

00:00:00 The right.
Speaker 1
00:01:02 You know I.
00:01:04 Always told you that we must always miss you.
00:01:18 I love you.
00:01:38 I have the right.
00:01:40 To touch you.
00:02:06 I just.
Speaker 4
00:02:47 You know.
Speaker 1
00:02:51 We must never, ever fly.
Speaker 5
00:02:58 Right.
Speaker 1
00:03:30 Come right back.
Speaker 6
00:04:00 There is someone.
Speaker 1
00:04:04 Walking behind you.
Speaker 8
00:04:09 Turn around.
Speaker 1
00:04:13 Look at me.
Speaker 7
00:04:17 There is someone.
Speaker 1
00:04:20 Watching your foot stiffly.
Speaker 8
00:04:29 Look at me.
Speaker 7
00:04:33 But there is someone.
Speaker 9
00:04:41 Here's my.
Speaker 8
00:04:45 In my.
Speaker 1
00:05:06 That there's someone to stand beside you.
Speaker 9
00:05:14 Turn around.
Speaker 1
00:05:22 And there's someone.
Speaker 11
00:05:30 Fair enough.
Speaker 12
00:05:34 Look at me.
Speaker 10
00:05:42 Wait forever.
Speaker 8
00:06:07 Look at me.
Speaker 13
00:06:35 Welcome to the insomnia stream.
00:06:39 Turbo simplicial in Trentham was appropriate the day after Valentine's Day, perhaps.
00:06:47 Perhaps not, I don't.
00:06:48 Know what do I know?
00:06:50 What I don't know?
00:06:52 I'm just Devin Stack, host of the insomnia stream.
00:06:54 I don't know **** about ****.
00:06:59 Hopefully you guys are having a good week.
00:07:02 A little bit chilly.
00:07:03 It's actually a lot bit chilly.
00:07:05 Out here.
00:07:07 Below freezing and such.
Speaker 13
00:07:09 Trying to stay warm.
00:07:11 Hopefully the the sound of the the the space heater isn't bothering anyone.
00:07:18 Usually I turn it off, even when.
00:07:19 It's cold like this, but like I.
00:07:21 I can't feel my.
00:07:23 So we're going to leave it on.
00:07:25 We're going to leave it on.
00:07:28 So anyway.
00:07:29 Hope you guys all had a good Valentine's Day.
00:07:34 That in this guy, of course.
00:07:38 We're gonna take a look at.
00:07:40 Basically, we're going to take a look at some some clips from interrogation.
00:07:50 Ohh, you know look.
00:07:53 As much as I like to be.
00:07:56 Be very defensive.
00:08:00 When it comes to the the plight.
00:08:05 I wouldn't say the in cell necessarily, but the the you know, disenfranchised disaffected white male.
00:08:13 There are sometimes when it's just like.
00:08:16 **** dude. ****.
Speaker 13
00:08:20 This is.
00:08:22 Don't be that guy.
00:08:23 Just don't be that guy.
00:08:26 Don't be that ******* guy.
00:08:27 There's too many of this guy.
00:08:30 This ******* guy is everywhere, mostly on Reddit.
00:08:35 Mostly on Reddit, like in in **** forums and stuff like that.
00:08:39 But this guys everywhere, this ******* guy, he's now, he's an extreme example of this guy, but he's still this guy nonetheless.
Speaker 15
00:08:50 We're going to.
00:08:51 Take a look.
00:08:51 We're going to take a look at some of this.
00:08:53 We're going to walk you through it a little bit.
00:08:56 Those of you who are who are who are hip to the jive and are aware of this, don't.
00:09:00 Don't ruin it.
00:09:00 Don't spoil it for everybody.
00:09:03 So you know, is this guy.
00:09:07 He was at a hotel.
00:09:08 Just mind his own business.
00:09:11 When cops came and got him.
00:09:14 In fact, I got the I think I got the body Cam I forgot to load that in there.
00:09:18 Let me pop down here.
00:09:20 Body Cam footage of the the cops going to get him.
00:09:24 Let me see here.
00:09:27 See if I got this real quick.
00:09:33 Yeah, here we are.
00:09:36 Here's the body Cam footage.
00:09:40 So he's just minding his own business.
00:09:42 At a hotel.
00:09:47 When this happens, let me.
00:09:49 Size this up a little bit.
Speaker 16
00:10:00 There's a there's a walking entrance on the left side and.
00:10:02 On the very north side.
Speaker 17
00:10:11 The car is parked.
00:10:13 On the very east side.
00:10:17 Along, I want to say it's turbine right here.
00:10:30 Checking out his car, I I forgot to add this one down because I didn't.
00:10:33 Have it in my time anyway, so they find his car.
00:10:36 They're obviously.
00:10:37 Looking for him?
00:10:40 Look, there's a.
00:10:42 That Julian Assange and.
00:10:45 Roger Stone on the.
00:10:46 Screen there like think it is.
Speaker 17
00:10:50 Down the hallways.
Speaker 11
00:10:55 Both ends of it.
Speaker 17
00:11:07 OK.
Speaker 18
00:11:07 I mean, elevators are here, side elevators are down that way.
Speaker 11
00:11:10 What floor is?
00:11:11 It he's got, he's got the big guns out.
00:11:15 Wonder what? What? What's?
00:11:16 So freaky deaky about this guy when they're going to shoot him in the hallway like that Mesa police officer.
00:11:28 The Mesa cops seem like they're always shooting somebody anyway, so Fast forward some more.
Speaker 17
00:11:35 I'm not going.
00:11:36 To put up what I want to this crap.
00:11:40 ******* girl cop can't get off her phone.
Speaker 19
00:11:52 Hey, take the step by step.
00:11:58 Go by the.
Speaker 17
00:11:58 Numbers we are.
00:12:01 Right, right.
00:12:04 Oh my God, how long does it take to just get?
00:12:06 A guy out of his hotel room.
00:12:07 Here we go.
00:12:20 You ever wonder who designs the carpets in these hotels?
Speaker 13
00:12:24 Look like what is that?
00:12:28 What is that design?
00:12:30 Just we'll just make the I wonder.
00:12:32 If that design is called psychedelic vagina.
00:12:35 It's the psychedelic vagina print. You guys want that? Oh, yeah. Well, but we want psychedelic vagina. It's on page 34, right underneath the the the liquid penis. I mean, I understand when casinos.
00:12:48 Do it because casinos they're trying to keep drunk people from passing out.
00:12:53 They want to keep you awake.
00:12:54 So they make these the the hypnotic pattern that that inevitably steers you towards the casino floor.
00:13:01 Like, no matter where you're going, especially if you're drunk, you always end up like, how am I back in the casino floor?
00:13:07 I was trying to go.
Speaker 13
00:13:08 To my room a second.
00:13:09 Go and now I'm back.
00:13:10 Here so you start to anyway.
00:13:13 Am I the only one?
00:13:15 So a hypnotic vagina.
Speaker 19
00:13:16 We can document all the.
00:13:18 Deputies that are there and.
00:13:19 Then they're ready to go.
00:13:20 All right, that's good.
00:13:21 All right.
00:13:22 Knock on the door.
00:13:23 Let's do it.
Speaker 20
00:13:26 Going down somewhere.
Speaker 19
00:13:28 Yeah. Nothing. Yeah.
00:13:35 There's not.
00:13:36 There's not gonna be like, a big climax and they just expect them to.
00:13:38 Like, show them.
00:13:39 Arrest him.
00:13:39 Here we go.
00:13:40 Here we go.
00:13:43 I think.
00:13:46 Yeah, OK.
00:13:46 They're at least knocking.
00:13:47 Now. Alright, thank God.
00:14:06 Oh my God.
00:14:08 I know he dances the dorks.
00:14:09 They arrested him.
00:14:12 Alright, I'll Fast forward some more.
00:14:19 I guess they're getting people that.
00:14:20 Are like, yeah, you don't want to be ohh like they're clearing people out.
00:14:28 Here we go.
00:14:29 Here we go.
00:14:29 Are they finally knocking on his door now?
00:14:34 Oh, they got a shield.
00:14:35 They must be really.
00:14:35 Afraid of this guy?
Speaker 16
00:14:42 Come right up.
Speaker 17
00:14:48 Whoever is at the front desk, make sure that when they've been contact with them.
00:14:51 This, this, this guy must be like America's Most Wanted or something.
Speaker 17
00:15:01 Is there anybody else in there?
00:15:05 Kind of talking point throughout the room, 3443.
00:15:09 4/4 is now that.
00:15:10 Oh, good Lord.
00:15:10 OK, we get it.
00:15:12 So everyone's out.
00:15:13 Maybe now.
00:15:16 This is 47 minutes into the video by.
00:15:18 The way.
Speaker 8
00:15:22 No go to.
00:15:25 That guy's.
00:15:26 Like whoa.
00:15:31 I knew the hallway smelled like weed, but this is ridiculous.
00:15:35 Alright, alright, fine.
00:15:37 Keep going.
00:15:37 Keep going.
00:15:42 This is the very end of it.
00:15:43 They better do it now.
00:15:44 There's not much video left.
00:15:54 And that's it.
00:15:55 And there's no audio on this part.
00:15:56 They kill the audio on this part.
00:16:00 Ohh, that's so gay.
00:16:01 That's so gay.
00:16:03 The audio comes back here though alright, so there, that's that, that was that was it.
00:16:07 They they killed the audio on that part of the file.
00:16:09 The audio comes back here for some reason.
00:16:14 Yeah, I have.
Speaker 21
00:16:21 Right.
00:16:22 That was boring.
00:16:24 So now here he is.
00:16:26 This master criminal.
00:16:31 And we've, we've covered police interrogations before, talked about the the Reed.
00:16:39 What is it called?
00:16:39 The not the Reed?
00:16:45 I don't know what's what's the ******* word?
00:16:47 I'm thinking of the the the read technique is that I guess that I guess that works the read technique.
00:16:53 Where it's kind of like they they they they're trying to to be friends with you so they can gauge where you are like how you answer questions.
00:17:00 So the reason why cops there's a couple different reasons.
00:17:03 But when you first get pulled in, first of all, big mistake to talk to police no matter what.
00:17:09 Big mistake and and all you guys listening out there, you need to start thinking like.
00:17:13 This OK because but I don't do.
Speaker 13
00:17:15 Anything wrong?
00:17:16 It doesn't ******* matter.
00:17:18 It doesn't ******* matter.
00:17:20 It it really doesn't ******* matter.
00:17:23 If you get pulled in for anything.
00:17:26 You asked to talk or not answer any questions without your lawyer present.
00:17:31 No matter what, it no matter what.
Speaker 15
00:17:32 It is.
00:17:34 And if they try to make you feel like ohh, well, this is gonna look bad for you because you know, like it's going to look like.
00:17:41 You're not cooperating.
00:17:44 So what?
00:17:45 So, first of all, no it doesn't.
00:17:47 It makes you look like you know your rights, and you're going to exercise them and you're not a ******* idiot.
00:17:51 Like all the people on 1st 48.
00:17:52 That admit to murder within, you know, 5 minutes of the show because.
00:17:56 They're *******, but.
00:17:59 99% of the time, that's one thing I learned about watching first 48, too, by the way, if you guys ever seen that show, it's basically it should just be called murder 5000.
00:18:07 Because it's just basically, or sometimes it's Mexicans, but it that whole show is just like some 60 IQ black guy murders some other 60 IQ black guy.
00:18:18 They have no evidence they have none, zero evidence and the black people aren't going to talk to the the police because that's, you know, that's their culture.
00:18:25 And so they have nothing.
00:18:27 Like they show up, they have like, you know what?
00:18:29 What are they gonna?
00:18:29 You know, what are the resources of these these police departments that are sitting here investigating the murder of someone that no one gives?
00:18:36 A **** is.
00:18:37 Right.
00:18:37 So it's it's not like this big.
00:18:39 It's not like CSI and **** like everyone.
00:18:41 Thinks that these investigations are like DNA and you know.
Speaker 15
00:18:46 Oh, there's DNA.
00:18:47 Everywhere like, you know, just like everyone just leaking DNA all over the place.
00:18:51 And it's just easy to collect, and oh, it's obviously Tyrone now, not all that. All that's ********. 99% of the time they got ******* nothing like nothing. And when you watch this show.
00:19:02 First 48 they tell you they got nothing. They have to get the guy to to to confess, because if they don't, they got nothing.
00:19:09 And so and and 99 times or nine times out of 10 at least on the show. I don't know what the actual, you know what the numbers are, these ************* can.
00:19:17 Yes, they for no reason for no reason and with no with no lawyer present.
00:19:23 And in every case I mean it's on video, and especially because they know they're on.
00:19:27 A TV show, right? They.
00:19:28 They're they're dotting all their eyes and crossing all their teams.
00:19:30 They're telling you.
00:19:31 Hey, you know, before we do anything, I just got to advise you of your rights.
00:19:35 You have the right to remain silent.
00:19:37 You understand that?
00:19:38 And as soon as they they say yes.
00:19:39 Like quickly with like a goldfish.
00:19:41 You know, change the subject by ohh look over here.
00:19:43 Let's talk about sandwiches.
00:19:44 You like sandwiches?
00:19:47 And then the the conversation is started, they talk about easy, easy peasy things.
00:19:52 And they talk about things that you wouldn't have any problem answering truthfully.
00:19:57 For a number of reasons.
00:19:58 One, it makes you more at ease.
00:20:01 It makes you relax, like, OK, well, they're not talking about the the really bad thing I did.
00:20:06 So maybe this is good.
00:20:07 Maybe maybe because no one wants to believe that they're going to.
00:20:10 They're, you know, that they're going to actually pay the price for what they've done, right?
00:20:14 So they're willing to sell the, you know, do.
00:20:16 A little self deluding.
00:20:17 And and think like, Oh yeah, no.
00:20:20 I'm fine.
00:20:21 It must be like a parking ticket I forgot about or something like that.
00:20:24 It can't possibly be the, you know, the the 80 year old woman I raped to death.
00:20:29 It's it's gotta be, you know, some something else cause this this cop seems pretty level headed.
00:20:33 He's not screaming at me like they are.
00:20:35 They're always doing in the movies.
00:20:37 He's talking to me about football, asking me like, what my favorite, you know, game show is, if I if I've eaten at that, that nude Chinese restaurant.
00:20:45 Around the corner.
00:20:47 And so that's the kind of **** they do and one it it makes you.
00:20:51 Easy, easy going with that cop.
00:20:53 But they they build rapport.
00:20:55 But the other reason is they can now gauge how you respond when you when you talk, when you speak truthfully.
00:21:03 Right.
00:21:04 Because you're giving them a baseline.
00:21:07 So if I'm asking a bunch of questions, they're easy questions I'm asking like, oh, what's your favorite food?
00:21:12 You know, you know, what was what?
00:21:15 Where do you work?
00:21:16 You know what?
00:21:18 What kind of car do you drive?
00:21:19 And you're just, you know.
00:21:20 Oh yeah, I drive this and I work at this place and and then I say, OK, where were you Tuesday?
00:21:25 And all of a sudden you get like.
00:21:26 Really ******* weird and start fidgeting and stuff like that.
00:21:29 Yeah, I know something's.
00:21:31 So this first part of the interview.
00:21:34 Which I've cut like like most of this is gone like this is like a 5 hour long.
00:21:38 We're not gonna do that whole you.
00:21:39 Know not even close.
00:21:41 But the cops are kind of just trying to get to know this guy that they just, I mean, it looked like it was pretty big deal, right?
00:21:48 So here we go.
00:21:50 Hi, I'm Eva.
Speaker 22
00:21:51 Hi, I'm here.
00:21:51 How are you?
Speaker 22
00:21:55 Hey, we really appreciate.
Speaker 3
00:21:56 You comfort with us and.
00:21:58 At any time during this, you need to stop and go.
00:22:00 To the bathroom.
00:22:01 Want a drink?
00:22:04 Saying just let me know and we'll be.
00:22:05 We'll be happy to drink.
00:22:08 Yeah, well, get if you need a bathroom break, you know you want anything.
00:22:12 You know the other thing too is.
Speaker 15
00:22:16 He's under arrest.
00:22:18 Right.
00:22:18 This isn't they didn't ask him to come down for questioning.
00:22:21 They put him under arrest.
00:22:23 So it's a little weird that that.
00:22:27 They haven't.
00:22:28 I mean they.
00:22:28 I'm assuming they've they've read them as rights and all this other stuff I haven't found.
00:22:31 Any video of that?
00:22:32 But he's acting pretty casual for a guy who just had basically the SWAT team show up at his at his hotel.
00:22:41 And he's not asking, like, well, why, what?
00:22:42 What's going on?
00:22:44 Why, why?
00:22:44 Why am?
00:22:45 Why am I here?
Speaker 3
00:22:47 My name is Danny Anderson and I'm the deputy Simon County Sheriff's Office and Eva.
00:22:53 So we just want to talk a little bit and.
00:22:55 We'll get this.
00:22:55 In and out be on our way.
00:22:59 Oh yeah, just just in and out.
00:23:00 Beyond your.
00:23:01 Yeah, that's how it usually works.
00:23:02 Right?
00:23:02 A SWAT team pulls you out of your hotel room and and then you're just on your way.
00:23:06 If you.
00:23:07 We just need to talk to you for a little bit.
00:23:09 Yeah, definitely.
00:23:10 Don't ask for a lawyer.
00:23:11 This is all very casual.
Speaker 22
00:23:16 I have bachelors of science and nursing from.
00:23:20 Back in 2011.
00:23:23 That's my highest level.
Speaker 3
00:23:25 OK.
00:23:26 What is there any special nursing degree?
00:23:28 What you do or?
Speaker 22
00:23:29 I mean I.
00:23:30 Have like other.
00:23:31 Certifications, but I mean with that like I primarily worked in the hospital for.
00:23:39 I think five years, five or six years.
00:23:43 Alright, so he's a male nurse.
00:23:48 We're not off to a good start when it comes to don't be that guy.
00:23:53 Now, look, I understand.
00:23:54 There's probably lots.
00:23:55 There's probably about male nurses listening right now going dead, and we make a lot of money.
00:23:59 We do a good job.
00:24:00 We were out there healing people. Haven't you seen the TikTok videos?
Speaker 13
00:24:03 That we, I.
00:24:04 Mean look at all the bouncing booties we get to be around 24/7 while we pretend like we're curing COVID.
00:24:10 And I understand, I understand.
00:24:13 But a male nurse, I mean, there's not very many times that I want women in the workplace, but I kind of feel like, I mean, there's a reason why you have to.
00:24:22 I mean, it's not.
00:24:22 It's not good that you have to specify male nurse, you know, I mean, like, anytime you have a job where you have to, you have to put male in front of it.
00:24:33 Maybe that's not a job you should be, I don't know.
00:24:38 Ohh anyway.
Speaker 22
00:24:42 And then I was pursuing a Masters of science in nursing anesthesia that was back in 2015, I believe.
00:24:50 OK.
00:24:51 But then I didn't complete that.
00:24:52 And then I just went back to nursing.
00:24:53 And then when this whole?
00:24:56 Like wrongful accusation of the Grand Theft charge that I told you about in the car when that happened, I stopped working at the hospital and then that took like.
Speaker 3
00:25:07 We talked about that in a car.
00:25:10 And now he's already volunteering information.
00:25:13 About a Grand Theft accusation.
00:25:17 That that got him fired from his nursing job.
00:25:22 Now, from what I understand.
00:25:24 What he's talking about, which?
00:25:25 Again, why would you?
00:25:26 Why would you volunteer this?
00:25:29 Why would you?
00:25:29 Why would you just?
00:25:30 Why would you even?
00:25:31 This is why you.
00:25:32 Need your lawyer in the.
00:25:35 He just volunteer.
00:25:36 He opens up basically with I'm.
00:25:38 A male nurse.
00:25:39 Ohh and I've been accused of a pretty serious crime.
00:25:43 A crime so serious that I was fired from my job probably has something to do with me stealing narcotics or something I like it's.
00:25:53 Yeah, it's not good.
00:25:55 Whatever it is.
00:25:56 I didn't get fired for being having a really good bedside manner, so yeah, he's already volunteering information that that he shouldn't and the cops.
00:26:05 Like, well, hold on. What?
00:26:08 So he tells them like ohh yeah, well.
00:26:11 And he'll get more into it.
00:26:13 Later, he says that he he's basically he's.
00:26:15 Out of work now.
00:26:17 So he's he's not just a male nurse, he's.
00:26:19 An out of work.
00:26:21 Male nurse.
00:26:26 You know the kind of the kind of.
00:26:29 Of bald spot that just says out of.
00:26:32 Work male nurse like this video is not very good.
00:26:35 You don't have a very good view of this guy, right?
00:26:38 But I mean, I'll make it a little bit easier.
00:26:41 I mean he kind of he kind of looks the part, you know like if I if I were to call up a casting director and say.
00:26:47 I need an out of work.
00:26:48 Male nurse and they sent me.
00:26:50 This guy be like.
00:26:50 Yeah, checks out.
00:26:52 That looks about what you should look like.
00:26:54 So anyway, so they they they continue to try to get to know him.
00:27:00 And again, he hasn't asked, like, why he's there, why?
00:27:03 Why the SWAT team showed up.
Speaker 3
00:27:07 Your brother Jeff.
Speaker 22
00:27:08 Our friend Jericho Jericho he.
00:27:11 So this part at this point, they're again, they're shooting the ****, just trying to, you know, he's trying to be friendly, talk about things.
00:27:18 Like, oh, you know, what do you like?
Speaker 13
00:27:20 To do for fun.
00:27:22 And he mentions that ohh yeah, we went to.
Speaker 13
00:27:25 I went to Japan.
00:27:26 I'm a weed.
00:27:27 Oh, look.
00:27:28 Wouldn't you know it?
00:27:30 He's he's an out of work.
00:27:32 Male nurse web that went to Japan.
00:27:37 And the cops are like ohh you went to Japan.
00:27:39 Oh, that's that's pretty crazy, huh?
00:27:41 OK.
00:27:42 Out of work, male nurse that went to Japan.
00:27:44 OK.
Speaker 22
00:27:46 Our friend Jericho he he's been a he was originally a friend of my brothers back in high school and then we all have.
00:27:53 Kind of stayed close.
Speaker 3
00:27:54 How expensive was that trim?
Speaker 22
00:27:57 And you got plane tickets alone. We're like 1400 bucks. And then I'd say it was probably.
00:28:04 10 grand total for like all those days.
00:28:06 And yeah.
Speaker 3
00:28:06 For each one of you.
Speaker 22
00:28:08 I mean, it was about.
00:28:09 It was 2 weeks.
00:28:10 So how did?
Speaker 23
00:28:11 And then they were there.
Speaker 22
00:28:11 How did?
00:28:13 How's how's you, how's you spend your time over there?
00:28:15 Ohh God it.
00:28:16 Was we went to Tokyo for the first four days and then we stayed there.
00:28:22 Ohh God, we totally went to Tokyo.
00:28:24 And so here's here's actual this is actual footage of him hanging out in Tokyo.
00:28:28 There's some people in the chat saying that he's that he's Jewish.
00:28:32 I don't think that he is.
00:28:35 But he, I mean, it's possible, but his his, his mother, I don't think is.
00:28:41 And his dad.
00:28:42 I mean his last name is Amato.
00:28:45 I yeah.
00:28:46 I mean, I don't, I don't know if that's, I I I don't think that he is.
00:28:51 He looks pretty jewy.
00:28:53 And he sounds very jewy, but I don't think that he is.
00:28:56 It's it's possible.
00:28:58 It's possible.
00:28:58 I couldn't find anything saying that.
00:29:01 But you know, here's him.
00:29:03 You know, we've been out in Japan like, oh, my God, I love it here.
00:29:07 Look at that.
00:29:09 I'm on.
00:29:10 I'm an out of work.
00:29:11 Male nurse in Japan.
00:29:14 You know, you know, he look, he's wearing the he wearing the ******* kimono.
00:29:17 Look at this.
00:29:22 And you're right that that knows, right that knows you would think so.
00:29:27 You would think so.
00:29:29 So it's it's very possible, right?
00:29:31 Very possible.
00:29:32 But I I can't find anything about that.
00:29:35 I can't find anything about that.
00:29:36 Let me.
00:29:36 I'll tell you what.
00:29:37 Let me let me.
00:29:38 Let me just look, let me just look one more time.
00:29:43 I'm just gonna look for I'm.
00:29:44 Gonna look at his name.
00:29:46 And the word Jewish.
00:29:51 And maybe I'll be wrong.
00:29:58 Nothing's popping up immediately here.
00:30:04 Yeah, no, that word is not found on that page that did pop up.
00:30:11 Yeah, I mean, look.
00:30:13 It's possible it's possible, but it might be like one of those, like that Idaho murder Guy, where it's just.
00:30:19 Like I don't know.
00:30:21 Maybe probably.
00:30:23 Coburger I mean.
00:30:24 With him, it's a little more.
00:30:26 I don't.
00:30:26 Know coburger but.
00:30:28 All you got to know is he's a weeb.
00:30:30 He's a weeb.
00:30:30 He's an out of.
00:30:31 Work, male nurse.
00:30:33 Web that goes to Japan.
00:30:37 So and the cops are.
00:30:38 Like oh.
00:30:40 How did you?
Speaker 13
00:30:42 How'd you afford to go to Japan?
00:30:48 Why the there we go.
00:30:49 I'm muted the audio.
Speaker 3
00:30:52 How long you.
00:30:52 Been out of work.
00:30:53 I've been out.
Speaker 22
00:30:53 Of work for six months since June.
Speaker 3
00:30:55 How did you pay?
00:30:56 That's a lot of money for.
Speaker 22
00:30:57 The out of work.
00:30:58 My brother.
00:30:59 Yeah, my brother, he's.
Speaker 3
00:31:00 What does he do?
Speaker 22
00:31:01 He's a senior now.
00:31:04 The the certified registered nurse and.
00:31:07 So it turns out his brother, also a male nurse.
00:31:11 And his brother paid for it.
00:31:13 OK, OK.
Speaker 22
00:31:16 That we would play video games.
00:31:19 We actually just got.
00:31:20 So this is, he said.
00:31:22 So you, you and your brother are good.
00:31:23 Good pals because turns out not only does he live at home, so he's it's it's it's it's adding up here guys.
00:31:32 He's an out of work.
00:31:34 Male nurse, web.
00:31:39 Lives at home.
00:31:42 With his brother and his dad and his mom.
00:31:46 And so the cops like, oh, what do you guys?
00:31:49 Do what do you guys do for fun?
Speaker 22
00:31:51 That we would play video games.
00:31:54 We actually just got like a virtual reality headset thingy for like, computer.
00:32:01 That was kind of fun.
Speaker 3
00:32:03 What kind of games do you play?
Speaker 22
00:32:05 Back in the day, we played Call of Duty a lot like back in the day, and then we got out of that.
00:32:11 So we just.
00:32:11 Started to get to like PlayStation.
Speaker 3
00:32:12 Which sesame do you play station?
Speaker 22
00:32:15 And then we went to Xbox because that was like what, a couple of our friends had.
00:32:20 So he's a console Kitty.
00:32:23 You're playing first person shooters on a console.
Speaker 15
00:32:27 OK.
00:32:30 So it's just another another gay point.
00:32:33 So he plays, he does nothing with his life.
00:32:36 He he got, he got an Oculus.
00:32:38 He's so he's on on the ******* Oculus, running around, running the mucking the ******* metaverse all day, playing console games like a fagot, the guys like.
00:32:47 Like almost 30 years old, I think he's 29. I think, he says here in a little bit.
Speaker 22
00:32:55 And then we went back to PlayStation and then me and my brother got into PC gaming.
00:32:59 We're on that.
00:32:59 We just play like mobas, which are like strategy.
00:33:02 Oh my God, it gets worse.
00:33:04 So that only does play a PC game.
00:33:07 It's a ******* gay, like Dota or something like that.
00:33:10 Like one of these ******* games.
00:33:11 It's like.
00:33:13 Micromanager video game.
00:33:19 So then carry on.
Speaker 22
00:33:22 I think the only other game that we really played was Fortnite, but then that was starting to get to.
Speaker 3
00:33:26 Like, yeah, kids all over.
Speaker 16
00:33:26 That's a big deal right now, the younger.
Speaker 22
00:33:29 And actually, yeah, during the time that I was.
00:33:33 That I wasn't working as a nurse.
00:33:35 I tried to do the whole.
00:33:36 Twitch streaming thing?
Speaker 13
00:33:41 Oh, with this kind of charisma.
00:33:43 Why wouldn't he try to be?
00:33:44 A Twitch streamer?
00:33:46 So this guy out of work, male nurse Weeb that lives at home playing video games all day, decided to try to be a Twitch streamer.
00:33:59 He's going to be, he's going.
Speaker 13
00:34:01 To be a Twitch streamer.
00:34:03 Why not?
00:34:04 Why not?
00:34:04 Why not?
00:34:05 Why not be every cliche?
00:34:07 Why not check all of the boxes of how lame, how much of?
00:34:12 A ****** you could be.
00:34:17 So alright.
00:34:18 You know again, with that kind of charisma, I'm surprised his career didn't just take off.
00:34:24 Didn't I mean, just explode into popularity?
00:34:28 Alright, So what?
00:34:29 What else have you been doing?
Speaker 22
00:34:31 And then we have the supernovas, which we just used for clay.
00:34:34 Shooting and then.
Speaker 13
00:34:36 So, so.
00:34:37 So he's in the guns.
00:34:39 He has a bunch of guns or had a bunch of guns.
00:34:43 And from what he's talking about, he's one of these guys that that buy, like, again, check another box check.
00:34:50 Yet another ******* box. He's the guy that buys the the, the AR15 and then every ******* like by the time he's he he gets everything you can possibly bolt to the ******* rifle.
00:35:04 So that by the time you're done, it's just this giant, unwieldy like bat belt with all these gadgets and **** that you'll never ******* use.
00:35:12 And by the way, he didn't hand that. I'm not using any of it. He spent like 3000.
00:35:16 Dollars, $3000, like making his his AR15 into a utility belt and then sold it for like 1500 dollars or something like that. And yeah, so he's one of those guys and it gets all the the most expensive pistols.
Speaker 22
00:35:38 Those wise?
Speaker 16
00:35:41 I had.
Speaker 22
00:35:44 I think four or five.
00:35:45 Just pistols.
00:35:46 I had a Glock 17.
00:35:48 Of course you did.
Speaker 22
00:35:50 I believe it was I had.
00:35:53 So he has a bunch of guns or whatever.
00:35:56 But he got rid of them all because he.
00:35:58 Was out of work.
00:36:00 And his parents, you know, were were like.
00:36:04 Very upset with him being out of work and being useless and and and he needed to make some money so he sold all of his guns. Alright. So let's see what else. Let's. Let's see what else this guy's up to.
Speaker 22
00:36:15 The cops came in and then they handcuffed me and they were like, you know, you've.
00:36:19 Been charged.
00:36:20 OK, so this is him.
00:36:21 He starts to describe.
00:36:24 The situation where he was arrested for for Grand Theft, where they they basically knew that he was stealing.
00:36:34 From the hospital.
00:36:36 And so he's describing that situation.
Speaker 22
00:36:38 Charged with this, we're taking you down to the I think it was Orange County, the Orange County Jail area, you know, had the picture taken and staying the The sitting area where they process you all and everything like that and.
00:36:55 You know, I'm using the phones on the cord, you know, trying to just pass around.
00:37:00 The phone and.
00:37:01 I'm surrounded by all these guys who are talking about, you know.
Speaker 12
00:37:04 Who are real criminals?
00:37:05 Who are real criminals?
Speaker 22
00:37:06 And the first person I called was my dad.
00:37:09 I mean, I my my brother and Cody.
Speaker 3
00:37:11 What is your brother's name? My brother. OK.
00:37:16 So this the same brother.
00:37:19 That that paid something like.
00:37:24 I might have Fast forward through it on accident.
00:37:27 He was the cop.
00:37:28 Asked him.
00:37:29 Or maybe it'll pop up here in a second.
00:37:30 The cop asked him.
00:37:33 How much did your trip to Japan cost?
00:37:36 I mean, that seems like it.
00:37:37 Would be kind of expensive.
00:37:39 And he said, oh, it's about $10,000.
00:37:42 So his brother.
00:37:44 Who spent $10,000.
00:37:48 Just like not that long ago, for him to go to Japan and wear a kimono.
00:37:55 Also bailed him out of jail.
00:37:57 He called his brother.
00:37:59 There's only a couple years difference between them.
00:38:03 And he said, I need you to bail me out.
00:38:06 His brother came through.
Speaker 22
00:38:09 I think it was $8000 for the holding holding the attorney.
00:38:14 So so his brother, who paid $10,000 for his Japan trip, pays another $8000 for an attorney to get him out and and to bail him out of prison.
Speaker 22
00:38:25 Tanner, for Tanner, for Tanner.
Speaker 3
00:38:27 Then basically she had.
Speaker 22
00:38:27 To do nothing, she had to do nothing and.
00:38:32 He got like, annoyed because he, like, he apparently wasn't told that it was non refundable, but I like, I know that I told him because like I had to send in the document signing and saying this is not.
Speaker 3
00:38:39 Right.
00:38:44 I've known known any attorney that takes a retainer ever gives you anything back.
00:38:49 Speaking of attorneys, man.
Speaker 13
00:38:54 Why is there not one?
00:38:55 In the room with you.
00:38:59 So moving right along, they keep talking.
00:39:02 They keep.
00:39:02 They're keeping it pretty light this whole time.
Speaker 3
00:39:06 Looking for jobs applying pretty regular.
Speaker 22
00:39:08 Yeah, I mean I yeah.
Speaker 3
00:39:09 Yeah, I'd say pretty regular anything less than.
Speaker 22
00:39:11 Savings, nothing less in savings. I think I had like 3-4 hundred dollars.
Speaker 3
00:39:16 Brother, kind of helping me.
Speaker 22
00:39:18 Yeah, yeah.
00:39:18 I mean, Brother was helping me.
00:39:19 My dad was covering the rent that he called it, which is just like the monthly payment that to for us to help.
00:39:25 Since we all live at home.
00:39:26 And then, I mean, he was, he was covering like, cell phone.
00:39:31 So his dad is is not charging him rent.
00:39:35 And he's paying for the guys's.
00:39:38 Cell phone bill, he's like 30.
00:39:41 He's like 30 years old, living at home parents, paying for the cell phone bill brothers paying for trips to Japan, bailing him out of ******* prison, paying, paying for his ******* lawyer.
Speaker 3
00:39:56 Who's older you or?
Speaker 22
00:39:57 Him he is. I'm the youngest one. I'm 29. He's 31 and my oldest brother, Jason, is 35.
00:40:03 So it's it's.
00:40:05 Him 29.
00:40:07 This brother that's paying for everything is 31 and this other guy who doesn't live with them.
00:40:11 Is 35.
Speaker 22
00:40:14 You know, we decided to go to nursing school together.
00:40:16 We decided to go to the nursing and senior school together.
00:40:20 I mean, we did everything together.
00:40:22 Mean we were.
Speaker 3
00:40:22 He's a better.
Speaker 22
00:40:22 Student he was a better student and everything up through nursing school and then I was actually the better student in nursing anesthesia school.
00:40:32 But there was like a again kind of.
00:40:35 Like with the.
Speaker 3
00:40:35 Are you guys sorry, are you guys at the same time in the same classes?
00:40:41 So you're the exact same?
Speaker 22
00:40:42 But not not for nursing school, not.
Speaker 3
00:40:43 For nursing, I think.
00:40:46 So these guys are going, I mean they they're going to to school together.
00:40:51 You know, it's obvious that he kind of admires his older brother, even though it's only a couple of years.
00:40:57 His brother older brother seems to be way more successful at at what they're doing and you can tell there's a little bit of bitterness there when he, when he talks about this.
Speaker 22
00:41:08 Yeah, we sat right next to each other.
Speaker 3
00:41:09 So you're in there doing things together.
00:41:11 So you got somebody to study with, somebody to work, to bounce things.
00:41:14 Off of and work with.
Speaker 22
00:41:14 Yeah. Yeah. And we.
00:41:15 Would do that all the time we're burning.
00:41:17 The midnight.
00:41:18 But you were better than.
00:41:19 Yeah, and that was the one time that he actually admitted that I was didactically more confident than him and.
00:41:28 That was the one time that was the one time.
Speaker 5
00:41:32 Our whole lives.
00:41:36 That he would.
Speaker 15
00:41:36 Admit that I was better than him.
00:41:40 This brother that keeps paying for all of my failures.
Speaker 22
00:41:47 And that's my mom.
00:41:48 My mom has.
00:41:51 She's always been the.
00:41:53 It's kind of like Cody's always been the one that focused on me and.
00:41:58 So, so not only was his brother Cody always there to, to lend him a helping hand and try to help him out.
00:42:06 And able him, you might say.
00:42:08 If you're being cynical, you cynics.
00:42:11 But his mom also here's his mom right here with him.
00:42:15 So there's the mom.
00:42:16 See, that's some sense.
00:42:17 She doesn't look Jewish at all.
00:42:20 Who knows?
00:42:21 Maybe the dad is.
00:42:23 So this is the mom.
Speaker 22
00:42:29 I mean, she she worked at home, she she was God.
Speaker 5
00:42:32 What you doing?
Speaker 22
00:42:35 I I do not like a a.
00:42:38 Something manager, like a client manager for Nuance transcription company.
00:42:43 Basically nuance.
00:42:45 They're major changing medical transcription, so just all the the things that the doctors are saying while you're in the hospital.
00:42:52 And then.
Speaker 3
00:42:53 Before you make sure that those all got transcribed over.
Speaker 22
00:42:56 She would manage.
00:42:57 People who did all the transcriptions and then she had a couple of people where there's like the managers over those people that then she would also.
00:43:04 Take care of.
00:43:06 So she had some kind of do nothing boomer job where medical transcription.
00:43:12 It's it's kind of a scam.
00:43:13 I've known people that have done.
00:43:14 They get you get tons of money for you need like some kind of certification or something like that to be allowed to do it.
00:43:21 But it it it's well it's actually it's one of.
00:43:23 Those jobs, I.
00:43:23 Will be doing soon.
00:43:28 If if.
00:43:29 If I mean, I'm sure they're trialing it already because of the the cost involved is is in.
00:43:33 Thing, but basically it's just you.
00:43:36 They're what it sounds like they're transcribing doctor's notes into medical records and.
00:43:41 And so it's instead of like the handwriting which that part is is kind of puzzling, too.
00:43:47 I think that'll go away.
00:43:48 It'll all be digital at some point, so it won't even have to be transcribed.
00:43:52 But she makes a killing because you have to be certified and you know she's so she's managing.
00:43:59 She's working for.
00:44:01 With her, with her, you know her two Mama boys that live at home still, and she's working in a little Home Office and with the team she's now, she's now a manager or managing other people there.
00:44:16 So she's.
00:44:16 I don't know what she could possibly be doing.
00:44:18 She's just sitting at a computer telling people to transcribe.
00:44:21 Faster I guess, but so that's that's what the moms doing and you know the what's the relationship between.
00:44:28 Him and his mom.
Speaker 22
00:44:30 And my dad would like, come up to me.
00:44:33 And he'd make like me feel like he'd try and use things and word things to make me feel guilty so that I would, you know, do everything that I can like.
Speaker 8
00:44:44 Almost like a.
Speaker 22
00:44:44 Motivation, right?
00:44:46 And he'd tell me time and time again that you know, you're her favorite.
00:44:51 I mean, she would do anything for you.
00:44:53 And I mean it's like, yeah, I don't need to hear that.
00:44:56 I mean that's.
00:44:56 Not what would motivate me?
00:44:59 Yeah, dad.
00:45:01 So he's he's the favorite.
00:45:03 He's the favorite kid.
00:45:05 He's the so the moms always trying to help out and the brother is always trying to help him out no matter how much he fails, they're always trying to help him out.
Speaker 22
00:45:17 Chose to admit me to like a like an.
00:45:21 Then we get to this interesting part.
00:45:23 He starts.
00:45:24 He keeps mentioning.
00:45:25 When I was at this place, but he doesn't really say what it is.
00:45:27 So finally, the cops like, what's this place you keep talking about?
00:45:30 He's like, well, yeah.
00:45:31 They they chose to admit me.
00:45:34 To a a clinic.
00:45:36 Against my will.
Speaker 22
00:45:39 Depression or an addiction clinic or something like that in Fort Lauderdale called Cornerstone that was December 22nd. OK. And so I think January 4th.
Speaker 3
00:45:44 When was.
00:45:52 Did you agree to go?
Speaker 22
00:45:54 I didn't, but.
00:45:55 They said that, you know, this was your only who said my dad, OK?
00:45:59 And that was in Fort Lauderdale.
Speaker 3
00:46:01 Did your mom agree with it?
Speaker 22
00:46:03 My mom and my brother both agreed, but it was my dad who was like the iron Fist.
00:46:09 Like, this is what's going to happen, like, you know.
00:46:11 Well, this is a bit odd because now all of a sudden his family is forced like putting their foot down and putting him into a clinic in Fort Lauderdale.
00:46:21 I mean, it seemed like, you know, aside from the obvious.
00:46:25 We've, you know, unemployed, nurse, male nurse, playing video games all day.
00:46:31 I mean, OK, I mean.
00:46:34 It it almost sounds like they would have tolerated that.
00:46:37 So why?
00:46:37 Why are they?
00:46:39 Why are they putting them in this place called Cornerstone?
00:46:42 That that's for addiction and and depression?
00:46:45 Like what?
00:46:46 What's this all about?
Speaker 22
00:46:47 You can't. Why?
Speaker 3
00:46:48 Did he say you needed to go voice his reasoning?
Speaker 22
00:46:50 Because with the way that I was acting, he just.
00:46:56 He didn't see that I was doing anything for like the positive.
00:47:02 By the way, it's pretty hilarious how long he takes to really explain why why it it's all this vague **** at first.
00:47:11 It's like, oh, well, you know, it's.
00:47:12 Cause like I wasn't really.
00:47:13 You know it wasn't.
00:47:16 Trying hard enough.
00:47:17 Oh, really?
00:47:17 So they committed you, that seems.
00:47:19 A little harsh.
Speaker 22
00:47:23 You know, and a lot of it just came back to money with him.
00:47:28 He would he would like, allow me to to spend money that he had, like with his credit card or something like that, but.
00:47:37 It's like then whenever I did it was like a huge problem.
00:47:41 OK so.
00:47:41 Ohh so it it's just the dad's kind of like this boomer *******. Right? Right. You know, it's not enough that he's paying for all this ****, but like.
00:47:50 Even though his dad's cool with the music, you know, OK, you can use my credit card son, but.
00:47:55 Then when he does, the dad gets.
Speaker 15
00:47:56 Mad like oh, why you?
00:47:58 Why you spend?
00:47:58 All my money.
00:47:59 We're gonna have you committed because he spent some of my money.
00:48:02 Well, that.
00:48:02 Seems a bit odd.
Speaker 3
00:48:03 He had one of his.
00:48:04 Credit cards.
00:48:05 And what were you?
00:48:06 Buying with it.
Speaker 22
00:48:07 Well, what I was doing is over the past.
00:48:13 Four months or something like that.
00:48:14 I've been.
00:48:14 I've been talking to this woman online.
00:48:18 She's as embarrassing as it is.
00:48:20 She's a she's a camp.
00:48:21 She's a Cam model.
Speaker 8
00:48:27 Check another box.
00:48:34 Ohh what's what's?
00:48:35 Our inventory here now.
00:48:36 So we got a, a balding male nurse who's almost 30 unemployed, living at home playing video games all day.
00:48:50 He's a weeb, you know, loves Japan.
Speaker 13
00:48:56 Now he's.
00:48:58 Ohh I forgot.
00:48:59 He wanted to be a Twitch streamer.
00:49:00 He's gonna be.
00:49:01 A Twitch streamer?
00:49:02 And now he's using his dad's credit card for four months to talk to.
00:49:06 A Cam girl.
00:49:08 All right, some of you guys gonna start to.
Speaker 13
00:49:10 Know who this is now.
00:49:15 OK.
00:49:16 Well, what, what what what?
00:49:17 What exactly?
00:49:17 What are?
00:49:18 We talking about here?
Speaker 22
00:49:20 A Cam model, so I can't model.
00:49:21 You guys.
00:49:27 It's like they they.
00:49:29 It's like a virtual girlfriend.
00:49:31 I guess you would say.
00:49:32 OK, like that type of situation.
00:49:34 So a lot of the money went to her.
Speaker 3
00:49:36 OK, where's she at?
Speaker 22
00:49:37 She lives in Bulgaria.
00:49:44 Who knows?
00:49:44 It might have been like one of Andrew Tate.
00:49:46 'S girls, right?
00:49:49 I mean, I know he's in Romania or was or.
00:49:51 Whatever, but yeah.
00:49:53 Yeah. So he's he's sending some Bulgarian check on the Internet. Money with his dad's credit card. Alright, well, what are we talking here?
Speaker 22
00:50:02 Bulgaria over in Europe, it's like outside of Germany.
Speaker 3
00:50:03 Where's that?
00:50:06 OK, you ever been there?
Speaker 22
00:50:09 There wasn't answer, OK.
Speaker 3
00:50:10 So what would you give our money for?
Speaker 22
00:50:13 Just for like the time online with her.
Speaker 20
00:50:15 OK.
Speaker 22
00:50:16 So it was just like that type of thing.
00:50:17 It was she charged by the minute, by the hour.
00:50:21 OK.
Speaker 3
00:50:21 And how much does it prevent it?
Speaker 22
00:50:22 Oh God, I think it was like.
00:50:26 It was like 90 tokens a minute and it's like conversion rate for all of that is.
00:50:35 $600.00 for like a like 5000 or something tokens or something like that. So and then it was 4 hours a night so.
Speaker 11
00:50:45 4 hours four.
00:50:46 Hold on four hours and holy.
00:50:49 What it is?
00:50:50 Let's alright.
00:50:50 Hang on.
00:50:51 Let's do some quick and dirty math here.
00:50:53 I've actually never.
00:50:57 Never trying to figure out how much.
00:50:59 Time this guy would have been talking here because.
00:51:03 We'll get no worry.
00:51:04 We'll get to the actual dollar amount here in a second.
00:51:07 Alright, so he said.
00:51:11 Everyone this what is he saying?
Speaker 22
00:51:12 $600.00 for like a like.
00:51:15 5000 or something tokens or.
00:51:18 All right, so $600.
00:51:22 Or 5000 tokens and how many tokens was it the?
Speaker 22
00:51:28 It was like 90 tokens a minute.
00:51:30 All right, so 90 tokens a minute.
00:51:34 Alright so.
00:51:37 4 hours and then four hours a night, right?
00:51:40 4 hours a night.
00:51:41 Alright, so let's let's just do this here.
00:51:44 So we got 4 * 60.
00:51:48 So that's 240.
00:51:51 Tokens or no minutes and then the tokens per minute is 90.
00:51:58 Per minute so times that by.
00:52:01 90 So that's 21,600 tokens.
00:52:07 Holy God, a night.
00:52:14 So 21,600 tokens a night and it's $600.00 for 5000, or a divide 21,600.
00:52:24 By 5000.
00:52:28 And we're going to times that.
00:52:30 By 600. Wait, I I did that wrong. I did that wrong.
00:52:37 Yeah. OK. I I missed a zero on. I was going to say, what the ****? There's no, it's that much. OK, alright, so that's 4.32.
00:52:47 Times 600.
00:52:50 So per night.
Speaker 15
00:52:53 Per night.
00:52:55 We're looking at a.
Speaker 13
00:52:57 Just based on what he's saying here.
00:53:00 2000.
00:53:02 592.
00:53:05 A night.
00:53:10 And he said that he talked to her for four months.
00:53:12 So this is this sounds like it's.
00:53:14 Going to be a lot of money.
00:53:21 So 2592 a night.
00:53:27 I don't know if it's every night, but a night.
00:53:29 So let's let's.
00:53:31 OK, I I could see your dad not liking this.
Speaker 22
00:53:34 And it's like conversion rate for all of that as.
00:53:41 $600.00 for like a like 5000 something token something like that. So and then it was 4 hours a night.
Speaker 13
00:53:43 I like how he's.
00:53:44 Trying to obscure the amount he knows.
00:53:46 How much it is?
00:53:47 But he's just like trying to obscure.
00:53:50 It with math.
Speaker 22
00:53:51 So I mean it's, I mean that's basically just where all like the cost went to was you pay real money for the tokens, then you use the company's digital.
00:53:58 Currency for for that so.
Speaker 3
00:53:59 OK, you do this.
00:54:01 And when did you meet her?
Speaker 22
00:54:02 I met her.
00:54:08 At the.
00:54:09 Beginning of July.
00:54:11 Yeah, at the very beginning of July.
Speaker 3
00:54:13 OK.
00:54:13 And and still talking to her.
Speaker 22
00:54:15 Still, yeah.
00:54:16 I mean more just on, like Twitter, like just through direct messaging, again, cell phone service doesn't work.
00:54:22 So it's like I can't use the the chatting.
Speaker 19
00:54:25 How much do you?
Speaker 3
00:54:26 Think you spent on this because it's kind.
Speaker 22
00:54:28 Of pricey, yeah.
Speaker 3
00:54:29 90 tokens and in five $5000 for for how many tokens.
Speaker 22
00:54:35 No, no, it's $600.00 for for 5000 for yeah.
Speaker 3
00:54:38 5000.
00:54:39 OK, so how much you think you spent?
Speaker 22
00:54:43 Probably close to.
Speaker 8
00:54:49 Here it comes $200,000.
Speaker 22
00:54:49 Like $200,000.
Speaker 13
00:54:57 He spent $200,000.
00:55:03 On a Cam girl.
00:55:06 In Bulgaria.
00:55:11 200 ******* $1000.
00:55:16 Holy ****.
00:55:18 Alright, so that's just that's that's a box I didn't even know that existed that we got to check there.
00:55:23 So he spent $200,000 on a on a Cam girl in Bulgaria that he's never met.
00:55:30 And OK, OK.
Speaker 13
00:55:39 So yeah, so.
00:55:42 Here's the funny part, so spoiler alert.
00:55:47 I'm going to tell.
Speaker 26
00:55:47 You what happened?
00:55:48 With this guy.
00:55:49 I'm going to tell you why this guy is in this interrogation room, why they brought the whole SWAT team out to to get him.
00:55:59 Here's what happened with this guy.
00:56:03 His name?
00:56:04 Is Grant a motto, grant Amato.
00:56:09 And Grant Amato, let's let's zoom this ****** in, right.
00:56:14 Or actually I think I have a picture of him.
00:56:16 Well, whatever.
00:56:18 We'll just see what let's just do this.
00:56:22 So Grant a motto here.
00:56:28 He was the runt.
00:56:31 He was the runt.
00:56:36 You know, I'm thinking of, you know, like I there's like this.
00:56:43 There's this this.
00:56:45 This clip from from there will be blood that I think would be really appropriate.
00:56:50 I just don't.
00:56:50 Know if I can find it in time.
Speaker 13
00:56:54 Or he's just.
00:56:54 Like you're the afterbirth.
00:56:56 You're a mistake.
00:56:57 You're nothing.
00:56:58 Anyway, so he's.
00:56:59 I mean, look at this guy.
00:57:00 He's obviously maybe he's momma's favorite, but he's, you know, not daddy's favorite for a reason.
00:57:05 And so anyway, he's this underachieving web and he's he's he goes in and loses. The only. I mean he he could have at least been competitive with his brothers success because they, I mean, they're doing basically the exact same thing, but for whatever reason he had no self-control and he got busted stealing.
00:57:27 Narcotics, or who? Who knows right from the hospital? I'm not exactly sure 100%.
00:57:32 That all was involved with that case, so he.
00:57:35 Loses his job.
00:57:37 He's been living at home, so it's like, I guess he doesn't have to move back.
00:57:40 Home. He's living at home.
00:57:43 But he can't pay his parents rent anymore.
00:57:46 His dad starts paying for his his cell phone.
00:57:49 His brother starts paying for trips to Japan.
00:57:54 I'm assuming his brother paid for the Oculus.
00:57:56 His brother paid for all the video games that they were playing, he said.
00:58:01 Also in the interview, his his brother paid for the high speed Internet.
00:58:05 I'm he's just this Leech.
00:58:07 He's this Leech.
00:58:09 And then one day, because he figures it's not enough.
00:58:13 It's not enough to get all this free ****.
00:58:16 He's also going to start embezzling money from his mother and father and brother.
00:58:23 So that he can send.
00:58:25 About $200,000.
00:58:29 $200,000 to a Bulgarian Cam girl.
00:58:33 And I know you're thinking, wow, this Bulgarian Cam girl, she's got to be something else.
00:58:38 Well, here she is.
00:58:39 This is the Bulgarian Cam girl.
00:58:42 Let's move her over here.
00:58:47 So this is the the Bulgarian Cam girl.
00:58:50 I know it's quite the looker.
Speaker 13
00:58:53 And he starts telling her.
00:58:57 I'm a I'm a famous Twitch streamer. That's how I have all this money. I'm a famous Twitch streamer. When anyone, I mean. Especially she's he's giving her $200,000.
00:59:11 So unless she's completely ******** and I don't think that she's completely ********, I would think that she would probably, especially if he's given you all this money, you'd probably want to like.
00:59:18 Well, let me look up his story.
00:59:21 Let me see what this guy's all about.
00:59:24 And you would see pretty easily.
00:59:26 Ohh well, I mean, he's got like 10 or whatever and they obviously they've destroyed his account now.
00:59:31 So there's no way to.
00:59:32 Know how many followers? I couldn't. I was trying so I I know someone's got to have a copy, but I was trying to find a a copy of one of his streams because I'm guarantee would be a cringe fest but couldn't find a copy.
00:59:47 So he's telling her.
00:59:48 You know, I'm a famous Twitch streamer, and that's where all this money is coming from.
00:59:53 And he has this virtual girlfriend, I guess.
00:59:58 As he calls it.
01:00:00 And then his parents find out because it's 200 ******* $1000. You can't get away with that for super long.
01:00:08 Right after a while, you'd think that you know, 200 ******* $1000 would would set up some alarm bells. And of course they did. Now his family could have very easily have, said said. You know what?
01:00:20 This is this is not just like.
01:00:23 You being a lazy ****, this is illegal.
01:00:26 You embezzled money from us, you stole money.
01:00:29 And not just like a little bit of money.
01:00:30 I mean, for ***** sake, you're in trouble for grand larceny at the hospital.
01:00:35 This is this is ******* well beyond.
01:00:38 Whatever charges they have.
01:00:39 With the hospital.
01:00:42 And they could have.
01:00:42 They could have taken care of the problem right then and there.
01:00:47 But I think in typical bluer because how?
01:00:50 Did this happen?
01:00:51 Right.
01:00:51 How did?
01:00:52 How did this guy exist?
01:00:56 Why did this guy exist the way that he did?
01:01:01 Why were his parents so eager to let him be a need worthless need at home?
01:01:08 Look, it's one thing.
01:01:10 I've always thought, look, I'm just being honest.
01:01:13 I've always thought less of people who I was out of the house at 17.
01:01:18 I was out of.
01:01:19 The house.
01:01:20 Well, I mean, ****.
01:01:21 I was out of.
01:01:21 The house at.
01:01:21 14 but the police brought me back.
01:01:24 So then I waited till I was 17.
01:01:26 I was out again.
01:01:28 And so when I would meet people that were like, even like, 25, I'd be like, well, you're still at home. What the ****? Like, you turned 18 like.
01:01:34 Seven years ago, what's going on over here?
01:01:37 Now I understand there might be circumstances, especially these days, where it might make more sense to to stay at home for a little while and and look, that's not this.
01:01:50 That's not this.
01:01:51 That's not what's happening here, OK?
01:01:55 What's happening here is the reason he is the way that he is.
01:02:01 His his mom babied him.
01:02:05 And and never expected anything out of him.
01:02:10 And because she was a career woman, which she clearly was, right.
01:02:13 OK, so she eventually ended up working at home. Now that he's 30, right? But let's not pretend that this whole time, you know, in the last 30 years, she's been working from home, chances are this guy's a latchkey kid.
01:02:25 He's also from a divorced family like, I think one of his brothers is only like 1/2 brother, but his his, you know, the there's a, you know, step brothers and parents and **** like that involved.
01:02:41 His his mom is is chasing some.
01:02:44 Really important career.
01:02:47 Of medical transcription.
01:02:50 Right, instead of being a parent and you could say ohh how do you know she?
01:02:53 No, I I I you're right.
01:02:55 I don't know for a fact I.
01:02:56 Am doing some guesswork here, but come on.
Speaker 13
01:03:01 And what did parents?
01:03:02 What did parents?
01:03:04 In like the 80s and 90s that were like this, the parents of latchkey kids do.
01:03:10 When they're when their kids, as a result of their lack of parenting, would act out, I saw this time and time again with many of my friends.
01:03:18 Lots of my friends who had divorced parents or whatever.
01:03:21 So, you know, maybe they they were a single their their, you know, their mom was a single mom and then so she was working because they were divorced.
01:03:29 Or they maybe they they, you know, both parents were never around.
01:03:33 They just ping pong from house to house.
01:03:35 Cause of joint custody or whatever.
01:03:38 And you know like that, but there wasn't like a whole lot of parenting going on because both parents were trying to get the kid to like them, you know, don't believe what your mother says.
Speaker 15
01:03:49 Believe what I say.
01:03:51 And they would, they would do what they would.
01:03:53 Try to buy.
01:03:53 Them off.
01:03:55 They would try to fix the problem by buying.
01:03:58 Their kids ****.
01:03:59 These are always the kids that, even though they were poor, right, they would live in some **** apartment, you know, like some **** apartment and some **** part of town.
01:04:07 But they had, like, a A the, the fancy new game system.
01:04:12 They had all the.
01:04:13 All the best frozen foods in their freezer.
01:04:17 They had all of everything that like a kid would want, right? It was like, you know, the Toys-R-Us catalog.
01:04:25 You can just open it up and pick whatever you wanted.
01:04:27 You know every you had.
01:04:28 They had a giant chest in their room with every Star Wars and every GI Joe guy you know in existence.
01:04:35 Yeah, they, they, they, they were the kid.
01:04:37 That had the Ewok Village, you know.
Speaker 13
01:04:40 Well, the same thing.
01:04:42 Now that he's old and useless.
01:04:45 And they realize on some level he's useless because of us.
01:04:52 He's useless because we weren't there to make him not useless, not trying to take away personal responsibility.
01:04:58 But I am trying to maybe maybe frame the psychology behind the the relationship between this loser and his parents here.
01:05:07 So what do they do?
01:05:08 Same thing.
01:05:11 Let's let's try.
01:05:11 To compensate by throwing money. Ohh. He stole 200 thousand, $200,000 from us.
01:05:18 Ah, you know what?
01:05:20 It's a disease.
01:05:21 It's an addiction.
01:05:22 Let's send him.
01:05:23 Let's send him to this.
Speaker 13
01:05:24 Spend even more money.
01:05:28 Let's spend even more money.
01:05:31 And put them in this in this place this rehab place.
01:05:37 And those places aren't cheap either.
01:05:39 And look in high school, a lot of those friends that I had there were latchkey kids, grew up to be the kids that got sent to rehab.
Speaker 15
01:05:47 Right.
01:05:52 So he gets sent to rehab or whatever.
01:05:55 And he comes back.
01:05:58 And his dad comes up to him.
01:06:00 His evil dad cause his dad seems like the only one that at least had a little bit of sense, cause his mom was trying to baby him.
01:06:08 And his dad says, OK, look.
01:06:12 The only way you're allowed to live here right now.
01:06:15 As if you follow these rules.
01:06:20 You have to follow these rules and then.
01:06:24 You're allowed to be here now.
01:06:26 I think I actually have those rules.
01:06:28 I forgot that I had those.
01:06:29 Let me see.
01:06:31 Because he wrote it all out, he wrote it all out like a contract, like a boomer.
Speaker 15
01:06:34 Deadwood, you know.
01:06:36 Sign here, son.
01:06:38 Nor don't live under my roof.
01:06:40 You gotta obey my rules.
01:06:43 Uh. Let's see here.
01:06:47 Do I have it?
01:07:00 Let's see here.
01:07:06 I thought I had this.
01:07:14 Ah, here we are.
01:07:17 Pretty sure this is so.
01:07:18 This is the brother, the older brother that we heard about briefly.
01:07:22 I think discussing the rules here.
01:07:32 So let me pop this on here.
01:07:47 I have a lot of lot of freaking things on my timeline.
01:07:49 I gotta move around.
Speaker 21
01:07:55 Alright, here we go.
Speaker 10
01:08:01 States exhibit 179.
01:08:04 What are the contents of it?
Speaker 27
01:08:05 UM.
01:08:08 I guess I would call it like an ultimatum.
01:08:13 Some options that were given to grant to choose between after leaving the facility and.
01:08:25 Based off of some of his choices, there were specific rules and regulations that my father had.
01:08:34 Laid out for him.
Speaker 10
01:08:36 Give give some example.
01:08:37 I mean I'm not asking to read the entire document.
01:08:40 The jury has it.
01:08:41 It's going to go back with them and they can read it, but give the the jury some examples of.
01:08:49 What are the options given to me?
Speaker 27
01:08:51 All right.
01:08:51 So the first thing that was covered was living arrangements, you know, does he want to live at home, move out on his own, go to the military?
01:09:02 Looks like my father Pre wrote this and and then updated it with a different color pen.
01:09:09 I'm assuming with discussion with.
01:09:13 So there are some markings and highlighters of things that were discussed and chosen.
01:09:19 It looks like Grant chose to live at home.
01:09:24 He understood that the family would not cover or pay any current remaining future debts, et cetera.
01:09:35 Goes on to say that you know some rules are no post midnight Internet use.
01:09:43 No more all nighters online limited TV.
01:09:46 I mean the guy, the guys almost 30 and they're having to treat him like a child.
01:09:54 Ohh you they're giving him a bedtime.
Speaker 27
01:10:00 Install a new AT&T modem.
01:10:05 UM for logging, wireless and hard traffic use.
01:10:09 They're they're they're putting child locks on his Internet.
Speaker 27
01:10:15 It says that he terminated his current phone and set him up with a new phone.
01:10:21 That I guess didn't have data or the ability to go on the Internet.
01:10:26 I mean, they gave him a little kid phone.
01:10:30 A little kid phone without a browser.
01:10:34 So his parents give him this this ultimatum and tell him they have.
01:10:39 They have to follow these rules.
01:10:41 I'm sure.
01:10:41 I'm sure contacting that girls in here too.
01:10:44 Let me see.
Speaker 27
01:10:47 Some responsibilities where he had to get a job, he had some debts that he had to take care of.
01:10:58 No savings.
01:10:59 He owed the families some money.
01:11:02 Owe the family an apology.
Speaker 8
01:11:02 Some monk.
01:11:04 $200,000.
Speaker 27
01:11:07 It's very detailed.
Speaker 10
01:11:10 Is there any reference in there about the contact with the woman in Bulgaria?
Speaker 27
01:11:16 Uh, yes, Sir, so.
Speaker 10
01:11:17 What does that say?
Speaker 27
01:11:19 It informed it states that it informed grant that they had reached out to this woman to let them know or to let her know some of the things that Grant had been saying weren't 100% true.
01:11:35 So like, again, treating him like a child cause he's a he's basically an infant.
Speaker 27
01:11:35 And that.
01:11:40 They called up the.
01:11:41 Bulgaria, I don't know why they you know.
01:11:44 I would have been.
01:11:46 Quite frankly, I would have been a little ****** *** at her, but not that it's not, you know, he's the simp, right?
01:11:51 He's the simp.
01:11:53 But still anyway, so they called her up.
01:11:55 The Cam girl and said look, he's not really a famous Twitch streamer.
01:12:00 He was stealing money from us.
01:12:02 And then said you're not allowed to talk to her.
01:12:05 And what happened?
01:12:07 The mom.
01:12:10 The mom was allowing.
01:12:11 Him to secretly use her phone.
01:12:14 And talk to her through Twitter DMS.
Speaker 13
01:12:20 So anyway, this is going on.
01:12:23 And the father finds out.
01:12:26 That the wife.
01:12:28 Has been letting him.
01:12:33 DM the Bulgarian Cam girl.
01:12:45 And the dad is like, alright, well, we had this contract.
01:12:50 We had this contract and now you're.
Speaker 12
01:12:53 Out of the house.
01:12:57 And the idea?
01:13:01 This this man who's almost 30.
01:13:07 Talking to Cam girls playing video games all day.
01:13:14 Going to Japan on his brother's dime? Not this brother. The another one which we'll talk about here in a second.
01:13:22 It was so devastating to him.
01:13:30 That he decided, of course, the only logical thing you can possibly do in a situation like that.
01:13:39 Is go up to your mother.
01:13:42 Yeah, cause she works at home, right?
01:13:44 She works at home.
01:13:44 So she's.
01:13:46 And she's letting she's letting him talk to.
01:13:50 To the Cam girl.
01:13:52 Ohh, why is this not working now all of a sudden?
01:13:56 Mother of God, I have to use opera.
01:13:58 I really didn't have to use opera today.
01:14:00 Well, yes, I'll use it because my.
01:14:03 Other browsers, being a ***** ** ****.
01:14:07 It's actually being worse than opera somehow.
01:14:09 Anyway, let's see if we can download it this way.
01:14:13 Yeah, this will work.
01:14:14 Did opera start?
01:14:15 Popping up here OK.
01:14:16 Good it didn't.
Speaker 15
01:14:22 There we go.
01:14:30 So he went up to his mother, who was having a glass of wine.
01:14:35 Working at her computer.
01:14:37 Stepped up behind her.
01:14:45 And shot her.
01:14:51 Shot her dead.
01:14:53 Her favorite son?
01:15:05 Shot her dad and in fact.
01:15:09 What's kind of extra depressing about this?
01:15:14 Is what's on her desk.
01:15:19 Let's see here to the left.
01:15:29 Is sorry, these are going slow.
01:15:36 Is a photo of her favorite son.
01:15:45 So hold on, it gets better or worse, a lot worse.
01:15:51 So he kills his mom.
01:15:55 This is the the phone that she was allowing him to.
01:16:01 And all these.
01:16:01 Sorry, all these photos are going really ******* slow.
01:16:03 I'm trying to get them all.
01:16:06 Loaded up here, but it is what it is.
01:16:11 You know a faster way of doing this would just be.
01:16:14 I'm just going to do it this way.
01:16:19 Let me just bring up opera.
01:16:31 So this is the phone that she.
01:16:33 Let them use to talk to the.
01:16:37 The Bulgarian Cam girl.
01:16:43 And then when his dad got home.
01:16:49 Shot and killed his dad.
01:16:53 You might say, well, why does he?
01:16:55 Why does he?
01:16:55 Have a gun on him.
01:16:56 Well, we'll get to that in a second.
01:16:59 And then his brother.
01:17:03 The brother.
01:17:06 That paid $10,000.
01:17:09 For him to go to Japan.
01:17:11 And $8000 to pay for his lawyer.
01:17:18 Well, his brother came home from work.
01:17:23 Walked in the front door.
01:17:26 And before anything, he knew what was going on.
01:17:31 Shot in the head.
01:17:34 Walking into the house, walking into the front door.
01:17:44 So he killed.
01:17:47 His mom, his brother, his dad.
01:17:53 And then the first thing he did.
01:17:56 And I I **** you not the first thing he did.
01:18:01 Was get his brother's phone.
01:18:04 And transfer $600 to the Cam girl in Bulgaria.
01:18:20 The second thing he did because he realized.
01:18:24 Well, there, everyone's going to know.
01:18:25 I did it.
01:18:28 As he went and got a gun, he dragged his. His dad. I mean, the guy's not very bright.
01:18:32 As we've.
01:18:33 It's pretty obvious, right?
01:18:35 But he gets his dad's body.
01:18:38 The reason why there's blood like all over the place in the ******* kitchen.
01:18:42 Look at look at this shot.
01:18:47 His dad walked in the house.
01:18:48 He didn't know his wife was dead.
01:18:50 In the next room, his dad walked in the house was at the was at the kitchen counter when Grant walked up and shot him from behind.
01:19:01 And when he?
01:19:04 Fell where he fell. Grant this after he, you know, gave gave 600 more dollars to the girl in Bulgaria.
01:19:12 He goes and drags.
01:19:15 His father's body.
01:19:18 And I'm in a less I don't know.
01:19:23 Obvious that he didn't know what was coming spot.
01:19:28 Got a gun from his in his dad from his dad's room and rammed it in his belt.
01:19:39 He then came up with this story.
01:19:48 He told the cops.
01:19:51 That his dad came home and confronted him about the conversations he was having with the ex girl.
01:20:01 And forced him to leave.
01:20:06 And before he left, he drove down the street and waited for his brother to come home.
01:20:12 And when his brother came home, he told his brother or, you know, his brother, before he went home, saw him at the end of the street.
01:20:19 And he told him, like, Oh yeah, Dad's kicked me out and he's.
01:20:21 Acting crazy, he's acting crazy.
01:20:24 He had his gun out and he was acting crazy.
01:20:29 And he was threatening mom and blaming Mom.
01:20:41 So he had this crazy story that didn't add up because he also didn't.
01:20:45 Not only did he did he send money.
01:20:48 To the Bulgarian Cam girl, I mean that hotel that he was in that we saw him get arrested in the first part of the.
01:20:56 Of the video here.
01:21:00 I mean that that wasn't.
01:21:01 I mean, he had no money.
01:21:02 So how did he pay for that?
01:21:03 Well, he paid for that with his, with his parent.
01:21:05 You know his dead parents money, so he obviously did a **** job of trying to cover his tracks.
01:21:12 His story, like the the remarkable coincidence that would have to take place if.
01:21:17 Oh, and then?
01:21:18 The day that like I get kicked out for this really crazy behavior.
01:21:22 Right after I leave, ever someone, someone randomly comes over and kills my entire family, or or somehow that they all killed themselves like in some.
01:21:31 Remarkably implausible thing that none of the forensic evidence supports.
01:21:37 Also, my neighbors have cameras that show that I was the only one at the house.
01:21:42 The only one that came or or went during the time frame of the murders?
01:21:46 Also by the way.
01:21:48 There's evidence that shows that I was on my phone looking for data or looking for news reports.
01:21:57 Which is kind of funny cause it's like I wanna.
01:21:59 I guess he didn't have a flip phone.
01:22:00 Maybe just turn the Internet off or had some kind of app.
01:22:02 And he was on the.
01:22:04 The hotel's Wi-Fi or something cause the police also had evidence that he was looking.
01:22:08 Up news reports of what happened.
01:22:11 They also tracked his cell phones.
01:22:13 They can.
01:22:13 They knew where his car was driving.
01:22:15 They showed.
01:22:16 It showed that he was, you know, hanging out outside the house.
01:22:18 I mean, he did.
01:22:19 He ******* did it right.
01:22:20 There's no way he didn't do it.
01:22:23 Ah, he denies, denies, denies.
01:22:35 And he's convinced.
01:22:38 That he had a relationship with that that Cam girl.
01:22:41 Now what's what's kind of bucked up this guy right here?
01:22:44 This is the surviving brother, right?
01:22:46 I mean, he kind of sounds like a fad, but he also like, I know he's married with kids.
01:22:50 So he he's just one of those guys that I guess bought the bought the the FEG temptation.
01:22:57 With the flag gene or something, I don't know.
01:23:00 But he it's kind of sad because like, let's see if I.
01:23:03 Can bring it up here.
01:23:08 He goes to.
01:23:12 After he's been interviewed by the cops forever.
01:23:16 They go and pick.
01:23:17 Him up like the brother up.
01:23:19 Who now kind of knows what's going on?
01:23:23 And they have him talk to.
01:23:27 To the brother.
01:23:27 Let me see.
01:23:28 I'm trying to find.
01:23:29 Why did it?
01:23:29 Why did it load up weird.
01:23:32 OK, here it is.
01:23:36 Oh, that's not the right one.
01:23:40 So many ******* it's like it's like 6 hours of video, so I'm having to dig through this pretty deep.
01:23:47 Where's the brother?
01:23:54 No, that's not it either.
01:23:55 OK, hang on, hang on.
01:23:58 Like I said, I'm going through four hours.
01:24:00 Of ******* video.
01:24:07 Oh, they don't have.
01:24:08 That's weird.
01:24:09 I'll have to find that that file.
01:24:11 Anyway, the brother comes yet, and you can tell.
01:24:15 That guy? The brother.
01:24:16 Knows like.
01:24:17 OK, you did this, didn't you?
01:24:19 You ******* did this.
01:24:21 So he's in jail now.
01:24:25 You know, they had the court case.
01:24:26 It was pretty open and shot like there wasn't, although they're trying to get an appeal right now.
01:24:31 Here's the I.
01:24:32 Guess the sentencing.
01:24:33 Let me see if I can find this here.
01:24:43 Let's see.
01:24:55 And here's the.
01:24:59 The verdict?
Speaker 28
01:25:08 Displayed used, threatened to use or attempted to use a firearm or a weapon.
01:25:13 Further findings one we further find that during the Commission of the crime the defendant actually possessed A firearm.
01:25:20 Further finding two, we further find that during the Commission of the crime.
01:25:24 The defendant discharged a firearm, further findings 3.
01:25:28 We further find that they're in the Commission of.
01:25:30 The crime? The.
01:25:32 Anyway, they give him, they give him life in prison.
Speaker 12
01:25:36 Now I know what a.
01:25:37 Lot of you guys are thinking right now.
01:25:39 You're thinking this guy's this guy's ******* insane.
01:25:43 He's ******* insane and and he is.
01:25:45 He still hasn't learned his lesson.
01:25:47 They're doing a documentary, I guess about him.
01:25:50 And they've recorded some of his prison phone calls with the the guy doing the documentary.
01:25:58 And he still thinks he's in a relationship with the Bulgarian woman.
Speaker 16
01:26:04 We would just have like.
01:26:07 I think I described it as we were acting on a couple of high schoolers doing like falling in love.
01:26:13 We're just talking on the phone.
01:26:14 All the time.
Speaker 29
01:26:15 The 30 year old inmate describes being misunderstood, especially about his connection with Sylvia and how it consumed his life.
Speaker 16
01:26:23 That was something I was born like.
01:26:24 I've always said.
01:26:26 You know, that was the first time I ever went to the site like the first girl I met.
01:26:30 I just kind of fell in love with her first sight and I was spending 4 hours.
01:26:33 Of his affection.
01:26:35 For the woman, it was love at first sight.
01:26:38 It was like they were like 2 high school kids.
01:26:41 I'm sure had nothing to do with the fact that she was getting paid per minute to the tune of 2500 bucks a night to talk to you. No, it's like you guys where it was love at first sight.
Speaker 29
01:26:52 And he never met seems to still be intact.
01:26:55 He shared how violated he felt when the state showed photos from his computer of the model.
Speaker 16
01:27:01 Like, those are things that he made, so the hopes were public for everybody who take.
01:27:07 But all those other photos, like all just single shots with her all pretty much all the selfies with her.
01:27:14 Those were all personal for.
01:27:16 Me. So nobody else had.
Speaker 29
01:27:18 Her he also insisted his unusual relationship that fueled the case against him was not one sided or just about money.
Speaker 16
01:27:27 I would flat out agree that I agree that there.
01:27:30 Was money aspect to it?
01:27:33 That's what anybody you know, if you were married to somebody who's a lot of money.
Speaker 13
01:27:36 Oh, it's just.
01:27:37 It's just like if you were married to.
01:27:39 The one that's all it's.
01:27:41 It's the same as if you were married to someone.
Speaker 16
01:27:44 You would enjoy that hurt of that relationship.
01:27:47 Everybody loves me, entertain different, but she never asked me for money to begin with.
01:27:55 And she never.
01:27:58 Made it a point that that's why she wanted to talk with me.
01:28:02 Of course, she's not gonna tell you, you ******* ******.
01:28:07 So anyway, for 111 more little piece of cringe, I think that the cringiest part about this honestly, so this is this is video of him that they got off of his of his devices.
01:28:20 Of him, you know, talking to his Bulgarian Cam girl.
01:28:26 First of all.
01:28:28 Another box you can check.
01:28:30 Look at the the, the the sort of sideways hat.
01:28:36 The I don't know what's cool, so I'm going to do what I think is like.
01:28:40 Is this what the Twitch kids these days?
01:28:42 Do they get the hat and they make it kind of, you know, to the side.
01:28:46 Am I doing it right?
01:28:47 Is this am I cool now?
01:28:49 I'll put the sunglasses on.
01:28:52 So this is him.
01:28:53 This is him.
01:28:54 Sending a video to her, OK?
Speaker 24
01:28:59 All right, Sylvia, look at me.
01:29:01 I am.
01:29:02 I'm outside going to check the mail.
01:29:07 And I'm asking you if you.
01:29:09 Can please pretty please?
01:29:13 Send me one of your videos.
01:29:16 I just I I love it so much.
01:29:18 When you just send them to me.
01:29:19 I I don't like buying your stuff.
01:29:21 It makes me feel weird.
01:29:24 Could you please send me one though?
Speaker 13
01:29:27 Please send me a video.
01:29:33 It makes me feel weird when I buy them.
01:29:40 I've already given you $200,000.
01:29:49 So here's the thing.
01:29:52 Oh, by the way, this is so this is this is one of the.
01:29:55 This is what she how she would respond.
Speaker 23
01:29:58 Oh, poor baby.
01:30:01 I'm so sorry.
Speaker 8
01:30:04 Oh no. Oh.
01:30:10 In fact, that maybe that should be my hyper chat animation now for the.
01:30:13 The whole rest of the night.
Speaker 23
01:30:15 Oh, poor baby.
01:30:17 I'm so sorry.
01:30:28 Yeah. So anyway.
01:30:30 I've left out a crucial piece.
01:30:33 Of this puzzle.
01:30:37 There's a there's a a crucial piece to this puzzle here.
01:30:43 See this whole time I've been leading up to this secretly.
01:30:48 Bringing you closer and closer.
01:30:51 To a reality.
01:30:52 That some of you are not willing to face.
01:30:56 That you better face quickly.
01:30:58 Or you will end up just like Grant.
01:31:04 Grant the the turbo simp.
01:31:10 There's a part of this interview.
01:31:12 That revealed.
01:31:14 Everything you needed needed to know about this gun.
Speaker 3
01:31:23 What do you think you did?
Speaker 22
01:31:24 What do I like?
01:31:25 To do, I like to watch anime.
01:31:26 I like to watch anime.
01:31:28 I like to watch Anime, Anime, anime, anime.
01:31:33 It's it's animated.
01:31:37 They play cartoon.
Speaker 6
01:31:44 You think you download it anyway because it's.
Speaker 20
01:31:47 In Japanese or?
Speaker 22
01:31:48 It isn't Japanese, and then they pilot.
Speaker 1
01:31:50 So violent.
Speaker 22
01:31:55 I like to watch anime.
01:31:58 It's animated.
Speaker 16
01:32:02 It's like hard to get.
Speaker 22
01:32:06 I like to watch anime.
01:32:11 It's not as childish as cartoons.
01:32:15 I like to watch anime.
01:32:17 I like to watch anime.
01:32:19 I like to watch anime.
01:32:21 I like to watch anime.
Speaker 3
01:32:23 Yeah, I don't know to.
Speaker 21
01:32:24 This I mean, I think it's an end of it, OK.
Speaker 22
01:32:29 Not as childish as cartoon.
01:32:34 Don't be that guy.
Speaker 15
01:32:43 Don't be that guy.
Speaker 13
01:32:46 Don't be.
01:32:50 A grant.
01:32:55 Don't be don't.
01:32:56 Don't check that box.
01:32:57 That's the only box that we out of all the boxes that Grant was checking all night long.
01:33:04 That's really the only box we had.
01:33:05 To know about.
01:33:09 Once we knew about that, that that box, then all the rest of it all, it all fell into place.
01:33:15 The rest of it, you.
Speaker 13
01:33:16 Can just assume.
01:33:23 Ohh man.
01:33:28 Say yes.
01:33:30 No, no anime.
01:33:31 No anime.
01:33:33 Don't let friends watch anime.
01:33:39 The cringiest part.
01:33:40 Of that interview was watching him try to explain to like cops what anime was.
01:33:45 And just he had to be.
01:33:47 Look, I think he, I think he realized that as he was doing it like, oh God, This is why I am like this.
01:33:54 And that's why the cops not like this, because he doesn't watch anime.
01:33:57 He doesn't even know.
01:33:58 What anime is?
01:34:07 So don't do anime.
01:34:11 But it was kind of funny after I I.
01:34:18 Oh, what's what's?
01:34:19 This ohh this was the now I find it doesn't matter so that that's the that's them giving them the.
01:34:26 The guilty verdict so anyway.
01:34:29 This reminded me of there was a show back in I want to say I think the first season was 2014.
01:34:37 On I don't know like.
01:34:39 TLC or one of those networks?
01:34:42 One of those networks that exploits weirdos.
01:34:44 Yeah, it's kind of like the.
01:34:45 It's like the new circus freaks, you know, it's like the, you know, my my 800 pound mom or.
01:34:51 You know or.
01:34:52 Whatever the **** it is, my drug addicted aunt.
01:34:57 They have a a a show called.
01:35:00 What is it?
01:35:00 90 day fiance.
01:35:03 And I was reminded of.
01:35:06 This one guy in particular, the guy that's on the, I mean, they're both both these ******* are are we're on that show and they're deservedly so, but the.
01:35:15 Guy on the right.
01:35:17 The guy on the right, he almost gives Grant, you know, aside from the homicidal rage and the anime he almost gives Grant a run for his money.
01:35:27 This guy on the right.
01:35:29 I was paying a.
01:35:34 Ukrainian bride service.
01:35:37 Thousands and thousands of dollars.
01:35:40 Over the course of several years.
01:35:44 Talking to a woman he had to pay per message to talk to.
01:35:52 And eventually that it totaled $300,000.
01:35:59 And they followed.
01:36:00 They did a story on him.
01:36:02 They they because he was going to go to Ukraine.
01:36:05 This is before, you know, the the war and stuff like that.
01:36:08 It was, I think, by the time he was on the show, it was like 2019 or something like that or maybe a little bit.
01:36:14 I don't remember if maybe he was.
01:36:15 In the first season.
01:36:16 Or whatever, but it was it was before the war.
01:36:20 And you you basically figure out what he doesn't. What he never seems to understand. What he never seems to figure out what he's in complete denial over, which is weird that this guy is even able to come up with the kind of money that you would need to come up with to send a Ukrainian Internet girl $300,000.
01:36:40 You figure out that he's been talking to probably just a different person.
01:36:46 Maybe every time, like.
01:36:47 And Andrew Tate kind of a thing because it's like chat.
01:36:53 And that he has, he has.
01:36:54 He has no verification, that he's even been talking to the same person this whole time.
01:37:00 And then he goes to Ukraine to try to meet this person.
01:37:05 And get stood up.
01:37:07 Like after flying halfway around.
Speaker 13
01:37:09 The world get stood up.
01:37:11 Four or five different times.
01:37:14 Then he finally meets the girl.
01:37:18 And she doesn't seem to speak any English.
01:37:24 That's right, classified Cat, who is for some reason, whittled your way into my onto my desk and knocked everything over.
01:37:34 Anyway, so this was like they were kind of trying to do an intervention on this guy.
01:37:38 The guy on the left is he's just as bad.
01:37:40 The guy on the left is.
01:37:42 I'm pretty sure he's Jewish.
01:37:43 He's a photographer for, like, women's fashion magazines. He's like 4 feet. Literally. He's like 4 feet tall and about four feet wide. Has like, no neck. He's he's basically perfectly round.
01:37:57 And he did.
01:37:57 He was on the show because he was was trying to marry a Filipino girl.
01:38:05 Tell you one thing.
01:38:06 If you're American and you can't marry a Filipino girl, then.
01:38:11 Something's horribly wrong.
01:38:14 Something's horribly, horribly wrong.
01:38:15 And with this guy, something was horribly, horribly wrong.
01:38:17 He was shorter than the Filipino girl.
01:38:19 That's how short this ****** got he, he goes out there and she just laughs at him because he's he's so horrendous looking and tells him to get lost.
01:38:29 And so he leaves.
01:38:31 And and that's you know.
01:38:32 His episode was just as depressing as as as the Ukrainian guy, right?
01:38:36 So they have him on there to try to convince this guy that.
01:38:39 He's getting scammed.
Speaker 5
01:38:41 I don't understand how you could allow yourself to torture yourself.
01:38:47 For seven years.
Speaker 30
01:38:50 I didn't have a relationship with her for seven years.
01:38:53 I've known her for seven years.
Speaker 8
01:38:55 So David is, Lana is still.
Speaker 23
01:38:57 On those dating sites.
Speaker 30
01:38:59 She's still on the website, still talking to her friends because she just moved recently to Kiev and is living with her sister.
Speaker 5
01:39:06 You know, David, I I feel for you, but.
01:39:10 This was a job for her.
Speaker 30
01:39:12 That that's what people don't understand.
01:39:14 She doesn't get paid.
01:39:16 You still today?
01:39:17 Don't think she's scamming you.
Speaker 30
01:39:19 I know she's not scamming me.
Speaker 5
01:39:20 Listen to me, David.
01:39:21 I don't understand.
01:39:22 If if she's engaged to you, that means she's not on any more websites.
Speaker 30
01:39:28 No, that's not how it works, Ed.
Speaker 5
01:39:28 She's she's taken it, yes.
Speaker 30
01:39:29 Ed, that is not.
01:39:30 How it works that?
Speaker 4
01:39:30 It is, but then I could go online today.
Speaker 17
01:39:32 That is.
Speaker 4
01:39:33 The problem is I could go online today and start talking to her.
01:39:36 I don't want to, but I.
01:39:38 That I'd be.
01:39:38 Horrified if that was the case.
Speaker 30
01:39:40 You probably could.
01:39:43 This so this guy was paying for seven years, $300,000 to talk to some Ukrainian broad that when he met, met up with her.
01:39:53 Basically, she didn't even seem to know who the **** he was because I'm pretty sure that she was just the model that the.
01:39:57 Agency used to to lure him in.
01:40:01 He then proposes to her.
01:40:06 Anyway, there's a whole show about Sims.
01:40:10 It's it's horrifying.
01:40:12 It's so horrifying.
01:40:17 Ohh what is it?
01:40:18 What is it?
01:40:19 What is it about some people that that makes them like this?
01:40:25 I I can't figure out.
01:40:27 I honestly can't figure out.
01:40:29 How people like what what could possibly make someone this ******* crazy?
Speaker 3
01:40:36 What do you like to do?
Speaker 22
01:40:37 What do I like to do?
01:40:38 I like to watch anime.
01:40:39 I like to watch anime.
Speaker 15
01:40:40 Oh, never mind.
Speaker 22
01:40:41 I like to watch Anime Anime, anime, anime.
Speaker 12
01:40:46 It's it's animated.
Speaker 22
01:40:50 It's like cartoon.
Speaker 6
01:40:57 You did you download it?
01:40:58 Damn right.
Speaker 1
01:40:59 Is it is.
Speaker 20
01:41:00 It in Japanese or.
Speaker 22
01:41:01 It is in Japanese and then they subplot.
01:41:08 I like to watch anime.
Speaker 12
01:41:11 It's animated.
Speaker 16
01:41:15 It's like I like to watch anime.
Speaker 22
01:41:24 It's not as.
01:41:25 Childish as cartoons.
01:41:28 I like to watch anime.
01:41:30 I like to watch anime.
01:41:32 I like to watch anime.
01:41:34 I like to watch anime.
01:41:36 Yeah, I don't.
Speaker 21
01:41:37 Know it is.
01:41:37 I mean, I think it's the end of it, OK.
Speaker 22
01:41:41 It's not as childish as cartoon.
01:41:46 Bucking the scourge of anime.
01:41:49 Anyway, so yeah, that that's the.
01:41:53 That's the story of the the turbo simp.
01:42:00 Uh, the fact that he's the fact that he's trying to get, get an appeal and get another trial one, you know what?
01:42:06 It's kind of been saying is like one of the the reason they're they're trying to use or his lawyers trying to use to get him another trial.
01:42:12 I thought this.
01:42:12 Was it didn't make any sense to me.
01:42:15 But they said, Ohh well, one of the jurors should.
01:42:18 Have been should have been.
01:42:19 Excluded immediately.
01:42:21 I'm thinking myself.
01:42:22 Well, isn't there such a thing as jury selection?
01:42:24 Like like that, that like the reason why you have this information is because of what she said in jury selection, you're the you know, you're the lawyer that kept her on.
01:42:32 Anyway, the the reason why they want to get rid of her, that they think that she should be disqualified.
01:42:38 And look this this is a guy in Florida.
01:42:40 Don't they have lethal injection?
01:42:42 Don't they have the death penalty?
01:42:44 It's Florida, right?
01:42:45 Let me see Florida death penalty.
01:42:56 Yeah, so so they have the death penalty in Florida and this seems like a capital crime killing your entire family so that you can send money to a Cam girl.
01:43:07 That seems like a capital crime, like that's something that would get you the death penalty and he didn't get the death penalty.
01:43:14 He got life in prison.
01:43:17 And so they're trying to repeal, get a repeal cause.
01:43:23 Or let me let me double check.
01:43:25 I'm almost positive they gave him life.
01:43:28 Let's see here.
01:43:30 The murders the trial.
01:43:34 Let's see here.
01:43:38 Yes, they didn't give him the death penalty.
01:43:41 They gave him life in prison.
01:43:44 And the lawyers arguing because one of the jurors said that she thought life in prison.
01:43:49 Was too costly to the taxpayer.
01:43:53 In other words, she implied that she was Pro death penalty in certain cases.
01:43:58 That because she said that that he should get a new trial and it doesn't make any.
01:44:01 Sense cause he didn't get.
01:44:02 The death penalty and I don't know if he gets another trial.
01:44:05 Maybe he could get the death penalty.
01:44:07 Because the only way to get the death penalty, unfortunately, even states like Florida that allow it is you have to you you unanimously.
01:44:14 So every juror in the in there in the room has to not be a ******.
01:44:18 And just because the number of fagots these days, it's that's almost impossible.
01:44:23 You know, someone in that in that jury room is going to watch anime.
01:44:27 So it's going to be.
01:44:28 Almost impossible to get a death sentence.
01:44:32 But yeah, so the.
01:44:36 You know, who knows?
01:44:37 Who knows what will happen but?
01:44:39 The saga is not over yet.
01:44:41 Alright, let me take a look at Hyper chats.
01:44:46 Pop out the.
01:44:49 The chat here.
Speaker 23
01:44:58 Oh, poor baby.
01:45:00 I'm so sorry.
01:45:04 She's not even that pretty.
01:45:05 I don't understand.
01:45:08 Yeah, let's put her up.
01:45:10 Would you kill your whole?
01:45:11 Family for that.
01:45:13 That's The funny thing is, it's not even for that.
01:45:15 It's to talk to her.
01:45:25 OK.
01:45:27 Steven work, Devon.
01:45:30 Think of the flat Earthers.
01:45:31 Or think.
01:45:33 Think of the flat Earthers are arguing for.
01:45:36 Simulation theory.
01:45:42 It seems to me that make makes this awkwardly written.
01:45:46 I think you're you're meaning the flat Earthers are arguing for simulation theory.
01:45:51 It seems to me that makes more sense for what they are saying.
01:45:54 That yes, physics model of Earth globe exists as science defines, but it is only within a simulation.
01:46:03 But they do not know how to express it.
01:46:05 God bless I.
01:46:07 No, I I.
01:46:09 No, I guarantee you.
01:46:10 In fact, I've heard flat Earthers rail against the simulation theory because.
01:46:21 For whatever reason, I have found many flat Earthers have decided that you can't believe in God unless the world's.
01:46:31 Like it?
01:46:31 That's what it is.
01:46:33 And so if you know you thought simulation theory was real, then that would also mean there's no, you know, there's no God or whatever, or God, I guess is an AI or, I don't know.
01:46:45 But yeah, I mean I guess that would make more sense, right? That it's just a. It's like when you load a a, a a 3D map in a video.
01:46:52 Them how there's boundaries because the you know, the hardware can only load so much at a time, so maybe that's what it.
01:46:59 Is we're like the physics are like like a globe earth, but there's an edge to the map, right?
01:47:07 Unless you turn on no clipping mode, then you know there there's a there's.
01:47:11 You can only go so far.
01:47:13 And then you went out of memory.
01:47:14 I mean, I don't know.
01:47:15 I think that I I look, I I I I think that simulation theory is is kind of stupid too.
01:47:21 I mean it's.
01:47:22 It's fun to entertain the idea in a nutshell, all the all people are saying that talk well the the same people that are saying that all they're saying is it is plausible given the trajectory of of of of.
01:47:40 Virtual reality, right? The technology that not now, but in, say maybe, I mean, even if it's like 1000 years, right in 1000 years.
01:47:50 The technology will exist probably if you know the world doesn't self destruct or something like that.
01:47:57 There will come a time where you will be able to interface seamlessly enough with the brain and give it inputs that are realistic enough to where you could conceivably.
01:48:13 Almost like have someone in the matrix, right, even if it it takes like 1000 years to get there.
01:48:19 Conceivably, that technology on a long enough timeline will exist.
01:48:25 So if that technology on a long enough timeline will at some point exist.
01:48:32 What they're saying is there's no way to prove.
01:48:36 That you're not currently experiencing.
01:48:41 Like right now that technology.
01:48:45 Because you wouldn't know.
01:48:46 There's no way.
01:48:47 You you could you could know.
01:48:49 Because if you, you know, cradle the grave if, like in the matrix, right, you're hooked up to this machine.
01:48:56 There's no, you know, there's no Morpheus going around giving you the ******* red pill.
01:49:01 You're just on the machine and you wouldn't know, and especially if you've never in your life, experienced actual reality.
01:49:08 So that's all they're saying is that it's because of that.
01:49:12 You know, who knows? Maybe the year is really 5227 and we're all hooked up to.
01:49:18 There's just no way to know, but it's one of those things where it's like, well, you also, there's no way to know if you know the the earth is is really, you know, like in men in black, right.
01:49:29 How the the Galaxy was inside of a a charm.
01:49:33 Around the the, you know, hooked up to the collar on a.
01:49:36 Cat or you?
01:49:36 Know whatever, right?
01:49:37 There's no way to know these sort of things.
01:49:39 So it's it's people trying to think to sound big brained when really it's just kind of like, oh, it's, I mean.
01:49:45 You know, for all, how do I know that this isn't just one big long dream I've been having, right?
01:49:50 Because I've had lots of dreams that I couldn't, I couldn't discern the difference between the dream and reality.
01:49:57 So how do I know that I'm even, you know, streaming or that you guys even exist?
01:50:01 This could all just be a a fantasy.
01:50:03 You know?
01:50:04 How would I know?
01:50:05 It's kind of one of those things, it's like, well, I.
01:50:06 Mean I guess, but.
01:50:09 You know, like what it what it what?
01:50:11 What difference would it make it, you know, even if you knew.
01:50:16 All right, Skeeter mcbutter.
Speaker 23
01:50:20 Poor baby. I'm so sorry.
01:50:28 I meant to say San Luis Valley, Colorado.
01:50:31 Oh well, last time instead of.
01:50:35 Saint Louis San Luis Valley, Colorado last time as a trucker, I've been in.
01:50:39 And through St.
01:50:41 Louis, MO.
01:50:41 Enough to know to stay away.
01:50:43 It's beautiful in the San Luis Valley, but raising beef cattle there would be hard in comparison to north, northern West Virginia.
01:50:51 Well, I'll tell you one thing.
01:50:52 I think that you know, I was, I was.
01:50:55 I was watching a a interview with a A.
01:50:59 The commercial beekeeper, talking about why?
01:51:03 Because he, he's, you know, it comes from a farming family, lives in a agricultural part of the world where there's lots of generational farms and.
01:51:13 And he said that the reason why he gravitated towards bees was.
01:51:16 Is it was the only financially possible route that he could take, because if you do want to raise cattle or if you want to, you know, compete with you, got to think of who you're competing with Bill Gates.
01:51:30 Now, when it comes to farming, if you want to be competitive and actually make money.
01:51:37 You basically have to have been like so many things these days, right?
01:51:41 Thanks to generational wealth.
01:51:43 You basically have to be born into.
01:51:46 You have to inherit a farm because it's millions and millions of dollars.
01:51:50 You know that auctioneer clip that I played that that, that, that clip of the Amish auctioneer that I play at the end of a stream a while back.
01:52:00 In fact, I can probably find.
01:52:04 You can probably find it somewhere here.
01:52:07 I got.
01:52:10 I got into auctioneering videos for some reason like somehow it it popped up and I was just like, what the **** is this ****?
01:52:17 I here's here's I don't even know what to expect here.
01:52:19 I'm just popping a auctioneer video on.
01:52:24 Why is this not?
01:52:27 Doing the audio.
01:52:33 OK.
01:52:33 So, like, if you look at these these cattle auctions.
Speaker 31
01:52:40 As a cafe, he's not very happy.
01:52:42 He's selling them, but that's one heck of a steer.
01:52:44 Congratulations, Brody.
01:52:46 What a great, great steer.
01:52:47 Thank you.
01:52:49 Let's see here.
01:52:49 Did they say the price?
Speaker 11
01:52:54 Representing the Fraser auction.
Speaker 18
01:52:57 On 19 mid 19118 fifty to 119191919 bid 19 Sultan 1/18/15.
01:53:05 Go on.
01:53:06 That's 18, that's 100,000.
01:53:09 11850 it's $118,000.
01:53:14 So and that look there, there was a.
01:53:18 They're one of the videos that it was like, I don't know if it was 4.
01:53:21 H or or whatever, but it was one of these things where, yeah, I think it was.
01:53:26 4H, where these? These kids, who were the the children of farmers as as part of 4H, they raise a cow, you know, from little to, I don't know how many years or maybe it's just one year or so.
01:53:39 Thing and then they go and the competition like the ones that win all you know, they they judge at the State Fair and stuff like that.
01:53:46 And then the winners go to like some *** **** *******, you know, big Texas money auctions.
01:53:53 And they're they're selling these, you know, these teenage girls who raised a cow for the past year.
01:54:00 Are selling this county raised for?
01:54:03 You know, like $200,000 and **** like that.
01:54:06 And and look, that's obviously that's an extreme.
01:54:10 But you have to have the land to to graze on.
01:54:16 You have to have.
01:54:17 I mean, it's just so expensive to do anything commercially and look and that the same.
01:54:22 The same is true of of even the beekeeping now right cause of globalization sort sort of the same problems.
01:54:29 You know you have.
01:54:30 China, the market from China was opened up and now you've got all this ******* fake honey coming in from China.
01:54:36 Or even if it's real, you know it's undercutting anyone that's American.
01:54:41 It used to be a a much, much more lucrative business even just 20-30 years ago. But you know, thanks to globalization, it's it's almost like America wanted to cripple itself.
01:54:53 It's like they wanted to put themselves in a position where they're dependent on everyone and with the hopes it it it.
01:55:00 It's it.
01:55:00 It's a stupider gamble than I talk about often.
01:55:03 Like the the gamble that the ruling classes made with importing all these ******* into the.
01:55:09 Country and people have asked, you know, oh, why don't they understand this is going to destroy the the ability for America to keep, you know, they'll be the ruling class of A of a third world country.
01:55:19 And I'd, you know.
01:55:20 Say well no.
01:55:21 Not really.
01:55:22 The the gamble is they're hoping that AI will will basically pick up the slack, right?
01:55:28 So they'll never actually have a problem.
01:55:29 And as we're seeing, maybe they might be right, they actually might be.
01:55:32 Right.
01:55:33 They might be able to automate their way out of this problem, but the problem I think that the stupid gamble that they made is by moving all the manufacturing.
01:55:44 And moving all the the production of food and everything to overseas is I mean that's and and just expecting to only be a service based economy to only be an AI like is that a service based economy all that means is an AI based economy at a certain point.
01:56:03 Do they? I mean, if you automate everyone out of their jobs and just have AI doing 99% of jobs and then put everyone on I I don't know, like universal basic income because that's.
01:56:16 I mean what's what's your, I mean, come on.
01:56:18 I mean, if you're if, as an example, the the mom in this in this.
01:56:24 Murder case. You know, grants Mom. That was doing the the medical transcription. If people like that are being on and that's you know, that she was making probably about 100 grand A.
01:56:33 Here and if you put her out of a job and you put everyone at her skill level and below out of a job because they're being automated and that's kind of the trajectory that we're on, that's a lot of unemployed people, and they can't go work blue collar jobs because what I just said, yeah, they let's say they want to start their own company.
01:56:53 Doing something that I can't do yet, like farming or something like that.
01:56:57 OK, well, now you're up against China.
01:57:01 It just seems like look it, it just seems like it it's we're going to see a.
01:57:08 I think we're going to see the fall of the empire.
01:57:10 We're going to see the.
01:57:11 Fall of the empire.
01:57:16 Anyway, but good.
01:57:17 Look, there's.
01:57:18 I'm sure you could still do it on a small scale and keep a local.
01:57:22 I know a rancher where I'm at who is is relatively small scale, but again he's generational.
01:57:29 I think he's like 4th generation rancher.
01:57:32 And he's had to deal with a lot of problems too, because one and you might be familiar with this, one of the problems he's facing is the.
01:57:44 What's your McCullough?
01:57:45 The you're you're not allowed to.
01:57:48 Basically, you're not allowed to slaughter and process your own meat.
01:57:52 So no matter who you are growing the the cattle you know, raising the cattle you there's like 2 or maybe it's just even one company that that processes all the.
01:58:03 Right.
01:58:03 And they're the ones that decide the price.
01:58:06 So they unless you sell it locally, you butcher it yourself.
01:58:10 And I don't know if there's there's probably some kind of federal regulation preventing you from doing that, or at least at a certain scale, right.
01:58:17 But you're basically at the mercy of these processing plants because they decide, you know, much like.
01:58:23 You know, Walmart and Amazon are deciding what people can charge for their goods that sell stuff at their stores.
01:58:31 These meat processors saying, well, this is what you get per cow.
01:58:35 You know, period.
01:58:37 And there's no way around it, right?
01:58:39 But yeah, I I hopefully hopefully you're able to to make that work.
01:58:45 I just it's just one of these things that they're making really difficult.
01:58:48 Maybe look at that Amish guy.
01:58:50 That Amish guy that's fighting the power right now.
01:58:52 I don't know.
01:58:53 I haven't kept up with that whole story, but maybe there's something you can learn by paying attention to what's going on there.
01:58:59 And then you have another one here.
Speaker 23
01:59:02 Oh, poor baby.
01:59:05 I'm so sorry.
01:59:10 OK.
01:59:11 Also my baby brother is going through some legal crap dealing with a loco senorita who tried hurting him because white men aren't allowed to defend themselves.
01:59:21 Turns out dating a big.
01:59:22 Little or big ***** Mexican goth ***** wasn't a great idea.
01:59:27 Stupid young man.
01:59:28 He's learned his lessons.
01:59:30 Prayers, please.
01:59:32 All right, well everyone, pray for Skeeter mcpheeters's kid brother and his.
01:59:39 Is unfortunate liaisons.
01:59:43 And uh, maybe.
01:59:44 Hopefully you're doing the Big Brother thing and you're giving him a talking to about, but the many things wrong with what he did.
01:59:53 But yeah, and good luck again, like I said.
01:59:54 Look, I went.
01:59:56 I don't envy the.
02:00:01 The the bumpy Rd.
02:00:02 That's probably ahead if if you're looking at raising cattle, but who knows, maybe your generation.
02:00:07 Maybe you've inherited a bunch of cows and stuff and it's not a big deal for you.
02:00:11 But yeah, it's it's getting tougher and tougher.
02:00:13 And and who knows?
02:00:14 And even if you get it right, right, it's only a matter of time before they they derail a.
02:00:18 Train next to your.
Speaker 15
02:00:20 Next to your ranch.
02:00:23 Spy Hunter.
02:00:25 You need to contact Nick from Night Nation review and get on his show.
02:00:28 It will be well worth your time and his win win.
02:00:32 And people keep telling me to do that and I keep.
02:00:34 I just.
02:00:35 I just haven't had the time.
02:00:36 Honest, I it's it's hard for me to keep up with just doing this and all the stuff I'm doing right now, but it's.
02:00:44 Yeah, I don't have anything against them like that.
02:00:46 It's just I haven't.
02:00:47 Been on any shows in a long I I.
02:00:50 Well, I was on millennial and then that was like the only show I've been on in the last year or so.
02:00:55 Pretty much, you know, pretty.
02:00:58 But there's a bunch of people I I want to kind of.
02:01:00 In fact, I might even.
02:01:01 Maybe I'll do something where I just don't stream for a couple streams and I just do the rounds.
02:01:06 I just go do everyone.
02:01:07 Else's show.
02:01:10 Like just do like power through like a bunch of different streams and now.
02:01:13 But see, I'd have to.
02:01:14 I'd have to do my streams if I.
02:01:15 Was doing that because then people would.
02:01:17 New people would be like, who's this guy?
02:01:18 And then they check out and look, it would look like I wasn't streaming or something.
02:01:22 But maybe I'll still do it.
02:01:23 Maybe I'll maybe I'll do like 2 weeks of just powering through everyone's everyone's streams.
02:01:30 Rommel homeschool your children?
02:01:32 And when you homeschool your children, don't allow them to watch anime.
02:01:35 It's a very simple part of the equation, but an important part of the equation nonetheless.
02:01:40 J Ray 1981. God bless Devin. Thanks. Well, thank you for the support. Jay ray. 1981 splitter trace. When you realize that Valentine's Day is the day people.
02:01:50 Cheat on their spouses and boyfriend girlfriends.
02:01:53 The most very sad.
02:01:54 OK, that sounds possible.
02:01:57 That sounds possible.
02:01:59 I don't know where you got that data, but that sounds possible because if your if your relationship is dead inside.
02:02:07 And you're you.
02:02:08 And you're sneaking out.
02:02:09 That would be the day, right?
02:02:11 That'd be the risky **** you, you know, passive aggressive.
02:02:15 Talk you to the person you're cheating on, right?
02:02:17 Which is horrible, but yeah, that sounds that sounds possible.
02:02:24 Graham playing games can't watch your streams live because they are too late.
02:02:29 I enjoy listening to them on my drive to and from work.
02:02:32 Hope you keep doing them. I also enjoy listening to academic agent and Thomas 777, who is hosted by Pete Quinn, Quinonez.
02:02:44 I think.
02:02:46 Well, there you go.
02:02:47 I I don't think I'm.
02:02:51 I know who academic agent is, but I don't know.
02:02:53 I don't think I know who.
02:02:55 777 or Pete Quinones is maybe I'll, I'll I'll take a gander. Poopy stinky turd ****.
02:03:05 You showed Jane Goodall the other day supporting some won't cause not sure if uh are aware of her, but.
02:03:15 Not, I think.
02:03:16 I mean, I'm not sure if you are aware of her or not, but Diane Fossi was a primate primate otologist who went to Rwanda to study chimps and came to the conclusion that the monkeys were less animal, like than the native black population who ended up killing her.
02:03:37 Well, that checks out. I mean, look, there's there's that very famous Facebook post from that guy that that supposedly has the highest recorded IQ of 200 and something or another where he was making the argument that Coco the gorilla. If you were to believe.
02:03:57 The researchers involved with the that was that gorilla that could that knew sign language and had a vocabulary.
02:04:03 I don't remember how many words.
02:04:05 But could sign like full sentences and whatever.
02:04:09 And they estimated her.
02:04:11 I I think it was her IQ.
02:04:12 Who at at somewhere like around, I think in the 70s or something like that.
02:04:18 And he made the argument that if you're going to import people from countries that have an average IQ of below cocoa, the gorilla.
02:04:27 Which is basically.
02:04:29 Haiti a lot of sub-Saharan Africa.
02:04:33 Then maybe we should be giving Gorilla.
02:04:36 You know his tongue and cheek, right?
02:04:38 But maybe we should be giving gorillas citizenship.
02:04:44 Because if if we're if, if we're saying that these people with an IQ 10 points in some instances below a gorilla, if they're, if they're intelligent enough to to vote, then maybe guerrillas should vote.
02:04:59 I think that might have been what got him banned from Facebook.
02:05:04 Harmless G right wing people on Twitter are realizing how paused Yellowstone is and are making memes mocking it similar to the Peaky Blinders meme after large numbers of people realized how pause that show was as well.
02:05:19 It may be worth looking into the work of Yellowstone creator Taylor Sheridan, as it always has an aesthetic that appeals to conservative types, but also always pushes leftist anti white messages.
02:05:33 Taylor Sheridan.
02:05:36 Let's let's let's I'll just lay out Taylor Sheridan here for only.
02:05:40 Why not?
02:05:43 Taylor sharing well, I do enjoy the enjoy some auctioneering.
02:05:46 How about that?
Speaker 18
02:05:47 North Cal 5 N Cal 5.
02:05:50 Ohh good.
02:05:51 Red cow on good red cow here.
02:05:53 Boys on boys.
02:05:54 She's a high yielder.
Speaker 11
02:05:54 All right.
Speaker 18
02:05:54 On how many daughters on her on you too.
02:05:56 Here, here's here's my.
02:05:57 Alright, we'll take the early, early, early, early.
02:06:06 So early life here on Taylor Sheridan, if it's the right one, I think it is.
02:06:12 I don't think he's a Jew.
02:06:15 He's from Texas.
02:06:19 His mom's from Waco. Wait, is this the right one? Yeah. OK.
02:06:25 Uh, let's see here.
02:06:30 It's not of a cardiologist.
02:06:34 His mom was from Waco.
02:06:39 And it doesn't say the cardiologist.
02:06:41 Who the **** that was.
02:06:46 Alright, meanwhile, blah, blah, blah blah blah blah.
02:06:51 Moved to Austin, which is like the.
02:06:54 The San Francisco of Texas.
02:06:58 Bump. Bump.
02:07:03 Yeah, I don't know.
02:07:04 I don't.
02:07:05 Know he's probably sucked some *****, though, because he was he was doing the landscaping and a quote, UN quote talent scout discovered him. So in other words, he probably had to suck some Judaic.
02:07:17 But I don't know.
02:07:19 I don't know.
02:07:23 I mean, he looks like the kind of guy that's probably sucked some Jew **** before.
02:07:27 I don't know that he's Jewish, though.
02:07:29 But yeah, he's he.
02:07:31 I'll tell you what part of this is it's it's he's trying.
02:07:35 He's trying like according to this Wikipedia page, they're like his cowboy identity comes from his mom's side, even though he was the son of a cardiologist and they try to justify it by saying like, Ohh, because his mom's from Waco.
02:07:47 So basically, he was a rich kid that wanted to sound like he was a cowboy because he's from Texas and he lives in LA.
02:07:55 So it was like it was like a part he could play, even though he's from Austin, right.
02:07:59 Which is now LA.
02:08:00 In Texas, right.
02:08:01 But at the time when he went there, he was.
02:08:03 Before Joe Rogan.
02:08:04 Had moved there and all this other stuff.
02:08:06 So he was playing the this part of like I'm I'm.
02:08:09 I'm like the the the rough rough Texan cowboy guy and that, you know, that was a fetish for a lot of Jewish producers.
02:08:18 So having a a guy with a cowboy hat on that was.
02:08:21 That was floating you for work was probably more interesting than the the usual twinks that they were into.
02:08:27 So mixed it up a little bit.
02:08:29 But that's like the image he tries to project and so I can understand him kind of having that kind of.
02:08:39 Honestly, if you think about it, that's that's kind of Austin just in general, right?
02:08:44 Austin is basically exactly that.
02:08:47 Like you say that they, let's hear you said it always has an aesthetic that appeals to conservative types, but always pushes leftist anti white messages.
02:08:55 Well that that's Austin.
02:08:58 Austin looks kind of like Texas.
02:09:01 And so that that part appeals to conservatives, but always it's always pushing leftist and anti white messages.
02:09:08 So there you go.
02:09:10 Saxon stargazer.
02:09:12 Hey, Devin.
02:09:13 Hope you've been well.
02:09:14 I was wondering if you would do a stream over the Pentagon Papers.
02:09:18 The guy who leaked them was a Jew and his legal team were Jewish.
02:09:22 Also, could you do a stream on Nixon and Kissinger?
02:09:27 How could someone who understood the threat of Jews?
02:09:30 Let one be get so high up.
02:09:31 You know it's weird with with Kissinger and Nixon, Nixon is in such denial you can listen to the Nixon tapes.
02:09:38 And he's literally naming the Jew and saying how? Ohh there's too many of these ******* Jews and they're they don't have loyalty, you know, they're only loyal to Israel, you know, except for, you know, Kissinger's the exception.
02:09:48 It's like what?
02:09:51 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
02:09:54 Kissinger Kissinger is the exception, huh?
02:09:56 I guess, yeah.
02:09:59 The whole Nixon thing is kind of ******* wild.
02:10:01 Well, the the fact they took us off the gold standard, I mean that you know in, in support of the Petro dollar.
02:10:10 And yeah, I mean it's it is what it is.
02:10:13 I I just think.
02:10:13 Ultimately, the other day, you know, these guys are just, they're just figureheads, they don't actually do anything.
02:10:19 You know, they're they're just basically the puppets.
02:10:21 Of the the permanent state and the shareholders of the Federal Reserve, so you know, and if they have to be removed either by, you know, the way that that JFK was removed or if they have to be removed the way that Nixon was removed, or **** the way that that Trump was.
02:10:38 Removed they you'll get removed.
02:10:41 But ultimately, I don't think that there's a whole lot of power being wielded by the president.
02:10:46 I'm sure as **** doesn't seem like it.
02:10:49 The Pentagon Papers might be interested.
02:10:50 Interesting to look into.
02:10:54 So yeah, I'll, I'll, I'll, I'll think of that.
02:10:56 Think about that.
02:10:57 Nazi dice.
02:10:58 Give me a I'll buy that for a dollar, one for the wait.
02:11:05 I'll buy that for a dollar, one for the more based dollar ten.
02:11:10 I think it's worth breaking tradition since you'll actually get a dollar of Jewish confetti after the fees.
02:11:17 Just this once.
02:11:18 I won't ask again to break the ******** ****** tradition again.
02:11:21 You know what?
Speaker 23
02:11:24 Oh, poor baby.
02:11:27 I'm so sorry.
02:11:28 So sorry I can't do it.
02:11:30 I can't do it.
02:11:33 I just can't do it, but I'll.
02:11:34 I'll tell you what.
Speaker 8
02:11:37 YouTube baby back to bus.
02:11:39 You got a little baby platypus.
02:11:41 How about that?
02:11:47 Oh, I'm sorry, Nazi dice.
02:11:51 But no dice Saxon stargazer.
02:11:55 What would you say your favorite of all time movie is?
02:11:59 Do you have a favorite Kubrick movie?
02:12:01 I'm sure you get tired of hearing this, but is the day of the rope movie still going to happen with animating instead?
02:12:08 Have of having submitted?
02:12:11 Make it take longer.
02:12:13 Anything animated would take way longer.
02:12:15 Also, more likely to happen now animating anything is gonna.
02:12:18 It would take way longer and it.
02:12:19 Would be.
02:12:19 Bad because we don't.
02:12:21 Have we don't have money to animate it well.
02:12:24 You know, unless AI gets way better.
02:12:28 I mean, I still want to do the movie.
02:12:30 It's just.
02:12:32 I it's it's tough.
02:12:33 I have.
02:12:34 I feel like it's not that I'm trying to.
02:12:36 It's not that I'm consciously trying to bite off more than I can chew and just that I have all these ideas and I don't have the the apparently the.
02:12:42 Staff necessary to.
02:12:44 To pull them off in a timely.
02:12:45 Manner. So yeah, it's been.
02:12:49 Yeah, I definitely still want to do that.
02:12:52 Hey, you know, at least I'm not doing a a go fund me and raising a bunch of money for it and then.
02:12:56 Not making it.
02:12:56 Like some people do.
02:13:02 Alright, Internet is mind control in the US.
02:13:06 Uh, what was the other one actually?
02:13:07 Was that the uh favorite movie?
02:13:13 Yeah, I used to really like the dark crystal as a kid because I wanted to get into special effects, and I thought Jim Henson was really.
02:13:20 You know, prior to computer animation being a thing, it was all animatronics right?
02:13:26 And he was kind of the best.
02:13:28 Well or one of the.
02:13:29 Last in that department and I in fact, when I was a kid, I used to buy bottles of liquid latex and make latex monster faces and I and I would embed motors.
02:13:40 And you know, they they weren't good.
02:13:43 But I made, you know, robotic puppets to the best of my my ability, which wasn't, again, wasn't very good.
02:13:51 And so I was really into that nowadays, not so much.
02:13:55 I I don't really care about special effects so much, especially now that it's computerized.
02:14:00 It's just that it it's just, you know, I think practical effects are better than the special effects.
02:14:05 You know, I I I think there will be blood is is probably one of my one of the movies I've enjoyed the most watching.
02:14:14 I don't know favorites.
02:14:15 Kind of a weird way of I don't know that I have a favorite movie, but I would say there will be blood.
02:14:20 I've I probably enjoyed watching that one more than any movie that I've seen recently.
Speaker 8
02:14:26 Uh, see here.
02:14:31 Internet is mind control in the US in the USA, the only constitutional right that you have is that everything you say can and will be held against you.
02:14:44 But you also have a right to have your attorney there and and to not say anything, you have a right to remain silent like this.
02:14:50 ******* guy should have.
02:14:51 He would have been way better off if he just didn't say anything if he literally just said nothing and the state had to prove that, you know, he he killed his whole family just based on hard evidence and not like him describing his ******* weird.
02:15:06 Your life and explained how he stole $200,000 from his family. I mean, there's so many ways that with a lawyer you could have lied and said like, no.
02:15:14 Yeah, my parents are totally fine with this, like, you know.
02:15:17 Oh, no, they, that these were all gifts.
02:15:18 They were rich.
02:15:19 I'm a rich kid, you know.
02:15:21 There's so many ways he could have he could have obscured all of this ******** that he was just letting out.
02:15:29 I mean, look, he probably would gone to jail anyway because he.
02:15:31 Was stupid but.
02:15:34 Yeah, never, never.
02:15:35 Just talk to the cops.
02:15:36 You don't have to talk to the cops.
02:15:39 And the chat just bucked up.
Speaker 15
02:15:43 Hang on a second.
02:15:47 Reload. Come on chat window.
02:15:54 Alright, I think it worked OK.
02:15:59 Let me scroll U back to where I was.
02:16:06 Alright, Nazi dice. Gradually I begin to hate them 1488.
02:16:11 Well, I appreciate that.
Speaker 23
02:16:13 Oh, poor baby.
02:16:15 I'm so sorry.
02:16:23 The Internet is mind control again.
02:16:27 Not much money in my account today.
02:16:29 Ohh that's that's fine.
02:16:30 That is fine.
Speaker 23
02:16:33 Poor baby. I'm so sorry.
02:16:42 There we go.
02:16:44 I wonder if anyone's figured out what I say.
02:16:45 At the end of that one.
02:16:49 Or if it's like what Internet is.
02:16:52 Mind control.
02:16:53 Not much money in the account today.
02:16:55 Freemasonry is the contemporary vehicle for Zionist globalism.
02:17:01 Masonic temples are in every town.
02:17:04 Scottish Rite hold rituals each presidential inauguration have homework links to follow.
02:17:12 Now you know the knowledge is power.
02:17:13 Thanks for inspiring works.
02:17:14 Well, I'll tell you one thing.
02:17:17 I've been doing a little bit of research on the the Jewish slave traders in America because the for those of you, I don't know how you don't know this by now, but many, maybe some of you don't know the the entire slave trade that white people get blamed for that took place in North America was was essentially.
02:17:37 I mean, it was exclusively Jewish.
02:17:40 I mean, maybe exclusive is a little too strong of a word, but essentially it was exclusively Jewish to the extent where, you know, the slave auctions were closed on Jewish holidays and anyway.
02:17:56 I was going through this audio book that was that was describing the origins of the slave trade and the and the different people behind, you know, not not just the the money, the people bankrolling it, but the captains of the ship, the Jewish merchants on the Africa side of the operation.
02:18:17 And one of the things that brought up and I bookmarked this all to go back to it was that the the 1st.
02:18:25 Masonic Temple established in the I don't know if it was in the country or if it was in the port town that the slave ships came into, but it was something like 90% of the membership was 90% Jewish and the second Masonic Temple that they built the membership was 100%.
02:18:46 Again, I don't. I don't know if that was. I mean, we're talking this was 1700s, so it was very early on.
02:18:53 I don't know that it was in the country or if it was just in that that area of the country that did all the slave trade.
02:19:02 So yeah, I mean, there's, there's definitely.
02:19:06 You know, it's kind of like.
02:19:11 It's funny because people say, oh, it's not the Jews, it's the Masons and and it's kind of like well.
02:19:15 You're you're repeating yourself, you know.
02:19:19 Internet is mind control.
02:19:21 True Stream Media Trust game Doco on YouTube.
02:19:26 True stream YouTube.
02:19:31 Loomer, natti doco.
02:19:34 Secret scientists OSHA logo subverted history doco and important knowledge on ancestries.
02:19:41 There you go, everyone.
02:19:42 There's the links and I've probably seen at least.
02:19:45 Some of those by now.
02:19:49 I used to be ashamed to be white due to the ***** and feminization software.
02:19:54 I thank you for being my auntie.
02:19:57 I hope you don't mean like your auntie M.
02:20:00 More like the anti, the anti anti white.
02:20:04 Is that what I am?
02:20:06 Look, a lot of people grew up being I I remember, like when DNA tests first came out, people desperately wanting to find some kind of non white in there and and bragging on Facebook the second they found out they're like.
Speaker 13
02:20:21 Oh, you know.
02:20:22 What I just found.
02:20:23 Oh my God.
02:20:24 You know what?
02:20:25 You know what?
02:20:26 Vera. Vera. Guess what I found out that I'm actually 10% Native American.
02:20:32 Oh my God.
02:20:33 Yeah, I know.
02:20:34 It's like I I have all this culture all of a sudden I feel this connection to the land that I never.
Speaker 13
02:20:39 Knew was there.
02:20:41 It's disgusting, but like, that's basically what what let my whole life.
02:20:45 That's what's been going on.
02:20:46 And it's not just that.
02:20:47 I mean it.
02:20:48 Look, it's obviously internalized from the the popular culture that was produced by Jewish people.
02:20:53 Cause you, I mean, look, I spent the first few years of doing this over and over and over again, illustrating how Jews produced movies.
02:21:02 In the last 50 years that demonized white people and and obviously it's in OverDrive today.
02:21:09 But nothing to be ashamed of.
02:21:11 Certainly not.
02:21:12 You're something to be proud of.
02:21:15 Saxon stargazer, Devon. Do you think that whites today try to follow Hitler's model too closely? Sure, he was successful until the Allies United, but I find it hard to believe that German solutions about 100 years old would work for whites everywhere, or that you could copy that. What he did and get the same result.
02:21:35 Yeah, it's.
02:21:36 It's honestly, I think it's it's people need.
02:21:40 A, especially people on the right, they believe in hierarchy and they want a a strong patriarch and.
02:21:51 There's just not one.
02:21:53 Right.
02:21:53 And so you get a lot of people latching on to.
02:21:58 Historic figures.
02:21:59 And it's not just it's not just Hitler.
02:22:01 It's just.
02:22:02 People defying historic figures because there's no one in the present.
02:22:10 That is even even remotely, you know being effective or or even.
02:22:17 Ineffectively standing up for them, you know, like there's not even like someone acting like they're on on your side.
02:22:25 Like, that's how ******* gay everything is right now.
02:22:28 Is is.
02:22:28 You don't even have people that are pretending like they're not even pandering to you.
02:22:34 You know.
02:22:35 So it's I understand it, but yeah, I I get what you're saying.
02:22:41 I get what you're saying.
02:22:42 I I I don't think that trying to model a a system, you know, Nazi Germany.
02:22:48 I mean or I'm sorry, trying to model a new like trying or rather even think of it this way, expecting it to be realistic that you could somehow enact a version of not of national socialism that that closely resembled that of Nazi.
02:23:09 Germany in America, I mean, there's so many things you'd have.
02:23:12 To fix first.
02:23:14 But even if that.
02:23:15 Was like doable.
02:23:16 That that's the kind of thing that you you couldn't do until you fix the demo.
02:23:20 It's one of these things where.
02:23:23 You're damned if you do, damned if you don't, because like, it's one of these things where you kind of need to have almost honestly, at this point, because no one's because of the demographic problem. Actually, you almost need a dictator.
02:23:36 I guess that's the bottom.
02:23:37 Line to get.
02:23:40 To fix the kinds of kinds of problems we have with any kind of efficiency, you do need a dictator.
02:23:46 At this point you just do.
02:23:48 You need a dictator, and if you don't, and for all these people that are going to get their panties.
02:23:52 In a bunch of little America, we don't.
Speaker 9
02:23:53 Believe in that.
02:23:55 Freedom. Look. They asked.
02:23:58 George Washington to be king.
02:24:02 You know the the the first American president.
02:24:06 He was going to be a dictator.
02:24:07 That was the.
02:24:08 The original plan.
02:24:11 But it just wasn't as necessary because they had already any any.
02:24:15 And the reason why they asked him to be the dictator is he essentially was in, in some ways during the war, cause you need to have that.
02:24:24 You need to have that that guy where he's got.
02:24:29 You know the buck stops.
02:24:30 Here it all ends with this guy.
02:24:34 Because we we don't, we just don't have the the unity required to get anything done otherwise.
02:24:43 But even if you were to get that, you know, somehow you get a dictator and they were to set up national Socialism in America.
02:24:49 I I just don't.
02:24:50 Think it would work.
02:24:52 And it certainly wouldn't look, it wouldn't work long term.
02:24:56 Right.
02:24:57 Because the big problem I have with anything centralized.
02:25:01 In the long term, in the short term, I think it's necessary right now.
02:25:05 In the long term it it's just like anything else in atrophies.
02:25:09 You might put the most the the best people you know that you have available to you, the best people in your society, in charge of things, and they might be the most loyal.
02:25:21 To your race and to your nation.
02:25:24 You know like.
02:25:25 The the total Dream team, right?
02:25:27 Like the people that like if God came down himself and picked people to be in charge, that's who he would have picked, right?
02:25:33 OK, well that works at first.
02:25:37 But there is no nor can there be a mechanism that somehow.
02:25:43 Maintains that.
02:25:45 Eventually it's going to atrophy and rot.
02:25:48 And now you have centralized power, but the people in charge are ********.
02:25:53 And as we've seen in the past it it, it can sometimes happen really quick.
02:25:59 Really quick.
02:26:00 Now, that doesn't mean I have the answer I.
02:26:02 I don't have the answer.
02:26:04 I think a lot of people, no, I don't think anyone has the answer right now.
02:26:08 And and I and honestly, I don't even think it's that important right now.
02:26:12 I don't think that there's a there's a.
02:26:16 I know there's people that will make the argument like, well, we need a positive vision.
02:26:20 It's really hard to sell because we don't have this positive vision and it's like ***** with the with the demographic problems.
02:26:27 You're not.
02:26:27 You're not going to you.
02:26:28 Can't sell a positive?
02:26:29 Vision you can't.
02:26:31 You can't because what's don't you get it?
02:26:34 Like, that's why multiculturalism doesn't work.
02:26:37 Because a positive vision to me is a nightmare scenario to over half the country.
02:26:45 So if I go around trying to sell some positive vision.
02:26:49 To unify people under the the banner of this positive vision, it's going to sound like a ******* nightmare to most people.
02:26:57 Because we are no longer in the majority.
02:27:02 So you really that's not really the thing like that.
02:27:06 You got to focus on right now.
02:27:08 You got to focus, I think, on the immediate threat, which is very.
02:27:14 Very real and increasingly so.
02:27:21 Yeah, I think that's a really long way of saying that, yeah, I don't think Nazi style national socialism would work in the West in the way that a lot of people think it would.
02:27:34 And he says, sorry for so many questions.
02:27:36 I rarely catch a live stream, but do you think whites would be?
02:27:38 More motivated to change things.
02:27:41 If **** could be banned overnight.
02:27:43 With that being said, I hope you had a good Valentine's and remain on the lookout for missus stack.
02:27:50 Thank you for everything you do.
02:27:52 Good night.
02:27:53 Yeah, I mean.
02:27:54 If you were to born or ban ****.
02:27:58 And well look.
02:28:01 You can ban ****.
02:28:03 But it's still, it's still not addressing the underlying problem.
02:28:09 ****, ****, **** is almost a symptom of the problem.
02:28:13 The real problem that you really if you want to ban something that's going to make everything way better the next day.
Speaker 3
02:28:22 What do you actually do?
Speaker 22
02:28:23 What do I like to do?
02:28:24 I like to watch anime.
02:28:25 I like to watch anime.
02:28:27 I like to watch Anime Anime, anime, anime.
Speaker 12
02:28:32 It's it's animated.
Speaker 20
02:28:38 Right.
02:28:43 You download it Dan Japanese or.
Speaker 22
02:28:47 It isn't Japanese.
02:28:51 Yeah, I'm not going to play.
02:28:51 The whole thing.
02:28:53 Yeah, I would.
02:28:54 I would ban anime.
02:28:55 Too if you banned.
02:28:59 Look, as much as it pains me to say this.
02:29:02 Because there was a time where I felt like it was set like it's.
02:29:05 Maybe that's especially why you should ban it, cause it's kind of sick when you think about it a a large part of my identity as a young man.
02:29:12 Was playing video games.
02:29:15 And that's pretty ******* gay.
02:29:16 If you think about it.
02:29:18 If you've banned **** and video games and anime.
02:29:22 There'd be a revolution next week.
02:29:26 A revolution next week, by the way, Speaking of of gay ****, and I said this on gab and telegram, but just to read it reiterate.
02:29:35 If you watch the Super Bowl, you're a flag.
02:29:37 Just just putting that out there.
02:29:42 Internet is mind control.
02:29:43 Only one of my one of my customers told one of my customers told me that he is a Twitch streamer with 50 followers.
02:29:52 I couldn't help but laugh aloud.
02:29:54 Guy was going through a divorce, leaving two kids with a crazy ***** wife.
02:29:59 He's probably playing.
02:30:00 Cod, right now the Internet is mind control.
02:30:03 Yeah, I would ban.
02:30:04 Well, if you put in video games, there you go.
02:30:06 Look at that.
02:30:07 You banned video.
02:30:07 Games boom.
02:30:09 See like that I already knew.
02:30:11 I already I already saw.
02:30:12 I solved that problem before it.
02:30:14 Even crossed my desk.
02:30:17 Trash panda.
02:30:18 I've told my wife you are the Big Venus prophet.
02:30:22 She has no idea what I'm talking about.
02:30:24 But our life revolves around this.
02:30:26 Now this is our life.
02:30:28 Big benis.
02:30:32 Thank you for the gifts you've bestowed upon my family.
02:30:35 Big benis.
02:30:37 Big Benis big benis.
02:30:39 Thank you big benis for.
02:30:41 Making my life complete.
02:30:44 Well, that's that's a little creepy, but you've definitely earned the.
Speaker 23
02:30:47 Oh, poor baby.
02:30:50 I'm so sorry.
02:30:53 There you go.
02:30:56 Harmless G $200,000 to buy Andrew Tate a new supercar. Exactly. That's The thing is. That guy doesn't realize that. You know that money was just going to her little E pimp.
02:31:08 I mean, I don't think it was Andrew Tate, because she's in Bulgaria, but I don't know, maybe it was.
02:31:13 If not, it was, you know, some version of him.
02:31:16 Damn Bigfoot.
02:31:17 If you at that point in life.
02:31:21 If you at that point in life, there's always suicide.
02:31:26 I'm not sure what your time about, but yes.
02:31:29 Suicide is painless.
02:31:31 It brings on many changes and I will take or leave it if I please.
02:31:35 Western collapse report keep up the good work.
02:31:38 Well, I appreciate that Graham playing games.
02:31:41 The stream I could stay up and watch had to be this.
02:31:45 Wait this stream I could ohk about this one.
02:31:48 The stream I could stay up and watch had to be this horrible, horrible person.
02:31:51 Feel so bad for his.
02:31:53 I'd hate to have a dysgenic child hope to find a good woman anyway.
02:31:57 A light note.
02:31:58 Keith Olbermann is such a lunatic.
02:32:01 He is a lunatic.
02:32:02 Is this going to just be well, whatever.
02:32:04 Let's play it.
02:32:05 Right.
02:32:05 Let's see.
02:32:06 Let's see what you've dug up here.
02:32:11 Let's let's pull this up.
02:32:20 So instead of hold music I just need.
02:32:22 I need this every.
02:32:22 Time you know, 33.
Speaker 11
02:32:29 234 quarter half and the 3435.
02:32:42 That should be my that should be my hold music.
02:32:46 Why is this not our?
02:32:47 Here we go.
02:32:48 This is the Keith Olbermann clip.
Speaker 26
02:32:53 We are owned by guns and therefore there is only one way to stop the mass shootings.
02:32:59 It is to suffocate the businesses that make billions of dollars in profits off guns to destroy the gun lobby, the death lobby and the Republican Party that defends those lobbies and those businesses and the.
02:33:12 Only way to do that?
02:33:14 Is an economic civil war.
02:33:16 The blue states have all the money. They must starve the red states into submission or another 600 thousand Americans will be murdered in the next 10 to 12 years.
02:33:28 That and more on the Wednesday countdown.
02:33:32 Look, I'll be honest.
02:33:33 I love this guy.
02:33:34 This guy is is like fuel on the fire.
02:33:38 This guy is is.
02:33:41 I don't know if he's if.
02:33:42 If you know.
02:33:42 Look, here's the thing.
02:33:43 You got to be.
02:33:44 You have to wonder.
02:33:44 He's he's a Jew who lives in a in a high rise and one of the most expensive parts of the world, overlooking Central Park in New York, right?
02:33:56 So I doubt that he's actually an accelerationist.
02:34:01 There's probably more to it than than than that.
02:34:05 But hey, I mean, he's he's.
02:34:06 Still, gasoline on the.
02:34:08 This guy is great.
02:34:09 I hope he does more.
02:34:10 Stuff like this.
02:34:11 I hope I in fact, I hope he accomplishes that.
02:34:13 That what what he's describing is what happens before.
02:34:16 Civil wars break out.
02:34:18 He he's talking about Interstate warfare.
02:34:22 I mean, it's economic, but it's sanctions, right?
02:34:24 He's talking about what?
02:34:25 What precedes warfare?
02:34:29 It's always economic, you know, just like World War 3.
02:34:32 That we're about to be in.
02:34:37 All right, Dan, Bigfoot.
02:34:39 He had extremely ****** enabling parents.
02:34:41 Being Jewish or not is irrelevant.
02:34:43 It sours the point of the story.
02:34:44 Spurges artistically focused on it like it's the only thing that matters.
02:34:47 I don't.
02:34:48 I don't think it was Jewish.
02:34:49 I don't think he was Jewish.
02:34:50 And he he definitely looks, looks a little jewy, but his name is.
02:34:56 I mean, yeah.
02:34:57 And like you say, it's irrelevant.
02:34:59 The the point of the story isn't that ohh look at what this Jew did.
02:35:03 The point of the story is don't be that guy.
02:35:06 Don't be that guy.
02:35:09 And it's real easy.
02:35:10 It's real easy.
02:35:12 All you have to do to not be that guy is, you know.
02:35:16 Well, first and foremost.
02:35:18 If you want to not be that guy.
02:35:21 Right, I think I think you guys all know I'm going to say right, right if you want if you want.
02:35:26 Don't be that guy.
02:35:27 Don't be that guy.
02:35:28 Right, right.
02:35:32 No, it didn't play, didn't play, didn't play.
02:35:37 Ohh I lost it.
02:35:39 My timeline is too big.
02:35:40 I have too much **** on it.
02:35:41 I was trying to play this.
Speaker 22
02:35:43 Anime I like to watch anime.
02:35:44 I like to watch Anime, Anime, anime, anime.
02:35:48 That's all you gotta do.
02:35:49 Just don't watch anime.
02:35:53 In fact, the fact that he watched anime is more important than.
02:35:57 Then, then, if he's Jewish or not.
02:36:00 Yeah, he's, I mean, definitely looks like he could be.
02:36:03 He definitely looks like he.
02:36:04 Could be maybe half.
02:36:06 His mom doesn't look it, you know.
02:36:09 Mom just looks like a normal.
02:36:11 Normal white lady, his dad.
02:36:13 I don't have any pictures of him alive.
02:36:17 But he didn't look very Jewish either.
02:36:19 Uh, let's see here.
02:36:21 Internet is mind control.
02:36:24 The cops released my Bulgarian horror NFT.
02:36:27 'S to the.
02:36:27 Public, right, right.
02:36:29 The fact that that's what he's upset about his entire look.
02:36:32 Imagine like.
02:36:34 You're trying to say you're innocent.
02:36:35 What he's doing, he's still saying that he's innocent.
02:36:39 He's telling this documentary filmmaker that he's innocent and the fact that that's what he's mad about, that, that, that he's not obsessing about.
02:36:46 Let's figure out who who killed my ******* family.
02:36:49 It's no.
02:36:50 It's like I'm really upset because the private, the private pictures.
02:36:54 That no one else had access to that my girl.
02:36:57 My E girl sent me now because the cops, everyone has them.
02:37:03 And they didn't even.
02:37:04 Give her $200,000.
02:37:07 Phena Hungarian imperial.
02:37:10 On the Levantine question, my verdict is no. Here's a family photo that shows his parents the dad's classic pure Mexican.
02:37:20 It's hard to spot in women, but I don't see any clues on the mom.
02:37:24 Let's see if there you go.
02:37:26 Maybe you found a picture of the photo of of the dad alive.
02:37:31 Oh yeah, there's, I don't know.
02:37:33 I don't know.
Speaker 13
02:37:35 I don't know.
02:37:36 This isn't actually.
02:37:38 This isn't in the favor in favor of.
02:37:43 Maybe his dad.
02:37:44 Yeah, maybe his dad just looks really jewy.
02:37:47 His dad does kind of.
02:37:49 Look, Joey, let me let me bring this up.
02:37:53 His dad has like that Ross from friends with a.
02:37:57 But with a like.
02:37:58 The Jew **** mustache like, let me see.
02:38:01 You know, I mean.
02:38:06 I don't know what the dad, because here's the thing.
02:38:08 You gotta understand Jews that live in South America.
02:38:14 Have you know Spanish sounding last names?
02:38:18 In fact, Speaking of that, that Jews in the the slave trade thing again, there was Portuguese and Spanish.
02:38:30 Jews with very Spanish sounding last names that were involved in the slave trade.
02:38:35 I was surprised when they were like, ohh and this guy and you're like oh, it sounds like Rodriguez.
02:38:39 I'm just pulling a name out of my ask, but.
02:38:43 I mean, you never know, you never know.
02:38:44 But again, it's it is irrelevant.
02:38:46 It is.
02:38:47 It's more like I said, it's more about the.
02:38:49 Anime than anything else.
02:38:52 ******** ****** for $1.00?
02:38:55 Now going to find this one.
02:38:59 Where is it at?
02:39:02 I haven't used this in a while.
02:39:06 And my list is getting so long.
Speaker 26
02:39:09 Do you have that much money in your bank at home?
Speaker 20
02:39:14 I'd buy that for a dollar.
02:39:21 That reminds me, looks like the same thing that they are doing to the whites.
02:39:26 They are doing to.
02:39:29 JP's with this race hate.
02:39:33 Their minister said they will turn JP to a multi.
02:39:38 OK.
02:39:38 You mean Japanese thing?
02:39:41 They're doing the Japanese of this race hate, their minister said.
02:39:44 They will turn Japanese to a multicultural hell, make fun of Japanese as much as we want, but they are next.
02:39:53 Alright, let me see what you what you have here.
02:39:59 Is this a video?
02:40:05 No, it's not a video, but we can we can still bring it up here.
02:40:10 Alright, she says what this person wants to say is that Japanese people speaking Japanese while living in Japan are privileged class and they must be aware of it.
02:40:21 She is saying we all living in Japan as privileged class.
02:40:28 It just don't ends here.
02:40:31 You got to love these subtitles.
02:40:32 It doesn't end here.
02:40:34 What she wants to say by privileged class is that non Japanese living in Japan.
02:40:39 The people who don't speak Japanese, they are in at a disadvantage.
02:40:43 So we Japanese who speak Japanese, being privileged.
02:40:47 Are the people who are committing the crime of discrimination.
02:40:50 She is telling us all to be aware of it.
02:40:53 And she is saying that, see, this is the this is the problem.
02:40:57 This is the problem.
02:40:58 The Japanese, just like the Western countries, they let the the women out of the kimonos.
02:41:05 It used to be a a very common joke post World War 2 boomers they they would love it.
02:41:11 I mean you would watch anything.
02:41:13 I mean, there was that, that famous Japanese like one. Ohh, I think the only Japanese comedian in the 1960s and 70s and like half of his jokes were about the the the docile.
02:41:24 Japanese wife, right.
02:41:26 That would walk 5 steps behind her husband and all this other garbage like that was that was seen as is what was culturally normal for the Japanese.
02:41:37 Not that long ago.
02:41:40 And they done ****** **.
02:41:41 They done ****** **.
02:41:43 And they released the feminine.
02:41:46 They released the feminine energy.
02:41:49 In a in a capitalistic environment, that's I think that's the deadly mix.
02:41:53 It's it's, it's feminism and capitalism put together that's like the that's like the poison pill.
02:42:01 You put those together in a society and you're ******.
02:42:05 You're just ******.
02:42:07 All right.
02:42:08 Hyper chats have.
02:42:10 Screwed up again, so I got to reload.
02:42:14 The thing.
02:42:17 Hopefully find it again.
02:42:22 Yes, OK.
02:42:29 Cat hugger.
02:42:32 I think you would like this poem an AI rewrite.
02:42:38 What is this going to be?
02:42:54 Can I make it bigger?
02:43:00 OK.
02:43:03 The poem is.
02:43:07 Shooty Shooty Pew Pew Pew.
02:43:10 Let's all learn what guns can do libtards in the USA.
02:43:14 It's already starting to sound Boomerang love to shake their heads and say store bought guns.
02:43:19 You will need more.
02:43:20 You can't fight a civil war.
02:43:23 Fight the army.
02:43:24 You will lose.
02:43:25 They have jets and tanks.
02:43:27 We use, but that's not where the story ends.
02:43:30 Since they have homes and kids and friends, tyrants threaten you with bombs.
02:43:35 Keep in mind, they too have moms.
02:43:38 One can't live inside their jets.
02:43:41 Can we find you?
02:43:42 Yes, you bet.
02:43:43 They'd send soldiers and marines up against AR fifteens. They're outnumbered 12:50. This is why I I need a gun.
02:43:53 Don't forget because it's true the government is scared of you.
02:43:57 Well, I mean, they're more scared of people with guns than people with not or that don't have guns.
02:44:02 But after the compliance of the COVID lockdowns.
02:44:05 I don't think they're very afraid of anything really.
02:44:07 I really don't.
02:44:08 And historically it always seems that that people kind of justice.
02:44:13 I mean, look, you could apply that to anything you could say.
02:44:16 Well, the the slaves in North America, there was more of them than the slave masters.
02:44:20 They could have risen up and fought them and you know, whatever they didn't do it, you know the the Jewish slave ships, you know, they had, like, ******* 5000 Africans and like, 12 Jews on the boat and, you know.
02:44:34 Happen and as the the American public becomes more compliant and less like the people depicted in this picture, because you're right.
02:44:42 Look at at a time when this was a a a modern visualization of of what Americans look like.
02:44:52 You'd be right, but that's not.
02:44:54 The case anymore.
02:44:56 I don't think this family would have just just have tolerated drag Queen story hour just as an example, right?
02:45:04 But these people don't exist anymore.
02:45:07 It is what it is.
02:45:11 But yeah, I there are parts.
02:45:13 There are parts of the poem that I like that I'm not going to elaborate on.
02:45:21 Nuclear golem.
02:45:23 I am a student at Michigan State University and I was in a dining hall near the shooting on Monday night.
02:45:30 The non white culinary staff told everyone to leave and walk across campus back to their dorms.
02:45:36 Even though the location of the rabid ***** was unknown, get out of the cities, everyone.
02:45:42 Well, yeah.
02:45:43 I mean, you're going to just have mindless responses to everything and look, the, the fact that.
02:45:51 That everyone's already forgot that that even happened.
02:45:55 That that's that's always going to be the case when blacks are committing the crimes, right.
02:46:01 And increasingly blacks and or non whites rather just look if nothing else, just because as the country becomes less white.
02:46:10 More and more often, the people committing every crime will just be less white because just you know, that's.
02:46:16 Gonna happen and that has to happen, right?
02:46:18 I mean, there's other reasons why it's gonna happen.
02:46:20 But if if even just like a numbers game, right.
02:46:24 And that they won't.
02:46:25 The the response to it will be bad.
02:46:28 It's like why I it's kind of why like with the the the by the way I don't know why they keep calling they keep calling like it's spelled like Palestine but everyone on the news including I think the governor is saying Palestine so I guess it's Palestine in Ohio but the the Palestine.
02:46:45 Oil, you know, not oil spill, but chemical spill and all that.
02:46:48 Nonsense. I think it's just as likely that that that's the result of incompetence and diversity hires and just the general brain drain that's taking place in the United States. We are substantially stupider as a nation than we were 100 years ago. Substantially stupider.
02:47:07 And it it's it's moving at A at a breakneck pace.
02:47:12 The the race to the bottom.
02:47:16 But yeah, thank you for the glad you're safe and.
02:47:21 Stay nuclear there.
02:47:25 All right, here we go.
02:47:26 Clever name.
02:47:28 That is a clever name.
Speaker 23
02:47:33 Oh, poor baby.
02:47:35 I'm so sorry.
Speaker 1
02:47:36 Cash flow checkout.
Speaker 2
02:47:44 I'd like to return this duck.
02:47:46 Introduce my boss to your content back in 2019 ish. He would push back with Boomer tier talking points that he must have read on Facebook.
02:47:56 Fast forward and I I now get weekly texts from him ranting about global **** and wanting to talk about your streams.
02:48:04 Keep it up, man.
02:48:05 You're waking them up well.
02:48:06 That's that's good.
02:48:06 That's good to hear.
02:48:08 All right, boss of clever name.
02:48:14 We welcome we definitely welcome boomers here.
02:48:17 #Not all boomers, of course, and look what I've done. Entire streams of like boomers trying their damn just to stop all this. They just. It was a.
02:48:25 Small minority of them, unfortunately.
02:48:32 Let's see here, John Connor.
02:48:35 Only thing worse than.
02:48:37 Anime Simps are bronies.
02:48:40 Well, they're they're kind of.
02:48:42 Is there really a difference?
02:48:44 I don't.
02:48:45 I don't see.
02:48:45 There's really a difference.
02:48:46 Speaking of which, any chance of an in cell addition brownies documentary here?
02:48:51 Yeah, yeah, the brownies thing.
02:48:52 Well, I don't know about.
02:48:53 The Inside Edition I I would say.
02:48:57 I mean, maybe just I, maybe it would be worth it just.
02:48:59 To kind of do like a serious.
02:49:05 Look at why is this phenomenon happening?
02:49:09 In in all the developed countries, right?
02:49:12 And and not and don't try to make it like this.
02:49:14 Let's **** on guys or girls for that matter, right?
02:49:17 But why is this happening?
02:49:19 I think the answer is is simpler than most people think, and a lot of people aren't going to like it or or or like the way that.
02:49:27 I see it cause.
02:49:29 I do see it in some on some in some ways.
02:49:33 As you're getting selected out.
02:49:36 And yeah, it's it's not your fault necessarily.
02:49:39 And and the environment has changed in ways that.
02:49:43 Just like I I think I've used the metaphor that.
02:49:47 If you're growing the same crop.
02:49:49 And you get these really robust seeds and you plant them in, in, in and they're really growing and they grow really well in the the part of the country that you.
02:50:00 Even and then you ship them off to, you know, these these seeds that for generations I'm missing the ******* word anyway.
02:50:11 Doesn't matter.
02:50:12 These magic beans, the magic beans they give you the the, the Beanstalk you ship them to someone who?
02:50:20 He has a even a slightly colder climate, or like winter, is a month longer or whatever.
02:50:25 And now suddenly they they they grow like ****.
02:50:29 Because they haven't evolved to handle the the massive change in environment and I just think that's unfortunately what's happening is.
02:50:39 The environment has has radically changed.
02:50:41 And these people who would have flourished, flourished in another environment are dying.
02:50:49 And in in getting selected out.
02:50:54 Some of them, I think it's voluntary.
02:50:57 There's, they've decided. Look.
02:51:00 The for me to adapt to the changes.
02:51:03 Isn't worth it.
02:51:05 And so I'm going to just, I'm going to enjoy my life the way that I can and and look, I can't.
02:51:11 I don't even blame people that make that decision.
02:51:15 But I think that's really the simplest way to look at.
02:51:17 It is just Western civilization bred for a very specific kind of white male for centuries, and then they.
02:51:29 They they radically, well, Jews, among others, radically alter the environment in a way that made that a hostile environment to what they were breeding for.
02:51:42 So yeah.
02:51:44 Anyway, that's an oversimplification of the problem, but I think that's an angle.
02:51:50 It's one of the angles that I don't know if everyone's really.
02:51:54 Going to be down for, but I think it's.
02:51:56 It it it's very realistic way of looking at it.
02:52:05 Where are we at?
02:52:10 Western collapse report that chick is basic.
02:52:15 I'm talking about the this one right here, the.
Speaker 23
02:52:19 Oh, poor baby.
02:52:21 I'm so sorry.
02:52:24 Yeah, she's.
02:52:24 She's like she's average looking.
02:52:27 And the fact that she's a ***** knocks off like.
02:52:32 Like if she wasn't a *****, then that's there.
02:52:34 Let's let's be honest.
02:52:35 If she was just like a normal chick, that wasn't a *****.
02:52:38 Like wasn't.
02:52:39 Wasn't a Cam ***** and didn't live on the other side of the plant.
02:52:43 You know, I mean like.
02:52:44 It wouldn't like you wouldn't make fun of your friend if that was, that was his girlfriend, right?
02:52:49 But the fact that.
02:52:51 You'd make funny. I mean, you wouldn't. Well, you would disown your friend if he gave her $200,000.
02:52:57 No, I don't.
02:52:58 I don't think a woman exists that that would would motivate me to make that kind of that level of stupid decision.
02:53:07 Let's see here.
02:53:10 Damn Bigfoot.
02:53:11 Wouldn't life in prison be a more sadistic, deserving punishment than death for a weed fagot like this? Think about it. Very painless versus raped by until you are in the city. I don't. For me, I don't care. It's just more efficiency. I think we need to bring the death penalty back in a big way. I think that we.
02:53:31 That's part of why we have such a dysgenic society.
02:53:34 I think keeping these people alive is draining the life force out of out of the rest of.
02:53:40 Us it's not just him.
02:53:42 I think that if you kill someone, you die.
02:53:45 That's it.
02:53:46 If you get convicted.
02:53:47 Well, I mean like obviously I'm not an accident maybe.
02:53:49 But like if you get convicted of premeditated murder, boom, you're done.
02:53:54 If you're a pedo, boom, you're done.
Speaker 13
02:53:56 You're a ******?
02:53:57 Boom, you're done.
02:53:59 I I feel very confident about.
02:54:01 Just saying those three things without exception.
02:54:05 If you're a ******, if you're a pedo, and if you you premeditated murder.
02:54:12 No, I can't think of a single person person that I would make an exception for or a single case that would make.
02:54:17 An exception for you're dead.
02:54:19 And if we did that right now with the prison population that we have right now, it would drastically and look, those are the kinds of people I don't think you can rehabilitate, right?
02:54:29 So if prison is is to because what is it?
02:54:33 What is it?
02:54:34 For, is it for punishment?
02:54:36 Or is it for rehabilitation?
02:54:39 Because if it's, if it's for punishment.
02:54:41 Let's just ******* kill him.
02:54:43 The ultimate punishment?
02:54:45 And then I I don't even care about the deterrent aspect of it.
02:54:49 People try to make that argument like, well, they know that, you know, you'll get if you get the electric chair.
02:54:54 If you kill someone, I don't.
02:54:55 Know, I mean is that really going to stop someone who?
02:54:58 I mean if you're.
02:54:58 Going to kill someone?
02:55:00 I mean, I think I feel like you've crossed enough lines in your head that, like, you're willing to take that risk.
02:55:05 I don't think that's going to like save any lives it might.
02:55:08 It might stop people from being rapists and pedos maybe.
02:55:11 But I don't know if it's gonna stop people from being, I don't know.
02:55:13 But I don't even care about that.
02:55:15 I just think that if you're, if you're a ****** or pedo or a.
02:55:17 Murderer just throw.
02:55:19 You in a big pit, you know, like the the burning pigs pit.
02:55:24 Is it is that this or do I even have it here?
02:55:27 No, that's not it.
02:55:30 Where is it?
02:55:30 Fagot Wendell.
02:55:31 I had that horrific video of the.
02:55:34 The burning pigs.
02:55:35 I don't think I have anymore.
02:55:36 Thank God anyway.
02:55:37 Yeah, just I think you need to be bulldozed into a big pit and set on fire.
02:55:45 Chain reaction simulation theory is one day we'll be able to make simulated worlds with sentient AI who aren't aware that they're in the simulation, hence why we are probably in one too.
02:55:57 And our creators.
02:55:59 But again, like I said, I don't think that it it's it doesn't really.
02:56:02 I mean, I get what they're saying, but it's like it's just as accurate as saying that.
02:56:07 Because I I can't differentiate between a dream and reality sometimes.
02:56:12 Then that means I'm always dreaming.
02:56:14 You know, it doesn't mean that.
02:56:17 Feminism has convinced women that they, or this from occupation and the last one, was actually from ohh.
02:56:23 I said that chain reaction occupation mother.
02:56:26 Feminism has convinced women that they can gain power and fulfillment in a career.
02:56:31 Yet depression rates have only increased.
02:56:34 Many modern women go against biology with modern mothering, which is a lot of separation from baby. No breastfeeding and going back to work, having a full time career and being 100%.
02:56:47 Present for their children don't coexist.
02:56:52 If only women are.
02:56:55 If only women recognized where they have true godly strength and natural childbirth, home making and raising babies, I've never felt more fulfilled than tending to my home and child every day.
02:57:10 Mother, mother, children, relationships are so fractured.
02:57:15 And we are seeing the result all right, like and if honestly if that woman had instead of wanting to and they had enough.
02:57:25 Obviously to where they had $200,000 that he thought he could steal without them noticing. So he they they had enough money and if she had instead of done her little.
02:57:38 I'm overseeing people who are transcribing medical records or whatever ******** job she was doing when he was a kid, because I guarantee you she was.
02:57:46 You know she'd be alive.
02:57:49 She'd be alive today.
02:57:52 So, but she's not alive.
02:58:00 Let's see here.
02:58:02 Oh, and then, yeah, I guess you had a part three that got caught up by someone else of that now.
02:58:07 All right, So what we say, hold on.
02:58:10 So fraction and we are seeing the result of that now in having no father or a **** father doesn't help.
02:58:17 It appears going against biology in any way.
02:58:20 Trans and faggs also.
02:58:23 Is correlated to higher rates of depression, anxiety, suicide.
02:58:27 Imagine that.
02:58:28 Right.
02:58:29 And you need to have you need to have a mother and father in the home.
02:58:33 And their roles are radically different, and the father I, I wouldn't say is less important, but the is is less.
02:58:42 Is around less right? Like the the the father's duty necessarily takes him out of the household to do other things, but.
02:58:57 The problem I think, here's the.
Speaker 13
02:58:58 Problem is.
02:59:00 In a lot of boomer households, you had the double whammy even if you had a a like my parents for example, they they were married.
02:59:07 My mom was a stay at home mom, she.
02:59:09 Didn't have a job.
02:59:11 But like a lot of boomer dads, like my dad was, I don't know what I don't know what he was trying to prove or to who.
02:59:20 But he was work.
02:59:22 He worked around the clock and then he went to night school and worked.
02:59:26 Then he worked two jobs and like and.
02:59:28 And it's it's funny cause like it's real easy if if if you were to try to complain about that.
02:59:34 Right, like, well, you're always working the.
02:59:37 The boomer response was like, well, I'm.
02:59:39 I made sure.
02:59:40 That you always had a roof over your head.
02:59:44 How can you be complaining?
02:59:45 I made sure that you always had the things that you needed and you know one of the things that Stefan Molyneux mentioned once that really kind of.
02:59:54 Made me look at it differently and he gets really bent out of shape about his his parenting situation obviously was was far less far less ideal than mine, but one of the things that he did, he made a point that I guess I've never looked at it like this because you you were so programmed.
03:00:10 We've heard that that argument, you know, from Boomer parents our whole lives, those of us who have.
03:00:14 Your parents about like, well, I'm just doing this for you and blah blah.
03:00:19 You know.
03:00:20 Making sure that I have.
03:00:21 A roof over my head.
03:00:26 Make sure you have a roof over your head prisons.
03:00:30 Make sure you have a roof over your head.
03:00:33 Prisons and kidnappers make sure you.
03:00:35 Have food to eat.
03:00:39 Like if the.
03:00:39 Is that the bar?
03:00:41 Like that's the that's you, you.
Speaker 13
03:00:43 Need a medal for that?
03:00:44 Like you were so selfless.
03:00:46 And maybe that's what it is.
03:00:47 Is boomers are so selfish.
03:00:49 That if they did the bare minimum required of them, you know, like ohh I'm I might have been out of the home because I couldn't stand my family and I enjoyed being around my coworkers more and I had this, this perfect excuse of like, well, I'm just doing it for you guys, you know?
03:01:08 But and and it fits into this like like.
Speaker 13
03:01:11 Ohh no, but I'm so.
03:01:12 Selfless that I did the I did I.
03:01:14 Did what prisons do for inmates?
Speaker 13
03:01:19 And it makes you think it makes you think.
03:01:23 Makes you think there's a lot of lot of young men and not so young men these days that had fathers that you know on it it's hard to complain about them because there were so many worse fathers on the West.
03:01:38 Especially as as.
03:01:40 Divorce became so hyper normalized.
03:01:45 That if your parents just again if they the bare minimum, if they just didn't get divorced, you felt like you, you.
03:01:50 Won the ******* lottery.
03:01:52 Like, oh wow, at least my parents didn't do like this horrible thing.
03:01:56 I mean, it's almost at that.
03:01:57 At that point, we're almost.
03:01:58 It's almost like saying, well, at least my dad didn't molest me.
03:02:01 You know.
03:02:04 Like that's anyway.
03:02:08 Let's take a look here.
03:02:11 Damn, Bigfoot.
03:02:13 Have you heard about the Jeet honey?
03:02:17 That Jeet honey that gets you high.
03:02:20 Bees pollinate on some special flour and dot heads.
03:02:23 Eat it and get ****** ** with Lucina nations.
03:02:27 Yeah, Joe Rogan had that guy on I it's just it's hallucinogenic, honey, but it doesn't sound.
03:02:35 Like it's all that.
03:02:36 The the I watched part of that interview.
03:02:39 I can't remember someone sent me that on or off string, but I've I've watched a bit of that interview.
03:02:44 And it just seemed like it they they use the they they collect nectar from a hallucinogenic.
03:02:51 Flower and.
03:02:54 But it just sounded like it was a bad trip the way it was described.
03:02:58 It sounded like unpleasant.
03:02:59 In fact, the the guy who owns the cliffs, I guess were the honey bees and have their hives when this like I I don't think he's a vice reporter.
03:03:08 But you know the type.
03:03:09 He's basically that right.
03:03:11 He's like the.
03:03:12 The He definitely watches anime.
03:03:14 Let me put it that.
03:03:15 The guy that was on Joe Rogan talking about it, he was saying that like Oh yeah, and then the guy who owns the cliffs.
03:03:21 I asked him if he does.
03:03:22 If he does this drug all the time and he said he did it once when he was younger, but he didn't like it and that no one, no one that lives there does it.
03:03:30 It's just like the stupid white guy that wants.
03:03:32 To feel like.
03:03:33 Special and I'm doing like this.
03:03:35 Special hallucinate.
03:03:36 And it's very spiritual for these people.
03:03:39 And the people live there just like ohh.
03:03:41 Look, he's he's he's eating the poison that makes you feel weird for like, a few hours, you know?
03:03:46 What I mean so, but yeah, I've heard of it.
03:03:48 I've heard of it.
03:03:52 Oh wait, I'll do that part.
03:03:55 Ally Mir. Devon, you'll know.
03:03:58 You're here. Wait, you'll know you're here and not in the matrix or some dream world. When your luck runs out at a feet.
03:04:09 And runs out at a feat Russian roulette.
03:04:15 You will.
03:04:18 You'll wish you were in the matrix.
03:04:20 Boof, your feet **** **.
03:04:23 Come on, man.
03:04:27 English ************.
03:04:33 Ah, I don't see what you sent me a.
03:04:36 A video. What is this?
03:04:39 It's a Gonzalo lira video.
03:04:44 Now, what the hell is this?
03:04:51 This is a.
03:04:51 This is a music video.
Speaker 6
03:04:54 Alright, well.
03:05:00 I don't know.
03:05:00 Let me let me see what this is.
03:05:03 Why am I?
Speaker 9
03:05:08 Appreciate present on that play, but I am Willie Williams.
03:05:11 Just want to say that in case you didn't know where you.
03:05:13 Well, but listen, I know a lot of challenges that's going on out in the communities and things out there, which we see a lot with the babies and stuff like that, right?
03:05:25 But I saw them with a player with some players I should say and and thank you to Miss Thomas I showed.
03:05:33 Wait, let me go and only get that right because I'm it might be I got you.
03:05:38 Right, baby, I appreciate the videos.
03:05:40 I showed up, dude.
03:05:41 But look here.
03:05:42 We gotta look at what the players are here doing it because we got.
03:05:45 That paper, because I guess once you get like a lot of money or something, it's like life get boring.
03:05:52 So you got to make it like a sign.
03:05:53 So I'm gonna go ahead and show you what the players.
03:05:55 Out here is doing and we're going to go down and talk about it.
03:05:57 Here you go.
Speaker 7
03:06:06 We're like $400.00 a bit and I'm saying your life is at stake.
03:06:11 No, shoot your ******* foot. You win, $400.00, you lose $400.00 on your.
03:06:15 Toes alright, go ahead.
03:06:17 You take the first shot.
Speaker 8
03:06:18 Crazy one.
03:06:25 Pull it in that ****.
03:06:30 Ohh God $400.00 one bullet in that ************ $800.
03:06:50 All right.
03:06:51 I can't say anymore.
03:06:52 So yeah.
03:06:54 Play stupid games.
03:06:55 Win stupid prizes.
03:06:59 Shoot each other in the foot, all right.
03:07:03 Let's see here.
03:07:08 Previously recommended healing hate and century of self and now found another bit of the puzzle in their own words.
03:07:18 Quote occupation of the American Mind, a daco ironically produced by leftists to defend Palestine. Details how Israel in 1982 created a cabal to control U.S. media.
03:07:36 It might be worth checking out.
03:07:43 Oh my God. Go away.
03:07:47 I'll leave that open.
03:07:48 I'll check that out.
03:07:49 I'm sure it's long.
03:07:54 Thank you, John Conner.
03:07:59 Spiritual principles. Can we have the anime GIF for the $1.00 hyper chat, limp **** Energy contributors?
03:08:08 The anime GIF.
03:08:11 I don't know what which anime GIF.
03:08:14 Like obviously not that that.
03:08:17 That whole thing.
Speaker 23
03:08:19 Oh, poor baby.
03:08:21 I'm so sorry.
03:08:26 I don't know.
03:08:28 I don't know.
03:08:28 I maybe I'll give you Stephen.
03:08:30 I should find that clip of Stephen Mallon.
03:08:32 You getting mad about $1.00 and that should be the $1.00 and the only problem is that might encourage more of.
03:08:38 It I don't know.
03:08:41 There is no solution to the $1.00 problem or question.
03:08:47 Andromeda, Devin.
03:08:49 Tonight's show is brilliant and sad.
03:08:51 You are hysterical.
03:08:52 Your comedic timing is brilliant, to say the least.
03:08:54 Well, appreciate that.
03:08:55 I told you like.
03:08:56 I told you it.
03:08:56 Would be a.
03:08:56 Fun one tonight.
03:08:58 I told you weren't gonna be so serious that it was.
03:09:00 It was fun in a in a dark, depressing way, and I and I hope I hope that that we were all able to laugh.
03:09:08 And cry together.
03:09:10 But thank you for the kind words were Commandant were Commandant.
Speaker 23
03:09:19 Poor baby. I'm so sorry.
03:09:27 The white European heritage men nowadays, I think.
03:09:32 I mean man, the white European heritage man nowadays is weak because of Jewish subversion, the greatest generation of European men or or man lives.
03:09:43 Our lives. What?
03:09:46 The greatest generation of European men lives go.
03:09:51 Or lives or sorry, this is just.
03:09:53 Part of this is me, the greatest generation of European men's I think you mean men's lives go wasted in Brother Wars, World War One and two, my great grandfather was an officer in the German army during World War One and left because of the degeneracy of the Weimar.
03:10:14 Yeah, I I if you just, I mean just imagine what you're doing when you have World War 2.
03:10:20 I mean, obviously other parts of the world experienced this too, and you might even think that that perhaps this was part of why they did it.
03:10:28 If you because you look if you make the argument that Europe had a a relatively civilized and docile population because of the liberal use of public hangings, liberal use of the death penalty, and I believe that is true, I I, there's lots of people that have made that argument.
03:10:48 And documented the you know the the the.
03:10:53 You know, by by hanging, like, well, kind of like what I was saying, right, that we should give the death.
03:10:57 Penalty to pedos, rapists and murderers.
03:10:59 That what basically what that produced was a rather civilized citizen.
03:11:09 Well, when you annihilate.
03:11:12 Your warrior class, when you are not in in, in every.
03:11:15 Country by the millions you go through and wipe out.
03:11:21 All the people, all your, not just fighting aged men, but the kinds of people who aren't going to go around and try to find ways of getting out of it.
03:11:29 You know, like Jews, that would go work for signal core or people that would try to be, you know, like the, you know, working a desk job at home or or faking an injury or being a ruling class.
03:11:41 Ship bag that can.
03:11:42 Whose parents can make sure they never get drafted or whatever.
03:11:45 If you're gonna.
03:11:46 If you're gonna execute and remove from the gene pool.
03:11:50 Huge numbers of your warrior class in every white country, all at the same time.
03:11:57 What do you expect again?
03:11:59 That was a selection event like anything else.
03:12:02 Why are you shocked that the result is post World War 2 whites are are not as tough as pre World War 2 whites and maybe that was.
03:12:10 Part of the plan.
03:12:11 Maybe it was.
03:12:13 Maybe the ruling class was like, hey, you know, a way that we can make a lot of money.
03:12:18 And change the.
03:12:18 Demographics of our citizens all all at the same time.
03:12:25 Let's do this.
03:12:26 I don't know.
03:12:29 Just a possibility.
03:12:31 I'm sure if nothing else, it figured into the into the calculus.
03:12:37 Pooh, say stomper.
03:12:39 Hi Devin from George Floyd land.
03:12:41 I made you a bumper to add to the collection.
03:12:45 If it reaches passing standard, it's on my Odyssey page or at the Dropbox link.
03:12:53 Let's take a look why not?
Speaker 15
03:13:02 All right.
03:13:03 Oh my God.
03:13:08 God, I ******* hate.
03:13:09 I hate.
03:13:10 Opera so much, why do I do this to myself?
03:13:21 Alright, let's see what we got here.
Speaker 11
03:13:31 Bigger big.
Speaker 30
03:13:32 Hold on. Hold on.
03:13:35 And there a lot of little things to make this play.
03:13:37 Do I have the video player still on as a source here somewhere?
03:13:46 I do not.
03:13:47 Alright, bear with me.
03:13:49 In the meantime.
03:13:52 Enjoy this cattle auction?
Speaker 11
03:14:03 Gibson 2 dollars 7373 over to Brandon Jack. Guys, thank you very much, guys, ladies and gentlemen.
03:14:13 All right.
03:14:18 Here we go.
Speaker 5
03:14:19 Big shot.
Speaker 12
03:14:20 Be good with me.
03:14:22 We won't let him.
03:14:24 It's the Jews.
03:14:24 It's always been the Jews.
Speaker 32
03:14:32 I want to return this stock.
03:14:35 Wait, hold on.
03:14:36 There's another return this duck.
03:14:42 Where did?
Speaker 11
03:14:42 You find this.
03:14:43 This is I'm I'm most impressed with this.
Speaker 32
03:14:47 I want to return this stuff.
03:14:49 I can't believe that that, that phrase.
Speaker 13
03:14:58 Well, that's not even a duck.
03:15:02 Did you do that with AI?
Speaker 32
03:15:04 I want to return this stock.
Speaker 13
03:15:06 Now I feel like he really said that.
03:15:10 All right.
03:15:11 Well, OK.
03:15:11 You know what?
03:15:12 Maybe maybe for, like, some when something's really Dewey.
03:15:16 Right?
03:15:17 I guess that would be what that would be.
03:15:18 But this is.
03:15:20 I'm impressed that you discovered this little gem.
Speaker 32
03:15:23 I want to return this stuff.
03:15:26 Weird, weird wild stuff.
03:15:28 All right.
03:15:29 Good job.
03:15:31 All right. Let's see here.
03:15:36 Harmless Gee if evangelical Christians cut out the Israel worship and came to believe that Jews as we know them today are not biblical chosen people, but of the synagogue of Satan from revelations that would be great.
03:15:51 Billy Graham was caught on tape speculating on that with Nixon.
03:15:55 And was forced to apologize.
03:16:00 Yeah, that would be nice, but it's.
03:16:04 Look, if I I think that the people that have been railing against Christians and calling them Christ ***** and stuff like that, although I will say this, most of the Christians you guys are saying that about that.
03:16:14 You're getting on little E fights online with.
03:16:17 They're the ones that don't like Jews.
03:16:19 The the ones that like the Jews are the ones that.
03:16:22 You're not even reaching, you know, because they're they're the the kind of mainstream people that, you know, watching Fox News to them is is.
03:16:31 Extreme right wing, right?
03:16:34 But if you were to folk, if you were to work instead, work with these Christians who agree with you on pretty much everything except Odin.
03:16:41 If you were to get them to push that message, I think that would be a.
03:16:46 Way more effective.
03:16:47 Strategy in terms of moving forward, I don't see that happening anytime soon just because there's so much money so.
03:16:53 Much Israeli money.
03:16:55 So much Jewish money in those.
03:17:01 And so many partnerships they have and and everything else.
03:17:07 The vexed bad news, Devin? They raised the price of the Taco Bell Breakfast bell box by $1.00.
03:17:15 I haven't been at Taco Bell in a really long time.
03:17:17 A really long time.
03:17:20 So I don't even know what that is.
03:17:23 That is bad news.
03:17:26 That's that's such bad news that.
Speaker 23
03:17:29 Oh, poor baby.
03:17:31 I'm so sorry.
03:17:33 So sorry, land of the fake.
03:17:37 Home of the gang.
03:17:39 Not that you're my Bulgarian girlfriend or anything, but thanks for the videos.
Speaker 23
03:17:44 Oh, poor baby.
03:17:46 I'm so sorry.
03:17:55 That first word, man, was that supposed to be a B?
03:17:58 Were abbur commandant abbur?
03:18:01 Commandant, how long till we reach Weimar levels of degeneracy in the West?
03:18:05 I think we're going.
03:18:05 I think we're going to far exceed.
03:18:08 Why more levels of degeneracy?
03:18:10 I think in some ways we're kind of almost already there, right?
03:18:13 And if you think about it.
03:18:15 What's being normalized?
03:18:17 I think we've exceeded in some ways we've exceeded why more levels of degeneracy in other ways it's, you know, maybe it's not as it's cause it, it'll never be exactly the same.
03:18:26 Right, it it's history rhymes.
03:18:29 It doesn't repeat, so it's going to be a little bit different, but the.
03:18:35 I think that we've exceeded it in some ways.
03:18:39 Oh, look at this ******** ****** for $1.00 again, I think I had a a different.
03:18:44 One, don't I somewhere?
03:18:47 Where is this ******* thing?
03:18:49 I'm gonna have to find a better way of playing these is.
03:18:51 There's too many of them.
03:18:53 Do you?
Speaker 26
03:18:53 Have that much money.
03:18:54 In your bank at home.
Speaker 15
03:18:57 I'd buy that for a dollar.
03:19:04 Nick agreed with you when he said that we need a dictator.
03:19:08 Alex Jones also comes to mind because he won't shut the **** ** about worshipping George Washington.
03:19:13 And how he talks about strong leadership when he threw Nick and.
03:19:19 Yay under the bus.
03:19:21 Well, it's.
03:19:22 It's Alex Jones is.
03:19:27 Alex Jones.
03:19:28 Obviously he's he's never going to.
03:19:33 Highlight the role that Jews have played, or that really any any group he's he's one of those.
03:19:41 I don't see race types.
03:19:42 He's a hyper individualist.
03:19:44 Whether that's an act or not.
03:19:45 I don't.
03:19:46 I don't think it is.
03:19:46 I think he's.
03:19:47 Really a libertarian?
03:19:50 And so that's how he's going to see it. Everyone's an individual. We're all individuals. It's all about individuals. Doesn't matter if 90% of this kind of individual does this or, you know, acts behaves in this way. We're still all individuals, individuals, individuals.
03:20:09 As an or John Connor as an.
03:20:12 I don't understand how America does not have a dictator, given that the president has executive orders enacted or enacted before judicial review can wage limited war and most of all, can just arbitrarily issue presidential pardons to be convicted criminals, all elements of dictatorship?
03:20:32 Yeah, like on paper, you you can do a lot, right?
03:20:35 And you know, you've had presidents like Obama do a lot.
03:20:39 Look, left wing presidents seem to be way more comfortable with using that power, and if nothing else, you'll get your way in the short term while the courts fight it out.
03:20:47 And if you've done your job and appointed the right jug.
03:20:49 Because and prosecutors, when you've had the chance that, like the the the left is always done.
03:20:55 Then most of.
03:20:56 The time you're you're you're.
03:21:00 Edicts get held up in court, and so it's it's just people like ******* Trump that don't use that power.
03:21:06 And part of that, to be fair, is that in Trump's case, you would have the permanent state, and that would include all the intelligence agencies.
03:21:18 Well the though to also be fair intelligence agencies where he didn't clean house where he should have, you'd have all these people up against you.
03:21:27 You'd have the entire permanent bureaucratic, you know, parasitic.
03:21:37 DC dwelling scumbags.
03:21:40 You'd have all those people fighting you and doing every little thing that they could to throw wrenches in in your gears and which is what they did, I think to Trump and Trump just was ill equipped to handle it.
03:21:50 He he either didn't understand it or it was was incompetent and didn't know how to.
03:21:55 Handle it.
03:21:57 To a degree that people were so baffled by his inability to handle it that that, you know, these Q Anon fantasies emerged.
03:22:08 But yeah, there's so many things he could have done and I think that people were kind of under that impression that he was going to do them.
03:22:14 You know, you have this guy that was portrayed as the, you know.
03:22:17 The fire.
03:22:18 You know, guy that.
03:22:19 And so you thought there's nothing else he'd go there and fire people.
03:22:23 He didn't do that.
03:22:24 He hired never Trumpers.
03:22:26 So anyway, it's.
03:22:30 Yeah, you're right.
03:22:30 Though, to some degree you can you can, but you can only it's only and only in so much that you will have that people will obey things, right?
03:22:41 Like you're only the leader if people will.
03:22:44 Like there's no magical Talisman like Biden isn't wearing some kind of, you know, magical charm, or he doesn't have.
03:22:52 He has nothing.
03:22:53 That's that's making him magically president and when he orders people to do things, they magically, you know, they're they.
03:22:59 They're forced to do it.
03:23:01 They're only it's just like the, you know, Bitcoin.
03:23:03 It's only worth something, cause people say it is and he's only president because people say he is.
03:23:09 And so you he has to work within that, that framework of you know, where it at a certain point.
03:23:18 People would would would cease to say he he was if he crossed certain lines.
03:23:24 But yeah, you.
03:23:25 Need you need the kind of brutal ******* president that doesn't give a **** and where people look.
03:23:31 It's it's one thing that the ruling class isn't afraid of us, right?
03:23:38 But we need to go a step further.
03:23:40 They have to be afraid of us and they have to be afraid of the guy we sent to Washington even more.
03:23:47 They they need to be ******* like, I mean, like, I might get disappeared if I if I look at them wrong.
03:23:53 Afraid like you need you need someone that's willing to go down there and just gangster like ******* put people in holes.
03:24:00 You know, talking about the death penalty, the the amount of treason.
03:24:06 That was on display in congressional hearings on national television and C-SPAN. Like that, Peter struck. ************ or even James comedy.
03:24:19 On the books, the punishment for treason is death.
03:24:23 Those people should be should have been executed.
03:24:26 And the fact that you can't do that.
03:24:29 And there's no political way to to to, you know, functionally enforce this kind of stuff means that the the Republic's dead. The republic's dead.
03:24:40 We're just, you know, we're just in the.
03:24:43 The late the late phases of it, Steve just Steve Anti White Jewish hypocrite.
03:24:54 Now let's take a look why not?
Speaker 4
03:24:55 Why not?
03:24:56 Although we're at 3 1/2 hours now.
03:24:59 We're getting.
03:24:59 We're getting to where I'm going to shut.
03:25:01 Her down pretty soon.
Speaker 25
03:25:05 Let's see here and so.
03:25:09 Also, I don't want to.
03:25:14 I've heard things.
03:25:15 I've heard things about Jesse Lee Peterson.
03:25:20 Things that.
Speaker 13
03:25:23 He might just.
03:25:25 Unsavory things.
Speaker 25
03:25:28 You said that a wall is stupid around our country's borders, right? Was this stupid for Israel to put a wall around their borders?
Speaker 2
03:25:38 I mean, if you compare Israel to to the United States, you're delusional.
03:25:43 Israel is a country under siege.
03:25:45 It is surrounded by hundreds of millions of people who want to kill everybody inside of Israel.
03:25:50 They want to invade the country and slaughter every Jew in Israel, unemployment among blacks.
Speaker 25
03:25:53 And you say you're Jewish.
03:25:56 Yeah, he was Jewish.
Speaker 2
03:25:57 The lowest I'm taking a cut.
Speaker 25
03:25:57 I thought you're supposed to love black people.
03:25:59 You're Jewish.
03:26:01 Why would you come to our country?
03:26:04 And and not care enough about our country to protect it from invasion of foreign and domestic enemies.
Speaker 2
03:26:12 Because people are not invading this.
03:26:14 Country people here are coming.
Speaker 25
03:26:14 Why didn't you stay where you came from?
Speaker 2
03:26:17 Because I love this country, yes.
Speaker 25
03:26:19 No you don't.
03:26:20 I do.
Speaker 2
03:26:21 I love you. Don't.
Speaker 25
03:26:21 No, you don't.
03:26:21 You do not love the country.
03:26:23 That's not true.
Speaker 2
03:26:24 Stand what this country is not America, America.
Speaker 25
03:26:25 You don't love this country because if you love this, if you love this country, you would be willing to put a wall around this border.
03:26:33 You don't love America.
Speaker 2
03:26:34 Like some kind of.
Speaker 25
03:26:34 I'm not surprised because you sound like a woman with sound about the wall.
03:26:39 The Bible go to God would like to know.
03:26:41 Here America remain A majority white country.
Speaker 2
03:26:48 I don't care. I'm color blind. I believe in Martin Luther King's statement. I believe in a world that is color blind. I don't care what the color.
Speaker 25
03:26:55 That's not the.
03:26:56 Alright, can't tell.
03:26:57 You anymore.
03:26:57 But yeah, we got it.
03:26:59 But I have heard some unsavory things about.
03:27:04 Now Jesse Jesse Lee Peterson.
03:27:08 I don't.
03:27:08 I haven't really confirmed them, but I've heard some things.
03:27:11 There's some things.
03:27:14 Uh, the pill dispenser.
Speaker 23
03:27:18 Oh, poor baby.
03:27:21 I'm so sorry.
03:27:23 Hey there, when I talked to my friend about Bernays, they told me that he had a grand a grandson who founded a little.
03:27:32 Kind of a little.
03:27:35 I think it means company.
03:27:37 Called the Netflix, I talked to my wife about how the state can harvest your organs for trans people.
03:27:48 She one up.
03:27:51 She went up to you.
03:27:52 I think you mean there is a discussion for using brain dead women for surrogate pregnancy.
03:27:58 No, I saw that.
03:27:59 That's absolutely what they'll they will be doing, but they're or not even surrogate pregnancies, just maybe they'll harvest the uterus of these brain dead women.
03:28:09 But yeah, that there is that. That's absolutely in the cards and and as far as the guy who founded Netflix, being Bernays's grandson, is that true?
03:28:27 I wasn't aware of that if.
03:28:27 That's true.
03:28:30 Reed Hastings, right?
03:28:37 Well, there's two guys that says Reed Hastings and then Mark Randolph.
03:28:43 Mark Randolph sounds more jewy.
03:28:48 OK.
03:28:48 His name is Mark Bernaise Randolph.
03:28:53 OK.
03:28:54 Well, yeah, there you go.
03:28:56 There you go.
03:28:57 All you Netflix addicted ******* out there.
03:29:04 That's who you're paying money to.
03:29:08 So yeah, good way to go.
03:29:10 I'll have to look at.
03:29:10 I'm sure he's he's got a lot more.
03:29:13 Let's see what else he's done just briefly here.
03:29:16 So he did Netflix after Netflix since his departure from Netflix, Randolph has served as a mentor at Midcore.
03:29:25 How's mid core?
03:29:34 Mid core.
03:29:40 What is this?
03:29:43 Middle Middlebury College.
03:29:47 OK.
03:29:48 And a board member at Looker Data Sciences.
03:29:53 Let's look or data sciences.
03:29:57 An American computer software company headquartered in Santa Cruz, CA, was acquired by Google in 2019, is now part of Google Cloud platform liquor markets, a data exploration and discovery business intelligence platform.
03:30:09 Well, that's great.
03:30:11 That's great.
03:30:12 I'd like to know more about this.
03:30:16 I'd like to know more about this.
03:30:18 It just says it's business intelligence tools, data visualization tools, big data tools.
03:30:23 That's good.
03:30:25 That's that's nice.
03:30:27 He's also an entrepreneur in residence for High Point University.
03:30:32 And is Belk Enterprise or at its Belk Enterprise Center?
03:30:35 In addition, is mentorship.
03:30:38 Mentorships he is a keynote speaker, focused entrepreneur, blah blah blah, blah blah blah. His 2019 book that will never work. The birth of Netflix and the amazing life of an idea was published.
03:30:52 By little, brown and company.
03:30:54 Yeah, I'm sure it was real hard for him to get.
03:30:57 Get a a tiny little company like Netflix.
03:30:59 I I hate it when they make that.
03:31:00 They make it.
03:31:01 Sound like?
03:31:02 Oh, just I I just, you know, we found the Google in a garage.
03:31:09 You had?
03:31:10 No, you didn't have millions of dollars come pouring in at all, right?
03:31:13 Not nothing.
03:31:13 No VC money, no CIA money at all, huh?
03:31:17 No family money.
03:31:20 Well, good, good, good cash there, Phil dispenser.
03:31:24 Guitar dude 1356. A lot of the ills of modern society began with the giving women power. Literally everything women think are everything. Wait. Literally everything women think are great now.
03:31:39 Makeup, plastic surgery, sex toys, working voting, etc.
03:31:44 Have not only made them less attractive to men, but also makes them want to be independent of men and makes them less happy.
03:31:52 Yeah, to some degree I I agree with that.
03:31:57 Fredell ocher one.
03:31:59 Hey, never my wife hears me listening to the stream sometimes.
03:32:02 And she thinks you sound like the narrator from the show.
03:32:06 How I Met your mother.
03:32:10 Well, why?
03:32:10 First of all, why does she know who that sounds?
03:32:13 I don't know who that sounds like.
03:32:14 But why?
03:32:15 Why should?
03:32:17 I would ban your wife from watching a show like that.
03:32:23 I don't know how that sound.
03:32:24 That sounds like.
03:32:25 Let me look.
03:32:32 People always say that I sound like.
03:32:35 Random people.
03:32:36 And then when I listen to what they're.
03:32:37 Talking about, I don't hear it.
03:32:40 Let me see here.
03:32:57 Where is.
03:33:01 I can't find the.
Speaker 1
03:33:02 Heat no candle.
03:33:06 I don't want to watch.
03:33:06 Here's the thing about mistakes.
03:33:06 A bunch.
03:33:08 Sometimes even.
03:33:09 OK, I guess this is it.
03:33:10 Is this the voice?
Speaker 3
03:33:11 When you know something's a mistake, you gotta make it anyway.
Speaker 28
03:33:16 Sweet damn, that's.
Speaker 33
03:33:17 A hot plate.
Speaker 21
03:33:18 Is this milk any good?
03:33:20 Well, I don't know if I sound like that guy.
03:33:22 Let me see.
03:33:23 But there's another clip somewhere.
03:33:32 Even really, really dumb mistakes.
03:33:38 I don't know.
03:33:39 Maybe we're.
03:33:40 I mean, I'm from California originally, so I probably sound like a lot of people on TV.
03:33:48 Let's see here.
03:33:51 Guitar dude 1356.
03:33:54 And who pushes feminism?
03:33:55 You guessed it, actually.
03:33:57 Maybe doing it as a stream on that wouldn't be a bad idea.
03:34:00 In other news, I just found out at my job, all of the managers buy food and snacks for the staff.
03:34:08 Except, of course the Jewish one.
03:34:10 Working with these guys is truly unbearable sometimes.
03:34:14 Well, I'll tell you what the the penny pinching.
03:34:17 Trope exists for a reason.
03:34:22 Steve, just Steve, 800 million, only 40 seconds.
03:34:29 Oh, what is this?
03:34:31 What is this we're trying to?
03:34:32 We're trying to wrap this up.
03:34:35 Got a bunch more here.
03:34:37 What is this?
03:34:44 Hang on, hang on.
Speaker 34
03:34:47 I like the.
Speaker 33
03:34:48 Swastika symbol is now embedded in his front yard.
Speaker 34
03:34:52 I like those things, man.
03:34:53 I think they look cool.
03:34:54 I like them.
03:34:55 That's a Tibetan sign.
03:34:57 It's way back before you know, swastikas was even invented.
Speaker 29
03:35:01 You know, when asked if he was Tibetan, he said I could.
Speaker 33
03:35:04 Be are you Tibetan?
03:35:06 It could be Renee Schultz is Johnson's Jewish neighbour.
03:35:10 You find it offensive, yes.
03:35:13 On behalf of 800 million Jews that died with that.
Speaker 15
03:35:17 800 million.
Speaker 33
03:35:17 Absolutely many living on this street are quite simply speechless.
Speaker 34
03:35:22 I own this House and.
03:35:23 I've been up for what?
03:35:24 The hell I want and my friend many.
03:35:26 Of you guys.
Speaker 2
03:35:26 'S business, so get.
Speaker 15
03:35:28 The hell off my property.
Speaker 33
03:35:31 Swastika symbol.
03:35:33 Oh, that's based I.
03:35:34 Guess I think.
03:35:35 I think we've played that.
03:35:36 Before though.
03:35:37 But yeah, 800 million.
03:35:40 Son of amulet.
03:35:41 I think that one of our biggest problems is the woman worship that has been pushed onto our people.
03:35:47 Propaganda targeted towards whites pushing pushes cooking to our women in a similar fashion to how the propaganda towards blacks pushes violence.
03:35:57 It is pushed often, namely through ROM Coms and country music.
03:36:01 Well, it just it, it threw everything.
03:36:05 Yeah, there's look.
03:36:09 Think of this way.
03:36:10 There's absolutely nothing.
03:36:15 That promotes white males.
03:36:16 Nothing in popular culture.
03:36:20 So it's gonna promote something, right? Like someone's gotta be the heroes in those commercials where the dad's a ******.
03:36:31 Damn Bigfoot technology difference is just as vast. Back then you could point a Flint lock pistol in a face and or I think in point or you said point and make him work his life.
03:36:45 Today there's tanks, nukes, drones.
03:36:49 Not sure what you mean by that, but OK.
03:36:53 Harmless G African children could have eaten that roof I placed over your head.
03:37:00 Oh yeah, that's that was the that was the.
03:37:03 Other thing like you're not eating.
03:37:04 Your dinner.
03:37:05 They're starving kids in Africa.
03:37:07 All right.
03:37:07 Well, then ******* send them the food poo.
03:37:10 Say stomper.
03:37:11 I want to say return.
03:37:13 This duck is not AI and is from an old Aflac insurance commercial.
03:37:19 Yeah, I think I think it is.
03:37:20 I think that it was so good find on that one.
03:37:25 I was very surprised that.
03:37:27 That would exist.
03:37:29 It's like it's almost like a glitch in the matrix.
Speaker 32
03:37:32 I want to return this duck.
03:37:38 And you know what, you know.
Speaker 13
03:37:40 Just just before we.
03:37:41 Go. Why not?
Speaker 8
03:37:42 Cash flow checkout.
Speaker 16
03:37:46 Fourth stage.
Speaker 2
03:37:50 To return this duck.
03:37:52 There we go.
Speaker 32
03:37:54 I wanna return this duck.
03:37:58 Oh, that's a glitch in the matrix, right?
03:38:00 All right, guys.
03:38:01 You guys have a wonderful evening.
03:38:03 I will be back here on Saturday and we will have a hard hitting episode of Epic proportions, so make sure you're there the same bat time, same bat channel for black pills.
03:38:20 I am of course.
Speaker 3
03:40:27 What do you like to do?
Speaker 22
03:40:29 What do I like?
03:40:29 To do, I like to watch anime.
03:40:31 I like to watch anime.
03:40:32 I like to watch Anime Anime, anime, anime.
Speaker 12
03:40:37 It it animated?
03:40:41 It's like.
Speaker 6
03:40:48 You did you download it?
03:40:49 Damn right.
Speaker 8
03:40:50 Is this is?
Speaker 20
03:40:51 It in Japanese or.
Speaker 22
03:40:52 It is in Japanese and then they subtitle it.
03:40:59 I like to watch anime.
Speaker 12
03:41:02 It's animated and it's like.
Speaker 22
03:41:10 I want to watch anime you download.
03:41:15 It's not as childish as cartoons.
03:41:19 I like to watch anime.
03:41:21 I like to watch anime.
03:41:23 I like to watch anime.
03:41:25 I like to watch anime.
Speaker 20
03:41:27 Yeah, I don't know.
Speaker 21
03:41:28 What it is?
03:41:28 I mean, I think it's an end.
03:41:30 Of it, OK.