

00:00:00 Ladies and gentlemen.
00:01:52 My name is Dominic.
Speaker 1
00:01:55 All the way from.
Speaker 2
00:01:58 Hello, Mr. Mr. Todd.
00:02:10 The family got 3300.
Speaker 2
00:02:45 Maybe they must stay.
Speaker 4
00:03:11 Yippee handle yo-yo with the yolk on my stuff.
00:03:46 Ladies and gentlemen, mind German and learn.
00:03:50 We'll say to you.
00:03:53 Thank you.
00:04:28 And now we're gonna take you.
00:04:29 To the top.
00:04:54 And that chicken?
Speaker 6
00:05:04 These businesses, yes.
Speaker 5
00:05:33 Down. Down.
Speaker 7
00:05:34 16 years ago, one day I was walking down the street.
00:05:41 Something was kicking the chicken.
00:05:48 There was a mess and checks in the box set to four, one by three 4/2 as the festival budget. The money for you.
00:06:17 The blue one went away.
00:06:19 They are the people are ******* well.
00:06:21 She was always cheating.
Speaker 2
00:07:10 Chicken. Chicken.
Speaker 7
00:08:39 She went to college, studied anatomy.
00:08:42 For the purpose of group cheering.
Speaker 2
00:09:02 Chicken, chicken, chicken.
Speaker 8
00:09:08 I know my chicken.
00:09:11 You've got to know your chicken.
00:09:14 And you know, you know, you're chicken very well if you are celebrating Yom Kippur.
00:09:20 Happy Yom Kippur to all you.
00:09:24 Jews out there in the audience, I'm sure.
00:09:25 There's lots.
00:09:28 The the ADL and IDF and FBI and CIA, all of you guys twirling the chicken over here, going to talk about that a little bit.
00:09:38 This is the insomnia stream, young.
00:09:41 4 Edition I'm your host dev and stack.
00:09:44 You know, real cozy tonight a little bit, cuz you're taking a break from the the the relentless Holocaust ********.
00:09:51 I just can't do it stream after stream after stream.
00:09:54 You know it's there's only so much Holocaust I can take.
00:10:02 But yeah.
00:10:04 Yeah, it's kind of funny.
00:10:05 We were talking one.
00:10:06 One of the things last stream that we that that we we talked about with that Holocaust documentary that I I don't think that I really.
00:10:17 Emphasized as much as I would have liked to, and that is, I kept talking about how, you know, democracy doesn't matter to these people.
00:10:24 You know, they mentioned in the documentary itself that the American people did not want Jewish immigrants fleeing from Germany or the surrounding areas.
00:10:35 They didn't want to take them in.
00:10:37 And it wasn't just America.
00:10:39 It was the entire W.
00:10:41 Australia didn't want to take him in Australia, said something along the lines of we don't we have no need for merchants.
00:10:49 And intellectuals or no, I think it.
00:10:51 Was France that said?
00:10:52 That Australia said something along the lines of we don't have any racial problems here.
00:10:57 We don't.
00:10:57 Want to import any.
00:11:01 But country after country after country were these pretty based sounding official stances.
00:11:09 And they were all saying the same thing.
00:11:11 We don't want to take these people in.
00:11:13 And I kept reiterating, look, you know, they they they talk a big game about democracy.
00:11:17 They really want to have democracy unless it's not what they want.
00:11:23 Same thing with free speech or literally anything else, because it's they're not principle driven.
00:11:28 They're narrative driven.
00:11:30 But what I really should have of of emphasize more than anything else.
00:11:37 The entitlement.
00:11:41 The entitlement they felt as if they were entitled.
00:11:45 To enter our country. It's it's not Even so much that like it was against the people's will.
00:11:53 It's just that they feel like they're entitled to be in your country.
00:11:57 It doesn't matter that you don't want them there.
00:12:00 They are entitled to the whole world.
00:12:10 Who cares what you think?
00:12:16 You're the one sinning.
00:12:17 You're the one sinning for not wanting to take in Jews, and then after the Jews came in, you can understand why immigration.
00:12:23 In the West.
00:12:25 Has been framed the way that it is now.
00:12:32 Who do you think was?
00:12:33 Instrumental in that.
Speaker 8
00:12:36 Who do you think got?
00:12:37 That ball rolling so they could get their family members over here after the huge influx of immigration around the turn of the century.
00:12:45 From the same parts of the.
00:12:46 World East European Jews.
00:12:54 Anyway, it was just again, there's only so much.
00:12:58 So much of that documentary I can do in a row before I just, you know, start seeing red but.
00:13:07 But yeah, today's Yom Kippur, I can't imagine why they wouldn't want these these beautiful people.
00:13:14 In their countries.
00:14:03 Ah yes.
00:14:04 I'm poor.
00:14:06 It's the the great holiday.
00:14:09 Where you can trick God into not punishing you for bad things that you that you do.
00:14:15 All you have to do is torture a chicken.
00:14:19 That's right.
00:14:21 Torture chicken.
00:14:22 And it tricks God into thinking that that you're the chicken and that the chicken should be punished for your sins and not you.
00:14:30 That's actually what young Kapoor is.
00:14:32 So for those of you who don't know.
00:14:35 Every year.
00:14:37 Thousands, if not millions, of chickens are tortured to death by Jews all across the world.
00:14:45 Weird that you don't.
00:14:46 Know about that, right?
00:14:47 It happens in in America.
00:14:49 It happens in Western countries, happens in Israel.
00:14:53 New York Times.
00:14:55 They try to make it sound like a lot less weird.
00:14:58 I don't know how you make that sound.
00:15:00 Not weird but.
00:15:01 Here's New York Times I I think a couple of years back trying to.
00:15:04 Explain it to people.
Speaker 11
00:15:06 Found myself in an interesting gathering in Brooklyn this week 1 involving lots of chicken swinging.
00:15:16 Everyone was swinging them older men.
00:15:21 Younger women.
00:15:26 Older couples, younger couples expecting a baby's parents wave them above their children.
00:15:37 And of course, you had young guys having.
00:15:39 A bit of fun.
Speaker 12
00:15:41 Ah yes, bit fond of the sound of the the.
Speaker 13
00:15:42 It was a surreal.
Speaker 11
00:15:43 Scene and perhaps I should back up.
00:15:44 Portrait sounds of the chickens.
Speaker 11
00:15:44 A bit.
00:15:46 I was driving on Tuesday on Main Street in Queens when I saw.
00:15:50 A tent set.
00:15:51 Up and a man waving a chicken over his chills, it was Matty LAX and he explained that this was called kapparot, accustomed observed by some Orthodox Jews.
00:16:02 Before Yom Kippur.
00:16:04 In which one sins are symbolically transferred to a chicken.
00:16:07 Each member of the family gets gets.
00:16:09 One boy for boy, girl for a.
Speaker 14
00:16:11 Girl is this is symbolic.
00:16:13 And we sort of handle for since the chicken and the chicken uses its life instead of us.
Speaker 15
00:16:18 And there's and there's a a portion of the.
Speaker 14
00:16:19 Prayer that you say at.
Speaker 16
00:16:20 The end that specifically says.
00:16:22 That this is in my place.
00:16:24 This will be in my stead and in in.
Speaker 11
00:16:28 For that I will I will.
00:16:29 Get to live a long.
Speaker 17
00:16:30 Life and.
Speaker 16
00:16:30 And my shortened life.
00:16:32 Will be handed off to the chicken.
Speaker 11
00:16:35 Marty told me I find a much.
00:16:36 Busier Cappa Rd.
00:16:37 Scene in Crown heights.
00:16:39 So I headed to 770 Eastern Parkway.
Speaker 12
00:16:42 The world.
Speaker 8
00:16:44 Anyway, yeah.
00:16:44 So yeah, they just.
00:16:45 Swing and torture these chickens around all day long and then beat them.
00:16:48 To death and.
00:16:52 It doesn't matter what you did that year.
00:16:55 Doesn't matter what you did.
00:16:59 Listen to this creepy guy like explain.
00:17:02 I found this.
00:17:03 I was just like, holy ****.
Speaker 18
00:17:07 Yom Kippur, the holy.
00:17:08 Day of the.
00:17:09 David Holman, which I'm sure most of you guys know about it today, where we get atoned for all our sins and we believe as we wave the chicken around our head, we actually say a prayer asking God to transfer our sins and to place it on the chicken and instead.
00:17:24 Of God punishing us.
00:17:26 We asked him that we slaughter the chicken and slaughter the slaughtering of the chicken.
00:17:30 Should should be instead of us being slaughtered.
00:17:40 Makes perfect sense, right?
00:17:42 Perfect sense.
00:17:44 And it's funny they they all have the same like robotic explanation when they describe it, you know.
00:17:52 This is this is normal guys.
00:17:54 This is totally no.
00:17:55 I can't imagine.
00:17:57 I can't imagine why Western countries wouldn't want this kind of brutality.
00:18:06 And this is pretty tame.
00:18:09 I was trying to find the more brutal stuff and it's they got to do a good job of hiding that video.
00:18:14 I've seen some pretty pet stuff.
00:18:15 Though they're like, they're.
00:18:17 Like violently swinging the chickens around by their legs and ****.
00:18:23 Look at the guy.
00:18:24 Look at the.
00:18:24 Guy on the left.
00:18:26 On this on this clip.
00:18:30 Unmute it. Here. There, we.
Speaker 19
00:18:31 Go transfer your sins that really want to be.
00:18:35 Killed by God in his mercy.
00:18:40 I mean, look at.
00:18:40 That guy.
00:18:44 Hold on.
Speaker 8
00:18:48 I can't even hear what the other.
00:18:49 Guy is saying I'm just.
00:18:50 Look at this guy like.
Speaker 19
00:18:51 Holy ****, I've transferred the sins from you onto the chicken.
00:18:55 The chicken gets showed.
00:18:57 Anyway, happy.
Speaker 20
00:19:04 Oh, good Lord. Good Lord.
00:19:09 So anyway, Speaking of Jews, I guess there's this.
00:19:12 Clip going around.
00:19:14 Where this guy confronts Matt Walsh.
00:19:21 Who Matt Walsh has been doing a.
00:19:23 Lot of the.
00:19:26 Well, he works for a Jewish company, but he he's a apparently a Catholic that works at a Jewish company that that likes to say judeo-christian.
00:19:36 All the.
Speaker 8
00:19:38 And but he does.
00:19:39 He does do some.
00:19:40 Good stuff on.
00:19:41 Showing the the gender and the trends insanity.
Speaker 8
00:19:46 But he does.
00:19:47 At the same time, avoid the origin of a lot of this stuff, leading a lot of people to be angry about it.
00:19:54 And unfortunately, this guy right here and look, I get it.
00:19:58 He's Asian or something.
00:20:01 He's he's used to just getting a pass.
00:20:04 He doesn't understand you.
00:20:05 Have to be you have to have like a little bit of class.
00:20:07 You have to have a little bit of.
00:20:09 You have to be.
00:20:10 You have to.
00:20:11 You have to treat this subject with a little bit of persuasion.
00:20:14 You can't just angrily, angrily yell about the Jews doing the trans stuff at A at a event like this.
00:20:22 The kind of event where like, you're not going to persuade the people in the crowd.
00:20:26 We go to a Matt Walsh event.
00:20:28 By saying what are you going to?
Speaker 20
00:20:29 Confront the Jews.
00:20:33 Like I said.
00:20:34 I get it.
00:20:34 He's Asian.
00:20:35 He's used, he's.
Speaker 8
00:20:36 Used to having.
00:20:36 That I'm a non white at your.
00:20:39 At your event.
00:20:40 Conservative whites in the audience, so I can get away with a lot more.
00:20:43 He doesn't realize.
00:20:44 No, not you.
00:20:45 You usually can.
00:20:46 You usually can.
00:20:48 But not when you're talking about this group.
Speaker 16
00:20:51 You said yourself that powerful institutions are at play here and there's coordinated effort to spread this parasitic ideology.
00:20:58 So I have a question for you.
00:21:00 Are you willing to name the group behind this?
00:21:02 Because behind all these institutions there seems to be a Cohen, a burg, A Stein?
00:21:06 So I have a question for you.
00:21:08 What are your thoughts on the Jewish influence about on gender ideology?
Speaker 1
00:21:18 So you're.
Speaker 16
00:21:18 What's great about?
Speaker 8
00:21:21 See there you got me.
00:21:23 This looks bad for you know.
00:21:25 We we look at this and we know why he can't respond.
00:21:29 There's nothing you can say.
00:21:31 It's like the the clip from a couple of years ago when Jordan Peterson was going on and on about communism and soldier in each and and and and then that one guy in the audience is like, well, what about the the other book that he wrote that you never talk about?
00:21:43 And what about this this anti?
00:21:47 You know, Russian fervor that you see that's that's basically like a revenge fantasy for a certain group.
00:21:57 And he just declined to answer, and he was on stage and just said, you know, something along.
00:22:03 The lines of I can't answer that.
00:22:04 I can't talk about that.
00:22:07 And that's that's basically what you're getting from Matt Walsh.
00:22:09 Same thing, right?
00:22:12 Because these people, they fancy themselves principled.
00:22:17 So they can't outright lie.
00:22:21 So instead they just say nothing.
00:22:24 Am I gonna do anything about the Jews?
00:22:26 What you're asking me?
Speaker 5
00:22:29 No. Do I need?
00:22:33 OK.
00:22:37 Clapping. Zionist.
00:22:40 To dignify that with a further response, do you think?
Speaker 15
00:22:44 It's a hard one to follow.
00:22:47 So yeah, if you're going to do that.
00:22:52 And you want to be persuasive because like anyone that's going to be on the fence about this stuff or maybe doesn't know, maybe doesn't know about the connection.
00:23:02 You have to be diplomatic and I know there's.
Speaker 20
00:23:05 People that like optics.
00:23:08 It doesn't matter.
00:23:08 Dude, what are you trying to do?
00:23:11 Are you trying to persuade people?
00:23:12 Are you trying to educate people?
00:23:14 Are you trying to feel good because you got to yell about the Jews?
00:23:16 That Matt Walsh?
00:23:19 Are you trying to get people?
00:23:20 Who already agree with.
00:23:20 You to be like, yeah, sucking beast.
00:23:23 Or are you trying to actually get some of the people in that crowd to be like, wait, hold on a?
00:23:27 Second, what's this about Tevin Pharmaceuticals?
00:23:31 What's this?
00:23:32 What do you mean?
00:23:33 All the hormone companies that are making the trans kids stuff, they're all out of Israel.
00:23:39 I didn't know about this.
00:23:45 There's there's ways to do this.
00:23:47 There's ways to do this.
00:23:49 And unfortunately he.
00:23:52 Yeah, he he didn't do it the right way.
00:23:55 So this isn't going to?
00:23:56 This isn't going to resonate with anyone.
00:23:58 In fact, if anything, they're going to the people in the audience are that were cheering.
00:24:04 They were cheering when.
00:24:05 Matt Walsh basically said, well, I'm not.
00:24:07 Going to I'm not even going to answer that.
00:24:09 They applauded.
00:24:12 That's not what you want.
00:24:13 That's not embarrassing him in front.
00:24:15 Of his crowd.
00:24:17 That's not getting people to scratch their heads.
00:24:19 That's getting people who already understand they already get it to be like.
00:24:24 But who cares?
00:24:27 Who cares?
00:24:29 That gets.
00:24:31 You nowhere?
00:24:33 And and I think too often you have that there's people that are so frustrated with what you what you can and can't say that they just they want to just blurt it out and be as offensive about it as possible and not that what he.
00:24:44 Said was offensive to us.
00:24:48 But you haven't broken the conditioning with these people yet.
00:24:53 To them, for a lot of these people, it's.
00:24:55 It's like a religious thing.
00:25:00 You know, there's there's that polling data that comes out every year.
00:25:03 I think Gallup does it where they ask different religious groups who do you what other religious groups do you admire most, right.
00:25:13 And every year, every year.
00:25:16 Evangelicals and the types of Christians that will be in this audience.
00:25:21 Rate Jews.
00:25:23 As the highest.
00:25:26 And every year, Jews.
00:25:28 Rate those same Christians the lowest.
00:25:34 But they have no idea that woman, right?
00:25:35 There, she has no idea.
00:25:41 Those people snickering about that that that wacky Asian anti Semite.
00:25:51 They have no idea.
00:25:56 When you're doing these sorts of things, you have to look at yourself as someone who's.
00:26:03 You're trying to to persuade someone.
00:26:06 Out of a religious belief?
00:26:12 Especially with conservatives.
00:26:16 Because conservatives.
00:26:18 Don't like rocking the boat?
00:26:24 Don't like?
00:26:28 Changing social norms.
00:26:31 Right.
00:26:31 That's why a lot of these can serve.
00:26:33 As in the crowd are there.
00:26:35 They don't like the changing social norms.
00:26:39 And we don't like that one of the social norms in the West is that you can't criticize Jews, but it's one of the social norms.
00:26:50 And so if if it's something that you want to change.
00:26:53 You just have to be a little more tactical about it.
00:27:02 I say as I I might make fun of Jews with chickens and stuff.
00:27:08 But that's the thing.
00:27:09 If I were to go make fun of Yom Kippur at an event like.
00:27:13 This I would I.
00:27:13 Would I would have a totally different strategy.
00:27:17 All righty.
00:27:22 But Speaking of trans agenda in the schools.
00:27:26 I was trying to.
00:27:26 Find the name.
00:27:27 Of the I'm I suspect.
00:27:31 But I don't know I have to be honest.
00:27:32 I don't know the teacher behind this.
00:27:36 Because none of the newspapers.
00:27:38 Will give the name of the teacher behind this.
Speaker 21
00:27:41 Parents, upset and a school principal apologizing it's after their middle school students and 7th grade social studies at Challenger Middle School were asked personal questions in a survey as part of an assignment way 30 ones.
00:27:55 Matt crucial dug into how the controversial survey that was sanctioned ended up in homework.
Speaker 22
00:28:03 And Marie, those questions included things like sexual orientation and asking the students how liberal their parents were. There were 48 questions in this survey.
00:28:14 They were not vetted or approved by the school leadership or the district.
00:28:18 The principal here at Challenger Middle School saying this survey didn't meet school standards.
00:28:22 It's not clear if the teacher.
00:28:23 Who included this in their lesson will face any disciplinary actions by the district because the district said they refused to comment on personnel matters.
00:28:32 But the principal did send out an e-mail to parents this week saying the teacher was asked to remove that survey, and now they're apologizing to parents for the error.
00:28:44 Yeah, the the teacher that they won't name.
00:28:47 I was looking at all kinds of articles.
00:28:48 Just trying to find a.
00:28:49 Name because I suspect that is like a Cohen.
00:28:52 Or a Weinberg or you.
00:28:53 Know one of these, but uh yeah, we're not allowed to know.
Speaker 14
00:28:57 That's the question.
Speaker 22
00:28:57 About very targeted information about parents, about you asking the kids, your parents, liberal.
Speaker 15
00:29:04 Yes, the very last question was, are your parents liberal or progressive in the political thoughts?
00:29:09 And the only question or the answer to that was yes, no or neutral.
00:29:14 Which I feel is also once again very inappropriate to ask a child and it just asks just for liberal or progressive parents and is pretty much targeting conservative parents.
Speaker 22
00:29:24 That parent didn't want to use her face on TV or use her name.
00:29:28 But again, she's very upset and she says that she's brought those concerns to the principal and she's really not.
00:29:34 Happy with the response here.
00:29:35 Just that e-mail going out to all the parents says that made their family feel very uncomfortable.
00:29:39 She's worried about her students back here in the classroom in that same room with that same teacher, at least.
00:29:46 That teacher, they won't name that teacher.
00:29:49 They won't name.
00:29:54 But Speaking of teachers.
00:29:59 Project Veritas.
00:30:03 Whoever once in a while does something cool.
00:30:07 Got this teacher on video talking specifically about their agenda.
Speaker 23
00:30:13 You know.
00:30:13 The only thing.
00:30:14 That's a problem here is that House Bill 1770.
00:30:19 Five or something.
00:30:22 I can get my.
00:30:24 For being too big.
00:30:25 But I think it's you're not overly those ways to.
Speaker 23
00:30:26 You know what I mean.
00:30:30 That that's what I mean.
00:30:31 Yeah, like.
00:30:31 Trust me, I want.
00:30:32 To like burn down the.
00:30:33 Entire system. Yeah, like serious.
Speaker 5
00:30:35 There's ways to introduce these ideas.
Speaker 24
00:30:37 Without broadcasting it, you know what?
Speaker 23
00:30:39 Yeah, no, I broadcast it.
00:30:40 Saying and not.
Speaker 1
00:30:42 Too much less answers.
Speaker 23
00:30:43 Yeah, but like.
00:30:45 Eventually you want to like, remove Christianity from religion from progressive thought because like religion is hierarchical.
Speaker 24
00:30:53 Yes, that is Tyler.
00:30:57 So you have teachers who are actively trying to.
00:31:03 Spread their poison in their classrooms.
00:31:09 This kind of poison.
Speaker 25
00:31:26 What's your name?
00:31:28 Everyone say.
00:31:29 Hey, Angel.
00:31:33 I want to buy you something really fabulous on Amazon right now.
Speaker 2
00:31:40 You're making Mama cry.
Speaker 25
00:31:41 Don't cry.
00:31:42 It's not country lashes.
00:31:45 They're real.
00:32:00 Yes, the poison is spreading, in fact.
00:32:04 This is a news report about the Barbara Bush Speaking of conservatives and trans issues, the Barbara Bush Children's Hospital.
00:32:18 Oh, the Barbara.
00:32:19 Bush Children's Hospital has a gender clinic now.
00:32:25 That's right.
00:32:27 Do you know Barbara Bush?
00:32:30 There's a good chance.
00:32:33 That she is the daughter of Alistair Crowley.
Speaker 8
00:32:37 Have you guys seen this?
00:32:40 Have you guys seen this?
00:32:42 Let's see if I can find.
00:32:51 Now the reason I say this.
00:32:53 In addition to them looking kind of the same.
Speaker 20
00:32:58 Here we are.
00:33:00 Let me bring this up here.
00:33:02 Her mother back when Alistair Crowley was was very popular among ruling class families, and he was having ****** with children.
00:33:14 And had a a mansion in London where he would throw parties and people would just, I mean, weeks long ****** with their sex magic ********, right?
00:33:25 Barbara Bush's mother.
00:33:28 Went to this mansion, lived there around in the timeline.
00:33:32 Makes sense to where it's at least possible.
00:33:34 I mean, I don't know.
00:33:35 I don't know.
00:33:35 I don't think we'll ever know.
00:33:36 It's one of those things we'll never know.
Speaker 26
00:33:39 But let me see here.
00:33:46 I mean, it's possible.
00:33:51 It is possible.
00:33:55 I mean, you know.
00:33:58 It's definitely possible there anyway, so at her at her Children's Hospital in Maine, they have a a gender clinic for children.
Speaker 27
00:34:09 Like so many nine year old girls, Lucy Tidd loves to dance.
Speaker 28
00:34:13 I love that I'm very flexible and that I can do a bunch of stunts and stuff in my dancing and that I'm very athletic.
Speaker 27
00:34:23 She also loves to play the keyboard, but Luci's life wasn't.
Speaker 4
00:34:28 Wait, wait.
00:34:29 What the?
00:34:29 What the ****?
00:34:30 Say, listen.
Speaker 8
00:34:31 To this song this.
00:34:32 This is this is a guy, by the way, this is.
00:34:34 A a little boy.
00:34:35 Listen to the ******* song.
00:34:37 This ****** boy also likes to play the keyboard.
Speaker 28
00:34:40 I'm very athletic.
Speaker 27
00:34:43 She also loves to play the keyboard, but Lucy's life wasn't always.
00:34:47 What? What?
00:34:48 Isn't that like the omen or what?
00:34:50 What is that?
00:34:51 What chat?
00:34:52 What movie is that from?
00:34:53 That's like from the omen or from, like, one of those Satan ******* Halloween.
Speaker 8
00:35:03 Like that's so insane this trendy boy.
00:35:05 Also likes to play the keyboard.
Speaker 17
00:35:08 They're evil.
Speaker 28
00:35:09 Let it.
Speaker 27
00:35:11 She also loves to play the keyboard, but Lucy's life wasn't always this easygoing. That's because Lucy wasn't always Lucy.
Speaker 29
00:35:19 When my child Benjamin was born back in 2006, he was born Benjamin Thomaston.
Speaker 27
00:35:28 Bridget says Benjamin was headstrong from birth and struggled with behavioral issues, but she says there were other things that were different about Benjamin.
Speaker 29
00:35:36 We noticed at a young age there was this tendency to want to.
00:35:41 Dress up and want to do what I do every day and he used.
00:35:46 To love if.
00:35:46 I had high heels on.
00:35:47 He would love to hear the sound, he said.
00:35:50 I love that sound, Mama.
00:35:51 I love that sound.
Speaker 27
00:35:55 At first, the tips thought it was just a.
00:35:57 Stage he was.
00:35:57 Going through that was until a moment that altered their lives for good, he said.
00:36:03 No, it altered his life for good.
00:36:06 Well, for evil.
00:36:08 But permanently.
00:36:11 And it'll probably end his life prematurely.
Speaker 29
00:36:14 Said to me, mom.
00:36:15 I wish I could die and I had gone.
00:36:19 You know what?
00:36:20 I'm sure he's going to.
00:36:21 Be saying I wish I could die.
00:36:24 In just a handful of years.
00:36:29 Speaking of tribe members, I don't know.
00:36:31 I don't know.
00:36:33 That none of.
00:36:33 So it's always in every case, it's always the quiet cookie husband in the background.
00:36:44 It's always the moms.
00:36:46 It's always the moms.
00:36:49 That transition their kids.
00:36:52 And the husband is just there.
Speaker 29
00:36:58 So I could bring me.
00:36:59 Back as a girl.
00:37:01 And that was the moment we said we.
00:37:04 Would rather have our child.
00:37:07 Be with a different name and identify as who she wants to be than a child that.
00:37:12 Isn't here at all.
Speaker 3
00:37:12 I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter.
Speaker 27
00:37:15 That's when the tips sought help with the gender clinic at the Barbara Bush Children's Hospital. Doctor Gerald Olshan, a pediatric endocrinologist, is the medical director.
Speaker 14
00:37:24 You know about one in four will attempt suicide.
00:37:27 About half will consider suicide during adolescence.
00:37:31 And so our big goal and what got me interested is how do we help this population do better in the long run?
00:37:38 This isn't the choice in most individuals.
00:37:40 This is probably biologically programmed.
Speaker 5
00:37:42 Maybe make some suggestions.
Speaker 27
00:37:43 Doctor Aaron Belfort, a child and adolescent psychiatrist, agrees.
Speaker 30
00:37:47 These kids aren't just kind of wishing to be the other gender.
00:37:50 I mean, they really come into my office and say no, I am.
00:37:54 I am not a girl or I am not a.
00:37:56 Boy, this doesn't feel right.
Speaker 7
00:37:58 Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 27
00:37:59 And she says it's crucial for transgender children to get the proper support from their families and the medical community.
Speaker 30
00:38:05 So we know that these kids have much higher rates of depression of anxiety.
00:38:11 Yeah, they're mentally ill.
00:38:14 Probably is a direct result from their psycho mothers.
00:38:18 So let's let's mutilate them.
Speaker 30
00:38:24 Problems with substance abuse and much of that we understand to be related to the stigma.
Speaker 27
00:38:30 While the kids say stigma was not much of an issue for them, their son Benjamin had many more struggles before transitioning to.
00:38:42 So anyway.
00:38:45 It's more and more it's normalized.
00:38:51 Now we're going to talk about maybe some of the warning signs.
00:38:56 There were first appearing back in the 80s.
00:39:00 Just as a.
00:39:03 Just as a sneak preview here, we're going to be.
00:39:07 Look at this.
00:39:08 Look at this.
00:39:08 Guy, we're going to be listening to an interview from the 1980s.
00:39:13 1983 I believe.
00:39:16 With some goth and punk and.
00:39:21 From the 80s, they were first appearing.
00:39:24 And these these people in Ireland.
00:39:29 But some of the most shocking things that they discussed in this interview.
00:39:34 Have nothing to do with their their appearance.
00:39:37 It has more to do with their family life, but.
00:39:39 We'll get into that in a second.
00:39:42 One last story before we go to that.
00:39:48 People playing this clip around, I don't understand why, like so much of this stuff that gets played like, oh, look, Biden had an open mic.
00:39:56 This isn't even that bad.
Speaker 12
00:40:00 Thanks for everything.
00:40:01 Thanks for coming down.
00:40:02 We appreciate it.
00:40:03 By the way, that's exactly right.
00:40:10 I can't argue with you brothers.
00:40:12 Outside the house.
Speaker 20
00:40:16 No one ***** with abiding.
00:40:20 Like So what I don't.
00:40:21 I really don't care.
00:40:22 Like I don't know why this is making the rounds that.
00:40:26 Like if Trump had said the same exact thing.
00:40:29 People would think.
00:40:30 It was awesome.
00:40:31 And look, it's true.
00:40:32 No one does **** with the Biden.
00:40:34 I mean, he he can have that.
00:40:36 It can be out in the open that he molested his daughter and nothing happens.
00:40:41 He can fondle children on.
00:40:43 On C-SPAN and now for years.
00:40:49 And nothing happens.
00:40:51 He can sniff women in front of their husbands.
00:40:55 Nothing happens.
00:40:58 Yeah, his son can smoke, crack and **** underage hookers on video and nothing happens.
00:41:05 So I I don't see why that's a big deal.
00:41:06 I will say though.
00:41:07 However, it's not entirely true that no one will **** with the Biden because it turns out OPEC is ******* with the Biden.
Speaker 31
00:41:18 All right, now to some breaking news this morning on the global stage, Reuters reporting.
00:41:23 OPEC and its allies, including Russia, have just agreed to a major cut in oil production aimed at bolstering prices.
00:41:31 The move to cut 2 million barrels of oil a day was announced just moments ago at the Gathering.
00:41:38 Of the group in Vienna.
00:41:40 For more on this, let's bring in CNBC reporter Frank.
00:41:43 And Frank, what does this cut mean for gas prices?
Speaker 24
00:41:47 Hey, good morning, Mika.
00:41:48 Well, of course, oil is moving higher on those reports of that major oil production cut by OPEC and its allies that reported plan to cut 2 million barrels a day.
00:41:55 That'll be the biggest since the start of the pandemic.
00:41:57 The cuts are expected to move oil.
00:41:58 Prices possibly to.
00:42:00 $100 a barrel, maybe even higher. That's.
00:42:02 About a 15.
00:42:03 Percent increase from where we are today.
00:42:05 That would of course lead to higher gas prices and even higher prices for home heating oil here in the US, as many are already grappling with inflation.
00:42:12 Regular and lead just to give you some perspective still about 20% higher than it was a year ago.
00:42:17 Just the expectation of these major cuts have seemingly put the brakes on a 2 day rally on Wall Street that that looks like it opened.
00:42:23 Up just about 300 points lower.
00:42:25 At this point, also important to note, interest rates also moving higher on questions about the Fed and the thoughts they could be pause or maybe even pivot from their plans to raise rates or to in their plan to reduce inflation.
00:42:36 Higher gas prices could just contribute to higher prices and inflation here in the US, raising even more questions about our Central bank.
00:42:46 I have lots of questions about our central bank, but I don't think you'll address any of them.
00:42:50 So anyway, so that's that's the that's the news I came across today.
00:42:56 On this wonderful Yom Kippur, Yom Kippur.
00:43:01 So let's take it.
00:43:02 We'll take a look at this.
00:43:03 But by the way, Ghost cat still around.
00:43:05 I thought ghost Cat was dead for sure yesterday.
00:43:10 Because like for like the last week, every time I walked outside Ghost Cat.
00:43:13 Would come out of a Bush.
00:43:14 And be like.
00:43:15 And like follow me around and and whatever.
00:43:18 And then yesterday I went out there.
00:43:21 I was trying to figure out like, I was like, oh, I'm going to make ghost cat like a little like a cat door into one of my sheds or something like that.
00:43:28 And no ghost cat.
00:43:29 All day long, no ghost cat.
00:43:31 I even went out at night last night with a flashlight and my headlamp and and walked around like about about a mile.
00:43:39 Around the whole area.
00:43:40 No ghost cat and I was like, oh, alright.
00:43:42 Well, either something got ghost cat or ghost cat.
00:43:46 Has moved on and.
00:43:48 And just a few hours ago, Ghost Cat was back let.
00:43:53 Let ghost cat in the house for a little bit.
00:43:55 There was a fight, there was a a brawl classified cat and ghost Cat got into a.
00:44:01 A disagreement and ghost cat is back outside, but.
00:44:07 Yeah, that's what's going on with that.
00:44:08 I'm trying to slowly, slowly introduce him.
00:44:13 Into the population, but.
00:44:17 We'll see what happens anyway, so this is an interview from Irish television in 1983, and in 1983 they were starting to notice that there were some very radical.
00:44:33 Not in the way I guess kids meant that in the 80s, but just in the actual definition of the term radical changes in the way that teenagers were dressing and it's kind of funny because this should have been like the first.
00:44:47 Alarm bells going off and I think I have a good explanation for this because a lot of this continued on into the 80s and 90s and now look, it's a it's a.
00:44:54 ******* **** show.
00:44:56 And while a lot of the people they talk about it and they'll ask them like, why are you dressed like this?
00:45:01 And it's always like we're we're rebelling.
00:45:03 We're rebelling against, you know, the, the the previous system or whatever.
00:45:08 What they're really saying is they're rebelling against the boomers.
00:45:11 And honestly, I think it's more than rebelling against the boomers.
00:45:16 They're trying to get the boomers attention.
00:45:21 They have parents.
00:45:24 Who flatly ignore them.
00:45:27 And look, I know.
00:45:28 This when I was in high school.
00:45:31 Which was several years later.
00:45:32 It wasn't certainly wasn't in 83.
00:45:35 But this sort of style was still going on.
00:45:40 The Friends of mine that I had that were I guess the later versions of these kids.
00:45:48 With the crazy hair, the chains, the, the piercings.
00:45:56 In every instance that I can.
00:45:59 Think of at least.
00:46:01 They had parents that ignored them.
00:46:04 Either they had both parents that worked.
00:46:07 And would go on vacations without them.
00:46:09 And and that sort of a thing.
00:46:12 Or they had, like, a single mom that worked, you know, latchkey kids.
00:46:18 And there was.
00:46:19 A lot of resentment.
00:46:21 It wasn't very often that you had children like this.
00:46:28 Stable home lives.
00:46:31 With attentive parents.
00:46:38 You can tell by the way that these kids talk in this interview, we're going to play.
00:46:45 That they're not.
00:46:46 They can't really articulate what it is they're rebelling against.
00:46:55 Because the sad fact is they were rebelling against being ignored.
00:47:00 They were doing whatever they could to be noticed.
Speaker 3
00:47:10 There are various types of gangs operating in Ireland at the moment, in all our major cities.
00:47:13 They are punks, mods, rockers, Teds, greasers, futuristics, new romantics, blitz, kids, skinheads, Rudy, skinheads, boot buyers, Hell's angels, bikers and Scout boys.
00:47:27 And we have some representatives of various gangs on the programme tonight, starting with closest to me.
00:47:32 The general called Balaka Macdonagh, who is 20 years of age.
00:47:35 He's unemployed.
00:47:36 He's been a punk for six years.
00:47:38 He is from Crumblin and he is one of 11 children beside.
00:47:43 So that's one of the first.
00:47:44 Things I want to point out.
00:47:46 Not these unemployed.
00:47:47 He's one of eleven children.
00:47:54 11 children.
00:47:59 I wonder how many kids this guy has.
00:48:01 I doubt it's 11.
00:48:05 And that's going to be that's going to be a common theme as they interview these people, they and no one in the audience.
00:48:11 Is gasping.
00:48:12 Oh my God.
00:48:16 That's insane.
00:48:19 You'll also notice that all these people are unemployed.
00:48:31 I wonder what the.
00:48:33 The immigration situation was in 1983. It was just beginning.
00:48:41 What I have found a lot of these.
00:48:45 Interviews from.
00:48:48 From the UK and Ireland and Scotland, you're this is around the same time period you start to see these BBC specials where they're talking about like oh you, you need to really start getting along with all these these blacks and and patties and stuff that we're letting into the country.
00:49:11 So these people didn't want to just get noticed by their parents.
00:49:14 I think they just wanted to get noticed by their society.
Speaker 3
00:49:18 With him, we have Siobhan Corrigan, who's 19?
00:49:20 She's been a punk for four years and she's a sales assistant.
00:49:23 She's from Jumna, the eldest of four children.
00:49:26 Next we have John Fiddler, who is 20, and he's a first year student of fashion and textiles at the National College of Art and Design.
00:49:32 He's from Culliney, the eldest of two children.
00:49:37 And he's gay. There's no way this guy's not gay. And in fact, he is gay. He became like an.
00:49:46 Aids doctor.
00:49:47 I think later on.
00:49:51 So anyway, keep going.
Speaker 3
00:49:53 It says here he's been dressing strangely for five years.
00:49:57 Gerard Quinn finally is 20 years a mod.
00:50:00 He's been a mod for three years.
00:50:01 He's unemployed, he's from Fatima Mansions, and there are 16 children in his family.
00:50:07 16 children.
00:50:11 16 children.
00:50:19 Now he's the most normal out of he's a mod.
00:50:23 They're the ones that like they they want to dress up like the 1950s.
00:50:29 Diner kids.
00:50:31 You know, they ride around on Vespas.
Speaker 3
00:50:37 Let us talk to them a while about the sort of things that many people would would think strange and what they do.
00:50:42 For example, donica the philosophy of being punk.
00:50:46 What is it?
00:50:46 What's it about, donica?
Speaker 10
00:50:49 The rebellion against the old system.
00:50:52 System that we were born into and we're supposed to live both, but we don't agree with the today's system.
00:50:59 So we rebel against it.
00:51:01 In our appearance.
00:51:03 The way we dress and the way we think.
Speaker 3
00:51:07 Are you into violence?
00:51:10 And again, notice how he can't articulate what it is about the system he doesn't like, or how dressing differently is going to somehow change that.
00:51:23 Because I think the real thing is he wants to be noticed.
00:51:26 Look, and I think this is the same problem with the trans kids.
00:51:29 It's just it's become so.
00:51:32 I mean, look, that kid that in that news report we just played, he gets noticed by his mom now.
00:51:41 His mom, so excited to have a daughter.
00:51:46 A lot of these ******** that you you encounter on the Internet.
00:51:50 Men that are ignored, they're basically in cells that decided, oh.
00:51:53 Well, as long as.
00:51:55 I'm not going to be getting laid.
00:52:00 Why not chop ** **** off and?
00:52:02 Now I'm a hero.
00:52:05 Now I'm an empowered hero.
00:52:13 I'm the same loser I was before, but now I'm an empowered hero and all I had to do.
00:52:18 Was put a ******* wig on.
Speaker 3
00:52:23 Helen Stonaker at all.
Speaker 10
00:52:24 Well, it's centered around us because a lot of straight people have violent attitude towards us.
00:52:31 And everyone seems to think it's us that are dividing people, but.
00:52:34 When he said straight, he's not talking about straight the way we mean it.
00:52:38 He just.
00:52:38 Means like squares.
Speaker 10
00:52:41 Quite the opposite.
Speaker 3
00:52:43 And how does do the other members of your family?
00:52:45 There are eleven children in the family altogether.
00:52:48 How did they react and how did they react when you started dressing the way?
00:52:51 You are well, you reacted.
Speaker 10
00:52:53 Strangely, at the start, but after a matter of years.
00:52:57 They just kind.
00:52:58 Of get used to you so.
00:53:00 Just don't think about you.
Speaker 3
00:53:02 And you're unemployed.
00:53:03 I know.
00:53:03 What do you do all day with yourself?
Speaker 10
00:53:06 Not much, not much.
Speaker 3
00:53:09 Well, I mean, do you?
00:53:10 Go into town every day and.
Speaker 10
00:53:11 Walk around.
00:53:12 Basically, just stay at home, sit around.
Speaker 3
00:53:14 Yes. And do you go?
00:53:15 Out at night.
Speaker 10
00:53:16 No, it's nowhere to go nowhere they let.
Speaker 3
00:53:18 You in?
00:53:19 How do you mean?
00:53:19 There's no way.
00:53:20 They let you in.
Speaker 10
00:53:21 No pubs or clubs.
00:53:23 Discotheques nothing.
00:53:26 They're even don't let you into some restaurants.
Speaker 3
00:53:29 They just won't let you win.
Speaker 10
00:53:30 Basically want to take your trouble.
Speaker 3
00:53:32 Well, is there anywhere in Dublin?
00:53:34 That you are allowed in.
Speaker 10
00:53:35 There's one pub.
00:53:36 It's basically it's on.
Speaker 3
00:53:38 One pop and you all presumably forgot her there.
00:53:40 Then do you well.
Speaker 10
00:53:41 That will few of us, we keep it numbers down, so there's.
00:53:43 No trouble well.
Speaker 3
00:53:45 Why do it then donica if life is made so difficult for you to challenge, challenge, challenge against whom?
Speaker 10
00:53:55 Everyone around us, apart from ourselves, like anyone that.
00:54:00 Tries to dictate us.
00:54:02 We rebelled against our dictation.
Speaker 3
00:54:04 But they are dictating to you.
00:54:05 If they don't let you into their premises.
00:54:07 We're like other people to have a drink or a.
00:54:09 Disc or whatever.
Speaker 10
00:54:11 It's true. Yeah, but.
Speaker 3
00:54:16 Are you into drugs? No.
00:54:18 Not at all.
00:54:19 Are are punks generally into drugs?
Speaker 10
00:54:21 Not really, no.
00:54:23 Possibly I'll try it once or twice.
00:54:24 Maybe yes.
00:54:25 Do you have trouble with the police?
Speaker 3
00:54:28 Sometimes, like what sort of trouble?
Speaker 10
00:54:32 Well, we've nowhere to go, so we generally end.
00:54:34 Up standing around places like Stevens Green.
00:54:39 They find it's a threat or the public find us a threat where we just stand, think we're going to harass them or something.
00:54:46 So the police generally come along and move you along, and then sometimes it gets complicated.
00:54:51 Goes from there.
Speaker 3
00:54:52 But you you reckon that you don't ask for?
00:54:53 Trouble. No, we.
Speaker 10
00:54:55 You've been a punk for six years.
Speaker 3
00:54:57 How long more do you think you can go on being a punk?
Speaker 10
00:54:59 Told that.
Speaker 3
00:55:02 To death.
00:55:03 And what do you live on in terms of money?
Speaker 32
00:55:07 The dove you live in?
Speaker 3
00:55:09 The dove and and and.
Speaker 10
00:55:10 The famous.
Speaker 3
00:55:10 How much money would?
00:55:13 So once again, it's not that he's rebelling against the system.
00:55:19 He relies on the system to stay alive.
00:55:23 He just resents the system because it ignores him.
00:55:29 He just wants to be noticed.
00:55:32 He delights.
00:55:35 At the fact that he's not allowed into the restaurants.
00:55:39 He's not allowed into these bars.
00:55:42 He likes shocking.
00:55:46 The grandma is walking down.
00:55:48 The street because he feels as if.
00:55:51 These people don't care about him, so why should he care about them?
00:55:59 And he seems relatively mild mannered.
00:56:04 So this is his his.
00:56:05 Quiet rebellion against being ignored.
Speaker 3
00:56:09 Spend on clothes, for example, every year.
Speaker 10
00:56:11 So £10 if even that.
Speaker 3
00:56:15 And do do your family.
00:56:16 I mean, what what?
00:56:17 What about your mother?
00:56:18 Oven crumlin.
00:56:20 What do you feel about her?
Speaker 10
00:56:24 Not much really.
00:56:27 Not much really.
00:56:34 Not much really.
00:56:43 I mean, how can you feel strongly about someone that you probably don't really know that well?
Speaker 10
00:56:48 And just as she's from mother and yeah, like you have your love, your mother, and that's it.
Speaker 3
00:56:53 Yeah, and yes.
Speaker 10
00:56:53 Well, why you look like.
00:56:54 Doesn't change that like.
Speaker 3
00:56:55 And do you have love for your mother?
Speaker 12
00:56:57 Oh yeah, yeah.
Speaker 3
00:56:57 And and and.
00:56:58 Are you good to her?
Speaker 10
00:56:59 Well, to me, best ability, yes.
Speaker 3
00:57:01 I mean, do you give her money every week or and you do out of the doll?
Speaker 10
00:57:03 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 3
00:57:05 So how much would you say you're living on per week yourself now?
00:57:08 Much money you have.
Speaker 10
00:57:09 No £8.
00:57:11 If even that's two.
Speaker 3
00:57:13 Yes, a week.
00:57:14 All right, now, Siobhan Carrigan.
00:57:15 Good day to you.
00:57:16 And then what about your parents attitudes?
00:57:18 How did they?
Speaker 6
00:57:19 React well, like in the beginning like we shock.
00:57:23 Oh, no.
00:57:23 You know.
00:57:24 And then like they start with like a phase I'd grown.
00:57:29 So it's like giving this three months.
00:57:31 Moments, you know.
00:57:33 Like I think it's gone on so.
00:57:34 Long like they.
00:57:35 Realize that don't get into trouble or anything like that, and I'm not hopefully not offending anybody, by the way.
00:57:42 Address. I'm doing more. Enjoy.
00:57:47 Again, it's become used to.
00:57:49 Your way, like you know the.
Speaker 3
00:57:50 Yes, you're the eldest of four and.
Speaker 6
00:57:52 I mean.
Speaker 3
00:57:52 And what's the reaction of your brothers and sisters to you?
Speaker 6
00:57:57 Like it all depends.
00:57:59 Like in what kind of situation you're in?
00:58:03 Because like, if it naturally would be nice.
00:58:05 And here's your money.
00:58:06 Or here's some sweets or something.
00:58:08 They're going to be, oh, great.
00:58:09 Yeah, great.
00:58:09 Like a very arguing.
00:58:13 Or anything with them is total opposite.
00:58:14 Like stay here and all this, you know, so.
Speaker 3
00:58:17 And why do you dress the way you do?
00:58:18 Why do you?
Speaker 6
00:58:19 Well, I like the dress for start.
00:58:21 And you're you're you're being different like you're not.
00:58:24 Just falling in with the usual crowd like.
00:58:28 See, that's the thing you see too, and this.
00:58:30 This continued on to the 90s as well.
00:58:33 I'm trying to be different.
00:58:35 But the more they would try to be different, the more they looked like everyone else trying to be different.
00:58:43 Yeah, none of these people look.
00:58:45 At all original.
00:58:48 These people are.
00:58:49 Punks and Goths trait of central casting.
Speaker 10
00:58:52 They look.
00:58:53 And it was international.
00:58:55 You know, like like if you.
00:58:57 Didn't know this was an island these.
00:58:58 Could have been.
00:58:59 People in in California or New York or or.
00:59:02 Anywhere in the West.
00:59:05 It was basically a uniform.
00:59:17 Because while they were all trying to be.
00:59:19 Noticed by their societies.
00:59:25 They also want to belong to something.
00:59:29 Now they would lie to themselves and say, oh, this is making me different.
00:59:32 This is making me.
Speaker 20
00:59:33 I'm outside the norm.
00:59:36 No, you're like everyone else that's outside the norm.
00:59:40 You're like everyone else that's being ignored by their parents.
00:59:45 You're wearing the ******* uniform.
Speaker 6
00:59:48 Like you know.
00:59:49 And then.
00:59:52 And by the way, that, that, that goes, that applies directly to all these trans people.
01:00:00 They tell themselves this is what makes me special.
01:00:04 I was just some normal geeky kid before, but now I'm special.
01:00:11 Now people notice me.
01:00:16 The terrifying thing is, though now.
01:00:21 They actually get power.
01:00:25 You know, back in 1983, if you were to make fun of these two for the way.
01:00:29 That they were dressed.
01:00:30 You didn't lose your job.
01:00:37 There was. There was.
01:00:39 In fact, as the guy was saying, you could ban these people from your businesses and that was just the norm.
01:00:51 So it's way more intoxicating to want to be the ****** kid.
01:00:56 Because it doesn't just come with a uniform.
01:01:00 It doesn't just come with the attention.
01:01:03 It comes with power.
01:01:13 And let's not pretend that a lot of these people are doing exactly this kind of behavior because they feel powerless.
Speaker 6
01:01:19 I feel quite comfortable in the way.
01:01:21 I dress, you know.
Speaker 3
01:01:22 And what about?
01:01:22 Where were you if you were?
01:01:24 If you're open for four years and you're 19, you must have been.
01:01:27 You must have started in school.
01:01:30 School, were you?
Speaker 6
01:01:30 In college.
Speaker 3
01:01:32 And and you started this lark?
Speaker 6
01:01:34 In school.
Speaker 3
01:01:35 And what was their reaction?
Speaker 6
01:01:37 Like the well, today I got a streak in my hair with some blue on it.
01:01:41 I was called down to the head office and the sister asked me had I got an operation.
01:01:46 On the side of my head.
01:01:48 And I'm like, well, let me nail varnish.
01:01:50 There's too much like I was wearing this bright green nail varnish from the weekend and I was.
01:01:55 Trying to hide it.
01:01:56 Like that, like 100.
01:01:58 I suppose this much.
01:01:59 Uniform and there's more green uniform.
Speaker 3
01:02:03 And were you suspended?
Speaker 6
01:02:06 Wasn't didn't get in too much trouble over.
Speaker 3
01:02:07 That and they, they got used to you.
01:02:09 Too, did they? They did.
Speaker 6
01:02:10 Yeah, they got.
01:02:14 See and that was the problem back then.
01:02:18 They got used to it.
01:02:19 In fact, the boomers.
01:02:21 They liked it.
01:02:26 You know, that was their whole their whole mantra when they were this age.
01:02:29 Oh, it was all about free love and express yourself.
01:02:37 And rebel against the system be different.
01:02:40 Being individual.
01:02:43 It's kind of hard to.
01:02:46 To talk about the social revolution you're bringing about if you're going.
01:02:50 To clamp down on your children when they start having.
01:02:53 Blue hair dye.
01:02:57 So they embraced it.
01:02:58 In addition, as soon as there was a cool factor attached to it, believe me, I saw this again.
01:03:03 I saw this many years later when I was in high school.
01:03:09 A lot of boomer teachers.
01:03:12 Who no longer were cool.
01:03:17 And they knew it.
01:03:21 Would cozy up to this kind of behavior because.
01:03:24 They wanted to be cool.
01:03:26 They wanted.
01:03:26 To be hip.
01:03:33 Oh, you're so creative with that purple hair.
01:03:50 And it was an easy way of of praising these kids and feeling like you were being supportive without actually having to get to know them at all.
Speaker 3
01:03:58 Yet yet, so you never had any major disagreement with them, John Fiddler, first year student of fashion and Textiles, National College of Art and Design from Killarney to.
01:04:07 No, this ******* fruit cake.
01:04:11 Ah, this ******* fruit cake.
Speaker 3
01:04:14 Children in your family and.
01:04:17 What do you?
01:04:17 Consider yourself to be John.
Speaker 13
01:04:20 Well, I wouldn't call myself anything.
01:04:24 See and and this is the standard response.
01:04:26 You get from these guys.
01:04:27 Right.
01:04:28 No, I didn't.
01:04:29 I don't fall into any of these classifications that you listed earlier on in the interview.
01:04:35 No, I'm I'm an individual.
01:04:37 I might look like literally everybody else.
01:04:42 In fact, we're so uniform in our appearance, there are these classifications.
01:04:47 That have meaning and accuracy to them.
01:04:51 But they get very upset when you.
01:04:52 Try to apply these labels to them.
01:04:56 You know, especially this guy.
01:04:57 No, I don't, I.
01:04:58 Don't fit in any of these categories.
01:05:01 I'm my own person.
01:05:03 I'm look, look at.
01:05:04 My hair.
01:05:05 Can't you tell by looking at my hair?
Speaker 13
01:05:09 I wouldn't put myself in any category at all.
01:05:11 I'm just quite a normal person really.
Speaker 3
01:05:17 But I mean under the various categories that we have of punks, mods, rockers, Ted's, greasers, futuristics new Romantics.
01:05:22 What would you be more inclined towards?
Speaker 13
01:05:25 I wouldn't be inclined to any of them, but.
01:05:28 Just the last five years, whatever has gone along the last five years, that's what's influenced.
01:05:32 Like music wise or style wise so.
Speaker 3
01:05:35 Yes, that's what I am.
01:05:36 You're you're obviously.
01:05:37 Wearing eye makeup and eye shadow and so.
Speaker 13
01:05:39 Yeah, a little bit.
Speaker 3
01:05:40 On and and what is that in your nose?
Speaker 13
01:05:43 So and stud.
Speaker 3
01:05:46 Yes, yes.
01:05:47 Why particularly, do you wear makeup?
Speaker 13
01:05:50 Well into these bright lights, you know, show up all spots and pimples to put anywhere.
Speaker 24
01:05:54 But, but do you wear do?
Speaker 3
01:05:55 You wear the makeup during the day.
Speaker 13
01:05:58 Well, it depends, I mean.
01:05:59 When you get up in.
01:05:59 The morning it depends whether you want to put it on.
01:06:01 Yeah, a bit of foundational to you.
01:06:03 The world because.
01:06:05 I mean, if you haven't gone into Dublin during the day, you come out your just face is just filled.
01:06:09 It's all.
01:06:10 Black bit over it and everything, you know, but you can just wipe it all off if you've got.
01:06:14 Makeup on and your.
01:06:14 Skins as fresh.
01:06:15 As it is.
01:06:17 What about your?
Speaker 3
01:06:17 Parents reaction to.
01:06:18 You in in in Killiney John, what was?
Speaker 13
01:06:22 I don't know what in Cologne he's got to do with it.
01:06:24 But yes, so.
01:06:27 Well, they thought it was a Phase I was going.
01:06:30 So did I?
01:06:33 Something happened.
01:06:35 So it's not.
01:06:37 I'm still going so.
Speaker 3
01:06:41 So, well, I mean, do you live at home and what do you mean do your?
Speaker 1
01:06:44 OK.
Speaker 3
01:06:46 Parents ever discuss this, do you?
01:06:48 Think they're upset about it?
01:06:49 Or do they find it hot?
Speaker 13
01:06:49 No, they know what I'm like I.
01:06:51 Mean my hair is well, I mean.
01:06:52 That's just my hair, you know.
01:06:54 They know what kind of.
01:06:55 A person I am.
Speaker 3
01:06:56 Yes, that's what.
01:06:57 And and do you think they worry about neighbors and other?
Speaker 13
01:07:01 Ohh yeah, they do of course.
01:07:03 But I mean that's the.
01:07:05 So that's something I wanted to point out.
01:07:12 They seem to obviously put a lot of importance on their on their appearance, but then when challenged on it, they say, oh, it's just it's just.
01:07:19 The way I look, it's not, it's.
Speaker 8
01:07:21 Not who I am.
01:07:21 Well, clearly it is clearly.
01:07:24 It is part of your identity.
01:07:26 Because you go to great lengths.
01:07:30 To present yourself in this way.
Speaker 8
01:07:40 And they all live at home.
01:07:43 I think at least three out of the.
01:07:45 4 the girl.
01:07:46 Might not.
01:07:46 I don't know if she says.
01:07:56 They're waving giant red flags.
01:07:59 Something's the matter, mom.
Speaker 13
01:08:03 Nervous vote for making the money in the.
01:08:05 1st place yes.
01:08:06 Do you have to work do you?
Speaker 3
01:08:08 Have to work hard to get your hair.
01:08:09 Like that.
01:08:10 John or or?
Speaker 13
01:08:11 It depends what kind of a hurry.
Speaker 8
01:08:14 See and the and the.
01:08:14 Casual attitude that the the interviewer has too.
01:08:18 Like it's all a joke.
01:08:22 It's all a joke.
01:08:24 A good-natured joke.
01:08:28 But it's all Joe.
01:08:29 This is nothing to worry about.
01:08:35 Having these kind of anomalies spring up.
01:08:40 In our younger generation that this is.
Speaker 8
01:08:43 This is nothing the other.
01:08:44 Thing I noticed here and.
01:08:45 You hear?
01:08:46 I think you probably still hear this.
01:08:49 It's just a phase.
01:08:52 He'll grow out of it.
01:08:53 It's just a phase.
01:08:57 What does that even mean?
01:09:00 You mean when someone's young?
01:09:02 And they're establishing a personality and behavior and routines and habits.
01:09:10 You shouldn't be concerned when these behaviors, these routines, these habits.
01:09:17 Start to go in a in.
01:09:19 A very divergent direction.
01:09:23 It's just a phase.
01:09:30 I've never understood what that meant.
01:09:32 It's just a phase.
01:09:37 I guess when serial killers are torturing animals when they're children, they're it's just a phase.
Speaker 13
01:09:41 I mean like I've had time to do it for tonight.
01:09:44 Of course I've done.
01:09:44 Especially for.
01:09:45 You I wouldn't have.
01:09:49 I wouldn't wear this to back.
01:09:50 This will take too.
01:09:51 Long to make like you know.
Speaker 3
01:09:52 You wouldn't wear to breakfast.
Speaker 13
01:09:53 No, I wouldn't.
Speaker 3
01:09:54 Well, thank you for making the effort.
01:09:55 For the later on.
Speaker 13
01:09:57 Can I give you something that?
01:09:58 Would be exciting.
Speaker 3
01:09:59 Yes, indeed, indeed.
01:10:00 Well, I can understand, understand.
01:10:09 Now, Jared Quinn, you're 20 amod for.
01:10:12 Three years and and you're unemployed.
01:10:14 And I know you're like the mods.
01:10:16 Do all mods ride Vespas?
Speaker 32
01:10:18 Well, if you.
01:10:19 Have the money your Rd.
01:10:19 affect game?
Speaker 3
01:10:21 How much is a Vespa running at now in cash?
Speaker 32
01:10:23 Well, there are different prices.
01:10:26 Well, say like a.
01:10:27 1400.
Speaker 3
01:10:29 1400 pounds and that how much you stung for insurance on.
01:10:32 That £400?
01:10:34 Yeah, but what?
01:10:35 What is the thing about Vespas?
01:10:37 And I mean, specifically Vespas.
01:10:39 There are other scooters on the market.
01:10:40 Would you all ride?
01:10:40 Vespas. Why that? Because you.
Speaker 32
01:10:42 Can't get Lambretta in this.
01:10:43 Country. Ohh.
Speaker 3
01:10:47 See, that's, that's lateral thinking.
01:10:48 I never thought of that.
01:10:50 I thought there was.
01:10:50 Somebody still bringing?
01:10:51 In the old umbrellas.
Speaker 16
01:10:52 That's. That's it now.
Speaker 31
01:10:53 Well, the little thing.
Speaker 3
01:10:53 You you are remarkably.
01:10:55 Clean cut in your hair and and style and so on.
01:10:58 Compared with the others.
01:10:59 Explain that to me.
Speaker 19
01:10:59 OK.
Speaker 32
01:11:01 That's all about paying a month.
01:11:03 It's well dressed.
01:11:06 It's a store.
01:11:08 Like in the 60s, you know, like Mod came out around 6463.
01:11:13 Never since then, you know like it's always been the same.
01:11:16 Nothing has really changed about.
01:11:19 It's only that look, today now, 1980s. The clothes are getting more stylish.
01:11:25 We'll be basically, you know, dress on the 60s, we go buy music by the 60.
01:11:32 Things like that and the skills go for runs like in the 60s months go away in the weekend like opening day in the 60s to go to Brighton Sky and I.
01:11:42 Like this.
01:11:42 Yeah, this guy doesn't seem like the brightest bulb in the.
Speaker 32
01:11:42 But over here we we can.
01:11:47 Yeah, he's yeah. Anyway.
Speaker 32
01:11:50 And do that.
01:11:51 So we ought to go to tromeo down the country, like go away.
01:11:56 Limerick and.
Speaker 8
01:11:56 Also, what is it?
01:11:57 With those Vespas.
01:11:59 Those things never ******* went away, either.
01:12:01 In the 90s, all the.
01:12:02 I mean, it wasn't like the mod kids with with Vespas.
01:12:05 It was just like Vespas.
01:12:05 Were like, really fun. Cool.
01:12:08 If you were a a ******, I don't.
Speaker 32
01:12:10 Know cook? Yes.
Speaker 3
01:12:14 In in in a bunch about about many of you in a in a bunch.
Speaker 32
01:12:18 Well, 70 or 80 Scouters he may have from different counties.
Speaker 3
01:12:24 Doctor Debono, what is?
01:12:29 So they talked to this guy who basically just.
Speaker 5
01:12:30 OK.
01:12:31 You know, they're just, they're trying to belong to a.
01:12:35 Group and then it cuts.
01:12:36 Off for some reason?
Speaker 8
01:12:38 But anyway, that came up when I was doing.
01:12:41 Research for something else.
01:12:44 And I just found it fascinating that.
01:12:47 This was the kind of the beginnings.
01:12:49 This was kind of the beginning.
01:12:50 It's 1983.
01:12:54 Yeah, fashions always changed.
01:12:57 And there's always been, you know, outliers and that sort of a thing.
01:13:01 But you really didn't have the the fractioning that we had.
01:13:06 You know, all throughout the 80s and 90s and, you know, going on to today and the, the, the, the, the generate looks and the piercings and the the unnatural hair colors and and.
01:13:24 I don't know the general ******** I guess.
01:13:28 It's kind of blossomed into what it is today.
01:13:32 But I just thought.
01:13:33 That was interesting, 1983.
01:13:36 That was the beginning.
01:13:38 Which kind of lines up with what I've said in other streams where like in the late 70s, I don't know.
01:13:42 Something happened sometime in the late 70s.
01:13:44 Someone opened up the gates of hell.
01:13:47 Like that's I I don't know if that's because I mean just so many different things converged, right? You had the the Immigration Act of 1965. You know, the Heart seller act. So you had all the immigration starting to come in in the, you know mid 60s so by by the late 70s you had immigrant children. So you had like classrooms that were very.
01:14:07 Diverse there.
01:14:09 So already you were having this wedge that was being?
01:14:12 Forced into these classrooms and these environments, these kids are growing up.
01:14:18 You had all these well, the, the, the Jewish immigrants that came here after World War Two had.
01:14:26 Like a lot of control over the culture at that point, at least in America, I can't say what it was like in Ireland.
01:14:34 But in America you had pretty much every record.
01:14:38 People owned and operated by Jews.
01:14:41 All the movie studios clearly owned and operated by Jews.
01:14:48 You had television networks about the same story, radio networks, publishers.
01:14:58 You had a all that Weimar, the Weimar utopia.
01:15:06 The Holocaust documentary was celebrating the last episode.
01:15:12 That we did.
01:15:13 Where they were talking about Hitler when he.
01:15:15 Came out of.
01:15:15 Jail he saw, like all this, all this modern art and all this beautiful progressiveness that was going on in Germany.
01:15:22 He just he just ******* hated it because he Hitler was just no fun.
01:15:26 And so he just he just hated it.
01:15:29 Well, a lot of those people that left the Weimar Republic and a lot of those people that fled Germany brought their their artistic influences, shall we say, to the West.
01:15:42 And they found it was.
01:15:44 It was.
01:15:44 Easy to get them.
01:15:47 Published and easy for them to get when your family runs the entire culture of these countries, it's not, you know, all the way down to like I was saying few streams ago about the garbage pail kids.
01:16:03 Even that.
01:16:05 Every, every, every little tiny aspect of the culture that has any potential for being degenerate, it seems like it was fertile ground.
01:16:15 So anyway.
01:16:17 I just thought that was interesting and thought you guys would enjoy that.
01:16:21 Taking a look at that.
01:16:23 Let's just hang.
01:16:24 Out for a little bit.
01:16:25 Let me talk.
01:16:26 What is?
01:16:26 What's this clip I have at the end here?
01:16:30 Oh well, this is just this is just kind of interesting.
01:16:33 You guys might have seen this already.
Speaker 8
01:16:38 So the deep fake stuff.
01:16:40 Apparently actors are selling their likeness to deep fake companies so that they can sit at home and do nothing while they digitally.
01:16:55 Participate, or at least their likeness digitally participates in a commercial and they get paid for it.
01:17:00 And they don't have to.
01:17:01 Show up to the shoot.
01:17:02 So this is.
01:17:03 One that a a Russian company actually did using Bruce Willis.
01:17:08 It's kind of funny.
01:17:08 The technology is pretty good.
01:17:10 It's pretty good.
01:17:11 You watch this and you can say, OK, that looks like Bruce.
01:17:13 Well, you know, you can obviously tell.
01:17:15 It's Bruce Willis.
01:17:16 But you can also tell that the the person that they projected his face onto was Russian, because there's the just the way that his face moves.
01:17:27 It it it?
01:17:28 It doesn't look like Bruce Willis.
01:17:30 Like there's something wrong.
01:17:31 Part of it's uncanny valley.
01:17:33 Part of it is just.
01:17:34 That you can tell that the.
01:17:36 The muscles are in different places than in the Russian actors face than in Bruce Willis.
01:17:42 His face so his face just moves wrong.
01:17:46 The other funny thing is is, you know, he speaks with a he says Mississippi in like the most Russian accent possible.
01:17:53 I'm kind of wondering if the voice that they used is because usually when when American movies go to other countries.
01:18:01 Or at least I know this is.
01:18:02 This is true of Mexico, because when I worked at Vision.
01:18:08 We would watch some of the the movies that have been translated have been dubbed, you know, from English into Spanish and I.
01:18:18 Was talking to.
01:18:19 The guys that I worked with and said that isn't that weird like watching cuz that doesn't happen in America like we don't have.
01:18:27 A huge or.
01:18:28 Really, any movies like with the exception of like for a little while there was Godzilla movies, right?
01:18:33 And we always made fun of it was.
01:18:35 And so when when movies are dubbed, it just seems weird to us.
01:18:39 But for you guys, it's not like there's this booming Mexican version of Hollywood.
01:18:45 So a lot of the movies that you guys are watching are dubbed, so isn't it weird watching these movies, and especially for you guys, you guys speak English.
01:18:54 So when you watch a movie that's got.
01:18:56 You know well, Bruce Willis.
01:18:57 You know what he sounds like?
01:18:59 And so is it weird to like him talking to this other?
01:19:02 Of their voice and what they said was.
Speaker 31
01:19:05 Well, it's not that.
01:19:06 Weird because they tend to use the exact same voice actors for the same people.
Speaker 8
01:19:13 So if Bruce Willis.
01:19:14 Is in like 10 different movies that they dubbed in the Spanish.
01:19:18 They usually dubbed him using the same voice actor.
01:19:21 For all ten of them.
01:19:22 So after a while they just start to associate that dubbed voice with with you know the the the American actor.
01:19:30 So I kind of wonder.
01:19:31 If that's what they did.
01:19:32 Here because it just for me watching this.
01:19:35 Like, it's already kind of weird.
01:19:36 And then as soon as he talks, you're like, oh, this is ******* ridiculous.
01:19:58 Yes, very much.
Speaker 4
01:20:11 Which switches stitching.
Speaker 5
01:20:24 And this is sippy.
01:20:27 That's that's Bruce Willis.
01:20:29 All right, Mississippi.
01:20:33 Alright, so that's that's all the videos I got my timeline.
01:20:38 Let me take a look at at.
01:20:40 Super chats here.
01:20:41 We'll, I'll bounce back well, say regular chat for a little bit first.
01:20:44 How about that?
01:20:45 We'll mix it up a little bit.
01:20:48 Bruce Willis said this wasn't true.
01:20:50 What are the article that I saw?
01:20:51 Well, I don't know if you're saying that he didn't.
01:20:56 Sell the the rights.
01:20:58 I thought that I saw an article that said he did let me take a look.
01:21:00 I think I have the article up here.
01:21:02 Bruce Willis well, the.
01:21:04 Corner of the Daily Mail.
01:21:07 Says Bruce Willis.
01:21:08 Sells rights to permit deep fake digital twin of himself to be created for use on screen, allowing him to come out of retirement after aphasia diagnosis.
01:21:18 So at least.
01:21:19 According to Daily Mail.
01:21:21 He sold his likeness to this company.
01:21:29 But I don't.
01:21:29 Know if that's.
01:21:31 That they've changed.
01:21:36 Bruce Willis is about 5 feet tall.
01:21:38 I could see that I could see that.
01:21:43 I remember when I was.
Speaker 8
01:21:43 A shocking number of people.
01:21:47 That are on camera look way taller on camera.
01:21:51 When I was a bouncer.
01:21:53 I I was a bouncer at this bar in a small, smallish town.
01:21:58 And it was Halloween.
01:22:02 And so or around how I remember if it was Halloween or like, right around Halloween.
01:22:06 I think it was Halloween though.
01:22:07 So a lot of people were coming.
01:22:08 Into the bar wearing costumes.
01:22:11 And this little Jew, this guy that was like, 4 feet tall, literally like 4 feet tall wearing a like a a full on, you know, suit.
01:22:22 That looked like it looked to me. I looking at this guy. It looked like a kid who was trying to like wearing his dad's suit, you know, trying to dress up like it as a as an adult for Halloween.
01:22:35 And so naturally, I tried to card this guy.
01:22:38 I'm like, alright, well, let me see your ID.
01:22:40 And he got really ****** ***.
01:22:42 And he's like I'm.
01:22:43 The weatherman, I'm like I don't.
01:22:46 For Halloween.
01:22:47 Maybe you're the weatherman, but I don't even think you're a.
01:22:50 Man, man like.
01:22:51 Let alone the weather man.
01:22:53 And then this big tall guy in.
01:22:55 His suit, who was the sports guy, was like, no, he's he's really the the weather man.
01:23:00 I was like what?
01:23:00 And then some other people in the world.
01:23:02 No, he's the weather.
01:23:02 Man was like, OK, I let him in so.
01:23:08 But yeah, he was like 4 feet tall and I saw him on TV.
01:23:11 Later on I I'd I'd recently.
01:23:13 Moved to this town so I didn't.
01:23:14 You know, I.
01:23:14 Didn't know the ******* what a man looked like.
01:23:16 And he would have.
01:23:17 Known you would have known that.
01:23:17 He was like 4.
01:23:18 Like actually like maybe he.
01:23:20 Was maybe 4 foot four.
01:23:21 Maybe he was, but he was like a ******.
Speaker 20
01:23:26 Uh. Let's see here.
01:23:29 Ellen Page doesn't like being carted.
01:23:31 I bet not.
01:23:36 The Necromancer Jews are resurrecting dead actors and having them promote global **** agenda.
01:23:42 Well, I'll tell you.
01:23:44 Just like the it's it's not going to be any different than foundations, right?
01:23:49 It'll just.
01:23:50 I mean, it'll be a little bit.
01:23:52 A little bit worse, you know, instead of instead of getting Henry Ford's foundation, the Ford Foundation and using it for everything that they can think of.
01:23:59 That he would hate.
01:24:02 They'll be able now to like, they'll have Trump Trump promoting.
01:24:08 I don't know.
01:24:10 I was going to say some kind of global homeo stuff, but Trump's kind of global ****, a little bit.
01:24:16 Little bit. And he did motorboat, ******, ****** America's mayor Giuliani.
01:24:29 Are you sure it wasn't the great powerful Joe Rogan?
01:24:33 Now this guy was shorter than Joe Rogan.
01:24:35 Although I've never met Joe Rogan.
01:24:36 So I don't know.
01:24:37 Maybe he's, I know he's really short.
01:24:40 It's possibly shorter than this guy, but this guy was ******* short like he looked and he looked.
01:24:44 He just.
01:24:44 Looked like a kid.
01:24:45 He looked like a kid.
01:24:46 And he was like 35.
01:24:49 Would everyone here get mad if I said under 6 feet foot people are mantlets?
01:24:54 I wouldn't get mad.
01:24:57 I'm well over 6 feet.
01:24:59 High Priest King Terry.
01:25:00 I've heard that.
01:25:01 I heard they are starting to film Holocaust survivors.
01:25:04 They can make VR displays and appearances of them.
01:25:07 They'll never endless.
01:25:08 Yeah, they've been doing that for a while now.
01:25:12 They've been doing, I think Spielberg put a.
01:25:14 Bunch of money into that.
Speaker 8
01:25:18 You know what else I did?
01:25:20 I forgot about.
01:25:21 That did, I did.
01:25:22 I think I downloaded it.
01:25:24 Speaking of VR.
Speaker 26
01:25:27 I might have not downloaded.
01:25:29 That they did a VR you could experience a a nuclear explosion.
01:25:35 So you you it's basically put VR goggles on.
01:25:39 Is this it?
01:25:40 I think I might have it actually.
Speaker 20
01:25:43 Where did it go?
01:25:48 Where is it?
01:25:49 I thought I had it here.
01:25:53 You know, it's funny.
01:25:55 I got, you know, since I don't use my Twitter account, if I just go to Twitter.
01:26:00 Logged in with some account that I made when.
01:26:02 I was.
01:26:03 Like 17 or something like some like I I'm.
01:26:07 Not I'm literally.
01:26:08 Following nobody. Nobody.
01:26:11 And the amount of **** that I get in the timeline on.
01:26:13 This account is insane.
01:26:19 Uh, let's see.
01:26:19 It's it's like only fans.
01:26:21 Girls over.
01:26:21 And over and over again.
01:26:24 I don't see that stupid video.
Speaker 11
01:26:25 I was looking at.
01:26:29 Yeah, they had like a VR.
01:26:33 VR nuclear explosion.
01:26:35 That's something that happened so apparently.
01:26:39 Speaking of nuclear explosions, again, I don't know that I think this is going to happen.
01:26:42 Really don't think it's going to happen.
01:26:44 But America did spend something like.
01:26:47 Here it is.
01:26:50 They spent $290 million.
01:26:54 On radiation anti radiation pills.
01:26:59 So this is from HHS, Gov.
01:27:03 This was released yesterday.
01:27:06 HHS purchases drug for use in radiological and nuclear emergency.
Speaker 8
01:27:11 As part of.
01:27:12 A long standing ongoing efforts to be better prepared to save lives following a radiological or nuclear emergency, the US Department of Health and Human Services has purchased supply of the drug and plate from, and Amgen USA end plate is approved to treat blood cell injuries that accompany acute radiation syndrome in adult.
01:27:30 The pediatric patients.
01:27:32 And again, based in Thousand Oaks, CA developed and plate for Ars was support for the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, part of the HHS administration.
01:27:44 There, there's just too many agencies we have too many ******* agencies.
01:27:48 As well as the National Institute of Allergy, Infectious Disease is part of the National Institutes of Health.
01:27:54 So anyway, they're they're stocking up on that.
01:27:57 Hopefully just a grift.
01:27:59 Which it probably is.
01:28:03 Ah, let's see here.
01:28:07 Nuclear Holocaust.
01:28:09 Yeah, well, I don't think it's going to happen.
01:28:11 I think it's going to happen.
01:28:14 I I don't think that's where we're we're headed.
01:28:17 Honestly, I in a ****** ** way.
01:28:21 Like I said, I think last string in a ****** ** way I kind of wouldn't mind seeing seeing just to see.
01:28:27 See it like I've seen.
01:28:30 I've seen it in movies.
Speaker 8
01:28:31 Want to see what it actually looks like?
01:28:34 Extra dimensional?
01:28:35 What about the Norwegian?
01:28:36 Swedish black metal?
01:28:38 It's white guys in corpse paint.
01:28:40 Very flamboyant.
01:28:41 But it's fascist and nationalist and very anti Jew.
01:28:44 I I don't know I.
01:28:46 Haven't seen any of that.
01:28:50 One nuclear explosion can ruin your whole day.
01:28:52 Yes, it can.
01:28:54 Have you heard about the Jewish holiday of coal nidre?
01:28:58 It's where they all say a prayer that allows them to lie, double cross and not pay debts when dealing with the Golem, I don't.
01:29:04 I don't know that they need a holiday for that.
01:29:06 I think that's just a.
01:29:08 Every day.
01:29:10 Is that what is?
01:29:11 That is Cole Nedre in Hebrew.
01:29:14 Just every day.
01:29:15 Is that how it translates?
01:29:17 Thoughts on Musk taking over Twitter?
01:29:19 It's cool to imagine all the personalities back on there.
01:29:21 But I'm.
01:29:21 Not sure how likely it is.
01:29:24 I don't know.
01:29:25 I haven't tried to log into my account.
01:29:28 I'm not going to.
01:29:29 Delete that ******* tweet.
01:29:30 Though and I I I don't know that he'll clear that out of the the.
01:29:34 The queue you know cause I.
01:29:37 I haven't deleted.
01:29:38 If I try to log into my account, it's like, oh, you said a naughty.
01:29:42 I don't even remember what it was anymore.
01:29:43 But it wasn't even that bad.
01:29:45 UM.
01:29:47 If I were to go on Twitter.
01:29:49 The first thing I would do is just.
01:29:52 I would test the limits and I'd probably get banned.
01:29:56 Do I really want to be on Twitter? Twitter's not going.
01:29:59 To be, I mean, it's going to be, it's going to be basically like.
01:30:04 I mean, he, he said that he would.
01:30:06 He would do some censorship and I I don't remember the exact quote.
01:30:11 But he said something along the lines of, you know, the rules will be fair when both the left and the right are mad, it's like well.
01:30:18 I I don't know if that's true, but OK, it means he's going to be censoring people.
01:30:25 I ran Chinook Israel.
01:30:27 Yeah, that'd be interesting.
01:30:31 I don't know why would they.
01:30:33 Why wouldn't they do it already?
01:30:36 I'd never believe that.
01:30:37 Maybe they control it all, and I don't know what you're talking about.
01:30:40 Why haven't they used nukes, you mean?
01:30:43 I mean it's it's it comes down to why would you want to.
01:30:51 When you take over a region, you want it to be usable.
01:30:55 It doesn't do you much good if you turn it into a radioactive parking lot.
01:31:00 So you want to be able to use.
01:31:02 The resources, that's.
01:31:03 Usually why wars happen is you want to.
01:31:07 You want the the human capital and the natural resources and everything else that are in that region.
01:31:12 Well, that that doesn't really make sense if you make it uninhabitable and.
01:31:19 And kill everybody.
01:31:24 Plus, I think there's probably a lot of people they don't want to be.
01:31:27 The first one.
01:31:28 To do it.
01:31:29 Like I said before, people act like, oh, what are you talking about?
01:31:33 the United States already did it with Japan.
01:31:34 No, those were atomic weapons.
01:31:35 That's different.
01:31:37 Those are much smaller.
01:31:39 So you know.
01:31:43 UM, has anyone really been far? Has anyone really been far even as this decided to use even?
01:31:55 I can't even read what you're.
01:31:56 Saying there, what are your thoughts on Sam Hyde and his comedy?
01:31:59 Some of it's funny, it's hit or miss, I feel like.
01:32:04 You know, like it was funny when he did the boxing thing.
01:32:06 And I I enjoyed the little interviews he did afterwards and before when he was in that character, you know, the candy man and stuff like that.
01:32:13 But there's a lot.
01:32:14 Of stuff he does I just like.
Speaker 1
01:32:16 I don't think it's.
01:32:17 That funny.
01:32:23 It gives me the creeps for some reason.
01:32:26 Well, you know what it is.
01:32:29 I mean, I don't know the style of of trying to make people uncomfortable as you're.
01:32:35 That's usually what I'm not like into it when the joke is making other people who are usually just.
01:32:44 Who aren't?
01:32:45 Asking for it, you know, like when he goes in public.
01:32:48 And I mean, there's some people that are asking for it and it's it can be funny, but I don't know.
01:32:52 I've just never.
01:32:53 Found it funny to like make random person uncomfortable.
01:32:58 By being very.
01:33:00 I think the reason why zoomers like it so zoomers.
01:33:04 Are so socially awkward, they have a hard time even having making eye contact.
01:33:09 So I think they really admire someone who can not only make eye contact, but like.
01:33:14 Piercing eye contact that makes the other person uncomfortable.
01:33:19 It's kind of like.
01:33:21 It's like.
01:33:25 Wish fulfillment in a way you know.
01:33:27 They, they they admire his.
01:33:29 His special brand of autism.
01:33:33 UM.
01:33:36 You'd need a slot of propaganda to convince people you're the good guy after nuking your enemy, especially now with those super nukes.
01:33:45 Well, you know what you said you would basically.
01:33:52 See, here's the Thing, USA didn't need to do a whole lot of propaganda to to convince the world that we were still good guys after dropping atomic bombs on Japan.
01:34:03 Weirdly, I've never understood this like why is it that America was able to go in?
01:34:13 Have basically just indiscriminately killed so many Japanese and just completely.
01:34:21 Level cities.
01:34:23 And within a a matter of like a.
01:34:25 Decade or two.
01:34:27 Be on like the best terms of Japan that that anyone ever has been, you know.
01:34:32 Where we most of.
01:34:33 Our manufacturing was being done there.
01:34:37 If you think about it.
01:34:38 Televisions, radios.
01:34:41 No matter where you would buy those in the world.
01:34:44 A lot of them.
01:34:45 Are being made by like RCA.
01:34:46 You know, American companies in America manufactured in America.
01:34:51 Prior to World War 2 and up until like the 50s, right and by the 60s, almost all electronic companies, American companies, were having all their stuff made.
01:35:01 You know, televisions were being manufactured in Japan, radios.
01:35:05 All that stuff was being manufactured in Japan.
Speaker 20
01:35:10 Let me refresh here.
Speaker 26
01:35:13 See if it's really connected.
01:35:24 Yeah, I think it's working now.
Speaker 26
01:35:27 I'll tell you guys to refresh.
01:35:34 OK.
01:35:35 Yeah, we're back.
01:35:36 So the no, what I was saying about the Japanese thing.
01:35:40 You'd see these interviews that you know The History Channel.
01:35:44 That was obsessed with World War Two.
01:35:46 They would do these, you know, documentaries about.
01:35:51 You know, battles between Japan and America, and they'd find these war vets that were from either side or from both sides, rather, and they'd they'd sit him down in a room together.
01:36:01 And they were like buddies, you know, like, oh, yeah, that's crazy.
01:36:04 You were flying around in that zero.
01:36:06 I was the guy shooting at you.
01:36:07 Like it was.
01:36:09 I've never.
01:36:09 I've never understood.
01:36:11 Why Japan and America just totally got over it?
01:36:16 As thoroughly as they did, because it just seems.
01:36:19 Like, that's unusual.
01:36:21 Because you you look at other countries and there's.
01:36:23 You know grudges.
Speaker 20
01:36:25 Held for generations and generations and generations.
01:36:29 I mean, how look at look at the grudge the Jews have against everybody.
01:36:33 You know it's.
01:36:37 And weirdly, other countries, you would think they would have more in common with Japan, right, like?
01:36:43 Korea is still ******.
01:36:45 Off of Japan.
01:36:48 You know, China is still ******.
01:36:49 I mean, Korea, you can't talk to a Korean and without you know and and mentioned Japan without hearing about like the comfort women and stuff.
01:36:56 Like that, right?
01:37:00 My father was a Bombardier against Japan in a very high attrition unit flying out of China and he was flying with them later in life.
01:37:08 Yeah, they seemed like everyone just kind of got over it.
01:37:10 I can understand it from the American side.
01:37:12 Because I think there was a little bit of guilt.
01:37:15 You watch those that footage.
01:37:19 Of Hiroshima, Nagasaki.
01:37:22 And I think that a lot of Americans were just like.
01:37:24 Wow. Holy ****.
01:37:26 We we ****** you guys up.
01:37:29 And maybe Japanese culture, you know, being kind of like a.
01:37:35 Having that honor element to it.
01:37:38 They saw us as like, you know.
01:37:42 As maybe they're just good, they're they're not.
01:37:45 Sore losers, you know.
01:37:48 UM.
01:37:51 It was a corporate war.
01:37:52 That's why my great Grandpa said he almost died of starvation in the Asia Pacific.
01:37:56 And got court martialed for slaughtering a cow and feeding himself and his troops.
01:38:02 Oh well I want.
01:38:03 To hope the cow belonged to.
01:38:06 But yeah, I can understand that.
01:38:09 I think the fact that Japanese were the most civilized people in Asia helped, well, I don't know, man.
01:38:14 You look at at some of the the experiments that the Japanese were doing on people and the rape of man king, all the, all the ****** ** **** they did in China.
01:38:23 I don't know how civilized that was.
01:38:27 I think Japan and the US is more historical norm than the insane Way World War 2 is viewed against Germany.
01:38:34 Thomas 777 talks a lot about this, how Germany was turned into evil criminals.
Speaker 8
01:38:39 You know that.
01:38:39 Is another thing too.
01:38:41 If you notice our entire childhoods, there were all these, you know.
01:38:46 Video games where you're killing Nazis.
01:38:49 Everything was about killing Nazis.
01:38:50 Maybe that's what it was.
01:38:51 Is so much propaganda went into hating Nazis that.
01:38:56 There just wasn't enough hate left over.
Speaker 6
01:38:58 For the Japanese.
01:39:04 Asians hate each other.
01:39:05 Yes, they do.
Speaker 26
01:39:08 We were doing we.
01:39:09 Were on A roll the last few streams have.
Speaker 20
01:39:10 Had zero issues.
01:39:12 All right.
01:39:12 I think we're back now.
Speaker 20
01:39:16 All right.
01:39:18 And we're finally back.
Speaker 20
01:39:19 When we refresh the page.
01:39:24 The Japanese decide to kill us with Hello Kitty and anime.
01:39:27 Maybe that's what it is.
01:39:28 Anime is actually just a revenge.
01:39:31 For World War 2.
01:39:33 I would believe it.
01:39:35 I would believe it.
01:39:40 OK, so I'm going to do super chats.
01:39:42 Real quick and then.
01:39:43 I'll probably wrap it up pretty easy to stream the night.
01:39:47 And with all these connection problems, if it keeps it.
01:39:49 Up we get really annoying.
01:39:52 All right, that ***.
01:39:55 $1.00 hail ******** ******.
Speaker 1
01:39:59 Why is money management?
01:40:03 That's the rest.
Speaker 7
01:40:05 Thank you.
01:40:07 And then we got skeptic Q skeptic.
01:40:13 $10.
Speaker 3
01:40:15 When you're trying to save money.
Speaker 1
01:40:17 A good rule to follow is to.
Speaker 12
01:40:26 Take it from these young neighbours, they'll pay dividend.
01:40:29 Devin, please bring ghost cat into the house.
01:40:32 Classified cat will adjust.
01:40:34 It might take a week and be a bit of a nightmare, but they'll be OK.
01:40:37 Yeah, I'm doing it slowly but steadily, you know, like a ghost cat spends more and more time in the pillbox every day.
01:40:46 He was in the pillbox for about about.
01:40:50 2-3 hours.
01:40:52 And I'll probably I'll probably see if he wants to come in tonight a little.
01:40:56 Bit we're going to I think.
01:40:58 That the weather reports never right.
01:41:01 They've been saying every day that like, oh, it's going to be a storm.
01:41:05 It's gonna be a storm in the morning, and it hasn't been a storm yet.
01:41:07 And saying it again now.
Speaker 20
01:41:09 So I don't know but.
01:41:12 I did bring him in during this we had a sandstorm the other day.
01:41:15 And I ran out into the and I just called and they came out.
01:41:17 Of like this cloud of sand.
01:41:19 And so I brought him in for that.
01:41:24 My cute little friend $5.
01:41:32 Is doing all.
01:41:33 Everyone's getting a money thing today?
01:41:36 Have you read the book?
01:41:38 There will be blood.
01:41:39 The plot is totally different from the movie and it's very anti capitalist.
01:41:44 I could see that I could see that I don't think that the I don't think that the movie was wasn't anti capitalist.
01:41:53 I mean, there was.
01:41:54 Definitely you got the sense that that you had these.
01:42:00 Overly ambitious men who?
01:42:05 By no means were doing what they were doing to help society and to provide a service, or I think it was 100% to satisfy their ambition like I think that came across pretty strong in the movie, but I don't know.
01:42:19 I I have.
01:42:19 Not read the book.
01:42:22 It's one of my favorite movies, so maybe.
01:42:23 I'll check out the book.
Speaker 20
01:42:25 Darius $10.
Speaker 1
01:42:28 Why is money management?
01:42:32 There's the rest.
Speaker 7
01:42:34 Thank you.
Speaker 24
01:42:36 Hey you have an update.
01:42:37 On my friend that married a Butch ****.
01:42:39 Larps as a.
01:42:41 He got hysterical because we all told him we didn't want a ****** in our circle, including the man who married him.
01:42:49 And he claimed to accept Jesus with her recently, then cut ties with us.
01:42:54 Wait, hold on.
01:42:59 Why do we live?
01:43:00 In this.
01:43:01 He got hysterical because we all told him we didn't want a ****** in our circle.
01:43:07 Well, why is he a ******?
01:43:07 Because he's, I guess because he's married to a lesbian.
01:43:11 Including the man who married him.
01:43:15 Ohh, I get what you're saying.
01:43:17 You were calling his wife a man, OK?
01:43:20 And then he claimed to accept Jesus with her and then cut time.
01:43:24 Yeah, I don't know.
01:43:25 I don't have to tell you.
01:43:26 I don't tell you.
01:43:27 I don't know how you marry a lesbian, though.
01:43:29 If you're a dude.
01:43:32 Empty life $5.
Speaker 33
01:43:35 Cash flow checkout.
Speaker 17
01:43:42 I'd like to return this duck.
01:43:45 I would like to return this duck.
01:43:48 The right identifies with strength, but I'll.
Speaker 20
01:43:51 Keep going.
01:43:54 That's back already.
01:43:55 I think it's just going to keep working.
01:43:59 When we're we that when we reject someone like the Asian for suffering public defeat, even when they are correct.
01:44:06 It contributes to the fear of speaking out only if you're a.
01:44:10 How about that for respecting strength?
01:44:13 No, I'm not.
01:44:14 I'm not.
01:44:14 I'm not saying that.
01:44:16 That he shouldn't go, you know?
01:44:18 Go and talk at these events.
01:44:20 I'm saying, be smart.
01:44:23 You need to be smarter about it, and if you're if you're too afraid to speak out, you probably shouldn't be speaking out because it means you're not good at it.
01:44:31 You know, that's just the that's the truth of the matter.
01:44:33 You shouldn't be up there if you're if you're uncomfortable so uncomfortable that you're afraid of rejection or whatever, then you're you're not the guy that should be.
01:44:41 Up there on the microphone.
01:44:45 You know, there's a difference between.
01:44:49 The right respecting strength too much and expecting instant results and and using your head.
01:44:56 It wasn't that he was weak.
01:44:58 In fact, if anything he was overly aggressive.
01:45:02 And so I would say that I would just big disagree on that one.
01:45:07 He just needs to be smarter about it.
01:45:10 Split a trace $1.00. Let's see here.
Speaker 12
01:45:16 Easy money.
01:45:19 These weirdo dressing people weren't really rebelling.
01:45:22 If the corporate global **** hegemony is marketing that trash, they are part of the system.
01:45:29 Well, right.
01:45:30 Yeah, they were being promoted.
01:45:32 And and I guarantee you other young people who also wanted to be noticed were watching this on TV and thinking, wow, those guys look cool.
01:45:40 I want to.
01:45:40 Do that too.
Speaker 20
01:45:43 ******** ****** $1.00. Let's see here.
Speaker 4
01:45:47 Money is power.
01:45:48 Money is the only weapon that that you have to defend itself with.
Speaker 8
01:45:52 Go, Julie, this *** is.
01:46:11 Another day, another awesome strain.
01:46:13 Thank you, Devin.
01:46:13 God bless.
01:46:14 Well, thanks for being here.
01:46:18 Mike hunt. Mike hunt.
01:46:21 Oh, that's not your real name.
01:46:22 That's a very unfortunate real name.
01:46:24 If that's your real name.
Speaker 26
01:46:26 Let's see here.
Speaker 5
01:46:29 My ***** that I have my money.
01:46:35 Devin, you should be collecting royalties on this.
Speaker 26
01:46:38 Let's see what this is.
01:46:45 Hopefully it doesn't destroy the connection again.
01:46:52 And it doesn't want to load.
01:46:57 Oh, it's a Lego City grocery store.
01:47:01 You know I.
01:47:01 Tried to watch one of the Lego movies recently.
01:47:06 And it was just it was just too much singing, too many black people singing.
Speaker 26
01:47:12 All right.
01:47:14 Iron pilled $5.
Speaker 26
01:47:17 Let's see here.
Speaker 33
01:47:18 Cash flow checkout.
Speaker 17
01:47:26 I'd like to return this duck.
01:47:28 I can joke about it now, but having had my own phases akin to this, I can in hindsight recognize my lack of real masculine and positive role models.
01:47:39 I had musicians for idols, the majority of which looking back, seemed weak or just completely devoid of masculinity.
01:47:47 And then Part 2.
01:47:49 I cannot stress enough the vital importance of of we men reclaiming masculinity in the present.
01:47:55 Putting the discussion of toxic masculinity in its place and stop letting everyone but men define for us what masculinity actually means and giving ourselves as adults and young men proper outlets again.
Speaker 8
01:48:11 Well, I guess that is something that that all those men except I let's say.
01:48:16 I don't have the.
01:48:16 Mod I would say it was feminine, but certainly let's take a look here.
01:48:26 I mean that's that's kind of feminine.
01:48:28 I don't know.
01:48:29 If he's wearing makeup, but he kind of.
01:48:30 Looks like he's wearing makeup.
01:48:32 Then, of course, the gay guy.
01:48:35 Was wearing makeup.
01:48:36 Where's the em?
01:48:43 I mean that's, I mean, the guy was just straight up.
01:48:45 Gay. I don't know, I.
01:48:47 Don't know if that's feminine.
01:48:49 It's it's flamboyant.
01:48:52 And maybe that's not, I don't think flamboyant.
01:48:54 And and masculinity go hand in hand.
01:48:57 I guess that would qualify.
01:49:00 ASDF ASD.
01:49:12 I know you weren't allowed to watch it, cause Joseph Smith or whatever, but I think Beavis and ****-**** are secretly super based, exposing liberal trends instead of MTV music videos.
01:49:23 They are now focusing on their.
01:49:25 Focusing their commentary on YouTube stuff 2 hour Deep Dive on their 11 minute.
01:49:31 Beekeeping episode to prove me wrong.
01:49:34 Wait, what, 2 hour deep dive on their 11 minute beekeeping episode?
01:49:41 I haven't seen the new ones.
01:49:42 I knew that they were making.
01:49:43 New ones but.
01:49:45 No, it was.
01:49:45 I mean, yeah, I wasn't allowed.
01:49:47 To watch MTV at all.
01:49:48 When I was a kid.
01:49:50 But it's not that like I never saw Beavis and Butthead, and I still went to friends houses.
01:49:55 And I mean, I wasn't even allowed to watch Simpsons when I was a kid, but I still did it.
01:49:59 But I never like.
01:50:00 I never liked being.
01:50:01 About it back then.
01:50:04 I don't.
01:50:04 I mean, I don't know why.
01:50:05 I just never.
01:50:06 I thought it was dumb.
01:50:10 So I just never really.
01:50:11 I never got into it, but maybe that that said, I did like the movie.
01:50:16 I remember when I went to the theaters and saw the movie and thought it was funny.
01:50:23 You know the great cornholio and all that fun stuff.
01:50:27 That was many years ago.
01:50:30 Damn Bigfoot $1.00.
Speaker 26
01:50:35 Would you?
01:50:36 Ever do a?
01:50:36 Deep dive into Freemasonry.
01:50:38 It's very cabalistic just for Gentiles believing in building temples, and Hiram Mobify seems like there's a Masonic Lodge in every town.
01:50:49 You know, there is, or at least even in really small towns, like really small towns.
01:50:55 When I was doing my Earthship, the middle of the desert, the closest town.
01:51:02 I mean, it was tiny.
01:51:04 And they had.
01:51:05 I mean, it wasn't nice.
01:51:07 It was like a windowless building.
01:51:09 They're all like, they're well, they're all windowless buildings.
01:51:12 But it was like in a strip mall, you know, like it wasn't like a building building, it was.
01:51:15 It was.
01:51:16 Just like a building in a.
01:51:17 Strip mall.
01:51:17 But it I was.
01:51:19 Surprised that they had one.
01:51:21 And at the time, I had a friend because I had just I had.
01:51:24 Just recently lived in Washington, DC, and he'd been trying to join the Masons or, I don't know if he was still trying, but he was.
01:51:31 He was talking about join the Masons 1 to join the ones in DC.
01:51:36 And I actually emailed.
01:51:40 At the time, like, because I kind of wanted to.
01:51:42 Just like.
01:51:43 What are they doing there?
01:51:44 You know, do they have, like, an open house?
01:51:47 Do they have?
01:51:47 Like you know.
01:51:48 Where you can.
01:51:48 Go and check it out and so I emailed.
01:51:50 It was like, hey, I'm new to town and I, you know.
01:51:53 I'm probably a little.
01:51:54 I don't want to say like I'm higher class than a lot of these people there, but I've been around and and I'd like to maybe.
01:52:00 Check out your your little Freemason.
01:52:02 Club and then they never e-mail me back.
Speaker 8
01:52:08 I just wanted to see what they.
01:52:09 Did in.
01:52:10 But yeah, it could.
01:52:11 It could be fun.
01:52:13 It could be fun.
01:52:13 They go over some of their stuff and you're right it.
01:52:15 Is very.
01:52:17 It's basically Kabbalah for for guys as far as at least far as.
01:52:22 I can tell.
01:52:24 Mr. Johnny Anon, $1.00. Let's see here.
01:52:30 Like we'll just do this one.
Speaker 20
01:52:33 There you go.
Speaker 8
01:52:37 Setting up a call.
01:52:40 Set up a colon.
01:52:41 It's pretty easy, Devin, you just use Google Voice number.
01:52:44 You can call from a desktop and patch it into your software audio controller as an input.
01:52:50 No, I mean I can figure out the.
01:52:51 Technical side of it let.
Speaker 8
01:52:53 Me know if you need any help doing it.
01:52:55 I'll get you the info together.
01:52:56 I used to.
01:52:57 I used to stream.
01:52:58 Yeah, I'm sure I can.
01:52:59 I can figure out the.
01:53:00 The technical aspects of it.
01:53:05 It could be it could.
01:53:06 Be interesting to do that.
01:53:08 On a slow night like the night, the night's kind of a slow night.
01:53:16 I like.
01:53:16 I like having a little.
01:53:17 Reprieve from the the the Holocaust.
Speaker 20
01:53:20 Madness every once in a while here.
Speaker 26
01:53:23 ******. ******. $1.00, ******.
01:53:35 I love you guys too. No ****, no matter what happens when the world goes to ****, you guys will always be by my giga. PS chainsaw. Man is starting to look.
01:53:46 Pretty damn cool.
01:53:47 Just saying chainsaw man.
01:53:53 Come on.
01:53:53 This this chainsaw man.
Speaker 26
01:53:57 I don't know.
01:53:57 I don't know.
01:53:58 Chainsaw man is chainsaw man.
01:54:02 Guitar dude 1356.
01:54:05 $1.00.
Speaker 26
01:54:06 Let's do.
Speaker 12
01:54:09 The magic *****.
01:54:11 How about that?
01:54:15 Let's say the West declines further.
01:54:17 Pure whites worldwide die off and global homeo prevails.
01:54:21 What do you think happens after that?
01:54:24 Please give me your thoughts on what happens in the US and worldwide, which country countries take over, what happens to whites, Jews, blacks, Asians, et.
Speaker 8
01:54:33 Yeah, I don't know.
01:54:34 Like it's.
01:54:34 It's easier for Americans to entertain the idea that whites will go extinct simply.
01:54:40 Because we are way more outnumbered in the United States than they are in European countries, they also in as much as they're trying to alter the the mythos of European countries to include American ideas like nation of immigrants and this, all that kind of garbage, it's it doesn't have the same.
01:55:05 Staying power?
01:55:06 I don't think that it does in America.
01:55:09 America, that's been browbeaten since, well, for most of our entire lives, I think.
01:55:15 Well, anyone who's alive their entire lives about somehow our country is is ill gotten like you know we we stole it from the we stole it from the Indians.
01:55:26 And not only that.
01:55:27 But we enslave black people who built it for us.
01:55:31 You know, like there's there's so many narratives.
01:55:34 That Americans are.
01:55:39 Unfortunately, many Americans internalize that a lot of this stuff.
01:55:45 Contributes to the lack of protection against the the people coming in and outnumbering us, right?
01:55:55 And so it's easy for, I think, an American to imagine that we would just turn into Brazil and there wouldn't really be even like white neighborhoods.
01:56:05 So much anymore. Like maybe.
01:56:09 In very rare instances, in the same way, Brazil has white neighborhoods, right?
01:56:15 And there's probably, like, whiter parts of the country and stuff like that, right?
01:56:20 So it's I think it's easier for Americans to imagine that kind of a reality.
01:56:23 I don't think that's applicable to.
01:56:27 At least not to all.
01:56:28 Of Europe.
01:56:29 But then again, you never know.
01:56:31 Cause Frankfurt, Germany is is less than 50% German London is not. I I think it's less than 50% white already, so maybe the poison's already taken.
01:56:43 I I don't know if if it if we get to a point if what you're asking is what happens if they win, if the diversity.
01:56:53 Cancer spreads to all of the West.
01:56:58 I don't think it it could.
01:56:59 It could happen to every single white country, but I could see it.
01:57:03 It happening to most of them eventually.
01:57:07 Then I think that.
01:57:10 You know, many white bloodlines will cease to exist.
01:57:14 They'll breed into the, you know, the it'll be like what happened to the Spaniards in Mexico and in South America, where they just enter, bred with the people.
01:57:27 And so, like in Mexico, for example, a lot of the ruling class in Mexico is very fair.
01:57:31 Skinned there's they're they're blonde hair, blue eyed Mexicans, right?
01:57:37 So you still have, like, some of the upper class Mexican families that are more Spanish than they are met.
01:57:45 You can, and so you'd probably have some of that right.
01:57:49 Like you'd have the you'd have like some ruling class.
01:57:54 Families that weren't mixed and you'd have, you know, little pockets here and there. Another example of this was, you know, Romney's family, right. They were Mormons that went to Mexico.
01:58:07 Like in the late 1800s, I think and settled.
01:58:12 In a part of Mexico that is very white now because they're mostly descendants of white Mormon missionaries and pioneers that went to Mexico.
01:58:24 So you'd have like weird communities like that.
Speaker 8
01:58:33 Yeah, I mean.
01:58:36 I and I don't think that white people would ever 100% go away.
01:58:40 But I just think, yeah.
01:58:40 Just get diluted and diluted and.
01:58:42 Diluted and then maybe eventually if if the persecution.
01:58:47 You know, narrative keeps going.
01:58:49 Persecution narrative.
01:58:49 But like the well, yeah, I guess the persecution narrative that frames White says the ultimate evil look, we could be, we could be, it could be a liability being white.
01:59:01 And you might have a situation where.
01:59:05 Whites end up being almost like in a way is not what the Jews would want, right?
01:59:10 Like that, they become like the nomadic, hated people that have to go from country to country.
01:59:16 But I don't know.
01:59:17 You know, let's hope that never happens.
01:59:22 2022 Ohh and is the other thing that would change is obviously.
01:59:27 Innovation would go to ****.
01:59:29 It's already happening.
01:59:30 And now in 2022.
01:59:33 Let's do this guy again.
Speaker 1
01:59:37 I like that guy.
01:59:39 I wish I had the FBI guy I used to have the ******* FBI guy.
01:59:42 I don't know what happened to him.
01:59:45 And so I can find them.
01:59:49 I thought for sure I had him loaded.
Speaker 20
01:59:50 In here.
01:59:51 But then I don't see him here.
02:00:04 Oh, there he is.
Speaker 34
02:00:09 I don't know.
02:00:09 I don't have them.
02:00:10 Son of a ******* down here on my asss.
02:00:12 Come in my house here and throw their **** around.
Speaker 26
02:00:17 Who's that?
Speaker 34
02:00:17 Few times. *** **** FBI.
02:00:21 About that.
02:00:23 Hey, Devin got my ham tech license earlier this year.
02:00:26 Well, congratulations.
02:00:28 Working on general now, can I get a hint for decoding your message from the end of the science episode?
02:00:34 Thought maybe RTI or SSTV, but no luck.
02:00:38 It's killing me.
02:00:39 Need to know if I'm supposed to drink my Ovaltine, please.
02:00:43 And thanks.
02:00:44 I don't remember that I none of them were that all that complicated though.
Speaker 32
02:00:49 UM.
02:00:52 It's possible there's two layers.
02:00:55 So it could be it could be Ty.
02:00:57 I don't even know.
02:00:58 It's RTI.
02:00:58 I think it's just Ty encoded or it might be Morse code encoded with TTY.
02:01:05 So it might be something like that.
02:01:08 But it there's no encryption or anything like that, it shouldn't be that hard to crack.
02:01:13 So alright, let me hang out back in regular chat for a minute and then we'll.
02:01:19 We'll get.
02:01:19 We'll get out of here.
02:01:24 Romney mount now marches with BLM.
02:01:27 Back then, he funded Mormon Mexicans.
02:01:30 Well, Romney is about his deep state's global homeo as you can get and still nominally be called a Mormon.
02:01:39 The Mormon Church is just as is.
02:01:42 ****** ** as all the rest.
02:01:44 Of them postmaster, $5.
Speaker 26
02:01:47 Let's see here.
Speaker 2
02:01:50 Ohh ******.
02:01:54 I meant to ask you, what's your birth sex?
02:01:58 My birth sex.
02:02:00 I'm a guy.
02:02:03 Why do you have?
Speaker 24
02:02:03 To ask that.
02:02:06 John Connor Japan was easy to control given USA left Japans God the Emperor and power.
02:02:14 The bankers also left the centralized planning war economy intact.
02:02:19 Which they use to control the lowly, demoralized and culturally passive unemployed soldiers to further siphon US wealth and maximize profits.
02:02:29 Well, and we.
02:02:29 Also, to be fair though, we also when we export all of our manufacturing over to to Japan, we we we train those people you know like not that Japan was like some kind of third world country that didn't know to make radios.
02:02:43 And TV's.
02:02:44 But we we shared all of our manufacturing processes with Japan when we.
02:02:49 Did that.
02:02:56 I just came across that on a medical record for something I'm up to birth sex.
02:03:01 Is that really like a thing now?
02:03:02 That's on official documents.
02:03:04 Well, there you go.
Speaker 20
02:03:07 There you go.
02:03:09 We need European physicists at CERN to create a time machine so we can change the future. I would choose 1933. Well, I I don't think that.
02:03:20 Are they really European physicists or are they fellow European physicists over Sir?
02:03:26 And I'd be more worried they're going to make a black hole that would suck us into it before they make a time machine.
02:03:33 I would rather be a potato than be an.
02:03:35 Eternal Shabbos goy.
02:03:39 OK, good.
02:03:42 That was part of the treaty.
02:03:45 Yeah, you talk about the sharing manufacturing processes with Japan.
Speaker 1
02:03:48 I could see that.
02:03:50 I visited Japan 10 years ago.
02:03:52 The food is good.
02:03:53 Well wait till they have Turks.
02:03:55 Or no.
02:03:56 They have like they're.
02:03:57 They're they're Mexicans, I think, are Indians.
02:04:00 Or am I thinking Korea?
Speaker 8
02:04:02 Because when I.
02:04:03 Was watching squid game with a Korean friend of mine.
02:04:07 And they have that one guy who's.
02:04:10 From like Pakistan or India or something like that in that in that or that TV show.
02:04:16 And she was saying they were basically like the.
02:04:18 Mexicans of Korea.
02:04:21 Mr. Johnny Anon, $1.00, I condemn the racism you have against the Irish people. Devin stack. I'm gathering a list of signatures to boycott your channel and join the NJP as we speak.
02:04:31 Potato Digger is a reprehensible insult against my people that.
02:04:34 I take seriously.
02:04:36 Well, no one takes potato diggers seriously though, so.
Speaker 20
02:04:46 What are you going to do?
02:04:49 He reads my chat the one time it's out of context.
02:04:52 Well, I guess so is.
02:04:53 That one.
02:04:54 Some scientists claim we've already timeline shifted because of certain it's possible time traveled back to Pre 1933 Germany and then warned me.
02:05:04 By someone named literally Hitler.
02:05:07 What about Europeans freezing to death this winter due to the government blowing Nord Stream?
02:05:11 I don't think it's.
Speaker 1
02:05:11 Going to happen.
02:05:13 I mean, there's gonna be economic trouble in Germany and other places, but I don't think it's going to be people freezing to death.
02:05:18 I doubt I I I just sincerely doubt that that we have an amazing amount of.
02:05:25 Momentum behind the the wealth of the West, I don't.
02:05:29 Think the the ruling class in Europe and America knows how dangerous it would be to allow people to be starving or freezing to death, and they would go to great lengths to avoid a situation like that.
02:05:45 At least for now, I mean, how long can they keep that going if if things keep going, the direction they're going, I'm not forever, but I doubt this winter is going to have.
02:05:53 I'm sure you'll you'll see stories, right.
02:05:55 There'll be headlines like, oh, this grandma.
02:05:57 She couldn't afford her, her gas bill or whatever.
02:05:59 And she died.
02:06:01 But it's going to be on the same level that you see, you know, in the in, in like Las Vegas.
02:06:05 Oh, there's a heat wave and some grandma who couldn't afford to have her air conditioner turned on.
02:06:10 She died of heat.
02:06:11 It's going to be like that, they'll.
02:06:13 Be isolated incidents, but it's not.
02:06:14 Going to be anything that's going to be huge.
02:06:18 The centralized war economy, which all electronics etc was produced under, led to manipulating overvaluing of the yen and the inevitable collapse.
02:06:27 In the 1980s, which was left, which has left Japan stagnant now, there are some similarities to what is going on now with this controlled demolition.
02:06:36 Yeah, no, I agree.
02:06:37 Remember the 80s when everyone?
02:06:39 Thought the future was going to be Japanese.
02:06:42 And you know, there was jokes in all the movies about the future where, you know.
02:06:48 You go even.
02:06:49 Like Blade Runner, like all the signs are are in Japanese and.
02:06:53 And, you know, Sony owns everything and stuff like that.
02:07:00 UM, the origins of gangs in New York is very interesting.
02:07:04 I haven't read it.
02:07:06 Talk about it was if it was based on a book.
02:07:08 I didn't read that.
02:07:10 What about the balls on brass monkeys?
02:07:13 I have no idea what that.
02:07:15 Conversations about.
02:07:17 I've never had any problems with.
02:07:21 Used to data native girl.
02:07:25 OK, I'm not sure what natives you're talking about.
02:07:30 They make good video games.
Speaker 8
02:07:32 Was the other weird.
02:07:32 Thing too is they made.
02:07:35 They made.
02:07:35 That game, that arcade game 1942.
02:07:39 Which was a huge game in America and maybe in Japan. The story back story is different, but in you know, if you were playing 1942 in the 80s on an arcade machine.
02:07:53 You were a.
02:07:53 World War 2.
02:07:54 American World War 2.
02:07:55 Pilot bombing Japanese ships.
02:08:00 And it was made, I think, by, like, Konami or something like it was made.
02:08:03 By a.
02:08:03 Japanese company so.
02:08:05 I don't know if, like the Japanese version.
02:08:07 Like they just flipped the script, but I always thought that was weird too.
02:08:11 Like, why am I playing a Japanese video game where I'm killing the Japanese?
02:08:18 You know, like like.
Speaker 12
02:08:20 It seems like.
02:08:20 That's the that's the level I'm talking about, where it's like, it seems like that.
02:08:23 There was no big deal after the war.
02:08:28 Blacks are low IQ, archaic side lineage, chimps unrelated to white people.
02:08:35 No, there's no there.
02:08:37 There is some genetic distance, but we're related.
02:08:40 Oh, Capcom.
02:08:41 Yeah, that's what it was.
02:08:43 Was it Capcom?
02:08:44 I thought it was konomi or something like that.
02:08:47 But either way.
02:08:48 And Japanese company Japanese make the best Italian plumbers.
02:08:54 Yeah. Yes, they do.
02:08:57 The **** are based on immigration well.
02:08:59 For right now.
02:09:01 I think that will change, especially because of their their.
02:09:05 Their population is not growing.
02:09:11 Donkey Kong was mistranslated from Monkey Kong.
02:09:14 Well, that's kind of funny.
02:09:17 I always wondered why.
02:09:20 Why it was called Donkey Kong that.
02:09:22 Never made any sense to me.
02:09:25 You know that Pac-Man, the game Pac-Man, was supposed to be called puckman.
02:09:31 But when they were going to release it in America.
02:09:34 They were looking at the the label and realized that teenagers would very easily be able to vandalize the marquee and change it to **** man. So they changed it from Puck Man to Pac-Man. Little bit of trivia there.
02:09:56 Suggestion for the brand of your honey.
02:09:58 When you start selling founding stock honey.
02:10:01 I found a.
02:10:04 It's kind of weird I found this.
02:10:07 Stack family.
02:10:09 Crest or it was like an ancestor.
02:10:14 He like made his own.
02:10:15 Like I don't remember how.
02:10:16 Like why?
02:10:18 Why I was even looking at this.
02:10:20 But he had a beehive with a swastika on it, and it was from, like the 1700s. Like it wasn't, you know, this was well before well before Nazi Germany. And it it it he was.
02:10:34 He designed his own Crest.
02:10:35 For some reason it was a stack and it had a beehive with a it had actually had two beehives.
02:10:41 Both with swastikas on it.
02:10:43 And I was thinking it'd be.
02:10:44 Kind of funny just to use.
02:10:46 That use that whole crust.
Speaker 26
02:10:49 UM.
02:10:52 Have you ever.
02:10:52 Noticed how often Darwinism is mentioned randomly in movies I have not.
02:10:59 Pretty Smart 70s kids were *****.
02:11:05 UM, nobody. Tell him that line in Scott Pilgrim, that movie was awful.
02:11:10 That's like one of the most forgettable movies ever.
02:11:13 I remember wanting to to like it because I knew there was a lot of motion graphics.
02:11:17 I I had just seen the the trailer for it and I was like, oh, wow, they they really put a lot of motion graphics in this movie.
02:11:25 That's an unusual amount.
02:11:27 And at the time, I was a motion graphics artist.
02:11:29 So I was like, oh this.
02:11:30 I'm excited.
02:11:31 To see this.
02:11:32 I can't remember what it was about.
02:11:34 I went and saw that movie in the theater and it was just it was so obnoxiously.
02:11:40 Boring and gay that I don't even remember what it.
02:11:44 Was about.
02:11:47 It was very and.
02:11:48 Even visually, it was boring.
02:11:49 I thought it.
02:11:49 Was going to be a lot cooler.
Speaker 26
02:11:51 Visually, excuse me.
02:11:56 The Japanese never considered half threads as real Japanese.
02:11:59 They are openly disrespected and ridiculed.
02:12:01 Well, I know they've got that.
02:12:02 They got that tennis player that Japanese tennis player.
02:12:05 That's that's part black, and they make a.
02:12:09 Big deal out of that chick.
02:12:12 So I don't know, you might be wrong about that.
02:12:18 PSAS warning for radiation preparedness.
02:12:21 What's up?
02:12:22 Yeah, New York did a PSA about that earlier in the year.
02:12:29 You never know.
02:12:30 I mean, I think that could even just be propaganda to scare people.
02:12:35 You know, the Russians are going to do something like, I don't think.
02:12:39 I don't think you guys have anything to worry about in terms of that.
02:12:42 That doesn't mean that you shouldn't maybe have some iodine and stuff like, you know, be prepared for it.
02:12:46 It's easy to prepare for stuff like that and just don't live in a in a target rich environment.
02:12:55 Koreans despise the Japanese, but also have an inferiority complex, you know?
02:13:00 Ask ask.
02:13:01 I don't know if this is all Koreans, but ask if you have a Korean friend that has an issue with Japanese bring up strawberries.
02:13:10 I had to listen to like an hour about how the Japanese stole the Korean strawberries and like, everyone likes Japanese strawberries, but it's really Korean strawberry like.
02:13:22 I was just like, yeah.
02:13:22 I don't care.
02:13:31 I saw the jabs going bonkers over Ooga Booga ball last week.
02:13:34 You know, it seems like China seems to like.
02:13:37 Basketball 2.
02:13:40 So who knows?
02:13:47 Holly Weird is probably going to butcher this new Mario movie.
02:13:52 Have you guys, did you guys?
02:13:53 See the first Mario movie.
02:13:56 My God, I had a friend that worked at a theater, so I got to watch free.
02:14:01 Movies all the time.
02:14:03 And I remember when that movie came out, I knew it was going to be kind of ****** because, like, even the trailer was bad.
02:14:10 That is, I think the only movie in my entire life where I've gone to the theater, and I was the only one there.
02:14:20 And I left.
02:14:21 Like it wasn't even worth the novelty of being the only one in the theater.
02:14:25 I think I made it through like 20 minutes of that ******* monstrosity before I had to get out of there.
02:14:30 So if they're making another Mario movie, it's impossible to make it worse.
02:14:33 Than the first one.
02:14:38 Dennis Hopper's Bowser, huh?
Speaker 8
02:14:42 Yeah, you guys.
02:14:43 You haven't seen the first one.
02:14:45 It's so.
02:14:45 Bad. I I might.
02:14:48 Have it here for some reason.
02:14:51 Yeah. OK.
02:14:56 Let's have a little taste of it.
Speaker 1
02:15:10 Get outta here.
Speaker 25
02:15:14 What do we what do we do?
Speaker 2
02:15:15 I'm getting arrested for your problem it's number.
02:15:25 Daisy, Daisy.
02:15:29 Daniella, Daisy.
Speaker 5
02:15:32 You care.
02:15:34 It's just bad.
02:15:35 It's it's like the worst acting.
02:15:39 The worst of everything, like the production value is bad.
02:15:43 Everything about this movie is bad. I wonder if it would be kitchen now like because it's it's very I mean it's made in 93 but it looks very 80s. There's something very 80s about it.
02:15:54 I don't even know if it would be worth it for the catch value like.
02:15:57 I said I made.
02:15:57 I made it through.
02:16:00 Like I don't even like.
02:16:01 What the **** is this?
02:16:01 That's not a Mario brothers character.
02:16:03 Weird tiny head thing.
02:16:06 I don't know.
02:16:07 It was bad.
02:16:08 It was so bad.
02:16:09 It was terrible.
02:16:12 Anyone can grow.
02:16:14 What the **** do they steal?
02:16:15 The knowledge from their heads?
02:16:17 I don't know.
02:16:17 It was.
02:16:19 I had to listen to this Korean girl complain about the Japanese stealing their their strawberries for like like literally an hour.
02:16:29 I am connected via relative marriage to a Japanese woman, now elderly, who grew up in in Nagasaki during the war and survived the bomb.
02:16:37 She has no animus towards the American towards Americans, but she hates Koreans of the passion.
02:16:42 Yeah, yeah, I made the mistake.
02:16:45 Of just mentioning.
02:16:48 A Korean friend to this Japanese guy, I was trying to get some information from about a Japanese radio and he stopped responding because I mentioned a Korean person.
02:17:02 At least I think that's why.
02:17:04 They hate Koreans.
02:17:10 Oh, no.
02:17:11 Dennis Hopper was Bowser is that we're talking about the.
02:17:14 Yeah, I guess that was him.
02:17:15 Let me see.
02:17:18 Yeah, there he is.
02:17:20 There's Bowser.
02:17:24 With the.
02:17:26 The Max headroom hair.
02:17:30 So I can make this bigger.
02:17:35 And some kind of ****** looking person.
02:17:39 You know, it's a shame.
02:17:41 It's a shame.
02:17:42 The thing about training, you know who gets hurt the worst by ********.
02:17:47 Ugly women.
02:17:48 Because now you see an ugly woman.
02:17:52 See, back then, you'd watch this movie and you'd think.
02:17:55 Ohh, it's an ugly woman.
02:17:58 And now this ugly woman has to go through life with everyone thinking she's a ******.
02:18:05 So that's, that's who ******** hurt.
Speaker 20
02:18:07 The most is ugly women.
02:18:13 Uh, she could just be Australian.
02:18:17 Yeah, there's a lot of square faced Australians out there.
02:18:24 Another Jew money grab.
02:18:25 They didn't even try with that.
02:18:27 I heard there was a lot of a lot of weird there was like, I mean the movie bored me so much I've never dug into it.
02:18:36 But I heard there's, like, this whole story of of the fiasco.
02:18:41 That that was this movie, like everything about it from, you know, the the director promised the director and the production and it was just like this ******* massive.
02:18:53 You know, you know, it was in a in a weird twist of irony.
02:18:58 Remember when you were a kid?
02:19:00 And if you played Nintendo, if you're old, I guess, right?
02:19:04 If you had, like, an NES, or even probably even Super Nintendo.
02:19:09 And you would see like the game of a movie that you liked.
02:19:14 And this actually applied to even, I would say computer games too.
02:19:17 I think I had like the PC version of Platoon.
02:19:21 And thinking, oh, this is going to be ******.
02:19:23 And then they they were always bad, always bad.
02:19:27 It was, in fact, usually it seemed that this is probably the case, as if they just had a totally different game already.
02:19:36 And they just bought the name of the movie so they could slap it on there, change a few things to make it kind of like the game for that movie.
02:19:44 But it was always bad.
02:19:46 And this, in a weird twist of irony, was the opposite.
02:19:50 It was like they got a game that was good and used the the name recognition of the game to just try to sell.
02:19:58 A ****** movie.
02:20:03 The first movie predicted 9/11 what the the Mario Brothers movie predicted 911.
02:20:12 Karate kid and yes, was pretty good.
02:20:14 I don't know.
02:20:14 I never played karate kid.
02:20:19 I played mist.
02:20:22 You know.
02:20:23 That's a game I haven't thought about in a.
02:20:24 Really long time.
02:20:26 That was one of.
02:20:26 The first CD-ROM games.
02:20:29 It was just puzzles, but it was supposed to be really cool because it had because it was a CD-ROM game, so it could handle playing little video clips of pre rendered 3D animation every once in a while.
02:20:43 Because it was, you know, CDs could hold 600 megabytes.
02:20:50 No, the Mario movie was 911.
02:20:54 Well, I'll have to look at it.
02:20:55 Again, maybe I don't know if I can.
02:20:57 I don't know if I can actually.
02:20:59 I don't know if I can.
02:21:02 You played doom?
02:21:03 Well, there's another good example of a movie that they made off of a game.
02:21:07 That was ******* awful.
02:21:09 It works both ways.
02:21:10 It's like you can't have a good game and a good movie.
02:21:14 You know, it's one or the other.
02:21:20 Counter strike I I never really played counter strike.
02:21:24 That was.
02:21:25 I was playing like the I mean.
02:21:27 That was like the.
02:21:28 The the autistic first person shooter.
02:21:32 And I was always playing like the the more mainstream one, like Unreal Tournament or whatever.
02:21:40 Mist felt original when it came out, as did stuff like Warcraft.
02:21:44 Most PC games that at that time felt like.
02:21:48 Or at that time, felt like shovel wear.
Speaker 26
02:21:52 UM.
02:21:55 Tons of **** predicted 911. Maybe it's just.
02:21:57 The phenomenon of synchronicity.
02:22:00 Yeah, well, there was that. There was that spin off of X-Files that did a whole episode that was.
02:22:05 Basically 911.
02:22:09 There's 911 stuff in Big Lebowski. There's, like, there's probably 911 stuff everywhere.
02:22:15 I want a Wolfenstein mod so I can play.
02:22:18 As the good guys.
02:22:20 Well, there's another example of notice how there weren't any games like that where you're killing Japanese.
02:22:26 There really weren't. I mean, I think what Battlefield 1942, you could say, kind of, but you could also play as the Japanese. So not really, you know.
02:22:36 There was never just like a game where you're mass murdering Japanese and there's so many games or you're mass murdering Nazis.
Speaker 26
02:22:44 UM.
02:22:46 Call CQ on 40 meters next stream.
02:22:48 I'll tell you what I might at some point I got to figure how to do it.
02:22:52 I might tie in my my CWD decoder.
02:22:56 I've tried this before and knowing was able to get through.
02:22:58 So I have a solution.
02:23:00 I was I was I have a old old like 80s CWD coder that does.
02:23:06 Composite video out and I can pipe that into a capture card and then superimpose that on the stream and I can have that dialed into a frequency and tell you what the frequency is.
02:23:17 So during the stream, if you are able to make contact with that receiver, you'll be able to type stuff on the stream.
02:23:26 Or or even like I could do really I don't.
02:23:28 It'll do both.
02:23:29 Right.
02:23:30 And I was thinking, well, maybe the reason it didn't work last time is I'm just my setup doesn't work that great on 40 meters and that's what you'd have to, I think use at night.
02:23:42 So maybe I could plug into one of these web SDRS instead, like pull the audio off of the web SDR.
02:23:50 That's like in Utah's, you know, nice little centralized location, middle of the country. So if you're on the East Coast or if you're on the West Coast or, you know, wherever you should be able to hit.
02:24:01 If you've got any kind of fire in the wire, as they say, you should be able to hit that web SDR, and in fact you'll be able to at least find out if you're able to hit it, cause you can tune it into yourself and see if you're making it.
02:24:14 And then I'll just tell you what the frequency is and then you can type stuff on the screen.
02:24:19 Always thought that would be kind.
02:24:20 Of fun and it wouldn't be that difficult.
02:24:22 To set up.
02:24:24 And it would be super nerdy.
02:24:25 So that would get people.
02:24:28 Either thinking it was super nerdy or getting them interested in ham radio. Over 9000 gigawatts. Yeah, no, I don't have that kind of power.
02:24:40 I I never exceed the legal limit, of course.
02:24:45 Of course.
02:24:47 Duck Hunt is great.
02:24:49 Your kids will have great aim before you even hand them a real one.
02:24:55 Yeah, there's lots of.
02:24:59 There's lots of.
02:25:02 I don't think do they even have those games anymore, like with light guns.
02:25:06 Because there were lots of light guiding games that were that were really cool, area 51 was pretty ******* awesome.
02:25:14 I don't know if they.
02:25:16 They I don't think they make light guns for these these new consoles anymore.
02:25:21 I don't know that it would work because the only way the light gun worked was using the CRT and now that everything's LCD, I think you'd have to get like the.
02:25:30 Big gay LED bars like the the Wii had to have for the Wii controller to.
02:25:37 Work, so it's not the same.
02:25:44 Which is a shame.
02:25:49 Here is the.
02:25:50 Greatest video game you ever heard of?
02:25:53 It's called ethnic cleansing.
02:25:57 I've never heard of that game.
Speaker 20
02:26:03 Tipsy MC stagger $14.00. All right, let's do.
02:26:16 Hello there good Sir.
02:26:17 May I trouble you for a moment so I can return this duck?
Speaker 20
02:26:22 Let's see is it this one?
Speaker 33
02:26:23 Cash flow checkout.
Speaker 17
02:26:30 I'd like to return this duck.
02:26:33 There you go.
02:26:34 That one even has Nazi gold in it.
02:26:38 Ethnic Cleansing is an awful game by the people who Ron William Luther Pierce's editorial. Oh, really?
02:26:45 They they try making a video game.
Speaker 12
02:26:48 I did not know that.
Speaker 8
02:26:56 Let me see if I is if, if.
02:26:58 It's like dos.
Speaker 20
02:27:02 Let's see here.
02:27:04 If it's a DOS game.
02:27:06 No, it's not that old.
02:27:08 It's a first person shooter from 2002.
Speaker 8
02:27:14 Because if it.
02:27:14 Was a DOS game.
02:27:15 I could just play it like in one of these DOS box browsers.
02:27:23 I like how Wikipedia has given it a.
02:27:27 An anti-Semitism alert.
02:27:31 So ethnic cleansing is a first person shooter video game for Microsoft Windows computers created by the American white supremacist and hate organization, the National Alliance.
02:27:42 On January 21st, 2002 is part of a race war. The player controls a NEO Nazi Skinhead or a Klansman, and is tasked with killing stereotypical African American, Mexican and Jewish.
02:27:56 Means ending with the, then Israel Prime Minister Ariel Sharon using the Genesis 3D engine, the National Alliance created the game to be provocative and to support their white supremacist message. The game has been controversial and with the Anti Defamation League.
02:28:18 Taking particular issue and has been ranked several times as one of the most controversial games ever created.
02:28:25 It was planned to be followed by a long line of sequels, but only one titled White Law was ever released.
02:28:33 White law.
02:28:36 What's white law about?
02:28:38 It's probably the same kind of thing, right sequel.
02:28:43 White law.
02:28:46 Stars, an Irish American police officer. Oh, it's a potato game, taking up arms to protect his territory from racial minorities. The game was based on the events of Pierce's novel The Turner Diaries.
02:29:02 The National Alliance intended to create an entire line of racist games.
Speaker 20
02:29:06 But no more have surfaced.
02:29:09 That's kind of funny.
02:29:14 ******** ******?
02:29:21 You think export culture through Japanese anime and manga is a factor as to why there's less hostility towards the Japanese, it ruined my life and I can't stop watching PBS.
02:29:32 Another example of bad movies from love games is Resident Evil.
02:29:37 Well, first of all, stop watching anime and your life will just improve automatically.
02:29:44 I never got.
02:29:45 I never had a PlayStation, so I never played the Resident Evil games because I never I never had.
02:29:50 By that time I I didn't have, I didn't have consoles anymore.
02:29:55 I'd I'd grown out, I'd outgrown consoles.
02:29:58 And I think when the PlayStation was out, I had like a Sega Saturn or something, whatever, or a Dreamcast, whichever one was.
02:30:06 Was out, I forget.
02:30:07 That was a long time ago.
02:30:17 Ghost cats FBI handler $1.00 you.
02:30:20 Left the stove on.
Speaker 4
02:30:23 His power money is the only weapon that that you have to defend.
02:30:27 Himself with.
02:30:29 Now the stuff doesn't even work.
02:30:31 I don't have a.
02:30:32 I don't even have gas service hooked up.
02:30:37 I have to cook things with fire or electricity.
02:30:44 There used to be Holocaust mods for Fallout 4. They were on the Sony PS4 and Xbox.
02:30:51 UM.
02:30:53 I don't.
02:30:53 I never liked the fallout games either.
02:30:58 I don't think I ever really played.
02:30:59 Any of them.
02:31:02 All right, guys.
02:31:02 Well, let's go ahead and.
02:31:05 Wrap this up.
02:31:06 I'm going to upload the recording.
02:31:09 Because it dropped out so many times.
02:31:12 But yeah, this was an easygoing, cozy stream.
02:31:16 I will.
02:31:18 I'll have a A.
02:31:20 More Lengthly stream on Saturday.
02:31:24 And we'll probably go.
02:31:25 There's two strings I'm working on, one that's that's.
02:31:31 Hurricane related, I mentioned it before.
02:31:35 We might do that before.
02:31:36 The Holocaust 1.
02:31:38 Because the hurricane is it just, you know, it's still kind of news.
02:31:42 You had Biden go out to Florida to survey the damage and blame it on global warming and stuff.
02:31:50 The Holocaust stuff, yeah, yeah.
02:31:53 We might do the hurricane one first, so you guys will really like the hurricane.
02:31:57 One, believe me.
02:31:59 And in fact, part of it stars.
02:32:03 One of the the people that were in the news for wearing a white lives matter shirt.
02:32:08 One of the last.
02:32:09 Few days here.
02:32:11 So anyway, you guys have a good night.
02:32:13 I'll be back here Saturday.
02:32:16 For Black pilled, I am of course.
Speaker 20
02:32:20 Dennis deck.
Speaker 2
02:32:42 Back to that.
02:34:21 But I'll keep going.
02:34:24 That's back already.
02:34:26 I think it's just going to keep work.
02:34:29 When were we not?
02:34:30 When we reject someone like the Asian for suffering public defeat, even when they are correct.
02:34:36 It contributes to the fear of speaking out only if you're a *****.
02:34:41 How about that for respect and strength?
02:34:44 No, I'm not.
02:34:44 I'm not.
02:34:45 I'm not saying that that he shouldn't go, you know, go and talk at these events.
02:34:50 I'm saying, be smart.
02:34:53 You need to be smarter about it, and if you're if you're too afraid to speak out, you probably shouldn't be speaking out because it.
02:34:59 Means you're not good at it.
02:35:02 You know, that's just the that's the truth of the matter.
02:35:04 You shouldn't be up there if you're if you're uncomfortable so uncomfortable that you're afraid of rejection or whatever, then you're you're not the guy that should be up there on the microphone.
02:35:16 There's a difference between.
02:35:19 The right respecting strength too much and expecting instant results and and using your head.
02:35:26 It wasn't that he was weak.
02:35:29 In fact, if anything he was overly aggressive.
02:35:32 And so I would say that I would just big disagree on that one.
02:35:37 He just needs to be smarter about it.
02:35:40 Splitter trace $1.00.
Speaker 26
02:35:42 Let's see here.
02:35:47 Team money.
02:35:49 These weirdo dressing people weren't really rebelling.
02:35:52 At the corporate global **** hegemony is marketing that trash.
02:35:56 They are part of the system.
02:35:59 Well, right.
02:36:00 Yeah, they were being promoted.
02:36:02 And and I guarantee you other young people who also wanted to be noticed were watching this on TV and thinking, wow, those guys look cool.
02:36:10 I want to.
02:36:11 Do that too.
02:36:13 ******** ****** $1.00. Let's see here.
Speaker 4
02:36:17 Money is power.
02:36:18 Money is the only weapon that the Jew has to defend himself with.
Speaker 20
02:36:22 Go, Julie, this *** is.
02:36:41 Another day, another awesome stream.
02:36:43 Thank you, Devin.
02:36:44 God bless.
02:36:44 Well, thanks for.
02:36:45 Being here.
02:36:48 Mike hunt. Mike hunt.
02:36:51 I hope that's not your real name.
02:36:52 That's a very unfortunate real name.
02:36:54 If that's your real name.
Speaker 26
02:36:56 Let's see here.
Speaker 25
02:36:59 My fish that happened.
02:37:05 Devin, you should be collecting royalties on.
02:37:08 Let's see what this is.
02:37:15 Hopefully it doesn't destroy the connection again.
02:37:22 And it doesn't want to load.
02:37:27 Oh, it's a Lego City grocery store.
02:37:31 You know, I tried.
02:37:32 To watch one of the Lego movies recently.
02:37:36 And it was just it was just.
02:37:37 Too much singing, too many black people singing.
02:37:43 Alright, iron pilled $5.
Speaker 26
02:37:48 Let's see here.
Speaker 33
02:37:49 Cash flow checkout.
Speaker 17
02:37:56 I'd like to return this duck.
02:37:59 I can joke about it now, but having had my own phases akin to this, I can in hindsight recognize my lack of real masculine and positive role models.
02:38:09 I had musicians for idols, the majority of which looking back, seem weak or just completely devoid of masculinity.
02:38:17 And then Part 2.
02:38:19 I cannot stress enough the vital importance of of we men reclaiming masculinity in the present.
02:38:25 Putting the discussion of toxic masculinity in its place and stop letting everyone but men define for us what masculinity actually means and giving ourselves as adults and young men proper outlets again.
Speaker 8
02:38:42 Well, I guess that is something that that all those men except like let's.
02:38:46 Say I don't have.
02:38:46 The mod I would say it was feminine, but certainly.
02:38:52 Let's take a look here.
02:38:56 I mean that's that's kind of feminine.
02:38:59 I don't know if he's wearing makeup, but he.
02:39:00 Kind of looks like he's wearing makeup.
02:39:03 Then, of course, the gay guy.
02:39:05 Was wearing makeup.
02:39:06 Where's the M?
02:39:14 I mean that's, I mean that guy was.
02:39:15 Just straight up.
02:39:17 I don't know.
02:39:17 I don't know if.
02:39:18 That's feminine. It's it's flamboyant.
02:39:22 And maybe that's not, I don't think flamboyant.
02:39:24 And and masculinity go hand in hand.
02:39:27 I guess that would qualify.
02:39:30 ASDF a ASD.
02:39:42 I know you weren't allowed to watch it because Joseph Smith or whatever, but I think Beavis and ****-**** are secretly super based, exposing liberal trends instead of MTV music videos.
02:39:53 They are now focusing on their focusing their commentary.
02:39:57 On YouTube stuff 2 hour Deep dive on their.
02:40:00 In a minute.
02:40:01 Beekeeping episode to prove me wrong.
02:40:04 Wait, what, 2 hour deep dive on their 11 minute beekeeping episode?
02:40:11 I haven't seen the new ones.
02:40:12 I knew that they were making new ones, but no, it was.
02:40:16 I mean, yeah, I wasn't.
02:40:17 Allowed to watch MTV at all when I was a kid.
02:40:21 But it's not like I never saw Beavis and *********, and I still went to friends houses.
02:40:25 And I mean, I wasn't even allowed to watch Simpsons when I.
02:40:27 Was a kid, but I.
02:40:27 Still did it, but I never.
02:40:30 Like I never liked being.
02:40:31 About it.
02:40:31 Back then, I don't know why I just never.
02:40:37 I thought it was dumb.
02:40:38 And uh.
02:40:40 So I just never really.
02:40:42 I never got into it, but maybe that that said, I did like the movie.
02:40:46 I remember when I went to the theaters and saw the movie and thought it was funny.
02:40:53 You know the great cornholio.
Speaker 20
02:40:54 And all that fun stuff.
02:40:57 That was many years ago.
02:41:00 Damn Bigfoot $1.00.
Speaker 2
02:41:03 Money, money, money.
Speaker 26
02:41:06 Would you ever do a?
02:41:07 Deep dive into Freemasonry.
02:41:08 It's very cabalistic just for Gentiles believing in building temples, and Hiram Mobis seems like there's a Masonic Lodge in every town.
02:41:19 You know, there is, or at least even in really small towns, like really small towns.
02:41:25 When I was doing my my earthship, the middle of the desert, the the closest town.
02:41:32 I mean, it was tiny and they had.
02:41:35 I mean, it wasn't nice.
02:41:37 It was like a windowless building.
02:41:39 They're all like, well, they're all windowless buildings.
02:41:42 But it was like in a strip mall, you know, like it wasn't like a building building, it was.
02:41:46 It was just.
02:41:46 Like a building in a.
02:41:47 Strip mall.
02:41:48 But it I was.
02:41:49 Surprised that they had one.
02:41:51 And at the time, I had a friend because I had just.
02:41:54 I had just recently lived in Washington, DC.
02:41:57 And he'd been trying to join the Masons or, I don't know if he was.
02:42:00 Still trying but he.
02:42:01 Was he was talking about join the Masons 1 to join the ones in DC.
02:42:07 And I actually emailed.
02:42:10 At the time.
02:42:11 Like because I kind of wanted to.
02:42:12 Just like.
02:42:13 What are they doing there?
02:42:14 Know do they have like an open house?
02:42:17 Do they have like, you know where you can go and check it out?
02:42:19 And so I emailed.
02:42:20 It was like, hey, I'm new to town, and I'm probably a little.
02:42:25 I don't want to say like I'm higher class than a lot of these people there, but I've been around and and I'd like to maybe.
02:42:30 Check out your your little Freemason.
02:42:32 Club and then they never e-mail me back.
02:42:37 I I just wanted to see what.
02:42:39 They did.
02:42:39 In there but.
02:42:41 Yeah, it it could be fun.
02:42:43 It could be fun.
02:42:44 They go over some of their stuff and you're.
Speaker 8
02:42:45 Right.
02:42:46 It is very.
02:42:47 It's basically Kabbalah for for guys as far as at least far as I.
02:42:52 Can tell.
02:42:54 Mr. Johnny Anon, $1.00.
Speaker 20
02:42:57 Let's see here.
Speaker 26
02:43:00 Like we'll just do.
02:43:01 This one.
Speaker 20
02:43:03 There you go.
Speaker 8
02:43:08 Setting up a call.
02:43:10 Setting up a colon.
02:43:11 It's pretty easy, Devin, you just use Google Voice number.
02:43:15 You can call from a desktop and patch it into your software audio controller as an input.
02:43:21 No, I mean I can figure out the.
02:43:22 Technical side of it, let me.
Speaker 8
02:43:23 Know if you need any help doing it.
02:43:25 I'll get you the info together.
02:43:26 I used to.
02:43:27 I used to stream.
02:43:28 Yeah, I'm sure I can.
02:43:29 I can figure out the.
02:43:31 The technical aspects of it.
02:43:35 It could be it could.
02:43:36 Be interesting to do that.
02:43:39 On on a slow night, like the night the.
02:43:41 Night's kind of a slow night.
02:43:46 I like.
02:43:46 I like having a little reprieve from the.
02:43:49 Holocaust madness.
02:43:50 Every once in a.
Speaker 20
02:43:51 While here.
02:43:54 ****** ****** $1.00.
Speaker 2
02:43:59 Kill ******.
02:44:05 I love you guys too. No ****, no matter what happens when the world goes to ****, you guys will always be buying my giga. PS chainsaw. Man is starting to look.
02:44:17 Pretty damn cool.
02:44:18 Just saying chainsaw man.
02:44:23 Talk about this, this chainsaw man.
02:44:27 I don't know.
02:44:28 I don't know.
02:44:28 Chainsaw man is chainsaw man.
02:44:32 Guitar dude 1356.
02:44:35 $1.00.
Speaker 26
02:44:36 Let's do.
Speaker 31
02:44:40 The magic *****.
02:44:42 How about that?
02:44:45 Let's say the West declines further.
02:44:47 Pure whites worldwide die off and global **** prevails.
02:44:52 What do you think happens after that?
02:44:54 Please give me your thoughts on what happens in the US and worldwide, which country countries take over, what happens to whites, Jews, blacks.
Speaker 8
02:45:01 Et cetera.
02:45:02 I don't know like.
02:45:04 It's it's easier for Americans to entertain the idea that whites will go extinct simply because we are way more outnumbered in the United States than they are in European countries.
02:45:19 They also in as much as they're trying to alter the the mythos of European countries to include American ideas like nation of immigrants and this, all that kind of.
02:45:29 Garbage it's it doesn't have the same.
02:45:35 Staying power?
02:45:36 I don't think that it does in America.
02:45:39 America, that's been browbeaten since, well, for most of our entire lives, I think.
02:45:45 Well, anyone who's alive their entire lives about somehow our country is is ill gotten like, you know, we we stole it from the we stole it from the Indians and not only that.
Speaker 14
02:45:58 But we we.
02:45:59 Enslaved black people.
02:46:00 And built it for us.
02:46:01 You know, like there's so many narratives.
02:46:05 That Americans are.
02:46:09 Unfortunately, many Americans internalize that a lot of this stuff.
02:46:15 Contributes to the lack of protection against the the people coming in and outnumbering us, right?
02:46:25 And so it's easy for, I think, an American to imagine that we would just turn into Brazil and there wouldn't really be even like white neighborhoods.
02:46:35 So much anymore. Like maybe.
02:46:40 In, in very rare instances, in the same way, Brazil has white neighborhoods, right?
02:46:46 And there's probably, like, whiter parts of the country and stuff like that, right?
02:46:50 So it's I think it's easier for Americans to imagine that kind of a reality.
02:46:54 I don't think that's applicable to.
02:46:57 At least not to all of Europe.
02:47:00 But then again, you never know cause.
02:47:02 Frankfurt, Germany is is less than 50% German London is not. I I think it's less than 50% white already.
02:47:10 So maybe the poison's already taken. I I I don't know. I if if it if we get to a if what you're asking is what happens if they win.
02:47:20 If the diversity.
02:47:24 Cancer spreads to all of the West.
02:47:28 I don't think it it could.
02:47:30 It could happen to every single white country, but I could see it.
02:47:34 It happening to most of them eventually.
02:47:38 Then I think that.
02:47:41 You know, many white bloodlines will cease to exist.
02:47:44 They'll breed into the the.
02:47:48 It'll be like what happened to the Spaniards in Mexico and in South America, where they just interbred with the people.
02:47:57 And so like in Mexico, for example, a lot of the ruling class in Mexico is very fair skinned.
02:48:03 There's many more.
02:48:03 They're they're blonde hair.
02:48:05 Delayed Mexicans, right.
02:48:07 So you still have, like, the some of the upper class Mexican families that are more Spanish than they are Mexican?
02:48:16 And and so you'd probably have some of that right.
02:48:19 Like you'd have the you'd have like some ruling class.
02:48:24 Families that weren't mixed and you'd have, you know, little pockets here and there. Another example of this was, you know, Romney's family, right. They were Mormons that went to Mexico.
02:48:38 Like in the late 1800s it.
02:48:40 And settled.
02:48:43 In a part of Mexico that is very white now because they're mostly descendants of white Mormon missionaries and pioneers that went to Mexico.
02:48:54 So you'd have like weird communities like that.
Speaker 8
02:49:03 Yeah, I mean.
02:49:06 I and I don't think that white.
02:49:07 People would ever 100% go away.
02:49:10 But I just think, yeah, just.
02:49:11 Get diluted and diluted and diluted.
02:49:14 And then maybe eventually, if if the persecution.
02:49:17 You know, narrative keeps going.
02:49:19 Persecution narrative.
02:49:20 But like the well, yeah, I guess persecution narrative.
02:49:23 That frames whites as the ultimate evil look, we could be, we could be.
02:49:29 It could be a liability being white and you might have a situation where whites end up being almost.
02:49:36 Like in a.
02:49:37 Way, it's not what the Jews would want, right?
02:49:41 Like they they become like the nomadic, hated people.
02:49:44 Would have to go from country to country.
02:49:46 But I don't know.
02:49:47 You know, let's hope that never happens.
02:49:53 2022 ohh and.
02:49:54 Is the other thing that would change is obviously.
02:49:57 Innovation would go to ****.
02:49:59 It's already happening.
02:50:00 And now in 2022.
02:50:03 Let's do this guy again.
02:50:07 I like that guy.
02:50:09 I wish I had the FBI guy I used to have the ******* FBI guy.
02:50:12 I don't.
02:50:13 Know I have no.
Speaker 20
02:50:15 And so I can find them.
02:50:19 I thought for sure I had them loaded in.
Speaker 20
02:50:21 But then I don't see them here.
02:50:34 Oh, there he is.
Speaker 34
02:50:39 I don't know.
02:50:39 I don't have them.
02:50:40 Son of a ******* down here on my asss.
02:50:43 Come in my house here and throw their **** around few times.
Speaker 26
02:50:47 Who's that?
Speaker 34
02:50:48 God dammit, FBI.
02:50:51 How about that?
02:50:54 Hey, Devin. Got my ham.
02:50:55 Tech license earlier this year.
02:50:56 Well, congratulations.
02:50:58 Working on general now, can I get a hint for decoding your message from the end of the science episode?
02:51:05 Thought maybe RTI or SSTV, but I'll luck.
02:51:08 It's killing me.
02:51:09 Need to know if I'm supposed to drink my Ovaltine, please.
02:51:13 And thanks.
02:51:14 I don't remember that I.
02:51:16 None of them were that all that complicated, though.
02:51:22 It's possible there's two layers.
02:51:25 So it could be it could be Ty.
02:51:27 I don't even know.
02:51:28 It's RTI.
02:51:28 I think it's just Ty encoded or it might be Morse code encoded with TTY.
02:51:35 So it.
02:51:35 Might be something like that.
02:51:38 But it there's no encryption or anything like that it.
02:51:40 Shouldn't be that hard to crack.
02:51:43 So alright, let me hang out back in regular chat for a minute and then we'll.
02:51:49 We'll get.
02:51:49 We'll get out of here.
02:51:54 Romney mount now marches with BLM.
02:51:58 Back then, he funded Mormon Mexicans.
02:52:01 Well, Romney is about his deep state global ****, as you can get and still nominally be called a Mormon.
02:52:09 The Mormon Church is just as is.
02:52:13 ****** ** as all the rest of them postmaster $5. Let's see here.
Speaker 2
02:52:20 Tell ******.
02:52:24 I meant to ask you, what's your birth sex?
02:52:29 My birth sex.
02:52:30 I'm a guy.
02:52:33 Why do?
02:52:33 You have to ask that.
02:52:36 John Connor Japan was easy to control given USA left Japans God the Emperor and power.
02:52:44 The bankers also left the centralized planning war economy intact.
02:52:49 Which they use to control the lowly, demoralized and culturally passive unemployed soldiers to further siphon US wealth and maximize profit.
02:52:59 Well, and we.
02:53:00 Also, to be fair though, we also when we export all of our manufacturing over to to Japan, we we we trained those people you know like not that Japan was like some kind of third world country that didn't know to make radios.
02:53:13 And TV's.
02:53:14 But we we shared all of our manufacturing processes with.
02:53:18 Japan, when we did that.
02:53:26 I just came across that on a medical record for something I'm up to birth sex.
02:53:31 Is that really like a thing now?
02:53:33 That's on official documents.
02:53:34 Well, there you go.
Speaker 20
02:53:37 There you go.
02:53:39 We need the European physicists at CERN to create a time machine so we can change the future. I would choose 1933. Well, I I don't think that.
02:53:50 Are they really European physicists or are they fellow European physicists over it, Sir?
02:53:56 And I'd be more worried they're going to make a black hole that would suck us into it before they make.
02:54:01 A time machine.
02:54:03 I would rather be a potato than be an.
02:54:05 Eternal Shabbos goy.
02:54:09 OK, good.
02:54:13 That was part of the treaty.
02:54:15 You talk about the sharing manufacturing processes with Japan.
Speaker 1
02:54:19 I could see then.
02:54:20 I visited Japan 10 years ago.
02:54:22 The food is good.
02:54:23 Well wait till they have Turks.
02:54:25 Or no.
02:54:26 They have like they're.
02:54:27 They're they're Mexicans, I think, are Indians.
02:54:30 Or am I thinking Korea?
Speaker 8
02:54:33 Because when I.
02:54:33 Was watching squid game with a Korean friend of mine and they have that one guy who's.
02:54:40 From like Pakistan or India or something like that in that in that or that TV show.
02:54:47 And she was saying they were basically like the.
02:54:48 Mexicans of Korea.
02:54:52 Mr. Johnny and on $1.00 I condemn the racism you have against the Irish people. Devin stack. I'm gathering a list of signatures to boycott your channel and join the NJP as we speak.
02:55:01 Potato Digger is a reprehensible insult against my people that I take seriously well.
02:55:07 No one takes potato diggers seriously though, so.
Speaker 20
02:55:16 What are you going to do?
02:55:19 Uh, he reads my chat. The one time it's out of context. Well, I guess so. Is that one some scientists claim we've already timeline shifted because of certain it's possible time traveled back to Pre 1933 Germany and then.
02:55:32 Warned me.
02:55:34 By someone named literally, literally Hitler.
02:55:37 What about Europeans freezing to death this winter due to the government blowing Nord Stream?
02:55:41 I don't think it's going to.
02:55:43 I mean, there's gonna be economic trouble in Germany and other places, but I don't.
02:55:47 Think it's going to?
02:55:47 Be people freezing to.
02:55:48 I doubt I.
02:55:50 I just sincerely doubt that that we have an amazing amount of.
02:55:55 Momentum behind the the wealth of the West I.
02:55:59 Don't think.
02:56:02 The the ruling class in Europe and America knows how dangerous it would be to allow people.
02:56:08 To be starving or freezing to.
02:56:10 Death and they would go.
02:56:11 To great lengths to avoid a situation like that.
02:56:15 At least for now, I mean, how long can they keep that going if if things keep going, the direction they're going, I'm not forever, but I doubt this will.
02:56:22 There's going to.
02:56:22 Have I'm sure you'll you'll see stories, right.
02:56:25 There'll be headlines like, oh, this grandma.
02:56:27 She couldn't afford her.
02:56:28 Her gas bill or whatever, and she died.
02:56:31 But it's going to be on the same level that you see, you know, in the death, in, in like Las Vegas.
02:56:36 Oh, there's a heat wave and some grandma who couldn't afford to have her air conditioner turned on.
02:56:40 She died of heat.
02:56:42 It's going to be like that.
02:56:43 They'll be isolated incidents, but it's not.
02:56:44 Going to be anything that's going to be huge.
02:56:49 The centralized war economy, which all electronics etc was produced under, led to manipulating overvaluing of the yen and the inevitable collapse.
02:56:57 In the 1980s, which was left, which has left Japan stagnant now, there are some similarities to what is going on now with this controlled demolition.
02:57:06 Yeah. No, I.
02:57:07 Remember the 80s when everyone thought the future was going to be Japanese?
02:57:12 And you know, there was jokes in all the movies about the future where, you know.
02:57:18 You go even.
02:57:19 Like Blade Runner, like all the signs are are in Japanese and.
02:57:24 And, you know, Sony owns everything and stuff like that.
02:57:31 The origins of gangs in New York is very interesting.
02:57:34 I haven't read if you talk about it was if it was based on a book.
02:57:38 I didn't read that.
02:57:40 What about the balls on brass monkeys?
02:57:43 I have no idea what that.
02:57:45 Conversations about.
02:57:47 I've never had any problems with.
02:57:52 Used to data native girl.
Speaker 26
02:57:56 OK, I'm not sure what natives you're talking about.
02:58:01 They make good video games.
02:58:02 What was the other weird?
Speaker 8
02:58:03 Thing too is they made.
02:58:05 They made.
02:58:05 That game, that arcade game 1942.
Speaker 8
02:58:09 Which was a.
02:58:10 Huge game in America and maybe in Japan. The story back story is different, but in you know if you were playing 1942 in the 80s on an arcade machine.
02:58:23 You were a.
02:58:23 World War 2.
02:58:24 American World War 2.
02:58:25 Pilot bombing Japanese ships.
02:58:31 And it was made, I think, by, like, Konami or something like it was made.
02:58:33 By a Japanese.
02:58:35 So I don't know if like the Japanese version.
02:58:37 Like they just flipped the script, but I always thought that was weird too.
02:58:42 Like, why am I playing a Japanese video game where I'm killing the Japanese?
02:58:48 You know, like like.
02:58:50 It seems like that's the that's the level I'm talking about, where it's like it seems like.
02:58:53 That there was no big deal after the war.
02:58:59 Blacks are low IQ, archaic side lineage, chimps unrelated to white people.
02:59:05 No, there's no there.
02:59:07 There is some genetic distance, but we're related.
02:59:11 Oh, Capcom.
02:59:12 Yeah, that's what it was.
02:59:13 Was it Capcom?
02:59:14 I thought it was konomi or something like that, but either way.
02:59:18 And Japanese company Japanese make the best Italian plumbers.
02:59:24 Yeah. Yes, they do.
02:59:27 The **** are based on immigration.
02:59:29 Well for right now.
02:59:31 I think that will change, especially because of their their.
02:59:35 Their population is not growing.
02:59:41 Donkey Kong was mistranslated from Monkey Kong.
02:59:45 Well, that's kind of funny.
02:59:48 I always wondered why.
02:59:50 Why it was called Donkey Kong that.
02:59:52 Never made any sense to me.
02:59:55 You know that Pac-Man, the game Pac-Man?
02:59:58 Was supposed to be.
02:59:59 Called puckman.
03:00:01 But when they were going to release it in America.
03:00:05 They were looking at the the label and realized that teenagers would very easily be able to vandalize the marquee and change it to **** man. So they changed it from Puck Man to Pac-Man. Little bit of trivia there.
03:00:26 Suggestion for the brand of your honey.
03:00:28 When you start selling founding stock honey.
03:00:31 I found a.
03:00:34 It's kind of weird I found this.
03:00:38 Stack family.
03:00:40 Crest or it was like an ancestor.
03:00:44 He like made his own.
03:00:45 Like I don't remember how.
03:00:47 Like why?
03:00:48 Why I was even.
03:00:49 Of this.
03:00:50 But he had a beehive with.
03:00:53 A swastika on it.
03:00:55 And it was from, like the 1700s. Like it wasn't, you know, this was well before well before Nazi Germany and it.
Speaker 8
03:01:02 It it he was.
03:01:04 He designed his own Crest.
03:01:06 For some reason it was a stack and it had a beehive with a it had actually had two beehives.
03:01:11 Both with swastikas on it.
03:01:14 And I was thinking it'd be.
03:01:15 Kind of funny just to use that, use that whole crust.
Speaker 26
03:01:20 UM.
03:01:22 Have you ever noticed how often Darwinism is mentioned randomly in movies?
03:01:26 I have not.
03:01:29 Pretty Smart 70s kids were *****.
03:01:36 Nobody tell him that line in Scott Pilgrim, that movie was awful.
03:01:40 That's like one of the most forgettable movies ever.
03:01:44 I remember wanting.
03:01:45 To to like it because I knew there was a lot of motion graphics.
03:01:48 I I had just seen the the trailer for it and I was like, oh, wow, they they really put a lot of motion graphics in this movie.
03:01:55 That's an unusual amount, and at the time I was a motion graphics.
03:01:59 So I was like oh this.
03:02:01 I'm excited to see this I.
03:02:02 Can't remember what it was about.
03:02:04 I went and saw that movie in the theater and it was.
03:02:06 Just it was so obnoxiously.
03:02:10 Boring and gay that I don't even remember what?
03:02:14 It was about.
03:02:17 It was very and.
03:02:18 Even visually, it was boring.
03:02:19 I thought it.
03:02:20 Was going to be a lot.
03:02:21 Cooler visually.
Speaker 26
03:02:23 Excuse me.
03:02:26 The Japanese never considered **** ****** as real Japanese.
03:02:29 They are openly disrespected and ridiculed.
03:02:31 Well, I know they've got that.
03:02:32 They got that tennis player that Japanese tennis player, that's that's part black and they make a big deal out of that chick.
03:02:42 So I don't know, you might be wrong about that.
03:02:49 PSAS warning for radiation preparedness.
03:02:51 What's up?
03:02:52 Yeah, New York did a PSA about that earlier in the year.
03:02:59 You never know.
03:03:00 I mean, I think that could even just be propaganda to scare people.
03:03:05 You know, the Russians are going to do something like, I don't think.
03:03:09 I don't think you guys have anything to worry about in terms of that.
03:03:12 That doesn't mean that you shouldn't maybe have some iodine and stuff like, you know, be prepared for it.
03:03:16 It's easy to prepare for stuff like that and just don't live in a in a target rich environment.
03:03:25 Koreans despise the Japanese, but also have an inferiority complex, you know?
03:03:30 Ask ask.
03:03:31 I don't know if this is all Koreans, but ask if you have a Korean friend that has a issue with Japanese bring up strawberries.
03:03:40 I had to listen to like an hour about how the Japanese stole the Korean strawberries and like, everyone likes Japanese strawberries, but it's really Korean strawberry like.
03:03:52 I was just like.
03:03:52 Yeah, I don't care.
03:04:01 I saw the jabs going bonkers over Ooga Booga ball last week.
03:04:04 You know, it seems like China seems to like.
03:04:07 Basketball 2.
03:04:10 So who knows?
03:04:18 Holly Weird is probably going to butcher this new Mario movie.
03:04:22 Have you guys, did you guys?
03:04:23 See the first Mario movie.
03:04:27 My God, I had a friend that worked at a theater, so I got to watch free.
03:04:31 Movies all the time.
03:04:33 And I remember when that movie came out, I knew it was going to be kind of ****** cause like even.
03:04:38 The trailer was bad.
03:04:41 That is, I think the only movie in my entire life where I've gone to the theater, and I was the only.
03:04:47 One there.
03:04:50 And I left.
03:04:52 Like, it wasn't even worth the novelty of being the only one in.
03:04:54 The theater I think I made it through like 20 minutes of that ******* monstrosity before I had to get.
03:04:59 Out of there. So.
03:05:00 If they're making another Mario movie, it's impossible to make it worse.
03:05:04 Than the first one.
03:05:08 Dennis Hopper's Bowser, huh?
03:05:12 Yeah, you guys, you haven't seen the first one.
03:05:15 It's so bad.
Speaker 26
03:05:16 I I don't know.
03:05:17 I might have it here for some reason.
03:05:21 Yeah. OK.
03:05:27 Let's have a little taste of it.
Speaker 2
03:05:38 Arrest the guy. Hey.
03:05:44 What do we what?
03:05:45 Do we do?
Speaker 4
03:05:46 I'm getting arrested for your number down.
Speaker 5
03:05:59 Daniella. Daisy.
03:06:04 It's just bad.
03:06:05 It's it's like the worst acting.
03:06:09 The worst of everything, like the production value is bad.
03:06:14 Everything about this movie is bad. I wonder if it would be kitchen now like because it's it's very I mean it's made in 93 but it looks very 80s. There's something very 80s.
03:06:23 About it.
03:06:25 I don't even know if it would be worth it for the catch value like I said.
03:06:27 I made, I made it through.
03:06:30 Like I don't even like.
03:06:31 What the **** is this?
03:06:32 That's not a Mario brothers character.
03:06:33 Weird tiny head thing.
03:06:37 I don't know.
03:06:37 It was bad.
03:06:38 It was so bad.
03:06:39 It was terrible.
03:06:43 Anyone can grow.
03:06:44 What the **** do they steal?
03:06:45 The knowledge from their heads?
03:06:47 I don't know.
03:06:48 It was.
03:06:49 I had to listen to.
03:06:50 This Korean girl complain about the Japanese stealing their their strawberries for like like literally an hour.
03:06:59 I am connected via relative marriage to a Japanese woman, now elderly, who grew up in in Nagasaki during the war and survived the bomb.
03:07:08 She has no animus towards the American towards Americans, but she hates Koreans of the passion.
03:07:13 Yeah, yeah, I made the mistake.
03:07:16 Of just mentioning.
03:07:18 A Korean friend to this Japanese guy, I was trying to get some information from about a Japanese radio and he stopped responding because I mentioned a Korean person.
03:07:32 At least I think that's why.
03:07:34 They hate Koreans.
03:07:41 Oh, no.
03:07:41 Dennis Hopper was Bowser is that we're talking about the.
03:07:45 Yeah, I guess that.
03:07:45 Was him. Let me see.
03:07:49 Yeah, there he is.
03:07:50 There's Bowser.
03:07:54 With the.
03:07:56 The Max headroom hair.
03:08:00 So I can make this bigger.
03:08:05 And some kind of ****** looking person.
03:08:09 You know, it's a shame.
03:08:11 It's a shame.
03:08:12 The thing about training, you know.
03:08:13 Who gets hurt?
03:08:14 The worst by ********.
03:08:17 Ugly women.
03:08:19 Because now you see an ugly woman.
03:08:22 See, back then, you'd watch this movie.
03:08:25 And you'd think, oh, it's an ugly woman.
03:08:28 And now this.
03:08:29 Ugly woman has to go through life with everyone thinking she's a ******.
03:08:35 So that's, that's who ******** hurt the most, is ugly women.
03:08:45 She could just be Australian.
03:08:47 Yeah, there's a lot of square faced Australians out there.
03:08:54 Another Jew money grab.
03:08:56 They didn't even try with that.
03:08:57 I heard there was a lot of.
03:09:00 A lot of weird there was like a I mean, I the movie bored me so much.
03:09:06 I I've never dug into it, but I heard there's like, this whole story of of the fiasco that that was this movie, like everything about it from, you know, the the director promised the director and the production and it was just like this ******* massive.
03:09:23 You know, you know, it was in a in a weird twist of irony, remember when?
03:09:29 You were a kid.
03:09:31 And if you played Nintendo, if you're old, I guess, right?
03:09:34 If you had, like, an NES, or even probably even Super Nintendo.
03:09:39 And you would.
03:09:40 See like the game of a movie that you liked.
03:09:44 And this actually applied to even, I would say computer games too.
03:09:47 I think I had like the PC.
03:09:49 Version of platoon.
03:09:51 And thinking oh this.
03:09:52 Is going to be ******.
03:09:54 And then they they were always bad, always bad.
03:09:57 It was, in fact, usually it seemed that this is probably the case, as if they just had a totally different game already made.
03:10:06 And they just bought the name of the movie so they could slap it on there, change a few things to make it kind of like the game for that movie.
03:10:14 But it was always bad.
03:10:17 And this, in a weird twist of irony, was the opposite.
03:10:21 It was like they got a game that was good and used the the name recognition of the game to just try to sell a ****** movie.
03:10:33 The first movie predicted 9/11 what the the Mario Brothers movie.
Speaker 10
03:10:38 Predicted 9/11.
03:10:42 Karate kid and yes, was pretty good.
03:10:44 I don't know.
03:10:45 I never played karate kid.
03:10:50 I played mist.
03:10:52 You know.
03:10:53 That's a game I haven't thought about in a really long time. That was one of the first CD-ROM games.
03:10:59 It was just puzzles, but it was supposed to be really cool because it had because it was a CD-ROM game, so it could handle playing little video clips of pre rendered 3D animation every once in a while.
03:11:13 Because it was, you know, CDs could hold 600 megabytes.
03:11:21 No, the Mario movie was 911.
03:11:24 Well, I'll have to look at it.
03:11:26 Again, maybe I don't know if I can.
03:11:27 I don't know if I can actually.
03:11:30 I don't know if I can.
03:11:33 You played doom?
03:11:34 Well, there's another good example of a movie that they made off of a game that was ******* awful.
03:11:39 It works both ways.
03:11:40 It's like you can't have a good game and a good movie.
03:11:44 You know, it's one or the other.
03:11:50 Counter strike I I never really played counter strike.
03:11:54 That was.
03:11:56 I was playing like the.
03:11:57 I mean, that was like the the the autistic first person shooter.
03:12:02 And I was always playing like the the more mainstream one, like Unreal Tournament or whatever.
03:12:11 Mist felt original when it came out, as did stuff like Warcraft.
03:12:14 Most PC games that at that time felt like.
03:12:18 Or at that time, felt like shovel wear.
Speaker 26
03:12:22 UM.
03:12:25 Tons of **** predicted 911. Maybe it's just.
03:12:27 The phenomenon of synchronicity.
03:12:31 Yeah. Well, there was like that. There was that spin off of X-Files that did a whole episode that was.
03:12:35 Basically 911.
03:12:39 There's 911 stuff in Big Lebowski. There's, like, there's probably 911 stuff everywhere.
03:12:45 I want a Wolfenstein mod so I can play as the.
03:12:48 Good guys.
03:12:50 Well, there's another example of notice how there weren't any games like that where were killing Japanese.
03:12:57 There really weren't. I mean, I think what Battlefield 1942, you could say, kind of, but you could also play as the Japanese. So not really, you know.
03:13:06 There was never just like a game where you're mass murdering Japanese and there's so many games or you're mass murdering Nazis.
03:13:16 Call CQ on 40 meters next stream.
03:13:19 I'll tell you what I might at some point I got to figure how to do it.
03:13:22 I might tie in my My CW decoder.
03:13:26 I've tried this before and no one was able to get through, so I have a.
03:13:30 I have an old, old like 80s CWD decoder that does composite video out and I can pipe that into a capture card and then superimpose that on the stream and I can have that dialed into a frequency and tell you what the frequency is.
03:13:47 So during the stream.
03:13:49 If you are able to make contact with that receiver, you'll be able to type stuff on the stream or or even like I could do ritty I don't.
03:13:58 It'll do both, right?
03:14:00 And I was thinking, well, maybe the reason it didn't work last time is I'm just my setup doesn't work that great on 40 meters and that's what you'd have to, I think use at.
03:14:10 Night time.
03:14:12 So maybe I could plug into one of these web SDRS instead, like pull the audio off of the web SDR.
03:14:20 That's like in Utah, you know, nice little centralized location in middle of the country.
03:14:25 So if you're on the East Coast, or if you're on the West Coast, or you know, wherever you should be able to hit, if you've got any kind of fire in the wire, as they say, you should be able to hit that web SDR.
03:14:38 And in fact, you'll be able to at least find out if you're able to hit it, cause you can tune it into yourself and see if you're making it.
03:14:44 And then I'll just tell you what the frequency is and then you can type stuff on the screen.
03:14:49 Always thought that would be kind.
03:14:50 Of fun and it.
03:14:52 Wouldn't be that difficult to set up?
03:14:54 And it would be super nerdy.
03:14:55 So that would get people.
03:14:58 Either thinking it was super nerdy or getting them interested in ham radio. Over 9000 gigawatts. Yeah, no, I don't have.
03:15:07 That kind of power.
03:15:10 I I never exceed the legal limit, of course.
03:15:15 Of course.
03:15:17 Duck Hunt is great.
03:15:19 Your kids will have great aim before you even hand them a real one.
03:15:25 Yeah, there's lots of.
03:15:29 There's lots of.
03:15:33 I don't think do they even have those games anymore, like with light guns.
03:15:37 Because there were lots of light guiding games that were that were really cool, area 51 was pretty ******* awesome.
03:15:44 I don't know if they.
03:15:46 They I don't think they make light guns for these these new consoles anymore.
03:15:51 I don't know that it would work because the only way the light gun worked was using the CRT and now that everything's LCD, I think you'd have to get like the big gay LED bars like the the Wii had to have for the Wii.
03:16:07 Controller to work.
03:16:09 So it's not the same.
03:16:14 Which is a shame.
03:16:20 Here is the greatest video game you ever heard of.
03:16:23 It's called ethnic cleansing.
03:16:27 I've never heard of that game.
Speaker 26
03:16:30 UM.
Speaker 20
03:16:33 Tipsy MC stagger $14.00. All right, let's do.
03:16:46 Hello there good Sir.
03:16:48 May I trouble you for a moment so I can?
03:16:49 Return this duck.
Speaker 20
03:16:52 Is that let's see.
03:16:53 Is it this one?
Speaker 33
03:16:53 Cash flow checkout.
Speaker 17
03:17:01 I'd like to return this duck.
03:17:03 There you go.
03:17:04 That one even has Nazi.
03:17:05 Gold in it.
03:17:08 Ethnic Cleansing is an awful game by the.
03:17:10 People who Ron.
03:17:11 William Luther Pierce's editorial. Oh, really?
03:17:15 They they try making a video game.
03:17:18 I did not know that.
Speaker 8
03:17:26 Let me see if I is it if.
03:17:28 If it's like DOS.
Speaker 20
03:17:32 Let's see here.
03:17:34 If it's a DOS.
03:17:36 No, it's not that old.
03:17:38 It's a first person shooter from 2002.
03:17:44 Because if it was a DOS game, I could just play it like in one of these DOS box browsers.
03:17:53 I like how Wikipedia has given it a.
03:17:58 An anti-Semitism alert.
03:18:02 So ethnic cleansing is a first person shooter video game for Microsoft Windows computers created by the American white supremacist and hate organization, the National Alliance.
03:18:12 On January 21st, 2002 is part of a race war. The player controls a NEO Nazi Skinhead or a Klansman, and is tasked with killing stereotypical African American, Mexican and Jewish enemy.
03:18:27 Ending with the then Israel Prime Minister Ariel Sharon using the Genesis 3D engine, the National Alliance created the game to be provocative and to support their white supremacist message. The game has been controversial and with the Anti Defamation League.
03:18:48 Taking particular issue and has been ranked several times as one of the most controversial games ever created.
03:18:55 It was planned to be followed by a long line of sequels, but only one titled White Law was ever released.
03:19:03 White law.
03:19:06 What's white law about it's?
03:19:08 Probably the same kind of thing, right?
03:19:13 White law stars an Irish American police officer. Oh, it's a potato game, taking up arms to protect his territory from racial minorities. The game was based on the events of Pierce's novel The Turner Diaries.
03:19:32 The National Alliance intended to create an entire line of racist games, but no more have surfaced.
03:19:39 That's kind of funny.
03:19:44 Our ******** ******.
Speaker 2
03:19:48 Money, money, money, money.
03:19:51 Do you think export culture through Japanese anime and manga is a factor as to why there's less hostility towards the Japanese, it ruined my life and I can't stop watching PS.
03:20:02 Another example of bad movies from loved games is Resident Evil.
03:20:07 Well, first of all stop watching anime.
03:20:09 And your life will just improve automatically.
03:20:14 I never got.
03:20:15 I never had a PlayStation, so I never played the.
03:20:17 Resident Evil games?
03:20:19 Because I never, I never had.
03:20:21 By that time I I didn't have, I didn't have consoles anymore.
03:20:25 I'd I'd grown out, I'd outgrown consoles.
03:20:28 And I think when the PlayStation was out, I had like a Sega Saturn or something, whatever, or a Dreamcast, whichever one was.
03:20:36 Was out, I forget that was a.
03:20:37 Long time ago.
03:20:47 Ghost cats, FBI.
03:20:48 Handler $1.00 you left the stove on.
Speaker 4
03:20:53 Money is power.
03:20:54 Money is the only weapon that that you have to defend himself with.
03:20:59 Now the stove doesn't even work.
03:21:01 I don't have.
03:21:03 I don't even have gas service hooked up.
03:21:07 I have to cook things with fire or electricity.
03:21:14 There used to be Holocaust mods for Fallout 4. They were on the Sony PS4 and Xbox.
03:21:23 I never liked the fallout games either.
03:21:28 I don't think I ever really played any.
03:21:29 Of them.
03:21:32 All right, guys.
03:21:33 Well, let's go ahead and.
03:21:35 Wrap this up.
03:21:36 I'm going to upload the recording.
03:21:39 Because it dropped out so many times.
03:21:42 But yeah, this was an easygoing, cozy stream.
03:21:46 I will.
03:21:48 I'll have a A.
03:21:50 More Lengthly stream on Saturday.
03:21:54 And we'll probably go.
03:21:55 There's two strings I'm working on, one that's that's.
03:22:01 Hurricane related, I mentioned it before.
03:22:05 We might do that before.
03:22:06 The Holocaust 1.
03:22:08 Because the hurricane is it just, you know, it's still kind of news.
03:22:12 You had Biden go out to Florida to survey the damage and blame it on global warming and stuff.
03:22:21 The Holocaust stuff.
03:22:22 Yeah, yeah, we.
03:22:23 Might do the hurricane one first so.
03:22:26 You guys will really like the.
03:22:27 Hurricane one, believe me.
03:22:29 And in fact, part of it stars.
03:22:33 One of the.
03:22:34 The people that were in the news for wearing a white lives matter shirt.
03:22:39 One of the last.
03:22:40 Few days here.
03:22:41 So anyway, you guys have a good night.
03:22:43 I'll be back here Saturday.
03:22:46 For Black pilled, I am of course.
Speaker 20
03:22:50 Dennis deck.
Speaker 12
03:23:20 Right.