out personal info they got every religion and sub religion.
01:50:45 Except Jewish.
01:50:47 When you describe your prettiness, there are six boxes ranging from beautiful to real.
01:50:53 Super pretty.
01:50:57 That's embarrassing.
01:51:00 There are some awful people on these.
01:51:04 On these dating sites, it's a **** show.
01:51:12 Most people are just looking for mindless entertainment.
01:51:15 Of course.
01:51:15 People who run platforms such as Netflix realize this.
01:51:18 Thus place the propaganda in there.
01:51:21 So much of this stuff is just, I mean, it's very predictable, it's it's not worth, I mean, even if it was on our side it.
01:51:26 Wouldn't be worth paying for it.
01:51:28 Talk about the.
01:51:29 Freedom Phone this YouTuber talks about.
01:51:33 It well, I can't look at links in the chat on this.
01:51:38 The freedom front is is sure it's a grift like everything else, it's some old Android phone that I don't know.
01:51:44 They probably loaded.
01:51:46 There's like open.
01:51:47 So I mean like as Android is open source.
01:51:51 So it's not that hard to just get Android and and customize it a little bit.
01:51:56 They probably preinstalled some **** and then.
01:52:00 You know, here.
01:52:01 Here's here's a farm.
01:52:02 We'll we'll we'll overcharge you for and it just.
01:52:06 Has a bunch of.
01:52:07 Stuff you could have put on it.
01:52:08 On any phone, and we'll call it the Freedom Phone and use promo code.
01:52:14 You know, Jack Hasselbeck or whatever it is.
01:52:17 To Chang, to Chang.
01:52:19 It's all a grift.
01:52:21 It's literally all a grift.
01:52:23 Like all of Trump, world is a grift, and people just don't get it.
01:52:28 And why would?
01:52:28 They because Americans are consumers.
Speaker 6
01:52:32 Why wouldn't they?
Speaker 11
01:52:33 Get like they they they don't get anything else.
01:52:36 Consuming is is their natural state is consumption.
01:52:41 So if you create a culture that that's.
01:52:44 Just you know, it's just built.
01:52:45 Around more consumption, they're going to just.
01:52:48 Feel right at home?
01:52:51 You should make a jade profile laugh and show us the juices you attract that.
01:52:55 Would be interesting.
01:52:57 That might actually be kind of a.
01:52:58 Funny idea.
01:53:00 Do you sometimes fantasize about time traveling?
01:53:02 With 50s or maybe?
01:53:06 What? What year is that?
01:53:09 Then is an X10.
01:53:14 The 19th century.
01:53:17 Why would you?
01:53:18 Why would you do it like that?
01:53:21 Even and showing don't use Roman numerals here, even in showing current degeneracy to people of the past.
01:53:31 Reactions would be interested or would be interesting.
Speaker 6
01:53:34 I don't know if I had like a A.
01:53:36 I mean, look, there's a.
01:53:37 Million things that want to look at if I had a time machine.
01:53:39 But I'll never have a time.
01:53:41 What about all this jab to keep your job stuff of the.
01:53:46 South Dakota cooked or Government of South Dakota cooked and.
01:53:50 Said plenty of new jobs.
01:53:53 In a tweet?
01:53:55 No, I told you that they're going to while the people down, they're going to have different jobs.
01:53:58 They're going to say you have to get it, and so you're going to have people who are nominally anti VAX or maybe just they really are just vaccine hesitant and they'll get it and eventually you're going to just get down to the same amount of people that we have in our.
01:54:10 Movement, which isn't a.
01:54:11 Huge percentage.
01:54:13 The only thing that's.
01:54:14 Maybe a little bit of a white pill as I saw it today, that there was a.
01:54:20 Let me bring this up.
Speaker 11
01:54:25 And again, this is just, there's a little tiny white pill, but it's.
01:54:27 Still, you know it's.
01:54:30 It's a white pill, I guess.
Speaker 7
01:54:36 Where is that at?
01:54:43 Here we are.
01:55:01 Alright, this is from Newsweek.
01:55:08 It's trying to load an ad.
01:55:14 And of course, for Newsweek, this is like, this is the worst news they've ever heard.
01:55:24 23% of Republican men have favorable view of white nationalists.
01:55:32 A new poll shows that nearly 1/4 of Republican men surveyed said they have either a very or somewhat favorable view of white nationalists in America today, while a double digit percentage of GOP male voters have a very fair favorable view of white nationalist groups.
01:55:49 A morning Consult National tracking poll of 2000 registered US voters was released Friday and found that voters overall reject white supremacist groups by overwhelming percentages and large majority say that they either never heard of or have no or have no opinion of antiva.
01:56:09 A loose neck group of anti fascists, but among Republicans.
01:56:14 Male, male or male voters? 23%. Here's here's that's still a small number. That sounds like a lot.
01:56:20 Oh wow 23.
01:56:21 Percent. They're saying, though, that's 23% of male Republicans. You got to whittle.
01:56:27 That down, so even if we're just really generalizing, you're talking 23%.
01:56:34 Of half of half.
01:56:37 Which is still not shabby, but it's still it's not 23%.
01:56:42 You know what I mean?
01:56:44 So it it's.
01:56:49 It is what it is.
01:56:52 But you're going to.
01:56:53 Have that kind of a small.
01:56:54 Number because look, it's not just, it's almost.
01:56:57 Like you have the.
01:57:00 The the more extreme right and the more extreme real left, not like the woke left, but like the, you know, like the Jimmy Dore left.
01:57:13 You've got those guys and and.
01:57:16 Not all of them.
01:57:17 A lot of them are very pro VAX right. A lot of them are drinking the kool-aid because the the left is is who's in power.
01:57:24 So they have more reason to believe whatever the power structure tells them, but there are still like a small number you know of of of people.
01:57:33 But it's real small, like the Whitney Webb types, right?
01:57:35 Because I don't think she's right wing at all.
01:57:36 She's probably leans.
01:57:39 So you've got like the that tiny amount of lefties that are.
01:57:45 They're only lefties at this point really, because they think the right wings mean and probably scary or you know, I mean it's it's just like I think an emotional decision that they're not on the.
01:57:55 Right.
01:57:56 Because if you look at everything they talk about, it's.
01:57:58 Very in line with what we talked about.
01:58:00 It's just that I guess the race realism is probably a big too big a pill for them to swallow that.
01:58:06 Sort of thing, but you're talking about a relatively minor.
01:58:11 Minor part of the the population, even that's going to be opposing vaccines even among the right, there's a lot of right wing people that were like getting the vaccine and stuff and saying, you know, that you're crazy to oppose this.
01:58:23 I mean, not so much these days.
01:58:25 You know that more information has come out, but there's a lot of people that went along with this.
01:58:29 Again, it's something I understand because it's like, how can you simultaneously.
01:58:32 Believe that the ruling class is out to get you once the place or you know, displace you and kill you.
01:58:38 And you say you believe these things, but yet at the same time believe, and you also believe they're incompetent in, you know, in evil and stuff, right?
01:58:45 You believe all those things, but you're going to just take this experimental potion that they have and put it in your body that that that doesn't add up to me.
01:58:57 But there was a lot.
01:58:58 Of people that.
01:58:59 That initially went along with that, but I would say, you know, at least the majority, it is kind of a partisan thing, which is weird, but well, it's not that weird.
01:59:09 I guess the right is way less trusting of the media also and.
01:59:15 You know I.
01:59:16 Guess if you want to at.
01:59:18 The very least, like I said, Trump had something to do with that.
01:59:21 If you want to.
01:59:21 Give Trump anything.
01:59:22 I guess he did that.
01:59:24 So you have.
Speaker 11
01:59:26 You have like.
01:59:27 A A portion of the right that's fairly sizeable and then, but at the same time that's going to be an age group thing.
01:59:36 I know lots of right wing boomers that got the jab that they were itching for it to come out.
01:59:43 They got it the second it.
01:59:45 Was available and look.
01:59:46 Trump still brings up being the king of the vaccine.
01:59:49 That is, that is rallies and people still cheer.
01:59:53 Now again, it's it's who's showing up the Trump.
01:59:56 Right. I mean really, in in 2021. Well, it's, I'll tell you who's showing up to Trump rallies in 2021. The same people that's giving them 82,000,000 ******* dollars.
02:00:06 So it's still a lot of people you're talking about.
02:00:08 All those people think the vaccines cool.
02:00:11 You had a.
02:00:11 Clearly, a conference call recently where all these people that.
02:00:16 You know, Team Maga was told to start pushing the vaccine because just all in one day you had, you know, Giuliani start saying to push you.
Speaker 11
02:00:24 Know Ohh, make sure you get the vaccine.
02:00:25 I mean and, you know, Hannity was like, oh, make sure you get the vaccine and, you know, Trump even released a statement.
02:00:31 And so, you know, they've been pushing it and you've got. So the Maga sheep that are giving Trump $82 million, they're not really anti banks.
02:00:40 What you're talking about is, is really kind of a a small number of people, at least in this country.
02:00:47 It looks as though there's a little more of a pushback in countries like France.
02:00:53 And in countries like even it looks like.
02:00:58 Although they're not as successful at protesting, I I think I saw a number that on Australia which has like become kind of a an authoritarian state in a in a shocking speed.
02:01:11 You know, starting with.
02:01:12 Removal of the.
02:01:13 Guns a decade or so ago, or it's been a.
02:01:17 Couple of decades now.
02:01:20 But I think that their their vaccination was they were only at like 14% of the population or something like that and we're closer to.
02:01:28 We're closer to 50.
02:01:30 I I'd have to look, I'm not sure what it is now with the new ones, but there's a lot of people that are vaccinated.
02:01:35 There's a lot.
02:01:35 Of people that will do it without a fight, and especially if you waive their job in front of them, there's there's people that that in fact there was a story that came out yesterday about because in Missouri.
02:01:48 Missouri is kind of a base state if you didn't.
02:01:50 You know Missouri, it's very socially unacceptable to be getting the vaccine.
02:01:55 And they said in Missouri there was like lots of reports of people secretly getting the vaccine and then not telling their friends because they didn't want to be ostracized for getting the vaccine.
02:02:07 So you've got a a whole bunch of different.
02:02:11 People that are just going to do it and at a certain point it'll either I don't know if they're going to be, if they'll just eventually say we've got enough people, you know, we've we're we we've got 80% or 90% or like whatever it is and they'll just lay off or if they'll because the you got to think of how useful.
02:02:29 It is you.
02:02:30 Understand that like if you are the ruling class, you could potentially let put this, you know use this to your advantage.
02:02:37 Use this the idea that in the same way you're you're going to have people that will never, ever, ever.
02:02:43 Want to get rid?
02:02:44 You know that will always want to hang out of their guns.
02:02:46 You're going to have a percentage of people who will never, ever, ever, ever want to voluntarily use vaccines.
02:02:52 You're going to have a a sizable, you know, at the same time it's, you know, compared to the rest of the country, it's it's a small number of people, but it's still you have a sizable number of people and they're very vocal.
02:03:03 Number of people that are going to be anti VAX and so you could use that to your advantage in a lot of different.
02:03:11 Is to increase the control, you could say, well, you've got all these anti VAX people walking around and they pose a threat, you know, like the science.
02:03:20 The funny thing is, everything I talked about in the last stream about the science behind the vaccines, it all came out in the mainstream like the next day that, you know.
02:03:27 Everything I was saying on that stream was.
02:03:29 100% what was right.
02:03:32 And that that actually you know that it's it's the people that got the vaccine.
02:03:39 That have created environments for the virus to mutate and and become more dangerous and more contagious because it's not actually a vaccine.
02:03:49 It's just a therapeutic that gets rid of the symptoms, so it just makes it easier for the host to walk around and be a super spreader as they like to say, right?
02:03:59 And so they will tell.
Speaker 11
02:04:00 Everyone like Ohh you have all these back unvaccinated people walking around.
02:04:04 You know, we got like this, they're super, they'll say whatever.
02:04:07 Right.
02:04:08 And then they'll use that to push more of this.
02:04:11 You know, the contact tracing stuff.
02:04:14 They haven't used that terminal in a while, at least not in the mainstream.
02:04:17 I haven't heard that in a while that used to be like all they.
02:04:19 Talked about for a few months.
02:04:21 So now I don't know if they've they've switched it to another term, or if they they're going to, you know, go about it a different approach.
02:04:27 But they want that technology in place.
02:04:30 They want the ability to track anyone at all times using their phones, and they want to be able to track when you, you know, enter stores and do all this other stuff.
02:04:40 And that is, I think, going to.
Speaker 2
02:04:43 That's going to be a.
02:04:44 Side effect of the of this COVID stuff is that when.
02:04:50 When and if.
02:04:52 We ever get out of this mode of like masks and lockdowns and whatever, like a year from now or however long it takes, when they go back.
02:04:59 To the new.
02:05:00 Normal that new normal is going to be.
02:05:03 A very.
02:05:07 Very tracked normal.
02:05:10 You know it's going to be very even more than it is already.
02:05:14 You know, it's just that in fact, I think a lot of this is just.
02:05:17 Putting in.
02:05:17 Place the legal structure for what they're already doing, like a lot of this stuff they're already doing, or at least they have the capability of doing, and they do on occasion.
02:05:30 Now that maybe that maybe this just this formalizes it, right?
02:05:34 It makes it so it's easier for them to use.
02:05:36 This data against you in court and use it openly, maybe not even against you in court, to use it to destroy you.
02:05:43 You know, we've got like these partnerships now with people with, you know, like between ADL and and PayPal.
02:05:49 And part of the user agreement when you sign up for PayPal, you know they're like, oh, we're going to share your information with our partners.
02:05:57 Well, now that partner is ADL, so the ADL, if you have like a PayPal me you know like oh just PayPal me money at this address or whatever then you know which a lot of people.
02:06:09 Two then they can.
02:06:10 The ADL just has to get that address and go to PayPal now and say OK, what does this guy buy?
02:06:17 Where does he live?
02:06:18 You know like?
02:06:20 How much money does he have all this?
02:06:22 Yeah, they can find out all kinds of information on someone just using.
02:06:25 That's like having it's like almost like having for some people, depending how much online stuff you do. It's like doing online banking, you know, that's that's that's another thing gabs actually doing. Gabe's doing a replacement for PayPal.
02:06:39 And again without the 82,000,000 ******* dollars that Trump got.
02:06:43 You know where's where's Trump's replacement for PayPal? Where's Trump's replacement for?
02:06:48 YouTube you know.
02:06:49 Oh well, that's right.
02:06:51 It's all these ventures started by his billionaire buddies that already censor.
02:07:00 You know, there's no free speech.
02:07:01 Alternately, they don't.
02:07:02 They don't want free speech.
02:07:05 They don't want that at all.
02:07:07 They're just as they're just as in bed with Israel as as anyone else and and that's.
02:07:14 Anyway, so the.
02:07:18 I I it's I think that I think we're in for.
02:07:24 There's so many things going on, you know, like there's just so many.
02:07:27 It's so dynamic right now.
02:07:29 It's so many moving pieces, it's hard to tell where this is going to end up, but it's not going to end up anywhere good.
02:07:35 And which is why you need to start preparing and and and.
02:07:39 Just get ready for.
02:07:40 You know, worst case scenarios, there's going to be no way of predicting what happens.
02:07:45 But if you're going to have.
02:07:48 I mean, look at.
02:07:48 It might be like, you know, I was talking about how, you know, the technology exists now to where it's impossible for them to have a food shortage.
02:07:55 You know, it would have.
02:07:56 To be intentional.
02:07:58 Well, what if instead of a food shortage, that's just they'd be platform you from buying groceries?
02:08:03 You know, that's the kind of thing that I think would be more likely.
02:08:06 I don't think it's going to be like a famine because ohh we mismanage the.
02:08:09 Crops and blah.
02:08:10 But now we don't.
Speaker 11
02:08:11 Have food, we.
02:08:12 Throw away so much, like tons and tons and tons and tons.
02:08:15 And tons of food.
02:08:17 And so I don't think it's going to be anything like that.
02:08:21 It's going to be more about you being necessarily you're going to have to detach from society because they're going to make it impossible for you to function within it if you have certain beliefs, if you have certain principles.
02:08:37 You know the mark of the beast type of thing like I I mentioned on Twitter like maybe the mark of the beast.
02:08:42 It's not like a technology.
02:08:43 Maybe it's not like a specific thing, like people like always say ohh every time it's funny cause I've been watching this happen.
Speaker 11
02:08:50 It's not, not nothing, it's.
02:08:51 Nothing new.
02:08:52 Ever since the 90s, I've seen news reports talking about, oh, this new chip that you're gonna get in your head and you'll be able to pay for.
02:08:58 And it's the the they literally.
02:08:59 Say in some instances it's the size of a grain of rice, and people always flip out.
02:09:04 Like I saw like I literally saw newspaper articles in the 90s talking about something the size of a grain of rice that you could put in your hand.
02:09:12 They were talking like.
02:09:13 It was an RFID kind of a thing that you put in your hand and then you you, you buy and sell using that and everyone was freaking out.
02:09:19 Like I'm sure Alex Jones, who I wasn't watching at the time, was probably ******** his pants all.
02:09:23 Over, you know, the radio.
02:09:25 About the the mark of the.
02:09:27 These stuff, but then it never happens, right?
02:09:30 And so.
02:09:31 My point is what?
02:09:32 If it's not about that at all.
Speaker 11
02:09:33 What? Because the the.
02:09:34 Book. Let's face it, Jesus, the way when he talks it's it's like he's speaking almost 100% in parables, you know, it's he's using metaphors for everything because metaphors are the best way to communicate. Complicated.
02:09:47 Ethical problems to uncomplicated people.
02:09:51 And what if it's just another one of those things where really it's not about a specific type of technology that's going to be going in your hand in your forehead or whatever?
02:10:01 And like, that's literally the mark of the beast.
02:10:04 And you know.
02:10:04 Whatever, but more.
02:10:05 It's just about the the idea of the concept that if you.
02:10:12 Your body in such a way that you receive a mark.
02:10:17 You know, whether it's a, a chip or a a tattoo, and there was another time people thought you'd get.
Speaker 11
02:10:23 Like the you?
02:10:23 Know the UPC symbols.
02:10:25 You know those bar codes that you get a bar code tattooed on you there?
02:10:29 People that thought that back in the 80s.
02:10:31 You know, like everyone thinks everything is the the mark of the beast all the time.
02:10:35 But maybe it's not about anything specific, but it's just the the idea.
02:10:40 That if the second you surrender your body and allow it to be branded in order to participate in someones system, you are literally agreeing to be a slave.
02:10:52 That that qualifies.
02:10:54 As a signature on a on a slavery contract.
02:10:58 Because how, how, how, how would it not?
02:11:02 And I think that's really what we're headed for.
02:11:05 And again, I don't think maybe anything you know, not necessarily anything that the Bible was predicting or anything like that.
02:11:11 But I'm a firm believer that once you surrender your jurisdiction of your body, that's why this COVID stuff.
02:11:16 Is so important.
02:11:18 And that's why it's so important that you you fight the idea that the government, or really anyone, would have the right to force anything into your body like that.
02:11:28 And people always say.
Speaker 11
02:11:29 Oh well, you know, like it's.
02:11:31 Not like the first one.
02:11:32 You need to have vaccines to go to public school, you.
02:11:34 Don't have to go to public school.
02:11:38 You can have a kid and not vaccinate them.
02:11:43 And that's why they did that.
02:11:44 Because they wanted you to get the vaccination.
02:11:47 So they made it.
02:11:47 That was the incentive.
02:11:48 That was the stick.
02:11:50 You couldn't bring your kids because they couldn't force you to put the injection on your kid, but they could say, well, we can't let your kid in unless you have the injection.
02:12:00 And so most people just did it.
02:12:04 You don't have to.
02:12:05 You don't have to put your skin or kid into government programming schools.
02:12:09 The **** would you do that anyway?
02:12:12 So right now they don't have like every time you see like when Don Lemon was saying that the other day on that clip I played where like ohh, we already have vaccines, you have to take.
02:12:22 No you don't.
Speaker 2
02:12:24 No you don't.
02:12:26 That's ********.
02:12:30 And the second you give up jurisdiction over your bloodstream, it's over you.
02:12:34 I mean, you're literally signing a A permission slip.
02:12:39 Because it's the slippery slope thing we keep talking about, it's not a fallacy.
02:12:45 OK, let's say even if look, it's not true.
02:12:49 But let's say for like the most blue pilled fagots. So for you to understand this ****, let's say COVID 100% real and the vaccine is 100% effective and and just just.
02:12:59 Man did it already, so we can get over, you know, get through this and be done with it.
02:13:06 OK, well, you've now created that that precedent.
02:13:10 You've now made it OK.
02:13:13 You've given permission to the government that when they decide it's necessary for the greater good and who defines that not you.
02:13:22 So when someone more powerful than you decides that something is in in service of the greater good.
02:13:29 They can inject you like part one of the powers they have access to.
02:13:34 Is injecting you with something?
02:13:39 And you can't fight the.
02:13:41 The logic of it.
02:13:43 Because that's the logic you used.
02:13:44 When you agreed to the.
02:13:45 COVID ****.
02:13:48 That's how this **** works.
02:13:49 That's how the slippery slope **** works.
02:13:54 You give in on a principle.
02:14:00 The slippery slope might as well be called absence of principles.
02:14:10 That's why you stand up for your principles, even when it seems kind of stupid.
02:14:16 Even when if you didn't, the immediate outcome might be better.
02:14:27 Because if you don't stick to them, you're just.
02:14:29 Sliding down the ******* slope.
02:14:42 With nothing to stick to.
02:14:47 But it's true.
02:14:48 It's that's.
02:14:49 That's the only thing that's preventing you from sliding down the slope is the principles.
02:14:54 And every time we give in, and as a people we've given in.
02:14:59 God countless times.
02:15:01 And it's always looked right, like perfect example.
02:15:04 Did you know that when income tax?
02:15:07 Income tax was first introduced.
02:15:10 Oh, don't worry guys.
02:15:13 It's 1% of the income of the top 1%.
Speaker 2
02:15:20 That's it.
02:15:25 How'd that work out?
02:15:31 How'd that work out?
02:15:36 They just want to get married.
02:15:40 How'd that work out?
02:15:52 You you gave in.
02:15:53 On a principle, because you you said, well, you know this in the context of this immediate thing that you're presenting.
02:16:00 Oh, look, these two guys who I find you know personally pleasant and it doesn't hurt me and and with my children if they get married and whatever I'm going to bet.
02:16:10 I'm going to dissolve my principle.
02:16:13 And allow that to happen.
02:16:14 Well, now you've got nothing to hold on to.
02:16:19 You know you have no argument for anything else cause if if that was OK.
02:16:25 Than literally everything else is though that principle used to hold hold together.
02:16:36 It's not easy.
02:16:37 You have to fight it all the time because there are lots of times where it seems like, well, this seems unfair in the micro.
02:16:45 This is not the optimum outcome, or at least this isn't the outcome that makes me feel good.
02:16:52 In the now.
02:17:00 I'll just give it.
02:17:01 A little.
02:17:02 There's no giving it a little.
Speaker 11
02:17:10 See here.
02:17:14 Put Unvexed only on OkCupid profile.
02:17:17 Hilarious responses.
02:17:19 Did someone do that already?
02:17:20 That would maybe be funny.
02:17:24 I actually that that that might be.
Speaker 2
02:17:27 That could that.
Speaker 11
02:17:28 Could be like a.
02:17:29 Funny stream just doing a whole bunch of dating apps.
02:17:31 Social experiments.
02:17:34 Uh, you could try meetup.com. You can find different groups you're interested in. I've I've done that in the past when I've moved to different areas and it's always been kind of weird.
02:17:46 Maybe a dumb question, but what do you think about conventional mail?
02:17:50 Is it more secure than e-mail?
02:17:55 It's more secure in terms of them reading it.
02:17:59 I mean in that that you can do things that are easy to at least prevent them from reading it, or at least make it obvious that they did read it.
02:18:08 If they read it but they track it, they track.
02:18:12 Where everyone's who, who everyone's mailing and when.
02:18:15 And where and all that stuff.
02:18:17 And they take photos of every piece of mail.
02:18:19 I mean, again you you can package it in such a way that it.
02:18:23 They can't, you know?
02:18:24 They won't.
02:18:25 They can't read it, but.
02:18:27 Or if they open it that that you'll know.
02:18:34 Germany offered and one brought worst for the jab, but allegedly thousands showed up because of it.
02:18:41 Well, we offered Donuts here, Nick says the plan is to get out of the cities, get some land, get married, have lots of kids and form communities.
02:18:51 Really, he's saying that now it wasn't.
02:18:53 He giving me.
02:18:54 **** like again.
02:18:56 It's the six month delay.
02:18:58 He's really saying that now, though.
02:18:59 That's kind of funny.
02:19:06 I distinctly remember getting **** from him.
Speaker 11
02:19:09 Or maybe not me.
02:19:10 Specifically with that idea specifically, while I was saying that.
02:19:17 Not that long ago.
02:19:19 So it it's interesting if he's saying that now.
02:19:27 Did you see the Netflix pushing a movie called Blood Red Sky, where the terrorist hijackers are mostly white area looking guys?
02:19:35 One black dude?
02:19:36 Well, Muslim guy gets falsely accused.
02:19:38 No surprised they had a black guy though.
02:19:44 I'm going to Fast forward to the.
02:19:46 I didn't realize how far behind this thing was.
02:19:49 A silver lining of anti white persecution as it pushes whites to form communities that were Dutton talked about stress and persecution, making people of no national.
02:19:58 Yeah, I I talked about this like.
02:20:00 Years ago that the blood that holds a lot of these groups together is the victim narrative.
02:20:07 You know, like, well, Jews are an obvious.
Speaker 11
02:20:09 Example like the the Holocaust, the Holocaust.
02:20:11 And whites don't have a victim narrative, and unfortunately I think we're going to have to experience a victim narrative.
02:20:20 To have that in Group preference and I'm I'm I think it's on the way.
02:20:27 And again, victim narrative maybe.
02:20:29 Not the right way to put it.
02:20:30 But you know what I'm talking about when I say that.
02:20:38 Why is this?
02:20:39 Oh, this didn't actually even go to the beginning.
02:20:49 Donnie Browning says Ohh you're talking to someone else.
02:20:53 Chage says yo, I'm 14 and in you.
02:20:57 OK, we'll be able to have.
02:21:01 Homestead are you asking?
02:21:03 I don't know.
02:21:03 I don't know.
02:21:04 The situation is in the UK or how hard that is to do.
02:21:06 I would imagine it's harder to do.
02:21:08 Than it is.
02:21:08 In America.
02:21:09 But if you're 14, you've got time to start saving up.
02:21:12 I don't know.
02:21:13 Again, I don't know.
02:21:13 You can when you can get a job.
02:21:15 I got.
02:21:15 I had a.
02:21:15 Job when I was 14.
02:21:16 It was like a mentorship, but I I got.
02:21:19 Paid a little bit and then I got a job.
02:21:21 I had to go.
02:21:22 They legally let you get a workers permit at.
02:21:26 Forget if it was 14 or 15, but you just had to go down and do it.
02:21:30 And then I got it and I was working at fast food jobs before I was 16, which is like the age you're.
02:21:36 Supposed to start?
02:21:38 Start making money as soon as you possibly can, even if it's shift work and just start putting it away.
02:21:43 Because you know, most of us are not going.
02:21:45 To get an inheritance.
02:21:48 Near bad experience, I went to the dentist and they asked me a bunch of COVID related questions and they leave the best for last.
02:21:56 Are you vaccinated?
02:21:57 I said yes.
02:21:57 They don't check for vaccine proof now.
02:22:00 Yeah, they don't.
02:22:01 Yeah, they will, though.
02:22:05 Iron Patriot, you sound tired and ejected tonight.
02:22:08 Are you?
02:22:09 Is your health OK?
02:22:10 I told you, I'm destroyed.
02:22:11 Like I I did a.
02:22:13 I I mean, look, it was I started about.
02:22:20 24 hours ago. I'm just. I'm really sore. I I did a approximately 16 mile hike with £50 rucksack starting at about 3:00 in the morning.
02:22:33 Yeah, well, technically, I guess yesterday now. So about about 24 hours ago, really. I. And and it was like a 5 hour.
02:22:41 Endeavor. So for five.
02:22:43 Hours I was carrying around £50 over uneven terrain.
02:22:47 And it was, look, it was fun and it.
Speaker 11
02:22:50 It wasn't that bad.
02:22:51 The last mile started to.
02:22:52 Be a little much my my shoulder started to get like felt bad.
02:22:56 Like the last mile or so.
02:22:59 But it's not too bad.
02:23:00 Just tired it warm me up.
02:23:08 Jabal 2550. Wait.
02:23:13 There's a bunch all at once.
02:23:15 Iceberg 123 thoughts in the original Red Dawn movie? I mean, it's pretty oversimplified.
02:23:21 It's a good movie, though.
02:23:22 I really like that.
02:23:22 When I was a kid.
02:23:23 I don't know that it would be, as I mean, I don't know what, how it would be viewed by someone not in the 80s or.
02:23:30 90s It's it's kind of.
02:23:33 Like it's kind of dated.
02:23:34 I watched it recently.
02:23:35 It's kind of dated.
02:23:37 It's also kind of larpy like, that's not how it would be at all, but it would be a cool.
02:23:42 I think it would be a cool movie to show like, say, like an 8 year old boy.
02:23:46 OK, you know because I think.
02:23:48 In the same way when I.
02:23:50 Was a real little kid, like real little.
02:23:51 Kid, my parents could show me like I Love Lucy episodes, you know, like black and white.
02:23:58 Rerun **** that they had, and as an adult I wouldn't have enjoyed it at all, but because I was a stupid kid, it was like all all the jokes.
02:24:07 One of the jokes were too unsophisticated for me because I was a kid, right?
02:24:11 And so I'd say the same thing with.
02:24:13 That movie is.
02:24:14 Audiences have become more sophisticated and as media has become more sophisticated and and just, it's not a sophisticated move.
02:24:22 And so it might have it.
02:24:23 Might it would probably bore.
02:24:25 An adult watching it for the first time now.
02:24:27 But it would.
02:24:28 Probably be great for like a a kid to watch, and it would have.
02:24:30 It has got a good message.
02:24:32 It's very anti coming.
02:24:33 It's got a little bit of a Kumbaya ending in a way, but it's still very anti commie.
02:24:41 Humans are still important or like the Jabal 255. Humans are still important as of right now, but things will change for humanity in the future.
02:24:50 Depopulation, by the mid twenty 30s is very likely.
02:24:53 I don't know.
02:24:54 I don't like to try to.
02:24:56 Predict the future.
02:24:56 It's it is very dynamic and there's a lot of moving pieces.
02:25:01 I would say that the future is not looking bright.
02:25:03 That's about as specific as I can probably get it right now.
02:25:07 Tomato Farmer movie review suggestion.
02:25:10 The devil all the time.
02:25:12 It will or it definitely has some anti Christian tones, but the hero is a white man that kills sexual degenerates and child abusers.
02:25:22 With an old Nazi gun, a trophy he got as a gift from his father for his birthday, I found it pretty based the devil of.
02:25:31 The devil all the time.
Speaker 2
02:25:34 What year did that?
02:25:35 Come out.
02:25:38 I doubt it's based.
02:25:39 There's very few movies that end up actually being based.
02:25:43 But killing Pedos is good.
02:25:51 And I'm not even typing right.
02:25:54 The devil all the time.
02:25:57 Ohh it's 2020.
02:25:59 Yeah, the chances that this is based is like.
02:26:05 But I will.
02:26:05 I'll check it out and it's a Netflix production.
02:26:08 Come on, man, you're killing me.
02:26:09 You're killing me.
02:26:13 You are killing me.
02:26:17 I'll I'll maybe watch it.
02:26:18 I I got a bookmark that.
02:26:20 But you're killing me.
02:26:21 There's no way.
02:26:22 I don't know.
02:26:22 Maybe I'm horribly misinformed on this, but I I.
02:26:26 Doubt it.
02:26:28 Base can get increased or how extreme are the elevation changes in your marches?
02:26:33 Not terribly.
02:26:34 I mean, I.
02:26:35 I did go to the peak.
02:26:37 Of a nearby mountain.
02:26:39 But it's not like a big mountain, more of a very Rocky Hill.
02:26:44 I don't know.
02:26:45 I'd have to.
02:26:45 I I don't think I measured it.
02:26:48 I'd have to.
02:26:48 I don't know that I have a GPS that can accurately measure it, but.
02:26:51 I could probably look at a map and figure it out.
02:26:54 Wasn't too crazy.
02:26:55 The very like the midpoint is because basically I do is I.
02:26:58 Climb up to a peak and then I go back.
02:27:04 Forward Ish and what cell phone company is the least Jewish?
02:27:08 I don't think there is such a thing.
02:27:10 Like I said, there's certain things where it's just like you're ****** either way and they're and just there's not going to.
02:27:16 Be like a based.
02:27:19 Global Corporation at all.
Speaker 8
02:27:22 You, you, you, you, lots of yous.
02:27:24 You should do a review of the shape of.
02:27:28 God, I've avoid.
02:27:29 I've been avoiding watching that.
02:27:32 Maybe someday I don't feel like watching it right now.
02:27:34 Iron patriot.
02:27:36 Glad you're OK.
02:27:38 We'll book two.
02:27:38 Have a sample of the of the fictional list.
Speaker 2
02:27:42 I don't know.
02:27:44 I'm going to.
02:27:44 Be careful about that.
02:27:48 I got to be careful about that.
02:27:49 The way things are going.
02:27:52 Golden doughnut and cough.
02:27:56 You're actually John, tighter in minute, is that the UM?
02:28:02 Is that the time traveler guy from like the 90s or whatever?
02:28:08 John, tighter.
02:28:15 Or am I thinking of someone else?
02:28:23 As the time traveler guy.
02:28:26 No, I'm not, John tighter.
02:28:31 Donald Trump, did you ever get around to watching the buck breaking film, or at least read the summary about it?
02:28:36 Know the summary I.
02:28:37 I I haven't watched it.
02:28:41 Maybe, maybe. Yeah. Maybe someday.
02:28:44 Curtis, does it seem or does it seem that you?
02:28:47 Have a lot of the.
Speaker 2
02:28:50 A lot of the right.
02:28:51 Alt right.
02:28:51 Mainstream folks are connected to Jews somehow, including many.
02:28:55 Of our supposed guys.
02:28:57 Does it seem are you asking a question?
02:29:00 I'd say all the MAGA people are.
02:29:03 Look, look, if you are a MAGA person.
02:29:07 Where that you are retweeted by anyone that's part of Team Trump.
02:29:12 You know, like you are pro Israel.
02:29:16 End of story.
02:29:17 You are pro Israel.
02:29:20 If you are even some of the fake, dissonant like, look, Tommy, you know that in the UK, Tommy Robinson or whatever, that's not his real name.
02:29:30 I don't.
02:29:30 Think but.
02:29:33 You know Tommy, he's he's that and that, that organization that he's.
02:29:38 Got pro Israel.
02:29:41 So there are a lot of these, these mega.
02:29:44 Dissident right figures.
02:29:46 Rebel media obvious you know, pro Israel.
02:29:50 A lot of this stuff is Pro Israel.
02:29:52 And so it's because of.
02:29:57 They they have, I mean, look and they have all the money.
02:29:59 So anyone that has anyone that looks like they've got money, they're pro Israel.
02:30:06 That's. Look, look.
02:30:07 Give me.
02:30:08 Give me.
02:30:09 Give me one.
02:30:11 Exception to that rule.
02:30:13 Anyone that's got like funding for like a set.
02:30:17 And someone that doesn't get the platform, someone that gets like the big endorsement endorsement deals, you know, they're all pro Israel.
02:30:26 And and people that are poor and live in a a bunker in the desert like me.
02:30:31 We're not pro Israel.
02:30:32 That's how that works.
Speaker 5
02:30:35 Jabal 2/5.
02:30:36 Five humans are still important or that one.
02:30:40 I'm gonna password again, all right.
02:30:41 I'm going to just.
02:30:42 Do the last couple here.
02:30:45 I think it's called base 4K three-year. I don't you can never say that. I don't know what you're how you're getting.
02:30:51 Oh wait, I'll do this one above at first.
02:30:53 Dog lamp Christians had a persecution narrative, but I guess that wasn't important to Americans.
02:30:59 Or did you mean a racial person?
02:31:01 Yeah, it needs to be a racial person.
02:31:02 Confusion like there has to be like the white genocide of 2035 that we all that we complain about as much as Jews complain about the Holocaust.
02:31:12 But I said, I think it's. I don't think we have to worry about inventing one. I think one's coming.
02:31:18 B4S4K3R excellent doc. You actual investigative journalism.
02:31:24 On child brothels and Oregon transplants, 2020 ones, eyes of the devil by Polish journalists Patrick Vega, it's free on YouTube, gives insights on the process.
02:31:38 Makes my blood boil.
02:31:40 Eyes of the devil.
02:31:43 Lots of devil things.
02:31:51 Alright, I'll maybe I'll watch that afterwards.
02:31:55 Iron patriot, what do I think of faith goalie?
02:31:57 She seemed like the only one that didn't follow the kosher narrative.
02:32:01 She's cool.
02:32:02 I've talked to her a couple times.
02:32:03 I've actually met her.
02:32:06 And I she was involved.
02:32:09 She got married and had had a kid and.
02:32:11 And that like.
02:32:12 That's kind of like I never heard from her again, really.
02:32:14 After that, so I don't know.
02:32:17 UM.
02:32:23 But base Acre, I guess you're saying is your name cold?
02:32:27 The other day I found it really good.
02:32:29 Documentary on debt and modern banking.
02:32:31 It was called money is debt.
02:32:34 The pill dispenser you said earlier that our enemies don't want free speech, but come on, we don't really want free speech either.
02:32:42 Well, we don't.
02:32:43 But we want it until we're in charge, just like they wanted it until they.
02:32:46 Were in charge.
02:32:48 It's crucial we have it until we're in charge.
02:32:52 Just like it was crucial for them to.
02:32:53 Have it until they were in charge.
02:32:56 But yeah, eventually I do want to get rid.
02:32:57 Of the poison.
02:33:00 That's we always did that, you know, like free speech had its limits.
02:33:04 You know, you still had it.
02:33:07 And it wasn't just.
02:33:08 In fact, it wasn't until like the **** stuff that came out, like the **** Supreme Court cases and all that stuff that where they started trying to define what free speech meant.
02:33:21 There was just some, I mean, there were, there were certain things that people we were in a homogeneous society.
02:33:27 There were just some things you don't have to codify.
02:33:28 You don't have to worry about.
02:33:32 You know, having to put it in writing because people just aren't.
02:33:34 Going to be doing it.
02:33:37 Alright, coder Anon 1400, a prominent Dave Cohen situation is Ireland is small. It is the size of South Carolina, a similar size population.
02:33:48 Also, the island of Great Britain is the size of the state of Idaho and has a population of over 60 million.
02:33:54 Europe is a lot smaller than most people realize.
02:33:59 Yeah, I understand when I was.
Speaker 5
02:34:01 A kid.
02:34:02 And we went.
02:34:03 To Disneyland and my parents started talking.
02:34:06 To a British couple.
02:34:07 And they they asked us where we were from.
02:34:10 We were, you know, we lived in California at the time.
02:34:13 My parents are like, oh, you know, this part of California, like, oh, she must have just driven here.
02:34:18 And my mom was like, yeah, you know, it's an 8 hour drive, and they were just like, what the ****?
02:34:22 Like, you drove 8 hours and you were in the in the same state.
02:34:25 The whole time.
02:34:26 Then yeah, by the same I guess by the same token.
02:34:29 A lot of.
02:34:30 Europeans don't realize how big America is.
02:34:33 Conrad Kingston, who's your choice for the next?
02:34:35 President, I don't know.
02:34:36 I I.
02:34:37 Honestly, whoever's worse, like the the worst possible president, is what?
02:34:42 I want.
02:34:44 Because anything else will be a pressure valve.
02:34:51 Ninja spy? I know.
02:34:52 Why that? Oh, wait.
02:34:54 You're going to talk to someone else.
02:34:59 Dog lamp as I was just thinking as you laugh, the red or red last one.
02:35:03 We are currently being targeted by every institution and targeted for violence.
02:35:07 Will it be enough for people to see what's going on?
02:35:12 Stupid battery notification came up.
02:35:18 Or will we have or will we again have to fight?
02:35:22 Our brothers, there's no there's going to be there's going to be just like every conflict.
02:35:27 It's not.
02:35:27 It's never going to be racially.
02:35:29 All one side versus another.
02:35:35 Iron Patriot, sorry if you covered it.
02:35:37 Did you see that Barbara Boxer got mugged in Oakland?
02:35:40 And I saw, like, a thing about it.
02:35:41 Everyone gets mugged in Oakland, though.
02:35:43 The look us all. There's a cool foreman scene in the movie. Bury my heart at wounded Knee from 2007 where Jen Miles meets with sitting Bull. Check that out.
02:36:02 You know, I'm just gonna.
02:36:04 You guys keep asking more and more and.
02:36:06 All right, one last one.
02:36:08 Coffee shock.
02:36:09 Eugenics should be in a future constitution.
02:36:13 This genic hordes always manifest the anarcho tyranny of the you know who's I don't think you need to legislate eugenics the way that you're thinking, though.
02:36:24 Because a lot of eugenics.
02:36:27 Already existed when you weren't subsidizing people that couldn't take care of themselves.
02:36:36 You know, like there should be, I think a welfare system of some sort to help people under certain circumstances, right.
02:36:47 But if the circumstances, you're just stupid.
02:36:50 And lazy.
02:36:53 You know, like it should be a temporary help.
02:36:57 And and it's one of those things that would be very difficult to actually get it in the place and eventually it would deteriorate in, in whatever.
02:37:05 But I just think that's how societies were.
02:37:07 I think honestly, the reason why you see these rise and fall rise and fall of all these empires or whatever.
02:37:13 I just think that's what happens.
02:37:16 I don't think that there's ever a I.
02:37:18 I just don't think that there's because of human nature, at least not now.
02:37:22 Maybe at a certain point in time, will.
02:37:23 Evolve past this.
02:37:24 But I just think that just the nature of of of people wanting to be, you know, certain people wanting to be parasites, wanting to get something for.
02:37:36 The second you start helping out, that's why libertarians want to go.
02:37:40 They they just want to be militant about it and just say no.
02:37:45 You know, everyone's everyone.
02:37:46 Every man for themselves.
02:37:48 Right, it's.
02:37:49 It's a reaction to this problem because again, it's their principle and it's that their slippery slope.
02:37:56 But because there is more Gray and everything is black and white, there is some Gray area in.
02:38:01 The world you end up.
02:38:03 Having to have some slippery slopes in certain parts of your your.
02:38:09 You know, even if it's not because we don't have a dictator.
02:38:11 Just I guess if.
02:38:12 We had a dictator at work, right?
02:38:15 Maybe that's an argument for a dictator, but then that's the problem too, because then you get a bad dictator.
02:38:19 And you know you're ******.
02:38:20 So it's it's.
02:38:22 The because you you it's impossible to have an entire society to agree on principles.
02:38:29 You end up having to fold on some principles and variable like we just discussed you create then create slippery slopes and then it's just a matter of time for, you know as to how.
02:38:40 Long it takes you to get to the bottom of the slope.
02:38:43 And by the time you get to the bottom of enough slopes, everything falls apart, and then you got.
02:38:49 To rebuild again.
02:38:50 So anyway.
02:38:52 Hope you guys had a good Saturday night Sunday morning.
Speaker 6
02:38:58 I might go back to bed.
02:39:01 I don't want to go back.
02:39:02 To bed. But I'm.
02:39:03 Certainly going to relax my shoulders are sore as hell.
02:39:07 And I'll be more refreshed for the next stream and I am going to.
02:39:14 Hop in too.
02:39:14 I know I mentioned something about it, but I am.
02:39:16 Going to hop.
02:39:16 Into the discord sometime in the next couple.
02:39:19 Days. Let's just say.
02:39:23 That's best I can do.
02:39:24 For right now, but I.
02:39:25 Did I actually hopped in?
02:39:27 Before I did my my telegram chat today, I popped into the discord first, but it was kind of a ghost town because, you know, because of me.
02:39:34 Because I haven't.
02:39:35 I haven't been.
02:39:37 Nurturing it the way it needs to be nurtured.
02:39:39 So I'm going to hop in there and see what's going on.
02:39:41 And one of the things.
02:39:43 We'll we'll talk.
02:39:44 Actually, we'll talk about this next stream, but one of.
02:39:46 The things I talked about.
02:39:47 In that Telegram chat was we should be we should have a fit challenge going on.
02:39:56 Because I think there's a lot of people that are probably listening right now.
02:39:59 You know your computer guys.
02:40:00 You know there's your, you know, programmers or you're maybe you're in the video business.
02:40:06 I know there's a lot of creatives that listen.
02:40:08 To this, but you do a lot of sitting for your job.
02:40:10 There's there's or you have a desk job.
02:40:12 Who knows?
02:40:12 There's a lot of people, a lot of Americans, and just a lot of people.
Speaker 11
02:40:15 In the West.
02:40:16 You have a sitting job.
02:40:17 And you've probably let yourself go.
02:40:19 A little bit and I think it's time that, especially as things are getting a little bit weird that you start not just preparing your supplies.
02:40:28 So you start preparing your body.
02:40:30 So I think that the discord server might be a great place.
02:40:33 That where we can have a challenge, an ongoing challenge with some accountability, where we have to check in on a regular basis, I've already started.
02:40:42 That's part of why I was doing the ruck March.
02:40:44 I've already started something that that we could turn into the the the black pill diet.
02:40:50 It's pretty ********.
02:40:51 Not everyone's going to be.
02:40:52 Up for it.
02:40:53 But it works and I'm well well into it and it's working great and.
02:40:59 So we'll we'll maybe talk about that.
02:41:02 On the on.
02:41:02 The discord anyway for black pilled.
02:41:06 And I don't think my, I think the Indian animation.
02:41:09 It's not going to.
02:41:10 Be I think it's gonna be.
02:41:12 The old one, so you might.
02:41:12 Have you might have an awkward ending video, but anyway, for black people, I.
02:41:18 Am Dennis stack.
02:41:32 You know what?
02:41:32 I'm just going to have you guys listen to that song again, because why not Russian synth?
02:41:38 For the win.
Speaker 8
02:42:13 My my.
02:43:29 Did I?