

Speaker 1
00:12:13 Why didn't?
Speaker 2
00:02:03 You wait.
Speaker 4
00:02:05 Street light in your head and dead on your feet.
00:02:10 Well, crazy day.
00:02:13 Drink the night away and forget about everything.
00:02:19 This city desert makes you feel so cold.
00:02:22 It's got so many people, but it's got no soul and it's taking you so long.
00:02:29 Find out you were wrong when you thought it held everything.
Speaker 2
00:02:38 So easy, he used to say that it was so easy, but.
00:02:44 You're trying. You're trying now.
00:02:54 Be happy.
00:02:56 Just one.
Speaker 4
00:03:43 We down the street, there's a light in its place.
00:03:46 He opens the door, he's got that new corners face and he.
00:03:51 Has you went in?
00:03:53 You're telling me you've seen and you're talking about anything?
00:03:59 He's got this dream about buying some land.
00:04:02 He's gonna give up.
00:04:04 The booze and one night stands.
00:04:07 And then you'll settle down in some quiet little town and forget about everything.
Speaker 2
00:04:16 But you know he's never gonna stop, is he?
00:04:32 When you wake up, it's sunshine.
Speaker 5
00:06:12 My back is breaking my head.
00:06:17 This **** up.
Speaker 5
00:06:18 I'm taking take my.
00:06:40 And machine my body jerk.
Speaker 2
00:06:53 OK.
00:07:08 The big.
00:07:29 Call doctor confidence.
Speaker 5
00:07:32 What I got?
Speaker 6
00:08:27 Can't find my wallet.
00:09:45 Welcome to the insomnia stream.
00:09:50 I am your host.
00:09:52 Devon snack.
00:09:55 This is the what is it?
00:09:57 The colony edition.
00:09:58 The colony edition.
00:10:01 We'll get into that in a little bit.
00:10:07 Great stream for you tonight.
Speaker 3
00:10:10 I was debating on.
00:10:11 Whether I had time to.
00:10:12 Do it again because he was busy, but see, this is I'm always coming through for you guys always coming through.
00:10:19 That's that's just how I am like I'm the hardest working man in showbiz.
00:10:27 Oh, I actually got some sleep last night.
00:10:29 I got a little bit of sleep last night, which is unusual, but but very welcome.
00:10:35 Tonight is the colony edition.
00:10:36 We're getting that in a second.
00:10:37 First and foremost, though, I want to show you a a a wonderful sign.
00:10:44 Import the third world.
00:10:45 Actually, before that.
00:10:49 People are, I don't know why just people were asked, kept asking last I think 2 streams.
00:10:53 People were asking about Twitter and I.
00:10:56 Told him. Look, I'm.
00:10:56 Not gonna on my deck.
00:10:57 Steven account.
00:10:58 I'm not going to delete a tweet.
00:11:02 I'm not going to bend the knee.
00:11:04 However, I did uh ask for appeal on the original black pill account that got banned back in 2019.
00:11:14 And they unbanned it with 0 followers.
00:11:18 But they unbanned it.
00:11:20 And I just realized my little voicey dealy thing is not on.
00:11:25 So we're going to turn that on.
00:11:28 Look at that.
00:11:29 Look at that.
00:11:30 Can't believe I I spaced opening this thing on.
00:11:34 Let's see here.
00:11:35 There we go.
00:11:37 There we go.
00:11:38 Now it's like I'm live now.
00:11:42 OK.
00:11:45 So the old, the original Black Pilled Twitter account is now I guess back.
00:11:53 Probably won't use it a bunch because Twitter is.
00:11:56 Kind of ******* gay.
00:11:58 Twitter's kind of ******* gay, and so I'll probably use it to make announcements or whatever or Friday to look **** up on Twitter for some reason or whatever, but.
00:12:08 I I I just don't I I think.
00:12:10 That it's better if we support.
00:12:13 Platforms like Gab, you know, and odyssey and stuff like that, these platforms that.
00:12:20 Don't police your speech and don't bend the knee to the ADL and don't actually.
00:12:26 There's like the two big things.
00:12:29 There's the two big things.
00:12:31 I don't want Jonathan Greenblatt to be able to decide what I can say.
00:12:35 Publicly, and he kind of.
00:12:37 Gets to decide that on.
00:12:38 Twitter kind of a little bit.
00:12:41 A little bit.
00:12:42 He gets to decide that.
Speaker 3
00:12:44 Now you could say, oh, no, it's Elon, Elon.
00:12:47 You know, I guess.
00:12:49 I guess.
00:12:51 But he's the one that was.
00:12:52 Saying no, no, you have freedom of speech, just not freedom of reach, which was basically a a Jonathan Greenblatt quote.
Speaker 3
00:13:02 No, he's not even wrong.
00:13:03 Like if you look.
Speaker 3
00:13:04 You look at my Twitter first of.
00:13:06 All I had like I had like I don't remember what it was.
00:13:08 I feel like I feel like it had like 50,000.
00:13:11 Followers. But it was so long ago I that could be way off or it could be like really close it just in my head. I had 50,000 followers on this account.
00:13:21 I now have a random number below 1000. It changes every time I open the page. Sometimes it's 300, sometimes it's like.
00:13:30 Right now it's 193. Earlier today it was 1050. So I don't know how that works. It's all over the ******* map. Lots of people saying that when they try to follow me.
00:13:41 And then they refresh.
00:13:42 It says they're.
00:13:43 Not following me.
00:13:45 So, I mean, there's that too.
00:13:47 I mean the fact that it's ******* broken, it doesn't work.
00:13:50 Have you ever tried playing videos on Twitter?
00:13:54 Now, how is it that Gab has that figured out and Twitter can't can't just play videos?
00:14:00 Right.
00:14:02 I don't.
00:14:02 Know so.
Speaker 3
00:14:06 But it's there, it's.
00:14:07 There, if you want to follow it.
00:14:11 People were asking.
Speaker 3
00:14:12 About that, I will tell you one.
00:14:13 Thing one thing that was weird.
00:14:16 So I tweeted out something like, you know, hey, you know, I'm back or something like that.
00:14:22 Got a bunch of comments from people saying stuff like ohh.
Speaker 3
00:14:28 I remember that guy like you still make YouTube videos, so it's just like, oh, I don't know, like part of me is like, oh.
00:14:37 We get to reach people, but then it's like.
Speaker 3
00:14:38 Do we really want those?
00:14:39 People like do we?
00:14:41 Do we?
00:14:43 I don't know if we want those people.
00:14:44 If you're just like, oh, this guy, this guy, this guy who made the peppy cartoons, right, there's the guy that like Trump.
00:14:53 It's like, do we really, I mean.
00:14:56 Ohh really I just used hmm I.
00:14:58 Don't know if we uh.
00:15:00 Might be better off.
00:15:02 Might be better off for.
00:15:03 Some of these I don't know.
00:15:05 I don't know.
Speaker 3
00:15:07 So, uh yeah, there was.
00:15:10 There was, uh, I I guess I'm back on Twitter.
00:15:13 Kind of a thing, sort of.
00:15:15 But yeah, it's not.
00:15:16 I'm I'm.
00:15:17 I'm more.
00:15:18 I'm more on gab than I am back on Twitter and I'm look, I'm not really on gab that much either.
00:15:25 If you guys noticed I'm not into the social media.
00:15:30 But one thing I did notice when I came out of the Twitter just one of the videos that popped on and that's the other weird thing is everyone, I'm following on Twitter it it's it's whoever I was following in 2019.
00:15:42 Early because I got banned in February of 2019, so it's like it's it's four years ago. Whoever more than over four years ago.
00:15:52 So the only people I'm following.
00:15:54 Are people I was following over four years ago.
00:15:59 Not that I've changed dramatically, but I.
00:16:01 Mean. I don't know.
00:16:03 So there's a lot of, I don't know.
00:16:06 That's the other thing too, is I don't even know who who, who's even still on.
00:16:09 Is there anyone on Twitter that's even interesting anymore?
00:16:12 Like like?
00:16:13 I feel like that's the.
00:16:15 You know you have to be this interesting to be banned from Twitter.
00:16:21 But anyway.
00:16:26 This video popped up in my feed and it cracks me up.
00:16:30 It just cracks me up.
00:16:31 There's all these boomers like ohh the decorum, the lack of decorum, the lack of the decorum in in the in.
00:16:37 The House of Representatives.
00:16:39 And and no one pointed out the obvious right that you mean because it's a black guy, right?
00:16:45 Like just say it, just say it that the lack of the quorum, it's because it's it's a ******* black guy.
00:16:51 It's a black guy.
00:16:53 Pretending he he's wearing white face.
00:16:56 You know he dressed up in a white man's suit, you know, went to the white man's house representatives and and his, you know, on these committees with the white man and.
00:17:05 He's he's he's trying.
00:17:06 To be a real boy.
00:17:07 And every once in a while, yeah, it's you.
00:17:11 You can only pretend to be someone else for so long before the before the real you comes pouring out.
Speaker 9
00:17:20 Children at home flowers pressing them, force them to respond to the question why the hell would you do anything to save America's children and let them explain that all the way up until Election Day of 20?
00:17:34 24.
00:17:35 Let them explain it all the way up to the.
00:17:38 Election Day on 20/20.
00:17:39 4 they're freaking cowards.
00:17:41 They're gutless.
Speaker 5
00:17:42 What do you?
Speaker 1
00:17:43 They're not here.
00:17:44 I'm talking about gun violence.
Speaker 9
00:17:46 You know, there's never been a small suit.
Speaker 2
00:17:49 In his school that allows teachers to carry.
Speaker 9
00:17:54 More death.
00:17:55 You're close.
00:17:56 Once you're out here.
00:17:57 Or death.
00:17:58 Look at the data.
00:17:59 You're not looking at any data your data.
Speaker 3
00:18:05 And like how the old.
00:18:06 White man tried to swoop in.
Speaker 3
00:18:07 And go, oh, come on, come.
00:18:10 On you silly *****.
Speaker 1
00:18:30 Have you ever won?
00:18:35 Have you ever.
Speaker 2
00:18:36 Worked in the school.
Speaker 1
00:18:38 Have you ever worked in the state?
00:18:42 So yeah, Speaking of guns, it's basically a chimpanzee with a machine gun.
00:18:46 But I'm looking forward to this.
00:18:47 I'm looking forward to more **** like this because I want to see.
00:18:52 I want to see Republicans who don't see race that have a black friend that that love Thomas soul.
00:18:59 I want to see Republicans in the house.
00:19:01 In the Senate anywhere.
00:19:04 You know, in, in, in, in.
00:19:06 State houses everywhere, all across the country I want.
00:19:09 To see these.
00:19:11 These Republican above it all, like the people that call people like me cynical.
00:19:17 They're you're so cynical.
00:19:19 We can make this work somehow.
00:19:22 I want them to experience diversity the same way that you and I have to experience it.
00:19:32 That's all I'm going to say because I think if you say anything beyond that it's you get in trouble.
00:19:38 I just, I think it's only fair.
00:19:41 I think it's only fair that these people who think diversity is our strength and they do, you look you find me a single Republican in the house or the Senate, you walk up to them and ask them, do you believe that diversity is our strength?
00:19:55 You find one.
00:19:57 That says no.
00:19:59 You won't.
00:20:00 You won't.
00:20:03 Not a single one of them will say no.
Speaker 3
00:20:10 And let's let's let's add to that.
00:20:13 You find me one.
00:20:15 One of these ************* that you.
00:20:18 Can walk up to.
00:20:19 Again, when they know they're on camera and everything and say.
Speaker 3
00:20:23 What are you going?
00:20:24 To do to help the white community.
00:20:32 You'll get maybe a lot of stuttering and stammering if you get.
Speaker 3
00:20:35 Anything at all.
00:20:40 You ask them what they'll do for the Latino community or the black community.
00:20:44 They've got answers ready to go.
00:20:49 They're all about serving those communities, the Jewish community.
00:20:53 **** you.
00:20:53 Want to?
Speaker 3
00:20:55 You want to see a performance?
00:20:59 Asking what they think of the the Jewish community.
00:21:07 See and that's how you know that Jews aren't white too.
00:21:15 But I am looking forward.
00:21:17 I'm looking forward to our our legislative branch.
00:21:23 Behaving the way.
00:21:26 That third world countries behave.
00:21:30 I want to see I want to.
Speaker 3
00:21:31 See people jumping over.
00:21:33 ******* throwing.
00:21:34 I want to see people throwing chairs I want.
00:21:36 It to be like WWF.
00:21:41 All out ******* brawls.
00:21:46 I want I want I want congressman like curb stomping each other.
00:21:49 Like like I want I want it's look it's C-SPAN is about to finally get exciting.
00:22:04 That's just a fact.
00:22:04 That's just a.
Speaker 3
00:22:05 Fact the emboldened *****.
00:22:10 That phenomenon is not just limited to BLM riots.
00:22:19 This guy knows he's not.
00:22:20 See, here's the thing.
00:22:21 There's no more.
00:22:22 There's no more.
Speaker 3
00:22:23 Penalties for black behavior. Period.
00:22:28 Whether you're talking about the guy on the street who randomly punches a woman in the face.
00:22:38 Or stabs a a child to death.
00:22:41 Or, you know, whatever the ****.
00:22:45 Or this guy.
00:22:46 Just running around.
00:22:47 He's not gonna get sanctioned.
Speaker 3
00:22:52 It's technically against the house rules.
00:22:54 I mean, I don't really care.
00:22:55 I mean.
Speaker 3
00:22:56 I'm not like ohh he.
00:22:57 Like the boomers?
Speaker 3
00:22:58 Like cool, that's that's that's violating the house rule #5, but.
00:23:02 I don't care.
00:23:03 I actually kind of wish there was more.
00:23:04 Like I said, not.
00:23:05 Just cause of the obvious funny reasons, right?
Speaker 3
00:23:08 Because at least then I know they gave.
00:23:09 A ****.
00:23:16 Like just imagine if, like I don't know, any Republican.
Speaker 3
00:23:22 Any Republican at all?
00:23:24 You're like the ones that that you never hear from, but then every once in a while, they they talk tough like Trey Gowdy during, like, some kind of of hearing.
00:23:37 You know, like they're they're like the.
00:23:39 Ted Cruz sound bite?
00:23:43 They go on Hannity and they're like, that's right.
Speaker 10
00:23:46 We need to make sure we stop all this wokeness.
00:23:53 I want I want to see Congressman walking down the halls of Congress going **** these ********.
00:24:02 **** these petal ********.
00:24:06 Look at him.
00:24:06 Tell you you get someone like that.
Speaker 3
00:24:08 Like nothing's gonna happen.
00:24:14 Right.
00:24:14 We don't negotiate with terrorists.
00:24:16 **** these pedo ********.
00:24:17 **** these satanic pedo ********.
Speaker 11
00:24:26 Oh, Devin, you can't do that.
Speaker 3
00:24:30 You think decorum matters.
00:24:34 When dealing with Satanic pedo ********.
00:24:49 So I just thought that I just saw that that.
00:24:52 Was funny anyway, so a lot of guys.
00:24:55 Have been recommending over the last while.
00:24:59 That I take a look at a film that I had no idea what it was about.
00:25:05 It was by the same author.
00:25:07 As or at least it was the movie was based off of.
00:25:11 A book.
00:25:13 That was written by the same author.
00:25:17 As Cider House rules and if you remember the video I did on that and if you don't, you should check it out.
00:25:25 I forget the name of it, but it's it's not a full stream, it's a.
00:25:27 It's a, you know, like a a movie dissection kind of video from, I think from the YouTube days actually.
00:25:36 Where it's basically.
00:25:37 Promoting abortion in a pretty horrific way.
00:25:40 And anyway, the the name of the author is John Irving.
Speaker 3
00:25:48 John Irving, who also wrote the world.
00:25:51 According to GARP.
00:25:54 I was actually surprised I'd never seen it at first.
00:25:58 Because it was a a a 80s film, I believe, right, like early 80s.
00:26:03 Let me see what movie or let's see.
00:26:07 Weird to come out here.
00:26:09 Yeah, 82.
00:26:12 So it was an early 80s film with Robin Williams.
00:26:17 And I thought I'd seen.
00:26:20 You know all the the 80s Robin Williams movies, but I guess I had not.
00:26:25 And then I realized why I had not about halfway through it.
00:26:29 I turns out I had started watching it at one point and I was.
Speaker 3
00:26:32 Like oh **** this.
00:26:36 And I just stopped watching it.
00:26:39 And so thanks. Thanks.
00:26:41 You forced me to watch it.
00:26:42 You forced me to watch it.
00:26:45 And it's all all all this bit of as awful as uh.
00:26:50 Well, is anything else I've been forced to watch, so we're going to.
00:26:53 Go and take a look at that tonight.
00:26:56 The world according to Garp.
00:27:04 Book was adapted.
00:27:07 To a screenplay by Steve Tesich.
00:27:14 Or tesch.
00:27:15 I don't know how you.
00:27:16 Would say that.
00:27:19 But wouldn't you know it?
00:27:22 He's an Eastern European Jew.
00:27:26 Whose family came here around the the turn of the.
00:27:29 Century, like all of them.
00:27:37 Yeah. So anyway.
00:27:38 He's he.
00:27:39 Not only did he did he adapt the script or the book to the to be a script.
00:27:45 He apparently is credited with the term.
00:27:49 Post truth.
00:27:52 Post truth.
00:27:56 And we might take a look at one of his other movies later, just because it's listed in his Wikipedia.
00:28:01 I haven't seen it before. That's for another time. But post truth, which according to Wikipedia post truth is a term that refers to the 21st century widespread documentation of and concern about.
00:28:14 Disputes over public truth claims.
00:28:18 The terms academic development refers to the theories and research that explain the historically specific causes and effects of the phenomenon.
00:28:30 While the term was used academically and publicly before 2016.
00:28:35 Post truth politics, which is a political culture where truth and falsity and honesty and lies have become a full concerned public life and are viewed by popular commentators and academic researchers alike as having an important casual.
00:28:53 Role in a.
00:28:54 Basically what it's saying is.
Speaker 3
00:28:56 People just lie now.
00:28:59 That in terms.
Speaker 3
00:29:00 Of politics.
00:29:02 That truth doesn't matter anymore.
00:29:06 And what actually matters is narratives and emotions.
00:29:13 Telling stories that make people feel a certain way.
00:29:18 Whether they're true or not doesn't matter.
00:29:23 You know very Edward Bernays, if you will.
00:29:30 Very Hollywood, if you will.
00:29:35 Very current political environment, whether you're talking about, you know, Trump, right, that's all emotional. Everything about the the Trump campaign in 2016 and now.
00:29:47 All very emotion based.
00:29:56 You know, leftism just in general is a motion based their entire.
00:30:01 Everything is emotion based.
00:30:07 You know, they're science is emotion based.
00:30:12 So Steve Tesich or tesich?
00:30:17 Who adapted this book?
00:30:21 Apparently coined the term post truth.
00:30:29 We might have to take a look at some of his his other films, but anyway.
00:30:34 We'll get back to some of that here.
00:30:35 In a minute. So.
00:30:37 Let's just dive into the movie itself.
00:30:39 Like I said, I've never seen it.
00:30:41 I didn't know what to expect.
00:30:42 I was going, I was flying and blind and and I.
00:30:45 I only watched it today.
00:30:47 So it's fresh in my mind.
00:30:52 The the movie starts off.
00:30:55 With a baby.
00:30:58 A naked baby.
00:31:02 And look.
00:31:03 At first I'm thinking to myself.
00:31:07 Do you really have to show that that the baby ****?
Speaker 3
00:31:09 And balls.
00:31:10 Like over and over and over again.
00:31:12 And then I was like, well, I mean, maybe.
00:31:14 This is from a time when.
00:31:16 It wasn't as weird, you know, baby.
00:31:19 Well, I don't know, though.
00:31:20 I think that there it was always weird.
00:31:23 And then the boomers made it.
00:31:24 Not weird for like, a few years to, to have naked babies.
00:31:29 And then it got weird again.
00:31:30 I don't because there there is like an era, and this movie is like on the edge of it, where for some reason having naked babies in movies was like a normal thing.
00:31:41 So there's this naked baby.
00:31:44 The first thing you see naked baby.
00:31:46 Over and over and over.
00:31:47 Again, bouncing around on the screen.
00:31:51 And I'm just like, alright, OK, whatever.
00:31:54 I'm going to just pretend like this is hopefully innocent, right.
Speaker 3
00:31:58 It's gotta be, right?
00:31:59 It's a baby, right?
00:32:01 It's it's an.
00:32:01 Literal baby, we're not talking about sexualizing Brooke Shields when she's 12.
00:32:06 The ******* baby.
00:32:07 Alright, so I'm sure it's just innocent.
00:32:11 It then cuts to.
00:32:14 Dog heads harbor.
00:32:16 1944, which I believe is in New Hampshire, if it's a real place because, as you will see later, a lot of this has to do with New Hampshire.
00:32:29 In fact, I'm going to double check that right now I don't remember if it's a real place.
00:32:36 Dog heads harbor.
00:32:45 Maybe it's.
00:32:47 OK.
00:32:47 Yeah, it is New Hampshire.
00:32:50 OK.
00:32:51 So we see this woman with the baby.
00:32:55 Walking to this.
00:32:58 Kind of mansion type estate.
00:33:03 And she walks in.
00:33:04 And you, you realize she's speaking to her parents.
00:33:09 Who are wealthy?
00:33:13 And she says this is my baby mom and dad.
00:33:18 And her parents?
Speaker 3
00:33:21 Are very upset.
00:33:23 Because she's not married.
00:33:27 She just came home with a baby.
00:33:30 She was a nurse.
00:33:32 During the war.
00:33:34 And they they they're just like, well, how do you?
00:33:38 Have a baby.
00:33:38 All of a sudden.
00:33:45 It gets bad.
00:33:46 I'm just going to warn you.
00:33:47 Right now, but.
00:33:48 It gets really bad.
00:33:51 Ohh, it gets so bad.
Speaker 12
00:33:56 I don't suppose you bother to get.
Speaker 1
00:33:57 Married, married.
00:33:58 She never even met the son of.
Speaker 13
00:34:00 A *****.
00:34:00 I didn't want to get married.
00:34:01 I wanted a baby, but a wedding ring, dear.
00:34:04 Need his ring?
00:34:05 I needed.
00:34:06 His sperm.
00:34:08 So right away we're getting to, you know, we don't need a man. A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle kind of feminism. That's styling of feminism, you know, in 1982.
Speaker 3
00:34:20 That's that's that's still the the.
00:34:23 Phase feminism was in.
00:34:25 In the 1970s, women could not get a credit.
00:34:28 Card unless their.
00:34:29 Husband signed for it.
00:34:33 That's just the way.
00:34:34 I mean, it wasn't that long ago, guys.
00:34:37 It wasn't.
00:34:38 Everything went bad in the 70s.
00:34:39 I'm telling you, everything went bad in the 70s, wasn't that long ago.
00:34:44 Where women sure, they could vote but.
00:34:48 No one took him seriously.
00:34:52 No one took him seriously until very recently.
00:34:56 So that level of feminism was in full swing in the 1980s.
00:35:01 In the 70s is when I think the book was written the the book. Yeah, the book was written in 1978.
00:35:09 Or published in 1978.
00:35:11 So right at the peak of that.
00:35:13 Everything going wrong in America and feminism peaking out in 1978.
00:35:21 So the parents are very shocked.
00:35:25 Uh by by this?
00:35:29 And and and they said, well, well.
00:35:31 Well, who's the dad?
00:35:35 And she says the dad is dead.
00:35:39 And then she runs out and they're they run out onto the the.
00:35:44 The porch, and they're like.
00:35:46 Well, what do you mean he's dead?
00:35:47 What happened?
00:35:49 And it's hard to hear the audio like they they shot it in such a way to where all you're hearing is the waves are crashing and whatever.
00:35:55 So the people in the theater, if you're, if you're even, if you're really paying attention, you might not pick up all the words.
00:36:02 You're just going to hear little bits and pieces of.
00:36:05 But because I watched this on a computer and I could, you know, whatever what she says.
00:36:10 And then she and she repeats later on in the film what she says is that while she was a nurse.
Speaker 3
00:36:19 They had an injured pilot.
00:36:24 Because of his injury.
00:36:26 He had an erection because there was a head injury.
00:36:31 And so in.
00:36:32 The middle of the night.
00:36:34 She climbed onto the bed and and ****** the dying guy with the erection.
00:36:41 And got his sperm, you know, raped him.
00:36:46 Got his sperm and then he died.
00:36:49 So we're off to a good start on this movie already.
00:36:53 So she's got a rape baby.
00:36:54 I guess of her doing.
00:36:58 They of course they're shocked and this is so also, that's the moment you're like.
00:37:03 Oh, so maybe the the the naked baby thing.
00:37:05 Not so innocent.
00:37:07 And and if you didn't really understand yet that, like, like, if you're, like, still like, oh, maybe maybe it's still innocent that now it's not because the next shot is young boys looking at *****.
00:37:19 In some kind of orphanage or, I don't know.
00:37:22 They don't really say what it is.
00:37:25 But it's wherever she works.
00:37:28 And they keep trying to mix sex with kids, sex with kids, whether it's visually or just.
00:37:38 Very directly, you know, like in this case.
00:37:41 But or subtly in the background, or you know, it's always sex and kids, sex and kids.
Speaker 14
00:37:48 I wish I was a girl because if I was a girl, I'd take off my clothes and stand in front of a.
00:37:52 Mirror and look.
00:37:53 At myself for hours.
00:37:55 And weird **** like that.
00:37:57 Lots of weird ****** stuff.
00:37:58 I don't know if you guys heard that.
00:37:59 I'm gonna play it again.
00:38:03 I'm going to turn the audio up a little bit.
Speaker 14
00:38:06 I wish I was a girl because if I was a girl, I'd take off my clothes and stand in front of a.
00:38:10 Mirror and look.
00:38:11 At myself for hours.
00:38:15 Literally general dysphoria.
00:38:20 That's why ******** become ********.
00:38:23 Because they get off on the.
00:38:25 Idea of them being a woman.
00:38:28 It's not that they actually think that they're a woman.
00:38:31 And so they, they literally are sexually.
00:38:33 Aroused by the idea of them being a woman.
00:38:39 So the way that that kid is describing, I wish I was a woman because I would just stand in the mirror and stare at myself for hours.
00:38:46 That's literally ******.
00:38:49 And if you have oh, that's not training talk, Devin.
00:38:52 That's just like a kid thinking he wants to see a naked lady all day.
00:38:55 Alright, well, we'll see.
00:38:56 About that.
00:38:56 Alright, we'll we'll see.
Speaker 3
00:38:59 What this movie goes?
00:39:02 So that kid that's crawling around underneath the the bed steals the *****.
00:39:08 And hides it with with the baby under the baby's blanket.
Speaker 3
00:39:14 This is this is all like the.
00:39:15 First few minutes, by the way.
Speaker 3
00:39:17 And then.
00:39:19 They, they, they, they duck and hide because the nurse or the woman in the beginning that raped that.
00:39:26 Who's the mother of this baby?
00:39:28 The rape baby.
00:39:31 Brings in one of the little boys.
00:39:33 Into a side room where it looks like she's giving him a head.
00:39:37 Like the way that they've shot this is it looks like she's giving him head.
00:39:42 And the reason why it's like this is apparently the boy was.
00:39:49 Playing with himself and then accidentally zipped his.
00:39:54 Parts into the zipper, Allah.
00:39:57 Something about Mary.
00:40:00 And so she's having to basically play with his zipper and and and free his his genitals from the zipper.
00:40:09 You know we're we're just like a few.
00:40:11 Minutes in.
00:40:12 We're a few minutes in.
00:40:15 So again, naked baby in the beginning.
00:40:16 Not so innocent.
00:40:17 Now, at this point, I'm convinced.
00:40:19 Alright, you guys were just trying to put ******* baby genitals into the movie.
00:40:24 So Congrats, I guess.
00:40:29 We then meet this baby a little bit more grown up.
00:40:35 He fantasizes about meeting his dad because he all he knows is his dad was a pilot.
00:40:42 His mom hasn't told him anything beyond that.
00:40:51 And then once again, we sexualize children.
00:40:55 He's out playing with the uh the neighbor girl.
00:41:00 And this happens.
Speaker 15
00:41:04 I know how to make babies.
00:41:06 I know too.
00:41:07 How could you?
00:41:08 You don't have a father.
00:41:10 You're a *******.
00:41:11 But I'll teach.
00:41:12 You in the middle.
Speaker 15
00:41:17 Alright, first thing is.
00:41:20 I have a headache.
00:41:21 Ohh my head.
00:41:22 I have a headache.
00:41:23 Not tonight.
00:41:26 Now you're supposed to attack me and pull my clothes off.
00:41:37 They set up a little kid sex scene.
00:41:41 And this is ohh by the way.
00:41:44 Little boy I I this probably the obvious.
00:41:46 The thing I thought was obvious that I I probably should have mentioned at least just in case it's not obvious.
00:41:51 The little baby in the beginning, that's Garp.
00:41:56 Right.
00:41:57 The baby.
00:41:57 That that the rape baby here.
00:41:59 That the woman has also Garp.
00:42:04 The baby's here, also garp.
00:42:08 The the kid here drawing pictures that's GARP growing up.
00:42:13 And the kid who is?
00:42:18 Going to.
00:42:20 Try to have sex with this little girl, also garp.
Speaker 3
00:42:28 So yeah.
00:42:31 There's a look and so they start to actually.
00:42:36 He jumps on her and they start to make out.
00:42:39 And then some dog comes and attacks him.
00:42:44 And uh.
00:42:46 He gets bit and he runs off.
00:42:50 Yeah, sorry pedos.
00:42:52 No full on pedos saying.
00:42:54 Just just a Peto tease.
00:42:58 But don't worry, there's still a lot more sexual weirdness with GARP.
00:43:04 So then Garp goes to watch a bunch of people wrestling.
00:43:09 And the way that they're wrestling cause this is at this I guess it's at a university where his mom is his mom is now a nurse at a university.
00:43:18 Or some kind of school?
00:43:22 And the way that they they shot this, they make it look super gay, they make it look like a bunch of guys basically ******* each other while he watches them.
00:43:31 And then if you're, you know, if there's any ambiguity still.
00:43:35 Then they have him walking into the the locker room with naked dudes everywhere.
00:43:42 And he's like, oh.
Speaker 3
00:43:43 I like this.
00:43:49 He then uh is playing around on his roof.
00:43:54 And almost falls off because he's trying to be like his he wants, he's pretending he's flying an airplane.
00:44:00 And wants to be like his dad that he never met.
00:44:04 But he is he's rescued by his mother.
00:44:10 This old man who runs up to try to save Garp in case he falls.
00:44:17 Is struck by something that falls down from the roof and hitting the head.
00:44:21 He thinks that he caught Garp, but he just got hit in the head by, you know, like a rain gutter or something.
00:44:26 Like that.
00:44:27 And that whole scene is structured in such a way to where you get the idea that men are are useless and you know the the strong independent woman who raped.
00:44:37 A dying man to get pregnant.
00:44:41 She's the strong, powerful woman.
00:44:44 That uh.
00:44:47 That is the future.
00:44:49 Whereas this old, aging white man is the past.
00:44:54 You know, he's just he's just this.
00:44:59 Useless old man that he's so silly that he thinks that he actually helped at all when he didn't.
00:45:06 And that's when in case you missed the audio because of the the oceans and the ocean sounds the very beginning when she's talking about her rape baby experience, here's where she tells the story again, only this time.
00:45:19 In front of GARP.
00:45:21 This is how Garp finds out who his dad really is, cause Garp is in the room.
00:45:27 While she nurses this guy who's a little bit delirious because he.
00:45:30 Got a head injury?
Speaker 13
00:45:33 Quite unabated.
Speaker 6
00:45:34 I see.
00:45:36 I'll just be going.
Speaker 13
00:45:36 Not yet, no.
00:45:37 Not yet.
00:45:38 You'd better rest.
00:45:43 Where was I?
Speaker 14
00:45:44 He kept having erections.
00:45:48 Thank you.
Speaker 13
00:45:50 He was dying.
00:45:52 I wanted a child seemed like a good way to have one without the bother of a husband hanging around who had legal rights to my body.
00:45:59 So one night when I was on duty and the wounded and maimed were all asleep, I went to him.
00:46:04 He was asleep, but his erection was there, as always.
00:46:08 I removed my undergarments and climbed on top of.
00:46:11 Him he woke up, then said the only word other than his name that I ever heard him utter.
00:46:16 He said God.
00:46:19 Didn't take very long and that once was all that was needed.
Speaker 6
00:46:21 You raped him.
00:46:23 You raped dying man.
Speaker 9
00:46:26 Are you alright?
Speaker 6
00:46:29 Yes, I have to get home now.
00:46:32 You've been very kind.
00:46:34 I've never heard anything.
00:46:37 Good night.
Speaker 13
00:46:43 And then he died.
00:46:46 He did die.
00:46:50 So that's how the boy finds out.
00:46:54 Who his dad is.
00:46:57 Some pilot.
00:46:59 His mom raped because she wanted a baby.
00:47:03 But not a baby that any man would have control over.
00:47:09 That was.
00:47:09 Only way she could think of doing it.
00:47:17 So then her parents die.
00:47:23 And she doesn't seem she doesn't seem that troubled by it.
00:47:26 In fact, she's kind of happy.
00:47:28 Tells garp.
00:47:29 Ohh don't worry, everyone dies.
00:47:32 My parents died. I'm.
00:47:34 Gonna die.
00:47:34 You'll die.
00:47:35 It's not a.
00:47:35 Big deal. We all die.
00:47:39 Fast forward several years, GARP is now Robin Williams.
00:47:44 And there's a lot of gay undertones like this guy behind him like that look on his face.
00:47:52 He's like, massaging.
00:47:55 Like very weirdly.
00:48:00 Robin Williams, before he goes into the ring.
00:48:03 To wrestle.
00:48:07 He wins a wrestling match trying to impress a girl that he met.
00:48:12 Who is the?
00:48:14 The wrestling coaches daughter.
00:48:18 Who's this nerdy girl? Who's?
00:48:20 Into books and not sports so much.
00:48:26 She tells him that.
00:48:28 That she's really into writers.
00:48:35 Garp's weird single mom.
00:48:38 Then goes to the uh, the coach and says.
00:48:43 Keep your your daughter away from my my son.
00:48:47 He's lusting after your daughter.
00:48:50 And the couch is just.
00:48:51 Like all right, whatever, weirdo.
00:48:56 And Garp continues to try to date.
00:48:59 This girl that his mom is apparently jealous of.
00:49:03 Like a lot of single moms.
00:49:05 Lot of single moms, anyone who's known like a single mom like, especially the kind of single mom that has like a son.
00:49:13 And then.
00:49:15 Is unsuccessful at dating.
00:49:17 There was this I I worked with this woman a long time.
00:49:20 Long, long time ago.
00:49:21 I worked this ad agency.
00:49:23 And there was this woman that worked there who had a kid that was like, I don't know, like, I don't know, five or six or something like that.
00:49:32 And this is the kind of woman that would, you know, in.
00:49:35 Her dating profile like.
Speaker 3
00:49:36 My son is blah blah blah.
00:49:38 He is my world.
00:49:39 Everyone has anyone who's ever been on online dating.
00:49:43 Has has read.
00:49:44 That sentence, about 1000 ******* times, yeah.
00:49:48 My son, this is my.
Speaker 3
00:49:49 Son bill.
00:49:50 He is my world.
00:49:52 You know or whatever, right.
00:49:54 And so she's she was exactly that kind.
00:49:56 Of of woman.
00:49:58 And I remember many years later, I was scrolling through Facebook.
00:50:02 This is this so still.
00:50:04 It was long ago I was still on Facebook.
00:50:07 And that kid had.
Speaker 3
00:50:08 Grown up.
00:50:09 To be like I don't know, like 15 or 16 or something like that.
00:50:14 And uh.
00:50:16 They were going on vacations together, but it was.
00:50:19 Like it wasn't like.
00:50:20 Hey, me and my son are going to go on a vacation, a family vacation.
00:50:25 It was kind of.
00:50:26 Like a.
00:50:28 Like creepy vibe to it.
00:50:30 Like date vacations, you know like.
00:50:33 Like there.
00:50:34 I don't know like there was just something about the body language and the the selfies they were taking and just the, I don't know.
00:50:42 I got a real I I got real uncomfortable every time she post and and just it was there was something not right about that.
00:50:50 Something not right about that.
00:50:53 So that's the kind of mom.
00:50:55 You get the.
00:50:56 Vibe Garp's mom is to some extent.
00:51:05 So because she says this girl that the coaches daughter says that she'll only marry a writer, he decides he wants to.
00:51:12 Be a writer.
00:51:15 And he starts trying to write stories.
00:51:22 But that girl in the beginning, the little girl that knew where babies came from and wanted him to.
00:51:29 Have sex with her.
00:51:31 She she comes, she shows up at the school.
00:51:35 And bangs him in the forest. And this, the coach's daughter sees and and freaks out and runs away. And.
00:51:44 Is very sad.
00:51:47 So meanwhile.
00:51:50 Garp and his mom they moved to New York.
00:51:56 And while they're walking home to their apartment in New York.
00:52:03 The mom sees a ******.
00:52:07 And says I want to go talk to that ******.
00:52:11 I'm very interested in lust.
00:52:16 And once again you get this super creepy kind of pedo vibe.
00:52:19 Well, not Pedro.
00:52:20 I guess incest vibe.
00:52:24 And then this happens.
Speaker 1
00:52:27 We really can't go.
Speaker 13
00:52:28 Do you like it?
Speaker 1
00:52:31 Very nice, mum.
Speaker 13
00:52:32 What is it about?
00:52:33 Her that you want.
00:52:34 I don't mean.
00:52:35 Just your sex pots.
00:52:36 I mean, is there something else that's satisfying?
Speaker 1
00:52:41 It's it's a combination.
Speaker 13
00:52:44 How do you?
00:52:45 Feel to be wanted in that way.
00:52:47 Does it degrade you to have my son?
00:52:49 Want you in that way or.
00:52:51 Do you think it only degrades him?
Speaker 5
00:52:53 I don't know.
Speaker 13
00:52:57 Do you want her like you want Helen?
00:53:00 Is it the same kind of want?
00:53:03 You really want to have sex with.
00:53:04 Her well, do you?
Speaker 1
00:53:13 Of course I do.
00:53:21 All right.
Speaker 10
00:53:23 Hey, look.
Speaker 15
00:53:24 It's alright with me if your mother wants to buy me food, but she can't.
00:53:27 Come along with us.
00:53:28 No, Jesus.
Speaker 15
00:53:28 No, absolutely not.
00:53:30 I will not have her watching us.
00:53:31 I am still a Catholic.
00:53:33 Believe it or not, you were anything.
Speaker 12
00:53:34 Funny like that, you could just go with it then.
Speaker 13
00:53:34 Like that, I don't intend to watch.
00:53:36 I've heard quite enough.
00:53:37 Thank you so much for your time.
00:53:39 You do what you want to do or what you.
00:53:41 Have to do I guess.
00:53:43 Yeah, mom.
Speaker 2
00:53:44 Don't give me money here.
Speaker 1
00:53:46 Why not?
00:53:47 Because it's illegal, mum.
00:53:49 Because it is.
00:53:50 That's why.
Speaker 13
00:53:50 That's silly. It's her body.
00:53:53 Why shouldn't she use it?
Speaker 14
00:53:54 The way she wants to.
Speaker 13
00:53:58 Yeah, I'll see you later.
00:54:02 Good night.
00:54:04 Thank you so much.
00:54:10 So that that's just out of nowhere, like out of nowhere and the creepy mom gets Garp a a ******.
00:54:19 For for no reason.
00:54:22 Uh, yeah.
00:54:25 And like I said, like as I'm watching, I'm like, uh.
Speaker 3
00:54:29 See, this is I I'm I.
00:54:31 I know I started watching this and it just got to be too much and I was just like, yeah.
00:54:35 No, not no thanks.
00:54:38 But actually this isn't the part that I even.
00:54:40 Like bailed out on.
00:54:46 So he gets home, I guess after ******* the ******.
00:54:49 That his mom bought him.
00:54:51 And now his mom is writing a book.
00:54:54 And it's called sexual suspect.
00:55:00 By the way.
00:55:03 I know they're.
00:55:04 The transvestite gations people are usually just *******.
00:55:13 But in the case of Glenn Close, I mean the name is even Glenn Close.
00:55:20 I kind of understand like thinking that, but yeah.
00:55:25 Anyway, so yeah, she starts writing her book called Sexual suspect.
00:55:32 Meanwhile, Rob Williams, AKA Garp, is also trying to write books.
00:55:39 And then one day, his mother finally finishes her book and says we're going to go to a publisher.
00:55:45 I'm meeting with a publisher and we're going to.
00:55:48 Get my book published.
00:55:50 And the publisher thinks, oh, this, this is seems kind of scandalous, but maybe maybe this could sell.
00:55:58 Meanwhile, Garbs book, which is more of a novella.
00:56:03 And not quite the prolific.
00:56:07 Piece of literature that his mother wrote.
00:56:11 He brings it to the the crush that he had in New Hampshire.
00:56:17 I I got.
00:56:18 I think it's New Hampshire.
00:56:20 And she thinks it's great.
00:56:21 And now.
00:56:23 Now she wants to marry him because he's a proper writer.
00:56:29 Meanwhile, his momma's book gets published.
00:56:33 It's a big hit.
00:56:35 Sexual suspect.
00:56:38 And you get the impression that it's this big feminist manifesto.
00:56:44 And that it's very.
00:56:45 Political and it's not just some, like, work.
00:56:48 It's not just some novel.
00:56:52 But rather, it's a book telling women to rebel against men.
00:56:57 They don't need men.
00:57:00 And they actually have, you know, instead of their what you would like a book signing that you would think of like a book.
00:57:06 Signing a bookstore.
00:57:08 It's more like a political rally for feminists.
Speaker 12
00:57:16 In one way or another, we have all been suspect.
00:57:20 All of our lives.
00:57:23 We have been suspect as the weaker sex.
00:57:27 When we showed strength, we were suspect as not being weak enough.
00:57:32 When we showed intelligence, we were suspect of covering up some defect in our femininity with our brain.
Speaker 3
00:57:45 You go, girl, the irony of.
00:57:48 Course is the guy who wrote this movie is a guy, but.
00:57:55 So the women.
00:57:56 Are very excited about Glenn Close, who might?
00:57:59 Also be a guy.
Speaker 12
00:58:00 Neither little nor weak.
00:58:02 But of course to be dealt with.
Speaker 2
00:58:09 The Women of America.
Speaker 12
00:58:11 Hungry for a hell and heaven?
00:58:13 Left one in Jenny Field.
00:58:18 America will soon find out what that means.
00:58:28 So some based guy in a tree tries to stop the feminist.
00:58:36 Movement before it really gets going and and derails society forever.
00:58:43 Men step in and shoot the guy and kill him.
00:58:48 Fast forward a few years.
00:58:51 Garp has now married the the daughter of the wrestling coach.
00:58:56 And they are looking at a house.
00:58:59 And a airplane runs into the house while they're looking at it.
00:59:05 And he decides they they should buy the house anyway, because now the airplane is headed.
00:59:10 The House will be disaster proof.
00:59:13 Because the airplane has already hit it.
00:59:15 And what are the chances that that two airplanes will hit the house?
00:59:19 So let's buy this house so they buy, they buy the house, they gets hit by an airplane while they're looking at it.
00:59:27 However, even though he's now a published published author.
00:59:32 He's not as famous as his as his mother.
00:59:36 And no one is impressed when they find out who he is until.
00:59:39 They find out.
00:59:41 Who his mother is.
00:59:43 And so he's kind of upset by that.
00:59:48 They have a kid.
00:59:51 And they go to visit his mom, who now, due to her money and her fame.
00:59:58 Is basically running a compound.
01:00:01 Now we'll get into this a little bit later, but it's a compound on the shore.
01:00:07 Where feminists from all over the country are now.
01:00:13 Living almost like a.
01:00:16 Like a communal kind of a thing.
01:00:19 But basically, living off of his mom and her wealth in this mansion.
01:00:27 So they don't seem seem that worried about it.
01:00:32 Garp is a little concerned because a lot of these people are kind.
01:00:36 Of weird.
01:00:38 The ****** that his mom paid for when he lived in New York is living there.
01:00:44 And changing attire because women can change tires too, by the way.
01:00:49 Didn't you know?
01:00:51 Girl Power Tire changing.
01:00:56 There's also a bunch of weirdos.
01:01:01 That don't talk.
01:01:04 They go by or or they're part of a group called the The Ellen.
01:01:10 Ohh, I forget the name of it.
01:01:11 Now the Ellen something society let.
01:01:15 See if I wrote it down.
01:01:21 Well, I'll tell you what doesn't really matter.
01:01:23 It's a it's a group of feminists.
01:01:28 Who? Well, actually I.
01:01:29 Think I have this clip in here.
01:01:30 They'll explain it.
01:01:33 There's also a ******.
01:01:37 A ****** that at first somehow GARP thinks is an actual woman?
01:01:44 I don't know how that's possible. It's played by the the guy from Third Rock and Harry the Hendersons. Always forget this ******* guy's name. But anyway, that guy.
Speaker 12
01:02:04 Barbara, Barbara. It's all.
Speaker 2
01:02:06 Right.
01:02:07 Mama, I'm sorry.
01:02:08 I didn't.
Speaker 13
01:02:08 Know he's my son.
Speaker 16
01:02:10 What's your problem?
01:02:12 She's an Ellen jamesian.
01:02:14 What does that?
Speaker 12
01:02:14 Mean you don't.
Speaker 13
01:02:15 Know what an Ellen James.
Speaker 1
01:02:16 No, ma'am.
01:02:17 I don't know what.
01:02:17 You talking about frowns or something?
Speaker 13
01:02:20 She has no.
Speaker 1
01:02:22 What do you mean, she?
Speaker 13
01:02:23 Has no tongue.
01:02:24 I mean, she has no tongue.
01:02:25 It was cut off.
Speaker 1
01:02:27 Oh, Christ, I'm sorry.
Speaker 13
01:02:28 It was cut off on purpose because of.
01:02:33 Two men raped her when she was 11 years old.
01:02:36 They cut off her tongue so she wouldn't tell anyone who they were or what they looked like.
01:02:40 Some of these women formed a society in her honor.
01:02:44 This Ellen James Society goes around not talking as if they had no tongues.
Speaker 13
01:02:47 No, I mean they don't have any tongues.
01:02:49 The women in a society have their tongues cut off to protest.
01:02:52 What happened to Ellen James?
Speaker 15
01:02:54 What do you mean they actually have?
01:02:55 Their own tongues cut off.
Speaker 13
01:02:58 The society.
Speaker 1
01:02:59 Oh, mom, I don't want to hear about this.
Speaker 13
01:03:01 You're a little short on sympathy, son.
Speaker 1
01:03:03 No, mom, I got a lot of sympathy for a.
01:03:05 Little girl who gets raped.
01:03:05 A monk God this.
01:03:06 Is self mutilation.
01:03:08 I mean suppose next time is a rape I.
01:03:09 Cut off my prick and I wear around my neck.
01:03:16 Well, I got a good.
Speaker 1
01:03:17 Idea too.
01:03:17 Why don't you?
01:03:18 Right.
01:03:18 Is that what you.
01:03:21 So there there's a.
01:03:22 Group of women called the Ellen Jamesian.
01:03:27 Who are?
01:03:27 Uh, they all have cut their tongues out and they're protesting.
01:03:32 This 11 year old's rape.
01:03:35 By cutting their tongues up.
01:03:42 Uh, the years go by and they have another kid.
01:03:51 And the wife starts being attracted to one of her students because the wife is a literature teacher at one of the, I guess at a Graduate School.
01:04:01 So she's into Chad that's taking her her creative writing class.
01:04:09 Meanwhile, the ****** becomes a family friend.
01:04:13 Garp sees nothing wrong with the ****** being around his children.
01:04:18 And uh, they regularly hang out.
Speaker 16
01:04:23 Well, the thing that's really hard is that I'd love to have kids.
01:04:26 Of course I can't and they won't let me adopt jenning's doing all she can.
01:04:32 We're taking the case to court.
01:04:34 I love kids. Me too.
01:04:37 I didn't know I loved them so much until I became a woman.
01:04:41 And that is where I checked out the first time I tried watching this movie. I remember I remember this guy was on tell my tone John Letgo or like, I don't know, whatever that guy's name is.
01:04:55 I just remember him being a ******, be like.
Speaker 3
01:04:57 That, that's enough. I'm done.
01:04:59 Like if, if if they if.
01:05:01 He was a ******, so they could ridicule.
01:05:02 Grannies, that's one thing, but the fact that he's a ****** and everyone's acting like this is totally normal and not.
01:05:12 Psycho, if that's I'm done, I'm done.
01:05:16 Can't handle this move already already.
01:05:18 Everything else in this movie is just insane.
01:05:21 Can't handle it.
Speaker 3
01:05:25 So the the other ****** really likes.
Speaker 10
01:05:27 Kids, wouldn't you know, really likes kids?
01:05:30 Even even back in 1978, the ******** really liked kids.
01:05:40 So then he starts taking the babysitter home one night and they don't say for sure, but they kind of implied that he hooks up with her.
01:05:52 And then they are plant, that's the that's the ****** next to the tree.
01:05:57 He lets the ****** play with his kids.
01:05:59 And kisses the ****** on the lips.
01:06:05 Some reason when they when they well when they anytime they see each other or depart.
01:06:12 So that's great again 19821982.
01:06:18 Meanwhile, his wife, maybe because he's out kissing ********.
01:06:22 Starts up a relationship with the Chad from her class.
01:06:28 And set some ground rules that has to be very secretive.
01:06:32 It's a small town.
01:06:33 They don't want people to talk.
01:06:35 And they can't do anything in public, but they can only **** at his apartment.
01:06:42 The uh, Chad's girlfriend, who's very upset.
01:06:45 By this, obviously.
01:06:47 Writes a note and brings it to GARP to let him know what his wife is doing.
01:06:56 Garp gets upset, takes the kids out of the house.
01:06:59 To go get dinner calls the house.
01:07:04 And tells his wife that he knows that she's been banging Chad.
01:07:09 And that he need, or that she needs to immediately stop seeing him.
01:07:15 And he's not sure when he's going to bring the kids back.
01:07:19 But he's very upset.
01:07:22 So she calls up Chad.
01:07:26 While they're seeing a movie.
01:07:29 And Chad decides to come over with some champagne.
01:07:35 He says get in the car with me.
01:07:39 And he says I'll leave and we won't ever see each other again.
01:07:44 But first, you have to.
01:07:45 I'd like it if you'd give me a *******.
01:07:49 And she says, OK.
Speaker 3
01:07:51 Cause cause, why wouldn't you right?
01:07:55 So she starts giving him a *******.
01:08:01 Meanwhile, Garp is pulling up.
01:08:04 This going down the street to pull up in his driveway, where his wife is giving.
01:08:10 Some random guy, a *******?
01:08:14 And because of the, the storm or whatever.
01:08:19 They get in a he gets in.
01:08:21 A car accident.
01:08:22 And one of their sons is killed.
01:08:27 The other son is injured.
01:08:29 And the wife is injured.
01:08:35 The man she was giving a ******* to, she bites *** **** off.
01:08:43 And Garp is injured in a way that prevents him from being able to talk because he bites his he almost bites his tongue off like the Ellen Jamesian.
01:09:00 So they decided to go live with his mother.
01:09:04 While they recover.
01:09:06 And the ****** is very sympathetic.
01:09:12 But you can tell Garp is still mad at his wife for being in the park or being in the driveway blowing some.
01:09:19 College kid after he caught her.
01:09:25 But once you know it, his his crazy mom and the ****** convinced him.
01:09:29 Actually, it's your fault.
01:09:32 You mean it's your fault?
01:09:34 You're the one that needs to forgive her.
01:09:38 And move on.
01:09:41 And so he does.
01:09:42 He finally gets the.
01:09:45 You know the whatever that **** is in his mouth taking off so he can talk.
01:09:49 And his wife says let's have another baby.
01:09:51 So he says, OK, we're gonna have another baby.
01:09:57 He also decides that he hates these these Ellen Jamesian.
01:10:03 The women that are cutting their tongues off in protest.
01:10:08 For this rape, because apparently Ellen James herself, the 11 year old.
01:10:15 Doesn't want to be.
01:10:17 Responsible for women cutting their tongues up.
01:10:20 And writes a letter to Garp's mom saying.
01:10:24 Please make them stop.
01:10:25 This is insane.
01:10:27 I don't want all these weird old women everywhere calling themselves Ellen Jamesian.
01:10:33 And with no tongues.
01:10:36 Because of Maine.
01:10:40 But when they, the Ellen James IANS, vote on it, they vote to keep doing it despite the fact that the actual little girl who's now kind of grown up.
01:10:53 That was raped.
01:10:54 Doesn't want them to be doing this.
01:10:57 So Garp decides to write his first non fiction book.
01:11:02 And call it Ellen.
01:11:08 They never say.
01:11:10 Maybe in the book it does, but in the movie they never really say anything about like the substance.
01:11:16 Of this book.
01:11:17 That he writes other than it the the Ellen Jamesian psychos.
01:11:22 Aren't going to like it.
01:11:28 So his mother starts campaigning for some feminists who's running for governor of New Hampshire.
01:11:36 And then finally, finally.
Speaker 3
01:11:39 The the the the only the only part.
01:11:42 Of the movie.
01:11:43 The only part of the movie that I that I liked watching happens.
01:11:47 It's the first time I I'm watching this.
Speaker 3
01:11:49 This is like.
01:11:50 Almost this is like at least an hour plus in and I'm like, oh, I want.
01:11:54 I just want.
01:11:55 I just want it to stop.
01:11:56 I just.
01:11:57 Want it to stop?
01:11:58 Like none of this, none of this.
01:12:00 It's it's all the it's just.
01:12:01 Meaningless psycho ****.
01:12:04 And then this happens.
01:12:06 I only wish that.
01:12:12 I only wish that.
01:12:46 OK.
01:12:51 Obviously I edited that OK.
Speaker 3
01:13:00 Ohh man.
01:13:04 You know, you know what, though?
Speaker 3
01:13:10 He's so over gun violence.
01:13:12 Ohh, the gun violence.
01:13:24 All right, so anyway.
01:13:26 So she gets shot and the ****** runs off with the.
01:13:33 The dead?
01:13:34 Well, maybe actual training.
01:13:38 And then they are are having they bury her.
01:13:42 And Garp is told he can't go to his own mother's funeral.
01:13:47 Because it's women only.
01:13:50 Because a man, a man killed her.
01:13:53 And the the Ellen James IANS.
01:13:57 Will freak the **** out if he goes to the uh, goes to the funeral.
Speaker 11
01:14:03 It's going to be held at 5:00 tomorrow in New York, but I'm afraid you can't go.
Speaker 1
01:14:10 What the hell you mean I?
01:14:11 Can't go. I'm.
Speaker 11
01:14:12 A son.
01:14:13 It's just for women.
01:14:14 You see, it's going to be the first feminist memorial funeral, and they aren't going to allow any men.
01:14:21 A man killed her.
01:14:22 They're very upset.
01:14:26 So the again the ****** who is 100% accepted by the family.
01:14:32 As a.
01:14:34 I don't know 7 foot tall woman.
01:14:37 Uh. Comforts garp.
01:14:40 And says don't worry, I'll use my ****** powers and we'll disguise you.
01:14:44 As a woman.
01:14:45 And bring, like, bring you into the the funeral, just like like Mrs.
01:14:53 But then the the girl.
01:14:57 Who? Uh.
01:14:59 Uh, throughout the movie.
01:15:02 Just very subtly.
01:15:06 Like she's the one that that when he was about to get it on with the little girl girl in the very beginning of the movie and the dog attacked him, she was watching in the bushes.
01:15:16 And she was also watching the bushes when he was getting a ******* from that same girl when he was much older.
01:15:24 And now, apparently she has. She has cut out her own tongue, and she's joined the the Ellen Jamesian's and kind of like that movie invasion of the body snatchers.
01:15:37 They're like ohh, they just start making these weird noises and pointing.
01:15:41 She basically does that during the funeral.
01:15:46 And all the feminists freak out because there's a man in the room.
01:15:51 And he runs out and escapes.
01:15:54 And then Ellen Jamesian herself.
01:15:58 Helps him out of the building.
01:16:01 And even though she can't talk because her tongue has been cut out.
01:16:05 You can tell she is very glad that he published this book that again, the movie never really explains.
01:16:14 The substance of it, we just get the sense that it's OK.
01:16:18 So it it's alright.
01:16:21 So she's like, thank you know, thanks for writing this garp.
01:16:26 Then the family starts to get back together.
01:16:31 Everything looks like it might turn out OK.
01:16:36 Garp is now the the wrestling coach.
01:16:41 In the same school where he was a wrestler, where his wife's dad was the the old wrestling coach.
Speaker 1
01:16:57 Ohh Cody man, come on.
01:16:59 Take you down.
01:17:02 Did they move? Good move.
01:17:04 10 seconds on Market Friday 5.
01:17:11 Come on, Elmer.
01:17:14 Hey man, the bottom.
01:17:16 Go through the drop.
Speaker 17
01:17:20 Get off your back for Joe.
Speaker 1
01:17:21 'S time up underneath.
01:17:23 Yeah, that's it.
01:17:23 That's it.
01:17:25 Seconds behind me.
01:17:29 Marcus behind you.
01:17:32 Break him down.
01:17:51 Get someone quickly.
01:17:54 Get a doctor.
01:17:55 Get an ambulance.
01:18:00 So the weird feminist that was screaming like the invasion of the body snatcher?
01:18:05 That chick.
01:18:06 Tracks them down and and kill them.
01:18:08 Or or doesn't kill them, but shoots them a.
01:18:10 Bunch of times.
01:18:12 They load them into a helicopter.
01:18:15 And he he looks out the window and he's and he tells his wife, oh, I'm flying, just like my dad.
01:18:21 I'm finally flying.
01:18:23 And then the helicopter keeps flying off and then the movie is just over.
01:18:28 It doesn't.
01:18:29 You don't know if he.
01:18:29 Dies or what?
Speaker 3
01:18:30 And really kind of don't care.
01:18:35 That's just the end.
01:18:36 You're just like.
01:18:37 All right, at least it's stopping now.
01:18:40 At least it stops now.
01:18:42 And it's funny because, like the credits started rolling.
01:18:46 And I picked up on something.
01:18:50 Now, Jessica Tandy and Hume Cronin.
01:18:53 That's like the duo of old people, the people that played the Glenn closest parents in the very, very beginning.
01:18:59 Of the movie.
01:18:59 You see them paired up in all kinds of movies like batteries from this era, especially like batteries not included.
01:19:09 They always play an old couple for some reason.
01:19:11 In movies of that time.
01:19:15 But I noticed under their names it said appear as a courtesy to the McDowell colony.
01:19:25 And I was like, what the **** is that?
01:19:28 What the **** is this appear as a courtesy to the McDowell colony.
01:19:36 So I look up the McDowell colony.
01:19:41 And it's kind of funny because.
01:19:44 The McDowell colony.
01:19:47 Which used to be just referred to as the colony.
01:19:55 Colonialism is is seen as such an oppressive.
01:20:00 Thing by the kinds of people that occupy the colony.
01:20:05 They've changed it to just McDowell.
01:20:10 McDowell is an artist residency program in Peterborough, NH, United States. Founded in 1907 by composer Edward McDowell and his wife.
01:20:22 Pianist and philanthropist Marian McDowell.
01:20:26 Prior to July 2020, so, like literally up until just a couple of years ago, it was known as the McDowell Colony or simply the colony.
01:20:37 But the Board of directors shortened the name to remove the term quote terminology with oppressive overtones.
01:20:47 After Edward McDowell died in 1908, Mary McDowell established the Artist Residency program through a nonprofit association, honor of her husband, raising funds to transform her farm into a quiet retreat for creative artists to work. She led the organization for almost 25 years.
01:21:06 You know, it's funny.
01:21:07 They make it sound like, oh, it's just like.
01:21:09 This little farm.
01:21:10 It's just this little farm that this nice lady who liked art that she played piano and her and her husband was into music and they just wanted a nice place.
01:21:21 Where they they could play the music and and artists could go and as a retreat and get away.
01:21:29 This is one of those things that highlights the huge difference in the firepower.
01:21:36 Between the left and the right when it comes to.
01:21:41 Well, I mean, basically cultivating culture.
01:21:46 Cultivating art.
01:21:51 What really happened?
01:21:53 It's not just.
01:21:54 Some, like weird farmers that were like.
01:21:56 Oh, let's bake.
01:21:56 A little nice place out in New Hampshire.
01:22:00 Mary Mcdowells, whose whose maiden name was Mary, and Griswold Nevins.
01:22:06 Was an American pianist and philanthropist.
01:22:12 Now all the money came from her.
01:22:16 She was born in New York City.
01:22:20 To a Wall Street banker.
01:22:24 By the name David H Nevins.
01:22:31 When she was 8, her mother died in childbirth.
01:22:34 Blah blah, blah, blah, and she was a musician.
01:22:36 So she went.
01:22:38 She basically studied under.
01:22:39 Yeah, literally went to the Weimar Republic.
01:22:43 And studied in the Weimar Republic.
01:22:48 She studied in Frankfurt.
01:22:51 With Clara Schumann.
01:22:53 And Hoke at the Hoke Conservatory.
01:22:58 And then she met her.
01:23:01 Would be husband Edward McDowell.
01:23:08 Adam McDowell was an American composer who really wasn't.
01:23:13 Known for much, he wasn't that great.
01:23:16 But she was going to buy him some property that was nice and quiet where he could write his music.
01:23:25 He eventually went crazy and well, first they made this this, like, Bohemian kind of community out in New Hampshire where they would let these artists and and lesbians.
01:23:36 Machete, hang out.
01:23:37 And and then he he went crazy.
01:23:40 And and I think his wife kind of turned into a lesbian because the nurse, his nurse came in and and after he died, the nurse lived with the widow for like, the next 18 years.
01:23:56 But anyway, it's now like this nonprofit, quote, UN quote, that lives on forever.
Speaker 3
01:24:06 He died over a.
01:24:07 100 years ago, this man that it's named after she died, what year did she die?
01:24:16 She died at at at age 98.
01:24:20 In 1956.
01:24:27 OK.
Speaker 3
01:24:30 And it's still to this day.
01:24:37 Where artists whose politics I'm sure you can guess.
01:24:43 And it doesn't matter if they're musicians.
01:24:45 If they're poets, they're writers moving film makers, graphic designers.
01:24:53 They're allowed to live in this this nice property.
01:24:59 And collaborate for free.
01:25:07 It gets funded through the the the Carnegie family.
01:25:12 More generational wealth just pumping its its money into things like this.
01:25:19 JP Morgan.
01:25:21 Gave funded part of the the Foundation.
01:25:29 Elizabeth Sprague Coolidge.
01:25:35 A bunch of other people over the years have have found that they they are again they they're still around, they have.
01:25:44 Let's see here.
01:25:45 Here's here's some of the people.
01:25:48 Who have stayed?
01:25:50 At the.
01:25:52 At the property here.
01:25:54 So we have Aaron Copeland.
01:25:57 Worked, composing his his Appalachian Spring in 1940, four 1945 as a Pulitzer Prize winner, Spalding Gray worked on his novel The Impossible Vacation, and later chronicled his experience as an extended monologue monster in a box. Leonard Bernstein completed his mass.
01:26:17 There, which is a musical theater work, you know, Bernstein obviously not a Catholic name.
01:26:23 So why is it called mass?
01:26:26 Basically, it was commissioned by Jackie oh.
01:26:31 You have Thornton Thornton Wilder.
01:26:36 Wrote our town and bridge of San Luis Rey. There, James Baldwin wrote in Giovanni's room. There Willa Cather wrote death comes for the Archbishop. There Debos and Dorothy Heyward wrote Porgy and Bess.
01:26:52 There, Virgil and Thompson worked on the mother of us all there, Alice Walker, worked on her first novel, The Meridian there. Michael Chabon wrote the amazing adventures of the Cavalier and Clay, a 2001 Pulitzer Prize winner.
01:27:10 And now or, I guess, served on the board until 22.
01:27:15 Alice Sabol wrote the lovely bones there, and Jonathan Franzen completed the corrections there.
01:27:24 So it's a lot of lot of.
01:27:29 You know, I guess big time American authors have spent time there but and and composers have spent time there.
01:27:38 But it's like this huge nonprofit that is there specifically to cultivate the the right kind of art.
01:27:46 There's nothing even kind of like that for right wing artists.
01:27:48 Not even a little bit.
01:27:51 I mean ****.
01:27:53 How great would that be if there was just like a cattle ranch somewhere that was like, hey, yeah, you know what we want?
01:27:59 We want content creators or, you know, up and coming.
01:28:04 Content creators who are in that awkward phase, you know, between, you know, just starting to make stuff and not having any money, especially with all the censorship, you know, they can't monetize things.
01:28:17 And they're not popular enough to to to make it work yet.
01:28:22 We'll allow them to stay at this cattle ranch or something, right?
Speaker 3
01:28:27 No, nothing like not.
01:28:28 Even like a little bit like that.
01:28:31 Not even a little bit like that for the right.
01:28:36 Where where this is.
01:28:37 This is only one example of many.
01:28:39 The left has lots of little safe havens for artists peppered around the the country.
01:28:47 And they remain looking.
01:28:48 They remain the the city tried just because.
01:28:51 Yeah, this property is.
01:28:52 Worth a **** ton of money.
01:28:54 The the city tried to get them to pay property tax because they haven't paid property tax on this like multi $1,000,000 property that they haven't paid any taxes on for over 100 years.
01:29:07 And you know, they had not the foundation enough minor pay lawyers to come in and say no by by producing art, we are providing the public a a greater good because that was the argument the city was like, look, we don't dispute that what you're doing is helping random artists or whatever, but that's not helping the community.
01:29:26 So why are you?
01:29:28 You know the local community here.
01:29:29 So why are you not?
01:29:30 Paying your property taxes.
01:29:33 And the lawyer was like, no, but it is helping the local community because you guys get to read the the awesome books that we write here and and listen to the awesome music that we that we compose here.
01:29:46 In 1962, it was designated a National Historical Landmark.
01:29:56 In 97 it was.
01:29:58 Was awarded the National Medal of Arts.
01:30:03 But anyway, I just thought that was odd.
01:30:06 Like at the end and so obviously you know that the book is set in in New Hampshire, there's that Shoreline House.
01:30:17 It's obviously loosely based on.
01:30:21 On the McDowell colony, in some ways at least.
01:30:26 But yeah, so that was.
01:30:27 That was the world according to GARP.
01:30:31 One of the most horrific movies I've ever had to sit through, so thanks for that.
01:30:36 Thanks for that guys.
Speaker 3
01:30:39 Look honestly though.
01:30:41 Here's the here's the thing.
01:30:42 Here's why.
01:30:43 I probably would not have reviewed it honestly, if if it wasn't recommended and I'll explain why.
01:30:49 It's so completely degenerate throughout.
01:30:53 That it's not fooling anyone that's not already like like.
Speaker 16
01:30:58 Me as an.
01:30:59 Example, I didn't finish watching it the first time because of the just how.
01:31:04 Bad it was.
01:31:06 Like as soon as I saw, like the ****** stuff I was like, alright?
01:31:08 So like apparently there's no limit, right?
01:31:13 And so it's so overt.
01:31:15 You know, whereas with Cider House rules and another book by the same author, it was a lot more subtle.
01:31:22 It was a lot more, you know, quietly whispering excuses into the in into female viewers ears that ohh, you know, abortion.
01:31:33 You need abortion.
01:31:34 Abortion is is good.
01:31:37 Whereas this is just outright insanity.
01:31:41 It's just insanity and I don't know that it would have made a lot of money in the theaters.
01:31:47 I suspect it it wasn't very successful.
01:31:49 Well, well, let's see here. The budget was was $17 million. Holy **** for a movie in 1982. That's not too shabby.
Speaker 3
01:31:59 Well, it made.
01:32:00 Its money back. It made a 29 million, which is a little bit surprising to me, maybe because of the the cast.
01:32:11 In terms of the reception.
01:32:15 Rotten Tomatoes gave it a score of 70%, which is interesting, film critic Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun Times gave the film three stars out of four by which he was entertained but unmoved. 3 stars as a palatable interpretation of the novel, considering it quote wonderfully.
01:32:34 It was wonderfully well written, yet cruel and annoying and smug.
01:32:40 I thought the acting was unconventional and absorbing, especially by Williams and Glenn Close as the mother and by John Lithgow.
01:32:48 That's the that was the name I was trying to think of the training as the transsexual.
01:32:53 I thought the visualization of the events by Director George Roy Hill was fresh and consistent.
01:32:59 But when the movie was over.
01:33:00 My immediate response was not at all what it should have been.
01:33:04 All I could find my find to ask myself was what the hell was that all about?
Speaker 3
01:33:11 So that's that.
01:33:12 Even Roger Ebert.
01:33:15 After sitting through all that, it was just like, what the **** did I just watch?
Speaker 3
01:33:20 So I don't think that.
01:33:21 It was that influential of.
01:33:22 A movie cause I that's how I that's exactly what I thought.
01:33:24 Was like, what the **** did I just watch?
01:33:26 I'm glad it's.
01:33:27 I'm glad it's not.
Speaker 3
01:33:28 Happening to me anymore.
01:33:34 I don't even care, like I don't care if the main character in that helicopter.
Speaker 3
01:33:37 Is dead or alive.
01:33:39 I don't.
01:33:40 I don't care about.
01:33:41 Any of the characters at all, none of the characters were someone that I could care about.
Speaker 3
01:33:47 And that, you know, that's.
01:33:50 That's saying something when you have that, that kind of budget and that kind of casting.
01:33:58 So I don't think that it was, it was really all that influential.
01:34:01 I don't think that it was I more than anything else, I don't think that it was this is one of those things where art imitates life or light is is life imitating art.
01:34:12 I think it's art imitating life.
01:34:14 It's one of those things.
01:34:15 Where I don't think this is an example of art pushing the narrative so much as it is reflecting what society is like.
01:34:27 You know that that in 1982 it's just like a historical record that in 1982 you could have a movie with a ****** playing around with kids and apparently enough audience members, you know, to where it made.
01:34:45 You know it double well, not didn't.
01:34:47 Really quite double its.
01:34:48 But it made it, you know, it didn't lose money.
01:34:51 People went and saw it.
01:34:54 In in terms of where how it fared against other, let's see how it it stood up against other movies that year. So 1982, let's look at 1982 box office.
01:35:08 So the 1982 box office is.
01:35:14 It's going to be pretty low, I bet.
01:35:17 Uh. Let's see here.
01:35:24 Yeah, it's it.
01:35:26 It's #27.
01:35:30 It did worse than time bandits.
01:35:37 Uh, so you know it did.
01:35:39 It did way worse. Caught in the barbarian was #15.
01:35:44 Uh. Let's see here.
01:35:49 Yeah, I mean, so ET was far and away the number one.
01:35:54 1980 was kind of a big year.
01:35:55 Because you had.
01:35:56 ET Raiders of the Lost Ark.
01:36:01 On Golden pond.
01:36:02 Now that's one that I've thought about.
01:36:05 I think if that's the one I'm thinking of, an officer and a gentleman.
01:36:09 Porky's now.
01:36:10 That's one for sure.
01:36:11 I'm going to be.
01:36:13 Going into at some point.
01:36:15 Arthur Star Trek 2 the Wrath of Khan Khan.
01:36:20 And poltergeist and the best little ********** in Texas was #10.
01:36:26 But yeah, so world according to Garp was #27.
01:36:32 Way below.
01:36:35 Below, you know even UM.
01:36:42 Which is another cross dressing movie, isn't it?
01:36:44 Isn't Tootsie the movie with?
01:36:48 Dustin Hoffman dressed as a woman.
01:36:55 Right.
01:36:56 I'm pretty sure it is.
01:37:00 Yeah, Tootsie was a a movie about another ******.
Speaker 3
01:37:07 So I guess trend.
01:37:08 It's more to me, it's more like a indication of where society was in 1982 that they were accepting of of the trans **** already in 1982, or at least accepting enough to where.
01:37:22 You know, people weren't losing their **** about about the.
01:37:27 But those movies coming out and still thought it was funny.
01:37:30 And you had other, you know, the 80s had.
01:37:32 A lot of those movies.
01:37:33 They also had the the the crying game.
01:37:38 I don't know what year that one came out, but that was around the same era.
01:37:41 And then the 90s, of course, just they continue with that and now we are living in trans world.
01:37:49 Alright, so that's that's the world according to Garp.
01:37:54 That's the world according to Garp.
01:37:56 Let's take a look at uh hyper chats here.
01:38:07 We got a.
01:38:07 Nazi dice just says *******, which I.
01:38:12 I would assume you're just referencing everything we just saw in the movie.
01:38:16 Chuck it.
01:38:18 Harmless G dysgenic report. DNA shows Mexico was genetically 55% European, 40% American Indian and 5% other in 1940. Today it is 40% European, 55% Amerindian and 5% other.
01:38:38 Uh, yeah, I suspect that that's that's just the way it's going to go and and and and and all these kind of countries like the South American countries where you had a lot.
01:38:47 Of European influence, like you look at some of these countries in the 1950s.
01:38:53 You know the the you know.
01:38:55 South American countries like Argentina and Brazil, and stuff like that.
Speaker 3
01:38:59 And it it looks you.
01:39:01 Know, look kind of European.
01:39:03 If you look at the demographics.
01:39:05 Now look a churros back from murdering stuff, but I'm gonna.
01:39:10 Hopefully that's not too loud on the microphone, cause he's gonna whine and ***** for a little bit till I realize.
01:39:15 I'm gonna ignore him.
01:39:18 Oh my God, the love of God.
01:39:21 The love of God, Cheryl.
01:39:23 This is what I have to live with now.
01:39:25 I've created a monster.
01:39:27 I should just let him have the coyote fun anyway.
01:39:32 I say that now I'll feel really.
01:39:34 Bad now, if coyotes got him.
01:39:36 Ah, let's see here.
01:39:40 The vexed but us not just Signor Stackables Espanol.
01:39:46 Ah, not very much.
01:39:48 I used to speak a little bit of it, but not so much these days.
01:39:51 I haven't used my Spanish in so long and and I it was one of those things where I was just learning it when I stopped using it, I was just.
01:40:00 Getting to where I was.
01:40:01 Almost conversational, almost not really like, you know, like baby talk.
01:40:07 And then I stopped using it.
01:40:10 Romel just says *******.
01:40:12 I get it.
01:40:14 Mark SB.
01:40:15 For as much as a boomer as Scott Adams is, he may have pushed the Overton window to the point where the daily wire, the black, and the blaze.
01:40:24 Can talk about white people without adding an and Asian people. Something to watch for in 2023? Yeah, not sorry. Daily wires run by billionaire Jews and the blaze is run by a a ex like drug addict.
01:40:44 Mormon convert, who probably is funded by billionaire Jews.
01:40:48 So we're not super excited that that much has changed in that department, but you know, who knows?
01:40:56 Jay Ray, 1981.
01:40:59 What do we got here?
01:41:07 Harry Vox had a very interesting last video recently about the relationship between the Jewish power Dynamics and China.
01:41:14 I ask that you check it out, Devin, maybe have a comment or two later on.
01:41:20 Yeah, I haven't really watched a lot of his stuff mostly.
01:41:22 Cause like he look and I'm not.
01:41:26 I'm not like, talking **** or anything like that.
01:41:28 It's just his.
01:41:29 I I'm not a fan of his delivery.
01:41:31 Let me put.
01:41:31 That way I'm not a fan of his delivery it it it it can at times come across as as a little unhinged and and again I'm not.
01:41:43 I'm not.
01:41:44 I'm not.
01:41:44 I'm not talking **** or thing.
01:41:46 It's just that.
01:41:47 It's sometimes hard for me to to listen to.
01:41:53 Yeah, I'll check it out, though.
01:41:55 Tom Paine.
01:41:56 Everyone go follow Black pill on Twitter while you can.
01:42:00 And Congrats on your reinstatement.
01:42:02 Well, like I said, not really anything.
01:42:04 I I I don't think I'm going to.
01:42:06 Use it that much.
01:42:08 But yes, it is black under score pilled.
01:42:13 And now it says I have 113 followers. It's all over the place, it just it literally just randomly changes numbers.
01:42:20 Every time I look, sometimes it goes up, sometimes it goes down.
01:42:25 Gory Boy 1488, if you could pick one, would you get rid of a all the negs B all the Jews, or C all the LGBT's?
01:42:40 How about this?
01:42:41 If I could go back in time.
01:42:44 And prevent.
01:42:48 The Jewish immigration that took place around the turn of the century.
01:42:56 That's a tough one.
01:42:57 I kind of feel like that would probably.
01:43:00 Give us like the the brightest.
01:43:03 Future or present, I guess, cause we you know in that scenario we live in the future, right?
01:43:08 If you were to go back in time because if you were to stop.
01:43:13 The Jewish immigration from Eastern Europe.
01:43:19 Caused most of these.
01:43:21 Huge cultural changes in our country.
01:43:25 And a lot of these power shifts in our country.
01:43:29 The other problems would kind of sort.
01:43:30 Themselves out, if you know what I.
01:43:32 Mean harmless. Gee, have you looked into Jared Taylor's and Kevin McDonald's Jewish friend, Ron Unz, who runs aunts review or read or listen to the MP?
01:43:43 Three audio of any of his American Pravda essay?
01:43:47 No, I.
01:43:47 Mean like I've used?
01:43:48 I I've seen his website.
01:43:49 For, but it's just one of those things where I'm.
01:43:52 Sorry I I just.
01:43:54 I'm sure there are based Jews, and I'm sure he's he qualifies.
01:43:59 From what I understand, it's just that I don't.
01:44:03 I don't want I don't want their help.
01:44:06 I don't want their help.
01:44:07 They've they've helped quite.
01:44:08 Quite enough.
01:44:09 Thank you.
01:44:10 And I don't want their.
01:44:11 Help and maybe that makes me narrow minded and maybe that that I'm you know.
01:44:17 Oh, don't say that you're excluding people who could.
01:44:20 Really help us.
01:44:20 Out have they, though, have they yet?
01:44:25 Have they so far?
01:44:26 I mean, including this guy and look, maybe in some small way, right?
01:44:30 He's sort of helped or something with his website or books or essays or whatever.
01:44:35 Has it made a difference?
01:44:38 Is it really gonna like?
01:44:39 Would things have been worse?
01:44:42 You know, like without him doing that.
01:44:47 You know, so I just don't want their help.
01:44:50 I don't want their help and uh.
01:44:54 I I think that.
01:44:59 For whatever reason.
01:45:03 Like to defer like like the Kanye thing, right?
01:45:07 Like a lot of people were super stoked to have.
01:45:09 Ohh finally a black guy that doesn't like you.
01:45:12 It's just like.
01:45:16 We don't, we don't need them though.
01:45:20 Obviously now right now it's clear.
01:45:23 That we don't need them.
Speaker 3
01:45:25 But you know, I mean like.
01:45:26 That and that's what happens.
01:45:27 Too, right. And maybe this guy's perfectly fine.
01:45:31 This guy I.
Speaker 3
01:45:32 Don't know much.
01:45:32 About him other than like I'm, I'm somewhat familiar with his website.
01:45:36 And and and I'm and I'm sure that.
01:45:40 That he agree, or at least you know, out loud.
01:45:45 He agrees with me on probably a lot of stuff.
01:45:49 And I I saw like a little snippet of his interview with.
01:45:55 Oh, what's his name?
01:45:56 Keith woods.
01:45:58 And he seemed perfectly intelligent and and whatever, but.
01:46:03 Yeah, just, you know, sorry, I just, I don't.
01:46:06 I don't want their help.
01:46:11 I don't mind saying that.
01:46:13 You know, and and and I don't.
01:46:16 Don't even.
01:46:17 Think that if he's if, look if he really is an ally, quote UN quote. And he really does want to help.
01:46:23 I think he'd understand why I I feel this way.
01:46:26 I feel like he'd have.
01:46:27 He'd have to understand.
01:46:28 And if he doesn't, well then he's just proven why I don't want his help.
01:46:34 So there you go.
01:46:36 Gory boy 1488. Is it smart to tribe up on a compound, or would we just end up being part eight of the PACON series?
Speaker 3
01:46:46 Well, I look.
01:46:48 If you do it as a militarized compound, you're.
01:46:52 Asking for trouble.
01:46:54 I we went over several examples.
01:46:57 Look, look, one of the reasons why I I'm guessing that the Amish doesn't run into a whole lot of interference.
01:47:04 I mean, they do a little bit, but a whole lot of interference.
01:47:07 Is they don't have.
01:47:10 They're not a militarized group.
Speaker 3
01:47:15 So it it doesn't mean that you wouldn't be allowed to have guns if you.
01:47:19 Did something like this.
01:47:22 It wouldn't even mean that maybe you wouldn't train with those guns, but if that was part of how you present how you presented publicly and that's how you identified.
01:47:34 It it never is a good look.
01:47:36 First of all, it's because.
01:47:40 Most people are *******.
01:47:42 And it scares them.
01:47:46 You look like it's one thing if you're like some weird cult out in the forest, right?
01:47:51 But if you're.
01:47:52 A weird cult with guns that scares them.
01:47:55 That scares you, know sheriffs.
01:47:59 It scares, you know, local governments and people that could **** with you.
01:48:06 If you're just like this peaceful religious group that does community service.
01:48:12 And and contributes to the wider community around you in some way, shape or form, or the very least is is has has a polite.
01:48:23 Relationship with the the surrounding communities.
01:48:28 You're going to be left.
01:48:29 Alone, right.
01:48:31 But the second you start making guns as part of your deal because that's what that's what happened.
01:48:35 The Branch Davidians, right, like part of their deal, was they they.
01:48:40 That's how they made money, was they bought and sold guns, I mean legally.
01:48:44 But it doesn't matter, right?
01:48:46 Obviously it didn't matter.
Speaker 3
01:48:49 Right.
01:48:51 You start ******* around with you.
01:48:53 Start giving them excuses to to unleash the ATF on you or something like that and and that's where it goes bad.
01:49:00 That's where it goes, Ben.
01:49:03 But it's not a bad idea.
01:49:04 If you had a way.
01:49:05 Of acquiring a lot of property.
01:49:08 And like like Oriana, like in South Africa, right.
01:49:12 They're a little white town.
01:49:14 There's no reason why you couldn't do that on private property in America.
01:49:19 You could definitely do something like that if, as long as it was on private.
01:49:26 And you crossed all your T's and you dotted all your I's.
01:49:30 And you were very selective about who could participate in your community. In fact, look, we just talked about this foundation that exists in New Hampshire for over 100 years.
01:49:42 You could establish if the right financier see this is the problem.
01:49:46 This is the problem that the right always runs into.
01:49:49 You would need to encounter the right guy that would have the kind of resources to finance this kind of a project and then to set it up as a foundation.
01:50:02 That would not only go on in perpetuity, but you'd have to have some kind of safeguards.
01:50:09 So that the left wouldn't just slowly ******* take it over like they do everything because some of these foundations that that funds their little gay ******, Pedro Satanic projects didn't start out that way.
Speaker 3
01:50:23 Right.
Speaker 1
01:50:24 Right.
01:50:24 You know, like the Ford Foundation, didn't that originate from Henry Ford?
01:50:30 Isn't that the?
01:50:33 I think it is right, is that a different Ford?
01:50:36 Let me see.
01:50:37 Because if that originated from Henry Ford, that's like the perfect example Ford Foundation.
01:50:48 Alright, start off with.
01:50:52 Edsel Ford, who the ****'* Edsel? Ford, no. Edsel Ford and Henry Ford.
01:50:59 We're the founders and the Ford Foundation is now basically.
01:51:05 They I mean they they basically do the opposite.
01:51:07 Of what Henry Ford would want.
01:51:10 So you'd have to do a lot of stuff where you'd have to set it up in a way that it would go on forever in the.
01:51:15 Same way all.
01:51:16 These ******* foundations do.
01:51:18 But then it you'd have to have some kind of safeguards put in that, like I don't know how you do that exactly.
01:51:24 Yeah, I've never tried to set up a foundation.
01:51:26 I don't know if you just, like, write a charter or like.
01:51:29 I don't know.
01:51:29 I don't know how that that **** works, but you'd have to do something that that would prevent it from being taken over because it would be.
01:51:36 It would be.
01:51:38 UM.
01:51:40 All I'm saying, hey, Devin, would you do an interview?
01:51:44 If so, how does one get a hold of you?
01:51:48 I mean, you have a little more specific than that.
01:51:51 Interview with who?
01:51:53 On on you know about what?
Speaker 3
01:51:58 I mean, look, I.
01:51:59 I'm down to going other strains and stuff like that and I.
01:52:01 Usually do, but I'd have to know more about what it.
01:52:04 Is you're talking about?
01:52:06 Not because like.
01:52:07 Oh, I have to be.
01:52:09 No, just at this point.
01:52:10 Right now in the year, I'm just so busy.
01:52:13 That it's like.
01:52:14 You know.
01:52:16 I need to I need to know what the hell you're talking about.
01:52:19 I don't know.
01:52:19 I guess you could DM me on Twitter now.
Speaker 3
01:52:22 Right. I don't know if.
01:52:24 I'll check I I'm like, I'm hard.
01:52:26 To get a hold of on purpose.
01:52:28 I know that's not helpful, but lots of people.
01:52:33 Are probably upset with my inability to communicate.
01:52:39 It just it is what it is.
01:52:50 Thank you.
01:52:51 The wrongful conviction in the Wisconsin versus Zachariah Anderson case is getting some attention, but they need more support.
01:53:01 If you or anyone else was looking for more info on the case, there is an interview with Zach's brother set for Tuesday 3:30.
01:53:09 At 2:00 PM Eastern standard by the Michigan Law show on YouTube.
01:53:14 Well, there you go everybody.
01:53:17 You might remember that I think it was last string where.
01:53:19 You brought that up.
01:53:23 The slipstream.
01:53:26 You still are black pilled.
01:53:28 You still follow any gripers?
01:53:31 I don't know if I ever followed any gripers I and I don't know who you would mean by gripers.
01:53:36 I mean people that are.
01:53:39 That like.
01:53:40 Like gripper accounts, you know, I mean, I don't, I don't know what you would mean by gripper.
01:53:46 I don't really follow a.
01:53:46 Whole lot of people.
01:53:49 UM.
01:53:52 And I guess you have to be more specific than that.
01:53:55 I'm, I'm sure maybe on my my, my Twitter account I do because whoever I was following in 2019 like that or basically 2018, that's who I'm following on that.
01:54:08 Damn Bigfoot.
01:54:09 I saw the movie knock at the cabin.
01:54:12 It was it was trailered as an apocalypse movie.
01:54:17 But instead it was about the pure love of two ******* who adopted A chinked daughter.
01:54:23 Well, there you go.
01:54:25 You got trip.
01:54:28 You got tricked by ****.
01:54:32 You know what?
01:54:32 I I I need to pull.
01:54:34 Up because you got you did get you get you did get tricked by faggs.
01:54:39 I guess that's not the worst thing that can happen.
01:54:41 If you got tricked by ****.
01:54:48 Lack of creativity. Transit tech.
01:54:51 Will be a sitcom in 20 years after the world returns.
01:54:54 The normal I planned to direct it once guys get to make TV again.
01:54:59 While I think you're being pretty optimistic with the 20 year thing there lack of creativity.
01:55:05 I mean, you realize how bad it has to get.
01:55:07 We're not even close yet.
01:55:10 We have to get to where I think honestly, we have to get to a point where you have people running for office who are open pedophiles.
01:55:19 And most people are like.
01:55:23 Are fine with it or fine enough like in the same way people now are fine with fagots, right?
01:55:29 They'll be fine with pedos.
01:55:31 I I really do think we'll live to.
01:55:33 See those days?
01:55:36 Harmless. Gee, a funny thing about Ron Ernst is his myth of American meritocracy. Essay back in 2012, he made a lot of the same arguments that Leather Apron Club later made to support the claim that the average Jewish IQ is not significantly higher than the average IQ of most non Jewish.
01:55:56 By groups at the same time, Ron Ernst claims he has an IQ of 217. Wow.
01:56:06 Similar to how Gregory Pincus, the Jewish inventor of the birth control pill, claimed to have a Jewish or have an IQ of 210.
Speaker 3
01:56:15 I mean, I don't maybe does that that.
01:56:20 That's really high, though, like that's really high.
01:56:24 I kind of feel like he would have invented a time machine if if his IQ was 217, but.
01:56:31 Maybe it is, I don't know.
01:56:33 I don't know.
Speaker 3
01:56:36 Hammer of thorazine.
01:56:40 YouTube baby back the bus.
01:56:42 When hiring front desk help for my psychiatric psychiatric practice.
01:56:48 The most qualified candidates I got were a white woman and another woman who had a suspiciously Hispanic first name.
01:56:56 I played it safe and went with.
01:56:57 The white woman.
01:56:59 Little things like this can add up to big things real fast, and you're right, you're absolutely right.
01:57:05 Anytime you have the ability to favor.
01:57:08 White people over other people.
01:57:10 You should take that opportunity every opportunity.
01:57:14 Even even if, like it's, if the white person is going to be slightly worse.
01:57:19 You should still favor the white person.
01:57:22 That's how we have to start.
01:57:23 Thinking, look, Jude, do it.
Speaker 3
01:57:23 Who's doing?
01:57:25 You think Jews are picking, you know, that's what nepotism is all about, right?
01:57:29 You're not picking the the best person from the job.
01:57:32 You're you're picking the best person from your group for the job.
01:57:37 And if you look and if you have faith in your group and you think your group's good, then you're still getting good people.
01:57:43 It might might.
01:57:44 It might be slightly not as good as the non white that you know depend on what you want, but nine times out of 10 they're going to.
01:57:50 Be the best anyway, right?
01:57:54 So yeah, good job.
01:57:57 Skeeter. Macbeth. Her.
01:58:05 Someone asked you to cover Elvis.
01:58:07 You cover movies and TV.
01:58:08 American krogan covers video games.
01:58:11 Was wondering if you think a music version.
01:58:13 Of that would be worth it.
01:58:15 Elvis wasn't the first Shabbos goy musician.
01:58:18 Tribesmen were making bank on classical musicians in the post Renaissance.
01:58:24 And Victorian eras.
01:58:27 I mean, it's not really.
01:58:28 My expertise, I never worked in the music industry and I was never super into music like I I you know, I know about as much music as anyone knows.
01:58:44 But that would be.
01:58:45 It's not something that.
01:58:47 That's not like I'm I'm not a musician myself and I and I don't.
01:58:51 And I don't.
01:58:52 I've never worked in that industry and don't know the industry.
01:58:56 But yeah, it might be worth taking a look.
01:58:58 I'll tell you what it wouldn't.
01:58:59 I wouldn't mind looking at it just as from a a pop culture point of view, because it's not as if Elvis his fame and influence on America is limited to just music.
01:59:12 You know, he had lots of TV appearances.
01:59:14 He did lots.
01:59:15 Of movies, I mean, there's tons of Elvis movies.
01:59:18 He was an icon.
01:59:21 And so it might be interesting to look and see who was behind that and how they manufactured that.
01:59:26 And and, you know, also there's other groups that were that were big and and promoted by by tribesmen.
01:59:34 As you put it.
01:59:37 But yeah, it's not, but it's not at the top of my list.
01:59:39 To be perfectly honest.
01:59:42 Just cause like I'd have to.
01:59:43 I'd have to know a lot more about the music industry and stuff like that.
01:59:47 Graham playing great playing games.
01:59:50 Have not even watched this trailer, just saw it posted on YouTube.
01:59:54 I I wonder how historically accurate it is.
01:59:57 Uh, you guys with your 0 context that see that does that doesn't give me any context that you haven't seen it?
02:00:05 Ohh, you haven't seen it.
02:00:06 That tells me nothing about it.
02:00:08 It just tells me you haven't seen it.
02:00:11 Ohh alright, hang on.
02:00:13 Let me.
02:00:13 Let me *******.
02:00:15 Load this up.
Speaker 5
02:00:20 What is this?
02:00:25 The Auschwitz report official trailer.
02:00:29 The Auschwitz report.
02:00:31 Alright, let's take a look at the Auschwitz report.
Speaker 10
02:00:35 The Auschwitz report.
02:01:10 You like to begin.
02:01:14 By the way, the the whole based on true story is like the the slimiest.
02:01:23 Hollywood lie that Hollywood's ever.
Speaker 3
02:01:25 Told and that's that's.
02:01:26 Saying something Hollywood told a lot of slimy lies.
02:01:30 Anytime you see, based on a true story.
02:01:33 I mean, anything can be based on true story.
02:01:37 Like there's there's literally there's no, there's no measurement or there's no threshold.
Speaker 3
02:01:42 There's no minimum.
02:01:43 Or maximum of factual accuracy by using that that that that that sentence based on your story.
02:01:52 OK, well.
02:01:54 I mean, I could make a story.
02:01:55 I can.
02:01:55 I can make a movie about Churro.
02:01:59 The cat that comes from the desert, who then becomes Mecca?
02:02:02 Mecca Churro and starts, you know, destroying the the planet.
02:02:07 And I can say it's based on true story.
02:02:13 And it would be.
Speaker 1
02:02:17 Shall not hear you like to begin.
02:02:20 The guest on the non.
Speaker 1
02:02:21 Science and exact we're coming out with.
02:02:31 It's fine.
02:02:45 Alright, so it's basically it's Holocaust ****, right?
02:02:50 We get it.
02:02:53 All across ****. All right.
02:02:57 Another example of how the right.
02:02:58 Is failing in the culture war.
02:03:00 There are no.
02:03:01 Movies like this from our point of view.
02:03:07 Let's see here, polar bear odyssey.
02:03:11 The naked baby thing is still going on. Ryan Reynolds just did a movie in 2011 with that garbage called Change up or the change up a Freaky Friday clone dude is now a billionaire 0 push back on culture issues because boomers focus on the tax rate.
02:03:30 I don't think I ever.
02:03:31 Saw that one.
02:03:33 But I ******* hate Ryan.
02:03:35 Graham playing games.
02:03:38 If you do listen to the audio book for Churchill, Hitler and the unnecessary war or other Buchanan books, some are narrated by him.
02:03:46 You should talk about them on your stream.
02:03:49 Buchanan is very interesting, very fascinated to hear your thoughts.
02:03:55 All right.
02:03:56 Maybe also if you're looking for related historical content for your streams to dive into.
02:04:04 Again, Buchanan is great another person, but British I'll mention again is Enoch Powell.
02:04:11 I really respect them.
02:04:12 Thanks to Evan.
02:04:13 Yeah, I know you've said these before you've you've said.
02:04:16 I appreciate the the hyper chats but.
02:04:20 You you've said all this before, it's all.
02:04:22 It's all you're you're making me not wanna listen to it now.
02:04:25 See, you're you're going about this all wrong.
02:04:29 Didn't you know I'm a contrarian?
02:04:31 A little bit, a little bit like all of us a.
02:04:33 Little bit, you keep telling me to do something.
02:04:39 The Pacific Front, if you want to overdose on pure boomer ISM, look up 1979. The film return of the Secaucus. I think that's what you'd say. Return of the Secaucus.
02:04:52 Return of the Secaucus seven.
02:04:54 It was partially remade into the much more popular the big chill a few years later.
02:05:01 Boomers, self indulgent fecklessness, Slattery.
02:05:06 All in there.
02:05:07 The Big show is pretty gay.
02:05:11 It I almost I I figure I might have mentioned it in some stream but I yeah, it's really gay.
02:05:19 It's very boomerang.
02:05:20 It's it's basically overdosing on boom.
02:05:22 I don't.
02:05:22 Know if I could handle another one like that.
02:05:26 But I'll I'll add that to my notes there Ramel.
02:05:33 Thank you for your work.
02:05:34 Where did the Eastern Euro Jews come from?
02:05:36 How far back can you track them back in time?
02:05:40 I never looked into how far back and tracking back in time.
02:05:43 I'm just saying, like, every time we look at any of these people and all their families all came here around the turn of the century.
02:05:49 They're from Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Poland.
02:05:54 They all came from Eastern Europe and they all came within a 20 to 30 year.
02:06:00 Time span.
02:06:01 And then there was. There was another look and then that's The funny thing. The American State Department, which wasn't 100% Jewish like it is now at the time, was like.
02:06:12 You know, we covered this in the.
02:06:16 Not pack on the.
02:06:18 Ohh **** I.
02:06:19 Forget the the one that the the the Holocaust.
02:06:24 Documentary that Ken Burns did.
02:06:26 Anyway, it doesn't matter we.
02:06:29 The the State Department at that point in time said, you know, we've had enough.
02:06:33 Of these Jews.
02:06:34 New York went from zero or close to 0% Jewish to 25% Jewish, and like something like 10 years.
02:06:44 I mean, that's insane.
02:06:46 New York City.
02:06:48 Went from like almost zero to 25% Jewish in just a handful of years. Because of this massive, massive influx of Jews from Eastern Europe. And that was a giant nail in the the coffin of of America.
02:07:04 No matter how you look at it, all these ******* people, that's where they're.
02:07:08 I mean, I don't care if you're talking about ******* Ben Stiller or or Harvey Weinstein Epstein, you know, like, just name a Jew.
02:07:17 Like, almost all of their families came here around.
02:07:20 I bet Ben Shapiro.
02:07:22 You know like like.
02:07:25 All these you know, David Packman.
02:07:26 All these ******* *******.
02:07:29 That are in the mainstream, they all their families came here from Eastern Europe around the turn of the century.
02:07:36 I don't know what you know.
02:07:38 I don't know where you would trace it before that, I mean, but.
02:07:43 The patterns there guitar dude 1356. I don't understand how a man cannot be disgusted by watching 2 dudes kiss or even the thought of *** ***.
02:07:55 I actually try to be liberal while growing up on the West Coast and to accept degeneracy, but I just couldn't do it.
02:08:02 And it turns out I was right in staying firm in my beliefs.
02:08:06 I have a friend who came out not long ago and I just couldn't hang out with him anymore.
02:08:12 I didn't like any of his couples photos on social media and I ultimately decided to stop reaching out to him.
02:08:18 I just couldn't have this influence around my children's socks. Losing a friend, though. Yeah, I am physically disgusted. It's a.
02:08:27 Almost like a gag reflex when I.
02:08:29 See it.
02:08:31 I and that's always been the case.
02:08:34 I think that's most men and that would make sense from an evolutionary standpoint, right?
02:08:40 You would think that to keep propagating your your DNA, that that would have to be a response that you would have.
02:08:50 That you would.
02:08:51 You'd want to.
02:08:52 Not have sex with men, you know.
02:08:56 UM.
02:08:58 The fact that there's so many people who don't feel that way.
02:09:05 That's that's why I think that people are overestimating the ability for the West to to pull out of the nosedive.
02:09:14 Because we're at a level right now where a huge portion, I would say the majority of the population cause, look, it's Republicans too, right?
02:09:26 Republicans love having their based ******* right.
02:09:30 And from the left, obviously, but from the right to most people are not responding in that way.
02:09:38 I mean, you had Donald Trump junior saying no we our our ******** are better looking.
02:09:44 I mean, you know.
02:09:47 So if if our side quote UN quote our side is has already.
02:09:55 Is already ignoring instinct like like very, very powerful instincts.
02:10:04 I mean, I don't, I just don't.
02:10:05 See how we pull out?
02:10:06 Of that is what I'm saying.
02:10:11 And yeah, I wouldn't want any fat around my my children either.
02:10:15 I and I couldn't hang out like I had to work with them, and that was bad enough.
02:10:19 I hated.
02:10:20 I hated when I would go to lunch.
02:10:23 And you know, an invite like a.
02:10:26 Normal person and the faggs.
Speaker 3
02:10:29 Would over here like oh.
02:10:30 I want to get some foe too and I'm like, oh God, I.
Speaker 10
02:10:32 Want to ******* kill this?
02:10:34 Lunch is ruined now, you know.
02:10:37 Yeah, it.
02:10:38 I'm just, I have a a just a.
02:10:43 Primal primal disgust.
02:10:48 Uh, of *******.
02:10:51 Saxon stargazer. Hey, Devin. I found a website that shows the top people on Odyssey and your #74.
02:11:00 Tim Poole and sticks are ahead of you, but I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the followers and Subs on the site are bots.
02:11:07 Glad I can make a live stream tonight.
02:11:10 Hope you're well.
02:11:11 I'm not.
02:11:12 I wouldn't be surprised if they have if they.
02:11:13 Have more Subs.
Speaker 3
02:11:17 I don't know.
02:11:18 Maybe they they, maybe they have more live viewers.
02:11:21 I don't know.
02:11:22 I kind of feel like they almost their viewers would be on on **** like uh, YouTube and stuff, but I don't know.
02:11:28 Maybe I'm wrong.
02:11:30 Well, let's take a look.
02:11:31 Why not?
02:11:32 Let's take a look.
02:11:36 Let's take a look here.
Speaker 2
02:11:44 All right.
02:11:45 How do I do this?
02:11:49 What am I doing?
02:11:56 What's up with this site?
02:12:03 OK, where is the list of people?
02:12:07 I don't understand this site the sites.
02:12:10 Made by autistic weirdos.
02:12:13 What is this?
02:12:15 Do I click this?
02:12:18 Oh no, these are the top channels.
02:12:20 OK, never mind.
02:12:21 So, Odyssey is the is the channels like what?
02:12:25 OK, so, yeah, so Corbett report.
02:12:28 Not surprised.
02:12:29 He's bigger than me.
02:12:32 Tim Poole, alright, so if we go to Tim Pool, let's go to his page.
02:12:37 Let's take a look at his views on Odyssey.
02:12:43 Yes. Here's what I'm talking about. Here's views on Odyssey. Three days ago, 217 views.
02:12:51 Five days ago, 301 views.
02:12:54 So sure, he's got 130,000 followers, which as you said, could be totally bots and fake.
02:13:02 His streams or whatever get 300 views.
02:13:09 You know, this is this is this is subscriber not view count.
02:13:15 In fact, even.
02:13:16 Corporate report, although I bet he does pretty good.
02:13:20 Let's say.
Speaker 3
02:13:24 Yeah. I mean even.
02:13:25 Corporate reports not competing with the insomnia stream.
02:13:30 I mean, he's in the neighborhood on a few of these, but, you know, we're we easily double.
02:13:36 All these views.
02:13:40 Not surprised that he has a lot of followers, but.
02:13:47 Is there a way to to sort it by actual views?
02:13:51 I don't know the ****.
02:13:52 Like, what the **** is this?
02:13:53 The official nomics channel.
02:13:55 Like what the hell is?
02:13:56 Is that even?
02:13:57 I've never even ******* heard of that.
02:14:01 Yeah, I mean, like, look at this guy.
02:14:03 He hasn't posted a video in like a year.
02:14:06 And has 132,000 followers, so it's like, come on.
02:14:11 So yeah, technically this guy's bigger than the insomnia strain, but it's like.
Speaker 3
02:14:20 That's by the.
02:14:21 Way anyone listening?
02:14:22 That's why you should sub.
02:14:26 Salty cracker. Let's see here.
02:14:28 I always hear.
02:14:29 People mention him, but I don't know anything about him. Look, he's getting. He's only getting, like, maybe maybe 3000 on a good on a good one.
02:14:39 So same thing here.
02:14:41 So far, no one's even coming close to uh.
02:14:45 And look if if the top ten, if no one in the top ten look, let's try these other ones.
02:14:51 I mean, I don't think the Odyssey Channel's gonna have a billion views either.
02:14:57 But maybe it will.
02:14:59 Yeah. I mean, we're even out doing odyssey. The channel for Odyssey. So we're out doing the channel for Odyssey, which is #1.
02:15:10 Let's see about library.
02:15:11 I mean, I probably because who's watching these videos, right?
Speaker 3
02:15:16 Well, here's one.
02:15:17 We're not doing, I guess this is the SEC versus library judgment from four months ago, they lost.
02:15:25 Well, that's interesting.
02:15:25 I should probably watch that then see what the hell is going to happen with all these little library coins.
02:15:30 They're not doing doing us on a lot of these videos.
02:15:33 I'd say about half of these.
02:15:35 They got some big, big numbers.
02:15:38 Library cast.
02:15:44 And they haven't posted anything in two years.
Speaker 3
02:15:50 So I don't let yeah, this is.
02:15:52 Like I said, all these are are are technically bigger than us, but.
02:15:58 But they're not.
02:16:01 Like who the **** is this guy?
02:16:03 Like, how is this guy? He's got 96 or 97,000 followers.
Speaker 3
02:16:10 He has 136 views.
02:16:14 136 views, 153 views look his he can't even break 1000.
02:16:22 He can't even break 1000.
02:16:25 So this is just all ********.
02:16:29 Brett Weinstein.
02:16:31 Well, let's I don't know, let's just let's just go down.
02:16:33 We'll go.
02:16:33 We'll do the top.
02:16:34 How about this?
02:16:35 We'll do the top 20.
Speaker 3
02:16:36 We'll we'll we'll go.
02:16:37 All the way past sticks and RTRT.
02:16:40 Would probably be a big one, right?
02:16:42 So let's do.
02:16:43 I've never heard of this ******* guy.
02:16:45 My guess it's the same kind of business where it's just like, oh, just garbage views.
Speaker 3
02:16:51 Yeah, at least.
02:16:51 He's breaking 1000, but yeah, he's still garbage in the toilet views compared to insomnia. String we we do 10X what this guy's doing.
02:17:00 And Brett Weinstein.
02:17:05 And look, I know these guys have other platforms.
02:17:08 That's why they're so low.
02:17:09 Right?
02:17:10 Like, Brett Weinstein isn't just on Odyssey, but we're, we're 10, axing Brett Weinstein.
02:17:14 So why is he ahead of me?
02:17:17 Michael H, who the **** is that?
02:17:21 Let's see here.
02:17:24 Yeah, he hasn't posted anything for three years.
02:17:27 So he hasn't posted anything in three years.
02:17:30 But he's got 75,000 followers.
02:17:35 Bombards body language, at least at least.
02:17:40 I've heard of her.
02:17:42 I I I almost want to say friend of.
02:17:44 The show but.
02:17:45 I don't want to like curse her with that.
02:17:47 But yeah, I mean, she's I think she's on other platforms too, because these are all pretty low.
02:17:55 Eve blog I don't know what the **** that is, but look, it's like glowing yellow, so it's gotta be good, right?
02:18:01 Let's see an EVE blog.
02:18:04 Yeah, not breaking 1000, not breaking 1000.
02:18:10 So this this ratings, this is where I'm I wasn't just blowing smoke up your guys's skirts when I said that insomnia streams #1 on odyssey.
02:18:19 We've got to be.
02:18:20 I mean, I think I'm proving that we gotta.
02:18:22 Be let's see here Sylvanna Trotter.
02:18:26 Like who?
02:18:26 **** is this guy, right?
02:18:32 Oh, that's damn that's he's got, like, big *** views.
02:18:35 I've never heard of this ****** and he's got, like this guy.
02:18:37 'S blowing us out of the water.
02:18:40 Well, kind of.
02:18:41 No, he is, I I could.
02:18:42 Yeah, he is.
02:18:43 I've never ******* heard this guy.
02:18:46 But he is alright.
02:18:47 So finally one guy's blowing us out of the.
02:18:50 But he's he's posting like he has one view two months ago or one video two months ago.
02:18:58 Oh, it's not in, it's in French.
02:19:01 I think that's French.
02:19:02 Another video a year ago.
02:19:05 Like, this guy hasn't posted in like a year.
02:19:08 He did one video two months ago, but everything else like a year ago, so it's some French guy that doesn't post.
02:19:17 Naomi Brockwell is this like some E thought.
02:19:20 I don't even know.
02:19:23 Yeah, we we're, we're 10, axing this chick.
02:19:29 All right, sticks.
02:19:30 And again, he's on other platforms too.
02:19:35 I don't.
02:19:35 I don't know that a bunch of them are going to be here.
Speaker 3
02:19:38 Yeah, I mean.
02:19:39 Look, he's not even breaking 1000 on.
02:19:40 Most of these things.
02:19:43 He's not even breaking 1000 on most of.
02:19:44 These videos.
02:19:47 All right, we'll just do RT and then I'll stop because I think I think I've made the point, right.
02:19:53 Think I've made the point.
02:19:54 I don't think anyone if I scroll through here, I don't see any big names that leap out of me, Stefan Molyneux.
02:20:02 You know, he's not even breaking a.
02:20:03 100 on some of these videos.
02:20:07 You know, so I I think we're #1.
Speaker 3
02:20:10 I I don't.
02:20:11 See how we're.
02:20:11 Not if we're not.
02:20:13 Let me know if we're not let.
02:20:15 Me know I I would.
02:20:16 I would and I can't find out because they have an analytics thing.
02:20:21 When you look at your channel.
02:20:23 And it it's broken.
02:20:25 I have no way of looking at my analytics on Odyssey because you click on it.
02:20:29 It's like thinking, thinking and like you, you come back an hour later and it's it just it's all error.
02:20:35 I I don't remember the exact error message, but yeah on honestly we we there's no way we're not #1.
02:20:43 At the very least, we're top five like there might be some weirdo.
02:20:47 Thing in here that I just don't know about.
02:20:51 Like, OK, here's richetta law, right?
02:20:55 He's big on YouTube.
Speaker 3
02:20:58 But yeah, he's not even breaking 100.
02:21:00 On a lot.
02:21:00 Of this stuff, 57 views, 90 views you.
02:21:04 Know what I mean? Like.
02:21:06 So I don't everyone that's that's quote UN quote like a bigger person on me like or than me that they're all on like YouTube and **** like that. So they're not going to be they're they're they're doing **** numbers on auto sync.
02:21:21 But that's kind of cool.
02:21:22 I didn't know this this website existed.
02:21:26 Alright, let's take a look here.
02:21:30 ******** ****** for one.
Speaker 11
02:21:37 Do you have that much money in your bank at home?
Speaker 3
02:21:42 I'd buy that for a dollar.
02:21:49 May we please talk at least a little bit about the ****** shooter?
02:21:54 I mean, look, the ****** shooter thing.
Speaker 3
02:21:58 I mean I I.
02:21:58 Just figured I'd been talked to death by the time like I was going to go live.
02:22:03 That's why I didn't bring.
02:22:05 The training shooter is the ****** shooter.
02:22:07 The only thing that's annoying is people just like every time anything, anything bad that happens is fake.
02:22:14 Those people drive me nuts.
02:22:16 Oh, it's fake.
02:22:17 You can tell cause, like the shoes.
02:22:19 **** you, you ******, ******.
02:22:22 You know, it's. It's not everything's ******* fake and.
02:22:26 I and look.
02:22:26 And it's a lot of these people, they just they can't handle.
02:22:30 Where the the society is going so it's heads in the ******* sand and it's funny cause the the same heads in the ******* sand ************* are the ones that point to the boomers and say, how did you let it get this bad?
02:22:44 Well, I mean, I don't know.
02:22:46 Were they saying everything was fake?
02:22:49 I don't think they were saying everything was fake. They were ignoring it in a different way. But you're kind of doing what they were doing because if everything's fake, then it's nothing to worry about, right? It's just it's people that have a hard time.
02:23:03 Dealing with how bad she's getting, and so everything has to be fake. Everything's like, you know, like some kind of ******* grandmaster plan. At which point, why are we even trying right? At which point, why are we even trying?
02:23:18 Because basically what you're saying you're saying, you know what?
02:23:22 It's kind of like this.
02:23:25 They're they're.
02:23:26 It's like saying that you're an NPC.
02:23:29 But you're it's more like saying you're a character in in the first Tron movie, right?
02:23:35 That there's a user up there that's controlling you, right?
02:23:39 That you don't actually control your own destiny.
02:23:42 You don't actually control anything, you're just like.
02:23:45 Upon in someone else's game.
02:23:49 You know, so you're you're literally saying, OK, I'm not an MPC because MPC's are just controlled by algorithms and and responding to stimuli and whatever.
02:23:58 Which, by the way, I have another point about MPC's. We'll talk about here in a second.
02:24:02 But they they are.
02:24:04 Basically saying no, I'm I'm one of the actual player characters.
02:24:09 It's just that someone else is operating the controls.
Speaker 3
02:24:15 Well, OK.
02:24:16 That's not what I am.
02:24:19 I'm in control of this ****.
02:24:21 And I don't think that there's some kind of like super, you know, organized group that is is is faking every single thing that happens in the news.
02:24:34 OK.
02:24:35 And it it's it's and if I did think that why I wouldn't even ******* try, I wouldn't even ******* try at that point.
02:24:42 You're just you're just a spectator.
Speaker 3
02:24:45 You have literally what could.
02:24:47 You what could you do?
02:24:50 If this, if this shadowy group is able to orchestrate all this **** all the time, always, why even try?
Speaker 3
02:24:57 Why try it all?
02:25:01 Hey and how you know that they're not orchestrating what you're doing?
02:25:07 Maybe they're orchestrating me.
02:25:09 Maybe I work for them, right?
02:25:12 So it's, it's just, I ******* hate that ****.
02:25:15 I ******* hate that ****.
02:25:16 I will say this, though.
02:25:17 It was weird how quickly the footage was released.
02:25:21 I wasn't expecting that like it, it seemed like it was released faster than like any footage of a of a shooting that ever seemed ever.
02:25:31 Pretty intense.
02:25:32 It was pretty cool though watching, I guess.
02:25:40 White men go take out a ******.
02:25:44 Right, because that's basically what it.
02:25:45 Was you watched that?
02:25:46 Video you had that guy that was essentially just shoving people into into hallways, going blue shirt with the rifle go.
Speaker 10
02:25:53 Go, go and.
Speaker 3
02:25:53 Like pushing him into.
02:25:55 The hallway and stuff like that.
Speaker 3
02:25:57 But it was.
02:25:58 It looking at it, it seemed like it was pretty legit.
02:26:01 It seemed like they, you know, they knew what they were doing and they they took care of the problem.
02:26:08 And I I I think it's ridiculous all these, all these ******* ******** conservatives focusing on like.
Speaker 3
02:26:15 Oh oh, the woke left.
Speaker 10
02:26:18 The woke left is just, you know, all they care about is the fact that they're misgendering the person.
02:26:25 Look at that.
02:26:25 It's like God ******* who ******* cares?
02:26:28 Who ******* cares?
02:26:32 Right. Who ******* cares?
02:26:34 Like that's, that's your big complaint is the walk left is mad that they're misgendering like a murderer.
02:26:42 Yeah, just.
02:26:47 Look at just who ******* cares.
02:26:51 What you what you should be saying?
02:26:54 Is is ********, are ********* stable and and and and freak out with murderous rage sometimes, and they're not safe to be around.
02:27:06 And they should be locked up in institutions.
Speaker 3
02:27:12 As someone that has * ****.
02:27:17 When I when I find out there are men who on purpose.
02:27:23 Are trying they want to chop off ***** ****?
02:27:29 The level of insanity.
02:27:32 That has to be in that ******* head for that to even like come up as a as a.
Speaker 10
02:27:39 Like an option to even consider.
02:27:42 Means you should be.
02:27:44 You should be in a ******* institution or better yet, locked up in some ******* dungeon somewhere.
02:27:50 But you should be quarantined from the rest of us.
02:27:52 You should be taken far away from the rest of us.
02:27:55 Where you you're going to do any damage.
02:27:59 You know, take.
02:28:00 Take them into some kind of *******.
02:28:04 I don't know.
02:28:05 Gulag somewhere.
02:28:07 Have them mining rare rare earth minerals somewhere in Africa.
02:28:11 I don't know.
02:28:13 Get them the **** away.
02:28:16 Get them the **** away from the.
02:28:18 Rest of us.
Speaker 3
02:28:25 Urban but ******** aren't the only ones to.
02:28:27 Do shooting.
02:28:28 I don't ******* care.
02:28:32 I don't ******* care.
02:28:39 We'll sort out the the, the, the weirdo white people that do shootings or whatever.
02:28:44 That's fine.
02:28:44 Whatever, right?
02:28:47 But you can we can draw the line.
02:28:49 I think.
02:28:50 I think it's totally appropriate to draw the line at at.
02:28:54 You wanna chop **** **** off?
02:28:57 You're not.
02:28:57 You're ******* nuts.
Speaker 3
02:28:59 Get in the ******* pit.
02:29:01 Get in the pit.
02:29:05 Or in this case the exact opposite, right?
02:29:08 Like I get it, women.
02:29:11 You probably a lot of women probably wish they.
02:29:13 Were men right?
02:29:16 But if you're at a level of crazy.
02:29:19 To where you think that that.
Speaker 3
02:29:21 Either you were born in the wrong body.
02:29:24 Or that you can just decide that you want a different body and somehow that it will ever happen.
02:29:32 That you can just change your your biological sex in, in, in it or or anything about your biology and the way that that that's that that that's that dramatic.
Speaker 3
02:29:44 Right.
02:29:48 Get the **** in the pit.
Speaker 3
02:29:52 The pip that smells like lighter.
02:29:53 Fluid get in that ******* pit.
Speaker 3
02:29:58 We don't need you.
02:30:00 We have enough problems.
02:30:01 Already we don't need people like that.
02:30:10 It's not worth the resort.
02:30:12 It's not even worth the resources to try to fix these people.
02:30:15 It's just.
02:30:15 Not worth it.
02:30:21 With all the problems we have going on right now, it's time to play a little game called Triage.
02:30:29 Maybe if we had fewer problems to worry about, we could try to ****** the ******** heads.
02:30:33 We don't.
02:30:34 We don't have that luxury right now, so get in the ******* pit.
Speaker 3
02:30:51 Conservatives can't even talk.
02:30:53 About this without doing like the whole stupid, I mean it.
02:30:57 It's so *******.
02:30:59 Look, and those conservatives.
Speaker 3
02:31:01 They should get in the ******* pit too.
02:31:07 Those conservatives that can't just say, like, look, we don't need these ******* people.
02:31:11 They're not even, they're not even people.
02:31:12 Which goes to what I was saying before about the NPC thing.
02:31:16 I think everyone was so ******* smug about like, oh, NPC's don't have an inner voice. You know, when they talked about how a a huge portion of of.
02:31:28 Well, I guess I don't know if it was just.
02:31:29 I think the study was American.
02:31:30 So huge portion of.
02:31:32 Americans don't have an inner voice.
02:31:36 And they can't relate to the.
02:31:38 And people, normal people or as I like humans, we're like, what the ****?
Speaker 3
02:31:45 You don't have an inner voice.
02:31:48 What are you?
02:31:49 Just like some?
Speaker 3
02:31:50 Kind of wind up toy.
02:31:54 And we thought it was funny.
02:31:56 We felt a.
02:31:57 Little superior, maybe.
02:32:01 But I was thinking the other day.
Speaker 3
02:32:06 What's what? What's your conscience?
02:32:09 You know, Jiminy Cricket and all that ****.
02:32:10 What's your ******* conscience?
02:32:12 If it's not the voice in your head telling you not to do the bad ****?
02:32:19 They don't have a conscience.
02:32:24 They don't have a conscience.
02:32:30 They don't have a voice.
02:32:33 In their head.
02:32:35 Telling them the difference between right and wrong.
02:32:38 They don't have a voice that says, oh Devin, I know it sounds really great to or you're you're you're having a a random random thought, right of of, of, of impulse, of just ramming your car into that, that.
02:32:53 Never mind.
Speaker 3
02:32:56 But the voice?
02:32:57 Is like, Nah, don't do it.
02:32:58 It's no, no, it's.
02:32:59 Not a good.
02:33:00 And so you don't do it right.
02:33:03 They don't have that voice.
02:33:06 They don't have that voice.
02:33:08 They don't have the voice that makes them feel guilty when they do do ****** ** ****.
02:33:11 You know, like when you do ****** **.
02:33:13 **** and afterwards.
02:33:14 You're like, oh, man, that was pretty ****** **.
02:33:18 I was kind of, I had to admit that.
02:33:20 Was kind of.
02:33:20 ******. They don't have that.
02:33:23 They don't have that voice.
02:33:30 It's just crickets.
02:33:32 Not Jiminy cricket.
02:33:38 The sound of silence.
02:33:47 Look and guess what?
02:33:50 All those *************.
Speaker 3
02:33:52 Get in the ******* pit.
02:33:58 They're not even real people anyway at that point.
02:34:03 I'm not being hyperbolic.
02:34:06 If you don't have a conscience, you're not a human.
02:34:11 There's nothing divine about you at all.
02:34:14 You're simply a a smarter than average ape.
02:34:23 End of story.
02:34:28 Uh, where was I at?
02:34:30 Where was I at?
02:34:32 There's the these are the weird rants that always end up tucked away, hidden like an hour or so into my I guess 2 hours 2 1/2 hours into my streams that most people miss.
02:34:44 Only only the the real get to hear that ****.
02:34:51 Alright, well, Chad's broken. I gotta fix it.
02:34:57 Here we go.
02:35:01 Uh, now I got to really I got.
02:35:04 To go through all these hyper chats again where we at?
02:35:15 OK.
02:35:16 Saxon stargazer. At what point do you think middle-aged women will start to go hysterical from no kids? We already see that antidepressants and therapy are at an all time high, but what do you predict the ramifications of a majority childless female population?
02:35:34 Will look like.
02:35:46 That's what it is.
Speaker 3
02:35:48 That's what you know, unattractive.
02:35:53 Gnarled, childless old, you know, like in the in the in the fairy tales warning you of these people, they're witches.
Speaker 3
02:36:02 And guess what?
02:36:03 Witches get in the ******* pit.
02:36:09 They should go in the ******* pit too.
02:36:12 I'm just saying they should be in the ******* pit.
02:36:22 Alright so.
02:36:34 And by the way, in a modern context, what does that look?
02:36:37 Like well, instead of them being like the weird ladies because you got to think of the the the instance, the, the, the rarity of which is.
02:36:47 In, say, the 1600s, you know, like the amount of women that would end up with that kind of a fate. It was it.
02:36:53 Was a relatively, you know, small minority, right.
02:36:57 Well, as you as your question implies, we're going to have a glut of witches.
02:37:04 So what does that mean?
02:37:06 Well, all the things think about like all these cautionary tales that would warn you about witches.
02:37:12 What would they?
02:37:13 What were they always doing?
02:37:15 Murdering children?
02:37:16 OK, check.
02:37:17 They're doing that already.
02:37:20 Uh, you know, poisoning wells, poisoning the society like they're just they're they're just very destructive.
02:37:28 Vindictive creatures.
02:37:34 That typically seek out alpha males.
02:37:39 And try to destroy them.
02:37:41 Try to prevent them from and you know winding up with the girl.
02:37:45 I mean, look, it's.
02:37:47 All this stuff, these story tales like these, these fairy tales, were stories that were meant to to teach you something.
02:37:55 They weren't just like, random.
02:37:58 Stories about nothing, you know, like these were these they these had.
02:38:02 A moral code.
02:38:05 Within them that they they were meant to be imprinted on your mind when you read them or were read to you, they were read to.
02:38:11 You as a child.
02:38:15 Yeah, we have a glut of witches.
02:38:16 Is what it boils down to, and they're gonna have.
02:38:18 To go in the pit.
02:38:22 Guitar dude.
02:38:24 1356 what are your thoughts on doing business with Jews? I'm in a line of work in which I have to deal with them all the time.
02:38:33 How would you behave toward them?
02:38:35 Also, would you try to limit your kids interactions with Jews and blacks?
02:38:39 How would you instruct your kids to behave when they interact with them?
02:38:43 Uh, look.
02:38:44 I would say go wig towel.
02:38:49 And do you really have to?
02:38:50 I mean, no one has to do business with Jews.
02:38:55 You might have to in your current profession or current job situation.
Speaker 3
02:39:01 And I'm not telling you to change it.
02:39:02 I'm just.
02:39:03 I'm just pointing out.
02:39:05 That a lot of people say, well, I have to do ex lines and then they.
02:39:08 You they don't.
02:39:10 And I think that applies to you in this situation.
02:39:12 I'm not.
02:39:12 Look, I'm not trying to quit your job or something.
02:39:14 I'm just saying like.
02:39:17 You know, you you don't have to.
02:39:18 Deal with them.
02:39:21 You have a choice.
02:39:24 And you're you have decided that it is.
02:39:29 Your choice to deal with them.
02:39:32 So you know you it sounds like you've already made your choice in terms of of kids interacting with them.
02:39:39 Same thing, you know, wig toe.
02:39:40 I would say.
02:39:41 Look, you can't.
02:39:42 Your kids are are going to grow up someday and go out in the world where there's non whites all over the ******* place.
02:39:49 I would just tell them the truth.
02:39:52 You know, don't be mean about it.
02:39:54 And don't be dishonest about it or or or.
02:39:58 Cruel about it.
02:40:03 But don't lie to them either.
02:40:05 Just let them know.
02:40:06 Hey, look.
Speaker 3
02:40:08 People are different.
02:40:10 On a genetic level, people are different and each group has certain biological aspects to them that determine certain behaviors.
02:40:20 And yes, we all are our our own people and we make decisions and we, you know have self determination and and self-control, but there's varying levels of agency between different groups and there's some groups that have very low agency, very low impulse control.
02:40:41 Very low IQ and can be very dangerous as a result.
02:40:47 And there are other groups that will seek to undermine you, take advantage of you of you financially, deal with you in a way that's dishonest because their religion and their ethnic background permits it.
02:41:07 And while you might you and I, as as white people, we see that as unfair and it's it's foreign.
02:41:15 It does exist.
02:41:18 And so just be mindful of that.
02:41:20 I would.
02:41:20 I would absolutely at least tell your kids the truth.
02:41:25 And again, don't be mean or bad.
02:41:26 Be like them *******.
02:41:28 Because then they're they're going to.
02:41:30 Grow up to be.
02:41:33 They they'll look at you as.
02:41:35 Some, you know, like ignorant, racist parent, right?
02:41:39 You know, no, just be honest about, like, look, there's there's plenty of black people that will be nice and not hurt you and and you know, might help you out if you you know if you're in a jam or something like that, right.
02:41:51 They're just not the majority.
02:41:55 And you got you got to be careful.
02:41:58 It's like, you know, if you ground in the woods, not all the snakes like if I had if my kids.
Speaker 3
02:42:03 Went out in the desert.
02:42:05 I would say look.
02:42:07 Not all the snakes out there are poisonous.
02:42:10 Not all of them are going to be rattlesnakes.
02:42:12 Some of them are going to look a lot like rattlesnakes but not be rattlesnakes.
02:42:16 But you're a stupid kid and I don't want you trying to figure out, you know, whether or not it's the kind that's going to kill you or not.
02:42:24 If you see a ******* snake, stay away from it.
02:42:28 Don't ******* touch the snakes, Billy.
02:42:32 And and if and if dad's around, maybe he can help you out determining what kind of snake it is, but if you're going out there, don't **** with snakes.
02:42:43 Simple as that.
02:42:44 Same thing with spiders.
02:42:45 You see some ******* we got.
02:42:46 We got spiders out there.
02:42:47 That will kill you dead.
02:42:51 So if you see a spider, don't **** with the spider.
02:42:55 Leave the spiders alone.
02:42:59 It's like the you.
02:43:00 Know the the the bees out here.
02:43:03 Some of them are Africanized well, most of them are, but and it's different levels some some are.
02:43:10 So Africanized, they'll come right at you and start trying to kill you immediately.
02:43:15 Some are are just kind of like a little more aggressive than than usual.
02:43:22 But I'm not.
02:43:22 I don't.
02:43:22 I'm not going to.
02:43:23 Not wear my bee suit.
02:43:27 I'm going to assume that I could get killed.
02:43:33 It doesn't help anyone for me.
02:43:34 Like I'm gonna treat these bees like like European bees and not wear my bee suit and just hope.
02:43:39 For the best.
02:43:40 Well, good luck.
02:43:42 You'll probably die.
02:43:46 And use metaphors.
02:43:47 Kids understand things much easier when you use metaphors.
02:43:51 I think that's why Jesus taught using parables.
02:43:57 Gee, since you shared that video of the black congressman earlier.
02:44:02 See, that doesn't?
02:44:03 That's still not context, man.
Speaker 3
02:44:07 Since you did.
02:44:08 This here's link.
02:44:10 OK.
02:44:10 Well, what was the link up?
02:44:14 You guys are you guys are killing me with the 0.
02:44:16 Contact stuff.
Speaker 17
02:44:20 He gets set for the WWE Intercontinental Championship match.
02:44:24 It's straight ahead on Smackdown live.
02:44:28 Is is this some African country Congress?
Speaker 3
02:44:30 Yeah, no, this is this.
02:44:31 Is what it's going to be.
02:44:34 This is what it's going to be.
02:44:37 It's impossible that it doesn't end up like this.
Speaker 3
02:44:44 And honestly, why not?
02:44:46 This seems like it's more fun.
02:44:49 If C-SPAN was like this.
Speaker 10
02:44:52 Why not?
Speaker 3
02:44:56 Wouldn't you? Much rather see.
02:44:59 Ted Cruz throw a chair, Aunt Nancy Pelosi.
02:45:04 Then do some gay sound bite on Fox News.
02:45:10 Wouldn't you rather see Mitch McConnell get body slammed and and hit with a microphone stand?
02:45:20 Then see him like stand up in some hallway saying the most inoffensive things he can think of on every topic.
02:45:30 So they never has to take a stand on anything.
Speaker 3
02:45:34 This looks like more fun.
02:45:37 This looks like more fun.
02:45:44 I'm digging the red hats too.
02:45:49 I kind of want to get a red.
02:45:50 Hat like that now is that like the Red Hat Party?
02:45:54 Like, is that like the African MAGA hat?
02:46:07 Yeah, this is where this.
02:46:08 Is where this is where we're headed.
02:46:09 This is absolutely this is Uganda.
02:46:12 I guess that's where we're headed.
02:46:17 Lampshade denier.
02:46:21 Look up this book.
02:46:22 I'm glad my mom died by Jeanette McCurdy.
02:46:26 What a horrible *****.
02:46:27 Of course, the **** libs call her brave.
02:46:31 Alright, I'll check that out later.
02:46:34 Glad my mom died.
02:46:38 Is I'm.
02:46:38 I'm sure it was just like some regular.
02:46:40 Well, why not just look.
02:46:42 It up real.
02:46:42 Quick but sure, it's just like some anti white garbage.
02:46:50 A heartbreaking, hilarious memoir by iCarly and Sam.
02:46:55 And and cat starred Jeanette McCurdy, but her struggles as a former child actor, including eating disorders, addiction and complicated relationships.
02:47:05 Blah blah blah.
02:47:08 So just like she has some horrible stage mom that died.
02:47:13 OK.
02:47:13 Well, that's different than I thought it would be.
02:47:15 But OK.
02:47:20 Saxon stargazer.
02:47:22 What would you be interested?
02:47:24 Or would you be interested in doing a movie review of all the right moves starring Tom Cruise?
02:47:29 It's nothing too veiled, but it's impressive how much anti Christian and anti white messaging is stuffed in a sports movie.
02:47:37 He lost me on sports movie.
02:47:40 About poor whites.
02:47:41 If not, do you think you could tackle eyes wide shut?
02:47:45 Well, I mean, I ******* hate sports movies.
02:47:49 ******* the only thing worse than watching sports ball is watching sports movies.
02:47:56 Or playing sports video games like they're all it's it's all gay.
02:48:02 Yeah, probably not.
02:48:05 I mean, I don't know.
02:48:06 I've never.
02:48:06 I don't think I've ever seen that movie.
02:48:08 Let's probably get the sports movie.
02:48:10 As far as eyes wide shot, just at that movie's been done to death. You know, that's the only reason why I don't touch it. It's just like.
02:48:17 Everyone has their own little theory about it, and it's just, you know, we don't even know how it's supposed to be, like how it was supposed to be edited because.
02:48:27 You know, he died before the the final edit was put out.
02:48:32 You know whether or not it's, you know, people have, there's a rumored missing 20 minutes of it or something like that.
02:48:40 But look, it's it's, I'll tell you what.
02:48:43 If nothing else, it's a compelling film.
02:48:46 It's degenerate.
02:48:47 It's ******* whatever.
02:48:48 But it's certainly.
02:48:51 A compelling film.
02:48:53 Very interesting movie.
02:48:56 But it's just one of those things where it's just like, yeah, every everyone's there's so many ******* videos on eyes wide shut.
02:49:04 They were.
02:49:05 They, they, they, they go into this very painful amount of detail about all the like, every little thing that's on the walls.
02:49:16 Like like every little like picture hanging from the wall.
02:49:19 Like, oh, and then the Chris, the Rainbow Christmas lights, you know.
02:49:23 It it it?
02:49:24 Symbolizes this.
02:49:25 Oh, look, it's called the Rainbow Room.
02:49:27 And oh, look, it's.
02:49:28 It's like that's just not me.
02:49:30 I'm just because, honestly, the way I.
02:49:32 Look at films.
02:49:34 Is I try to think how is the average person going to perceive this?
02:49:38 Not how is someone with way too much time on their hands.
02:49:42 That's going to watch it over and over and over again and try to think of the most esoteric.
02:49:48 Interpretation of every little thing and track down the the meaning of all the symbolism.
02:49:53 And because average person is not doing that.
02:49:57 It even if there is all this esoteric symbolism in the movie and whatever, and maybe maybe it's the elite talking to themselves in code.
02:50:05 And I don't.
02:50:06 It doesn't really matter to me.
02:50:08 Because that's not going to impact society.
02:50:10 That's not how it's going to influence the culture the way it's going to influence the culture is if a bunch of people see it and it **** ***** them and I don't really think that that movie accomplished that in a way that makes up for the fact that it kind of.
02:50:30 It gave everyone a visual.
02:50:36 That you can't wash out of your head.
02:50:38 You know, like the the weird mansion **** scene with, like, the people with the masks and everything like that.
02:50:46 That became.
02:50:49 Probably the most culturally relevant aspect of that movie.
02:50:54 That this idea that there's this group of powerful rich elites that have these weirdo ******* mansion ****** and that they can have people killed for talking about them.
02:51:07 And like I think that.
02:51:11 Is a big enough take away to where if there's other subversive stuff in it.
02:51:16 It like it almost gets nullified by the fact that most people are walking out of the theater, going man.
02:51:23 The ******* ruling class is a bunch of creepy weirdos.
02:51:27 And which is.
02:51:30 You know good for us.
02:51:33 You know that's that's that's a that's a healthy assessment to walk out of that theater with, I don't think very many people.
02:51:42 Really thought beyond that?
02:51:43 I mean, there's the weird relationship between Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman.
02:51:47 Who were, I think, married at the time that that was shot.
02:51:52 And the way they promoted the movie when it first came out was like almost like, you know, star ****, like, oh, look, it's Nicole Kidman and and and Tom Cruise in like soft core ***** and it kind of is a little bit.
02:52:10 And so that was kind of how they sold it like that's that was a big part of what brought people to the theater, honestly.
02:52:19 But even then, I don't think that that really uh.
02:52:27 Well, and you had like you had.
02:52:28 Like the pedo **** too, right?
02:52:29 Like the.
02:52:30 The weird Russian guy selling his I think he was Russian.
02:52:35 Seemed Russian, Eastern European guy selling his daughter to Asians.
02:52:43 Yeah, you know.
02:52:48 That I think most people in the audience saw that and it didn't come across as as anything other than just like weird.
02:52:58 Most people will discard things that just seem weird, which is why, like the the world according to GARP like that we went over to.
02:53:07 Like, I don't think had a huge cultural impact cause I think.
02:53:12 Just like Roger Ebert was saying, like at the end of it, you're just kind of.
02:53:15 Like OK.
02:53:18 You know, I mean, like, it doesn't emotionally.
02:53:21 Affect you that much, cause it's just like, alright, I just feel like I just watched a bunch of, like, mildly annoying characters do a bunch of degenerate weirdo **** for two hours.
02:53:37 With no resolution, no narrative even.
02:53:42 I mean, there wasn't.
02:53:42 There wasn't even really a narrative to it.
02:53:45 There wasn't, like, a, A beginning, middle or an end to the story.
02:53:48 It was just like.
02:53:50 OK, there's like this rape baby, and he writes.
02:53:55 But you know, like it there there was, I guess, like a kind of a story to it.
02:53:59 But it wasn't.
02:54:02 Most people I think aren't going to be thinking about like, oh, wow, it was so deep the way they did XYZ like it.
02:54:09 No, it's it's not.
02:54:12 And so I think the same thing with a lot of these movies.
02:54:17 Like eyes wide shut, where people are going to watch it and.
02:54:24 The symbolism is going to be lost on like 90%.
02:54:27 Of the people.
02:54:29 And they're not going to.
02:54:30 They're not going to be like, oh, yeah, that symbolizes the sex trade and whatever.
02:54:33 No, they're just going to think, oh, it's creepy, weird guy that sold his daughter to the.
02:54:38 Other creepy people.
02:54:40 And they're going to be more focused on, like, the creepy mansion **** people.
02:54:46 Than anything else.
02:54:48 Saxon stargazer.
02:54:50 Can you give us the lore of how you got classified?
02:54:55 Also, do you think you'll ever write an autobiography one day?
02:55:00 I'm sure it could make a cool story.
02:55:02 Keep up the.
02:55:02 Great work, Devin.
02:55:03 You're an inspiration and your perception humor.
02:55:08 And general Knowledge, God bless wish nothing but the best.
02:55:12 Well, I appreciate that Sax and stargazer.
02:55:14 There's not really any kind of Lord to it.
02:55:16 It's just.
02:55:20 There was a well, I guess it's kind of a story, but like the short version is.
02:55:26 Years ago, I was I I dated this girl that was like this.
02:55:32 She liked animals more than people and I kind of picked up on that.
02:55:35 So we.
02:55:36 We stopped dating because I just don't people like that weird me out.
02:55:41 And you know, girls like that weird me out especially.
02:55:44 And one of her friends started, like, apparently found a a kitten in a parking lot with kids getting or the kids were throwing rocks at it.
02:55:56 So she grabbed the kitten and stuck it in her purse.
02:56:01 And was just walking around with a kitten in her purse like some dumb ***** that didn't know that.
02:56:07 Like, no, you need to, like feed them.
02:56:08 And stuff like it's not.
02:56:10 It's not like just some.
02:56:11 You know that you clip onto your.
02:56:15 So because she was concerned that her friend was going to basically, you know, not take care of it, she reached out to me and I was like, alright, fine.
02:56:27 And so.
02:56:31 That's why I have.
02:56:32 That's why I've classified.
02:56:38 See my my my animals come to me.
02:56:42 I don't go looking for them.
02:56:48 Yeah, classified cat and Charo are both feral.
02:56:52 Cats in a way.
02:56:56 Uh, Dan.
02:56:58 Robin Williams was a massive degenerate homosexual who died while ********** asphyxiation.
02:57:05 Yeah, that I that's possible.
02:57:07 I thought he might have just committed suicide though, too.
02:57:10 Because he was like.
02:57:13 A very depressed weirdo.
02:57:17 So yeah.
02:57:20 I don't know if it's 100% that that's how he died. I mean, obviously he hung himself, but I don't know if he hung himself while trying to do something *****.
02:57:28 Polar bear odyssey.
02:57:29 This is an old PBS ESQUE documentary on ******** and degeneracy in Berlin before World War 2.
02:57:37 Ties into everyone who came over at the turn of the century may as well be a black pilled production well worth the watch.
Speaker 3
02:57:45 That, that, everybody.
02:57:47 That's an example of context.
02:57:49 Send me a link and tell me what what you're sending me.
02:57:52 See, this is now.
02:57:54 Now I know what to expect when I go to the link.
02:57:59 Ah, but I'm about to sign in.
02:58:01 But alright, I'll keep that tab open.
02:58:04 That that's that's an example.
02:58:05 Good example of context.
02:58:08 So it's not just like YouTube link.
02:58:13 Western collapse report.
02:58:14 Not sure if you covered the the restrict act, but it's game over.
02:58:19 If that passes, yeah.
02:58:22 That's I I mean.
02:58:23 I I briefly talked about it.
02:58:25 That's the.
02:58:27 Isn't that the the white supremacy thing where, like if you?
02:58:32 It's not gonna pass.
02:58:34 Let me.
02:58:34 Let me just see if if it's the one you're I'm talking.
02:58:37 I think it is right.
02:58:43 Well, let's see here.
02:58:49 I know this. I think this one's different, isn't it? This bill requires federal actions to identify and mitigate foreign threats to information and communications technology products and services.
02:59:01 It also establishes civil and criminal penalties for violations under the bill, specifically, the Department of Commerce must identify.
02:59:09 Deter, disrupt, prevent, prohibit, investigate, and mitigate.
02:59:15 That's a lot of gates.
02:59:17 Transactions involving ICT products and services in which any foreign adversary has any interest and that pose an undue acceptable risk to the US well hold on why is this game over?
02:59:32 I mean I.
02:59:35 Commerce must identify blah blah blah commerce.
02:59:43 So it's basically just what is it?
02:59:45 It's just saying that.
02:59:55 So it's just more surveillance state ****, right?
02:59:58 What I don't know specifically what the, what the game over aspect of it is.
03:00:04 And this is kind of I'd have to read through it on its face though.
03:00:07 It just looks like more surveillance state ****, maybe banning platforms.
03:00:13 I I don't know.
03:00:15 I don't know.
03:00:15 I have to take a look at that.
03:00:17 Andromeda, Devin, I want to thank you for your stream regarding Lavoy Finicum.
03:00:23 He was a great man, gunned down by our criminal government.
03:00:26 Thank you for tonight's stream, too.
03:00:27 Well, I appreciate that, Andromeda.
03:00:31 And draw it again.
03:00:32 Can I please get a little baby platypus?
03:00:34 Well, I guess.
03:00:36 I guess if you put it that way.
Speaker 3
03:00:40 YouTube baby bird dippers.
03:00:42 There you go.
03:00:47 Speaking of Speaking of no, no context, right?
03:00:52 Western collapse report keep up the great work stack.
03:00:55 You're an inspiration to a lot of us well.
03:00:56 I appreciate that.
03:01:01 You are too kind.
03:01:03 The slipstream this movie should be burned to the ground.
03:01:06 This is what happens when you don't defend your country and your culture.
03:01:10 When you let the outsider who doesn't want to assimilate or is unable or unable, you should do a video on more movies.
03:01:19 Also still follow Gropers heard you heard about or.
03:01:23 Heard about Johnny Fastcraft news?
03:01:28 No, I don't.
03:01:29 That sounds vaguely familiar, Johnny fast crop, but I can't think of it off the top of my head.
Speaker 10
03:01:36 There to be.
03:01:37 So you're talking about this is what happens when you let outsiders come in.
03:01:43 I was trying to look at, you know, who's behind this **** and you know, John Irving is the the.
03:01:51 Ohh wait, hold on a moment.
03:01:55 His real last name is not Irving.
03:01:59 The plot thickens.
03:02:03 His real last name is Blunt.
03:02:07 OK, I'm going to have to take a look at his.
03:02:13 No, no, no.
03:02:14 He's still, yeah.
03:02:14 OK.
03:02:15 He's still.
03:02:15 Yeah, he's still a goy.
03:02:19 Yeah. So.
03:02:22 Early life says.
03:02:25 And the weird thing.
03:02:26 Is you'll notice a lot of.
03:02:27 This from the movie.
03:02:27 We just watched.
03:02:30 He was born in New Hampshire.
03:02:32 He was the son of Helen Francis and John Wallace Blunt.
03:02:38 A writer and executive recruiter.
03:02:41 But the couple separated during pregnancy.
03:02:43 Irving grew up in Exeter with his stepfather, Colin Franklin Newell Irving, who was a Phillips Exeter Academy faculty member.
03:02:54 His uncle, Hammy Bissell, was also part of the fact.
03:02:59 John Irving was in the Phillips Exeter Wrestling program as a student athlete and said in a weird way he he's he is, he's garp.
03:03:12 And as an assistant coach and a wrestling and wrestling features prominently in his books, stories and life, while a student at Exeter, Irving was taught by author and Christian theologian Frederick Buechner, whom he quoted in an.
03:03:31 Epigraph in a prayer for Owen Meany Irving has dyslexia.
03:03:39 Irving's biological father, whom he never met, you know also part of the movie.
03:03:43 Had been a.
03:03:44 Pilot in the Army Air forces. See. There you go. During World War 2 and was shot down over Burma in 1943.
03:03:55 So yeah.
03:03:57 He, in a weird way, he's garp.
03:04:04 And he?
03:04:05 Yeah, he's not Jewish.
03:04:07 You know, he's a he's a good guy.
03:04:10 Now the guy, the guy who who adapted.
03:04:12 It for the screen I think is Jewish.
03:04:14 It's hard to tell, but not super hard by looking at him.
03:04:19 But he, you know this guy, I don't think he's Jewish unless blunt is a Jewish last name.
03:04:25 I I don't think it is.
03:04:28 Uh. Let's see here.
03:04:33 Darth kill Hoon if Jews weren't in America whispering in our leaders ears my Morgan thou then maybe we would still live in a based world. I recently did a research project on the genocide of 3,000,000 Germans.
03:04:52 Between 1939 and 1950.
03:04:55 Tears my heart out margin thou plan did happen.
03:04:59 Ask Patton.
03:05:00 Oh wait.
03:05:00 He was shot for that?
03:05:02 Patton was was was murdered most likely by Jews.
03:05:07 Alright, bat bat two, we bat.
03:05:11 I don't know what your what your name is there?
03:05:14 Batter we.
03:05:21 Devin, what are your thoughts on semen retention?
03:05:26 I mean, I I don't know if that's like a thing.
03:05:29 Is that like a thing?
03:05:31 Like I mean.
03:05:34 I don't know.
03:05:35 I feel like uh.
03:05:38 If you're if, look if you're not in a relationship with a woman that you're planning on having children with, then I think that should be your default position.
03:05:48 And I think it'll motivate you to form that relationship with a woman that you plan on having kids with.
03:05:56 I think one of the things that is hurting the fertility of white men in the West is the easy access to *********** and that the the.
03:06:10 The total acceptance of ************?
03:06:15 It's not.
03:06:16 It's not even like a little bit embarrassing to almost anybody.
03:06:22 You can buy.
03:06:24 ************ toys in grocery stores now.
03:06:29 Ohh no did I did I did I did I do it?
03:06:31 Did I?
03:06:32 No, I'm not.
03:06:33 I I'm not gonna.
Speaker 3
03:06:38 No, but you can.
03:06:39 Like they have, they have, like little ****** and ****.
03:06:42 In grocery stores now.
03:06:46 I mean, they don't even have pocket *******.
03:06:48 But you know what I mean.
03:06:49 The the the concept of ************ is, you know, it's like saying that you like drinking soda.
03:06:57 You know, some people might have a problem with it, but most people don't.
03:07:01 Does it give you any kind?
03:07:02 Of superpower, I mean, I don't.
03:07:04 I don't know.
03:07:04 I maybe, maybe, maybe in in that it it it just like I said it it, it will definitely motivate you to find a different means of releasing it.
03:07:17 So yeah, that's that's all I can really say about that.
03:07:20 The slipstream juice smash your windows and then and then I think you meant then go.
03:07:27 Ohh, let me fix that for you.
03:07:29 Only to then break all your China.
03:07:32 Look how jewy this bag is now.
03:07:35 There you go.
03:07:36 Uh yeah.
03:07:38 Jewish lightning.
03:07:39 Jewish Lightning is what it's called.
03:07:41 Steve, just, Steve, assuming the US could be and is worth saving if you can implement any political system in the US, What would it be?
03:07:52 What would be the first order of business?
03:07:55 I in the short term, I think it's going to have to be some kind of authoritarian thing and look, it's that's not a foreign idea to America when it when the Revolutionary War was being fought, there was a lot of, you know, centralized power specifically with people like.
03:08:16 George Washington.
03:08:18 And I think that that's the kind of thing that is going to have to happen again, you're going to have to, at least in the short term, you're going to have to have centralized power that goes in and does the shift that that you can't makes the decisions that can't be made by committee.
03:08:33 You know like.
03:08:35 The construction of the pit that that we need.
03:08:40 In long term, I don't know.
03:08:43 That's not my Forte.
03:08:46 I would like to think that you could you could in in some ways duplicate what we had only with some massive update.
03:08:56 You know, I don't think that you have to completely throw the baby out with the bath water.
03:09:01 I think that if you're able to put in some demographic safeguards and curtail capitalism and taxation, I think that there'd be a.
03:09:15 A place for a revamped.
03:09:22 Like the one that the founding fathers had in mind that doesn't resemble what we have at all today.
03:09:31 But again, maybe something else would be better, I don't know.
03:09:41 And then we have Steve, just Steve thoughts and then you just have a link, but it's an American Renaissance link at least I can read what that is.
03:09:50 I don't know, you said 2.
03:09:52 Minutes. What? What is this?
03:09:59 Why is this not going?
03:10:02 Hold on.
Speaker 7
03:10:05 People of America, you may have heard that there is no such thing as a white ethno state.
03:10:14 You have been told that ethno states are a utopia, and there is nothing rational about them.
03:10:23 Or that ethno states are a fringe idea held only by extreme groups in the margins of society.
03:10:32 Well, I am a Member of Parliament from Estonia and you can take my word.
03:10:39 That all these claims are false.
03:10:44 In this part of the world.
03:10:48 Ethno states are the norm.
03:10:51 Estonia is an independent country.
03:10:55 That was created specifically for the sole purpose.
03:11:00 To protect and preserve Estonian ethnicity, Estonian language and Estonian culture.
03:11:11 These words are taken literally from our national constitution.
03:11:17 We are an ethno state and we exist and we are successful.
03:11:26 What is an ethno state?
Speaker 3
03:11:29 Well, I mean like.
03:11:29 I I don't know.
03:11:30 Like what?
03:11:31 What are my thoughts?
03:11:32 I mean my thoughts are yeah, you can you can absolutely happen.
03:11:36 It's it's definitely not a fantasy.
03:11:39 In fact every country until very recently was an ethno state.
03:11:46 Every country.
03:11:48 You know.
03:11:50 Like every country.
Speaker 3
03:11:54 It wasn't. It wasn't.
03:11:55 Until the last century that that ceased to be the the the norm.
03:12:00 And look at, I still consider it the norm.
03:12:03 I think we we we exist in a in a perverse.
Speaker 3
03:12:10 I think that.
03:12:12 Eventually we will go back to a norm.
03:12:16 Of of ethno states.
03:12:20 And that the multicultural societies will crumble and collapse.
03:12:26 As they always have in all of history.
03:12:30 They always have.
03:12:34 And they always do.
03:12:37 So yeah, I don't think it's a fantasy at all.
03:12:40 It's just the West is.
03:12:44 The West is in a very unnatural, perverse.
03:12:52 Way right now it's it's I mean you.
03:12:54 Know it is what it is.
03:12:56 Ally Mayor Deb and I put in a work I put in work to track this clip down, so you better play it.
03:13:02 Just kidding.
03:13:04 Watch at your leisure and enjoy hint Jank mistakenly assumes the dude in the dress likes men.
03:13:12 He doesn't.
03:13:13 He's a lesbian.
03:13:15 In addition to being a trans woman.
03:13:17 AKA a man who likes women.
03:13:21 I don't know if I'll.
03:13:26 I ******* hate The Young Turks stuff.
Speaker 10
03:13:28 Just so blah.
03:13:32 Is it really?
03:13:33 Is it really short?
03:13:34 Is it really short?
03:13:37 Is it really short?
03:13:38 How long is this?
03:13:39 It's 10 minutes.
03:13:41 Alright, we're not going to watch 10 minutes.
03:13:48 It's 10 minutes.
03:13:55 Zen master Zen.
03:13:57 Great stream tonight, Sir.
03:13:59 I was lucky enough for a time to have the kind of based artist collective that you spoke of tonight.
03:14:05 Looking back, I really learned what being an artist is about in those days.
03:14:10 Great time in my.
03:14:10 Life. Yeah, but.
03:14:12 The thing is, there's no right wing.
03:14:16 Patrons of the arts that they don't exist.
03:14:20 And and to the degree that they do exist, it's it's Jews funding stuff for like, you know, it's like Ben Shapiro movies or that Indian guy Dinesh D'souza movies, you know, like that's that's the extent or remember that that horrible movie we we went through with.
03:14:40 Starred Chris Farley's brother like discount Chris Farley, playing Michael Moore, or like, you know, some. No, actually, I think was supposed to literally be.
03:14:51 More that movie was ******* awful, too.
03:14:54 Every time the right tries to make movies, they don't know what they're doing because they don't.
03:15:01 They don't have that Bank of artists ready to go.
03:15:07 They haven't been cultivating these artists.
03:15:11 To have you know, ready to go when.
03:15:13 They want to produce something.
03:15:15 So when they want to produce something, it's a bunch of people that don't know what the **** they're doing who've never made anything creative in their lives.
03:15:23 The money people want to be way too hands on because that's.
03:15:27 You know, because they're the money people and everyone wants to like everyone wants.
03:15:31 Everyone thinks they're creative, right?
03:15:33 Especially people who really are not creative.
03:15:36 They think they're the most creative.
03:15:38 And it just ends up being this *********** because there's no appreciation.
03:15:42 There's no appreciation for the arts.
03:15:46 There's no billionaire that's funding stuff just for the sake of funding it so that you can develop and cultivate these artists so that when down the road you want to make something that's not ******.
03:15:57 You've got these people ready to go.
03:16:01 They won't do it.
03:16:05 They won't do it.
03:16:08 Partially because really they just there aren't any right wing people with money.
03:16:13 There. I mean, look, there's the Peter Thiel's of the world. Like, oh, look, there's some gay billionaire that.
03:16:19 Has money.
03:16:21 How is that?
03:16:21 Right?
03:16:21 Right wing again, it's not.
03:16:29 Darth Kihon, even if we had open politicians as pedos, I bet it would still go on.
03:16:36 The elites have conditioned us with the boomer truth so much that most normies would be fine with it, or ignore it.
03:16:44 Rome pandered on for centuries through its degeneracy phase, before it collapsed.
03:16:50 America will do the same.
03:16:51 Yeah, America will absolutely do the same.
03:16:53 I think the only difference, though, is Rome.
03:16:56 I don't think had as many compete.
03:16:59 The world was was was a was a bigger place back then, meaning that you didn't have mass transit, you didn't have mass communications.
03:17:08 You didn't have a worldwide economy in the same way that you globalism.
03:17:15 Was dependent in a way on the Roman Empire in a way that it's not dependent on.
03:17:21 The United States.
03:17:23 And if other countries, this multipolar world that people are talking about, which is just another, it's just a fancy term for explaining that the West isn't going to be calling the shots forever, that places like China and Russia are going to start determining their their own way.
03:17:44 And going against what the the wishes of the.
03:17:50 The western oligarchs.
03:17:54 And I think that's a different scenario than what what Rome had to deal with.
03:17:58 I don't think you had.
03:18:02 I don't think I I think it will linger and slowly die, but with the world's just a.
03:18:09 So it's so much faster these days.
03:18:12 Everything so much faster.
Speaker 3
03:18:19 It it it?
03:18:21 It I mean, it certainly won't take centuries.
03:18:23 I don't think it'll take centuries.
03:18:26 But it'll it'll take some time.
03:18:27 It'll take a long time.
03:18:29 UM.
03:18:33 Oh, by the way, what I meant was.
03:18:36 That or that when I was talking about politicians that would be pedos openly.
03:18:41 No, that's what I meant is that they would be accepted the same way.
03:18:44 If you have an openly gay politician, the same thing.
03:18:50 Speaking of Jewish nepotism, have you been following the leather apron clubs media Representation Week where he's going through even more podcasts and shows that how many of the guests are all Jewish?
03:19:04 He's also comparing podcasts and shows with Jewish hosts.
03:19:08 Versus White House.
03:19:10 Uh, I mean, I saw, I think I saw the Jordan Peterson one, but I haven't.
03:19:14 I haven't had time to keep up.
03:19:16 I haven't had time to sleep up until last night.
03:19:18 I finally got like a full.
03:19:21 Actually, more than 8 hours I.
03:19:23 Think last night. Finally.
03:19:25 But I've been.
03:19:26 I've just been working my *** off to a degree that I hope stops pretty.
03:19:31 Soon, I don't know.
03:19:32 I I can't keep doing what I'm doing right now, I'm just, but I'm.
03:19:36 I will.
03:19:36 I'm rapidly approaching burnout that way.
03:19:39 Not because of the.
03:19:40 But I will.
03:19:41 I guess that adds to it, right?
03:19:42 But like the the the amount of stuff I'm doing around here is it's a little much.
03:19:47 Right now.
03:19:51 So I just haven't been watching a whole lot of stuff at anything.
03:19:55 Koslowski Rocks today in court.
03:19:57 Terry Sanderson, the man suing Gwyneth Paltrow for their skiing mishap, called out the Pedos in Hollywood when he asked why he brought his case, he replied because celebrities are never held accountable and the next thing you know we have children being molested on an island.
Speaker 3
03:20:16 Well, that's that's.
03:20:17 That's interesting.
03:20:19 I haven't paid attention to that case at all.
03:20:22 But that's.
03:20:24 That's at least at least I'm sure a lot of eyes and ears watch that, because I I would assume this is a pretty publicized.
03:20:34 Court case but.
03:20:36 I don't know. I'll tell you one thing. Gwyneth Paltrow's not as hot as she was, right?
03:20:45 She's definitely developing that old lady face.
03:20:51 And look if she's.
03:20:52 Getting work done, at least they're.
03:20:53 Being subtle about it, I'll.
03:20:54 Give her that.
03:20:58 And she's kept her figure and all that stuff.
03:21:00 But the old lady face.
03:21:03 You know, creeping on end that the the the Gwyneth Paltrow of the 90s is.
03:21:09 Is no longer there and no longer with us.
03:21:14 Veruca salt.
03:21:16 I, Devin.
03:21:16 Sorry for about suggesting such an awful movie.
03:21:22 And Garth, but thank you.
03:21:23 It's been an interesting stream.
03:21:25 Did you notice how the training was the most stable, well adjusted strong character in the movie?
03:21:31 John Irving said in an interview he consciously wrote him that way.
03:21:35 Yeah, no.
03:21:36 And everyone.
Speaker 3
03:21:36 Was cool with.
03:21:37 Him and like everyone was like, you know, like he was.
03:21:40 He was like a family.
03:21:41 Friend and and absolutely, you know, always comforting people.
03:21:46 And right now I know.
03:21:49 But like I said, I I think that.
03:21:51 I think that was more of a.
03:21:54 A indication of where peoples attitudes were already at the time they were willing to they were willing to sit through a movie where that was the case.
03:22:04 Because of where attitudes already were, because the 70s opened up a portal to hell.
03:22:11 Damn, Bigfoot.
03:22:12 Will you ever review any Dinesh D'souza movies?
03:22:15 It's weak as ****.
03:22:17 Having these Republicans praise this Paget St.
03:22:20 ******* for some lukewarm Democrats are the real racists.
03:22:24 I mean, I don't know.
03:22:25 I don't think it's really worth it.
03:22:27 It's just, you know, I don't think it's worth I I.
03:22:30 Don't know how.
03:22:30 Who would help.
03:22:33 I mean.
03:22:34 What would be the point you.
03:22:35 Know like.
03:22:36 No, actually, we're the racist and.
03:22:38 You know, I mean, like, I don't know what.
03:22:41 I don't know.
03:22:42 Maybe I just.
03:22:45 It it doesn't.
03:22:46 It's not tickling my brain right now.
03:22:49 This slipstream.
03:22:50 I've got a movie.
03:22:51 You should go over on your next stream.
03:22:54 All you guys are just moving, moving, moving.
03:22:58 What is this?
03:23:01 So then you get like the no context link.
03:23:03 Though God Lord.
03:23:06 If I'm getting cranky, I apologize.
03:23:08 I am.
03:23:08 I am getting tired here.
03:23:15 Didn't really want.
03:23:16 Isn't this what we watched the oh, no plan is something different.
03:23:21 It's it's just more Holocaust ****.
03:23:23 Yeah, I'm just, you know, I'm kind of bored with Holocaust ****.
03:23:27 I I think that it's it's kind of pathetic that they have to keep what year?
03:23:31 Was this?
03:23:33 2021, yeah, I I just think it's, it's just not going to hit is the same with most people because when I would watch World War 2 movies, part of the attraction I guess was envisioning my my grandpa in in some of the relevant places.
03:23:52 And I just don't think that.
03:23:54 You know you get the same like I I I knew my grandpa like I met my grandpa.
03:24:01 He was a real person to me.
03:24:02 He wasn't like this abstract ancestor, you know that I never met or had an, you know, maybe I saw, like, an old black and white photo of him.
03:24:12 But beyond that, you know, it was like.
03:24:15 I think that as the personal connection to World War 2 evaporates.
03:24:23 Most people just don't care.
03:24:25 And then on top of that, you're going to have all this diversity.
03:24:28 That wasn't their family, wasn't even involved.
03:24:32 Right.
03:24:34 So they don't care at all either.
03:24:36 Because it's not there, it's not their back story.
03:24:39 They have no connection to it whatsoever.
03:24:43 It's just some.
03:24:44 Stupid war that some white people thought.
03:24:48 I had nothing to do with them.
03:24:51 So I I know that I mean, look, there's endless Holocaust movies, but they they all just kind of.
03:24:56 Blend together to me.
03:24:58 They just, they're all just kind of the same movie after a while like this looks honestly indistinguishable from the other one we saw the like.
03:25:07 What was it?
03:25:09 No, I don't think I have anymore.
03:25:12 Well, whatever, but you get it, right?
03:25:15 I'm just going to try.
03:25:16 To play.
03:25:16 It I don't know.
03:25:18 I'm not going to do that.
03:25:19 Whatever this is looks bad.
03:25:22 Was this was this one of those like free streaming movie ones or movie sites?
03:25:29 Yeah, anyway.
03:25:32 UM.
03:25:34 Western collapse report thoughts on 80s nineties action movie.
03:25:40 I don't know why that's a.
03:25:43 That's a pretty general question.
03:25:45 Thoughts on 80s, nineties action movies.
03:25:49 I don't know.
03:25:49 I mean it, it appealed to I think the the the boomer masculine right, the the.
03:26:00 The I guess that's it.
03:26:02 That's it.
03:26:02 The boomer masculine.
03:26:04 You know Boomer Boom, the boomer version of masculinity, right?
03:26:09 You know, killing commies.
03:26:11 And, you know, stupid catch phrases, big guns, explosions, getting the big titted girl at the end.
03:26:20 Which, honestly, what's wrong?
03:26:21 What's wrong with that?
03:26:22 Most of the time where when we're started getting bad is when a lot of.
03:26:26 These action movies.
03:26:28 They they.
03:26:31 They they would either become a buddy film.
03:26:34 Where now it's.
03:26:36 Oh, it's a white, white cop that has to.
03:26:38 He's teamed up with a black cop for some reason or or whatever.
03:26:42 Right.
03:26:42 And and it's all about their differences and how they they work around their differences and.
03:26:48 Yeah, a lot of action movies kind of turn into that or, you know, like, of course, all the bad guys are German terrorists.
03:26:55 Somehow, even though there's, like, 0 German terror.
03:26:58 Or both.
03:26:59 It would be both things right, like the lethal weapon movies, right where it's.
03:27:05 It's a buddy movie with oh, it's the black cop and the white cop.
03:27:09 Ohh, and it's German terrorists or?
03:27:11 No, it was South African terrorist that won.
03:27:15 So there's always there.
03:27:16 They started sneaking in all that racial ********, but that wasn't the first one.
03:27:20 I mean, you.
03:27:20 Had you had?
03:27:22 Lots of almost every action movie, but kind of had that aspect to it.
03:27:26 You know whether you had like Nick Nolte and and Eddie Murphy in 48 hours or you know there there was a lot of these like.
03:27:34 Black guy and White guy team.
03:27:36 Even that one movie.
03:27:38 With Martin Lawrence and.
03:27:43 Ah, ****.
03:27:43 I'm blanking on the other guys name.
03:27:47 I wanna say it's like it wasn't the guy that played beautiful mind or whatever.
03:27:52 **** anyway, doesn't matter.
03:27:55 But all the IT was all these kinds of movies that they, they, they was.
03:27:59 They're all interchangeable, I'll tell you.
03:28:02 It's just it's just a.
03:28:08 Let's watch explosions while being told that race relations.
03:28:13 Are are, are just fine and we're all friends.
03:28:22 Vegas Little Cutie, I think.
03:28:25 Devin, just curious if you have heard of Ron of Iron Ministries, they're the Korean AKA worshipping worship, wait, Korean, AK.
03:28:38 I know what the Korean AKA is worshipping church.
03:28:41 The leader is the son of Reverend Moon.
03:28:45 They have come, they have compound or compound campgrounds in Texas and Tennessee like you're talking about possible pack contact.
03:28:55 I have no idea.
03:28:56 We're talking about at all.
03:29:00 Ron Iron ministries.
03:29:09 Or rod of iron ministries.
03:29:17 Here's a Rolling Stone article.
03:29:18 About it, so you know it's.
03:29:22 They say it's very.
03:29:24 Very dangerous.
03:29:25 So it's a bunch of Koreans with guns.
03:29:30 Oh, you meant like they literally worship AR fifteens when you said AK.
03:29:36 You meant they worship.
03:29:37 AR fifteens, I guess I don't.
03:29:39 This this is according to Rolling Stone.
03:29:43 They say.
03:29:45 The R15 is a divine instrument for enforcing God's will, and that will, says rod of Iron Ministries. Leaders favors Trump.
03:29:54 This from August of last year, days after the insurrection of the capital, where he'd been close enough to the rioting to get tear gassed, Pastor Sean Moon posted an incendiary rant to Instagram wearing his trademark crown of bullets and speaking to the camera from behind a golden AR15.
03:30:15 Rifle Moon declared January 6th had been the Boston Tea Party of the Second American Revolution.
03:30:23 Far from condemning the day's violence, moon praised the insurrectionists who quote took Dominion of the Satanic Temple.
03:30:31 That is to say, the US Capitol building and sent the quote most powerful people on the planet scurrying away like rats in total fear.
03:30:39 Total panic in the tunnels.
03:30:42 Quote God was victorious that day.
03:30:44 I know this just sounds like a ******* nut case.
03:30:48 It it sounds like a Korean Q Anon.
03:30:51 Is this Korean Q Anon?
03:30:53 That is, I just realized that is he's literally wearing a crown of bullets.
03:30:58 Can we zoom this guy in?
03:30:59 Oh, we can't zoom in *******.
03:31:01 Why would you do it that way?
03:31:03 Ah, damn it.
03:31:07 Find images here.
03:31:11 There he is.
03:31:15 That's literally that's bullets.
03:31:17 He's literally wearing a that's kind of base.
03:31:20 I wouldn't mind a crown of bullets.
Speaker 3
03:31:22 See how how does.
03:31:23 How does a guy like this get followers?
03:31:26 This is what always puzzles me.
03:31:28 Like, how does a guy like this get the money for the compounds?
03:31:33 I mean, I guess what?
03:31:34 He's the son of, like, some Korean cult leader, right?
03:31:37 That had money already.
03:31:42 Why is it always some goofy *** ************ with access to money?
03:31:46 Why? Why can't we have?
03:31:48 Like a a normal billionaire.
03:31:50 Give normal people money.
03:31:53 Look at that ****.
03:31:54 And you got white people buying into it.
03:32:00 Are you serious?
03:32:01 What the ****?
03:32:03 This might we have to do a stream on this because this is too much.
03:32:08 This is too much for just like looking at it real quick, I don't think we can really.
03:32:14 I don't think we can really appreciate.
03:32:18 The the level of crazy that's going on here.
03:32:25 What's this?
Speaker 18
03:32:28 We love Tennessee.
03:32:29 We love the people of Tennessee, we love its conservative Christian values and that's that's why we're here.
Speaker 19
03:32:36 A new religious group is setting up a branch in East Tennessee.
03:32:40 Rod of Iron Ministries is based in Pennsylvania.
03:32:44 It's looking to expand its supporters. The group recently purchased 225 acres in Grainger County, and tonight reports.
Speaker 3
03:32:51 See. See as I'm talking.
03:32:54 How are they? They're buying 220 acres.
03:32:58 ****, we don't even need that much.
03:33:01 Who's bankrolling this **** for?
Speaker 19
03:33:03 Mary Klingler takes us to that site and we hear from one member of that group about why East Tennessee.
Speaker 18
03:33:10 We believe that the Kingdom of heaven is a society.
03:33:15 Armed armed citizens.
03:33:17 OK, so everybody in the Kingdom of heaven we believe should be armed.
Speaker 20
03:33:21 This religious group wants to set up new roots in East Tennessee.
Speaker 18
03:33:24 We're not here to convert anybody.
03:33:26 We're here just to promote freedom.
Speaker 20
03:33:27 Rod of Iron Ministries administrator Greg Nall says the ministry has a basic set of principles.
03:33:34 He's been a supporter for decades and says people have no reason to fear their ministry.
Speaker 18
03:33:38 Well, the gun really does represent a strength, a peace through strength.
03:33:43 You know, if you have.
03:33:44 Gun in self-defense. The criminal or the predator will back off.
Speaker 20
03:33:49 Rod of Iron Ministry is pushing back on national media attention that focuses on the use of AR15 weapons in some of their worship services. They're also pushing back on being called occult.
Speaker 18
03:34:00 These are kind of like leftist kind of labels put on us, but really in essence it's true.
03:34:06 We are, we do put America first.
03:34:09 We do believe in the Second Amendment as the.
03:34:12 Last bastion of freedom in this country.
Speaker 20
03:34:15 Now that rod of Iron Ministries has purchased more than 200 acres in Grainger County, their vision for the future of this scenic land near Bean Station is clear.
Speaker 18
03:34:24 Place where people can come for prayer, for nature walks.
03:34:29 There's going to be beautiful gardens here in the future.
03:34:31 Orchards raised, garden beds and a place a trails many trails on this.
03:34:37 See, here's what I was talking about though the.
03:34:39 Second, you make.
03:34:41 Guns part of your part of the identity.
03:34:44 That's when there's a problem.
03:34:46 Like, you shouldn't make that part of your branding, because this is just going to invite the ATF to come knocking at your door.
03:34:55 Will that happen to these guys?
03:34:56 I don't know, but that should show you the kind of Arbor that religion gives you that I was talking about, you know, several, several streams ago.
03:35:05 We went over all those different cults.
03:35:07 What's good about what they're doing, I guess for them was advantageous.
03:35:11 I I guess I should say is that they've got that, that armor of religion.
03:35:17 You know they can say no, no, we're we're.
03:35:19 We're a religious group and we're legitimate and there's nothing you can really do.
03:35:24 And it's true, I mean, I guess the FBI could try.
03:35:29 See, here's the thing are don't you think the FBI or someone is probably infiltrated these guys, but they're still doing it.
03:35:36 Everyone that's afraid of Feds?
03:35:38 Look at this.
03:35:41 These guys have like, a a cult where they're they're literally worshipping AR fifteens and and calling them say like the the Democrat satanic pedos and stuff.
03:35:51 They're not worried about Feds.
03:35:58 See that?
03:35:58 That's The thing is, you don't have to worry about Feds if you're if you're not ********, that's all.
03:36:06 Bottom line, you just have to be smarter than than Feds if you can be smarter than than diversity.
03:36:12 Higher feds, you're good, you're good to go.
Speaker 18
03:36:18 It's the Garden of Eden.
03:36:18 That's what we want to do.
Speaker 19
03:36:21 That's Mary Klingler reporting, a leader of the group, pastor Sean Moon told Mary there's a civil war graveside on that land, and they plan to turn it into a veteran memorial.
03:36:31 They hope to open that land to the public in the spring.
03:36:38 So there's ways of doing it.
03:36:40 There's ways of doing it.
03:36:43 That's worth looking into a little bit more.
03:36:46 Harmless G the immigration restriction of 1924 were allowed to pass because the business interests of.
03:36:55 Time fee at the time feared the immigrant Jews bringing about a communist revolution like the one they brought about in Russia more than they loved cheap immigrant labor.
03:37:07 However, it was too little, too late.
03:37:10 Right.
03:37:11 Well and and yeah.
03:37:12 And you could argue that they've, they've, they've already, they've been bringing it about.
03:37:18 Koslowski rocks.
03:37:21 I got shipped for noting that the Pedro Island comment was not incorrect.
03:37:27 And that we should start a go fund me for wait Sanderson's legal fees. No one got my cynicism and they failed to accept Hollywood pedophilia as a reality. Are you people willfully blind or stupid?
03:37:44 Well, what are you talking about?
03:37:46 I got shipped for noting that the Pedro Island comment was not incorrect and that we should start a go fund me for Sanderson.
03:37:54 Well, I don't think we should start a go fund me for him.
03:37:56 Don't know this ******* guy.
03:37:59 For his legal fees.
03:38:02 But I do think it's funny that that he's talking about that stuff.
03:38:08 Polar Bear odyssey here's an academic break ground of the history of the Jews and the Black Sea area tied to the Khazaria Empire.
03:38:19 It was a power move where a Mongolian emperor thought it was a middle ground between.
03:38:25 Alright, well, that sounds like very long.
03:38:27 I'll check that out sometime.
03:38:31 John Conner, you clearly need to use count, et cetera in your video titles boosted your view count by 10,000. PS. Please watch that media cabal documentary. I sent you a few weeks back.
03:38:45 I will if.
03:38:45 I have chance you guys you guys are making me crazy.
03:38:50 You know, if I were to watch every ****** ******* thing you guys sent me, I wouldn't be doing anything else.
03:38:54 I would just be watching ******* videos for ***** sake.
03:38:57 Ah, Jesus Christ anyway.
03:39:05 But you are right about putting crunch in the title that.
03:39:07 Seemed to help Rommel.
03:39:09 David Knight has been pretty based lately.
03:39:13 Advocating for white people, and he even named the Jew.
03:39:16 I was impressed, man, he really hates Trump.
03:39:18 Good for him.
03:39:20 Yeah, he.
03:39:20 Well, he parted ways with Infowars and he, but he's he's my understanding is he's a libertarian.
03:39:28 Like you know.
03:39:30 Like ******** libertarian, so I don't know.
03:39:34 I don't know how how I think that that's gonna be and until he can give that up, I don't.
03:39:39 I don't know how he can.
03:39:42 Really be that.
03:39:43 Helpful. Harmless Gee. Even though I listened to Ron's content, I agree. We need to have a line to prevent any dependence on any Jew, because that will give them authority over us. And even if the Jew in question is the most based and white friendly Jew, there is.
03:39:59 It sets a bad precedent for or precedent that could be exploited later, right?
03:40:05 It just demonstrates the lack of in Group preference that that's how all this immigration **** started.
03:40:11 Well, I I I really like this Mexican family, though.
03:40:14 They're really good people or whatever.
03:40:16 Let's let in millions of them.
03:40:18 And that's the problem.
03:40:19 That's what always ******* happens.
03:40:22 And you just have to say no.
03:40:24 You have to say no in the same way that Jews have said no.
Speaker 3
03:40:29 Right.
03:40:31 There's not a bunch of Christians telling Jews what to ******* do.
03:40:37 Uh night nation.
03:40:38 Excuse me?
03:40:39 Review that website is where the tool to make donations pop up on screen.
03:40:45 Devin, it has a donation alert feature that makes it pop up with the message.
03:40:52 I use it on my show.
03:40:54 If you want to see it in action.
03:40:56 If you want to help configuring it, I'd be happy to walk you through it. Uh library, linux.com.
03:41:02 I'll, I'll, I'll take a look at it.
03:41:07 I wouldn't mind super chats being like robot voice, so I don't have to read them all since I **** ** reading them anyway.
03:41:16 The post infantry life.
03:41:19 Hey Devin.
03:41:19 I looked up the man named Victor Gruen, who created the Gruen transfer, which is the layout of malls, casinos that keep people trapped and consuming.
03:41:31 He said he says apparently he didn't like the manipulation of of his creation, but early life check.
03:41:38 Yep, I'm not surprised.
03:41:42 In the slightest.
03:41:45 In the slightest.
03:41:49 Fred, Adele.
03:41:51 Hey, Devin.
03:41:52 In a previous stream, you talked about how empathy was downstream to IQ.
03:41:57 The lower the IQ, the less capacity to put yourself in.
03:42:00 Someone else's shoes. If this is the case, then how do we explain high IQ psychopaths not disagreeing with you, but it's something that I wondered about since.
Speaker 3
03:42:10 Well, it's not that.
03:42:11 That you can't be a psychopath. It's just that you can't have empathy if you can't think of. If you can't have a model of other people's thought.
03:42:21 I didn't say it it it's it's it's it prevents you from being a psychopath.
03:42:28 Lots of psychopaths are high IQ.
03:42:30 Lots of sociopaths are are high IQ, but it's pathological.
03:42:35 You know?
03:42:36 It's it's not normal.
03:42:37 It's not.
03:42:38 It's it's a.
03:42:39 It's a.
03:42:41 An error in in in the software you know. So it's not that they're they don't have high enough IQ's to have empathy.
03:42:52 It's just that they're they're funked up and they should go in.
03:42:55 The pit.
03:42:57 The pill dispenser, maybe even about wig towel.
03:43:00 Don't we get?
03:43:01 Don't we put a target on our or wait, don't we put a target on our back?
03:43:06 If we all are on a referral site app?
03:43:11 What are you talking about, though?
03:43:13 We have a trust or crypto, what don't we have a trust or cryptography problem?
03:43:20 We want our people to organize, but we don't want the glowy to subvert our network. That's why I want a dev and con 2024. Well, like I said, I think that, you know, like what we just watched, right? These guys are.
03:43:33 Probably they probably got feds or whatever.
03:43:37 But it's fine.
03:43:39 Because you wouldn't.
03:43:40 You gotta remember having a community like that doesn't automatically mean you're plotting the overthrow of the government or something like that.
03:43:49 You know what I mean?
03:43:50 It's that's not what it is at all.
03:43:52 That's not what wig Tau is at all.
03:43:54 It's it's separating yourself from non whites and.
03:43:59 In in a in A and circling the wagons with other whites to protect your families.
03:44:05 There's nothing, I mean.
03:44:06 So if a Fed infiltrates that, you know like a white fed in his family, then OK, one of the people, one of the whites is a fed.
03:44:17 You know, you know, I mean, like, you're not doing anything bad.
03:44:19 You're not doing wrong, so it's fine.
03:44:22 And if you're not making part of the your identity, like the guns, like, that's where.
03:44:27 That's where these things go bad.
03:44:29 And again, it doesn't mean you don't have guns.
03:44:33 But if you don't make it like, that's like part of the identity of your group.
03:44:38 I think you're fine.
03:44:40 I think you're fine, and I don't think you're endangering anybody.
03:44:45 And I think that.
03:44:47 Once you have that community built.
03:44:53 It would be much easier remember.
03:44:57 All I can say I'm not going to elaborate too much on this, but I've just got in the past.
03:45:02 I have mentioned that.
03:45:07 100 or 200 years ago, if a town had a problem with the local government that they literally would in some instances, tar and feather, the politicians, and that it was a lot easier to use physical force.
03:45:29 Uh, in?
03:45:31 Response to bad governing.
03:45:35 Because of the lack of surveillance technology and how you could basically tell everyone, hey, we're we're we're going to meet behind the McNally farm up on on Scooter Hill.
03:45:54 I'm just making words up that just sounds like something that would be a thing.
03:45:58 And so everyone, 7:00 on Tuesday, we're all going to go up Scooters Hill and and meet behind the McNally Farm.
03:46:06 And you could do that and no one would ******* know, right?
03:46:10 Like, cause everyone that's, you know, maybe you have some right you out.
03:46:14 But like everyone's going to keep their mouth shut and you could meet back there with a bunch of torches.
03:46:18 And get **** done.
03:46:21 Well, hypothetically, if you had some kind of community built where that was, everyone knew each other.
03:46:30 You maybe had a ban on certain communications and electronics even to to limit the ability.
03:46:40 To be spied on or infiltrated.
03:46:45 And there's ways you could easily enforce that.
03:46:47 It's really easy to detect and track down radio signals, especially if you're you only have to cover a small area.
03:46:56 So you know, you could prevent people from using the Internet and or cell phones or or satellite phones or any of that stuff.
03:47:07 And now you're in a closed community that doesn't have any connection to the outside world.
03:47:14 And you know what?
03:47:16 Communities like that probably have Scooter Hill and and Malley's Farm.
03:47:24 The Noticer I can't. I come for the rants. Well, I appreciate that. Glock 23, you probably already heard the good news, but I just found out this week that Chris Kentwell has been released from prison. He's also back to doing his show radical agenda it.
03:47:42 Dreams on Odyssey two days a week.
03:47:44 I think he still takes calls.
03:47:47 He was locked out or locked up for three years.
03:47:52 He should team up with HT.
03:47:55 Well, there you go.
03:47:57 Christopher Cantwell is is out of prison and streaming on Odyssey.
03:48:05 Zen master Zen.
03:48:07 Just minutes.
03:48:09 Just meditate on the art of staying on or staying in arms length away.
03:48:15 The what?
03:48:18 You have weird punctuation here.
03:48:21 Just meditate on the art of staying in arms length, the way the way of the future.
03:48:26 I'm not sure what you mean by that.
03:48:28 Spy Hunter.
03:48:31 One of my favorite arcade games when I was a small child, I just mostly liked the song.
Speaker 20
03:48:37 Bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum.
Speaker 7
03:48:39 Bum, bum, bum, bum.
03:48:40 Bum, Bum and the fact that it had like a steering wheel when you're a kid.
03:48:46 And like all you want to do is drive a car.
03:48:48 Especially if the car is a Porsche 9/11 that has like machine guns and rockets and **** on it.
03:48:54 Yeah, that game was ******* killer.
03:48:56 Hey Devin, when is the Honey robbery edition honey robbery edition?
03:49:03 I don't know.
03:49:05 I don't know what you mean by by Honey Robbery Edition.
03:49:10 Hopefully no one robberies my my honey.
03:49:14 None of none of the none of the hives are robbing right now because the there's a bunch of pollen out there.
03:49:20 They're all staying busy, but yeah, this late this summer there'll be lots of lots of hives robbing each other, such as such is the way.
03:49:33 Damn, Bigfoot.
03:49:34 Did you see the clip of Ezra Levant?
03:49:37 Or Levantine on Tim Poole, talking about punching and even killing Nazis.
03:49:44 Magic ***** Effect is bad enough, but magic Semites?
03:49:49 No, I don't watch Tim Pool because I'm not gay.
03:49:51 Green APU 45. Hey, Devin recently.
03:50:00 True though, right?
03:50:01 Who watches ******* Tim Poole?
03:50:03 Hey, they haven't recently rediscovered my passion for fossils and artifact hunting, and I've been finding a lot of cool stuff.
03:50:11 Like sharks, teeth and Indian fishing weights and such.
03:50:15 I now plan on going into the field of geology.
03:50:17 This kind of thing will help me say.
03:50:22 Will help me stay out and we need more based people in stem.
03:50:28 Well, and you should find us a ******* gold mine.
03:50:31 That's what you need to do.
03:50:33 You need to find us a gold deposit and get a get a a mining mining claim.
03:50:39 And then we don't need our 200 acres of weird forest land. We can just have a a whites only gold mine.
03:50:48 And that'll that'll fund our operation for for generations to come.
03:50:53 Glock 23, the Nashville shooting happened to or happened too inconveniently on the day before Congress was supposed to rule that the ATF pistol brace rule. That joke? Wait. Hold on.
03:51:06 The Nashville shooting happened two can, too, inconveniently.
03:51:12 On the day before Congress was supposed to rule on the ATF pistol brace rule that Joe Biden Wink Wink wanted so bad.
03:51:23 That rule made AR and AK pistols short barrel rifles, which are under the control of NFA.
03:51:32 The ATF cannot make.
Speaker 10
03:51:34 Law, but they do.
03:51:37 Well, I don't know what you're what are you saying that?
03:51:40 That it was fake.
03:51:43 Because of that, I don't think it was fake because I I don't know what you're saying exactly.
03:51:47 I know what law you're talking about.
03:51:48 I just don't know what you mean, like how it relates to the Nashville thing.
03:51:53 Western collapse report the difference between a Republic and an empire is the loyalty of one's army.
03:52:01 Well, there you go and.
03:52:04 If I was, if I was the American empire, I'd.
03:52:06 Be a little bit worried right now.
03:52:10 There is.
03:52:11 There is no loyalty in their army.
03:52:14 Darth kill.
03:52:15 And it doesn't matter what the laws safeguards you implement.
03:52:19 If you don't have a concerted elite your own elite maintaining power for your own side, then any state craft would slip away.
03:52:29 You need a vanguard organization to run your nation.
03:52:33 Idealism gets you nowhere.
03:52:34 You need to understand and wield power.
03:52:38 Well, I don't know what the context.
03:52:39 For that is but OK.
03:52:45 Hey, Devin.
03:52:45 Thanks for all the streams.
03:52:47 Rome was also being invaded by Arians.
03:52:50 Take it easy and hope it's not too windy.
03:52:54 No, it hasn't been too windy lately.
03:52:58 But there's some part of what I need to work on.
03:53:01 I I have.
03:53:01 I I have something that's about to fall ******* down if it gets windy, it will fall down and I'm trying to make it not fall down.
03:53:11 And then Darius again, also the cue people crazy about the shoes on the ****** shooter are the same people who say 9/11 with CGI exactly.
03:53:23 Western collapse report intro song idea the Burning Heart by Survivor.
03:53:33 I I don't know if I I let's not ring any bells.
03:53:39 I always have to look and see if they're Jewish, you know, because they're shocking.
03:53:45 The shocking amount of music is made by Jews, just like movies.
03:53:49 You know what I mean?
Speaker 3
03:53:51 Ali Mir.
03:53:53 Deb and I failed to mention that the dude in the dress and lipstick who is a trans woman and a lesbian is sitting right next to Jank.
03:54:01 As a Co host, people can find it for a real laugh.
03:54:05 Now that you posted it.
03:54:07 Highly recommend it.
03:54:08 Very funny stuff.
03:54:10 Well, there you go.
03:54:13 Arbra, commandant.
03:54:14 Hey, Devin.
03:54:15 Stream the the clip.
03:54:17 Look how Julie this *** is where did.
03:54:20 You get it from.
03:54:23 Someone made that.
03:54:26 When you guys may well, I mean like I said that I guess it's some, I don't remember what stream I said that in, but someone made that.
03:54:35 I I'm I apologize because you know I've used it a lot, but I I'm spacing on your name, but that that was a.
03:54:44 It was a a viewer created animation or video or bumper or I don't know what we want to call it.
03:54:51 But that clip, I guess is from one of my streams, I would imagine.
03:54:56 Damn Bigfoot in general.
03:54:57 Do you believe it was a good thing or a bad thing that nurses during World War 2 married the soldiers?
03:55:03 Obviously not ****** them unconscious, but the role of women to have children continued even during war time.
03:55:11 Yeah, I mean, do you think do I think it was good for, I don't know what you're asking it?
03:55:19 It was it was it good for nurses to marry soldiers.
03:55:22 I mean, I don't, I don't.
03:55:23 Know you I not I.
03:55:24 Don't. I don't quite understand.
03:55:26 What you're asking my, I mean.
03:55:28 It's good when when people get married.
03:55:30 I don't know what you're asking with the.
03:55:31 With the nurses thing.
03:55:34 Should there be female nurses in war?
03:55:37 I mean, I guess.
03:55:38 Probably it should be male doctors.
03:55:41 But yeah, that's something women can do.
03:55:44 I mean, women can hand hand you a scalpel.
03:55:46 You know what I mean?
03:55:47 And hopefully, wherever your medical tent is, is somewhere away from the frontline, right.
03:55:53 So it's it's a way women can help.
03:55:58 And that women are natural nurturers and and can put that skill to work when it comes to helping injured soldiers and stuff.
03:56:08 And if they get married to one of them.
03:56:09 Why not? Uh, harmless. Gee, this is the father of the Korean guy who leads the rod of iron ministries. He had sixteen children. Unusual for Koreans. Nowadays, with their point 7-8 fertility rate.
03:56:24 Yeah, that's that's the the UM.
03:56:28 The weird Korean cult right that ran the country in the shadows for a.
03:56:32 While wasn't it?
03:56:34 Yeah, this ******* guy.
03:56:40 I vaguely remember this.
03:56:42 Is he still alive?
03:56:44 No, he died.
03:56:46 Wow at 892, though no good job.
03:56:51 Where does he get his money from?
03:56:55 Business ventures and support for considered political causes.
03:56:58 What what been business ventures?
03:57:09 Well, he says he was a businessman and media.
03:57:12 Mogul, but they don't really go into like.
03:57:13 What that exactly means?
Speaker 3
03:57:17 I'd be curious.
03:57:18 I I I'd like to know.
03:57:19 Like where his money originated.
03:57:23 Anyway, all right.
03:57:26 Finally, you guys always try to push me to 4 hours and you've done it yet again, so I'm going to shut her down.
03:57:34 I'm exhausted and I need to get some sleep.
03:57:38 But thank you very much for stopping by.
03:57:42 We're going to do a I have a pretty, pretty big stream I'm working on right now.
03:57:46 It's taking a lot longer than I expected just because there's so much material I have to go through.
03:57:53 See in addition to all these videos, you guys keep sending me like I have nothing else to do, I've got like.
03:58:00 Believe it or not, I planned my own stuff, my own content, and I have videos I have to watch that I plan out.
03:58:06 Well, I'm still digging through.
03:58:08 I got like 5 hours left of this one that I'm I'm digging through, but I I don't know that it'll be.
03:58:15 It'll be Saturday stream, but it's on the horizon.
03:58:18 It's going to be a big one.
03:58:19 So anyway, hope you guys all have a wonderful evening and a great week.
03:58:24 I will hopefully see you on Saturday.
Speaker 3
03:58:27 For black pill lime, of course.
03:58:32 Right.