

Speaker 1
00:12:42 Somebody once told me the world is gonna.
00:00:58 Roll me I.
00:00:59 Ain't the sharpest tool in the shed.
00:01:03 She was looking kind of dumb with her feet finger and her thumb in the shape of it out on.
00:01:10 Her forehead.
Speaker 2
00:01:12 Well, you start coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming.
00:01:23 They don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop.
00:01:31 They don't stop coming and.
00:01:32 They'll stop coming in.
00:01:33 They go.
00:01:34 They go.
00:01:35 Stop coming in.
00:01:36 They don't stop coming.
00:01:37 No, stop coming in.
00:01:38 They don't stop coming in.
00:01:39 They don't stop coming in.
00:01:40 They don't stop coming.
00:01:42 They don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming.
00:01:47 They don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming.
00:01:59 They don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming.
00:02:07 They don't stop.
00:02:08 They don't stop coming.
00:02:09 They don't stop coming and they.
00:02:10 Don't stop coming.
00:02:12 Don't stop coming, and they don't stop coming.
00:02:14 And don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming.
00:02:19 Coming, coming, coming, coming.
00:02:24 Stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop.
00:02:27 And they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop.
00:02:32 Coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming.
00:02:34 And they don't.
00:02:35 Stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they.
00:02:44 Don't stop coming.
00:02:46 Coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming.
00:02:48 They don't stop.
00:02:49 I mean, there's no.
00:02:50 Stop stopping.
00:02:51 Don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming.
00:03:03 And they don't stop coming, and they don't stop coming, and they don't stop coming, and they don't stop coming.
00:03:08 And they don't stop coming.
00:03:09 And they don't stop coming.
00:03:10 They don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop.
00:03:21 Coming and they don't stop coming and they.
00:03:23 Stop plumbing and they go stop plumbing and they go stop coming.
00:03:27 Start traveling and don't start traveling and maybe don't start traveling and stop coming and they don't stop coming play.
00:03:34 Scott Scott.
00:03:45 Hey, now you're a rock star.
00:03:53 Holy Shooting star break.
Speaker 4
00:04:28 The ice and snow from the midnight S for.
Speaker 2
00:04:30 The Hot Springs.
00:04:46 I am from me.
Speaker 2
00:05:21 So green.
Speaker 6
00:05:28 Paul, 54.
Speaker 5
00:05:32 We are your overload.
Speaker 4
00:05:53 You better stop.
00:06:36 Welcome to the insomnia stream.
00:06:40 If you're all having a good weekend, this is your host, Devin Stack.
00:06:43 This is the insomnia stream black Space Edition.
00:06:48 Not black space program.
Speaker 8
00:06:59 Ohh Black space program, it still cracks me up.
00:07:08 But I guess it's kind of related kind of related to what?
00:07:11 We're going to talk about tonight.
00:07:13 So yeah, the.
Speaker 8
00:07:17 I just keep thinking of that video like that stream a while back when they had the what country was that?
00:07:24 It wasn't like it wasn't like the Africa.
00:07:26 It was like, I don't remember what country it was.
00:07:27 Some African country, their space program it.
00:07:30 Was it was like a paper mache.
00:07:33 Paper mache like airplane or something.
00:07:40 Almost as good as the Mexican space program, right?
00:07:47 Ah, which I guess if we're talking about immigration.
00:07:51 It's a little more relevant.
00:07:53 Now that title 42, I guess is running out and.
00:07:58 You know, people are freaking out.
00:07:59 Like this is something new.
00:08:01 Like this is something new.
00:08:03 It's not new.
00:08:05 And it's it's not getting better.
00:08:07 Every Republican that's ever been voted for that that ran.
00:08:12 On on immigration.
00:08:15 Every single one of them, and they almost.
Speaker 8
00:08:16 All did because.
00:08:19 White people have had a problem with this ****.
00:08:22 Since I don't know like not at first, I'll admit that not at first.
00:08:27 They were suckered in.
00:08:29 I mean, not all white people, but a lot of white people were suckered in.
00:08:33 Suck it into this this nonsense, right?
00:08:36 Because they didn't know.
00:08:38 They now they had.
00:08:39 They had no exposure like many Europeans, right?
00:08:44 There's a lot of Europeans, I would imagine, not.
00:08:46 Well, maybe not a.
00:08:47 Lot I don't know.
00:08:50 But I would, I would guess there are probably at least some Europeans.
00:08:55 That prior to exposure to these immigrants.
00:08:59 We're like, oh, yeah, we should.
00:09:00 Of course we should take in these refugees.
00:09:02 We're now kind of like, I don't know if that was a good idea.
00:09:08 And there's a lot of Americans.
00:09:11 You know who?
00:09:13 Who, despite the propaganda which was has been still nonstop, it's still never ending.
00:09:23 Had to live in proximity to these people and and after going through.
00:09:27 Like a mental.
Speaker 8
00:09:27 Battle of like AM I a racist?
00:09:30 Am I a racist because I keep assuming that all these non whites that are moving to my neighborhood, that they're the reason my kids bike is missing?
00:09:39 They're the reason why there's, like, everyone's locking their doors now.
00:09:42 They're the reason why there's bars getting installed on Windows.
00:09:52 They're the reason property values are going on.
00:09:54 Maybe we should move away.
00:10:00 And so, since like the 80s, I mean.
00:10:03 There there was Reagan, right?
00:10:04 Reagan who really ****** us.
00:10:06 Reagan did his little amnesty.
00:10:09 His little amnesty fantasy.
00:10:13 Told everyone.
00:10:13 Ohh yeah, it'll be great.
00:10:17 And I'll just give Amnesty to all these illegals and then and then that's always the that's always the cure that Republicans, when they actually do anything.
00:10:25 It's always like no.
00:10:26 OK well.
00:10:27 We have to be compassionate.
00:10:28 These people are already here.
00:10:32 So we have to be compassionate and then we can worry about enforcement.
00:10:35 That's kind of like your house gets broken into.
00:10:41 And you see the homeless guy rummaging through your stuff.
00:10:44 And like, why don't you have a seat?
00:10:47 Have a seat that you're now part of my family, I guess.
00:10:51 And now I can worry about installing a security system, but since you got in here, well, hey, kids, come meet Uncle Billy.
00:10:58 He's he's the new guy that's gonna be celebrating.
00:11:02 All the holidays with us.
00:11:06 Hey, you can sleep on the couch or you don't like the couch.
Speaker 8
00:11:08 Or they have my bed.
00:11:11 Why not sleep next to my wife?
00:11:17 Now I'm going to see about trying to make.
00:11:19 No one else comes in.
Speaker 8
00:11:21 But you're already in here, so we have to let you stay.
00:11:29 That's all.
00:11:29 That's the that's the solutions that any Republicans ever done, and that's all they've.
00:11:32 Ever done?
00:11:33 Reagan being the most egregious?
00:11:36 Of the mall.
00:11:40 Reagan is the reason why California is as ******* stupid as it is.
00:11:45 You know, Reagan was the Governor of California like before he was president.
00:11:51 Yeah, California elected Reagan.
00:12:00 But then.
00:12:02 Then Reagan became president and ****** over California worse than he ever could have as governor.
00:12:13 Every, every Republican that ever gets in office.
00:12:19 You know Trump, oh, Trump.
00:12:24 Here, but he built the wall, Devin.
Speaker 8
00:12:27 He built the ******* wall.
00:12:29 God, I can't.
00:12:30 I can't tell.
00:12:30 You how many times?
00:12:32 I had people tell me that with a.
Speaker 8
00:12:33 Straight face, even after even after.
00:12:37 They knew it was.
00:12:38 It was a a fence.
00:12:42 I found out I'll.
00:12:43 See if I can find it again.
00:12:45 On this video it was it's it shows you exactly how effective this ******* fence is.
Speaker 8
00:12:51 Oh, I hope I got it.
00:12:53 Let's see here.
00:12:57 Ah, damn it.
00:12:58 Damn it.
00:12:59 I might not have.
00:12:59 Got it.
00:13:00 It was this morbidly obese.
Speaker 8
00:13:01 Woman somehow managing to get over the fence.
00:13:06 Is this it?
00:13:09 That's not it.
00:13:12 Anyway, doesn't matter that fence.
00:13:14 We've already seen videos that people can cut right through it with battery, battery powered angle grinder grinders.
00:13:21 It's not like it's a.
00:13:23 It's not a very useful fence.
00:13:25 If anything, it's it's it's worse than having nothing.
00:13:29 Because now it gives you a.
00:13:30 False sense of security.
00:13:35 Now you now it's it's.
00:13:36 It's like thinking that you're that you're good if you're one of the, especially if you're.
00:13:42 One of the people trying to or supposedly trying to patrol the border.
00:13:46 No, we don't.
00:13:46 Have to worry about.
00:13:47 That about sector G5, that's got the wall.
00:13:52 Several gaping holes in it.
00:13:57 And the reason why it will continue is is again the same.
00:14:02 In the same way that we need a leader that's willing to, say, get in the pit that's willing to say no, you know what?
00:14:09 It's not OK.
00:14:10 It's not just not OK.
00:14:12 To have you know, gay ******** taught in schools.
00:14:18 You you should be carried away and disappeared if you do that.
00:14:26 We don't want gay people in our society, period.
00:14:31 I don't care if they're teachers or not.
00:14:36 But especially not teachers.
00:14:40 Whether you're teaching it to your kids, the kids or not, no, you shouldn't be.
00:14:43 You shouldn't be in that position.
00:14:47 We don't want.
00:14:48 Gays in our society.
00:14:54 None of this.
00:14:54 Well, let's be compassionate first and then think of some half as solution that never actually does anything.
00:15:02 All it does is it buys, buys our enemies a little bit.
00:15:05 More time, right?
00:15:07 That's all it ever does.
00:15:10 It's almost like Republicans are are are telling the Democrats behind closed doors.
00:15:14 And who knows, maybe they are.
00:15:16 Ohh, don't worry, don't worry.
00:15:17 What we're going to do.
00:15:19 Will come with some ******** thing that won't actually fix anything, but it'll shut them up for, like, long enough for you guys to gain more power.
00:15:27 So that next time it comes and knocking at the door.
00:15:31 They got a little less, they got a little less, a little less influence.
00:15:35 You know that people aren't worried about losing elections.
00:15:38 People aren't worried about being primary.
00:15:40 People aren't worried about protests and all this nonsense, right?
00:15:46 And we'll just keep doing that.
00:15:47 We'll just keep stringing them along little by little.
00:15:53 Until there's no more of these annoying white people left, right?
00:16:03 Really wish I could find that video.
00:16:04 It was just funny.
00:16:05 It was funny watching this like Roly Poly looking Latina.
00:16:10 Like easily just sliding over the fence look like ******* grimace.
00:16:17 Is this it?
00:16:20 I downloaded so many ******* videos.
00:16:23 You know, it doesn't matter.
00:16:24 Like they're all the same, right?
00:16:26 I mean, if I.
00:16:27 But I just pull this up, it's all.
00:16:29 It's all this.
00:16:29 You know, everyone's seeing.
00:16:30 It's just.
00:16:31 Doesn't matter.
00:16:32 This could be.
00:16:33 This could be right now this could be a year ago.
00:16:37 This could be 10 years ago.
00:16:39 Really doesn't matter.
00:16:40 All the footage looks exactly the same.
00:16:42 The only thing that ever changes is like the camera quality gets a little bit better.
00:16:45 There's drones now, right?
00:16:48 Like, oh, there's drone footage of the migrants going across the border this time.
00:16:53 You know and.
00:16:54 Remember when it was really neat because we had night vision?
00:16:57 Ohh yeah and the night vision footage of of of this exact same thing happening.
00:17:02 It's been going on my entire life.
00:17:06 Expecting the border to be enforced.
00:17:10 Is like expecting the United States to.
00:17:14 To stop getting into wars for Israel like it's just not going to ******* happen.
00:17:21 This is what they want.
00:17:27 This is what they want and you know they they could afford to stop it.
00:17:33 How much money did we end up giving Ukraine?
00:17:39 What is it like, 80 billion or something like that, but a but a a wall that would cost like less than a billion?
00:17:46 Or maybe you?
00:17:46 Who cares?
00:17:47 **** it.
00:17:47 It could cost 10 billion.
00:17:52 And that 80 billion.
00:17:53 To Ukraine, that just goes away.
00:17:57 So it's not like they they don't have it.
00:18:01 Oh, that's too expensive.
00:18:02 Not obviously not.
00:18:08 You need a leader that that treats this like an invasion.
00:18:12 I mean, it is an invasion.
00:18:15 So until you.
00:18:16 Have a leader that not only that doesn't just say.
00:18:18 Hey, we want a wall.
00:18:20 Say no, we want a wall.
00:18:22 And lethal countermeasures.
00:18:25 And mass deportations. You see this? None of this stuff's going to happen.
00:18:35 At least not through some political means.
00:18:38 Who, what?
00:18:39 Who's going to get elected saying that?
00:18:48 How is that even possible?
00:18:51 With whites being a minority and and look a big chunk of whites would disagree with all that they would.
00:18:56 Oh, that's extreme.
00:19:03 Well, there's a lot of whites that that voted for.
00:19:05 Trump, they would think that ohh.
00:19:08 Ah, that's that's no, no.
00:19:10 No way.
00:19:12 I don't agree with that.
00:19:15 We want the hard working ones.
00:19:18 Like based Elon, right?
00:19:22 So I think it was last stream people were talking about how Elon claimed that he he came from a poor family or whatever.
00:19:29 I said I would look into it.
00:19:30 I haven't had a lot of time, but one thing I did find just briefly, just quickly doing a search because like I said, I when I did my research on him, the.
00:19:38 First time it wasn't like this stuff was hidden.
00:19:42 Yeah, the, the, the mainstream publications, I mean, Elon's been discussing he's.
00:19:47 Been discussed in the mainstream media for decades.
00:19:57 And maybe his father's a ***** ** **** liar. I don't know. But first thing that popped up when I was looking for this is his dad talking about when.
00:20:04 Remember I came from a poor family.
00:20:06 OK, well, in his poor family, I guess we we have different interpretations of what poor means in his poor family.
00:20:15 His dad.
00:20:17 Flies him in an airplane to an emerald mine.
00:20:20 I mean this is look.
00:20:21 His dad was saying this interview.
00:20:23 I don't know, maybe it's all made-up, but his dad's saying it in, in, in interviews. OK, so it's it's not not on some weird like conspiracy blog.
00:20:35 And he was trying to use Elon to smuggle emeralds back into the into the city, or.
Speaker 8
00:20:40 In the country.
00:20:43 That they would purposely fly directly on like on national borders, so that neither country.
00:20:51 Would want the to, you know, contact them and inspect them or like that he would it would he would like.
00:20:56 He was he was essentially saying.
00:20:58 That he smuggled emeralds in an airplane.
00:21:01 And I can't even imagine my parents being able to afford an airplane, let alone a *** **** emerald mine.
00:21:08 And even if the emerald mine parts ********.
00:21:16 His mom was wealthy.
00:21:18 And his dad had an airplane.
00:21:19 I don't know.
00:21:19 The airplane didn't pay for itself.
00:21:22 Anyway, there's a lot of things that where.
00:21:25 Elon appears to say whatever is popular.
00:21:31 Whatever is popular in the moment, which is typical of a lot of centrists.
00:21:38 You know, for example, there was a time when Elon said the World Economic Forum is increasingly becoming an unelected world government.
00:21:48 That the people never asked for and don't want.
00:21:54 That was January of this year that.
00:21:56 Wasn't like a long time ago.
00:22:01 And then he appoints his new CEO of Twitter.
00:22:05 Linda yaccarino.
00:22:09 Linda yaccarino.
00:22:11 Whose previous job was.
00:22:15 At the World Economic Forum.
00:22:20 Executive chair from 2009. So basically when he sent that tweet.
00:22:26 She was the executive chair at the.
Speaker 8
00:22:28 World Economic Forum.
00:22:34 Yeah, Carlino is the chairman of the World Economic Forums Task Force on future of work and sits on the Web's media, entertainment and culture industry.
00:22:45 Governors steering committee.
00:22:48 She is also highly engaged with the value and media initiative and is quoted, as you know, talking about the, the, the, the influence lies.
00:22:58 Not with the people being able to say the message, but the people being able to curate the messages available.
00:23:08 So I guess she got her wish.
00:23:09 I mean, she's going to be.
00:23:10 The CEO of Twitter.
00:23:13 But I've been saying for a long time like Twitter.
00:23:16 The fact that they're that they're banning people.
00:23:20 I mean, they they they banned.
00:23:24 Well, they unbanned a bunch of people and they rebranded a.
Speaker 8
00:23:27 Bunch of people.
00:23:30 Kevin McDonald, who's been on Twitter since.
00:23:33 I mean only he was ever banned.
00:23:35 He's a tenured professor.
00:23:40 But because his.
00:23:43 His data.
00:23:45 Is critical of of Jews who live in Western countries.
00:23:51 Can't have him on Twitter.
00:23:58 Many such cases.
00:24:05 And look, the same goes like today.
00:24:08 Earlier today, just before I started the stream.
00:24:10 Muppet, in fact.
00:24:12 Elon replied.
00:24:14 To a video making fun of the.
00:24:17 The the unvaccinated hysteria that went on during COVID.
00:24:23 He replied and said.
00:24:26 The COVID, COVID cult culture.
00:24:32 Right.
00:24:32 What was he replying to?
00:24:34 Well, this little montage here.
Speaker 9
00:24:38 Vaccinated you are the problem.
00:24:40 It is the unvaccinated who are the problem, period.
00:24:44 End of.
Speaker 10
00:24:44 Story the only people that you can blame, the only people you can blame, this isn't shaming.
00:24:49 This is the truth.
00:24:51 Maybe they should be.
Speaker 4
00:24:52 And the unvaccinated?
Speaker 11
00:24:54 Have to start blaming the unvaccinated, folks.
Speaker 2
00:24:57 Not the regular folks.
Speaker 10
00:24:58 Anyone you came into contact with will blame you, as will the rest of us who've done the right thing by getting vaccinated.
00:25:06 Because, frankly, we know that we can't trust the unvaccinated.
Speaker 6
00:25:09 I think it's time to get our moral house in order.
00:25:12 It's the unvaccinated who are the threat.
Speaker 12
00:25:15 All this vaccinated folks are going to start wearing masks to protect the unvaccinated folks.
00:25:22 It's called a Christian value.
00:25:24 You're basically punishing the VAX.
00:25:26 United for the the sins of the unvaccinated.
00:25:30 People are not behaving honorably.
Speaker 13
00:25:32 The unvaccinated are basically saying, well, it's open season for.
00:25:36 Me, I can.
Speaker 13
00:25:36 Do whatever I want as well.
Speaker 14
00:25:38 The the unvaccinated are basically beating their breasts and running around the country, saying, haha, we don't care.
00:25:44 We're living free and so.
Speaker 6
00:25:45 Forth, we've been patient.
00:25:47 But our patience is wearing thin.
00:25:49 Unvaccinated a group that includes children and people acting like children.
00:25:54 And the rest of us are starting.
00:25:56 To get ****** ***.
Speaker 13
00:25:57 The vaccinated feel the unvaccinated are making me upset or angry freedom.
00:26:02 This is not about or personal choice.
Speaker 15
00:26:05 So my freedom is being kind.
Speaker 16
00:26:07 Of disturbed here, no.
Speaker 4
00:26:09 Screw your freedom.
Speaker 10
00:26:10 The other day, Howard Stern weighed in with a much different.
Speaker 14
00:26:14 Approach. Take a look.
Speaker 4
00:26:15 What are we going to stop putting epidemics in this country and just say now it's mandatory to get vaccinated?
Speaker 9
00:26:23 You're treading on our freedom and you're making other people sick and really you're killing other.
Speaker 12
00:26:27 People the anti vaxxers.
Speaker 10
00:26:29 They seem to have a.
00:26:29 Thing for death and home remedies.
Speaker 17
00:26:32 The anti maskers turned anti vaxxers are not just putting their own lives at risk.
Speaker 15
00:26:37 That was the key issue.
00:26:38 We could just.
Speaker 14
00:26:38 Say that we can watch.
00:26:40 Them compete to win place or.
Speaker 6
00:26:41 Show in the Darwin.
Speaker 17
00:26:42 Towards we have.
Speaker 10
00:26:43 To start doing things for the greater good of society and not for idiots who think that they can do their own research.
00:26:49 Don't get me started on the lunatics who won't take any of the COVID baccini's life is too short to be an.
Speaker 5
00:26:56 Yes, life is way too short to be ignorant of the promise of something that is helping people worldwide.
Speaker 13
00:27:03 Maybe you're doing it because you're you're disconnected or disorganized.
00:27:07 Maybe you have some sympathetic psychological reasons, but maybe you're just being antisocial.
Speaker 10
00:27:11 Ohh, you can't shame them.
00:27:13 You can't call them stupid.
00:27:14 You can't call them.
00:27:15 So you.
00:27:16 Yes they are.
Speaker 6
00:27:17 Those who are not vaccine.
00:27:19 We'll end up paying the price.
Speaker 5
00:27:21 The unvaccinated should be taxed or they should pay more for.
Speaker 12
00:27:24 We need to start looking at the choice to remain unvaccinated the same as we look at driving while intoxicated.
00:27:31 We're going to see and I've said.
Speaker 2
00:27:32 Almost two types of America.
Speaker 17
00:27:34 Doctor Fauci said that if hospitals get any more overcrowded, they're gonna have to make some very tough.
00:27:39 Choices about who gets an ICU, but I know that choice doesn't seem so tough to me vaccinated person having a heart attack.
00:27:45 Yes, come right on and we'll take care of you.
00:27:47 Unvaccinated guy who?
00:27:49 Gobbled horse goo.
00:27:50 Rest in peace, weezy.
Speaker 9
00:27:52 Pointing back to the unvaccinated who are really creating a problem in this country, every death that we are seeing.
00:27:59 From COVID could have been prevented.
Speaker 12
00:28:03 Literally the only people dying are the unvaccinated, and for those of you spreading misinformation, shame on you.
00:28:11 So there you go.
00:28:12 Based Elon, right.
00:28:13 He's like, oh, the COVID cult culture.
00:28:18 Well, wait a second.
00:28:20 What was he saying during all this?
00:28:23 Zylon must to be clear, I do support vaccines in general and COVID vaccines specifically.
00:28:30 The science is unequivocal.
00:28:33 In very rare cases, there's an allergic reaction, but this is easily addressed with an EpiPen.
00:28:45 Ah, that that's.
00:28:46 A little weird.
00:28:48 See, This is why I I can't trust him.
00:28:54 You can't trust, really.
00:28:55 You can't trust any centrist.
00:28:58 Because they go wherever the wind blows.
Speaker 6
00:29:01 That's how they look and that's.
00:29:02 How all these major corporations operate when people wonder like ohh, how come they're?
Speaker 11
00:29:07 All going woke.
00:29:09 How come they're all going woke and?
00:29:10 Supporting all this stuff.
00:29:13 Well, look, I think that in, in some instances it's quite easy to understand that they're they're actually part of.
00:29:19 The influence machine right?
00:29:22 But I think some of them.
00:29:23 Are just going on to get along.
00:29:27 Or going along rather to get along.
00:29:32 They're going where the wind.
00:29:32 Blows if all of a sudden it.
00:29:34 Became really cool.
00:29:37 Really cool to to I don't know, be white.
00:29:43 That's all you'd see in commercials.
00:29:44 Would be white people.
00:29:48 But the problem is is the people that determine what is cool.
00:29:54 Hate white people.
Speaker 8
00:29:57 So it's never going to be cool to be white people.
00:30:04 Which is why they're flooding the border with all these ******* people.
00:30:09 Now it's funny.
00:30:12 They were there was there was a clip from Chicago blacks.
00:30:16 And there's all these very optimistic very.
00:30:20 This is the instance that that so often plagues the right wing.
00:30:26 Those those those instances where.
00:30:29 You know, the one in a million times.
00:30:33 Conservatives who are trying, you know, desperately, desperately not to see race desperately to not believe they're lying, eyes desperately ignoring all the patterns coming into their brain.
00:30:48 Holding on to the lies they live by for so long because they know what it means.
00:30:54 If they are wrong.
00:30:56 They know what a **** sandwich they gave their kids.
00:31:02 And that's what it is.
00:31:04 That's what it is.
00:31:07 So many people bought into the line, bought into the lie that race is skin deep.
00:31:15 That's the only difference.
00:31:16 It's just they look different.
00:31:17 That's it.
00:31:19 It's the same thing as like having brown eyes or blue eyes, right?
00:31:23 It's just skin color.
00:31:24 It's just it's just pigment.
00:31:31 Right.
00:31:33 It's like that Star Trek episode where where the alien race that has they're black on one.
00:31:39 Side and white on the other.
00:31:41 And the other.
00:31:42 The other race is is.
00:31:43 White on the on the on.
00:31:45 One side and black on the other.
00:31:47 Unless you're paying attention, don't even know the difference.
00:31:50 And it's absurd that they would hate each other just because the blacks on one side or the other.
00:31:54 If you guys have no idea what I'm talking about, this sounds like.
00:31:57 Insane talk, but it anyway.
00:31:59 It was it.
00:32:00 Was just one of the many propaganda pieces.
00:32:02 That was being.
00:32:04 Pushed out to the American well to the world.
00:32:08 And it was the whole world I was talking to someone that I was a little surprised.
00:32:13 I mentioned.
00:32:15 To his British person.
00:32:17 That, yeah, I I hear a lot of British people talk about Fresh Prince of Bel Air.
00:32:22 Like it was like this big deal.
00:32:24 And yeah, it was.
00:32:25 It was like kind of popular, I guess, like in America, but not any more or less than, you know, the hundreds of other television shows that were on at the time.
00:32:34 You know, it wasn't like it wasn't like.
00:32:38 I think it was on Fox, even like it wasn't like insanely.
00:32:42 Huge and you guys talked about it like it was.
00:32:45 This, you know, huge cultural thing, and apparently it was big and.
00:32:51 In in the UK, it's so weird.
00:32:54 It's so weird knowing that, like our Jews were were poisoning like every, every, every inch of the English speaking world.
00:33:01 Like it didn't just stop with us.
00:33:06 I'm going to looking into that show in a future date and obviously yes, it was created by Jews produced by Jews.
00:33:15 In fact, one of the executive producers, he's he's a He basically was defining.
00:33:21 He was a Jew that defined black culture him anyways.
00:33:23 He's the one that.
00:33:24 Gave us Tyra Banks and.
00:33:26 And so forth like.
00:33:27 All all the.
00:33:28 All the the 90s.
00:33:30 You know, popular blacks.
00:33:34 But anyway that that's for another day.
00:33:38 So you have all these people.
00:33:41 That are just, you know, the the same kinds of people that watch those reaction videos on YouTube of black people smiling and.
00:33:48 Going whoa.
Speaker 8
00:33:49 Led Zeppelin.
00:33:51 I've never heard of these guys before, but they're.
00:33:54 You know, they're finally getting like, like some kind of of a.
00:33:58 I don't know acceptance from blacks right when they go out in the real world, they get the cold shoulder, they get the kill.
00:34:04 Why do you look and you know?
00:34:06 And and they they so want to be loved.
00:34:11 They so want to be loved and accepted by blacks for some reason.
00:34:17 So they love these videos on YouTube of justice black people going.
00:34:21 Ah, ****. Ah, ****. Clear. Creedence Clearwater is is the is the? That's my jam now.
00:34:34 They love diamond and silk.
Speaker 8
00:34:35 Oh **** yeah.
00:34:37 See, they get it.
00:34:38 They get it.
00:34:40 And again, it really stems.
00:34:41 It's a mixture of they.
00:34:42 They want desperately to be accepted by these people who have never liked.
00:34:47 And also they want to be.
00:34:48 It's soothing, it's soothing.
00:34:50 It gives them hope because what's the alternative, right?
00:34:53 What's the term if your entire life, if you've based your entire life around the idea that it was skin deep, and that if you wait long enough, right?
00:35:04 That they'll assimilate and start thinking and acting like us, right?
00:35:08 They're just there was gonna be a little rough time in history that that you just happened to be around.
00:35:13 For it wasn't like this is like an ongoing forever problem.
00:35:17 It's just a temporary rough patch where we wait for black people to assimilate to white culture, and then it it's fine.
00:35:26 Because that's what they were told would happen.
00:35:31 And when the evidence starts stacking up that that's, that's actually not going to.
00:35:35 Happen at all.
00:35:36 That all the evidence kind of points to the exact same problems from 100 years.
00:35:43 With whites and blacks coexisting in the same place.
00:35:46 Those problems being exactly the same, if not worse, 100 years later.
00:35:53 Check out my last stream if you want some some details on that.
00:35:56 I mean that.
00:35:57 We could stream for years and never.
00:35:59 Get through at all.
00:36:04 So anytime, anytime these people get a chance and look, often these people are centrist, right?
00:36:11 The radical centrists are.
00:36:12 They're it's not just the boomers, boomers, of course.
00:36:15 They were brainwashed to believe this ****, and there's still some of them are still hanging on for dear life, hoping, hoping to God that.
00:36:22 That maybe they didn't make the the biggest mistake.
00:36:25 They'll never live to see the consequences of, right?
00:36:30 But there's a lot of centrist, too, because their whole worldview depends on this being a reality, too.
00:36:39 All those centrist they they get really smug and call you a Nazi.
00:36:45 Ohh, you're just you're just not a nihilist Nazi.
00:36:52 Like like somehow you take pleasure.
00:36:55 In these problems.
00:37:00 I mean, what's interesting to me is to point out the thinking of these people.
00:37:05 I think I saw a tweet from Cernovich today.
00:37:09 Where he said you.
00:37:10 Know I in the past.
00:37:13 I haven't.
00:37:13 I haven't shared the the the crime statistics, you know, with black on white crime and whatever, because it just seems divisive.
00:37:23 But now it's getting really bad and I I think we should talk about it.
00:37:31 That's how they think.
00:37:36 It seems divisive.
00:37:40 They're they're look, there's there's people on the right.
00:37:43 That genuinely think.
00:37:45 Then if they ignore a.
00:37:46 Problem long enough, it'll just go away.
00:37:50 Like somehow pointing out the problem, acknowledging the problem is going to perpetuate the problem.
Speaker 8
00:38:05 All it's going to do is divide us.
00:38:07 Well, then, by all means, let's ******* do it, because that's absolutely what I advocate for.
00:38:19 Why wouldn't you want to be divided from?
00:38:21 People that want to kill you.
00:38:23 And do on a regular basis.
00:38:32 This clip.
00:38:35 Super long intro of this clip.
00:38:37 So this clip comes out.
00:38:38 These blacks in Chicago.
00:38:43 Are freaking out because they're going to put 500 illegal immigrants.
00:38:48 In their community, which is like ******* chump change, right 500. Oh.
00:38:53 500 out of like the 1,000,000 coming over the the border are going to your little ******* gay neighborhood in Chicago.
00:39:03 And they freaked the **** out.
00:39:06 They're freaking the **** out because now they're going to have to share Gibbs.
00:39:11 And they're going to lose.
Speaker 8
00:39:12 Political power.
00:39:14 And they know it.
00:39:18 And because they're not a bunch.
00:39:19 Of brow beaten white *******.
00:39:25 They're able to collectivize.
00:39:29 And take to the streets.
00:39:30 I don't think it's going to make any difference.
00:39:37 But it's funny to watch people like Scott Adams, for example, tweet this video out and say.
00:39:42 The the the.
00:39:43 The Eternal boomer take of of oh look at this future Republican voters that was that was what he said.
00:39:51 Future Republican voters.
00:39:56 I had a nickel for every time I heard that ******* ******** logic.
00:40:05 It's like every video you've ever seen, like.
00:40:09 Of those, those two way people, right?
00:40:12 Well, actually blacks should like the Second Amendment.
00:40:16 Because they can defend themselves against.
00:40:19 Racist cops for like.
00:40:21 Whatever the **** stupid logic they is.
00:40:26 Oh yeah.
00:40:28 Blacks should love it.
00:40:28 Actually, **** should love the 2nd Amendment.
00:40:33 Is let those hollow frogs come?
00:40:36 You know, trans people should love the Second Amendment, cause those trans folks, they're they're they could.
00:40:41 They could just jump out from behind a tree and.
00:40:45 We'll be going to a Christian School.
00:40:53 So they watched this clip furiously ************.
00:40:58 As these blacks.
00:41:00 Talk about their complaints.
00:41:03 About having to Ohh no 505 hundred Mexicans are coming in.
Speaker 18
00:41:06 These resources that have not come to us now you want to overly compensate for people who never lived here before.
00:41:12 Right.
Speaker 18
00:41:15 And they we.
00:41:16 Need to be taken care of first and foremost before anything else happens here, right?
00:41:21 Thank you.
Speaker 4
00:41:22 OK.
Speaker 19
00:41:23 Why would any leader put our black community?
00:41:27 By the way.
00:41:28 Yeah, future, future Republican voter, right?
00:41:32 We want more, Gibbs.
00:41:33 You're not giving us all the Gibbs we want.
00:41:36 And then you're giving Gibbs to these other people.
00:41:39 I I don't know how that's future Republican voter, but OK.
00:41:44 Because they're mad about immigration.
00:41:45 Like, is that all that takes now is you.
00:41:47 You can find the downside to immigration.
00:41:49 Therefore, you're right wing now.
00:41:53 Not the Republicans are right wing, but you know the average ****** thinks that that's.
00:41:57 You know that that they're.
00:41:59 Synonymous there.
Speaker 19
00:42:00 With any leader, put our black communities already riddled with crime at further risk by placing unvetted non taxpayers steps away from our our seniors, our children and our homes.
00:42:15 We've worked so hard on our own to secure.
Speaker 3
00:42:20 I have one.
00:42:22 Look at all those future Republicans.
00:42:27 You know that?
00:42:28 See, it's happening guys.
00:42:30 It's finally happening.
00:42:33 You know, just like you know, eventually we're going to red pill the normies.
00:42:36 ****, I think.
00:42:37 I think we finally we based the blacks.
00:42:41 We just had, we just had to keep sending and if.
00:42:43 We bring, you know.
00:42:44 We should probably bring in more Mexicans.
00:42:46 If this is what happens right if apparent, apparently more Mexicans equals based blacks, so we should just bring in.
00:42:56 Busloads of these ******* people.
Speaker 3
00:43:01 Our communities, I have war.
00:43:03 They are violating our communities and we asking that we have we across the country and we asking and we're demanding for office of Black America or whatever you want to call it to deal with issues like this.
Speaker 5
00:43:07 For competition.
00:43:18 See again free of the constraints that that hold back white people, he can say Black America.
00:43:25 He can talk in racial terms.
00:43:29 And not be a giant ******* ***** about it.
00:43:34 I'll give him that.
00:43:37 But again, with this logic, let's just let's just bust in tons of Mexicans because it turns the blacks based.
00:43:44 And then you know what, I've also heard Republicans say that even the Mexicans don't like illegal immigrants, right?
00:43:52 So after the the illegal immigrants that we ship in to turn the blacks based.
00:43:57 The the, the, the.
00:43:58 Old illegal immigrants that we've shipped in to base the blacks, they'll be based because we'll keep, you know, bring in the more Mexicans.
00:44:06 And then they'll start hitting the new ones coming in.
00:44:13 This is really how some of these ******* ******* think.
Speaker 16
00:44:20 I did get placed on weight length, but I was told that the immigrants was taking priority.
00:44:26 That's the story that a lot of people don't know and it.
00:44:29 Just it hurt me.
00:44:30 I'm like, oh, wait.
00:44:31 A minute.
00:44:32 I understand we need to be humanitarian, but these people are that my participant are third and 4th generation.
00:44:40 Tywin worn bread fed and raised here.
00:44:45 Well, I don't know, man.
00:44:46 I don't know if you want to open up that can of worms.
00:44:50 You mean you?
00:44:51 Mean you don't like the fact that your family has lived here for generations, and yet you have to take a back seat to people who.
00:44:57 Just showed up.
00:45:00 Welcome to the club, *******.
00:45:03 Welcome to the ******* club.
00:45:08 See, we just we just need even more Mexicans.
00:45:11 Because pretty next thing you know these people, I mean, they're natural conservatives, right?
00:45:15 OK, I've been hearing that my whole life.
00:45:18 They're natural conservatives.
00:45:26 All we need. You know what? We just need it. We need a A based black to **** Trump. We need, you know, maybe maybe a 24 does stand a chance.
Speaker 16
00:45:35 My grandmother may well have chance to rest in peace.
00:45:37 I always said Craig.
00:45:39 Charity starts at home first and then they go abroad.
Speaker 11
00:45:41 Always. Always.
Speaker 19
00:45:44 Politically, having over 500 people in.
00:45:46 Our community would.
00:45:47 Completely wipe out any interest we have.
Speaker 20
00:45:50 Many of these.
00:45:51 Yeah, just having 500 people would wipe.
00:45:54 Out their interest.
Speaker 6
00:45:56 Well, what does that say?
00:45:57 About the white interest, then, that, that, that doesn't even exist anymore then, huh?
00:46:00 They've already been.
00:46:01 And the answer is yes, they've.
00:46:02 Already been wiped out?
00:46:03 You can't even.
00:46:03 Get a politician to say white interest.
00:46:08 They'll say black interests.
00:46:09 The white ones will.
00:46:11 They won't even acknowledge you as an interest group.
00:46:15 They certainly won't brag on Twitter that they're gonna go meet your leaders or or any organizations.
00:46:22 That that.
00:46:23 Focus on your interests.
00:46:28 No, but but you should watch this video of these blacks that are upset that their Gibbs are going to get.
00:46:33 They're going a smaller.
00:46:34 Portion of the Gibbs.
00:46:37 You should be.
00:46:37 You should watch this and and be optimistic for the future because these are future Republican voters.
Speaker 20
00:46:45 Migrants have been dumped in our neighborhoods without a plan in place to monitor and house them long term.
Speaker 11
00:46:54 Not selling nothing.
00:46:56 Telling people you don't have to move.
00:46:56 Better watch that big library coming.
Speaker 8
00:46:58 To wipe out.
Speaker 11
00:46:58 If you sell, they gonna come in if we don't sell, we gotta stand strong.
00:47:03 That's right.
00:47:06 Ohh, is there gonna be black flight?
00:47:07 Is it?
00:47:13 Oh, oh, no, we're not black flight now, like, how ****** is your country when you have to worry about black flight?
00:47:22 That's a real that's a real question.
00:47:24 How *******.
00:47:25 Low have you sank?
00:47:28 If if you're worried about black flight, like even the black people like oh **** this.
00:47:37 This is this is too much.
00:47:39 This is getting to be too ghetto for me.
00:47:42 I'm ******* out of here.
00:47:47 So it's kind of funny, I well, I mean, you gotta laugh or you cry.
00:47:51 Right.
00:47:52 It's kind of funny that.
00:47:55 This kind of shit's going on.
00:47:58 I just before a couple hours before I went live.
00:48:03 A A tweet from Elijah Anderson.
00:48:08 Elijah Anderson, who is a he's basically like a a black studies professor.
00:48:17 At in Yale.
00:48:20 Tweeted out.
00:48:21 You know, I don't know why it was in my.
00:48:23 It's funny cause all these people I've been tweeting out some stuff that.
00:48:26 I don't know how.
00:48:28 Why it goes viral.
00:48:29 In fact, it's a little disappointing how some of this stuff goes viral.
00:48:33 The real meaningful stuff.
00:48:34 Doesn't seem to.
00:48:35 Go viral at all, like for example.
00:48:40 There was an article that came out from the BBC a little little shocking.
00:48:45 Little shocking the the the BBC published an article.
00:48:48 There's my tweet.
00:48:49 Just the BBC published an article that explains the genetics, determine a lot of human behavior.
00:48:55 Many readers will dutifully agree with the science presented while simultaneously maintaining their cognitive dissonance.
00:49:01 And say race doesn't matter.
00:49:02 In other words, the BBC.
00:49:05 Published an article saying that genetics determines your behavior without any sense of irony.
00:49:12 Without putting it together at all.
00:49:15 That, huh.
00:49:16 Well, if genetics determine.
00:49:22 Something they've been.
00:49:23 Denying now for I mean, as long as I can remember.
00:49:27 Now suddenly it's in a mainstream article, so it must be real.
00:49:32 But they haven't been able to connect the dot.
00:49:35 The one dot it's only one.
00:49:40 It's only one dot and now the page isn't loading.
00:49:43 It wants to crash.
00:49:45 It's doing the exit page or wait thing I'm going to do exit page.
00:49:48 Hopefully it doesn't crash everything.
00:49:51 Ohh man, it might crash everything.
00:49:55 Well, we'll see what happens.
00:49:57 I'm going to try the link from somewhere else.
00:50:00 I put it on my telegram too.
00:50:02 If you want to check the link.
00:50:04 Let's see if this loads up.
00:50:06 Kind of funny if.
00:50:08 They took the article down.
00:50:13 I'm going to try this.
00:50:15 And different browser perhaps?
00:50:22 It's a bit odd.
00:50:25 This page no longer wants to load.
00:50:30 Here it goes.
00:50:33 So the title is how genetics determine our life choices.
00:50:38 So odd that you would have this this article.
00:50:43 And yet, at the same time say that it's totally fine to have genetic, like, very genetically different people flood into your country and have it have no impact as a result.
00:50:57 How much of our behavior is predetermined?
00:51:00 By our underlying biology.
00:51:05 In the subterranean depths of a granite building on the outskirts of Iceland's capital, a robot is slowly and methodically shuffling the chilled blood of 10s of thousands of people.
00:51:16 From all over the world.
00:51:19 Down in this concrete chamber, a well honed process is taking place.
00:51:24 DNA is extracted from the samples.
00:51:27 And then fed into sequencing machines which slowly piece together the unique lines of chemical bases.
00:51:35 Which form the basis?
00:51:37 Of each individual's identity later on, artificial intelligence algorithms will connect this genetic code, or genome, with detailed information held in biobanks about their life, their diet, personality, relationship choices, hobbies, the diseases to which they ultimately succumbed.
00:51:57 And for search for links, which scientists might seem statistically significant.
00:52:03 So basically they have all these samples, these DNA samples from people from all over the world and then attached to these samples, they've got like a biography to some extent of the people who gave those samples.
00:52:16 And the AI is examining all these genetic codes and.
00:52:24 Looking for patterns.
00:52:26 Right. Like if everyone.
00:52:29 Every all these samples, for whatever reason, their favorite food was bacon and they all had this.
00:52:35 This gene express expressed here.
00:52:38 So like that must be the.
00:52:39 I like bacon.
00:52:40 You know, I'm oversimplifying it, but that's the basic idea, right?
00:52:45 So they, they they're they talk about this, they talk about how through this process.
00:52:50 Has made major contributions to understanding the inherited risks of Alzheimer's.
00:52:58 Schizophrenia, coronary or coronary artery disease.
00:53:03 And various forms of cancer.
00:53:06 And many other chronic illnesses.
00:53:09 But it also inspired others to use the same process to delve deep into the human psyche, psyche and find connections between the genome and our personalities, food preferences, and even ability to maintain relationships.
00:53:23 So they talked about how they started using this data originally to find like ohh like you know what?
00:53:28 What kind of disease is?
00:53:30 Can we can we maybe test for now that we know what genes maybe make you more susceptible to XYZ and what they found was that there was more than that they could actually find a lot of things in common.
00:53:42 For example, the twin study stuff that people often cite where you have twins who are essentially separated at birth.
00:53:49 Raised by completely different families.
00:53:51 And then you, you.
00:53:53 Examine them as adults and you discovered that they turned out very similarly.
00:54:01 Because they're essentially genetically identical.
00:54:03 You know, if they're identical twins, they're.
00:54:06 They're identical, so and so you you start to realize, wow, you know, this whole nature versus nurture argument.
00:54:16 I mean there, there's definitely some nature involved, but there's a whole or nurture involved.
00:54:21 There's a whole lot of nature.
00:54:23 And I can tell you, I've been telling this is the same thing I've been talking to.
00:54:25 You guys with about the bees?
00:54:28 Right, the genetics of honey bees.
00:54:32 Determines their behavior to a large extent.
00:54:34 In fact, I finally found my first.
00:54:37 Murder hive.
00:54:39 I put out a swarm box.
00:54:40 A swarm trap.
00:54:42 Couple weeks ago.
00:54:44 Out in the desert, just this box, it's just a box out in the desert.
00:54:47 You strap it to a tree.
00:54:48 It smells like bees.
00:54:51 And when swarming bees are going around looking for a home and there's not a whole lot of places out in the desert.
00:54:56 So my box looks really ******* like a sweet place.
00:55:00 In fact, it's that box in that place is already trapped too.
00:55:04 They move on in.
00:55:06 They're like, oh, look at this box.
00:55:09 And so they move in, and then I go and I grab them and I stick them in a hive.
00:55:14 Freebies, right?
00:55:21 In the past when I've done this, when I've gone out to retrieve these bees.
00:55:25 I haven't needed a suit or anything.
00:55:27 I I keep a little.
00:55:29 I have a little red flashlight because bees can't perceive red light very well.
00:55:33 I mean, they still, they still see it because I mean they maybe if it's like perfectly red, they wouldn't.
00:55:39 But the kinds of red lights you can get, you know, like the red LED lights.
00:55:45 They can still kind of see it, just not.
00:55:47 As well, but I would just go out there and.
00:55:51 The door of the the Hive would have this little spinny thing I could spin out, closed and and I would just pick it up and stick it in my my truck and away I go.
00:56:03 Last night.
00:56:06 And you have to do it at night.
00:56:07 Right.
00:56:07 Because that's when they're all.
00:56:08 Home and they're.
00:56:10 I'm walking up to this tree in the middle of the desert that I know that this swarm trap is attached to.
00:56:15 I happen to know there are bees there because during the day I.
00:56:18 Walked out to it and I just heard all the bees flying around, so I'm going and I was like, I'll come back here at night.
00:56:25 I'm about, I don't know, 10 feet away from the box.
00:56:29 And I step on a branch.
00:56:31 Kind of like a.
00:56:32 Horror film, it just goes crack.
00:56:35 And as soon as that and it was real quiet in the middle of the desert, right.
00:56:38 There's nothing around for miles and miles and miles.
00:56:40 So it's just like dead silence.
00:56:42 And in sound carries in the desert, there's nothing to block it.
00:56:45 You know there's not no trees in the way.
00:56:47 It just, you know, goes forever.
00:56:50 So I step on this branch and goes crack.
00:56:52 And as soon as I heard that crack is.
00:56:55 And I heard.
00:56:59 That box of bees just started worrying.
00:57:01 I was like what?
Speaker 8
00:57:02 The ****?
00:57:05 And then I started.
Speaker 8
00:57:06 Hearing like like really ****** *** bees.
00:57:09 And like, what the ****?
00:57:10 And I I shine the the light up real just briefly on the on the entrance and bees can't see **** at night, right?
00:57:18 So they they.
00:57:20 They can't really, you know, attack you or whatever.
00:57:22 But yet here these bees were, like, angrily pouring out of the the the entrance.
00:57:26 I was like, ****, I've never seen this ****.
00:57:30 So I ran back to the truck.
00:57:33 And got my B suit.
00:57:36 Put the bee suit on.
00:57:38 And I went back and like like 20 or 30 of them got out before I could ******* close the the door.
00:57:43 And they were just like, trying to get me.
00:57:46 And they were the whole the whole ride to my B yard.
00:57:49 The the whole.
00:57:49 Box was just like.
Speaker 8
00:57:52 I was like, **** I.
00:57:53 I don't know if I like the.
00:57:54 I don't know if I this is never because I've collected other swarms.
00:57:57 This has never happened before.
00:58:00 So I got to the yard and I set it down.
00:58:03 This is all night, you know.
00:58:05 You're supposed to.
00:58:06 You have to bring.
00:58:07 Them somewhere 3 miles.
00:58:08 Away minimum till they reset and reorient to your new spot.
00:58:13 And so I would you know, you get normally I put the the swarm box and the BR and I open up the door and yeah, maybe a couple curious, I mean they've been cooped up in there.
00:58:22 They've been in a in a a vehicle bouncing around and they're usually not too.
00:58:26 Happy, but man.
00:58:28 These guys were ******.
00:58:29 I opened up the door when I after I.
00:58:31 Sat down and like.
00:58:33 I don't know. Like.
00:58:35 At least 100 of them.
Speaker 8
00:58:39 Came pouring out the front.
00:58:41 Door and I just like booked it back to the.
00:58:43 Truck and drove away.
00:58:46 But there you go.
00:58:48 Like genetically.
00:58:50 Because the whole rest of the, the whole rest of the the apiary, because I have a few more hives there.
00:58:55 You know, they were.
00:58:56 They were totally chill.
00:58:58 I was making just as much noise next to six other hives.
00:59:03 And they were totally chill.
00:59:05 Didn't didn't seem to bother, you know, weren't bothered by the fact that I was there at all.
00:59:10 And here, this one hive is is losing its ******* ****.
00:59:15 And that's because they have genes.
00:59:19 That determine their defensive behavior.
00:59:24 And we know this.
00:59:25 We've studied it extensively with bees.
00:59:28 Precisely because of of the Africanized bees that have.
00:59:32 Have moved into North America.
00:59:36 And look what makes sense.
00:59:38 With bees, believe it or not.
00:59:41 That that makes sense for for other animals.
00:59:45 You know, look, people know about pit bulls.
00:59:50 Pit bulls are are an aggressive breed.
00:59:54 Different and look, it's not just pit bulls that just happens to be one of the dog breeds that have a negative trait.
00:59:58 There's lots of good traits that people have no problem attributing to different breeds.
01:00:04 There's entire websites that that talk about like, oh, you're getting a shitsu, huh?
01:00:08 Well, the shitzus act like this, and they do this.
Speaker 8
01:00:11 And blah blah.
01:00:13 A lot of these dogs were bred specifically.
01:00:17 For different traits.
01:00:20 And different behaviors.
01:00:24 And so common sense.
01:00:26 Would lead a normal thinking person.
01:00:30 To the conclusion that, well, I mean.
01:00:33 If there's enough genetic difference between me and, say, an African.
01:00:38 To look as different as we do.
01:00:42 Those differences are probably.
01:00:45 All throughout the body, and guess what?
01:00:47 Believe it or not, the brain.
01:00:49 Can you believe this?
01:00:50 Your brain is part of your body.
01:00:54 Yeah. Amazing, huh? Yeah. Your brain's not just some magical microchip that that all got pumped out at at at the at the same factory, right? It's not this identical chip. Like, we don't all have the exact same brain OS.
01:01:14 Our brains are different.
01:01:24 But now this data that's coming out is now that it's proving all this stuff.
01:01:30 Not that there wasn't data that proved you.
01:01:32 Know this this data.
01:01:33 Already exists that.
01:01:34 It's just getting harder and harder for them.
01:01:35 To to obscure.
01:01:40 But it's interesting because here this article is in I I thought this was rather important.
01:01:48 To get this kind of admission.
01:01:52 This kind of admission.
01:01:55 From the BBC.
01:01:59 The same publication.
01:02:01 In fact, look, I'm not even gonna.
01:02:03 I don't even know I'm going to go to.
01:02:07 I'm going to click BBC.
01:02:08 I'm what else is on their their main page.
01:02:16 I mean.
01:02:18 As expected.
01:02:19 One of the main stories the trans Muslims this is just the headline.
01:02:23 I'm gonna ******* read it.
01:02:25 The trans Muslims trying to secure their future, I mean.
01:02:35 I I don't even want to know.
01:02:37 I don't.
01:02:37 I don't even want to know.
01:02:41 So the fact that that the same, the same publication, the government run publication.
01:02:51 That's been pushing for all this diversity.
01:02:55 And pushing for all the the white replacement.
01:03:02 Their own people.
01:03:04 Are now somehow admitting that that behavior is genetic?
01:03:09 This is a major step.
01:03:10 Major step.
01:03:13 But yeah.
01:03:16 That's that's something I would share.
01:03:17 I would tell you what because it's amazing if you're going to share anything with people that I'll often have people that say stuff like, well, how do I how do I breach this topic with the, you know, my boomer dad or whatever.
01:03:29 This is the perfect place to start.
01:03:32 Send the article.
01:03:35 You know who who's going to say the BBC is racist?
01:03:41 I mean certainly not against.
01:03:42 I mean maybe against blacks or against whites.
01:03:47 All right, let's take a look here anyway, the.
01:03:51 The tweet that I saw.
01:03:52 Before going on the show.
01:03:55 From Elijah Anderson.
01:04:01 African American studies, or whatever the **** stupid title or of his department is.
01:04:06 Over at Yale.
01:04:08 He's definitely a diversity hire.
01:04:12 Or or.
01:04:13 Yeah, definitely.
01:04:14 I mean in, in every in every definition of that term diversity higher over at Yale.
01:04:19 Was promoting his book.
01:04:21 His book, of course, that will never get banned from Amazon like my book.
01:04:27 His book that's openly hostile to whites.
01:04:32 And he said.
01:04:34 White people typically avoid black space.
01:04:39 But black people are required required.
01:04:43 To navigate white spaces as a condition of their existence.
01:04:52 That's a quote from his book.
01:04:53 So he just put that quote from his book and said, you know, available now in paperback from Amazon.
01:04:57 Go buy my book.
01:05:04 White people typically avoid black space.
01:05:08 But black people are required.
01:05:12 To navigate white spaces.
01:05:15 As a condition of their existence.
01:05:20 It's a weird take.
01:05:25 There's a lot.
01:05:25 There's a lot in.
01:05:26 That to unpack, right?
01:05:29 He's saying that, first of all, let's let's just analyze the first part of it.
01:05:33 We're going to take a look at.
01:05:35 We'll let him explain here in a minute.
01:05:38 White people typically avoid black space.
01:05:40 Alright, let's just let's use his stupid terminology for a second.
01:05:43 All it let's.
01:05:44 I hate that how they try to intellectualize.
01:05:46 Just, you know, common sense.
01:05:48 Basically what he's saying is white people don't like.
01:05:51 Being around where black people are.
01:05:54 OK.
01:05:57 And then he's saying.
01:05:58 But black people have to be in.
01:06:00 Order to exist.
01:06:02 They have to be around where white people are.
01:06:08 Now my reply to him was it's a giant map of Africa.
01:06:11 And I said, look, there's there's plenty of black spaces here right here for you.
01:06:15 Like, they're waiting for you, buddy.
01:06:18 You can bring that big old yaly money with you.
01:06:21 I mean, you would.
01:06:22 And he would.
01:06:22 He would live like a king.
01:06:25 He could pick his favorite African country.
01:06:28 With whatever pile of money he's got from being at Yale for *** ****.
01:06:35 And he could live like a literal king.
01:06:40 While helping to improve, I mean look, he's a Yale graduate, right?
01:06:46 He wants to help black people.
01:06:47 There's a.
Speaker 8
01:06:47 Whole continent of them.
01:06:51 He'll never be around another white person.
01:06:54 He'll never be forced into a white space ever again.
01:07:07 But we all know why that's ridiculous.
01:07:11 We all know why that none of these blacks moved back to Africa.
01:07:18 None of them.
01:07:23 Several of them have the means.
01:07:27 And they make their living complaining about having to live around white people.
01:07:34 Well, there's easy solution to that problem, right?
01:07:40 I mean, it's weird cause it's like the inverse.
01:07:42 Of our problem, it's.
01:07:43 Like, no, we.
01:07:46 We don't have a place to.
Speaker 8
01:07:47 Go and we want you to *******.
01:07:49 Get the **** out so.
Speaker 8
01:07:51 We why don't we, why don't we?
01:07:52 Work together on this.
01:08:00 But proximity to white people is taken as a is a basic human right for these people.
01:08:05 So anyway, I went to look into this guy because I've never heard of.
01:08:10 I don't.
01:08:10 Again, I don't know why his his tweet showed up on my feet.
01:08:12 I was just like what?
01:08:14 So I decided to take a look into this guy.
01:08:16 Not him, obviously.
01:08:20 That's a a Jew that interviewed cause you know that's that's these guys couldn't exist without their Jew handlers.
01:08:27 So this is a a Jewish professor I believe at at NYU.
01:08:32 And it's kind of funny because I saw a bunch of.
01:08:34 There's he.
01:08:35 He did a couple streams with well.
01:08:37 Different Jews and in academia.
01:08:41 And they're all.
01:08:42 They're all structured the same way.
01:08:45 They're all like some some Jewish.
01:08:47 Guy like this guy?
01:08:49 Introduces him, but the introduction is like 10 minutes long.
01:08:53 Like I'm I **** you not.
01:08:55 The thing I've discovered it's it's so weird when you watch these intellectual streamers.
01:09:01 Right, like because I compare it to like what I do I'm like.
01:09:04 Well, you know, I stream.
01:09:06 For a living, I try to cover topics that are interesting to people and things that will promote discussion.
01:09:12 And you know all this.
01:09:13 All the things that.
01:09:13 They claim they want to do right.
01:09:16 And so you guys are these, you know, you're Yale professors or NYU professors or Harvard professors.
01:09:24 I assume that you're you'd be pretty good at this.
01:09:27 I mean, you've been teaching classes for probably as long as I've been alive, right?
01:09:36 Your ability to communicate should be pretty good.
01:09:38 Your ability to to reason.
01:09:41 No, it's.
01:09:43 It's everything I hate about academia.
01:09:44 Everything I hate about academia is in the introductions to these ******* talks, these these streams.
01:09:52 It's 10 minutes of of of self congratulating.
01:09:56 Accolades and pieces of paper with with official looking stamps, with their names on it.
01:10:04 Like it's 10 minutes of it, it's 10 minutes of she's the chair at the the the organization for the advancement of this, and she's, you know, works with the NGO of it's it's just a laundry list of all the the billionaires that fund their *******.
01:10:27 And that's the other kicking in the pants, right?
01:10:29 Because you look at these videos, they got like, no views like no ones ******* watching.
01:10:32 You know they're getting paid.
Speaker 8
01:10:33 Like tons of money to make this these ******* ********.
01:10:39 So I won't.
01:10:39 I won't bore you with the look.
01:10:42 It goes on like this.
01:10:43 Is you still going and going and going and going and then he does it too.
01:10:47 He starts talking about how awesome he is and how long he's been doing it.
01:10:52 We will watch part of.
01:10:53 The introduction that the the the lady does after this guy just because it's funny but.
01:11:01 So I wanted to know about his book.
01:11:03 His book that's complaining that black people, they, they can't manage to avoid.
01:11:09 White people, they have to be around white people in order to exist.
01:11:14 Although somehow the the review the.
01:11:16 Reverse is not true.
01:11:18 Now I I don't know, I would that seems like something that you would think about if you were this guy.
01:11:23 Like, huh?
01:11:24 Why is it that white people don't need, like, it's not an existential threat to them to be deprived of black people, but somehow it's existential threat to black people to be deprived of white people.
01:11:37 Because that seems like a big deal, right?
01:11:44 But let's see what his big.
01:11:44 Brain tank is on this.
01:11:47 And I'm not.
01:11:47 Look, I know I'm making fun of him because it's.
01:11:51 It's ridiculous and and.
01:11:54 And and look, even after we take a look at this, you'll you'll agree it's still.
01:11:57 Ridiculous, but like.
01:11:57 I'll at the same time going to say.
01:12:00 He does have a few points, it's just that his.
01:12:04 Understanding of any kind of real solution, that's.
01:12:09 That's just and that would work.
01:12:11 Is of course it's more kill ******.
01:12:14 It's Whitey's problem or Whitey's fault.
01:12:16 This problem exists because.
01:12:18 Of the same thing I've been talking about this whole string.
01:12:22 And that is.
01:12:23 Especially blacks, but so many people.
01:12:26 Cannot face.
01:12:30 The reality that genetics determines a lot of life outcomes.
01:12:37 And that the disparity between the success of black people and white people can be explained largely not entirely, but largely.
01:12:49 With that, that difference, that genetic difference?
01:12:52 So let's take a look.
01:12:52 Let's see.
01:12:53 Let's see what Elijah Anderson has to say.
01:12:57 About blacks requiring access to white people in order to survive.
Speaker 6
01:13:04 My new book black and white space.
01:13:08 Bills on the my previous works, including the place on the corner.
01:13:16 Streetwise code of the street and the cosmopolitan canopy.
01:13:22 And they all can be.
01:13:22 Read together as chapters of my extended Urban Ethnography project, which I know carry on at Yale University.
01:13:34 But his body?
01:13:34 Of work, his body of ethnographic work presents a clear.
01:13:39 And fine grain portrait of how systemic racism operates in everyday life.
01:13:46 Black and white space is more directly in ethnography.
01:13:51 Of the color line.
01:13:54 Now SWB the boys so personally.
01:13:57 All right.
01:13:57 So the color line.
01:14:01 What he's talking about when he says the color line.
01:14:05 Is that's that's it's a phrase that's used by these.
01:14:10 I don't know these people.
01:14:13 The color line refers to the divide between races, often invisible, but sometimes physical.
01:14:20 And is inherently hierarchical, ensuring that white people receive better treatment services and opportunities.
01:14:27 While black people receive the inferior version or nothing at all.
01:14:32 The term was.
01:14:33 Originally used as a reference to the racial segregation that exists in the United States after the abolition of slavery.
01:14:45 The color line should exist.
01:14:49 And it should exist geographically.
01:14:56 And then you don't have any.
01:14:57 See, that's how much of our countries time is wasted and just this kind of ********.
01:15:05 Like how Nice would it be to not have to have these ******* discussions not have to listen to these ******* complaints, not have to justify every little ******* problem in this guy's life, right?
01:15:15 Like if he was like again if he moved to Africa, there's plenty of no joke.
01:15:20 There's plenty of countries that would love, love to have a Yale professor.
01:15:25 Whose black moved to their country.
01:15:29 And he could he.
01:15:30 Could live like a king.
01:15:32 And and look and his probably his whole family in perpetuity, like he would have enough generational wealth.
01:15:38 Compared like he would be royalty.
01:15:42 And yet he won't do it.
01:15:45 ****, I'd do it right.
01:15:47 Wouldn't you do it if there was some white country?
01:15:52 That, for whatever reason, was economically depressed.
01:15:57 But it was left alone, right?
01:15:58 Like there was no and maybe well, because it was economically depressed, right?
01:16:02 But there were no.
01:16:03 There were no hordes of of immigrants trying to to to flood out.
01:16:09 And the the the.
01:16:12 The the native population.
01:16:16 And you had an opportunity.
01:16:18 To go to this white country.
01:16:21 That that you had a a genetic tie to.
01:16:26 And just whatever money you have in your bank account, even if it's not that much, right, even if you only have a few 100 bucks because it's so economically depressed.
01:16:34 If you were to go there.
01:16:36 You could have like a mansion.
01:16:39 And the money you have in your account was so much compared to like what they're because they're, we'll just say they're they're currency is worthless.
01:16:48 That you can invest that money.
01:16:51 And just live off your and your whole family for generations could live off that money.
01:16:57 And you could then have the opportunity.
01:17:01 To try to raise up the standards of this white country like look guys.
01:17:07 We got it.
01:17:07 We're white.
01:17:08 We got it.
01:17:08 We got.
01:17:08 To do better than this.
01:17:12 I'm educated.
01:17:13 I come from a country that's not as economically ****** ** as this.
01:17:18 There's a lot of things you guys are doing wrong with infrastructure and what you know and maybe you.
01:17:22 Can't fix all the problems.
01:17:26 Right, you probably can't fix all the problems, but maybe you can fix a little bit and the whole time you're doing this.
01:17:36 You know people are leaving the country alone.
01:17:38 They're not flooding into it culturally.
01:17:41 It's intact.
01:17:44 That sounds like heaven.
01:17:47 That sounds like heaven.
01:17:49 To almost everyone listening.
01:17:52 Like I was saying last year about the, you know, having white people reservations.
01:17:56 In fact, it's funny.
01:17:57 There was actually someone who tweeted out yesterday or maybe was a couple days ago.
01:18:01 Some leftist that was, that was complaining, saying they should.
01:18:04 Put white people.
01:18:05 On in, in reservations and I was like **** yeah.
01:18:09 I hope that.
01:18:09 Idea catches on.
01:18:17 But you would jump in that opportunity, you wouldn't think to yourself that like, oh, no, I can't do that.
01:18:26 I have to stay in the country I'm in now.
01:18:30 But then again.
01:18:32 Blacks aren't known exactly.
01:18:35 I honestly, it's probably a genetic trait that they don't have.
01:18:38 They don't have the genes.
01:18:43 That make the the the same genes that Europeans have that have made them adventurers and explorers.
Speaker 6
01:18:52 He stated.
01:18:54 In 1903.
01:18:56 The problem of the 20th century is the problem of the color line.
01:19:02 In his day, the color line was bold and clear.
01:19:06 Today it has become blurred by putative racial progress.
01:19:12 Now the color line still exists.
01:19:16 But in polite company, no one black or white, wants to acknowledge how it arranges relationships.
01:19:24 The color line is is the third rail of American race relations.
01:19:30 Buzzing. Dangerous.
01:19:33 Mostly untouched.
01:19:35 But instantly shouting in moments of acute racialized disrespect in which white people try to put black people.
01:19:45 In their place.
01:19:46 Yeah, I'll tell you what I'm about to do.
01:19:48 That right now, buddy.
01:19:50 I'll touch that, that sizzling third rail you keep talking about like, oh, no one wants to talk about this.
01:19:57 This color line in polite society, I think being pretty polite.
01:20:04 It exists because, again, the genetic differences.
01:20:10 Black people are just not capable of the same kinds of things that white people are.
01:20:14 End of story.
01:20:15 They never will be.
01:20:16 Or at least not in, you know, anytime.
01:20:19 Not within 1000 years, unless some weird, crazy medical advancement that I can't, you know, predict is invented.
01:20:32 Black people are always going to lag behind white people.
01:20:38 Except for maybe in the 100 meter race.
01:20:43 They just are.
01:20:49 And look increasingly.
01:20:51 I think people like this guy know it.
01:20:53 I think that people like this guy know it.
01:20:58 And and the reason he doesn't leave.
01:21:00 The reason why he doesn't go back to Africa, cause what's better?
01:21:05 Than a problem that you get paid to solve that you know can never be solved.
01:21:12 That's called job security.
01:21:21 So I'm touching that third rail.
01:21:28 I'm telling you that that different exists.
01:21:30 Their difference exists because.
01:21:31 Of genetic differences.
01:21:33 Look and there's.
01:21:33 It's not just all nature, it's some nurture too.
01:21:36 It's cultural differences, but the culture is a product of the.
01:21:39 Biology that it comes from.
01:21:42 It's not like culture was randomly distributed by some outside force.
01:21:52 It's not like the culture fairy.
01:21:55 Flew into the hood.
01:21:57 And waved its magic ******* *****.
01:22:01 And gave you gangster rap.
01:22:07 That came from you.
01:22:10 And some Jews.
01:22:23 So even if culture plays a big role that that culture is ultimately a product of biology.
01:22:35 So in a sense, it's 100% biology.
01:22:41 And as long as we're biologically different.
01:22:44 We are going to have different results and there's nothing you can do to change it.
01:22:48 There's things you can do to mitigate the problem, but there's nothing you can do to change it.
01:22:51 The same thing.
01:22:52 In fact, the whole reason why I might euthanize that dangerous beehive I got last night.
01:23:01 I can't.
01:23:02 I can't make them behave.
01:23:05 I can't punish the bees for being too aggressive.
01:23:09 I can try to put them in a hive.
01:23:14 That has optimal conditions.
01:23:20 And not inspect them very often or or.
01:23:24 Be very careful when I do.
01:23:28 But ultimately, it's a ticking time bomb.
01:23:34 It's a ticking time bomb that at any moment.
01:23:38 Could go off.
01:23:41 And it's just not worth it for me to have it in the apiary.
01:23:47 All it takes is.
01:23:49 You know, they they might be relatively manageable and then?
01:23:55 A Thunder clap rattles the hive.
01:23:58 And they go *** **** and attack everything insight.
01:24:10 At a certain point.
01:24:14 I do a calculation in my head and I say.
01:24:18 It's not worth it.
01:24:24 On one hand.
01:24:26 I could keep these Africanized bees.
01:24:29 In my larger B society, in the apiary and the B yard.
01:24:35 With my European bees and other bees certainly again, they're segregated in their little neighborhoods, if you will.
01:24:44 They'll produce some honey.
01:24:50 But it's not worth the risk.
01:24:53 Of having this ticking time bomb.
01:24:57 For a little bit of honey.
01:24:59 When I can just euthanize them.
01:25:02 Cut my losses.
01:25:05 Bring in some different bees.
01:25:08 And not have to worry about it ever again.
01:25:12 Are you sensing a metaphor?
01:25:22 You're talking about how.
01:25:25 It's an existential threat to be deprived of white spaces.
01:25:29 It's an existential threat for me to be in proximity to black spaces.
01:25:40 But continue.
Speaker 6
01:25:43 Basically, my argument is as follows.
01:25:48 The institution of slavery established the black body at the bottom of the racial order.
01:25:55 The Civil War occurred during which the slaves and.
01:26:00 By the way, I'll agree with that.
01:26:03 Yeah, it was the.
01:26:04 It was the institution of slavery that established black.
01:26:10 At the bottom of the totem pole?
01:26:17 But what established the black people as slaves?
01:26:23 What conditions had to be?
01:26:26 In place for.
01:26:29 I mean, again, was it random?
01:26:33 Was it just random, but like in an alternate universe?
01:26:39 We weren't bringing well.
01:26:41 Jews weren't bringing black slaves to the American continent.
01:26:45 They were bringing.
01:26:47 I don't know Norwegian slaves.
01:26:52 Or is there a reason why it was black people?
01:26:56 That were the slaves.
01:27:02 It's funny because oftentimes it was the IT was Africans.
01:27:07 You'll hear people say this, it's usually boomers trying to like, say, well, actually.
01:27:11 But anyway, it's it's not.
01:27:13 They're not wrong and in many cases it was Africans that were enslaving other Africans and then to sell off to the Jews that then transport.
01:27:22 Come to North America, right?
01:27:25 Of course, the the Boomers stop at the the Africans getting the Africans, they leave the.
01:27:29 Jew part out.
01:27:31 But that.
01:27:35 I had a thought today.
01:27:36 I was like.
01:27:41 That's a selection event, OK.
01:27:44 In the same way I've discussed the kinds of Europeans that would be attracted to going to North America, right?
01:27:50 It would be a very specific type of European someone that was adventurous, someone that wanted to be an explorer, someone that wanted to risk it all, someone that was willing to, you know, possibly die on the months long journey from.
01:28:04 The European continent to the North American continent.
01:28:08 Willing to show up on the shores with it.
01:28:10 With nothing.
01:28:13 And hope for the best.
01:28:14 And look, it didn't work.
01:28:15 Out for a lot of these people, right?
01:28:17 But it worked out for a lot of them and those are the ones that became the Americans that reproduced and became Americans white Americans.
01:28:28 There's a very different selection event going on with the Blacks that were brought over here on slave ships.
01:28:41 Let me put it this way.
01:28:46 Is it the high IQ Africans that are getting?
01:28:52 By other Africans.
01:28:59 Or, you know, dominated by other Africans.
01:29:02 I mean, it's it's not.
01:29:04 In other words, probably not your top tier Africans, right, because it's African versus African, right?
01:29:11 So it's it's not your, not your top shelf.
01:29:13 Africans that are being rounded up and put in cages.
01:29:21 Those are the Africans with the cages, that's.
Speaker 8
01:29:23 The top tier Africans, right?
01:29:27 So if you're the Africans.
01:29:29 That are being bested by other Africans.
01:29:33 You're already low on the totem pole.
01:29:35 It's not really slavery that's doing it.
01:29:38 Slavery is more a.
01:29:42 A consequence?
01:29:45 Of the fact that, again, genetically.
01:29:49 Your ancestors were already on that.
01:29:52 Low position on the totem pole.
01:29:57 I mean that that's just, that's just the truth.
01:30:02 So you get the lower tier.
01:30:05 I mean again you got to.
01:30:07 Think of it.
01:30:08 This way and.
01:30:09 The people that are getting rounded up, this isn't like high class Africans.
01:30:13 This is like the low.
01:30:14 These are the people, no.
01:30:15 One's going to miss.
01:30:17 These are the people that were easiest to get.
01:30:25 So these are the people.
01:30:28 That are put into cages.
01:30:30 That are then sold to the the the slavers.
01:30:35 Brought to America.
01:30:39 And look I.
01:30:41 I I know how that would make make you feel the that to think of it that way.
01:30:46 But those are your ancestors, Elijah.
01:30:54 So maybe the reason why?
01:30:59 You were placed at the lowest you know the bottom of the barrel in terms of the the racial hierarchy in America.
01:31:06 It's not a consequence of slavery, but rather slavery is a consequence of that.
01:31:17 But I will agree that obviously.
01:31:21 That notwithstanding, yeah, you were at the bottom of the barrel.
01:31:26 And I'm not even blaming you for.
01:31:28 It obviously the these people that were brought over here, it was not willingly.
01:31:40 A lot of people like to do little thought experiments, right?
01:31:43 Like I've seen this comic of bajillion ******* times, and even what's his name?
01:31:49 Some guy from and I.
01:31:50 Always forget his name.
01:31:52 Harrison something, anyway, he said something on Twitter about well.
01:32:01 If you were to go back in time.
01:32:03 And get rid of slavery.
01:32:06 That would make all the black people essentially disappear.
01:32:12 And so you should be, you know, the the implication is well, then black people should be grateful that there was slavery cause then if there, if there wasn't slavery, they'd be running around in some jungle chucking Spears, right.
01:32:26 And you know my answer to that.
01:32:28 Is well I.
01:32:29 Mean it would it look the obvious answer is.
01:32:31 It'd be better for both.
01:32:36 It's not some puzzle, it's not some mind teaser.
01:32:39 It's not some paradox.
01:32:42 Slavery was a horrible, horrible thing for everyone involved.
01:32:48 It was bad for blacks for obvious reasons.
01:32:52 And some not so obvious reasons.
01:32:56 The not so obvious reasons just took a while to kick in.
01:32:59 We're experiencing them now.
01:33:03 As they grapple like this guy here as Elijah Anderson.
01:33:09 Book after book after book trying to figure out why his people can't hack it in a white society.
01:33:21 And obviously it's bad for whites because.
01:33:25 Our survival doesn't.
01:33:27 Depend on having close proximity to black spaces.
01:33:32 But rather it depends on being able to avoid.
Speaker 8
01:33:35 Black spaces.
01:33:41 It's becoming increasingly unavoidable.
01:33:49 But continue, Elijah.
Speaker 6
01:33:51 Veteran states were emancipated.
01:33:56 Then black people migrated from agricultural areas of the cities and towns of the north.
01:34:04 Like Detroit, like we talked about last string.
01:34:08 He's literally describing the law.
01:34:10 Is it called that?
01:34:11 The Great ***** invasion?
01:34:13 That's what happened to all these cities, by the way.
01:34:15 It's not.
01:34:16 It wasn't just.
01:34:20 That these people, that these, these cities already had black people.
01:34:24 What happened was.
01:34:27 After the.
01:34:29 The You know, blacks were given full citizenship and you know the slaves were freed and they were given.
01:34:34 You know, and so forth.
01:34:37 They went for the Gibbs.
01:34:41 They went to the big cities.
01:34:45 And unfortunately.
01:34:51 If you want an idea as to why they went to the big cities.
01:34:54 Look at almost any movie from like the 1940s nineteen 30s or 40s that features wealthy people.
01:35:05 And they all have like that, Mammy.
01:35:09 Character, you know like that, that they all have like the black maid.
01:35:14 Or the black Butler.
01:35:18 See decadence.
01:35:19 Is always what gets white people.
01:35:21 It's every single time.
01:35:22 It's what gets us.
01:35:26 In the same way that whites decided to be a great idea to bring Pablo in to mow the lawn.
01:35:34 They thought it was.
01:35:34 It was great to have Mammy watch the kids.
01:35:39 So in some instances there was work for some of these black people.
01:35:46 But not for all of them.
01:35:49 And eventually, because the, you know, employment laws got stricter and less, fewer and fewer people could afford to have Mammy around.
01:36:00 But yes, then and then next thing you know, Detroit happened.
Speaker 6
01:36:05 In the South.
01:36:07 And they were resegregated and ghettoized.
01:36:11 Black people now.
01:36:12 See that they weren't resegregated and ghettoized when they showed up using Detroit as an example.
01:36:17 Again from last string.
01:36:19 Detroit was fine when they showed up.
01:36:24 Ghetto wise is just code word for white people leave and stop maintaining the neighborhood.
01:36:29 And black people never start maintaining the neighborhood.
01:36:32 And so it rapidly becomes ghettoized.
01:36:39 I mean, who who get a wised all the African countries?
01:36:43 Who ghettoized Haiti.
01:36:51 That's just the natural habitat.
01:37:01 That's just the environment that's produced by that biology.
01:37:13 You can look at it at an an impoverished town.
01:37:19 That's white or Asian.
01:37:26 And they're not going to be the best, right?
01:37:28 They're gonna.
01:37:28 Be a little rundown.
01:37:30 Poverty always shows in one way or another.
01:37:35 But they're never going to look like like Haiti.
01:37:43 You know.
Speaker 6
01:37:47 Mounted civil rights.
01:37:52 To change the situation and especially the lower status.
01:37:57 And they had a multiracial group of people helping.
01:38:02 Kelly said that they have a multiracial group of people helping them.
01:38:06 What he's talking about is the Jews helping them with the civil rights movement.
01:38:11 Just say it, buddy.
01:38:12 They earned it.
Speaker 6
01:38:13 It's very important.
01:38:16 The civil rights movement culminated.
01:38:18 In riots, rebellion and direct political action.
01:38:24 Thus, at the end of the civil rights movement, in part to cool out this turmoil.
01:38:30 The government initiated A racial incorporation process by which large numbers of black people made their way from.
01:38:39 Urban ghettos in.
01:38:40 Rural areas into settings previously occupied only by whites.
01:38:47 So basically what he's saying is they they used intimidation tactics that worked.
01:38:58 Right.
01:38:58 Like what happened with Detroit?
01:39:05 After the Detroit Riots, Blacks started slowly but surely having a bigger and bigger.
01:39:13 Of the political power.
01:39:15 Similar things happen in large cities all across America.
Speaker 6
01:39:34 The reception in these settings has been mixed.
01:39:37 Little white people were supportive.
01:39:41 But many others felt that their own rights were in some ways being aggregated, so to speak.
01:39:51 And their their own rights and privileges, I should say, were being abrogated by the inclusion of black people.
01:40:00 Well, they were.
01:40:04 They they were.
01:40:07 It's like if you have.
01:40:11 I think back to when.
01:40:12 I was in elementary school.
01:40:14 And we had, I went to a very diverse well.
01:40:17 I went to several elementary schools, cause my parents moved around a lot when I was a kid, but most of them were very similar in terms of their their racial makeup and.
01:40:29 Every single time.
01:40:31 We had we had students that didn't speak English or spoke it really poorly.
01:40:37 And we had the normal students like the average white kids, right?
01:40:44 There was the gifted program.
01:40:46 And I think the reason they even had the gifted program wasn't so much that they thought that you were like, you required special attention because you were more promising than the average student so much as they thought you needed some attention.
01:41:05 Because the average students weren't getting really any attention, the teachers spent all of their time.
01:41:10 With the struggling.
01:41:13 Immigrant kids.
01:41:17 And that's just one example of a of the the death by 1000 cuts.
01:41:22 The White society had to endure.
01:41:26 For this diversity project that has brought us nothing but ruin.
01:41:32 And yes, power is a 0 sum game.
01:41:35 Political power is a 0 sum game.
01:41:37 So necessarily if you start including other groups with other hopes and dreams and and priorities and worldviews.
01:41:47 And cultures.
01:41:49 Necessarily, you are depriving yourself of power if you give them power, you lose some.
01:41:56 That's just the way it works.
01:41:59 There's no other way to look at it.
01:42:03 Isn't that why the blacks are riding in the first place?
01:42:07 Because they they, they said they had no power.
01:42:14 So they rioted.
01:42:18 They used violence to get what they wanted.
01:42:26 And he's complaining that whites saw that.
01:42:30 As as having to give up some of their their.
01:42:36 Some of their destiny.
01:42:42 You know a huge problem with.
01:42:45 With the old conservative thinking.
01:42:50 Is I used to hear this all the time.
01:42:52 I really did like this.
01:42:54 This was.
01:42:56 It was a bad mindset that a lot of conservatives right wingers, whatever you want to call.
01:43:02 Them like.
01:43:03 You know, talking like the the normal tier, right, the the Rush Limbaugh types and and below.
01:43:11 They really did think that their opponents wanted to get to the same destination.
01:43:18 They just had a different route to get there.
01:43:22 They really thought that because and why wouldn't you if we're all the same?
01:43:25 If skin color is is strictly A cosmetic thing.
01:43:30 Why wouldn't we have the same hopes and dreams?
01:43:35 And it was just these, these the the quirks of our, our differences of culture and and whatever that led us to having different ideas as to how to get to these destinations that we shared.
01:43:47 That was the delusion.
01:43:50 The delusion was that we wanted the same things.
01:43:54 In the first place.
01:43:59 And when you have to start sharing.
01:44:04 With people that want to go somewhere else, it's like you're driving a car and you pick up a hitchhiker.
01:44:14 And you're like, OK.
01:44:17 I have compassion for this hitchhiker.
01:44:19 I've got this fancy nice car.
01:44:23 And you don't have a car.
01:44:25 I see you standing in the rain at the side of the road and you know you want to go to, you know, Las Vegas.
01:44:33 And I'm on my way West.
01:44:38 I'm going all the way to Los Angeles.
01:44:41 So I can drop you off.
01:44:44 In Las Vegas.
01:44:47 And then once you pick them up.
01:44:49 They start playing with the radio.
01:44:52 And at first, you're like, yeah, well, it's fine.
01:44:56 I'm dropping them off in Las Vegas, plus they look a little kind of weird, like they might do something if I call them out on this ****.
01:45:02 So I don't wanna ******* deal with that.
01:45:04 I'll just.
01:45:04 Maybe I should have picked him up.
01:45:05 But it's too late now.
01:45:06 They're already in the car, right?
01:45:10 So I got I guess I'm stuck with him.
01:45:12 I can't just pull over and kick him out because I'm too much of A *****.
01:45:17 So you just let them play with the radio and then they start putting their feet up on the dashboard and you're.
01:45:22 Like this is getting ******* weird.
01:45:25 Then they start telling you.
01:45:26 Actually, let's not go to Las Vegas.
01:45:32 Let's go to North Dakota.
01:45:34 Like that's way out of the way.
01:45:35 I don't wanna go.
01:45:36 We're going to I'm.
01:45:37 I'm going to Los Angeles.
01:45:39 I'm just.
01:45:39 I was being nice.
01:45:40 I'm gonna drop you off in Las Vegas.
01:45:41 It's halfway, you know, it's on the way.
01:45:45 And like, no, let's.
01:45:46 Let's go North Dakota.
01:45:48 And they start grabbing the wheel and jerking it every time you pass by.
01:45:54 And exit.
01:45:58 That's that's the situation we're in right now.
01:46:05 At a certain point in time, you got to pull the car.
01:46:08 Over and kick him the **** out.
01:46:11 And say, get your own *** **** car.
Speaker 6
01:46:22 The United States may be desegregated.
01:46:24 By law now.
01:46:26 But the country remains segregated by custom and preference preference, overwhelming white neighborhoods, schools, universities, workplaces, restaurants and other public spaces persist.
01:46:41 Black people perceive these settings.
01:46:43 As the white space, which they consider to be informally off limits.
01:46:51 I don't really think that you guys.
01:46:52 Do see it as off limits.
01:46:59 You know, what was it off limits?
01:47:04 When this **** happened.
01:47:11 I better stay out of the white space.
01:47:17 They seem to think it's that off limits.
01:47:26 But light spice isn't.
01:47:27 Really, off limits don't doesn't look off limits, does it?
01:47:34 He mentioned schools like white schools been off limits.
01:47:40 He looks pretty.
01:47:41 Comfortable in a white school.
Speaker 11
01:47:49 Not Chinese.
01:47:50 No, he doesn't look like he thinks it's off limits.
01:48:06 See, that's what happens when black.
01:48:08 People go to white spaces.
01:48:11 Acting like it's some kind of uncomfortable ******** for you.
01:48:13 **** you.
01:48:24 Oh, poor you.
01:48:25 You don't feel at home.
01:48:27 I already told you exactly.
01:48:29 Where you could feel at home.
Speaker 6
01:48:30 To people like them.
01:48:32 Meanwhile, despite the growth of an enormous black middle class.
01:48:37 The largest in American history.
01:48:40 Many white people assume that the natural black space.
01:48:45 Is that destitute infer some locality so commonly featured in popular books?
01:48:52 Music, television shows, movies, and the news.
01:48:59 Yeah, because we all know that popular movies are trying to make black people look bad.
01:49:09 We all know that that the.
01:49:12 The culture.
01:49:14 Is what's telling white people.
01:49:17 That blacks live in the ghetto.
01:49:20 Right.
01:49:23 It's it's overwhelmingly.
01:49:26 You know, the fact that that, that there's this.
01:49:32 Anti Black Hollywood that's creating this perception, right?
01:49:37 It's not reality.
01:49:39 Right has nothing to do with **** like this.
Speaker 4
01:49:53 Hopefully even hurry up.
01:49:57 Oh, my God.
01:49:58 Oh my.
01:49:59 God. Oh my God.
01:50:07 You're my ******* God.
01:50:14 Yeah, it has nothing to do with that.
01:50:22 See, it's just, it's just, it's all lies.
01:50:27 White people think that that black spaces are dangerous because of.
01:50:32 Movies or something?
Speaker 6
01:50:38 Yeah, but the ghetto is your physical space.
01:50:43 The ghetto has become like.
01:50:46 This is this is the part where the genius.
01:50:49 His his phone apparently can't handle receiving emails and doing this stream so his phone starts ******* up.
01:50:57 Not not that the nonsense he'd be spewing would be all that.
01:51:00 Worthwhile anyway.
Speaker 6
01:51:03 What's this?
01:51:08 People are required to navigate white space as a condition of existence.
01:51:14 The white people navigate the white space their burden with a persistent deficit of credibility.
01:51:25 Wow. You mean they have to pay the price for white people's ability to have pattern recognition?
01:51:38 I'm sorry you didn't win the genetic lottery.
01:51:43 OK.
01:51:45 Also not my problem, I'm not sorry enough to make.
01:51:48 It my problem?
01:51:59 And once again, all of this, all these issues that both of us have, that you have that I have.
01:52:06 Easily resolved.
01:52:10 But you don't want.
01:52:10 To resolve the problems.
01:52:15 You talk about how you have to suffer the indignity of white people looking at you with suspicion because.
01:52:21 Generally speaking, that's a good idea.
01:52:25 Talking about existential threats, well.
01:52:29 That's something we live with in a way that you can't understand.
01:52:32 I can't understand the black experience.
01:52:37 I can understand the black experience a **** ton more than you can understand the white experience because I can, at least.
01:52:43 Frame it with reality.
01:52:47 I can frame it using data that you're excluding.
01:52:52 When you're when you're building your little computer model in your head.
01:52:57 Of what it's like to be a white person, you're missing a giant piece of the ******* puzzle.
01:53:03 Because it's too uncomfortable for you to acknowledge the fact that we're biologically different.
01:53:09 And that there's there's a few things that result.
01:53:13 Because of that, you know there's there's.
01:53:15 There's some very, very.
01:53:19 Different outcomes.
01:53:21 That we should be expecting.
01:53:24 As a result of that biological difference.
01:53:29 But absent that, that data.
01:53:32 You're gonna have to come up with crazy wild theories as to why that that disparity exists, and that's what you've done.
01:53:39 You've made a whole career out of this.
01:53:45 Now, I'm sorry, but it's sickening.
01:53:48 How many more white kids have to die so that we don't have to make black?
01:53:52 People feel bad.
01:53:59 I've talked about this twilight zone episode, the one with the little kid that's holding the whole town hostage because he has superpowers.
01:54:07 And if you make him mad, he freaks out and destroys something or or or turns someone into like a ******* toaster oven or.
Speaker 8
01:54:14 Something like that.
01:54:16 And that's how.
01:54:16 We treat ******* black people.
01:54:18 It's it's obscene.
01:54:21 Ohh don't don't be honest with them.
01:54:23 That's cruel, or, as Cernovich said.
01:54:26 Oh, it's divisive.
01:54:30 Well, maybe it's time for that to be the the, the, the, the goal.
01:54:38 Maybe maybe this all Kumbaya ****.
01:54:40 The oh, if we could only hold.
01:54:41 Hands and we.
01:54:41 Could we could defeat the real enemies?
01:54:45 They're trying to divide us.
01:54:46 I ******* hate that, Snively whiny ********.
01:54:50 I'm trying to divide us.
01:54:53 They're trying to ram us together.
01:55:02 We cannot pursue.
01:55:05 The future that we are capable of.
01:55:13 While dragging the rest of the world.
01:55:17 Kicking and screaming with us.
01:55:27 I'm willing.
01:55:27 I'm willing to make black people sad for a little while.
01:55:31 So that we don't have to *******.
01:55:34 Pay for the the the, the, the, the crime of slavery for the the next eternity.
Speaker 6
01:55:49 They incur random disrespect and unfair treatment.
01:55:54 Ohh that's rich.
Speaker 4
01:55:54 And this.
01:55:56 He's talking about black people in white spaces.
01:56:00 Incurring random disrespect and bad treatment.
01:56:07 The ******* balls on this guy.
01:56:10 Once again, **** you.
01:56:12 Respectfully, **** you.
01:56:23 To even imply.
01:56:27 That somehow the real problem.
01:56:33 As black people incurring random acts of disrespect in white spaces.
01:56:44 Is disgusting.
01:56:49 This is the ******* ********.
01:56:50 We shouldn't have to put up with ever again.
01:56:56 This is the ******* nonsense that's being taught at ******* Yale.
01:57:00 That's how far we have fallen.
01:57:02 This is the ******** they teach at Yale.
01:57:14 When they're not ************ into ******* coffins.
Speaker 6
01:57:17 They come to expect this.
01:57:19 The fact that.
01:57:21 Moreover, black people have come to see white spaces and the white people and others who occupy and control these spaces.
01:57:29 Not simply as a perceptual category.
01:57:32 But also as a major challenge.
01:57:36 The problem from their everyday lives.
01:57:40 This is one of the.
01:57:41 Fundamental findings of the book.
01:57:45 Does black people approach the white space?
01:57:50 And the white people they find there.
01:57:52 With a certain care.
01:57:56 In the white space, black people soon that the white people may encounter hold implicit power.
01:58:06 And people like them.
01:58:08 Do not.
01:58:11 You know what that what that really is?
01:58:15 That you know.
01:58:16 What you are perceiving a power imbalance.
01:58:21 But it's not a power born of some mystical white supremacist.
01:58:28 It's a power imbalance that's a result of.
01:58:31 Biological differences.
01:58:38 Of coarse black people in the presence of whites and white spaces, as you call them.
01:58:44 Would have an implicit sense of inferiority.
01:58:50 That's what you're saying.
01:58:51 You're just trying to intellectualize it in a different direction, away from the obvious reason why you might feel that way.
01:58:59 I can ******* them.
01:59:00 I can, I can imagine.
01:59:01 What that would be?
01:59:02 Like I can imagine going to a society.
01:59:07 That was vastly technologically superior to mine.
01:59:11 Well, the average IQ was was 2.
01:59:13 Deviations above me.
01:59:16 And feeling a little bit.
01:59:20 Having a little bit of a complex about it, maybe wondering if they were looking at me suspiciously or like maybe I wasn't.
01:59:27 Uh, as good as them.
01:59:38 And that's the situation, you're.
01:59:39 In sorry buddy, it just is.
01:59:43 That's the situation Blacks are in.
01:59:48 They're in a foreign.
01:59:53 That's vastly technologically superior to the it's almost like they got abducted by ******* aliens.
01:59:59 I mean, let's be real.
02:00:01 They didn't invent the ******* wheel.
02:00:03 They didn't have a written language.
02:00:05 It's like they were abducted by aliens.
02:00:13 Like, that's the difference.
02:00:16 When we think of like 1990s fiction.
02:00:18 UFO fiction, right?
02:00:20 Where people are getting like sucked into ******* spaceships and like, oh, they had all these, like blinking lights and I couldn't tell what any of this stuff did.
02:00:26 And they were looking at me and and it's like they could talk to me telepathically, and I felt really small and inferior.
02:00:33 You're describing how blacks would.
02:00:34 Have to feel.
02:00:48 I mean, give me a ******* break.
Speaker 6
02:00:54 You're navigating the white space.
02:00:57 Black people expect to meet at least three kinds.
02:01:01 The white people.
02:01:04 Those who mean them well.
02:01:06 And those who don't.
02:01:09 And those white Swans?
02:01:12 Whom they expect to be actively adversarial.
02:01:15 And even combative towards them.
02:01:19 You know that's such a small minority, even me, I don't mean harm on black people.
02:01:26 I don't want harm to come to this guy or or black. I mean, look, if it's in self-defense or if they've done something right.
02:01:33 But I don't want to just randomly.
02:01:36 Punish black people for being black or anything like that.
02:01:39 Not very.
02:01:40 There's there's probably a tiny, tiny, tiny amount of people that do right.
02:01:46 But we're talking like a tiny, like, you know, there's there's.
02:01:50 Whatever. They're psychos everywhere.
02:01:54 There's people that are.
02:01:55 Into that just **** ****.
02:01:56 So what do you, you know, no accounting for taste.
02:02:02 But the idea that there's just this constant lurking.
02:02:07 Aggression coming from white people.
02:02:15 That's I'm telling you that the more we we deny the reality.
02:02:21 Of the biological differences, this is the fantasy land that they're driven to.
02:02:27 They have to come up with something.
02:02:28 Well, I feel when, when.
02:02:29 When I'm in these white places, I.
02:02:31 Feel inferior and I feel like I'm being looked down upon and I.
02:02:37 Of course you do.
02:02:40 Like, why wouldn't you?
02:02:43 Of course you feel out of your league.
02:02:46 You are out of your league.
02:02:52 And and if we until we can just say that.
02:02:55 Like we used to say it.
Speaker 4
02:02:57 We used to say it with with no problem.
02:03:00 At all.
02:03:00 Everyone just kind of got it.
02:03:04 The primitive savages of the world.
02:03:08 Again, we don't.
02:03:08 Want to go around and just?
02:03:11 You know, hunt them like like game animals or something like that.
02:03:20 In many cases, we tried to civilize them.
02:03:30 But until we can just point it out.
02:03:31 But like, look, we're just different, sorry.
02:03:39 Nothing we're doing is doing this.
02:03:42 We're not responsible for the last 50,000 years.
02:03:45 Of your evolution.
02:03:46 Sorry, we're just we're not.
02:03:49 We have nothing to do with that.
02:03:51 And we don't owe you anything.
02:03:58 But until we can say that.
02:04:01 Without tiptoeing, I don't want to hurt.
02:04:03 The black guys feelings.
02:04:07 This is the ******** they're gonna have to come up.
02:04:09 With to explain the disparity.
Speaker 6
02:04:10 When black people meet.
02:04:12 Anonymous white people who treat them well.
02:04:16 They're often pleasantly surprised.
02:04:21 The black people are convinced.
02:04:24 That most white people need to target black people.
02:04:29 That's you know what?
02:04:29 That's true.
02:04:33 Totally fair.
02:04:34 Most white people merely tolerate black people.
02:04:37 What does that tell you?
02:04:47 Why would you want to keep?
02:04:48 If you went to a party and you can tell that they weren't excited to see you.
02:04:54 And no, everyone was just kind of justice tolerating your presence and you stick around.
02:05:02 What does that?
02:05:03 Say about you.
02:05:06 Don't you have somewhere else you can go?
02:05:10 You're clearly not wanted.
02:05:13 You're a net loss, I'm look just strictly from the numbers, there's no way to calculate it where blacks somehow come out on top of this.
02:05:22 Where it's worth it, the juice is not worth the squeeze, as they say.
02:05:31 So you should be kind of happy.
02:05:34 That whites are just simply tolerating.
02:05:37 Your presence, because it's a drain on us.
02:05:41 It'd be one thing if you lived in your own neighborhoods and you didn't come in to physically assault us and steal our **** and and just and steal our.
02:05:48 **** in legal.
02:05:48 Ways siphoning tax dollars and whatnot.
02:05:53 Totally different thing, right?
02:05:54 If if it was OK, maybe you're not accomplishing it as much, but you're not a drain on us.
02:06:00 Like, right?
02:06:00 We could be neighbors.
02:06:04 But if you're the neighbor, that's stealing the bikes out of my backyard and and beating up my kids.
02:06:11 And ****** my friends.
02:06:16 Now there's a problem.
Speaker 6
02:06:21 We're not going to know.
02:06:21 Black people are inclined to place black people at a social distance, and we'll work to keep them there.
02:06:35 Totally, totally.
02:06:36 Don't mind owning up to that.
02:06:43 Because black people are a liability.
02:06:46 I'm very careful about who I engage with, who I allow to be in my inner circle, if you will.
02:06:53 As many white people are.
02:06:58 Black people have over the years of my experience with exposure to black people, have proven time and time again to be, statistically speaking, a liability.
Speaker 6
02:07:13 This is this understanding that black people have, and I'm generalizing because not every black person feels this, but a core of black people do.
02:07:24 As well.
02:07:24 Well, again, totally fair.
02:07:25 I'm, I'm generalizing too.
02:07:28 There, there have been a few blacks that have weaseled their way in there, here and there and over the years that I've, I've encountered plenty of blacks that, that, that prove themselves to be worthy of.
02:07:42 My my trust in certain instances, but it's a rare occasion.
Speaker 6
02:07:47 Black people navigate the white space.
02:07:50 They're social antennae.
02:07:52 Are on high alert.
02:07:54 With each white person they encounter.
02:07:58 Their problem is to figure out the kind of white person they're dealing with.
02:08:03 And where necessary to.
02:08:04 Guess what?
02:08:05 That's everybody with everybody else.
02:08:07 That's the problem with, with with diversity.
02:08:10 You don't think white people have to do that around black people?
02:08:13 You don't think that every black person you encounter in public, you don't have to have your antenna up like you're saying we ****, we can't relax.
02:08:21 We have to be on ******* high alert in, in a totally different way than.
02:08:24 You mean it?
02:08:26 We have to wonder if you're going.
02:08:27 To maybe try to kill us.
02:08:34 That's a lot different than wondering if, oh, this white person is going to not be my friend or something.
02:08:39 **** you, dude.
Speaker 6
02:08:41 Take evasive action.
02:08:43 Before it is too late.
Speaker 8
02:08:45 Again, **** you, dude.
02:08:47 **** you.
Speaker 6
02:08:49 The black people in the white space, credibility is highly precarious.
02:08:56 So in establishing their credibility, black people are challenged to prove repeatedly that the negative stereotypes that white people hold about me, I kind of get old.
02:09:08 Do not apply to them personally.
02:09:12 To do so, black people engage to some extent in the performance.
02:09:18 Some black people refer to this ballistically as a tiresome dance.
02:09:25 Typically, this dance is performed.
02:09:28 Before distance and judgmental audience.
02:09:33 Yeah. Anyway, so you.
02:09:35 Got it.
02:09:36 Well, let's let him finish his argument.
Speaker 6
02:09:41 Distant because of the extent racial divide.
02:09:45 And judgmental.
02:09:48 And often unsympathetic.
02:09:50 Because the audience.
02:09:52 Typically has its mind already made-up.
02:09:56 About the black person and the threat that this black person is assumed to pose.
02:10:05 Again, it's pattern recognition absent from the this, this this theory of his and this discussion is just like every fact that.
02:10:17 Every crime statistic.
02:10:24 Just every, every scientific fact.
02:10:25 It's literally just his feelings.
02:10:29 His entire theory.
02:10:31 About about Black Ops, you know, blacks being oppressed is 100% based on emotion.
02:10:39 He notice how he hasn't brought up a single fact, not a single one.
Speaker 6
02:10:46 When a black person feels the need to demand respect or to be treated fairly.
02:10:51 It is because they feel they've already been acutely disrespected.
02:10:57 Or are about to be.
02:11:00 In white spaces, blacks are highly concerned.
02:11:03 About being respected.
02:11:06 Because disrespect can Telegraph.
02:11:12 In the white space.
02:11:14 To be disrespected is to suffer the black people call.
02:11:19 I'm going to give it a triggered warning here.
02:11:23 And these are terms that people themselves use.
02:11:26 And so I want to just be clear about that.
02:11:29 To be disrespected is to suffer what black people call, and I hate to say this word I.
02:11:35 Want to say?
02:11:36 A moment.
02:11:36 But it's the mega moments.
02:11:39 The moment tells black people.
02:11:42 You do not belong.
02:11:44 And that the blackness.
02:11:47 Is unforgivable.
02:11:48 OK. Is that but the moment.
Speaker 6
02:11:50 One is a moment of.
02:11:53 Well, hold on.
02:11:54 He's gentle.
02:11:54 I was gonna say is the Niger moment when they nige out like, what is the Niger moment?
02:11:57 Like what?
Speaker 8
02:11:58 What? What, what?
02:11:59 Is the what's the Niger moment?
Speaker 6
02:12:01 Racialized disrespect.
02:12:06 So, oh, so that's so he's basically saying that that all these videos where you see black people beating the **** out of white people.
02:12:15 And in every instance, when it's not true, 99% of the time you see the responses of black from black people saying, well, he must have, he must have said or something like that like.
02:12:27 Somehow that justifies it.
02:12:30 This is him intellectualizing that.
02:12:34 It's so high stress.
02:12:36 To be in white spaces that the moment they feel disrespected, they lose their ****.
02:12:43 Anyway, he's almost done, and then we'll we'll move on.
Speaker 6
02:12:47 And often times it comes.
02:12:48 Out of the blue, when you least expect it.
02:12:51 You can say that again.
Speaker 6
02:12:51 Now this is.
02:12:52 You can say that's not all that comes out of the blue when.
02:12:55 You least expect it.
Speaker 6
02:12:57 The essential condition.
02:12:59 But virtually all phenotypically black people.
02:13:03 One moment is not class specific.
02:13:07 It is random and it is persistent.
02:13:11 Again, yes it does.
02:13:12 It's not class specific.
02:13:14 We all saw the Oscars.
02:13:16 It is random.
02:13:18 This is the point.
02:13:19 See, this is what I'm talking about.
02:13:22 If we can't be honest about this ****.
02:13:25 It turns into this ******* mumbo jumbo ********.
02:13:30 They gets this is this again, this is what they teach at Yale.
02:13:33 This is what they teach at Yale.
02:13:36 Anyway, he's almost done.
02:13:39 I I know it's getting old for me too, but hold on.
02:13:41 He's almost done.
Speaker 6
02:13:45 What the informant said, dodging racism in America is like dodging raindrops.
02:13:50 If you walk in the rain, you're bound to get wet.
02:13:53 Well, it's also like dodging bullets.
02:13:55 You walk into a black neighborhood, you're bound to get ******* laid out.
Speaker 6
02:13:59 You're bound to get wet.
02:14:01 And my analysis has implications.
02:14:05 Important implications, I think.
02:14:07 For the seemingly intractable racial disparities in our society.
02:14:12 Especially persistent poverty.
02:14:16 Look, the reason that some black.
02:14:19 People are poor is because they're black.
02:14:24 Yes, yes, yes, you're right.
02:14:26 See, this is what's so frustrating about this.
02:14:28 If we could just.
02:14:29 Be honest about 1:00.
02:14:30 Thing all of this **** goes out the window.
02:14:34 Yes, they are poor because they're black.
02:14:47 Not because we're white.
02:14:49 All right, let me reiterate that.
02:14:52 But because they're black.
02:14:58 Just like, just like Corky.
02:15:01 Wasn't a scientist because he was ********.
02:15:06 Same thing, same ******* thing.
Speaker 6
02:15:10 Unequal educational outcomes for black children.
02:15:14 And major reason is that.
02:15:15 They are black.
02:15:17 Yes, again, you're right.
02:15:20 Not how you mean it, but you're right.
02:15:24 I notice how he said educational outcome, not educational opportunity, because he doesn't exist now.
02:15:30 Like you can't use the these excuses, you're running out of excuses.
02:15:38 The reason why there's education, different educational outcomes.
02:15:42 Is because they're black.
02:15:45 And they're competing against whites.
02:15:49 And Asians now.
02:15:56 They're not going to.
02:15:57 Yeah, you're not going to be able to compete with those groups in school.
02:16:01 I think obviously there's going to be outliers and individual cases and whatever, but.
02:16:08 In the macro, you're going to lose.
Speaker 6
02:16:10 Criminal black people.
02:16:13 A major reason for recidivism is because of limited opportunities to do something different.
02:16:20 And you know what?
02:16:21 I'm not even gonna **** on him and say, you know.
02:16:24 Ohh, it's cause of low impulse control of that plays a big role.
02:16:28 I would say you're kind of right.
02:16:33 But you're missing the point on this one too.
02:16:35 He's saying that blacks are more violent and commit more crime because they don't.
02:16:39 There's nothing else they can do.
02:16:42 Right.
02:16:44 There is nothing else you can do when you're competing against people that have way more capabilities than you than you have.
02:16:52 Like you're not going to be able to compete.
02:16:55 As a 7570 IQ black guy.
02:17:00 In America.
02:17:04 Well, even like Mexican immigrants, like those that black neighborhood, that's freaking out because of the 500 Mexicans going to their neighborhood.
02:17:13 You can't compete against them.
02:17:15 You can't compete against the whites.
02:17:17 Intellectually, you can't compete against the Asians or the Indians or any of the other groups.
02:17:23 A large scale right there might be.
02:17:26 Instances here and there.
02:17:29 But notice how there's a lot of Indian tech CEO's? There's not really any black tech CEOs.
02:17:41 That's not because white people prefer like a a light, a slightly lighter shade of brown.
02:17:50 With the religion they can't comprehend.
02:17:56 Slightly darker people who are usually Christian.
02:18:01 It's that the the slightly darker people who are usually Christian aren't capable of performing those jobs.
02:18:08 So when you're in an environment where you're not capable of competing for jobs, yeah.
02:18:12 What the **** are you going to do?
02:18:15 What are you going to do all day?
02:18:22 So yeah, I'll agree that that that absolutely influences.
02:18:27 That's all the more reason that's more more of the argument that perhaps you're on the wrong continent.
02:18:36 Maybe you should be competing with groups that you.
02:18:38 Can compete with.
02:18:41 Maybe you would have something to do.
02:18:45 If it was something you could.
02:18:48 Do if you were in a in a society where there are things you could do.
02:19:02 I know I've been maybe kind of a little bit mean about this **** tonight.
02:19:04 I just got so exasperating.
02:19:08 You want to be compassionate.
02:19:13 That's the most compassionate thing I can think of.
02:19:18 Get in where you fit in, in the words of a famous black guy.
02:19:23 They went by the name too short.
Speaker 6
02:19:37 And opportunities are limited.
02:19:39 Is that the criminal is black.
02:19:40 Ditto for higher rates of unemployment among blacks.
02:19:45 They're hard because the people without.
02:19:47 The jobs are black.
02:19:49 And the employees and the other workers prefer to work with white people.
02:19:55 Again, yes.
02:19:59 Absolutely, but why not?
02:20:01 Because of they look.
02:20:03 Brighter under fluorescent lighting.
02:20:15 Or he's almost done.
Speaker 6
02:20:17 Rather than black people.
02:20:21 Black people know these and other syllogisms very well.
02:20:27 As realities of their daily lives.
02:20:31 Because of these realities, race based anxiety is profound among black people, regardless of class.
02:20:39 Look, I'm not and I'm.
02:20:40 I'm not even going to **** on that.
02:20:41 That's again, I I can't.
02:20:44 I I I can totally I can.
02:20:46 I can sympathize with being in a society.
02:20:51 Where what are your options?
02:20:53 You better be really good at football or rapping.
02:20:58 You know that's.
02:21:00 That's pretty much it, right?
02:21:02 Like if if if you're not really good at like sports ball or rapping.
02:21:11 You know you can work at dairy.
02:21:12 Queen or something like that.
02:21:15 But not even then, because you know they're shipping.
02:21:17 All the Mexicans.
02:21:18 And the the Mexicans are gonna do a slightly better job than you.
02:21:24 So again, there, there, there is a solution to this problem. Just no one's, no everyone's afraid to talk about it.
Speaker 6
02:21:30 And live with it at home.
02:21:33 And when they navigate white spaces, it moves them.
02:21:38 And grows.
02:21:39 But as I said earlier, white people typically.
02:21:43 Avoid black space.
02:21:48 The black people must navigate the bike space.
02:21:49 We want to stay alive.
Speaker 6
02:21:51 As a condition of their existence.
02:21:54 Thank you.
02:21:56 So that's his argument.
02:21:57 That's his book.
02:21:58 We're not going to watch the rest of this stuff.
02:22:00 I want to show you this ******* goblin.
02:22:03 Not only we already seen this goblin, just.
02:22:04 I just want you to see the introduction of.
Speaker 8
02:22:06 This, this ******* other goblin, that one.
02:22:17 Ah, these are the.
02:22:18 These are the intellectual elites in.
02:22:20 The West right now.
02:22:24 Again, this is NYU and Yale.
02:22:29 This is what this is end of empire.
02:22:31 ****, these are the.
02:22:32 These are your intellectual superiors.
02:22:40 Good Lord.
02:22:44 All right, let's go to.
02:22:47 Let's go to hyper chats.
02:22:51 Ah, I'm going to get this ******* gobbling out the screen.
02:22:55 Actually, there was something else I was going to.
02:22:57 Let me see.
02:22:58 Oh, look, look at this.
02:23:00 See, I didn't even bother.
02:23:01 Watching this.
02:23:02 Long enough for this one to come on, so I don't know what that one's about.
02:23:06 Look at that book.
02:23:14 Good Lord.
02:23:17 Good ******* God.
02:23:19 You know what, you know?
02:23:21 Let's let's have something happy.
02:23:24 We're going to have something happy.
02:23:25 I'm going to play something happy for us.
02:23:28 Let me find some music to go with the happy thing cause the.
02:23:31 Happy thing doesn't have any audio to it.
02:23:34 We're going to do a little palette cleanser.
02:23:39 What's some good music here?
02:23:41 I don't know if I have any good music downloaded, but I'm going to look for it.
02:23:48 Should I play some black music?
02:23:49 No, I'm just kidding.
02:23:53 Let's do.
02:24:00 Yeah, this isn't really happy.
Speaker 8
02:24:01 Music. But I don't care.
02:24:03 In fact, I'm kind of I don't know what I'm going to get.
02:24:05 I just randomly picked.
02:24:07 A song from a soundtrack.
02:24:08 That I think many people will like.
02:24:13 This might be a odd juxtaposition that might do the opposite of what I was.
02:24:16 Trying to do, but that's not right.
02:24:20 Here's a little here's a little palette cleanser.
02:24:23 You guys ready?
02:24:28 Let's make this big.
02:24:32 Let's get.
02:24:32 Let's get that black professor out.
02:24:35 Let's get out of the black space.
02:24:36 Let's go back to our white space.
02:25:28 OK.
02:25:31 I feel calm.
Speaker 8
02:25:32 I feel better now.
02:25:37 OK.
02:25:40 All right.
02:25:42 Let's go to Hyper chats now.
02:25:49 Let's take a look here.
02:26:03 Oh, it's not working again.
02:26:07 Damn it, my TTS stuff never wants to work.
02:26:10 It works until I.
02:26:11 Go live.
02:26:12 Then magically it just stops working.
02:26:15 I'm not sure why that is.
02:26:18 Alright, whatever.
02:26:20 Uh Graham playing games, this was making the rounds on Twitter.
02:26:24 It is sad I.
02:26:25 Don't think many people are willing to fight and die of.
02:26:29 I think you mean for abstract concepts like freedom outside of freedom, meaning sovereignty for their respective kin and their own home.
02:26:39 Let's see what this is.
02:26:43 What do we got here?
Speaker 8
02:26:48 Ohh let me.
02:26:54 Let me.
02:26:58 Do a little thing I have to do every time for some reason because it won't.
02:27:01 It doesn't doesn't keep its thing.
02:27:06 There we go.
02:27:09 For those who are just listening, it says May 8th.
02:27:12 1945 in England.
02:27:16 And it's.
02:27:18 Bunch of indigenous white people from England there.
02:27:35 Ironically, they won't be right there waiting for you anymore.
02:27:55 Also, I I don't think they know what they're celebrating, really.
02:28:02 I know some people get mad at like World War 2, victory parade type stuff.
02:28:06 I don't you got to realize.
02:28:09 From their point of view, you know they were.
02:28:11 It was very nationalist indeed to celebrate this.
02:28:35 Yeah, grand playing games.
02:28:37 I don't think soldiers of any war like World War 2 would be willing to fight if by winning the war their nation would be ethnically dissolved in a few generations.
02:28:46 How many English or French soldiers would have fought seeing the potential result that is now how many fought for wishy washy?
02:28:56 Well, I think everyone that fights in a war fights for a wishy washy abstraction.
02:29:01 That's not even like a bad thing.
02:29:03 If you had to explain the complexities of every military conflict to everyone participating, it just wouldn't work.
02:29:10 You kind of have to get people that are there for wishy washy abstractions.
02:29:15 The that's not the problem.
02:29:17 The problem is the people were lying.
02:29:21 About those abstractions.
02:29:24 And so they fought for something.
02:29:26 That they, they they were lied about or, you know, lied to about they they fought for.
02:29:35 Honestly, quite the opposite of what they ended up receiving.
02:29:40 And then you continue. Oh, yes, if your question if you question any part of this story, your anti-Semitic, it totally doesn't conjure up silly 1930s rubber hose style animation in my mind totally credible source.
02:29:56 Oh, there's a story about Nazis using Jewish babies as footballs.
02:30:03 Alright, let's take.
02:30:04 Let's see what that looks like.
02:30:11 Nazi soldiers used Jewish infants for footballs.
02:30:15 Jewish Red Army man relates now that we know, we know it was true.
02:30:21 Here's the quote. Uh.
Speaker 19
02:30:23 Let me go away.
02:30:27 Otherwise they'd be hung from logs.
02:30:31 A few minutes after we had all assembled a group of German soldiers dressed in athletic athletic uniforms that they just all packed with them, I guess, entered the stadium.
02:30:39 The Germans snatched the infants from their mothers, armed arms and mother's arms and used them for balls bouncing and kicking.
02:30:48 Literal bouncing babies, huh?
02:30:50 Not seeing kicking them around the arena in.
02:30:55 In the short time the ground was drenched with blood and the stadium was filled with anguish, cries of the women whose children were being murdered before their eyes.
02:31:05 I succeeded in escaping that same night.
02:31:07 Of course he did.
02:31:10 And reached the Red Army lines in August.
02:31:12 I learned, however, that many of the Jews who had been forced to witness the massacre became insane, while others died of fright.
02:31:21 There you go.
02:31:22 That sounds totally legit.
02:31:28 Angry Viking.
02:31:36 Angry Viking. Good evening, Sir. I hope you are well. This website came to my attention. I believe what they profess, Google sold its algorithms to China in 2015 to develop the social credit system. And it will soon be deployed worldwide as CS QR-SM.
02:31:56 Please everyone follow this link read aloud CBD C intel.org. Well, I don't know what that is, but.
02:32:12 I don't know if there's any.
02:32:16 I'm looking for a mainstream not that like that matters, but I'm looking for a.
02:32:24 I don't see anything that's talking about it really.
02:32:27 I don't know.
02:32:28 I mean, look, Google did go to China early on.
02:32:32 And did.
02:32:34 Sell a lot of technology to them.
02:32:35 I'm sure that they were instrumental in in creating tools that were incorporated with their social credit system, and I'm sure some kind of version of that will be deployed here and all you have to do.
02:32:46 Yeah, I mean, look, I don't know the specifics of what these guys are talking about are true, but the the X heads of Google.
02:32:55 Have have said in now release documents that they want to deploy those kinds of systems in America.
02:33:05 I covered this.
02:33:07 I think Whitney Webb.
02:33:08 Webb released a couple of PowerPoints that were.
02:33:13 Partially redacted that that showed a lot of Silicon Valley people promoting presenting these ideas to government officials in the United States, and the advantages to having this stuff.
02:33:27 I've covered this like I don't know, a year ago or something like that.
02:33:30 And yeah, I suspect that's coming. That'll that'll be rolled out along with digital money. That's all the more reason you want to get out of the cities and try to at least attempt to be as self-sufficient as you possibly can.
02:33:44 And start building your own little communities.
02:33:48 Until we can figure this thing out.
02:33:52 Zazi mattas bot.
02:33:53 Thanks for your work.
02:33:54 Last stream.
02:33:55 You seem to bamboozled by all the links.
02:33:56 I personally will keep it to one link leak week.
02:34:00 No more than three hyper chats per stream.
02:34:02 I know they are an important part of the show and the money is appreciated.
02:34:06 But I can, I can imagine it can be tiresome.
02:34:09 Well, it's just like a lot.
02:34:10 Of it's just when it's.
02:34:11 Links from like all over the place, you know, and it's just.
02:34:14 Like it?
02:34:15 You know, I try to have like, a theme.
02:34:18 For the show and it's it's I'm flying blind when I get some of these links, you know it's like.
02:34:22 Oh, what is this going to be?
02:34:25 Some of them are great, you know, but some of them are like, you know, about this.
02:34:30 Yeah, and yeah, look, I don't want to discourage you guys from from your your participation, but yeah, just, you know.
Speaker 8
02:34:42 Just not every little link.
02:34:44 That you want to send with with no context.
02:34:47 That's the thing having the context.
02:34:49 When I, when I when it's just a link and I don't know what I'm clicking on and that's when it gets a little.
02:34:54 Unnerving, I guess. Tipsy mcstay. Agger. T&D.
02:34:59 I don't know what T&D is supposed to mean TND.
02:35:02 Is that something I should know?
02:35:03 I feel like maybe it is a little under the weather this week.
02:35:08 No, or actually just mostly the last 48 hours. I'm starting to like I got like a little bit of a.
02:35:14 Little I have a low grade fever right now.
02:35:17 I think I think it's allergies.
02:35:20 Because we we're getting a lot of a lot of pollen in the air and I've been in and out of beehives and stuff.
02:35:26 UM.
02:35:30 I don't know how to say this.
02:35:31 One, I'm going to guess it means one boy, Rhode Island, almost.
02:35:37 I don't know, or at Nebraska?
02:35:40 Goy Rhode Island.
02:35:42 I was hoping for who wants to be a millionaire? Cheong edition. His give send go is really blowing up. Who's cheong?
02:35:59 I don't know what that is.
02:36:05 And then it's just a.
02:36:06 Blue blue bar.
02:36:10 If you meant to say something there.
02:36:12 It's just a blue bar on my screen.
02:36:15 So I don't know even how you did that.
02:36:18 And then Ohio again.
02:36:38 I got to change these.
02:36:42 If whites were to consolidate into several states, how many states do you think we could control through a racial majority?
02:36:51 I mean, honestly.
02:36:52 A lot of them.
02:36:53 I mean it.
02:36:54 It's really just the urban areas.
02:36:57 It's that's really what it is.
02:36:59 We basically do control.
02:37:03 For the most part, I mean, there's probably some exceptions, but generally speaking, in America we already control all the rural areas and that's a big chunk of of the United States.
02:37:15 People that are from European countries, I don't think they quite understand how big the United States is and how concentrated the population is.
02:37:25 And just to in really just a few places.
02:37:28 And like just, you know, let let's look at Nevada as an example because it's huge, right?
02:37:34 Nevada has got, like, what Las Vegas?
02:37:40 You know there's other city like Laughlin, I guess and.
02:37:44 I'm sure like there's some other like kind of cities.
02:37:48 But I mean, if if you were to get rid.
02:37:49 Of Las Vegas.
02:37:51 It would already be controlled by white people, right?
02:37:55 It even if you kept Laughlin, it would still be controlled by white people.
02:38:00 If you were to do the same thing with.
02:38:03 I mean, honestly, even I think on the East Coast, if you were to get some of these states like.
02:38:08 Even like New York.
02:38:10 If you were to just get rid of the urban areas in New York, all of rural like upstate New York, that's all white people.
02:38:17 Pennsylvania, same thing, right?
02:38:20 Like a lot of these, a lot of these states that are very, very blue are only very, very blue.
02:38:26 Because of this real densely populated.
02:38:30 City that that overshadows the rest of the state.
02:38:35 So I I I mean.
02:38:38 That's the problem.
02:38:40 The problem is that.
02:38:44 They they've.
02:38:45 They've flooded all the cities like there's no.
02:38:48 In fact, I can't even think of like, what would be the White City.
02:38:52 It doesn't even exist.
02:38:54 And if it did, it wouldn't for long, right?
02:38:56 Because of what even this guy was admitting happened, all the blacks would move to.
02:39:01 That city and look, the federal government would start shipping people that come across the border to that city on purpose.
02:39:07 They've already they've already done.
02:39:08 They're doing it in Maine and.
02:39:11 Because man's very white.
02:39:14 And so is New Hampshire.
02:39:17 They're shipping like people that crossed the the the southern border.
02:39:21 They're shipping them thousands of miles to these white states.
02:39:26 And and those, those people they shipped to the white states, they're not going to just.
02:39:33 Be they're not, they're going to go straight to the cities, you know they're going to, they're going to go straight to the cities.
02:39:38 So that's the problem.
02:39:40 What's the solution to that?
02:39:42 Uh, it's not political, I don't think.
02:39:49 Jay Ray, 1981.
02:39:57 Don't know if you watched the town hall, but the kite ***** interviewing, by the way, I wanted to tell you guys a lot of people don't.
02:40:03 Know what?
02:40:03 What where kite comes from.
02:40:06 Like obviously derogatory term talking about Jews, but the if you think about it, it's really not.
02:40:12 If you think of the origin of the word.
02:40:15 It it's really more a representation of how much Jews dislike Christians.
02:40:22 Because the way where that word can.
02:40:24 Come from.
02:40:25 Was when Jews would come to America via Ellis Island.
02:40:30 And you had to fill out the paperwork.
02:40:35 And in the paperwork, they would tell them, you know, just mark an X for the box.
02:40:42 You know that describe, you know, it was like multiple choice things, right, where you just X, the one that applies or and and many times like a lot of these people did not know they couldn't sign their.
02:40:51 Name so they would just say sign it with an.
02:40:53 X and Jews hate Christianity so much.
02:40:58 They thought an X looked too much like a cross.
02:41:02 This is real.
02:41:03 This is all real.
02:41:05 And so they wouldn't.
02:41:06 They refused to do an X and instead would draw circles.
02:41:12 And a circle.
02:41:14 In Yiddish is kikel.
02:41:18 And so it was shortened the cake and that's just what they meant was, oh, those are the people that draw circles instead of.
02:41:26 Exes because they hate the cross.
02:41:28 A little fun fact there a lot of people might.
02:41:30 No. Interviewing, debating Trump, browbeating him for only having 52 miles of wall built? Let that funking ******* sink in. **** them all.
02:41:41 In the pit?
02:41:43 Well, I didn't watch it.
02:41:45 I know what you're talking about, but I didn't watch it.
02:41:47 Just cuz I don't ******* I I know what?
02:41:49 To expect from Trump and I just simply don't care anymore, you know?
02:41:55 I just.
02:41:56 I just.
02:41:57 I knew what it would be if they're going to have him on CNN, it was going to be.
02:42:01 Another kind of like.
02:42:04 You know Trump owning the libs.
02:42:06 Stupid ****.
02:42:07 I'm just done with it, you know, maybe I should have watched it.
02:42:10 I don't know, just to be.
02:42:11 In on whatever, but I just.
02:42:14 I'm just.
02:42:15 I'm bored of Trump.
02:42:20 You know, I'm just bored of it.
02:42:21 I've seen.
02:42:22 Plus it's like it's like his rallies.
02:42:24 Once you've seen one.
02:42:26 And this was true during 2000. It's not like a new thing. Once you watched one rally, if you watched the next rally in the next city, it was word for word almost the same thing.
02:42:37 And in in fact, the debates became very much like that too.
02:42:41 I mean, he would have zingers, maybe for specific people and make up names or whatever.
02:42:46 But there was it.
02:42:47 It's a lot of repetition, like comedians, right?
02:42:50 If you look up comedy like I remember one time I was looking up Norm MacDonald trying to find some of his stand up and it's true of him.
02:42:59 Even though he was one of the the the the best stand ups ever, it's true of all stand ups.
02:43:05 Once they get a routine, they work.
02:43:06 While they they'll work on a routine, right?
02:43:08 So it might shift.
02:43:10 Around and evolve and and kind of until they find like they they know how to tell the jokes to get the laughs where they want them and they know what works and what doesn't work and they'll refine it and and then they'll do their big special, you know, like on Netflix or whatever.
02:43:26 But if you go and find like, the footage of them doing different.
02:43:30 Clubs around the country.
02:43:32 It's basically the same.
02:43:35 The same show over and over and over and over again.
02:43:38 There's little again slight variations, but it's pretty much the same, and that's how Trump is, is he's just doing a routine every time, and once you've seen his routine, it's like, OK, I I get it now.
02:43:51 I don't want to see the same ******* jokes over and over and over again.
02:43:57 Ryan is cool, has a the give send go link for Daniel Penny which is the Marine that choked out the crazy black guy on the subway.
02:44:09 So that's all in the hyper chats.
02:44:11 If you guys want to.
02:44:12 Go to that.
02:44:12 It's give send go.com/daniel.
02:44:16 Under score. Penny surprised they haven't taken that down. He turned himself in, I think today.
02:44:22 And hopefully we'll get enough money for his legal counsel.
02:44:26 But I'm, you know, look, it's just we're at a point now.
02:44:29 This is why it matters.
02:44:30 This is why having This is why when that black guy was complaining about, oh, whites are acting like, you know, they're losing out by giving black people, well, we are, and this is a perfect case study.
02:44:42 That this is in in a white controlled country, he would never have been arrested.
02:44:50 He would have been given a ******* medal.
02:44:53 And this is what happens when you lose political power.
02:44:56 You start getting arrested for doing the right thing.
02:45:02 Because again, we're we're not, we don't have different ways of getting to the same destination.
02:45:07 Right.
02:45:08 A lot of people might look at this situation and be like, well, why you?
02:45:11 Know. So he used force maybe in a way that a black person wouldn't, but we all want people to be safe, right? We all want these criminals that now this guy was arrested 44 times. He.
02:45:22 A danger and and maybe he was a little upset.
02:45:25 I don't think so.
02:45:26 But maybe, you know, you could say he was a little excessive or whatever.
02:45:29 But you know the outcome was that everyone was safe and the bad guy died, so everyone should be happy, right?
02:45:37 We don't want the same things.
02:45:41 They have ethnic interests.
02:45:44 And that includes defending every black, no matter how ridiculously guilty they are, and demonizing every white, no matter how heroic they are.
02:45:57 Linus the bannerless.
02:46:08 A few streams ago, 2 listeners mentioned a few things.
02:46:11 The first was about the pit being biblical.
02:46:14 The pit is mentioned several times in revelations.
02:46:17 See look at that Revelations 9, one verse one and two nine verse 11.
02:46:25 And I'm guessing Chapter 11, verse seven, chapter 20, verse one through 3.
02:46:32 The other listener mentioned a home school site where your material is featured.
02:46:38 Well, that's kind of interesting.
02:46:40 It's school of the West dot world.
02:46:45 WWB, let me look, let me pop this up.
02:46:53 Well load.
02:46:54 I don't know if it'll load.
02:46:59 Well, that's pretty cool.
02:47:05 That's pretty cool.
02:47:08 Yeah, this is the kind of stuff we need to be putting together.
02:47:14 This is important.
02:47:16 It really is.
02:47:19 The biggest advantage you can give your children is not forcing them to to be in a position like you were, where you're having to unlearn decades of garbage.
02:47:30 In order to figure out what the hell is going on.
02:47:34 And just starting them out with the the real knowledge from the beginning.
02:47:41 So that's pretty cool.
02:47:42 My fat little ******** toe.
02:47:45 Thanks for everything you do, Devin.
02:47:46 Also, since my based mother is going to catch the replay tomorrow, gotta tell her Happy Mother's Day.
02:47:51 Love you, mom.
02:47:53 Well, there you go and that's well, it's technically now.
02:47:56 It's Mother's Day.
02:47:58 That's a good reminder for all of us to make sure that you give your mom a phone call.
02:48:03 And tell her.
02:48:06 That it's the Jews.
02:48:11 Now give your give your give your mom a call today.
02:48:15 So hello fat, little ******** toe or fat little big toe.
02:48:20 I don't want to call your mom fat.
02:48:21 How about just big toe, miss big toe out there?
02:48:27 Ryan is cool. Hey, Devin, if that link didn't work, it's on American krogan's telegram. I looked into it and realized that Penny was one of the guys in my unit in the Marines.
02:48:37 He was a great guy, would never have hurt someone that didn't deserve it.
02:48:41 We need to support him.
02:48:43 He is a better man than most of us.
02:48:44 Well, there you go.
02:48:45 I'll share it on my telegram.
02:48:47 As well.
02:48:48 In fact, I'll do that right now.
02:48:50 You said it was on who shared it.
02:48:53 Marian krogan.
02:48:55 And I think I.
02:48:56 Have him on my telegram.
02:48:57 Let me see.
02:49:00 Maybe I don't for some reason.
02:49:08 I might not let me take a look.
02:49:12 Oh, no, I yes, I do.
02:49:14 I just.
02:49:15 ******* hate telegram.
02:49:16 Sometimes I want.
02:49:17 I'm just.
02:49:17 Gonna look it up here.
02:49:27 I guess I'm not for some reason.
02:49:28 All right, there we go.
02:49:32 Let's see.
02:49:33 Where is it?
02:49:33 Where is it?
02:49:34 Where is it?
02:49:34 There we are.
02:49:35 Alright, I'll share that on my telegram too.
Speaker 8
02:49:43 OK.
02:49:47 It has been shared.
02:49:50 Ah, let's see here.
02:49:52 Damn Bigfoot.
02:49:54 Elon was so autistic and poor that his family needed two people to close the safe, and his allowance was the bills that wouldn't fit.
02:50:04 See, this is what I'm talking about.
02:50:06 He he's.
02:50:06 He was poo mouthing.
02:50:08 This is from Business Insider.
02:50:11 Let's pull this U.
02:50:15 Like I said, as soon as I because people were telling me like, oh, look, you said he was poor.
02:50:19 I was like, that's.
02:50:21 Nothing I read said anything like that, and there we go. So this is from 2018. We had so much money, we couldn't even close our safe. Elon Musk's dad tells Bi about the family's insanely casual attitude to wealth.
02:50:35 See elonis. Excuse is. Oh, my dad's a big fat liar.
02:50:39 And maybe he is.
02:50:40 It just seems like.
02:50:42 There's a lot of interviews with him lying about how rich they are like.
02:50:47 So I mean, I don't know.
02:50:50 Yeah, there we go.
02:50:50 Teenage Elon Musk once walks the street, walked the streets of New York with emeralds in his pocket.
02:50:56 You know, he told like one of the story.
02:50:58 Like the first story that came up when I looked.
02:50:59 For it he he was talking about how he stuffed.
02:51:02 Elon's closed with emeralds. They were smuggling into the country.
02:51:08 Yeah, see.
02:51:10 So maybe his dad's, like, making all this **** up, but it just seems like a weird flex.
02:51:18 And you know, if his dad's a pathological liar, why why wouldn't we maybe assume that his son would be much different?
02:51:25 Angry Viking Elon is not a centrist.
02:51:28 He touted the all seeing eye at his dinner on his, on his dinner.
02:51:32 Jacket and is central only in his role developing AI, selling technocracy and transhumanism as the grand sci-fi future to pearls.
02:51:42 Well, I'll tell.
02:51:42 You what?
02:51:44 I'm usually not one of these people that cares about symbolism and stuff like that.
02:51:51 I've talked about how Elona mom was a a Jewish model.
02:51:56 At least you know ChatGPT claimed she was Jewish.
02:51:59 And I believe that she has said in.
02:52:01 Interviews that she was Jewish.
02:52:04 Or and has complained that she couldn't get jobs as a Jew in modeling.
02:52:09 But either way, this is his mom.
02:52:13 Let me hide this here.
02:52:15 Where's that?
02:52:17 That's Elona mom.
02:52:27 You know, whatever. Totally normal.
02:52:33 OK, Goy boy 1488. My brothers and dad tell me I'm wrong for wanting America to be for whites and tell me that kicking people out would mean less sharing the gospel. They sell out the future of white kids at the price of not feeling mean.
02:52:50 Yeah, and that is a look there.
02:52:52 There are some Christians that have that.
02:52:55 Aspect to their their worldview that makes it nearly impossible for us to succeed, and that's why I think there are so many people who who feel motivated to try to remove the Christian aspect to Western whites.
02:53:15 And I just think it's a a fool's errand. It's it's pouring the baby or the baby out with the bath water and rather what they should be doing is because, look, it's not like.
02:53:27 100 years ago, when whites white Europeans were very ethnocentric, they weren't. It's not like they weren't Christian.
02:53:34 Then they were.
02:53:37 Now they did do a lot of stupid **** because of it.
02:53:39 You could say maybe some of this colonialism stuff you know was motivated by trying to civilize the savage and convert them to Christianity and whatever, but.
02:53:49 I don't know.
02:53:49 I think that that's just part of white nature.
02:53:52 You know, I don't I I think that it just it, it manifested in a Christian way because it would I think it would have manifested if we had been some other religion, it would have manifested through that religion.
02:54:06 But in in a very similar way.
02:54:09 But yeah, that's going to be a problem.
02:54:12 And I don't know the answer.
02:54:13 Do it.
02:54:14 Damn Bigfoot.
02:54:15 I wonder how many Tesla drivers get accosted by diversity in these gas station parking lots.
02:54:21 While spending hours charging to go 4 miles, Elon won't talk about that well.
02:54:27 I think one thing that people should be more worried about.
02:54:31 Is the people that that, that are being accosted by.
02:54:36 Well, I guess it's I I don't know why I read that as as Uber drivers, I thought you meant Uber drivers, but you said Tesla Drive.
02:54:43 But, well, I'll tell you what they're all going to, you know, Uber or not, they're all going to be electric cars at some point, and I'm more worried about the drivers themselves doing the accosting.
02:54:53 I'm I'm sure a lot of people have seen the video of that Uber driver that was trying to rape the the blonde chick, right?
02:55:02 In fact, I'll just.
02:55:04 I'm just going to look up Uber driver rape.
02:55:08 On Twitter, no, it won't.
02:55:09 Let me search on Twitter unless I'm logged in.
02:55:12 Never mind.
02:55:12 Everyone's seen that and there's lots of stories about that.
02:55:18 Yeah, the charging thing is going to be something they're gonna have to.
02:55:21 Figure out look.
02:55:22 There's no getting away from it.
02:55:23 That's going to be the direction we go in.
02:55:25 We can fight it tooth and nail, but.
02:55:28 Eventually, and look there's advantages to having electric vehicles.
02:55:31 It's much easier to produce your own electricity than from a homestead than it is to produce your own gasoline.
02:55:37 You can make diesel and and whatever, but you know you can easily make electricity with solar and other means hydroelectric.
02:55:45 A lot of that stuff is real easy old school like.
02:55:47 Ancient technology at this point.
02:55:50 That I think that one thing that might will most likely happen is we'll hopefully develop some kind of capacitors or something that you can charge almost instantly.
02:56:00 And it doesn't rely on some of these rare earth metals and stuff like that to to make weird batteries.
02:56:07 And look, that technology is always always changing.
02:56:11 So hopefully look on the bright side, you won't have to worry about electric cars until.
02:56:17 They can effectively do that.
02:56:19 Because it's too much of A, it's too much of an inconvenience in the same way that I said you wouldn't have to worry about like, the metaverse until they could make it to where you didn't have to wear the 3D dog.
02:56:31 You're not going to worry about electric cars being forced upon people until they can solve the the charging thing, and even if once they solve that, they're going to build the infrastructure for that cause there's gas stations all over the place, but there's not charging stations everywhere.
02:56:46 Jay Ray 1981, can you post the link on Twitter or Gab for the anti VAX montage please?
02:56:54 Yeah, that's.
02:56:54 I mean it's on Twitter, Elon Musk replied to it.
02:56:57 I I.
02:57:01 You can just go to Elon's Twitter and look at his replies.
02:57:06 And you'll find it there.
02:57:08 It it was, it was right before I went on that he it was literally like maybe a couple hours ago, he he replied to that with oh COVID culture.
02:57:21 They call me Mr. Nick.
02:57:24 Never make it to a live show because I'm usually sleeping.
02:57:28 Elon Musk is a kite, his biography I read by Ashley Vance.
02:57:31 He's deceptive.
02:57:32 No surprise, no mention of wealth or Jewish ancestry.
02:57:36 He may also be watching your stream.
02:57:39 Why do I don't?
02:57:40 I don't think he's.
02:57:40 Watching my stream but.
02:57:43 Let's see what let's see.
02:57:45 You're saying about that?
02:57:53 That's kind of funny, but I don't think he's.
02:57:55 I guess it's not on.
02:57:56 The screen let me pop it up.
02:57:59 I don't.
02:58:00 I don't think he's watching it.
02:58:01 But what's he replying that to?
02:58:08 So someone saying boys must be taken from their parents at age 7 and enrolled into the military or else or all else is folly.
02:58:16 And he's doing kicking him in the pit.
02:58:20 Yeah, I mean, I.
02:58:21 I I don't think he's watching the stream, but that is kind of funny.
02:58:27 Uh, let's take a look here, although I am on his Internet, so who knows, right?
02:58:33 Damn Bigfoot all our lives we have seen constant nigirizushi in of music. With these collabs, Aerosmith, run DMC, Lincoln Park, Jay-Z, Billy Ray Cyrus, Lil Nas, now Wiggers listened to mumble rap and there is no need for a collab. It is well, I mean that's The thing is.
02:58:52 Is White Christians or even just white people haven't been in control of record labels?
02:59:04 You go back.
02:59:05 I've got an old wind up record player like the really old timey ones that have, like, the the disposable needles that you're only supposed to use like one one per record, because it'll start getting dull after that.
02:59:20 And I've got some, really, like the first records.
02:59:24 Like the the lacquer records, they're not even vinyl.
02:59:27 As before, vinyl was invented.
02:59:28 They're real brittle.
02:59:29 They shatter real easily.
02:59:31 They they only can hold one song per side and you look at the people that produce those records.
02:59:38 And again, these are the first records.
02:59:40 And it's Jews.
02:59:42 In fact, the history of my record player when I got it from the this guy at it was just some guy in the desert selling.
02:59:50 Out of his house for cheap and I was like, oh, sweet and.
02:59:55 He said it was it was taken out of a a Jewish guys basement and he had owned a record or not company record store and it was just in his basement, like on the East Coast somewhere and he bought it, you know, like in the 70s or something.
03:00:09 And then he just had it in storage the whole time.
03:00:13 So it's Jews have run the whole.
03:00:16 Music industry just as thoroughly as they've run the the film industry, and I don't know.
03:00:23 I don't know if that's just because of their ability to set up distribution networks and keeping them, you know, through nepotism, keeping white people out of that game.
03:00:34 I I would assume that has a big part of.
03:00:38 Or if just white people don't seem to have.
03:00:41 The interest in doing that, I don't, you know, I don't know.
03:00:45 I don't know the.
03:00:46 I don't know why it ended up that way, but that is definitely the way that's that's certainly played the biggest role.
03:00:51 In fact, when I was talking about doing a stream on The Fresh Prince of Bel Air, which I'm going to do.
03:01:00 Yeah, the producers, the creator of the show, the people writing the episodes, all Jews there was like there was like a token black guy as a producer.
03:01:10 And that was it.
03:01:12 He was like.
03:01:12 One of eight producers, the other seven were Jews.
03:01:18 That's who defined.
03:01:19 That's who has defined American culture for the last 100 years.
03:01:26 Frederick Fredericus Rex. Hey, big D. Thanks for the birthday stream and watching you since 2018. What they don't tell you about money was the 1st and been watching the pill stream since it started.
03:01:39 The platform jumps too well.
03:01:40 Appreciate you following me around there.
03:01:42 Thanks for getting me into messing with electronics and radios.
03:01:46 Keep it.
03:01:46 Up and stay safe out there.
03:01:48 Yeah, definitely.
03:01:50 I haven't had as much time to to fix radios lately, but yeah, I still get on on and listen to shortwave and stuff like that.
03:02:00 Most most not most nights.
03:02:02 But like most weeks, I.
03:02:04 I play radio a little bit, but I've got like a 1/2 finished radio project that's been on my bench for like.
03:02:09 Two months now so.
03:02:11 I'm gonna get that.
03:02:12 That all straightened out.
03:02:16 Thanks for thanks for joining us here tonight.
03:02:19 No chance this series is on blacks and whites fighting the common enemy.
03:02:24 UM.
03:02:27 And then it's an odyssey link.
03:02:30 OK, I'll check that out.
03:02:32 I mean, look.
03:02:34 I'm not saying.
03:02:37 That we shouldn't be open to having some allies.
03:02:41 What I am saying is, if you're going to be.
03:02:45 Creating an infrastructure for the future where people are organized and politically and otherwise in order to promote the interests of white people, that you shouldn't have non whites.
03:03:02 Running the show, you shouldn't have gay Jews in charge of stuff, and you shouldn't have non whites in charge of stuff doesn't mean you can't reach across, you know the the I don't not not the aisle, but you know, I mean it doesn't mean that you can't reach out to other groups that maybe the enemy of my enemy is my friend in some ways.
03:03:24 Yeah, I mean.
03:03:25 I'm open to see what these guys are about.
03:03:27 It's just.
03:03:28 I I'm always very, very hesitant.
03:03:34 To try to embrace non whites when it comes to serving the interests of my people.
03:03:41 Archaic ways where exactly is your merch?
03:03:44 There may be an error on my end, but I checked your gab, Twitter, subscribe star and YouTube channel and there there are bio or pen links.
03:03:53 Telegram has a link to your website.
03:03:55 It's dead.
03:03:55 And no longer access your website at all.
03:03:59 Yeah, the websites gone it look at, if you look in the description of this stream on Odyssey, so we're on bit shoot if you're listening to the replay.
03:04:10 It's in the description of every stream on bit shoot in Odyssey there.
03:04:18 Theist .7 of this document looks like the pit. Do you agree? Maybe you could sign off on this form of Christian nationalism.
Speaker 8
03:04:29 Well, I don't know.
03:04:30 Let me see.
03:04:33 .7 my.
03:04:33 Fat little ******** toe for 1488.
03:04:40 OK, you had the time set up here.
03:04:42 All right, here we go.
03:04:44 I don't know what this is.
03:04:44 Who is this?
03:04:46 Right response ministries.
Speaker 15
03:04:49 #7.
03:04:50 The duty of civil authorities. We affirm that God has armed civil magistrates with the sword of justice to promote citizens welfare without partiality, #1 by righting and enforcing just laws. As God defines justice which are a terror to those who do evil, as God defines evil.
03:05:11 Do by defending and approving those who do good, as God defines good and #3 by avenging victims of crimes with proportional punishments for evil doers. Eye for.
03:05:23 An eye tooth for a.
03:05:24 Tooth life for a life.
03:05:27 We affirm that civil authorities must ensure that the Church shall enjoy the full, free and unquestioned liberty of discharging.
03:05:36 Every part of their sacred functions, without violence or danger, the civil authorities must discharge this duty without showing favoritism to or biased against any Christian, any particular Christian denomination for their historic beliefs and teachings.
03:05:52 This includes, but is not limited to, their teachings and beliefs.
03:05:56 Concerning the immutability of biological sex, the Union of marriage as existing solely between one man.
03:06:03 This sounds this sounds very complicated.
Speaker 15
03:06:03 And one woman.
03:06:07 This is very this is very.
03:06:10 Lawyer ease.
03:06:12 I'd have to.
03:06:12 I'd have to look at that.
03:06:13 It's it's not a.
03:06:16 I'd like a quick like rundown version of that I mean.
03:06:21 Not that it's not worth checking out.
03:06:23 I'm just.
03:06:23 Saying it's.
03:06:26 Maybe it's just too late in the night for me to to pick up what we look at the first couple little bits here.
03:06:31 What is he saying?
03:06:33 Now come on back it up a little bit.
03:06:35 Come on.
03:06:35 There we go.
03:06:37 And we affirm that God has armed civil magistrates with the sword of justice to promote citizens welfare with that particular writing.
03:06:46 I don't know that the way that's worded seems weird to me because it says we affirm God as armed civil magistrates with the sort of justice.
03:06:53 Well, I don't understand what that even means.
03:06:55 Like God is armed.
03:06:57 Civil magistrates.
03:06:58 Who's who's who are the civil magistrates.
03:07:00 You know what I mean?
03:07:04 I I think I'd have to see this in context.
03:07:07 I can't just look at number 7 and I don't know where he's, you know.
03:07:11 How he start if he defines what that means in the beginning or not, but I'll I'll take a look at that.
03:07:21 Archaic ways typo, I meant to say there are no bio or pen links.
03:07:26 No, it's there there.
03:07:28 There should be in the description of the string.
03:07:30 At the very, very bottom, it's at the very, very, very.
03:07:33 Bottom of the description.
03:07:36 My cute little friend, our colt is black pilled.
03:07:39 Our Pathfinder is Devin Stack and we should name ourselves the baby boomers.
03:07:46 Oh, I don't know about that.
03:07:47 I'm not a doomer.
03:07:48 I'm not all doom and gloom, and we don't want a cult.
03:07:51 I don't think we want a cult.
03:07:53 But uh.
03:07:55 I'm flattered all the same.
03:07:59 I don't want a cult, though.
03:08:00 I don't want a cult.
03:08:03 By the way, Trump finally had the balls to mention Ashley Babbitt.
03:08:06 He mentioned her before.
03:08:08 It's not the if he if he mentioned her in the the CNN thing that I didn't watch.
03:08:13 He's mentioned her before.
03:08:14 After a lot of pressure he mentioned her.
03:08:19 I don't know.
03:08:19 I wanna say, like, six months after it mattered.
03:08:25 It doesn't matter though, it doesn't matter now.
03:08:28 It's real easy.
03:08:28 I heard that.
03:08:29 He also said that if he was elected, he would he.
03:08:31 Would part of the January 6th people, well, he should have done that when.
03:08:35 He could have done that.
03:08:38 So talk is cheap.
03:08:42 Rooster Quick video only need to see the intro and hear the kid talk.
03:08:46 No white would ever get what he's getting.
03:08:49 Thanks for everything.
03:08:50 No, I stay with this.
03:08:51 Let's see what this is.
Speaker 21
03:08:57 The Louisiana teen is making history after being awarded more than $10 million in scholarships. Malik Barnes is also accepted to 186 colleges and get this, he's only 16 years old and Malik is here now to help us all feel like slackers and tell us how he did it. Malik, it's so nice to talk to you. Huge congratulations.
03:09:18 I know you worked so hard for this, So what motivated you here not only to be a straight A student, but then to also apply to 200 schools?
03:09:26 I just hear him talk.
Speaker 22
03:09:28 As far as my motivation, you know, so just being straight is doing a a a scholar, you know.
03:09:35 I would just say that I might have long term goal.
03:09:37 He's a scholar.
Speaker 3
03:09:44 Ohh boy.
03:09:47 I I can tell you right now just based on how he talks.
03:09:53 Yeah, there's there's definitely some some affirmative action going on there.
03:09:58 But yeah, point taken.
03:10:01 Zazzy Mattas bought last week.
03:10:03 I think I made my mom cry because we were talking about.
03:10:08 We were talking about where or where.
03:10:12 Or I'm sorry.
03:10:14 My eyes are getting old talking about where white people are going to go.
03:10:18 She thinks that she can just go to Switzerland.
03:10:22 I broke it to her that there ain't no way she's getting in.
03:10:25 She has no clue how many intruders are coming.
03:10:28 I tell I tell her a school district a week.
03:10:32 Well, actually it's more than that right now.
03:10:36 It's like a metropolitan area a week right now.
03:10:43 Quite literally, it's like hundreds of thousands.
03:10:45 Right now.
03:10:48 And we don't even know how many are are there. They've been that that 7. Or maybe they're saying 11,000,000 that they've been saying that since like.
03:10:56 For like at.
03:10:56 Least 20 years they've been saying 11,000,000.
03:11:00 And it's not like the and look and all those people had, or a lot of those people had kids. So maybe even if it was still 11,000,000. Now we have all their children are now citizens.
03:11:18 African American bees can be annoying.
03:11:21 Yes, they can, and deadly.
03:11:23 Like I said, it's the first time I've thought to myself.
03:11:26 I I might euthanize an entire hive like I'm I might not even bother with with trying to find the queen.
03:11:32 This is this is going to be nerdy bee talk for.
03:11:34 2nd but the thing that sucks like it's already like with with regular bees, with European bees, it's not the easiest thing to go through a hive and find the queen because she looks different than the rest, but not like super different.
03:11:47 And there's like 50,000 bees in there, so it's like you're trying. You're looking for, like, it's like where's Waldo? Only, like, way harder.
03:11:55 With with an Africanized hive, even the ones that aren't like super crazy, you open up that hive looking for the queen and and look if you're looking for the Queen and Africanized hive, they probably are super crazy.
03:12:05 That's why you're looking for is in killer.
03:12:07 And not only are you getting attacked by hundreds if not thousands of bees while you're trying to find this one that looks slightly different.
03:12:17 They don't stay on the frames like the the European bees will just, even if you're getting like you have a mean hive.
03:12:23 That's kind.
03:12:24 Of attacking you while you're going through it.
03:12:27 The the other bees are chilling.
03:12:28 They're doing their thing.
03:12:29 They're like hanging out on on the frames, doing their bee stuff.
03:12:32 So you can just go frame by frame and find the 10. Here she is. You know, even if it's annoying, you're getting attacked.
03:12:37 The Africanized ones, as you're trying to go through the hive, they're like crawling out-of-the-box, crawling on the on the walls of the hive.
03:12:45 And they're just, they just start acting crazy as soon as you open the hive.
03:12:48 Up so.
03:12:50 It's super annoying, so I'm probably just going to wipe that one out.
03:12:52 I think I'm.
03:12:53 I'm going to go out on Monday and if they haven't calmed down, I'm just gonna *******.
03:12:58 Kill them.
03:12:59 And take all their ****, damn Bigfoot.
03:13:02 And I vividly remember back in middle school, I had biology class.
03:13:05 The next period, a social studies class.
03:13:08 Very contradictory information.
03:13:10 We would analyze subtle differences of pictures of birds like Darwin, but 30 minutes later we are.
03:13:16 All equal going.
03:13:17 Exactly. Exactly.
03:13:20 It's it's going to be harder and harder for them to hang on to.
03:13:23 That, though, as more of this this data comes in.
03:13:27 The pill dispenser.
03:13:42 I had an issue with my wife about the baby crib.
03:13:45 Our second child is learning to walk and he started to or he started to climb out of this on wait, climb on the slab.
03:13:55 She said it's dangerous.
03:13:56 He could fall out of his bed and she wanted to buy an expensive transitional.
03:14:01 I don't want to buy another one.
03:14:03 This one is fine.
03:14:05 She is very, very, very nasty to me.
03:14:08 After her rant, she asked what do you have to say?
03:14:11 I said the bars just got 10 feet higher, but.
03:14:15 A bump jokes aside, my wife is 8 weeks pregnant.
03:14:19 I'm having a third kid.
03:14:21 When are you writing children's books?
03:14:23 I would gladly buy day of the rope for kids.
03:14:26 You know, I'm actually, that's something I've always wanted to do.
03:14:29 I've always wanted to do that because there's so many things that I still remember from when I was a kid.
03:14:36 I learned to read really early. I was reading before I I got into kindergarten and that was it almost 100% because my mom.
03:14:46 Read, you know, with her finger on the words as she read, she read with me on her lap.
03:14:51 I still remember this.
03:14:51 This is how much it matters that you read to your kids like this.
03:14:54 I still have vivid.
03:14:55 Memories of this.
03:14:56 I was sitting on my mom's lap. The book was in my lap and she would read and go, you know, word for word. She got hooked on phonics, which I don't even know if that's still a thing.
03:15:06 But it worked for me like the.
03:15:07 Ads used to hooked on phonics worked for.
03:15:09 Me and it did work for me.
03:15:11 Unfortunately, the one thing that it makes you not the best speller because the English language is not as phonetic as as we would like it to be.
03:15:18 When you're hooked on phonics.
03:15:20 So there were there was, I ended up having trouble later on when I couldn't spell a lot of words because I would just assume everything was fanatic.
03:15:28 But I could read like you wouldn't believe.
03:15:31 That's very, very important.
03:15:33 And I I've always thought that making.
03:15:36 Making you know what?
03:15:37 And especially when you.
03:15:38 Find out you know what breaks my heart.
03:15:41 Did you guys ever read?
03:15:43 I've got a regular.
03:15:44 Chat here for a second.
03:15:47 For those of you and actually, it's not even like you have to be like.
03:15:49 As old as I am because I think these books are still around.
03:15:53 Did you guys ever read when you were kids?
03:15:56 I know there's a long delay here, so I'm at the I'll say the name of the book real quick.
03:16:00 Here it was, frog and toad.
03:16:04 Do you guys know frog and toad?
03:16:06 And while I'm waiting for chat to to catch up?
03:16:09 I'm going to find.
03:16:13 The cover of one of these things.
03:16:18 And then you'll see why I'm bringing this up.
03:16:24 Like my mom read.
03:16:25 Me like.
03:16:25 Here's here's like stuff like this.
03:16:31 So did you guys ever read these books?
03:16:33 Does this look familiar?
03:16:40 Because they it it's it's gay Jews.
03:16:43 All right.
03:16:44 Because I don't think that's.
03:16:45 Caught up yet?
03:16:47 It's uh.
03:16:50 Yeah, here's The New Yorker.
03:16:51 In fact, the story of that photos from.
03:16:54 It it was written by a by.
03:16:56 A gay Jew.
03:16:58 And when I was a kid, I was like, oh, it's neat.
03:17:00 There's a frog and a toad.
03:17:01 And they're friends, and they go do frog and toad things.
03:17:08 It's it's gay Jews.
03:17:14 It's uh, yeah.
03:17:19 Let's see if I can find where is it at.
03:17:21 Anyway, this whole article is basically about how it's gay Jews.
03:17:24 Or or the author was a gay Jew and they wrote it about it's they're a gay couple.
03:17:30 So if you were a kid.
03:17:33 And your parents were reading to you the very innocent seeming at the time story about a frog and a toad who are friends.
03:17:43 Yeah, they were gay.
03:17:45 They were gay lovers.
03:17:48 Excuse me, sorry.
03:17:52 So yeah, there's a bunch.
03:17:53 Of people in chat have caught up now.
03:17:57 Yeah, they were gay.
03:18:00 What was the name of the author?
03:18:01 Let me see.
03:18:12 Look at him.
03:18:12 Looks like he gave you.
03:18:14 There he is.
03:18:19 Oh, where to go?
03:18:20 Or Arnold lobell.
03:18:26 He was a.
03:18:30 He was a gay Jew.
03:18:33 I think he died of AIDS because he died at 54 in 1987.
03:18:37 They die of AIDS.
03:18:38 That'd be hilarious.
03:18:41 Does it say it doesn't say?
03:18:48 Doesn't say I bet he died of AIDS though. He because he died at of at age 54 in 1987. That was like AIDS.
03:18:55 And it was in and it was in.
03:18:56 Los Angeles if you're a gay guy that dies at age 54 or no, I guess in New York. Yeah, well, it's the same thing, right?
03:19:04 So yeah.
03:19:06 I found that out and I was just like, *** **** it, another another childhood memory for all that you guys that think that I go around and ruin your your childhood memories when I when I.
03:19:16 Dissect these movies.
03:19:18 It happens to me too.
03:19:20 It happens to me too.
03:19:23 I didn't want them.
03:19:23 I didn't want frog and toad to be gay.
03:19:26 Let alone gay Jews.
03:19:28 But apparently they were.
03:19:30 So yeah, it's very important that.
03:19:33 You know, we have people writing children's books, because otherwise gay Jews will do it.
03:19:38 Just like everything else.
03:19:42 Yeah, it's it's madding, right.
03:19:43 It's like the music industry, the movie industry and the publishing industry.
03:19:48 It's all gay Jews, gay Jews, all the way up and down.
03:19:59 Wait, why is that a?
03:20:01 May I skip someone?
03:20:06 I think I skipped someone's angry Viking. I watched your work because I'm too intolerant to watch their work.
03:20:13 Well, that's very good.
03:20:16 Everything changed when I I flipped out of the hyper chats and came back and I feel like there's different ones here now.
Speaker 16
03:20:31 Here we go.
03:20:34 The the post infantry life.
03:20:49 Hey Devin, Random thought.
03:20:51 The day when I noticed the new trailer for the new movie coming out from Disney Elemental.
03:20:57 They are going back to the old school ****** drawing board on how blunt they can be with race, mix or blunt.
03:21:05 They can be with race mixing.
03:21:07 And how we are all the same on the inside?
03:21:11 All right.
03:21:11 I'm not surprised by that.
03:21:12 Let's take a look.
03:21:20 Meet the residents of Elements City.
Speaker 4
03:21:24 Usually has their head in the clouds.
03:21:27 Oh, my new jacket.
Speaker 21
03:21:29 Earth can be a little seedy.
Speaker 16
03:21:32 Nothing weird going on.
03:21:33 Here just a little crooning.
03:21:36 Water is always getting into something.
Speaker 9
03:21:45 And fire.
03:21:47 As ordered, we run a little.
Speaker 4
03:21:48 Hot someday.
Speaker 11
03:21:53 This shop is the dream of our family.
Speaker 4
03:21:56 It'll all be yours, but we all live.
Speaker 5
03:21:59 By one simple rule.
Speaker 2
03:22:02 Enemies cannot mix.
Speaker 1
03:22:08 Pipe squish me out of shape.
03:22:13 That's better.
03:22:16 Never left Fire town, Sir.
03:22:17 Sorry buddy, elements don't mix plus my.
03:22:21 Dad would. So.
03:22:22 So it quite literally is a race mixing cartoon.
03:22:30 Well, yeah.
03:22:31 Well, I mean, I'm not surprised.
03:22:34 It is kind of. It is kind of funny how, like heavy-handed it is but.
03:22:39 Yeah, that's not shocking at all.
03:22:41 So it it quite it is, it's yeah.
03:22:43 You're you're right, that's.
03:22:45 You can't really.
03:22:47 And that's not really a subtle is it?
Speaker 4
03:22:50 Are you alive?
Speaker 10
03:22:51 Why does anyone?
03:22:52 Get to tell you what you can do.
03:22:54 In your life, come on.
Speaker 10
03:22:59 Why do they even have these, you know?
03:23:00 Who knows?
Speaker 4
03:23:09 Amber, I see a change in you.
03:23:13 What? Her guy?
Speaker 4
03:23:15 And you could live.
03:23:16 Here it's my mom's.
03:23:17 Place we got two kids that are swimming around here somewhere.
Speaker 13
03:23:27 I've been.
03:23:27 Trying to fill my father's shoes.
03:23:30 Never once asked if I wanted to do.
03:23:31 You know what?
03:23:32 You know what it also is, though, it's not just race mixing.
03:23:35 It's throw away your parents culture.
03:23:39 Not just throw away their biology, but throw away their their ways and their culture.
03:23:45 So yeah.
03:23:49 Not surprising at all.
Speaker 8
03:23:52 J5.
03:24:01 Hey, Devin, would you please set up a monthly payment option?
03:24:04 No paywall necessary.
03:24:06 It's basically an option for monthly donations.
03:24:08 I can't always watch and and live to super chat, but I always watch the replays and many others would appreciate the option to do so or do this please make it available.
03:24:19 Nothing special for it would be expected or required.
03:24:23 I know you have said that you don't like that format, but many patrons do.
03:24:27 It makes me feel better knowing I can support what you're doing. It can even be something small like $5 or you can leave it open. Thank you for what you do. Well, you can already do subscribe.
03:24:39 Star is already.
03:24:39 Set up and you can do whatever you need $1.00 if you.
03:24:42 Want it's?
03:24:43 I think at least I think I'm pretty.
03:24:45 Sure you can do whatever.
03:24:46 You want, but yeah, subscribe star link is in the description of this video.
03:24:51 And yeah, that that would be awesome.
03:24:53 Anything you want.
03:24:54 And you're right.
03:24:55 I don't like doing.
03:24:56 I don't want you thinking that you get something special for doing that just because I like the format of just.
03:25:04 Unless it's something like a, you're like.
03:25:07 I'm selling like a thing, you know, like the book and stuff like.
03:25:10 That like.
03:25:13 That's something different, but it it in terms of if you just want to support the show, subscribe star is probably the way to do that.
03:25:21 And you're right, like and.
03:25:24 And I've had people, even though I feel like I'm pretty clear about that.
03:25:27 I've had people that get kind of cranky because they'll subscribe to my subscribe star and think that means that.
03:25:32 You know, I'm going to.
03:25:34 They're going to like I'm, I don't know, like it's somehow I'm it's going to be like only fans where I'm going to pretend to be their their friend or something like that.
03:25:41 It's it's like no I'm I I'm sorry that's that's not what what I'm doing here it's.
03:25:49 If you want to support it then you support it.
03:25:51 If you don't and you don't, but if that's what you want to do, that'd be awesome and you can go to subscribe star and and set that.
03:25:58 And like I said, I think I'm pretty sure you can just do like a dollar if you want.
03:26:04 But yeah, I really appreciate that. So thank you very much J5.
03:26:10 Access to white spaces, governments, services and tax revenue is not a human right.
03:26:16 I don't know.
03:26:17 I think they there's plenty of people that would disagree with you there.
03:26:21 In fact, that's like the entirety of our problems is white people that are that are unwilling to just say that.
03:26:29 I mean.
03:26:31 Imagine if you you had just one politician that was willing to just say that.
03:26:36 To say look.
03:26:38 We we don't think it's it's in our interests as white people to participate in the system.
03:26:45 Where we are paying in way more than we're getting out of it.
03:26:50 And we think it's way not in our interests to import more people that are going to further.
03:26:59 Get that out of balance.
03:27:03 Blacks and Hispanics are both a net loss.
03:27:07 Economically and otherwise.
03:27:10 You know, obviously there's exceptions, but just if you're talking about the macro that's, that's just the.
03:27:14 Way it is.
03:27:16 When you when it comes to who's actually paying into the system and who's receiving the the.
03:27:22 The goodies it's it's there's not even a question.
03:27:26 If you look at the numbers.
03:27:29 Polar bear odyssey your white country example exists. GDP per capita is $7000 a year, 99% European White.
03:27:39 Well, I I don't know what you have to tell me.
03:27:41 What country that is.
03:27:45 Blazing Stranger Gene editing will bring black IQ to the 200 mark in 50 years, tops.
03:27:53 You know, here's the thing though.
03:27:56 It's not just IQ.
03:27:59 First of all, I don't know that you're right with that.
03:28:01 But second of all, it's not IQ cause Asians have a high IQ, but I don't want to live in Asia.
03:28:10 IQ is is significant and it addresses many of the the problems between blacks and whites in white societies.
03:28:20 But even if Blacks had.
03:28:23 The exact same IQ as whites.
03:28:27 That's not the only genetic.
03:28:30 Aspect or genetic difference that there is in that article from the BBC for example.
03:28:38 It's talking about how genes inform a lot of behaviors.
03:28:44 And so it's that which is not intelligence.
03:28:48 Driven it's it's it's just the fact that we are.
03:28:52 The intelligence aspect is so.
03:28:56 So big it like it's it's so much of AA determining factor in in, in real world outcomes that that's why we bring it up a lot, but it's not the only thing that matters.
03:29:07 I mean and and at that point, are they even really black?
03:29:10 If you're genetically editing people, you know to be something completely different than what they are?
03:29:16 At that point is, you know, there were none of us are like races we're just like.
03:29:22 I don't know what we are like.
03:29:23 What are we?
03:29:24 If if all of us because it wouldn't, you wouldn't just be edit.
03:29:27 Gene editing black people.
03:29:29 If if what you're saying is true, in 50 years, everyone's getting genetically edited.
03:29:35 That's not going to just be limited to black people that I I I would have, I would strongly suspect that you're you're basically at that point talking about a, a brave new world kind of scenario where you're genetically altering.
03:29:52 Everyone you know, everyone's basically the product of just some kind of.
03:29:57 It's almost like we're all designer babies at that point.
03:30:01 That's that's that's a hellscape.
03:30:03 I hope that that I don't.
03:30:06 Hopefully I don't live to see that.
03:30:07 But it's, you know, it's it's possible.
03:30:11 Polar bear odyssey, your white country.
03:30:13 That's the same one.
03:30:14 Oh, yeah, this time you said the name of it, though.
03:30:18 I've never been to Belarus.
03:30:23 I don't know that I want to.
03:30:23 Live there right now.
03:30:30 Look, and I'll tell you, I did think.
03:30:32 About it, I thought.
03:30:33 About going to Ukraine, thank God I didn't.
03:30:39 That would have been a cluster, right?
03:30:42 And a lot of people have gone to, you know, prior to all this nonsense, they went to Ukraine.
03:30:47 There was.
03:30:49 But then you know there's.
03:30:52 You know.
03:30:54 Not the safest part of the world right now.
03:30:57 And that that goes for Belarus, too, because they're right in the mix of all that too, so.
03:31:03 I don't know what their immigration would be, even I don't know what I mean now it's probably all.
03:31:07 Weird too, but I.
03:31:08 Don't even know what that would look like.
03:31:11 I think there have been a lot of people on the right though that have thought about Eastern Europe as a as an option.
03:31:16 It's not, it's not.
03:31:18 Again, prior to this war, I would have said.
03:31:22 Good luck.
03:31:22 You know, it's not the worst thing to do, I.
03:31:24 Wouldn't even I?
03:31:24 Wouldn't even judge you if you had decided that that's that was the way to go.
03:31:29 You know that you were going to go to.
03:31:32 You're you're going to say, you know, **** whatever European country or America or wherever you were from because you know, they were taking all this diversity.
03:31:40 I would say this, though.
03:31:41 The likelihood that that would remain the case that that you would have, you know, Belarus or, you know, let's just pretend this war never happened.
03:31:49 Ukraine especially, would just.
03:31:52 Would just resist.
03:31:54 The EU's desire to thrust immigration upon you I I I just think that that's.
03:32:03 You'd have to have a a people so ethnocentric they almost wouldn't let me in.
03:32:10 You know what I mean?
03:32:10 Like I couldn't move there because the only thing keeping them white is that they wouldn't let me in that even though I'm white, I'm not them.
03:32:18 You know, I'm not Russian.
03:32:23 Yeah, I don't know.
03:32:25 I don't know.
03:32:25 I don't.
03:32:26 Well, hopefully this war gets over quickly and maybe we can reevaluate some of these options.
03:32:31 Down the road.
03:32:32 Damn, Bigfoot.
03:32:33 Devin, you should go downtown and knock the beehive out the back of the truck.
03:32:38 Isn't it fair for Africanized bees to be with African people?
03:32:42 Stop depriving them of their kinship insects.
03:32:44 I was joking with someone today that it would make a a wonderful bio weapon.
03:32:52 It was crazy.
03:32:52 I've never seen a beehive react like that, especially at night.
03:32:55 Usually they're pretty chill.
03:32:56 I mean.
03:32:58 They're not chill like, but like if you open up their hive they at night, they hate that.
03:33:02 Like, even like, nice European hives.
03:33:04 You you open them up at night and they they can't see **** and they can't really.
03:33:07 They're not very effective.
03:33:08 But it.
03:33:08 ****** them off.
03:33:10 These guys.
03:33:10 Like I said, I was like 10 feet from the hive and I just stepped on a stick and and like.
03:33:15 More guards than I've ever seen come out of a hive.
03:33:18 At night period like poured poured out of that ******* thing and the whole high was like like they were.
03:33:25 It was crazy.
03:33:26 Isis I I think if I were to throw that thing out the window of a truck.
03:33:30 They would just start stinging everybody.
03:33:34 And if you're allergic to bees in that situation, you're ******.
Speaker 4
03:33:37 UM.
03:33:42 Ryang I don't know how they say that in the multicultural society, the group which is the most unreasonable and the least compromising wins.
03:33:53 Yeah, I could see that.
03:33:54 I could see that.
03:33:55 I think that the 2nd is part of that is more important.
03:33:59 I think it can be reasonable and.
03:34:07 But I'll tell you what, if you're unreasonable, that makes you unpredictable.
03:34:10 That makes you a more difficult enemy to face.
03:34:13 Man of low moral fibre, the Yale University coat of arms is the primary emblem of Yale University.
03:34:20 It has a field of the color Yale blue with an open book, and the Hebrew words Urim and Thummim inscribed upon it in Hebrew letters.
03:34:31 That's interesting.
03:34:33 You want to know why?
03:34:35 All the Mormons out there listening know why?
03:34:39 So I'm not going to get too into it, but it's just I've never heard this about the Yale logo and and.
03:34:46 In Mormon lore.
03:34:49 When Joseph Smith digs up the golden plates.
03:34:53 And has to translate them through inspiration, if you will.
03:35:00 He uses.
03:35:02 For lack of a better term, 2 magic rocks.
03:35:07 I know what just go with it, OK?
03:35:10 And the magic rocks that he uses to translate the golden plates into English.
03:35:16 Were called the Urim and Thummim.
03:35:21 I did not. I had no idea that those were Hebrew words. I thought they were made-up Mormon words, but.
03:35:27 You learn something new every day.
03:35:29 That's very strange indeed.
03:35:32 Damn Bigfoot.
03:35:34 It is guerrilla warfare, or, I guess, guerrilla warfare, where you have to treat each black as a potential enemy for your safety.
03:35:42 Ostracizing isn't even mean, it is a survival instinct to exclude the.
03:35:49 Yeah, exactly.
03:35:50 I don't think I think everyone has that or some in some groups have it more than others, but everyone has suspicion of, you know, I the way I describe described it before was when I was a bouncer back in the day, I could guess the age of white people pretty easily, like within, you know.
03:36:08 A year or two?
03:36:10 And whereas black people and Asians.
03:36:13 I found like I would because then, yeah.
03:36:15 You're you're just.
03:36:16 You're just standing around checking IDs.
03:36:18 You don't have a lot to keep you entertained.
03:36:20 And so I would always guess what I thought they were, and it was with with black people and Asians.
03:36:27 I was always not always.
03:36:28 But, you know, often way off.
03:36:31 And I was always surprised at like how off I was.
03:36:34 And it got me thinking.
03:36:36 Even back then, I was like, you know, I wonder if this is part of why it's hard to connect with and trust.
03:36:44 Other people and and partially because of stuff like that, but also just think about it this way when there's a white person.
03:36:52 That you're that you meet for the first time.
03:36:55 There's at least the potential that they in some way resemble a member of your family in some way, right?
03:37:01 Maybe not exactly, or even maybe not even a lot, but like in some.
03:37:05 Oh, he looks kind of like cousin Jeff, if you.
03:37:08 Were to you know?
03:37:10 Make his nose big or something, you know, I mean, like there's gonna be features that seem familiar to you, and you're also going to have a recognition.
03:37:19 Of of justice facial expressions, right.
03:37:22 Because their face makes more sense to you because it's a face that you've been looking at your entire life.
03:37:26 You can read them easier, whereas black people or or Asians.
03:37:31 It's not just more difficult to ascertain how old they are, but I think even what they're thinking.
03:37:39 And that is unnerving.
03:37:42 So it's just a natural thing.
03:37:44 I I don't think that it's unique to white people.
03:37:45 I'm sure black people feel the same thing about white people.
03:37:48 They don't get us either.
03:37:51 And and that's just the way that, I mean, you know, it makes sense.
03:37:58 Damn Bigfoot.
03:37:59 I love how he sat in front of a green screen to look smart.
03:38:03 Hey, yo, this my study.
03:38:04 I read books and shifts and now you can trust me.
03:38:07 I like how it was so bad that like a third of them kept disappearing.
03:38:10 I was almost wondering. Oh, is this like the whole blacks or 2/3 of a human thing that he was trying?
03:38:16 You know, because never mind.
03:38:20 This is fine.
03:38:22 Gives a salute.
03:38:24 Offer a comment, Don.
03:38:26 Hey, Devin.
03:38:26 Have to catch the replay.
03:38:27 Just drop by to send some shekels.
03:38:30 Also, how can it be that the silverback gorillas have higher IQ than naggers Silverback IQ?
03:38:37 83 naggers IQ many places have around 7580, we might as well import Silverbacks and lower crime rates. Well, tell you what.
03:38:44 Some people might think he's joking around and it's not.
03:38:47 I don't think it's all silver backs, but specifically, was it Coco the gorilla?
03:38:53 And look that guy with the highest recorded IQ IQ.
03:38:59 I always forget his name.
03:39:01 He looks kind of like a 70's **** star.
03:39:03 He's got like, the **** mustache and.
03:39:06 Oh, what is his name anyway? He wrote. That's what got got him kicked off of Facebook was was making the observation that there are gorillas with higher IQ's than some of the people that were importing.
03:39:17 And if we're giving them the ability to vote, then why are we not allowing gorillas the right to vote and then they kicked him off of Facebook for making that observation?
03:39:26 Ryan, look at the symbol used for addition in Israel's school math curriculum for your daily dose of judeo-christian values.
03:39:37 Well, I don't know what that is.
03:39:39 I'm going to say symbol user.
03:39:44 If I just looked that up, will that?
03:39:45 Pop up.
03:39:56 I don't.
03:39:58 I don't know what you're getting at.
03:40:01 So I don't know what that is.
03:40:04 Net and Yahoo wanna see some based birds.
03:40:09 Check out this thread.
03:40:11 You know what I.
03:40:11 Think I've seen what you're.
03:40:12 Talking about is this where all the birds are attacking Israeli flags.
Speaker 4
03:40:22 Hello. Hello.
03:40:33 And if the shock?
03:40:38 Orev, Matt.
03:40:42 Only be shook.
03:40:48 Is there is there one with a cat or something too?
03:40:53 There's there's some birds doing it.
03:40:56 There was one with a.
03:40:56 Cat that that did it.
03:41:05 How are there so many video?
03:41:06 I guess that was just.
03:41:08 I've seen this one.
03:41:11 Well, there you go based birds.
03:41:16 Night Nation review.
03:41:26 Hey Devin, I created the first part of a mini doc based on border invasion.
03:41:30 I did the editing style or editing in a style that was largely inspired by your epic defiant.
03:41:37 You don't have to show it now, just wanted to show it to you.
03:41:40 Alright, well, I'll.
03:41:41 Check that out for sure.
03:41:43 And there's link for those of you who want.
03:41:45 To check it out, it's on on his Odyssey channel.
03:41:48 Looks like.
03:41:49 Yeah, and the link is in.
03:41:51 The hyper chats there.
03:41:53 ******** ****** for $1.00?
Speaker 16
03:41:58 Do you have that much money in your bank at home?
03:42:02 I'd buy that for a dollar.
03:42:10 Think of the streamed death thoughts on the new Twitter CEO.
03:42:12 If you haven't talked about it yet, yeah, brought her up in the the the very top of the show and.
03:42:19 Look, she's already expressed her desire to curate.
03:42:25 What is available to people?
03:42:27 I suspect that there will be algorithmic changes.
03:42:31 And that we will notice engagement dropping dramatically.
03:42:36 Those of us who are allowed to stay on the platform.
03:42:41 So yeah, that's that's my thoughts, a nutshell.
03:42:45 First mistake.
03:42:48 Honestly, that's what the bottom line there.
03:42:50 You shouldn't have a woman as a CEO of really anything, but especially especially not something that you expect to.
03:42:58 Preserve free speech.
03:43:01 And then ******** ****** for $1.00. Again, thank you for the stream. Oh, wait, why is it the same one again?
03:43:09 It sent it 4-5 times.
03:43:15 OK. Well, I guess that was your fancy way of of sending $5.
03:43:21 Well, I appreciate that.
03:43:23 Zero, are you food, pilled Devin, I don't know what you mean by food pilled.
03:43:29 Like food pilled, as in, don't eat going slop food pilled?
03:43:33 I guess so.
03:43:35 Uh, I'm not sure if that's what you meant.
03:43:39 Teha battery technology is centuries old, and there hasn't been any noteworthy technological breakthrough since.
03:43:46 Well now there's.
03:43:47 There, that's not true.
03:43:48 There's been a lot of advancements lately and.
03:43:53 Just the it's mostly the the chemical compounds being used.
03:43:57 I mean in terms of the the basic concept of how a battery works, not not really any revolutionary changes, but that's why I like.
03:44:06 I was saying, hopefully they can develop something like the Super capacitors and these other things.
03:44:10 Flux capacitor perhaps?
03:44:13 And get something different that doesn't use that same format where you're not reliant on these metals.
03:44:19 You know the the lithium and all that garbage.
03:44:23 Polar Bear odyssey been a blast to watch libertarians, pretending to be conservatives, freaking out about **** sites shutting down in multiple states due to ID laws.
03:44:33 Some are same pushback currently with the E-Verify to make hiring illegals illegal.
03:44:40 Yeah, luciferians are like that.
03:44:46 They want their ***** and their illegal immigrants.
03:44:50 A lowly scribe in God's army good show will appreciate that.
03:44:55 Tell the truth.
03:44:57 If nowadays Christians found out Hitler was a Christian, which he may or may not have been, I've seen sites that say yes and no depending on who wrote the article.
03:45:08 Do you think that would push more Christians away from God or rethink Hitler or no change in their faith?
03:45:15 I suspect.
03:45:17 If you had proof positive.
03:45:21 That he was a practicing Christian and that he wrote about it in some kind of glowing way right where he was quoting scripture and stuff like that.
03:45:31 It would sway some Christians, and then you'd have the the whole well, he's not a real Christian from a lot of other Christians.
03:45:42 But it would work on some Christians.
03:45:44 Probably not a not not the majority, but definitely some.
03:45:49 The rest, like I said, they would just say.
03:45:53 You know he's a heretic or something like that.
03:45:56 Like Jews do, and he say, well, he was Jewish. Well, he's not a real Jew. Like no one's a real Jew unless you know what?
03:46:04 Tell the truth.
03:46:04 A funny show out here is called corner gas.
03:46:07 I'm sure many of you haven't seen it.
03:46:10 It's a Canadian show that has a great cast of funny white characters.
03:46:14 It's clean, funny and corny, but really grows on you.
03:46:17 And no Jewishness.
03:46:19 No one.
03:46:20 I've recommended this show has ever heard of it.
03:46:22 But they can quote Seinfeld corner gas.
03:46:25 I don't know if you say it's not Jewish.
03:46:33 I mean, I I don't know in terms, you know, if it's made in Canada, I don't know if you guys have.
03:46:37 The same issues we do.
Speaker 8
03:46:42 All right.
03:46:43 Who's Brent?
03:46:44 But that can't be his real name.
03:46:57 I mean is real, is it that his real name?
03:47:00 His real name is Brent ****.
03:47:03 OK.
03:47:04 Well, let's see here.
03:47:04 Early life, is there an early life?
03:47:06 It doesn't say anything.
03:47:07 He's not well, I don't.
03:47:08 Know maybe he's not.
03:47:15 I mean, it doesn't really look Jewish.
03:47:20 Uh, let's see. Let's see.
03:47:28 Well, those are non jewy looking names at least.
03:47:33 I don't know.
03:47:33 Maybe you could be right.
03:47:35 Maybe you guys don't have the.
03:47:39 The same.
03:47:41 Entertainment industry that we've got.
03:47:44 But I know I've never heard of it.
03:47:47 Gray State of mind with the *** ****.
03:47:50 Money is power.
03:47:51 Money is the only weapon that the Jew has.
Speaker 8
03:47:53 To defend himself with.
03:47:55 Look how Julie this *** is.
03:48:15 Thanks Devan for your work.
03:48:16 If my life is too easy, should I keep doing what I'm what I'm are doing or do I need to do more hard times create hard men?
03:48:27 Well, I I think you've answered your own question.
03:48:29 If your life is too easy, that means it's too easy.
03:48:33 You should definitely do more until it's not too easy.
03:48:37 It's OK to have an easy life to some extent, but you're the one saying it's too easy.
03:48:42 So I would suggest, I mean I don't, I don't, I don't.
03:48:45 I don't have a lot.
03:48:46 Of information to go on here.
03:48:49 I don't know your life is too easy, so I don't know what to suggest and to to make it harder and more enriching or or more productive or more helpful to your people, but.
03:48:59 I'm sure you can think of something.
03:49:01 Yeah, I think like I said, I think I think.
03:49:04 You feel guilty cause you know it's too easy and you're the one that said it was too easy.
03:49:10 So I think again, you think you've answered your own question, maybe maybe you just wanted someone else to to nudge you in the in that right direction.
03:49:18 So hopefully you feel nudged and you are going to pursue things that can that can help out your people or your family or or whatever it is you can do.
03:49:30 I've I've never in my life.
03:49:33 Thought that my life was too easy.
03:49:39 Yeah, that sounds boring.
03:49:40 Too easy.
03:49:41 Sounds boring.
03:49:43 It might sounds like another another way of saying boring, so try to get some excitement in your life.
03:49:47 I don't know how you could do that, but.
03:49:50 But yeah, thanks for the the support there.
03:49:54 Grace State of mind.
03:49:54 I think you I think you like I said.
03:49:56 I think you know what to do so.
03:49:59 So good luck with that.
03:50:00 Tell us.
03:50:01 Tell us what you come up.
03:50:02 With how?
03:50:02 About that Tara Reid garip garapa.
03:50:06 Hey, if you want to know their gene editing, where gene editing will take us.
03:50:12 Is this the the revolutionary phenotype?
03:50:18 You've linked me to.
03:50:24 Or this is no, this is.
03:50:29 This is just something else.
03:50:32 OK.
03:50:32 I might look at that.
03:50:33 I mean, I kind of I.
03:50:35 I get.
03:50:36 I haven't read the revolutionary phenotype, but I get I I get the idea behind it and I I agree that transhumanists, if they get their way, that's where we're headed.
03:50:46 We're going to be posthuman at at a really.
03:50:50 We're rapidly approaching that moment.
03:50:53 If if it's not stopped.
03:50:56 Ring Devon, don't use the cross to symbolize addition like the circle, meaning kite you mentioned earlier.
03:51:04 That's what I was getting at.
03:51:05 They don't use the cross to symbolize addition.
03:51:07 OK, that's OK.
03:51:09 Yeah, I couldn't.
03:51:10 I didn't see what they.
03:51:12 What they do is it didn't come up.
03:51:13 When I did a search for it.
03:51:15 But that is how how crosspost BIC Jews are.
03:51:20 All right guys.
03:51:21 Well, I hope you guys.
03:51:22 All had a.
03:51:23 We almost made it to 4 hours tonight.
03:51:25 Hope you guys all had a uh, a good time.
03:51:27 I know I did.
03:51:28 Always fun hanging out with you guys.
03:51:30 I'll be back here Wednesday.
03:51:31 I know the last.
03:51:31 Couple Wednesdays, I've.
03:51:34 Than doing.
03:51:34 I might do it.
03:51:35 I might be on a stream with someone in addition to our Wednesday stream.
03:51:39 We might be on another stream.
03:51:41 I'm trying to work out the the timing.
03:51:44 Both of us are kind of traveling during those times and so we're trying to figure out a time.
03:51:49 And there's other people, too.
03:51:50 I know.
03:51:51 Like, I've got a lot of requests and I'm trying to do.
03:51:53 I'm trying.
03:51:54 To do like the.
03:51:56 The I don't know.
03:51:57 Like the the insomnia string tour or something, you know.
03:52:02 Go on different peoples channels for a little.
03:52:04 Bit so if you're another person who's reached out to me and I haven't heard, you know, haven't heard back from me yet, it's just I'm.
03:52:09 I'm trying to get to everybody.
03:52:11 You know, even even the smaller people.
03:52:13 So I'm not.
03:52:15 I'm not picking and choosing based on audience size or whatever, just a lot of people.
03:52:20 You know, have been waiting a long time, so I'm trying to get all the all.
03:52:24 That out of the way anyway, hope you guys enjoyed the stream.
03:52:27 I'll see you back here on Wednesday.
03:52:31 Same bat time, same bat channel for black pilled.
03:52:36 I am of course.
Speaker 4
03:52:39 Devastated. Hey, journey.
Speaker 20
03:52:43 Did you know that daddy's trance?
Speaker 10
03:52:52 Did you know that daddy's trans?
03:52:57 Do you care?
Speaker 22
03:52:59 You do.
Speaker 20
03:53:00 How much?
Speaker 18
03:53:01 A lot, lot.
Speaker 10
03:53:03 Did you know that Daddy has a vagina?
03:53:07 Yes. Ohh they have vagina.
Speaker 10
03:53:11 Yes. Ohh OK, good talk.