01:52:59 Well, I think maybe I can get rid of this.00:00:11 I don't know and I can't look at chat right now.
00:00:16 All right.
00:00:16 So anyway, just the.
Speaker 2
00:00:18 Show must go on I guess.Devon
00:00:20 So if you're watching the replay or if you're watching live right now, and I think I think that's possible.00:00:28 Well, my Internet went out and all of my Internet and that's because they all come from the same hardware.
00:00:38 There's there's basically one Internet source out here, so I'm assuming something went awry over there.
00:00:46 And then it came back, sort of. And it was sucking balls. So I switched to my my back up and it looks like everything's kind of working now, but for how long, you know, this is probably not going to be a super long stream. It's a super late.
00:01:08 This is about four hours later than normal, which means that the clock is ticking on how long it would work.
00:01:15 Anyway, so moving right along, I guess we should just dive right into it and I can't look at chat right now because that's the Internet that I usually use to look.
00:01:23 Well, maybe I can put my.
00:01:26 My craptastic Internet on that.
00:01:31 Let's see if I can.
00:01:34 Let's see if I can do that.Devon
00:01:42 Are they trying to start Armageddon?00:01:46 Every time there is something that goes on in the Middle East, people think that.
00:01:49 They're trying to.
00:01:49 Start Armageddon and look, maybe they are, maybe they maybe every time.
00:01:53 Maybe every time there's something in the Middle East they are trying to start Armageddon.
00:01:57 They just they haven't been.
00:01:58 Able to kick it off right?
00:02:00 OK.
00:02:01 Well, I guess I'm in here.
00:02:03 I'm in the chat now.
Speaker 3
00:02:05 We have 80.Devon
00:02:06 One viewers, so yeah.00:02:09 Sorry if.
00:02:12 If someone, some of you stayed up late to to see the stream and then.
00:02:17 There was no stream like I said.
00:02:19 The show must go on, though.
00:02:20 I'm going to keep.
Speaker 4
00:02:22 I I I was.Devon
00:02:23 I was going to not do the stream.00:02:25 I was going to, not after a certain point.
00:02:27 You're like well.
00:02:29 At this point, it's gonna.
00:02:30 Be a morning show, right?
00:02:33 But the show must go on.
00:02:35 The show must go on.
00:02:37 The replay is what I think most.
00:02:39 People watch anyway, so it'll be OK.
00:02:43 And for you 80.
00:02:44 Five the numbers and I haven't.
00:02:46 I said that.
00:02:46 I guess I haven't.
00:02:47 I haven't tweeted.
00:02:48 Out or.
00:02:48 Anything, because I haven't had Internet.
00:02:51 That we're even live.
00:02:52 So the only people that are here right now are the people that I guess they've been hanging out in here because I don't think trove sounds that notifications either.
00:03:01 Should I?
00:03:02 Should I?
00:03:02 I guess I should.
00:03:04 Maybe I should just tweet out?
00:03:06 That we're live just for the ****.
Speaker 2
00:03:08 Of it.Devon
00:03:13 Let's just do that.00:03:19 Don't don't kill my Internet.
00:03:21 There we go.
Speaker 2
00:03:26 There we go.Devon
00:03:30 Excuse me.00:03:31 I couldn't mute in time.
00:03:33 Had the other screen open.
00:03:57 Alright, bear with me.
00:04:05 Telegram the world no tell.
00:04:08 Gab the good people at gab.
00:04:12 Which might be getting banned from certain countries.
00:04:19 Thanks to.
00:04:24 GOP just told yeah.
00:04:26 And we'll tell Twitter.
00:04:28 Everything seems to be going.
00:04:29 Faster than usual on this Internet.
Speaker 5
00:04:37 There we go.Devon
00:04:39 Yeah, I think it's very snappy.00:04:40 This is not usually how things.
Speaker 5
00:04:42 Are when I'm streaming.00:04:46 OK. All right.
00:04:49 People, the people have been told.00:04:53 Ah alright.
Speaker 6
00:04:58 So yeah, whole.Devon
00:05:00 Lot going on today.00:05:02 I'm a little discombobulated now.
Speaker 5
00:05:05 It's for the.Devon
00:05:06 Last little bit here, but that's OK.00:05:09 Let's just dive right into it.
00:05:11 Now there's a couple things I wanted.
00:05:12 To take a look at first.
00:05:16 Now, if you haven't seen this, and I'm sure a lot of people have, I put it in my telegram and I got almost 40,000 views and I've seen it since I've put it on there and I'm not. Look, I'm not the one that found it or the first person to put.
00:05:28 Up, but it is slightly different than the where.
00:05:31 I stole it from.
00:05:32 And and the one I've seen.
00:05:35 Proliferated around the Internet.
00:05:38 Has been the one.
00:05:39 That's slightly different like because I edited it slightly, not not not to do this, but because of.
00:05:44 It doesn't matter.
00:05:46 What I'm getting at is a lot of people got it from my telegram, which is great.
00:05:49 That's why it's there.
00:05:51 UM and this is 1 less reason.
00:05:58 One less reason.
Speaker 5
00:06:00 To be super worried.Devon
00:06:08 Where the **** did it go?00:06:10 Is it not going there now?
00:06:14 So many technical issues today, this is really frustrating.
00:06:20 Ah, let's see here.Devon
00:06:24 Where is this going?00:06:30 OK, now it's there, all right.
Speaker 6
00:06:33 One less reason to be worried about the everyone who's worried about oh, Waco, Ruby Ridge, our military, and the drones raining down death from above.00:06:48 We would never.
00:06:49 Stand a chance.00:06:52 I don't think you understand like like look, the technological gap would always be there in any kind of conflict between civilians of any country and their military.
00:07:02 Like any civil war, you're going to have a technological gap between the underdog, the ragtag rebels, or whoever it is.
00:07:10 Doesn't matter, does not, not even specific to like the United States.
00:07:14 Having some kind of civil war or or something like that, you're always going to have that technological gap between the haves and the have nots, obviously obviously.
00:07:24 You know the same could be said about if you, you know, talking about Fallujah or, you know, places like that, you know, go to anywhere or or Vietnam, you know, the the, the, the there's gonna be a technological gap between the United States military and those conflicts and and the people they were fighting.
00:07:40 That's just sure obviously.
00:07:44 But there's going.
00:07:44 To be another kind of gap that's going to go the other direction.
00:07:48 And so let's take a look a look at that.
Speaker 7
00:07:56 This is the story of a soldier who operates your nation's patriot missile defense systems.00:08:07 It begins in California.
00:08:10 With the little girl raised by two moms.
00:08:22 Although I had a fairly typical childhood.
00:08:25 Took ballet, played violin?
Speaker 6
00:08:28 She had typical she had two moms.Speaker 7
00:08:28 I asked.Devon
00:08:31 And she went to to gay pride protests with her multicultural neighbors.00:08:38 In San Francisco, pretty typical childhood.
00:08:40 Look the and.
00:08:41 I'm not.
00:08:42 I'm not being facetious.
00:08:43 She actually.
00:08:43 Did that's my point.
00:08:45 That's this is normal now in America.
Speaker 2
00:08:50 Like it's.Devon
00:08:51 It shouldn't be that shocking.00:08:55 There's a lot of people that are, that are, they're watching this and going oh.
Speaker 6
00:08:58 My God.00:09:01 They're showing this as nor, yes, because it is.
00:09:07 Because it is.00:09:11 Having two.
Speaker 5
00:09:13 Two moms.Devon
00:09:16 That bring their kid to gay pride parades.00:09:21 In their diverse neighborhoods.
00:09:24 That's been normal for a while.
00:09:29 Because you allowed it to happen.
Speaker 6
00:09:34 Because what two people do in the privacy of their?00:09:37 Own home because you let that happen.
00:09:44 You let that happen and then you got out competed.00:09:48 You let the infection take.
00:09:52 Then it spread.
00:09:54 And now it's just part of the system.
00:10:00 In fact, now now it is the system.
00:10:06 See, this is normal.
00:10:07 If they were to.
00:10:08 Do imagine them trying to do your story that wouldn't.
00:10:13 It would be unrelatable to the people they're trying.
00:10:16 To get to.
00:10:19 This is a recruitment video.
00:10:26 This is going to be more relatable to the zoomers they're trying to recruit.
00:10:31 Is what I'm getting at.
Speaker 5
00:10:35 Having two lesbian moms who bring their child to gay pride parades.00:10:44 Is going to be more relatable to zoomers.
00:10:48 Then what you picture in your.00:10:50 Head is is, you know.
00:10:52 Whatever childhood you had.
00:10:56 Because whatever childhood you had, I mean, even if you're.
00:11:01 I mean, things have been spiraling out of control so fast, even if.
00:11:03 You're like 30.
00:11:06 That's going to be unrelatable to to zoomers.
Speaker 6
00:11:14 So this is it's not look.Devon
00:11:17 It's people are thinking, oh, this is.00:11:20 It's trying to normalize this.
00:11:22 Nah, *****, it's normalized.
00:11:27 That's why the.
00:11:29 That's why the yeah, it's propaganda.
00:11:31 Obviously it's, I mean it's marketing, it's a recruitment video.
00:11:37 It's not promoting this ****. This shit's already here. It's trying to relate to these people. So they joined the military.
00:11:49 It's already here.
00:11:52 The intention of this is not.
00:11:56 To spread the the normalization.
00:12:01 Of lesbians, you know, raising a kid and taking them to to gay pride that's already here.
00:12:06 That's they did that.
00:12:11 You're a little behind the curve.
00:12:12 You haven't figured out that they.
00:12:14 They did this part already.
00:12:17 Totally normal.
Speaker 7
00:12:20 So marched for equality.00:12:23 I like to think I've been defending freedom.
00:12:25 From an early age.
00:12:29 When I was six years old, one of my moms had an accident that left her paralyzed, Doctor said she might never walk again, but she tapped into my family's pride to get back on her feet, eventually standing at the altar to.
00:12:47 This is this is normal.00:12:52 Welcome to hell.
00:12:55 Have you been asleep on the train?
00:12:57 Wake up.
00:13:00 And when we?
00:13:01 Pulled into the station a long time ago.
00:13:06 So yeah, I think a lot of people are shocked or or, I don't know, pretending to be.
00:13:09 But they're they're very upset.
00:13:12 By this and Oh my God, it's showing a lesbian wedding.
Speaker 2
00:13:17 Well, yeah.Devon
00:13:19 You, you guys legalized that **** like ******* 10 years ago.00:13:28 Why is this shocking?
00:13:29 10 ******* years ago?
Speaker 2
00:13:40 Why that was.Devon
00:13:41 A long time ago.00:13:42 I know it might seem like only yesterday.
00:13:49 But you know what?
00:13:49 I'll seems like almost.
00:13:50 That seems like only yesterday.
Speaker 2
00:13:54 Let's see here.Devon
00:14:07 This seems like only yesterday that this happened.Speaker 5
00:14:14 Right.Devon
00:14:16 Remember when people thought that this was 40 chess?00:14:20 And for those of you just listening, it's just.
00:14:21 A picture of.
00:14:22 Trump holding up the the flag flag.
00:14:28 That was like, what, four years ago.
00:14:37 Or five years ago. Really.
00:14:42 But that was 40 chess haha.
00:14:45 Trump's showing them that he's not a bigot.
00:14:48 What are they going to do now, huh? Yeah. The media media likes to call him a bigot. They can't call a bigot now. Cause, look, he's waving the gay flag and it says LGBT's for Trump. Yeah.
00:15:04 That's right.
00:15:07 There's the T's in there too.
00:15:09 So it's ******** for Trump.
00:15:12 Yeah, it's normal.
00:15:13 It's already ******* normal.
Speaker 6
00:15:16 You got no one.Speaker 3
00:15:17 Stopping this ****.Devon
00:15:18 You like no one.00:15:20 And and like last stream we talked about like, there's the the Lutheran ******* Bishop.
00:15:24 That's a training.
00:15:27 How much normal?
Speaker 3
00:15:30 I I don't.Speaker 6
00:15:31 Know it is just funny because there was.Devon
00:15:32 A There was a.00:15:33 Number of people who were very shocked.
00:15:38 That that the the military had a lesbian wedding.
00:15:43 In this recruitment video and it just.
00:15:45 I don't.
00:15:45 It baffles the mind.
00:15:47 It's like this isn't 1990 ******* five anymore?
00:15:51 You know, don't ask, don't tell.
00:15:53 That that was like ******* over 20 years ago.
00:15:56 You're where have you been?
00:16:00 Where have you been?
00:16:01 This is normal ****.
00:16:05 As the left would say go outside bro.
00:16:10 This is normal.
Speaker 7
00:16:13 Wearing my other mom.Devon
00:16:15 My other mom.Speaker 7
00:16:17 With such powerful role models, I finished high school at the top of my class.00:16:22 And then attended UC Davis.
00:16:24 Where I joined a sorority.
00:16:25 Full of other strong women.
Speaker 2
00:16:27 I bet.Speaker 7
00:16:31 But his graduation approach, I began feeling like I'd been handed so much in life.00:16:37 A sorority girl stereotype?
00:16:39 Sure, I'd spent my life around inspiring women.
00:16:44 Look at that.Speaker
00:16:46 But what had?Speaker 7
00:16:47 I really achieved on my own one of my sorority sisters was studying abroad in Italy.00:16:52 Another was climbing Mount Everest.
00:16:55 I needed my own adventures, my own challenge, and after meeting with an army recruiter, I found it a way to prove my inner strength.
00:17:07 And maybe shatter some stereotypes along the way.
00:17:14 I'm U.S. Army.
00:17:14 Corporal Emma Malone, Lord and I answered my calling.
Speaker 8
00:17:22 There you go.Devon
00:17:27 Go army.Speaker 6
00:17:30 So a lot of.Devon
00:17:31 People they they saw this video and they're.Speaker 6
00:17:33 Like, Oh my God, I can't.Devon
00:17:35 You're just have you?00:17:37 Are you asleep at the wheel?
00:17:45 And remember, for like the last few years I've been.
00:17:47 Telling especially the cue cards, all these.
00:17:49 People that have been saying.
00:17:50 Like, oh, the military is on our side.
00:17:52 No, they're not.
00:17:55 I I am not surprised even like a tiny bit that this video was made like not.
00:18:01 And I'm sure there's gonna be worse.
00:18:02 And like we the the other day, we showed one that was the CIA, CIA, that was just as bad.
00:18:08 Actually, the CIA one was slightly worse.
Speaker 6
00:18:17 Those are the.Devon
00:18:18 Kinds of people.00:18:19 When I lived in Washington and I had to go into meetings like in conference rooms full of.
00:18:29 Decision makers.
Speaker 5
00:18:33 Higher ups.Devon
00:18:37 They were like these people.00:18:40 They were like that chick in the CIA video.
00:18:45 100%.
00:18:47 I think maybe one there was one project I worked with like an old school boomer DoD guy who seemed like he was probably probably a little based, but.
00:18:59 Vastly outnumbered.
00:19:02 It was almost always women.
00:19:04 It was almost always communist women in charge of of everything.
00:19:08 And I mean everything.
00:19:10 Like everything at DoD.
00:19:13 And every at every agency that I had any kind of interaction with, which was.
00:19:17 A lot of agencies.
00:19:20 But specifically DoD, CIA, FBI.
00:19:25 All those guys, they were all Communist women.
00:19:30 Almost every ******* time.
00:19:36 And there were crannies.
00:19:38 You know, my first, at least something that I'm.
00:19:40 Aware of.
00:19:41 First time I like.
00:19:44 Had to be around like a ****** like in a work situation.
00:19:48 Was a ****** that worked at DoD.
00:19:55 It was.
00:19:55 It was very weird.
00:19:58 It was very ******* weird.
00:20:00 Because I thought I didn't know if it was.
00:20:02 It was after I had first.
00:20:03 Moved to the East Coast.
00:20:05 It was like one of the first projects that were.
00:20:07 Projects I worked on.
00:20:10 And I couldn't figure out like I didn't not like it was just.
00:20:13 I had never been in that situation before, where I had to, like, you know, talk to a crazy person that everyone was acting like they, you know, everyone was was pretending wasn't crazy.
00:20:29 Had to cough there and.
00:20:31 It was funny because I still here's the funniest part about this is.
00:20:35 Even the leftist that I work with worked with at the time.
00:20:38 This is how quickly it's changed.
00:20:40 I promise you now, I haven't kept up with these guys, so I don't know for sure, but I promise you they would.
00:20:47 They would not act this way now, but even back then, and this was like, I don't know, like, say, eight years ago, I mean, it wasn't like.
00:20:56 Super long time it was.
00:20:57 A while back they would snicker about this person.
00:21:02 In fact, I mean this person was not convincing at all.
00:21:07 And I still remember I was walking out to lunch.
00:21:11 In the parking garage.
00:21:13 And I had kind of a cool car at the time, and this abomination walked by as I was.
00:21:23 I was trying to get my car.
00:21:24 To go to lunch.
00:21:25 And starts talking to me and I'm just sitting there like uh.
00:21:29 And I just stuck in my car and it's like the client, right?
00:21:32 So it's like I'm just.
00:21:33 Sitting there like uh, OK.
00:21:35 And just they're just trying to talk to me.
00:21:38 About my car.
00:21:41 And I started getting some text messages.
00:21:44 And they finally they they tried to talk me.
00:21:47 It was like 10 minutes of.
00:21:48 This one on and they finally left.
00:21:50 And I was like ******* hell.
00:21:52 And I look at my.
00:21:53 Phone and the guy, like I said, the people I work with, these are lefties.
00:21:57 These are lefties.
00:21:59 It's a bunch of the lefties.
00:22:00 Apparently all they were they.
00:22:02 They saw what was happening.
00:22:03 They were making fun of the the the ****** and and like, making fun of me having to talk to the ******* training.
00:22:11 I guarantee you those.
00:22:12 Same ******* people.
00:22:13 Never a million years.
00:22:15 We want that to get.
00:22:16 In fact, if I wanted to be * ****, I could probably track down where these people work now, and I don't know.
00:22:21 I don't know.
00:22:21 Maybe if I still have like those those messages somewhere on some phone log.
00:22:29 That could be.
00:22:29 * ****? I don't know.
00:22:35 Yeah, it was already happening.
00:22:36 It was already happening.
00:22:38 It was a DoD ******.
00:22:43 And like I said, I didn't.
00:22:44 I I had never.
00:22:46 I mean, I I'd worked as a.
00:22:48 Bouncer for years.
00:22:50 So I was in in A at a bar in a downtown shady.
00:22:54 You know, shady part of the town bar, right?
00:22:57 So I didn't countered crazy people.
00:23:00 Lots of crazy ******* people and some, you know, some ******** among those crazy people.
00:23:06 And when you would encounter these crazy people.
00:23:10 You didn't let them in the bar, you know, and and you.
00:23:13 You treated them like a toxic waste.
00:23:17 You know, they treat them like the way that you would treat an infection in this society.
00:23:23 And so it was.
00:23:24 It was a really weird thing to walk into an office spot.
00:23:29 Like I said, the very unconvincing ******.
00:23:34 And and just be like, why is everyone pretending like that's not here?
Speaker 6
00:23:40 Why is everyone pretending this is normal?Speaker 3
00:23:44 In a government office.Devon
00:23:47 And I just chalked it up to like, OK, well, I guess you.00:23:50 Know it's the East Coast.
00:23:52 ******* East Coast people.
00:23:54 No, it had already begun.
00:23:58 A lot of the, I mean, I guess that maybe that was part of it, but I think more.
00:24:02 Of it was, it was federal government.
00:24:08 That kind of **** was already getting accepted.
00:24:17 And it became so saturated that by the time Trump was running for president.
00:24:26 He had to wave the ****** flag.
00:24:30 I know it's not training specific, but there is the.
00:24:32 T in there.
00:24:37 That includes people like Lady Maga.
00:24:48 You know, and that's.
00:24:50 The training was just the the easy to spot.
00:24:52 One in terms of.
00:24:53 Like lesbians and stuff like that.
00:24:55 Like, that's that's the thing.
00:24:57 Pretty soon they'll have to do cartoons like this that that showcase ****** families.
00:25:05 As far as the lesbian thing, look, I could.
00:25:07 I don't know.
00:25:08 I mean, I didn't ask the the all the Butch **** looking.
00:25:13 Government, you know all the bureaucrats I had to work with, if they.
00:25:16 Were all carpet munching lesbians?
00:25:18 I mean, I didn't know, but I I could only assume at least some of them weren't.
00:25:23 Maybe, maybe all of them one knows.
00:25:30 So yeah, what's shocking about this isn't so much the videos that people are that.
Speaker 6
00:25:36 See and I guess that's why.Devon
00:25:38 So many people aren't really black belt like they don't really get it.00:25:41 They don't know like how bad it is because.
00:25:43 They they don't go outside.
00:25:46 They're shocked by this video because.
00:25:48 They they do live, they close themselves.
00:25:53 And maybe they haven't looked that.
00:25:54 Maybe there's an argument to be made that for at least some of that, you know, you don't you don't want to, like, immerse yourself in all the degeneracy that's around you, certainly.
00:26:03 But you got to know that's out there.
00:26:04 You got to know.
00:26:05 That that, this.
00:26:06 Is you're not normal.
00:26:08 This is what's normal.
00:26:12 OK.
00:26:17 Right along.
00:26:20 We also talked about last string.
00:26:24 That 71 year old.
00:26:28 Let me hide the.
Speaker 2
00:26:30 Go to the video player here.Devon
00:26:34 I think it was.00:26:35 It was 70 something year old.
00:26:37 Maybe it was a 70.
00:26:39 7 year old.
00:26:42 Went into a Dunkin' Donuts.
00:26:47 And encountered.
00:26:53 Person in quotes.
00:26:57 And, at least according to this, this guy.
00:27:01 He said the N word right.
00:27:05 And so he got punched to death.
00:27:11 He got punched to death.
00:27:12 And I said last stream like look this is.
00:27:16 Again, this is another.
00:27:16 Thing that's normal.
00:27:17 This is normal.
00:27:20 Things have changed.
00:27:23 When you live in a society with white primacy, the whole idea is sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will.
00:27:28 Never hurt me well.
Speaker 6
00:27:31 There was the old rule.Devon
00:27:37 And now we have complete we have completely different rules.00:27:43 And almost as if by.
00:27:44 A clockwork because I am batting 1000 these days.
00:27:50 We get confirmation.
00:27:51 Of exactly what I'm talking about from.
00:27:54 The black community.
00:28:01 My poll of black people, 71%, said they'd find the brother who punched and killed an old racist man not guilty.
00:28:09 Because if you.Devon
00:28:10 Call a black person a whatever happens after that is on you.00:28:20 You live in a a country with with a different.
00:28:26 Different dynamic.
00:28:30 Now words are violence.
00:28:37 So you have to not only just be aware of this.
00:28:42 Because it you know, for safety reasons, right?
00:28:49 But if you if you, if you expect at all.
00:28:53 To be able to.
00:28:54 Hold your own and this is society like this.
00:28:58 If these are the rules, these.
00:29:00 Are the rules.
00:29:07 You by definition.
00:29:10 If you say.
00:29:13 Or call someone a.
00:29:16 And they can kill.
00:29:18 You for it.
00:29:20 Like they can just.
00:29:21 Kill you.
00:29:23 And it's fine.
00:29:26 And you don't have a similar.
00:29:30 You know version of that.
00:29:35 In your in your group.
00:29:38 Where if someone says something about your group.
00:29:42 They pay dearly for it.
00:29:45 By definition, you are subservient.
00:29:50 To this group.
00:29:54 By definition.
Speaker 6
00:29:59 If there are certain things that.Devon
00:30:00 You can't say or they'll kill you.00:30:05 And there's nothing analogous to that.
00:30:09 At all.
Speaker 8
00:30:12 For you.00:30:16 You are.
00:30:19 You are the weak.00:30:20 You are the you know the weakest link here.
00:30:22 You're you're the.
00:30:25 You're the pathetic slime on the sidewalk.
00:30:35 And they are the dominant force.
Speaker 5
00:30:39 That's just the way it is.Devon
00:30:45 And the ****** ** thing is, look, there's how many.00:30:47 White people you think agreed with this, you know, you know, a lot did.
00:30:55 You know that not everyone that.
00:30:56 Replied to young daddy.
00:30:59 His pole.
00:31:06 Was even black.
00:31:07 You know what I mean?
00:31:09 Guarantee you there was a lot.
00:31:11 Of whites and fellow whites, certainly.
00:31:15 Saying yeah, **** that cracker.
Speaker 5
00:31:18 **** that old man.Devon
00:31:21 That old white man, that old white boomer, he deserved it.Speaker 3
00:31:30 Rules have changed.Devon
00:31:36 And like I said, if you don't have anything.00:31:38 Like that? Like if.
00:31:38 Look, no one fear.
00:31:40 Rules the the the world.
00:31:43 And then he's just all he's doing is he's demonstrating, or at least pointing out part of what, you know, the kind of power that that his group has.
00:31:58 This is the.
00:31:59 Kind of power we wield in society.
00:32:07 You know, it's it's not like you know a.
00:32:08 Lot of people used to.
00:32:09 Be confused as to why you.
00:32:10 Know we're learning all these Muslims in.
00:32:13 We're giving them all the everything that they want.
00:32:15 Why are they coming to our countries and blowing themselves up and doing all this ****?
00:32:20 Because fear gives them power.
00:32:27 They were establishing themselves.
00:32:31 As a group with power.
00:32:37 Now it's it's kind of a weird way to do it.
00:32:38 But it I mean it's effective.
00:32:42 And this is how they're doing it.
00:32:44 And it's effective.
Speaker 6
00:32:48 People are afraid of black people.Devon
00:32:54 People are afraid of telling black people what they really think.00:33:04 And maybe that.
00:33:04 Fear was warranted in some cases.
00:33:06 Maybe that's, you know, that old white guy that got killed at Dunkin' Donuts should have maybe feared.
00:33:12 Black people a little bit more.
00:33:18 But no one's afraid of your group.
00:33:22 And that's partially why you have no power.
00:33:30 They're not afraid of you.
Speaker 3
00:33:33 One of the.Devon
00:33:33 Reasons why they're not afraid of you too.00:33:34 Is there's just so much ******* infighting.
00:33:38 Yeah, I almost feel like people on the right, white people on the right are more afraid of each other than anyone is afraid of them.
00:33:47 They're afraid of, like, oh, no, I like, I'm going to say the wrong thing.
00:33:50 Or whatever and.
00:33:53 Everyone's gonna freak out and like, cause impurity spiral.
00:33:57 And **** like that.
00:34:00 You know like.
00:34:00 The weird the weird.
00:34:01 Ohh everyone trying.
00:34:04 To get get acceptance.
00:34:07 Trying everyone trying to fit this narrow.
00:34:16 Of the Uber Mensch or something, you.
00:34:18 Know like.Devon
00:34:20 No one's afraid of you guys.00:34:22 No one.
00:34:25 The government acts afraid so they can.
00:34:29 They can pass their.
00:34:33 Or basically so they can make their extermination and.
00:34:37 Of white people legal quicker.
00:34:45 And I guess maybe, I guess big picture maybe maybe they are afraid of the you know the the the ruling class big picture, I guess fear might not be the right word.
00:34:53 But in terms of they're annoyed by the existence.
00:34:56 Of white people.
00:35:00 Because white people do stand in the way of.
00:35:04 And maybe the only people that stand white Christians specifically that stand in.
00:35:07 The way of.
00:35:07 A lot of what they want to get done.
00:35:14 Speaking of normal.
00:35:20 And this is what this really kind of drives me crazy.
00:35:25 You know, spear normal and fear and stuff like this, you know, this is this is from breaking 911.
00:35:35 And they do a story.
00:35:37 About a guy.
00:35:40 Like this abomination.
00:35:44 And they are forced.
00:35:47 In their headline.
00:35:50 To call that thing a woman.
00:35:59 And they are forced to call that thing a woman so that they can stay.
00:36:04 On Twitter.
00:36:09 And so they don't get banned from other platforms because if.
00:36:11 In this headline.
00:36:13 They called this thing a man.
00:36:18 Or a demon.
00:36:21 They would not be allowed on.
00:36:22 All these platforms.
00:36:30 A substantial amount of the right, and I'm not saying breaking nine on one is on the right, but they're.
00:36:35 Not on the left.
00:36:37 I'm just using them as one example.
00:36:39 Everyone everyone knows what I'm talking about here.
00:36:41 There are so many people that have cut to this.
00:36:44 This is why you lose ground.
00:36:47 They would prefer to stay.
00:36:48 On the platforms.
Speaker 6
00:36:53 Oh, them. Reaching more people.Devon
00:36:55 With what with telling people?00:36:57 That this is a woman.
00:37:11 You mean like?
00:37:12 Are you really reaching more people?
00:37:14 If if you're telling?
00:37:15 People, that's a woman.
00:37:18 You're just saying what?
00:37:19 What the?
00:37:20 I mean, you've you've conformed so much to the mainstream talking points.
00:37:26 How are you alternative?
00:37:27 Media at that point.
00:37:38 And there's a lot of people that do this.
00:37:41 They stay on these.
00:37:42 Platforms and censor what they say.
Speaker 3
00:37:47 Some of some.Devon
00:37:48 Of whom do it to a ridiculous degree?00:37:54 Using like *******, almost like an entire new coded language.
00:38:01 More reach, more people.
00:38:02 No, you you don't.
00:38:05 Not if I have to learn a whole other language to understand what you're even ******* talking about.
00:38:22 What you should be saying is your advertisers reach more people.
00:38:29 And you get more monetization out of it.
00:38:39 Look, I played the game a little bit too.
00:38:41 When I was still on YouTube making videos on YouTube.
00:38:45 UM.
00:38:48 I dialed it back a little.
00:38:49 Bit at first.
00:38:55 But now this is but this is.
00:38:56 How you lose?
00:38:59 This is how you lose is you start out dialing it back a little bit.
00:39:03 Right.
00:39:03 Well, I can't say that.
00:39:06 That'll get me banned.
00:39:11 And the next thing you know.
00:39:12 You're calling that a woman.
00:39:22 Next thing you know.
00:39:25 You have people on the so-called right.
00:39:29 Talking about based.
00:39:32 Caitlyn Jenner.
00:39:34 She's so stunning and brave, she.
00:39:39 And then and boom.
00:39:40 Just like that, you've lost.
Speaker 6
00:39:46 You gave up so much ground you went.Devon
00:39:49 From just a few years ago thinking like.00:39:51 Ha ha ha.
00:39:52 There's only two genders.
00:39:55 Two you already lost.
00:39:56 Like you already lost that.
00:39:58 In just a.
00:39:59 Couple of years you've it's already.
00:40:00 It's done.
00:40:04 That's how quickly the the right loses.
00:40:07 In the culture rape.
00:40:17 Because they'd rather stay.
00:40:20 On on the platform.
00:40:29 You know, some of these bigger guys, you know like.
00:40:33 Ben Shapiro and all these guys that are still.
00:40:36 Allowed on the bigger platforms, they can't say that that's a that's a demon or a man.
00:40:51 So they can either just not talk about this stuff.
00:40:56 Or they have to conform.
00:40:58 To the the.
00:41:00 The new reality that's being that supposedly they're trying to stop, right?
00:41:04 No, you're.
00:41:04 Letting it in so.
00:41:06 You can stand on the platform.
00:41:08 And look, this is on their own website. Like I said, this is breaking 901 that's on their own.
00:41:13 And I'm not saying breaking 9 ones, supposedly right wing or whatever, but you and I both know that's a big chunk of their audience because just because they they don't ******* lean as hard into the global home.
00:41:26 No ****.
00:41:31 And I'm just using them as an example because.
00:41:36 I don't want to punch right, but you guys all.
00:41:38 Know what I'm talking about.
00:41:40 There's lots of people that.
00:41:43 Try to stay.
00:41:45 On mainstream platforms and it and they, they're basically having to tie themselves into linguistic pretzels just to talk about anything.
00:41:55 Or they have to avoid entire subjects or you know, I mean, you know, I mean it's it's just.
00:42:01 It's painful to watch.
00:42:02 I mean, some of these people, I I used to watch, and now it's just like, how are you?
00:42:07 I mean, it's almost like.
00:42:12 I mean just from AI.
00:42:15 Mental health like if I was a streamer then and there was I couldn't talk about 80% of what I wanted to talk about and I had to like, use all these ******* code words driving ******* nuts.
00:42:31 It would drive me ******* nuts to be that much.
00:42:36 Of a subservient.
00:42:44 To the authority.
00:42:48 To have to while I stream I at least 1000 times in one way or another. Say yes, missus Suh.
Speaker 6
00:42:55 To someone that looks like that.Devon
00:43:01 So I could maybe get some super.00:43:02 Chats or something you.
00:43:03 Know I don't know.
00:43:04 I don't know.
00:43:05 That's just.
00:43:07 This is normal now.
00:43:09 So while it was that that, yeah, that lesbian chick.
00:43:15 Cartoon talking about my, you know, my two moms.
Speaker 6
00:43:25 It's only, I mean, look.Devon
00:43:26 It's only a matter of time.00:43:27 Before the military starts talking about how uh.
Speaker 3
00:43:34 Beautiful women like this.Devon
00:43:41 Or their children, their their drag queen children.00:43:46 Now that's a normal childhood.
Speaker 5
00:43:47 And they'll be right.Devon
00:43:52 They'll be right.00:43:54 You know, Desmond is amazing.
00:43:55 Was on Good Morning America.
00:43:57 That's pretty normal.
00:44:01 So Fast forward like five years doesn't take long, right?
00:44:09 That seems to be it seems.
00:44:11 To be like the the the window for.
00:44:13 It seems to be shrinking.
00:44:17 So maybe it won't even.
00:44:18 Be five years, maybe in two years, they'll be doing.
00:44:22 Little cartoons to try to recruit ********.
00:44:24 I don't know.
00:44:31 But that's an American, you know.
00:44:35 That thing on the screen.
Speaker 6
00:44:40 This is why.Devon
00:44:41 Being an American is so pointless now.00:44:43 Like it, it doesn't mean anything anymore, because that's an American.
00:44:56 Is it even possible to have?
00:44:58 Pride in being an American if that's an American.
00:45:27 I mean it's it's, uh, you know?
00:45:29 OK, you know what?
00:45:32 We're going to play this video.
00:45:38 I posted this to telegram, also some ****** on Twitter.
00:45:42 Posted this video of they're getting harassed and purposely misgendered at a.
00:45:51 And a Popeye's chicken.
00:45:58 And I watched this video and it was just like all I could think of.
00:46:02 And everyone's wearing.
00:46:03 It's like it's it's, it's such a nightmare scenario because it's all these, all these.
00:46:17 Fast food it's such a picture of America that it's it's depressing because it's like all these overweight.
00:46:25 You know, diverse.
00:46:29 Fast food workers wearing masks.
00:46:34 Getting yelled at by a white ******.
00:46:38 For being misgendered.
00:46:40 Like it, it's it's like you couldn't think.
00:46:43 Of a a more American scenario than that.
Speaker 5
00:46:53 You couldn't. You couldn't.Devon
00:46:54 Hope for a more American scenario than that.Speaker 6
00:47:00 But really?Devon
00:47:01 Only 10 years ago, if you watched that video.Speaker 6
00:47:04 It wouldn't make any sense.00:47:07 You wouldn't even know what the ****.
00:47:09 You were watching?00:47:11 You wouldn't you would you would just think.
Speaker 6
00:47:13 This is video of just.Devon
00:47:16 There's all these ******* people in masks yelling at some ******.00:47:21 Like what the ******?
00:47:21 Going like, but now you watch it.
00:47:23 You know exactly the context.
00:47:26 Because it's so American now.
Speaker 5
00:47:28 That you want you, you.Devon
00:47:30 Get the context just by watching it.00:47:40 I'm trying to play the video but it's.
00:47:41 Not wanting to.
00:47:49 Is not wanting to play.
Speaker 2
00:48:05 Oh, here we go.Devon
00:48:10 Try to download it again.Speaker 8
00:48:14 I didn't.Speaker 9
00:48:15 No, stop.Speaker 2
00:48:24 Why is this not playing?Devon
00:48:26 Oh, there it goes.00:48:26 OK, yeah, this this would be a baffling, baffling ******* video.
00:48:36 Just a handful of years ago.
Speaker 9
00:48:38 I didn't say no.Devon
00:48:39 It would make no ******* sense.00:48:41 You wouldn't even know what you were watching.
00:48:44 You would just think this is insanity.
00:48:48 This is insanity.
00:48:50 And now you are 1000% understand.
Speaker 9
00:48:54 No, stop turning gas like trans people and tell us that we're crazy.Speaker 8
00:48:54 The context of this.Speaker 9
00:48:58 You need to ******* be mindful of other people and stop being a ******* scumbag and you're a liar.Speaker 8
00:49:01 I didn't say.Speaker 9
00:49:03 I heard.00:49:04 You stop ******* calculating trans people.
00:49:08 Wait, what?
00:49:10 Did you call me Sir again?
00:49:12 What was that you said?
00:49:12 Goodnight, Sir.
00:49:15 I'm gonna be talking to corporate about you, ************.
00:49:17 **** you.
00:49:18 OK, that's ********.
00:49:20 You don't ******* harass trans people at work.
00:49:23 Yeah, you didn't.
00:49:23 I'm walking down.
00:49:24 You're like, have a good night, Sir.
Speaker 8
00:49:25 That's funny.Speaker 9
00:49:25 What the **** you up?00:49:26 No, you don't ******* do this to transfer.
00:49:29 This is discrimination.
Speaker 8
00:49:30 I didn't say when I.Speaker 9
00:49:30 No, this is it's gonna.00:49:31 It's not ******* done with it.
00:49:34 No, I'm going to talk to Clipper Buzz, you know?
00:49:37 Get out of the.
00:49:38 Hey, you know, it's all the stupid things when you're Captain Karens.
Speaker 8
00:49:41 I didn't even say.Speaker 9
00:49:42 You call me Sir and you're talking to call me Sir on the left.Speaker 8
00:49:44 The second time.Speaker 9
00:49:45 This is transphobic harassment.Speaker 8
00:49:47 Oh my.Speaker 9
00:49:48 You're a ******* bigot.00:49:50 Alright, Alex.
00:49:51 Not I.
00:49:52 I can't wait to.
00:49:55 This is America.00:50:03 Bunch of low IQ, frumpy people and mass.
00:50:12 Working ****** jobs.
Speaker 3
00:50:20 While decadent.Devon
00:50:30 Disintegrating white population.00:50:34 Gets mad about being misgendered.
Speaker 9
00:50:37 He admits twice calling me Sir.00:50:40 You lied about the person.
00:50:41 Now you called me Sir?
00:50:45 Yeah, but you suddenly sucking, harassing people?
Speaker 8
00:50:47 But I never harassed you.Speaker 9
00:50:48 It's a slur.Speaker 8
00:50:49 I never said, Sir.Speaker 9
00:50:49 Do you not understand?Speaker 8
00:50:51 I never said, Sir.Speaker 9
00:50:51 If you like?00:50:52 Like if you call the person like, don't ******* you dead on the well, I don't care.
Speaker 8
00:50:52 I never said, Sir.00:50:54 I never said, Sir, I, but I never.
Speaker 9
00:50:58 I have the right to be ****** about it.Speaker 8
00:50:59 I never said, Sir.Speaker 9
00:51:00 You ******* kid.Speaker 8
00:51:01 I said I'll lock the joints.Speaker 9
00:51:02 We *******.00:51:03 Have you?
00:51:04 Tired and I'm gonna hold you accountable people.
00:51:07 Since people need to be held accountable for how they treat trans people.
00:51:10 And I'm not going.
00:51:11 To put up with this.
00:51:11 **** anymore.
Speaker 8
00:51:12 You're crazy bro.Speaker 9
00:51:13 You're *******.00:51:14 Don't call me ******* bro.
00:51:15 Stop ******* don't swears at me, you ******* ***** ** ****, mother.
Speaker 8
00:51:18 Have a good night, sis.Speaker 9
00:51:20 **** you.00:51:21 Hey, your sis.
00:51:22 How your ******* bro.
00:51:24 You know him?
00:51:25 Oh, you wanna touch James signs?
00:51:27 Having you?
00:51:28 Alright, alright, alright.
00:51:29 **** you us.
00:51:31 Ohh suck.
00:51:32 If you wanna talk about ******* **** now, why is it that you ******* weird?
00:51:36 Since people are so obsessed with sex, you.
00:51:39 All liking discrimination going on?
00:51:41 And your brain goes to ******* ***** sucking.
Speaker 8
00:51:43 You're scaring me, Sir.Speaker
00:51:45 Thank you.Speaker 9
00:51:45 Don't look at call me Sir.00:51:47 This is.
00:51:47 This is transphobia right here at the top.
00:51:49 To find.
Speaker 8
00:51:50 Your store OK.Speaker 9
00:51:51 Yeah, you know, yeah.Devon
00:51:56 Again, you watch this and you know exactly what's happening.00:52:02 You can picture yourself being in that scenario somehow, or being in that restaurant.
00:52:08 And seeing this happen.
00:52:11 You wouldn't be confused.
00:52:12 You wouldn't be like.
00:52:13 What the **** is?
00:52:14 Is even happening here.
00:52:17 Because that's now a little slice of Americana.
00:52:23 That could be a Norman Rockwell painting now.
00:52:32 When you say America first.
Speaker 6
00:52:35 That's the America.Speaker 3
00:52:37 That you want first, you know like just.00:52:40 That's that. That is the.
00:52:41 One thing that like I.00:52:43 Think if you're if you.
00:52:44 Want to say if you want to say America?
00:52:45 First I get it but.
00:52:47 You need to realize.
00:52:49 What America is now?
00:52:55 And maybe you're being sneaky and you're thinking that you're using coded language when you say that in like America first, really, what you really mean?
00:53:06 Is like founding stock Americans first, but maybe need to be more explicit because this is America now.
00:53:16 This is what you want first.
00:53:20 ******** getting misgendered, and Popeyes.
Speaker 2
00:53:23 Like America? Yeah.Devon
00:53:38 Lesbian lesbian Moms raising a.00:53:45 Whatever the **** her name is, or.
00:53:47 That's America.
00:53:49 That's what you want first.
00:54:01 The Black Lives Matter people.
00:54:03 Look how Mary that's can't get more American than that.
00:54:08 A lot of their families have been here 400.
00:54:10 ******* years.
00:54:15 That's longer than a lot of the people that say America first.
00:54:26 And look, I'm not picking on America first.
00:54:28 I'm just making a.
00:54:28 Point about what America is now.
00:54:31 Something you got?
00:54:32 To keep in mind.
00:54:38 Like that?
00:54:39 Like, that's what you're that's what you have to work with.
Speaker 5
00:55:00 Which video is this?Speaker 9
00:55:01 I could feel the pole.Devon
00:55:03 OK.00:55:05 Well, maybe talk about that in a second.
00:55:14 All right.
00:55:24 So they still want you eat the bugs.
00:55:30 It's going to be Cicada season.
00:55:33 We actually get them out here quite a lot.
00:55:38 They get, you know, we get them every year, but then they have, there's like that seven-year cycle. I don't know where we are in that cycle but for some reason and it's different, it's not only the same nationwide but the.
00:55:55 The way that they reproduce.
00:55:59 For whatever reason, every once there, I think it's.
00:56:01 I think it's seven years every seven years or so.
00:56:06 There's this huge infestation of sacadas, in part in parts of.
00:56:11 The country well.
00:56:12 I guess part parts of the world really.
00:56:15 Where they're just ******* everywhere.
00:56:18 And it's just a ******* mess.
00:56:20 Like it's it's really gross when it happens and why not eat them.
Speaker 6
00:56:30 Let's eat the bugs.Devon
00:56:32 They're really keen on you eating bugs.00:56:37 While simultaneously.
00:56:43 And again, this is something.
00:56:44 That was on my telegram here.
Speaker 2
00:56:53 Da da da.Devon
00:56:56 Oops, while they tell you that you.00:56:58 Need to eat bugs?
00:57:02 And that you shouldn't be eating beef.
00:57:09 Turns out.
00:57:17 Like so many other instances, where do as I say, not as I do.
00:57:26 The country that consumes the most protein and I guarantee you they're not getting it from bugs.
Speaker 5
00:57:32 Is Israel?Devon
00:57:37 According to the United Nations.00:57:40 Every Israeli eats.
00:57:42 4.53 ounces.
00:57:45 Every day, on average.
00:57:50 The world average is only 2.65.
00:57:58 They're eating double the protein.
00:58:05 And they want you to eat bugs.
00:58:08 I'm telling you, I eat steaks all the time.
00:58:11 All the time now.
00:58:13 It's great.
00:58:14 I feel great and UM.
00:58:20 Yeah, it's just great.
Speaker 3
00:58:23 Eat red meat.Devon
00:58:25 Lots of red meat.00:58:32 Do not eat the bugs.
00:58:40 Historically, what?
00:58:41 What cultures have you eaten?
00:58:43 What populations eat bugs.
00:58:48 Not exactly the the geniuses among us.
00:58:53 Not exactly the innovators among us.
00:59:00 And there's absolutely reasons for that.
Speaker 3
00:59:03 And meat.Devon
00:59:05 Isn't just protein.00:59:08 You don't get the same out of eating a steak like nutritionally, you don't get the same out of.
00:59:12 Eating a steak.
00:59:13 As you would if you were to get the exact amount of protein that's in that steak.
00:59:19 And extract it from.
00:59:22 I don't know.
00:59:22 Like peas like.
00:59:24 That's a big one right now.
00:59:25 P protein.
00:59:30 Or bugs you know.
Speaker 5
00:59:33 If you were.Devon
00:59:34 To extract the protein from peas or bugs.00:59:39 Same same amount as you have in.
00:59:42 The steak.
00:59:43 Nutritionally, you're still getting robbed.
00:59:49 And red meat specifically.
00:59:50 You can live.
00:59:51 Like I said, there's people that live exclusively, exclusively.
00:59:56 Off of beef.
00:59:58 Now you can't do that.
00:59:59 With every meat.
01:00:01 Maybe you can do.
01:00:01 That with beef.
Speaker 2
01:00:07 All right, all right.Devon
01:00:12 Right along.01:00:18 Mine still OK.
01:00:20 I thought for a second.
01:00:21 Maybe I wasn't even streaming anymore.
Speaker 6
01:00:25 So they're they really want you.01:00:28 They really want you to get the vaccine.
01:00:34 Like they really want you to.
01:00:36 Get the vaccine.01:00:39 Look, I've been shocked by a whole lot.
01:00:41 When it comes to this vaccine stuff, you know, like doing the making different regulations and and and trying to have all like, Oh well we we're not going to force you to get the vaccine.
01:00:52 But you know if if you don't, then you know you can't do this and you can't do that.
01:00:58 They trying to Add all these obstacles.
Speaker 6
01:01:02 You know, I I I I fully.Devon
01:01:04 Understood that that was going to be.01:01:05 A thing and I do the same with the.
01:01:09 You know, if you get the vaccine, we'll give you a ******* donut.
Speaker 6
01:01:14 If you get a vaccine, you know.Devon
01:01:16 We'll give you some Popeye's chicken, and then you can run into a ****** and and have.01:01:19 That fun experience.
01:01:20 Right.
01:01:21 But this is a little interesting.
01:01:24 I did not expect.
01:01:26 This level of obviousness.
01:01:33 Two weeks from tonight, on May 26, we will announce a winner of separate drawing.
01:01:40 For adults who have received at least their first dose of the vaccine, this announcement will occur each Wednesday for five weeks the.
01:01:47 Winner of Wednesday.
Speaker 3
01:01:49 Will receive $1 million.Devon
01:01:53 Get your vaccine, you'll win $1,000,000.Speaker
01:02:02 That's that's.Devon
01:02:06 That's that's overplaying the hand a little bit.01:02:09 That's that's trying too hard.
01:02:16 Well, it's it's so late now.
01:02:17 The birds are waking up.
01:02:21 Going to be loud as ****, aren't they?
01:02:30 And like I said, this is this is the insomnia stream morning Show edition.
01:02:35 At this point.
01:02:41 You'll just have to get used to the bird sounds because I'm not closing all the doors.
01:02:47 And keeping the heat in.
01:02:49 My AC is still not hooked up.
01:02:50 It'll it'll.
01:02:51 I'll probably do that today.
01:02:54 It's uh.
01:02:56 I'm trying to.
01:02:57 I'm trying to hold out as long as I possibly can, not because of it, you know, not cause like cost.
01:03:01 Or something like that.
01:03:02 I just want to.
01:03:05 Acclimate as much as I can, and honestly, I just don't like.
01:03:09 It's so ******* loud like the AC is so loud that it it I I just enjoy the I'd rather be a little hot.
01:03:19 And in the peaceful quiet, you know?
01:03:21 The birds chirping in the background and.
01:03:24 And all that good stuff I'd rather have.
01:03:26 That than the uh.
01:03:27 The because once it's on it, it pretty much does.
01:03:30 It doesn't turn off.
01:03:32 The AC never is able to keep.
01:03:34 Up with the heat.
01:03:39 I mean, maybe at first, but certainly once it.
01:03:41 Really gets hot.
01:03:44 It's just, it's just a sound you have in your house for and it's not like it's not quiet.
01:03:50 It's just like it's it's just, oh, I guess I hear that all the time now.
01:03:58 So I'm just I I don't.
01:03:59 I don't know.
01:04:00 I enjoy the the I enjoy the the stillness in the air.
01:04:07 But anyway.
01:04:08 Yeah, $1,000,000 a $1,000,000 though.
01:04:10 That's that's uh.
01:04:13 That's some of the the the positive pressure they're putting on to you now. Let me see if I find a new story about this to get the details of how you win this $1,000,000.
01:04:31 Mike Dewine, I like how.
01:04:35 His name sounds like.
01:04:39 Some black guy that Black Lives Matter would murderize.
01:04:46 And and there's only five winners.
01:04:48 They're giving out five.
01:04:51 Five different.
01:04:56 That's a rather short.
01:05:02 Are you kidding me?
01:05:03 This is weird.
01:05:04 They're making me read the whole.
01:05:12 Alright, so here's the.
01:05:15 And here's the entire tweet thread of Mr.
01:05:19 Mike de Wine two weeks from tonight.
01:05:22 We already that one the next.
01:05:23 One is the pool.
01:05:25 Of names for the drawing will be derived from the Ohio Secretary of State's publicly available voter registration database.
01:05:35 Saying I guess.
01:05:35 Had to be a registered voter as well.
Speaker 3
01:05:38 Further we.Devon
01:05:39 Will make available a web page for people to sign up for in the drawings if they are not in the database.01:05:45 OK, let's open to all open.
01:05:47 To all people, even if you're not a registered.
01:05:49 Voter The Ohio Department of Health will be sponsored be the sponsoring agency.
01:05:55 For the drawings.
01:05:57 And the Ohio Lottery will conduct them.
01:06:00 The money will come from existing federal coronavirus relief funds.
01:06:06 So they have so much Corona bucks coming from the federal government, they've got $5,000,000, which is really honest. That's like a drop in the ******* bucket.
01:06:16 I I don't know what the exact number allotted to Ohio is, but I mean $5,000,000. I can tell you just that's not as much money as it sounds when you're talking about federal government spending.
01:06:28 $5,000,000 is ******* chump change.
Speaker 2
01:06:32 UM.Devon
01:06:34 To be eligible to win, you must be at least 18 years of age or.01:06:38 Older on the day of the drawing.
01:06:41 You must be an Ohio resident and you must be vaccinated before the drawing.
01:06:46 We will have further specific details tomorrow and in the days ahead.
01:06:53 I know some might say de wine. You're crazy. This $1,000,000 drawing idea of yours is a waste of money.
01:07:00 But truly, the real waste at this point is in the pandemic. When the vaccine is really readily available to anyone who wants it. Is the life lost to COVID-19?
01:07:15 There you go.
01:07:16 And what kind of?
01:07:17 Replies. Do we get?
01:07:20 Well, let's see here. I.
01:07:21 Mean you can never know what.
01:07:22 These replies.
01:07:23 I I hate that the the.
01:07:25 The algorithm that Twitter uses with replies you never know like is this actually like a popular reply?
01:07:32 Is this?
01:07:32 Are you showing this to me because?
01:07:35 Maybe people that follow me liked it, or you know, you mean like you never know.
01:07:39 Like, exactly why this is the reply that you're being shown.
01:07:44 Uh, let's take a look here.
01:07:46 I've been thinking a lot about paying people to get vaccinated.
01:07:49 That money surely can be used to help feed house people.
01:07:52 I am a firm believer in natural consequences, so there's someone.
01:07:55 Who's against it?
01:07:57 Uh, there's other people who get the they're against it, but for the the the different reasons they're not against it because of the it's it's trying to motivate people to get vaccinated.
01:08:10 They're against it because they think people should already want to be vaccinated.
01:08:14 My wife and I were discussing how to incentivize.
01:08:17 Vaccines last week and came very.
01:08:19 Close to this idea.
01:08:20 So there's.
01:08:23 No one skeptical of of this at all, and the replies that I'm being shown at least.
01:08:29 So that's the positive.
01:08:32 That's the positive.
01:08:37 Influence that they're trying to use to get you to to go vaccinate yourself.
01:08:42 And now let's take a look at some of the negative.
01:08:48 The negative ****.
01:08:51 They're trying to use.
Speaker 2
01:08:54 Where did that go?Devon
01:09:06 Now the negative.01:09:09 Is you won't be able to go to college.
01:09:13 Look, according to me.
01:09:15 And many of you, that's not really a negative, you know.
01:09:20 Oh no, I can't get in into.
Speaker 6
01:09:23 Still, loan debt.Devon
01:09:28 But it will further create a what really what that's that's doing is incentivizing more compliance I I mean.01:09:36 College already does that.
01:09:38 You know college already.
01:09:41 By the time you graduate, it's like a certificate saying that.
01:09:44 You're a compliant, Normie.
01:09:48 In many ways it is.
01:09:50 And this is just.
01:09:52 Solidifying that it's just, it's just increasing that.
01:09:58 As a compliant norming.
01:10:02 So again, they can't force you to do it yet, or I mean they could, but they.
01:10:06 They've decided that that's a bad move.
01:10:11 That won't be as successful.
01:10:14 Since they're not pushing it.
01:10:15 Yet now a lot of people have been showing me these videos.
01:10:20 Of the vaccinated.
Speaker 5
01:10:26 Doing like TikTok videos.Devon
01:10:29 And and whatnot.Speaker 9
01:10:31 I could feel the pole.Devon
01:10:32 And complaining that.01:10:41 Are sticking to the injection site.
01:10:47 Now I spent a lot of time going through these.
01:10:52 And trying to find out.
01:10:57 If I could see any kind of.
01:11:00 I don't know if I could debunk it, quote UN quote.
01:11:05 Or if I could figure out why this.
01:11:08 Would be going on.
01:11:14 Now here's the best I.
01:11:15 Can come up with here after watching several of these videos of people sticking magnets to the injection site.
Speaker 6
01:11:25 It does appear.Devon
01:11:27 As though, at least in some of these videos.Speaker 3
01:11:33 There might be.Devon
01:11:35 Some truth to it.01:11:38 In some it kind of looks like a stretch.
01:11:40 You know, it's hard to tell.
01:11:41 Like maybe it is, maybe it's not.
01:11:43 But it's really hard to tell just by looking at the footage.
01:11:46 Because you can stick anything to your skin, right?
01:11:48 Like you can get any kind of flat smooth.
01:11:52 Piece of metal like you could get like a penny and ram it onto your sweaty skin and get it to stick.
01:11:58 You're right, and none of these people are hanging upside down, right?
01:12:01 That's the other thing.
01:12:02 You'll notice is.
01:12:04 That they might stick it to their arm, but.
01:12:06 There's usually some kind of inclined to it.
01:12:08 You know, it's never even just straight up and down.
01:12:10 You know, there's always like a little bit of an incline.
01:12:12 And see how she's kind of holding.
01:12:15 On there for a second.
01:12:18 But what kind of the the magnetization would be that they're claiming?
01:12:25 It's not that extreme, and anyone that's used a weak magnet, you understand that they kind of behave in that way anyway, right?
01:12:33 If you try to get like a.
01:12:34 A weak magnet like those those magnets that are almost like business cards, they're just they're printed on that weird.
01:12:43 Rubber that has like that magnetic coating on the back and they're meant for like your refrigerator or something like that and you try to use those to pick up something that's metal and good luck.
01:12:56 Right.
01:12:57 So when you have like very weak.
01:13:00 They're not going to, really.
01:13:03 Stick very hard and so some of these people are trying to.
01:13:06 Stick heavy magnets onto this site.
01:13:09 That it it would.
01:13:11 What would it be connecting to?
01:13:13 So then you think about.
01:13:14 All right, well, if there is some like.
01:13:15 This one right there like.
01:13:16 That last one just looked kind of ridiculous, but.
Speaker 6
01:13:23 There's enough of them.Devon
01:13:25 There's enough of them.01:13:27 And I and as I watched them, I looked for signs of, like, attraction.
01:13:31 Right.
01:13:32 So where where like the the magnet maybe springs out of their out of the where it it changes course right momentum where like you can tell like they're moving in One Direction or even like this this.
01:13:45 This one right?
01:13:46 There that that one's more up and down.
01:13:50 Now there's a.
01:13:51 Couple of them.
01:13:51 They're more convincing than other ones, right?
01:13:55 And there's so many of them.
01:13:59 That you have to think, OK?
01:14:01 Well, there might be something to this.
Speaker 3
01:14:03 There might be.Speaker 5
01:14:05 Something weird where you have.Devon
01:14:09 Something that's magnetic.01:14:12 Inside the injection site.
01:14:15 After you get.
01:14:17 The vaccine.
01:14:20 And as and one of the thing that that, that, that.
01:14:23 Makes this a little more.
01:14:27 I don't want to say believable, but just a little more interesting is look, these are these aren't these aren't like anti vaxxers quote UN quote.
01:14:35 I mean, these are people that got the vaccine.
Speaker 6
01:14:38 Like these are.Devon
01:14:39 These are people that that are the people making these videos are people that got the vaccine.01:14:43 Unless they're all faking it.
01:14:46 So they already got it.
01:14:48 They're not saying saying that, like, oh, I'm scared of vaccines and, like, look, they'll make magnets, stick to you or something like.
01:14:56 That they're saying that I there you got it.
01:15:01 See right here. I guess this one's like right there. You saw a little bit like you do see a little bit of the attraction.
01:15:08 Of it sticking there.
01:15:10 So I thought to myself, well, what?
01:15:11 Kind of things.
01:15:14 What kind of things would make that happen, right?
01:15:19 Now you could have the obvious one is you could have some kind of metal.
01:15:24 Metal in the the vaccine itself?
01:15:27 Mean if it was mercury, if it was enough mercury.
01:15:30 To have a magnet stick to it, I think it would.
01:15:33 Just kill you.
01:15:33 So it's not going to be like mercury.
01:15:37 And then if you people have thought it well, it's nano robots.
01:15:42 It's ******* nano robots.
01:15:44 Well, then honestly, if it is nano robots or.
01:15:47 Something like that.
01:15:48 You should.
01:15:49 I would.
01:15:49 You should magnetize the hell out of them.
01:15:53 Because then you would make them inert.
01:15:58 You know that that's.
01:16:01 That's exactly what I'd be doing.
01:16:02 I've got this old electromagnetic tape eraser.
01:16:08 From the 1970s, I think.
01:16:11 And it's what you would use to blank out reel to Reel Tapes or videotapes.
01:16:17 And it's just it's just a giant electromagnet that that you plug in and you.
01:16:22 Hit this button and.
01:16:23 It goes.
01:16:24 And just like *******.
01:16:25 Destroys whatever whatever you're trying.
01:16:29 Anything that's like, if you if you wiped it around a hard drive while it was on, it would not just erase the hard drive, it would probably destroy all the the circuitry that was attached to it.
Speaker 6
01:16:44 But if I had.Devon
01:16:46 A magnetic spot on my arm.01:16:50 Where I got a vaccine.
01:16:52 Again my my beef with the vaccine isn't even based on ohh.
01:16:57 I have like this science or whatever.
01:16:58 No, it's just based on the simple idea that I'm not going to inject myself with something I don't know what's in it and it's developed by people that want me dead.
01:17:09 Call me crazy here.
01:17:11 Get this mystery juice, Devin.
01:17:13 This mystery juice that's that has has not been scrutinized long at all.
01:17:20 I mean it's.
01:17:20 It's experiment, admittedly experimental, and let us inject it.
01:17:25 Into your body.
01:17:27 You know the people that that we openly talk about how we want you dead.
01:17:31 Let us inject it into your body to keep you safe from something that poses no threat.
01:17:40 That's why I I'm I'm not getting the vaccine.
01:17:44 It's not because of magnets.
01:17:47 It's not because of.
01:17:49 Anything else that I've been able to find, I mean, and look, I'm I'm trying.
01:17:52 I've been going through lots of stuff about this because it's some people.
01:17:55 Ask me about.
01:17:56 It now and I'm trying to.
01:17:57 I'm trying to.
01:17:58 Wrap my head around it.
01:18:04 I don't need.
01:18:05 I don't need magnets.
01:18:05 Tell me.
01:18:07 To tell me.
01:18:07 Not to get this ****.
01:18:10 But I just thought this there's enough of these videos like there's enough.
01:18:14 There's so many of them.
01:18:15 There's enough of these videos to where it's at least.
01:18:17 Something you should be aware of.
Speaker 3
01:18:19 And I don't know if maybe some of.Devon
01:18:21 You guys got the.01:18:23 Got the vaccine or maybe a family member got the vaccine.
01:18:27 You should have them try the.
01:18:30 The magnet test.
01:18:37 You should have them try the magnet test.
01:18:39 I don't know how long that lasts.
Speaker 6
01:18:42 I mean, there's only so many things.Devon
01:18:43 That are magnetic.01:18:49 Like I said, it's not.
01:18:50 Mercury, that that would mean that you'd be dead.
01:18:53 If you put so much ******* mercury in your arm that it was.
01:18:56 Holding a magnet to.
01:18:56 It you'd be ******* dead.
01:18:59 So I don't know what it would be.
Speaker 6
01:19:13 The world is crazy.01:19:14 The world's crazy right now.
01:19:19 Got magnetizing.01:19:25 Shots going into your arms.
01:19:33 I'm not going to show the video.
01:19:34 There's a video on my telegram.
01:19:36 I'm not going.
01:19:36 To show you guys.
01:19:37 It's just it's.
01:19:39 Horrific enough, if you really want to see some some salmon America, you can go on my telegram.
01:19:48 I'm not going to make your eyes bleed.
01:19:50 I've seen it too many times myself.
01:19:52 Just every time I scroll past there.
Speaker 6
01:19:57 Oh again.Devon
01:19:59 Because I'm batting 1000, always batting a ******* thousand.01:20:04 Funny how I just talked about this a couple streams ago.
01:20:08 How it wasn't that long ago where the talking point from libertarians, from everyone in, in conservative circles, even even.
Speaker 3
01:20:16 People on the.Devon
01:20:18 In fact, that was their big thing was assimilation.01:20:22 Oh, don't worry, guys.
01:20:23 Don't worry about all this immigration.
01:20:25 They're going to assimilate.
01:20:27 Right.
01:20:27 Like that was the big argument, and I was mentioning, you know, it's it's funny because you don't even hear, like, no one even says that anymore.
01:20:37 Like they used to at least lie and say that the immigrants are going to assimilate.
Speaker 6
01:20:44 And now if you said.01:20:45 That you would be, they'd be they.
01:20:46 Would they'd say you were a bigot.01:20:52 Illegal alien and assimilation.
01:20:56 Among words, Biden bans from immigration agencies or immigration agencies from using.
Speaker 6
01:21:05 You can't even say it now legally.Devon
01:21:09 In those agencies.01:21:14 You can't even say assimilation.
01:21:33 So there you go.
01:21:37 They never intended that.
01:21:38 I mean, the whole idea was to undermine and destroy your culture and society and people.
01:21:44 So of course they didn't want the new, even if that was possible, right?
01:21:48 Even if it was possible for the immigrants to come and.
01:21:56 They didn't want that.
01:21:58 They would never want that.
01:22:06 But it was never possible.
01:22:14 It was never possible to get with, so it was all a lie and now they can't.
01:22:19 Now that the lie has been so successful.
01:22:24 They they they're banning. Why?
01:22:27 Imagine that they've made so much progress by lying to boomers and and everyone younger than boomers and older. I guess just everyone for the last. Since the 1960s, they've been so successful.
01:22:43 With their lie to the American people saying that immigrants would assimilate.
01:22:50 That it's now so unnecessary to use that lie.
01:22:56 That they're banning it, they're banning the use.
01:22:59 Of the lie.
01:23:18 That's where we're at.
01:23:19 No assimilation.
01:23:21 If anyone has to assemble it, it's going to be you.
01:23:24 You have to assemble to this new version of America that we're all living in.
01:23:36 This new version of America.
01:23:46 You are the enemy.
01:23:49 You are the enemy, and if you do.
01:23:51 Anything at all.
01:23:55 They will come down on you like a ton of bricks like this guy, so I'm sure you guys all remember this photo from January 6th.
01:24:07 January 6, as they were shooting Ashley Babbitt in the ******* neck.
01:24:17 Some black guy we don't know who he is because they're protecting him because he's part of the protected class now and you are the scum, the vermin, the dispensable, the disposable.
Speaker 5
01:24:31 You are trash.Devon
01:24:34 Trash doesn't deserve to know.01:24:37 Who's taking out the trash?
01:24:39 It's trash.
01:24:44 So as they were murdering Ashley Babbitt, this guy.
01:24:50 Decide to pose for some photos.
01:24:53 Hanging out in someone's office? I don't know. I don't. I don't know if this is Pelosi's office.
01:24:57 Or I don't know whose office this is.
01:25:03 And the federal government came after him like a.
01:25:06 Ton of bricks.
01:25:13 And his family went broke.
01:25:16 Trying to pay for lawyers.
Speaker 6
01:25:22 Sold their cars, sold their house.Devon
01:25:30 And is now down to a public defender.01:25:34 And the best he could get.
01:25:37 Was seven years in federal prison.
Speaker 3
01:25:46 Seven years.Devon
01:25:50 That's less than what the I think those black chicks that murdered that Uber driver are getting they're getting, like, three years.01:26:08 And look at this ******* ****.
01:26:10 She's celebrating it.
01:26:16 Because you're the trash.
01:26:18 And you got to be taken out.
01:26:22 Good thing you trusted the plan though, right?
01:26:40 I bet he trusted the plan.
Speaker 6
01:26:55 And look the the.Devon
01:26:57 Just the fact I mean, it's not just his life that's ruined.01:27:00 So this whole family, right, that that financially ruined them.
01:27:04 Because he can't.
01:27:05 Do a go fund me.
01:27:11 There's no billionaires offering up.
01:27:17 You know, with their nonprofits, you know, some kind of help.
01:27:21 There's not an infrastructure set up to help.
01:27:23 People like this.
01:27:25 Trump will never mention this guy.
01:27:30 Or even donate any money.
01:27:34 And hell, if you're someone in law enforcement or someone who works anywhere for the government, and you were to donate to this.
01:27:41 Guy, you'd be out of a job.
Speaker 3
01:27:49 But we're going to.Devon
01:27:50 Vote our way out of this right.01:27:54 Maybe if we vote harder, the entire system won't be a weapon used against us.
Speaker 3
01:28:05 All we need.01:28:07 All we need.
Speaker 6
01:28:09 Is to keep voting in.Devon
01:28:11 Base senators until over half of them are based.01:28:18 And then get the Presidency and then.
Speaker 3
01:28:20 And then you'll see.01:28:21 Then you'll see Devin, you black pilled fagot.
01:28:24 Then you'll see.
01:28:26 Then you'll you'll you'll understand the the error of your ways.
01:28:36 See, all we have to do?
01:28:38 All we have to do.
01:28:42 Is get half of the House and Senate to be based.01:28:48 And then the Presidency, and then, you know, we can overturn all the eight, the, the, the agencies will, will, will mass fire all the the heads of all these agencies and only hire based people.
01:29:06 And then we'll we'll do education reform.
01:29:08 We'll get rid of all these people and the the schools, all these Deans of these colleges, we'll just replace them with based people.
01:29:18 And then we'll replace all the people in the propaganda establishment. You know, the people in Hollywood and and all these companies, and we'll unseat all the CEO's at every media company. We'll just.
Speaker 6
01:29:35 Don't you see?Speaker 5
01:29:38 So simple.Devon
01:29:54 Ignorance is bliss, and that is the exact word I would use to describe the look on his face in that moment.01:30:02 He has no idea.
01:30:06 No idea what's coming.
01:30:18 He has no ******* clue.
01:30:34 And that's what you look like.
01:30:35 If you think we're going to vote.
01:30:36 Our way out of this.
01:30:42 Putting your feet up on the desk, kicking back with your American flag.
01:30:50 Taking pictures.
01:30:56 Completely unaware of the *** ******* of a lifetime that you're about to get.
01:31:25 We're going to make him part of.
01:31:26 The background.
01:31:49 Just subtly in the background kicking back.
01:31:53 Getting ready to do 7 years for walking into a building and sitting in a chair.
01:32:00 Well the the.
01:32:03 The ruling class allows the people that.
01:32:07 Really are a danger to the public, not to them, but to the you know.
01:32:14 To get off Scott.
01:32:15 Free in many instances, and when they actually do have to get in trouble, it's just a.
01:32:20 Slap on the wrist.
01:32:30 You have to live like a criminal.
01:32:31 This guy didn't know that yet.
01:32:32 This guy didn't know that he was a criminal.
01:32:34 And in what he thought was his country.
01:32:40 You're in someone else's country now.
01:32:42 You can't behave like this when you're in someone else's country.
01:33:01 All right.
01:33:03 We're going to wrap things.
01:33:04 Up Sun's coming up and I don't know how much longer the internet's even.
01:33:09 Going to hold up.
01:33:12 So it's going to be kind of a short one.
01:33:14 Let me make sure there's nothing else I.
01:33:15 Wanted to cover.
01:33:16 Tonight kind of zoom through some stuff.
01:33:20 There is. Uh.
01:33:23 Oh, you know what?
01:33:24 And I put this on a lot of people might be scratching their.
01:33:27 Heads I put this on uh on telegram.
01:33:32 There's a video that's getting spammed out in a lot of places, and it's not something I'm not saying like oh, everything in this video is true.
01:33:41 Let me see if I can screenshot.
01:33:43 I think a lot of people will know just cause it's been spammed out so ******* many places at this point.
01:33:52 Let's see.
01:34:00 OK, hang on one second.
01:34:02 I'll bring this up.
01:34:08 I was going to go through some of the clips in this video.
01:34:10 It's a long it's.
01:34:11 Like a 5 hour long ******* video.
01:34:14 But hey, if you listen to my streams, you like long chat, right?
01:34:21 No, it's not a.
01:34:22 **** joke either.
Speaker 7
01:34:26 Where is this at?Speaker 2
01:34:36 Why is this not?01:34:44 Here we are.
01:34:47 OK, so there's this.01:34:56 There's this video here where it's this guy.
01:34:58 I guess he's some kind of celebrity of some sort.
01:35:06 Winner of X Factor, which is like some kind of show that's.
01:35:13 Maybe in Europe, right.
01:35:14 He sounds.
01:35:14 I think he's Australian though, so maybe it's an Australian show, or maybe there's an Australian version.
Speaker 6
01:35:21 But it's just.Devon
01:35:21 Some Celebrity Australian celebrity probably lower Case C Celebrity I don't.01:35:26 Think it's like a big deal.
01:35:29 Who did this?
01:35:32 Well, like 5 hour long video about the Masons.
01:35:37 I know people.
01:35:38 Are saying, oh, it's you.
01:35:39 Know people talk about the Masons.
01:35:41 That's so, you know, 1960s or 70s. We all know it's the Jews. Well, first of all, you got to realize when you're talking about the Masons.
01:35:51 You're kind of talking about, I mean, look.
01:35:55 Yeah. Look, look over that.
01:35:59 Guys, head. Let's see here.
01:36:10 Yeah, it's.
01:36:11 You're not really talking about.
01:36:12 Two different things, OK.
Speaker 6
01:36:16 And in fact, look.Devon
01:36:18 I don't know.01:36:19 It's interesting.
01:36:19 It's an interesting watch.
01:36:22 He does point out some things.
01:36:24 Like I say I don't get into like the symbolism stuff I don't get into the where he he he heavily focuses on the symbolism stuff, but it's it's it's it's interesting enough to at least.
01:36:40 Take a look at it if.
01:36:41 You have the time.
01:36:43 And I would.
01:36:43 Really like to know there's that guy on YouTube who's like a Jew who used to be a Mason and now he's Orthodox.
01:36:52 Uh, **** like brother, something like I want.
01:36:58 To say Augustine or something.
01:36:59 Like I don't know if that's right.
01:37:01 But there's that guy I'd like to know because.
01:37:04 He wrote a book.
01:37:06 About I guess he used to.
01:37:07 Be a Mason.
01:37:09 And he wrote a book, I think called the Masons and their lies or something like that.
01:37:15 I've caught a couple of his streams.
01:37:22 I don't know the guy personally, so I don't know how legit he is, but I'd like to.
01:37:26 I mean, if he used to.
01:37:27 Be a Mason.
01:37:28 I'd like to at least know his take on this video that's making the rounds.
01:37:33 But he does point out a few things, and I was thinking as I.
01:37:36 Was washing it.
Speaker 6
01:37:38 A lot of times it.Devon
01:37:41 When you talk about the Jewish influence, you can't just talk with the Jewish influence because there's so many goys that seem.01:37:47 To go along with it.
01:37:48 Right.
01:37:49 And you can only say, well, it's blackmail.
01:37:53 I mean, so often, yeah, it probably is a lot, you know, the Epstein island stuff and everything else.
01:37:59 But it just seems.
01:37:59 Like there's gonna be more to it than that, right?
01:38:01 But it always says it's always seemed like there's got to be more to it than that.
01:38:06 And I think it's quite possible that.
01:38:10 Maybe not the Masons, I don't know.
01:38:12 I don't know.
01:38:13 Like I said, it's worth.
01:38:14 A watch.
01:38:17 But maybe at least some kind of secret society.
Speaker 6
01:38:21 And we know we know.Devon
01:38:21 For a fact that that a lot of these ******* are involved in secret societies and maybe it is the Masons who knows this guy and his video says it's the Masons and lays out his case for that in a very long but thorough video.01:38:36 And I have a long attention span for this stuff, so I like it when people.
01:38:40 Kind of make their case very thoroughly and you know extensively in the way that this guy did or did in this video, and you can find it all over the place.
Speaker 6
01:38:52 The link that.Devon
01:38:53 I put on my telegram.01:38:54 I don't know.
01:38:54 I don't think it's the official one.
01:38:56 Ohh, I literally all I did is I went on bit shoot and looked up X Factor exposed.
01:39:01 That's how.
01:39:02 That's how it was getting like, promoted.
01:39:04 And I found like 4 different results.
01:39:06 And I just copied and pasted the first one into telegram.
01:39:09 So this this.
01:39:12 That's how you can find it it.
01:39:14 Used it was.
01:39:14 On YouTube, I don't, maybe it still is.
01:39:18 But I I just downloaded it and started watching it and not all.
01:39:22 The way through it.
01:39:24 I watched like and by watched, I mean like mostly I listened and there's it's not as long as like it's I think the the video itself is like 5 hours.
01:39:34 Long, but there's.
Speaker 3
01:39:35 Huge long things.Devon
01:39:36 You can Fast forward through like he'll, for example, talk about oh.01:39:40 Well, you know.
01:39:41 One of the ways that you can tell that that there's all these Masons.
01:39:45 They they they use this symbology, you know, they, they, they'll, they'll.
01:39:50 He talks about the.
01:39:54 Like one of the symbols.
01:39:56 Yes, let me try to shrink.
01:39:58 This down a.
Speaker 2
01:39:58 Little bit so we can see it better.Devon
01:40:05 You know, like the.01:40:08 The hand over the eye, right?
01:40:10 And so he'll show.
01:40:11 Like all these examples.
01:40:14 Of celebrities doing this and look, it is weird.
01:40:21 You know, it is weird that there's so many of these.
01:40:24 But in the video, he'll.
01:40:25 He'll because he'll show so ******* many of the examples of what he's talking about.
01:40:30 They're like 5 to 10 minute long blocks of the video that it's just it's just silence because he's just.
01:40:37 It's just he's playing.
01:40:41 It's like a slideshow.
01:40:44 Of all these different.
01:40:45 People doing exactly the same symbols and stuff.
01:40:48 Like that and just like I said.
01:40:50 It's interesting to look at.
01:40:52 It's interesting to look at.
01:40:54 And it's worth considering some of the things that he's talking about.
01:40:59 And like I said, I'm not endorsing that or.
01:41:00 Anything like that?
01:41:02 I just found that something that if you.
01:41:06 If you're interested in figuring out the world according to this guy, he is a former Mason.
01:41:11 He's been in close proximity to a.
01:41:13 Lot of these people.
01:41:15 And uh, you know, he's he's seen a lot of.
01:41:17 These symbols.
01:41:19 And knows the meaning and uses, you know and and and.
01:41:22 And he's very like in his presentation.
01:41:25 He tells you all of his sources.
01:41:27 It's not just some crazy rant about Masons, he he references the.
01:41:33 The writings of of the Masons.
01:41:36 You know, I've got a copy.
01:41:37 Of morals and dogma.
01:41:40 The Albert Pike book and I I haven't.
01:41:43 I've never made it all the way through that ******* thing.
01:41:45 It's so thick, but I've made it through enough to know that this guy is right about at least some of what he's talking about.
01:41:57 And yeah, it's it's when you want to.
01:42:00 When when you want to understand things like.
01:42:03 Well, why? Why? Why?
01:42:05 Does it seem like there are so many non Jews that go along with this Jewish influence?
01:42:10 I think this is.
01:42:11 A piece of that puzzle.
01:42:13 I don't know how how how exactly right?
01:42:19 This guy is with his with his Masonic theory or whatever.
01:42:25 But I think that it's at least a piece.
01:42:28 Of that puzzle.
01:42:30 I think it's at least a part of it and the video is again, if you have the time to kill.
01:42:36 I think it's worth checking out, so I put a link to that in my telegram and I haven't seen the whole whole thing.
01:42:45 I'll be finishing it probably up today as I'm getting my air conditioner ready.
01:42:53 But I thought that was.
01:42:56 I I saw getting spammed everywhere.
01:43:00 And at first I was wary of it.
01:43:02 Because of that, right?
01:43:04 But I think it might have been actual people that liked it, spamming it everywhere.
01:43:09 After I I was like I've been.
01:43:11 I put on the back burners like I got to watch this and finally started watching it the other day or.
01:43:15 Yeah, I started watching the other day and it was like I said, it's not bad.
01:43:21 It's not bad.
01:43:22 It's got some interesting points.
01:43:25 And so it's worth a watch.
01:43:30 OK, so with that, I'm going to just briefly take a look at chat.
01:43:35 For those of you who are actually here. Oh, we got up to 280 people. That's kind of nice.
01:43:40 And then I'm going to bail.
01:43:43 Because I think my internet's going to die anyway.
01:43:46 Pretty soon here.
01:43:49 Here's why the vaccines might be magnetic and tell these things spread out in the body.
01:43:53 They appear to have.
01:43:54 Interesting applications also might be why they could be stored.
01:43:59 They must be stored pretty cold.
01:44:05 OK, let me.
01:44:09 And I'm just going to screenshot that because I can't.
01:44:11 It's not showing up as a.
01:44:15 Has a link someone saying New Times, no?
Speaker 6
01:44:17 My Internet wasn't.Devon
01:44:18 Working when I was going to go.01:44:20 Live this is this is.
01:44:22 You're lucky you got this string.
01:44:24 I was just gonna not strap for, like, an hour.
01:44:25 I was just like, you know, just go to go to bed.
01:44:30 But like.
01:44:32 I stuck with it and.
01:44:36 Now it's still.
01:44:39 Now it's now it's working alright.
Speaker 6
01:44:43 The Donald posters are pretty.Devon
01:44:45 Red Pilled on the JQ and that's a huge community.01:44:49 Really. The Donald?
Speaker 6
01:44:52 The Donald was pretty ******* pro Israel.Devon
01:44:54 Oh, you mean like they have their own site now, right?01:44:56 Because they.
01:44:57 Got kicked off of.
01:44:58 Of Reddit, I've never been to the new site.
01:45:01 I just assumed that.
01:45:04 They were still very pro Israel because.
01:45:06 There was a big rift.
01:45:08 In fact, I used to go to Donald and meme and ship, you know, back then.
01:45:15 It's been a long it's been a long journey.
01:45:18 Been a long time since then and that was one of the reasons I stopped going is I I figured out the JQ and and and we started to realize oh this this whole subreddit seems to be maybe run by.
Speaker 2
01:45:30 Massad you know, like maybe.Devon
01:45:35 So yeah, someone just said I got banned from the Donald for asking JQ questions.01:45:40 Yeah, so I.
01:45:41 I don't know.
01:45:43 Maybe the maybe the?
01:45:45 Website That they've got now is different, but when it was on Reddit.
01:45:49 It was totally not.
01:45:51 Not, you know, it's like Murdoch.
01:45:53 Murdoch has that the character that represents the Donald who doesn't get it.
01:45:59 That's the way.
01:45:59 That's why I stopped going to the Donald is I I started to see that.
01:46:05 You know, before it was a character, but that's why that character is funny.
01:46:16 Frequency to start base Tam radio net that is something that I think we should do.
01:46:21 Another thing I was thinking we should do is do kind of like a propaganda campaign.
01:46:27 On ham radio.
01:46:30 Because there are so many other Nets that already exist where they.
01:46:33 Talk about politics.
01:46:34 And most most not all, but most.
Speaker 6
01:46:37 Of them are.Devon
01:46:38 Aside from the the they.01:46:39 All love the vaccine.
01:46:41 They all love the vaccine.
01:46:42 Boomers love the vaccine because they're terrified of death.
01:46:45 UM.
Speaker 6
01:46:47 If you if you.Devon
01:46:49 Go and join some of these already existing Nets where they start talking about.01:46:53 Well, I mean they sound like the Donald, right?
01:46:55 They start talking about how they love Israel and and stuff like that.
01:46:59 It's very it's very Fox News, you know, they talk about how, you know, based what based Hannity said last night and.
01:47:08 So there's an opportunity there, I guess.
01:47:11 It's going to have limited reach though. Is the problem is, you know you're basically talking to people who are on their way out, you know, like I I said the other day, I talked to a guy who was 97 ******* years old.
01:47:22 So is it really worth it to go and try?
01:47:25 To Red Pill, 97 year olds, I mean I.
01:47:28 Don't know, but in addition to the.
01:47:31 People that you'd be if you join some of these Nets and start talking to the.
01:47:37 The boomers that are on them, you're not just talking to the people that are.
01:47:45 With Ham Radio, there is actually again I don't.
01:47:47 Know if it is a significant enough number for it to matter, but there is a significant number of people who just sit there and.
01:47:56 Listen to this stuff.
01:47:58 You know that that's that's like a hobby of theirs.
01:48:00 You know, they don't participate.
01:48:02 In fact, some people are listening on the Internet.
01:48:04 You can do that you can.
01:48:05 If you just look up web SDR.
01:48:08 It's like if you ever been on on Fortran and seeing those threads about Sky King.
01:48:13 And they they give you the.
01:48:15 The web if you want to listen to the Sky King broadcast, they'll give you a link to it using an SDR that's in.
01:48:23 I don't know where it's it's somewhere in Eastern Europe or in the Nordic.
01:48:28 Part of Europe.
01:48:30 I believe I don't know if that's because I don't know why.
01:48:32 Apparently the reception to Sky King is really good.
01:48:34 Sky King is this military?
01:48:37 Broadcast that that happens all the time and and a lot of autistic people.
01:48:43 I mean, it's encoded, right?
01:48:45 It's they're just using coded language and sometimes there's like a lot of activity on it and sometimes there's not so much, but it gets autistic people.
01:48:54 'S You know their panties in a bunch when there's a lot of activity on it.
01:48:58 Uh, so they go and listen to it and pretend they know.
01:49:00 What it means the.
Speaker 6
01:49:02 But they use.Devon
01:49:03 A web SDR and you can there's web SDR antennas in California, Utah, the East Coast.01:49:10 You know, they're all over the place, and so you can TuneIn. Just listen to this stuff and.
01:49:14 Some people do, but that'd be that'd be a.
01:49:18 Fun siop to just go and infiltrate existing Nets and try to red pill them on the on stuff or black pill them, you know, I mean, you know what I mean, but I don't know what it would be.
01:49:29 Would it be worth it?
01:49:30 I don't know.
01:49:32 You know, I mean because it's kind of like I was talking about.
01:49:34 Like you're never going to red pill the normies.
01:49:37 But it might.
01:49:37 Still be fun.
01:49:38 It could be fun.
Speaker 6
01:49:39 And you might, it might be fun.Devon
01:49:41 And you can record it.01:49:42 And you might you might get some funny situation and be entertaining.
01:49:46 You know like.
01:49:47 When I was on blood on the belly.
01:49:49 Of the beast.
01:49:50 Stream the other day and and she said like, how do you, you know, cope with this kind of stuff that's happening?
01:49:57 It's like you got to laugh, right?
01:49:58 It could.
01:49:59 There could be some lulls.
01:50:01 And and confronting.
01:50:03 Boomers on ham radio about some of this stuff, right?
01:50:05 Could be funny.
01:50:07 Anyway guys.
01:50:10 So let me talk about I'm going.
01:50:12 To take one more, one more question here and.
01:50:15 Then I'm going to.
01:50:19 National politics have been half lost since the Civil War.
01:50:22 They've been effectively lost, definitely in our times.
01:50:25 Congrats on a very good stream with blunt.
01:50:28 It was way better than your stream for the Film Festival.
01:50:31 I guess sleeping before going to.
01:50:33 Stream. Is it? Yeah.
01:50:37 What was the idea with the talking security?
01:50:39 I don't know.
01:50:40 Like I had this security.
01:50:41 Camera that.
01:50:43 That kept losing Wi-Fi connection, so I kept screeching about losing the Wi-Fi connection.
01:50:52 And yes, the the Film Festival stream was rough because I was just so tired.
01:50:57 I I only had slept in two days by.
Speaker 6
01:51:00 The time I had to do that.Devon
01:51:05 But yeah, anyway, glad you guys liked it.01:51:07 So with that, I'm going to close out of here.
01:51:12 Sorry for the late start.
01:51:13 Hope I didn't **** anyone.
01:51:15 Sleep schedule up.
01:51:18 Oh, and the reason why the last stream wasn't uploaded to Odyssey as it was, and the Odyssey funked up.
01:51:23 And so that's why it was only on.
01:51:26 I'm going to try in what little time I have and what might be Internet working to get the previous stream on to Odyssey and this stream onto Odyssey and bit shoot, but I'll I'll prioritize getting this one on the bit shoot.
01:51:45 And we'll see what happens. It just odyssey. It's done that a couple of times where it gets almost 100% and then.
01:51:50 Just ******* eat ****.
01:51:52 And I'm sure a lot of it's because of my Internet.
01:51:55 It's not.
01:51:55 Maybe not odyssey.
01:51:56 But bit shoot and bit she's done that.
01:51:59 Maybe once or twice.
01:52:03 But you know, there's nothing I can do about that.
01:52:06 And then once you know, once the once the Internet stops working, that's it's done, you know, like even if I spent all day uploading, it wouldn't get there.
01:52:14 So I'm going to end this quick and then we'll, I'll start uploading things.
01:52:19 So for.
01:52:20 Black pill.
01:52:20 I am of course.
01:52:22 Devin stack.
Speaker 10
01:52:27 Yes, is very good for families to taking judo lessons.01:52:32 Ohh yes is make for togetherness friend.
01:52:42 First, I are recommending A10 easy bronze medal family brand. Very cheap, very cheap, that's for sure. Next year into additional plenty silver medal.
01:52:58 Special discount prices, big bargain.
01:53:01 Big bargain.
01:53:02 Ah, yes.
01:53:04 Then for a few more misery dollars.
01:53:07 You are illegible for gold medal, diamond medal, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
Speaker 4
01:53:17 What is etcetera, etcetera made in Japanese soccer?Speaker 10
01:53:25 Ohh that's for sure.01:53:29 Excuse please.
01:53:30 A sound like a new customer.
01:53:35 Yes, please.
01:53:36 What can I do?
Speaker 4
01:53:37 For you, dad, I wanna sign up for some private judo lessons.01:53:42 Prowlers gotta learn to protect himself if he's gonna stay in business.
01:53:46 These days, right? Ohh.
Speaker 10
01:53:49 That's for sure, that's for sure.Speaker 4
01:53:51 Yeah, by the way, your husband's with you regret.Speaker 10
01:53:55 You're not just a whistling Dixie.