

Speaker 1
00:08:26 Don't know.
Speaker 2
00:06:34 Right.
00:07:14 Follow me.
00:08:20 Yeah, I I don't think it's going.
00:08:22 To make any difference.
00:08:24 Because it's it's doing, it's behaving the same way as it was.
00:08:27 A second ago.
Speaker 7
00:08:30 So anyway it.
00:08:31 Is what it.
00:08:31 Is well, you just have to watch the replay.
00:08:35 All right.
00:08:38 In other news, there's some other videos I want to take a look at.
00:08:41 There's actually a video I want to take a look at.
00:08:42 I haven't even seen this video yet.
00:08:44 I saw it getting passed around.
00:08:46 I didn't have time to actually watch it, so we're gonna watch it together.
00:08:50 So let me bring that up now.
00:08:54 There is a liberal woman who is having to deal with diversity.
00:09:04 Here we go.
00:09:12 I think this is in Portland.
00:09:19 There we go.
00:09:20 There we are.
Speaker 7
00:09:25 I believe this is in Portland.
00:09:37 And get Part 2 loaded up.
00:09:41 Because this is.
00:09:42 Apparently kind of long.
Speaker 8
00:09:49 I don't have time to waste.
Speaker 9
00:09:50 That's not a partial going to confirm if you're driving habit because we don't try to say in Oregon, we're ******* kind and we make space.
Speaker 8
00:09:50 On colonizing, see told me.
00:09:52 She told me to go back to my came from do you?
00:09:55 See that?
00:09:56 I'm Native American.
00:10:00 OK.
Speaker 9
00:10:01 And as someone who's come here.
00:10:02 Oh, I'm so tired of people.
00:10:04 Driving like you.
00:10:04 Just did it's constant admit you're ******* wrong and then it's not.
Speaker 8
00:10:05 Alright, get on my face.
00:10:06 Get out my face.
Speaker 9
00:10:09 Admit that you're driving up, *******.
Speaker 8
00:10:10 I knew your wife.
Speaker 2
00:10:11 I knew.
Speaker 8
00:10:12 Colonizer mindset.
Speaker 9
00:10:12 It is not about race.
00:10:16 It is not about race.
Speaker 8
00:10:18 Yeah, it is.
Speaker 9
00:10:18 And that's the problem here.
00:10:20 If you want things to change when.
00:10:21 You **** **.
Speaker 8
00:10:22 Oh, so it's on me so.
Speaker 9
00:10:22 Do not call the race card because you do not call it.
Speaker 8
00:10:22 It's on me.
00:10:24 Don't ******* be.
00:10:26 Shut up and don't even get in her face.
00:10:29 Do not get in her face.
00:10:31 You're taking out.
Speaker 9
00:10:32 Your pain and oppression on me right now.
Speaker 8
00:10:32 Do not hey.
00:10:38 Notice how she's about.
Speaker 7
00:10:39 Ready to cry?
00:10:41 She's about to cry.
00:10:42 You'll see.
00:10:42 Like, look, she you'll know that she's a super liberal when you see the back of her.
00:10:46 Like all the bumper stickers.
Speaker 7
00:10:47 In the back of her ******* truck.
00:10:49 But this is this is this is white women.
00:10:53 Who, when when faced with the race card, don't know how to they they don't know how to interact.
00:10:59 They don't interact.
00:11:01 Like she wants to.
00:11:02 Be crazy, ****** white woman, and she can't because she's crazy, ****** white woman.
00:11:08 And yes, it is about everything is about race now.
Speaker 9
00:11:11 Stay out.
00:11:14 Out of it.
00:11:16 We are and.
00:11:16 It's it's ******* important give.
00:11:18 It a moment.
Speaker 9
00:11:19 If you want anything to change if you want.
Speaker 8
00:11:22 Shut up.
00:11:22 It's not on new teams, it's on.
00:11:24 You and your.
00:11:25 Colonizer mindset?
00:11:26 Look, get the **** out of my face now, you, white lady, you white lady.
Speaker 9
00:11:26 Cannot make office.
00:11:29 You may take.
00:11:33 I miss angry as you.
Speaker 8
00:11:34 Or I can get out of my face because I'm done with this conversation.
Speaker 9
00:11:35 Are and then when you're wrong.
00:11:39 Then you'd be walking away.
Speaker 8
00:11:40 You ******* colonizer.
Speaker 9
00:11:41 You know, there's work to be done here or you would walk away now.
Speaker 8
00:11:43 You *******.
00:11:44 It's not on me.
00:11:45 It's on you and you're.
00:11:47 I'm not taking any *******.
00:11:49 I'm not taking any directions from a white lady.
Speaker 9
00:11:51 Everyone needs to hear how angry you are, but it's not about this.
00:11:56 It's not about what just happened when pride away because.
Speaker 8
00:11:57 I don't know.
00:12:00 Like if you just work in my space, you're in my space.
Speaker 9
00:12:04 You got it.
00:12:04 My space vehicle.
Speaker 8
00:12:05 Get out.
00:12:05 You're breathing my air, you ******* colonizer.
00:12:10 Get out of my face.
Speaker 9
00:12:11 Either way.
Speaker 8
00:12:12 And don't give me those white tears and a fake white here.
Speaker 9
00:12:14 I'm not. There's nothing.
Speaker 8
00:12:14 And the fake Curtis standing.
00:12:15 Look, you don't know the pain of my people, so get up.
00:12:21 Get out.
Speaker 9
00:12:21 I'm going to stand here.
00:12:22 With you until you walk.
00:12:23 Away because what you did was wrong and.
00:12:25 Then you made it about race and that's.
00:12:27 ****** ** and it will.
Speaker 8
00:12:28 You told me, she told me to get back to where I came from, where my from from Warm Springs red where she and her white colonizer mindset Amin.
00:12:41 Oh, I don't care.
Speaker 9
00:12:41 Yeah, what's happening here?
Speaker 8
00:12:42 Oh, I don't care.
00:12:43 But I'm in it.
00:12:45 What is the reality?
00:12:46 She told me to come back to where it came from.
00:12:48 Just because I made a simple.
00:12:49 I don't I.
Speaker 7
00:12:49 Don't. He meant like, where?
Speaker 9
00:12:50 Think you pulled in front of my car in my lane?
00:12:54 Yeah, and.
Speaker 8
00:12:54 Just to get around the car.
Speaker 9
00:12:55 You didn't accept responsibility for what you did, and you made it about race and that's wrong.
Speaker 8
00:12:58 All right, I'm out.
00:13:00 I'm out.
Speaker 9
00:13:00 Then go.
00:13:01 But I hope you have a conversation about this.
Speaker 8
00:13:04 You shut the **** **.
00:13:05 Shut the ****.
00:13:06 And I and I hope you go back to ******* you know you *****.
Speaker 9
00:13:08 Your anger.
00:13:10 Panel your anger in a productive way because.
Speaker 8
00:13:12 This it's not on me.
00:13:14 It's not on me to tell my.
Speaker 9
00:13:15 Have you're?
00:13:15 Acting in this.
Speaker 9
00:13:16 Is not a good representative of.
00:13:18 The human being you are.
00:13:21 I didn't come send you once.
00:13:24 Admit when you're wrong.
00:13:29 All right.
Speaker 9
00:13:30 OK, but that's not the point.
00:13:32 I'll tell you what, I'm really disappointed when I.
00:13:34 Saw people passing this video around.
00:13:35 I was I.
Speaker 10
00:13:36 Thought she was going to.
00:13:36 Get violence or something.
00:13:39 But here, look at the.
00:13:40 Back of her.
00:13:42 Look at the back of her truck here.
00:13:46 Look at that ****.
00:13:49 Oh my God.
00:13:52 See, I can make that a little clearer.
00:13:53 That's as clear as it gets.
Speaker 7
00:13:58 There you go.
00:14:00 You ******* colonizer.
00:14:02 You colonizing white *****.
Speaker 11
00:14:05 Oh my God.
00:14:08 Get used to that ****.
00:14:11 That's the environment you created.
00:14:15 Yeah, I'm a little disappointed.
00:14:16 I haven't seen I.
00:14:17 Haven't had to see that.
00:14:17 I was kind of hoping that like it escalated a.
00:14:19 Little further than that, but whatever.
00:14:22 That's Portland, I think.
Speaker 7
00:14:29 And I'll tell you.
00:14:30 What before we launch into, I was going to.
00:14:33 I was thinking we could go through.
00:14:37 Independence Day.
00:14:41 The the movie from the 90s Independence Day not not as as heavily as we would normally and and honestly.
00:14:51 Not even like in a in a scripted way.
00:14:52 I don't have any notes.
00:14:53 I've seen the.
00:14:54 Obviously a couple of times before.
Speaker 7
00:14:57 But I remember like last stream after after we watched that.
00:15:02 Hollywood ISM documentary at the end, when they did make such a big deal out of the end speech from Independence Day and it and it reminded me like, oh ****, that's right.
00:15:15 That movie, the guy who discovers the dangerous aliens is this.
Speaker 7
00:15:21 Super Jewish Jew guy.
00:15:24 And and and and.
00:15:26 You know his dad is like, you know, Captain Jew.
00:15:28 He's like the, you know, the like.
00:15:30 It almost, I mean he.
00:15:32 He he's at this point, if you had a character like that in movie, they'd call it, he'd be an anti-Semitic trope.
00:15:38 You know, he's so Jewish.
00:15:41 And then you have the.
00:15:43 Black single Mom, who's a stripper?
00:15:47 And you had Will Smith.
00:15:49 And you know, so you had the, like, the black guy and the Jew save all the boys and then.
00:15:56 At the end you you had.
00:15:59 We'll go into that.
00:15:59 We'll go.
00:16:00 Into that, but I.
00:16:00 Was thinking we could just we.
00:16:02 Could literally just flip through that movie.
00:16:05 And and and and kind of see how they structured it and how.
00:16:10 They view the.
00:16:11 World because they made a point in that documentary to cite that movie at the end is if that was, that's how, because this documentary came out around the same time that movie did.
00:16:20 So this was like a new movie and it was.
00:16:22 It was almost as if they.
00:16:23 Were they were saying now it's all.
Speaker 10
00:16:25 Everything that we've gone over in.
00:16:26 This documentary it's.
Speaker 7
00:16:27 All culminated into this.
00:16:29 This new movie that just came out Independence Day and look how it's look, how it's still the Jewish messaging that we're still, you know, putting out to the white people and this is.
Speaker 10
00:16:39 So they would I I think it would be.
00:16:41 It would be.
00:16:42 At least be.
00:16:42 Good to flip through it real quick.
00:16:43 So we're going to do that especially as Independence Day is on Monday.
00:16:49 And then again we.
00:16:49 Have the cactus pill.
00:16:50 I don't know.
00:16:51 Should we do?
00:16:51 The Cactus pill first.
00:16:54 Or should we do the?
00:16:59 Should we do the Independence Day?
00:17:01 What do you guys think?
00:17:02 I think it's working now.
00:17:03 I think somehow you guys are actually hearing what I'm saying now.
00:17:10 What do you guys think?
00:17:11 What's Chad think?
00:17:14 Do you guys want to Cactus pill first?
00:17:20 OK, people want.
Speaker 7
00:17:22 Got two votes for first.
00:17:29 The cactus looks.
00:17:30 Better even split.
00:17:38 Looks pretty even split.
Speaker 7
00:17:44 Well, I'll tell you what.
00:17:46 Let's do.
00:17:50 Let's do a cactus spell first.
00:17:51 Why the **** not?
00:17:52 Why the **** not?
00:17:56 Let's see if I can find it here.
00:18:03 I think this is it.
00:18:05 All right, here we go.
Speaker 3
00:18:10 I'm ready for a cactus pill.
00:18:11 Well, then, let's do this ****, this ****.
Speaker 7
00:18:31 All right.
00:18:31 It's been a while, but you might remember that this was.
00:18:34 The little bit of cactus that we planted.
00:18:39 To try to root it.
00:18:41 You can kind of see that growth line, that's all the growth that has happened since.
00:18:46 It's been potted so it has overcome those little black dots that I had.
00:18:52 It's rooted and.
00:18:54 I can probably put that.
00:18:54 In the ground.
00:18:56 The cactus pet I have from the Galapagos Islands will also.
00:19:02 Go in the.
00:19:03 Ground as it is growing and it looks like it's going to be happy here.
00:19:07 The winter might kill it, but there we go.
00:19:11 All the times I've tried growing, proving Apple cactus fruit, this is the only one I've ever got and I'm thinking very seriously about prematurely picking it before Bird finds it and ruins my day.
00:19:27 It's purple.
00:19:30 It might be.
00:19:31 I don't know.
00:19:32 Fair to say, pretty firm.
00:19:38 Like to eat it before the birds do so if you want to eat Mesquite beans the way the tell, they're done.
00:19:43 See this one.
00:19:44 Still has a little bit of green.
00:19:45 On it and it.
00:19:46 Feels soft. That's not done.
00:19:48 You want to.
00:19:49 Shake it, you'll hear the rattling ones.
00:19:52 And just as they're standing rattle.
00:19:57 And I crunch you.
Speaker 7
00:19:59 Then they'll taste like brown sugar when you grind them up into powder or just chew on them.
00:20:05 The only thing about chewing on them when they're just like.
00:20:07 That is, they're very fibrous and those fibers will get stuck in your teeth.
00:20:13 You also want to lookout for like little holes like that.
00:20:17 Those are holes that bugs.
00:20:24 After boiling out of the the beans, now it's you can still.
00:20:29 I mean, honestly, I'd still you know, there's been bugs on there.
00:20:33 We're going to grind this in the powder and use it for flour and cook.
00:20:36 It with it it's it's.
00:20:38 Probably just fine, and it's not like it's hollow on the inside.
00:20:41 Most of it's just fine.
00:20:44 But just be aware if you see those little holes in there or even.
00:20:48 If you don't.
00:20:51 You might bite into one and eat a Waterbury or something.
00:20:57 Now this is the cactus that was wind damaged.
00:21:02 More than healed up.
00:21:04 This is a big number.
00:21:05 The big shock we couldn't find a place where I couldn't find a place to put it.
00:21:09 So I just planted it right next to it, Mama, and it's doing good.
00:21:16 This is the big chunk of practice.
00:21:21 They would draft into the ground.
00:21:23 The smaller pads are all new, of course.
00:21:27 That it has taken should being planted quite well.
00:21:32 It took a while.
00:21:33 There's a couple months where it just was laying down looking like.
00:21:36 It wasn't going to make it.
00:21:39 But morning bees.
00:21:45 Which you would focus.
00:21:46 On the bees.
Speaker 7
00:21:51 The bees love these.
00:21:55 Pride of Barbados or Mexican bird of Paradise, depending on who you ask.
00:22:02 So this euphorbia cutting.
00:22:04 Is actually starting to grow a little bit.
00:22:08 This this is a roadkill cactus that got eaten down to the ground several times and I just never had the heart to take it out of the.
00:22:17 Ground. It looks like it's.
00:22:20 While we're recovering, because those are really small pads compared to what it should be, but it's staying alive.
00:22:28 This is another Euphorbia cutting that is slowly growing.
00:22:34 And then this.
00:22:35 Euphorbia is really kind of I think I.
00:22:38 Found a sweet spot this.
Speaker 7
00:22:40 Is where it likes to.
00:22:42 Likes to beat, so I've had a.
00:22:43 Few of these die on me.
00:22:45 And I'm a little micro climates around the property.
00:22:50 And then that pad, I haven't even planted it yet and it's making our pad.
00:22:53 So I gotta hurry up and stick on the ground that came from the cactus dump.
00:22:58 Same as that.
00:22:58 That'll stay alive, though.
00:23:00 I mean, it looks pretty bad.
00:23:01 They'll grow.
Speaker 13
00:23:08 How would that have fulfilled?
Speaker 7
00:23:13 Now this is a high that's been getting robbed, so I have this robber screen to the front.
00:23:19 Now what that does is it confuses robber bees.
00:23:24 They would want to go in.
00:23:25 And steal the honey.
00:23:27 They hang out on the front screen here.
00:23:30 Unfortunately it also, as you can see, there's bees here with the pollen baskets that.
00:23:36 Having a hard time figuring out where to get in too, but they eventually figure it out.
00:23:43 I mean, the traffic is significantly dropped from when it was getting.
00:23:47 Really, Rob, when I put this screen on, there was just massive, massive amounts of bees trying to find any way they could to get in and you can kind of see that behavior with some of these bees that crawl around in different nooks and crannies of the eye.
00:24:03 You know that they.
00:24:04 They're not from the high where they would know.
00:24:06 How to get in?
00:24:08 So they're just looking for any way they can get them to steal their steal their sugar.
00:24:46 All right, so there you go.
00:24:52 All right.
00:24:53 Here we go.
00:24:54 Let's tell you a look at Independence Day.
00:24:57 See what I did there?
Speaker 10
00:25:00 See what I did there?
00:25:02 The independents gay is because gay.
00:25:11 So let's take a look.
00:25:12 Let's just do because kind of like I said, I'm kind of doing this live.
00:25:16 I'm going to kind of show you how I approach a lot of this stuff when I go through movies and and research and and see what basically what they're trying to communicate to the audience.
00:25:28 The first thing I'll do.
00:25:31 Is I'll usually look up and see who you know produced the movie, who directed the movie, who wrote the script and what what other kind of work they've done.
00:25:43 So if we just look up Independence Day.
00:25:47 Wikipedia, IMDb, stuff like that.
00:25:52 So if you go to Wikipedia.
00:25:55 You got to look up Independence Day movie.
00:26:00 And it came out in 1996 nineteen 90.
00:26:04 You know, it's funny.
00:26:04 I actually watched it.
00:26:06 In the theater.
00:26:08 In the at the largest screen.
00:26:11 In in all of New Mexico.
Speaker 7
00:26:15 The week before they tore it down.
00:26:18 And my friend and I were the only ones in the entire theater.
00:26:21 It was a little bizarre.
00:26:24 I mean, it was awesome because it was.
00:26:26 You know huge but it.
00:26:28 Was weird that no one ever went there.
00:26:29 I don't.
00:26:30 I'd well, I'd never even heard of the the the theater until it, until we saw it one day randomly.
Speaker 10
00:26:35 Like Ohh looks, let's go.
00:26:37 That's a new one.
00:26:39 And then it was just massive.
00:26:40 And then the guy was just like, yeah, we're turning it.
Speaker 10
00:26:42 Down next week, he was like, well, what?
00:26:45 Anyway, let's take a look here.
00:26:49 Independence Day film, Wikipedia.
00:26:52 So it was written by Dean Devin Devlin.
00:26:56 And Roland Emmerich.
00:26:59 Alright, so Dean Devlin.
00:27:02 Let's take a look at this guy.
00:27:05 Dean Devlin.
00:27:12 Is wow.
00:27:14 That's an interesting mix.
00:27:16 He's a half Jewish, half Filipino.
00:27:20 From New York City.
00:27:24 He has written movies like Universal Soldier.
00:27:33 Independence Day.
00:27:38 And then he was a producer on the Patriot.
00:27:42 8 Legged freaks I never heard of that cellular.
00:27:47 I can't really think of that.
00:27:49 Who killed the electric car?
00:27:50 And flyboy?
00:27:52 A bunch of stuff.
00:27:52 Never heard of, actually, after that.
00:27:54 And then?
Speaker 7
00:27:55 He was a.
00:27:55 Writer once again on Independence Day resurgence.
00:27:59 All right, so.
00:28:02 This half Jewish, half Filipino.
Speaker 10
00:28:06 Let me bring him up real quick.
00:28:07 Why not?
00:28:10 So this is the rider.
00:28:18 There he is.
Speaker 7
00:28:20 Right there.
00:28:27 OK.
00:28:28 And then the other guy, Roland Emmerich.
00:28:32 He does not have a Wikipedia entry.
Speaker 7
00:28:36 So I'll just.
00:28:37 Search for him.
00:28:39 He's an IMDb.
00:28:41 I guess he does have.
00:28:41 A Wikipedia entry.
00:28:42 They just didn't link him, OK.
Speaker 10
00:28:45 The life.
00:28:48 He is from West Germany.
00:28:59 Doesn't say anything about his.
00:29:02 Family if you know what I mean.
00:29:06 So we just know he's a guy.
00:29:08 From West Germany.
Speaker 7
00:29:13 And he was a writer.
00:29:14 For a bunch of stuff I've never heard of.
00:29:19 But he directed Universal soldier.
00:29:22 He directed Stargate, so he was he worked on a lot of the same movies as the other guy.
00:29:28 Independence Day. Godzilla. He directed the the Patriot with Mel Gibson. He also directed the day after tomorrow, 10,000 BC 2012.
00:29:43 Anonymous White House Down Stonewall, Independence Day resurgence, midway moonfall.
00:29:50 So he was a he directed a lot of those or all those movies.
00:29:56 No early life on him.
00:29:57 We just know he's from West Germany.
00:29:59 So who knows?
00:30:06 So we know who the director is because that he's he's also the director.
00:30:10 He was also.
00:30:13 One of the producers.
00:30:15 But Dean Devlin.
00:30:17 The the Jewish Filipino.
00:30:20 Is is listed as the producer.
00:30:23 OK.
00:30:24 So that's what we're going with, right?
00:30:25 We got a Jewish Filipino.
00:30:28 And a West German.
00:30:30 Teaming up?
00:30:31 To make a movie.
00:30:35 Or at least writing and directing this movie.
00:30:39 Now one thing I've noticed about Germans, even if they're.
00:30:42 Not, you know.
00:30:43 Jewish or whatever, there's a lot of weird German guilt.
00:30:49 A lot of weird German guilt.
00:30:53 That over world.
00:30:54 World War 2.
00:30:56 I mean, they have been so propagandized.
00:30:59 About how they were the most evil people ever.
00:31:05 The from every direction.
00:31:08 Like, imagine being German and every video game for like the last 30 years.
00:31:13 You're the bad guys.
00:31:15 Like in every video game.
Speaker 7
00:31:17 And in every movie.
00:31:19 And when anyone at all is describing something or someone evil?
Speaker 7
00:31:25 They use.
00:31:26 Something from your culture.
00:31:28 To describe it.
00:31:29 You know, you know, everyone gets called the Nazi or a Hitler.
Speaker 10
00:31:35 Imagine you're you're the German.
00:31:37 Hearing this all the time.
00:31:40 And you're so ashamed of it.
00:31:41 You're so ashamed of it.
Speaker 10
00:31:44 You've banned.
00:31:46 You can't even have the symbol.
00:31:50 You can't have a swastika in in Germany.
00:31:54 I I think I'm pretty.
00:31:55 Sure, you get arrested.
00:31:58 And you definitely get arrested if you tried to.
Speaker 7
00:32:00 Deny the Holocaust.
00:32:05 So imagine imagine, that's your culture, that.
00:32:07 You're coming from.
00:32:09 And then working with some.
Speaker 10
00:32:11 Filipino Jew on a on a movie.
00:32:16 So anyway.
Speaker 7
00:32:19 So that's that's, that's the the written.
00:32:21 And directed by.
00:32:23 The production company is.
Speaker 10
00:32:29 Let's see here.
00:32:31 Centropolis Entertainment and.
00:32:35 That looks like it's actually the the same guys the same two guys.
00:32:39 That were the.
00:32:41 The Dean Devlin and Roland Emmerich.
00:32:43 That's like their production company.
00:32:46 And then of course, it was put up by 20th Century Fox.
00:32:50 OK, let me hide this.
Speaker 7
00:32:56 So usually what?
00:32:56 I'll do is.
00:32:57 I will watch the movie once through.
00:33:03 And without taking any notes.
00:33:06 Or at least not write anything.
00:33:07 Any notes down.
00:33:08 I'll just watch it like I just came to the theater and I'm sitting down to enjoy the movie.
00:33:15 And anything that sticks out.
00:33:18 Enough to where I'm not taking notes and it still stays.
Speaker 7
00:33:21 In my brain.
00:33:22 That's the.
00:33:23 That's the notes I'm.
00:33:24 Taking because clearly that that made an impression.
00:33:27 Because most people, when they go to the theaters.
00:33:28 They're not taking notes, right?
00:33:31 And then I'll watch it again.
00:33:33 With those those moments in.
00:33:35 Mind and pay closer attention.
00:33:38 To those scenes and I will take notes.
00:33:41 Since we're not going to watch it twice, we're not going to watch it.
00:33:43 The whole thing, you know, obviously, once I can't, we can't watch the whole.
00:33:48 The movie.
00:33:49 I'm just gonna.
00:33:49 I'm gonna, I.
00:33:50 Well, I'm going to scrub through it pretty much the whole movie, so we can see all the different scenes.
00:33:55 But this movie starts off with an American.
00:33:58 Flag on the moon.
00:34:03 And which is kind of funny.
Speaker 10
00:34:05 I don't know that.
00:34:06 They would do something like that anymore.
00:34:08 Didn't they made an entire?
00:34:09 Movie about the moon landing recently where they don't show the American flag, and then they kind of give you the impression that that it's not an American.
00:34:23 That this was like a global effort.
00:34:26 And that it was like a globalist team.
00:34:29 And I think they even had like a black.
00:34:31 Guy, it was some movie.
00:34:34 With what's his face?
00:34:36 The guy?
00:34:37 Ryan Gosling.
00:34:39 And they they stripped any kind of patriotism.
00:34:43 Out of the movie.
00:34:45 But it you know in the 90s it was still kind.
Speaker 7
00:34:47 Of a big deal.
00:34:49 To show you know they have that Apollo 13 movie coming out or that was out with with Tom Hanks.
00:34:58 We can.
00:34:59 Oh, there it goes.
00:35:02 That had just come out.
00:35:03 They had.
00:35:03 They had a couple of other moon movies, like a lot of Nat, like boomers love NASA movies.
00:35:08 So there was lots of NASA E type movies that came out around that same time.
00:35:14 So you start off with the, you know, this is like the big patriotic.
00:35:18 You know, symbol like look, this is this is.
00:35:21 What America has.
00:35:22 Has achieved, you know, America has gone to the moon and planted our ******* flag, and the next scene, of course.
00:35:31 Or that you know there.
00:35:32 There you go.
00:35:33 There's the plaque on the moon.
00:35:35 You know, here men from the planet Earth first set.
00:35:38 Foot upon the.
00:35:40 The moon July.
00:35:41 1969 we came in peace for all mankind, right?
00:35:47 And then.
00:35:50 You see, like the moon landing, and then you.
00:35:53 See the shadow.
Speaker 7
00:35:55 Kind of coming over.
00:35:57 Dwarf in the accomplishments of of men.
00:36:00 Is this giant spaceship.
00:36:03 That's just slowly.
00:36:07 Making making all these accomplishments look like like nothing.
00:36:12 As it's, let's see, I think pretty sure, yeah, it covers the.
00:36:16 There you go.
00:36:17 Like kind of like the Star Wars shot.
00:36:19 The opening of Star Wars has this exact same shot in it.
00:36:23 That's where they got it from.
00:36:25 I'm almost certain we just have this massive shape.
00:36:30 That's kind of looming.
00:36:30 They in fact, they probably use the same technique to achieve this because.
00:36:36 96 or 7 when this came out, when this was being produced, there wasn't a lot of really good CGI yet, so this was most likely models.
00:36:50 I know that they.
00:36:51 Used a lot.
00:36:52 Of models making this movie, so they probably did this shot exactly how they did in Star Wars.
00:36:59 And then you cut directly from that.
00:37:03 To multicultural America.
00:37:09 And here's the the SETI in New Mexico.
00:37:14 It's a favorite of.
00:37:16 Of sci-fi movies in the 90s, this was like a big thing.
00:37:23 In fact, some of you guys might remember.
00:37:26 I'm pretty sure they probably still do it.
00:37:28 The folding at home where you can be hooked up with you can basically.
Speaker 7
00:37:33 Lend your processor and video card power to a decentralized.
00:37:40 Number crunch.
00:37:43 System that all this data that comes in from these radio telescopes will get distributed among all the different computers that have volunteered, essentially to analyze the data.
00:37:58 So you.
00:38:00 Can feel like.
Speaker 10
00:38:00 You're helping.
00:38:01 In a way.
00:38:02 So it's almost like it's kind of like mining for crypto in a way where if you, you set up your computer to do Bitcoin mining the the different, I mean in in, you know in terms of like what's going on with the hardware, the difference is instead of just doing useless mathematical equation.
00:38:19 It it's actually analyzing the data coming from the radio telescopes and and looking.
00:38:26 I don't know looking for I guess.
00:38:29 Patterns or something I I don't know.
00:38:31 I mean, I I screwed around that one day a million years ago.
00:38:37 But this, you know back then that this that was like a big thing.
00:38:40 Ohh yeah.
00:38:41 We're going to find we're going to find the aliens with SETI.
00:38:45 Yeah, I think all the different movies that that had setting in it, you had contact, you had the the sequel of the 2001 Space Odyssey. What was it, 2010?
00:38:57 You know, he's he's hanging out saddy.
00:38:59 You got a bunch.
00:39:00 Of movies that start out that way.
00:39:03 Alright so.
00:39:05 And of course, because the the basic idea is.
00:39:11 They're not finding aliens, right?
00:39:12 They haven't found.
00:39:13 It yet you know at.
00:39:13 This point study had been.
00:39:14 Around since at least the 80s and.
00:39:17 So it it.
00:39:18 It's kind of a boring job and also because.
00:39:21 It's a science.
00:39:23 You got to have the Asian guy, the Asian guys there.
00:39:27 And uh.
00:39:29 Who's this guy?
00:39:31 That's, you know, some Jewish guy.
00:39:35 And then the Asian guys.
00:39:38 There's a black guy.
00:39:38 Got the black guy.
00:39:40 You know, so far there's like, no white people that work at.
00:39:43 Seti and they hear a signal.
00:39:48 Alright, saying it to.
00:39:50 More more you know images.
00:39:51 Of American exceptionalism.
00:39:54 Oh yeah, remember.
00:39:55 World War 2 Remember World War 2.
00:39:58 That old man remembered World War 2, the one that.
00:40:01 Ohh yeah, look at that.
00:40:02 Remember when he rose the flag over Okinawa?
00:40:05 Oh yeah.
00:40:08 And then we get to the.
00:40:12 You know the president.
00:40:16 And his wife, the president, is like this.
00:40:20 Young guy, kind of like a JFK type.
00:40:25 Look at that. He's uh.
00:40:27 Always forget this actors name.
00:40:30 He's like one of those actors that's in a lot of ******* movies, but he's just he never like, you know, he never stands out.
00:40:36 Enough to really.
00:40:39 Be anything other than he he's a competent actor.
Speaker 3
00:40:42 It's like a competent.
00:40:44 Character actor.
00:40:45 But he's never like, interesting enough to like, really care anyway.
00:40:49 So he got that guy.
00:40:50 Of course, you know his top.
Speaker 2
00:40:52 Guy is a black guy.
00:40:55 He's going through the paper.
00:40:57 Meets with some.
00:41:00 You know.
Speaker 10
00:41:01 Go getting woman, *****.
Speaker 7
00:41:04 By the way.
00:41:06 The January 6th.
00:41:10 The show trial ******** that's going.
00:41:12 On right now.
00:41:14 Is there ever?
00:41:15 Been a better argument for for not having women in politics.
00:41:20 Then the January 6th thing.
00:41:23 You've got Liz Cheney that abomination.
00:41:29 Just, I mean that's, I mean you you thought you thought, you know, Dick Cheney was bad, put a slap a vagina on.
Speaker 7
00:41:37 That guy and.
00:41:39 It can get a lot worse.
00:41:41 And then you got.
00:41:42 What is it, Mark Meadows, chief of staff.
Speaker 7
00:41:45 That ****, that's like saying like.
00:41:46 Oh, and then Trump freaked out and tried to choke out the the.
00:41:52 The Secret Service agent and take.
Speaker 7
00:41:55 What's amazing to me.
00:41:58 About that.
00:41:59 So I'm sure some version.
00:42:00 Of that.
00:42:00 Happened. I'm sure that Trump.
Speaker 8
00:42:04 Who got mad?
00:42:06 Because his Secret Service people told him no.
00:42:10 And he because he wanted to go to.
00:42:12 The capital or whatever, right?
Speaker 7
00:42:14 Which which?
00:42:15 Hey, good on ham at least.
00:42:17 You know, before it seemed like he said.
00:42:19 Alright, let's go to the capital and he just disappeared.
00:42:22 And who knows.
00:42:22 Who knows what what version is actually real, right, but at least the the official version now makes him look less like a ******* ******** for telling everyone to go to the capital.
00:42:32 And just like hiding out at.
00:42:33 The White House, but.
Speaker 3
00:42:36 What kind of fun doesn't?
Speaker 10
00:42:37 That show you how out of control he was.
00:42:41 Doesn't that show you how out of control he was of his own people that he couldn't even get the security guards to do?
Speaker 9
00:42:48 What he wanted.
00:42:51 He couldn't even get the security guards to do.
Speaker 13
00:42:54 What he wanted.
Speaker 12
00:42:56 The mall cops.
00:43:01 I mean, he was so out of control.
00:43:04 Of everything going on in government that he couldn't even get like the the people who are paid to take a.
00:43:11 Bullet for him.
Speaker 3
00:43:14 They're paid to take a bullet for them.
Speaker 13
00:43:17 That's their job.
Speaker 10
00:43:21 And he couldn't get them to drive him somewhere.
00:43:28 And yeah, I'm sure he threw a tantrum.
00:43:31 I wouldn't even be surprised if maybe he got a little physical or something, but it doesn't matter.
00:43:36 The fact is he.
Speaker 3
00:43:38 He still didn't get up at the Capitol.
00:43:46 That's how little control.
00:43:48 He had.
00:43:50 Over his underlings.
00:43:51 It's it's shocking to me.
00:43:53 It's shocking how just completely incompetent and and.
00:43:57 Ineffectually was just.
00:44:00 All around.
00:44:02 All around.
00:44:04 And the fact that that the reason we even know about this story.
00:44:08 Is his chief of staff.
00:44:11 Look, he hired everyone that he hired, like everyone.
00:44:14 Was was.
Speaker 10
00:44:17 Garbage, like everyone in the iron, was garbage.
00:44:20 Pure ******* garbage.
00:44:22 He can't. He can't he.
00:44:24 Wouldn't have drain the swamp.
00:44:25 He hired the swamp he hired like the Swampiest swamp creatures he.
00:44:29 Could ever ******* find.
00:44:33 And the fact that we know about how he.
00:44:35 Couldn't even get the Secret Service that he wanted.
00:44:38 Was because his chief of Staffs, chief of staff.
Speaker 7
00:44:42 Which I don't know how that works, but whatever.
00:44:47 Is ratting them out in a show trial I mean.
00:44:54 That's that's why you don't hire garbage people.
00:44:57 That's why you don't hire people whose entire.
00:45:03 Revolves around having a permanent career in Washington DC, which is what he did.
00:45:09 He hired people that their their entire ambition was to have a permanent career.
00:45:16 In Washington, DC.
00:45:20 Like those were their.
Speaker 7
00:45:21 Goals in life.
00:45:24 Had nothing to do with making America great again or or even like, being good at their job.
Speaker 12
00:45:29 Like it was just about.
Speaker 7
00:45:32 Being part of.
00:45:33 The deep state.
00:45:35 The deep state pays well, has good benefits, and it's almost impossible to get fired, especially if.
00:45:40 You play ball.
00:45:42 That's who he ******* hired.
00:45:43 I can't anyway.
00:45:45 Little detour there, but yes, there should.
Speaker 10
00:45:47 Not be women.
00:45:48 In government and they make a big deal.
00:45:52 Out of you know this movie to make sure they show lots is the 90s, right?
00:45:56 So the 90s, the women weren't quite do.
00:46:00 They weren't like the 90 pound.
00:46:02 Tank top wearing. You know, women that that are doing backflips and beating the shoe out of 350 pound.
00:46:11 You know.
00:46:13 It was more.
00:46:14 It was more just like we're.
00:46:15 Powerful and and and men are kind of dopey.
00:46:19 And so that's kind of what was going on where, you know, he, the, the, the president was just like the face.
00:46:24 He was the pretty face.
00:46:26 But it was this.
00:46:28 I think she's supposed to be the chief of staff.
00:46:29 This woman right here.
00:46:30 She's the one that's actually calling the shots.
00:46:35 And then you show that some of these communications satellites, like I think that.
00:46:38 Was uh.
00:46:40 That satellite gets hit by a.
00:46:44 By a spaceship, right?
00:46:46 And it shows you the.
00:46:46 Scale like Oh my God, look that thing.
00:46:48 'S enormous because.
00:46:51 It's the satellite.
00:46:52 I can't even see it anymore.
00:46:54 It's so.
00:46:54 Oh, there it is.
00:46:55 Oh, my God.
00:46:56 It's ******* huge.
00:46:58 So you have that imagery?
00:47:00 And oh look.
00:47:00 At it and then they make sure.
00:47:03 Let's highlight the.
00:47:05 The Statue of Liberty.
00:47:08 New York like.
00:47:10 You got black people you got.
00:47:12 All these Jews.
00:47:14 Like I got like a.
00:47:15 Black guy, old Black guy an.
00:47:17 Old white guy or old Jewish guy?
00:47:21 And then because that's that's America.
00:47:25 And then you get these two Jews who are there, like the intellectuals and very seinfeldian.
00:47:31 Kind of interchange, you know, very seinfeldian dialogue between these two.
00:47:36 You know the again this was the 90s, right?
00:47:38 The Philosemitic 90s where everyone loved Jewish humor and and loved Jewish jokes.
00:47:44 And then, you know, they just thought Jews were ******* adorable.
00:47:48 And if you like it, it was really hard.
00:47:53 To not get a.
00:47:53 Laugh line in a movie.
00:47:56 If you if you just acted super jewelry and just threw out things like, well, I guess that's cause like just like my Jewish mom haha.
00:48:04 And like they that's all you had to do.
00:48:07 People were so charmed.
00:48:10 By Jewishness in the 90s, that the Jewish.
00:48:15 Year you made a character.
Speaker 7
00:48:17 The the more adorable.
00:48:19 The audience thought it.
00:48:21 And that's exactly how how this character, the the father is perceived.
00:48:26 He he acts.
00:48:27 Over the top Jewish.
00:48:29 You know, the sun obviously is.
00:48:35 You know Jeff Goldblum.
00:48:37 He's, he's Julie.
00:48:38 A little bit, but not to the extent that the guy who plays his father is, he just acts like this crotch, you know, crotch of the old Jewish guy.
00:48:46 And the audience loved it.
00:48:47 The audience loved it.
00:48:50 So next week, now we meet.
00:48:53 The white people.
Speaker 7
00:48:55 And notice how notice.
00:48:57 How the white people are depicted?
00:48:59 You know, look at the contrast and we got Jeff Goldblum.
00:49:04 Yeah, he's working at this big media company.
00:49:10 That's The funny thing again, that's run by a gay Jew like his boss is a gay Jew at the big Media company where he works.
00:49:20 Little at least they.
00:49:21 Had some realism there, right?
Speaker 7
00:49:24 So you have the the, the.
00:49:25 Let's see here.
00:49:28 Let's actually get some audio on this one.
00:49:32 We've got everybody.
00:49:33 Let me let me see if I can bump.
Speaker 10
00:49:35 Up the audio here.
00:49:38 It's going to take a.
00:49:39 2nd just cause we gotta we got.
00:49:41 To hear the gay Jew.
00:49:43 The Gay Jew, that's from.
00:49:46 He's from, didn't I think they had him?
00:49:49 No, they definitely had him in in.
00:49:52 Miss Mrs. Doubtfire.
00:49:54 I forget the actors name, but he was also in the philosemitic 90s, right?
00:50:00 Not only were there like because any the Julie or character, the more adorable the audience thought he was.
00:50:07 That then this was a great way to also introduce look, we're we're taking the edge off of the gay character, we're going to introduce a gay character and you're going to be more.
00:50:19 It's going to be more endearing because don't worry guys.
00:50:22 He's a gay Jew.
00:50:24 Everyone loves Jews, right?
00:50:27 Look how Julie this *** is.
00:50:29 You can't hate him.
00:50:30 He's so ******* Jew.
Speaker 10
00:50:33 So I wish I was exaggerating, like I'm really not, that's.
00:50:39 Pretty much how it worked.
00:50:41 Ohh it's still calculating how is it still calculating?
00:50:44 That's a big file.
00:50:49 I'll give it another second.
00:50:50 Here and then I'll just manually crank.
Speaker 10
00:50:52 It up if that's.
00:50:54 And that's what it's going to take, I.
00:50:55 Think it might be what it's going to take.
Speaker 10
00:50:58 Otherwise we might.
00:50:59 We might be sitting here for a while.
00:51:01 Waiting for it to do this.
00:51:03 Yeah, alright.
00:51:04 I'm just gonna do it manually.
00:51:06 That's taking way too long, alright.
00:51:09 Crank the volume up as high as it'll.
00:51:11 Go we have.
00:51:12 Working on the problem doing.
Speaker 1
00:51:13 We are every nursing school situation.
00:51:13 Yeah, I love.
Speaker 4
00:51:14 The X-Files too.
00:51:16 I hope you get.
00:51:16 To see it.
Speaker 2
00:51:17 Right.
00:51:20 David, what the hell?
00:51:21 What happened?
00:51:22 Because you're not gonna turn it on.
Speaker 14
00:51:23 Was turned on.
00:51:24 I was ignoring you.
00:51:25 What's the?
00:51:26 What's the big emergency?
Speaker 2
00:51:28 Started this morning.
00:51:29 Every stations make it like it's the 1950s. We got static, we got snow, all kinds of distortions. Nobody knows.
Speaker 14
00:51:36 How you doing?
00:51:37 There's a reason we have bins labeled recycle.
00:51:39 Ohh you gotta recycle.
00:51:41 You gotta recycle too anyway.
00:51:43 So yeah, you had this gay Jew Jew character.
00:51:49 Excuse me.
00:51:52 And he works in the big media company.
00:51:54 But then the contrast is.
00:51:57 Look at the white people.
00:52:00 You know the white people are all white trash.
00:52:03 You got, you know this guy.
00:52:06 Who's poor?
00:52:08 His dad is this drunken lunatic who sucks at his job.
00:52:15 And gets drunk and crowd or crop dust the wrong crop or the wrong field.
00:52:23 And you know, they live in this ******* RV.
00:52:29 And he's basically just Comic Relief.
00:52:31 Like, he's not even.
00:52:32 He's not even like a serious person.
00:52:36 Yeah, look at him.
00:52:36 He's just like this.
00:52:39 This complete mess of a person.
00:52:43 Completely useless.
00:52:48 And then you kind of have the.
00:52:50 The great replacement just beginning, like, look, look.
00:52:54 Look where the farmers are the farmers aren't, you know, white people, the farmers are Mexicans.
00:53:05 Send the aliens.
00:53:07 Begin their attack.
00:53:09 They begin their assault.
00:53:13 And the Jewish guy.
00:53:16 Starts to notice something weird about the signal.
00:53:19 Where is this at?
00:53:22 No. Whatever.
00:53:25 He starts to notice why that there's there's, uh, there's some kind of signal that's jamming our communications at this big media company that I work at with the Gay Jew.
00:53:36 And meanwhile all these.
00:53:40 UFO type things start getting deployed.
00:53:43 Across the world.
00:53:46 And the United States military starts detecting all of these massive objects.
00:53:53 Going across the earth.
Speaker 10
00:53:56 And they're like, oh ****.
00:53:59 What is this ****?
00:54:01 We're in trouble now.
00:54:03 You know the White House.
00:54:04 Has watched it on TV because.
00:54:07 You have all these.
00:54:09 So there's Russia panic in Russia.
00:54:24 And so they got to check it out.
00:54:25 Here's California.
00:54:32 Alright, anyway, keep going.
00:54:34 Keep going.
00:54:36 And then I guess they crashed into it or something.
00:54:39 I forget.
00:54:40 Yeah, they crash into it.
00:54:42 So they crash into the soil.
00:54:43 They don't know that it's UFO, yet I guess that.
00:54:45 It's what is this weird phenomenon?
00:54:49 And there's the gay Jew.
00:54:51 They gave you who's adorably afraid of.
00:54:53 Everything and whining and.
00:54:55 I'm telling you like that's the the Father character and and the the boss character are are equally.
00:55:02 Julie in that respect.
Speaker 14
00:55:07 Marty, listen to this.
00:55:08 I got a lock on the pattern of that signal, and so we can filter it out.
00:55:11 But my calculations are right, it's going to be gone in like 7 hours anyway.
00:55:14 It's reducing itself every time it recycles.
00:55:17 So eventually it's going to disappear.
00:55:20 You listening?
00:55:21 You believe this?
Speaker 2
00:55:25 David, haven't you been watching David?
Speaker 11
00:55:26 The case is direct to Constance Solano.
Speaker 15
00:55:30 Good afternoon.
00:55:32 So far, the phenomenon has not caused any damage.
00:55:35 You have to ask.
00:55:36 So then they announced that, oh, yeah, it's it's UFOs and people are freaking out now we get.
00:55:42 Back to the white people again.
00:55:44 They're trashy.
Speaker 7
00:55:46 They are poor.
00:55:50 They're drunk.
00:55:55 He thinks he's been kidnapped by aliens and probed.
00:56:03 They're stupid.
00:56:05 Everyone's making fun of him.
00:56:08 And then one of the actual UFOs goes overhead at their ****** poor people trailer park.
00:56:15 Everyone's like, Oh my God, he was he was right, *** **** it.
Speaker 11
00:56:27 There you go.
00:56:31 And go to Hollywood.
00:56:32 You have the same thing.
00:56:37 Oh, my God.
00:56:38 What is this stuff?
00:56:39 And here's the here's the gay Jew again.
00:56:45 Oh no, we forgot to.
00:56:46 All right, we just passed over this.
00:56:49 So now we meet the other hero.
00:56:51 Far the heroes.
00:56:52 Are the white women at the White House?
00:56:56 The the Jew genius that figures out the code.
00:57:04 Uh, well, and now the the the fancy black.
00:57:10 Fighter pilot.
Speaker 10
00:57:12 Which by the way.
00:57:15 Statistically impossible?
00:57:17 No, not a whole lot of.
00:57:20 Black fired pilots.
00:57:21 Let's just say, alright, let's just say in in in reality.
00:57:26 Pretty much zero those.
00:57:32 You know a fighter pilot or a fighter jet is not.
00:57:38 It's not like playing Madden.
00:57:40 So we meet him.
00:57:42 He's he's basically uh, a **** because he's he's got some single, you know, he's got a a girlfriend who's a stripper.
00:57:54 Single mom stripper.
00:57:55 So he's banging some single mom and he's like, oh, I gotta go to the base.
00:58:00 We got UFOs coming in.
00:58:01 Single mom.
00:58:04 Which is kind of funny because Will Smith is a **** in real life.
00:58:10 With with trans kids now, so you know.
00:58:14 There we go.
00:58:18 And you got the president, who's you know again, he's just like, the pretty face.
00:58:23 Everyone starts evacuating.
00:58:25 Oh, you're going to get the black pilot.
00:58:28 The the highly unlikely statistically unlikely black pilot that is is sent in by the White House to go check out the the UFO.
00:58:40 Meanwhile you have.
00:58:40 All the custards.
00:58:42 Hanging out on.
00:58:45 Buildings expecting the aliens to come after them.
00:58:50 And then here's like, this is the big scene right this.
00:58:51 Is the big.
Speaker 12
00:58:56 Trust the plan.
00:59:01 This info is necessary.
00:59:15 So, you know, they trusted the plan.
Speaker 10
00:59:23 You know that you.
00:59:24 Know that that's gonna be the Q cards, right?
00:59:26 That's exactly what the Q cards would be doing.
00:59:34 Anyway, and then the aliens start sending off like.
00:59:38 Many UFOs that start to finish people off Will Smith gets in this crazy fight with.
00:59:47 You know, somehow he's the.
00:59:48 Only one that's able to.
00:59:51 Shoot down one of these UFO out of like.
00:59:53 Everyone in the world.
00:59:55 Will Smith is the only fighter pilot that's good enough to do it, and because he's black, you got to have.
00:59:59 This scene in here.
Speaker 1
01:00:01 OK.
01:00:03 I like how.
Speaker 5
01:00:04 In movies in the same way, it's.
01:00:06 Here's The funny thing.
01:00:08 In the same way in the 90s, having a Jew that was like very effeminate and like neurotic and just you.
Speaker 10
01:00:17 Know will just jewy.
01:00:18 In the same way, those stereotypes.
01:00:23 Were endearing.
01:00:25 In the same way that they would amplify them in Jewish characters because people found that endearing, oddly, the same thing was true about about black characters.
01:00:37 Oddly, the same kind of things that would now be called racist, the characteristics of black characters.
01:00:46 That would be called.
01:00:47 Ohh, that's just that's a.
01:00:48 Trope or Oh yeah, that's that's a stereotype.
01:00:51 In 90s movies.
Speaker 10
01:00:53 You would have.
01:00:55 The the black character that the white boomer audience was was like.
Speaker 12
01:00:59 That's right. Oh.
Speaker 7
01:01:01 That's like my black thread like they would.
01:01:03 Make the black people you know.
01:01:06 Overly violent and aggressive and and and kind of, you know, slightly criminal and you know I.
01:01:13 Mean like that?
01:01:14 Was that was the attitude.
01:01:17 Like right here, this scene right here, this is this is.
01:01:20 Every black character.
01:01:22 In every 90s movie, so he just gets shot down.
Speaker 1
01:01:26 Right, he.
01:01:26 Gets shot down by an alien.
01:01:28 So the context is he's a fire pilot in a war with aliens with superior technology.
01:01:37 They both crash and this is his reaction.
Speaker 5
01:01:43 That's what you get. Look at you. Shippo bang up. Who's the man? Ship all banged up with. ****.
01:01:53 Wait till I get another plane.
01:01:55 I'm not all your friends up right beside.
Speaker 8
01:01:59 Where you at? Where?
Speaker 5
01:02:00 You at.
01:02:14 Welcome to earth.
Speaker 5
01:02:15 Welcome to earth, *****.
01:02:16 You know.
Speaker 10
01:02:18 Yeah. So every in the.
01:02:20 That was.
01:02:22 That's how they portrayed.
Speaker 10
01:02:23 Black people because you know.
01:02:33 So Will Smith chimps out on the?
01:02:37 On the alien.
01:02:41 But meanwhile, there's there's the white trash drunk, poor family, right?
01:02:49 And it's important to pay attention to this because.
01:02:51 Of how you know most.
01:02:52 Of you guys have seen this movie.
01:02:53 You know how it ends so.
01:02:54 You probably know I'm talking about, but it's important how.
01:02:57 This entire time.
01:02:59 The white people in the movie are just like.
01:03:02 Just just ******* pure trash.
01:03:04 You know, like look at this.
Speaker 3
01:03:05 First, reports indicate that this battle has repeated itself all over the world.
Speaker 1
01:03:06 OK HO.
Speaker 3
01:03:09 The exact same result.
01:03:12 You're just like your mother, you.
01:03:13 Know that.
Speaker 12
01:03:14 She was stubborn, too, and it twists her arm to get her to.
Speaker 14
01:03:18 Take her medicine.
01:03:21 You're going to be all right.
Speaker 14
01:03:27 You see, Troy, they're feeling better already.
Speaker 11
01:03:31 Couldn't find anything.
01:03:33 Everyone's packing up.
01:03:34 I mean, they're just, like, dirty.
01:03:35 They're living in this, like, really ******* ****** RV.
01:03:40 Like the like the.
Speaker 7
01:03:41 Four of them.
Speaker 10
01:03:42 This one RV.
01:03:44 Up there leaving.
01:03:45 So there's a spaceship.
Speaker 11
01:03:47 Then they'll leave to them.
01:03:51 Penicillin at least it will help.
01:03:53 Keep his fever down.
01:03:54 Thank you.
01:03:56 It's really nice of you to help us.
01:03:58 I wish I could do more, but we're.
01:03:59 Moving out look.
01:04:00 At that look at that 90s get up.
Speaker 9
01:04:01 I'm going with you.
01:04:09 So they're just.
01:04:10 Poor and kind of trashy living in this like, you know, gypsy wagon basically.
01:04:20 So the the, the the stripper will Smith's.
01:04:25 Girlfriend, single Mom girlfriend.
01:04:28 She finds the truck and you know she goes.
01:04:30 She's saved.
01:04:31 You know, she's driving around to the wreckage.
01:04:33 She somehow saves the OR kind of saves the if I remember correctly.
01:04:37 Kind of saves the.
01:04:39 The first lady who got got blown up in the like she was on a helicopter, so I think she dies anyway, but she still manages to somehow.
01:04:47 There it is.
01:04:48 She saves the first lady who's miraculously, like, still kind of alive in this helicopter.
01:04:55 Meanwhile, here's here's Will Smith still talking trash still being all black.
Speaker 5
01:05:03 Hacking all big and bad.
01:05:07 And what the hell is that?
01:05:14 I could have been at a BBQ.
Speaker 11
01:05:17 Goodnight, man. All right.
01:05:21 You know, like low impulse control and.
01:05:29 All right, so somehow he finds all the white trash people who are going to area 51.
01:05:42 And then they.
01:05:43 All go to.
01:05:44 Then the president goes to.
01:05:45 Area 51.
01:05:48 For some reason, everyone goes to area 51.
01:05:57 Including the the clever old Jew guy, the clever old Jew guy is the one who's who's Jewishness.
01:06:06 Shows the goy.
01:06:09 Mr. President, this is doctor.
01:06:11 Let me see if I can get to that.
01:06:13 Play that little clip.
Speaker 11
01:06:16 I don't understand where does all this come from?
Speaker 16
01:06:18 How do you get funding for something like this?
01:06:21 We don't actually think they spend $20,000 on a hammer, $30,000 on a toilet seat, Louis.
Speaker 7
01:06:28 Mr. President, this is doctor.
01:06:30 So he's always doing these.
01:06:31 Little 1 liners and like Oh yeah.
01:06:33 You silly goyem.
01:06:36 They meet data from Star Trek.
01:06:40 Who's a scientist at area 51?
01:06:49 And they find out that.
01:06:51 They've had an alien.
01:06:56 Like on ice this whole time.
Speaker 10
01:07:01 Let's see here.
01:07:03 And there we.
01:07:03 Go. So they've known about.
01:07:05 These aliens for a while or whatever.
01:07:11 And it's kind of funny because again, so area 51 has been working on this alien technology since Roswell, right?
01:07:20 So they've been trying to figure out this, this spaceship that crashed in New Mexico in the 1940s. So for 50 years, they've been trying to crack the code, you know?
01:07:31 Data from from Star Trek has been trying to crack this code.
01:07:35 And all it takes is Jeff Goldblum.
01:07:38 The the Jew.
01:07:39 Genius to like, walk in with his Mac laptop.
01:07:43 I think like his really old ******* ****** Mac MacBook.
01:07:49 And he just like plugs it in and somehow.
01:07:54 Figures it all out like immediately.
01:07:56 And not only he figures out the technology so.
01:07:59 Thoroughly that he's able to write a computer virus for the for the alien operating system, you know like.
Speaker 10
01:08:06 Like the most.
01:08:09 Now part of that's because it's 90s and no one understood computers in the 90s.
01:08:14 No one understood computers in the 90s in.
01:08:16 The same way that.
01:08:17 In the 1950s, you had all these movies about.
01:08:21 You know the giant Ant because of radiation, you know, or, well, the origin of every.
01:08:27 Superhero right, like.
01:08:28 Spiderman became a Spiderman because he was bitten by a radioactive spider.
01:08:34 You know, somehow radiation would make crazy things happen because not everyone knew that radiation was like a thing, but they didn't know like anything about it.
01:08:43 And they they just thought that like the possibilities were endless with radiation.
01:08:47 And that's kind of how computers work.
01:08:49 Too any computer and honestly?
01:08:53 To this day, they still kind of do.
01:08:54 That because most people are ******* and don't understand.
01:08:56 Technology. But in the 90s.
01:08:59 Really no one understood computers, right?
01:09:02 And so you could say like, Oh yeah, I think I figured I hacked the alien computer and I read a computer virus using my MacBook, you know?
01:09:14 And and it wouldn't sound insane and ******** to most people because they didn't know they.
Speaker 10
01:09:18 They didn't even.
01:09:19 Know they were just starting to hear the term.
01:09:21 Computer virus.
01:09:22 They didn't really know what that means.
01:09:23 And they they certainly didn't know how, like networking or operating systems or you know, anything meant, you know, like or how that worked?
01:09:32 So but Jeff?
01:09:33 Goldblum just walks in, and with his massive Jew brain looks at the display that looks kind of like the matrix, you know, and with alien writing and is somehow magically able to to to write a a computer virus and interface his laptop with it.
01:09:54 All that stuff you know, even though data from Star Trek has never been able to figure it out for.
Speaker 10
01:09:59 Some reason but.
01:10:00 I think even though I think data.
01:10:01 From Star Trek.
Speaker 10
01:10:02 Is he a Jew?
01:10:03 That that actor?
01:10:05 I don't know if he is.
01:10:07 Let me look.
01:10:14 I don't know that guy's name.
01:10:25 Alright, who's he played by?
01:10:32 Brent spinner.
01:10:34 I'd never would have.
01:10:35 Guessed that is his name.
01:10:37 Yeah, he's Jewish.
01:10:38 I thought.
01:10:38 I thought.
01:10:39 He looked a little Jewish.
Speaker 10
01:10:40 UM.
01:10:45 Yeah. His he was born.
01:10:48 In Houston to Sylvania Schwartz.
01:10:52 And Jack Spinner, a Jewish family who owned a furniture store.
01:10:59 So there you go.
01:11:02 And I thought he looked a little Dewey.
01:11:04 So the you know.
01:11:05 Of course, the.
01:11:06 Other smart character, even though he's not as smart as the other Jew, is also a Jew.
01:11:11 You'll notice that that.
01:11:13 A lot of the, in fact 11 stream. I'm going to do in the near future is going to super highlight this.
Speaker 10
01:11:20 One of the the.
01:11:24 Gropes you might say the Hollywood tropes about Jews is that they're the geniuses to the extent where the stereotype in in American culture, when you would.
01:11:35 Think about like.
01:11:36 A nerdy character, a nerdy character, or a a nerdy scientist, or, you know the caricature that.
01:11:43 Would pop in your mind.
01:11:44 Would almost always, even though you wouldn't necessarily put together just because you know you most people weren't thinking and.
01:11:51 Most people still aren't.
01:11:52 Thinking about this sort of a thing.
01:11:54 You're picturing someone who's Jewish.
01:11:59 You're picturing someone as ethnically Jewish because every actor that portrays you know the really smart professor or scientist or nerdy kid or whatever, with almost like 100% if it's something from Hollywood, is Jewish.
01:12:18 Going all the way back to like the we've done, I don't know if it was streams or just videos where I've talked about.
01:12:27 You know, movies from like the well, OK, so perfect example.
01:12:31 Another alien movie.
01:12:32 That's very that's kind of.
01:12:33 Very similar to this.
01:12:36 But from 50 years prior, was the day the Earth stood still.
01:12:40 It was the same thing the day the Earth stood still had a, you know, this super genius here was, in fact they.
01:12:48 They make a point to say that he's basically the smartest person in you.
01:12:51 Know in the world.
01:12:53 And he's won all like the the smartest person in the world, the world or whatever.
01:12:57 Right.
01:12:57 And and he's Jewish.
01:12:59 And that's movie was from like 1950.
01:13:03 I don't know. Whatever.
01:13:06 So so anyway.
01:13:09 So they they.
01:13:11 And then there's the there's.
01:13:12 The crazy, violent white guy.
Speaker 7
01:13:15 Right.
01:13:18 Yeah, he's he's poor and drunk and.
01:13:21 Has no self-control.
01:13:26 So anyway.
01:13:30 So they try a bunch of stuff to kill the aliens and you know they fly all these missions against them and the aliens are just ******* destroying them because their technology is way better.
01:13:41 You know, they try dissecting the alien that Will Smith brought in, and it takes over data for a minute and some.
01:13:50 You know, starts talking through him and saying we're gonna destroy you or I don't remember.
01:13:54 It doesn't really matter.
01:13:57 The and then of course the the.
01:14:01 The Super smart.
01:14:02 Jew, that is solving all the mysteries of the alien is going to save.
01:14:06 Humanity is also a ladies man, you know, he's he's going after the the single white woman who's the the real brains behind the White House.
01:14:23 Then we got Will Smith.
Speaker 10
01:14:26 I forget what that scene was doesn't really matter.
01:14:28 It was just fast.
01:14:28 Forward here.
01:14:29 So they I think they try to they try to send.
01:14:32 They try to nuke the.
01:14:34 The baddies? It doesn't workout.
01:14:40 But then the the stripper, the stripper, finally makes it.
01:14:42 She comes back and you know the first lady dies.
01:14:46 But the stripper finally makes it and Will Smith's like. Yeah, I got my ******* I can finally be a cuck again like I am in real life.
01:14:56 And then July 4th comes.
01:15:00 And after staying up drinking all night.
01:15:03 The Genius Jew figures it out with the help of his Jewish dad.
01:15:08 Like maybe we should see.
01:15:09 See what this?
01:15:10 Dialogue is because.
01:15:12 I bet it's super Dewey.
Speaker 14
01:15:14 How are you doing?
01:15:15 I'm making a mess.
Speaker 16
01:15:17 Yeah. Yes, I can see.
Speaker 14
01:15:18 You gotta burn the rain porch.
01:15:20 Lump toxic waste.
01:15:21 Pollute the air and rip.
Speaker 13
01:15:22 Up the ozone.
01:15:24 Of course he's complaining about.
Speaker 10
01:15:27 They're they're they're they're on the the.
01:15:30 The verge of annihilation from an alien invasion, and he's complaining about the ozone and recycling.
01:15:38 OK.
Speaker 5
01:15:39 Just maybe if we screw this planet up enough.
Speaker 16
01:15:46 David, David, don't do this to yourself.
01:15:48 Listen to me.
01:15:49 Are you listening to me?
01:15:51 Everyone loses faith at some point in their life.
01:15:53 They woman myself.
01:15:57 I haven't spoken to God since your mother died.
01:16:06 As you know sometimes.
01:16:08 We have to remember what we still have.
Speaker 14
01:16:11 Like what?
Speaker 16
01:16:17 You still have your health.
01:16:20 Come on.
01:16:21 Come on.
01:16:21 David, you need your rest.
01:16:22 Come on, get off.
01:16:23 It's freezing.
01:16:24 Concrete floor before you catch.
01:16:25 Cold. Come on.
Speaker 14
01:16:29 That's just it.
Speaker 16
01:16:31 Made about faith.
01:16:32 Well, you see, a man can live.
01:16:38 I don't want you to catch cold.
Speaker 11
01:16:42 Da da da.
Speaker 10
01:16:43 I'm going to write an alien virus.
01:16:48 So that's his big plan as thanks to thanks to the advice of his Jewish dad.
01:16:53 He's like, hey, guys, check it out.
01:16:55 I've wrote, I've written it and I've I've.
Speaker 7
01:16:58 Learned how to.
01:16:59 Program and the alien virus and like.
01:17:03 8 hours or however.
Speaker 10
01:17:04 Long, but not very long, it's like.
01:17:06 Something that would they would probably take centuries to figure out.
01:17:11 Yeah, I was able to do.
01:17:12 It in a few hours.
01:17:15 It's as simple as.
01:17:17 The the Mothership you know, and then these red lines and then virus.
01:17:21 And we win cause virus and virus computer virus.
01:17:28 Because again, in the 90s, that's that, that's when.
01:17:32 You know, that's when McAfee was getting rich as **** because of the same thing.
01:17:36 Yeah, McAfee, when he was making all his money, was making it because no one knew what the **** a virus was.
01:17:43 They just heard the like virus, bad, make computer bad and I got to pay for McAfee any virus.
01:17:49 And by the way, don't don't think.
Speaker 3
01:17:52 For a SEC.
01:17:53 That those antivirus companies, including McAfee and Norton and all these other companies, don't think for a second that they weren't the ones in many cases riding the viruses.
01:18:08 I happen to know for a fact for a fact.
01:18:12 That that was going on.
01:18:14 That **** was going on.
01:18:16 Oh, no.
01:18:17 I knew virus is out.
01:18:18 Oh, luckily in less than 24 hours.
01:18:23 We've updated our virus definitions and we can find it and and eradicate it.
01:18:28 We're we're just so good over here at.
01:18:32 Norton and McAfee.
01:18:34 We're just, we, we responded quickly to this threat.
01:18:42 So people didn't know what the **** a virus was or what that even meant.
01:18:45 Or, you know, they.
01:18:46 Just thought, Oh yeah.
Speaker 10
01:18:47 Good, good idea.
01:18:48 It's like catching a cold.
01:18:49 They're going to give the alien computers a cold.
01:18:52 And and and and.
01:18:53 Another funny thing is they're kind.
01:18:55 Of ripping off in in a stupid way.
01:18:58 War of the worlds.
01:18:59 So war of the worlds was they had aliens that came to Earth or they were Martians.
01:19:06 Martians come to Earth and they're wrecking shop.
01:19:09 They're they're just ******* everything up and killing all the the earth lanes because their technology is so much better.
01:19:16 So, you know, same kind of things going on, right.
01:19:19 And then what happens?
01:19:21 They they open up the doors to their UFOs to like, release their soldiers onto the planet to go attack.
01:19:28 You know that the humans or whatever, and they all die.
01:19:33 They all die because they don't have any immunity to the diseases that were in the air on Earth and so.
01:19:45 That's how war of the world ends.
01:19:47 So the the people that are, you know, sci-fi nerds, that that watch this.
01:19:54 The the, The It's the same it's it's literally the same thing.
01:19:58 So it makes sense to people who don't know what a computer virus is.
01:20:01 They're just like, oh, yeah, just like in war of the world where, like the, you know, the, you know, the the the aliens came and got coronavirus and died.
01:20:08 You know it.
01:20:09 It all makes sense.
01:20:10 They're just going to give coronavirus to the the mothership and it's going to spread it with these.
Speaker 10
01:20:15 Red lines here and and then.
01:20:16 All the other ones will get it and it, uh, it'll be good.
01:20:23 Yeah, but apparently in the well because in the 90s.
01:20:27 Because they have wireless Internet.
01:20:31 Or or anything wireless in order for the the computer virus the the to to kill everything they had to go to the mothership.
01:20:41 With this spaceship and physically plug into it, because this is back when everyone still had DSL and and cable Internet and and stuff like that.
01:20:55 That's that, that, that the doing it wirelessly didn't make any sense. But you know as long as you could plug in and the only one brave enough of course to fly this alien ship that no one's ever flown before in the history of mankind. In the same way that the Jewish character learned how to code a computer virus using this.
01:21:15 Alien operating system.
01:21:18 You know you got Will Smith.
01:21:22 Magically, with no training at all knows how to fly.
01:21:26 The UFO's into the mothership.
01:21:31 So the the the president, who's literally there like he's just there, he doesn't do anything.
01:21:37 He never has any of the ideas.
01:21:40 He never.
01:21:40 He's just there.
01:21:42 He's just.
01:21:42 There to like be there.
01:21:45 And he's just like, good job, guys.
01:21:47 Good job, genius.
01:21:48 Blacks and Jews.
01:21:49 Yes, please go kill the aliens for us.
01:21:56 So they they.
Speaker 7
01:21:59 They do that, I guess.
01:22:00 Alright, let's go.
01:22:02 Of course, with with some more words.
01:22:04 Of wisdom from the.
01:22:07 From the smart old Jew, the Wise old Jew.
01:22:12 Alright, so let's Fast forward a bit.
01:22:22 So they they they do have like they have a nerdy ham radio.
01:22:29 Seen in here, I forget where it's at.
01:22:31 It's either right around now or it's a little.
01:22:33 Bit later but.
01:22:35 Because other communications satellites are taken out, there's this scene where, like, oh, Sir, Sir, we're getting.
01:22:41 We're getting a a message.
01:22:43 Like, I think this this might be.
01:22:44 It we're getting.
01:22:44 A message from somewhere like, oh, what?
01:22:46 Use it and he's like, oh, it's it's more.
01:22:49 Cold and because it was, it was like haha funny Morse code because Morse code was, you know, even in the 90s was getting to be obsolete.
01:23:00 Yeah, there it.
Speaker 10
01:23:00 Is like, oh Morse.
01:23:02 Code so they they communicate with.
01:23:06 I think these are supposed to be the British or something, but they communicate to all the the other countries around the world because America is the leader of the free world.
01:23:15 That was still acceptable and and kind of.
01:23:19 Believed by a lot.
01:23:20 Of people.
01:23:22 So, America, who has cracked the code thanks to the the Jewish Americans and the black Americans?
01:23:28 They're going to go up and load the the computer virus onto the alien whatever, and somehow they they know they know this virus is going to work and they know it's going to shut down the force fields, I guess of all the.
01:23:43 The other UFOs and and so they tell all the other countries around the world.
01:23:48 All right, we're thanks to our, our, our genius Jews in the same way that our Genius Jews came up with technology that allowed us to end World War 2, the Genius American Jews once again have stepped up.
01:24:03 And they're going to help us win World War three with the aliens.
01:24:07 And so and.
01:24:09 At this exact.
01:24:09 Time when we load the virus onto their whatever, then you should attack.
01:24:18 And they're like, oh, the.
Speaker 5
01:24:19 Yanks figured it.
01:24:20 Out and it's kind of funny because that's.
01:24:22 Nothing to us.
01:24:23 It's portrayed as the the rest of the country or the rest of the world, viewing the Americans as like, Oh yeah, that's awesome.
01:24:33 You know, like the Americans, figure it out.
01:24:35 I knew they could do it.
01:24:36 Like as if they were like.
01:24:38 You know.
01:24:39 Like, I guess there's the Saudis and the broad brush.
01:24:41 Let's see what the the dialogue is.
01:24:43 Remember that I remember them saying something like.
01:24:46 Ohh those those genius.
01:24:48 Jewish Americans or something like that, let.
Speaker 10
01:24:50 Me. See what they said?
01:24:56 From the Americans.
01:25:00 They want to organise a counter offensive.
Speaker 1
01:25:02 It's about bloody time.
01:25:04 What do they plan to do?
Speaker 5
01:25:06 It's the Americans, this crikey.
01:25:16 And then all the all the, like, the Russians, they claim to be able to bring.
01:25:20 Down the Shields.
01:25:23 And you start to get like this.
01:25:25 See that was the 90s globalism, the 90s globalism was, you know, we are all one big, you know, we might have our differences, but when faced with a big problem like aliens or you know whatever it is, then we all come together.
01:25:38 But but it is always we all come together under America.
01:25:43 Like America is still the leader, you know, like we're still like to the top dog, but we all come together and look as an American.
01:25:52 I kind of was OK with with viewing it like that where like yeah, we all have our own separate countries.
01:25:58 We all have our own whatever and if necessary, if we need to come together as, as you know, as one for some reason like we need to form like Voltron for like a second and attack whatever is coming in.
01:26:11 That's cool.
01:26:12 Right, like temporarily, as long as America is the head, you know, like, you know, we're Voltron.
01:26:17 And America is like the head lion thing.
01:26:21 That there and then once the problem is solved, once the enemy has been destroyed, then we can break up.
01:26:27 Into like our individual lions and you know, whatever little Voltron.
01:26:31 Metaphor there so.
01:26:34 All right.
01:26:34 And that's about as anime as I'll ever get.
01:26:37 Alright, so they decide to do this massive attack.
01:26:43 And it's funny this the whole time, this is the only.
01:26:46 Thing I was.
01:26:46 Alluding to the whole time they've been portraying this guys, this this useless ******* drunk that has no good ideas.
01:26:54 Everyone's making fun of him around the clock.
01:26:58 They're they're finally going to let him.
01:27:00 They're going to let him fly because they need.
01:27:03 I mean, well, anyone and anyone that can fly a plane because they're they're low on pilots, they're like, fine, I guess because we literally don't have any other options.
01:27:11 We'll let you participate, you know, I guess.
01:27:15 We'll we'll pause for a moment.
01:27:17 You know the.
01:27:18 The black single.
01:27:19 Mom, the the black guy, the Jewish guy, the old Jewish guy, the people that are actually, you know, solving all the world's problems will will.
01:27:29 Take the spotlight.
01:27:30 Off them for a second and let you.
01:27:33 Do it, but only because there's literally no one else that can do it.
01:27:37 So I was like all right.
01:27:38 So we're going to and then here's the.
01:27:41 This is the so this is.
01:27:42 The speech that documentary.
01:27:46 So let's actually have a listen to this speech so that that Jewish documentary Hollywood ISM.
01:27:52 Specifically said that this was a very Jewish speech.
Speaker 11
01:28:09 They're a little young.
01:28:12 That they are.
01:28:15 They look a little nervous.
Speaker 7
01:28:17 And I need all flight crews reported at this.
01:28:19 Areas immediately.
Speaker 1
01:28:23 Major, our plan.
Speaker 11
01:28:27 Good morning.
Speaker 17
01:28:31 Good morning.
Speaker 11
01:28:34 In less than an hour, aircraft from here will join others from around the world.
01:28:42 And you will be launching the largest aerial battle in the history of mankind.
01:28:49 Mankind, that word should have new meaning for all of us today.
01:28:55 We can't be consumed by our petty differences anymore.
01:29:01 He will be united in our common interest.
01:29:04 Perhaps fate that today's the 4th of July and you will once again be fighting for our freedom from tyranny, oppression and persecution.
01:29:20 But from annihilation?
01:29:23 Fighting for our right to live.
01:29:27 It is very Jewish.
01:29:28 This sounds like honestly, this sounds like a Zionist.
01:29:31 Like, imagine for a moment.
01:29:33 Listen to what he's saying and imagine that he's not like, supposed to be the President, United States, but instead he's a Zionist talking about Israel.
Speaker 11
01:29:45 And you will be launching the largest aerial battle in the history of mankind.
01:29:53 Mankind, that word should have new meaning for all of us today.
01:29:59 We can't be consumed by our petty differences anymore.
01:30:04 We will be united in our common interest.
01:30:09 It's fate that today is the 4th of July and you will once again be fighting for our freedom.
01:30:18 Not from tyranny, oppression or persecution.
01:30:23 But from annihilation?
01:30:27 We're fighting for our right to live.
01:30:31 To exist.
01:30:33 And should we win the day?
01:30:35 We're fighting for our right to see.
01:30:37 It's literally about Israel.
Speaker 11
01:30:39 But from annihilation?
01:30:42 We have.
Speaker 11
01:30:42 Fighting for our right to live.
Speaker 1
01:30:46 To exist.
Speaker 11
01:30:49 And should we win the day the 4th of July will no longer be known as an American holiday, as the day when the world declared in one voice, we will not go quietly into the night.
01:31:04 We will not vanish.
Speaker 13
01:31:06 Without a fight.
Speaker 11
01:31:08 We're going to live on.
01:31:10 We're going to survive.
01:31:13 Today we celebrate our Independence Day.
01:31:32 Diversity is our strength.
01:31:39 So and then of course obviously.
01:31:42 There would be no movie.
01:31:44 If we didn't win against the aliens, so everyone knows, that's what happens.
01:31:54 So they go and they load the virus.
01:31:57 On the alien ship, which?
01:31:58 Is the whole that whole?
01:32:01 Thing is ridiculous, but you know, whatever.
01:32:04 So they load the virus onto the alien ship.
Speaker 10
01:32:07 UM.
01:32:09 And it shuts off the.
01:32:12 The force fields I guess of the alien ships around the world.
01:32:18 A lot of alien ship stuff here.
01:32:20 I'm fast forwarding.
01:32:27 Alright, bump, bump, bump.
01:32:32 Our alien ship is still not.
01:32:35 Here we go.
01:32:37 They finally come on.
01:32:39 Load your stupid virus on there.
01:32:41 You're ridiculous.
01:32:45 I forgot about that scene.
01:32:46 There's even a scene where he starts doing a Jewish prayer with the, with the kids.
01:32:49 Or is that?
01:32:52 I was just at it.
01:32:53 Where to go?
01:32:56 There we go.
Speaker 1
01:33:00 Everybody hold hands. Nobody's perfect.
01:33:08 I'm not Jewish.
01:33:12 Ohh nobody's perfect.
01:33:17 See, that's that's.
01:33:19 That's the kind of endearing.
01:33:22 The audience thought that was hilarious.
01:33:24 Like ohh.
01:33:26 Oh yeah, those those cocky Jews.
01:33:30 It's so adorable.
01:33:32 That's so adorable anyway.
01:33:34 Forget about that scene there so.
01:33:47 All right.
01:33:49 And then the guy who actually finally saves the day said after they.
01:33:52 Have all this.
01:33:54 They finally get the Shields down on the on the giant UFO like one of these mother ships that are there to destroy America.
01:34:02 UM.
01:34:04 The guy who who finally who, who dies for.
01:34:07 Israel, if you will, is the stupid white guy.
01:34:12 This stupid white, the stupid Hick white guy.
01:34:15 That's just drunk and and ridiculous all the time, right?
01:34:19 He's the one that decides he's gonna, you know, he's going to sacrifice that.
01:34:23 He's all out of missiles.
01:34:24 So he's going to die for Israel.
01:34:26 He's going to sacrifice himself for the greater good.
01:34:29 Let's see if I can find it.
01:34:30 Where is where is.
01:34:34 As that's the President, he shoots like the last missile that he's got and it doesn't work right.
01:34:40 Like it goes, goes and then there it goes.
01:34:43 Yeah, so.
01:34:44 Oh no, that was my last missile.
01:34:47 Damn it, we're all ****** now.
01:34:49 I guess we're all going to die.
01:34:53 No, no.
01:34:53 Oh, no.
01:34:54 My wing man's gone now.
01:34:55 We're really gonna that we're really ****** now.
01:34:57 We're really going to die.
01:35:00 But then out of nowhere comes.
01:35:02 Where is he at?
01:35:06 Where is he at?
01:35:07 Where's the dumb Hick white guy?
01:35:11 There he is.
Speaker 12
01:35:14 Let you down.
01:35:15 Just keep those guys offing for a few more seconds, will you?
Speaker 13
01:35:18 OK, E9 or E7 take flanking positions. I want you to look after this guy. OK. Alright, boys, let's give Mr. case some cover, Cameron.
Speaker 8
01:35:29 It's brown the road.
Speaker 12
01:35:45 I got tone.
Speaker 13
01:35:49 Eagle 20, Box 2.
01:35:58 Eagle 20, Fox 2.
Speaker 3
01:36:04 It's jam. You all fire.
Speaker 7
01:36:23 Do me a favor.
Speaker 12
01:36:27 Tell my children.
01:36:29 I love him very much.
Speaker 3
01:36:34 Alright, you alien ********, in the words of my dinner, Richard.
01:36:44 Dad, what you doing, huh?
Speaker 5
01:36:46 Come on, baby.
01:36:47 Come on, baby.
01:36:48 Come on.
Speaker 8
01:37:03 Ohh boys.
01:37:14 And so.
Speaker 7
01:37:16 The the.
Speaker 8
01:37:17 The useless drunk.
01:37:19 White guy who never had any good ideas or any kind.
01:37:22 Of well, usefulness finally has a usefulness.
01:37:26 He can die for everybody.
01:37:30 So that's that's what happens, you know.
01:37:33 So you know, somehow flying into the.
01:37:37 The beam or something blows everything up and yay, the virus and whatever want and and even.
01:37:46 Though the white guy, he doesn't escape.
01:37:49 Right.
01:37:49 He has to die.
01:37:50 He has to die for the cause.
01:37:53 So you would think that if he has to die for the cause, that the black guy and the Jew that are on the the mother ship, right, so they're on the mother.
01:38:00 Ship and they're trying to leave, but the.
01:38:03 Aliens that they're wise to them, right?
01:38:06 So a very similar thing.
01:38:07 Happens like.
01:38:08 In the same way, the white guys missile failed to launch, and so he had to sacrifice and die for everyone.
01:38:16 The the the black guy and the Jew have.
01:38:19 A little bit of technical difficulties.
01:38:20 Too, but it just it it.
01:38:22 Ends a little differently.
01:38:25 Ohh look like look at that technical.
01:38:27 Hold on.
01:38:27 I gotta show you that technical language.
01:38:30 Look link.
01:38:32 High at hold on.
01:38:35 Link high at 824 Dragon load Jolly Roger loaded the the alien virus look argument selected 127452. Compiler execution. Oh look, they are cute cards compiler.
Speaker 10
01:38:53 Execution Q look at.
01:38:57 All those ones and zeros.
01:38:59 That that's got to be that's got to.
01:39:01 Be real computer stuff.
Speaker 17
01:39:06 Hey, all right, look at us.
01:39:09 Take a look at the eyes.
Speaker 13
01:39:12 I'll take care.
01:39:13 Number love.
01:39:14 Nothing but love for you.
01:39:17 You need to have any clue what's about to happen.
Speaker 17
01:39:20 Another chance in hell. Goodnight.
01:39:28 Not only are they, they write a virus.
01:39:31 Not only did they write a virus that disabled all of the the, the, the, the the force fields and whatever they they figured out like how to even make a skull animation.
01:39:46 They they basically were like ransomware, the ******* an alien ransomware.
Speaker 1
01:39:52 No, no.
01:40:02 Hello. Hello. Hello, hello.
Speaker 14
01:40:09 We're loose you guys out here in.
01:40:10 30 seconds.
01:40:12 Forget the fat lady.
01:40:13 You're obsessed with the fat lady.
01:40:14 Drive us out of here.
01:40:16 Turns out that you and the black guy don't have to die for it to work.
01:40:21 Like they miraculously, as fate would have it, they have been freed.
Speaker 7
01:40:34 They're chasing us.
01:40:35 Ohh, really.
01:40:35 You think?
01:40:45 I took the captioning right.
Speaker 5
01:40:46 We're not here.
01:40:46 We're not here.
01:40:47 Stop that.
Speaker 14
01:40:53 Tunnel tunnel exit.
Speaker 5
01:40:54 Whatever you think I'm doing.
Speaker 14
01:40:55 OK, OK, we're we're, we're.
01:41:05 So they get out.
01:41:07 Just nick of time.
01:41:11 And the earth has one.
01:41:15 So that was Independence Day.
01:41:19 That was Independence Day. I don't like it. The whole world's happy. Yay. Kind of curious as to how the Africans shot that one down because you still had to shoot it down, right?
01:41:30 Like, how come the Americans had hold on now because we still had, like, all the all the the virus thing he did right?
01:41:39 Because it took the shield down and and then there.
01:41:41 Was like, I mean it was so difficult to shoot it down the the the American white guy had to to die.
01:41:48 Just to make it go down how?
01:41:49 If that was the case in America, how the **** did these, these ************* get it?
01:41:55 Get it down, you know.
01:42:07 Nice to see your back with your.
01:42:08 Stripper single mom boy.
01:42:14 Let's see what let's see what the ending, ending words of wisdom are.
01:42:20 Nearly 20 minutes ago.
Speaker 1
01:42:24 Hold it.
Speaker 3
01:42:26 Hold on, Sir.
Speaker 1
01:42:27 I've got something on radar.
01:42:46 That's right, ****** black guy and ****** Jew.
01:42:51 And black single mom and black single kid and white woman and old Jew guy.
01:42:59 Those, those are the people that are those, those are the heroes at the end of the movie, the Hero shot of the movie.
Speaker 2
01:43:35 Sorry, Sir.
01:43:37 Good job.
01:43:38 Thank you.
Speaker 11
01:43:38 Well done, captain.
01:43:39 Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir.
Speaker 12
01:43:52 Not bad.
Speaker 14
01:43:57 Thank you, Mr. President.
01:44:01 No, thank you, Jews.
Speaker 1
01:44:04 Not too bad at all.
01:44:07 Ohh so this is healthy.
Speaker 14
01:44:10 I can get used to it.
Speaker 4
01:44:30 Happy 4th of July, daddy.
Speaker 11
01:44:32 Same to you munchkin.
01:44:36 Didn't I promise you fireworks?
01:45:03 So there you go.
01:45:06 There you go.
01:45:07 Happy 4th of July guys.
01:45:11 Happy 4th of July.
01:45:14 Let's take a look at Super chats, shall we?
01:45:20 How do I get?
01:45:23 Like coffee.
Speaker 10
01:45:27 Something to drink?
01:45:29 Before I do.
01:45:33 Let me see here.
01:45:44 Well, I was going to.
01:45:44 I was going to try to apply something while I grabbed a coffee real fast.
Speaker 10
01:45:54 Was this which was this?
01:46:01 No, that's not it.
01:46:10 I'll be right back.
Speaker 12
01:46:21 So going down the drain, our country going downhill in a handbasket, we haven't got the country we had went out with.
01:46:33 Not at all.
01:46:34 Do not help the fun.
01:46:36 I have the opportunity I have.
01:46:41 This is just not the.
01:46:42 Same, that's not what I'm doing.
Speaker 2
01:46:45 That's not what they did.
Speaker 3
01:46:47 Are we the baddies?
01:47:03 Look at that.
01:47:04 Miraculously, I made it back just in time.
Speaker 3
01:47:06 All right.
01:47:10 Let's take a look.
01:47:11 At Szuper, Chet Zuper chats.
01:47:14 Or the hyper chats.
01:47:16 We can't use the.
01:47:18 Can use the YouTube terminology.
01:47:24 All right.
01:47:29 Rewind all these things.
01:47:30 I really don't like the they need to fix this interface.
01:47:36 Ruka sell $5. Hi, Devin. Glad you streamed tonight. I was experiencing black pillow drawl symptoms as I was sure many others were as well needed.
01:47:43 My fix.
01:47:45 Thanks for all you all.
01:47:47 Thank you for.
01:47:48 All your superb videos and live streams also you have to on.
01:47:52 Book 2.
01:47:53 No, no, up.
01:47:55 There on the book 2.
01:47:57 It is it will.
01:47:58 I'll tell you what.
01:47:59 I'll have it ready before the Christmas season.
01:48:02 How about that?
01:48:03 I'll have it.
01:48:03 I'll have it available for you to get as a Christmas gift, as I'm sure you're going to right to everyone that you know.
01:48:14 I'm comfortable giving that promise.
01:48:19 Man, isn't it crazy?
01:48:20 It's already July.
01:48:22 It's early July, man.
01:48:25 Time has been flying.
01:48:28 Time has been flying tell.
01:48:29 You what the?
01:48:32 The one of the things is making time fly so much is.
01:48:37 Is I have? I've been, I've. I've got. I've got so much. I'm gonna make a alright. So I'm gonna do a new segment for the stream called weird **** I found at Carla's House.
Speaker 10
01:48:50 I've been.
01:48:51 I've been going.
01:48:52 I've been.
Speaker 13
01:48:52 Clearing out Carl's house.
01:48:53 Like finally been able to get into it.
01:48:57 And I have found some not everyone knows about the **** stuff, but I mean like I have found some really weird **** like, not just like, ohh, this is, this is interesting.
01:49:06 But like, what the **** is this?
Speaker 10
01:49:08 Doing here so.
01:49:12 So I'm I'm.
01:49:13 I'm going to start a new set.
Speaker 10
01:49:14 And because I I feel.
01:49:16 Like I could do it very regularly with how many times I find really weird **** there.
Speaker 10
01:49:21 Called weird ****.
01:49:23 I found that Carl's house.
01:49:25 And I'll make a little bumper for it and everything.
01:49:26 So anyway, I don't know that has to.
01:49:29 Do with book two but.
01:49:32 Well, let's lookout for that.
01:49:33 That'll that's coming soon.
01:49:35 And thank you very much varak.
01:49:40 Miss assault?
01:49:41 Uh, $5 from Simba. We are. So we are so far gone yet that we we wait. I can't read. This is why I had to get the coffee. Are we so far gone?
01:49:57 Yet that it is now reasonable to ask whether the founding fathers should have even bothered with declaring independents.
01:50:04 I'm seeing the first two amendments being eroded at an alarming rate, and now it's updating.
01:50:13 Not, I don't know.
01:50:14 It's still a dance.
01:50:15 Let me refresh it.
01:50:16 That's taking a long time to update it usually.
01:50:18 Doesn't take this long.
01:50:20 The chat just break.
01:50:21 I'm still streaming.
01:50:24 I think chat just broke for me.
01:50:26 Alright, let me go back to.
01:50:29 There we go.
01:50:30 That was weird.
01:50:31 It's never done that before.
01:50:36 For example, Microsoft will be forcing censorship on private Minecraft servers soon.
01:50:43 Well, you should be playing video games anyway.
01:50:45 What are you doing?
01:50:45 Playing Minecraft all the time.
01:50:47 See honestly and look, I I I I see that having being someone that has spent a embarrassing amount of time playing video games.
01:50:58 I know, I know, I know.
01:51:00 I'm not saying you're a worse person than I am for playing video games.
Speaker 10
01:51:03 The same stop like I stopped.
01:51:06 Stop it.
01:51:07 Stop it.
01:51:09 The reason I do what I do here is because I was playing video games and I got censored.
01:51:15 On a video game server.
01:51:17 Yay, censored.
01:51:19 I've told this story before.
01:51:20 The only reason why this stream exists.
01:51:23 Is I used to be a degenerate gamer and I was playing video games because I was in between contract work and that would happen, right?
01:51:31 I just have a couple of weeks where the you know, there's no, there's no gigs.
01:51:35 So I'm just playing video games and I was playing.
01:51:41 I think it.
01:51:42 Was Battlefront like Star Wars Battlefront or something like that?
01:51:46 And I it was before the election.
01:51:49 Before you know, the Trump, the first Trump election with Hillary.
01:51:54 And I was just making avid because I was. I would always get first place if I played I-9 times out of 10, I would get first place.
01:52:02 And in that game, if you got first place, it would make your avatar super big and everyone had to look at it for like a a kind of an awkward amount of time.
01:52:11 And so I thought after I was consistently.
01:52:14 Number one, I was like, it'd be kind of funny.
01:52:16 If I knowing knowing that because political, you know, chat would happen.
01:52:23 In the servers, every once in a.
01:52:24 While and a lot of people were hated, Trump and I didn't, I didn't particularly like Trump, but I hated.
01:52:32 I hated Hillary.
01:52:34 And so reason why a lot of my my handles and stuff online are evil.
01:52:39 Hillary is this is how it started.
01:52:41 I just started making avatars that were Hillary.
01:52:44 That was Hillary Clinton.
01:52:45 Photoshopped as like the, you know, like the the Emperor from Star Wars or like, you know, just.
01:52:52 As different you know.
01:52:54 People like just, you know, like.
01:52:57 You know, what was it a?
01:52:59 Freddy from Friday the 13th and just stupid **** like that like not.
01:53:03 Nothing that big of.
01:53:04 A deal because I.
01:53:05 Was kind of like I I just.
01:53:07 I hated Hillary.
01:53:07 I didn't really.
01:53:08 Care about Trump?
01:53:08 I just hated Hillary.
01:53:10 And EA censored my avatars after about a week of me doing that.
01:53:17 And so I was.
01:53:17 Like, oh **** you *************.
01:53:19 And I started making tons of these.
01:53:22 Photoshops of evil Hillary and posting them on, you know, on Reddit and 4 Chan just anywhere.
01:53:28 I thought that, you know, they would go somewhere and that's literally it.
01:53:33 And then it just kind of spun out of control from there.
01:53:35 I started making the dancing Pepe videos and just like, you know, because.
01:53:40 That's my personality type.
01:53:41 You censor me.
01:53:43 And I'm like, you know.
01:53:45 Ohh really fool and I and I go full blast the other way which now and now I've got a a racist Internet stream.
Speaker 3
01:53:54 Yes, you should have.
01:53:55 Just let me have the avatar.
01:53:59 So you never know, you never know what the censoring on Minecraft servers might be.
01:54:04 A good thing that might be.
01:54:05 The kick in the pants that you need.
01:54:08 To stop playing gay video games all day long and actually do something with yourself.
01:54:14 So, but that said, look.
01:54:19 Yeah, the 1st and 2nd Amendment are are eroded significantly, but aren't you glad that we at least have?
01:54:27 The what we have.
01:54:29 Versus the UK in the UK I'd.
01:54:32 Be getting arrested every string.
01:54:36 I would.
01:54:36 I'd be getting arrested every stream.
01:54:39 And on top of that, I wouldn't have any guns.
01:54:47 So I'd way rather be here way and plus.
01:54:53 A lot of people in Europe don't.
01:54:54 Seem to understand the the scale of the United States.
Speaker 10
01:54:59 UM.
01:55:01 When I was a little kid.
01:55:03 We, my family, took us.
01:55:06 We lived in, in.
01:55:08 And basically in.
01:55:10 The Sacramento area, right?
01:55:12 And my family took us to.
01:55:15 To Disneyland.
Speaker 10
01:55:17 And so that's.
01:55:18 For those of you in America, you know, that's like, that's still like a long ******* drive.
01:55:22 It's like an 8 hour drive or something.
01:55:24 Right.
01:55:24 Like you.
01:55:25 You never leave California.
01:55:27 But it's like a long ******* drive and our family.
01:55:31 Met an English.
01:55:32 Couple that was in Disneyland and they were complaining because they had ordered chips and they they got chips and they were.
01:55:41 Like we what?
01:55:42 Are these things or like those are chips and like?
01:55:44 Ohh we call them.
01:55:46 Crisps or, you know, whatever gay English thing, right?
01:55:52 And so my family started talking to them and mentioned like, Oh yeah, it took us, like, we drove.
01:55:59 It took like 8 hours to get here or what?
01:56:01 And they're ohh well, what state are you from?
01:56:04 And they're like California, you know, we're just, we're not even from, like, the furthest you could be.
01:56:08 You know, we're just from.
01:56:09 The middle of the state, and they were they were flabbergasted that that California was bigger than their entire country.
01:56:17 And that a lot of people don't realize that even there's even people in America that don't like if you live and you've always lived in a very urban environment and you've never gone on a road trip, especially, there's a lot of Americans that don't quite can't put together just how ******* gigantic.
01:56:35 The United States is.
01:56:38 And if you just want to.
01:56:41 If you want to be able.
01:56:42 To escape this global **** stuff.
01:56:46 It's way easier to do.
01:56:48 In America than it is in probably any first world country.
01:56:55 It'd be easier I.
01:56:56 Think it'd be like if you had the means and whatever.
01:56:59 I mean, I feel like a third world country.
01:57:02 Like a the jungle of a third world country would be kind of interesting and maybe fun or whatever.
01:57:06 But if you want to stay in a first.
01:57:09 World country This is the I mean this is.
01:57:12 The way to do it like you can be very.
01:57:13 Isolated out here.
01:57:15 And I I don't think a lot of people realize.
01:57:17 Is that?
01:57:20 And look and for me?
01:57:22 For me, it's an ancestral thing, right?
01:57:25 Like, I feel I feel connected to the the soil, if you will.
01:57:34 Land of the fake come of the gay $1.00. Let's give deniers of white supremacy free helicopter rides. Well, like I.
01:57:43 Said it, I I I don't.
01:57:45 I don't believe in white supremacy.
01:57:47 I believe in white primacy in white countries, but I don't think that we're better at.
01:57:54 If we were better at everything, we wouldn't be facing an existential threat right now.
01:58:00 Because we would.
01:58:01 Be better than that.
01:58:04 But we're not better than.
01:58:05 That we have lots of weaknesses.
01:58:07 Our we're certainly not superior when it comes to in Group preference.
01:58:12 So that's that's what I would say is is.
01:58:17 You need to rethink what how you're viewing it.
01:58:20 We're not better than everybody, but you know, we want to have a place that's ours and we want that place to prioritize us and not everybody else.
01:58:31 Which that's part.
01:58:32 That's again part of the proof that we're not superior.
01:58:36 Is we have a country that we founded where we're still the majority and we still hold like as a race hold a lot of power and yet it is.
01:58:47 100%.
01:58:55 That's a word, you.
01:58:56 Know us like it's it's it's built to prime.
01:59:02 I mean like the whole, the whole hierarchy benefits everyone but us.
01:59:11 I don't know how it's superior people would have would have come up with that and you could say, oh, we didn't come up with that.
01:59:16 It was, you know, we.
01:59:17 Were subverted by the Jews, OK?
01:59:19 Well, if we're superior, why did?
01:59:21 We let that happen.
01:59:22 You know what I mean?
01:59:24 So it's I think you just need to.
01:59:25 Rethink that.
01:59:28 But I do agree with to some extent the helicopter right thing.
01:59:32 Thank Conrad, $5 cheers, brother, and have a great stream. I personally don't care about the choppy quality of some showers because I'm a replay listener primarily.
01:59:41 So if the stream goes to ****, just keep on trucking along.
01:59:43 Yeah, I'll get it fixed.
01:59:46 I'll get it fixed, but the Internet solution I came up with the hardware.
01:59:51 Literally died, and so I had to get new hardware and now I have to get the the SIM card switched over and it's like this whole thing and just it's the weekend.
01:59:59 So I wasn't able to do it and so.
02:00:02 But I'm trying to get at least have a backup because this is ridiculous.
02:00:06 I can't be a streamer if I can't stream you.
02:00:09 Know, but I'm.
02:00:10 But yeah, the show at the same time, the show must go on.
02:00:13 So I'm trying to do it, even though we're not.
02:00:15 Able to really.
02:00:17 Have a smooth stream.
02:00:20 Burger salt $1.00 appreciate that. Hi, Devin. Last fall I bought a cute tiny up in Tia cactus at my local grocery store.
02:00:29 I'm thrilled that it now has several tiny pads spreading all over.
02:00:33 I've caught the cactus bug, I have cactus fever.
02:00:36 Here I've added other varieties to my collection.
02:00:39 I get why you love cactus.
02:00:40 So fun.
02:00:41 Well, it's real fun to to propagate them.
02:00:45 The fact that you can just yank one of those pads off and root it and away you go, that's that's always satisfying when you make a whole nother plant.
02:00:53 My yard went from nothing.
02:00:56 To it's like a cactus jungle out there now.
02:00:59 And I mean, you guys saw it like a lot of those were just single pads a couple of years ago when I was showing you guys some of the first videos of that stuff, those, those single pads have now grown into.
02:01:12 You know, in some cases 4 feet tall.
02:01:16 In fact, I got one that's taller.
02:01:18 Than me now finally.
02:01:19 So it's like almost 7 feet tall actually.
02:01:25 It's I mean that that's it's not Opuntia, it's a proving an apple cactus but still.
02:01:34 John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt.
02:01:38 $5 appreciate that. Good evening, Devin. Can you please examine Juno and knocked up both movies feature unwanted pregnancies, but surprisingly, abortion is not the end result in either degeneracy all over the place. However, I'm sure they're not pro-life films. Please share your thoughts.
02:01:57 I've seen both those movies. I don't remember Juno so much as just being really annoyed by Ellen Paige's gigantic forehead.
02:02:06 And just like the whole vibe of the movie irritated me.
02:02:11 And you are right.
02:02:12 I was surprised about knocked up not.
02:02:17 In fact, I think.
02:02:18 There's even like, a part of knocked up where abortion comes up as an option, and she's very against it.
02:02:25 I don't remember what year that came out.
02:02:30 Yeah, maybe I mean.
02:02:31 It's it's got Seth Rogen and I don't know if I can handle that.
02:02:34 Much Seth Rogen.
02:02:35 But you know, maybe.
02:02:37 I I can maybe take a look at that.
02:02:40 But right there is.
02:02:41 It is a little surprising.
02:02:44 Land of the fake home of.
02:02:45 The gay $1.00 Dang. Devon's going to have cactuses with gold. Chain zoom.
Speaker 10
02:02:53 OK, gold chains.
02:02:59 I don't remember any of the cactuses being black.
02:03:03 My cute little fiend $5. Why are people so obsessed with pro-life? I'm totally fine with diversity killing.
02:03:11 Their own.
02:03:11 Of course it doesn't solve the problem since they multiply so fast, but at least it slows them down.
02:03:17 Well, I mean again it's it's more of a principled thing.
02:03:24 I want to win.
02:03:25 But I don't want to win by killing babies.
02:03:28 And I I I I don't want to.
02:03:30 I I would.
02:03:32 What would also slow them down is them not reproducing without consequence.
02:03:41 OK.
02:03:42 And in terms of of?
02:03:46 UM.
02:03:48 Yeah, I just don't.
02:03:49 I don't want to be.
02:03:50 I don't want to claim, and I don't want it to be my nation that allows diversity to murder babies.
02:03:57 Even if it's their own babies.
02:03:59 I don't want a a nation that's permissive of that.
02:04:04 In fact, I don't.
02:04:05 Think I could call that my nation.
02:04:09 You know, if they're, if I live in a country that's allowing that behavior, I don't see how I could say that that's my country.
02:04:22 Harmless gene anti racist is, is and always has been code for anti white.
02:04:29 Damned to the eternal Hellfire.
02:04:31 Anyone who supports the civilization destroying ideas that white people being racist is evil.
02:04:36 Tribalism and ethnocentrism, ethnocentrism are essential instincts against dissolution and concon conquest right and their.
02:04:49 Instincts that.
Speaker 12
02:04:50 I think we'll return.
02:04:52 To white people, I just think that it's an environmental pressure that's going to force it to return.
02:04:57 I think the people, the white people that are going to survive are going to be the the, the tribal white people like, you know, one of the reasons why.
02:05:10 You could argue that.
02:05:11 Jews are so ethnocentric and nepotistic and all this other stuff is just look at their their history.
02:05:19 Of being an outside an outsider in host countries with sexual strategies that rewarded.
02:05:31 Nepotism and and.
02:05:36 Ethnocentrism, whereas historically it has whites have been rewarded.
02:05:44 For especially Anglos right with their empire, they've been rewarded for working with other ethnicities and being open to other ethnicities and cultures.
02:05:55 Now it was always in the context of.
02:06:00 I guess colonization.
02:06:03 And and conquest to some extent.
02:06:07 But it was still that, that openness.
02:06:10 And that desire for the exotic or whatever, right that white people have, whether you like it or not.
02:06:19 That was beneficial within that context, and now that that.
02:06:24 Context is different.
02:06:26 That attribute is now a liability.
02:06:30 If we were still.
02:06:32 Colonizing other countries and in conquering, you know, new lands.
02:06:39 It would be a beneficial it would be a beneficial.
02:06:42 Set of traits to have.
02:06:44 But when?
02:06:44 We're the ones being colonized.
02:06:47 And conquered it's. It's suicidal.
02:06:51 Let's take a look here.
02:06:57 And updated side the scroll back down.
02:07:03 John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt, $5. What do you think it is that prevents the brainwashing from working on us?
02:07:11 From comic public school teachers to television, we are bombarded. But you, me and the fans here are able to see through it, appreciate you doing the Lord's work.
02:07:20 Brother, keep it up well.
02:07:21 Look, I wasn't impervious to it for a long time.
02:07:26 UM.
02:07:28 I don't know what I I don't know if I could.
02:07:31 Oh, I mentioned like the A, you know, banishing my avatars, being one of the triggers.
02:07:38 And I guess.
02:07:39 That's what it was.
02:07:41 That and there was some other.
02:07:43 Data that I saw that was concerning.
02:07:45 There was a couple of things that.
02:07:46 I always thought that the left and.
02:07:47 Right would agree on.
02:07:52 You know, there was there was there was there.
02:07:53 Were lines that wouldn't be crossed.
02:07:56 And I started to see those lines getting crossed on a regular basis and nothing happening.
02:08:02 And I was used to the right losing.
02:08:05 I've always been on the right politically and.
02:08:10 I never saw a single win.
02:08:14 I still haven't seen a single win and.
02:08:15 People over with the.
02:08:16 Road versus wade?
02:08:17 No, that's rolling back.
02:08:19 A left wing win.
02:08:21 That's not even if we were.
02:08:23 Look, here's how bad.
02:08:26 Badly the right has performed.
02:08:28 Even if we somehow get ****** laws back on the books, you're you're still just under.
02:08:36 Thing the damages are left.
02:08:38 You still haven't moved the football to the right.
02:08:43 You're still just moving the foot like you're not getting closer to the the goal line.
02:08:48 You're just getting further away.
02:08:51 You know, you're just protecting yourself from, you know, the the left getting to their.
02:08:55 Goal line, right?
02:08:57 You're just getting closer to the center.
02:08:59 Of the field by rolling back.
02:09:01 The damage that they have done.
02:09:05 And my whole life I have not seen.
02:09:07 I have not seen a single win ever.
02:09:10 And even if, like I said, even if we get ****** laws again, even if we get a lot of this stuff that they're talking about rolling back.
02:09:17 It's just, you know, it's still just you're rolling it back.
Speaker 7
02:09:23 And but yeah to.
02:09:24 Answer your question, I don't know.
02:09:25 I don't think that I.
02:09:26 Think it's just people.
02:09:28 You know, everyone's got a threshold.
02:09:32 And they.
02:09:37 A lot of these.
02:09:39 Lines in the sand that many of us have have drawn in our minds.
02:09:45 I have been getting crossed and so it's that's I think what's going on there.
02:09:54 Base Race Mixer $1.00 appreciate that. I think we are down to good versus evil.
02:09:59 At this point.
02:10:00 By the way, Andrew Joyce is a good man.
02:10:03 He has good commentary.
02:10:06 That name sounds familiar.
02:10:08 I think I'm familiar with him on, like, from Twitter days, but I've been on Twitter in a really long time.
02:10:20 And I agree with you in terms of the good versus evil.
02:10:26 Ohh by the way.
02:10:27 That was another video I was going to play.
02:10:30 Speaking of this, and look there's there's going to be a lot of people that say this is cringe and you're.
02:10:37 You're kind of right.
02:10:40 And that's not why I think this is a a interesting or good development.
02:10:46 Now I'm going to play.
02:10:47 A music video.
02:10:49 That was put out by something, something by a a rap group.
02:10:55 That the magnetars's love.
02:10:58 And that's why that's why it's important and I'm talking.
02:11:01 All right.
02:11:02 So one of the it's a wrap, it's it's wrap.
02:11:05 But one of the wrappers is the grifter guy that did.
02:11:09 The let's go, Brandon, you know, like that gay.
02:11:12 But I'm just telling you this.
02:11:13 That's the.
02:11:14 Audience for this OK.
02:11:17 That's the audience for.
02:11:18 This, and there's a few things.
02:11:21 Like in the understanding that context that like soccer moms and Maga boomers and those types.
02:11:30 Are the people they're going to be watching this?
02:11:34 OK.
02:11:35 Understanding that, excuse me.
02:11:40 Where the **** did it go?
02:11:43 I'm sure I downloaded it.
02:11:48 Or I thought I had.
02:11:52 And I sort this by something weird.
02:12:06 But anyway.
02:12:08 I'll find it here in.
02:12:09 A second the fat.
02:12:10 Here it is.
02:12:14 The fact that they made this song, it's basically saying let's kill all the ****. Like, that's what it's saying to go from 2016.
02:12:27 Where Trump is waving the rainbow flag at rallies.
02:12:32 And to go from the Donald on Reddit.
02:12:36 So think of this way the audience for this song is the same people that I don't think it exists anymore, but like, they would be going to the Donald on Reddit, right?
02:12:48 And the Donald on Reddit would upvote the ****.
02:12:53 Out of like, oh, I'm a ****** like someone would just like some ****** would post a picture of themselves and say I'm a ****** and I support Trump and he would get voted to the top because they were so desperate to have a base training.
02:13:08 The same people.
02:13:11 That that think Lady Maga is cool because again, you know the base look we we our our trainees are better than your trainees.
02:13:20 The same kind of thinking that got Bruce Jenner a job at Fox News as a Fox News contributor, that Maga Boomers.
02:13:31 Are watching without vomiting.
02:13:34 The fact that like that that has happened, right?
02:13:39 Uh, this that is the audience for this.
02:13:43 And then play it.
Speaker 4
02:13:45 A lot of people when they hear.
02:13:47 The term **********.
02:13:48 They automatically assume that it means a sex offender and that isn't true, and it leads to a lot of misconceptions about attractions toward minors.
Speaker 11
02:13:50 Hang on.
02:13:55 Ah, hang on.
02:13:59 So if they.
02:14:00 It downloaded as a web M so I got to try to open it with.
02:14:04 Something else now.
02:14:09 Won't even open with this I wonder.
02:14:12 There we go.
02:14:15 There we go.
Speaker 4
02:14:19 A lot of people, when you hear the term **********, they automatically assume that it means a sex offender and that isn't true and it leads to a lot of misconceptions.
02:14:27 About attractions toward minors.
Speaker 3
02:14:29 I'll make a little bit of money.
02:14:33 You will sell it?
02:14:35 LGBTQ a bunch of pedophiles.
02:14:45 OK, again.
Speaker 10
02:14:47 I just want to point out he's waving a gun around.
02:14:52 While saying that the LGBTQ is a bunch of pedophiles.
Speaker 10
02:15:01 OK. And again.
02:15:05 We went from Trump waving the rainbow flag around, Milo being the the dangerous ******, right, cause conservatives were so desperate to have a dangerous Fae.
02:15:18 In 2016.
02:15:22 A MAGA approved.
02:15:25 You know, certainly not anti-Semitic, right mega approved artist.
Speaker 10
02:15:33 Waving a gun around.
02:15:35 And saying that the LGBTQ is a bunch of pedophiles and then on top of that, it's a little.
02:15:41 Confusing because there's a black guy in this video too.
Speaker 3
02:15:45 But there's also some burning cross imagery.
02:16:01 Should be ashamed.
02:16:02 Throw them in the fire with the flames.
02:16:04 Throw them in.
Speaker 13
02:16:05 The fire.
02:16:06 He says or off the building, I don't know.
Speaker 3
02:16:07 Line them up and let us.
02:16:09 Take aim.
02:16:09 How do we get to this place?
Speaker 13
02:16:11 Line them up and let us.
Speaker 10
02:16:12 I'm just saying, like if you.
02:16:15 If you like I.
02:16:20 Just because of the momentum behind the different forces involved.
02:16:25 With our predicament.
02:16:27 And the, you know, just the laws of physics.
02:16:31 That there will probably most likely come a time when.
02:16:37 You know, it's it's no longer words, right?
02:16:41 It's no longer words.
02:16:43 It goes beyond words.
02:16:45 It already kind of has.
02:16:46 Tiptoed into that area.
02:16:50 And knowing that the kind of people that.
02:16:55 That are loath to accept that.
02:16:59 Are the kind of people that are going to be consuming this.
Speaker 3
02:17:01 Content we grooming kids, something like the best.
02:17:07 It's a crime now.
02:17:09 And then again.
02:17:10 Ohh damn it, I hit the wrong button.
02:17:13 Kind of burning cross imagery.
Speaker 3
02:17:18 Alright, there we go like it.
02:17:28 Now again, there's a black guy in this.
Speaker 7
02:17:31 And I'm not saying burning.
02:17:32 Crosses are good optics by any means.
02:17:34 But just the fact that they made this and there wasn't there wasn't like some gay Jews saying.
Speaker 10
02:17:41 Maybe we shouldn't.
02:17:42 Have like all the.
02:17:43 Fire and the cross thing like that's.
02:17:46 That's probably not good.
02:17:49 You know.
Speaker 10
02:17:55 I mean it.
02:17:58 It's interesting, it's just interesting that this got made.
Speaker 3
02:18:00 But the kids, they calling me a beggar for shallow bundle of twigs.
Speaker 2
02:18:04 You're selling nothing.
02:18:05 Children go with the highest.
Speaker 3
02:18:07 Bid how much you're getting.
Speaker 1
02:18:08 Paid from the brightness and other.
Speaker 3
02:18:10 Lips y'all might be heading.
02:18:12 Over anyway since.
02:18:13 So you know, I'm not going to.
02:18:14 I'm not going to kill.
02:18:15 You with, you know, making rest of the whole song.
02:18:16 I'm just.
Speaker 9
02:18:18 It's interesting.
02:18:21 That the the mega boomer crowd is being exposed to.
02:18:27 This this kind of content is all I'm going.
02:18:30 To say.
02:18:32 It's it's interesting.
02:18:36 OK.
02:18:39 John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt, your thoughts on all the female Republican primary for AZ governor?
02:18:45 I'm pulling for Paula.
02:18:48 Just kidding.
02:18:49 Elections are fake and gay.
02:18:51 Yeah, I don't know.
02:18:52 I don't.
02:18:52 I haven't paid attention.
02:18:53 To that at all.
02:18:56 But yeah, elections are fake and gay.
02:19:00 Maybe at the local level it's less fake, but I would think Arizona, Arizona is one of the states that had had lots of fakery in the 20, you know, in in the Trump elections.
02:19:12 So I don't know why it'd be any different for a local election.
02:19:17 Which Lord Godfrey?
02:19:18 Germany still has a massive state backed apparatus that creates new methods of white German guilt using new interpretations, IE new blood libels against them.
02:19:29 In spite of this, they still have to regularly purge their military of NEO NSDAP guys.
02:19:36 Weakening themselves further.
02:19:39 Yeah, I I feel bad.
02:19:41 I I feel bad for Germans, honestly.
02:19:44 I mean, like I said, the fact that like.
02:19:47 Every bad guy in every pop culture reference.
02:19:52 Is I mean I.
02:19:53 Psychologically, I just.
02:19:54 Don't know what that would do to me.
02:19:57 I know, I know, psychologically, having the the mythos.
02:20:02 Of America and the founding and all that stuff.
02:20:05 And what that's done for me in a positive way.
02:20:07 And I I just I.
02:20:08 Don't know what I would be like.
02:20:09 I think it would.
02:20:10 It would.
02:20:10 Possibly change my worldview if I was brought up thinking something almost completely.
02:20:18 Opposite to that.
02:20:21 Gee, have you done eyes wide shut?
02:20:24 The filming in the Rothschild mansion.
02:20:25 Stanley Kubrick dying suddenly from a heart attack a few days after presenting his final cut of the movie.
02:20:31 No, I have not.
02:20:32 Only because there's some things I've just been done to.
02:20:35 And I just you know.
02:20:37 I I recommend watching it.
02:20:39 And you're right that all that stuff is real.
02:20:41 Additionally, I I think this is according to his daughter, who also believes that there was some shenanigans going on.
02:20:46 I think his daughter even went on Infowars or something like that and talked about it.
02:20:51 But it.
Speaker 10
02:20:53 I don't know if.
02:20:53 This is substantiated, but there's at least rumors that there's like a missing 12 minutes.
02:21:01 Like the cut that that Kubrick presented before dying.
02:21:09 Was it?
02:21:10 It was edited before they put it out in theaters and it was missing 12.
02:21:14 Minutes or something like that.
Speaker 7
02:21:19 Or so.
02:21:19 I'm told I'd have to look into.
02:21:21 That again.
02:21:23 John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt getting back to community building.
02:21:28 Where were ****, prostitution, drugs and alcohol, gambling and usury fit in your society.
02:21:34 Will there be punishment or what would be the punishment for these degenerate vices?
02:21:40 Any plans for an IRL meet up to get?
02:21:42 This community going.
02:21:45 Well, I mean, like if you're talking like if you were to go like.
02:21:48 Actually start your own.
02:21:50 You know.
02:21:52 Many country or whatever.
02:21:56 You know, all that stuff would.
02:21:57 Be banned.
02:21:58 You would ban poor and prostitution, drugs and alcohol.
02:22:02 Alcohol is, I don't know, alcohol.
02:22:05 I I feel like the the old old school Mormon take on alcohol and I think this was to accommodate the people that.
02:22:12 Did this the original rule was if you were going to drink alcohol.
02:22:18 You had to.
02:22:19 Make it yourself.
02:22:22 Because I think that there were members of the time that made their own beer and their own wine, and you know that politically it would not be a great idea to be like ohh you.
02:22:32 You can't do that now.
02:22:35 And I think, but I think that's a good.
02:22:37 That's that.
02:22:38 I feel like that's a good compromise.
02:22:40 If you make your own alcohol.
02:22:45 You're at least productive enough to where.
02:22:47 You're doing that right.
02:22:51 Because that's the key.
02:22:52 It's the moderation thing.
02:22:55 And look, even animals drink alcohol.
02:22:58 There's lots of mammals that drink fermented ****.
02:23:04 And but in moderation.
02:23:06 There's there's health, there's health benefits in moderation.
02:23:10 It's just that the the problem is where alcohol becomes.
02:23:15 Something that makes you unproductive.
02:23:18 I don't know.
02:23:18 I feel like that could be something.
02:23:21 Or ban it?
02:23:22 I don't know.
02:23:23 I'd have to think about it.
02:23:24 Definitely ban user.
02:23:26 Definitely ban prostitution.
02:23:28 Definitely ban ****.
02:23:30 Definitely ban drugs again.
02:23:32 It'd be a gradient, right?
02:23:34 Like you'd have to.
02:23:36 I think recreational drugs you'd want to ban.
02:23:40 Because I don't think that should be a recreation.
02:23:44 You know, I think that it.
02:23:46 That destroying your mind?
02:23:50 If you're so bored that you're having to.
02:23:53 Alter your mind to be entertained then.
02:23:56 You got there.
02:23:57 You should be busier.
02:23:59 And I say that as someone who took.
02:24:01 A lot of drugs growing up.
02:24:03 Well, not a lot of different kinds.
02:24:05 But like actually.
02:24:10 And it wasn't good.
02:24:11 If I could take it all back, ****.
02:24:12 I mean, just the the financial gain I'd get from taking it all.
02:24:16 Back would be amazing.
02:24:18 But I'm sure I'm a lot stupider.
02:24:19 I'm just being I'm sure I'm.
02:24:21 I'm stupider.
02:24:22 For for doing that.
02:24:25 And I would have accomplished so much more like there's so much.
02:24:29 A lot of that video game playing I would not have.
02:24:31 I would not have done if I had not been high as a kite.
02:24:34 What made my brain OK with sitting in my chair playing video games all day was that I was high.
02:24:40 If I wasn't high, I it probably would not have been captivating enough for me to do that.
02:24:47 Uh, in terms of IRL stuff.
02:24:52 Yeah, nothing anytime, really soon.
02:24:54 And if I like I said, when, when and if I creep into that, I don't.
02:24:58 I don't think it's going to start with announcing it on the stream.
02:25:01 Or anything like that, you know, I mean.
02:25:06 Super brother, $20. Thank you for your content. That's all right. Well, I appreciate that.
02:25:14 UM.
02:25:18 I wonder if you are.
02:25:20 Who I think you might be probably not, but you might be.
02:25:25 That would be.
02:25:26 That would be interesting if you are who I think you might.
02:25:28 Be you're probably just some rando, but you might be.
02:25:31 Someone else?
02:25:34 Everyone's like what kind of cryptic **** is that?
02:25:37 And maybe you're thinking that too.
02:25:40 Zach the myth about grabbing the wheel serves Trump's interest. His supporters can say. See, he really wanted to go. He didn't sell us out, keeping the servers attached to Trump serves the interest of the unit party.
02:25:54 Yeah, I mean, I don't know.
02:25:57 That's why they did it, because at the same time, the Liz Cheney types, right.
02:26:02 Are like, oh, look how crazy it is.
02:26:05 You know, like the, I don't think it's helping him in the donor arena.
02:26:12 Yeah, because they're all *******.
02:26:15 And it sounds it sounds slightly based that he's like grabbing the wheel and obviously like I said, I can't imagine him doing that.
02:26:23 I can imagine him getting maybe slightly physical because his his will is being thwarted by, as I said, like.
Speaker 7
02:26:31 The the mall.
02:26:32 Cops of his employees.
02:26:34 Are defying him and he's the president.
02:26:36 He's supposed to be the most powerful person in.
02:26:38 The world and the people who are hired to take a bullet aren't even like.
02:26:42 Obeying him.
02:26:44 Like in terms of what to drive the car.
02:26:47 And I can imagine being him being so frustrated that that he would do something.
02:26:51 But yeah, the story that he's.
02:26:53 Like then he tried to break his.
02:26:54 Clavicle. And you know whatever.
02:26:58 And yeah, absolutely.
02:26:59 There's been a lot of Maga boomers.
02:27:01 They're like, oh, **** yeah, I knew it.
02:27:03 I ******* knew it.
02:27:04 He tried to do it.
02:27:05 He tried to be there.
02:27:07 You know, that's the that's the Trump I know.
02:27:12 He leave us hanging, hanging at the.
02:27:14 Capitol, he he.
02:27:15 I mean I I know what you're saying.
02:27:20 My fat little ******** toe, $50. Very generous. Appreciate that. Well, as of midnight, I am now 22.
02:27:27 Thank you for our six years of black pills.
02:27:29 I wouldn't be where I am if it wasn't for your hard work and dedication.
02:27:33 Well, I appreciate that and happy birthday.
02:27:37 Everyone, shack and wish fat little ******** toe.
02:27:41 Happy birthday.
02:27:43 So yeah, in 2222 is a Goodyear because you now don't have any of.
02:27:50 These like.
02:27:51 It's kind of like it seems kind of like a let down because you don't have.
02:27:54 It's not like, oh, well, I turned 21. I can go to a bar. You know, there's always like something that that you can look forward to like, oh, when I turn 18, I can do well now I guess.
02:28:03 They've a lot of that stuff. They've even smoking. They changed the 21. So I don't know, maybe there's nothing you can do at 18 except for diapers.
02:28:13 Yeah, now that you're 22, it's kind.
02:28:14 Of like oh.
02:28:15 I can get old now.
02:28:17 Every year I just.
Speaker 7
02:28:18 Get a little.
02:28:19 Bit older.
02:28:21 Yeah, but you are.
02:28:23 You are still very young and I would say try to get a try to get a a A based woman sooner rather than later.
02:28:31 Don't, don't.
02:28:32 Don't fall for the the.
02:28:34 Lie that you have to sell your wild oats.
02:28:36 And and do like you know.
02:28:38 Go test drive a bunch of models before.
02:28:41 You you pull the trigger on one.
02:28:45 Try to get that done sooner rather than later.
02:28:48 I wasted a lot.
02:28:49 Of time thinking that like you know.
02:28:53 That there was.
02:28:56 The the boomer propaganda was telling us was yeah, no, your 20s is.
02:29:01 For just ******* ******* and getting high and ******* around.
02:29:04 And yeah, don't, don't, don't.
02:29:06 Fall for that ****.
02:29:08 I guess now they're telling you it's to play Minecraft and don't fall.
02:29:10 For that **** either.
02:29:13 Pebble in the pond $5.00 with a a beer I guess. Cheers.
02:29:20 Appreciate that.
02:29:22 After Matt Kalashnikova $3 high DEF and great work as always, the number of people waking up to the JQ is slowly increasing.
02:29:30 I have noticed that people who know about it are above average IQ Jews and the Biden administration and their over representation in recent degeneracy is waking up high IQ whites.
02:29:41 I have seen it.
02:29:42 First hand.
02:29:45 Well, that's The thing is the fact, I mean.
02:29:48 The truth is on our side.
02:29:51 And the numbers.
02:29:54 The statistical improbability of it.
02:29:58 Is going to affect smart people.
02:30:01 Stupid people don't understand statistics or improbability or any of that stuff.
02:30:07 They understand slogans.
02:30:10 Like the slogan, that's anti-Semitic, you know.
02:30:14 What I mean?
02:30:15 And their their brains shut down as soon as they hear.
02:30:18 I I, I've.
02:30:19 I've had stupid friends literally cut me off.
02:30:23 Because they can't understand or rather don't understand the importance or the.
02:30:34 The statistical improbability, right, that it's just magically.
02:30:40 All these Jewish people involved with all these powerful positions, always all the time when they make up such a small percentage.
02:30:47 But smart people do get it.
02:30:49 And but it's still a taboo, and unfortunately a lot of smart people.
02:30:54 People care more about social hierarchy and and excelling.
02:31:05 Within the system.
02:31:07 And so those smart people who would rather be the alpha slave because when you're really smart, it's really easy to outcompete the other slaves and have a relatively pleasant life, right?
02:31:20 Like you can live in a gated community, you can have a swimming pool.
02:31:25 You can have a a fairly good looking wife.
02:31:30 Maybe send your kid to private schools that are only kind of ****** style and and you can go on vacations and whatever and and and so.
02:31:41 You're going to have people.
02:31:42 That don't want to jeopardize the the the the table scraps that they get.
02:31:50 That's where they're oriented and it doesn't mean they're not smart.
02:31:52 They're smart.
02:31:53 They just.
02:31:55 Aren't as principled, and so that's going to be the defining factor is it's it.
02:32:02 It's not just you have to be smart because there's a lot of smart people.
02:32:05 They could see it if they wanted to.
02:32:08 It's just that they're smart people that know that once you.
02:32:14 Once you crossover that that taboo, what that means in terms of you?
02:32:24 Your aspirations to be the the alpha slave and obviously they don't.
02:32:29 They don't think of it as I want to be the alpha slave.
02:32:32 They they think that they're going to.
02:32:33 Be the slavers and not realizing that no, because of the JQ and other other dynamics like it, you're no the best you can do is.
02:32:43 The alpha slave the best you can do.
02:32:45 Was have a have a CD in the garage and and maybe a cabin somewhere and you know like a huge mortgage for your Mcmansion and whatever, right?
02:32:55 Like, that's the best you can do and you know it doesn't matter what what delusions of grandeur you have about like.
02:33:00 Oh, but something.
02:33:01 I'm going to be the one calling the shots.
02:33:02 No, don't you understand?
02:33:04 But doesn't matter.
02:33:05 It's more important to them.
02:33:08 To maintain that lifestyle and and.
02:33:12 They need the system to survive so they don't care who's running it.
02:33:16 Because they need it.
02:33:18 In fact, they're probably glad that.
02:33:19 Someone's running it.
02:33:21 And again, they're probably deluded into thinking that someday.
02:33:24 They'll be running it.
02:33:27 But you're right, there are there are smarter people.
02:33:31 It's just that it's going to because it's still a ******** taboo, although that.
02:33:35 Is breaking down.
02:33:36 That is breaking down and that's why it's so important to keep joking about it.
02:33:43 Keep making, you know, ridiculing people and and.
02:33:47 The idea of anti-Semitism as like this taboo.
02:33:53 Because it's it's so obvious the numbers don't lie.
02:34:01 Land of the fate come of the game.
02:34:04 Devon, do short circuit.
02:34:07 Oh God, that movie.
02:34:10 Well, I I don't know.
02:34:11 Like I I.
02:34:16 I don't know what you would say about it.
02:34:18 I mean, there's it's a degenerate kid movie, but mostly just because it's.
02:34:25 It's degenerate.
02:34:26 You have.
02:34:26 You have the Indian guy who?
02:34:29 And the the Jewish guy.
02:34:31 And the the white girl.
02:34:34 And then the robot.
02:34:36 And it's just more, it's just like.
02:34:38 I don't know.
02:34:39 There's a whole lot.
02:34:40 To it, you know.
02:34:42 I don't know.
02:34:42 I haven't seen it since I was like 11.
02:34:44 So I don't know.
02:34:47 Maybe there's more to it than that.
02:34:52 Gee, you know, I must took his four oldest non ****** son sons.
02:34:58 I think him and to see the Pope.
02:35:00 What are your speculations?
02:35:02 Think he wants to prevent another transition?
02:35:05 One of his sons looks like he might follow his trendy brother.
02:35:08 I also sense a lot of autism.
02:35:11 Yeah, I saw that.
02:35:11 Photo floating around and one of them I thought it was the training son and I was like, oh, I thought that son.
02:35:18 Disowned him.
02:35:19 Let me see if.
02:35:19 I can pull that photo up.
02:35:24 They all look very.
02:35:26 They just.
02:35:27 They look, they look like a family of ******* spurges.
02:35:31 UM.
02:35:37 I wish there was a better photo of this.
02:35:39 There we are.
02:35:43 Why is there not a better version of this photo?
02:35:50 Now, whatever this is good enough.
02:36:13 Yeah, there, there's that one right there that with the long WAVY hair.
02:36:19 That looks like ****** #2 like just ready to go, but they all look like ******* spurges.
02:36:27 You know.
02:36:29 Which makes sense.
02:36:30 You got to remember Elon Musk.
02:36:33 You don't really look like before you had.
02:36:34 All the money.
02:36:37 Well, he's always had.
02:36:39 A lot of money, he's.
02:36:40 But I mean, before he had his empire.
02:36:41 Let me put it that way.
02:36:49 This is what he used to look like.
02:37:13 You know this was.
02:37:18 This was Elon Musk in the early PayPal days.
02:37:23 Before he was anyone that anyone had heard.
02:37:25 Of before now again.
02:37:26 He was always super rich.
02:37:29 He comes from money.
02:37:30 All these ******* do, it's you.
02:37:33 Don't start anything big and not come from money.
02:37:37 That's a lie.
02:37:37 There's no such thing as rags to riches.
02:37:41 There just isn't.
02:37:42 There's literally no such thing as rags to riches.
02:37:47 And so, but yeah, I mean.
02:37:49 Is it that?
02:37:50 I mean, do you see the resemblance now?
02:37:56 They were like the nerdy spurges.
02:37:59 So you know.
02:38:06 333 Yeah, Mason, I see movie recommendation. Shin Godzilla, a film about collectivist ingenuity overcoming an existential threat. There's a decent amount of themes you'd find interesting, like demilitarization, the protagonist contrast the standard Western individualist.
02:38:26 Depictions but still have positive reception in the USA.
02:38:30 Shin Godzilla is that some kind of ****** movie?
02:38:39 It is.
02:38:42 The Japanese movie, I don't know.
02:38:44 I don't know if I have.
02:38:45 I don't have.
02:38:45 The patience.
02:38:46 To to read subtitles.
02:38:48 For a Godzilla movie.
02:38:51 Maybe, maybe.
02:38:54 We will see.
02:38:57 You want to.
02:38:58 See, Speaking of, you know, cheeky movie.
02:39:04 Let me see if I if I got that here.
02:39:10 Where do I put that?
02:39:15 I found some interesting.
02:39:20 I don't know why I was even looking at this stuff, but I was looking at old political cartoons, people complaining about the.
02:39:31 Like different immigrant groups coming into America.
02:39:35 And one of them was about the Chinese.
02:39:39 And I saw this.
02:39:41 And I have I.
02:39:42 Got to find.
02:39:46 This for this of the American exclusion of the Chinese, the skeleton in Uncle Sam's closet.
02:39:53 And look what's in his hand protest against Russian exclusion of Jewish Americans.
02:40:04 Now I'm not sure what the context of this is, but I found this.
02:40:07 Was like, huh.
02:40:08 What is that?
02:40:09 I need to I need to read more about.
02:40:11 This but anyway.
02:40:13 I, but there's a lot of really funny.
02:40:16 Really funny this is this is one of the funny ones.
02:40:22 See they they were worried about tentacle **** even back in the 1800s.
02:40:28 See look at this.
02:40:31 They were worried about.
02:40:35 Now, what about tentacle **** even then?
02:40:40 Cheap labor.
02:40:42 Paka poo.
02:40:43 I don't know what papoo is.
02:40:45 Immorality, smallpox, typhoid.
02:40:51 Opium bribery.
02:40:56 Customs robbery.
02:41:03 I want to find out about Packer pool.
02:41:08 Let's pack a poo.
02:41:10 Packed APU.
02:41:13 Oh, look, pack, uh, poo.
02:41:16 What's pocket pool?
02:41:22 It's Chinese lottery game, so it's gambling.
02:41:26 Alright, what's fantan then?
02:41:38 Fan Tan is is.
02:41:42 Also gambling.
02:41:45 OK, so it's Chinese gambling.
02:41:48 Man, the Asians love gambling.
02:41:50 You ever go to Vegas?
02:41:53 You'll see.
02:41:56 Well, Atlantic City with holy God.
02:41:59 When I was in Atlantic City last time I had Atlantic City.
02:42:04 I think it was during the Thanksgiving holiday, so it was, you know, most white people were.
02:42:09 Doing Thanksgiving.
02:42:11 But even the signs I think it was Korean, but all the signs were in Korean, like all there was all these posters featuring Korean, you know, performers at different casino like it was so Asian.
02:42:25 It was weird.
Speaker 17
02:42:27 OK, let's take a look here.
02:42:32 Aftermath Kalashnikova $3 Devin and the military, I never saw a black person who was good at shooting seriously.
02:42:39 I have seen many of them shoot and at best they did average black females in particular cannot hit the broadside of a barn.
02:42:46 Not joking.
02:42:47 Right. Well, I mean, look.
02:42:50 Black people.
02:42:53 The hand eye.
02:42:54 Coordination is is is going to be is subpar like well.
02:42:59 Like think about video games.
02:43:02 You would.
02:43:03 It's not like, I mean, look, they would love to have in the same way that they love having black athletes.
02:43:09 They would love to have these really good competitive black video game players.
02:43:13 I think there might be like.
02:43:14 One or you know and.
02:43:16 Usually when they are competitive at all, they're they.
02:43:18 It's like Madden.
02:43:19 It's something that's not hand eye coordination related.
02:43:22 It's just something that's.
02:43:24 You know it's it's different and it's certainly not like any of the strategy games.
02:43:28 You know, it's not like the the StarCraft type games or anything like that, even though I ******* hate those games.
02:43:35 But yeah, I could see that.
02:43:38 Yeah, not a lot of black snipers or black.
02:43:41 Trust us, you would know about it because that's all you would hear about if there was a really good black sniper or a really good black, you know, fighter pilot or really.
02:43:52 Hang on a second.
02:43:54 You find something classified cap.
02:44:02 Classified cat has cornered something alive underneath the washing machine, so we'll see what he comes up with.
02:44:10 Anyway, the you would know about these people because that's all you would ******* hear.
02:44:14 About but you don't hear about it cause.
02:44:17 They don't exist.
02:44:21 Harmless G The actor who plays the *******, Secretary of Defense who gets fired, was in real life for religious Lutheran Christian from a German American family, and he always get gets cast as the ******* white guy.
02:44:36 Yeah. No, I know you're.
02:44:37 Talking about, isn't he also the guy that's in the?
02:44:45 Wait, which one you talking about?
02:44:46 The one that plays second defense.
02:44:48 That's the the guy.
02:44:49 Who isn't that the guy that's also?
02:44:50 In the game.
02:44:52 Who plays like the the the head guy?
Speaker 7
02:44:55 UM.
02:45:08 Which actor is that?
02:45:17 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
02:45:18 He he does well.
02:45:19 He has that very waspy look.
02:45:23 And for the guy, for those of you don't know, it's.
02:45:28 James Red, a red horn.
02:45:31 Oh, apparently he died.
02:45:35 I don't know.
02:45:35 He was that old.
02:45:38 Let me see here.
02:45:40 Yeah, he's also in another good movie.
02:45:43 Or not on another but, but a good movie, although it does star a Jew.
02:45:51 The game.
02:45:58 It does star a Jew.
02:45:59 Michael Douglas, who's portraying a very rich wasp.
02:46:03 That happens all the time.
02:46:11 Let's see. Let's see why.
02:46:13 Or how he died.
02:46:15 He died.
02:46:23 There then say he died in 2014. He was only 65.
02:46:36 Oh, he wrote his own obituary.
02:46:40 Alright, well tell you what, here's his obituary.
02:46:41 And you're right, he was very religious.
02:46:43 It says he rose on obituary, which was posted to his church website.
02:46:47 And it was.
02:46:48 Jim was fortunate enough to earn his living doing what he loved.
02:46:52 He was a professional actor.
02:46:54 His unions were always there for him and he will remain forever grateful for the benefits he gained as a result of the union struggle.
02:47:01 Without his exceptional teachers and representation of the best agents in the business, he wouldn't have had much of a career.
02:47:08 He was a lucky man in every.
02:47:10 And that's his obituary.
02:47:13 I guess that was the part that quoted.
02:47:16 So he's just kissing up to his agent and the, the and sag.
02:47:20 That's kind of weird.
02:47:21 It's a weird obituary that he wrote himself.
02:47:25 Well, maybe, maybe.
02:47:27 He thought that would help financially.
02:47:29 Help his family. I don't.
02:47:30 Know that's the only that's.
02:47:32 That's a weird.
02:47:33 That's all they quoted, too.
02:47:34 Is that part of it?
02:47:36 I'm hoping there was.
02:47:37 More to it than that.
02:47:39 All right anyway.
02:47:45 Alright, I'm going to.
02:47:45 Scroll back down.
02:47:46 Is it updated?
02:47:55 There we go.
02:48:00 I'm going to keep scrolling up.
02:48:05 Here we go.
02:48:07 Tennis nuts, I reminded at least once a week how racist the South is, but I can't figure out why all these people want to come here and be welcome, only to call us all races because they're like locusts, they devour their Home Counties and States and then move on to fertile land that they have not ruined yet.
02:48:29 John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt and Nice.
02:48:32 Until we're not.
02:48:33 You said after you saw office space, you and a few others quit.
02:48:36 Your job.
02:48:37 Do you still keep in contact with any of those people?
02:48:40 On a personal note, that video helped me man the **** ** when I needed it, so thank you very.
02:48:46 Much for that.
02:48:48 Uhm, no, I don't.
02:48:50 Actually, I haven't talked to those guys.
02:48:52 Uh, we all kind of went our separate ways.
02:48:54 After that we worked.
02:48:56 I worked at A at a.
02:48:58 Computer company and we were all very tight because what happened was when they first opened, they only hired people.
02:49:07 You had to pass a test to work there, and so they only hired.
02:49:11 I mean, they only hired white guys really like.
02:49:14 And so it was.
02:49:16 White nerds, the entire building was white nerds because you had to pass this test to work there, and then as they they turned the screws and made it ******** and ******** to work there, they kind of burned through the white nerd population in that.
02:49:31 Area and so they had to start lowering the standards.
02:49:35 And they started hiring people that didn't have to take any tests that were just ******* ******** and and and just got worse and worse and worse.
02:49:44 And but there was the golden era, when it was just all white nerds.
02:49:49 It was like a real fun place to work for, like.
02:49:52 I don't know, like the first year or so, I would be interested in knowing where these guys ended up because they were real smart guys.
02:49:59 Some of them, and I bet some of them ended up being very successful.
02:50:05 But I don't know.
02:50:06 Yeah, I don't know.
02:50:07 It'd be very interesting.
02:50:09 To see where those guys went.
Speaker 7
02:50:11 Yeah, we all.
02:50:12 We all just.
Speaker 10
02:50:15 We couldn't we.
02:50:16 Realized after watching that movie that we worked at.
02:50:18 Intech, like it was.
02:50:20 So exactly like it, it was scary.
02:50:25 And it would look, and that wasn't even a unique story.
02:50:27 The, the, the actor that played Peter in that movie, he was an interview.
02:50:33 I I want to say on it was like either Conan O'Brien or like one of those.
02:50:38 Guys and he said that and this was an interview that that was 20 years after that.
02:50:44 He had been out, or maybe made a little less, but it was a recent interview, an interview within the last 10 years, and he said to this day.
02:50:53 People walk up to him and say, oh, I quit my job because of that movie and they said it weird him out because he it was, he felt responsible and he, you know, having not having, you know, he's an actor, he's never had a job like that.
02:51:07 Right.
02:51:07 So he doesn't know, he doesn't know how soul crushing that is.
02:51:10 So he he took it as like, he felt like bad like, oh, making all these people quit their job.
02:51:14 It's like no, dude, like it's a good thing.
02:51:17 But it's not a unique experience.
02:51:21 ****** ****** thoughts on the old Medal of Honor, World War 2 vet, who said that after fighting the country fighting the country has gotten worse and that this was not what he and his brothers died for.
02:51:35 Thoughts on.
02:51:36 It well, I mean.
02:51:38 I don't know.
02:51:39 I just think that.
02:51:41 I think I explained it in the beginning of the the stream when I played that that clip where.
02:51:49 It's real easy to have disdain for that guy, but you got to remember he didn't know, and most of those kids didn't know they did not have access to the Internet.
02:51:59 They didn't have the same tools that you and I have and they they.
02:52:04 Were just doing.
02:52:04 What they thought they they thought they were fighting.
02:52:06 For freedom, they didn't know.
02:52:09 And they had no means of knowing and.
02:52:14 Yeah, you could say, well, there was there was based people.
02:52:16 There were people.
02:52:17 Like Lindbergh and whatever and Henry Ford and stuff like that.
02:52:21 But that wasn't those aren't the people that controlled the media, and that's not.
02:52:25 The especially if you're just some simple guy that.
02:52:30 That that doesn't really.
02:52:32 I mean you have like maybe you're a farmer or something like that and you're not really especially back in the 40s like where where you're going to be?
02:52:39 Where are you going?
02:52:40 To be exposed to any of these alternative views.
02:52:42 The only view is you're going to hear like on.
02:52:44 The radio. You're you're middle of nowhere in the ******* United States in the 1940s.
02:52:50 You're only going to hear.
02:52:52 Mainstream views, which are, you know, Jewish views on the radio and you're going to think that that's what.
02:53:00 Oh, well, this must be what it's like.
02:53:03 I'm fighting for freedom because the devil.
02:53:05 I mean they.
02:53:06 They literally said that that it was, you know, they were they were using.
02:53:11 Language like that, they were saying the Nazis were satanic.
02:53:15 That it was.
02:53:16 You can look.
02:53:17 At World War 2, propaganda.
02:53:19 And if you're a nice Christian boy and you think that you live in the greatest country you know you're patriotic, you live in the greatest country in the world, and that country is telling you that this, that Satan is coming and they need your help to fight Satan and you.
02:53:33 Go do it.
02:53:35 I don't think that's anything to be.
02:53:37 You can't be mad at that guy for doing it.
02:53:39 You got to be mad at the people manipulating them.
02:53:42 UM.
02:53:44 You know it's some.
02:53:45 Of it is a little frustrating too, you could say later on.
02:53:49 So there are some things that they should have put together, like the post war diversity stuff that happened.
02:53:56 You know, the Heart seller act and stuff like that.
02:54:01 But again I mean.
02:54:03 They didn't have the Internet.
02:54:04 They didn't have access to information.
02:54:06 In the way we do.
02:54:09 Hank kill $50. Very generous. Hello, David. I've been watching your.
02:54:14 Video since you.
02:54:15 Were on YouTube something about your content always stood out to me even before I had my great awakening.
02:54:21 You were very influential in that journey though, and I want to give something back.
02:54:27 Great seeing.
02:54:28 You cover this movie.
02:54:30 Watch that as.
02:54:30 A kid.
02:54:32 Well, thanks.
02:54:32 Thanks for the thanks for the the 50 spot there and I'm glad I could.
02:54:37 I could see that, that old that old.
02:54:41 100 year old veteran didn't have black pilled strings. He didn't have the insomnia stream.
02:54:48 He didn't have anything he had.
02:54:49 He had, like Jewish newspapers, Jewish movies and Jewish radio shows and Jewish TV shows.
02:54:56 Based race mixer just got to say die for Israel.
02:54:59 Guy is pretty based, crazy in real life, yeah.
02:55:04 What's his name?
02:55:07 I don't think he's based.
02:55:08 I think people don't.
02:55:09 He is crazy.
02:55:12 You're talking about the.
02:55:14 ****. What is his name?
02:55:27 Is it Randy, Randy Quaid or something?
02:55:30 Like that, Randy?
02:55:32 Is that what it is?
02:55:33 Feel like?
02:55:33 That sounds right.
02:55:34 Kind of, yeah.
02:55:37 Randy Quaid.
02:55:39 A number of people thinking he was based because he would post these really ******* bizarre videos on Twitter.
02:55:47 That I think.
02:55:49 People took seriously, but he was trying to be ironic.
02:55:53 But he's so crazy it kind of like made it.
02:55:56 Hard to tell where he was going with it.
02:56:00 But yeah, he's he's absolutely correct.
02:56:01 I don't know though.
02:56:02 Maybe he's just crazy, like it was hard to tell where he was going with.
02:56:05 It he because he is crazy.
02:56:10 John Selmer Dix $1.00 you should really look at Z1964, a great film with Fantastic, Fantastic acting, large format cinematography that teaches some very instructive.
02:56:23 I feel like I saw that as a kid.
02:56:27 Where it's about the the Africans that.
02:56:31 Beat the British or something like that.
02:56:34 But I'll think about that.
02:56:36 Time, dollar bill.
02:56:39 $5 appreciate that. Why did Elon Musk go silent then? Meet with people, meet with the Pope?
02:56:45 I don't know.
02:56:46 I don't know.
02:56:47 You know.
02:56:48 I mean, the Pope is pretty much evil and an usurper, you know?
02:56:54 Like, let's face it, that was not.
02:56:58 That was not the way that popes are generally.
02:57:02 Placed you know, they, they, they, they usually don't retire an old Pope.
02:57:05 They usually.
02:57:06 It's like the you're there till you die.
02:57:08 Kind of a thing, right?
02:57:09 There was definitely some kind of ******* shenanigans that went on for him to be in power and and look, he's not just meeting with Elon.
02:57:17 He met with a group of ******** the other day.
02:57:21 So I mean, I don't know it kind of just feels like it's to me it doesn't have hold the significance that it does with other people.
02:57:31 Because I just think the Pope is he's just like.
02:57:35 I don't know. He's just.
02:57:36 Another billionaire in a way.
02:57:42 Flatulent fill $25. I appreciate that. Devin, would you like to?
02:57:48 See or would.
02:57:50 Like to see you do a stream on all in the family.
02:57:53 This was the prototype for so many sitcoms, which made fun of traditional Christian values.
02:57:57 Norman Lear, the creator, actually bragged that he would create a show which would make Christians.
02:58:02 Laugh at their own values.
02:58:03 I paraphrase.
02:58:04 I did do a.
02:58:06 Stream covering all the family.
02:58:10 Like over a year ago.
02:58:12 I don't remember the name of it.
02:58:17 Umm I have been doing the the trovo days.
02:58:20 But therefore I did one.
Speaker 10
02:58:24 I might, you know.
02:58:25 I'm going to have to at some point because there are some streams that are on trovo.
02:58:29 I think still that are not on Odyssey and bit shoot.
02:58:37 And I haven't even logged in the trove in a million years.
02:58:39 I should probably go and.
02:58:42 And try to compare notes and see which ones are missing and then re archive those.
02:58:47 But I did do that.
02:58:49 I did do a string with that.
02:58:50 In fact I got people got mad at me.
02:58:54 That was one of the few streams where I had people spurge out.
02:58:59 Because I dared make fun of like their little hero like him.
02:59:03 Obviously he must have been a boomer because like that show was on the *******, you know, before I was alive.
02:59:08 So but I heard someone spur got me at me on on Gab, which is where people usually spurge out at me.
02:59:17 Either there or the bit shoot comments and.
02:59:22 It was very upset because, like all in the family, was the to the in their, in their boomer brain was like super based somehow cause like as you said, Norman Lear convinced them to laugh at their own values.
02:59:42 Radu 2 dollars, first time hyper chat with the money.
02:59:47 Did you watch the movie war dogs?
02:59:49 It was directed by the same guy who directed Joker.
02:59:53 It's about selling weapons and Jonah Hill plays the main weapons dealer Jew.
02:59:57 I did see that and uh, yeah, it's based on a true story and I believe that that weapons dealer Jew cause the.
03:00:07 Not to ruin the movie or whatever, but they sanction the guy for doing shady like the the federal government says that he's not allowed to to do contract work with them for X amount of time.
03:00:19 Pretty sure that's.
03:00:20 Already expired like he can already do contract work with him again and yeah.
03:00:26 It was a slap on the wrist slap on the wrist.
03:00:31 He was super ******* jewy though.
03:00:33 But like, look, honestly, I'm not weapons dealers Jew, but like, I've worked with Jewish.
03:00:43 Entrepreneurs will just say.
03:00:47 The way Jonah Hill's character behaved in that movie, which is based on your story, was pretty much identical, and I mean identical.
03:00:57 To Jewish behavior I had encountered.
03:01:02 In not not arms dealing.
03:01:04 But you know there was a computer store I worked at other small time businesses like that.
03:01:11 And it was frustrating to watch because it was like it was like.
03:01:13 Watching my one of my old bosses in particular.
03:01:19 Splitter trace $1.00 seems like with EA censoring you and Gamergate happening, it seems like the video game industry is accidentally waking people up.
03:01:27 I think that you had a lot of people around my age and younger that were playing video games and had been raised playing video games.
03:01:38 You know, since their first Nintendo or Atari or whatever they had or say.
03:01:43 And just saw that as like their white guy.
03:01:48 Space, because that's what it was, you know.
03:01:51 And occasionally Asian, you know.
03:01:53 But it was it was especially computer games.
03:01:57 It was high IQ, white guy space and you didn't really maybe think of think of it like that.
03:02:04 You know, you didn't really maybe articulate it like that, but that's what it was.
03:02:08 If you played, you know enough.
03:02:11 If you played a game enough to where you were in a clan which is super gay, but like and I never was right.
03:02:17 But, but there's people that know what I'm talking about, or at least you're on like a like a A-Team. Speak server or Discord server or.
03:02:28 Which I did do that.
03:02:29 Where you had like regular friends that you would meet up with online and play with they there was high IQ white guys.
03:02:37 With similar backgrounds, right like it was.
03:02:40 Upper middle class middle.
03:02:41 Class high IQ white guys usually.
03:02:46 When they started invading that space and diversifying it and ******* it up, a lot of guys who were kind of asleep at the wheel because they spent more time in virtual worlds than they did in real worlds and that applied to me.
03:03:01 I spent more time.
03:03:03 And if we're.
03:03:04 Not carrying the time I spent it.
03:03:05 Like my job.
03:03:07 Right.
03:03:07 More of my non job time in virtual worlds than I did in the real world.
03:03:13 And so I was kind of asleep at the wheel when it comes to the how bad everything was getting out there cause I wasn't out there.
03:03:22 You know, and I think that that that's how a lot of.
03:03:27 White guys were.
03:03:30 And when the when out there started to invade their little virtual safe space.
03:03:38 It will come up.
03:03:41 That's simple as that.
03:03:42 It's simple as that.
03:03:43 The basically what they did is they pulled the pacifier out of the mouth of the white guys that have been sucking on it for years, and it was keeping them from crying.
03:03:54 They pulled the pacifier out of their mouth and they they.
03:03:57 Put it in their *** and put **** all over it and stuck it back in their.
03:04:03 And a lot of the white guys spit it out and we're like, what the ****?
03:04:09 And some of the white guys kept in.
03:04:11 Their mouth because they're ******.
03:04:16 Not your average, gory $1.00. Hey, Devon, just wanted to say thank you for your streams. Just received the bayonet from my grandfather.
03:04:24 That my distant grandfather used during his time and served on the Confederacy.
03:04:28 God bless, brother.
03:04:29 Oh, that's pretty cool.
03:04:31 I wish I had something like that.
03:04:33 Veruca Salt $1.00 regarding the USS Liberty attack. Unbeknownst to the Israelis, we had a Recon plane flying high overhead that was listening to communications between Israeli planes and HQ.
03:04:47 Our guys heard them acknowledge that their target was an American ship.
03:04:52 One Israeli plane turned back and refused to attack the USS Liberty.
03:04:56 That pilot was arrested and spent years in an Israeli prison when he was released.
03:05:02 When he was released, he contacted various American news outlets, but no one cared of.
03:05:06 Of course.
03:05:07 Well, I've heard recordings of the communications where they know it's.
03:05:12 So you're right.
03:05:14 We know that they know.
03:05:17 Yeah, and the ****** ** thing is I heard that recording because Al Jazeera.
03:05:24 Put it in one of their reports.
03:05:27 But you're right, no one no one wanted to know that because once again, who runs the other outlets?
03:05:37 You know.
03:05:39 Zionist Jews are not gonna **** on Israel ******** fagot $1.00 PSA.
03:05:48 To those who support 1488 and by.
03:05:50 The way that.
03:05:50 Recording that I'm talking about that's on my video.
03:05:55 On the USS Liberty, which is called the day Liberty died, I think, and that should be on Odyssey and bit shoot and maybe even still on YouTube.
03:06:05 But that recording's on there and not, you know, you can hear it for yourself.
03:06:13 PSA two to those who support 1488 while being ****** at Roe versus Wade's results, I think we need to take a moment to look back at what the last part of those 14 words mean.
Speaker 10
03:06:27 Well, they they.
03:06:32 They're ****** at the.
03:06:32 Results not because of what it will mean for white kids, though.
03:06:36 They're ****** at it because they think that.
03:06:39 Mistakenly, they think that it's going to have some huge impact on the demographics and it's it's just it won't, it's just not going to make any difference really.
03:06:49 If anything, it'll it'll it'll make more white kids because the poor white trash white kids that get abortions in red states won't get abortions anymore.
03:07:03 John summer Dix.
03:07:06 I have only recently discovered your podcast for many years I have been peripherally, peripherally involved with what might be termed based politics for a long time, 10 to 20 years ago, it seemed so overrun with elitist.
03:07:21 Promos that I kept my distance.
03:07:23 How should such people?
03:07:25 Be viewed, I think they are poisoned, right?
03:07:28 Never have.
03:07:29 Never let your movement be run by.
03:07:34 Billionaire gay Jews.
03:07:37 A lot of mega.
03:07:40 A lot of MAGA is funded 100% and controlled 100% by billionaire gay Jews. That's just the way that it is.
03:07:52 Or or even like the small time content creators that are still on YouTube and and whatever or work for like.
03:08:01 You know the.
03:08:03 What is it Ben Shapiro's thing?
03:08:08 You got or the gateway pins that are any of these.
03:08:11 They're they're run by Jews.
03:08:16 And so you're going to have that influence there.
03:08:19 And you're also going to have.
03:08:25 I mean, they're they're basically trying.
03:08:27 They're you also have like the Liz Cheneys of the world and.
03:08:30 Stuff like that.
03:08:31 You don't have a lot of money.
03:08:34 Behind dissident politics.
03:08:38 And so you have to well, at least in very rare instances, you know that I'm supported by you guys, you know, and as much as I appreciate the donations, I'm not getting, you know, like when Ben Shapiro mentions sheets or gold or whatever the **** he, you know, he's selling on his stupid thing, he does.
03:08:56 One mention he gets.
03:08:58 You know he.
03:08:59 Gets more than what I get for an entire stream.
03:09:02 Right, like he.
03:09:02 He gets paid big money for that stuff or a lot of these guys like, you know, they just.
03:09:08 Get lump sums.
03:09:11 So they can hire full time staff and you know, like they'll have billionaires come in and like, in the case of Milo like he got handed millions, like millions.
03:09:20 He blew all through all of it.
03:09:22 Like immediately.
03:09:24 But he got handed millions of dollars.
03:09:28 By billionaire Jews, right?
03:09:30 Or I don't know if they're maybe they're millionaire.
03:09:32 Jews, I don't know, but.
03:09:34 He got handed millions of dollars.
03:09:39 And yeah, that's that's the poison you're talking about.
03:09:42 Like I did something similar.
03:09:45 I worked in libertarian politics.
03:09:49 For just, it was just different millionaires, right?
03:09:51 They weren't all Jewish.
03:09:52 But like, let's say about.
03:09:53 About half of them.
03:09:54 Were the donors were probably about half were Jewish.
03:09:59 And it was the same problem like you would want to say stuff that, Oh well, the donors aren't going to like that.
03:10:06 So you couldn't say it?
03:10:07 Ohh, the donor is going to freak out if you put that in there.
03:10:10 Or the donors.
03:10:11 Are this the?
03:10:12 So the donors.
03:10:13 You know, basically the messaging on all sides is controlled by a handful of millionaire and billionaire.
03:10:19 Jews, mostly.
03:10:21 But also some non Jews.
03:10:24 And that's just not an environment I wanted to.
03:10:26 Live in or work in.
03:10:27 So that's why I was.
03:10:28 I was totally OK with.
03:10:31 Well, I mean, I've I've by doing what I do now.
03:10:34 I've pretty much.
03:10:36 Guaranteed I'll never do work like that again.
03:10:40 Even if I wanted to.
03:10:46 They are poison.
03:10:48 Bubble Jam, a $25 appreciate that. Hey, David, I'm not sure if you saw this yet, but check out this news clip this happened last year. It sums up the black community perfectly, prepared to be amused.
03:11:02 I'll download it, see if.
03:11:16 That download there.
03:11:19 Mycroft homes.
03:11:22 And they just send.
03:11:24 You gotta at least say something.
03:11:25 Can't just.
03:11:25 Send me a YouTube link like YouTube link.
03:11:28 Well, tell me what it is.
03:11:30 Like the guy before you.
03:11:31 At least said what his.
03:11:32 Thing was kind of, I mean he.
03:11:34 He didn't, but he sort of did.
03:11:39 I'll download that too.
03:11:40 We'll look at that maybe.
03:11:41 In a second.
03:11:43 We're already we're already beyond the three hour marker, so we're trying to wrap this up.
03:11:48 Although those of you on road trips right now to your 4th of July thing you're doing, this is great.
03:11:53 You're like, oh, **** this.
03:11:55 This stream is never.
03:11:56 Going to end.
03:11:58 Which is what I like.
03:11:59 I like when I'm doing Rd.
03:12:00 It's nice having these super long format things.
03:12:04 There's not a whole lot of people out there doing anything like that.
03:12:06 What I'm doing.
03:12:07 Which is annoying because like I want to have I want.
03:12:10 I don't.
03:12:10 I don't wanna just listen to my streams.
03:12:12 I want listen.
03:12:13 I wanna listen to someone else's.
03:12:15 There's not a lot of people doing this.
03:12:18 Uh. Let's see here.
03:12:20 Splitter trace.
03:12:21 It's disingenuous to blend Californians for everything.
03:12:24 We should know that California has a lot of transplants from other states who wanted to.
03:12:28 Wanted to come, wanted to come to prosperous California just to.
03:12:34 Just just California, just destroy it.
03:12:38 With their liberalism and then go back to their home states as a safety net.
03:12:43 Uh, I mean, I don't know, I guess you.
03:12:45 Could say that.
03:12:47 Many years ago, San Francisco used to be conservative.
03:12:52 A lot of the rural parts, actually, it's I think all the rural parts, really.
03:12:56 Unless you're counting Napa as rural, which you shouldn't because it's just billionaires.
03:13:02 But all the rural parts of California are pretty much conservative.
03:13:10 But yeah, I.
03:13:10 Mean that's that's where parasites go.
03:13:14 Parasites seek out the cushiest environment possible.
03:13:21 You know it's it's like that, OK?
03:13:28 Like varroa mites on bees.
03:13:30 It's like this parasite mite that goes on bees.
03:13:34 And they reproduce by the females will lay their eggs in in.
03:13:43 Brood cells, like so where the where the bees are raising their babies, they put their parasite babies in there, right, and the ones they like the most are the the great big ones that are used for the drones, cause the drone bees are bigger.
03:13:59 There's these bigger cells that take up more resources.
03:14:03 And so that's like the cushy fancy.
03:14:07 Place to put your eggs or whatever.
03:14:10 You're the parasite.
03:14:12 And that's what all parasites do.
03:14:13 They look for the place that's got the most resources, and that's where they they lay their ******* eggs or whatever, right?
03:14:20 And that there's no difference with parasitic humans that they they look for the environment that's going to be the easiest and cushiest place ever.
03:14:29 And California is that place.
03:14:32 There's enough money.
03:14:34 To support this parasitic class and the weather is pretty good and the the scenery looks nice.
03:14:43 I mean, **** if I was going to be a.
03:14:44 Homeless guy.
03:14:44 I'd do it in California.
03:14:48 And look, I lived.
03:14:50 I lived in California when I was a kid.
03:14:53 You know, I'm from California also, you know.
03:14:57 And but it's a shithole now, I when I.
03:15:01 Even when I lived there, it was already kind of a shithole.
03:15:04 And you have the immigration and it's not just people from other states.
03:15:09 I I went to very, very multicultural classrooms when I was a kid. My elementary school classrooms were, I mean, in some cases, I I don't know for sure what the 100% of the numbers were. But if I just by memory.
03:15:27 I'd say in most cases only about half the kids in.
03:15:30 The classrooms were.
03:15:32 Right.
03:15:33 And maybe less, I don't know, but at least right around 50% and the rest were like, you know, like 10 different kinds of Asian, you know, you know.
03:15:46 From Cambodian to Vietnamese, Japanese Chinese, you know, just all kinds of different Asian.
03:15:52 And then you had, you know, obviously a bunch of Mexicans, a couple of blacks.
03:15:56 Puerto Ricans.
03:15:57 Whatever like it was.
03:16:01 It wasn't just parasites from saying New York or or whatever.
03:16:06 So, but it's that that that was a long.
03:16:09 Time ago.
03:16:10 That infestation has already taken so at this point it is they are the it's, you know, once once you have.
03:16:18 More cancer than you have organ.
03:16:21 It's it's not.
03:16:22 It's no longer.
03:16:23 Oh, it's a liver with cancer on it.
03:16:25 No, it's like a big BLOB of cancer.
03:16:27 Now that's spreading to other organs.
03:16:30 And that's what California is.
03:16:31 It doesn't matter if if it used to be really nice, nice liver, you know, now it's just.
03:16:38 A big ball of cancer.
03:16:40 And people are fleeing it like.
03:16:42 Well, I mean, that's what parasites do also, right.
03:16:46 Once the parasites have consumed all the resources in the area and they sense, oh, this, the resources are drying up.
03:16:54 If they dry up, I don't I.
03:16:55 Don't get my.
03:16:56 Own resources, so I need to go somewhere where the resources haven't dried up before they dry up here or I'll die.
03:17:02 That's what they're doing.
03:17:03 They're they're already ******** up Idaho pretty good.
03:17:07 Well, in every other state, they're shutting up Idaho.
03:17:10 They're shutting up.
03:17:13 Colorado, there's ****. I mean, Colorado's pretty shifted up already, but you know.
03:17:18 They're shipping up Utah.
03:17:19 They're shipping up Wyoming.
03:17:20 They're shipping up Arizona.
03:17:22 They're shutting up Nevada.
03:17:25 Which was also pretty shredded up, but already but.
03:17:29 You know it's getting worse.
03:17:32 Dubbed the due to.
03:17:32 Nothing wrong, $10 Odie. Odie. Odie.
03:17:38 It's my boy Odie's birthday on the 4th.
03:17:47 You reminding me of.
03:17:50 Yeah, I'll play this for your your boy.
03:17:58 And see if I can find it.
03:18:12 Alright, this is this is.
03:18:14 I did find it.
03:18:20 So this is for your friend.
03:18:28 See if it goes.
03:18:32 What the ****?
03:18:34 Why did it not go?
03:18:40 There we go.
03:18:41 Alright, this is this is for.
03:18:42 Your friend.
03:19:05 There you go.
03:19:06 That's for your buddy.
03:19:11 John Selmer *****. If you ever look into the 70s political insanity, you might consider John Frankenheimer's Black Sunday 1977, in which the Goodyear Blimp is hijacked, as well as the Bader Meinhoff.
03:19:29 Complex 2008, in which deracinated Krauts GO native Robert Shaw, is a Mossad agent and the.
03:19:38 Former is pretty hilarious.
03:19:39 OK, hold on me.
03:19:41 Does sound interesting.
03:19:43 I wonder having a good.
03:19:44 Ear blimp that used.
03:19:45 To be like a big thing.
03:19:47 They used to like pop culture wise.
03:19:50 You know, you used to actually hear about it like oh.
Speaker 10
03:19:51 The Goodyear blimp, it's.
03:19:53 Going to be here.
03:19:54 I don't know if that's still, maybe it's not a thing anymore.
03:19:57 Maybe it's not cost effective, I don't know.
03:20:05 The Goodyear Zeppelin.
03:20:08 All right, that's my notes.
03:20:11 Johnny Doomsayer Devin trying to get you interested in my nephew's band.
03:20:16 Mama's indie.
03:20:18 Rock, you might like that has a 90s feel to it.
03:20:24 Alright, I will.
03:20:26 Copy that.
03:20:39 Are they based?
03:20:40 You should tell them that they should need to be based.
03:20:43 If they're not based.
03:20:47 Tom, it's very, very crucial that as artists.
03:20:52 That they are based.
03:20:56 Gray State of mind, $25. Appreciate that very generous. Hi, Devin. Do you have any take on?
03:21:02 Folk metal music.
03:21:07 I don't know that I.
03:21:08 Would understand 100% what that is.
03:21:13 Folk metal music.
03:21:19 And they give some band names.
03:21:22 I don't know.
03:21:22 I guess I'll look.
03:21:22 Into that too, I I.
03:21:25 I can imagine what that might mean.
03:21:29 But I've never.
03:21:29 I don't think I've ever thought to myself.
03:21:31 Oh, this is now.
03:21:32 This is folk metal music, you know, I mean, like, I don't think I've ever.
03:21:38 I'll tell you what I'm unless it's something I'm not.
03:21:42 I don't like rock ballads usually, and I don't know that that's what.
03:21:46 It is but.
03:21:46 I think it's probably akin to that.
03:21:49 I'm I'm more of an.
03:21:49 Electronic music kind of a person, if I'm being honest.
03:21:52 I never been like into metal that much.
03:21:57 The metal that I did like is when it was in the 90s and was kind.
03:22:00 Of cringe but.
03:22:04 Well, I'll tell you.
03:22:06 Look at that.
03:22:07 I don't know.
03:22:07 Yeah, I don't know what folk.
03:22:08 Metal music would be.
03:22:12 Microsoft Homes $50 very generous donations or donation towards the cacti.
03:22:19 Well, that might be a donation towards the.
03:22:22 Hopefully that's that works too.
03:22:24 I I finally have.
03:22:25 Enough cactus now.
03:22:27 Well, Carl's house, I got to fill.
03:22:28 Up with Cactus now.
03:22:30 Or at least that property.
03:22:31 It's just all.
03:22:34 It's just dead. Everything. There's dead like nothing got watered for like I don't even probably like a decade. And so there's, like, just every, every just everything's dead. And it's everything's dead and full of ****.
03:22:50 I'll probably transplant some cactus pads over to there.
03:22:55 But very generous.
03:22:56 Appreciate that Mycroft homes and then last but.
03:22:59 Not least.
03:23:01 Let's say let me refresh this.
03:23:03 Make sure that that's last but not least, and then I'm going to.
03:23:06 Shut the door on this.
03:23:11 Here we.
03:23:11 Are last but not least, Veruca Salt.
03:23:15 As we know, global **** is nothing new in the book Rome and the Mediterranean by Livy, it mentions that before becoming an empire, the Republic had a growing problem with the violent sex cult.
03:23:35 Back annalia bacchanalia.
03:23:39 I don't know if I'm saying that right.
03:23:41 The Senate sent the army.
03:23:44 All over Italy, who put them all?
03:23:48 To the sword.
03:23:49 Well, I'm not familiar with that history.
03:23:52 I'd I'd have to look at.
03:23:55 Look at this violent sex cult that you speak.
Speaker 7
03:24:01 Alright guys, well.
03:24:04 Ah, I'm going to shut it down.
Speaker 11
03:24:06 It's been a long one, the.
03:24:09 Hopefully you guys have a good 4th of July just because by the way, just because the holiday.
03:24:13 Is basically a sham now.
03:24:14 And it is doesn't mean you can't enjoy.
03:24:17 The traditional aspects of it.
03:24:19 I want to make sure that's clear before I.
03:24:21 Go just because it is kind.
03:24:24 Of a lie and it's depressing.
03:24:26 And you know, and.
03:24:27 And it might be a lot of.
03:24:30 I don't know.
03:24:31 Rage that you feel connected to this holiday and and you know all that good stuff doesn't mean it doesn't mean that you can't use the time to enjoy a BBQ with your family.
03:24:51 And look, maybe drop some of these like.
03:24:53 Factoids in here.
03:24:55 You know, while you've got the chance, it's always a good idea to get your.
03:24:59 Your family.
03:25:00 You should focus on on red slash, black pill in your family first before you move on to your friends.
03:25:07 It's always good to have that group of people that that you are.
03:25:12 Connected to by blood be on the same page with you philosophically, and which will become even, which will become increasingly more important, I think as the years go by.
03:25:26 So make sure you do enjoy this holiday weekend.
03:25:30 Be safe out there if you are on the.
Speaker 13
03:25:33 For Black Pilgrim, of course.
Speaker 11
03:25:38 Devon stag.