10/28/2021Speaker 1
00:08:02 Take place for pets and follow this world, and the memories shall fall.00:02:32 Everybody to know, see.
00:02:36 For no reason the trouble don't fall for the trials today.
Speaker 2
00:03:12 Your friends are.00:03:28 Such kids swim.
Speaker 3
00:03:29 Through my hands was still full which ever exposed.Speaker 1
00:03:35 The spaces between.Speaker 2
00:04:01 You'll break your back, right?00:04:05 You suck your finger.
00:04:15 You'll break your back.
00:05:29 Yes, Sir.
00:05:32 The stuff.Speaker 5
00:06:26 I am waiting at the counter for the man to pour the coffee and he filled it only halfway and before I even argue he is looking out the window at somebody coming in.00:06:46 It is always nice to see you, says the man behind the counter, who the woman who has come and she is shaking her umbrella and all the way as they are kissing their hellos.
00:07:04 And I'm pretending not to see them, and instead I.
00:07:19 I opened the paper.
00:07:21 There's a story of actor who had died while he was drinking.
00:07:26 Was no one I had heard of.
00:07:30 To the horoscope.
00:07:33 When I'm feeling someone watching me.
00:07:36 And so.
00:07:37 I raised my head.
00:08:00 There's a.
00:08:01 Then on the outside looking inside there she see me.
00:08:05 No, she does not see me because she sees her own reflection and I'm.
00:08:11 Notice that she's getting up her skirt and while she's spreading.
00:08:16 Her stockings.
00:08:17 Her hair has set and wet.
00:08:34 This rain will continue.
00:08:36 Through the morning, as I'm listening.
00:08:39 Through the bells of the cathedral.
00:08:46 And thinking of your voice.
00:09:33 Hello and welcome to wacky Wednesday.00:09:39 It's wacky haha.
00:09:44 I'm your host wacky.
00:09:49 It's insane.
00:09:53 Beyond that, I don't really have anything wacky.
Speaker 8
00:09:54 You know what?Devon
00:09:57 Every time I hear that prong song, it reminds me of when I was when I.00:10:03 Was a young boy.
00:10:05 It was many years ago, so many years ago I was listening to it on the radio, on a radio that had a.
00:10:13 Cassette deck on it.
00:10:15 But like it was like.
00:10:15 A Walkman.
00:10:17 And I was very ****** ***.
00:10:19 I was forced to mow the backyard.
00:10:24 And my sisters were supposed to pick up all their ****, like their my little ponies and barbies and ****.
00:10:34 And they didn't do it.
00:10:35 And and I just decided I just gotta run that **** right the **** over with the lawn mower and.
00:10:42 And so I did.
Speaker 8
00:10:44 And and so as as I'm just.Devon
00:10:48 Driving over well.00:10:50 It was a push.
00:10:51 Yeah, it's on push it.
00:10:52 Wasn't like a ride on my we.
00:10:53 Weren't that fancy, but as I was just pushing this mower over, it was it was like a little plastic Holocaust.
00:11:02 Yeah, just just.
00:11:04 My Little Pony heads and and Barbie arms and legs and just.
00:11:11 Little bits of Strawberry Shortcake toys, just.
00:11:16 Everywhere, right?
00:11:18 As I was listening to that song on the radio and and kind of laughing my *** off and tell.
00:11:28 And I don't know what it was.
00:11:29 I don't know if.
00:11:30 It was a.
Speaker 9
00:11:32 A My Little Pony hoof.Devon
00:11:34 Or a Barbie *** or what?00:11:36 But something.
00:11:41 Launched from underneath the lawnmower.
00:11:45 Into the sliding glass door.
00:11:49 Shattering it.
00:11:52 And then my laughter came to an end.
00:11:56 For my parents were.
00:11:57 Very upset anyway, that that's what I.
00:12:02 That's what I think about every time I hear that song now.
00:12:07 Is just laughing like a maniac while I'm running over my sister's toys and the lawn mower, and then hearing the the pop shatter sound and looking in horror.
00:12:21 As bits of glass fell from the sliding glass door.
00:12:27 Frame so yes anyway.
00:12:33 Ah, it's been a weird week all.
Speaker 8
00:12:37 My stuff so all this.Devon
00:12:37 Combobulator that's part of why it's wacky Wednesday.00:12:41 My desk is I'm trying to reorganize things I had just there was kind of stuff just all over the place.
00:12:48 And you know I.
00:12:49 Usually I usually go with like.
00:12:51 I usually have kind of a Feng shui in of things there's usually like.
00:12:53 A organization to things.
00:12:57 You know, especially when I used to.
00:12:59 Do more designing work when that was most of what I was.
00:13:01 Doing I found that I was a lot more effective.
00:13:06 When I was in a a minimalist environment, you know I.
Speaker 8
00:13:11 In other words.Devon
00:13:13 I like everything you know.00:13:16 Yeah, just very simple.
00:13:19 And not too many colors.
00:13:20 Not because that would influence my designs and stuff like that.
00:13:24 Well, things start to get a little cluttery here in the in the pill box over the the summer.
00:13:30 And so I've been trying to get everything back to a more streamlined.
00:13:34 Less crazy person looking desk so anyway, so I've been doing that among other things today the the weather has not been behaving that well.
00:13:46 It has been nice and warm and stuff.
00:13:49 It's been very windy, very windy.
00:13:51 Windy, very windy and sand, stormy and all that fun stuff.
00:13:55 So anyway, so let's.
00:13:56 See what's been going on this week.
00:14:00 Had some people send me some stuff and.
00:14:04 And justice, a few other things that have caught my eye.
00:14:08 As I've perused through, you know, one thing I'll tell you one thing that a lot of people are.
00:14:15 I don't know why this is.
00:14:17 I don't know why.
Speaker 10
00:14:19 See, here's the thing.Devon
00:14:21 I notice that a lot of people will watch.00:14:28 Talk a big game, right?
00:14:29 Like remember Trey Gowdy was was now he was like King of talking.
00:14:33 A big game.
00:14:35 And Ted Cruz, you know, he still talks a.
00:14:37 Big game.
00:14:39 And people get excited, you know, Garland the, the, the white hating Jewish Attorney general that works for Biden, the one that from that clip talking about how white supremacy is the the number one threat to Americans and and that's going to be the the number one.
00:14:59 Target of the FBI and and all this fun stuff.
00:15:02 So yeah, that wasn't a big deal, right, like.
00:15:05 The first of all.
Speaker 8
00:15:06 The Senators, no one cared when he was saying that right?Devon
00:15:11 Like all the senators, like, that's we can get behind that the the senators that that are responsible for him being there in the 1st place, right because they had to approve approve him getting the job.Speaker 8
00:15:24 And uh, yeah, no, no big deal there.Devon
00:15:28 But then as soon as he, he starts going after the the uh Maga parents.00:15:35 That don't want the, I mean.
00:15:38 It's I guess, a variety of things, right.
00:15:40 They don't want the critical race theory stuff taught in their schools.
00:15:44 They don't want.
00:15:46 You know the vaccine mandate type stuff, right?
00:15:50 And so they're actually showing up to the school board meetings, which I think is.
00:15:55 Honestly, just, you know, just honest.
00:15:56 I think it's a big waste of time.
00:15:58 I think you should be homeschooling your kids, and in fact, I think public school, quite frankly, it's just it's just a a means.
00:16:10 It's it's just a.
00:16:11 It's a way of facilitating both parents working.
00:16:15 That's really what it is.
00:16:16 It's it's let's try to train your children to work in the factories when their hands are big enough.
Speaker 9
00:16:22 And and meanwhile we'll.Speaker 4
00:16:24 We'll keep them so you can go.00:16:25 Your mom, you know.
00:16:26 Your mom can go to work and work in the factories.Speaker 8
00:16:29 So I don't think you.Devon
00:16:30 Should be sending your kid to.00:16:32 Public schools, anyway.
00:16:33 And that's just like the beginning of it now.
00:16:35 We're up to a a degree of just bodily harm.
00:16:38 That's that's possible.
00:16:40 I mean the.
00:16:41 The risk that your your white kids are are are under just by showing up and being white.
00:16:50 At a school in the current.
00:16:51 Climate that that's that already is bad.
00:16:54 And you know and say, say goodbye to any.
00:16:58 Kind of.
00:16:58 Here's the thing people say.
00:16:59 Well, if you're good enough parent, you can send your kid to public school and they won't be able to brainwash them.
00:17:05 They won't be able to brainwash them if you're good if you're a ****** parent.
00:17:09 If you're if you're teach dude.
00:17:12 If you're around your kid.
00:17:16 Significantly less.
00:17:19 Than the government agents.
00:17:22 Who are trained specifically?
00:17:26 In the arts of brainwashing your children.
00:17:31 With decades of experience.
Speaker 8
00:17:36 With decades of.Devon
00:17:40 Of developing new tactics.00:17:43 With the support.
00:17:45 Of the entire state and federal government.
00:17:52 But you're such a great parent, right?
00:17:54 You're such a great ******* parent.
00:17:57 You can go to work 8 hours a day, 10 if you count the commute.
00:18:03 Couple more if you count all the whatever social ******** you decided to do and you know, let's not forget.
00:18:09 The shopping you got to.
Speaker 4
00:18:10 Do I mean how much?00:18:12 Time exactly.
00:18:14 Are you spending around your kid every day?00:18:19 It's not as much time as these guys are.
00:18:23 But, but you magically.
00:18:26 You're the one that's going to be instilling the values into your children, really.
00:18:35 You're you're you're willing to roll those dice, huh?
00:18:39 You're willing to?
00:18:40 You know, making PowerPoints in a cubicle.
00:18:43 It's that important to you, is it?
Speaker 6
00:18:48 Alright. Oh anyway, so.Speaker 8
00:19:01 So these parents that are.Devon
00:19:04 Oh my God.00:19:06 They're poisoning the minds of our that.
00:19:09 This isn't supposed to happen.
Speaker 8
00:19:15 So they show up to the school board.Devon
00:19:17 Meetings and they complain and you.00:19:19 Know all this good.
Speaker 6
00:19:20 Stuff and the FBI.Devon
00:19:25 The FBI says.Speaker 11
00:19:28 You know the well the, the, the.Devon
00:19:30 Attorney General Rather, who is who is overseas?00:19:34 The law enforcement at the federal level.
00:19:38 Sends out a memo saying hey.
Speaker 11
00:19:42 You know these, you know not.Speaker 8
00:19:43 Only are the white supremacists.Devon
00:19:47 Not only are they terrorists like we've been telling, you know, we we're going to be creating all these agencies within agencies to try to root out.00:19:57 The white supremacists, we're going to.
00:20:00 All of the agencies of these of the dangerous white supremacists that that pose a threat.
00:20:08 To our to the number one threat.
00:20:14 Two hour our country.
00:20:18 But we also have to worry about these ******* parents.
00:20:23 Who are who?
00:20:23 Just by coincidence.
Speaker 6
00:20:26 Happen to be.Devon
00:20:27 White 99% of the time, but we got to get rid of these ******* parents.Speaker 8
00:20:33 And we've got to think of ways.Devon
00:20:35 That we can prosecute them to.00:20:39 And we don't give a **** like a lot.
00:20:41 Of guys many of you have seen the video.
00:20:43 Right of the.
00:20:45 I wish I had.
00:20:45 I don't.
00:20:46 I don't have it here.
00:20:46 I don't have it ready.
Speaker 9
00:20:48 But the the.Speaker 8
00:20:49 Video of the the dad that got.Devon
00:20:51 Tackled in that school board meeting.00:20:52 You know, what was it like almost a month ago now?
00:20:54 It's been a few weeks.
Speaker 8
00:20:57 Because his daughter.00:20:59 His daughter.
00:21:02 Was raped by a a guy.00:21:05 Who put a skirt?
00:21:06 On and said he was a chick.
00:21:09 In the girls bathroom.
00:21:14 And then.
00:21:17 This guy that put on a skirt.
Speaker 8
00:21:20 Went into at the girl.Devon
00:21:21 'S bathroom and raped a girl.00:21:24 They don't expel him, no.
Speaker 9
00:21:26 Well, we have to investigate this further.Devon
00:21:29 So they send them to another school.00:21:31 Where he raped another girl.
00:21:37 Yeah. You wanna roll those dice, huh? Making those PowerPoints?
00:21:42 Gotta make those ******* PowerPoints.
00:21:47 I mean if if just imagine, I mean if you had to stay home and raise your children.
00:21:55 You couldn't stand around the the the ******* water cooler.
00:22:00 And talk about last night's episode of Gay Lobster.
00:22:08 Fishermen or whatever the ****.
Speaker 4
00:22:10 Netflix is pushing on on to you now.Devon
00:22:14 I mean, you know.00:22:15 You couldn't do that if.
00:22:16 You were at home raising your kids, teaching them.
Speaker 4
00:22:21 Math. I mean math.Devon
00:22:23 I you only like math if it's.00:22:24 If it's going into in an Excel spreadsheet for some meaningless project that your boss wants.
00:22:34 So that guy that guy goes to a.
00:22:37 Whose daughter got raped?
00:22:39 By a a ******?
00:22:40 Who then?
00:22:41 Went and raped someone else.
00:22:43 Probably still isn't expelled, right?
00:22:45 Still like they're investigating, he goes to the school board to complain.
00:22:51 Ends up getting ejected and I I don't know.
00:22:53 It was like every a.
00:22:54 Lot of you guys saw the video.
Speaker 9
00:22:57 And I guess after that.Devon
00:22:58 Video. That's what, that's what.00:23:00 Triggered. That's what triggered a.
00:23:03 Uh anti white Garland into action.
00:23:08 And he sent out this memo.
Speaker 9
00:23:10 Well, now we've got all of.Devon
00:23:12 These, you know, tough talking conservative Republicans.00:23:18 Grilling him?
00:23:21 Grilling him in the same way that people like Ted Cruz and.
00:23:29 What's his nuts?
00:23:30 I just said his name.
00:23:31 I've already forgot him because he's that that's that's how important he is in the big picture.
00:23:38 Just like they were grilling Comey.
00:23:43 Just like they were grilling.
00:23:46 Well, I mean kind of a little bit some of the social media guys you know, remember when when Jack had to go before Congress and Ted Cruz got to say some, some little fancy one liners that could go viral or whatever.
00:24:03 And and whatever happens.
00:24:10 Has anything ever happened?
Speaker 8
00:24:15 You see, here's the thing, a lot of.Devon
00:24:16 Times. It's easy to look.00:24:18 Back at like the.
00:24:21 The Conservatives in the 80s.
00:24:23 And the Conservatives in the 90s and the Conservatives in the 2000s and just say, what the ****, guys?
00:24:31 Like, why?
00:24:31 Why didn't you?
00:24:33 What the ****?
00:24:36 Why didn't you stop this?
00:24:42 And it's because the same pressure valves.
00:24:47 Were at work back then.
00:24:49 In fact, they were.
00:24:49 Just way more effective.
00:24:51 Because there wasn't the Internet.
00:24:54 And so really the mainstream media could be in on.
00:24:58 On the.
00:25:00 The pressure release valve business.
00:25:06 But you had people like Rush Limbaugh.
00:25:10 You have people that that would.
00:25:12 Say the right things.
00:25:16 You know that would call the leftist communists.
00:25:25 Stick up for the uh.
00:25:27 The right wing people that the the mainstream media were were raking over the coals.
00:25:32 But just like now.
00:25:37 Nothing ever happens.
00:25:41 Nothing ever happens.
00:25:46 But the Conservatives, they don't need something.
00:25:48 To happen I've realized this.
Speaker 8
00:25:54 They're just as happy to go.Devon
00:25:55 Down with the sinking ship.00:26:01 As long as they can say stuff like let's.
00:26:03 Go, Brandon, on the way down.
00:26:06 Or Epstein didn't kill himself on the way down.
00:26:15 You don't think that there were there?
00:26:16 I mean, there weren't the equivalents.
00:26:19 To that during the.
00:26:22 The Clinton administration.
00:26:25 People joking about how they they literally murdered a guy.
00:26:30 Everyone knew that they.
00:26:31 Murdered a guy.
Speaker 6
00:26:34 Like everyone knew.Devon
00:26:36 Everyone knew that the Clintons murdered a guy as much as they know now.Speaker 12
00:26:43 That Epstein didn't kill himself.Devon
00:26:54 But what are they going to do?00:26:59 They don't care.
00:27:01 Look, it's look at look.
Speaker 8
00:27:02 At the IT keeps it it it.Devon
00:27:04 Goes on and on. Everyone knew Obama's birth certificate.00:27:09 Not being released was weird.
00:27:13 Everyone that was weird.
Speaker 4
00:27:16 Everyone knew.Devon
00:27:24 Nothing ever happened.00:27:31 Everyone knows that the presidential election was stolen.
00:27:39 Nothing. Nothing. Nothing's being done.
00:27:52 So when you see these clips.
Speaker 8
00:27:59 You know, on one hand, it's kind of.Devon
00:28:01 Like like you want to like it.00:28:11 You want to like it?
Speaker 9
00:28:13 You know, I I well.Devon
00:28:15 Here I want to play part of this.00:28:16 Clip and I'm.
00:28:17 Going to tell you what it reminds me of.
00:28:20 I'm going to tell you what it reminds me of.
00:28:23 So here's the here's one.
00:28:25 Of the clips in question.
00:28:30 Let me go.Speaker 12
00:28:30 To this one of my monitors isn't hooked up, so things are a little wonky about how I got to play video, so hopefully this works.00:28:43 Let's see here.
00:28:44 Now we are.
00:28:49 Yeah, this is it, I think.
Speaker 13
00:28:51 Ah, OK.Devon
00:28:56 OK. So again.00:28:58 You see clips like this.
00:29:01 And you and you want to.
00:29:02 Be like.
00:29:02 You tell him man based.
Speaker 14
00:29:06 Prosecutors do but, but parents don't.00:29:09 General Garland, do you?
00:29:09 Do you think that a parent who looks at the 13 different federal crimes that your Justice Department has identified, they might be subject to and prosecuted for, like making annoying phone calls?
00:29:22 Do you think that they're going to feel that they're welcome to speak up at a school board meeting?
00:29:25 How about this one?
00:29:26 They could be prosecuted for using the Internet.
00:29:29 I guess that would be Facebook in a way that might cause emotional distress to a victim.
00:29:33 Is that a is that?
00:29:34 A crime of violence, senator?
Speaker 13
00:29:35 I haven't seen the memo.00:29:37 That you're about and I don't.
Speaker 14
00:29:37 Why haven't you?Speaker 13
00:29:40 Even from the description, it doesn't sound like it.00:29:42 Was addressed to parents.
00:29:43 But if you.
Speaker 14
00:29:44 No, it wasn't addressed to parents.00:29:45 It was addressed to prosecutors.
00:29:46 That's the problem.
00:29:47 Why haven't you seen the memo?
Speaker 13
00:29:49 I don't know why I haven't.00:29:51 I don't look at every I have.
00:29:52 I do not get every memo that every US attorney sends out, but if you're.
Speaker 14
00:29:57 Wait a minute.00:29:58 Don't don't I I just want to be sure I understand this.
00:30:00 This this is a memorandum that collects 13 different federal crimes.
00:30:04 Parents could be charged with it has United States Department of Justice.
00:30:10 On the top of it, and you're telling me you haven't seen it?
Speaker 13
00:30:13 Who's the member from Senator?Speaker 14
00:30:14 The United States Department of Justice, United States Attorney for the District of Montana.Speaker 13
00:30:18 I have not seen a memo from the district of Montana I.Speaker 14
00:30:21 Not high enough priority for you?Speaker 13
00:30:23 That's not the question I don't.Speaker 14
00:30:25 It is the question answer my question, is it not a high enough priority for you when you're threatening parents with 13 different federal crimes?00:30:33 These aren't crimes of violence.
00:30:34 You've testified today.
00:30:36 You're focused on violence.
00:30:37 That's not what your US attorneys they work for you.
00:30:40 That's not what they're saying.
00:30:41 You haven't seen it because it's not a high enough priority.
Speaker 15
00:30:44 For what?Speaker 13
00:30:44 Question of priority no one has sent me that memo, so I haven't.00:30:47 Seen it.
Speaker 14
00:30:47 What do you mean?00:30:48 No one has sent you the money.
00:30:49 You run the United States Department of Justice, do you not?
Speaker 13
00:30:52 Or 115,000 employees of the Department of Justice.Speaker 14
00:30:57 And you are in charge of everyone of them.Speaker 13
00:30:58 I do not.Speaker 14
00:30:59 And this is what's a sufficiently important case that you issued a memo you over your signature, issued a memo involving the FBI and the Department of Justice in local school boards, local school districts.00:31:12 Your US attorneys are now threatening prosecution with 13 different crimes.
00:31:16 But it's not a high enough priority for you.
00:31:18 We got lost.
00:31:19 In the mix.
00:31:22 So you see this stuff and you want to be like, yeah, **** yeah.00:31:25 You tell that ******* ***** what's up.
00:31:32 You tell him.
Speaker 6
00:31:35 But it's.Devon
00:31:37 It's toothless.00:31:39 He doesn't lose his job.
00:31:41 Nothing happens.
00:31:43 Like literally nothing will happen.
00:31:46 No policy changes.
00:31:49 No one gets fired.
00:31:53 Remember, the FBI was was literally committing treason just a couple of years ago.
00:31:58 And Christopher Wray, who Trump hired, said that their their answer to to all the treason going on in the FBI was was training.
Speaker 6
00:32:12 No, we don't.Speaker 8
00:32:12 Have enough training.Devon
00:32:15 We need more training to stop all the treason in the.Speaker 4
00:32:18 That's just.00:32:18 That's it, that's.
00:32:19 Just it's a training issue.00:32:23 And then then it.
Speaker 4
00:32:24 Just went away and then just came just and.Speaker 8
00:32:27 That's it, that's all.Devon
00:32:30 I don't even think.00:32:31 The train anything will happen here.
00:32:34 But anyway, what this reminded me of when I see this.
00:32:36 Stuff and I see people getting excited about stuff.
00:32:41 Stuff like this or people like.
00:32:44 Like I said, the the guy was like I spaced the name on his Trey Gowdy, you know, Trey Gowdy would.
00:32:49 He would go on Fox News or.
Speaker 8
00:32:52 Or he would do something very similar to this.Devon
00:32:55 Put on a good performance.00:32:58 You know, Rick, call me over the coals and ohh call me.
00:33:00 What kind of what?
00:33:01 What crazy FBI.
00:33:02 You guys running over there, everyone's committing treason and ****.
00:33:09 You know the same thing with like.
00:33:11 You know, when they talk to McCabe and everybody else and just, you know, nothing happens.
00:33:15 No, no one gets in trouble.
00:33:18 They get, they get a nice little tongue lashing on TV.
Speaker 8
00:33:22 But that's more.Devon
00:33:23 That's honestly that's just more for it's a a reelection campaign ad for this guy.00:33:28 That's really what it boils down to, right?
00:33:32 And I was.
00:33:33 So I was thinking about this and thinking about how like this.
00:33:35 Kind of thing happens.
00:33:37 And has been happening.
Speaker 4
00:33:39 For such a long time.Devon
00:33:42 And literally, there's there's no advancements on the right.00:33:48 It's not just the culture war.
00:33:50 It's not just because they're like as.
00:33:53 I've said before, it's not a culture war, it's a culture rape.
00:33:57 Because if it.
00:33:57 Was a culture war we'd be making.
00:34:00 Gains they'd be making gains.
00:34:03 You know, it'd be a war.
Speaker 10
00:34:03 It'd be like there'd.Devon
00:34:04 Be battles here and someone wins.00:34:06 This battle and.
00:34:07 No, it's just it's one way and we lose every single.
00:34:10 One, it's a rape.
00:34:14 Yeah, this was one of the old video games I used to play.
00:34:17 We were basically getting spawn spawn camped in base, raped.
Speaker 10
00:34:22 For decades.Devon
00:34:24 Like every time we spawn, we're just getting shot in the ******* face.00:34:28 They're stealing all of our vehicles.
Speaker 8
00:34:32 That's it.00:34:33 That that's.
00:34:34 That's what it's like.
00:34:36 Being politically on the right for the last.00:34:38 Several decades.
00:34:40 You spawn and get shot in the face.
00:34:42 And then someone tea bags you.
00:34:46 That's it.
00:34:48 That that's a culture war.
00:34:53 I don't. That's a war.
00:34:54 That's that's definitely not a war.
Speaker 9
00:35:03 But it's not just the culture rape.Speaker 8
00:35:06 It's the political rape.Devon
00:35:15 These so-called right wing.00:35:18 Ruling class people like this guy.
00:35:23 They're not locking up their their the opposition, they're not locking up people that are committing literal treason.
00:35:28 I'm not saying in this case they have.
00:35:31 They have the ability to do something.
00:35:32 Like that but like.
00:35:33 Look, the whole Trump administration, right, if, if anything.
00:35:37 You can see what you want.
00:35:38 About Trump, but.
00:35:40 That whole cluster **** revealed that exactly how or or at least a a fraction.
00:35:45 Of how bad it is.
Speaker 8
00:35:47 And how many of those people belong in prison and honestly?00:35:52 I mean, that's not.
00:35:53 That's not the punishment for treason.Speaker 8
00:35:56 So some of these people, more than prison, right?Devon
00:36:03 Never happen.00:36:04 It will never happen.
00:36:06 And the people are perfectly OK.
Speaker 9
00:36:11 As long as.Devon
00:36:11 They get the chant.00:36:12 Let's go, Brandon.
00:36:17 As long as I can say Epstein didn't.
Speaker 12
00:36:19 Kill himself.Devon
00:36:24 As long as I can say.00:36:27 9/11 was an inside job.
00:36:33 As long as I can say Bush lied, people died.
00:36:43 Then everything's cool.
00:36:46 As long as I can say that Obama.
00:36:50 And The thing is, the right always does this.
00:36:51 Too the right will will concoct.
00:36:54 These alternate versions of reality.
00:36:58 To convince themselves like Q is your like, that's just like that's that's the that's how extreme.
00:37:05 That's how off the rails.
00:37:08 It's become.
00:37:10 But some version of queue.
Speaker 8
00:37:13 Has been at play on the right wing.Devon
00:37:17 Pretty much my entire life.Speaker 16
00:37:19 Now again.Devon
00:37:21 Q kind of jumped the shark, right?00:37:25 But during the entire Obama administration and.
Speaker 4
00:37:28 And I mean.00:37:28 All eight, all eight years.
00:37:33 You had people.00:37:33 Like Larry Sinclair that came out and said they had not, you know I'd.
00:37:36 I'd sucked Obama's.
00:37:38 ****, he's gay.
00:37:38 You know, he's he's a he.
00:37:40 Did crack with me.
00:37:43 There's all those gay church members, members of his his Reverend Wright's church that he went to that were allegedly in homosexual relationships, all who got execution style, murdered in their like living rooms.
00:38:03 During the primary never solved.
00:38:09 You know there.
00:38:09 Was I did a whole video on the.
00:38:11 Birth certificate mess, right?
00:38:14 Loretta fuddy.
Speaker 4
00:38:16 Mysteriously, the only one that dies.00:38:19 In that plane crash.
00:38:23 While Obama just happens to be in town, you know not that he physically did it, but you know.00:38:32 And for all eight of those years.
Speaker 8
00:38:35 As these things would come up.Devon
00:38:39 There are all these fantasyland pretty all you know well, he's not really the president.00:38:44 Sound familiar?
00:38:45 He's not really the president.
Speaker 8
00:38:50 As soon as we, you know, as soon as we can sort.Devon
00:38:53 All this out.00:38:55 Then we can just.
00:38:55 Nullify Obamacare and everything that Obama did.
00:39:03 We'll just not, we'll just wipe it all out because he wasn't really the president.
00:39:09 It was just it was unconstitutional.
00:39:11 He wasn't, you know, a natural born citizen.
00:39:17 You know, we'll just what?
00:39:20 All this, this murder stuff, and that clearly happened, you know, just.
Speaker 8
00:39:27 Who cares about that?00:39:28 But the the you know birth certificate?
00:39:29 Yeah, that's enough.
00:39:31 And so we'll just rewind it and it'll be like he was never people believed that.00:39:35 For eight years.
Speaker 8
00:39:40 They really believe it.00:39:47 Now they of course.
00:39:47 They didn't believe in some guy.00:39:49 Named Q that was.
Speaker 12
00:39:51 Going to swoop?Devon
00:39:52 Down wearing a Cape and and ******* do it all for them but.00:39:56 I I don't know why they didn't.
00:39:57 I mean because it was just as honestly and it's just as realistic that that was going to happen.
00:40:14 Look at in the 9/11.
00:40:16 People, that same thing they thought.
00:40:17 Oh yeah, we're we're going to find that.
00:40:20 We're going to find that one piece of evidence.
Speaker 8
00:40:25 We're going to.Devon
00:40:26 Find that one piece of compelling evidence.00:40:32 You know the the architects and engineers or whatever they're going to finish their study or something's going to happen.
00:40:40 We'll have that.
00:40:41 You know that silver bullet.
Speaker 9
00:40:46 And we'll show that to the world.Devon
00:40:51 Excuse me.00:40:53 And then magically.
00:40:59 The whole world will know it was an inside job.
00:41:05 And they'll storm the castle and.
00:41:12 Arrest all the the bad.
Speaker 10
00:41:14 People I don't know, right?Devon
00:41:18 I mean, it was really just, it was just another.00:41:21 It was cute.
00:41:25 It it didn't sound as ridiculous.
00:41:31 Because there was still this idea.
00:41:36 That there was some there, you know, there was some.
Speaker 12
00:41:38 Kind of justice, right?Devon
00:41:42 But as the crimes got crazier and.00:41:45 Crazier and more in your face.
00:41:52 I guess the the delusion that something was going to be done about it got crazier and crazier.
Speaker 12
00:41:57 And mourn your face.Devon
00:42:03 You know what this reminded me of?00:42:06 Was I was watching.
Speaker 8
00:42:08 I've been revisiting the idea.Devon
00:42:11 Of the the day of the rope movie thing, right?00:42:14 And so I was kind of going through some found footage.
00:42:19 Movies that were a little more obscure, a little more low budget.
00:42:24 To try to get some ideas in terms of things that would be easier to to crowd source so that I wouldn't need as much direction, but it would still look good.
00:42:34 Like, you know, some kind of technique or method that you could use that would.
00:42:39 They would pull it off, so I was.
00:42:41 I was.
00:42:41 I was looking at some lower budget ones and there was this one movie that a Romanian guy did.
00:42:50 That I didn't like.
00:42:52 I'm going in.
00:42:53 In fact, I guess what I did learn from it was.
00:42:57 I mean, it wasn't like it wasn't like the worst thing ever, and it was actually better than a lot of the other ones I watched.
00:43:03 But the only reason why it even I think made it to film festivals and and did anything or that you've even that I even heard.
00:43:12 Of it was that the performance?
00:43:17 Was was very convincing, in fact, that seems to be.
00:43:20 Like, I mean it's no, I mean that's it shouldn't be like a big revelation, right, that you if you have bad acting, you don't have *******, no one wants to watch that like the only time people tolerate bad acting is when there's **** happening.
00:43:36 At the same time.
00:43:38 So you know that that's the one thing that you could tell that really separated was, you know, the the ones that it didn't matter how bad the production was, as long as the acting.
Speaker 12
00:43:48 Was good enough.Devon
00:43:50 But anyway, there was this.00:43:52 This film called be my cat.
00:43:56 A movie for Anne.
00:43:59 And it's a movie about this.
00:44:01 It's made by this Romanian guy, literally just it was just him and a camera.
00:44:08 And he made this movie with a handful of actors.
00:44:11 And it's about this guy who's obsessed with Anne Hathaway.
00:44:17 And he wants to make a movie to convince her to, uh, let him direct her in a film.
00:44:27 And it's a horror film, right?
00:44:28 So he's like this obsessed, crazy person.
00:44:32 And he ends up like killing the actresses and just and has and is oblivious to, like, and thinks that this is like him shooting video of this and saying to Anne Hathaway is going to convince her to want.
00:44:45 To work with them.
Speaker 8
00:44:49 And at the end of the movie.Devon
00:44:52 He has murdered one of the actresses.00:44:58 And another actress comes into the room and realizes, oh ****.
00:45:03 This isn't like a horror film like he's really killing people.
00:45:09 And she starts to.
00:45:12 In order to prolong her survival.
00:45:15 Because she realizes he's delusional.
Speaker 8
00:45:21 She begins to.Devon
00:45:22 Play into his delusion in order to stay alive.00:45:30 In the hopes that.
00:45:32 That by acting as if his his insanity.
00:45:37 Is totally normal.
00:45:42 That he won't want to kill her.
00:45:46 I wonder if it's.
00:45:47 Worth while I don't know how long.
Speaker 12
00:45:48 That scene is.Devon
00:45:51 Let me see if I.Speaker 12
00:45:52 If I can find it here real quick.Speaker 17
00:45:56 UM.Speaker 12
00:46:00 I don't think it's terribly long.00:46:01 Let me see.
Speaker 18
00:46:07 Here we are.Speaker 12
00:46:20 He's going to play, maybe.Devon
00:46:24 It's our hard drive.00:46:24 It's got to wake up.
00:46:28 There we go.
Speaker 12
00:46:29 All right, this is going to work alright.00:46:31 So let me shrink this down.
00:46:36 Pop the disclaimer up here.
00:46:46 Alright so.00:46:51 This is the crazy guy.
00:46:56 And again, the guy, I mean, you know, the guy who directed it, he directed it, shot it, acted as the main character.
00:47:04 He he he does a really good crazy guy.
Speaker 19
00:47:06 From the first floor.00:47:10 OK.
00:47:11 So just there's no one here.
00:47:13 Just and she's dead, OK.
00:47:22 OK.
00:47:23 So anyway, the actress comes in, she sees.00:47:27 What he's done.
00:47:29 And she freaks out.
00:47:34 And then you can see her slowly go from being.
00:47:38 I'm really freaked out by this.
00:47:40 Please don't hurt me to buying into his delusion.
Speaker 19
00:47:45 To raise you.00:48:07 Just in English.
Speaker 21
00:48:09 You're psychopath.Speaker 19
00:48:11 How your family psychopath. OK.00:48:16 Just want feeling you.
00:48:20 What should I do with you now?
00:48:26 Going to I'm going to.
00:48:31 Don't talk right now.
00:48:33 Now I'm thinking OK, while I'm thinking you do not talk.
00:48:41 Now this is.00:48:41 Honestly, like this process that you see here.
00:48:44 Go through.
00:48:46 Is honestly, I think the process that these people who end up just chanting.
00:48:51 You know.
00:48:53 Epstein didn't kill himself and ha ha ha, whatever.
00:48:56 Or, you know, trust the plan.
00:48:58 That's kind of how I I feel like this is how.
00:49:00 That process goes.
00:49:02 Like I think one day.
Speaker 4
00:49:05 The illusion.Devon
00:49:08 Kind of snaps, right?00:49:09 Like something happens.
00:49:11 Whether it's a news story or.
00:49:13 Something like one day you go from being a normy doing your.
00:49:18 Normal everyday life.
00:49:22 And something changes.
00:49:23 You go down a rabbit hole.
00:49:26 And your first response is her response here.
00:49:30 Oh my God.
Speaker 12
00:49:32 You're a psychopath.Devon
00:49:36 You don't care about my best interests.Speaker 4
00:49:41 You want to hurt me?Devon
00:49:47 I'm trapped.00:49:47 I'm cornered like an animal.
Speaker 19
00:49:52 I'm going to get closer.00:49:54 To you because I like.
00:49:55 I'm not going to catch.
00:49:56 You right now.
00:50:03 OK.
00:50:06 I just want.
00:50:06 To speak with you, that's all OK.
00:50:09 OK.
00:50:10 OK, OK.
00:50:12 I'm ready.
Speaker 21
00:50:13 OK.Speaker 19
00:50:15 No, I'm ready.00:50:15 I'm ready to catch.
00:50:16 You in case you do.
00:50:17 You do.
00:50:17 You're doing something, OK?
00:50:20 I'm ready to cut your throat.
00:50:22 OK, go and take the trip and bring it to me.
00:50:26 Just, just, just, just, just.
00:50:28 Don't don't make a lot of noise, OK?
Speaker 8
00:50:31 But in order to.Speaker 19
00:50:32 Convince them to play in my movie.00:50:37 I need to I needed to to make.
00:50:41 To film some scenes from the movie My cat with other actresses.
00:50:48 I write about.
00:50:50 Making a movie with you.
00:50:53 So this is her going down the rabbit hole.00:50:57 She goes from the the initial shock of Oh my God, they're psychopaths to understanding.
00:51:04 Their psychopathic plans.
00:51:08 All the while.
00:51:11 Being very aware.
00:51:14 Of the knife that the ruling class is wielding and has pointed at.
Speaker 6
00:51:18 Her So what?Speaker 19
00:51:24 I don't know what to do with her.00:51:26 I really don't know.
00:51:30 The clock is ticking 30 minutes, so when I'm talking then you think.
00:51:36 Both solution can can go by.
Speaker 21
00:51:57 I can do.00:51:58 I can go through there and and please hear that.
00:52:03 That you are you are the greatest director ever and I want to work with you so much.
00:52:11 But I I'm just.
00:52:13 I'm not ready.
00:52:14 You're feeling that you will be if you want me to.
00:52:19 Why don't you?
Speaker 19
00:52:21 Thank you.Devon
00:52:23 So she decides in order to try to survive this situation.00:52:29 The best option?
00:52:31 Is to play into the psychopathic reality.
00:52:37 That her?
00:52:39 The captor lives in.
00:52:48 Like that's your best option if I want.
00:52:49 To stay alive.
00:52:52 I can't let them know that I know that the.
00:52:54 Jig is up.
00:52:57 I can't let them know that.
00:53:00 I know that there's really no political solution.
00:53:08 Because if they know that, I know that.
00:53:14 They're going to start cutting.
Speaker 19
00:53:20 You don't have relations. You're helping your electors from Romania. 3131 minutes.Speaker 21
00:53:29 Talk to her.Speaker 19
00:53:31 31 minutes. Thirty minutes.Speaker 21
00:53:34 You convinced me to play.00:53:37 In his movie, when I go to to castings or home audition.
00:53:46 Why don't you do?
00:53:47 Than just the.
00:53:48 Move you just.
00:53:50 Go to her.
00:53:51 I don't know.
00:53:53 If you if you love someone, you have to be like in your movie, like in the scene with him and her.
00:54:01 So she just starts pretending like, Oh yeah, this isn't crazy at all.00:54:05 You clearly you do.
00:54:07 Just you.
00:54:07 You do love her.
00:54:08 This is a great idea.
00:54:10 Why don't you go?
00:54:11 Why don't you go and and tell?
Speaker 6
00:54:13 Her how you feel?Devon
00:54:18 Anyway, I'm not trying to make any big profound thing with this this clip.00:54:23 It's just that's, that's what it made me think of as I was watching this.
00:54:27 And watching people respond to clips like that, senator talking to Garland.
00:54:33 And it's not just that.
00:54:34 There's that there's.
00:54:35 A handful of senators that said similar.
00:54:37 Spicy things, right?
00:54:39 And Garland being the.
00:54:41 Big, you know, ******* ***** ***** ** **** that he.
00:54:44 Is of course looked.
00:54:45 Like a bumbling fool in the same way they called.
Speaker 8
00:54:48 Me looked like a big bumbling.Devon
00:54:49 Bumbling fool in the.00:54:51 Same way that they.
00:54:52 All look like big, bumbling fools, because Shocker, they're all big, bumbling fools.
00:54:59 That's what happens after generations of nepotism.
Speaker 9
00:55:07 They're all a bunch of foolish psychopaths.Devon
00:55:12 The people in those positions.Speaker 4
00:55:17 But nothing happens.Speaker 8
00:55:20 Because they're holding the knife.Devon
00:55:23 So people just.00:55:25 Go into survival mode.
00:55:30 And they play along.
Speaker 8
00:55:33 Even they know even though they.Devon
00:55:34 Know it's just a deranged fantasy.00:55:42 Like you, haven't you realize how many people?
00:55:47 How many people?
00:55:49 Who, who know in their bones.
00:55:54 That the presidential election was totally rigged.
Speaker 8
00:55:59 Yeah. Yeah, those people are.Speaker 9
00:56:00 Going to go vote.Devon
00:56:04 In fact, some of those people are going to campaign and tell.00:56:08 You to vote.
00:56:15 And it's not because.
00:56:18 They think that the elections are no longer rigged.
00:56:26 Any more than this woman here?
00:56:29 She doesn't believe what she's saying.
00:56:35 He doesn't really think it's a good idea.
00:56:38 Then he goes to Anne Hathaway.
Speaker 8
00:56:43 And professes his love.Devon
00:56:50 It's survival mode.00:56:56 They see the knife.
00:57:00 They're cornered in a basement.
00:57:04 So they think that if they play along.
00:57:11 Maybe they won't get stabbed.
00:57:29 And maybe they won't.
00:57:31 Maybe they won't.
00:57:35 All right, let's talk about some other stuff that it's just it's it's, it's, it's real frustrating.
00:57:44 Only because, like I said, a lot of it.
00:57:46 I get it.
00:57:47 It's you see those clips like you see?
00:57:49 This guy's.
00:57:50 Grill like like like I I ******* hate this guy.
00:57:53 I hate him.
00:57:54 ******* hate him.
00:57:56 I wish him all.
00:57:57 The worst?
00:58:00 And seeing this guy.
00:58:04 Just take them to task.
00:58:06 Yeah, it's kind of enjoyable.
00:58:12 But I've seen this **** over.
00:58:13 It happens over and over again, over again.
00:58:15 And you know, like whether you're talking about Trey Gowdy and comedy, whether you're talking about the, the, the Whitewater trial when it came to the the Clintons, you know, whether you're talking about it.
Speaker 4
00:58:32 It doesn't matter actually like you can name something Occupy Wall Street like just anything.Devon
00:58:40 The the what was it the?00:58:42 The **** I remember the name of it anymore.
00:58:45 The remember those guys that were that were patrolling the white guys patrolling the border when the feds weren't patrolling the border.
00:58:54 Uh, what was that called?
00:58:55 The we had the Tea Party when I was in the Tea Party.
00:58:58 It was the anyway.
00:59:03 Yeah, but you have these guys and you, you have some kind.
00:59:05 Of cathartic like, yeah.
00:59:09 And then nothing happens.
00:59:15 Nothing happens there.
00:59:16 There's literally, like there's no wins.
00:59:21 On the right.
00:59:24 We are getting.
00:59:25 ******* spawn camp.
00:59:30 You don't even have time to look for a gun.
00:59:35 You're spawning.
00:59:37 Inside of an explosion that vaporizes you.
00:59:46 Over and over and over again for decades.
Speaker 22
00:59:58 My train ride in NYC.Speaker 15
00:59:58 Stand in my face.01:00:00 I won't even stand to.
01:00:01 My face now.
01:00:02 Stand to my face.
01:00:03 Now tell me.
01:00:05 Tell me. Tell chill pill.
01:00:13 That'll work too.
Speaker 17
01:00:15 Oh, oh, yes you are you.Speaker 11
01:00:22 Well, she is female.01:00:27 That's OD, that's OD.
Speaker 15
01:00:32 In my black.01:00:32 Business, you understand?
01:00:42 Did you understand?
01:00:43 Mind your business.
01:00:46 Mind your business ain't about being around my *******.
01:00:48 My ******* respect from people like you.
01:00:50 All these other races out here mind your business.
01:00:53 Another day, anything but this in my business looking for suspect.
Speaker 6
01:00:54 OK.Speaker 11
01:00:57 So that's that's my hands right there and he let his girls can get robbed.01:01:06 Oh no.
Speaker 15
01:01:06 Suspect I do **** out here.01:01:09 Mind your business.
01:01:13 Me out the way.
Speaker 11
01:01:13 So bad.01:01:14 It's like you can't even.
Speaker 1
01:01:19 Oh ****.Devon
01:01:24 And that's your country now.01:01:33 As they lock up white supremacists.
Speaker 12
01:01:42 This is a good one.Devon
01:01:46 And while parents?01:01:50 Send their children to institutions.
01:01:54 That indoctrinate them to the degree.
01:01:58 You're really stupid.
Speaker 12
01:02:00 Disclaimer now.Devon
01:02:02 To where this is, this is now normal behavior.01:02:07 The question is.
01:02:10 I am proud to be white.
01:02:11 Agree or disagree?
01:02:12 They're asked to go like one of those multiple choice questions, right?
01:02:16 The line in the middle is no answer.
01:02:20 One to the left.
01:02:22 Is disagree.
01:02:23 The next one strongly disagree.
Speaker 12
01:02:25 And you know, so if.Devon
01:02:26 You guys have seen them?01:02:28 So the further to the right weird that they did it that way, huh?
Speaker 8
01:02:32 The the more proud you are.Speaker 12
01:02:34 To be white.Devon
01:02:35 And the further to laugh the more.Speaker 12
01:02:36 Embarrassed, you are to be white.Devon
01:02:39 Is this going to go down, I wonder?Speaker 19
01:02:43 321.Speaker 21
01:02:49 Can there be a middle?Speaker 6
01:02:52 All right.Speaker 23
01:02:52 Take a side take a side.Speaker 21
01:02:55 I don't know which side of it.Speaker 2
01:02:58 Don't hate you guys.Speaker
01:02:59 And I almost went there too.01:03:00 It's like so hard.
Speaker 24
01:03:01 I think like guiltily.01:03:02 Like, I'm like happy that I'm not oppressed, but I'm not proud of, like things people have done in the past.
Speaker 16
01:03:11 When I when I think of being proud of something, I think of something I worked for or that I yeah, I had to get I I had.01:03:18 To do nothing to be white.
01:03:19 Absolutely nothing, and nothing was taken from me because I was white.
Speaker 23
01:03:23 It's like saying I'm a proud white person is a completely different saying than saying I'm a proud black person because when you hear I'm a proud black person, I think empowerment.01:03:33 I think strength, I think courage.
01:03:35 I think you know all these amazing things that the black we need has done and accomplished throughout the years.
01:03:40 But then when you say I am a strong or I'm a proud white person.
01:03:45 Already there's so much like hate.
Speaker 8
01:03:51 This is how your children end up.Devon
01:03:55 Because you wanted to make Excel spreadsheets and PowerPoints.01:04:03 And apparently feed your daughter lots of calories.
01:04:17 This is what you.
01:04:18 Get when you don't homeschool your kids.
01:04:23 Bunch of self hating whites.
Speaker 10
01:04:27 When I think of blacks, I think of like strength and all the great accomplishments of the black community.01:04:33 But I think of white pride.
01:04:35 It's just like ******* hate.
01:04:37 Oh my God, because like, we've never accomplished anything because I learned in school that the only things that were ever accomplished in this world were accomplished by people of color.
01:04:46 Well, the white people just.
01:04:47 Sat there and sucked from all the people of color like ******* vampires.
Speaker 23
01:04:51 Involved is a completely different saying than saying I'm a proud black person because when you hear I'm a proud black person, I think empowerment.01:04:59 I think strength, I think courage.
01:05:01 I think you know all.
Speaker 10
01:05:04 But most of all, I think like, where's my ******* hot dog?01:05:08 I'm really ******* hungry.
01:05:09 I'm like ******* hungry all the ******* time.
01:05:11 Oh, my God.
01:05:12 I'm gonna have a ******* diabetic colon.
01:05:14 Like a second.
Speaker 23
01:05:15 These amazing things that the black community has done and accomplished throughout the years.01:05:19 But then when you say I am a strong or I'm a proud white person.
Speaker 25
01:05:23 Already there's so much like hate involved in that thing about that is like like how you said someone who says I'm proud to be black, that's empowerment.01:05:33 Why aren't I allowed to be proud to be white?
01:05:36 What makes it wrong?
Speaker 6
01:05:37 Well, what?Speaker 25
01:05:38 Haven't been oppressed.Speaker 16
01:05:38 So what do you encounter?Devon
01:05:41 So like we got.01:05:42 Our own hand beast on our side, apparently.
01:05:46 Congrats for being uh, it's it's the trad ham beast.
Speaker 16
01:05:50 Just your skin color because yes, that is wrong.Speaker 25
01:05:53 So you're saying I can't be proud to be white because.01:05:55 I don't have.
01:05:56 A culture? No, I.
Speaker 16
01:05:58 That's not what I'm saying is that?01:05:59 I when white people say they're proud to be white, a lot of times, at least in my opinion, they're just.
01:06:04 They're talking about their skin color, that they're not in a different race.
01:06:08 I think that's wrong, but as like we were talking about as a proud black person, they've been oppressed.
01:06:14 That a lot of their culture was stolen from them, and a lot of reasons that I don't like proud to be white is because it has.
01:06:20 The the Nazis used it.
01:06:24 Because the cause like the not.01:06:26 See this guy has never had to ******* reason through it.
01:06:30 He's just programmed.
01:06:31 He's programmed to hate himself.
01:06:34 And the second.
01:06:35 He has to try to explain it to the tread ham beast.
01:06:38 He's just like.
01:06:42 And then eventually, of course, the Nazis.
Speaker 6
01:06:48 The Nazis.Speaker 4
01:06:51 It always comes down to that.Devon
01:06:52 Right. Well, the Nazis.01:07:02 Right. I mean, I mean, zig heil and ****, right? 6,000,000 Nazis.
Speaker 2
01:07:13 We got Hitler.Devon
01:07:16 I mean, he look, he's beside.01:07:17 So he has no idea.
01:07:18 He's just like.
Speaker 16
01:07:19 And a lot of the reasons that I don't like, partly white is because it has the the Nazis.Speaker 2
01:07:22 OK.Devon
01:07:24 Keep it that Nazi.Speaker 9
01:07:29 And look at it.01:07:30 He's so it's.
01:07:30 Like he, he's like, oh, thank God.Speaker 8
01:07:33 I said I said the.Devon
01:07:34 NI said the real N word.01:07:39 I said, I said the only.
01:07:41 N word that actually matters.
01:07:43 I said Nazi beat that.
01:07:46 I I just played the ******* Nazi card.
Speaker 16
01:07:51 Used it the the the KKK.Devon
01:07:54 The KKK.01:07:57 That's right.
01:07:59 The KKK.
Speaker 16
01:08:00 That I don't.01:08:01 Want to be associated with any of those.
01:08:03 So I'm just going to completely.
01:08:05 Stay away from that.
Speaker 25
01:08:07 Sure, I'm not proud of like what my culture has done, but at the same time, like I would not want to be anything else if I had to choose another race.01:08:15 I don't know what I would be.
01:08:16 I'm OK with where I am.
01:08:17 Even though I'm getting backlash.
01:08:19 About being.
Speaker 6
01:08:22 All right.Devon
01:08:24 Good job tread hand beast.Speaker 9
01:08:30 Sorry if I'm a little hard on you, it's just that bullying.Speaker 8
01:08:34 You need.01:08:34 You need this bullying.
01:08:36 You need to be called the hand beast you.
01:08:38 Need to feel bad about yourself?01:08:41 And put down.
01:08:42 Put down those 5 cycles.
01:08:47 Just just don't go to Krispy Kreme for breakfast tomorrow.
01:08:51 OK.
01:08:51 How you know it's?
Speaker 8
01:08:52 It's for your own good.Devon
01:08:54 Don't get it wrong.01:08:55 Good job steering up to these, these ******* *******.
Speaker 8
01:09:01 But it'd be easier to stand up.01:09:07 Easier on those knees.
Speaker 10
01:09:10 OK, I'll stop.Speaker 4
01:09:15 OK.01:09:20 Oh boy. All right.
01:09:27 In other news.Speaker 8
01:09:30 So this is just this is a video that's been.Speaker 22
01:09:32 Going around.Devon
01:09:34 It's it's showing how the.Speaker 26
01:09:37 You know, the one thing that that you?Devon
01:09:39 You'll notice with the lefties, right?01:09:44 There's well, the number one with the lefties and the Jews, and you know, whatever, right whoever you want to blame the anti whites, I guess that is a good way to put it right, the people that hate white people that are working towards our destruction and the groups there's there's many of these groups that are doing this.
01:09:59 They often end up having like this rainbow coalition, right.
01:10:03 This coalition.
01:10:04 This global **** Rainbow Coalition and some of the members of this coalition and some of these demographics that they're using to replace white people.
01:10:13 End up having some of the same legacy systems that are so annoying in in white people like 1.
01:10:21 Of the reasons you.
01:10:22 You're trying to get rid of the white.
01:10:23 People, right?
01:10:25 Is so that you can more easily implement global ****.
01:10:29 And so it doesn't really help you out that much if you replace the white people with people who are just as obnoxious.
01:10:36 In their opposition to Global Homa. Now, luckily for these guys, the I don't think there is a group that's more obnoxious in terms of if you're the ruling class and you're trying to implement your ****** plan. Which is precisely why the white people are target #1.
Speaker 12
01:10:56 OK.Devon
01:10:57 But you need to start working on the demographics that you are replacing them.01:11:03 And so there's a video going around now about the it's a animation geared towards young Hispanic kids.
01:11:14 You know, these kids that you see pouring over the border.
01:11:18 You know the the future.
Speaker 6
01:11:20 Of America.01:11:23 So they're they there's.
01:11:24 This commercial, I think it's a commercial for like.01:11:28 Doctor Pepper or something like that.
01:11:30 It's something.
01:11:31 What is no for Doritos.
01:11:32 It's for ******* Doritos.
01:11:35 It's a it's a a Mexican dorito commercial.
01:11:41 That's pushing homosexuality, and it's obviously geared towards children.
01:11:47 Obviously geared towards children.
01:11:50 And that's because that these Mexicans that they are, you know, it's one of the groups they're using to replace white people in, in, in America at least I know they're not.
01:11:59 Not yet. They're.
01:12:00 Not shipping Mexicans to the UK and and Australia and and South Africa, although maybe one of these days you guys will get.
01:12:08 To have some.
01:12:08 No, no, no, no, no.
01:12:09 No, no, no, no, no.01:12:11 No, no, no, no.
01:12:11 No, no, no, no, no, no, I mean the.Speaker 4
01:12:13 Food's amazing. So they're.Devon
01:12:17 This commercial has been.01:12:21 Getting shared around again.
01:12:25 Clearly point clearly, clearly targeting children.
01:12:45 I don't mind.Devon
01:12:57 Do you like that?Speaker 8
01:13:01 This time.Speaker 15
01:13:06 Jennie sale.Speaker 6
01:13:08 It's Mario pareja.Speaker
01:13:20 Can you laugh?Speaker 11
01:13:29 Oh good.Speaker 8
01:13:31 Uncle Roberto's gay.01:13:34 Did you hear that, kids?
01:13:37 And we're all happy about it.01:13:39 We're all happy about.
Speaker 8
01:13:40 It what a miracle.01:13:44 It's a miracle, kids.
01:13:48 Doesn't this make you hungry for Doritos?01:13:55 Yeah, I just, I had this like, intense.
01:14:00 Craving for Doritos right now?
01:14:04 That their marketing campaign was so effective.
Speaker 4
01:14:09 **** all all.Devon
01:14:10 I can think of now is Doritos.01:14:25 Happy, happy day of the dead.
01:14:27 Or, you know Halloween.
Speaker 8
01:14:29 It's it's never too late to be your true self.01:14:33 Eat Doritos.
01:14:39 Look, Doritos. Yum.
01:14:44 At least they managed like put Doritos in the commercial somewhere.01:14:49 They usually don't even bother doing that.
Speaker 8
01:15:00 So they they, they, they.Devon
01:15:01 Do this.01:15:01 They're going to have to do this to Hispanic communities and to Muslim communities and.
01:15:09 That's just, I mean, look, it's it's necessary.
Speaker 12
01:15:13 It's necessary.Devon
01:15:16 And it'll be easier, honestly.01:15:19 It just will.
Speaker 10
01:15:21 And and look the the proof.Devon
01:15:22 Is look, it's not like you have to like do a study.01:15:26 The study is Mexico.
01:15:29 Right. Like that's the study.
01:15:31 The study is look at Mexico.
01:15:37 Right.
01:15:40 The study is.
01:15:41 Look, look at the the the Saudi.
01:15:46 Royal family and their their control over their country.
01:15:52 That's the study.
01:15:56 That that's how much of AA threat the common people.
01:16:02 We'll pose.
01:16:07 That that, that's how.
01:16:08 That's how.
01:16:10 That's how much friction they're going to encounter.
01:16:14 When shoving these ******* Doritos up their ***.
Speaker 12
01:16:20 All right.Devon
01:16:24 So we talked about the military.01:16:28 And the different agencies getting purged of white supremacists.
Speaker 8
01:16:35 A A tactic.01:16:36 Of the the.
01:16:37 Like, look, one of the things I don't know, I don't think this was necessarily planned, but it just happens to work out great for them this way.01:16:45 Another way to get rid of justice non compliant people in the military specifically is you know the the vaccine vaccine mandates, right?
01:16:55 If you can get someone.
01:16:58 To inject something into their body that they have no way of.
01:17:03 Of knowing what it is.
01:17:07 And you can and.
01:17:07 If you can get them to do that, what?
01:17:09 Can you not get them to do right?
01:17:12 Think of think of.
01:17:13 Just like in in your friend group, right?
01:17:16 Many of your friends.
01:17:20 Would actually go along with this if.
01:17:22 You said I'm trying like good.
01:17:23 Friends, if you say hey.
01:17:24 You know what?
Speaker 8
01:17:26 Close your eyes.Devon
01:17:28 And open your mouth and I promise.01:17:29 I'm not going to, like, put anything weird in there.
01:17:32 I'm not going to do anything gross.
Speaker 8
01:17:35 It's for your own good.Devon
01:17:37 I'm going to I'm.Speaker 6
01:17:38 Going to.Devon
01:17:39 I'm going to put something in your mouth that's.01:17:41 Going to that's good for you.
01:17:45 But you got to close.
01:17:45 Your eyes and justice open your mouth and trust me.
01:17:50 Like trust that I'm going to do this thing.
01:17:52 That's good.
01:17:53 It won't be anything bad, I promise.
Speaker 4
01:17:58 You know, be honest.01:18:00 How many friends would actually?
01:18:01 ******* do it.Speaker 6
01:18:04 Right.Devon
01:18:09 Well, the military gets this this concept, they understand that the only people that are really going to just.01:18:14 Say OK and do it.
01:18:17 Are people that would literally do anything, and that's the kind of people.
01:18:20 They want.
Speaker 8
01:18:25 And that's a lot.01:18:26 Honestly, that's a lot.
01:18:27 Of people they already got.01:18:27 I mean, most people that join the military are people that are OK with following orders in the.
01:18:31 1st place, so it's not like.
01:18:34 It's going to be.
01:18:34 A huge filter.
01:18:35 I don't think you know that.
01:18:36 They're not going to lose a lot like so these two troops were talking about getting they're.
01:18:39 They're getting fired for fired, and they're gonna get court martialed.
01:18:43 I think I I think it's gonna be more serious than they think.
01:18:47 For not getting the vaccine.
01:18:50 And I think they say that they're one of just a handful in, in the entire base.
01:18:56 That are not going along with it, so here's.
Speaker 12
01:18:59 A video from these guys.Devon
01:19:02 If you want to hear.01:19:02 From some some of the.
01:19:04 The the the few that are actually saying.
01:19:06 You know what?
01:19:07 I'm not.
01:19:07 I'm not going to.
Speaker 9
01:19:08 Just close my eyes and open my mouth.Speaker 27
01:19:10 We're getting kicked out of military.01:19:12 I'm sure a lot of you might assume.
01:19:14 Why and that?
01:19:14 Is because we're refusing to take the vaccine.
01:19:17 This isn't an anti VAX or a VAX thing.
01:19:20 It's not political at all.
01:19:21 We've done our own research.
01:19:22 We've came to our own conclusions.
01:19:24 We're a couple of the very few at our base where we're stationed.
01:19:29 We're going to be getting kicked out.
01:19:30 I'm a.
01:19:31 1C Boswell.
Speaker 18
01:19:32 And on A1C Tice, we.Speaker 27
01:19:34 Are more in the civil.01:19:35 Engineering career field, we're hard.
01:19:37 Workers, we bust our ***** every day for this.
Speaker 28
01:19:39 Job for this country.Speaker 27
01:19:41 And having these freedoms taken away just feels like.01:19:45 I don't know, just slap in the face honestly.
Speaker 14
01:19:48 Stabbed in the back.Speaker 27
01:19:49 Right.01:19:51 Just I'm kind of shocked right now.
01:19:53 I just we want things set up for us now.
01:19:56 Like we're, we're focused on getting out because we're.
Speaker 10
01:19:59 Going to be civilians soon.Speaker 27
01:20:00 Within a month, we have within a month.01:20:04 And we're just trying to figure out things, how things will go from from now.
01:20:08 So we don't have any jobs lined up.
01:20:10 We're in the process of that now.
01:20:12 We're both young airmen, we've been in for over.
01:20:14 A little 2.
01:20:15 Years and you know, to be honest, we don't have much to show for it.
01:20:18 We don't have much savings.
01:20:20 We don't get paid much money at.
01:20:23 You know and and like I said, that might be the least of their worries.01:20:25 They they might get court martialed.
01:20:29 They might have to do time.
01:20:34 Now I don't, I don't know really the answer to that question will be how many?
Speaker 12
01:20:37 People are actually refusing it.Devon
01:20:40 That's really the only thing they're not going to they're not going to decide whether or not they they court martial and lock people up based on any kind of morality.01:20:48 It's going to be practical, you know, math, it's going to.
01:20:51 Be well, I mean, are we having?
01:20:53 To do this to.
01:20:54 Like thousands of people, hundreds of people.
01:20:59 If they think it's going to be too disruptive that try to lock all these people up.
01:21:05 They're not going to do it.
01:21:09 If it's not very many people at all, they might.
01:21:12 Do it.
01:21:18 Now I can't imagine why they wouldn't want.
Speaker 8
01:21:19 To do it when you.Speaker 20
01:21:21 Have, but you're never going to learn about how safe the vaccine is unless you start getting it, you know, and that's just the way it goes.Devon
01:21:29 We're never going to know.01:21:31 How safe this vaccine is?
01:21:33 Until we just start giving it to people you know.
01:21:38 That's just the way it is.
01:21:41 We'll never know unless we just start giving it to children 5 to 11.
01:21:50 You know, again, it was kind of funny.
01:21:52 Another one of those slogans, right, that I keep talking about that the right was uh, it was always funny to repeat, even though nothing would ever happen in the Obamacare era.
01:22:03 One of those slogans was.
01:22:05 We have to pass the bill so we can find out what's in it.
01:22:10 Which was a quote, an actual word.
01:22:12 For word quote from Nancy Pelosi talking about Obama care.
01:22:18 And Republicans thought it was, oh, it's so funny.
01:22:20 It's so funny.
01:22:21 What a dumb thing to say.
01:22:24 We have to pass the bill.
01:22:28 So we can find out what's in it.
01:22:33 We're going to, we're going to, we're going to repeat that.
01:22:36 Let's go, Brandon.
01:22:42 It got rid of Obamacare, right?
01:22:44 Didn't it repeating that?
01:22:47 Having Sean Hannity and and Rush Limbaugh.
01:22:55 Make fun of Nancy Pelosi and her crazy, crazy evaluation of of the process.
Speaker 4
01:23:01 Of we gotta we gotta.Devon
01:23:04 Pass the bill to find out what's in it.01:23:06 Oh, what?
01:23:07 This is crazy.
01:23:08 This is.
01:23:08 Bizarre world. Yeah, it is.
01:23:12 Bizarro that you went along with it.
01:23:17 And yet, here we are.
01:23:28 But honestly, they're not too worried about like, the the handful of soldiers, the handful of soldiers that are going to refuse.
01:23:36 To get the vaccine, they're going to get.
01:23:38 It it's it.
01:23:39 Like I said, I don't think they planned it like this necessarily, but it works.
Speaker 12
01:23:42 Out that. Ohh well you.Devon
01:23:45 I guess we got these.Speaker 8
01:23:46 People who wouldn't be, I mean.Devon
01:23:48 My guess is the same troops that think for themselves enough to say you know what I did my own research and I don't want to do this are the.01:23:55 Same kinds of people.
Speaker 8
01:23:59 That wouldn't want to.Devon
01:24:01 Turn their guns on their fellow citizens.01:24:03 Just I'm just.
01:24:04 Throwing that out.
01:24:04 There, that's most likely.
01:24:09 The kinds of people who don't follow.
01:24:11 Any order that's been given.
01:24:14 It's the people that actually have.
01:24:18 A moral compass.
01:24:20 And a set of orders that they feel supersede the orders coming down from the chain of command.
01:24:30 And those aren't the people that are going to.
01:24:32 Be just blindly turning their guns on their fellow Americans.
Speaker 12
01:24:37 If ordered to do so.Devon
01:24:40 So that works out well.01:24:41 Another thing that works out though.
01:24:44 Is something that they've been willing.
01:24:45 To do a long.
01:24:46 Time and now they've got the perfect excuse again another.
01:24:51 Thing that I keep hearing people say over and.
01:24:53 Over and over again.
01:24:54 I mean, it's just it's it's.
01:24:59 I hear a lot of, especially older, older conservatives.
01:25:02 Right, like, well, let's let's say the B word.
01:25:05 I'm going to say the B word, the ******* boomers.
01:25:09 It's for months now for months.
01:25:12 I've been hearing from boomers.
01:25:15 In real life, on the radio and on TV, on Ham radio.
01:25:23 You know, they they keep saying, oh, you know.
Speaker 9
01:25:27 Yeah, all all these.01:25:28 Everywhere I go.
01:25:30 I go to.01:25:30 These restaurants that I like, they're finally opening up again.
01:25:33 They're not opening up because they have these signs that say.
01:25:38 We need workers.
01:25:41 We need workers.
01:25:51 One of the things that.
01:25:54 That paying people to stay at home has done.
01:25:58 Has increased.
01:26:03 Or lengthen.
Speaker 8
01:26:04 The list.Speaker 4
01:26:07 Of jobs Americans won't do.Speaker 6
01:26:12 Right.Devon
01:26:14 The justification for mass immigration for as long as I've been alive, well, we need to have mass immigration because there's simply some jobs Americans won't do.01:26:35 And in fact, it's kind of infuriating.
01:26:38 I've heard on several, and I mean several occasions.
01:26:41 I'm talking real life, you know, in the same room as or on the same frequency.
01:26:48 Depending on like you know.
01:26:50 Of some of these ******* people.
01:26:53 And they literally say I mean these, these ******* boomer, the conservative, you know, quote UN quote conservative boomers.
01:27:01 Trump, maga, boomers.
01:27:05 Literally say.
Speaker 9
01:27:07 Well, if these if these punk kids, it's like.Devon
01:27:10 They hate their pay.01:27:11 They I really do think that boomers just hate their own people.
01:27:14 Like with with.
01:27:15 The the amount of of millennial hate that went on for like ******* 20.
Speaker 4
01:27:21 The last 20 years or whatever.Devon
01:27:24 I really do.01:27:25 I just think they hate their children and I just think that I think there's a lot of evidence for that.
01:27:32 Anyway, literally heard these guys say.
01:27:37 Well, if they're not going to the jobs, I guess we got it.
01:27:39 We we should get some of these hard working Mexicans.
Speaker 4
01:27:43 That did the job.Devon
01:27:51 But don't worry.01:27:53 Don't worry guys.
01:27:57 We don't have to worry about Mexicans coming to.
01:28:00 To trick our germs.
Speaker 9
01:28:05 No, no.Devon
01:28:08 We're getting one step closer to the cattle.01:28:14 Becoming obsolete.
Speaker 26
01:28:18 Need flipping?01:28:22 Inspire Brands, which owned Buffalo Wild Wings, is testing out the Flippy 2 robot, which will make wings in the back of house over the next year.
01:28:30 It really is all about how we increase our capacity.
01:28:33 And so all of the automation that we are.
01:28:36 Doing that will allow us to unlock that and provide faster food to our guests. Flippy made my metal robotics takes over a less desirable task and fast food kitchens and cost up to $3000 a month.
Speaker 18
01:28:48 Flippy Wing solves one of the biggest.01:28:50 Problems back of house for restaurants and that's the fry.
Speaker 10
01:28:53 Station the FRY station is.Speaker 27
01:28:54 One of those jobs that's tough to do, it's monotonous.Speaker 18
01:28:57 Sometimes it's dangerous and it's pretty repetitive.Speaker 26
01:28:59 The company says flipping value is more about speed and less about the current labor crunch.01:29:04 But as restaurants around the country struggle to hire workers, robots and automation are becoming a solution.
01:29:10 While slipping means the back of the house.
01:29:14 In comes the maitre-d' from rich tech, which offers robotic solutions in both the restaurant and hospitality space. The matured robot cost up to $20,000 and has been used in restaurants including California Pizza Kitchen to deliver food at tables. The company says it's signing up between 2:00 and 4:00. Large chains for pilot programs weekly.
Speaker 18
01:29:33 Is going to be assisting a lot of customers with delivering a food like a food runner, which basically allows servers to serve a lot more tables.01:29:43 Customers get their food faster and restaurants are able to boost revenue.
Speaker 3
01:29:46 How many?Speaker 26
01:29:48 Ghost kitchens are also testing out robotics Kitchen United, which is one of the biggest players in this space, is in the midst of the test, with the Kiwi bot in the Bay Area, which will deliver orders from the Westfield Valley Fair Mall to homes within a half a mile radius of the center, complete with live tracking for orders and reef virtual kitchens are working on a similar test.Devon
01:30:08 How many? How many of?01:30:09 Those do you think are gonna get stolen?
Speaker 8
01:30:15 Those are going to.Devon
01:30:16 Get stolen I.Speaker 8
01:30:17 And it won't.Devon
01:30:18 Be that hard to steal it and and uh and prevent it.01:30:21 Stupid tracking thing from working, you know, like that would.
Speaker 12
01:30:24 Not be hard at all.Devon
01:30:26 Uh anyway.Speaker 4
01:30:32 Me so honey.Devon
01:30:35 So that, yeah, and you might think to yourself, that's great.01:30:38 Devin Way upset about the the robot fry cook.
01:30:41 I'm not upset about the robot fry cook.
01:30:43 If I thought in fact, look.
01:30:46 There's a part of me.
01:30:49 That if if if I really really thought.
01:30:53 That what are our?
01:30:55 Ruling class was doing.
01:30:56 They're just trying to, you know, streamline things and make everything faster and that this kind of technology.
01:31:04 What it would be used for would be to, you know, facilitate these kinds of ****** like to get rid of the ****** jobs and not have to worry about the.
01:31:16 Immigration to do the you know the the immigrants to do their jobs.
01:31:19 Americans won't do.
01:31:21 And I thought that our really our biggest problem right was going to be you know ending up like in Wally right?
01:31:27 Like the where are these fat guys in the chairs where they at they're somewhere.
01:31:34 Skipped over it.
01:31:35 Where did they?
01:31:36 Come on.
01:31:38 If I thought that, like, this was our biggest, like, problem, right, it was becoming this.
01:31:48 That would be one thing.
01:31:51 But you got to think, look at this picture.
01:31:54 Why did why on Earth?
Speaker 8
01:31:58 Would the ruling?Devon
01:31:59 Class want those guys?01:32:07 At this point, at this level of automation.
Speaker 6
01:32:11 What purpose?Devon
01:32:13 Does it serve the ruling class?01:32:16 To have fat people in floating chairs.
Speaker 4
01:32:25 Right.Devon
01:32:26 What purpose?01:32:32 It serves a purpose to have fat people.
01:32:36 Sitting in cubicles.
01:32:41 Doing some monotonous job.
01:32:45 And so therefore it makes sense.
01:32:49 To have either people or robots.
01:32:53 Making the chicken wings and French fries defeat the fat people and the cubicles.
01:32:58 Doing the monotonous job that the ruling class doesn't want to do but.
01:33:01 At a certain point.
Speaker 8
01:33:05 When everything is so automated.Devon
01:33:08 That you literally don't have to do anything.01:33:13 Why keep you around?
Speaker 8
01:33:19 What purpose do you serve?Devon
01:33:30 I mean, aren't aren't you?01:33:31 At that point, you're just you're just contributing to the carbon footprint of humanity.
01:33:53 So when I see this automation stuff happening.
01:33:57 You know short term.
01:33:58 No big deal.
01:33:59 It'll be kind of annoying.
01:34:01 There'll be funny things that happen, you know, as soon as soon as black people figure out how to, you know, shoot down the the Amazon drones and all that stuff.
01:34:09 I'm sure we'll have lots of you.
01:34:11 Know hilarious footage.
01:34:12 Of that stuff happening.
01:34:19 But long term.
01:34:22 Once you automate the slave class, you know like.
Speaker 12
01:34:26 Why have them?Devon
01:34:32 Like why? Why have them?Speaker 28
01:34:37 Back now, with our new reporting on a critical challenge in the country's supply chain crisis, we told you about the backlog at ports. But America also has a desperate need for truck drivers. 10s of thousands of them. Here's Emily acheta.Speaker 29
01:34:51 Truck after truck sits unmanned and unused in total transportations, Mississippi parking lot.Speaker 18
01:34:57 That's the worst that I have ever seen.Speaker 29
01:35:00 How many tractors you have parked here?01:35:02 Because there's not a driver.
Speaker 28
01:35:03 We have 910 tractors total in our fleet and today we're sitting at this as of this morning, we were 47.Speaker 29
01:35:11 And CEO John Stomp says his worker rose are minor compared to some of his competitors. The industry is short, a record 80,000 drivers, according to the American Trucking Associations, further aggravating the nation's troubled supply chain just ahead of the holiday season, trucks in the US, all 12 billion tons of freight.01:35:31 A year?
Speaker 12
01:35:32 Everything you eat, touch, wear comes from a truck and.Speaker 2
01:35:35 It takes a driver in this truck.Speaker 8
01:35:39 Oh, does it?Devon
01:35:43 Not for long.01:35:47 You see that it doesn't it.
01:35:49 Just doesn't make sense.
01:35:51 To keep the slave class around, I mean even if.
01:35:55 Look part of it.
01:35:56 Is it would just be disdain, right?
01:35:57 Part of it would be just they look down at you, down on you, like you are subhuman, right?
01:36:02 That's part of it.
01:36:04 But then there's the other part of.
01:36:05 It and that is they look at down at somewhere or they look at rather some of those people as competition.
01:36:30 And if they believe any of this, this ********* that they've been saying for.
Speaker 8
01:36:35 Look the the.Devon
01:36:35 Population control.01:36:38 That's been out since, like the the ******* well this the last century.
01:36:43 Like really like for 100 years, the ruling class has been openly and often speaking about population control.
01:36:59 And if it was me, like if it was.
Speaker 8
01:37:01 Up to me.Devon
01:37:06 I would absolutely get rid of the the hard, the harder the the people that would be the the biggest ***** ***.01:37:14 I would.
01:37:14 I would make them compete with the groups that would be easier to get.
01:37:18 Rid of.
01:37:19 And make it as difficult as possible for them to compete and hope that a lot of the problem took.
Speaker 12
01:37:24 Care of itself.Devon
01:37:26 While encouraging the growth and the breeding of the.01:37:30 The easier to get rid of people.
01:37:33 And the intermingling.
01:37:36 In fact, one of things.
01:37:37 That was, we don't have time for it tonight.
01:37:40 I was going to go over.
01:37:40 There's an.
01:37:41 Old uh.
01:37:43 Yeah, we, we look at all these these advertisements, it's never ending, right?
01:37:49 It's it's it's not even like it's, you know everyone everyone knows.
01:37:54 Immediately, if you see an ad for it, it's not just, uh, uh, it's literally anything.
01:38:02 That you're going to see a 90% of the time.
01:38:06 There's a black guy with a white woman, right?
01:38:09 That's just that's just that's just the.
01:38:11 Way it is.
01:38:14 I found an old episode of Sesame Street.
01:38:18 With the entire.
01:38:19 The entire episode is basically like the one.
01:38:22 Of those commercials.
01:38:26 It's a black guy with a white woman.
01:38:29 And it it the entire show.
01:38:32 Is is promoting race mixing like?
01:38:35 It swear to God.
01:38:38 We'll we'll do it another time.
01:38:39 I mean, it's it's going to.
01:38:41 Be too long of a thing.
01:38:45 But it's an entire episode.
01:38:46 It's from like the 90s, too.
01:38:49 But it's an entire episode.
Speaker 12
01:38:50 Where it's like.Devon
01:38:52 Only only stupid.01:38:54 It's OK, Grover.
01:38:55 Only stupid people don't support our race mixing.
01:39:00 They're just bad people.
Speaker 19
01:39:02 You know.Devon
01:39:09 So this has been going.Speaker 12
01:39:09 On a long time.Devon
01:39:12 And once you get everything automated.01:39:15 You won't need as many of these people.
Speaker 8
01:39:22 And by that time, they'll they'll.Devon
01:39:23 Have automated the ways to get.Speaker 12
01:39:24 Rid of us.Devon
01:39:27 They'll have the DARPA dog with.01:39:29 The the assault rifle on the on his back.
01:39:35 Or at least the new version of that Elon Musk.
01:39:40 We'll come up with a a robot with a flamethrower that just gets.
01:39:43 Rid of us.
Speaker 9
01:39:45 You have become obsolete.Devon
01:39:48 Alright guys, I'm gonna look at Chad just real quick and then I'm going to bail only because.01:39:54 This is going to be kind of a short one tonight.
01:39:56 I'm, I'm.
01:39:58 I'm like physically a.
Speaker 12
01:39:59 Little beat up.Devon
01:40:00 From lifting heavy things and and working some.01:40:05 Weird muscles that are kind of sucking right now.
Speaker 12
01:40:13 Alright, let's take a look here.Devon
01:40:18 1st I'll look at the.01:40:20 I keep forgetting that there's like a tip thing.
01:40:26 Building the realm says **** Joe Biden building the realm says if you find Negara's Jews and ******** disgusting, follow my stream. Yes, self promotion.
Speaker 9
01:40:40 Building a realm so good.Devon
01:40:41 To see so many base people.01:40:43 Here and a lot of my friends.
01:40:46 Monkey make fire.
01:40:48 Look up Delta junction.
01:40:50 No county, no borough, no city government.
01:40:55 Thousands of acres of prime farmland for dirt cheap with no property taxes.
01:41:01 You get the spark.
01:41:02 You got the spark.
01:41:03 There's the tender delta junction.
01:41:05 Yeah, property tax is a *****.
01:41:07 I I think the way around that though is if you can have, if you're a nonprofit.
01:41:14 You don't pay.
01:41:15 I I I could be wrong about that.
01:41:17 And it's probably it might.
01:41:18 Well, it might be determined by jurisdiction, but that's one way to kind of weasel out of that.
01:41:25 But I'll look that up.
Speaker 12
01:41:26 What's it called? Delta junction?Devon
01:41:32 Delta junction.01:41:36 Now it's an Arkansas.
01:41:37 There's no.
01:41:39 Oh, no Alaska, OK?
01:41:47 What can non whites who love and support the white race, who love white culture societies and who want to defend white interests and not want to displace white people and preserve the white race, can do to defend and fight?
01:42:01 For white interests, God bless Devin, Crisis, King America first.
01:42:08 Yeah, I I.
01:42:09 You're asking specifically what can you do honestly.
01:42:15 I'm putting a lot of thought into that because it's whatever we've been doing hasn't been working right.
01:42:20 And when I talk to people, I used to think you.
01:42:23 Know like there's so many.
01:42:24 People that say, well, what can you do?
01:42:26 You can raise white kids and and.
Speaker 9
01:42:28 Be fruitful and multiplying.Devon
01:42:30 Yeah, that's part of it.01:42:31 You you need to do that.
01:42:32 I was talking to my mom once.
01:42:34 Boomer mom and I was just like what?
01:42:36 Then I was frustrated and I was probably like, not exactly fair.
01:42:39 When I was, you know, it was being a little accusatory.
01:42:43 You know, I was just saying, like, why don't you guys ******* stop this **** when it was when it.
01:42:47 Was Stoppable and she got very defensive and said, you know, well, I did what I thought I could, you know, I.
01:42:53 Raised good kids and.
Speaker 8
01:42:54 Blah blah blah and and look.Speaker 9
01:42:56 He's right.Devon
01:42:58 But that clearly wasn't enough, right?01:43:01 And I feel like there's a lot of people that are just, you know, falling into the same.
01:43:07 Same pattern of.
01:43:08 Well, it's.
01:43:10 It's too much, right?
01:43:11 It's they're they're like the the the woman that's that's cornered in the basement with the knife and they're just going along with the delusion.
01:43:20 Of the the ruling class like just OK, well, I guess this is the.
01:43:24 This is the frame that I have to work.
01:43:26 You know this the only way for me.
01:43:28 To survive is to work within this framing, right?
01:43:33 That the ruling class has all the power, and they've got the knife and I have to work within their delusion to stay alive.
01:43:40 Right.
01:43:42 And I I don't, I just don't think that that's that's the only option.
01:43:45 And I also don't think that it's enough to just well like I've raised good kids.
01:43:50 Well, good for you.
01:43:51 You know, like, yeah, that's important.
01:43:53 You should, obviously.
01:43:54 That's something that needs, you know, you need to.
01:43:57 Need to replicate right or or who are you trying to save the country for?
01:44:02 Right.
01:44:02 There's got to.
01:44:02 Be some you.
01:44:03 Know new people that that come in, but that's not enough.
01:44:06 That's certainly.
01:44:07 Not enough, and it's not enough to just phone it in.
01:44:12 If you're going to take on that responsibility and then send your kid to these schools, we've been showing you that it's just, I mean, what's the ******* point?
01:44:19 You know, you might as well just be making.
01:44:20 More commies, you know and.
01:44:22 And many, many, many right wing conservatives.
01:44:25 That's exactly what they're doing.
01:44:26 They're literally making more comings.
01:44:29 So, I mean, you know.
01:44:31 Anyway, the So what can you do?
01:44:35 I don't know.
01:44:37 I don't know.
01:44:38 It's just, uh.
01:44:41 You know, like I said, like that.
01:44:44 There's one option is to try to create a parallel society.
01:44:48 That's that is kind of disconnected, like and we've talked about the Amish and stuff like that.
01:44:53 I don't think that's enough.
01:44:55 But I think that's that's at least a good starting point.
01:44:59 It's something you can focus on now.
01:45:01 It's something that's not going to get you in the, you know, in the trouble.
01:45:04 It's something that you don't need, like a a huge amount of people behind you or a huge amount of money behind you to get roll.
01:45:14 You know, like it's it's, it's not without its challenges, but it's certainly it's something you can at least start doing and I don't think we're at a point now at least yet to where you would.
01:45:26 Yeah. Look, look, there's, there's.
Speaker 8
01:45:28 Ways you could make you could.Devon
01:45:30 Definitely get it.01:45:32 Get on the radar of of Garland.
01:45:35 And his buddies?
01:45:35 Right.
01:45:36 You could definitely make your community sound dangerous and bad.
01:45:41 And like, like, if you're raising an army or something like that and get the federal government to squish it.
Speaker 8
01:45:47 But there's ways you.Devon
01:45:48 Could you could do this?01:45:49 I think in a way that would that would be OK.
01:45:51 So I'm I don't know it it's it's a complicated thing that.
Speaker 12
01:45:54 Some I've been spending.Devon
01:45:55 A lot of time on in the meantime, I think that.01:45:58 You just need to.
01:46:03 Just oppose it in.
01:46:05 Whatever small way you can right now.
01:46:09 You know, everyone has a different talent and a different.
01:46:17 Different level of resources.
01:46:20 And different positions in society, different networks of friends.
01:46:25 Different capabilities.
01:46:28 And if you're not prioritizing your people?
01:46:34 And let's face it, if that's all that changed.
01:46:38 If starting tomorrow.
01:46:40 Those same boomer conservatives that were.
Speaker 9
01:46:42 Like uh, these.01:46:43 ******* millennials.
01:46:44 They don't work.
01:46:45 That's why we need to get all these Mexicans to come make my ******* hot wings for me.
01:46:52 While I drive around on my mobility scooter and and, you know, drain away their inheritance on on ******* stupid **** in Harleys.01:47:05 If those people starting tomorrow.
01:47:08 We're like.
01:47:09 Maybe instead of being a self interested ******.
01:47:14 I should start prioritizing.
01:47:17 My people.
01:47:20 At least, at least in the top five, the things that I worry about.
01:47:24 Right, like it doesn't.
01:47:24 Have to be #1.
Speaker 4
01:47:27 But somewhere in the top.Speaker 8
01:47:30 If that's all.Devon
01:47:32 Boomer conservatives did.01:47:34 Starting tomorrow is just put somewhere in the.
Speaker 10
01:47:36 Top five. Well, just.Devon
01:47:39 That's it.01:47:40 Somewhere in the top five.
01:47:42 Put your people in there.
01:47:44 Somewhere, because right now it's not.
Speaker 10
01:47:46 Even on a list.Devon
01:47:52 We could turn this around.01:47:53 Look, that's not going to happen.
01:47:55 It's not going to happen.
01:47:55 So I'm not saying.
01:47:56 That, you know, get your hopes up.
01:47:58 It absolutely will.
01:47:59 Not happen, but if in a fantasy.
Speaker 4
01:48:02 Like if you had like some kind.Devon
01:48:03 Of mind control over boomers and you got them.01:48:06 Just to do that like.
01:48:07 Just a little tiny, you know.
Speaker 8
01:48:12 That would be enough.01:48:13 There'll be.
01:48:14 But it's it's just like, look, that's impossible.01:48:19 Without raising a new generation?
01:48:21 Honestly, that's impossible.
01:48:23 You're not going to see that.
01:48:24 Turn around in your lifetime, and even look, even if you start to raise that new generation with that set of values, that's going to take some time because most of the the next generation, you know, the.
Speaker 9
01:48:35 You're not the only.Devon
01:48:37 White person making white babies.01:48:39 A lot of these are are people are raising communists and stuff like that.
01:48:42 You're going to be raising the the the weirdo with in Group preference.
01:48:46 It's going to take a really long time.
01:48:48 And I think it's.
01:48:49 Going to be the kind of thing that.
01:48:51 Will have to get worse, like it has to get worse like it.
01:48:54 Has to get to a point.
01:48:56 Where there's persecution like I mean, and I don't just mean like the stuff we've talked about over the stream, like the, you know, the the soldiers that have to, oh, we have to quit the army.
01:49:06 And whatever or the.
01:49:07 The endless videos that you see of like white kids in high school getting like, just ******* rocked by black subhumans.
01:49:14 You know what I mean?
01:49:16 It's gotta get.
01:49:17 It's gotta get really bad.
01:49:21 It's got to get really bad and it's got it's going to have to affect the normies in such a way to where?
01:49:28 You've got real.
01:49:31 Like real?
01:49:35 Like entire, almost like an entire communities full of white people that they're unemployable.
01:49:40 Just as as.
01:49:41 One example right entire groups of whites.
01:49:44 That and this is already kind of the case, but like you're going to like have.
Speaker 12
01:49:47 This on a larger scale.Devon
01:49:49 They're unemployable simply because they're white.01:49:54 You know, like there and.
01:49:55 As this automation stuff happens.
01:49:59 You'll have more of.
01:49:59 That because the the few jobs.
01:50:01 They're going to have.
01:50:03 As the automation fills in, a lot of this zero skill kind of Labor.
01:50:08 Those zero skilled jobs are going to be.
Speaker 10
01:50:11 They're not going to be given to white people.Devon
01:50:15 So it will first affect.01:50:17 The you know the lower.
01:50:19 The lower the least capable of the whites, right?
01:50:25 And then, but that will as as automation increases as you have more and more of the the non Americans in society infiltrating corporations and become getting in positions where they're doing all the hiring.
01:50:42 And you know that along with the legislation that that's already in place and will be increasingly more of a a problem or obstacle for white people getting jobs.
01:50:58 Yeah, it it'll.
01:50:59 It'll it'll have to.
01:51:00 On a large scale.
01:51:01 Affect white people's ability to.
01:51:03 Put food on the table and I know that's already like a thing, but it's going to be like a like a much bigger thing.
01:51:09 And you're also going to have to have you're going to have to be treated like second class citizens, you know, you're.
01:51:15 Going to have.
01:51:15 To have which is again already happening, but it's going to, it can't just be like the video of the of the the stupid.
01:51:23 Liberal ***** on the train getting punched by the black guy.
01:51:26 Like it's going to have to be like that.
01:51:30 On every train.
01:51:33 Where like they're going to have to have like, whites not allowed on the train.
01:51:39 Kind of because look, we can't have whites on it.
01:51:42 Look at the disruption they cause, right.
01:51:46 Look, she was on the train and she caused that.
01:51:49 She caused that disruption.
01:51:51 It's going to have to get to that level.
01:51:53 I just you know.
01:51:55 And I don't want to be living in the cities while that process is taking place.
01:52:00 I'd rather live in a parallel society while that process is taking place anyway.
01:52:11 OK, let's see.
01:52:14 I'm going to just like I said real quick and.
01:52:16 Then I'm out of here.
01:52:21 Did you check out the the guano tapes if?
01:52:24 There was your take on them.
01:52:25 The allegations regarding the coup in the Vatican.
01:52:27 No, it's actually so.
01:52:29 It literally is still that tab still open because I don't I I just shut my computer down and my power back up the all the, all the the tabs that I had.
01:52:39 You know, open.
01:52:40 Coming back, I I just haven't.
01:52:41 I haven't.
01:52:42 I've had too many other things I've been doing.
01:52:46 But I will.
01:52:47 I will get to.
Speaker 12
01:52:48 It at at a certain point.Devon
01:52:52 High Priest King Terry Trucker shortage pilot shortage, trade shortage.01:52:57 I believe this is mostly true.
01:52:59 Some of it is marketing to go to schools and programs once the boomers are gone, economy is going to hurt all of it runs on legacy systems and legacy people.
01:53:11 Same is true in tech industries too.
Speaker 6
01:53:13 And yeah, well.Devon
01:53:14 The other thing too is.01:53:16 Yeah, when the boomers die off.
Speaker 8
01:53:20 You are going to have.01:53:24 You're going to have.
01:53:25 A like the only reason why.
01:53:27 You don't have mandated diversity to the degree that we will is there's too many white boomers that don't want to get, you know, kicked out of their positions and they're they're hanging for, you know, for dear life.01:53:41 But as soon as they're gone, I mean, that's they're a big voting.
01:53:45 And they're like they they do make a difference.
01:53:48 So I mean, a a positive difference as much as we like to **** on them sometimes.
01:53:53 They still are advantageous in terms of political power at at times.
01:54:01 And once they're gone, yeah, that's going to be it.
01:54:03 And that's really going to be a demographics will shift dramatically.
01:54:08 And you know, it's funny.
01:54:09 I was watching.
01:54:13 Or I saw like.
01:54:14 On I think I was on 4 Chan I saw.
01:54:18 Someone posted that the people that made World of Warcraft.
01:54:24 The developers that made World of Warcraft from Blizzard, I guess they they have made like their own company like they're they're they're a bunch of white guys.
01:54:36 Because that's who develops games, especially back when world.
01:54:40 Of Warcraft was made.
01:54:42 And so they made a company to make some new games, and it's just a bunch of white guys as which wouldn't be shocking to me about any.
01:54:53 Software team really in my lifetime.
01:54:57 And there's a whole article.
01:55:00 Written in some.
01:55:02 Video game magazine about how awful that is, that there's a software company that's made-up of.
01:55:10 Of white guys.
01:55:12 And that's the kind of cancer that that is rapidly spreading.
01:55:15 It's not just going to be, you know, it's not going to just be SJW feminist Jews or or whoever the **** writing articles and some stupid video game magazine talking about, you know, too many white programmers at this video game company, it's going to across the board.
01:55:32 And we've already.Devon
01:55:33 Seen it happen in other places, right when you have mandated levels of women and POC's on boards of companies and just that's just the way it's going to go.01:55:45 And as that happens, it's just going to speed up the decline, which is I guess.
01:55:50 In a way, it's kind of good.
01:55:52 Because it will hurt these companies ability to be oppressive.
01:55:55 You know, when you have companies like Facebook and YouTube and and Twitter with their influence and their the power that they've got.
01:56:05 And it's not just limited to just the companies like, you know that Doritos ad.
Speaker 16
01:56:09 Right.Speaker 8
01:56:11 Where you have global hobo.Devon
01:56:13 Walking and lockstep towards the same goal.01:56:16 But a lot of that.
01:56:19 That effectiveness that, that.
01:56:23 That that, the, the you know the the opposition.
Speaker 9
01:56:29 Is going to.Devon
01:56:29 Get weaker is what I'm getting at because the competency level is going to go down as the demographics change.01:56:38 So anyway.
01:56:40 With that, I'm gonna.
01:56:42 I'm going to bail out.
Speaker 9
01:56:43 Of here, let.Devon
01:56:44 See that?01:56:44 See one more last thing.
01:56:51 No, I think that's it.
01:56:52 All right, well.
01:56:53 All right, I'm going to bail.
Speaker 9
01:56:54 Out here guys, hope you guys have.Devon
01:56:55 Fun I'll have a.01:56:59 Good show for you Saturday night, Halloween.
01:57:04 It's going to be a Halloween show technically, because it's going to it'll by the time I start streaming, it'll be Halloween.
01:57:13 So maybe we'll have a spooky Halloween insomnia stream.
01:57:19 For black pilled.
01:57:21 I am.
01:57:24 Wacky Wednesday Devon stack.
Speaker 20
01:57:27 On 89444.Speaker 23
01:57:28 My grandmother's number was 9/8.Speaker 21
01:57:30 1/3 my grandparents were murdered in Treblinka.Speaker 20
01:57:32 I was.01:57:33 Smokestacks of declamatory, who are growing 24 hours a day.
Speaker 9
01:57:39 I was in Bergen Belsen.Speaker 21
01:57:41 Grandfather is number 8944.Speaker 22
01:57:43 Four. Remember. Remember. Remember.Speaker 21
01:57:46 Remember, my grandfather is number 8944, the.01:57:49 Memories be a blessing.
Speaker 30
01:58:22 Hi, I'm Janet Napolitano, secretary of the Department of Homeland Security.01:58:27 Homeland Security begins with hometown security.
01:58:30 That's why I'm pleased that Walmart is helping to make our communities more safe and secure.
01:58:36 If you see something suspicious in the parking lot or in the store, say something immediately.
01:58:42 Report suspicious activity to your local police or sheriff if you need help, ask a Walmart manager for assistance.
01:58:50 Thank you for doing your part to help keep our hometowns safe.