07/11/2021Speaker 2
00:00:00 Well, jump jump.Devon
00:01:50 Hope you guys are jumping.00:01:54 OK, the intro music was was a.
00:01:56 It was a joke that not everyone's.
Speaker 5
00:01:58 Going to get.Speaker 7
00:02:00 That's all I'm going to say.Devon
00:02:03 All right.00:02:03 Ohh wow.
00:02:06 Saturday night.
00:02:08 Or very early Sunday.
00:02:10 Morning, depending on where you are on the planet.
00:02:15 You know, I was thinking speaking this is totally off top, I don't know.
00:02:18 Why this even popped into?
00:02:19 My head, but there are these really cool things.
00:02:24 Called geochron.
00:02:29 It'd be a perfect gift.
00:02:30 It would be a lavish gift for a flat Earther.
00:02:34 Basically, it's the geochron is, if you.
00:02:37 Get like the old ones.
Speaker 3
00:02:38 The new ones?Devon
00:02:39 I don't.00:02:39 I don't quite understand the the allure, because it's just a a mini PC that runs I.
00:02:46 Mean the the whole.
00:02:48 Reason. It's cool.
00:02:49 My opinion is that it's mechanical.
Speaker 3
00:02:51 Back in, I think the 50s.Devon
00:02:54 The 50s, the first Geo Crons were created.00:02:57 You find out picture because you're not gonna tell.
00:03:00 I'm talking.
00:03:01 About if I just keep saying geochron geochron.
00:03:05 Find geochron.
00:03:08 And I have no idea why I'm talking.
00:03:09 It's who.
00:03:09 Cares, right?
00:03:11 Saturday night, I can talk about Geo Crons if I want to.
00:03:21 Alright, so here we are.
00:03:25 See not find a bigger, bigger one.
00:03:31 Actual photo of like.
00:03:34 There's a bunch of historical photos.
00:03:35 With Geochron, maybe I can find.
00:03:39 One of those.
00:03:45 Well, whatever.
00:03:47 I'm going to post this one.
00:03:48 Right here, this is one of the mechanical ones.
00:03:53 Made by.Devon
00:03:55 Germans, I believe in America, but by Germans.00:04:00 Germans and their their knack for all things complicated and mechanical.
00:04:07 Here we are.
00:04:08 So it's like a.
00:04:10 It's like a clock.
00:04:12 With a map.
00:04:16 Remember, this is from the 1950s.
00:04:18 So they would have these in like the situation room at the White House and stuff like that.
00:04:25 And just imagine what's behind that glass.
00:04:29 Is these these, like, rolls like plastic rolls?
00:04:37 The the map obviously moves with the the rotation of the earth, but also the that light color.
00:04:48 That little you know we're showing where the sun is, that moves also.
00:04:52 And what makes it cool is it accounts for like the tilt.
00:04:57 Of the earth.
00:04:59 Right.
00:04:59 So, you know, winter summer there there's like, you know, like in Alaska, just as an example.
00:05:05 You can tell this is probably in the summer because Alaska is going to be lit up for, you know, 24 hours, whereas if this is winter.
00:05:17 That little I don't know.
00:05:22 Did it or that the light would be?
00:05:25 Higher up on the map.
00:05:27 And you have.
00:05:31 Darkness in Alaska for the six months or whatever.
00:05:35 Anyway, I have no idea why that came to mind.
00:05:38 I just started thinking about Geochron kind of love.
00:05:41 You know, they're expensive as hell, but I you can get these cool things and they would be a great gift for a flat Earther.
00:05:48 No, but that's the thing.
00:05:49 That's one another, you know.
00:05:50 You know, I'm not going to get the letter.
00:05:51 But that's another reason how it's so madding, cuz it's like dude.
00:05:57 Obviously it's around.
00:05:59 Build me the Flat Earth.
00:06:01 Machine that does this accurately, you can't.
00:06:05 You can't.
00:06:07 You can't. In the 1950s, some autistic German guy sat down and created a a mechanical machine like there's no no, there's no computer in this. No computer.
00:06:21 That can with with precision show you exactly where the Gray line is the Gray line.
00:06:29 If you're on ham radio, you know what that is probably, but the Gray line is kind of like that division between day and night.
00:06:36 And you have really good propagation along that Gray line.
00:06:41 So if you're in the ham radio.
00:06:42 It's actually a cool.
00:06:43 This would be a cool thing to have.
00:06:44 Because you could see, oh, this is where.
00:06:47 The the Gray line that like would take me.
00:06:50 So it looks like right now, for example, if you were on a or if you were in Alaska.
00:06:56 You could talk to India.
00:06:59 You know, stuff like that.
00:07:00 So anyway, I don't know why that was on my mind at all.
00:07:06 Except for, it doesn't matter.
00:07:07 It's Saturday.
00:07:08 It is Saturday.
00:07:10 Kind of relaxing, a little bit of a.
00:07:12 Relaxing stream today.
00:07:14 It's been hot as hell.
00:07:17 Really hot.
00:07:21 I'm have to get a different kind of air conditioner or some way of venting out some of this moisture.
00:07:25 It got up to 70% humidity, 70% humidity and the.
00:07:31 We were even with.
00:07:32 The AC running 24.
00:07:33 You know, like running constantly all day long. It it only got down or it it only cools it down to like 88 degrees. So 88 degrees.
00:07:42 70% humidity is not fun.
00:07:44 You might as well just be outside at that point.
00:07:46 It almost feels the same.
00:07:49 So anyway.
00:07:52 Hope you guys all have gotten your vaccines.
00:07:58 You know, and if you're having if your.
Speaker 3
00:08:00 Little vaccine hesitant.Devon
00:08:03 And you, you you want to know?00:08:06 Maybe is there are there?
00:08:08 Arguments for taking this.
00:08:10 Like I I I hear these.
00:08:11 All these bad things and and I'm a little sketched out.
00:08:16 I wonder if someone could breakdown in a nice easy to understand argument.
Speaker 3
00:08:23 Why it is?Devon
00:08:26 I should get the vaccine.00:08:28 Well, here, here you go.
Speaker 2
00:08:35 Your friend online teacher find a machan.00:08:38 Open up the OK.
00:08:39 It's OK.
00:08:40 Put my picture looking tight.
00:08:43 Chad got your book before you find that, you gotta wait.
00:08:48 Gotta go back to Main Street.
00:08:50 Very little skill want.Speaker 2
00:08:51 To fax that thing.00:08:52 I'm just a.
00:08:53 Handsome young brother.
00:08:54 Want to fax that thing up real life.
00:08:56 You need to fax that thing you're feeling, freak your own.
00:08:58 Like you need to fax that thing.
00:09:00 All of my fears are melting away.Speaker 4
00:09:10 I know you can't stand there, but when we get the shot, we gonna be.Speaker 8
00:09:15 Queen at the quarantine.00:09:17 We could meet up at the spot and.
Speaker 4
00:09:19 We could do the thing.00:09:20 In the next big chair.
00:09:22 Download the app.
00:09:23 Sorry, you ain't gotta wait.
00:09:24 I love it when you hold me.
00:09:26 Ain't playing the movie.
00:09:27 You would be the young man.
00:09:35 I'm going to.Speaker 2
00:09:35 Watch that thing, that thing, that thing, your music, decent looking brother, that thing.Devon
00:09:45 That says it all right?00:09:48 So you know, hopefully that that that convinces you.
00:09:55 That this isn't just some global **** weird.
00:09:57 Thing that I.
00:09:58 Want you to do desperately want you.
00:10:00 To do.
00:10:02 But that it's good for you.
00:10:03 I mean, no vaccine, no bucking, right?
00:10:13 And if you're worried about, like, well, that.
00:10:15 I don't know Devin this.
Speaker 3
00:10:16 This this video it's it's.Devon
00:10:19 Amazing and all, but.00:10:22 I'm the kind of person that likes facts.
00:10:25 I'm the I'm the kind of person that that wants the data I.
00:10:29 Mean you can dress up.
00:10:32 The vaccine with with dancing ******** all you want and I'll like.
Speaker 3
00:10:38 It don't get me wrong.00:10:39 I'm gonna like it.
00:10:41 But I still want to know the facts like what are the what are.00:10:44 The actual facts.
Speaker 1
00:10:47 It looked at 200.00:10:49 And 57.
00:10:50 People 92 unvaccinated but 118 had had both doses. That's because the vaccine is good, but not perfect.
Speaker 8
00:11:02 See there you.Devon
00:11:03 Go. There's the facts.00:11:05 There's the facts.
00:11:07 You're more likely to die of the Delta variant.
00:11:14 If you've been fully vaccinated.
00:11:18 Then, if you're unvaccinated.
Speaker 3
00:11:21 And that's because the IT the vaccine, it's good.Speaker 8
00:11:26 It's not perfect, but nothing's perfect.Speaker 1
00:11:30 Because the vaccine is good.00:11:32 But not perfect.
Speaker 3
00:11:33 Not perfect.00:11:36 Well, that's that's not, that's not.
00:11:38 Convincing you well.
Speaker 8
00:11:39 Hold on.Speaker 2
00:11:44 Your friend online detail find them, AJ.00:11:47 Open up the, OK, it's OK.
00:11:50 All those worries just melting away.Speaker 3
00:11:51 I said I.Speaker 2
00:11:52 Got your video review right before your father.00:11:55 DJ, you gotta wait, chair gotta.
00:11:57 Go back to main.
00:11:58 Check any string check.
00:11:59 Where are you gonna still want?
00:12:00 To fax that.
00:12:01 Thing, I'm just a handsome little brother.
00:12:03 You fax that thing.
00:12:04 Handsome young brother.00:12:06 All right, I'll stop.
00:12:08 This is what happens when.
00:12:09 I I don't prepare anything.
00:12:14 Oh boy. Alright so.
00:12:19 Yeah, anyway.
00:12:21 So that Cpac's going on, right?
00:12:23 Now, and I'm sure you guys saw.
00:12:26 This on my telegram.
00:12:27 It's just really frustrating.
00:12:28 One of the things that that.
00:12:30 Really we need to find ways of mind controlling these like the idiots that go to CPAC.
00:12:36 A lot of them are never going to reach ever and and again.
00:12:41 Well, not with, not with like rational arguments.
00:12:45 And I think that now that we can agree that we do have to just mind control some.
00:12:50 Of these robots.
00:12:51 And get them to.
00:12:52 Do what we want.
00:12:54 Maybe we just think of, OK.
00:12:55 Well, we understand like the the.
00:12:58 Israel first type conservative right, the Israel first let me turn.
00:13:02 This fan off and drive me nuts.
00:13:06 All right.
00:13:07 The Israel first type conservatives that it doesn't matter how many times you point out, you know the Jewish influence in our government and all the like they like you.
00:13:15 Know they're like the.
00:13:17 Those the Christians that are that are like they think.
00:13:20 That for some reason if you if you don't serve Israel, Jesus.
00:13:25 Will get mad.
00:13:25 There are those.
00:13:26 Types right?
00:13:26 Like so.
00:13:27 There's no real.
00:13:27 It's a, it's a.
00:13:28 Religious belief for them, they almost.
00:13:31 I mean, they're one step away from being the Noahide Jewish slaves, right?
00:13:36 And in some ways, they.
00:13:37 They already are.
00:13:38 Now, maybe not, maybe not.
00:13:40 Like those guys, right?
00:13:41 Those guys are going to be no matter what you do.
00:13:43 I mean, you can't.
00:13:44 I mean, maybe if you dragged.
00:13:46 Them and then dressed up like Jesus and snuck into the room while they were tripping out and.
00:13:50 Said Jews, you know, whatever.
00:13:53 You know, but realistically speaking, you're not going to reach any of these people, right?
00:13:59 But the people that are kind of close.
00:14:01 To that but.
00:14:01 They're not, they're.
00:14:02 Not like full on drinking the the Jew aid.
00:14:04 You know what I mean?
Speaker 3
00:14:06 Maybe we should.Devon
00:14:07 Think of different ways that you can manipulate those people, like without having to fundamentally change.00:14:15 Change their their worldview.
Speaker 1
00:14:19 Because if you.Devon
00:14:20 Think about it like that's that's a.00:14:22 Lot of what?
00:14:24 This the the subversion that separated whites from thinking collectively as a group.
00:14:32 Like that's how it started, right?
00:14:34 Like they they did.
00:14:35 It's not like they.
00:14:37 This is why I get so frustrated when I see that there's there's like pro white content out there, right, and they name their shows or whatever in an obviously offensive way, thinking it's edgy or something like that.
00:14:53 And and it's just like.
00:14:55 That doesn't work.
00:14:57 It's never work.
00:14:59 That's why, when the propaganda that subverted your grandparents and your parents and and you know, your friends and family, that's that's why when they were doing.
00:15:10 That stuff there wasn't a show.
00:15:11 Called voice masher, you know.
00:15:14 Like they didn't.
00:15:15 Make make a sitcom called Goy Goyem.
00:15:18 Culture erosion hour, you know?
00:15:21 Like they didn't, they didn't do.
00:15:22 That because that would that would be ******** and it would.
00:15:26 Never work.
00:15:28 But I wonder if there's like a subtle way we can still reach those people.
00:15:33 I mean now with the limited resources that we have, I don't know, I'm just kind of like I said, I'm.
00:15:40 I got nothing prepared.
00:15:41 I got.
00:15:41 I got nothing today.
00:15:43 I got ******* nothing.
00:15:46 I'll go to chat here in a second, because that's how much nothing I got the.
00:15:50 Well, actually, I do have something.
00:15:52 I do have something.
00:15:54 The something that I got, I wanted to kind of.
00:16:02 Read this document, or at least part of this document.
00:16:09 To kind of explain what we're up against in terms of.
00:16:14 The wage slave world.
00:16:17 I gotta find my.
00:16:22 My retweet here.
00:16:30 Here we go.
00:16:47 And in addition to that.
Speaker 7
00:16:52 OK.Devon
00:16:55 So there's a CEO diversity pledge.00:16:59 That's been passed around several American and international corporations.
00:17:05 Where they essentially are being asked to sign a pledge that promises that they will disenfranchise white people.
00:17:16 That they will promote diversity, as we all know, diversity just means not white and.
00:17:24 You know they they want.
00:17:25 To make sure that there's equity, which again just means redistributing the earnings of whites to non whites.
00:17:35 And a shocking number, I mean, I can't even read them all. A shocking number of companies have signed this pledge just at least as of right now on this list. That's 1670.
00:17:54 And these are big companies too, like.
00:17:55 Each one of these companies employs.
00:18:00 Hundreds, if not thousands of people.
00:18:03 You know.
00:18:04 Just as an example, I'm just.
00:18:05 I'm just going to breeze through and just read some of the bigger ones.
00:18:08 You know, stuff like, you know an X, there's Xerox.
00:18:13 You know, there's a let's see here.
00:18:16 Scroll through here.
00:18:18 Winnebago of, for ***** sakes, Winnebago.
00:18:24 Scrolling through here, there's.
00:18:30 Verizon just keep scrolling through.
00:18:33 I mean, there's this long.
00:18:34 *** ******* list.
00:18:39 It's Sonic, like the drive in the Sonic Drive in.
00:18:46 Raytheon, of course, obviously.
00:18:51 Rosetta stone.
00:18:55 Like it just it's basically every company.
00:18:57 Like it's shockingly like if you name a company it might be easier to do that like if you name a company it's it's probably on this list the list is on and this is on my Twitter feed.
00:19:06 Right, Jim, Doug tweeted.
00:19:08 Out this list, along with the document.
00:19:10 That we're going.
00:19:10 To go over here and Hendrick from red ice.
00:19:14 Retweeted it with a video that they put together to kind of to give you an idea of the, I guess, the the culture of this organization.
00:19:26 Let's see if I've got.
Speaker 7
00:19:29 Here we are.Devon
00:19:31 So this is the video that these.00:19:33 People put together.
00:19:34 At least that's my understanding.
00:19:35 It's the same organization.
00:19:44 Yeah. So 13 million employees.
00:19:49 13 million employees.
00:19:51 Are going to be subjected to.
00:19:53 This ****.
00:19:54 And you might be some.
Speaker 2
00:19:56 Of these employees.Devon
00:19:58 How how many companies? They said, well, nearly 2000 in the document that I've got. It's it's not. I don't know if it's nearly 2000.00:20:06 It was more like 1700, but you?
00:20:08 Know still and.
Speaker 1
00:20:10 13 million points.Devon
00:20:11 You might be subjected to this.00:20:14 This might be going on at the company that you work.
00:20:16 For so I would suggest you look at this list.
00:20:21 And if there's a company that you.
00:20:24 We'll get into it in a.
00:20:25 Second, let's just watch this video real quick.
00:20:57 So they're basically saying they're going to make this anti white agenda a part of their company culture.
00:21:06 So if you work for one of these companies, this is going to affect your ability to get raises.
00:21:11 Promotions, positions of power.
00:21:13 Positions of influence.
00:21:17 Now, on the bright side, if you're an accelerationist.
00:21:22 This is going to help with that.
00:21:25 I've talked about how one of the most infuriating things I've noticed just in in recent years is I've been buying stuff off.
00:21:35 The Internet since since.
00:21:37 Before it was cool, right?
00:21:38 I've had a lot of packages delivered to me over the years and.
00:21:42 Just even in the ability.
00:21:45 For companies to ship, a simple thing to you in a box.
00:21:49 Has been annihilated by diversity.
00:21:53 You know, there's so many weak.
00:21:55 Links in the chain in the supply chain.
00:21:59 It it just like I I can't tell you how many problems I and and how many, how often it's increased or just think about all the times you've ever had to go to a government office and get something done.
00:22:14 And you end up with some low IQ everyone.
00:22:17 Everyone knows what I'm talking about.
00:22:18 Everyone's had this experience.
00:22:20 It's either a government job or like, if you lived in like, say, DC and you've had to work with like, you know, the the metro people in any kind.
00:22:27 Of city job.
00:22:29 It's you're dealing with *******.
00:22:32 Like, technically, that's probably accurate in many.
00:22:36 Of these cases.
00:22:38 And as these companies start behaving?
00:22:42 The same way that these government institutions are behaving where they're thing and I guess the army too, right? The Army's doing the.
00:22:50 Same thing.
00:22:53 You're going to start having massive Third World style failures.
00:22:58 Of justice. Basic ****.
00:23:03 Now I don't know if this is going to be a result of that like the that building that.
00:23:07 Collapsed in Florida could be.
Speaker 3
00:23:10 We don't know yet.Devon
00:23:11 We know there were people complaining about the structure and we also know that it.00:23:16 Was inspected. That's another.
00:23:18 Thing a lot of these jobs, like these inspectors.
00:23:22 They're going to diversity hires.
00:23:28 Because of their failure.
00:23:31 To admit.
00:23:33 Why the inequities exist.
00:23:37 Because of their.
00:23:38 Inability to just be honest and say you.
00:23:41 Know what different groups have different capabilities?
00:23:44 That's what accounts for these differences and outcomes.
00:23:51 Because of their inability to just admit that.
00:23:57 Necessarily, they have to keep doing this.
Speaker 3
00:23:59 Kind of ********.Devon
00:24:04 And they have to.00:24:04 Keep doubling down and and and.
00:24:06 The more they.
00:24:06 Do that the the less they're going.
00:24:09 To have the ability to go back on it.
00:24:14 Because their their group will be less and less in control.
00:24:26 You're gonna have people from different groups look, and there's there's smart people from different groups.
00:24:36 And there's lots of Indian CEO's. Just as an example, right?
00:24:45 And it's getting, it's going to get harder and harder and harder to have control over this, this suicide of your people.
00:25:21 I can't tell you years ago and it's been years.
00:25:25 Thank God.
00:25:26 I try to forget it.
00:25:28 How many videos?
00:25:31 Like this?
00:25:33 Not quite this bad.
00:25:34 Like this is worse.
00:25:36 But this was.
00:25:37 Starting to creep into corporate corporate culture in a lot of.
00:25:39 Different companies, and because I would do contracted out corporate video, you know.
00:25:45 On the side.
00:25:45 Or whatever.
00:25:46 This was a lot of.
00:25:47 The this type of ****.
00:25:49 I saw it coming.
00:25:53 And in fact, I think I've told.
00:25:54 This story before I.
00:25:55 Remember, one time it was one of the.
00:25:57 It was when I first went from working in A at a local, I was used to work like at a local agency and it was actually run by Christians.
00:26:11 I think a Korean Christian guy was the.
00:26:15 Was the owner, but everyone else was white, Christian and well, and his like son worked there or something like that.
00:26:23 And so I I had I had full range, I could do whatever I wanted content wise and and and I you know had full autonomy and stuff like that.
00:26:32 When I first started working for a big government contractor on and the clients were no longer like local businesses, but they were like government agencies.
00:26:44 I remember one of the.
00:26:44 First projects I worked on and I put this graphic together.
00:26:49 And I sent it to.
00:26:53 The the the.
00:26:54 Contact person like the girl that that talked directly to the government and they it was her client.
00:27:00 And she came back and said.
00:27:02 Well this this looks good, but UM.
00:27:06 Do you think?
Speaker 3
00:27:09 And I could tell.Devon
00:27:10 She was uncomfortable and I was like, well, just say.00:27:11 It I I can take.
00:27:12 Criticism, you know, like.
00:27:15 What is it like?
00:27:16 What do you?
00:27:16 Not like about it.
00:27:17 And she's like, well.
00:27:18 You think you could make it more diverse?
00:27:21 And it's because on this graphic there was just like.
00:27:24 Some clip art. ******* photo.
00:27:26 Of a bunch of white guys.
00:27:28 And like maybe like a white girl.
00:27:30 But it was all white people.
00:27:31 A bunch of white people.
00:27:32 At a desk or something.
00:27:34 And I and I genuinely didn't.
00:27:36 I wasn't ******* with her.
00:27:37 I didn't know what she meant by that.
00:27:39 Because this was it wasn't.
00:27:40 Like a thing yet?
00:27:42 And I was like, what?
00:27:44 What do you mean, you know, like, more pictures?
00:27:46 Or she's like, well, just.
00:27:49 And it's funny.
00:27:50 I'm glad I I.
00:27:50 Didn't understand because it made her say it.
00:27:53 It made her.
00:27:54 Say it, she she she had to.
00:27:56 Say well, just maybe not.
00:27:58 Not just white people.
00:28:00 And I was.
00:28:01 Like oh.
00:28:03 So you write the graphic, it's.
00:28:04 Just too many white people, huh?
00:28:06 OK.
00:28:10 From that point on, I I knew.
00:28:12 OK, well, if I'm doing work for this for the, you know, government clients, I can't use pictures that are just all white people, even when some of these agencies at the time it was starting to change or we're all white people.
00:28:28 So this this.
00:28:30 Has been going on.
00:28:31 A long time.
00:28:32 It's just been slowly creeping.
00:28:35 Along and now it's going a lot faster.
00:28:38 So anyway this document.
00:28:42 That they're signing.
00:28:43 Let me bring this up here.
00:28:46 Wonder if I can bring it up to where you guys can see it too.
00:28:58 Let me do that.
Speaker 7
00:29:04 Ohh we're we're obs go.Devon
00:29:12 OK.00:29:19 To like zoom it in.
00:29:25 And again, there are so many companies just give an idea.
00:29:28 I'll just go down to the very bottom real quick so you can.
00:29:31 This is all the companies.
00:29:34 All these companies have signed it, OK?
00:29:39 All of these companies, and these are companies that many of.
00:29:42 You work for.
00:29:44 These are companies that many of you buy products from on a regular basis, and we'll get into that in here in a second.
00:29:54 But that's a lot of ******* companies.
00:30:00 Alright, so here we go.
00:30:05 The CEO Action for Diversity and Inclusion aims to rally the business community to advance diversity and inclusion within the workplace by working collectively across organizations and sectors.
00:30:18 It outlines a specific set of actions and undersigned companies will take a cult and take to cultivate a trusting environment where all ideas I'm sure, all ideas are welcome and employees feel comfortable and empowered to discuss diversity and inclusion.
00:30:39 All the signatories serve as leaders of their companies and have committed to implementing the following pledge within their workplaces.
00:30:48 Where companies have already implemented one or several of the commitments, the undersigned commit undersigned commit to support other companies in doing the same.
00:31:02 All right.
00:31:02 So let's just see what these are.
00:31:05 Number one.
00:31:07 We will continue to make our workplace.
00:31:09 Mean Scroll down on the TV.
00:31:12 There we go.Devon
00:31:15 We will continue to make our workplace trusting places to have complex, sometimes difficult conversations.00:31:21 About diversity inclusion.
00:31:23 We know that's a lie.
00:31:25 We know that they're.
00:31:26 Not going to include your your.
00:31:28 Viewpoint whatsoever.
00:31:30 What they're saying is that they're going to prioritize non whites and their complaints about whites.
Speaker 3
00:31:36 And that's what, that's what that means.00:31:38 We will implement and expand unconscious bias education, see.
00:31:45 You are guilty even if you're not trying.00:31:48 To be racist.
Speaker 4
00:31:51 You don't even know that.Devon
00:31:52 You're being racist, but trust us, you're being racist.00:31:56 And we are going to put you through training that makes you believe that.
00:32:03 Experts tell us that we all have unconscious biases.
Speaker 3
00:32:08 That it's human nature.Devon
00:32:10 Unconscious bias education enables an individuals to begin recognizing, acknowledging, and therefore minimizing any potential blind spots he or she might have.00:32:22 Well, how dare they only say that there's only two genders?
00:32:25 This is not cool.
00:32:26 They need.
00:32:27 To update that.
00:32:29 But wasn't aware of and I'm not joking.
00:32:31 Like they probably will update.
00:32:34 Who isn't aware of previously, we will commit to rolling out and or expanding unconscious bias education so that.
00:32:42 Was not their unconscious bias?
00:32:45 Excluding the the Spurs and all that stuff within our companies in the form that best fits our specific culture and business.
00:32:53 By helping our employees recognize and minimize any potential blind spots, we aim to facilitate more open and honest conversations, blah blah blah.
00:33:03 All right, so the next one.
00:33:08 We will share.
00:33:10 Best and unsuccessful practices.
00:33:14 So in other words they will.
00:33:17 They'll information share with all the other globalist corporations how best to.
00:33:22 Get rid of the Whitey's.
00:33:24 We will create and share strategic.
00:33:26 Inclusion and diversity plans with our Board of directors.
00:33:30 All right, well.
Speaker 3
00:33:38 So these are.Devon
00:33:38 All the these are all the different companies.00:33:42 That are going to basically put their their employees through anti white training camps.
00:33:52 Now remember what I did that.
00:33:54 String about the the white genocide, the different steps of genocide.
00:33:58 This is just this is just another part of that.
00:34:03 This is just another.
00:34:04 Part of that.
00:34:07 It's not enough that they just have fiction.
00:34:09 It's not enough.
00:34:10 They just have.
00:34:12 You know the the.
00:34:14 The corporate culture that that lets you know that if you said anything racist or or whatever.
00:34:22 That you would get.
00:34:23 Or if you you might.
00:34:25 Have to like look, this is true for decades.
00:34:28 If you fire a black guy.
Speaker 1
00:34:29 You got to.Devon
00:34:30 Be worried that maybe he's going to sue you.00:34:33 Yeah, maybe there will be.
00:34:34 Maybe the.
00:34:35 DOJ will sue you.
00:34:39 So this is in.
00:34:40 Addition to all the things that are.
00:34:42 Already all the.
00:34:42 Anti white **** that already exists in corporate culture.
00:34:47 This is just.
00:34:47 It's stepping it up a notch.
00:34:51 And every one of these companies, and like I said, you probably buy something from one of these companies.
00:34:59 Where you work for one of these companies.
00:35:03 And I know it, the argument is well, it's impossible.
00:35:09 It's impossible.
00:35:10 I can't avoid all these global **** companies.
00:35:14 If I do that, I'm going.
00:35:15 I'm going to be living in a ******* cave, you know, rubbing some rocks together.
00:35:20 And, you know, eating lizards that I catch, right.
00:35:30 It's not going to be easy at first.
00:35:32 And you do have to pick your battles.
00:35:36 But I'm sure there's lots of optional purchases that you are making from a lot of these companies.
00:35:43 And you need to start thinking about this stuff.
00:35:51 I mean, people say I'm black pilled.
00:35:53 Ohh, like you're just giving up.
00:35:55 You're just giving up, huh?
00:35:57 Dude, you're not even willing to to cancel your Amazon Prime because you like next day shipping.
00:36:03 And and I'm giving up.
00:36:07 Who's going to win anyway?
00:36:08 I'm giving up.
00:36:16 You have to make an effort.
00:36:18 And this might seem insignificant.
00:36:20 And no, you're you're doing this is not.
00:36:22 Going to put these companies out of business.
00:36:25 And no this.
00:36:26 Isn't going to be the same as like what?
00:36:29 Look, we're going to end up being a diaspora.
Speaker 8
00:36:33 We are going to end up being.Devon
00:36:35 A dispersed at least.00:36:36 Here in America, where we are not going to be the majority and we might already not be the majority, I don't know what the real numbers are.
00:36:43 But it either it's already happened or it's it's.
00:36:46 Going to happen soon.
00:36:50 And that's going to bleed into elections.
00:36:54 And that's going to bleed into like.
00:36:57 With this stuff right here.
00:36:58 This is going to bleed into.
00:37:00 Your ability to get jobs.
00:37:05 It's going to bleed into positions at your company.
00:37:08 The all it takes, like I said all.
00:37:10 It takes is that one guy.
00:37:13 Who gets in charge of hiring?
00:37:17 That one, that one anti white.
00:37:21 Who, by the way, could be a white woman?
00:37:25 She gets in a position of power.
00:37:27 No more white guys get hired.
00:37:37 And so yeah, it's not going.
00:37:39 To solve our problems or.
00:37:40 But by focusing and thinking like this, that's.
00:37:43 What's going to lead?
00:37:47 To an in Group preference.
Speaker 3
00:37:50 You know it.00:37:51 It's people always talk about.
00:37:52 Ohh why is it that you know?
00:37:54 You say anything bad?
00:37:55 About Jews.00:37:56 And there's like, there's like, 50 different nonprofits.
00:37:58 Or whatever that.
00:37:59 You know, jump down your throat and try.
00:38:01 To cancel you and the.
00:38:02 Platform, you and yadda yadda yadda.
00:38:04 And white people don't do.
00:38:05 That well, they should.
00:38:16 Don't you get it?
00:38:17 It's got to start somewhere.
00:38:22 And if you're not willing to just not get Amazon Prime, do you think what would happen like, well, let's say?
00:38:29 Let's say.
Speaker 1
00:38:31 The the.Devon
00:38:32 CEO of Amazon.00:38:35 Or, yeah, let's say that the CEO of the Amazon, instead of banning my book right and books like my book.
00:38:43 Like they banned a whole bunch.
00:38:44 Of books.
00:38:45 It wasn't just mine.
00:38:47 They brought they banned the diary of Anne Frank.
00:38:53 And they banned a bunch of Jewish books.
00:38:59 Yeah, you would have that.
00:39:00 You would have this.
00:39:02 Infrastructure that didn't exist overnight, they didn't just.
Speaker 3
00:39:06 Spring up overnight.Devon
00:39:08 This infrastructure that's been slowly building up and slowly, you know, getting its ******* tentacles into everything.00:39:17 This machine go after Amazon and punish them.
Speaker 3
00:39:22 And Jews would boycott them.Devon
00:39:27 But we're not there yet.00:39:28 We don't have that.
00:39:29 We don't have that.
00:39:30 Institutional power.
00:39:31 That doesn't mean you just don't do anything.
00:39:42 If you're in a fight.
00:39:46 Against someone that you know is going to win.
00:39:50 Do you just lay on the ground and?
00:39:52 Let them.
00:39:53 Have their way with you.
00:39:57 Or do you go down swinging?
00:40:02 And this isn't like I said, this is like a.
00:40:03 Big ******* sacrifice.
00:40:06 Yeah, let's let's look at some of these companies.
00:40:10 UM, I'm scrolling out different document than the ones on the screen, but let me just look here.
00:40:20 Like some of this stuff is just like, it's not really.
00:40:23 It's like service and it's not stuff that you'd.
00:40:25 Be buying anything from.
00:40:26 But just OK, here's an example.
00:40:27 Campbell soup.
00:40:30 Do you need to buy?
00:40:31 Campbell soup.
00:40:35 No one needs to buy Campbell soup.
00:40:38 There you go.
00:40:39 Campbell soup.
00:40:40 If you're buying Campbell soup.
00:40:43 You're supporting this ****.
00:40:45 And if you're too lazy to to not buy Campbell soup that shifts on you.
00:40:52 See another one.
00:40:55 UM.
00:41:00 I don't know.Devon
00:41:01 Like there's some of these companies are just like.00:41:06 You know Children's Minnesota, whatever or something.
00:41:11 Oh, this is great.
00:41:13 The Christ Hospital Health Network.
00:41:16 See, there's you gotta pick your battles.
00:41:18 If if that's the hospital.
00:41:19 They take you.Devon
00:41:20 To you, don't crawl off the Gurney.00:41:22 They hate me, like, although maybe there might come a time where that you might that might be a smart thing.
00:41:26 To do if this.
00:41:28 Is allowed to keep going.
00:41:29 They might.
00:41:29 Hate you.00:41:30 And not give.
00:41:30 You the best service.00:41:33 But anyway, I would I would.
00:41:34 Say go through this list.
00:41:37 It's on my Twitter feed.
00:41:40 Jim go tweeted it out.
00:41:41 It's you'll see a retweet I did of of Hendrix from red.
00:41:45 It's like one of my most recent tweets.
00:41:48 And just go with the list look and see if it maybe like I said.
00:41:52 Maybe more importantly, look and see if you work for one of these companies.
00:42:00 Because I feel like that's going to be the more that's with the bigger impact.
00:42:03 If you work for one of these companies, get the **** out.
00:42:09 I used to work for a.
00:42:10 Few of these companies.
00:42:12 And there's so many companies on here, it's ridiculous.
00:42:17 Close to 2000, anyway.
00:42:23 Get rid of that here.Devon
00:42:26 Let's change up our background a little bit.00:42:32 The The the weird beating heart.
00:42:40 Alright, so let's go to chat.
00:42:42 Like I said, I don't really have a whole lot going today.
00:42:44 I've just been trying to stay cool.
Speaker 8
00:42:55 Ohh there we go.Devon
00:42:59 What's Devon's Twitter? It's uh.00:43:03 Deck it's it's just Devin Stack with the D and the S swapped Dex Devin.
00:43:15 Or I guess not just.
00:43:16 The yeah.
00:43:21 I've noticed that marketing of the vaccine is a similar techniques As for iPhones. The iPhone, not an iPhone. It's called COVID-19 vaccine, not a vaccine, the vaccine.
00:43:39 Well, you mean like they're trying to make it seem like a a luxury item or a like a brand name?
00:43:47 I don't know, I guess so, I mean.
00:43:50 There. I mean look there's.
00:43:52 There's a lot of money in promoting this thing.
00:43:55 I mean, there's so many.
00:43:56 That's not the only.
00:43:57 That's weirdly enough.
00:43:58 Not the only rap video telling telling people.
Speaker 1
00:44:01 To get the vaccine.Devon
00:44:03 There's and and.00:44:04 By you know, I mean they're kind of washed up now but like.
00:44:08 Yeah, the like, what was what?
00:44:11 Was that song out what like?
00:44:15 That's like the 90s or something, right?
00:44:17 I mean, that's an.
00:44:17 Old song? Uh.
00:44:21 And I did another one with.
00:44:22 Like a 90s rapper too.
00:44:24 But yeah, they're they're they're and there's there's actually a there's like four or five vaccine rap videos.
00:44:32 That I've seen there might be more.
00:44:35 And they're trying to make it seem cool, and they're pushing it towards like, I mean, look who's the audience for that, right?
00:44:44 What stage of grief are libertarians in?
00:44:50 I don't know.
00:44:51 I still think that there, I mean.
00:44:52 Look at look at.
00:44:53 Us sticks.
00:44:54 He doesn't look like he's grieving.
00:44:57 They don't.
00:44:57 They still don't get it.
00:44:59 They don't get it because you can't teach an old dog new tricks and a lot of people.
00:45:06 That are libertarians.
00:45:09 They didn't.
00:45:11 Start out at.
00:45:12 Like very few people started including myself, right?
00:45:14 Very few people.
00:45:15 Started out as libertarian.
00:45:19 There is a logic to it and when you finally as so I started out as.
00:45:25 Like a as a conservative.
00:45:27 Like just a normal, you know.
00:45:29 My mom listened to Rush Limbaugh on the radio, you know, conservative.
00:45:37 Libertarian stuff was kind of like edgy, a little bit it sound and but it's also just sounded.
00:45:43 More intellectual like you would.
00:45:45 You would talk to libertarians and they would sound just smarter than conservatives.
00:45:51 Conservatives are not are typically not brainiacs, OK?
00:45:57 And their arguments made more rational sense.
00:46:02 It was very rational, right?
00:46:04 It was very logical.
00:46:07 You had to accept some false premises that weren't obvious, that there were false.
Speaker 3
00:46:14 Once you accepted.Devon
00:46:15 Some fairly.00:46:18 Easy to accept premises no matter.
00:46:20 You know they were false.
00:46:22 They were.
00:46:23 Widely accepted by.
00:46:25 Well, I mean, even the mainstream right, I.
00:46:27 Mean if you think.
00:46:28 About it, libertarianism at this point is that's mainstream republicanism.
00:46:35 But it wasn't always that way.
00:46:36 It was kind of.
00:46:37 Like the the way that you could be cool because.
00:46:41 You know, being a conservative was never cool.
00:46:44 But it was a way you could.
00:46:45 Be cool and smart and conservative.
00:46:48 Kind of right.
00:46:51 And yeah, so it's once you.
00:46:56 Once you get converted.
Speaker 3
00:46:58 I guess.Devon
00:46:59 From going, you know, from being.00:47:01 A conservative like a lot of these guys.
00:47:03 That's how they started out.
00:47:05 To finding this ideology of of libertarianism, I don't.
00:47:10 I don't think people often.
00:47:13 Keep switching right. It's kind of like UM.
00:47:18 There's lots of people that have.
00:47:21 One divorce.
00:47:22 But most people don't have like 2 divorces, right?
00:47:26 Like you **** ** once.
00:47:28 You know, you usually you learn your lesson, right?
00:47:31 Or at least you think you've learned your lesson.
00:47:35 Or, you know, a lot of people have changed or I don't.
00:47:37 Know about a lot, but like people that.
00:47:39 Have converted to a new religion.
00:47:43 They're not going to.
00:47:44 I mean, I don't.
00:47:45 Know if there's a statistic for this.
00:47:47 Just so maybe I'm.
00:47:48 Wrong, but it just my gut tells me there's not a lot of people that are switching religions every week.
00:47:55 You know, like if you switch to one religion to another, that's like a significant thing, right?
00:48:00 That's a because you're making a A.
Speaker 3
00:48:01 Whole World view change.Devon
00:48:03 And that's tough to do.00:48:05 And once you do it, realizing you were wrong is is difficult to do.
00:48:13 So for me.
00:48:18 It took a while it took.
00:48:19 A while for me to to.
00:48:20 Really. For me, they're like.
00:48:23 I guess the why?
00:48:24 It was a little easier was.
00:48:26 I I suspect a lot of these libertarians like like sticks.
00:48:30 For example, I I doubt sticks has ever lived in a black neighborhood.
00:48:35 Why do I doubt that?
00:48:36 Because he's alive.
00:48:39 Like sticks would not survive in.
00:48:41 In a diverse neighborhood.
00:48:43 And I I suspect there's just a lot of these people that don't have any life experience.
00:48:53 That they're almost having to suppress to believe the lies that are in libertarianism, right?
00:48:59 Like I did like I was having to just.
00:49:02 Like there were things I was like, well, this is a mainstream view and it alleviates this, this.
00:49:09 You know, like that that was the other thing too.
00:49:11 Like by converting to a libertarian, you.
00:49:14 Avoided a lot.
00:49:15 Of the the the social shaming of conservatives, right?
Speaker 3
00:49:21 Because they would.Devon
00:49:22 Say things like you know, ohh conservatives are racists.00:49:26 Conservatives are bigots and conservatives are are homophobes and all this other stuff.
00:49:31 And libertarians.
00:49:33 They they dodged.
00:49:37 All that criticism.
00:49:40 They escaped that that, that social shaming.
00:49:46 Because they were permissive.
00:49:49 They would say like, oh, we don't.
00:49:50 Care if you could.
00:49:51 Be a a lesbian black lady and and really all we care about is, you know, your.
00:49:59 Your output at your job and your you know your.
00:50:02 It's all about economics really, it's.
00:50:04 All about money.
00:50:07 Another thing that's if you're.
00:50:12 You know, I had someone say once and I.
00:50:14 Didn't get it at.
00:50:15 The time and now you know, in in retrospect, I.
00:50:18 Mean they were right.
00:50:20 There was of.
00:50:22 Course there coming from a lefty point of view, but someone one of these DC parties that I was at, it was some lefty who actually wasn't stupid.
00:50:31 Made a comment about how libertarians are racist.
00:50:38 They're the most racist people.
00:50:41 They just don't know or they just escape.
00:50:46 The responsibility of the racism.
00:50:49 By saying well.
00:50:51 If you you know you.
Speaker 3
00:50:52 Would be more successful if you're just trying harder.Devon
00:50:56 Now the lefty, of course I'm sure had had all these systemic racism ideas in his head.00:51:01 As to why these other groups.
00:51:03 Weren't performing because you know he was commenting.
00:51:06 Basically, how all the?
00:51:07 The libertarians of this party were all white.
00:51:10 And how, of course, they're all white.
00:51:13 Well, actually, they're like all white.
00:51:14 And Jews.
00:51:15 And there was a.
00:51:15 Few Jews you know.
00:51:17 Of course you know, of course they're.
00:51:18 All white because.
00:51:19 That's that's who would benefit from a libertarian system.
00:51:23 And he's right.
00:51:25 In a way.
00:51:26 If you just if you just.
00:51:28 Boil it down to economic factors, right?
00:51:33 Like if if all you care about is the rat race.
00:51:37 And if some of these other lies that libertarians that their premise.
00:51:45 Hinges on if they were true.
00:51:48 That would kind.
00:51:49 Of work, right, like in a in a Society of meritocracy, it would be kind of racist in a.
Speaker 7
00:51:54 Right.Devon
00:51:55 Way I mean.00:51:56 Because blacks would, as a group, just as an example.
00:52:00 Would never, ever, ever outpace whites.
00:52:05 As a group.
00:52:08 Just because that's how you know a meritocracy would be 1.
00:52:14 100% you know the.
00:52:17 It would benefit the high performers in in society.
00:52:20 Now, of course, there's all kinds.
00:52:22 Of like.
00:52:23 Reality that gets in the way of.
Speaker 7
00:52:25 Of that happening.Devon
00:52:26 Right.00:52:28 But on paper?
00:52:30 And so that's that.
00:52:30 Is another reason.
00:52:32 I think it appeals to a lot of these people.
00:52:35 Where they there, there may be slightly above.
00:52:39 Average IQ and they know it.
00:52:42 So they think, well, you know, just because I'm higher than average IQ, I'm going to be a winner in this system.
00:52:50 You know this system is going to benefit me because it's kind of like.
Speaker 3
00:52:55 They believe.Devon
00:52:59 Their system will basically the way it will manifest is the same thing, the same way that the standardized testing in their schools manifested, right?00:53:10 Like they think that they'll end up.
00:53:13 At the same place in the hierarchy, the same place and the power structure, the.
00:53:17 Wealth. You know everything.
Speaker 1
00:53:19 That they did.Devon
00:53:20 In their with their standardized test score.00:53:24 Right.
00:53:26 They, they, they, they.Devon
00:53:27 Think that because it's a meritocracy and they say, oh, well I I I tested in the top you know 20% of.00:53:33 Of my class.
00:53:34 So if this is just a a contest.
00:53:38 And look, they they they totally ignore.
00:53:41 All the the obstacles.
00:53:43 In the way of that ever actually happening.
00:53:49 Not only I mean just some of the human.
00:53:53 Nature things.
00:53:53 But just like the general well.
00:53:55 Generational wealth problem?
00:53:58 You know, there's there's.
00:54:00 People that are starting out.
00:54:02 Or they could be they could.
00:54:03 Be super ******* ********.
00:54:06 It doesn't matter the **** they don't have.
Speaker 3
00:54:09 To be people.Devon
00:54:11 You know, stuff like we were talking about the Rockefeller Foundation.00:54:15 I mean, we're talking like dead.
Speaker 3
00:54:17 People, you're still you're still up against dead.Devon
00:54:21 People's money thanks to generational wealth.Speaker 3
00:54:25 Some some of these dead people's money is like.Devon
00:54:29 Direct opposition to the people that made.00:54:31 The money, the dead people.
00:54:33 Like the Ford Foundation, think Henry Ford would like anything about what the Ford Foundation does.
00:54:43 You know, like it it's it's amazing to me.
00:54:47 When people get upset, then I.
00:54:49 That's where I get like the most.
00:54:52 Most I guess.
00:54:54 People like complaining about something I've said is when I talk about.
00:54:59 Ending generational wealth, finding a way to to get rid.
00:55:02 Of that, but that that's one of the only ways you'd
00:55:04 Ever have a real meritocracy?
00:55:07 If everyone started the same starting line.
00:55:10 It's not exactly meritocracy if there's.
00:55:15 Maybe the same 5% of people.
00:55:19 Are starting like 10 feet away from the finish line.
00:55:24 And you have to run like 5 miles.
00:55:27 So yeah, you might outrun all the other alpha slaves that are having to start at the starting line, but you'll never ever beat.
00:55:35 The people who call the shots.
00:55:38 So you'll literally never be in control.
00:55:45 You'll always.
00:55:46 You'll always be the entertainment for the guys that start out like a foot away from the finish line.
00:55:53 They'll literally take one step and then sit in the lawn chair and watch.
00:55:57 Watch you try to outpace the other plebs.
00:56:07 But no I.Devon
00:56:08 I guess to answer your question like they.00:56:12 They uh.
00:56:15 I mean, if they got it, they.
00:56:17 Wouldn't be libertarians anymore, right?
00:56:22 They have all these mental.
00:56:24 Which makes sense because you have to have mental gymnastics to even believe in the first place.
00:56:30 UM.Devon
00:56:32 It's kind of like it's because in.00:56:34 A lot of.
00:56:34 Ways your political beliefs are like a religion.
00:56:39 You know it is, it is.
00:56:41 For some people more than.
00:56:43 But it, I mean it's it's your worldview.
00:56:46 So and just as your religion usually informs your worldview, your politics do also.
00:56:55 People are willing to believe a lot of stupid ****.
00:56:59 To keep that intact.
00:57:03 And you got to think of it this way, too.
00:57:04 If you've made decisions just like with the religion, there's some people that that they'll never change religions no matter what, just because.
00:57:11 Your morality.
00:57:14 Just as an example has been informed by this religion and or and in in many cases your your morality.
00:57:21 On big issues.
Speaker 3
00:57:23 Might have been informed.Devon
00:57:24 By your politics, you know, let's just say, like abortion, right?00:57:30 Let's say you grew up a lefty.
00:57:37 And you believed all the lefty stuff and you've had, like, 6 abortions?
00:57:42 Well, I mean.
00:57:45 It's not.
00:57:45 That's not going to be an easy thing, or maybe even a possible thing.
00:57:49 I mean, I'm sure it's happened maybe a tiny amount of times.
00:57:52 That's not going to be an easy thing for.
00:57:54 You to just now be like ohh.
00:57:57 I'm not uh.
00:58:00 I don't.
00:58:00 I believe it's murder now, I guess I'm.
00:58:02 I'm I'm a serial killer.
00:58:05 I I mass murdered my own babies.
00:58:10 Now that's an extreme.
00:58:11 Example, But yeah, I think of it like that.
00:58:12 A lot of.
00:58:13 People that have made.
00:58:15 Lots of decisions.
00:58:17 Based on an ideology and that's that's what.
00:58:22 Inform those decisions and if you **** with that ideology.
00:58:29 You're going to have probably at least some regret.
00:58:34 And not everyone.
00:58:35 Handles that very well.
00:58:38 So it's difficult to, it's difficult to get through to some.
00:58:45 Of these people, but not impossible.
00:58:47 Like I said.
00:58:47 I used to be libertarian professionally, you know.
00:58:50 Like it was.
00:58:51 It was my job to be libertarian, basically.
00:58:58 You know, luckily for me and what?
00:59:00 Made it easier for me.
00:59:00 Was just I lived.
00:59:01 Around all they're doing all.
00:59:03 These guys I worked with, they were all rich kids.
00:59:07 They were rich white kids that never, never, probably in their lives.
00:59:13 Had to live around.
00:59:16 The middle of the bell curve?
00:59:18 Diversity people.
00:59:20 Like if they met a black guy, he was.
00:59:22 Like the outlier black guy?
00:59:25 You know, if they met like anyone.
00:59:27 I mean cause just of where they were.
00:59:30 In their in their in the social hierarchy and the welfare herarchy.
00:59:35 And the power hierarchy.
00:59:39 That they would never encounter the kinds of people.
00:59:43 That they were.
00:59:46 That you're dealing with when it comes to the majority of these groups.
00:59:52 They're just, they're just seeing the outliers.
00:59:55 Whereas I, you know, I didn't grow up.
00:59:57 This is another reason.
Speaker 3
00:59:58 Why I?Devon
00:59:59 I don't.01:00:00 I'll never.
01:00:00 I never fully trust.
01:00:02 People that were born rich.
01:00:06 And it's not like out of some bitterness or anything like that.
01:00:09 And like if I'm.
01:00:09 Being honest there, there might be some element of that somewhere that but you know, I try to.
01:00:15 Not think of it.
01:00:16 About it like emotionally like that.
01:00:18 UM.
01:00:20 It's more that you've lived a different life.
01:00:24 You don't.Speaker 3
01:00:24 Have any of this?Devon
01:00:26 Anecdotal information that I've got stored away.01:00:32 So it's kind of like you're it's all academic, you know it's it's all theoretical nonsense when you think about these issues because you've never, you've never seen it, you've never experienced.
01:00:44 It you never.
01:00:44 Lived in it.
01:00:46 You know it's real easy for libertarians to say, as an example, that like, oh, if you're poor in America, it's your fault.
01:00:54 What do they *******?
Speaker 8
01:00:55 Know about being poor.Devon
01:00:59 Like, seriously what?01:01:01 Very like again.
01:01:05 I'm sure there's poor libertarians, especially now, right now that libertarianism is kind of the de facto ideology of of the Republican Party.
01:01:19 So there's lots of poor libertarians.
01:01:21 I guess now, right?
01:01:24 But the guys at the top, the ones that are informing the.
01:01:32 The the the.Devon
01:01:32 People at the wheel, right.01:01:34 The people that have control of.
01:01:35 The the firmware apparatus to program the the conservative normies.
01:01:43 They've never been poor.
01:01:44 None of these guys have ever been poor.
01:01:47 No one that I ever worked with had ever been poor.
Speaker 3
01:01:51 None of them.Devon
01:01:54 And I don't just mean like.01:01:56 Never been poor.
01:01:57 They've never been like middle class.
01:02:01 None of them.
01:02:03 Even like the ******* intern kids.
01:02:07 They came from wealthy families.
01:02:11 And the people bankrolling all of those think tanks?
01:02:15 Or people like the Koch brothers, you know, millions like.
01:02:19 Billionaires, not millionaires. Billionaires.
01:02:25 That, that's really libertarianism is a great tool for keeping the pitchforks away from your castle.
01:02:38 Because it's really difficult to have anything but admiration for a a billionaire.
01:02:44 If you're a libertarian.
01:02:48 Right, if you believe.
01:02:51 The libertarian worldview it they're like the alpha.
01:02:59 So smart they they totally.
01:03:02 It'd be like if, you know, you were playing.
01:03:04 A video game and.
01:03:05 You saw some guy that you know you usually on a good day, you score like 100,000 points and they.
01:03:11 Got like a.
01:03:12 Like 8 billion points.
01:03:15 Like holy ****, that guy's awesome at this.
01:03:24 Yeah, they they don't.
01:03:26 A lot of these guys will.
01:03:27 Never get it.
01:03:28 I'm hoping that some of these guys figure it out just because they have.
01:03:34 They have money.
01:03:35 And they're smart.
01:03:35 Why these guys are smart, they've got money and they're white, you know, so.
01:03:38 It's like it's.
01:03:39 Like a whole, you know group of.
01:03:42 People that would be great to have on.
01:03:44 Your side but.
01:03:46 I don't.
01:03:47 I don't know.
01:03:47 I I feel like that the the other thing is a lot of these guys, you're so economically focused, you know, like libertarianism is very money centric.
01:03:58 And you're not.
01:03:59 You're not going to make money supporting us.
01:04:03 I mean, libertarianism is going to benefit the rich and it's going to, I mean it almost.
01:04:11 It exists to preserve their class.
01:04:15 You get the poor people believing, believing or believing the libertarian line.
01:04:20 And again, like I said, you're keeping the pitchforks away from the castles.
01:04:23 Whereas we are the pitchfork.
01:04:27 So I don't think they're going to want to give us money.
01:04:35 OK.
01:04:41 Sorry, I went on so long I kind of.
01:04:46 Missed a bunch of stuff here.
01:04:52 Chiefly says seeing a lot of diversity freak outs in public lately.
01:04:56 Yeah, I think some.
01:04:59 Of that is an increase.
01:05:02 And some of.
01:05:02 That is just the prevalence of recording devices.
01:05:08 It's hard to tell what at what level it's increased.
01:05:13 But what do?
01:05:15 You expect to happen.
01:05:17 I mean when you're.
01:05:19 Look at we just talked about this.
01:05:21 Pledge the CEOs are going to be.
01:05:23 Enacting they're going to be told everywhere they're.
01:05:25 Told when they watch a movie.
01:05:27 When they listen to.
01:05:28 A song, when they watch the news.
01:05:30 And now.
01:05:30 When they listen to their boss.
01:05:33 And maybe these people at church, too, if they go to church.
01:05:39 You know, white people are bad.
01:05:41 White people are the reason, everything wrong with everything that's wrong with your life is white people, everything.
01:05:59 You know that that's now some of these freak outs that you've noticed that it's black and black stuff, that that should just has all just always happened.
01:06:08 Right.Devon
01:06:09 I just think I don't know.01:06:10 How much of that?
01:06:11 Is increasing so much as like you know I.
01:06:15 Mean you had.
01:06:15 Bys and **** like that in the 90s.
01:06:17 It just not that you didn't have people.
01:06:19 With phones.
01:06:20 Like recording it all over the place so some of this is just like you're just getting to see it now.
01:06:26 You know, like it it might.
01:06:28 Have made the news.
01:06:29 It's not as impressive if you just you know, with that the Walmart fight that I posted on Telegram.
01:06:35 UM.
01:06:37 Here I'll download it so I can play it on this computer here.
01:06:44 Yeah, even like, just shopping at Walmart is now.
01:06:48 Is now dangerous, apparently.
Speaker 7
01:07:04 OK, no.Devon
01:07:16 So I'm gonna mute.01:07:17 It there.
01:07:17 So I mean like this is?
01:07:21 This is just what.
01:07:22 It's like shopping at Walmart now.
01:07:25 But to be honest, this kind of a thing.
01:07:30 Has I just think it's always just happened.
01:07:34 Or at least in my lifetime, it's happened with diversity.
01:07:39 I like I said, I've lived in diverse areas.
01:07:42 Something like this isn't super shocking to me.
01:07:46 It's just that now that there is video of it.
01:07:48 Like I've seen way worse **** than this.
01:07:51 That was just diversity.
01:07:53 Time at the store, you know, like you went to.
01:07:55 A store and diversity happened.
01:07:59 And it was a lot worse than this.
01:08:03 And this is so this was just, uh.
01:08:07 Diversity got into a fight at Walmart that was so epic and long that the cops showed up and started like arresting them.
01:08:17 And then the crowd, of course.
01:08:20 Because they're like, oh, she.
01:08:21 Ain't do nothing.
01:08:22 You know that kind of **** started happening.
01:08:23 And so like it just became this big ***********.
01:08:26 But this is what it's going to be like, and that's if they can manage to keep policing these things.
01:08:34 You know, like uh.
01:08:37 That, that woman's obviously resisting arrest.
01:08:40 And these cops might get in trouble for this, for like having to deal with this ********.
01:08:46 See, now she's like biting him and stuff like that.
Speaker 3
01:08:52 So it's.01:08:55 You're going to have.
01:08:57 You're going to have cops that.01:08:59 Just don't want to ******* deal with this.
01:09:02 And it will just get worse and look.
01:09:05 You're going to have.
01:09:08 You're going to have like imagine this.
01:09:12 When all the people that set the standards have been replaced, like when you we had white primacy in this.
01:09:19 Country for a long time.
01:09:21 And without the white primacy, you're going to have the primacy of, you know, like again what, that, that document when they're signing that thing saying, oh, we're.
01:09:30 Gonna make sure we put all.
01:09:31 These third worlders in positions of.
01:09:33 You know what happens when the manager at the Walmart for as just as an example, thinks that this kind of behavior is acceptable.
01:09:41 And just part of you know, part part.
01:09:43 And parcel of living with diversity.
01:09:48 You know it's going to be like, oh, like, look what's happening in San Francisco.
01:09:51 I showed you the the video in.
01:09:52 San Francisco, where that guy is just ransacking the entire place, and they're they're just watching.
01:09:59 They don't.
01:10:00 They don't stop him.
01:10:02 You know, he just literally he.
01:10:04 Scoops up everything that's on a shelf into a giant black plastic bag.
01:10:09 And leaves.
01:10:11 With no one stopping him.
01:10:15 And that's going to be the culture.
01:10:21 And in the same way, like, look, they're they've already gone too far.
01:10:25 Down the it's white people's fault Rd.
01:10:29 In the same way, we can't.
01:10:31 We're not in a position now to just, you know, take we can't take women.
01:10:36 'S right to vote away.
Speaker 3
01:10:37 Right, we already.Devon
01:10:39 We already pulled the trigger on that and we're way too far down that path to just be like to even remotely bring that up.01:10:49 In a serious way and and expect anything to happen it it's literally the only thing way.
01:10:57 Only way you could stop that.
01:10:59 Is through the use of force.
01:11:02 There's no political way at this point to remove women's right to vote, right?
01:11:09 Well, in the same way the left, if they've already gone too far.
01:11:13 With this systemic racism stuff.
01:11:17 They, even if they and they don't but.
01:11:18 Even if they wanted to.
01:11:21 You know, take it back and.
01:11:22 Be like oh, actually, you know what?
01:11:24 Race and IQ?
01:11:25 Is real and you know.
01:11:27 You couldn't do it.
Speaker 5
01:11:30 You couldn't do it.Devon
01:11:34 They've already, you know, the you.01:11:36 Know Pandora's box has already been opened.
01:11:45 And again the same thing.
01:11:46 The only way you get.
01:11:48 Rid of this is through use of force.
01:11:50 This is not like a thing you.
01:11:52 You politic your way out of.
01:11:55 And it's not something that happened overnight either.
01:11:58 I mean, this is the kind of thing I mean.
01:12:00 We've watched just with in.
01:12:01 Terms of TV.
01:12:03 The anti white stuff in TV goes back at least at least at least 50 years.
01:12:12 In some instances you know there's examples that are 6070 years.
01:12:21 But it goes back, I mean this.
01:12:22 Is an entire generation.
01:12:27 That's been brainwashed on this stuff, and it's just increasing.
01:12:30 You know, I tweeted out this kind of tongue in cheek.
01:12:35 There was that video.
01:12:38 Well, here's this.
01:12:39 I guess kind of says it all.
01:12:41 Let me see.
01:12:42 If I have it on here somewhere.
01:12:46 Yeah. All right.
01:12:57 So I mean this this right here.
01:13:01 I got to I.
01:13:02 Guess you can't see.
01:13:02 I'm going to shrink it down.
01:13:09 This kind of illustrates what I'm talking about.
01:13:25 Now the joke that I made on Twitter was, you know, something along the lines of I can't wait until instead of living in a country full of crazy white women who live in a country full of their crazy gay children.
Speaker 3
01:13:40 And while that was a joke that.Devon
01:13:43 That's real.01:13:44 This is going to be like you think it's bad living in a country like that.
01:13:49 That chick in the back.
01:13:52 Riding her little gay bike.
01:13:55 Was probably not raised like this.
01:14:00 And was probably not raised, not only not raised to like hate the flag this much to where?
01:14:05 She spurges out like this.
01:14:08 But also probably not raised to believe in.
01:14:11 All the gay stuff.
01:14:13 That I guarantee you this ***** is teaching her kid.
01:14:18 So you think she's bad?
01:14:20 When she was probably raised at least normally, obviously you know something went wrong, but compared to the way this kid is going to be her kids going to be raised, I mean it's.
01:14:32 It's going to be compounded, right?
01:14:36 So you think it's bad when we live in a place where she's she's the the head of HR at your company?
01:14:42 Wait till it's this guy cooking your food.
01:14:49 You know, with this guy arresting you.
01:15:00 I mean that that's kind of what I'm getting at.
01:15:02 Is all this stuff it's.
01:15:05 You can't just pull out of this nosedive.
01:15:07 There's way too much inertia.
01:15:14 You know, I know there's a lot of enthusiasm among certain people, a lot of younger zoomers and stuff like that, and and that's great.
01:15:23 And I wish you luck, but it's like.
01:15:28 You're a minority.
01:15:30 Very, very, very small minority.
01:15:37 You know the the the.
01:15:40 The cruel lie.
01:15:42 Of silent majority.
01:15:47 I mean, it was cruel on so many levels.
01:15:49 Many of what we've talked about before about, like, how if you're silent, it's, you know, it's ******* worthless and.
01:15:54 And all this stuff, but really.
01:15:56 I don't even know.
01:15:58 You know, if you're silent that you're, you're not the majority.
01:16:05 Right, like the fear that keeps you silent is because.
01:16:09 I think on a on a.
01:16:12 Instinctual level.
01:16:13 You know that you're kind of outnumbered.
01:16:16 And that if.Devon
01:16:16 You say the thing that you think everyone's thinking.01:16:20 That you'll be attacked.
01:16:21 Well then.
01:16:21 Everyone's not thinking it.
01:16:27 You know like.
Speaker 3
01:16:29 Maybe some of the people in the room were.Devon
01:16:30 Thinking maybe like.Speaker 3
01:16:31 A almost almost 50%.Devon
01:16:34 You know people.01:16:35 In the room would.
01:16:37 Would be thinking it, but it's not the majority or you wouldn't be.
01:16:41 You know what?
01:16:42 What would you be?
01:16:42 Worried about?
01:16:47 I mean, would you get fired?
01:16:48 If you if you worked at.
01:16:49 An ice cream shop.
01:16:52 And everyone that worked there was was secretly.
01:16:57 Secretly, they they all hated Asian people.
01:17:05 Like but you no one talked about.
01:17:07 It, but they were all.
01:17:07 Secret that they hated Asian people.
01:17:10 And some Chinese guy comes in.
01:17:14 And he's hard to understand or whatever.
01:17:18 And the guy leaves.
01:17:21 And you're the cashier that had to deal with it.
01:17:24 And you said something like, *** ****, I ******* hate Chinese people.
01:17:30 Would you get in trouble?
01:17:33 No, because everyone would just be like, yeah.
01:17:37 Even if they didn't, even if they didn't.
01:17:39 Say it.
Speaker 3
01:17:40 No one's going to be writing you up.Devon
01:17:43 Who's going to write you up?01:17:50 Now at first there might be artificial right, like at first it might be because of the television shows, you know, giving the people that watching the shows, the false perception.
01:18:02 That their beliefs were fringe.
01:18:08 Because all the people and you know.
01:18:09 Like we've talked about before, we're like the millennials were vastly overestimating the number of gay people.
01:18:16 The population of, you know, the gay population.
01:18:18 In the United States.
01:18:20 And The funny thing is, it ends up manifesting, right?
01:18:23 In the Zoomer population.
01:18:26 But the millennials?
01:18:29 Like wildly overestimated the the percentage.
01:18:33 Of gay people.
01:18:35 And their estimation lined up.
01:18:40 Better with the population of gay people in fiction in television shows.
01:18:46 Than it did in reality.
01:18:47 And then the more ****** ** thing is.
01:18:50 It also matched up what ended up manifesting.
01:18:54 In the Zoomer population.
01:18:59 Because, as Abby Hoffman said, Ryan.
01:19:04 A good propagandist.
01:19:08 What he does is he creates.
01:19:12 Not what reality is, but what he wants.
Speaker 3
01:19:14 It to be.Devon
01:19:17 And he presents it as reality.01:19:20 And then it becomes reality.
01:19:27 So there might have been like this.
01:19:30 You know, temporary moment in time.
01:19:35 Very temporary moment in time.
01:19:38 When there was a silent majority that was bullied, not necessarily by.
01:19:43 Really being outnumbered.
01:19:46 That's not where their fear came from, but it came from this artificial perception given to them by, you know, fiction.
01:19:53 You know, well, there was, you know, the TV or the movies or, you know, the the news, you know, the media, newspapers.
01:20:06 And they it.
01:20:07 Made them feel as if, oh, I'm I guess.
01:20:10 I guess what I believe is wildly unpopular because it's unpopular with every character on every TV show that I watch.
01:20:17 Some popular with every news man on TV.
01:20:20 It's unpopular with every the theme of every.
01:20:23 Movie that I've seen.
01:20:26 And it's unpopular with.
01:20:30 You know all these.
01:20:33 Letters to the.
01:20:34 Editor and you know everything that's published.
01:20:39 I guess I'm the weirdo.
01:20:41 Might there might have been a temporary moment.
01:20:43 In time where that.
01:20:43 Was the case.
01:20:46 But eventually that just manifests.
01:20:52 You know, it becomes a self.
01:20:53 Fulfilling prophecy in a way.
01:21:01 Because they don't fight it.
01:21:02 Not only do they not fight it for themselves.
01:21:07 But you don't want your your kid to be some fringe.
01:21:09 Weirdo like you, so you might not fight it too.
01:21:12 Much when you.
01:21:13 See it happening to your children.
01:21:17 You know when your when your kid goes away to college and comes back and he's, you know, an anti white communist.
01:21:25 You might grumble about it or whatever, but.
01:21:29 Maybe a part of you thinks he's more evolved because he's more in line with the pretty people on TV.
01:21:44 Again, the not only is this kid on the screen here, not only is he being raised.
01:21:50 By that psychopath.
01:21:55 He's being raised with that Blues clues episode.
01:21:58 That we're watching with the Pride March.
01:22:04 He's being raised by every, you know, like the the gay dads.
01:22:07 On Sesame Street.
01:22:11 He's being raised by.
01:22:13 Anti white **** left and right and sideways.
01:22:25 And that's been going a long time too, but it it's getting.
01:22:28 You know, it's getting just nuts out there.
01:22:33 Absolutely ******* nuts.
01:22:40 You know there.
01:22:40 Was a video I was going to.
01:22:41 I was going to play for you guys and but.
01:22:43 I think that I actually have played it already.
01:22:46 Like if like several streams ago.
01:22:53 Let me let me look and see if I've got that I'll.
01:22:55 Ask you guys.
01:22:59 What am I?
01:23:00 What am I?
01:23:00 Look at my clips folder here.
01:23:03 But it kind of goes along with what?
01:23:04 We're talking about with the.
01:23:07 What these kids are dealing with?
01:23:13 There was a cartoon.
01:23:25 Where is it at?
01:23:34 And there was a cartoon that.
01:23:41 About a racist dad.
01:23:42 You know, I think I have.
01:23:43 Played that before.
01:23:51 I'll wait till I've got that queued.
01:23:52 Up another spin of cartoons with racism.
01:23:54 Another cartoon I'm going through right now.
01:24:01 King of the Hill with the racist dog.
Speaker 8
01:24:07 I know a guy installed a brand new water heater without checking the old guns and seals.01:24:11 Next thing he knew, he woke up on his own front lawn at his neighbor.
01:24:15 This fella for further inspection.
01:24:20 I got to get my drive back before that dust gets into the vents.Speaker 7
01:24:27 Hey girl. Hello. I'm bobbing.Speaker 5
01:24:35 OK.Speaker 9
01:24:35 Are you here to fix the gas leak?Speaker 8
01:24:38 Me, I think your dog hates me.Speaker 9
01:24:41 I don't know why you think that.01:24:43 I've never seen her smile at anyone before.
Speaker 5
01:24:46 I get a.Speaker 8
01:24:46 Dog at home and I know when a dog has ill intent in his heart and that dog's looking at me like I'm a pair of meatball slippers. Meatball slippers.Speaker 9
01:24:58 You're gonna get a panda.01:24:59 Write that down.
01:25:00 Don't say anything while I'm gone.
01:25:07 Anyway, I'll have more of that.01:25:11 There's actually a movie that I think that this is loosely based on called.
01:25:15 The white dog.
01:25:17 Is about an. It's a.
01:25:18 Movie about a racist dog.
01:25:22 It's kind of corny.
01:25:23 That's why I.
01:25:24 Haven't done it yet.
01:25:26 Let me see if I.
01:25:27 Got that?
01:25:29 Somewhere here it's from like the 70s.
01:25:33 Late 70s or early 80s.
Speaker 4
01:25:37 Let's see white dog.Devon
01:25:39 Oh 82, looks like.01:25:42 Here's the trailer for that, but this is this.
01:25:43 Will be coming up.
Speaker 9
01:25:52 The man who owned it?Speaker 1
01:25:53 Did he turn into a racist dog?Speaker 5
01:25:55 It's simple.01:25:56 Find a black rhino who desperately needs.
01:25:58 A drink or.
01:25:59 Black, chunky do anything?
01:26:01 For a fix.Speaker 5
01:26:03 And entertain them to beat pack dog of.Speaker
01:26:06 Yours, when he was a puppy.Speaker 4
01:26:10 The race is dark.Speaker 10
01:26:11 You've got yourself an attack dog.Speaker
01:26:13 I don't know what.Speaker 10
01:26:15 Come on, Julie.01:26:15 A dog trained.
01:26:16 By professionals to attack people.
01:26:26 That dog has got to be.
01:26:27 But before he kills somebody, that dog is sick.
01:26:30 Then he should be cured.Speaker 10
01:26:32 Darling, the people that made him sick made him permanently sick.Speaker 1
01:26:35 They should be put to sleep, not.Speaker 10
01:26:37 The dog.01:26:37 Come on, Julie.
01:26:38 You got a four legged time bomb.
01:26:47 In my last resort.Speaker 3
01:26:49 He just he just ******* dove into that.Devon
01:26:52 Truck and killed the black guy.01:26:54 He was driving around.
Speaker 10
01:26:55 You got a four legged time bomb.Speaker
01:27:04 You're my last resort.01:27:07 And if you don't help him?
01:27:08 You're going to kill him.
Speaker 7
01:27:15 Shouldn't miss.Speaker 5
01:27:17 And as it all.Speaker 8
01:27:17 Grew up those.Speaker 5
01:27:18 Methodical beatings by blacks planted that seed of fear, and that fear became hate and that hate conditioned him to attack the color black.Speaker 10
01:27:27 And the white dog.Speaker 11
01:27:29 Of course, he's a white dog.Speaker
01:27:30 I don't mean.Speaker 11
01:27:31 His color, he's got to attack and kill black people.Speaker
01:27:45 How I wanted to put.Speaker 5
01:27:46 A bullet in that son of.Speaker 1
01:27:47 A *****.01:27:48 Then why the hell didn't?
Speaker 11
01:27:49 You because there's still a chance to kill him.Speaker 10
01:27:51 Kill him.01:27:53 You just kill him, man.
01:27:54 There's no way you can cure that dog.
01:27:56 I like you to shoot him now.
Speaker 9
01:27:57 Before he kills my blacks.01:27:58 So you finally.
Speaker 11
01:27:59 Join the club my club.01:28:00 Four or five people raise holy hell about that disease, that racist hate, but do absolutely nothing to stamp it out that dog.
Speaker 4
01:28:08 Is the only weapon we have at least.Speaker 11
01:28:10 To remove a part of it.Speaker 7
01:28:19 Be somebody who can help you.Speaker 11
01:28:21 I can't guarantee the result, but if I fail.Speaker 5
01:28:25 I'll get another.Speaker 11
01:28:25 One or another and another coupon work until.01:28:28 I lick it.
Speaker 5
01:28:29 That dog had a circulation.01:28:32 They'll be lot of people sleep better tonight.
01:28:46 Yeah, that that's obviously a gold mine.01:28:52 It's just it's so.
01:28:53 Corny, like.
01:28:53 It's really ******* corny.
01:28:56 So it's it's been tough for me to get.
01:28:58 Through it.
01:28:59 It's just so over the top ridiculous.
Speaker 8
01:29:04 Racist dog.Devon
01:29:06 All right, go back to chat.01:29:14 In a serious society or HB, HB Atticus says in a serious society, white people would prioritize their privacy regardless of.
01:29:25 Whether institutions were racist or not.
Speaker 3
01:29:28 Well, every other race does it.Devon
01:29:34 Fed confirmed.01:29:36 I don't know who's Fed confirmed.
01:29:41 No, I think these are really old.
01:29:42 No, I was talking about doing.
01:29:46 Work for?
01:29:47 Yeah, I did.
01:29:48 I did.
01:29:49 Well, I've talked about a bunch of times.
01:29:50 I've done work for the federal government before.
01:29:55 Alright wow this that was really old.
01:29:57 Alright, I'm now up to up to speed here so I probably missed a bunch of.
01:30:00 Comments there.
01:30:02 Did you see Bruce Jenner on Tucker saying that he is not fighting for the Republican?
01:30:06 Party he is.
01:30:06 Oops, I got to plug in my thing.
01:30:09 It's going to die.
01:30:14 I don't care if he fights the Republican Party.
01:30:18 He is fighting for the LGBTQ community, another gay psycho infiltrating politics, and he's he's isn't he speaking at CPAC?
01:30:29 I don't know if he's speaking, but he's certainly there, right?
01:30:34 I mean C Pack's just a ******* mess.
Speaker 3
01:30:38 I I.Devon
01:30:38 But they've got the money.01:30:40 If you want a demonstration of how money Trump's ideas, look at ******* CPAC.
01:30:47 There's no ideas at CPAC.
01:30:50 And the morality of that?
01:30:51 I mean they they.
01:30:52 Only have like the moral high.
01:30:53 Ground anymore.
01:30:54 It's just it's just.
01:30:56 I don't even see.
01:30:57 I don't.
01:30:57 Know how you can go there and not.
01:30:59 Feel ridiculous?
01:31:01 Especially with like Bruce Jenner walking around in a dress pretending to be a woman, I I don't.
01:31:06 I really don't understand, like how that.
01:31:09 Hey, you don't see the the clown show?
01:31:15 But no, I didn't see him on Tucker I.
01:31:16 Don't watch, Tucker.
01:31:17 I I watched Tucker clips from time to.
01:31:19 Time but.
01:31:22 I don't watch TV, really.
01:31:25 High Priest King Terry did.
01:31:27 You fix your belt tensioner, not have to order.
01:31:31 A replacement part because.
01:31:32 The metal broke.
01:31:35 Well, and part of it.
01:31:36 Flew off.
01:31:36 I don't even know where it is.
01:31:38 But I'm waiting for the part.
01:31:43 Iron Patriot Samuel Michael Fuller was born in Worcester, MA, of.
01:31:50 Jewish parents is that the guy?
01:31:51 Who made that movie?
01:31:54 I would not be surprised.
01:31:57 I haven't.
01:31:58 I haven't looked into the early.
01:31:59 Life of anyone in that.
01:32:00 Movie I I just assumed though.
01:32:05 Raise them.
01:32:07 Thoughts on anime unironically being the last unglued media?
01:32:10 I don't know.
01:32:11 I think it's.
01:32:13 Maybe it's just the enemy.
01:32:14 I've seen it just.
01:32:15 Seems so feminine.
01:32:17 And kind of gay.
01:32:21 When I see the amount of.
01:32:24 ****** people on Twitter that seem to have a.
01:32:31 An affinity for anime.
01:32:35 It kind of confirms.
01:32:38 Confirms that to me.
01:32:40 Again, I've never liked anime because I've always kind of thought it was kind of gay.
01:32:44 Honestly, I liked.
01:32:51 No, I mean really not.
01:32:53 I've never liked anime.
01:32:54 I've just never liked it.
01:32:56 So I I I haven't.
01:32:57 But so it might not be as gay as the anime I have seen, but generally speaking it just seems kind of feminine.
01:33:03 And gay and it's not.
01:33:07 It's. I mean it's Asian.
01:33:09 You know, it's not.
01:33:10 It's not, it's not European.
01:33:13 And while there, there might be themes that we have in common, and I mean that's not your people.
01:33:19 UM.Devon
01:33:21 And look there.01:33:22 Look there is there is a biological truth one.
01:33:26 Of the reasons why I think it.
01:33:27 Is kind of feminine and why you have a lot of those kind of, you know, emo protagonists, to say the least.
01:33:36 Is you have. Uh.
01:33:39 I forget what this is called, but there is a wider difference.
01:33:46 Biological difference between white women and white men.
01:33:52 Than there is between Asian women and Asian men.
01:33:57 And there's like, there's an actual there's a.
01:34:01 I don't.
01:34:02 I don't remember how it's measured or whatever, but the same thing for blacks, by the way.
01:34:05 Also, black women are more masculine.
01:34:13 And this is oversimplifying it.
01:34:15 But in Asian men are more feminine, right?
01:34:19 So like the the Asian men tend to more closely align with the women than a white man does to a white woman and a black female.
01:34:34 Tends to align closer to a black male than a white woman does a white.
01:34:42 And so when you have these more feminine characters and anime, it's I think that's just a manifestation of that.
01:35:01 Lent uh Lecter?
01:35:05 How long before our first transhumanist Cyborg mainstream political master?
01:35:10 Well, yeah, in a.
01:35:11 Way, right?
01:35:12 If Bruce Jenner wins I.
01:35:13 I don't think he's.
01:35:14 Going to win.
01:35:15 But if he won, that would.
01:35:17 Be a big step forward in that direction.
01:35:20 Because what would be the next taboo?
01:35:22 It would have to be someone who was trans.
01:35:24 Racial oh look.
Speaker 3
01:35:25 We already have.Devon
01:35:26 We've got trans state representatives and I forget what state with like the last election, there was a bunch of trans people won local elections, and then Biden appointed that trans monstrosity to.01:35:40 The NIH.
01:35:42 Or I think it's the NIH.
01:35:45 So we're already there.
01:35:51 Veruca salt.
01:35:53 Cool name.
01:35:55 Do I have a fish tank?
01:35:57 Sometimes it sounds like you do.
01:35:59 Does class?
01:36:01 Not a fish.
01:36:01 Tank you're probably hearing my air conditioner.
01:36:04 UM.Devon
01:36:06 Because it's an evaporative cooler, so there's water that drips in it.01:36:10 So that's probably what.
01:36:11 You're hearing.
01:36:14 Iron Patriot Racist Dog, directed by Samuel Michael Fuller.
01:36:18 Born in OK. Yep.
01:36:20 Yeah, I I not surprised at all. I mean, you saw the trailer like the It's basically it's an anti white movie from 1982.
01:36:30 It was pretty explicitly anti white, right?
01:36:33 That wasn't the sneaky anti white stuff.
01:36:36 That's The thing is it's.
Speaker 3
01:36:39 I don't even I feel like.Devon
01:36:41 To say it's gotten more explicit might not be the right way to put it.01:36:45 It's just gotten more hate filled.
01:36:50 And I think it's because in the beginning, like in 1982, what were the demographics in 1982?
01:36:57 OK, so the audience is going to be white.
01:36:59 So if you're doing an anti white film for white people, you kind of have to take a different tactic.
01:37:04 Well, now the demographics aren't going to be mostly white.
01:37:08 So you can.
01:37:09 Let some of the hate come out.
01:37:13 Because that's ultimately what you want, right?
01:37:15 You're trying to destroy.
01:37:16 The white people.
Speaker 3
01:37:18 I'm I'm look, I'll.Devon
01:37:19 Just say it.01:37:22 It's hard to observe.
01:37:24 The behavior of Jews internationally that work in totally different industries, who you know, probably don't know each other who.
01:37:39 Who don't even have maybe even the same version of Judaism, or like many of them are, are atheists or whatever.
01:37:47 It's hard to see the the anti white behavior.
01:37:51 That seems to be.
01:37:54 If not universal.
01:38:02 In there and justice, everything that they do.
01:38:08 It's hard to see that and not conclude.
01:38:12 That there isn't.
01:38:15 Something about?
01:38:18 Their identity.
01:38:22 That makes them feel as if the destruction of of white people.
01:38:29 Is a moral like a moral imperative?
01:38:32 I honestly believe that and and I don't know all of what that is, it might be different things, different people, but it's hard to argue that there isn't a majority of.
01:38:45 Powerful Jews.
01:38:47 Who seem to feel as if it's like.
01:38:52 Very important that they destroy white people.
01:38:57 I don't know how.
01:38:58 I mean, look, I.
01:38:58 Don't know how you conclude anything different.
01:39:03 And so if this is so important that there's got to be some hatred in there, you know, here's this actually makes some sense.
01:39:10 So check this out.
01:39:12 So I I tweeted out.
01:39:13 The other day.
01:39:16 Uh, something? Let's see here.
01:39:20 He said.
01:39:27 Here we go.
Speaker 3
01:39:28 Imagine being so ******.Devon
01:39:31 That you that you're absolutely certain.01:39:35 Everyone will conclude you need.
01:39:37 To be genocide, if people are allowed.
Speaker 1
01:39:40 To speak freely.Devon
01:39:42 About you.01:39:43 So obviously I'm talking about Jewish people.
01:39:45 Imagine being so ****** that you are absolutely certain.
01:39:50 Everyone will conclude you need to be genocide.
01:39:53 If people are allowed to speak freely about you now, here's the thing though.
01:39:57 Here's the thing.
01:39:59 Obviously they don't think they're ******.
01:40:04 So they have to account for this behavior somehow, right?
01:40:07 It's in the same way.
01:40:09 Like if you if you're.
01:40:10 Like one of these.
01:40:11 Critical race theory advocates or whatever.
01:40:14 Right, you have to account for.
01:40:16 These these disparities, and between racial groups somehow.
Speaker 3
01:40:23 And you've decided it's whiteness.Devon
01:40:26 Right.01:40:29 Because you can't face.
01:40:32 The biological reality behind what's what's driving this?
01:40:37 Well, in the same way I.
01:40:40 Really doubt the people at the ADL and the SPLC and and everything else.
01:40:45 I really doubt they're sitting around thinking like oh.
Speaker 3
01:40:47 We're so ******.Devon
01:40:50 Like maybe there on some basic level they might, but like intellectually, I don't think they're sitting around some table saying like, oh, the golem can talk about us.01:40:58 They'll kill us all because they'll figure out how.
01:41:02 ****** we are.
01:41:03 And how evil we are, no.
01:41:06 Obviously they don't think like that.
01:41:09 So how do they account for it?
Speaker 3
01:41:15 Think about it.01:41:16 If you think that you're righteous and good and just.
01:41:21 Which I guarantee you these people do.01:41:25 And you think?
01:41:27 That everyone outside your group.
01:41:31 They're allowed to just talk about this or talk about you.
01:41:38 And you're.
01:41:38 Look, you're good.
01:41:40 You're not just good.
01:41:41 You're better than you're God's chosen people.
Speaker 3
01:41:46 You're better than every other group, but if you.Devon
01:41:48 Let the other groups.01:41:52 Just talk about you.
Speaker 1
01:41:58 You think?Devon
01:42:01 With a high level of certainty.01:42:05 They're going to genocide you.
Speaker 3
01:42:12 What's your?Devon
01:42:12 Opinion going to be of these other people.Speaker 3
01:42:16 Just think about that like.01:42:17 What would you?
01:42:18 Notice how when we talk about white genocide.01:42:21 We're not.
01:42:22 We're not saying well.
01:42:23 If only they couldn't talk about us.
01:42:27 You know, we're not trying to censor people.
01:42:32 Right.
01:42:34 We're we're we're on the.
01:42:36 We're the receiving end of it.
Speaker 3
01:42:43 They want to shut.01:42:44 You up?
01:42:46 Because they think you'll want to kill.01:42:51 God's favorite people for no reason.
01:42:55 What kind of an opinion do you think?
01:42:59 They must have of of you if they think.
01:43:02 That's what would happen.
01:43:08 What must they think of the goyem?
01:43:12 If they think.
01:43:14 That the golem are so.
01:43:15 Evil and dirty and irrational and and just bloodthirsty.
01:43:22 That if you don't control what they can talk about.
01:43:28 They'll want to genocide.
01:43:32 The best living beings on the planet.
01:43:37 For no reason.
01:43:39 Other than they're just dirty ******* golem and they're dangerous and that's what they do.
01:43:44 They're like that white dog in that movie.
Speaker 3
01:43:54 You have to think.Devon
01:43:55 Of it like.01:43:55 That when you see these people at the ADL and the SPLC and all these other organizations and just, you know, all the random blue checks on Twitter with Steen and Berg and all this other ****, when you see these ************* supporting the.
01:44:12 Platforming, supporting censorship, supporting all this stuff, you know, celebrating, you know, Nick getting banned from Twitter and all these things.
01:44:23 Think of how low of an opinion.
01:44:26 They have.
01:44:28 Of the golem.
01:44:36 For this, like I said, for their to to make sense.
01:44:42 Of the idea that they're the good guys.
01:44:46 In that scenario.
01:44:49 You have to be just complete ****.
01:44:55 So while I said, you know, imagine being so ******.
01:44:58 That you're absolutely certain everyone will conclude you need to be genocide if people are allowed to speak freely about you.
01:45:07 Really what I could have said, which probably would?
01:45:09 Have been more accurate.
Speaker 3
01:45:12 Is imagine.Devon
01:45:15 How ******.01:45:18 All these narcissistic ******* Jews have to be or have to think you are.
01:45:26 If they think that if you can just talk, you're going to murder God's favorite people.
01:45:34 Like if they're not the ones actively guiding your day-to-day conversations.
01:45:40 Which is what they're doing.
01:45:42 Think about it.
01:45:45 All this all this.
01:45:46 Fiction and all this political commentary and all this stuff, all this news.
01:45:53 You know the the the public square in large.
01:45:56 In a very big.
01:45:57 Way the public square is run by Jews.
01:46:03 And they're essentially saying if we don't control not just like, you know, have the ability to turn off someone, that's part, you know, you know, the platform, them ban them or whatever, right.
01:46:16 But if we don't actively.
01:46:18 Put people like Ben Shapiro, Dennis Prager, all the lefty Jews of the New York Times.
01:46:26 You know, if we're not the ones leading the the public conversation.
Speaker 3
01:46:31 All the time.Devon
01:46:37 You know doing all.01:46:37 The TV shows producing all the music.
01:46:43 The goal will.
01:46:44 Just go ******* nuts and kill us all.
01:46:56 And if you think that that little of of these.
01:47:00 I mean, they're not even.
01:47:01 People right?
01:47:02 The Gollum are closer to an animal than.
01:47:03 They are to a Jew.
01:47:07 That's part of their religion.
01:47:13 You are closer to an animal.
01:47:16 Than you are to them.
01:47:23 Imagine the kind of **** you'll be you'd be able to justify if you thought that about everyone outside your group.
01:47:37 Well, you don't actually really have to imagine it.
01:47:39 It's an explanation of Jewish behavior.
01:47:47 You want to understand why they do the things.
01:47:49 They do, that's why.
01:48:03 She Lantern, how did you come up with the phrase but sex and Botswana?
01:48:07 It's freaking hilarious.
01:48:08 Oh, I didn't.
01:48:10 Charlie Kirk came up with that when he tweeted.
01:48:13 If you don't know what?
01:48:14 The what? The the.
01:48:15 History of that is Charlie Kirk, Trump's youth propagandist. I guess you could.
01:48:21 OK.
01:48:23 Tweeted out one day.
01:48:25 Boom, Botswana finally legalizes.
01:48:30 You know, gay marriage or.
01:48:31 How I forget?
01:48:31 It was, but it was.
01:48:32 Basically, he was he was basically celebrating, but sex and Botswana.
01:48:39 Like that was a that.
01:48:39 Was a conservative.
01:48:43 When somehow.
01:48:47 A conservative win.
01:48:50 Was the fact that some African country?
01:48:55 Have been so.
01:49:00 Affected by the tentacles of global ****.
01:49:04 That they legalized **** ***.
01:49:07 And that's a Conservative win.
01:49:13 That's what we're ******.
01:49:14 You don't have any institutional power, and there's so many people that still want to hang on to this idea.
Speaker 3
01:49:19 Like you know, Trump, Trump was.Devon
01:49:21 Great. It was just everyone.01:49:22 Around him that he hired.
01:49:23 That's terrible.
01:49:24 It's like.
01:49:26 Then he was the worst ******* leader imaginable.
01:49:30 If he doesn't bear any responsibility for.
01:49:32 Anyone and everyone that's.
01:49:33 I mean it's *******.
01:49:43 Iron Patriot says yes, Rebecca Baum and Benjamin Fuller.
01:49:47 Yeah, that's the same guy.
01:49:49 Yep, they're Jewish.
01:49:52 DND and then DJ.
01:49:55 When do you realize about the big nose red pill?
01:50:03 Like I told the story before, it just it was some a guy I work with.
01:50:07 Just kept saying every single time and.
01:50:11 I thought he was being bigoted.
01:50:16 And he said no, just start looking.
01:50:19 Just start looking.
01:50:20 Every time you know one of these subversive *****.
01:50:24 Comes out of the woodwork.
01:50:25 Just look.
01:50:26 Just look and see.
01:50:27 If they're Jewish.
01:50:28 And then realize that they're only 2% of the population and do the math. And so I did just that for like.
01:50:33 Six months.
01:50:35 That's not all I did, but like I.
01:50:36 Started doing that and it was scary.
01:50:40 Like how often I was just like, what the ****?
01:50:42 This guy too.
01:50:43 Like every it is every single time.
01:50:46 It really is.
01:50:49 And once you see that pattern, I mean.
01:50:50 It's it's so.
01:50:51 I mean, it's not even like a pattern.
01:50:54 It's a pattern that, like a dog, would recognize, you know, it's a racist dog that can leap through car windows and kill black men.
01:51:09 Hervet ski hig.
01:51:12 They are different types of anime.
01:51:14 You can't compare berserk to all the fad ****.
01:51:18 Yeah, I don't know.
01:51:19 Like I said, I haven't seen.
01:51:22 I've I've I've I've every anime that I I've seen just seems kind of like emo and gay, so I just.
01:51:27 Never got into it.
01:51:30 But I also know there's like, it's like a huge genre.
01:51:32 So I don't know.
01:51:34 Or it's not even like a genre.
01:51:35 It's just like an art art form or medium or something.
01:51:39 But I don't know.
01:51:40 It's still cartoons, though, and there's there's something juvenile about cartoons.
01:51:46 I look and I like cartoons, but there's you have to admit there's.
01:51:49 Something juvenile about cartoons.
01:51:52 Like it's hard.
01:51:52 For me to.
01:51:54 Say that this is a manly cartoon I.
01:51:57 Feel like that's.
01:51:58 Not a phrase that people often use accurately.
01:52:06 Epigenetic force, according to Google Ngram Viewer, the word racist was essentially 0 until 1933. Then it started to show up on the graph and increased steadily until or or increased steadily. 1933. Yeah, absolutely.
01:52:29 It was invented by Jewish communists.
01:52:38 Greek Freak 20.
01:52:41 I saw that turn on Telegram and the biggest sex differences among races are with whites.
01:52:47 And the white men are the most masculine.
01:52:52 I'd have to find the.
01:52:53 Chart, but yeah, so that's.
Speaker 8
01:52:56 And the bottom line.Devon
01:52:57 What I was getting at was Asian men are just.01:53:00 More feminine and anime is an expression of.
01:53:04 You know Asian culture.
01:53:06 And so I mean, obviously their characters are going to be more feminine.
01:53:11 It's just because you're right, what you know.
01:53:14 You know I'm not, I'm.
01:53:15 Not ******** on Asian guys.
01:53:16 I'm just saying that's just, you know how it is.
01:53:20 I mean perfect example compare that.
01:53:23 Compare the males in anime to the males in you know like that.
01:53:29 Vaccine rap song.
01:53:30 Right now I'm not going to say that that's masculine behavior in the way that European males understand masculinity.
01:53:38 But, you know, in an animalistic way, it kind of is.
01:53:41 Right, the.
01:53:45 And that's that's because it's an expression of, you know, black, black people.
01:53:50 It's you write what you know.
01:53:53 Atlas 27, or wait. Did I miss one? Did they miss one raising man thoughts on USA superhero comics?
01:54:01 It was clearly by Jews from the ground up.
01:54:04 I heard that Superman is a metaphor for the perfect goal in protecting the tribe from the golem.
01:54:11 Recently comics went through woke.
01:54:14 UM.
01:54:16 And none except bugman read them, but since inception, I bet Jew used it to implant.
01:54:22 Yeah, it was.
01:54:23 It was absolutely a lot of were written by Jews.
01:54:26 I've heard that I've heard people say Superman was actually more of like a power fantasy of a Jew.
01:54:32 Like that was kind of taken Mullum type stuff where you had this.
01:54:37 You know this, this guy, this orphan comes from a far away place into into a society that doesn't understand him.
01:54:47 And he has this secret about his superpowers, and he uses it to, like, save the world.
01:54:52 And he gets the white girl, you know.
01:54:53 What I mean like there is there's.
01:54:55 Some Jewish guy themes to that.
01:54:57 And you see that it's always, I mean, all all comic books, the reason why they they were so easy to turn them in.
01:55:03 Woke ******** as.
01:55:04 They always kind of were, you know.
01:55:07 It just uh.
01:55:09 Again, the the you have to remember the audience.
01:55:13 And your ability to.
01:55:14 Be profitable like a lot of the leftist memes.
01:55:16 You know you can say what you want.
01:55:18 They're profitable.
01:55:20 You know, they make money off their memes and.
01:55:24 If your audience, I mean, it's in a funny way, it's almost like the free market of memes because it lets you know if you.
01:55:31 Went too far, right?
01:55:33 Like if you go if you're meme didn't make.
01:55:36 Enough money to be profitable.
01:55:37 You might have gone too far.
01:55:39 And so you, you know, to reel it in.
01:55:41 So it's almost like libertarians would love this because it's kind of like using, you know, the free market to as, like a thermometer for how receptive the audience is to your subversive ****.
01:55:57 But now look, they can sell.
01:55:59 I don't know how much money comics make these days just because it's kind of a dying medium anyway, but.
01:56:06 You know they can.
01:56:07 They can sell that.
01:56:08 They can put all that stuff in there.
01:56:09 And people will still buy it.
01:56:18 Atlas 27, are you going to drop one of those temporary links for?
01:56:21 The discords.
01:56:22 Yeah, apparently so.
01:56:23 I don't know my absence.
01:56:24 Apparently the discord the stuff has kind of gotten messy and I I haven't been on there for a while.
Speaker 3
01:56:31 Look, I was.Devon
01:56:35 It's so.01:56:41 Without going into specifics, I'm dealing with some health issues.
01:56:45 And I it's just, I haven't had time to focus on a lot.
01:56:50 Of other stuff.
01:56:52 But I will.
01:56:52 I'll try to look into that.
01:56:56 Next week.
01:56:59 Early next week, as in like Monday or something.
01:57:03 Like that, but I I still like nothings changing.
01:57:06 Well, I'll.
01:57:07 I'll try to get this.
01:57:09 You know, it's just.
01:57:11 It's it's taken up a lot of my time and attention the last few weeks.
Speaker 7
01:57:19 Let's see here.Devon
01:57:22 Villager, please review.01:57:25 The anti white propaganda show, Lovecraft County.
01:57:31 Lovecraft county.
01:57:36 I'm going to write that down.
01:57:56 OK.
01:58:03 Archaic ways. Have you ever read Mein Kampf? If so, what are your thoughts on it? I'm about 1/3 of the way in and he has some great moral ideas, but I cannot tell if he's a genius or autistic.
01:58:18 I I read.
01:58:19 The the Ford what was the Ford translation?
01:58:22 I think it was the Ford translation.
01:58:25 Because that matters.
01:58:27 Some of it was difficult to understand just because the you gotta remember, he's talking to Germans.
01:58:35 And you know.
01:58:36 Like 100 years ago? Almost.
01:58:38 And so I'm not German and I'm certainly not in Germany.
01:58:42 100 years ago and if.
01:58:44 You know kind.
01:58:45 Of basically what was going on and we do right like it's hard to be in their shoes, not just in terms of the historical context.
01:58:56 You know, culturally I'm not German or like all that stuff, but I'll tell you what you.
01:59:01 You if you understand the context as I think.
01:59:04 You probably do.
01:59:08 It sure is a striking.
01:59:14 Between the the insane depiction of Hitler, right, like we all grew up watching, you know, especially just cause German to Americans.
01:59:25 And I don't know if all English speaking people, if you live in in in England where you're around Germans more often, maybe this isn't the case, but two Americans?
01:59:35 German just kind of sounds like.
01:59:38 Angry no matter what.
01:59:40 Like like you don't have, it's not.
01:59:42 A romance language, right?
01:59:44 Let's just put it that way.
01:59:45 And so and you know and.
01:59:47 No, and no one understands German.
01:59:49 Here, for the most part.
01:59:51 So when you're.
01:59:52 A kid and you're watching this video of a guy with who and that's the.
01:59:56 Thing too is.
01:59:57 He looks very distinct, you know, he's got that very unique mustache that probably for at least another century, no one else.
Speaker 10
02:00:09 Will ever have.Speaker
02:00:10 So it's like.Devon
02:00:11 It's in fact called the Hitler Mustache now, right?02:00:15 So you have this very, very unique guy and uh, he looks mad like they always play the clips of him, like shouting.
02:00:25 And you know it's it's going to remember what what was available to them back then in terms of.
02:00:32 Carrying your voice out to a crowd.
02:00:34 So a lot of that was just necessary.
02:00:37 But you know, when you're just watching this video.
02:00:39 What? You're the.
02:00:40 Way you're perceiving him is just wow, he's just.
02:00:42 Like crazy mad.
02:00:44 And then of course.
02:00:45 Once you hear about like, oh, and then.
02:00:47 He murdered 6 million Jews for no reason.
02:00:52 Oh wow, this guy was nuts.
02:00:55 And then you start to think like just Germans were nuts because, you know, you see.
02:00:59 Like the footage.
02:01:00 Of the the marching it's look, it's intimidating.
02:01:02 You're just like, wow.
02:01:03 You see all these marching Nazis and stuff, and it's just.
02:01:06 Like you, you get.
02:01:08 The impression, which is obviously, is what?
02:01:13 Is intended for you to get.
02:01:15 You get the impression that just an entire country just lost their minds.
02:01:22 They they just lost their minds and turned.
02:01:25 Them to psychopaths.
02:01:27 And he was the he was the the match.
02:01:32 You know that that let that ******* fire.
02:01:36 And so.
02:01:38 If you understand how stupid a cartoonist.
02:01:42 That view of Hitler is.
02:01:44 And you understand maybe a little bit of.
02:01:47 The context and.
02:01:48 Then you read it.
02:01:50 There's some very good.
02:01:51 Ideas in it, and there's some very relatable stuff, some of it's not as relatable.
02:01:56 Like I said, because of the whole German thing, but there's some very relatable stuff I thought before.
02:02:02 I've never.
02:02:03 I've never read any of the other translations.
02:02:05 I had just heard that.
02:02:06 Is the most accurate, but I don't know if that's even true, because maybe for all I know, the person I heard that from because I don't remember.
02:02:14 It was many years ago.
02:02:15 It could have been, you know, it might throw.
02:02:17 I know that's like the least accurate, but you know, he didn't come across as as all that autistic, but I'd have to.
02:02:26 I'd have to reread it again.
02:02:27 It's been like I said, it's been many years.
02:02:30 But I you know, I definitely recommend reading it.
02:02:33 It wasn't hard to get through like a lot of a lot of.
02:02:37 These political books usually are hard for me to.
02:02:42 Because a lot of.
02:02:42 Them are kind of autistic, right?
02:02:45 UM.Devon
02:02:47 Yeah, it's a good book.02:02:51 Someone said Jenner and Candace, 2024. Yeah, probably. No, it's gonna be ******* Trump again. Like they won't let that dream die.
Speaker 7
02:03:02 UM.Devon
02:03:06 Mass. Mass anate.02:03:09 Says idea for a propaganda movie.
02:03:11 Black dog or White Dog, two turning against his own.
02:03:15 Black Dog would be a funny movie to make, you know, you could make a see.
02:03:19 This is stuff that we should be doing.
02:03:21 There it's so easy to do animation these days.
02:03:25 That there should be more of us just doing animated.
02:03:32 Little things like like kind of like.
02:03:34 Like Murdoch, Murdoch.
02:03:35 They haven't made anything in a.
02:03:36 Long time but.
02:03:36 They do a really good.
02:03:38 Job and which is why it's so it's kind of sad they haven't done it a lot.
02:03:42 There's a lot of material they could be, they could be doing stuff on and it's just I understand it, it's hard.
02:03:47 To monetize that.
02:03:47 When they're banned.
02:03:48 From I mean, they're banned from literally everything.
02:03:52 UM, and they don't want to get doxed and so it's hard to make money if you're trying not to get doxed and you're banned from everything.
02:04:02 But it doesn't need to.
Speaker 3
02:04:03 Be just them.Devon
02:04:05 There's a lot of people that can make you.02:04:06 Know you say that.
02:04:07 That'd be a good idea.
02:04:08 Make it.
02:04:11 Black Dog would be kind of funny.
02:04:19 I don't mean.
02:04:19 Like a movie, it doesn't be like a full.
02:04:20 Length movie.
02:04:21 In fact, it probably.
02:04:23 Be annoying if it was a full.
02:04:24 Length movie.
02:04:25 Because you wouldn't have the budget to make it good.
02:04:29 Iron Patriot, read the wiki bio really interesting after the film's completion, Paramount refused to release it, declaring it did not have enough earnings potential to go against the threatened.
02:04:41 NAACP boycotts and possible why would the NAACP boycott it?
02:04:51 I'm about to finish watching it.
02:04:52 I I haven't finished watching it.
02:04:53 Like I said it was.
02:04:54 Just really hokey.
02:04:55 I was just like, oh God.
02:04:58 But why would the NAACP?
02:05:03 That's that's a black organization.
02:05:05 I don't know why a black organization wouldn't want that movie made or, you know, all the what now?
02:05:11 I'm gonna have to watch it.
Speaker 3
02:05:16 Commander Rockwell, I am.Devon
02:05:18 I am I am have been some pro Christian activism and networking. I have had some good results thus far, but I am disappointed in many of the so-called Christians. ****** mentality ideology. Jesus will save the day. In the end, let's do nothing.02:05:36 Yeah, I you know.
02:05:39 That's a tough one that does seem to be pretty pervasive, and I don't know that that's something that is.
02:05:47 Is just part of like.
02:05:50 Christian identity.
Speaker 3
02:05:52 Cause look.Devon
02:05:52 I'll let's just face it.02:05:54 I mean, there's even a level of that.
02:05:58 In some of the you know the base, the trad, caths and stuff like that.
02:06:01 It's it's worse in other places, but they're like the custards is where it really manifests, right, because that's most of those guys are Christians, ******** Christians and.
02:06:12 And I don't know if that's a product of Christianity, because that they all believe that we're in the end times or something like that.
02:06:18 And so they, you know, when things get increasingly bad that it's almost like.
02:06:23 They're OK with it because that just is.
02:06:25 It's getting closer to Jesus showing up.
02:06:28 UM.
02:06:31 Yeah, I don't know how you get around that except for.
02:06:35 You could easily point out.
02:06:37 That there were several instances in history when Christians got persecuted way worse than they're getting persecuted now, and Jesus didn't show up then.
02:06:47 So maybe that would be a way.
02:06:49 Of of but I you know I.
02:06:51 Think a lot of these guys are just, they're just looking for an excuse to not do anything and so it doesn't really matter if it wasn't, this would be something else.
02:07:00 Like it was like we did off.
02:07:02 With this list right, the list of the different companies, most people are not going to even look at that document.
02:07:09 You know.
02:07:10 Like all you got to.
02:07:11 Do all you got to do is look at the document and not support.
02:07:14 Those companies, many of which would be an optional thing, very.
02:07:18 Few of you have to eat at Sonic Drive.
02:07:22 And you'll still do it because you want your.
02:07:23 Your your *******.
02:07:25 Nacho Tater tots or whatever.
02:07:28 And having Nacho Tater tots will be more important to you than what you claim is like.
02:07:34 This core belief of yours.
02:07:38 But it's simply not.
02:07:40 Because your core belief is really comfort.
02:07:45 And that's the case for a lot.
02:07:46 Of these people.
02:07:47 They say that they, you know.
02:07:49 We don't do anything.
02:07:50 Because good wins in the end, you know Jesus will come.
02:07:52 And save us or whatever.
02:07:55 I don't think they really.
02:07:56 It's not their.
02:07:57 Core belief isn't Jesus.
02:07:59 Their core belief is doing nothing.
02:08:02 And Jesus just happens to be the convenient reason to not have to do anything.
02:08:10 And that just might be a product of where we are in the cycle, you know of decadence and and all that just might this just the this is the very this is the ****** thing.
02:08:22 This is the very beginnings of the weak men, right, the you know the hard times.
02:08:28 Make strong men strong men make good times.
02:08:30 Good times to make weak men.
02:08:31 Weak men make hard times.
02:08:33 We're just in the beginnings.
02:08:36 Of the weak men.
02:08:38 I know it doesn't feel like that sometimes, but it's.
02:08:41 I mean it and you can see it.
02:08:43 You can see it just in the look, the homosexuality rates doubling every generation.
02:08:52 This is why when.
02:08:53 I see these optimistic right wing Zoomers who think.
02:08:56 That, oh zoomers are going.
02:08:57 To rise up, are you just not?
02:08:58 Good at math.
Speaker 9
02:09:01 Do you?Devon
02:09:03 Do you realize?02:09:05 Look at your generation bro.
02:09:09 That's great that you're based and all that stuff.
Speaker 3
02:09:11 But you're vastly outnumbered.Devon
02:09:17 You just are.02:09:18 I mean look, so am I in my.
02:09:19 Generation and.
02:09:21 Fact that's been I think, every even boomers.
02:09:27 That's the thing. It's white.
Speaker 3
02:09:29 Pro white high.Devon
02:09:31 White people with high end group preference.02:09:35 And high intelligence.
02:09:38 Just not a I mean, that's like the trifecta that you don't get very often.
02:09:43 You don't get white people that have in Group preference and are smart very often.
02:09:49 And you need a lot of those.
02:09:52 And I think that that group intelligent in Group preference, whites have been vastly outnumbered for about a century.
02:10:05 Maybe longer.
02:10:08 But at least a century.
02:10:11 And we're just getting to the.
02:10:13 Point where it's like.
02:10:15 You know.
02:10:18 It is what it is.
02:10:22 Yeah, like I I.
02:10:23 I don't think we're not even in.
02:10:26 You see, here's the thing, people are still.
02:10:31 Here's a good measuring stick.
02:10:35 Men today are too weak to do anything about abortion clinics in their communities.
02:10:45 They tolerate places in their communities where babies are systematically killed and their parts are sold off.
02:10:57 They've they've, they're they're too weak to actually.
02:11:00 Try to physically stop that.
02:11:07 They would probably still.
02:11:11 If you had like UM.
02:11:18 Like we're we're getting there to where this wouldn't matter, but.
02:11:22 Open pedophilia is still.
02:11:24 Like a number, no.
02:11:29 Right and child **** is still like a no, no.
02:11:33 So if you found out.
02:11:37 That a teacher?
02:11:38 I mean, I'm trying to think of like a scenario where this would happen, but I feel like this probably will probably going this direction where like a public school will somehow find a reason why they need to have child ****.
02:11:49 Like maybe it's to we need.
02:11:51 To, you know, teach kids sexuality at age 5, and they're already kind of doing that.
02:11:54 But let's say they get, like, explicit about it and want to.
02:11:57 Actually show child **** or whatever.
02:12:00 Where people are, men are still strong.
02:12:03 Enough if you want to.
02:12:03 Use or at least they're not so weak.
02:12:06 That they would just let that happen.
02:12:09 Or I mean.
02:12:09 Some of.
02:12:09 Them would, but there's.
02:12:11 Still, enough men.
02:12:11 That would be.
02:12:12 Like. No. ****.
02:12:13 That to where they can't do it yet.
02:12:16 But that's that's a temporary situation.
02:12:19 You know, like I was saying their day when when the kids that are going to pride parades and looking at all this stuff and they're they're being taught by psychotic, drugged up, you know, wine drinking.
02:12:35 Man hitting white hitting.
02:12:41 Insane people.
02:12:42 You know, like when?
02:12:44 Those people get older.
02:12:48 They're going to shrug it off.
02:12:50 It's not going to.
02:12:51 Be that big of a deal.
02:12:53 It's just another taboo.
02:12:55 That's being broken.
02:12:57 It's evolution, bro.
02:13:01 So it's.
02:13:03 The backlash is nowhere.
02:13:04 We have a lot further to fall before anything before we pull out.
02:13:08 Of it.Devon
02:13:11 As I always say, zoom out the graph.02:13:18 Alright, I'm going to skip through a bunch of stuff.
02:13:22 Because I'm way behind our comments here.
02:13:26 Sorry if I missed your comment, I'm just I'm just trying to be.
02:13:32 You know, at least somewhat.
02:13:36 Current with where I'm at.
02:13:44 Fast forward.
02:13:45 Fast forward, Fast forward, Fast forward, Fast forward man.
02:13:47 There's a lot of comments in this.
02:13:48 Chat is going nuts.
02:14:00 Still, fast forwarding.
02:14:03 You guys have your own conversations going on?
02:14:07 There we go.
02:14:12 Or beer or bear singe Turks.
02:14:17 Alright, say that. Remember the movie Malibu's most wanted, your white boy? Where you where did you learn to do that? Grand Theft Auto 3.
02:14:31 Uh, that sounds familiar, but I ohh yeah I.
02:14:36 I think I saw that, but I saw that like when it.
02:14:39 Was new so.
02:14:41 I'd have to I know what your time out kind of.
02:14:53 D&DNDJ, have you read the book? Jews and their lies by Martin Luther. I have not. I don't think I have that one. Actually, that was one I was going on a.
02:15:06 I put on a list of books to get and I don't.
02:15:07 Know that I actually ever got it.
02:15:12 I'm sure it's easy to get a PDF or something, maybe I'll just do that.
02:15:16 Iron Patriot, any chance of getting some merch?
02:15:19 Yeah, I mean, I had a store set up and then I guess it stopped working.
02:15:22 People said it wasn't working on the website.
02:15:25 UM.
02:15:27 So I have to go and look at.
02:15:28 I just I was I was only getting like on a good month I was getting like 30 bucks.
02:15:33 On a good month.
02:15:35 And I don't.
02:15:35 I hate shelling stuff, you know?
02:15:37 And it just they take so much.
02:15:39 And, you know, unless you get, like with YouTube for example, you ever see like on YouTube under the video a lot of times people like.
02:15:48 Oh, get their mug and get their this and whatever.
02:15:51 Unless you and.
02:15:52 YouTube, obviously would never allow me to.
02:15:54 Do that even though I met.
02:15:55 I met other requirements.
02:15:57 Like, there's literally no reason I didn't.
02:15:58 I didn't have access to that other than they just ******* didn't like me.
02:16:01 And the same reason they.
02:16:02 Didn't they never sent me the plaque, right.
02:16:04 Supposed to send.
02:16:04 You the plaque.
02:16:05 After 100,000, you know subscribers. Yeah, that.
02:16:08 Ever happened? So they.
02:16:13 Unless you have something like that.
02:16:15 It's real hard to make money.
02:16:16 On on merch, so I just haven't focused that much on it.
02:16:24 But maybe I'll revisit that too.
02:16:30 Uh, Veruca salt. Did you have a chance to read the old 1964 Ann Arbor News article about G Rockwell? I tweeted you just wondering about your thoughts on his speech. No, I haven't. I haven't.
02:16:44 Had a chance to do that.
02:16:50 Iron Patriot VP of the Hollywood N Double ACP chapter felt the film was inflammatory and should never have been made.
02:16:57 The two men provided a write up of their own views for the studio executives, which were passed to producer John Davison, along with warnings that the studio was afraid the film would be boycotted.
02:17:12 Yeah, I'll, I'll.
02:17:13 I'll finish it.
02:17:14 I just.
02:17:15 I started watching it.
02:17:16 And the movie is just so.
02:17:18 Ridiculous, right off the bat.
02:17:20 Like that scene where the the dog jumps into the guys truck and murders him.
02:17:24 I I I like that's in the beginning.
02:17:27 I'm pretty sure because I'm I think I, maybe I just saw when I watched the trailer, but I'm pretty sure that's in the beginning.
02:17:32 And there's some other stuff.
02:17:33 And just like the acting is kind of bad, like, everything about it is just.
02:17:36 Kind of lame.
02:17:37 So I I started watching it and I was just like, oh, and I I put it down, so I'll I'll finish watching it.
02:17:44 I'm sure it's.
02:17:46 Sure, it's terrible.
02:17:46 Alright, I'm going to Fast forward some more.
02:17:50 The never the really fast moving chat.
02:17:53 OK, I'm finally up to current chat I think.
02:18:03 UM.Devon
02:18:07 Yeah, someone said like that.02:18:10 Chicago School giving condoms.
02:18:11 To 9 year olds.
02:18:13 No, that it's not just one school.
02:18:15 It's the whole school district, I think is.
02:18:17 Going to be giving.
02:18:18 In Chicago, they're going to start giving condoms to 9 year olds.
02:18:26 So it's coming, it's going to happen.
02:18:29 We're getting closer then it's just and and that's the only the only thing that's preventing it from happening is that there is still a strong enough.
02:18:41 There's still, there's still a population of men and women that would get involved.
02:18:46 And get and and make it would it it's.
02:18:49 It's still bad optics for them.
02:18:51 But not for long.
02:18:55 OK.
02:18:58 Farmer Gray was thinking about some of my childhood films in relation to previous episode you did regarding the die hard and white guy having a black guy helping him in every episode, Arnold Commando of the Black Chick helps.
02:19:16 No, it's every every movie in the 90s and 80s.
02:19:19 Like every action film they do that combo, you know, lethal weapon, right?
02:19:24 That's like the whole deal.
02:19:26 You got the neurotic white guy and the the family Cosby show style black guy and and there's tons of those buddy films.
02:19:34 Where it's just like there's even.
02:19:35 That one with Martin.
02:19:37 Lawrence and the white guy.
02:19:40 That goes.
02:19:41 What's it called?
02:19:44 He goes crazy because he thinks his boss is ******* his W.
02:19:47 Life and and he like just loses his mind and gets hooked up with Martin Lawrence somehow, and they're going.
02:19:54 To like Rob this boss.
02:19:56 And that's the thing.
02:19:58 It's it's.
02:19:59 It was this fantasy that if you make a movie that shows like, oh, look, white people are funny because they're like this and black people.
02:20:07 Funny, because they're like this.
02:20:09 But in the end, we can get along and it's all good.
02:20:12 It was.
02:20:13 Well, it's exactly the thing that Abby Hoffman.
02:20:15 Was talking about.
02:20:16 They were genuinely trying to.
02:20:19 Meme away the differences between blacks and whites.
02:20:22 They were trying to say, like, oh, we're going to create this reality.
02:20:25 That's totally fiction, though.
02:20:27 But we're going to put it out in the world, and then it'll manifest well.
02:20:30 I mean, that kind of manifesting it has, it has its biological limits.
02:20:36 And that spell that they kept casting failed every time because it went against nature.
02:20:43 You know, it goes against nature.
02:20:46 Like you can't just like, you know, in the same way.
02:20:49 You can keep making movies.
02:20:51 About, you know, the asteroids coming and and hitting the earth and killing everybody.
02:20:56 You know, like they they made deep impact and what was the other Armageddon or whatever doesn't mean it's going to happen you know.
02:21:03 See, there's some memes that you can do that the Hollywood does that it's not going to make it actually happen.
02:21:10 And I think that some of the social engineering, because they are so wedded to their worldview, they think it has to work eventually, like there was a there's a a video clip of Rod Sterling who was a Jewish.
02:21:24 A lot of people don't know that the guy.
02:21:25 Who did?
02:21:26 Oh, by the way, there's some.
02:21:27 Old Twilight Zone episodes, I'm going to be covering also coming up.
02:21:31 But they did. Rod sterling.
02:21:35 There's a quote I used to have this clip where he says exactly that.
02:21:39 That like you.
02:21:39 Know when we would cast black people as doctors and lawyers and stuff like.
02:21:46 That it's not because we thought it reflected reality, but because we were trying to, you know, basically said Abby Hoffman was saying, you know, we we did want to reflect the world as it was, but.
02:21:59 As we wanted it to be.
02:22:02 In the hopes that that's what.
02:22:03 It would become right.
02:22:06 And that's what you got.
02:22:06 That's really what you have to understand.
02:22:08 That's what they do with.
02:22:09 All these movies so.
02:22:10 It kind of makes you think when they make these movies about literal white genocides.
02:22:17 Right, which is what they're doing right now.
02:22:20 What are they trying to manifest into the world?
02:22:24 You know when you see all these these commercials and these movies where it's a white woman with a black guy.
02:22:29 What are they trying to manifest into?
02:22:31 The world.Devon
02:22:34 And some of that stuff.02:22:34 Will work.
02:22:35 You know, like I said, it has its limitations, but a lot of it.
02:22:38 Lot of it will work.
02:22:40 And they seem to have gotten white people to hate themselves on a fairly large scale.
02:22:46 J Ball 225 gays were were a lot more easier to justify for the Jews as they could just use the libertarian argument. But for Peters it would be insanely difficult.
02:22:58 Don't see it happening.
02:22:59 Well, then you're going to be ******* surprised.
Speaker 1
02:23:02 You're going to be.Devon
02:23:03 ******* surprised you don't see it happening.02:23:07 Dude, you're naive as ****.
02:23:09 Why not?
02:23:12 Why can't the libertarian argument being used for kids?
02:23:22 Give me the libertarian argument.
02:23:25 That explains the age of consent.
02:23:35 Do we have some kind of science?
02:23:38 Because that that's very important.
02:23:41 Do we have some kind of?
02:23:42 Science that shows that a a 10 year old.
02:23:49 Can't make and form decisions about sex?
02:23:52 I mean, they've been getting condoms in school at 9:00.
02:24:03 You don't think they can't produce studies and that they haven't produced studies that show that, oh, you know, it's actually not so bad if you're if you're a 10 year old that has sex, it's not that big of a deal.
Speaker 3
02:24:15 Lots of 10 year.Devon
02:24:16 Olds have sex and.02:24:17 And grow up to be perfectly fine.
02:24:19 Looking you see this?
Speaker 3
02:24:20 Not it's not all just all.Devon
02:24:21 From the left, look how often.02:24:23 Have you seen people on the right?
02:24:27 Like when you see these.
02:24:29 See, this is the way they weasel it in.
02:24:30 On the on the right.
Speaker 3
02:24:32 You see these new stories?Devon
02:24:34 About a female teacher who bangs A10.02:24:36 Year old boy.
02:24:39 Like one of her students.
02:24:42 And you see it every time in the comments.
02:24:45 Some guys like nice.
Speaker 3
02:24:48 Wish that happened to me.Devon
02:24:57 It will, it will look.02:24:59 This way, do you just think that history doesn't exist?
02:25:03 It's happened before.
Speaker 3
02:25:08 Why are we now?Devon
02:25:10 Historically, like history just stops repeating itself like we've learned post history.02:25:17 That's a leftist viewpoint.
02:25:18 That's a very Jewish way of looking at the world that where post history that these things don't repeat themselves.
02:25:26 Pedophilia gets normalized all the time.
02:25:28 All over the world.
02:25:32 Especially in in collapsing empires.
02:25:42 I mean, there's already a market for it.
02:25:44 The ruling class already participates in it.
02:25:49 On a fairly grand scale.
02:25:56 It will be normalized.
02:25:57 You will see it happen probably, unless you're really old.
02:26:01 You'll see it happen in your lifetime.
Speaker 10
02:26:04 You know, people would have you.Devon
02:26:06 Think it this way, you understand this.02:26:08 I'm I'm assuming you're you're probably younger if you.
02:26:10 If you're saying that I could be wrong, but I I just, I feel like that maybe you are because if you go back 20 years.
02:26:21 And you tell people that trans kids is going to be a thing.
02:26:25 And that you will lose your job if.
Speaker 3
02:26:28 You oppose it.Devon
02:26:30 And you'll be ostracized by the public.02:26:33 If you oppose trans kids.
02:26:36 People would say you're insane.
02:26:38 That could never ******* happen.
02:26:41 Go back 20 years before that if you told them that there would be a black president would legalize gay marriage.
02:26:51 Do you think that would sound?
02:26:52 Like a.
02:26:54 Possible thing to have have happened.
02:26:58 No, they would say that's insane.
02:27:04 All this **** sounds insane until.
Speaker 8
02:27:05 One day it doesn't.Devon
02:27:14 So it it might make you feel better to think it's never going to happen.02:27:17 It's going to, it's going to ******* happen.
02:27:22 There's no way to see.
Speaker 3
02:27:26 I don't think you.Devon
02:27:26 Realize I don't think a lot of people realize I don't think a lot of libertarians realize.02:27:30 Unfortunately, this is.
02:27:31 Was a big.
02:27:32 Part of what drove a lot of this.
02:27:35 Or accelerated a lot of this is.
02:27:38 A lot of what was informing the value system of the people in the West was Christianity.
02:27:46 And the modern West.
02:27:48 Did everything it could to kill.
02:27:50 God and to make everyone into atheist libertarians.
02:27:54 And with no.
02:27:59 No thought.
02:28:01 As to what?
02:28:03 Could effectively replace it.
02:28:06 Or that it even needed replacing.
Speaker 3
02:28:10 The idea was we'll just.Devon
02:28:13 We'll attack and erode and destroy and annihilate.02:28:17 The mechanism that enforces.
02:28:22 And communicates and paying our passes down our value system from generation to generation.
02:28:31 We're just going to get rid of that mechanism entirely.
02:28:35 And **** on it as we.
02:28:36 Do it.Devon
02:28:38 And everything's going to be fine.02:28:43 Well, that's that's how you get trans kids.
02:28:48 You can science.
02:28:49 It's like the you know.
02:28:50 You can make statistics.
02:28:53 Say whatever you want them to say, just the way that you frame them, right?
02:28:56 And you can do a study to literally prove anything.
02:28:59 That's why you know, one week you see a study that says, oh, you know, coffee lowers blood pressure and make you live longer.
02:29:06 Ohh, if you drink coffee, you're going to die like it.
02:29:08 It's like every week there's there's a contradictory study about, you know.
02:29:12 Oh, actually, you know.
02:29:13 The wine will.
02:29:14 Will lessen, you know, a glass of wine at dinner.
02:29:16 It actually lessens.
02:29:18 Chance of a heart attack and then like the next week, it's like, oh, if you drink wine every.
02:29:21 Day you're going to get a heart attack.
02:29:25 A lot of these studies.
02:29:26 Are not.
02:29:27 Rigorously performed.
02:29:30 And the the data is is highly biased by the ******** that have managed to weasel their way into academia and it's science is not science anymore.
02:29:43 If science with science.
02:29:45 Talking about race and IQ would be something scientists talked about, and it's not.
02:29:51 There wouldn't be forbidden subjects, and there are lots.
02:29:56 So science is no longer science and I guaran ******* to you that these scientists.
02:30:04 The same scientists that have made it ethically acceptable to pump, you know, to mutilate the genitals of children and pump them full of hormones.
02:30:19 And they've just, they've ethically justified that and you think they're not going to ethically justify?
02:30:24 ******* a 10 year old.
02:30:26 Like you can't **** the 10 year old, but you can turn his penis inside out and then pump him full of estrogen.
02:30:34 You think that's like a?
02:30:34 Bridge too far though, but you can't.
02:30:36 **** him.
02:30:37 You can't after after.
02:30:39 You've turned his penis inside out.
02:30:41 And pumped him full of.
02:30:42 Estrogen, you, you better not **** him.
02:30:52 I mean it was.
02:30:54 It was already over once, once as a society, and actually this was legislated from the bench.
02:31:01 But it doesn't matter.
02:31:02 Eventually the city accepted it.
02:31:05 But once society accepted.
02:31:09 The the murder of unborn children.
02:31:14 It was already over.
02:31:16 The protection of children was already over.
02:31:19 If you can do.
02:31:19 The mental gymnastics necessary to accept that as a thing that you can have readily available in your society.
02:31:30 So that women aren't uncomfortable.
02:31:33 And with with the consequences of their actions.
02:31:39 Then it was over.
02:31:43 You know it was going to take some time for it to manifest.
02:31:47 But it was over.
02:31:49 That that fuse was lit.
02:31:52 The Peter Stuff's going to.
02:31:53 Happen it's happened every time.
02:31:55 Like every every major.
02:32:01 Societal collapse.
02:32:04 Has has gone through like just this.
02:32:08 Degenerate phase.
02:32:10 And we're we're not even all the way.
02:32:13 In it yet?
02:32:17 And again, Good Morning America.
02:32:18 Good Morning America.
02:32:20 Daytime TV for soccer moms.
02:32:25 A very sexualized Desmond is amazing.
02:32:31 And everyone, all the the clapping seals and the like this.
02:32:35 What like I said.
Speaker 3
02:32:35 This, that's.Devon
02:32:37 They normalized.02:32:40 Fetish fetishizing a?
02:32:44 A 10 year old.
02:32:45 I think he was like 10.
02:32:47 A 10 year old boy dressed as a girl.
02:32:53 I don't know why that you think the parachutes like not gonna happen another.
Speaker 3
02:32:57 Thing they they just made it.02:32:59 They just.
02:32:59 Made a movie.Speaker 3
02:33:03 They just made a movie.Devon
02:33:05 About a man who builds a.Speaker 3
02:33:07 Robot. See this is how.Devon
02:33:08 They're doing it.02:33:10 All right, this is how you ease into something like this.
02:33:14 They just made a movie about a man who builds a robot to replace his.
02:33:20 Like I, I guess his daughter was like 8 or 9.
02:33:23 She dies.
02:33:24 He gets said so he builds a robot replacement.
02:33:30 Of his eight or nine year old daughter, and then has a sexual relationship with her.
02:33:36 With the robot.
02:33:50 So that's if you think if you think that.
02:33:54 It's not coming.
02:33:58 I mean, look, I hope you're right, but it's you're not.
02:34:07 OK a bunch.
02:34:08 Of people are saying what the ****?
02:34:10 I guess you just caught up.
02:34:11 With it, yeah.
02:34:12 No, it's out, it's.
02:34:14 I mean, let me find the name of it.
02:34:16 It was.
02:34:17 It was just at film festivals fairly recently.
02:34:20 In fact, it might be playing at at Cannes right now.
Speaker 3
02:34:25 See, this is the thing I.Devon
02:34:26 I just don't think everyone knows it.02:34:28 Everyone sees all the information that comes across my desk.
02:34:33 You got to realize.
02:34:35 Not only do.
02:34:36 I see all the **** that I post.
02:34:38 I see all the **** I don't post.
02:34:44 A robot.
02:34:54 It's called the trouble with being born, and even on the cover, it's got a naked little girl on it.
02:35:00 I mean it's.
02:35:05 It's ****** **.
02:35:06 This is what I'm saying.
02:35:07 It's already coming.
02:35:08 Like, I don't see how you don't see this.
02:35:10 This is just.
02:35:12 You have an idea?
02:35:14 This is the cover like the the movie poster.
02:35:22 Or I guess she's not naked.
02:35:23 But you know what?
02:35:24 I mean like it's.
02:35:26 She's like half naked in the in the entire movie.
02:35:31 And naked at one point in the movie, they.
02:35:34 They use like it's the way.
02:35:35 They get away away with.
02:35:37 It is they use a.
02:35:38 CG body double.
02:35:40 So that's not technically.
02:35:41 Child ****.
02:35:44 Let me see.Devon
02:35:52 I mean it's like total like predator view, this is like the POV of a predator sneaking up on like 1/2 naked little girl.02:36:04 I mean the weight, just the weight.
02:36:06 Of that shot.
02:36:08 You know, here's another shot from the movie.
02:36:27 Yeah, it's already coming.
02:36:31 Here's here's another very suggestive.
02:36:41 The whole movie, she's like basically half naked and.
02:36:45 There's a scene where she's like uh.
02:36:49 You know, but it's OK because she's a robot, you know?
02:36:52 But she's naked and he's, like, cleaning her vagina and stuff like that.
02:36:57 And it's just.
02:37:00 It's uh.
02:37:06 So do you guys, do you guys still think that it's not coming?
02:37:11 You know what I mean?
02:37:11 Like it's.
Speaker 3
02:37:15 It's coming.Devon
02:37:17 The the foot is already wedging itself into the door.02:37:21 Now I don't know how long it takes, right, because you could.
02:37:23 Say you could.
02:37:24 Look back at these 1970s shows that were anti white and it took a long time before it was like full on anti white like it is today.
02:37:35 Or the gay marriage stuff, right?
02:37:37 It took a.
02:37:38 Long time you.
02:37:38 Know they got their they they would make these gay marriage arguments.
02:37:43 And in fact, one of the shows I'm going to be covering pretty soon that not only has gay marriage as a topic, but.
02:37:51 Also transsexuals as a topic. It's from 1970, like 7 and wildly popular. I think you understand who would be behind.
02:38:01 It and but look it took from that it took like 40 years.
02:38:07 To actually or, I guess, yeah.
02:38:11 About 40 years for them to actually get from making the argument in their media to actually make it happen.
02:38:19 Now on the on the that's that's I guess a optimistic way of looking at it.
02:38:27 I think a more realistic way of looking at it is that as this stuff gets worse.
02:38:33 It speeds up.
02:38:34 I've talked about like the metaphor, like a a leaf dropping into a drain, right?
02:38:40 So as the leaf.
02:38:42 Is getting closer to the drain and it circles the drain.
02:38:47 The rotation the orbit gets faster, faster, faster, faster.
02:38:52 That's I think that's just a lot of physics, and I think that's something that's going to happen that that would also take place in the spiraling of a of a.
02:39:02 Civilization that at first it's just like a lazy kind of orbit around the drain.
02:39:09 But as you get closer and closer and closer and closer and less resistance and just.
02:39:13 You know, so for all I know you.
02:39:17 Know in five.
02:39:18 10 years we're having.
02:39:20 And look, you think this is bad?
02:39:22 Speaking of 5-10 years in the 1970s.
02:39:27 Or if I have this on my computer.
02:39:31 I think I do.
02:39:47 Yeah, so this.
02:39:50 This is a video I did.
02:39:54 Like 2-3 years ago, two years ago.
02:40:00 And hang on.
02:40:00 I gotta where is it at?
02:40:04 In fact, it's still miraculously on YouTube.
02:40:10 UM.
02:40:14 Dark times.
02:40:17 OK.Devon
02:40:27 Maybe I don't have it on this computer.02:40:42 Anyway, I so look I'm.
02:40:44 Not going to.
02:40:45 Play the source because it's it's literal ******* child ****.
02:40:49 But the I did a video on.
02:40:52 I kind of want.
02:40:52 To find it.
02:40:55 There there, I.
02:40:56 Did a video.
02:40:56 On Brooke Shields in.
02:40:57 The 1970s.
02:41:00 Was used in Playboy full frontal nudity.
02:41:06 And she was used as a again full frontal nudity at age 12, in a movie where she plays a 12 year old ***** at a ***** *****.
02:41:20 So it wasn't art tea.
02:41:21 It was very sexual in nature.
02:41:24 It was literal child ****.
02:41:28 It was in theaters.
02:41:33 And this happened. Like I said, this was like 1970 something.
02:41:38 I'm trying to find it.
02:41:47 I don't remember the name of the video.
02:42:03 I think you got if you look.
02:42:04 At my it's on my bit shoot also.
02:42:07 UM.
02:42:15 I'm just going to try to find it real quick.
02:42:31 Ah, no.
02:42:33 Just cause like if.
Speaker 3
02:42:34 Once you see this.Devon
02:42:38 I mean, they've had their foot in this door for a really long time.Speaker 7
02:42:44 Native species.02:42:47 Pill string.
02:42:51 Maybe they took it down.02:42:52 I don't see.
02:42:52 It here actually.
02:43:01 Well, you might have to find it on.
02:43:05 On bit shoot.
02:43:06 Because I don't see it here.
02:43:20 Which means see.
02:43:21 I got to find.
02:43:22 Out what is no longer on.
02:43:24 YouTube like what they've taken down.
02:43:26 They've taken down a lot of.
02:43:27 Stuff because when I synced up Odyssey.
02:43:32 Odyssey just took whatever was on YouTube and and hosted it over on Odyssey.
02:43:38 And that means that anything that.
02:43:42 UM YouTube would have taken down.
02:43:47 Wouldn't have didn't get synced up, and if anything happens to bit shoot I have backups of these files.
02:43:53 I I should have.
02:43:54 I should do a better job organizing them.
02:43:59 UM.Devon
02:44:02 Yeah, it's not.02:44:03 I don't see it here.
02:44:13 Well, that's weird.
02:44:13 I thought that.
Speaker 7
02:44:21 That's not it.Devon
02:44:28 OK.02:44:28 Well, I'll have to look on.
02:44:33 Off the look on bit shoot then, but it doesn't matter.
02:44:36 You can Google it.
02:44:37 Just Google Brooke Shields.
02:44:40 Well, I'm trying to the name.
02:44:41 Of the.
02:44:41 Movie. I mean, it's it.
02:44:44 Some you can buy this movie, you can rent it, maybe on YouTube.
02:44:48 Now that you can rent movies on YouTube, you might be able to rent this movie.
02:44:51 On YouTube, it's called.
02:44:57 Look up.
02:44:59 Brooke Shields.
02:45:00 And here's the thing, they can never they have to always make it available, because if they take it down, they have to admit that why they're taking it down, right?
02:45:14 Here's IMDb.
02:45:15 Let's see what movie she's in.
02:45:20 He's in a lot of movies. Oh, here we go. 74 after the fall.
02:45:26 Pretty baby.
02:45:30 It's pretty, baby. It's 1978. She plays a.
02:45:35 12 year old *****.
02:45:38 And in fact, so here's another movie I forgot about this one.
02:45:43 In fact, I think I downloaded this.
02:45:45 There's another movie where she's with Robert Redford, and she's even younger.
02:45:49 She's like, 10, and he wins her in a poker game and she's a *****.
02:45:58 They don't show it.
02:46:02 Trying to find it here, I thought I downloaded that at one point.
02:46:09 I'll track that one down.
02:46:10 I don't know if that's the name, if that's the.
02:46:12 Right. One, let me see.
Speaker 7
02:46:13 Alice sweet Alice.Devon
02:46:16 No, that's not the right one.02:46:19 There's a UM.
02:46:22 King of the gypsies.
02:46:23 Almost perfect affair.
02:46:26 Tilt no, OK.
02:46:28 Now Wanda Nevada.
02:46:29 She did it like a year later.
02:46:31 So in Wanda, Nevada.
Speaker 3
02:46:33 Like I said, boomers were.Devon
02:46:34 Just kind of.02:46:35 Like like the 70s was just ******* degenerate as **** and they had to pull it back a little bit because it was getting a little out of hand.
02:46:42 But we're right.
02:46:43 Back, you know, right back at it.
02:46:49 Oh, I don't have it on this computer, apparently.
02:46:53 But it's about.
02:46:53 It's literally about she's a again.
02:46:55 She's a *****.
02:46:56 They they cast her as, like, a ***** while.
02:46:58 She was 12 in multiple movies.
02:47:01 And in this one, they don't actually show her naked like they did the one in 1978. But Robert Redford, Windsor in a poker game and starts ******* her.
02:47:14 When she's that and in.
02:47:16 Fact there's like a she's sexualized in.
02:47:18 A whole bunch of ******* movies.
02:47:21 There's another 179.
02:47:23 Just you and me, kid, the blue lagoon.
02:47:28 She's naked in that one.
02:47:34 And again, she's underage.
02:47:35 She's like, I think at least little older.
02:47:37 And she's like, 14 in that one.
02:47:40 But uh, they they.
02:47:42 They were sexually exploiting Brooke Shields.
02:47:45 And movie after movie after movie and no.
02:47:47 One said ****.
02:47:50 And it was literal.
02:47:51 Child ****, and no one said ****.
02:47:58 You know, we're starting to see the same kind of a thing come up.
02:48:00 Like I said, I think that in some.
02:48:02 Ways there was a.
02:48:04 There was, socially, A conservative backlash in the 80s.
02:48:10 That was kind of like a blip.
02:48:14 And then we went right back to going down the degenerate.
02:48:18 Sewer pipeline.
02:48:21 And you know, in a way, you could say that.
02:48:25 You know, Trump was is like another dead cat bounce a little bit socially.
02:48:31 But I mean you got to zoom out the graph.
02:48:33 You got to see where this is going.
02:48:36 You know, every time that it pulls back a little bit, it falls down even further.
02:48:41 The next time there are no wins in the culture war.
02:48:45 The the right has never made.
02:48:47 Any gains, ever, ever.
02:48:51 What in America is more right wing?
02:48:53 Than it was 50 years ago.
02:49:01 So you have to conclude that the right has made 0 gains in 50 years.
02:49:07 And that all the gains have been.
02:49:09 Made by the left.
02:49:10 And yet, somehow that's going to change.
02:49:16 No, I mean it will eventually, but I mean.
02:49:19 Not the way a lot of people are thinking.
02:49:23 Let's take a look here.
02:49:25 I'm gonna wrap it up.
02:49:26 Looks like we're.
02:49:26 Up to about.
02:49:27 Three hours now.
02:49:32 I'm going to.
02:49:33 Take this creepy.
02:49:35 Girl off the screen too.
02:49:41 Yeah, this ship's already coming. It's already ******* coming.
02:49:45 High Precinct Terry, don't forget the movie Lolita.
02:49:48 Yep, the that's another degenerate one.
02:49:51 Also, that one.
02:49:53 Kevin Bacon movie where they force you to sympathize with the pedophile.
02:50:01 I'm not sure which one that one is Kevin Bacon.
02:50:07 I've actually met Kevin Bacon so so it was like everybody.
02:50:12 UM.
02:50:16 Yeah, I don't.
02:50:17 I don't have to.
02:50:17 Find out are you?
02:50:18 Talking about the one where he's uh.
02:50:22 He can like see.
02:50:25 Like he touches people and can see weird ****.
02:50:28 I don't remember.
02:50:29 I think that might be it.
02:50:38 Iron Patriot perfect to put on a T-shirt. What is more conservative than 50 years ago? Yeah, it might be a a snap. Your way of wording that. But it's true. Think about it. Nothing is more conservative.
02:50:51 Now or a more right wing.
02:50:54 Because conserve is just like a pathetic term to describe pathetic people.
02:50:58 I think at this point.
02:51:00 Because nothing was conserved.
02:51:01 That's the whole point, right?
02:51:03 What is more right wing today?
02:51:06 Then 50.
02:51:07 Years ago.
02:51:09 And the answer is 0.
02:51:10 Nothing, nothing is.
02:51:13 Not a ******* thing.
02:51:18 Jeffrey Epstein, 1844. Hey, Devin, you're in IMDb.
02:51:23 Ohh yeah, I I don't know who added me but someone.
02:51:26 Put me in there.
02:51:32 That was 27. Do you have any advice or no of any resources to help with community building and becoming self-sufficient as a community?
02:51:39 No, that's not.Devon
02:51:41 That's something that we are going to be doing, but that's not my strong suit.02:51:45 Unfortunately, that's something I'm going to.
02:51:47 Be learning with you guys.
02:51:57 Alright guys, let's go ahead and wrap this up.
02:52:01 It was a little bit of a rough start, right, but we got into the flow, we got into the flow.
02:52:06 Of things had some fun.
02:52:10 I was definitely grasping at straws for a little bit there.
02:52:13 It's hard, man.
02:52:14 It's hard to do like.
02:52:16 Well, I mean, it's hard just to do.
02:52:18 Like one strain like 3 hours.
02:52:19 I'm just going.
Speaker 3
02:52:20 To talk for.Devon
02:52:22 I'm going to try to.02:52:23 To have something to say for three hours straight to.
02:52:26 Lots of people.
02:52:28 It's not easy, man.
02:52:32 It's not easy some.
02:52:33 Some nights are easier than others.
02:52:36 I just honestly part of it's just I've had a lot on my mind, so I I haven't usually what I do is I, you know, I spend the whole day of or the day before make lots of notes.
02:52:47 I'll spend like I'm only talking to you guys for like 3 hours, but I spend like the whole.
02:52:52 Hey, hunting stuff down.
02:52:54 Trying to think of of cool stuff to talk about.
02:52:59 Try to think of like or find some clips.
02:53:01 I can play things I try to, you know, I do like show prep.
02:53:04 It's not like I.
02:53:05 Just wing it every.
02:53:07 But tonight I kind of winged it.
02:53:10 So it's, you know it.
02:53:12 Here's what it is, but.
02:53:13 I'm glad it worked out.
02:53:14 Sorry guys.
02:53:15 And yeah, I'm.
02:53:17 We'll we'll get this discord thing straightened out this week, or at least I'm going to try.
02:53:23 I just have a lot of **** go down and just have it.
02:53:27 Couldn't couldn't.
02:53:28 It was just one more.
02:53:29 It was just like one more ******* thing, right?
02:53:30 And then, like, my car exploded, would still ******* exploded.
02:53:34 But it's cool, it's fine.
02:53:36 It's it's alright.
02:53:36 **** happens.
02:53:37 **** happens and we just keep going and it's not a big.
02:53:40 Deal and with that.
02:53:43 For black pearls, I am of course.
Speaker 4
02:53:54 Given steak.Speaker 8
02:54:40 And so.Speaker 10
02:54:40 With that.